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1979-05-18 - Orange Coast Pilot
• 17 , Sexual Attaeks Death WB•Tant Signetrfor ~ In Huntington Ex·Co11ntian ' DAILY PILOT $462. 6 Million Gas * * * 10' * * * . Overcharge Claimed FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 18, 1979 VOL n. lllO. t• 4 SICTIOHi, .. ~AGU Daily Pilot E~clusive Report * * * * * * SMl2.6 /flilHon Exxon Accused Of Overcharge W ASHlNGTON (AP> An Energy Department official is accusing Exxon Corp. of more than doubling its alleged over- charges to $462.6 million since a year-old lawsuit accused the oil giant of charging too murh oil pumped from a Texas field. Paul L. Bloom, the depart· ment's special counsel ror com· pliance, said continuing viola lions and accumulated interest increased the figure from the • $183 millloo alleged in the June 1978 suit. Bloom commented Thursday Huntington Sex Assaults Onlrrerease Huntington Beach police cap· lured two men early today and are looking for two more in an outbreak or apparently unrelat· ed sexual assaults that has hit the city. Three of the attacks occurred early today within a four-hour period, sending a pair of female victims for treatment at Costa Jina Memorial Hospital. Both of the women suffered a rte r U . S Di stri c!t J·ud ge Thomas A. Flannery kept alive the government's suit against Exxon. His 24-page opinion de· nied the company·s request to dismiss the case on grounds it was brou ght lo court prl'· maturely. An Exxon s pokesman in Houston said. "We are disap· pointed that the suit was not dis .. missed. but ;we believe that thl' company rorrectly applied the pricing regulations and that our positi'1 ultimately will be up. held.' The s uit accuses Exxon or miscalculating the price 1t could charge for crude oil rrom the Hawkins Field Unit in WOod County, Texas. Exxon contended the Energy Department couldn't bring the case to court until it tried to set· lie the matter directly with the company. However. Flannery ruled "the mere creation of detailed ad· ministrative procedures to settle overcharge cases at the agency level" does not eliminate "the power to goto court." APW ........... DEATH NEARS John A. Spenkellnk Ex,.countian Due Death in E/,ectric Chair TALLAHASSEE. Fla. <AP) - Gov. Bob Graham signed the death warrants or two Florida death row inmate~ today and ordered their executions to take place within one week. Ten Created Gas .Shortage? By GARV G RANVILLE Of 11• D•lty Pilot Swff Los Angeles court records in an unsettled J9i5 Jaws uit include affidavits and other documents that a lle~e 10 major oil companies conspired in the early 1970s lo control the gasoline market by creating an oil shortage, the Daily Pilot learned exclusively to· day . The a ffidavits . some of them signed by former oil company executives. cha rge the 10 oil producing companit•s used the a rtificial shortage to drive in- d<!pendcnt producers out of business and to s• a bilize gasoline prices at a profitable level. Cited in the documents are the names of com · pany officials who allegedly joined in the marketing collusion as well a s the places a nd dates the~ purportedly met to discuss marketing_strategy. Included a m ong the a llegations vouched for in a series of affidavits anadeposit ions are the following . -IN MEETING. ON FOREIGN soil and under the guise of.international business agreements. oil company executives successfully skirted around pro· visions of the Sherma n Anti-trust Law. -TIIEN A'ITORNEY GENERAL John Mitchell "'gave his blessing" to such meetings and did not bother to send U .S. Department of Justice represen- tatives to monitor them. -WHEN NOT MEETING as a group a broad. the executives of competing oil companies plotted marketing strategies in s mall private meetings at such places as the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles a nd the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. • * • . Another Oil Price Hike Set ABU DHABI . Unit ed Arab ~mirates <AP > The United Arab Emirates rpnfirmed today that tt increased the price or crude oil by 80 cents a barrel. a move that is expected to have li ttle 1mm~diate impact on • Aml'rtcan conus umers. Tht' United Arab Emirates is one of the smallest producers of the Organization or Petroleum Exporting Countries. Because or that . analysts said the bigber prire will not be felt in the price or ~asoline and oil in the United Statt!s. The n St' brings tbt: Abu Obabi price to $17.90 dollars a barrel. up by $3.3,S a barrel from the O~EC base price of $14.SS. I r a n. Libya and Venezuela have raised the price of oil in re- cent days, and with OPEC scheduled to meet in Genea on June 26 to discuss prices, many a nal sts see the individual in- creases as s1gna s urar-the 1' nation cartel will raise the of- fidal prire or oil fo r the third time this year. Coa~• ..._ ___ eats aa dleb 11 •II• wltile a&· Bloom said since his special counsel's office started opera- tions in December 1977. the Energy Department has ac- cused petroleum companies of price violations totaling nearly $3.9 billion. Companies have agreed to repay $126 million,' he Hid. · Authorities immediately scheduled inmates John A . Spenkelink, formerly or Buena Park and Willie Jasper Darden to die in the electric chair Wednesday morninJl . The executions would be the first in tbe nation since Gary Mark Gilmore was executed by A Utah firing squad in January, 1977. and the first in Florida since 1164. -TIIAT AS A RESULT of the alleged contrived oil shortage, gasoline prices jumped from an average of 45 cents a gallon to a "stabilized'' 72 cents a gallon in a n .18-month period in 1973-74 .• -"'' >\Hegatlons induded tn Uae\ letdids at the Cen· temptial to fi&bt off their al- taeken, said Lt. Bruce Youns. . Ricardo Roland Trujillo, 25, of llktway City, wu arrested at •uapoint ebout 3 o'clock this mormac bJ ()lftcer Dan McKer- ran wM •• •llm ot a struggle end beard atteama eoming from a parbd car at Newlend Avenue aDd Padftc Coast Hiahway. TnaJWo reportedly was armed. witb a broken beer bottle and cut hir victim, a 21-year-old Oerden Grove woman, durin& tbe ettaa. Lt. YOWll Mid the vletim told lnv..upt.on lbe met Trujillo in • DOl'tb dtJ bar and waa driven away delplte ber protata when alle pt bllo bla ear. TnQWo. ta ctlltodJ in lieu of 111, .. _Mil, facea cber1• of rape, ldduppln• and .... uit wMadNd17weepoe. la • ......... ladcleat, poUce anelt.. Plltrtdt Olbloa, • .. ,.ar-Gld tnDlient, OD 8 Charle ., ...... wttll lllleat to eommlt 'Te alle1edl1 attacked a .......... I a.m. OD Hunt.- ... ATrMJEI, Pa .. AI> ·"'\- Six Hurt in Fire BERKELEY CAP) -Six peo- ple suffered minor injuries and damai;le was estimated at $1.5 million in a fire which destroyed a car dealership and sent names and smoke 300 feet into the air Thursday. Gasoline tanks full of from 500 to 1,000 gallons be•an exploding, and the lint firemen on the scene were blown away from the building by tbe force of the blaata. 'HUI' TOMATO' FE4TURED .. Today 1be'1 Mrr. Geuld lftompeon ot Corona del Mar, but as starlet Kath.y Marlowe tn Ute llml sbe held more tltJes tban anyone~ Miar Downtown Dollar Dayr. Mirr Ballyhoo, Miu Hot Tomato, Mira Ancur 8ull. . .See Peatutlal pa1e BL Graham had not been expect- ed to sign any warrants other than that of Spenkelink, convict· ed of murdering a traveling companion, Ohio parole violator Joseph Szymankiewicz, in a Tallabaaee motel in 1973. Spenkelink's attorneys have conceded tbat he bas attempted virtually every available legal remedy. although Spenkelink llH an eppeal of his sentencing pendin1 before the Florida Supreme Court. Derden wu coaVicted of tbe 197• 118)1.nl ot a Lakeland, Fla., furniture store owner, James Turman. Ula conviction wu up- held by the Florida Supreme Court in 1176. The U.S. Supreme Court refUled to hear the cue In tm. It wu not immediately clear whet other appeals Darden could punue. trat U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, most of them hidden from pubttc view by a court-0rdered seat, are charges that have never· been proven nor disproved. It is known that representatives of the 10 oil companies are in the process of filing legal papers in answer to the charges. But those oil com· pany responses are also sealed from public scrutiny. These answers are to the 1975 state lawsuit that was filed against the oil companies by the Attorney General's Office, then headed by Evelle Younger. The suit charged the 10 major oil companies that operated in what is ealled the PAD V area, that in· eludes CaJifomia, had conspired in the early 1970s to control both the wholesale and retail markets of petroleum products. State government. whitJ buys more than SlO million worth of petroleum products each year. sought to end the alleged coll\asion among the oil companies. Originally named defendants and co· conspirators in the lawsuit are Standard Oil Com- pany ol California, Texaco Inc .• Union OU Company of Callfornta. Atlantic Richfield Company, and Exx- on Corporation. Also nam4'tt as def endanta and co-conspirators are Getty OU Company, Gulf Oil CorporaUon, Mobil Oil Corporation, Phillips Oil Company and Shell Oil Company. .- <See OIL COMPANIES, Pap Al> ; \\'ea a her Low clouds night and morning hours otherwise mos tly sunny with some high cloudiness at times. Lows tonight 52 to 57. Highs Saturday 64 to 68 at beaches, 74 to 50 inland. INSl.,IE TOD~ Y #i'ulhtg fedtve tlli1 weekend? H~ Beach and Nnoport Beach are pro- viditlg at-home ~· lo aoms* llw arl1. Ste ~ Cl. • ••• AtT-""'-aa ,._._..... 91 ...... ........ °'·"" &. .................. .. ~i..-:. .............. M ..... a., M ~ ~DJ ..... -cw =· ... ,.... ... .. .. ..... .. . .......................... ............. :~ ......... a ....... II I I C1·tl TlleMilft CW, •te .......... lt4..... ... =: W l ... CMe itiia :: .... .._ at -------------·---- ·I ,_ • -Me;-...... Car Plan Backed -- WASHINGro~ ~~~~ ~~~~:~i::~ace ~ lor-e~ Enero Dtputment oftklal ::. ) Callforala 1aaoUne 1qu .. 1• la drln tM1t doraed a propou l tod•y tbt uuaed by a worldwide 1hortl1t · · Lt-1tvl' your car home one Amf'ri<'an s le1tvl' their u r 11 of t'ruct.I oil and is not contnved d•Y • w~k and we can 1et homt one d•y e1tch wHk u a by blc oll romf1nJe8 throu1&h It .·· BardJn said. way of over<'om1n1 auohne "Tht> guo 1n.-shortaat •~ u .. teeUfied btifore two House 1horta1t"11 "al." Banlin 11Ud, "btioute lhr p11nt1la conducting samulhmeous Dav•d S.rdln, head of the de· planet Earth tau been r•roducina lnve1liaationa of West Coast gas Pa rt nl t' n t ·a Econ om I c leu cneck oO Ulan peoplt: want " 11hort•a&et1 -thti llouse subcom· Re1ulatory AdmlnlatraUon. also tit> u ld the ht-st wuy to co1"' m I tlt1t! on OVl'rsight and in· * • * * * * ve&llgiallons .and a House Co m· , .... ~ p ... A I mt1rce enero and power sub-<·om mittee .----~~--Lr-----::==-=~-=-=---~----------------P.,,fff-tt~llH!tf"f'--c&fessed COMPANIES \ bkcpt&(•u;m over the Carter ad· • • • ministration's handling or the Among others. Onrnee-t:ounty Supervisor lblph l'luk tbis week said the 1975 l•wau.it and the issues at raised bas a dirttt beal"ing on Southern Califonlia 's current gasoline c risis Clark decried the slowness in resolving the issues nused tn the civil complaint which is not ex· peeled to be resolved unlll 1983 at the earliest. The county s upe rvisor, himself a former service station ·ope r ator, al:so c riticized tbe court seal on the records that seemingly keeps the Issues they cover secret. That seal was placed on the af- fidavits and other supporting documents by United States Dis· trict Court Judge William P. Gray of the Centra l District Court. Among allegations included in the support documents vouched for by witnesses interrogated by a ttorney 1eneral investigators is that the defendants prior to 1970 had for many years operated a clandestine intelligence network to police pricing practices in the industry. The loose-knit s mall in· telligence unit, purportedly headed by Agner Nerheim of Standard Oil, is said in the af- fidavjts lo have reported in· discretions or "bad actor" dealers who consistently sold gasoline for less than stabilized price. And those who signed ar. fidavits telling of alleged one-0n- one pricing stategy meetings amoung the sma ll group or oil company executives named as the location of the informal meetings s uch placl'S as the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles and the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. And they t a lked or secret phone lines that connected dealers in the price fix as well as their practice "of never putting anything in writing." Contended in court documents ts that early an 1970 it became apparent to the oil companies that the only way they could tru- ly control retail prices ''was to eliminate the independent seg- ment or the market. •'The reason for that became e minently clear ; no matte r what agreeme nts a nd mutual u n- derstandings had been reached, the solution was (sic> imperma· nent." The affidavits allege the fixed pric ing scheme was being sub- verted by the "neve{' ending sup· ply of crude oil" and the "price cutting proclivity or the indepen· dent marketers." The allegations contained in the affidavits go on to s ay ; •'The majors could live with t hi s (retail pr i cing tran&gressions) so long as the m ajor profit source was in the production <refining) end of the business. However, "1970 marked the beginning of severe changes" in the oil companies' being able lo rely on their t"efineries lo pro· duce the profits they wanted. According lo the plaintiff, foreign oil powers -especially Libya and the otber OPEC na- tions -were demanding higher royalties for the crude oil they supplied to the refineries. "Profit at the retail marketing end of the industry became more significant and a long· term solution was needed." And the solution hit on by the oil companies was the creation of an oil shortage, according to the court documents. OUMIE CCJasi DAILY PILOT fM Ot41ft911' COH.1 D.t4a, P1tot "'''" 'fllt'ftk " ''tom O'Nl"CI tM NIPw\ P,f>'\\ •\out>fl\"'1Sb• t~()r.-nqp (H'\t P\lflt,,,_.~, ~ .. ~_..,....,,,"""' .. '"' ,....._ -...,, ,..,....., ,,_, .... , ..... Mew ... _, &t<o<t\, """'....,..., .... ..,,_ tel"V•lltf.lt'""' l _tl<-.... /Soutft(o"'t A ...,...,.__ .. 1111cw11,_t._$.tturdloV>- Suftcley• JN ~'"'•!Ml-·~,...,, I\~ JJO ..,. .. e., St-.'°''• Mow. c .. 1tom1• 'laJt ·-· .... Ptt .... ftteftCl~1- J .. 1• c_, ,, ...... "-·-~---n-••• _ ..... Ti.-\A,...._..,. ""°ft .. l~Edita< • CWtetN.Lwt .. .._P.IMll ""llleM Mafl9'1fte UI..._ T...,etone (1t4)MMlt1 a .. ..,.....,.,..... ...... 11 ~-s...c-_,... Ontc• .. informant " told th~ 1u torney gt·nt>rul 1nvest1gatlJrs the following . "The industry began to acuvely promolti the idea or a s hortage. Company offi£'1als be.:an to speak 1>ubhrly of the · poss1b1ht1es of a shortaKc ·'In 1912 refineries began pro ducing less than required to meet marketing shortage." Charts and graphs prepared by s tate lawyers indicate that m ajor refineries on the West Coast that normally produce up to 92 percent or maximum effi· ciency "s udd e nly it rtd mysteriously" dipped to 85 per· cent of efficiency In 1972. And along with an orchestral· ed effort lO reduce petroleum in- ventories, the curtailed pr<Jduc· tion resulted in the · gasoline crunch or 1974 and uniformly sharp increases in the price or gasoline, the attorney general alleges. As a result, it is alleged. the companies were able to take more of a profit al the retail level, to drive independents out of business and to become less depe ndent on refining profits where profits were being gouged by the provide r s or foreign crude oil. And unde rcurre nt running throughout the court records in· dicates the oil companies' ac· tivilies in the inte rnational petroleum markets in the early 70s ·'would be direct violations or antitrust laws" if practiced in the United States. Cited in the documents are meeting pl<1ces a nd dates where t h e oil companies all e ~edly mapped their shortage plan They purportedly came under the guise of the London Policy Group and.the Libyan Emergen· cy Supply Subcommittee, away from home meetings "he ld with the blessing of Attorney General John Mitchell .. .. No representative of the U.S. Jus tice or State Departments was ever present at the meet· ings. ·• Cited as .. prominent at the m eetings .. were named ex - ecutives of Standard . Mobil, Texaco. Gulf. Exxon and Shell. Listed a mon g the indepen· dents seriously if not mortally wounded by the contrived oil s hortage planned by the major producers was Bryant Oil Com· pany of Huntington Beach. Like other indepe ndents, many or them with records of not holding the price line when ·'crude oil and refined products were plentiful on the market," Bryant allegedly lost 40 or its 90 d eale rs in the e ns uing 1974 gasoline crunch. As the independents tumbled a nd so-called gas wars became a thing or the past, the price of a gallon of gasoline jumped from 45 cents a gallon to "a stabilized 72 cents" in just 18 months. And the attorney general charges that the profit switch from the refinery to the gas sta- tion pump was accomplished in collusion by the major oil com- panies through the s imple technique or cr eating an oil s hortage. :.horta~c:. · 'l'here 1s complete and tot.al confusion everywhere I go about gas shortages: People don't even bel ieve the re is an e nergy a1s1s. ·· said Hep. Mathew J . Rinaldo. R-N.J Aa rdan said many gasoline s tations are over c h a rgin g customers . but the true extent or GAS LEAD BOOSTED IN CALIFORNIA-AS SUPERVISORS ALSO WAIT FOR GA5-A9 DRIVERS LINE UP FOR CAR POOLS-84 GAS RATIONING DIFFICULT SELL-4>1 over charges is hard to de· termine because the govern· ment only audits a fraction or the nation's 187,000 service sta- tions. . Some alleged ove rcharges h ave been as high as 24 cents a gallon over the maximum price a llowed under federal regula- tions, Bardin said. Nationally. 7,000 service sta· lions are being asked to explain "un usu a ll y hi gh" pri ces, a nother 2.000 are targeted for formal investigations and 847 st.ations already have been cited for overcharging, be said. In advance of the hearings, Rep. Bob Eckhardt. D-Texas. cha irma n of the House subcom- mittee on oversight a nd i n· vestigations. said public suspi- cions about the reality of fuel shortages "are at their highest level sinC'e the Arab oil e mbargo of 1973. ·· - He said the Carter administra· lion --which is predicting a 5 percent gasoline shortage this summer -has done little to ef. feclively persuade Americans that oil shortages ' a ren't con- trived by big oil companies. "We intend to get beyond the rumors and fi ction to put the facts on the public record for once and fo r all." Eckhardtsaid. Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich .. chairman of the second panel conducting the inquiry, claimed "gasoline pricing violations ap- pear to be at a record high equaled only by public-suspi· cions o r the o il industry's responsibility fo r cu rrent shortages." S1D1day Pilot Features Gas Wait Relief Sunday's Da ily Pilot will offer these topical diversions from the weekly commute rs· gas pains. FASTER THAN .. ? SUPERSPORT. a new weekly reader participation column will debut amid the baseball, track and golf coverage. It's gossipy; it's Informative; it's brash and well worth a look. JOSE, CAN YOU SEE? - Zany BUI "Jose J imenez" Dana. the TV gag writer who coined m any 1960s lines that live in pop· Pope Prays For Soldiers MONTE CAS.SINO, Italy CAP> Pope John Paul II Oew by helicopter to this h illtop Benedictine abbey today. said (suNDAY'S BEST) _ ~ass at the .e.ruea of olish soldiers killed in World War II and prayed there wouJd be no more wars. The Polish-born pontiff visited the 6th century abbey at Monte Cassino 35 years to the day after Polish soldiers fighting with the Allies liberated it rrom the Nazis in one of the fiercest and most controversial battles of the war. The pope, who was also celebrating his 59tb birthday walked into the cemetery to 1h~ cheers of 5,000 Poles holding aloft battle streamers and na11. John Paul, in white robes and a skull cap, was visibly moved. . , Smpect Arrested MARTINEZ <AP) -An 11-year·old man dHcribed by police • a drifter wu acMctulM to a.,...r today ln Coatra Colta County llanictpal Coul1 after bbl arrest bl the fatal •bootlnc ol a 11me warden . Lawrence Ra1mond Auatln, ti, waa a taken '* CUltodJ Tbunday by 1hertfr• deputMe at a friend'• bouH bl Walnut Creek. ·-- slang vocabulary but never made a peMy on them is back on movie "Car Wash" starts soon and a TV movie is in the works. ALL IS VANITY -At least it's what makes people step into . those coln-operated photo booths that a Costa Mesa company m akes . But the firm has ils vi~wfinder trained on another market, as Tbe Business of the Week reveals. GLl1TERING SUBJECT -A man who sells $400 million worth of 1old each year explains some of the emotional connections between the yellow metal's price and the fears that haunt in· veston. Damage Found LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, N.J . <AP> -A total of 2t defedive tuel auembly sup- port srtdt bave been found ln the nuclHr reactor core of tbe Salem Oenent1al StaUoD here, but then la DO aamap to tbe fuel rodll and no daqer, a com· paDJ ............ 1aid. Murder ~l." Victim -· ... ,,.,........ Wlaat Gas ~ine? There's no fuel shortage for Mrs. William Hestia, who's taking her neighbors shopping in a buggy pulled by a purebred Arabian horse. To add insult to injury, she does so past a long gasoline line in Glendora. Israeli Force Hits Palestinian B ·ase SARAFAND. Lebanon (AP> -- More than 150 Israeli comman· dos stormed ashore behind a barrage from m issile boats and helicopter gunships and fought a savage, two-hour battle with gue rrilla defenders at a Palesti · nian coast<1l be1st• m southern Lebanon ~efore pulling out, guerrilla commande rs and local authorities reported today. The attack. involving machine g uns. greiades a nd armor- piercing r o.cltets. ca me as I s r aeli P rim e Minister Menachem Begin offe red to m eet with Jordan 's K ing Hussein for peace talks and an rsraeli Cabinet committee en· dorsed Begin's plan for Palesl.l· nian autonomy despite Defense Minister Ezer Weizman's op- position. Guerrilla commanders in this Palestinian-controlled town said the fighting occurred Thursday n ight in guerrilla-held areas between the towns or lnsariyeh a nd Adloun overlooking sou· them Lebanon's Mediterranean highway 21 miles north of the Israeli frontier . The scene was two miles south or Sarafan and 40 miles south or Beirut. The Israeli command in Tel Aviv said the commandos blew up a Palestinian training camp near Adloun, destroyed build· ings and ammunition stockpiles. killed an undisclosed number or guerrillas. and that a ll or the at· tackers returned safely. The g uerrillas re ported a Palestinian and a Lebanese were wounded and said "many" Israelis were killed or wounded and evacuated by helicopter. The raid was made two days after a Palestinian t e rroris t bomb killed two teen-age hoy:; ;Jnd injured 32 persons in th•· n o rthern Is rae l i town Qf Tiberias. on the shore of the Sea of Galilee The Pales tine Lt bc r a tt on Orga n llat 1o n c l a1m1:d resptmsibility for the Tibertas born bing, but the Is raeli army statement made no me ntion Qf the raid being retaliatory Instead , military sources said the base was'used by the Syn an· backed Saiqa guerrilla organaza. lion. Saiqa is one of the eight ~uerrilla armies under the PLO umbrella Fro. Page A I ATTACKS. • ington City Beach. Police said the victim. whose age was not a vailable. bit Gibson on the hp and Oed screaming. She reportedly was helped by unidentified passer s by and a description of her attacker was given to police. Gibson was ar- rested near the scene. Shortly before six o'clock Uus morning, a 43-year-old woman who lives in an apartment com· plex on Heil Avenue near Bolsa Chica Street awoke to find a man armed with a knife standing by her bed. Police said the man put a pillow over lbe woman's head and attacked her. The woman suffered a hand cut while trying to fend ofJ her attacker, police said. SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MISA l .... llOJ ·' •NOTICE• You can now IMly a three piece SUIT for the price of OM galoft of GAS ••• that's right • i-f buy OM at regular price, then JOll get another of equal or lesser • ..._ for iust ''ONE DOLLAR'' • ... ,, .... ................... -- ._. ____ ----........ ._._ __..__. 4-~· J Mourned By FaEDEalCK 8CBO&•DL ... ......, ........... More than~ 1rief-stricken rel· ativea, friends, coworkers and Mormon church officials 1ave tribute to alam Savannah Leip Anderson at funeral aervicea Thursday in Newport Beach. It was perhaps a bitter twist ol irony that the noon services were held at a Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints Just steps from the apartment complex where Miu Andenon Ii ved when she moved to California in It'll. Mourning tbe loss of his fia ncee lO a brutal murderer, Gene William Mills Jr., 31, said Savannah represented four virtues; 1rowtb, happiaeas, beauty and love. "Love ... she shared it with us," Mills said, before breaking into sobs. He stepped from the leftern and placed a white rose on the end or the casket. Prior lO the services, Mr. and Mrs . Alvin Andersen , the woman's parents, spoke to re- pof(ers and lashed out against •he murder of their only child. Calling the crime the work of an •·obvious weirdo" ~rs. Max. ine Anderson said, "We're try. ing lO help others -we want to show that these people cannot get out of jail, go out Ute door, and do these things to other peo-ple. '' Miss Anderson's nude body was found in her Woodbridge Meadows apartment in Irvine Monday evening by police. They were summoned by Mills who became worried when the attractive secretary did not answer her telephone or respond to the front door. During his remarks, Mills in· dicated that he will accompany Miss Anderson's body to Salt Lake City, her hometown, for services and burial there. ··~he was someone who grew, developed and gave or herseU," s <1id Mills, as a vocalist began sing ing lhe hymn, "Child of G<>d .. ··Last sprtn~. a young larty ~alk e d into ou r l ives and 111 ur hed u.s with he r vibra nt p t·r ~o na l1ty , ·· sa id Kt!n Bl• r..:~rson . regional operations manager at Commercial Credit Corp. where Miss Anderson worked. "The thmg that impres~e most was when her work was finished, she was always anx· 1ous to he lp someone else," Ht>rgeri.on said R1s hop Roger Summers. citing Mormon doctrine. said "we·re sad. our hearts are full but S<iva nnah is happy.·· ' L<>okmg toward Mr. and Mrs. Ande r son . Ris hpp Summers sa id . "They will see Savannah again." Man Throws Mom to Death VIENNA. Austria (AP > -A young man hurled his mbther from a fourth-noor window to- day. then jumped out himseU, police reported. The mother was killed and the son was reported in critical con· dition. Polic-e said before she died. 43 -year -old Emma Lana told ambulance attendants that her 21-year-old son Karl was suffer· mg from a mental illness and had been under treatment at in· tervals. I . . I J 7 ... ' • orange ~oast EDITION "••••••e&ew• · Dally Ne••P•.-..r VOL. 72. NO. 131. 4 SECTIONS, '4 PAGES ... TEN·C ,,,__~-----Daily Pilot ·Exclusive Report---------... 1975 Suit eges Oil Conspiracy 81 GUY GaANVILLt: ... Delft ........... -IN MEETING ON FOREIGN soil and under the guise of anternational business agreements, oil company executives successfully skirted around pro· visions of the Sherman Anti-trust Law. a gallon in an 18-month period in 1973-74. Allegations included in the records at the Cen- tral U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, most of them hidden from public view by a court-ordered seal, are charges that have never been proven nor disproved. Los Angeles cour:t records ln 1tn unsettled 1975 lawsuit include affidavits and other documents that allege 10 major oil companies conspired in the early 1970s to control the gasoline market by creating an oil shortage. the Daily Pilot learned exclusively to· day. The affidavits, some of them signed by former oil company executives. charge the 10 oil producang companies used the artificial shortage to dnve in - dependent producers out of business and to stabilize gasoline prices at a profitable level. -mEN ATl'ORNEV GENERAL John Mitchell "gave his blessing .. to such meetings and did not bother to send U.S. Department -Of Justice represen· latives to monitor them. It is known that representatives of the 10 oil companies are in the process of filing legal papers in answer to the charges. But those oil com- pany responses are also sealed from public scrutiny. -WHEN NOT MEETING as a group abroad . the executives of competing o.il companies plotted ma rketmg strategies in small private meetings at such places ~s the Jonathan Club m Los Angeles and the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. These answers are to the 1975 state lawsuit that was filed against the oil companies by the Attorney~ General's Office, then headed by Evelle Younger. Cited in the documents are the names of com- pany officials who allegedly joined in the marketing collusion as well as the places and dates they purportedly met to discuss marketing strategy Included among the allegations vouched for in <J series o( affidavits and depositiens are the following . -THAT AS A RESULT of the alleged contrived oil s hortage, gasoline prices .i umped from an average of 45 cents a gallon to a ··stabilized" 72 cen~ The suit charged the 10 major oil companies that operated in what is called the PAD ·V. area, that in- cludes California, had conspired in "Lhe early 1970s to control both the wholesale and retail markets of petroleum products. State government. which buys more than $10 (Se.e OIL COMPANIES, Page AZ> Car Plan Backed Driveless Day Endorsed WASHI NGTON <AP \ • An Energy lkpartment oHlcial en- dorsed a prooosal today that Americans leave thei r cars hd'me onl' day each week as a way of overcomin g gasoline s hortages c1ons about the reality of fuel shortages "arc al their highest level since the Ar-.b 011 embargo 9f 1973:· He said the Carter admtfustrn tion which 1s predictmg a 5 percent gasolinc shortage th1~ summer -has done little to ef fectively persuade A mericuns that oil shortages aren·t con trived by big oil companies. .. We intend to get bevond the rumors and fiction to put the facts on the public record fqr,. once and for all.'• Eckhardt said. Rep. John Dingell, D·Micb .• chairman or the second panel conducting the inquiry. claimed .. gasoline pricmg violations ap- pear to be at a r ecord high equaled only by public suspi- cions Of the oi l Industry's respons ibility fo r c urrent shortages.·· David liardin, head of the de- P a rt m·e n t · s Econ o m i c Regulatoryf i\dministration, also told a conlfressional hearing the California gasoline squeeze is caused by a worldwide shortage of crude oil and is not contrived by big oil companies. ''The gasoline shortage is real,•• Bardin said, ''because the planet Earth has been producing less crude oil than people want ·· He said the best way to cope Irvine Murder Victim Mourned o.lty Pli.c ....._ 11rt 111<-K- PAT ESTEY GETS A LITTLE REST IN GAS LINE AT BALBOA ISLAND'S ONLY STATION She Took Her Piiiow With Her et 5 Thia Momlng (See Related Story, Page A9.) Saturday Gasoline Chances 'Good' GAS LEAD BOOSTED IN CALIFORNIA-A5 SUPERVISORS ALSO WAIT FOR GAS-A9 DRIVERS LINE UP FOR CAR POOL5--e4 GAS RATIONING DIFFICULT SELL-1>1 with the shortage 1s for people to drive less. Panel Backs Homes on ·Focd Site "Leave yo\ir car home one By TOM BARLEY stations in Orange County will day a week and we can get Newport Beach planning com· 0ttMDllityP1i.cs1att close Sunday. through it.·· Bardin said missioners have approved a Orange County service sta-The figure drops to about SO He testifi ed before two House 810-home development proposed lions reported long lines of gas· percent for Saturday. But an pane ls conducting s imultaneous on land surrounding the Ford hungry motorists today as the Auto Club spokesman said to· investigations of West Coast gas Aeronutronic Division s ite on .. evens" formed up for what, for day. the Saturday picture is shortages the House subcom Jamboree Road. many drivers. wlll be a tankfuJ .. getting better all the time. We mi£tee on oversight and in· The commission voted 5-2 for of gas that will have to last until find that a lot or stations that · vestigat1ons and a House Com· approval Wednesday with Allan Tuesday. planned to close have now de-merce ene rgy and power sub· Beek and Tim Haidinger dis· cided to open.·· committee senting. The plan now goes to The "evens" are eligible for He felt that the c hange of Panel members expressed the City Council for approval. more gas on Sunday. But it is heart was not so much from a skepticism over the Carter ad· By FREDERICK SCHOE.MEHL Of ... CNllY ..ilee S~ff More than SO grief-stricken rel· a tives, friends. coworkers and Mormon church offi cials gave tribute to slain Savannah Leigh Anderson at fune ral services Thursday in Newport Beach. It was perhaps a bitter twist or irony that the noon services were held at a Church of Jesu!'> Christ of th(? Latte r·day Saint:-. jusl steps from the apartment complex where Miss Anderson lived when s he m oved to California in 1978 Mourning the loss or h1~ fiancee to a brutal murderer. Gene William Mills Jr .. 31 , su1d Savannah represented four * * * Long Probe Predicted in In approving the plan, com· expected that at least half the <See DRIVERS, Page AZ> ministration's hand ling of the missioners got developers from county's service stations will shortages. lro.;.,.~ Mu•rJe the Eagle Development Com· remain closed that day. ..There IS complete and total .... sc; • I r pany and Daon Corp. to agree It appeared today that the $}0 5 M•JJi confusion everywhere I go about t that 132 of the proposed units ''odds .. will have a far better • I on gas s hortages People don 't even Irvine police have established would be rental housing. h f f·11· s tu...&.. believe there 1s a n energy a four-man investigative task c ance o 1 mg up a -r-Y r d h th · The balance of the develop· than the .. evens" will have on A~arded m· crisis:· said Rep. Mathew J . orce to con uct w at ey ex menl will be dHded between de· Sunday. Many stations reponeo .n Rinaldo. R N J peel to be a lengthy investiga t.acbed and attached ownership that they will open Saturday, if Bardin said many gasoline lion into the slaying of 22-year· housing. only for a few hours, to dispose E1_11 C .c;tations arc overcharging old Savannah Leigh Anderson. Tbe development IS to go on of any allocation that the oil .w.iout ase customers, but the true extent or . We still have no concrete 100 of the 200 acres that Ford companies care to deliver.. overcharges is hard to de· leaos and no particular sus · controls on a long term lease The Automobile Club of OKLAHOMA CITY A Pl --A termine because the govern· peels," Dectective Lt. Gene from the lrvine Co. Southern California's weekend jury today awarded the Karen ment only audits a fraction of Norden said today. When the motor company first gas crisis survey indicates that Silkwood estate $10.S million the nation's 187,000 service sta· Norden said investigators are leuecl the land in the 19508. the about 60 percent of the service after finding the Kerr-McGee lions. continuing a long series or in· plan was to build ita own Corp. guilty of negligence in the Some alleged overcharges terviews with f.riends and as· virtues· growth. happiness, beauty and love. .. Love ... she shared il with us:· MiJJs said, before breaking into sobs. He stepped from the lectern and placed a white rose on the end of the casket. Prior to the services, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Anderso n. the woman ·s parents. s poke to re· porters and lashed out against the murder or their only child. Calling the crime the work or an ··obvious weirdo .. Mrs . Max· ine Anderson said. "We're try. in~ to help others we want to !>how that these people cannot. get out o( Jail. go out the door, a nd do lh~se things to other peo· pie:· Miss Anderson's nude body was found in her Woodbridge Meadows apartment in Irvine Monday e vening by police. • They were summoned by Mills who became worried when the attractive secr etary did not answer her telephone or respond to the front door_ -During his remarks, Mills in· dicated that he will accompany Miss Anderson's body to Salt Lake City, her hometown, .for services and burial there. "She was someone who grew. developed and gave of herself:· said Mills. as a vocalist began s mging the hymn: "Child or God.'' 'Last spring. a young lady (Sff,VICTIM. Page AZ> Coast facilitiH. then develop the * * plutonium contamination of the have been as high as 24 cents a social.es of Mass Anders~n balance aa a campua·like aettlng 28-year-ol~ woman who once gallon over the maximum rice Detecllves have been working +-----,..:!I!! •~-;-----+----t for otbet' !!if:Fcr _!!rms. __ ,.Jl~Aloft'll'l..,..r#lhlr''1~~-4~~c.--\-..,...!Wtl:ed-11t'irtsi'""~n-fUet~ant~-ii110'Wl!ltn:nm~-ra<liemlllrre@egura.--lllrtnmtnerughtana areeiiM!cted -; e us Pan ll'D' &en 1'il lu " The federal court verdict was lions, Bardin said. · topuf..inmoreovertime hoursthis developedinadealwith Ford that the first in the United States in a Nationally. 7.000 service sla· wee"nd,Nordensaid. "·eat her espirea in mid-September if city ~•1Plnly Up suit alleging off-site nuclear con· lions are being asked to explain . One. sit~tion hamperin~ t~ Low clouds night and approvalfortheplanian'llained tJWAflr lamination. :·unu~ually high " prices. mvea~igataon. Norden satd, 1s morning hours otherwise bytben. The jury found that Kerr-another 2 000 are targeted for that Miss Anderson apparently mostly sunny wath some Ha ........ .ad Beelt, wbooften SAN FRANCISCO (APl McGee allowed radioactive rormaf in°vestigations and 8-47 ' had . few very close fri~ds. high cloudiness at times. ere • oppoeinl aides in com· -An improved supply materials to escape from a stations already have been cited despite the fact she knew mahy Lows tonight 52 to 57. miuioa debates. teamed up dur· situation has prompted nuclear fuel processing plant ror overcharging. he said. people. Highs Saturday 64 to 68 al inl W9dnefda1'1apecial bearing one of the nation's lar1eat where Miss Silkwood worked as In. advance of the hearings. The nude body of the beaches, 74 to SO inland. for dtffertnl reuons. oil refuters to raise alloca· a lab technician. Radioactive Rep. Bob Eckhardt, D-Texas, secretary . was round by police Haidlnler opposed the project tions to gasoline stations plutonium was found on the chairman of the House subcom· Monday rughl in her apartment .beeaue lt bad too many unit.a. by up to 5 percent for the wrapper of sandwich meal in the mittee on oversight and in· at 41 Casca~e in Woodbrid.re Beek Aid be oppoeed It because rest of the month. woman's refrigerator the week vesti1ations, saad public suspi· Meadows. Miss Anderson had lie wUllMld t.o tee an affordable Spokesmen for the before her death in a car crqh been atranaled and beaten on IMMalilll c1nelapment in the city Chevron subsidiary or in 1974. the bead with a blunt object. and ul4 be would have pre· standard O i I co . 0 f The jurors awarded $505.000 ln Norden said delfftlves have ferred a more deme projed in California satd its allot· actual damages and Jto million ·~ rr.oa6--~rr.o' given priority to leads they want order t.o pt tbl lower coet houl· ments west of the Rockies in punitive damages to Mi&J 'ffv i i 1 IQJ'I. i ' 1 to punue. And on that list ia 11 ins. ia 1oin& from 80 percent to Silkwood's three <*.Udren. ffuturet..-6~~111 WiaintbVdeUtectlves llDy Carter Mam ATLANTA <AP) -BUly Carter, tM pn1ident•1 brother. "8d DO cammeat todq .U be ar• rt• Ill .... federal eourtlloale •!"'•er Won a sraad JurJ In· •11111 -1 Ida famU,'1 peuut auta1111a,.....oa. . ........... 12.s percent. Applame broke out in the FEJfTlJRED ,."!._mt ~11 rount a ey and D.E. Basye attributed courtroom followinl announce· '-'V9 a eaa. the increased allotments ment of the verdict. Silkwood at-Today she's Mrs· Gerald lnveltllaton in both cities are to the acquisition of stocks torney Gerry Spence blew k~ Thompson of Corona del Mar, problns unaolved, blud&eonina· made available because of to the jury. but as starlet Kathy Marlowe ln type murders. the United Airlines strike, The Jury found that Kerr· the 1950I sbe held more titles Norden today stood by pre- addJtlonal 1aaoline from McGee waa ne1U1ent in tbe con· than anyone: Miss Downtown vloua refuula by investi1aton the Gulf Coast, and tamlnation ol Miu Sllkwood and Dollar Daya, Mias Ballyhoo, to say whether a weapon bad purcbues or oll from in-her apartment. It alao rejected Mias Hot Tomato, Miu Anlua been found or whether Miss An· dependent refinen. the 1elf·t0ntamln•tion aefenae Bull. See Featuring Pa1e Bl. de non bad been sexually of Kerr-McGee. assaulted. • ' INSIDE TODAV Feeling /uliue tlaia weekertd? Huntington BNClt and NRJPOrl Beo.cla ore pro- viding a1-1tome opponunitw• to aa~ Ute orb. SH Page Cl. l•tlex ....... . ~ DAILY PILOT M ~--tmM.en I .. - ·. '. ,. ,. . . • # . ; > r ,. ; ; ; , , ,. , ~ ,. ,. , , , , , . , , , -111Jetl In Mesa Two Coeta Me1a men .... tMd up at kntfepo6nt ln tMtr bome Thunday and robbed ot U ,U7 ID molMIY and l'quJpmeat, police laid lada>'. lnveatlaatora •••d Mtrk Stephen Lawrent'e, so, and Chara. Lewh1 Jachqn, •.both of 31~ Canadian Drive, lluffered cult bnUafla and knots on thelr hud1 from beln1 t>.aten by t~lr •U.<'ken. PoUae aakt Uw men were! visit· ed at about ~ I m Thunday by t~o women known to them •:. Paula and Joann or JuMae The worMn. who bad vl11ted the men earher •llegedly bn>ueht b•ck with them two other men armed with knives. The male altackens, described as both about sill feet two inc bes tall and in their early 308, tied up Lawrence and Jackson with telephone cord and beat them, police said. While the vactims were beiot beaten,· police said. the women reportedly ransacked the house and took money , a color television and stereo equipment. The victims were found by a neighbor a short time later and freed, police said. Mesa Police To Tow Cars Posing Hazard Costa Mesa police said today they will be cit.ing and towing cars left unoccupied in gas lines at closed gas stations, if lbe cars are in a red zone or blocking a bicycle lane. Sgt. Larry Bersch said prob- le ms have arisen in certain areas where children and teen- agers riding bicycles to school have been forced to s werve into traffic lanes because or gas Janes, even though in some cases the stations weren't scheduled to open for hours "It is a hazard." Bersch said. However. he noted that police will continue to be sympathetic to motorists waitan~ at open gas stations or in lines at stations srheduled to open within a reasonable time, such as an hour. "We appreciate the problem a nd we're trying to make it as convtmienl as possible." Bersr h .said Stars Line Up For Duke's HorwrBid WASHINGTON <API -A House subcommittee may not have any trouble attracting an audience to Monday's hearing. The· witness list includes ac· tresses Elizabeth Taylor, Maureen O'Hara and Kathleen Nolan. The occasion is a hearing on legislation lo strike a gold medal for John Wayne, the Hollywood veteran who is battling cancer. The bill would authorize Presi- dent Carter to present the medal and allow the Treasury Depart- ment to offer bronze duplicates oT' the medal for s ale to the public Also testifying will be Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr .. R-Calif., the leading spoMOr or the bill that Is co-sponisor e d .by 120 represental.ives, and Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, a World War JI leader and longtime friend or Wayne. Subcommittee C hairman fo'rank Annunzio, D-111., said Thursday that several other Hollywood stars also may testify. "I have been a John Wayae fan for 40 years." Annunzio said. DAILY PILOT TM-Or""O"c.-tt Deity P••• ••tf•wt\t<f\t\tO"" O•---Pr•n.l•-·~-O•IMOo(M\ll''*'•-C-• S.,..1.ttet4llllO••"''" S>Vt>f•S"1td ~y tfwovot'I ~•td•r f0t (O\t• llWWI, H-' llNco. H""'~°" llNc'""-,.,,, V•lf...,. Ir•..-.. L...._.,. thoec:l\J!.out"( .. " A \1ftCtff'r.....,..f'dtt"°"1'out»t1\twd~tV#61,.,....., -.,,,,. 1"" urlfl<1""4 _,.,...,. .,...,. ,, .tt .uo -·•••~S1 ..... C..1<1¥P ... c ........... ,_ ·-·-"'"'*,., ..... -·-.Mel It.(-. V•(• P'tt'\IOtlU •nd Q.-.,ft. Mit"'"""' " ........ _ . ... .... ,_, ... _.....,. M4•••1 ... (dtl0f CllerlH "· IAet .._ ........ '\ultl-........... "''"'' Te~(71•>~1 C1•111tlff Act¥.,........,. .. n ''°"'""'c:J•-....... Hurf In Cra•lt BJaDECCARELM °' .. .,...,~ ..... Oran1e County s upervisors probably don't have • .. aaowball's chance in hell'' of forcing open sealed court rec· ords from a lawsuit charging major oil companies with con- spirinc to fix prices and creating artificial sbortaaes. a California deputy att.orney general has in· dicated. •'The defendants do not want the contents or the documents on file revealed to the public." said Deputy Attorney General Gary James, who works in the anti-trust section of the Los Angeles office. Cos ta Mesa param ed i c~ a id Lynn Brotemarke , 17. of Co1>l<1 M~~c.i . afll'r htr car was involved in a <·ollis1on at 3 30 p .m . Thursdcay. M is~ Brotemarke was tre att!d but. not hos pitalized at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospita l for scalp cuts and a possible concussion following the accident at Orange Avenue and Virginia Place. The other car was driven by Marion Philip Brown. 67, of Tustin, police said . Allentions contained in the Attorney General 's laws uit, however, are reported e x- clusively today in the Daily Pilot. Reasons offered by the oil companies in asking the court t.c. seal the records included "pro- tecting trade secrets and other such hokum," James said. , . ,.,.... P•gr .41 OIL COMPANIES. • • million worth of petroleum products each year . sought to end the alleged collusion among the oi l companies. Originally named defendants and co-conspirators-in the la wsuit are' Standard Oil Company of California. Texaco Inc .. Union Oil Company of California, Atlanta Richfield Company. and Exxon Corporation. Also named as defendants and co-conspirators a re Getty Oil Company, Gulf Oil Corporation, Mobil Oil Corporation. Phillips Oil Company and Sheet Oil Company. ~~~--:.~~~~~~~~~ Among others. Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark this week said the 1975 lawsuit and t!:e issues it raised has a direct bearing on Southern California's current gasoline crisis. Clark decried the slowness in resolving the issues raised in the rivil complaint whach is not ex- pected to be resolved until 1983 at the earliest. The count y :.up e r vasor . himself a former service statmn operator, also criticiied the court seal on the records that seemingly keeps the issues they cover S<'cret. Thal seal was plciced on the af· fidavits and otht!r supporting documents by United States Dis· trict Court Judge William P. Gray of the Central District Court. Among aUegaUons included an the support documents vouched for by witnesses interrogated by attorney general investigators 1s that the defendants prior to 1970 had for many years operated a clandestine intelligence network to police priring l>ractit'es in the industry. derstandings had been reached, the solution was Csic) imperma· nent." The affidavits allege the fixed pricing scheme was being sub- verted by the "never ending sup- ply of crude oil" a nd the "price r utting proclivity or the indepen· dent marketers." The allegations rontained in the affidavits go on to say; "The majors could live with thi s <r e tail pri cing transgressions I so long as the major profit source was in the production ( refinjng J end or lh<' business However , "1970 marked the beginning of severe changes" in the oil companies' being able to rely on their refineries to pro- duce the profits they wanted. According to the plaintiff, foreign oil powers especially Libya and the other OPEC na· lions -we re de manding higher royalties for the crude oil they s upplied lo the refineries * * * Frottt Page A l The loose-knit s mall in · telligenre unit. purportedly DRIVERS headed by Agner Nerheim of • • • Standard Oil, is said in the af· desire to obey the recent direc fidavjts to have reported in· live of Gov. Edmund G . Brown discretions or "bad actor " .Jr. "as a desire to serve a very dealers who consistently sold cooperative publir." gasoline for less than stabilized Several service station pri~e. operators ·:ho have dec ided to And those who s igned af· close both ays explained today fidavits telling of alleged one.on-that the de ision was forced on one pricing stalegy m eetings them because their r upplies of amoung the small group of oil gas ran out. company exerutives named as Operators of the Go-Lo the location of the informal servace station at Bay Street and m eetings s uch places as the Newport Boulevard in Costa Jonathan Club in Los Angeles Mesa have gas and will open and the Was hington· Athletic both days from 8 a.m. to noon on Club in Seattle. a self-serve basis. And they talked of secret The res ponse of four Hunt· phone lines tha t connected ington Beach service stations dealers in the price fix a5 well as Arco. Union 76, Exxon and their practice "of never putting Chevron -indicated that Sun· anythinginwriting." day will be a gasless day in Oil Contended in court "1ocuments City is that .early in 1970 it became All four will close Sunday but apparent to the oil companies two of them -Tom 's Arco. 5981 that the only way they could tru Warner Ave. and Ray's Union ly control retail prices "was to 76, 14572 Spr ingdale St.-will eliminate the independent seg-open Saturday. mentor the market. The weekend gas outlook in "The reason for that became Newport Beach is gloomy with eminently clear ; no mutter what only one of six stations contact'. agreements a nd mutual un -e d prepared to pump gas . Operators al Newport Shell, . West Coa s t Highway and Riverside Avenue, said they wiJI ope n both days. Motorists will find a closed sign al these stations : Mobil. 1500 W. Balboa Blvd., Park Lido Union. Newport Center Texaco. Croft'!! Che.run a Boulevard and Ken's Mobil in Corona del Mar. All s aid they are without gas. A variation in the ove rall pal· tern was re ported in Irvine where Randy Johnson will open his Chevron station across from Orange County Airport from 8 a .m. to 3 or 4 p.m . Sunday but not on Saturday . UCI Teacher Cited UC Irvine medical 1tudents had an apple for the teacher Tbunday. The teacher in this case was Dr. Tbomaa C. Ceurio, of Newport Beach, who was honored with the Golden Apple Award for teachlna excellepce. The award c•me durln1 an bonon' day pro1ram at the lJCI Medical Center In Oran1~. It ii 'the leCOnd year in a row tbat Dr. Celarlo, an auodate prof8110f of medicine, bu re- ceived the award. . . . J Winning the Sliver Beaker Award waa Dr. Stuart Arlin, of Ne wport Beach, an assocla~e professor or bioche mistry. Ka Ise r -Permanente Awards went to Dr. Jeffrey L. Clark of La1una Beach and Dr. Victor Passy of Santa Ana . In another award chosen by tr•• •ludenta, Dr. Jennifer Smlth or Oranae was presented with the Reeldent of the Year Award. She i• a resident in ob9letrics and &YDeCOlo&Y. • Fwieral Set For Doctor Henry McGillis Funeral services will be held Sunday for long-time Harbor Area physician Henry H . McGillis who died Thursday at the age or 83. Dr. McGillis remained a prac- ticing physician until shortly before his death, sharing a prac- tice in family medicine in Newport Beach with bis nephew, Dr. Donald McGillis. Prior to entering the medical field in 1929. Dr. McGillis was a sports writer for the Los Angeles Times. He s pent 27 years in Tuolumne County, serving as the health of- ficer in the city of Sonora. He was also a member of that coun· ty 's historkal society. Locally, he was on the staffs of Hoag Memorial and Costa Mesa Memoria l hos pitals, was a mem ber of the Newport Harbor Elks lx>dge and the J olly Boys of the Irvine Coast Country Club. In addition, Dr. McGillis served several years on the state Medical Examining Board of Ost.eopalhlc Physicians and Surgeons. He leaves a son, Robert M cG illis o f Sa n Jose ; a daughter. Marilyn McGillis or Sa rato~a : tus nt!phew. and two grandchildren. St>rv1l'es will be held al l p.m al t he S mith I.i nd Tuth ill Westchff Chapel, 427 E. 17th St., Cos t a Mt!sa, with the Rev. Robert l'erry offi ciating, Or. McGillis will be buried in Sonor a. Dance to Aid OCC Stutknts A dance to raise funds for srholarships will be sponsored Saturday by Orange Coast College's Associated Students. T he 8 :30 p.m .-to-midnight event is scheduled for the OCC Student Center. Admission is $:, general, $1.50 for OCC students withe stude nt body cards. K EZY disc jockey Scotty McKae will sp in the records. Several dance contests are also scheduled. James made bis statements Thursday in response to a move by Orange County superviSOf"S to have information from the locked files of the p ending California Central District court case released to the public. Supervisor Ralph Clark raised the issue of the 'Attorney Genercil's antitrust suit against to major oil companies while mak- ing a report Wednesday on the present gas shortage to his board rolleagues. The 1975 suit charges the petroleum companies w1tb price-fixing and creating artificial sbortages in a con· spiracy evidence indicates goes back as far as 1972, Clark said. But the case is still in pre- liminary stages because of the "battery or attorneys" the oit companies have used to staU the case in court, he added. Driver Faces Charges After F.racas An altercation between two drivers lravellng on Balboa Boulevard Thursday, left one racing felony charges for al- legedly throwing a m a rble through a windshield. Michael Barnes, 34, of Balboa said today he is incredulous that he was arrested in connection with the 4 p.m. incident. Barnes. an investigator for the rounty Publir Defende r. sanf he made an obscene gesture at the other driver. but never threw a nything al the car The second driver, Catherine Weir, 20. of Costa Mesa . alleges that the marble bro ke her windshield and gave her a bump on her head. She said it was thrown from Barnes' moving· car after she and her companions yelled ob· scenities at him. The incident apparently was the result or lane changes re- quired by the two drivers near a s treet excavation project on Balboa Boulevard at Ninth Street. Barnes was arrested following the incident when Miss Weir and her four companions found a policeman and filed a complaint. He was released on his own re- cognizance after being booked at city jail. SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MIU Meoll02 •N E• You c• now .., a three piece SUIT for Ille price of one galon of GAS ••• that's riC)ht • ;.st bur OM at regular price, .._ J08 get another of ..... or lesser ... for iust ''ONE DOLLAR'' .SbelH .. 10 ....... SMrfl ....... °"" IALT ''"' P.M. SAT. IN. SUM. MOOM-1 P.M. .- ~-~------_....------- ,.. Beeame state offtet.ala belllft the anti-trust suJt may not l9t to trial until at leut 1113 beeaUle of tbe oil otftciala' re1lltaaee, Clark said the court l'ftOrdl should be opened immediately so public aienclea now in· veati1a~in1 lbe current 1aa shorta1e can make UH of the in· formation. Later, the supervisor aJlo saia he knowa he iS not just "whis- tllng in the dark.. wben be al· leges that the sealed files contain information that indicts tbe oil companies. • One of the confidential docu· ments Clark said be wants re· leased is an approximately 160-page "Submission to Support Request for Discovery" filed by the Attorney General's office. Deputy Attorney General James' reaction was, "lJnder the present circumstances with the present shortage and au the upheaval it '1 hard to 1ay what could happen." "But remem~r." be added, "a II that confidentiality stuff was Insisted on by the defen· dants. They would probably fight unsealing the documents and records tooth and nail.'' Ultimately, however, the de- cision would be in the bands of the judge. "Unless the supervisoB can demonstrate a compeJling public interest that the information should be available, the court would not honor such a re· quest," James said. It is possible the circumstances of the current gas shortage could be Uled aa reason to unseal the records, ac- cording to James. ·'The public is very aa1ry now," he said. ,.,..,. P.,,e Af· VICTIM ••• walked into our lives and touc hed us with her vibrant p e r sonality," said Ken Bergenoo, regional oper~ns manager at Co.mmercial Cfedit Corp. where Miss Anderson worked. "The thing that impressed me most was wben her work was finished, she was always anx· ious to help someone else," Bergerson said. Bishop Roger Summers, citing Mormon doctrine, said "we're sad . our hearts are full, but Savannah is happy." Lookin~ toward Mr. and Mrs. A ndt!r son. Bi s hop S ummers said. "They will see Savannah agaan ... Show, Plant Sale Slated AgnruJture students at Costa Mesa High School will hold a Ii vestock show and plant sale Saturday between 8 a .m. and 3 p.m. Admission is free and parking is available in the school's nortb lot, across Fairview Road from the Orange Coast College tennia courts. Landscape exhibits will be featured along with the sale or plants. including many hou seplants and banging baskets. Livestock will be shown from 8 to 10:30 a.m. From noon to 2, students wiU compete in a Lrac· tor driving rontest. -. tDe-=V-ictor-ies.___,__ For Diedrich .. .. . ., ~y G&APMLLs ............. SAN DI EGO -A crialiD&l tnal .. owr. ADd for tbaH who PIUUc,pat.ed -the defeDd&Dtl aad tbe l•W19fS -• lime of Bette acdoa bu abnqlt!J tUl"Md lDto wbat tbey admlt la aa aqoalaiq watt for a verdlet. DeftGdant Ralph Dieclrida paued 1011M of Ilia waJUnc Ume P'tcbiaa quart.en to a line OD a cowtboule flocW in eompetJU.. with• Daily PUot reporter. wBsN DODUCJI OONP'llCATED all the available quarten witb a aerta of eana1 wlnnla1 toaaea the 11me turned tO sin rummy. He won there, too • • $3 Ima for the reporter that will show OD an expenae account report as miscellaneous and sundry expenaea. Later in the day. Diedrich and de· fense lawyer Syl Aronaoa played a SOO.point gin game ror a much hisber sUtke, $1,000 to the winner. After trail· mg m the early goinc. Diedricb aaain won, this time oo a 501to483 point count. IN ANOTHER PART of town, prosecutor Michael Capizzi shopped for a rental electronic bleeper that will call hi.m to return to court when the 12 Jurors make their decision. Later in the aft~rnoon, Capizzi smiled with pride wbea he dialed his own bleeper number on a phone to dem: onslrate the efficiency of his $3 a day rental. But Capizzi's smile faded when the small electronit bleeper fastened to his belt failed to respond to bis own telephone message. But the smile returned to Capizzi's face when, on a second try, the bleeper responded to his call. In addition to his costly gin rummy lesson. Aronson spent the day absorbing good natured jibes directed his way BECAUSE OF HIS SOMETIMES abrasive and bom· bastic courtroom style, Aronson was told the jury was bound to acquit Diedrich and C<Miefendant LeRoy Rose while convicting him of any number of heinous crimes. And he was chided because one newspaper report described him as being •·as fiery as his red hair " Aronson's red hair isn't bis own. ROSE CLAIMS THE RED locks once belonged to a harlot stranded in Hong Kong who sold them to a wig maker in return for a one-w·ay ticket to Singapore. Rose. as is his constant good·natured custom, spent most of the day telling jokes on himself. When talking a planned trip, he theorized "that no matter what the jury decides, I guess you can say I'll be going on a trip of some kind.·' AFTER A STEAM BATH in a downtown gym and after the jury was sent home for the night without reaching a decision. Rose held court at the Gavel where he playfully flirted with an attractive barmaid who seemingly enjoyed the attention he directed her way. At dinner; Defense lawyer Jim Riddel aae squid steak at Anthony's and rebaabed the seven·weet trial-its biab po~nta, tta danger poiDta and what be sees aa its tunaiq points. Like Capizzi. Riddel said the agony of awaiting a verdict does not diminish as lawyers mature and gain ex· perience. "It'~ always the same. Just a terrible churning that \eeps you on edge " FOR ALL OF THE participants it was simply a time of · waiting the final outcome in the trial or a county supt'rvisor and h is close personal friend oD bribery charges. There was pitching of quarters, a $1,000 gin rummy game. a light mrtation with a barmaid, a bleeper of ques· tionable reliability and squid steak. And while the tormenting wait went on, 12 persons tried and true met behind closed doofli to decide what turn in the road lies ahead in the lives of tbOse who wait. Crackdown Planned On Gas Illegalities The Orange County district at- t.orne) may seek a preliminary injunction as early as next wee.k to halt the alleged illegal "tie in" sale of such things as car washes as a condition of gasoline purchase. Deputy District Attorney Jef· frey Roehl filed suit Thursday against 30 firms for the alleged violation of the state business and professional code which pro- hibits such "tie in" sales. Roehl said he would seek a hearing on a preliminary injunc- tion against the conditions sometime next week. In addition, he said , more companies may be added to the complaint as bis consumer fraud investigation continues. 01 the 30 firms named in Thursday's complaint, all but three are car washes. Their alleged violations in- c lude Tequiring customers to buy car washes as a CODdiUon of gasoline sale, charging a higher price for customers not buying car washes and setting two dif. ferent limita for the amount of gas purchased -one for those ..ttrat buy car washes and a second for those wbo don't. While car wash operators have contended federal regu1a. tions allow such conditions, Roehl said atat.e law which pro. bi bits such restrictions takes precedent. , He will be seeklnc civil rmes of $2,500 for each alle1ed viola· lion of the state code. Waddill Evidence .Conflicts a, &ATSY CLANCY .................. Proeeeutor Robert Cbauerton waa called to the wltnea atand Thurad1y durln1 Dr. William W add1U ·1 lDW"der retrial ln the wake ol a biller cootroveny SW'· roundiaa a now·mlaainl blue meaaacealip. Chatterton, in a surprise move Wedneedey, produced a purport· eel pboto copy of the aUp in an ef. lort to allow tbat WaddUI may have been in his ornee the nipt he alleaedly strangled a pre· mature "baby in the aftermath of a saline abortion. Waddill baa testified he was not in his offiee across the street from Westminster Community Hoapital, but was several miles away in his car enroute home wben be was paged by bis answering service. Chatterton bad been attempt- ing to show that someone at Waddill'a office placed a call to the answering service the night of the alleged murder at the same instant Waddill was being paged by the hospital. That would have put Waddill about one minute away from the hos pital rather than the seven to eight minutes away as Waddill contends. Waddill testified Wednesday the blue slip no longer was in a stack of his answering service messages, that he doesn't recall seeing it and cannot account for its whereabouts. After Chatterton took the wit- ness stand Thursday, defense al· torney Charles Weedman told him, "You somehow inferred that be <Waddill> was responsi· ble for it not still being in the stack." "Absolutely." Chatterton shot back befott the Orange County SuperiorCourt jury. Chatterton said be saw the answering service message when Waddill let him thumb through them during a recent lunch break in the trial. Waddill has testified he al· lowed Chatterton to do so '•re - luctantly" after Chatterton as· sured him none or the slips which contain confidential pa· tient information would be re- moved from Judge Byron McMillan's court. Weedman a.sited Chatterton to- day why be earlier bad said in McMillan's chamben that the slip .. never left the courtroom." .. Well, I bad understood that the concern . . . that there were slips dealing with confidential information or patient-doctor re- lationship&,'' the prosecutor replied. "I can assure you that I cer- tainly didn't intend to lie about that," Chatterton continued. He said he "made no secret" about copying the now-missing blue slip to either the c.ourt clerk or the people in the district at· torney's office. Yet, be conceded be dido 't tell the defense until he began c~ examining Waddill. Waddill, who finished testify- ing Thursday, continued to deny strangling the baby. He told the jury the infant was dead or ir- reversibly on the verge of death when he arrived at the hospital. As for the "blue slip" con· troversy, Waddill said it would have made no difference in the infant's chance for life had he arrived within one minute or his page or seven to eight minutes. H~ington Sex Assaults On Increase Huntington Beach police cap- tured two men early today and are looking for two more in an outbreak of apparently unrelat· ed sexual assaults that has hit the city. Three of the attacks occurred early today within a four-hour period, sending a pair of female victims for treatment at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. l _ ........... DEATH NEARS John A. Spenkellnk Death Warrant Signed for Ex-countian TALLAHASSEE, Fla. <AP > -- Gov. Bob Graham signed the death warrants of two Florida death row inmates today and ordered their executions to take place witbinone week. Auth9rities i m medi alely scheduled inmates John A. Spenkelink, formerly of Buena Park and Willie Jasper Darden to die in the e lectric chai r Wednesday mornin~. The executions would be the first in the nation since Gary Mark Gilmore was executed by A Utah firing squad in January, 1977, and the first in Florida since 1964. Graham bad not been expect- ed to sign any warrants other than that of Spenkelink, convict· ed of murdering a traveling companion. Ohio parole violator Joseph Szymankie wicz. in a Tallahssee motel in 1973_ Socnkelink 's a ttornevs ·have t"onceded that he has ettlemptcd virtually every available legal remedy. although SpE'nkelmk has an appeal of his sentencing pending before the Florida Supreme Court. Darden was convicted of the 1974 slaying or a Lakeland, Fla., furniture store owner, James Turman. His conviction was up. held by the Florida Supreme Court in 1976. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to bear the case in 1977. It was not immediately clear what other appeals Darden could pursue. Florida executes by the elec- tric chair. The Legislature this year re- jected a bill to c hange the method of execution tO' injection by a lethal drug_ The announcement that Graham signed death warrants came in a written statement from the governor's office Graham made no comment him~elf. First used in 1924, Florida's electric chair kills with a jolt of 12 amperes and 500 to 2,500 volts or electricity. ... AFT Wins District Victor,y. By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Ot•o.lly ........... The American Federatlon of Teachers <AFT> apparently scored its first victory in Orange County Thursday by winning the right to represent 650 full-time t.eacben in the Coast Communi· ty College District. Teachers in the district cut nearly 70 percent of their ballots in fhor of the teacher union af. filiated with the AFL·CIO. The local AFT chapter, 1911, will now serve as the exclusive bargaining group in contract negotiations with the district. In a separate vote by part· time e mployees, the rival California Teachers Association <C.TA> won the right to represent 1,300 hourly wage teachers in separate contract negotiations . T h e Coas t C'l'A group gathered 394 votes to 229 for A FT. An independent teachers union, the Coast Faculty Organization, picked up 50 votes and 85 part-time t.eachers voted for "no representation." A Coast CTA spokesman today said fus group was "disappoint· ed ·' in the results of the balloting by fuJJ.time employees. In that race, the AFT picked up 402 votes to 82 votes for CTA. The in· dependent teachers union got 40 votes and 48 votes were cast for "no representation ... The dual electi.oo__is.lhe. first m the college dis trict under a 1976 collective bargaining law. AFT spokeswoman P hyllis Basile said her group's victory is the firs{ in Oran~e County. · The college district has three schools, Orange Coast, Golden West and CoaslLine A FT bargainers will now pre- pare a contract proposal to pre· sent to district officials for fuJl - Lime teachers. The CTA will do th e s-:imt• for p<irl t im e employee~ Dead Woman Discovered in Onofre Park A pair of San Onofre State Park campers discovered the lifeless body or an unidentified young woman lying near a cliff ledge at 10:30 a.m. Thursday. San Diego Coroner's Office in· vestigators said today they have few clues as to the identity of the woman believed to be in her ear- ly 20s and found clad in a pink. s l<'<'Veless blouse and white pants. The five-foot , three·inch 124· pound woman wore a wedding band. Investigators said there were no apparent signs of beat- ing or other trauma on the vi c- tim. An autopsy is scheduled today to determine the cause of death. PRESENT Deltr ............... WINS ON 10TH BALLOT New Councilwoman Flnley Ruth Finley Joins Council . On 10th Vote By BOBEBT BARKER Of .. Delty ...... s- Planning Commission Chairman Ruth Finley was ap. pointed to fill the vacant seat on the Huntington Beach City Coun· cit Thursday night. Mrs. Finley and former Hunt- ington Beach Union High School District President Ralph Bauer were deadlocked with three Council votes each until the 10th ballot. Mayor Don MacAllister. who had been Bauer's chief sup- porter. broke the deadlock and switched his vote to Mrs. Finley. Through all previous ballot- ing, each time Mrs. Finley was nominated, Ruth Bailey, Bob M andic and .John Thomas raised their right hands in s upport. MacAllister , Ron Pattinson and Clancy Yoder voted for Bauer who was out of the state ;.md unable to attend Thursday night ·s special meeting. If a candidate wasn't chosen Thursday, the issue would have gone to a special citywidP. elec· lion in September at an estimal· ed cost of $35.000. "I don't want to spend the $35,000," Mac Allister said. "Mrs. Finley has been very supportive to the city. Both she and Bauer are very qualified." MacAlliater said he is hopeful • t hat Mrs. Finley's appointment may spell an end to the turmoil i n the city and lend strength to the Council that was reduced to six members with the resigna- tion or Richard Siebert in March. Mrs. Finley said s he was shocked but pleased. She was sworn into office immediately for the term that expires next April. ··1 realize that this is no man· date of the people but I am ready to do the best possible job I -can," M.rs. Finley said. "I don't have qualms about being errec· t1ve on the council." Basket or Upright Fuchsias .di Cn~ trom ovei 20 • von8'1es 011ri1s Shade Azaleas Ado 1011 ond winier color to onv snn<ly oreo- riunv Wfl~e setewon tosf~' 5Gol Sae Req '1199 SALE PRICE 56.99 Blooming Begonias Feoruring lullV·blossomed ptonis In whne. ptnk. re<I. ot plc01ee. 4" Pot Size l ·i i--~~~~--~~~~~~·~-~-·~~~~~~-~~~------~BHet~Ut~-4!1f-4&he-~IMlte&--Mlffel~-mf------------~--~~--~--~----------------~--.... -::;:~~'.'7.Jlttt::~~~-~----~--i Sunday's Features Off er · Diversions Sunday's Dally Pilot will offer these topical diversions from the weekly commuten • gas pains. PASTER THAN ••. ? SUPERSPORT, a new weekly readier participation eolumn wW deb• amid the bueball. track and ~f coverage. It's 10lllpy; it's lilformatJve; it's brash and well worth a look. .IOIE, CAN YOU SEE! - Zan1 Bill "Jose Jimenez" Dana, tbe TV gag writer who coined ma~ 19IOI u'"" that live in pop. alaaa vocabuLary but never made a penny on them ia back at tlae typewriter. Series baaed on movie ·'Car Wash" starts tlOCHl and a TV movie ia in ·the worb. (suNDAY'S BEST) ALL IS VANITY -At least It'• what makes people step mto thole eain-operated photo booths that a Costa Me~~ company makes. But the f~ bas its viewfinder trained OD another market, u Tbe BuaiDeu of the Week reveaJa. GLITl'EUNG sua.11:cr -A man 1'llO selll $400 million worth of 1old each year explains some of tbe emotional connecUona between the yellow metal '1 price and the fears tbat haunt in· ....... I • cuts on their hands while at- tempting to fight ofr their at· tacken. said Lt. Bruce Young. Ricardo Roland Trujillo, 25, of Midway City, was arrested at gunpoint about 3 o'clock this mominc by officer Dan McKer· ran who saw signs of a struggle and beard screams coming from a paned car at Newland Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway. TnQWo reportedly was armed witb a broken beer bottle and cut his victim, a 21-year-old Garden Grove woman, during tbe attack. Lt. Younc saJd tbe victim told investJgaton she met Trujillo in a north city bar and was driven away despite her protests when 1be 1ot into bis car. Trujillo, in custody •o lieu of $25,000 baU, faces cbar1ea of rape, kidnapping and aaaault with a deadly weapon. In an earlier incident, police arrested Patrick Giblon, a 35- year-old transient, on a c~e of a1Uult with intent to commit rape. • Water-In What Does "Water-In" Do? Qt. Size Reg. '3.99 COSTA MESA • Breaks up compoc:1eo so11 • Aerores lhe so1t • Comes fer1111zer s 10 roo1 level • Comes waler ona too<l <leep mto so11 • Cu1s Clown run·off ona pu<l<lhng • Hol ds more wo1or 1n not weoll'ler • wets peat moss. sreer manure sowouc;r ono pion! food upon conrocr No m1xmg SALE PRICE 52.99 0,.. 7..,.. w ... , ...... ,.... JIJJ .-WPOIT ILYD. COSfAMISA ...._3121 ltello M2 ... 103 ' FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~AN :;; Ill( (,0 ~ IWV ~ t:..LLl5 8 -ct t 14JO MOotcHUIS T 11 POUMTAIM YAWY .................... ,. ..... ,..,., PMOttl: ,HJ-6771 OPIM 1 DAYS ..... ,.. \ . I ' .... l ' I'. ' . n . • ,. I '. •. .. I' ' ... ... ' , .. i· .: ,. t . I' 1 . . \ .. , A4 DAil y Pl.LOT NATION I WORLD • . . .. " .·~:.· ·. Ja•t .,.:·.1") Coasiiad ,,-. e A l.Dst Art Revived Oii. l1JCll PAINS nOll 0"8: It ia a Hd and lamen· table commeot upon tbe California 1cene today that clear ly, tbe practic. of 1Jphoolns 1uoline Is a l°"l art. Nobody knowa bow to do U aft11nOl"e Th1I deplorable human condition sturk h<'mt' J\Ult yHterday when aavanta of tht> heallnt( uta at U<.:I Medic Ill Cent~r reported tbey have ~lvC!d mor~ tban 100 calls an Juat t.be lut 10 da.ya oa tbe aubJect. People, tbe doctora aay, have beoen lry1n1 to siphon ai.~ out of thl!lr tuiks and hMVe failed miserably They t•nd up belchiq awful unlt-aded fumes for days The v1t11ms hav•· suffered aastro-antt-stinal auack~ requmng hii.t •<'ll11i,; htxatlves to remove the poi~ gasoline from lht hurr1e111 :syistem. WHILE THESE SIPHONING ra1lure::. arc v ery ~t'r&OUS, they're probably draWlng ~me·g1ggle from tho:.c Bello••• A-laea 4-T Inflation Cuts -Profits-Tally WASHINGTON (AP> -Buaineaa profits continued at record levela in the tlrat three monlba of UU. year, with much of the 1aln attribut· ed to lnllaUoa, tbe 1overnmeot sald today. Kut when ad,Juated for taxes and lnllaUoa, profltl from eurrent produciUon actually abowed a 6 percent drop in tbe flnt quarter to an iannual S186 billion total. a Com· mt'rc:e Oep11rtment statement saud "T hut 's the first decline since the first quart.er of last year, when weather was awful and there wu a coal strike," said department spokesman Kenneth A l't·ln ck AT THE SAME time, the t 'ummt:rct! Oepartmenl r.educed 1l~ estimate of the nation's firs t· quarter e<.'Onomic growth rrom 0 7 percl'nt to 0 4 percent. ·'The ~lowdown was attributable to !>Ull'~ ... said a department state· rn<"nt Before-tax profits for the first quHrte r were at an annual rate or $226 9 b11Hon, up 0.9 percent from the fourth quarter or 1978, the statement said . recession is said to occur when the economy shows oe11tlve growth for two consecutive quarter s, and t h ere are widespread predictions of a mild recession be&inning later this year. The Commerce Department attributed much or the gain to ·'the reduction in federal cor· porate Income tax rates" that took errect this year. The sJower economic growth had been welcomed by govern· menl officials, who had viewed the economy's 6. 9 percent growth rate or t he fourth q uarter as ··overheating·' a nd iofla. lionary. THE REPORT TWO months ago that pre-tax corporate prof· its in the final quarter or 1978 were 26.4 percent ahead or the fourth quarter or 1977 drew howls from labor officials and from Alfred Kahn, the presi· dent's chief inflation righter. W0111en 's Dag Thousands of Iranian women participated in a rally at Tehran University on Thursday dur~ng the country's first Women's Day. Chadur-clad women held automatic weapons with flowe rs in the barrels to emphasize peaceful motives. "llere Lies Jim Drew; lie Suckled When He Should Have Blew" Tht> nt>w total eclipsed the ref· ord $224.9 billion in profits at an Hnnual rate m the last three months of 1978. Profits were $54.8 billion. or 32 percent. ahead o r those or the rirsl quarte r last year. THE DEPARTMENT altribut- t•d much of the increase lo a higher valuation of inventdries because or inflation. U.S.-Cuba Link: 'Awful' m the populace who lived through the Great Depression and thegaslessdaysorworld War II. During the Depression, some people lacked the scratch to buy gas at even 16 cents a gallon. And during the Big War, gas was rationed, even if you did have the bucks. So there was a lot or siphoning and it became a practiced art. ITSllOULD NEVER be suggested. however. that good people went out and siphoned orr somebody else's gasoline in thievery. ll was just that to keep yourself and your friends going, sometimes there had lo be a certain amount or swapping around. Jtnyway, the medical calls suggest that the art form has vanished, just like the knowledge_ of how lo make buggy whips. Fourth-quarter profits last year. adjusted for taxes and in venlory inflation. had been $176.6 billion on an annual basis. The Commerce Department also reported that the nation's gross national product. th~ total value of output of goods and services in the economy. grew at an 0.4 percent annual rate, down from. an 0.7 percent rate estimated previously. THE LOWF.R f'IGU R E showed the e conomy dipping close to the recession level. .illhough e<-onomists expect a re- bound in the second quarter. A Cmtro A t tacks Carter, Blockade of I sland COZUMEL. Mexico <API - Fidel Castro s'aid Cuba's rela· lions with the Car ter ad- ministration were "per fectly awful," despite some improve- ment, and that the U.S. blockade of his communist-ruled island was "one of the most miserable acts that I know.'' · · . . :We cannot even buy one aspirin from the United Slates ror a toothache But this is nothing compared to trying to save the life or a child, whe n we also cannot buy medicine," the Cuban president told a news con· rerence Thursday night. CASTRO, VISITING Mexico for the first time s rnce be launched his revolution 23 years ago, said the "fundamental ob· stacles" to better relations with the United States we n · the blockade and the lJ S. naval base al Guantanamo, whi<.'h tht· United States has r efused lo vacate. to tailor tus oil policy to suit Washington. The Cuban president said the unemployment that sends Mex- icans across the U.S.-Mexican border in search of work is the result of "the biller and inevita- bl«> mutilation or the national territory and the underdevelop- ml•nt imposed by. the rorce1J he iJ rrogance and the domination of the Unat~ States in the past .. Because of gas-swapping practices now going on. I have consulted an aging expert on the siphonin~ art. He of· rers a couple of tips. First, don't smoke. while trying it. Do not light matches to see how you're doing. Next, expert s iphoning artisims never stick the hose in the gas tank and suck on it. You have some extra gas and pre-rill the siphon hose. Then, holding thumb over the hose. it is inserted in the tank and when the hose's lower cod is released, lo, it has started its own siphon. TRY PRACTICING THAI' first with some wate r. a tube 'and a couple of empty mayonnaise jars. In practice , also try not smoking, even though you're using water. It Soviet Sub Outruns U.S. Capabilities? Cas tl'O also predicted that thi: governments of Nicaragua and E l Salvador wou ld ra il soon because of Cllo'iltan and gue rrilla upris ings. He said the people,of Nicaragua will "soon throw garbage at Somoza. Somoza 1s the son or North Americao in tervent1on." CETAAudit Lou:ers Total In Mi3spending WASlllNGTON <AP > -A f ive-y~ar Labor Department audit of $5.5 billion worth of Comprehens ive Employment a nd Training Act programs shows S34 million has been mis· :-pent But the fi~ures suggest a huses within the program are lc~s w1d~sprcad than critics havt· belil•ved forms a good non-explosive habit. .../) If it turns out you do have to suck on the hose to get the siphon started. give it one good s uck and then rapidly re- move your mouth from the hose before the flow starts . This may save you a lot or pain and surfering WASHINGTON c AP l A nuclear-powered attack submarine built b y the Sovi<'t Union can go raster and dive deeper than any U.S. Navy sub, The Washington Post said today President Anastasio Somoza s father took power in Nicaragua in the 1930s with thi: help of l,; S Marines. The newspaper s<ffd the Soviet sub has been tested at speeds or 40 knots while submerged and can <li ve to a de pth or 2.000 feet or more Sometimes the flow has started even \houg h it has n't reached the end or the hose yet. Do not turn up the end and peer in it to see what's happened. It may happen right in your eyeballs. The Navv's n<'we~t attack sub- marine. the Los An geles. is believed to have a speed or less than 35 knots and a diving limit hundreds or reet less than 2,000, according lo the newspaper. Above all. remember that gasoline 1s supposed lo ex- plode at the slightest provocation. We live in perilous limes. State Aims At Mosquito es INFORMATION ON the Soviet sub was contained in detailed in- telligence data from recent test runs, the newspaper said . SACRAMENTO CAPl --Mos- quitoes, reportedly n ourishing under Proposition 13, are the target of an $11 million bill ap- proved by the California state Senate. sembly Thursday on a 28· 1 vote. Capt. Robert Simms , a Navy 'spokesman. dec lined lo com- ment on the story. l SB382 by Sen. Rose Vuich, D· Dinuba, advanced to the As· It would provide s tale aid to pest control districts whose rev- e nues have been cul by Proposition 13. The state would pay up to half a district's total rnsts in L979-80. The newspaper quoted an un- i de nti fied ofricial as saying, ·' ll 's e mbarrassing that they've been able to do something we haven 't been able lo do. and Northern Plains Cool Wintb Gust to 30 mph in North D a kota AlllU'qW Am•rlllo AU•nt• S.lllmo•ft 81rm,,..,._ Bohe 8o•ton 8rOWlt$Vlllt 8\ltlalo a..,._ Cllkaeo Cin<IM.tll Clewel...O 0.1 Ft. wtll ~ Oe\~ Detroit °"""" Nei.N ~,,.,, ..... ,, K..,·,cuy lAsV ... Llltle Roell &.MA,.._ ............ ~· Mi-I Mi ....... _...SC.P N....,,llle ..... °""' ..... Yon Ofl ... City OIMM ,.,,...... ............. ~· ~ ~Ore .... scu•• HI L• ~r< 81 .. u s• .2J llO S9 n SI 94 SI 13 40 •s .SJ .01 u 66 Jt 41 11 4S .OS 18 f>7 I• 4S •• 4S IM St If SI .. ~ 61 )0 tJ .SI .02 .... I) 11 ,. S7 I) ., ... ... •1 f>O 11 ~ II .. u '° 70 n .OS I ) .., •1 SI ,tJ ,. S3 .. .., 11 '° " 62 ,It .... • 11 ll '° 15 S7 .... , 70 4.1 ,. SS It .., 11 " ~"'""' ""° SUno... It """ 00 n()l 1td1.. 'f04JI CIXl1I bV ti • m '"" b<ll<l<l! 11 am ...0 youi ClOOt wtM Oil ..,.,..,,.., SIP·T•-., .., S.lt&.alle ,. so S.nD!e91 .. '° San Fr ... .. SI S.ettle .. SI Tu1w .. •• Welflllll!on IS ~ CALl~NIA llellentleld •• 10 Ill ..... ., lllytM •• 11 F..-•• •S Moftterey .. .S7 NeMIH .. 10 0.-lalld 7J 51 S.Cr-" 511 S...U Bateere •i n Stoc•hlft u ... Tl•er"'•I " 51 Bent-'O '° ....... .. ,. Cata line ., 51 Iii CetlWe . .. ........ ..,,.... " 511 LOlllBMc.11 7t S7 "'"""~ .. 51 '"'111r .... IO J4 Oo!tMlo ., ... P•tHlllt 1S ,,. $all 9erwdlfto .. . Sell o.IWlef n " Sal!Jew ., SI ........ 11 ,. "-"'• Cno ., S4 ...... _,., .. .. st Sllftl II » T-.V .. '-Y .. n .,..,.,_ 70 SS ....... CAif ·~ ft » ...... .. ,. .......... .. at J - Hawe"• ll 79 ltl"91ton .. 30 Moftlf908•Y •• ,. Nleretlen .. n NIHk o Clty 19 16 Meriel• ~ l2 Mo11l•rre., 11 7) No~ ... .. .,. .oe T99<1C~ .. ,. Trinidad •• J4 Vera Out ,. ,. 11.s. s .... .,, " wn cm ....., 111 tt1e -1t1er11 Plains as a cew ,,.... dlpcl9d l11to IC-. ~ ... ty ...... 9Y1ted to )t .,,... 111 Ncwtll oa11ata, end w11111t0fl, N.O .. 11e11 .. "'-9ratur• ,... ............. Souellerll ----.... Melltella • ......... ,..,..,... .._. 11Nff9ct· ed•lltl .......... 111 ....... Tll1111Nnlla••n. "'•a nwllll•, .... mtnMl.....u llllo nertfler11 Te1a1, .... llthy ra1111 •ver tllt nortMastent c-r of "'41 T•••s ........... ~ .. leeal fteedl119. '""'*"'" '"'..,..,,... dHtruc:lfve WIM\ te .._.... TllurMey nl!IM. IMlt IM ...,_ _.. .... acl"'9 lllk -"'"'· C••I ••••Jl•r c•w•r•• tll• Nwttlffst, .... 1'111Cfl "' ... .._ Gffft ......._,.........,,.._England ,...,..........,.., .. ,,."" ....... c~9'11ft...,NIMwlllft. L~ ........... IN Easl CMfl WM -11t ..... tM All-I<, --'9llltl .... _ ....... Ofll9 v .... ., Ila• Cl••r lllln .... "'". l•fll• ·" ,.,."' ...... ..... "'••• ..... ,. ·~ .. •tronlhe~I. Too•y-.1orecas1 c•lle<l lot '"°wers •nd lllU~~ °""' Ille •e,lern POrtlon of Ille _,,,.,,n Pl•in•. oor· lions of IN ml6-MIHIHipPI V•lley •nd Ille WHtern llalf of Ille Gr .. 1 Lon; " lew •llo-n •nd lhun· der"S...,_, ove< nortllffn Arlrona. lh• u slern ''-'of Ille no<lllern Mtd unlr.tl Roe~•~. -POrllons ol Ille t enlr•I lliQfl Pl•lns; ••In -"'°""''s ov•r much of •~tem Pffw E1191•nd; sunny ski<" over mcKt of Ille F•r WHI ..,,d ,,_I of Ille HMem q,..rter of the Mllc!n. T•m-atures-. ex~ted to be <ool oftr Ille <entr•I and northern Ro<l1les, Ille nor1 ...... Pl•IM •fld Ille central 111911 1'141in•. llHcll~ In IN 90s .. ,. •llPKMct In MKll of tlle .,.,, Soultlwtlt. Calffend a N'911t --119 low <loud•-•• n~cl.cl IO Oivot ••Y lo MlftftV •Iliff In So<ili-n Cl!Uomla on Satunl•V, •11110111111 tll• Nallonal Weatller S.rvk• lorwc..t -llltfl <lcMlcl•, Tlle~-·•~lecllo~n w1111 • summ.,·lllle clay ln Los An.,eles, ....... "'"' "' IO WU f .. ecesl. For Ma<,....rs, l•m"r•luru -. ••~ lo cllmtl to ,..., 10 S.towdey. H19M tn tflt "' -. loncast tor tMdltl«b. S•rf R eJter• FOf9Casl ....W ..._.,.today. SUrf; A...,. ... ..._,. In !M. NIH· lmwm 11e1111t In IHI. Period 111 llktndt. .......... z-t 3 12 s...-. Mellie• 2 3 tt ~. HUlltln!llon 1 l ;o SM 0 .... Olullty 1 3 II SW.II: .......... llel!IM 111 IMI. Ma•· I"'""' 11eit1M Ill !Mt, OlrecllOll. ..... Mu ow ZIHfta I 1 SW Senta MOllka I 1 SW .......,., HW!ttnvton I t SW s... o .... eoumv 1 1 sw 011110011 for S•t.,rd•Y' little c~. fColfal t.oeOtlwr .,_forma· ''°" """' bf IOtOtd °" ,,. BJOlodaf). there's a biJ( flap over it " THE NEWSPAPER s aid it was too early to tell whether the s peedier Soviet s ub. whose hull is built or titanium ins tead or the steel used for American sub- marines, could make a sigoifi· cant difrerence in ·war. Navy leaders contended the new sub is a technical gimmick Hnd not a threat to American superiority under the seas, the newspaper said. CASTRO SAI D THE onl y country that has intervened in Central Americ a 1s the United States and denied char~es that Cuba has sent aid to rf'volu tionaraes throughout Latin America. Castro. visiting Mex ico to • ' t i g h t E' n -t h e b o n d s o f friendship.·· also blasted the United States for its treatment of illegal Mexican immigrants and prclised his host , President Jose Lopez Portillo. for re fusing Ot>partmcnt officials gave no breakdown Thursday on how the <.:ET A m oney had been mis - spent They said they were at h:mpting to recover the funds where possible. Previous estimates or abuses m the program have been in tht' hundreds of millions of dollars. r Talk is Cheap. I I It's easy t o procl aim "the lowest prices in town!' on telev ision or r adio. Bu t advertisers who mean what they say commit thei r price pledges to print in newspaper ads. For bargains you can believe in, rely on the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 I . I I 'I · t,_..,...._--:---,,-,-.... -;::-1-:-:;· ... • -.. -.-;-:_-. --: .. -.... -=-:,· .... ~··~ ·~-u..~-J f.A..~-:7 T :;:_.,.. ":"" ~ ~ '1'.1' yn . ..-:r11.,.., • _,...,...._..;._._ __ ..., ___ .;;._....,._._ ____ ....., ____ .,;m ----.. - -.. ~· ... •• '. ,. ... •t .... : .a\.#"•• • ., • .,. ..... ---.,,.. ~ _..,,,,.,. _ ___.....-_..__, __ _ ,._ea8ltl"e' .....__~,_..;.o,._-HaY-iikawa Hit . ~ Over Remiir~S ~ . · .. -; LOS ANGF.LES IAP 1 Sen S J Ha)'allawa was sharply critlt'IU!d Thunday by som4' Cahtomia otficiala after he 1otld lht.1 poor don't DMCI 1aaollnf' becauae they don't have jobfi "I am shocked." Maayor Tom Bradley 11ld or Hayakaw1n 11tatemt>nt W~•d•Y· "I find It Incredible that atMternent wMi. lftldf by ll l"ftpoftl\ble public omclal ... Sftn Alan Cranston, D Callf • the Senate m•Jority whip, Mid m • lelephoqe lntervlt-w from WH luqton, ··1 ftnd It hard lo behcvt' tbat $2 or S3 ~r 1allon for .cas would be of no sl1nlf1canct· to tht' poor. Many Pf"Ople need urs to look for JObti , whale olbers nct>d them to drive w lM low·paym1 Jobs they hold " THIE Pat:slDt~NT Ot' THt: Japanese -American Clllzen:-. Lea1ue. a naatJonal or11an1u t1on headquartered in Sim fo'r ant·1s\'o, called Hayakawa "1nsens1t1ve " . The California Repubh<'1rn reite rated in a sta tement Thursd&.> thal hf' supports the elin11nalton of 1i1as ceihng pnecs, wh1rh he pre dieted woukt result 1n S2 to $3 per ~11llon gasohne pri<'t:~ that could discoural'e the poor from f1lhng up "I have been a ccused of bt!mg indifferent to the poor because I said the poor don't nt~ed gai.ohne." he said "The genumely poor don't need it. be<' a use most o f the m can't afford to own a car Many do not ha ve Jobs. and few of the unemployed poor drtve to work. They c.re a ve ry small part of the gasoline problem in Califorrua ••nu; COMFORTABLY RICH will continue to be able to buy ga.soline eve n if it continues lo go up to S5 c. gallon." llayakitwa said Tom Hayde n. a pdlitical activist and head of the Santa Monicu· based Campaign for Economic Dtmc1cracy. s1ud Hayakawa 's state ment stlows he is '·hopelt-ssly out of touch with the wa.v of lifo in California . He reminds me of Marie Antomelle when she told the rt•belUous French to eat cake." rf f \ \ p Panthers Protest \ Several thous-and--senioF-cilizens--from t-luoughout. the. state µaraded outside the Capitol in Sacramento Thurs- day where they booed and jeered Gov. Brown whe n he address~d them by t e lephone and loudspeaker from San Fra ncisco. They complained there are 600.000 senior <'ili:tens in California who haven't gotten a cost of li ving raise a nd "all we 're getting is rhetoric.'' J G«Uoline Figlat ltyeoun Han. left . owner of a Mobil station. points angri- ly at a customer with a fi ve gallon gas can who dumped the ~as during the evening rus h hour in Los An geles Thursday. The customer was told he could only have $1 worth of gas but ke pt filling the can. Han shut off the pump. The customer then refused to pay and poured the gas on the ground. California Nearing Gas Lead Standard Frldmy, ~ 18, 1079 DAILY ~LOT LOS_ ANGELES fAP> -Flames Swept through a downtown ~esidential hotel early today, killln1 at least two perlODI and uuur~ mg 26 others. The blaae sent several res&&.nta leaptq from second·~oor windows in their n.i1htclothes. .. .... Police Sgt. Roger Birdseye said two youn1 men were taken ID· to custody near the hotel, but authorities would not diaclme whether lbe men were being questioned in connection with the ftre. A FIRE DEPA&T•ENT spoke1man, Martin Garza, said the charred body or an unidentified woman in her 808 and the body of a second. unidentified person were found by firefighters on the third floor of the old hotel, situated in a rundown area of the city. Four of the injured were ln critical condition. Three of those ·• hurt were fire men. said Garza. ' . ~ony TJ:ip1, ~pc;>kesman for the county Department of Health ~erv1ces. said 26 m1ured persons were taken to eight area hospitals and at least seven or them had bum injuries and most of thf" othe rs were fractures and injuries other than burns." ' . EDWARD LYONS, 4', a resident of the hotel, said he was ly· ang awake when he "noticed the lights were blinking off and on." "I opened the door and I was engulfed," Lyons said ... It wu a big ball or name e verywhere ... Another resident, Robert Hayes. 52, said he watched aa bis nexl·door neighbor jumped from the second floor amid billowing black smoke and St!_~ring flames. "It was someth'ing," he said. "He's all right though -he's a young one in his 20s." FIRE OFFICIALS SA.ID 115 firefighters and 26 compames worked for nearly l 1h hours lo control the blaze. which began about 1 :30 a.m . in the first noor or the three·story brick structure. LOS ANGELES IAP> -California's Air Resources Board and its slate Senate ha ve moved to allow a temporar y boOst in the lead con· 1 tC'nt of gasoline as a way to incre ase fuel supplies for tht: gas-short sta.te. Fire inspector Ed Reed said it was not known if all the occu· pants of the gutted 63·unat hotel escaped. but added. "with the fire as extensive as it is, there is no way we can tell that now.·· fl ayes said he was talked out of jumping from his second·fioor apartment by firefighters , who rescued him with a mecban.ical That prompted a debate over the <.imount of lead that should be al lowed in gasoline. while gas sla platform tion lines remained long and tempers s hort. Things got so bad at one Los Angeles s ta tion Thurs day a s hootout res ulted ttiat left three people wounded. THE EFFECT of the ARB and Sena te actions could be to move California neare r to fede ral lead standards now in force in the rest of the country For several CURB'S NEWEST ANTIC MISFIRED-£ditoriel, A6 'Vampire Killer' Faces Execution PALO ALTO (AP) The "vampire kiJler," who drank the blood or some of tus six victims. de- serves to d ie in San Quentin's gas cha mber fo r his crim es. :-.ays the jury that convicted him . Hui Supt•rtor Court Judge J ohn Scha tz, who set sentencing for .June 11, is not bound to impose the death pc11<1lty on Hae.hard Chase, as decided Thurs· day hy the c1~hl woman, four·man panel. The years. as a way to m anage s mog Judge C'Oul<I sente nce Chase to life in prison nnd o th e r a ir p o lluti o n , withoutpossibilityofparole . California has enforced more Eviden<'t> in the case linked Chase to u grisly stringent standards . Those who string of murde rs that started with the random want to relax the rules now say s hooting of Ambrose Griffin, 51. Shortly afterward. the s tandards have contributed the s hot and d isembowe led body of Teresa Wallin, to the curre nt severe gasoline 22, was found. His othe r victims were Evelyn shortage in the state. Miroth. 