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1979-05-12 - Orange Coast Pilot
7 ... __ ......... Orange Coast Di•e-a-~iae Bargai11s Toda9 . 0 1TI 0 N t VOL. 11, NO . 132. 3 SECTIONS. 0 38 PAGES ORANGE CO UNTY, CALI FORNI A SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1979 TEN CEN.TS Gas Station. Shutdown Halted? , .., • • * * • • -c' Fftr f"ri11is County Rea~es Fuel Stickers Stickers tha t WQUtd exempt commercial veh1des· from the odd .even gas oline purchas e restriction may be issued in Orange County 1f the local gasoline crisis continues. Orange County Supervisor~ Chairman Phih p Anthony said Friday application forms for the so-called ··c" st1ck('rs are heang prepar ed and th (' s tickers themselves ar(' being designed. Anthony said he a nd fellow supe rvisors would consider im· p le m e ntin g th e l)xe mption sticker program as e~rly as the middle of next week if need be ··Bas ically 1l st•<•ms to me that if the s1tuat1on does n't get noticeably better we will have to con s uJ er the ·c sticker ap· proach," Anthony 1.•x plained. The Westm1 n~tc•r s upervisor . note d that about half the 2.000 phone calls ('Orn1n g into the 1 county's e mcrl!t'ncy phone bank each da v have b e en f rom pe rsons wanttn~ to obtain the · ·c·· stickers So far. however, the program has been implemented only 1n Los Angeles <.:ounty . and an- nouncements about the s tickers have led to conrus1on m Orange • County Bert Turner. county d irector of emergency services. has s ug- . ~ested that moton~ts who use their vehicle<; for commercial purposes obtain lcltcrs on com 1 pany letterhead ide ntifying themsehrl'~ anll their autos a~ commercial vt>h1c lcs. Such letter s c.-ould be shown to service station operators as a • basis for exemption from the odd-even purchase restriction. Anthony s a id Frida y the slickers would not be needed for such vehicles as ba ke ry trucks or o the r eal-i ly 1dc nl1 fiable commercial vchi<'le:.. Sul the-s tic ke rs could help a void ar~um<>nt~ 1n .i;tas<1 hne * * * lines amon~ moton:.t::., a:. well a:. confusion at the pump:., for those trave ler:. usin~ unmarked c ars or va n ~. Anthony ex plained. ·'The stickers could he lp those p<>oplc legitimately 1n a com· mt•n'1:tl activity to keep doing their Job and not lose their bust· ness or their Job.·· he continued Like the Lo:. Angeles County s ticker program. Anthony ex plained, the stic ke rs wouJd be for comm ercial travelers use their vehicles on the JOb for 100 m iles per day Applicants would s ign ar f1d avit s attes tin g t o su c h mileage. Anthony e xplained, ;ind county offic ials would hold 11pt>n the option of ins pecting st1 C'k<'r users. In addition, he s aid, a proba· hlf' $10 ft.-c would be charged per ~ti cker to recover county costs 1n <tdmirustering the program Anthony said physicians and nurses may or may not be ehg1 ble for the stickers depending upon their commercial use or vehicles. State regulations now, allow ror exampt1ons to the odd -even plan for physicians and nurses i'nroute to emergency calls but .not for routinf' travel to and from work.he noted. Anthony said provisions also are being made to offer exemp· lton a ffidavits for persons who m ust travel daily for medical treatment. The count y's e m e rgency phone bank. 834·2330, will be open Saturday lo answer in· Quiries a bout the odd·even ~asoline plan. Anthony said, but • the "enter will be closed Sunday. Th e co unty O ffi ce of Consumer Affairs. 834·6100. also will be open lo handle complaint calls Saturday only, Anthony $31d * • * O•llt PllM ~Utl P- If 's the Weather Plenty of folks m anaged to make it lo the s<.1 nds of Huntington Beach Friday as the wC'alhcr w<frmed up a long the Orange Coas t. The air te mpe rature along the ocean's edg<' was an the high 60s. but the water te mpe rature was cons iderably "ookr an th<• mad -50~ '>CJ most ,,f the bcach goN~ sUJyt•d on thl' !->Cl{HI Thi· W<'l'kl·ncl fon·c~1sl c·all<; for ni ce wc:alhPr and plenty of s 1111 lovers gus <'run('h or not Boulevard To Close Beach Boulevard will be closed to through traffic in Huntington Beach begin· ning al 12 :01 a .m . Monday while a storm drain is be- ing installed. The clooure is expected to continue for a t least three days a nd may last all week. officials say. Southbound traffic will b e detoure d easl on Adams Avenue. south on Magnolia Street and west on Atlanta Avenue back to Beach Boulevard. Northbound traffic w1 II use the reverse route. South Laguna Gas Fountain Flowing /\ "fountaan" or unleaded gasoline continues lo flow 9nto a beach near South Laguna con d o minium m a nager Ha ndy • Robinson's home. But Orange County fireme n and heaJth authorities s ay they don't know whe re the gas is com ing from . County Battalion Chie f John Rolland said Friday that in· vestigators could find no leaks an a M obi I gas st ation's under S(round tank near Robinson'!-. condominiums al 31755 South Coast ffj ghway p roperty owner nt'ar to the C'O n dominium huild1ng won·t allow offirials on his land · 'Th<'Y tore up m r flov. n bed that night and d1dn ·1 e ve n ~el my permjss1on to come on my property," said resident Arthur Gaskin or the fireme n 's search for the gas leak April 11 Gaskin said he would not al low gas leak scarcht•rs in his hack yard. wh<-r<• Robinson bl.'li1.•vt'S lht· fluid t'-fl owing from a muc1dy pool Bus Riders Set Record Ro lland s aid that means firemen arc goin~ to have to l>f'a rch for the possible <'Xistencc or an old underground tank that may be under the prope rty of a loral homeowner Fumes from the leak forn•<I the Apr il 11 l'V <tcuation of Robinson's Laguna Lado Con· dominiums Twenly·c1ght res1 dents in the beachfront buildin~ hud to nee tcmporaraly Laguna Inf ant Succumbs, Autopsy s ... 1 Gas Shortage Jumps OCTD Use 38 Percent OranRe County T ransit Dis· trict IOCTO> buses collected a record 102.563 passenger fares Wednesday an the wake or the local gasoline s hortage. Wednes day's r('cord was 18 percent above th<' previous all time high of 74,417 last June. Ja m es R eich e r t , OCTD ge ne r a l ma nagN. said !>Orne passengers havl' been forced to sta nd on about 100 or the 358 bus trips oper ated eac h day. but ex· tra buses are being pressed into service to m eet the new de- m and. Re ichert also noted a record 3,927 phone calls ca m e into the ('11strict's bus information center <1ne day this week, up from the a ll·time high in May 1978 or 2,600 C<illS /\ddiliona l phone operators ::ire being hired to answer com· muter inquiries. Reichert ex· plained . and callers are urged to he patient if they have difficulty getting through. Transit dis trict repr esen· latives will be on duty from 10 a .m. lo6p.m. Saturday at South Coast Plaza. Westminster Mall and Anaheim Plaza to answer questions about the county's bus s ervice. Prop. 13 Costly To State Rowing California cities h ave lost millions of dollars on new hous· ing projects since the passage of Proposition 13, according to a stale study, a nd one state of· ficial bas cautioned that changes in the building and financing of new housing may be necessary. The Brown administration's study, made public Wednesday. seemed to confirm rears or a widening gap between what local governments pay out ror police and other services and what those governments receive in property tax revenues. None of the nearly 100 cities 1urveyed reported a net final gain on individual housing tracts and about half reported losses of Sl million or more. In addiUon. two cities estimated losses in the tens of mllllona. "Tbe overwklmlng con· elution of these studies ia that new residential development doea not P&¥ lta way ln the post. PropoeWon 11 world," tfte re· port Mid. Ten cltles includln1 Loa Ans•• were examl.ned cloMlY to OM -study, whieb one 1tm of. t~lal aald would probably .. "change the way we build and financ e n e w hous in g in California." Bill Press, direcA the state Office of Pl a nning and Research, also told the meeting o f building industry leaders lo Anaheim Wednesday that some cities are responding to the heavy losses with building moratoriums and increased fees. • • 1 would say ir that is the response, California is not going to be able to provide housing we need at prices people can af·' ford," Press added. Woolworth Heire88 Hutton Dead at 66 LOS ANGELES <AP> -F. W. Woolworth heiress Barbara Hut· ton died Friday nl1ht or heart f allure. a spokesman for Cedars· Sinai hoepital said . She was es. Miu Hutton was ,pronounced dead on arrival-at U.. ~I. said spokeswoman Tesa Grittle. Bus s chedules and maps will be available. Rt!ichert said. But he urged riders to share s c hedules or p e rhaps make copies of schedules because sup- plies may become s car ce if the gas shorta~e continues OCTD spokesm en also urged commuters to look into the dis· t rict 's Park-N·R1de freeway ex· pn•ss buses. noting some seats are available on the routes Fares on the freeway buses are 70 cents each way and riders must carry exact chan~e. The Park-N -R1de routes in· elude : Route 201. fr o m Sa n Clem ente to the f'ullerton P ark· N·Ride parking lot where riders m ay catch an express bus <St.35 one-way fare) to downtown Los Ange les. The route stops enroule lo Fullerton at Crown Valley Center in Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills Mall, Irvine and Santa Ana Fashion Square . -Route 203 , f rom San Clemente to Long Beach with stops in San Juan Capistrano, Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills. Irvine, Costa Mesa and Hunt· inglon Beach. Route 204, from th e Fulle rton Park·N ·Ride lo Newport Beach, with stops In Anaheim and Newport Beach. -Roule 209, from Sao Clemente to the northeas t Anaheim Industrial area, with stops in San Juan Capistrano, Mlaaion Viejo, Laguna Hills and Irvine. -Route 291 , from San Clemente to the Santa Ana Civic Center, with stops in San Juan Capistrano and M.iasion Viejo. Express buses m ake one trip each way on Routes 201, 204 and 291 and iwo trips each way on Routes 203 and 209. Route 201 departs San Clemente at 6:39 a.m., Rout.e 203 at 5 :38 a .m . and 6:01 a .m .• .Route 208 at 5:38 a .m. and 6 :31 Robinson says hl' wa nts to find the sourct• of the J(asoline leak and slop thl' now or fuel onto the beach Robinson asserts that the leak 1s a health hazard. Rut fareml•n periodically ~pray a dctcq~ent on the ):las Rolland says that makes tht• fluid 1111n·Oamma1Jk a nd douses th<' vapors. County hC'a lth officials say there is no dan~er so long as the deter~ent is used Firemen have been prevented from inspecting the appa re nt source or the gas n ow because a Nuke Leak 1,old NORFOLK. Va. IAP l Coolant leaked from a nuclear reactor aboard (he aircraft car rier USS Nimitz, appare ntly through a crac k in the compart· ment surrounding the reactor core. the Navy -said Friday. The re was no release of radioac· livity . QUIZ FEATURES JAPAN'S LEADER Japan'• prif'M minilter WC1I m ,,~ United State• lad t.ottlc, to dilctw world energy and tracU probWtm with Pttnunt Corter. Con you name the JopaMH ~r? What facts did the l>epartmnt of HeoUh, Education and Wel/o~ re· cently reveal obotd tmldl in ten.age rmok· Ing? Which No· llonol Ba.l~t boll Auooolion team ii •Ind· ffto u, ttttt m tllfl 11101 '1 NBA "'°'1!'ftl' · -a .m .• and Route 291 at 6:41 a.m .. n.,-toift..-CW1z °" PGOt A7 Moil evenlnt trtps retum to San c~• .,._ to ~ tlww oJtd Cleme~ at about 6 p.m . Route otlter ,,.,,., obo1J1 .,,.., oJtd 204 deperta Fulterton at, ~-,ant, m Uw MUii. , 1 a .m ., returning at ~:53 p.n6 --- t -~-~-- I\ n lX· month o ld ho" v. hn polt c·t· s;1y w;i~ r1~h1•(1 out of ;1 Laguna He ath a p;.irtml'nt lmlt•t h11wl died .11 t 'l'I Me c11 r:.il ('(•ntN . Orangt•. latl' F'rnlay. /\ Count:. l'oronl:'r " autnpsy 1~ ~r hl•dult'<i today al the med1q~I {'t'Ott'r ror htllt· .IOM' Pl'rt'/ LJguna Bt•ach ofr1n:r~ !>aid th•· haby ..-.:i~ found fal·e clown in a c· om mod(' a 1 t he II am i Ito n llousc. 1·135 N 'nast l11 ghway, Thursday afternoon Police ~1rrested :-1 15-year oil.I Mexican 1mm1grnnt for !>USfll c1on of child :.ihust· following th1· 1nc1dent The baby ha d been left tn the boy's care. police said La g una an ve:.l 1~a t o r Alex .Ji menez said rnday night that an Orange County child abuse investigation team was trying to dctermjne 1f we lts and brwses found on the baby )lad been in /hctcd 1wer a prolonFted period The dead baby 's parents. Lt'WI S and Francisca Perez. both 26. were work1nl{ when lht' baby was diseovcred in the bathroom. police sa id . According to Jimenez, the babysitter fell asleep with the baby on a bed an the apartment The boy awoke when he became hungry and wa nde red into the kitchen. He realized the baby was gone ,,.. :ind found him in the three· room apartment's bathroom. he c laims. The babys itter r an to a neighbor's a partment to sum· mon someone to drive the youth to South Coast Medical Center in South Lagun~ When two merf\,arnved al the hospital with the unconscious in· fant. police were called. Investigators said the 15·year· old boy. the brothe r or the child's father. was In the COUD· try illegally. Mo~er Sentenced DALLAS <AP> -Kathleen Gr~di. ooovlct.ed or slabblnl to dedh her two young cblld.ren with a screwdriver. was sen· tenced Friday to life In prison with another 20.year term tacked on. Judge Issues Order S AN FRANCISCO CAP > S11µ..r1or Gourt Judge Franc•~ Ma yl'r issued a te mporary restraining order Friday on re QUC'St Of the s late a ttorney J.!t'nn:1l's offic:c. a1m1~d at pre. \ l'nting .tn aunc>unecd 4-day s hutdown of Cahfnrnaa ~as sta· Lion!> next week. Fol luwtnJ{ a brwf chambers hea ring, Mayer issued the order and set a hear in~ on a pre- li m 1 n<t r)' 1n1unc:t1nn for. oext Wt•clnl'!>day lH·fore S upe rior Court .Judg(• I m Brown. Deputy 1\ltr>rnt•v Gl.'r1t•ral Will Clark represcritcd tht' -.talc at the Fri· d a" st·~sinn Ea r l1 cr Al lnrnt·y General Gt•org•· DeukmcJ1an <innounced th•· '-U lt. :.ay1ng C.tl1forn1ans ,.. tuw hJ 110\ bf' held "hosta~e .. in .1 <lll>pUI\• IH.•lw1•t'11 the g-as sla lttHI~ ,11111 tilt' fcdcrd l govern• m1·nt ,...J .; 'vt t'.1nwh11l'. Mayo r T o m Br:idll') µrnm1scrl a t a Los i\ngcl('-. n1•w t•11nfcrcnn• lo take .1ttwn ai;:a an~t M 0r v1c"' :.talion npt•ralor" 1f lh l' c losures •whcl.lulf•d a~ part nf <• national hoy<•11tt 0C(1Ur. "nd leaders or the Southern C'a lifom1a Gasoline Dealers As- l>m·1at1on which opposes the propo::.ed s hutdowns m e t heh1nd closed doors to discuss oth1'r actions At a meeting an St. Louis earlier lh1s week, scrviCl' station representatives reC'ommc nded 11:.it1ona l s hutdowns t•> protest frd1•r:11 n·1.ml<1t101i~ Wl11l1• I .i m Jv.arc and un· dc·r:.tanc1mg or the concerns or g .. 1s ~tation owners. a fou r·d ay t:losure 1s not lhe proper way for them to protest federal reguJa· taon~." said DeukmeJian . "Shutting their stations as th<'Y propose would not only be ille~a l unde r anti trus t la ws ... hut morP 1mportanlly, s uch an .1rt1on would create a very great c1;Htj?t•r to the pubht• health and ~arety of the people or this .,, a l t• h1· said. Dcukm1.·11an said St•rv1ce st<t- 11011 ownC'rs may have leg1t1 ma te t•11mpl<1 tnls regarding rigid re· l!t1 lal1on:-µromulgalt•d hy the (t•ch·ral Dcp<1rtmcnt uf Energy. But. hl· ad1J t•d, 1t i~ clrar to ITH' that closing the -.tat1ons will rri•at1· a grav1.• t hn·at to puhhc ..,aft•t~· "'1th vast numbers of r<•opfl· l>l'tng un:.iblt• ln get to \.\Ork. to M'l'k m1•d11:al he lp or ob· lain food for th1.·1r families " • 1 thmk 1t 1s matter or such ~~r 1ou~ ~nn sequencl' that T \l.1)uld propo~t· lhat the chstricl Jttornc) (Ind thc, !';late attorney ge111.•ral look antc1 that mattt?r to ""l' rf thl'rt' art' some criminal v1olallons that lhey might Jn· vokt'.' • Bradley s:11d ll S /\lloml;) <;t>nl'ral Griffin llt•ll also has nrdl·rcd <J n anti· tru s l 1n vt•st1gat1011 or t he t hn•:1tt•nl•lf shutc1 uw11 A A1'll s pokl•sman said t he .Justice l>c-partm<.'nl might go to t•o u rt ln seek a n an j unction blocking the action if the probe uncov<'rs "a concerted action lo c lose down serv1ct> stations." R e i.ircs t>ntati ves o f the Southern California Gasoline Dealers Assoc1at1on have said th e y oppose th e c los u res <See CLOSURES. Page A21 Or~.:~ .. =~•M \\·4~atber Fair throu gh Sunday but some row clouds near the beaches late tonight a nd early Sunday m orn· ing. Cooler on S unday. Overnight lows S3 to 58. lhghs today 8S to 90 and Sunday 75 to 80 INSIDE TOD4 V. F1nannol gemu.t Alvin C. Rice of Son F'roncilco reltves tM my3tny of hh 0"3tfng cu vice chairman of the Bonk of Amtnca. Stt 'Rtce Al/air" onPogcAIO .. li-.e"' 1 • l A2 DAILY PILOT Johnny Better Reader J ohnny nof on!)• t•un re.Ki m 0 c" an VI\' w ( t• It• mt' n 1 "r.> 1 Sc·hool 011<1 r1N , ht' rt>udl\ ht•ttt•r tha t\ most Of hlS 1'\lllh'Oll~)I MU"' l.ll'ross lhe naal1 on. ,1rrord1n1it tn rt'('\.'nUy r<'lt•lOtt•tl lt':O.I Sl'Urt'b /\ natlon11tly udm1111Nt~rt"tl te..'it 1h·~1 ~nt'<l hy M(•C rnw 11111, 11 vublti.htl\~ ('(l q kH <llll>n WU' .,:1\lt'll to ull dt,l n t•t 1111J11h '"'' :.d llllll ) ..... Tht· l't11n pr..tw11°"' 1• 1, • .,, 111 Hu :-u· S kill:. 1l ' t ns 1 r ,.,ult, show lhat lht' tlu11t1n..:ton Bt.>at•h bas ,·d th:.tr u·c ·, ~1up1h .1r1· nhoq · nallo nul Ocll n" It h,· '141 1wr<'•'ll till' ma rk 1 -. h.-11 1t 1·.11111·~ ht all thrt't' th . ud1111111 :,t111tor:, told t rus h.•('S lh•~ Wc't'k Student!> 1n tht· f1r'l lhniui.:h eighth ~radt.>:. Wl'rl' j.!l\1•11 th~ h ou r te s t :. 1·11~t'r 1 n ii: mathema l tf :., rt·J d1 n 1i: dtlll t a n g u a~c i.k 1l h 'lll'h " vocabulary, punl'l uat111n :w 1I spelling Based on pcrn·nlilt"> t•vt>n grade tested attainN1 1><'ore1> 1n the 50 to 100 ran~e in all <trf'a:.. administrator~ nott'd Scor es ba sed on a g rad e ·level scale , administrato rs no ted , s how students achieving <Jl their grade levels o r highe r . Pupil personnel director John Thomas noted that Ocean V1ew'i. largest academic problem is spelling , which r e m a ins the lowest ranking area m the test battery. He said that for the las t two yeats the district has charted a dip in scores related to identify- ing misspelled words. "T he m ost s ignific ant finding about the spelling s cores this year." he said, "1s tha t there is a big gain from last ye ar to this y ear "When a s tudent s pends 10 m onths in sc hool, h1 ::. or ht'r s cores s hould be 10 mo nths highe r than they we re la st year In fact , they averaged four months fa r t h N a ht;"ud 14 mo nths i:irowth fur 10 months s c hooling. Thal mc•ans we arl' ma k ang progr<-ss 1 "- Tho mas !-.aid h,· t•on•,1<1\'rt·d \h1· high s pot tn lht• l1 ·-.l lo Ix-tlw 'i C'Or e s of abuu l l fl J.!r <i<lualt• eighth gr:Hkrs l n ever y· i-ubJl'C'I t 1•st1'<i. t h1· oldes t youngs ti•r:. 1.kmo11stratc·d s kills ·;tar beyo nd " lhl' t·1~hth gra d e Jev<'I. ht· s aid Su~nntcntlcnt Dall' Coof!~n r e marked tha t a c h1c v••ment 1n tha t g ra d e lc vt'I lta s bN·n ;i priority "We a re l'Omm1ttl·d to prov1c1 IOJ! a n t<du<'al1ona l prov.ram th4l fully pre pures our g ra d 1wks for high school Tt·~t "<'on:s -,h11\4 that the m aJOrtly of -.t ud cnL'> <m · pe rforming at the 10th grad1· leve l in ma ny s kills T o us. th1:. is an indicator I h:Jt mu pn onl\ 1s bein~ me t " - Administerin~ the CTBS 1s 001 a sta te rt>qu1rcm enl .. Rut we wa nt lo know precise ly ho w each stude nt 1s doing .· s aid Thomas "The formal st atr California Assessm ent Program tes ts a re for ~roups. on ly :w minutes long and a ime d at as sessing a whole schoo l's overall 'Perfo rmance . . "We feel our a dcht1onal tcslmj.! g ives us another d1mc m;ion to jud~e whethe r or not our p ro· grams are doin~ lhc job effe<" lively for each pupil " Last year. th«' d 1st r1cl tested first. third and s ixth graders with the s tate·mand:rted exams All of the grade s d is tr ict wide a chieved at or a bove the 62 percentile mark, a s pokesman s a id. Pilot 'Tricked' RJOHACHA, Colombia <AP} A Texas pilot s aid Friday he was g uided to an e m e r gency landing by what he thought wer"' friendly car lights , then robbed and wounde d by a gang. A Colombian official s aid he h ad landed in one o( Colombia 's most notorious drug·s muggling areas. f hf" 0rltftOI"' (Oit•I 0..11,. P1~t *''" .,.,.~" ,,,,... C>tnirrdtf\fl'~P.. .... \ •'e>vat•"""'clb.,, .... """~ COll'\t PubU""'"'Q(~• \r'o.-.r"lt HMi(W'l'I. _.,,. pvOh\Miod Monc:Mv Uwouon r ,,a._. '"' <"''" Ml''-'t, N,..-porf ANc'f\, HurtltfK)lon 6'-• h ( ~ M•nV4'Un lt-vtftllt ~~.t<h ~th(""''' II\ '•not"'~' f'OltM'.ln •) pubt1\-f'W"<t \.uu•o.i.,, .,.,..,, '-tftd1''r\ fJwo P'.tlC tHf C)Ubh\,,l"Q 04Mt I ••I tJO W1t't flttySff"H"f.CO'\l,.Mf>'w c .. •1tot-n•"'"'~ •-'1·-I p,,..,.Ol'nl .no ~ • .,.,.,,. , .. _. c ..... ""-• """"''°'"' ~ c;..,.,,,..,Mfft...,,.. ~~ic ...... Ca1t·ot 'l'-•'IMv~ ~""9•noC!IOIOO ,.,., ..... L-lltt ... ,.." ..... A\\l\tant M.tMQtfMI CO!tor\ T.iepMM (7'4)142"'321 ~•ttlfled AdYertl96ng 142-5171 ='1'C :::. o::r. c::t~,·=~·:s.~ ,,..r,~, ., ...,.,.."''"""" "*•••"' r.•' "" reproO~cf'd wU~t ,,., •• , Oflfl'tl ti• •• .... ~- St< .... <lail ,., ... ~ Pt•d •t c .......... c.-tlf..-111 .. IVS" t .. eoot Whcrltlt,.., II\' c.. :r..::. ~"::c'::. J;., =.:: M l!'OlllNY. Saturday. M•'t 12 1979 'Even Jimmy' Has Chance A uembly m a n Walter lqalla, D-Riveralde, ••'d In • vtldt to Oraqe County be doesn 't t hink the ft•SOltaw 1hort-age wtll hurt l'rt1!Ud~nt '1t r ter ':. 1 t' t'lt>ctioo ctuanccl.ii "l think th•· prt>N11h•n1 1'> 111 tr(\uble ••Jt<•cpt and un lt•io• you took at ttw 0111111 i.1l ton." l n141tlls 'u HI, ,1 r a lht•r 8trungt1, m y1>t1t•u1 Dt•mc><"r•l on thf' lt'f\ in l h'-· form ol our prt·111·n1 .cov 1•1 nor unJ ;1 70 v1·u1 old hro kt•n <k1w11 ..il'lui o n lltt> rtjo\hl wt\11 will avpun·n\h 1.t t' t t h t' H t' r> u lJ I 1 t' ,, n no mina tion. our (111 m •·r ~ove rnor ' (;I t•O Iha\ k tflil or 11p vos1t1on. l ttu nk l'vt<n J un 111 ('a r t t' r <'<In ~ l'l rt- \'l('<'tt"ll . Inga lb \alll t-11 dd) ~ NB Fliers Say WriJe Gas Wrath Ne wport Beach reside nt!> who are seeth in g ove r the g a s shortage arc going to find some helpful s uggestions on their doorsteps this weekend. Sharon Ke nt, Nanc y Van- deveer and the c rew at the Copy Shop, a printing com pany near t he airporl, a r e printin g up fliers with th e addre ss of legislative repre senta tives The idea 1s for eve ry body to c o mp l a in 1n writing t o Washington and Sa cramento M 1ss Vande veer said they c ame up with the idea Friday a fte r ta lking t o a N e wport Bea ch woman , Betty Allen, whu was or ga nizin g hl'r frH•nds for a tde gram crus ade After spending thre e hours rn .1 1(:1s line a nd h a,·1ng lo pay for :1 e:ir w:1sh I d trln 'I IA.ant . v 1111 n11~:ht :o;ay I J.!<•t 1ntr·n •.\it•d in "ttw 1dl';1. M1:;s Vanul'V1·t•r !>aid Mor e important . Shl' said. 1:. th(• ra('t l hat then"-. ht·en a ck l'1 1nc in busmess s1nct· the g;1~ l'ru nc h hit . M r s Allen. Miss J{e nt a nd M 1ss Vande veer '>ay tlicy a re n't loo sure how muc h good 1t 's ~o 1 11~ lo do to s howe r legislators w1lh lett.ers a nd te legr am s'. but t ht'y fig ure 1t c an ·1 h urt to let \hr1r guvC'rnmc nt know JUSt ho w ang ry they an· Costa Mesa's Albert Young Services Held f<'uner al se r v ices w 1•r e con <lucled F r iday fo r Albert H Y o ung o f Cos ta M e s a , <in l 0m ployee of Roc kwe ll lntcrna t1o nal for 32 ye ars He died Wt·d nesday at the age of 56 A JO·year Costa Mes a rc51 de nt, Mr. Yo ung wa s !>cnwr s t oc k cle rk f o r Roc kwell in Ana heim. He le aves h is wife . J canm· Yo urt1! of Costa Mesa and s ix children. Sandra Ann Bye~ a nd C h e r yl Ann Vie rno w. both oC Garden Grove: Ronald J ames Wyatt of Costa Mesa; Barbara Dale Land of G eo r gia . Alan Thom as Young of Cypress and Janice Kaye Pannell of Norco. Mr. Young is a lso s urvived by a sister, Helen A . Cyr or Long Beac h : another sister , T helma Mobley, and a brothe r, Wa lte r D . Young, both of T ennessee. a nd 12 grandchildren. Burial was s c h edule d fo r Pacific Vi ew Memorial Park m Newport Beach. Teen Cyclist Dies; Struck In Hit, Run A teenage bicyclist died in St. Jude's Hospital, Fullerton late Friday after be was struck' by a car whic h a llegedly fled the scene of the coUisioo. Booked into Fullerton City Jail f or suspicion o r felony manslaughter and felony hit and run shortly after the accident w as Larry James Frick, 22, or Anaheim. The victim, John Michael Francis, 13, was riding west on Rolling Hills Drive, Fullerton, at. 4:41 when Frick's car, south· bound on Brea Boulevard col· Uded with the youth. ' Police claim Frick's car dranect the youth's bicycle a half mile before the vehicle st.opped. Offtcen said the man was detained by a motorist who returned him to the accidenl sce~e. Gas Da:rigers Told Vapots of One Gallon a Real Blast SAC RAMl-:N'ro f/\PI St ate allfl l11t·u l fi n · 11H 1l'11•I :. (Jem 1H111 l r ull'tJ 11u1t1· d r arnat1cully t-'1111.1 th,11 1l might ht• ht!ller to 1 un 11ut 11( g,1"th111• Illar\ 1·ur ry 1l 1 11 l h ,. t 1 u 11 k o r y o u r t' a r (;a~11l1111• I!> 111,uk tu (•XplOd '." ~a ul St.111• t-'111· Marsha l Ph1hp t-'llv rc• "' .1 t'ap 1l11I 1wws con ft>t 1·111·1• '"l'h•· 'af)or'!> from one i.:.d lt111 ,1r ..:.1,1111111• t·•1ujl 14 stic k::. 111 1h11 • .11111lt• 111 'rOll t lru11k, ·he ,,1111 h 11 hll11g u1t 1 l 1lumm, ... 111·k.., ul 1•\ plo'" t·~ .111d d onl· ~.dlcirl plil,t ll 111111.. hulll\: \UllWWfi' .-Ila• Ga11 \ o s t-:M I It-: \/A T I O~AL l '!\llt\. 11\I» \ ~lrtlOO of lhe ~ ..... ultnt• 1 Jl1C1111ng pt.in trt\pn!>ed tr1 C.1hfor111;1' n11•1ropol1t an urt'J~ '"II lw· u..,1·tl at Yosem1tc- Nat11111~1I Park to m akt• certain th at \l lMt11r ... 1·.u-1 ~t:t home. llo~t•v1•r 11 won 't include a re qu1rt.•m to>nt lt111t rn11111 n !>ls fill up on odd or (•v1·11 day ~ ac·cordtnA to th1• las t d1g1t on tht·tr hcenst' p llllt•. Yus 1·m1te !'ark a nd Curry Co off1t•1a ls sa1u motoni.t s will be limited lo 2Q gallons a nd wi ll not bl' allowt•d to 011 up 1f they havl· mon· than half a I ank ll'ft ~rion Rillked llOT SP ltlNGS, \'a t AP > J\ gasohnt' s hortage \\hr eh 1s l1kl'ly * * * ( __ GAS_O_L_l _N_E ____..J to s pread a cross ltw nation th•~ s ummer "inc rease .., l he ris k of r (•cession." Fl-'cl<'r a l R••..,erve Board C ha i rman c; W11l1 am Mill er said Fmla v Miller d isc ussed "" v it·w ... 111 the e cononw wit h I ht· nus1nc:-:- Counc il. a µrcs t1g 1ou:. gro up of 100 top corporate IN1d e r:. whos1· o wn analy~ts arc prt'd1c tmi.: ,1 meld re<'l'SS1o n s tJr\rng CJl rn1d yea r Miller forN «•!-.l ;_1 ,1owdo'-' n rro t a r ec c:.~1on 111· .idrlNl ho-. ever. that lhe llgh l world utl ma rkc t a nd I h•' g :.i' <,h1irt ;11 • a I ready in e' 11lc•m•l· nn I~ We" I ('oa st ar c putting pr e..,sur t· 1111 the econo m y Plan Modff led SACRAMENTO 1J\1'1 Ci<1v Edmund Hrn11•n J r mo<l1hed t h1· ~tale 's odd e vt•n i.:a~llhm· ull0<.·C1 tion plan F rnlay, granting ex t•mptions tha t t•ovcn :d !>om c l'ar was hes . commt•rr1al truekl·r .... and Monl<'r cy County tourist:. One chang<' 1n lhf' r ul1·-, would lei busincss t•s t hat ure pnm aril~ ca r washc-;. but al~o hav<• ga:. pumps . s c r\lt· any a m ount 1,f g dso line to a ny <Inver . rt>gard * * * Gas Li11e "Clones' New Yorker Claims Calif ornians Dulllh By OJ.:RORi\ II WHISTl.E R Oi t~ 0 .;11., P 1lol \ttllf ~t·w '1'01 k rt'~idl'nll'o. 1f new~ rcµort!> an · 1·orrl•ct , :.ir cn 'l feel mg llw g::i ... 11l1m · r r und\ a:. m uch a~ 1·:i r h:tPI'' (',t11r1.rn111n-, <Jr•· llut Tt(i...•· \'ur.1\n'" 1 t•1•1·111h r l'l11 1•:1t1·d fr11111 B r ooi.. I \ n lo N1·w1)1Jrt n ... 1d1. 1s · Anr1 Fn c1.1,\ -;tw t h11ughl '>he d i.:1v1· :.onw (If }t{ r r11 "' n l·11.:hbor'. l3 n ~u1!>hing m ,1 h vt' bln1:k·lung i::as line. a friendly tip . The ga~ hungr~ m o t o ris t s . h o we ver. Wl'ren't too n ·cept1vl: R1>s•'. vo11 'ol'I' was pa1nfull\ a wi:lre of their pn•d1c·a m en\ Th<' p:.11n w.1s 1n I ht' po r)ion o f }1,.r ho dy that n·~H·tl 1t11 tl u i:.•ar seCJt "hilt• ~he• 11oa1I• <I fo r ~·1:-. Sht• had b<'t'll 1111 1 <.ink·filling d u t y a II m 11 r n rrwg ( u r h l' ~ hus band h1•r ""'1 .1ml ht·r1>l'lf 1\ll h a vl' od<i nu mlil'rl'd l1c 1·n:-.1· platc·s And lhl·1r car.;; all had gas gaugl'S n ·,l1n~ o n E By hn tl11 rd I rq1 lo th•• w:1lc•r 1n lo( holl'. llo,1· kn•·w by ln'>tmc·t w he re lht• en<I of lh•· hne would Ix· cit th1• Arl'11 'ill.I: 1011 ~lw r1· .:u la r ly J'i<ltr<m111•-, 11n th1· cornt•r of Ir vin<' :in<l 17t h llt•l whl·r•· v.t•n · 1111' 1 ar!-." "I thou lo( ht I hq · hi:ld l'lo:.t'Cl. s h c r e I <i I eJ But wh<1t lo h•·r wondc·n nJ! <•y1•:-. should appt·.11 . w hen Ho:-{· rounded the r·or111·1'. liul the sta tw n s till 1.rnrnp111 ~ J,!a 'i o f ull fl~vors tevl'n 1inlo•adc·d 1 tind rw veh 1cll':. on tl11· fu1•\ hn1 · 'I J ll~l llltµl.'d I 11-'hl IO :.JllCf f1llN I hC'I up ' When :.hl' ro1rn11-t:d 3"n'Othrr c orn e r a <·11upl1· t.J11c k-; do'4 n t h e road, ... tll' -.pnllt'll a l1Jt 11£ o the r folk!> v. h11 "'1·rl·n l <i ' fo rtuna k 'Th1•y """r' ·.t.H·~··of 1111 h1w1 p1•1 lo 1Jum 1wr. (111 ,ti lo ;1 1 ft\. b I o.t• k s \\ .ii t 11111 111 I( o ·I 1 11 I " a noth1·r :-tal 11 111 • Hn~f'. l1C'lll" .1 l!l111d '. 11111! th1111gh1 ·,ta· ti d 11 lwr t•qo,.J 1l1•t·ol f11r th•• d .1\ I "'''Jl~·d 1he l'U' ;111.J "' olk"d 11p 111 .1 ,.:u.' in 11 110 :11111 111ld l111n 1£ h(• drovt• clown ''' lh1• r 11rn• r turned ri ~hl u nd \\-(·Ill <i hlr11 J.. ho could get gac; without Wi:11linl! "He roll ed up ht'> w1ndov. J ncl looked at me lik1• I wa-. 11 11• .. r. ll04'C' rum('rf lie du1n t I ak1• 1i .. r .rd\ 11 t' :'\C'1lhc r <lrd lilt' IO <1lht•r dr 1\ .. r Ros t• .1ppro..1C'h(·t1 ,, 11 h hn •,1;,· 1•,•st1o n F ru!>l r Jt<'d · llt' h11pp1 ol loa d: 1n her car Jnd '41•111 h11rn1· lier untrus t1 ng 111"' 111·1i•hl11 • i::a VC' R o -.e ~1111'\1· (()11rl f11 1 lho ught And hC'rt• .. "n:11 o;h• has dl'lC'rm1nt·fl ··cahforn1 .1n.., h.11 1· 1111 1•11111 mon o;c-ns l' 'Tht·~ Wl'rt' JU"I 111..1· .1 liund1 11f 1·lurw s -.11t 1rw 111 1,,.,. f1 '''' \ 1ng 1·ach ot h•·r 1'111•\' \\•·rt .111 .rid to hutl ):!I' · "I would h~"'' 1u111p('(I off th1 lrne a nd l:lk(•n .1 <'ha n<'<'. ~ho :tdd1'd "Wt• 1<',;r11 ht1 \t. 111 I'' without ;1 lot vf lh111µ:-111 :--.,.,, Yo rk " Hosp think' 111'l1plc· .111• 11•1 rthl y ~potl1•d h\ C'oH S 01111 here I )U"I \\.int N I Ill ltt•lp a nd was hurt thn wr.uldn l t.1h.1 my a d VICl' w h 3 l \4 I I h m a n v w I'' I Co a !'t er s 1mprt•ss 1on · ''' !"•·\\ York l'rs as rudl'. h·ar fu l Pl'o11I• there mig ht JU'>l 111· ,, 11':..,on t11 b t• lC'i:lrnt•d rroni HrJSC s I'\ pcn cnct• It'll' or h(•ense platc> numbN. 1r tht• C'ar v. as washed at the s ta- tion . Onvt•rs who wa nt only gas will '>llll h<· ~UbJl't't to the <Xl<l· 1•ven sys tem I.Au \'ego• ff urf Ing LAS VEGAS. Nev. <AP 1 M:1ny <'lubs o n the S trip and in lh{• do wn to~ n (' J s 1nri C"nter ha ve suff Pre d ·,u b!>la nt1 al · · rtr nps trl j.!ar111nl;{ n ·vc•nucs !>Inc<.· lht· a tJvrnt of lh1· lal1·0,I ~a!>ohnt· 'h o r I .i ).! " 1 11 :"I t• ... a d .. i:I n rt \'a h forn1.1. \\Orrll'll IOU fl!>m C1f fw1;d' s:11d Fnda~ JS th«>y u rged 1111' 0 1·pa rt 1m·nt uf Encq,:v to a l lol':rll-O IOll j?:C!>oltnt• fo r -tht• re ion ('n~(,.ir4g ('rim,wd I fl..., \ ~ (; 1:-: I.Es I/\ p I \1111!1"'1 .1C\1\ it v affected by the • I '-O'" n·· hurt ag(' IS onP f)f tht• J,t\ Ir I ~·..i-;llfr\I'" ltf Clrt'<J l<'Crt .11•1·r" 1·ru•H nl.! the• houl<'vards l\11thonl 1c~ "'-'~ tra ffic 1s dow n "h irply JI .• f:i vo n tf· IA.('('ken<I ,. r u 1 ' 1 n g ' JJ o t W h 1 l t 1 l' r ll11 ul1•\-;11d 111 EJ'I Lo .. Angele:. :rnrl •;hi~hth down J l the We d nt•sd a y m g ht h<1l!>J111t Van ~ u y s B 11 u fl · v ;1 rd 111 th c Son I· 1•1 nanc1o \';_1111•\-' Tht·n• "':·~· no h1g c rnw<J nn Wh1tm•r Boult•\•,1rd last v.eekend :111d Wl' d1111 I r·xpcct o ne th1:. "' ,. "k r n ti . ·' S g L M 1 c h a e I ~ 1('km an of t hf• Los Angele!> f'o unt~ S hl·n ff'.., Dc p <i r t me nt '·••d Fnd~' Tht' dropoff wa~ ._. x t r em c t... n 11t1 c ,. a b I e I a -. t '4 t•ekend .. * * * t 'rom Page . l I t:LO ~lJ RES • • ht•( .ttJ 1· 1t "'llllrl 1·nrlo 1n~1·1 l h• l•U1l o \ 1 11 f111 I r '' 1on11~ pl.rn I ht ,\ '.Ill 1.1111111 h.1 •. l rl!-ill•<td 1,1tl1·d (111 1 •J••pl'I l t<tl) l1l't ~N·n • '"'""''"' r•·l 111 ·r .inf! lh•· I 0\ I I Ill I•' ti t • .1· t• !11rt1 ';t', Ill 1' 1Wf':s a i' I a 11 l l f>rs 1o L'o 11sider 2 4.J To·u111lwnie~ • '"'' lct\•.111!011"-''' plu .1 :11, un11 P111I • 1 and ,, rir "IJ" .. ,, c.·11n ti fllt11ilt:ll ••1t\•· 11111 IA.Ill l'llf!H l• .. 1o1r•· th· t 1 111 \I• '·' 1 l.1011111,• l ••mr•u ~'"'' \\nr11I 1 fhc· '\\• • 11r1 '4111 lwl.!lll •ti 11 JI, I' ·11 .ti 1 11· 1 '1111. ii l 'lt,1ml11·r• j"; f' a II r11'1\ t \morw th.· ll•flH" 111 b1· ,,. .. t ,. ·~t·d • t\ I\ 11 r n 1 '• ' ,, I It \ · .I ...,, ~·· r ... :nun .\ "'•'•"' 111 111111<1 ,, I \11 !<•I'' '11 111111 1 ',d1f11rn1;1 1, :.111·1•1 .11 J\tl 1,1 -.l••I ''' on ,t I :·• ,,1·r • I 11,1 r11'td. 1 pro pt'rl ~ • .1• • 11t I ll·nn' A r ('tl u t lJ • .I l(;n ('1H1°•l rud 11 :1 ( 1tJll[l:1ny for a 1·nri dtr 111r1:!1 11• t P• rrml to lruilrl 2:J t "(I .. 1111 '• 111v.11 h11•"'t'O, (ti\ .1 • t} ~. :1 l' r o · ft 1rr·1 I Jo 1 ;i r .,d ;i t I I ll'l'fofl t •llol i\d:tm" n \r>nuf;'o ,•111' lwl.,11;.::11~ '" tht• H11m .tn ('.1lhoh1· Bi 1\111111f Or;1nf,f' \ p rit,lO'· II l1.) T..:rran1•t• and Sh1·tl.1 H.1"'.111 of H:dho a hland 10 1111 q·rt 7'1 .op 1rt11wnt 11n1h al 1 l'l.\:i .\n.1h1•1r11 .\' l' lf1 1·011 d 11rnin1um..; .tnd <lt·mo lls h four a pJr lment 1ir11 t-. Hedt>\'l•lop n11•nt •\g1·m ' ;iµp rov;.il also 1s re4u1red Dally Pl ... , .... - llPlp "°"a 11 <· I o v t• s k i <.l s • i s h ous e br oke n and othe rwis t.> ""l'll l nmwd and he'~ had .di h1~ shot~ Wit h all tha t· g oing for him . K ona still needs :.i hom e. The year-old s h t'µard mi x li ves tern· pur aril y a l th t> Oran g e Co unt y H u m ane Society , 2163 2 Ncwla.nd St.. Hunt- ing ton Be:.ich. The center 's open until 5 p.m . today and from 10 a.m. to 4 J>.m. Sun- da y Pho ne n u m be r i s 536·8480. Child Molest Trial Slated For County•? V ENT RA t AP 1 If judic ial authonlles ;ipprove. t he t rial of .1 43 yC'ar -old admitte d c h1 ht mol<'stc r who 1s c harv.cd with la st y«>ar ':. torture k11lrng of 2 yea r old Amy Sut· Seitz will he m o v f• 11 t o 0 r a n g t' C o u n t y , Jllthon tws !-.a id F nda v. Tht•i>dort• Fr ank f;u~ .. :. :i T><>SSI 1111' (Jco:t th Jll'n:tll } tf f'<JflVl l'lt•d In lh1· k 1d 11ap r'.IJlt' mur d1·1 <'as1., It 1• t' .1 u ~' 1• 11 I · p 1• 1· 1 a I nrrllm,1.in1·1·'· 11l<0l 11d 111~'. lt11· f,t('I lh•· (\1m <1nlJo o·h1ld \A.,h t11rtllrt·ll ,111d 11111t 1ta 10 ti lidur•· r1t· tl1 t·1I ~,i-. .... , ... 1c1n a pt·d \1 ~1 n·h ll l!l'iH :ind lwr bod , \\.a:. !ou11rl t \\O d:".., l:111·r in Liii' Topani.:.1 ('.1n '(o11. ari·a 11f Lo' 1\n J::l·ll·~ 111 .. 1r l"r Jnk " hornC' ut ho ntll'S h J \C nt·•cr rnad1· µubl1<' the dl'll:t11!> of her torture. Thi• m u rilo-r '" <'ll r r cd t w1, 11101.11t .... tfter f-r.Jnh. was n lt-.1.,l'd fro m t h•· ,l.tlt~ m\'nt 1\ h<l,llll .11 1n \l a~1'.1d•·ro 14-hcre he: h.111 tH·p11 c·1111£111••J1 f1,llov.mi:: J l•I 1•\ 11111" c•htlll mr1h·..;t.1 t 111n t ._,.,,. I 11 I ht· prnh..in on r\~ port fl 11:11 \\1th tht• \ 1•nl1Ha ~11p1-;-I tor ('i;ur1 F rank b q u1111·cJ ao; .11l m1lt1ng mor<' lhan lllil 1·h tlJ molest a t1o n-, 1·.11 h gl'tt1ng murc violent 111 r e<·1•nt \t'ar' \'t•ntur ;1 ('11u 111 v ~1uthor:l1Ps ar r t'Slt•<I Fr;111k 1n · .L1n11ar}. ~hilt> _hi· \\ .1~ 1n I A1:. An~~f'I C''> ('ounl v t 11i-.t111l\ following (·11riv1d11m 1111 I 1\ u t·ount... nf 1'1'11 lcl molest in ii I k was ~1·ntt·n1·i·d to l'ight yc·ar•; a nd four 111onlh:-. 1n pn son lor t hC'St· offr11ws A ~n·1..·rnt•n1 for llw t'han gc 11f \ t·nut.• was ;rnnounn·d by tho· pro .. ernt1on an<l de fens e m tht· Cj !.C .Friday ~Wl'CIUM.t ~-pr~lr-tal public ity If Vt>ntur a Count y S uperior l'f>urt a nd t h tatc J ud1 ('1<1I (' H'il :.ip ove. lh<' <':J SC' will lw t r :-.fe r red t u O rangl' Cou ty. 1pc n or Co urt Drive r Given Probation in Cyclist's Deatl1 A 42-ye a r ·o ld Huntin g to n Reach woman has been sen te nccd lo thn•<' ye ars· formal probation fo r at·t·1de nta lly run· nin g over a nd killing a m otorcyclis t who had lost con trot or h is bike E la int' Su<' Shipm a n . 1313 Gage St ., was found gu ilty by an Orange County Super ior Court jury or misde meano r vehicular r m anslaughte r and felony driving unde r the influence of a lcohol for the OcL 9 death o( James Edw ard Houck. 29. She was sen· tenced Friday. Loose Links? A San Clemente golf er searches for his ball in the rough area near a 10-foot wide fissure above the Estrella Golt Course. Mobile homes above the golf course were endangered by a landslide Dec. 18. City Fire Department officials ordered t he evacuation and relocation of seven of the • Shor ecliff s Mobile Country Estates when conditions worsened late in Marc h . City officials say there Is no further danger to t~e homes above the golf course but the fissure appea rs to be widening as the earth settles. H ouck. als o o f Huntington Bea c h , lost contr o l o f h is motorcycle on Wa rner Avenue near Goldenwest Street, struck a c urb and fell into a street, ac· cording to testimony . A companion on anothe r cycle r eportedly tried to divert traffic from the falle n man but Mrs. Shipman ran over him. Laguna Burglars Get $14,000 Haul Burglars ra ns acked a Laguna Beach home Friday afternoon, opened up a safe a nd made orr with an estimated $14,000 worth o f jewelry, rugs and guns, police rt port. The thieves forced open a win- dow In the Don.Id Za mborelli ho m e at 174 Dumond Dri ve between 1 and ! p .m .. officers Hid . Residents Pushing For Park tlunlincton Ht>tH·h residents who hvt• in the Crestmoor tract want to tum 12 11cr~s or varant la nd into a C'1ty pltrk. and !\ay lhey 'd ht• willing lo take ('llf't' or som e of lht' maintenance cos~ Huntington Beat'h Mayor Don MacAUiste r u id Thu~day that he support s th e i dea or ho m t•owners muk111t: a "t•om m1tmt:'nt" lo tukt• l"Mt' u( lht' park Such a t'omm1tmen t could cost the homeowner's group as much as $140,000 ~r year. a ccordm g to city estimate:. The acreage, located at the 10 te rsection of S late r A venue and S pringdale Stree t , as under divided ownersh1p The Ocean View School Distr ac t owns JUSt unde r 10 acres, wh ile the city has land n ghts to the remainin g 2.75 acres. Homeowners appe ared before school district trustees earlie r this week, a sking ror a hand in getting the park plan under way. "We don't want Dis neyla nd, we jus t want g r ass," s aid h o meowners s pokes w o man Kathy F lo r es, noting that homeowners we re aware or the financial pinch on the city and sc hool d istrict because of Proposition 13. Trus tees appeared enthused over the homeowners mention of an a ssociation of residents tak- ing care of the park whe n it is completed "Our official position," said assistant s uperintendent Jim J one">. "is that the board direct· t-d us to look · into the main t e nancc costs and c ooperate <with the city) in the possibility of doing somethin~ out the re." The land 1s unkempt and un u s a ble except for a s m a ll cleared area of dirt used mostly by kids. "It's not a pretty s ight to look at ... noted school board Presi- dent Jay Ri ver a. According to MacAllistcr , the city would face no major dif- ficulty in obtaining funds to up- gr ade the acreage for a park. The problem. he said , is how much it will cost to maintain it liomeowners are expected to purs ue the park push when the ci- ty council m eets on May21. aubSlaies MQther's Day Plant Sales Ko Fu Bonsai Kai will hold Its first Mother's Day Bonsai sale at Ot a Bons ai Nursery, 3221 E. Chapman Ave., Or ange, today and Sunday. according to J ohn Ragle of Costa Mesa. Sale hours are 10 a .m . to 5 p.m both days, with a wide vanC'ty of trees available. in- cluding finished items ideal for gifts for Mom. Me mbe rs wiJI be available both d ays to a nswer questions a nd help tn the selection of trees and rare mate rials s uitable for creating Bonsai. Ha rry Harao. Ko Fu Ka i pres- 1d<'nl. invites everyone to come to Ota ·s. even if they a re only m· tcrcstC'd in learning about club activities. The only requirement for membership is a n interest in Bonsai. Annual dues ar e a minimal $10 Shooter Hunted MONTEREY CAP 1 Police sParched for a person who fired two s hoti. at the Monte rey Penins ula-Herald ne wspa pe r building. hitting a window near a woman employee. No one was injured in the incide nt. PLANNING PACIFIC PADDLE TO BOOST CANOE RACING J im Coons, P e te Carola n, standing and Hank Lass Pair S eer By JU.\!'\.:\ E R;~ \ 'OLIJ:-0 OI U• 0 41ly Polul ~l•tl Pete Carolan and Jim CoC1n:i a re lookin~ for a few good men TherC' :Hf' s o m e 1'1.·r.r I• 1n NewpQrt B<'a1·h "ho m11:t.l <.ay they're lookwg for a few cra1y men. Carolan and Coons want 111 ente r their ouln g~er r·anr>t-C'lu h Blazing l'a<ldh•<.. in tliP Tr:1n:- l'Jc1f1r Yarht R:ir<> fr11rn ''"' i\ngd1•i. M llonolulu t h 1~. -.1111 mer. They cstim :t tc th<'' II nc·<'d 11 expcnenced pdrld le1 s a lnng v.llh a minjmum of two escort boat~. a nd two s huttle boats to be used for c hanging crews. The ventur e . t o th em, 1:-. perfectly r'easonable. They had a test outing in the NewPort to Ensenada race last month. "We did p retty well we were the 20th over the line -.. considering we had some inP'<· perienced paddle rs a nd one ()f our e scort boats g•1l a l1ttlP hinkv al.1<mt l'h • .rn~111~ µatlc.l1t·r, .it night ... Carulc:1n cxµla1m:tl. Another minor pn•lllem 1 lw paddlers e ncountered 1n tl11· E nsenada race was the opp<J~ .. 1 tion by the o rgani zers. t hC' Newport Ocean Sailing Assoc1.i l ion . NOSA was quite clear in tell ing the Bl:.111 n~ Paddles they Anger Sparks Glass Attack A transient who apparent!} d1dn 't have a place to s~nd lh1· night took his anger out on the offices of thC' World Saving" anr1 Loan Association in lluntington Beach, police said Officers allege that Kevm J Hill, 26, of Colorado used a long handle shovel to break out four 4-by-6-foot windows and doors al the firm Thursday night. Damage was estimated at $1 ,200. Sgt. J eff Cope said police found accommodations fo r 11111 at the Huntington Beach City Jail. addl l l '!'ft I ' I I I\• 1 Ill I ,fl,(> 1,1 l , ••• 1,l I , ('.11 !.1:1 .1. 1 .. · , .. ,, 't.> lht· ,,11n • 1 '" ' I 1 • ni Jc .111::.pac· 1 fl .l ..... I.Ju! .~ u iJCll 1 rl'd ~ C. n ,l._111 · I Hlann.: P .1d dh·:-. tr1g1 tlw1 ,•,t "urr 1:1"1 f n.,n ·1 t•11lh•111 •l'I ,,r if hit 1n1nd1•d fr11 rub '" l',111." ,,,. l'IJUI• II l l t•I J • itf 1r. uH, ,,i 1'11• HUtrt f~t.·r fl fllll ' V, I> It' \t1 'I I I ' 1~1,11, 111 11.. "01 Id ' ... 1111 1•Jll' .. h11' 1.111• 11 11111 :'>1111oka1 lo (1Jhll 'f 111· Hla11nf~ l'.1111111·~· w1·n • th" nnlv ""''"who wt•n •n 't s urpnM:d • \!,ht•n tht·11 lx·<'.1m1· the fir<,l r.1111 Polynl''""n lt':i m to wi n lhJ t champions hip r ace Ca rolan h:is sinCl' become pr<' s1dcnl of lht• World 0 1..Lr';.;i;L r • Canoe Racing Association. The Enscnada race and the Trans pac race ar c part of his shamt·lc-;s l'f111r ls lo get n •ror.n1 • lion for outnju••·r rncin~· Th" 1.1o:il ,.., ml'lus1on 11( thl• <,port 1.1 lh1• l!•,illOlvm1w·.., 1r1 I .11•. /\11 ~··!., .. Viti 1 ritl'nt1ori lltal th•• l 111.1t 'l!.t·'11 • P·"• !111 • 1 l l•11l11l1,l11i...g 1 111,' to •~ 1111 • .l1•n"tl lh•· Inn J 11d; .. . Ill 11 .. II 0 r II r .l "~ II \'' a \ n c " • · (. r II .1 11 :i '• k t •I • Jt.!~u v.! •' 1,;! ,• t!u· t•t•tJt' ,. was m.11l ·tr> h-'rrn r pulll11.1L.> ful' his gwuµ 'I he moi.t 1l·1·r•11t JHll1lll 1t" •;t unt llll'> ... ,.,.1. r lllf••d "'tlh th · m arq Ut:1· ,II tr11• f 11tr1 rhl'<alt•t aller~J I roin "IJ1a11n g S;,rJlllcs to ad\t·n1..,1• 1,, .r < • .J ... l111t 11111r1 111::'11 1 l '' p111 .c· .i' rij!hl nov. d11 y Ii ·••di· for • ,,. pt•rit."nt•(tl JI 1rltl • l, f•t• Ol'l LI c f lH' l 'rt'\.\, llrJl ,. , I Jl.'<t lit -.h1fl-; •oJ llfl>' b111ll 11'1, I ti I' t > 11ff. 1 111' y ; 1 11 11 ( • r l I • "-., t I 1 I~ "' a.., , 1 I: .J 1 •· t ; ~ 1 • 111 a fl". h111 Ill d1 '• • t·xpr I!' 1" '\\I' \I' :1 l:'f• 111 V ~.tit '<•r II' 11a .... :.u1;111 and : I,• •Jn p 1dd li re; ltnt•d uµ. 111' "1• rll'•"f m11n• loc<i Is ... C'o0!1" ..,; 11! Hrilh ffil'll st11d thry'n· r.1 1 t11ri 1n:n1·s11.:o 1n taking n•1' H'I' 1 ·11lo!wr'> on '>Ul h a strenuo11 .. 11111111:.. Anyo:w 1n t 1r'"11•11 1n t h • cha llcn"<' m.1y 1 .1 <'11 li l.111n~ Padcll1•.., !iv 1•1·, I it 7·•11r. '/\ Ocean Fmnt . 'por1 II ··11 '' 92Cli::. 1•r hy (',1'!11 I r.~ .• r,f ,1(;4) 27 Relatl.,es Died Freddie Lewis. who lost 27 relatives in the mass murder and suicides at Jonestown . • Guyana; walks past the ~lffins of 50 un- identified children who died there. A van took the coffins from Dover. OPI., t o Oakland . where they wc1c buried fo'nday The 50 w~rc among 248 bodies of un~jcn tificd people. Salurday. May 12, 1979 DAILY PILOT .43 Frustration Pays Off l roine St1uk111 'Carsits'.in Long Gas Lines By l"RF.DEKH'K S<. HOF.MEHL Ol 1"9 0.Uy ,.111>1 ~Wit One might t~m,1der I 1 v11w '. J11n Bed.na rk a very fortunal•· y•11mg man as he wheds around tla· Oran ~e .Coas t in tt.e l\ier<'('dt:'s 4.J() ~L. Mark V or IJatsun 280 ZX And, to hi.lH' o;een him 1n ,,q thrPt' in !ht· cour'\t' of a • 111; I day ~1·11 • ..,om<' p1•0• 11· Ila\\· all th•• lud •. clon 't lht·y·• Rt dn.1rk :. lut•ky ;Ill ni•hl lhou•:h lw tfo• '11 I o .... n 11 v of lh1 rt J., h' I' l 1 1 Jn I a ti ii ' ~ n ,. :\ Pl'""" l' :.tlJl11mob11t .... t hat h•· drivt:>s ll c '~ lurnul ri 11lonsts' fru-.t rn lion inlo tH·r.,onal J! .. t1n by becom111g .1 p111(t."i.i.tonJl curi.1l ter · l)eoplP p .1v l11 n lo v. .11t in gasol111e 111•1· ""1th 1:w1r <:ars a l $3.50 :in hour on up "I 1~l'l tn w;11t an•! ~.tudv f!'i., not as ~:ood ·'' 11,, 11 1 :11 · t •lf I 'm m:.rlo.in•: 111111,1 \ ;11 int ,;1m•· t1rn t'.0 said lfrdn.•d. :11 .i l11uluj.!1<'..1l ..;1·1('lll'1·" 1'1'11 " Ill' j., am1111 •11111 • th n ., S CI/It' nf i.t11d1 r I Lt 11In i r \Ill anti Or:.rn)'.I' I 11J,l .. 1,. "· ·~h h:t\'t• hc·1•11tnt l'JI <;1ll1 r ' ()II ,, I • gut.Jr liJ ,1., Onl' of illdn1rk -.-"l1l'nt, ,, Monex International Ltd , an m 11• r n at 1 "n al comm'' d 1t1 es hr okerage, with offices .sl 4910 Bir<·h St . 1't·w1x1rt Hec:Jch Ont· broker thNt dangled the i..t•v <; to h1!; car and $20 for Hednark ~; lime: ··He said ket>p th 11 1· h d n i; e. ' · H c d n ,J ;· k r f' ("dll<'d Thi lud1·nt t'l>t1mated that 1t 1.1k .. ~ .1huul 411 rn111ute<., lo run t•:u·h 1•;ir throu~·h a gasoline line n 1 ht· r 11 ml' add s up a s ht: •".Ht ht 111r 111ltn gasoline sta l lflll' · I gut''' I ha\Pn t been 1n ;1 1·.ir that '"1:-.l 1 .. ~.., than $10.000 ht ... :11c.l Tilt.> n • fun lo drive H1•d11:11 k .airl ht• m<s y adrf ""' rk ••r, .11 \vt·o F't ranc .. 11 ~··1 .< ,.. 11. '.'-1 wport Be<Jrh tu l.1.. hi.,• 1,r' lwnt. •>n Mondd) · 'J'li. 11;1>'< r ·.aid lhl•y ,. h.id f:t·r,p!• h J\ IDJ! "t J(J to .'t·I J.:",; :u"J l!lll rl'lurning unui ~ lit' :311'1 ~ lh .. llnr)t ;•nl h 1r s1~·n of lh1 11m1· 1q11· Job throu~h 1 1'1 C".1n • r l'l 111111ng c1ntl Pl~c1•m• 111 1 lff11·t• 1111 th1 JrvinP campu 'l'\t'f,1 1 l,l....,1111 " "" 1ntJ I I (ll\HJ11Jh I ,1\t 1·a1lcd lht' OffH·• '>1 t'l-.IBJ, I .11'~1lh (' St.\'I"' <l l •I h.P• h1 11 t l1• <',1:-1· 1.11 Or~tn~•· Co•• • lullt i!1• 1n« 11 tJ -'tl' .. a On~· CH 1· .tuclent. R :cha 1d H) mal>tt•rM.k: c1f lluntingtrm Beach, has been employed by doctors, nurs~s and technicians al l'ac1fic Southwest Medical Grour. fr\'1nc, to run their cars through the Imes. P ,1c1fic Southwest h as a u ghter payment pol icy : Rymaszem!°)k1 keeps track of the hour'> he spends waiting in lines, the n d1v1d<'i. the cost between the owners of the cars. · The employees are paying more for gasoline. but to them 11 :-. well v.orth it .' i.a1d Peggy .I cssce. busrne~:-. office mall ager. Kym as 1.l·m :.k1 t:ouldn't be round f<'ndav to talk about h1s 1ob 111• W<t<; wailing 1n lir.e. L1 ndJ l>•·h·o of LCI':-. place- IT'r-nt offic · -.aid stu•lents are • 1·1.nng a rl•>:..l· eyt· on the job p .. 11111~ boar 1 m hop1' of l:.:inding or.1· ''' 111.· 1•,11 ·.illtn~ 11111., I-°• 11 1.1 '' 1.11~1 ,.111i. Wf'ri' listed 11f' ln•· 1 .. ,;1rd I-rHl,1v. ll'Jf were '>1)()11 fdlt d. Siil' ,;Jiii (~flP t~opt~~r Ni )\.(~d :-ii\• ll\'\1"'.i:<> ,;. A • .. ,.,..,.111\• •urJ•. 1' t he t 1 J 111 11 1 .1 11•r 11 " 1 ' I' al ro I l1011id 1•r•t rid ol 1h Sarr:,imen- '" 111 ••I l.1 :11 fll•l• lt1·r·.1U:>l' th(' 19r••.:r.1111 h.1 1111 111•l'H'n to bt· ··f I t'I I I\ I' WE QUOTE PRICES BY PH ONE NO MEED TO WASTE GAS! :F YOU KNOW THE MODl:l YOU W .AMT W E C.AN ARRAMGE FINANCING SY PHO~c OR s::•.•o IT OUT COD. PHONE ?68-3329 FOR LOWEST P~iCES tN ORANGE COUNTY. 4 H ~ vro.:o ~C:CO!!D SELC:CT AVIS&O '. t ~ YJ'~ ·llE,..CTt· ~.l i . ~ \~ ,. ..... .,t ·~OW,1.0'l'f ' • :::: .......... t•IC.~ \ . 25" DIAGONAL COLOR WITH .. A TOUCH OF CLASS" SK2 541X '"'"'..,..--,. ... ~.~ ~~ ' --:;-.. (-t \ :;.l~--.. ~ . ' SK2S77 SGS71P' , PRICED TO CLEAR ~'Jr"~ f ?n-~r~~ --~~ 11 1-------------------1 1-.... r · l -... ,,. 1: -• l I •fr" ,_j •· I O UY THEY G . !! -SK:'HO -. SIC.SO •flfC fROHIC TUHU ¥CT400 'fCTlOO 25" DIAGONAL COLORTRAK WITH SK252S TMf DEST F«OH lENITt-4 WITM ZOOM REMOTE SC.AM REM01 E COMTROL GC760 Rt••"'I:: . •'"'""" ,.,,_,.,,. ~ .. • ... I •I GC'IJOSll . ---~ r · r '1 I . ~--:.._ ~~ 1. GC:7U GC768 GCU6S 1911 n tAGOHAL SYSTEM Ill '-..._~-I ~ jr._ -' I ,.,. e ~..-..- Kl96CI I :tJ .. • _, . . •COLOR SENTRY • lri LINE TUClE •AFC • ELECTRONIC TU,..ER SKl971P t OOMREMOU RCA CLEARAN~E SPECIALS ~Stt 1V61'W SKl'l61W lOOM RfMOTf I t " DIACO.OMAL BJ FC415 PUSK-IUTTON nlf'I~ 25" DIAGOHAL ~lrTI I 'I" DIAGoOHAL B:J' F<:479 COLOUR AK 1 l" D1ACiOMAL 19" DIAGONAL F<:443 XLIOO ,' 25" DIAGa..AL WHY DUY AT ABC? 90 day<> (3 p<1ym<!nts> same as cash or tow down .ind 36 months to pav IO A C 1 Free Delivery a"d Setup on all console model<; BankAmerica rd Master Charge -We ~erv1ce what we sell - No Commissioned Salesmen -All deliveries made by factory trained technicians. ASK ABOUT OUR EXTENDED WARRANTY 19046 BAOOKHUAST, HUNTINGTON BEACH (Corner of 8rooktUH.C end Oer11eld · HOu•s, MON •• fRl.10.7 \iZtliJ - SAT. 10-1:30; SUN,-12-4 PHONE 968-3329 ~l .44 DAIL V PILOT s 11urc1•y May 12 1919 LOCAL I WEATHER B~nea -1.-er Sobs Gt Divorce Trial LOS ANG t:L•:S I A I') tUanca Jaut r wlpt"<t tears "" \hl' told u Judge fonday that 11ht> hOJW'd even an.-r she had fllt>d for d1 v11n ,. that sht' and nK'k i.tur M ir k Ja~ger would rt"<'onc1h· "1't\\•rt• w11s u lw11ys » ~:oblllty I would J:O h1H'k w1tb my hu•banc1," M h J 11ggt•r h•sUflt><l ··That w•:. ahuy '> 1n lh•· bn k c1f m)' he1&d, your honor " SllPt:IUOR C'OURT JUDGE HAaay T Stiaf..r nott•1l thul Mr~ Jut:tt\.'r d 1um<'d thl\t her husband -.·us huving t•xtrnm .. rit1t1' rt>lallon.'i w11 h 11nutht'r woman "StJll you lhou.:hl 1h11I you -.ould J<O buc k 1o1o 1th v11u1 hu,l11Jtlcl · tt\\' JUdgl' a:>k \'11 .. \'t!s, MT." Mrs J a~.:t•r ~loll , h >:httng bt1ck tc•1u ' We• h,icl ver y st>n ou:s c•onvt>r~auons dur111~ thl!t t tm\.' urul lht•rt· wu' ... 1 ~u,., a hint Wl' would ~o bJc•k ll•.:\'ltwr Teachers Vote on 2 Groups Newport-Mes a teache rs will go to the polls May 31 to decide whic h g r o up they w a nt t o r epresent the m in contracl n egotaallons , distract officials said today. The wannin g g r o u p will repreS(!nt teachers at least until the expiration of their next con. t ract, which is currently being negotiated. The present contract expires this summer . f'OK THAT R•:ASON, MKS. JAGGER said she did not pursue 1lw d1v11rt·1• 1>t>t11w11 ~ht.' f1ll'd 1n fo~ngland in 1978. !'\IW WJ'> l'Hllt-J lll llw Wl\Oe SS Stand in an effort to determine ~ l1t•tlwr tht• d1 vorl't> C"Usc should be tried in London or in Los '\11Kt•h•11 Mrs Ja~~er flied u new divorce pellUon here Feb. 5. J ug~t·r. lead 111nger for the Holling Stones, declined to appear ,11 f"rul.1 ., h,·urrng 'l'he Judge said he felt Mrs. Jagger should t1•'il1fy 1111ywuy. bt•c:uUM' she hOlds the burden of Pr:o<>f in seeking lo t 1 ~·11s f1·r Uw t•u-;c• to U,:, Aogeles .. \...; •t ' \It \:-, I'M CONCERNED, THE burden of proof il> on '1 1" J J~>ll·r t h1· 11111.:c ~aid th-1 ,1lt111n1·}, M1.1r vin M1lchelson. produced three passports 1s· ut·J 111 Mrs J.l~)(ur in England and her n ative Nicaragua S hi· ,,.:)t1f11·d th11I tht: pas sports showed she had spent 1977 and l•J7k 11 ~\,·1111~ tu ... ut•h points a~ Spain, France. Turkey, Greece and A.P••llr•plwlo THE MAY JI d at e was set Thursday a t a confere nce in· volving representatives of two riva l teache rs• groups, the school district a nd an official from the state Public Employ· ment Relations Board. accord· ing to Je an Harmon. assistant to the Newport.Mes a s uperinten· d ent. 110 ¥ears Later . T hese slt•am loc omOlJ\'C'S bulll in Costa Mesa an: r e plu:j s of lhost• whic h nwt a l Promontory. l'lah. on ~l u\' ~ 19fi9. a~ east m t·I \H·s l u n tlw Aml•ric a n fro ntie r Teachers will vote from 12.30 to 5 p .m. May 31 on their own time, Mrs. Harmon said. Polling pla<'es will IX' lot·atl'd al or near the four district high school~ < \·flohr<.ant~ I:\' l•n:u:kd thl· dn\ 1ng of thl· · g 1>ld1•n s ptkl· · Tht1rl-d:1_, • Under Califor nia law. the group winning the majority vote will n •pn•st>nt all tPal·he rs until tht.· new l'ontr;ll't l·xpires. Al thC1 t time whi <'h l'OUld be one to three ycars frc1m n"w, depend- ing on the c·ontr;irt the riv;il ~rnup rou l d ~<'ck e nou"h si~n;itun·s to call •1t1other l'lct• tion Newport Revamp Eyed Council District Boundary Chan{;fe Due? AT THE MA V '.ll 1•lect1nn, t eachers will o.tl~o lw able to vote tor no representation. They a re currently repr"scnt· • ed by the Newport· Mesa Educa· lion Association <NM EA >. an af· f1liate o f th e Ca l1forn1<1 Teachers' Associal1on , which has been their i-.poke!.man for the past three yl'ars Uowt>vcr. ~ignature!. o f al least 30 percent or the teachers thl' required minimum were obta ined by a rival group. t he Newport-Mesa Fede ration of T eache rs <N M FT), a ffiliated with the CalHomia Federation of Teachers. AFL·CIO MRS. HARMON said ground rules drawn up Thursday permit a maximum of one represen- tative from each i roup to visit any faculty loun~e in the district during lunch ho urs for informal . chats. Ma ss m eetin gs can b e sche dule d for lunc h or a fte r sch ool h o urs with d istract permission. but they can 't be held in cafeterias, she said Mrs . Harmon said teache rs are a lready receiving flyers fro m the r ival g r o ups a nd s everal fund -raising events have been scheduled. • By JOANNE RE\'NOl,US Ol ll'lo O•ily Piiot $1•11 'lcwport Beach Cit) Cciun<.:tl m(•mbers will ).!C't lh('tr first <:raC'k Monda y at redrawing their counc1lma nic district boun- rtarH's Councilmen are r('qu1rNJ by the city c ha rter to re• distract ev('ry four years The redrawing or boundaries that \\ 111 ~ct undt>r way Monday night wall go mt11 (•Hect m 1980 THE REVISIONS propo~C'd hv a council comm1llvt' 1nvol\·e primarily the d•~ln<.'l~ on th1· Slayer Gets Gas Chamber SAN DIEGO IAPJ Billy Lee Chadd. who confessed to four murders and vowed he would commit other s if he wasn't put to death, was sentenced Friday to die in a San Quentin gas c ha mber for the 1978 rape· murde r of a Mira Mesa woman C hadd. 24, s mile d a s th(' vcrdkt was read by the eight· w o man, four-m a n Superior Court jury which deliberated on· ly one hour and 45 m inulei.. J udge Earl Maas set June 6 for the mandator y sla te hearing at which time he can uphold the decision or rule that Chadd be sentenced lo hfe in state prison without possibility or parole <· 1t \' 's l'<t Sl s 11Jl· wht·rl' lhc ).!l'C'~ll C'St p;'Jpulat111n W<JWlh hai, taken place Co mm1ttl'l' members Paul llummC'I, ,Jackie lle<Jther a nd Don Strauss will g1vC' their coun· l'tl <.·oll<':J.(!Ul'~ tw11 optio ns to db cuss Accord1n,I! to th(' comm1t1N.'"' n •port th1• <•x1s tang district s r:ange in popul<1llon from 7,97'11n Evt•lyn llart's D1stnd Three lo J hig h of 10,448 1n llumnwl's d1i. t rtl'l SIX l 'N OF:R THE Pl./\NS pm· posed. lhe l:irgcst d1slncl would he OistnC'I Five. rf'JJr(•'>cnted hy Mavo r l"JUI Rv1·koff with a populat1on'of 10.206 l.:ndcr one option, thl• smallest dis trict ~ould remain District Three Wlt h a population of 8.96~ That is thl' plan thl' committee thinks is Uw best The scMnd opt1nn would make llummel'!. district the smallest with a P<>i.iulul1on of R.854 Som e o f lh<' ma1or altera- tions proposed in both plans in. dude thr addition of Baycrest, th<' res1denM'.al arl'a off lrvme /\venue no1'rh of Oover Drive, to District Threl' At present, the area 1s in Mrs llcathc r 's Dis· lnct fo'our A NOTH E R CHANGE c~n ll•mplated m both options would be the inclus ion of Big Canyon and Newport Center 1n Ryckofr's District f-'1ve inste ad o r Hum· mel ·s District Six Flooding Hits Texas Cola Fronl Triggers Storms in Southeast T~•perat.ure• AllMl"Y AmarltlO At><hOr- Atla"la All•hllC CllY 8.llllmore 6lrm1,,.,Nm 81sm•fC- 8olM 8o•lon 8rDWhiVloft ...... ,0 0-yenM Clll<ttOO C111<ln1>all Cl• ... ••ftd Colum~ Oenftr OH Moine, 811 S6 6\ ,. S• 0 IS 6t ... \1 .. ., u 10 S6 l7 61 3& .. SS .. ,. ... '3 U JI 10 SI I) M .. u .. '3 s• n S4 41 11 67 '' J1 '•'' ... ,.. -= She•ert S1ettefll•'' Occlt•4•4 mmm ---==• ~. \ H ~ I.~ ' °""°II °""''" H•rtto<CI IS ~...._ ____________________________ _. __ .._._ ........ .., " ...... .._.ut11 "°"'"'°" Lft\/99" M 43 ts 10 '' 10 ll SI Ne•Orl- He• YCM"I< NorlOlk '° ,, lt 6' ,. .. SJ 31 T ,.mpeoratur,a\ .,rouf\d tt\t nation at & om POT r11nqrct frotn 11 in W.u f OdO. Mon tn~, 1n M( Al\tl"I. ,. f'C&\ J odav·\ forec•\t t ~lh for \CittltH fd 1"un<l~rShOwf'f\ nv .. r mo\t ot lhit ~ lion •~Ht ot thf-Ml\'•''•OO•. with •' ff"# ••nQ ~rtnq O Vf'>( '\OUt"flf'n t OU"•ttfht anO t"fl 1~141~ CO•\I Sun\P\lf'tf' ts flWJ>"'<tf!<t OYfr Ffor1dt' AM lh~ '1'\I OI IM MllO<I Ht"tr "t~ ,.,., Ii; "flfltnMn Wf'9fP\tr '"\.OM~ lc~y c111,., Around·~ Mlion •"O '" C"""°" E•\lfrn US Atf.tnttt 19 NfUy c•o1101. ao.tc>•• ~partly ''"""• 811t M io IJ partly <IOUOy, L•n OOll So> lair ChArlt\I""· s c . ,. t lOUOY. ''""" n.tt1 U Nrlly ctouoy Ctoe1•no I• MIY. Oelroll" nMw, lnG•dMOOli• /4 ,..,Y KnoxvHlt ., ''"" M1am1 II ta or, H•\hvlll• 90 j)jOttly CIOUOy "~'" Vo•k /4 wt11dy, ""•l-IOl\>d 84 ""''· P tll•burvn IS partly t loudy R l c11mo1>d 10 Pully CIO\ldy. Wa~hlnQlon 9? perHv cto~. S11M, noo•~ ·1·1de• TOOA'f First low J .. am .0 4 One tJf thl· diffrr<'nces 111 tht• options rl•sts on tht• line bet Wl't'n D1s lrit·t Sax and 0 1str1ct S4•vl•11 , reprcsentc•d by Ray W11l1ams The pl:.in recommended hy th<' cnmm1ltC'(' would limit D1s tnct Se ven to Sp~ gla ~'>. l:larlio r ll1d~c . Jasmine· ('r('ck, Ha rlior Vie w llomc:. •rnd I la rb<ir V1t•\1. fhlb AT PRESENT. IJ1strict S.•v<•n omits part of ll <Jrhor Vic~ Homes and takl·s in tht• Corona d e l Mar ne1 g hho rhood ~ of Carnl'O Shore's and Jl1ghland~. Co r n n;) ll 1g hl anct s a nd Shorechrfs Under th<' a •cummcndcrl plan I hos e• nt•1ghbnrho<>cls ~ ould gtJ into Distract Six which would lake in thl· rest of old Cor ona d1•I Mar and I rv1nt• Tl•rracl' Anotht•r maJor c hange \Ug gested by the committee would be to take F.as tbluff out of Das· tnct Fi ve and put 1t into Distract F our J the West Jnilies. She said she had not spent 12 consecutive months in England -lhe period required for a divorce there. WHEN SHE DOES STAY IN Eneland, Mrs. Jagger said she occupies a house owned by her husband in the Chelsea section. But she said J yger bas threate ned to evict her from the home. which she described as being "in a very poor condition of dlsrepair." The Jaggers, who m arried at St . Tropez, France, in 1971 a nd separated in 1978, have a daughte r, Jade, 7, who is attending school in England. Jagger wants the case tried in England. California's liberal community property laws would probably work in Mrs. Jagger 's favor. She seeks half o f a n esUmated $25 million she says Jagger earned during their years together. His lawyer s say his net worth is about S4 million. Transit Director Ousted La Habra City Councilwoman Robm Young was d umped from the Orange County Transit Dis- trict board of directors by the 26 c1t 1es s he represents on the OCTD board Ms Young, a transit district director four years. won only sax votes 1n her re-e lection bid bcforl' a comm1lle<> of mayo rs from the county 's cities REPLACING HER IS Don flolt , a P la<.·ent1a c ity coun- cilman. who attracted 17 city votes Westm1n~ll'r Mayor J oy Neugebauer drl'w three \'OtC.'!> I rvtnl' Mayor Bill Vardoulis \\On a rour-yt•ar term un tht OrC:tn).!c County Trans porta tion Comm1s!'1on during Thursday., Orange• Cnunty L•·a guc of C1t1e~ mt·ct1ng II<• drc>w 18 <.'tt y votes. beating Huth Ba1ll'). " flunl1ngton Rf a th councilwom an, Gorden Bri cken. a ~iJnt<i Ana coun 1·tlm a n. and J esec Davi~. a Bu1.·na Park council member \' i\RDOl'l.IS WILL ri.'plac·1· Oav1d Brandt on tht.• count) eomm1ss1o n. which r('Vtt'W'> loca l transit and road·bullding projects . Brandt. a former Sant11 Ana c·oun calm.in. was defeated in the las t e lN•tion Founta in \'allc·y Cat} Coun <'ll m an Al ll<illtndC'n se rves as lh<' c1l1e~ · other repres entative o n l)c)th the OCTD board and tr;1nsrX1rtatro11 C'omm1ss1on . His ll•rm dOl'i; OOl expire for two ) ear' T ilt: Mi\YORS ' committee a lso elected Seal Beach Mayor Frank La szlo tn ., four year t erm on thC' c·o untv Harbors. Re:1ch<'s :mu Parks Comm1ss1on. defe:lltng Newport Beach City CounctlmC:tn Paul Hummel in a 20 6 vote. Las zlo n:placc~ former S an Cleme nte Counc1rman Tom O 'Kecre who res 1sned. • Slngn-Di~• Le s ter Fl a t t. a s 1ngcr - g uila n sl who team ed with Earl Scruggs to s pearhead the rise of bluegrass mus ic, d ied Frid:.iy at a Nas hville hospital I le was 64 Gas Shortage Won't Affect Quality o.f Air EL MONTE !AP > T hf' shortage of gC:ts and r esulting re duction m dnvmg will not h iH'f' much affect on air qualtt.) 111 th" South Coast Air Rasin today 1\1r qual1l} wall be unh•·alrhful ror t'Vt'r)'O/IC' lfl Lhe S.in r'nna11 do. Sanl<t Clant;i , San (;abnel and Pomona V;1llcy:., and m tht• Riverside and San Bernardino a r e as. according t o the Air ·Quality Ma nauem ent Daslraett. Th1' me<1sunnr. point for un· he· a lthful ;,air for f.'Vl'ryono• ht·g 1ns :ll lhl' 200 m;i;k or th1· - pollution s tc.antJonl rndn In th•· S::rn Fernando. Santa Clarita , S an Gab r 11• I an cl fJ" mo n C:t \'a llf.'ys tht• mdt>.'< will bt• 21() to da ) It wall h<• c>\Cn hi,ghl'r, at 2 2 S , 1 n R 1 v c r s 1 d t• S a n Bernardino The air will he unhealthful for sensitive' people m the coastal area with a PSI or 138. m the s outheast R1vers1de County and low desert areus whe re the in· d('x will be 125, and 1n the me tropolitan urea where 1t w1 II r!S(' tO 188. The a ir quality will be good. ••1th a reading <if 42 at Dag Hear Lake and in the high des ert. and 75 in inland Ora nge Coonty. Litt .. ltoO LOSA~ L°"ltvlllo Mempfllt ,_,...,. ,_ ......... ,..tllvll .. 70 ff U SI ., ., t3 70 " 71 67 S7 o... .... OrtellOO Plllledtl ... le """"I• PUISl>llr911 R•Clld Cltv Rtl>O " 70 ., 61 '7 SJ 11 60 )I ,. 14 ,, N•••SOI• River H SI ()f W•co. h•ll\ NHrly S lnclle\ OI r••" tell o" L•ke Merl• In fu•s, pU\/>1"9 wat•r 1 IH I owr 11•• '9111w•y Tiie f'f••Y """' •n upec:tl!d 10 torl"O lllP N•••M>ta t"lo flood •I-on S.lurCMy Tll11ndl<\tonn\ dtvel-d "tAr Ow cold front In MlclllO<I". producl"o IO·m Ph wll>ds lllat knocked Oown tr•u •"d power llntt ~outh ot 11,.iem.,oo. Een ot IC•••meroo, 1n 8urllr.t10f'. wll>d Qll\I\ ot 'IO mQ!I Wtrt r-1ecl F lf\I high s.cono tow \t< or>d hlQll 10 0041 m •I J I/pm I) ~ :I011m SI SUNDAY Flr\I tow 4 14 p 'JI· -0 I l'lr\I ltlQh 10 ''•in. 4 0 Exercise your gray matter every day. Read the informativ~, " " D.-, .... °"''"" 1 ......... . MhllO•~ ~toQ.r; II y0u 0(} M l •av'! \'Ou• 0.'0t'f b't !> 30 0 M tali """"" I om .,..,'llOU'COl'.!Y"""""dnl"'"'"" ""11\lrd~ llf'd s.,M.w II 'IOu 00 "°' •..c:• ,.,;i ytitJI (t)(/11 1>1 0 ~ ... "" .,.., .... II am -\'OU' lVC>y "'"DO OflhVl!fOCI ....------- "''"moooct SC. L0..11 S.lt L•-• s.noi... S...~roc!Ko SHtllo 5"1teM TulM Wotlll .... as " )I u 6S 40 " st. IS S3 •S " .. )6 .. ,, .. 11 11.s.S-••rw " <• ,,.,,. --lllfll fl'Of'll ... Ontlf"Uillllt f'Olllll .. .......,. TUH ..-..Ced ......,....,.,, ............,. ..... ..,.. ..., ..... _...., Oii ,.,,. -.., • ..-~-floedlft9 1n , ..... Mv<ll .. oin-""'°"' Te .. , •H f'le<M ., .... , e llHll II ... -.tttl-. ... llteotYre!M~I~. ........ -,.,.,.., ..... '"' Huvy -cauMd by ,,,. '"""' Cltrstorm\ etso c•uHd d•m•o• Thursd•Y n10111 111 wut-centr•t Wltcontin. In actclltlon. •uthorllln re· llOfleCI tMt • tornedO .,.._ oll Ille r1* 9' e ._lo\ T-, WI\ No ln- lwl ....... ~ed. -<Nlwtllle,. , .... ,pr.,,. .... , .... <Ofltlnvod o ... r llM n<1tlllUtlet1• ~ .. , ot ni. Nllon RHCICfltt In llM M co-..J MMI Yn •ncl _. ... rn Now lftlleoiCI #Ill INKll ol lllt -· ~ ... I. .... Ory .,.. coel eir <o•t•tl "" ••U•rn llelf °' tM n•tlon hm· '9'•1Vt'ot '"""'"" In Ille .. lfl • ltw jlletft If> l'Otti.rn Mlf\Mto4e •nd NOt19I OM! ... llUt -.t •AH In IM Ploln, lleCI Nfnpefelurfl lft '"' jOs, secorld IOW J )1 pm. I • Second hlQI> 10 oo p m ) • ""!!'to'!!!?!.~ I Suri. A.-.r ... llelQhl I" lftl. Mu lmum 1>e1oht 111 tut . Per iod ln j MC~. A ... -· ... , lumo I J U S.nl• ~In I t 10 New'*1. Huntl""Oll I 1 101 Sen OlffO COuflly 1 ,. It s-11 Aw, ... ,,.1911' 1n '""· M••· lr!111m MftM In ... I. 01-tloft, A ... -· Dlt lllfl'te I J $W !>eftle llMMU I 1 SW N-'911. """''""°" I t SW entertaining DAILY PILOT 642-4321 ... ,.,I Ol•to c o11111y I , w • OVllOOll lllt Sufldloy t.lttt.CllON\9t. · ..._ _ _...;..• --------------,__---------------------------' ----·-. -.. _.., NATION L azgDa%e "'~ ·\ lnnl' lioness draped over the roof of a lion s helter d ozes in tht' sun at Six F lags Great Adventure Park in J ackson Townsh ip. N.J . Other mem bers of the pride find it easier 10 1..,·cµ t heir cool in the shade below . - Early Retirement B enefits Proposed WASlaNG'T'E>N <AP I -With Life expect ancy rising, the minimum <if.!t' at which workers can receive early retirement benefi ts from Socia l St!c·uraty should increase, says Health, Education and Welfare l'ndersccrctary Ha le Champion. tic also qut!stioned whether a pension should be a reward received :1utomatacally whether a person c·ontanues to work or not. He not· cd that the federal government paid $19 billion to persons under 65 last year in Social Security l1 e n e f i ts a n <i m i I 1 t a r y a n d •'I\ ala :.111 Vt n ... 11111 ... "I N Tiffi FUTURE, we ought to think about moving that early retirement age <now 62) back in the right direction, that is, up," Champion said lie told the annu al meeting of l ht• Assoc1a t1on o f Private A,WI,.,... ACT TARGETED Martlyn Chambert Vegas Mayor Seeks Cover On Play Pension and Welfare Plans that over "a reasonable time. you could shift that figure back '' wi thout denyin~ early retire· ment benefits to persons who are counting on them in the near future. Average life expecta ncy is nearly 10 years longer than in 1940. when Social Security began paying benefits and the average person Lived lo 63.5 years. IN 1Mt, NEARLY half the men over 6S worked. but now on· ly one in five men and one in 12 women work beyond 65, Cham· pion said. As the post· World War II baby boom becomes a "senior boom" after the tum of the next cen· tury. "we will soon need more workers to fill necessar y jobs," Champion said. In a related development, an advisory panel warned Friday that persons born one month a part who paid the sa me Social Security taxes could receive re· tirement benefits varying by SlOO a month or more because of a quir k caused by a recent cha nge in the siystem. T H E p a.o B L E M w As highlighted in a report sent to President Carter and Congress by the recently formed National Commission on Social Security. Robert J . Myer s , a com- mission membe r and former chief actuary for Social Securi· ty, said the problem is an unin· tended result of Congress' de- c i s ion in 1977 to compute benefits based on wages indexed to keep up with inflation, rather than indexing all the benefits. It voted to phase in the switch to wage indexing by giving those workers who turned 62 from 1979 to 1983 the option of having their bene fits compute d by the highest method. LAS VEGAS <AP ) -Mayor BUT TIDS STILL leaves a Bill Briare says he wanted lo "notch or significant dlfference" r ewrite the law in a way that between the benefits payable t.o m ay force actress Marilyn retirees in the next few yean Cha mbers lo stage a cover-up. who bad identical work bist.ories B~iare says he'll propo5e an but were born a month apart, ord~nance requiring that the Myers said. pubic area be covered d~ performances in any establish· For e xample,. someone who ment with a city liquor or gam· paid the maxamum Socia l Ing lice nse . He claimed the Security tax tbrou1bout bis c hange was not directed at Ila. career would get S'lll a month lf Cha mben' nude performance ln be retired in January 1m after "Sex Surrogate " a play at the turnln& e5 in December 1111. But Jolly Trolly cas0ino on the city's if that penoo's blrtbday were ln lamed Strip. January 1182, the Social Seeuri· But, he added, "a convention ty checks would be only •n a city like. Laa Vegas just does not month. nef'd this sort or image." Myers suggested Con1ress The city already has an or-could narrow tbe diaparatles dina nce prohlbiUnc total nudity eitber by booltln1 the lower during performances, but people beneftta or reducing the bllher say Its wording donn 't make it ones. clear whether 1ta1• plays are in· 8001tln1 the low benefits eluded. Briare wanta to apedfy would cost '7.1 billion between that. 19 and um wbDe lowertnc tbe Briare notes that "Sex Sur· hilh benefttl would save sn~t rogate" la the only abow in tbe blWoa. TUinl a middle course cit7 featurin1 total nudity -would reduce benefits by S2 allhouP aome clubs in nearby b6Woa t.o II bUUoa, accontiac to !t~. Lu Ve1a1 feature •lmilar ! ll1en, wbo aald be favoNCI ....,... some reductioD. Nation's Growth Slowing WASIONGTON (AP> The nation's population growth or ... 9 mlWon, or 7.3 percent, ln lhl1 decade through mid·l.978 is down from lbe 23.9 million, or 13.3 percent increase, or the lteOI, ~Census Bureau says. The U .S. po pulation was estimated t.o be 211,ose.ooo on July 1, 1971. The bi&best rates of popula· lion increase durinc the 1970s oc· curred in F1orida, as well u the sparcely populated states of Alaska, Nevada, Arizona and Wyoming. THE GOVEaN•ENT report shows most of the growth during the 19705 was in the West, which gre w 15. l per cent, a nd tbe South, which grew by 12.4 per- cent. Wyoming's growth can be at· tributed lo the development or energy resources s uch as coal and uranium, as well as oil ex· ploralioo. Alaska's growth has subsided recently with the com· pletion of the oil pipeline con· struction. In F l or ida, Nevada a nd Arizona, growth is a ttributed to resort and retirement develop- ment. THE PACIFIC states of Ca l i fornia . Oregon a n d Washington have had above· aver age growth during the 1970s, but didn'.t grow as fast as they did during the 1960s . California 's popula tion was estimated at 22,294,000 and an eight-year growth of 11.6 per- cent. Washington state, which grew slowly during the fi rst half of the decade aft.er layoffs in the de· fense and aircraft industries. bas picked up population the last few years. Three states that grew during the 1980s -Rhode Island, New York and Pennsylvania -and the District of Columbia all lost population in the 1970s. MEANWHILE, TB&EE states los ing population during the 1960s -West Virginia, North Dakota and South Dakota -a re growing. During the la s t yea r . Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey all lost population, while Maryland and Delaware stayed about the same . Sta.tea that have grown twice as fast during the 1970s as they did in the 1960s are : Idaho, Ma ine. Mississippi, Montana and New Mexico. Auction To Benefit GacyFighl CHICAGO <AP) -Attorneys fo r John Gacy Jr. say they will auction his Oldsmobile, truck and van lo raise money for his defense on murde r cha rges stemming from the deaths of 33 young men. The car, which authorities say Gacy may have used to carry at least ooe body lo be dumped in a river. already bas attracted bids of up lo $50.000 from souvenir hunters, s ays attorney Robert Motta. He would not give a specific date for the sale. The remains of 29 bodies have been unearthed from beneath Gacy's home or elsewhere on his property. Four bodies were re· covered from the Des Plaines and Illinois rivers. Bandit Flees When Woman Screams RENO, Ne v. CAP) -Reno police r eport this dial~ue between a robber and woman the bandit confronted outside a motel: Robbe r : "I want your money." Woman: "I don't have any." Ro.bber, with band in jacket : "I have• IUD· Let's go." Woman: "No." Robber: "Let's go.·• Woman: "No." Robber: "Then I'm goiq to kill you." Woman: "Then I 'm goiq to scream." Sbe did, and he ran. Ventriloquist Set For San Juan Show Ventrlloqulat Susan Gift PJ>rter plam to present her one· woman abow at the Tuesday · OOOD meetlq or the San Juan Capl1tnno Women's Club. fbe Women's ClubboU¥ is located at 11442 El Homo SU For resenatioDtcaU-...a .. • • Slllurday, May 12. 1979 DAIL y PILOT AS fELITTON Mier~ Cooking LAST CHANCE FOR THESE MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS Buy a Litton microwa•e built-in with a lot more built in S0tuJo$••t-m.t:rlJWJV{o o<fflft "'"''n 1 J cu " •ntenor M111rnoyma!tc'~ rn.cro.,arY'f' P'''Qf'I"' cou'itno Proor-1m~ mfllah "'' O'\P IOVC.h ot • hnofW V•t• Coo~• <1a1•1D'e 00-!tt u vt>n conl(ot •or ft'""" at'CJ C001vno ~ v_,, fn"'O" -.Aomat.c r~atut"' C°O"ltmt ..,_, ~ tor-,..act fOtld ·~·"··'· E •ftA •1011 se1f c1.-11n•""O ''"'" vf'f'llW)tt•I Ollflif -tl}il ) ") 1't AC• 11~ b "Jt'i" 1•-t'Vw tJ4 ',,. •o11 On,. o•oc.• '"'· "'"' , •• ,,..., L JC1•ton NEW RCA SPECIAL SAVINGS RCA XL-100 WITH CHAMMILOCK REMOTE COMnOL .ct.... n llfk color c.trof It" ••1an_. RCA Xl-100 ROOMMATE w I .to color c.trol F0440M NOW ONLY s3499s 2 5 .. dlCICJOMI CCIX!<' NH -cama SAVE NOW :~~~ PLUS s I 00 NOW s9999s FlllTAPI ONLY ". Ologot>CJI COtOt IV I ~N9610IC MOO( PN S1'f\ ING Ql'"V.,.,. ~ .,.,, °"'re•Ml'1 (Af",,. 4"~"l """()nd ComootAfl(Jtl Denld or..-1 ~'1o(J --"(.J(l')t (.(tl'•, 25''dl~ COLO R TV C ONSO LE wit>t random occns remoff. control & fidtt !.fttsor • Bech k T~ • I ooo!o SoQd State Chatds PLUS SAVE sso TRAI M LO AD P.i--=-a:anliiaii~ SPEC IAL 19 " DIAGONAL C OLOR TV ~2~s3499 5 PORTACOLOR BE SMA RT ON MOTHER 'S DAY UP TO s50 O FF P'--Wc "'f· 79 I 0 .. The Genius" '"" .,m,1r1o•1 111.or • 111 ''' l fl'J''' ' • ,, ''"'' 11111 If I '"". I"' l "'""I' lt<]Uli' .. 1111 ll •t , , " r---ic HU llO "Multi-Matic II" ~-~~---------~-----~-, ! SPECIAL BONUS I I ----=------ .... 10, '"' 'f•c• .. ,.-c ......... 1.1-tt.,... ................ - • • AC Comment Post 13: SoDle Poor Deserve More? , /ft on tlfort lo rf'di.<'f' IM dalr tNd~I GQw mor HroWft lto.s bc>f'ft CJUf'mpl•"U to rna1u ft11ft1f1con1 clwlrtQf'I m llw ''°'" s M1illh 4*' u~ltor,, 1111t1'1n ,,,. 11 u lc'"'1 o bo.fu· '"form '" tM Mt'Ch .!'41 "''''"' ond ot 1.-G.IC o lt'mporary eond 10 ol.llmnahr roal of htlS"{I ltlCff'OMI /Of llJfllfOf'f' TK lptl'"'S lfl IM f~Jnwrn{I ll'r'll <'if'. bo..n<' ~• '"11ol1>t'd 111 llw' Hrm1'" Ad m1nuho 11on ""'IJCUIOJ..~ url' t .ram•ntd In poll j(lt>r po ll , ... , .... l'ropoi.1t1on 1.1 Ca ltfonu11 voh·r h~t \'1• 1dt•nltflt'tl wcUur" ar. lht•ir rt n;t 1•h1111·t• for l'ul:-. in j!ovc·m m ... nt 'iJ>t>nd Ing Yt•l wt'lfiirl' l''J>t•nd11 un·i1 ha\t' riwn :.IJWIH ly SlnC't' tht• Jan I:> f::in11 IOlllltll\IC \01Cli> op proved. and tht• l11•g1:.luturt· 1s now l'C.m:>ltil'r1n.: wht"ther to grunt 1m 1ncrcdw of r, J)\011·t'nt or 1~ 1 percent to rl'l'lptl'nl~ fur llw Hl1~ l4U ft:.,· al .. rur Last yeur';) '' Jh: luu luut 11( lt1l·ol ~ovt•rn ment provided $1 I h1llwn fut lht• .. tutt: tu .1, s ume lht: ltun ~ !'lhur1· of county health ,1nll welfare pro~ram:. Tht:' l,t·~1:.l11tu1 c al!'l1) pru vided for a :.mall l'll!>I 11( living lnCrl'lii>\' for welfare rec1p1ent:., hut th.it v.:1!> Vt"tued by Go\' Je rry Rrown wht>n he .tbo \'cl~d ti 1>rupo~ pay hike for !lt3te workc:r BROWN'S $4.4 BILLION bailout plan for next year 41ga1n includes funds ror s tate huyout of county health t1nd we lfare program~ The Governor hus inl'luded fun<ls for a 6 percent tn· cr ease in we lfare i,:rnnls CVl'n though the law calls for a much h1ghn c.·o~t-or living adJu~l · menl I 15.7 percent> Le g islative libe r als , led b y Assembly Speaker Leo T McCarthy , arc ri ghting for the full incre use Hcpubhcan leader Paul Priolo says the GOP probably would go for the higher figure to help the a ged , blind and disabled but not those unde r t he a id to·fa mihes·wilh· dependent.children I AFDC l progra m . Jn California there a rc two ma1or welfare programs . AFDC provide s case gr ants to needy parents and children. The Supplemental Securi t y Income/State Supple m e nta l Pay m e nt (SSl /SSP> program provides cash grants to ag~d . blind .ind dis abled persons Unde r the SSJ /SSP progr am , the fedn al government p<iys $190 a month for a single a ged person and S284 a m onth for a n aged couple t-:ach state has t he option of supple menting that federal g ra nt hy whate ve r amount it d c<•m 5 proper In California . the SSI supplement •~ SI 17 ro r an 1n <hvidua l and S290 for a l'Ouplt· IN ORDER TO RF. t'llJ:tlil<.• for th<.' SSJ SSP program in Califo rnrn. a l)i'r'ion m ust h<tve a monthly mcom<: bt•low $307. ltm1t<.·d asS t>ls t1 nd not more than SI.500 1n the h<Jnk Thi· \alut· <if a <'a r a nd ii hnu't' art' c~1·ludcd from a~~l'l'> an 111.· tl'rmmmg ehg1bil1t) Ho"' do Californi a~ ~rant!-l'Omp;1re w11h those in othe r stutes'' 1-:v('n without any 'italc cost-of-livin~ increa se this yt•ar, Calt fornrn ·., payment level ls the second h1 r,h1·<;t m the coun t ry for an af;!cd 1nrli\'idual and the h1~hest fnr an ----. j uged couple . Some l'xamples · Individual Ma~sachusetts. $315, California . $307 . New York. $250. Pt'nnsylvama and Michigan. $2.21 l'ouple California. $547. Massachusetts, $480 . New York. $360, Pennsylvania. $332. Some stales Florida. Te nnessee, Ohio. Georgia, Texas and Miss1ss1ppi do not provide t1ny ~uppleml•nta l fund5 According to ft-dcral stat1st1ci.. lhcre arc about 4 3 m11l1on SSI rcc1p1cnts in the country California , with one -tenth of the tot al popula · tion. ha s a bout one-s ixth of the recipients The state Dep<Jrtment of Soc•1al Services reports that California spends morl' money ~upplementing the fl>dera l chccb of its 700.000 agl'll . blind and th sabh'd rec1p1c nts than all the rest of the other .;tales spenct nn their 3.6 m illion C'la 1rnants And thl're·:-:mother bonus in C:.ilifornia Anyone llUaltfying for <in SSI SSJl t hc<'k rcgardlcsi. of thc amount •~ JUtom<Jtwallv l'nlitlt~d to fr ee hl';ilth l'arc undt.•r th,. Med1·Cai° progrnm THE l'i\LI FORN IA SYSTE M act ually guarantees lht• agt·d. blind a nd disabled undcr SSl/SSP a h1~her income than the average mon· thly bener1l under th<' fe dera l Social Security pro~ram Slate: n •eords show that 66 percent of lht· rt·l·1p1l!nb rC'ce1 ve income from Socia l ~erunty and pnvatl! pension pla ns, and they .ir\' thu'> d1~1hle unly for the differ e nce ht"tv. c1..·n tht•1 r 11ub1de income and their total ..-ran t t•nt1tlemC'nl The typ1c<1l 3mount of other 1nc·omc• 1s $18'1 :.i mont h A central p<.1rl of tlic current controversy 1s t he comvct1t11111 between the "de serving'" a nd "non·deservi ng" poor To some lawmakers, those on AFDC are eonsidered non·deserving , and the aged, blind and disabled a re adjudged deser ving Grant levels already re n ect this \'leW Govl'rnor Brown's budget shows cash pay. mt>nts this .>car of SI 6 bilhon in stale and federal funds for the 700,000 aged, blind, and disabled n·c ip1 ents and $1.9 billion for 1.4 million Af<'UC beneficiaries. The budget does not show that 15 percent of the AFDC recipients have JObs producing $200 million of income, and I ha t 66 pen·cnt of thos e on SSl/SSP have outside income of $1 1 billion. When these factors are in eluded. the bottom line looks like lhis Disposable income of 700,000 aged . blind and ct1sa llled r et•ipicnts totals $2 7 bi llion Ca'ih <.1vailablc to 1.4 m11l1on AfVC rcc1 flll·nts (500.000 families J is $2.1 b11l1on THE Olf'f'F.R ENCE BETWEEN providing 1h~· 15 7 percent increase ins tead of the 6 pe r· cent sought by Brown would be an additional S2~5 m 11l1on A 1-'0C famihcs would get $10 m 1 Ilion. the other S225 million would go to the t:1ged . bhnd and dis abled. Marion Woodi.. directo r of the Departme nt 11f Social Services. says that d1~pant1 l's between tht· two l'at<·gor1cs uf bcneh c1ary refle cts the: A mcril'an ethic· of the d ese rving vers us the un d<.'serving poor Rut there 1i. a poht1cal con .;1<fpration as we ll The aged form a potent vot 1 n~ bloc. we lfare mothers do not Do Ca lifornia 's g enerous grant levels and hl·:ilth benefits attract poor people from other st ates with lower welfare payments? U so, is the state concerned about it" Woods says he would rather see officia ls or othe r states ralse their grant s than have California reduce benefits. But he does admit that has department 1s receiving an inc reasing number or letters from aged individuals inquiring whether they would qualify for Ca lifornia's SSl/SSP pay- m ents if they move her e · The c ur re nt controversy over welfare gr ants m ay produce some airing of bas ic ques. t1ons, such as: -IS IT FAIR TO GIV E those on welfare a 15 7 pe r cent inc r ease while r etire d state workers and \~achers can get cost-of.Jiving boosts of only 2 pe rcent a year under state law'> Shou ld lhl' automatic·1ncrease law be l'hang<'d m the· h~hl of f'ropos1t1on 13. es pecially s ince 1t appan.•ntl)' tan be waived whenever the gove rnor and Legislature desire to do so'> What would happen 1f Governor Brown btu ··pencilefi a ppropnat ions de signed to fulf11l obh gat1ons uo· der the c urre nt la w ? Would the court sustain his veto·· In t1 Prt>1>vs1llon l :J worh1, •~ then · tiny pl3C l' for formula~ th~t m :rndat1· 1ncreas1ng i:!O \t!rnme nl <.'O!-t'> ~1thout reg,ud tcJ government rc\'cnue" Maureen ."> ,..rtzgerald 1s IM pr<J1ect d1reclor /tJr Tor Revolt L>age.~t . c nl!wsletter._ publtsherl by thr California Journal, from w hich tfm article is e:r t racted Activists Win a Round Fair Housing "'Testers ' Ruled Acceptable By THOMAS 0 . ELIAS f"1\'e ye ars ago. a gr oup of ac 11v 1sts in the Los Angeles suburh or Torra nce s p e nt s everal months trying to prove that real esta te brokers were deliberately "st eering" homebuye r pro· spects to segrci.:atcd black and white areas They gathered several hun d red pages of evidence. most in the form of swo rn slalemenb rrom "testers" who posed as hona fide custome rs and said they wer e guided away from :1rr;1~ n11l aln•;.11ly populalN1 hy 1 llcir o wn l'lhntl' J:rllUfl T llJ\T •~VIJ)f:Nct: was s w1rt ly lhrown out or t'11urt hy a j ud.:1· whn m:11nta1n1•11 lht> r 1t12t'ns' l-!rt1up had no .!>l anding to SU(.' lll'C'il\ISI' fl(lflt' or llS COn\platnts 1·;1nw from al'luol prospects rr lht· ~<imt' ~roup made th(• '-Um1· t'ffort 11n<I c1t m<' up with SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS the same findinJts today . the out· rnmt• would be quite different Th al · s thl' m(•<rn 1 ng of a rnonlh·old U S Supre me Court rul m~ wh1r h hns received little publtC'tt), but 1s gt'ltmi.: rlmw s tully from fair h11u:.1ng groups aruund Ca hforn1.i ~ho hun • IOnf:! w anlt-d to <•nd lht· prnl'l1<·c of :.h'l'rtll.: T ht• l'uurt':. 7'! 1h·r1s1un m a 1',IM' fro m llhn111:. i.:a v1• lc~al :.landmJ.: 111 1t•st1·r~ who sued bl'l':IUSt' lht•y Wt'I t' dl'Olt'd thl' rii.:ht to ltv1• HI un inteJ!rilted 1•1ty But many cases ubm1tled t<• t he feder al authorities neve r AOt a c tio n. 1f o nly bt•cause t he Ju s tice Oc p.irtme nt 's c ivil rights office is perpetually un- de rstaffed. And when lawsuits we r e deemed politically con· trovers1al, they we re sometimes quashed by ofrtc.•1als as high as the attorney ~enernl The new dec1s1on changes all that. Fair housing g roups can s till pursm· traditional patterns of pnl('lll'C investigations, hut thl'y can f!11 to l'l>Urt on their own 1( the i::ovcrnml•nl won 't "THIS WIU. open a new avenue for us ," said Bla n<'he Rosloff. C)(('CUllVC d1n.•t•tor or the Wests ide Fair tlous1nJ? Council, u city functctl al-!c n1·y 1n Los /\ngdt•s "It g1Vt'S standing lo t'la1m s Wt' could never pursue hefore This will mean that we rc31ly don't huvt' to wait for an :1ctual custonwr t1> t'<>me to us and complain lx'fore we al'l .. Parton Makes Sweet Sums TtU: f.'AIR h1111:.1n~ l'11unl·1b hopt• lht· d1'l'IM1111 will opton a nt•w for m of 1t1 vt·~t 1~ntion lo tht•m lip tmtil now, thC'y '\'c used testNs rcgulurly und C'fkcllvl'ly to c.•ht•c.·k on d1:.t•nmmutaun com pla ints involving 1•1tht•r ;1p11rt rnl'nt rt>nla ls or pur('h11st•s or s inf.'(I<' homt•s And that could produce sub· st<inl1al change an the re.ii estate 1nch1s t ry, wh(.'rl' h•>us mg pal· tt>rns bt.•gin, By HERBCAEN SAN FRANCISCO All right, troops, turn your e lectronic calculator-$ to ON . Now give yo u r un - divided atten· lion to Com · mand e r Robert L White h ead · ''Doll y Parton we nt to the doctor t o I o s e weight. He took he r m easure· ment.s. Her bust was 69 inches Push 69. Her waist was 22 inches Push 22. He asked her how much weight she wa nted to lose. Sbe ana~red '251' push 251 ift eigbt days. Push x 8. Right. Times 8. Alter elghl days, what did abe look Uke? Push = . Now turn the calculator upside down." (Caveat; this works on moat caJ~aton, but not all 1. FV&THE&MOaE or less: Oeor1e S. Baker or Pleasant Hill baa a quesUoa that abould win• tew barroom bets: ask someone, UJODe, to name San Fran· eltco'a most northerly point. (lt'j ·11.ec1 ~k. 'way up there ....... Uae Ricbmood·San Raf.el Bridle. We 1bare it with Marin ..... Ccm&ra Cdlta, and PQ up). GRAFFITO ~p o t tC'd hy McClure Chambless in s ·c ruz "ld 1 Amin 1s an est g raduate" l how c.·omc Werner never me n lions THAT'> l. BIG NIGHT for pohUcos in Nord Beach las t wk . .Jerry Brown, sans Lindu hut plus or min u s Carlton Goodlett. al Lorenzo's North Beach Cafe. And al the Old S paghetti Fae. t or y · Bouncing Bella Abzu~. plus 30 other wome n and, in· cidentatly, her husband, Martin "I 'm on a diet." announced Bella, ordering only a s alad and the n eating everybody else·~ pasta. BROWN BAG: Howard Capps of Napa is nervous . "I keep hav- ing this dream where J erry Is elected President,·' he confides. "and immediately e mbarks on a campaign for God." C.K. McClatchy, normally even ·tempered editor of The Sacramento Bee, writes about his former chum: "Brown has about u much control or the Le1l1Jature as the Shah has in Iran. 'l1le unfortunate thing is that Brown 1UIJ bas an lmPor· tant Job." And this after accepting Brown'• hotpltallty ln OM of Sacramento's more expentlve J a panese. eaUna places! No wonder t.M media ia/a~ hated. --~--------- Thrt•c d o tul 1 ~m J o hn Travolta, ALMOST incognito hc hand a beard, wt:ckcnded a l tht• Mark llopkin~ with TV's Marilu "Taxi" llcnner . cmerg Ing only to take a limo to the Stonestown Th(•ater to catch "The Promise " and then le> stanct in line at Jus t Desserts eve n as all of us. TRUMAN CAPOTE. now thin and rich instead of rir h a nd fat. dashing through a sudden squall from the Mark to Alexis'. his huir-transplantcd he ad protect· ed by a US. Army Hangers' purple ber el. Although firmly on the wagon 1Tab and Perrier>. he is as goss ipy as eve r. his choicest nugget being that Widower Bill Paley, head of CBS, will marry Evangeline Bruce, widow of Ambassador David Bruce .. Truman's hair transplant is one- fourth completed and doing well, but I'd rather be bald. Not only can you comb your hair with a washra g, you're the first.. kid on the block to know when it has started to r ain, and you never EVER have to worry about get.• ting cancer fro m ao asbestos· lined hairdryer TOGETHER again! Jerry and Linda, at the Fairmont for F1the~1Pat Brown's 7•th birth· day party. Among lhe guests· Tom Lynch. Ma ll Tobriner , Ben Swi g . Bill Ma lone and a fe w o ther old bull mooscs of th e Democratic Party Pal named Be n financ e <'hairman of his '82 campaign for the U.S. Sen ate aJ(a\nst Hayakawa "He ll. l 'm in bet· te r shape than llE is" and the n confessed he has never heard Linda Ronstadt s ing. She didn't oblige. but back in L.A .. Pat got all her records .