36. her 6·year·old son Jason ; Mrs. Miroth's ARB Chairman Tom Quinn friend, Daniel Me redith, 52: and Mrs . Miroth's said the revision would eventual· 22-month·Old nephew, David Ferriera. wbo had ly mean 5 percent increase in been decapitated. _ gas production in the state. Earlier this week, the jury found that Chase was ------.--sane when-ta~ did-ttwe')'-'W~ictims. who in BUT SEN. DAVID Robe rti. D· eluded a pregna nt woman and two children. fie had Los Ange les. objected . saying pleaded innocent by reason of insanity. ·'the wholt-shortage is contrived r)o you have fire and the fl in su ranee on )our p ersona--belonglngs? I Our 2%nd Vear Piton• 548-5554 ·~ ... . Tuck & P .. t~ Rabbiu -·=-... l!i I 4 Ill.arbor nlvd., ('osta "eRaj1 --------- Wine,. food & Culinary Arts SHOW May 17·20 ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER Doors open: 3 pm Thurs, Fri: Noon Sat, Sun S3 Adults, $2 age 12-18, under 12 free 0~1-y Wine.& loocU~lin~ got•rmet..c.ook.demos "Teen Cuisine" cook-off · Microwave coof{ing lessons in the first place because they 1 the oil compa nies 1 want to,.•••••••••••-•••--••••••• .. ~- e liminate these standards ." The ARB 1"6SOhJtion aUowc; Chevron USA. Union Oil and Mobil Oil to begin production immediately unde r the relaxed standards. which expire Oct. 1. Other companies mus\ separate· ly request a lowering or lead conte nr standards. Dr'""'" be;,'";"-'"" G""o.le S t.b. C o II e !> t' '!.. t-\"; k._ .. 1 .... ... •. ,., . , ..... .,. ... ,., .. TOAAANCE 20434 Hewtllofne B••o J7MIOO OlENDALE P:AIHION CENTER Ntxl to Rot>tn$04l'~ 24f-064e • I : \ . \ . \ SUITS I ~TC OATS REO 4to6I LONG ....... *It X LONO ... 41-11 '°"TlV rlt:O . 44-11 PORnr SHOllT . •Ha PORTLY LONO .... FUllERTON Orangl!ICl!t M~ll 17H1t2 RIVOSIOE J6!>CJ R1ve<S.Oe Pt"'" 112·HSO I lOIANGalS Jro & Sp11ng '2•!253 MOHTClA"' fl\.AZA fllt:•I 10,GlE Phone M1t11 '2Mt7J • "the · look IS YOU" I A surefire investment! The vested suit in tropical weight polyester and wool. Featured are the kind of assets you can count on. Softer shoulders and eased lines. Narrowed lapels and center vent, 5-button vest and straight leg trousers. Solids & patterns. 5. 295. GRANO OPENING .. ,,.., .... South Cont Plaza 3814 So. 8'11tol Ave. SANTA MIA 714 • 5e4S 2570 ................. ,.., ___ ...,...hlPtU ... ,., ..... , ........ Nellt •SOUTH COMT "-AlA Sant11 AN neat "the TrMIUty'' HNl10 QMJUDA HU.a e.tbolat~• ... an a.••GO ,.,,.......,. ttwara i f I 1 • •• t v;.:a.a11 .. ~ .... , .. R~N.'"tPubll ... r TMMMKeevlllEdhor O?angeCoas1oai1vPt1ot .-,:,uw.,.,,~ ~~.e .... ._•••••"•"•eao;•.•"'•flf•'•'•·'·"'•;; •••••••• ~ ••• •.K.'•.•.t.M:•h•""'*••aea•P•• •• • ..... '°' •• -.-.- ' f .. --turh's Newest . ' •ntic Misfired : While et c-ertaanly had elements of humor. U Gov ~ke Curb t!mbarraued only h.hnself with hi.I latest nttaneuver u acung gov~mor of the state. ~ His attempts to selze the llmeU1bt by appolntlng a judge und trying l unsuettSsfully > to set up a special efe<' tlon int~ absenee of Gov. Brown wtrf out of key wttb hiH pledge lo work with the go\•cmor ln a "spirit of coopera uon .. -But there was a tnu-e of lt>vlly on ~ oeraston." ~ause Brown wus either on th~ presidenllal trall or vacatJoning in Africa ·. This w~k the governor's brief departure from the Rtate was fo~ the very serious purpo&e of trying to persuade Was hrngton to n•('ognlu the gravity of C.lifornia's gasoline Cnsl5 and agree to some relief m•asures. ' . Hes session with the president and federal energy of f~ials apparently gained some favorable response . : So it was doubly ndiculous for Curb to leap in and sign ari executive o rde r overruling state air quality restric· t..,.s by authorizing California r e fmeries to increase the leed content o( their product. Nothing in his background w~uld appear to qualify him to make s uch a scientific jU(lgment. The gesture turned into a comedy or errors when the dOcument was invalidated by a typographical error. So CUrb set off on a 90 mph chase ·to get a corrected version into the hands of the secretary of stale before Brown's plane re-entered California airspace, thus ending Curb's t~mporary tenure as chief executive. . Net result of the whole maneuver was to make the liiiutenant governor look idiotic and muster sympathy, e¥en from Brown detractors, for a governor who bas this albatross a round his n eck. ~ Since we've never had a two-party executive off~ce before. nor a lieutenant governor trying to outsmart and undercut a governor, the whole muddle probably will h~e to be sorted out in the state Supreme Court. , : Curb, of course, is acting under the constitutional , provision that permits him to act as governor "during the abl;ence from the state or other temporary disability'' of thf governor. · ~ This was written at a time when absence from the s~ was likely to m ean unavailable for rapid consulta- tiop in time of e mergency. That's hardly the case in these da)'S of almost ins tant worldwide communication. And Brpwn is clearly not disabled. · If Curb's aim is to impress the public and his own oaft.y with his executive ability, he's taking the wrong ro.,te. Sooner or late r it has to backfire. The sooner the better if he insists on learning about government t he bard w~y Park Rescue Program Oran~e County s upervisors recently approved plans lo s pend $2.2 million al Caspers Wilderness Park, both to 'protect the 5,500-acre park from future flood damage and to develop the county's largest regional park for greater public use. . The Sl.1 million development plan is in keeping with efforts to maintain the park's wilderness atmosphere. Among other things, the county wants to install solar ener~y and electricity-producing windmills at the park's vbilor cente r and ranger offices. Other plans incl'udc development of campgrounds. in· stallation of ~ewer and water facilities and creation of equestrian and hiking trails. County engineers also have designed a million-dollar flood protection program to avoid damage such as oc- curred whe n rain-swollen San Juan Creek cut a destruc- tion s wath throug h the park in 1978. Minus that protection, the creek cut a gulch 20 feet <1eep and 400 feet wide through the park. uprooting 49 trees and demolishing picnic grounds along with the park's main entrance and road off Ortega Highway. The Conrock Co .. a gravel mining firm which oper ates downstream fro m Caspers, will pay for the flood control system under terms of a n agreement worked out ofter tedious delays with supervisors. It appears park enthusiasts soon will be able to enjoy enhanced facilities at the wilderness recreation area without the fear that its prized natural assets will be sub- ject lo the ravages of floodwater. • • Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Oatly Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reade r comment ts invtted. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Sox 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) &42-4321 . Boyd/Teacher Elite ByLM.BOYD AU kindergarten teachers should be men. Likewise first, seC.-ond and third trade teachers. They should be the most highly paid teachers. The elite of the profession, as H were. So contends a California eduutor. Tboee nrst four years of achoo), he fjguree, mean the moat to a that? Mall order houses that sell ladies· clothing report that the average woman today Dear · Gl«>0n1y Gus To Extra & Stl 11 Desperate: H you can't stand the noises made b) dogs and children and YO\U'lC adults, wby not move 1Dto oae of the Adult• Only/No Pets complexes that out· number our nei1bborhood ten to one! DOGS OKAY' o ...... , c:.... (--llf• -.... ......... , , ............. . • M<•UMll' ,...._, ....... f/f 1119 --..--. """ ~...,.. ...... .. Gte9tft• '""" °"'' ....... .. ' • tapemeasures a n inch more al bu.~t. waist and hips than did her counte rpart of 30 years ago. Then the average was 34-25-36. Now it's 35·26·37. Q. "How old is a lion cub before it st.arts to hunt?" A. About 14 months. It can hunt alone at about 20 Q . "Among boxen. what's a cruiStt weight?" A. That's how the British refer to a Ught heavyweight. Q. "The chrysanthemun Is the national flower or Japan, no?" 0 ·A. Tbe cherry blossom is. Q. "Whal is the average depth of the. Pacific Ocean?" A. Almost but not qwte three miles. Q. ''How come the 'oulja' board ii called that?" A. The "ou.I' is French, the "Ja" ls German, both mean-ing ·•yes." Thal citizen who suffers from headaches ought to train himself to sleep on his back. Or so contends a Ru11ian medical speciaU.t. Such a 1leepln1 position, be avers, lets the blood circulate better into tbe brain . ( Jack Anderson -U.8 • .;.Saudi Relations Fumlil.00 W ASHlNGTON -The alienl· lion of Saudi Arabia, who&e de· al'rt od field• pump Ufeblood into the fad.Ones of America, may .io down aa Jimmy Carter's bi&· tttillt honer Vor den1dt.'1i. the Saudis have bt't•n 11tiaunch friend• of the Unll- l' d Staat~s T h e rullnl( family n rH , lht:1 r 1>rlnre!I to th~ Urutt."d St a l l'!! lo 1t ludy Th1·~ In\ lll'tl l' S 1·om paruel> to 1lt-velov th1·1r 0 1 I rcsc rves' and. later, to ht-Ip construct modern cities and induslnal complexe~ THE U.S. Army En gineers ad· rn1n 1stcr billions · worth of military ronstru<.•tion in Saudi Arabia. U S. government teams work on a joint economic com· mission with the Saudis to pro· vide tet'hmral assistance. Indeed, secret government doc.-ume nts indicate that the Mailbox Saudis teemed more c!oneemed than Washington about t.he im· pact of the oil 1ouge u&'on the Western eeonomies. The Saud.is secretly urged the Nixon ad· ministration In 1974 to pressure the thah of Iran to hold down oil prices. When Wuhington failed to respond. the Saudis reluctant- ly went along with the price In· crease rather than stand alone a1ainsl the oil bloc. Earlier thls year. the Middle East wu thrown into turmoil by the downfall of the shah and the Egyptian-Israeli peace pact. Yet when the lraruan oil fields were s hut down. the pro-American Saudis stepped up their own pro· ductlon so that the United States would not be deprived. Given this hisl.ory. il would seem difficult for any president to alienate the Saudis. But Carter bas succeeded in doing this, thereby Jeopardizing the nation's oil supply. Here's how he accomplished it:· BLUNDER NO. I : Like Presi- dent Nixon before him, Carter coddled the shah. The president disregarded secret Saudi wam- in11 that the shah was an unsta- ble. undependable ally. Carter joined in •essuring the Saudis to accept the shah as the chief protector of the oil·aaturated Persian Gulf. Against their better judgment. the Saud.is embraced the shah. Then Carter, reacting In panic to the Iranian uprising against the shah. abruptly abandoned him. Nol only were H1e Saudis left in awkward embrace with a shah they had opposed in the first place; they also concluded lhat a Carter who would drop the shah so hastily might also aban- don them. -BLUNDER NO. 2: The Saudis wanted Carter to send a task force into the Persian Gulf as a visible warning lo the Soviets and Iranians that the United States was prepared lo defend its vital oil stake. At first. Carter ordered a carrier rorce lnl.o the Persian Gulf. Then he had a change of heart and canti!led the order -perhaps because he Celt it was incompatible with his sell ·appointed role as the lsraeli-Egypdan peacemaker. lnte1U1ence reports 1uue1t that the Soviets Interpreted. ~arter's indecision aa weakness or timidity. They decided to ~ighten the pressure on Saudi Arabia by alrllning SOO Cuban mercenaries into South Yemen and then encouraging them t.o attack Saudi-subsidized North Yemen. In desperation, Saudi Arabia turned to Iraq and Syria, which have close connections with Moscow. They persuaded their Soviet friends l.o stop the fight· ing in Yemen. After it ~as too late, Carter reordered ttie car· rier force into Arabian waters and sent 1.oken military support to North Yemen. BLUNDER' NO. 3: The Saudis warned Washington that an lsraeli-EJ,typllan treaty would isolate Egypt and alienate the moderate Arab states. The Saudis urged Ca rter not lo deal with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat alone but lo keep the moderate Arab bloc intact. It m i ght tak e longer to negotiate an agreement that all th~ moderate states would ac· cept, but 1l was the only way lo achieve peace in the Middle East. the Saudis argued. A un- ilateral agreement by Israel and Egypt. they warned, would drive the moderates inl.o the extremist camp and increase lhe tensions· in the Middle East. In their secret approaches. the Saudis stressed that they were pressing for a broader solution for Carter's own sake to prevent the deterioration of U.S. relalions with the Arab world. He quietly rebuffed them and went ahead with a unilateral pact. He dealt in person wilh both Sadat and lsraeh Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Then Carter sent hi s son Chip and aide Zbign1ew Rrzezinsk1 to call upon the Saudis to accept the treaty - As a result of Carter 's bun· gling, the Saudis have lost aU confiden~ in Carter a nd bave tightened their ties with the radical Arab states. The latter are now pre:;surmg the Saudi s to '1 urn off the 011 tap until the Unit- e d Slates s upports a more favorable Middle East solution. Court Ruling Threatens Property Rights To the Editor: The recent article in your paper concerning the deci§ion or the California Supreme Court upholding the right of cities l.o outlaw billboards has over- shadowed another decision of the Court which will have a much greater effect on private property rights, affordable hous- ing, inflation and discrimlna- tioo. This is the case of Agins vs. Tiburon decided March 14, 1979. by the California Supreme Court. lo the decision, the Supreme Court beld tbal a local gov- ernmental agency can regulate the use of land in s uch a manner as to totally deprive it or any economic value without the owner being entitled to recover any compensation for such reg- ulation, however a rbitrary it may be. UP UNTIL lb.is decision, It bas been lhe oplnion of most lawyers specializing in lhe field of real property that If a city or county regulated the use of property in such a manne r as to deprive the owners of any right to use il, leaving iL't owner in the position of an involuntary owner of open space with'lbe attendant obliga. lion of payment or taxes and in- surance thereon, that the owner could sue in inverse condemna- tion and recover compenaatioo therefor. Sydney Harr.is has ht>ld that an owner under these circumstances may not re· cover compensation for such a defaclo taking or d amaging, but instead is restricted to a suit against the city to invalidate the obnoxious regulation by the rem- edy of administrative man-· dam us. WHAT THE Supreme Court chose to ignore is the fact that a land owner cannot successfully invalidate an ordinance under administrative mandamus if there is any substantial evidence supporting the action of the gov· ernmeotaJ body. This means in e ffect that the judicial branch of our state has cbosen to allow the governmental branch to ac- complish what environmen- talists have been requesting for some time. i.e .• the designation of undeveloped private property as open space without the necessity or having to pay com- pensation therefor . The disturbing feature a bout this .decision is that the plan· ners, cou n c ilm e n and s upervisors who perpetuate themselves in office by publiciz- ing their fight against 'greedy developers' and •grasping land- owners' have not been able t.o explain to the young people who are looking for affordable hous- ing. the elderly renters who can't find adequate apartments, or minorities who can find . . they are in this predicament. It is obvious that the less hou~· ing and apartments that are built coupled with increased de· mand result in the price or such housing l.o zoom skyward. The way the trend is going, it won't be long before wage earners earning $100.000 a year will not be able lo afford the purchase or a home within the urban a rea. KARL 0 BERG HEER President. The Berghecr Company Bratt Prot~• To the Editor: I would like to u press my protest of the current initiative for reinstatement or the draft. l diaagree with the false premise that to achieve lasting freedom, some of those freedoms must be first taken away. The basis or freedom is that an individual's life is his to do with as he sees best. He must not. however, im· pose his beliefs. with the threat of physical force. upon others. This is exactly what the propo. nents of national conscription advocate. I believe that if our nation were truly in danger or direct al· tack. a call-to-arms would be automatic. The citizens or a na- tion do not deserve freedom if they are not willing to fight for it's preservation. When we are forced, however, into fighting ti ' ti al cts where brute military force 1s our only weapon againsl the pro- lireration o( an idea. victory 1s impossiblt:. THE ONLY weapon we possess as a nation in the de· rense of freedom. is the spirit of libe rty each individual must carry We must remember that by example onJy. will we show the world the value of freedom. No curtain-ba mboo. iron or otherwise-;:an hide this nor can any world military force ex· tinguish it. This spirit must become the political religion or the nation. Freedom is not ron- ditional. lt tS a birthright of all individuals, including 18 year olds. At a time when the world is turning in increasing numbers to the false doctrines of immoral. political and economic theories, we must proted. with added fuvor. our own freedoms. We must guard that, in the name of •·national security." we do not relinquish one ounce of freedom which we so highly prize. This is what I believe and these are the only things which I am willing to fight for. GREG PURDY • n. o.ilf PtlOI -k -c~...,, comnMttt•'• f rom re.ot'rs L~U•r~ -.. eoclrHMCI to. (clltortM P-or £.ilor. a.o ,,._, c..i. MH.e, CA '26». l~~ .......... k ..... _., M 11-toJIO -lb Md .... Wbte<I to "'" .... Wl'll<tn' ~ ... .,,,,"_ .....st e. .._,_ llUI mey be 9"""'9lcl 1n ..... ",_'~- Whose ReDlarks Became These Famous Quotes? Here is a large handful of quotationl beginninc wtth "I." In today's quiz you are to idea· tlfy the author wbo la tpeald.QI, either in person or throulb a character. Half ri1bt is a reasonably educated score. l. "I, a atranger and afraid in a world I never made." 2. "I am a very foolish fond old man." 3. "I am the Throne!" 4. "I am the very model of a modem major-1eneral. ·· s. ''I came not to send peace, but a sword." 6. "I cried ror madder music and forstl'onCerwtne." 7. "I fear the Greeks, even tbousb tbey brtDI lift.I." \ . 8. "l had a lover's quarrel with the world." 9. "I had rather be right than be President." 10. "I am dying, Egypt, dY· Int." 11. "I bave not yet begun to fight." 12. "I loaf and invite my soul." 13. "I think, therefore I am." 14. •·1 have sworn. upoo the altar of God, eternal hoeUllty against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." 15. "I cannot do otherwise." 18. "I teU you tbe put is a bucket of aabel." n . ·•1 wm art.e and 10 now, and IO t.o lnn11b'ee." , 18. "I never spoke with God nor visited in Heaven.·· 19. "I can resist everything ex- cept tempt.aUoo. 20. "I am from Misaouri you have got to show me." ANSWERS: I. A.E . Houseman C"Last Poems" XII). 2. Shakespeare ("King Lear"). 3. Napoleon <ad- dre11 to the French Senate. Dec. 31, 1813). 4. W.S. Gilbert. <"The Pirates of Pen1&nce"). 5. Jesus I Matlbew, 10:34). 6. Ernest Dowson C"Non Sum Qua1'9 Eram Bonae Sub Reino Cynarae">. 7. Vtr1ll <"The Aeneid." Book II >. 8. Robert F .. t <"A Wttneaa Tree"), 9. Henry Clay Un Schurz' "Llfe of Henry Clay." Chapter 21). 10. Shakespeare C "Anthony and Cleopatra"). · 11. John Paul Jones (spoken lD battle, Sept. 23, 1779). 12. Walt Whitman ("Leaves of Grus"). 13. Rene Descartes <"Le Dis- cours de la Methode"L 14. Thomas Jefferson <letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush>. 15. Martin Luther. - 11 . C•rl Sandburg t"Prairie">. 17. W.B. Yeats <"The Lake Isle of lnnisf~"). 18. Emily Dickinson <"I Never Saw a Moor">. 19. Oscar WUde t "Lady Windemere'a Fan"). 20. Willard Duncan Vandiver cwbo?>. NATION DAILY PILOT ,4 7 Bair Dryer Offer Made ·---_Tniluatry Vowa to Remed Vi ASHING TON t AP> . Under government preaa&&re. the hair dryer ~Y .. YI it wlU oner free ,..,..,. or replacementa to mUUoaa of conaumen ownin1 hair dryera wbich contain aabeatc». The Dlana praenled Th\&1'9day to &be Oomwner Product Safety CommlNkMt nme ltom the 11 muufeduren and retaUen of hair ~ that the •&ency atalf Mid prutat11d an unreaaonable cancer riak to conaumera. TBS 8TAl'J' recommended accepUDee ol the plau, a step that would eliminate the pouibllily of legal 1H•t1on aaainlt the companies by ,Che commi.uion. "Tbere'I' been such worry on tbe part ol conaumers. Our main Wt?rry ll to alleviate that ... com· miNklD bead Susan Kina sltld. She laid "a vut number or con· aumen" bave called or written Ment A.ward Presented By Proxmire WASHINGTON IAP> Sen. William Proxmire has decided against presenting a Golden Fleece of the Month award in May and has chosen instead to present an .. Award of Merit" to Percy A. Pierre, an assistant Army secretary. Proxmire c ited Pierre on Thursday for presenting to Congress .·¥ "the most readable and hone;st pre · sentation in my memo~ on the needs of ihe U S. Army." "Merit awards don't make news ~AoxM1111E . . . . " said Prox mire. a Wisconsin Democrat. "But it is just as important to praise worthy accomplishments as to criiicize waste and inerriciency. Coming from me this award may surprise the Army. but it is well deserved." Pierre, assis tant Arm y secretary for research. develop· ment and acquisition, was praised by Proxmire for submit- ting a report that was un · derstandable and which admits the Army's failures. ( CONSVMER J the agency to ask 1f their haar dryers contain 11sbt:11t01, which has been found to c11utw c11nc"r if breathed by tlumana. The qency ~tall has· eaUmMt ed the numbt'r of ube1to• contain.inc hand held h1ur dryers uc 12 ~ nulUon. COMMISSION STA t~t'IE& Catherine Cook saad tht' com pan1es offe red lhl' pl11ns 1n negotiations with federal of fi cials in tht> boi>t· of ending the controversy ovt·r the safety of haar dryers. _,,,,,--. "It will g1 ve I hl' m a seru;e of finality. a sense uf certainty." she said. Tbe commission turned its at· tention lo finding o ut about asbestos contained in other products used by consumers. "Th e re ma y b e oth e r household products presenting similar problems," the com· mission staff said, recommend- ing effort s to find o ut about them. A Ll1TLE·NOTU't;D consul · tant's report delivered lo the <"Orhmission last year identified more than 100 types or products that may contain asbestos. "A bousewife wants to know when....she uses a pot holder if over the years there will be any asbestos released. Now that the red nag of hair dryers has been so thoroughly waved around, we need to give people a sense of security." Zagoria said . The commissioners authorized staffers to begin work to elicit information on products other than hand-held hair dryers that ·contain asbestos. The staff also was -a uthorized to write .draft or- d c r s to m a nufac turers of asbestos paper asking aboul known consumer product uses and rnanufacturers that use the paper . "ASBESTOS IS a ubiquitous product in the environment and EARL'S . LUM81MG•HCATING SeiwW-HNll ... SI LK.111•S7 Servoee Time St••H•I YOtJr 0- IC.•ll Stcwe NeMHI You• Ar.•I CO!>TAMH A642-17SJ 1\1•....__,•••o Ml!>!>ION YIEJo49S-0401 1m1 c.-,. '-'"-• t s .. n 0 Frwy •t Aw•r P' • • l SAT., MAY 19th I 0 A.M. 1TIL 4 P.M. 15751 Chemical Ln. H•tington leach I~ Park ALL SALES FINAL Mo &c••ges • Mo l•fm• CASH&CARRY .......... ~ .J J ' I j • I I I W • . ~ I -~ Ill 1u 1n ronaume r products.·· Ms. Kina said. Tht: 11 companies that offered plaan• to repajr or 1 replace and IWmetlmes to offer refunds for ('Ont1umera who return a&beatofi· c ontaining hair dryers are Conalr Corp; General El~tric Co rp .; The Gillette Co .; llamilton Beach Division of Scovlll Manufacturing Co.; J .C. Penney Co .. Inc.; Korveltes Inc. ; Montgomery Ward & Co. : Norch Ame rican Philips Corp .• Norell'o, Schick, Inc.; Sears, Roe buck & Co. and Sunbeam Corp. ALL THE COMPANIES ex- cept Korvettes have marketed hair dryers nationally. That chain Is limited to some cities. mamly in the East a nd North Central stales. ' Bridegroom Ambassador Resigns Post CINCINNATI t/\P J Cincin· nati financier Marvin Warn"r. w h 0 w 111 m a r r y Washington. 0 . c .. televi s ion pe r sonality S u s a n Go ld wat e r . has resigned a s a in bassador to wuMu Swit zerland effective July 15. · Warner's resignation was ac- cepted with regret by President Carter. Warner. 60, will marry Ms Goldwatt.'r , formerly or Newport Beach. on M<ty 2G. She said earlier she plans to drop her t e I e v iSj D n s h o w . .. PM Washington." Ms. Goldwater 1s the former wife of U .S . Rep . Barry Goldwater Jr .. R-Calif. It is the second marriage for both. - , I. J • TALLYHO! HOUND OUT SOME FOXY SAVINGS .. AT JM'S SOUTH COAST PLAZA SPRING SHOE CLEARANCE · 1/2 OFF*. BE SLY! CHASE THROUGH THE WHOLE PACK OF TAILORED, DRESS AND CASUAL STYLES. JM SHOES. JO.SEPH- MAGNIN . 'Of ~ OHIGINAL PRICES ALL SAU.~ FINAL !:>OARY NO MAIL PHONE C 0 D ORDERS ~ OCllll( All;~ i. .. - ,48 D.UI. Y ""-OT Fr1d1y a.ti .. ta t919 , NATION/ AT YOUR SERVICE "VOW' dulle.1 w1U lnch.1de typln&. filtna&. an1w"rlng the phOM and a little l .. hl aarden.U\i " ------- .The little engines that could. GV-150A '· G-150 .... Honda G· 150. This Honda 3' ... hP honzontal-~hc"llt c:ng1nc has many vaned app1tca11ons Hond;i durability leaturc:s 1ncludt: a cast-rron cylinder , ~ sleeve: ball-beanng· suooor1ed c1 ank· shaft .inn 0 11 bJth Jtr cit .. mer A rl:<JI wurkhtJt :,\.· t ()• l/UJI n1!,J" • I I lull! :,1 ; tlll\o lJtl"1.•! I"" ur WlllL • <'1 0 , •• ,,. : •'• •, "' '"'"·II''• ,,.,. Tru-Cut, Inc. J221 Svn Fern<mdo Ro.,i: Lo~ Ang~le5 . CA 90065 (213) 258·413 1 ~ • t A l ' I • ' HONDA EllGlllES to 4 \o I ,. ----.- Lloyds rroudly Announce We Are Now Showlns Alu·mont HAndu.dted C.asu.tl furniture In A \l,ut Selection Of Colors. Styles And Combln.ttlons- l o Introduce This L rm.' Wt: Arl· lx1enc1in8 20% Discount Off Suggested Ret.lll rrltes Through M"Y Comt> In And ln"f"ll'C 1 l h"' Q u,d 11y l1n• · How About A New L"wn This Weekend CAL-TURF BLUEGRASS SOD .......,.~,,.....__ 34' Sq. Ft . (5 Sq. Ft . Rolls· rick Upl 28' Sq. ft. (I 000 Sq. ft. or More-Direct Dell"eryl NOW AVAILABLE Spec1e1 Price Grow Your Own TOMATO Produces Fruit Up To 5 Monchs A Year ....._MnM7:to .. 6. ... ht. l:tt .. 6:to S....t:ll .. 1.-00 -zo11M1.,........_,.,..,s.., c .... ....._CA. • 646-7441 • '.' New Doctors Get Advice TV's Hawkeye Addresses Columbia U. Class €•11e••••• Se n . Jobn Glenn, D·Oblo, has asked tbe "'EneriY Depart· ment tb explain whya classified document on nu c lear weapons was er- ron eo u s ly NEW YORK I AP I Ahm Alda 1s ien ieclor. Hawkt•yt• Pierct• II an Army aurat!On The two of them h•vl' bOmt· ad vlcti for ncw dO<'lors. "~ ht·ud bonti la connected to lhti heart bone and do.1·1 lt>t tht•m com., apart." Alda told the graduutinl( l'lu!\s of ColuMblM University 's College of 11 hy1m·11mi« umJ Sul'gl.'-Oni. ALDA WHO PLAYS Da. PIERCE on hdevi81on 's llOPUh•r "M A S·ll" was chosen lo sJ)t'ak ut <'Ommenccmcnt hy the students. He was received warmly und maade aan honorary member ur lhl' l39·mcrnbt•r ch•ss Aldu not\.-d ht.· had fl'w qualifications to speak ttl u pret1t1g1ous (llt.'tllc1tl school "In the first phace. I'm not a .: r t?ul fan of blood l doo 'l 1111 nd llt"l'l'h.· h;n 111g 1t. I JU:.l c1011 't t-RJOY s cc111.i them wear ll .. hl.' :,1.1 111 • Uut . h,· \..tld, he clue:, :.harl' !> 0 m I' l'li;;r iH ' l l.' r I!> 11 (':. w 1 l h ph):, h'l an,-. "We buth !')ludy the human ht>•ni: And Wt.' !10th try to offer rchd you t.hrough medicine and I through laughter ALDA And we both charge ~ lot " · MORF. SERIOUSLY, HE SAID he believed he was asked to s~ak because the students identified with the "very human kind of doctoring" prac· liccd by l'il•rce the character he portrays an C'BS 's ·cm·~ on an Army medical unit durin~ the Kore an War . • &ls W@l!lJ[( ~-~@[(WO©@ "Cot a prnblt•m" Tht·n u•nte tu l'ot IJ>lnn l'at will cut red tape. gettrng the ani.Wt'rs and dCtion you n"ed to solve mequ1t1es m government and business Mm/ your questiun.s tu l'at Dunn, At Your Scrv1c<'. Orang1• Coast Dally f>1lot. I' 0 llOI 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 As many lt•llns a.'I poss1bl1' u111/ bi> anr>'1L't'ri·d. but p/l(JTW(/ mqu1nl'S ur lt'ttns n11t ml'lw.Jmg tlw reat.l1•r'~ lull 1101111·. utldn's~ u1&d,bw.·mt'!ls huurs' phtJn•' nu niht'r caljl111/ lw cun.\lcil'rt't.I Th~ n1lumn OJJl)t'llT i. i.1111 l!ft'H '<'Pf Swulays Tour Tt•nn!'f Troublf9 Tra11 .. lrr fH~J\H PAT I vt• been reading a lot or trnvl.'I brochur('s rn preparation for choosing m y sum· mer vac·ation. l'Vl' man<Jged to figure out most or the trawl terms. hut can't fiJ(ure out what "land costs" mc•ans whl•n it rders to fare quotes I'd ask a trnvt·I ag1·ncy. hut don 't want to have to 1.:et into a d 1~L·11ss1on or my t ra vcl plans before I 'vt-madl' a ran ul dt·c1s1on on whl.'re I want Lo i;:o B F. .. San Ju~n Capistrano (;t'nerally used In connection wllh tour cost quotes. land costs Include all expenses such as ac- comodalions, meals and, if Indicated, ground transportation , transfers lo and from airports and tour-Included sightseeing. Nut included are air fares from home to desUnation, airport taxes. passport or \lisa fees, Ups. trip insurance and personal items such as laundry, telephone call~ and beverages. Solar Slgltts s~ ... SHus "He bas -a sense or humor and yet he 's serious . he's inpert.inent and yet he has reeling ... he's human enough to ma ke mistakes. and yet he hates death enough to push himself past ru s own limits to save lives." Alda said . The 43-year-old actor challenaed the new doc· tors lo "put people fl~t. And I include an that not j us t people. but what exists between people." "WHERE DOES MONEY COME on your hst., 1 s tamped declassified und placed on an ope n library she lf i n Los Alamos, N.M. . How much will il guide you in relating to your • ._~t. patients? Do patients in a cliruc need less of your A~Wt ........ -------- attention than pri\late patients?" he asked. This. Alda said, was his "prescription" ror the doctors SUPER V ALUIS OH "I've given you kind of a big pill to swallow. but I trunk it'll make you feel better." he said. 'And 1l not well. look. I'm only human " WATERBEDS A.ward Won Woman Sues Swgeon BINGHAMTON, N.Y. <AP > A 24-year-old woman has won a $139,424 Judgment for surgery performed 16 years ago that she claimed deprived her of normal breast development In her lawsuit against Binghamton General I losp1tal and Dr Frank Conole, Cynthia Davidson of nearby 'Vestal sought $3 million for the pain and anguish lh<tt she said s he suffered because of the surgcr:v to removt· growths wM'n she was 8 She claimed thl.' operation was not needed fREI DIUVIH IN OIANGf COUNI• INSIAUArlON AVAllAlll llHAH(IN(i AVAii Alli . , THI ~ IOOIWE "c.. ~~c $ 279 • 9 5 .,,,,. (QMPll 11 I N IDS DECISION, SUPREMt~ Court Justice David Le<.' Jr cxonernlcd the hoi.i11tal but round Conol<.' liabll' for dam a~e~ • ••ome & bookco~e hcodbootd Qvolily lop u10,,, mo!lreH U l h..,0101 wdh the1mo~101 l•tted hr\t:! till kot i<'ing ~ Ove1;r' \•le Or\ly Thl' woman's attorney. Joseph Mande ll. s aid hl' would appeal Lee ·s finding on the hospital Mandell argued the hospillil lackt:d proper review procedures lo prevent unnecessary operations. "f l.'il//tl\ /\ .... l .J-.f,f'I\(, Ul'tlfOH f " THE ATTORNEY CONTENDED IN the trial that Conole removed the premature growth of his dienl 's bf'easts and not benign tumors . After re· ulizing what had happened. the woman became depressed and swcidal. according to testimony in the trial. OfllNJDA'U ~ -_ .... _ • • 960-3202 1M 1 1oa SA i 10\ \UI< ,, ~ w.g 211 .. _ch llwtl. Huntlneton ~ Conole contended he removed benign tumors from the woman in accordanct.• with cstabh~hed mcd1c·al proccdurl.'~ Call 642-5678 Pul a few words to work for you "Alan Held In Death Of Youth G Lf':NDOH/\ I A p ' A 17 year old boy has been stabbed lo death. and a miin was in Jai l after a fight OH'r a bird bath damagl•d h y a J.l o w e r I a w n m 11 wt· r . police said Young Fn.ank liillii.im was pronounced dl.'ad at G lendorn (;ommun1ty Hospital late Wednesday after a dispute O\'Pr S20 his girlfriend 's mother EST~\.TE SALE O F dEWELRY- CRYSTAL- PORCELAIN - BRONZES- CHINA - SILVER and more. Lots of diamond rinys anti earr 1ngs. gold cha1m. frnc ch1ncJ anc.J in the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights May 18, 19 and 20 DEAR READERS: "Don't Cul Us Orf," "The Paid for dam a g 1 n g Frederick Buck's b1 rd Sunbeam Solution," and "Swl&cb On Tbe Sun" are crystal l>rorues. some furm ture, oils chandeliers, brass lamps, etc I nsJ>t1ct1on of all merchandise Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 2 · 5 P.M . and 7 · 8 P.M. bath. tb e tiU es or tbree entries i n Th e wo man who "Fllms/SUdes/Vlcleotapes;,Solar Energy for Heal·· manages thl' duplcx lag and Coollag Buildlags, a recent pubUcation of where Buck lives. had t~e Nalloaal Solar Heallag and CooUng laforma· been mowing his lawn t1on Cen&er. when she accidentally The free catalog lists more tban SO films, 45 cracked th«> bird bath sets _or slide8, and 38 videotapes about beating or lie demanded $20, and coohng residential and commercial buildings. she paid it. said police Topics range from basic Introductions to technical detective Tim Pfeiffer discussions with leading solar experts. Suitable au-T hat ·s when Gil ham dieaces.range from elementary scbool children lo inter.ceded Buc k , 22 . univers1ty groups andadulls. wa s tJOokcd for in · The four slide shows available from the Na· vestigalion of murder tlonal Center contain between It and 8t 35 mm col· or s lides. All are accompanied by an audio cassette, ran11:ing from 12 to 18 minutes. They may be borrowed from the National Center al no charge. The National Cente r's films, i.vbicb also can be borrowed free, are 15 mm., in color with a sound track. They cover both general and technical aspects of solar and range in length from six to 31 minutes. Borrowers should allow about two weeks for dell"ery . Each enlry in the catalog lists the title of the entry, ordering Information, and a brief descrip· lion of tbe contents of film or slides. Price ranges from free to S35 for rental or from free to S350 for purchase. Almost all films are 16 mm. The format ' or the video varies. Tbe National Center, wb.lcb collects and dis· aemlnates information about solar heatlag and cooling, shares Us fiadlags with consumers and prore.ukNlals in 50 states. Tlte Cea&e'r is opera&ed by &be Franklla Research Center for &be U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in cooperation wHll tbe U.S. Department or Energy. Tills catalog and other solar laformalion can be re· quested from &be Center by wrt&lDg Solar Heating, More Fun to Dance HONG KONG IAP > Weekend dances have DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642•5878 Something for everyone -from $1 .00 up Free admission. Bank of Amenca. Master Charge, ctiecks, newport galleries ltd. some terms available. 254 2 West Coast H1ghwdy Newport Beach, CA (714 ) 645·2200 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED TIL 5 PM FED UP WITH WAITING IN LINE? TRY OUR GAS SERVICE We'll get gas for you! No more long lines ... plenty of gas available .. enjoy yc;»ur weekend with a full tan1< •.. become fashionable in China but officials at some factories are threaten1ng production by encourag· ing workers to leave their jobs to dance. a newspaper reader has complained to the People's Daily. Cost ot memberahlp • • . $95.00 per year -lncludH a•aollne newaletter anct·"Full T•nk Member9hlp Kit" The letter from Xiao Lt malao Lil, printed by the official Communist Party newspaper. said some factories have adopted a special promotional s logan: "Cadres should lake the lead to eliminate the inability lo dance." E.secutlft VIP appofntment1 ••• S1t.UO plua ~ ... T ... phofte for drtftf pfctlup and ratutn of your autoftlObHe to your reeldence or bu .. ,.. ... A~ II HCured .... ty. ea• tank fMecl, full Hrvlce dleotl Oft ftukl .. vela and tlre1. Other eentce• aleo aw111Hable:.. 0HOllMNa ........... . lftdlcatae ...... ...... In yout .... In '"°" areaa, 9'0_,,, Of operation, euppllot awellaltt• and MUC'9 mo,.. THE PUIUC SCHOOlS Of OIANGE COUNTY QaeoHne appofntment1 , , • 15 ptue IHlfCha•. LeaYe your car et ... ......., MCurtty lot In the area Of your ~. Trantpoftdoft naH•ble to end ffom. Pick up cer wtttl full tank. lncludff MCIHft1 of 8UIOMOMe. futt oheoll of all ftukl '"81e, tire preaeure oMctl incl full aervtce oMofdlat. DISPLAY ART NOW IN NOGRESS fOf your convenience, Me8ter Charge or VISA telephone orde,. acceptect Cati 2 .. hr. Hne, aak tor Oper1tor 10. 714-MM515 ,.., • SOUTH COAST PIAZA ..a10l ST. & IAH DllOO PWf. ''l'M In,... e ... te. malle MOre In 2 ~ "'8n tt'1 wOfth tor IM IO ... , tn a ........ HM. TM IHO ..... Appol 1bMnt pve ............. IO cloM a .............. weeld" "Mr tafllly ontoyed a 311 Mtto lltp Ifft .... ... wttho4lt Afff wony of t•IOIM ......... " • f ' • .... __ - I f - ORANGE COUNTY ..... _ A,.p .. I• Wendy Yo~h1mur 1:t , 3 5 . on t' t! P Ii t r I l' 1 a H earst ·s ru ~u t1 n· tra veJing comparuon. has asked the state S upre me c;ourt to overturn he r 1977 conviction on weapons c harges She remains lrttc on bail pt?nding her ap. peal. Maestro At UCI Finalist 'They Also Serve .... ' €ounty Supervisors Wait in Gas Lines 11J DTBY CLANCY r ., .. llMt,.... .... Or ••Cowaty &upenlaon may or m., not be waalJnc In tbe lon1 ,. aUUon Unet with their conltituenta, dependlna upon which bpt1oo they've taken at part of tb.ilr yuarly saJarka. nd« ternu or • lon11 ·standin1 'Bl Neighbor' Waiting in Line a Real Gm By IOANNt; aEVNOLI>~ Ot _o.lty ......... " J 1m Jcnrnn~' runi. ha:. U111on ~1t11 11t1tt100 on Hui boa 11\limd as u ~1ghbc1rhootl bu. ... an~I\ With lhe gai. shor1 age. waiting in hne ut the island's only gas station hul\ bt•(•o mc 11 ('<Immunity event. ··The problem )S," he says ruefully, "is that everybody knows I Uve down the street That's where t-he Une forms and when they're outside my house they race their eng lnes lo make sure I'm uv early to sta.rt pumping gas." ONE ISLAND RESIDENT who'll made a few ap. pearances in the hne c1ul:.1de Jc11nin~11 · door decided to keep a log of a typ1<·al morning'11 WJll The entries made b) Tom Moon, 301 Abalone Ave . ~gin at 7 JO u m when the police oHaccr 11hows up to move rars that are blocking the alley One young lady pokes her head out of her apartment on Marine Avenue, obser ves the hne and a111<s, "What is this? A party? How am 1 going lo move my car?" TWENTY MINUTES LATER, Moon noted that a "woman passes by to look for friends who live nearby." She wants to get coffee while she wails her turn at lhe pumps "lier friend!> were not ut home." Moon adds Al about the sume lim1:, another line·s1tter decides lo st•ek c·offe_e from a lul'a l rcsh111nmt. "Take good carf of .. my c·ur , don •t let anyone steal it." hC' admonishes his fell ow wuiters • ··One child with dud need~ tu gu potty." Moon also ob Sf.'rved. SHORTl.V At'TER HA.~ .• H i:1rl ~hows up wi th cofft>e. hut she's brought wuxcd t·u1~s. 1-{ood for cold drinks but Ul\e· less for ser ving coffee At 8: t8 a m one owner comes out of has house and policy. suiervlsora are enUUed to a Uto·per·montb car al· lowance or they are fumiabed wltb a county car for couaty bU1ines1. alon1 with 1asollne and auto service. Supervisors Philip Anthony, Harriett Wieder and Ralph Diedrich all opted for the $390 per month allowance. AS A aESVLT. Anthony said Thursday, ''I get my gas by wail· ing In lines," adding he normal· ly drives his Volkswagen bua to and from his job as chairman or the county Board of Supervisors . Supervisor Harriett Wieder said she recently filled her gas tank al t'he county garage because she had a lot of weekend county functions to at· tend. Otherwise. Mrs. Wieder ex· plained. she will be waitifl8 in line al commercial gasoline sta. tions _ Supervisors Ralph Clark and Thomas Riley use county· supplied cars and are entitled lo have them filled and serviced at the tounty garage. RILEY SAJD IDS six·week-0ld Chrysler New Yorker gets 13 · miles lo the gallo n on city travel, better than the IO·m1lc· per .gallon average with the Mercurv he drovC' until recently In addition, fi iley said. he's µl<'dged lo reduct• driving an<! fuel consumption hy l1vf' gHllons pt•r \\>N:k dunn~ lht• 1•urrent <"runrh hy l'llltlng down on at t .-n d i n g · t h o ~ l ' k 1 n cf o r 1·ercmon1<JI thing~ that Wt! get CISkCd lo .. All 9.98 Fruit Trees .......... ~ ALL 12.50 Fruit Trees .•... NOW 8.74 Almonds, App'"· Apttcots. Nectartnes and Plums. Hydroponics • -Prove To Yourself It Really Works! HYDROPONIC STARTER KIT Complete kit Includes growing tray with Clroln. holdlng bucket. nutrients grovel. pH test kit. water conditioner ond Instructions. I COMPLETE 17 .95 I l Florut Special f HANGING INDOOR PLANTS Many varieties including •SPIDER PLANTS •PIGGYBACK •FERNS • AFRICAN CHARLIE .';incP 1946 Hallis}ti-s · Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa AO Gooa Through May 22. 1979 While Supply Lasts UC Irvine Symphony Orchestra co"uductor Alvaro Cassuto has been named as one of the finalists among appll· cants seeking the post of conduc t o r of the Providence. R. t. Sym . phony Orchestra. launches a dialogue with a wa1timg moton:;t. .. Iii. Who owns th1 i. car ?" "l do .. Rll.E\"S ONL \' AljTO 1s lhl' county t•ar. but the:: former Marine ge11eral said h<' hares a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cassuto, 42. came to UCI six year~ a~o lo · take up the btlton rchn quis hed by formt·r d1rcc tor Peter OdeJ;::ird . A native or l.1-;hon . Portugal. he ahw d1rt>ets the Lisbon Rad 111 Orchestra. Cassuto has appeared as guest conductor with se veral leading Euro· pean orchestras. among th em the B er l i n Philarmonic. the Lon· don Symphon y Orchestra and the Na· tiona l Orch estra of • ·Israel. "This one on the curb by you is mine. Your car, meet my car." Moon described the process of get.ting the parked car moved: "Juggle." "Coffee lady back with mom's good cup." WtOLE HE WAITt:D. Moon was offered a copy of :i dav-old Wall Strcl'l Journal from a man pe1rkang his car to t<.ike off i.a1ling . As cars a re being shutned ill 8 J•I a.in., Moon rcatized 11 's strect·swceping day. Nearing the pumps about 10 minutes htler . he noted that "horns i.nd tcmpns flare as une lady refuses lo give "ay as cars switch. The attendant separates the two.·;. A FEW MINUTES LATER there was a collision as one departin~ motor ist backed into an arriving one . Finally Moon was close enough to read the sign in front of the pumps : IMPORTANT! ENTER THE ISLE THAT YOUR GAS TANK FILLER Wll,L BE NEXT TO THE PUMP: VERY SHORT GAS HOSES "My tank is in the middle." ak.r.o privalt' <.iuto when needed for strictly pcr!>Onal travel. Clark. who also serves as board l'haarma n of the .Ontnge County Transit I>1:-tr1rl. OC · ras1one1 lly I rav1·ls by hu~ to transit dist ril"I mct•t1ng::. from his hnnw in Anuh1·1 m Clark a nd his \\>lfc . h1)wcv•·r. h a v1• w<1itt•d 1n !>1•rVH'l' s lat1011 lines lo ft ll lht·ar µcrsonal auto:., lhl· aide ~aid. Arts Chief Named Lesli e Mayo, an e1rt instructor who h<1s taught •for the Tustin and Ne wport·Mc sa fJnified School Districts. will bead the Fine Arts Departmeot at the. Ora nge County Fair July 13·22 . 4" ---•JN ,._...,JI ... ,.. wUfl llN specNll d~low prtus!------------------------w mal'larltka diamond cl'latr. I stool/table '•· 8.99to 16.99 .. ~.to Ja.74 reg. 29.99%a.,49 lounge, rec. 79 99 J9.t99 , ll'JOl I 0,... M9a. .. s.t. 10.t S..10.7 mal'larltka cl'la1r , ... 29.99 17.99 L....,aHlls Lag1111a Hlls Mal t WE'RE DEAUieif IT'S OUR BIGtilST 5"1 '5 11tENT EVER. We've been challenged ~' IJr eJk all ToyOtrl ·~: "• r ·rorr"!r And were go1nq to dn 11 v11 n OnceAYear detJIS on lhe 1979 Toyotas. the Total Economy cars and lrucl--::. We're dealing on the Corohca :'·Doer Sedcm . Toyora•. lowest·prrced and h1ghes1 gc.1~·m110,1ge CJr Were 001..:n m1rc1 hours to help you get in on the challenge And wove <JOI lhe car or truck you re looking lor Come on in now because we can only chnllengo you w11h Once·A·Year deals 1h1s week You got 11 WEGL•••F"GE10UTORl•A•ttER DEAL ON A GREAT ECONOMICAL CAR. u ·EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Boulevard (714) 646-9303 Complete New York S'°'lcs, DeHvered same day fresh to your lioorstep .. r " ·-~----~--·----·-··-··--··----·---- . AJ• CW&. V PU.OT ,rtcs.y, May II. 1119 .. . . ., US . • Meftlt>ers of me Congres.s, futh House and Senate, arc' I I addresfilng these ~ues now. The letter at the right states the L .J case for reducing government controls that hold down the ~----------------------~ interest rates your savings could earn. If you agree that current To help change the law, p1eae clip letttt and mall~ die appropriate Semaor or Repreaemmhe. laws discriminate against the majority of savers, and that the measll(es under consideration -however laudable_ are onl} St:nators: The Hon. Alan Cranston Dist. 30-The Hon. George E. Danielson one step in the right direction, we urge you lo make your The Hon. S. I. Hayakawa Dist. 31-The Hon. Charles H. Wilson · · kn Yi d b · pl 1. · th Representatives by District: . Dist. 32-The Hon. Glenn M. Anden;on opm10n own. ou may o so y SIDl y c 1ppmg out e letter Dist. lB-The Hon. William M. Thomas Dist. 33-The Hon. Wayne Grisham to the right,~ it to your Con~ representati1.\H· "'-,_ ..... Dist.~ 19_ The Hon. Robert J. Lagomarsino Dist. 34-The Hon. Dan Lungren sigrung· it, and mailing· . it to the address shown. H Barry M Goldw J Dist. 35 The Hon Jim Lloyd Dist.11>-The on. . ater, r. -• By helping change the law, you11 be helping yourself gain Dist. 21-The Hon. James c. Corman Dist. 36-The Hoo. George E. Brown, Jt ' the opportunity to benefit from higher interea rates. Dist. 22-The Hon. Carlos J. Moorhead Dist. 'Sl-The Hon. Jerry Lewis n:.. .. ~-The Hon. AnthonyC. Beilemon Dist.38-The Hon.Jerry M. Patterson' Ulo'K.~ Dist.39-The Hon. William E. n... .. ---Dist. 24-The Hon. Henry A. Waxm$n --u-.. AJ~· Dist. 25-The Hon. F.dward R. Roybal Dist. 40-The Hon. Robert E. Badham Dist 26 The H lnhn H R I D~ 41-The Hon. Robert Wilson · -on.:_"'':"\ · otme ot D~t 42-The Hon. Lionel Van Deedin OS. '17-The Hon. Robert K. Doman Dist. 28-The Hon. Jtilian C. Dixon -..0~. 43-The Hon. Qair W. Burgener Dist. 29-1bc Hon. Auguitus F. Hawkins BANK OF AMERICA • • I . . . ' . • ----. ..,.._._ ..... .__. . ... ... --· ........ ' -• •..# .. .. INSIDE: •Annunders •Sports •Horoscope •Business f, DAIL V Pll.OT 1 .............. _..Q!P,;IQll!l!l~c:.:llc=::~~~===- Miss Hot-T-omato-Reealls HollywotMI Starlet LHe BJ DENN• •cL&UAN Of ................ lt 'a euy to 1ee why Hollywood atarlet Kathy Marlowe earned lbe reputation u the moat Ulll'd alrl ln the United States durtnc the 1~he was dubbed everythln1 r~m Ml:.s Western Llrien Miss Downtown Dollar Days and Mias BIOOd Bank to Miss Ballyhoo, M ISi> Kot Tomato and Min Angus Bull. It's a1ao easy to see why Life magazine, In a 1956 photo .spread titled '"Kathy's Camera Capers," claimed she posed ror more outlandish pictures than anyone before her: She's been photographed burled m a ton of potatoes, sitting on a cake of lCe in a bikini and fryin1 an egg on the desert sand. Today Kathy Ma rlowe is Mrs . Gerald Thompson of Corona del Mar But she remembers those halcyon days of 'Whether sitting on a cake of ict:J or going out in the snow, the press always loved me, she says. the cornball pubhcity µ1 cturcs, a time when she was a photographer 's dream come true. FOR A HOLLYWOOD STARLET under contract to a movie studio in the '50s, it was all part of the job. And Kathy Marlowe did it bette r than most. "Whether sitting on a cake of ice or going out in the snow the press always loved rile," she • says. "Whenever something came up they'd call me. I always did it in a good sport way with a smile on my race." Kathy Ma rlowe was a blonde 21-year-old model with a 39·24-35 figure in 1953 when she got that proverbial call from Hollywood. The call was from the Howard Hughes- owned RKO Studios. The bashful billionaire himself had seen her J)icture in a magazine and wanted to put her under contract for a movie he planned to make. "I was m New York doing 'Miss Dents Out of Fenders' for Minnesota Mining," Mrs Thompson recalls. · · 1 was promoting auto c;are." · "Tht-rlr11t thtnte he said was. 'So you·re l'ol111h , ... 8he say8 She had chan1ed her last name. Mulowsltl. when she be1an modeling as a teen·a1er In MlnnesotM. Althouth the Hughes picture fell through, ~he wafl kept under contract for six months. Her dramM coach then suggested she stay in Hollywood and offtlred to continue coaching her Ire~. She lat~r wMs under contract to 20th Cen- tury Foll und Warner Bros. where s he pro- ~rcssed from s mall parts to supporting parts and ftnally to leads in severMl largely forgotten films I" 1-'lve Bold Women." "Girl Hitchhiker"> DUalNG THAT TIME she appeared in num erous TV shows ("Ozzie and Harriet," "77 Sunset Strip." "Dragnet">, did commercials 1 l vor y, Ca may, Ford) and ran her own model- ing school. Southern California TV viewers will re- member he r as one of the "Boom Boom" girls who banged the base drum for a tire company on the Al Jarvis Show.. She says the· ·casting couch'' helped deter her from reaching higher peaks of stardom". The casting couch is definitely not a myth, she says, adding "it's still there too." But it's not for her acting career that Kathy Ma rlowe will best be remembered. It's her re- putation as Miss You-Name-It-there were more than 50 titles a nd all those cheesecake pictures. She's even been immortalized in the book ··Life Goes to the Movies," which has a picture of her strapped lo a giant roli!iserie to de · monstrate a battery-operated barbecue motor. FOR A WELL-BUILT blonde in the '50s Hollywood was the Idea l place to be: reme mber ~ Jayne Mansfield. Anita Ekberg, Joi Lansing , Sheree North and Mamie Van Doren" "It was kind or a blonde, busty era," says Mrs . 'Thompson. whose scrapbook contains a magazine story about he r with the headline . ··Tomorrow's Marilyn Monroe?" Mrs. Thompson says starlets were assigned studio drama coaches and that they woul\I audi· tion for all available parts . ...,~ - ··Publicity was part or the build-up or a starlet, .. s he says. "'If they needed to promote a picture you might go on a junket or go to a pre· miere." Despite her willingness to pose for any out- la ndish photograph. she drew the line at one thing: posing in the nude. . . / ,_ 4 ,,. .. • .. l' + SHE FLEW TO HOLLYWOOD and Hughes put her up in the Sunset Towers. She was as· signed a secretary, a chaperone, a drama coach and a chauffeur-driven limousine. "I haven't gotten over it yet." s he says. She remem bers her first and onl y meeting with Hughes. It lasted 20 minutes. "I just thought that when l married and had children I wouldn't want to have much ex- posure, .. says Mrs . Thompson. who even turned <SeeHOTTOMATO,Page83> Twenty years ago starlet Kathy Marlowe was said to have posed for more outlandish pictures than anyone before her-as the above photographs illustrate. Today, upper eight, she's Mrs. Gerald Thompson of Corona de/ Mar. Crazy 4 Personalized Plates By JUDITH OL..IIDN Ot , ... O•llr Plteie S\a" Mark Schumacher, a Long Beach resident, has been offered thousands or dollars for his vanity license plate which says PORSCHE. He's turned the money down every time because he wants the prize plate himself-for his Toyota Celica. The fact that people a re willing lo pay large sums of money to put a personal touch on their car is indicative or how creative-or how crazy-{;alifomia ns are. Champagne music maker Lawrence We/k's plate is A 1ANA2, the words he uses to start up his orchestra. Lagtl)a Beach Police officer Danell AAfn!I' pie tNd• FUZZ Z. Michael Farley. an Englishman, t~ibks Californians are the latter. When he came lo the U.S. 18 months ago he was fascinated by the mania Golden Slaters have for putting a personal touch on their cars and set out to rind out more about what it all meant. "I went lo buy a book and couldn't find one, he said. "There was just a book which was published in 1974 which was a computer print· out. lthadn"tbeenupdated." Farley plugged in his own computer and re· alized that this was the project he had been looking for. A PROMOTER by trade. he had come to the U.S. with no business contacts and no idea or what he wanted to do. So a book on license plates was ideal. It wa!i ) an untapped ma rket. A year ago Farley began work on his book, "Who's Who Behind Personalized California License Plates." His research methods included leaving notes on cars with interesting plates and runnin~ advertisements in magazines asking people to sha re their stories. He selected what he considered the best out of thousands or replies sent lo him and already has enough for a second edition of the book. Many film stars and other famous people are in f'arley's first volume. There are pictures o r various people, including Lassie <he r trainer's plates spell the dog's name> and blurbs telling what the various plates mean. It's the kind of book you'd keep stashed in Mark Shumacher shows off. the PORSCHE plate Inst.led on his To)Ua. I I the glove compartment for easy reference when an interesting license goes by The number of personalized license plates in California is growing every month so Farley's book barely scratches the surface, he indicated. HE'S ALSO syndicated the concept for newspapers, featuring one plate per column. a nd pJans to introduc~some license gam es. The enlrepreneur~nvested $80,000 of his <See PERSONALIZED. Page 83 > Actor Emest Borgnine's plate is easily identifiable; it's BORG 9. Comic drunk Foster Broolcs gave his . California A LUSH plate to his daughter, Teri Foster. Brooks alfo owns a Callfomia A LUSH2 platl' and A LUSH in New Yorlc and Nevada. " Daily PllO! SUit ll'lt•te Abigail Van Buren Ann Landers Abby Prefers To Be Eve11 By SANDIE EGAN CH IM Oa•l\f Prlet Si." J<'sting about Califomia·s gas plight dur- ing a lecture in Newport Beach . advice columnist Abigail Van Buren declared. ··we a re gathered to~ether to determine who is odd and who is even.·· The columnist, who·s better known as "Dear Abby," added. '"I prefer to be even." Ms. Van Buren·s talk was punctuated with the kind or puns ror which she and he r identical twin. advice columnist Ann Lan- ders. have become famous. <Ms. Landers' column appears in the Daily Pilot.> Speaking about he r s ister , Ms. Van Buren denied rumors that she and Ms. Landers are bitter e ne mies . She said it is "not true" that she and her twin haven 't spoken in 20 years. · "We are very good friends." Ms. Van Buren said, noting that she and her sister write to each other almost every day and that Ms. Landers' letters "are hi.larious." ceives, Ms. Van Buren quipped, "I don't know what you put i n your soil in Newport." She told of a letter received from a Newport Beach teen-ager who wanted to know which or her two boyfriends to choose since ·'one is romantic and tbe other one is decent." The columnist's observaliofl was, "I guess you can't be romantic and decent in Newport." Sbe allo noted that not all the mail she gets is fit to print and that her mail renects "interesting cultural ch&111es." As an example she read a recent letter from a 22-year-old woman who had been takia1 birth control pills for three yean and wanted to know U her boyfriend should share tbe cost of the pill. The read· era said the problem was she didn't know her boyfriend well enough to uk him to share the cost. Ms. Van Buren. 80. ia llr,. Morton Pbi11t.-1n private ltfe ad resldes m- Beverly Hills. Her slater lives in Cbic .. o. The talk by "Dear Abby" wu apomored by the Auillanff Le.,ues ot Newport Beach and Lqu.na Beach as part ol their Town Hall lecture aeries. ! . ' ,, ... . .. . ··~ . -.. -..---.. ~ . . .... " .• ., ~i'.1~ 7 T ~ ~ ~ T ·'f' 7YY •~'".,. • • • ,...,. , .. . . . .. -... ,-..... _ ... -DAil Y PILOT ftJBUC NOTICE ··~· ............ 0r.,.. c-4 Delly ••• Mil-, tt, 1' n,...._ I,..,. lltl 7• Frldav. May 18. 1979 PVatJC NOTICE "191.IC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE litC'ftf"*I eU61NHi NAIMUAAMllU , ... 1111-........ -.. °"'"" """ ,..,, ... .. littt'l!ll<lH •UtlOf II\ lltl All• I.II, C•Lo ,,,_...,, C.e O U I fet ,.__. ~ l rw ~'VM• JtO A•'• l", (o•t• Mn• C • tl•ll 1111\ ............. ""'°"'""'by .... Ill Uh111(tv.1 •• .,. ('"°"""' f~I\ \t.knt9n1 we ftt.G with ow t-1v ( .. ,.<ii O<-<.o..ntv on ,,,., ], "" ,,,_ P\Allo-0.-"91 CoM\I Oetly PtlOI ,,_.., II, II ''· J..,. I t'ilt lt>4J I~ PV11UC NOTICE noUtl O•l•CI Meir I, ''"' AONtld F H•ln E .. < ... Of Of,,,. w111 of 111eeoove~CIK-"I aOll aT II. MURWITI ... N•9-' ee-r o. .• ''" ,..._.,,9Mdi,CA ..... hi 111•1 1~ A"-tw 1.-c-PvOll\hed Df""9'1 COHI D•llV Piiot PUBLIC NoTaCE ..., NC»IC. °" TltUtTa11·s SALll UN~a HllDOI' TaUST T"tt• LOAM NO. 111111 PUBLIC NOTICE Notlu b llet'M\' tiWf'I ~ SER· AANO ltECONVEYANCE CO"'· --------------' P ANY. A c..tllomle < __ .. !oft H PICTITIOUS IUSINllH lru,lff, M \UCCHIM tnni.., M \ub> •l•I 1 NAMe STATllMllNT \lilutecl tndt•--.t lo t"9 dMGOfl --------. ,,,. fol~ _ _. ....... 111111· lruil ,_,.. J-lO, "" In _.. M•lr •, II, II. 11, 191'1 • n •l ..... ...,. tOt Of Offk14l A«Otch "'I NEWPOl'IT HOIUZOHS AEALTY, Ille offke ol t"9 c-ty "~of - -----6'0 A...., Sl•ffl, He•port llee<,,, Or•ft9e Couftl,, C•llforftt•, •"d ··-CAtllfo•nl•'*l ,...~to ... HoCk• of Defeult - P U BLIC NOTICE NOTIC.0" DlfAULTANO "°""Id A, L-4J2 ,..,. Piece, Ele<lloft to Sell ~ ~onNG I LIC1'IO•fTO ULL UNDI It CO\le ~. c..llfoml• .,.,, J-.ry 11. 1'1t lfl 110o11 IJDDI, - DllEOOt' TRUST Tho\ ~N\>" <ondll<led tty •n tft• I"' of YOC1 Offl<lel lt«onh. •Ill V II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH Tlwt l~ocSu•I Oft M•y 2S, 1'1t .i 2:00 p.m., •I IM P U BL1(' NOTICE L 0 s AH GEL Es , I t LE AH 0 ~Id A L-~II ""'"''..,,,MU to t"9 Old c- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE P'K"TITIOUI IVSANllSS -AISTAACT ~POllATION .• ~or-This tl•IA!---·~ lflecl "''"' .... tyC-H>t"9Cftyof5em•AM, PO<etlon, It \uClllll11led TtVSIM II,_, OUflly Cieri! of Ofeftlle CO<lftly on -y C.llfOtnle, -' pUltl~ eu<llOft. to "'- • -... trust delecl -rch U, 1971, I. lt7•. ~I IMOder tor t e\11 ·--•t Ille u ecutecf 11'1 RENE D. GUZMAN •!>Cl ""4111 ...... of loele lfl '-"" _,, of , ... TOMASA GUZMAN H Tni>lor-. lo Puttll\hed Or-Co.II Oelly PllOI, United Sla .. ,l •II rltftl. tttle. -lft· \Kure cwt.oft ot>ll~IOns"' l•v0< of ey •.11. ti , U, lt1' ?IJ~I 1tresl, COit,_.,.., to --lleld ll'f ti SIDNEY S. DICICIE,.., unmMrlecl r Vftder wleld9edlfttM~11t ..... m-.. "" --v.-•1• ~rty PUBLIC NOTICE •d '" w id c-tv •1111 si. .. ctHcrlOecl n 8eMtklery, rKO<'decl Aprll 11, lt71,' •• to1iow,· lt"I No 12311, 111 Boolt Ii.JO. p-1---------------i Lot •I Of Trect No. ri•. lft 1M City S'1. of OfOci.i R«onK In Ille office of SUP'ERIOlt C.OUltT o" THI Of ......., lleec:h, ~of Or-. Ill• Re<order of Or•ft941 County, $TATEOf'CALlf'Ot!NIA "Otlt !.tete Of (.elltoml•. ai ,,,._ °" • C.llfOrftl•. wld ot>119etlont l11<ludlt19 TME OOUtfTY Ol'OltANGll mep rK°"'9d 1,. Boolt J7I p-'· s .•• -llOl•fOrprlMl!*SllmOfSI0,000.00. NO. 111D '· •••• IO -" of misc.II-• TNI a ~II of, •lld O.feult In, the lft lte RICHARDT SMITW, INC., a meps. records of 0r•"9• C-ly • OC1llo•ll0111 fOr "'"I<" well 6"d 11 c ... _ .. ._, 1• P'receu ef WI• CellfO•f!le. Property Addreu .. <u•llv ~oc:curred In lh•I ...,ymenl U11. purportedly llnown o : •11 Viste he• nol been -of· ORDEll TO SHOW CAUSE s u.,•I•, Newport Bue,,, C•llfornl• llJI " Tiie ..-lhly IMl•ll ...... t of Pflll· 1c._ ..... ~. tttl7) .,WO. <11>411...., ir11erttt cl.,. In IM ernounl of On •Mdlr>o Ille wrllled petllloo of S.ld Wl4I wlll be ....-. ttul wltfloul ---------U12 ... on the ht d<ty of Febr11ery, petition•• °" Ille herein •nd 9QOd COYet\•nl M warr .... IY, e • .,,-._, or om P U BLIC NOTICE 191' •l'ICI •II •~I tMtallmenh uu .. •PflH•lriotllemor. pltecl, reo-rdi"O tlti.. ~ .. "'°"°'en of P;ln<lpel •l'ICI lnttre•I of lnls Med OI IT IS HEREBY OAOEltEO 111•1 all <llmttr•ncn. to Wll\ly , ... llldeltted· C,,_ ----'""' •nd all ...,,.,, dee<1' of tru\I n Al"Of\\ lnter""llld "PP"•• boolore the rte\\ .ec"""' It\' 'M>l<I o.G, ln<IUOl11<1 NOTICE Of SALE Of llEAL NOTICE OIF tlley t>ec:ome duw I091'1Mr with any ettov• •11lllllld (.ourt. tn '"" tounroom Ille fff -upe11.e of lhe tru•-•ltd P'a~lt'TY AT P'RIYATE SALE NON-RISl'OtfSlllLITY end •II O.lonq-j ICU .. , If •nv. •ncl ol 0.p•l'1ment •. at 100 Covle Ce"l•r 01 Ille I"'"' <rH led tty Wlcl oe.<i, ...S· "ICT1TIOUI eUSINISS N .. A-t NOTICE IS HE A EBY C.IVEN """' •ny Mid ell edVIN'<eS and/Ot CIW•OI'\ Orin Wttl, S...t• An.a, C•llfO,,.I•, •I wen<H ""°,_" wit" tntere\I a \ N...._ SYATEXllNT I• .. 5-W C-1 ef lhe unde•~ ••11 llOI"" •uooll\tttt• pu,.u•nf to said note•"" dffd of'"''' lO e.m on J~ 2S. •m. ,...., •lld prowldecl 1"9reH>, ...., IM -•id prln T,,. tol-"9 pe•-• ••• dolft9 1119 ._ .. C•~,... lor •ny -· °' 1t•lttlt11n conl•.-<lecl Tll•I by •••son tllereol, 111~ U"· IM•• to -c..,.., If •f'IV, why .., o" <llMll of 1,,. not• wc""cl tty••~_,. bwMIWU a ; ..,. c-y .. Or-tty .,.,.,... oci.< ,,,.,, myMll. on or <M,,l9ned P'-"' t..nefl<lary under ' shOl.olcl""' be made OKl•••no pell to.wtl Sl4,.,.., II with ,,.,., ... _..,., DON MIGUEL CLOT .. I NG I" tlw ....ti« Of the E•l•te of FRED •11•• llll\dele. \IKll -·No\ e1<eurtecl •lld clellvered tloner <lulV-.ndue>-cllnolved lro"' O<lllCltf" 10, 1'11 as provic!MI "' DE!.IGNE". l41J VI• ()porlo •4. 11 SCOTT OKH-D•led '"" .. 1'10.y of M•y, 1'1' lo ~id T~t~ • wrllte" OKl•r•llOll IT IS FURT .. Ell OHOE.REO lllet wod note ~ llMdl, C... '*l Holk• is heret>y ViV"" '"'"' the "" ~ret M f"Otd of Oefeult I« S.le, anci h.K Ott~lted a ny peraoll clelt'ni119 to I» lnt•r•sl<IO Oet.., A41f1124, 1'19 M l9ue1 G••c••. 1110 Parll Oen~ wtll ,,.II •t Prlv•tot s..~ to 116QDet_.,,.SI ,.11,. w kl Tnt\te. 'iu<h _.,.,..,•II .n .,,.,.IWll°!r, c,...,11.,-< "~rw1v SerTMIO ,..._,~,. c.,..,,. '"-1. ..._. le«JI, C... '2t60 Hie 111911ftl -Ms!~ Oii 0< afi.• H..,li"9IOll e..<h, CA clocumenl• •vl<Mn~l"9 ottll9et•ons m•v •PPNr"' 1111' ll'OCffdlll9 •t ..,., '- S u ' • " • Gr • < I • • 2 1 ' lfle 1'tlf> Uy of May lt19 ., fM ofllo P..o•h-Or-Coast D•lly Piiot WC-1""90y -h.K d« l•l'Wd \ind time ttetorw Ille HeM•••loll Of lO. deY• ., """TNSIM Per1t ~ • ...._, llH<h, C.. of JA,,.ESA. HUMPMltEYS, JR , L•w M•v ''· 11• •t. "~ t.iJ.7'1 doH MrtOv oec'i.re ell"""' W<"rH from i... contptelloll of pullll<atlon of T". IJtJI ~mt nMI ""-.ilOll. ~ Dowe Slrftl, Sutt• -----------lllereDy inw.-.ately .,._ -peyeOle tllls Ordff lo ~ C-...0 <-sl By J.E. C.0.-etl Tllll ~ lt-.C-by.,. ,,,. 110. Ne-1 llH<ll, c..111 ..... 1 ... ~tt-PUBLIC NOTICE •IMI nH ele<tecs ...o doo herelt\' ele<t the pelllloll flle<I "' "'" CN'OCMdlno. ,._'-Offl<er di•~ fKt to <<lflflm-.tloll of ~iotl Sur>e•t0• to c•.,,. the trust ~rty to tte SOid to •l'ICI -fellure 10 Clo'° eoste•r. •rrv Pubf11-N~ Hartlot Hew• ~Gr«le C-1,•flhr...,.,llti.elldtnt••~st o• ,.11.ry Ille ottllg•t1011s •e<ured •llCl•llWdll'*rwslecl"'"10M'<lalms Pre\\, c-wllll ,,,. 0.M191t TIW• •-we1 rtr.d wllll -w lcl OK-etthellmeofdHlh•no NmH;lllNYITING llDI llle,..111 ,.,.ll tte~ C...stOellyPtloC,~4.11,11,1'1' C-lY Cleft Of Or-. Count'f Oft f!My alltlle rleM. 11114! ...O lftle,..,ltllel the Nolle~ " ,,.,etty Ol .. I\ 111•1 Ille OAT ED Aot'll 11 t'19 IT IS FUllTHEll OltOE RED nt.f t"'>f'I •. '"'· Hlate of wid --,..., e<Qulr?O &o.rd OI Trustees of tlle ,., .. , Com· SIDNEY~ OICK IE lhl\ o•-be OUOllSN<f not ••n ,,..., ""1112 tty OflW'-''°" Of •••°' __ ,.._ oll••• munily COlle<>e Dhtrl<I o• O••noe NOTICE onu • ...... for tllr" COllM<uttve "'*llsr..d Or.,.. C:O.sl Detty Pttol tll•n or In ~lion to lfl•I of w•d ""' Counl\r. CAtl•~•. will receive M•iotd You ,.,., h<tve the right to cu,.. fM nh 111 • ~=·::~of 9•= -y "·ti, Jj, JlllW 1, "" 111.).7' CH\ed, .. , .,,. ..... of dutll, '""""to lttdl Ill) 10 " 00 .. m ., T~•Y. M•y J'I, clt••ull de\<rltted ...... 111 end,..,,,.,, ... ~··c~'i1'."'" ~ ncl Ill.. c ~ OI ••Id ------dllllleutr1a111reel-r1t \ll""'""'" tt7', •I tr. P.,rtll•\lflll Dept ol w lcl lhe...rnorto-Mdfoedotlru'1 Sct11on V. • om •.• • °"' ---·------- PUBLIC NOTICE '"" Cth of Hunt11101on Buell Cou,.ly """°' d•sl•~• loc••.O •t tJIO Ad•m• m •C of the Civil'°"" Pf"'"'' <rrlaon ~~=" •::•~ ";",,:::~::'O:,o 1~<~~":;; lie . ._, of Orang•, Slelr o• C "lo tor "'"· Aven11e <:o•la Mo<1, (•l•IOrr•tA. "' Otl•u•h 10 be tur.o upon Ille PJvmenl pelltlone• •I wtll .,.,~.,·s l•'1 kllOwn NOTICE INVrTING •ID$ p1rll<utartycW~rtlWd•-+ •h•C" •1~ Y IO D•f1\ ... 111 E* pue>•1c11 t>t tf\~ ~'' rf"QulNO bY U'\~11 "ec dddre'\ ' Notttf I\ f'ttfflb't Qlv•" that ,,..,. "ICTITtOUS •USINIESS Lttl l>2, Tr<tel t..l77 on '"" totv ot ope""d Md ••Ad tor '°"" wolhout rt;qu11 on9 pay,.,,.,nt oi IMI OA l E A I 7l l9/~ Bo.rel of Trvst .. ~ of lhe Co.st Co.,,. loAME STATEMENT Hunltnoton Oe•n. Counfy 01 Or•n"" PlllHT ll-1(, I\ 81NOINC. OF POlllOn Ol Prtll<ll)dl """ ,,., .. re,l whtch pro . munlly Colll>Qr O•strlCI ot Or""!!@ th~ l<Mt-•nv !»"'"' '' onono ltu•• SI.tie al C..1ttom1a, a' •llO .. n on " m,,., ~All 1'1Q (LA~'> 5CHE Olll E wou10 nol II<' duP """ "° oe1 .. v11 nt . ,, Robrrt o-1 Cr~en County, Utofetm••. w111 ...celve 'W'•l•<I """ '" reco•<h'd on 8D001 HJ.· PA~' • • •l. '" t .r)l P• N WfS T COl L i:c;r rnrrelJ Wh~•• reor1\l4lem~nt •$ """' l>!cls up lo 11 ·01i.,m., T~. M•v )Q, D & L LAH O~C AP INC,. 1Q87 clu\I•,., QI M•'<ellalW'Ot" M~p·. r~ All h•U-M~ lo """' 4t<otcl411t• wtln OI.,, ti tl>e <leldull '' nol tU<•ll w.lnon J\ldqo! ol 1"" 1'1q at tne Purt~\1"9 Dept. of .,.,d W•\lmln••~r. CMl3 ~,,.,CA '11&?1 cord\ or Oran<r (o.Jnt\ C~ttlorno~ In• Aon I°'"' '"'''u' 1101'1\ MO (o,.do 11,,,.., monlM 1011ow1no ltw """''"'"'! SuPo'•oor Coort ~,,001 dl\lrlct IOCal.O •I U70 ..,...,,, OdrWtn S•.-ont"f\ lttt•1 ... on. 1'llP 'Siubt~r l to turfent ''-"•'"'• '"""' uon-. nnrlSf)l'ttf1r,thOt,,wr-1cri ,., .. "0'f" ,,, thi\ noHf •• ,,,,. nqnt ('I ,p1,, ... t.ttP L••OUk•'Of ~venu•, C.0!.t• Mew, C•HfOf"fti.t. dt WC>lmln\lf'•. CD\la Mf'M, Cl' ~1~11 nan!\, c11<1dlt1nn•. rP\lrt< '""" ,, on''"'"'"' mdv °" -•<u.-u '"In~ ofl1co-menl .. 111 t•rm111al• .1no lllt proper!~ WILLIAM A WITTMAN, JR INC• wlllell time w•d bod\ will lie 11VttU<1y do:.~.~· ...... I\ COlldu<.led b>' "" '" ::~~~;·~...::~:~~ •• :~o.%" u.':.'o,:~:~ ::,~~;,~urcf\a"'"' AQlllll "' ~·." ""°°' m~~ ":.~~"''"" " '"'"''~'""'""' ,, ~.:~:-" ~ Drt••. ~:~~~~d~o;;UCA TIOH SU p Oenor•nLotwt.on Of reCOfd Each II•~' "'Y>I submit "'ilh Ill\ PO\\lttl~ ano \hr .. mount, 11 ""• Ne•'"r1 •-fl. CA t!MO PLIES -FALLIWIHTEA SPOf!TS Tiii\ '1altmHtl WA> 111"'1 woln 1"" Pro.,.....11"tol><'wtd on•n '""" tt1<f•<•Y11<r ,<hl!<k,c~rlot1•d r n•'<-. neenwrylocu,,•tlw>Oelautt,COl114Cl Te!~~~1\4,!..,~r>qeCo.l\l O•llYPllol. OR ANGE COAST COLL EGE & County Clerto of Ot.....,. C.OUnly on M4y ba\I\, •1t"'l>I a' ir, Ult,., mO<• 'Ont• or OIO<lt'r'\ tton<I m-P•u ttle lo Ille lhe tteMflctary 0< mor1Q6<)M' or IM H NI•• 4• II. II. l9)Q l/t~1' CiOLOENWESTCOt.LE(;E 1 ''" monty known ft\ '°412 81uUlllll,u""' C .r ordt>r Of I~ (O.)ti.t (ommvn•tv Colle~ \utCe\Wr\ tn tntPr,,t, whov· nt-tmf" _____ ---A U Bkt\ .,,_ tollle ift .ctOfct..w\c• •jfft '°"...,. c ... HunU~ ff.to•<.". Cnl1fo1n1tt 01\tr1t t 8o•rct o f T ru\ffo-f!\ 1n .tn ~nd aodrtS\ a\c o• t~e o~tt• o• '"'' tM 8td Fonn tr\str\lc:Oon~ •nd CONI ... Publl>Nd Or-C.O.st O.ttly Pilot, Term1ol wl<t Co'"'" 1., .. ,.,1 m"""• •mount not In>"""" It•~"""~"' O I nolo<~ I\ Sidney s D•U•" ~ o ·us PUBLIC NOTICE ''°"' •lld5p«llkoflon\wflk."M•llOW ,,...,., n .1a.H. "" ot-Unli.dSt.in.,..com1rrn•t1011 ol of tne '"m lttd a\•"'""'""'" tnat '"" HOME LOAN, IJOO Wf'<I Olvm1>1c -------------• onfll•-l'MYO.Meurecllfttfleofll<e tlt).7' \e le, or P•r I , .... enO tta t•nC" ttlcldu woll 9f'ltr Into lhe proPo\ecf Blvd., LO\ A-In, Collforn1a «IOU "ICTITIOUS eUSINE$$ of -"'-'<--. ........ of Mtc1 sc--------------•Yld•llt•O tty 11ole 1etured tty Conlre<t If ttw..,.... h -••ded lo Rel.No.1110 NAMllSTATllMllNT dlslrkt, Mong~« T•"'t °"""'on IM 0'°'"'' hom '"Ille.,...,., ol l•llure to..,,,.,'" LH A ....... Tiiie Tiie fo1tow1119 ~''°"' ••• dolntl E•<h ~ -' '*"'I wttft his ty so \Old. T"" ~'""' ol lne •mount to well LOlllr.ocl, lh<t pr0<tt<h of IM AOMIAMlrktC,,,_•t-i.u,i~,.. bid• <.-r'I <J>eO, ~lrled <M<k, bl<I to ... ~ledwtfll lttd t llet• ••II tie lorl<r•t~. or '" Ille t dM U2 w "' S-t s A IL 'HG F 0 u ' p ME HT or ~·· bOlld m---lo ..... _ __ _ ...._ STATllM«MT lllCTlYIOUS •u"NllU ... cnnOUt MttN•H TM ..._..,. --" dolftll llt;M-lllAMll STATEMllNT M U al T ... lollo.rifl9 ,... >On IS do<no ttu\I IUIMaSTAT• .... NT NfWP'OltT MEDICAL G"OUP. ftttl ••· Tloe followlne ,_,_. •re dolroe IM •ri'9•1 54. • 1111, "--1 he<ll, NIACHON, nM Pomon.e, Apl A, .,.,.,....... C...ntM Co.t•Met.a.CA.,Ur DA-INOUUtltlES,WN.llUlfl Roben E S<""'llr, MO .. 711 l(e ft11e111 LVl\11 f rll.,, n u St .. Or ...... CA fteM 0w ... A ..... 40!, -lftgton BMcll, """'-· .... A, C.0.1• Mew , CA m11 J ellA w. •••11••-Jr .. 'JUI c.. .,.. tlll• ...... ~. "tOlldv<;led Dy~ .. '"' ~A,,.., Sente AM, CA ftl'M rltlt ~ i. <~-Dy «> In· cllvlcSu•I H-... T ..... tm""-RI-, 111,,......,. 1t..,,,1Hl f --Veltw. CA '2109 A...,, E Scfwnlli M D T"I' ,i.,,.,..,..., we\ lli.d Wltll Ille Tiiis IM.tsl-• I• cOftducted by • T"I' , .. _ ....... ~ "'"II .... C-ly Clet'k of o. ... COUllly °" -y ....,. ••• ~ Counly C1e<1I Of 0r..,.. County Oii Mey •• ""· .Je/IWIW . ..,_,Jr, 9 "" !Flt_, Tiii• .... _ •.K flleel wltll .... • . ,.,, ... , PuttH .. Wcl Or-(O.\I D•ll~ PllOt C.-ly Clertl of 0rM9t C-., Oii -y Puloll.-Or ... C:O.•I 0.ily Pllol Mey 11, II. U. J.-I, lt/Q t , ltlt. -y t I, 11. J), J-I, 1'1t IUI 1' ""llM ------· . PullllSNlll Or .... Coell 0.lly Ptlol Mey tl, ti, 25, J lllW I, lt1' 1Mt·1' PUBLIC NOTICt: PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ANN LANDERS/HOROSCOPE A•• £••tier• DEAR ANN: 1 know you were tryiq to do the president and Mn. Carter a ravor when you su11eated that people not aak them to send card.a tO relatives who were celebratlq an- niversaries and birthdays under 100 -but you • gooled. .• The loUowiDI appeared in the National Retired Teachers Asaoclatioo news bulletiD: •'The White House will send a blrtbda,y card to anyone 80 or o ver. and an MRD.lvenary card to a couple celebralinC a 50tb anniversary or h.lcber . Send requ.ta at least one month belore the event to Greeti1111 Office, Office or the Preai· dent. The White House. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. N .W ., Waahln1ton. D .C . 20500." - SCOUT IN KALAMAZOO DEA& SCOlJT: WMa U. Caners tint weal le &lie 1ftMe a..e, req_... fer llUUMlay ud awwenary peedap were uawered wtua a fona leUel' a.a& read la part: .. I& la aeceuary to U•I& pceeWea&lal ~ le cltileu el Ill yean or more .•. • Tlte poUey waa cllu1ed ud U., dlidll'& let me bow. ae.al&: Ep •&lie face! ("'\) DEAR ANN : I have been a fiieht attendant with a major airline for the put 10 years. My fiying partners and I have taken a lot of abuse . from passengers a nd w e are fed up. May we enlighten your reade r s by quoting the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration R egulations? (a> N o p e r s on m ay drink alcoholic beverages aboard an a irc raft unless they are served by aircraft personnel. <In other words, you can't bring your own bottle.> c b > No passenger s hould be served any alcoholic beverages if that person appears to be intoxicated. ( c) No person s hould be permitted to board any aircraft il that person ~ppean to be intox- icated. Ann, I am writing to you on behalf of many ol WI who have had jt with Obnoxious, dr9n1len passengers. They not only give us a hard time but they make it impossible for the other passencers to enjoy their flight. Here's one l ast quote from the FAA regula. lions: 9 .18 PR·O Ht BIT ION AGAINST INTERFERENCE WIT H CREW MEMBERS (a> No person may as:-ault. threate n , in- t imidate or interfe re w ith a c r ew member in the performance of his o r h e r t1uti~ aboard an aircraft being operated in air commerl'e. Passenge r s who d o not comply w ith regula· tions m ay be hned up to SJ ,000. -SALLY S TARSTREAM , DEi\R SALLY: t\s a frequent passenger, I hope aU alrtine personnel will have the roarage &o enforce these r egalaJioos. 1'11a1aks for writing. ) ( Horoseope ,. PtCT1TlOUS •U51NllS$ 8tch .... ~to ... '" wrllonq •nd of .. ttotld, ..... "•" "'"' '""'"°' .... .,.. LH Aft9tM u. C•1tlor11I• SPECIAL TIES (()MP/I.NY. 1•1\ ANI order ot I"" co .. 1 Commufol1, Coo~ NAMllSTATEMENT wlll b9 re<e1¥Wd~tl~otforrw1dofllct' lorlrolecllO'Mlt1 v hOolcll\lrott Putt•osl>ed0.dt>O"C.0..•10d•lv P•lol. Hiii A•e'lu•. Sutl@ c1os. Co<I" Dl\lrt<l l:lo•rd of Tru•leu '" dll SAT U RDAv,MAYl9 t lle __... .,.._, 1 clol119 !Ml~•· •I •nv hme •fl•• 1;,,. '"'' 1><>Dt1U loor> "'u oo-. '""v wtlhd•dw '"' n•a 10• Mo •. II II, 1~ 191<1 •~18 " Me\a, C"•hl....,.••'11611 •mount"°'''"'''"'"" llve-unt ts• 1 • llH\•~: hereof -bo?tore <Mle of u le T,... a i>e"od OI lony ltvf' 10 1 On.-dllrr Anlcne p Ja>t<h, 1'0J wt1dele of Ille wm ttocl •• • 9'1¥-ft ,,,., tl\e S 0 UT" W EST A q P E l r i9M " r-.-o lo "'If'< I ""Y •n<J •" II>~ cl••• .. ,'°''"" ooen.no '""'"°' P U BLIC NOTICE L•nf, Hllr>llnQIDll BH<f\. C•lllO•nl• tt+dder wot..,,,.,""° IN~ con By S VDN EV OMAllk CLEANING, ions L• l~t•, ,,_ ttld~ . The Boord 01 ''""""' ........... ,.... '1'2608 l•KI II--·•--lolllm tn ..... V•llev, CA. '1'211111 D•led M41V ... "" ., ..... ,'It 0• 1•1rttlnQ UM dnd "" bocl\ ---CN!ryl M. llft•,,,dn, I~ fu\1111 IM e¥(!11t oc 1"41ure lo ...... llllo \U{h ARIES (M arch 21 -April 191: Showdo wn ex- Rober1 Wn•rr c. . 101H L• 8olllllf'L ~oil or lo ••IW ... t lrrl'QUlo\•illf'\ O• '" fl~lnOOS BUSfNEn P1M•W•y.T\l<ltn.Cal!f ....... 1 .. 91tlQ l Ofll•KI, '""~of""' <flel~ t ti bl 't .th f 'I 8•t•S18, F-l•tn V•llf'Y CA 91108 Admtntlf••lor <>< 11"\e E \\di• lo•me1tl1f'\ '" MIV Cta or"' tne b1c1<11119 NAME STATEMENT WI Ill am F !>.thullhel\ Jr . 105st will IX -llltd, M lft "'9 CA~ OI • pee a OM OW OVer -YOU r e un.1 e Wl aml Y Tiii\ ~ ... ~ "l '"" bY ... 1n· olW•<IDe<MJenl Norm.on E W•l\On ne IOllOWtllO Pie''°"' ••e doong Chinook Avenue. FOUl\l•ln Vall•y, l>Ollcl, Ille full '""' tMNof Wiii lie member~. Tauru s. Li bra, Scorpio p e r sons d•••du.I JAME$A."U"11P'MREYS,JR ~ • ., b\1\1"~''"' Cdlllo•ntd'1706 , .... , .. 11eo1owlelscllooldl\lrkt r· -· ti F 'na '1a l n e w s is s urpris A-W...wt(, L••'--'*' 8Mraofltu'1.... lllAl(HlAEOUITIE.S.nJOE.o•I TM~DIJ\lnt'Ul\tOftdUtltdttY• No ~ ..... ywitllclr-ht~bldfor igure prouu n en y . l n c • Thi\ \t.tl...-t W41S tied with Ille 1 .. 1 0...Mrwt, Publo\....i 0.d"9!' lA>a'I O••lv Polol, Fourln StrMt, Sant• AN, CA IS..ole 9ent'<al P.frt,...r..i>op • fl<'rlO<I ... forty.five IU I de" •lier ingly good. One Who "de nounc ed" YOU COUid beg Counh C.IH1ll>f Or ... Coullty °" "'•Y Siii .. Ill May 11, •8. IQl9 HO> t7'0S Qw>rylM BcerrnM IN d•le ~ lorllleOl»lli119t1W.-.of. ir.orolv--"' 8e b 1' o about it I •. lt79 N•-' 9Ndl,CMltentt•U* •8.16 /Q O•flCl\tf P<)(tllt, \a ~rtntr\l>IPI Tiii\ •••ltmenl ... , lllf'd wllll ""' Tiie 8-"lt Of Trvslees ,,...,..,.,s ""' I' D ""~· D • !Flt..., ........ tn4l~ mo EO\I Fourth 'ltrHI, CSufl~ 2401 County Cl&rk ol O··~ c.o .. nty on prlv11999 of ,.1«11"9 ..,y -... bid TAURUS (April 20-M ay 20 ): Wish comes P-IM>ed qr.,. C:O.\I 0 •11• Pllol, A-...,.................. ----S..nl• Ana. (.A.,'°" l'prll I), m• or lo ...... Mty lr"'911IMlllH or •n-true. You get wha t you requested. but now you "'•Y ti. ll.2S,-JUM l \J'7' Publls_Ot_ ""''' D•llv Piiot, Br•lldon ll Blrtt~r, 1130 E.t\I ,.,,.. torm•llllMln-IJldorlnt"9blddi119 f h I Pl v· I -·~· Mavll. 11-2•.197• l9()I-/~ P U RI.IC NOTICE ~ourlh Sl<H I !Sutle HOl, S..ola AM. Publ"""" O.~nqo· Cod•I Odtly Piiot, B~, HORMAN E. WATSON ask or so m e t ing e se. sees, irgo n - PUBLIC NOTICE -------------___ --cA mos M•v •. "· 1M, n, 1m 111•.1~ s.c1v •• eo.roof dividuals figu re promin e nUy. Avoid one who is A tn• ff'u' bu\1n1Ji•,, ,,. <ondutJcd by d Trmtet'5 h h lli Do • PUBLIC NOTICE su,.ER1011 cou11T of THE q•n~.111 """"""'"P , P..011"*9 °'MtOt co.st oauy P1101 jealous or you. You ave s taunc a es. n t P1CT1T1ouseus1Nus . STATE of CALll'OllNIA 1F011 a'"'""1 "~<•1•<. P U BLIC NOTICE Mn 11. ''· 1tn was'te time o n those who are s mall, envious, re· NAMll$TATllMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE THECOUNTYOl'OllANGE "°""""rolBorichP.r -----llJ7· St!OlfuJ. TIM ........ --•• 001119 IMnf· HELD BY l .. E C.OSlA MESA PLAN· No. A·I-E®lllO,\ CP' .... , GEMINI (May 21-June -> ·. c•.-r oets Mtus: HING COMMIS.SIOH AT THE CITY No Tl c E of "EA 111 NG of "on.tlO E Blrt<tW!r. ._. PUBUC NOTICE &111 .. "..,. D M&MP9IOOUCTS .... lt-•rc HALL, 11 FAIR O"tVE. COSTA P'fTITION "°" P'ftOUTll OP' WILL .. P•r1ntrol 81rlt her flCTITli;;:,~~~SINESS boost -and you get quick answers. Be objec-0r1 .... H...tlflOlon llee<ll, CA~ MESA, CALIFORNIA, AT & '.IO P M AND l'OR LITTERS TESTAMEN· PeclfK (( d U bort C · Norlwrt c:. "•11111••1. 1170 w .OR AS SOON AS P OSSIBL E TARY AND"°" AUTftOtltlZATIOM Tiit\ \l•l-1 .... filed With Ille NAME$TATEMENT NO'TICllTOCOllTllACTCHI$ live. Yougeto er -on'tse s . apncom, B•lbo• Blwd., Newpor t h~ll. CA THEltEAnER OH TUESDAY. MAY TO ADMINISTlllt UNDE R TME CounlyCle•llofOr-CoulllyOllM41Y Th~ followln9 ~''°"' .. ,~ Clo•no CAL.UNOPOttelDS Cancer 1:.rsoos ligure prominently. You deal tH6l Jt, tm. INDIP'ENDllNT AOMIMISTRATIOtl J. 191'. """"u\ n Scllelo' Df•"l<t: CM1lt Conw"'"''" II · h Id · d ' 'd I a. Tll1' ----I• <artduci.d ~.,,Ill· REGARDING TUE FOLLOWING 01' UTATH ACT ,.,, .. ,. COSTA MESA BIKE SHOP. U14 Colte99 Olttrkl suc-cess u y Wit 0 er ID lVI ua s . -ooey dlvldu•I APPLICAT10f4S E>lele of MYRTLE (. HCIN, Publl<lled Or-co .. t 0.Slly PllOI We\I B•kff Slrttl. Cosl• Me ... (.A llld 0.-lfw: 2 CIO PM. T~Y. becomes leas Of a problem. ~c. ... 1_, t .... I••••• Ac-RA·71, ... lt, 0.<H..0 M•y •.11. 11,JS, 1'1'1 9>U• J-12,197'. caa..Lt"s:o• (J 21 J I -> y , .. h . Tiii• SY'-"*tt w•s fllecl wit" UW I« C4ln UmM1 Frttm•n. J»n L• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ,.,., ---------__ .,_•s-_7_9 Her~! L Alldenon, llllt lcl• Piece of Bid Recelpl: Office of ~-=--UDe • U y""' : OU IDll proJ· Courtly c1er• of o.--c-ty °" -Y vaca. El TMO, eo111om1a. ,..,. o<o>•<t MARJORIE O'NEAL 1,..,...,., '" uw -W•YFr'o~~"E'"~'...~,~!3. 13111 ..,. P'ur<hu11111 A91f!t. eoe" CommUftllY .ed. Plans are long-range. Barriers connected ' 1'7t _.-ov•I fof con~tnKllon of one •1><1'1· Wiii •• NIA"C.E O'NEAL t N i f11ta PUBLIC NOTICE ·~ "'"" COii-Dlllrtct ~lllltr«loft 8ulld· 'th ,..,_tan ) nd uni ., ' "" merttu!Wt-0--\Wtlll•nu•\ltnO her•ln a twltUOll IO< Probate of Wiii W•y.Wolmt,..lt r,CA'11>1l 1119, IJ10~A-, Colle f!Mw, W1 UJ.D Ct!, aDgUage a . COmm CauOft are PUllll-OrMQs Coe1t D•lly Pl~ •lfl91e•femlly res'*"<e, lotalHI di llt end lor I•_. OI Letters T .. lemell 0,!t:..~nf:\\ I\ Con<IV<lotd by an In· Or ..... C-V,c..titoml .. 2t2t. removed. Aries, Libra -Mnci the number 9 - Maytl,tl,n_J.,,..,,,.,, lllf." f-rSlrwl,l11e11RJrone e ........... •••v •nd for Aul110 .. 1e11on 10 AO· NOTICllOf'P'U•LICMEARING Prol<tcl lderttlfk:etlOll ,._. .... ra·oura promln ... ntly. You ft'nd way of -"'al o.w ....... uon· E•emot mini''"' undM Ille • ..._Idell, Ad· TO IE MllLD IY TME ~-rt L A-rson Root .... Gymne ......... 0r.,,.. c & ... "" a. ··-Petltlea R-T-. for 0 mlnlllr•liort of E\t•les Act, rrfeNlft<e OltANGll COUNTY P'LANNINO "0""" E. A""'r""' Colle9e, llld .. 32 dramatically illustrating belie r . PUBUC NOTICE NOTIC. INVITING e tD$ Notice I\ ... reby t lve" that the eo.nt of Tl"\llMM of IM Cont c.,..,,. m111111Y Coll~ Olst•l<I of OrMtqe C-ly, c..t"°""•• will recel.,. seeled bleh YP to n .•a.m .. T""4ey, M•y "· 1'11•, et t"9 PurtNllftQ Dtf>I. of Mid scllOot dl•lrl<t loc:elecl at IJ70 AN<ns Awt"ue, Colt• Mn4!, C..lllon\le, •I Wflkft lime Mid bl<b wlll be ll'IOll<ly ---reed lo<: PAINTING & lllNOIHG Of FALL '"' CLAS.S SCHEDOLE -OltAHGE COAST COLLEGE All bids .... lo be '" acconNnc:e •llh tM llkl Form ln\lruclloll• -C-i· ....... -St!Klfkllt'-wfll<ll ere -... Ille -mey be M<ured I" lf'te offk• of tM PurtNelnv A9tftl ef Mid S<"Ool •l•lrl<I. Ee<ll bllldlr mutt Mlllmll wllll "I• ... e C....,.I dlac:• .• CM\lf ... tlMtcll, w lll4Mllf's .,... Ill-* ,...,..,.. to 11w .,..., Of .. CM9I c_,ity Col .... Cler•• fal,_, .ul"°'I'"" •oenl t o wllltll Is med• for futlh., COMMllSION Tiiis ,, • ...._, ••• lllotd wltll the Place ..._.,..Ollflte· Otlkeof LEO Jul 23 A Z2) Di d lor Reymo11d Slle11no11, 7112 H o•rtltulers, •lld tll•I Ille ...... ano OMP'tlOPOSllDLANDUS« County cie..of Or.,.ge CO....ty on M•y Ol•trkl OW.C-of Pflysk el fec:llll ( Y -Ug. : g ffp -YOU f r••m•11 !.treet, S ula An•. pl•<• Of-l119the .....Wll.K-11 .. , DtnlRCTCHANGllS ~~~:U$10NAL p~ ,,,,, AUm~ A ... -. Coll could strike pay dirt. Refuse to be intimidated; ce111om1e, '°' Cle""'"'°" io ••tone ,..,. M•v "· tm. •• •o oo •"'··in 111e oateofHMr"'9: _.,,., ,.,. £•cRowu.av1cE!. Mew, CA.,._,,w 556-,101. you have rioht to have money questions ..,_rty loc.eWd el *5 CNrlt' Sl•MI courtroom o1 0eper1.....,1 No J of Wld Time of HNr"'9: l·ltl p.m .. or H • NOTICE 1$ HEREllY GIVEN t D -edJMA<ll I04 to IM south from R2 coun, et 100 Owt< Center Q(IYe WMI, lOOll 1-es -,Jttle. ttU N .... Tlfltift Aft, IM •bew-MINCI S<llOol Dlstrl< t anawered. 0ne Close to YOU may be eacalinc iJl 10 1t:i. EnYl,__t•• Oetttmln•l•Oll. 111 111+c1ivo1s.n1eAne.caflf°"'I• lou11o11:Meetl11111toom ... •MotAct-SMtt•AM.CAttm o r.,.. c:-.ty, c:..t•fonll•. ect~ ••cover-up." Be i.Ddepende nt, ad-•ive, will· N-lfve D«leretlon De led M41Y I, "" P mlnl,lr•tlon, 10 Ovt< Center PleH, EK,... .... .,_,.,,,.,. •ft• ,,.,,,,,.,, IU Gowrftl119 8Nrd " &&• ....... f0t fur1flllr illf«,.,.llOll °"IM ettovt1 Ln A 8rer1<f't, tCor11er Of 8r-•y IL S...te An• Puttll\f\td Or-C:O.sl 0.l~I~ II ere I ne lier r eU rr • d Io • iDg to battle for truth. fmpnnt your OWD Sty)e. eppllutlons. , • ....._ 1)A-52•S or ••II Counl't Cit•~ 81Yd ). S..t• """'· C.tlllof"nl• """ "DISTRICT," wtll receive up to. vraoo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Maintain low ., ,,,. oftk• Of Ille Pl ... 111n11 0"!>••• "-" w. o·.-..... PROPOSAL. "'-of Zone CASE "' .. •. ''· ••• u. '97' Ml l•ttt• INn --..i.1ec1 lime, me11I. A-. 200. n Fe1r Drive, Cosl• MYEU & O'ANGflO NO ZC 71·1 SECTIONAL OIST"ICT 1'4l·' Weled Wl*ttte ~rec:I -!or t profile. [)e(er to Wis h es Of partner, male. AC- Me>A, C•lltornte. JJ0J Wlflflin ei..-., Slilte Ml M1-P n.a.e. lo '""not trom 111" Al •w•rd of• <Dfttrec;t fGf Ille •ttove pr cent OD legal agre eme nt Which SbOUld aid COSTAMESA L.MA ....... CA..,I (10001 (SA! IBRDl/28 '"G•OUP Dwell· PUBLIC NOTICE le<I. ( 1. h PUINNIHG (()MMISSION Al*MJfw• P9'ttleMf lllQS• ISIOll ltnlrl<llOll\I IBucll The Dlstrkl wlll rec.Iv• Ur> to, ttu towards goal 0 sec u rlty. Spot ., t on ltk .... rd C:..slmsen, PublllMCI Or-to.st D•ll'f PllOI. Re<rH llOll ...0 OeWIOllfTl<!lll?" DI•· ~ l•tet' INn t"9......,,. si.ted time partnership, joint e ffort H.Dd marital Status. Cllel""4111 M•v "· 11, "· 197' trl<I lo, ... fll/C (SRI (BllDI 'TOUrl\I PICTITIOUS •USINllH w•led blch for, .. _.,..of. <OfltrKI Canc·er, Aquarius persons f1' .,.,.._ prominently. OlerlMW. R-r1s, lllf.7' ltecr••llon/Commu~l•I I SI on MAMll STATllMllNT for !Ito allWe "'9jK1. All bldl wfN • a-~ s.c .... .,.,-Res1r1c11on11 tlleKh Recruo°" -The ro1•-•"9 ,..,'°"' •r• dolflO °""" Miii ~..,.."' 111e llurd One who taught you inJ:st is again available • Dlro<!Mof Pl-lnq Dnelopmeritl" Ol•trkh wllll Ille,... llvslnen.,: R-"'Ille Olltrl<I Admlftlslret • .... Se 23 2Z) Dia bud t Publllllld Ofentllt C:O.sl O.lly Piiot I PUBLIC NOTICE qull"ff fMlure,.,.,, ,.,,.,,, ,,,_rty llOKES 'N' eows. )411 VI• lllllldlft9 Dll Yundo9y, J-u . "'"•t ... ....,. ( pt. • t . : CUii ee !MY ti, tm 19 ... 7 louted al Ille \Oulll-st torner of Ooorto, • 4, He-1 B<tec:h. CA '2~ 1:00 PM. With dependenta. 8e fie:itible wit.bout ICattefinl ------------!.lffft Of Ille llW. Leftl4tm and S.111• Coul\H Simo" LeBorde, Hf T!Mf9wlllbe ......... """"'" ir. n-i tentia} ---..I ..... NOT1cao~fNTaNHDYRA"S"llR Cl•r• A-111 Ille 0-Pollll •••• ltoc:lle\~St ..• COtl•M9w,CA mJ7 H<,,Mtoflllel~ YOUr 1~. c.-.l'ce Ve po -you~ uu.. NOTICE 1$ HEllE8Y GIVEN 1 ... 1 n,.q~Dy.JolWISouker•s. Leon• Ywo""e Le80f' .. , 2M eat ll llld -•I <OIM-aftd be restricted by tboee Who want IO~ for HUNTINGTON •EACH YRAILElt COMPLIAN CE WITH THE Roche11orSt,.ColleMHe,CA'2'27 ~te!McOlllrecteK-.tl. --•LI ~-L -..&1C J d ta1 records an... PUBLIC NOTICE 1 • · Ol1lrl<I ...... el TfUMftl 111 ell _. ... .., IMft flw 119R"'t tS'llol ..... , -.._.... C-re<t If .. ..W., It -la "'"'· IA IN._..., re1turw t• n .. u.. NOTICS OP lllUM.tC HllAltlNO ON RllUTAa&.tSNMaiofTOI' Ot\'tMOlel 111CM9 ll'Uttl'OHS OP tltEPAIR AND SUPPLY CO .. a CALl,.OllNIA E NVIRONAUNTAL Tlllll>Ullftntl1<~1ed~-ln· lac" bid tM1f .. ect..,.._. uuuuDC. '-~• mllC'UI at en . r c.111orn1• '°'-•tton . ...,,,,,. .,,, ... OUALITY~.~~~~~~t'-;v:-:-:-'~"~:=:~~~~:-:;;.;-;:t!111e~-~11t~""~' .... ~i;":t ... iil'°rw"'in1'Mirti<fi•iiiiraciiilif--c:::in=jtimeaiJitafii.Rrrt:JC1r."2!r.rrov.,n:yQiiil!;r;eiF-----1 Hllfttl ....... llMcll C:.lllomle ~'' EI Iii .,., '*"' ~~~y _.., •tld Tll11 stet-wn fllect .tt11 t1w IWcOfltrectlrt.. • OV • OU re llilYtNallMQtwAn~DtlTltlCT ,,, •• ,..,to lren~rer to 5A.M AP'·· certified <Offtfll• ... II .... -dt'· (.ouflty~llOfOr ... C-CYOftMey TIWDl$TIUCT-""'11M through to new horizons. Member or opposite .. -" ~«1 ..... ,, ..... Of .... <IMl<ll """ ............ "' .... <- .. • ...... -full -INf9" Wiii be ~ ............ strict. ... ~ _., ....... _ "'• ... tor • --.. ~, ... (451 ...,. eftotr ....................... ..,.,.,. Tlle ...... .,T ......... ._"" .... ~lyt ........ i-cttne "" ""' ... *' llf ........ .,,., ~ltlol .. lfto •-•1ti..111..,., ................... ...,,_I!. WebOn 5olc,...,y ...... T,,.... Pvlo!llMe Or .. c.sc OallY .. 1 .... llttWDI PLE8AUM Md GENE HILL WftoW termllltd ._ llMI El" 21J lu -l , 1'1'. ,.i.<l _.,or ... lllel or IO •elft -r prominent tole Speculative venture T11• 1Av1N£ RANCH wATER buslnen eeereu 1, 1~ Wesl<flff .._, ~•Y addrlnes 1,,. ..,. "".a 1,,......_.... or ...,11...,. .. 1 "'.,,., sex ays . • .... _ DltTRICT, • CMNorftle W ... r DI• Orlwe ..._., lleKll Cellfo I wlNftfMMel l~tl of tt1e ...--P..011\lllcl Or.,.. C.OHI O.lly Piiot bles orlfttlle......._ COuJ Succeed i( YOU read between UK: linea. trld, ............. -k:• of • ., ..... tlMt fellOwl ... .,;operly ':.:,; pnljetl. y •• "· •1. ». ''" TM DtSTtltfCT -........ '""' Taurus, Aquarius. Leo individuals play key ~ llNrtlle .. • Nld, ,._.,_, lout•• •I 1'20 hKh Bovleverd All ...,_ •ltfler •• _...,.Of" Ofl!IO'· , .... ,. IN Dlr'Ktw" "" 09Nr"'*"' et 1 ... 5a<1..., ams et...., .. u. w.eor coee H_1,....... ... ,, c.ilforNe .,..,. · ""1111, ..,_..,. "'•"" io ~' •------------evs1r1•1 ....._ .... ___. .. llN•al•· roles. The number 4 looms laree • ottfMs .... ofc.aiH!lmle,t«puriiows "'' .. 110ctL·1,. tr .... :n.rc~. nw1r v1ewt....,.. ,,,. '"'_,,,..Com· PUBLIC NOTICE 1119 ••te •.,...._•..-."'IM 8AGlftAalU8 <Nov. 22-Dec. 21); Be ef real..,. flflf'I ..,...._ ll'OChKed e lse, tfatun•, eQulprneftt, relll119 mlH IOll. 11 1• -led !Mt e11y wrfl• IMelll'f lft wllldl tlllt -II .. ... anal ... lca} -don't be Satlafi-..& me-ly to ....__ •• ...,k ,. It,._.. aM-..--, to IM 110<11, .....,." -trede Of !NI ,.,. t"' r•ICIOlll9 lie IOltlmll-10 Ille P'-· ,..,...lllM 111r Ndl craft or i.,.. et ~.. ICU •.., 11U1VW ,.., .. ......,,.... ot •"'"°"' '°' •i.t-1• ..,,.._ ._ a "Hwtt"'9ton 111119 CMlmluloft prlof to.,,. 11Mr"'9 NOTtca TOettllDtTOttt _. _ _... te -• ._ ,... aomethiac happened. Discover reaaons, check ti... Of,.,_• tfle Of'FICE Of llHcl\ Tiellw Slwlx" Mid loc:•tM et dete. SUNRIOltCOU•TD"T1111 tract. Tlwle r ... -., ftle «IM b I G l Vl d __ • .,_ DtRll~ .. tflO IRVINE AANOt ,.,., 8Mctl ...... ..,_,. H11t1llfteMft !For lllttller lftform•tlOll tei.llf*le STATllOllCAUP'OtttllAPOlt OISTlllCT efflu lout•• at .,,. SU t e nuances. e m ru. r&O an aUVUH:r wAn• DIST1ttCT. n. flUOlk lie•· ... ,,.c:.i,..,.,. .,.., · uoo10 •<Ml •1 .... ottk • ot 111e TMllCOUMTYOl'ottANO• MeM• A-. c.a.-... 0r.,.. Sa1ittartan llgure prominently. Accent oo land, lfl9 w111 •11et1t: wettilft ..,... ,Mn '"' "*'· .. fer 1t...,1et10rt FU11Ctl0ft Of IN E,.,,.,.,. .... A-*" C-y, c:.afll9nM. ~ may • • I ---·-domi U -""' ..... u.111... lid ·•-· ,:-u. "'9 n It lln•wn to Ille trefttleree mefttef M•,,evement AU"<Y· Etl ... of MARGA"ET AMELING, .talfted on,.._.., Ac.., .. ,..... rea -• C ea~.,_.... Oft IO .wuC-lnrtM .V.W~Dbtflc1 tr~MlllMdMllflarllullMtt Eft9l-"'9 hlldlftO. Room us . ., De<eesecl r............................. tun. ..... .. Dlrwcton"-_ _. ___ tttlff!Mn "HU ... CMc C:.....Drtvew..t.Senl•AN, HOTlcE1$MEREllYGIVENIOtM , .. ~................ c·-..,._•N (.....__ -· 11) A__. 1 .. ,. Gl1C...,.~.. TINOTOH 81AO. TRAILER SUP'· CelltorM. To reclllt .............. , •. <f'9dltor1•1t1t ....... Mmeeee<.-. .... """ .......... .:::(I) nar-an-v u.-.1i"· -~an. : """-OD __ Pt18LIC ____ N_OTl __ C_£__ ·7~~ PLY, 1.aa ~a.:;-.;..~ Hllfll· ler.~Z~~~R Of THE ORANGE =t~=:v.:e~i:.-:~= ~~=::=.:: t:.1:t'c ~·!.u:;a.u:.ve:.m=== Ma4IOfs ti .. _.rM alld ac1W ii:~ trMINf wlll .. t-COUNTY P'\.ANHINOGOMM1SS10ft. ....... wltll tlW -•WY_,,.,., -....". J a.....a --.a May 1t ... "' "" ·~........ :::..s::iR:::E':A:'90t":.':e:-.-.. or.,..,J_ ,, "" • ,__.~•-=Or-.CM•Oalff1= 111e.;.1w., .. cene1t11e._... tttflalt•-*" ..... a.. you out ol bed early. Malataln equlllunWD - UM11TAT11MSen 0tnR1a ........... , . :-..,:.i~=:.:.~= Y • :::-~ =::;. _ !!~.: :...,--.... ~::: HDR ol bumor. Talil'UI, tJbn, Sc«Po peno111 Tiie ~ ",_ .,. •lfll '· ....... ....._.." 01v111DM ._ atio; ~.;,.. · PUBUC NOTICE ._ ........... "....,.. lAM ....., Miii. ",_,,.. ._ ._ "" flluri pnminently -and 10 doea the number 8 . ......_.. .... .,.... .. a lt!clu!IM lft ... , 1uct1 D ' ' •1 ...... lflM "'" ti ... .___ · ••H•v1011 '"•••,.v AND..,,..._.... A el)( JMy "· ""· • ._.,... ,,,. .,..... 9Mtl\ ca ...... w11kt1 • -'"' ' AA••AalVI (Jan. 20-Peb. 11): Cbect --.. ... • Cflla""""-1 PtCTITIOUS8Ulf .. HI 111«• .. ......._ .... •'*' ..... .......,.. ....... lft 9IO .__.._ti ,." ................ TtTUn, , • ., ..... 1·°""'"*..,.... ... .....,, ...... tTATt~CAL1~N1A 1 UMelTAni•a .. T "' _. ..... ...,,........ .... .._ .,....,... w1.-deftDe tenna aYo&d ..U-deeeptloa. Ac· ::. ... , ·-"'""1 llMdl. Cl. =--==~:::•:I: C0U TY Oft I U , Tiie ~._ls dolflt llull· Mle ._....., WllMll _, ... ....,_,................. ~--. • ialla lDcome pMletiaJ Da'flf 9' . ........-. ..... D., ,,.. fko Ill HCll elwltlotl et lM Mii N ~ ANOE ' I _, OI: ellor IM llrst .-.icatleft et tlll a ,_... f/I ................... ~ cntJoca•~ ~t--~= 1..-t OI' ... _._, --~,' ............ 1111 W .................. -..rtcttl9C1* Oii M•Y 16, lt1t ........ ""· ltle -LIOO~WOtltlCS .... c.t .... Mtka. .... ............ _........... _,. wa. - -.-- C....... · •• ' "" 111•••t" "'""' ., .... ~ • .......,.._1c ... ...-1or ""'°'i.-..c..ma o.'"*''·""-.,.,....... .... ,. .. 11_..,. Vll'IO P911Cm1 could aid In......_ toaJ. In· • .._.,. ,. .. D Sit =r. ........ tllts llNt'-_;,.. Mill ...... ~ ....... J-.HM Helm IClelfllotlllftlet, Jr.,... MAllOiUtlT A. DOflt .. , M ,.._....,.., .. ._._.. ~·~-.-..t-.., --t _.. .. ..a.••-! '"' Mft, "' " ,...., ,,... A.Sc~t1-•-eot1e-ef Ceff ... 94 ,C• .. Metoe,C..,.. lmclllft•efttltWIM IM<°'*'ed. ..... ...,.............. _...__,_ ~-J..,_ ~~· A<.ecte.CW-•Mw,C...~ .........,. ,,_ wftltlfte te -~--........... 1Mt•1· TIMt ........... .--~.,...,_ ......... ~ ..................... u.llrad (-.... lf...__.. •> -'-_..... -Tlllt ....... lo c...._ ... Illy • ,,..,... •• • wrtttlfl cel9WNl•t1 -ec.-. tlW tlttlltll ""'"""""' . ~ dMailtl:. . -..,....~,.,... -· • __... ._........, r-. -~'" : •-·~ 11111111 ................ • ......... .., calltt.ctlne ... •OH••• ...... -lll•t .""" ...... H.1Cf11Mdl"11et.Jr. ,............ CDAIYCllWUfllTY ~r pow'll'•piQ day. Know it and act accord· "* =:.-=:.:. .......... 9:c.ecer11. vtee .. -. "''' ,...,_. ... fl ... "'"''.,. ............. , COLL•MDllTRICT lDCJ7 ....... ~forward stand tall for prtn. c..it•~"'0r-c-.y.-.. .. at«TAllY w1TNae..., ........... 1c1 .. ,..1. c_t, °°'" .. °' ..... c-, ... ...,. • .....,..... aoMtOOP'TlilUITSll ti•'-_.. . YourJ.: 11 -·. Rela· t mt. llil'fl ... RAHCH (HALI .,.,us.,1m. ....~'--==~ .,_. ---. • .,.... •n•0t1Ta1CT ......... TllltvH . ...,...., ,,,_" a .... ca.......... ~°' C...Da11y~ Uouhlp la~ ...,,....., ~are .......... 0r .... a... Del ... ,....,. ,.....,_. 0r-c-st 0at1J ,..... .._,.,.. °'11111 c..t1 o.ii, ,.,... "'*1.,. 0r-. ONtt O..IT ,..... .,.......,. er-.~-"' .. on ta-T"" ... • .... _lead_ ..... don't loot ... _ ..... , llMJll,9'at.,,_1,"'9 ··~n Maytl,JS,"'9--... 1,.._n Mey tl,"'9 lt.$.1' •. 2',Mlly•.11.ll.lt1' , ... ,. Mlly ll.11.H • .i-l,I'" t• Mnll.H.."'9 tt.n •a--Ul9 UN ...... ;. ----- J J I J • I J . ._.....__.__ ·- • fndlr. M9y 11. 1179 DAILY P'ILOT 8a PersoniIUzetl Plates Voc&list Headlines Los Angeles Dodger Don Sutton loves the number 20. It's his uniform number. the amount of games he expects to win this year and the license plate on his wffe's car The clue to deciphering the plate on Don Newcombe 's car lies in Honors he eamed during his career as a Brooklyn Dodger pitcher. He earned both the Most Valuable Player and the Cy Young Award, thus his plate reads MVP CY. )- While Marshall Bitkower was at the Dis- trict Attorney's office in Los Angeles Cc.xnty, he dated a woman who was on jixy duty. The press p icked it up and dubbed him the "Datin' D.A. " So, he thought he'd make it offlcial with his license plate, DBN DA. ·~· ~ ...: " .. .. :·.FUCHSIA . .,·. We have over 68 varieties of this popu- lar and unique Rowerlng P,lant In al- mo1t endte11 color comf»lnatlons. Th~ wtO bloom In pantal sun through late fall. We also have lmpaden and Fem beeketa for more color In shady llfeM • .................... Aftllw ................... , •• , ... ,.. o,..0i4 ... , ........ CFn• Pa .. 