• "And you know what?" he said yesterday in his endearing gee· whiz style. "She is darn good!" ODD COUPLE al Fior d'ltalia on the wkend · Bob Lurie, owner o r the Giants, and Tommy l.3sagna Lasorda, m g r. or the S modgers, but I doubt they were talking business. H F.RE NOW : Muni Judge Gerald O'Gara 13sl wk. presided over u "Marvlnette" case in small claims court two guy gays s uing a third for non · payment of rt1nl a nd phone bills <$700 worth) while he lived wllb tbem . Number Three, to be referred to hereinafter as Marvin North. a rgued he had done most of the cookini and housecleaning, so Judae O'Gara stuck him for onb $400, and then added. I'm attald, ··.-.,other 'Only in San Fran· clseo!' :• The lestl•rs and their Jlarcnt organi zations h ave mov ed against some apartme nt owner~ evl'n when they couldn't find a genuine homeseekcr to join their action. Over the la st s i x years. several dozen ·'patterns o( prac· t ice" actions have opened up n umerous apartment buildings lo minorities. But lawsuits in those cases all had lo be riled by the U.S . Justice Department. with the Federal Bureau of In· vestigation doublc ·c h eck ing evidence gathe red by testers. MANY OF those actions pro· duced con.sent decrees in which landlords admitted no guilt, but agreed to set minimum minority quotas for their buildings. ·~half rare pas..wngers for Denver r,reasc secure your •1 chutes n preparaclon for JumplJlS." /\I ready. many large rcaltors drill their salcs staffs in fair housing laws . wnrning them oot 10 d 1scnrrunatc 1n re ntals and home purchases bec ause a "cus tomer" m1~ht be a tester. Rut In many a reas. the fair hOusin,:: <'Otmcils believe subtle st<'l'rtnl-! still pers ists. S INCE BROKERS con lose their licenses if discrimination as proven. the new legal standing of the fair housin~ testers pro- mises to rorcc change on those who do steer their customers even before any laws uits are brought. And when brokers cha nge their practices, it is only a mat· ter of time until actual housing patterns begin a slow shirt. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Thl' comm1•n1 r :11o1t• of lht· l>l11l) 1'11111 !Wt•k:. lo 111fnrrn ond st1mul.1t r r C':iclt'r!' b\ P~!lentin,:t " \';\1'11•ty or Mm mcntory on toplci; 11f lnh'1'c~l and ~1~nlfil';11w1• frnn1 1nfnr m e <I o h :1 l' r ' t• r s u n c1 :.J)Okt':.lt'll'n Rt1bt>r1 N W rerl . P11bl1Bht·r Sahlrda1, May 1z, 1m -------·--------------- -... --... ··---··----- C>ilLOREN'S PAGE: • D•llr ~••• swtt ,.,,.._ GOLD MEANS WEAL TH OF READING FOR MESA GIRL Finola Halloran Asks About Fort Knox "loot" Mesan Winner Girl Gets ~cie11ce Book Andy :.t•ncb the· l!J7!1 '.\-ri rld B1111k ~t•t>nc•e Ye:ir Annual lo Frnola Holloran. i.ll!l' 9 111 ( 'o•;t.1 Mr·-;;.i for l11•r ques lion 110 ; \tl <'II <.OU\ IS I,, FORT K1'0X" Th1r1 y ftH' n11I<·:-MIUlh 11f l.uu1~.\l:ll'. I°) . Jh Lhl' 110,1.IOC.l·aCrc United Stale!. Army Armor C1·ntt·r 'I h<· m1lttary bac;e includes an armor sehool, an Jrm11r lrainrnc <'t·nter and a gold bullion de pository A<·c11rc1rn~ tu rt•p11rb. the· /~~.J. ~ United SlJ h'!> J!()V 1·1·nmc 11I a~ 1-;l :~ hat< <ihoul $5 billion \\firth 11( 1~(~~1-\.?::} gold !-.IOrt'd :'It Fort Kno\ rJJ '-..:'_,.. './ Dl'RING \\ORl .U \\AN IJ. the dt·posrtory also held the Cun:.111 utaon. I ht• Decl.i r .1twn of I nd1•pendence. a Gutenberg Br hie Lrnt·oln 's Gt•tly:-.buri· A<ldn·:-.~ and 1 ht· M agn:i Carta for safekeeping. Camv Knox. n._rmt:d f<ir lh1· 11al1un 's first secretary or war. was eslablished in l!llH ancl bl.'l'<Jme h Jrl Knox an 1933. The first armored forces arrived in l!MO Science Program Saver? B O I SE ld <tho I A l'I Joiw11h111t· um.I M1l'h<1cl Browne b ~Y they h QIH' l o re11c ue AnH·rn·un ch1ldrC'n from tbe grip or kh·v1:i1011 with CJ program !'I0111t• lll•llorwl 1•dul' Jl ion leader!> i.11}' l'uuld tinn.: famtllei. clo!>er togdhcr wtlh " lltt of i.ctence 1·<1 ucalt0n Wh1u . Whrr. Clink . Clank " um.I 1-'ro~i. tn lhl· Freezer·· arc two chapteri. the Hrowncs de vl'lopl'd for their do·tl yourself M'tem·c ~UJde for kinde rgarten und clcmcnlary sl'hool students ' I've found th11t a lot or limes children arc glued to the TV h l' c u u s c t h t· y d o n ' t h a v e ~omettung bt!ller to do." says Danie l J aquctlc , director of llarvard Unive rl>tty's Avplicd St·1cnt1hc Thinkmg l'ro)ecl "THIS sc1cnllf1c c urric ulum could provide suml' useful in· lcraction in the home between l'hrldn•n and parents." h€! sayi.. "This ts som clhing interesting, whilv TV isn't ;.il w<iy ::> interest· 1ng It g('l:-. the parent:. stimulated " 'Browne. ;.i phy::>1cs professor at the nivvrs ity of Ida ho ir Moscow. says the curriculum progr:im tJrov1dc:. ins truction fo r s tudl•nls who normally wouldn't takc a i.1:1cncl' etas:-. un til 1unior high school And, it c1f ff'r s ways for,parenls <ind r htldrcn to work Lui;clht'r '"' simple experiments ·'The idea ts to develop scicn llftc 1ntercl-.l for 1nd1v1dual l'hrldren by out or school study 1n a family :-.lluatron." Hrown :.a) i. WITH Tiit: progr<Jm ':, help. y11ungsl1•r!-. 1:ould learn lh111g-. ltk<' ho\\ a m :H'h lnl' \\Ori-.!>, \\hal causes sct•ds lo gcrm1n<1le anti lh<' si mple gt•ology of rot· ks The guide rs wr1llc n s o c>le m e ntary students can un- derstand bas ic techniques. It's s prinkled with simple poems to get the message across. "M ac hi ne s th a t push , ma<'hint•s that pull. some small as a mouse. some strong as a bull." is one example. "The implicat ions fro m these acllv1l ies r ange ra r beyond science education." Brown s aid Locusts Swarming Horde Behavior Contrast to Grasshopper Dear Ellie, What ti. thl' dtf h-rc•nr 4' bt·t Y..l't·n a grasshopp(·t anti .1 l11n1~1 · Mark .I. Dear Mark, Locusts ;.irt> type:. of 1-(r:J~:.hop pers and rcscmhh: them clu:.1•ly except 1n Lhc way they h<·li.tvt• G ras s ho1)pcr:-. nc•vcr ~wurm locusts do ()fl('rt , a :-.hnrtgagl' ur the right k1ncl ,,f lewd cauw., locusts to collect 1n tt·rta111 are;.is Y..ht•rt• thert' 1:, abundant plant lif<' Amazing a~ 1t ts to believe, thL:-. overnowd1nr: µro duces rt>markablc.-ch&ngl':-. Hor.monc procltH.'l1on 1i. affc·ct ed m somt: ";i ~· <Jnd 1 he need to s w arm b<>coml•!. :in important a spect ol lh<'l->t' rn:.t•cts E>x istence Tht!> ncv. m:.ttnct 1~ <rl r Kid Patie11ts Express Complaints CLEVELAND tAP l Young patients at Mount Sinai Hospita l who may be fed up with getting a c h eerful earful from nurses and doctors now can strike back by writing their senli m enls o n billboards. Like the youngster who wro te . "I can 't la u g h because the pain is killing lne." Or the one who griped abbul "gelling shots in the rear." OR THE ONE who wrote expressively . •·Mell· ed Jello YUCK." "When kids are in the hosptt•t. they feel that they are not allowed lo say what's on their mind." said Martha J . Cliffe. supervisor in the Child · Lile Department. ~ . The patients, 17 and un· der, can wrile their senU· menta on Jar1e sheet.a of paper pmted on a will of the ped.lactrlcs ward since last month. One side is for "Thinp I Uke About the Hotnltal" and the other L' for r.-nw... I Hale." t11<1ll } passed along to the next ~en1·ral1on /'\ largt: porllon of the (·ontmcnt ol Afn <·a , along wr th portions ol A~1.1 . 1s subject lo 1nva~10n by locas l :-.warm:.. Some of these :.warm~ a rc :.o I a r g e I h a t I h c y l' u v e r 2. 000 square miles aturnlly they eat .ti! vegetation in their path, lripping fi elds a nd trees a like . at the rate of 30 m iles a day. They seem to move over the land an a relentless. rolling mass. as the front locusts settle on the new veget ation. the rest pass over them with lhe new front group settling on the nexl vacant g reen arf'a and ~o on. WllF.N THE ORIGINAL front group has eaten everything in its area. it rises as a mass and flies over the eating hoards a head. In this way. a rolling progression takes place that liter ally wipes out all the green growth in its path. Should a locust happen lo grow up in an area whe re there is plenty or food and few of its own s pecies. it lives like an or· dinary grasshopper. s pending its whole life span near where it hatched and having no urge to s warm. Anothe r strange fact is that the locus ts that do not s warm look quite different from those that do. and for it long time they were thought to be dif· ferent species. LocusLs have had a great ef· feel on man, for In many coun· tries they have c aused famines. EllJe Dur EllJe. l would like to know what plankton is. LHrleT.1. Dear Laarte. Plankton is lhe name given to the billions or tiny drifting plants and the eqdall7 s mall animals seasona l t•hanges that br ing warmth. SomC'timcs lhcy are so dense that they color th<' wate r Some or the plankton a nima ls spend only part of their lives there. for they arc the larval slages or larg<-r a nimals sut·h as sea ur chtns , barnacles and many she lled crcatUrt"i. They arc here because the plankton provides a ready source or food thal is the right ~IZC SOME REGULA R plankton mcmbcrs arc l hc Stlc of ~raini. or n ee "'htlc many olhcrs are m1croscop1c Many arc :-.ample or gamsms. bul olheri. a re com· plex and s trangely shaped They all have som e means of achieving buoyancy because to survive. they musl sta yonthesurface Actually. a ll lire in the sea de pe nds 1n som e way on the pl ankton as il provid es food for the infant stages o f some animals. for the small c reatures that are eaten by larger ones and e ven for some or the giants like the wha les. The a bundance a nd distribution of a ll other forms of life in the a rea are de · lermlncd by the quantity a nd distribution of the plankton. Ellie Dear Ellie, Why does a walrus have tusks? Janie W. Dear Janie, Tusks have a ided in the s ur· vival of the walrus. The scien· tific name for th is a nimal trans lates as "tooth walke r." obviously from the walrus' habit of digging the big tus ks into the ice a nd pulling itself out of the water. The tusks can also be dangerous weapons in self de· fense against s uch predators as polar bears. These mammals are air breathers and they a re able to keep breathing holes open in the froze n waters by lying on their backs and chipping the ice. The tusks are very useful in obtain· ing food, for the walrus is fond of shellfish which live in use s and at the bottom . The big animals hove r over clam beds and rake the shellfish out with their handy tusks. Ellie that live amonc them. Together STaANGE FACTS: In New they ronn an Important Unk ln Zealand there is a rare species the food chain of the aea, provld· of frog that develops without the ing noud\bment for muy -iadpole 1tage. The eggs hatch marine creatures. These Uny directly Into tiny frogs with , plant.a and aaimala inhabit lhf equally Uny taJla. But tails fdi*· surface waten and thrive ln ~ appear u the frop mature. • I S.un:Say. May 12. 1979 DAILY PILOT A 7 HI girls and boys. KATHLEEN SENT a runny . drawing o r her brother wttb the comment. "this is how my brother looks to the orthodontist ." Very good. Hope your brother enjoys the draw· ing, Kathleen, as much a s Uncle Len has. The drawings of a visit to the doctor or dentist of. fice were very humorous and well done. Judging the many entries received was not easy. But Uncle Len must choose a winner and today the $5 first prize goes to a frequen t contributo r . Kathleen Mac Millin o f Corona del Mar. Runner·up spot goes to a San Cle mente youth , Gemo Jones, 8. · The sketch depicts a doctor holding a needle and standing under a bare lightbulb, talking to a pa- tient who is obviously ·"s truc k with fear." It's not clear if he is dreading gelling a shot or x-rays. THE DRAWING is a good one Gemo. You will receive $2 in the mail. Paula and Sandra Spas, Newport Beach , sent their drawings in an envelope with a note on the back , "please judge each one. We 'r e try ing to s ave s ta mps." That's fine. Uncle Len Jiked the drawings. The one by Paula s ho•s a waitipg room with a nurse p eering from be hind a door with a poster of teeth. The nurse is saying, "next please." And a s ma ll girl with pigtails and sitting on a couch is s aying, "oh no! Maybe f could get away ." HUMOROUS DRAWING WINS $5 FOR GIRL, 9 Kathleen MacMlllln Does Sketch of Brother A RECEPTIONIST .;ays, "It won 't hurt. I hope." The dentist's name 1s Or. Painful G e'"\o Jo"'e., D '/ r :> o( J 0 [ Th~ drawin~ by Sandra s hows a youngster and her mother at the dentist o(.. free of a Dr. Yank The gasoline c runch. You may not have ead about tl. but most or you a re no doubt aware of 1t. ll h as probably been talked of by your parents and n1hc•r ., ynu k no w who dn VC' UNCLE LEN. for next Salurday, invites you to do a drawing de picting how you think the so-called gasoline crunch might be solved or a s ketch or an a lte rnative m ean s o f transportation. The drawings s hould be d one with black ink on white paper four by four inches and sent by Wed· nesday noon to Uncle Len. P .0 . Box 1560, Cosla Mesa . Calif. 92626. ~ISIT TO DOCTOR STRIKES FEAR IN PATIENT Gemo Jones. 8, S2 We•lthler as Runner-up Sunday 1s Mother's Day . u nc le Leri hopes eac h of you r e m e mbe r JnOther with a gift and s pecial kiss. U ntil next Saturday goodbye THE QUIZ world scope f 10 po1nls tor e11ch Qvesllon answr,.•<1 c:orrecllyt I ~moktnK hy Amt•rn Jn tl'f•n,11(1'" hd, 1CH005l 0Nl tnfrN ,r·d, drcltnl'd l du11ni.1 thl.' f>il\t live vc•ar\, Mror<i1n~ rn d \urv•'v •l•lt•iM.•d by th1• 0f'Pdrt m1·nt 111 Ht:Jlth lllul <1hOn Jnrl WrilJr" 2 lruP 1Jr Ft1l'l' \mnk1n~ " muc p c ommvn JmU!IK ll'l'llJJll' huv' lhJn .rmon~ ll'f'"JW' K""· .inurd111g 1n 1h1• I tl \'\I 'ur•l'\ ) M p.111 of the PCdCe lrr.l ty hf'tWf'Pn Egypt and l\rdcl. f\rJ1•h \.H go \hep\ tor the l1rs1 tcme are JJJ\\1111( thrQugh I gypt'\ l C.inal whcch q mnr(h thr Mf'd1tf'rt<1ncJn Jnd Red SeJ' 4 Plf'rr" Trl1llf'du. who hJ' bh ·n p11m1' mtn"l"' of I \1n(l• 1%8. 1\ c Jmp,11gn1nK hJ1d to kt•1•p ht\ JOb H1\ l Ountry\ vull•r' 1:u lo tlw poll' M.rv 1l 5 ((HOOSl ON~ Abc•I Mutorc·wd, NdJbJn~1 ~11holr). Jn Amrr11.111-1•duc Jft'd MC'I hod"' m1111\CN. rt•tently WJ\ t•lt•1 tl'll Rhod1•\1.1 'lit'' t;ldc k p11mr m1111rn•r newsname I 10 points II you c:en ldenllty this person 1n the news) I Jm •ht: pr 1me m1n1\1t'r ot f,lpJn. lht' country thdt \C'll\ morf' m.inulanured ~ooch 10 1hr lJnttf'd Stale\ lhdn .inv other n.11111n l.1\I week. I vt\ttcd the Uncrcd State•' 10 d1\C"uS\ world ener!(v dnd rradr problrms wrrh Pre\fdent CJrll.'r Who .imll matchwords (4 polnl1 for Heh c:orrecl malch) •·wild, cruel In addition to being a family fun feature, THt. QUIZ is a n integral part of the in·classroom m•w s program presented in Orang .. Coast area ~chools as 3 public service hy the Daily Pilot. Arttwe" ........ , h1•t•M ........... QU1I • newsp1tture ( 10 points 11 yov an1wer 11111 que1hon c:orrec;l!y) l<iuJrd Kurnc•1sov, lef1, .ind Mark Dym\hyh w4ved to cl crowd in Nrw York City la\t wrck, .iftrr Jmv1ng 111 1hr Un11ed State\. Kutn1•1\11v. Dvm\hyt\, and three 01 hcr men were recently 11•lt>J'l'd lrom p11$0n cJmp> 1n .. l . where 1twy had bt-en 1arled tor ,1nt1·guv1•rnmcn1 JChv11y sportlight (2 points for each quHhon ant.d corr tc:tly) 1 Ttw Untied ~IJll'~ lint~hrd ~l'venth 1n thr recent World Ice Hockl'y Champ1on,h1ps 1n MoKow (CHOOSE ONl 5wcdcn. The• <,ov1t•1 Unron) won 1hc hllt• 1 1 ht ' who won ld\I y(•,11 \ N.11ton.1I B.bkelball A~SO(lat1on 11tl ... dPl('Jtcd the AllJntJ H.iwk~ IU re.ich lhe ~em1·l1no1l~ ol 1h" yt•Jr\ NBA playo1t, J·Wd\h111g1on Buil<'I' b·Nt>w Orl('dn~ Id// <-Portland 1 rail BIJll'r• J (CHOO~! ONl. frdnltl.' lJrr1cu, I.in Ml'rrtill broke her own Aml'rrtan outdoor 1ecord m the two.mole run, wttha 11meol9 minute~. <16 <I second\ 4 SddahJru Oh. who holds a world bas.cball record with more th.in 800 cc1reer home rum. 1~ ~1111 hitting bJll~ oul of the park. In wh.11 country dew~ Oh pldy ba~ehalll S OurtnK 1he 1978·79 rcgul.ir ~cason, attendance at National t-lockey Lc.t11uc game~ (C HOOSE ONl: increued. declined) for the l1r\I time tn lrvc yc.ir\. roundtable 4·~cant d-c•1rn1 , r.in11!' Family dl1cu111on ("o 1core) Should thl' Uni1ed States recognize 1hc resuhs of 1he recent S·scopc ... pen.illy. punishment Rhod~ian election, ;md end KOnomlc sanclions ag;ainst th•t country( Why or why notl YOUA SCOA£ 91 lo 100 polnll -TOP SCOAE1 11 to 90 po1n11 -h c .. l•nl 71 to 10 points -Good 11 to 10 points -F"r •VEC . tnc:. 57·79 ·• :s;ms·c \ .. , ... A8 DAILY PILOT Saturday May 12, 1919 .. r COURSES BY NEWSPAPER I HOROSCOPE Views on Death Numbed by Threat of Holocaust 81 aOBERT JA" LIFTON Shortly afh'r ti » m on ,. strt>nt• nntl doudlt>ss Augu~t ntoi nm~ 111 1945, ~n American 8 29 bomber dropped the fir 1 nto m1r bomb c·n ·r ui.C'd tati1t1n'' I) t'l\1\h u1111011ulat1u11 ThO!I\' 1.1mnn•i xun 1 vors <'l<kll''lt to lht• <'t'nkr an lllroi.h1ma rc· Clllh•d II SUdclt•n 0it'lh, 'l1••r1n~• ht'ut;-· ht•tn~ knol'kt'i.t or th ro"'n some• d1 xlan'''" und ftndtn~ thl·mxl'lvt·~ p1111wd u11der dd1r1.., vr :-.1rnv1 uw 1l>.t•n1n~ ..iftt•r 1111 111 dt't1·1·ni1nt1k r~·nod T H•: BOMB lli\IJ hit 1ti. t.trt:•·t with tlt•adly •ll"<'UflH'Y. dtc-Stl'O) 111g bulldrngs w1th111 u twu m ilt' radius of th~ n·nre r or lhl' l'll\ and 60 pt•n·('nt or those w11h in another milt' Alth0t1~h t,>v1•n tn da.} the exart numbt>r of dcllth~ 1s unknown. ;1n<1 unknowubh· e~tamates re1 nge rrom 100,000 to 200 000 or morl' All of lhros hama hu d been 111 s t ant:meously overwht•lmed h) tJll(' o f the most t e rrifying calamities in human h1 Mory Survivors of the 1nit1al bla!-.t remembered the g hastly still ness that fell ove r the city, us 1r everyone in the world were sud denly dead They became uncf•r lain about w h et h er the y them selves were alive or dead. nr whether lht• world itself had come to a n end. THEV MOVED LIK•: automato ns t hrough th e gro- tesque landscape. unable to reel an y thing . T h ey wonde r ed whethe r a nything woOld eve r J!r ow again o ut of the devasta- tion. and over the s ubseq uent 3J years they have never lost their fe a r or dying from delayed radiation effects. NUCLEAR WEAPONS: PROSPECT OF DYING ABSUROL V "In a Dark Time The Eye Begins to See" POLITl('AI. L E ADERS t•x p <· r 1 enc e and ex r Io it th 1 ~ pervasive (ear o r l'Xll'rmination, pursuing an 1llus1on o f security around all-p(Jwl'rful nucleHr arsenals For them and for people m Acneral. the bomb becomes a de- ity, P<'rceived as capable not on- ly or tptal destruction, but also of equally tot al creation a dei· ty one must depe nd upon and even a source or salvation. We m ay then s peak of the perverse pesudorelti:ion or "nucleansm ... lh<• st·n.sc of livani.: o n 1n our <·hlldr en and their c hildren. cr eatively. an the products of our work : religious ly, in the idea or s piritually conque ring death; and natura lly. in l'xpericncing rebirth through eternal nature. Today, a ll these a re severely threatened, thrown into question by th<' mere anticipation or nuclNlr holocaust. They s till e x- ist for us, b ut with disturbing do ubts llr nce the intense focus. over the last two decade~. upon a fifth ro rm of immortality : direct transceoden.te -..tbe clusical quest o f var ious s trands of mysticis m . t he s earc h tor a dreamlike, Nirvana state so In· lf'Q.St: that time a nd death disap· pt!li r . f N OUA CONTEMPORARY wo rld this is sought through dr ugs, intensified sexuality. or various rormi; or mooitalion. But m ost people remain un· certain about larger human con- nec tions. and feel the mselves "wired in" to a "global village" w h ose boundaries are im por tantly d e fined by shared vulne ra bility to technological destruction The threat of nuclear extinc· tton even overshadows the meaning of traditional ritual::. u round d eath . Those rituals s e rvf' importa nt fun ct ions. Lransforminl! private deaths into public events. TH US. THE DEATHS of soldiers will crcatt• martyrs and heroes Cor the s tate. wh1l~ the deaths of o uts ide rs may b<' 1ustificd as righteous slaughter or the st ak 's cn<•m1es Publir funera ls rcinrorce ex 1sting value systems and 1ust1fy o r exa lt d ea ths that may otherwise be Lrc.igically mcan· ingless These political death rituals a re C'Vident in the various nationalistic cooOicts in Africa and the Middle East But these conflicts are in turn fra med by struggles between the nuclear s uperpowers. the United States and the Soviet Union, so that s mall wars become as · s ocialcd with the danger of escalation to nuclear exte rmina l ion . The deaths of heroes and ~-- EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the 14th in a series of 15 articles ex· ploring "Death a nd Dying: Challenge and Change." Yale University psychiatry professor Robert Jay Lifton dis· cusses the impact of holocausts and war on survivors as well aa victims. This series was written for Courses by Newspaper, a program developed by Un iversity Extension, UC San Diego, and funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities . CopyrlQM le l lt7•7'by the A-ltol It. Un1.,.r.itvot (A11lorn1• martyrs, and ordin ar y people , Loo, are tainted by a nagging se nse that whatever they lived a nd died for could be suddenJy wiped out by forces totally beyond their control. THE POLITICS OF the death· haunted global village or the nuclear age can thus become des tructive in the extrem e. Political leaders. through ap· peals to nationalis m or to a "cleansin~" of the mo ral order. may contribute to the universal num bing toward the conse- quences of the nuclear age a nd abov(• a ll. toward what hap. p<'ns at th€.• other t•nd of nucle ar "ea pons. The numbing 1s p e rhaps g reatest m those who create and a nticipate using the weapons s uch as sc1ent1sts, e ngineers. and milita r y and pol1t1 cal leaders The euphemistic language of nucl ea ris m "nu c l e ar arsenals," "nuclear exchange," "counterforce" not only dis- guises the consequences of such weapons, but also increases the numbing itself. Such language may also hide s till d arker im· pulses toward us ing the weapon:. to o vercom e anxieties about them by "getting 1t over with." ARE WE, THEN, inexorahly co ndemned to hv(• out our own 1magt of h1stonc;il cxtmct1on or r athe r. to dll: out in at cordance with tha t mwg11 •1 rr I thought so. I \\OUld not bother Lo cxplOrl' thf'!><: d1~turli 1ng consequ(·nl·1•s 11f n111.:l1•ar w ea pons Roth h:.iu11t 1ng :Hl•I true 1s a phrnsl' of ttw l\mntrJn poet T he.xlnrt· H11clhk1• "In u dark time tt11• t'Y'' bPg1ns to see " The kind of v1s1on we need tn· l'IUdt•s rull c·o nrronl at1on With the wearion:-thcmsel vc:, wil fl what they d o. cause. and mt':rn Through "uch 1mmcrs 1on mt•~ nur own p;1rl1 t·ul ~tr purg~1ttir). '4C m ay b~gin to grasp our pn· d1c amcnt and a<.'l upon al No one in Hiros hima could ful- ly absorb these ho rrors, and ;it the t1m0 thr homb f e ll . a ps~·<'h1ilnJ!H·al dr·fl•n),e c'a llPd forth hv ma n)' "'as ~i mply lht- 1· t> !-> s ;1 I i I/ 11 of f (' C' I 1 n i:l . Th l' y dt"Wriht·d tha1 expen<:nce tQ m1· .t~ :t par<J l}'Sl)oo 11( the m tnd" and M i lwc·om1n~ · 1n~<'n~it1v<· tn hum;in ch·ath ' I tall lhl), cit lton"l' p:<.\1·h1<• nt1111h1ng .. He lated forms o f nuc lea r worship Ot·rur cV<'r y whe re Na· t1ons witho ut the weapons h<•come rnvious :ind anxious. as 1( d enit'Ci a?..('t·s:o. lo the deitv T hl'y PNC'l'l\'t• I ht•msc>I \'('~ to ht• 'Locate Escape Hatch' B UT TO DO THAT Wl' nel•d t11 l'Xpl ore tht· full gam ut of th1· pscudoreli~1on nu(:lct.1n sm .ts socia t1on with a -;~arch for gra1·1· :i nd ~Ion· \lolth lt•t·hn11·ttl s t 1 c n t 1 f I l' t r .t n s 1· 1• n ti<· n 1· c. apocalyptic dt•:,truN11in. v1<,111n)oo O( p ersonal i.lnd nat11111al l><)'A t•r , :I ntJ l'IO"ll' lffrl11 Ir I (•:ti IOI\ \\Ith l ht· ""l'a1~m.., lh1·rn'.'.t'IH·., B' 11.11:1111µ th•· rl1 • .,. • .t11d .. 111d ) Ill~ ti df••t'l' "'' 1.11<' ,, lt•:l:-[ ol h1'1'1(1f\lfh 1 ,(1 II (t•..\111 rf 11\ 1 11'111111111' II '.:.t•cond r~1 tt•" not n nl v malttan ly hut In a ll·ss lan,1.!1hi<' hut non l' I h (' I l ' ., ~ I m p 11 r t <I n I p~~ l'hOIOl-!IC'<if !>l'O<,t• Leo: Do11't be Trapped by a Situation L'twv ~1ho rd .11nNI '' 1 \'Id irn .IJ!t'" nf \ ,tq flcst rUC'll<lll . Of .,<1ml'lh1ng l°IO'>I' to thr t!nd nf lht• """r''' 11r..,.. h,11 ran tH· <fr~cntwd a~ 1 magc•ry 11r c•xt1·rrn inat1on TllESE PS Y('llOl.OGICA I. rt.,1 r 1111m. .1 n · nut Ii m 11 l'd t•> holm-.111-;t ~11rv1 vors . they :.trl' Uflt\Prsal in th<' nu(•l<•ar age '!'he verv t•'<1stcn<·c of nuckar weapnns a nc1 the expni(·nce or l11 rns him :i a nr1 Yaga!-.aki have placl'cl all of U)oo 111 J new rclu tt0nsh1p lo d1·ath A nd <1ur psy 1·h1l' rt•sponses lo the thrcttt furthrr 1nl!·rferc· v. 1th our 1·a pa<•1ty to dt•al with 1t in a lill· 1>r l'ser\'111g fashion. Our numhing 1n rcsponst• to m t1ss1vc dt•<Jlh spn•ads over our relatumships to other s. into all aspc·ct~ nf our live5' Indeed, the rebc\hons of the· 1960s and even the violent terroris m or t he 1970s may be partly understood as at- tem pts to break t hrough this numbed paralys is. ·" T iit; NATIONS WllO poss('<;<, m n-.t of lh(' nuclear Wl·apons l'n ( II U r ;J ).! l' t h (I ~ t• (I) r m '-1J ( 1111cl('ansm hv th1·1r o wn tx<1m· pit· their n,:crn·l1a n ct• on t he' \lo (•apon~ .ind 1mw1llini!nl'ss to tlerrn1~t· ~urr1<'1t•rlll~ I ht•t r own ~trwl..p1lt's. ,., t•n :ls the;. deplore t h1.· '1.•ry n •al clanJ!crs nf nuclear 1>r111tferal11•n a t arm), control 1·un f ercnre~ Nul'lt•:tr 'wl·apons confro nl us "1lh a kind or death th:il can han• no meaning The re is no ... urh thrng m a nuclear war as clv1 ng hrroac;dly, ror a gr e;.it rausi-. in t ht> ser vice of a belief cir a nation, hut only the pro s pcct o( dymg anonymously <ind abwrdly This imagery or meaningless c•xterminntton 1mpa1rs our sense or his1onral conn<!cte dness, our ties to those who h ave gone before and thos(' '4ho will live on artcr us TRADITIONALLY, W E have sought sym bolic kinds of im· mortality: biologically. through -sUNOJ\Y, MAY 13 I\) SYO~EY O~/\RR ARI F.S t ~;.irc·h 11 April 19 1 Finis h wh:.it you starl, perceive ~lol c nttal. ;i1·t·entual(• ltnl'!> or com mun1catwn Good m oon asp<'ct stimulalf·s ability to dts tribute. display and sell pro- ducts Write , publish. advert ise TAURl'S IApril 20·Me1y 2()): Ugh t s hf'd on ar ea prcvi1>usly "off limits " Money. in vc~l m ents. inte ns ified n·l~tt1on~h1p these arc invol ved . Leo, l\quarius pC'rsons r1 i::u n ' 10 scenario. Welcom e t hant•c to Lake cold J>IUnl?l' into ruture GEMINI t Mt.1 y 21 .. /um· 20 1· Maintajn tow profile. let others talk . a ssert, chide, brag and make claims. Hold back on your own judgment. final decisions . Time is on your sid e. especially in legal a ffairs. CANCER (June 21-July 22): l\cc<'nt on gelling 1ob do ne, cum· ing to a n understand ing with those who depend upon you. Special serviccs arc featured . For ces tend lo be sc•allcrf'd yo11 mi g ht be try1n~ to hi' ('\'(•ryplace at onct•. l.EO !July 23·1\ug 22 1 Loe:-itc· "escape· hatch " Meanl> n·ru~e t11 hl' trnppt'd b} s1tu<1l1on y<1u did n•H {'rcate. lll'IJ) neurotic Pl'r!-.1m but don't fall prey Lu 11ln~ss \'01.1 actuall) have grand opportunil) no w for mon· freedom . <1d d1 t1onal creali'>'e outlets VIRGO <Aug 23-S<"pt 22 t Oh 1:1in hint from Leo mess<1g1• nuild for Sl'('llrlty, but W\'t11tJ crt·at1ng a "tra p " Line 111> priorities. rom <' to terms ... heck .... ourc:i-s .,..rttl(•n matl•rial u RRi\ I St· pt 2:J·OC'l 22 I II o m 1.• . r l' I a L 1 v 1.• s . r l' u n ton ~ . ~ pl' <' i ;ti e a 11 .s a n d m es sag l' :'! f1i;:un' pro min<'ntly I >1plom:.in ::ind humor an • no.,.. ~our ix-~t twin a llirs. Oon't force• issues SCORPIO l<kt 23·Nov 211 Accent on payments. colleellon!\ you learn what should be n· tained. wha t discar ded. Key is to know when to let go. Do not permit yourself to be possessed . by possessions SAGl1TARflJS I ~·,)\ 22 l>t•t :.!1 This 1'> your pO\\l·r pl.1) rl a~ • Know 1t. pn1teed a rrnrd rn~I~ C').C'le hai::h noth1nv 1.., half" a~ Follov. 1hrough on in '1'Sl m1·nh. rel!lttnns h1pi. 'I 1111 It-a m \\h(•r<' )OU s t;rnn :.incl \\hat to do :rbout ti CAPRICO R N • Dn· 2:.! .l.rn I 9 1 Y o u I c a r n a .., t· t• r t· t <.'1rc•umstanCCS ravor \'OUr t•f forts i\mb1t10n IS fulfilied ~·ou rrindude 1mporta n1 tran-;aC'l1on Ohtaan hint from Sagtll:.tnus mt•o;<;~t l!t' Y11u II l!l'l nN·dt:d C'Onperation rrom nrgan1za t1on 1 n-;t1luti1~n . A<}l'ARll 'S 1.1 ;1n 2U f1·h II\ You gl'I 1·rt•d1t du<' and .1 \lol'h ('(1mc·~ trUl' '\'ou l·oulci ha\'1• reason I<> c·t•h:>bratr Leo play' prom lnl·nt rol1· in ) our rwr:.onal 'SC'C'n ;-irm l\t'1·f'n t on 'Pl't'1:tl friC'11dsh1ps, h11tmg Jatkpo t, nd 111g a lucky streak PIS('F.~ 1 Fc>b I 9 ~a re h 2(11 Emphasis nn fulfillme nt. l'11mh ing towarc1~ goal. con vincing supC'rior that you a rC' the right person for marvelous assign- ment. Aquanan plays kcy role ------- \ r. \ / ~ 1-. >-" " ,, ••• r >-'· '· •11wr11 cwtfo1r "' I 111 I ,,,1 1,1 .. 111111 ,,, I ll'r:lh 1t1"• • ti.· 1.1 • "'· , 1• , I I ''· "'' • 1L1"}1/, I I• • I Low1cil Entls rfree Cutti11g I ( I~ \ ' ( ; ,. I I· ' \ I I 'J I j d(· ... 11u1111111 11l 11111" 111 111 ,1 o.r~ .tlld \\ .1111111 lt I ' I \ ,, \I"''" I 111 1lw S.int.1 \l1rn11 .i .11,i.•11.1111 ha~ prm11rnp11·•I ,111 .1111.'1' ,.,,, ('(11111111 111 fl t 11 'r•.t•(t11 II•\ n1t .1 .. 111 ···11 :11 11111111 1 \lo h11lt ~-.Ill I 11\l lllt ,\(ll·r \11·,~11•1!. ''''•1••1p1· rtLI d. Ir \ It I ii' I I '" '11 f. llC''-ll\IC'llllCI 111 \\111111f,111cl lllfJ, rll'a 1 .1 pro1x1-.t•d rial wn.il "1ld1•1 n ess p ~1 rk 1h1• (•011n1·il u11 ,1 n 1 mo u <; I " .q • p r 11 ' 1• d I h ,. m(•nsuri· 1 (I • r·l I\ 1· •int II .• pl•rmant•n\ 11,1!.. 111•1• 1111·,•·l\<1 11un ml·a .,ur",., .1d11pt1·d M;iynr Tnm HrJill1·' 1i-<''P•·11 l'ci 111 'i1J;!n tlw nrd1n:1111 1·. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY 'FltpnLll1tl1 C l111qn·t1t1tit111l1l LI H1rd1 l \. \. 3262BAOADST .. NEWPORT BEACH 642·2740 SUHOA Y SH VICES -t:OO & I O:lO '4.M. "THANKS, MOM" DR. JOHN LINORALL, PASTOR ST. JOHN THE IVINE l_ ~--EPISCOPAL CH RCH Ml-22)7 IST, YICA• I ..... -ft.ADl'f!Ot<•l C-•·J0 4,. -HOU llUC mn.-n• ........ ,._c., ... t anc...Sl e .... e .. n•T•· •••M ..... 1-ST. JAMES EPtSCOPAl CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 3209Vio lido, N~ Beach s....., llM.A.N. ,,_,~....,....,c. 1 .. 9:00 A.M. a.rcti Sc....a..tA411tlM.,._ 10;00 A."'4. ftnt S...,,,,.,. .... Hely C s-leJt ...... ""·...., ............. If &:OO& IO!OIA.M. ~c- CHAllSMA TtC MASS Ant~ .. "'°.,..... 7!11 r.w. ,......,_, .......... _...., ......... ..... S..lc. WI• u,t.f 0. Of ..... 1"-I••· JoM P'. Attwy II. IKtor-...... '7~0J I 0 Saint Mit hoet And All Ange's Episcopal Church l2ll Pacific: Vi~ Dri•e. CCW'Ofta det Mw MUIS•Y ct-.. CAii a CHUICM SCHOOL lt:tt A.M. IUMOATMO&.YC~A lt:ttA.M. Hoty c-11io11r ... .-,,1 ...... -w.-_.,, t:>o •·"'· n. lo•. JollA •-..r• Do•I•. lfftor ,.._ 644-040 All SAINTS ANGUCAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH •ccw6t9 to.._. lt21 ....... c-,,.~ 1~ Bushard. fountain Vollev 96.).3801 IP. STV1•1 W • ...,... licTOI MOLT COMMUMIOM .......................... 1:00 Alil. PA9t&YsaYICI A QMCM tcMOOl ...••••....... , . , ••... t: I I A.M. ...,_..,.NATH ......................... ll:OO•M. MUH•Y C .. I AYAILAIU , Hotv COn'lmunion F1rtt Sund av I 11 00 A M NEWPORT H BOR LUTHERAN CHURCH H•wpori hoch 541-)6)1 l~r J. hrq. P'ottcw • Ci•orqit .. ~. P'ottor WOHSHIP SERVICE H 00 A Iv' CHRl~llAN EDUCATION 9 1r, f> '.' WORSHIP S£RVtCE 10 30 AM HUl\fl f C Att •••IL Atlf WELCOME CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH f·lw 1l1tu1•,.,.tHJ<1' 760 Yictw io St., CodoM#H lothor 'I Tornow, Po\lcw -f,) I I 61 I wo•SHtP' SHYIClS -I : Is & I I :00 A.M. S..ttdoySd~ool & '4...,libM Clou-•·lO A.M Clln•ti.., ~..+_, S<hHl-S41-H6' PRIMCE OF PEACE LUTHY.AH CHURCH z .. 1 ........ ,.0r CHte*'- K(ollANU l FllANlSlN, I' AS TOA -olllt ·-· A.C 4M-NIM. S-49y ~ -9:40 ...... .U\l\14Mf\ Mctn1i1WJ WonM~ 111:00 AM. P'nM• of'-•~-Sd•ool Mn..,,_ kirrec~ ,,.. ... l>Mt•"-~' ... 11 ..__, ..... ., LUTHH•H CHURCH OF THE tu STER. LCA 2t00 P'.clfic vi.w Or~ c--.. M• 759· I OJ I SUHDA Y CHURCH SCHOO&. -t:OO A.M. WOISMIP SHVICI -IO;JO A.M. MUHllT CAll N<mom h• ..... O.CGllck.P•tor WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN CHURCH 1114 I Mitt°" '4••· l :JOl IO:JOAM-W...a.ip,~lc•t t :l O AM -5-My Sc'"'°' olMI .... llM. A Cordial Wekonwfrom THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH MET~~~f~F~~~Rc( I 111 ">' & H t•tlfll Alvrl Chwc h S< "°°4 fOf' J.llAqH-9:)0 wor,htp -I t ·00 A.M. tf • • I ' f 1 f l ,1.r M 1· .. , rJ,,111 MESAVERD.E METHODIST CHURCH •.· . .. . ' ... . -. Wortlffo I Clwn'!I Schoot t :l O I I l!OO J..M . t f11ri t1n q111n li· ·.ic t• FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH I I.' I I 1 I'> ~I '1,lt" I 'o i I WOf',ltip ~n: 10:15 11.lft. , . . . ..,. . " ~.. ' t f11 r111riqro11 U• .. 1L n N 1r111 COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH hl1fi/H1•1t fw 1• Hd ,? '141.i woe-• .. C~HSCHOOl ., .......... CH:~VH<i~~!CH HEWt'ORT C!NTER u .. w 0<.1t lJ•·.tl 11 UMITEO METHODIST 14\JCJ W B.110<1,tlltvrl 1t,()1 M<l1tltJ(•r1 l••l\,1• I ,' l ')HIJ'r ( 111 m t tlf'I MJ• H1 ·v Pr 01•rt ~nr·n.rril Jr 644-074• Wonltip&Chw<hScltool Ww-., f:lOA.M. I C~ll Sci.ool W\adov f'r•·School/Dov Cort f :JO A.M. 7:00 ...... ',... ........ Mc ...... . FOUHY AIH Y J.lU Y RRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11225 l inlt•d St. 1 .... ~ lolllw, MWt1w H2-25tl ......... Qlrcll -w.,...... c:a.rclt Sc.- 9:f0 AM i...::='·=s=T=Ol=JOR==""='=Wl="=U=M=======P'HOMl===l=tJ=.1=2="~....,.lrr.IJll!IM'l,,. CArutlon N.IM1""1Jla4~----i 74<1 W Wilson E.OW!N LOUIS COLE • MINISTER MISA lllU CHAP&. I 7>4 0,-.. ..... Celh MoM , ......... &.. ... ~ ...OAY CHANL IC~_.1H A.M. 14MJH MOlll•ll WOl'""-10:41 A.M. .. .....,,nc sa~1:Jt,.,.... Uf.J414 " Costa Mesa UNDAV 9 00 Famtly Woi~lp Hour 10.00 Fomlly Fellowship 10·30 Chlldnms Forum IO!JO Wonh1p Smnce PORT-MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SZS.00 Diac...t ot1 Recjst1 .. ._ Fee Througn June 14 1 w1th this couPon) * IMDIVIDUAUZ.ED IMSTIUCTlOH * ACCB.aATED EDUCATION IA..C.E.J • ACADIMIC DCELUMCIE * CHRISTlAM ENVIROHMBn' G,_..IC·I Also Available -Pre-School & Full·Day Care ............, ..... POaT-MISA IAPTIST CHUICH now ....... st. c .... ...... 6~2·tlll TEMPLE BATY AHM . .. lotlbi MAU S. Mlllll ldlic........COlltor st .... Showth1d ~~ ,.~...,.._J~ Mo\liow1h ~ S.r .. 1co-hidcry. 1:00 ... M • ..... Sc""'-S-49y, f:IS .. -. to 11 :45 o.~. ~-School-Titw~. 4:1S • 6:1S p.m 1011 C~li. H•wpot1 h och \Off J-..borttl Jr. & Sr. Hlcfll CiNM11"-Adwtf fdr11uti0fl YINt-wtW•--44 .. lttt ~ .. UA~ Hdbtl• BernJrO P i<rrtu Music: Ane Sh1kler loucator Dou-; M11 .. n,w1 • 111111, ?lf'O../\ MMVr'll'1 Nr-wnort Bf'ilCh Cal" '• iftfOI'""-. col 64,..720) Wltlr°"'9 ----------·--1 ................................................. • .. ~ ... ~ .. 1 ... ~.~ .... '.' ................. Slturdey ..... M.~.'2 •.• 19.N ............ DA.IL·Y·~-LO.T .. A ... 9 .... .._ .. Nfte' Bullop Tht• Ht•v Wilh am Sw1n~ I!\ l h I! 11 l' W b I S h o p o f I h t• E p i s (' 0 JJ (J I D I 0 (' l' ~ l' 0 f C allforn1 :J lie ha ~ ~u (· ceedcd rt'I mn1': Uishop (' Kilmer Myl'l'S Importance Of. Catlwlic School Told Can't Ron Away Jo6gers Trying to Escape Inevitable? lly Theo Ati~l•tNI 1-ttH!o Puffin.:. i.wt•a11n~. tlw 1r f1H'••s flu!lhl•ll 11nd !itrn1nt"<J, tht• Jv..:.:n!'> pound 11l11nic lht• s idt•wulks 11nd path." In 11well1111i: prof11M1111 llut lht• foutf11lb t•f llnw kt"4>p jt&1mn1i: 0 11 th1·111 Sub<-onsC'1ously, ltlt'y n · tryml( lo l(t·l uwuy f rom thnt ovt•rt.1k1n.: c•rurwh of 11tt1· und yt·Ur'>. ~a '' 11 1"11·h1t:1111 '-tiilt· l '111vt'r"i1t v proft·s~or tht• H *' ' I) r fr l'll I • r • .ti .1111 " It 111.: t 1111 t' Jo.: g e 1 h1mi.l'lf Tht·~ n· 'r111111lll~ \l'urt·d tw ,add., It '> tlll 1rr111101wl rl·i..ilut1M' tu 11 'ulw11n .... <·111u.' J flXl t'I ) tu: SA \'S T H \T the· undt•rly1n1i: subroni.c1ous mol1 \t' i:,, to ::.t aH· 11ff lht' dt'IJ1ht1~::. or old dge and tl'rm inaJ he lple:-.s nt''"' d '>l rl Ill~ for d ~Ort Of · :>t'c'ular salvallu11 It ::. hopeless uf l'Ourw ht• ::.aid in an IO tl'r\ It'"' · It won t "'nrk Tiit• running can 't makE' mul'h final d1ffe11·m·1· But fancytnR that 1t will 1s tht' MJlx'olisc•1oui.. 111ot1val l(ln. the hidden anxiety " There's a 1111 11r .!tt·U ·tkccpl1on in it. he s a 1d 'We tend to hide lht· rl'al n1ut1v~ from coni.c 10U!.· n1.·ss and preknd 1t s somNhinR c.·bc s uch as to kcl'JJ 1n s hape 0 1 to ht• slronl( " GRAHAM. PROFF.SSOR (ff RELIGIOUS :-.t11dws who hlls rt'!'·>ea rchcd the psycholORY of the Jogging phenomenon, questioned about 100 runne rs over a fi ve-year period. analyzin~ their fantasies while n.mnin~ <tnd rt'a!Wns for doing il To tht> question. ''How long do you plan to r un.," ht• sn1d he· bet•amc d1slurbt.'d by the r om· mun theme of the replies, such 3!\ "I plan to run until l drop " "They'll have to c·arry m<' out feet firs t." "I'm never going lo slop r unning. sajd the determ ination to "run until r drt-'1'" plays a quest for a kind of "Instrument· t•d 'ialva 'on" in a modern atmosphere which tends t o i.ee uman life as mech a nically s elf· t.lctcrmined Graham. 48, a pioneer jogger who st arted the habit 16 years ago. long before it became popular, and who runs three to five miles each noontime. ~ays the sport takes on various rituals . s uch as do· ing warm·up calisthenics. wearing the prescribed clot hing and shoes and reading magazines and m a nuals on running J-l e singled out three categories of runners, nJ mcly The "competitor " runners These develop a l'Ompulsion about it, who keep s training to in- crt>ase their time and distance and who enter races m which "people reaUy hurt the mselves." The "pure health freaks" category These arc p<.'Ople dedicated lo extensive discussions with othe r runne rs or s uch t hings as longevity, heartbeat rates, weight loss and other bodily ef· feels or running. -THE "QUIE T -TIME RUNNERS," for whom thl' pain of running ::ind the shower ar- tt•rward cons titute a kind of "daily baptis m and newness of life." Of the compe titive style runners, Graham s:i1d : "It's not healthy to go out and a gonize about it tha t way. It's demonic to be so driven, a lways try- ing ror a little farthe r . ;,i little longer That ap· proach nearly a lways ~nds up being h<1rmful. bringing on asthma. fool IOJunes and back pro· blem s " ............... \'A TICAN C IT Y 1 AP l Popt• J ohn P <iu l I l r ece ntly t o ld Am en ('an educators the Roman Catholi c school "must re main a pri\'ileg£•d m eans of Catholic e ducation" in lh<: United Slate~ GRAHAM CONCl.UDED lhcit the dct'per. sub conscious drive w a:-rear or what he calls "tha nalt•ch,' c·oine d rro m a combination of the \.n't>k word for dl·ath . "thanatos,'' and "tech" for modC'm medical tt'chnology which can extend life in terminal, inr apac1ta ted st;,ite~ Ile s aid anxiety a bout terminal helplessness 1s what actually ke~ps all three types or runners on the move Rare Restoration • "Modern me dical technology has put this anx· 1ety right up there with basic human anxieties about death, guilt. m eaninglessncS!> <ind loncll · ness." he said Red Square ·s St. Basil 's Cathedra l. one of the best. known buildings in t~ world . has disappeared inside what the Russians call a "forest " of scaffolding for a rare r.es to.r at1on,. Th<: 10-do me d church loo k ing something bkc a gia nt multicolored tutti frutti will be a fuuy blur of iron piping until autumn beside the Kremlin in Moscow. T h <' pop e a ddr <'~S<'d h1!> m cssaj?c in Englis h lo the Na I 1ona l Catholic Educationa l A::.· ... oc1ataon of the. United St ale!.. which mc·t in Philadelphia. Pa 1'ht· lt>XI was made public by the Vatican Noting that the running craze bc~an lo get popul:ir about eight year~ ago al the same time "thanatech" began to ha vt• real impact , he said. "Running makes 1t seem , <1 l lcai.t, that 1t will be a lonj{ time before senility and decay sets 1n · "ft <running > can be harmful." he s aid "But 1t a lso can be bcncf1c 1ci l if it's reJ:a rded simply M. a health y apprC'C'ia tiun of one 'i. hody. coun tcrba lancing our s f'de ntary li ving, and a time for pri val<' rcncet ion .. -------- The pope li sted three points to which he said "l would hke to m ake a hrief refe rence ;it the heginmng of my pontificate the va lue of Catholic S('hools, the 1mportanct' of Catholic teachers .ind educato rs. and th'-' naturl' or Cat hollC' c·ducut1on itst·lf · Mother's Day Ceremonies Set Waterfront Beat of Minister "THESE ARE themes that ha ve been developed at le ngth by my predecessors." the pope sa id "It 1s 1mportanl th:il I Jdd m> uwn testimony to theirs. in the s peC'1al hOJ>" or ~1v1ng a new 1m puls e to C~1thol ic e duc al100 throu~hout thf• vast area of lhe United Stute:-nf Ame rica " T he pope said h e r a t 1(1C'd · "1th profound con v1ct1on" the wonh. P aul VI addrc:.::.cd on 'epl 15. 1975, to .S h1shop!> "<J{' k noWlt'd~in~ the di rflcuJt1 es uwolv<'<i in p rcservin~ ('atholic :-c· hnols ;incl tht· uncNI c.i 1 nl1es or the rutun · .. "Vt•!>, t hf' C.:atholi{' :.c·hool mu:-! r <'ma1n pr ivilcgt.Hl m e::t ni. of Catholic t'ducat1on 1n l\mcric·a." he s;.1 1d Sunday 1s Mother's Day and several Orange Coast area l·hurc hes plan s er vices in honor of mothers. • · Ma ry. the Rest of All Mothers ," will be the sermon topic or the Ht•v Dr. Carl W Drenner at the 10:30 a .m. service al St. Paul's l..utheran Church, 1190 Morningside Drive, Irvine. • A musica l e mphasizing sell-esteem. "The Best You Can Be." will tw prese nted by the 5().voice Carol Choir or Guden Grove Commun.ily Church al 7:30 p.m . in the s antuary, Chapman Avenue and Lewis Street. Garden Grove. • Mothers. grandmothers a nd great grandmother s will he recognized m the 8: 15 a nd 1(} 30 a m . Sunday services at Good Shepherd Lutheran I rvinc. ( ____ 11_R_I E_f'.~_· __ ) Church, 4800 Irvine Center Drive. I\ :15 voict! women's c hoir will sm g at the 10 a.m. Sunday "erv1re or Firsi Presbyte rt.n Church. 11832 Euclid St • Garden <:rove • ··i:aule T alk." is the Mother 's Day sermon topic scheduled at IO a m. Sunday hy the Rev. Thom as P Warmer at Lagun• UnUed Methodist Church, 21632 Wesley Urive, South Laguna. • HIS, a mus ica l J.!rOup from Pacific Christ ian College, Fullerton. will perfo rm at 6 p. m. Sunday at First Cllrlstlan Cllurcb, 1207 Main St .. lluntin~ton Beach. • /\ western barbcquc. dinner 1s scheduled for 7 p.m. today by the Sisterhood of Te mple B•t Y•bm. The event will take place at Huntington Beach Inn, 2112 Pacific Coast Highway. • I\ mothe r.dauithtcr outing s ponsored by Huntington Beach Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of L•Uer-day Sa1aU is slated Jo~riday and Saturday, May 19 at Silverlakes Parle, Norco. • The combined choirs or St. Joach im's and St. Columban's will sing Faure's "Req uiem ... at 4 p.m. Sunday as the second event m St .. JoachJm's May Festival of Music. St. Joachim's is at 1964 Orange Ave .. Costa Mc:.a. • Temple Isaiah will have as guest pulpit speaker. Rabbi Robert Je re miah B<!rgm an. al its 8· 15 p .m . Frid ay ser vice al Har bor Christian Cente r, 2401 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. Rabbi Berg man will speak on "The Jewish Fam ily -An Endangered Species'!" • "Evcnin~ in the Middle East." is the title of a singles activ1t~ sponsored by Te mple Ell•l scheduled for 8:30 p.m . today at 24"32 Muirlancls Blvd .. El Toro Cost is S3 per person. SEATTLE <API When it com es to the spir itual needs or sa ilors. the Rev. Norris Sloa covers the wate rfront "Mosle m~. l llndus. atheists l don't care." ~;Ays Sto<1, a 68 )ea r -old Lutheran m1n1~ter who has operated out of the Seattle • Seamen's Center for the pas t four years "I love my work greatly," he said "I 'm free t o minister per son-to-person to men from a round the world ." ABLE TO spe ak Norwegian, Danish. Swedis h a nd a bit of Ge rman. arm'ed with copies of th e Nt'w Te s ta m ~nt in 30 lan ~uaRe :-.. h<' t ak es fo reign sailors shopp1n~. RIVt'S informal tours of the t•1ty. talk~ with them about the1rfam1hC's . ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY FAI ,_.,_.._., COSTA MISA WOMBC'S CLUI 610 W. lttei ST.. COSTA MISA f'ASTOI OAYIO E. WILS<>ff • 0:00 A.M. -lllLE STUOY ll:OOe.-M~WllMMp 7:00~h ...... Wanllip HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH CMYtfl" of Foir•lf'• owd loh1-. Cotto M«M Ac• H1lt0ft Joni\, Po~tor Ph°"c 17141 SS~-7711 SUMD,U WORSHlf' SH VICES 1 I :00 A.M.-SUHOAY SCHOO\. 'f:4r, A.M. EVENING SERVICE -6 00 f'.M. WEOHESOAY EVENING · 1.00 P .... YOUTH AHO ADU\.f lllLE STUDIES CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WittoA, CostoMfto 645·l"I WP 11' A Go1nQ t.low•nQ Growing Church SUMOAY SHYICES BLE SlUDY 9 A.M W ORSHIP 10 A.M. & 6 P .M . "THI fttOUG.HTS Of GOD"-ht C•hllM•• 2:10.I t PAUL THOMAS. MINISTER BRYAN CROWE. YOUTM MINISTER. Something w 01)<Jt>rlul will happ •n lo you at 1he .wrotT HAHOI CtllCH Of ltlt;IOUS SCIENCE Mu\< """''-vtO,,_ · ~,.,,,,..,,....., Cllwclt S..-ricH I O:JO A.M. [c:t..-Atfl'\. , ... ,,(".~ W1tv.n A ... Mbnr '-'or Cllwclt • I O:JO A.M. 6 AU("o.-C" At\M1P "' 1670 s.t• AH A••· s.it. I Co,foMHo '46-IO>~ DW.A·Prtrytr '4~6464 Dlt. IUANOlt C. JACUOM, .,._w Ttto.qltt h_,.tl1t MIMtfw • Ttachw • Pree""-· T-,.1 A•olkilllt COMMU~.·~~'lC~..!!.THI IA Y SUMDAY-MAYi'j:...10 A.M. "THE SILENCE" ...,...C..._J, JOIMtwpert~Mn ,......~ WEONESDAY_.AY 11-10 A.M. \ "OUR AMAZING INNER POWER" "' ................... c:..sw 18021 lily fttrtl Cftle, l4'lte H, Irvine C....U OMc« tll7 W..tdff Or. ...,_111 .._. •41-7•M CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES aAHCMS OI' ne ..,._ c:-,....,, CM90t Ol'CMllT. ~·llOl'°'MAS~ "ADAM AND FALLEN MAM" May 13, 1979 Costa MHG-f1r,f t:~ti of Ctirht. Sc1•1ttt•f 2110 MHO Vt~ Dr~ Co1to ...... S..lldcry Sdtool -I 0 A.M C•ch Str••cc -I 0 A .M Ahe , .. s..., Of ........... -5 p.11\ Rtodtftq Room. 2880 Moo V.,.-dr Or 9 A.M.-4:30 ,,M. M°" tltN ~. Wtd. 7-7;50 f'.M.·9·9:)0 P.M. Huntiftqt0tt leocti-First Church of Christ. Sc~Mitf IMI & Oht, Hllittiftqt-lnc:lo C....-Cll & .., ScllMI -I 0:00 A.M. ...... ·--221 Moift St. LOlflll'CI luch-Fir1t C~h of Christ. Sciutlit USHi4)11Dri•t Ct.rctl & 5-Mey Sc:tlool -I 0 A.M. ....... ·--214 ,._,, A•t. .-wporl le.ch-Ant Cllwch of Cltritf, Scifttitf l JOl Yie li4o • ..._.,.rt l«ectl a.di & S-., Sc.............00 I I O:JO A.M. lt .... 1-lll\Yiolide Molt. ttww ff'i. -' A.M.·S f'.M. Oltld C:.r., Prcw'°"" l""""•n • JO.ll·JOAM For SIUOV Time ..._wporlleach-S•cottdCi. · · 'llri1t. Sc~.t llOO Poc:it ic: Yt.w Dr-c-4tf Mw C-..Ch & S..Mey \<hoot-10 A.M. ....... ·---1500 "I" I . c-t Hwy .• C4M -WED. EVEHtMG TISTIMOttY MHTIHGS- 1 ft.M.. ALL Cl«IRC .. S \II ,1rt• 1·11rcll.1lh In\ •h '<l lo Jllt•nd lhl' thurc h wr\ II'\'' .u 11l \'llJll.' I t•l' pn' •ll')(l'~ of lht' ll1•1111!ng Huom' CMW Cer\ Pre•l4M AT ALL SHYICH 000 LOVES YOU ••• So do wet Let ua tel you ebOut Je1u1, HI• 9'n FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Matt\ •t AdatM SUNDAY: Huntlftt'On ... .._......,....,......~_.. c .. ....-.:30 & 10:00 AM ...,........_ WoteHp, l :JO, 10:00..AM, t :OO PM Actt¥e Youth Gro..,1 -NutMfY ... ~· DIAL-A.olVOTION • m IHI E9Jtr CtlMIODd O.walopofM"' lcNol llon . .Ptt. Cal _. Dely -Let UI '*"'°"'I ... 1 ST CHURCH Of RfltGK>US SOfHCf Of NEWPORT BEACH Yt 1•• "••1 ' • • '""'""4 -· ..... • 'ol UV AUEIT IUHE. 15'F. MIMt\TE.I . ····· WOISHlft AHD SUHDAY SCHOOl 10:30 A.M. ~onday Morning and Thursdoy Evening Heollng WOfllsPlop URIA,..US SQUARE MacArthur ot Ford Rood-,..•wDOrl hoch roR AN INSPIRt\llONAI "ICS ... l\Gl OIAI. ~931 ll6-6982 Mlo!ittw'i Mo. 640.SJll HUMTl~TOH llACH CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIEHCE 609 8"twth St. • 536-5 I 50 ~ ,IGGY uum. a.Sc.F .. MW•tw a T • Sunday Services, Q·30 a nd 11 a.m. ~~ T-W., • .--Clllrcll • ....._., ~ LAGUNA UNITE[) METHODIST "'"''•••ou 10 Sunctey $ef'v;CH...., ..-Owshop , ... Of flto<N• w ........ s......,.. 1Al\.l TAL.r' 2' u2 wo4 .. , 0r So.m. l~""· 499 l 088 ~ .. IOOO AM HARBOR ~ CHRISTIAN CHURCH llMIC ...... ctlaritfl 2401 t, ....... s .... ..... 645-578 1 s....,s.n-tc .. a.-llw-1 t:JO A.M. ....... ~·.a.... 10:41 ..... Minery ......... ............ ,. .... , ......... .. Aew. Gene A. Sw•rt•n ,_ C ... ST PllllYT'MIAM CHUICH 20112 M'tftO"e. H.8 . t>M• fllttone ""4MO ..... ~ .......... ,...., w....,1w .... -11aa Mwllf'Y-~ .. ... , ......... ... . ' . A Cl~ill Wea. fflll die U•TID tllUIQt Of CIEi COM•TY tltUICM COMCll,ATIOUL 611 ""•"• ...... c_ .. ..._ 644-7400 o....ww ...... w••"" IOA.M.--...,w~ "'v'1i.,."JC."""' .. ~'°'v'""'""'(..t'• •me••••• CMlCATIMC,.gt 140 St. A•'t ''- • Gii-~•. L...-l«ecll 494-8061 JOHN M. llTMOLDS. MfMISTll MllS. ASTllD SIMSAllAM Dnder' .. c .............. IOA.M.-~W ..... ~" .... '~ $llPIOl If T• IUS JOIJl ...... I .... ............ 4t.S-I l 10 0-.Wt •• ,.. ....... I 0 A.M-C ... t .. I,.,., F.-.yW .... •0wc11Sc-.. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas CHURCH OF nu COYEHAHT~----- 2150 Fotr••t• ltd, Co\to Mf\o l rvc:t A •11rr1~. ,o\tor- s...doy Wor•lwp & Chwcll Sclloof I JO & 10:00 AM "'"'-' SS7.Jl40 CCMftlftUftity Pretbytft'ian Church 415f«ftfA••~~e..cll 4•4-75U Rev. Arthur J. Tankersley Rev Eldon H Thies 10 15 AM -Worsn1p t 1'15 AM -Fellowsn1p Hour This Sunday Worship in ST. AMDREW'S ftRESIYTERIAM CHURCH 600 St Andrews Road • Newport Beacl1 • 631·2880 °"·....... ..... . . .IP.,, ..... W ..... s.r.ket-e:o..t:Je.I t:OO •iMODEL MOTHER .. H. MUFfMAN. NIAa.... CHUeCM SCHOOL • 00 • • • 1ntant f""°"lll' l(,.,...._i," ' JO lnlMI T"""'9fl Colleqe II 00 tnl•nl TIWOUQl\6111 Cr- AIC HIU'UMf -64S-222Z ST. MARK PIESIYTSUAH QUICK JlttMw•tet•.,,. ............. •••. w...~ .,. ....,..,w ... ,...,. ................ Leth J t it-. ..... Directer SIMA\' WOltSMW & CHUICH SCHOOl-9:30 A.flt. .... w.e_......, ..... ......., Worship ---~ CALIFORNIA I LOCAL A IO DAil '( PllOI Sat11rday MIJY '2 I 11) 'Rice Affair' ~~ill .Termed a Mystery SAN FHAN<'ISCO 1AP ' l\.-ln {' Ousted ExPl·utive Cleared f'ranc1sco Goll Club. <1nd Jater -s<Md th{• Cla re mont Country Club mem he rsh1p whic h the bank had paid for with SG.000 in the late 19605 Linda Lavin \sn't. S\ng\e or a parent aut She Speaks for Both •••• K 1<'•', a h•an-~ H'Ur olt.l ""'1th "n e•\)' ·~mile, a ~t·111ui-for b11it ltmt• f1nanre a nd llll lUlllU 11 1n rull\C! or 11\er $1:,0.000. hud 1t mad•· tit> w :1:< hutld111.c a hunw alop Ru11111<111 11111 with ,, tnu1 lbl po5t(•r v u·~ th• h111I ,, h1•ttut1f\1I ""''"' ind thr••t• .cmw11 d11l1lr c•n . Ht; WA.'\ Al~~O lllll' of four '1n cht11rnu•n vC th•• Hunk of Amrr1<'11 . world':> 1.11..:1''' 1•111nnwrcrnl hllnk, r111d wo" ron:-11kn•1I ltw Crontrunnt'r to blll'1't•1·tl ·\ W l'om · < 'lltu:wn u:, t•ha1rni.111 l\ut 111w ,t.n 1.1,1 \u.:u't CliJUSt•n for<' .... d h1111 111 n·~1~11 1mrnt-d1atel> Rtct>'S car,•t.•t t•,plvdc•tl tfl a pui 11tn" !>t.'rl('S or t' l'l'llll\ t' 'Utll' :.t.lll'lllt'fll~. leak~. demab JOtl 111H'!'l1~.itw1i... that ha ve bec·ontt• k1111..,.n 1n bu:.tnt'~~ r1rrles a:. Th•· H11·t.• 1\H.0 1 Seatt-d tht' wt•t·k "' .1 1·111nfort.thlt- chair in tht• :.tud> 11( ht' nf'"' horn ..... weartn.: a tJ:.tdul h1·rr11\~bo1w :.utl Rice s hook ht:. h1•<1tl Jlld for <'t·d •• laugh "t\S SOMEONt: ~AID to nw the o ther day, thert"" two l>Hll':. t o everything and one of I he good things about ts that you never know how many fri end s you hav e until somelhing like lh1::. happens to you , .. Rice said. What happened is <.'lt•ar H1ct: re s igned, at Cl;iusen '!> 1n::.1stenc(• T he c hairman cited an exh austive· in· ternal audit or Rtct'·~ pc·rsonal hnan cial transactions two real estate deals a nd a country club mem· bership whic h Clausen claimed might give the appt:arancc or wrong· doing. But thl'V aJ,!rc'<•d th<• public an· nounce m '-·nt w11uld mt.•r e ly cite "pe rsonal rca::.oni. .. LATER. A •'EDERAL grand Jury with FBI help 1nvcst1gated and con eluded Rice had done nothing tllcgal 1'he ·'why" 1o;st11l unc kar Rice recall:-that day la:--t ::.ummcr whe n h<• w:i-.. summnnr•d lo C'l<.1u..,1:n·.., offic•e In lht: hank ::. high r 1~e hcud qu'1rlcr:. ··Tom lll'\'t'r s<11d I had d r1n1· un thtn~ wrong II <' alw<.1 ys ,,JI<! thc•rf> W<t'i m1 11n11rnprit•l). no hrt'<1d11 no <ltshonc·~I v llul he· ..,;,11rJ ht· had an .11H11I rt•J11 11 I t11•f r1r1· t11m lh<ll. I " r·1111ld11't ,,,.,. 1111\ 11111..,lv th1:-1·11n "1'r,at11111 w.1 ... 1111t '"' y pk.1,Jnt "I S '\IJ). 1.00K. Tom \'1111 ;Jr1• ._,, ttn~ lh1•11• .tntl 'onw .... h1·r1• 111 \•llH des k •~ .1n <rnd1t n•rmrt that y•1u h:H1 prepared on 1111• that go1·s hal·k 15 y ear:-that n-i.1)' 'av 'uml' thrnl!!. <1bo11l me I 1·.1n 't 1mt1g1n1"1~.hat "ll h<:cam1 11l>v1ou., I hi.II <int· of ttw two of us WCI~ going to l<:<tvt: and I "It thou~ht . 'Wt'll I wdl h•11vr h•} rut\Jfi' UI tht• tltHl'k Ill /\ 1111'1 II 11 i" If i>t a kt'. but my rt· 1.mt u 111111 " 11111 .•I takt• . l WU!'> not l"Vl'I v t'll\'t\1·11 •• h.1111 :-tD )'llllo( t'lll'\t'I ' ,,,•,01 1,t1 1·tl IA 1th <;(HlWOIW thut <,tis th•··,. ""'1th :111 ... Hhl r1·1~1rt anti ~ttys 'I 111 1:111111:111 11 ~1· 1111 :t~atn'l \11ll hut yo11 ru11I "'1•11 1<11 • :.J td ') h ilVl' 001 \II ll\I!> d ,I\ "'I II ti \ lttl\ 11f that .1ucht · tu: ~AIO WHAT h1· knu"'~ Jhout 1 ht> rl'ix•rt ('drllt' fn1m 111f111111.1tiv11 lt•..tkc•d to nt-"l)nlt'n by unm11111•d l><111k orf11·1t1I' und hum tlw ~u· ''""'"tit.it wt·n· po!>t'tl by federal "" 1·.,ll~,11111 ' ClliUSl."n ha:. rt•fu:.t•d dll p ul1l11 1 11111 mt'nl. t'JCCept for a thrt·1· 11ui.:1· ... 1.1\1• ment wluch he read, 1n "''IJ"ll''' l" ,, .. 1ockholder's qucstwn .1\ tht \p11I i4 dnntrnl sharehold~rs 01Cl.'.t111~ In July 1978. l wai. a'h 1:.l'cl lly th\· bank s audit d eparlnH·nl .ill 10 "l'Sllgataon or M r H1t·t· -. 1,.., ,01i;_1I trans act1on1>. rc•:-ulltn~ fr11111 ,, routine comphanct• uud1t . huil 11• vt>a led certain tran-.at•\1ut1:. hv Mt Ru~e wh1<·h the aud1I d q1,1n1111·nl 1ewcd as violation:. of h1.1111<. pulln. the state ment said "THE F'A('TS i\Rt: tha t, 111 H/70 a nd again m 1972. Mr H1c·t· 111vt•,1t•d tn a real eslatC' venture o rgur111ccl liy a bank c us tomer. Hoth trun..,.ll't1on' returned a profit tu Mr Riel· "These transactions wen.· 111 v1nh1 taon of thE' bank 's s t at1•d 111111(' a~ainst conduct rrcatrng t'vc·11 .1n ap p ear anCe Of 1mproprtt•ty thP b a nk customer was ac·corllt·1I libe ral acc·ommodat1on by lhf• bank Mr. Rice's private and pt•r...imal m volvement was not d1sclost:d lo bank officers. .. Finally. the authl ijpparlmt•nt ro und that Mr R1 ct' h:id »11ht .. dull m embership which wac; th\· pmµt.•rl) of thE' hank and <lcpos1tt-rl 1 ht J•rt• c·c•Nls of that sat<' m h1-; IJl'r-.1111.tl a1 c·nu nt I 1•11nl·lutll•d tht· ht".l 111 tN1·:-ts of th!' hank n·qu1rc·d th.it ~1 1 Hic·e resign ... RIC'F: TAKES EXC'fo:PTJO...; to :t nurnlwr 11( C1a11s1•n.., 1•11111111, nh Ile 11L<;1sb that the· '"'" rud t"latt· d1•a Is wf•re leg a I a net .1 110' c· tJ11:11 d ,inn w1·n· rc·port•·d 1111 f111.11u 1.tl d1 :-. 1 111:-.1ir1• ... t:i1t·m1•nt-. The· bank cu:-tomt·r .IOl' IJuffrl "'as the real estatt· hro kcr 1nv1>lved Ill' Si.lid. :'lnd th<it was known to a numb<'r Of blink llfftC'N :-l'Vl'n lhOU~h there 1s no normal nt'cd to nJmt· .1 broker when listing assets STORM CENTER Alvine. Rice ffe sai~ he deposited the Claremont nrnney m his account because he had .already paid more than that for th~ San Francisco me mbership. H ICt' tnSiStli that transferring bank· owned club me mbers h ips is normal 1>l'<1N1ce. .. My fault tn tha t transaction was that I neglected through an overs ight to notify the bank of the change " Rll'f' said ' A •'T•;R THE GRAND JUry tn· vt·st1~at1on. U S Attorney G. William H unter wro t <' Rice s aying he rc~rettcd an) hards hips caused to him and his family a s a resuJt or the 1nqu1ry ~ice s~1d hts a ttorney told htm that 1-; lhC' ftrsl timf' he has ever h1•ar<1 o( a l ' S attorney maktng such " -;tatem cnt DuHl·I bornm1·d millions of dollars f I orn lhl' B.ink or t\ tnC'rtCa for un n·lalt'<I ll1•vl'l11111111·nl..,, but lltct: tn :.1:-1.., h,· 11\.'\l'r gave Duffel favored 1 n•,1t m1•11l Nowadays Rice 1s ke pt busy with con~ullln~ work, and on the board of d 1r<'c lo rs ro.r three corporations Ml'morex, where he has served rive '1•a r~ a nd wa~ a major force in hnng111g 11 lrac·k from the Pdge of d1 ..,c11>lt:r . plus Vall'child Ca mna & Instru ments and T<.1ndcm Computer l k was re l0lected to the Memorex board after lcavin~ Bank of America, and was t•lected to the other corpora unns · board~ after his departtire I\.., for the ruture. Rice sa id he has rl'l't•tvNt a numbt·r 11( inqu1nes about bt·1ng ch1er executive officer for s11ml' F..ast Coast banki. lit-~aid he htllH'" tu l!•'t ba1·k mlo hankin)!. pr•· r l' r ably 011 lll\' \'.\·..,\ Coa:.t O!'i Tiff ('l.t'B m1·mb1•r:.h1p. 1t1 ct· .... m t t li:it "tw11 h(• mo\'t·d from ~uh· 111 t.~111 Pll'cln111nt 10 S<111 t•ranu~co he purc 1t.1'i1'fl a m1·mht•r<,h1p 10 San Students Ho11orfJ'd Fout Oran,:•• C'o:,,t \ 11l(l'j'I' 1l.1ll1 '' ltldt•pl• 11'1 l'l\\'d ·' \111 .d q f ot ,,,11 111 •,rL11l.1r,f\q1' rollt1I.\ 111,: ( )( ' (' .._ ,I 1111 U ,ti • p rl II ~' d;1m.:l! t·n111•\•rt \\"1n1H'f' ol th•· ~;dh \1 a t d 1 • I '.'.1 ' tn 1 • 1 1 ,, I \ .... ,1 I ii ,1 I t• I)(• a 1111 ii I.I\'"'" of ("0-,\:1 :\h ~ .t .1 n d ~: 111 11 I ' I.I c r , 1 ii """"port lll-:H h F .11 It r1·1·1•1\ <'d $1:.!:1 I l'rrv .luhn:.on o l l '11unt.1111 \ .ill1·y and .l,111:-. '.1111111 o r '\t•Y. port llf":1dt ,,,1it :m JI<\·" d 11r S IOO I CC Keeps Tabs 011 Moving Firms W \Slll'.':CTO!" •/\I'• If v11u mnwrl 1n 197K .i ncl U'tt'tl <1n1· 11f th<' 10 larg•''' ·hou,••hol1t 1n11' in~ f1rin ... lhc· d1am·e~ :i11· 111\l' in follr lhat vou wc•11· , hargl•1I 10 p1•rc1·11l rn11r1• than wal> t!~ttmaltd _ Tht• c han<:('" an· nearly orw in f1vt· t hat ... ortwth1ni-: \\,1.., d ~1m i.Jp,·rl in the mo\I· dnd )OU 1cl.11lt• ;1 t'l:lllll for :11 lt·u-..1 s:.it \~I) TUE ('ltA /">(·f':~ ARI-, orw in "1 ttw t mu ".11t1·d 111 \'Olli 111·\\ h11rn1• fr11m c1n1 l•1 fl\c d~t\' l1l'~t111d th1• thoH·r ~ p1u10I'" for your h11us1•t1<1lrl .,:ciotb 111 <1rrt\1• I hf'"' f11;\1rt"" 1·nrn1· frnm th•· lntc>r..,t:111· <'om p II' l'C'I' ( '1 •011111'-S lllf\. "' 111 ch 11·qu 11 t'<. th1· :! 1;011 m11\ I OJ;! t1rm.., tha l (•arrv i:o11cb II\ t•r ..,t;1lto lint'" ICI rtlf' an ( ) nu~tl p<'d orm:1nt·c· r<' t :(},,..;l .U t ,'R ((11'1b --·1 h1 ·..,1· .1rL' m.1!11· S~ool Problems E yed Hwllin¢,on District Taps Discipli11,e Panel .1' .1 dahlt• 111 t}1c· publw at th• l<H lw;111tp1artN :rntl ''' f1• hi ••ffll't'" 11\ l\11 ~1m1 H11 11111. l'hil.11\1•lph1.1 ,\tt.1111.1 I 'ht< .1~11 :-.;-rn Fran 11-.1 11 :--,,." 'll11 \.. lw i\rti.:•k' .11ttl h•t l "-11rth I l"\ ·'" f'l'nlJlt· int 1°rl·q1•tl 111 .1 rn 11v1 n ~ firm • pc>rftlrmant•<' rt'.'rord C'an tcle phonP the 11eart::>l f1t'ltl Ofrl<'l' to find l)Ut how \l ha::. ~:rformetl In th1 Potic1t•s for ha nc1hnf! truonc·y, d 1s c1phne anti v;indalts m 1n the Huntmgton Beach Union High School Dislnct will he studtf'd by ad hor com mittees at each of the seven school t•ampusc!> Trusll•t's ... plil , :l to \ w1lh H e l e n Dille ab..,ta1n1ng. 1n authon zing the s ix m<'mher comm1tlt'cs APPROVING WERE Doris Allen. Hr1an La ke and Stephen Smith. Pre..,1dent Zita Wessa op· posed thf> measure because. she said . she believes the studies s hould b e made by existin~ s chool site C'OUnl'llS composed of tea cher~. parenb a nd ad · m imstrator' The 1W1A ,·nrnm1\tc<·~ a rc lo in r I u d <' l t' '-' 1· h 1• r .., par c n t c;. counselors ancl aclmim slrators bul not necessarilv .hose who a re council nwmla·ro; Ttie s('vcn <·om m1ttrE'~' recom · mendatton!-. arl' lo go to d1 str1cl adm 1n1slrntors for eventual con· ..,1deral1on b\ tht· IHJa rd 1,f trustees in forming poliey DUBBED "A BROAD·BASED task rorcc" by Superintcndcnl Frank Abbott. the committf'I'-..· r orm a ti on r ol lows r1· por t:-or burgeoning truancy. v andahsm a n d t e a<' he r dis r e~ pc ct <.1 l Westm i n ster High School I Related story. A 13 J Teachers and administrators have complained that new slHk laws and a lack of clear distnc·t policy have tied tht•tr hands 1n dealing with diHtcult s tude nts Teachers als o hav<' t:om · plained that district litlendance reportin(! a nd d1 sc1pl1n<1rv fOllOW·UP is tneffC'CtlVl' T R USTEES als o h e ard :t teacher task force recommend that the district adopt an a ttc-n da nee system pattern'i?d aflt.'r Newport-Mes a U nified School District's T1'.1th1·r.., t11ld t 1 u..,t1•t·s I h~1t <h m<ill) a., :C>11 t 11mput1·r !'ard-. ;1rt· handlNI rlally hy t<·at·h•·r~ 111 lhl· ll111111n11ton lk:td1 d1 :-tr11't 111 k t•t•JHn~ I r .1<·k uf :-tudent atte11 dann· 't'l1t • :-o;1•\\)lOfl \11•-,;1 ..,\..,l(.'ffi 1An11l 1I u\1111.l' fl\•' roslt>r:. for l•,11·h ll:acher Th .. 1 o~ter-. would h1· marked and fed to .1 1·om put t•r <latl~ "''th a lmost 1m mt•rt1atc folio"' u p n •!>..t lh. l l':tl'ht·r' cl.Ji mt·d T ru..,l('l'I> :.srt· 1•xp1·c·ted to c·on :.1der the fea51 b11t1~ and costs of 1 m plemc·nltnJ! I hc· N e wport M e:-~1 1>ro~ram at th t·ir Mi.ly 22 h11a rd met!llng DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 6 4 2 -5670 ''~"' AVERAGE PERF'ORM/\NCE REt;OROS rnr the 20 largest movers which toge ther moved •\:'>2.~~ hou:-.eho lds 1n 1978 -;how that 22 4 ~rrl•nt of estimate!\ or c harge::. werl' 10 1H·n·1•nt 11r mor<' below actual charge~ But 2fl t pt•rtl'nt or r:.amt11es got l!OOd nt'"'" wht•n thl· mov1n11. bill was prt':-l'ntecl They wer., char11.ed 10 pt'rcent or more II:~~ than lhey hacl IJeen told tht• move would cost In 1 J percent of t he 'ases. shipme nts were r icked up mort' than five dayi. late. Jn anothe r 3.1 pLrC'l'nl. lhl' p1c kuµ was om.• to five days I ale -IJ.4 PERCF.NT OF DELIVERIES came latt·. ~1th 5 J percent more than five days late " Damage rla1ms of $50 or more were filed 11 7 pf'rrt•nt or the tame. It took an avera~e of 26 nav:--to seltlr the claim hut 15 percent or them wc."ren't settled 60 days after they were filed In l'ach ' instance. the figu.rcs are com para blc• with those from 1977 Most are within a percentage of 1977 performances IMPORTANT JEWELRY and DIAMOND SALE MANY ITEMS OF IMPORTANT ESTATE JEWELRY ANO FINE CONTEMPORARY JEWELRY Don't miss this important Siie! SUNDAY NIGHT .., 10~ ct. solitaire dia. ring. 25 ct. d111. bracelet. 9 C1. dia. solitaire n09. 5 ct d1a. sollt1ire nn9. 30 ct . fine uppture pttndaot on di1. chain. 9 >S C1. emer· aid ring. MtnV more plecM of lm· portant 1e welry 1long with dia. stud eamngJ, pendants. smlller M>litair• d11. 11ngs. Cluster dl1. May 13th 8:00 P.M. Inspection Hou rs 7 .00-8:00 p.m. rinos. fine ruby, erner1ld, and uppflire tewelry. Gold c:hams and brace1ets- LadiM & GenlS d1a. lace Witch". Lot.I of un· mounted dia• .. nmer· eld tnd llPPh•,... Something for e<tilryone's pocketbook. Pr<>PerlV moved tor co1wen1ence ol salt• 1<> newport I"' galleries ltd. 2542 West Coast H ighway Newport Beach. CA 1' C RMS 8411'1k Amencartl Ma\18• Charge P1,.onal check C Hh Som• 11• l•l'ldecl 1erm1 can be •rr•l'lll'ttJ (714) 646-2200 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 'TIL & PM MOND~Y MAY 7TK .Ari Levll'll .Auc1tonftr frM itdl ~ttl ed on .... nitflt. °"' to CUl1Clm« .lie they ltit. ----------------a. 0 ... -0 a "'-D c .-(". y -0 c o<'< 11) C!:a- ~ :::::: _v ..J If ... -..... >--., U.£'-c[ -co~ cO.. ->-~ 't: ~-= ~ IO lt)O 0 ~a ~u . a. t1> c -0 :::> .r:: 0 a. er Cl.I E 0 .c )... ro 0 ->-.c 0 ro -Ill 'O c -0 I->-E 0 )... E Cl.I Cl.I > c 0 Q) 0 v -)... l/) OJ 0 0 .c .c ---Cl. 0 c >-~ 0 >-E 0 -("') c ro tA Q) OJ 0 Ill (l,) )... .o 'C "'C .c -Q) (l,) -(l,) )... l/l )... .::.:. Q) 0 0 > u -"'C c 0 Q) w -'C tA v ..... ..... JI QJ 0 "' ..... VI :::> Q; C1> -rt) E ..... c 'O >-;, It) 'O O' z ct u l/) -------------- 1111111111111111111111 _, . -] <! . 2 ~ >-! ~· ~" QC :! ti'I' ~1 ~! ;1 ~ ; r:: .. -............. ..... Gardetting -· .... , .. ,..,. D••L• PILOT .. u __________________________ ....... It's Agap~nthus Pun_ch ___ __ Dinner Meeting Slated A View From J'orM .. Dwarf citrus. like the dwarf orange pictured. make ideal Mothe r 's Day gifts . They are a h ardy container -grown tree to add to any patio or balcony , with ex tr a divide nds o f fr agra nt fl owers a nd full -sized fruits. Remember Mom on Sunday Las Artistas Slates 22nd Flower Show Las Artistas de Flores will present its 22nd Flower Ar- ra ngement and Artistic Design Show Wednesday from 1 to 7 p.m . and Thursday from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. in the San Marino Masonic Temple, 3130 Hunt· ington Drive, San Marino. T ickets may be obtained at the d oor for a $2 donation. Ch i ldre n's Hospital of Los Angeles will benefit from the proceeds C AMERAS WILL B E permitted and there is ample free parking on the West side of the building. There wiU be more than 75 com positions and table settings. F lowers, foliage, rocks, shells and driftwood will be combined w ith man-m ade accessories. containers and stands . The 19 me mbe r s of Las Artislas, comprised of pro · ressional and amat e ur a r · rangers. are drawn throughout Southern California. The show is non-competitive. Botanist to Speak Dr . M i l d r e d Math ias . botanical consultant. will speak on "Botanical Gardens Around the World'' al a m eeting ot Frie nds or the Hortense Miller Garden. Thursday al 7:30 p.m. at Laguna Federal Savings and Loan, 260 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. For Highlights f:aay lC" c row and rolorfuJ. aiapaothua mukc ido l pluntlngs for (lardf'ns. bal<'on1e~ or palll•8 AUho\lah 1l \5 •l~ known llJ l..Jly of th~ Nil.:, 1agupanlhWI 18 really u native ol the C»pe of Good HOPt' •nd has nothing to do with the Nile at an Srnall pomt, rt'ally, lllD<'t' lt '!il such a lovely flower, with thick. blrap hlc e leaves that form the b1t8\! for lht' l tsll flowt-r !Italics Fuchsians Will Meet On Monday 'os la Mesa-Bay C1t1es branch of the National Fuchsia Society will meet Monday at 7 .30 pm., in Veterans Memorial Hall, 565 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa. Lynn Keele r . vice president, will introdut'e George King who ,,..m tell how Fuchsias are com- patible with shade plants. King will bring plants ror a de· mon s tra tion and d iscuss fertiUiers and soil mixes. M a r c e l l a V a n R i p.e r , aluminum chairperson, will re· ceive all donations or aluminum and Fred Woods, plant table chairman, will accept donations for plants. All proceeds go to sponsor a student in horticulture at Orange Coast College. Mary Warwick, refreshment cha irperson, will be ass isted by Helen Caskey. Mignon Waters and Mary Dyke. For additional 1nformat1on, ca ll 548-8207 Vis itor s a r c welcome. Sherman Sets Annual Spring Plant Sale Sherman Library and Gardens of Corona del Mar will hold its seventh annual spring plant sale today from 9 a .m . to 5 p.m. Sue Matloff, ch airperson of the Volunteer Association, re- ports that the re will be a plen· liful supply of unus ual ferns, fuchsias, begonias, h a nging bas k et s a nd s t agho rn and m oosehorn ferns ror sale. Brom eliads will also be in plen- tiful supply as well as ma ny cac· ti and succulents. Garden personnel will offer advice and recommendations re· garding the proper care and. handling of plants . Refres h· ments will be available and ad· mission is free. Sherman Library and Gardens is located on Pac ific Coast Highway one block south of MacArthur Boulevard al Dahlia Avenue and is part of a non- profit foundation. topved with clwit ers of blu,. or whllt! flower~ froro nrni summer to early fall ATTRACT I\' f: A S iu•cenl plants , try h1ghllghl1ng flower beds or large areas or ground cover with the evergreen c lumps or agapanthus that grow fro m 3 lO 5 feet taJI Or. dnaw attention to a tum in the s idewalk path. or the lamp post, with three or four of the dwarf variety 'Peter Pan' These nurualurc agaparlthus ar e free blooming a nd the foliage re· mains a neat 8 to 12 inches :aJI. AGAPANTHUS ARE a l:;o ver y showy whe n planted in large masses Ge ntle slopes. parking lpt strips a nd the lJke can be greatly e nhanced with the evergreen fol iage They also do quite well in containers Sup ply the m with amplt' water in the s ummer and they will bloom for weeks . D1v1de the C'lumps every five years or so when the co nta iners b eco m e over- crowded. Agapanthus s hould be grown 1n full sun, except in the war mer inland areas where p artiul sh ad e should bt• provided to keep the leave:. from burmn~ Weeke1ul Gardening Checklist • Don't be templed lo cut long ste m s on early Roses Leave as much leaf area as possible to help produce a strong well de veloped bush • It's safe to set out seedlings of tomatoes . eggplant, a nd pep· pers and lo sow seeds of squash. beans. com. el<.' Reme m ber to mulch! • Don't a llow Rhododendrons to set seed. Remove the seed pods after the flowers wither. taking care to not injure the new growth, buds. or shoots. • Stake and tie Delphinium plants . Nothing detracts from these heavenly blue hcauties as much a s bro ken s talks and drooping flowers. • Divide crowded cltimps of Bea rded Iris after bloom. Every third year or so 1s about right ror d ividing them. MAUNA KEA .. From Brown Jordan Order tty Tele•lioae (714) 640·5800 S.•l&americanl MaeteKharse Vi .. I Dining/Lounge Chair Spring Base Chair Ottoman Chaise Adjustable 42" T amiami Leg Table 48" T amiami Leg Table 21H Tamiami Sifie Table ' II Reg. $108.00 149.00 73.00 267.00 197.00 229.00 104.00 Sale $ 90.00 125.00 62.00 220.00 149.00 179.00 85.00 Duigned by John Caldwell, Mauna Kea i1 made of welded 7 /8-inch tubular aluminum ftn'9hed with Brown Jordan'• baked polyater enamel. Specific features of the frame claign rault In a certain ruggedneee. Low placed 1tretchen add to overall strength. Interlaced 2-lnch wide \llnyl strap• provide excellent comfort and uaure durability. And the 9tnpe are lnclividuaDy inatalled u.lng Brown Jordan'• cllp & channel technique pnMdlrw th9 opportunity to 1n11.ke cMnga at home. Mauna KM hM many attractive featura that malce it • partlcularfil deairable outdoor poap from a poeidon of appearance, comfort and Mrvic:e. Mauu Ka an be uaed with ..._. ... conficleftu. , S.. ....... H• Rd. •t MacArthur BIYd., NNpot1 Buch. (714) 640-$800 OJwn 0.Uy 9am to 6pm ~- ./ / T "• ;, , '" . The annual Harbor: View Hills Garden Club's progressive din· ner will be held May 19, in Corona del Mar. The evening will begin with hors d 'oeuvres at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1bomas Wilek. The entree will be served at the homes of Mr and Mrs. Charles Ringwall, Jr., and Or. a nd Mrs. James While. Mr . and Mrs. Richard Sp ooner will end the e ve ning's fest ivities with dessert. The evening, planned b y Mrs . J o hn L . ---------------------Edwards, will feature a Weste rn theme . "Vou know what I hate most about being a sna11? Wet kisses:· Spyglass Club Slates Meeting For additional in· formation, call Mrs. Del F'. Woodworth, 644-1693. Windbreaks, Mulch Helps Sprnlass Hill Garden Club will hold its Cinal m eet ing or this club year on Wednesday al 9·30 a.m . in the hom e or M rs David Bright, Ii Point Loma. Corona del Ma r . Assis tinf? Mrs Rright with hosp1la lity will be M mes J J Knicke r· bot'k er a nd M e r l e M rG 111re NEWLY-ELECTED officers for tht: 1979·80 club year will be pre- sented to the general membership. They are : Mrs . Malco m Green , president, Mrs J a mes Fris bie, vice president <progra m ), M r s . Richa rd Test er. record- in g secr e tary : Mrs W a l ter He lley. c o r .rcspondi~g secre tary: Tustana To Meet Tustan a A fri~a n Violet Society will rfleet Wednesday a l Mer cury Savings Bldg . 1905 Irvine Blvd., Tustin. Plant and s upply sales will begin at 6:30 p.m., with the program to follow at 7: 15. Be lly Anderson will discuss the many lm por· tant aspects o f SUC· ccssruJ violet growing . Followi ng M rs. An derson·s d1scuss1on, she and Dr Ted Berg will chair a question a nd answer session. Mrs. Jerf Pence. socia l !.ecretary. Mrs . F rancis Beauchamp. treasurer ; Mrs J J Knac ker bocker, hospitality; Mrs J a m es Hodge . mem bership ; Mrs Ger ard Bast iaanse, publicity. and Mrs Natalie Har ris, parliamentarian. T he representatives lo the Orange County Dis t ri ct o r Ca l i f o rni a Garden Clubs, Inc .. will be Mm es Gunth('r Shi rtey a nd R 1c hard l,auterbach Wind will dry out the soil more quickly than still air, so windbreaks a nd mul ches around plant s will reduces loss of m oisture fr o m the ground Wi ndbreak s can be simple, cons isting or s takes driven into the ground wit h burlap str etched between the stakes Orgaruc matter. s uch as compost or rir bark. makes a n excellent rri ulch A• .. .._ S....., CMws: .,,.,,,,, .. ...,,,,_. ...........,, .....,.,. ..... ~-~ .. ....., .............. " ................. COlh ...... c11-. ;1a ........ S. Cle-ah Ueyd'• ....._,, c:.... ...... • ...... ,G..._.....,_..._.. By Judy Flduccla Reiger Begonia (Reiger Elatlor) This relatively new be- gonia was hybridized by Otto Reiger, a nursery man from Nurtinger, Ger- many Alter 30 years of breeding many d11terent variettes ol tuberous be- gonias. this "Elallor"" strain (which means taller) was developed The Reiger being a fiberous rooled begonia, not only blooms all year around but also can be grown indoors as well as ou1 LIGHT: To keep your. plant compact as well as rounded place 11 1n a brighl East or West win- dow TEMPERATURE: Being a cool growing plant. 1~ preters 1emperatures around 68 • 70". INSECTS· Aph1dc; be they green. brown ~r olack may be a problem Feeoing on the new ten- der growth. 1hey cause the tollage 10 curl and w111 Use Cnacon s 1riaoor Plant Spray PROBLEMS· 81'tnl) VPry ~uscept1bll, to m1tdo~ t reGommend a monthly spraying with a lung1crde such as Benomyl How- ever. the best way to prevent mildew 1s to give your plant the following growing cond11tons. 1 -Never more than a 20 difference 1n tempera· ture between day and night 2-Prov1oe good drainage 3 -low humidity 4 -Oon"t mist your plant. s. Gooo air c1rcu1a11on 1s essential WATER: Apply enough water 10 :.aturale the soil area. keeping your plarit moist at Jll times Use Oxygen Plus and warm water at each watering to prevent over watering and to insure conllnual bloom- ing Always water early in thf' day being careful no1 ro get water on the lo1lage Remember this plant 1hal is so often mistaken tor <l tuberous beqonia, whPn dressed in a basket ano bow makes a most elegant gill LOOKING FOR THAT SPECIAL PLACE! "BIZARRE BAZAAR" 6.000 SQ FT NURSERY fj GARDEN ORANGE COUNTY"S FlNE~ T INDOOR PLANT GARDEN CENTER THEY WON'T LAST LON Gr . . . ... ..,. --- .. -..---...... --......... -----. -_..,,, Al% DAILY PILOl S aturoay -..ey 11 UJI& "Cnt <J pmN.-m · 01t·r1 u nl1 '" 1>111 l~11n f'or t1•11/ t•uf rtd llltte.. 1J~H1•1i11h, ''"'''~ IJ"llJ •ld11•" 111111 n1 r·d In llOlt!f' tnf'</utfl<'' 111 "''' 1 nirrit·fll •Jrid ht.&m1 ~, Mwl !JOUf quc•sllun.~ '" fltJI Hu•an ~· ' "•'· S-1 Vl(t 1)1 urlQt' Coo.ii Oml11 l"lll•I I' O Hot I ""' 1 «\111 \f,.,o f I\ 92<il!fi A:c llllJfl" 11•111·1 ... ,,,, "'"''''' H lll "' •Ul\ll f'l1'd t>ut plll..l'lu.\.l m~1i.1n. ' "' 4••fft'" ''"' '"' /urimq lh1 r11ntfrr .~ t1Jl 11..irr11•. 1uJd1•'" llr&<I ht;.~n1''' hlmr' l'hurw 11umtH•r\'UIJ1i.11 t-.• n1•u1 .. lc-rnJ PILH 11/1,111T111p11a·ur\dt.11 Ill C' r~ Swdn11.Y ' IJrnufa. 8n91t1 ••• Or•dlw! DEAR PAT l hlH't> :!loome knrhen uten!ial~ that hav~ i>aint un ttw handll·it M lltt le girl hke~ to play wtth m y pot-s 11nd 1>iu~ and p1trtlcullirly ~n joys "sllmng" IRlfl~ll\IH rooct Wllh nl)' C()()k II\~ spoons When m y moth~r suw ht>r ~tart to chew on the painted handle of uo~ of these poems bhe told me the pu1nt conla tn:, • high amount of lead I:. there any eaw.e tu worry 4'hout tha~" N o·. Corona dt'I M&r /NanlMll FIJltlo. ~111.11 1 ,1 h1 .... tl('l°l'jlll·d .111 Ill\ llJ 1 rnrt I n IH· g r Jfld m a r s tr .1 I u ( f\ 1· \\ Yorio.':, I~/~ l 'olum bu~ I>~~ l't1r.ult• <kl 8 I It• is .also s t•l a s ~ r .md rna r ... tl,il l•f l ht• I !IMO T11ur1tJ Oll'fll nf Hu:-.t•s P .1r.1dl· 111 l'llBU(' NOTICF. l>~Ol"r..i ()r-C.oo\I 0.111 P1lol, A0,.1 /I ...-0 Mdf ) 11 l~ "19 I.SQ.IQ l•t '8L.ll' NOTICE ... ~ It would~ a wlw to •~P l~!M' ukuUs away from you daugb&er or re platt tkm wllh otffr11 that att not piloted. Tests lndluk U•al lite lead eo11te11t of paint oe ldtcben u~asU!i ranges from I) &o t . 'I pert'ent, wtU. valDf!s of\f'n ~uttdlng th .. legal limits of lead on toys <C percent I and on paint ror Indoor use (5 percent I. Yellow paint shows tbe IUgllest tonttntntion or lud followed by g~n aad red. Other uns uspet'led po&eellal sources of lead lat'luck printed food wrappua, printed paper bats, print.eel polyeUaylene food bags, pet food and colored magazine pages. NOT IC£ 01'" PUii.iC Hf.AIU HG llEGUIOIHG COHSIDEll .. ltOfi OF I ' .1s.uft·ri.1 AoOl'lloH oF THE H• 11rATl'11 --------1 OIJAl.ll V MAHAGIEMENT P LAN ,OR lMf. WUTH CO.U,-AL A•EA Beverage glasses det'ora&ed with some&blng other tllan gold or seml-predous metals also con· lain lead. Cbemlcal and Engineering News claims that plctares dfforatlng &lasses contain up to 10 pereent. lead. Sdenttsts ttmai• ansun about &be possible health baurd lnvolnd, bat p~Umlnary stadles show the lead could be leubed orr by acids la beverages or by a person chewing oa tJae paint. Belldflff Sl.art.ftl .. a fi'leatn- DEAR PAT: I'd .like to find out when Memorial Day was first observed in this country, but I can't locate definite information about this. Most sources say "Decoration Day" st arted dur- ing the Civil War. but the exact year remains a mystery. M .N .. Huntington Beach Tllat's because the e xact year was not re· t'Orded. Grievin1e Soathern women t'bo~ May 30 w decorate the graves of both Vruon and Confederate soldiers 90metlme duri.ng tbe CtvU War, according to the World Book Encydoped.la. Americans now observe thb national boliday to honor those who lost theh· lives in this t'ountry 's later wars, includ· inlt the Spanish Amer ican War, World War I, World War II, and in Korea and Vietnam. Since the end of World War I, Memorial Day a lso har1 bet'n callt'd .. Op py Da) bt'causc of the bat· lie foufth& in thf' poppy Odds of France and Bt>lgium. Mem orial Day, now celt>brated on tbf' last Monday In May in most states, became 11 federal boUday in 1971. Many Southern sta&es set aside a day to honor Confederate dead. Alabama and Georgia obsf"n~ April 26 as Confederate Memorial Day and both Carolinas observe May 10. Kentucky and Lousiana have chosen Ju.ne 3; the birtbday of Confederate" President Jefferson Davi!\. Yoamg•tPr Mwit Grt ~it•ftuf> l)EAH PAT · M.> lfi·yf'ar old n1ecc will be v1s 1l· 1ng us this s ummer for twn months. She has a driver 's license fr•>m h(•r home state of Illinois Can s he use lh:n Ilee n:-~ lo drive while in Cahfomw " K.G .. Hunt ington Beach Persons visiting California who are betw~n 16 and 18 years old may drive here with their home state licenses for onJy 10 days afte r arrival. Then a Non·Resideot Minor's Certincate or a California Ucense IA required. This certificate allows a visit· Ing minor to drive in California with a valid home state Uceruie. It Is Issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles to a minor who bas filed oroof or ability to respond-to damages in case of an acci· dent. 'n.ls proof usually is filed by means of an in· sarance ce11ilit'ate from an insurance c:ompany authorized &.odo bus iness in California. ._,,. Nofl<-r• ll:U llOADWAY MOITUAH 110 Broaowav Costa Mesa 642-9150 SMrTM & TUTHILL MOHUARY WISTC&.1# CHAra Cre1T11tory • Flower Shop 427 E 17th ~t Costa Mesa 646-4888 f'tlaCI •01MUS SMmt'S NOITUAIY 627 Main SI Huntington Beach 53~539 .... , ... .., COlOHCAL. fUMIUL HOMI 7801 Balsa Ave Westmmster 893-3525 rAClfiK: VllW MIMOllAL. , ... Cemetery Mor1uary Chapel 3500 Pac1hc View Onve Newport Beach a.µ.2100 FUNERAL IRECTORS I larbor Lawn Mount Olilie I' Mortuary Cemetery Crematory • Interment In Any Cemetery •Shipment •Burt.a lnaurance McCOltMtC• MOtrYUAltlS Laguna Beach 494.9415 • Cre...aon Laguna Hills 1215. COfftAl-t9• 768-0933 ...... 3 Jwi1pers Plead Innocence FRES NO tl\l'l .. Om· man pleaded no contc:sl, but three othe r'i pleaded innocent to c harges of making illegal "cliff jumps" off El Capitan in Yose mite National Park KC'nneth Gosse lin. who ph.•aded no <'ontc~t . will be sr ntenccd M a) 21 hy L' S D 1 ~ l r It' I Co u r t Judge M D Crocker J\ TRIAL W/\S scheduled .lune 14 for C'iirl R lio e n i:-.h . M1 chJC'I Sheerin and Kennet h Lane. all uf Sou tht•m C\:1ltfornw fiot·m~h. who operat ··~ Ph oto C hut1n ~· ~~11 l\'rµri~\'S (If Ila " th11riw. a b11 1:-L'har~l·<l w1tli all .1drl11 tonal Jump off Jiu!( Dom<' al Yoscm 1ll' JOd mukrn~ a commcrc1:.il ril m of th" jumµs PARK OFFICIALS said lhl' four were cited while making a film on c lHf ju mpin g with parachutes for A BC-TV las t year Thc•y wer e (•ha r~£·d wtlh v1olatmg .. fcdcrnl la"'· whu·h bars "dell\ery by air or a person by par ac hutr or other means without Lhe lJrtOr -.i.rttten pvrm1~c;1on or I he park supcr1nl «n dent ' Ot•ft•n -;P att o rney David Hill !>aid lhl' lhrcc who pleadc•d 1nn11cl'nt reel the char ges arc eith er vague or un · conslltutiona I Boenish contended the National Park Service has unfairly l'ons1dercd cliff jumping a ha7.ard lo Jumpers and o the r :. but <.illows hunA glld tn ~ al Yosemite PUBUC NOTICE s.n Juan Capistrano Coll for frtt 4~6 Cremation Portfolio uOiAL ..ona .... -~°" •IKltMef dlelt"*I-llftfqn 11tr -~ 112S0191ef Ave. --~E ......... erykM91'•T""' N•A&. tfOtitl "--..... I ~I.-.,,_.,,....., .... 111 ..... 1 646-2424 -c-... 1 ....... 1 -"""~· ... , "~•a Mesa .1UUL•••• · •. "•·""' -11 .. _... ... k .... . ...,..,._ ~~ ,._..._A ... ,a...-.e \ ___ .;e;;.;7.;;3-94;..;..so ___ c_,._ __ _.._ ... _, __ 111111• ...,.....,. 0r .... o.... o..1y "' ... .... ''·"" '""" ---.. ..., AHO CONSIOEAAT IO" 01' COii· 1 1HIJAll0N 01' TNf. .. souTHf. ... CALrFOltNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVER NMENT S A S THE OESIG!tl>TEO JU PLAN'MlllG AGf.HCY Maf •, 1•7' ' JOp.rn. )l•le ........... A.,.m II• 101-•..-w•f L .. A ..... !At. CA PUBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE • AT YOUR SERVICE I MISCELLANY I OBITUARIES. PVBUC NOTICE PlJBUC NOTICE lfOnca OP ,.,, • .,,._ TO • .._... Ill THa AA&.I O'A'CIOllOUC .. ¥•1t~I t-t-1' "•"'-''*'C-.. ._i.cttt ·-·Ille Uc-... plied ... ""9Mw ,. _...,. .. _ .... ti•• "" .. ,~ • .-. ·--~· ...... •lc ..... lc ..._ ........ ..-.-• ~·I-......... "', ...... _,.. .. , ......... . l ... llMMSt•-............ .c: .. PwWMt •• -.tll ..__..,., "" -·~ " ....., .... ,. Ille o...rt· -t .. AktNltlc .. _ ... ~ l'Ot I••-..... alc-k. --... 11c.,,._ lot ll~l i.. tMM P"· "''-•~IOl'-1. •• It Oft S... llMt I. Wine '"""' ...... K~::"'" l'tacel v_,.a...,... A#lkallb Pllltllllled ()t .... C-.. O~IY PllOI M.y 11, ,..,. .. ,..,. PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOU\ eU\lllEU llAM( STAll'MI'"' T"e loUow,ng °"'''°"\ .,,. Oo•no ""~·~··· :OOUPE I> ',ANOWICH, 1170 C.etneq,•, "i.an•• •n• U ht0tn1 • .,70\ e~.,.,,r ""'" JOf!tt. u FiK"""· trvine-, C...Ucwn1•'111• Elltfl -•ft C••M, 04.1 ""•~llen Cost•¥•-.., C..hrorn•• ~on fh1'\ bu\'"''' '' c.onouc.ttd oy • 9en~r•t p.art~'"''P Ell...,M./Jr~r,.,,.. Th1\ "r'•ltrnitn1 ..._., 1,1p.g <Ntth ,,,_ County C1tr~ 01 Or .. nq.. Covnty on M•rcfl 11, 191• Fii~ PybU\'-0 Ot•rtQli" C0tl' I Odil' Pilot "'P' l1, 1t M<$• \ 11. lq1' lSS..lt PUBLIC NOTICE PLRLH ~OTU-t: 1'1Utn PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE f'IC'ffTIOUI ..,.. .... .... H&TbY•T ,,__ .......... --· ... ~ ~-llll0"1ol.WOOO. 415 Vlt\t ~., ... , ....... loedt.~ ...... .._. I . ~. o C.-Wy, ........ e..dl.~ ...... ....., ~ IM. C. CM-.... .,"'.....,,· 11 .,.__., cwiw. ---.Cll~~ ,,_. __,. 1'..il'f T,,..., as· Vl\le Pored•, M••11•rt l••cll, C411~ .... Tiii• 9'1U-• I• c~IM 1W a ............. MA"Y l'ltANCES, INC. fMDen £ ......... ............. Tlllt _ _. -tllad will! h C-ty Cleft. o4 °' .... CD\lnty ... Ma ... I, 1'1t, • l'IWnt 01101 .. O'M&MOMl'f' ... __ , .. "-, .. ..._ ....... C.-....."714 P'*4i-Or .... ~ Daily Pilol .... 12. "· .. J-1, 1'1t ,.,,_,. PVBUC NOTICE .. , .... NOTlC. TOC•l'DITO•S .... A•fQID 'UPE•IOtlCOU•TOI' THE $TATIOl'CALtl'O•N1A l'O• lMIECOUNT'f'Ol'OltAllGE In Ille M.otter ol rll~ E\l•I(' or CHARLE!. 0 ESSEX, """ CHARLES 0 ESSE)l, SR ..... CHl'RLES es SElC,411.aC D ES'iEX,l>K"•lifJd H OhCf' ·~ Mrtby QIYt!'f\ to (frQ1fO'~ 1\.1._,tng (1~'11'\ ~tt\o'\t l~ \tHd ~~ °'""'' to OI• Wid r••·~ ""' ttMit o•fl<• of lhe clrrk ol '"" alO<•'-'•O """ a• 10 Pr•\~nl ll>em lo'"" un<IPr\iQn.d di'"" ot11r,. o• JOl'ln W C """°'<hnq_, ,. l•w C.orp0rntt0n, H w,1 Sctn \J1tP"te 81v0 , Su1I,.. •OO lo\ AnQt-ftt\, Ca11torn•4 900•0 •h1C.f\ ta1t111r ()1t1ct1 1\ trw pt~tt ot OU\tnf''1> of'""' \.linek!r\lq~ 1n OH m •t ,,.,._ p.tr1dtn109 to 1yt1d .. \IAlt Suth claim\ "'''" •hit nf*(l!"V..arv "'°"<hen must be tiled~ pr~nrMJ d\ .\tor,.)a•O ••ttun •our monlh'l-4fh:r tt\e ftr\t DUbh< fUOI' (11 lnl> nol•<e O~l•d AP"' IQ, 19/9 °"'''~' 0 E~o;e• J• E •e<ulOr ol lht! Woll ol W•d Ort-nl JO"N "'· E•PU.DIHG Att ... ,..v.1uw Auw~at1., 11 .. 1 sa.. "~· a1 ... ~ ...... L .. Afteelft, CA,_., Put>l•""'° O..~ '°"'' 0.01ly P•lot, Apr II 11 H-Mef ), 12, 1979 H~·l• PUBLIC' NOTICt: SUPaRIOtt COU•T OI' TME STATIE 01' CALll'O•lllA IOO• TNI' COUNTY 01' O•ANGE -A·lte116 lllOTICE CJIJ MEA•t lllG 01' ••O •AT[ 01' WI LL t •No COOICIU, IP ANYI ANO l'O• LE'f· Tl•,TIES~AIOIENTAaY Est•I~ or GL•OY!. WATSON ATKIN!>.•'-GU'OY~ 'It ATKINS, o.~ .. -NOTICE I!. HE~E8Y GIVEN 11\ool Pa.MELI> PIE'ICE GRAVEN l'I•\ lllte r>er~•n • 1W11llon ..,. Prowte ot Will ••r.d COG'Cll~. ol ¥>•1 •nO tor LPl!flrs fit,t•mMt•rv rt1htttfttt1-to Wf\'O' t\ tn•Or fOf' tu:r1Jwr C)dr11culitf't, •nd tNt f"" t•m• Mid CMllK.,. or " .. •11n9 1,_. wmti: "" """ ... r~ Ma~ 1'1. ,,,, •• 10 00 ~ m • •n thr l OUnrootn nf Oeoartm•nt ,..o ) ot W•O cour\, •I 100 C•"' c t-enter Otlvf' 'Nl'\t. 1n t'1'if (•'• 01 S..nta An" C•llfotn.111 OMeo IM• 'I 1Ql'i l fr A 8"1 .. NC .. eov.i1r r1,.,. JAME\£ rt£HDRICK ,.... ""''""~ 111" .. wit• ••o L .. A_l ... C.. ... 10 Atter1teit fW ,... ....... , Publ"r.a Of..,,..,,. t o.asl O"tf t l>1fot M• f \t I? 1t ••I~ 1&411 I' Pl'BLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 01' PUaLIC lfl'A•ING e1£F0•1£ TMIE Pl.ANNINO COMMISSION 01' THI' Cl~Y 01' l'OUllTAIN VAL.LEY NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN 1 ... 1 °" W•d,.,.,.f M•f 1J. "'' •' f JO p "' '" -C:.0.-11 CltllmO.r\, OIY Hall IOMO Sl11lt>r A-en...,, Founl••n V•lley, c..11ror .. 1•, ll>e Plo&fln•n9 Co<fl. •n•on •111 P'lokt • 1>Ubt1c. tw•r•"9 on 1"41 loll-•no """'' C•ll~lll•ll•I UH P••..,11 Ne. JH , ..... ...,, Prlll--lltld bv Or•..., C:O.sl Y•tlO• c.b, In< , IOr • r.cllo lower •I •·Hl'tl llJOO Mt Her~ Slrtrt SUPl'.10. COU•T C--· U.. "'"""9 N•. tel C-OUNTY 01' OAANOE Pt"liCKI \llllmi11"4 I" Evelyn end 1•C1•k ~OflHllr~t Rot>ull c;.c-lo ~••I• a 101-0111 ,._lotftc• .. , .. reil•urMll •116040 H••l>or 8oulo•rd, ~ .... AM. tal-• '27tl Vnll 0 PLAINTIFF UTEELLA SL.ATER Precl ............ m• 0 E F E .. 0 .. N l ~ 0 8 E R l p,_,.., -.nec1 by Ray Cllerm•'· 8 I N G H A M . M 0 . E H Nt•"°Pe Auocial•s. l'O con•lrucl lwo THOMASSEN, ,,. 0 ' ESPERANZA '"""'''' .. bulldi"V\ ••ono ,,,. • .,, side IHTEACOMMUHITY t<OSPlfAL. • He.._ Slrwt, •PO<oa•m•lely 150 Corporation, WHITE COMPANY.• lt.'°"lllolSlal~r A-. Corpor•llon, 8LACK COMPANY, • l>rec ... ..._ .... JM• COol)erlnenNp, DOES ONE lllroutfl PellllOfl SiUlll'ftltt...1 bv ,_._leln V•llo OOES TEN Mrtflol o. .. ._,1 CO. to conllr11tl SUMMON' n ottltt Wlldl"I al~ lfW -.n1 W. CAM NUMlalt .. ,., of W•r,.., "-· -011,,..tety 100 NOTICI! 'I'• ................ T .. It H SI of Eutlkl SITHt TIM ..... _.., <"'1 -_.... ........ .,.. -"I<• 1>111..,. ... -Id ................. - -....,. ...,. .,.., .,.. ,.....,.. Imai. llefGlll of'° H. --... .,. wtai. • MYL ...... __ .._ 11119'011"'9 ... f 11,_, tQ. H. of floor ...... ., .. AVISOI U.. 119 ................ C••dlli•HI Ute Per"'ll N•. 19' II ,,.._.. ,_. ._,_ <...,• U.. t•.-.1M>dl tla ....._ .. a - -W. ....... "911110fl ....,,.,...,.,., bv Troy W. MtiMY. .............. Lea .. ......_. , .. lraMlwr Of _.,,..,.,of,,,., ....... < ... .-e ......_ l'l\11 8 •o4i.< ~-located In - I TO THE DE ... EHOAHT ... c .. 11 co"'m•rc••• ("''"' toc.i" •• t ... compt•IM -...., Ill.cl b't l"9 Plain· norllleatt cor,,.r ot Gerlleld A"4I 1111 •t•IMI '°"' Meeftoll•. a. II YCHI wi\11 10 '9tenel lltls Httr f'I .. -""pltal/Mffkal lawwlt, yeu """•· wltl\1n JO oays af\tr ........ ~. ll>h •ummons Is W..-on ""· Ille P91111tlft loMlllftittld ~ Fount•111 Valley wltll Olis c_, • .,.,tttn PIHdlftt In ~k•I DI.,......,,, Co tor rewlht •••l>OnH to ,,.. co,.,plal11t. tll o •nd •Pt>'°"•' ol muter plan tor J'"ll<e Court, rou """t Ille wltll Ille ~••I -fMCllu.1 llulldlnos .. ttw co11rt • .. 1nen PlllMl"t « c-..,. Mlllllfftt ,.,_ OI Waffler A- ••• P,...,,,.. to t>t •nlenid In Ille E11<lld scrwt. kel In -to II• (Oll'ljtlatlll, 1"-'IU .. ~··-., .. ...+ft wllllln JO dOn ..,.., 1111> •-Is OM..,,.. M•ftd on 'l'Olll !For tllt "'"'' l<MntlflW wllll an t>. ur•u 'IOll W fflllOftd, yovr • ,.,..,1.-1•1, "°''°' 1$ ,.,.., ti,,... Miit Wiii tie .,..,_ -...,ilutMoll Wlet MMe 111*1 Ille lflltlal Studio\, o f Ille plaiMIH -1111s c-1 ,,..., IN ... tlv. OIKla•allCWI ,,_ """ ~ t., • l---1 "8111tl ,.., lltr u. red. Tiie •nwl•-1•1 1m..-c.t •"•' clefNnOod 111 Ille compl!Mnl, ••vltw Clnll'lllttee wlH ~,_ _. lcll < ...... '9tUlt ill ..,.,.,tlwMnt .. "9¥•1 .............. o.c ............ ..... \t*lftl of _, °' ,,,..,,, "' .... , . ...,,.,, 1m. t,_r ....... ~ 111 tM C-· THISI MAT'TlltS -llelnt _,,.. lalllt. ,..,_. .. llW ~ IAWt c.H,_ ........ -...C. .. _.ttw~•~.~ ___, ............. ,_ ....... 'OMI, .._ .. *I•• .... ._ .. ._._ .. ......, .... ,.. ....... .. ... llWll( .. c.Mt. Tiii• fl. • ....... -,............ THOSe oes1•11110 TO '""'' ... 0.-..NMt,ttP• --·--tttft•.,_,,....... wtwu. •. n,...., 1 .. ..-• ....,..,.., .. ., ... Oefti ~ ,., ... 11 Mht I....,_ .......... ,.........,. .. ........... ....,c....a ... °"""' .......... 0•• "l:r•" .. ..,.., -· ALOI. LAll,.t..C. .......... , ....... ......... __. Cl.INTONSHl•ltOO, -liK"*'V Me, CA.,.. ,.._.,,. C»l1Anl ..... ~·--°' .... Cliett Deify ....... ... ..... Or ... CNll OallY """' ..... "· ... "" .,...,. •J. "" ..,, ---..----------.. -... -···--· • NATION I LOCAL s.turcs.y, Mey 12, 1979 DAILY PILOT A J:J Maries' 'Girl Without Fear' Now 9tl IN HER HEYOA Y Stuntwomen Werd For Serurity TODAY AT 95 Fe ars Falling ..... 1 • ._-.. Westminster High To Get More Aides Campus security will be,beefed up at Westminste r Hi~h Srh11<•I following reports or incr eased truancy. vandalism and dc.c1plinc pro olems on the campus. , Huntington Beach Union High School District trustees created a new employee classification this week called campus security ass1s taot. The JOb pays $4.50 an hour. a slPp up from the SJ 62·an·hour supe rv1.s1on aid posts that can't be filled al the ~chool C ~MPllS SF.CURIT\' <JSSI S tants a re chargc1I with '"d1~ couragin~ improper behavior .. and appre he nding both student a nd non·stude nt violators of :.late laws and district pohcies. PE classes to explain our cxpec· lat ions · · li e sal!1 a rC'p rcst'n\at 1vc ~rou p of 13 k:u:ht'r~and ii j!rllUJI of 14 s tudent:-. haH· l'~Wblishcd prior1t1es for work111 i.: on campu~ problems. T<'achers suggest heller stu· dent parking, m inimum atten- dance requiremen ts, s pecific penalties for discipline problems and securing district s upport for Stuntwoman Lillian ~ves in Wheelchair SAN ANTONIO. Texas 'APt They u lled her "The Girl Without •·.,ar " In the days of the is lh•nt movlf's. whe n it was n o l hln~ for her to c r ash lol·omolivts and cars. ride honw~ ov .. ~ l'llffl, and tumble do"' o stiur~ Hut now :sh .. doesn 't dare l'hulh.•nl(l' lht' few sliµpery feet uf hnoleum ~tween her nursin~ h<>flh' bed und the bathroom l.1ll111n Ward "The Gari Without l'"ear" 1s 95 and rare· ly leaves her wheelchair. ··SOMETIMES I STEP down 11n th~ slick noor a round here and l s lip. l s ay to m yself. L1ll1an. don't be an old fool and fall a ll over yourself · So I just don 'l try 1t anymOrt' I let the nurses help me when I try to walk ... she said S1l(ty years ago, Lillian Ward was one or the most sought-after .,tuntwomen in the fledgling ' movie industry. One major pro· ducer of the e ra called her. "the best stunt woman or the East." She doubled for nearly all tht! hi~ stars . including a fe w men, and commanded $150 a day. "We made big money at the time . We thought it was big rnoney, anyway."' she remem· ber('d. . WHEN THE ''PERILS of Pauline" script called for star Pearl Whjte to risk her pretty a nd expensive neck for a s tunt. the director called m Miss Ward. You'd probably never notice it in the old movies. but that 's Lill i a n Ward th e diabolical villian has tied to the rai I road tracks in front of the on· rushing train. ··rt m~\ler came all th;,t clo:.c. · ~he said modestly. Miss Ward dressed in cowl><>~ g<Jrb an~ doubled for at lea:.t three male stars too frightenl·d to perform dangerous horsL·· riding scenes All three have been dead for many years. but she still won't tell their na mes . "I OONT WANT to e mbar· r ass them. so I 'II never te ll who they were," she said. F'or one silent thriller. she pi loted a New Yo rk Central locomotive Into another train. leaping to safety a s plit.second before the crash. Dressed a s a man, s he rode Burnester, her favorite trick horse, off a cliff for one of the cowboy movies. She tumbled down a flight of stairs after being s hot by an im· aginary bullet tn '"Ashes of Vengence." As a crack pilot. s he signed a contract in 1928 a year a fter Lindbergh to become the first woman to ny alone across the Atlantic. The d eal Cell through when a group of Pate n.on, N.J , business men couldn 't raise the necessary $35.000. but 1t e arned he r the nickname "M is~ Ltndy ·· TO l..EARN THE whole story, one must turn to the tracked, yellowed scrapbooks M1:.s Ward prizes above all else :.he owns He r memory or her explc11ts 1s fogged by age. but s he hct'ome:. more lucid when she :.cc:. th<: memorabilia. And without the precious scrapbooks to s upport her s t o ri es, th e o ff icia ls at F rie ndship Villa Nursing Home would probably have dis missed them as the pitiful hallucina· lions of a senile old wom an. Miss Ward had been slightly ill the days before the interview. and Joyce HuJlgem, recreation director at the Frie ndship Villa Nursing Home. was concerned s he wouldn't be able to re· member her past c learly. At firs t, Miss Ward had trouble re· calling the events. but h er memory s ha rpened . as s he turned the pages or the scrap- books SH E REMEMBERED always being fearless. from the time s he rode wild horses as a teen· ager on her fam11y·s East Texas fa rm near Grand Saline. She told of going to New York before s he was 20 to land a job 1n v:.1udev1llc as a trick ride r. Mov· 1e producers noticed her there ··1 JU.St didn'•ever think about being afraid or t he stunts, .. she ~aid . 'I n e\le r gave it a &AXTU REPAIR thought." She broke her lee once lr)'inC to Cord a creek aa the double-for June Grey in "Flower of Faith." She broke an arm falllnl off a horse while practicing in New York ror her vaud~ville debut. "I HAVE FACED death a dozen limes and have come throug h many narrow shaves with only a fe w minor injuries. Black eyes, bruised s hins and s prained ankles have been fTe· q uent in my career," sbe ~ in a 1929 ediUon of "Live Gir Stories." By the advent of Ute "talkie• movies in the ll20s, Miss W had tumed her attention to fly. ing, primarily as a mail carrier. She later moved to Miami and dabbled in real estate. She said ~he hasn't piloted a plane in more tha n 40 years , but drove he r car until she was 91. She gave up he r car and came to San Antonio four year s ago to be near ht!r nephew and niece, bt.lt co ntinued to Ii ve indepen- dently in a mobile home nearby until moving into the nursing home In Journalism Harbor Lites 10·' h-, Dey Md.__, HB High Wins _._1_90....;~-~-'-~-';'·_·_tl __ Most Prizes DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642·5678 llunt1nglon Ue a c h Hi g h Sch ool t ook swcepst akt:'S honors by wmnm~ the most prizes at Golden West Colh.>Rc's third annual J ourna lism -::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;::;;::;;:::;;;;iiiiiiii Voc:it1onal Day A•R ... Studl•nl Jnurnall-.t'> fr1m1 c1s.:ht area high ,. II\, ~rhoob re<·f'1vt•tl aw;, rd-. a111l <•llended works hop·!> M · lt•d b) Soul ht·rn C:.lllfornia Jnurnali:.ts and Tropical fish • Fr~h • ar1nc m·wsc;,stcrs 1 Aquarium Suppli~ Winners mcludt•d Special Mey 9 ·May 1s. 1979 ~"" C .c•tl"°(•. "~"'IMP<'• Paw Prinn lo• Am•llO> H1qn PterOphyllUm SC81are: .49 S<hOOI, hnt. 81-•<0n, Ntt•PorC H•rbor HIQ'1, \.fl'C:Ond H19'1llQtll\, t1vnt 1nqlon B NKll H 1qh, 111•1(1 MO 110no1~bl• mt nllon 10 Vol>...,Q.>, Marina H•O" I have d d t<.(Olel body Shape, high SOar'· <>enorol E1co1t•n<e, m•9.,1lnt Maor• Sl•ttt. Hvnlln91°" HIOfl I fl t I Ne~,,,.,.,. 0111 orion, E<1t1o0n, ""'· 8111 Mcc..nu. Hun1,1>9ton e...... 1nq dorsal and anal 1ns, long owing ven ra The posts will be available to administrators at all seven dis· tncl high schools, but their crea lion fo llowe d a re po rt by West mins te r HiJ!h princ ipa l William Rollins that he can't hire secunly a ide!.. us ually col· legc· ~ludent.c; school poliCies. · ' \econo Pt.le• liolm•n. New1><1rt ~•••IJO• inoro. """ nonotabl• me<111on •o fins lhat 1001< like teelr rs, a nd tour di s· Ro llins told trus tees hl' ll> already in the process of hiring live or the new security assis tants who will know ~eneral principles or la w enforcement, be in ~ood physical condition ind hdve phyc;1cal <.1J!1l1ty a mong their hs'l of attribulP~. IN A REPORT to trustees this wrek regarding c o mplaint s a bout thf' ~chool filed by a mathematics teacher. Rollins ..!?)Jllined sleps under way lo 1m· prove campus conditions. Vandalism and discipline re· port edly h ave wf)r sened this year Fires have het•n .set in trash c ans and s tudt•nt loc ke r s, classrooms have bern J<1m med . restroom f;1c11ilie., have het.•n destroyecl. graffiti 1s incrc•11s i.ng locks are f·ut from lockers and locker doors deslroyt'd Rollin s s aid teachers . counselors a nd adminis trators now are helping supervise the sprawling campus <i t Golden Wes t and Main s tree ts in Westminster where youths from that city and north lluntmgtor. Beach are schooled THE PRINCIPAL said he nae; r e i n s tituted the "campus sweep" in which s tuden ts picked up on campus after each class begins are t aken to a central a rea for admirustrat1vc process· ing The school will continue to re- fer problem students to an out side drug <livcrsion program, he s a id . a s well a s to the Westminster Youth Ser vice Pro· gr am for counselin~ and to othrr consulting groups for incornr.1· ble youth. "We have met with the entire staff to describe the areas of concern . . . a nd to indicate to them what our response ha s been and what will be expeeted o r the staff as a whole ," Rollins told trustees. "WE RAVE MET with the slu· dent body, period by period in S TUDENTS C AJ.,LED fur m o re campus supe rvi s ion , c loser monitoring or truancy , improved restroom conditions and a smoking area. Both s tudents a nd te achers called for a grade reduction pi-natty for c hronic trua ncy . Hollins said. T r u s t e e 0 o rt s :\ I I e n o f Wes tminster c·alled lh(' action pos 1t1ve progrc!>S · ~he ~~ml the report of schoot conditions "was negative bul a lso a re ality." SUE ADDED, "I T HINK when we have a problem. we mui,t ronfront it." She said she wa!> pl<:a~cd wuh the action und(•r wa v ancl wit h the teacher who rt:'portcd the problems USC Honors Professor From USC N e wport Rc a 1·h rt·s1d cnl Rocky /\ Tar antello is one or c;1x f a culty m e mbe r s al SC honored for t cachinJ: excellence by the SC A!.soc1atc"" Taranlello. 30. 1s :.in :.iM;1sta nt professor or real estate and land economics m the businc!>S ad ministration de parlmPnt lfe a nd fi \le others Wt're given thr Excellence in Teaching /\ward a fter they were nom in<1tl'd by gr aduating student~ A partner in the Newport Bearh real estate investment and financial fi rm of Tarantello. Hasson and Lee, Tarantello has taught at USC since 197fi when he earned his doctorate. He was recognized for involve· me nl in the USC Real Estate As · socialion and the school's real estate program . Each recipient or the award received $2,000 from USC As· aociales, an o rganization de· dicaled to adva ncing USC's academic excellence. Unit Seroing ElderlyD~ Revamping Hes ponding to a senio r c 1t1 zens ' protest s taged two weeks ago, Or a nge County supe r visors aRpointed a special committee this week to study restructuring the count y 's Senior Citizens Council. J eannette Dutto n . Garde n G r ove's H uman Resour ces Ma nager . was nam ed as a chairwom an or the-iJ.m ember group. THE COMMITTEE will re· vie w the council in light of the 11eniors' re ce nt charges that the l'ount y·s seniors· program pro- \' ides inadequate scrncC'S Other c harges l eve led in- cluded high administrative costs uf the program ant.I low murale among t h e s taff. Also, the seniors requested that the pro· g ra m be removed from the t o unty 's massive H uman SN vices AJ?e ncy 1IISA 1. S upervisors in s tructed HSA l>l3H members to work with the com mittee which is scheduled lo submit its first report .June 15. C OMM I TTEE M E MBERS from the south coast a rea are F:velyn Hart and Ruth Ka hn of Ne wport Beach. a n d Mike Rogers of Huntington Beach. Two of the newly appointed members now sit on the existing Senior Citizens Council. Other agencies represented by com m ittee members include the League of Cities, the Seniors Club of Fullerton. State Com· m is sion On Ag ing, and t he Orange County Council on Ag· in~. ...I ~~~~·~':::k ~"" AmlOO• Chtls 11 .. m, Len AmlOO•, and ll099lt lljr, Hunl• tine I ove blaCk bands that enhance mY SI I Very Edll«•b' ll••DMb F•ovA, N•wllC)t"t liart>c><. '"''· 1m.,. •n .. 1>1•••. grcPn color I am on sa le al AQuatic' MM•M , ...,.tond. l(to J•n••"' l O\ Am•oo\ '""~: •"" 11cn<>r•b•c menuon to Tropicals under the name "Silver Angel" for 6«111 :::~~~·rs-;:o~~~~.~.fu'!;~~~o~:~~ 1;"'· "-•••lll',liunt· onl y 49 see You Soon tnQton 8F'"~'1,~·~f<;;:;:1~".~1""u~~"',~' ~e~:O';,·~~·~~:~ first Re.: Strottw,.. S.A. HUnllnOIOI\ 8'-l'(h. -ono. Dht w nltt. Fount•'" V•ll•• lilQfl. third •• no 1510 w. Baker. Costa Mesa -hOnorabl~ ,,,.,.,hon lo Tom ~ollan!J, Ntw(l0(1 Haroor ,.,,,... _.. ..., Sclo<1• pno10 R"9Q•e 1oe, liMnt•noton euc"· '"'' J,.11 ocn•r>P•. ..., 549·1391 •Corner Harbor & Baker .... Edi\On, ~, A•a Strother, Hutihnoton 8e6cft lh1ref. •nd hof\Orablfll! mff' tion to Tom Fillmotf', O<.~•n Vl•w H•Qh and R1'9Qt~ tor, Hun1tnc;iton 8#.t<" Fetl'lur .. \tDf'Y Monica Cvrmo, M•11n.a1 tin t Richard A1l•y, N~wpc)f1 HAr'bof , \e{ond, ~lin<M WM:'1t,., losAmlOO\, tt'lrd, and Niinor•• menUon to O.no M••s.-tna. Edison, A•ndy H1fl .-4unti:nqton ~~"' itnd SN ron No'1on, Ed l\on Spof1\ ff'a,ur,. llCt..,,n M . .uou11 .. , fOuf\'"'" VAU~., "''' Jop., ~rit'_.Mr Otl\O M4)1\..n(), Ech\O" \"tonO. w .. nch N1(h0••' L(k Am1Qt». "'"'" ¥10 l'lonotabfe menhon 10 G•n• F~rr-y '-"•""~· M•~f' Po1f"IC>i. .. •. A•nc:no Ait.tm•tO\. ~"° l<f'n Jfl'n•uri\ tl"MJ Lvnd" O~rJ. lO) Am190\ Voyager Craft Speech Topic Orange Cna~l Cnlle~l' Planrtarium dir ector Stephen P L::tttanz10 wil l spt·~1k on Voyager spac:f'crafl 's e ncounte r with Jupite r and it s satellites May 22 at nM n 10 the Costa Mesa school's Science Lect ure lliill Lattanzio, al:-11 :in a-.'o1'olant professor of as tronomy a t OCC. will !-.huw slides provided hy . the .lel Propulsion Lal>or:.i tory 111 Pasadena The publir 1s invited 1<1 the free prog ram. which is sponsored by OCT.., Phys1eal ~cumces and Ma the matics 0 1v1:.1nn Slayer Ruled lnsarw LH/\N Y, N 'r' 1/\P 1 1\ il)e<1 r-old m an "as round innorent of murilcr hy rcii~nn of insani-1~ after a psyrhiatr1-.t lcstific•<I thf' man hacked his wife to death bera11<.t' ht' fea red 1nfl al1on would consume the ir sav in~s anct leave them destitute F red Apfel was arq11ittcd h) /\lbany County Court Judge .John Cly ne in a non Jury trial Apfel was rortraycrt at the trial as an eccen· 1 rte. 1nlro~pt?~1ve m:rn. beset hy feelings or inade· ciuary anct $.:lven to bouts of heavy drinking. lie was said to be tormented by frars of losing his $40.000 in s;ivings to rising priee!> ( .~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ' Mother's Day Give a Living Gi!f. r < GRAND OPENING TIMEX SALES & SERVICE ' ~ A WatchA'l>B:v _ GIVEAWAY.* Beautiful S1l1ctton of ! SPECIAL ! SAVE SAVE UP TO 50% ON UP + CUSTOM MIRRORS + TO WARDROBE DOORS 40% St•••dSbe tro.Sl25111st•1d on C1m1111te Wiiis A-AB AL auto Wit Bars 9HS.W... T•ll T1115 S-.Allo glass 558-1631 Compl1te Sc'"" & Glens S....lce 200/o - Off WIMlow &lass .. \ . TO CEL EBRATE THE GRAND OPENI NG OF OUR NEWPORT-MESA STORE. WE'RE GIVING AWAY A TIMEX~ WATCH EVERY DAY. •Drawing wlll be held daily • You need not be present to win. • No purchase necessary. •COMPLETE SELECTION OF TIMEX WATCHES • AUTHORIZED TIMEX REPAIR SERVICE • OTHER MAKES SERVICED 0RAN0 OPENING WB> .. MAY 2 • Style may very from ttwt lhe)wn. Retell value to '29.95. Off•r exp. May 31st. 1979. 369 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA • OltYSANllEMUMS • AffttC.AH VtOlfTS • HYDR.tMGEA • AlAlfAS You ore invited lo Llyod' s for o FREE GIFT fo,ll each MOTHER thol v1slls Lloyd'~ Sat., Moy 12 & Sun., Moy I J. 1979 No Purchase necessary. I _ _, Open Mother's Day _:':::"<4i,.;;"1"~',..,,.~"it;•~1,ii;;;.:,'":.......-~-H7~~~--:ln M 7:tl,. ._ ... s.t ........ Looi! For GRAMC> OPENING1RVINE Jeffery & Walnut et the Senta Ana Fwy. s..... t:tt .. 1:11 JOJI Ml .... ._ C.t t.y StJ c ........... c .. • ..... 7441. A l.f DAILY PILOl Saturday May 17 191'9 MUSIC Magazine for Musieians Strikes a Note CUPERTINO <AP 1 1'h<· m•anuw's <'rctht and rtllleetlon Dl DUt't play1-d with P:aul ltev('rt• and the RaJdf'n< Tht-art dtN'<'lor ••H "''lh The R1tehlroua Brulht'n Tht')' dOO "t nll'i.'l tn a boardroom, lhi' iut aroond a warf'houte and Jltlll No, it's not 1'1mt>, l.1ff' or Look ll It 1Ultar Playt'r •• ahck, aeo.ooo <'irr ul11tl o n Mo nthly whic h ft'1Alut1'!\ artlc-IH o n ampllfuirs . strintts and <>lhf'r ~11tork 11ubject.a and whok partol company wUI gross •bout $5 million OU. ~at from lh m<>de rn he adquarters near San Jo.e THEat.:'8 BIG •ONEY in mu.si curnis. uyi Jim Crockett, whose (; l'I 1~ubhnt1orui 1s clearune up on A meri(•a 's tlshnuated 16 million 1eu1tar enthu1U•Sb It's also rapid· ly guamng subscribers among the routchly 3:. m1lhon people who play p1uno or other kt.'yboud mslru· ffi{'l\h. (:111ltt r 1'1ayn, wh1C·h began 13 )'t'&r !:I u~u a:. a mimeographed s hct.>t , hus J}l-o:.pt.'red not with gosiup columns but wlth articles o n unde r -the -s tring bending lc<'hmques. hollow body eleetrics and modem namenco. You won 'l find Rod Stewart's love lafe wssected, but if Bootsy Collins bass techniques interest you, the April Guitar Player de· votes more than four pages to them. GEARING A MAGAZINE for mus icians. as opposed to music rans, seems logical enough when you consider the numbers of amateur axe men s pa wned by The Beatles and other rock groups in the early '80s but Crockett says most advertisers were s low to respond al firsl. "I knew damn well there was an audience out there because I had been a musician all my life and nobody had ever s poken to me," the 42-year-old Crockett said in an interview. "The view of musicians was, 'If he isn 't a junkie or a drunk. be was some hippie truck· ing down the highway."' Guitar Player received a lot of support in the early days from gurtar manufacturers like Fender, Guild and Gibson, Crockett says, and then began to add amplifieT companies, strlngmakers and others to their ad lists. "l'M SURE AT the outset they didn't get their moneys' worth, but 1t was an investment for them," says Crockett, a slim. soft-spoken drummer who still groans when he reca lls play ing "all those Stockton· Lodi-Manteca dates." SOFT & ORI ANACIN DERMASSAGE TOOTHPASTE 4.6 oz. TUBE 111 PLANTS IN 6" POTS ASS ORTED VARIETIES Tan wnhoul burnin9 w11h tree lotion to preven1 dry skin Anti -Perspirant ENVIRONMENTAL FORMULA 6 oz. CANS ti/I BAG OF 260 DRISTAN OECONGEST ANT TABLETS • .............. ____ ..... Fo1 rel11>t f)f r:o ld. llay fever and sinus conge s11on BOTTLE OF 24 1.19 • •BRAND s:~~~:N' SHAMPOO or CONDITIONER 16n.79C EA. ~ TABLETS DISHWASHING JJ FAST PAIN RELIEF LIQUID ---r BOTTLE OF 100 ti/I ALL-PURPOSE MAT Hr•;ivy duty vrnyl 111ea1 lor uc.e as cusl1ton1:11 lillll]Ul! '11dl ggc Approx. 18"x 24" ROLLED VINYL Made ot vinyl covered With Protein 32 oz. 111 FABRIC SOFTENER I I STRIP INSECTICIDE :~;::.:.:,:~. ggc 1.59 ----------------- LIMITED TIME OFFER! FREE 5x 7 COLOR ENLARGEMENT ~ 2 LITER BO TILES ·11: SOAP THERMOS TOUCH TOP BEVERAGE DISPENSER 14 95 2 LITER 1126"47 .• THERMOS l·QUART TOTE CANVAS BAG With two lront 11ooe1 pockets Approx 1911.-.13·· 7¥• 7 77 lfl.1131• • SAY.ON BRAND HAWAIIAN BUND CLAIROL Dark Tanning Oil or LOTION 8 oz. EA. or SUNSHIELD SUNSCREEN 1 o~· 1 69 -YOUR CHOICE • EA. UP JOHN Unicap M 10 Vitamins Plus Iron and 6 more minerals. ::; 3.49 PAPER TOWELS C·H·B ASSORTED WHOLE COLORS PEELED #I; 1;1 SHOP 9 ·oo AM TO 9 ·JO PM MON . -SAT I 9:00 AM TO 7 :00 PM SUN . Nice 'N Easy SHAMPOO-IN HAIR COLOR With rith·bu1IHn cond1ttoners ALBERTO VOS Hair Spray Assorted formulas No Fluorocarbons 1.99 121L 1.59u """'· .. CH_.._ a•• 11 I .. .,..., ;I '1 6 I• ;r==4 ........ A..... MIWP'OltT llACH-1 OIO fr•IN, W91tcltff...... IL TOlb-a072 1.afWI 1.-. MllllOtt Yll.I0-11272 ........... Phy. I flOUMTAIM YAWT ........ w.-., SANT• AMA->tf I ~ ...... St. , ... .. _ I 1 d ... n g s b ii T F fl fi ill ro of Si ti. di Fr w di Si re lll Cl da . tat mt ••• rel Ha bul Vil 804 ·~ 1-4 • ... _ INSIDE : •Comics s __ ·Te~•evis•o_" ______________ inOrts a..-SilturC:S.y. MllY 12. 1979 DAILY PILOT r-8J .. ,. ... ,,.. ... THE SUNS' JOEL KRAMER HITS JACK SIKMA (43). NBA Pla Gervin's a Pop; Bullets Go Pop l 'rom J\P Olspalcb.-:-. !-iAN l\NTO~IC I 1;1•(1fj:!I• f;1·rV1 n f'Xplodcrl for 42 points. 1n· dmh11g .1 1w:i1 n·c·nr d :111 tu kt•\ .1 third quarter s urgt' F riday night. ~·s th<• S~tn 1\0tl)lllO ~11111 ... I m1tNl llw Wa:,h1ngton nullets. l IR· 102 Th.-t1 1um~1h l!:J\ ,. tht• ~n11r., a :1 I 11·;.id 1n the> hesl of seven N<J lion a I 11:.i~kl'I ha II /\:-:-.1>e·111t11111 l·::,..,t rrn Conf i:n •nce <'hamp1onsh1 p series with <;a me> Ft' e -;dw<l11ll'd for the Bullets· home an Lan· 1IOH•r. Md . :-.unday \\1th tlw Spur:. nur-.111~ .i fiO !;!J l1·acl w1lh s· 11 remaarung 1n th« th1rc1 P•'llO•I Ct'n111 l11l th1.· Spur ~. 1wxt 18 point~ II" outscored the Bullt•ls IM :.I 1n the ne xt 51 ... 011nute:-. tu ~1ve; the Spurs (J 78-68 lead wr\lt :.! i..'9 n•m.linsnJ,! 1n th•• q11:1rt1•r ~.an 1\nlon111 c•\lt•rtdl'(i 11 ... m;1rgm lo IH·i2 al the end of the JH.•rwd ancl l(•cl hv :1s m<111 v :·~:'fl potnb 1n th1· final quarter (;1•nrn s thrrcl quartPr Jl(•rforman('l-, criming lwo days after th<· lt1rth of h1-; •h1rd <'hild. \\;,... 11nl y a poin1 .;hy of the· !'/HA playoff rt><·ord ot ;:1 prn111 ... m .1 q11art1•r •.1.·I 1n 1947 by Ph1ladelph1a's J o{'. Fulko; At cmr• .;tap1• rn lh•· lh1rc1 ciu·1rfrr C,rrvin the NRA's sco ring 1'11:1 m pion for two c·o11~1'<·ut1 v1· ~t·ason~ ree led off eight un· anSWNt'<l l"ll nl'\ s ":A·rn .E l'aul Wl'slphal and Wulter Oav1s combined for 33 :-wf'onll·h:tlf poinh tu propel lht.• Phoenix Suns to u 99·!l3 victory F'n - clny ntghl t1H'r lht• Sc·<stlli-~upcrSon1cs and a 3-2 lead in their Wcst<>rn Cnnfrrenc·<' champ1on~hip series. Thr Suns ran wrap up lht> hcst-0f seven series with a fourth !'\ r aij.!ht triumph nvc>r thr Sonics 1n Game 6 Sunday in Phoenix That would t•arn f'hof'n1x 1t~ ftrs l berth in t he NBA fina ls s ince 1976 Th<' Suns. who haJ evened the St!nes with a pair of victories al homl' earlier this we<'k. trailed 72 66 with 11 .10 left in the final quarter. But behind lhl' floor leadership of Westpha l a nd Da vis and a nurry of fouls ago in: l Seattle. Phoenix battled back to tic the gam e at 78 on a pair or Gar Heard free t hro ws with 6 :48 to.go From the re. Davis and Westphal again went lo work. Davis converted a three-point play and the S uns moved ahead for good at 83·82 on a Mike Uratz Jumper with 5:08 left. Westphal added a pair of free throws that capped a 7-0 Suns run for an 85·82 lead. After two Lonnie Shelton free throws. Don Buse scored an un- contested layup a nd Davis canned a long jumper for an 89·84 Phoerux lead. Buse added t wo more free throws after he was foulccl by Shelton for a 91·85 advantage with 1:28 to go a nd the Sonics were dead Halos Toss BB's at Yanks! Baylor, Barr. Belt Bronx Bombers, 4-1 From AP Dlspatcbes N t:w YORK Don Baylor hit a three. run homer m the fourth inning and J im , Harr scattered eight hits for his first Am erican Lt-aRue victory as the Angels ddeult>d thl' New York Yankees 4 I Friday nit:ht · Baylor':. fifth homer of the season was t he Angels ' only hit of the inrung, but it followed right fielder Reggie Jackson's two-base muff of Uctn Ford's fl y ball and a walk lo Rod Carew. The blast boos ted Haylor's maJOr league leading RBI total to :i4 in 32 ~ames THE ANGELS ADDED a run orr Dick Ttdrow in the ninth on Baylor 's double. a :.acrif1ce and Brian Downing's single Barr. who signed with the Angels as a free aJ'(ent last winter after pitc hing for the San Francisco Giants since 1971, was mak in~ bis second Amer ican League start, both a gainst the Yankees . He held them to seven hits a nd o ne run m 8% Innings on Apr il 3 T his time. he h<•ld them to five singles and a double while walking three until Jackson homered to sta rt the ninth BEFORE JACKSON'S homer 1n th~ .Chursky Traded By Surf By HOWARD L. HANDY Of, ... O.lly ~· ... '"'" Da ve J okersl will start in goal for the California Surf tonight when the team entertains the New Eng land Tea Men in a North American Soccer League ga m e at Ana h eim S tad ium beginning at 7:30. But he'll have a new backup m a n following the trade of Tony Chursky to the Chicago Sting for goalkeeper Mike Mahoney late Friday The Surf-also gave up a 1981 draft choice and the Sting sent cash with Ma honey CHURSKY. ACQUIRED dur- rnJ'( the off-sea~on in a trade that sent Al Trost to the Seattle Soun· ders. started early an the year but was re placed by Joke rst a nd ha s been unhappy sitting on the .bench. He asked Coac h John Sewe ll and Gene r a l Ma nager Paul Deese to trade him if he couldn't sta rt and when the Sting sought a North American starter, he was obliged. fie is scheduled to st<1rt for the Sting tonight ninth, the Yankees' biggest scoring threat came in the fi rst inning whe n Thurma n Munson wa lked with one out and went to t hird on a single by Gr aig Nettles. Jackson rapped a one-hopper back to Bar r . who started an inning-ending double play J i m Spencer and Chris Chambliss s ingled with one out in the second and J uan Beniquez filling in for the in1ured Mickey Ri vers grounded into a double play LOU PINlEU.A BOUNCED into the t hird double play following a one -out walk to Jackson in the fourth T he Yankees t hreatened in the fifth when Barr walked Spencer to start the in ni n~ a nd Bucky Dent sin~I(?{! with two out Willie Randolp h hit back to the mound strandin~ two runner s Munson doublef with two out in the eighth, but Nettles nied out J 1 m "Catf1:-.h " llunter patched seven rn nrngs. allowing s ix hats Except fo r their three-run fourth. the An~els only got on<: runner tx•yond first lwst· on Hunter Tht• Nc·w York rnfll'l<I pulled off three J.!rl'at pl~1ys 1n the third inning whe n third baseman Nettles m ade a diving stop of Bobby Gn ch ·s sma sh tha t went for an In· field hit. Shortstop De nt smothered Cam. pane n s' grounder with a dive to start a double play and first baseman Spencer back-handed Rick Miller's line drive as he some rsaulted aeross the foul line . WITHOUT ANY of those gr eat fielding plays. the Angels could have had one run across and runners on second a nd third with nol:iody out. ln~tead, jhey· got nothing. California has now beaten the Yankees in three of four meetings this season. Tod ay's l l o'clock meeting from Yan.kee Stadium will be telC'v1scd on Chunnel 5, as will Sunday s 11 a m game. Tod<ty th(' Angels plan to start Dyar Miller on thl' mound Norm<1lly a reliever . Miller will tw taking Nolan Ryun's s pot in the rotation Ryan flc·w tc> Orange County Thursday after his seven year -old s<1n was injured in o ca r vs-pedestrian coll1s 1on Bar r. too. 1s techntcally a relief pitcher this year. s1nc·1· that was thl' purpose for which the An1.:1•ls -.1 ~ned him. but his effec· t1 venc-;!' 1n his I Wf1 -.tC1 rb, eombined with thl' injury pl;1gu1ni,: fo'r;rnk Tanana. makes Barr lol)k m ort· ;rnrl mo1;1· lti:c a new nwmht·r or lht• -.t <1 rllng rn\atmn AP Wl<T-10 Under NASL rules. each team mus t have al least two North Am erican players in the lineup and Chicago was having difficul· tv T he Surf will start four tonight including Joker~t . Steve Moyers. Joe Clarkt-C1nd Len Rcner y. HIDDEN IN THE OUST IS LA's DUSTY BAKER. SCORING UNDER GARY CARTER. THE SURF will he seeking a club rctord four strnight with Cl win tonight against Cl t eam that has had its troubles this season New E ngland 1s l ·6 going into the game and didn't score a goal for its ft rst fi ve games. A victory tonight could also put the Surf in first place in the Wes t e r n Divi s ion o f t h e Ame rican Confere nce. Jokerst s u ffe red a b adly bruised shoulder in a collision against Me mphis in the last game but will start tonig ht. MAHONEY, ONE of the better goalkeepers in the NASL, is a na tive of England where he played on the Newcastle United le am 'and was a warded the Save of the Year awa rd in British SOC· cer in 1976. He was starting for the Sting and had an outstanding game against the Surf in a 2· l Chic.ago victory this season. "This trade s imply means that • we got rid of a guy who didn't wan\ to s it on the bench ." Sewell said . "Obvio us ly , Mahoney wants to sta rt but he is prepared to s it on the bench until that time comes along." UCI in Front In the PCAA SAN JOSE Kris Letlow won ,t he discus a nd Don Moses posted a victory in the 10.000-m eter run whi le Wayne G ray holds tht· firs t-day lead in the decathlon to put UC Irvine in front afte r six t'vents o f the P acific CoC1st Athletic Assotiat1on track and field champions hips here Fn day UCI h(JS 26 points to 24 for run· nerup San Jose State at con clusion Of the first day UC! IS the defending champion. Lett.ow got otr a heave of 191·2 to set a meet and school record in the discus. Moses h a d a n unoff ici al 32: 11 .4 in the 10.000 when the runn e rs we n t a n extra la p because of a mixup in dis play of lap c ards. Steve We bb of UCJ finis hed second while Ralph Serna was forced to drop out with an injured calf muscle in his left leg. He will also miss today 's s.OOO·m cter run. Speier Snaps It No-hitter Eludes Rau • in 7-0 Win I.OS /\NG E l.ES I A I' 1 Dou~ Rau stymlt.'d Montreal 11n one hit Ch ris Speier'-. singlt.• in t he cii::hth 1nn111g a nd rock fo11r Oodger hom e runs to a 7 O vi<' tnry ovt•r th('. Expos f"rtday ni.:ht H<1u. a JO }C<tr old left hander. wound up wit h his fir~t victory of the season a fter four losses He came within four outs or m :at c h1n g K e n Forsc h o f Houston, who no-hit Atlanta 6-0 on April 7 But with two o uts sn the eighth inning and th<' paid crowd of 43.297 cheering his every pitch. Ra u walked La rry Parrish for the second time in the game The n Speier bounced a clean sin~le over third baseman Ron Cey 's head and into left fie ld Rau ulso \\alkcd Uave C'<t sh to load tht• bases. but pre· s,•rved his shutout hy getting An- drew Dav.son on a pop foul to n 1 t d 1cr St l'VC' Y l' <1 ge r . R:tu frnishl'd "1lh four strikeouts and four wa lk:. It was sweet r~enge for Rau, mauled by the Expos last April 30 1n Montreal when he lasted I ' :1 innings. J?tving up fo ur runs 111 tht! first inning and one in the sl'cond in an 8·4 loss. "T thou~ht <ibou t it arter tht: fourth mninj:! ... Rau said of his no hit bid ... Uut it didn't really come intc> my mind again until the seventh. He hit what I thou~ht was a pretty good pitch. Tl was a fastball up and in. I wish it had been a little lower. Rams' Top Draft Piek Surprised, Awed "I'm sure he re alized back In '74 or '75. when he was with the G1anti;. ht> broke up a no-hitter I had tht'n," continued Rau. There wa s s peculation that Rau was on the verge of losing his s pot in the Dodgers ' starting t rotation recently. but he came f thr oug h wi th a decent pe rf o rm a n ce a ga in s t Philadelphrn last Sunday, allow· 1 ing two Tuns and nine hits in 11even Innings during a 4·0 loss to By HOWARD L. RANDY °'"" D•llY ~119' S&Aff LONG BEACH -When Nebraska 's George Andrews was the first pick of the Lo5 Angeles Rams in the recent NFL draft, it came as a surprise to the 228-pound linebacker wbo was a team· mate of backup quarterback Vince Fer- r a ea mo for one sea son at the Comhusker institution. "The Rama hadn't shown that much intereel ln me,·· Andr~ws said Friday ln the Rems' rookie mini-camp at Veteran's StacUum here. ••1 ONLY TAL&ED to a secretery before the draft and bad no i~a they were interested in me, especially that hilh There ts no doubt about it, l WIS pleated to be picked by a team like the Rams." A st arting linebacker throughout his college career at Nebraska, the Omaha native says he has never visited California before this weekend's mini· c amp. "J went to Japan for an all-star game this year but the only lime I have been in Callfornia has been in the airport." RAMS Dl&ECl'Olt or player person. nel Dick Steinberg calla him "an excep- tionally conalatent player on a IOOd team in a tough, competitive conference (at Nebraaka). "He t. similar to Ram Unebaclrer Bob Brudiinsld (the men who beat out Isiah Robertson for a atartinl berth). In fact, Andrews la almost a bookend or Brudzinski, •· St.einberc added. ... Andrews is somewhat awed by the situation that finds him the center of at· tention in the mini·camp as a result of his high pick in the dran. "I KNOW IN REALITY I tan'l start on defense the rint year on this team;· he S1ys. "I'm just going to play as well as l can on tbe s pecial teams and see what happens from there." One ol the bi11est tranaiUons for a colle1e linebacker to make as a pro is in pass covera1e. "I'll be playing at tbe same place I played ln collese. on the rt1ht side," Andrews says. "PIH defense doesn't bother me that much. I had rames where I had a lair amount o paH dropa. ·'The pass defense and overall team concepts are gre ater in professional football a nd the te rminology is dif ferent." ., ANDREWS DIDN 'T GIVE pro · fesslonal football muc h thought until las t season he s ays. "I have never seen a regular season professional game, only one exhlbl· lion." he says. "I neve r really thought about playing pro ball myself until ias.t year." · Some fa ns have been asking where the Raml\ came up with their early round draft choices. "f 've not talked to that many people ~ about lt." Andrews s ays. "It's a case of bein1 a Ion& ways away and I don't fee! any bad vibes a bout it." 'the Phillies. ·'Obviously the re were three or four ba lls tha t wer e hit at peo· pie . They hadn't been going al people earlier in the season. M ay b e th e m o m e ntum 's changed a nd I'm going to help the club now •·t think the tlll()fr to my Im· provement hes been my ability to get m y c urve ba ll ove r. The velocit y w as g .:o d e noug~ tonight and I was a head of th~ hitte rs ." t 112 DAILY PILOl .. .. .. O•oly P il., ....... , ~Y e>.ry Ambrou -8ASEBALL CdM .. Rings Bell Sea Kings Win CIF Opener, 10-3 By ROGE R CARLSON <I' -o.u, f'itoil ,._.. Sea View League champion Corona del Mat struck for rune ;uns in the fifth and sixth innings Friday to shove aside visiting Bell Gardens, 10-3, m the first round of the Cl F 2-A baseball playoffs. The victory puts the Sea Kings of Coach Tom Trager into the second round of the 32-team eliminations with a coin nip today to decide the site for their game with Whitmont League cham- pion Sant<t Fe. •'RIDAV'S VICTORY was highllghted by the three-rut pitching of Sea King pitcher Steve Leslie, John Melbon's J3S.foot homer in the second inning and the flood of runs at the end. Through four innings. however, Corona del Mar was s ilting atop a precarious 1-0 lead pro- duced by Melbon's blast. And the Sea Kings 1lad wasted seven baserunners in that span. "In the hrst annang we didn't cash in," said Tragt•r. "and I knew it was the C IF jitters . "Rut as nervous as we were. Bell Gardens had to be more nervous . They knew they had to play we ll to beat us considering our record <now 18-4 ). We were pressmg and J knew all we had to do was get the ball in play " INFIELD HITS by C:hns Johnston a nd Greg Cole , coupled with a wi ld pitch, passed ball a nd er- 1·or, acrnuntcd ror three runs in the s ixth. And although s ax more markers in the sixth salted the gC1 me away, Leslie, the Sea View League's Player of the Year, paid the price. Leslie's shutout bad was spoiled an the seve nth inning as he came back to actJoa witb too Iona a rest after bafflinl Ben Gardem on one ainale <a bouncer over second base in tbe aec:ond inning). THE SEA KING UGBT·BANDD bad faced the minJmum through six inllinp, allowing no walks. But in the seventh, a free pass, single, doublf and error plated three meaningless Bell Gardens runs . ·'Steve throws a Jot better than be did today,·• s aid Trager. "With the long rest in U. sixth, I s hould have never let him go back for t1,e seventh, but he had a shutout going and be wanted it.'' Leslie's seventh-inning woes, however, seemed hardly significant considering the pelting the Sea Kings ~ad just administered the Lancen. CORONA DEL MAil banged out 11 bits, in· eluding Melbon's homer and single; a pair of .singles by Greg Cole and t wo other safeties by Jeff Cole. Carl E hmann, Leslie. Johnston, Jim Sbollln and Jeff Pries added their singles to help bury Bell Gardens. Jeff Cole finished with three RBI and Greg Cole produced a pair of markers. Bell Gardens Coach Bill Slevcove threw no bouquets . "We just didn't play defense . It s hould ha ve been 1-0 going into the seventh inning.'' said the Lancers' coach. As for Tuesday's foe. Trager says he hopes lo come back with the slants of Leslie . If not. it ·11 be e ither Pries or Johnston. both right·handers CdM's CARL EHMANN STEALS SECOND UNDER DOUG WHITTLE'S TAG. .. . . A. Capsule Report From the World of Sports My Mind is Elsewhere, Says Discontented Smith F'rom AP Dispatches ~on th old . but 1t 'c; already proven to be a LOS ANr; ELl·:s The 1979 sC'ason is Just a ~ nightmare fOr un an~ry Reg,ne Smith "I can't seem to frnd that concentration this year." s:1id the Lo~ Angeles outfielde r tn an 1nte rv1ew · M v mind_ as <'h.t>where I 'm senous ly considering retirement ~;t the end or my ront ruct or before •· . ?'here are CJ numb<>r or things bothering the 34-year-nld , sax-t~me ~II-Star Gam~ performer. The most significant one dealmg with baseball 1s that he believes Dodger vice presi- dent AJ Campanis lied to him 'T m tir~ or my stomach turning over and over." said Smith. :'I'm not go(nR to-do that again ... Sm1th 's a n1?er stems from contract negotia tions or tw11 years ago at ~hich lime he said Campanis lied to him C1nd ·'the lie •~ bean~ upheld by 1 OO<lger president 1 Peter O'Malley " As far. ns retireme nt is roncem ed, he said. "You never know. 1~ m1Rht be tomorrow I 'm not discounting anything." Smith .. a key member or the Dodgers' National League pe nnant wtnn-ers or the past two seasons, has missed much of the current CHmpai~n because of an injured right knee. "It's sore, but it's better than it has been," he s aid. ''Jr someth~ni.t happens, if it goes out. I don't really care." S mith wouldn't Jto into detail about the alleged lie, but it has been r ep<>rtcd that he was promised during negotiations that Steve Garvey would be the onJy Dodger to' receive a greater salary then he would receive. Smith has a contract throu gh the 1981 season . • • ..-----qu,11.-of fhf> Day------ Minncsota Twins' Owner Calvin Griffith, speakini:: of players who arc l!a tc attractions : "Pete Rose and Reggie Jackson will bring an some people, but there are no more pl<1ycr::. hkc ffohe Ruth. Ted Williams or Sandy Kourax People filled the park to see them play .. Tarin• Rally In Nh1fh io Nip Indian• Pinch-hitter Bob Randall's double in the bot· m tom of the ninth scored Ron Jackson and gave the M inncsota Twins a 4-3 victory over the Cleveland Indians in the Amc•ra can League Friday night .. Bill Naboroony and Ralph Garr cracked two·run homers • and lhc Chica~o White Sox went on to defeat the Kansas City Royals 5.3 . . Mark. '.'The Bir~" Fl_drycb lost his first reg- ula r season start in r1 ger Stadrnm in more th an a year as Paul Motil.or doubled in a pair of runs an the sixth lo lead Milwaukee to a 5. I t riumph over D e troit ... Car l Vastrzemski and Butch Hobson had two hits apiece in an eight-run fourth inning as the Roston Red Sox breezed to an l l-~ rout of the Oakland _A's ... The streak mg Raltimorc Orioles got home runs from Al Bumbry a nd John Lowenstein and a six·hit pitching performa nce from Steve S&one to defeat Seattle, 8-3 . . • BUI Sample scored • one run and drove in another to help left· v '"'""""' hander Jon Matlack gain a 3·1 triumph for the Texas Rangers over the Toronto Blue Jays ... Dave C..~e~ drove in four rune; with a home r and a triple, and reserve 1nf1elde r Junior KellDedy rapped four hits and scored four runs to pace the s urging Cincinnati Reds to an 8-4 win over Pit~burgh in l~e National League ... Bury Foote's run-sconng double. highlighted a three-run second inning for Chicago and earned lhe Cubs to a S-3 victory over the Houston Astros . . . Left-hander Bob Knepper pitched seven shutout inn_ings and belted a run scoring double to lead the San FranCJsco Giants to a 2-1 win over the Philadelphia Phillies . J\'ae•lala f:loelc• O•r •I World'• E'a•lf!•I . ~euldo Nebemlu, despite betnJ( unnerved by • 1~dec1Slon over whether lo di$qualify Cuba's Ale· JHdro Ca1aaas, ran one or the fastest l lO·meter hurdles in history Friday night, 12.8, at the Norman Manley Games ln Kingston, Jamaica . . A federal Judce signed a default judgment against baseball star Dan Parker tor falling to pay his former aeent $9,000 due under tbe settlement of a dispute last year ... Romania's Nidia C.•u.I staced a stunnlna comeback to win the comblned eaerclles of the 12th Women's European Gymnastics Cbam- plonabipa ln Denmark . . . Aubum tJnlvenity will not cb11leqe tbe probation ordered by tbe NCAA even lhouab or. ficlall Ill tbe acbool aaid the pamlabJnent was too aevere . : . Tbl'ff-Ume AAtJ cbamp Da•1 Ant.,_. of Santa Monica UHd a aWf left Jab to wbJp defendlna champion Melwta PHI of New Orleana and win a spot In tbe UZ·pound finals ol t.be a.tUoaal "-AU boxi'n• cliamplonalilP at Le Charles, Florida. --------·----_ ... Drazha's SlmnAids Monarchs Arian Orazba belled a grand slam home run over the 400·foot m:trk in the seventh inning to g1 vc Mater Dei a 7-4 first round C l F playoff victory over host < 'rl•scenta Va ll ey Friday after- ncwn to l11ghlight Cl rea action. In othl'r games. Huntington llt'<tC'h drr)pped a 4 ~ l decision to h n -.t Thou'i:' nrl Oa \..~ while: Lak1•wr .. 1,! t.1111·11 ~:iri na , 7 I in a 111~h1 g.im(.• .il lllaa r Field in l,1mg Be<1ch Mat t>r Dei 7. Crescenta Valley 4 T he stage was set for Drazba 's grand slam homer when pinch- h1ller J o hn Ka psne r wa lked . and StC've Hrady a nd Mark Ratto t·~ach s ingled to load the bases. J)ra7.ba then belted t he ball over thl' frnce at the 400·foot mark o n Ow fa r-;I µitch. l>razha was 2-ror -4 with fi ve RBI to IC'ad the Mater Dei al· tatk Starting pitcher Greg Brown chd well for five innings but tired in the sixth and the hosts scored thrcC' times to tie the count. Sophomore Mark Horkan came an with one away and the bases loaded in the sixth lo shut orr the rally . Thanks to Drazba's blow, he also was the winning pitcher. Thous and0aks 4, llunUnglon Beach 3 ll unlln~on Beach fell victim to the pitching o f heralded pa\c hN Chuck Crim a s the !-lnkeout a~st whiffed seven. walked two and a ll owed no hits an putting the Oilers a way. lluntangton Reach's ·only run r a mc in the fourth inning when Hod Stultz walked. went to third nn a two·base error and scored on Shawn Cisco's sacrifiCt! ny . Crim hat a !\olo homer in the second and Mike Ber g doubled to pace Thousand Oaks' nine·hit a ttack Said 11n Coach Don Tcr. ranovc : "Crim was tough .. l ,akewood 7, Marina 1 L::ikew<xx:I scored in bunches, gC'tti ng four in the second and adding three in the sixth with Marina e rror s contributing heavily to the scoring totals. The Vikes out-hit the Lancers, 7-6. Kenny Bodle was the hitting s ta r for the Vikings. getting a single, double and triple in three trips to lhe plate. He also scored the only Marina run after his tri- ple in the fourth inning when Steve Springer s ingled him home. The loss to pere nnial CIF ba seball power Lakewood e liminates the Vikings from the Cl F playoffs. HA.LL CUTS HIM DOWN Rell Gardens ' John Sessom , lhc onl y baserunner for lh<' Lancers in lhe first six i nnings with a -.1ni.:ll· an the ~ccond , ts caught stealing by <:<.t l t:hcr Jim Ha ll as John Me lbon applies the tag An Unbelievable Finish Desperate PV Comeback Falls Slwn It was the believe. By JOHN SEVANO Of -0.11, " ... ~"'" kind or game you had to see to Fountain Valley High versus Walnut High. Clf' playoffs. first round. The type or s ituation where the cream or the crop usually comes to the top and it did for both sides. Walnut slaved off a brilliant Fountain Valley rally in lhe bottom of the eighth inning to pull off an 8-7 upset Friday afternoon at Mile ~quare Park Rut the score does n 't begin lo reflect what transpired THERE WAS EXCELLENT pitching, timely hit· ting. costly running, questionable umpiring and enough thrills to last a season The superb pitching was turned in by Denis Cowan of Fountain Valley and Mike Ronk of WaJnut. For seven innings these two battled neck ana neck with Cowan tossing a five.hitter and Ronk a three. The Barons. Sunset League champions, struck firs t in the second inning when Stuart Miles opened with a s ingle. JOHN DEVICH THEN LAID DOWN a bunt that was fi elded by Mus t ang third baseman Bob Williams. who picked it up. dropped it, and then threw wildly, putt.Ing runners a\ second and third. Unruffled. Ronk calmly startled the next hitte r Bill McTeir -by whirling and picking off Devich at second. One pitch late he fired lo third in an at- tempt to pick off Miles. But the throw went off Williams' glove and Miles walked home for a l·O Baron lead . The costly part of the inning was the pickoff as Ronk, with an outstanding move, lben walked McTt>i r zind µrocet.-ded to pack him off. too It was the f1r:-.t nf l""o pickoffs McTeir would s uffer in the ga m <' Walnut. the third-place re presentative from the S1r rra League' came back to tie the score on a ~uci.taonable home run by David Wronkiewiz in the fourth. To everybody in the ball park. including Wa lnut. the ball hit by Wronkiewiz appeared to h<>unce over the fence in right field. But the base um pi re. ~ho ne ver left the infield, r uled otherwise and the score was knotted at one. AND 'nlAT'S THE WAY it stayed until t he top or the ei~hth when Cowan. obviously tired, surren- dered ~1 double to start the inning. An error and single followed lo produce a run and Cowan was relieved by left-hander Bob Tidwell. Unfortunately for the Barohs, Tidwell wasn't on his game a nd by the time the third out had been recorded six more runs crossed the plate ror what looked like an in- s urmountable 8-1 Mustang lead. So naturally, trailing by seven. the Barons folded, right'! Wrong. St aging a spec:tacular comeback, the Barons combined five hits, two walks and a hit batsman into six runs. with Sunset League MVP Kevin Romine taking a questionable third strike witb runners at the comers to end the game. "I wish I hadn't seen it." said Baron Coach Jirq Dunn about the ~ame . "This is the <~test come- from-behind club l'\'e ever been associated with. "The way we ended salvaged it for me. I didn't want to Ret blown away or embarrassed and we didn't All I asked my kids to do an the last inning was go down in a blaze of glory ... They certainly did.• ItlV Shoots Down Eagles Early DY LEE MILLER o. .. Deity ........... "ntE BEST WE COULD'HAVE gotten would've been 0.0." <'Ommented a g lum Ken Millard, the Estancia coadl. "Give them credit, it ·s the only ti me we've been shutout all year.•• · . If Estancia High 's CIF 2-A firsl·round baseball game with Mis- sion Viejo could have started two innincs later than It did, the Eagles would have stood a a good chance or winnina. As it was the Ea ales had to s how up for the first inning Instead of the third and 'got bombed fl·O Friday by the host Diablos. MISSION VIEJO. POWEaEO BY Mitch Hopp'a slq1e, home run and two runs batted In, jumped all over Eltancla ace Glenn DonnellyforaJJsixruns . before the Easies knew what bit them. Left.bander Mike Jolt.mtoa came OD In the third lnnlnc and allenced the Diabloe' bata foe the Nit of the day. But even if lbe Eacles could have throwu away the flnt two in· nlngQ they 1WJ would have bad a to9b time of It. Crate Schmidt to1se8 a three·bltter araJnst the E11Jes aod dldn 't allow a l'Ullner past second base. - . ...... ,. Schmidt overpowered t;stanc1a Incl fired VerJ well a1ainat the Eagles' big guns . He yielded a nnt lnnlnl ala. tle to Mllte Williams <.342) but he ld Bob Larimer <.JM) and Raftd1 Brouwer < .356 > hiUess. The Eagles. who tied for seconct ln U.. Sea View Learue with El Toro, looked as though \hey mipt te.r Scllmktt apart 1\ \be outset of the contest. ROY SANTA MARIA OPENED up tbe rame wttb a smash back throup the box but Schmidt naged l\ down -t.brew u.e Easies' third baseman out. c· Williams bit a line shot one'OUt .. ter Into Wt n.ld roe a slll(M but Scbm.idt got out of the Jam and t.be Eatuda bell wer. .. '° mt.-- - TRACK I TENNIS I GIRLS' SPORTS Today's TV By HOWAaD L MANDY Ol ... o.11..-~ Following oto th!! ma1or \port\ ev~h on tt<l~v1 \1on IOCJ•\' Rat tnO~ 111 f' • • • • ••cell..nl • • • worth ""'•It hlno • • f.tt r .• lot oet 11 • 11 e.m., Ct.•nnel S ." ./ ./ 8 AS£BALL Angel\ •t New Yor Ir. A""°""'•" Olt It. E nt>ero dn<J ~on F eir •~ Tht• Anol•I' will 't·nd Dvar Miller f 1 0 1 to th1- m o1.1nd aQdtn't lht' Y ••n"H" I ur '> T 1ant 10-1 I In ton~v \ QMYW Nolao Av •'" ww .. 'l l'\t'<Jult'<I to p1tc h out the' 1n1u1 y to l'\I\ son 1 n an dUto i'tl ttknl tn1 .. w t•t>i. will< "u"' hlfl1 to rn1<.\ l'\t\ turn on ttle mour'd In Ch•'> '''rtt'' ~· 11 ·15 a m . Channel 4 " v " BASEBALL (tnr tnndCI di PtlhDurgh Announcen Jl11) S1mpc,oo .;nd We') P.nkrr Two tE'am' p1t ked ch ttllt-\.OntenOet'> 1n their respect11o•e • d lVl'>tonc. th1 '> )t°d\On m~t>l 1n .tn inter d1111s1on National Leagut' outing F=rr(j NornMn 11 •>will pttt l'\ for the Red'> with Brute IC l'>On 1 I 11 going to tne mouno tor Ch~ ho'lt Pit tsburgh Ptrnlt"'• Ii. 2 p .m., Channel 4 " GOLF: Byron Nelson c 1a .. ')1t Announce~· Arnold Palnwr, Bruce Oevltn, BOD Goalby, Carol Mann ano John BrOdte Second round play wa s suspended by oarkness after two rain dela ys Friday and will be completed tl'J is morning. Tom Wa tson, the defending champion, 1s in the clubhouse with the lead , tour under par. Larry Nelson Is seven under par with two holes r emaining 1n the second roun<J with Lanny Wa dkins. George Burns and Calvin Peete also witt;iin reach of tying or holding the lead. OTHER TV 9:30a.m . <22) AMERICAN ANGLER 10 a_m. C2Bl TENN IS Semifinal play In ttle Lionel Classic from V1rgin1a Beach, Va. 1 p.m (22) PRO SOCCER. 3 pm (7) P AO SOCCER -A North American Soccer League g ame featuring the defending champion New York Cosmos against the Tampa Bay Rowd ies a t Ta mpa, Fla. J im McKay, Ve rne Lundquist repart. (4 ) -WESTERN OUT· DOORSMAN Catching and cooking clams, and angling tor ta rpon. Host. J ohn Fabian. J·JO p.m. (2) SPORTS SPECTACULAR Part two of the King's Cup inte rnationa l boxing tournament, taped at Bangkok. Dick Stockton and Gtl Clancy are at ringside. Part tour of the 1nternat1onal mixed pairs gymnastics cham· p1onsh1p, taped a t Atlanta. Gary Bender a nd Muriel G rossfeld rePOrt. The Daytona 200 motorcycle race, taped at Daytona Beach Ken Squier, David Hobbs repart. 5 p.m. (7 / WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scott LeDoux (26·6·31 meets Ron Lyle (37-5-1) in a scheduled 10· round ~avyweight bout, taped at Las Vegas. Taped coverage of th~ first day ot the ln~y 500 time trials. Bill Flemming, Jackie Stewart a nd Chris Econom aki report. The Duke Kahanamoku surfing c lassic. taped off the North Shore of Oahu. 7 p.m. (52) HORSE RACING Today a t Hollywood Park_ 1 a.m . 1q1 WOMEN'S GOLF Taped coverage of the third round ot the Lady Michelob from Roswell, Ga. RADIO Baseball Angels at New York, t0·55a.m .• KMPC (7 l0); Montreal at Dodgers, 6°55 p.m .. KABC (790). Soccer -New England a l California Surf, 7 ~ IS p.m .• KORJ (94.3 FM>. (The Da ily Pilot is not rMPonSl ble for late ch.lng1ts.) G e orge Hit Puts GWC ·10 Finals ( '01111w Ceortt.: belted a run t\l'or1n~ triple tn lhc bOttom or ttw ninth Inning lo give Colden W1°bl C<Jlletct> a 2·1 victory ovl'I' LOI\ An.:eh•s V1.1lll'Y Collt!ge F'rt tl11y 111.:ht in lht• :Jt:m ihoal round nf the• South1•r11 C'allfornia junior 1·ollt·1.w wcmu~n·b bUrtt>.all ehum pion.,h1ps 1111 lht> (.;olden Wt:st fu•ld Io u11t•11m~ roumt (.' l f<' action 1111 the> h1 l:h ~l·h ool sce ne . M .ir111d ::. V1k1 n g i:. edged t'v11n·5:-, :i I f''ounlain Valley Jlh Jnl'cd wtlh a 6·3 win over !'>Jll c;abn el, and Costa Mesa 111 t•t•1l·d by St Bernard 's, 13-0. 1-:111 .. on High's C..:hargen; fell 'h·t1m uf a grand s lam home run in lhe lhird inning in losing lo hosl S1m1 Valley. 9.4 Kathy M:lla1~ had a two.run triple for th<> Chargers and Seth Strauss J lso had a triple in a losing (';IUSl' FOR T HE SECOND s traight night. Golden West lied a game in t he botto m of the ~eventh in- n 1 n g, sc nd1n ~ it into extra fram es. then won in the ninth. T his time the tying run came wit h two out s whe n P atti Medearis fo rced Hele n Gilligan, who had reached base on a n er- ror. Singles by Kim Ltbell and Karen Owens ~ot the tying nm across to :.et the s tage for the fina le . ln the ninth, Gilligan walked :rnd scored on George's linc drive triple to the rig ht cen tl'rficld fence C INDE E SECRIST was thl' w1nnin~ pitche r, 1mprovisig her rt'l'O rd to 16·3 w ith seven s trikeouts a nd· three walks Go lde n West 1s 32·7 for t he season and p lays San Diego Mesa or LA Valley in the cham p1onsh.i p game today at I. If a second game is necessar y with a Golde n West loss in the opener. it will be played at 3. LA VaUey a nd San Diego Mesa meet at 10 t his morning to dete rmine the othe r spot in the finals . Dee Dee Catherma n pitched a nd batted Fountain Valley to its vic t o r y . S h e had s e ve n s trikeouts a nd was 3·£or-4 at the plate for the Barons. Colleen Walson had a double t o drive in a no ther run for Fountain Valley. Undefeated GWC in Finals O n l y 0 11t' ga m e rem a ins bet ween Golden West College a nd an undefeated season when the Rus t ler s tan~lc wit h t he Pasadena ColleJ!e Lance rs for the Southe rn California women·~ J unior college basketba ll cham pionship lon1~ht at Saddleback College at 7 30 The Rustlers n1pturcd th<'ir 29th s traight decis ion 1n an .-asy 90·46 rom p over P <J lornar College f'riday nii.:ht <Jnd will race Pasadena. a 57 55 Vll'lor over l"ull <>rtun for tht• t1tl1• The r e nrc• no ::.lJ lt· l'h<tm King, Bas t P ost Wins At Cycle Races Lance King c aptured the han - dicap mam event and Mike Oni;t was the winne r in the scratch m ain at the Orange County Fa1r- g r o unds F'rid ay ni g h t in s peedway motorcyC'le action before 5.117 rans. King, or Van Nuys, ed ged Bast in the five-lap s cratch m ain with Tom Morley third and J ohr> Fa llon of Newpo rt Beach finishing fourth. Lan i F aas was fifth and Alan Christian or Hunt· in glon Beach was sixth. Jn the scra tch main, Ba st was followed by Mo rley. Gene Woods of Newport Beach a nd Dave Sims. Pam BeMett or Irvine cap- t u red the fi ve-la p second division main event a nd Ken Funkhouser or Garde n Gr ove was the winne r in the third division main. Woods defeated Brad Oxley o r San Clemente in the three-lap feature m atch race. p1o n s h1 p s i n ba s k e t bal l. Northe rn California schools ('omplete their seaso n earlier 1n th e spring. M e led ey Bland scored 29 points to lead t he Rustlers m th•~ departme nt . T his gives he r 59 for t wo ~ame~ in t he tourna ment and improves her all-time school Sl'On ng mark Kim Eisenhart had 14 points ;,ind gre1bbcd 19 rebounds while s he was in the game . She also b locked five s hots a nd he ld P:alom<ir's leading scorer. Sarah .I ;,inc. to fo ur points when she was an the gam e. J a ne finished with 16 for the nig ht, mostly agains t reserves. Eight Golden West players fi g ured an the scor ing including Pam Ba nks with 13. Golden West and Pasadena m <.'l 1n the finals of the Pasadena tourn<.1menl earlier this season. In that gl:l me, the Rustlers post· eel a n Ntsy 89-49 victory <.1 nd havl' rema i n ed unde feated through th~ en t ire campaign. Tht· S('ason e nds with tonight·s j!Jm C SoCal Wins, 9-6 Vanguards i 11 D is trict Finals LA MI RADA Southern Bnan Costelloe went the full California Colle~e of Costa Mesa nine innings to pick up the vie is within one game or winning tor y , bringing hi~ season record the NAlA District 3 b aseball to 10·1. c h·ampionship a fter t o ppling Ra ndy Reno who started the USIU of San Diego, 9·6. Friday season as a catcher. will open on a fte rnoon a t Biola College here t he mound for Coach Dou g in semifinal action. Adams' Vangua rds today seek· The sa me two team s will play ing his fourth win against one one or two ga mes if necessar y, de feat. toda y to dete rmine a finalist in T he tourna ment 1s a double· the Weste rn Regional tourna-)oss elimin atio n a ffa ir with ment that will a lso probably be USI U coming back in an after· held at Biota next week. noon game lo defeat La Verne , T he SoCal Vang uards we re R-4, on a ninth-inning gr and s lam aided by lwo hom e runs in their hom e run. vic tory F riday. Stan Thomas When the Western Regional belted a two-ruo shot in the first t.ournament is hosted by District inning a nd Ro b Stonelake had a 3. ~wo _teams fron:i Norther_r solo blast in the second. Cahforrua ~nd the w1.nne r of this Butch Plank and Ted Taylor tourney w1ll comprise the en· each had t hree hits for the vic.41 tranlS. t or s w ith Dave Wilson a nd In regula r season play, SoCal T ho m as contributing two apiece. and USJU tied for the top s pot but Catcher Greg Hanson had one lhe Vanguards captured two of RBI lo give rum a team le ading lhree games between the t wo 58 for the season. schools. Edison Looks Tough In CIF Prelim Meet . . ·····-·····41-...... .. DAILY PtlOT •3 I CIF Track Prelims Kelley Shatters Pair of Reoords By E RNI E.CASTILLLO Of UM 0.0f "IMC SIAll Michelle Ke lley, Irvine ffigh 's Wond <'rRunne r, treated the CIF 3-A p re lims the sam e as s he would a ny other track a nd field meet just like she owned 1t while Laura Mills· clocked the second fastest time I L5.01 ) in winning he r heat or t he women's 110 low hurdles And even for the multi talented se nior, that 's saying a lot Kelley. who turned the Sea View League finals into her own show last week. took he r act to Valeneta F'nday a nd d id every thing but hold the finish tape She set CW 3·A records in t he 220 124.93 l. 440 I 52.27 > and was lhe fastest qualifier m the 100 11128) TO SHOW THAT s he's more than just a s printe r. s he popped off an 18 6 lnng Jump effort that wi ll g i ve defendi n g rh ;_1mp1o n V e r o ni c a Bel l 'I 8-11 1 :i, som ething to than k aboui. when the ClF finals are he ld next Saturday a l Cerritos And lt's t y1Ju (hink tha t M ich ellc 's pt:r form <J nce was som ething to make her parents happy, consider this · One of 1;•1~ht hi~h jumpers lo clear 5 2 was nooc other than Ir vine s Ly nd:l Ke lley, M 1 c he llc 's sis tl'r. There was another family act that kept Un1vcrs1ty ll1gh right alongside e1ty rival Irvine as the Orange Coast area's s tronge.!>t squads in the 3 A meet. K<>n Mills qu<sl1f1cd Sl'l'ond 1n the· men s shot put wi\h a 59-31 i tos' ALL TOLD. T HE Or a nge Coast will have 22 entr ies -15 of them women --in the CJ F finals. or those. eight wer e heat win· ne rs 1n the prelims and anothe r sha r ed the best m a rk in the men 's pole vault Un iversity was the a rea 's dominant team. advancin~ five women's entries and fi ve men's to the finals Th at showing is highlighted by mile relay heal winners in both divisions H arr y Bil lups. w ho a lso q ua lified 1n the 220. ra n a blistering 49 8 third leg to give University the lead a t the gun la p before Inglewood regained t h e a d vantage on th e ba ckstretch. · BUT L E WIS B E C K FOR D. runnsng u nchor for the Trojans. ca ught fi re heading into thl' hom estretch and posted a 50 7 that he lped Uni clock 3·22 8, the "eeond fastest lim e of the d ay l n the 11\.0 ml'n 's co m pet1 t10n. both Univers ity 14 03 01 and Esta ncia 14 029> won their m il~ re la y hcats Univers ity had Andrea Store place second 1n th1· 880. Dale Sprink second in tht· two mile and Ma rsha Weatherly second in the mile. Co:.L<i Me~a ·s Jo1ehn F'1bhcr was second 1n her mile heat and ('rtM ·~ Marcw Wurt1 qualified tn l ht• high JUll\JI flftufing Nori h Ora n ge Coast College fo r ward Pete Neumann . who w as one of the pivotal factors in the Pirates' state bas ketba ll cha mpionship. has announced he will at· te nd Cal Pol y San Luis Obispo an th~ fall of ·19. Dodge r s Buy R e lie f Pitche r LOS ANGEL F.S IAP I Lenn LaGrow. pur r ha s ed by the Oodg€'rs from the Chicago Whale Sox, will be a "big plus" for Los An~ele~ bullpen, s aid Al Cam - pa n1 s , Dodi::er~· directo r of player per!>Onnel Area Teams Roll In CIF Tennis · Wf' nel'ded vete ran relief pitching. and he h<Js 41 saves the p;.1st two yl'an.. Cam panis said :l ftt·r CJnn o u n c1 n g F r iday·s Ira n~aet 1on. "T o m las orda 'l>Od#!c r manager l managed LaG row 1n th l' Dominican R1·publw,andT11m likt.'s him ·· To , makt• room for the rig ht handed LaGrnw on the roster . I ht Oorl!-(cr~ w:.i1ved IPrt handed rcl1<•v1:r Lann· Hautzha n. who was cla1m~d by the Milwaukee Bre wers. Newport lh1r bur. Corona del Mar. Unive rs ity a nd LaJ{una Reach advanced lo the second round of the CIF tennis playoffs with openmg victories Friday a f tcrnoon but Edison ·s Cha rgers fe ll by one point to Foothill and were eliminated from the a ction. On the junior college front , Ora ng<> Coast's men's team 1s hattlsng Grossm o nl ro r the C'hamp1onsh1p or the Southern Cali fornia p layoffs with Mike Fedderly playing a key role. The OCC women's team 1s in second place behind favor ed Pier ce Colle~ecntering today's action. NEWPORT HARBOR breezed to a 24-4 victory over Millikan in a hom e m a t ch w ith Chuc k Rleikcr winnjng all three of his m atches in singles play M ark N u nc ~ a n d Wa l t Bus h m<.t n. t he No 1 d oubles com bine in tht• Sunset League this season. likcwts<.' had little \rouble in dlsposin~ of their foe~ Newpor t Harbor finis he d Sunsf t Lea~ue pl<JY with a 10-5 record and will play tht' winner of a match bctwe<'n Cypress and Magnolia. DANNY SALTZ won all of h as s ingles m atches a nd the Coron a del Mar doubles teams swept all of their m atchc:. as lhe Sea Kin gs breezed lo a 25·3 victory ove r Los Ala m it o s . Greg Was hon and Anton y E me rson alon g w1lh Rob Case and Scott Katzman played doubles. Alan Godfre~ and Ren Cohen led LaJ:una Beach to a n ea sy 24·4 victory over Arroyo High. University High won a ll four sets that we nt to a tie breaker to edge h ost Palm S p ra ng ·, 14 11·1312 Fedderly is the Nu. I Se(.'<iPd s ingles player in t he Southern California com petition at Gross mont Colle~e where the Pirates a nd G rossmoni: each have 19 points He tea m s wi t h Jeff Tomei in doubles and the duo 1s top-seeded in this event. RICH VARGAS of Saddleback q ualified fo r the stat e toum a· m ent next week b y defeating the No. 2 a nd No 5 seeded players. He also reached th(' semifina ls in singles . On the wom en'!> front, Oninge Coast is in scC"ond place in the batllc for team honors with 15 pu1n t s behind PierCl' J iii .lohnston rca('hcd the semifina ls ~~long with Golden West 's Ka l• Hird. They face t.·ach othe r t<i day. l n doubles, .Johnston and Melinda Myer s of Orange Coast along Wlth Golden West 's Bird and Laura R1l'<> reached the !iem 1fi nals. LaGrow, 30, led the White Sox bullpen m s aves in 1977 and 1978 b ut got off to a slow start this year . permitting 27 hits and 21 runs 1n l 721:l innings. He was 0-3 in the Ame rican League this season with one save. Rustle r s, Boes Vie for Third S ANTA M ONI CA Golden Wes t and Orange Coast each got to the semifina ls of Uie state Junior college volleyba ll cham· p1ons hips Friday nig ht before bemli! eHmma ted. The Rustlers a nd Pir ates will meet tonight at 5 m the battle for third place. while El Camino anrl defe nding st ate champ and host school Sa nta Monica clash in t he fina ls at 7 Orang~ Coa s t s u rvi ved its fi rs t-round ma teh F riday with a f1vl'-gam<' det·1s1on over Pierce. then puSh\.>d Santa Monica into rive games be fore los ing t he C'll nchcr in an exciting, 16-14 ~ame Colden West dre w Santa Ana IO the openm g round a nd blitzed the Dons an three stra1gbt. but the Rustlers were stopped in tht- SCrJ\IS by El Cam ino in four R<Hfie~. losing the finale 15-10. Baseball Standings JOHHSOH & SOM ' SALESMAN OFTHEMOtnH Ni\TJONAL LEAGUE Wesl Division W L Pct. GB Cincmnati 18 12 .600 Ho uston 18 14 .563 t Dodgers If\ IR 471 o1 San Frand sco rn 17 .469 4 San Diego lG 2 .375 7 Atla nta I 19 .345 7'"' East Division Philadelphia Montreal Chicago St. Louis Pittsburgh Ne w Yo rk W L Pct. GB 2 1 R .724 19 u .679 1'1-l IJ t2 520 5 15 14 .517 6 11 16 .407 9 10 18 .357 101"2 ,, .... k .... ~n l,Monl•HIO C1nc1,, ... 111, Pltt•llu•Oft • •ll•n•• ), Hou•ton l New York •. ~ OieQO o S•n Fr.tnetsco1, Pflll-IPll•• I T9NY'\~ MonlrHI (~·--1·11 •• ~' OfoolOft l·1l Cln<l.,...11 IM0<"'41n 1-41 •I Pltbll<lrQll fltl""' 1-11. P llll•Ollpl\I• ILer<ll 1·1) •t $<!" Fr•,..hto IH•ll<kl 1-31. Giiie-(Holll....., ,., 4Nld Mt GIOllwn Joli ., Houstot> IFO<Kll l.J.,.., Wllll•m' M l," All..,I• IM._, o.JI •t St lOlll\ 1Motr1fnet 1.11, n Mew York IF•tcone O JI a t <;an Otc90 IOwClllMO 1).11, n AMERICAN LE AGU E West Dtvi!lion Minnesota A ng~ls Texas Ka nsas City Chicago Oakland Seattle W I. Pct. GB 21 8 724 19 13 594 J in 16 13 552 5 16 15 516 6 15 15 500 61'2 12 20 375 lO'n to 23 303 13 East Dtvls ioo Baltimore Boston Milwa ukee New York Detroit Cleveland T oronto W L Pe l. GB 21 11 .656 19 11 .633 I 19 13 594 2 16 15 .516 4 "'2 I J 14 .440 61"1 10 19 .345 91,; 8 23 2S8 12~ ......... S<_ A-I• 4, Hew Vor-I fed" l. Tor..,10 I 8a1t1more I. SH lllf> l 80'1°" 11, o.111..cl 1 M1lw•.,•w 1. Oetron 1 M111.,..wta 4, Ctew l-J Cll•t-S, K-Clt't l T-y·10.- A....i1 10 Mitter I.QI •• H•• Vor~ CTlfftf ~·1 Teaa~ IMeOOCI( 1).1> .. ,_,o IL•"-"O 1).0 O•-•...O llAn9f«cl l-41 et~'°" fTorrt1 :i.11 Mllwaullw IT,..,.,.. 1 ti at 0.t""t (Rotem• I 11 Cl• .. tllnd tPulOft J.t I al Ml-tool• 1Go41l 4·31. Suitt• fH-wllfl t-41 •I ••ttlmen IFI~ )·ll." . • K•n~s City tGvr• t-41 ,. Clll< ... ITrout 1.11. PETER "THE GREEK" PELE USES USED CAR SPECIALS •16 LINCOLN MAB IY Stiver blue with blue leacher 1ntenor Pamper yoursell with luxury. (349UZll '6895 '78 PONTIAC EdUton High is expec~ to qualify a large con- tingent ot athletes for-next week's finals when the CIF 4-A track and field prelim s get under way to- day at noon at El Modena High. - TIAMSAM Gleaming black, re d 1nter1or, offset by gold mag wheels. Air. power windows. power steering " .. ---------------------------· I brakes. (MTTDL). The Cbarfera are st rong in the men's d is· tancet, with two-miler Jon Butler C9:06.5) and mller lliu Llnsdon <4:20.71. With Kerwin Bell, a t .8 sprinter, Edison also fields strong 440 and mile relay teams. Jn the women's events, Edbon features Tracy tlanloD. Jeaaue champion in the Iona jump and low bW'Cllel. other top area women an Annabelle VW.-V• o1 Hunllncton Beacb ln tbe distances 8M v ...... DeonJaton of Hunlinlton Beacb in the 1priatl. N9W1JOl'l Harbor has a stron1 field event crew, l .. bflUpolevaulterScolt McKa.y. NEW 19792 DATSUN $9799 Fully Fectcwy Equlppedl (n.e8M0700&) "" ~ie.. ...... ta. ' llo9ftM • ..-er lo ""°' .... M .... 1011f ,,~ .... ~ No. t== t ~ ••.• • • • • '1 JOHNSON & SON ~ 1 llt. t i\Mll.Y l.INCOl.N-M t.HC t :R\ ~TOJlt 2616 l h rbor Blvd. (o,la M(''• S-'0·56.\0 .57495 '77 FORD SIAMADA COUPI Gold with tan Interior. AM/FM-8 track. and air conditioned comfort. (937TOE'). 53995 - C>All.Y PILOl ~ . . '. AMe•1CA•l l••u1 ............... , •-Y-'o ~ ...... .. .... ... ~ ,.. 0 0 0 .. ,,,. ..... ti • 0 0 0 -.. -., 1 010 ,.,"'' •<to ..... ,... • 4 0 l II ( .... IO a I I a ... JflWI. 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HO<IOn '" S.lllrn«e, 8umO•Y 111, l-~ lt•n •• , " "·"· llN It• 11, A't J On tano 000 001 001 1 10 1 801oton 100 IOI 001 11 II 0 ICHUQll, Mlnelto "'· TOOO (O, l-M•' 111. .... v.,10 Il l •nd E\\l•n. Sla nh•Y •nO _,_., W S.ilf'I ... , 13-1! L IC~ (!>-SI HA -0...1-. P~ Ill A-i..631 .,_..t,Tl99n1 ..... -100 OOl 010-,) 10 0 0.1""1 • 000 010 000 I S 0 Sonftten 4Wwl M.,,,,,.,, FIO••<", 8111 l ...... m IU, a...., 171 and Panl!J> W • Sor•n-.n ·~JI. l F1dtt1Cll 10 II HR M1lw•uk,., Ti.im.~ (101 (Hlrotl, P•"'~ U I A--0,5'.J Wiii• S.r t, •natt J Kanw\Ctl'r 010 070 000 J ? 7 Citic-OJO 010 00• ~ • 0 Bvt0Y -Ponw, Kuv..c. Su•b•"Y 01 .,,., N•ll.11rc1on, W ICr•nc 17 JI l 8uU1~ C0.71 HR Wllolr li R Chl<•QO. "'•Nlr<lony Ill, c,..,, 141 • 10 •>l hrtM •. ,.,.,...,, J (t••••~no 1n1 r.oo 100 3 1 o N11nnH<>ltt 00!• 010 >01 • I 0 Wt\f' Monq .. II •nn E A••••ndf"f H•ft111t, M,.itr,.f\.11t ,., , ~•nd wvn.1o~r w M••\ll~ll & I l M~rtQ• 11 J I HJI M•nntt~tA, K J&4 "-'nn ••, C \flv'"''-"'~• c l!!O"' •11 " • 171 '4,.TIOHAl lWC A.CUl ~l.l•tlO\O lnA-ln •I>, .. b4 t <>ot'• 1b Pu>Yll" S.ur 11 G ..... , lb Cey lo • t f'OU"'tQint • TllOm>n Cl Ye_r, Rt u o t I I 1 4 I 0 • I) I) 0 • 0 1 1 C t I t t 1 \ I • > I 7 • n 1 n 1000 lJ t • I 0ttW"'4)'1 t H~1 Ott )II Crom~rt1 H p~"'' 1b •b , " ... _.. t n n • 0 0 u • 0 0 0 l 0 II 0 111 on 1(1(1• 1000 J 0 I 0 1 000 0000 '0 0 0 ooou 0000 0 0 0 0 )/ 0 I t, 'ottf~r , l•h n11~ '' P•ff'•\h JD S~•~•u BL..-o ll•lln.....,p ""•en~ on P .tffn"' 0 f .t\n Pft .._A¥0 , ....... ~ .... ,, .. 1 .... ,._.,.,,..~, l>Ot1 000 000 0 lO\ A~IP\ II I Ill 00• 1 OP lcn Al'qlll~\ I LOA Monlt•~I •. l~ .-...,..~ • 78 C.Mvfty 10 L°""" HA 1.00>" 111. C•1 1/1 l".,Qu-.ott Ill TMmas'°" 111 ~ Blee H .... •·II 8aMff'n P•tmt r M a, U,A __ A•ulW,l-4 l T-1.01.A-4l,'t'1 . 1 .. .. .... ~ '' II I 0 q 11 E lt ti SO ' s 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 , II 0 0 0 0 0 • • _ _.4,f'HtnO New YOf'k 000 2UO 010 • ) o San D "'9o 000 000 000 0 o t l(oi.el, lottrwood 191 M>O Sturn\. MutA. "''-" Ill, 0.Aqvl\lo 19 i, !>f\11el¥ 1•1 atld r:wy W -K-II OJ l Mur11 11" HR ... ., Yori!.. $1ei1tn) C1', H.,ldrrw n I U A-43,IU. CW. S. At!rel > C1'1c~ OJI 010 000 S I 0 Hovston 011 000 010-1 1J t Aau~""1, -"'11n0el .. l. !>vii•• tal •ncl F.ato. llkcelll, Wit-. ISi, M<l.•UQhlln ISi. A..Ouj•• Ii), A""lt (II. S.m1>1tO 1•1 - A'>l\by W A""'°"""' U..tl L -Rlttelll I) 71 A-,.,11S. .,_J.~"· All.tnle 000 000 110 l J I SI. louh 000 000 000 0 I I M<Wllll-, Onlne Ill, C..•be• Ill .no 8•n•Cll<t. 8 Fo.ictt. 8tluno Ill "no Sw1\htr. w Oeotlne II.Of I. F0<-.<h 10.11 HA-•11.,1•, 8urrotlllfl\ 111 A -•,10-t Gi4lftb 1, 1'1Wlllft I P1'tll-lpfllit 000 000 010 I II 0 S4lft Frenc:ll.co 000 101 00• 1 • o C••l!Oft, R..cl Ill -O_... ICn-•, Moflllt Ill, l•v•ll• !ti .llnd Hiii W Kn....-r ,,.,, L C•riton Ci.)I HR ""'" F•MCIKo,EvansUl.A 2..2,MO. • .......... ,'"". Clnc:t..,,.11 107 001 013 I " • Pltt~burQI> 00'1 lOI 000 4 ~ 0 &ont>.tm, Tomlin 171, Oalr Ill ano 9,.,,..11, lllylo•n. Wllll.,,, (11, Tt~u••• f8) ~ 011 w Tomll<\ II \I l Wll11M>n lf·ll ~R Cln<lnnati, concef>(IOft ISi, 8o1Cer 0 1 POI tiOtl•Qll, P•r11•• ISi. A I<. 115 U H aAl.1.'\ TO,. T«lll 1-......... . AME•ICAM l.IJAOU€ ICemtt~~I Stnel lay MlnnttOI • A8•"""" O>k- WlltOftt ""'-"°'• Pr-,w~ l -Olk.etD .._,w~attr .,_...~ 0 Al II H "<I 73 I) 11 ).t .00 1' I U 7S OS J9I tt 104 19 31 :it.S 11 IS 19 11 :.0 1• .. • JO J51 lO llS 11 " JS7 lO 101 11 u .)ti n n> u ,. >4S ,, " 10 JO )0 c;..-OMi-.. •Ice ...... lO 112 16 • ,l)t ........ _ I..,_, .... IS:~-.,.,. Mllw-~. 10 Sltt91tl0fl, ll•ltlmore, I ; Sm•iley, Min M'°4a, I, a TIN Wllll 7 ............ ._,_, ~ M; lV"" Boi!Oft, JI, ~·. ic:-attr, JO; Qioper. M11weukM, 21; L.t~. 111111 ........ 16. ......... Dtd ..... """"· .... .,"11, 7 ... ; 1(-, ""'-'°'"· M : ic:-. T9ut ... : ""-"""''· M'-iot•, f>.I , J ....... Tt11", •1: St-. ll•nlmor•, ).t, Of ..... ..._, ).1; TOt'AI, ao,....,, 3•1; ~IM, Qlka9t ).t; Hrt4lttll1, K-as Ct· " •• '; M. """" OeltlMld, 3-1. ,., ........ 1•0.•·-· •wOt'f'•ft '"fUhtdlltff; .. I• 4 0 t \pli~e if"'lt-lilf"a ~I ftl .. "°""'"-• I ..... ~'·-· •1 (.tl-'91 _,._,)I ...... _,..., JI It-..... 11_1...,.e ) I l""'" \t l""'• l I ,. ...... ,.,. "'°"""°"' I I ~l801 .. ,,,,, O-•••• J f'l•f9ft• ......... ~, "9C:a4 C)ool._' Ut t U ' \ll{e'COllooQot )10 •I 000 •II 1 \IU v1u 101 0# •• ' 4. O\t•I_.. H U,tQ I• .81\d t .. M .• \ HeAwflii •• ._...,.,1111~ C. .. trn' 1•1 eno t\qyd W •• ,, ... Q. l ... o,tt,On ..... U\IV t l91C t f '\o("~ (OOfllQIP f "°'"l,.\ '\fOt\•I•'-" "'<IM 'CrtOO\ ·-·-"·'-·' N•'"u' ooo •ao 01 • .,, • • ~f\\•lt\ "•tlt y • 010 0. f • j wo,,• .,_, ~,.,.,." 'v. *" f K'l• .. u 1• l••• \ !f .._,¥.ft~ N lif.-t~ I \.OW~ ••14 "1••r.wt Nt°"'•'••i , ...... ' ""'4trt"'•. lliil•ttft• l'O() I lt ' I 4 I •l ••GOO 00J • t !ft t Jw09" Ut\iil.llf'• ' oH~ M•'l"•n ,.....,.,.~ ~,.,'\ • _.'d «rll\'M«tnwft W H•u10f\ \. # .. Mo-vi.ra•.ftw.t<wf [>l•I><•• 000 000 00 ) I 1..0 OW •' • II ) ono L • ., uner- ' W S11tMll1f L ~-... , ... 000 100 0 I 0 0 T l!Ou>•ncl 0.h 010 100 • • ' 1 C.1\<0, n'too'°""" l•I •nO PfllltlP\ (tlm • ..., Yo>t>•mo•o w (tlnl L C.l><O HR TllO<i'-lnd 0..•, <.t1m c..-... ,..., 10, ••II c.-., llell Gud"'" 000 000 l l J l (OfOll•Ollt MM 010 O,~ 10 11 I Our•n. SlnWJm Ill •nd !Ml•>, Le•ll• •ncl H•ll w L~r .. L o ... ..., HR Coron. Olll Mar , M el-. M•ter Del'· CrwlhM• V•tlo • lio\attt Oe1 00J 000 • I t I Crucllftl• V•lley 000 OOJ 1 • • O Brown,...,......., 161 M\d Scllaeper, c;...,. ""d lltdt•v•t1 W Hotk•n L Gtele tfR M•IH~I. Cr•lb.11 c,, .... ,....,..., l.o,ola 4. W...1 Covin• I t11ou~O&•• •. Hunt1nvton &eac11 t K•t~ll• •. NlllllU n l (11.tllO 11. SI P'°"t 7 'St _,....,, eosc8 S, WHT"Till'fll ~ M•lu Del I, C~..CM>la V•llO • H~-S, Newt>ut'( P•r• f EISeq..-~ Venlut•O W'Jltnut I t-oufltdlll V•lltY I Norr• o.~ '°' Pa~ f ~, "''~ 10 sain C.otQO'\tO 't I onq 0.«f' Jorcw"' Lo\ -.1.m.to, J l O\ AltO\ I. Rf'Ol~no .. 11 /Ht ,.di• 1, Roth"9 Hill~ 3 Cl,-).A f't.tyMt• L ompot tl, Torrantf" 2 ">I 8Pr""'trct I) l tt M1r...O,. 8 r I Our-J. lO\ A moon' > •dtHlt Ar\ct n C•arrmnnl I (.,,.,,,~I P4'moN 0 V•lltt Petr)) ~vrtf"l".t I ~·of\n()O I .. ~f\1AMAtli\ 1 UtU~M 4 ! ., HADf" 0 Tu-.1.n J C....nlwt>ll l ( ,1,1\( )1 P-.;1h(.A 1 ~unn¥ Hiii\ J, q11tef'\U,.. Poly I t'lorth t R1v '' W•rteflO Sou•" Tor,.•n( e-1 )ifft Lu•\ Ob1\110 f ro, 1.G•~~l_.f l • f)\Un \• 1 f:uH1\non '.; Cl F 1 A ,.,.,oll• (1lt nn I C.P•'•tr•.,'IOVAUt11tU t 1 r Qro to. P•()nll~, fl 41f'lrtopr va1100. o .. ,.,..,,) Mudtl"'\tt8 ArrovoO N0'1nv1~ t I C"4r\_.t 0 4 .. fJ t A Can~ 9 El Mont• I M t"t\t()tl V it tO b E\tdf'f ·~ 0 < otr1n• ~·MA, io Brtt V•'~'" J '>dnl• r r I, Don LuOO 0 C.oat f'l~Ua Vahf'Y \ E ¥U!l\10f • Pa•m04t~ •, l~ullnoer 1 Ou•rtz Hiii ll, S<."u" S S.n M M U''M> •. S.,,n {~,.,,,_.nt"' l Covino H , ll-1• I Cl F l·A 1'1 .. ,,_.., Notr~ 0.tnf" ) Wh itt_.,, (1'r t I • Stt'rt.4 ft. AQUtM~ 1 ,_,,,.md"Y to Sett Jett 1 (_ •'O•nff"nA 7 Qowfr'C>lld 0 M,,.,., 'Star ~ San111 'I.-..., I l A E\Aph\t 8. PardcM'h· o !>41'\td Cl•r• 4 t't:tn V•llf'y 1 Cl F \,...II !.<-"l.tfeth ~ 1 Ua t'W)Vfl • DH~ p,,... l rtmPl•lon7.f I Pat.Od" 8olll~>0 C.•o\\-l, "'oa<iQ'l I L •Qe•IY Cl!• •. '°"'' Vn•on 1 Prov1Drnct-llJ, Pa<U1r Cnr'-. I t 1 •I Ora~ Lull-..r&n 7, N•w!)Of'I C11t I A1"''',op.(t\r ' M ar'-n"1ft, W•bb 1, Nlelodvtano o C.•pl\lr•no 'llell~v Cllf ~. Cal Pr~p I AU..·SlA VIEW lEAG UE ((;e«'-"' S.O.Ctl-1 flntTHm ""·"~·~ P -St•ve LP'\J•t. CdNI P Git"" Oonnl!lly, E•l•n<I• C lloO Larimer. E fl Mic•• IB Rancly BovuwH, E•l•n<l• 78 JOP>n ~lbon, CdNI JO Ct>ro~ JOl>nston, C.oM SS R1ctoatel l..on(I, C"'I• llM~ OF C•rt Ervn.nn, CON\ OF JOM Bry..,t, El Toro Vt-Jim Gtu'.\Otl, Unlvtn11, S«-T .. ,., CJ.- S• t.-7 S• 1>-1 Jr .3'.4 ')• ..)~ !>• "' Sr m St. JI• Jr .m S• ~ S• l2S P l on:t K-1 fl Toro Jr • 1 p J•••s~•!<'r11tld. CO'ol• ,,....,, Sr s,. I C O•mH'!fl W6Ul!f'\ lrvlnt-!)r 7•) 19 J im Sllotlln, CdM !!.• l'f• Inf M•••Malr-. fl for J r 21.J Int Rod HYfT1Pl>rey Co\I~ M t\<! Jr "' Int ICtlly Rollin•, Et Toro Jr .i.. lnf-Mlhe..nn.tl,E•lan<1• Jr .11$ Ul-J •fl Prln, CllM So ,1 .. Ut-J •H T-y El To<O Jr 7j0 OH· MIO• Willldm\, f,1•n<•• J.f? P••v•• otlhr ~"'"' l-811•.Coron•<MI Ml•• "•O llESUlT\ MI N t•t•9"1 .... H CI F'lnt•-Sl ..... t Chrt• l-os def Michael Gt•f\I l>-4, .. 1, C,_.r,Ct 0-n\ de!. C.elM'ltl Urpl •·1, ,,., & I lven Mo1t1>11 def. Howaro S<i.nt .. td .. 1 ) I, & 1. °'"'-'"' ,...,u,,,, 00\'-<I, ••In. ' WOMEN IT ,.l!Alt CM•M,.IOMl"ll't ,., .. _, 0Mr1fftlutt CN" Ettn def Iv-~ U , 1>-1. 6..t, Tracy ""''"' def, Vlrqlf\l.t A111lcl .. J. l>-1 E"°""" ~def trii RI-I W . ~. Sllvl• H..Wh <Rf. 01....,. Fromt1ott1 •·l, •. ,, .. , MUt JUltlCMt C:OU.EO• ~~Qool.11 ..... lat0t--c..._1 Tlllftl.._ ....... V•rou IS•ddl•b.clll d~I. s .... • , .... ,...,,,.., .. ,. ~ .. ,: ........ le .. ·~\&- .-11 dllf, Sela• '°'-C:O.tll .. ,. ""°· Tom•I IOra119• Co•sll <l•I. "•le•t (PHMetlal , .... , .. : FMderly 10,.,..,. C-11 dllf. Hl._.,endt (S.n 0 .... 11>-l, '-7 0.0 .......... V•f'1lel fSH.I dllf. 9Mot'ftk ll IGrflMnoml M, "'· ,., m lrw, NelMfl IGrots•MttU ..... T-1 COCCI M , "'°' ,._.,,, IOCCI de' SfleHoe•d (Fvllef19'<1 .... , .. ,,.,.. ..... 0.-.. FecMtrly·T-1 IOCC:l dll. W•tt~w-t\ (Glt,,..ltl ,.f, 4·6, 6-J; S•l•aar-SmH11 IOCCI dllf. ll«otttlc1'•V•nt1A IGntu-1 b~ <1erav11; ll•~1t••8•1101t IPlto<•• 0.1 Y~t-tlurr1-tied.I •~ . .., : Ma--. H~n•ft•H 11.ACC) dtl. Albt-01..., IS.O l .. ,,, ... Ollllntrl ..... ~N .. tly·Tomet IOCCI OEF. \.owty• ~I*'• 111«119t•I ..... 1•: S.IAIM· S...IUI IOCCldllf, l(......_SlftlOt Ullt ...... 1 •t,l•,M . ,_.. ... _ ...... •uo HlWC l ,.., Pvtl•-t UJa....ct•"•) .. '· • I '""'"'"" ICX ~I Olrl Otl"<I<" I l'lefOI ~I 'o,' I """""-~ Al!d lllt• (.W(f d•I MLI •d don "''I ·-It 10lte1 I<><• I ' I • 0 JOl\f>\IOU NI MtU • f(lt ( J 4,Vf #ft•'• 0••'' ftt•n(;OC: •I l I o 1 I -~ft l N1ye1t IOC(.I dot Oetu\ftln l 4Nf•• IPaWO.t\•t • J1 • i ,._.. ... _o..i .. tflrd ""' l('.'Wl I 0.1 -Y•I\ l My.I\ 10( I I • • • .. Jull1t>I"" NI Nlt1••~ IOCC.l .... •mG< R•t1r>U• I Plo•O' ••• ) , MI N MIOM\C..001. C" l'lntlt- Me.-u, -c.r.i-1a J """" fOI-IM I Ool C...1~ .. , Cl91 AO•rM •0, ~t UH,,\ •0 Ol'I '1•V0.•1 •0 Witt IM I .. 011 • I H • I • 0 P141t (NI "°" • J • 0, o I •I l..0.l•r INl1 ...,,.7 • 0. I t 0 o.-.. I Ur llltton INll 001 OryOOll Ou••tt ~ • I dtl llaf_,_I "'"'°""'' • J • 2 C.N I l•n t e-.y \jj\I ...,,, • I ._, 10\I • ' • • 111-1M•-14, MllllUtl • " ...... ill••~•• IHI Otf CNld • I, Otf C.••GM< t ) 0-1 0.llon ~. Ool Sc -ll•r 6 0 ltOl1 ... ''" to\I J f\, -Ml, • 1. •I Nl<t<••• (NI fllUn' t •o. • 1 • I Mtt,,.,, IH I IO\t '•, l-6, ) ... .,., .. } -... Nvt\ .. , 8 u>nm•n t r.i I o~t 8 oonl' t eo00\1.01\ • 1 o J, d~I Sto•••·Foa • t • t. P1.-.,,H.....,f10>«1 (Nl won ... • •, wOn ._), I·\ ~ ..... II 14.,,, E<ll-IJ"' \1 ...... e.,, IC' CE t Otr °""'' trO, ·~· to l •llf· lnollon • 6, Off """'"'' 1>-J 0,,f Smtlll o J ~•tin 1£1 -• 1, 10\l l• • .,.,, 61, • 1. ])11.on I El ...,, .. J. i-t . ._1, t.-1, Nu..,no• lloo 0 10-1) l. _ .. l ....... J ~ .. C•mPO•ll o ••• , (E I to•• 10 Pa.•io• 0..1\lln(I l-•. l-•. \Piii Wiit> Nlt'n(l .... F Hit 1 ~ Is. Nu-·Hllnm ... IEI fo\I ........ ""' , •• 1. ~ ... , .. H, "'"l'O 4 ~ ..... . Gool•~1 (LI oet ScMU .... 0.-t Crtlwlonl 4 I, Sc !lull• 6-0. OP! Sar .obl.11 6'0, Col><'n 1 l 1 WOf\. ,, ..a,~\ •O O•YHS!l.On (L t ,0\\ 1-... • •. won .. J, M , C_.nco 11. I IO\f 0 •. ~I won•·l,6-7 a.-.. Jolln\Of>o Tolo~r CL I 0 .. 1 tfon9. Looprr 6·1. • ), a.f lhotnP\Of' V•b<tMltO 1>-J. 6•) -WAlll·itow""d lU-W.H .-•.0,6"7 c;.._ ... Ma• IS. Leo •1.11 ... 1t .. J \I ..... S•ll• ((I .,,.. Nl<Clln!O<lo,. I, Olll Ou1mov .. 0 dtl '~" '0 O<-f w .......... o ~ ..... l'C' fo\I O• won e,..1 • 0. & o c..,., .. ,.., t( IQ'' o•. won• 1 • t. 6 J f't"•\(tlff Cl fo\I f b •O" I> 0 60 .. o o. ...... W•'"'' Emtt\nn tC l dt-1 Aoub•n•~ 01thl"'" 1>-1. 6 O 0.1 Pttt.,<><>·Slln'°" .. ? 6 1 (t\ ... K•lll'ndll ((1 wlln6 I 6 0 ~I 6 l u .. 1.,....,1, ,..,,, Palm Spnn•• 11' • s1,,..._ 0.o r IU 10\I to Enc~ \Ofl I b, 10 f\001~ l • ,,, M•c•~·ntA • tt, ~f LdnQf ... y b f M<•'lf' fU llO\t Oti I~ t b won/fl A',.\m~\cf1'f1!l f \f\\t I b. 1 ~. 1 o .,vn ' t> o,,..,, .. , u to\l ''> O•.• •·""°""'l ~ ... <,cro1>1 W•lter" ou 1 cJ•I V.r• G••d~r CoomD<!< "'" I & -Ha OQ\trom Wrllll• • 1 4 >. N1(~ttU ~fM.1n •U. •on~~ b J ~.,.1,t \ I I 4 "'1£H nAT'E JC TOUl!NAMENY !Al S."'-' -u Cal'-I Fimlt-'"''°"" W.--.1 °"' S-0..ld An• IS • '"'I< ·~ 1 Or•"~ COll\t °"I Pirre~ IS 9 II to S I~ I) IS. IS-I \enl• "'°'"<> O.I loll<) B•.-cn IS q, tt.-1• t~ •O (t C•m•no °"' Santa Ba•IM•,; IS·•. 1~14. I\ 10 S.m1f1nah ( t Camino °"'' Gol~n W~•l l ~~, 11-l > 1\8,ISIO 5•nte "'°"'"' drl O•d"O" Ce>~\I IS fl. IS II. I I), 11·1~. lf>.h ......... EI C•m•no •• S..nt• Mono!" IO«My fl I T!llrcl r1act C.Olden Wt>\t v> 0t6"9< C.0.\1 at S NIGH SCHOOl Ct,-f'IOelh '"'"'"-Hunllnqlon Be<t<h d•I Nll••lt•I~ IS·I. U IJ IH Lo,o••~I L.oOu•n!a I\ U ti.-1•, IS 1 r oun1a111 Valley det. Monie '\/•ii• IS.S 1) J , ll·lS. 1).12 ,,.,,,. def Soul!> P~"""'""' IS·ll, It-I•, " .. MEN l'rltON HIEl..SOM TOURNIEY t•I O.lla'I I ~-Rwftd IOKamc>tef.-11•1,. I Tom Wtl)Ot> Orute 0.'<l'lin Morr!\ Hat•l~ky Roa Cu•I Jerry P•lt Br•d Ory•nl Arnold P•lmer John Nla,,.lfey EO SMe<I G4Jnt Llllltr Alen Ttpoe Hulllt Green Je1 HH• Jt!Mny """"' Homero Ol•nc.•1 Oon Jl nua<y 110 F10,o Mike 8r•Man lH Ttevlno Joe H•~r Bob St..trer Jim Simon' G11111, Gllbffl Gt1u J--. Ml-e Reid Ron Streo FotrHI J'ettt• Sien Atoefl Roo,1~ Jtr,.,, M<c;e. L•ttf Zlt9ltr ~•nSllll a."YJMOc• Ptl'll HIOO)nt Pal Braol•Y WOM•N l...,Mk_ lalAIM!l .. I Cllllord A"" C•HO """ 0 .tfllel J-11i.1ot~ Amell• ....... AltHndr• •tlnlltt'dt J -lCola\ Allee Mlli.r AllctRll"""" SAMf• ..... JM Ste...,, ... , ICetlly '#llltwt1' "'"''~ MeryMIHt o..~ .... rLlttlt .... ,,ic; ... ~-.....,,Or-.... -~ ll'tM, ...... hMt..,.. Jllflhfflll1' Sllwla lff'11&1<dftl ..... ,Mertlfl f 6f ·/J Ill> ..-11 1)) 61 II Ill! lo.I>' l>'I ~· 10-1)11 •1·13-1.0 68·17-''° 69·11 '"° /()-10 14() .~ 17 .. , 11·10 .. , 11-10-10 ,, .. , l<I 1011 10 1()./1 .. , IHI IC'l 11·10-10 69-n lf1 7().TJ-,., /1./1 ,., 1).70 143 11·71-10 lt-11-ld 10-ll Id 10.73-10 ...a -143 1().1) Id llPl-143 1'·11-10 11.n -143 6'1-1• 143 71·11-IQ l().1J-1d 37 3S-.7 JO) •• lf,. 10 ,. ,. 10 >)Jl-10 ~4l6-IO JSJl-11 H ).f -11 l l 40-71 JfJl 11 JS'7 n JS'1-7J >1 »-n is1'-n J1lS-7J fl JS-rt ,.._,, ,,._,, n•-ra 11»-11 ,.,._,, ,.,.__,, JI ,.._ 1J ,, » -n ,.,.._,, JP»-7) .._ ... ~ Celtttntia OwlM•l•tM,. l.e~ll ~I ,.,,.., .. ... cs.... West ...... !Mii# .. C.otden Wesl AollierH I, ll•nU n, IC G•Q• •· lotl"9 •. C C'.<198 t , lllanct tt. M•l'll I, fownll•r1 ,., Palom«-Oood J, W•lklnt I. Albin! 4, J•nt ''· Rovu •. Gtvotet I, Hollln•' H•llllme Goldtft WHt, O·tf OlllH ..... .._k#t P•..-..eV.Ftil...-.onss WOM•M 5-lllt UaelM ~IMtt I .. !M-1 H~ H'9'1J Tom \<Of"e\. N-1 H•rbO• , ... Edl'IOf\ 1U, r ount•lri V•llo ?SI. M•rln• 13f, We\tmon~er '4, Hunllnvton Oeacll ll 100 meOltY rol•f I E 01\on l 01 M 1 S9 •S. 7 J:ountf'" V••tt• 1 Ol. H, ) N•woorl Harbo< 7 <Mi II 100 trot I l ""9 INHI I S..11, 1 !>N•IO\ (fd I 1 0001 l Trout IEd 17 01 c. 100 IM I. T"°P~ IFV1 J " .. ; 1. ~IE0.1 1 10 S),) Sll"OWY INHI 1 10.SI D1vln9 1 8rennan !Ed ). l . C.llbt,, CWm 1 J. Ow1\1~>0n !Ed 1 100 lrtt I PhllllP\ (NHI H .6..J, 1 l•.,,•I IEd l ~ lO, l Re"-k <Mar I S.~. )() '"'" I l aytdl !Ed I U •I. 1 R-IM., I 16 01 ) N••l•nG !NH 11• )S SCIO Ir~ I Lonq INHl S ~ .... 1 Sll"9tb'f INHI S IO I<> Ttoul tEd t S H :lt 100 l>d<• 1 S"lelO\ IEO I I 0) .,, 1 J Pn•lllPI INHI I Oii o . l ll•rr•ll .__..,I I 08 10 ' \00 """", I WOOl•ool• INH I l \1 Oii, , Tl\tU• '""' I IJ •o, l Robe•h !Ed I I IS 11 100 "• ' I( •n•l\f.Of'd rrv I I OS 10, 1 "OVl\(h•• l(O I 0) 01 J Woollol~ CNHI 1 06 )q J ~o:.·:;;~~-=,~~J .. 1'. ~ • • .. " WOME"'S SOfTIALL JU ... 10• COllEGE )ewt,,.,.,. CAlh.,,.la C~m~ ...... S.mlfl!WI\ ...,._ W.,I t, l-6 V•ll•t I LA VAllO 000 010 000 I J t t .old~n W1•\I 000 000 101 J I 0 r lie,,.,.,.., .,.,,_, Q~nl, S...rl\I dnd Youno O\IMt S.Cof'H r1 c ""''no'· Mo<>'D¥ .. o "1n 01roo Mt..., I. ~ ull•non 0 tyot 111\'i. M•rin• Aou1tr•, Ot<une, HIG>M SCMOOL "'"''"'" ...... M.>'1"" l, Cypr•u I 000 001 I 100 070 • •110 ~P>OIU . ~ 1 .. tcnn Simo V•llt• •,Edi-4 j ' . , ""o r 01\0f\ ooo 001 3 -4 a • 'Simi V "ll~y IOI. 010 • 9 I 1 O•O·,.r H~u• fll ftnrd H~\ 8yc",.,,.,. 4nO G.-tl<•• W ti••·~ L 8·"~' t4R ~'"" '141l~t A'W"Juirt lQt•nc:I \tdml ,._Vat..,,., s-~ J fl)\(n8tatn V•lln OCH 401 0 6 S.in C.Alll'l•I 100 000 I J • < a1Mrrnan•nd .... _.,, J~'••nG Jot'trt\01\ (MU~ lJ, '9 ........ _..,I CO\h Mrw flO ll!O ) U It St B ••MIO \ 000 000 0 () ~ • Lu• a no o C.rut w._, •nd P-1~1 CIF Finl 11 .. MI 4•.A Olvltl0tt ~ 0.,..14•n V~ll~tl 6 San G110tl01 J "~nnt>d) ). \1 Paul O J'QOlhlll l. '"•"~· 0 T umn 1l Pa..-nA O E ·~nr>o-. 1, 111\lllt~an I M aron.t J, (ypt'~\~ 1 81>"°11 Amat 11, To<r•nct O warr•n ), U>•ewooo I J.A Ol•lt10tt El Oo•-l, ~l&b.11<~ 1 lo Toro3, Rowl-I St Jo~f'l)ll ?. l"""'°"IP 1 l • Oulnle 1, 111\aQnOll& I C.ltnO..I~ •. Alt"'41ny J £...-11. St. Mtftlo f co"•~ n, s1. e.,.,.,d'• o Avl•ll., l. L-11 t G•rden c;,...., •. lrvl~) W•tr1<1t f. Sl. c;.ne,,i.ve I 2·AOM Mtot c..t>hh-V•ll•y ), Coa<N lla V•ll .. 1 ll•llti-S, c:..ntennl•t 0 ~YWOOO .. &•IC ~,_,., ...... 1u .. 11etn.-,,_., '" ... _..., Flr\I rec• -Ocean 8111\ lOtl .. rttl 1000, • 60, • 00; I'm A Swolty IDel-•w~I • 40, • JO. r:o.., HUI (Row~., s 00. !>ecOftCI <.......-Majal\ l&M,..I •.40. • OO. • 00, M•t11 IOll••rul I IO, • 10, -1• .......... , .... 41) tt.IO. " 0.111 _.. llJ .. ) ""''" 165 tll. l 11 lrd f l!Ce-+teflo Sluy Ulllc H .,..,_, I lO. •JO, J IO; -,,_.~Iden IPwllnel 1 00, l .0, Perft<I Polley CH-•YI ,_I() \h••<t• IH I pal<! )IU SO. Fourtl> rtct En<U\l•t Counwl IM<C.. ronl J 60. J.00, J aO, At<PI Oocl0t IOUv••ttl I) :IO,. 60, "·"~ AnQI• f Ptnu, 11 60 J'lttll race r.,tt Ttmp1e• lloro1 :It .0 • 60, o 00, BMbwt.., 11•1< u,,on I • 70. 3 10. !>mil~ "9tftl 10ei~"6.,.l 3.00 \) e..a<t. 13-11 paid '310 00. Sl•lh ••• 8tow1n· Wiid IH•wlul •• .o. 1 .0, 4.IO, 1oNi t~ll"4 IOllv•••\I • 10, 4 00, Try Wlnoy IMenal • . .O. Sev.,.lllrete--llte ltnlQM ITo<o) 11 ~ 9 00, 1 IO. P'rnS fof HOlmt (McC..tronl ) ti!; l '°· S•av (Plnc•yl ':ro. u UKI• (NI ,..,o '111.00. £1911111 ·~•If• (H ... 1.,1 4.80, 3.40, 1 ao. Tru. l..,., IM<CArronl s .o. UO. C.• •nae 8tt"9 1v...,._,.,.._ t • IO N lntll r•u Ut•otie I P lnu, l 10 00, S .0, • •O, Lfl• Goo To E°"'d•d• IM<(•rrofl l 1010. 1.0. Mr l<Clf>O<ld >I '"""""' ~ '° U •f<tCl41 I) 111 tMIOU1S00 •lltl\0..-C.t lb,S..0 MElll Hiatt SCHOOi. Cl f M QMMty.._. el 'f•-1• " .... 100 lllUI I) 1. ~ ll"91t__,I 10 at. 1 Stenlund ls.ocllt't>aclll 10 J7 II••• 11 I w.i-tt (~I 10 ~. 7 Williams I,...,.,.. •"9\10.l 10 l'f, '"""' l l Mt(loyd 1-f\. •"9"0.1 10 .... 7 GfO\\ c 11 ..... 0 .... I 10 l6 lllul •I I Colt IC,.rof/ 10 !O 1 TltOm.n fl'lo•tr\I~ l>olYI 10 1•. J I ll .... IV.W•..-.. 1,1 II.it. no llltMI 11 I _,.......ll"<ll•wOOC l711 1 ROlltll>«! 18r-f@y, 17 6, '""•I 11 1 W1l- ll"<llOI n I, 1 W•l•t • 1c;..,.., .. <\I n l l s1en1unc1 1~01 n .3, fr.ta1 11 • COO" IS.lln Otrna<Olnol 17 6 1 A-•'°" IC..01<1" 12 I>, Ille.I •I I Co•• \G4rO 11 1, 1 ... llh•m\ ("'°"'l"'J'o10. I n 4 ·UO l~ai n 1 HUQ~\ t7,..tNo\I\.. •'f 3 1 Adtmer •C•brttlO) •• b ) V.t\QUI': t(o •<fltll" vall•yl 10 ~I 111•~1 1 1 WllliAm\ tMoc'ntnqs.~· ri u 1 A"Of'f\()f1 tC.a1ont tO 7l .., ""'"'' r'inrro 4'Q n ,,,..,.1 J' ' (00111. (~n t~r nMo•no •i 4 1 u,.,,.,.oo 8urr0U9M.I •• e, '""'"' .. I Siii <1 •oy c~ • 1 M1.r(lhy I l!.Ulf()"<l"' I SO J HO-lllt•t 11 1 Brown 10..m1..,) I SI lit 1 •"'"" •1•0,11 s~ JI . tl'tl'.11111 """'""' 18 urte>ut;IM.I I 56.1. 1 Bar~ll 16.....W Pu • I I u •• l"°P .. JI I p,...,.. .. •NorlPI TO< •an(<OI I Sl I ; 1. ~I<\ ISono•oll 1 SI 0, I 8ru9gtman <Corona d•I NIM ! I 56 M ? C.oa1.1 ICo"'"""~ v .. 11,.,1 1 u a• ) Atmor IAO"Oto I \I &• M iit I Cl'tNlll Boroon IUplitncll< •• S 1 Ltetcll l~l f "9, ,,...,, 71 I Wl\.llltOll l6 1u·-l 4;11.I: 1 ~Ott •O.,moM) C 11) l Nl•-t I-COii 10 f H•AI Jll ~ t Ourr~l • 11 8 1 °""" '""O•O • 1• • l er-n (O.m1onl • ll • 7 mllo ,,..... 11 I "'"''°" IBurb.11<1• 1 • 01 f, 1 Cunnert ILO\ Am10(>\ I q 19 I I W.tllltt• (Uttlortllfl 9 H f • L•• t e .. rs tow) 9 n I '"~411 1 I Ern\I 1£1 Ooraoo1 • u l . 1 What<otl 18urb•n•> 9 u •. l Nl~ll'ftdeJ INorcol 9 II• • Borbon IUPl...01 • u .