8U OWD mo::ti to wrt&.e ud IMlbUlb UM book but be .... u ID.it.eel future In h1I work. Wbln Callfornlana Ure ol readin1 _about tlii r own ..... cil humor on the ioaO.Uiereare u otMr ltaLee to tip. Only two atate1, Illinois and West Vir1uua, do not have van.It)' platea. Tbe challe~•• lan 't too 1reat for Farley. a 32.year-old ba(helor who left Enaland to make hla fortune ln, then fortook Auatrali1 the ·"down und•T" countty wht!n lt became too amall for him lie spent the flnl put of his career as a policeman In l.ondon but said he was frustrated with the amall aalary and limited opportunities of the job. In Aualralla he aold encyclopedias until he relt the potential wH exhausted, then went into the promotion bualness He also built up a newspaper in Australia •nd aold It J Neict he <·ame lo the U.S. looking for "big· ~er and better things " AUSTa,U.IA HAD some opportunity left. Farley said, but the people were so sca.ttered that he was spending a fortune in air travel lo do his busmess in the various cil(es. "I had heard so much abo~t California. I made a trip to sec what it was like I had a cou· pie of friends here. When I decided lo slay I needed an idea to work on and this was it." Farley. oow a Los Angeles resident, said be plans to move to Orange County soon and pro- bably will relocate in Newport Beach. He has his eye on the sea with plans lo even· tually get back into sailing, but this time he'll do it in style. A 100-foot boat would please him, he conceded. fo'arley has written about everyone else's vanity plates and the natural question for him is "Wh at about yours" What does it say?" The tall Englis hman does.n't even own a car. he said, because he had to sell his Mercedes to finance the book , and he 's too busy thinking about the 1980 edition of the book lo even cons ider what his plate would say if he had one. lie invncs ~pie who missed the first book to submJll e1r Pfates for conSiderallon m Ole next edition. llis address in P.O. Box A08, Los Angeles, 90024. One note about the book: Farley is donating part of the profits to the California Environmen· tal Protection Program Fund, which receives the revenues from the sale of the vanity plates. This star-gazing Bassett Hound likes Mercedes autos and nothing less. Schultz takes time here to show his good taste and approval with owner Dr. Barry So/of, who's plate ·appropriately reads BASSETT. Anyone For Stale Cake? BLAKESBURG, Iowa <AP> -Would the owners of a piece or a 30·year-old wedding cake please come forward? Or has your romance gone state? Jim Benge inherited the frozen cake when he bought the grocery store he now operates. David Raldwin, the former store owner, told Benge that ''someone was coming back for the cake for an attniversary. He'd had it for a few years at the time five or six." When Benge bought the store, Baldwin told him who had ordered the cake. "Al the time, I was new here and the names didn't mean anything to me." Now, neither Benge nor Baldwin remember the names. ''I SUPPOSe the).' forgot about it. Or it could be the couple spht up and not together any more, or they could have moved out of the coun- try. You never know," said Benge. DWARF MEYER LEMON SALE PRICE REGULAR SGAL CONTAINER THRU MA\' Thl• tree produces tangy thin skinned juicy lemons &om an early age. Roe«'• GerdtM • 640-5IOO • ......... MecAnhur. ~a.ch •9--6pm o.;_~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~·~~ I "'"". ~ Kathy Marlowe added a new dimension to Jerry Lewis' comedy in the ·sos. Dot TomatO (From Page Bl> down an offer to do a Playboy centerfold. "You have lo leave something lo the imagination.·· Mrs . Thompson is the mother of three children Jerry, 15, April, 12: and Tod, 9. fo'ittingly. it was as Miss Albacore in 1960 that she met her husband. She had come to Newport. Beach for the promotion and met Thompson, who operated a charter fishing boat. • WHEN THEY MARRIED. she decided to give up her acting career and raise a family. It was also too long a drive to Hollywood, she says. "The competition for acting Jobs was the toughest part." she adds . "There would be 200 to 400 ~iris and each one is more beautiful than lhf> other It 's devastating to" see so mucn bt'auty · ··o n 10 mterv1ews Jor a 'Class A ' com· -mercial you m1ghl get one. And that's con- . s1dercd good · · Mrs. Thompson occasionally still appears m ,,..-local fashion shows or does the commentary for them. She ;1lso teaches acting for commercials in Newport licach. Dut ex<'ept for a wa lk-on part in a recent "Rockford Files" episode' filmed near her China Cove home she hasn't acted since she did a dog food commercial about 10 years ago. K h M I t ' . I at y ar owe s ac mg career 1s arge y a thing of the past, although publicity pictures that Line the den wall are a constant reminder. "People get a big kick out of seeing them," says one -who posed for Pet.er Go.wland, Tom Kelly and Bernard of Hollywood and who dated Tyrone Power , Franchot Tone and Joe DiMag- gio. "Of course, youalwayskindofmiss ita bit." RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY 'f wt..Y•W_. ........ TV Benefit Vocalist Mel Torme will be ln Oraqe.cdun· . ty to headline an openina ni1bt benef.it pel'formanee and buffet dinner for "Fiddler on the Roof'' for KOCE·TV Channel 50, Oran1e County's public television ataUoa, on Weclaea· day, May30. The benefit, sponsored by the KOCE-TV Foundation, will be held at 6 p.m. at tbe Harle· quin Dinner Playhouse in Santa Ana. Tonne will host the benefit gourmet supper and opening performance of tbe famed musical. The limited·seating benefit opener at the supper playhouse is bein1 hosted by Foundation Board members Cochrane Chase of Cochrane Chase and Co.: Hector Godines of· the U.S. Postal Service: Marion Knott of Knott's Berry Farm: Morton M•rgolis of Rockwell Intema· tional: Mrs. Daniel Schryver of the Laguna Moulton Playhouse: Mrs. F.dward Schumacher of the Orange County Philharmonic Society: Mrs. Mildred Vessels of the Los Alamitos Race Course: and Dr. Norman Wat.son, chaneellor of lbe Coast Commw)ity College District. Proceecb of the benefit will be used to finance the public television station's communi· ty affairs programming efforts in Orange Coun- ty, according. to William Furniss. Channel 50 ·president. For tickets or information for the $50-a· person benefit, call Ronda Elliott at 897-0302. Llghthou~e Lady Says Job is Great . EVANSTON. Ill I AP> Diane Werling places her 4·monlh-old son m a backpack and climbs 141 steps to work. She 1s keeper of the Grosse Point Lighthouse, one of lhe few in th~ entire Great Lakes' region that remains inlacf and open to the public. Mrs. Werling. 35, says being Lady of the Lighthouse 1s a deli~hlful JOb, one she never dreamed she would be doing when she was ma· Jormg m theology at Concordict m Seward, Neh. "I'm fascinated with the lighthouse and have a real affection for 1t," says Mrs. Werling. "I just put Ben in a back pack and away we go." she says. "l c.m following tradition the light must be maintained." The lighthoust' was built in 1873 when Chicago was a lhnving port, averaging 89 ships a day. The fi rst illumtnation was provided by a three-wick oil lamp inside the lens. It could cast a beam for 17 miles. "We use 500-wau bulbs now. They last about six months and cost $25 to replace," said . Mrs. Werlin~. ·AnEMTION We ..__Lut ISTAft SALIS COMfACT "MAMtl." w-. 6 n.r.... .... w.,.. ....... .,.....,. ...... 75'-0l7l - ~ -.... ... Sale Pier l's 1122 Herbor BIYCI. on Coate Me•• -541-11H. Aun LAM HADES Harbor lites I 0-6 l-t«y hy lllc1 --.., ll07 ....,_.. ll•cl. CostoMeM 645"-7101 Water Bloat with . ODRINIL-Nature·s W / ~ Hie Dell¥ Piiot ,..., ..... '°" wt.et•• ,,.. In '°"' loC.t COl'ftlftUnftr ••• ....,, ., 1.µ1r1pu.11 Natural Fib See what's underfoot! Pier 1 na.t· ural carpeting & rugs r ejuve· nate any room. Five.foot rounds o f maize create oases of finely-woven cream-colored s w1rls. Spread one over tile or hardwood-or layer several w&Jl-to-wa.11. You'.ll also love our sophlst1cated aquareR of nature's flne~t fibers. Both beautiful & durable, they're available by t.he bale or sold by the square. Big space or sma.11, buy as many or as few as you need. Hurry t o Pier 1 now for a fabulous natural floor. 7 ' maise rug--+-..- Beg. 42.99 1888 -- ( -. ··----------------(~. - .. 114 CAil V PtlOT I ~lday. May 11. '111'1 --Business--, Car Pool Lines Form i> €ommuter Computer Phonea 'Ring Off Hook' ., .... Auedalff ,.,... I" Loe AncelH, where It ·a not .. ,, to buy •aaoline, ao many P"M want to be mate~ tor car flOOla It wUl t.alle a for. eovemment·•~ pro. 1ram to t'lear • backlo1 of 10.000 appUcanta. • In SeatUe. t.M number al re· queah for rlde·s hartn1 lit averastng 30 • day, twice the rate ol two we.Ila a10. AND IN KANSAS City. Mo. au\d Tucaon, Arb.. olfcials say 1n· qulriea for e.tabllaht"d ah•R>'• ride programa ur~ increasinac. . While there 1s no way to pre· caaely meuure America's com· mutiq habits, checks with locat and national orriclals indicate there is more interest in car poolina. maa transit and other typea of group commutin1 than at any lime since the 1uoUne criaia al 1974-75. Stale and local officiaJs in Maine, in Columbus, Ohio, and in Helena, Mont., for example, are working to create or ·strengthen programs to en- courage commuters to share rides to work. Elsewhere, of- ficials say ridership on mass transit buses and trains appears to be up. Much depends on the J n. dividual area, howt:ver IN KANSAS C ITY, John Burge of the city manager's of. fit'e aaya interest In city car pool and van pool pro1rama baa plclled up, but not draaUcaUy Oa tbe olber hand, in 1aaollne· atarved Loa An••••. omctala ol the federally funded Commuter Computer program estimate tb•y sot about 2.000 ulla from people wanUnte lo j06o ur poola laat WHll. UJ1 from about 300 call• Wffkly ln Apnl "I've had M> many calla l•lely, our pbocMHi art· •lmoat rln1an& off th• hook from companies and wmsSloyt'eS ht-rt· wanting to start more van po"ling," said Jack Mahon('y HIF. IS MANAGER of a com pany van-pooling pro1nm at SmithKHne. a Ph1ladelph1a pbarmat'eutlcal firm , a nd presi- dent of the National Association of Van Pool Operators. That group, started In 197~. is trying to promote a relatively new concept In commuting, which generallt' involves the purcbue or leasing of a van by a company o r government agency. The firm or agency assigns an em'ployee lo pick up 10 or 12 riders and collect their rares. ln re turn, the employee.driver gets free transportation and often som e penK>nal use or the van. IN THE NEARLY three years sint'e a handful of companies founded the organization, it has 1rown to about 300 partlcipaUnc t'om panlea or a1enclea Cwllh ~.000 vana carrylnc about 5&,000 employM• to work, Mahoney said · lSut experience haa shown that • drlvln11 babha· are hard to chan1e. Some ~ million com· mutera a~ eatimated t~ still travel alone After the Arab oil embar1<> or 1974·75. the fedual 1ovemment sponsored a matchln1 funds pro- ttn m with state and local agen- <'tes to encourage group com- muting through such itpproacbes as com puter matching or riders and use of vans to and from con- venient points. * * * WIDE OPEN SPACES -Long lines are angering drivers in populous areas. while this station in El Centro has nothing but gasoline and ~de open spaces in its lot. The scene is reported typical in most of the Imperial Valley. Amtrak Reports Rider Bonanza WASIDNGTON (API -The gasoline shortage, real or only worried about, is bringing back to life a nearly extinct species: the railroad passenger . Amtrak, the National Railroad Passenger Corp. that bas been ru~ning most of the nation's passenger trains for eight years. said Thursday: -RIDERSHIP IS UP in every part of the country. but especially in CaWomia. where it comes c lose to r ecord s established during World War ill. (_E_NE_R_GY_) be re habilitated, Amtrak bas sent 80 to its repair base at Beech Grove, Ind. The first of the overhauled cars. some 30 years old. was to come out or the shop today and be put in service in C~icago Monday. Amtrak's nationwide reserva· t1on system . compared with 366,454 during the same period a year earlier. Amtrak said its phone system was ··swamped" and monitoring devices showed 916,935 callers got a busy signaJ Give your budget a lift1 wll your slri equipment fast in the Skiing classified ads of the 0.lly Pilot. 2 l•4ntrW ........ fer Sele. lnl•• l•dHtrlet C ...... Ttt,lt ... .._..t. ...... Cl ... •llL ........ . Advance bookings for the next two weeks are up sharply, a sellout of 50 percent of all coach seats sold out in the East, 66 per· cent in the Midwest and 79 per· cent in the )Vest. The Chicago·tO· Denver leg or the San Francisco Zephyr is 99 percent w ld QUt for the next two weeks. -Reservations for the next 13 weeks are running SO percent heavier than last year. indicat- ing many families are planning to go on vacation by train. Some New York to Florida trains are sold out, es pecially on weekends. In the Midwest, 28 percent of all seats have been sold; the figure is 45 percent in the West. -At a meeting Thursday, Amtrak orlicials decided to postpone national advertising scheduled to be run in the next few weeks. In CaWomia, where a dally count of passengers is made, Amtrak trains on the San Diego. Los Angeles corridor. where six modem trains operate each day in each direction. 59,000 people took the train in the first 15 days of this month. 642-5678 c ............. ...,. JellllD .. :nce, .. *11411 ........ 17141H4-t701 LEASABL CADILLACS AT AFFORDABLE RATFS. NABERS ''e:uttlfiff: • ORDER YOURS NOW • • 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-9100 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS . STYLISH TYPE ONGOOO QUALITY WHITE GUMMED PAPER • PERSONALIZED •EASY TO USE • FOR YOU OR A FRIEND r---------------------, f'lll •n lhtt COU9C)n. chp ancJ mn11 w1t'1 St /'.. t 25 poslege IO Ptlot Printing, Label Div. Poet Office Box 1560 • 330 W. Bay St Costa MfU, California 92626 Be Sure to Ute Your ZiOOOde - ' Publi c relations, advertising and marketing agencies have announced the following new clients. Ellis. Moore and Associates, Long Beach public relations and marketing agency, has been selected to implement a total concept package for Graph1<· Warehousf" of Costa Mesa. Graphic Warehouse. which has dealt in print· ing equipment and graphic supplies for five years. ~·ill bei?m to package instant print ships. · Plast<·ch Alloys. Inc., Costa Mesa. has as· sign('d 1Ls advertising account to Trent Wilson Ad· v~rtising, Tustin. The company produces thermoplastic resin compounds for the plastic moulding industry. Communications Components Corp.. Costa Mesa. also has selected Trent Wilson to handle its advertising acco'unt. The company designs and manufactures an· tennas for private, corporate and military a ircraft and markets a ircraft navigation systems with automatic search and sur veillance option. Alameda Auto P laza's dealer association has appointed Pacific Media Avertising, Irvine, as its advertising agency. The agency will design. produce and implem~nl an initial campaign or in· stitutional and me rch!lndising ads to appear in local newspapers and magazines. The Amazing Agency. Irvine, has volun· teered its advertising services to the fourth na· tional conferencu on Child Abuse a nd Neglect, hosted by various non·profil organizations for the welfare of children . The conference is scheduled Oct. 7·10 at the Los Angeles Hilton llotel. Amplicon Inc .. Santa Ana leaser and broker of computer systems, has chosen Reiser and Willia ms, Costa Mesa, as its advertising agency. Amplicon leases computer equipment and pro- vides service. Reiser and Williams also has been named by Emulex Corp. to handle its advertising program. The company makes microprogrammed con· trollers for mass s torage disk drives and high performance magnetic tape transports. Plessey Printer, Santa Ana, a division of Plessey Peripheral Systems, bas selected the same firm as its advertising agency. Plessey manufactures a line or daisy-wheel printers for the word processing and computer industries. -Industrial Brokers. an Orange County in· duslrial realty firm, has awarded its advertising and public relations account lo the Sanborn Co .• Newport Beach. ........ Call• lo Pay BHb -The first 17 of 284 new double-decker cars ordered dur· ing the gasoline crunch or 1974 have been delivered and are be· ing prepared for service. "This is a timely relier valve for us ... an official said. "RIDEltSmP HAS been in- creasing on a daily basis," Am- trak said . "Standees have become a problem." • -AFTER SEARCHING sidetracks for old cars that can -LAST WEEK . 1,365,592 telephone calls were placed to Amtrak spokesman Joseph Vranich said Amtrak is running second sections -additional trains -"Just like we did in tht: old days'" on the Los Angeles· San Diego lines. ··1 'Can't re·_ m ember ever doing that i n May," he said. Ov.-r 1'1u· Counh•r NASO Ustinqs Cro\l rt 19 ... 10 l••SoUI 73~ 13~• Pellil>OI> ·-TM t04towi"9 list CuttrFflt lo:. 1•.., J•mWP n t i/, 10''• Pi•ruSS I• • Mltcttcl N"· Cy citron II U"' J•m•bf tS''• 16 Pin~ rtn ,..,., s.c...-n>M D•nlyM 19~ 10l4 JillyFd ~. '• P10<>H18 Duler\ Ann., owr Dt•Des 11'-13"" JostynM 1•\o 11•1> P1 .. une Ille counter BM>lo, D•ttM•I ,. ,. K•i•St pf n 'H 2J PO\\!\ !';\!'~-.. ,·. & lndll'!· ~iLlubA.•g 2S'h 1''1• K•l .. r 1'H 1'°' Proqrp ,.~ .... C J011t lt'I• em•n 1111> 11•;. PllSvNC AEL lnO ''°' ...... 0.tC."T 11 IJ KmpAm ~ ,.,_ P11rtBen ~FAProt 7 ' Dettnt8 :ll•h 24'" K•ttGre ~·· IJ·l6 PutDCao AV~ Cp 4'/t •till Oe••yEt ,.,, 1V, K•y'9m ) l"' Ollallnn. Add1M1W II v. 11 D••Crys 14 n A Pt' AOvAou 1'h Ho D••nCru l111> J.I KetlySv 1'V. 21 -AdvMlcr 2Slolo 260,, OCKutel 6+. 7.,_ K~uff•t uv. t•v. llotnm Ate1Ate.c 2S ... U "1 DollrGn IV. ''' Kimbell tSlio "V. ll•ymnd Allcoln< 21•1. nv. Donld..,. 10,1, 21.,: Klnvlnt 1' t7 A•<VEQ Allyn& ' 10 DorcllG• " "'" 1(-V l4ilto ·~ AoedE. AFlnCp n1.., 2J•1> OoylOB ttltr 10,,. Kr•tos """ 11V. AOOOMy AF11r" J.. l'lo DunlllnD U V. u~ L•nuln 1111, tt Ao~ton AG t t• 11~ .. LenoA.. J 3117 Aou~.-ree • .. Durlron ISV.1 14'1!.: L•n•C4 22..., 23..., Au.Slov AtntGp 4'l<. MW• E•tnllnce S '' 6 LtOStor •11> 1,1, S.Olier AlloAlcro• II>"'-11v. EconL•I> 210,, 11 l tllBC\t • •>.. St•nDt AWetono .. 11 EIP .. EI 10•. 10 .. l~tm •• ~. 11•. S<roppH Anecllte '"' I''-Etci.r&e 1"-'" ¥Y"-•-~-Anlleusll 23 :13•, EteNvcl S s•' MMlsGE 141, IS O>S,.....,11 AntaCp 1•1o , .. EIMoclul S..., C' •O-llPel 1 t-1• '"" Svcm•tr ArCltnGp "" 1,.. EnrO.v • 1 •lrAt n SMwmt ArllWG• 11\'• ttY, Entwlstt 16'" 11"' t M• 1 11·16 .SoHO~IS AS.OCOI• n n~ EqtOll 2~; 2!~ e1t1trl nv. 2''f• ~~":;Ir AtlGSLI IS ... IS>f. EIMnAt JI J) •• o.•u~luPt ,'°.:-'.! ,1! s:Efs: B•lrdCO 1'• '"' Fabr1 >.. 1 -' "' " < 8•t19HE 1Jl'J 14 FoCIUnLI "" M<(Orm """ ""' ~•anoy11 &1t•mA1 ..... "'" Fie1tsn ~~ i; c0u., 10•1, "•. s1011er llulclh • .,. ,,,, FIBo\tn II '"-•d\•W '°, 1t Sl"l\H 8.sstFr "''• 11 FIEmpS '~ ltV. MdtdC•P ........ lleyhMll ' ,.,., FtW,.Fin s•: s .. Midi Re• • • •• , 8eettn• l 'h '''• Fll<llQr I)•,• ll"' Mlc118h 76\> 11• • BetrL•b J1\/. l1'h FtottPnt 13::. uv.. '-lier .. ,,.," 11Y• Blbt>Co '~" 1414 Fl•W•tU t).16 t t •• Min IG .. IS BtrOSon 10'h n ForestO Wlo I; .. :o~~i~ s: 1~!': Blrttllr H o 2'1• Formtou 2'1> Jtr. Mo•llAtt "• 7v, BlllHlltP :w., 24'4 Fr•nkCp 1 1.,, 1, ••I '-'D IQ ~ Bonilnl• )\, 4 Fr..,1!£1 111;. 11'4 Moo:c~~ r~ m~ , 'W: ,.., t ~"YU•lflGrfl t Broo~S 18V1 lO GnAIE\t 1111 10 BrwTom 12;,, 231/o GflAeins 12 M =~~~11: J:~ ~ NASOAO SUMMAU ~ g~~=~ .~:;: .~~: GovEFn llV1 ,,.,, N .. 11cp 73 ,..,, NEW YORK fAPI -Mott ec11 .. owr. • 8urnutS 4'1> ''"' 8;:;'.4~,, 1j~" ~"' ~:,·,~~~ W" :~~ ~'!::,:';ter ·~~ "'tfJled A~~ N~SD, ! CalWt • 31'" l3 Glltnht 14'1• .. NJNG.. IS U 'I> Hoov•r M .taO u Ull> . "\, 1 l:~s:'C4 1~ ,~;~ wyroc1rn •Vt sv. Nle1sn A ,. 2•11> Toscoco m.• .. ._ m~ • "' • ~=~!~:or ~''1 l~ H~O.:'~ I 6 II. =~~~~J's ~~>r, m.: ~f~~ ~t.: ~o:: ~~ • 1.j •• : CnVtPS 14V. 14,._ HrpAow 11 .. IJlh NoEOI un 7•V. 11 EnA\v 17',400 4 t.t• •"' • S.t• II Cl\mLu 13v. 24'1• ~=~l~t 71''' n •i. NwlNC" 11'"' 11'1> 811rnupS . 1"6,tOO ,,.., .... + '4 t1 Ch•sUtt ~ tOY> Henrdr ISO,, 16 NwstPS t•l4 1711• Elslnor h 177,100 Uh tl'.lo • "' IJ Cl t F •"-s>r, ~ 10 >(W, Noni! 10 10\l'J B91lins 110,"IO '""' • .._ -0.-14 ,1r:u•tA ,. Jt.v. HotolM'n 2'-'"" 0a11vyM 201ro 21 BevMot . 110.100 ,,.,., u~. • J•;. 1s CltJUt8 l3'h 34\fo =~·:s IS !Sin OfiFerro •v. IO'H Pen LI . 10t.100 1 1'4 + l-lt t• Ct•rllJL 21v. 1' Hy•ntn1 .~::-; t?f, ~g:'Tn': t:!: ~~ •e1v•nced -··------· .. U> :: CtowCo .... I'll lnclNll(I • .,. sv ...... tt ColuVent ''" 211> lnlr•llld • P.-1e ".., 11"' ..,...cltned • .. .. ... .. .. • .. .. .. 230 ComCIH 1J"" , .... tnt•lii: ..:~ .r~ PcG•A 20 10\fo Unch•f>9"1 .. .. ... .... . . . l,"7 >O CmlSf>r 10 U P•uleyP l\lt t 1 otel IS\UK . ----•., ..... ,... .. 2.MO 21 CmwTet Jt 41 tntrc nr 1 I PffrMI I'" •v. New lllQll> .... · ... .... . .. .. .. n 22 COflP•p st•; 6014 tntmtGs llr: t:.,,, PeMEnt t4\lt tSV. New to.n ............. ,.. ".. Jt 1J r • tnllkW"' I P•IM>lll 4914 )C)V. Tot•t wtes . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . t2, .. 2,D 24 MUTUAL FUNDS t 'ps and Dotcru Pel. Off 10 1 Off t7. Off I.SI Oii U.4 Off tS,• Off 14,0 Off It. t Off 10.S Off tO.O Off •.s Off •.s Off l .S Oii a,J Oii l ,J Off l .J Ott , • Off 7.7 Off •.• Off • ., Oii •. , Off '·' Off •·> Off •.J Off s.• INVE$TING twin BullOCll. F-r•lecl fifth "OHIV Ir 100 NL Mny Mil 1.00 NL Hl'l'IO 1117 24lSSu,im• F"'1Ch. COMPANIES Bull<ll 12 ... 14.0I Am Ldr , .. In Hor M•n U • 16.0t ~I •.'2 10.JO lncBol i.1' t 03 Oplt 10 4' tt.&3 HEW YORK IAPI C.ncln 1.10 .... Hlltm tlAO 14.SS IHAFd II n 12 >' us Go• • t7 1002 MonB t CID NL lnn•t to to"·°' Tiie 104-."9 -OMO 1 IS l 00 MonM t.00 NL tSI Gr-MalM<"-ft Co 0..tn 17.)4 24.6.J Trust 1.12 t .:U l•tloft\, ..... Hid by MOfllll ll.Ot t4.n MMM t.00 HL Grwtll ~ .S • H Frw4 t .10 I t6 ~cf IJ st U ~ V•nt • «> t0.11 IM H•t._I MMICi• NIWS • 27 tO.ll O..tn ll 0 14.J} fn<om J,. • II 1.-0 t.10 IO, T1Fre •• , NL SB Eqty tt.10 " .. Oran(?e Coast residents will be able lo pay •tlon o1 5e<"'ttlH Hvvn 1• 12 n &J TaFr• n.01 HL Tr•t Sh 11 s• 1u1 ,..... t0 ~ 11 t7 AIM 11.1• tU3 sB 1&c;r 12 ... 1u1 thel·r bills by telephone 1·r they are cu•lomers of De•iar., inc .. •re CGF11no 10.11tt1s us Gvt a.&l HL TrP•S"' J ll ... Fdlnt 11.w tut Time 10 ... 11 • .s \oGen 1n nos u.t7 " tile prices •t wllkll Olncm 7.60 t.n FIO.Hty ~· lndu~lrv • 17. _ Men F1-.c1: TC Sec ta.t4 lt.12 Sw tnn 7.tt t.n AllstaleSavingsand Loan. ~':,~ ,,_:-"'= c!:~~: :: =t :::' h~ •N-e \~!;=•8111c1 ui :t ::i ~:= ~~ ~mSQM g: tON'~ =r ~~ 1::1: t~fr Allstate Savtn~s. which has branches in Miid •Net .s.wt cent cc 1.00 NL c .. 11 1.• t.t• 1nv '""" 1 n NL MID tl.7' 1• .... P•"" ~ s,. NL st.te Bo110G< lied val .. I ~ tlDWfll eftlSflT tUJ t2.tl COfllfO tO.s.t HL Inv ll<I\ • ,. '°·" NICO t .tl I0.7• Ptllle 1.• 1.14 <:om F •.Jt 4.IO Newport and Westminster , has insla a com· ,,,.,.,. ~ Mi.t 1W1H1v11 -..... D•llY t t.CID NL :n<tfltoo ~ MFo tut n.&J .._ c.. ,_,. ,,. 01,, Fe1 4.74 s.tt Puter-ope. rated telephone bill payment service cw .. 1 T~. Cll9rtFe1 H.1s t.,12 01tnv t0.7' NL •PS Bo sc s.s• MFe 1u1 n.«> .._ "° .. ,, uo Pro0 F ..., u1 ........ , ... ,. ~ Bos. Eo Inc 17.H NL IDS C\11 l.00 NL MMB • " us PllOrlm ""' StFrm Gt 7.ot NL. called the "bill call" system , a trademark, that AGl!l'd uJ di Func1 •.u '·" M ... 1 •• HL 10J Gr1 '-'l 11s MFH 1.31 1 •s Plto Fd 1111 u .01 1tmo 1nv t.oo NL AccwnF t•.1s NL Front .... S.Ot Mun ., .... NL 10$ ncll S.•7 •.•• MCM t 00 NL M•o c l ... J.97 T•n• ("fl 7.M ,., permits <I CUSlOmer lo request payment Of regular Aluture 11.11 HL Sll•re 7.lt 7... F'-4 tU117.U M"tt t.n t.SJ M•tMn 1S.S2 NL M99 In '°' ,_. Trn• Inn Ut UI bill II . t' thl he k 'ti A ... F It n NL 5"<1 •• 16 '·" HI .YMI ••.• NL Pr.. J.G J.n _,,Ill Lynctl: p~ .. _, r•• l!ot _,,.11 s, e mina mg some mon y (' c Wrl ng. A81rtllT to 24 tt " llHPD u... NL LtMun • 2> NL TUEi 4 •S •.IS Beslc tO.s.t IO.tl FllMI tUO t•.tl .Tuclr Hd "OS NL The c ustom~r-di ab 8 deaigRe•ell A Hell~·-· A'JlfUfl!!. ~ ,.. Fd '·"'J:.°' Pu 1111 10 » 11 n stoc• 11.11 tuo c.p11 1ut ts.Jt rt ua t0.Jt T•nC Gt •·» HL numbet r, resbe. pondd~ 1to a requc1st1drort~r~s ot~· her ac· ~~~f, tt.~ ttt! l';;..* : ~! i:l: ~r< SAA tnc ti.~ coun num r . ia s persona en 1 1ca ion num· ... ottt 1.t• '·" orw1t1 4 ... ut Fin""'' .. ,....: 1.-.1 MAI n .,. M~ AM i. .. •·•Pru s1P '°'°' 11.02 "' •«" u• bers and identifies the merchants lo be paid, ac· t~. ";':.UNO~ :::.~ ::~ tU~ P.:.i:, rn =t ~..,., Ortfl .-c:: 11'\~ :g:~: t:'.!! ION~ p~:' F~: tU2 ::• ':::: ~:= cording lo Ray Rodeno. chairman and president. ~~~ ': ::u ,:,:·o~ :1:: ·~ .. ~t"~~i.w'.i~' NL 1:· .. ~:o NL :ri ~ rn rn P,,1,·~ '9':Jvc ,~~·.,_., ln<0m 7 91 1.61 C•t tfl 'A8 ... t 07 llnd AP 14.64 n 11 Bond 17.24 11.17 Mt F Gtfl 4 JS 470 a.ort N•t Inv ' ~ 1.0t Au.sTATE RECOaDS PAYMENTS request· 1cA 1u 1.» cwttfl c •·• t ... 011<0 1.u 112 Gr-.,,. U3 Mut ...... <>rNN. ~wlfl u Ceco u .. 1s.01 ed by a Customer , plays them back for Verification ~~~A:t ··~~. tl: ~== =: '::: u~ f~~ ~:: ::r. ?:~-: tU; ,a; ~~ 1::: '!:: r~';:. ~r.i;c,~JS IU4 and forwards the information lo a central process-·~:~~:~11 ..., ~=~01~v 'W to~ ,~:'11" 6 ~.: 1N•~ i~.::;: ,~4: NL W~';; .~~ tU: ~~~st :~~ :.~ ~:~ ing facility where checks and documentation are c..,G,,.. ..,, 4" c1111 ... 1 o a.21 HL FtM1101 " NL 111<m .... 10 ... '"'"' St>" >1" NL r.e.t eon Gr • o 10 n Entrp • l3 •.'2 COflt Mut 6.H NL I'll Ver 10.00 NL Gr-t." •.U N•t Avl• 1'.• NL Vlt.. C... tn< t.04 t ... prepared overnight. By the next morning, a check H1 v111 1u2 n.• cvv111 s. tt.u •u> •• we11 1• u NL Ht ..... t .u 12 11 H•tr tftd tt.13 HL vo,.., llKMI • 01 ''' ' i •a..... 11 to h b redi lncH Ull '·"Ory C.. II.JI tJ.U l'llCI Gttl 4,0I 4.40 M911M 1.00 NL Het Se<ur $«: ll•iflflW Ut HL 'Munl • 21 H7 1s Du.~ ma t e mere ant or c tor. -• 1u.i ,.,a r c.v. 1• NL,._..~: Mllft• 1'.17 10.. "•'"" ue to.11 11.-t• NL Sclefl .. ,. '·" The service is free ft>r customers who main· Tot 11 .. 1.111 113 01,1ncm 1.00 HL Grwu. s 10 s n 0p1n tt.7• 13" ~ •.JS •.st "•-u 1 NL v.,.. •.«> ut . . Ventr 17.40 tt.02 0.1 .... ,. ~: tnc:MI tUO 13... s.im"' IJ. tl .. JS Dl•ld 4 11 uo i l!.e U7 11.4' ' Swo us NL lain a $2,000 telephone .bill payment a<'count '"'''" 1.oa ,_,. g:ut tu• tut Mut.. ,.:ao .... ~ec~ t.• u1 or.-s ... •.12 G4ll n.• iUo v.1ue LIN Fd: balance and costs JO cents a bill for customers who ~~10,:." '·~·rJ:~ ti~: tu: t:·:: ,.i'f::,\n ~.tr.St I(.:,•._ ~~o,. ~.:c:: t::: !.~' ~= t.: .:::: r:~ Hi u; maintain a $1,000 balance. If the balance drops ~:!' ,Ut ,:::: o:r.:_• t .. 12 :::: g1:rc .. >;. Hi ~: TEr' ~: 11~~ ~:w ~ ~ ='•W:,.L ~.' 'lw '.t: belo ... $1 000 the customer pays 10 cents a b1'll and .. ,..,._ Ut •tt Cllllhv orwtt1 .. n •.11 C11• •is 10.11 talb tt• tUJ •-'*·• NL -• s..tn: .. ' . AGttll'~ 6M 7;. 11.• NL Utltl 4.Jt 4.'5 C111 I. IS '·'' Hl!Ltfe ~: tfttl H U.tt NL 1-tUS 11.Jt a $3 IDOlllhly lee lo• the telep!IOne bdl payment '""''° •• .. , .. ~:£ ,_., '" inc-t.• '·" ~.,, 1u t.:io '" e.-.11 17.'7 "·" .._ 1t •• NL "-1.• 1.•t l C i Alftltn,_ UI J.ft • tt.• NL us °°" t.n • • u• Kt s.n s.n Grwtf\ It.JI 11.37 MMB .... HL (Mlllft 1.JI , w serv ce. u.-.tom. ers earn 5 percent nterest on "I"""' fj" IL • ,. .• HL ~-· •·• •.• us Jl 1·" "·.., ~nc-1u1 u.M s.t<• 1u1 NL S11ec1 .,.., tut money in the accounts. :.r.~r ' · •· L • .,,,0::·,54 HL L~~~'.. >ii 4pl~ ~:! G .~ l::J c:::_i ts.a tu• ~tv. ''f.r:' ,,., v~ r,:-1,.L Phone lines for customers with touch tone •-•11 t2.01 u .u ,,.,..... •.M u• .._.., st >... &• HL ~ ._. s.o1 "''•• tl.1S NL AOll41!ot -·· Lt 17.JS 11 ... l'...W Ill< ~-Liii....... -N1•1... : 1"11Mt 1," t I.est t.• NL phones will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a An ~· ue •• 1.• HL c-•n l.M Ht. <• ~ 14.lt = 1 • NL unr• tu• 1 ·" := ._,. HL k C t I h pho Ill be bl ,..,. e 7.ij .... NHl111 7.04 t!L I.,._ 7.tt "" LH -n .. • n.t1 NL S.llCIM F.,..1 w 14.11 HL wee . WI omers w t fO!ary nes w • e inc"" ._D •·• ~ IM 1,os NL .,. rr ...,, ..,., LH "' u1 ,.,,. L..,..Y 4.• EL A111S11t •·• NL w '"" 1u. NL to Call Allalate n kd f 8 m lo' 111 p m Stock '· '-'' hf"' 14.11 Ht l'ltot t.3 HL l,.H Ill M.tO '6.. MeMt 1.71 L Setlllt ti.It NL W L ... II.ft NL o wee ays rom a . · Y • • •. le 01 n. 1ut t. 11.-. .c "·." NJ I" ti. =l u ... 111a-4in 11 . .0 ,_ 1u1 L le!itlMt ~: *-Ur:. "·" HL and Saturdays and Sundays 9 a.m. to 4J>.m. 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NL DAILY PILOT & • I ' \ f ; •' •. . • •• .,..., •• • .~.~ ~ T ~ ~ ~ 7 ~-~ r-.-., JI "'• --- STOCKS I BUSINESS Friday .. 8 Cloe1intc Prict'1' NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 0...l•H--1-lr_,.,.._._.,._,, M-•I ~(!It< PllW ......,,0.1,..le ... Cl~'-llt!OO ·~,_,_,_.,.., IMNel!Qftel A•-.<1ell9"0f '«vrlll .. 0.e .. n -11"11""1 . t: ...._ .... ...,.__ ...... ~ JI,.... ••• ~jilt . ... "....,... ..... ~ ' "• • t ' ,. , • , • f .. t i t .,.,. 1 1 t• t t..h c .., • t '"" • # r, , .. ~ ..... ~,"l _ =· ;"'-~ ,~n fl\ ·:: ,,~Jt ·=}} iU ~.,~."{: ~ ,~ ~ ~ "~: 'U 181::' II, ~, ~~· ;~ ~~:.ti I ~ =:· ~ 11 ... , ., 1f ~: tt . "it: t .. l lt H' ... •i· 1n. \, O.i ;-J I,,. ~. h =~I 11 11 ....... """··~·~ ..... " .. .. ll. I ,, __ '• •'~ • tJ ~ * 1 .. ,. ... ' '' "' • " • •It I.. • .. ~ .. L \o • '• Pllletn I .• It M4 2014 -Yo ~ I I 1411• • lit ... I ,I, ... I ..... I 'it I ~ .,. • ... .. • •l• ,,l.. " II ••• Pl • 1 •• ,... 1 ~ 1 : I ,_ 11 ~ t i 41.• I• PC.~') J 1<1 I .. 10 to I .. o V. 1' J ... ~ '"" ... ~.. 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Tt•nu n .0 • s t01"9 AGln pf I.ID ._ J)'I., '-O.n.()t 10 I ~2S , h ' '""" 1 I'• Jem\wy Gib 4 ti 9"'' ''ll Netlf!l<O I 50 7 n 11'o • Rtttn Pl 1 .. .. 1~ TrGP pit.. 1100 91 , I AMH0111 I ) ~ 11• 1 0•01 I 20o1 I 49 :29~ • v, FIPeMIQ J 2'·• Jenl11n I I ll II.. \oo Nel<.0 I.JO 14 181 31 • • >. ll•PCP 4~ 1\6 23-... • , ... Tr GP pl J.50 • 14', AHO-150Uio.. ,, •. ,. "'O n £t 191. 813 11 ... '· FIUnlll l.Ol t1 11 I] ..... J'•,P,",.F111'1*.-. ~ 10 . ,..co ... a JI •• • AepFnS s.t'l I 14\ti '\ Tn>\Ofl .. ' • ,.~, AmH0\11 IO " .. I 1 ... ,. "' O•EI pl 1:40 r400 IS '' Flll•Bk .50 • II '"". .... II ... -3111<. "• -'lO • •S 21<> ••• RtPMlQ 7S 2 .... I~ Tr•nwy 1 • .0 s .. ,, ........ Amlfl•\I :IOe 10 122 10... Oe.-pll 60,, •S .... I . F1Wil< I . s ,. 2) ..... Jore pt • 1'150 l 1'1' "' NelAlrl .so 10 110 39.\oo. '. llepStt ··-II 2t T•••ffS 1 OI • ,.,. lS\). "• AMI IO t IO ,. ,, Coro• 7• T JU 10">. Fol<llM I .cl ••I .. 11 • 'n JerC pf t J6 1100 7) '• -c.n n 8 II 18.. '• Rep Tea I 14 11'~ ', TrlCOfl I 9-, .. di~-,,_ ~F~'r.1:'!: ! :~ ,3's'~-~ &:111.:I : I~ :~~. :~ e :~ i m 1!E:: m~ ~·u~1 "m~h . l:! ~t : 5 I I:: if.i: ~~ =~o~P~', In .~ 'U H"' ~ ~~:f:.r UI l~ 1~=:~. ~ N DAILY PtLOT •• Boaters Requir~ Risk Coverage .-i ' By SYLVIA POSTER Aa summer nean, record numtMn wlll bit the waler to sail, fish or water·1kl. But vacationers nm tbe rtlk of rulnin1 their holiday and destruyanc tbeir llnucial security . On the waterways, there are more than 8 million re1· iatered power boata and 3 million craft that are not re1· istered, estimates the U.S. Cout Guard. Boatina accl· dents are nearing 7,000 a year, cauaina cloee to S12 million in property damage, 18,000 injuries and 1,300 deaths. , I ' "SOME WATEaWAYS •E IJKE A hiabway full of Sunday drivers, and theft of pleasure boats has soared into what could almost be termed an all-American pastime," says Lee Meyer, president of the Independent Insurance Agents of America. Thefts of boats. motors and equipment approached S92 million in 1978. There is no central agency to track boat thefts. People who own boats have special insurance needs . They may need a separate boat policy or they may be able to add it to a home insurance policy Smaller boats, usually those less than 25 feet, Money's Worth can be covered by an endorsement to a homeowner's policy without a formal sur· vey. A boat trailer might be covered under the auto insurance policy or, if declared, by hull insurance. The rules vary from company to com· pany. Larger boats require a formal survey to determine their value and seaworthiness before they can be insured, and a separate policy is required. A survey generally will cost about $2.50 a foot. and some yacht surveyors will charge $1.50 a fool for smaller boals. .. J l •hip ·-·· ""s ,,:.• .,.. CSISIG6 ., 7 110 73''11 i • Remtnv '° 1 19 111.... Jore pl 11 •160 • NC>kt p12 u 1 l'I,,., : ; AevcoD ... IO " n v. • '"' Tr l•lllCI .:ior " '"' ~f:':il: · .J : -: 4::: ~ &~ =:f. '~ Pi~!.--.• ~.: · •. .: ~ ru ;r: ~ ~=~r~ r.: ,~ ;~. . =~ ~~ t 2J ~~: : : :::T;~ ··10 .~ ~ ::~: :~ rn~:c -r. ,~ ~ ~ • ~ AmSt • •4 • ., .. ·~ s .40 ' • 6 .. -.... Fi.c.. ' .. 10 :M9 .cl'4 4o J•-tcw s 1l )tt. .,.. IU!Hom 7 1"-Atall•m 60 I .. ..~.. '""'l'" I • 11 :IO'lo . '. ATT n •' .. ~ " I .. 1111n 31._ • .,. ReP\. 2.40 • XJ 27'1> • ,,, Jllfl#en 191 S »17S 13"8 " NU.Jiiiy n n 6 SS .... • • RunrCI " • 0 11\lo T11<t P I 11 I IS I~ ""pl ! I 17~ ~~ ;;:: 1 . .0 1 3 40<,. v. R•PIM 2.lo 1 '2 .,..,. • "' Jlln~., I .. ~. NMdCr ' • .0 11 19 Ul9 ... ', lltyMll 'IO • IO ))"' -"" TCfoo I -\ )SJ ~t\-... 4 TT pt 3.M ,, ·~"" .,_ Ol4eco • . no 4 • "• A.SCI 1.60 • ,. )II.. ... Jot.tlJn .• '11>' 1t1 10.:.i. ... NMedE s .IO 9 ,.. 13.. '. RerM 1>1410 I ,. -I TwlnD\ I • 10 lt lot. .,, ATT pl 3.7•. IOI .. 1"1 ColaPe tt.OI I JIS 14<• -'·> A-1.40 I 10t 40'., •,, JO'lnEF .. 16 '"' '·• NMirwS• S6 I) lo 12'<o • '• R0<1\Co 110 4 14 "'' v. TycoLel> 1 ' JS l~ • "' AW•IWk • s • 11•. ColfAlk n ' s• ,. . .. =r 3 .. ] .. .s JO'lnCn I.to 1 llO ,,.. ·~ NIP< ... 11 50 II 42 ,.., ll<llMtr I°' 1 110 '°"' TJl0tCp .o I ) ·~ -... AWel pf !.JS , r•)O di'"' •.\o ~~~ I : t ,ll ;r 1 11 Ford/IA I.~ ~ ~ m-: • ::: JOM C pf 1. I l.I + • o ~~~<I OI : 10~~ Uo., .. :::~·:n 1 ~ ~ :: ~ ... ' : ; Tymst.r _ J~ ~ 311"-+ "- FACTORS IN THE CHARGES ARE the age of the boat. how clean 1t 1s. the time it takes to inspect it. The boat owner benefits from an expert report on the boat's condition. A pre-purchase boat survey, which can be used for insurance purpe>ses. will indicate whether the boat is a good buy. It costs about SS a foot. Boat insurance basically covers cl > the boat itself, I or hull insurance : <2 > liability insurance for injuries to people or dama ges to property of others. A full marine policy can protect against a vast array of perils. In determining premiums, the vital factors will be the owner's skill and training, the overall condition of the boat -•• and type of safety equipment. AWe SOI U S 1YI IJ'• ', ColllnCJ 2 50 ) 11 401,, o, F<lrMK I S6 S 121' JI'~, I JonLgn 60 I )I U V. NSIMld t 74 S II 16 A10Gr pl IO . 33 IS'• 1• UAL 1 2 1 .. 1 1SV. • 1'4 Ameron I 6 U 1011• • ... Coll pl 1.0 2 JI"',,,,, FMK pit.ID S 33 + llo JJoo'•~tn", l.301 •, '!! l1,',,' ., .. NllllSll 1.60 .1 50 )1• 1 AlleAld St I St 10\• • '• UGI 1 ... 8 I JIV.• '"' Amt>D .40tl s 4 ""' '. CD•GAs 2.. II) 1~•1. .. R OH• ,,. • I) 11'' ,,, ... Halle• b t1 •l• Roi>\~# I JO • " "". ''\ U{olC I 20 I 11 Ullo Am•l•k 'IO • 6 ,,.. 00. p15 48 ' ss• .. '• ~,,-I 3111 n •1 • ,., Joy MIO I .... IOI 30'" " Nllo<n 7 10 ) 119 ., " ROl>l•n I "l 6 SI )1 • I' UME T Tr 11 ,.... ..,. Aml&c I 10 • 1l 19'"° ''• ColuPtl .IOr S 181 11~ ~-I 11 I IOI 42 "--K--Helm pl I .0 1l 11•• '• Ao1>•n\ fO I ..0 9V. 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Am\! pl .W 1 317~ • '• &1rEpl ~ ~ 8 •:~ 1?:..:. • ; : Fr~Nn I llO 15 491 46 : :•, :::l~!'I n~ , : ~:,, 0• 211 NNEEnC.G•_n.6080 & 1,U il',,• • :,• Rkln1 pl I.JS .. I J4 °4 UCemp )..cl • 111 •~'I• "' Amslf'd 2 I 16 ~ ,.,__E . I • Frovtr.n n 10 14 U ..., ,,. • "v ~ RollmH I S1 I SQ 3''1• + '·• UnCerl> 7.IO • .ot ll ... + >\ An1IOQ s to SI I~ ... , 1,, '-w pl I "l I 19 1 • Fr..,nf 2 10 4 5.31 J7 • '1 ~·.',~,p11 'i.~ I I ?01 19', '" NENucl .40 lb 4 40•, • l'O Rollrtnd S )14 tJ 11/o l)nromr .-,. 10''•, ~ A"<hrH s S IV IR C...Epl 1 . J 19'• . F"'l\ld .. I !OS \'('• ~ • ~ ,., > 21 ... "• NEllPl>l7.16 101 28'• '"' "" " .. Al\dCley 1 6 Q 1q., •, C...E pl 2 37 Jl 16"• • '~ FllOI pt us 6 1:r... , "• K•n•Nlll 2t 1 16 1 •111 NEngl' 3 16 e IO J4' • .. , , Rollin• ·711~ IOI n -~ UnlonC11 .l tr 6 :JI S An-ht • ... • ., ·~ •• CwE=pl 2 87 10 70.\io ~.. G-G -K•ntb .10 , .,, ,. ...... NYSEG I .. I q., lb\~ .. '. P olm ' 1 1U l• • lo UnEtec; 1.41 • 10 13 ... .,,.. -0 • ,.. •JO 9 n• 4J \> • ,...F Ron\o" • l'"'' 'to UnEI pl 7.IJ 3 10' .. A~··,., .40 1 32 ""' .,, • • + ..... .. ) ., 10.4'• '. :grr~.~:~ 6 ~ 2S'"· .. NV'S pl 8.IO .. tSO 83 -. Rop.,r ' "l \ IJ '°"' ~ UnOC•I '60 ~" •1 -:r~ ..... ~7 : • ~ :~: .~ I' :n J~ Jg~· .. '· ~~r I~ ·1 1•~ n". ~ KCSotn '° • SI ~!~ .... ~ •. IO & g .],~• :~~:~10 ~ :~ ':~ ~:~ .. %< ~~~~c' ;130 II 1!: m:. i ApldOJ9 1n ...... .... 28 ll 71• .,~ ..... GAT Pl 150 I :M' .. '" KCSckl pf I ''° 10• ... '• ,......,, 110 ' 211 7•... I. Rowan 10 12 ns ,, ....... l\ Unlrov•• 11 Sii ..... 1111 AptdDIV pl I 1 ~ • >w n 1~7 '•Ml• )11, '• GUI 10 1~ '!>! 23' >' 11' KenGE I'° I 17 11-. • '• -pl 4.IO · · 3 79-t.'• '• RC Cos I~ 4t l:W IS'!. ~ ::!r.t 112 1 :~ 1~'.~, ~ 1.1• S 19 ;,;:_ • • ~~... 9 °4 ~\>' ;: ~=~~~I 11 ~ 1 ,: m: • ~ :ztt 1.4' ; ~ g,,,. : : Roy ID OSI! I 1.. 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S 1)~ ~·~ I r, t ~ W• -lit 19 : ; 9"' • '. WUI Mi~,... '3-JS _ o, Butfrw .5014 •ll .014 .. l,, Cvmfn I IO S 13 ll.. '" GldWFn )0 I JO 12 . .. Lt •tSh 1,IO 1 61 '6"• • ;,. -20 4 IO. IJ'-· ';: )1 r .. 10 l'i" W.0.111 50 s .. .. ~ ::~~~p1 ... ': ·~ 1i" . ~~~;.~~v.n : ~ :~ .... g:~~.,:::.•,:f.': ·;~ u,vFltF 1.~ ! ~ ~:~-· :~ ~.'-~~I~:~:.::·=.~ ~~ ~ ~! ~1,..~ i, ::::.r4·~·1 ·r: r. .... : ~ BHtlftQ Ill to ., 31"-~ '' CurtW IO I .. IS .... CiOOOyr I.JO ' l6S ,.... tl~T,c~n' 20 I .. 31\o ~Co I s :J4 dl9 ... 9-H 40 ) 19'1 ,, ..... "' We<h pt 1.:IO 1 .... "'' S.•tFd I :IO • '~ '°''• .. C•<IP ' "" ] ,. 10'1)., GorclJw .0 4 l"O ""' '" • n 1'4 llOr .. 6 IOI 16\4-'" 51111100 , 7 ... ., ••• '" We<hlllt 31 ..... 1., BulF ptl.ll 1116 u '• Cypru> IOb 6 no JI , Y. Gould 1.60 & tit 14'"• l• l lbll pll 1S 3 10"> Tr 114 5 10 20.,.+ -4 Shefll' I.~ 10 90 61 ... -1._ WelMrl JD 14 lO , .... ~ 8 tckm .211 14 179 11''> D-0 -Gould pll.J5 · I 7l' '' '• Ltlemk ' 41 Ill U"°'' ' O•erSll .!Ob l 1• 1''n •I 9'11Glo 10 -4 >0 tO' 7 • Wel9rn I .cl • 11 11'" .. lleclnD .. II '3 31'• •... OPF ' II 10\oo. , .. Qreu t."l 6 u 11"" .... tl~.~11 t:g I~ I)~~ 37~-gwenc l.:IO • 161 21.Y. ..... 5fll4G pit.JS . ' IOV>-'I• WlllrA I.. • :IO JI''-.... llM<ll .'7 ) •1 74.. :i., Demon :IO 110 1>1 5.,,' ,~ ~:!..Tvt ·~ ~1 :I! ~~::' ~ Sl +I wenltl 1.16 S ll' """• '"' ~ pll.40 'i l 14"1-°"' W•llllll\ .. 1 I) 7J'-• "• rr•• p IO I; I j.; ,1'" g:~=~v 14~ ~ :t m.: "• GreyOr ,10 6 6 I•'• •, t::~~ ~: & '1~ ~:: + O"nlt pl 4 1 7S '• Sllr~ I 2l I l ~~ m: ' :: Wet Mu l . .cl 4 11 13 .. • ,,. II·.~ ~, ~ • 30 .~JI .. D•nl•I 1• I 16 18'11' '• GIAIPt . "' 1•1 Llont l : .. I ~ • . Ownll pf4.IS . ' '3>c.+'" Sill'>ll 'eo . 162 2S""-'• WellJm l.IO ' IOS ,.~ ... ,.. • ... n ·-, • '> • .. GclltD 1• , 29 Js•, 1 O•t•d!n 68 5 l 10~ Sin · WetlJ pfl tO 1 37 :::r~~ .. ·~1& ~ 1~~. 11• g:~:I;~ 111 I ~ :~1,! ~ gr~Nt~~: ;g ~~'>• • tm0;,rset . II~ ~r•:,:~ .:_ "-0 -. S<='.~1~ ,:; rs:;..:,~ W•rdFO . t ISi 11111:.:,,. B•ltlncl 12• 5 " 1 D•l•Gen IS ., ....... "" GcWFI ... s 314 18' ::~ Litton p 1 ' 20 PHH Gp .... ' 4 .. 1'0t-" 511f1)"91 .}6 17 S40 11'-"' ::~~f0t.60 : 3: ,:~-;~ lleltCd, 8 14 19 · D•l•Ttr .10& 1• It ., 1 Gr'tyll n ~·°' 11 "6 .,, > ,, LoOlld • 111 :IOV•. PNBMI ..., I l6 10\tt< "' Slngtr •'° s tll P,~·.· ·; ... wrnCOfl'I • 1 1 Ult M'-o-., .. &eml\ t . .c> s 13 21'41 "• oerepnl 14 141 ,.,,. .. Gr \tlWICIWt •964 t~ • "' Loe Ille .40 11 ll 76•10-'·•PPG t.M • " 21-. ..... = .. so .,, .. , 2·.,,.~ ,. WernrL 1.32 • US2 uv,. '" llencli» 1.S6 • 119 .,.,,. • ...., Devco .SOii 4 13 ,...,. • ,.._:WC. "4> •6 & 9, ,, Loews I JO • o U \oo; ' PSA 1 .. 11 • .. .90 •• • .. . W .~G • _ ...... .._ 11 ... tcp 1.IO ' ,. ,,,,.,_ .,, Der!Hd 1.60 • '°' ., • ''Ii GthRI . 33 ,; • ''• l omFn .IO I IU "'" P•t AS 1.24 . • 12''*• .... ,.. ... I ,,. '"'· I'• .... s ··-lJ 14 ...... .. THE POLICY PROBABLY WILL protect against damage to the marina. injury to a swimmer or skier and similar perils. But because of the variety of craft and hazards, there • is virtually no such thing as a standard yacht policy. Rally Gives Way To Mixed .Pattern : NEW YORK !AP > The stock market was mixed lo· day. registering little carryover of enthusiasm from Thursday's rally. The Dow Jones average of JO industrials, up 14.47 points Thursday for its second biggest gain or the year slipped back 1.04 to 841.91 today. ' Advances held a 7-5 edge on declines among New York Stock Exchange·listed issues. The rally Thursday was attributed to strength in the dollar and ~pes that tentative evidence of a slowing in the economy might portend a downward t'-'rn in interest rates. But weekly Federal Reserve figures Thursday showed an increase in the money supply. A risin~ money supply theoretically lessens the ch~nces of any early move by the Fed lo encourage in- terest rates to decline. Sr ork11 In ThP .'Jpof llghl Amwrfran ~ .. ad.-r• NEW YOIOll ,,..,, Ad••n<e<I 0.tlffled U"<ll•nved lOlAI t\Y\ Nf • 111<11\\ frril•w IO•\ N~W YORK Apptoa l•Mt Pr1v1ou\ «Ny Weta •CIO Month eQO Yur~ Two vun o1Jt11> J en I IO <Ml~ 19/1 lo O.te .. ,, 10 <I.ti• Prev. To<Sey O.y 131 116• •31 J,54 '31 ll2 l'IOO t90S 30 11 20 IO SALES !AP I ·NY SICKt. ~•IH lU'I0.000 lC>,SS0,000 . H,010,000 lt,130.000 l4,l60,000 tl,tl0,000 1,1St.131,'4S 2,S20, 100,000 1,03',)()0,000 8 .,net pl 4.JD .. 1 ., ... • ,111 D•tlPL '·" • 131 rs.,. ,.._,.....?, 1 _ ;0· 38 11 •: .,. LLno"'siM., ',· . .a" t5 ,1,4 11 :.. ;., PecGE 2.:n • 1113 2111. ""' I"" '·'° > 74 tt• 1 ~ W•"N•I •·• • 12 nv ... v. DP f '' u 10 Ill 1 .,,._ .... <4V •11 ... pa•Llft • 6 171 21'-+ •• -1pJ,12 10 'Il SJV> • 11> W. lllWI 2.0I I 11 2211> • 'I• Binet pf 4.SO . 1100 41''9 + •11 P ,,. 7 ' ~rdln .4 b u ·19•,, • '" ' •-.,. ~ w ' ... ,. •• ti W M 10 Benell' 1,IC 1_, u v.. '" D••~• u o a su asv. v. ....,1n .JS 3 2 U \lo , , LIL Co 1.10 • '.IOI tS\lo-Vt PecLm 2.10 ll 123 o v. -v. n .401' 5 1~-1'-WHte1 · II .,. 1'"w-\oi (j d D I I 4t 3'111 ... DllmP I 31 1 " 11\lo• .... ,..~pl S7S s "8 ''• LIL pll( 1.lO 1/0 ,. • ""PNwYel .... 7 " \1'11 -•111 n .. .,. 4 -1 •1• nJ . .cin 20 u • '-P• 011 o"'n• yp 11 '° ,, .... •111 Dlll•Atr 1.20 • I" •O • v. ..... ~ . . . • LIL plP 2.43 . s ,, ..... Pet PW 1,91 I ICM JOIA. I~ Tr ' • I 111/•,.' .• W•YGo\ .• I I ~~ -'Ill Pd ·" • 203 241\!o+ .... DllM< 2.50t JO I ....... GHWPI U7 . 1 10 .... Lil plO 7.41 3 1SIJ, "" Pe<TT I 40 • IS 14\'J SmKllM ' I IS ,,,... v. w .. 11un .20 I 2 s~. ... NEW YORI( IAPI -T"9 lotlowlnft ll\I WHAf AM£• DID NEW YORK !AP, Pr•v, J_Odolv ~ ~ t.«I 3 752 n v .. '" 0.11-" 3' 101'7 • .... g::.wJ. 7.io . s2 31"'' 1' Lo1111Dr 1617 I ,.~ .. 'Ill P•tTT llf 6 . 1130.. ~\ IO l2 Ill 20>.'... Wtlll>O .JOU 303 ""'" ... Shows Ille New Yor• Sto<k Eacr."-.eo 13 -~. t:lii DlnMI i I I Jt 1•11o .... ,..,.,..!. 2 .. ~ 61 ~ 2,,s~ :~ LorelCp . I 10 " 30~,. ,,, P•t Tln IO 6 , IS.¥. SanY<:o .l(le .. 12l '""-v. W•llMk \.IO • 10 21... . ',,,.1ocllm•otefldl .,,..wMdOwnfllnl~1'11e,..'mo"·~"", be-Md on·- • ~ •• 13 d OL -----..-l L ~ I -0 p I w .. ' 13 •• ~ Soolin . 1 7 11v •• ''• Wtll\F 'n s 171 ,. • v. .-·-·~ IWWY .ID • 1 II ..... nnv\ · I 11., "t Gu!IA plt.30 • I 17111 It. • •·-.., I , .. 21V. \lo • ne ' " SoAllTr , I~ 4'1> .... Wei FM 1.U. I lO U'4 .... ••FSL ! • " ,, .... Dtnl\PI' .• 9 9 IS'lw , ... G<lllR pll.60 . 4 17V.. v. l •P•< ... 6 "°' " .... _ v. P•IW l' I.JD .. 10 13 ....... SCtEG I.ti • 20I " • ·~ Wtl't ... J.IO • 13 33--II• i:.runt of <'*'91! •f9ol'dlfU Of YOIU-~~ , ...... ',•"!1 12-"t.:._~ 5?.!So1E!,<> ,,.!', ,'°,, 11~:1·_~i~541,\!'_.l .. J6 .. 612n 12v. •. LL°"o-vGn~t .J.'• ..! ltYa .••• :•1"JcJ!l.~.! "45 '!~•"" So.Jtr1n1.t11 t 11 -14 WttuT .•10 •tw12"-•..,., N•"!....'°!.11·1,_1, .... nv~•-n~ei~i. iir.C' 1.10 1 It 1~7 .. ;"'. i);e1u,,,,.a .. 1100 .; ..... '.7 Gif'upjJ.11 .. ~l !~\lo:.2' Lubr,I• 1.6011 Ji; m~'....'\lop::Am "°4tttt ;.;;:...·...;, 5olllclwll .60 6 40 =• ¥. WnAlrl. .0 J UO IH'-"-..... H;i"~perc~l~~lere'if. A<tlrenceel Dtcll~e<I UncllettQeCS Tolet ,. ... , New hlQM Ne• lows 1JI 117 211 2n '" 12J 10 ,, e •• llHll 1.Jt .. 31 ti-Ito Dell pl U S .. 2 1011 .. _ Wt11ri . .cl 7 13 10--'"" LYC llyS I e US IS\IJ. . P.,,EP J.1' t t~ 411 • v, S...~ t.i':: 1~ ~ 191~: t: -9"< t.» 6 ID :lt'tt-14 dlffereMt -Ille l>fW\llOW cfftl .. 8 1 6 )() lS-"····· ·~~•tlli..,,_~,..~·~l ...... ~~l~t~·~1 ~1~~~~~~:"-·~·~·~1,)e,,~+~ .. ~toijic.ii~T,jlr,,:.~,,;..,;,;;..,.,.+1~~1f\-... Jl.~"-~loi~~....tlAli... .. IL.liflidt-.:l•~ ...... !lii.~111.ir.iiu~a..:;::..;:.;:::; -t-~l'P'lr''ft'ltPIP""l..,.,,..~...,r&ll~.-....,,,,.,,,,"!""~~~~~--1 • • I J-~ .. L ...... , .. s ' , ........ P•r11u IOI 10 ts 1411C. ... 5oulllCP ,· .. ' I.. ll .... . . • u • •r ....... 4 S2 •14 ... :: OIGlor ... t SI lli.--•11 HKllW 160 I 11 )Ht-+-. LynC$Y\ .cl 11 It t4 Y11 P.,iOr $ .14 1 141 221/>.. 5olnGE '"' II"> -;; Wn'°"" •II Sil ,, ... Yll N-LA Ota Htw York 111...,M.:JtS ·1~ ~IS 1'ii1 1~~+ ~ l?!•el1~f 2~ 1' I,!. ~-••• '.Ill.~ 4 14 • • •;, _.._.._ PerHen 170 1 10 1~+ V. ~~~e't rn .~ ,:ols l.$~•.• :'.'_!~~left..,.!·:.~ 1;1 ;;;, ~ t IC.oracorp ~~ .-sTi0 u :'''4 1 E"9tllt«Utlwrll.19S,fMlrl<etedll.SCrl. -:: .,. " ----. Fl 11_.1• co' 5' J4V. '" MACOM \.1• It 13 21''1 •" PeraPn .eoD t If llV.+ "' _. JAO 10 .. "' '"""• _,,, J C-tt Com 74>o + S Up JS J Dlel"I pfl.20 . I """ .., a .Ill 516 61'1>-14 MCA I.JO 1 l30 41•'< • • P•IPtl . no IJ\J, t .. s 2 . .i t 1)4 )O•,, . . WWllUUn~i'<• · .! 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MAl"CO I tO t .. , 1H\ • Vo Ptnw pf l.M> 1l 10 t , •~ .......,, • -~ -It Avc.o p 11"-, "'• U• I I Ne y • t *'' \It-v. e•Jn t ... tt t U 'n.+ 'Ill IK :tz t 93 if"" j liilOr•IM .to 1 51 u""'-'-Pl!Mroll.20 I ._, 3''h • 1-lt l,OS • ~ I•·•-'" Wllll•m• I U Ht 17~ '"' IO TenclyC. ,,._ 11111 Up 6 0 • or : £n901t1••d Hlltn9 prlu J "' ..... •W UI' " ~."" :w n o,,°'; y, Mor•IO 2.IOIO '" 11"-• ~ ...,,..zptll e .. uao 92 +IV. 1·1 1,ll'U J:.,,_ v. WillllrO .tu• J7S I~•"' II FatP• Mt• 1V. ..... u11 u '"6.70.ottto• . .. • .-+ 111 Htr t 7 IJ3 ..__ 1' ~ .JD t S3 I~+ v. MortlOwl . . tt ~ • '-P9ot1Dr .U 6 4 10 . 1111 t' · t .. 2JY, • 1o1o WlnD1 I ... e IS Jt\4 14 n Un ... rti Nil" 1''• + .,,, Up S.t 6: L-f • t ll! +t'-Orn8 UO .. J 15h + ~ t4Kt.M 71 12 11~-\It Mor:r.:I 1 7 .. U'--V. "-GI J .• 7 71 12'-. · · l .... • 50 Wit ~ WI'°"'... IJ 161 Jiiii. · 21111tllenc• El JtV> 1 Up U • ..,,,.UV # I i ,. -; ~ t'= . ., ~ ,r, 1m::: ~ ~I 2 I 2fl u.~ + lie ::~..:.t :: I~ :: w-,.. =i~: 1:i; ,; 'I: =: ~ I ,,. ~ fflj. m:: :: :r.l~J •. a: 1J ;: :=:.·." u =·::: JS'-1"' Up u d New yeerly -U·N•• ve•••v 111911 I t >t 1 ~ + V. •li'llt pn to J 4,_ ;;jjji 1.10 , 1 ~ ~ ~ ~r•CI! It It J3 12 .. :: · '-,..rt4K 1 " •'-• ,,.. e tlV. • I" Wl•r.llf ...... 1t00t tltlo + Jto ~I + 1 '-Up U Uni•>' olllefwlw notfCI r•te• of d1vi<ll!nd• I •6 i. ~· v. .,..:,. :: u s~·. 'i,i; f • 7 + \It Morti pt 1.20 .. l I•"--.,.'"°!''• 1.• 10 • >4'--,,.. 1 I! jl"+ '-W1• ' I.ti S ti ""'• \'\ H-L•st CllCI Poet. Ar~ •nnu•t dl\bur,..menh 11.ufl<I on Ille rest . i; +I" op· I.• 110'1 "'-• i.. ':I f ~ lt!lo ..... Merlo 1 1 111 12111 • ,.. .,. roln t.tM • 11 ""'· . .. Cp. t 4 IV.+ ,,_ WI ~ '·JI .. 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DENNIS THE MENACE • • • I . . ... f'UNKY WINKERIEAN MISS PEACH '-1~1 YOU ~y ~ OCN'T Ud PMON1N6 ArTMLAr •~ r------7 O' Mt'f I it AN4Wl~""6 MACM1Ne'? VI,, iW1+ PfAQif ••• 11' HHAM ,. 'f'ftt1W1 f1UPIP ANO A91lUPT. 91+109+1 11'MA6A TINN~ ANNOYI~ ~ND. by Tom ldt* by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta DRABBLE GORDO by Jeff MacNelly -rnlS ic; A 9f1LL LIFE. a: ~AT~. by Ferd & Tom Johnson SOME LOOPHOLf:S You CAN DRIVE A TRUCI< 11-/ROUGH . JUDGE PARKER • DR. SMOCK NIELSEN OK, HILLA~Y, L~T~ l;i[t. WHAf Youvc uOf ?()FAR ON YVvi'.' Nt:..W 1HtC1DfN Ct\M~AA' TDl~fr fAl'ER l1..MMt~t 1A(,,., I'LL PUT IT IN HERE 60HE WON'T TAKE IT by Gus Arriola by Harold le Doux bv Tom K. Ryan THE:N1SIR1 VIREC'T' ME: 10 A MARSH- COMICS/ CROSSWORD PEANUTS I AAVE MEARO IT SAIP TMAT ONE PICTURE 15 WO~TH A TMOUSAN WO~ ... by CMrtn M. SCIMlll WMAT WE MAVE MERE IS A COUPLE OF PICTURES .