•. s Co<tet IKfOl)'fO • 11 •• uo ret.11y -'"''"' I I I Pomon.t ., ., • 1 C.btlllo u.i.. !Heal 11 1 CA1on 4J '1 1 Brawtu 43.65; l . Bar\lo• 4J 16, ll'IUI 11 I Mofl•l-'<le n .... 1 Nortll 0 .67, He•I. I Ga~ O II 1 El <Antro 0 .47, l. Unl•tr\lty •>.•. Mii• Rel.llY -!"°Pat I I I. C.)on • U I , So"°'• .,,._,; (He•t 11 I. MornlnO\I~ f ,17.•; 1 C.CWlllO • 13,I. 3, (Hui )I I, u .. 1 .. en1tr •:n.a; 2 1"9••WOO<I • n • J Troy 4:24.•. O~t.1110 8urr~M f .1'.2, 1 Oven41 PM'll 4.tl 1. FOR THE RECORD I GOLF 120HH 1...,. II t • .._......, ("'9tt Vellol If I , t ~· (11111•• Cott.I t4A: I. Fortu"' 18ta..,.eyl U.O; IH .. d l I. f_,IOr IC,a,..V•el 14.I , J -IMOfltovlal 14.t; ll•e•t 11 t. Alv••• ICoac,,.11• Yelleyl IS.I; t Cr•lt IMOtlro•i.11u; IHH141 1. Wll"-' 1Motl\lft9' Otl " •• 1 SCIOltllllle ...._, n.o. >JO low_,." -1,,.el 11 I. C-(5-11 ll••nerdlM I •.'1; t. "°"""' lll•••leyl Jll.•s; 1,,... n 1. Ovcree ll110tewooo1 ,.,.,; J Wllll-IC.)onl 40,11; l,,.et l l I. 5-· t1lli. l~l lt.00; t. Tave llll•lrl :It.IS, 11'eet •I I. ttol-av '"Nit \l•lteYI 17.M; 1 . Htrrl~ ICul.,., Clly) ..... ), Sill ITroyJ 3' 04. HJ -I L" IG141nhlel 1>-11; J. S.- llnQlewoocll, c..•; w,.,.., (CAle•lco) "": •. IC•lt•n Clowelll •·•· S. ctoe l Hutcltl..., IC•btlllOI. Ptavv IEI Torot, 8er.-r re_,.,.,.,, J•,,.,.1 <r:u11ar1on1. s........,, <Yuulp.e1M lJ I C.Olhn• IEI C.enlrol '1-llV•; ,, ROllOI"' ll1>9leWOOdl tf.10. 3. Slew•,, IC.. 1on1 """'· • Cr•to (MoNovl•I 1'·'-, s Ballard 10..•I-21.1•1., 6. M iiier IS.•- n•l 11 I. I 1'4•r~ IArllnQl°"l 11 .. , I G4lry IClaremont1 »II. •. HIOt' IEI Dot-I 10-10 • T J I ROOlll"' lt1191e..-1 •1'h; 1. lotion IS... AnlonlOI ..... 3 Guy 10... moriu •S.1'h, • Hk k•' IEf Oor-1 •S.I. s. Nut IEt Canlrol •U llo ,• ~Ii lc-illol HI'·· I 81.-cl< ls.ocllt .... 1<) .... ; I ltlel Dtlly 1ea,.1ow1 Jon.-IVotlo• V•lleyl ._. o~. PV Geduld IV•••"<••'· Scott (CNnot. \lull '''°"'·IC-I IVal~11<••1. S"-• .,..,,,..), 11"'-et lCi\•nd•t*>, l•..O; '-'otlRf' l!>thurr, Lodt• IC•llrlllol. 8 ou9111er INl•QllOll•I !:Mo SP \ &tnne• (Fu11enon1 U-0; J. _._ CUP11vettllfl S .. l/1. 3 Orlolt IB•ritowl )) 8 " • Sv•r.no •Sdn Lu" 0 01""°1 •?·'"'· S Fr .. nklon CSaddtlba<l<I U·•. Orl!\UI 1£1 Oor•dol H -3\1>; 1. P11n•· 181•w1t,1 S2 I, l. G.artrell (Nloml"9\kltt 51·9, • P1,101~1R.,nc110A1am1101o1s1-t•n WOMEN MIGMSCMOOI. Cl f l ·A Ou<olltyl"<l •t Valtncl• HIQfl 100 IHtdl 11 I Jolln\On !Sant• MAll•I 11 41 1 Jt)tln\bn 1(Mre¥1, •4., Al•-ITroyl II II 11...,.,,, I 8160,DU•" l!MnA"· drH~) H lO, 1 W••• lc.<lreyl 11.IO, '""•' ll I. M. Kelley llntltMI 11.U ; 7, Sol- (C.tl>rlllol 11 II, lh4'"1 •I B••tltn (Tor. ••nu 1 It"·1 Ramo• IAn-lml fl ... 710 IHot It l(tilt, llrwltt•I J•.ft ICIF).A re<otd, Old m•t•, Marsll•ll. lon<; Be•tl• Jotoan, 1• JS,1'111, l Kl\J\•Y•"'- tNot1h T01r.11nce1 7S •. I-•• J I 1 a...n.. btr\ tl>olyt )}30e""" INIGNovla) lSl. 11>e•tlo I Jac•>«i•CA1on •7S.6;1.0 •-1 ITrorl 7) •. !Heat •I t 8r•"tft IT0tr-•I 151.1 T~(8ra-wln11SJ H O IHf!tt II I Cl'l,tmbef\ I Rl~\ldt ~ IY 1 51 ••. 1 A<14m\ '"'°'ttlO V•lle' SI II,! '"'"~•rt (£U•tt<l• t H .lt; M•at ti I. Romo INoflh To<••nc~1 )7 •. 1. Jack_, •C•1o n1 SI 50 (Ht•I l t I 0 ..... 1 .. •Nlonro¥O•I SI 10, 1 Oa•enoo,, (T•o•I SI 16, IHr.oi ., I M. IC .... l' llN-1 Jl.D l(1F •'1.0tO, OIO m•rlo., Sl •'· c.Nmt>H1.1 l . (l>•nclle• lt/11<•1~1 SI l l 110 IH~~I I 1 I Co<~·• (Ou-I I l1 .. I ROClflQUIU (K~ll , ,. 07 ...... , 1 • I P~wltn\ Cabf1llol 1 l7 •. t . lwe I Vftl ¥.,$11yl > ZJ.). (Hu t l I 1. Brow" Pomo"• 1 H )0 7 AO.Om\ 18uro-~ t 1 '~ •• 'lw'dl .. f Romo IHOt111 TOttllnc~I , 11 It > l'dlln~ •V.tlenC•• 1 1111. J l ••wt\ ffnd101 1 ?l l' Mii• '•10•1 11 I SPOii\ ll>oelon<l<>I • I~ I l \ltul ..... ly !Ulllvt<~llyl 4:1\,S; ,,_,,.mlhlCK klQl'Wflli 4 11~. lM,._.I l t I (llQ-"t'lltll~ fLri .if"''~'• t8• 2~ flwn 9u•l) .. n• • /\I ....... J I I Whit• I I <t-llo • lo ) 1 F ltlt., !Cott.> Mftal ' 111 l Mo1a1 .... t(n1no. • 1• 1 I ""Ht h; "' ' ••• 11 .. ., ••••rnt't 'I l8 ' ( '•lf•'11 411.tfV'"" I I ,., ' ' (),H"ron (..,t JDn I\ '4 4 6 Wt.t\lt•• '-'n l UI\ l)Ol\OO' II ·f ~ s N1C""'' •Ft OoraOO• '· 00 •. il\111"..1f 1r 1 11:'4t.tmtlW'\ 1J;>1qrt@tl1 ) It SO 1 \pfltt• IU1W...,,1lfl II U 1, 1 lO•t' !AP •"<llOnt II H • • J_, ICer.,.• -M.,; II U I, ~ .-.0.m\ ISUtb.onO II S6 0 140 r•lt1r rw.-t 1; torr an<,. )() 46, 1 8••\10• so•>. l c,,,,,...,.. j() ". 11•.i u N'onr o'"" 44) '\1 1 Mo,n1"')\10f" SO 1~ ,,....,., I ( tlorl t" ~7 1 \,..tt\lfllf "'lrttfl"I \0 S0 1IWl4'I 4 1 "Junf\, Hill\ )t OJ. 1 lO,,.,OOC lt 01 llOt..'4 • '""•I I 1 Nl•tl$ IVM~l 1S 01 , 1 011..,,.,,.,.. S..1>ny H lll\I IS•. '~•I 1 I "'°'11~1 Mira (O\lal IS 4'> 1 'vlO-rlV<> C' <Ito" I\ •1 '""'' ) I 0a- por1 lr~~ '•oil I J(~rn r'ofn<>n1 I ISSS, ) CO•O" M0t>•o•1.. n 13 lht'•I <I '· 9owM 1Tt;rrd•<•• tS " 1 ROQl!t\ oEI ~ fro1 oS 11 HJ l .,_-. ICt llo llt¥h .. I, W•ll< .. IHOO•••t, Wllrt\ 1c ........ ""4rl. W•rdlt! •M 1r•lt\.ff')1 w .. 10t'lt tM1re~t~t. C.mooeu 'Troy , (oron4 tSvnny H1ll\I, Cl•rlr. IVlclot VAlltyl S 7. Cl•""'°n 1Pol¥1 S.0 L J I Bell I c;.,.,y I 11-11 V1, J. ltellty llr•l,..J llM; l Almeida ITroy l tt-1; •. I aQ•OOft (Ottwl•• I fl. ti; S. Norman ll•<\!Ow I II q'\,, • SMpperd IC.IOft) ""'· I Brown ISaodl-kt 11..ol''1: I. C-..... CEslM< .. I t7-I, • Allrt•d 18rHI 1!>-11"'1. SP I Rdmos IAn•h•1ml Cl·I : 2. Eotrl/Sc11vrr1 41.5 J Kdltn ISl!n lu•sf '"'l; & 8aktr l(P11nol 38 10 •,,, G•mblt! INlonro•l•I lll·IO, • Conl•e•H fLd HMlfal JI 9 1. I Doto IH•""'ll JI •. Vr.,.-..nhll •[\O"r~f\161 )&-fl l~f\Cl\!On IL• Slert•I 'II> q A Sloppy Lead PO RSC LEASING MEW & USED • Wauon Over Par, In From DALLAS <AP) -Defending cbam· pion Tom Watson battled miserable playing conditions and st.ruggled to a two-over.par 72 Friday lo take the 36-hole lead in the Byron Nelaoo Golt Classic. Darkness caught almost one third of the field before play could be com- pleted Wa tson, a two-time winner here and the curre nt mooe'y winnings leader on the tour, started bis long day at 8 a.m. to complete Thursday's rain hampered round. ' Ile lost two strokes lo par over the swamped Preston Trail Golf Club, arter his opening round six under·par 64, to finish at four under-pat 136. Australia's Bruce Devlin stayed within a stroke or Watson with a one- over-par 71 after an opening round of 66. Players with a chance to utcb Watson when second «>und play re- sumes this morning include Larry Nelson. He holed a 162-yard 4 iron shot for an eagle on the No. 2 bole and was seven under par for the touma- -ment with two holes lo play in the second round. Others also in contention when play was halted were Lanny Wadkins, who was five under par with two holes to play; George Burm, who was five under with three bo&es left, and Calvin Peete, four under with three holes to play. 'Heavy rain& deluged the 1reens and fairways, and Jack Tuthill, t o urname nt d irector for tbe Profe11lonal Golfers AHoclatlon, twice slpalJed a halt to play fOI' de· lays totalin1 two hours and 45 minute . Wlnda 1uaUna to 11 mpb made the 55-detree temperatur. feel m..icb cooler. "Our bulc policy la to do every- t bl n c p ossible to fi11l1h on schedule," said Tuthl.11. FlnllblM on schedu.Je meant Ute playenwiio did not compl«e play would have to tee off at 8 a.m. S.tur· day and come back for the third round that afternoon -if they make the cut. Wat.son was one of the biggest vie· tims of the weather on the 6,993.yard, par seven course he knows so well as a dues·paying member. The pro· tege of Byron Nelson cruised into the 15th bole eight under par for the day wbeo the rains came. He went bogey, double bogey, par, bogey and finished with a four over-par 39 on the back side. "It doesn 't upset m e," s aid Watson. "Golf is not a fair game. • · 1 had the best of it yesterday with a n afternoon tee lime. rt 's hard to keep your concentration for four hours. let alone seven hours. But t still Uke my position." Higgins Credits Cortisone Shots ATLANTA CAP) -Pam Higins, a one·year veteran tigbtlng tendinitis in both elbows fired a siit·under·par 67 Friday and surged into a two. stroke lead in the opening round of a· Ladles Professional Goll Association tournament. Higgins, who bas only two victories to ber credit, received cortisone shots Wednesday and opened the tournament with a career-hip el1ht birdies. Alone in second at a was Pat Bradlty, a lhree·tlme runnerup tblll M&IOG wbo ran.ks fourth on the 1979 money ti.It . .. , wun't bothered at au today, .. HJ11in1 ta.Id ot her elbow problem that forced her to all:lp three tourna· meat. bl Plorlda earHer tbit Muon. "Tod.aJ'• the best I 've felt boJdina a coll club In some time," 1be edded. Jtlll~Cqftl-. s.•s::::;" ... ..., .. 17141131-0IOO 171414tl-O_l_H ___ 1 COMICS I CROSSWORD s.urdlr. ~ t2. 1979 DAILY PILOT 81 MARMADUKE 'y Ired Andtnon FUNKY WINKERBEAN by Tom S.tlUll "I think he's bringing you a mMsogel" SUPERHEROES SHOE MOON MULLINS f islC·Tsic .. JIVE: SL IMME~ DoWt4 TOO MUCH FOR ALL MY FAT FROCK'S. Spruce 1 NE~D NEW CLOTHES, WIL.l-fE. J. "I'm givin' Mommy a spiritual bouquet ond usin' my money to get a catcher's mitt." •1 DENNIS THE MENACE • I I i • .. . PEANUTS by C"•rlts M. Scttulz by Pasko, Tuska & COtletta DRABBLE by Kevin Fagan \IJ(LL, IS M'4 LI r n.E IC1T'N R£AO't ~OR Ol~·OuJ 1 (.\?f:S ~e:: WAN'f SOM' flJVM-MUM'S ~OR MIS 'fv/11\-'f\Jll(? ~E.1.1.., 1..Er 's llJ~Al"S nu: MA1YER ? 00~0 1' '/OU UrJOf~AN O.;f 'f 4 \. " '? by Jeff MacNelfy DR. SMOCK SO HOW M AN Y OF YOU AGRee W li"H c:>R eeAt..e ·s PRO POSAL..? NIELSEN 60~ WHAf'?!1 TAAVOLTA'? ~EUffl !-117 Neff ~C.TlJKE? ~·7 AVAIU~l£ !?I GORDO JUDGE PARKER W14Al 010 ~"4 IX) FO-ME ? ~fLI.., fOll ~E THING Hf MAOE. ME FEEL LIK.E I WA6N'f ~TUPIO t f~l~T, WHEN .. E TOOK Mf ro T .. E 5YM,HONY, YOU SEE, DEM'S P'aO&LEM 15 fkAT Hf POl&H'T ™l"lt I-It~ AM'O~IM6 ~TW ~HILE! ~£ONLY n.ACE HE CAH 00 AHO FEEL UK.E .. £'& TALENTtO I~ fO A ~fl JOINT .,. .. E~E ~ CAH 1Hlt0¥f OAR'T6 AHO WIN FltEE &EEll&.' HE MAQf ME ff£&. LIKf A 1.AOY ! p NANCY PARPoN ME ... HOW A80UT HAVING A SODA WITH i"\Ef by Harold Le Doux '1 Emt. BusllmUltr o o m ,1,,.D Y i . . -. . . --·-. by George Lemont . AMERICAN j SURGEONS \ C ONVENTION by Jett Millar and Jon MclRtosh TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 c:.~·fJ~lt b 00~11011 tO ParJDQI t4 Sta<lium I~ Mountain Comb leirm 16 Mnn's n•Ck· ndme 17--J 11a11er 18 At l lor 20 Seeav t1ry <lrea 11 Mo111ana·s. t dp1tal ?2 Ot>srruchon 23 Apple parts i5 Radiances 27 T 1 ue co111es 30-rt1em 31 Garland 32 Ont.1110 11ver 34 Oel1ed 38 Spanish city '~· fir 11u1 ~, Er11oe., ':>o Up to,,,.,. 'N0 10' ~7 Tree teller S8 OePp hot\ls 60 Tr11ll 63 llali.in d1~h &~ MoHl<>'l 66 VJttnered 67 l 10y 68 Con1ra<1 69 Mori: 70 Bait 71 Em1s•ary DOWN 1 Bao clctor'l 2 USSR sed 3 Le!\!\enmq 4 Charm ~Con deg Pl 6 WOOdlan<l moths 40 Ratr'lbow. l City on the e g Cl.<l 42 -Rose 8 1<ee11 away 43 Revoke 9 In shreds. 45 Detecting 2 words device 10 (.iMcd 47 German 11 Pooldr 1rc1> name prefix 17 tnn.., Iacono U'llTEO re~tur" Synu•cotl! Fr11J.w P1.1::1r. Soht>\l I: ;j fl J I \ l a ~ s -& fr 61 IMlnl• I• • 1. ·n1.-... Tu . ' '•'· & \ . ' 1 ••• r. I ll I•'·'• '" -'< 11 11111. , 1. _, u " 11 I• I • 11 • ,f, I 0 0 . ' l "' • l • • . ,- \ ( a • '0 l 0 .. 1 alllo -• ' & u !.. . " .. v ( l •• 0 • t [ l ( c ,. l ( V I s• "0 . ---n iU•• -I V T Ill •• c ( • 'l•ll ' I ' f "0 ·-( . • •• ll I l •O ' ' • w. 0 & I ••l oc "" I a c • ( I g .. , .•. l • T l I .. " • 1r l J•-u A .. , .. y 13 Baltic na· IOM'> ttves ~J PPrcOlate 19 Slackeneo Jt) Br air QP ~1 Comoo~1on 49 Flammaolc 24 On Soc Sec o.ts l'6 Oeadfall SI Go1nq w•ltt 27 Fitzgerald or S2 Civet Gra~so 5J Ecect 28 Observed !>4 Bose and an- 29 Hairnet 1ou 33 Composer S!i Gluts 35 Venerahon 59 ERA or RBI 36 Harrow <.. 11· 61 Overwhelm val 62 Cw1I wrong 17 rl•nder ·,1..11 64 G•>lly' J'l a,,,,. 6S Polynesian 11 Me· •C1n n11ro ' ··~··~~-··-····-····~-· ....... . . . . . t .... -' . . . . .. • -DAILY PILOl Satutday Mey 17 1979 Television TODAY'S LATEST LISTINGS.. "i\lll<ll\'t MORNING '"t:oo•(I) lk.Ga~V I ~ ...... --1 n.M.LIHKOW AIWllU IT ... OA'1"t DUCK wow .. , """'"~'· ''"' \ .. ~ .. M t'tf0"111 ti 11 tt•J LwNt tttU.4' I\ ou1nt'' •ft4 ,, ...... 11'.lt U1 .,..,,,,..,...,.,\1 1 11.t hOhc•t n'oo"'~' ""'' h06)nO• ttun,1iJh .. , 1h ,.. de•trcu,'""1 r it"'4l ''•' , •• •• ~1> t' n. 1om,1• • '10J S000.Y S All 8TAAS D MOVIE ••. ' A., ... A ' ··"-''""'"' t t ~1• I '»'ut'°'" ""'''n MurOhv '''" """ ·••r.t t\1 nuttuw \ l'luf tu h•tt • f11~" (MO" b1tt..tt.fUtf") 111fh11 H~ c1•"9V•M& tt1m1io1Hf .. ,,.,~-· t' '" ,0 lfllf g) VOXPOPVl l fl) FAENC~ CHEF r u Stun " ~ ... h,~._.,, •. 101'0 D FRED ANO BARHEY '1) MOVIE 8 M NAIL IOCC£R Now YOtlti CO•rnO\ a1 f.un "" .... ~ nuwOlu• 0 aitOVIE • • 41 (10lht\tfl1U ( tflb?t ( lhj(• f.u11t•01'9 M.umolH lht•• Uttb-Nhoy -4Ut11n.at u1u gutnO tf\tl ttfiAll"Y l•f 1#1 ,._l,li.tH t•Q•tof\\ ( •UIUlhfO\J •''"'"''"•"'"'on""' u., 11 l\r• I • MO\/ll •• It I I '1 1 1 ()'*""'" W"d"U' I rfH llu1 l1i11 I 'I \191\Ql!h.ll IH>t ~ 1Hrvo1 lh 1f\lunt Ort f0tr1tty IA u..gow.,.,y ruutOf*'' nn uw •01ut .• nt\ t &;) QUTlNTAG O!) OE&ONIN() HOME INTERIOf'S • ttJr~'\ 011 -f.JfTM•~ 3 30 I) t SPOATS SPECT ACUL;\R S(.httOulttd uv•'''''' uu .. tude '"\lflhtJht' ut tn•· ~inc.,"' (.;.up Amwl~u' &1>•1nc' <.,nJ,mptc111'h1µ'. P~H t "••ftt 9,,nq, flri .,,,,11 .• ,,., TUBE TOPPERS CDS 8 9:00 "The Ultimate Im· postor ... An Ame rican secret agent ~s ins the power to pass through any mi- hc•u ror 72 hours in this new TV movie with Joseph Hacker and Keith Andes . KTTV ID 11 ;00 "The Good. the Ba d and the Ugly " Clint Eastwood made his re putation in this spaghetti western with Lee Van Cleef. ....._ ABC 0 11 :30 "The Love Machine ·• John Philip Law sleeps his wa y to the top of the TV world in t h 1s m ov 1e v e r s ion of Jacqueline Susann's novel with Dyan Cannon. Cl) ST AR TREI( ,,, search 01 lhe star ship Archon Capt K1flt Poam~ Clown lo ptanet Beta 3000 wl\OrA socit>ly ·~ 9ov.unttd D) L.;ndru \0 NEWS 5·30 8 WORLD OF SURVIVAL 0 NEWS Chon1er (J) ~EL EIGHT 30TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Ho" Jeuv G Bishop Guti'" Haro10 l<••en Ray Wilson ''The Ultimate 1mpos10<' ll>femHlfel Joseph Hacker Ke1lh AndM An American t&t:r81 llQetll 111 g1v(!n Ille Ability 10 poss lh<OllQh ilny mil""' IOI 72 hOurS wolh perltK:I Miiis learned lrom acompu1er 8 ®J LOVE BOAT 'Tl\lrd Wheel Elhel Merm an, 8oD Cumming•. "Gr•ndmoth&1" N11nette Fabray, S•rrv Nelson. "Second String Mom'' Both Howland, M1eM1e Tobin CD HEEHAW Gues•s Barbara Mandrell Jahn Hartlord, Roy AC'iull and his Srnokey Mt Boys fl) TV AUCTK>ti I ~~~FFE: LM FROM RICHM0+40 Jaa p.an1s1 8ruc;(j Fo<O· Fyffe perlO(mS Will\ h•S musical oroup Child's Play 9:30 0 MOVIE • • "Guns 0 1 0.11010 ( 196•1 Charle~ Bronson Su~3n Olrver A tough wagonmasler mtiet5 up ""''" on<> ol h•" vooqetul v1ll1m~ ( I ,,r JO min ) «!) NIGHT GALLERY FrllllCOit PYevoe1 A razol- wtelding crNtUfe at•lks the C.OtrldOfl ol a ftm<>le medtcal C:lll\IC ( t l\f., 30 min.) • M>OICG Ryllet II 1niured by al'I 9M• pr'-out l<H r...enge. (I) MOVll * • "M urphy'• Wu" (1971) Peter O'lOOle. S•an PMhps A "'81\ deCodM to light a o no-men w•r aga1nll the Germans afler th6v lhoot h" plar>e down 1n the middle ot a tuflg!e 11Wlf (2 1\rl) ®)MOVIE • • • "Th8 Cowboys" \ 19721 Jonn Wayne. R<K- coe Lee 8rown Eleven schoolboys b11come 1oughene<I men when lhe'f par1oc1pate 1n a blO ~tile drive (2 hr5. t~ min I 1U68 MOVIE • • • "On A Clear Day You Can Soo Forever" t 19701 earora Sl'91sand, Yves Monland A young woman CllKOVfl<S Sh4l Ila$ ESP while 11y1ng to eurD he• Ch01n smo~ong (2 nrs 40 min I • • , tmi,td• I I 1-14 tt h11 1t'1 00flftivy E 1111 H:.1101 A wt'U com ..-1v(·J 11hu ti• womar' -.tiliJ ht"t thl• "''~ 01 tn O•SC>OS(:I: Of hot nu-.ti.uht "''" 1lf\ d\.C.•OUOl_,f \Jt•.11t1 bac..,hre\ ttUW\.llll)' '"'' lh•• ~chem1n9 P•ut 1 I 1 • lO rnin I H1t·,11·du Mu11 t a lh;111 t rrght 1 anti lkrvt• \ 1 I l1•rh .111t' JXJlldt•r ..i f>OhStlJll' 1nurd~r .1l k mµl 011 ·Fant.1-.y l~l<ind " tor11g hl a t IO 0 11 ABC:. (.'h,1t1n(·I 7 11,,r1 J u t IFl•• W111IO M •••d J1 -'''' L.1n•t101,ht •, (..htUn 'n m.,n.u' tru m Afldnf.1 h1i•• -. .... ~ bn~•nQ tnin1 n.11111lo.ok. u.1ylun.1 ,no m"uoc.~t ht me" lrnm DuylO•'·' floricl.i 0 EVERYWHERE t 1v<' trom fhfl 121h Annunl A1•Q1ona1 Whut!IC n ~" C.drl'W~ •JI Cahtorn1a Sftlt•• Urn\lt•,t...1tv Oom1nque1 1n C'ar~tl O!) INTROOUCING BIOLOOV Anomal Beh~v10• Q2l WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Lwe cov8faqo o l ;i 10 1ount1 nea•ywol(/nl OOUI oelween Ron l ylo ,1nel Sr n it l t>C'nu• ltr.m C4te5.ot s. PaldC•· '" l ~·~ V•'gas Nov,td .. 1 .1 t1ve rooa.. "' lh~ optlrnno oov t1mn tr•· .. 1~ lor th<' lnOy !'>00 trr1m lt>t< Motor SpooC1w.1v '" tn01an;ipolo~ Ou~" 7:30 8 TWO ON THE TOWN ConmP ChunQ and Sieve Edwaros follow 111e MuthOI· 1ancl Or1vJ1 n1ghl 1 ac.er ~ •how II c:1a~~ 1n Otialh s v1c;.t to ·• locat CPmetery, prewo1 Buos Sunny 1at~- 1nQ d00ul h1~ c~rP••r and Salu<ddV motn1nq IP.IP1t.- !>10n Mid v1,,.1 the Plea>ure fJuP Tho Hano 0 1 BO•QU~ Wooms 4 man b-Og~ ·1 ~ur9oon 10 tPmOvH h1\ h»nd 10:00 0 aJ ANO THE BEAR fnree 91t1& lo.t<lnap SJ and l()fCe him 10 hOlp 11\Pm ma.__, moonshin~ 1n •hfttr b.1c~ya•d IR) 12:30«1) MOlllE • • Mumrny s Rovcr>go" ( 197.:lt Paul Naschy, JaGk la~tor Superna1u1at events 0e91n wl\en a mum- my o;ea1ches tor a DOdy 10 house his wile s soul ( 1 hr 30m1n) EJj) TENNIS I 10l1t!I f tHIO•~ (,lus::.•L UvP c..ovt:o1 ''Q'-' n t lht• ... *'"'' t•nuts ot lh•"' vrn hr'h l•1V' namf'nl ttom Int• V1ro1r11,1 Beach R<1~Qut>I Cluh 10:30 8 CJ) TARZAN I SUPER SEVEN D THE JETSONS 8 @) PINI( PANTHER ID NASHVILLE MUSIC 11~00 D PAE-GA.ME SHOW U BASEBALL Cahlorn18 AnglJIS vs Now York Yankoos U ®J WEEKEND SPECIAL ''Puppy s GrPal Adven lure' A puppy·s new ow""' IS adople<I D~ l>flOPle WhO don 111ke dogs tR1 0 80AIS KARLOFF'S THRILLER • GJ UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUSTEAU Sleeping Sharks 11: 15 0 BASEBALL G:1nc1noa1t HPd~ at P11tsburqh P1r.11e~ '11;30 IJ @) AMERICAN BANDSTAND Gue .. ls G 0 SIOO()ll' «!)GET SMART AFTERNOON 12-00 f) 8 SPACE ACADEMY 0 MOVIE • • C:om•• <lut i. 1n1m•1 t t~i1~t [ a~t '.itlt• K1tJ .. At Hn• ·olff'IP ttmt• th• M 1(10., .,.. '1'""'9 ho"na tt••.•,un tu 1rh.. snn n t ttu) uo11r.v c omfn1~ct•Or'lt•r 1'1ny ,tl\O t1nd 11mft 10 qnl uwnlv,•d w1\h a qamllhog rin(l I I ht 10 nl1n) ID SOUL TAAIN «!)TARZAN l ;irzan ath'mPI'> "' nnnq~. murderPr nul or 1Fl1• 111r><llt' le> 1usroc;r• fI!) THE ASCENT OF MAN Thi• Lonq C.h11<1nonn Or Hf ••t••W .,, f \Ill ..._ •• \ht' .;,U t•1I t 1 Jt ''r 11 '" tO t ·"'-''"I t1 1·t11•11I tn t •UP,111'.t. Ou+ fH Ulf•. .n,t Hiit t1,tu1 •· 111 1ll.1n"'-11'n 1tts(••'1t 12:30 8 6 FAT Al8ERT IJ PEOPLE 7 MflSI Onto A,111t1Hlcl tlOJ DISCO 10 Pow:iy Hogh Sc1111t.I 1:00 I) 1-a ARK II fJ MOVIE • • I tie lJ~I Sllot You Hear ( t9691 Hugh Mnrlow~ Zf•oa W,'Jtkor A wom,1n ancJ hP1 lovtu al\Pmpt 10 l.111 he• hu•band WhPn hf' reluSOS IO granl ne• a Cl1vorce f 1 hr JO min) CD OVTER LIMITS A ..enatorlal rnves11qat1on •events lhi> OA1Stencu 01 ;in fil ler.tron1r c;ur\lrt1tl:•nc·~ d•w,ce •f\vfinu-ci O"I tlfl111qi;: llnm anOlhCH worlf1 «!) MARCUS WEl8Y. M.O 01 t<.•lf'V f<.tll~ ,n IOvP w11" .1 "'~~ no-.pclill ~mpf(lyc..lrifl ED ONCE UPON A CLASSIC Ptn~KC.r'ht P1t1nrct1~('1 1c, Pflll(t .. 0 to 10tft ht•• fflf'Mfb nr1 .l lrop Ill 1n1• Lullrt n 1 T <>VS wt111rP h111e hf'y' lllil'/ d.JY .;nd mfJhl (P 111 1 ul 41 fl!) AMERICAN STORY tO ANIMALS ANIMALS ANll.AAlS fhtt f>t11ll Ji 1 30 I) f 6 30 MINUTES (.flf1'.fOph1\, f.,111nn lr>ok 11 111 uO~tHH1 rr)m1nq '"' ~ qr•JuP [lut·~v A.1tnn n•Oort•, on rmt1 IPPO·•IOtlf •, rr1••lht>d of c.ntnh·tl1t1,, .11n" IR) 0 TWILIQHT ZONE r tu• f ••• ., 0 MOVIE • • .Anhnff An.l Co',f•1Hr1 M•'••t lh•• .,,,1i.·, 1 tn.s<.o B()'I<. K\Jrltift ("'" ( Mt11lf1-t C'hann .. 1 Li1U ing• 11 KNXT fCBS) Los Angele'> 0 KNBC !NBC) Los Anqele!> U KTLA Clnd I Lo'> Angf?lt>!. 0 KABC·TVtABCl Lo.., Any1•I•·, CIJ i<FMB fCBSI S.1n Du•go 0 KHJ· TV (Ind ) Lo~ Anqelt: , (\'"O) KCST (A8C) S<ln O•Pqn ID t<TTV (lfld I LO'> Anqr1IP', llt KCOP·TV (lnCJ I LM Anq~I•·'> &l> KCET· TV fPBSt Los Anct••l1•'> O!> KOCE TV 1PBS1 Huntonqton 0.."Jth A Lot of Ball Larry Wilcox dogs a steer in tonight's two- hour retrospective, "The Greatest Adven- tures of CHiPs," airing at 8 o'clock on NBC Channel 4. FftOM Fash ion Island Newport Beach ,, Wn1h' •• c ho~ t'> 1m.)t~Hf .ltiiifrl,. tr•t:i 00 \' .,.. ,., ••• , •v fl1u1CJu1t1tt t t h' 10 llllfl t ffi MO\/IE • N1ull y flf11\N 1 fOUtlltt ... h(P.Ot1•1 ( t1t t<H ltorn1.1 ,,,,.,w1llu f r.cfll-1•• fho1na' N"'n' y .mo f,~ b~t1m'-' 1rtvoh;~ m ·• '"'1llb, 0 1 110~f'ntures. thul <tv~ntually IP1)t1 10 th•• iHtt•!ril Of I mutOOrPr I t hr 10 min I (Ii) AMERICAN STORY' Gold Rusll @)MOVIE • • Th" Boun1v M.1n ( 1972) Clml Wlllkt'r R1Ct1 ,1rd Ba~nart Bocau~t.' nl ti••,-amcUtng flken!'ss. 1n h1-s (1•'3d w 1fP a bounty nunh.~f t>t<om~ Cl'tl-...n ro lh•1 q1rl h1pnc:J o f d c11mina1 n,. nds c,1plureel f I 11' JO mm I 2:00 8 l<tDSWORlO D GOLF Bvron Nt)hoO Golf C•·•~SIC.. cn ... ftt 1Ql"' .,, tn(t 1.r•m1 tm.u ,,.,.,,,,1 1)f 1ht':. ff'll(Jtn.1mPnt rrom .,,,. P,c\ ron fra1t r.nu Ch•O 11••.lr l).1t1.1s T !\Aas 0 80NANZA L•lllt' Joi> all••mol\ ,,, over • uMt.t th~ fodr l°Jf h·--•Ohf'\ by lomoinQ [ .1ql1· N1JSI Mr.unlr..n Q) MISSION IMPOSSIBLE fn1• ( .11 ef.•lf)u• (l) MOVIE • • • I t ,u1Q 1 tl••I ' "1, 1 Jun•1 I/I ryh•• P11Jt ~ ..-11, fwn rn~n o,ttrt1I Uu• "' 1 An.Jo an(J r '1·•St• '-' p1 ,,.., ty nur' P m '"'"'" ~oar..llm•• t:?nr!>f fI!) AMERIClAN GOVERNMENT t """ BurPaucr;u .. 'J 18 MOVIE • • * l-•I lit.' (...utSfh 1111301 Ertward G Rohin .,,,,., DOVQlas f .1110.1n1.s Jo AH 1ns1qn.11c..an1 hooa .,,,,,~s h1(, way 10 th<* tno nt m .. und'1rwotto I I hr 11) m•n) 2:30 I) LAST OF THE WILD Wtlalp~ 0 NFL: GREAT TEAMS. GREAT YEARS "Chllhng Compan1on~h•D fI!) AMERICAN GOVERNl.AENT Foreign Policy 2:40 EJj) WHAT ABOUT TOMORROW? 3:00 f) BONl<ERSI Gupql Don Knoll~ D WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN U LITTLE RASCALS llAOlh"' s Day ED CARL SCHURZ A b•on,nony of n11•~'"'''"h t_t•(l\U!V AITh•r1t.~m "'''°'' qt•'"' •'''0 Ct..i01t1ttt mumt1111 m I inc..111n ... ,1dm1,i1s1r 111w1 fl!) OESKlNING HOME INTERIORS fucn1tuo"' M•• Or MJlt fl 'oo m MOVIE • • • YOtJ rt• Nnlje, r n Youno 1195!>1 ll•·.rn Murun Jfltry l-..w•S A '"'''' t.onthJC1' n1-. own ~P,1rrh wn1l1J Oie pollc;o look t<J• 1 ',IOh)ll Qt ... m fl;) LATINO CONSORTIUl.A G•ow1nq UP Sat~.• O!) PROJECT UNIVERSE f h<> (, pancl1nq Un1ve1 s1 ':30 ED ouE PASA, u s A ? POlfl·J And <:ompan~ 4 l>•Q 11urpr1so ,*'i tn °"tntt•·ror thf' PP011 t.•m·'~ wtwn f OUl\1n Pntf11) lftttOrl\1r !' ... tfu•rn tri h''' hu .... tl,•''° (J.,,y fI!) PROJECT UNIVERSE Oua~,.,., 5•00 f) PEOPLE'S CORNER Hn~t JO.' Oyw D FREE-4-ALL HnlSI r1,.tn"' Y\N,tn 0 STARTREI< 5 .. n, 10 nttQOti.'lli 1 ,, ..... ,.,. c,.,,, Ktf'-tS •fT\UO~(llH•O .Nh••" "•• mlt!tv&nt•S 11\ en ·~•·C.1.Jflnn 0 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS I htf' CO-.;'Jot,1QP "' , 1n 1nund ht"' ·~vwP•qn1 0001 f t•l""'totln Aon L 1•~ •tfll.J 1 'i.c nt t l PO nu • , , '''" Coo'~" ' P:tl~iCl1 '" Lt.ct Voq.1s Nrvadil ;i llvi• tno• ;.1 lhf> OPt'n1ng day''""' In al~ tor tl1 l• lntly 500 lrom th<> Molo• 5P<'60way 111 tndH\fldpt'\11~ () tk • f\.tn:anamo " u ~1tJtl1nq {,f\,tmo1on-,,ntpira '' ''" C)~nu H:\.r.tau 0 MOVIE • •'. V 11'1<•1 I~ Lomm11 pqr 11 £1ur1 L.1n(.1 ,, .. , ::iui>.111 C1.ir1<. lti11 mu•d<•rPr nt in 1nnocor11 ola<.~ m.1n r11n<, 1nln lrnub10 when h•· ,,ttfl!'T'OI~ tn tuoay th•• m .. n " w•do,. hy laking up ,1 C.Oll{>(;f!Of\ 12 hrs) ID MOVIE • • • D•rly Mary Cnt~ l arry t 19741 P1•1P• fr•n<J.1 ",u~on Georg" Two <lnr~ ( .lr OrovOrS l!A IOrl S 1 SO 000 from a supe,mnrtiie1 1n orOer .• tu buy a hr~l·CIA"' •11Cer (2 hr~ I ffi SOCCER fI!) PROJECT UNIVERSE Or'l)1n Ot Tl\e Un1vP1se., • P'Jh1•n.imok u S urf1nQ t.hJnip1onsti1pt0 tr om 0,1hU Ha~a,, EVENING e·oo f) (. CBS NEWS 0 NBC NEWS 0 MOVIE • , '0fuC._. Lt:.•• tn" Man lnP M v1h f 19'11 B•uc" l• A por1•ao1 01 f:ltuf t• l •" f)tl(litUlO\(j 1h llOf\Q konf) IOllOWtn(l ( "" ff rH!. PVf'nlual rt":;•• lfl 'ti If tlun't tn 'h.marr·ch nt >;nll~ Wht ... O ,., •• ,,. .. ,\ '"" ,.,,,,,.,, ..... II nP I!) MO\/tE • • Tt11 ( 011111 I II MM1fp( ,, 10 1'•7 '••"rt ,,t\1 ( tl,H'l\hllt!,11•1 '"'''°' (...;rh·. A m 111 r 11·,1•1f .mp,-.'>f.>nt•f1 fur 1 1 t "" .~~ •..• ,,.~11,, ,,., ""'"'''·•., , .. ,. ,.,, •. UlJO(t 1ft\\~\_· tt0,,(1hr\1 '"'' '• tH~ I ED TV AUCTION A t>•O-hy-onon1• ,.,tr.1\., QltnLo 'hfHlt't• ''\;IU'\•t'tQ •"~' t•VO')'fhmq will b• ·•UC. hOrwd 10 Ill• n•l)hl'".I h•Otl•'' fI!) INTRODUCING 810l 0GY Rt•JJr"•)u C 11nn Anrt MPI()~, 8,30 I) CJ. NEWS 0 MARY TYLER MOORE Tud .. 1..upr•S.•P· f01111ryn'''' with e)(pens1vff q1fr~ rrnrn n1s me l')mr ta• ,,.,h,, n inn 111<•0 loams ln91 "'" lflfi ·- ~•flQ 11l '''"" "'"' El!) HOCKING VAllEY BLUEGRASS <1uest~, UI•• H('llmutt r1m1 ly 7.00 f) THE PRICE IS RIGHT D s 1 98 8EAUTY SHOW 0 EYEWITNESS LOS ANGELES 1 ot .. HG'• r •"'mal'' ohn10')1 1 r1h"''• o t rnal•· C-ttf'IQ1 tri10\ , .. ,..,, ol The v ... 1 \or , t•f'w ~D(.lrl~ car wn.1t 11 I '" •-> 10 ht! ,1 C .iMnrn1J lhQhWOi/ P~!IOI mo1nrr'ICI(' f"'tt1or 0 KICKS Ho'I J,.-stf .... ,,, n .t1 Q) l.;\:o'YRENCE WELK c.010 Strol<<> EJj) TVAUCTION ICONT'O), fI!) AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Oouo K••rsr>aw 1 Cllllnn 0 H>I FAUil Y F£UO fl MATCHGAMEP.M. (J) KEEN'S PEOPLE 8:00 I) (J) BAO NEWS BEARS C.oac.h Au11nr m ,,~er s 1nves11q1111on inlo lhf' lhetl t'.'tf tood l1om th.--c.atlltPrid tvrn-.. uCJ on,-. ot th .. Bear .. •S tf\P P•'"'" •.-us~• 0 CHIPS fllllOw OlhtN~ Of Jon :-.nq flun' n Ho.C1t11 •• ,,,,.., .... o t tnP•t •·At>l01,, ·•"l't 1h•~ two c.u• nom1n .. tf•d ,,.,, <i pte~I•· g1t.)US d(..hl•~W·m· .,, I ·•W.lrO 0 MOVIE • • Rob1n"o" C.tu'i.Q4' Aflll Trw l •'lt'I ( 197:•1 H.,,:r1 S t.Qhll Ahu1 fht -:.1or f nl fi()t>•""·O" Cru')Ot: ••flf1 tit• )' ,,.'1,. c-,n , dt·~· .. ,-, ... 1 •• no uf\fll nf-4 d 1t. cnv .. ,, ,, c. .. 1r'Hl•h •• 1 rr10t· .,nn .. 1vPC., t 't'llUfltJ ti(JV ff(in rJ'•"tr-, tnlrt H1tr1~JQt1 fl)•• wyJA' r1t ,.,, .1n1m.cl I \ nt I 0 10 PAUL l 'l'NDE GOES MAO 'Vtf llo I lv.t••'''• Pt/I.,,,~ (} •'T\'='("'1 '"" t "·''' llJI" Cl I JI f r'•'l• ft, f Oh•~H.tlto f'1•' I '4d ,, ... ,.,,. ,,. ·•™J lht Q MOVIE • • N1·• Ill.I Srr"'" 1 1<17~1Chlf Pnll• I ornP C..t1••"" A I iilf ·LtfHlfl ft•jCnn ,,n o•o tn ... nci tr l!\( U f :.rur.m1• ' r • l>t PIOS•Vt " ·•Cft'\•.·. tfh cJ••'..• rr t I h• lf. f't1·t\, W UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS A '>udcH-.n ''"Jnc1ul eris•'• 1n,-1•a111nr-. 10 lt'Jfc.•--fhP 8e1 .. l<1mv~ Oul OI 1h11u hOm" «!)MOVIE • • l'am1lr l'l1qh1 f 19721 fiod T 1ylO• O"n Mllrt1ll A l1/10Q v.JCt•h<Jn 11 MP•llO 10" an ti O<Jd<. tarn•l'1 tutr1~ into ~ nnm nnofl'~'l!> o.uuo lot ~urVtlf tf f I hr 'JO ntm I fI!) ROYAL HERITAGE f Mf 'lhJIH t• Ru'l1Jt110 C nm ht~ If tovnd•--<1 tn•• fioy.'ll 5'><.u•tv dnCJ ,,, •• nr, .. ~, Ot>!tCrv.uory th•• '''"' !>lui\ff,.l 41UOPnfft'O '"'' O''"·•f arrn1leGt (..hnctlop.-.•" WJNl wltO dl'~1gn.•d SI Paul' c.;.,,,n, .. n,l•' ..-ln(J th•• ~01t11 Ntt..,,'\1 HO~p•t:tl 8:30 f) 8 suas SUNN'!' SPECIAL Bur)\ RU""V .tnlJ ""' tr1(md1i hJV'' .. a tun·tf" wilt'! tn•~ i,;nl)rlhOdO.it "f()tk W''10 !.OniPhOw d·~hv ... J•'d fhiPm df'IC1 Otnt .. ''• 10 tn~ WtOnQ motn"'" 9:00 8 18 C8S MOVIE 0 ~) FANTASY ISLAND A IO•mer c1rcu6 ownl'r mir•'l~ all ol her old aCI~ 109oinA• lor one 1a~1 show ,•J"IO J man wtio \#&ntf:t •o l>t• ,, prOl&Ss1onat b(lwler l)til• lhe cnanoe 10 com. Pf'lt• 1n d mal(>f 1ourn,i. mt~nt ID HEE HAW HOHEYS G11•••I 1 or Alla l ynn (l) SPEAKEASY Guru~'' Q('af\ Selmi"' 1ulhor ol lhll DOOlo. "Blow Away slo1 y OI 3 prOIOS· >•on~I lo .11,.. ano S1olo.f'f~ <.u Hn"!l(f\39, b laf:\I'. ptJNUt t.1Cllv1'\I nl tnP 60 'i fl!) ALEJU.HOER'S BACHTIME SANO t ounQ '"lt•f•O Mq '''"·•"" . .,...hr1 f nm•• •rum 1111 ,.. ..... , '"'" (t\)ntt, tr pf tt 1r (.,,,,flu~••• •• 11f t t·nt .,,,.._ (J• d r11n"\ l1t 1t<I tf o~ r11f H( 1 If I I Ah••·tllO••' ,, IP"lntt1t1••t I030ID NEWS 11-00 f) Du 8 10 NEWS 0 1.AAKE ME LAUGH Q SECOND CH'f TV W MOVIE • • • ff\of (. .,.,. H1J" An() 7,.,,. IJ()I,. r ''h '1 (.h,;\ l ..,.,t._.,.tH')Q • ,.,, >J,,n C:1 ... ,t ·tue ... vu')f1•rtf ti•''"' '".,,. r1 , .... n ... r ,, , ... ,. ''"'"'t ~ ,, ,,.,, ....... • /() 'I(}( tt•• t·.~U• tu,. I (l) THE 8ENN'f Hill SHOW ; f•'1tll I 11111 ,_ If I f f ,, ltJ' , Odrf ...,"•l" "' t>~•t t t•.011l'f' 'O' tf' n"lf."' °""' •1 ,,,,,,..,,,. .. ED TV AUCTION I CONT'D) t 1'15 0 ABC NEWS 11 30 Q SA TUROAY NIGHT LIVE 11 • t Mte.h.•Pf P.l'"' "'., I .. 1.1m••• J,J\flOt 0 MOVIE • 1 VJ .. 1< t.. • ····n,•o• W; .. ,uwQlf f J4S ... t M1(f'l11t-11 t .1nc:Jon Vvonn•• L 1mt1 /. t;<yl n•tttt•sl rn.tnQ••, .,, unt>,\tdn<•..od tPf<n. rtg••r •""" • monc;f~r n•·nf on murn•~f ,,,,, i()min , 0 MOVIE • • t nf· \ o-. .. Mac.n1nt1 '1q11 t Jnnn Phil· llP L.1w Dyan C.onnQn A11 11rnt>1l•f.>v,., younQ m,u1 -,100~ J.t no1n1ng tn wori. h1~ w1Jv up tcr,n11 1np or tt1" h•ft .. v1S•Of'\ Ous•nP.-.!t ( .. "'' J 0 MOVIE • • Tt1;• MutOet Clin1( I 1<1661 Wr111am B"rQ•·• 1 :00 D A()CI( CONCERT 0 MOVIE •". I Wos A Teenage Frankensto•n' ( t957) Whit B•~sell. Phyllis Coaies. A Or Fronkenstem ot lhe 1950s patch<ls le>gel~ va,,ous adol,...Cf}ftt b<><fy palls 10 creaw a new monM&r I 1 hr • 25 m•n I 0 GOl..F · Womoo'sln1errrnt1ona1 lourn:imoni" 1:'51\9) ABC NEWS 2:00ID MOVIE • • •• ·r1vf' AQO•nSI The HOuSf> ( 1q'>'>> 1(1m Novall. C.uv MltO•.,t)fl four college s1uoen1i. .1no d beautolul c.ot:>a,-Pt \•nq.-.1 c.oncoct a '>('h<>nW IC• IQD a Rel\o 'J.-tmr>lmQ r 3~1f\O I 1 '" 30 tnin I (l) MOVIE • • V,\, th IJMb••ll•--v.tbl•• M~rnn H•i.oly -'nDt1;u"i.n1 A lne 119621 T''-''UkO mt\n<'tt ... r i-m .. •tg•••, hom a t,.UPr",.h(n l fl.1 ~ftm•Jnf t)n(j p•Ovw. 11> I)<> 1nv1nc;1hle "' •f'> pow1-1f f 1 h• .JO min ) 2·251) T ALKABOUT WITH TRUMAN JACQUES 0 NEWS 2·30 0 NEWS 0 MOVIE • • f 1 t•l\.i'l•' ( ..... mt•O t 11•'i.81 R<1bf•n \< tu4n1 U,1trufl Mt1,~n.1U Q MOVIE • ~ 1<.111 B.tny 1<111 11Qf;'il <.1.1c.nmo ko~~· 'ilua,-f r Jb•enn.. 0.Jli 3:25 8 NEWS 3:30 0 DICK VAN DYKE Roll 1n•.,IPS .in o lO Armv ";ti n<'m•.. .1nd tl•~q1n\. to It:~.,, "' u n1• ••• 1 ,,. 1i11rri:W lhtbf ID MO\llE • • l 1"11• <;n1f"" I t'lS;>) Artnur r-1ran1 M \lfH' W•flc.f .nr «!)NEWS 3:558 "40\llE • • • h'tlt• M JI•" l 0 M•ll.,1Q'1I t 1'1611 5oPh•d L0t"n Anlllon1 Pei~,,.~. 0 NEWS 4-00 0 MOVIES • Tn11 A~lnunoonq She "'onst"' f 19571 Rob1>rf ('oar~t> Mnrolyn Horvev • • Con(lu11nnQ Hnr<ll' · I t9J I) R1,h.1rd Arlr•n ~ .. v Wr,1\o ':01 0 l.AOVIE • • 4 l ir fl"l I Cll t<.•ll•f\Cl I I !lf\61 ~I•'"' l! t (,, .lf"Qf'' Curr Jur0t•ns 'Sky Trap' Exciting Disney Movie By JE RRY BUCK LOS ANGELES <AP I E ven ir you're not a regular Walt Disney fan. you may wa nt to tune in to NBC Sun· day at 7:00 on Cha nnel 4 JUSt to enJOY the breathtaking aerial s tunts and photography or ''Sky Trap." The movie from Disney studios is another nifty <Jdventure about s mug- Rling, and would you believe it? the contraband is he roin. certainly a first for Disney: The movie won't tax your brain, but it's not a bad way to pass two hours. either MARC McCIJUR E plays a young s ailplane pilot who is forced to s mug. gle the narcotics across lhe Mexican border in hi s ~lide r . Pa tricia Cro wley is his mothe r . who runs a rlying service: Jim Hutton is one or he r pilots. and Kitty Ruth is McClure 's girlfriend. P r oducer ·direc t or J e r o me Courtland used his own silver and orange Blanik glider in the film, and flew some or the stunts himself. His son. Kil. afso piloted the glider. but the heavy stunts were performed by veteran movie pilot Art Scholl "The Great Wa ldo Pepper". T he scenes or the sailplane cavort- inft silently in the s ky high above California's Ante lope Valley are eye- popping Some o r the stunts had never hecn filmed before "I ALWAYS HAD somebody in the back seat with me." McClure said. <Jdding with youthful confide nce, "but I could ha\l'i' handled it. I worked for threl' months with Kit Courtland getting ready for the role. hut I never sol<H?d. • · M cClurc is 22. looks younger , and 1s slim enomgh lo s lip through a s traw. lie plays Jimmy Olsen in "Supe rman, The Movie." and will appear in the sequel Ile was in "Coming Home ." "I Wanna Hold ~ROGERS' FILM SET HOLLYWOOD IAPl Robert Hays plays the title role in the NBC movie "Young Will Rogers." which airs Tuesday, May 29 Rogers de- vises a scheme to stop an Indian up- risin~ being fomented by a scheming landowne r who wants to steal their oil-rich land in Oklahoma. Your Ha nd." and Dis ney's "Freak~ F'riday " This fall . he co-stars with J immy McNichol tn the CBS series "We're Cruis in' ... a comedy -dra ma s et in a California beach town. "We pick up girls and Jive ... the actor says of the series. AT 18, IN military school and stu- dy inJ? dramatics in high school. McClure beRan posin~ for print ads Commercials followed. a nd he ~ot his first role as the best friend in the movie pilot for "James al 15 .. "f Jikf' comedy best."' he s aid "I like to RCl serious. too. but comedy is run to do. You can get real creative. ll 's tougher. too." McClure also has his own band, "The Pfanet." which has played at .1f!~~~ATIMG s.1 .. Wet« MHll ... • SI LI< 711•\I S.rv1c_. ff,.,.... StA'1\ •I Your Door IC•llSl or-eHeare\I You• Are•1 CO!>TA MUAM2-17 53 IU• ,.._, Bl•d "'1tnl~ 111EJ049S-0401 1H11 c..m1110 C..O>lr•M r 4'" D Frw , .tt Aver Ptn• ) STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR the Hollywood Palladium. Jerr t;asl. who \.\a s )oung Clark Kent 10 "Superman ... is rn lhe band. McClure plays the rhythm guitar. sings and writes som e of the g roup's songs. He hopes lo land a contract with Warner Records. '"SKY T RAP' IS the biggest role I 've had so far ... he s aid. ''The story pretty much revolves around me. which 1s nice. l 'm learning a lot." Though "Sky Trap·· has all the familiar t.tnd popular Disney ele- ments. 11 1s another step toward lacklin~ more contemporary themes. s uch as dope s mugglinft ·'Whisper in the Gloom ... which goes into produc- t ion soon. ts about an attempt to as- s assinate the Russian premier on an American visit. -·-·--..,.._. CNTERTAINMENT I THEA TC:H I l RIVIA Herb Gardner Reprise 'Goodbye Peopk' Back By JAY SltAaBt'TI' Nl!~W \'OSK t AP • tkrl1 c.:-rdn .. r pl.I\ wri.:ht b} tract .. l'•"s"I • m1 nult• "'htm Sk~t h1:. .•.:•· · t''orl\ four. ht• fan,,11> ~.1id Anothtir JHAUM' Gn·t. 1' " u J: b t l o IC t' t a J o h ,, 1 Th•· ( ri1odbyt.' 1\0 l\ruad.,...ay !h.Htlf'\ h.i II~ A l·tuull' \ h c: It 1> I t• •I .a u thur o( I ht• 111 tl I l ' d \ T h 11 u' .1 n d Clo wn:. h.1, bt'f'O workin.r And oo"' tht• ll t'V. I OI p r II \ t ti '1•r:.1un of h1~ I~ l'Onwtl\ Peoµh: 1:. li.1ck It's M'l on Cone'· lshmd 11, a ~1ut a n old man '4°hu 1111c·1· r a11 J hot do~ stand thf'rl' Tht· \IJ.:O 11n I he 1:;tand said ... Max s I ll.1\\ &11<in Ersta~1es 'Without ;1 1111 11· l'CStaS.), what good l' l1r1"' VF.RSJON NO. 1 had a ~hort run About 20 m1nulc!>.' Gard n1.·1· ~;.i1d He dt'r1d ed t o rewrite, revise and try at aga10 four year s ago whe n a bllok publisher asked to publish it r h1• pt.n hns • m·v. tll rcrtor I '°' »~ lh1• dlrt'<'IM 10 yc.-•n. .1.,:•J llt'rh "l1atwd Thal tur ntld 1•11 t t" tw• :. rt·al had 1dt•a Thf' 1lirt·<lvr couldn't ~wt 1h1· w11h'r lu I t'V.1 llt' A' I und1•n.tand, the .,,,..,.. H 'l htllf'Oft•at('t\uth~I • TtllS MAY SOt'ND :.l1Wlt(t· Hut (;.1rdnl·r It "'"" rrlt'dlllOl or l11•1i;?hl drtJ •h·;tdpun mannt'r. h11., lht.> kind 11( mind that makt·~ tum ..:1 tlll1>l' 111 Lh111 mnnm•r u hout 0) in~ t1llo :.r>Fa-wlu\.g IA" A11~ele~ Looi. out the °"ind ow Y nu II ' •• ,. 1 h .. y v e 11 l· r r e r t (' c1 tr.ir..,1 .. 1rtJt11>n t.o lht! t:hm1nat1on 11f all 1lt>:-.tinat1on :-. l• :. tl\t' I.ind o f mind lhlll OOCt.' h ,. I " 1· d h 1 m ~ l' t u n 1 mµloymt•nt pa) aflcr ht' w11:. h1rert by the Bh:-.:. 01:.play Com pany to ~l'Uli>t Nat1v1 ty 1>ct:m·~ Lo:-.1 lht· JOb wht•n I :-.t<-irl1.:d do 1111! rros:. l')l<'d W1:.l' Men · rT MA\' ttAVI:: bc~un m his t•:1rl) days in dra ma . whe n he :1 ud a h11::h s chool pal . Dom Ot•Lu1se. hawked oran~t· drink!. Jt the Cort Theater here in the :.ty l e n f e ac h pl ay be in g performl'<f : SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY MATlNEES 1 P.M. PORT • )o'u• <'.amino K1·,1I • we went up und tluv.11 tht• a1~h· shouting, . .,.11 lf1 ll ~our !-.tranl(e d e ~1n·.,· l11Jl lh.1l '~ Gisrdn\•r horn in lhc ,h.11111111. 11r ( ·unt·) 1,1,111d lie-:.et 11111 tu lKl u M ulplui pa u~etl to n t•itlt.• d 1 .trl1111n ~trip, "T ht- t•bbL'•ht-~ then t 11 rn1·il kfl at tht< l y l)\•wr1tcr dlld '''I up i.h111> llf.: "ROTr-': tu~ f1 rM n<Jvel . A Plt'fl' of ltw Ac·t111n." Ht 22. I hl'fl shor-t :.!01 It.''> Orw, a bout <1 'o rq,:wrt1l•r nan1L•d Harry K t-llerrnan, bet•am1· a him st ar ring Dustin lloffman Gardner w1 ote thest"r<.'enplay Ile aJso did the him adaptatwn of h1~ Broadway hit, 'Thieves." hkl'wi:-.t' lhat. of "Clowns .. II<' ~ay~ they oftt•n la lk about dow g a mu.<,1cal called "Moby'" Thi· talk 1s not too Stc'rious. ac- l'Ord1ng to one m:.1dl'r nCJmed t~ ardner II 0 Wt: V •: R , W I T II Th t• Goodby~· l't•oplt• · st>t to bo'4 ;.1gain. h~· Ii> l'nlirt·I) !>erwu!) in IJlking .1boul d 11<.''4 projl'c-t on w h ich Ill''!> ht·i·n w orking l '~ year:-. hie; f1r!>l mu.,1cul. ·o nl' Night Sta nd · · ~,WINNER Of 3 ArAIJf MY AWARDS BEST ACTOR Jon Voight BEST ACTRESS Jane Fonda Best Original Screenplay wa~~0(/~N,0:;60;.o;'' . . HAIR A Let the sun , L£ST£R PlRSKY. MICHAU BlITll R , MILOS FORMAN ••• RAGNI, RADO-MacOERMOT S HAIR .... OiN S#t'AGf · JRCAI WIUIAMS • &VlRLV O'ANCHO · ANNlt GOl.0£N OORSfY WRJGlil ·DON DACUS· OiE.RYl BARNES ... MH.BA ~£,RONN![ O'l'SO -::-~-:"': Gl:ROME RAGNI .JAMES RAOO ••• -. -:.· GAll Mar.OlRMOI ";~TOM PllRSON ~-~ R06(RT GRHNHUI -.... MIROSlAV DRlff K . -·~ MICHAll WlUlR ~· • IWYlA THARP --LESllR PERSKY .. MICHAi I !Mtr R • Mll(MORMM ACIPfttalYff tf/I,..,,..,,,.~ 'ht "''" "'' '-"''"'""""'.J ..,:1-hl~ JOI OOlB'(G'IER£0 r 1 ... h ... ~~·· I '(: UAlted Artist Co-Hit At H.,bor ~ "THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY" r;:::::=::::._::::.__:;__~~~~~~--,j WINNER of !~~Academy ~Awards BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECT'OH BEST SUPPORTIN<; Aer<m BESTSOUNU I BEST FlLM EDmNG I ROBERT DE NIRO I --A MICHA(L llMlllO I I M _./ 11 ___ , ,,, =====dJ ..._ ___ , } UNIVlRSAl Pl(, I Ulll '> ... EMI FILMS .. ,_ THE DEER HUNIHI b 1t•t'~ JOHN JOHN MERYL CliRIS 1 OPHtR CAZ AL£· SAVA(jf · STR((P WALl<fN ._ • , OERIC WAStiBURN "··•'• MICHAFl CIMINO• OfRIC WASHBURN • lOUIS GARHNKll • OUINN K RfOEKfR , . .....,,. , , ''"JOANN CAREll t • • MARION ROSENBlRG .~ JOANN CAREi 11 " "'STANLEY MYERS • • • llARRY SPllCINGS MICHAEL OEELE:Y MICHAH CIMINO ... JOHN PFVCRAI t ... •. • '• VILMOS ZSIGMONO • I " • ' •" MICHAEl CIMINO -~~~·-.. ·~>:.·1..~~=; a..-..;..;. ..... ,,o '"" --.,. '"""'-,,_,,.-lo::._.,. ...... _,,...-.,. •"V ............. ,f-.. ,.,, ...... _ NOW PLAYING lt was seve n <'omc It this week as the top s even tnv1addicts all came up with perfect scores 1n what proved to be, as advertised. a wee k for fat- lt.>n1ng the balling averages Oddly, six entries !>a l out this lime, missing the chance to boos t their totals . If the bottom three do not submit next week. they'll be jettisoned from the standings. The C'xtra score for t he New Kids in Town as thl' r~sult of_ a late entry being belatedly allowed, a practice which soon may be discontinued Take a ~~--....~- TRIVIA BOWL XIV STANDINGS ,., ...... ...,. fll) ,, 11 TM&..! ... ''''""'"" tU ,,, , tE•s.<~(111 ,0 u JOM A~>~ll ljJ H S-.1 y....,,.is 1111 .. u H•1><1-l 4I H L .... le«tl DA• 111) 41 •J _J.,0 1 n • ........... w. 1111 ., •• 01'111 ""0.1 ... 11) 11'"1 I J°"" M. Mryhr fl II .. n ,,_. l.M~l.M Ill 11 • Tran~' 1111 ~, " •R•<.• W.nwr U I , .. ' I How Kldl lfl ,_., 10 Jl ,, • 1 "~Apnl Fo-:>f 11' J) . ' • eo_.,Hlll U I J1 It •T•U I. s--tol 11 Ill I) • Cru ro.t.1101 )1 • M ...try l"M.e1wellll ~•II ol l•>I 1t 0 9---.>UI " \COf"t •••'1ttlod shot al these next 10 qut'ric!> for which numbe r eight wall he worth a two prnnt goal 1. THE SINGER WAS adv1~ed to follow the counseling d ispensed lo l11m as though he wert: a ~1bling in what mu:.1cal" 2 011 ('an Harry 1-. lht• advt-r!>ary of what car toon ht'ro" 3. This :.eason f1 nd~ an actor !> TV i.erie !'. follow1n~ another ~tarrinJ! hi:. w1fo on the :>amc e venang and channel. Na mt• both shows -1 When a:-.ked bv a ft·malc ::.inRer to name his favorite M ex1ran d1~h . Prcl'>idtnl Fo rd an!-.wcrNt, ORANGE MAll ,,., 'Je •; '1 : 1 BREA Pl AZA ·~,. . \ ·lt1n 11( hhLp;l,•1011. d1 ·in· '"'' 111l 1h .11h I fl !Ii' fl If '. 1 .\'l,' .. ~.~ .. 1~Jr:' ,.,: ~OWARD~S'.H.EWPORl l UNCOI H OAIV(:_JIN lltJ• , I' • I .__ ________ ---- /L 111& (PG) ·,. 11 AT BOTH WITH EDWARDS CINEMAS edwards CINEMA CENTER 1 ~·"J,~:;t•• 979-!1~ ( edwa1ds CINEMA WEST .J l .;-:~-:;-.:~~·-· __ 83~581 c1nename 6 scAEEn 634 2 s SJ comPLEX Crupnt.an Aw• a. S•nl• An• FfCftW~Y MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "A LITTLE ROMANCE" (PG) · "THE CHAMP" (PGJ "COMING HOME" "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" (R) "EYES OF LAURA MARS" (R) "MANHATIAN" (R) "DEER HUNTER".{R) K.a1 .. 1a -•• StadlU"' "MIDNIGHT EXPAESS" (A) "THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY" "MANHATiAN" "RflVENGE" C~J "DREAMER" (PG) "FUN WITH DICK & JANE" "THE OARK" (R) "INVASION OF THE SOOY SNATCHERS" "'THE DEER HUNTER" (R) "THE BOYS IN COMPANY C" ALL o •UV&·INI 0"2N 6:H,Jilll..-Mn. T Cl\tlG v .... , 11 ,.,.. Unteu • KkUll<! "'•YVOUllll ~--. . ..,_._ ------......_. ··-· 0/\1' ( r 1 (",-fJ 7 ...,...........___........ -----___ ..._ .· By T.T. "You are." name the sinl(er. 5. IN "THE CHEAP Detective," what wa s tne inscription on the bac k of Peter Falk's bathrobe? 6. Denise Nicholas s pent a lot of TV time in Hoom 222. Jn what movie could you find he r in Room 503" 7. Three Angels hit consecutive home runs in a 1977 game. Name the m . 8. ln "Slap Shot," Paul Newman put a $100 bounty on the head of a player representing what cit y ? 9. ON TIIE MARY TYLER Moore s how, what w:is <a l Mary's high school and <b l the yea r of her graduating class" · 10 lie was a big wheel in the world of crime a nd htl> adversary's ambition was to bring his career to a screeching ha lt in what movie" Last Week's Answers I "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to llw Forum" Cmusic<AI question) 2. Gordo IBetc Noire l 3 "The Mus ic Man" lbring food yoursclf1 4. Lester Maddox <Ca rter's predecessor 1 5. Ricardo Montalban c Loretta YounR kin 1 6 "HM S Pina fore" <Judy's son1 i Connie Mack I Cornelius McG1Il1cuddy 1 1:1 Bouton Collcgl' t White Shadow 1 • 9 /\ M id~ummer N1ghl's Ore<im ' 1 l:Jcttc 's d(• IHI t I Ill "Wa11 Until Uark" t movie rnldle 1 1M.-nd your a nswers to T RIVIA, co the Daily f'11l11. f' (I Ut1r t5fl1 Cnsla Mesa 92626 All l'Tlfnl'.~ m!lll bf> n'- •'ll'•'d lr1 Wt-rlrwsdalj. otherwise half tllf' pla11er s l11st ~CDT(' IL'lll t)f> awarded I l•wnt"•• °''_,., • Mu.,•••~ N;g·;11 gg~~,~:~ l .~<Jo~~r~~ ---•-JO __ .~& 10 o _ - l ~c..n • hu.ltiiodftwa '-"'' ••''"'" •Olt • f Ol NleO THI OUR HUNTU •1 I IS e \ 00 & I )0 -------~----------t• ""'0 al()()IC). •1lUI N\l llA.ZING SADOUS 1•1 fi'LUi UHIT UST 1.-01 WHUr n AU H GAN VA N NUTS ILVD111 •lUS MALllU HACH 1•1 -WOODY AlllN e Oll>Nl •IA10N MANHATIAN111 I 1 0 • 1:0 • 4•4J e .,., • .,., & ,_, ---____________ .. ~ ... ct•..., • s.tt., .... ...,,.... AlmU IOMANCI tf'GI I 00 • J-U • J»O I ooa 10·;.;00~-.,,~....,-tM kk" ~ e kl,.. Jo"*> e M1(hoof ~·0• THI CHINA SYNOltOME 41'01 "'US WT lMllUct 111. __ --4.,. Mii 1100.U H TIJINSI llUlZINO s.ADOUS 111 ~u~ Ulatf nST 1.-01 "MIDNIGHT UNESs• "SILENT ,AITHet• Ill ''TMI IUOOT HOU. T STC>aY" "'fCI CASTUSU CPGI .... U OOlli ILUIMG SADOlfS COMIHG HOMI IR) PACIFIC THUT•U OIUY1-tN SUPH SWAP MflTS HARIOI ILVO. Ori n -In $wop .._, Sat. & Sun. -I am to t P"' a.ANCM Orl••·ln I & 1 Jttl~ a·~~:~~so J Slil . ..... .. l ... 819 911!>0 •Ol \(IWOO lAST [MIAAC[ r•l fl'lUS T"l PST CHIC 1•1 -Ill II All .. GAN VAN NUYS &LVO. \II "'"' MAUIU llACH1•1 ~:g:i~~.-:::~~ C ... ISf~lfll ltfll/l • <M Nl HACIUUN ~ SUPHMAN tl'OI l'tlli MISSAGr fllOM UACl tflOI OfOltet ltA.WU()N Ai D41ACUUI IN UYI AT FllST lln fflOI KUS llNHlfla tflOI ,._ IT AU llfOAN, •• • VAN HUTS llVD. ~I l'WS MAUIU MACH 111 ~OU Mlllf'1 lltAllT IOll .• ·" DAWN Of Tt41 DIAOt-. ""' '"" tul fllOM wnltN fl) MDIMMClltoM•OU¥11- 1. Wll Clf ----.. 2. llNIOltl\!11) a. IWIA• ...... 181 \ Ba DAIL V PILOT S•turtluy MJV I 2 1979 ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIE REVIEW I MUSIC BOX Nadle Movie 'Vltravixens' flroad Comedy ff t\RTlll'K KNH.llT Afh·r 011111· t hu n t\\11 \t'.11 -. or 11rurt111 lio n , raulll·hv Hu,.., Mt•) 1•r '' 11.11'1.. "1lh .1 tw\ ~ 11( 111~ ho:.11111 f11t·r11h ,11111 "h.ll l)C''"ll" 1ll "lh'nt>ulh ttw Vul h•\'flf llw l llt.1\l'<tt I\'> It 0!> ti !>JI 11 It' '''ltd up 111 ll\1l h l ht '111 1.d .11111 -.1 \ uu I mort':s of · Smi.ill 1'11"11 l ..., \ \\Ith 1111., ,,r t 1111111 hum or ;mll 1.1lt·11t' tif ht 11.11h 1111 ludnll' l ht· 1111 probably pr11port111111•tl l-'1 .1111 t '' .1 '\,111, 1.!,111 \11111· Martt> and Jurw M.1d. Bowl Beekonlng Su,11Uner Schednle Varied Fare II "11l t 11ke more tha n the gasoline """' Jnd th1· houris spent in ser vice !>I al 1•111 ltrtt'S lo d1!11>el this writer 's iallll':Wt'. • 111 1·.1111s 11r tht• romang Holly wood • ., .,,.j)""''" COWBOY ACTOR Steven Ford Ste\'ei. ~"c•rtl Take~ Ro i~· In Movit• !Inv. I -11•.1M1n 1"111 11111~1 music lovers. the Bowl 1s ,p, 111 l1d1 ,1 p 111 t of tht' s ummer scene , ,, il1l\ un tht' tx-ach or a picnic in I ht• p.11 1-. \ 1111 thl' s <·hcduh:s for the 1979 ''"'"111 look ii\ tf tht· Bowl 1s destined to pack them 1n a gain, wha t ever lh~ gas s1 tuat1o n ~ mrght be 1n the .. ...,,,,_ ..... , balm} evenm~s of (! July . August and September T H E SEASON off1c1ally ope ns July 10 b ut 11 a lways opens for llAllYSHNIKOV this wnter on JuJy TOM BARLEY Music Boa us. in th.is fi rst look at the Bowl season. glance at the roster of artists ltned up by gene ral d irector Ernest fleischmann and his busy staH A m o ng the ccle br1t 1es will be Russian dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov who will be JOtncd by other stars of the New Yor k City Ballet Aug 3 and 4 1n :.i progr am o f dances by Balanc hine . Jerome Hohbani. a nd othe r top night choreographers WHAT TllK •:A U C>t' :..TOtl \ I 111 t 1• I' 1 rt·dllt·d to tht' ub' tOu!>h p-.1.:11J1111\ 11111u' l< II d1 ,1111! fl CaUum. com·erns Natt\ HIJU ., fn n111·tl •Hort-. tu a lter h usband Kt•n K1•1 r ' "''""·" 1111·11 11 111 •'!> bringing JUSt uho11l l ht• "huh• Ill\\ II trl ht•! .JI l M UJrt Lane 11Stt'r t!> 1ntl'rcut f 1 t.·<1t1t·nt I\ ·" l ht·('• •m mt.•n I a tor who keeps us ahn•a!>I 11( "hJ l 1' g111ng do" 11 a11cl Mt>yer hrm~wu app<':.tr' 111 'h1• la,1 f,.,, mnr11t'nh lot in~ hrs camt'ra, lo ofrt.•r :.i !>Utt Jhl~ t11ng111· in c hecd, summary Meyer. the self !>lylt·d · k111g 11f 1h1· nudte'. M 1-~X W O CITY • \I' Tht> -.on 11f ,, f1111111 1 prl·s1dt>11l 1!> g1•111 ni.: .1 ----------------------('hdOl't' 111 flt"( hi!> II\\ II -t when the Bowl '!.Jl-:t'' tis annua l F our th of July F.1n11ly F1n•works P icnic Concert at 7 :w µ m Another Russian. Kini Kondrashm. will be holdtnR the ba ton before the I.A PO when the Bowl i.eason official ly opens July 10 lit• will have pianist Mischa D1chtcr with him a s fe a tured soloist in a program that will 1nclud1· a performance of th1• cver popular Grieg Piano Conc1.·rto AND NOTtnNG IS m o re popular at the Howl than thc f1rewor '<s con- certs that always draw capa ·1t; au dienccs llUS~ M f't'(I' ~ fl(NfATH Tl'E VALLE V Of lH( Ul 1 RA\llXLN~ flrocJucrr d•rf'<.tur ~01tur Stf.~gp;:~· EA~ 1 ~ .. Hl VLCJI( ~U\.'o Mt>~'°' k HICk" U {olh,m Ctt\1 FrMK~W4' N•1hd0ttd An11 If'.,.• l'~n II."*' lvl\~ Met'• lOlot LanQu3ttt'.~lu.tr1 L•U\(.4'1t1t!of PdlV'ti• ,11' M11 t\,,, .• , 1n11 ~unn1'lf' f11"t'' 1t11 n Ho MPAA rt1hr.q musdl• 1f 1111ly con ltw !>llV('r Sl'ft'l 'll S tcvt'n Fonl. l~ )l'tl r 111 ... son of formt•r l'n•:-.1 tll•nt Gt·ruld 1-'onl. pl<•~' the role of a ISSl()'s tlt•pu ----------------------, y ll S m a rs h a I 1 n 1 1:11tl·l'ta1nmcnt at this always d e· 111 .. :ltlful o pe ner has mvar1ably been t'arl'fullv tailore d to m eet the ta stes of k id s of all a~cs <.t nd this season is 1rn l''<C't'pl1on T he a lways s pectacular ftrt•works will be preceded by th£• 111-.t•!> 11r Burt'h Man n 's American Folk Bullet. tht• Odessa Balalaika!>. lht• T1•atro de los Puppe ts and the Los Ang t•lt•s C ity School s A l l ·C at y I lono rs lland. In addition to the• F ourth of July opcnt.'r. there will bt· lht· Tchaikovs ky Spcctacular on Aug 17 and 18 com plcte with cannon <Jnd French a nd Aril t.Sh troops who w ill agatn marc·h and tussle S<'pl. 7 and R for the Be ethoven S pec t acular on those dates again displa ys his profictt·ncy tn 111!> cho:,cn h eld A one-m an s tudio, ht• pmdut·ed . directed, photo graphed and tc"d1ted "l lltrav1xcn.!>." filming most of the interiors tn his own homt· and a ll for a low, lo" $233,000. HIS PICTURE LOOKS as 1( it cost a t least lhree times th at figure, especially since Meyer specializes in extre m ely :-.hrnt t. i..~s and even quicker cutting . Sm ee hl' al~11 (Ontribull-'1 t he or iginal story idea. he's p if>hlihi, as clost· '" .1 full n edged "auteur" as a ny r11111 m ... kt·1 in th1~ t•ountry today. Although his p1cturl' ,.., nr•t hardcore 'non<· of h is has ever l>e en >. Ml•y1·r ha~ 1:11ther subi:11lled it lo the MPAA nor taken a s c·lf 1mposl'<i X . inste ad , he preced es 1t with ti !>l0m1 'tn111~ht tit le advising "pan·nt<il gu1dan('t• " For lhc r:.in.., 11f Hus!> Mn·er h1::, name cibove tht• tlllc would M'l'tn to bt. :di lhl' J.!U ldancc that s n~c1Jlod "DAWN OF THE DEAD" (R) GEORGE HAMIL TON "LOVE AT FIRST BITE" (PG) J:e1 .. -• ... 1•.J• IUCIC ROGERS J J .. •:IM :O STAR SHIP tMVASIOH _1~:t'.:!. ... ...,1 .. :.:.••,,,,:Jc:.a ___ • ''Complete ••• '' local coverage keeps you informed everyday in the K•U9U MACH Ill l:4t.1:t .. lt :U VAH HUYS ILVD. l:t .. l:J0.-:0 c=t0STA MESA So Coast ·• •· ti 1 • 'Jt i\'t'fl I, • ., t •• • ') Acodnfty Award WIMtrl SUPERMAH IPGI 1.1_1 ... 1:t .. , ... 1--·-MORMA RAE IPGI .. ,,...~ Clan of Miu MacMldtad 1~ ... lt:etltl LAST EMIRACE IRI •·1M :ll WHO'U STOP THE RAIH J·--1- FROM COAST TO COAST. CRJTICS AND AUDIENCES APPLAUD "A LI1TLE ROMANCE.'' f\I A 11flU RO\ 11111 Ill M •I\ I If II I llOMAN< I - I <\I HI "lo< I (II Ml H MltUt•t '°"''"'Hfllft.f .. t~"-f~ IN"ll tt110~.-."f1W~ • ._-- ...__., "f\4\ .. JllllH t '9t11~1 Hl8 klt I M''-IUHlt•. ,,.,.,.~f-9'11lttlt\' ) AIUMN~ u•'llf\4 Mn1•1 ... U (')ltU\IJl'lP,4 ... ;~.:.; ...... ,..~ ...... t'"\ltdl,11\1\"' .... ft•l~t..•ll.N•••""'~ ···-. -_ _..:~':.::..-·~~·:-,.:;~·: .:!:'..-~. IOOV IC be tng filmed Ill the deserts of northt•rn Mexico. a movie com pany spokes m <tn s ay!> The yonng r ord. tn h t:-. film d<'but. s tars 11p pos 1tC' Rod Ste iger and Burt Lancaster 111 "Cat t i<• Annie and Li ttle Rr1tc hes ." w h ic h l l·!I:-. the tale of a m a r:.hJI. played by Ste1gc·r. who sets o ut tu c :.ipturt· a bank -robbing ~an~ And C:il in Sim mons will be on hand to conduct the Los Angeles Phtlarmonic Orchestra which will. of l'Ou r:.C'. be providing th e m u s ic throughout the s ummer season And then. of coursc. the l:-'1reworks Pops Finale on Sept. 14 and 15 with Hande l's Royal Fir eworks Music pro v1ding a magnificent backg round for the last outburs t of py rotechnic.!> INDIHDl li\L PROGRAMS will be :rn:.ily1.l'd 111 future columns But let It's going to be a grand s ummer al the Bowl But then 1t cilways t!> Earl Win ~ard . a s pokes man for th<· mo' te 's pro<luct•r!>, saicl tht· young Ford arrived 1n D u r a n g o s t a t 1· I h 1 :-. v.cl·k f'1lm1n g 1n Durango should h<' N1r:l pletC'd 1n early J unt: S£AN CONNERY DONALD SUTHERLAND "'"m' SOUTH COAST ACTORS STUDIO , :_l_!a_~!_!Y_AT----=( ,_:1: ............. i~' '\ edwards MESA CINEMA · t.1\1 103 ~ llllo(iAnt•y ~" ,, P4EWPOAT ILYO AT 19TH ST ,r,mmetet•"· w" ~ 111 "~~ ty:,r \ ft)f fil,.,, ~ •• ,.. m.,01·~1•1\I & _,,,., N ?fl•D fl•'(_ COST A MESA 646-5025 i- 17141 957·0282 NOW PLAYING AT TWO EDWARDS CINEMAS '•Voices,' A love story beyond words. METRO GOLO\'flll 'l/<fH r•t· •n· ."VOICES" surnriq MICHAEL ONTKEAN . AMY IRVING. ALEX ROCCO Wt1nen Dy JOttN HlRZHlO S<1''~'· ~ ~ '"• n1 > 'Nl>Y \', ht! P1 •Cvrev Dv JOE WlZAN O<r~n-ocvROBERI M~rn.11v.111 A :rn \\l/4'1P">eo'f ' 1"[HlOCOlOR· H~-o ,r .. WA~N~•~ P~r~'· • t • ~ , t;''' • 1 1 • •· t Af,l l u,. 1i•d•.A'Wl l11t>t" .. ~~~~~.~:?~.~.1:1~?.j ~ ····· , .... .• ,. ...... A'-"'"Y"I• MGM ~ T~.~!!~~.~ AT BOTH CINEMAS ... to love each othtt forever ... "THE PROMISE" <Kl CROWN INTERNATIONAL PICTURES Presents VANNUYIBLVD. St•mno BILL ADLER • CYNTHIA WOOD • DENNIS BOWEN M PROPHET • DAVID HAYWARD Pooducoo Dy MARILYN J TENSER oirec:ted 1>V WILLIAM SACHS rR RaiTRICftO Q ~ Ul llU II llf~S ACCtWa_.,. _ ----ru111 IU 0\111 CllAllllll • · ~,,~ ~ · The original Soft' '-·' . ,, • '. _. !'· . apace man! 1 ~ Buck Rogers • ~ swings back to ~ • earth and ,_, , 2 -lays it on the l '~~ .. ~~ .... ~25: Century! ~y-~ ~ ~~~--~ ,N Tt4t_ 5-th C. t..:F '"'" EDWARDS' FOUNTAIN VALLEY TWIN f ountc1in V .i11ev H J'.J 1' 1 ORANGE MAlt nr.1n11~ •. I 1.:fJ :: PG EDWARDS' BRI STOL "i.1111,1 An.1 : • • • CINE MAL.AND Anaheim 635-7601 '"Manhattan· deseNes a streo!Tl of bravos1 I can't urge you strongly enough lo see'Monhot1on"' II A MASTEllPIEll! A PElfECl mo 11 SlYLE. mE.•AMJIMANllYr' t.\ ... , s .. , "'"' '"'"' .. I • . '. ~ iiHAuai··· ~m ma1 ....... \·;·• ,,f,111 •1 .. ,r,• .. •,'t1·"J11~.1 ~~;1.\r 1 v. ,,,. .1.. .. . .. ' .• . .. .• , ,, ....• , ... ( If•• 11 , 11 ; » 1 I ' 1•1 ' I.~ r 'ii I If ' .! •11 ~ I i ,\ ~~;;~T~~ . __, • edwards cinemas • WHERE THE BE~T PICTURES PLAY ).---edwards NEViPOH T .. l ..... CUA''""' a "'A(,AOIN\I• 'f .; '644-07 60 :Z:: i '"",~ow•'•.","• . • ~ 0 c • . ..} ... , u . .... , l>EEK llllNTEU • JOHN• SAVAGE ,,.,."•n •N •• • IUSTOMCt ~~i.R.MANiliAM THE BUDDY HOLLY SfORY "VA N NUYS BOULEVARD" Ptu5 •Rt MAILBU BEACH" B BEST ACT~ESS ACTO_R -f ·1 r.., 4r r r r .*"J ' "'I t,,,./" (I ,/ " _,,7h1t;11 I~!.(_' H (Pt usu'""•.,,,,,. Warrf'n Beany 'HEAVEN CAN WAIT" ' BOULEVARD" ,,// . /~I'~ Ptua (RI C.-l~/TOr~ • .• ~ ~ M .· e \ ' I "\US / :I • • :I• I '"' ••ur . , ...... ~ ,.,. A .,IT. J .• ~ta.• O• l ~ . ~~}.I .tllYMnts ~ BEST ACTOR JOH VOIGHT BEST ACTRESS ~1r::~:~A t'f:~,, •"\)~ttEA VEN CAN WAIT ~N...~ c1.'lil~11 ''DAWN OF · ·THE DEAD" ·-·----------.... --·-.... ------. . . .. .. --.......... -·--· ., .. . . . . . . . . . .,,_ .. . ..... I __}_..,,,..., May 12, 1979 DAILY PILOT CJ In California PtJtU.IC NOTICF. l'l(TITIOU• I U\IHfH 0 NA.Ml \rAlt.MLNI The Biggest Marketplace on ttM Or•nge CoHt For the 6 4 2 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS Quake Fears Taken Lightly Record '"• '°''°"''nq Ill'• \l)n " doonQ l>u\I M\\ ·~ You C•n Seti It, Find It, Trede It With a Want Ad l642-H78j One Cell Service FHl Cr9dit Approval Nfo:W YOHt-. 1Al'1 \\h11tt "oul<.I )OU il11 11 sctentust~ l'rt'd11·1t'1l ...1 '>t'\ 1.•rc• earthqu11k1· n1·ur vo111 homt•" Would \llU r1t-,· 11r \\llUld \OU f'4l nothinr "' would you i.t...1y hut ltt• 1 ''•uh to lt•uv,· 1tl nmmt•nl , not tet>., to'aet'<t "1th -.ud1 .1 4ut•:,,l1on .idull., <11 ''''' tht 1'(>untry ~pht 11v1•1 tht• pn1v-·r .1rlmn t 11 tu kt• "'h..r1 fact•lf w1\h lht' f'll'JI\ tl\lO 111 ,, rnu1ur 411ull1· Bll'f IN l"(H 'rttt:R" ('\l.lt'ORNI\ 1tlt Sl't'Ot' of tht• 11.1111111":,, 1 .... t 111,ljllr l!Ullkt· JOO .1n lH•'.• Wht>n• tlw t>IH lh 1-. 1•1.1d..1•tl h\ m<HI) •wulo.:11 fuult:. tt IOUJOrtl) '>•I~ lht'\ \\llUliJ t h,111.:t• 11ulh111~ m tht'1r datly ri.1ut111~· These art' thl' hmhn~:. of t\~on.itt'11 l 'rt'-.i. NBC News poll:. tuk1·11 1\pnt :10 JOtl Muy t Scwnt1:-.t-. '·" 1111·\ Jrt· 11n111'"111~ 1111·11 t'i.p::.ab1hty or I>' 1•d1d11)~ ··,1rtt1t1u.tl.t':., Jtltl1n.: lhdl Chinei.e Sl'lt•nui.t:. haH· :-.111•1·t':-.:,,lulh furl'<"•'"' th. t1min~ and lo1•ut10n 11f ,, rium~1 uf ni.11111 11u .. kl .., _ an recent Vt'.lr' But lhv ab1 lit y 111 rnakt• f11n:\ <•!'.I:,, r .11 ~t , anothe r ISSUe "hat "111 pt.•uplt· 110 \\ ht'll f cH't•d \\ 11 h s uch a pos!-.1hly ;H·t·1ir .it<· pn·1ht·11on ·• i-;xp(•rt:. h,I\ \' warn<'d th<it lhl' dam·1gt• from J p.tnll' ... 1ru·ki•11 population neean~ lO lh\• h1lb l'Ollld 1·Xt't•t•d th.it from a quake Pion,. \ '"'' \,\ 111hh\111! I 11111 d1 111 (;ot! tu111H lt·t llt-1111·1 1 \\ \1111-.tl lllll' pl.111:-. 111 01\'t'I Il l f't lo.trig 1111 . 111111111 \\Il la l 'li111t•'>t II\ l'l llnll Ill 1dl11·1.d \ <1111rd1 p 0. ~ ' 11 1 .111 ..u.J 1 I ,, II 11 I d I t '. ·' dq1l11111.il 11· \ h ll BlrflH Mlb.)10 H C()MMUHI f 'f H0\1'1T•1. , ... ~"' u. "It M • •'"' M1 , 0.1t1'1 M 1 H•lt \4tn I ''•n'•"'"' Utt• ..Wt<ll J .. , •• M t .,, .. , M.' t liotwl\I u .11 ''' t """"" N•"W•f ,_.,, I ...... ((" • '"' Wu •wl Ml lv.hU Pill .. 'u\14 M t"• , ... M•tt.ft It lt /9 I M t •"" M t ,,,.,,,., ~,,\, l\W'Hlf t ott\l~H4'J t'ft4JU1.•I """''t M • ... •I M l W11 h1utJ t tfh th _..o t l••u~u1 ... t.l'lf -..Wt~ ft u '"' IHI t·lfh tl' r M•''" II "''° I M• •t11I M 1 '"ott IUfth'\4.o•, Jw41h ,.,,. .• ,...,~ t•1t M.tiT" •• '"' M ;,,,,.' """' •"•'"' "''' -.. ~ )1 ,.,. ""' •o•I M1 • ..,,_.,._, h.u ~ '1ullf rt"'''" tit"';, t-t M41H P\ 1't It/• M 1 dht.J M • k" f'.tf0 ,...,,..,. lct~Ur'• ., .... ,. ,,__), t Ml Hl\I Mt'\ ._QtOIGnt'-i Moul1fl\:l "J,.tt l('!H1 .. ;1lf ..,.,, ,...,.,, )0 .,,. M i 1tttl M t ,,, Q\I', l t#Ot t "''"''1t• N1uuo~l t.P1• WICI() lM lll!l>~l\f\ llOJ S•nt• An• A,,•nue. (O\'• M t'•· ( •hlu•n•• mu NOttn.n Yftt~htte ~thnQ\, 1IOJ \•"'• •n• "••nv~. Lll~l<l MU •. I •lilorn•• O'J~11 Tiii\ °""'n.n I\ <OllOv<IOHI by ~~ In OtvlOU•I NOfm 'ttwfftnQ\ l h1~ ,."""""''" ••\ fflf(t ~It., ·~ lf11tim•~ < '"'' o' CJ'•nue t.Ovn1Y 011 ..... 1 7• l•ll "11•16'1 ""'>'"'-°'"~ 'o•" 0~11, P1101 ""'''"-""'•~ n, t• 1•1• 101" Pll8LI(' NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS llUSIH(U M•ME Sl•fEMEMT '"p. folfth•unq ~·WW\ ,, CJ0tnQ Ou\• I l\f''\\ t't\ b U Iv .. fON '>"I> I .. (.'> /~\O A1tw"y Aw,.rH.• \u11t O. (O\t• M.,~. I C •lito,.nu• f.1162-6 ! MH f\•'"• 0 J•nt' •1J h,.t>-t11 .. ••,.e<t (C',,<W\o °""' M•r. (•t11or"'•' 110/• I I hi WU"'"'\\; ... uondu• '"4J Dy •n 1n 1)1v14Jv•• Mlff\M'lJAn..... j t "'" •.t.tlt-'""'"' ....,,., tn•'1 wlln ttw ~.O~~~v l ••,. ot (Jt(t~ t uumv '"" M•'J' ,.,.,,. J>vOlt\"'"O 0tMtQt" (Ot't'' C>o11y *"•lfJf M"' I 17 " 1• ••19 11H 19 I M t •Ul4J Mt Art tn\"1'f ~.IQlf\ t<f!,jfl\ I '''"h'~ o .... lf, ""' P UliLI( NOTI( t: M4r<~JI .. ,. IM •"'' M• ,'"""'" Wor1H'\\f1 L ittJUflt.1 N1Q"°"I Qlfl •11111 . ,.,. IM ' ,fHJ NV JI •O.l•C1 ~JA•t.ff' ~.tO Ju11n t ... o. •''"nc> q,, 1 ""''' 14 1•1• Mo '" • ,.,.,, M ""' r \rotu•. h.11H1 f 1f~t\lf.thu '"'" I •pro! 11. 1U• Mr .tntJ ,.,._,, Tn'"""\ Ht'",. S..1" 1~.1n \. 6)f\1·,(t~•l'k '''' M r tnn M r .. l ~w 1Pt1 1' v .. ,, I n1•u\~t1l19'+'f LnQl;nA ~fldt h but ..... 111, 1•1~ l'ICl lllOUS 8USINES'> HAME STATEMENT t hr t()lh1w1r.q '" t ...,, W1nQ ~u, ·······' Cd~AN(Jf I h t)lHI\ r ll)N 1 , \h11l1ffl.O I lfVt· N1 ~ l1.ilf(1 ,.,. .. ., .. !Jllff f f11 I '" }/ ''"' I' "1fh1l1Hl1" (l'j"'I l ti l•un1 1 111 }I If I bu •"• \ U•V1UU·• '"' .. "' ''" ,.,.,. •( '-r., 'lftHJt I'/ NtJ (.. t.n\l,l M1•\.J, • 5 6 7 8 D CLASSIFIED INDEX ro Place You1 Ad. Call 642-5678 HOUSES FOR SAL[ '·· l\of'lr~· fi .. Jlu.•I ... -..f tl .. lf"'"' f'I hH hi I I 1411 ff1111• lio 11 h j lotOIL •I• I '•Lil I •" 1 "· . I I• I ft., I •I 1 f If, l•t I I • • I 1J·•11 1h11 I 1 •• \I ... REAL £STATE 0 I I• I ".,,,.q RfHlALS II I • THE l\P-NBC N•:w s a•ou .. A~KEU <11lulh across lhe country ·tr :-.c1ent1:.b prtt.hctl•d thJt there would be a severe t•urthquukc in yuur lfft'J 111 the next few days. what \4<ould you Jo·' Would you leave the <trea, :>lay b ut ti.: µn·p<1red 111 lt·i.v1• or would you continue your normal act1v1ties·1 " Stude11t Paper Honored M 1 .. ,,~, M t ' t h"1•~ ofu.tnc, ~ .. ,, I '"'".-'''t' O.•v .,...u 74 ,., .. M r AOc1 Mr' M u.fLJ,.f M Hl•I"\ l riQUnA NtUiJ"'I 0>1,- 'uunf'f 1, ,,.. u• (.J• u•·•• ... ~' .. A(irll H lf}t 1'1 lllll• ",flh\t ... ,., ,. h " Aun111 /lli,.,.,1 M.1 1.\ I Cl , I \ .t A ,, I, .. I• ' Nationally, 24 percent uf the adult:-. sa1cl tht•y would leave the ;,an·a 1f faced with a <1uak1· pred1c ti on. Forty·two perc1•nt would s la) hut he prepan•1I t o flee quickly. . And 30 pen·e nt "ould continut' their normal routine Four pt'rc·i·11l of the 1,600 adults rn tcrviewed by telt phone wert> not :-.ur e RUT A SPECIAL AP-M C NEWS poll of H'M d1~nts of Southern Californ1.i t:Jkcn 1n t"on1un1· lion with lhl' national :-.urvcv fvund quite ;i <.11f fe renct:! in how they "ould rc'act More than h;ilf 5:~ pcrtt:!nl '4ould <:hang1: nothing. t'Vl'n rn the fo ce of a probable quake. F1rtet'n percent would fl cl'. and 30 percent would sta~ but gel ready to le<iv1• T"n pt·rernt of the ~:w adults interviewed by tclephom: wc·re not sure Part or lhc expl:Jnal1on ror this d1fferPnrt· I'> that earthquakf's an• <I fa1rlv commf>n occ11rrcnt1· 1n Southern California . with "must of them h<·ing Ml weak lhey can IJ<trcly be felt BUT Tiii-: L/\ST DF.V/\STATING q uake 1n lht• United St ates onurred in Southt·rn f'alifornia the 1911 San Fc•rnando Valley earthquake that measured 6.4 on lhe H1chlcr se<.tlc . As with a ny sample :.urvey, the results of the nationa l AP-NBC News polls could differ frt>m the result:,, of intc·n 11·w~ \.\ 1lh ;ill 1\rncnC'~111 "1111 telephamcs bt·<·:.111:-.c 11( t•hanc:t.' \ara<.1t11Jn~ 1n th1· sample. () I' ,1 0 g (' (' II ,I '> f Col l1·gl· ·, ('oasl H1 ·port h.i!-. hn•n h1111or1·d II\ 11t1• .lour11:1lr:,,m /\s:.111·1.1ll11n or ( '11n1m11nll v l '11111·~(·, Th I' ( )(' l . >o I ll ti,. II I n{·w:.papt•r "on :,,1•('t111d plan• 111 ttw (':lll'gon d!· \ ., I 1 • rl 111 g l' 11 l" I .ti L' \ 1·1·lkn1·L· anwng l.11 ~·1· tolln!L' 111·w~papt·r:. 1'\ nl\111 ~ t ht• Co a •d Hcµort s1.tfft·r~ hnnort·d wen• f"in:,, I I.arr&!\, who \\ fl II f I r '> I f Ci r :1 n 1·tlllor111I .lohn Lara , :,,t•<•111HI 111 l he c· a rt oon cl 1 ' 1:. 1 on ;1 n II L .1 r n Saa ' l'<lra . honort•tl r1lr photograph~ Sa:,ivl'lh .1 anti Mark D1e ti WL'r ,. managing (•drlors of ( 'oa:.t lkporl .Jim l'ond a nd Su•· \\a rfd wen• editors for l h t> fal l and s p ri n g :,,l•ssrnns. n·~pt·c·t1 vcl.v. Spen('(•r Crump 1:-. facul- ty adv1s1.•r 'Play Day' Scheduled 1 Mr .,nn Mf\ t~Ht\,..t•1 ,,,,,m~+..\f 'j'" f ... ,,w "'' b'•'I' APf1t lt. \•1• I""' '"''Mt h "•Mu··••' l"•• "'·* h• .jtn ,,,, SOUfH CO•ST CO-UN ITY HOSl"trAI Ap,.11. 1•1t M t d'Hf M r t '""'''"f A""" U •Jut• ,,,. •prll II 1'1• M l +tlld M1,, lh·1·•'f M.vht·.11!\11\\, CJ.1ntt f1u1nt q1rl A1><1111 .,,. M t 1tr.1$ M1 P<C,,..-rl ~to'' tl 1•1.1 •P'ol I). 1•1' M r dlWJ Mr '11 • A•• • t uni J., '' , 11 11/ 1 I,; Pl lU.l l "llOTl('Jo: 11•, •• .... FICTITIOUS DUStNl !>~ """"'( \T•TfMCNI '. 1/1 ,, l~\ti "1• 'tllW 't '·· ,.,. .. f/\tt f 1f•t t1 ht•tr ... , .. ,. I··"" t,1 ft 11 tit t (t(IJ'f•t\ !)1 t ,.A,u U1t11ff 1,t 1101• fn1\ tu; 1rw M h.11 I IU,. f n1 ,, 11 (fl# f' N,I' f If 11 fl'W 1'1 llu (fJuntv ( ,. ,. "' l)f '"'~ l U! ,, r, M •Y J 11}/q I I L y t1ut>l1\~I U• }rur r o •\t lJ..t1I~ ',' 4 / ~1 1,.,.., \,I/ I• /O lql• lllJ ,_ p rouMT•fM V•LL(.,. 1. 1 CO-UMlrY HOSPlfU ~·t Bf.I(' "0TI(' .. (olpt·,11 .;oo. Q•t ""'ti lO, 1911 l M r An<1 Mrs I t•• l)l)o'fly. f ount~·n F ICTITIOU~ f¥1SIMl ~~ I I Vdlh y l)•rl Mo\ME ST•f£M£HI Mt.Ir • . .,,, r nr tnl u.N1n~ "'' ,, do•n•a, Mr Jtnd Mr-. Uo'l.,•d f-,1f10()n1 (. °'•.4 1 bu'\•n••v it ~ .. ...,.Q"' "f::wP<;Hr MrrnrA1 t fA.•,tN<. 1 Mr And Mr\ f-utnii R'Olk.f\t11 (O,td <.OMJtAto1 f' UO '•UJ'• • •llf A-w'f't'lut Mr~ 4,,, \v•'r )\IQ N .. w(::.;fr tit·•• P'I l1•l1t111'"•' L M r d n a M , · Pr 1 et T 0 Cl d , 4JbO t We\trn1n\t"f girt M 1tli0t1•I fl,.,., M (J /''-Vt , M.1~1. lt7• lfn1f~, ,._.,...,,,,,,, H•tHI' f 1t•1tc,rn1~•1 Mr and Mr\ Fr""d 6~n~ f OUOft,•n 'ntl>J V ttlley. OOy T '1t'\ bv•11n••\\ ,., • ul\iJv' '""0 l)tt ,,n M,ay J, "" tndlYtdUtitl 0 M r •nd M r' J~ftr,.., Coop"'· ""''"""'"'8r4• M (1 We\tm \6"tt< q1rt Tn1\ ~laff"nwnf t11t,• , lrd with ttwo-1 M r and Mi\. Jo,,n t-t~(tV ~dn Juan Counh rlfl'f!J Uf 0,itl'lc)P (01,H"lfy 011 C•P''''-'no. bov Apr,1 JO. '"''i AU'S, 1'1• l'l ,.S1J Mf 1'nd Mro, t'1m Wruahl, Hunl P uhlr\tw"" (lf:'H\•J" 'q"t r•.11 ~ r , 1nQton Rti~n oul M,,, \ l? l1,, ,ti '"'.. 11\I '" M r dnO Mt\ f tu 1,\non rt Q,.n1 W to\fM1f"l\fff. Q•• I "'~''· n1• M 1 dnd Mr\ C.r••oory 1onn\nn J ounta.,, Vtt••t"~ Q•r t M r a"td Htr\ (lt)n,,111 flfAm ntttn t-tunt1r1Qf<>n ~'>drh My M,.y I . t'1• Pl RLIC NOTl<'f. FtCTlflOUS &USIH[!>~ I M"'••CSTATEMENT t n,. toun..,mq Ptf'\On•. 41f4" d<Hnc.1 bU\frt'0\\ <t'lo T .... '. BUSI NESS. IHV£Si Mf NT flNANCf ANHOUNClMf NTS PERSONALS & LOS! & FOUND SERVICES £MPlOYM£HT & PR£ PARA TIOH fl ''h I,, I I Yo .. ... " ·' \ "' \ M£RCHANOl~E For polls w1\h 1,600 inter view!-. lh1· result:, s hould vary no more than 3 percentage point:-. eithe r way simply berau:-.L' of samplt• e rror.!> T hat is. tht.'re 1s only om· rhant•e Qul of 20 that lhe rl' suits nf intl•rvicw~ v.1th all l\mt!r&C'an adult!. would vary from lhes<• results by morC' than ;1 percc·ntai.:1: points O ran~e Coast Cullegr "''" ~ponsor a "Play l>ay ·· for community re- .. 1 d c n ts a nd their r haldrcn fro m 10 <t .m Lo I p m Saturday on ° thc• Costa Mesa campus. ,.,,., "net Ml '\ Hick P1u 1uth Hu'-1 •no1on 8f",.ch o ,,, P AHO I fNlf lh•lll\f<, /)/ c , l C-am ... lf1A La~ to-t.•·• Mfl' ;t r,. .,,.,, • J 41m~\ w fnbl.-1 J} c,.m ... 0 1,t L t\nt·. (Ot\td Mit\d <..a 916'JI ' Pdhte '-' l ( tjt)I• 111 f M.., .. u,,- t "n" <-0\1~ AN--\,. t • '1'111 T "'" bu'\1rw•\\ t\ '~<J1.u 1ro hr 1tn 1n 1 L a1v1dual I )IJt'nit w ( f#bl• HA-..£ STATEMENT rn1 .. \tittfllr'n'·t·f # •••• ••fl #lfn '""'I f ,..,. fo11ow1nq p.+0<t\t.ln '' Oo1nQ 6U\1 (<>uni f t lt1r• u f Q1An\f!· (n1J,.t t on M'1V ""''\a' tJ 19/Q VURLIC NOTICt: l'ICTfTIOUS llUSIMESS ". '·I THF. POI.I. OF SOUTllf:RN California re..,1 dents 1s subject to :.1 milar variat1oll:-. although tht• possible error m;,argin 1-; 1-!rcalt:r lie<'ause the num ber of intt·n 1<•\.\' 1s s maller For pc11l.!-. "1th more than 230 intcrv1t•w:-. lh1· n·:-.ull:,, ... houlcl var} no more than 8 pcrcentcag<: JlOrnl~ c1lhc1 wciv ~imµ ly because of samplt.' t>rrori.. The 1.·vent 1s part of the lnll•rnational Year of lhl' Child celc1Jrat1on , wh1C'h 1ncludt'S two hour:> <rf play time. plus a cmt· hour adult inter relationstup workshop. • •AME » !o ,(Hwl 1 ocr111 I· Fii.so.so A ( ON\lqU.( Tlt)N r OM PAN'r /tlttl 1'1,hh•fWl'tt •)r 1nQ1 '""'"·' liitll" P•Jr>tl •t F"•' l .t f M'•na ("•~•· l ,l~unt1 thth 1 Mrly t:1 'q ?ti, 1~n· 1 t?l'I IAIA JY I ' l Ahtor n•·• 'l'/b~l BOA IS & MARIN£ £0UIPM£NI Tcleph1>0e numlwrs for 1ntcrvH:ws w1~n· chosen at r<1ndom in a manner lhal assure~ J:vcry hous <'hold an lhl' n1untr~ w1lh a tck11h11nt• a roughly equt:.11 c h<i nc{• of tie1nj! selected /\. S5 materials fee will be• charged per family and enrollment 1~ l1m1l ed . For '"'l n formatron phon e 556-5.'>69 Jt.H'nf' lJ o(h'tfltl•• .,,.,1 lh It 4 ·)Dft\lf> 1~.,, I \_A"""'' t~tf)Ut ' r ••t1torn•.t ,.,,,,,,,, I f ""'' bv\•""' .\ '' I tlr'dut '"'' t>v M\ '" "''" 0 ""' '",,,...,, 0 '°'I( rit11th1f\Nt I l P\r\ \f~IM.,... n1 tlW•t t l''fl w+ll\ HH P RU(' 1'0Tl('t-: FICllTIOU'> 8USIHES'> M•Mf ST•TEME MT l "v toHow.nq P'''''JO' "'" un,no 1>u•.•uto•,t. ,,. .. A prol't•c1urt• wa~ u:.NI 1n the inl(•rvrcwing to assure lht· propt·r IJal;in1·t• of male and h:malc respondenl!- <.. nunt t (I.,,. o• Or.Jn~· fount f ,.,. Ae>rll 1b 19!tJ "11•11• Pu1>f1 ,Mrl'(t Or1tf'\fJf '; '11 I o .... ., P'lut "Dt t 18 ,t'Wj Mdy '• I) I~ l~/t 166() l'I r TV fl lANft>\ 77• l) .. ~n Avt! l ttQl•"-l t).,.~O A ~t,,\I Noriko •• nd U1l'W .. l(Qt\Ubn, llllll Rr1t11...-QOtJ runrn· (A 90101 'hi\ t>..n•nf"'\-. ... f f,ndU# ,,.,, bt '"' ,,, Opportunities Widen PUBLI(' NOTICE d,.•Ou~I l Nur••t' f'Ol\onu l hit. -.e,.r.-,m• nt .., ,. td .-CI 111111tt1 tr~ fount t (1•0 01 Or''"Ot:! <..u"nlw on MJ, lf) .•• ,. Personnel Jobs Gain FICTI llOUS llUSIMESS MAME STATE ME Hl T"• tollowmQ o-rwn\ ...., .. d01no I l'Hl\tne\\ th r<•VA( AVIATION A\<.()(IATC<. lOlbl Or;tn<l 1nq lron, s~,n Junn l (.ap1\trano c..a111orn1., 9'6'a By JOYCE I,. K.ENNEO\I Dear Joyce: I have a liberal arts degree and would IJke lo do personn.-1 work. Whal can you s uggest? - A. w .. Northampton, Mass. G raduates .with a background in pe rsonnel administration. business or law lead the way. but the en terpris ing liber al arts m ajor can un- cover e ntry slots in what increas ing- ly is being called human resource m anagement. T he personnel department used to be on the fringe of an orgartization, away from the a ction cor e . In- terviewing and processing applica- tions were typical activities. · TREV STILL are, but because of recent legislation. persor.nel people a re moving center-sta~~-in their or- ganizations lo deal with a bevy of vexing concerns. These range from Title VII or the Civil Rights Act a nd the Age Dis - crimination Act, to the Employment Retirement and Income Security Act and a long list of equal opportunity regulations. Othe r responsibilities may include r ecruiting. training, improving pro- ductivity, pl1nning ror future worker needs, psychological testing , employee counseling, retirement guidance, outplacement assistance to employees who are no longer needed. wa1e and salary administration and manaclnl employee benefits. ( __ CARE_ERS_, _) T he Bureau or Labor Statistics pro Jects 450,000 human resource workers by 1985, up from 341.000 a dccadt' earlier . This translates into ap~pox · mately 21.000 openings each year. al£ of which will be newl)" crca d jobs. I a sm all or~anization. one per son m ay ha ndle all pe rsonnel tasks. B> contrast. a large organization re quires a staff of specialisL<;, which m ay include recruiters, interviewers, counselors, job analysts. industrial psychologists. wage and s alary analysts and labor re lations pro- fessionals. Directing these people s pecialists are personne l, labor re la. lions or human resource managers. SALA RI ES FOR THESE managers range rrom $20.000 to more than $100.000 for some senior ex· ecutives. Average executive salaries top $25.000. A study by National Pe rsonnel As· sociates shows this field accounts for St on At(t•(tn(lt"t '°''Sc» mo V<'ffP~ Ortv,., Lt••nQtcH\ P•'• N1ar1tdnd lll!>Sl flnctt"'w ( (rurf' 5'f 1 BoJI A 0 l ... '>11t.u11t11•n. M "''ffdttd <••flrorthl't 1~~0 Pay l Hanffl> Jr tlCU) 0._v~cum, lf'lll'1n~1 C•htutf\i.<&~?11\ Oon r1 H8nnd )Qfl t f\rAnd1nQ trnn, !>an Juan C.AP1\HAno, < 4'htmf'H6 9161~ O•v•d f;, 'J.-,t '1b01 TrAti.•OOO trwln ... (,dhf()("n1A '171 ti Thi?. ou•,1ne\~ 1\ conchal~d t>y ,, Qf'n<"r~H P1tr1t'lf'r\n1p At11 l H~n1 .. J1 Tn1\ \f"lt'~f wA•. fll~ with IN• Co~mly Cler~ 01 Or11noe <.ounty on M"r J, 19/9 the largest number or newly hired PUBLIC NOTICE female managers. __ _ PUBLIC NOTICE Before job scouting. liberal arts "'CTmoosau11N1n l'1CT1r1oouus1Nus m ajors are advised to research the NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Th~ foltowtno person ti dofno buti Tt\fl tollowtnq C)er\On' .,,. 001nQ fie ld. Find out a bout equa l opportuni· neuu: b"''""'•' ty laws, specialties and new trends. fURNEA OEVElOPMENI, I) N EW 2Eit.LAHO \HEEPSl(IN Y h Plnt•OOd, frv•M. CA '771• IMPORTS l I 0 P 0 Bo. 1101 OUr C anCeS improve dramatically Rvsly Turnt r, es Pl,.ewood, ltvlne, Celll1>tn1A •1113 3120 So" if YOU Can Speak the language, make rrvlM, CA '711• Bl'"fflt. ~lfll An.t, C...hlorn1& •Uo. 7 thoughtful statements and ask a1:1~1:.'::"',_. ••'"-'"DY.., 1" s.,.,/:z-::.~=~11~·:.,r:.s.• Brem, I knowledgeable questions. Au11y Tu,.,., A1t11a•o F W•cHen. lno S.• Tiii\ ,,....,._, ••• IU•G •llll lht 8rt•te. S<lnla Ana. Cettfornl• t710. ---C-ly Clffti o1 °'...,... c-11 on May o .. io Goddi"!J', l710 s.a 8rtt1t. READER SERVICE: A fou.r-pogt, •· "''· San1eAna,c.urorn•n17o. 8 • • "' "'uu.MU L-y T.-99,..,., -lner\l>lp ble from the American Society /or Ttoellw a._.. JM!ft A Soe90v•• P • l .od · i f t' E l •• .. ....,. OIMff Dr1ve Tiii• 1tai.,,,..,1 "" l•ttd 00 .. 111 1 ... I er.,onM " min a ra .on. nc oae a ...._.. coullty cier~ 01 O••noe counir on stomped, •l/-oddreued long. aolrite f!?I· ..._.., ._.., ~ -A,..11 ,., 1m Vl!lof)f! wiih uno.1r Tf!""f!3f fO JMW>f! Lofn P..-tlt-Of"'9f COUI O•llY Piiot, ,.llUU 11--.,-v11-May It. 1t, 7t, h -1, ltlt fl11bll"'9d Or•not CCM\I O~hy Pllol. ... ,, .. I · o. ... ti If I TRANSPOR I A TION ,,, ' AUTOMOBILC .,.,, ' . '' I ' "' I I I AU IDS. IMPORH 0 I \ 1lt ''''"' , .. I I " ,, ,, II' ... ' •1 ,, ,, ti ,1. ,, ,,, ... ... ,. .. I '' I 11 •••• H H I • ~.i.., I N\. '·' I "'• I •' t,• h• I .. \\I• 111 .. f 11+1 I 1 f~ ·•I• t • 111\" l llHl•I AUTOS, N£W AUrDS. US£0 I" I! i I ' ... '"I I·• 0 I "' \i 'ii• \l ~I ,, t .. , ill• I l I th I ' t, 11 .......... . " . f'or Classified Ad ACTION Call :t D11rly Pilot Al> VISOR 6U·5i'78 .. .. .. .. , ... . " •t ti ... . ~ ". •t I ~I ... ...... 1u• ..... ••11 ...... ,,,. 'ft I . .... ,,.,. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 CM.er .. 100.2 ·················~····~ ......•......••.•••.•.. ~ Colesw~rthy & Co. 2S4S EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 640-0020 ILUFFS SIMGU LIYll PINE TaHS AND IOSES Su r round this expanded. popular Linda Model. 3 Large bdrms .. 2 baths, vault<'d open beC1 m ceilings; atrium <i d JOJO~ s pa c i ous m s tr. bath & dressing rm. Move-in condition. with new earpt!tS & paint $167,500. Held open Lod:.iy, 1·5. 5Sf;'Glorietta CottOMA DEl MAR CHAIM HOME+ INCOME Cape C'od shing les & walls of glass. c:cizy frpk 2 Bdrm I bath home + roomy I-bdrm. meome unit wit h fine rental record. Open & spacious. with vww O\C•rlook1ng Cd M. By app 'l. SI HU.SOU -CORONA DEL MAR- YOU CAN'T BEAT T HIS' We have a 2 bt!d . 1 bath ~ini!ll· fo mr1y home on an H 2 lot with room to build <.1 second un1L Tht' hom1· hH~ new carpets. new t1 h-111 tht· bathroom and a fire place. 1 h1· c·urrl'nl f10anl·1ng 1~ assumable . Ownt·r l'(>orwr:1l1H· <t nd anxious. C>l't-:1\J 110 l 'S1': SCl turday May 12th . fr11rn I 1<1 1 I ' \1 i l5 (;oldenrod. EQUAL HOU~INC. OPPORTUk l' v P\blis.he1-'~ Notice: \JI rt•JI t·"t th' Jfh .. rt 1.,.·11 on th1 "' ... I•· I•· I '·'' Jt·11 f•t !ht· I 1·!10•1 .ii !-,11, llou 1r.,.t 1\< t 11( 1°1t:1>1 WIU• h m.JkL'' 1• 1111 j!JI 1>1 .uh "rtt\o· · .1n} 1..r1· ft·rc·111·1•. It mil .JI um 11r dJM'nmmatron 11.J'l-.I on r:t1•1•. t••1t11r. rehg11111 . ..._.,. l•r n:Jt111rwl nn1:1n. or .111 1nlo•11t1on 111 r11Jl.1• JO) '-lk h Jit"l'fU l'll\"o• hmll .1 lmn. 11r 1t1 -,1•n m111<1l 1on." 1111 .. 111 >,1,,p,1p•·r v. Ill no>I knuu.111~·1• .11..-• l•I ,lfl\ .lff\I 1[1 I' lo' r ii 1-.l,llo-\\hll I' " Ill \1Ul.J ll•ll' ol 1!11 1.1 \\ ERRORS: Adverfoers should check ttteir ads daily and report er· rors irmrdiately. The DAILY PILOT assu~s liability for the f int in· ~insertion only. Houses for Sole ···············~······· 1002 •....•••.••..•...••..•. BAO< BAY MIHl-ESTATE I 11hd11•' al>lt· charm Jntl llrl\JI \ ()p n o·.1rh ' .1n1 111 .11' ... 1t.1k1· rool ln·m h 111101 -, .inti "'111 d11u. .. I bC11m Y.tlh ''"IJJr'.11•• m . ._1, r •.ui11• t.1r,:•· "'tl' i..,hvp .1ro ,, h1•h1ml ;.:.1rJgt• llwnl'I \.\ ll 1 "t• I p I 111 ,111 I • • :i I ~1,,,.11111• t'.11! Shl'nl llfl'\\l'I , i~l;! l!liW I QUAIL A_,~l~~~- (~ fil 8:10 ... M.I Church In OranJ?<' <'ount y Scat:-. .1µpre1x :XX! OH 'tret•l µarkin~ I ltl)H' scparntc mcellllJ! room wlln Jddr !Jona! rln5sr0Qmi.. $349.500 Going Into , Business? 1As required by law. new buslneaaea using a Ftctttloua Bualneaa Neme must register that name with the County Clerk. Call the DAIL y PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT tor forms end further Information. 142·~21 flt. 332 2story4~ f*apoof $73,950 l'uslom garden hom•· W upgratJcll c pts & dr JJ>'.~ lhruout. 1·ountry k1\!·hen w I for m dng. rm. wino.mg ~ta1r~ Ill h1de·a · "a> ma .. t<:r Me. Mir· 1 urL-d wall,,, :!(1 X 20 £am rro w11 h w lhar 1·0,·cn•tt ,1.111• ,\ p.11 l.l111g pt111I Unh S:I. ,11(1 1111 nr tak1· OH'r S)afl mo 11ay mc11f:. llum l'all Cil I 1 ~:J 6767. f)nd what V()U want in Oat I} Pilot C:li!:\1.tficds. CLASSIFIED HOURS \fh1 fh I l '•tt uf I '" ,, "'·"' I• ft t1IH1111 • 111 ..,,.,,, \I •o " , • rtd I\ "",,, ''""'' .... ;nn d 1 . I I•' I ' \I I .. \ 0 I I I II 'I\ p I I' ,t " )II \.J"l,tH' 11 \I II I"" I • l1t'h I .. I \I I ' \ Ill \I If l \,,., \1h t\th 't' ,. ""·· lh ,ft h t'•1 'tlfJ, \.o oil 111 • 111 \.I ' h11 111 oltl I 'II CLASSIFIED DEADLIMES I ltt 1•H1t11 HI 'up~ & kin .. UI 11 n l t l\11 1L1\ l• I lft l•lfhlf ,lltlHI I'\ ,, ,.1 '"' °'""" '' ~ \1ou fl t-ifd tllfl \\ tlt•H ti• 1dllf•• 1 '1tu••J 1\ I• lti•1•fl CLASSIFIED AEGULATIOMS ~ 1111• 111... ·''" .. , ,,..,., l"•Ht•t 'Jh·t \.. lh1 tt .t•I •t 111\ A f1J't1ff •'II'"'' lll "l"l""'" 111~: II \II \ I'll I •'I .•. '"111"' k1h1llh ,.,, •h· .,, ..• ,,, '"''''' U\ t•ll\itUt1n1\ • \" I I I '1111'\" \\h1 II '°'1U111l• .ir1 .ut lu• .,,, It+ .. , .. ~ •• t f ····ortl HI 110. I\ 11 I '\I \I 11 E It l'l\f fJ \HU fl\ \flUI 11f' t.1"•'1 I' r1•t 1•1p1 ol \Ullf • .•n•, ll,1t1iu1 I ht' kill tuuul••f u1u ... t h1• pr•''•'U ho1.t 1111 Uw ,11f\ t't l9't'f 111 I of I 111 .11h,pltf40 f \ \1 ~·t Ii\ I Ill\ flit I II 11111 t 'I 111 \. 111• '\~ \\' \II II~ FO IU Ill \\.l'\1 : t-\ •. , ' ··nnn '' "'·""' 1 ,, '-.111 tit 'Urtt1f I •• tlt'W .ttf lh,tl h,1, f;ot•t•n HI tf1·r,•tt ln1t Yi•· 1·,u1not ''u.1r:tu lt"l'1 to tlu "" 11111111111• ,ul h.1 .1u1u•.11 ,.,, '" \h,• jl.01~' 111\W \ I I\ ~ \I I!\ lltt .... _ ... ,, ..... , •• '"'" l ,11\h II\ ,uh .If\\ t' hv "' ;ut IN •••• ul\ tlflt• ul .... ,.. UI .., '""" ,, , 11f'HUh' Uftfrr' l•1•.1tff 1fl, c ,. t11 ~'ntl.1 \. 1 · .. ,1 ;1 M 1•,,o "' ho•• & II Oo•n\ .11 1111 tw.iniholflt ,.., lllF IL\IU' 1'11.01' ,,.,,.,, .. , tttt• rtt•hl If• t•ta''''v. •l'"' ,.,,,,,,,, .,, rt•tv,·· ,tn\ otfl \••r ''"''nlt·nl .in1I lo t·h,1ni:1• II• r,01o-. «i r••l!ulul 100 .. Wll hl•rf 111111t 011111•1• CLASSIFllO MAIUNG AOHISS I' 0 llll\ l!il~I. t't"'la \h•i-n . .......... SHEPllEaDING THE work force la growtn1 faster than many occupa- tional areas; Tbe penonnel and l1bor relations category ii expected to in- cre aae _nearly 32 percent ln tbe 1978-15 period, compared to tbe avera1e growth rate for all occupa· Uona ol about 19 percent. brief ''Careen m Peraonnel .. ;., ,, __ ., __ i ""MM Tlll1 l>vllneU " condu<lt(f by • I KenMdy at Bor 1560. Coata Meta 92626 1an .,. Allftl ,. __ Y t "· "· "" 1•~,. -i. ~ -'-r----1....:...~.::_-=._:_....:.__i...:::==::========:..i-============- oJ --····· --·· ... ·-·- ' .... HOU\H For s..-HouH\ for Sci&. HOUH$ For s• ..... , for s• HMH• for S* _IL.6 __ o_A_t_L v_P_IL_o_r _ __,,_ ____ __;_s.;_at_u_rd;...."..:..Y. M•Y 12. 1019 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••• •••• •• ••• •••••••••• • •• • ••• • • •• • • GeMt"al 1001 Hovn• For S• HMH• For Sde G ... rol 1001 G....,.al 1001 Q.._,.. 100 G....,... 1001 G1Mr.a IOOZ .....•••............... ·•••···········•··••··· ....•......•........•••.....•...........................•....•...••.• ···········•··········· ···············•······· PllCl .. UCID O..W/$11111·5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-I 001 Go....-ral I 001 1110 LA UMDA. H.I <.If Zlrd t Heal family hOmc 3 Rr. Zhu. la' •nw "1'. duunlJ rrrt. family rm. 2 frpl1'3, j1r11n1 & rmn-FN> land 1173 :'JCXl l 1..Alll>\o: SHl 1-·1-·1-:K RP.AL TOK 1'>44! •• ora. HOUSES •• OPEN •N OLD C.OIONA Da MAI t )Id world drnrm 111 a t•11 .. t om nt1w ho 11w lti1t l l'-'1111d rl11111.. Fn•11< h tfoor:. l.1tu·ar\' c;ourrnl't k1t t•ht1ll $4!1~.<M.K> SFt-: E\' \N C'OHKf'rT i\T i 33 l'I >l'PY • OPIH IH OLD COIOMA Da MAI Oarhn..: :l li~lroom honh' hullt'r s throu~houl :.! lll11t·k, frt1m lht• ht•ad l $1 !1~.llllO S t-:t-: l.Ot'JSt-: PETl':HS AT 3:.!·l M.Ht1<;01.n OPlM IM HAllOI VIEW HILL S Monlt·n•y Mvdl'I 4 Bt'Clroont.., sepanate f;Hnth ruom wtth \\l'l hJr Extra larg1• 101 f11rmal t.11n1n)! room, sho\\s ltkt• .J 111o<ll'I $2MI uoo SEI': HHl::NDA t il :\~S Ar 3Rt 4 TOPSll>t-; OPEN IH DOVat SHORES h .in Wt>Jll- custnm. Spacwus fa m . ho m e Tile & pa r q u PI (I 11 o r .., . '' )l c n h c Cl m ~ . fire plarc. pnvat<' h<'a<'h $365 .000. SEE JOYCE OLSON AT 1700 GALAXY DHJVI•: OPEN OM THE IAYFIOHT Spac ious custom 4 bedroom hom e with one of the largest slips on the peninsula $795.000. SEE RI L L B~NTS AT 1024 E . BALHOA RLVD. OPEM IM THE ILUFFS Rest va lue "Do lores'' in North Bluffs . Very pr1v<1 te cul-d c -sa<' with l a r ge greenbelt nn thn•e s1dt•<; $157.000. SE E MAC:C I E GL'Tll T :wo OTERO SAM LUIS REY In choice location. Sp<ido11s :1 BJ>. 2'h BA with a s unny ornmlatron . Good views. clost• to rwol. <ittache d garage. $165.000. ,OOL NEARIY .. This :1 bedroom. 2 1 'J trnth Hutgc r!> pl;rn in Unh n s1ty Park .J ump r ight in for $122.500. in!'l11dini.! lhl' l<ind S'f<:IAL klND OF OUPLU lfkal for first h or111· buyer Put a pf.>n<:il to li ving 1n o n<.' spac·wus un1L and renting '"'t th.-othPr. Thrt·e bedroom. two hath townhouses for only $254.500 MEWPOttT SHOltES Extl•nsivt· ust' of wood. 2 fireplaces. French doors. hrtl·k patio with spa 4 Br. ram rm :t Ha Outstanchng v a I uc for SI !Y.J.5tl<I IA YSHORE 4 BEDROOM l.<1 r gl' family hnml· with grN1l indoor outdoor living a reas Newly rt>d t><'<Jralt•d Clmw lo private b •ach Hn<I bm1t stor·Clg<'. Sl!.19.000 SPYGLASS MIU 4 Bedroom. fa mily room. pool & s pa. City li ght vat•w Unusual. large. heaulifull y landscape d lot. You must see this a l only $390.000. COUMTRY FLAVC>l 2 Bedroom. family room. 2 bath with panor a mic park·like view. V e r y <l d apta ble plan, ca n be expanded to 3 bc•drooms . Price $198.500. HIGHLAMD VIEW HOME Lar ~e 3 bedroom on qui e t c ul -d e·sac· with upgrades & landscaping s uperbly done. Koi ponct. wate rfall & built-in gas BBQ. plus o p e n s pectac ular vie w . $227 .500. GRACIOUS LIVIMG In trus cxt'eptionally decorated 2 bedroom plus d en, located in the Bluffs. Beautifull y fenced patio. $122.000. Seeing is believing. cou1n AID ENTIY Into this relaxing a nd beautifully m aintained 5 bedroom home. Ideal family home with large e nclosed pool. Price $285.000. SOME1HIMG DIFRIEt4T IH IA YCllST · A casual 2 story home in choice location. 3 Bedrooms. 3 bath, l oft-f a mil y r oom . Dramat ic fireplace. priva te yard with large patio. Price $238.000. 114'9 CAHYOH TOWMHOME 3 BR. for mal dining, wet bar. secluded patio, m any decorator accents, pool, tennis, s pa and best of all an extraordina r y value at $193,500. COUMTIY AtlHCH CHAIM On Lido on a forty rive foot lot. Cathedral ceilin gs, country kitchen with finest built-in appliances, peg & groove floors, 3 bedrooms and d e n, French doors, large south patio. Price $425,000. ACOLDWal.IAr«BCO. 644·9060 211t IANJOAOUtNHIU.IM>. IN.....,., CINT'IR ·••·•••·•··••·········· •······················ ·1 •• I ,-'~ L.AGUMA llACH ('011\Pmpor.11 .v ('lt(f llouM'. hll 011 s~lld 1 rn·k \'1e '-' 11( 1w~·;111 & l·,1nyrn1 Hoh <)r I )11\ 11· l\1H1p ti:ll l:>fili CAL RAMCH CUSTOM 4 :100 '>II (I H1 Mllll for µuul & ll'rtOlt> :J tu 1·h 11n..,1· (111111 H11h <•• Dt1\ 11• K 1H1µ l1.l I I • .,it• CAMEO SHOlES I Bd1 ,\ I J( \111'\\ ~7!) llllO Fl'I' • • • ·1 lltl1 ~ fl( \ ll'"' 1 \·111\ls <·ourt h•t '" '11111.1 1 ,.,. ;1 l'fl\dll' Ht·al'hl·.., Hob 111 Pm 11· ""ul' Ii.I I I .!!iii UMDA ISLE \\ .lll·rlrunt 11p tu 6~· Y.il·ht Sl.GS0.000. F1·1· Hoh Ill IJO\ H' 1-.oop n:S l 1266 HAC IEMDA HEIGHTS f· rc·ndl ~frcl !·:stall' ,\pµrox. 3 Acre~ $1 51JO.llOO Hoh or ()ovH: Koop 631 1266 AIR COMDITIOMEO ('omh1nation fanl r m . & country k1khL·n w1f1\"t'pla('t'. :1 Bdr w 1 atrium off maslt'r s 111lt'. Only $96.500. A::.k for c:lt•n lldlw<•rth fi31 121.iti ASSUME LARGE FHA LOAM 3 Hdr. F :1m Hm. 1·11 Bil On corner in Collt'gc Pa rk. Costa Mesa Redecorat <.>cl inside & out. Only $91 .500 C~dl Ch.•n Jh·llw;Jrth 631 1266 IRVIME l,o\ l'lv Yak Motkl in Coll<.>~c Park I .ow<';l pric·t·d. IOU.90<1 ,1 Brlr . 21 .! Ba Tri·Lev('I Hoy Swmen~ H:ll 12fin IRVIME I ~ 'fllE HANCll 3 Bdr. Lrg Fe1rn Hm Assum<' 93,1,.c~ fix ed lo:.in. owne r will carry 2nd . S96.500 . As k for Tom Baron 6.11·1266 NEWPORT BEACH :.! l '1111 .., 1'111:-.1· to hl'ach H 2. Rt•clut'l'd 111 Sl:.'8.HOO 1\sk for l<rlbt'rl ~1tlltkt.·n ti:l l 1 '.'f;fi WOODBRIDGE I h-1 11-!ht ful ~l Hdr Pre..,cott Plan rn Woodbridg t· Pl arC' l 'pgraded throughout. I ill' roof. prof. landscap 1n).! S195.000 J ~1t k1 e H a ndl eman fl:\ I· 1266 L 0 C ATIOM-LOCATIOM- LOCATIOM ~o t1f ""Y Cor on<.1 cfrl Mar duplex. 1 ! lilrl<'k t rom park Frt·sh paint. new !'arp(•trng rn :l Bdr . i H<1 ()wner's un - 1l Prl\ :tlL' balt·onv off 2 fidr 2 Ba . 1in1t S255.000 .Jackrc· Jl andleman 1;:11 I 1fifi 234 E. 17"' StrHt. Costa M•H 631-1266 ,,,11mnw11lt· N1·t11.ork or lnd1\1du1Jilv t 111.m-<I and Opnall"I lle,11 F.-.tale ()ffu:c:. Wafter .S~_J(;ng & _A~~oc. 673-2500 orEM 1.5 SAT. 3415 QUIET COVE Harbor View Hills. 4 bdrm. + family. Country ch a rmer . fanta s tic ocea n view; come & see smashin~ view with country decor . Used red brick. hdwd. flooring, Mexican pavcr s. beam ed ceilings. shutter:;. beautiful moulding. Enjoy white satls in restful sunset atmosphere MESA DEL MAR Newly listed al only $92.500 : 4 bdrm. famil y home in a re a where homes are priced upward to $139.900. Large lot. cul de s ac privacy. walking distance to o .C.c . .J r . College, schools. s hopping areas. etc OPEH SAT /SUN I ·S 2115 B ltlo CW.Ci. OPEN SAT & SUHDA Y 1-5 1721 ..... Dr, .... NEW LISTING PENINSULA POINT ............................. ..,& Oce.. ,,.._.. ....... , 2 lhry ....... wltlt ..._.. whldowt. ....._. ••· Mew kltce.... Lw.. ll•I.. ,...., J ..... ...,,....../ ............... ,.tto. SJSt,500. WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. :ltl.ih W \u,,,, I h9t11 ... ,w Nl>wpurt H1•11Ch 631·1400 . ---. . . . . ...... W t-: SI. I< Y N TAYLOR ·co. HEA LTOHS "-111<'•• tst·\U llAUTIFUL OCIAM VllWI UI0.000 A n'ul pn nw lo~·11t1on m th111 •1ul1•I privult• ('0111111\Hllly or Jtu•mmt• CrN·k I Ov<'rlooks th<' prof <.•sslonnlly c1c·11I v,1,..r1 wuh· ~n·t·nht•lt plus ot'can v1t·w St·•· th1 .., hrag lit rwar rat•w "H11 y Mini '' 11w dd loday Sunn y kilf't1n1, 2 l1~r· h1•drno111s , 1lt·n & 2 patios . Tt•nr11i.,, poob & jar·uti'I 2'1 llr s t·C"Ut'll y 1:<Jh • 4 UHIT ArAITMENT ILDG A GIEA T IHVHTMB4T 11 :· Hlot·k-. t11 ht•ac·h ! Ow11cr's :Jpl :J llllrrns . :>1 • h:ilh~. :! fir<'pluc«'s. plus twn 2 lwdroorn. I bath and or1<· I· lit·drooni 1 twth unit!>. Gn·al lcwat1011 ~ t'<.1")' tu n ·nl Super Jluntrni..:ton Ht·.u·h \ .11111• for only S240.000 COSTA MlSA IHCOMf UHlTS TWO DUPLDES--l.AIGf LOT f-::1<'h dupll--.; contains '"" 2 hdrm 1 li.ith '>lfll!k le•\ t'I units Near sthools, ~hopp111g . t'I" S11swr pr1rt'd at only s:mo,ooo lof' both ultlj.{S ('all lo<l.1y I ,, Sale :. -I (111 I lflo')ll(,(j ,1\'·"'"' ,.. .111•·•t r •1 re.-. 1 1 1 11• 1 ri•. '" I '' "'" \I 1111"' • .tll "l ,.. ·, I I , ... , • ., WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO .. Re-atton 2 I I I Sew1 Jooq11I" Hll' Rood NEWPORT C~TEl. M.I . 6 44·~'10 DUPLEX OH CLIFfHAVE .... THE BEACH 11-11 '" • 11.1111 .. 11• II $89. 900 I l"\•I• t ,. • I I I h .... 1 .. ,\ 1:ri•,tl .,111111, I 1i•l1 , II d t111d.1 "h•lll ' l ffl" fll U'-lll\1•,lllh 111 11111• I 1~r,,1 l1lo ,\I l I .t~I h}I..,, (11 ·~ • 1 ''.\I 1( 1 .,I <JJ ,, 1•1 '·' ' •• i I·'''" i~'M1 •11 BEACH 5-PlEX f'u 1J)c_1,·1· \ • 1Ur uu ' ,Ji~•· 1,..ri,n 111• ... 11111 • 11111111. , 1 .. 11• II.uh I I• Ct, .,fu·•l h 1~ ·• ~ .. \1"1,,••1 lll'V. ltt• II f1 l•h-' fl!( .lll'll 1111• 111111 I 111111 1111 .tlltf ( "~ 11 ,1111 11•f1.llll'1• I 'lu 1• \u ,1ll rt t.ili•I " n w1 I"'' Ii I ''' 1•1" "11 SORRY. NO SALE.. . . Fnr Vt>ltr d1·c·11r<1ltll', Lh<H h fh1" s hari'i :l l><lrm t f;,mdv rooin home look.., lt!<L' ;1 modt·I. llt<·11rult.•d 1n be autiful fall l'olors & v.1lh <.'us lom c·Nlar paneling rn thC' f:.imil) room ·If y11u h k1· 011tdn11r li\'1ng you 'II lnvt• th1 · p~1lio & garden . Everything is 1n firsl ela:-.s C'Onciition & :it Sl2!;.4l>O. we feel this 1s the bC'st buy in Turtlc rnck. OJ>F:N SAT I 5 Set> fiJ62 SIF:HHA S IENA. IRV ADD A UMIT Y n u c a n 1· r t· tt I e y o ll r o w n invcsl nl<'nl opport unity with th1~ wl'll h111ll 5 hrlrm. home on a lar~t· ll ·2 lot alrl'aclv zoned for the 2nd unit Ttier<.•'s ;1.lol you ran no with this onl'. Brrng your imagination to sec 632 W 18th STREET. near the p<1rk in Costa Mesa. OPEN HOUSE TJllS WEEKEND 1·5. Al $105.000 full pri<'e. thc n:'l-plenty of Pl'Ofi t µulenlial HORSE RAMCH $1<1 ,000 C:.rn move you rnto this cult' litth· I :HT<' horse r a nth in Norco. Spa<.:mus 4 bdrm home. recently r edt•<·orntt·d. + full wor kshop bldg .. 2 hor~1· c.;t;dls & room for 7 horses . Th<' full pnrc 1!' $12 1.445. Owner w ill help finance PRICE IS RIGHT! llert•s your t'h:rnC'c to live at the h1 •aeh «inly a few steps from the h;1 y. in a beautiful modem 2 bdrm .. 2 b<.ith mohrl c home . localed on fashionable Lido Peninsula. for only $42.500 Vacant & rl'ady to move into. so do n't spend anothe r hot summer inland. ABOUT OUR COMPANY This year H a rbor R e alty i s celebrating our 35th birthday. We have pre pared a beautiful brochure about uur company that is yours for the asking. Call & we will be happy to send you a copy. or better s till. stop by our offices at 2865 E. Coast Hwy. in Corona del Mar. V.A. BUYERS Hl':W l 'llfHlltA M' If you 11•1 kr Sl-M(l/rr111. )'llU mo >' •1u11ll f y 1 l.11w •lowu ' I IHln<I ,., SlllO/JIJtl ' l.i·I II~ "'.lllW y11u bow to tlH 1l 1 l ~tfllYtW 1 TIA to •.ct c_,.t w. u ..... , 754-1202 VACAHT SIS,900 EXECUTIVE llEIAll£ LA CUISTA GIAMADA Huntington Beach 4 Bedrms, 3 batb.a. family rm, country kitchen. formal living rm. fplc. Huge Muter suite. Lovely neighborhood, close to schools & shoppmg. Bike to Beach!.$W.500. c••wM..,. THE IW. ESTATEIS MEAT.swm& AU. COMPLETE 9&U1&1 1 '•tt111lt-t11ly n •1kc·t1r11ll'll 1~ lh1s "uf)(·r. J>'lo\•('ly u111f 11·atly (rir n1•w l:11ni 4hr. 21>&. fully upJlradt•cl EXECUTIVE llRZSTOIY Walle lo beach. Tile en· try, formal din rm .• huge gourmet k ilchen & breakfast area. Extra lg. laving rm, family rm with crackling fireplace & view or itrounds. Massive master suite. Only too.950. Call for all dc."lalls. 963-7881· Iv !•11111·1•1w. 11 v1111: room home w /on extra bonus •·11lu•11•·•·1l liy "'·"~1v•· rm & formal DR. Local· t.11 ~111·11l a<'t' 111111· 1tj oo a 11< C'Ul·de·sac lot ,,,,.,1, t11•1' F1n1:1·r 1111 ai•roti!. from golf t·our~l' lul1 h1·n :1 K1111( ''tc llcar & s ide covered l ~·tr111" 1\111! ,, hu1:1· 1tvt·r pull06. <.;Joeic to ~chools & "'HI lu! h1111't w.11t. t•ull shopptng Pncl'<i n i;ht. IN, 7171 <.:all now979·53'10 [ ~··i~~111 A ~~!~!~E OCEAHFllOHT l>duxt· 1; unit hhl~ all 2 )l(frm-. . 2 h&lh' xlnl ""''m~·r 1 w1ntcr n·n1:1h l 111,c lo rc!>liluranb. ,h•1J1->&lown Sl .500.000' OCEAHFROHT HES> HELP? 1 lrlp your:.clf lCI a J fe&ping s1·lccl ion •1f (.Juahfu'<i l111pcfu h. in lhc Ui\ II. V PI !.OT If EL P WI\ NT!m i\ l>S r 1' Jli tit J • tf \ •11t1 liJt•t ti· I [~IRlltl IFYOU have a service to offer or ~oods lO sell. place an atl 10 t h e Dall y Ptlol <.:lass1hed Section Phon~ 642-5678 506 £. OcHftfrottt 1>1·IU)(c duplt·x. <\ hclrm • .! 1 li11 u11. 3 bdrm , 2 ha tlt1~11 lrpk 1o:H·h unit •BIG CANYON HOME* 1 :n·.11 ltl\·,111on 1 $.'i!"t(1,ooo 1111'1 l11nd 1 OCEAHFROHT 4UHITS l';.·'t ltt<:at111n 10 Nt·wpurt l!t•&l'h 1 Slll.5.UOO l m·l ud 111i.. lot 311>-lO'J' Heller hurr. mt 1h1:-.' OCEAHAIRE lll'lllX(' rtuplt·X. 1 & 2 lulrnh . "'alk 111 h\''I "1• .1 • h & t' I " ., l' ' II r 1·., I ,1 u r J n I ' ,. I t ~l~.10)' BaJboo Boy Prop. R~ors • 675-7060 • ~I '"ll ri· lookin.c for,, ht:l !t·r Jllh \IJU "<JO l "dOt IO m"' llw ••mplu) mt·nt 1·11h1mn .. in c 'lao;-.1f1 .. 1I On prime c u l ·d e-sac location ove rlooking do uble fai rways on ~ree nhe l t. This s pec tac ular. l'pacious, custom home abounds in unique ness. r ic h d ecorum and family living. 5 Bedrms, 51h baths, a combination living and dining, cxcrdse room a nd unus ually la rge laundry facility + dark room or work shop off 3 car garage. Very prestigious location with many more amenities. Contact Danny Bibb at. 675-2311 WATCH US GROW LUSk IH HEWPORT SHORES Canal front hOme ! • ~l asll·r hdrm w/fl're plare & balcony. $179.900. .435 CAHAL ST. OPEN SAT/SVM LUSIC IH llAYCREST -3 Artrm. <•M'<'Ull\'f• hom t:. grl':tl J.!ourmct kitrht·n S19X.llOO 1807 TRADEWIMDS OPlt' SUMDA Y LUSK IH VILU ,.ACIFIC A Super 2 Bdrm Condo with gar;1ge. t•:r rlhtonL·~. unrl a l'i EAT price! $7!).500 IY APr'T. LUSK IM DEHFIElD -Super 4 Bdrm, Plan V. with oodles of extras! $159,!:IOO 26 DEERWOOD EAST. ' ... OPEN SUM · LUSIC IN CAMEO HIGHLAHDS -Canyon view t1nd peek at the ocean 4 Bdrm home on fee l;,ind. Prrced Lo sell $229.000 607 ROCKFORD RD. OPEN SUM LUSK IM CAMEO SHOHS -Exqwsite custom ho m e on fee land with ocean view. pool. securitv system. superb detailing. $550.000. 4709 HAMrDEH ID. IY APPT. LUSK IH SPYGLASS -6 Bdrm <maid's room) 4"2 baths, separate dining. ocean vie w Lusk's finest Spyglass home. $595.000 19 GOLETA LUSK IN TURnHOCK HMWtLAHDS -Big, big 5 BR "Stewart" model. Separate master suite & room for the maid. $239,000. 21 SIL¥8 CIESCEHT I OPIM SAT LUSK IM SEAVtEW -The bigges t mooel. now bigger & better. Custom ized 4 Bdrm Port Royal with game room and view. $332,000. 2127 YACHT UDIAMT °"" 675-3411 •• . '' • ' ~.~.~ ....... ,~~!.~.~~ ........ ~~~!.~~.~ ........ ~!~!.~~-~~ ........ ~~~~!.~~~~~: ........ ~!!!.-!~.~'!':........ S.urdily. Ma112, 1979 DAILY PILOT Q !:~:~ .......... !~~=:'! .......... !!!~ ~~:'! .......... !~~ ~~ .......... !?!~ ~~:'! .......... !~~ !:!~~ .......... !!.~! ~~!!!.~~ ....... ~!:!.~~ ........ ~~.~~ ...... . t11111111 -----------------""" llorne in VlSta "' 11"re G.,.rel 1002 Ci....,.el 1002 G1MNI IOOZ ..-..~~~~~~~~ . ' .............. , ...................................................... . ~ Bea c h Realty REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 • OPEN HOUSES • BLUFFS c·onclo . :! m u:-h'1 hds m-.. (.1mll\ rm 111 \ 1 .1.1 Grandl', N.U Sul Sllll 1 5 S:.lti:J .~I CAMEO HIGHLANDS :i hd1 ltb (,1m r 1111111 1111t d 1.11 Camt..'O ll'lamb llr , l 'dM S.rt I 5 !\m\ ~2111 IHNI CANYON CREST J Bt•droorn l'llnclu , hrt.!hh Upi!l •Hl1·1I llY Cat\yon('rcst. N n Sun 25 SIR2ll00 BLUFFS -VIEW :J lh."d room 1·on<111 111.1m ,. 11 ,1.., ill.! Aven1da l'uml>rl·, :'\ B 0;111~ I ,, ~ li'X noo SAN CLEMENTE Nt•\\ duplt•\, :{ 2 ht·droorn..,, 1w.11 ocean. 2:19 W t\\l' r: ... 1·.Jbunl·~ !-lt111 l 5 ~189.ouo 460 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811 SPYGLASS SPECIALIST YOU ARE INVITED lo join us on a person a l preview of this outstandin~ offe ring 270 degree vww. ocean . harbor, nite litl's & mountains. 5 bedrooms. ga m <' room. form<il dinin~. All in the ultimate of tasteful decor . Reaut1ful y;1rd w 1 p~>0l & jac·tizzi. $W5.000. Call for <lPPl. TERMS TERMS TERMS Own<'r will earrv. no lo;rn fe<.'. no qualify ing. Oon:t mr<;-.; th1~ 1-!re~tl in vestme nt opportunit y S<.>nsational o c ean & h a r hor v ie w. s pacio u s 6 bedroom . game rm. family rm. formal dining. pool & j<H.'UZZI. $595.000. IEST BUY OH THE HILLS 3 bedrooms & fa mily w/ocean view. Xlnt cond. Patio front & rear . Only $347,500. Don't wait o r you'll he s orry THE PRICE IS RIGHT Exccptiomtl valu<.> in this nearly ne"' 4 bedroom. & fa m ily room w/formal dining . All in easy to li ve with tolors. Upgraded carpel & d rapes. Terrif1e view of nite lites & mount<Jins . Asking $369.500. CORPORATE PLAZA REALTY 548·2953 BEST IN BLUFFS I.PL.AM EMD UMIT Park. mts.. night Iii? ht view: lge. brkfst rm.. ne w n e utral car p., 3 bdrms .. fam. rm .. 2•12 ba.: 2200 sq . ft. Asking $191,500 OPEN 1·5 540 VISTA GUMDE I.PL.AM Love ly b ay view; 2200 sq . fl., 3 bdrms ., 2112 ba .. form. din.. brkfst.. area; huge fam . rm. Priced llelow marke t. $209.500 Compurc' 2 IDllM. IARGAIM Split·level. lge deck overlooking wide ~reen be ll : new carp., drps. paint. Low lea se & duE'S. Won't last . $106.500 IHD UHIT 1-Level Linda . 3 bdrms .. upg raded ! wide g reen bell. $F9.500 HELEN 8. DOWD IE.ALTOtt IMC. 644-0114 Utt & hy Witt. tk &perts ' WATER & LIGHTS VIEW-IRIVACY leMed to $375,000 FH ,.... ........ Nfry, ............... 1p•cloe1 ldtcltu, li•i•g ,...... with _..... "'....... pitcMcl ~ ... ..,..,......u ...... _ .... ...._ .... ..,. .................... ,..2 olller 19a*n•• .... 2 ......._ P...t.ct for t••••9•r or •oth•r·i•·low ••It. .,,,.. ..... ,._for 1200 14t-ft. ad•llw ...... ..._•3'0YllW. 20411Rg1"9c •• H.a. 0,.. s.t/S.. I ·S p .M. ATTENTION ISLAND LOVERS! Twrfflc cm1t.,,... ._. _.,..... to ••,••d .. d ••,r••• yo•r ow• .... , .. ,. 2......, J ........... 2 cw ......... IMNlt ,. Wt+ 1.-94 lo$24S.t00 HIME flUI BEACH $110,• Oww ••lf••ad lo ....... dt J I 2 ........ 3 .............. to ......... ............ .... .......... ., .. ...... ry ._ ... 315 Mame Ave. Behoebland 671-6900 NEWPORT HEIGHTS :! Ill< .~ d1•11 I pttttl 1:1:• [>IHI HI'/ l·'11ll1•rl1111 ,,. l':ill 1111 ""'" ,;; .. -'iol ... i BILL HARDESTY REALTOR ·~1:1l'ark 1\\ 1• It.tit~··· 1 ... 1.11111 CARLSBAD BY THE SEA .lht. IA.1Jk t1r fllh• 111)..1 \11 lhl' tll :.\1'11 \\h1 II \olll 1•11\ 1111-.. 1111~t.·r11 ·• "'"" d II p II \ 111 •. I ...... I 11 ~ 111-.,\1 11 Tl IW~ Jlot h 1111 11~ n1w.1:-.I ,.( .1 B1 ,\ :• h.1 ,IJld 11nh :.! \ l'M" old \.,!.. 1n~ Sl3.'\,111.1(1 ""' ;Ill WALLACE & CO RE.Al.TORS Corisbod 714 /729-5966 SAVE GAS!! W1111hl \•111 11!.. .. l11 ..,1•1 ... " Ill I' • h ll 111 I' ' ( II r purd1,1 .. 1•" W1•'ll p11•k 1<1111 uµ• Whv 11;..1· ' I >I It )!J.'> t'Jll u.-. ror Jll ·lllfll & 1o1.1• ~Ill U:'>l ' (l\lll )!a., (.'.;ll No1o1. • :1'7\J ~mu ALLSTATE REALTORS E~TBLUFF! Th1JJk nr ,,. l1apf1.\ hornP th.11 ... mill''> ... , ''ll' from 1•\1·ry room Warmth & rh:irm alooumh 17:.-1 "'I II :1 Bit ..... l:Jm room. ·1 hath:-. I '•·rft•t·l I\ hw1111·1! luJUi Jloµ ,1 11n·, a\1· 111r rw·r 'l'rulv .1 t•1•m . ·'"" I 111 h11ld111)! •IJ1t•11 httU)o.1• ''"'"" d,1\ al 2w1:1 ,.,,,,,1,:1.1 1 ·, pm t'•1m1• ·~~· 1111;.. I Ill< l,,1rn 1110111 h,1l'l.lJ ll1 II .., .1 ... lt'.11' JACK HOWELL ~ '. ' .. ' 644-1156 BIGCAHYOH Opn Hw Sat /Sun 1-5 6 Rue V albonne ~ l'I' II r I I y I! II •• r ti .. " \11111,11•11 rn.irl1•I .I 111 p,1r11 ut'I • 11(n :1 1 11 1.::in1g1 1w.11111f11I 1lt'1·111 ~ .1 i.:r1•u1 bu) .11 S.:!ll!I .. ••"' . m1T/\Yl,01< JtV,\1.TY fi41;~ MESA VERDE VERY CLEAN! c\ Hdrm. 2 h:Jlh hom1 l'\.101., llUICI 1·ul di'"•'' ..;\r.-t·l ;\Imo~• n .. w W:1ll I u w .1 I I 1 a r p • I , lhrou)!h o lll '\l"W l,ISTIN<:• I /\!'o!-ollll'll· 1'. 1-111\ Lo.in ,;l $:.!7 I 1100 1'11'1 J U..,l $J8.tl011 ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE, INC. ~Go. 1201 Clt ff Dr S:.M5,li0(1 Newport lkad1 View Can ~11 up for full hlcllm<' vi1•w 1 235 Kno~ Sl $1 l!l,!1110 C,a;t8 Mesa 3 Br Bu1llla blt•lot R·2 4!102 Corkwood $1('.,<U JOll Ir v ine Beautdul Willownod Mod1:I 3 UH und much more IAYFROHT LEASE Cluaified Ads. your one· stopshopping cent!r_ DAVIDSON REAL TY PRESENTS llACH HOUSlt AllrtH•tive 2 sty. 3 BR. 2 hu hortw nr ut~·an & tennis. Fee I.ind Onlv $17~.ooo iso.ooo PllCl llOUCTIOMI! 3 6R b1•:11·h h 1111:.t• on l11ri.tt• l'Orne r lot . 1 11 m1111111 1ly pout . stc;!pS tu ot·ean . I h~ 111 •r ..,a,..,, "S t-.1.l. "$149,500 MOVIMG1 IOUGHT AHOTHlll! Sil.Lill <:uri.:t·u11:-:J UH .JASMI NE C REEK ('ONl Hl Vurm..al tl111 rrn . l'Oiy den. ot• l•.N SJ\ r 1 , 11.:5 MAIN SAIL Now . ''1'1,1100 rm l 'l, OFFERS• LIDO tSLI 1·:11111} thP qtHct t'lef!ance o f 1 h1 :, 'll·•(·111us :i H H homt·. locatt!d on 11m· 11( l.1d11 f..,Jto ·.., 11,•,t stret•ts Privacy ~<.. 1·1111\'t'nh•111·1· l:1rgc s unny patio • lff1·11·d 1·11111 pli'tl·h furn at $527.500 . C OSTA MfSA HfW 4~,LU 2 BR. 2 ba ,.,, Vrpl1"' S.\l..\LI. DOW:'-J PAYMT 1Jt,\11l·1 ~r11 hl·Iµ f111dncc• Ready for 111•n1p.1111·\ S24:L!10() D 4 V I D S 0 N R E A L T t r N C. 3116 Newport Blvd NB 673·9060 .!1:1,:illh NEWPORT BEACH OPEN HOUSE l'lll·:STIC.llll s \\1-;S'l t:LIH• IL ,1 Si\ I :\\ \; i: .. 11111d1l11l •111 ''"'11111\1' h11m1 ,1n , 111t•rl ·"'"'' 111-. .. 1111 < .11111 m•·• k 1td11-n 1n '"lirl c 1 •• ~ 1\ lln1 i.. " "''" I ••1 11r I 11w \ru•I ind .: llll• ltt 'A,._ Ii• I ! llH( 'ti 1 fllf' lhl'IJ-11111 I 1•tl,t1• 11,1111!11•1 11111rol1•!1 ".tit-. ,\ 1•111:.i•I' 1·1~1rd111,1t1•11 dr ,,,,.. ,, l"r" 1111• I frr•I• '"'"h '""" 11 .. 1·01 h•·l•fl • 1 11.1 ~ 1111••1 I•\ I h.1• I( 1 <I " p11ol pal II• & hfl! I\ 1\1\() \'I, \II pk ·.ltt1l1Jilflt1 ,'( .. 1•h(, J;l~J '-11 .1 ' ( II I .f I I 1 11 I OCEAN FRONT LOT ~t·wpmt •, IH's l otl'itn lront lotalwn \\1th .... 111,tll htHOl' Mint S~I hnntediat~y! $525.000 CORONA DEl MAR :i tkdrm h11rn1'. larg t• H-l lol :\1tni nct·;111 'w" p n ":11t· l>1•ac·h s' 79.500 ASK FOR DARRELL PASH RE/MAX 631 -1266 Pete Barrett presents BEST BAYCREST~POOL COURTYARD ENTRY. 4 IEOIOOMS. FAMILY ROOM. DARk ROOM. DECl WITH FIREPIT -MANY UTRAS. $260,000 FEE. 1633 SAHTIAGO, H.I . OPEH SUM 1-S NEWPORT BEACH 112 ACRE S,ECIAL VIEW OF l•Cl IA Y AND MOUNTAINS. 4 ltOROOMS. FAMILY ROOM. ORCHARD, ll.V ~EA - MUCH MORE! $275.000 ftt'" 2510 VISTA IAYA. H.B. OPEN SAT 1-5 UNIVERSITY PARK 4 8EDROOMS, ENLARGED FAMILY RM, MEW KITCHEM. SUMHY & ,RIVA TE PATIO. OH HE U. ... D. '*8 MEADOWSWEET O,&I SUH 1-5 SUPER VIEW OF HARBOR AHO A BEAUTIFUL HOME TOO! l BEDROOMS. INCLUDING DETACHED IM·LAW QUARTERS -AHD YOU OWN THE J.AMD . 521 KINGS RD, M.I . OPEN SAT /SUH 1-5 WESTCLIFF-POOL HANDY LOCATION -WALk TO SHO,,IHG. l BEDROOMS AHO- FAMILY ROO•A OVEttLOOklMG 'OOL AND LOW MAIHT. YARD . Sl68.500 . 1212 DOVEa DR .. MI. OPEH SAT 1·5 HARBOR HIGHLANDS LOWEST PRICH> HOME OM Hf UMD IH MEWPOIT IEACH. l IS>IOOMS, 2 IA THS, i I t 5,000. KINGS ROAD SUPERI ¥1£W, 3 IEDRMS, 2 IATHS, LllE MEW! $425,000. FU. 141 I llMGS RD , M.I • O,EH SAT/SUH l·S DREAM SITE STAMD OH THIS CLIFFSIDE PltOPstTY AND FttAME THI llAUTY IM A HOME OF YOUR OWN DISIGM. OffUEO AT SS00,000 NI 361 I OCEAM ILVD., COIOHA DB. MAR POOL--HARBOR HIGHLANDS THE MOST FOR THE MOl'flY! J IEDIOOMS, FAMILY IOOM, HOllY ROOM. llEAICFAST ROOM. COVYID PATIO AND ftHS. $169,000. NEWPORT SHORES LOTS OF IOOM AND IEADY FOi IMMEDIATE OCCUPAHCY. l IEDlOOMS AND ADDED FAMILY IOOM.. SI 11,000 . 642-5200 Pete Barrett ~~~r ~·llke 11round<1 <Ando tn&nMarC'os,2yr11 new, Open House Sut/Sun 0<'ea n view , San Lrltdc I or both for local liackbay Cul dC! Sul.' Clemente. 3 Or 2 Ba. ho usC! or duplt•X SHll.500. 4 Bil. 2 BA family rm. ch etirful , Own('r //\St l P eg.iy fam.rm. 2324 L11 Linda 492·2fi0t.Owner. !)wt•cncy H>2 11120 . Pl. Near 2Jrd/T1u1l10 VICTORIAN Homes in xlnt area. UNDER '70.000 Pri.n only. 558-M30 Alt. U40-00.:~ Ave, By Owner 642 1481 Want Ads Call 642·5678 Mile item.a 642·56'78 G...,.el 1002 c;.....,.a1 IOOZ G....-al IOOZ Ga•r• loOZ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• macnab I irvine realty FINER ,ROPERTIES OPEH SAT. 1·4 ,,M. 310 COLU&e PL Very s pecial 3 BR. family rm home on quiet c ul·d e·s a c in Eastside Cosla Mesa. Lots of charm in this indoor/outdoor wood & glass res. on lg lot w/room for pool or garde n, too. $119,900. J eanne Newman 642·8235. (J -15 ) OPEH SAT. 1·5 P.M. 116 W. OCEAMFttOMT Rare. prime area (neur NHYCl'' 3 BR Cape Cod beach ho me w111BR gues t a pt. (ba th & kitchen). $430,000. Don a Chichester 642·8235. (J.16 ) Of'EH SAT. 1·5 P.M. 1724 nADEWIHDS, IAYCIEST Top quality builder's o wn 3 BR cus to m hom e . Terrific fa mily rm gourmet kitchen + brkfs t rm jacuzzi -AND. such touc hes as Fre nch doors & bay windows' $249.500 El<.ime Sved een 642·8235. (J -17 ) OPEH SAT. & SUH. 1·5 ... M. 4 CHEIRY HIUS, llG CAMYOM New c.·uslum re~ fo r lht• disc:nminating buyer ! Approx. 5000 sq .ft. wt a ll the ~tl·eoutrC'mt!n ls for lux urious living! Elegant li ving & dining rn1s - pan eled l1hrary 1nfnrm<ll family rm -country-s tyle kitche n + brkfst rm masLC'r s u1lc• w, fpk, sauna & jac -3 add'I BRs + maid's. S~95.000 Lynne V<Jlcntine 644·6200 <J ·1~) O,IH SAT. & SUH. 1-S P.M. 1903 YACHT MARIA. SEAYIEW /\ prin.1tc. gcited tomm w tennis. pool & jdl'. Lovely 3 BR. conv den . fu mlly rm Nev. Bcdfortl modi:!! w full view & lg . te rr<1ce + privacy on :ill s 1th·~. Wc.·t b;ir 2 atnum5 2 fplc!.. S269,500 incl. la nd Be lle Chase Li: c· fi41 G200 < J ::!II ) OPEH SAT. & SUH. I I ·6 P.M. #62 IEACOH IA Y I landsoml'. l1k1· n\•v. t·u~tom '.'! BH bayfronl on sandy bet.tch w/Jg <·ov<·n•d patio I HH Jl)t w ~mall v1<·w :.Har ,ga r Slip for 18' boat & lc·11 u b C'Ourt avail S55(1 OCXl lea~ehuld Mary Lou .\tan on 642·8235. <J -21) O,EM SAT. & SUM. 1·5 P.M. 1200 OUTRIGGH, CdM S pet·1al ~ gf{ llarlH1r VtP\\' ll1lls Belvrden: model ready for yuu! Corne r lol room for pool pricccl fur 1mmed. sC1lc ! $199.500. Helen Wood 641\ ·6~00. (.1 -22) orEH SAT. & SUH. 1-5 P.M. 1116 IUTI'OHSHELL, IA YCHST Pl'rfect homt· for lh<' bu!.y executive 's e ntertaining . c.:a r ved c..lbl. doors tu huge atrium e ntry w t roof Lhat opens to s un/s ta rs & a handcrafted mahogany h ar Fo rmal dining rm -4 BRs -H/ F pool w/d~ck. NOW $319.500. Lurry Dyer 64l -82.35 (J -23> OPEH SAT. & SUH. 1.5 P.M. 46... coaTI.AHO, CAMEO HIGHLAMDS 4 BR ge m -JU St refur bishe d in s mar t youn g s t yling . Lovely nci~hborhood private beaches -j ust waiting for you a t $188,500. Coby Wa rd 642-8235. <J -24> SftYGLASS -PANORAMIC VIEW OF HAHOI W<•rm & churming s inglf' s tor v family ho me w 15'8Rs. fa mily rm. huge 1-{:.tmc rm & 31 ~ h <1 ths . Lovely grounds w1e xtens1ve us~ of hrtc k. $535,000. I ft>lcn Wood 644·6200 (,J -25 > IHVESTMEHT POT't+fTIAL Lg . R-2 lot E :istside Cost<.i Mesa . C ute 2 BR cott age w/shutters & brk fplc li vt· in o r re nt while adding 2nd unit. Drive by 1967 Church St. (do not dis turh ten a nt) $102.000. Cathy/David Schweic kert 642-8235. (J ·26) GOLF COURSE VtfW -S 199,000 Tc·rnfiC' B1~ C<!nyon 2 BR Oakcresl model townhome in one of the bes t !orations overlooking golf course & lake. End unit feat u ring master BR w 1 vkw & s pa('1ous wooden <lc.·ck Won l last ' Joyce Edlund 642-8235. <.I ·21 I COURT LADY LUCtc You will ht• a wmn11r if yo11 ~et to st·t> this on(' hefort· 1t sells De ligh tful 4 BH on IX'aut1f1.1I t'tll ·de·s:.ic: Slll.!.150 Lms Mille r 642-8235 (J -28l I -STORY IM THIE ILUFf:S Bl:'a ut ifull~· upj!rarled ·Linda" plan on lg c-orncr lot 2 patios (ind. "'r<•P around I 2-car g..i r SJti2.500 lea~t:hold Dick It alderman 642-8235 (J 291 MEWL Y LISTED Hranrt nt>w , p1<·run·..,Qut• C<ipt> Corl <'ha rmer on lo\'ely CdM lret! lmed s trc'<>I. J Hfb dini11g rm k1tt·hl·n family r m featur es inc l. parqu<'l c·ntry, vaulted hc•<imed t't>ilr ng. ligh l oak rahlnetry, decorator ('pls & fixture~' SN•luded ratio S3SO.ll00 prefer I-y r lease/of)t1on. Lynn(' Val('nltnl' ti4·1 6200. l.J 30 1 OCEAN VllEW CUSTOM HOME l.1\·ing & fumil y rms + masler s uite view boats & equestrians an a peaceful. sN·luucd s pot. LI!. 3 RR h ome on lg . lot w/beautifu l pool & deck. &curity sy~lem . ft'c lttnd . J ean Da les 642-82:1.5 . (J ·31 ) A HST IUY l.1g hl & a iry 4 BR C~1meo Jlighlands home in excellent location. $219.500 fee la nd. Sanclie Fix 644 -6aoo. (J .32 ) HEW IAY~OMT LISTING! 1 HH + den c us tom horn£.' w1fant astic view! Covered pa tio on sandy hN1ch. 2 BR a pt. 3-c ar garage. S lip for 18' boat & te nnis court. avail. Be a(·on Bay -$695,000 leasehold -fl ex. financing. Mary Lou Ma rion 642-823.5. (J -33) OYBLootCS llTH FAUtWAY S pacious. c ustom home featuring living & dining rms overlooking golf course + family rm & lg . game rm overlooking pool & patio. Mas ter s uite + 2 add'I BRs & m aid 's . $775.000. Owner will consid e r lease/option . Lynne Valentine 644·6200. <J -34 ) IAYSHOllS Marvelous family home! Spacious m aster s uite + children's wing upstairs <family rm. 3 BHs. bath). Formal dining rm, gourmet kitc hen & paneled libra ry. $42S,000 incl. land. Dona Chicheste r 642-8235. (J-35) SUPa! YllW-QUALITT & NICI! S parious 4 BR. family rm custom ·quality Dove r Shores home w/rnany upJ?radc.>S. Pool. jac. & lg. lot. 3-~ar gar . $445.000 fee. Ken /Helen Hartley 642·8235. (J -36) IMNISSIVE MISA VRDI HOMI Perfect for e ntertaining w/eJegant living rm & formal dining rm. Or relax in the s pacious. beamed family rm & enjoy the tranquility of the ve rdant g~rdens. 5 BRs -3 ba ths . $185,000 fee. John Granath 642·823.S. (J -62) 642-8235 90 I Do•~ Dri•• "'"'~ ..... 644-6200 1644 S9' Ml .... Dr. H..W, vi.,,, C...+w 752-1414 454sc..,..1r. c ..... v.-.yc..- .... (}j DAIL V PILOT Saturday. Mey n Hm1 PANORAMIC OCF.AN VI .. :w 25 yard~ to pound mg surf' Custom built 3 bedrm. 3 balh ineh.ading muster s uite. ram r m . wet bar , inlC'reom Cu tom c.-a b lnet s . nx t urv~ & 1mportt>d lilt> thruoul $469.000 C• Mwcie or J_, THE RUl. ESTAT£1S &73-1550 ~Triple• ln\t'l\lUf" .i11111l111n ' t\lrTM>lll nt•w 1.inl••1ltr 1wts Owtwr "''"" l1rt 111• 11lr'1r .. mt lk' ,., \•.ill\•' Cllll no... t1'11 7171 ----........ THE REAL 1 ~~TATERS j ~~l)~~.~.~.'f ! t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!'!!!!~-'111!----"!!!!!!!•I ht itt!><"' t h1111 .. 1111 '"I'' • •t •k Al 111>. tll lllO I hlolt .1111 '" I EXCITING BA YFIONT-2 SUPS •t.n"'-9 .....u. ... ..._ -... WAT8 wi ....... to eccaw•ut•• two ..... yedth!...., J• oww. ._ lmd. Sm1119' flowl•CJ Hd o,.. floor ,tn wltlt , .. , ·-..... ,,_._ ..., ,.... ..... dH Ceo.Id be 4 .. bed.t ..t ........ di"'-CJ rooa ~ dKor ........, tWt l bedroom a.ca.ding pri•• ..tw Mh wi .. fiupl1u ~ tlttlllt ~ A • .,._. ho•• for _.,,_. tM bed of M.wpcwt l.ach fi•'-9 CllMI bootMc). '7'5. 000 DELUXE BAYFIONT PENTHOUSE Thia ca.da1 t11 1 .. e.o.... °" tM WATH it in a clor.t by itwff. Ard•ltechnll Dig•tt wOlllld booat abCMft tti. dffi,_... feat.ft CllMI MIKt dKor of ataiMd 9lass, aDtoM wood p••I• I). -"•• bttalrfra.t c.d so ...cit "'°"· LWCJft' tham llHIRJ ho•H this 2 b•d. pl11s de1t/offic• CllMI raiMd dlwillcJ ..... oft.n pri•ocy, MCurity .ct anillllbillty for yo11r oww boat. $620,000 BEAUTIFUL HOME-fOREYER VU ,r.sffgioln, MClll"lty CJO'ed CD ity with a ho.-of HuptlGllCll .... lty. Decorator coordi••t•d illhrior with large li•ifM) roo• Gild diRlfMJ ..-.a; gOWMlf kttdMn cmd 199mg c•••g•d falllily "°°"' pllts ~ti .. _.... _... with atr•• CllMI al -•"'""-s.c.tty ., ....... ThrH totd ~ with°'" patio to ... ;o, H. .-obstn.chd VIEW of WA TB and liglth. $355,000 SPECTACULAR YU~SUPER HOME A rare find ht Newport. ElpClllSin hotM on a lanJr lot wittt room for pool CllMI mo~. R~~ and new itt and owt. Pri•acy offer•d in this 2-story 4 b•droom, plus billiard/fClfft.nn. hoM• with 4 firepOCH , du. U~~ VIEW of lcryfrOftt and Oc ean. pllts niqht li9hh . Vacant mtd waitifM) few an offer! $49 5.000 OUTSTANDING LAAEFRONT HOME ... •natl•• ...., '*-ia ... flant area of Lab Fonst. Profnsfowatly decorated 4 bedroo•. l both with pri YCrte dock Old. fnNlt. ·~ lt9wd glass doors, c:ntoM tit.s, c..,.. .& wood por11Wf. A lof of hCMM itt today's -tt.t w ith c o11tpteh security sy~tem. $229 ,500. Opu Sat/Sun 22137 lslamore 1-S P.M. Lah forHt ON WATER-SLIP $275 000 Cheerf• and char•l•CJ ~o•• with pri.acy. beach/patio, boat sip. IHt priced 3 ~OOM hCNM °" WATEll llt al of Newport hoch. • .met you oww ... IClftd. A hrrific ... iR today's actf•• 1111Grla.t. BEACHFRONT HOME $385,000 Just .ndltced! Own•r will HCJOtlat•. &ioy 9'is 2~tory, 3 be*OOM ...... pew "rCMllMI om wi• bNch. I.oh of pot..tld or ntoy it Cll ia. WATERFRONT W /SLIP $335,000 Sptmisla iwftw•u wittt iRt•rior cowty..-d Giid ... hehcj! Spocio.t .. ~GOia hotlt9 with f...My "°°"' .ct w ........ patio. ,ft yos bo.t Ill ._ sip cmd ettt•rt• c.ow;fwtaMy. A good ... a. WATEILFH'-d. MONTECITO/W VIEW-PERfECT Absohlh ,.,-hctf• cmd ......, all Dmd iR tltia hoM• with cuatCNR ct.119 ... d GIHtliffn.. S ........ gicKI Wiadows, ...... tit. .try ill/Giit, pro ....... '-die.,... wltt. W11 icw cowty.-d. Ope11 ,., .. CJ 4 bedroom '*-wfftt fCllllHy roo. CllMI l car garage. Ouan View. E1ullHt fa•ily ana iR Harbor Vl•w Hiiia. S27t,OOO COINER MINI ESTATE $169,500 lonly Fnttclt cowtyercl ..._ wfftt •••Y s,.ciel feat•rH. Graclon l IEDIOOM lhtc ... 1 .. ,_al• _..., ...... l IMA......, ...... Mew ...... ... c ...... ..,....., ........ _... ~!! !~~!!l,!!E. $,!_5Gi!!, ......... 5 .... u ............. Stt.Nlhd • 45 ft. fr_.ege, _.. W1rlor ,... ............... --.... OCEAJIFIONT LOT $205,• ,..... 40xll0 ft .... -... Oc.-.... ........ ,._. tw ................ .. WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. :bUh \A. \n<1,1 I lt<th1.1.,11. ~1·1.1. fl',,., H"c1c It 631·1400 TRl·HAllOR REALTY 1110 "·''' I lh I ~I 1\ .. 11 , .. , I >ti \ 1111.111 L!:· I FOUR-PL EX LIKE MEW! SI 14.500 I ,, .. 11.·111 h•UI "" ' Ill "''"""' ''·"~'" \II ri.•14 1'1·11111 II Ill• 1111111111 \II ''"' 11 I" I 1111 • " I\ 111111 "'''"I H 111 ii Il l I t \IJt'lllt h 11111. \ I .1111 \ 1.114" 11 .. Olllh $11'41 "'" ~'"''.ill 11 t , ... flM\ .&II" pro•\ II""' l.1'.!. I /l"t FOREVER VIEW E.ASTBLUFF u ... .i t· .... 1.1tt· DUPLEX OH THE SAND $177.000 Ste~ lo ltll' 1Jn1l:h frt>m owm·r· .. front unrl 3 H ,. d r m , • I 11 t t l"r rt•Jd ~<·l' Lh·l'k-. Ii. µalw, i.hakl• roof CJll 1'1011.. ti7:1 X,C,."l() VIEW OF TUSTI N HILLS l·'l11tn t h " lciur htl1111 l•·.111\\ 111 l. .. 111 .. 11 11.•11•hl• lllal 11.1 .... ,., • 1' th1mt 1 .~1· """' w11ul11\':. .... 1111k1·11 II\ I Ill ~ I Ill 11, 1 II 111 Ii 11 IJ' h I\ lllll~r;odl'(I Ill .Ill ,l fl'.I' la,l1•l11lh 1t1•l111.1lt•1I 11111\ .. '1 . fillll llpt•fl 1-;vl-., ~J'\.1 ·~1•11 OCEAN & CANYON VIEW Corona ct.I Mar I h,u!I' l•1I .... uh "Jla1•11111' l111m1• l.rl.'ht .11111 .Jtr\ ~"' lwn \J.,, '"" ,111111· fart•plan· ;1 Bt•tl r 1110., f ,1m1h ~ rlin111c 1 in J'atro ';iml d1·1·k f'OOL Won "l l~t.,l ' < 'ttl I ti73 8!iall ,,,f ' ··'. EASTSIDE SPECIAL Heal 1-:o;tatc INVESTOR'S SPECIAL HUNT.BEACH tinder I year nld <t pl1>x l>cluxc 2 & :I hdrm unit' & )!Ur<•!!t"' Only S2S!l,IMMl Call for .ill dl•l;itls ~17881 ,, t t' . ~ . f , ; , ' CAH'TFIMD THAT AFFORDABLE HOME? We have the an:.wcr ror you rn this lvly muh1I(! home already plucc..od rn a titn park in lrvinl' Pool. jacuzzi. lawn howhn~ & hobby rm Just reduced S4.<m lo $27,950. Open Eves. 545 ~191 •••••• YA APPROVED HOMES All Arecn • O"J. Co. NO money down up lo $100.000 Veteran Administration Sales Broker WOILDR.E. S0-1626 24 I lrs. 7 day week Don't watt to buy real estate. bey real estate aod WAJT ! •••••• 11 you're not reading the little· 11ds in ClassHled, you're m1ss1nl( a lot ol newsy 1nrormalion as well as some great buys. ..... s.s-o,..H11e1n JAS... Cl•: A specW w., of It.: .... , .................. -...... ........ wf ................. ..... tnH. w • 1wt. a..._ MwelM ,..a.,..._ ............................ ,_ of t.-1. YOltr owa ......... c....,., •cltoob & c'-cllln Int _.... .. c__.. -Two lto•ea •••II.a.le, ltotlt titre• b•*ow.._.,,...... ............ lf 5t JASMIME CIEB: OP84 SAT I SUM I to 5. OLDE COIOMA DB. MAI: Zl I POPPY - Locaffa.! Locati .. ! Loc.tiM! J•st ttte C)l'Hfftt -• ,.w ahps to Uttle COf'OH leod t I ,_....,.for fow cws. a. tti. pr operly. A nry spoclo. ...., ..._ - te.ru bedrow. two ......._ .-y a.Mt .. f•llhlrft.. Gin y.....tf a tnGt -OP9I SAT I SUN I to 5. OLDE COIOHA DEL MAI : 720 GOL.DEHaOD. J•t a "dol i.a.s." °" • 1-1 lot Cc• odd a .wtJ or tttfoy tti. fwd. co.,htilly r...ad1led -... ..... ... . he ...... Idle-.., op9ft IM••d c ...... A cit-. OPEN SAT I SUH I to S. 3 322 VIA LIDO: Fab.Coets locaff0tt - •• .. rHd gi yow..._..~ W .. to ucllllli•• Udo Vilop -..,. I ,......_ ..... Loe~ ON THE llG IA Y I ,._ _.. _... .., to acca••odah • to a 60 FT. IOAT. Fow b•droo• cOlldotahtl .. - EH JOY! OPEN SAT 12:00 to 4':00 COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2 515 IE. Cooat Hwy., CoroltCI det Mw 675-5511 LARGE 2 STORY HOME ON L Y A FEW DOOHS T O THE BEACU. 3 ovc•rsized bedrooms. 21-'.! hat h s. r ecent l y remodeled & redecorated . Lots of built-ins. fireplace. etc.. + paved off street parking in addition to the garage. As king $199,500. BEAUTIFUL INCOME UNIT Quaint cottage home + 2 bedroom (less than year old l rental. Quaint. ra):(ht down to the picket fence. Gotta see it to hehcve il. $155.000. OPEN llOUSE SAT & SUN 1·5 PM llG DUPLEX BEST PRICE ON THE ISLA ND On Balboa Island. zoned commercial. Looks great & owner is most anxious . $234.500. ·' JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 2 919 N~wporf ll•d. Comet" 30ttt OH THE COUISE. NEAi THE COUITS And just $126,000! In popular Rancho San Joaquin. on the golf course a nd near the cou rts of the Irvine Racquet Club. A 2 bedroom townhome that's s unny, spacious a nd inviting. Makes you prouc1 ! a nd at just $126,000, it coul d make you$ U~l ()UI: li()Mt:i REAL TORS'. 675·6000 2443 Eas1 Coast Highway, Corona d e l Mar WHIM YOU SH THIS FAIULOUS IA YROHT CONDOMINIUM. YOU Will! L.UXUalOUSl T FUIMIStB 1 llDIOOM I DIM. INCLUDIN& llf'iHTS TO 30 FT. SUP & T ACHf CLUI t8tlBSHIP. MEW JI· FT. SPOIT Asta ALSO Ji.YA• •l&L $515 ,000. TO VIEW THIS · SEMSATIOMAL PIOP&n. PUASI CALLHG-6500 * IF· YOU raEFER TO LEASI, WI ALSO HAY~A LOYll Y 2 ... OOM I DEM ... ON THI WA TRI YIAILY L.IASI AT S 1710 NI MONlH. * ONM HOUSI SAYWDAT OVER $8,000 OF EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS JA~ c.--Charming hard to fi nd 3 BR. F a m Rm. ocean view. $269,500. 16 Skysail Dr . 640-6835 IALIOA ISLAND -Builde r h a s com pletely r emodeled this charming 4 8 R bay front h ome. $429,900. 125 Grand Canal ~ llS. CAMYOH -Rare 3 BR . sep dining r m . ~ulf course view t wnh m e . $215.000. LINDA ISLI -Lux waterfront living at its finest. 4 s pac BR, maids qtr s, s pace for 100' vessel. $2.100,000. LAGUNA HACH -3 new ocean view c u s t. homes, fro m $324,900. 120 Cr escent Bay. SPYGLASS HIU Just listed, popular Cape Horn model, fabulous ocean & bay view. $449.900. HAllOI VIEW -Sha rp Broadmoor tri-lcvel. Cust. 400 s q.ft. game rm. ocean view. $319,900. 2515 Windover. THIS WEEK'S IAIGAIM Two 2 bedroom t•ondo's. Both supe r s harp. Steps to everything. Beautiful grounds with pool & playground . Won 'l lasl at only $50,000 each. BEACH CONDO $59.900 Must sec this super sharp 2 story. 2 bedroom <.·ondo. Steps to pool. private patio. A real s teal at this price. Call now CORNER LOT Chl'l'k th1:-. 2 bedroom cottage with room to ~1dd on No down VA, low down FHA easy payments. Won 't last al only $57 .500 UNITS Call for fn·t• 11 ~1 We have them from C:t triplt•x al $fl5,!l00 up to 16 units at $1110 ooo c;real in vestor s selection. Call 110"'' 540-3666 ofido.J!Jt 2 OUTSTANDING NEW LISTINGS J.argf' a·nrnC'r wit h s wimming pool Trad1l1om1 I 5 hdrm home on 2 lots. SG!);,. 000 One of Lido's mos t interesting homr:,. high Cl'tltngs, Oak fl oors. lihr~1ry with frplr Formal dining rm .. maid':, rm $625.000 The Lawson Realty l\l,md, lil'Jch & 8Jyfront Home~ Company 675-4562 34 IX Vi.1 lido • Newport Beach ma: llDBIB ILlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE 54 DRAKES IA Y OPEN SAT 1-5 Spectacular Spyglass. Lovely Five 9 ed room Model. Nigi).t Lights View. P rofessionally Landscaped. Many f:xtra Featur es : P ool. ·sauna , .J acu7.zi. E ntry Leads To L a r ge Livin~ Room & Forma l Dining . Modern Kitc he n~ Game Room . $525.00U. NEWPORT ILUFFS Beautiful One Story Paula Plan In The New Bluffs. Three Bedrooms P lus Family Room . Huge Living Room With Cathedral Ceilin g . Large Maste r Be droom Suite . P ri ce. Inc luding Land . On ly $196,500. Owner Will Help Finance. RARE FOUR IEDIOOM ILUFFS CONDO Buill In The Riviera Section Of The Bluffs With View Of Night Lights Across T he Bay. Separate Quarters For Office, Study. Or Guests. Extra S t o r age . N e w Applia n ces In Kitche n . A ''Joy Of Newport '' Listing. $16.5,000. WANT TO IUILD? Cons truct Your Own Custom Home In Newport Beach On This Lot. F ive Doors From Oceanfront. Plans Already Available. Call For More Informat ion. r111:~ MS()Cl4TI:§ INC ]· ® &31·1• .. I~ DllYI 600 Newport Center Orlve • S.0·6500 .--I --.......... , ________ ............ ·-- ' Linoo Ruaman BBALD IAY MoH Wo.IW1 pri•• ...... ·co• Mt_..,.....,..._. • .......... •ery ... ,nu. J b•droo•s: r••od•l•d ••d rect.c ......... ten.._ I,_. 990. I~ to S25t,500 • IEAUTIFUL MEW CUSTOM HOME wt .. ~ ........ fLtplH• ht ............. 4 ...... .. • ........... J.c ...... ,... ••cit •or•. AU t• ••lkf .. cffatmc• to pri•• IMeclt md t.-ia c_... Sllt,000. 644-7020 NEWPORT BEACH 49'-4551 4'95-1720 SCMltttL.,.. L..-Micjlllt 4''7-3331 4tl-1112 LCHJ-llHc" D .. Poiut LIDO ISLE B<.iy view from 2 pat io decks enha nces tus tom spacious 5 bdrm., 4 ba th trad1t1on<1l home; like new. Ideal for cntertatrung Corner lot. $520,000. BIG CANYON Golf cour~e v1t!w from spacious 5 BR, 4 ba. traditional hom e ; lge. family room. pool , j<1cuzzi. $750.000 IAYFROlllT Severat fine bayfront homes with pier & shp AVALON Well constructed . 3 BR, 1 ba, oak floor. partial basement, concre te founchttion. Flats area . $120,000 - Fl1e BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside Ottvc N B 6 75 6 161 BetJI i~ Bf"6 ANEST ORIGINAL DEA Hig hl y C"ustomized ''Plan E". e ver 2.000 :-.4 ft of quality appointments; 2 bdrm . s ui te!>, massive family o r entertainment room (wet bar > + hobby room Commanding vista of lu:-.h greenbe lt!. An adult occupied h ome of excellc•nce & distinction. I Jonestl y priced :.it $189,500 CARL fiL.ASf'iOW ii llOW ...... ,., of Select ,,,,, .., l••H.._.. DMsio& Cal Cmi hr ,_. ,...., estate ............... 751·lltl OCEAN VIEW $69,500 Rare duplex lot in San Cle mente with ocean view. Just listed. Call now before it's gone. 556-2660. ASSUMAILE Looks be tte r tha n a model. 3 bedrooms , 2 bath, plush carpeting, fireplace. shake roof & best of all, a n assuJl'l able loan a t a very favorable rate of interest. Priced for quick sale a t $87 ,000. Call 751-3191 llYIME STAITH $69,000 G r eal locat ion & a lmost ne w condition is what you're getting with this cute 2 bedroom condo. Loc a led next to a stre am with overlooking balcony makes this an attr act ive b uy . The owner bas purchased another & is motivated. Call 5.56-2660. • COSTA MESA TRIPLll Like n ew. pride of ownership, income property . 3 bedroom, 2 bath owner's unit with fireplace, lots of la ndscaping & charm. Full price, s11g,ooo. Call 751·3191. ··-·--- I 1 '! I • DIRECTORY HdUSES FOR SALE t llOIOOM **.mt t St•11s h11n·. N('" port fk iwh ti7;j 1:ioo !-I.it Sim 1: • I II plwt FAM IM "' DEN itau \Yjy Lmw. t'oru11 ,1 dc•I ~t.1 r 21:1 515 71fin S:?X!i,000 S,11 "Ill\ I ! :1 2 HOIOOM SO I On:hul. l '11r11n,1 th·I McJ1 894 445 1 $1ti!l,500 ~.11 ~llll 600 Orth id. ('ornn:.i tl c.•I M ..H 894 4451 s lti!J !'loo S<i t Su 11 * fJ77 Sea lSlitlltl 1 fh~ { '\ n I :-.: H 675·6000 $227 ,500 ~;1 t I ~> 415 .J asnunt'. I .:.igun~a B l·,1(·h 497-2457 Stti2.SOO SuruJ.t\ l 5 881 Bi:!arcrt:t·k. Cusla J\k:-..1 · 546·U56 $97.500 S<Jt 1Stw 12-5 104 Via'Antibc.•s <Lulo 1~11.• 1 N B 673 7300 Sal/Sun I 5 103 Via Barcelona <Lido Isle> NB 673-7300 Sat/S t1n l 5 720 Goldenrod. Coron:.a del M;1r 675-5511 $155,000 Sat1Stm 1·5 2 IR plus FAM RM or DEN 219V1aS<.in Remo <Lido Isle> NB 675-5626 Oµen De.illy l·ti 1207 Cerritos. L:.il.{una fk:.ach f375·7485 No dwn payment S 1S·2.5 lfl14 Sanlancll a Terr <Irv. T l·rr JCd M 673-8494 $175,000 · Sun 1·5 !145 W C'am1llt'. Sant:• ,t\n.1 541H720 $61.950 ~al 2 IR plitts GUEST 204 Kings Place:. Newport Be:.tl'h 631-1400 $375,000 Sunday 2 5 l IEOROOM 521 Kinsrs Rd <Cliffhvn >NB 642-5200 $395.000-Fee Sa /Sun 1-5 2402 Baker St.. San la Ana 540·3fl6n S92.750 Sul 1-5 300 ft'IOW('f SL 'Costu M(•:-..1 540·3666 $101.500 Sat 1-5 2526 Lmgan. SCJnla /\na 540·3666 $78.900 Sat 1-5 •1851 Port Kimberly, N .B. 540-1720 $165.500 Sat/Sun • 1101 Oxforcl Lane. Newport Bch 759-0817 $245.000 Sun 1-5 2012 Leeward La ne <Rnycrest ) N B 759-0817 $198.500 Sun 12-4 3620 Ocean Blvd. COid Cd~ I CciM 675·6000 $525.000 S(lt/S un 1·5 217 I ris Ave .. 'nr ona del Mar 675· 711!1 $349,000 Sat1Sun 12-4 2043 Vista Cajon CBluffs l NR 975-0198 Sat l -5 •2849 Boa VisUa Dr.M Verclt·.CM !)68-3.171 Sl31.000 Sat/SlJn lalt. 1040 Santa An~a . La~una Beach V 499.:m)8 SJ4fi.!Kl0 Sat/Sun 12·5 5405 Bruce ('n·s<'<·nt.L1d0Snds.NB fl42·fi368 $135.000 Sut 1 !:i 26!}3 Riverside Dr .. Costa Mcs<i 642-6368 $RH.900 Saturdav 1 5 1437 Cerritos. Lag una B('ach • 494-3007 $210 .000 SattSun l ;. 201 Milford Dr. CamShrs.CdM 67:1-7040 $259.900 Sal 2·5 11 05 Valley Cirdc. Cosla Mesa 631-l 83t.i $98.50(1 Suntl<J V 1 5 231 Poppy. Corona del Mar • tn5-551 l S360.000 Sat/Sun l -5 * •21 Ba lboa Coves, Newport Bt h 631-1400 $275,000 Sun 1-5 45R Orion Way. Newport Beach 963-0926 Sll!J.500 Sl!I 1·5 2804 CLiff. Newport BC~l'h 646-7171 S299.000 Sat/Slln l2 5 2 145 Parson. Costa Mc~d 646-74 14 580.000 Sat 1·4 2423 Greenbriar. Anaheim 752-1700 $79.900 Sat 12-5 3 IR plus FAM RM cw DEN 71 W. Y ale Loop. Irvine 675-6670 $125.000 Sat 1-5 2007 Seadrift (Irv. T err. l Cd M 548-2953 Sat/Sun 1-5 1718 Newport Hills West (HVH ) NB 548-2953 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1212 Dover Dr. (Westclf l NB 642-5200 $168.500 Sat 1-5 3 1 Bodega Bay <Spyglass> CdM 548·2953 Sat/Sun l -5 2443 Vista Nobleza (Bluffs) NB 631-1800 $196,500 Sat 1-5 1411 Kings Rd (Cliffhvn ) NB 642-5200 $425,000-Fee Sa/Sun 1-5 5892 Par Circle. Huntington Bch . 842-7461 $81.990 Sat. 1·5 1500 Cornwall, Newport Beach 759-0817 $174,000 Sat/Sun l ·S 221 Via San Re m o (Lido Isle) NB 675~5626 Open Daily 1-6 545 & 549 Irvine (Nwpt Hts) NB 675-6000 $215.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •483 Abbie Way, Newport Beach 642-326.1 Sat/Sun 1·4 2320 La Linda. Newport Beach 641·2900 $173,SOO Sat/Sun 1-5 465 Neyes Place, Laguna Beach 494~19 $237.SOO Sa/Stm 12-4:30 39 Acacia Tree Ln (Univ. Pk llJ)lrv 644·2257 $116,500 Sun 11·5 •1329Sussex Ln., Newport Beach 645-9799 $213,600 Sat/SUn 12·5 li ll1'1 ~1t·n I S t• II l I I 111 ll1•1fwk I tr\ l1 1 l l\U1l ~1 1 1 1IH1 '°1.11 1 5 f(l;•1, "".ltllfo 1 !It I ii \l ti l'1 '17 11 ~1~1 IMlll -.,,al -.,Utl l 5 ··111''' \1.1111· 11 ·1 ll1111t111glflll fkh •J1,:1 K.111 ~·t, ..... , "~•I "till I •·\1/1r.1.1111 11,t 'PI 1 \\, I .11. ~lXX41 ~11 ..... 11 ~.It I .) !lfl'1 \1·111t·r ~l·1oq11•tf l<11o1t·r;1 'B ••• I) 11110 ~»~I IKlil S<ll -.;lit\ I 17:! I l\l 11 .1111 .11 H.tl hu,J I 11·fl1 n I\ H li.U 11111 1 ..; l.1~' 1110 "'·•l Sun 1 5 •ti:1:l l '.11111·11 ll11•hl.11Hh D1 • ('11~1 7511 llX 11 ::•lit ouu Sat l ·5 :iri1 .l,1...,lllllll' t '11•1•1.. Dr C"tL\f ti7!1 :1fll l s·· l1'4 Ol'll :-;at Sun I :, ••I;:! B1·.1c1111 II.iv • 1•\\por t lkh fi·I:! K:':L1 1.10.11011 S~1 t Slm 11 fi l!Jlt:I 'i .wl11 :'\l.1n.i 1S1•.1\ It'\\ I l\;f\ fi M li~IKI ~:?titl.~1flll kt• Sal S1in 1 '.i i:su7 < hto1 d l.11 1\.\1·:-.ll·llff l NB fj 11 !HIGO ::-; 17!1 .• uo Sun l 5 • • l2:'3 l11.-Jllh·1 1.11 l ( 'lwrn U. ) NB 1 ti:tl llHJ :i S.1turd'1V 1·4 30 :.nut 'olh·t'll l'l w1·. f'11 .,t.1 \k:-;:.i fi 42 82:15 SI 1:1.:1011 Sat. 1-4 J 72 I Trad1 ·w11ub I H:1~1·rl':-.t > NH 1;12 Kl!:t'l ~:!t!J.;,oo Sat 1 :-i :!l:!:I Y.wht .luli.1 !\1•" port lkh ti7~1 :~:Ii I s:rni SIHI S<1l Stm 1 ·5 4 IEDROOM •:!:11 7 ll11:-.t·\\1·ll . S:int.1 \11.1 !i4tl :u~iH !l:l 5f tfl Sal 1 .> • 1:,:n I '11rtl.tn<11l1 .C".unlllnch.t 'd;\J fl75 2:1n "l>m !)111 S::it Sun 1 5 1!<4X Port \l11n••tlt·. 11\'ll. :-.: B 75!1 1$01 S lli2.000 ~al Sun 1 ;, 2:rn LtlVll l<I H ·011 l\1rk '(" :"<1 75 1 :r.-1111 S8ll,500 S<tl ~tm 1 :-i 12K2 W:ibon. C11:-.t.1 1\11•:-.a li7:l·84H4 $1 ll).lll)O Sun I 5 2l5(:'V1sl;.1 E n tra rl:.i t Bluff'\l NB (i:H tXOO Slfi.'i.IH.10 Sat, S un l 5 2~tM M1lhro. Co'il:t \ll'sa fi31 !i5Sti $77.~IOO Sunday 1-5 :n1s lnll'l blC', Nl'wport lkh fi:H 1400 S27!J.OOO Sunday 1-5 232 Monlt.· V1:-.t:i. Costu Mt~sa 646 7171 SI 15,000 Sat 12-4 • •:l4 H<Jlhou C1Jv1· .• N<.'wport Bch fi:l l J.1110 s:n5.CHIO Sun. 1 5 • •228.17 lslamcn•. Lakt.· Forest 631-MOO $22!l.500 Sat1Sun 1-:'> 1121 Kings noad. '.'icwport Reach fi:ll -1400 $4!-15.flOO Sat Sun l 5 2:{21 E. 22nd St \;<•wporl Beach fi4n 7 11 1 $1\HO.OOO Sun l 4 • •:!:122 \:it.1 Lino. :\cwpurt B t h ms 5.511 sns.1100 Sat 12.4 • •8H\ W. (kt'anfror11 . H.tlhoa fi12 !j2'.l."i ~<Jl 1-5 4 IR plus FAM RM cw OEH 18 Mo rro Buy •Sp;.gl;.i .... s )\ciM !i48 ~l5:J Sat Sun 1 ·5 2!5 10 \11:-.t;1 H:I\ .t I B:.ac·k Bay> NR H42 s200 sn-1.1k10 f 1·~ S:H l s lfi571 Thaml'" l.:11w. H11n1 fkh 842 7461 S!l:l.5110 Sun 12 30 4 52fifi Hoya l1· Tiu· Uanch Irv fi41) s:1.'l7 S 1 t4 .8no Sc.it Sun l ·5 281 C'orvo Plat•t·. ,Vt1•:-.;1 V(•rdp, C.:M !'l40 1720 Sl5H.!i00 Sat/Sun • 2600 Llghthou:-.i· I .n 111\·1fl$1 \d ~ G75 -flOOO $~29,:->00 Sat 1-5 • Hi1 5 Huth Lane. c·wport Reach 7~1!) 0817 Sl7!l.SOO Sat Sun I 5 • •:J:>M Cat;1m.ir.rn. C'cl~t fi46 741 I $27:jJJ00 ft·t· S S·t·5 5041 B:.arkwood, In 1r1<· flfi2 4454 S!l'J.500 Sat 10 2 1050 V<Jlkjo ( i\lt>SJ Wood:-. I CM fl44 7:~ Sll:'J.t>l)O Sal/Strn 1 5 2321 La Linda l'l. I Back bay 1 fH2-14RI SIG!l.500 Sal'Sun 330 E. 2'.lnd Sl . Co~ta ;\l es:.t 548-~>87!1 Sal/Sun I ·5 18122 Santa Ct•cillu C\.r<!enbrook >F'V 9fl8-0471 Sl5!l,OOO Sal/Sun 12-5 2807 Alla Vist a Ur. <F.aslblu(() NB 640-4 11 9 $1!1.1,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 11 8 Rudy . Balboa Isla nd 673·4431 $315.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2812 Serang Pl C M esa Verde) CM 751 ·:1696 $119,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2123 lli~hland Dr . N B. 675-2373 $153.500 Sal l -5 •3202Colorado. Costa Mesa 751-3191 $104.500 Sat 1·5 •4501 Gorha m ccamco Shores) CdM 673-7040 $595.000-Fee Sa/Sun 1-5 2214 Alta Vis ta (Eas t bluff) NB 673-7300 Sat. 1·5 •2200 Heather , Newport Beach 646-3255 $229.000 Sat /Sun 1-5 6~ Cove (off Myers ), C.M. 646·32.55 $87 ,500 Sun 1-4: 30 15 Cherry Hills CBi~ Canyon ) NB 644-6200 $425.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 132 Via Undine CLido Isle) N.B. 675-4914 $415.000 Sun. 1-4 1808 Tanager (Mesa Verde) C. M. 546·2313 $159.900 Sunday 1-4 1200 Outrigger (HV Hills) CdM 644·6200 $199.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1816 Buttons hell (Baycrest ) NB 642-8235 $319.SOO Sat/Sun 1·5 4614 Cortland (Cameo Hg hlnds) CdM 642-823.5 $188,500 Sat/Sun l·S • 19 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB 642·823.5 SSS0.000 Sat/Sun t-4: 30 :l83:H.'ut:.alpa n: Bluff) N n. 644 11 56 Sat /Sun 1·5 55 Lakeview. Irvine 752 1700 $1!17.500 5 llOaOOM 318 l'ruweton Dr .. Coll. Jlrk. C.M. 759 1501 $91.),900 Sal /Sun l ·S 14962 Ptf)t!r Cir .. Grecrllree. Irv. 640-53S7 $112.500 Sat /Sun 1·5 ti34! W 18th Street. 'ost~ Mesa li7J 4400 $105,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 S U pin FAM IM or DIM tOtifi Tul.1tL'. Co~ta Me~a 5'1U :MJ66 $134.~)()f) Sat l 5 5·1 Drake~ Hay fSp yglass) NB 631 1800 $525.000 Sat. 1-5 • 1350 Galaxv Dr . Newport Bch 759-0R17 St;75.000 Sun. 1-5 1145 t-:1 Camino (Mesa d el Mar) C.M. '179 72(i7 Sl l tl ,!'JOO Sat 1-5 ~1 ~11\t•r Crc~('ent<Trtlrk 1-fldHrv t;75 :S4 ll S239.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 :n:n Mm<loza Dr. UVlc:-.a del Mar> CM 5-16·tn84 $119,500 Sal Sun 12-5 20151 Kime Dr .. Costa Mesa fi46 ·3255 $142.000 Sun 1·5 ~29 L:.i J oll a. Newport Be(.I C'h fi45 -6646 $22~.ooo Sat 1·5 * 1772 Kmg ll!l ( ~k:-.a Vl'rde IC M 5'16-2313 $189.900 Sun 12·4 7 Cherry Hill~ <n1g Canyon) NB lll11)200 S439.000 SatiSun 1·5 4('ht'rrvHills (H1 gCunvonJNB 1;44 ti2oo $9!15.000 . Sat/Sun I 5 6 IR plus FAM RM or DEN 17 Point Lom;1 I Sp~ g las:-. I CdM 541j-~.)53 Sat. Sun I 5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM SWi Orang £' Blossom. ln ;;;, I 5;,75 Si I IHIO Sul Sun I 5 11 1 \:1:-.t:t <;r,1nd1• <Thr• Bluffs I N . B 15!) ()~ill S~b!l.:lOO Sc.it ~Ull I-:'! 2 IR plus FAM RM or Df+.' 1110 W \ alv L1>11p In 1111 1; 10 2077 $1111,IHtll S;1l 8·5 J BEDROOM 2 t!I'.~ Vt~la Entr<.1d:1. '.'Jl'wport fkh fi-14 474fi S 17~ ~oo ~al ,"iun 1 ·5 2tl·t3 Vis ta CJJon 1 Bluff:-., ~Il 97!'l-fll 98 S<Jl 1-5 518 Vislc.i Grctnd~. l"t•wµurt Re~l'h 546-5880 $144.!JOIJ Sat I ·5 * 1741 Tustin # 13A. C . ;\l 64fi 3255 S!.12.500 Sal1 Sun I ·5 P l!)(.:ttnyon Crt!s t (('yn Crest> N B 759-0811 $182,000 Sun. 2-5 302 Avenida Cumbrc !The Bluffs) NR 759-0811 Sl7X.OOO 0 Daily I l IR plus FAM RM or DEH t:25 Main Sail l.lasm1m· Crk 1 C'dM 673 0060 $25!J.OOO S:1 l I 5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2IR &2 1R SOR Ma rgue rite. Cd~t 5'13-1311\8 S2!18.(lO<l Sttl'S1tn 1·4 1114 England. fl untingtnn nc:h fi75 lili70 $155.f.1()(1 Sal/SIJn I 5 7111 Iris. Corona dl'I '.\l.1r fi44 n 11 $27!1.soo ~un 1 5 2 IR & l IR :i21J 0rl'hlc1. Coron.1 d1•l Mar fi'14 731-r! $23f>,(}()() Sat. S11n I 5 31R&21R 5 1 ~) N:1rc·1ssu!-. Cd!\1 f.i75 ·2~11 $2'14 .:.lxl Sat. Sun l-5 239 W Awnur f':sc;1hones. San Cl r m 75!) 0811 $18!1.l.JOO Sun 1-5 :\19 E. rnth Pl<t«t·. C ~l f>4 fi 7171 Sl8X,500 Sal 1·4 • * 4800 ScashorP. Nt•wport Bth Ii 12 AA.50 $125.000 Sal 1-4 FOURPLEX FOR SALE 2 H EACH • •6009Seashore, Ncwporl Och 67:1-7300 Sun. 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEOROOM 22 Mandra ke CUn1v. P<Jrk Tl ) Tr v 552-1766/5~9·4482 $93.500 Sat/Sun 10-5 12 J etty Or. (.Jasmine Cre('k > CdM 759-9144 $227 ,950 Sat/Sun 3 IEOROOM 119 LcxmJ?ton Ln .. Costa Mesa 556-R.164 $71,500 Sat /Sun 17952 Butler. Trvine 752-1700 $99.000 Sat /Sun 1-5 J • ... FAM ltM or DIM #24 Acacia Tree. Irvine 752· 1700 $115.000 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE Z llDIOOM 300 E . Coast Hwy. lf.267 675-4010 Sat/Sun 12·5 . , .. w ...... .... w ......... ,, ... Satur~. May 12. 1979 DAIL V PILOT £• ~~~~.~~···;c;o; ~·r;;;.··;;;;j~·:~··ioii ...................... ··················~··· •...•.••.•.........•.•. WMtcJiff HiCJW-ds Pndc of ownership 3Br. 2bu, lanai. cuurlyiud Pool i-:xr1tint: & 1mrna1· llcuul l:rndscpg SMll,!t:,11 IUHITS StePf' to bay "' be11<"h Great i.um111er /WllH\'r rental 011 i Jou. IUILDAllE LOT Hm ror um ts. SI 1 ~.ooo R·2LOT ( 'outu Ix• dupkx $!10/11.10 OCEANFRONT i! l11l., with l:or r:•' IHHJ'ot· t 'iuhJ IJC llu1>lt:\ roi11.ooo Vidorian Charmer .lflr , llw. lot~ or t:harm. 11' n n 1-., n 1 e (• c • d ~1 ~l.:f.lll JONES ~LAIJ V 11'.C. 1\1~ 1114> s13.s2l0 I 100• W 8olb04 Blvd N~wpon BQCh Cahl0<n10 9'660 HANDY HOMES FOR MOM.DAD &FAMILY For Mothtr .. H1111rn l11r ,., 1•n 110. pn' .11' , 1.11"1.•' 111lrtn.., .• lull h.ith' I 11 1111 1h11111j! -.1·11.1r.1tt· 1.111111\ l,1r.1(1· k1ld1111 l".ltlll)' 1r4•,11 llhl c.11 a1 • ,.,. \ r11.o111t \ .11 ii ~11.!•0• for h ecuti•t Dod I"'" I I I 11 loll 11•· • I 1lh l•il 1111 '11111111 11111111111 o1.1. '"Ill I" II 1111! l fd dtJ •••• ,. ',11.h't ...... , " "···· ,, f4•1 ' •• l 1,.~, ... ~tit t 1111 I I \ •• '' p11 I l ., "II•~ t Retirt'd? Go Condo l.11 1 I 11 11 11 • p~J\1u ""'·"~ I .11111 W• t 1 I I ·'t ' ~~· Beqinners \I 11\ I I 011d ' ' I 1-1111 ' "·'"' l.11111. 1111 dlol -.u.11• ''' • \.II,, I I • ' '" 1 ·1111 1!111 \k\t r' ~I -~ .. 3 Br + pool S7.SOO ~ dov.n. 111 J'sum1· Sl~i mo INYrn,.111'-2 1TJ1 lo hl'ad1 llurn' (".di , 11 ''(;:I,.,,,/ NEWPORT HTS. OPEN SAT. 12-4 S48 El MODENA '~'"'" 11111111111· lht' "'"· h1Jm,. 1•11 '"" I lld1 m' I lo.II h I 'O( II. 11111111 l.1.~ ol .. 1 .. 1.ti:t· lrn•rn 1111 ,., p.111· 11111 I 11r11• r l11l 111 .II I l1t~1I. /<.. \\t • 11 1111 ,hOllJlllll ~1.•1 ,•IHI "C'1 THOMAS REALTOR ."I W I 11 .... 1 1 l v. \ ' pl 11.-:wh .ii" ... n * CAMEO SHORES * . MOVIE STAR'S MAHSIOM New exclusive -panoramic ocean v i ew s from e xc eptional corner location . 4 Bdrms., 3~ baths, dining rm. & den. Master suite with frplc. Pool in secluded courtyard. Fabulous view terrace! $595,000 Land µ,cl. 4501 GOIHAM OPIH SAT/SUM 1·5 * RICH REALn • 673-7040 673-0510 -·· -. ·------------- NEAR BEACH Four bedroom hom e with s uper pool & pal10. Separate yard. Great for family or entertatninS? $189,500. lemita Eilft'heft Realtor 675-2373 ·-------------Balboa l~and I 006 .......•.•.••.•••....•• .11Jr. :1h:1. f;im rm i)11rm· :! 7CXh4 ft Ill 11111'' •I•· \tr<ihle lo.-Jl 1•111 \i("..r ~u BJ,frunt 1< .. n ·1111\ 1 •• moclo·lo·cl F r11 S.111• II\ Owne1 S.115,00IJ 01w11 J luu.,l• SJl St111 I .• 11 H Huhv fi7'l 1-r11 ·'''"' \ 11 t11rt.11l 11·;,1h 101 11rr111ll'r ~;, 1~~1 · BILL HA ROES TY REALTOR b7S-2866 '~1:1 I' .irk \ \t• l{;illoi.1 l•.l.111d Bab>o P""n~lo I 007 •.•.........••••••..•.. ''" . Hr .I ll.1 S!.'!i '"~' I j,..,, 111:11) llMI ,l,.p· In I• ,11 h .!I I ,I'!;, ltW• '"'"h' 1w,1r v..111 r 111 l•·r l •·lllUI"' :!I '••V. ft11rl ! dll!'I 1)..1(1 !i:l.'>i Corono~I Mor 1022 .........••••••........ ~ 1n1·'1 1lu11l1·' in < ·1>.\1 l\hlr Jll'I I Cltll\Jil'I tnl! ~~~ '1:rrl!U•'r11t· 'S;.!'.lx,1100 !"-llh tntl lt•l ITI S p,,,., Ir.1th·' :..t:J tjl IX YOUWOH'T BELIEVE lT S1)1-ct.11 ul;,r :.:4 hr Jt 11' •· ,·u•v. of h<1rhor. 0<'\•,1n 111.L'ol & bu~ 1111 .. 1111·~ lln th·;.in Hh;I 11,t·rl1111k111 Ji ( •ti111.1 I 'll\ I flv I V. lh I 1.11 15'~1 BYOWMER QUIET RESlDEMTIAL ENVIROHMEHT ·~cJ l..1.rl!e twtlroum-. tv.o liath.., h ul!l' enlj•rtJIO nwnt \IPek \·11·v. 111 hill.., pn \alt• l>•··•<"h ·"".l''' ~llC,tOJ fl.\ ,1ppl Ullh I Ii I t>t!"ln or ~ l!I !15~J l>upf P'(. Ul'I I ;nlrfrn ro•J :!fir :!• •1111 Ill' 1 "IUI tJ1•1•I. \1JlllC1\ llU / 'It II :1111 'lo.I llllV. II + Jl•ll 111 \ 11111 •I\ l.J•I 'It fl $!711 lllMI ft 111 I .111 lur .111111 ~•u 511.>< 1'111'1:·\ 1"0\.1·. Iµ 1111 ''"" v. (111\ >11•• 1.!U,..,t •!W"- ll.1\ ,, 11(°1'.lll '....... ,, ·'' ·I' I f•lll ~'X.1 ·~~r .... II h 11\Hll'f f1n .111 1 llll! Ill.I i:'t:t -,,;; i II.Ii SPECTACULAR QUAllTY DUPLEX An c~1·1·µt10n<1 I 1·ust11m l;lt hntm• v. vaullhl woo1I l•·.1m 1 P•hni.: lu·aultful '"ltd oak c.ih1n1·t · thn111ul , f11I•••, 111 li\i.: I'm & m.1 ... 11·1 h1•1lro(lm. lta1h~I ..:1,...,.., 11.1111l11v., /.. • 1•1 Jll'lll Ilk p1·u1.11 111 Ol.'itr (),1th PLUS \ • h.111111111.: 2 l1drr11 r1:11 1 ... 1 v. lpk & s••11.1 r.it•· 11.il1•JcJ1•1 k S!7!t :,1"1 . CALL 644-7211 m.m DUPLEX 1 "r n .. r Io I 1 11pI• .. 1 p!um11111i.: 1••>t)fi ''"""' 1111! ~~1!1 I M~I <; II ltoll1·rtwn HI tr li7!i O."ili2 SPYGLASS HILL t)\acn lh1us " Sun•J.1~· I !'> \ tt•w J111ml' with Pr1va1·v 3HI{. UI<. ~ l'I'. Ljrl(t• Flt Cot~. I l'mnt Sur Ur Sl15JUI JASMINE CREEK l"t•w Pl.m 1. ht~hly up !;(r.td~cl OC"l"iJO \It''°' S2l7.!15U U p1•n hou:-.c S;,it Sun ·~ .11'1\V Dr ...... It lt~(lv.111•1 1,111•11.'C DUPLEX HOME F'im-sl l omcr lm·at1on . In\ Plv l bdrm n·•wlt'ne1• \li1Ul formal d1n1nu rm + llU~lffil' UOIL + J.:;,t 1111· rm ~-· ~ l'OJOY lh1• lx.· .. 1 fur lt,,_,•S!J.'i.IMIO OPEN 1·5 Wed/Thun/Sat /SIAn 5200RCHID PAULMARTJM REAL ESTATE 644-7383 Ld~I 1.J.i..,1111110 l·rn·I. 1 lll•Jllltful :1 Ill!. l bJ Howld tlw 1 lod, atl1·n<.h·d ~:.tll h.w. lkt• < nlr t1•nn1' n1 ,v.11n 1~~11.., 1111 d1 ' ·" I II I S.! I ~j ' Ill u 11 1 -.,., m:~1 •. 11 1.1:11 \1'1 --------•I 11111•11 llnu .,1 !'-.11 ~u11 0'W<W \ l\l\.°I\ \'1• 111n.m :11111 1lo,1 I rml •hntn)! r 111 I I\ fir-. ... 111d l'l.i...,.., 11.1t. k1tdwn hll 11" r 111 tor puul ~;1~1,111111 1·1 ....... lo h1• .. t t'1>'1 he;.i1h1•.., 11 .... n1•r ;.ti!! l'rm uni~ 1i1:1 11.\K COOL IT11 In tlh 1111 •I •r r 'h•· , ... U//I "' Ill I .1 ' "" I •1 I 1 \11 '·' I hd111 t.J11111\ rm 1111111•• ..,, .111 I\ 1'··~~111•1 'l~•IHI Pr 111 llw l.q• p1~1I ol .111 ••thl.1111!11w I I.or''""\ ,,._. Ifill-. I hdrm ho1111• v.11 h l.ormh rm huloh\ 1111 S.'1;;' '~Ml \\,\l'HYST\I I Fl-11 St-.,\ LIO:\ Hl· .. \l.T\ 673-S3S4 497·3388 COSTA MESA SUPER SHARP r1r1•plan• up.:racJI!.;. 'h..tkt roof. 1•ti-.l11111 hr11·k 1·1111cr,•11· luv. m:11nt1•11.u1l'l' vunl .md ;1en"-" from honw., :.d I 111~ r11r 'l>l.'i.1100 111111 ,. :1 hclrm . I ', Ital hs an1I .,..,k mg $11>~1 1~)1) V.ol I Hoh ~~Ill. iro:! l!>:!tt J QUAIL A-,~~~~~- l()ptft Tll 1:)0 ,.M I I.' 11'\I .c Hr .: 11.i , 1111 h11lll• •• "" '" 111.: 1 "n•n.1 1,. .11 h '~1·1.1~"1 \,!\ 111 I .t l'.1 .!I 1 111' ,,, BEST VIEW IH Jasmine Creek llyJt•n Sac I '> h i l 1m1• 1111 111.1rkt I l'l,111 •• l 111 .' l\.1 I \I, htlt'"' ,1!1'f 111 fl~r Ownr •~111 11:\;Pi HARIORYIEW HILLS 1-.,11u1.;1l1 I Ill! .I Ila h11tn\ v. ol11rml tl111 1 m . l'p.1ral1• l .1m rm '' hrkfsl nook + L.\ HC: I• l\.l(JI. ..<.. .I \(;L'.ZZI t '.ill lur Aµpt l n1tl-d Hrkr._ r;Ui NI~ .1rnl ~!">9 t)J.:111 For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 SPECTACULAR QUALITY DUPLEX \11 ... HT[lllOn.tl n1't11rn lrUJlt h<lllll' v.1th ',111lt.-d W•lllll IH•Jlll •'l•tllrll(, h 1•,111tll11I i.11l1rl 11ak 1·,1l11n1-C l. c hru·••UI lm·plarl'.., tn ll\'tnl: r 111 &. ma .. 1r-r h1lrm lc;Hh-d l!I a '<:. v. 1 nd11w~ .1 ncl t't·ram11· till• J.1cun1 in 111a!.h•r t>.llh PLUS a e h .1rmrng 2 llclrm i>cpnr.ilc n •n1al with frph-and own µal io d1•«k srni.suu Open Suftday 1-5 710 Iris, CdM. CAL.L 644· 7211 .. • • • $©~~µ-2'£lr5 ' That Intrigu in g Word Gome with o Chuckle -----fel·••4' h CLA• I I OUAH 'II P~ IN I I I I I J ....... • .f ''""~ I {l1 •"4'1 .. Vf V SCRAM-LETS Answers In Ctnalflcotlo" S 100 Q DAIL V PILOT S11urday, May 1~. 1979 Ho..usFor Sale ......•.........•...... ··········••••·······•· ...........................•..••••..••.••••.•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._...Foe-S. Ho.Mt for S. HMtM1 For S. "--"• FOf' S. ,.......,_•leoch 1040 tW .... •leoch 1040 1m.. 104 ········•···•·········· ....................... . .•................... l.olJl-t.ech I 048 ........... I041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.w .. M.r 1022 c;;;:w;; ....... ioi4 c;;;;.;;: ....... ;~;~ c;;.;w;; ....... ioz4 Wl'VEGOTYOU SUl.IOUNDB>! $126,500 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Of'9tSA1WOAY 1·5 HMAlMUIL Jes t Cr'Mll bN11ty "-9e•t f'°or pl•• .ow cltc...ted. T rHlc ) ~ 21!1 .... 2 1tary w/wp ........ kitclte w /ftA.d ,...,. & .... ..... s.,. •• AIMNH.IHM:l..e w /.,_-d, t..Wt ch poot & luth h1dtcp JUit .....,.., ftoCM'ft Hpt Fin. Cntr. Giid th o c:•an. f'rlc:ed fo .. ck tale. See Hll wknd or call Mr Hodell , IKR 714 /l2S -2CJSS o 21lf78l-64ll. \ldU\\' llllllk\ .._ tll \ 11,l'I 11'4 ~. ,I U1 111.1 • ! llr. ll.1 .I 1,11 .:.11 \1,111\ 1•\ \I .i... :11 I I .11 I. -.1111 s.!t;Q,c~"I 11"11,•c \.,:t !"»44!1hl, 7:il ~I AtlTt9UI IUffS l'!:u1~1d t• 2 U1•t.I rm h ardwood Cl(l()r"' 1 11\ .. r1•1lln1o:i. n 2 lul ..... h phrn.-. tu ~N·ond un11 Larll" a,.11umab lt' loiln 187,500 <.:all~~ -"> .. ~ HERITAGE REALTORS ll\1 )\4111'r 4h1 :'h,; M1 ,, \, t•nit '11it .tti:1• -.4\t JH 't '"'"' t.11 I( \ $11 '• \1111 ._.._. ,,._,, II\ l )\4 111·1 H ' Int I I II I 1\,1 frill\ .'I ,1C ~"II ht II I. '"'""' ~ •••• 111 . ,. .!.'111\ ~ I ~'7 1 UUll M"'·I \0 l'lll\• ll11t111 •• , 1~1wr ~· ,,( \111111" 1111 !'o(,1f h1n l 11r i:••I( , 1111r" .... llJC" llUI "' II 1111 lh,1 • f.1111 r 111 I h1..., ltl'll 'Ult•· I •• .. 1.1 $1~1 101 .-IS 11\11 :).ol1 .a 111 II l~llt'C llJ1 ht1j.! I l\r ' ----------· '"' 111111 1.11 .h 1·1 1k~11-. 9(11 "'-1 '17'1 'fl'•. Cameo Shores CAMYOHVIEW OPEN SAT. 2-5 Tlw, 1·h,1r1111111! l I'" Ot•1 nNmn :1 hdrcn 't 11.1 horn•'. 111 ·dnt nm\11111111. affurd~ m J )l.1mum pn \'<IC'}' dOM' lo .... , ... ,, & µn vatt· b1•<1d1 1'1·1111 .JI :i1r·1·on1I -.h,tk.t• r1111t . lrntl•d w1111lo"' & lu~h la11cls•'<1J)111).! Warm •'<- nc utrn I 1•11lor' <'a 111t•11 Shon•' 111"1•-.1 pr11•1·' S!.'>!l,!•MI, I .,hie! 20 l MILFORD DR. R.ich Rlty 673-7040 OPEN SAT/SUM 1-5 1026 SANDCASTLE /\ h •rnf11· 1·<111\1111 \ ll'" ('nmpl1•11• 11ri '"'"' '.! IJflrm' 1 lorn1h 1111 :!'" h.11h:-:1 c·ar J.!a r.1 ).!l' l1t•Jt1tif111l~ rli·c •1r.1l1·il a1U11 M~ ll Slft.1.tllH• SCEMIC PROPERTIES 675-5726 CAMEO SHORES W1· h,I\ ,. JU~I li-.t..d :111 l':I. t'l'Ull\1' 11111111• \\ti h ,t fora•\t'I \ll'" id th1· 11n •:J11 11111lt ,1r111111d .1 :-"1flllrlll\I! pc~ 11 1111~ 11,, t•I.' llo11a· I r•at 111 ,., :1 ll(lr 01 ~ l.111111\ 11111111 \\o;1lk 111 Pl I\ .1\\; h\•,11 h1•-.. J 11-.1 11..tr•" I 1 'I' fll'lll'l'I I\ Ill Oii•' 111 1111• 11114'1 jll I' ·11)!11111,., '"""" 1111 .11 h lll,., l".1ll ll1r .111 ••l'l'I l11 '''"' :-.-.. ~'>.WO ht.. lor /.1•1• 1>\-I ,\\••I K:I:! .1!1I0 < ·1< 1-.'-''I'\ I J.:W II J.. \I . I 'i 1\ < ;1~ •rl!l' 1-;lk10-. ('11 Costa Mesa 1024 .•..•.....•............ FANTASTIC EAST SIDE ( irc•a l :-tartn h•mit· ,1t ~;.r, !1:-.11 :t ll1lrm lari.:1· llVIO)! 11111m "1\h I IC t•plUl'I'. t•al IO lo.1t1•ht•ll L!·•r.11:1'. 1111 11n alh•\ .11111 ~hm1~1· ht11lllm~'. Thi-. < harm1•r 11t•t•1I' 1nta l!l na 1111n .ind lot~ 111 f1x 1ni: Call~lll \1~1 ~HERITAGE REALTORS BRAND MEW TOWHHOMES "Brittart Woods" 1 fo:.t)\L-.1<11' 7'o~t.1 M 1·~J 1 ~SJnla ,\n.1 "''' t-.nJ.!h!.h 1'urlc1r :!&:1 111 -..pill ll'\ 1·1. :!(,:I '"'' J! a r a J.! 1• I r 1> I c ' m1rrow;iv1·-.. i.:n•1·nh11u-.1· windows. 1111111. -..11.1 Tl-:NNI~ ('OU rt fi46-IAJG I or !JS 'l I !llO lkwh11>1.'1I hi. Woc1<ltrl•t· llt:'' (.'11 SI 1,000 PRICE REDUCTION Owners hav1• purl'lia:-t'll another honlt' anti an• n· udy to mOVl' Thi:-. lovl.'lv M V homl' fcal ur1'~ '.~ bdrs. :1 buth:-. family room. 4! rircplun':-:rnd a pool & Jacuz7.1 Fol" mort• mformauon, t o.ill 546 ~ml ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS IY OWMER/E'Side 3+ or 4 Bdrm. 2 ba New l,y redecorated in & out S127.000. Ph: 847-4788 " t' .. I l. \I " t I .. " II ,.1 L\ V \ .lllr :!11.t l.1111 n11, 11K'l 1.1m t~ll t171~1 I 'Y\-..llJ.!llllL' '\h'~.I \ 1·11Jo ,I llr , fJ0111) 1111 ~ 11 ••. fc 1111·. indoor S'4 l'Ch~h 1111<) 7!ll 5lH7 $90,000 ~l'ar So C'c>Ui<l l'la1" I hr, :! ha, :l ~•ury ('11111111 rt•f1111ntt'(l JJllJ Hoan11kl1 l..:1111'. (' M llkr. 7711 l~~I Somethinq For J!:~~~~~.~ 1•hrn«r h11111l' 0lt11'alt'CI II\ l1~:au11ful · <'hil1ln·n" .. :. ''" rk 4 lh•d r "" m' f11rm;.ol cJ1r11ni.: ronm. f;1 n11 h 1 room. 111.1:.t' -..t1111l' ·f1rl'1Jl~11.'l', 11t·lu"le k1tdlt'n '4 11 h gucli.:1·1:. 11al11rl' :l '"'r g.1r,1g,• l'al111 Slltl.!100 (.'all ~IT~I TAABEll. HO MORE LA WHMOWER ! 'l'ownhuu.w, ;1 l11lrm. :! httlh. rl1ning , ln11l t111'\ xlnl t arp1•b & drap1•, Manv tk<'t1rat11r l11u1·hl'-. l>ouhh· gar;ii.:<· .hk1ni.: -.7·1.!llMI ( '.1 II :~11 t 11 :, I ~HERITAGE . REALTORS EASTSIDE POOLSIDE l>.1nd_\ dupll•X 1n Nt'"1•lrt I k 1i.tht:-.trc•a . "" CH·r·, Ullll h.u. ,1 rl'(flo\ood del·k Ovl·rl1M1k 111ir pool S12.'>.UOO C:.i ll !Hti 441 iJ OOTSTAHDIHG!! ·I lldrm . 4! IJalh + fa1111 h rm Comt•r 1111· J\ II 111 11111 t~m<hlcon 1 S115,llOCI OPEN SAT /SUH 1-5 I 050 VALLEJO MfloWoods PAULMARTIM REAL ESTATE 644-7383 S l'/\C'IOlJSol lll>HM lll.•a11t1ful l111m<· 111 C'11st.1 M1-...1 M11·rowaH •. lll'itr m•w J1111h;1nc·1•-. :! pal'"' :'lo1-.1r .tll ,,·111,111, \!1\ ll'I '"' l'•1n \ 1 .. rn1-. 01'1-:N IHllJS I-. SAT /l.t Sl~ 5 ll ~. 1.1 O H1·11-1I al 9'1.:,llO H11't1 1:.1 .r.1111 Ontut; !Cd_ ,,, ·21~ /\lltl'f llt'l ll ... /\1:1 y CEDAR GLEN J>t:-.l10f't1111· :! ,1tHI :1 h11lru11m 1·1111110111111111111 -. from S:ll .:.oo :!S.">4 Ehlen /\v•· , l M lio'l4!f:7:1i! 1-;i\.~·rs11>i-: llt·.;1 trc·c· llflt'<f l'UI 1lc• sa1· I rn n1111· & ch a rming :J 1l1lr·1n Y&rd i:-sh11w1111•1·1•' 1 n $Hi's' Open houM· Sal Offlc·t' exdu!i111<· DEVIN REALCWT"ATC 642-6368 J llN ITS, E a -..l!.t1I•'. S1'711.5'JO /\p11rox 1n1·11m1· $1200/mo l'rin1· only W r T..tl I\~ SllK & FINO. RECORO£R5 R C S 0 M 8 Y E H T W 0 8 A K R tt U S E X L l E P 0 I L S P G R L A P [ J K D E T A L M 0 C M W G U T S H N I E Y R K S E I l Z I A 0 C 0 E 0 N E D 1 T N 0 C P L T R Y I I U R T L R J Z E S L C L E E S C 0 N I E A E E W 0 L P 0 I 0 E R C T H D W L A P U T W C I C U G G E R A T A R E l W [ i S M E K E R R C E P E E R T U U C K U 'I I W A 8 0 P H R C P Y 0 U T U R M G J H P A R G 0 N 0 H P A R G 0 M S I E S H l 0 0 N N R E E S X T 8 R M L R R R l E L E U D L A Q B A G R A A P A L l R K Y 0 E S P E C T C C 0 H P P P P H t A S R E K C l T K C 0 T S N O H H J lntttuetlOOi Hld!Mn WOl'dl ti.low ~., foMetd becll· -d. VI>. down Of dlefOl'lelty, Find ·-Ind boii It In ... Stock Titktt Tlmt Clocli Reglttef \ Oclll~ Pari-Mutuel T11mtt~1 ~ Cetlfl Allister Dicgphone T ... typt u ScMlnd Recorder Sj)lct~ Ftion.-. v T _. RtcOfdtr Win Rttordtf s.notr.,tl .Just for Mom, 11 32 ft b<lrm/~l'ttm~ r m , hUpcr hnth, frpk . sundeck , too' T h ts t:xpa ndl'd llulent>s t hom e 1s w ti llt>d (or ~llft'l y , hus ex pensi ve upi:rod~~. :J or 4 bdrm~. & u lovely \ arcf & 1uitin $110.000 1212 WATSOH <>PIH SUH. 1-S ... '(.,(11(JJlll f6/c/l/(/I~. ,'f~~fu11lu1J lij.J-81;.'JI; 20S L Cotnt Hwy .. COf"OM de4 M_. IYOWNER I 'It tt11 l11>0"'•' ,lllUll "I II t J.!Jr,a..:•• ~ l Jll"'' l u1 I-a1111 !-t t '\1 541-5179 Oph Sat/Sun l-5 TOP LOCATION JJ1t.I l1Ut11ll) 1u11:-\n1t 111111 n~tl.t• lh•' ,I t.dr111 I 111· I hmc11· .1111•i.t'l•lk11l '.ilu1• 1-°1))0\ "" p1111 lh h '>dloob t<I rc•1· l.11•illl1t"" '<·n 1·1111\ 1·111l•11l Io .ti I -.1ioj,µ111i: 1 •11111 "" 1.11 .111· ... ll L1 ;Jl1•d Ill ,1 w1·JI lanll .. raµt•d :-dt111i: 1b l. 111g Sl2X.~I l'ull l1Kl.I\ \Jf <·ocnl' '1'l' Opc•n htJUS•' Sul II :. ·IX3 /\bhtl' Way. CM Oemis Ricketts, Rltr. 95S-0497 642-3263 .\1('..,;i \'t·rtlt· lhr .lh.1, )JOO\ "''Ulll\' ~!1.-, (Hiii lt1an l'r11··· 'I 1i ,,1110 ~J.S!cl ~171i. '.f.IH 11111 Twnhm :lhr S71 ~>IMI I l!l l.('X1ngton l.11 ll111•n Sat Sun :lSl'i Hit.I 3 IWrm. :! hJ lh. f1 pk pa1111:-H\' ,111r.1 i.:1· SllO,IHIO \ ,\ 1 t•c Ill' M6 7-l ll at..'\ FOUR A J),·1·nr;1lnr'~ tlc•lighl un :-••l'IU<kfl nil tl1· '·"' lot "iU1 :! :-\nm• frph':-Nr .\lc·~o.i \'1•rdt• <' <' C'<.1 II • Uld Talk to Red Carpet We listen! 754-1202 H EUl'l' l·.I> $1:.'>l 1MMI ;! -..1111').. I lltl rrn pottl 11\'l';Jn \ '"" 1>11· :l:ll 11 MAICE AH OFFER! :--:aml' term~. nu m,. pn n· :1 Hdr l 1 .• lw £a.sL'i1dc C.:onrlu 1bk1nl! ~1.!00 i\s~urnahk l11an 1\Sk for .lohn. 1;.11 121lti ,\J..1 SAVE! nn lo;in l''t·r o w 1·1,-.h wll!'n l Jkmg l1Vl'r th.-. !I !l', loan lmm.1n1l:.i11· ~h-~a V1•r ch· hnm1• off C'nlr\' L'luh l>nH· 1 ·~1·d l1n1'1( a1•1•1·nb th1.' l'nlrv :i li:t· hr :-.. :! luw k frph·:-. Lu.'h g rriunit:. :SI IH,1~10 ( 'o.tlll'45·722l fM.,tUI 1f11l h11m1 • :O.l 1•,,1 v .. nh·. 1t.r :111.1 f ,1111 nn 1h•11. "' rrn. 11111 rm :11-.1r J!ar :1 lrplt ' 111-.111l1f11I VIII w 111111 111~ .... Sq1arat•·lv f1·n1·1·tl , ..... 1 II. • 11·1 $:!~'1 111111 I )111•11 11011-..1· !,4111 I :, 111 t. ~ .qq1 I I Iii)>! 11 11111 m1nglt1nl !Jr • :1:11 l!Kil:! HAMDYMAM's DREAM lltltll~ hlllllllll'I /It Wtll k 1 lt/1111.,, for lh1-. J.,,,.,1 .. 1111• '>111·1·1:11 <!Ill' lr11I•· ,.,,1 Ill \11\1·h Wiii ko,11111> IJ: 11~. ;illc•v a11tl 11111r1•' ~1!1,HW Co ll :t1IO 11:11 ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS So. Coott ShoA1 Tuwnhoml', wa lk lh So (.;1)11)11 1'1111.11 :thr la.: I.It, ll~lllV hit Ill~ & 11111:1 nilt", J.;.ikt· '"It· 1·1111111101111 v. •<1'1.'1tnly 1•11lrv SI l:!,CllMI ( IJN•n holl'••' Su 11 Ii :, Cw1~tJ1111• llll v ·1:~1 lnfili F.t bcrow H~d! 1-..tJll:t..'>tll' 1 \xlrm 1:ro·,·n l11011k vvul hwm· "1th )Jl'Ull I IJrCl'k II II lJ l'11H'ri'1I IJJI 1u 1t•11lr JI .111 '"Jter .,ofll·m·r t•k•t Lnr i.:ur J i>:l' Joor llll\'Ol·r & 111or1" \l $1 IO 11110 tl11-. u nt• w 1111 I l."1 ' l .d I ~&I) zi1:l ·I lldrm M1•:-..1 Verd•• llun·ol.1 built' :i {'.JI' jl!lraJ.:l' huhhhna.: hot tulJ d11M." to 11olf 1•nun.l" Thi· l<Pul l'}.;lall'rs :>t1:·2:l1:1 fly o .. rll'r. :lll(lli l\11lylJr110k Lil Opo•n Sar Su11 I:! 1; :1 l\ll, ckn, rump11~ rm , I'.' 11.i 1-'rllll tl't'I'~. li.:1· lot W:ilk 111 'i<'hnol-.. ntl l1·i:1· & 'h11pp1na.:. nn hu.-.hn1· J 1111m·ll po-.:-"'' $11! :11:x1 !NFL\ rill:" Ht-:1\ n :H lh 11"11''' :1111 '"nhm 11i;J1 II 111" .1 SI $Iii 11\MI 751 X.IVI. ~~I Jfi 111 Fast Sde--Compore! lit•:-.l hu' ;, fir. f.1 m rm honlt' 111 :0.1t•-.J lll'I \1 .tr :!<!!•I '<I (l I 'h1111·1· 1111 1111 II!•' 1·11riwr l•1l t ;ur).!t'<JU' h11n11· rr1;111 \ ,. 'l r a .., Won I 1.1-1 .11 SI l!I '•I HI (' .d I n "" ~' Iii tt 7 II I I Mcwr \i.t\ HY OWNl·.H l'11ll1.1-?•· l'rk honw. ,111r. (,1111 rm. II\ 1ni: rm, fn1lr. \\.ilk t11 ~d111u1-.. ~Int 111ncl thruout 9l7.ft00 tt57 li l!lli pnnonl) lly 0"1wr :.!llr. <!h a V1ll:.il!l' l'rl't·k 1·11111111 . 111mpl 11111:rL1th-<I . frph-. 1·n1rl ,11r 1•111111 :.! 1 .1r i.:,Jr ll.1hhll11,.! rr••t•k,, ",.ii.. 111 So t'llJ,.,l Plata ~17 ;'1IMI .11'.~um.1hh• In ~.Ji; :!l~1t. 1•vl~ wknd!. S'OOO On 9 114°0 Int Owrwr will t arrv fman Rcdll<'l'<I 111 Si ll.f .~1111 Pro( ln<l:.<'p<I, lhr M1·:-..1 Vt'nlc hom1• w frpll'. "''' har. mam >.tr;.-. :!Hiii ~wra nl! (1 1 i~ I 31i!Jli , <>wn 1\J..'\ TAKE ME! t~rl'•'' \ htlrm . 2 11.1 01ll1•j.!1• l'ark lllHTII' "II h attra1•t1\1' ;i.,,1un.1hlt' !JI/; V,\ ltt.Jn' Th1:-ltt\I• Iv horn!' ha~ J"'' n •1·1•n1 I\ h1•<·n n·furhi...h1·d from th\.• n1•w mll'nor llitln\ l11 t he rl·,urf J t't·cl . r1• f1111io.h1-<I ha rdwc""' floor~ & .1ti11 l• tl r I' I' I' ... 'i I' ti rtoun•-.1·l·11t licl11111g 1n lh(' k1\l'hc•11 an·a t\ild y our fJnlll~ l11 \h1 ~ ht·aul1ful 1111·tun." 1\ l};}rj.lalO ~tt ~.~.IHI At·t )1ow' Call Ml1 z:u:1 Mc~;, \/n<lt'. ho·aul :1 Ill! :! •, h.1, cl.•11 I .1111 1 "' In· 1·nrrwr l11t 1111 ~.011 !nt1 K71~1 O-OPotnt 1026 •.....••••.•••......... Oma Points Finest 12 l'n11 ~1 1'<111 \'111.1-.. T11t11l 1·h-l'I ron11 "'' 11111' M.11:1111 h ;11 l1111 '11·~ 'I'"" :• 1111 ;~ 11 .• 11111\-. :I\ .111 l·I 11111 $1 l:J.Wll W l·~'\T ( '111\ST I' i\ < 'IF I!' It 1•:1\ I . 1·;.'\T1\T I" Kil :1~•1 •l!H1 ll'.1:1,, LEVEL LOT Wh1lc·w11l1 •r 1111·w~. q uwl -..1, 11nl.v "'II l'llO~Hlt•r lc·rm:. S•7.~AMI. Tiii·; Vl!-lllNC: Hl-:/\1.'l'OllS •1!17 ll;iili REDUCED SI 7,000 t )S1t•n ll11uM• fly ()wm•r Sl1l. l.uxont>tl~ c•u:-lom home'. vww of hllh & c11•1•an, dci:.1· mto harhot & manna t>111•r 1 , ;ll'l'l' LAST CHANCE Th<•sl' 2 ho01c~ offer you the last opportunity lo purchase a LAI&! NEW home m MEWPOllT HACH for $215.000 or less. tr you always wa nted to liw in Ne wpo rt. this is the lime to :1 r l. St a r t e n j o y ir._g u b u n d a n t rt•<·rt·ution~tl fH<·llit1cs & excelle nt ..,d wols luduy. Invest now in this ~.l a bl<.· t·ommuni ty & reali ze the rt.·w;uds of ~real living & inc rea sing val ul· Cal l ALLAM HRLH to see thl•St' outstanding 3 bedroom homes. U~l()Uf 11()MI:§ REAL 10RS'. 675 6000 ]44J East Coasl H.gt.way. Co1ond ud M,,1 O.OPoint 1026 ....................... :\1aJ.:111flc·1:nl m·t•:in 'II''>' N''" :} l>d UJ11.•n S,11 ~Sun l :i J381t; l'ull'J.:I•> ,\~'\ ll33-00Zl. 7S!J 1171M; t;HANO 1)1'!-:NIN!; :\l t\l<INIT.\ l'rcst1J,:111us n •:-.11h•11e ,., 1w<ir tht· nwrcn,1 f111111 S l ti 5 • 0 U 0 113 I :i l.1 0 4!J,1-4<X)6' 54!1·5111 SINGLES 1-':111ta:o;t11· n •1•rt•:11 1on:il l'11mmu111t ' :1 Ih le 111, d1•11, :!1 •• li:i IO" flhllllM' Wo•tli.1r frpk It .1-.h 1~•11111 IMl(ll J:ll'. l'Kll•I 1•11' ~ .! 'aun,t:-i <'In,.· ~u IJC;1d1 & h.1rlM1r \11 • ' l'l'Pt•on.1 I \ .d Ht' .11 S17.!•IO l l~I I \'ac:alloll & In' l'~t1111·Cll l'n>pt·rtll'S. I llt 493-9381 492-8700 VACANT lh o" cl!'r ;} l\1lrm ·• ha :!:!1•1 :-If fl \'I EV. • 1 1·;1r i.:.ar I Inf\ I '1 11ltl A .... -.u111 111,111 r-111 .. 1 ..ti $1~.~AMI lilil :!••~"( Fcuitoin Valley I 034 .••....•..........•.•.• BY OWNER 41\r 21\:.i . 1.1n1 rm w frplf-. :! 1•:ir i.:ara1•1· w o p o r . " 11 r 1 1, k ) ,. r !.\,li'lll:-.. lilot·k ll•n1"' p~llo, xl1111·0111I ~I 17.~11H• IC:.",l!.I ~lt ~h1·rr111I 1 1rl'l1· K:CI 7!01 OPEN SAT /SUH I 2-5 1<:n·cnhrnok 1 1 11111111 l;1rn nn home~ rm ;" · ha :I I' .t r I! .t r ,t ;:. " St;-,!1.11110 l>ll :t:! ~.1111.1 t°t!t·1lca !If))! n1;1 VA-lOWDOWH lhr. ~·~·Im. I r111t·, i:r.-.11 l11r:.it111n Slll!l.!Jllll I I" 111·1 ()\.\TI 71·1 72!J ~15-1 .......,nC)ton Beach I 040 ......•...•.•...•....•. Convenient Loc ation :>:1·:1r -.d111ob ,Ji11p-. IC'"\N\ '\1tl' I 1111 :! II\ 1111 f.ll'J:l• lot l'ark 1'l<1l'>'.ln1'>l·I:! 7\til •ASSUMABLE Nnquallfylng I llH .! lto1 hllj.ll· f.1m1h rm lrpl! Xtl l ~ B a111l 11rd Jl r SllO.Ol~l •5 +den + fam"" + jac. Jli672 Parlay, SM:l,:".Cltl •COMDO CUTIE l'nvatl• wt :1 llH. :!' · h.1 w :! 1·:1r ···nl'I J.!.1r :!11:11 1 Mai.:noha. ~1 INll• •TRI-LEV El. Farn1h h11m1· "' 11111'" fo.tm rm, fn1k & h.1r \ mu.-..1 low•· .1\ :!11>:11 Im p<tl;t. $14!.5,IMMJ l'all a j!1•111 !') nl h1.1 ;~n u.1 :1 HI< 2 111\ T11w11h111tw t .lfl"'l. <I rapt•, pool $77,'.1011 'llili:I Ill• kit•\. JI II '.lfio'I :!137 orr1:12 111;1:, l•;\l'l'llll\\' n,•1i.:hl11irh.,.~I 1111111111 u en 1· J rt· ' ,, rtl 1(1, .. 11 1111 1·n1t·rt.1in111c (it111!1'11U' llCMll I\ 'll•t lil111 pie I lir :!1 • 11;1 S!:!U l~NI \J.,'I !•ill :!!'.17 CIC 'Jl..I 1111111 LUCKY GI We• \I' JU't fc,ll••I 11111 I l•hrn honw 1111 \011 lrn 111ar 11l;it1• & 111 11111 111111'11 c·o11cl1t11111 :! 1t111h-. hlt11~ wo1d bun1111g lrph l.1 u11 1ln rni 11.Jllo ll \ ,.,. n~., \ hu11w lik1· 1111-. 1, t1.111I th llntl .II <:x;, !1011 I '111m• "'''' ~J Iii I t ·,I u1 ·~x :~n1 BYOWMER <W I-.~ 11< It ~I· :"\H 111'.i\t'll I ~tndnt.11 k 1111 .'11.1 l.1111 1111 H•••m l11r l"K1I I\ I<\ I.~~ .1 .... ,u1n._d d • 111,11• "" ;.-.10 !If>:! "11. :-..,1.11 1111" 1111wl..I I ·c.111111 f11t l'.>.t·I '1111pli .: hth tll l lUI ~•1 II 1'111,h 1'1•11 t'lc l•~ f'••1 CUL DE SAC '111.lrJI ;1 l~fl Ill Ill -.I Jtotl 1111 ,1 hlll"' IH1\'.lll• 1111 ,, .II lh1~1khlll 'l .111.i \ll.1111.1 -.:1, .'•ttt 111111 f Jrl It• ,ii t·~-.1 ;111· l'r11l1·-..-.11 11 .. 11,, :rn Km CORNER LOT l;ih of 1'1•1111 1111 11101111 t,.lllll' oc 1~1.111ll1 lh1•. Ill• I .I t~lr111 :: li.1 I ull pr " 1 ~I :r.o l',11h l'l.111 1111 !o>l;!';ll.t 1042 •....•..••••••.•.•..... Heer Hunt Harbour llir J f11ll h,1 l.1111 1111 llH. I.I< ~\111 11111 t 1111 lilt' l'lllr\ .ill ldl '" lrJllt . ,111111p...111n1 \\ ""' , 11mpl1•l1· "'"" 111" '111,ilfl \ !ill II\ \\I I ,. (I pk.J"' 1.111 ··'"' ~~" 111 EXCElLEHT PLAN I .•fl'•· :1 IMlr111 /. 11,1 ,111 ml INI<' fltw•I '1•,11' 'lllllllll lll' ' .. n11 ·C I ';11 " 1 ·1.11·1 · I 111 ~I:! 711·1 Irvine 1044 .••...........••....... The Future Is Here l>n•a 111) 1·ont1·mpoc an -.1 \ I 1• h Cl Ill ,. h .. ' :! IM'lh1111m-... 111:-h alnum 1·11lrv !lcn1n)! l'IM•m "1'1 h.11 douhli• l1rt•1>la< 1· cl1·11 i.:11ur1nc·t k111'111•11 w1lh lm11I 111-. (;1an1 1·m 1·r11I 11atc11 \111• h 1111111•' ~ctt.~ilMI t'all ~5!110:11 manaL. ... TOH• LAKEFRONT $197,500! :...l1.1r,1 (;11·11"1".cl llllHli•I ·~1 ,\ll11ir 1 .. 1h•· s11·1,... 111 lw,11·11 ,'<.. I l11hhtlll '-I' BEACH LOVERS 1 .. 1q•1· ll\111 ,.: 11111111 /1. DREAM 1.111111' 1111 r111111t1111· "1th Oolv •, mil" 111 -..and :: 1•1.1111 11111110111 1•.11 "' 111 'l•1rv , :1 hclrcn . f.1111 ri11 1111111• l.1k1· -.1111• 1111111111 ' 1 Wil'lt7y fm•11lac·1•, f111111;tl ll11•hh 111'1!1 ,1111•11, f.111 ti I 11 I 0 I! S 11 I• t' I l,L,111' \It·~ 1 llt•thlll111 :I n1·1i.:hlM1rh1HMI !M1:11i11;7 l•~h m 1'<-• 111·11 1'0111-. •"" , ., tt·nm~ 1·1111rh 10111 T:t\..I' .1 [~ - . ~ !l•.;:~111;:,1m:.h:~c1:'.'~•'l!t:1111 , • i!.:! 17t~I ,, l1.J\'iSll' BY TIIESI':,\ Spa1'111u' 4 lltlrm, :!' · ha -• (crepla1•1· 11\.' park 1ni.:. Show~ 11rid•· 111 CIWfll'l"!>h Ip $l 24 .500 M~, jl(}alty ~gtster 29'l1 Fln slol, (' M :i lldrrn 111wnhc1m1· 111 ll1·nlaJ.!1• l'ark xlnl 1111'. 1mmo.tt' .• ,~,uma hit• 111,in giJ,!•~I IUI r 11:1:1 !12!1:1 IF YOU •. 1·:10 l aff11rll 111 1111~ lw .. ·1t1L,t' of lht• 111li'r1·,t r.111 ..... \11\11.tn'l aHonl 111 nw ... -.. th.-.. :1 l11lrrn hunu• '"th .111 ASSllMi\Hl.fo: ~;11'11)11,, :. Ill( ; .. I l\i\ Mt!hu 114•1 M1t1 h111111· I 111 ly Sll.4,!1110 M 1•tJ1111rr11· llt•ally, 710 ~~7K tl7!J 72117 Open lloo.'ll' !';11\ I ~. 114:, t-:lc ummo 11 r 11 r " , ' 1 11 11 <• I I v an1l"rn111'(I .iri1t1n<ls w' / llllllnl)( :)IMlfl 11f !.ILlnl)I "l'""' & wrvu~ hl 1 r1111 w 1111., ( n r 1· 11 m 11 I<• I 1· privac·y 1:rl'l'lll ll pnul with J<H'll711 !v fountain ~)0 Ml fl With J l1tr.it• lltlrin & 2 Ila (ormu I ti t 01 n tit r m 1•111111 l r y k1tr h c·n . 11 anlry. & For saJe by owner llunl J.Ot\N (;;ill 1111"' Onlv ~\,(Al(I o;cp11rnlr 1•111 m.: a n ·a in._otoo La ndmark I fir 21x2Jfl wood pa nc::kd t'flOdo. Brunt! nt•w. 111> GO TO COLLEGE! d c n w I w t• l h a r gradl.'d rarpl'l~. hnokum 4 hdrm, family rtH1m. l>C"1·11rut11r d r apl.'s & & cslm drup('s Nl•w forma l dlnlnK r oom . l'8rJWllnlot lmmc d rn t<' ~rass lckl.' e:irpC'I on laundry room. now t OJI-poiu1e11s co n Varro us patio. Int puintm~ ;llso per plumblnR, add·on lerms uv1ul. $1511.5110 new. $67,250 . (;ull fnr mother· In law c1uurlc r11 2 nd al 9 '/. 2 S 3 7 4! appt. 5Jf.Yll729 l'rin only • wilh wr rondllloning! /\II OoW!lpnt, Ounu Po1nl, t.hi.s in beautiful CollcRc ~ IY OWMEtl Parlt! Call now 546·2.113 U>ndo. 2 Bit. I'~ II /\. 't523 C.otPUSDt·IR'llME by rolhn~ hill11 & l\.'l~W'l.'ly ~olr~rs -..\rolhn~ LO & fro Horrwn11c, Ill(), roll l.'din~ pcuc tl ul harmony w /nulurc. All this 111 hl<'lll~111 San Joa qurn (;olf 1-~IJh'' lor Slai.500. ~-"477 BB.OW MARKET Sharµ Jbr. Rn ·at 1twa t111n I clt•l'or with aml'nlll ... '> Mu.~twll 1i7J '1:111 ;1i.:1. WOODBRIDGE SAlbLEASE-OPT. :.!111 dt•11, :tlJa. ,.:1111.!l'' 111' 11111-.1 plf l'JllO, " I II\ l'C •".•th 1·1·ilin1.. W1"11lh11rn lint·k lrpk. l!J" k1td\•·11 ht•Jl, :11t;u1h ~•·.tr J.!,11 / JI' l .. 1111 un11 !I' 1 .1 .. ,11111.1 1111• tnl111· !1:~1 !Oii ()"11 will lwlp lin lh """''1 i l l 1>\.l llM'I Turtteroclc Gle n '\1·'4 1•11 111.11 k1·I p•11mla1 ( olo'llfll'\f I' 111.lfl 1111 f1• !111'\ I 111!1111 '11.1111, thlllCH.' C Ill f 1111.1\ 1111 "''I Ii.If . .! f 1 ,,,,.... I "1111.il :11num 1,11,nl ,\ I·•• uni J\1111 ',11111· <',111 f.,1 •Pl' I S}:IJ '(JI DAVID D. CARLSO N REALTOR 833-9293 GRACIOUS LlVIHG LOW DOWN PA YMEHT .... ,.,,,.,11\1 :.' c' ll!t l\.t I ,ii lio ill .I I t 'I lo 1io11·n·tl 1•.111" ""'I .11• "11, ltl I 11 .. 111• ""'' p...... 1.111 ·"' I 1 "'" 11 'I• ol \ 'I Ill , II I 1 UMJf1 ~'·1' P 'f ~Jf IM)'I flll"ll IJ.1\111• Ill 1 II ,1 f l t \ , ••• I t ·' I 11,'"I f i II I i'!I :111~11·\I 11,>< l<.1nt h•• ..... t11 Ii 111 1111 2111 ti 1• II • t'' I I I I•" "\ I 10.1\ II r .11l • 1t1 • 1 \ •"'JI • l·.cqm ',..,~ 11 "111 111•1 1 f 1111 '" I 'ttl 11 t\I J I ~1.11 ••l •·lll ,, ,,, l'J.111 !: I \ )f olllL I' I I I ' I •1 I ,,,, .11111 ,11111\ ,1 11111.tld• 1•1.111. .t ..... ,...... tf.·li ,• "' q;; ;,m ~"" -;111 I '\l\l,l!Sll \ I' \ltl\ 11 I' I ti • h .'. I: It II \ l 11"llh111J~1 \ I I h1,11 • lw .111"11 loll • It 1•11111 It flt•" I ,t I 11 • I I I 111"111,I•• ~l"ll' I \11• l•>il fl\l lAlll l 'o/1.,,,.0 Ji.k' ',, ... ,,r •·•'• \ \~·· I 111"''''" l'I\ Ill ,1111 .'1 h.1 'I J1, ,)fAI b i ttlT ( ~\llf, t .. t 1 '' ,; "'"" I 1111 It r111 h I I 1 ltl 1c1d 1 ... 111111111 1111•11 \l11 .1111 ti I Ii I I 11 c I "' ... , .. t.1111l.1r '''"' \\.11 1 .I 11111 • /\:ti li!I» I TURTLEROCK llll 1'.;'I. I lllM ... \1 11 ,lll1 I I l'la11 I>. 1"C1rn1·1 '11·~ 11•! 1·nrnpll'l111n tl.111 .luh 1 .. St•lt'l'I t1'4 II llJI\ 11111 l•lfl lX'.111 li..111 O;!.') I l)\\'"-1-:ttSTl<'~I llfl :1n111 1•x1•1·1111"· 111.ul Cll••ll l lulllt f'u1tl1·1•11 h \ 1,l,1 I lltlc 111 ." ll.1 .I fir._ IOI.if I\ 11111 I 1tl1•tl \."11111· • ..,, 11111rl;.11•• l'.ill for 111111 ,\ .q•1•1 ~;!llfl,CICICI II \ "" llt'I :r.;, :MiO'i ('ICl·:t-:"~1111• \."il'I·' 111 W1t<~llin•h•1· :1 111 . h.t ,..lllh 1.11111 .1 ·""'" .11111 u;11•1.11ktl ~11111 t I 1·1111' $•1,!0 I ll"lll'I 1.>I 111'~ .. W1lh>"" t.1 .'h.1. 111ln l.11 llo/r "hi-. p;1ri..,. 111•11 $>(:1,!11•1 ... .i .10:10 :I Bii. ' li.1 S1111d.t11o •' 111"11h~1· F~nl 1111 •t1· ~·~:11. a11 . frl'I< 11111111 I '1>1!ra1kd I loon Ill' ,'i. 111 I" p1111I & J.tt II\ <1w11c•r. $1 lli.fi<~I 7:11 ~tl:-111 GREENTREE IJlW('l'l f1111't'11 llrn11kf11'11I I II (; I I' I' 11 I r I" 1• • I lh'1lrt111m , :11 :• halh . hr a n 11 11 1• w p I u ' h 1·iu1hl111w 1·ari~·l •" t 1lt• tl1t>t10itho11t. rwwly va111t 11l 1111t'n11r l.11ri.:1• 1·11I clc• 'ti'' lot d ci....I' lu ~··h11ol-., park & IKlOl~ 1\ II I or ml.SUI' Call fordl'l.111:- e RANC H REALTY 551 2000 OPEN HOUSE 1-5 4 SUNFISH Lingo Rul&tan IUILDIMG sms FEA TUllMG OCEAN VIEWS! 111 LC11J111M1 leecll-Vlc._... IMdt ...._ p•rf•ct site for • 9or9••H Ito••· . f'a11ora11tic oc••• •l•w ta fr ... cl tty b•-"M tr.ff. s122.ooo -1110 .. roW-W.tclt ................ at lli9'f .cf the CNlltkeJ WtlftS ilty., fr°"' this spec...._. lot ..... • ·~•h •W pGW'mtk oc ......... s' 40.000 -111 LCllJlllMI ..... -WWII..... ..... onrtoolcillCJ gorCJ9W I lillld hy. 1'h parctf is w of tt. •ery hw 11 I ' I vacallt sitft ill dninMe • Ii llld T..,.... Good tenM. i 165,000. 499-4551 SOUTH LAGUNA 495· 1720 493-8812 DAMA POINT 497-3331 Laquna Ni~ L.,_. leac• 644-7020 N~wport leach • NO DOWN PAYMENT e Sf)('l'ta<·ular tanyon & ocean views from l h is tom plet e ly re modeled b1.:auly in the H ills of Laguna. • 'Jo qualifying for a new loan • MOVE IH TODAY ·On ly $2038 monthly payments • S h <1M l"H·row T " .... l' l' . l' a I I C I a y J a n d r o . o..,..nl·r a·g<·nt. 7 14·722-8 221 days. 1 (k,•a n ~1 d el 7 14 -675-7485 e ves & \.\ P<•k l'nds . <Ne wport Beach ) •• • Irvine 1044 .........•..•••.••..... WO ODBRIDGE CROSSING 11 11 .. c 11 p ~ r .1 11 " ti f!H Jl.lfl11' \lu•hot .,.11h , 11 111111 fl r ,.,,,. ,11111 1t•1.+ft1f i t rtlt~t l .tlf CO\ 1· 111 tir 11 ~ J•,il 111 "11 h \\ o l h•t ~ I.it.• o1111l (•1 •• lll• r •,111 1w-.. II" I· \ \If II 1 I I \ lo. 111; ..... ···-· )f WOODBRIOGE REALTY 551-3000 SEHSA TIONAL S83.SOO ''" 1'' 111f,·c11 '''" th1' "' IO\ I ,\ \ Utf 'JU I il111'1l '.ti• ( h.11 '11111'' I l•lrm • 1 .. , h11m,."' , !11· 1111 J1t 1 I'' 1I1\t• nt " 1 1111 fl l>n a!ht n .. ~, /1. II•• rn 1m nt 111 "I' )I\ ,'<c ,,, , .... \11111 di I .111 .ilt•d 111 In 111 1· , \\'ii I"" ., ~~ \.\-;7 IRVIHE GRO VES '""1111•· Ill'' 1111 1'1111 lf,fl'l ~1:!,;)1Nld11'4n I Ill<, :1 1~1 \ l · lll'l!r ,11 !t-<I Frn .1pp1 ... 1 ;,;r,1 r 111!li~h T1td111 '1~,lroom :•Ii J 1·011tl11 111 \\1~•fl1r11l,.1· II\ 11n l! u\\tt•·r 1.Jo;'cr;; l.oCJ.l'tG Beoch 1048 ••...••.•........•.•••• HIGUEl. SHORES l'n\ .111• IM'.11•h l'llllHIHllll I\ 11\'t'J I) 'WI.\ ,.,,,, Ill I\,. hom1• I lllt 1 1.1 Ill rn1 f.' 11 r Ill ,1 I tf I II I II ~ rm S!35.~~) REGENT REALTY Kil :111·1 •Ir ·ltlfi !IS<l I family Beach House :1 llclrm. :! h111h w IJ.!lll'SI ;1pl S111~·r Vil'""' from all :1 'l11r11'" L J.!•' \ .t rd .:.1r.1~1· I Inly I hl11l'k to lx·ud1 Try $17!1,UOU D11l1lhin I( .. : 1-. look cng fur 1•nU1us 1asl1t· li{'OJll\' lo JOlll lhl' ftrm Sl'lllMll IUI Lmn rc•1mbur:.l'\I DOl.PHIH R.f . 494.9591 ABITOF HEAVEH Unitiur ~;ml•r ;lld Ra y Trrr111·l' h onH· s ur rounclrd by flowering fn nl ln't-s, only mcnutes walk lo lwtu•h ~unny. ~JIU('IOIL'l rOllmh, Wllh ,Ill wuorl mlrn or lnd u1lt•!i lurl!C ~wparall' ihnin.i n.im. SlSS.000 DOHOSEM REALTC>aS 4-01 GtF.NNEYltl-: 4!Y7 4K4ll Cl'l'o.tnfrool. :t fi ll :t ho.i .. OYO :11ll Fqil. deck . -.andv lic•ach. pool, pul· 1111~ J.!fl'l'll. n·t• t'f'ntc r . $!2(1 tUI Pea.: Alle n Hltr. 1:>1 i:1711 NO GAS??? Yoo 1·an walk l o :-.hr1ps & ~.1w -. Cov1· J3t'a1·h from Hu" :! hdrm on•an v1 .. w hrnn1• ('h:irm1nl!. "ll Jk•r >'11·..111 ,'<, 1111 .111 H <! 1111 s 1;1!I ~ll'I CHARM corr AGE 1 II ··an "''" I rom I h1' 1111\ :i bdrm h11m1· 111•-.1 h·d 111 th•· hill-. of South L.a i.:unJ ':-( 'na:-1 ll11y.1l area Hoom for ex· p;m-.ion SJi9.SOO PROIATESALE 1\J\ Italian Villa on lhe W1·-.t C:oa~l ·-. riv1cra. lot«tll-<l 111 ~lonarrh Bay ~ 1.lfh·nni:: tht• -.e<·unl v of :!I hr guard•·tl l!atc, hl'~1t·h duh:, & ll'nn1~ nlllrt.' 0l·can '1ew & a IJt'l!l' 1·orner lot makt.• th1-. " highly dcscrable hon'l1.· for a fa mil). Sub· J•'I.'\ t•> l'nurt conf1rma· I con SlOO.llOO BUILDING SITE Brnldahll• lot near hi~h 'd10t1I S)<!,:-.IMI "litr•~r ·~~ ...... ~; .. ,~~ tlO'•tl t 1,11.t ft1 If "1>I IV ~ tlHI"•' \h""; t \ t}h!l\ 't4 1 A•tA It•• Ht~ll\\ 1,,,,tttqtt., lV 1,ouU1 I 1t111n •• ( •Ju11 t l ,4t "41f1t \' ut THE SEA GYPSY Fon 'l'll OSE Wll O II Vt-; KNOWN T ll E SEA & htllt·n und\'r her mai.:11· 'l•l'll . T HIS m 1P L1-:x A 1 \' 11't o ri a llt•ar h 1::. lht• un:-wl·r IQ a tlrl'am l.ot·alt.'<1 on the 11\'l'Un :-ldl' o ( th1• hwy ., .ll'ST 1\ SllOllT STHOLL !)OWN TO Tm: IU:ACll Tiu' I a r).!t'r un 11 has SP ACIOUS l.lV. HM . W I 0 I' E N II E A M C EJl.IN(i. MASSIVE l"Hl'L<.: .. t;1'(.; Compact k1 t t·h c n <NE fo~O S l!t-:NOV/\TINGl & a din· mi.: a rt•a w 11-'n•m·h door •Jl)cn111 J.! to s c l'ludc d patio llniquc bath has DBL P U Ll.M /\ N & M i\llOG/\N V PAN ELED WAI.LS IN N/\UTIC,\l. D ECOR. Tt11.-. str1.1<•turally sound olrler duplex is in NEED m· Y /\RD W 0 R K & MINOR REPAIRS Jf you h ave d es ired a l'l.l\CF. l\TTIIE BEl\CH W1HENTAL INCOME . llus may IJe your last 1·hance at lhe price of $149,500 M ftrice Owner may help finance MISSfOH IEAL TY 9RSS. Cst Hwy, Laguna ...... 494-0711 By owner. Wood /glass 3 br, 2 ,, ba. loft. de<-ks. $2 10.000 . 833 -6 7 5 3 , ~:m'1. SRINE 84YllOMMEMT!! '""' "' ". ,, ".,,, .. '"'""I' Sparklinl( du11lcx. 4! on, 2 fplc, 2 mill'1' Ill CH'C'llll lgfiy I ba. l RR, I ha. 2 f'pl, 3 162.500. Wiii curry 2nd ~·1 sc1u1.-ez.c lh(' k11l!I. 3br or 2br + d1•11 home 2 ~· IMPdtt ~. :~~~= Allen. M~HDOHED ~~~:~·,~?i· j!~P~~ ~~~~t:~:~~~!i:1!~~ u. ..... 4 bdrm Me11 North 1bla near new custom J VIL' .&. Center. 640-SJS? ___ Verd l's RY o wn r . tk'nu\1£111 :1 h l.'d rnom home w ith BO N liS ltOOM. cloublr J!arui.:c'. uJMI near pool~ ;111(1 h\):.ts In the ll1•s1r:ihle vcll11g1· o1 WOOOllRll>GE 1\sk IJlAJH,950. Treat yourselr to an evcnln~ at home: the dramaUc 40ft. living rm. 1s Kra<.'Cd by 2 elegant open stairways that creates un Impressive al· mosphere. lmpres11ive owtoor decking, ocean" canyon views. Ju.st I.lat· ed.~ • ._... ..._._ ho h i """ $146.000 499 3198. Open beauty. Family r oom. '**'"°"" m4I as I ving Graceful Spanl"h lri ALMOST S.'ll 1Stln dl.nina room, large coun· room Fr~ch doo" open· levcl dramatic entry. as An11r. •w .a.ye try kitc hen, covered Ing on an ocean view. s ume $36.300 Cu ll wt•5A "' • T\JRTI.t;ROCK llonw l\y One yr ol<t 3 bdr. 2..., ba paUo. picturesque rear Much more to tell, call 8t&-T711 Now! Ownff movlnic . 4 bdrm. ~ 4 bdrm 2 ba f l'<' plus ram rm. C1'<1ilr ext. Fonr ST r OLSON yard It cul de sac IO<'I· CENTURY 21 WEST. * TRl .... ITY family rm townhm A,..,it. land Sl32.000 Ncl'd Frnch wndowli. 1245,000 _J!:::============::::s:==========~!!!m_..l.:=Uon.:::::Att-:::::=·s.g.====23=1~3-===--1.=~===============l-=========""'=::==::::::L=64C)..==~=:l2==:::=.~~~--1 =q~~~r~k s_ti_e_._M4~~-15_7====;..L;"""'=~47~!'i9~T7=-4·-5338-=======-~Cl= ... ==•=f\ed===Ada=====tu-==5178::::::=:. TOfftOnvw: mT? • • ..... ~ -. ------. -.. -. -.... . ...... -..._ .. . -. , ..... .,, ... -..~ .......... .. DAIL. y PILOT C1 ........ ,.,. s. ~Hot.Ht for s• I Hov•H fitr s. ........ ~ s. . •·•·•·•·········••••••· ·•·····••············ ••••·•·········••······ •••····•····•······••·• ~=~ ..... !?.~ ~~~ ..... ~?~~'~.~~~ ..... ~~~-~ .. ~.~~~ ..... !~.'.~ ·········•··•···••···•• .......... h 106' Hovw1 Fors. HOY • For ~ _._ ·······•·••····•·•·•··· '' -HcMt•••~S. ............. ,_w. 1100 Lingo Rulh111H LOWll THltE AICH IAY Ye•r clae"c• to II•• h1 o prll1 ol• fllh •• •d co..-lty hn Sfi•9d! This C ....... J bedrooetl, l Miii ...... CMI 0 1_,,. W wttt. oc.-•i•w ...t ._..,. dW..q ,.... .. prictod to 1.tl. Ya.ii c• .-foy HM pn•lh a..-h, te..Mt C.~ 9d C.O UAity rff~ c"'"'° IMt o-fy llrH Arch loy CH offer. O"IY Ult.000 Coll Swltt Torr9Ke. 497.3331 LAGUNA IEACH ,..,........, ..... .... effkl.-cy .. h••I 9 yow trwecKoM c .. NEWPORT ESCROW 714-770·'6U 2521l C~ Id. W. 109 L_,.... Htla. Ce. 91653 I 052 Mewport leach 1069 ········•••············ 11111 ~\I I \\ '"'' 1 .. 11 .i .. :111 •fl.1 I"'' 11 .. •II 11 '1' I 111111 1"1 11• 1111\ '" ... ' l~l LSt Of'l I 1" '" " h 11 .. 111• I 111111 'l•I \ 111 11 I· ti I \ II II t t 11111 'l .. llfltt10 J II lo1lt11 !<1 ii I . I l\1• 1'111•'\'fl ················•······ 1-------NEVER AGAIN IN NEWPORT '\11 Hfi'od lo< ,11 11111•,. • \11 , 11·1 .in t I-nc l1-h I 1•lltl I 11t11\111t1tnl\l111'•' •l'llll'll1111t1 1.111 llC:WI ··~1 1111.1111· 1111! ~~~~~~~---------! L~t> foroe,t IOSS •IO duv.11 {111.1111111~· ••••11!!!!!!111!!!!~---1 ·"""'''1°1•111.: 11 I\ " 111 .. ;lll "'·"1,11 \ ....... II 11111 ll11 1 .. 1ul1f11I ·1 H1 1 11 11111 1 'l'hl It>• I liPllll I h11\ • 'I' 11111 ,\II, 1•l.1r ~ ,1!1 ..... , t tlfl,11 UI 111111 \1 tl'I ..t I 1~111)'111 ,111u1 lw1 1'1111·il lo•li11o\ Ill.JI 1.t•l ,ti :Sl~Ml 1KK1 (I lo\ II r \ 1 I ~fl l\~I .XI 'i~ '>X ·•········•··•·•···•··· It. 111l1lu1I• II\• r .nkd I llt II ' "' ,\ .., It 11 In 1 \\ 11 f lllllt flit 1 fl[I\ 1'.">l111 di •I'"'"' '°''I It.ti 1 1h 111 ""' 1111 "'" '" .,_,t\1 Jll Cll lolllil I ,qi\ 11 "' 1J11111111· 11111111 1111 ,1i>1 ~il~al II It 'II\ II I ISi I' It l-:1\I ;rr >H:-. i11h I 11\llil hl' \11\lf l,1,I I h.1111 •• lll '"" .111 llUI l.1IKhllJ.: ~ li1 .Jlld 1h•11 ;I l•r 11f I hr .... 11h .11 · h.1lii 11111111' I 111'1' Ill \'\ 1•r '1h11w 1 >nl' 1 .1\ ;11IJhll· 111lllh 1•\l'lu'" l0 11H1·nn~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIAVttW.ay OWMr llA ttl': Har llarhor w be11ut ~hUltl'rl 3 IHt :!'" nA +fmly rm <.;uonl l(,<•l~. !)Olll, t<•nnt,, Vtt•IN I~ lot & rompl V"' ill"r, lli:low mkl s2:w.ooo l h 1;.w 11110 for appl Pl:HIMSULA DPLX. •fl• 3 Ir. Unib. Complt'l('ly furnished . 1111\ll>Ullllv ~PIH'IOU" rwm~ with frrt'plul·c• .. w 1• L I> .1 r " m H n ~ am(·n1trf'' ()wn1•r v.1!1 Lratll' for •• pt:. cir mu11•l ~lli.OOJ - \\\fl Hll<ll" 111 lMI -. In c. RE.AL ( <;111,I( I I I I t n: ... an!ronl Opl:.. 2 Bdrm. l bJlh l'dlh UOll. l\trJ 1.1rw·. :! 1·Jr ~Jr s:iai.uou. 1;;5 11.Jllti BAY~OMT CONDO l'n,at~MannJ llO<it Slip Ava1h1hh· 1..: tkck u1 ... 1ral)ll' "' n1ur Sk) lr,.:hlt:d ,1tnum l'\I undl0n:roun1.I pl..: ~hr 1 den ~150.tlC)(J IL"I Moo frr 711 !17:! !'lrll TAXI SERVICE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mlwport .. ecla I 0'9 M.wporl leech I 069 T_. I OtO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEST ror adults Walk to bus .• shops. 1 81 11'1 quiet dean Costa M<l6& park. $8800. Bkr &ll·IOIH ·------------- OWNER WANTS ACTION !-'our bedroom. 2 bath home plus s p<1cious bonus and bath. Private patio with enc losed yard in great fomily neighborhood. Sell er ready to m ove! $153,500. Fee. lentita Eilfttt.eft. Realtor 675-2373 -------------1 OPEN SAT. 1-5 lluffs '1X'' Plan :0!VISTA THt'Clf,\ w .,11-. ln 11°1'\0h cluh 'hc.»1pm,.; & l'omm \J('<ll Crum thr'!> llrl l!hl :I llr hoffil' <111 Im dy ~rt•1•11 ht'll &It>•~·· .115.0()0 _j/l/1.'l,1111 REALTY DOVER SHORES 1506 AMTIGUA WAY O:·"un \lww llm "' lwau1 J,t rdn l'n1·l11,1·d r run r ('nl.'("S I.,.; :ll 1r, 2 r rp If• ~m.uoo F1·•··S 1;.i.1 w~1 :-.01x:r lluy :"t'WIJOrl Crt•..,l C:ond11 =:1 Wild (;1111..,1· <.:ourt Un\I· U\ l..o \lo1•r umt :Wr 11 • Ira. l cJr j!.1r ::.11 7.11011 .1..,k111:.( pm·•· C:.dl r\1-'1 lrH llUiO 11r •AU 'f/5'1 I ./BEST BUY IMPARKLIDO Poofsi~ Maximum Priwacy \ I I .1 ti u 11 I Ill 111 ,, 1 J,?rountls :t ll<lrm-,. '1', h:i tle:iul\ H1: th1• l 'l l tJ ..,.,. lhJ l11.ir1tt m·v. h-..1111 ~ \11 1h .. 11l11l1· ... 1 ... d ·" 3 lllt 't~~ludcd. Uc:am cc1hn~. Fireplace. Or>en Sat1Sun Off SA Fwy N on Redhill. Rt on Garland l.3032 Chaplet WJIY PAY HI GH Rl!:NT? KJt40 w /6x30 ~lassil'lu rm 1mmac 1•c111d in/out. sacnfice 675-4!022 ----owe a4X64 tn award Will· rung pk, adlts. wlk tL stores & shops. Irv. s,s1.:n21 -------- PRICE REDUCID MUST IE SOLD G<>rl(eous custom bu1IL home 111 prcs\1~1oui <.:owan lll'r.:hti. with splendid view.., of the• ('()Wltrys1de. ·1 Bdrm. a 1----------h :t • s p <I I' I I) II " SAVE YOUR GAS re1:1playroum. lx:aut1Cul We fN1ke hcMIM callJ family rm w /WHbur 3 v·t u.<> locale the nKht w o " d It u r 11 1 1-t 11 !'.! Mohr 11• llome for you f1r1."pl111·e~ s.,1111 o.rk Wt:'ll p11·k ycru up at your t·abmcL'> thruoul. Indoor door Absolulely no olt & outdoor IHIQ units. hµa t iun Courtcou~ alilrm '>Y)itcm Too many £nt-n<11y stare Call fur t·xtra..., lll ll'ot SI rn.OOU ;,ippt llonw~ tn <tit ilrea,,, Open Sat/Sun 1-5 all pm·e:.. U.Ji.y ll.'rm~ 168 I Sirri.,~ ..,, ail. Good hnancrn~. ROGERS REAL TY Mobi~ Hotte Stott 67S.23 I I 956-4500 1098 ···••••··········•••·•· ASSUME LOA. .... :1 fldrm. 2'"? l>:.ith~. 1.1m I "' nt fl ti \' I I II II ti 1-:.trthtorw~. 1•'1(tra,,. niu~l ,,,. ~I './00 Wl:<l:.t)~ .Jrt h & "kn<I~ 1111>1 ,r.r~I 1\C:ltlJ~~ 1-'IW M f\J-:M;ll B ) II .... n ,. r . 2 4 x h II hc:aul1ful muh1l1• home.:! llr :! B.1 ..,,.,. lo ap Prt'<'latt• 5,~; ti8511 WE HAVE MOBILES ! Ol'ILIDO °'I l!l.;..uo Call t11r ll1r1111 r dd.uh OtMr Rffll E:stat~ :!fir <!hi "'"'" S:JI ,:)IX/ ~Ur. p:.111 rum ~i.7fl4> ~llr l.111.1l drn•k :>}5,0llll Jock f;ek & Assoc. ••••••••••• •• • •• • • • • • • • Causey & C.Ompany LC9ft0 Hill~ Mission Viejo I 06 7 I 050 •• •••••••• ••••• ••• ••• • • !'-• •' .., II I': 1-· F I 1•: L I> l'l .\\'I" .11 l'11~t111 ,\\1· & llolh 111 "'''"' porl l\\.•;1d' lo ' I' . \ (.' I" S 1-; l"I' I: II lh l'\ll·~~ 1, unnl.'n'Ssar) rrum th1.., hcaulrful rumll) honll' t"h1ldr1•n walk 111 -.l'l,1101~ 1·h11rl'h & park & ~" 1111 ,11 hom,• •I with r.11lldY n()m& pool SH:! .. ;t111 OPEN SUN. 1-4 HF.Otl<'l-:D Tf) S.l:J:l.l"lll liuaht) 1·on,tru1 l1•1n. I -;lory 1 lt<lruh . 11 ·hath:.. bmlly rm • d11111l).! rn1 rt'<' roorn :! 111'1 IJar' JJ('lll/1 .,,1u11.1. '1""'. .l 1 Jr i:ari•I.!<' .t•ruri t ~ sy..,L1·111 , l:.mtl 111l'1111ll·d 96)..0926 675-7512 Mobile~S "'640-5296 ~ves. for Sak I I 00 :! Br 1l;1yf[llflt, clhl ... uk. & lx·auuful 'Sl!I 950 ST AIMED GLASS l'rnal1· .. n1r,11111 111 MOl.hc•r in-I.aw 11m1 ... 11 It :! llNlruum-. :• 11.1111 JbU\'l' 01H'll 111d111'- llf'l.'<lll \'H'W ,Jflll 1'111-..• tu hl•al·h in south 1 .. 11:1111.1 ~ ,• 11 l• r :0.f II I I \ ,1 l 1• d S152.~JO SOUTI-t LAGUNA CHARMER l/u;r1nl l11tl1• • 11ll .1J.!1' "'""'' \0 lll'.11 h v.11 h ""'"'" Ii II'"' "li .. v. I•·• 1111 ... 1·arµl'l1111! 111 I"'" . lle"flrtoom. I 11,111\ 1111w \111\l' in .11111 u• • '•llll•' 1ma~1n.1lt1111 "'' 1 lw ,., l•·nor ;11111 \ .11 ti \1.1\ lw ~11rt1• n wtm lh 1·\p.111d ~.51JO R.EXllLE. CREATIVE FINANC ING Oynamrc 1-tolr l 01o111 ,,. duplc·x with :1 1!«11 r1111nt , 2 J\11111~ Ill .. 11'11 111111 •w·c•.u1 \ u·"'' • lu~,t· iU Sl<Jl.~Kt • 111~\ ~1 '11a~I 11 1"' ·" in V11la1-tl' l-";111 1.AGlf ,\ Hl-:i\( 'II 497-2457 t."USfOM :l Hr 21 ~ IJ,1 wl'lhar 2 Crp k-. LI!•' maslcr s u1tto, wJll. 1n dl)f;(!L'> & num1•n>u:i "' lr.l.S S237.500 ap... Sat/Sun 12-4:30 465 tWyH Plac.~. Ron Witaiams Realty Ll\GUNJ\ UEl\l'\l 494-8519 955-1570 n1<:1-:m:u BF \I I "I lltlltop lJi'\l•lt1pt•1 -< IA~una Ch:.rnwr., N J-:W ('O'.\ no:-. I hlk lx·h. I .:!.:J lltlr 11.! Cyprt·~.., .11 l.111 '"I owrwr lk111·l11rwr 11u1hl 1·r Hrok••r l!l!I 111::·, h rn..,c or .\!H 1:12:, 1 l \111 tk!!it IOh SAVE GAS .•.••.............•..•. U .ISI II I'. Wiii< I.I I :1 l\r 'h,1 llll' C•H•I 1•111 l.l~t· 1111111.11 L!fl'oll l1w S1'~ IU I ~.If) \1,1 r1 II -..p,11 lt1U' :1 llr .'\i,1 I t1il I\ ltl 11.1 I 11(1011' .! 1 .1r ~'.II' 1111 t•I\ , '""' l"rph \ t · 1111.111 l tur1111•1 1(11\ .XI 1IM~I ~a Hi<JUel I 052 •••··••·••·······•····· Laguna Niguel Realty .. COAST AL LITES & SEA VIEW~ '\1•\o\1•1 ~ ... ion ;1 lldrm .!' lt.•llt 111"' 11hm "''''" ,.,, 111 ... 1' 1 ~h .. r1·' IJ~•I.' 111111• l'"l l!llTll 1111111 l'•"'k 111 I ru11 r \\ r l I ·,1•11 un 11111tr.wl .11 l•t llltl·rt~l $1:.~· !l,'10 "KING OF THE MOUNTAIN" (h1·rto11k1111• ~:t "i11•111·: 1:1111 ('!ult. Ir e ! 11111'11 ht11fll'"' Jl.ltll•f .111111 \II'\\ 111 CP'l'll 11111.., ~ \ .dl1 \ ". ,1, .. 1 ] 1\ .... 1111·1·1·. 1·u·.ln1 hiull l111 ,1l1•d "" c·ul c\1· ,,11 111 ,.,1 111''' • 111•1,.;hl••rl">••' ... ,,., '.1~)11 49l\9494 495-5220 49~241 l 8 30-5050 Choice Home Choice Location I ;r,·.11 l.11111h (tw.111•11 .II 1•1111111 rul d1· .... 11 Ir•"' \tod1•l lrkl' horn1· v. 11 h ' h"flm1>1ri... Corm.ti dtnllli' I 111111 r1r1•plJI t• I 1.1111 11111 ltt·n "'1\lt 1?.11!11 1·1· ~'.,Jlt1r1•' :1 flollllt:'o I' \\ilh ("II\"'' I ,, •111' $ll7 .11111 I '.111 1:1;, IU>I TARBEll. GA TE GUAROEO NIGUEL SHORES Assumabl~ l oon ,\ ro11m\ u111•r;11k<I .1p pro\ l'IJO ''I 11 .! ,,111n .1 ll1l1ni 1111 11•1· l.1111\ s1.un1·d 1·1 ...... \\ 1111111"" • me\ Ul1'l,1lr-. ]ll'<'K oll lflt• 11.1l'1r11 I 'I.I :-, l.1ht1l1111 -. I 1•1 r <'.ii l lltl I ,ti tlll 11-,. .llld I ,)" ... ol I lo, ln"Ul\,lt .. h' ,_. h ,\:'lo" ,, f:rlrn\1111" ....... 111n.1bl1 "1111 l~Mt ,11 't h 1.tn l'nn~I n~ht .11 ~1~1:>.1~~1 644-7211 Walk lo th1· bcac·h I rum FOii \fOHE !;\Vil this d1~1r;1hl~' "'"""'"' ~. T1•rrat'e :i hdrm 2 llath hume. $199.51.10 i • . IX>at <.:anv11n llL•:rll v I 4!14:1~·.m 0 o ' . I ;); filcc;,,l~~JI}!~~~~~ * OPEM 1·5 * MOMAICH SUMMIT II Beautiful B·plan unit. 2 bedrooms + den. 2 baths. Excellent location near clubhouse. pool and spa. Enjoy a lovely ocean and coastline view with city li ~ht s by ni g ht . Lease/option opportunity available. Mus t sell. $136.000. SEE HAL CARDWELL AT 22802 ANDARA RD. * OPEM 1-5 * MONARCH SUMMIT I 2 bedrooms + den, 2 baths. B·Plan unit with unobstruct ed ocean views. Enjoy San Clemente and Catalina Island sunsets. Excellent location near clubhouse, pool, and spa. $129,500. SEE LINDA BEARD AT 31081 ALMARA LN. MOM.UCH IA Y TRUCE Smashing f loo r plan for entertaining. Open feeling of kitchen, family room and sunken wet bar overlooking t he blue Pacific. $325,000. A COLDWIU 1AH1a CO. 496-7222 831 .. 0836 .,.,.. ....... .., .... ...... Mlpll I·." l•"t\'t• 1"1111· 11·1·1 .J "" 1!11• .... 1lt·r 111 l..1i-•· :\\1 "hll \ l\')11 ;!111• ,' Ii.I lll' r1•at11 ·-. I :rm1111I Jt-1 l'I 1 h11.1 I , I 11• ~I I , .1ll II •ii .~••I .1~ :·~~I Nrwporl Buch I 069 l))11·nrla1lv fr11111 l:l 1)11 l'\n·pt Fr11t.1\ \714)631 -0094 Onru~ ~21 , ········•·••·····•·•••• BEACH COTTAGE BY THE BAY •DUPLEX l ll•••I"' 111111 ,lf'h 11!1 :J.llh SI s.!:...,J.tOJ •HEW LISTIHG l.l'l m I & n·nt th•• 111lt.·1 F1x,·r"' a-.,um,tl•k lo,111 1:1:1 \Ith :0-.\ SIH.l ltlM I ~wport Cent~r 640-5357 OCEAHAlONT :! Hr rrn·plan• 2 p.11111-. sm.1)-1 < 1"' nl'r i;;:1 1111:! ~loll llllL' t.. (\I) 111·,hl\ 1t,-;·11r;1L1'll tn , .1rrh11•n•·· ... '"'" l._:1· .. 111··r1 .11111111 111 p.1111"' 1,,1 fllll) \lu\•0 111 , 11111lrt 11111 " 11111t m 11t •I l"I• ut 1.11 I 'ti\ 11" 111 ,11 Ii t'.dl a).!t•trl 1·,n1h1.1 .• r. :!:ti I B' f )\, n1·r '\I•' ~hurt'' .! '"' ' t U r I I \ ~• t •' l'r•·,11.:11111' Im .11 l•lll .11 olll tlf111<l,1lilt• Ill It I Ill r .. r"I .11 """ SL>» ·>•k• l·.tl· 77 ll (~IWMl:Mi'ttl lh•al r.-.t;tl1• 1111! ,• '' \. tll'\H'r llir :1h;1. l l.1l'k 11.J\ ll 11g1• 1111 l\ur'"' 1\" SI.>:! 1H111 i'r111 Onl\ 1111 ,;;.;i ,. ~· BLUFFS VIEW "l°alU I ,lfl l li<"oll 1111• fll11(j.., \uu 1,111 I 1>1 .. •I lh1• l111' 'ihov., 1·\4111-.111•1\ • .!. l wlrm • 111•11 :.! .• li.11ti.. :'It,." I' "f I ,. r 1· 11 .1 I .;;11~ '0 1 1;1•• ,-~11 Ht•a\ \-~-.l.111· bast IUuH 1;rt'.1I \'wv. 1 , to hrok1•r lhr, hl'I rm Sl!'.I ~•• ~ti \ll.1 \ 1~1 a I Jr ;... pl II• h h<lll 111!' Opl'll h11u ~1· ~11 Nin I :'> CLIFf HAVEM $135,000 lt.-.dl•:.l.11•• H.1\ I rrnrt l>u1th I• .int '11 :~l\r 11111 ;.:Hr I" r I· I' hlltl' t. lrln hi. u11 111 ,.,, ~urnrnr lo\nl r r1•11tl '\'HI Hlltl 01f1 olo\ fl ,1).!I /4>111 ll<i't LIDO ISLE PRIME PROPERTIES t-lew Custom Bui11 Homrs of Out- standinq Quolity H<:rbor Vi~w Monaco l011m1• lo10,1t11111 .!111 .'11.1 t11fl\l'l11hlt· tf1·11 11 ... 111·1 h,L, lll'W h•lllh' 1\ll\lrlll' 1\<ll 1'1111 l-:1tv.:1n l l'I !-',.,. I.ind :)15/i.!'~)(l :-\\·1· tl11., ..\ I~· r1·,111\ 111 m:1lo.1• 1111l'r I 'rm• 1pi1•' onl~ f1~'.• ,;;,x1, (l)Jt•rt hOllM' Sat :-\\111 I " FEE LAND 1-ilWr UIJl~.'r Ft'l' Ii.Im!. Walk 111 lt,•;1ch I IJr. 1 urnm. 11<11111' & l•·om-. T1•nn.-. s11;.r1,IKKI ti-l:l :1Ji0 11 I' BYOWHER :1 llr, :!h,1-..l.1m1I~ rm Ft•t· land • llV lluml"l" l'ror lrnb<'rll ~ rnarn t.11n1"fl I .J.!l' 1·11rm·r lot. h!•· ''"\ r rl l'flnl"rt'lt• ~11k \,1r1\ l'.1l11• v. c·\r pot 11111! .. 11,~1 .11110 -.11rnklr:-. & ... ;ill•r -.11flner ,.;;ir.1).!l' dr opm t 'nfum SI i5.00IJ or rurn1-.h1·1\ $115 lncluclt•' II!<' ri•rnl! fr1r har v. ... tol'lls "'a-.lll'r ~ d n ,. r . ,. u' 1 o rn 1'11 a n d1•i11·r.. htlrm II\ 1111! rm 11Jnml! rrn, r .1111 1 rn & lldt111 Cum <'.di 1;.1111:!:! fur •• ppl 111 ' It''°' I' rr n 1~111 Beach Oollhouse $1051000 :°'1:\'"'P"r1 Sh11n·-. a11ra1· 1111·:1llH.111•"1'1·rpl ti & p.unt1•I tn!'.uh· ,l',i 11u1 ;, l111.~ lu lw.11·h ( l"' 111 •r trJn.,f1•rr t~I 11m of .... ,.,, 1'•1111 & 11·11111-. lllUl"I , l(,.,,-,1111:itil1• li•rrn-. It• qu.111r11'(t l1U\t·r ('.di f11r .qrpt In ..,.,. 11 1·~~'. "•" 13!~~ .. .:111 :!-1'1>1 r'7'.!X \"r..la 1>1•1 I lr 11 I ljh·ll lrl "'hi l.11 pn1·1• •ol ~1~1!1.51~1 md1\-. l.mrl l~kr 1.10 ~~It CMf'ry labfront H1·flun•rl 11-.1 b11\ 1 n ='1•w1J(1r1 1•nt.·rt.111w1 ~ rldt~hl ~·1 lu1kcl, Im 1°1) :1 lltlrtn, r.1mtl\ .t1nrn.i: rm & IH',•lll -.1a1111•cl .i:la.'>-' 1A 1n1lo"'" M:rrl\ t'' \fa.'' l\tm·1· 1n 1·<101'\ Oran111· Park ffr;1lh .\tari.:1•Srrn1i:.un r.:1:1 OH1:l I\\ 11v.n.·r ll.11 hor I ~i.:hlann:. hom1· :1 hrlrm i! Im fr r1•plt11·1'. wo11tl <l1·t•k. n •n111tli•kd k ii 1'111•11 & Ii al h.,. h 11rrlv.fl11 rl tlr c orl\ t'rl •h-11 • •1mm """' 11·11111 -.. ,,, :0:111:1 1~111 1'11trrt1· .. 1 lo Hl.r-. !>~'i :0\:11 I ;n ltl; l·'Ol " 1111; ('\'\)'II.\ I W;\llS l- l )\\11t•r 11IU'>I •,di •11111 llh ,\II '<ll'a~ 111rl lo\l'I l1.1r llllfl0t1W;i\ t• I Ill~" \U 1"1<11 J.H'\111.1 & ll'lll\1:0. :11\r J' ~.f(;1 Sl~.;,iio l'r111 1111 ly 6UI i;.JJ~ JUSTLISTEO l.o\\•lv .! llr :! 1,a hnm1--t-tkn in :'l/(·wµorl Slt11r1·., ~h11rl "'alk \<1 lll·al'h r ... , ..... 1111.11•· SH 7.!".1110 Ron Willioms Realty LAGL'N,\ 111-:ACll 494-8519 955-1570 Lido'* Charmer "' foftl Out of Escrow <17" at aboul lot v;;lul' So Palto S2>W.UOO Ov. nn roo)I f1nanct' Va1·anl. ~l'\' anytmw Optn Fri/Sat/Sun 1-4 at 113 Via lido Hm;r:n BHOW.~ H 1-: 673-1020 :~STY tl('\-:1\~FHO:"T (Iv. nt·r rrnant·1·d ( )wn ;1h't ~llHi::!:if• :11\r :.!ha 3 i.:ar Ii.: vrl '\ l\J\ l'ounl 1 art".1 $1 ~1<!" ;\j.,'\ ~56 :..'ti!~l , !17!H>l1~12 BLUFFS FINEST S 11 I 1 t ll ~. t ' o 111 rn "' 11wrwr :1 Hr .! 11:.i. 1·ncl uml . c · µl<tn hy 1x1ol l.ir).!1• fl00l'Ptl µat111 W.11' l1~1l.-<I JI Sl!J5.lKH) 21~1:1 \'1-.t.i< ,Jjttll !•7~, lll!IH BIG CANYON lt>rd,·au" m1><kl :! fir & fJm rm "' :1rt1 Br ... :1 IL.I Li.: l'OI m·r 111\, ,1pflfll\ llCI C.11·1n¢ r h t• t.:ulr f'ft11r-.1· ~'i 000 I lv.111•1 J!k1 ~>t~I J!l;HX BIGCA.NYON Opn HH Sat/Su" 1.5 6 Rue Valbonfte S •'I' u r 1 t ' ~ 11 a r rl ,. d Mcin;11•11 11111<11.'I. :1 111 . p..irqud c•nlr~. :1 •·Jr ~.1ra.i:t• ltt•;iu11r.11 1lt•1·11 r '" .1 )!rt:.11 huy al S:lll~ .~Oii .JIM T1\Y LOH R l-:1\LTY (il\ti!~ 219 And 221 ViaSanR~mo Optn Sat /Sun 1-5 Ow-By AppoirttmPnt PRICB> $.475,000 n1~1r .... 11\'W p;1111I l\rtd( 1-----------llUl~lfft• M ;i~ ,1io.s uml' DENNE SODERLING UMITB> BROKERS 67S.5626 THE BLUFFS Beaut• ful up g radcd former model spltt-lt1V<'I rondo. 3 DR . 2'~ Ba. drn inl? area. la rl?<' kitchen, lols of t'ahmt•ls Only $1 79 .5 00 Call owner /broker 644-4746. 18.0W MARKET! BIG CANYON Condo· grcal location. ALSO elegant 3br. home with pool +spa · only $124.900. Prine. Only 673·4311 A#n. EA.5TBLUFFS Lg crnr lol, 4br. 21,<Jba. Nr NH Tennis S wim C lub, shops. schls. $179.500. 7\4-G44..ft\87, 644·2442. Lowest pnce in H1i.i CU· nyoo . SJS2.~ Century 21 Newport C:l'ntcr. 640-5.157 ------- UDO ISLE 4 lk' 3 Ba. 2 rrplc ·s, 2-sty. $38.S.OOO. Owner. Pnn on· ly. 673-22119 Have something you want to sell? Classified ads d it well. 642-5678. 111.rn SIW.500 l1lt·a~l' c·;1JI ror appl l>-12 lt>AA 43 Linda Isl~ /\ least•hold E.., lall' s:1.100. 000 Hy J\ J!\ 673·#\I Newport llc1Sthls 3 BR .. 1·1• ba. By ownt'r Ml 5::.l wkdys. 642·3004. HARIORVIEW HOMEs.P ALER MO f or salt> by owner 4hr. 21'>ba. Cam rm. country kitch. prof lndscpd ror lo maintenance. Xlnt loc Comm pool. park . Newport Mesa schl Dist. Prine only Call for appt. ~1295. eves. BY OWNER Super Ncighbrhd. 3br 2ba Lg fam rm Newly re· deco SkyLite Walk to pk /sc hl $l 3l.500 645-8137. IWf's lest luy Reduced $14.000 3 bdrm + ram rm. 2',~ bu $145.900. 752-6470. 8 HOUSES t'ROM uc:n. Olarmlng 3 Bdrm. 2 bu 20 yr old house Much private parkin~1 ~.000. Open House Sat . DEVIN a.EAL EB'r.ATB 642-6368 Waterfront Prooerty $169,300. :l hflrm, .i:or111•ou~ patro. l11n1tron, lrn·ation' ~·all IH5-9t!il .. . OPEN HOUSE . REALTY /' WATERFRONT CONDO F.njoy your Summer on the walerfront from this luxurious 3 bdrm 3 bath contlo. Richly decorated 1n Earth tones. w ith man y d is trn c l ivc features. Ceramic t lle entry, brh'k rireplacc and 36' b oat s lip 1245.000. DON OSEN REALTORS 1777 1 Jo; 171'11. ST TUSTIN. CA. 731·311 I ---- Beach only 11 house:. oway. 3br , 2ba + fam rm . New c rptlnJl $115.000. 00-3713 1-:xclusive Newport Tower. M a~n1r1crnnt Catalln• Cu nnery Villia~e view 2br, 2bu professionally dccorut ed. $189.SOO. 751 $000. 548-9094. •····•··•·•••········•· GIB WALKER REALTY 675-5200 :-i1;11 11111-. r"·ot h"""'' '1.111111 1,1111 .. 111 '"'" lrplo °'I ill llOH w:I" 11'..!ll'I -~S7 I (>! FA.Mil Y PET PARK \.'1•ry 'l-""'11111' ~\f;(I l'.t11i .lt·llr·l'··•lll "' 1·'lll•tlllll1 \I~ I ' (I I I II I II I •• I ~1l rh1 11 (lt,111\ ,\II",\ - \\ \II Ill H0'1 I\( 1\11 ._ In• RE AL ESTATl r-~ t'l 'I ,,1 11 OP9'HOUSES JOI \.I\ /1:>. I IJlJ-::-. I )\111n !',;11 ~ll I .1 \W \I\ lli\lt("l·;(.O;\ \ ( >1,.·11 :-..it !wn I • "Al.JSF \."illOf< I 1>J1o•n ">untl.11 I •• :!:!I I \I I \ \ I~ I \ llJ11·n:-0.1I I • I'll I Sl-.. \...,1 It Ill I I IJl\·n :-..11 ~Ht I.! ,, RB>UCEO SI 2,000 Tut•\ JIU!' I~ lwri• 1n I hclrm ttp/.!r:11ll'O . r•111 fr)rtahll· honw C11r . t"K' For (0n0\'1•n11·nn'. 1·.tll 111 11.1) l.ruo H1·;1l1y m.11.sm BUILDER SOLD OUT OF THIS MODEL fllft lo\l• h..rH' :! ()'I; I.\' ~.!Ol:l tt<ir 2• .. h,1(01111 1k1 /\.'k for .Joh11. ,\1.1 1~11 \;,jli NEWPORT HEIGHTS l'nnw 11.11·:.itton :i 1m ..! ll,\11\-n v. \ ll'W porlt·ntr.11 .lu.'I 11.,lt'<l SIZl ')OIJ l ,111 11.<n·. 1\j..'\ li.11 l!!1;li LARGE YARD 1111! rnour•h l11r .1 p111•l \\ 1 l h ,, 11 j' \ :1 I' I'' I 11•11d1 th1<11' \l'.1rl 111 o1 tll'll)!h\ 1\11 1'.11 tl1 II ,lfld p:it111 Tiu:-h11m1 li.1 , ·• hdrm' , :! l1o1 "11 11 ,ir1•h111•1'lur.d 1tro1""""'" frn :: 11111n• l><lrni., 11 tr,,, I ~\ n '11rnplt t t•h ri·d11111· "' 1h cl••,..1r.11 .. r 11\\lll'I I.Of' :i I c·rl 111 '\"lo\ I" 11 I lll'r/.!hb If 5?3 CAMPUS I>.· IR\llPIE NEED HELP? \)lo\n1·r "'rll -.ul1'1tl111· down & do~tnl! • ll't" .I l1<·drm Irr 11·' ..i form rlrnrnj! rr~1m 11,')11 "I It Owrn•r :t0\11111"' Sultmrt ,111 nff1·r~1 $\:S!r.•,<111 l'.111 fi4.'i 7<!"2 1 OctGtfl ont DuplH :l hr + 2 hr Cully rurn"ht•d M 1i..1 'l'l I Askrni.: S-t:-!~.uou hut uwrwr sa\'!' m:r ke ofkr Open hnu<.•· Sat I.\ •\ll09 &oa~hon· ~ Me'iM batty -.~·. 642-1150 NPT SHORES JU~t rl.' duced to SIOi.900. 2 hr + den. hke new cond Walk to beach. pools, tcnrm; & canal. HARIOR VIEW HOMES This 2 bdrm & dl·n. popular •· Moniwo .. home Is bargain pn 1•1.•<I for you lit only $155.tJOO This 11'1 the lowest prlrc on lh1• market todav Ideally located on 1'i111 Nelson Street. this homl.' wun ·1 last. so ci.11 toduy Term., avruluble ll.C. TA YLOlt CO. 640.5112 OWMrlradt> for Boyfront l )\•>1'1'r 14 111 l.1!-.1• -IP lo l.trrlll\ flf 11n I l<tl I Ill -.h.1111 ' '"trm 11111!111 111 lt:I\ ... 111 \'.Ill \ It" i\ Ir<• 11 lt11 S.:IO l~o l11ll 11n• • CORPORATE PLAZA REALTY 548-2953 LEASE OPTIOt-4 ~ '"''"'" t 1,..ttlr ., 1111 lt•flflf ''",.'' t I Ill;• '.th' IA•,1 ,~ opf 11n ,,fH t :•1t1 ~II Ill I r.11 ht lo .1 , ,\\~jt lhH 1 ,q \Ifft ' \L• l'l EASTBLUFF I 11 11 1 •·I : 1\1 ' fl,1 ~I l'1.l l~I l'n1'1·d t" ...,.)1111 ol.11 lhllf'' I.ill .\111 I Jn1l,1 i:.t :.~~~I Opn Sat /Sun I · 4 ;-.., .... di\ 1h111l• \ :t:!:.!11 llr o .111 !">\ :-.: II (' ·' 11 !IY. i)t'I '.l'i:I #f.I 1076 ··················•···· MOVE RIGHT IM ~li:i ...q It I Br :1•,. h.1. <! frplf, Lu.-.h 1·arpt't1n)! A: t'll'ttlm dr:tJ>I'' l:1)()(1 :.i-. ..,umalih: 111.111 l'nr1•1\ lo ~·II Sl~.'l<>O U leach Realtors ~•n N<• t-:1 C'amrn•> Rl'.rl SAt'lo CL 1-:M E~TI-. 492-2100 San Juan Capistrano 1078 ·•·•••······••••••····· , "harrl'lln)! .: hr I h 1 1•t111 .~. 1·1~11. 'I''"' '1:1 ·~111 1:12 1:1.:ii or 1:•.! 'l~\I, I Santa Ano 1080 ·•··•········•·•······· Definite Pride Of Ownership "•1111·rlll) 11p1•r.1tl• 11 I "\\ n h II rn I "' " h .I 111•I1 01•m.., d 111111 I II 1• p l.1< 1° 1\.1I/I1111 l.111 h••11 "II It hul II Ill l'rn .111 11.11111 ~I •'I" 111 I 1•1111-. .,,111n.1 ,1r11I ),1111/ II ..,j.1 1:,11 \\ ttll I t.. .... I' I .tit .>11~ I ;:.'11 TARBEll. PROBATE SALE ZBORMHOME R-3 LOT S57.000 PRICED RIGHT :-.1·at :l UR. 2 ll11 h11m t• rn 1111·1· neighborhood 1-"11 II 1in1·c:·only S7l.500 l'ark Pla1·e.ln l' 842 7<1til The Location Is S.er Fanlas t1r ram1f\ q,·ft· oorrw neatly (ll('alc'<l 0\1~ South Coast Pl.i?a •I bedroom~. formal dining room. super family ro(lm with frrf'ploce MOM IO\I m.i kitchen with bwlt·rns 11alorc Patio. S97 .soo Hurry. Call 540-1720. TARBaL. ~· South Coast Shores. 3br. ro r sale b y o wner Sl 11. lOO. 754-0021 s-Ht LOCJ111H1 I 016 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l''OR SALE BY OWN Flt 28r, 2Ba , den, Sf.Iii, Cull ocn VICW, $165.000 499-4615 ELEGANT 4Br. 21·'1 Ba home Spectacular view fvl beach & te nnrs a<"illlics. S3GS,OOO r N.D Propert\es (2131 S7·3316 ''"""~ 11k•· 1n111t· -..111t· J•,111.ill\ lum 1~!'>\1111 1 Mobi~ Homr Stor~ ~lli')\)\'t,. Sl6,900 STEPS TO BEACH l>!tl .... 1<J1• I.I ( r.1111 r ,1m,1 I>'\ t1>11. I I" 1 111 It ,<, plt'r :-0.rli IPl\1111' .1110 .. •·ii I;._ .1t ti 1:1 Tr• .1 11r1 I Jtfll l'.11 1111 ( .. ,, .. 1 ""I Sl~GLEWID BUDG~ W l h I u 11 • ' p ,1 n ti o <".1p1 .1r.11111 !'-hul•'' S.111 l l •lllill'• 1(1·rlllo'•"" f1111". l.1111., 111 1111\ 11111 IH I t\ f\ \ t I \ii\ ,, d f"' •'-"°).')!I ... !°JI Mobile HomP Stott 956-4500 I ,._ 11r1. 11111 '' o1 '" 111 ·11.11• .HI• ' \1 I' • 11 • ~for sat~ 1200 1''1 Ol 11 NEWl Y DECOR.A TED t k~ .1111 h11tll• "" ,11 11 rl•t"n II\ r111 1·1\.,t;tl • h.111tl1•h1•r• 1 hrunu\ 11111 "Ilk ~l\r :!l!.1 l,,1( '.1rll•O,J I I ,:\!I \2)\ illl Mobile Hotrr Store ~IH 811% GR~LEA.F PARK 1S l.11 ,\111111 ("ommunil' 17;;, Wh1111..r ,\\ 1· • C\1 JI, ..... I\ .1ll,1l1lt· ;? I.JI I:\' \iot.111 lt11rnt• ... Ill 1Wr11'\ I l'l)()<I (Jll llllo\1)11.11111.pm 646-7965 PETS WElCOME I~ h\ rm. l11t•.1l.l.i..,l h,1r .!fir I • tlJ d hi "11h "°'''' 1·.,..., .1111 -.up•·• d ... nn t)"f1t•r iJll\IOU., 1111)91il illl Mobit. HOft'2 Stott ~ HH!}~ BAYAlOHT l llr 1t1•n li't • ,1h.111 1 l'.11111 1rpl1 :! 11•\ 1·1 1:p•·11 ht ,1m-.. n1·w 1 tpt lol11~-. \lrll hw \llJ •I ..II I I I. • I • I! I I I ,\, .t\li) ,,t f .. , .! i >-i1fl t SAVEGAS1! W.1llo. 111 '"'•Plltn;. ,11 '"' '"' 1'111:>1' I o11r•'t'Pll' -·Hr 1 .n .• 11111 ""t. \rl I fl L.I 1111 f' I I II I I< """''"'"" rt lllll~"'l 70 Mobi~ Homr Store "-IX HH!lf• '''"' 1x1r1 11,.,,, h 1 llt I l•I~ IP 1 ~ 11 :;Jft t•~t l~lti .tliil .111 •il'\I "'k111!-. NEWPORT BEACH l 11t>< lo flu.ii! 111,..,prl.11 \clull 11o1rlo. \'ilo.1111! nnl\ '11\.1.%0 ( 'Jll ~h ·.xxc1 •EXCITING• HPwport Beach-Lido 11 1• a II I 1 t IJ I I 1.1 1 I ( :1il<ll' 11 Wt•"t 211 r :! II . hrn111• lo\llhrn "·•lk1nc d1-. l.llllT fl f L 111o. s f llll' ·' "hopping arc;1 Smull (ll" w1•lt·11nw luchA"a S.Stcr Aclt P~t Porte l:!"<liff "' l'XJ>Undt•cl II\ trtl! rtn <!Br, <!Ila. fr11111 l<1H0hl•11, lx:uut1ful l'•'"·' 1·arl' )'Jrd Locpta Hills SpKialluy Tlcaut1ful 5 Siar 1\111111 Pk 24x60 St•m·r e't <! II!• Br. 28a. ram rm With al lh£• xtras Only ~.!'!00. CA.LlfORMIA PACIFfC MOllLEHOME SALES Z100 I I arbor, Ste 200-A 540.5937 l.rvlnc l\dlt Pk Beout1fu dbl wide 28 r. 2Ra Ir f><'rlect• locat ion over lookln~ pk &c C'h•bhsc. AD pllanccs 1n rl udc d $42.000. 552·4~64 o r 5.'i&-4724 NcwPort Beot'h 1:-;xlrL clean 1968 Kit, 12x40. lbr vacant. low r ent 64.2-013'7 OPF..N SAT UN 12 5 Rtrl DeAnza Oaysldt Villa)?e. »> i-: C.'\I Hwy •367. 2Br, 2Ba S28.900 Bkr 675-4010 ---- •···•······••····•·••·· f(,1111 tru I '.1111 ,,no,1 °1 .1 .11 It'1fall'l'h ::11110 IKMllllll pnn 11·rn1 mu~I -..·II \Loi !(/!I l!!f,I 1300 ................••••... I !'It'>< fur :..1!1· by Owm·r. 111•,1r l1l'<.H'h 1n San Cl1•111l•ntc Xlnl r ovt>~t nwnt $1fi~l.!lll0/1"1rm 1:.. :!!_j;.j ~rcio& Ptopeciy 1600 •········••····•··•···· l°of1><>ral c• Sa It• ~lll' r ron t.ri.:1· I .t a1·rt>'i <.:2 Heart 11 s.int.1 \mt lrwlu'11·· c.a"'t !'\1 .. 1l\tH\ n••W cal Y.~L'h & .JUIO body o;hop S-:J511.Ullll lola l prrc1· I' o nm. :m;;i. /llewport. L \ ~t Ph b/3-0".!55 Condominiu"'s /Town· ~fors* 1700 ······················· l'lllurno. fln \'ly, 3 llr 2' • (l,1 flrtV :.pa. hrtt•k l.111•h . J ':.umablc >!·'• lo.Jn, Solimtt <ill term~. 1'r11r11· l1110,1t 11m 9611-5891 ORAHGETREE PLAHV .' Hr up).!rJ(lt•d. nvn, , llUrt' .di xtr.1~ H' < N.111·1 l'no1· <1111\' <:;1 101 i "il :.:.7.1 ~e•~~/ Onits S'ale 1800 ·•·•···••·•···•··•·••·• E.ASTSIDE C.M. Tlo\11 !. hctrm t1n11 .. lt<•I 11.,,. ... n1·lt,.,1'<11.!.1r.rl!•'' 1·\lra parlo.1111! ,\Ill·' ,11 l l°'' ~:!.'l,IUI NEWPORT BEACH REALTY 675-1642 l'nm1· "l'"'pt1rt 1'1•nrn,ul.1 h •·,1111111 .1 t•h.l!'r llllllS 1111 .! lul.-. l'o II\: -.olct "' ;i 111:11 IJ\ tfPfl•rn'tl t•xt•hani.:<' l"all l 0Jrolv11 1;.12 5171 11r Hr lh,i rd H11.,.•11th.1I ·~!l:l >:Y.!· ~. i\1-'1 1-;.,\. ... '1-Sll>I-: Co:-.tJ M1•:-a :1 h111N•:.. SW5,0llll l,.l2·2~lrt Ill 1.11 •• 1X4X llllll k :->ah' h~ Uwrll'I' ~av1-. prin1·q1l1· onl~ !)pl;>.. 111ocl1•rn. :Jhr 1:;, :!' ·ha. r1111t· 512 11o1~.· Nl·wpor1 I h.'1' non r dt~ ltrrh (l'nanl " (i4!1 2 111 . Jl)l• HA LIHIA IHI PI. EX Coron ado SL old 1·h<1rml•r. l'lo:.c lo bay SlltJ.Otlll N()ft111 ('()ST1\ Mf':SA. rl'f11rb1~hcd trr plex. w /ll)l<'S & patios. Xlnt n •nlal .irea S149.500 fee. TRI PLt-:X on Cour plex lilt Nt•ar llarbor Blvd . t'<~t:.i Me:.:1. <'.ocxf rutun· ;,it lhL'l lot•at100 $1~.000. Barrell Rily 642·5200 DAHAPOIMT Duplex . View. Near Harbor. 1500 sq. ft. ea. 2 br + den. tgc gara~es $149,500. Xlnt financmg. Chuc k Spille r . Agt. 752-1920 or res. 673-8382. MUST SELL Two:.! BR. E·side. N ew c rpt /p u1nl /<'o ppe r ptumb'g. Dbl garage. 11ep. pario p atios & C1 replaces . P eggy Schmder. United Brkrs. 646-7414 and 559-6330. ~ reduction. 6 units 8 garares. $22,000 gross. appr . by Fidelity Pederal at S2tD.OOO. As· sume 13\ oC $201.700. Now at ~.000. Prin only. ex c 67S-Sll>O Lam. " ONLY PILOT Saturd•r · Mar 12. 1979 ~~..... Olllf'.......... oee.-......... • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._ .....,...., JOOOlsu I a ,.,...,...., 2000 .._ rr.,.rty lOOO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• TIADI UP OI IUY MOW! INTalST IAftS DOMT MA Trlll! Ha1·swHY- Exam1)'" You ho y • ~I() 000 • 1>ln with S.'I0.000 down ond a S\S0,000 luun 111 \ \' lntt'~t 1natud Of w11ill1v: unl'I ho11111$1 lhlll lhl' rat(' MA~ romt" down to !H.,•, td(I \OU llt'lh''r 1n Th<' Tooth l"1u r:v loo? I \I'. \I' • ""', on $\S0.000 for 12 monthli • ~.~ t''trn 11ll1•1t'l'ol <'o."11 WHICll IS A TAJ( WtU1'1': l>l''J•" In the· ,i1m1• 17 mooth Pt•riod ut '1''1" "'"·''"in "111r 4 µlt"11 hn" a pprc<t'lltlt'll $1:i 11110, HI Ill' ~l\1 tlOO untl al I~' • $30.000 Talkm..i 'lr1111..:ht hn" 1lc•µn<i·111t11111 r111 ~'\I ~ 1•rir, ~ Yl'r)' !'00'\!•rvull' 1• I '"1th thl bu1ldmi:, ..at 1~· 11( 1wh•i. pn 1··-. VllU h11\ l' II dl'IJfl'\'hll Wll .. t1h• t1U 11( :I': X $l !)t),0UO 11r $7 !'100 H )'Ou 'tt• 111 lht• ;.!:)• 1,1, lir..a1 l.t•t $7 .soo deprt'l'IUI 101) 'II\ t''> \llU s I "7!1 $2,250 llllt't\'31 ('Cbl' \ tlU $t 7110 Sav1ni.:s $ n:i Rl'l>llll '\'ou 1111ckl' $th 11h1' SI S tlUll '" SJO uou apprt><'tnlmn 1th<1t h•·l1"' ••O\ 11l'l!UllH' •'•"" flow I In th~· ~1· '·'' 111 '" k1·t $7.500 drµrt•t'IJllllll .. JVl'\ \ llU $J.7!'>tl $2 250 intt>rl''I l'lhh '4ttl $1 12'1 Sav11111!> S2 6<!!> Result. You 11wk1· $2 Ii:!~ phi:. $1:> uoo 111 $:Kl111•1 appre1·11.1t1<1111h t>r tht• '1•.1 r NOW YOU ~NOW WllY INTnn:s1 HAT1':l'.I l>CIN' r M 'M'F:I< OPENINGS OM OUR SALES STAFf W t• have a fow npcnmit!> for l}Uahhed. dedicated proressrnn<1ls who an• intt•n•stl'Cl 111 JOming Or ans:<> County i. fu;\tci.t )(rowing 1nl'l1m1· property real t'sl alt> nperutlon $67 m1lh11n 1n salt's and cx1'h <1nA1•s last y1'ur• Over 25 of our staff arc llrenseo to !>('II our Cat1forn1a Heal Estate 1.1m1ted Partn('rsh1p to qu<ihf1cd r lt1•nh with as hllle ;is $5,000 10 mvP:.t. ONE STOP SHOPPING OVER I 00 LISTINGS Buy. st•ll. or c-xchanl!ot now We 1·hrerfully handll' othl'r brokers' ho;uni.::. CALL FOR AM APPOINTMENT. Pl.EASE Oreanlront Apt lluli•I pt 8eh Owf\(or r nrry $196,IXX> 675 ~~ C...Mna~I· 1'wu t1upt•r duph•At'" All 2 bdrm. l IJ.lt.h Oo 111,t• lol nr 114·"4101,., 1dw1111t111( ~~r l1JC'll\.ll") l'n1•1•1I It• "''II now' $200,000 ............ wty I'':. IUk'I from 04·1•u11 'l't•rn f11· t UOll hldH M111 apt .I l.drm . :!' · h1ith' \4 :! l1pk' I lW1i .• h<trm & <•11t 1 htl r 111 lljll " 1;1 t \ ,tlllt' S'H0.100 W"6ey M. T crytor C o. Kralll~ 1;41 ltllll OCfAN VIEW 4 l'li•" l°ltrl !>1 I .11• II t h .... IJ \l ,. I \ I l' \4 I >wlk•r-. tUlll '-IOI • 111111 I•• 1n.1111l l'n111t 11·11t.1I ,\fl' 11 $.I 'J I If fl lj I lw11<•1 \J..'I 1117 lo ii $139,900 FOUR PL EX HUNTINGTON BEACH o i-; N11..•kt•r:.1)rl fims IW 111 11 1 No m11Uwr. II ' 111•1 pnd1..· of ow1ll'r~h1 f> 1"111 s1:~.!•111 m 1111111 1x-... 11 \IOU j.!l'I four :! lldr111 Ulllh Ill <10 J fl'il Wh1d1 1•1111ltt LL'><' s111n1• 111>1:r:11hni.: 1A-s11k :-. YOll 111111 't h." 1· lo hv1• th1·r.: M ,1k1• \ l•lll fortww. '>l:irl 11111,1,' 1\o dn vl'l>Y!> pk:i"'' <'.ii I 75:.! l~l~I. l()pefo fll 1:10 l'.M.l Ollwf' .... ...... .._ ... u • ._. .. d ...,.., u ...... .._. ........ U.fwwi.-..ct ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ltHt ...... Corw .. Mw 3222 ............. ltoch 3240 ..._ VMfo 3267 W~ ZtOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tbr, Ve~ l'r1v1t1t•. Lurite NEW l.g 2Hr, 2\.tBu. :l MISSION VIE J O, )(Int f'Vl Ph wunt,. 11n1 hou l' Vo.rd. lilor1J1W. llttl 1-'11 blk." to orn. s un dcrk. locllll't'fl Beaut. 3 br, 2 1ltl 1'1•1m 1Jol11I Adulti.. Nu l'l•t11. S3MI mirrowa\'l', dbl .:ura.:1" ha. Newly & prof. decor t.i~IHll! ti.t:H~ OOJ)CtB,tfl25mu 002·QS9ij w1beaut. mamcur ed l 01\Stl .. 't llCl'ON t>O!' l'>i~'\I Ull Mark1•t VJIU•• lton .. •k.,.uf't' OK .• 111.,, 1 1111 1111100 ('l(Alf: u•:AI. n mu 114.'>1 WK11ll'J. l>tuhl I '1111\l h11111t 1111 1111 llO'A II 1'11111 I ,H'I l>fllH'll'Jlll 1111h , 11fl 1111111 1714 lf•ltl Ul'U ...•...........•...•... •.•.......•••.••....•.. Co.ta~o 31 24 •.........•.••••••..... Ml"" \ •·nl1• J Ulll' r\IJ)' I u\ 1•1\ 1111 :!h.i ,ii I •"-1111'1 I 11• ,fi,111' (1·111 'ril I\ i.I.. I l t\ 11\IJ I'" Ill• Id .: .. 111 11 ~f/11 lf/'.!1 111 ••I! ·-..i.! OanaPoent 3 126 ................•.••.•• ' IKlt llt I 11.1 I ,u, 111 \ I 1.111.1 I 't l '11111.k• \ ll'\\ l11t•VIJ1 l' J.in1u1 I hi!. llu111 '1.11111,1 '-ht11>111111• l I.•· i i il 3144 .•.•..•.........•..•.•• -ill.ul' hvll't' l int\. 1•.1rk 1.1-.1d11ll) fu111 l'tJ•il J,H lt'11111~. w~hr cir) 1•1 1•1•11i:ih• ~ ~~ 717!1 LG1J1ftC1 leoch 3148 ..........•.•..•....... 1;,\..., SA ~:I< Sl't-:t'l.\J. l .1gu11.1 d1.1r111 1•ottai:1· 1111 . 1,1,ll. 111 work. hd1 & lliWll S'lf.()11111 llJI liltil 11r llNi !t1!~I SUMMER RENT AL l•'or 11111m~h.tll' lll'('UIJ.•11 "' t 'h,1rru111g ,..11a1·wu-. l flit 11111111• 111 jlrt•,l l)!ltlU' 1-.nwr . .td II.I\ 'l'i•rr ;i 1·1· l111ly rn111ut1·' ".dk to I h•· l)t0,JI h S!,111 \41•1•k DOMOSEt-f REALTORS IUI f;Lt-:N. t-:\ lll- W7 !HUS ('uswm Twh11'il'. Jhr 0.. WATH J?roundli. Wont mature couple, no peb l.l.e SSS() 2•tha. pool. JlH'. h•nn111 •...torLwOpt. incl all gartlen111g 1•rt:.. pnv ~·utm. llh:al Nice J Hdrm fnmlly Sfl6..al. hll:ut11.111 1\ll up11lrn11cl!!> mum home SW5/mu or uvatl i\viuJ. July 1. a v1u labl~ llff'/o p t. Mlwport .. adt 3269 ~·100 7~l :l37U $219,500 with 10'7. opt. ••-••••••••••••••••••• M~u Vcrdl' Slwt'I> J 111 (Jrn rm. frpl1•. $5511 ,1vwl Jw1c l 6'1'1 l200 1-~\\I' SIOt-: <!hr hum\• I l'h.1lll OK $15(hllu ul1l11 pd t:tit 1-: Wil:-on. li7~JM. IACklAY t..iritc :I bed room 2 1, lJJth townhome. llu1te ll~l!>lCr SWtl', fireplaC'l', t!J.:.hw.i.i,httr. double t Jr g.ir,1~·· Tcn111!>, puol, 'i.JUllJ , JJc·ui11 Lari.:<· p.itw \ :11lahll• 1m· 111<..'11.itely &16«\477 lt1UT1'1\.~Y WOODS n1•w Fn i.:11 .. h T utl1J r 'l\11,1,ilhiml\' 2 h<irnl 2 ha, ll"Jill-. tc·nnii. c•ourt & Jl"ol tPL'):;.'ie(I .!I.Jr duµll'x. pvt j!.ir...i,:c I!. b.1dt ycl. no p.:l,,, k11b 01\ l!>l last. $150 dt•.111 Ill ~ ti L'j)OS 11 S;J :J f1 WI 0632 aft ti. llumey E. salt· <!hr. l h;1 :! l'g l!ar. µat10. prl\ l1w\I lwk Yrt1. $-150monlhh t>lli l>l!JI . t•\ l',., 1;.u; HliXll a11yt11111•. ti75 :l-'\:12 :1111'. :.!b;1. 1\.1r. frplt· r:t11).(1· .\dult.-.. No I'd:-~l!l/1. i>IH W lHth St . &12 01«1 :111r. 1 h;i, 11-:.: '"ml rrpk 111·w t'rt1I 1:,11 11111 ;,1/j Kl\H, tf.lt. :!.:Ill. .!. Hr I k;i end lt•ll lll'.1m 1·1'111111!' UIJ 1 .1rp1·I drJp1"'• no lll't' "111:-, i~• I 1;s.1:1 'll'-.:1 1li•I :'>lJI ~1 :!J 1,1,1th11ut ,•.1r. :1 H1 lg,· ,,1rd no 1••·1:-. I ~ r 1.1 1~15 2.'>.511 l it'lll' rnont:Y NO FEE! Apt. &t Condo Waterlrowt Ho..1 rentals Villa Hent;ils 631-1400 bi~49l2Bkr :J lxirtn Condo JC Int loca· t11111. adulL'\ only, no ix·u.. ~ ~.H7<!4 ----- Seav1cw J bdrm 2'"~ ba. + ram. rm. Great Vll'W Guardcd 1•omm. Sl20t per mo 21.3/43().~I. 3242 Westrlirr ;.irea. 4 Bdrm. 2'r; ba. cpts, drps, l~t· ••••••••••••••••••••••• yurd.$800/mo.642-9562 W/\TERl''RONT CONDO Lovely J br, 211~ ba end lllllt. Bn <'k frplc. blln:-., dbl encl ~aral!l' Sl1JJ avwl Lease 5875. Pt-i.:i.:y. 96(>-4392 i!4 • IJo<tl shp. poof. 2 Br 21 , Ba townho u"'l" frplt'. wshr dryr. ~ !*)3·18i)(i '"-3244 ..••....••.•....••.••.• Northwoods :l hr. :1 hJ . an> ~Q fl . lgl· facnrl) nn. frpk tl'hwhr, f111•d )d g~1r W.1l1·r & i.:ard1•11er pd BrJntl 1ww 9U~ mo Kuh 11k, nv pd-. i\J..'I , nu rl'l' ~1.,1 251,1;. !n:1~ni Ii Bdrm, I Ila h11111t'. d 1m1'l' art•,1 I rv1111: SIO<MI m11 H:ll IOMI T11r11t•1111·k llrl!hl;1nd llomt· N,•w ·I hr :11 • h.1. l•1rrn.i1 •llninn. "' 1111:. fo1111ly w1•I h;11' 1'11111. '\1 p;irk (jlllC'l SHMMI I"· 1>1111'.AA:L .l-10 :1:w1 W111xll1mlg1• l'l;u·l•. •, llH J b,1. ll)rnUJI d1n1ng h\ fl< fa111 r1n l..01·;_i11•d 1111 park w11h a \ll'W 11f mh Sll.'1 Mo Ai..'l t,14 ~111.1 RENT.US ;1 HJ<.:.?11;_1 ~W !l!"ltl \Im. '!1 • h;1 lul II ~1·1;)11 I HI< 21 · lt.1 :-.11 .1111111 ueautJJuJ new 2·sty, J br, 21rJba. w /sunken ron versalloni>1l & frplc. Wet bar. l:llt1n v:ic uum , i\M /l-'M intercom lhruout, hlt1n IHH). mJ<·rowl.lve oven. dJ!>h w ;.is her, 2 1· a r I( <1 I w 11tl c t:t dr opnr WI mo Kids 0 K l>ay~ !JOO fiWS. eves. 631 050!1. L:.irgt .. 1 l>r. J ba. fam rm.: ear gar Nr ~ac·h l'oo & tennis 57:15. mu l'vt JJl.) &15 3370 !'11>1 'fl'rr l wnlt~t' 3 IJr 21. IJa pool kid~ ok . No pt'ts Jun~ l.sl S5SO 640 1-11 ~ Weshl~ Newport Nl-:WJ'OHT TERllt\t:E CONDOS !. hdr S\!!5 1 mo I 111•w 1 2 hdr. SSOO rnu. :.lhdr. $ .. ~So1m11 N1·ar puol, J<tl'U1.1.1 ~aunJ . \olll·V 11 ;111 ha::.ketbull .. l ;.ill .Johrt .11-.'t IJ:ll Llfj(j I 111,,()('K TO IH:A<'JI l'1r,h :Jhr, :1ha \4 •:14' hoal -.hµ ~ l'A(J 491!1 Nt•v.1,.111 Crt~I <!hr t.. 1h•11 ' 1·,1r gar<igt·. 9".0S1 m11 :-<o • hlltln·n or 111·h !~!:2n •Ir !*i.'.H)H4;7 No drivebys , p lC'a St' Ne> r eq uests for ··packaAC:>" 1n lht• m ;ul No requests for ciddrt'SSt'l> We respect the riAht:. and wishes or our pro1>1•rl y owm·r~ with rt>spect to limiting d1SClt')SUr(• Of lht•lf prnpcrtu•o; lo i.mcnc buyer~ or C){rhanJ(crs Wc"rc prnfl•Ssionals ;1nd we want to work with hlllt) l:lUy{'r~ :.ind sell•'r 111 a professional rna11n1•r. r\ppnmtments. JJ)ea!>c ~ 2 100 ~-~~~~~~~~ .... SE!-. Tllll'.I · I-'Ilk htt ,1l 1u11 ( 111"• I 11 "h1~1h p,lf k, -.h11p' .I L1-:1• IM·tl :! 11.111! p.1l 1t1 dhl :'.1r Frplt ,;io 11111 Ill.I 1.,IJ )IHI , n1t .! 11. •. :..< • s 1-;;, .~Hi :U1r. :!hd. :! t'Jr i.::1r 1>1-..h1,1, 1 1• ( r 1 ~ "i , m •• lharnun<I ltl·..tl 1-.... t.11!· lrl:• 151 I • S79.000 dllfllt'X units • Nl'ar ne1,1, duplt•'< Sl59.5<KJ :di 2 bdrm "'3hdrm I :.!tidr111 ('o!>lll Ml'!>CJ $163,!IOO • 11011!'1(;~ f ctup h-'t On ta r111 S~i.500 • 4·plcx Fulh·non s1 ~.o IKMI • 4 umt:-. <·1,..10111 01,1, n1•r ·, uml I lunt1r1i:tvr1 ll1•arh 8275 ll(KI • 1 h1111:-.1'" I lot '.111h ~1711 IMM1 • Sui>('r st:irtt•r i1 plt•x ll11nt111cl1111 lSt-.1l'h s1:m.!loo • 2 duplexc>.. t unit-. <·,11•h "'1lh f1n·pl.1t••· Hunlini:ton lk:JC'h SIK7 IKJll • 5 La1?una B1•;11·h un1h \ ... ..., 1 S385.000 • 5 Orangl' County u111b I'., m1k:-. Crom be;ich J?Ol two• S255.000 1·arh • 5 units llunt1nl-!lon Heach cre<1t1vC' f1nanl'in~ 25'. down will break even' 5260.!XXJ. • 6 units tluph•x 1 •1 pkx 1in I lot bc):l mncr! S215.0hO • 8 larl;!e un1ti. .11r c•uncl11111111'(I $2:i41.000 • II ncar nt·'A 11n1h < lr.1111-:c Count' ~UPl'r deluxe' $-150 O<M1 • 14 umts "'1th :-.p1·011;ihlt· 1n ()run(!•' County• S425.()(1l I • Hi 111111!> /\n;1h1•1m gnl lwu• S475.000 t•<tt'h • tfi 11n1t:-. lt1v1•r<,1dc 1wrckn 1·uurtyl.lrd s:115.!XXJ • 17 un1l.c; on l•<·c;in • Sli!l5,1H10 • t9 units Orani.:t• C'•rnn t y arch1lC<'lurc• Sii 10.000 • 20 h11rrl to find pride OI 11WTIN1iblP units - Costa Mesa SRS0,1100 • 20 uniLo; ll1 v1•r:-.ul1• :! ~lory µardrn style. $382,000. • 23 unit.'\ $750.000 ~lrungP l '1111nl y w1lh spendable • 32 unit!> in h1j.!h ch-1nond ar ra of Or11n1?e County. $950,0on • 36 umts ll1111t1111?lon Hl':t<•h Own your own s lrec l ! Pr1d1• uf owncr:-.h1p 3tidrm. 2ti;_ith owner's units with firrpl;11·1• SI .935.000 • 112 units <'Xl'hanu,. S2.ROO.llOO • 114 un1b. Disneyland area molrl now under coni.\ructlf)n. Turnkey at S4.27S.OOO • Gas ~talion ;111!1 nfrlC'e in Oran~e Count\ $176,CXXI • Commereial ... tun·-. and hu1ldinJ:!> ror lea!>t' Santa Ana • La ncl ancl l.-01:-. in (/range County, Fhvers1de. and San 0 1e,l!O Count' Jr you're ~Crlllll!> ahoul protecting your dollars fo r your own 'il'l'llrl' future 1·all rnr an ::IPP0111tffiC0l lffd:JV I ()()(' Of 0Ur highly trained staff or over 40 c•an h1•lp you a<•h1cve ynur investment )?O;Jb. Jr you're senou~ a bout JOinlnl? Orans:c County ·i; fostest /,!rowin11 llcal Estute organ1wtion. ca ll for an appomlmcnl t.oday. QUAIL PLACE PROPERTIES. IMC. f7 I 4J 752-1920 --PNperty 2000 MIMI STORAGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5295.000. to $2.400,000. So *16 UNITS* Calif location. Some w /com milled fine. J H. Johns Real Estate Pride of ownership in 493--4672 prime Orange Co area. ~~~~~~~~ Owner will carry (inane· Approx.imately 300 unit m ing. There is spendable best part of OranJ.?e Co w/only $100,000 down. $3,00'.l.OOO down. Buy on Owner is very anxious. AITD. Low interes l . All this for only $415.000. principals only. Bkr. Ask DON'T MISS this in· forGill.962-7751 credible opportunit y. ean agt. m -IM2t. JHOUSIS FMtaide C.M. 3 separate ll>u&es on 2 Iota. Across from park. Super loca- uon. SW.900. ~.pR€HIG€ ;q_ ~ HOM€~ :m3W. Coast Hwy,NB 645-6646 7UMl'TS-C.M. BHut. new bulld ln1. f'lrelUCes, xltlt tocaUon. 1'SL lnvmts 842· 1803 Malle y our '.•h opping eMiel' bJ 111lnl lM Dally Pila& etaulfied Adi· ,. FOUi UMITS-0.M. Near new. 3 Br owners unit, 2 ba, frpl, 2-car. gar., 3-2 Br, 2 ba. units. TSL lnvstmts 642· 1603 Oldr Lri·plx on d bl lot, grt tax shltr. $175,000/ofr. own/agt 840-1879. By Owner. CUsl.8 Mesa. 3 Br hou8e + 2 unilS, any rM&On olfer. t95.000. 160 E. 2Zlnd Sl. 1·2'11-1838 165,000 DOWN 4 Deluxe unit.a. Offered at_J&50.000. -.,Mcc:....,lltr 141-7129 ....................... 0 I< A N l; E l' <> l ' I' \ 112.llOU S<.l t-'T \ll' 1.1'1 TEN1\Nf.l1 J>LSTHl,\I. Xlnl up-,.,1111' 1K1t.-11l1.tl ~1 pt•r "11 ll full~ 1t .. 1~l·d I 6 m1lll11n c·a~h n·qtu r .. 11 Mu-;1 1J lo~c 1,, .J 11 :11· 1~.l~/!I . I'() BOX •1M . II H . ('.1 \l't.ti-Ut. 7\.\ f,4\1 ~ IK!1 Lok for Sole 2200 ..................•.... Ill I '.\II' LOI ,\11,1111'1111 '1,okt ulft•r \lorn· (.. \ 'Ill r;:1:11 :1-;1 ·1!1h\ \'IST,\ I ' .• 11·11· 1111 .ti I pliut-. & rwrm11:-. pd 1111 gr;idt•d 1·ng11Jl'f'rt•d 11 nlln rr11m Cll'll , 1•k ' plaJa & "·his. got11I ,.n·,1 undt>r~rounct 11111 Olll'I 4:l>-295S Momtain. o~sen. R~ 2400 ••...••....•....•...... PALM SPRINGS 111 ;.i(·rl'i.. on moun1 J iii Jl><1v1· town. f.73 :!..!H'• Sl.2\1,inl l'nn only. IDYLL WILD f'';int;1-;t1 t: <!Br. :!Ba l'lmlct, i x a1·r1.:. ~lJ111.·d ):(lass window!'.. 'Sl7i1,l!I">. 631 493:J nr 646 Of~i TWO HEW PALM SPRINGS CONDOS • H1\'wra lloll'I I Ill< ri·.11.l~ for m11\ ,. 111 .11 Sli l.11011 i''l'l'' (' on1111 111111 I' I J a 1 · w ;,f k I 11 :-.hOJlt>1 • t-:o;tad1le> South c "l\,•;1r Canyon I l11tl'l 1 I urn :1 Ill( Ill ~Clr~l'OU:-0 !.1'11111~'. W1('0mm IXJl'lls. J.11· & l l' n n I I\ s I ::: I . ~. ti II l~as~hold Tom i\lhn:-.un fYl.2·11235 ( J Ji) 11-:• VICW a1·rc• .. Cal1furni.1 rl'sort n•nl' 1·•1u1111 ~ Sl7.500 <.:all ullt•r :111 M 831 09!Jfi ~County Property 2500 ......•..•..•.......... ****** VA APPROVED HOMES A.I Anca • °"J. Co. NO money down up to $100.000. Veteran Admimstrat1on Sales Broker WORLDR.E. 50-1626 24 Hrs. 7 day week Don't wail to buy rc<il estate, buy real cslatl' and WAIT' ****** Olltof~ ,......., 2550 • •••••••••••••••••••••• IO Ac. Sl.9.950 Btn mtn. ra nch acreage, trees, vu's/rd's. Bkr 556-3685 ....... ,.,.. Gf'ootH 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• \5A Ruby Red Grapefruit. S600C> P /A. Will consider trade. (714) 922· 7398. ...... •+•91 ZIOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Luxury bome wanted by developer. prefe r d e· conted Ir furniahed. Tax free exchange for soUd equity w /guaranteed re· tum in new s ho pping cnlr. Full courtesy LO broke rs . 84 2· 9284 or -~ ' .......... -.:.. .. ----, ... 3202 ............•...•...... BUDGET RENTS t-:n11111m' ~f\l'J.!,I' I l11nl' lbt~ 1\µl~ Ctg~ Fl 111 SWI I hr for 1111u ~ k ul!'i St:l.'1 l hr lh1:1 runl lfrlt 211r.-. •,;m,, ~I. l\)I),.. S!:ll."'2hr I urn. qtul'I clh ~1.g:.!llrrrul <: \I :111n. $1!"10 , S:W1 s:r.1~1 ""pt lk h :1 ~ :!h,r s.'iJll l p lllr-. ... m.1.illr ... ~,, .. 1111 I 11.r ... 1• 1111111 ::111 0111) ~UK• 861·6725 ll11r111•l1111l1·r, !-.t<1ll· Wirl1· ******* VA APPROVED HOMES All ~as · Orq. Co. :-JC I munl'.\ cfo\4 11 up 111 SllMl.~ICI \ 1·tl'r.in dmin1~1r,1tH111 !-.Jl•'' llrnl.•·r WORLDR.E. 543-1626 .!1 llr' i 11.1\ "l'l'k l lon l w.ut 11» 1111\ r1-.il l"'"'"" hu~ rt•JI ·t.,l.1l1· .incl \.\,\IT' * * • • • * S.Oolslond 3206 .•..•..•............... L'Uti.• :1 llr :.! llll. l:iil'iJl.!'" frplt: .. 111\'1· r«fr1 "· w ... hr tlr. 1 ~;;:, \riv 1111 pi·L~ l!Jo.l.:!22:11.:v1·~ BALBOA ISLA~D :! hdrm. I h.1 . frttnl hou,t-. 'lOVI' & fn.: •\tlull'i 11111), no 114'\:-. S.'>2f> mu yrl~ n •nl<tl UNIQUE HOMES 67S-6000 Bab>a Pe.timulo 3207 .•.••..............•... -.;t'w 2 111lrm & lari.:t• loft horrlt'. lrt•'ih pa1n1 ~· l':irr><·I :.! t•ar g:1rJ~1· l.111· ,1 t t· d m 1 II w a' IWl'Al'l'll h;I\ & 1fft•ai1 IA•a<·h SlllO h ·r mun\ h Vl'arh ll''l'it' Hav ~ l~a1+1° ll1•ali v 7~1!1 11111 I l'ENl!'JSU L/\ l'OINT '1 llr ·I 11,1 dlol ~arage lg<• rna~l••r 'UI''" walk 111 l,11.•urh,ha\ $ll!'~l10to Yr Iv lt'a~1 · •\ 1'.• ·fll li42 :i:!IKI t\tfi7:1 il:~Jll f•;\'l'" ~strClftO Beach 32 18 ......................• ()pix 2 llr. lba $11!1 U/W, rcfng F1rt•pla1'l' i\clult!>. 1111 Pl'L<; 400 7:1:M Corona._ Mar 3222 '.\1 ·w c•1111do ;~ 111 • h.1 :• lrph-.... 1111111 1\ J • ..-11111 ;4'~'> \I I~ t;;;, 1~11:! l~k1 11111111-. H11 1 Sh.11·p \hr \!1• ... ,1 \ 1•11!1· hill t '.di N11w I 11 :; 1;, :1:1:1H I lh • 111·.,· 111 1•\ 1•n 1 lt111• 1·:in11·1 .. dr;•I•''' I~· \ 1 ti frpl1• -.:1'?:1 l>I'' ·' 1•11 ~1a1 p :1 h1lr111 ., h.11 h • h II 11 1 • I .1 Ill 1 I \ I 111 ~i'> 11111 , 1111 I '"" d1•111·1 C;1ll 1';1111 al :.11. r.Mn i-: :..1111-:!hr lh.1 p,1ll•1. h1:.:h lw.1n1 1111!,~ ."1\11 qJb tin•·· mu Wt r pcl .111 E St 1;7:1 3121 I'\ I 11'1 1 s:1: •.• :!1"1 t: ~Id\• l ~1 I llr 111'\A I\ 11t~ 11r.1h'il 1!1•fni.:. ,1m 1• S!t:;, '"'' ·\\ .111 .111111· :!1111 I~~ lh·I \1 ,1r .• 1.1 l~UI:! "' r .. 11. s~11·', 1~1· .I Bdrm :.! ha 'w•• 1.1..1nd1111? \;1n·h di ·•"' .11 l'rl l.o'A m :1111t ,\J11I \<i:!,'; 11111 :i:1i ~li:.?.:I ~k-.~• \ 1•rch· :1 hr. :: 11.1 1·rpb . .trv:-,\dull-. ~u., lc•a...i· ;.1i1 ~11111; Westbluff VillO<Je Condo. :'-J1•ar npw :! litlr. :~· ·ha . '' «..1r gar • S•l :iO m11 bl la.-..1 I $2(MI cll•p \-..k for John 1;;i1 1;.i1;t; 1\i..1 .! Ill<. I' ha :!-1·ar g;ir frph' K1fl:-. OK ~1:>11 ,\"t lii5 liliill or 1>:11 .;:-,r,o Dano Point 3 226 .•.••.................. !Br. I Ba . 1x·1•.111 '11•1,1, S.l:!.'1 mu t.J._.n & .1Br ~ dt·n ~· :1n1 ''' dl'(.'k, panor.1m,.. ''''" 111·11 SS:iO mo :M11 ~1:! 1-'urmosa 121:11 1:~1 ·Mill FOU'ltain V°'ley 3234 .••.••••.....•..•..•..• llOMES FOH HE:-lT :i or· ·1 hr l'n<·1·•l from ~13.'1 111 \'12.'l Fnn l ".1 rll & ).!111'.tl!l'" 1";1m 1I11•-. pl1•a s 1•. k 11h 11/,i 11•'h wtlr•ornl' Ca II !lfj.I :l'>tili '11· t11:1 ~Y11 /\gl. Ill) f1•1· l:C>111lu:llxlrm, 21.., ha. 'Atlh ho11u!i rm . 2 C'.1r ".11·. $.'1t)(J mu 1s t & l.1~l I l>t't'Unl y. N1J!>l'li., !">H.n.'lll •u•••••••••••••••••••• tWinc)ton ~ach 3240 !. Ur. I ha. newly (1111shcrl ••••••••••••••••••••••• hardwood fluor<; l'n mo locale l\J.:\ ti75 0.%2 Ja...,mmc Crct•k New with Ocl'an v1<•w 3 UR 21 1 Ill\ GuardPd t•omm l1·n rus. pool, Jt1t:u1.z1. l.cas1• $950 mo. Ca 11 collel'l 1-:Vl':-. & wknd . 4 l!l-493· 5195 Panoramic Ot·1•an View from this luxunous & un- 1q ue Jbr. 3ho home . Brand new architects rreal ao n . Q u ality th roug ho u t. BBQ & micro oven in kitchen M.'\tr bath has sauna & JllC. L~ frpk , sundecks, Inside t rues. alar m syslem s tainc1I I( I ass windows & central vnc-. $1250 /m o . 675 0633, 6'15-6135 Ocean view Duplex, VJ blk to beach. 3 bdrm. 2i,.t, ba . fam. nn. 2 frpks. lndry nn. $150 mo. 675-5857 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Verde 4 br. 2 bu. fam rm, frplc, wet bar . new cpt. lge yd. no pets 9'DS 751-:mfl. New 2827 sq. fl.. 5 BR. CX· (.'('UtJve home nhov(' I lun· llnft\.00 I I arbour. m;i ny xtras. $795. Call Mike, 114()..6.'n) 2a1 l!llh St. 4 br. 21:1. ha, tbhwhr, frpk. xlnt an·:i. ma mt $650. 846 7961 4br. 2ba. All new intcnor ~pcrmon. 751·2060 4 Br. 2 ba. clean. new crpt, drp s. p aint . $550 . ~1·2000. •2·ST'ORY TWNHOM E• 4Rr. l 'hBa. pool, lC'nnis. near shoppin~ $450 mo. (2131 837 -6824 or (7 M ) 964·5188 4 UH. 2 ba .. super sharp . frpl.. enc-I. patio. lndry rm. Many extras; l'lose to beach. s hops. bus . Gardener incl. $560 mo .• lst. last&dep. 963<6438 BRAND NEW 2br. l mile to beach. No pets . Diana . 846-1371 ; 840-4027 eves. WANT ACTION., ClassiCed Ads 642·5678 . . '+523 CAMPUS Da·IRVIHE ·11 llTl.hllOC 'I\ J,l.J11d .I '" ,.,,., 11111111 :-.,,., ,., ll\•~I 111 ' $:1 ~I i .,; 1M1:'.I ,r)'t ,1 I l)t•11.f,llllllf1 :11f,1 .' f1;1Jr.., ·121~1 'fl 11. \\111~1 l1ntll!•' '.;'jj;,mc1 tii.1 1<~1••1 H1·11t 1.... I 111 I H.• ( 11h1 •nl.tl1• 11.11 I • 11111 lllllllll \ puul \ d "' ft.ii 111 n·I Ill! ,\n\" ~1,11 11111 ;"~'):I ;,17•1 Turi k 1 rn•I. llrlf.1Cl 111.u11 h1t1llt· .I fir ~ ll.1 1.!11-.11 nu1t11111111 """1 "' •:, n111 llltl ~'.tl1h-11• 1 (.di x:u ;(!;i)\ s \ '\ .I I .I \ l/ l I ;.. I OW:"llt 1:'>11-• .' hr ' ll.1 1,1,al\.. l11 l\•11111'. '"' 1 m m1111• gull h1tp11111 1• 9~.111 1.:11 ll••l 1'\ ..... W111~lltnd1•,. 7" 1 .• ,1,,., 11·11 l>r :! Hr :!1 .. Ila. 11r I.th park & ll'llOI., I IJl1•n 11 .... s,11 Sun l :!~I l"OI "''" t'.tll t~IO !~VII :1 llr :! 11;.i 111~• nh111111" t 111\ l'rk T1•rr . 1•11111111 pml ,'It J;11· 1111 ptl' Suh mll 1l11lcln•11 ~i>l.'1 ~. ,...,. 1\t..'t Iii~ ;,~1!14 W.1lnu1 S4"1 ( '11nil11 :! 1111 j!.1r p .. 1J '111 pc•h, IHI k1cb ~IW r1~I ~) t lw fnr 11·,J"' 1'1111 l1·iock 1 llH. :!' .-li.1. 1-.1\h1·1h.il l'l'lllllJ.:!'i. 'lfflllk h•r.. ~ h1•uut1rul 1\\.;111 .lum• hi 9175 mo t11 l°l''l"1n...i1tl1· p.1rl~ 1und1•rpr11·1·cl 1 l~L) :zi:J hl'l 1,1, n !I ~ Twitrroclc Glen lmm.w :l hrlrm & <11·11. .,11;11·11111~ r•K1m. hkt· 01·"' c-oml l.ri.: lul. do ... 1• 111 1111•11 "" 1..r1111 ... s1:.o t 'orporalt• l'l.11.1 lk.111'. !'>IX 2 15:1 WtJOrll1n(li:1• t•1w11hou.;1· :1 fir I '~· H;1, lll·ilr pool.11•11 flli.. 111rn &. lak1• $tl5U IA lSl' 5,'12 :l 1711 ~•och 3248 .......•............... Buddc•r 's Cus tom llm . 2br 2ba. den. Sonu' Ol'. 11u lleau yrd G:ir flan cty lo shtJJ:l & bch $700 mo yrly tlsc 5Xl 711()() <lys, t•vt• 586· 12'.18 Bc-aut1rul J h r lwrrw w1panornm11· Vll'W. 2 h u i.: c <I c c• k :-. , a I I a m 1• n 1 l 1 c !> . S 1 3 0 0 549 1186 2 OR. I hn , frpl, !>lovr-. rcrr1i: & nldl· \4 M ld charm 2 £\lks l<> Shaw'!> Cove $525 Mn. llilhi: 494·7551 lagilna ...... 3250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Near New Jbr. 2ba. quiet cul-de·sac. Patio Adults prclerred. $475. 661 3168 or661.·Jl84. LAllJIMl'i.,.a ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brand new :l hr, 2 ba, bllns, drp;;. crpts, x\rus. Lndscpd, l(rdnr. $650. Pvt Pty. 494-0237. LUXUIY 2 IDIM NIGUIL SHORES LIASE Behind guarded ((ates. a charml.ng roomy 2 RR home w /access to fabu lou s rec r eation focililJes & easy walk to pnvate beach. m> mo Ask ror Nigel, G44·72t t agent CLIFfHAVEH f.1~1 l\1'W Ill ,1111! 1•111 ~If"'' ''''"' :1 l11·olrm 11.1111, ~11.~1 11111 • ••.1rl' l\Jrn·ll Hit' 1 ... 1;• .1:~1~1 • ll(frm .! '"'' L!.1r 1,1• 11111 j'.1rrl1•111 I I \I j..,,, ~U 11111 1.1:• 0:.:.!X 40' BOAT SLIP I~ .1111 1l11lh 111·1·111 ..tll'•l 111n .I l11·dr'"'m' :• It.1t h lll'Allh()tl' .. (• \'1• ... 11! \\,111·1 s1111 1,1,111 ·" • Ollk•lali• pow1·1 lto.11 111 -..111f•1;1t \'Ith 11111 .• , ... it1l1 111;1 'I \ \ .1 t I Ii••" lll'll'ri•111·1• 11111\ \ 1•.1r" 11•,t"' SH.111 p1•r 11111 •ft., •. ,,., l~·.111t1r111 1 htlrm p110 lkun1 111·1,1, 1 Jrfh'I 11•"' t••,,. "' n11t r•• "' •' 11\t•ll, Ill'\\ 11.11111 ICt'.111\ 1111 lllllllt~l '" l'IJfl.111< \ t • .1rtl1·n1·1 ,, fNH)I ..,,.,\It I 1111•1 ~1111111 I"'' m 11 1u:1 111~•1 \1•1·111 ~I'\\/ I \l'lll .. l\l' fll l! ! .1 11\•IO honw for 11-.1"· fiti4~ ··•1 fl h H1 .• • 1' .. 1 .\11111inunl I 'r 1.,,. Sil~~ }>I nJt1, l!\f I 0 l.1:.I Olll ' .. '''•llrll \ ""Jlll"ll f1na1w1.tl -.1;111•m1•111 '1'1•r1 ,, Fr r 111a l!lt' \m!llt1:1 . l-:1\."T llLl 'FF:-; :111r :!ll,1 :! p.1111,,... :!1: 1.1r i.;.1r .• ml• cir 11pnr 1,1,:-.hr d r \ r rl'frtl! si;511 mC1. 12 1:1 •ii~ 1«r..!1 Bayfront Condo l..u~uno11' "'11 h lt11 t'\l•f' \ 11•1,1, :! l\tlrm~ :!h a :..1·1 ur11' ~ pr1•.,11 i.:1· Sl151l 0111 ,,..,. t"ffd Boat S.ip? on l.ll>t) l ~Li': t;l;imnrou~ •'Xl'•'lllt\•' ll.1) (runt c·o1Hl11 "11 ti lr).1fi, t1f room 1c•1,1, anrl llllK'h mon· Slip ava1 la hk l·'u rn or 1111111rn sw;:ie1 mo Prestiqiuus Lido 2 Hrlrrn + rlcn. 1-'n•,t) h cl I' I' 0 r a I I' 0 . I' a I I ,,.. Stl.W.W>lmo Waterfront H~s 631 -1400 llGCAMYOM lJ>vely 4 Bil. ram1ly rm home 1n prest1~111us ;1rca t-:xrellcnt sc1·unty w1~uard at J.?alc $17501 Mo yrly. md j!ardener No peti. Avail soon Jeanne Newmun 642 8235 IJ-:11) 3 bdrm. 2 ba. bcautirul crpt'it. bltns. hUR<' s un. deck. ~ar + carport. ~ mo Avail Jun~ I. 673·814l. or 1q.<cn1 ltt!Hi670 3276 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BtO ocn & hill Vll'W , 3Rr + den, 21lu . lsc SSll5 mo. 211 Ca lle Dorado (2131 434-4461 L s.. ...... ~ 3271 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s:m beautiful 2 Br condo. refng, pool, play equip, 2 kids OK . avail 5/13. 831·9:»3. 496 8895 Selling anything with a Dally Pilot ClasslCioo Ad is a simple mA\ll!r just l'all 642-5678. ........ .,. ......... .,.. ............. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3210 c.-...... •21 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Z Br 2 Ba condo. <'Brpets, drapes, pnv. patio. UP· graded. Call S48~. Nr So Coast l-'lau1, 38r , 200 condo. He<.· rm, pool, !>IJ Unll . 2521 W , Sunflowe r . Un1l JG l. ~-()pen hse Sat /Sun. 1"121.31999-1622 SoMlh Laguna 3216 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAN VIEW nc•w 2 bd r m & den townhouse.adult com- muruty. Swimming pool, jacu.zz1 etc. In Monarch Summ1t '60(}/mo. TUl & IAICOCIC REALTY IMC. 499-4797 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• o.;P/\CIOUS 2 :I hr condos nr. Su Coa!'.t l'la1ll . t'rwy ac<·c·s)i to I rvinc mmpll!x. 557·~ I Hr & dl'n l'Ondo Wooch1<ll' Village, S A. l'ool & J<1(•uu1 C:ompl. n.:furb1s ht'<l. SJ!l5 or furn St25.645-7953.675 9226 ~xes Uftfwft 3600 ............•...•...... 2 Ur. I & Dupll'X, almost 11l'W. Nw1>t l\e1 g hl.., ~~•mn Ii.I & la~l. <.:all Hroci:. llkr &15 ~J. 2 Br l ea. blt·lot, eomm. pool, hnrmcu.late, tus mo. ()p@n Sal 110-S. 4211 Shorec1flltl..n 3 Br dlllMex. S1'~ hi$. SS50. Adults. Craig. 847-4100 Ba~h. employed adult w /little atulf. SC.Ov..e & retri.c. ruo mo. Util pd. 494-UMl 3124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MFSA VERDE home at· mosphere 2&3 br dlx apts. no pets. 546+ 103' 2 Bdrm, l bath apl. Adults, $350. m o. Gas pa.id. 642·507_3_. --- LA MANCHA Al'TS Large, l ,2&3 bd garden apti.. Adults. Ds hwhr. bltns. encl gar, gas bbq. Pool. Gas Pd. 778 Srott Pl. 642·5073: 645·56 U Lite, bnghl, a iry 2 br & 2 ha. frplc, pool & J3CUZZI. AdulL.'>, no pets. 631-0097. $175 Near new 2 br, 2 ba . gar/carport, frpk. patio. dose to all. TSLMRmt 642·1603 2 Br, I ba. I story, shag, drps, patio, (rpl, d /W, beam cln~s. gar . Adlts . SJ45.2650 Elden. {I .I s. 'ti-8406. ----- S2'75. 2 Br, 1 ba, laundry rm. patio. pool. Adlts. no J)l'L'i 'J~l .M~ml &tl·lliO:J Apc9'imtnts fournished •••••••• ••••• ••• • •••• • • 2 Ur~ U.u. eurpets /drapes, ~Island 3706 ulil rm, avail. 5/1. 2.'l<Ui •••• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sant.a Ana .. $38..5 mo. No Bal'twlur apt, ,Vl'arly, duldrcnt pcts. 557·1255 1.11lult. rll1 1-M-·h '~ lilk to 2 Ur, J hath, E·s1de C M. hc'h Ref!> 1'13 2.:i115 $3~0 /mo. c a 11 pl.Im; l\avfront Uarht·l11r JJ>l , S:&1prmo l.tc.I tJ71}:j ~a Peninsula 3707 ....................... 1hr,yrl).Sl5ll UffSL.pki.:. Open d;.id) . .; 1if'\1 I lll4 \\ Balb11.1 Hlv1l. llh tiW. &!38 llt\l11ELOll i.:n -.11 1•11 .1 t11m 11111 l"J ::>l!I.. mo ... ~, n1~. Corona ~I Mar 3722 ll.wh ·'I" 111111111111~· ul 11 ~·1 <:<»to Me~o 'Jo 3724 .•..•.••.•............. ,,.1,1,1\ d1•1 or I 111 <luph•\. "<'JJ 11\ i.:ur.1~'''' C)Ull'I 1-.mpl' ol .1d1tlt 11\•·r J.1 '•qM·l-. °'!1>.1 ,,Iii l":!I CASA DE O RO \l.l.l 111.ITI r :-I'\ I Ii 54t~5Rl!O I Br. hkl' nl'W, l'loser1 ~a ra~l'. '>l0Vl.', rcfr1g. s:rn &16-~.11 Sp.11·11JU." C<r..ta Mc:.a /\pt. 2 hr, I ba. i.:ood areJ. l\J1l' olc. Pool. SJ.50. mu. N11pcL-. l\alhy.642 l!JSI Nt-w 2 lir. 2 ha. frplc, hlln'>. We!>lSllll' C.M . S:.li'.J Adult~. n11 pell> !fl!l.:137ti. ur 751 9Hl7, a!>k for Ten 1&2 Br from ~ lo SJ!f5. ""''" 1·pt!>. pa~" & d~. c·1 .... n & ""'•· 1sr.21,.;11 STl N"ll'\l(i lrJ!. 1&2hr. :!h.1 gJ rrl1•11 ·•l'I Pnol ~i;, & S3:1S 7111 W Hllh SI 1~ ... u11fu1 (',a,..1:-.11h· :! Bl< '.! 1!1\ f'nq1l1• )ard frplt·. 11111, •·•1u111 k 1tl'h < 1111p.1r• lil'f11r• '"" 1'•·111 t 0 11•I11111 d • I 11, "·"hl'I dry1•r. gara).!l'. w .• 11. 111 .. 1111·,., _,\\all i I 1~1'1 Ill.II • l'lll·.11 \I!'\'. (t .t i Ult• ,,, t I lllJ l.11 •1111 "'llh 1111 , .. , t ,, •ht lllJ.. ·• 11.11 II• "1(1111 .ire , lull 1.·11111 r1 111 11 lilt I'll I lmJ 11 I 11 11.1 t Ii "'•ni.: .. 111· l>o•rlr•M•lrl l"•••I Hllq ... 11rr11un•ktl "'11 h JI I II ,/1 I .11111 I I 11 I If \1111.11.1\l'\11 \I II:-.. 111-~I '\ti ,.,.. I:.. 1Hurm1111 n"twtl ,,t:, ~ lvfrm I urn1 ... h··tf 'hN1 ·1;;,"1·-..1 Wrb1111 1-;1111.i:• 1111 I tVmnqton Beach 37 40 ••....•.•.............. l llr .1111 furn 11 11111 llt·<11·h \dull:-.. n11 P•'" :'\••:ir111 .. hl:.11·h %0 :!117~ ~Beach 3748 ..••.•..•....••........ I. \(;L:Nr\ Bt-:A<'l l MTll l:"N S75 Wk~ up ,\I .ml '''n '11lor T\' l11•a11•d 1••11 l ':11 i i I• I'll .>~I.\ !K > ~ < '0 .1 .. 1 I I\\' ,-.;,, L.11wn.1 .: 111 . ..! '"'· 111.ml\.w nr oc•n t'V .. lllrt'" :-1•\\ 11\1 I.I<. trnlwd 111 frpl 111.'am c·1•d g <h·1·k \l\''A'-11\.'n {I, htlb 11.JllO lntln 11111 i:.ir. 1.w Sli75 {\111 I~\ 1•12:! 3769 .••.••...•......•.••••. llAYFttONT 2Br . ..!B.1. :m lx1.1l -;h p optmn;rl ) rl) nu JJl'l' or l'htldrt•n Ev<'lyn 631 2'1112 WE HAYE SUMMER RENT AL S T1~KIN<; llf':'iF:RV/\TIONS associated BROKERS-REAL TORS lOH W Balboa &l l )661 Shon ll'rm rentals By the Wt.'t'k. now avail Nor~. AJ(enl G75·8170 tkcanCront :l Br 2 Ra ri i.:ht on sand. SUJ>l'r IOl'::Allon. fully rum. avail now wct'kly thru Sept 15 Dys '752·7410. eves 83!1 21~ L.o\·cly I~ l Hr. Prnmun lofy Pt . or 2 llr w •p;•rlrc•t view. /\va1l 61I f.7:11113!) BALB01\ t>CEANFllONT lHr SJ25 mo to mo Playa Realt.v 631-4990 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lalaoa Pftlifttula ll07 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •$250 Lg 1 lir up per duple.x Utll pd. No pets . 410 llardin l(, Bll lboa. 547·1155 ec.t1trano •aeh ll 18 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dix I Br 2 Ba. dining rm. front rm. apphanccs. lg deck, ocean view. extras . No pets. $375. I~, last & dep. 496 3389 eor.. .. Mar l&ZZ • •••••••••••••••••••••• 2br. 1 •~ba. twnhsc apt. bll1n s. rrplc. p ool. Adults Ch1lct 16+. No Pets. $450.11,e ll73 0473. • ,. "' f\ Ill:-I\ I h•·H 11.111·111 ' •l'o •I • l·~ 1.11 • l>r'h'" .J!>h1•r' ·~ l~·dfl•1rn" ii. I h.ith •\\.ilk 111 p.Jr~ I />QI f'l.JI l'nll.J (' .\! •ii 111>1;! :r.111 Ii I ,, p I " , 'I U 1 l' I "' 1).!hborlHKJCl SJ75 S:Hl t.i \na \\'l' i\S!\. ll:Jg..tl()8t I-"'I" 1luplt>x, 1 Br. pn'. li:ni•t'll vrd , SJOO Nu dug'-54R 07!IJ.'l --- MESA PINES I Hr SH5. f>'rpk. Pool Jat'UJ.ll , uas hh<1 . rl~•"' ).!:ir i\dulL-.. no pets. 21i.'ic• I wrlJ I\ 11t•. ~..t!l-24.ti :!&:I Hr a()L,, family 1•001 vii•\ No pt'ls. 22011 Ari1 :I C•tll1·g(• A Ill ' f~l2 !IWll ('ll·.111 2 bdrm. I tia. n1•w <'l>l & drJK'"· Sl'kl mo 1111 1 • • .'L' 1!75·48116 1\1•w 1·11ndo, ()(:can & 1·1t \' 'u. hn thl· Bluff:;, <: M i up.,1 r .. hr i.!1: ha \h(•rn1,1,avt._ Wshr. dn·r & rt•fng <t\Jll 1.:-.t'. P01' 5SX-07!f7 \'111.1 Pnnom:i ..1 plt>42 2015 •1..mt•h. qwet all a<lult hid).! •Spu1·1011!> 1&2 BH -<:.trpct & drapt'~ •l'ool & nm-2 •Pnvutt' gara_l!e~ •l>n\' patio balrnny • r lloal! lloop1lal. )ih1m pin>-? & 2 m1 from bcal'h . S2i lleaul brand ne w l ha, frpk . lndry rm. i:ar TSLMumt 642-1603 1.1! tbr. 734-C: Shalimar S25~1 m o 548 · 1257. 554·1filG. 751 114().i. L~(' pn vate 3Br. 21la. gar. lawidry rm. yard. Kids OK. no pets. Avail June I $400tmo84{}-4724 ---- New 2 br. I '':Iba townhse. pvt patio. fpk . gar Mull" s:JOO. 6454074. &side qwet 2br I ba in ln plex, patio, lndry. Rllr s:ll5 673· 3600 ---- 2llr w tRar-nu cpls·paint Wtr pd 636-4120 1·5pm 2171> Pluccntw "B" SJOO LllrJ.?C ba(•h a pt, tWO<t loc1de. pvt patio. Adults. 859 W 19th. $215. ---- Ul1I included I br $210. Pauo. adults, quiet. No pets. 644-4B58. East.side 1 br. wood beam cc1lin1t5 & cabinets. S26S. 1!35-11.'>44 . TOWNHOUSE 2br. I '':Iba. pvt patio. encl ga r. Adil!!, no pet.s. $350 avail 6/1. :mW. WUson 646-3723 .,_.,., JIU ·····•••J••1••········· For Rent Dana Poinl; Bh'f aide condo. $S75: CUle house $400: Deluxe View o t. SSSO. Agt. m-0467. Sell things fast with Oa.il)' Pilut Want Ads. ' ... SllAKl'. bead\ \,2 & 3 UH Irv&<-. duihv. ttr. .:.-r" II'' 41 Piii IOi. No Vf'I ' · 9t» 23M, wtmcb ~ 6306 2 II ;J8n. mv\'\" 111 t10.l,1) wt.II lo i.hopp111.: & hu:. ~ to OJ~ 114:.! ~M.&-l s.6-(X)lfl New 2 1m 2 liA. \'OCI .i.11 l"klt>t-lo lht· lk!ad1 $37\1 mo. 9&4 i!ll3'1 1...: 3 Hr 21;o, Ill.I ~ r J I' 11arag~. n .,,H 411!1 & lie acb s.&50. !127 4u.'> : Vi. I iH llui:11 llc11t1·1I 1••11 ••11•\ .llur • uht.on .1 nt'11n P-'r k 111i: Stt.':'I 4!M '°° 1"11."'· I..: o.tr111 Jill 111 "" l ~1.i1111.1 l'l1"•" 1,. tu It $4.'ltJ I UI 1 I I!« ll;tltl Nl• L~1.:w1.1 .! Iii .: l1J 1"4nll'•' 111 11\ II t\ ~ll•r1'' N1•"4 ll\ I I It h 111 .. 11 II f ' 'J 11 I 11• I 111• .ir11 1'\'11 ).; l't'k HI'\\!> \11"11 II; lull.~ 1•,111,. lntfn ;thl ~·" I b l' Sh ,11 l' t1 II ~ ()J22 L.olJllRo ...... , 1850 ~ 2 Ur '-"' 1c·nc•I p.11 •n ••• ••• ••••• •• •• • ••••••• sepi&ra\ I! gar a II•' b It 111!\ Call~.uJO M1k,• 3 Br, 2 bu. garage, r p. 'm yd, no dog~. S43!Jm11 900-S.176or1>"7>6610 HOMES FOR kENT 3 or 4 br l'ni·(-d fnin1 $43S to $525. Fnt•d vant & g 1.1ragei.. Fam 1l1l'' ple a se. kids & pl'h welcome. Call ~-2566 or 973-297 l. A~. no fee. •DELUXE* BARDEN APT. 2 Ir. Adults only from $335 mo. Jpoots CAvcred car Port pauoapls . BB<)'s dose to fwys & bchs walk toshoppang. 171 I I Goadeottw~st atWmMr 847-6064 HatiwqOfl Granada -------- Spacious 3 BR, 211'1 ba. F'rplc, f>.;hwsr. t:nt'I ~ar, la undry hooku~ Avail 5/1, $485 mo. Pt:>.:>:Y, ~ari. 11111t u11 \ h ' ... ' I\ I I\ I .1 l\pl., 1lull µr .. ,11~·t· lu~ury ~•1•1 111 111' l'h t ..i.:un.1 111 h ( '11111µ1 I <'t rm JMI Ut/I, h1·utc'l.l IJllOI l"h.~1· tu 'llu1111111~. 111.1 Jlll frwy~ )l'I 1111\at1• & (lllll'l OH 1\111•1!1 l'.11 kw.I\ .11 · Pu:.,.1d(' \l\1lc·rw1.1 ~>111 ~l1wk11urt l)r ~1 llt:so r>111 htf11 Mission Viejo 186 7 .•••................... 1-'or le~t-l-.xt·1· l \1111111 · 2hr lu "' •• t,·rt r 11111 P'an1~h·n .1 al I.a kt• MI!\!\ Vit•J<• l..1kl· pr1·\ ~2.'irno C;1ll !<JI 2m:1 38 69 ··••··•··••·····••··•·· Pill< NEWPORT u u I' h ,., " r " . I II r :~ llt«lruurrh & T1 '"' nhuu!\\'!> 1-'rom SJll\J ~I SIJ(.•t"IJ1·ular .,v.1 tol.11 rt•1•q·a I IOll µrui.: r J m ~1nal vr11i.:rJn1 7 J)OOb , x tcnru:. c:1iurt!. 1\t 1-"a!.hlt)n Is land .• lamllon•,• ~ ~.111 Joi.tqwn 11111' l<o.it1 171 .. J644·1900 OCEANFRONT -----:tbr. 2 ba. w /off1•·•· Yl'C•r SUPER 1 br. pool. 1wr. Iv fo'rpk ~i.tr, $105<I frplc, trces. S275 Adulb, ·1~1. Mn mt 1>42 lfill:I 842·9583: &12·5251 .. 1-.:xtrc ml'ly l<1rj!l' :i Ur. fam1b rm, frplc P vt p;ilio. 2 \•ar .:ar S49S/mo 640-5536 OH WATER 1\llract" t' n·ll"' 111 .111·11 2hr Oldl'r i>rt•f . 1111 1>t•l'> $S75 yrly. 1'1:1-HMf> 1•vt•' Dl-:t.UXl-. ll/\ Yfo"ltu.'.'llT :l l>r. 2 b;i. 2 A•ir • hdy v~•t 111 bll ans . 673·3Bll'J ......... u.fww.. v...... ........ 4250 OHie• ....... 4400 ............ 4450 ·•••·····•·····••·•·••• Ml upert .... )Ht ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ I Hr t1llj FW1h1tm lril , "°°I, ll•Oni11. 1.Jllol l\tlUllA, flll JM•lll. 640 0711:> I Ur 111<1r•0t.lh h1H lwlur 011 wut.crlruot. pn \ '<Ull ll1•rk in t•x du~1\l 1c '<ldf'nl 1al Jrt'll <:uc''ll ~"k-1~ h1 ti;lll)Oa UJ) OulJ <1\l~l11blr ~ m o W1ll L-..• ti42 I~ tOl YIA IAICll.ONA •-"My decor. CCMto • .... •c k & all ....... lt1e1. Lowuf prfc• °" U.. o,... W/M 1·5. Call Lido ~673°7300 l>l 1-.AN ~·1t1 lN I t lllhm Ill" \1.,HI\ '\.:t•lll !J7J 11.1 .. 1 S..0..-ftk 3176 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I~ fur rent, 11111 ._·ur t'tty 1d1111 8. llnl.'n'\ furn ~ llll\•ly lll q 1f t:ul I ,il\cr 3 11 OI :.414 I UHv Mnu1 Sun cl t:o11do .av ul luhll· 1 i!:l , 711 lo H ~ 7!J Stl fl 0 (' J 11 l'iotJIUlt' ltuthl M li 77 11 4300 ....•...........•••..•. ROOMMATES s-. ......... s. •• 1'!tij0y mvH• l'uy ll''lll 1 All Alll'll At L1f1·slYh·.., W1· ( 'hl't'k lhirl•fl't1t e' Call 546-4282 Sa;""' t•n I w1• h.iv1• lwhwd tl1ou .... 1111tl~ uf our 1 lwnt!> C111tl lllOllllllal\'°' W,· ,.,111 la·l1• you too.• 1 HOUSD4ATES tu? ~ L34 t21314111l ltl I.I • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~1 t-'hur•· ~ ond'-' t t U $'OU • HI t.utntll \ .:Ji".:' 111 llll) 1 Ulll IUO 1\.171• \'\ t'~ leo•J1h ~ 1 .• 1 I' 1ho111.1 .i/t ~l'M wknll' \Juli 'tww ••l'l 't"' t' it•fn.: .\ ulll $1!111 11111 l.'iO IW'IL.1rl '1~2 ~1 5 .......••••.•.••.•..... 1111-; r:Xl'l1'1 N(; P 4.1.M MESA APTS \\I ~l 1'1-:S 'l'O N l''I' Bl"! I llJdl, I&:' Ill( f111111 $2SS & up 1\llulh N!1 J1t'I' 1561 l\frs:t 1'1 15 1111..:. 1-:a:-.t 11f Nt·~ port lllvd I !1.11n ~J.lnl ~..tli !IXliO THE BEST OF ALL WORLDS l>J\( ·1 Pit. wrn IDS 1\d11ll 1\partm1•11t:-. ~ .. l dlTIVO~ w.inllt•nn.: ~tn•ani-. & tall fr.11: r;111I Jlllll'' ft•JI llrl" •Walk m l'lo~t·I~ •T11nl· 'UVl'r klll'lh'll!> •Al r l'Oll(hl IOlllllJ.: •l)l"l'Oralor at'('t•nt~ ·l'ool:-.. C vm •VOlll'yll:lll & Muri• J llr I rum S.'14HI 11.:~1 I t.1rl>oir Bl\ 11 ~ulh uf 1-:<11111!1•1 839-2140 4000 . .•............•.••.... !loom w 1k1tchcnNll' flifi Wl.'{'k & UIJ. 541! !J7!>5 Koom with ~und(•c k . J>nval1• humto. w 1frplt'. vrrl i\11 ulll . l1n1•n Phon<· rm·ah. ml'lcl Sl7~1 ~jl~f;4:J8 L;,iJ!wla N1i.:u,•I Sl <!.'• Nr. Suddld.>a l·k Cull Ft•m . Onl y K 1ll't1 p rcv . 1<31 1839 fo't•m Zl li> Zfi for 2 Hr, 2 ha :.ipt an lrv1nl' Call M11n 'l 1t1r IKJl'h 1'l11hJv, ll1111 '>lllllkl'I ~:DI ?I.II l:!H 111 1>13.!lits:: lit'hµ ft•lll ,1gt• 27 ltl :15 "4 .:11ud Jlih, to ,.,h.tr1· :1 lilt tlll)Jh:~ 111 l°llM. "''Ith '"'!-.II mall' $l(llJ Mu • 1, 11t11ti75 ~ 1-·,·m . Z> :J5 -.hr 2 lh .! 1\,1 l'rk Npt ,1pl Ind c ... ,., uul. ~llJ 0.10 '~lot! ltoummall: \\anh'tl, 1-'t•m, :1 Ur 2 Ila huu,<.• w Hd \'all l .. 1111.la , l(.lll·H~ · Mall• r11c.1mmal1• wanted lo 'har1· north t•l\11 LHKUnll llt•ad1 2 b<lrrn apt dost• In tw.wh l•q1ft•:.:-.1onul 1x.-rs11n, m :1tun·. lllo;ll WI plw,, I :• U\11 ·l!.17 ·l!i51i Fl'm I IU vr!. -t F V Con do 3 i..trm w pool S!OO nw ~-4<!/.I Matun· m.1h'. n1111 'n111kl•r 10 l>hr l1e,1ul furn :1111 21 •b.t 1·ond11 110 h.I\ 1n N1Npl 2 blki. lr11m lll·h 11(( :.t. µrk.:. °" .rsh 1tl rv l'rd S O Oll'""'' who travels ~cw m11 <In or lil'fon· 7 L 7H li7:1 \,111.M J.'1•m shan • l'W'aut :1111lrm 2ba apt St!lll I blk hd1 ('dM ti7:J-177:'1 Mom "' !l mo' 11111 1w1•1b re~µ d t·an tllill'l f1·m tu sh an• find apt 111 (·\I l'1ndv S57 3:'111 7 II 111 .548 1222 hw. Femul(· C hns t 1;in 11r s1m1lar i.tlt1tud1• to -.hart• clarhni: ( 'oron.i rll'l M ;ir hous1• SWO mu No last mn rent. .I u11 ~· bl 7S!Hl'.l6<1 Ynl! F l·rn l<111k1nl! ro r same lo shr 211r. 21ta .1pt Sl~t Park Nwpt f..tll Hiil;S .lcwcler !>('Ck:. roommut t" 2hr :.ipl. CdM $200 m11 Laurel work fi44 l:i>W, home. 640·61JJ7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NIWP<>•T CINTH DIC sums l''l/J,1. Sim VICt; QCt;AN VIEWS Hewportl.-cy Corp. 644-7110 ---- PalMILOCATIOM ON WATER Avurlublt• for prolesSJon al or rctt11I dfll'l'l> 'rot1i1I 1>f :lOOO 'Ill ft Cu1 bl' d1v1dt.'<l tnlo "11allcr u.ruts On Vt' lly :.li33 W. Coa~l Hwy, NH. then c.tll Al!l'nl Jl li31 1400 740 ~ "' 44' l>l'I 'iQ ft mi mv l..o<'.1l1·d off '"" c\U!'I f-'r wy nr <.:rnwn Vallt'.'y Av111I May 15th ICll ~ur 831 'IO!SI $100 \Ji> Offlt1• 'torl' l'l>l:.. drl)~. /\ C 173111 U t' <H ' h , II Ii I. °"" li42 2X:J4 DOW NTOW N l'o ,1.1 M~il 3'11! S (I It t11 2500 .,~ (t L'pt , tlrp!\ :iir l'l111d H1·u-.1rn Hk r 1Ji5 fi7IMI AIHPUlff 1,llC/\'l'JoN l H oo m it u I l t' .1 I I "l'rv1l't'lt No ll'as1• rctt "ti 5'!75 mo Imm t·tl 111 1·upa n ,. y 20112 S 1-: llnstol. St.lrtt· zoo. N Ii m~ 15.51 1010 Lido Uld~ has <'h,irminit i.trl'i.1111• shop 1\ \"a II 1 nl mL'll Cood l'Xpos un· c\50 '>(f rt :st SI :J:J.'>!1 \'1~ 1.1do, N H ITT:l ·ll:'>li 11100 &i "' mL'<lwal prof uft'S Nt•WI} clt•1·or11\1·d i\mpk prkg 1500 E K;Hdla . Orani.:1· l'rul 1•r Mitml Cu X:ll 71<1 l Uia.'!t llwy an l),ula l'l :1~1i "I ft nk w h.1lh S!litl 11111 t:arp1•h, h•' 1•l11r' fi(;t 1711 If you .irt• look 111).! I 111 !o<lnll'lhmi.!, ~11~·\'la l , d wt•k Uu-. om(• uul 2 st v 't u11111 offlt•t· ISIMI Ml ft i.:rn-., Xlnt !:>lrf.'l't V"ll1thl \ 1111 ma1or lolvll 111,.,11 11ir 111 'u r Jn~·•• ,, "", a ••"' . mo rt ~•• l!l' <'111n pa 111 l':. Nt'.11 I) ( 1\1rpor1 ,11 1:i;1, ll1k1·r I \il l !'>Iii .!'JH:! l-:l1•i.:a111 ofr11'"' "1th 111 1N 1thn111 1111111 ,t ri.tl i't'"'IJC'rl 1;.1:; :!I II Off1e 1· or ('11mm 1·r1·1.d -.pat'<' Ill tlOIN 111<1\\ ti l.iit.:w1.1 l,.111t1m.1rh 111111! l.ltA>(I fl 111· w11l lll\ 11h· 4~4 15;15. 01 1'12 ll 1110 492· 1001 BEST CdM OFFICES Very 1mpn•s,l\'l' 11ff1t•c• sWlL">. n•nLnilh hwat,·11 r111 soulh '11h• ·of ('11."t 11"4 \ TIN f) :!ntl rlnur ,p.,{•cs Imm J t• u lall'I \ d ean & n «1dy for 1m med •K'eupam·y W1111ld rmke great c·orpuralt• nf Cm • Only S3951mu t::11l Lmda al ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uimm. hldt< for liJc. AP· ~x 000 sq rt S ml bldl( m back • .aj)prux 500. ~~ NWJ>t 81. C M 646·0147 ... trial....... 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAGUNo\ IULL.S·two ad JllC' ~ tcq fl M-t units. n\'w hid~. A 1C orrc. lruntc; on Moulto n . nr Lakt• Forest. lt•ase hy owner. IJ35.. l808 MI Co rn e r , 90xl27 w /sm all comm bid~ 5425 mo 991 W. 19th St. C M,642-3490 Sta. CICJI 4550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RVf'IARKIMG S2S. MOWTHL Y Fenl'('d stora~e for your boat, c:impcr or l'Xlra 1· a r I'' or 1 n f u e a 11 848 :1133 Hunt Be at h .trea 4600 ··················•·••· Hc1>po n~1ble . work1nf! wr1 11•r S l'l'k' lllll' ll<!c1room t•11 11 a~1· ir1 Corona del Mur or <.:oslu Mesa Qwetncss ('!\Sen· ual Wnll' Classified Ad 11200. Us1ly Pilot. I' o Hox 1560, Cos ta M1•-.a ~ ~1an 50'!> I 1kt·' to n111k looking for JPI h:.t· l•> ~harl' with ... tr:..1)thl non ., Ill u k c r m f I' J II I 557 21.32 s:.n 141SH luMMujlnvesf / Finmtei~ •···•·················· BusiMSS OpporiWtity SOOS . ..•••.....•......•.... 7-1 I I ll~h ).!I'll'' In !JU!>, Ill \ r-. 111Nnt•r """ 1nJ.! f111111 'lull' '4 111 l'<1rn. '11m1· llOlUll'lnl! Dl'ta1I~ 10 h.,l 1111: nfr 846.§502 .. :k J.!ant -.ma ll O\•aul \' '.ilon m ~hoµ l'tr l..IJ.! ."\u.!Ud A~kmt.: Sl3.!"llMI l't·~ /\Jll'tl l<llr I~ 7:l7>i ('1tM·rst-1<>P l 11u~u,ol 11pp11r1 u111 1' ,I\ .1dalth-..ii n 1::.l 111 111 H'llll)(}' 1;.1 ~1 .!tfotl ~-..;:i. S-17!1 I lii.:h property 'I AX ~:s ·nll'n 1·aml' l'ROI' l:J r-.l·"<t th1• t;J\.'-; PI< ICE:-.· thl'n t•arnl' Vote wisely 1\mcri1·:1' DALE'S RV Refttol & S•s. Inc. Sf'O. LA. lknvl'r I !1111) 1!54 1139!1 o Uh Id C' <.:&l1f Sil&Kd!y. May 12, 1979 DAILY PILOT Cf• ~to&.o. 5025 L.Olit&'-d SJOO ,_,..... 5318· ....................... ······················· ._ ..................... . INEED I MONEY • C•UDITMO NOii.EM 2nd Ir 3rd TD '°-• 547.5402 Arranged hy Coast HcNM Lo.. MoMy W..t.d 5030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• wi• f'lfl'( I 5% Int. $250,<XXI t·orpor<1te loan Secured bv over $300,000 ~1vables Depression µroul hus1ness F..st. fo r ;!() yrs P 0 Box 3162, Newport Beach . CA 92660 Mort~s. Trust DNdi 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21"1> TD'S FOR SALE Earn ~·t. yield on 3 y r 2nds w 111 d IS('tlUll t ggX). SJ0,000. S:W.000 ~ $40,000 Call Hu~c r , 714 834 1702 LOWEST lntettst Rat•s 1,t T.D. ·,, also 2nd T.D. LOC111s. Fwrc..>St Terms sanc1· 19 l!J Sottle1'-MtCJ. Co. 642·2 I 7 I 545·06 I I I YR2NDTD H1't'l'I\.'(• l(I' •• 35•' ~ 11•ld, I:!'. t.11-.t·ount, !>UIJ"r 'l'•·unt\ h\ '>lllglt· f;unily hon\1• llt•lll'r than rut Uni! , . .,ur mon··~ in .,,n I n ~ ' & I II ,, n . 't1llfllJ $I IHJ 0 011 CJ 11 llo~l'r 711 K3-1 1102 MONEY AVAILABLE :!ND'ff> /\ND SWl!'l<i LOl\N:-. ll\fl'i':lo •:STl)J\:l.Y 01! fo'lJIJ.Y /\MOHTIZEIJ. 1..t·•· Hc·<.1lt' It ~. llrokt•r 511~1 l!.1~1i EA.RM 25% YIELD 1 'r :!rul Tl>, llJ' 1n 11•rt..,t 12•, d1:.1 o un1 Coll 1<11i:1•r 711 8J<l 171/2 EARN 16% YIElO S3.'PO I :!) r Int Cini\ .! II 11 T f) I' 1" 7"1 75!i M:YI Amoutcemrnts / Penonal~/ Lost & FcMlnO ..•..•...•••.••.••....• 5100 •.......•..•..•.....•.. FOUND: .Parrot family bird MB.all28 an 5PM L,OE,i'; Cocker mix dog. \If whltti, bm collar & flea collar. Mesa Del Mar ar~a C M. S40·1B19. Black Jade bracelet w n band ol gold. Gold s afely duun, l~c cutch. Miss· 1ng Jun 9 Was 1n Bullocks W1 I shire th al mo rn1n ~. lte ward. 4.'B 139 I coll -----1..Dsl Reward, sm while doJ( w /turnd up la1l & Oachl>w1d lcits. Ans wt-rs t.oname of "l>o'', In f .V area 839·5037 -------- Lost. Boy '-; silver T1mt-x wakh at Bluebird Park, S/9 1 day old 4!>7 229!1 Lo~ t 81 k & w h l m 1 n Shellie female, vrc Fln Vly 839·~---- Fuund 2 bllll'k male Schna uzer t ype dui.:~ . II a v l' n· 11 ,. •) 11 a r-; . Mel\rthur ltd & San J oa· qu1n 11 111:; Hd. N H. 644· IHO.'> ~ou nd : M 101utu r l' 1•u me ran1an fo'emall'. lrvlnl' Northwood a rea. 731 !1254 FUUND . am~onrlc uv1•r rull' t"al>l', !o,ca~horc IJr N H 1.i4<! ti31!l FOUNU . !:>mJll while m ill· •·at &12 '1571 l•'OUN IJ · :! M Lir'"~tl ll .• n 1•., W h I w Ii I k µall•h1':> & "l'°l~ 1~Ui ti~>\\ Tun .. l'"O\'N IJ Yo u111.! 1·.11rn T1°ml·r t 'no,1m 1 olo r ~!II· :a12::i Jo'l)I 'NI) S \1 \1 rn1,1·1I th~ t 'ult• & l1wJbh·. Vtt·. I rv1n~· IU:I KS!l7 1.11,1 M "i h1111h .11r < '111111· Shl'ph1·rll . \' '"'•· nr:!blST ,.,, !65 :!7 11• l~~T 11r:111j.!1 :'A .i11~ 1 .11 \' 1 c· l .. 1 i.. '.'< 1 I: II•' I lcl-:~1\l<ll l!l:l iiHI 1 .. "'1 t ,,1 II \I i:r.1) 11 i:•·r \\1oll;!,1U L! · " llJllll'l .JI. \." In \11• .<. llolul.1' lt1I '\ I! w,,, H1·w..ril t..l:! :m~i l.11 •.t ( h I I r1 ' .... 1 h ,, l .,11l h11 .il h ul l 11nh. "Whit•• Kn11thl ' . wpt .U-l"tl ti<\2 ::!811 or :>48 2.'>:!5 ltt-wurt1' lu•ward. Inst. M Siamc"" •'II' ::i:trtl Wt·.,lrntnM1•r , C!'Y1 Ila~ t:al!, T1mu1111 1"2 IRti L n -.1 ,m ,111 l•·m ~al1· S1amt....,•· t•at Turtl~tWk Clc•n a rl'J l<c~.srd <'Jll ~ ... i!3>ll) ADOl'T·Jo·o1 ·:-.o. M Wht female in 10'•· health~. actlve, sincere seeks wbt man w /same qualilicationt, compa- n.lonahip or share exp .• Olrldo ai '73 Torino. Belly Box 6'1, 2Z30 N. llain, S.A.92706 "' Widower w JI.lice to s hare home & expe nse s w /widow over 50. beautifuJ Parkside home & yard. Reply classified Ad!J448. Dally Pil<>', P .O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, Ca 9'.£16 -------~ Neal lady w /time & mean..;, seeks whl male OO's w/same for lrlr & cmpr travel, &t TLC. If you desire a sex partner 00 NOT REPLY! Write Class1l1ed Ad M87, Daily Piiot, PO Box l!i60, Costa Mesa, Ca 926216. -----1\nyooe ~Oini<t Lo Art Show 1n Pre1'.>COll. Arizona Ma~monal Wknd. contact mt! 54iMl6 I 9 WAMT'ED WITMESS TrymJ? lo lo<'atc poss1blt• wilnt.'Ss to a ccide nt at t' 11 r n l' r t> f f: 11 1 s & Magnoua oolwt!Cn 4·5µm 110 July 16th. J!l?:J. <.:on· tal1. Attorney Gilbert A. 'rllomas 832·4300 Attrat·t1vt• 1•xµr'cl mi.In, ><ow1g m l>Qdy & spin I, mmpamon for Sr. t'll. Ml>.;!X';JI l>;.t1ly 1'1101 rcpurh:r :.ct•ks t~,;w l'•fos a family with a tJoPtt•d Vietnamese C'h1ld, lo interview for 'tor v , ('a II J ack it- llym;; n, 642 4321, ext 203 •U.l\..'iSY Ht:/\UTU-:S• Jo~'OHT S ERVJCfo; 12-1 hr> l'.,yt·h11 • Ul'vclopmt'nl lrammg Jo'n.>t• d i.ts:> on Thur. Work"*'n~1 on S a l. f>i.2450:1 SocidClub~ 5400 ···············~······· •KAREN'S• !1 \\'.tr., of dalln~ f11r w.1rm . • 1mq1a s~1onal•· lll"lf>lc• 71-1 1!711 ~5 1 Tf'CIVet 5450 ...••..••.....•........ Hull• ~·.i11ll'll from l"t n VI.\ ti. S.1 l'J !.drll'na dally. Ulll !iti2· lllW &t~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7075 ··········•···•··•··•·· Gl'ntolt• Chris lran lady hv<· an. <.:arc & hskpg for elderly pen.on. 644-8906. Slutlcnt d t.-s1rcs waitres~ Jot>. CM /If H a rea. P rr t1 I .I u n 1• • f u I I t 1 m e lhl'rt•Hf\f'r ~0-5721 after llOOfL,1CVCl> Class Uelwce large 2 bdrm apl. wlk lo 11th S46S incl utlf C7H J6:J J.IJ!Jl He l monl H~s. :JUll,2ha .uppNdplx Nr thrn Wl-d ~'>I ~l'Jl;:t Share hous t'. Univ t•ark. tastdully f urn l'n<JI Jat· , lc11nis. w!>hr /dryl•r Female . ~~s 55!~· 747!1 ROGERS REAL TY 675·23 I 1 PENNY PINCHER ADS H...l~"•'l !'>,tl l1o·t1111 t'.! i\ 11 ~he 11 l' r, t. I t .< 11 :. t> I [~111·2 tS."l l'.xp, ln!.l J llC!r/rep<11r ~ara~c doors & openl!l"s 5o1.ll 1410 Bill lbr patio apt. $!60. 7802 Ronald II. B. /\ pph ea lion." 962·200! Lido /\dult-. prl'f'd . ssst. Sle\•p1111: r m . pvt C M Mh Ai..'t. 675 1!170 1w1mc nr ().<.:.(;. Pvt t•n Female lo sh..irt· <!llr <!ha N('wport Bc h apt TN1 /\mh1l1uus p1•oµll• ~ho want lo t>am bul who l·an only work part t1 ml' ()p r>0rtumty for good C'Xlr<.1 tnt'Omc. Trnrnang i::1vt•11 Phont' for 1ntt•n·1('1N , 714 ~1-2311 as k for 1·;d ONLY S2 .. Fvund · nul'.'>l't 'm Male Hlk, brown & whtlt'. Aµ· prux :! :J mu:-1>44 3656 / ~2t53 HAYFHONT 2 lir. 21w, lntr1tl' Sll!Omo 551i-1Ni37 1.0VELV VIEW Atlral11ve female compa- ruoo for Sr. Citrten . Live 1ll/0Ut. 640-2891 Super I & 2 BH apt & 1•on do. close lo bcac:h. dea n w /blt.ns. Call soon. won '1 ,a<>L Andy, 536-73.JO m1 Vu f'4•nlhou:>1• 311r. 2' •lJa, $12.'">(). li41l H!lllll ur 644 51:191 l'\/C~ OCEAN FRONT. 1nl:md ~ew. adults only , 2 Br l'n Ba. p ool. s a una . :.ecur. bldft, $500. Tom 1 ~1536-3483 Yfo:/\Rl.Y ;i llr hlo1•k from li:t> & IJC.1d1. fq1k opl•n llcam. 117.l 1!10!1 ~j Hmtington ~ach 3840 ' ······················· Kennebunkport ? Isn't he the guy who k1Cked the winning fieldgoal m the '74 Superbowl? no --/' __ If you re not sure w no (1J1 w t.al) K111111yt1111 "'110'1 WdS. don ' 1eel baO -yr,u 11 n01 111)111 Kennyounkpon 1~ OI\{ ot I •1 tJ1<,1111w~" / a1tferent apartment noorp1.1n' •• 11 '""1w1r111 \1111.-If' 1n Hunttngton Beach. Seaw1110 V1ll,arJ1 1 1 tt" .. ;11 of totally personalized profe:.!.1<JnJI n1.in .. 1n11 The kind or at tent1or \ 01J rJt><.1 •r\11 A perfect blend o f ndturi• •Jtltl 11v1r.11 nestled in a forest w1tn bacm11r1q tirook!. ''"'' ri ,,er ponos. cooled t>y natural orn·m hrel'/l'' Ado to that tennis courtS. sw1mm1nq P<IOI'>. dJr1Cun 1 ..iniJ a convenient location ncdr • nopµ1nq JM employment ana you·11e Qol a pldCe .myone wou o proualy call home. (Even l\ennybunkpon11 One and twb beOroom. Ont' clnO IWO IJdt t1 adult apanment.s from $3 15 oo Seow1nd Villa Hu'le lO'I \ 11.1q. 15555 Hunrmgton V111age Ulne 9 Hun1ing1vri !Jto<ICl'I. CA (71 4) 898·996\ rrom the San Diego ~1eeway orive north on f:lt>,l(h 10 McFaooen. then west on McFi!Oden 10 'ieawma V111,,ne. FurnlShlllCJS available • Open oa11y IO llM 111 cJU~k MIW APT HOMES MOWIEMTIMG Luxury 3 br/2 ba. s pacious interiors. Incl OW, stov~. fplcs , & private 2-c ar garages. 5 Unique flool( pl ans. r e nting rro m $495/mo. t Pll{IC'k otr fkox ll BIYd Comt·r of Tt·rrv ._ V1t•wpo1n1 .............. Cll ·MJ• " 1 i~j \ ;1'•''\ .. MAP '"··1'~:.,__ ·~ . ..... _ -- :--·~"~.~ .... ~ -- ' ; -·'l,••t_i_ l.r l! rm l'vl. c nt. & ha ni~. all :tml•nllll'!. Si!211 2 rm !>uitc . Newr<•rt Ctr Dr. Des11?n Pl:1za IJldJ! rum avail /\mple park·i.: :-.C•ll .111) 1t1·m or cvm l11n.1t111n of 1t1·m" for S"l!'> or "'" wlJ h ,, l'1•n11) Pon1·h1>r Atl :1 lint'" (or ·• 1on-..'l'Ulll1• dJy-< 1-:.11·h .1rl<l11111n:il ho\' , .. lilt 1 .. r Lill .!11<1~' l"h,irl!1' 11 ' rmturl', perm man prcl 644 -4 226 or Dt•t• at Sl!ll 541l-<1!197 . 53J.8 llMI Help WCIMed 7100 f"ounrl. t;1·rm ~hon hair .,••••••••••••••••••••• S....-r Refttols 4200 N H. 3 ;11lull nu :.mukl' 3 I yr +lease /\Jtt !149 13()(i m .. fl-. ri·d & "'1111 4·. ACCOUNT AMT •••••••••••••••• • • ••• •• br. 21 ~ t.a "'"nndo I •nol CENTH POINTE EXEC. SUITES J umbore<> & M:1l'Arthur Bay W1ml11w' Plush (';.trpd ~:.irn t·"<C r<i 1nt·um1· 1r1 )taur ~pure llml' Tr.11n lllJ! pr11v1dtod ~ 11157 cu M1~2t!l5 aft $f'M 644 ~. 5'U! 2153 Nl•wport Beach R /F. lnvs lmt firm·1mmcd 01><•nmg rt>quires: Exp. 111 1'orp 1ptns hp ac· ('\.:1f;OP 1•xp. reprt'f./ lhru fin. ~lmt pre p /- hudt!l'lif1n. unalys1s . Cal I "'11).tll2.'I CA·eanfront Laj.!unJ p, 1 it'8P> to hl'a<•h, I hr furn f11Jk. Sfi()) mo thru .I unc· 4!'1 C!\~1i! or 4\17 3~2 J~guna, ocN111fronl 11rl\ ht•ath. flshml!. Wl'l'kly. 4!1.j·:lt!LG ltena1:-.sann· &rmmt·r n·n\ul ·I h'lrm car l!t!ad1. ~I 1wr11111 !168-71111 L<1gun<1 tlt'canfr11111 Bc:sul. l0<·at1on Sll'p--I< hl'at·h J uh s._r,511 Wl'f'k 1\lJI.! 9i!JO wk. 497 ~.Iii::! 111 4!fl·:r?A2 N WPT H L'll at ot·n f;im11i(-s. ~tps K. 1 rn .34th Sl 964437fl, 675·1)922 D4HALDIAY 2 BR home l ·blk to main beach. Ii Te nnis courts. 4 pools + more! $3850/Ju ly: $4400/1\uit Uarb;.tra Winaglc 642-82:l5 t ,J .39 > Vacatioft Rflfttals 4250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M/\UI Ckcanfront <.:ondo. 211 n. 2ba. sleeps 6, pool, nc:.ir lenn1s & S?Olf. ( 808 > 600·5ll l PaJm Spnngs Condo on Mission ll1lls Country Club. 968-!1430. BIG BEAR Lakcfront Cabin. Sml or lgc groups. Mgr. 714/866-7701 Oceanfront 2 br, 2 ba house. Avail. now lhru June 15. 675-4912 Bkr. Olamondhead home, 3 Br 3 Ba. pool, 2 wk min., maid serv. 808/~· 1616 Lake Tahoe Keys. Super executive home . 4 Br. 3 baths, completely rum. Seeps 8. Boat dock & ramp. Call ancr 6 pm . Must have references. 562-8478 Rancho Mirage 2 br , 2 ba rum. condo. Adult pool. Las P alma s C .C . Weekends o r m ore. (71')m.«122 Oeeuft _, CCllldo Oceanside beach vaca- tion with ownershJp ad· vantages: four w eek timeshare. S7500. (517) S215 673·211116:)1 0133 Lux 2hr :!ha, all faC'll apt avail now I·::"' ;1t•c·t·-., (' M Prt·f fl'rnall'. nu MllOkl:',Ol'<tl f>/15 7411! Ntmil' would likto !\hannJ,! hOffi\' w ft•lalcrl) Pl'fStlll who nl•t•11!. sonw 1·an• rt.cf'~ r<·1l'd &12·<1:>0:1 M •F In shr Z Br ~ Ila Npt lkh l'ond11 Walk l•I I loog. St.So ti41i 7 :l:r:! Fl'm ln i.hr 2 llr t·ondo m Ii n . N r u I' a l" h HI /Warner. fWI !lti2'1 Youn~ prof1•!>'1<m l1I F !lt'C'tl~ !..1mt• 111 find & ), h a r l' t' M s 41:1 .s1100 s;;~1t;1;.io (·ves1wkruh. 4350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Storage Rental s:i.r,1mo. single enclo!icll llunt Reh. Peggy, 91;().439::! Offiu Rental 4400 .•.....•.....•.•....... OM THE 752·2737. Off11'<· :1msq ft for rt•11t Muin SI .. II H Cal l 751 ~l!l5 llt·aul rum m unfurn 111 firl' Corn J lo!it' i-.t :.1t11111,, & fret.·wa y ~1110 mo ,\II umcnJl1e.... !JG4 2WJ M F Coa.5l Hw\ athln·'~ Furn prvt Offlt l' ~I llHI Desk ~p:t('l' Sl50 mu Copier. un!.w1·ring ~n·c· ~·· .. ·~. nookkCl'J>l'r .,, ,111 on foe has1s 1!14 94:!1 EXECUTIVE SUITES Luxurious 111fl1·t·'. '1)8\.'IOUb l'OOf\.'rrOl l' room, t•xt•1·uf1\1· '-l'r reta ry , pcr!.011al phone c·1wera.:l'. n·n·r1 lwnrst . lt\.'rox. nnl;ir~ Ll•;isc; nr mnnl h l o month. N1•ar SO C 'o11~t Plaza. Oran ge· C"uu11ty Airport & 1-'rC\.'Way. Calf Vi rginia 979·2161 lll•:tllh 1'110<1 S\t1rt• Ill Nt•wporl lll•;t!'h !\1 U'l ~.11"r1f1 1l'. li 7 :1 0!11 :.!, f~ll; ~lfJH t'u111 upl'rJ\1'11 V 1111'01 f,.WITll'~• Sturt your 11w11 hUSlllCS!> f,.11 3.127 F (I lo. t F ti I) rl ' " ,. I I n•,taurJnl 1n J.!r111N1n J! c lr:ini:<' Co 1\1rport o.1n •.1 l>l!>pUtl' bel W\'('n 11" flt•r., Court order'> l{\1c1•1' l'r lo ~l'll bu~11ws-. Indoor sc .. 11111g for 9>!. outdoor for :ti. Sclf-servu•t• hot & 111111sandw1l'ht•s.1)111<1 & !.ala1ls. bl•cr & Wlnl' Lo1·11lcll in rnot1 park m mplt'x .w1tfl 6;' 1 yr!. r1· ma1nml! un IC!a:o.1·. Bu~r nto:.s hr:.. lla m-:>prn Minimum offer $80,00(1 (',1 ~h -.:.ilc SubJct'l to t·ourt t•onfirm<.1t1011 C1ll offiC't' for lm><·hun· HolH'rl II S to pher Rel°l'1ver. 840 N Bm·h St. Sunl;i 1\na. Ca !12702 71415'17·7531 'l.oc 11rnm1•r1·1 .. 1 ·"'' h11 mur .. 111t•1rn1 .1111111 .u 1fl tu pl.H't• \UUr ,tfl • .111 642·5678 C:otf Lt•-.sot1~. pn val\• •lr J,!r l)lltl :\1 II k I \1 ,II' f)onallJ J..PG1\ f(.1nc:ho &t11.J1)aQwn 1!;11 ti Ill ~ Someon~ You LoY~ Still Smolce? \I\ OH'lh11d \4 Ill h1•ltt th1·m 'loµ' N11 "hod. 1 n.•;.1lml'Ob or 1''<f)l'll~I\ t• t.hl'rapy. Send SJ tlO 1'(11 •• 1 Churgt'. lo Ex smt1kl'r~ l. S rlllOO Suit\' 1\ lllli, If~~. 1'u.o;l1n Av1· l' M , l'.1. !f.!lUI MAIL CENTER """"""°"""" 0 P Q . BOXES _..VAil.ABLE WATER! "9ittess ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'ILUSH SUITES SHARP OFFICE to lusineu 50 I 0 l..a\t or f ound a pct? Cull Lost&Found 5300 350lot300sq.fl , MODERNBUILDING ••••••••••••••••••••••• Animal A ss is tant'l' E....-& 1o.1 y · In downtown Huntin~on ( rwnasnc tews Beach. with parkmi:. OVER 200 stuffe d toy Lcajlue. S.17-2273, no et• Wei Bars $12Si>er month dU('ks, 25" ea. Cannot hl' fo"oond Mall· She µ puµµy, pr11b.1hl) 1w r1· h r•·1·d 1>14 )i.'ili :>IX .!lS.1 H>l 'NJ>· On•• 110:.11, own1•r 1d•·nufy II\ lt·ni..'\h. n 1tur. wal ? . '1al1• ,v., lm·;1L11m 111-.1 C:tll II II I' 11. :-.:~51i21 l"I> l' N I>. F •' m ·'I " < 'ud,.itt'\'I 'h' !\1.'"'IJ<1rt l!1•.11•h t.111 !JS.'>!1 1-'0l'NI) Whlll' C1wk .1 ,,.,.1 (4•m.•h'o 'It' ~:111'11<1 .~ WP-.lm111,l •'I, (; (;. 5.l l til37 Personols 5350 . ....•....••.•••.•...•. n~:LJ\Xl l'IG Mi\S~AC;i.: lluliJ:.iml'' Lil" Mui;"•ur <Mc· all !19.4\J..I !'JI 11 MICHELLE'S •Ovtcall• 111\M 2AM 835·374!1 LINDA & YICICI Outcall MGSSCIC)e Fot-Tlw f.un af It! ~rvm~ all Oran~l' Co. 835 7:JIJ COUMTRY GIRL •ESCORTS* i 1 Hrs 731M)487 1\1'f'll! Rkkpn~ Tfo:M POH1\ HY Rcg1stt•r today tn work 1>n vun ou ... a1·counting IY buokkcep1n i: a i-.i:.1)!11· mc nls. Work close Ill }OUr home. /\(•ctg clerks, book kt'epcrs . a 1•eou n- ld.11~ an• nc.'<.oe:led thruo111 <>ranl!t' County Ca 11 "" for mon• mform;,tion. Hobert lla lf"s accOUlffemps 2333 No Broadway 11200, Coldwell Banker Bldg., Santa Ana 1714t83S.4103 Adveriisiftg Sales Expenenc ed sales rep for 3 months campai~n Top c o mmission for larl(t' 2 lie 4·color ma rim· churl book. 533-1423, weekend OK. Ambitious persons who want to earn. Work 6-ll hrs a wk. for good e xtr<1 inrome . For appt. call 96.1-7225. Udo M.ina scon REALTY sold separalcty Ov1.·r •FOXY LADY * Village 536-7533 Uni. 2'x3' posters, all OUTCALLONLY /\ns w erin i;t s ervll·~ Newport 67~8662 lo.nds. IO< ca. Will i.c-11 FOUND ADS t e lephon e o p e rato r . large lots only Call Kt•n •972· 1138 * llPM· 7AM shirt, malur~ :;ro.1250 sq (t flwy v1s. Godda rd, at 642 4321 ARE FREE person. 228 Foresl Ave. ibilily. Lag una, ,ub X210 PREGNANT? Cann g. Lag Bch parking, New carpe l , lllsiftess R...tol 4450 C II ron/1dent1al counselm~ & drapes & palnl .. air conct. ••••••••••••••••••••••• a : referral. /\bortion, adOP· AM...-ilMJ ~ice Pri ce n egol1ablc. Forsttxe&offlcespaccal 642·5678 llon&keepan~. PBX opera tors fo r a 549-1186,557·5870 reasonableratcs AP(;ARF. :'>47·2563 telephone answering 500to 5000 Sq Ft. Spiri"" .... R-~ service cxpcnenctld or OFFICE s pace available MESA VERDE bR -~ wtll train. FUii lime or al 17875 Be a c h Rlvd. PLAZI\ FOUND. While puppy l815S F.I Camino Heal part lime shifts avuila- nt>ar Talbert in llunt· lS25 Mesa Ve rde F:. C M SO IS apx. 6 mos . vicinity of San Clemente. FUiiy hl·. ble. Days, a llernoon· in~on Reach. SSO pe r 545-4123 Ncwporl W esl , Hunt For /\ppl 492-7296_ evenings o r itra vc yard. month. Phone mcssaRC m~on Beach. Looks like HOUSEHOLD HELP & Must be able lo work ~~ i!~ m':°t.h~O~~ry Newport Manner's Mile. =;:.r Samoyed. CaU963·L856. care for s ick o r elderly some weeke~~ Typing P.1 l ff' Ph Modem :i02 sq f\ store or "--ard , ~t 4 ,..,, med avail. 833-2009 3S wpm. reqw.~. Many 1 0 0 Ice. one office ~-C Avon. LOW Investors wanted for up ""'"' """' ''' · co. benefits available. 642·432lext. Z76. rent.2 Cl/477·7001 Proved I l 4 u n 1 t tan F Cocke r mix. Near •• .&yu.&TES• Please call Mon-Fri. --'--d I Beach Blvd . Btwn Heil & ,....,,_ -Singje-3rm swle avail in towou,.,me eve opme nt F.SCORTS Fashion Is land area: full serv orrc bid~. Nr STOIEFtlOMT in Upland. Call Roger . &linger. MHIOJI 147•279 I 64CH791 o.c. airport. Recept & HarborBlvd.,primeloc., 714 /83M702 LOST: Pearl. Necklace. Costa Mesa area ; phone ans. Sect se r v. Costa Mesa. 1450 Sq. fl. Investors cam 50".4 of pro. Sun May 6, Oakwood Ph~1cal massaoe b" lic'd 67:Hl66 E.O.E. cont rm et P II $tl.50 Mo. Broker 675-6700 •pt REWARD 64"2620 J,. " J · • c. sc ca fit. A successful builder " · · "" · maSSC!ur technician. N li. APT MANAGER 752-6188. 2 Vacancies downtown !leeks fund11. Short te rm. l.o8t Peekapoo 11\81e blk 11.ppt 4-SPM. 548-2817 For 5S units in Costa l MO. FRE~ RENT Huntington IJeach. 210 se cured. Mr. Gordon, w/ whl markings . Vic. Mesa. Expcr'd couple. 250.500 sq . rt . ornces Main St. M1n1 m oll. 956-3464. Cons t Hwy. Laguna GUYS W DOLLS Husband mus t han From $145. Incl. util 779 900-1558. Ir.&~ CLIM__... Beach. 4!>'7·3096 IXQ.USIYI nwlnt. "r· Wire bkkpg W. 19th&. M0-2200. GREAT LOCATfON ~ sn 1 5 exp. Cal 642· 5073 or Developer needs in· FQUND: Fem. dog San o.lctll S..k• (213>865-38$1. QlM dlx suites, util pd. Stereo shop, bike s hop. vest ors for approve d Bernardino LJc. Leather ~ C.. _.._ ................ AC. ampl pkg, Fr S195. '11POrti:f goods. pet store c ustom homes w/180 co ll a r w /n C 1nd t ~ Id _.,_..,..... a!O'. No lae reqd. 675-8800 or~ ry store. 1800 sq. deg. ocean view. Call 846-6153. u.ctf5•72 Couple. wif e.maoage , ft. tn Hunt. Beach. GOOD Ro«er. 7141834·1702 -Ml husband-maintenance. Ea.11H'1lh& .• CoetaMesa. RENT. Please ca ll Found N.B. Animal 200unlta, Oceanaide, ex· l2:50Sq.ft.olflceconsis t· C h ery I Gr ee n • .....,._..._ 5025 S helter. 644-3656 o r pmencereq'd. Ina ol 5 newly decorated (2J.1)4.50.0227 ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• ~·21~3. 2 Dalmatian Personal aaalst ance ln 'l'Sl.Mgmt 842·1803 sul\es + n onference $'1,000 Pvt funds nail milt male . blk /whl. buy ing , I! •lllnJ: & VaC11t.lon fc Investment PnlpertJes, Jnc. 4fJ.tJll or 492-1700 roo m , firs t floor . Newport at 17th, Costa NOWforgoodRE eqtn-81acktwht sm 2·3 m o. negotiations. f'or appt AIJC. Mer. 18 adult units. ~ '900/Mo. Realonomlcs Mesa. l.000 sq ft avtulu· ty loan. Pay Int only . male pUJ)py . Found call Mall Phllllps, SanClemente, .!~~~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~c.orp~~-~67~s-67~~00~======J.;~~~e~~~~/mo~646~·~39~11~:=:::1~8kr~.~5'56-~l~592~2'~hgrs~~=1.~~~~m~Ca~l~m~T~e~r~n~e~r=.==~64&-~~5867~.==========:=Jl.:::==~~~~~Ki~rt~.:c; -=.. .... _ ....... ~C'nll lkyct. .... ..••••••..•............ Mohtlt• lill')'\'k fh-v .. ur No Ina <"hll l-'u1 11 .... U.lls 17 1-l llt:lt ••~\ ....... -....1c. ••··•·•••·•··········•· OIVORCt-: UANl\ltl'I'\ \ t-'lb1111t lo fan.11 s-~1 Al"\H>ll l.-1:..:111 :w1 '" ,., ~ ~lWJl n1 "'', Hklcpi.:. 1rn>toll ''""" ru\.11\\'. ,,1111tio. 11111r,· "\II a.n ... 10 yn. K.:13 141:/'J lilckpi.: lh tuu ~h ::.t atcmt>nl,.1b.1t tho·• a. bk, puy h1ll1< Kathleen Hlank Hkl.p,: ~0-147!1 l'OMPUTt-:R •J'H INTF I! TIM~ ll:iM SY:-\,14 CALI. M It J !l NOl)N 645-5962 C.-,.flht .....••................ . ...... -.... l••1 ,l.a111t 11I!) lUH~ 1•11p o .. oro .. 1rnlu•1 .. , 111tll111t rt•tfl1likhn~ 1 It ,,,. lw .. :.:11 ,,~ l )11m hum"" ,. m111h·lt n~ lllllh• ••llHrt1l1 J!<'t11·1I •\llU.l l1• II• 1t·f1·r J1111 m1 . ltit ~S.....k•' ·•••••·•····•·········· '-hwlll'l"I {,, "tt',IOI I 1 ... 111 I •oll\I l1n1thl1•11t I "'ltl •lit.' JO 111111 ltt.'.11 h I It ·Ill "' 11111 I Ill 11 .. 11 $1.1 \1 ~ 1n• fi •I '""' h Siu .1 .. $:1 \,11,11 1•11111 I" I ·~1111 ')it I\,..... I I 'I I 'l'I l\o '-1•11.. "''" 11 It. I •II 111111 \\t \,111 IJll• I I l1.ol1t l "l· 1111 ...... ,. \I .. "I' 11 .. 1 Irr\ \\ "1 I. n111 l'l 111 I. ll1t11111t u111l I I ..... , It''-' I ........ ,,, I l'l 11. J AOOMS \.20. "'l\' 1111 '°'' ,II\ I 11 " l.:•t ~· 1 """' 11 "' I r• ,. , -1 11 fll'-"'f\ho I ,Jlf" I ll11t 111r 'I.\;! 11••• Ccftnnq ....................... :0.trnph I <'rf1 1 I 1111111..r t 'tlM N ll11ll•1.1 hi 0 111.\ ht • 1 i:J;\ Cement /Concrete ••.....•.•••••.......•. C:arpentl'r. Free 1-: .. 1 i\n' l>;il1• w l'h1lh1>:> •'l•m<·ut siie Jobs. Di.II Alla11 ur l'\JOlrd~ .... ri. .oil l\IW" Tony 646-8649 f>tl ~I~ 1.1, rl IK1111k1I Kemodel. repair. ~1·11 carpe ntry , o ld t 1m1• craftsmanship If) yr~ rn area. l.Jc'd. Mr Palnrn bo. 962-8314 l 'USTt>M lntenor Carpentry by Jay. • 64:.!-SH(~I Dutch carpenter. 20 ) r.. cicp, add1t1ons, rrmod1•I mg ctr L1r 'd /Hond~d FlnancmJ? 11vail 960-3.~I (. ono ro•t •· "'•H Ii lov Th,· !-.t ;in 1111! I '11f11•j'I' ~111 d1•111 , 1•.111n ' tlrt\'1•wav:.. "cl""' .olk' w a I ,. r II I \ l' , ' I ,, II :.lll'\'1,1ht1t 7!> I 17!1~1 F11un1l.11111ni-. rl'l<1 1111n).' wulli.. l1l0t•k:.. 11:.i l to:. I JI ti .'hleo 501:1 , 5-1.'i 130'1 O tmpl\'t'· ('lllllTt't•• JOii I >U M'I your form., .. :H ~· ITIOO<'Y H.oe,.., 645 !rJlli , . I ' . . . . .......•...................••.........•..•.... '\JI "-!n<I, of 1·1•rn .. 11t "'11rk <i111tk'nln11. dcMl lll)N & UC(; Stut!c:nt l l'on trui•k n "' ''"'U~llh'"" .... ~. o\ htnclac·11p1nw C\lori:c Tr1L'\h, ll't'e lnm l):rn Our pr0fess1onal t rllullnR crew 1s ready t.o stlrvt• y<lll anytJm(! m compl hume rleumr\j;l M•rv1rc AJso comm 'I clC'unups "''t:kome We are t>XJ>/ hc"d /bonded for your protec'tron Por free e:-.t ro.JJ Ahct• or ThC' Touch Personal ~-0105 I olllrl•" "'" wf \ •t 1• t> I\'\' llAltilu ~ '107'l 64'2 :fl.k ... 1 n· 111<•11.111!1 pr 11 ,.,. ·-· •fi .. CWldC.-.•..•.....••..•........ 1.,it l"TI.,l'll !'ioUlll lllo•r l>,11 I ,omp lit 1'11"'thl••I ,,,.,., • Ill l M .. n·u M •~\I\ ···•···•····•••······•· 1\cl1I \ Hoom :-. .. 11· ..... 111 ''"\lo ft 11l1 ~···· ''""''' It• I 'K;!rll1 I 11•1 1· I l'11l1·tt1 •I Hu1 ltltt •14t:t : (}' ··••·•••·······•······• '•tllt'lh1111 ....... Ill ........ I 11-' 11 ' "I" I I .11111 ' .. I 11111 ,, , J , .. t I l ' "•'16 1•• • ,,f \\11r kr1111111 1111 Ill t 1111 I l11\ j I 'It "l'•·no roti I 11."'\ Sedrical ··•········••·········· t-J .h«ll<H I \\j 1'1tt c1t ll~chl I'"' 1 ~11111,111· om l.11~1·11r 'ni.1111.,1, I;, 11,Ll7.!j4 111 ;1 11.l:>!I ~dEt~ctnc n.15 tl+?.\ , , & 11 t:lt'l'lrtt Hl•Mdtnt1.1l 'l'I \ 11•1· I """ .1rtl'1 51'M t;.\:.! l.10J t .1• II :!)(.17117 ~inq ......••...••...••••••. t.. ,it., H Fl':Nt'IN<: I :.1i. ... & F1·n1 t· l11•11a1r 0..10 ·llllNI ~VI :10:111 Roars ..•••........•••.....•• C1•1,1m1c· tr h•. hr1lwnocl . t .11 pt'l:.. & vinyl-.. L11· ~·ontr f-:.,t 1\1~1 lnst;.oll II\ 7 d,1y::. S:ll !l+lll Sdl with E/\S 1':' It :-. a HRi':Ezt-: <:tru.~1r1t.'<1 Ads &i2 ~i7k •\lt-:UY LOW l'HI 'I'~!'.• 1111 hmdM',IJ)" lllllllll lrt'Ofjt1· ~ll :!Ill~ Ccirt l•·n tun• ::O.pn11ltk1 r.•p1111 prum• t rn''· 1 U\ lJ;.,.,.. r .. mod\'I ~t.1r1h•11i. 11 \f' t<\I' '111 ~Ill Jti.uun.i & <:lcunuµ, rct11dcnttal ll-U1111nert·i.1I 631·5WI Jluuhm: &de;mu1.i Haw dump truc k M7 ll27l ••••••••••••••••••••••• J-'l'•.Ul\itt' t:1irdent>r 1 omp ~.ml WOik Jl\J deJll U(l HouMc~ Robtrlson lnsuranc:~ ,. . ._,,I Ctru 175 lt'tH ••• •• ••••• ••• • • • • •• • • • • l lt'.111 "I'" lh111l1n j.! 1 .. 1111hnq>111~ 1111111\•<I '41 \II Ill~ trt:• 'l!ll17 \ •• 111\l'llllll\ ::0.t'f\ll'l• "·' 1•·n t ·1, .. 01up.. I .. 1w11 & 11 ... • tn111rn111..: 1-:11 l'O 'Jl:i.!>U> 1 ·111.u :t;i.. :-.Tl. o I':~ r~ HE\ I \I.I. l'Hll' t-:S llvlottlhu~ , .. c..1. 'l'o·cl ' p r 1 n I. I l. r ) ~ ,, 1 11 dn111u1J!,, ln""· 11run111~ huuJ1n~ .lun S.59-4>19!1 J ,q>.111 t.'.., ,. >: ,1 r d v 11 l' r l.:Jftlert111.: l'll•.onuµ. 1r1·•· 11'1 Ill 7r>l Ui:.tl!I S.irn 1.. .. h1rnul.1 General Senius ..•••.......•.•.•••••.. •MR. FIXIT• l'.trpt>nl1•r . l'J 1 n t1 n I! lk.1' r:ite:. IS yr:. 1n .1n·a ~ 1752 VACANT 1\l'T & HOM .. : llAULC1 .F.AN H~PAIH PAJN'l' LOW COST ~i-2352 ·~" ..••..•••.............. II I) M 1': S & 1\ P T S . IU>p1µes, plumb. t'rpntry. 1111'. kn 1u<1 n'mOdt>l ·~(~12 llAN DY M Ml 'o Joh too s m<ill. Jolln 548~ • IWUJN'S HU s .. : l1.k:ANINC s .. :Hv1n; r(J(' a thoroughly dean hoost· ~~7 Watt.. L'l.'thllli(l>. noon. & w 111 d \I ... ' ('It' ;1 ll ,. d 6'16-ti MS Assoclot.s, Inc. bl rate service al <t fJ1r JJrlCe Per'IOnal & c·um - merc1al 675-0562 C:ustom llouM· l'a1otm.: . ACC'Onlphl>hl'<J" va tnlt•r ll yr' l'M U un•;.o Hefi. 675 :l\Jl-1 rt & L Pwntin~ ""'" Moppl!ls Cl!.!an1n~ ~rVH'l'. W11 doll ;ill prof Landscapinq ,546-~Jn.~urt.><f ••••••••••••••••••••••• ttobin's llousL'l'lt:uning Euruµt"an L;111th1·c1pt·r Srq-, for ..o lhoruu,l!hly Top work l".011 111·1t'l' l'lt·.Ul hou:tL' 540 Uf!S7 l<cf., &Iii 4H7 I •h., ,., l'' Dandy Dustt'n Wt-ckty or I ltm<' servw(• Windows. w11llw<1s h111i.:. slNtm l'ttrpl'l d<'antni.: V<irants l)Ur :-.p1.•rrnlt ' l~ndcd.ln.o; SS:! 11W For :1 s p .. rklrni.: hnus.· :il.•10 i,1h1•r clt•wun~ Xl11t ref.or 1>46-6098 l"or 1''<C'l·l ll•n1·1· 1n hc.Ju..,l•dcaning. l'leanm~ Unhm1ll'd . :-ttt).37:tfi (;,.,n ,.r:ol (.'h-,1 n1n~ In hu...,baml & wife. hmt•i., <ipts. 0H1<•es. nu \Ml :.t ru(•l1 on Bo ndt•d (714 llm·Jlti2 HAnuoun MAHI N/\ HOUSECLEANING I 21:! 59'2-J231; •.....•...•.....•.•.... Bno•kwc;i k Small 101>.., :\'1•1111JOrt. Cr~la ,\11•:.,1 A In •n~· ms :JliS 1·\ t:' Bnl'k ..... 1,,111:. l.llol'k wor•lo.. 1tl1• Cl uor:-., t onc rl'lt• pu1 1m. w,dks. clri \ 1· '""'' frl't' l''>l J ohn '"'; 0 158:1 Blotk .. 1umv.t11nt'. w<1lh 1ln,1.><,. 1ila11h·1 ... In ;1r1-.1 ~) '"' 1~11 :1;.1111 1~u: iv1!1 Movir19 ......•..........•..... Mov1ni.: & haul111 ~ Freight, hhJI! malt•rrnh tt<ihltl good!. l'f1· t..0 ... ,.:-01 l'Ull'S Ill l llWll J11hl1 ~ 26.'>1 PETF:RS l'AJNTlNG Expr"d . Reu Rates. Free. F'.il. (;all Gene M2·04.'i8 fW pamung. Ext & int. U,w rates. n ers. Free ~l. SJS..4780. 536-4383 l'a1nt1ng . INT/EXT. Neal, honest, rea.s.. l2 yrs. exp Lic 'd . Dave 964-1045 Int Paint & wallpaper ~ual work, re as. pr i'°'l'ee est. Steve. 547·4281 Mne exter Painting by R Sinor St.. lir.. ins. Try mi! 836-SSSS 2A hrs llOUSE PAINTING ":.·u-ell refs, quality work 549-9756 f.XCELI. P/'\INTINC Reas. rates. Ftee est ~-t7~ 1-:xpr'd Yoor harbor ur11f p111nlt>r, 1nl \!XI P rur. (IUaltt y 111ork. Heu.son 1.1<· Ins l·ot. r hcl•rrully i.:1 v1•n D:1ve 5116·li425 Pi.Um Your t:ai.tk. l>fJl•1· in re!-1<.I home~. int l·xl rh~ C"St Tt-d 87 l ·:l2'7l COMM'L/RESID. fi:ll StlJ I .......•............... 1't1tlO l'UVt'r~. q U ,11t1 Y 111Jtcnab. J)llµufur 01• ''I!"~· nld w 11rld •T..oh:.m.1110.,hrp l.11· '11 1onlr !'>51 f~ Plastef-JRrpoir ......•.••...•.••••...• :-.!cal p<1t1·hl!s & texture., RtEEEST. 893-1439 l'evple who nt•cd p1:opl1• o.,h<1uld alway:-. r he<'k lhl· St•rv1n: Dtrt'ClOrv in the l>i\11.Y l'IL(rr ....... ,.,.... ···~··················· Se>ec•ali•t In r~·stuccos. amic We Ir marUte for Span ish T extures, ...,._Is tub unltl. Ph Pa\cb.es & Additions. ml6a ~,· .. c-•-,..-s.-,-._---- ~.. ... . ..................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• EE'S .. 1-.oTREE Arndt 's Plant Clinic. Art.i.tlt.ic trim Ir removal. Houser alls for house CdM aioce 1952 plants. Trouble shooting & houseplant care. 645· G~1fsTreeService 11191 Trim. remove, ha ul. ~ Neat, reas. -..2129 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Treetrinuning.re1nOvals, Any plumb1n~. waler toplling, a. hr service. serv. leaks, balhrm encl, 631·2898/645-5107 ceramic tile. R eas. T ...... &12·a16H ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plumbuig repa1r Spec. in 1Ut.oring. Teacher, 20 yrs remodehnR. copper re. exp, Kg t.hru 6th, all sub- ptpe. Fr~ est Top Hat Jerts. 644-4'72.3 ____ _ Plumbmi;:. 5.17-3194 TrP-J SerYlu "=·••ftt ••••••••••••••••••••••• WclJ mana~ed duplex<.'s & bom11s l't!r s on a l ac- ('OunllnK 5'1: of monlhly IOL'Om e. For Curther rnro ('al 1640· S.'iJ6 ----RoofWJ ....•....••.........•.. He pair & Rcroof /'\II t y pe !> s h1n,1?le s - rockshakcs-rompo·tar f'r(-e est 5'11·5930 f'rn /\var I We fix lealc. or reroof IO yrs exµ Hca!>onahlc. Honest. l.1t 'd F're1• eo;l. Call Mtkl'. t•Ve:., 552-9232 ••••••••••••••••••••••• u.w l'()Sl lypan~ of iden· heal ongmal letlers on your letterhead. Free in fo. Kann 7Sl.Q93 -----Windoiw ca. •h•I) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Inside & Out. Harbor an:a. 16 yrs. Reliable. re· ..asonable ~'7-6777 . Ttld"s Window care . Prof. Wllldow cleaning al re asonablc rates. Ref:. 6"2·7893 Uisesomething valuable~ Place an ad in our Losl and Found columns . That's where people look when they've found an item of value . T~vision Repair ••••••••••••••••••••••• !mlliiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. TV Hepa1r HC,\ M<istr r ~ yrs cxper l•St S!l.!lS Mobile Scr\'t('c 10042 Ad a ms 1\ v t• , II 13 !G!~Ltl' 11 19110 Get GREEN cash for W1 llT~ elephants with:. C:lass1h~ Ad Co ll 642·5678 OPPOITUMITY knocks often wher. you use rcsult-l;(elling Daily Pilot Ctas.o;ifled Ads 10 reach the Orange Coast market Phone 642-5678 HelpWanted 710 HelpWonted 7 10~ttetpW..t.d 7100HefpWClflted 7100 HltpWanted 7 100 HflpWont~ 7100 HelpWC11tted 7100HefpW•t~ 7100HetpWanhd 7100 ······················· ······················~······················· ..•....••.....•........ ••····•·•·············· ······················· ······················· ················~·.llf••• ...•..••••••..•••..•.•. lhm1k1n~ •llKESTORE• • Ca:.hll'r lfO,ll'"" (1en1·,1I !-Mnla .\11,1 11.iwd I llENTAl. ASSIST p A/R RKeptionist Auto Body Mon S<Mlthwest Bonk I\~ s t M an a~ l' r r or f,xrwr1en1·ed. "' i·1 IH 1 n11lo.,tr11\'l11111 t•o "·'" tr11 lime, expanded duties. x One grrt orr.n'. (•)Ip n·rr cf t"I<! t•iX! I fti)!un,1 lkh o'fin· SrhwtM d1:aler Sal St:lf\ ,.,.,-:; 1!PPl.V 111 1wr'-11n ;,1 111~"1 1111t•n111)! loor IJIJtur ,. ray License & some sur- 111 lYJ>IJlf,: & venryrng •n AUTO CARRIER I H ••(\ '.11 I t• ~ . I u 11 t I Ill t' .\tusl ha\'(' prror hi kl' ~,, ,l•UY:> 1-'ronl }l·"~ t.lkl' I nc1rJ.(l' lk'I '>llfl t-'11 II c USTODIAN j!Cry ex per . prcrerrl'<i VUlt't-S, 4().50 wpm, Ill kt•\ t1•ll1•1., 1•1 .. a ... 1• l':.tll Joun Olel'h exp tn <t Slon· 2267 f ':'_fV11•w Kd. t M t •mo• 1w;.1 ll11J1 "'t I h ' lt.O /'\. Guod e>pportu.n1ly t1vtnol'h,aw<wt'rph11n1· NEEDED l <"in .-l!lili'" 544·9835 CASHIER '·'""'''of •ol f 11·1 AT EASE tn F;.J!-thHJn l!-tl<lncl . N ewport for advu n cc m e nt a.!l'Ot•ral 1tffin: 11111 1•\1•111111'.' l..11 uu .. lkh t. t-; 11 r. F" 11 1 "'~·n·t;J.rlJI 1lut1•·~ fl,1 ,1• I' h h d l . f t>i<~~75. ___ _ co'fhm·' ;'11.,.11111·1 Bili l1.111.1l'11111t.1l'l'.1 (.1111111 111.'lfr> .. :HY &l'RINTINc: ·11 t1m1· 1:0111 p ,1, ,ktlh ,.,.sen11.il 1,1111111 ~•·at•. ti.., ;en Imme> l<l e Open1~,g Or Jrt•u i Hfi4!>-l\lllU h 1..:1•&•r-"1:111 ll"'""'n' Oµenlnf:forbrndrr~)!rrl (;mwth 1 um1-1an~~1 l•11·,r .111pt \111n l-11 ;1 Full Timt· l'U!-tlorftan with 11,g ht OF.:-<Ti\l. llYGIENIS'[ Tie.LLERS o"t cl<iv ohift 10 l>w"inn.~~ lton.<. 0\ o·•r ~l Wo· ll·.11·h !t :111 .1 ·111 ,,11, 1.·~tk l t I (' needed for Perio ore lfH 'I •t i I 'I I. II e:; " ' ,, '·" M rn~11n l'n:trH'(' :J H lllf'.... o m•Jeltll\'e nd I ( I Assemblers •· .,, ,. 11 1• 1·11 form.,· tinn\ l'>hop. ,,,ml· t'trn Carwn :..h. ;!'I!•" • Exi>a ·c uncuons 11: •1• n ! •1111 .1 111 ..... I I I rll llllll """''"'"I( s.11 .......... Ill d ('\I '...J l:11'\' .·inti nr1111t l>t•n(•f1ts (':111 d 3 d k I 0"' .. ,.,1,.., ni•C'l'!>.,;o ry (',11f n.41 '"'' \ '"' -• n..-i · vs w • .,a 1 .... n IJlt· rn·~·h,11111·;11111 1111111 ll<'h t•xr't-'r 11rd1•r11·d lt111 wtlltr .. 111 1111 ... 1n•· d .• .. • 111.r l•' 01 I 11•1' r I• it ''" < 1 n I 644 5070 I'-r h •-.. , ... W ACCOU..,TS :V1on r'r1 iit.i' Mll-80:!7 '"'1Jdl':1r1• m• h111111• \11111 • l " • "' .., .ir I: "' Vt·n:.iun \l•l•h 111 ,,..,. "'' '" h11 "c " '" • ' I d I -1·• o••• =·31 !1 IJ ln!>\r1111w11b 1s;..12 t:h .. m 11·.o l 1 .. 1111· II B l-'r1 1 Cookrnl!. • :. .. ,,, '•\1'"111 inL 1" ""' rt ' WttLdoys. osL for Mr.""-1' an ' .. '""'"" \\ 1 1 11 1 11 • 11 ' 1 • I C OUNSELOR H<ll\T Bt:l l.IH:f<~. ... t' 10 g 1au0 11 n 1; 111111 1 .iw.111 \ 111· 11 .111" "''' " " "·-·--,-· 1 l1 • r • • : I '' ) 1 "'>,11 rn11\ will lratn Apply 7.o m & ., a 1,, n & 1, 1.111, ( 11 ~ p.11" ,1(11 ., 11111 ", 1 OEHT AL/.Assistcai1t 1\111.111 .. ·'' I • 11 • l'1 l1 t I\• 11.11~·. 111 •1111 t • .. ,r,, 31>m. l.:.l & 2nd :..hr fl ~ln-i;.wfl afl :-i prr.ttHllL' 111 1,11.,1 .. 1111 111o lmrntod oipentnR Expr ol k!;1 ~:l'il A-;:;embly TRAINEES Micro Electronics \\\' Jr1• s t•l'l.tn l! 111 1lr viclu:ib fur f1r-.1 II< ~-con<I shift po!.1t11111' 111 1•1ir l'rod11t•t1on IJt•pl ·n m; 1s <111 cx1·d ll·nt op JA,1r1uruty lo jl;.11n 'dl11a ble lramm>( 1n ttw r;1111<1 I y ~ r o w 1 n ~ m 1 1· r 11 cll'<'lf'OruC!> rreltl •ToolinK •Quality Contrnl • Photo-re~1:-.l We will tram lhl' n l!lll individualc; for pos1l1nn~ in these areas Com prehl!n s ive l'omp;.1ny benefits in<:ludm~ ma111r medical & denlal i:t rl' ava ilable. f'r>r rm mediate consideration. please apply: Mon. Weds. "'r 1 10.00/'\M-l :tlOPM or Tues. & Thurs 12:00 Noon-4 .OOpm or call '714) 540-6080 TRANSMASK CORP. 3952 Cmnpu1 Ori•• Newport IHch, Co. Equal Oppty Employer ASSEMILHS No exper. req'd. Your area. All s hifts . Good pay. Pai<i weekly. No fee. Must be over 18. NORRELL TEMPORARY SERVICES tRVlNE 752·KS42 TUSTIN 558-9027 Assistant M anager & SaJes Clerk for Fabnc 5'ore. Must have Cabrir saJes exper. call Allc1a Baumik txwn 9am-llam. i\l ·11 1\l' •I I\ I •PARTS COUHTERMEM! (,mw11lt! l 'lwv1 oto·t ii•• ,1il'r n1 .. 1r I 11 1111't t '111101 \ '\J111111·1 '" 11{!1·r111i: c•\ 11•tl1•11t 1•..1 u 11111krl11I ''"' 1r1Jnm1·111 1><·1111.1 r11 ' 11pp 1111 .... \ .1111·1•1f)l'flt f 1 \) 1'\fW'rl! Ill t• tllll\ Ill H'11tnn 1.~1\t ..,.,.,. .\1 r t ·i.:11< HOWARD Chenolet !)"'" & lJ1t.1•l ">h "1;1-.Y. l'tll('J 111-.Al'tf 813-0555 1\utn111ul t \ • nt ,11 U I\ \111111 1\ man \~tlh 111•'1 h,11111.cl ,1pt1t11d1 thJI work-. ""''" ... 11 It "'' h .1 n of •. J.' ll I' I· w 1\ 'I l\l:ro :..>t~1:i ,,,.1, l'k> '\1 v ,, lrrnw fl'l \' E LOTMA .. 1'\tll l1nw. 11cr111,111l'nl 11t.-.111011 1\ll \•ompa11~ hl'nl•fr ts Lcit·:.tc•cl 111 Sldnton ('a 11 995-251 3 i\ L~OM ( Yr1 V f: TrCll\s. & Heo•y Duty Lin~ Me<:honics l'os1t1ons avatlahll· TModor~ Robins Ford l'IW Harl1t11 Hh II Co!'la Mc1.,1 Xlnt c·1>mpan,v bt•nef11-. 411ahf1c<I 11·1 hn11·1;111' 1·oott111 .lrn1 Molrl'lt ,11 ta:!·OOIO 1\UTOMOT I Vt-; •USS> CAR MECHANICS! ..:Xcell<•nt pay & work1ni.: c·ond1t1ons near Orange' <:nunty /'\1rpo rt for c1uahhl•d mechan11·s lo p er for m l1~ht trlt.'Chllnwal work & a~ s1st the Ui.t'Cl Car Ml!r. Vaned. rn1rreslrnl! Or1p for adv:i o c('m cnt & l!Uaranleed salary >\pp ly in person to Service M~r HOWARD Ctt.nolet l)ov" & Quail Sts NEWPORT BEACH ,,, .... ,, 11ll11•t: "'''"'"'''"''' MoicGre~or YJchl:. It.JI 111 ,,r 'iliulh 1 ,,,,,t l'l.ii 1 11111) f'lea:-.<int M1ss11111 111 11·1 1t'<I l'lacenlla.C M Cigar . t•1pt:, T11hal'1'11 l'nmp.Jll~ 1tfli•r" :..In• \'1e10 orr11'L' Cont a1•t t .. 111 \lr W:.g1wr :•\1t:!:I011 B:>ul Shoji Clerk. parl 1rnw l)l·nt :n •,hr ... orl. ... ,.1 i.. t:lerk Knn:nSJCJ.4 111 Calif. ~& rat p A<.: 1F 1 c A MAH 1 E ~mt: ~enMg!> t 0:m 1 g10111th 0111.111rtu111t11·' f•11 INVESTMENT llt•ad ~~~~~~~·~r~rnlly DENTAL A8SIST /\NT. SO"i'"JS Loan , .. ,,. n--1·s m('n knlfluhl & ays ~ •i' ac. ur . 111 tJ1e foll11w111g po:.1t11m~ SECRET"'RY l'hair!'1dl'. !.roress1onal t HI 1 ,. \1 , • .._ ""'°"' "' 195 F 17lh St C11..,1 i ""' nt'l'lled hy ll unllni.tton ;r,m I 11rb11r ,.. cxpcr in followrnJ:( ar1:a:. ~1 • ~ ' tn:COHJ>S C:I. .r. It"'°' l'o handle· Im e.:.tor .JI' Hl·.irh Cit\ ::>diool l.)u;t_ .. c h t gr a , o r c x p \111'~u.t1<>vix1nu1111.v /'\C & DC clcl'l.ric <i l. · i>::..1. ~-l11tl11~111t" 11ort1n~1ri1t11. ,.,1 unt' (i'lr 1111.,11 ~ll Stlll)P1•r ·m•' <I . 640-JSJS. Emplo~l'r .\-1 I' dll'SCI & 0 a !>I en". lll· C1nn <'··I 1>ulh111• 1111·:. 1lr111> lth11•· \ ------"' ,.. ~ u • .. m11rt1?.1a.:I' hk r N "'' 11 JA"fll tnll. <on 1·'1(pt•nt•n1·1• OESIGHlR stollallon O( m cch & l.'IN· Wtoslt•m Thrift~ Loan"' & had~ f1hlll! 1111111..,, U111I 111•1~111.oltlt' 111.iiur•· I.uh .\f>tJI~ 7:1'1 14Ih St II k l~11k1n11 TELLERS \Ur oppl\ fur l'\f> To•ll"r 'ilnt '"orku1g roncl .,ut -.l.1111!1111! fr1r1J.:1· lwnl pl•".1 'lll IUUlllltni..;:.. ( '.tll \Ir "il.Vth'I .)J> I ·11••1 l'<J\1<11'1,\ FIH"'J' F!-.l>i':H·\I ~~I. l..tj!llll.I 11111 ... I· II I·' \1 F !lank 1111! C°"~rLoan Offic•r lmmNI 01-1portun1t y for 111d1v11Jual to -,oll c 11 & ~kt• l'Oll~UITll'r loan:.. 111 thl' l'n-.la Mt-:.a an·« M1111mum ci y r::. l'x1111r noq with hank •1r f111;H11'c• 10 loan Disbwser l'<"'1t111n avail ..ilso 111 011r Co~la M<'s<i 11ff11 ·l' 111 \111\1-s loan <11:-.uu~llll! & 1·ro~hl \'t•nfyin.r. l•f """ ... um1·r loan!> < ;oc•I typ 1111! ~l<tlb 11\'l ... Xpl'I prt•forrt.'<1 <.:..tit Mr Brcgd at 5'\\\·8~1111 Cc*f Fedttaf So•inc)s & Loan :'/IXI 11:11 l>Or HI vii ( · ~1 An t-x1ual Opportunity F:rnployer M / F Bunking TELLER IF.II~ Timr I A .arccr posil1011 1:. .1va1l;1hll' 111 our l 'osla M~a uranl'h Tht• Hh-<il 111·rson should havl' pre· v111us Savtnl(!. & lo;rn l'lonkrnR or cashwrinj! hat'kgrr1und Fur 1 rn mt"rllalt• l'Ons 11lt:ra11on ;ind to arrani::e for ap. pomtment. pleuM• l'all T t>m Ocnnt!> (7 14 1 !m-:l}IO We offer such hcnl'f1ts as tt r o11p medi t'<il 1n - suran<'c. long term dis· ab1hty, ltfe ins urance, paid retirement plan. stork purchas e and muchmorc. lrun1r l'Qll•P & -,hips s('elttn>:ahn~hlplc<1:-.a11t u. .. u1~111,11·n"'h1·1fl1•rr11111.tl ,. tJkkf•I! & It !\pin~ C:Jlls..'lll·AA'll t:.Jf'Vl'nlry Tnp wal!t>:. 111d.1' 1dual tu fill Jn 11p1·11 d1)!1l Ith· '.\ ,1,'"' 1•, ,., lrkk I I ••Aid h1·n,·l11 , ( Jll 1\ln·und des1~m·r w /min 3 yr. • nmmC'rt1al ex1wr Xlnt bend1ts. 1ndudm~ prcifrl ~hanng. 540-762:! Mron fo'r11\-S lo~• lO lx•nC'f F /ltmt· II 1ng 111 tht•1r Co~tit ~,.,,, 1·\pl'r 11ul ri·qrl 11111 1,\.l l'!IC!I 'rou qu;il1 f\' 1·onlJt'I of(' Thi' 1:.. a l'lt·ru·:11 1111ml11•1 fJ1 ,'(,. ;c 1111.., 111• &·rv1< 1· !\l ~r. 2i51 \.\' 1>0:-0111110 1.4 a.: 01111 n I' e\f1t·rlwlpl 111 l 'oa.~t ll'"). ~B portu111\;. for a1h a n1•1• Hvokk<'t'J1<•r Sci· ) rl1"< hr.,, M F. II Jo: & l'rnp '.'l11m1. 1.'Xµ. non ~rooker. ftl~umc to :fflS:; E <'..,L llwy . C:d M, 11~011 11ookkt.'<!P'·r. full charg,., full lllnl'. beach an •:1 l!f.1~1'1 l«>VS ap11rox 16-17 yrs 11ld. It r;icFJf\' work . l 7.30pm , a f1~·rnu1>n:... must ht• gd :..lud1.'n\ 64.'>-2702 Bnght. young Girl f 'r1day for <id' erttl>tnR dept uf <'Xl'tltnR 0 .C ma~a21n1' $750 mo Mrs Wei.I , 957-8522 Business Assistant Major Rrowth 11pportun1 l v with smull. f ;i s t · grow1n,1?. well known m.irrne publls hcr Ll'<irn all a.-;pccts i':ducat1nn 11r \•xpcn cncl' rn l1u:..rnc!>~. wnlmg, typing, nav11w tJOn. graph1t· art & slrtf.1· ping arc hl'lpful & arfcct i:.a lury ChartG ur rl1'. J\ n ;J h l' I m . s 3:1 I ·I l :i. "-'<'t'kem1 01\ Ca rpcnt('r' & lwlp1·r:.. l'U...,lum homt• & rE>model •JU( rnnlractor 833-AA.1.1 Ca~t rleaner. rut1 t1me, no cxpcr necessary . Pays good S4S· I 662 earners early AM hrs. Irvin /Tus tin arc:i Sl'JO.StOO mo. No collec- tions. Weekend work olso avail 544-0551 CAR WASH Cashiers wanted, full & P IT . Ftn Vly, NB. Laguna. & Orange. Call 644-4460 C AS H I f: R /'\ p p I y i n p erso n . Cro wn Hardware, 3107 E. Coast Hwy.CdM. m.•nl )1u!>I Ix.• 111 c•r P< <\ c1 high .,dmol ,.:rJll11.1I•• C..11 ror ;,ppr 1i;1!1 :11~.:1 C:lc·m·:rl !'o<1t1onal l'rwl1111· <'11 FT oprnrng for c1•nf•ral l'lenral <X: a1rp<1r1 art'.1 Non o.,mok··r C.:<111 fr>r 111 lcn1l'w.5.5tl-I050 Tim ClcrH•al po!>i\111n 01wn 'Ille 0 C. Mar:.hal. ~ II (J(f11·c has un oJ)('nmg for 11 full l1m1· d l.'rk I ~ r rx p c r r l' Cf 4 S w p m $737 J)l.2 fl('r mo For 1n fn call 833 (>111 l'XI :!!°J2 ttwn9·4. ClERICAL &'<:'Orne a mcml1t•r 11f 1111r llynamrr Newport Ct•nl"r F1n<1n c 1al firm l'hl• rollowmg posit 11111:. •• r1· oow ava1labll! SW1TCHIOARO expt•ric nc·t· n·qur r1•d Ihm; 7 30 AM 4 :IO PM GENERAL CLERK This 1s <in entry lcn•I pos1ton. Math ;ilnhly & offt c·c exper h\·l pful llourc; 5PM J.JO AM PUBLICATIONS ClERk Assistant to the l'Um munir alions spec1ah:.t 1)'PrnR & languagl! sk1lh important Fine Aris hackjlround dC'srra lJl1• lfoors 81\M SPM MAILROOM CLERK Th.is is an entry lrvd pos1lion in the Mrc•rortlm & riles dept. llour:-R AM-5PM &SPM-1 JOAM . SECRETARY Pol51tton open 111 dient services dept . Typ111 1( skills, phone ability & of fire exp. rcqwrcd. Ot\'• taphone skills dc~irahh'. Hours8 AM·SPM \t\11. ..;ct•f'I \ I 'I.Fl!" f>llfll'' llH "1rt1111: <\•I.- II\ o·rin)! 1111 111111111• ma ti 11r1•1·t•,,111i: •1u t ~·111111• m.i1I. or,knn)! Iii 111.1111 1<1rn111i.: lorm' {!.. 111• "'II Jlht'' ~lll'l'l'°"'flll l',111 rl1llal 1•' 'houlfl h:i' 1· 1111ml~'r fo1 •1 hi\ t.. mu'' 111· abll' lCI hft ui110 H5 lh;. Cull TH1\!'fS/\:\11-:llll'.\ l~S\JHA~t·t-: t 'O ~>51;. noo ext :10i for ,, p~11 ftlr 111\t'r\ ll'W Ec1ual Upµl y Employi>r t 1cncal help for s h1pp1ni: d1•pt Ty~· .SS wpm a« <·uratl'l.) I \'flt' tn\fllf't'" h:wllt· \ ;in1'1I ~11111111111! du11C'S Call llarhtor.o at [1111 !f:.~1 <:lt>n<•;il l'.1rt 11nw I.th• IYPllll!. ftltnj!. ;r,,.,,.,I Wtlh µr0<.0C'S:..10J! of In:-. ('on 1r1butnrs l nlo•rt·~lini,: \i:Jnt'\I tlUltt·:. i"lt».1hl•• hr.. µossrhh• l'll'lt:-01• 1·all PN·s-0nm•I X:S:I ~ C:LEHlC AJ.. all'rl. inll'll l!I rt, tn\('r1•:.I ~ '1.1 nrk nt'\t'r dull Mar<:r 1•J!11r Ya1·hL'>. 11\31 Pl111•1•n11a. ('M 642-6830 CLF.RICAL F,am Extra Mnnr~' TYPISTS PBX ACCT CLERKS KEYPUNCH OPER CLERKS Must have phone & r<'lrn ble transp. Lonjl & 'hort a .. sso:nmcnts. llohday & vaca t i on P<i> llos p1tah1.1111011 t>IJn ava.1lablc. VOLT l 'lf't k , II Sluro• llp111 ,.om l''r1 ~.rt 111)!)11~ ~I fll't hr ln ... 1,11l ti'i'.i l':rulJ nno. ( .\t 7fil -If).)~ Cocktail Waitress School 1·:.1 m up lo $31JO Pl'' '"k l.uw tUJl1<1n Plan•menl a ... ..,,.,t 1:;1 91!~1 Con ... 1ru1: lmn ASSISTANT SUPT'NDT lmmedtJlt' OJ)l•OIOI! ... ,lh m1111r hwld1•r for '"''"l' :-.111i.:l1• f.imtl~· homl.'' I n 1 I 11cl1•:. 1· u !> t t 1 m l' r ~erv1CC'. pick up work. w.1lk thru 1ns pecl1ons Must ha\•e own loob Send rl'Sume le>' Rudolph J Lowy, LA.-sny Develop rncnl C-0 477 Sn Fairfax i\\le, Los /'\nl(eh:s. CA ooo.'li ('ONSTR . Cust Service. huycr walk thru & follow on warr 1le m!.. Exp only. Qi II 841).7 I 62 l'OOK. PXPl!r d f'ul111m1'. rult-s Ask Cor Mike ur Wayne. 040-7440. COOK for convalescnt hospital l·h•\' health rn:.urant•e <.rflcr probationary p.-nod t0 -6 .30 s hift F.vcrv other wc•ckend orr. Apply 1-145 Superior NB Cooks llelper: Sandwich prep Early AM hrs . 1'/l'tme 11.B area. ex· per prderre<l M adc f)-esh 892·&166 uft 10. COOKS wanted. all shirts .: r o w 1 11 ~ ,. o m p a n y w /benerlt .. -;. Ma Barker 's. 212 E 17th St 646-4303 COUNSELORS Marned rouples or srngle women , Ii ve-in. supervise 6 teen age girls. C.M Oak Tree Homes. ~·!°>593. t'1htod1.in S.1rldlt'l1ac k t'11l1l-g1• \It' \'t1°JU 111'\I I ;111 \\1 ~ .. I.in fJOj!I' S••I SI !:St. • o;hift d1rr1•f\•nt1.ol K:ll '17tJtl. t•'l(l :.._r;!.:ll.111t•lWl'l'll k :lJ' .\f lh•1c1r:1t111i.: 1\'1:-1 ~l~1nt llt'l'dt•<1 Fl,." hit• h ro; .Xln1 wp11l1•r.,WnaJI')' rn c~>m" t ·,or nt•t-dl'<1 Will 1ru1n Callil-1 ~l7-K209 01•l1 help ffrspons rbh· adult to work !> 2. M F t'onkml! C'Xper rcqu1n'<i .XJnt oppurtun1t~ for J hOUM'Wlfr 5-19· 1422 Divers wanted 111 Nt•wpe>rt Ueat·h area Must lw t'CJ1tf1cd & l'Xpenent'l'<i rn hull cleamng. Ncptunl' Dl\·1111? Co. 646-88.12 DIVEtlS I N D F. I' E N I> t-: N T DfVERS nt~ded. musl bt;•cert1ficd. ('all bctwccp 9am t>pm s.16-_3:!1_7 __ _ ~Groomer Expenence r c4u1 re<i . animal hospital Salary Ut•h & .;andw1vh l!uurmet + percental!C. 644·546.l markcl nC<>ds l'Xpcr nt<'l' tad~. l'ourtco us lo DraJ\IIIK l'LL'llumcr & knows the t\r('ht Struc t. lmmed sandwwh btL'ilnl'SS. Work operung for cap:ible 111· & relax 111 pleasant at dividual )¥jlh otfit•e ex mo:..pht•r" Good t'<trn per . Floyd E. Weavar, ings Good futun' <:all JIJJ9 Bir c h , N .B . Sal a t M(':Jt .\laslcrs 7l4155C.>-8551'1 96-1...WW_____ Dnver. Good driving re· Dehvery man for early cord Knowl edge of ;im L /\.Times home d e· Orange C-0. nee. Perfect livery route. Eronomical for retired individual. t·ar rcqwrcd /'\dults on· Cat a lina Su nroofs. ty 21 2 hrs per day. $430 ._642_'4040 __ ._ .. _E_.o_._E __ mo net t<ikr homl' /'\lso ,_ ________ _ g a s " I I o w a n l' e . DRIVEtlS We:.tm1ni.tcr. IL n . M 25 t;arden Grove area. en or women yrs or older. Know the coast fi.18.5<166 cities. Net $180 a week or l>ELIVf:H Y-Avallable mor e Orange Coast now Top pay, 1:ood Ptr Yellow Cab. 17300 Mt. hr.i. Eves. 5·9. Mon Fri. Herrmann. Fouftlatn 531-<Xlll Vall ey . (No of Slater -------betwn Nc who p e & Delivery & stock work Euclid) M /F applicant s i---------• welcome. excellent op· porturuty to train in auto DRIVERS. Cross Coun· perts sales. Apply lS22 try, MacGregor Yachts. Newport Bl. CM or 11>081 1631 Placentia, Costa Adams. JIB. i\utomotrve _M_es_a_. ------- Supply E lectronic assembly & Del men over IK for LA rmterilll handling, posi· Times in NB & CM . lions op e n . No exp Perm1p-t. $350/$400/mo. necessary. Will train. 64&5844 s:uo per hr to start. can: Oenta1 -,~-.-s-1sto_n_t --fi4.>363:2 for a_p;;...pt_. __ _ Exper'd . full time ESCaOW SICY EXP 644-2485 M a n a ft e r o r n e w . ----r reali+;e independent co, Spm-7pm on Thu.rs, Fri. BR~OOD Mon. Ho me Fabric --------liil"'lllll-... C~HIERS UTOTEM MARKETS ADP Ofhl'C orfers CX· rellent worktnit condt· tions, a challen1un1? en· vironment & good rarecr &salary progressions . For appt please r ontact penoanel 9-6. ADP PENSION SERVICES f l ...... PflfJAU" fi.41 0...,11( ('.-. 546--4741 Counter Girl ror sandw1rh shop. Mon·Fri. 1 lam· 3pm. Call for appt. 556--0070 Dental hy1uerus t. hr'rl for aruoous to iiive rapid ad· private pract1cc. M11n & vancement to competent Tues. ~53 servil-e oriented person. Dental ass'l, PIT. for call CITY ESCROW. pleasant 11 8 offtC\'. Bonnie Evans, (710 f)-ont & back office exp. ,_552_-4682 __ . _____ _ _Center_. _._N_.e_._64_5-_5_120_--tElebysitter. Uve in or out, SAVI HG S I Allt. loalllui,.r Utehskpg, 2chaldren 17 & LOAN l year formal education 4). nice San Clementt! 1640Adams Ave. Jo accounting. Previous ho me w /pool. car a Qist.<i Mesa.CA9Z626 'd A rnu,,t, ref's. C98-071<4 eicp. not req . ccurate t,yping skills. S750 mo. BABYSITTER. my homt'. EQu11I Opportumly C.M. area. 546-2982. S2S ~r wk. 792 Shalt mar, 1~~~ t.m~plo~y~er~M~/f~·~~ A1TENDANT WANT ED. C. ·548·91.8l 1· Barmaid evenings Co8ta Ml!sa 754·~ for board " care facility BABYSITTER . Need IOV· P/Ume, •PM·t2:30AM. ingwomanlnmyhomc J wlmdlonly. d.vs week for 2yr . old ~lrl 8-yVlew Manor & some lite howw work. 350 W. Bay St • CM Please send resume to M2>&ICJ6 Brenda. 1&13 Npt. Blvd. --------1 C.M. CA 92827 DEAUTIClANS -f'ull or part-ti m e w /som e following, apply or call Ma[aon Dina Coirture11 2$0 E. l7lh St .. C.M. ~ Openinp now available for full time assistant nwnqers on 21\d. & 3rd. sh1f\. No experience nee. We train. Start 13.10 to $4 per hour. Advancement opportunity for manage· ment poelllons to ~.so pet hour If qualified. For more i.nlormatlon & In· terview go to store 82 at 30009 Crown Valley, Lacuna Nif~I. -.eeso orcall 714/537-4840. F..qual Oppor Employer Auto eunroof Jnstaller.1--------- TnA....htll time. Good Baby s It t e r M at u r e °*" abllit;y •work re· w frefererices for l yr card. C.tdu Sunroofs , ldrl. Otcas. In our home ... -... E.O.t;. fle.88 SELL idle Item s wllh a SELL idle items wltb a Daily Piiot Cluairied Ad. Dally ptlot Claulfled Ad . 180 Newpo r t Cente r Drive N.8 . 644·4360 ext. 263 eoe· M IF Q.BICAL f\IU & part time open- ings for general clerical lasks. Must be willing to learn It have the ability to get aJon.I with others. Previous cteric1l or mall room experience helpful but not necesaary. Ul"l4tUAID IUSMSS SYSTEMS UH,....wlcl C.M. 14MOIO· :11411 Campus Onvc (Acro11s from Oran~e Co. Airport I Equal Oppor Employer U.ERlCAL eo.talP~ A9"CY Has lots of jobs av111I w/,,.ny Cine, s uper com· panies and they're all FTee! 540-6055 C:O.td Peno••• A9"CY 2790 Harbor ._C.M. 100,.~ FRr..E Counter help. P tr & F ff Day stuns. Mon-Fri. Ap· ply In person. 9-12. ORANGE JULIUS. 711 E. Hnl boo Blvd. Balboa. Counter Help · Mon·f'r•. Super Sandwich Phone 545-4116'1. •COPY MACH . OPB.• Do YoU want • full time perrnenent Job worklna in a busy xerox cop)' b1111\neaa? We will train! The copy al.Opl. Have something \.o sell! 'JISl-IOISO Classified 8d11 do It well . ~. O.C. Airport. . . Ile('. 968-4487 El;tablisbed s tationery st.ore needs Inside sales Dental chair.ndc uss't , l person. Office supply ex· yr ew.per .. 22 & over. tn· per. helpful but not nee. 1ttaUve, CM. 631-14:.!ll •nnge benefits. Group DENTAL ASSISTANT, medicaJ. paid vacalion,6 RDA. Orlho. 1 yr expcr . holid.tys. For appt. call full time. N 8 <7 14 ) 8etly7~1·1732. 642·6443· FACTORY TRAJNEE, D9ff AL /UCIP'T arts & craft.a u p helpful. f /Ume, &ood 1>enr. e1t· We have "\:fr.nlnt• per, HB. 11846-3540 days' ltood2nd bl .:, GoodWe pay, g en ... DDl'TAL A.5SIST .. Chair rnake woven wood Side Full time Good shades. Apply Klnach benefits. X·rays. H.B. Co mpany . 1'7352 M6-3540. Arml\.rolll, Irv. MN5GI. Have 10met.hin1 to sell? ttl. kUe ltema wh!l a Oa.vlfied ad11 do It well. Dail)' Pilot Clanll\ed Ad . .. ....,W..e.ct 7 10 Help W•t•d 7100 H.ap W•ted 7 100 H .. Wa.ted 7 100 ···•••·········•······· ••••••····•····•··•···· ..............•••••••••.•.••......•.•.••••.•.. F•ct o ry work('r 1n (.:1-:NFHAl.Ul-'I' ll !'... ttou.n·deuniu.: Muu 1'1 i IJl''t".<:lli\111 > l'IC YOUT~ cbemical rt'flnery l''T. Will tnm1 ~onw "'""II (uulurlll 1 lconin..:. l.11111 Nt<wpor t l>uiw,, M., Y P!lr.man~nt po11ltwn111, l'eQUllOO llft In.I l'I. th~ & ihihlt iu t· r .. 1 .' llllJltlAM ll!)t"&"lan HlCh School Che ml I.I')' url"ll Mun ... , 1 p t 1, duktr .. 11 1:1 ... 1 '"l.u 1 i\ 1.hml I' n 111I 1144 ~'f'.!t o r w o rk t'xp w 11 h fert1hl)' H , full tuu .. l!r'ttt>f11,. Mt,1i41~1 .. 11 > l.1tlU1W'l'l(•r\\Wl)ntl'd .,:xp CIWmlc-ala h4'1pful EOE Pfll'l"lbh I ~ p.irl t1nw 11rtf1•H\'\I l:11111I ,1,111111., s.:m1 (''"ti "~' ,,, ..... , I "•llllH 111111"'" 1•1•111 I II\' Ill .. • "'" " ' " t I I N t 11 h l".l\ & Yr t•nd bonus Apfl 1114 I !QI .... "'ltUll U jl I \lt'\o fLOllST hrn1w w /o' 11111 1111 \ ' .ii :l'a:l l Ir Ylllt' N l (it•n('r;il nflrr•· M 111t111 r111 w1lh I.I 1·l111· 1111 I 1~ ~l.'lli Uruqu.1 rf•ta1I nur11C't) Ot'ClllJ <'reallYt' V'l'Ot)lt" for haU 6 part ltmf' J)('rma nt>nt pos1llon& M ll l'I ha\'\M'XPft'lt'Rl't' In flor11I '''" "' rlt•r l•h ... int 111l11ru hl1 1111.iul 1 Jll lclcphont• t..u1n· 1\111ni: IAll 1 1 ... 1111t'1 v1.-w ~I wi1n1 ,,.11n .. .,., I Jtl Jen) ~I lltll 1 •1111 • dt'l'lftn t-!i"'"lh•111 0 11 ~....,.._~ porturuty tu •ork m .i (i(on !Wt 11111111.•·l."•'lll't M.,1u1 ,. "'"llWll lll'f'\h'ff 111 It"' ltl 111 t Hit' f111 11t111 t' l111l1ftt'I I lnH'h IH't'll~t ll•lfltl I 1•11 ~t1t1111t111 "''"•n11 WISTC UFF A•l.4 I ,11J 1\,1\., t~\11 M!-MI \II It •41 'iltll ROGER'S GARDENS 2301 S.n JLwqu111 1'111!> Hu..iJ COM "4(} ~~I Fl:nj Sn.ad• ll.ir 1 lc•rl. Ne~ m11tur1• '"'111.;11 ~t" oo b11rrwr '' .,11 !Tlld 1nornm..::. thru .1f\1•1 notln.'> t\111 ~Ir IMrt ltnh El Rall<'ho Mark1'l!> .!.'"" £astbh.d( Ill 'II~"' j>\11 I 8e01ch A1>plv m11m111~~ nophon~ "It"' GAS RUNNf-:H for IC 1-. tXc Youn~ l't'r'>l••' ~I hr ('411 Liia. 1133 <!!«IO Gft8AL OfftC E IJJ(ht bookkct•Pm~ ltt1• l}'PlJ\g G<>oll on µh1ml''> Newport Plumh1n~ & I leaun.: 645 6.S25 <k-neral SE>eretarv i-:x1·11 mg opportunity "111 wnrk with a dynam11· f1n t11wwl consultant & talcnli'(t cl•· signer at tht• 'amt• 11111" Make j.(reat pay, lwr11'f11 , & Newport Ct·nttr 1'1·11 thouse 0H1f1• 1•1H 1 ro11 mcnt . Send rc~u rnt• & cUJT"ent photo to Ad 11431 . Dally Pilot, 3.'.10 We'il Jl;iy St Costa Mc:.<l . t:J 92626. for 1ndepth m tervlew & romplt'll' de tails. GmeraJ Off11·t• Excellent opportun1l 1<·' &. company p1m1 ht•ner11" avruJable with a N<'WP'•rt <:enter Mortgai.:c· t-'1 rm FfLECURk Need md1v1du:il lo fill 1•11 try level pos1t1<1n J~ f1h' room clerk, tyµmi.: tit· sll'able ACCOUNTS P /C TRAINEE Abtlity to operaw 10 kt• by touch, typmi.: dc~tra ble. To proce:.s invo1t'•'' &. other accounts 1'<.1Y•1 Liie. Q.HK TYPIST Ability to overall' 10 k .. v by touch Pnor 0U11·t: t•x µer. d esirable Ty prni.: 45wpm. Will pro<·•·" mortgai.:e paymC'nl~ STOCICCLHK Stock room clerk neccfod Pnor exper. des1rabh' Entry level ~1l1on MAILCLERk Prior 0H1ce expcr & basic typtng skill dt•:.rra ble. 1lle above posrllnm. arr mtry level but 'alam·~ wiU rommcnsur:ite wrth cxpen encc. Plca:-.c \'all for appt. ~4~ ext 244 E.O t-: GEHERAL OfflC£ T1•lepho1w p1.'r~onahly & lyptll~ a musl Start1111! salary S'700/mo lmmt·•t opPrnnJ.(s Cont<H'I Mr~ Uwl>t• at 7M fiilll for 111 lerv1cw ~ral ()ffr<·t• beRinnc r ~pol f11r :1 bn~hl person <i1·nl•r,d om ce cxpcric nt·e pn· ferrt."d. Plea:.ant w11rk1n~ cond with lrarnrni.: & ad vancenwnl 37 '~ hr wurk week ''>25 m<• ti st u rt t-: 0 1-: ('a 11 5't<f-4700 J\sk for J'l'l!l!,Y General off1ec : Hehuhlt., malurl' pt'rson 1:1111tl lyptSt, use 10 key acldl•r Med. benefit:. l':i II 1111 addsllonal mf•1 & !.alary ~1060or 54~4050 Ceneral Offiec AU.WE MEED ISYOU!!! You. with your s k1lli. & i.:ood worklnl! al1tud\• for ehoice a ssi.;nm l•nb {eithe r short or Ion~ term> with some of th<' most presU~mus f1rm1S in Newport & Irvine. Skills Need(.'IJ •Typists •General Ofr Clerk:. •Jr Cle rk:. •CRT Clerks CaJI us today & we 'll put )'OU lo work tomorrow• 557.0061 '-.0~ o f f i ce • "OJ overload GENERAL IJBOIERS TRAINEES 'GSEMBlEIS PAllEIS MUllt b•ve reliable Cr-.p ... phone. Long & lbort term ... 1gnmenl1. Holkllly Ir vacation pay. H~:.!llutlon plan .. . VOLT • I l'lc.lom1'I 11•111111111' 1111 t11ph(fW 1wn , ,r, I• 11' 11f '"n rl\ '1l.!I\ If\ lltt' l'1·,.,11111wl \1'1 "'' ~,. l•ltl t , ... ,, ,..,, ... , ~llt' ~ 1.1.1 I I di 1;1n ... , Jpp1111· •• 1 .. 11. '"' Ill htt" 111111111 1\ """ .. 111111 \\11•1 "·'" I' 1•,.n1·111, full 11111. "', J l..n1ltl 1•1 • I I .t 11 "' l •11>lu \11''" GIRL R UDA.Y l11•N10Jl.lt• .:11 I \4 J llh •I. tlJ" j "".. 1 t l.-ph11111• \ hh h11ol. \o url. I(, 1.,,, 11 .1tn11 .... 11lwrt 11f1 "'-1 GIRL HtlOAY l<1'.rl I<'' fl "" Ill I tlt'\'IJI l'I"' 1111 111•111. ll)1'U\ .. "' I~ 1;71 K-11 1 1;ir1 l''r11ld) l<1·1•11rtf k• l'f' 1111:, <,\,1m111111: 1•·HI ,\ 1kllH•rt1·>. Mu,1 "·"' \Jllll flll\l'I '-llll'll I' 5'1!1 allii G-R-E-A-T SALES JOB H O W OPEH (;11111> l'A\ (;n1111 tH ll 'I<~. <:111111 \'();-.I I) I .,. I I I .... :-.. ,\1 \ '\ \ "'l<INCi l. Ill-.'\ I l'IT:- F/\.'\'r (;I(() W l i\ I; I O !\I I';\ N 'I I' II I) \1 I >.,. ..: s FHOM WI TlllN Tlti\I:" F I I H f II I' M t\ N \ <: t·· \1 I< ' I' :-.. T /\ H T ~ I \I M .. : l} I \ I' F I Y I{ !-: V II I 1 \ H (I 1-; x I' ,.; H I .. " I • I-' IU•:LPJ"l'I. WI·. t!.\\'f. O H OW'< 'I 1(,\1'\J'\I; l'f(f)(;H,\..,t I'\ IO'\ I\\ 11 II'. t 'Ill '\'rf( \ ..; II II' Cl II <: t\ ;-.. " \ I. ~~ -, 1'1';()1'1.1-I \LI. \I () N' (' ..: .. II IC I NTl-:l(V 11-. \'. tll«; \' 1-; X ('II ;\ 1' ti t-: :-. 'J ,\ ~ NLINN714 ~.wi 7:111:! GROUNDS(MAINT Pa;1lon.., av111 .11 In 1rw t'orrlµan.v ap;1rl1111•111 1•ompl1·\ 011Jl111'111 n11, l11r full 11nw 1w~11111n w 11tm l11.·nd11 , ,1111·1 1 1110 S11nw e\JK>r l11·lpful /\pply Ul TH~ IRVINE CO 1117 I C;,i ml'llta•·k Nl•wpon Mt-ach •~,\ !•1111 GUARDS t-\111 & part 11m1• 1\11 arl•<.t:. ll n1f11rrn ' furnt~hl•1i /\ Rl'!. :! I nr ovt•r lt<'tlrr"I \\t'l1 nm1 No C"<1Jt•n1•nrl' 111" ,\pp ly tlntvt•r,al l'roli-1 111.n Sl.'n ll'l'. 1221. v.; ,11 h Slrt'I.'\. Sant a \n.1 In tcrv1t·w hour-; •1 12 I\. I I MonLhru Fh I lour I >rl"'-'>l'f 111 It ·~ .. i\l'.J' l'i• II 1111 t 1111 \ olll',l 1'111 11111 1 WI I \p f•h ft1 llllllli'l11H 111 ,,, Ir l 1•1\•il1-..11'l1l ll1"I' IMlil I I lotmf,, "I 11 11111 Jl1 h HOOSOHf'ERS l u ll o\ t· '""' \1111 111 '" 111 II I \ \ II \4 \I 1rk•I 1.~1 \.\ Ito\ "' I \I ••I ' l10 •I 11 I lf••ll t t.n lh'I fl\I 111 I "'' "' '"' ~111.oll htld lh I Ii\ Ult ••'I ~I 11•11 '-"'"l }ol•}o.I( lllk'I\ '""' 1111 ht•ll"''"l' '",, Ill I "I" Jl u,11 I 1111 I 11111· to1••I l,1111111' •·II.II I ~ 111111 \p11l1 l•l.1g,hq1 I • , II \ t -\ ti' ,. t I ft ft I l.11•,11111 lltl .... .,1 lh" INSIDE SALES 11111111·<1 11µ1•11111g' ,,., 11-..1x111,1l1lt• 11~111111' ,,•IJ '\ J I l t• t \<\ h ll I II Ill 111111111•Jtn• '''"'" "If Ir 11(111'" S.rlt'' l'\l't'l'l•'fH ,. .1 1Jl11,, liut 11111 I •'lflllr1·1t W1ll 1r:..1n Mu~t h.l\t' r11 .. H·t•lt11• <,kdt, 557-0825 l'<Sl'l·:1 ·r< II< TIC \IN FF '1'1111 .. 1111 .111 pita'"' 111 111 'llt•t'l 1••11 \1 11 .. 1 I'•"' I~"~""" & 1!;11·k '\ 11.1 \ IC\1111· f>lll 71::t.1 1-. 0 I•. JN~·l'.\t.l .EHS 1't-l>ISI 'II" f\;t-;("T TECllNl('I \NS & OFFH'I-: l'l<'.HSON'° 1-:L Will lr:im. t'Cfll.11 1111111\ 1•11'111lo~1·r H:ll :1~t.! lt\»111 ,11\\'I' !'>,tlt•'lll'l 'llll lit•·''''"' µr .. ,1·111 1111111( fc•1 \ 1111 1111l1•JH'llil1•111 t'. lifl..,tll.!t' ,1 k1•lt1IJ,'. q( ,ti • "rn 11 I 1 ' h 111 ,. 11 t II. 1•1 11111111111 '1•111111\ ' II 11111 1'011 ,h11uld \.111, (11 F.1rnlt'I"> 111,, c ~ rtJup Ju d.i.\ ('a II X.llLtl II J :-1 S l ' H 1\ :-I ( • I·: 1-. ~ ": I · SEI 'H ,.~ft\H\' '"µI 111'11 • 1n•;1, Wt' .tr1• "'l'k llll! .1 tlt·JA.·ntlahk -..·1·rl'lan 111 work w1lh our 111a11agt• rtlt•111 11 .. un \<f11,1 111· wdl t1rt1i.:.1n111·tl '"'' 'tarll'r. ""'" pn1t·1·,,,111i.: 1•1Cp1·r 11 .... 1ri·d S.1l.1rv 11111·11 ;:\(! 1-..:i:; .l.rnrt11r .\1.111111•nan1·t• ~1.U) wanll'll fo r In uw .rn•.i ~"· ll;i\' 11<.·r "''"k fo:rri.:h1>h S1mr.1,h St,1rt mi.: ~Jl.;n ~;c, 11<.•r rnu L'.<111 !n\.I ~tiiS:.! 1h k for lloh JANITORS-MAIDS Fl.Ill trmet.l:i)''>. l>art l1m<• {·,·1~. Nwp1 art"• M11:.l ltt• I :-.. nl 11~n Call s:C! t>.">:>11 ur a1•11I)' .Jl 123 'I Oh\l'. 'Jr,lflJ.!•'. M1111 t-'1 I J 1\ 'I; t'I 0 I( I 1\ L 'I \ 111· -w11rk 1 .1 r ,. .. ,.,.,,,,r\' f11r "'irk SI 7~• 111 ·r hr ii.• ,.,,., rno11"' t•1 lr.1111 11111111••1 1,11.., ... 1f\1·1 I r .. 1n1n1• t.~i !liKll 111,.; 111\tl< II \~Ill.I.HS llOW h;1~ 11111'1\111;.'\ (1 11 1•( JI ti h:'t•r 1ll·"g111•r, Xi ----------• manH·un ?'I~ '\Int ' H JANITOR an•a lii12 >Wi-1 I t1h1) ll"''"n I•> n1.1111 t.1111 1·l1•anl111•·'' 111 1111r llanrl) m;1n 1'.1r p1·n11·r modt·r u I;,, 1111'\ ~ 111 \'\'II h;1111ty111.111 ''' ha11;.• 11.,k•· 1111111" r •'Jllt1I'' '"' ~lullr\ Jllllttl /t.J 1111"' l11ultl1111!' l'lt rna111L1•n 111 1ww mt·d1 1 .d hl(llo( ( ';1 II 7~1!1 !Mii :! Iii \\ 11 I JPM llANt>YMA l .1r11•·11l..r l•)1l111r part 111n1· :>'1!1 :1!H:! ll;Jrtlw.trl' ,,,1,.,. 11111111111 /\ppl_1< 1n 1A'r'"" ( 'ro\\ 11 J lartlWillt'. :lllli I' ( O,l'o\ ""'} t'dM HOSTESS F'11ll 1tme 1111<,1l111n ·•llPl:<-h~:l11ol~·n :1 & :, M1111 tlirv Fh &73 1~1;, l<l·Ul/1'11 ' ~S I J-: (' 11 ·"I 11-w \ Newport lit'ad1 ll<~rt-:'i.'i. 1•v1•rn11.i.:~ :!t 11r 11wr ('all 5-~ 7411!. ;,,,_ for Chcmt• HOTEL CLERK Mu~t he t"<pr'd ~<'I< 4200. /\µpl y to I>:" 111 McNeil. Hotl'I L;,ii.:un.1 425 S o Coa:.I llw v 494· 1151 llotel r runt lie:-. k ": >. pcnen('c prt'ft•rr1.'<t 1\1111 ly tn person IS.~ S <..:1111:.t llwy. l..a1wna I~· ;i1·h ll<YrElA'tonl desk l'krk. rtr. " duy wk 11wludes wknds Mus t h1· Hva1I 7AM 5PM & ll'M llPM lO work <illcrnalc s h1fls Call for appl 6'15 5000 exl ~ Hotel San Maarten Presently the V1lla~c Inn in l..agW1a Beat h 1s st'<!k· 1ng the following quahfled employees SERVICE PERSONNEL with experience HOUSEKEEPING EJcper preCel'rcd FllHT DESI Elcper preferred Pluse apply ln person ~wn 8:30AM & SPM, 696 So. ea.st Hwy. Laituna Be•cb .. l'll•J"' l'1111t.1rl \1 1, Wlur.-for 111lt·n 11•\\ ·•II 1•11ntmt·nt Paul Dosier Associates, Inc. :-t'tO lh•dhrll I\\\' l 'o:.la M1·s.1 17'4l 556·7075 l-.:.<1ual Opµor 1-,mµtmt·r Jll M/\l ;'>.T \1 t-:l'll/\'°ll' ~ \ r' •If) )1th ''" 11 I I' qtun•d Mu"t ha' 1• 11w11 tool•. ,\pplv hl'I I 41'~ <'/\MllHO MI .. ,; 71.111 ('lav. llunlrni.:11111 l~'Jl'h I W tlf flc•at'll. 'llUlh of (;Urfll'llt I I.,\ II 1\SS "I' It' I. 1\ 1·:x1Jt"ntn1··· w1Lh SM/\ IC! "' n •l:.itt•ll "'1111 pmenl. <1 .t\ ht•c•l.'t.' nol n·quirl'fl i( <!XJ>l'fll'lll'l' " <ttll• q11atc Must draw hlonct 71411;31·40:10 I.AO /\SSIST/\NT f;xp1•rient•l'fl 1n htm>tl drawrni.:. processmi.:. ftl tni?. ty J)1n,::. & othrr areas 11( lahorator l'h 714/fiJI 4030 for ;rppt Lady C11mpan11m w;inlt'll Mu:-.l II.we l'ar l,1vc 111 while lat1y rt'rupcralln).( r rom rllnl·ss No hou!lt>work or nur:.m i.: can• !';alary nc~olrablc 84&004l:I l..ANDS(;/\Pl.:R Mm 2 yrs ex.per, xlnl opply, rail anytune 675· 7633 LA1Ml MACHIMIS T Expr'd. for p11rt t1mr Work hours : s PM to 9 PM. Mon l hru Fri. Ca ll Mr Riley al 979·6080 LEGAL SECRETARY e x per in hUgation necc11. non-s moker. lfunt1nRton Oearh small fn cndly of· nre. IM8· 1400 lA91' S.Cy MCllJ II Work with 2 ally's at nal'I Ins. firm's corp dc's Newport Oeach. Irvine Personnel Agen1·y 488 E 17th, Colla Mesa ~lte ZIA 6'2· 1410 Uqu<)ICUIK 1'\Jll (11111" \tJ ll)fl', 1•'( ' M J & rt""POO~llilt• i\VI' \ Ill 1"'1'4.lfl ~ w Wlh Sl,l 'M l.\'N ~mull 1111,...111.: h1111w "•llll~ you I 11 Jlllrt 111\'lr l1111111 v 111 lwa11l1ful I .J~!Ull<i lit It I n1ll· 11r 141. I J I ,Jtrlt "'xn• I ""'~'I"' & '"''II'' th ('1111 1.11 1 M" r, ., r 1 .. , r1 1111 .. 11111 111 Nm "111: or l\lllltlt.,•n < 'hn·' 1·1 ... ,\,~ t \rl1t11111,l 1 Jllll for .111 111 11 I I lt'\'I l!i..I /1417.1 \1.11h1111,1 Snow Tapper Set Up Person lo 9'7:! .!111f !'\t11fl l)Vt.•1111l).! 1111 t'( IJl.'1 111d1 v1duJI ( .111 .;1.1rt 1mml'\1Jjtdy & l'flJll) our 'u111.·r lwndll 1JJt'k,1i.:1· l>H·rt1nw JYJll ROSAHIHC. Nl'1<1pon He;id1 ~ 55J:J Equal ( tt1portun1t y l'~rnplny1•r MAIDS .,:X111.·fWlll'l'<I . full ur 11.1r\ lm •J' l"tl J(>:'IU M,111b . <.11JPIY Tlw 11111 .1t l.ag1111a ZI I :"II ('11;1 :.1 llwy t...il{u.na lx·,.,.t1 \\l,\IJ)S wkllv' \\kn1h ~Jfrhrr~ M111c1 t•il1t ~1 I 'o<t'\I I I\\' l.J).!Url.1 lkh MAIL B>IT CLERk Full 111111• pu,llll)n' J\ .11l.1lilt• ft•r hu" tlal.t JffOl't"•'lnj.! l 'lllll[l:tll) ltan<1l1• rnt·om111).! 111.111 lrc11n an 011ntJnl~ & 11lht·r r1'1Jh·1I 1lul11·' Ill k•·} .11l\1111i.: 111.1d1111t· & l~1okkt'l'llll1).! l'\IM'rlt'nt'\' 1f(~ir.1blt• SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS 2283 Fairvi~w Rd. C.M. 546-6080 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC l"or full t1mt'. multt fam1 ly un11 s 1n I rv1n1· & Newµort llca1·h. 1\11ar1 m1•111 mamlPnarll'(' 1·x1ll'r Jlrf'f('rrl'<l Xlnl h1•111·f11s rndudmi.: fn•t• 111l'(l1<·:tl & l1f1• 1n:.u.ran 1·•· 1'.1111 val'almn:. & h11htlav ... & µmf11 shanne !Jlan. ·,\pp ly dl THE IRVIME CO 11171 tamdhal'k Nrwport lkach 644 :JfllO MAIMTEHAHCE MARINA Permanent f ull t1mt· po..,1 111111 a1·;11l;1hl1• .11 ln rnl' l'om11<1ny M:inna for 1111hvul11;rl w ~nmt: 111:irnt t•xp..•r /\pyh ~tl THE IRVIHE CO ll171 l'.•ml'lh<1l'I. N••wi1rn'I lk·al'h 1~1.1 !.illl M/\N/\(:~.H ,\~.,,...t,1111 2 d;rvs ;1 w1•1•k I.tit' hook' Ith• rn;i111t1•n:•n•·•· I· 11r appl ( 'u 11 11;i 7 !11!11 M/\Nlt'l 'HIST F111 ~ .. n hu.'~ ..... 1110. mu~t Ill' l'\ lll'r & f;r~l111111;ihl•· 11111 11m1' H11'1111rd 011dkll•· 20 1 Nl'-...11or1 t'1•nll•r llr :-.. I\ Manufar111nr11! F~TENER MFG 111..,11 um• ar1 '" .11lal1I" r11r •I 'rt"' I ll•••r ,1l111 ' • :\1:.1 h1111 .. r.. •(\•ntt•rh•" (;nn•h-1' •'lhrt.'a1lrull I llll .. .., •I{ & S S(·n·" \I.it h111t• I 'IJl..'r.1l11r' • lr\.,lll't'llll' 1>1m,·n Uay & 'wrn~ a~ ;11lahlt• M,iny f'o m1wn1 """' f11-. Rockford An-ospoce 17JIJO flNlhill t\~c. In 7M IS411 li1'111 M/\Tl-:Hl/\l. llANIJl.IN1; Part-; Sl11t•k1wr.!>1111 t-:xl)<'nt·n1·t' tl1•srn•tl nut rc11u1rcll Will t r;.11n Mui;t pai>s n 1mr1any physical rndllflmu h;wk X·r:J.Y I rvrn1• 5411 7ti3!1 I': 0 ,.: Ml'thanlt' In 'l'l un lit 1rornlam mu 1·hrnery 111 adhesive mlni,t plant l..alh(• <'Xpcr cll''i1rahlc We hwld & rep;ur snmt• of our d1spcns rn1: c<~u1p Ai:e no harrier 1537 Monrnv 1 a I\ vt· N II 5'\R 5125 Mecham<' ri•p:ur & m a111· tcnanrt• or 'rrt1l'k nccl & ron.-;lru<·t1on l'l.1u1p. 2 yrs exper. r('Q Oranl(t' Co. loc Send letter of exper & salary rcqwremcnls Ad 11541. Daily Pilot , 330 W Bay St Costa Mesa. ~ Me dical back office person, Orthopedic ex· perienc(' New M firc. (lood be nefits Tus tin. llarbara. 8.12·8321 ----Mediral omre Ins. brlh ng. 2 ORs. E11pr. req. New olc. gd .bcnrfits Tustin. Barbara 8.'12·8321 Medica l bac k o rr1 r e person b1-h ngual, or· thopedlc doctors, new of. ri ce. good benefits 1\lrt.in Contact Barbara. ~I Medical S te n o ·t ransrrl ber , ftecepuomst for medical dc.~944l. H.fp W •ded 7100 Hltp W..t.d 7100 .............................................. Mf':l>T f'K'l INtll .oc: IS'r l' 11 II f I 1 <· ,. n " l'. l' lt · l)l'n l'nl'C'CI rn all urt'a!I of mc'Ci.t\'ttl h1oorntory. prl' lt•r;,bly w /SM A 12 or oUl<·r rdatrd 1'(f111pm('nt Ntt W'Ca 7141G:Jl 4030 for 11.ppt Mes:oocn1wr w11111et1 PT ftequucs ow1~ lra1111iµ Call 5."llt.f;11.1u. M11111n Modcl'l. Y<'trwlC' Shurt1 Mu~a11n1• 1mlv $25 11t·r h1 tl4S·Sl22 ur M2 GZM4! li>b MuJeL" We Med new faces: MoJc~ Mult' & f"emult• I f ~ 11 U r f ;r I' 1• h a ,, l'huri.1 t:tt!r . 1' hri.:h fa:.hwn or look~ ltkl· lhl.' iorl n1:xt dour Call ror an .1 pp 11111 t ml' n l for J ~n.onul 1111cn•ll'W You 1•11uhl be modelrni.: '" t•a.rl v J~ next we1•k ' So 1ll10,.l hl'Sllall' t•..ill now ask for llan>I f.31~) Nt•-w York Wesl Model.ml"! A}!t'Ol'' 1<7S W 16th Sl. NU Motel ~tanai:l·r Exp 11 touplt' 111 m;.i nui.:t• liomt .1hlt" l l1r ,, 1it "'' d11hln•n 675·011~: M111 ,•ls Op1•n1n 11' for hllUM'kl't'PlllJ.! & tn.111) lt·naiwe 11wn. I ull t 11m· Apply in 1wro.;1111 11111\ (i45 7700 ~·st W1·,11·rn AJ1uulJa M11t1•I • • ~~ry Won• • 8<-«krn~ 1 ndu ~t1111 0' p1.·r~on wtlh k1111wlt-d1w 111 hrntH'UllUJ'l' ,oy pl,tnh I 1 r e'(pr n•q 'ti 8-1:.! Miii~. NURSES AIDES a11tl 11nh·rl11· .. m·r·dt·.t fl• gl\ e TLl' t11 dtlt•rfl pa 11.-111 ' Wil l t 1,1111 1tuJ 11tru•ll pt•r-..111111•1 £am 11oh1k \1JU l•·Jrn 1\ll 'htfts <.t\Jti .1p11ly 111.1 Su1)1.•nor N II Nurw' 1\1d1 .... ,111 ,,.,(1, 1\ H..~ or I.\ N 11<·1111,111 .. 111 mgh1 n •ln•f \pph l.1~1:1 NST CONTROL T ..... Sll'atJy Jnb for n i.:ht pcl'!IOO l'r~r11 i.hamni.:. l(l'Ollp health Apply in pmiOf'I Uovd Pei1t Con trol ~ 1-: l>y<'r Hd Sun la Arm PETSTOIE "'I S ll Ott UIHIJ K N O W L r. 'l> G t-; ftl'X)UlfU~O IM2 5522 Pictwe Framen F.:xpcnenc<'d fo'\111 /part l1mi;: 494 11!05 Lai.:una licuch Planl Store Ex pe r1e n('(•t1 111 Suh.-s. full or part ttml· & knowlt'l.lj.!t' or plants helpful On ll<tlboa l't·nn 1)1!'>-5657 !I to!> Pnnt1111: I >1·vt Oft' Cll·rk ~ncral oft' tlut1e:-. & cim l:Jl'l w 1pubh1· Phn for 11ppl 557 9<!1~ Ask for Mr We.t Nl•wµurt St.i l.H)ltt·~ Int· I' tt CJ I> l' (' T t O N TIWN,.;1-; HuhhN how prut.luth, lrvint· art·:.i Mu~l p;i.;, <:11 11h~'lt'o1I 11wlud1ni.: had' x r;i ~ 54(). 71l;f!, 1-: () t-: Prodwcti°" M<Jr. Ga~ &-114 \ 1tn1·' ,1 11~11n " i-'Jrr. ll'W d. M:.it 1\rthur Cit.bl' llJ ht11111"' lll'lfUl rl'(f ~11~1hl'lp 11>hl·r1• 11\'<'dt'<I. nu fNJ1•h1111111:. 101111111:. mni.: ht•lp, makl' cit• 1•1i.11m~ (:ET 1~1\HTS :-..1111'1 'EI> ~.11·l1111in1.: & 1 ·1·ntnfug;il l'(t:.lln.: •1f lt.1rtl Metal rop WUl(I' 1111\\ Equ1t) 1111 l)"'·'1hft' II rrj.!hl l',dl f),,7 111;:1 ,\(:rnwth<111pl\ l'r111l111 l11111 \.\111k111i: ~"11 ··m.111 1··11 ... 1i:1,,.,, llkll•1r,.~1·l1· ,,..,.,.,, ........ . h•1111ttn~ '>arnl111i.: 11111 f1111: & ""''t•mlll} 1.11, 1x:.1 P(T OFflCE \'Jnt'tl rl11t1(•, 'I I \11•11 ,. .... , t'.•~uJI uff11 t· ,,.,,1 Jl>'f1pl1· (',111 1-:111.J0.•111 .11 fi7f1 7til 1 s.i.,...nor ,,,,. '""Jl'•rl I•---------• l~·:1l'11 ~ur..1.,.. ,\1111·' 1 :1 .I t I \fl p;"'"'' (\•11 11.11111111• prov. :\h .... J \'1•r•h· l "'II' 1111~11 Ile.I ('c•nr.·r '>I ('it-ta ~k~a NURSING l\t'l'Ult' IX'Yt'h1.1lnt• fa1•1h Iv ll<'t.>ib It .-:. I. I' T .., and fnl'11lal hl•,dth Wflrkl•r... /\II sh1fl :. 11p1•11 full & µart trnw . \lnl f1 1ni.:e lie11 el1t.. l ;ill •\!"Iii 5702 or K:l 1 1; i I I lrw 11f a k1n1l •ir1.ea n11.a1 ""' h:L.., 11nmt'll1;111• m·NI for !-.('\'rt'l;irv r .. <·1·pt111111-,1 to ( 1 I I 1 n t t' r l' , t 1 11 1.: <II\ t•r:.lf1etl p11~11111n (;out! l}'fl lllJ.: 'k1lb & 1l'1eph11nl' ma n1wr r .. r1U1rt.'d. Sill ;1 +. llr ' !I ~. t-:x n•lll'nl 1'•1mn.1n' ht.·nefrl:. Call .\lr!<. llt11!' ... for .rppl. 7ft2 11712 • ORDERLIES' NURSES AIDES Sm:ill nun;1n~ horn•· wants you t 11 JO•n the famll> 111 ht•.iul1C11I Lai.:11na Jl('h <:111111 pa~ Xlnt lwnt·ftti. (.'11111,11·1 l\1r.s Tratrottl m Mrs~ Cht't'\'l·r<, Tlw t:.1rrl1•1h 11.<10 <:t1•nm•yn • l.:1i.: lkh l!ti xm:> l'art·t1m1· Stllllt•11t •11111 111111., t•rran11~ & 1•a 1 up k•'l'P 111 ~ fl,.,11,1 .. f~!.I ll•ll l'i\HT Tl.\1 I·; ,11,. I• Li l.I. CHARGE A NEW CAREER CAUSEY & CO. Real Estat~ SCHOOL llllW ;H'l'l.'fll ~ VISI\ 1"< .\1 1\ S T E H (' t I 1\ H ( i I', l'n:Jl,1rt· f11r Sta Ii' l':xJ m Ill '" lilt It• ~" Z7 h1111r<, "'htotlul1•tl al )OUT t'lll1\I' llll'nt't• <:uar.111lt·1•ll <'.tit now to '1'11 .. 1111 Ii· your Ftc,.:f': 1nlr11i1U<'lllrl ll~"lll • Causey & Company It EAL i':STATF: l<lli!i!--11 <'11, ... 1 llm.11· 1714l494-8057 -VISA TIM~: 1•ng .. r1!1'111· f<i~I !•---------· g1•owmi.: 1·11mp.111\ nl't'd' t•111 1•rprio;1ni.: ph11 n 1• 11t·n.on \11 '>l'l 1111 .11111t... ~ .• I an 1·11 mm ho11u,1·~. ~ltJO hr l 'all l>l."1 1':nt1•rprt"'' .. i;.~')1 PART TIME OHL Y l>tH' Ill I omp.ill\ •. , jlJ.n.,11m 1n Orani.:t• Cn an\a "'··· nt·1·ct 't'\ Pt a' ,h,1rp pt•oph• 111 "111 k lllJ.:hl' fll'r Wr't·k Ii tflJ>tn 41•: da.v Sal .\1u~I "" IX nr o\'1•r l't'l1plr• wh11 art• 'tahlt• art' prdl'rn•tt S450 Smary Or 11rr>f1l 'ih<.tnni.: 11rri 1:ram. "h11·h eH·r v1111 prl'ft•r For tnll·n l'cill 71 1 i:tll ~ht Wn 1 !jp111 PART TIME EVENINGS t\rlull<; With llUlSl<tnthn~. <.1lln.1c·t1ve pcrs11nah(11'' who cnJny workms.: w11h kids Ovt'r 21 !{tuM :ti s;t.50 pc•r hour l'h••m• 6 4 2 4 3 2 I .. : x l 2 511 , Hf:TWl':EN 4 011 5 011 PM Ask for Anctr.o f.qual tJppurtumty t-:mplnyer PIXOPER. Opcr's for te lC!J)hont• an.swf•nne service Musl be able to work i-oml' wcekcnds Ty ptnl( 35 wpm r e q u1 rerl Ex pcricn rc preferr<'d ur will train. Many C'Om pany benefits. F\111 time or part Ume. day & after· noo n-evening s hirts available Ple ase ('all Mon. thru Fri. 543·4230 E.OE. ·-------- •PIX TELEPHONE OPHATOll Pleasant wo~1nl( cont11· lions with Chevrolet tie· aJer In Orange County Airport business com plex. ~me IJ1<ht book keeping . l yplnR re quired. Opp for advan- cement. Sec Of!ice Mgr HOWAIOCIM•r*t Dove & Qua.ii Sts. NEWPORT BEACll lll-OSSS Have somet.Jtlna to sell" Classified ad:s do 1l well lll:;tl t·: .. 1.1tl' FllE.~11 lll'1 Ill· 10-.,\L I-'. ST 1\ T F S I· 111 It I I." MW :"IOHOll\' W,\'l;T~ Y (I l ' ~ I I VXl'f':HIV"W,.-·' ~"ffil' 1tf lilt• ,,ilt''l"'t1jlll• Ill I h" hU'llll''' r1i.:ht 1111\\ 'lltioldn '1 lw pr11l1.1 hh tJkrn~ 111' 1h .. rtt-.. k 'II·"" \11\.I (~tllhl \I' I' If )•Ju .111' l1~1k1111• f1tr lull 11m1'. hard \4 w I. h It' 111 ·"''" 1.111n I k•ad1 ~ t·1111 'lll1•r ) llUf!'>l'll ,h,11 fl llwn t all nw '"'' 1 .111 lfla kl• 1111101•\ 111).!l'I hl'I & )llU wtll kt•t'll nl•l'I •II II 111 m llust rnj.!~ f>itO ;,;,lill RECEIVING CLERIC 1-\tll lirn('. rcturl 1•l11th111i.: store· Expcn e>nt'I' 1>n· f1•rrl'l.i Will tro.11n !lours H :I0-5".lO, Mo11 lh ru Fri Call Nam·y 641 507<1 Re-c~onist l'IT 10 J JO, IOOwpm type. t•rranrl~. Sf',1)()1mu Debbie 979 !16111 Airpon Area fu.>rcpllom:.l fl') p1~1 1\1· t•urale typ1't. min 60wpm, j.!uud Mfll'<' s k1lb 549 111;1 Rec1!pt1001~l H t-: ()fft1•c utelypcreq 841J.4343 ltlClrTIONtST &.alH•• Se.ch fl"" iR Newport leoch has opetHftCJ for lecep· tlGNtt w/fJOOd ,.._. ......... ty & typfftc) ...._ If J011 wO.W lb o chmlce to w«tl In fNs HC:ifflMJ ••lrcMto lftttlt. ,,.... pho11• Ted ... ty or GIHll a.."', ... ,' 74. When yoo rail Classrfrcd lo place 11n &d, you'rt> a:c s ured o r a fri e ndly welcome t1nd he lp "' wordlng your ad for hest res ponse Ci.JI Now • 642-5678 s.t~. May 12. 1979 DAIL. v PIL.OT CJ J Help WMted 7100 Hefp W•ted 7100 Hlfp W-.hd 7100 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltECEPTJONIST Part· tune II a.m to I p m Fountain Valley Spa, 962.·CWIOO RECEPTIONIST South Coasl llepertory 0 c beautiful rl"~io nal theatre hus 1;nlry level upewng m ao tixcll1ng, tr vl'ly at mospherc :ii. center of info for all lht!alre a\'l1v1lles Good typtnl<( s kill'! r<.>qd <..:all for appt. Judy Morgan, !i57·~. -----fwhab1lrtiltl0n Counselor 11Ct.'(fed (or heat.I trlJUrcd y11u n s.: adu l l pre v0t.·ut1onal tra1nms.: pro ~ram Mu!>l hav1: exix·r m workm}! wrth learntnl! 1.hs:.rbll-.I & or ht:llav111ral mod.1 f I l' a twn Su la ry $801, ~r mo. C;Jll Mf>.U'2'7tl RESEARCH AIDE F1llmc C-Ollei.:e t•hem & hw Uastt· molct•ul;ir :.tud1c!>. ONA t'<Jll J> ,. I! K y B I .. r •. r . 714 li7!\ 215!1 K .. rr·khort Marine l.Jh. ('tJ M 1\ l;il'rl11y nf l'JI Tel'h . 1-: () .. : '111.' '" •k '\I Juranl tmmvtlt.ilt' opt·nrng~ ,11 rlt•w Str;iw 11 .1 t I' • / 1 ,, 1 n We~tm111s1 er Full ''r I' 7 l>a~ & l'H' '>h1fb M11'1 ht· II! or m t•r bq1 J .. ~ 1>1511 l«'sl;iur:.1111 part t1m1 1 <ty ... wk. 10 :Ill 111 :.! t::.ill fi,1~1 ·101; l 1h " •'' ,,, IU.!f.IHW • lk..-.tJllf .int CASHIER// HOST jHOStESS \ •. ,... 1111,\ 1•11lh·1· .,h11p. h11111l.rl>l1• 111•,11 .q i 1w;r r.1111 ,. 1•\J1t·1 pr .. tr·rr••I Appl~ .. ,.,.1,,1 .. " Ill ''""">II :!l'\1 :11'\l Ill 1•all >i:J:I :.'7~11 ,\lltl'llH'l 1.H ''' 1111'1'1' I 1111m \l.11\rt11111 Ill In 1c...,..1;11ir.1m l-.\IJl'I 1111' 1\11 \·' 1111 '\pl II< h 1 lull 1t.1' · I< 111»h• (~1111111 .1J)J1l. l•l.1 :,iNNl1•,I .~I RESTAURANT COUNTER SERVICE Pori·tift and full-ti~. day ond niqht positions ere now a vailable. Ap- ply in penOll durinq restcarant operati011ol houn at "'e followinq locations: •Carrs Jr.* 2092 S.E. Bnstol SAMTAAHA 23002 lah Forest U.GUMAHILLS f':qu:il OpµI\' .. ,rn1>I) r ~' ... ll t'l.111 , .. 1 •. , l.Jtf11•, 1· !111h1 fl l! '••tll lllf II• • F'11ll !'art 111111• ,\1l1.11 t 1\1'. ... 1111· .. n · 1h•111·ntf.1 ltl1'. lllll'll••j!1·11t , ;11·:11 ,;il,1n h1·111•f11, p11t1·11 r1 .1f · \l r f· ''" .1rtf , 'llri l•HM RET All SALES N111f '''l>~.'r 'Jlr'' J•t•r,1111 f11ll 111111• -.; H .m·:. t':dl 111r .1ppt 1~2 bl 1-1 ROUTE P~st Control Troine~ Sll':r<h 111h f111 r11:h1 11 .. r-;1111 l'rnC11 -.h.1r111~ l!mllp h1.,1llh ,\pph 111 J••r.on L[n\ll l'•''l I '1111 Lml 5'if1 th..r IM !"\,1J1IJ t\11.1 :->,11 I ,\I ;1k111 i.: \I .> 11· F1·n1.dt• s.11I1111.: ,., " h1•IJll11I m:, IK:!:l SALES tl1n1t1i:v 11r 111 l'h('m1 ... tn maJor lo ">ohn l hu~1111·:.' 1'<t d r;tj.!llll:il II'" II\ t•r I ht• phone 1n N1•wµiir1 lkh llasl' + ••om n11,,111n 7 M 164!\·21 It. Zt1k $;Jlto:- l 'h1ldn•n i.:rown" Matun• per:.on F timt'. s om1• CYlO:-&S:il Sales Tiil' CofCt'l' Ill· an 549 17lili t:xpertl'nc·t'd ''-'ll'~J:rrl. llcttt'r L ;1rl 1cs cl rt'~s :-hop 759 1770 Si\U~ GLAMOUR lntcrnal10n:il Cosmrttt· Ol 1s lookinJ? for 5 woml'n who are senou~ ahout their future. opport11mty to make Will + J1r mo Wt• tram. full or I) n· Slar1 now for a bnJ<th\ future Call (or uppt 714 1!171!·0230. Mr Nirholas Saleslady. pl -t r mr , mature & cxper only 2233 W Ba lboa Blwf. NO SALESLADY Over :M> yrs. start S7 J 5 mo. flcnefits Regal Beauty Supply. 263 E l7thSt , C M ------- Sales pers<>n. permanent, full lime. H M Abr11m:1 Calal()j.\ showroom. 1819 Newport Blvd.CM. __ Sales posll 10n , b ase +romm1'1s1on Retail t'OOkw1trt• !!hop Mus t have salr~ t'~prri(•nc-r Some r ve:1 & wt.-ekends 6'13-ZM3 SALES Secretary f or small eniineenng office. Typ- ing ._ lit~ l*png. Also _good on~· 832· 7996 New te rntory position opefl Ill O.C. for person w /e11p 1n s ale o t switches, N:lays, Cll'('ut ,_ ________ _ brt!Olkc.rs & passlvt: com SECRET ARY ponents for o ra pid "row· OWlt.uding oppty for 2 1ng e lect r on i" rli, .. peop l e ori ented tnbutor. WILi cons ider 1 trainee ir person has secretaries with g00< d secnllanal skills to jom elct'troruc bal·k Rroun · our Ca lering & Sales lleply ad 512, Daily r ltot. Dept EnJOY exrel\e nt ~> ~~0~t:i-·Mesu company benefits. Apply in pe rs on Mon /Fr i. Sales·lletatl office s up· 9am·l2noon, Personnel. plies & s tat1onery t-'u It MARRIOn HOTEL tirne positions a vail For 900NewportCenlerDr appt 567·9'.ll2 Mr Wl'sl Newport. ~ach N 1-: W P 0 H 'l' Equal Oppor Em ply m If ~"fATIONf:HS SAUS/ShM' Look1n~ (or ('Jrecr mrndPd mt11v1cJujjl for fa!lt l(rowrni.: l'Ompany tlealtnf( 1n hll<(h ra~h1on women·l> sh~ Locat1'<1 in f<'astuoo Island Top puy & compa ny henefrl' f or 1ntt'rv1~w ;i:.k for Morrl'y at 7~ <~S Scr<."'l•n pnnun.c produ(' ltUn m.m<.11!1'1 -w;111l\•d Mu..'t ha 11· l'XP ~0-!11111 St>am~lre,., ~nmc t'X IJ tlt ... m>tl Wrll I ra111 l'al l l'r>n S all l>•·:.1i.:n Eil~llHO SEAMSTRESS l-:Xpr'rl 1n dn·,•m1alt 1111! l'it <.1 ltt·r;11111111> fo r 'mJll o.;ti.111 10 ;>... H !f 1l :111 t'all lil:l 44:111 Si.•<''· I''\ ,h, l\)1V. I'•• qwn'<'I S'l 'hr Hho11d,1 ~'1:1~15 SECRETAR Y I' 'I ln,ur.11111• 11fl1 \Jrl)IJrl Jr!O,I hr' Ill'\ hf (';di A \1 i:1:! '11.11 s .. nlf';'l'1\HY ~ ull l1n1" met.,l hJ1•· ,1r11nl! I\ p1n1. I\ 'il11rthaml .il11l1t' \pp II II) f11·r-..1n , ,, \I 1 l-\11•nt1.., .11 l111l11•rt ll.•111 \\'1111 .. m ~ r;.-.t & \ ""' 11111 ()U;11I !"II "J•I 111 h SK~tary I Secunty Store Detectives l.11o k111K for an OJI Jllirl unity 111 <rth an<'l"' You'll f1111l 11 al Zotlv:.. a h~Mkr rn thl' ret111l tn d11,lrv W11h a numhcr of '>l11r1:, rn th" Or.in~·· ( ·ou.nt) .ir11l Lo~ An~ctt·~ an•a, wt• an• lookmJ! lt• rlc•vt'lop and expand our S..'(·unty U1v1s1on If v1>11 h:iv1· th1· tlr1"1' 111111 amh11 1n11 W•• will lra 111 you t11 l11·1·1mw ,rn 1mpo1 laill ml•111li.•r of our 'luff of profl':.,mnab W1· 11fft•1 l'Xt'l•ll .. nl <,larl ini: ,,,1:1r. M1·rl 11·a l Jnd 1l1•1Ual '"'ur.1111·1• .1r" ;1 11arl uf 11111 lull 11011· 1·1111Jh1'l'''' •iuhtandllll.! 11 .. n<.•f1l!<.pa1 k.1.-t· 11 '1111 n • 11111•rr•,l1•d 111 .. 1.,rtinc J t'.111•1•1 .• rpply 111 :-..0'1·11n1 ,. ~11111·r11-..11· ZOOYS 11.111 1t;..r1111r 111\d V11u111.11n \ .1lh•' C,\ hc111al 1 Jpp•1rl u1111' frn11111\t·r M " '\1~·1 ••·If '' 1nrr tur 111h '4 lth lHh11! \Jn• l\ li1w•I I I flllll' <\ ·h•1r1 h,11111 I 1• •111111•1 "'•Ill• I" '""111"1 '"''~ lt\lrt•· ln.trhlrt.rl I •11T1fJI••\ 1----------· .111 ···t• I· f I I ...... 'I 1 •I • " \ 11 I ' I' I "l I• 1111 h •'.I\ \ !tl1nl\I'• I\ J•lltl' :\1•\41~1n1•r 11111 I·~··•· ut 1111 ll oi' .l.1ml111r1·1• \, h ' ,, t 111 ...... ,, ")\\ 1-.~1 tit•I ~. I> I-. !-io~·rt'l.11"' l11r 1111 .. L!ll I In tlu.•,lf1,1I t... ( 1Hlllllt'll 1,.J Jl1•;il .. : .. 1,1\1 11fl1t I' \\11-.I h ,1 \ \' I! ct 11 ti p fl II 11 \ p1·"11n.Jl111 /lo. 1,.\ 111111· 'k ti I,. \\ 11 11 'I ,,) ti 1• 1·mpl11) m1·n1 t ,., orrl lit at11hl~ 111 han1ll•• ,111 111 r1tt· dt•l:irl .. l'.dl \I r Ml·yn at lilt' s .. e11·y I '11 i l4 X:l:l (!21:! SEC'Hl•:T \H \' '\1•v. purl C't·ntl·r l.J\\ Firm 1n IE'llt.ct·n«l'. J!llOll 'kill' II< llr111r ll·)!~d ••,p1•r r1· 4Uln~I l.Jll Huth Ur,t/t•r j!J.<j :Olllll ~·1•n·t.1 r~ 1( .. 1"l•t111111 ... 1 " hit• llkkfil! 111'1.'lkd f•H .i.:r11\\lfll! -..111J11f1 lw.d lil<ll! l'l)J11 Ill ( ·., 1.1 '"''•I I :n•al 1111111 ·, 1.:11 ll~M or 1;11.~.10i s.~·n·1.1r. ti1r1 F11<1," lt.1p1clf\ 1•\pa11i1111)!. ltrm ,,. •• ,, "" 11·t.11'\ '", 1111 "' I 11·1 ,\ILi-t 111• .1 1·11 .. 1.1n1·r t. rn.1111r1· '' 11h ;.!0011 \.II I I' 1 upl" II II t' II t 1• If ,I nt II I ">1•141JC1n 114.,,,.11 1111 .1111111 Ktl 31171 s~:l'H ~:T \H' l(,q 111th t'\ft.mtlmi: I '11 111 r·nm p1111·r p11111111 1, 111•1·1f, "''" n·1.1r' 1111 '' 1!11111.ol ,,,1,-.. /\ ...... n 1t ,. 111, \• .ntr;1h '' 1'1111! & 11h-.1,,rn1 JllHllll' ll\.111/lt'I r1•flllll 1'lf \,1 11t•I\ 1•1 lf11l1 1•, '" .. "' llltl " .·111 v.fh , .. 11.·1111.11 l>n111m.1t 111n Im lll!l~t:• \l.1c \rlh11r Hiid S11111 t:~r Jr'""' 7~ 117H:! SECRET A.RY \\ c• 11t·••d ,ti I llU r po"· 't'('rt'l:Jn 111 ha111ll1· huok kw11111i.:. td1·ph11n1· ,,t11·' & l!t'Ol·r.11 nfft1•1· "11rk (. ,, I I " II '> I II Ill I , • I k l'r• (hlt't..'. l.al!un .1 I 1111 ... 7W411tl:I S SECRET ARIES $ G 0 11,t Bkµ~ SI I .4110K !"1.tli'!o/Sct•y foa $13.2001\ (i O 11)011 all SI0.20111\ Mal(C'a rd 111111 Slal1slirul Sl4.<IOOK Sr /\n1. f'raut•h1se Sl5K 1-:mployen. Pay All l''c·t·~ IJz Reinders Al(t•nrv <IO'.!() H1rch. !'~tab ·1;-1 NC'wpor1 Bc;ieh.1133 Kt!lO Sccretan;il Me<clcal Transcril>.r Goud lyp1:.t. Lr;imrni.: 111 m etltl•al t e rm1n11lui:y Costa Ml':.<J rad1uloj!y luh lrvrnc Personnel Al!<'lll')' 488 to: l7th. CostJ Mei.a ~ute 224 642· 1470 ~- SECRETARIES la\g and short term ns· sagnme.nl.~. Hohd11y 110d varat ion Ptl Y Hosprtaliutlon plan evadable. VOLT r • ,,_,., •1 )It l'I ti , .t J •. • t •, 3848C.mpus Drive s.6-4741 CAc~from Oran~e Co i\ •rrorl > f:Ctu•I Oppor t-:mployer SECY jRECEPT Sharp. w ,,, nmK 'kill• f 11 I I 11 \ 1• >.I IT1 l' II 11t•pt ltx·;il m11rti.:a.:1· hk . 1;111irl t,1.:n1•f1b CCIII Mn. \'1;i. 1;.1111!>121 :-.O•WIOI! Fl.I )I >H L1\l>Y hxp .. n1·1ll'•' "ant ell al 11111·l· ~tu'' ha\l' 1..•xp,•r m s1•wrni.: :ind h;indhn~ f""IPll' S;rlary l}J)t'n 37111 W10:-l u 1rnui.:1• Dr .. 1\ 1 '<1t1r ~ ,. w 1 n ~ M a " 11 1 11 1· l.1po•rat11r S1n11.lt• nt'1'illt· pwr mJ1 h1111• I 1111 IN;J)!l':> (';JIJ !J 5 tj.15 t;i)l,(J .'IJ B SHIPPING CLERk Sh1pp1ng & ri·1·e1v1ni.: du11e!. i:n11t1 pav. ;11 1111ir-phert-'ery n11·t· full ho:ncf1t:o. Mu:.l hl' l'lean. ,h,1rv & ••xpvr Sal <'nm mt•n:-.u r;lll' 11> .Jhtfltv i'Y ••'(111·r .km <it•rry 1·1111 1rn rr.oo S111µp1111-:. ,.,,, \\Ith l'l'S I' I' ,, ,,,,. l"rl lwlpf11I ,J I> 1n .. 1111m1·nh t.1.11• \ 'lw11111 .II l .. 1rw . II II 101 :.:1."11 !'.lllflllllll! 1"'1 '<011 \\11l1W1h \\t•,tf ~.artn.-nt •' ''h'r I' r ,. I,., 1 ,, rt 1111 l n "r n•._.,"~·•r\ Tu!'ilu1 .Jrt•a \tn11 .. ·r1 111 hr' \',111 l\.trlt,1r.1 .ti ~>14 11:11~1 Shippinq/R~c~i• in9 n.1-:1u~ F'ull unw w .. r~ v. mt!.•" l':lflb ,11wk11w ~ '""'nlor\ 111 11.1rh I 'h,11111 111 !!rm• "' ~m.11 I 1~11np.111~ ~.1•1 i.'>22 Sllll'l'l'lt: & IUT\' 1; \t ... \I ,, I' I: r 1• i.: 11 r '.11111~. 11;.-11 l'la• .. ·nu.1 I ' \1 SHOP TRAINEE I rnml·d 11p1·n1ni.: Cos I a .\ltoo;a mfr 1·11 Xlnl lll'nf ~ p1•r1u1 l11· 1'"11·w .. U1'11rom1· ('11rp \f'L!.1 Bake• ~ l'\I M!'1 0111:1 Stt•lenL' 1:1 t!'t ,•,rrn mont·~ a II 'dll & S a t w 1ww,µapt r 1•1n·ulat 11111 1-rt•w. Nt11 t•arn S!5 l'l'I wk & rnor1• N C M .tr1·a· 751 34112 :-;ummcr em11loyllll'll( l nl'I s lucknl or~;inr r.a l11l0 ~l~·k:-. quahf .ipJ>h 1·anl' w .sLrun~ voluntt•cr hac·ki.:round plus pn•v prof 1•xpcr rn 1.-ducat1on or rt'l'rt'. to roord1nall• tort·1~n sl udcnt hom1• o;tay ' p roJ(ram Wor k from home llt.•g1n im med lnt('rstutl). 2120 ,.~ IQ.hi~. N B 9'.!663 vr rnll 645-JlKI Switrhboard/Rl'~·cpt1on1:-.1 M;itur1' person for st~·k hrollt•ra~c f irm tn Nt'wporl <.:e nter Ac 1·urate typing rt'QwrC'd Salury open Coll M;ir ,one at 644·Z442 ---- TEACHER..f/H• Pre·Kinder1<?arte n. Must have <'urly r h11dhood t'duc a\1110 and ex p c r ie n ce. l mmt•d employme nt. 1-'or Info call 540-191!1 Tc urher l'ri• St•hool Cert1f1<·a t c o r e x · penent·e. Afternoon <>r mommg hours. 64().882{) TELEPHONE SALES Ne'wllp•~r ~ub~. Your phnn(•, 4 to 5 hrs • day S?(IO & up romm . wk. f:Xp pref Over 2L I 0 Nrwipiil~r Ent 835~. lto3PMOnly CJZ DAll.Y PILOT S aturdav, Mav t2, t979 "'...u 1001 .... 1001r .... -.c" 10 I 0 ..... '" 10 I 0 C. IOJI -.... ..... . ..... W~ 7100HelpW..tH 710GH.e,W•t•d 1100 ~~~~ ..... ?~.~ Warth ll u 1enun good 1tnvu1w "'"'""l fl mu1't llt-llw ric9, lnv('nlnry ., ................................................................................................................... rnvale" Owned A.mcnran Oak Ant l~u u . A ll rh lOrcd S_,rpenllu c bdrm ~. fluoelcr t•u11 bol&rd, t~ I. Ores ('r, ~M Ch<-st. T r t1llcy l'llf h1'fll'lt. '• IJt'<I 5lt6 6002 ,\mer . Oak gia nt icrandlul..her clock. I of a kind. 1912 v lot ano vlrt\IO!j() Ouk <'a bi net, 1 of :a kind. Amusem«'nl par k cl aw m arhtnt.' w /Ouk t"a IJI 00( 96M-3f'o.\4 Stove 30" Clean. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ITS 548....S T E L E P II 0 N E Travel Aa.eot SOIJCITORs. 4 d)' wk t-:x v.-11enr ed I r a 1 1· I SPM'9PM. no llt'JI, no 1•x a.ee>nt Wiii Ir a In lt•r per-'200 mo + bonu~ Slllbn· t-:xt"l·uuvt-1 ravul ~ ice In me ' ,. ,.., "'" 'l'Qw IJ'\l('k dnvcr lll'\-dl'<l M\l5t IJ\'\' t'M. ~l)CI l>fl ly 646~ ... Tow 1'1-urk l>nH•f' l''( per'd. T()4> p.. Apt•I) 06W Tow1n ~. '1 40 tt tluns W l&.Y. l' M f>41 t~ TRAINEES &'Ill uur ad undttr As ,••11tbly " 111 1uJ 1n" r las.1(kld or t·all Transmask Coro. 1714) HMOIO ... I) "' 'l'raJnt~. WISt'lllbl)' ~ ,.'..'\ h r Nr O t' uir11111 1 ~11.6 7L(n 7 14 /~<ttl 4 7flfl d I)' II 7 l4 1833-940!> •T Yl'f': s t-:r 1 fo.I< " M ...:.pc"r prr l l1ravt11t· .. r o mp•n> 1 r .. 1n l'. 5"Wllllitl'I TYPIST /tlCll'T "u h aond r lrn 1·111 1111 II\ IQI l&M M\ rlop;-r ofr flrt'f1•r m a tur•· n on 'Ufll'IAwr ~'IOI TYPtSTF/f We• nt't'll 11 IJ'\I ju ur.it1· l ) 11'"'' "h n '" .:111111 '° (IJ4UI I''> Ill UUI ....... , \ll't1' lor ~nu ll 1m11mt111.: \'011111.11\\ II) l-'11\h t11ll l<1IAn1I l'c•t.•' 1•~10 twlph1I t~I l'auhn1· i'\!I """' WAtnlD OllVH SUMOAYOM.Y 1'(1 <1 llvn l)1o11 ly 1'1101 hun1lh tu 1 ,11 rll'r"' R1• ri11rt11i \llll rn li.rl(t '''' tlun wu111111 a nti ., ltlMMI dnv111a 11·1·111 ll l'horll' M l •0 11 in d J'lo. f1H I h1r r\ Sri I 1· \ 111 U1111 Wllllunt' ... (/l Al 0 1'1-'0HTI INI I,. fo.M PJ;l n fo IC Wa1111u h•· vour I•" n *""" • Wllllt1'(f 1'\l"lt'rt ·•·~11tlo! m11.-h1n1 111n1 .,1111 111 lf'rl.,..ll'CJ 011 I 111 1'1'1 Ill th' .ittn N11 "111111 n 11-111 ''11;11, l•wi1 111 "11 ~"' WAltEHOUSE "111 \ \l!4'1 fl'll 11 '11111 -'' 1 J '\II -.h1fl '""'" , ••• , '","' "1 o·~ h "'" I"' \lu'I l••11\1't I~ MORRELL I I Ml'llll \11\ 111u1otcn1tn1·u 40 hr11 Mon f''rl 'fu11lln a rea • •111'-rba r• al )44 9.'ttal \ tt.11y 'l'•'t'h p11r1 lln11' h HI hrr. l)f'I WC'ek •I ri hull 1Ja..Y11 Moo fo"r1 1"111 Ortl~'\Jh' Sor111.,111 ., 11f fop• fo'1t!lfllHll h l1t11J tA414MJ ••·••····•··········•·• ......... 1005 .....•.•..•........•••. rwuc AUCTION MANY ITt-MS o .. · l"IN1': l''.:O. I 1\ rt-: J t-. W 1-; I. tt Y \Ill llUJl-.t'I S l\N I I 1.J l fo. "> t-' I N I· H I< !\ I 1'1 IC fo. fo: l'l' l'llCIN I' Hlll IN l''IJ & llltt tl'lll Ill" ti4) ~ \,VlllJl I I Nll>i\111NI~ 'v\J I "t.il ~n M.t) 12 & l.llh IH!> t'J ol.1\ l rLK k loud 111 1111•111·,111 I luk 1 lrllqiw /\rt l)l•ro, 1Jmoi.i -.c l . 9 i1 1cct·i,., Wulcrfall" /\ I rnml l'l.700 Sitt> Wl2 sor.IOOAK 41:1" .s r1oll 1.lt-J1k Xlntl'onil' ~ 11651 t..1unoc r~. !IXJ,;I, oak "hi'"l':t~<'. bw wheeled t1·ijt•iu·t.. uak 101:kc r T ht.' l'ur)>le Plum. :\29 S. c ... t llW) l.lllo(UllU <194 9289 l \t\-11 l.1{74 Orlo(Jrl l,(1V(' "l('-.t &. d 1uir. wulnut ld hie Bufkl {;4:! 5001 or ul ~1 ~11~hor<' NO fo1 tdlt.' Sall' W~l!wood hl ack lii;,~J ll wmr: & wutcr IK tal! VJ.,Ci t'1n-.a l ltA Blue J,Jr.l)cr 111 J111w ~·our St'u .. on' l'J1·; x 7''i w11h () 1; l"rJOl l' ('lrl'J 171i!I --- '86 Kenmore washer and dryer . faJr cond $50 each. ttC'7-MS4 t'Tooier-0\dt type, ZJ l'U .... -.CM 1010 fl, good t•ond. $1 50 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9fl8..~_2200_~~~~~~~ IC.fofn2 21 c. F Std«! by Side Xlnt S2M. Gua r 537 6.133 fo'IU:I GHT DAMAGl!:O 11<11'POINT SALi.-;. lJ08 W. )Varner nr Harbor. Santa Ana 979-2921 Maytag washer & ii a s J ryer r>Jx .Both xlnt $235 guar 5:r7 f>333 -Frceu>,... Ii C F $115. FrO'\t f'rl'(' 13 c r :J yrto $245 guar 5:r7-~--- \' A.t..;lt PAID W.1ohr1 Dry rs , Re f ri i:s. work1nlo( or not ~51 !033 BA.KGAJNS-Use<1 refn!(s . wshrs, dry rs. ~arur. bl!~I l>uyi., we ser v appl Hc::.1 /\ ppl 5.16 0911. 536·4330 Hotpouil no frost re fng l2l0 A mana R a doar range . undt:r warr , s;t7S 559-5211 Frigidaire drye r elect 6 m o s n e w . white . Ha rga tn $250. 846-385!J ...:.._ Hefng 1.5 cu ft $118. Apt s :i $1.3S. Gu.ar. 537·6.133 W.1oh r /dryr. K enmor e. Sl50 bolh i\mana refn i,: ~ TI0-95:)6 Frig gas d ryer . gold + GE. gold was her $20() firm Cash S59·71l 3 RC'fnRl'ra\or $3(,11) fl4().5FJiO 19 cu ft side by s ide FF SIAMESE ffudlorne 6 relng. am gd cond.180. h ullh y . Breeder. ~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~ M 1 c r o w a v e 0 v e n -0..,. 1040 TO!lh1ba, top or the hne ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ne ar ne w S a r ri f1 ce Airedale pupe, fl'UnUtote Maieolfer644 4928 line. Ch-s ire . Ch·Da m . llcydft 1020 _m_-1S18 _____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lhasa Apso pupP,iea, atin PARAMOUNT 15sp . hom e·bred, ffam1ll0n· ·rourer Mostly Campy Lacs c hamp stock. ~ Beller than new SS7S_ males. xlnt show pro- 492-'Z158 or s..~ _sp!!t't S.0.2928. Stingrays. Girl!./Boys, x.l.nt cond S25-S30 840-22.SS ---liiklftgMateriat11025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Foldinit cub1net door s 48 "x 8 0 ' complet e w/hardware $3S New Wllldow :;.&"x54", 16 g lass sqrs ~ 673..wsl C-ras& .,... ... 8030 .•...•.••.•............ ror Sa.le M. 9mo6. Cham· pagne Cocker Spimlet, all papers & shots . $125 . 67~. 14 w eek .old ft•m ah· Ciolden Lab. Apartment d w t:ller, mu11l sell OnguiaUy $27S. Will lake dfer . 770-8751 after S Mini Schnauzers/AKC $1.25. M·f' 523.5007 l'r.i\d .1.:1•nl rh·~l11I 111 sal~ of \lh 'J l llltl trJ\1·1 ~I indUl.lin~ 1·ru1 '"'!> fo'l'I' touri.. 1ntt'r n.i t 111n a l :.ales Salury , 1·urn111 Qualif1\-d only n~·<I .tl'l.I J.und 1 11 ~ Mon fo'r1 I ••r ' 1'\•"' l '1111'.l'\I ~1111,1 1 A hul11IJ >' 1,1, .ti 1 .. 1 lllllN'"'''' IH \\•II••)!\ ,, .. ,ft>nl :>-1:. .>5:>t• !\1 1r .. 11.1 M h k 1• I h I\ ' ,. •• II II 11 llOU.'l'tll1lt1 ,.,.nh ~ 1iu 11· 1101 U-'1111! ,1 \ ,11l,1ht.• Ill '>OffW olh<•r rJmtl} hy .. .i \l'llL'Ull! lh1•1TJ IHI :1JI.• Ill l 'la.. .... ,1f11o;I I 'all i\.ll :>611'1 Ill\ 11'.I. L' S i l"- Wtw1tw1 vou 11 l1111o111i• ••• wllllll( I 1.""h' 11 ,1d I \'rtl:llllf! "'111 ~·1·1 \'OUI llk~'Jl!t' l11 I Ill' r •~'Iii llo·u pie• Ca ll Tod.t\' f·l:! •f.7X I UI 11lllll1' .Ill\ "ti 1..,111~ 1\l'llh 11111111ll\• '· & I OtlJlfl \ -.hilt lll~'fl'hJll t11· 1 11\\ 111 "'' Hq:1:.11 r 1111 "' M11111 ...,, ru .. 1111 !\~ .11/'l't \11l1\tU1' 1lr1•· .. l'r 11• lllll'h1•iJ 11\ JI llllrtlll hull'IW• hlu•·k ll11n·ll1• )'(l!Jtl 177:! .. whn t.I~ 2573 I ti.'.\3-U9':13 \1,·1or lJ pr q~h l rudlu1phono $150 llulch $ll5 195()'s /\rca<ll• Crane $17S 556-6139 V111.vnan :.ora. 19th c\·n l u r y , bea u t if ul ltcslon-d MIMiZJ:! WASHERS. DR V Ek S. TRAS ll COMPACTOk S IU.>c:ond1t111ned, like new I yr ~uarantce. delivery Sl25 lo SJ7S None hi~hcr f\pplJanct: Town 554 5432 Fr~e'''' p r 1 ~h l . C-Oldspot, frllhl free & tcl' rro kcr nso 541'.S-448S ::itovc. nice older T:Jppan , dean S65 548-<WIS Pro Q!mcr a Oulfil Ml>4S System. Like new L1:.t over Sl800 Yo ur:. for $1100 711 SSJ 1543 Cats 8035 ....................... JllM,\LAV AN K ittens l.J'la.'>a Apso puppies . !"> males. I fem • 7 wks . $(75-~. 644·8S9S Cock e r Sp a nie l Pups . AKC Put1 co lo r e d Shot:., >I wee ks , r ham- pmn pup; 213/ 241.:_3290 ly 957 271KJ (' r A R1caduro Line Oa.."51f1ed Ads, your one W811t Ad Rt~ulls M 2 56jg WANT ACTfON•> C..:lass1red Ads 642 Sti7~ Min~ C."luu Linc ~IO-t7f.O s wa>shoppinR ct:nte r H ere's How You Can Use Our Famous Dime-A · Lines I' our famous DIME -A-LINES THREE CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERV E YOU DEADLINE ~ lp m FrtddV llO W 8df St .. C.M. 11 noon All brdnCh oft1c;es • Bnng them or mail them with correcf c a s h to one of our 4 convenient 0111ces • No livestock, pro duce or plants • LAGUNA BEACH 1186 Glenneyre St. 330 West Bay t7875 Beach Blvd. • N o commercial a d s allowea • COSTA MESA • Each item mus t be pnced with no item -.ver $35, ... • HUNTINGT-ON B EACH C: 11 E V V p a r t s TEN N IS r:H·keb S IO B l.,A l'K IV l>l'c kPr llONl>A 7~0('l' parl::.,NEXT Sal urda~. M;iy ON E mirror '10'148 llOOVEH 1ou11<1 t·an r ll ENCll Provenc1allQUE E N s ize bed. one lUfS HWAS H ER $JS. P owPr ).!l t d<' and S25 L:impsSIO hl'<l.i.:i· lnmmn llilll ~r $25 l'11:t 11rcs IY. 1700 Wt'st c lifll v.11hllrel>::.cr.111r1two n 1'\l'r \J c uu m d ining roo m \Jblr: month old mallres• TnasterSS.Compop. t runs m1ssw n SJ5. 0 11 <:h i ldrc n -. clot htnl( SIS Pnll1•11•·'( di·l'p h 2S1· $1 l'.11tnt 1 11 ~::. lrt\'I'. NB 6'12·858:i ur bur<·:.u,-; $2.'i om• full cll•a nt•r, guod rnnd1 with 3 le aves $30 S3S, oox spnng S35. per SI WMne iron SJ. pa n s SS I n t a k e SOc-$2 S ilverpl:itc·r1 1.·:.il ma!»'a l:t'r S~1 llkS~ll Toob 25cS!I ll73f-ifi.to Ply boan l 1>1n• bt•rl v.1\h m .1t t 111n SIS Nl•\ p :.dy Chairs to ma\ch S\O headboard S35 Stng le l t:t\!ctr1c c a n opene r m a nifo lds SIO e a ch . tra ys $4 R ecorrls v anou!'> s11t, of pull ~11 rfb11,ird Y.tlh leash p:im•ls S I S~, Luml>cr trc:.s, ~1mn~ l)(lx and Pl'O. good contlil111n eac h Pair t-..1n ~olld .1te b e cl '''" 1n SS Bike SIS Early J27 hl•ad S20 l.1fters 25c·SI 1!1cyde SS inl!!'> SOI' S4 S inall S2S lt1clt•:i "a y b(•tl SI SIU h earlboanl and o ne $10 Aqua riu111 wit h mJho,i.::inv h o•Jll pl a~\1t· S20 fQr m at Cor \'l•tt c scuts $2S S IO Push rod s SS 28 30 Lo r e t o, C M c ahinl•I 11o11h .. t,11nl(-,., $2S M1•11., s h1 rl!'. ---bureau S20, unc trnl)y i.orrw 'uppl1c ... l!gal hO<•nh <tnd lraml! .. 1r1•J.'.'l. $20 for bo x sp r e a ch Kick & Go SIS. H ock e r a rms SS 979·21116 sink a nd fJ uc·d !)25 :!Sc SI 1>..11rhl·n T W O Pll'<'l' Ul\'l'r -> c nh "1th 111alln.·~-; 1~1nk SJO Old v.ood1•n S2U e:wh 2 tnrytce~ 1nl!. SIU for lra m t' I Stilt' S.'1 Powe r lawn V alvt-rovers SS p air F:lecl rie m otor S•I ull'ns1t-; ~>t S.1 L:imv!.. 11o'M s ui t S:lS 1-'olk .:uod {'ond1tu111 S30. iron ing ooar d . .:nod n eed pedals $2 i:!ach AnttQUl kitchen l:ible mo we r tlO. Snow skis Fans $4 Wuter pump R U G G E D me l u I Hea \'Y slt·cl dOlll•\' SS SI ·S:J G:1rden 10111!.. guit a r, t•'lr o·,llNl1 1 chonll XS4 I Lowm l•a•1 I>r rond1t1on $S Adrlm g L1v1n~ room 1•ha1r SS wit h pullout lt'J l l'~ I S20 Pool ta ble SJS. S4 . Pu lly s s:i .ss scoote r SS. 6flx211n 6 i.hi'•'h • 1111 p h•ll S t·S3 Wt'l!..U 1l J(.ICk(•l rl itmn S:l5 I a rt s l• llunl1n11,tv11 H1 .. 11•h 111 ut·h1ncs $111 \'lll'h Rird t•ag1• and .,land S35 Antique kl11·hcn C'<i m eras S20 each . b I shelf. bluc·k Form1C'a S~> Sh ••·I lll'n('h $3 (':JM ' S2fi Nt•v. watl•r 9689!111; <"hl•ek \'~·rtf1t•r Sii> $10 L1 v1nl! r11n m 1·h:i 1rs SIO each L a mp ~5 Record llarmon1c ·a a nc<'rs 11(1:.iss ~JO for a ll l:!.'l k •iu r~• "722 _ S iil. 283 c r anks h a ft with bar raihnR S30 Viri::1ni:i P lace· C''.\1 Misc hou•w h.irctwun.' Pl "' "'"" ti 11 ct 1• 1 "' o" 1.1 I.imps S2 anrl S!i :"lil'w SmJll 11,1k o'h a1rc; 11 I ay 1• r $I O 2 S:JO. Cam s ha ft S IO 10 s pt'f"Cl boys bike . 6462:177 S:! $5 H.1d,pa <•k · -OLn fa-.hlfJll looktO~ t q.ll'Y.r!l o•r nt•,.d fno l h:ilh Slit .\von fr•m1 F.rll!land t•1r1•a <•mµl1 f1crs t u ne r s T1m in R c h a in a nd ora nRt' S25 School ----1•qu1vm•·111 S2 $10 SOI.II> inaµk 'ti·r• t J lwlli.11rl.'ad, full "''' 1'1 .. .in1ni.. ~10 l.1hl1• 111•\'an\l'r' S' .111tl $:; \'lll\l~l'.11h \\1111'(11hl $:.!O Indy l1rcl> $15 j?t'a r s S20. T1m1n)! de s k S.10 546-0469 (;i\S dry•·r S20 Oats u11 1; la"'"·"'' "l'l Sfl hll'. t'\l'd ll'nl rnndi I small f.lnntl 1°1111-l•·1t I oiodl•I 1Jd 11• ..... 1 h 1•:i1 h llum11J1f11 r S~ irnr .inct ~·I •" 1·rort1t1 t'.1cn Salurday and <·ham 1·over S.'l 01s---Pi(•k up n •;11 li1m1µ1•1 c;olf duh w t 32:, 98~ tron S:!:-o 11-\~•I ;'!:'··• ll•rn "''h 01111111·1· .oll ,.J,1c·k ~.) 1' .. r1.1l111· U<ll hnvnn !..h1·vl1" $:! 1 1:111 ~! .. '\."" ~111111 :1~ 97 S3 E tribut or SS C'a rh., T WO bar <il oo ls s2o SJO ti!J Forti 'lli:tn<t.1 r(! WP:-ol J!lth l'.osla ~hag rug f•x~rt ~.-.w .•ro und. nl':1t l,> nt·v. 1·111111 r c1·11nj p.dv1·r ll1·l.t\l·ri.11.11r j,f, 2'11 ti ..itlow hr• m1ri •11 l'nr111I C:1rcll', t'oun- s:J Slll Altt·rnator $5 each lgold si•:.tU.V.'l\h r(':Jr 11 111•1., l1umv1·r M•'.t rurni·•~.l~l~h 11'"50" ~Ill ~m.ill \h1 11 v.1 t1.1 ll\•ry • .nrl plu~·111 111 11 l'IJl.'I ,\pt I l '''"" li1111k •J I ''"" alley ~2.Jl..1a8 Powl·r~t1•c>n n~ unit -I~ ' ··(\\I \(I s1si1~-l .!•J1•tl 1111 1hil1t ~. li.1111!•1. ~·u ll• 1 \ tJ11 •, ., < -v wrou11ht trtm tiarkc;' "111 1,•1 I· 11111 I. I I' I i•a c·h Ir:" i·rsc-roi<h l' rt whet 11111k 111 ll11Y. I ~ s,20 p ny, l'r ,tcc•rtn)! .S\l In~ "l'l Siii l11r ' front . 1.,01 Siii 1;n 1; 1 tj I It I .~ .I 'l"'1•tl b1kt· 1 i· 1 > ·• 1 · · ,·· 1n i.:u1.•:. "oth IK·tl· I'•• .111 1, 1111 rh.ic·t., 1~1 ••.1c·h I! .Jr h.t ~ ,. ,11 p o 11 llti.1'< ~1 ra1hal S.1 1 F 1 e 1111mp S111 flt'llhnus h1k<· SIU fix'.I i·:irp\'l I Ch1•\\ 1.111.,:Jlt". S:' .. $111 ,..,, . .,., make lllJ '•' 1'·'~11t•1 1111w 11 'r1 S!! 'hi:' Kt:I / .1r11 r 11..ir•lhJlk~ Utt '-h.i ~ llll<fo.l•.111 1111t 1Ju1-I!' I k•· rwv. ''~! ..,m di 11'<1 nm,, fit ;,, ton 10" Siii l'llt i·ont11111n )!oltt 11oh1h $211 II.irk i•ad1 •~i lrl!ern.1111 011 . .t n11rr111 ~I ll:1n1lmalk "'" ,.,. """" t' x :11>:1m i .akl' 111•11 f1h .Jl l I .1 r l.1 d l1 1Ji: •'' .'1.-1·t111' t1;.'.i1,,1 ,jll F ortl , l>o '.l,l!l' 4\ I ,. hl111· f>:-.Jtl l',Hfll't ):15 t ·.iil••ali•'S\0 "-11<\llHI Y.rtHH'hl 111111 fia11i.:in..:1 l •·11 i.:11i., 'l•)<· 0 :il'h 11 1111,.r ii:!<J lnfan1 •I 1 ~, ., .... 1,, 111 1, Jo"'I' I .t .2.1 !-,m;11J l't1 m pr1·•.s11r SI~. 1\u111 ,5 i·•·o·i • l t cli3 WJI 1, 1, ()("I', 1 I{ .., 1 1 1 .111111..,11·1 1 h·an••t "-~:1 I • ~ • h hi rl h I "'' l ' 1 1 .• l ""''· J.1111 11 \Hlh .i m 111 ' • •' . 1 • .-111~· ~•: rd.1111 i,'r•·' 0 r .•• 1 ,111 10,11 It "l'-(. , \} .i h ~ .... ••(• "·' '01 l'I ·r c1·1.L 1 ~111 lo•"•· ~.. I "1111 ~IL '1'111 ll1·l11"' T11."11·1 I l\1•11 \,r·, "" v.i·;,.,. 1 1 '11"" t' ~-11 I · 11 n f 1 1 111 I •hr f1 u.,h a11 t11nof1t11n 11n11 v w I-' 1-: '\ 11 1-I<~ J ·"', "11 " ~ l •1' " "'' 1rwn l.iri-• d1.11r ':·11 ''""lt1·n1 •11ri•l1l111" ""·' "11 .. o ,, '1'111 :-1 '11"1 1.11111' .. 1:. 1 ·1 111 ' ii.: $25. It.Hiio~ ~5·S l:1 I St5 s•u " t . l'l'JO ;,j!,I Ill) 1.1 I Ill 1illlol"'• l\•I 1rn11, '·"!~II I l'.tl'h 1(111111111'.trflt• l.1 Hr111l.-1,ll.1· "''"" ~::11 \1 ,1 ..,h.ililo• J•111• .,.,,,, I. "'111ud11 llllll II r ...... 111 I' 1r r. r1\l11n· Jftx.1tn Sf•,,~ • -• Ill i.:•· '."" Siii \1{1 .... It II r;11t1;1I 111•11..1· 'ha•h· ·l.1111 "i"ll lll 1· "'.l.'1 "''· 11111\ i:1 1"11rllh11t.1.qi-. M , ...... , 1\l'\1tl11 ~t.. Ir IJ\ll(fl ~lo \1.11011 ,.,r ""Ill" ,,. or ~ U1ps \1 c•k ~:! D t!>I' d1111r ' c I 711 S 15 ,, n w ( I ( I >1:1111 lun ,• ~I 511 .o , , h r ak1· r o tora ::,th ,_.a m ·•I\" '.,.,1 L'n1l·u~1 l1ri', ~<>orJ ''"·"' ::.:, i\mlr1·r .111tl mt•t al !lhK :17[~; • :-.:1 .. ;i .. , 111" ~.1111r 11:1111•1 S;1t urlluv only rurll l'lmh1·' !01 5'•1 f••1 t.tloit :>~lfl 1-•• 1rl} l11rt·1~n ~Ill <".11rnrn ··ach 6573 Chi•\'\' : ;. t 1";k r .s 1 0' i\fll·r· Ii> 1\M )llP.t!\1' lamp :1111 11 S21l 1\av .11111 ~1111c1 ,.v .•21.1L \1.11ol•·Str1'1•1 .. rr 1\1)\ .... 1n1I ,'If ! t:rtl.'ll·h rn.tll 111• .... k hhJrtl 'S2 1-'011r 13x5 r~n1i"r <.k1rts.· .'"· 1:1 L:v il ~ h •,,.... t SI" &4f.·3t~I '111•1•1ll1·11111r1t 11ill11v. I.A D I 1-;s l\l'Y. i.:o lr ~1112 3!>57 -I W11~11n Af11•1 tfl 1'11·l l1l·!'. '"I' .. I I \~Ith t; d1 u .... (•r-; s2~. rim<-Wtlh lug~ .ind ' ' .Jw a m a a ..,., o;;C'a ,) 5:1 ·"'I .. 'l1 1to1 \IJ "•·1l1n" h C:u n ' I l r. I II .. d 1 l •. C'-~vy huh , .. p:-. S2S " h SIO I I -·" • ~ ,.. :. Clt'S. sin· IO "° ,-;11r Of>U 1>1 L' I I <1• t 1· .>I r .inum.i to 'u n •a ... un.1blr nff1·r o i·n <'r rap-;, o; or .. ,, • :J • .....e w mi.: lntll' In(' P O L I\ H O I , ·111 11 r111r.1I (•1111110 b"lhtul> ('I' l t•h .. '•. Whn ·I . l ,r. ll'I "' "·. 1> r> L'('()I' A ·1 L',•• ht I fl I T r t f t 0 t n ·r ., h t"'h "'"' 350 TV "'20 , .. ., . .., 9 -u u l ' ,,.. ,c; I -h I I S" \... \ ,, ,. ,., ('rO(' r ('f J!I I o•m -; r··rus"" f11r .1dtltl11Jn··J •YtO 3 • I a SU • ra d i .it il r S 3 ~ t z lh 1 · 11 c·ov1.•r.., :.I . rl'lnm ·~·h 111m ..,S>lt'ach sC>hu stall' r;111to "° o r o l !'rs .1, h o~ ... eholrl 1o,•rn -fl ... u, ang an ra t er 1 ... ....,, 12tn "' .,..,.,;,;.i t•am1.•1a SIO. Bu\t(•r) 1, ,1 r 1 •. 1 1 ri w ·1 t h ~ U S p a n1:-. l ..i 1 l''< "I ... M • f M h I> " ._...._ 0 Id ... 1 d D · h fl S2S 64 WATEH hl·uter. 1·1\·c u iic rnH'< ·l'lll rat 111 h" r ii .,. •0 r c S II h andft', l'h r o ml',l ""',,,r c-_,1" JI''\ Ur" P1011ccr AM FM IOY. S t 25 Sl5 f,48 2>19W ct 1 , fa lcon, Ply mouth Ar· rive s a l rl(', s ho rt 40oaJ. Ilk(• SIU 111 ki·\' l'lcl'Lrit· H1·n·ri·Y.;ir1• JO.in rry h r u ss pl:1t1•d pq1t· ",~-• "'51 , 1.h' .111' p t•r 1•hann<·I SJS ---, ~:llur a~ .ini ~un r11w f.I "> cac•h 76 ova fro nt b umpt'r h... udtl111j! 111:.t.l'hlnl' s2:, 11 ··n $" :\ll'\'t l 25 SCk t'\2\l!'>-10 r.1mf!> .... u l T ~ l 5 D t:t:I' S('.I JI!(~ SI CIJ) 591 IC\111 1 .• \1nn te C arlo floor . S2U Fo ur C amaro ne w SJS I 2. p m ntor 15 1n H~ w 11nrtahh · h. k -«or s·t C· . • --1 ·II ~ l •• h 1 o J:. I C't.' 0 ~ l'rt"CI .11mp ..... T.irkl1· Z.X·SJ Trtill I l'11<,\;:i ~\1·'<.I ..... m .. or·"" t2S 2 "'hwl ... h oc k s S I O Air S6 <:1.·~1 r m o t o r . .1 l"'""' " p1•r t.'h <t11n1 · SJ2 " u.,..,,., '"' T V ~:1s H ou,cr Baik fl''' iullow 3 ROYS 21>1n S 1h"1nn "h l·ellJ.111 11" 'I :! •1 1 1 1 , ... 1 111)! po~" .11.1 r11ll1•t 1,1,1,<., 1.11,11 .... _._,. 111,. 11 •. 111, .. 1.,,1h L'M l'leaner.. S4 28.1 Jahns fill r " m 0 .• h J) s I.) L -1 1 I I s. I l r ll II 01r10 •• l l\('I' r.1.... -" .. " .. <'lran1·r .S.I.", "·'"'ll JWrX Cllil11,r111k1•111tlhlY.S, h•kt• S:!tl S1clc· \'l('W .Jlt{'r " .. s " •• s I J I I· ~'.\1 1•111d1· ... :i.IS (111\ 111.1h. ('h.111•$.•1.ol'h l 'l•••k 111111 1 ... 11• 1;.1:.:.>t>I~ 11i !>t 11 n ' $20 . :t!lfi <'o mµrt'<.''''" J!.llJJ,:I', I ""' L ' I t .. r I k h' II · l •1<. ,, .11 11 ',,' .,, .. s I • ,. k "'· pn111·t·<or .,~' "'1(·w11 .1111 11 0 11 .11•k111.., m 1rr 11r.., or tr;11l1•r 11111 ' •• ri >.1("' .:;i1 "''1 t "'" ··1·11>J 'o ilr1n1·r r1·1·I ·" •. 111111'11• '.111t1•11 n1·r ---('ti ni ... h ;of l S l lJ nt'\\ f't'll' •· SX 1~1•y, 1 .. , I ('I ~Ill , ., 1• 10 1 I I • 1 · •" r.11 '" .,., ~ • I ~ ' • I .tu t ::-.,, .111" ~ 1,,hlo·•lntll Sill'~:! :s1;1 ·'"" ·11ril »>fl 1·.11·11.1111 11:11w1 •.11'"' l>••''lii~ i ·irll" 11 U fJ1olpll_1nn·1.·l 11r,1:1rk '·• ".11.111 11 1111.,, l;tJLF (':Jf1 will\ -.t·ul Pu ... hrocl!> S.'> Timm•• l1u nd n11·11t l!r111< •·r I h 1• I 1 I · , ~. 1 f .,, ' 11c n· t " •" ~ r ' I s .... l'J(' lll 'l' 1·;11 ~ .. '-,II 11rd .1' Ill. Ilk I r 111 " r Im ' ~ ·' '."II or ... 11 .1 I .o I ' ,, &121~• 1111lo·S.1• I rl" h. .tn(\ • I 1 ""m1•11-. 'l11th1 ·-. ~· ~Jll c;o r haJ! ~ 1•11v1•1 S.1 1'1'itun:-.Y.1lh S IU T v.o ti·nni .., .1 n1I 'I " \\'.,••I (•"L;i ,1, . .,,0 ...,1r,.,.t '•lti 1:.,,1 l• 1• u 1' 1.1 1•It11' ... dtv..Jlt'r ll'1l1·' t"'''' ,,,, 1~ "'"'··~I ...,,,111r V.t-<><l,~1 l'al'h Eh•l" roll~ S.'lO l'ranksh.1fl ra~k<'t!>.Du1r1llop Max l1l.·111kc•1 ... '-'·' 1•11'11 I , ,1 .• 1 .. ,11•1 l"S:1 l!li11 q 1•••1 /L'''IT l l 11•\\ 2 .. 111 SI c. I" -""" ~ • k S2 I 'IC ,, l ' '" • " ,. ~ " . :l>l... JI' '('.',ltJ of.I\ •onl\ 'I I 1 .. ·1.·1· ."I lrtl 11at•on rlJ•) er . SIO CJTlll';H l'l\l<T!... I'~ .., ·• l t•r •·nn•:-.1···1t1ll., l<l l 1n ... it,1t 11•11 (;1'1S rl1 1o·r 1.ld(·r I .'f',1r •· •• 1n1•·' SJ >'.0 T\' "i•r "irl ". ,.,,, 'I .. ·' · If h "S2 kt s.; l' t ' ", " 1 .;,c, "l',,J ~t ll'O'I, j I nJ C' e fl lj J \J {,IJ '()\;'.., ,17(::, ;IX!-1 1•011 11:11 :n x 1'.1(' ,. llJ>J'K'f l';\ $111 CM l~lli·l:lifi :1 I'(' ., .. ,1111n,;I :!fl v.1irk ... I!"'"' ~:1 ;1 o ''n il 1.11111' ~I , l..1rj!e t 11H1'l' 1.11111• !118 11)(.1:' ..... ,~rt l"•,·11'h Au"ltn)! ball S:>. 3 M111wr Zl:l 327 l'ht•l'Y pot sx IJiosk lamp sr, ('oll h fl ll'('t• IJ:JO J'll) l'ower nlOV.l'r C'ljffi l111nk1·a ... t• S-.1 t•l('('ll'IC' I S t 5 F:nd 1,01Jli· SS '" '" x; dl rl•C'tn rs rh:iir~ s~ ht•ad!>~•~'l!'i l'Jt'h 2~9 641i4:!t9or641l 827!1 ILAH(i)'; 0111(111 'lit M od1>rn 1ha1r lll I pl\'11• ror ,, •• rt~ SIU ' 1011th!)1 u'-h $.1 ... 11111• l-lnn .llfl' por1ithll' (';1r I\ T l l~\'1'. f hild 'l ~/\HG-.:;l'h3t0!'>,IY. $J(I l'llCO Chafinj!d1s h S3 Fo r d \Oll.Ji:I' re AHT ,upph~s P.itnt La"' JI' ~I~' :~·-.1 !Mir fll\,il loh11· \l'l \f'I W.1s h 1,i.:n m .1 1·h 1nc prt1Jf..'Ctnr SI:!, film ('llOh·r S:!a 2:!\ 10 !>l'hool 111.!SI. .·t1 ('.1p lh'J \' rlul\• lnnr rJ Walerhcd hea ter with )!ul:ilur $<1 Oil p.111 SS I u hrs SI M <>:1d1 J\ 'I"·• r I um "' hJn.:rni: I.imps ~:!~o SJr. 54S M85 I stnr prnJl'l'l111 .:>10. ~mokro ~las-. S~'> 1\r I J lll~ ch.11r:-. Sl!O \'.ll h till· \.\Jlh fttltnR S20 thrrm ()!;tat. l!ood co- Powc rstt•crini.: pump flrush1·s SI $5 t·r11·h Cl11th1nr :!5r S:> fJ1!. !lanRt· h11cwl S!i. S11•p fl ' G I-' • . t l'rHJf'Clnr "'n•1•n ~:1 . row llOl1 ablr· 'ewrn..: l'.H·h 1nl(o machtnt' Child:. ul<k wood1.·n ct1l1o n $6 Jars of oil $10. Intake m untfold F rame!.. $1 S.'lo i•ac·h lw s 10<· f~lc KltC'ht•n t:iblc S5 Two udlli-f l. . .' ' ' ' I d11Lht·~ 5(1c SI i.mok· m:1r hint• SW Satur $:10 S1111.dl' bl'd S20 l;J l1i1· .:ind 2 i h.11 rs h :.-.1•d .,ilk sc r e e n SS. l''ui>I pump S4 C an\'ases SIS5 1•ach U\\·n:.11~50cSt Salur l amp-. S:l l'Jt•h r r r 1 g <r.'.1~11 r. l w11 inf.! pip1•<. St l'a1·h 11a v o n l v ~,77 l.;itlws d oth1nf,! H·lfi S20 Wallhralt'rS20 patnl :)(1t· 1o;.11·h 41n Va lve eovers SS. T11o11 Turp SI 50 Varw 11.., d 01y onlv I! 1\\1 m~1 ' lla nJm .11h• wo11~c·n iloor, ~rt't1.l~ "." hot <loors $1 t•ad t. bcm·h llam11ton i\Vl' At>I H ~5 S IU (.'hild rt·n <. EurJ l}µtus firewoorl. n rJmtC' pots IO c 7 xl51n Ford m:.ij?~ ite m s S I S!i l'ach ' 1'0 1n'il'tl\J l11ron.1 planll'r '> S.5$10 lash to m . v.ork ... i.:rt.'.tl SJ~ I Vll'C S7 . pla~J)tc'O s~ CM 646RIJ3 1'111lh1nl! -.111• I JC) ': curc1 S2S 20Jtil Poth i::lt·cl ric fr) S25 390 •-ord s ta rte r l( f>e l M.ir •1111) Saturrlay a ncl ltro "n F <•r m i c.i la"nmri"rr $7. 011rl.., ----S2 $1(1 C:hlldrens10'" l..iu.r.:i l>ll\l'• SJnta p o n St. 2 p h o l o 'Sl0.15mt1rcs nnFord s39-:i5o Sunday!J:1 H.'>'1 1>;11 d1n•th',l;ol)l<·wit h on<'l :1 n<t e nds2S1· 1 20812 195 1 Fnr cl 11a rt:-. J!J m ('s ilnd h fJ 11\(, ,\0 ,, llr1u h1 ... , .... a l h u m .• 25r "ach . $20 h "90 --' lllAND t•df.(t'I tnll\\l'r lt•'r S2S M;i"nU\/')( ... ,, ·' " • rims ea1' ,, M/\HULf.D w a ll SS. lla rnl l•tl~t'r S5 n •ll Sll'l.'l'l, orr W1'.Sl a I ... ' 1 Skirnm1•r L;r01',ll1Jnl I S pt•t•do m t•lf•r l':.l h lt• !'1111·$2 20401 tlU)\/lo'Y. ... 1gns off M1'i.a lk1v1• Snturday 9·5.fi73·AA45 r o rd blurk SJS. Oil pa nel~ ro r bathroom s H&W TV, fil." !> .,1,.111 Wilsnn :ind Fed eral t' 11 n s o 1 c /\ M F' M j 1 n ~t on ll 1· .1 1· h 5 Hand br<tkl' 1·ah ll· Sant.J 1\n.1 llc••l!hl" or 1;75.5588 pan S8 'riming COV('r and k 1lcht•ns S2 St<·cl S25 S..•ars l'ann;;_tl'r -----!..h • f l'll. fl t(•(' !»llUOd n r II 0 k h 111 .. 1 J ll d SIO lru.1d(' ri•Hf\ H'llo !'145 .!(122 I I) H 'I "H I ... 1 \ ' ----- fly wheel SS. Lifters ca m pmg bed. foldinR vacu um . i·omiill'l\' 17lo.2<! '1lk ..,t·n·o>n with S20 Burnt o r a n ge i\t l;1nla m irror SS 4!l :Ml Forrt ---Hi'l W \''<t'<'llt·nt -.ound (;HF:F:N s hag carpel , SIS <>t transm 1s!..1nn t $4 R wt n J iffy 1'1;1 m p ~ a nd !>Cu lplun •d q •l\ct --t r unk hin gt•., S l 5 M F.TROl'Ol.I TAS .rnd p1ctun • 12tn HC:A 11\l:Jfl . .:ood rondt- $35. SJY-3050 y p c o 1 I! St6 12in fl&W fl'.lrla hasehoard Sl5 Good h1~h h:ick 1·ha1r and SO I.ID wood fi' lon g r.rill S3.5 111)11(1 SJO p a rts · rl•n<frrs S:IS t9in l!L'A S25. tto n $25 Btkf' framt' l.,EVOLOR. while. 57 "• widex<16 1 i loog S20. Le volor . heigc , 21 0"Zw ide x40 :•,lonR SIS Beige chair. ex('dlrnl .S2 0 l.1:a t her top drum l:ible S20 L amp SS. Swivel d esk c h;ur o n cas ters SS. 645·S778 :.Jr}eSSl7.~,8 S4 B:it k h it• T V S:J2 A rter looktng ·1!<7fl :.irtww k 11lloman S21l C:n ld l'O rfC\'talill•US hah~ T runk lide $2.'l Frnnl doors. gl1tS!> l'n~me J 111n Sl'.l r ' S:t5 SiSO SltnR·r<tY b1k(• pack SS. 642 9S40 IO :10 AM 6'16 15~ d1·sp l,1y '"llh Av4 rl1.• \ ••lv"l l•,·1rrnl t'h"tr "',1 I kc·r .. ,, .. •01•11 "p rt r r I ·xi' b k ""'"k --'IA ,, ' ~ • • u ~ ., n. • t.;p la sh pan S2il Rl•ar .. ... ('ll rn1 a c~ l'Jl'l'f Ill' .,.,..1 ~ 1:-,c, SIS Schot>I rle!ik With fEN s peed bik t• SS F:x c e r s 1st'r $5 B a rbell SIO. II.ind ltlOWl'r S:I <1x'1 .pO!.l SI. Gn ntlcr S~lO. Sa w tahk SlO t-'1rcwood SI ~r:.tl>!> pump S2S 2414 Sant a Anu, 10 rl• VW Bus rl·ar hump..r 11lay an•a. :i :J\<tilabll' StO Rrown t-'or mltll b1•nc h ly1)C hupl·1·he'l lat! h~ht:-. Siii t'arh. SS $35 ro.;<'w rnl)ho:.ir d .! fo r ~ CJ'h only r hu ir nllachcd $10 with brac·ket... s20 S7 c.11·h Woorl ;,nrf end ta blM> S.~ for bot h. S2S. wuo<.I -.I.it i. .. nrh 111,3 d , $25 rwir O il d t)()rs all !..17.1.':-. 25r ·S2 :!120 S;ir;ito~,, \\ .1. :>4S 2:JRS Clnlhin.: Mi·n~.,hirt.., l'lolh hrn1,1,~1nl!bmS7 R o m an i a v.1n e 1sr.. s m .111 Y.1111 d rilter S IS Win d o w l.aqw shop (~ins ~ e~ 541l2704 ------ 1 Id Hfl f1011r1•-..i·1·nt light u,las l's., rru m l'<·n 1>rn1ks hl'lf SIO IJa111<,h A r"n k .~ ~.c L'r o nt a nd S7 Ml'tal b<>er G r. washm o m achine Sll f' argc , a ll'~ Siil' ' • ., ~ .o ;i r "' 5 ;lnd 6. girli. 8.10•14 w11h hull>:-. Sl7 Guy n y's, 4 forS7 S36·209l s l y I c "" 1111 11 TV hum per S20 19 53 rul'l kt'i.! SS Hoy" and girls I\ 11'(' II EN c ,, l.11nvt~ S:\O Qu<'en s ize m etal a nd boy!>. !>t1i• II, all 751 4739 B/\THROOM . 1 lmokshr lr S2o "''_"lfl µu m p pus h rod s4 b1 ke s SJOcach 12 a nct ·, S25 1-'<'r m t <J r rum t.> Sii S lidin~ Sc S I ,\,o n ,ind Klt<ll Y v a t•uum l . s'1 ocr~u~~r maj.(a 11111· r.11·k ~l.I Slrombl'rJ! !J7 r a rh .1,1 n hra-;s \'Jl v c:. ,·uu\nt•r lo p.., S5S:JO cl.t'' w indo w :. $3!> D&W TV. pu r tablc _ar 548 :!857 Ratam 111nelo;; 2:'w 11 p s . · · 1w n v.rnui.:ht iron Sl!i k39:.150 5<!l'SI 54!1-2156 K1lch~·n !>tnk!>andfn i·Jch <.:olorTV S2S as 'h·.in .. r S.'l:'o lla<;'>tJt:k llathroom lavs SS·S20 • plant <;l anll' S7 .1pi<·r1· I -lure:-. t.'> S35 <;a rb<1~W .... Wh1tt.'·gold rle~k R cc·,Jr<I <t lbum~ and v.1lh ltd SS. i\nt1c1uc IH.1 thro11m f1 xturr,1 ftir Sl2 l)l)\h ·m ~ll l)L,'."K i•lia tr S.'I l'u"'n B O Y S Jn \l 111r l , I ~csJO v 16in, c lran . nc.•etls 11n /0 H s wit c h Sl2 New l ire h 2Sx 14 $15 Melnl 3nd "'" I folding table used on· ce SB. t967 Mustang glove box m a nua l $5 Call all wto•ek. 631·2669 Q UE EN s11.e m allr ess and box s pnngs S35 ~ach 2 n e w q yeen Sl 7.<' pillows $2.50 eo•a c h E lectric wa rnt' 1ron1griddle SS. Bahy c hanging ta ble S20 Long blonde human hair wig $25. 64S· 1028 TENNIS racket. ne w ·Yamaha. fibreglass/ graph1le SJS. 673-2490 OLD wool n11~s. m•e<I <'lea111ng. 9,., 12 $30 6x7 S12 Mohair pudE. 'n cl udt'd 646-67 59 mt 'il' h 11 u s (•h11 u ltl .. n ' io n· "'h '1r .. 2'"' "h I I '.. ,,,, •~u I I .. 211 h 111:-po!>d !>....,. \'nl s:is M1rror S20 Ni)!hl 111 tn~ ri • ' •1 "'. "'0 , '"',.11w<•r .'our wood <'ot•ktall t a ble hug $2 1 1·ont\'mf)llrl 111'Y l'<'' " l'a l' fo ns ~I S.'i <;:is O\'t'll -.\Jnl.l S25 Canopy •te1m1 s 2.'i<"Sd5. All ,t·~ Siii Ou11l11or l11u11i:t• t nelosun s $15 1 ow('f s7 f our c.11 o m oak c hair-. St!'. llonda l'o nair h1·ad s S2!'i and cooktopS2.'1 ~t·xt be d.twin $35. 8 Ught ce entt·on 111on -1S2 c·h:.ttr Sill. Pulr: lamp r a cks, toil1•t 11<;..,u(• hoa rds S2 '"'l'h. hot 175ce sr ra mlt•r P•f)('~ o·.ol'h Cnrva1r :-.horl Sa turday. M,1y 19 t•ha ndelic r w ith a n d 2 154 (.'an\1in $~ T 1hl1.• lump S2S h o lrle r s S I :\fe 'l hlock S2.'i Oil drum Unvr Corni·r uf \Vi•\t ; ' I . · ' s l'I 1 n k • r 11 1· h e l S l5 llandl<• har" $7 1700 Westehtr Un ve. cry t als $35. 646·5401 I mbrl'lla tablt' SIS S at urct:iy. \1;Jy 19 hc•i bpread handmade Apartment ..,.,t.> o;tove pump S25 •110 .ind r... ti 1;4 :! R5H3 0 r - GAS dryer S25 Carf)<'l Victnna and C;tnvton Nc•Y. ~·Mr:• 1;1hlt-lop 170(1 Wi:''>tl'l1f! llnve. Sl7 : bt~ ho:-. of i•andll· S:lS ll <lnd s.iw~ S J I01n 1n<\u-;tr1J I :ono ti13·ti640 T ILl::-top wrou1otht iron ~~~~~~ s;2~ d~\~~; 11 0 0 v E It ~ ~ir q~ h t S8 Oh vr Jl rrr n velvet N H 642·ii73 liMll wux SJ.r,o. import<>d c:irh. 16m ~iris bike boat tirt•s SIO 1•ach O/'\K pc~'Rcil :i Slt·p c n rl tab I e S 2 S . ('r t I> ::i nd m a lt r c !>s v a c u u m S 3 S hvm g room i·ha ir $.'l5 I h and l 1 l·d c; l' r m ... n Sl2. Wadm~ pool SS H\ 5 l1res $20 l'tl<'h sta 1n •as e ).15 Sled SS (;a hh1er h1k1ng boots s20 Twin be d SIO ru~lum IJ(.·1i:c lrnt'd Oe corati vt• ~cm(·nl LA W:"11(;1•ms6·stal1on frostt'd"'1~:mdt·ase, VW 12v /\M SIO Pot 7.sox16. 8 holl' tr urk Trunk SIO 2 oldbrass ~2 0 H a ndmade R&W T V s 2 s 5 dr:i pc·m ".('Ul'h punel P.l a nll·r 4 '<2 S25 t·untol for aulomvt1c pa1dSIZS M·llfnrSl5 tr n S 2 :i nd $4 \arc'< on whceb S25 -.tandan~ la m ps SIO p a t c hwo rk boby d ·111 ,,lt'• c h a irs SS 78x9·1 S20 eac h 1-,raml•s fnrpa mltnJ;~ ~prinklcr Sl S. T oro r11und nurnir s:iso . Aa<'kRamm•Jn SI 427 ·('OC'h Tr<ttll'r hlich cach .Old G t:ran S5 qui l l s S6 S 2 5 " " Sa S48 50>14 h bl 1 1 1 1 1 w 1 NB Sts U.S Indy. m ug.!. H a ndmade reve rs ible "a c h T a b l e S20 . Walc.r.color p1r turto; · rcC' a rgca e wcc1 n 11 ura 1·11 o r c ry 0 ~ est mms !'r firr ('x\mg uis hcr $3 " s l I w1lh tires S20 1•:ic h. b, b y b ib s SJ SO nlac k coffee tuble S20. I abk lump , no F l RESCltEEN, frN• Ir 1 m m c r S . fl<1ral arrt11\g1:rne nt I 0 6 S at u r t a Y E conoline hum pc rs Childs oak des k and Stuffed toy~ $3. Con- s 15. End tabl<' SIO s had1' SS La rf!t' m1r standm~. OV<JI s ha11l' Magn11 vo1< lldySSl'Y $IL Hry 11lcf g luss 6465688 a nd doors $25 t•ac h r hairSIS Maplc dOU· V(.l ls ccent W<t lke r Raby lua h chai·r $8 r o r $8 Window fan S 19 r i r l' t •>Ob. 3 TV j?am c $111. Sony fra m t' pw tun• of deer bll' bro headboard, " t I I k ti 1 k 11 d 201 2 1 Rirch Slrr f..'t. S1n~le box s pnn11 . wit h fold-up seat $25 . Car ~at $3. 2 n1t1ht ~~4R.JZ p1N'f'!> Sl2 962 2596 compat• a arm c or u n a . l' l' ti l' rnotboard and fram1• d SS h ruilio $3 50, 750powcr "l.m·h Kalnnr" S8. Santa Ana VWlJarts . malln..-ss 01nd fram e SS all 2 Aus t r1.1 n (;irl1> t6in Schwinn ~tan s e a c . ~TER EO sp1•a kcr!.. TWO I LR78 rn1c roSl'OPl' $3. Can w roug ht i ron w ine E x h a u s t sys tems $20 MS.9624 lc .·1thl.'r ('ha irs $35 bike . great for learn-543·2987 $3-$6 Im and 1 •.2in in·:. ·J I " b $10·$15 Hcadns S25 . • m~ $2S. 646·363l. I' BC s chedule p1µc. l : n ' roy:tl SJO . e a <>h l 1 t•ver <1mC'ltc t;i le anrl maj!a z1111' raC'k llealers S5·SIO. Rl':ir so .. ,. A ~· Ottoman SS. e .1 c h 2 Cl I H' n I .t I WEDGEWOOD Holly 40160. 20c·il0c per ft Onl' .I R7R IS Gcncrcu :r x3'6" rhrom e base $10 , ii track ta pe., 2Sc fl•ndcrs $20 CJch h:Jt.41~ leather c hain; StO PORTABLE m a nual range S25. 2 bikes ~ Solid wooden o uts ide S30. All an• '<tecl I.wit bolt s l o flour $15 . f'a ch . thrcl• chtldrens ---------t'a c h Oak harn•I $12 typewriter SS. Indoor ~ach. MaRnU.'> orJ:an do itor s 361nit6ftijin, r a d ia ls w ith 9 32 Salton Peanut butter v.0<1d schonl1lei.ksS10 C oolin g 'hroud '> Pcnni.sula Po int 1$52 rollc r skatc s slte?SS. SCUBA diving gear $20. Boys c lo thes tread left •new tirl's maker SS. lat t> m ocfol l'llCh . IM Rt' squa r e S2·SIO. Brake plates DROP leaf \able S.'lo, M1rnmar Dnvt', NB La dies t a ble ·s l a nd Boots SR. Mas k and 2Sc·S3 T ype wrilc r new , rough cut $25 r e 11.132 l R oo,;, 7 .speed hlcnilcr $6; w I c· k er lrns kt't SS. S 10. Brakl• dru ms SI?. m 1sceltaneuus w ood 673·1194 snorkle $12. Vest $10 S2S. Gas dryer s 2c, Glal\s doors 4x7ft S25 u . o . 8 I k t c ( ht k 01Hcrential ~car SS rh.~1rs $4 a nd SS. •>1.1ir1 -::-:;-::-::-::-::-:;-;--;:::-::-::-::-::-::-::-:.!....;h_=a:..1r...;:d:.ry:.e;;r:.$5=. =54~S=·95=;liii5~ 0 ti ,, e a c h Olhe r gl;iss d 1~1d er~ 2.x7ftx l\r1n n c•w r ue a p a ncy w 1 c• w1c ·e r " ., Ir Hood S t O. e p 3064 Tyle r Way CM door s SJ·SS. 20 '" rih~ree design or ex· player for home $10. n ower b:i~kct SJ: fi ve l-'ro nl s uspension SJS hil(h back Vw scats GA,..E-.:a~ ... gSlaOu. gLle (es3Joa.ckGet101v~~ 540·4383 ' banana '"''''\ "fthwinn t erior screen $8 each. new Norelro dial-a · ~I a s s 8x 10 p1r t UH' Doors S3S Carb $1 5 Sl 2: old set golf c lubs .~ --'-·• "' ,,.,. ... "" Ste reoportable rt>cord bean coffee grinder fra m cs. gold $3 50 for Air cleane r S.'i. 20121 S2S. room size yellow t"-=-:::;:..:..:..:..:...,._, __ ll!'CLA'I' a.voUJ.N R ocket fins SI" TYPEWRITER table bikes l1'ke n"w, ex· . r1 1r ~h S tr"""t SA $10 M ~"~~ tt " " player S2S 231n Color S6 : good spcaker:s in all, four b ag8 sewing ' "~ • • s h:i g r arpe t . ...,,. ,..,,o,,.i,,.,. ... ,,_ ..,,. 6 .. 2 ....... ,. SlO. 2 m atch1'na de · eellent cond1t1on $25. bl ts S8 l bi $ h N c or nrl slol and S t tt ~ch ~ "'"••d••q•o 1~1 S•••• .. .._, ., TV remote ne ed s r a ne : ope re· r a . r e I c:.ic . n m so na e a " "' '"df•rr.,.,m ... a11~101 Sundoy, luxe uplostered office JC PeMey Sting Ray 'kszs 540 4675 corder S2.50; Hudson bt'a uliful herculon Irvine Blvd <'3f.!t', new S2S. old •eooJ-•h<0<•~l"!l•o """'"'"~ ANTIQUE ~p e e d c h :d r s us eac h . bike. excellent condl· wor · • SJ T h r b stro ller $12. fo lding 01....,. .. zoc1ooc1> .. ,..,,'0<' Q u e e n w r' n g e. • Cole man camp stove tton $25. 3 Goo·IS tires s prayer . a it1 u pho ls l <'ry a. r 1r T E NNI S r ac k e t . I f washer $35. RCA 231n Sfl. Suri fishing pole 14• S6. $8.70.13 tires dance rostume $2~; e nough ro r n·do1ng R Vnnex "Rex King", c o t $12. Rl r " SS. ;:.:;::• .. • !;g:_... :; .. - B&W TV .c~nsole . sg , Sev e ral ree ls like new SlO. Bike TWO '!ma ll h1cy~.'es S5 C h a r!es Be a uvais c h a 1r s1 n t•:irlhtone v icto r impert11l J(Ut ch llds table a nd c h:llr !=,. ;::-::~ good cond1llon S3S. ""'·Sl5. 2 camp cots S6 Pa r l !I S 3 . $ 2 5 e:.ic.h . o~e. 24 . '~: Palnttn~s $25 87\2 colors $8. wallpaper. S3S. 673·2490 $8. toys 50c S3 , 11~21i::::..:::.."""""::..-i :~· ~:.';:' :::_ .., sp"erl St··1 one 24 Knights C r , llunl-one bolt brfrk vinyl Oaary v 1ew I unt ,,, .. ., v_... .1_ 645·_, each. 2806 Vesta n...1 Automatic wash er. · ' . • • . Be h s t • • ..,. •o. .,..,. ""' good condition S3S 2 Schwinn SIS. one 7 I n g lo n B c a c h . for one w:ill $3 , two TEN Coot green sofa. angton ac • ·a. u r· .~... ....,:, • ..:,_ GAS cans. lS-gallon Oro . ....,.$8911754-0800 w heelbarrows $6.50 hid e -a -be d $35. Adams1 Ma g nolia h<llls bluerorm e lpal· 11ood conditio n . on e dayOnly ~=., :":~ ~~ $10. No limit. 645-3118& DIGITAL c apacitance e ach. anter boitesand M7-9857 962.8373 ~e;n 9~ !at3~d~ ~n~ :..T.:~ h 0 1 e 1 2 5 Ff VF: 2xl0, 18 ft long IP<:.llt<~~ 1!~ E5Z. ~~ p o w ER I a wn m eter US. H igh pots Sl·SS. Clothes W O MA NS 3·s peed V W Bug a n d S e a c 1 1 f r --------$25 . Bea uty r e s \ ·~~ .,,_ "- mowen. Carftam an volta1te probe with 10c·$5. Brand n ew bicycle $35; bookcase S quarebck inte r ior Golde nwc s l l Palm. THREE s peed bike klngs lr.e m attre ss :~= ~~ ;;::::;. 20in rot.ary; Kini o meter and case $10. ed1er motor wheel, room di vide r Sl5 : and body parts. some l st s treet right 00 $35. Po we r m o wer and springs $J5 like ::~ := :;;: Lawn I.Mn reel lype, 20,000 OHMS per volt needs m otor $12.50. cou c h $JS. tovcseal glass. '6.'J.'70: '71 Bus Island Bny. Right on $35. Push mower SIO new . Simmons twin :'/!'::" ~~ ~t. sasXE Toro rldln VOM $12. ~~ Dodge, Ford, Chevy, S20, recorcl player StO s e ats SI 0 -S 3~ Scenjc Bay, to end of O i s h w as her S.35 mattress a nd spnng, ,,._ ,.._ •=- tot•rv. All need som TENN I S rac .. et 31• ton 8 -hole l6ln B·track car s t ereo 1714 1536·5865 even· C ul ·d e -s a c \97'12 P ortable typewriter lik e new 1 35 . :::;.. :::;.... :- ., 11 h-ls StO Briggs •-• onJ 7 d C r ,. ( t • m a n 11~ .. ,... ..., repair. tzs and $35. ''Prince". new S3S. w ...... · vi: SIS; Rhark and White .ngs Y ays Scenic Bey $20 Vaeuum cleaner .. " ·-.u... ·--S \ratton Shp "nglne T f l d f han ... mower S25. five ,,_ n-., .. .. , •. om 973.2 .. -"' V SlO. s o t en s $25 . Satur ay 111 \e r " ,......., ·-•-"""' SIS 3" .. West Bay s s El s d 1-v lnvl "h a ir s $"0 . ,,._ •....-•-. ..., · boiler 10, toaste r 2 ; VOLKSWAOON Bus PIPE fitlin "s. bows, noon and un a y. .... " ~ 6 ":r." ,_... U T C H • S S 2 • CM ., ... """"" " h a n d m ow• r $ l O ·-• ..., • • "n "" "· 8' SLIDING gtus door · _.._,.. lronln fl bo1Hd S 2 rear bumper US: re-unions. tees 2-k ea ch . •,;,20th St.reel. CM. off "' ~-.. ® () Vartoue CUlhions 1o35 ~-' GAS t---135 982·2596 MIJ.1716 ar seat $3). Mf.5831 13 -41116 Placentia Avenue 1 l~84~7~-21186~~====;.!!§~~~~~~GMll~~~A~i-=~~~==~:!~~ ue,.Ml-nM ~~·~========~~~-~~~~d.::==========:;::i=:.;;~;::.;:=:::=::.;!.::::;:==::;:::1;::;::::x=::::::=!..=::===========;; !!! ............. ~!! !'!!~~.: ......... ~~~.~ ~~.~ ...... ~~~~ eoeo ~...._..• Aultnllan Shep , Laat Dlnlna table, oblong. by 0 A R A 0 E ~ A l. ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....,...... 1015 Utter. ) blue murl SU.,M " I . .:I~" w, t Houa~h uld Ile-m s ma.~ 3 lelive1 ea UI'' wid , & clolbeil. wk be•nrh. r.11tio an..a. a.a.. BHut rem. OMM J.Nldl IBSO. 144.~ ~ ~t: &in 11111.1 lltlc vi ~. Traln41d, AK\: 1"owrl Ir belJfl v~lvt't sofa nc. ft'ee to &ov\oa bomt • 2 cbaln 9600 off n m-1• 551..f!Olt AKC r~1 Ci('rm• Shephl'rd pupJ)ll•IJ , · fi\om. 3 mG11 old, I !111 bit>. I t)lk/l&D, lihoU Ir wormt-d Bark o Ot rm un ~~ &111.292 Y<rt,W. A.KC rl'Jllllten.<d, ChSr. feffillh .. .., :!'l mu s.11·5' Lab P\c>s AKC l d\o<· M I bl M Put a httlt· hl\'t! 111 YoUr bfe. 968 3f lti 104 •••••••••••••••••••••• 19' Sail boat hull \edar 11t Oa.lt. Nd8 work 988-9687 Free lo Good h m f t!rn spayed C11lko Ao11ora house cat. 492-0584 cvci. lzge. Spayed t~em doll. ROC>d wtchildren W:ilch Dog. 492·Q584 eves. Free . Big. lo vable Samoyed w /do~hou:-.t• ...... w. IOH ....................... FANTASTIC II 3 fam 1\1~ U\1np al ~112. lOAM. 3217 Mon tan a A\• . C:M nr llart>or • Glllt>r, 9'7\1 77H.1 OlAN'r (iA RAG t; :>AL I" 'funb, tool r~t lin.: " wtl"brd. antq 11Mli lill \hi h1kl'•. M C ll. M l (II MORE Sat •~n 11A M 3PM ~f': :!lat !'>I I M l-'ur1111u1 t'. h11u:.r tl1•l1I IWIT\.'> lml' Ii lll IH t:•M"I :.tuff. ::tal ::.Un :J l t oll G llmt.1., li I Sal~ rclJ :..11111>11.' "'"' Jlundrrd!> 1J! ·-.• 111 !Jlt·' Oei.1~n"1 m1•n:--.h11 h '"' md, Ir.: & ,~,·a1t·1 ' mt<tl bl01i. 4U n•..: 1>a111-. & l1~. Shcdrlmll, l'1•ah Sornc hul1~ :.mull Ab u u l'81llpa1f!n c1e:-.k Sut & Sun M11y 19 & <!ti. 111 ·1 1955 Purl Nl•li.0 11 N(>wport Ht>nch f'r1 & Sat 9.5 10.'l2 '0 11 cord St (.' M loy.,. t'loth1n11., numc r ou-. household 1tcmi. 8C2·8288eves & Sun ----------Giant Nc11thh11rl\11 ~1d Part Slamese blk k1ll1•n. ~aragl' ~;ilt'. SlJI. M.i) weaoed & train<..'<! lah. South of Ilea I. N• 1 of s.48-4615 W a r n e r . h e t w t' e n Cockapoo 4 mo. s hot:. f!nx>med. & lirookhu rst .!_!~hare I. 6'>4940 FT~ 2 Kittens 2 mo. old I bind/ wbt. other blk/wht PSease call 646-4761 bfr 5 646-6473 aft 5. 4 dbl illlragc door:. & Hardw.re. you remove & haul all or none 383 W Wilson. rr of bldll. Sal 91\M r.uJtwe 8050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DOLLHOUSE Neighborhood G ara1te Sak. Sllt. only, !1·3PM Lilac-Ln C .M. \aero::.~ frum Kaiser st'hool J NEJGHBORHOOl> SAL f: SO LAGllNI\' Man) quality i t em~. i 2 185S R·IS radial t art·., Hdrm set, drop lt·uf 1 hi LP r r a r 1um. ~·5 ~J I a quarium , hld 11. rnaten al. Muy I~ l:!. Ill Ii t•a day. 31651 ](·wt•I ~t ~ Laguna Big Yard Sate S1111Stu1 !j.J. 286 Cost11 Mc~a St C.M. SI 97~0477 --·---------•Patio Sale Sofo, chn,, CASH PAID dresser. r<•rrai:, foa m Ji'or gd used furn , anti mattress & HS l.11?ht fax qucs &clrTV's 957 81J:l lure~. wash "I an tJ ---hook ~ht•I "'::> & m1s 1· UMPS $10.$25 11.\'ms Cht•ap Sun onlv. DRAF'l'ING TBL $40 J().i1 ~Wt t.:rvst1.1l. Balbo1.1 97~~77 Is · . ••IBUY•• Good used Furniture & Appliances-OR I will sell or SELL for You MASTBS AUCTION 646-1616 & 833-9625 Qld's Corwtr DESI( MS. 975·0477 Coffee Tables U).$50. 975-0477 8' wht sofa tuxedo slyle, piped 1.11 brn velvet. WJ<e new S250. 64G-7049 Hanging lamps: copper & stained glass antique· w1swaf: $75. Canl' anl gold firush w /swag $125. Cryst al c ha ndela t~r w/swag suo. Patao s wai: light fixture $10. 64-0· 7049 Green wing back chair w /match1ng ottom an . $100. 64().. 7049 Sacrifice antique hutch Make offer. 549·1186 Anbq. dresser w /mirror. Lane cedar chest. med .si mtl desk. 6'6-$308 1-\Jrruturc, dolhe:-. m1sr Some a otq!> :l r d & J asmine, CdM Sat H lo t2. Power Scwmg Mat·hme. Mas<'. bncks , Masonat Jewelry. Books J l 15 Sumatra P l. M e ~a Verde, CM Kini! size bc.>d. M.1vtag elec dryer. !J pcs µlay pen ~1onal, 9Xl2 wool rug, Boston rocker. do.:~•c bt>d , mis c 1lt:m s . $15-$900 No junk , cash please. 1845 Anaheim /\ve. Pl6R. t: M. 645·46.'>tl May 13. 91\M to· i11'M Misr everything 1771i3 Oak Sl. l''ountam \ .1llt·y <XC Talbert. --- MOVING Gara~1· Sale Lawnmower. new dryer long sz bed. lvy~. tools d ecor a t or tl em s Every thing mus t ~o SAT ONLY lOAM lo 4PM. :!.400 Sierra Visla. NB ----Beds SIS. c•ourh Sl5 i.rmll t ables & IJml~ 5 i.i> man's btke $."~. drum set $175. ofr dt•sk $$.'>, misc. 757 W(!!;t Wils1m. CM 631 095'1 Allen's fi\Jrniture Quits . new ownership close oul sale. AU noor inventory must go before rcm i)(fel Uc c 11 r a l or "c· I I 1 n g Ing. 30·50% Saving s a m pl ~s U p h 11I s 1 FUrn. lamps and a<' fabrics, baskets, cou1·h, cessories. Credit terms ('hr s. a c<'ess p11·s. ail W H I l . lamps, childs Hed s l't 311 . · .J. o t ntcnors. custm quilt, wiallows, 2'364 Del Prado. Dan a PWlt. 496-3111 Mon thru dbl & twin sprea s 9am .,,.. 3 a m Sat onl y. 111'1 Sat, 9:30 to 5:30, ;;,unday Sandcastle, CdM 12·5. Simmons Beauty Rest . SAT. from 10·3, 420 Kmg 199, Zebra ~kin, Lenw ood Dr. C .M Household appliances. $170. 6.11·3274. picnic table & benches. Early Amer. sofa & lrg pinR pong t bl. porl wing chair w/ot'oman. stereo, car tape dl'Ck & l55C> Admirial U .2 c u ft more. fros l I es s r cf r i g MOVING . Must Sell. pool w/icemaker, $300. All on-tbl & lamps, wall unit. ly .. mos . old. Call ping.pong Lbl. T v., S..99U qu.sz. mattress. trunctle F.arty American Cal shop bed. IOO's of H arlequin hticb049. Tell City love· paper backs, Nalaonal ..i rocker S229. Fiora I Geo, World Book ency. & living rm chairs 1119 ea misc. household 1lem s. All like new, see to ap· Sat /. 10·5. 1611 Aliso _.1·a•• ... u 2468 Ave .. CM, Beln. Tustin & ... ~ .... .,.... . Irv. off 16th Sl. 642·2159. ~6' couch. ... ..,,. .__.. t Neighborhood Garage ....., e ~ se · SaJe: Seaclilf area. Palm =~ =~$le.r=6~· & Goldenwest. Antiques, qu. sleeper, great varie· Wood frame couch, tan ty. Sat. 9 lo 5. COME eorduroy cusbJona, ex· SEE! ceUmt eandition. Make _.,, CllJl..,.l 4925 Garage Sale: r e (rlg, _uu_,er_. __ --·--·---t furniture. beds , m isc. Dininl Mt-4 chra $.WO. Llln'IJJB d rf"i! r . b r hnu lralll lo)' l)UA & mw·h rnorv ~ c'u tl•• l>r ll 8 Sal 'Sun ~6 tl\ 1K AJ'AK1'M F'.N1 ~AU. 1'\ Ir (Um, lot." C•f Junk t~I W\11111.tna. Apt 41!, T\111Ut1 f'n~~Ulf.M Oanagf' S91e, SJ I M \ I.! \l'4 , fo:ntl la bit•:., 11 hl''t 111 dn!W\•.-.. IU)'\. I'll' IUN1 1'ulatl' AH I M ~t).U.71 t'Jl't'\fOllll' \'QUI' I ftlll.,r ;111ll11 I .. t t '"l ln... ' 1uwdd1·1.. 111' .. 1.·r•" ·'"''' "'' ,, I"""''"'' -.111.,, \•ti .... Ill k .... , .. ,, llklf\' ~..-.· IM . Iii 'I l'\'tllllMllll l'o lfll ' I 1111 \ '~"' •• "' '"I lll11talo1 U1•1 1:~.:J Mii UlllUI llr ~l~m •1 1 GtAHT MOVING SALE ~.1lutU<1\ !I I \ 11 1 1 II 11 1 I I• •t I • I m J ho1 ·"'' h1•1l '' "u\IH "·'lnut 1t.·.\<. "' l)'l1e¥1 t1 l\r 11111111tlll 111\'lll la111tk1·1J I Ui!' t\ Iii al 1• 11 II I (II I 1 , 1111111111') l I\' lll'lllh'l WO\ t'll "'11111f1•11 ,,1\,1111• <louhl\• dour n•la 11(1•1 ,1tw· ()('W gr.I!>'> 1·uld 11 r 1 .11 l'lt!>-'i.'t H· h11'H 'lt'' •11•1111 jJ I I' l U I l' '> d I II I II I: & kltt•hen rixtun·~ ... ~ 1\ .. 1 nlt'ker. kl'rosc•111• IJ mp ('f11 ldn •11i. l'loth•'' :12w t 'olorndo l'la1·1· ('tic.la r.11-~a NP11r1'eWmkh: ~\·hoot 8060 .•.•................... ••······••·······•····· Washer /l::ler Oner l.1k1• new $<125 Drnt'tlC sl'I UX) !'>1!1·7034 arr ti .Mwfty 8070 •••.............•.••... H.J\ltl:. (j ... ~1:-, Tha1h111ll ruby l: I ,\ 1:crt1f1l'd, ~ li:I 1t..1ra1 '· emerald ('Ul. SHOOO ( ,ti I 7l4i!17~llHHl:I Mr Sa' .1)!•' 2 1·arat 1llamorttl rrn.i .... "Vlad .:u ld d1.im11nd wJt1·h. A II Sl'IOI• ! 11 lll'r diamon<ls & Jl'Wt·ln Sal'rlfll'e l'vl 11\\ 6424~~ . t-:xq1.11s1ll.' l4K 1.wld Jl•wclry, nn~s. llra1•t'f.-t., J&de pendt'nl & riuf.( rmm Sl5 tu~· t>73 45.5:1 Machinery 807 8 ....................... OeWalt 12" raoaal orm saw 11790 SJOO farm Ml) 19K.1 Mi~eftaneous 8080 •.•.....•.••••..••....• LUGGAGE TAGS Crom your business card Send one card for l'U('h l<lg plus one s pare . Wt• return per m:in;:nt ly l>('aled allrart t w la).! & strap, mt!t'llO~ airline I D. reqwremenL-; l're venl f(Jco.:-& the!t ' l•'ur 11 versonallied tai: t•nH11~l· wallpaper. !:il1ra1 .. r Day Glo" p111)1.•r (I., ~·· will baC'k & ln111 v1111r tal!S Or try l \\'(J 1 'o.1n ls ~ck t.ob11ck PHIC&-:S S! e11 or :l /S'> 415 l:l!!S SI liU 1•;1 Ii ~ll<.1).!~ SI fil t' o.1 10 or mon· S1 10 1'J Sall-:, Tux lnl.'ludcd NO CMW') Draw vour own nr •·nil nal'Tll', · actdr('l>i>. phum• & we'll make one <'arc! 111·r lag. Add 25t earh Send t•heck or mo111111 or derto PILOT PRINTING r o flox 1~>1i(1 Q.ista Me~a. Qi 'llfi2'• WANTED TOP CAS H OOLLA It PA I D 1-'0 R YOllll JEWEi.RY. Wl\T(.'HF.S. ART OBJECTS. <;OLI>. S I LVf:R SEHVl<:F: f1NE f'URNIT U H£ & ANTIQUt:S &15 2<!00 ----O'Neill Su1~rsuit Tapc . .'d scam s UsC'tl <1n1·e dc>eSn 'l !ti SllO s.u:i·02.'>I· Motlwr's Day Spcl'lal. :m pi· walerlcS!> Cr.l()kwarc. ~uarantecd lo put d smile on Mom 'i. fin·;.· Sale pnce $250. Charge It. C.all 962-3232 COPY MACHINE 962·7o.13 ----TiHany ·s mernhcr.sh1p card, Npt. llch Club. $250.ZenllhC'onsolc T.V , Sl25 .. Hard Oak bdrm. set S200. 754·0021. Internment Space. 2 Plols . H arbo r Rcsl Cemelary. Bcsl ofr. 646-0710 Hummel plates. '72·'77 $550. Princess House Crystal, new. 'Ai price. Rug shampooer , new. S'IO. 483-8163, 492·1662. Mi!il Veordc• C'nuntry rtub m.1m~t11hip rur ..... It· l'OI~ 111 r11d 11rrn •o.1w :..hll t'Ond $!4.!1 flur & 'lllKtl'I m 2 md la hlo'll ~ l)y, 1141, <11163. t'lll"t llJ!I O!lflll ~ l' l> ltT I N ti 11 U S I•: M 1-;M ltf'llSll 11 ' 1111 l y SHU I Nmall tn1111lhly ''"' Pe101v. i.tlt> 4:\IY..! t.o(I tlWmt\t·r~lup lrvm1• l '•1tl.'ll t 'nlrv t'lutl lrtr l\illt' 111~ ~I 111 ...... 0:..11 I ,, f ,, ,. I I fl ,. , ... I I fl ." ..,,·ulvlu1,. ~ uu vii I 1\ Ill \; l•I:\ I • "-1, 'I ' h i ll l/1 l'•tt l <th lt• '' u11h 11 .. 111 I' I 1 lo I 11 )' I I ' f !1 ... ,,, .... 1 '""' '""" flout • u111ph'fl· 11111 11t11 11011 ,, ""' l11•ll11111: I 11111lJ"' .alvn1• ~ .. , 111 111 ••1'"' $1 1)11 l'ol,11 •• 1,11 •I 11tun ul .i~~'·rnhl • (11 1 I 'hi""' ~ .. 10 til!l I "·"' 1.,, \'Ill • 1 I lllt ti 11 .. 1111 \' I 1 • I' I I I llnmw.11·1<. '""'I I hi \lut H llHl II• • Ill'~ •• 111 I '" ·' "f'UJ> t llflJll\ l.111 p .. ,, t.;JtS f l,11tll ( '1 ul'lh'lt•cl Ill KI°\ l~ \,.,.., u1114u1· \!..1l 11111 llu1:J!•'f' U1•Jut 1(ul ltni:ht n1l11r-. l•vrl1•1·t I 11 I .u.11 ht 11•t:1111 :-lt.•pl' 111 w.1l1•1 I w1·t'k dl'1111·n 1 'all 711 UtS-1 7~ ''"ll•••'l ,1ll1'r !111111 ( •t 11111r,· 11110 II I .' ' lilt t p I J y h .. " ... I. 1'1t11·ll1•1l .. :tit..., td1 d lloor 1 'up bo.ir1h " ,1 ,111alt·~-. 'li.'t:I -.1111-., M.u. .. ( l(ff'I 540 ll'JI:! HUMMEL IX 11('11 S2~'i (..\.1 'l'.fl1, I•' r 1• 1• /. c r u fl r 1 I! h I . S1511 11>c.,t 11fr :! IJ.1r ~toob ~.,,.a 1>111 1:1m E :\. C I. l ' S I \ 1·: t-:Xt-:HCISE l 'na11t11 I'' I 111.,lrlK'llllll h°\' :! I d lJl ,1t1•1f ~ l'>-pt•r 11 t 'ti ;\f .,. 0111,•11 hcgmnmi.: 111•w 1·on1 •'JI'' an sw1mm1ng l1111111i.: 'lh•min~ from IMd:,•rrnl 111 1lanu· 1-:' m n.1,111 ' t•T lhl'rap) ,-:, Ill"' ol llhl Wtll \'ISll \'11111 11111111· I•\ a11pt 11nl:-K:~:{ lli f """ ICJr l'1·nn' li75-7CJ77 rmo 1.1 ... n mnw1•1 s~'" ~·utt ... pn•all\•r ~o ~'i2 Ji:l!J7 1-'ll't' c:,t,111rl1n 1? I p .d I 1111n·cl;11n. nu rl'li F 111· l 11k 1• $2011 "'' .. 1r '•i.! lMl1l 1'1CCanv 1•11 C'lult l>10,1·t• ~00 1 tr:1n~f,•r 67:1 WJ7 li.'.JUllflll Ol'W 111111k I"·'' 11 I ,1 l' k c1 I .t 111 11 It d ('orJm,1nd1•I 1 pa11el ro11m 1l1 111dl'r lit .111d ttt'W :\1ake offer !lliJ· ll!X!l I~ Bengal Tiger rug. f\11 ly mounl\'d . orii.: 11Wnl'r Sar S2200 493.25-10 () l\1•1·f,. & M1•rnll 111111 11v1•n & br<Hlcr, xlnL 1·11nil SIW L.: dt•1·orator IJmr> ~'75 PalH> shdtlll! .scrt!l'n Ur Sl(J. 1>12·5872. !i ~ DYNI\ GYM IJkc ll<'w .;cold for 5400. lhl' g1(l 11( ht•allh µrn·cd JI S200 or ofr t•mv <'ouch ITiil IC'h '1! lov c:<t•;1l S'~J fm l1t1th F1~·h1 d 1r for bo;it wil ~:l.1 l~lr17:l 5 Pl' Hurm -"l't, l rom l'h.indlC'r ., Furn t '' <;l.t'I!-t uµ 1·r1ff llal 111 I\ ,1 k 1• r P a n a .," 11 t 1 lumthl t um·r 1\ ~11kr-. IM-1346 & tl44 47117 "'Aa. um,.,. tlcsk ~ c h;11r ilrl·SSl'r Wtlh nt., r•1r .,111glc l11•<l, 2 oul. 1'11a1r'>. m1s1· ho111e !unll'•h11111s 1a1 1-; 2Jrcl Strt:l'I. ;!2, S.1l l)5 PM Siphon· '\It 111ul11 1111r1.111~1· ;, qi 1·111lli.1lfl('r f111 tht• t 1• moval nf l111uid., .1pp11•x t ~(JI) 11n1t ._ K I~ •1:11 :1 S:J i :,;ta Old f .i ~h1on l o rik 111 11. hl'ds prc arl. full .,,,,,. i.mall noral pink 1111ttl'Tn with n11urwc .J II a ro untl. ncarlv n1•w Sll), ~mull lhrow (' rlH' h l't p Ink pillo w , I!""' w ilh 11£'<lsprcud :>! ~!i2 K'137 aftcrll JOam SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Galley -Lucid Lo1-t11: -Ncslle IJ)lfSY You know 11 's trut> f'ri.11· fW(' df~ make rwrfel·I Whrn I married my t.poul:tc s he wa 'i H mt.'dlocre rook Hui now ,iflt•r yeari,, ~h e's w usv Mt•d1l l'rJf 1 hi W d r., 165x23' ~x 15' '>I $45 11:-t ofr. Mcd1l l<tml• lbl w/drs, (27x.27xl81 $101h!!l lllr. l!l" l'orl <'Ir t v, St25/bs l ofr 645·986ii <:.M. t>ves & wknds ""'5ical lnsfnlllltnts 8083 ••••••••••••••••••••••• II yOU wa nt lo play v1ohn, but. thank you'rl' loo 11ld to begin. NO·NO. you're no(~ Sofa 6 loveseat $.500. Brwn lthr couch $.500. Orlin Orll Ames c hr •· GUtl wbt bdnn furn -.m.om 19801 Is thmus . HB. 984-5251 Pretty fantasy dollhouse, Offta fvrni._. & 2-sty. pink. icing roof. ilpl,...nt 8085 Maytag was her , old dryer, chairs, roller skates., SI 7, Whl. Lots of misc . 8 <>0dies. 8142 bey window. S&O. 645"'0758 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Painters Attention . Air· less sprayer. ladders. l'lc. A st 77. =pr sofa $'15; la Maraentes Dr. HB . ..-dba tblet IM'7·3M4 __ dn __ '5GO. __ tDG'll ___ -tGARAGE SALE·Euc ~&:~:l delk. lienO, clothe9, end dolls. childs tbl " chrs. tbl, ~. Sat only lOAM· _,,. O•lr MedlU. stereo 4PM. 4$01 Dorcbeater 1----· ------_.... •" a.. $l.50. Rd,Cclll. Ne•porl Beach ten· Drll ........ Mc\ cbalr nia/awim club mem - aOIW.._ .... 1113 Sil Only 10-2 Moved. Kit benhlp •• orbestoffer ..... •• + 1cw ... t :!:.~1 c~radc•::.~ _B_3022_· ------~-tbll. unUMd itema. 22111 WaJUntford f/'oc' Sale: Brunswick Air ....,•·Md1• ta.rtbt.oned KB. Brkhr1t1Bu11iard, Hockey Oame; Nikon 1111 ... au Dear new. ac tnn mdll ln Hunt'1 M'N SOrnm 1.4 Lens 8.all Strand 842-SMS c;t-; Ofc rurn1turc Oak desks, $75 Ch :11r!>. 5tXl of them. 12·$5. 1\11 surplus rurnll\lre ""1 Off I 1 ! ! I !! Wood. library tables. 3 Sir.el, $1()-$70. DEALS ! DEAL S• DEALS: 631·2777 C.onltbl 42"96. Metlll ds k, 38X70, Maple secreta ry, It.el auto typewriter An· Uquc Butterfly lbl w /8 chnl; ~ith cir TV, 2 up. holster ed c h rs ; Mhg desk w/Kl11Ss t o p . 640-5891 n !>4·0800 . .. -....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUM t:xccu1111e ty1J4•wnler. $.'JOO. ~2274 l)t>sk WP S<.;M 142 ofrlte f'OPYl na 11111 t' h I 111 t t 1295, roll fl'<I. C'OJllt'lt bool111, w 1~up1>llt>ll xlnl 1·ood S8mf1c1• l\95 752·1l7Kll llundso m l' cxcr ul 111 1: 1h-:1k !\xt\, 0:.1-k. $2S(l 4l17 20<l2 or 4ll7 .J:!H2 ..... 1087 .........•......••.•... 01\11rc1-cl .. a, n!1\'l'' Salvt•r M111 \I l'w<ilc· µuµ, lvp tJlw.I bth', 'J:.7 ~ I .1101• ""hat1• u111IH1•lla I IN lrnh•I ... l)(•11ul l'al!I' S!WJ I~~ ~anos & Orcjans 8090 ······················• • • • • • • • • Pl.AYYPIAHO ll\HP '1ANY XTll,"t." HJ\l\Y liltANll l'IAN(J 'it'l·:tNW \\' l l'fU(;IJ'l'S Hl'~'T \IS AV1\ll, P~'s Piano Shop~ 7"4 W 11~h ('M 5'\~ 7272 .......... '\'" 11 l\.1~a1 t'nn1•e rl I i1 atlll M11s\ s1·ll S13.000 l'lc·.1l1·r7St 1121 h ·11.l1·1 Ht11~I··'· w sµkr lw ..iol llhm"'" he Ill' h & 1'.t!>'>~t·llt• t.qw play1•r SllW l":;ilcr 7:>1 11:!1 OUT OF G~? llu,,\ j Bnmh11ll lllJ/lt.i & J.(l'I J mol)l 'ii r rl'l' BRIMHALL PIANOS /\t:•U\) trom "4rnlh Co.1~1 Pi.,. I•, t II 21 Sporlincj Goods 8094 ......••....•...••..... : •1l'Uh.1 tank" '"''I 7:!K ~ hark pat·k..,, t• bu ll'-l'll .,.1•L.,Wb MO. ll{ 10 TV, Radio, Hifi. s•~~o 8098 .....•••.•••••.......•• 1'110 /'. '.!.,a; Col111 I \. .,I 'f1 ''". J\ r "·'r ln•P d1 I 1.12 5.~10 l'r1>I ;1111h11 1•11111 p 't11·1•l ru .11·n 1U t I• ~ .11111 \\ ,11 I \\IP. :117 pre• ;tntp "lff ~nph11· 1'<111;1h1.l'r Tr·i.H' :i:it•1 Ill · '>lt·r l'" ri:l'l tu n• d . llHX lti "'""'' n·d 1 Ill'" ,t.tl'k' (.r1•u1.1tJ 11 ""J~ ,,pkr ... t3) r "rnt\ 1 j ll •II ftoJrt .rn· t1f IH I)' l~Jt..l ;111 IJl.'M\•t:I , unde r ~ TII() folO I ,[i7 .!l•n l '11\11r TV ~15 lyr v. .1r rr•·1· <h•l. IAl !'l311J B1•JUllful 2..'>" rnlt)r TV i \r warrarll\ fri•<· lie i1vN) SJ I~ G.i.G 1711/i l{t,;,\ ::!:'> <.:11lor 'l L1k1• new jll "uoo c11banl'l $1:-.<> fi7:l·ll5:1 Tw1.1 2!'-t'' <'olur l:•>O~<>ll• 'TV,, S75 &. $125 IJ} P P ~1!17~ fll 'I\ n1lur 1·vn,..11ll', rww 11111un: 111l1t.· ~ 5-IH G23~ M1\H1\NTZ Power Amµ 1";11 wall'> ~' 5-l!i 1140.'i ,\'1atth1·r ., Du) SPl.'<'llll, :!5 i'.t•n1tll I 'olor T \' Xlnt .. h,1111•Sl :!'> li-12~11 !'JI r .id 1t1 .inl 1•1t llll l11·1·no;1• 1111 "" 11 flluh· ll1·a<h lor 1n ... 1,1l1,1l 1P11 1oc·h:in11el CJll ti• , l~~n Boats & Morine Ecpj~nt .....•.••••••.......•.. 9010 ······•••·•····•··•·••• llO A T T l<l.H D0;\-1\ nw•~ W,\;\'T l':l> ·1 •':.. I> l' d u ,. t I Ii I t' 52.~\~!l-llS:l:I 32' HOUSEBOAT Pt<rh·t·\ for .i wktHJ h1dca,...ay or J.(ue-.t houst• Mu~t Ill' mo11('<1 to )'<1ur ~nng or s lip, wall con sider all orfcn. Jerrv 675-IWl Calle} fo'ut•I CN C. ga:. s11st1•m Tank & r•• 1.t ulatol'. L ik t• nu . ~28Jli fo'1twrJ.(la-. <.Jan uhy with 11ll'11.rfr mot or s;!ll(I ~9l!'il e111·~ Roal 1ra1lt?r for Ill' 11!' ho a L S I 5 0 JI>:. l o f r ;,,s.-i.5137 :-..ib111 nr nm.:h' l!.i1·k, on l•:Ct1wwall'r & F•'rnunrlo ( Bull.ww l·'crry I 5~!1·7<199 Mature .:1rl ::.e<'k~ hcrth & board 1lll )OVr ..,ail powt·r boat 1•n r11u1t• tn 1•1rnt 11· is les OVl'r 75' Leave Wl~1tllc HO!J 12'l1 ti7:l4_ loah. Maintenance I Srtiu ctozo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mechanic /F.kctnc1an 20 yrs exp. Diesels & 1.0 New install. repairs & service. 646·4005, Feer· less Frc.'d 10 eng rl'pa1rt-tl, rea~. paint. ma111\e n11n cc . 754·°"°3 aft 5Pm for appt . ----loah.Ms!M .. ,..."' 9010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHAY MARIME Tile 1radil1onal he:i vy du· ly. hli!htwcaghl ma rine cnwne To 350 11 P r.e. nui n e ne w part s Authoriied Dlslr Bristol Services. <714)892 8541 PLATHSUTAMT 13116. 1·317-4705 19' sail boat hull (free> Misc winches & fiUings. l'' lt2" teal. reuonable. 9118-961117 mo. E vlnrude 4 hp lw1n long shaft Xlnl cond. ml 613·cm8 • '9040 s.urc.y, May 12, 1979 DAILY PILOT CJI ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tl"lldll '"° 9110 •••••••••••••••••••• , •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t060 '711 Sur•b·3a0 TS out- driveaJ, 11.5 bounJ. Lo1dt:d! m mph plUM. Stored on trailer. Mual 11(111 /best of· fer. Qchell's 22>-sail 1389, ex· •••••••••••••• ••••••••• 71 llOID cell. canditlon. Hond ~Se.an •89 125 CC -10-·-~ Goodcondonbc>lh r& ,...__.. 5.S7-7CY76 White wltb tan comfort llt-12161 ..... , 54• I ZOOf wortil Nik for Jerry Perkins ACTION BOAT 250 IOATS usm LOWNICIS Beach Blv d & Coas t lfwy. II fl 538·8891 .~-~---~-~ · CllRrs CRAFT VII. pwr, SK W Kohler Shower, clec st v, aft rm Shp 111 Oceanside 126,500 /\ y 646·9000 l.1f\ ~TON WHALER , how ~ ~•d~ rails, New JShpJohnson. new cover , t r;uler. ~.500. 673·1689. 'SUMMER.~ llERE" 'f111ruun1< wknd rt!trcat l\NDl':HSON'S V ACIJT llil.'I boat for you. All rl'ady lo g1) 22'to 44' Slap & ~urvey guar'd 646 900o Bay Cn.u!>l'r Z5fl fbgls. u1brd Npt Brh Shµ S'I .~ 1;14 1617 ------· *SEA RAY• PRE-HOLIDAY SALE On.UMO<kls Ex:implc 26' C ru1sl'r IOJdi.'d w trailer. r1·1t pnt·l' $24,510, .!>alt• pnt'l' $1().tW • 15 yr financin9 OAC • ac.. financin9 •Lowdown Paymtnt HARRISON'S SEA RAY BOATS :11<11 Cnust llw v. '\ II 631-2547 ------· :i t Nt1\ .J ra s h '111• "' :!:!5()M(.', 15 tt r t 1'11 SJ, n!1n • .;;5 i.llii 15' Bir.ton Whalt•r 1\lhp 1-:\lnr111lt'. lrlr 5 m 11 ... 11l1I. t.'1 hr-U"" 1m m .... ul.1h· ~.:!111 P I' 1}7~ H:llt, ~k111i ark 24 l·'I~ hn•IJ•1· 1 .... 1n 170 Volv11 ... \Irr' ~orth Sli ,ooo "" 11 Ir H..--.t ufll•r 1,7~, li!:.!\I 77 Sr·.ira \ Wn·k,.nil•·r full~ l'tjlUl/J)t>CI, \lnl t·ontJ 1:, 5tllJ n o1 k ·'\;p l Ncwpm1 l!.l'i :!IZ5 :!ll ' S<'11 Craft M :1•,11•1 nj!ll'r. Men· 11:111 ~!I K \1 .. rr. trlr, full l'lll ••r ltlr, Ani:?lt'r ni:f.!1•11 foi.t t'Ol'ld Qill 752·~4 dys. 673-l)l~t'llt!S Shock 25, full co ver s, Seagull 0 /8 , 110 jib, 150 gcnoa, spin .. $3200. Days 646-1601; eves 542·9886. Jlob1e Cat 16 ', ruce equipped, w/trlr $1500, W/OSl300. 751·6543 :.!'Clipper '75, F IG . VH F. D/Jo', koot t m e t e r , $10.000. 7141846·3033 i.:m Cyclone w /lraalc.:r • New m '7K. flardly used S82S, $l,225 valut· 673-7615. -------- IJ' BenJe & trlr $625 Nl'w 4 Shp Suzuki e n,.: , 3 sl>d S275. 840-194 l. Lido 14 w/tratle r . xlnl tond. Rac ing equ11.> ~after 4pm l.'174 17' O'Oay Day~:1alcr & trailer $1850 Xlnl <'ond Used on l \ 2 '>CJ..-.00.S ~8940 32' Oown East 1977 t:ul ter, tl.<;I. t rwse cqu1µP\.-d llnsLOI S-53, 000 l(J' Ca JWI Mum & J•b s.54JO &15 25.50 Gene Nl'wport Hi Qibtn i.ICCJJI> lWO VW pulls al ''a!>tly Tr;uh•r :.ails + rxrellent l:ttntll t100' $11..00 o r lw$f uffrr 552 7 ~ nr 96J.~.i33 .~r 1-:nt k!>Oll '77 has xlnl lt:a.:.e l1ack Cvr ta' ad van ta.:l"> & j :.hp Wall '1·11 fur rca1>onable m arkt•l vm:e or trade for 4u:thl~ motor horn•· or aarvlane 1)46.2835 'TI (..'.a1.1hna i2 \t11t11r & trailt•r Xlnt 1·ond M11.,1 .,cJ I $:'i200 1 IJ~ t 4 !17-4 2i I.Ii ·77 ('AL 2 29 Osl. ~hi V HI-', HUF , K\I huraents, C:NG stov•• .,tt>an1s rlr furl , show .. r 2 a1whon.. au\CI pilot pr1• ~~ wall:1 . 111u1· h mor•· ~111 :irnal Xlnt faniHll'" •:!Ii 51< li41t :11,:t I 111 1;l.I k!HU ll<IHll·: 11 '<1111 ,.,.nd \\ 11 ;1111•1 ~ '<I r,11, \lu~l ··• II Jrnrnc~I 1114 lllii:I l.A-;t-,1(. ltk•· "''"" t 011•!. ~17.5 S( llCH 'K I< .11 111 sa1x1t. dill hull li:.irl'h U!>al $fl~, 1>44 I0511 I Jlto M 1q:rl!1 g n •:a1 r11111>1 1111n $1 1110 ·ri·rr •·· 1,1:1 !JJ()J V. \VI 1-.1> 1-· <; s.11~11 1tr l'.I 'l t1r11 Ii > \1.1\ I 1'1'111111 ... l'<l hirthd.t\ !.!al l < ·ai I li75-.'.Jt11J Sohn~ 2i , lll'W dt11t1· very dean. mu:-.1 -.l'll S!J'C95/f1rrn 496 744ti llUBIE If. Xlnl {'01111 Sl.500 846-6152 ------ '74 Honda CB·360 X Int. t'Ond. 2.~1 l650. 751-0833 ..... ...... s., ltmtjShMugt 9160 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .................. 20'to 31' foully sel! contained reserve now for ltohdays & Wt"Ckcndi. RWENCY MOTOR llOMt-: RENTALS !125 N llarbor Hlvd S.A. • •SJ! 2503 •• HEN1' Luxur y Molo r home 22 ' f':domar Slee.-i ti. $Z5Jj /wcek + If rru . 640~ _ Rfo~NT 23' f'~lfH:BALL St-:L,fo' ('ONTA I NE U . REASONABLE. 645·2"~3 Trailers, Trovef 9170 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19•.<;i' l.aylon lrlr. I y r old J\I°, man\. xtra .... 1mmac Mu~1 -.··t• to a1>prec ~'>3543 ----'TlAmitre&m. air, ;iwnan~ l'Xlr:i 2:1' ~a., '>i.1 \'l'r 9~ li42 47Sl Auto Senice, Parts & Acc~nories 9400 •..•••.•...•..•••.....• SERVICE DEPT. t )p(•n H O:iys /\ W1·ek M<m l''r1 7 30·5 JO SJtunJ:iy.., H 00 :, 110 AHos Chrys.·"r· ·~) llarlJor B1111 ('1l-.t.1 Mt''>a 546-1934 l.i;m.ch"tl 1•amp1•r ._h1·ll f1b1·q~l 1~., h1i.:h li;il'k ~.it'I :.~1'7'> lla rh11r Bhd , ..... , .. "'"'•c 1.41; i101 l<d 11111l \''.\ E'\l1l:\I-: f,11 •.Ill' ( ,tll H ,\!VJ IC• I f'\I .i.'k f,,, lll'.lfl 2U :ll .> m:,i' I''"' ..,.., u111ur 7'I I 11~1 ~1· •11 'I \, J ll !i.!l~l ...,., 1.a:1•1 ("nr-1 ·~Cl t II~ t\ f 'I, I fltn' '.~It ~.II ]II I I • 111111! f,.:;, 1Nik . ..•..•••.•.........••. l \11'< 111·1 \'\ l \IJrll I (I I ,. .rll ll' \:\f) \I J, I Hll!'ll-II" 11" pl 111 nl 1ll•lil., 111. ··1t1 .. 1·.t It~ \ ,.,, ll 11· d t•Jla•t 111 1111' \ •·hH k d,1 ..... 1 ·"'' 1·111 .. 111i: 1·11lu11111 d•H'" 111.t 111du1l1· .111. J 1111111·" Iii. \.1 "'". 111 • n-.· l1 an ... 11•1 1 1·1·~ lu1t1n< 1• 1 h,tr!!•·~ ft•f'., for .iar pollt1ll•ln 1•nnll ul tic '11·1· 1'1'1'i1f1t·al111n~ ur llr Jll'r 111)( urrwnlHr' .,re µarat1Un 1·hdrf.(l'l> unit•:.:. ttlht•r \\h t· '>Pe1·lfll'd h)1 lhe:1d\l•rt1S<'r knit interior. duaJ tankll. air , power steering. power brall•. rear allde window and trailer tow. iqpeckqe. (lEIMl8) Sltfl 54C)..5630 1011\SO\ & 'O\ • LINl.OL N M~ Fl! UR~ 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA lt71FOID RAHGER PICKUP Stick sbJft, V8, s lidini: rear window, wade tare!> & m ag wh ee l s . tUl8'T131). $5999 NABERS ~tlt) '}.<:IX) H.trl>or lllve1 Cost<1 llllt:~1. 540 r>tOO '72 Oat.sun pickup, gootJ Lares, campt;:r shell. Orig p:11n1 b1·1~c RC'a lly C'h•an 2.~ &15-ti62.'i '711 Toyolll SH5 P . U. ~ ~>Ii ll91i 'C:l Oodgl· • '2 lun shurt hcd. SIOIXI !);jG.3935 76 Cll EV L u 11 11k UI> w shell. AMffM ~lcn.•11, ~d t·ond 6'12·88118 Vans 9570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1979 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER VAN VH, aulo trans . pwr ... tel'nni.:. rudio, fr11nt thM' llrakc!> & r:.id1JI tJnoS <lllilll..'l 1 $6295 F:xp1rc:, 10 pm 5 13 'i!r AT LAS CHRYSLER . PLYMOUT~ Clllf'n Ila a Iv & St1111J:" tal l<J l'~I 2'J2'111.iroor 111 t d c '"I·• \11 ·:-.1 546-1934 l!r.'I f)nfl1•1• Tr.1rl ..:sma 11 ':tn \ H :!l1,!1tJO ma . I U.'>lom ltl!'>l(li', l!ree11 ~ l•Klt· -.1>1.·1•1al 1iamt. full\ l .UlJ''lt'l.I ~ IJ:im•lled 111 '>Irle, pu rl holPS, air vent:;, -;un roof, hil!r1 llJl.'k ~w111c l t ha1r '> .,pan· tin· ral:k. w1d" tart"' w rna ~s. l\M /F M l:.ipr l·:ic;:;(•tlt' $64 511. 1<70-4~ 1 ~'ulh:non 1 '75 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER ft11(l(IO nat IJolll/111, Ot·~ p:11nl So!A'r trll'k 1h1 u out With ur "'1thn111 m 111 u r ti J l 5 S ti 7 o t &l.S-4Jil5 loah. Sllpi/ Docks Anti~s/ 90 7 0 Classics 9520 127 " wheelbase, 5 passenj?er . v .s, ~uto trans. n l!hl s1dr -.ltdml! tlr . etn1!>S1on t'1lntr11l W'>lcm. llM radw. rww "hate paJnl 119,000 mt SJ.995 C<i n be .sel•n al thr Oa1ly P1Jo1. 330 W Hay Sl .. Costa Mesa or (·;111 'TI Gla~tron. walk thr11 II T . !ull l'OVe n, lrn111;1 l: ~WI li7:1-8876 ;,u Moo ran1; <14 T~ an lJ1es 1•I Sp.,rt F1,.;lil•r '>kl.'.'p-; R, 1\(1 1·1;1L11n t :1H~I ti"<' 1,ll}at S4!l,500 111\1) Tra1k :.?l:li&12 !liM~ ••..•....•...•......... .. SUPS AVAILABLE \'Al' Nt•WJJOrt f>~lt 111:11 Shµ "Jli.ll't' wantt'd !nr ~II Owen Wall trudc ui.c· of lioal fur p<ty n H'nl 111 .,pan· 559 11!:1 :1 o r lilil flll20 Wanted 5ll S I 111 10 1 ht .wli rut ('hr1' 1 '·'" t<!t:l 1 <I llJ ;)!;.IX Ill' 1.! I I 11:> 57r.;1 C 1<1.~sac· w<xid Iii hay hoal ~ lihp ,v., :H't't'"" t':tll ;\;EED :1; S I.I I' f"l ti! t;j''I i Cti 1(t 5nm !'.. \11. 1\.-.I<. l1tr I'\ Ill hr.I .. Ji :Zt AClASSIC!! 31' lluntt•r '>cdan c·rw~"r Twn l'ng. i.tJlley ht•.1tJ "II"' r. Mahul! ,•at11n tJ,1k ('cddr hull 1:1<111 1•l;L"'"" \111s 1 ~"11 hy 5 :m $11}~1 U'., ti75 !1.ilili l.' Starrrart Alum b.1-;:- h11a1 MPr<· o II. l'l~·1 tll•f)lh f111d1·r & t rol11111! 111 l r '\ I " I t' 11 n 1 f ~1 1 1B<1 h7J4H:lti llJ' &l) I .JUnt'h & fl,hlllg hnal 1!1714 f1h1•r)!la:.s. <hcscl Ullt>r VH f In our ..,how room The· <'row :- N c s l. 2122 N l'w port Ulvrl.N R 673·851 I DIRECT FROM NORWAY ~· flbcrglass (Snt!kkl' l Hay laum·h. lapstra kc. tlltJ l'Ollcd, rnhni, A lkau ty• Sci• tit The Crow ':; Nest. 2122 Ncwpart Blvd 6TJ.8.511 2 fl · I. u h r s (; I as s Sportfl'i h l.' r <'I e <t n $17.!150 ROGA IWLIS Yr.\ 5411 55.ali loah. Soil 9060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 40' HEWPORTEtt Ketch. PIP Sal'nf1n· L'lt. $48,750 take!-. 14 sails . ~Ohp I>sl " under -iso hrs Boats. Speed & S.Ci 9080 ...............•....... ti 1;1aspar 150hp l•1ho.1rcl •·ni.t. trlr, ..:uod rnn1I ml., 1rnlllri'1.: SICJIJtf C1 1l1l Well :-d i ell~ .,,•pJr,111·1~ '••l :1.11 I Kawa.">ak1 Jf'l ~kl:. q1 .11 r I L'st'd l<"S:> than I hour S5300 1·11fur . wal l ,3rr1!1ce al $31100 in t'lud1•s custom trailer fatras 559-6265 21' Crwser '16 Wakil<.1 Marine. Okis 455. J ac jct 1'rlr indd. Sl700 6 T.O.P 111·& a T ransportotion .......••••............ ~.Sale/ Refit 9120 •......•.•••........... Hif(h property TAX F.S Thl'n came PRO r 13. Next the GAS PRlc.; ES 1 lhen come Vote wisely Amen ca ! DALE'S RV Retttal & s•s. Inc. Sf'O. LA. Denvl•r 1·800·8~4·0399 o uts11lc Cahf. •.......•....••••...... lo I·• llW WOO Dl I·: fo\Jll\' rt',lllrl'O ::.IJ,I)\)() li7."1 lilld '79 MG TO REftllCAR HRANO Nfo:W• 'our d 1n11·1• Pf bt•;a1111!11t lilal·k 111 l'lc·1.,1nl 1'11.11n ,. ll'llC' lhl'"l' .in· r.1rl• 1 I t.'""' nul \11 Ill' fl•uncl "I , .. ,. h t ',. 1 n O r .111 1!1• I 11un l\ Li J I hl·r ir111•n11r "11111f rl.1 h \ M F \1 'lt•r•tt IJ'>'>tllt t!l.t"' 111' 1•11rl;1111 ... h1dtl11!hl 1111\ l'•1ll;.•1·tu r .., 111•m ' ft<.llUtl'' \Jol"I ltt• M'l'll l•> Ill .i.pprr•n ,111-.1 .11~ \l \n1-.;o vw IKI 11 II(• ad1 l{I\ d lll .'.\I J'\t;'fll\ llK\1 II 842·2000 :! :n i"orcl 1'1• I, 11~ p.1rh 1•.1r ... ~10,110 ·.L'I l>od a.:1• l'wk1111 SJJ(.l(t :t"> .., J I l'l\nl tlll l h ~···'·'" S!i\t•I r·arm .1.>11 1tl:l~I 1,;• t'on.11r 111 \.l 1.qd1· 11rc"' n•-c 1Ji, work. $3lltl ~.Rae~. Rods 9540 ....•....•.•.....•..•.• l 'u..,I m off rna\I 1 u r . IH S, ... andhl:~"t"r" .• 1tun1 t.ink. rull 111111.I! al'•h•t·, '"Jal WX)() 11 C) lii :l li7:!1 '1rr ulal i on D e pt t.12 -l321. ext 2lfl <11cv 74 window v:in VH. a11lo. P 1S, P I ll, A 1('. SU<XJ PP G75 ~ '73 Cht•\. 111.\1 Pff. :! yr 1t 1•vl • r1•f:! )!J S. runs l!d . .xtra.s ~:.1M1 1..lti··l~:.'7 'i ii f}o(fJ!'' b11hble1op M :1l\ 1· Van . :10,000 ma·.,, "''" t•onlatnt'IJ. K.1ravu11 c·un· ~l'r.>l(Jn 311 ~al ttf (111'1 , l!•tOCI mal1·:.igc :\l k ,,fr lt46 5011 d.t) :-. . Ii-I:! :!;!!Ill ,,\. .. -... i i Dodt.:C'. econn1m lit 111 Ol'W trJ-.. run!> ~t e JI IH'f'(!S bod\ W1tr k lllud.wiok oi'< Sl'i!l)t11asktnt.! ~lrAMI •i4:-0·~100 /t'Xl ~ lt11 " 711 Chi'\\ \';Ill :I/(', " " p s :!h,t/OV n11 t·ariw t . µun1 ·hn ~. lks l 11ft l'r !lti2 ~1;1 i i OodAl' Mc.1x1wai.:on. :llli t·n~. ~1 1>7.K. A T, P S, J' H H11hbkt11p, 'eats 14, ,\M 1,.\1 '>kreo, ''ilrpl"t ,·ti, MH•ht'hn r.1dial~. '1500 :11.1 :'i l.1 ffil'rl t k I.ant', l ' M . N.1r1 h ol IXtkl'r r: .... 1"'11.trl.Jor 4 ~Drives 9550 ·~ChC!VY v.rn. rrn1t·11 Cllf.:, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~oc•d 1•11nd 111· .. 1 •>!fer 1'171> GMC Jammy , lo 011erS2IM) b'73·9040 m1lr:il!1'. many •'-tlrJ" MJkt·uffrr 714 !17!1 :UKU Auto$ W~ 9590 7 7 4 x 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED! RA.MC HARGER 1\11111 I' -; I' b air Stereos. roll bar bru~h 1:uard. bll! Ian•:-whls huckt•U. & rear :-Pal 2HM mt, 1910WDH> 5'\KUO <·or l:t.::1rh Bl & <:-.t llw y l\ction Ho11t 536·88!11 Late m od el T11y1Jt:i~. Volvos, Pickups & V a11~ Call us today' ''""~··· C••••Mtte 642·9347 Day 67:1 696 t Eve 14' WW Potter. ::.lps 2. $1700. 631·4492, eves 6.li.:1122 .... Sc~/ 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Trucks 9560 "'-64'·t JOl « S40-t4'7 f'or SaJe '70 Yamahd 100 dirt bik e . i:?d cond 84().5683 Aft 6: 30 U' Glen·L fibrgls~. wood '77 Ka wasa ki KZlOOO. spars, ma an & Jib NQ S&W shocks & 011 cooler; trlr 1675 846·9439 gd con. SllM>O. MS-97tl8 ~·Wood Yawl 6~a1ls. lnb- Eng. Extras Xlnt cond $3,950 /trade. 645·5311 '78 DT. 175 Enduro. only l.W>mi, Uke new. l\lso. '78 "'1 RM 250 Susuka, on· ly tiddrn 5 hrs Makt! Of· fer. M7-8393 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'tc> 3 • T w /new ·72 Chc' y eng. 45 Jlal tunki., I :-pd, gaugl.'s, super cond Sll50. 962 0551 '70 F'ord Truck with lg Ca mp t•r $4350 ( J2l F.TV l l'h ' ~48·4947 or642·51W SC.UH FOi CARS Top dollar for clt!an cars & trucks. p~id for or nol ! HOWARDCIM•rold Dove & Quail Sts. (Near MacArthur, Bris tol & Jamboree> NEWPORT BEACH . -, ----College Sludenl needs i1 Ch~''' :I +.3 aewrab; automobile for approx· l\M l'M /s t ert>o. air. imately~.640·2776 SOL CAT 15'_ Xlnl t·ond wrrrailcr. all extras . Sl:nlbesto!r 673·7107 :.!1.000 m1. 979·9196 uft 6 - L9711 Suzuki GS750. -clnl Will._·~ h I f __. Sl 50 '''" c.·•1c· '• toll 4 •.pd, atr. ' ~or au away re'<' Lvuu, 7 <TI " " runninJ? or junk cars Otravelle \nflalablc ruh· ber boat w /sail Will take :tip motor. Used once $250. 1132.4252 548·J60J Ru11.i. ~ootl SJSOO. 548·4C174 :>59-8267 360 Jluskey. $300 125 New Westsail 28 5811 away &tzulrl MX w /spare eng. kit. incl Volvo Penta, all Honda ATC90, like new. ~·sails. wenches & _642--4 __ 7_52_. _____ _ "."Uing. Already de · 71H~ky400dirt bike $500 livered lO private yard or belt offer facil. Owner 1n.xlous h'I 8»9L51 eves sell. 213 1876-5575 or · 7141675-5198. 76 1.25 Yamaha VZ Good cond S37 5 . 72 250 F\nd what you want 111 Ya m a hia MX $325. Daily Piiot Classifieds. fl4S..S277 '65 El Qunino 3 p rol· umn shift. am/fm s ter . runs g r eat . $1300. 67~2190 For Sale •73 Ranchero '500down , t.ake over pymt.s. M2,8480aft. 6 ·ss Ford Pick Up: ~Ton. Perfect cnnd. Mags . $1400 firm 497.4577, 494-<1527 W• e., Mlz•s Too! Let us pay off your con· trad cit turn il into cash We want to t>tzy any • all DemPer<d MBZ'a we can hnd. ·we ~lcome I.he op· portunl.ly to give you a subauanUaJ cub return on your investment. Call Bob Mich aela al House of Imports. lnc •• 8862 Manchester 213/921.aMS, ontheSanta Ann Pwy. ---, --... ------.. -CJ4 DAIL y PfLOT ..._ W..e.d tStO ...... l•port.d AMto1, l•potied ....................... ·········•············· •••••....•.•....•..••.. WI W1U. IUY -..W t7 12 IMW t7 12 Y()lllD~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••··········· PAID FOK OK NOT 0.ANGil COUNTY'S '7) IMW 2001 TOP DOU.Al OLDIST Uruh•r i:,,1100 uri ~ 111 111 -1-C •ae. & nUlt'b \HI/. 1 r .1111· 111 j 11 ~ _.. ,.. • l'Ull.I , ,..,n .. , bk1• "''"" ' BAl!WICk 04T\UN tj:I 1Jl!,49J JJ7~ WE PAY 1'01' 1><11.l.J\ I< fOl'top ~~ c;ari. lot Cli:I\ ~tlN or rllH 1<•:. 1 r !'OW' car u. 1'xl r u , lnrn ~ •• 1110r-.c_., ~"!'i llu1 hur llh 11 \ 'OS'I' \ M !';.'\ \ 979-2500 WE BUY USED CARS t ' \I I l •i.t"'ll l 'Jr Ill f.(f 540·5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN· MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BL VD COSTA MESA ··•····•·••·•·········· 9701 ••.•.•••••..•.•........ l'Wt0I S.•11 \ llUI I .II " CREVIER MOTORS P1\YSTOI• DOI.I.All VorClcan liM'fl l11111orh Cull M 1k1·or 1>011 835-317 1 AtfoRomro 9705 ••••••...•...•.•....... ALFA ROMEO SALES, SERVICE AHDLEASIMG ·711(.1 .EA llANCI·: NOWINPROGHESS1 BEACH IMPORTS 8411 l>uvc St rc•d NEWPOHT llEA<:ll 752-0900 1i11 Alfa c;nwo :lflmlJi.:. >K.'14• b4t~66.IO, ti'lll 1:1•10 9707 ....••••.•..•.••.•..... ·71; /\udr Sta Wl.!rt Ilk•• 111•v. •~mt1 l dr IC 1rl.. ,t1•rt·u '>lllll 'j 111 Ill f S,t•I 111 ti7:11~l•• Austin 9709 ..............•.•...••• •.. 1•~•· u,· .... fur t•d If\ t'f ti,,\\ Wll t• wlt1 1·1' It hit .11,.: I ll\'. 111 1 ~111111 ·~1:1 .'1llli IHlll BMW 97 12 •••.•.••............... \I."() 1,;!;11 I IH STOCK1 (~111 :od,1\ ~. n1.n h.cH lilt tll I HV.111•\I H\1W )IHI .1n· 111111..1111• tor' 831-2040 495.4949 1977 BMW 320i N( llMW "I.' i.loni: $1 K1•1 bJI !ll.~I •IMW '76 510i I. 11 1· .1 11 1 II V. 11 & ii lo. '''I\ u ,.,t '""• ,... a .i t t• U " t' f ' t • t I f fl 4· I -t~ll'\ 01 I S749S JIMSLEMOMS IMl'OltTS ltr/11 11 \ICllOH flt \ II t t'IC'\I \\II .~\ 6ll-1276 lll-9300 "ii 11\1\\ I "Ill I •1wt 111 '11111 ""I \ \1 I-\I I• I ..... , h~ ht 1llo1\ "'" Ill 111111 1111 ~:1111111 I' h ci..11ev1 IOI McLAREN Inc. BUY OR LEA.SE n"· H•·ir~11 k.11111· 11 '1 w ~ I th 1"11.111 1 I t't "" 11 l •• 111 H "',,I I I I I·:, ... II 11 Ill \ • I·. I' ,, 1•-.1111~111··· l"i. Mi'<: <"ti\ 1•1·rl11rm11rw1··1 T"'" l•'.1CI tnJ! ,Julo 1u.,J..!;11.1rt•·•, 1 •· port H m M I'll Ill II ~ .11111 II .I 'I'( lllltb I I mah• Ill 11: t •• 11111 111 i M't'onch ' W1· Ila\ 1• I:! · Hl·<iut11~ rt•allv for th· lrvt•ry . II mnr.· 111 lra11:-.11 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IH BMW EXEC & RESALE AUTOMOBILES llMn).! H1·i.:ular c;;..., ( l>rt·mmm or l 0nlt·.11l1·t1 r '79 733• 111.u·k :~o.s mll1·!'> W1·»< 1 '79 633 4 SPD. SllH·r 510 1 mrh•:o. tOl.l I 1 '78 530A ~1111r11ol llS ~ h1·c·I' Ill .!IHI mal1·' lll.11·k 157:.;l 1 '78 320 4 SPD. Su11n1uf 111;\1 milt·· ~·,uni lolw· 1:1:•1.11 '78 320 4 SPO. \nthr .11 II•· l(L~t:t I '78 733A ll.1111\ •,;)iX 11111t·· .• .,.,.,, .'78 320 4 SPD. \~II al l"l'tl l 0!l:llo1 '76 2002 4 SPD ~1n11 w1f. .ur, \11 '~ .J.1d1• 11 tl'l'n 1 ;,m I • '75 3.0S 4 SPD. Ruh\ t .uxw.. 11117!11 '73 3.0CS CPE. " 'IJ<'l~I .... 111ro11f Stl\l•I Cffi~ll '13 2002A \l.1 rn•111 \ 11 \1 I',\ '·""· ' \I'll Wt• I I J\ I I ~1•1n· \1110111.ol 11 It\\ \Ill \···'" \II l'ni t"ll lu 111"11\ I"( '"" ~-'' l .. •.1d1 Hh ti I.\ llAllH \ I 1 \f1 "" "' ~1\ I•'\\\ I C",ol .1111111 M11111t• Fur Stmtla\ 1\ppl 17141522-5333 Clci:..'fl Sunda.\~ ~ l;Jl<'<'fl. AM tl''M :o.ll•rt·11 ----------1•as:.Ntc & hkt· BH,\Nll NEW! I MIS.JEI Mow Oney S8500 Miracle Mazda/Renault 2150 Harbor l:il . l. M 645-5700 UMW llJ. lfj(lfl. Xlrll rnntl .1m1rm. l nd •1w11r, 11t·.1lr "4°1"\ l" f{'l"lirt.l'> ~l(J 1972 3.0 CS lnj. Su11l·rl1 1111111. 11fl 1·r~ 1~·rll261 (he rM·,1., Im port.' tj.ll ~1~.I or :,;.i, Of.'lt, Autos, Mew ··•·•·····•··••••••·•· CREVIER ' I SI & IROADWAV SAl"IA Ar<A 835·3171 fHl: ULTIMA It oruv1NC. MAf HINL •USEDBMWs• 071i:.!()02S1R IR!16NZl11 "7"5'111/\ SH t7:>~l'Vl>1 ·n s:ll 4.., pd s B 11111:11 78 73.11 1L-;pcl I02.~ V FZ 1 '7111;:13<·~· ~ H ((1.1:1\"Z(" I ""ffl :rliJl 4.wd < 1111 t 'IJIC , Closed Sundays 9800 ********** FINAL CLEARANCE! V AM CONVERSIONS ********** EXAMP'LE SAYIN~S NEW 1978 REVCON S tk 112670 (5582) :~:.~ts~ ................ $ I I, 135 ~~I~.~ ........••...•. $ 8,441 DISCOUNT 52694 Inc ludes 251 V8 engrne, automaltc trans .. pwr steer ing & brakes. custom paint. carpels s wing buckets 14). relrig . paneling. draoes steeper divan. table. custo m wheels & tares and muc h more ********** HUGE DISCOUMn ON SUMDIAL, IECltlA TIOMAL V .AMS, llYCOM, SllllA VANS, SUM DIAL HOUDAY WHllLS. ********** THEODORE ROBINS FORD JOhO H ARIOR l lVO C OST4 Mf \A 6 4 2 00 I 0 ~408211 lt70W(J/.I I<' 11111111 11 lt'011'0< ll\'llll1thlt• JtMSUMOHS IMPO•TS 11170 llA IUIC> II U I \ 11 l 'f~l'i\ MI·~" U 1· 1276133.9)00 CGpri 97t5 ••·••••········••••···· •79 CAtRI M •• ,, I 11 '" \ I •1 "I ' " 11"1 11111 lllllh I 11•tU•'I" Ill lt•ll"I I t 111111!1 I111;• 111 ''""I 1·"1:,\\ \II• ~89 5 ~40 ~t>JO lj!b.i§!iJ 2626 HAnBOR 6l VO COSfA MESA I 'I'" I I \1 \k.I 1tJ I I It >t II I d I'\. ....... \\Ill \( .... t.Jlnl 11.t t11 I tt • ' 111 • """ ~It I ,111 111-II I t \I UI" 11•th t II ~ .. , ~I. I 1, • I t 11 \ \I I \I , , t .... I 'I" \1 II ,, I .. 1.11l1.1h I t"I • 01 ,,,, ,...... I• l.1111. I I•' J .Ult" I \l '""I It .. t H.1lo.1·1 I· ,,,.1111 ll,1111 .. 1 ll17!1 T111 IH1 C 11•11 111111 lu:11l1•d .1•1l'h1 '" ~1 •• 1~) 1111 Ii'(:! 10Hll \1.11 k 9720 .........•...•••••..••• * z ~s * DISCOUNTED SllOI' & t "Ol\l l'i\ IC I·. BARWICK DATSUN :-..111.luJn l".tp1,1r..anu 831-1375 493.3375 1972DATSUN SB>AH I 1·\ I 1·11i.:111t• Jlllum.1111 I r .1 11 -. 6. I J t I I 1t I~ 1111(;1.1 SI 195 fo:\f)lrL"• 111 IHll .> 1:1 i'I AT LAS CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH 01-·11 ll;a1 h {I. '111111 :1\ ti I 111 I' \I "•"• ll.11 ""' llh I fl' I 1 \It 546-1934 •DATSUNS• l or<)t' Selection Of All Models !'-\1.1•.S I.I \."l't; l'\lfl~ SEH\'H I·. COSTA.MESA DATSUN , 2'1-l~• II ·\llflt II( Ht.\. J 1 540-6410 540-0213 '76 DATSUN 8210 II tll~I 11111.. I I \I l""ttl I 'A I' 11111 IU \\ tilt ' 11~1·111 •.t· .. ~11 $3066 *J.C. FORTUNE I '111111.11 ( t\h :,u 1 r. ''' .... ; .... ,,.,., \11.a 1.1 t 1.1.oli l10 1 197b DATSUN 28012+2 i\IJ\ollllJl 11 ,11 r 1•111,d 1\:\1 1··:v1 :.11 ·1 1•11 ~ "''' Wht'l't.. ltl,~1.11.l • How Only $6650 Miracle Maida/Renault :.!lfJt llarh"r Ill t" \I 645-5700 1977 DATSUN 28012+2 4 ~IJ('l.'<I. AM F;\I ,11·rt·11. a ir <' 01111 1"'1 r :ti I v , • will'CI~ i\11 l'KI 1·pl lurt,tl t•ar' 18."ilffl)(; J S8688 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MlSA 642•0010 1976DATSUH 8210HATCHIAOC Super economy v. 1th ,1 ·I spcedtran:, l llOPRl\1 ONLY $2799 MEWPORT DATSUN AAH Uow St rcN N .. ;WPOHT JH :A< 'II 833·1300 Wl· nt't'<I lo buy d1•:in L>a~w1 u~t'<J l'il r!'> • $Will Pay Top Dollur S COSTA MESA DATSUN 284S llAHHOR RLVl> 540..6410 540-021 l. 1977DATSUN 28022+2 VOl<l with '1 sp1.-crl. iur cond. & w ar e whc1!ls . ((8)6()). $7799 NEWPORT DATSUN 8118 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 13).1300 Assume my lease '79 2llOZX loaded. lo ml. low payments. lse co. will help. Dys 55&·0671, nlte., 41111-8761 ........ ••port.ct .... l•port.d ........ ,....... .......... rt.cl .......... rt.cl ............... ........................................................................................................................................ o.t.t 9720 .... '7J5 Mw=•· ... · '740 ........... t740 ,. • t710 Ttt / '767 ..•...•.••••••••....... ....•••••.••..•....•... . ...........•.•••..•.•. ···•••·······••········ ·······•··············· ...................... . 1977DATSUH 1210 HATCHIAOl \dlOV. Wllh t '1'1'1'11 \M 1'0 1\1 & .!II 101 11111 •• , 111U~.l'1 S3699 NEWPORT DATSUH 8ltl Um ,. "t 1 •"•I ,.., .. :Wl'\•111 111' \t II an .1100 ii j lltl \ 1 I\ I 11 °111 luHlo.' 1···~· '""' 1 .. •l•l 1l11th S.I .!lttl t • I I I :11.) flhlll• l!IJ !.JI/ I I 11111 '"" .'1111 I ''" \ '\1 FM Ill q• • I 'I' 111 1111 0°\ll ·" """I '$t IU I 'l I I II ll/IM1 111 '' .11 7111/ llq·· 1la11 '"'"' IJo H11\ '.;\J 1'1 1 1'1 1 Jit, h', • Ii •olll \\,11 "" •II h 111 " I 111 1 ttl \ I I \1 1,11h11 I uul I I; 11 \1 ~(°IHI ... 1 ilol\.l , 1 '91/ I \t IW• 11~ Ullll••I ........ 'All• 111111 I '" I I• ·1t. .. 280 2 . I .i .. 11 1 I "11 II \ \1 I \\ It r 1 • I I" ·-·~ 1.11 "'"'f t .11111 I I I I ·''"'' •••I'"° ALAN MAGHON PONTIAC '""lll.1llk1I lll1d tl t' 1tlf lo ,1 \I .,,, •• 1:1 1.14~1 1st IN LITTLE G~-UPS 1:a~. 'IJIPlll 111\111'\ ,ti .1 11"•1·1 p111•1•' I 1111 I l.tl' 1111 h l'·I Ill 111.lllj.!l" l '1111111 \ ll.tl!<ollll~ .• i.·, J1n:111' r:-;1 ' 280ZX $!1799 Htlh r ... l•11) 1•11u11111t"I ti!l lolli lllilMl.1 I ''"" 1•1;~1 1\rst' 200 sx $5799 ·' '<l'>l~•I. 1 ••• ' .111 t 1111tl \:II I• '\I .t. 11•11 1!1 I 1 .I I 1UMLl 1 1•11 '1 I>\ I :...1 ' 210 $3999 • ' I 1 If ' I' ~' i • ' ' t • t f I d1111 IJ,tl tit ,,, 1d il11111 ••I '•I\\' I •1.C 11\1 ' I , 510 WA<.;,ON $4599 ·P•·"I 1. ... 1 .111 1111111 ''"' "thll.!' . llltdt 11 Uoll 1 II t II ffl I I I JI I II , 1,111.1.i:-111 ••. 1..11 \II p111 • J •I 11 l.1 ' IV. lrt. ll"" '( 1111•• 1 l t•• """' .ah \;I 111 111 '""'I -;_· ht1lll .di• I 1111hh •.1111111 0 DOT • DATSU N llY(~, II.· 11 I, l,h I 1111111111)'11111 II.·'' h 540-0442•842-7781 .,,, ,, ~I .\11 '1 .111 \! r, 'I ~~I 1 11 • .I 1 r, fl! \\ 1,t IJa1 .u11 :1 111z ,111 \ "1 V\1 I ;irl 111,11 , .... 111)11 1111 I 11 v. II I ' I' .... 11:.c1 11-l I 11:1)i1, Vt•lh1w TT l-01#1 XlO Xl111 1 oml Lo rn1 k11l 0 (1 ~-.1 ti:~ ult 0 :.H'M "'at 1:1 l~t Sp11lt•r t'll:lr:i... ~ t.tl l:!A:.Ulv m,.,.,. lit! b7Uti 1~1 1:!1 Sport' C'111.11w I 1\0•111. IWW I'll~: Dl111p.: .1111 I Ill .. .j ~ !I 7 :. II II I •.4:• n:n 1972 MllCIDIS lSOSL /\l(,1tt• bruwn with uir r 11 n d . J u l o m :1 t 1 c• • ("IL';.'lloth• & bolh loJ)rl /\ l'l1&.'Sll1C:' !447NlN) $13,799 IEACH IMPORTS 8'tR Oov1: St rt't'l Nfo:WPOHT Hfo:/\Cll 75Z..0900 Ti t:!I Sput.·r ,..,.,, H Irk (ti 1 ,.,, 11111 l1J1 , id11l liluc 14 Mercedes 35()SI~. blk "\.JW 1..1111,1:, :<llX un lJ I k , 11 kc n cw . $14,!00torfcr l'I' f..12 1366 9727 ....................... Brand Mew '79 HONDA Cars MANY To ChooH From! UNIVERSITY Okam:>bile Hondo Con • GMC TNClcs .X)jJ 11,arhor Ill\ II I ·, <>l ,, \lt"'J .i Ill 'Nrlll I ltlflllJ \ 0\ I "t 71o hl..t• Ill V. < 1 ~111 \If Ill"" l ;trl'> l.1 11111< ft,·~· I!•'" ~Oii 111 Ir >.>7 'fl~'7 J~k lo/ t 1111' '11 I\ 1•· ;\lnl 1 urul I ·P" Iii.• ,, 1.. S:!.!1111 t 0 Jll .)!1 Ii I~ Jo:;iuar 9730 ...........••••..•.•..• ~w 1978 & 1979 JAGUARS X.ltil.o.,. X.fl:!I.:-. & ;us ( 'ouµt• .. \1o~t 1"11lor~ .1vJtl,tl1l1· f111 11n1111·1h.1t1•1ll"11\•'I' TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY!!! lln11f#r.r,, !llo/m·s · ........... ,·-··· ......... ,~ .... ,,-'_ :t.1~. ll.1 rht1r llh rt < ., >ST1\ ;\1 l·:~A 979-2500 H.111· ·1..! \J1; I ~I\\ llll ~ •• :rt'> X:~, 1 :11.r ~~I I .!I~ "' \ '"·: .! ' ;! St Ill 11• I >Y.11•·1 1111111 1111111 111 '' p1•,t1,11i-1,1111'' •It• \111.,l ,1•11' ')t l110 "' I•• ,1 nH•·• 1,t! ~Ill '1",\ 111111 llc•.11 It 1,; l.1 1,,tt 1 ~!0(, I ~•t t• IH'.tlll I l•·,ol 111•1 11111 I• ,, \\It 1I11 111 ol II \ t I ,I ("I 1, '<II '\.illllO 1.J1, t:lXK ltl~ 111 I '"''"' •• f .t ft ,• •'' 'hA~I I II llo I .l.1 • ·,1, \IS. ~11,1' t11d l••lh•l ioolo'fl•I "k\lr -..mri"11 \.\I I \l Ii r• •r \ 111 I ri11• I ,, • I I I t I I.I ' I ii I ~Pi ..c.,u1 1!•·· t 1. ....... 11 r•11 '1111 , """ lltl •111 1[ I !II UIJll\ '' 'IHI I' I ' '.1:'01 .:t•.•I l!fill .l.1)!11.1r .\ k. ~. 11r1,1 1 111 ~Ml 1111h• 1,1,11111 I 11111( .1., t•)I~ .11t lpm -, '·'' 1:~~1 •JI I!' 1111 '"I 11111 v. r.111 111..1· 1111 :-1.110 1 •~II 1'1.!. 11.I \(;.\.It I !'>l·d.111 1<.1n· I 11111·11111 I 11111 I ti 11111 • 11 .I 1 I llJt•. t.111 '"''""' \ lu•t • ,,HtfP'•• ii J I '16 H '*''"'' ~and t l•·11,lr1' .. I .1rn1·-. ,,IJ """ lr.11111 .ti r1·• t•t d ... 1n, ,. 11•·v. ~ll·t 1•0 111d 111111 h llllJI' 1:!'0:\IMW1 l>lr 642-83b6 Kcrm:inn Ghia 9735 ........•...•.••••••••. i:I. l'••llf 1·•11111t111111. d 1•.111 . I· \1 K I ···" k ~:11.111 1.10 ;..'ftx;j l'\ ••• *** THOUGHT YOU COULDN'T AFFORD AN MBZ? Over 27 Leasinq & Financ inq Procr.-ams A•odable. There's One Just Riqfrt For Yo..i! IX tnrmllt ll'J'-t' 01 1,11 llMlfllh r111,1111•1n1: 1111 Jl1 qu,tf1f11,l 11wtll'I., • MBZ '77 280E I."(' .ll I \' II w 11 ,. ti & .,,,.,\ 1l· .. 11: 1'11•1·t11l· -.un 1••11 low mtl\•ai:•· 1111 m.wulJlt·. ,umnwr \'oi (tr I \I" l:!.IK~I tntlt• W ill ra11I \. I JHOS l.K 1 •MBZ '78 450 SL l.11c .1l l\ 11 wn1·tl"" '("f\11"1•d . Olll'v 11 .llfl(I 11111··~ l.11·1 .d l oy~ l1·.1llw1 I <l~'l'llt• ra1·t .m l'IJllll • 111•v. 1•,11 "'ar r.1111 ~ <St.or •l:.'iiti~ 1 •MBZ '75 280C L .. , •.• 11 \ It~ II t• d & ._,., \ 1 r·o•1I ,111 I 111111 'h'rt-U I\ r I :! 1.llNI 1r11J.- °"Jll Jiil\ 1 l..!til'llK1 •MBZ '78 450SLC 1n7ini.11•11l.1t1· 1.11·t11f\ v. ,, I I J II I \ I II I I \ 1q1u11111•11 • 11·1 I n1 -..1111 n .il (1·11•11 '·' ·dlo-.ol 111\ '-li1•1•I' 1111111•1 H.l.llMI 11111•• 1!'.1•1 :!Ill;~,, •MBZ '77 280SE 1'1111, •·q111111wd 1111 loul11i.• , 11•1 .1rn11111f 1111 o1 ll1 I •• ,, '' f 1 I ~\ • ' . I I t • , I\ I •• l~"I 11111• ,\ ti I .111 I I • ,., f .11' II •MBZ '77 450 SL I I k ,. 111·~ I 1 I I'" 1 o1 "' 111 I 11'1111\ .1 llu) \\lw1·I Ill 111111 111111 •• .'\I ..!t l~MI 01111-V.'.tll.Jll I.\ 1!'.1•1 l..!/111 •MBI '79 6.9 1-:~1·1·111 111• 1 .1r 1111d1•r Li,11-1 111111·, '·'' ,. • · ur I• Ill 1·.r1 lr1·1 II t 11t•11.11d •I>•'' 1.tl 111111<1 ,, ·.ll·rn l.11'1 111ol 1 lwtl v. It I \111.111 11.1111IMMI I• .1tlw r 1·~t1V.Tt-. I •MBZ '78 450SEL 1.11 \lll \ •c•d.111 l11lh "IUllltx•tl 1111 ,rll\ 11v.1wd ~ .1•1\11111 k.llllt•r '"11 rnol hr 1:! 01111 1ntl1• ... irrn11l\ rt11.::lllJ;\l 1 JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 9725 "'4cnda 9738 mo 11111 mo n 111 s u Cl )ST/\ ;\I r•:Si\ 63 1-l 27b 833-9300 ...............•....... II• \I'• I· 1.11 \ \1 1-'\1 '"'fl'H l"V. 111tl1•-.. I ,oil .• ~.~1~1>4. ,111•·1.•ltrtt r.:~1 111 .. .......•...•...••.•...• 1:fi' I llX:! I 111·. , ...... 11:11111 lrro· 1 11111 h ~.\I l"\1 14 111-. f11.1g """· )t:.1111 '>1'.l lll~J Ttu<lt-)<IUI 11111 '-llllf ror lll'V. i.:1111tl11•0., V.11 h .1 l1:L'>SllH"rl .1cl l>ll 5'i711 Autos, Mew 9800 Auios, Hew 9800 Auios, New tllO .....•••• ; ....••.•.............•...••.••....•.••..•.•..•••..••...•••. UP TO 500 MILES ON A TANK OF GAS * NEW '79 210 SEDAN ? Door 4 cyl Pn91r1P 4 soeecl trnnsm1!-•,1on. bo dy o;1dP moldini;is l rntpd q1a .. ~ & unde1coa 1 /Ser 62984611 S lk 55191 s3999 MEW '79 PICKUP Fully lnc1ory eou•PPed 4 speed tr ansmi..s1on. undercoat wsw hrec; tinte d qtd'h & .. con()m1cal 4 cyl PllQrnc !Ser 4149811 IS tk 5400) s4549 '73 450 S.E. Xlnt cond., Ivory & Bamboo lnl., Mich Tires. Sl 1,SOO. or trade for R.E. or T.D.'s. Call C urt 642·5554 631·13i6 i6 4.5() SL, Red Absolute· ly beout1ful. 25Km1. Orig . Own e r . $2 I. O O 0. farm . 7 14 I &l().8fi23. PROPANfo; · Euro~an '72 ~. G ~·yl, lo m1 ':. Mu:.t see. An 5; 645-58.'H. iS SEL. Xlnl cond GoltJ w/w1re whit.. 42.000 ma, lc;.tlh inlr • $15.000. l'h &1-1~. 833 3130 '77 450 SE!., llrown, In m1, Xlnl eond 644 4201 Sjiyl(lass, Ccl M "&1220.<i. Hbll cni: S23()(1 1b)tt ofr fi45-0519. --- •75 M crn-tl1·s ·150SL S1lwr w 1l>lk tnl Alloys lu ma. n:.1wle~~ $1H.50U 7M-4!l;j.~1. Iii MRZ <hi font:.1,l1c n il'KJ n wn ~JO. ~;i i 308 \"al F:vc:. l9tD 28'.6L, hoth to1i:. xlnt ('find. dUlu. h,I\ 1• Ill 'l'l' lr1 Jpprct1alc 51:!,YSU ti73-:f150 ·1~"1-2220 73 151~1£. lmrruu · rnrul Srtrf, ~·ekl'r A.\1 F \1 . kon 1wlll w1t1lk int tlf.K mi S17.oOU :i:!'J !itl!ll "lfi ·l'.10 SEL n·<l w l a11 \dttlll' 1111 .11i11y-., t-h-1· -..unroor :ui,IMlll ma llJ' 1°\t'rvthlll l.: ~iK .!'1111! F.tllliruok 7:!.H :J11Sll 01 Nt•wpmt fi7J li-17.t "1111' l"L/\..'>S. LOW l i1\S fi7 .\1JIZ ;i:;us. c it-<' 'nrf. uuto. M•dll"lins t>'l4 ~~41 1:1 t~o(J ~Lt· ln~11h·d. t•x n•llt•nl n mtlrtwn ;)lti,51.10 ONO l'I' ·1~1 2'1ZJ "iri .•,o I> M1·tatl11· hlu1·, :.nr1 . llhr t • W 1·ru1'l'. c··"''"ll•• l11v. rn1 Sl<l .5oo Ill lt•.1:,1• 7'>'111 .. (1(1 MG 9742 ....................... Hew 1979 MGs & MIDGETs in •l<K·k fitr 1mm1·1l1,11 .. dd11• ry' ,\II 1·111111 • ~·· 1·s1x·f•1ro·1tJ11 l1u\ TODAY!~! ~~-·····~ -~ !II .. '""' """'""fP' "-··· •p •II. rhor 1\1 \•I I 01 IS'I I \II· .... \ 979-2500 lt73POISC .. • Mlw lt79T~ tl4COUPI .. 15&1 With low rnllet 6 this in ..-for iml'Mdillte one's in cxcelle nl coodi· delivery! All colon! See tion, <OtOK.AO>. USblforeyou buy $4999 TODAYHI NABERS ~ l(>(X) H.\rbo1 Blwt. (n-,1,1 """"-1. '>40 QI()() 1977 rc>RSCHE 91 IS TARGA Black on blark. Lcuthcr. lllr cond. & Blnupunkl cassette. 17151lXD1 $18,999 BEACH IMPORTS IWI l>ovt• Slr<·d Nt:WPOHT Ut-;ACll 752-0900 "779JISCPt-: Al l o)'. 1\M 1 fo'M Ulaupunkl ''''rl'll TurlKt rear 'IJO.'akcr µkl! . clcl· ~· ---~ 29125 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 '73 GTG Ma.rk Ill clllSllic, 24mpi;, 6c yl -6spd, custom int e rior $5,000/080. 642·8450, 646-17211 -------.. 11 TR7. 5·s pd, A IC. l>Wroo. ~ mp.:. 55500. H98-9093cves --- 1973 Tn umph 750 Bonn 15.IXX> mi. SIOOO. 963-9233 ·m T H4A IRS, wires. runs ~real. body ok. SISOO. C70 5C t-'Q )556· 1295, 54().Zf75 lnt· ~ullt•nna. air JICl~l"r Silvc $9011 79 Sp1trire v.1nrlow-.. h1•<11ll1 l!h t St.ereo. 50K mile warnty. wJi.hl·r' 1·ru1-.1· '>Uflt:r whlc Pt'r cond 968-6364 l'!v. milt·:. Luwl·n ·I! lo eve:. & wknd:. 1-.ur<)jX•Jn 't<1m·1• l.1s;:h1 ----- Grt-cn nwlallw llut·k:o.krn VoliswOIJf'I 9770 wil It doth m ... ,.rt..., 1 bl4!J > •••••••••• • •• •• •••••••• l>tr 642-8366 l!J75 !JI I :111rn 11i.:. Blk. mai.::-.. AM l"M 11 Irk • Xtr•L.., Xlnl 1·1md 9,500 ~:m~ '7ti\JI 1s1·1~1-: W h I l 1• r II I ,1 t k Trim Bl.11·k 11111•r111r Super low 111tl1•s, :;tnt•o, .11r <tlluy~. and vc:r) f'l•·:.111 l'n<"l·tl T11 :-\t•ll al lllw• llouk • 01!1:1x 1-:R 1 [)Ir 642-8366 Rois Royce 9756 ....•••........•......• "l DEALER IN U.S.A ROY rr)R CARVER m ~!L}ds~~~~.cc '*'•e>ort B•.t<I> l'---~M0...-4 CIOHO ~Ul<OAY\ 5!1S1lvn<"luvd I '11'1 '"~' lllj[, 1111 VW liavmi.: trouble sell 1ni.: your c:ar·1 ·rry us Top dollar Paid for or Nol' Unni.: your car lo Jim Marino Volkswage n . llnl l Uc arh Hl vd., llunt ini..'lon H(•ach i\sk ror Frank Manno or Tom AJktn 1975VW8UG 'UGRANDE" N("W blut' r1urnl, sunroof & :t.l(XJ m ti es . 037254 1 $3699 NEWPORT DATSUN 1188 Dove Street N~WPORT BF.ACH 83).1300 70 VW liu~. rslm ,::nll. ~unNxlf, mai.: whls. s uper t'f'lf)llJl1on. $2195 Call dys ~1144, evcs540-4849 7f1 VW Dash~r. 2 dr GT. 4 'flll :ur. am /fm. Good on i.:a.' Sl!klO Mfi-6460 aft.5. ·711 (.;onv Whl/blk. Ex lras. :!2kmr i\s k1ng 9i. 500 714 /9611· 2:17ti 71, S1h1 I ~l1.1d1t" \11111 t omt .! 11\ 1111 lrlk I~ 'o(jU:Jrt· hal·k. look~ & ,11 run.-.i.:mtl,S120tl ~ 1175 2'.W9 \111 h 1· I 1 II • I· I . t "' \ 'I I \ II • 11 l •• XI 'u ii l 1,1>1 ~:!.°I '"•Ir \II'\\ 1 ',11111.1!11~ 1<1111 ,.,, •. 11 .. 111 • "''"' ,, .. 11 -~"1:n1 ''"' 1 I' I' l'•I -~r· 1 7,• l'ul)l(•I) 1·amµr. xl11t 1111111, rn·w l1n.,., l'l n· ·1"~i:tlrlt• urr· Y.rll t11• :w 11·pl•'<I lr11 IHll7 ,,fl .J ;Jn l''\1 MGB 9744 ~ ••••••••••••• ~?.6.~ 71 \'W (·,amp,·r. rdill 1•111!. ,., . ._ 111 1..-. S!1.1•1 11r offl-r 10i:I Wll ···•·•·•·••·•••···•···· 11 \11,f(l,J .i. .. ,,. ''• Ill I ' \ \1 ~ \1 II 1 V. 1"11111"11 . ~ 1.111•• I 1 rm l<.11 1'•11· New 1979 MGBs \1 11r1• 1w11111t· hu\ th• :\ti; H 1·1111\l·rt t 1th I h.111 olll\ ollwr ( lln\t•rl 1l1lo·' !'ti•· I S h1 frn • 111u Iott\ TODA Y!!! ,,_ ...... '/'' ~ ,,,,,.,r.. ' ....... , __ ,. ffn11.,. ,.,...~ f •••- .!l~ol l11rhor llh 11 < ·nsT,\ \1 t-:S.\ 979-2500 71 .'\tt: II. U:ll n11 , 1111 m:11·ulah• ~ .... IHI 4~fi 1~,H P~ot 9748 ........•••....••.••••. PEUGEOT SALES. SERVICE AHDLEASIHG OVEHSF:A<> 01-:1.1v1mv i\ VAi L1\ Iii. t-: BEACH IMPORTS ~18 Do\\• Stre1·1 Nt-:wrrnrr BEi\C'tr 752-0900 Pane he 9750 ...•..••...•.....•....• '771 , !I~ lllk lllk \ I' Snrl 1\ ll•I\' ,\ :11 I-" -'l (';1"-' All "Clr.i-. Nn olY.11 ,. 0 IM· llU\ SI 11.51111 IC ti. :n:1 "11ITT; art.ti. ti75 IUl3ti "76!112E l'l'E Alloys. iltr. -..upcr luw m1h·~. i\M /FM. n •all) rl1·a11 Olr 642-8366 'Tl 1'11rho Callc·ro. ftillv N11up1>t'll. xlnl c11n1I. w1·11 make offer vou 1•an "t n· ru.o;1•. 7M I !fai 2773. :.!131 5:11 •19f..O ·79 91 ISC TJrg J C.uanb red. loadt'fl. xlnt conrl. 9,tnl m1 St:,00 TOI. S461i per mo :!13 '142 6032 ext 317 day)>. 71<1 !lh2 11244 <ifl 7 i\-..k for r .arry "1"1 SC Class lt" l mmac. <'OOd Xlnl nwchan1ral· ly LUl!J!:tJ.:1' nick Cover & bra /\II t1ni.: lled m t-Olor f>4fl Sff}fl "71 91LS. black on black. 5 spd, new /~nza·s. Konrs. stublirer. rbll en~ .. trans & r lu1 rh $11 500 . 714 •552 1»1 1972 Targa 91 IT. 11ir . 5 spd. AM W M ste reo t•as~. KJOO. 642-8968 -------- •PORSCHE 1978 928 Ebony/saddle with less than 10,000 mil es l,)'r. 112.IXX> mile warran· ty. Lease or purchaS(I (796V0Wl CGIForq.oh JIMSLIMOMS IWOITS l970HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 611-1276 lll-tlOO SAAB SALES, SERVICE AND LEASING "7HCLI-: \ll1\"WI-: :-;ow I:'-< f>HtHi 111--~S· BEACH IMPORTS 11.1~ l lfl\ 1• M 1 l't°l ,,._,~l'llH I Ill· \("II 752-0900 1973 SAAB 2.0 EMS \ 1r1111f 11111111111.; • .rr v.1111 \\1 F\1 -11·1•·11 ~ 1 u ' t • • m v. fl 1• ,. I ' 11.1111•1-:..-; t How Only S2 150 Miracle Mmda/Renoult ~1511 llarlicir HI . C' M 645-5700 ·7,1 Sa:.111 E:l1S 1\'\1 F \1 :!.• .\1 l'C. ,\l' ~1tM1 .1~>'1 111.1 or ;,111 !1:. 7 1 Toyota 9765 ..•.........•..•••••••• '77TOYOTA CELI CA LIFTBAOC Z'>. l!•i mtl(·~. I t·~ I f\ T ' t 1· r t• o t .1 IJ 1• ma~' r:ultab t2111SPT fill~) $5566 * J.C FORTUNE Pon11a1· C.:MC :!CU) E ti;t Sl . S:rnla Ana 1714 1558 IOOO 1978TOYOTA SR5 LIFTIAOC f.xn•llcnl 1·ond1t ion. AM 1 F M '>lt•r1:0 & low mil<-:-(flG4UOll 1 Mow Only S4550 Mi roe le Maada/Renault l l50 llarbor Bl., (' M 645-5700 '78TOYOTA CELICA LIFTIACI< 11.317 miles. 4 cyl. A T .. ps . s l l' rt' o l a p c . mas;:s/rad1als 147:!UBV 61122> $6966 *J.C. FORTUNE Pont1ac·GMC ~ E. Isl SI . Santa Ana (714 )5.';8-1000 1977TOYOTA umAa< Black on black 5 speed, air cond .. stereo. real wire whet>ls & a local car. ( 117SFY I. $5999 NEWPORT DATSUN 8811 Dove Street ·N£WPORT BEACH 13l-1300 77 black SR·S Lflbk, A/C, cstm whls, $4500. 2131582-1022. 588·2131 ·or Landcruiser, 327 Chev eng, 3spd w/ovr dr . Tur· l.taCS, K-line top, $2295. 963-S:m 7:> \'\\' llu;.: •i~M •mg uWOt•r. ~:i:r, 7.11 :w.1t1 7:! ~II Sljl'hk. auto tr:rn:.. .1 1 1\ M FM. rallro. nu l1n ..... i.:n ·.tt MPG. run:. ,u1x·r '51.1;41() fi42 21~ p I' Cla.,, ... It""' vw H 110., lll"W p.11111 ~ ur l>t·-..t .. rrt-r 1;'1;, •b" ·7~ :-\nrocn1 11!1Km1. i.lnt m1'l·h 1111 l ar1·:.. 11u11·k ,.,1,. ~P••1 1~ll l!ll!:$ BOIWITHAM VOLKSWAGEN HAS OVER 120 NEWAND USED • COMYERTIILES •DASHERS • RAlllTS • DIES&S • SCIROCCOS • IUSSES ON SALE THIS WEEICEND BOB WITHAM VOLKSWAGEN 7600 WISTMINSTH AYE. WIST....sTH 893-7551 • 638-7880 •75 SCIROCCO F',conomy 4 ryhndcr . 4 'riced Sl1<'k s ilver /\M/fo'M, clotk . more . t1HH29l ALAN MAGNON PONTIAC i1~1 llarhnr Rlvd :al l-'<11r. Cost;i M\'sa ~1!1·4300 11 C"amrcr. •1:1.000 nu. 1-'M 1·ass. xlnt t•o nd, son• orr 11 u t. 640·5ijl;() ·~ lktJa Bu~ rchlt e ni.: :! harrcl r arh !>unroor, um1rm 8 track. new Ure. Xlnl cond. $1800. S4.'>-JZH -------- Vol•o 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VOLVO SALES. SHVICE ANDLEASI .... OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS EARLEllE VOLVO 1986 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 646-'303 540-9467 OR.+..MMCOUMTY VOLVO EXCI..USIVELY VOLVO t...arRest Volvo Dea. Jer tn Oraqe County! BUY or LEASE DIRECT ()H/\t\J(,f I I Jl 1\ 1 v VOLVO '79 Pick Up 4x4 Limited 2025 S Manchesa edition, PS. AC. Roll bar. A-..&o....:m 750-2011 1350 mi. 99200. 846-6162 "" --- ...... 1.,art.d Allto•, UHd Autot, 'Jjtd .... UHd Autot, Uat'!1 Allto1. Used s.turday, May 12, 1979 DAILY PILOT CJI ••••.•.•.............. ···•··················· ••......•.........................•..••...•.....•..•......•.....•.•.•••••.•••.••..•• ~........... -- ... 9771 C•mo 9911 ~ 9'ZO °"""" ttn Fwd 9'40 Mlrcsy "so ...... UHd Alltol,U1td ,UHd ..................................................................... ···•·······••••··•····· ................................................................................................................... . Volvo llOO·ES •port lt74CHIVIOLn ·111 K111 ..:s wno1I 1>:i.11111• ·~1,>wt1&C11un1ry W1:11 '7lFOltDWAGOM '76MlllCUIY 9915 ..,...... 9960 ,..._ 9961 wap. '72. A claH l<' wairon. 1 11w1wt 111 m1, oultl. otr, roof rudo:. all ~CH GHIA •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• a..wb tODd. • apd, ove ~ ~ NM10.i 1·ond 11000 • p~r. K«I rond . 11.200. COUNTaY SIDAM '77 Omenu : F.conomy 1976-Y~..... ... ... _,,_ driv.. A/C. n..1~ l('.riOWi Automatic, pwr st~nna ~7MO tl7~--\/It. automiilk tr•nK .. iHr Sedan 1n burnis hed r-• -·" "13wW1111&2dr, p/a, p/b. I I ""Mil • brakea, air <'Md &r ~'tind , pwr stMrinl( tt bronr.e with matching 51*· tu Y equip. Sport WAGON atc1 pwr dr lock. vinyl nq u re ra P e u f' ! r8dio. Uc·. 874UZT '74 Nova htvhhk AC I'S, It.am '41J lm~nal. runi1 brwu~~. n>0r rack. radio tan vlnyl interior with •Ir model. low mi. Clean. Automatic lrana., lug· roor, velour, racllaJa. V·81 -.mior-~al\S SZ911 Pn, r1tc.lJoh1. 1 uwm . 1111 1<n•11t, lo m1. looks good &Wllwlirf'tl. 1676Lr Z> conditioned comrort, M'700. Prv Pty. 7M>·OG48/ gqe rack 11 ract-OI')' air $l,'7115.Call731·S210l .... u...I lll'l•· S?Z\.'l itn.'U'\!11 ~i;,;;,ukt! v.•ork. 1700 SIZtl PIS. P!B3.fsGN> 640-Sl?B cond. C638WOV). i'1 Firebird. Limited ad· THEODORE ••-•••••••••••••••• 'lfl .: otr Ch1•\ 1•J11• M,1llll1J t:xp1ms IOpm $·13 19 S40-Se30 '76 Cuti us. PS. PR, $3499 dit.ion. 13,000 ml. Load ... 9 a 4 t90t Vt1tA•Jt l'hU. 1·tutlll'~·•I' ·~~·1.t' W1111 All1•x1r.1i. radiala, lll.nt cond. 14,000 T·bar. ssooo: 49t•SlH • ..... ••••••••••••••••• ,. 01 k M 11 k ,, "111· 1 ·'"·l"f11l, ,.. M r iulto M1_1k{l mi. Reduced price to *'81M ROBINS fORD AT LAS CHRYSl ER 1011\SO\ & SO\ ~Adv Nt'lwork A111Net l.ot'ltt! "v t!h ii' It• ... " 1'1' 2aaz,01JZ•71'1 549 l.'977 AMC HOS ....................... '71A..M.C. HOIMn S&>ortuh\•11t 40,13.1 mlk'S, ll I') I '<llt'k, f•c aar, p.11 , lu~I( r .l<'k, ttiroMPU ~ttO'.n 12766 *J.C. FORTUNE PonUMl' <; Mt' 2000E. l8tSt .Si111t ,1 \1111 (114 ) SSll If)(~ I f J~ i8 C.11 ~XI 1111 ~ pt"rfec\ (.'OrHl • H \ 1111• blue, L~v1 ... l • ,.., AM /FM rCH & \ 1' f1989, ~· 15.:l' 76 Hornet 4·tlr v..1i:1in h t•yl, PIS, P IB. 1\ I' t\ l AM/FM s te rl'O, ~11!1.1 642-3622 ;1 HAlll\llll (llV(l ( 1''1" ~'' ·.J\ t. 1 .' lllJIO "" c .. vaOUT CAMAAO f'Ull po'WC"r. fae"c•ry 111r t-,_wJ . rall)t" "'ht"C'I' & t 1 11 "' h , ,. 1 ~ 11 •• r 11 HlflilNl{'f1 S.3999 NABERS { 1tt1tf f 1111 /1,.\)1~111 .. • 1\I\.• \_ ·""· \\r-... , l1 "•'' •'11 CAMARO 1,.,,. 111il1·.1Jo:<' Ith ,, II \ 11w1u .. J ,\ '>l'f' 1n·d 1111 ll\Jl0Ul<1l<'' 1~·1 1~1\1 1 SS295 JIMSLEMONS IMrORTS 1:nu 1t.\lrnu11 111 \ 11 L'l lC'> 1 (\ 'vi r.::-.:\ 631·1276833-9300 9910 Chevrolei 9920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '17 IUICk CENTURY Custom statioo Waj?On lrl sliver with contra ~tm~ red interior. roof rao·k, AM/FM stereo, lllt s t1•1·1· mgwh.eel 143.1RYZ J $3995 540·5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • L INCOt N ·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '72Slcylark. 2dr. /\IC. I'S Very good shape $1400 ~7878. ·m £1ectra· 2 dr ,, 1-. nt•w radials Xlnt ~t!I~ lln1· Owner 673·91M 74 Buick Apolll1 l! Hr. AM, A/C. Xlnt l'Oncl SJ.200. 64S-9289 Cadlclc 9915 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Orangt-County's Bdot ado Cent~r • PURCHASE ORI.EASE YOUR MEW 1979 CADILLAC NOW! • 2600 H.'rtlOI Blvd C~il 1\1\e..\. S40 <llOO '72 El Dorado Convert1 ble. Russet ext w Jl><mt' leather int. r:v<'ry (llJI Xlnt cond. SS.000/Hs t Ofr. ~l:!m evt!s 1973 CADILLAC SB>AN DE VILLE FUil power, factory air cond.. AM /FM stereo ull wheel. padded top & leather intenor Sharp' t621NDC). $2599 .•..................... FtNAL 1978 Cl.URA,..CE! vn (.'Jnlaru:.. C:a1>n<'1'!», Mouk l';11'1u::. Malthu ... & Nnvu-, lJr;,1).lol' J 1•du1· lion.-.' SAVE HOW!!! · COMMEl.L CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd l'Cl.5TA MESA • 546-1 zoo 1972 CHEVROLET MALIBU COUPE \IX, lllll<Hr1,<llt' t1 .Ill' , pv.r :-.lel·nng ,I, radio 1;,::JWUM 1 $2295 Exµ1 res 10 µ111 ;, 13 7!1 AT LA. s CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH (Jp('n Oa1ly & Sund a v 't1I JO PM 2'Jl!!l ll;orhor Ill\ ol C'o~.ta Mt•sa 546-1934 '77CAPRICE Q.ASSIC 4 DR . l'oW•'r w1n1l11"' .111il ,., <'lo I " I ii I • r 111 -. 1· 1\ M I I" \1 ' t •' r •' " w:.'lW "·r i Two To Choos~ ALAN MAGNON PONTIAC i 1i.1 llnrhor Blvd i.ll i'':ur . ('u!lla Mt'..,,J 54!t·4300 '78MALIBU CLASSIC A I r . n v I n m " I I C' ' wtuk wall l lrt'S nus 2 door ('ho·vv lu11k ' s h II "' r II ,, ni II I ' .... (333UPX ' Two To Choose Al.AN MAGNON PONTIAC :?A!lU Harbor Hl vd ~NABERS JI-Fair. Costa Me?>,1 54!1-4:!00 19Cadillac Coupe de Ville -"911\T ... ., • use C•• '4LUH 114~Co-Tll hal rf, lthr. till, c ruise, 8 21 Aaito c.,.t.,. Ori•~ lrk. wire hubs, man y .. --c-.i.- 1ttras3200miles 891-1561 OP'IH 7 DAYS. WHIC Urgent! Mus t s acnfice ~~~7~6~8-=7~2~2-.2~~,.1 19'18 cpe de vllc. take <YYtt lse or buy out. Ask· ing $10.300. S51-84tll 'at Cad Sdn de Vile. l owner car. xlnt cond, .... 642-7550 '78 Malibu class1~, 4 dr sedan. PS. air Rrwn w I camel int 34.000 m1 Xlnt cond. Pnced lo sell al ~. 549·16568AM·6PM. 9S..'>-~evcs. '76 SeviUe, beige w /brn '75 Monte Carlo L1rncl:111, vinYl top, all xtr as. must $3.500. sell $7800/best orfer 645-7402 581·9153 '13 Nova. PS, PB. 111r . '76 Cad Seville, Fully S2200. equipped. 44,000 mi. S14l6.-.3Bl& --,1-2-2xl-r.-Ru-n-s Xlnl 19'11 El Dorado, loaded. = cond. Must sell. or offer 968-0290 SlOOO/bst ofr. 545-9109 1916 Chevy Monte Carlo "'19COUPE DE VILLE Landau Lo milage. folly Alluale Payments. Ful· loaded. 661·0156 dflys ly Loacledl (LRD311) _549-_1_860_e_ves ____ _ Dir. v '4N3'6 '73 ega GT. Gd cond. No eng. Xlnt 4 spd truns . szoo. 646-5137. a1t 11 AM •CADILAC '76C,. ..... Locally owned & aeniced. <312NWG) m1ll':.0NS IMPORTS 1170HAABOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '31·12'76 IJ>-9300 "7SChevelle Malibu I OWN', xlnt. $2250, Abe 979-5370dy /S56·9956evc '11 Impala; excellent cond. all freeway miles1 AM·FM-8 track, air. al power, $3300. 751-4840 "'18 MoatAt C.rlo. PS, PB, "'c--· 9917 air, autoe:S. -"-··-········· ---------1 '70 c......, lulo.r. p /8, i4 Monte Carlo, loaded. :.w ~ 11 1••· lib new, ttM, I owner, .-i ,. , •. 644-97871833· 1039 !e!C•119 c./r \'ulltn~ )Ol;I ~.673-8600. pp -.7-8_Tr_a_n_s_A_m_,_T_roo_f_, PLYMOUTH • l INC:l)l N MERCURY ~ Ch••vrllr Mnhliu Xl11I i-u id tin 1: 11\4111•1 I\ rr A, murh mon• 1711 1. ••• i '';J Moot.-1'1111 I" luoHl llll !).\)\ 11111!"~ xlnl 1·111111 l~ .. 1uf\' l'o•lll• 1 '" 1 111'1 I I '" • ' l 111p.1I ' I ol 1 \ II I' " I' II '"'" •'" 11111 .1 •II II• I .. 111 • I'll 1 • .,.Li 70 l 'hl'\ 111111 .. l.1 \1111 1'1Wl4I 1\.'\kllll' ~·II h I I' I I I I 11 \ ' : ~ I .I I I'\ ~ kllll 'Jt~ 'I 11,1 •CHIYSlH ·11co1001A l.m11lt>1J. 11wludv::. .. un n~tl. ~ll'r,'<> & full 11QW\'I 1 &2.llt vx l JIMSUMONS IMPORTS l'l/U Iii\ It HOH Ill \ ll 1 ·1 '"·rt\ M r:s ' bl 1°1276 8J3·9 l00 COlltiiientd 99 3 0 ..................•.... 1976 LINCOLN CONTINENT AL .ti \l••lll• 1 11 ' , "ill• 111 I '()I l'l , S11lll f)"'r ''ll'ilb 1. 1lht•1 t '.1h1111lt'l '"I' '"""' '"" "1'11 1 1 • 1111\l' 1·1111ln11 /l,t ,tt·n ·o l"t 'It' I 1 .11 11<1 lll..>111'01' I awys1« 9925 1 SS699 ···~~·;;·~~~-;~~~~··· NABERS CORDO BACOUPE I(/,,/;// ~~ ~:::;,'1 ";:.~·, ,:'.'.:111~:rf ((((({ ( (/() .1 t>1 J h l ' I 1 ,1 I Ill I I ·I.~ It L_.1 Ill<.< I •\M FM ~t1•1 t'll "' Ii 11 ... wk l "'''"'"''-•'>·Ill •1l>.I t.1p1• 'l"''"l 1·111olr1 I lilt Witt' I, ol11.1I ,f111C I 11111 l'UI'' \ 11•1 olt ~ l'l•ll'k l11t<'kl'I "'•ll~ I 111\ I rrn>I 11•ad "'lll'l•li. ti. 111111 '" 1 1rw~;1 SI 700 DISCOUNT I JI f (l( l•':J1'l 11f"\ WI lld11>' S111·k«r 1'111·1' Exp1n·:. lU µm 5 13 7il AT LAS, CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 0 11•:n Pail~ ~ ~1111ol." 'Ill lll l';\I '!t:>:1 I l:11 t. .. 1 Ill\ d ( '•1~l.• \It· ..• 546-1 934 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Hill 1111wl'f f;H'tor-.. .111 c•1md l..111t!:111 L1111 , I ill 11olw1·t. 1·ru1;.i· t•tint1111 'Piii pwr !w:il~: & :!1<.IJO\J moh"i 1 177~S I 1 S4599 NABERS O:rdufat ) }(OO~f,11t>111 lllv1t f "1. M..._, <.,110 <mx1 -1979 CHRYSLER LE BARON 2 DR. VH. au111 trans . pwr st{'(:nng & hr akt·>., ltntt d glass. radm. ruo;;torn :1C' t'l'n l "trc 1w s c'k rno rt"' t tl(i52'c! l SS295 J>:xpirc:. IU f.Jm S· t3 W .i '1J1 i.. 11 1 Xlnt ""''ll S.: ·~t.IJ 11 1 > L' '"'~' 833 ta~ 1977 LIMCOLN CONTINENT Al MARKV ('Inly :!.! U()fl 111111·:. full 1uw1•1, f,11111ry .11 r 1·11nd , 1dl lhl' <:un111w11t,d lull 11n1-i. & l.IKE KEW nm d11wn cK:"ll H.l1\ 1 $7999 NABERS ( 1ttl!lf/lf1 I "~1 11 .. ,1 ... '11\d t • ,.,,,1 \\..· ..... , '>•lO ''l\1\ I '7.i '1'11l4'Tlr,1r. hhr lull\ loadt'(I . 11,•w lll'l'~ S.l!JiJU 01ll 11Jl !IO:!ll i\ M 9932 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '711 Corvcttl' Stl vn A11111v X lnt c·ond 7 ooo Ml SJ.2.500 731·6C62 Mt 1; l'M '!i.'l Vt·lte Conv 327 · auto am 1fm. 111r. !>lol'k S6!150 7M 1fM-~ilfi 9933 ............•.......... '75COUGAR r\ r I' I I l' W ll t t l' W I t h rml<'hmg wh1tt v111yl tn· ltn or . tilt steering wheel. /\M /FM st<'rC'O t<.6:IKZE1 $3295 540·5630 Opt•n Di.ily & Sunday 'ttl 10 P M ~.12'1 lfarbor Blvd. t 'OMo .M c~o 546-1934 1979 FORD RITURA COUPE 11 n I . .iutouw Ut-, tncns • l•l'r ..,h -c·n111: &. lir1tkt'o;, ,\ M I r' M io l ~ r e o "" 1·J.S.Wttt! & w::.w t ires 1~WCt,J S4&t5 1-:x1-11rt.,'S 10 pm 5 1.3.79 ATLAS CHRYSLER . PLYMOUTH <>1><:n l huly & Su11d:n Ill lll l'M <!!':''I I L1rl~1r lll\11 t 'o!»l .1 J\1 t',a 546-1934 ll/73 Ford H.rndwro. air. \ M I'' M w H t r a c k , llli•l!S . \':.tin IJl'r Sile 11 1~ .,hdmii "'illdlJW M ark mi; l l!lK ·70 M~l\('IWI<, 2 d r Ii n ·I ... 1k. f.!"1M, t.:tl lirl·~. dt•Pt:n 1fol1ll· ~•Ml nfr 1"14 mi~ ·73 LTD 1 <Ir 59 000 m1 t:ood t•ond Ht·~ /.!US Makeofr. 54.'1-7036 '75 G ra nad u , \' i!. AM i FM , <.1 1r. 5!1.UUU m11t.-s. like new . hr .. wn Must sdl 833-232.5 eve:. & wknd:-. ------ '7:! l'1111-y S11 waj!cm. xlnl \'Onrl, mK m1, r~·~ 1:,1~. 111m·1111! Offt'r. fl42 1:1111; 1.1 Ni t,-, <'lut1•h 1-!t1·,1t 211!1 ·"-P 1'11•a11. ll-•:ol < ,;i-. ll.1 111~11nl! ~j(KI :,.1,, :rw1 l'r:111:-.por1.111 1on i .11 !or r1•111 ·•' "'" II"' 11 p.1 \ llll'llb , 1111 dl;ll'J!I'' l.J,~ .~, lu 1•11• lti t.r.111:1cla, 10.10 1 1111, ,\(', \VI l·.V1 't 1•1 l'11 . lxM 1'1;. lilk w ihlk llll. l'Jl\'l' 1111><.lt'I, Onlv St();, n1n Pl' ·194 o2r.8 Lincoln 9945 •••••.•.•........•..... '78ZEPHYR Sl•d an in he tl-(t' w 1Lh rnutcnrng t.m 1nH·rinr. ;111t11rnal 11·. "I( n l1f'lder ,rnrl :11r 1·011tl1t 111111111! l·A-111111m1t•:tl "'' mom~ (503(Jl51 $4995 540·5630 I W,Jf&~llil 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 28215 HARBOR BLVD...... 9957 COSTA ES ••••••••••••••••••••••• _____ M __ A __ '74 Pinto. Uk.e new, make 1979MEACUIY ZB'HIYR Z..7 VI!. auto m11t1t·. pwr .~toenni: & brakes. hit• LOry iur co11d . /\M / fM st.creo, fa ctory two·tonl' paint & only 1.()()() m1lc1. 1163NK I') Spc t•tally price<! at $5999 11ro 11.1111()1 ttivtt ('"I" M-...1 ':>40 11100 '79MONARCH GHIA dler. 74 RWlaboul xtru cleun. ma g.._, !I AMFM 8 trk. very lo miles, S!OOO/bc~t (l(r 552· 7267 l/1T .. Got,.,_H 75 Sqwre wagon. Auto. air, rack New car cond . an & out. 644 · 5524 '73 Pinto. lo mi. 2SM PG. r e g ~a s. fu el tank modifioo 548·4497 ·73 Pinto W3J!On . dUtu ' 52,000 m1. Cle<1n ' $1175 545·09!!7 'Ti Pmto Station Wagon, '' <;pd . air. P I S. P1U. ~tereo. xlnt cund MusL ~ell 55!!·5662 72 I'm to X Int to11d 5000 or bs t of r 1140·8135 1975 Pl YMOUTH VALIANT SIDAM V8, automatic trans , air <'OOd.. pwr steering & braJ<es. AM/FM radio, vinyl top & wsw tires. (003MGR > $2395 Expires 10 pm 5.13.79 AT. LAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 0r>c"n l>arly & Sund:.i y 't1 l 111PM l!92'J llarhor Hlvd Costu M es;. 546-1934 '64 Ply Autom<ttu· New· ures. brakes. battery & J>a tnl S500dbt ofr 4!J3-lf149 ~odan. tlHI wit h t<in 111 l<·r111r. ttlt -.tl'l'rtO I!. c·nt1H' 1·on trol. powc·r ~111dows, I' 1S, ;11r c·or1d AM F'M stcrl'O !l Ln1l'k t~WC:H J $6695 540·5630 ·7.1 Pinto Wgn. Auto, lo miles /\Jr, AM & tilpt!, ·52 Ply month dune buJ.:J.:Y new tires. Ph 963·8536 Set up for the (Jo-Sert 1011 ~so~ & so~ • LINCOLN·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 'n Cul P;,rk 9 pa:.s wai:: Whit•·. rulh l•>adt·<.l' Xlnl' ~.WO 1;75·tiltit '76MOHARCH GHIA S\·d ,111 H 1vh t1111 "' 11 nlt'lal11t• "'1th IJll 111 1en11r A prr·1•1;,1on ... 111·d .1ut•11n•1hll1• "'1th I .i 1111 I\ IUll!I llflol I '{;;\ I . $3195 540-5.630 IW,!~M!il 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '114 Cornl'l. n <·yl. aut11, t. ctr Hu n:. g\lorl s:rns G\5-495.<J '77MOHARCH SB>AH Golc.l rneLalht· with ga!> s<rv1ni.: 1·ru1sc ('ont rol <\~1 . ~·M -.Lvrc•1. IJ""'''I ~·at, pow1·r windo\\s, 1111 :.tt":nni; wll<'d . t!"i052'JI > $3995 540-5630 IOH\SO~ & so~ • UNCOLN·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '7·1 11 s pd new brakes. clutch. battery. s mo~ cert. $1400. 631-9072 ·74 Pmtl)S4:dan S141JO Firm Call 541>·467!1 fltynDUth 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1978 PLYMOUTH VOi.ARE SEDAN V8. a utomatic lr:lns . p~T "tccnnR & hra k<'' :11r c·ond . splll -.t':JL. v1n.' I lllf.J, rll(llfl & WSW llrl''- ttiZ'J \'A I" S3895 l•,xpu·1·:. 111 pm:, 13 ; ~1 AT LA. s CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 01>1·11 l>atl;v & Su111t,1)' ·11llll l'M ~'19 llarbor Blvd l ''•1'l<.1 M 1·'·' . 546-1934 1975 PLYMOUTH Fury Custom W>urban $150. 548-81()9 9965 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75POMTIAC VENTURA CPE. V 8, a t , fa ,. , p . s . Ra.Hye, :n.ooo mites. new Ures. l026NOA 61059 l $3266 *J.C. FORTUNE l'1Jnl1a1· c; MC ~l,.l I-. h t St . SantJ Ana 17 H 1;>SM llX~J '17 GRAND PRIX lri -.1mrkl1nl! •·m••rJ lcl iu•~·n m1·t;i ll11 wrl It Lan· \Pl•1ur 1ntl'nor and ma II\ I u x u r y 11 p l 1 11 11 '· 1JHll'I >I ' o S389S 540·5630 I W,!£ta\S!il 2626 HARBOR BL VO COSTA MESA '78PONTIAC TRAHSAM V./!. /\ T . I'S . Fa1· 1\1r, '1• I u u I', I 0 l' k i; I u ' 11.h1·1·h .• 1pp1·:i r;1n. "· t ii . .: i 7 m 1 I •. " \747UOS60045 I $7766 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac-GM<: 2IXXl E tst St . Santa Ana ( 714 ) 5.".18 1000 AT LAS CHRYSLER . PLYMOUTH l~,~f&Ul&l ·1~1 Lw·oln. it tl0t>r. ~'' nr ~fancJ 9952 make offer ••••••••••• •• •• •••• • • •• :1 !:>l'l.tt Station W,1g1in T11rquefh lc I r<in-. \' H. ltnt t.tli!S~. emmh.;mr" c·ontrol :.v~tern I. It l'l' mute cont rol mi rror~. f\ IC. a utomalt<', pwr tailgate window & d•JOr locks. Pnt•ed below Hhlf' liook 71l.000 m1 $1895 t:<J n be seen al The Oa1ly Pilot . 330 w n ay St . (.'os La Mt•s a or 1·ull l' 1 r <' u I .-1 t 1 o n I> t' p I r~t!-4321. el(t. l!lll --- 1976Plymouffl Grari Fury Custom 1978 PONTIAC TRANS AM 0 Pt'n 1'atlv & S11nllav ~ 'Ul 11) l'~I ... 2'~ llnrh11r Hl\d <'11s1.1 J\11"'" 546-1934 1978 CHRYSLER LE BARON SEDAN FUil po\\l'r. f<r('lClry air l'Or1<I • all of th1· <'h r vsler lm111n1~ & lll oil() 1nil1·~. 'vlust Sl'l' 1 I Cl211)3'.1<1 I S5999 NABERS Gttitllft /) iooo 11.111 •,, 11,1-11 c "-f·• 1V1< ... 1 •,4{) •>1<X1 1979 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 DR. VH, ,1ul 11 trans pwr <>t~n ni,: & l1r:tk1.·'· lilt wheel, eke n•ar w 111duw defrn~tc•r \ 111yl roof. wsw radial 1 lrl'h & more' ( 1()174'11 $689 5 ExpH·~ Ill pm 5· l:l-7!1 ATLAS CHRYSLER .. PlYMOUTH Open D:itl} <~ Suuda v 'ltl to l'M 2!129 11.irhor Bl1 d <'o:.l ;1 J\t c·~ ,, 546-1934 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOBA COUPE FUii powe r. factor)' air cond., till wheel, cruisl' control, stereo, s plit pwr seats. 20.000 miles & 1n LIKE NF:W t·on<lit1on (323SCfi) $4999 NABERS ~) 2()()() ~rtx>r 81vcl Coste\ N\e!I.\. 540,01()() 2626 HARBOR BLVD. _COSTA MESA '71l Xll7. rlrk hlu. <·n11 .... · c I 1 m at<'. M 1 c h 1• I 1 n i. . tlcan. $31.iOO fi31 J:.12.:l '76 COUGAR L 1 g h t I! r t c· n w 1 1 h rnaL1·h1nl-( ).(rci·n 111tl'nor. uutr1m:ille. t11r 1•onrl lfi7'.IPD;J $3495 540-5630 IW,!~U!il 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '77COUGAR Cool white with tan m lc•nor, 1nd1v1dual 1Jurk1·t "'''4.ttS anrl i\M tl•'M o;tcrc'O rnrrl'l'I 1 $4995 540·5630 I ~Q1lbi~l!il 2626 HARBOR BLVD.' COSTA MESA -Dodge 9935 .........•••..•...••... '74DODGE CHARGER SPEC EDITION 62,:lZ> miles, V II, /\ T .• Fae. air., p.s . 1.andau YIJIYI 1141LFW61124) $2766 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac-GMC ~ 1-: Lc;t St., Santa Ana 1714 ) 5.511. 1000 ---- 1977DODGE ASPEMWAGOH SP~CIAL F:DITION Avtomati<'. aJr t'<>nd &. l~gage rack. 1256PCM i. Mow Only il400 Mi roe~ Maida/Renault 2150 llarhor Bl .. C M 645-5700 'IE (,1larger Xlnt. rontl ~ v.a. auto trans, p/s, a /c. stereo. nu r adial tires, Orig. Owner Sl.500. 548·8109 '78ZEPHYR C1111p1· !Vlctli11n1 gr1•t'n mNall.J1· with c•t•r1nnm11·al I; c•yl l'lll!, a uto <.111d ;11 r mn<I 1 5'11997 J $4895 540-5630 1w,i~m1i1 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '79 Z.EPHYR I -7 COUPE Blut· ""1t h rrw tl'hmg blu(• 111ll'n11r, powcr-:;ll•t•ring. :ur l'Onrl . power hrakcs lli06~1) SS895 540-5630 lk~,~f&B&J 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA -Mo-ferick 9947 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 1 Mavt'n c·k, 111•v. p;1111 I. all pow t>r. low miles Makv offer ~; r)f):rl '77 FORD 2,000 mi. f, l'YI •l rloor . Be autiful rrd 1•oll>r Im rrui r·. 111 & out. $3,500. 673·7704 Mercury 99 so ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANG r~ (;OUNTY 'S NEWEST l.lNCOLN·M F.:R<'lJ HY Dr:/\LERSlll I' ti.A Y FUDEBOE UNCOLN·MERCURY 16-lB Auto Center Dr SDt'wy·Lake Forest ex it IRVINE 830-7000 '72 Marquis Brougham , xlnt cond, auto, air, P JS, P t R. P tW. AM /FM . <tlmost -n ew R;1d1al s si;n). 559·6330 Eves --- '78 MC>t<tARCH GHIA -84&-:.>17 Coupe In maroon with matching interior, air cond. I l~UBI > $4995 1976 CHIYSLH COIDOIA COUPE 'IE Dodge St. Wgn. Motor • shot. Best offer <cash J. 545-142.s 540-5630 9940 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN MERCURY ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'tu Mus t <:on vvrt. V·8. :ioto. P , S. supt-r dean. lo mi, rn:ikc offc•r ti45 32!>8 '76FORD MUSTANG II JDR.COUPE V fl. HUt(I tran'. J><l"'1 ·r slft!nng. J\ M FM. W,224 miles. <itlOHTV' $3766 *J.C. FORTUNE Ponllat• <:MC 2CXXJ r: 1,;,t St . Sant•• f\na (714 )~>58 1(,100 ·70 Mustang (;ra11•fr. Xlnl c•orul, 4X,0tlll m i. (I u lfl. p s. I' H. r\ (' AM / l'M radio S.1!1·~1254 a!t 6pm 1wkndi. '78 FORD MUSTANG II 3DCOUPE 17.111.Xl m tll•S. \' 1 .. ,\ T file. air, p ~ • sLen•11 1·;1:.~ 16lliTWZ 611 L:! l $5366 *J.C. FORTUNE l'ontiac c; MC :dnl K l~t St • Sanl :i /\na (714 )!°>5R-1000 " 'fiT Must , xlnt t"ond. n1•v. lrans. 22mpJ!, after !I. 4..1)6.!f..!03 '66 Mustang, 6 ryl. 11ood mod. 3·spd. $1100 or b1•s t offer. 551-3823. '641"1 Must . 289 hp. xlnt shape. many xtras. nds paint $1800 firm 84f1-26.18. '67 V.fl, auto, H t rk slcrt!O, S1600/bst orr 546-4131 'IE Auto. 8 trk. 351 vnJ? Newpaant. $1650 (.)42·4138 or 542·6188. -----9955 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '17 OLDS WAGON For that summer vaca Uon, tan with tan vinyl mlerior with individual rroot sealS, till wheel. AM/FM 8 track. roof ra c k , P t S , P /8 (Dl)FlJ) $5095 540-5630 1011 \SO\,\ SO\ • LINCOLN ll.ll ERCURV V8. automatJc trans ., air cond.. pwr. steering & brakes, tilt wheel, c ruise cont., AM/FM stereo. vinyl top, top & wsw tires. (440PCV) 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA $3195 Ex]11res 10 pm 5· 13-79 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Open 0 1tily & Sunday 'til 10PM 2929 Harbor Blvd C-0eta Mesa 546·1934 , ............. ~o..,..,, .... , •• u ........ c.... ,...._ •COUGAI '77 Xl-7 On ly 20.000 mile s, showroom new, loaded. U6'7STE) $52'5 JIMSLIMOMS IWOITS 1'70HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '31·127' IJJ.tJOO '76 Cut.lass Salon. loaded. S)500, 1973 Cutless supreme Good eond. Sl.600 miles call bet. 2-8 PM 644.(1638 "16 Oldl Starfire SX. V.f, a\M, AC. 2'1mp1. '2995. PP. 646-2002. 2 s.at Sta. W'JI'. HI Ut.• mt"talh c v. /1Jl u1• ml i\ 1C. (\M I F M Sll'fl'll, JUl<i . -,peerl r•ontrol l'm1..,o;1un .; <·11 ntr11I w-.t1·m. t111tNl t!I:;~,.. pwr window<; ~ IO•'K" Prt1•t•d hcl11w hlut• book ~·UM.Iii ITU $15~5 Can Ix• M'C'll al the Dail:-l'1 lot. J:l<I w llav St Co~ta :vll''J •II ('<J.il <:1 r( ulal111n l lo•pl ti42-4321. l'llt l llJ 7•1 Scltn ng, i.nd .111 "' tra. ... , 1n:c: (;,\s. 1m ma1· 1<1 IOI . S:M7'1 i~!J ll!l:1 t.•\'t~ Blark App group. pwr. W111dnws, AM /FM stereo H track. mag whr rls & 31.117 miles IOfAHJ OM 1 Mow Only $6650 Miroc~ Mmda/Renautt <!150 I I arbor JU • ( • \t 645-5700 1978 PONTIAC BOHNE VILLE HROL'C:ll:\~I 'ip lll 11"" 1 sral. ~TUIS(' 1•11ntrnl. ti It ~tlt~•l, S\l'rt'O r.Hl111 Wtlh Wt>t•.dt' '™VOC • $6499 NABERS '75 Fury Custom S4Dri>an Sta W'JI' i\11 t•x tra" f' S. P 1B. ~!It ,\M ,FM. ,\ C. l'lor k . . / t·m1::.s111n 1·o nlrol -.~~l1•rn. ~ /. {{{ V X. l'tl' , l'll' -:'X.~311 ~ nul~ J>nt•c Sl .~!.1~1 C\.111 1>1• Sl'l'fl J l lh1· Dall)' Pilot. 3JO W 11..iy S t Costa M1•:,<1 or l'iJ II C i r c ul a ti o n !>\·pl &t2·567i!. l'Xl c!ltl lt~ H.1tl• ~ f\lvtl l 11-.:, M -..1 'i4U • •IC)(t Autos, New 9800 ·135 GTO c;<1 ('und <1 part r'frv. t1 res &1G-5l37 aft 11 i\ ~I Auto1, Hew Eng S200 9800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .•..............•..•... GAS PROBLEM? SEE ALAN MA~NON You'll Spend A Lot Less Time in Gas Lines When You Start Driving a NEW 1979 PONTIAC SUNBIRD. The Estimated CITY AND HIWAY MILEAGE per gallon is 20. Not Too Bad ... and It's American Made! You W il l Find A Good Selection of Economy Used Cars Here. Too ... At Very Affordable Pricesr LA• MAI PIWllAC 2• HAllOl aft. AT Mii COSTA..sA Mf.4Jll cniR cont. Ve). int. AC. sr.m. 66-9298. '77ARBllD ISPlllT Economy 6 eylindcr, a utomatic, AM /FM, powe r windowi.. 164SSEI> Al.AN MAGNON PONTIAC 348> Harbor Blvd. at Fair . Costa Mesa 549-4800 ----'67 F ireb1rd 326 v .11. 2nmpg, PIS, AT console. super wide mai,: whls. good body. good cond1· t100 $1095 P .P. 631·4771 •79 10th Anniv Trans AM· Silver Spec F.d1t 4 spd T //\ <IOO . every opt. Sl.'i.UOO uwl Cal Cert & T&L.559-~7 ---- '77Tlli\NS AM . T Top Special Edition f\1Jpe ar ance G ro up Wh1tc1 !Jluc velour 1n- te ri 11 r Lo aded with powrr windows, pow<'r d11o r l uc ks. s t e r e o . thort>ughly inspected & <letatlf'<t. lmmaculak HF:ADY TO DRIV 1-: 18ti3HYN 1 Dir 642-8366 Auto1, Uud ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• Qdty&Priu I. 1\ HG F.S T SELf:CTION OF NF.:W& USED IN OllANGE COUNTY CADILLAC VALUI': PROTECTION PLANS Available on Most Car s • • l 97l CADILLAC COUPEDEYIW Full powrr, factory arr c ond .. s t e r eo tape , l e ather, tilt wheel & padde d Lop. Sharp' (6117GWW1 $2995 • 1975 CA.DILi.AC ELDOllADO Foll power. factory arr cond .. fllt wheel, stereo rape, cruise conlrol. split pow e r seats & Cabrrotet top. Sharp! (893LGH) $3995 • 1975 CADILLAC COUPIDEVIW Cat>rrolel top, leather tape 1111 wheel. cruise c o n 1ro 1. lull powe r. laclory air cond & LOW MIL ES• !945LOT). $5495 • I 976 CADILLAC COUPEDEYIW With r ru1se control. lt•3lh l·r & AM /f!\I ,tercn w 'R track tape 1772Pt;w , $5995 • 1977 CAOILI.AC SEDANDEYIW With split power seats, cruise control. stereo rnd10 & 1·asse ttc tape player CQl51142J $7995 • 1977 CADILLAC SfftU.I Wi th l eather, cruise control. stereo radio & tr:H·k tape. (483RKQ). $10,595 I '71 CADIUAe- FL&TWOOD llOUGHAM t'ull power including leather-cove red 50/SO power s eats & wire wh e<'I cove r s (603VME). s 10,895 • 1971 CADILLAC SPILi.i Full power, factory air cond .. tin wheel, stereo tape. leather toP & LOW MILESI (880TZS). SI 1,900 • OVER 100 QUALITY CARS TO SELECT FROM • \ t:J.8 DAIL V PILOT Satu rday. May 12. 1979 I "MORE PONllA.C 10 THE GALLON" SEE THE All NEW 1980 PHOENIX I ~ FRONT WHEEL DRIVE -· ·EPA ESTIMATES M.P.G.* 22 COMBINED 33 HIGHWAY AUTO. TRANS. WITH 4 CYL ENG. l PA J."1tff'ldt~ h• •u! ''°'""' 6 ' \ ••h•t tct1rg1rt.11 f.J· f• tt"•• •~ ""•'""° tnPO k.-t Cl"""Oat1V>" D\l'CY r• "·NI ""'"'dQe nw., ., .. ,... , •. ""no·"'Q -n ·~-a 010 ••·~" a •"•'"•' ,,.,..,,,,,.J'l'"I A 'wcu n~Jf't••Y mi1eaQI" 'lltlll Ofnoc.041~1c.er tnJ'l ''--" f'••r1'f ~"ff\i'~ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DRIVE ONE TODAY 197 6 PONTIAC FIHllRO 1, ·" I IC:.' •, [("""' 111·111111 !• ,, ... 3 t 1f!yt• 18 /8WVHI " ('' "Cl A'.' f rl.1 ••• ,, .... 1 I 9 7b MERCURY MOH.ARCH V -8 .• 1u1oma1cc 11,Jn• factory "" cond AM, I M ' , ..... ,.{' fJ(JWf'r •.11 [•flnQ A w1nr ,.. pow r·r •,. 11 l 1nd .... 1 I ~1 w irr wn• 1 cover /QHlfBT 1978 PONTIAC GR.AMO PRll V 8 ;iurr m.111c rr 1n· heir ry tr rnt11ti(,nll q oowr r • IPf'r1na AM rc1d1r 157TWI. 1978 FIR EBIRD s5995 f 717VC11 FO RMULA v 8 ;1111 , m .1 I c I r a n s f;ic:lory ,1ir rond or N1>r 1r·1•nng brake·. & wtndr w AM/FM SIPrf'O 1aoe rallyP wheel'> t1t1 w hPf'l door lock'> lu.,l•Jm interior 1978 PONTIAC s3795 SUl'411RO V -6 4 · 01.:cd AMI ~ M ~,tP lf'O wit h ldO(' fl"og whee>!< I I 15VKY 1978 PONTIAC V·8 auto trans factory "" $5995 cond oowcr sl eercng. AN' rac110 raflye wheels & tilt wheel. AM radio. oower dtc;c brakes & wcndow s. custom tnlf'nor I 769TSV) 1977 TOYOTA CB.JCA s4495 4 cylinder. 5 soeed. acr cond & AM/FM s tereo. (9:?9 SPT) I V fl dU I01T..il1 ft• l<1cl "'" .11r r 1 11 01Jwe1 •r·rr1114 A~1 f M rJcJ1r H11Jh SIPllJ P~ri !)1),11 Q.I'> tt1nl<-. 1 !A6790<' 1977 FIREBIRD $569$ FORMULA V 8 auto Ir.in, t,1rh'rv .111 < tJnd . oow•·r .1t •r•1111; Ii bldkt;' POW• r w1r'ldl1W., /\ M w 1 lt1 I " p I' 1 ti II y e wht•»I. 1111 wt11>1'I llUl'>P l"l"lr"frl)f 978VOO 1978 PONTIAC Ga.ANO PRIX \/ 8 r nq1riP 111;!0 lwr" AM radii') oowf'r .1~r•r1riQ & factory dlf cc rid I 04 T JG. 1978 FIREBIRD FORMULA V R 1u11) ,, 1r factory a1r c.rJnd powr·r '11•pr1nq brrtkr•-; & w1ridow , AM/FM 3 CB rnd10 m ol'Jnr0ot r;illy•• wheels 1111 w heel ;;iQJTWJ• 1978 FIREBIRD TRANS A--4 \1 -R aulomat r l r anr, l ac lnry air conr).t1on1n1 powr•r •,ll·Prinq AM/F M s ll'rt"o rdllyP whrel'i IQ84UKV) 1977 PONTIAC GRANO PltlX LJ V ·E\ auto l rcin-; factory air c:ond oo wPr windo w • •. l andau too A M/FM .,,Prr>o rallyf' wheels & lilt wheel cruise control & <,phi :;eat (42t SLA) 11177 CHEVROLET MOH'Tf CAltLO V-8. auto Iran<; lactory acr cond 3 A M /FM ... ie reo ta p e p ower st e ering . po we r disc brakes. rallye w heels. tell wheel. vcnyl root & WSW tires (582SPP) RANCHUO V 8 J I rn 11 tr 1n. L1(.fnry .Jor nr111 "fl $4695 Pl W f'f Vllfl(]C)N A•' f M <,fr>rf'O !11! whc-f'I '>Piil .<• it cru1loe r;onr1ol c..111101?r <;hpll 16 1\4951017571 1976 FIREBIRD FORMULA V · 8 . au r om .1 I 1 ( I r ;'l n ... . $4695 f,1c.1o'r'y au C1>nCI pOw('r .IPerinq /\MtFM radii. r,ilfyf' whPt•f•, 1111 wt>PPf 410ROD 197 8 BONNEVILLE SEDAM V-8 au!t) triln·. facl()ry a11 57195 Cllfld ' pr1wr, •,IPr>flnO tuake., & wmcow... r;owPr .Pats AM, FM .. 1en .. v rad11J wt11IPw all tires rally,.. whr>ets 1111 wnr>el cru1'ie ron1rn1 tow m1IP,lqP !~17TWX 1978 FIREBIRD f SPltlT V-8 auto fra"'I'-1·1ctorv .ttr cond oowf>• 1.-.erinq bral-.es 3 window AM1Fl'v1 "rereo laoP r;ifly1· wh<>Ph hll whPel 1..ru1sf' conrrol 148 1TSTl 977 PONTIAC v 8 du I 0 m ,1 I • (. I r ,1 n $ fJcfory a11 r,ond p owPr 5195 <;I C't'ri nq 3 w•ndow•, AM/FM <;ff'(f'O L.mdall loo rallye wl'IPf'I•. ICfl w ht!<'I door lock<. l ?i9SPH 1977 GMC RALLEY VAN s5495 V-8 auto Iran" factory acr r.ond oow 1>r s1eer1ng, A M /F M st erc-o t aoe Tu-tone r-;11nt till wheel cruise control 3-seater. (155TWWI 1977 CHEVROLET RCAMIHO V·B auto tranc; facto ry air $4895 cond . po w er steerc ng power disc brnkes. AM /FM t ap e & c ampe r s h ell I IE 18936) GRAHD SAFARI V f' tul• mJl11 rr 1n hrrr • / '" contJ "''"" .. ' $6695 11 •""'I & w1nr::ln'I· <.olll !')r wr•r Pal AM1f' 1 <,tPr<>o fi!P" r.Jflye wh<>pl• C1 u•'le ron rrril '102VWN 1975 FIREBIRD 53795 fSl'lllT V-8 auto Iran.,. factory air C•1n<J (1f)wPr •lr·r·, 1nq onwr>r w 1nrJnw<; /lM FM r d'11• ••nyl l•JP 1111 wh1•1-I. <;1GIUB 1978 PONTIAC 55495 FIRHfltD H c:v1tnd1 r JUIOm..il•c rnn'< . l1c fl')r\I .iir cond oow Pr lf'Prmg & br akPs A Vi F \rl h•rf') tJOP dt:!Ck. rnllye whPPI<; '56tUZZl 1978 FIREBI RD 55495 ESPRIT V !> ,111r"m.JI•< Ir Jn 1.1 rorv Jlr c lnd1l1c.n11>~ P••W' r c;11">nnq AM radio. rallyr, whcers (9581 SSJ 1977 FIREBIRD 55695 FORMULA V ~ 1u1oma11c tr .1n., lac tnrv '"'" cond power o;lf'!'rtnf"} AM/FM 'itt"rr?o rallyP wheels. 111: wheel (508SENJ 1975 CHEVROLET MOH'Tf CARLO V-8 auto 1rans. tactorv air $329 cond oo wf'r s teering 5 oower d1c;c brakes oower w1ndowc; & Landau t oo (742MXUl 1978 MERCURY Zff"HYlt WAGON V-8 au1om a 11c rran-, factory atr cono power s1eer1 ng. AM/FM stereo, were wheel covers. Villager. [70 6ULF) CMP()Rl ANT NOTICE ro READEflS r ... _o1 __ ..,_no1 OPEN DAILY - 9 A.M. TO I 0 P.M. thtkldeeirty'~ta-et ·~ ,,.,,.""' ..... ·-~.,,--~·""' CN'9'fS All an told on -er .. ,,. Alt C•ra 1ubl«t to pnor Nie Oller ••O<lft Mono•v. May 14, 1111'11 WE LEASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS 13600 Beach Blvd. · Westminster (Beach Blvd. at Garden Grove fwy.) -Call 892-6651 or 636-2500 • I lj