•• .. • ·' by Kevin Fagae ' bY George Lemont by Jeff Millar and Jon Mcintosh -Ml; 1 cruo srre t-1V T()NauE .. , You~ NEW HEAv£f\J/..'( FWFF$ OF NOrH111J6~S eAiH~M 1l~U€ CAMPAtc11J I :'l TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Boring 5 Slaughter 9 Drive away 14 Silkworm 15 Hawanan C1ly 16 lrregu1Jr 17 L1let1mes 18 Russian 1sar 19 Sample 20 Assigns 12 Pearson or MaddO• 23 Bttd 24 Low 25 Haunts 28 Quebec me· 1ropo1ts 32 Fruit 33 Strob1les 34 -Bravo 35 Hog fat 36 Groups 37 Go 11 alone 38 King beater 39 Female an1- ma1s 40 Styles 0 British hOOd· lum:2words '3 Withdraw Sl •4 USSR c1lv 4~ F1bOf'• 46 PrayinQ - 49 Connections ~Girls name S4 Stopper 55 Lacerated 56 Angered 57 Sootlle 58 Brtt1Sll Isle S9 Toboggans 60 Cotorer 61 Mon111 AbOr DOWN 1 Deceased 2 E1nor1 1 Reclines JNITED F'eature Syndicate Tllursday's Puule Solved. \P •JI P A C lS 1 ~ --~..! P 0 0 H l I l A C !~ ,!. .. A A T I : U l A f f $ E .!!...!! _,_ S C A SO N .qCNTUll ( s --T 0 G ·-II A I L -s . f l l ( II S •• [ f A I l ' [ ¥ ( E I I ' s I . S I Oil I l c-0 • ( . • 0 •• II E 0 0 0 "' I S l ( • 0 c ( A • [ " t 0 A , l A c " 0 s s t -( G 0 s -· A M p •• • 0 s ( II I , l SI' E l , 1• A T llA O tO;lC 0 0 I II t :o o E •1 u N'ilt w E I S S l f M S l A'Si - 4 F1na1 21 1rri1ates J9Scads remar~ ?2 Road srrios 2 word~ 24 Ties '> Poltslles 25 Chair part 6 Ou1cken 26 -Corps 7 -and alack 27 Rowed 8 Thither and 28 Currency 9 Chec1c.s again 10 Remover tt Army base 12 This Sp 13 Eye slyly ' • 29 Wear away 30 Was sick 31 Unbound 33 Xmas song 36 tnlants 37 Plato's teacncr •O Pork or beef 42 Kind ot 11ne 43 Crooner •5 Insect 46 War goo 47 Dye plant 48 Af11can river 49 Marl SO Gist 51 Journey 52 Dispatched 5-4 Child: Prell)( ,. -· . l . . • . ~ l I ' ' ~ -· ... ·--· /•. 7· .. ·-: ... --:---------· I ~---~-y~ ____________ Saorts ., -Tanana's Big fest AiUng Lefty Faces Chiaox Tonight A~Wlr ...... AUANTA'S DALE MURPHY EXULTS A"EA SLIDING SAFELY PAST STEVE YEAGER. DRs: TlaeY're BJDAVECVNNINGBA• . . ............... Ansel Mana1er Jim Frepi mi1bt be feelin& a llUle like lhe moderator on the old To Tell the Truth TV series. With an 8-5 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers safely tucked away Thursday. tonJght he must be asking, "And now, will the REAL Fral'\k_ Tanana please stand up?•· ' 18 IT CONTEST.ANT No . l, who dauled lhe league with 19 victories and a 2.44 ERA in 1976? Or Is it contestant No. 2, who was a mediocre 7-7 after the AU-star break last season and admitted to a sore arm? Frepi is selecting contestant No. 3, an older but wiser Tanana who DO longer throws the bluine rastball, but can get batters out with guile and cunning. At least. that's who Fregosi HOPE.5 he's selecting. Tanana is scheduled to start tonight in the opener or a three- game series . with the Chicago White Sox at Anaheim Stadium. HIS APPEARANCE should answer a lot or questions about whether Tanana 's arm and groin muscles are sound. Both are suspect. · Tanana m issed his last acheduled atart because ol the groin ir\iW')'. and in neither of his previous two outings did be make it to the second inning. He doesn't answer questions about his health anymore. but before the season began Tanana said be bas derinitely changed. "No one can rind anything wrong with my arm." Tanana says. "Maybe all or this bas been a blessing. I've become a much better pitcher. I had this strange idea l couJd keep blow- ing batters away. "IT NEVER OCCURRED to me you could pitch with finesse and not look as exciting, but win more games with greater ease, .. the southpaw said. On Thursday, there wasn't much rinesse rrom either pitching staff, and e ven less blowing away or batters. The Angels needed three pitchers to win a see-saw batUe that featured 22 total hits. four errors and rive walks. Reliever J im Barr finally got c.-re dit ror the win and Dave LaRoche picked up the save, while the newest Angel. Bert Campaneris. drovt• 1n three key runs a Rare Breed Dodgers Invade Cincinnati Wnfidence Is the Name of the Game in Distance Running CINCINNATI 'AP l Allen· dance at Cincinnati Reds' home games has been lagging this seasoo. but club officials expect more than 126,000 rans this weekend for the three-game series with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Both teams have been on hot streau recently. bolstering the traditional rivalry between the two Natlooal League West clubs. CINCINNATI WON It of their last l3 pines and leads the Na- tional League West. Los Angeles won eight straight befort· two roa d losses We dnesday etod Thursday to Atlanta. The Reds and Dodgers het ve drawn 2,194 ,917 f a n s to Rinrlronl Stadium here in 67 games since the stadium opened June 30, 1970. By ERNIE CASTILLO Of Ille D•llJ ~llet Slaff If track and field meets are. as some claim. a three-ring circus, then distance r unners are the clowns. By the nature or their event. DRs are usually the team flakes. free spirits who never seem to be serio us until race time. You can just as often find them training on the beach as you can on a track. l!;xtreme· ly c.-ocky, they're the first with a prank and the first with a wisecrack but the last to complain about a hard workout. BECAUSE YOU'VE NEVER seen a hard high school workout until you've seen a DR; long mileage in the morning, in- tervals in the afternoon and another over- distance run to top it orr. Running between 50 and 100 miles a week, it's easy to see why people think they're crazy. Sewell Ousted Well. not all of them. or course the three premier distance runners in the Sunset League probably the CIF's most com· petitive -only one fits the ·mold, Edison sophomore Jon Butler. The others. Edison's Mike Lansdon and Marina's Matt Bialy, seemed to have mellowed out in their senior year. Perhaps because they've been there before and this is, after all. their final Hing m high school. Lansdon and Bialy are all business heading into Saturday's CJF 4·A cliampionsh ips at Cerritos College Butler? With two more years to go, he's taking things in stride. "l'M JUST TRYING for a spot in the top three," says Butler, who along with Bialy is entered in a classy two-mile field . "I'm more worried tbout placing than' time." Un like most of his breed, 8uUer is also New S1:1rf Coaches To Add Punch? Mike LaCoss. 4-0. optms lhc series for Cincinnati tonight a1ainst Burt Hooton, 3-2. Paul Moskau. 3-0. races the Dodgers' Rick Sutcliffe, 4-2, Saturday, and Tom Seaver, 2-2, i s scheduled to pitch Sunday By llOWAaD L. HANDY need that kind of help. It will against Don Sutton, 3-2. Motiva~i~ni':P:-s::rd used still allow me to plar.• Meanwhile . cellar-dwellin,. "When we take the field. I b often in the vocabulary oL the h ldn't h t .,..,,_ Atlanta isn't following the script California Surr·s new bead s ou ave o say an,, ........ g again.at lhe Dodgers. coach, Peter Wall, who will also to any of the players if they are properly prepared. It's a matter serve as a player with former r h II t I 'lb ATLANTA USED a seven California Sunshine coach Derek o ow we you ge a ong wt bitter by veteran knuckleballer Lawther as a bench assistant. the guys on the team and if they Phil Niekro. and a two·run respect you. I think I have that The duo promises more of t d r 1 1 l homer by Barry Bonnell in the fense in the Surf attack of the respec an ee can p ay as sixth inning Thursday niaht to well as coach. It's a matter of .., future despite the ract that Wall h · · · I trimJbe Dodgers 6·3 for the is a defender and seldom shoots. avmg a positive menta at- seco straight night and the The transition came about titude and I think I've got that." fittb time in seven games this His first game decisions will Th u r s d a y w be n G e n er a I Saturd · hl · p 1 d year. Manager Paul Deege announced come ay nag tn ort an The five Atlanta triumphs in the firing or former head coach against the Timbers. His front only two series so far matche~ line will have speed with Steve the number the Braves recorded John Sewell. David, Craig Allen and David in 18 meetings with the Dodgers "WE FELT THE CLUB we Huson named to start. a year ago. had put together had not played "YOU NEED SPEED up front "There's always one team you to its potential under Sewell," which creates lots or problems have a little bit mor e lt,tck r th · d r against," said Niekro, 4.6• who Deese said. "We didn't reel it or e opposing e ense," Wall was making the kind of progress s aid. "We hope to make Steve recorded the 201st victory or his it should al this time. It was the player that he once was career. "It just seems like we've stagnated and sometimes a again and he'll have more or a played better against them.·• change is good for all concerned. free role in his position 80 he "We lacked creativity ror the cannot be marked. He'll be used .. WE'VE JUST BEEN gettmg last two years and we haven't dirrerenUy than he was in the the breaks agai nst the b Dodsers,.. Bonnell said. "You been playing up to our potential. past ut I'm not going lb give have to have that. and play "The American public is not away any tactics we'll use . unconcerned about mileage. "Oh. I prob· ably averaged 40 miles a week this season." he says . "It was probably a round 50 early but it's been near 30 recently. I don't like morning workouts so I Just do af- ternoons.·· Nobody plans on changing his training habits after the drastic improvement he made this year A I0:20 two-miler as a freshman, Huller stunned everybody - even himself -when he upset Bialy in the Sunset finals with a time of9 :06.5. "I don't know if I can do it agam but it showed me I can run pretty fast." said Butler . who cruised to a 9:39.l clocking in last week's 4-A prelims conducted in 100· degree heat. "I'll NOT A HEAT MAN but it's not go- ing to hurt me more than anybody else," <See A.aEA Das. Pa1e 81) CA .. ANEalS·GAVE b1I club a little brea•htn1 room with a sacrifice fiy in the sixth. scoring Brian Downinl from third to makeitM. And Campy put lcin1 on lbe cake in lbe eilbth when be de- livered a two-out single to drive home two more runs. "I wanted base bU so bad," said Campaneris, a Cuban native who still speaks choppy English after 15 years in the big leagues. "I was so happy, so ex- cited to be traded to An1els that I want so much to contribute, to help this club." CAMPY WAS SENT from Texas to California for Dave Chalk earlier this month. He had been riding the Rangers' bench because a rookie shortstop, Nelson Norman, had eased him out of the lineup. ( "Texas, they dpn't want to give me the job," Campaneris says, "so I just keep working hard and hope to be traded to Angels. When you get traded to a new team you need time to get a djusted, and I'm not really comfortable with my position yet. But I'm starting to hit the ball hard ... Also delivering RBI singles for the Angels were Dan Ford, Rod Carew and Joe Rudi, each dur- mg a four-run rally in the third 1nnang. Carew 's hit knocked in two, and all the runs came with t.wo out. MILWAUKEE MANAGER George Bamberger didn't mind the Angels' hitting as much as he o bjected to Barr's pitching. He was convinced Barr was throwing s pitters, and bis vocal protests finally got him an ejec- tion from home plate umpire Dick Nelson. · · Bflrr was touc hing his forehead and not going lo th&~ resin bag," Bamberger said. "J don't mind him cheating, but al least make anerforttobideit." Bamberger, normally mild- ma nnered. also said, "Barr committed at least three balks that were obvious, but the umps didn't call anything. They really did a number on us." The Angels also did a number CSee ANGELS, Pag~~l___ ready to accept soccer as a de-"One of the problems we have quality ball also to beat a team fenaive game. In baseball, a 1-0 had baa been that we didn't have •~w.,.... Uketbel>odlers." game with Nolan Ryan and Ron a settled lineup. It is difficult to PICTURE TELLS IT ALL -No, the home run of the day in the 10th inning to .;:!~ :•..!i~~ro~v!i'?se~~~ Guid~tcbing is exciting and get your coordination that way s coreboard in Chicago hasn 't gone give the Phillies the lead for good. Above . rr---;-r-:·~~· ~tt~'Bt:'!h~m~t::•~·~ ... ~·:e~•~W~llB•~"~"~'~-itrablien?:·itc~under.iiin"iJtandsmrr.ainnd~e4n~--:an:d~l~th;f;iniik"w~e~witilFl;spe;tt;le~pretMt:t:.::y_ haywire. The score was actually 22-22 he is congratulated by teammate Del -- : Cox. die AUanta manager. "It's JOYS~ 1-ftll suttef 11me4 n f8u NMMil/8F, P•1e•• -;---a.eteRt Mike $chmjdt cracktiJ...hiL~~Jl!!.§cr after _cro.!!i~~me plate. ; : 1ood to be OD the other aide ror a England 1s also enjoyed and un-·-------------' cbanle." derstood. But not here. ' i l . . • . { t ' &. '· : . '· Tbe 1'\o..11.,. bo d "Because of this, it isn 't --.era. w ba played enou.gb J"uat to win. If it was on error._. ball for a club record 11 •lnllbt sames, committed his won-lost record . John three ot them Thursday nilht, shouldn't have been fired." iaeludial two in tbe aixtb when tbe Braves erupted ror a 5.3 W .\LL FEELS HE IS the man lead. t.o bring about the change and says: TBS nan CAME when Bill · "One reason we aren't scoring a....a booted a srounder by is that we aren't creating as lob Honer Juat ahead of Bon-many chances as we should. The .. n·1 lbdb bomer ot tbe year. players need motivatin1 a lot Pepe rrtu later readied on a more -they need to be made to Hcrlftce wlMn Steve Yea1er enjoy the same, tben we need ttlrew .W. of first. allowtq to take more chances wllb our allOIMr nmaer to cross the plate front players. two 1NIUen later when Jerry "We also have to make sure ao,.... ... CMIDded to the infiekl. that when we make those =~la~ .. anvenlntab:uroann cae tbcbances for I aeon tbat we P.ut -.--. e ball ln the beck of tbe net. • 4Wlq llnl• over first by Tbea be t;to. hla own a .... llublN!_~ acortn1 Dale lrituation and ea : ..... wbo MCI walked. ..... Dodier'a 1Gt two of their "l'VE NOi' BS N DOWN tb1a rvH on 1010 6omers :_ the path bl!fore aa a ayer-co9Cb. HpoDd of Use year by Von Late~ on I will useu my cooli· JOiia• ta tM MCODd inninl and nut•• aa 1 player but rt1bt DOW I ................ lw l>e"J wW ... a pla"'-eoacb. Denk Lapel '"'""•off the fifth. baa a lot of experience and I Schmidt Didn't Know Final Score Well, Mike, It Waa 23-22 • • • That' 8 Right, 23-22. BJ Tlte AaMelaW Preu They say you can never score eDOU1b runs in Wrigley Field, and DO one knows it better today than the Chicago Cubs. · They scored 22 Thursday -and still lost the game. "It's unbelievable," said a weary but happy Mike Schmidt after leacliq tbe Pblladelpb.la Phillies to a hit=· :aa-aa victory over the Cubs in a 10. 1ame that tied a mU>r lea1ue home nm neorct. "I don't even know what the flDal eeore ia -honest, I don't." SCRIDM''I TWO ao•m -1Dcludlni the 1•me-wtaain1 blut in the lCllb -were amons 11 that toared out ol Qdc.,o'a notorioua bitter'• paradise, tYlal a record held by many teams. The total Ot '5 nma wu four lbY of tbe major leape mm of 4t, lronlcafly set by Pblladelphia and Chicago on Aug. 25, 1922. Chicago won lhat game»-23. la addition, tbe 4t bits tbrouab the first nine 1rm1np were two lby of tbe major lea1ue record for bltl ln a regulaUoD 1ame by two teama. TIM Phlllles and Cube col- lffted a total of 50 biu tn the 1ame. two abort oldie NaUoDal Lea1ue mutt for ex- tra lmUnp and elaht shy of the major lea1ue man. .. Arra WE 8CO&BD seven runs in the tint l.Dn1q I looked over to Mick Kelleher and told blm thll tblDI could end IO-• .._ .... we both wear a number 20," SehmWt aald, 1rtnntn1. "SUJ"e, I'm tired but It'• niee to be OD the wlnnin1 end. You ban to pve them credit for not livinl up." The Cubs were lolin1 by 12 l"UDI at one point. at 2l·t. and had they eome back to ' I win, they wouJd have broken tbe record for the 1reateat comeback tn major leque hiatory. Schmidt started the run-acortns biqe in Chicaeo wttb a tbree·run blast in tbe ftnt inning, then ended it wttb b1a IOlo lbat with two out in the loth. BOB 900NE, GAaaY llADDOX and startln1 pitcher Randy Lercb atao homered for tbe Phillies. Dave Kiqman walloped three homers and drove in sl.Jc rum for the Cube. Bill 8uckner, wlth • grand llam and seven RBl, and st.eve Oa· Uvero. and Jerry Martin bit the other homen for Chlcaao. Schmidt teed off on Bruce Sutler's "1pllt-f1Dlend" fastball for b1a r:m•· WinDllll bomer, wbich not lnc ... al_ WU the 14th ol tbe 1eaaon and fourth In tbe three-game aeriest~ Chic-ao. -IWLYPtLOf ,rldlly, Mey 11, 1f1't Sports Break Umps Get8 17 ,000 Raise, Return to Work Saturday F,..U ..... k .... PlllLADEl,PHIA Major leaiw-baseball II umpirw will ~ IMtdt on the job S.turd1y aa the re. ault 'OI • MtUement wtlb the Amttkan and N•· taonaJ Ltqut'tl that 1rant.ed I.hem 1ut.tantJaJ in· treate1 ln salary. per diem allowanc~ and ln-aeuon vaca lions. their attorney aald today RlclUe PbUUp8, who represented the Ma)Or League Umphw Auoc11Uon ln prolonied ne1otl1Uon~ Wlth biueball, wa1 to anaounce the aetUem.int at a mffllng of lht! ~ um pirn here today. 1'lM! umpires reportedly will receive i.n i.ver•gt-S7 ,000 per year salary boost, an extn $3,000 • seuon pttr diem and two weeks vacation durin& the season. The As.wci•ted Preits learned that tht: 11sM>C1atton h1td H ked lor a Sl0,000 avenge salary boost but comprom1M!d on the issue. · The umpare:, were to r~1ve their hrst ass1gnml'Oh or the seuoo rrom the league headquarters today. and m06t or them expected to work Saturday Dela)'li were expected ln getting umpires to West Coast and other dist1tnl points &nd they might not be on the job Wllil Sunday. The umpires began the work stoppage after the 1978 season. They skipped spring training and went on the picket lines outside various major league stadaum::. when the regular season began in April. · .------Qeeo1.-ol dw Da11------Fonner Yankee Manager Billy MarUD, referring to Yankee owner George S&elDbreaaer: "We're both stub· born. and both dedicated, and both energetic, 1tnd both want to wih.and both perfectionists, and both demanding. You get two people like lhat together and there are bound to be sparks flying rrom lime to time." S•al~, I'•••••• Spark Ml•11e•ola ·Roy Smalley, s winging the hottest bat in lhe II American League, doubled and singled to help un- beaten Jerry Kooemaa rttOl"d his seventh victory as Minneaota edg~ Kansas City, 7~ ... Jim alee and B.sdl Bobll•• drilled early homen and Bolton went on to a S-2 victory over Baltimore ... Ed Balkkl hurled a two- bitter and Larry BerDdoa keyed a three-run seventh inning with an RBI triple as San Francisco beat Houston. 3.() . . . f The Cleveland lodians pounded four home runs. including a pair of two-rWl shots by Toby Harrah, lo give Mike Pexton an 8-3 victory over Toronto ... Toay Solaita hit a solo home run in the ninth inning. lifting Montreal to a 2·2 tie with St. Louis in a game suspended after 10 innings so both teams couJd make flight arrangements . Left-hander Ken Krntt and reli ever 'Mike Proly combined to pitch a two-hitter to lead the Chicago White Sox over the reeling Oakland A's, 5· l. . . WHiie Slargell's two-run homer in the eighth innmg his ::.ccond ofthe game powered Pitts burgh to a 6·5 win over the New York Mets .. Pitt.sburgh announced that pitcher Rick Rhoden had been placed on the 21·day disabled List with an ailing right shoulder ... Milwaukee announced it has placed Larry Hisle on the 15-day disabled list because of a shoulder in- jury .. Houston has put pitcher Vent Kilb.le on the 21-day disall1""1 lio;t with hark orohlems. Court Re.,er•r• Tarlcaftlan R11H•g A Judge ·s o rder blocking the suspension or • UNLV bas ketba ll Coach Jerry Terkaai1a for NCAA infractions was rev'ersed by the Nevada stale Supreme Court . . Billy Cuanlagham, the fo rmer NBA all-star . will continue to coach the Philadelphia 76ers, the club announced Thursday in a terse one-tine state· ment ... The proposed World Boxing Council heavyweight title fi ght between champion Larry Holmes and Mlke Weaver apparently will not be held on June 22 because it couJd not be sold to a television network ... Penn State University has decided to withdraw from the Eastern Athletic Association, s chool officials announced. This would only a pply in basket- ball . . . The status of Dauy Oagala for the final weekend of Indy 500 qualifications was questionable as practice time grew shorter and neither the driver nor his car has appeared on the 2112-mile oval ... Star running back OUla .. O.J . •• An· denoa is named in a $52,000 breach of contract suit filed in Los Angeles by sports agent MJchael L. Trope ... Brad Mills and Scott Stanley each belted two-run home runs as the Arizona Wildcats swamped Washington. 22·14, to split a doubleheader, and win a three-game series in the Pac-10 playofrs. The win makes UCLA the Pac-10 baseball champion and puts Arizona in line for a wild-card berth to the NCAA playoffs ... After 30 years of coaching baseball, Dr. Bill Arce is ''stepping down" from his position as bead baseball coacta for Claremont Men's and Harvey Mudd Colleges. "Perhaps I should say I'm stepping aside, not down, to devote full-time attention to my position as Direetor or Athletics,'' he :.aid Arce bas held the latter post 21 years he has betn with Claremont-Mudd. Te~Radlo Following are the major sports events on televl .. lon.tomght Ratings are: I I 1 1 excellent; I'' worth watching; 1 1 lcllr. 1 forget It. II 5 p.m., Channel 11 ./ ./ ./ ./ • BASEBALL: Dodgers at Cincinnati. Announcers: Vince Scully and Ross Porter. It wtll be Burt Hooton (3-2) ooinQ against undefeated M ike LaCoss (4-0) In the first oame of a three.game series with the Reds. The Dodgers trail the Reds In the National LeaQue Western Division race by 4 games. OTHER TV RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Cincinnati, s p.m., KABC (790); Chicago et Angels, 7: 25 p.m., KMPC (710). Realistically Speaking ... HIGHER LEASE PA YMEMTS Save You SSS In The Long Run - Get Factual Information About Auto Leastng 11----_..., With Just A Phone Call. O~- •UTO ........ i'if~ 848-0423 - • ' ................. -......... ------~ ............ ·-Haugen - Fwd Garden lsNo Oasis . NEWYORX <AP\ -TM New York Ranura. wanderiDI a ch11 mplonahlp deaert for 39 yurs. hoped Madlaoa Square (i1rdt~n would be thelr ouia. Th•'.Y would ruat on the cheers of tht> hon>4: fana and quench thear thirst with a lie-breaking victory In iame three ol lhe Na- tional Hockey U!ague 's playoff furn I lm1tcad. the MontreMI Cana· t.h ell:i aJJowt!d them one tasteless tJ1t e of dru:d bread . They t·hopped down the RBngers' had<>. they shot four bullets into Nt.•w York's c:antet:n, winnin& a 4 I ~ame that wasn 't that close und takmg a 2 1 lead in the best· of iw ven series which continues hc:rc Saturdity · I rtientsont.-d after the rirst game that we've got to tum the momentum around," said Mon· lreal ddenseman Serge Savard. noting the Ritngers won the series opener on the Canadiens' home it.-e .. I think we have now. We 're the guys who do the skat· 1ng now. and I don't care bow ~ood a team 1s, if you block them all over the ice. and you blork the center or the ice. it's very hard to get anything done." Tha t 's what Montreal d id T hursday night. The scoresheet said New York got 20 shots on goalie Ken Dryden. but none re- quired more than routine deflec- tion and the third-period goal by the Rangers ' Ron Duguay glanced in off a Montreal de· render. It was a total, thorough job, as had been the Canadiens' 6·2 triumph in game two. Now Mon- treal is two triumphs away rrom a fourth consecutive Stanley Cup and the Rangers sWI are up to their knees in sand. "In the last couple or games we lost the momentum we had," said center Walt Tkaczuk or the Ran~ers, who charged into the finals after series victories over Los Angell~. Philadelphia and the New York Islanders. "We a re handling the puck like a hot potato. We arc being outworked und outhustled. The whole thing has changed around." Why ? For"echccking . Any Ranger who touched the puck found himself in unpleasant t·o mpany afmost immediately especially the defensemen, who were chasing the puck when they wercn ·t busy chasing Cana- d icns. ··we have never been taken out o f our gam e like this hcfo rt'." said New York de- fenseman Dave Maloney. "No one has bottled us up in our e nd lake ttus befon• ... f'.-...Page87 ANGELS ••. on Milwaukt>e. For three straight nights the Brewers took a n early lead. and ror three straight nights the Angels came from heh.ind lo win. "They played the (bleep> out of us all series," Bamberger ad· milted. * ANGEt. ..OTES -"'""''•I M•"-r knM lnH• .....,, a ....... """ ,, !>e•nQ MIO 100.y .. , •"•Crt • t•M ttfJtffrnef't with tfle \1r•••nv um. Jlltt\ I\ t!•~ted 10 M \fQned ' I UUnll, we~U MW tht reouaar umoo-.. \ o.<111. S•l"rd•Y.'' B•v•'' '""· """"' 11 _.,. luOY. we'll 91'1 Luc•-·• HOCKEY/BASEBAL:.L/BASKETBALL. ~ . ~--d-~=~·· .,. .......... AREA DRa ••• .... ..,.. "I ... la tint 1llllW ............. , .... 't .... lo apria .a.-u.e crur ..,. ,U.bll ... It WU IO IMilL I ~~woaldbeftm ~· ~ "Beladl9. tbole IUJl WOD't 'be arouad at tbe ftDilb lD tbe ftMla. All tbe "'18 I'm worried about were ill tbe otbel' beat -Cllucll wwna. JobD SpWmaa and. Of COUIH, Blaty." Likewlae. Blaty Juat raa to qualify, fini1bin1 fourtb in 9 :49.95. Wbicb. fi1urln1 bow many strides it takea to nm two milea, ila't bad for a IVY wbo stand• 5-8 and wel1b1 128 Pounds. "I'm all legs," smiles Blaty. "I wear pants with a 38 waist and 32 i.Dleam." SIZE DOESN'T SEEM to mat· ter to him, however. In fact. it was a 'definlte advantage Oil tbe light banks and short runways ol the indoor tracks. There, he clocked 9:ll at the Sunkist ln· vitatiooal and 9 : 10 tn the nmea Games, mark.a that would stand as personal records until he clocked 9 :08 in flniahinl behind Butler in the Sunset finals. To show just what k lod of a gentleman Bialy is, consider this: In the 5u.nset League pre- lima, be ran a 4:18.6 mlle but scratched from the finals to let a fourth place fi.Diaher take his place. SEATTLE'S DENNIS JOHNSON GRABS A REBOUND. "If I run the mile all I 'm goine lo do i.s knock somebody out of CIF and that's not fair, .. he H · plained. "From now on, it's strictly the two-mile. I want to go to state." Suns Hear Sonic Boom Seattle Advances to NBA Championship SEATTLE <AP> Power. poise. balance, a good bench and luck. The Phoenix Suns agree that Seattle has a ll those ingredients and that's why the SuperSonics are in the National Basketball Association finals and not the Suns . "It just shows you 1t takes more than one or two men to make a basketball team If you hav e 11 men playing in harmony, you can be suc- cessful." said a happy Seattle forward John Johnson after the Sonics edged the Suns 114-110' T hursday nig ht to win their second straight Western Coo- re rence title. THE TRIUMPH GAVE thl' Sonics a 4·3 edge in the best-0f seven series and sends them into the NBA final series against the wanner or tonight's Eastern Con· re r once ch ampionship game between the defending champion Washington Bullets and the San Antonio Spurs. In their rirst appearance in the championship rinals last season, the Sonics lost to the Bullets in seven games. It took a pair of Jack Sikma free throws with two seconds re· maining Thursday night to pre· ser ve Seattle's win in the rugged a nd emotional ser ies finale before a 1Cingdome crowd of 37 .552 -the second biggest in NBA playorf history. "WOW, WHAT a nightmare that wouJd have been if we lost ll." said Sikma, the Sonics's 6- foot-11. second-year center who finis hed with a g& me a nd caree r.high 33 pomts and 11 re· bounds. Sikma was referring lo a s ee m ingly ins urmountable 100-85 Sonic lead with 6:04 left m the game thal dwind.led to JUSt two pomts before it w as over. An 8--0 Suns run cut Seattle's lt•ad to 105-101 Wlth 2·07 lo play. Dennis Johnson followed with seven straight free throws for a 112-10.Sonic cushion w1th~t 20 seconds left. Walter Davis hat a basket for Phoenix and then stole the ball rrom Sonic reserve Joe Haaeett and fed Paul Westphal for a Jumper with e ight seconds left. Another Seattle reserve. Wally Walker. lost the next posses- sion, agam w Uavas, Westphal scored again lo cut the lead to two point:; and was routed by Walker . WESTPHAL HAD two chances to make one shot. He in· tentionally banged his first shot off the backboard, and then missed the second again on purpose hoping a Sun player would grab the rebound. But Sikma came up with the carom and wasrouJed by Don Buse. NEW SURF COACHES. • • much on a lmeup and stay with it. .. Lawt h er . the d e posed S uns hine coach. :.poke out against the Surf orrense after watching most or their home games when has own team wasn't playing and lb1s year while he wasn't coaching. .. , FELT THE A'nACK was very minimal and I didn't enjoy the games as a result," Lawther said. "I felt the Surf was capa- ble or wiping out most of the teams it raced and they didn't do 1t. It has W be frustrating for a derense to watch this happen. Lawther will be charged wilh much or the responsibility to re- vamp the offonse and get the Surf scoring attack in motion. ·'Our inconsistency on the field and the lack or orrensive punch does not make u.s a very exciting t.eant lo watch and we understand lhat is what our rans want," Deese said. "We reel th at Peter's leadership, coupled with Derek's flair ror orrense, can mold this team into an exciting conference contender. "In time I think Peter will be one of the finest head coaches in the NA.SL ." fMt to-.:lf\Q "''"renc.e ••~to <o,,trow•rtl•t --------------------------------..,--------- v•l~••n ump lt9'1 LOKlll,.. . flM: 8••-H Pl..,td LArry Mttle on ,,,_ l~d.ty c11.-11•1 I nur'lday lor •mu.Cle 1 .. , In hi\ rtQlll "-""' II"'' 11•"1'1 IM•.,..i •ln<t M•y 4 •. CMMy L.,.Ow• ""1 on""""' P<•~-cll'l>l•Y ot _, 11uronQ belll119 pr.c 110 In ICMH pit<,..,, lw 1111 ttup~ IDWHlnQ homit tUf'I\ Mt0 l!Md •\.hot ~ft loft•""' 109 utt ,.,. \<<...., pro1tc11119 -pltc....,. I •n\llltd "'°' ---·-••.,IN ...... llw 11,,.,.h wouldn't tr-1or llocl CMew.'' -"'' >~• •v.,..y. Ill~ ,.., ,,., reinforced -ot llw • r.ntirlflnir .. ttwt AnQlh pf.c.ed 1n htm But woro ,, lh"' t .,.,.... l\n't e•~" th~ b•nl IMMIMll IM•ver In '"' own ••m•IY A•••• O•rrl••, C•I 51•1• I ullortnn·~ ~\l........rtM .. IMll cCH<h, WV• JWy Lt t1ale••. CMney'' ti yeer Old brother, ll • "''° ,,., IOI \IA100tn In ..... Mttor ,.._1'. A 1119'1 ""''°' "'""" '"!>.on Jo ... Jocly •• .. s. 715 pounch. "'" tor ""'"'--_, -'""' Ille !fie ,.,n<I, "'<Orcltl>Q to C.•rrlOO '"" co.ch ,...., ,..., llQu<r\ ""' -· l '"'"'°'" .. 111 byp,na cotle9" ,.,.., """ • pro ~°"'''"'I, probebly •• -ot IN ''"' three pleye" HleUecl PllchlnQ m .,1, huP\ 1or ,,_-II•~· ..,, .. , f'rallll T- 11 JI n It• k_... l<M>I lonlQl>I, Qlrh I(._ 11 II n ltk~ Werai-l"]I S.lunlrf !"'411 Qetnt I\ •lrffcly \Old OU0, •n<I MNfl Ry911 16'11 V\ ltMa ....,..,_ 14·01 Sundey, pro football vacancy in the Los Angeles Coliseum -because of rear It might trigger a vacancy in the Oakland Coliseum. I • Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE West Division Minnesota Texas Angela Kansas City Chicago Oakland Seattle W L Pct. GB 23 l2 .657 21 14 .600 2 22 15 .595 2 21 17 .553 31f.? 18 17 .514 s 12 2S .324 12 11 27 .289 131h EHl Dtvlsioa Boston Balli more New York Milwaukee Detroit Cleveland Toronto 23 12 .657 23 13 .539· '<'1 20 16 .556 31h 20 17 .541 4 13 17 .433 7~ 14 21 .400 9 10 28 .263 141,AJ NA'nONAL LEAGUE Weal Dtvlaloa Cincinnati Houston San Francisco Dodgen San Diego Atlanta W L PcL GB 21 14 .600 20 18 .526 2&r.i 19 18 .514 3 19 20 .487 4 15 23 .395 7&r.i 12 22 .353 8'f.2 Eal& Dlvialoa Philadelphia 24 10 . 706 Montreal 19 13 .594 4 •St. Louis 19 14 .576 4"'2 Chicago 15 16 .484 7"'2 Pittsburgh 14 18 .438 9 New York 11 22 .333 12"'2 Or1tn•l' < uunf\ \ ofdr'I I lnculn·~hrrur~ Onlr"lup • L JDHHSDH & SDN Tiit: fAMll.\' l.I NCOl.N·M•:RCl'K\' STOKt. 2626 If arbor Blvd. Co!lt• Mna 540-S638 JOlllSOM & SOM SALESMAN 0.1MIWOMTM USED CAR SPECIALS 54995 ·nPOMnAc CfblePRIX In IPlftdinO Mlefllld green met1111c. wtth tan velour Interior. Many luxury option&. (381UOU). s3995 ... ..,.,. ................... ...,_ ................. ,.. ............ ~ ... ......._. ~ ~ .... ...-..... -.... _-"!,._ ___ ..... _, ' ,... . . .... . . . . .. - ~L/VOLLEYBALL/GOLF Fricflr, ._ ti. tt71 DAILY PILOT ... ·- . • . .. Confusing Situation '11111 fOGfm&oa aUITOUDdlq tbe loatMn Cal Conferaee foolball ..... fa aUll ~•ltbouO ~ .,. atu1iq '° clMr ..... bk. To ~. c,,,,_. ..._.. Ma foa&baU pro1ram bKaUN of leek ol I~. ~. abortJ)' thereafter, Loe A..iele1 CC followed 1wt='' Coll••• had captured tb• 1t1t "Sports Supremuy" award. wbJeb la annuaU1 flvea to the 1c.bool tn lht' coa.rereoce wbicb baa ac.cumul.ated lb mo.t po!Dla by way ol HUOD 1taDdlD11 tbrouabout the year. T&e award la bued on tbe aebool'a ata~ not only wtlh lbe men and women, but wtth ipotta, u well. Needint • team to rm the vo&d, UM sec a('· repted ~Ht LA '1 bld to awiteb from the Metropolitan Conference to lt1 coa.t.rence. not on· ly ln football but in all 1porta. Now, LACC b1&1 announced U baa DOt dropped football and la ba('k ln. l..ACC'.a proble1n1. ao the story .-. stems from ao athlelk director wbo didn't lnform the tolle1e pre9adent of bis plaoa witb tbe football proiram Well, u thta atorr. 1oes. l"ullerton beal out Oranp Cout by lbe 11 m marlin of llO"' to 179~ , onb' to nod out two d11y1 lat.er that the two acboola had Ued for the honor of belna No. 1. Al a matter of fart. the preaident didn't get wind of the matter until be read it in the paper. Obviotmly an1ered by SU('h • move. the president called a meetlftR and the result was football was reinstated. Naturally. with thla award beln& of major con· c~rn to the t-ntlre world, the two scboola weren't happy for a tic 11nd both be&an 1ropin1 for that ex- tra baU a polnt. fl seems Orange Coast found lt-ln women's cross country no leas-and bu now claimed vic- tory by a 181 to 180~ margin. BUT. and l euess this ia a biJ but to somebody, Fullerton has filed a protest say1ng lhe points OCC got from women's cross country were too many becauae San Diego Mesa. wblch was in the event, was disqualified because it lacked enough girls on the team. So preaeolly. the SCC Is now back to seten teams ror football and ei&bt for everythlna elae. It's a wonder. with this type or organization, that the Southern Cal Conference a('hools can find their wa)' to each 's others campmea for the games. So. what it bolls down to ls a meeting May 24 to decide who wtn.s the award. ••• NOT TO BE OUTDONE, thouab, the South Coast Conference bas a pretty aood farce or its own going. It was announced last week that Fullerton HonestJy rellas, who cares? I mean who REALLY ('ares'! Answers: I guess Fullerton and Orange Coast, although I would imagine 19 percent of the people on both campuses don't even know what the award ls. NAIA Playoffs SoCal Loss No Laughing Matter By ERNIE CASTILLO Of-CHlty ~ ·-LA MIRADA-If laughter is sometimes the best medicine. Southern California College's baseball team should lake a dou· bledosetoday. Surely, a dugout comic could have helped the Va nguards get rid of the blahs Thursday. The malady. brought on by a severe ('ase or playoff stagefright, was one key reason the us ually clutch-hitting tea m was ted numerowi opportunities in drop· ping a 5-3 decision to Lewis and Clark College <Idaho> in the first round of the NAIA Area 1 playoffs. ·X "WE S(JaE COULD use some bench Jqckeying,.. said sec Coach Do\Jg Adams whose team tried to regroup today agains t Linfield College ! Oregon> al Biol a College in the second round or the lhree·team, double-round robin affair. "I didn't feel we were as loose aa we usually are and this team needs to be· loose." Adams ex· plained. "U all you do is talk about having to win, it tends to make you tight. But it's not something you can tell a team. It's something that has to be in a ball club." Adams would have hired Don Rickles Thursday ir It would have helped his team's produc- tivity. The Vanguards, who scored 31 runs in three games last week to win lhe NAIA Dis· trict 3 crown, collected just six against a Lewis and Clark team it certainly should have beat. MORE IMPORTANTLY, however. sec stranded 10 men on hue. includin~ two in lhe mnth inning with clean.up hitter Gr e g Hans on at the plate. Hanson. who went one-for.four, Tournament Set Orange County Volleball As - sociation IOCVBC) and Laguna Beach will be among the teams seeking a berth in the American National Volleyball Association national AAU Junior girls tournament in June during Sun· day's Southern Pacific AAU event at Westminster High . Play begins at 9 a.m. and con· tinues tbrouah the day until three champions are crowned. Admission is rree . grounded out shaJ·ply to seeond for the final -out arter the Vanguards put two runners on base with two out. There were others. of course. But it summed up the frustra· lion that sec was going through at the plate. Defensively. it wasn't much different. Cente r fi elder Ted Taylor, a sure-gloved defensi ve specialist, chased a long fly ball lo the fence in the eighth inning and had it in his glove at the rail only to see it pop out and drop over for a home run. Jn the second. Taylor mis· judged a line drive, slipped when he tried to change direc- tions and saw it drop in for a double that produced the game's first nm. An infield throwing er - ror in the sixth. opened the gate for two more. .. WE HAD A COUPLE o f plays in the outfield that we should have made and we wast· ed a lot or chan('eS at the plate," summed up Ad ams. "You cer· tainly can't do things like that in the playoffs. "We have to play better baseball lo win this tourney. We're a good team. no doubt about it. But there are no tomor· rows now. If we don't do it. we'd just be cheating ourselves." The only time the Vanguards resembled their old selves came in the fourth inning, when they did all of their scoring. Dave Wilson bit a towering double that bit the base of the center rield .fence. 370 feet from the plate. to drive in Stan Thomas who had walked and Hanson who bad singled. Two outs later, Ste\·e Albin sliced an RBI single down the right field li ne. ALBIN HAD a couple of de· fensive gems in right field and Kent Miyashiro. pitching with stitches on his le g . also performed credibly. But overall. the Vanguards didn't perform up to par. "I told Uiem after the game that ir we play up t o our capabilities, we should win 90 percent of the time," Adams said. "Today was one or those days we didn't. Hoperully, things will balance out Friday. "Everybody is entitled to a bad day; we just had ou_rs. But simply put, we have to win lbe real of them." Motorcycles in Action Trevino's New Putter A Banana? FORT WORTH. Tex. <AP> - A delightfully hedonistic Lee Trevino. suggesting there is no tomorrow, set out today to erase a one-shot deficit in defense or his Colonial National Invita- tional golf UUe. If necessary. said Trevino, he would putt with a banana. Trevino's Cour-under·pa r 66 trailed Leonard Thompson by a stroke Thursday as the tricky cross winds failed to command th e ir normal toll on the rose ·trimmed Trinity River course. An aatoWlding 23 golfers bet- tered Colonial's par-70, and 16 others matched it on a sunny af. temoon in which Trevino reeled off four straight birdies to tie Bruce Lietzke ror second. "lt 's unbelievable how crazy I am," confessed Trev"!o. adntit- ting that he pounded himself out a new puller in a midnight workshop session at his home across the Trinity River in . Dallas. . ·'Tomorrow. I might come out here with a banana and· putt with it . . . goll will drive you crazy. I'll tell you. But l lQve it." The man with the notorious back problems said he would abandon his once extensive ex- e rcise program. "I don't do anything but pi ck up a 12 ounce can or be er ... he quipped. ·'That's it.'· It was vintage Trevino. twice a winner here, including a rec- ord 12-under·par 268 a year ago. A victory this year is worth $54 .000 from a purse or $300,000. Thompson, a ('hunky. affable two·lime winner in his e ight yurs on the circuit. hit birdie putts or 4. 10\ 15. 2 and 15 feel in a bogey-less round that he called ··nothing but spectacular." Lietzke, the Canadian Open champion, said Lady Luck was his co-pilot if not his caddy on a "funny type day" in which his putts dropped as if they had eyes. Grier Jones. who dipped lo 4 under al one point, romped in with a 67, two ofr Thompson's pace and a shot ahead or eight players bunched at 68. They in· eluded Houston Open champion Wayne Levi, Gibby Gilbert. Jack Newton, Jerry Pale, Lindy Miller, Artie McNlckle, Jay Haas and Al Gelberger. Top Seeds Fa In MV Tennis __ JEFFGAIPeR CRAIG KEUP Volleyball Upaeta were the order of the day .. third round allCI quaiUtftDal action took place Thursday in the Teanl.a Tournament of Cbamplonl ror girls at lllaalon Viejo'• llar1uerile Recreation ·Center. In WU iD the 14·year· old diviaioo that the .,lg· seat uPMt was posted aa unheralded Carol ID tbe 111. ei1bt· aeeded June Pereateln ot ........... pmted a mlld upNt wbeD abe downed fourtb·Hedeel Caryn Copeland of Arisou • ., .. , M. Mand umeeded Susy Jae1er ln quarterflnal aC?tlon pmt· ed a a.o. 4.s. g ... quarterftn.al wtn over Stephani Feaa of Louiaiaoa. Jn the 20a, everything went amootbly u three of the top four seeds ad· vanced to the semis. Eagles Test Tars Tonight Heynan of Long Beach upset top·aeeded Lori Kosten of Tennessee, 6-3, 8·3. And, ir that wasn't enough, she then went on to upset the No .• ---------- 5 seed. Melissa Ellla of West VirKinia. 6·0, 6·1. Thus, Heynan finds hersetr today in the semifinals against third· seeded Amy Holton or By ROGER CARLSON Ohio. ot tM 0.11, ~..... In the other semifinal As Newport Harbor Coach Charlie Brande re· match, second-seeded marked Tuesday night upon learning or Estancia Beverly Bowes ,of 11· High 's conquest of Bishop Montgomery in the linola met rourth·seeded second round of the CJF volleyball playoUs, 0 The Kirsten Laux of plot thickens." Nebraska. Orange Coast ar~a volleyball powers San Jn u. 16 division, the Clemente. Newport Harbor and Laguna Beach, the only age group without top three seeds in the eliminations, are in an upset. all four top quarterfinal action toni"hl with 7.o'clock starts. seeds-Andrea Jaeger or NEWPORT HARBOR'S junior-dominated 1ll1n0 is . Ce cili a Sailors invade Sea View League runnerup Estan· Fernandez or California, cia ; El Toro's much· improved Chargers are at Katherine Keil of New South Coast Leaitue champion San Clemente; and Mexico. and J oy Cum· Laguna Beach. after a shockingly close escape m i n gs 0 r M a ss a . with Irvine Tuesday .. meets visiting Beverly Hills . -~('~h~u~s~e~ll~s~-~a~d~v~a~n:c~e~d~~~~~~~~~~ Al Estancia. the Eagles boast Tim Krohnfeldt, tothesemis. Jeff Gasper and Cr aig Keup. among others in an a ttack t hat took the me a s ure"or Bis hop Montgomery with case Tuesday. The Sailors. pre·season favorites lo win it all and who pushed aside San Clemente in an early- season conflict, appear to be al the top or their game with Sunset League MVP Kyle Slaughter. the seller , s urrounded by the likes of Bruce Caldwell. Bill Yardley, Kevin Droke and others. ADDITIONALLY, SENIOR Greg Sullivan gives the Sailors a mental boost with his presence after sitting out almost the entire season with an ankle injury. Mark Anderson is the favorite to be named CIF Player of the Year. but it is hardly a one·man show al San Clemente . Seniors Brian While. Tony M('Graw, Jim Glover and Mike Fore man make the Tritons, cha mpions or the Orange County and Inglewood in- vitationals. heavy favorites lo advance lo the finals. * * * * * * All-star Volleyball Teams Selected The sides have been chosen for the second an· nual Orange County All·star volleyball ga me at ~l Toro High June 8 under North Coach Charlie Brande or Newport Harbor and South Coach .Jack Iverson of San Clemente. Among Brande's North squad are Fountain Valley's Tom Gregory, Frank Real, Randy Harris and Dan Haskell; Newport Harbor's Greg Sullivan and Jon Sweek; Estancia 's Craig Keup and Jeff Gas per: Dave Motsinger or Huntington Beach, Frank Donner of Edison and La Quinta's J .B. Kollar. Alternates include Ricky Glenn of Hunt- ington Beach and Wayne Rexrode or Estancia. The South is bolstered by the quartet of Mark Anderson Bria n White. Tony McGraw and Kirk Tobiason ~r San Clemente; Chip Yoshino I Irvine 1; Lee Groon. Scott Brown and Donnie Ellis I Dana Hills ); Curt Formolo <El Toro>; And~ew ~ds 1 Laguna Beach); Pete DeCasas < MiHIOn Vie Jo l; and Mike Sagely <Capistrano Valley ). Al~emates are Jim Glover or San Clemente and Mission Vie· The most correct combination for the traditional dresser, Oxford button downs by Sero and all silk ties by Robert Talbott a re excellent Companions for your natural shoulder wardrobe. 17th & Irvine Ave .. Newpoff Buch. C...lif. (714) &4>-0792 jo's Tim Strawther and Lance Richardson. ...--~--------------------------- Golf Teams Seek Title YORBA LINDA- Four Orange Coast area high school teams , in· ('luding Orange County sectional c hampion Dana Hills. are among a 16-team field Monday in the CIF team cham· pionship fmals at Yorba Linda Country Club. Dana Hills, which nipped rival San Clemente by two strokes in the Orange County championships . lead s the quartet. which also includes Corona del Mar and Edison. D\D lOU K~OVV EVERY GOLD PIN FUN CENTER FEATURES OPEN BOWLING, THREE GAMES FOR 1HE PRICE OF TWO SWEEPSTAKES PR,ZES ETC,ETC, ETC,r:r< .... .,.____ Jim 'Fi'ib lt7t.-CUIT ZEPHYR . I • • . . . l • ' ' ' \ ~ \ t ~ t .. ' ' '. !- ' ' the weekly speedway motorcycle races al the Oran1e County Fairrrounda in Costa Mesa with two newcomers tan11ln1 in the reature match race. First be1t race la at I o'clock . Lance Kint, 11, winner ol tut week's main event and tbe No. 1 rider on the Junior speedway circuit for four yean, will taqle with David De Temple of Riverside lD tbe match race. t>e Temple rides with a wooden leg and bas done well in reeent races at the apeedway. Filbback mWed lul week'• pl"OIJ'am while be was quallfytq for the aix,-day triala on the East Cout. He will go to Germany later lD the year for the world sill-day compeliUon. FED UP WITH GAS LINES? ,..... .... •Mut --- GAS SERVICE on~AI of todaJ • ...,., ..... """ .... ....... .... .u ........ ,,,.. s4- ... ... tWOl141 • ROLL 2 GAMES, No. a IS FREEi Offer good at participating centera through May 31, subject to lane avallablltty. (Phone first!) Opell boWllng le Mc*t WIN ALL·EXPENSE TRIP TO HAWAII FOR TWO, IN 11DR!Alla" SWEEPSTAKES. Other prll"' tool No purchate neceeeary. Enter now ~t your ptirtlclpettng center! I ., ......... .... ................... _.._.c.-.... ...... '-..... ... .... &._,. •• , .. W1 2 9 3 .._ •• 2 'I' J I , r l FOR THE RECORD I SPORTS ON TV I BOATING-- Sat•rday C©rrcdl _-----=-y ank_s_Return ... lfPI' sima'JFRoM .. oo LAVER llftllE I --'Ii ILLUSTIWfO •Y * IO#tlON ._IHCAll Le~ ...... .._.. ..... . .., .. ... ._... .. " \ , t 0 ...... l111 ,...,... .. .... lltltlllet,l l \I 1 I .,~,ff \I I I C-w,111 •IJI ......,tt,a...n -.......... Jt1 I• I• I U Jit l Olu.. . .. )f) .. t 1J If t l •«ll. tlte 111 M<Gf .. IJI. ll-m ..... le. ,., -,,_, l-• .._.. "' _...,... IJ I. C.....11 (.,, I Wttl\ flt, .... ... ltl _ ..... "' ..... 0(1\, ,. I. ""'-'·' ' .... (111< ... , ....... J t1tl. Oftll,,.,_ lit. I K llNr 141 Metlln UI ............... ,lo--1 1141, ._ ITI '-•"'" nl, ........ ~I. A U,~J ---··--· .... .,.,.. 010 on 100 , 10 1 "'ll~tll om -Cl)• • I 0 "·"-~ ..... ., ,,, o.o .. u I., •nd C._t,111 •I I 0 0.wl ... II \ 0 J I Otllvie, 1111 l 0 t I ...... 11111 '0 1 0 • 11'~1.11 f 0 t I , ......... ..,,_, .. .., ........ .,, .. '" •"" N~-W TMul•• I t l 0Hll01cu, I) H•\ "'"-"' ~l•t\IOll 1 lfl A L•H-.•f 10 10 .. IJhw.111 \ 0 0 0 l-lrct,• f I I 0 O.w1111111., l I 1 0 Qtlc II ,. 1 I I 0 (•I'll""°' " J I I J , ...... \f JI I I • ._.n"' c Jo~ o , ...... , 1010 ltCeh )f 't f lol•I\ >4 I IJ I .. _.,, ....... ............ ,. 10o 010 \ C.•llhun.. oo. 1111 Oh I ( 'f-1. C\<l•h U M4111,_1 l •m,..,.,, 011' Mii-.. I LOii Mll•e .. •H IJ C.lllor11te • i• Oowfol"o JI •~1100 14• ''-"' 1111 SB Y-t 0 .. 1, --.mot, L°""°'O <-• K fl ~ Gt1('11 )~ c_._,, ............ ""'-•l.>• c1e,,.1..-. .......... '° j I ) \ J I "'' • I J I I '• 0 0 0 0 0 Cetlro c.....,.. A•MI f 6 t f • I •• ,, IW, 1-41 ) I j I 1 l I LOROUw l•"J 0 0 O I 1 S••• Lell0t"-Ill l 1 ~ A 1J 0.0 ........... J.,.J Toronto 101 010 CICIO J t o (level-OJf 00) Ob I I I Lemon~llo, llu>lley ••• •no o .... Cer-fl I; Pexton, l 1 L Le.....,_110. 1·S. Hiit Cle .. IMCI. TllO•nton UI, Ho»llO 11 l, ... ,, ... 1 (0 A 4,40' WIN .. So•'· A'I I Clll<eQo 001 000 OJO > • O 0.klenG 000 CICIO 100-I ? 2 "'•••<. proly Ill .,,d Ne11oroo11y L•notord. Ml:C.rty 111, L•c.o 111 •no E• •len w K••vec:. 3-3. L L•no•o•d, .... Hll Oe~•-.N-m•nULIL 1,61• ... So••.onot.•J 8 ell1more 100 001 000 1 ' I 8 0$10n 110 000 031 • 11· I Slo..e. Stew1rl 131, SIO"l\O<IMI 1e1 •no Sk•oq>: S1 ... 1e.,, Ort90 (11.,,., ILlltn'°" w Slenlo. •·1. L S•-. 3-1. HR• Bolton, AK• 1•1 •.. _ 141. A 77,110 ,_,,, .!r .... MonM,...I• •OO 100 010 1 to • ltOn\.O\ Cot., 000 100 013 • 11 J Koosmen. Monll•ll l'l ano W1neger. Leofl.,d, llOOrlOU-1 111, H,.llotky 111 -P~1.,; W Koovn;tn, l·O L -leotW•d. l-•. HR' Mln .... snt•. Wllfono UI " -11,41' NILTIOtollLL LaAGUE ~·-··~·) .... ~ .. _ .. ....... .., .... .L-•.1D .s ' ' 1 Rontrr. lO ) 1 3 I Rus\t'll, u • O O O M•l11t••· rl s O 0 O Tllom•sn,cl 3 O I I Burr9'1\, II ~ o O o Gorn.,, ID 4 o o o 01110, ct o o o o T Mtrlftl,lb 0 0 0 0 Murp,,y, < 3 1 I I B•h•. II • 0 I 0 Ho•ner. ID • I I 1 JM ltue. d • I I I Lum. lb O 0 0 0 TllOmd\, )D 1 0 I 0 Bon .. ell. (f ) I 1 l Y••Q<!r, ( • 0 0 0 HubD••d, ID • I 1 ' ll•u. p I 0 0 0 FtoOi," J 0 1 0 O•vaolll, Pft I O 0 0 P ~l•k•o. p J 0 0 0 Hou11h, JJ 0 0 0 0 G~rr< pn I 0 1 0 Tot••• 33 3 1 J l ota1< J> • 1 t & s, ... ...,, .... , .... Lo• An~IP\ I 10 010 000 J Atlanta 700 003 1())1-• E H ubt.<t•d . ri "~'""· Y e•QH . I Nl.,lont-1. LOB A11illnla Q, Lo~ AnQO!I .. I 18 Tl!oma\>Oft HR JO\hl>e (71. L~ 01, Bonn.,11 161 !)ff Tllomouon, B•k••. Mu•Pll'f !) """· P. Nlek•o. F•l•s. L" """"'°" Ill' H a £• la 50 A•u \ I 1 1 0 1 Hou911 tL.0.1 • ) • • 1 1 • At1111t• PN\rkt0 IW.t t 4 I l 1 ) J PB v.,_, I 1 11 A 17.01' 1 111 ... •GMM •-2.~1 .i'o'Ol'lrUI 000 000 101 0 1 1 0 SI LDU°' 0?0 000 000 0 1 8 0 Sc11a11eelllr, Frym..,, 111. So«8 ltl •no Cert"'. Mer1onei. !><'1ultl 110 •..0 Swl\het HP MonlrNI. ~lta 111 A 1e.7'> .. ,., 0 ...... , ..... , ... ~en ~.-,.... OOil Wll 1W J I ~ H!W\IO<I UllO 000 00U II I 0 ...... , • f etM:f tffU • f UH& t'1 '•tttb••u •I' O'I Of\ t•t M\O A~ W HAlh .,, 1t1 J \ N f O°'( I\ t l A ti) t1t (~UOI ......... , .. ',. ...... . l•wta .. 0..-). '-Cal, ...... , l n•i\eM(lot• 010 Otl 001 \ 11 I SO(: •I (,OI._ 000 JOO I.QI J • I ¥alltww\ -ltO.l)o• M•~••horo •"V ll\offte\ W --·\ l Mo'f•\horo Hll Le•"..,., C..,,. C"-t•n WOMIN lOU•NAMaNT M (HAM,.IOtolJ ( .. Ml.U..Vlejel .............. Tiii ... ·-Sit1tMt Be• 80Wft Olllnoi>l Clc't Oeonn• Clayton <Geo•o••l 1.1, 6·0, Moll., Van Noil•and •New 'l'Of'kl oet. Ginny Purdy llna11na1 .. ,. •.•• •·•; KIHlen L•u• INebtfl>k•I Clel Deann Wallonglon ILOul•••n•I •·•· • 1. M••lld• Julie IPuerlo Aocol det, l<allly fo•· worth IMISSOUtO '-l, f>.4, Evelyn LY<ldo IMlchlQOn) <Ml. Leur• Mo.-Drook (New Je•!le'fl 6'1, l>-0. Amv Holton IOl\101 oa1 K•v Tltlle llHISl l>-0, f>.O, Me11n• Elli\ cw .... Vorotrll•I def. M••v Hodge, 1Nor1to C•rolln•I .. 3 ... ,, C.rOI H•yn•n IC•llfornoa l oe1. Lori IC~ten 1re._•see1 ... J, • J. °"'rteffl!OM• Bow..-def. Von NO\tr.,,., •2, 6 O. L•u• CMI. J11ll1M,6-f, HOiion def. Lucooo •·2 •-<> Hey ... n dlll. Elli ... ~. l ·I. • . , .......... , T ......... S"'9tft Ce collo Fern•ndn IC1lllo•n1• 1 ""' 8Hrrlz Fe,.,..,..,., lf>ueno llkol e.•, •·1, A..Oreo Le-011,oryt-I ~. Lil W~llle< IMIClllgonl l>-1. 6-f; K•llle•lne kell IPMw Me•o<ol -. Stoey Swen.on INebr•tk•t •1. •·•. Pomete C.S.le CHe• Jerwyl Clef ICete Gompert CAt1tonel 6.0. e.1, Oellbi. Po1110 '"-"""''"'",., Clllf Honey Tolley CTe•••• 6·l. 0.1. M . Jov Cumm•no• IMe~\e<llu""" 0.,1 k•t-Co4t••Thtn (Wasllongton OCI .. , 6 0. Pil•r VO\QIH!I CFIO<I0.111 Clc'f LHll<! Puru tUl'""I 6-1. l>-0, ""°'"" Joe°"' Ill· lonois I °"' Pam W•ller ( ldaflOI •·O •·I O.Wrtoril ... 1• • C Fernon<1r1 <let le""° •·2. • O, Ke11 oe1 C•>••e f>.3, • 4, Cummonq\ 0.1. PolleO 6 t •·I, A. J~rO..I. V•sque16·1, •·• , ....... _, If Tlllnlll-Siitti.t "''"" 110.,dat IC•tllornoal d•I Conoy Brlgl'ltll•IO ·~•UOWI I ..... 6·1. l-Sloe Hewirt I ILl•l>fmet Ott Marth• l(orDul 1F-lorid~1 •·•. •·2, ... l : Ell5e BP•gin (Marvl<ln\11 dfll SIH! M•Koron IM•cn•ga!ll 6·0, 1·6, 6·1. 8•rtv Newlleld (New York) d~I Kn\ OoM.tmbrn •New Ho~ofel 4·6, •·O, 6 0, Jun• For"' teln (Mos"MKllu~l1s1 Gel Mo<llelle W•on I New Jers.e.,1 i..1, l>-0. S<Jsv J"'9f' lllflno•s• del. P•ltl Schill IOhool ••O, 6·l . C•rvoo Copel•nd !Ato1ondl deL Cuol R•n• IPenns.,1.anodl •·?. 6 3, Stephan" foe" CLDUISl8MI O.I .-nne Whit• CWe•I Vorginoe I .... •·l. •·l. °"'"'1er1i"•" llO'fdf1 ""'· HPwott 6·0, • 0 Ce•g,,, Gel Newl•eld .. ,. 6 o. J.~•esteon Ot l Cooe•"r'<I , .. , J.•. I>-•. S. J~r O.t. Fess l>-0, ••. • • ,, __ '"',..•-s..._, SU>•n HUI lleHl) del Am., 0ou9"••1• I K~n1u<~Y I b 4 6-1. r,,.. 8oUQd\ fM•s.~ac.ftu!.,,.tf\t Ofl'f K.tlft,.,,,,_! He>q'1n u~onh C•rohnal &i '· ~ 1 ICttUf Hen'• CC.U..•1 .. c-.. -.-,. 11n1111t11 • •. M , LAIN WllL ........... , .. , C-. ! , •• ,,. IA'ff.,,•I t t, .. ,, Cett•e•I• ••'"'*,..._,.._,wt CM .. l'llllaf1M '*"'~I "-•• M , , ..... .,,,.._ ,,. ........ c--.. ..... ,. ......... , •. . ... ,.~,--..., .............. . l!.it Te.,IOt IAl-1 •I. 6 I : M¥t. "•""""'Id 1--11 ........ , ... ..... 11e ... , •AMtvi.e1 ..... "' ............... 10119••-Hlt! .. t ... 1 • .._yllel,Wiko• •I, 6 t, ,,._.. 9f Y.._lell S.I, e.I, • •. """*fll• ..,, f'lltttt..._ M . •~ ... ... tOLONIAl .. ATIO..AL INYtf ATION 1 •• ,.,.._I Leone10 l~.on lttu<• I "'l(•• l tt ff•V•flCJ (1tt•rJ~ •1 v•ll••"QI' J•r ..... , A1tte Ml "'I<'"' I Ind~ Mll ... f W•yne l tttit1 Je try P•lw J•" Ne"'1C-I GIDOy C.llbon .,,.., Mort! J im NellOtO M•c McL""'°" 1C1rm11 LMIO llOmero B••nt.o\ O•vlOG•-rom Purtltt Gll Mo•~n J err., M<<Ae Ed sn .. d Wally IL•m>tron<;J e.,,., J-.••• J C. Sneed Bruu O..•lill 80blendet Rt • C110 ..... 11 H•le lr••n flm SlmP>On OobE Smolto Fuuy l Ol!ll•o Jim Coltoen 0 A Wtlbtony c;,,.. Lltller Ben Cten~ .... J•• Re...wr Tom Kite Mike Sulllv"n Jom Dent Not.LYWOOO ll'AaK T"-Mly's•ewnt JI M .. s JS-31 ... ,..n ... l•n..1 ll·lHe J1 lMI l •J.Ht U ·U.. ,..n.., l1·lMI 34~ lS.U... lf.~ J)...~ l>-341• JelS..f ~u.. l~ JS.~ JS.J.6..64 l1·3Ht l•..U... JMI ... JSJHO l •·ll>-10 J~·ll>-10 313.HO JS•JS.10 Jl·33-IO 36·34·10 Jl>-34·70 J .. J.1..10 JS ls.70 JJ.J/.10 34·36-10 J• 36-10 J .. J.l..10 J&-lf 10 J4 3'"10 Jf>.)efO 11111• .. ,,..,.., _.......... "'"'~' l'ir\I r1ee WOtKIPOnlt rime 18dlldl•rl SI 10. 10.fO, 11.00, C•awd<>OOy ICe~I S 00 l 60, C.C.•QVf' I Hdwle'f I S f0 Second ••t~ E•tr .. va9 .. 1oon IH•••o• • 60. •.20. l 20, Tell Aqio IMorenoi :JQ 60. II 20, Gobi 0on lCA\ldllt'd•I J •O U 0dily OOUDle IMJJ paid '321 80 fhord ·~e -.-o Nalurdi IOll•M~~ 1 1 60, • 10, 2.10: Jomaln • ROdroqut1t I s •0. 110. E.,1·~ Aet••<tl 1H,.w1~, 1 2 10 s> E •at•• 11-S) p<1ld S'IO.OO. Fourth •it<C I 3Dlc M•ll<t' 1 Muno fl • 10 •.00, 'M>, 5'-<-r .. t.Jrtdl ~•n I Plercp) J 00, 1 •O, AUClaCIOU) fllldn<t I Plnuy 11 •O Fiith ... ~t K•M M•Jded I Porte.hi 11 '°· I •O, s oo. L l~e A OM"P I Oel•llO•Haye I s 80 l to; *<•al L.&1' IM•n.ol &.fO. 0 E>t.tcl• 19·11 IMl•d l l3'.00 Sl•lh "•<c LO•• VDU Oed' IP1ncavJ J loO. 1 •O. 2 .10, Snow PtMI I McC•Hon I 1 IO. 2 60, Btt M•r Ru IFr•toerl 310 S.-venll\ •.tee-Grannnaq..., IMcCanont 11 •O. , 80, S.fO. hr•nnlcoi IPi"CO'fJ • 20. l 00. C11m1nqo 10,10-11 S 80. lS Ea•C1• 11 l l Potod l t2'100 EoQlltll t•u1-H-y Holmf' CNlc C.trCW" 6 IO, l fO. 1 loO, f"""'' Bow IH•wteyl 4.:1$. l 00. WI~ OI Ottlo"Y IOel11\0uJ.W'(eJ J 00 Nontll roce F1tot Ano Sou•r" Cllalt•1or1 f 40, • 40, J 00, Go To Sundown c Toro I s 20 J •O H19'1 'N Happy rn ... ,,,., J 80 SS E; d<I• I~ • ., P<to<l $1()& 00 Alltt1CMnc" t•,•31 LAWCUMIC All areas of ht19at1on. Em· l)tlasls on men s rights 1n domlst1c relattons.. I 7 I 4J 975-0 Ill Evening & Weekend AoPomtments Available. $15 Initial Consultation A Team Effort • J Little TIUngs Didn't Bother GWC By HOWARD L. HANDY OI -0.11, ,., ... s .. n When you are 29·0 for the season and your bus doesn't show up to get you to the final game of the season for the Southern California cham- pionship, do you call a nd forfeit or try to make a change· in the schedule? That's not the way the Golden West College wo men's basketball team went recently. Coach Dick Stricklin's girls drove their own cars to the game at Saddleback College despite a gas shortage, arriving barely in time to complete a perfect 30-0 cam· paign. LITTLE THINGS LIKE THIS didn't seem to bother the Rustlers who broke every school ~ord im· aginable on olfense in averaging 90.0 points a game to 57.0 for the opposi· lion. Meledey Bland set most or the s coring records. She had 1,029 over a two.year span and hit ,663 during the past season when she made 51.8 per- cent from the field and 76.1 from the line. Chris Gage, a freshman starter. was the leader in assists with 143 and Kim Eisenhart, the other freshman starter, was the top rebounder with 349. am Ban pe ormer or two years, ended her career with 735 points, second to Bland in the overall picture. She is also tbe second all-Ume rebounder ~ witbatwo-yeartotalof518. DICK STRICKLIN the girls and the offensiv~ records they set, he also praised the defense. "One of our biggest factors for suc· cess was the ~efense . Against our worst shooting night of the year and were still able to maintain our defense and keep them from scoring. "Any team ls going to run into bad shooting nights and the defense hu to take up the slack. The girls really worked hard at defense and lt paid off." ToFenway • 81 RED aOTBENBt:aG ............. Tbe pitch before, be fouled a baU off bis left lee and fell to tbe around in apy. He eot up, ataa. aeriq like a wounded bird, borrowed a bat from .M.ickey Rivera and sent Mike 'Torrft•a next pitc over tbe left field wall in Fenway Park. Goodbye Red Sox. . I #once so /fUNJ' ~ Ydtl 11r nre CUifS /WP P~A!Jl(S 5/'ell()ll;i /{(JIJ.e$ lf/1Tll/G '11/P MU S1fX ,.fMJ l'tl/ltnf Flt<JM 11fe ~ "'1t1K/,f/G .W A"ewpr TO <JET 'ffle 5Ht112r IU45 tU/ 711~ Fl~ST 80UM:;e. 7111$ IS A Pec.1oeotr POOR Mt'I 1l> PRlfCTtCE FO~ CtMT~r10AJ • ..Jf.INtOIZS Fans of baseball, particularly those rootine for the New York Yankees or Boston Red Sox re . member Bucky Dent's tb.ree·run homer tn' the dramatic one.game playoff for the American League East flag last October . IN PART/CJA."R Ttl.JO 7lJ ;sT~ Boston Manager· Don Zimmer will never rorget it. TOO PeGP //,VO V AIT FO~ 77r'fi <Mt/.. 'Tl) CtJt#'/5 7lJ 771e,.,, le/Mc tlP/ "I've been in this game 30 years. and I've never been so disappointed," Zimmer said. "I TV SPOlfIS thought I'd learned bow to let go of things like that. But every time I come out of that tunnel leading to the dugout and look out at that wall I see the baU going over it. ll 's been nightmare.s ever since." Dent's seventh-inning homer, which helped the Ya nkees to a 5·4 victory, landed just beyond the 37·foot walJ and nestled into the net that hangs above Lansdowne St . . Zimmer pulled his bands two feet apart, his estimate or the distance separating the Yankees from the Red Sox last year. "That much," he said. ··Just that much." The Red Sox aren't any closer to the 1978 pen- nant they let get away. nor has the image of that October homer faded very much. But for those seeking another reminder, the Yankees will be re· turning to Fenway Park this weekend for the first time since you know when. NBC will carry the second game of the series nationally Saturday. leading it off in the pre-game show with a home run by some previously obscure Yankee shortstop. For Red Sox fans, the pre-game show will also offer something a little lighter -a feature on the KGB Chicken. the San Diego Padre mascot whose feathers have been plucked by a court battle. Also on lap will be an inte~view wit~ Richie Phillips, negotiator for the umpires association, and a look at the Minnesota Twins. the surprising leaders of the AL West. S•t•rd•t1'• Tl', R_,,i• TELEVISION JO a.m. 1221 -STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS . T a ped coverage or the Montreal-Ne w York Rangers playoff gam e. , 11 : 15 a.m. <41 BASEBALL --The.New York Yankees meet the Red Sox at Boston. Noon (50) WOMEN'S SOFTBALL -Cov. erage of the state women's softball championships a l Golden West College. Live. I p.m. 17 1 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - The U S. amateur boxing championships , taped at Lake Charles. La. Also. li ve updates on the Indy 500 time trials. 2 p.m. <7 I THE PREAKNESS -Spec- t acular Bid goes ror the second jewell in the Tri· pie Crown of horse racing at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore . 3 p.m. (2) -GOLF Third round play an the Colonial National Invitation. 17) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Continued coverage of the U.S. amateur boxing championships and live coverage of the Indy 500 time trials and the Preakness wrapup. 3:5.5 p.m. I 11 I DODGERS BASEBALL The Dodgers meet the Reds a t Cincinnati 's Riverfront Stadium. 4 p.m. C2> -SPORTS SPECTACULAR -The Cuban national boxing team plays hos t to amateurs from 10 other countries. Also, the U.S. women's volleyball team competes at Havana and part five of the international mixed pairs gym-nastics championship. 7 p.m. 152) -HORSE RACING -Today at Hollywood Park. 10 p.m. (5) -PRO SOCCER The California Surf meets the Timers in Portland. Taped earlier in the day. RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Ci ncinnati, 3:55 p.m .. KABC 1790); Chicago at Angels, 6:55 p.m., KMPC <710 ). Horse Racing -The Preakness. 2:25 p.m .. KNX 0070). s-.... ,.~,R•tlt. TELEVISION 10 a.m. <2 > -THREE ON THREE George Weekend Ageada Memorial Day Regatta Slated By ALMON LOCKABEY Delly .................. Wind is free and there are no Jong waiting lines. So figure the sailing buffs whose wind powered machines will be busy racing over bay and ocean courses this weekend along the Orange Coast and.elsewhere in Southern California. Top feature in this area will be the Balboa Yacht Club's Memorial Day Regatta Saturday and Sunday which will feature races on courses both inside the bay and in the ocean. The Newport Harbor Yacht Club will play host lo a host of Lehman· 12 dinghy sailors compel· mg ror the spring cham. pionship for the class with courses inside the bay Saturday and Sun· day. The Bahia Corin· thian Yacht Club will be riding herd on skippers and c r e w s o r Performance Handicap Racing Fleet CPHRFI yachts competing in the third race of th e Angelman Series over ocean courses. DISTAFF SAILORS BOATING w i II t a k e t h ·e s po l It g h t a t 0 a n a Poi n t where the Dana Belles Series will feature all· wom en crews sailing PHRF boats over ocean c~urses. ~turday and Sunday. The Sunday race wall be aimed at women sailors competing in the first race of a seri.es under the auspices of the As- sociation of Orange County Yacht Clubs. Weather fare for the five ocean·going yachts entered in the Los Angeles Yacht Club's biennial San Nicolas Island race is expeded to be either feast or famine . The 148·mile race is judged to be one of the most rugged blue-water events in the world. sometimes referred to as a •·race for sur· vival" iJ the westerly winds kick up off Point Con · cephon. The yachts an this year's race will be us· ing it as a tuneup or training raC(e for the upcom- ing Transpac from Los Angeles to Honolulu. Top action in the Marina del Rey area will be the third race or the California Yacht Club's Overton Series for lntemationaJ Offshore Rule <IOR > yachts along with competition in the Tan· ner, Walsh, Webber and Lyle Series. SOlmfERN CALIFO&NIA Yachting Associa- tion calendar : Newport-Balboa BAHIA CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB - Angelman Series No. 3 CPHRF> Saturday. BALBOA YACHT 'CLUB -Memorial Da_y Regatta. Saturday, Sunday. DANA POINT YACHT CLUB -Dane Belles Series No. 1·2, Saturday, Sunday. NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB - Lehman·l2 Spring Champiomhip, Saturday, Sun· day. Los Angelea·Loac lleacll LOS ANGELES YACHT CLUB -San Nicolas Is land race, starts today. SEAL BEACH YACHT CLUB -Catalina Island, a Return race, Saturday, Sunday. ALAMITOS BAY YACHT CLUB -Men's Day <Sabot) Saturday. McGinnis, Kevin Loughery and Kevin Dobson vs. David Thompson, Tom Van Arsdale and Pat Boone. <22 > -STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS -A final round game between the New York Rangers and Montreal Canadiens. (50 ) -WOMEN'S SOFl'BALL -Taped coverage of the finals of the state junior college touma ment at Golden West Saturday. 10:30 a.m. (2 ) -NBA PLAYOFFS -A cham- pionship round game is scheduled. CABRILLO BEACH YACHT CLUB -Spring Series, Sunday. 11:10 a.m. (ll) -DODGERS BASEBALL - The Dodgers meet the Reds in Cincinnati's Riverfront Stadium. Noon (4) -TENNIS -Jimmy Connors meets Manuel Orantes in a WCT tournament or cham- pions match, taped at Dorado, Puerto Rico. (50) - CURLING -The Silver Broom world curling championships, taped at Bern, Switzerland. 1 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Final round play ln the Colonial national Invitation from Ft. Worth, Tex. C4) -TENNIS -Vilas Gerulaitia vs. IUe Nastase in a WCT Tournament of Champions match, taped at Dora e · : p.m. ) -I " aLD OF SPOaTS -Sugar Ray Leonard <21-0) meets Marcos Geraldo (42-41) in a welterweight boutfrom Baton Rouce. La. Also, the world pro traget diving championship and live updates on the Indy 500limelrials. 2 p.m. (4) -WESTEaN OVTDOOUllAN - Host John Fabian visits a reel collection and a look at a prehistoric fish. LONG BEACH YACHT CLUB -USYRU quarter-finals <Sears, Bemis, Smythe trophies> Saturday. Sunday. Santa Monka Bay KING HARBOR Y ACJrl' CLUB -Spinnaker Series No. 3, Saturday. CALIFORNIA YACHT CLUB -Overton Series No. 5 <IOR) Saturday; Tanner, Walab, Web· ber, Lyle Series No. 2, Saturday. SOUTH COAST CORINTIU.AN YACJrl' CLUB -One-Design regatta, Saturday, Sunday. SaaDle&O CORONADO CA VS YACHT CLUB -Ranger Roaodup,S.ta1da7,9anda;r.--·~~--~~~--~~~-.-~+---t OCEANSIDE YACHT CLUB -Luer Circuit. Saturday. SAN DIEGO NAVY SAJUNG CLUB -Armed Forces Day re1atta CCal-25, Catalina-27, Morgan-~. Santana·~. 5-0-5) Saturday, Sunday. SANTA CLARA RACING ASSOCIATION - SprtngSeriea No. 3, Saturday. KA8EN GAGE WAS the other starter with the roster of eipt com- pleted by Donna Martz, Terry Roberti and llicbele King. King is the only freshman of tbe group but ls movi111 to Michigan tbia 1ummer. "One thing about this team •: 3 p.m. C7) -AUTO aACING -Drivers get HONOas FOil THE TEAM were their fmal shot at qualifyiq for-tbe 33-car field in many and It could have been a deter-live coverage of bumplnca~ at lndlaaapolil. ring factor on many teams especial-4 p.m. <4> -8PO woaLD -Thomas ly when Bland wun't cboae'n u MVP Hearns <18-0> meets Harold Weston Jr. (Jl.8.5> in in the Puaclena tournament or u the a welterwelgbt bout ln Lu Vecu. (7) -aACE&S top player in the conference. -Bob TuWua la the color commentator for-the E SAN DIEGO YACHT CLUB -FUet Series <Soling) Saturday, Sunday; Blue Star elimina- tions. Saturday, Sunday. , SOUTHW~ERN YACHT CLUB -Valle Trophy Series No. 2, Sunday. Stricklin aaya, "is that tbey were' a clote·lmit ll'OUP and all of tbem Cot alon1 YW'/ well together. There were no tndivtduat.s tryin1 to star and they were all very unaelflah on tbe court. "I knew rt1bt from tbe start that tbey would be UDHlflah and would Pall off on the fut break ii anou.er player bad a better abot. We made a ll1-h pereentaae of our •bola ind with ti•• r•bowadlAI we laad,-we bit IOIDetJdnl like 70 pereent of tbe time we took tbe ball down the floor." WlllLB STalCKUN WAI pleued wlUI tbe comaraderte d.laplayed by . --. - ''Meledey accepted ber role all and F Production tporta car ftnaJI ID Atlanta. year," stricklin says. "I felt abe de-4:30p.m . <7>-NFL GaEATTEAll8/GaEAT served to be co-player of tbe year YEAUtGaEAT GAMES -Tbe Kanau City with . Pam tn the Pasadena tourna-Cblef1 and the Miami Dolpblna square off in tbe ment and that ·s· not taktna 8ll)1hlq 19'1& AFC title clash, a tame that requinld two away from Pam. But Meledey bun't overtime periods. been aetUq the recopttlon abe d• 7 p.m. (52) -BOUE I.ACING -Today at aened all year. •Hollywood Park. "TetTJ Robert. nme otf tbe bench aADIO and won the flnaJ 1ame· In tbe Bueball -Dodlen at Qadnnatl, 11:10 a.m .. Pasadena tournament for us wWl lix It.ABC ('JIO); Cblea10 at Aalell. 11:8 p.m .. KllPC field IOAla when no one else wu cno>. ICOriq. She 1bodld bave been on the (fte DallJ Piie& 11 •et ""'ulMe fer late aJJ.tounuament team." ~•a ..... > . -----· Sa11, ,, .. .., Tide• luteOA'f '"'"'""" ., ••• 111. 4.1 ... IDA'f '"'"'... ..,,. ...... o.o J.,t tec.-111111 S:ftp.111. U ••• ---.... ll;ft .. 191. u S.COfld""" J :S4 '·"'· SKOfld ,_ t:• 11·"'· IA'NltDAY f'lnt "''"' Flnltow t:lt•·"'· •;tea.m. 4;S1fJ.fll. IO:ftp.111. Sufi, ... s ............ ,: ....... . ~:: M.-rtwl t:• •.111., 19tl U:U •.I 11.111. S«Ofldllill'I $« ....... lmured? u Consumer columnist Sylvia Porter reviews la1urance needs of boaters today on Paae BS. ' INSIDE~ • Out 'N About • 'Tempest' Review • I ntermlsslon • TV Ll1,lng1 ~-11.1"9 DAILYl'tl.OT Mime•, face painters, puppeteers and akate- boardchltmplon, shown above, will participate In 10th City Festlval of Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach 's 10th annual City Festival of "homegrown:• talent has just about outgrown the boun· da ries of Golden W~st College. This year's event will fill the main campus quad with entertainment, booths and special activities from 10 a .m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. PLUS, THE ACTION WILL s pill out to the parking log along Golden West Street for a 340-stall , giant swap meet; to the amphitheater for four rock concerts. softball diamond for the women's state championship, Actors Playbox for three productions and to Forum 2 for two sc reenings of a classic children's film and puppet theater performance. Tennis courts will be turned into a bicycle check area for those who use alternative transportation to attend the f cstivaJ during the gasoline "crunch." Another special event of the day is a groundbreaking ceremony for the Golden West Recycling Center. serving West Orange County. a joint project of student govern· menl and Orange Acorn, Inc., a non-p rofit conservation organization. ADDITIONAL MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS will include· -·Twenty-two performing groups on the Showmobile stage and Stage Two! including nine band.s, t~.r.cc dar:icc troupes and the premiere of "I Love America . rnvolvmg 20 puppeteers a nd 40 marione~tes. . -Sixty food, game and display booths by commumty service organizations designed lo share information and raise funds. -Exhibits by more than 60 artists. --Demonstrations of kite flying and fi ghting. (See FESTIVAL, Page C7 > . a Head First When Danelng Gene Kelly speaking at Ca/ State Fullerton. .............. .,..., ....... --~-··· ·-···-··--· ............... ....,.. ........................... ~ ..... ~~ ...... ........._... ..._...._..... .......... ...-.... -# • • ... ..._. ··~ •• ,.. ... - ., Weekender -. The Newport Beach City Arts Festival, openlD& Saturday, ought to be dubbed the Spirit of Prop. 13. Thia year's festival ia a sample of just how much can be done with a very little money and an awful Jot of work. An COID08810NEU, who had $10,000 to.spend on the 19"18 festival. found themselves with $3,500 to cover a full year's activities after the tax limitaUon initiative passed last summe"'r. , · Undaunted, the commission, led by chairman Beryl Melinkoff, cut back on the size of the festival and enllated the help of what Mrs. Melinkoff calls some truly re- markable volunteers. The result of their efforts will open lo the public at 11 :30 a.m. Saturday at Fashion Island. The festival runs toSp.m. ltwill beopenfromnoonto5p.m. Sunday. THE EVENT IS not just a tribute to static art, it's a celebration of all art forms, an event designed to have something for everyone. There will be more than 300 pieces of art entered in the art show on display. Opening ceremonies on Saturday will include the awarding of more than $3,000 worth of prizes. most of which were donated by local businesses and residents. The creative process will be part of the show as well, with demonstrations of various artistic media pro- <See NEWPORT'S, Pase C7> The gymnasts, oceanography gear, ballettroupe and artist-at-work, Sue Krause, shown below, wlll be at Newport Beach City Arts Festival. DAILY PILOT GRAPHIC By Tim Petersen HUNTINGTON PHOTOS By Jane Wood, Dor:ina Davis NEWPORT BALLET PHOTO By Donna Ortlieb By DENNIS McLEU.AN Of•DeMyP .... I .... KeadJ.Dg portions or student papers was a novel way or introducing the guest or honor at the Cal State Fullerton extension class study· ing"TheFUmsorGeneKelly." ~-~---------__:_The st1edent1 ljsteped ettentiyel~ to the introduction of the song and dance man, but when instructor Jerry Lenington came to part or one woman's paper the class couldn't help breaking up: "A WOMAN GAVE her heart and soul to Fred Astaire," the student wrote. "but she saved her body for Gene Kelly. With that, Gene Kelly stepped out and was greeted with a standing ovation. The greeting was marked by screams and swooning sounds from the large number of rem ale fans in the class who obviously agreed with their fellow student's assessment of the actor. The 86-year-old 1tar of "Sinatn1 ln the Rain," "An American ln Parts" and doaena of other movie mu1lcal1 spent an hour anawertnc questions from the atudenta who had 1pent five weeks examining bis 35-year movie career. then added, "I especially like the people who don't want my soul but want my body." Dressed in a navy blue suit and shirt, Kelly looked fit and trim. His weight, be in-formed the class, is 168 pounds, only eight pounds above his. "best dancing weight." He admitted, howeve1 , t!llT"ll dance anymore. · "l'VE GOT TWO teen·agers who keep me busy," he said. "And I generally play a lot of tennis and run. But to go to a dance studio and keep in sba~ ia just too much trouble." Kelly was asked if his dancing was u ef- fortless as it appeared on screen. "No," he said. "It's very bard and you train for many years to make It aeem effort· le11. Youtrai~'f!~ke aflgbter." While m a musical, be said, be wouldn't eat two to three boun before lboot· ing. "It's like 1oln1 into the rtnc to fllbt. RB NOTED TllAT he'd usually tem- porarily lole ftve to el1bt pounds a day on the set. And while dolnl the Ital• venloe of "Pal Joey," wbJeb requls:ied 'etabt llbows a week, hil wellbt dropped u low u 147. "You lose a lot of pounda," he 1aid. • Dncribln1 hlmaelf u "a Depre11ion THE VEaSATILE actor·dancer· Tchoreosrapher-director wu flnt ulled what he likes doina beat: to work ln front or tbe camera or behind it? . kld," KellJ explatned tbat be worked 1m--way-~=-r-~ •• ..l. "I like it all "aaid Kelly. "I always have • uked it all. I eDJoy the work." He smiled, tbrou1b the Unlver1lty of Plttabur1 teacbinl danclnl . (See KELLY, Pa1e Cl> I ' DM.VPILOT P•T•• CM•llTLl•a llftd his Quintet -Wiii hNcllne • special juz concert at -I p.m. SuncMy In tM Or1119 CMlt'Col.._ Audltortum. Tickets, atA2 for adults ~ $1 for'chlldren, wlll be IOkt at tM door. The concert • ISO Wiit fffture 1U9St '°'°'sts Ron Stout, Tom Kubis, D•rret Genlner and John Ferraro and OCCs ~y,Tuetd4ty,FrldeyfS.turdayand avenmg J.a eftMmbtff d rected by Dr. Charin Rutherford. AWA•D-WINNING PIANIST V•lerle Mitter wlU offer • frff public redt•I at noon Thunct.y, May 24 In Fine Arts H•ll 119 at Orange Co.st College. An OCC graouate, Miu Mitter Is• senior music mafor at UC Irvine and a finalist In the Nat onal Youno Pianist COmpetltlon. THE LONG BEACH Symphony Chorus will perform an all choral concert at I p.m. Saturday In the Center Theater of the Long Beach Convention Center, 300 E. Ocean Blvd. The program will Include rellglous music from the 16th century, Ralpn Vaughan Wiiiiam's "Mass In G Minor,'' folk and art songs and material from such stage favorites as "C,melot," "My Fair Lady'' and "ShOWboat." Melissa St. Clair, Margaret Michael, Jonathan Mack and William Mallory will be featured soloists as Robert L. Collins directs. For ticket Information, phone (213) 436-3203. TRACY WELLS and his popular 18-plece orchestra will play from 9 o'clock tonight to 1 a.m. Saturday In the ballroom of the Golden Salts Inn, 6285 E. Pacific Coast HJghway, Long Beach. Doors will OJ)en at 8 p.m .; admission Is $3:50. A CONCERT APPEARANCE by Tammy Wynette and Johnny Rodriguez has been scheduled for 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 12 In the Long Beach Arena. Tickets are on sale at the box office, and alt Mutual and Tlcketron agencies. THE AMAZING RHYTHM Aces will appear In concert at 9 and 11 : 30 p. m. Thursday at the Roxy Theater In Los Anoetes. Tickets are on sale at the box office. APPEARING IN "THE DESERT SONG' Gregg Cox, M•ry Ann Henderaon FULLERTON CIVIC LIGHT Opera starts a 1C>·performance run of "Desert Song" at 8:30 tonight In Plummer Auditorium, Chapman and Lemon Streets. Mary Ann Henderson of lrvlne co-stars with Gregg Cox In the operetta about the Illusive Red Shadow and his band of desert Riffs. Additional 8:30 showtlmes are set for Saturday and May 2S, 26, 31 and June 1, 2. Matinees will be staged at 2: 30 on May 20, 27 and June 3. The ticket office Is at 218 W. Commonwealth, Fullerton or phone 879-1732. -. THE IRYINE CONSERVATORY of Music will offer famed contrabass player Bertram Turetzky In a recital at 8 p.m . Saturday and a master class from 10 to 6 Sunday at the I rvlne Cultural Center, 17302 Daimler St. Admission Is $S per session, payable at the door. • 11P•OM TM• D••AMS of Deneen ••• " comes the Inspiration for tM or .. INI choreogr-Phy to be showQMd al a p.m. Thur.,_ and Friday, May Mand 25, In the Seddlebeck COlteoe Fine Arts The•ter 2IOOO Marouerlte Pnwav, Mission VleJo. Students have drilsed ballet, Jan and modern dance routines for thef r sixth •nnual concert. Advance purcM!e of the $3 and $2 tickets Is recommended. THE SOUNDS OF "Tom Dooley," "The MTA" and other Kingston Trio standards will ring through Saddleback Colleoe Gymnasium In Mlssfon VleJo at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 23, when the legendary music group appears In a revival concert. Original member Bob Shane on guitar and vocals will be joined by Roger Gamble on guitar and George Grove on banjo for this first appearance since their new album "Aspen Gold." Tickets are $5 In advance at the Fine Arts box office on campus or $6 at the door. Charge card orders may be ptaced by calling 831-7414 or 495·2790. ... KINGSTON TRIO DUE WEDNESDAY MAKINO F1NAL RECITAL APPEARANCE Opera Star Bewrty 81119 SOPRANO BEYERL Y SILLS will make one of her final tecltat appearanc~s at 8 o'clock tonight In Bridges Auditorium at Claremont College. The concert Is sold out. However, the New York City and Metropolitan operas star will be the special guest at a brunch at the Chanteclalr Restaurant In Newport Beach on Saturday, June 9-to benefit the March of Dimes. The event begins at 10 a.m . for those who donate $60 per person. • "COMPOSERS BRASS QUINTET" will display a repertoire of early masters to contemporary jazz when they sound off at an outdoor concert at 1 p.m . Saturday at the Huntlnvton Beach Library, Information and Cultural Resources Center, 7111 Talbert Ave. Trumpe\ers Stephen Charpie and Craig 8 . Parker, trombonists Roy Main and Robert Sanders and James Thatcher, playing horn, wlll be presented by the Allied Arts Board. NINETEEN YOUNG violinists and cellists from I rvlne, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa will Join in the third Suzuki Festival at 2 p.m . Sunday In Heritaoe Park, .01 Walnut Ave., Irvine. Their Helicopters' Aerial Tricks Copied free program Includes the Concerto for Two Vloflns by Bach, music by Vivaldi, Schumaoo, Handel and several folk songs. ROBERTO PEREZ and Peter Zisa will By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ot tll9 1>•11• ~I ... SUft Everybody knows the U.S. Marine Corps does wonders with its helicopters, but Master Sgt. Marvin G. Copfer, 38, of Tustin, is a bit more versatile than many chopper operators. "As far as we know, there are only two wo men in the country who fl y model helicopte rs a nd my wife, Tricia, is one or them." adds the man whose weekday job is ·base communica- rad io-controlled choppers used on production sets be featured at the monthly recital of the Orange County Guitar Circle at 8 p.m. Saturday In Salmon Hall at Chapman College, 333 N. Glassel! St., Orange. Admission is free. tions chief. Sgt. Copfcr has built many helicopters in miniature for 1,1se -a nd often destruction in a wave of recent disaster films . He designs, builds, rues and once in a great long while purposely crashes or blows them up in midair, s trictly for fun and in some c ases profit "ANY TIME YOU see an airplane or helicopter crash or blow up in the movies or on television. it's us ually a radiq·contro lled model," says Sgt. Copfer, whose work often goes up in smoke. He is president of the newly organized Marine Corps Air Station <Helicopter> Model Aircraft Association, whose members turn out every Sunday for 9 a.m . maneuvers at the air station. "Sundays are the days most members come out to fly," says Sgt . Copfer , noting they are drawn from virtually throughout tbe Southland. His wife, 34, is joined by their son Brian, 9, al the base 's PAD S with other members from Long Beach. San Juan Capistrano, V an Nuys a nd' Pasadena to fly their 2· to 4-fool-long miniatures. New members are encouraged to join the fun and aviation education afforded by the or- ganization. which this weekend is hosting the First West Coast Helicopter Championships. DEMONSTRATIONS scheduled Saturday & Sunday at the Tustin heHcopter station, better known as the old World War II bHmp base , will offer a chance to lea rn much more about ra dio- controlled model helicopters. Event director w,ill be Sgt. Copfer. who la"'1c hed the new hobbyists' organization about six months.ago and secured military approval lo hold weekly practice meets on its grounds. Model flying bas come a long way s ince the lrs FRESH days you could wlnd up a propeUbr driven glider replica and loss it into the wind. FRUIT TIME! .. TIIE HELICOPTERS are more difficult to AM Newport Pn du1 lies fly a nd more expensive. because they are larger ..._ .. md tools .t "-than most model planes and n!Quire a four· prlcn! L.p SID c•. channel radio to control their operations," ex- Cltett ... 6t" pomd! "'Ow plains Sgt. Copfer. Ow•" IHcfo•• large "With model airplanes, you can get into the s1r .......... "'Ow 0.."' air for under $100, but it costs between $400 and local Swwet c.n.. YOll/he "°°to get started on the helicopter. Dancers Present 13 Works Thirtee n w o rk s c h o r e ogr a phe d b y graduate a nd unde r · gr a duate s tudents in dance al UC Irvine will be p resented Thursday through Saturday. May 24-26 in the Fine Arts Lilli e Th ea t e r , Huma nities Hall 161 at 8 p.m . The dances are en · title d "Bitters weet Wine.·• "Diurnal Migra· l ion.·· "Opus V," "Balls of Energy ,.!' and · "Pas de Trois to Satie ." Music wilJ vary from blues to j azz to live percuasion. Tickets are $1. " • .. "You can be good (as a ground control ... ff .... ,... Cl I 11---=' ~ pilot) with the airplanes, but It takes three lo COME SAIL WITH us IMI .., we're ,,... of..._ :i. ...,.._.. four gallons of fuel to start getting proficient on ..... • •mME low prices -Fr•• 1' -"'-the helicopters. .,..._ hl..-y .. llt111-•I• 7 ;:: ;. ·'Their tanks only bold eight to to ounces... .. ADVBf'l'URERS hp• Wmt ·-HIS EXTENSIVE work with model belicop-J:n=I~~~~ GRAND OPENING TIMEX SALES & SERVICE AWatchA~!l: ·GIVEAWAY.* TO CELEBRAT E TH E GRANO OPENING O F OUR N E W PORT·M ESA STORE, WE'R E G IVING AWAY A T IMEX, WATCH EVERY DAY . • Draw ing will be held'daily • • You need not be present to win. • No purchase necessary •COMPLETE SELECTION OF TIMEX WATCHES •AUTHORIZED TIMEX REPAIR SERVICE • OTHER MAKES SERVICED GRAND OPENING WED.,MAY2 •Style miy vary from that shown. Retail value to '29.95. Offer exp. May 31 st. 1979. • · 369 E. t 7th ST .. COSTA MESA tA <.ro\\ from t?•tph u 642-9667 Look For GRAND OPENING IRVINE Jeffery & Walnut al the Santa Ana Fwy. IC&aei unucl IS... ters bu led Sgt. Copfer into involvement with 71~ 11.7~ 11.AU ,----·R1llf;l1J1l-----1 r-----({tIIJil•Ttl----, the movie and television industry as a builder of .,.. - I rnMWM...... II LMMIWllf I _j~~~~~~~~!!..!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======================================================-1 I.AMI~ II c~ I I LETTUCE 11 CHERRIES I I II I l anFREE! !! 69c ,::, ! I .-o.Pwc:-11 U.4kW/~ I ·---------------' ·--------------. .-----{(1}l/;l1]1l-----··-----C(ij1Uifjl----... I . LMMC...._ II I f •~ II .._.OlflW' I I ORAMCiES l 1 ...... U1U PAMCY I ! 5 -s 1 oo !! ·;;:-! I ~~~-~!!.. ll .._ .• --.':.. : I. ---------------1 l---------------' .. -----«•11T;l•Ji~----. r-----u•1•Jil•I1J----, I 11 TMl•Ol9 I TOMATOES AVOCADOS I I 29c,_. 11 3 .... 5 100 I I 11' U.6W~ I I .._ ..... ~ I I l--------------~~--------------J C1 .. 1A1 ....... n.r... W.,24-7 P.M. ~ "40Ye.,. a Of PridUCI ll40lt Know How" ... ""*" ....... , ,,... ......... ....... 17 ReetlUt'Mt ........ Deltvety • . , • • • 1111SMEJlllORIAL DAY WEEKEND CONE TO UONCOUNIRY'S AFRICAN VILLAGE EXPERIENCE THE EXCITINQ, EXPLOSIVE, ELECTRIFYING MOIH l&fi~BA ~A~(ER$ 3 TIMEf DAIL V MutORIAL WEl!XDG><n.Y MAY 26. 'Z7, NI> aa. Enjoy a day of fun at LION COUNTRY SAFARI, mme face to face with Africa's wildest anlmals, drive through our wild anlmat prewirve, aee the Africm\ Ylllege, mmal shows, bird shows, take e ride down the l.ambesl RIYer- ALL R>R OrtE LOW ADMJSSQt PRICEA I ~ open daily, rain or shine 9AM to W ~ 7:30PM (last car admitted 6PM) #AlllW • 9W' San Diego Freeway at Irvine Center ~ll!!Wlltl Drive, Irvine, Orange Cowlty, Cellf. -rft..=I 714-837-1200 lf!::=r.ff- • -·---.. ·--"" ··-~ ........ --------....... ---~ -----______ .....,..... ---,.,, .. -OUT 'N ABOUT .. Fridly. -'8.1179 DAILY Ptl.OT • 0 Repast BevlSlted " Recent trip to 1Jernard'-8_hdngs_ hopn-memories inio shorpe focWJ N"'POft Beath, wtth • population of llltl~ ·more than u .ooo. la probably om of tht best en dowed rett.aurant town• ~r upjta in tht toun try. And' alntt the rt ut so m..,Y flnt>, fun and fHt'inatiq phu:~•. we oft«"n land It dlrflcult to retum to Hcll aa often as we woWi llke We nr1t trif'd Bernard's about a year a10 several monthis aft er the (r•nd openin1 MOd were totally lmpreued The reataurant Is handaome. the 8t'rv1c.i attentav ... and the quality and preparulion uf tht' food. without a doubt. o utstanding THIS INITIAL \ IMt hnl(t'rt'd fondly tn our me monett. 1and 11 Ionic overdue rcJ>t:lolt '1:.11 li.i.1 w~k bort! out OUltt'llpt'Ct11hons That su<•h was tht' l'ili.t!. I mu1>t c·onfess. sur prised me S<'urct'ly one btt lkrmtrd's, aftt!r •II . is a names1akc opt:ntt1on b)' lit!rnard R1golet. Ont! or Orungc County b bt!:.I known. mo:.1 rt's~eled 1and wl'll versed rt'st.auntcurs SINGLES "DINNER A.T EIGHT GOURMET CLUB" Fmtastic ... food .ct w'-at gnat red-•Ii Cell fot Into: (213) 278-7616 Mondey thru Thursdey Specials (Friday. Saturday, Sunday '111 6 pm J t••C.t:PI hohOdv'> OcHn Perch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.65 AUanllc Cod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95 9actflc Red Snapper . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Mahl Mahl .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Gr1Hed Sea BaH .............. 4.95 Top Slrtoln Steak ............. S.95 SHfood Brochette ............ 6.95 StHk & Lobater ........... : . . 8.95 Plus Fresh Fish. Other Seafood and Steaks ,. •• ae11-01 11278 PACIFIC COAST HWY• H°"TINGTON BCH •12131 592· 1321 3901 E COAST HWY• COfl°"A DEL MAR• (71•1 67~0900 CROWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 32802 COAST HWY. LAGUNA MOUE&. ••1c-v...,,._,, IVY HOUSE RESTAURANT Out 'N AbOut Norman Stanley ~·r .. n,'h horn and tr1uned. he m1tde has mark ht>rt'uboutN during long penods of partnership as1w<'i11t1on with thl' R1 v1era In South Coast l'l<11u und the CoronM del Mar edillon of WcfoolWOU(l 'i. Miatlco's In the operation or lif'r'nurd's hl' has het-n JOaned by an equally pro· fcsi.lonul and polJshed partner , Marvella Kelley. THE ~~TTING OVER wruch these twq,pre· Mde g1vt's the d iner as much pleasure ·as the top-noll'h rood and ucellent service. And the phrai;e I elc\'.l lo c.Jc:.\'.rlbt' lhe dct·or is "nautical cltgance " NOW IN COSTA MESA GUADALAJARA RESTAURANT HOMEMADE MEXICAN FOOD OPEN DAILY . 11 :00 A.M. to 11 :00 P.M. Thia la not due to marine ntifacts they're quite few in number -but rather the dominant red, white-and blue color scheme, u bold touch that could have 1one awry In less artistic handa. Contrtbullng, too. is the cruc modernity of the fumiahino coupled with the varied textures ln both wood' and fabric. As a consequence Bernard's manages to be as ele1ant ud aophilticat.ed as it is solidly com · rortable ud unpretentious. Those seeking old shoe relaxation can do so in the company or Kinney or Gucci. THE RESTAUaANT OFFERS a conlinen· tal bill of rare. its primary emphasis on fresh <making all selections s ubject to season , weather and catch> seafood. But that doesn't 01ean anyone will be left wanting who prefers something in·the way of beef. veaJ or fowl. The recently expanded menu embraces about two dozen entrees in the four categories. Bored With Danring Indoors? The Pe nrod· Plastino .\lovenH:nt T)1catcr. u non -profit mode rn <lance c:ompany based in l rvint'. will prcmit•rc ·several choreo graphic ph.'tcs a d apt cd to th<: framework of a private r esidence undt>r ron:::.t ruction at noon Sunda y. The $12 l1ekcts for brur}ch and th<: pcrformann• may Pl' purchased in th\.· mornmg at ·1:.13 Jlurbor l51<1nd. l\it•wµort Uc&.H:h. G<:tt111g th<: feel of thl· l'Onsln1<·tion ;,ir·t· Lcslil· llc.·dg1· L;,inl' Lt.•\\·1s. Mar~ Ann !\kDonald. . I a m (':, Pen rod . .J ;,i n 1 n · G u d rl t· Plastino .. Joel Straus:-:.. \"1cturia Sin·na ~ Murt;.iug h and O<i\'id Pe&.1rson. lt.0 AVl PICO -SAN CLEMEN Tl 91671 presents David Holliday stamng 1n Al AN JAY ll RNlR ~4rut1 l•or 1-.lOlRICK l OCWl lVlflV TUlSOAV THRU SUNOAV EVlNING Seven diMe r offerings include a cboice of house Caesar salad or soup or the day, vegetable and garnish. They are ma hl·mahi almondine, S6.9$; deep fried scallops, S7.25 ; petite met mignoa bordelaise. $7 .95: one-half broiled chicken, $6.95; broiled swo rdfis h , $9 ; fresh Lake Superior whitefis h, $9.50; salmon steak, $9.50. FOR OUK ULTIMATE choices, however, we turned to two superb, a la carte diabes. The first of these, veal picatta. $8.50, netted milk·fed white veal sauteed with consummate skill in a butter/lemon sauce and accompanied by petite potatoes and vegetables. Lobster in whiskey sauce, $11.95, is the restaurant ·s highest priced entree but yields a taste sensation for which some might willingly pay double the cost. Ser ved with rice and vegetables. this great Rigolet s pecialty turns out chunks.of tender lobster cooked in a delicate cream whiskey sauce. Our appetizers preceding dinner, it should be noted . produce d equally rewarding dividends. Delectable.scampi Provencale, $3.75, sets forth Jumbo s hrimp sauteed in a garlic/lemon sauce; linguini. $3.50, is a full· flavored arrair cooked with white clam sauce and fresh clams OTHER APPETIZER choices -hot and cold include fresh shucked blue point oysters on the half shell. $3.50; combination crab and shrimp seafood cocktail. $4.50 ; fresh mussels rnarin1e re !prepared 1n a dry vermouth. shallots and par~ll·y saut·<· when seasonably <.ivailablC'i. $3.50. oysters Rockefeller. $4.65. In tht• m<itkr of wine we luckily optt.>d for thl' current house white. an absolute ly sensa· t1ona l Frcnc•h vintage. Valbon Blanc. $6. Touted by nott'<I wine authority Jerry Mead. I have lo roncur with him in the suspicion that some pre t· ty s pecial graJ>('S ~omchow found their Way into this phenomenal and incredibly reasonably priced hlend THANKS TO A REC ENT policy change Bernard·~ 1:. no longer strictly a dmner house. Lu nch 1s now served from J 1.30 a.m. lo 2:30 pm . Monday throu~h fnday, and from noon le> :? on Saturday Thi· menu Uc rn~rc1 a nd Marvella have rrcalt~ for midday nffn-. ;i well balanct.>d selec- tion of :-alad~ ~andw1r hci., h<1t cnlrccs and daily -.pccwl~ /\nrt' )OU 1·an lakt• y<1Ur pir k O( a wide \ ariet\ of <.111pcllll·ri.. :-.ouµ~. :.1dc orders and Ol'!-oSl·rt~ Closed Sundav~. Hl'rnartt·s 1:. located at 3201 E C.)ast ll 1~hW<t). C•>r•in,1 rlel Mc.tr •corner of Marguerite Ave J. l!:ntcrtainmt-nl in the lounge. Hescrvalions: 675·7575. S~basuans DINNER l'LAYltOU~E AtcneGRAND HOTEL I HOTH WAY. AllAM(IM, CA llllZ presents STEPHEN ARLEN WALTY WILLISON SUSAM WA TSOM RUSSELL HYPE s1<1mn11 11) Bl RNA RO ~AW S "'PYGMALION"' ,, • "'d ...... "'' \ti,n.,, trt ALAN JAY llRNlH fRlOlRICK LOEWE l VEllY TUES. 1 HHU SUN. EVf.S ill SUN. BRUNCH 665 PAULARINO (714)-492-9950 (714)772-7710 C«Mt" of lrfstoa-P_....RO Pkaa COSTA M~~~tolu c.,.c1ncw.ti 540-2192 -MAKE RESERVATIONS --MAKE RESERVATIONS - ~================~~~iiii!ii~N~Q~!!5=~~===~N~0~W~==~~ You could lose your head over our Henry vm cut It's that good. So is the Roast'd Duckling, the Rack of Lamb CtaDRIN'S DlalERS1.00 12114 ., ··auCKET OF SHlllP OYER ONE POUND •2.00 ONl Y AT OYST!" BAA and all our other olde-f ashioncd feasts. We serve them in royal style. too. In our own '""""'_.,,_...._17th century English inn. It's a heady atmosphere. ••111 FRESH EASTEllCL• ON 11' SHELL •1.00 OHl Y AT OYIT£" BAR" APADANA AWARD WINNING RESTAURANT SUCCULENT FOOD UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT COCKTAILS 3:30 P.M. • DINNER 5 P.M. NIGHTLY Banquet Facilities 10 to 150 People 600 D Mewport C...... Dr Cacro1s tr.. Flllhi• ,.._.. .. Mewport ..... 640-7502 and gr.ivy. Hot cornbr"8d and honey butter. But little peoplt can pl)' even less. ~en are charged accordina to thdr •ight on our old-~ • bGlle. CockUils and wine are available. Master Charl(t.' and Vl~A welromc:. ..... -R3nquct racilittt!i. avalloibk. -rRE .ilG-vBLLOW 9IOUSE ~ 16.19 E. lmptoNI H¢w1r. 6r~a • (7141 529-1891 • ~10 H.1rbof Klvd .. C:0.1.1 Meu • (714) 549--0319 Dinnn: Mon.-Thun . ~9. Fri. 5-10, S.1. 4·10. Sun. 12·9, Co.Ce Mna I• ~n for tuMh McMl.-fri. 11 :30-2:00 P."'· • I ti I I I I I f I ... Friday,~ ti. 1979 INTERMISSION Finl die bad newa. There won't be a sum· .... EWltilat Ofaqe c~ Collep °"')'Ur Now lbe IOOd news. 1'bMe will be one at Ooldetl We.t CoUe,e. AetuaUy. u.e owe producticm of "Cabaret" ~ -tile boards ... t ........ will be. •late aprtq" muakal. The GoldM'I w .. iera .aMlv•. probably qW&e ~. that a May JUM llilow will draw more plQtoen than a •klauauner aUraction. Wmctl GIVES &ISi: TO tJw questaon. why can Golden We11t put on a musical billed as "the ftnt ol lta Ii• and aC'Ope ever mounted" at lhl' llUtiqton Beacb in.sUtuOon when it. Cosh• •na counterpart 'had to bnq • 24-yeu tradt Wasn't Niere ftctirag Nice? Peg (Noreen Hennessy J recoils from the fervent admonitions or her elderly aunt. Mrs . Chichestcl"- CAnn Siena-Schwartz> during "Peg of My Heart," ·playing at South Coast Repertory Theater in Costa Mesa through June 10. The 8 p.m. curtain on Tuesdays through Sun· days and 2:30 matinees on weekends are preceded by olio acts in keeping with the turn-of ·the· century theme. Tickets range from S6.50 to $8.50. The Jaupot STARTS COOKING! Ned Fri., May 25, at 3344 L Coast Hwy. c .......... OYSTll ILU! MO ......UM! RI. & SAT. V~ llY ICIU.Y wfflll MAT 25-U TM .a.ell Pr 1• Ii Trio s...=::;,~! C...... DlrKlil& CADOU. COATIS ~,.-he White House Restaurant ~.in Laguna Beach Since 1918 -. Now Appearing GABOR SZABO Fri. & Sat. from 9:30 p.m. Sunday from 9:00 p.m. open 24 hours 340 South C6ast Highway Laguna-Beach, California (714) 494-8088 • • Muted at OCC, RUu.g ·u;p at Go~en West As Campuses Seal~ Down Summer Productiom \JOO pl ~UD\IDtl'..D:WfiCall to M_~l blclUH.. O( lack Of f\mda! One reuoa 11 that Golden Wmt, •blch can· «'«'It'd a pt.allMCI rnoantiq ot "A 11'\mny Tbinc Happeaed on U. Way &o &M Forum" in &be af· termaU. ol Propo1dUoo U last auau:Der, bu the mu-.1 orialoalb IMldaet.ed for tUt UiOw u well a1 t"e rua.unnarked for ''Cabaret.•• Aad. Uke OCC lbe year before witb "Pacific Ovt'rtures," ewe bu beeo adlDOft1&bed that "<'o blll"ft" mwu pay ltl own way <i.e ., at least break e~en ) or the likelihood ol bi& muaicals on tht.• llunU..,ton Btia~h CMmpwi In lbe future is llou btf\.11 THE PASSING OF TH£ Oranae Coast sum- .. -------------.. I I 1 /.Lr Chinese Cuisine 1 J /17\' OHIF.NTAl.l"O<'KTAIL LOL'M;E I i l 1-'t•alunn.: Troµ1<·al Unnh I I 11 (BAMBOO Conluc1us says: "'Ftne1 the I TE rift •·CE /j£ky tonune ane1 win a :J I f • n.n• 1ade ooeklaco .. !I I JI~ '-11 MAY SPECIAL Ii r ss.oo,.. ,.,_I Reg •& oo I ~ } J T Aoo8t11ftf• --•Oii t. .. o •~nmo """'" I WTIOP9d ~•So.Ip• Entrl!JiM. -4.50¥8QtJ'\ I I• ·1 -1 Cflodl11n ~ -·-· ""° ..out ~ • ' ' f "-Once·~_,IN I J t I f ~ r °' l °' ._. eclO .,,,_on"'°''"' ,.,,.,,P •• I Ii #'. F0t ~°'---... ...., I ~ ."J1.i~ VMoc!°"'1"'1vlllayJI, 1979 I 1 .-.:1 F , sT 1-;T11 1 ·nsT ' :\I 1-:s.' 1;.1;,.:;s.'>fl .. _____________ ..... I A NEW DINING ADVENTURE mAnDAn1n CHINESE Geurmet cu1s1NE PEKING • SHANGHAI _ SZECHWAN •HUNAN Daily Lunch And Dinner. YCU"Holf..tHOlhu- MU..tA.-ahmg (Former Chef of the Twin Dragons-Anaheim) 1500 ADAMS A VE. t•t ...-...._, & • ~ Ii 13 COSTA MESA 54P.ltl7 ... I • ...mer mualcal .W be-IDOW'Ded by local tbea&er. buff• wbo have been tnMed to bl&b qaallty shows at bar1ain ratea ever since "South Paclflc" started it all in lW. Tbe colle1e eatimates that over IJO,GOO people bave filed through the auditorium doors for tbe awnme.r at-tra~tlonsoverthe put twodoaenyean. "Due to recent leplaUon, we almply don't have the funds lo produce these mualcala," ex· plains Jean Thompson, occ·. UIOdate dean 0( community servjces. "The abowa were e1· tremely popular. and were of top quality, but their elimination was a matter of economics. They were expensive." However, the Costa Mesa campus won't be dark until September. Three viahinl produc- Mothl'rs dnd Grandmothers enjoy Lunchl·On and Afternoon Ted ill wra nnb 8tympat~y 1Englis1' Antiques wit if wrnltaam 17th ~rRLLI and TUSTIN AVI:. <"OSTA ME.S ,\ 4hchmd J A<. ._ IN·Tlll:.·HOX) \fouday lhru Saturday -11 am tiJ 5 pm • 1111 <,fffATF~·1 "it\l.1\1) lli\f< I '\ o I< 1\ ;-.. < .J· < <H i,'\" I Y • 1{ llh . < olA;\.T ~Tl·A "'"' I' I< l.\11 l<I B e lll·Al 'llFl l l \l.ATIKH{O;\'J \II \\ 0\'11<1.00t\.I~<. 111\( " BAY e l>l.'\";\;FH 5 TO IOl'M "i i ~DA Y 12 TO 10 PM (OPEN ,\fE.\IOJUAL DA>') tioefl and <OM-jolnt..-elfort with tM Lana Moulton PIQboulf bave been pl1aned to fill tM warmer moathl. Fuurr VP u AN appearance b)' ........ Lee Edwada ob June 23. Tben tbe folk belllt ··Aman" arrives OD July 7, wttb tbe Loa Aall ... Mime Com,pallJ ticketed foe a July J1 ....... ment. The Laeua coUaboratioa la "Plppbl." which abould aatiafy OCC audleDc:e'1 appetites for the summer musical. The collele and &be community theater group will abare tbe ea· peaaea of tbe production, wbieb will plar Laguna lint -July 4·28 on a WedDeadar through Saturday schedule -and then opeo at OCC Aug. 2 for two weekends and alx more performaeees. It's not tbe first time tbe9e two ~tac entities joined forces on a tbe.mieal eadeawor. OCC drama instructor John Ferueea <wbo served a season as Laguna's manacinl dlrector Intermission Tom Titus a decade a~o > brou~bt bis estimable production of "Equus" from the college to tbe Moulton in 1978. MEANWHILE. BACK AT Colden West, virtually everyone's creative enero is being expanded as all the performing arts at the col· lege are being involved in "Cabaret." The show will involve a company of 50 ac· tors. singers and dancers along with a pit or· chestra of 20 musicians. Charles Mitchell is directing. with David Anthony as musical direc· tor. Warren Peterkin as vocal director and Carol Caniglia as choreographer. Leading roles are being performed by Craig FlemirHL Dave Morris. Skip Kincaid, Brandee Williams, Linda Bekas, Greg Furlong and Yetta Benson. Performance dates are May 25·26,31 . June 1-2, and June 7-3-9 at 8:30 and June 10 al 2:30. The college bookstore is taking reservations al 892-1711, extension 545. So, even without the Orange Coast Colle1e summer musical, as such. the sound of music still will echo through the area in the moatbs ahead . e \ l . :\:I)-\ Y I \ I I '' l>A Y \ 111 ( " j I • I () 1 l'M () I '\ I e (, ( l.J\.\1"' I ).\j Ii .! !'-Hl·l.1. A IU in~ i:v H< Yl>A y Dance on our stainless steel dance ftoor! And that's not al[ There·s live entertainment. Top-Forty sounds that'D make you want to get up and move. EnjosJ your favorite cocktail with friends. Maybe ewn meet a few new ones. AW8TAUAANT'8e .. You're gonna feel good t.W.: 17920 llroHI ... Faa1lalas ,.., • .. "I t .. .. • • ' ? . .. • ' . .. t I t I. r ~ ~ I ----· .--• -=c._ --· - GENE KELLY PROFILE ... ._., . ., tab hetM STAG CHIESE CASIO 111 2ht Pl .• Newport a .. ct. Ollio&a ~- ..._ ............ O.ity Wtelt"4h U11tt1 I 00 u" O•Nn_, __ ... , .. 9,~~ olden ,/ ~:.~ --~~~ S/;;)ragon ""· 'ff .'.'f GINUINf CHINfSf MANOMIN DISHfS Specializing In Chinese A Lo (.orte Dishes LUNC"H•l)INN[H D~'T f OO<J To 1 dkti Out t I 30 AM to 10 F> M JOJJ H.,._ II•& CO\TAMISA 642-71•2 • 6Jt.ttl I A Dining Experience Beyond the Expected Y IJ! 1r1v LI• ( t:,: lll • '. ·:,, I , (, , : I J. !· J. 1' :. II j . ! : . I : ' l :• I 1r· 1 ' T I• : ; .• I 1. :1 '.: . • f •• ;:.. ':t.1 .• : ; ! :: ' l : r :1,. 1. :1· !! : '• r r\.. l., 11. ;.. : ,1 :, , .. . : . : '1 • • r.' '1,• l rril!J."f<:. "/'!. ;, . 1,v; :.·. 11n1Dat11 =so Fashion Island. Newport Center J Reservations (714) 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel. Century City I Reservations (213) 277-1840 .,,....,>: -------_ _J[~ WE CORDIAi.i. Y INVITE YOU TO COME TO OUR NEW RESTAURANT (FORMERLY MITL.A 'SJ AND ENJOY OUR COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GOURMET MENU - NOW fEA TURING OUR FAMOUS "DON MARCIAL. MARGARITAS" "Come In And Say Hello!" LUNCHEON SPECIAL 1 Beef Taco, 1 Cheese Enchilada DON MARCIAL An e1chlr19 Hperlence In MEXICAN DINING lletltaaraate 4 Cantlaa 547 Weat 19th St., Costa Mesa 642-9764 Blnquet F1elltun & Private Parties Xni11g T~ filll'~I Mt>•iun Cui~illl' li> cht· t·xunn.~ ~<>unJs of "Lt·gat y," .1 t11p dann.: h.ind appl'.1ring Jirt·ct from Lb V1.·gtl!>. LiscL'n .i~ our supL'r OJ.Jill. !!pins your f.tvoritl' disco cunc:s during H.1ppy Hourand bl'CWl'l'n SL'CS. TustL' ddicious frozen Fruic Oaiftll ir.is.fol"e->nly 75'/. from 5 ro 9 p.m.daily. EmercarnmL'nc from 9p.m.co 1:45 a.m .. Monday chrough Saturday. LEGACY Appturing May 7-)lillt' 2 T II l ~REGISTRY 18800 MacAtthur Boulevard, r>2-8777 TK ~ptry Hoerl Coipomlon. DA11.u.1C1m .. HIGH STEPPING FROM "SINGING IN THE RAIN" AND "BALL GAME" Gene Kelly Says Fans Remember the Sheer Joy of Hla Movie Dances ,..,.... Ptage CI KELLY RECALLS HIS KICKS • • • "I was \'NY muc-h influ<·nred by the Ot·pn•ss1on ancl /\mer11·:in composers and nrns11.-." ht· ~aid . ··1 trfl'd tn find a style of «l:1nt•1r1g that ~us unaqut·ly /\mcncan. "I studied class1c:.il h<1llet for years . but lh<'rc wasn't anywhcn· to ~n with it Young /\merican d<inters we re reaehing out for something new ... SOMETHING NEW tn Kelly 's case was what he called the "sweats hirt and Jeans" style of dancing as opposed lo previous mo· lion picture dancing epitomized by the elegant Fred Astaire. .. Astajre was more sophisticated: the top hat. white tie and tails type or dancing, .. he s aid smiling: "They a :.soctatcd me with the bums.·· One of the mos t m<'morable examples of Kelly"s physical. aver~gc -guy style of danc· mg is his delightful parade through the rain· soaked street in · 'Singing in the Ram.·· It is. he said. the most pc>pular dance he's ever done. "I TIDNK IT'S JUSt the JOY in the dance that everyone likes," he noted. "'What I tried to do there was show how silly the guy could get in love." Kelly said the song had been used four or five times in pictures before and was a failure. Before filmin,:: began, the "Singing In the Rain"' producer asked him what kind of dance he was going to do with the song. ··1 said. 'It's going to be raining and I'm goini:: to he singing," ~aid Ke lly. "The dance itself was very s imple." KELLY, WHO HAD a 104·degrl'e te m- perature while :.hooting the now-classic dance scene, completed filming the number in a day and a half. He explained h is method of choreo· i:raphing by saying that he sits down like a writer and works on a beginning, middle and end for each dance. lie approaches it from the standpc>int of his role or the situation the character is in. he said . SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 ..... tolp.a SUMDA Y FAMILY RIGHT SPECl~t Prime Rib Dinner Includes Soup AND Salad and choice of Strawberry shortcake or sherbet dessert. 4:30 to 9:30 ,... 7191 w ....... . 0.. ... llecll w ..... iMcll S650 HUMTIM&TOM llACH 141-1160 ....... c...,. ....... Ollr Only the ·oailv Pilot delivers COMPLETE local sports In the DAILY PILOT 142-4321 ··one docs not get o n the floor and start to sh<1k(• and shimmy to create a danc•~." he said "lt"s not dont.' from the body first." K.:·ll y said his goal in dancing in movil' m us1cals was to hring JOY to the audience It 's hard work for the performer, he said . ··but the JOY for him comes in the ac- comphs hmcnl. ·· HF. WAS ASKED what he considers his best all-around performance. "I frankly don't know ... he admitted. ·· r thank it's the one in which people accept you.·' He feels he a lways over-projected for-the movie camera. For that reawn he doesn't think he did as well a s a m otion picture actor as he did on the ~Lage Although he enjoyed many of his movie roles. he smd "you can 't judge yourseU That's why Wl' nl'ed critics and teachers Those c actors J who do arc narcissistic." COMMENTING ON the current disco dance craze." Ke lly describe d i.t as a "throwback to ballroom dancing. All the steps are very old hat to members of my gener ation. But it's a fun thing lo do. I like il. .. Kelly noted that when he was in his 40s his dancing partne rs seemed to be getting younger while he kept gelling older. "It's a young person's game'.·· he said, adding that Leslie Caron was 17 and Debbie Reynolds was 18 when they co.starred with him. /\ student asked if Kelly's wife had ever been worried about him having a romantic /lfllerlude with one of h is glamorous co-stars HE LAUGHED. ··rr I were her I'd be worried. I guess they I wives> think that.·· And although a woman in a motion pie· ture theater audience may have "saved her body for Gene Kell y." the man himself laid that theory lo rest · at least among his danc- ing co-stars : "Us ually on the set they 're very sweaty, very tired and don't have time for you." "DAWN OF THE DEAD" (R) OEOAOE HAMIL TON "LOVE AT FIRST BITE" "ANIMAL HOUSE" "PHANTASM" (A) Dotty 6 JO !>ot '>-Hol 11 JO 52 Specialty Shops Open DaUy From II a.m. F~Adml11lon aE'§,tNrsT lleten:IU-tll2 NOW APPEARING -Direct From Europe __ P,.l!s!l.Jlock Band WiNDERPOL rl·Sat • 8 to 2 Sun., May 10 German· American Brass Band · And The DunaJ Folk Dancen TMI Cffter Dr. •M.._ ...... 10,..,,., ............. tr,, .. "' A.,_IO ......... C-1 H.aq1on8eult Sklln1 ctassltl.O aas are the best ptace to · buy or Mil ski WNr and · 9«1ulpmen\ In IM O.lly Piiot. . 642·5671 JON VOtOHT .,iJ//14 CPO) FAY£ DUNAWAY~· , THE -/~ ~'\JI CHA ................ "' HAltltl50fll f<>llD -•Hiii\ 1.E!ll.FY ANNE. OowN ~.,,,. HANOVER t)u,._., STREET "DAWN OF THE DEAD" ; , DM.YPILOT Frl~Mey 11. 1911 THEATRICAL NEWS Diii ltlagle Mesmerl~s !~:~;~~i:~~ .. !':7!: -of ;'ulllnsto!!: D.~INCted ~Y The ailJlinl actors wen canf\IUy Jane Norman wllk, will preeent thear cboMn from competitive audMkae•. ~.olor~~.l, orlalnal production ~f Two members ot tbe cut speak tlMt Director's Choices Uplift 'The Tempest' TM aaly tbiDa wroq ~ t.be llark ~•_ter to rum '• p roduetloa of ..,..,.., ''TW ,..tu,_. .. la that it datlD't a.at.fora_. The produdloD, currently playtna at the Loe Ante* ll•k Center theater, la brlWaatly C'ODfflved by· ctittdor John Hlneb, wttb outatandln1 performances aad hapnuivetechnkal creaUona Rta8C'll 18 fortunate to have as his star Anthony Hopkins. who play& the role ot Proepero, u deposed duke and a akllled maaklan Hopk1oa is one or tboae rare actora who l'an tak.- Sbakeapeare'a lines and make them seem spontaneously his own It would be worth aeeina ·'The Tempest·· for Hopkins' performance alone. But there's more a cast or great talent with especially notable performances by Brent Carver as the spirit Ariel, Michael Bond as the de- formed slave Caliban, Stephanie Zim- baliat u Hopkins· be<i;ut1ful dauahter Miranda and Joseph Sicari and Richard Shull u drunken buffoons. . MAKESTHEBARDSPONTANEOUS Anthony Hopkin• at Taper Forum The production is also blessed with an out.standing set by Ming Cho Lee that combines wondrous imagination with practicality for stage movement. The e.nchanting backdrop is well served by Carrie Robbins' clever costumes and David F. Segal's eloquent lighting. i i ' SHAKESPEARE'S FAMOUS INHABITANTS OF A MAGICAL ISLE Stephanie Zimba II st, Brent Carver, Anthony Hopkin•, Michael Bond How· ID Golden Weat CoUece s llnes, while all uae tbe Yl1Ual Forum 2, at I p.m. Thursday, llay lanauageolqna 2'. Their appearance la spomored by "How?" la a '5-minute piece writ-the dllabled students PN1fUD ud ten by Rlebard Petenoa and cboreo-the offlee ol student development. arapbed by Freda Norman. ~_.abQw Tickets are $t awral admluU)a, hu been described u crammeu with $2.50.GWC students, and $1.IO for _ a lot ol aurprilel, lively, physical, children under 12. .. lllUIHllRI IPIRI IBllllYll ____ .,.. Richard Schickel Tme "Manhattan· deseNes a stream of bravos! This is WocxJ'{s most controled. most seasoned. and most melow movie to dot~. I can't urge yoo strongly enough to see Manhattan:" -Rona Bolrell AOC. t v '"Manhattan· is possbly Woody Allen's best movie' c\. groceful synthesis of Woody the Funny and Allen the Senous ·· -JOCk tVOll Newswool< I '"Manhattan· is an extraordlnar~y fine and tunny film! The movie is fUI of moments that ore l.P'ooriously f\xlny and others tt-iat Ol'e sometimes shattering:· -Vrx;~.I CO<'O\'. New VQll( Imes 'Manhattan' ls mare endearing and entertainlnq, than nine out of ten other movies on the marquees. You don t hove to love fv1onhattan to ike 'Manhattan'." -Rex ReeO. Svnocoted COlumrlst VvOOLN ALLU J TOW [,IANE: KEATON . IA•AY MICHAEL MURPHY . lOH£ MAPltl I i[Mll\!CA V:,'( Ml IA'l '",fpt:CO . . .. . ANhJI: t Ii<! 1! . . . ilbuM i THE ORIGINAL score by Stanley Silverman would be better served by a higher-fidelity offstage recording, but it's well performed by Brent Carver and a trio of vocalizing goddesses. Priscilla Baskerville is notable for her unusually fine voice. ! t But any production so beautifully pulled together must be credited first and foremost to the director. Hirsch has kept the pace light enough to be enter- taining, without glossing over the play's serious UDdertones. · He shows exquisite t aste i n the than of the human with CaHban, wh o is more of the earth and sea: highlight· ing the lovely romance of Miranda and Ferdinand (well-played by Kennett- Mars hall l with delicate light and music but without sentimentali ty ; hinting al magic throughout the production without stooping to cheap tricks. In Hirsch's words, this romance is '·unquestionably one of Shakespeare 's most important expressions concerning existence. responsibility and human tragedy. It d.istills human experience and presents it in a simple and mythical fa shion. Like a ll good fairy tales, 'The Tempes t · pre s e nts a s piritual journey '' Mt.'-JHATI/1N" (;E01« ,E C.IJ6H'vVlhJ A JACK''., ,tLI' l'> C.~f,f.>t I 'l I I H t-1 ! .... ,. w(Jouv ALLl:N •. ,fvl(lf.>';H/lll Hr,11CKM/\I J 1i~· "GLY l·-Lld \J ci~i : t If JrA f l l~ourni· G1<ffNHu1 <·;r)iilic~i~ w11 us T~~~ • choices he makes: brieOy contrasting the spirit Ariel -who is more or the air •"THE TEMPEST" al the Mark Toper Forum 1s <1 n t!m:h<1ntcd <1nd t!nchanting production that will enf.'(ross even those who sometimes find Shakespeare h<1rd to follow. Showtimes arc 8 p m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 7 .JO Sundays and 2:30 p.m Saturdays and Sundays through July 1. Ticket prices range from $6.50 to $11.50 or $3.50 for students. .1 .. • . . • .. , .: ._ •' I ~ . ~ • 'BATTllSTAft GALACTICA' A II.IN lNID Pralb:tron klmlg ffOtARO HATCH · llRK BENUJET and UllNE GREENE u Adami • Wnt.t.en ~ lllN A !ARID 111r1ctr11t by flDWll A.IDlA • "'1aad bJ • IMBTRAlnd USllf STfVlW · hecutM Pralb:er ll£N A lA.'D A tNVlfllW PCJIJI -···'-1 ... COllrlllf•" Ill Plltll'" COllDllCllM , ... "" UIMllS '"''"~I( OKMl'lll ( ~':'8'11.---ITlt~ lOlll!!llOUl!!IMCIOll~ICCOIOUllllllnS! ..... A • ..,,' .... • ' ·-·~····"• ----·-.. -Ill\! .. ,,,_ I STARTS TODAY aw ... ·MT•t• Hununoton Beleh 948-o388 "''"CITY conR 11.-•in ... Orange 634·9282 Orange 639·8770 • • FROM COAST TO COAST, CRITICS AND AUDIENCES APPLAUD ·~ Ll1-i'LE ROMANCE." A GEORGE ROY Hill FILM "A UTILE ROMANCE" ,,.,.~ LAURENCE Ol.MER ARTttURHILL ~LVKELLERMAN DIMELANE.-•1 lHELONIOCISBERNARO ..... , ~ •.•• ~t<i" V\i[S ROUSSE T ·ROUl\RO ..,.., ROBERT l. CRAWFORD I ... .,...; Pt\ du.•• PATRICJO<ELLEV ..., "''•"'"'"All.AA BURNS 1 ~ ... n <1 hi. GEORGE ROY t«..l c~., .. ~ '""'° t.... GEORGES OEl.ERlt: K-·• ... h """" '"[c MC' MON AMOUR-t' PATRICK CAlMN l\iti1.-i •• 11, ~-· EOlflOl'6 ~ lATTt\ h........ ...°"'°"'--.-rPG',....,11..-a"i.iiiiiio' •1 c~OlCJa11 n.i.--•.-o•~c.,......_.,. .... c...,..... ~~--...... --• ...,.. .... ~ ---. ---.. ·---. ____ ......_--.. ---~-.. -----...... ----..... ._............ ~ ---_... ~--- -. GALLERIES I ART FESTIVALS _) Frldmy. May 18, 1979 DAIL V PILOT Cf l•vestors Foeus on Photographs MO•• THAN M •ARE P"Oto0rapttlc wortlS1Jir 19th and 20th century European Md-AMericM ertlsts-wJu.t_....t.. .... ir---- excluslWly Mtly 21 to June 1 et State Mutual S.vlngs •nd La.n A110Cl•t lon, •1 MllcArtttur Blvd., N•Wl*'t Be~h. lncluclld In the coltectlon •re Pt\lllppe Hellfftllft'a "Elnstefn" •M '(le Sur,...llsme C'est Mol" end Alexander c;.ntner'$ 'Prelidlnl Uftcotn •nd c.btnet." val&Mtd atS100,000. All P"Otovrapftsandlspley wtll be avellable for s>urchase. A lecture ••plalnlng how to Invest and collect phOtogrephs wlll be presente<t at the exhlbH •U:lO p,m . May 22. POPULAlt COMPOSE R·lyriclst1Uharttt Mark Turnbull and his Health Bend w ill perform at Newport Harbor Art Museum at 1: 30 p.m. SUnday. The other half of theJau-classlcal concert w ill feature s>'anlst Leslie Lyon, a recent oraduete of .London's Guildhall School of Mus~. Remaining S2.SO tic ke t!> w lll go on .. ,.-one half hour before the performance at 150 S.n Clemente Drive. Newport BMc.ft.---- CONTEMPORAltY SOUTMW•ST•ltN artist Vtloy V'911 Is belno fHtured through June 3 at Galer!• E lena, 2811 VIII• Way, Newport Beach. Hours are 11 to': 30. ANDRE EMMERICH, one of Amerlcats most dlstlnoulshed New York art dealers, will speak on "The Art of Collectlno A r t" at 8 p.m . Wednesday, Mey 23 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. 150 San Clemente Drive. Newport Beach. Admission Is $3.50; seetfno ts limited. SAOOLEBACK CONCERT Chorale will host a wine~tastlng and art auction at Park West Apartments Recreation Center. 3883 Parkvlew Lane, Irvine, starting at 6 .30 p.m. Saturday. Famous national and ·county artists will be represente<t • in the selections. Proceeds will be used f"',....Pa~('I FESTIVAL OUTGROWING CAMPUS. • • to finance the chorale's gal• sprlft9 concerts on June 3 and 10. AN ART.SHOW, auction end cocktall bUffet at 1 p.m. Saturday •t Hunttnvton Harbour Yacht Club, 3121 Werner Ave., wilt benefit the North Hunt1"91on Beech Community Nursery SChoot. Admission Is $1. RECENT D•AWINGS by Tom Dowll~ wlll be shown from Tuesday to Frlct.y, May 22-26, In the Fine Arts Gallery on the UC Irvine campus. A reception Is scheduled from~ to 6 p.m. Wednesday. WATERCOLORSANDOILSbyOana Bartlett will be on exhibit at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drive, through Sunday. The paintings on loan from Kenneth and Marla Christensen of Newport Beach, represeat his pastel period and later use of Venetian tempera. Viewing hours are 11 : 30 to ~: 30. Benefit , Exhibitions by the Long Beach Rowmg Association and the Flying Carrasco Brothers. Southern C.:&lifornui skateboarding champions from Garden Grove. 3 · 45-4 · 15 p m -I 30-5 15 p.m Cf'lebration Choral Group G WC Rock Ensemble DiSplays -NON·OOMPETITIVE games for people of all uges, and a apellingbeefor6th, 7th and 8th grader:-. · ·u nisphere-Sat1re ·' STAGEZ Spanish Dance Troupe Spelling Ree Winners Antiques ,. . ...... w ......... -.... ...... --------~ 1:1.:~:.-:... -. l EDWARDS' HUNTINGTON Hun11ng1on Beach 848·0388 EDWARDS' CINEMA WIST Westm1ns1er 892·4493 I ....... W°N"o"..,'IM\(~ .. 1~•VMQ EDWlllOI' "°"°"' Cl•IMI Newport Beach 644·0760 IDWlllOI' ClllMI Cost<l Mesa ~6·3102 .... ... Display or an array of emergency disaster vehicles pro· vided by the H~tington Beach paramedics. fire department. civil defense, police helicopter, Red Cross bloodmobile, disaster van and Salvation Army canteen 10 15 10 30 a-.m lt :15 ll.30a m. Noon-12:30 p.m . l 2 :45lpm l.30-~pm Puppet Spectacular ·'I I .ove America ·· Er ic Davidovc, Mime Mike Killen, Acoustic Guitilr An antique show and sale will be held at the Saddleback Inn on Sun---------------------;;;.... Bruce Williams and John Wordes are chairmen or the festival co-sponsored by the Huntmgton Beach Coordinating Council and the college Here is a schedule of the times and locations 9 :30-10 :15 a.m •10:30-11:15 a.m 11 :30-noon ~2:30-12:45 p.m t -1.30 p.m 2-2:30 p.m J -3:30 pm SllOWMOBJLE STAG•: <~nldl'n West College Jlor k Ensemble "('h~wtnJ: Gum" Coastline Community College Show Band Presentation of Colors. Boy Scout Troop 1. Varsity Squad Huntington Reach High Schoc>I J ant Vocal f':nscmble lntroduc1wns Huntington lkach Ci ty Courw1 l ·M 1ss lluntmgton Beach & Court •ll•·t·ycling Center Groundbreaking W1•stmin~l<'r High School Choralccrs :'-tarma High School Jazz Band c; WC OJnC'e Ensemble NEWPORT'S ARTS ... 2 30-3 pm 3·30-3 ·15 pm 4 15 4 :lO 11 u.m und I p.m 10 am 11 ·30 ;1 m 1 p.m 10. 30 a .m.-11:45 a.m. Noon-1 p.m. I: 15p.m.·2:15 p.m . 2 :30 p m .-3:30 p m. 10 a.m l pm J p .m Puppet Spt'ctacular "I Love America ·· Mime -The Sile nt Majority €ric Davidovc. Mime FORUM II Children's rilm. "Ue11J1 " and Puppet Theater, .. Ramy a rd .. Admission·Sl ACTOR'S PLAYBOX Cinderella-Marina lhgh School Scenes from "Ct•h:brat1on "-Ocean Vie w High School Cinderell a-f'ounta tn Valley High Schoo l AMPHITHEATER GWC Rock Ensemble "Macbeth" Ryron CrNones GWC Hock Ensemble '"Meteors" SOFTBALL DIAMONDS Women's State Semifinal Game ChampionshJp Gam<' Champ1onsh1p Game c 1f necessary 1 day. from 10 a m . to 4 Pm. ·~ Featuring s o m e o f Southern Ca1trorn1a ·s finest c-ollector s . the s how will include d1s- pl ay s or Ame ricana , furnitur e and glassware. artfully displayed in the courtyard. .. An antique show a natural exteruuon of our atmosphere and decor as a benefit for the Or ange County Chapter or the March of Dimes als o demonstrates o ur mterest m the communi ty." said Grant G1kler In keepmg with the s pirit of the day. the Saddleback Inn will of Wha ' c k • ? fer an old lime menu From Page Cl t S 00 ing. and family style dinner in its coffee shop. s ide of the store Will have booths set Wh h h I r ·1 All pr""eeds from the · f ere can t e w o e amt y go to enJOY ~ up by a variety o community or· something this weekend for S3 per person or entry fees for the event grammed throughout the mall both days DANCE COMPANIF.S from Corona del Mar. Irvine. Cost<i Mesa <ind Laguna Rea<'h will pc.>rform in front of J .C. Pennt'y ·~ ;md th1• ;.irl"a in fmnt or Huffums Wiii prov11Jt-room for mus icians anti more troupes_ or dan- cers. The Southern California Acrobatic Team ISCATS) will perform hoth days from 3:30 p .m. to 4.30 p.m. near Bullock's Wilshire . There will be more musicians at the opposite end of the mall tn front of the Broadway and even the <'hildre n's play area at the center of the maJI Will get into thl' a ct With OD· ~oing puppet shows The arts commission and its volunteers in the Newport Beac•h Junior Ebe ll Club and the Costa Mesa Art League <Jrcn't the only ones involved in the festival. THE BUILDING that used to house Desmond's will ser ve as a n art gallery and the mall on the southwest ganizations less? will be donated lo the These include the Costa Mesa Art One answer is the Southern California In March of Dimes to sup· League, the Newport Beach Senior ternationaL Wine. Food and Culinary Arts Show port their efforts to pre. Citizen Center, the Newport Harbor at the Anaheim Convention Center. ventbirthdefects,the No. Art Must•um, the Bowers Museum's Und r 11 r· d · · 1 child health problem to-o c e a n o graph y di s play. the er one roo you' tn wme tastings, day. rood sampling, demonstrations or new Metropolitan Opera Guild and the microwave cooking. the latest in culinary equip For further informa- -f'riends of the Newport Beach ment, cookbooks, "Teen Cui sine" finals. and lion, call 835·3311 or Theater Arts Center. T he Orange Co~ty Philliarmoruc_e_v_e_n_t~_P~e~~i_C_h_a_l_~_n~g~e_boo __ th_. ~-------9_7_9_-~ __ o. ______ ~ Societ y will have a dis play or musical instruments so festival goers can find out which instruments toodle, strum or bleat. THE FRIENDS OF the Newport Bea~h Public Library will also be on hand with their annual book sales. The money they make goes into enrichment programs at the city's three libraries. And for potential fest ival goers who're concerned about the gas shortage, there'll be an easy way to take it in on Saturday when KNBC 's '"Everywhere" show broadcasts live from thf> festival from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. • ll MET~DWYN-MAYER PRESEN TS · . ..ON VOIGHT FAYE DUNAWAY RICKY SCHRODER 'THE CHAMP• JICK WARDEN ARTHUR HILL MUSIC BY DAVE GRUSIN SCREENPLAY BY WALTER NEWMAN BASED ON A STOfN BY FRANCES MARION Pf<ODUCED BY 0YSJN DIRECTED BY FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI LOVELL O?l(;.f'l/'4 SQ-.fl\IOTQJICM' ALlllJ.4 IM'll t.lll.E lJ" P\.Af\ET llECOOOS AND .A~S tiEAbft t a.Lt @'(@AO< MGM. 'edwards BRISTOL CINEMA" co.MIT "BREAD AND CHOCOLATE" •STOL AT MACARTHUI 140.7444 IOMN & 011111& &II IAO " . GHAH1P01 ) O>tcon • ll'tCl¥41"9 ... , ••ctw1• 101111 DI "'10 THf DUI HU NTH 111 I I) e , 00 & 1:)0 cl :m11; : ,; I MAltlSOH •O•o. IHlll ·AHNI OOWN 1 ... _ ,. ... ~ ... r.i.:i~ ... ~ .... r ______ ,_._· "..J'. HANOVfl SUHT •'Gt B;I ... ;.~r WOOOT AlllN e DIANI ICl&TON' MANHAnAN111 1lH e 1 He40e•4P e I 0 & 10 ., .... ,_,,__ .... _ ....... THf CHINA SYNDIOMl1P01 l'IUI FfDOtlAfl'OI , c .... °'GllAW INt ......... , ...... .. ,, __ , __ ,~,.-- ucHtHA SYMOllONr ,,., , ... "" .. ,,, ... _,...._ 'AClflC THIATIU DllYl·IN IU"I SWA' MllTS HAllOI ILYD. Drhie-ln s-, .._, S•• a '""· -• .,.. .. • ~ o-ANOI Orh•e·ln I a 2 ........ .,.-.. ~~·~ ..... _ '';.!:r.~"' ... _ 413·•MS C.l oeGI M&MlllOH A\ oeacu1a IN LOVE AT flHT llTf1Po1 'IUI JlNNIFll 'GI -" ._..... ...................... , ,.,, ... WINTU IUllS111 "UI VAN NUYS llVD111 GIOI C.I M&MlllON Al OIACUIA llt lOVf AT fllST llTf l'GI "UI JfNNIJll fl'OI T()Y AllH'l "AOf 109 .. ' DAWN Of THI DIAD ,,u, flOICIST II: tit( HrtfTIC 111 ---Weotltl ..... Of•"--··· CA&•OltNCA DllAMCNO c11 """ "'«Mt-v ..... n ... IUMMll IHI .. (:S DAILY PtLOT ~riday, May \8. 1979 Television l\INING .. ,_DUeOUT .. 11111 ,...,... .. .,_nu. ~ .......... .,.Loe -......~ .. ,,,.=ON9 0..-..... Deloto beoOfM .. .. -°' IMdlOel ............ _. nlty I :::. .• °'UN "'9NOllOO leoo'9'• --._...... tlon la._... ... bv • '*· QOttm aeen• ..._,.. .,... "* Md tacttoa ......... ...... -~IM'f a.-. ~0.-..19.le winner OI IOUI jjOld IMdela (Al • TWOMANIA The •!Ort Of .. ~ ~I· ~'; .... GIMCNIWI ·=·· CANDC>~ OOCCAWTT au.!; Lewie Mumtord -~UMWMI "0.tlny OI The Unl...,M Cl) ~WfTI OMllW...,.. Ou.I: T~ Capote, s i-Au«*!, Jimmy .... lln. l'ou11g L,,,,_. Lt•1 f (~urrctl pl<•).., Hum~·o tu UrmJh• Shtt·l<ls · .J ullt'l 1 n :1 -.,kit tor Garrt:t t ':> varie ty !>J>el'tal ;.i1nng tontght al 8 on CBS, Channl'I 2 7:00 cee...a .c...a • \IOTEM' PtP£UNE "Secremen10 01111111n11 Ho•I Jim COO()ef (I) THE MUPPETS Oueet AJioe CooP<>f ..wl. VWID GAMl MCNIWS Cl) JOKBra Wtl.D ~ANDaoN 21TOMGHT 1;00 8 (I) lElf GAAAETT SPECIAL FAMI DIGUT (Al 1:30 8 NIXT ITEP IEYOHO "Other Voices" I DANCEFEWR DATINOGAME (fl HOUYWOOO QJAMi I TIC TAC DOUGH ~12 The C'-la on .. Ille on1. C«'8 ..n:n for • nuge angry dog and an 11111.iv. l>urgler • MACNEJ!. / LEHAP AIEJllORT • Bot> Hope, Brool<e Sn1oldg, Mane Osmond •nd f Itµ Wilson join L11lf Garrett tor en hour of music &fl>J comedy D OIFF'AENT STAOt<ES Arnold, IM!lng leh out by 1111 l>uay l•mlly, comes up "'1111 • novel wey 10 get •henllOn (R) 8 OMAIE DAY U.S.A. Jonn Travolle, Ollvt• Newton-John, An<IV Gibb •nd Yvonne EHiman are among Ille a1ar1 •llend1ng the Hollywood premle<e o f "Gr-" et Ille Chlo11se Clta11nPI ~fllting• 8 KNX T 1CBSJ LO~ An9,..h• > 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Anq1•I•·-, a KILA 11no 1 Ln.,.A nc:w1t·" 8 MBC· TV I ABCI Lo .., AnrJ" • (tl K~MB cCBS1 5dn O'"''" 0 KHJ TV (lnO I Le·~ Ar) :i ·lt•. (f6' KCST IABC1 s,.11 1J,.•t111 ID K rrv (Intl ' Ln•, An , ..... Cl) KCOP TV (lrH! I Ln-. Ar"l"" fill KCET· rv 1 PB~J l 11 Altq•·lt Ci> KOCE· TV 1 Pf:S~1J H11n11n q1c1t1 !:J,.,, " TllMtra, f~ by a '50a rock 'n rou cateorauon 8 QI MACKENZIU OF PAAADtBE COV£ Cudli pull up hia llsnlng l>Olil fO 1>8Ck up 8 btt1 he haa on Mtt.lio<M 10 win a rac. In 1111 upcoming treck meat C1J MOVIE • •·~ '!he Valacr.1 PBPttrl' l 19121 Charles Btonaon. Uno Venlura A nOtOflOUI undefW()tld f1g- u1e decides tO' ·1es1tty before a Senate 1nves11ga1- 1~ committee (2 nrs I GI CAAOl BUAHETT ANO FRIElifOS Sklla: "The Femuy," "The Old Ounflghte< · CD MOVIE ••Vt "Merrill's Mareud· .,, .. ( 1962) Jett Cnandler. Ty Hardin, In Bu<ma. O.n- erel Franlr, Merrlll end his men try to destroy a Sir&· tegic Japanese village dur· I~ Wor1c1 War II (2 firs I fil '1') WASHINGTON WE.EJ( IN REVIEW 1:30 0 HELLO. LARRY A nt!W1y.di.01ctt0 l airy 1ry1n9 to mr..,t some al•g1 t ie females. ~~"" a ~wing. 1ngs1~1tis1>11f 1m (D THE 000 COUPLE I nil• dlgcovers · a11 O(.lero s1ng11r but •he's too shy 10 sln9 1n pUOl•C • •• WAUITMST ... "Tiie ..._,.. .. TMla Ma fr"9" 0-1 Joaepll E Gt--., ....... UfN Gt81W!M Mettlat L.._ " l:tlU.:-cuca°' 80M HoQe tleCOfl'IM more Ulen .... ~ ""*' lie laert19 ..... 8o and lull• !\aft llljeQlted Illa .....,._,, of llll!gal llot~ IRI .~ ...... Aoc;lllofd and 1111 old nemH I• Lt Cllapman IJ-Llllall are forced to work '•'* 10 r-vllilHlble pelntlnga elOlen from Ill• new po11ca commiMlorW (RI I ~ .. LAucaH 111 MC MOV1I "Tiie AMurn Of The Moel Squed" f Premletel Mlcne.4 COie, Peggy Lipton An .. a _,,..,..., ~ from Ille poiic. fOl'C., delact111•a Pat•, Julie and line return to n.1p In.Ir old bo ... wno •• Ille victim of myalefioua snipe< attecka I MPW OIW'FIN MASTUIPIECE TMEATAE Lilll• Homa On The Range Llllle a apec1ecu1ar ataoe suocna on !wO con· 11nanta 11 oampenea by Ille ION of two of '* grNleal IOvat (R) ~NOVA "The New HM*•" Non· tr1tdl11onal llaallll care fect1t11M are apotUghted In T •nzan1e. Guatemala and 11141 Unned Statea-(RI IUO D J08£PH ANO JULIAN 10:00 :·~ill.LAS Pam d des to help her brothe< mp•1on for state se1u110• 11galns1 the man hB(!ktKI by the Ewlng lam1. ly (RI II THEOUKE Dulle Is lr•meO for murder by the hillbilly l11m11y ol 11 young woman ha wet nired tollnd DD NEWS II) NtOHT GALlEl!'Y "Cle .. Of '99" A tNCtier of tomorrow la an lostruc· tor on bigotry. "Sellafec· lion Ou•r•ntaed" An Impeccably dressed gen· lleman Is en unuaualty fus. !t_MIPloy., tEJ AOYAl HERITAGE George IV" George IV, a l&ad8r Of lash100 anO 1nte· rior OeS!Qn. was ltle great· e~I '""""nee on the Royul Collectton and bu1ld1n9s tRI U!) VIEWS OF ASIA "lndona~•a Unity In 01ver- s11y" John Temple exam· 111e.s trio culture! dlverstty .TUBE TOPPERS CBS 9 8:()0 -Lei( Garrett SpeciA.l. The teen rock star hosts an hour of music a nd com edy with Bob Hope. Rrooke Shields and Flip Wilson. <See photo at left l . KTLA e 8:00 -Grease Day USA. "Gre a se" stars John Travolta and Olivia Ncwton·J ohn headline this special based on their hit movie. AOC D 9:00 -"The Return of the Mod Squaa." The cast of the 1960s TV series ~lchael Cole. Peggy Lipton and Clarence Williams III -come out of re tirement in this new TV movie. ol ~•.•country wl1tl 300 atllnlc gtoupa. 10:•••--- 11:001 ·.Cl) 111 HEWS MN<E .. LAUBH MOVIE • • * "Portrall In Bleck" (1960) Lana Turner, AnlhO-nv Quinn. A doctor ano Na femele aecompllc• attempl 10 huten 111e death of ,_ tycoon 11u1band (2 fire 1 • CHtCO AHO THE MAH Chico fella In love with a girl whO won't _, kl<* 111 lllm becMIM he 18"'1"°8 ,,., Of ,.,., ••·llance • TMl IENNY HILL IHOW 8aMy iw-11 • b<illlanl tue-off of • farnoua TV llulbend and wtl• eooklflQ tNm In "How To COOi!" SI DIC*< CAVETT Gueef l-18 Mumford 11:30 IJ Cl) NBA 8A8KETBAll LMI coverage of an NBA pl•y·otl geme Teams and locatton to be announced 0 TONIGHT Host Johnny Carson Questa EydMI Oorme, Or Landon Smllh, Dudley MOOl'e D SOUPY SALES D QJJ SOAP Joelle proposes mart1age to Carol. and Jessica agr-to nave Cnester underoo brain surgery (RI • THE OONG SHOW G) OETSMAAT CONTROL tries to lltde King Cllarlea from KAOS ~ta (Part I) tll CAPTIONED A8C NEWS 12:00 Q TWILIOKT ZOHE OIM!f Cr1"g1e oecodes 10 lake •evenge on "" the ev11 C>"<>Ple 1n the wor Id • JUKEBOX 01Je~1s l'llOI. Alex H8f'\ley Ba1ry Ryan And Charlie Cl) OETSMART Even 99 hes problems 1e11- Ing the King end Mu !2W1(Part2) • NOVA "The Naw tiNlera" NO<I· 1radlt1onat naattll care laclNllM ere epotllglllad In Tan.ianMI, Guatamala ano 11141 United Stat" 12:03 8 ll§l BAAETTA A OHf·mute shoathlne boy tr-to ·~ Iha r•pa •nd •tlempted mur- der o f • youno ratlglous worker (RI 1a:ao e MOYIE • • ,..., "Where The Bullets Fly" ( 1968) Tom Adema. Oewn Addarna M ..,. plane aut>etance tS guard· ad tty -.c<et llgllnll ( 1 fir . 55 mon I • MOVIE • * "Phenlom 01 42nd Str8et" 119451 Dave O'Brten, Ka~ Aldtleh A 1>ru1a1 murder !likes plllCe In 11 New York lheatre ( I hr , 30 min I II) MOVlE • • • I !)n1gnt We Sino I 19531 Elio P1nu. Anne Bancroft Sot l'lurot< • Russian t>ecomes sue· c.flfl.ll 1n Amortcan opera m•naoernent (2 hrs I 1:00 0 MIONIOKT SPECIAL Hosf Journey Guests Tiie Jec ~sons Herbt8 Hancocit. Anita Waro. Le111 •no The Rock a1s D MAV£AICI( 1:108 MOVIE ..... 'The Pit And Thi! PenOulum I 196 II VtnC8nl Price. JOhn Ke<r A man usumes his oeeo lather i. 1oon11tv when ru, wt•o snd ner 'Over 1ry to <lttv6 "'m 1n'-11n ... ( i ht ~ m in t 11.Q, AOAM· 12 OtflCf!• M•llOy ~()QI, ""' P!·I 1n a lour>1lro<n~1 1:30f) NEWS 2:00 0 MOVIE • • •, Whn l<tlllXl r 110 Myst!friO"~ Mr foster? TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS 1 t170) EmMt iorpte, ·= ::·:. "::.:: wewnne. 12 lln.) ·~ * * "Tiie OtU111t 01 T 11t1u" llMI) J4lmee "'-'OOll. FreNi Moten. An ~ llOul Md llCClflOlr:I ...... ..... C8Ught In a .. °' ~ ll'lwOMnO. ~ rlOua ...,., beeuty. ( 1 "' • 66 .... , • • MOVil **** "0-Ala TM [)eye" I tte3) 0.. Devle, Ruby 0.. A Pf-'* tri. lo rlilorm a Cf't* pl.Wlle- flon ~. (2 nru Z:tte HIWI ~1= • • •.; "Cougar Country" 1 t9711 Documentary A c:ouger namecs w11._..., • growa trom cub to mature eat In Illa natural llet>ltat ( 1 ht 55 min I tm OETIMART Mu's peraonat anOOPlflQ 1ee<11 to • clue •bout • llAOS r_c,, lab 2:te>8 NlW8 3:00. MOVIE • •1h "The Story Of Molly X" C 19501 .kine Ha..oc. Joho Ruuell All.. her llua«>end la k llled, a women H8CU1 .. • --of rob- ber1ea with '* fluat>and'. gang wt\11e Mllrctllng '°' hta murder., 11 111 • 30 min) 3:660 MOVIE • • • "file Fool Kiiier" '1~51 Anthony Perlona. Edw•rd Alberl Jr Follow. ino 11111 Covil War 1n the Oee(l Soutr. •runaway 12· y"8r·Old t>Oy encounters " t>r00d1no Viileran wrlh a troubi.d m1no 12 nrs I 4:00 IJ STEV£ EOWAA08 • MOVlE • • • · Knock On Any Ooor" I 19491 Humpnray Bogart. J<>M Oe<ale. A youno Chicago hOOd goes on lrl•I for muroer1ng a POfiGeman (2 hi$ I 4.30 0 MOVI( • PP•,,Rtoon Caml'I 11•1t; It I OU•s Penerc: Nora HIHOPn A p111ro1 of Oon1sn ~.,.o..,,, elr.nq the Gara "'"P •iruog•e 1c ••eo l t;u,,1a111u1 francn pertormer "''"' nttr c11ll tn a catJa .. 1111t1 nr JOm10 I (fl NEWS .., \ I I K 11 \ \ MON•• ........ •• --1····-.• MYCITYROILW ~ DAWYAND GOUAnt l =:v~~ ~NIC NIWi Cl) ..... Mtf 111 THI COUMaOfl OURT..a 7:00. DUeTY'8 Trt81IOC• • Al.YIN AND THE Dlll'H.JNICI I ::~~ HOTRJOGI ILIMINTMW NIWi WOMIN: RIAL TO Mil. • YOGA'°" HIAL.TH Cl) .,.,,,,... 7:aG. MAN.O AND THI MAGIC MOVi. W.0- FANTMTIC PQJR PMWllW 0 '""""'""' THI LONE MNCllR THATllNOUGH ~M>OU llG IUJE MAMU CUllN 1:00 I CJ) PONYE OODZJU.A 9""1' IO MOW • • • "War Pa<nt" f 19S3) Rot>ert Sieck. Joan Taylor Mernbets of the calllllty •tternpt 10 dell..., • ~ 11 .. 1y to Illa Indiana (1 llr .• 30m1n I • 9 SUPEAFMHOe D M>U..EJt SUPEMTAM • MOVIE •a• "The Barkley• Of Broadway" ( 19491 Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogan. A ''-"!Cal couple apllt• up ov ... dlugf.--1 c:on- c.rning II'*'•"""'•· onty •o hnO th•I ~ love tor eedl 01het ta rftltaltad. 12 llB .. 30m1n ) fl) ONE SUP£Al.ATIVE SOHO t.ri•ldrfln w11n special health problem• e•pe<•· 1:30 m SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA fD MAKINO THINGS WORK 'Blind Ambition' Frighteningly Real TV Drama By J ERRY BUCK LOS ANGELES r l\P l "Bland Ambition." ~ased on J o hn Dean 's account of the W a t erga t e scand a l , is a mr n isl'ries that is at o nce mar.velous and fnghtenanJ:( Powert•d by s uperlf wrrtrng, direction and act 111g, .. Rltnd Ambition" carries a hard edge or Tl'ality that makes It :.nap and crackle with e xcitement. The first two·hour segment airs nn CBS on Sunday at 8. w•th s ubse· t1u enl chapters Monday. Tues· day and Wednesday nights at 9 on Channt>I 2. It 1s one thing to read about this or that dirty t rick. or to see the hearings on television. To sec the conspirators actually sit· ting there in the White House or the attorney general 's offi ce. cas ually discussing illegal ac· livities -albeit in a dramatiza· lion -is positively chilling. MOST PEOPLE are aware of wbal happened in Watergate, but as Dean said during filrrting or "Blind Ambition," "This !!hows how it got there." It is only a dramatization. but it's a most effective one as writ· ten by Stanley R. Greenberg and directed by George Schaefer. Martin Sheen doesn't reall y look like John Dean. who c&lls himself the linch pin or the Watergate cover -up, but he plays the part with such force. drive. intensity, that he quickly becomes Dean. THERESA RU SSELL looks more l i ke Dea n 's '<!liife. Mauree n . a nd s he. too. us most pe r s uas ive as sbe wrestles with the woman's private demons during Dean's womanizing before their mar· riage and the pressure s of , Wa tergate. Tht· De ans ' own personal story 1 ~ woven into Watergate. bet·u use they were inseparable ~md each affected the other. Greenbt.irg has becom e one of television's leading pn1clltioners of docudrama. with s uch previous e fforts as "Pueblo ... "The Mis · s les of Octobe r " and "The Silence ... He spent two years adapting the eight-hour screenplay from Dean's book, "Blind Ambition ... Mrs. Dean's book, "Mo," ex· t e nsive interviews wi th the Deans. the White !louse tapes and the files of Sen. Sam Ervin's Watergate Committee and the House Judiciary Committee that considered P resident Nixon's impeachment. SIX WORDS IN the fi rst hour of the second ch apter were censored by CRS. The words. which occur in a brief scene in the White House Oval Offi ce, we r e . said the ne two rk , ''blasphemous and offensive to a large segment of the audience.·· ''I'm astonished ," said Green berg. "I would say this does 'All Quiet' Due HOLLYWOOD <AP \ A re· m a ke of .. All Quiet on the Western F ront" will be seen next year on the Hallmark Hall of Fame when the series moves to CBS after 28 years on NBC. Richard Thomas a nd Ernest Borgnine star in the ad aptation of the novel by Eri~h Maria Remarque . FROM Fash ion Island New~ort Beach ___ ..., _ _. ..... .,,. ... more damage to the reputation of the nt"twork t han to the dram<1 . ,\s I unde rs tand 1t, they're rt•nsorm~ the dramatiza. t100 or lhe White House tapes. We dramutiZt.'d them accurately every grunt. every ,. sitation . every cough. The words they are excising arc not my words, not the actors' words. but the word~ said by the president and tus advisers.·· Greenberg said Dean had no sc ript control. but was very he lpful in checking fo r ac- curacy. "After I finished the rirst draft we went over it page by page. speech by speech." he s aid . "Then I annotated the script. noting where every single line of dialogue ca me from. Any time we made a change we con· suited with Dean. "TIDS SHOULD BE seen in the context of John Dean not try· ing to hide anything. It should be seen in its entirety. You will come away feeling here are two people who hav e ba r ed themselves fo the Am e rican public as no one has e ver done before. ·'They came out as they were, not perfect. Heaven knows, they made mistakes. John has called himself the linchpin of the COO· s piracy. 'Mo' has recalled many things about he r persona l li fe. many of whic h are un· pleasant. But I think you will know them and like them." He said he did not t hink the mi n i se ri es in any way whitewashes Dean or minimizes his ro le in the cons piracy. "Remembt!r," Greenberg said, "it was J ohn Dean who took on the president. It was John Dean who blew the whis tle before anybody kne w there were the tapes to back up his testimony." .. • WATERGATERS S t ur~ of TV's ·B lind Amh1 - t1on·· in c lude 1 Lop row. from I l' f t ) M a r l 1 n Shl·cn a~ John •-can, Ed Flan· d(.'rs as Charles Shaffe r. Theresa Ru sse ll as Ma ureen Dean; 1m1ddlc r o w ) Willi a m Daniels a s G. Gordon Liddy. Rip Torn as Richa rd Nix- on. John Ran· dolph us John Mitchell : cbot- t o m r()W) G r a ham Jarvis a s J o h n E hrl ic hm a n . Lawrl'nce Pressman as H . R . Halde m an- a nd James S l oya n as Ronald Ziegler. c;\NG\NG r~ f-\. c(t, °'~ \'-c., ~ 't 0 842-2697 ___ ..--... _ .. .., ...... STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR •• t ' ...... _. •••••• t • '( .... ·~ I.. MOVIE-REVIEWS Fri<My, May 18, 1979 DAILY PILOT (9 , ·. 'Mll••atta•' Gets to Big Apple's NeurOtie Cflre ·. ''MANMAnAN,. contt.ues Woody Allen's natwal history of neuralk New Yortl City. NotntuMyat "AM .. Hefl'' or a1 .....,....-M "Interiors," tM newfltme.....,.. ,.....,. tlt'OUftd al ................. Tltls tlmtAHM II a TV~ ., .. ., ........... 1r .......... toat7.,...... ...... K._.. .WI (M9ttll ~y) Md a ,..... "'·r:-41Mw-KHton). m....-toklM both, but that 11 tN storv of his llfe. W0octv Allen 11 th. most ot"19'nel tllmmeker In Amerk• today, and this wortt brlsttes wtttt outrageous ldNs end bt'9ht banter. New Yorti Is lovlngly photograpNd In ~k end white by Gordan Wiiiis, end the production lsembelllsMd by• gowveous Gershwin sc~. TM retina Is R because of a couple of four.letter worcts. Allen's eppeal fore PG ratlnc;a wudenled. tNEVITABL Y CONFUSING? Marthe Keller "FE DORA" deserves more attention than it probably w ill get. Based on a Tom Tryon novella, it tells of a shoe- string producer's efforts to lure a Garbo-like star out of retirement. Somewhat old fashioned and persistently downbeat, it continues the black period of veteran filmmaker SUPPLIES CREOIBIUTY W-.mHoklen Biiiy Wlldef. But e.ven lesser Wllder Is better than the efforts of most of I Oday·,. hotshot directors; he retain'> a sure aim at Hollywood 's idiocies and human trail ties. Will lam Holden, in a role sim ilar to his In "Sunset Boulevard," supplies credlblllty to the tar-fetched plot. The performance by M arthe Keller Is confusing, perhaps Inevitably so. Henry Fonda and Michael York play themselves w ith not much conviction. Rated PG, with one semi-nude shot and a little profanity. ''HAIR" is a joyous celebration of the liberating 1960s, a r are flight of creative Imagination w idening the dimensions of the movie musical. II was fortuitous that "Hair" was not converted to f ilm In the wake of its explosive Impact as a stage attraction. The perspective of time <and the end of the V ietnam War> was needed to assess the effectsof revolutionary attitudes. The movie script (by M ichael Weller) Is Involving and cohesive, following an Oklahoma draftee's Introduction to the drug-protest-love chlldr,en scene of Manhattan. The direction by M ilos Forman is miraculous; singing· the Star Wars of m~ie musicals! -Jeffrey Lyons, CB&R8dlo n-EF'LM . HAIR II• •'"' ~~,. "'IPfred, eMIM ~t~,.._... by JCIM S.v-ve1 !.!~~t Wllllems Md Bevttly o·~"'"-.could no1 be betttt. The rettno Is PG beceutit of teml~lty end coeru~.~ m'9ht elso be ecttlMd for perents wt.o ere Ntlly offended by enu-es~lshment views. -.tu•~ tenon In movie meklnQ by the numbtn: I. Take • film cleulc, thencNngeltcom- pletely. 2. Cast strictly by type: Jeson Rob41rds •s Capt•ln Queeo-Ahab, Mia Farrow as his heedstrong daughter, Mex Von Sydow as the ldeallstlc doctor, Trevor Howard as the blustery priest. 3. Concoct a romance between American girl and native chief, add a hint of Incest, Island sex rituals, tots of POrtentous dlalogue, and storm scenes that won't Quit. The ' re~ult is a luau of over.r ipe papaya and soured POI. The ~cenery es nice. Rated PC , with a brief sceneot sem1- nud1ty. "THE CHINAS YNDROME" could scarcely be more topical. TV reporter (Jane Fonda) and cameraman <Mlctiael Douglas> combine with a nuclear plant official (J~ck Lemmon> in an effort to alert the public to potential catastrophe from a Southern California reactor. The characters are never more than skin-deep, but the events are Important, and director James Bridges builds the lenslon to an almost unbearable pitch. The issues raised by the film are vital to everyone . Rated PG, with a few expletives. "A LITTLE ROMANCl;"is well-titled\ an unpretentious movie filled with small delights and uncommon charm. The romance is youthful and innocent · a French boy and an American girl living in Paris meet by chance and fall in love. They run off on a sentimental trip to Venice, aided by a boulevardler of aging charm. Director George Roy Hill deftly avoids sticki· HELD OVER! 23rd WEEK RAFFISH BOULEVAROIER Laurence Ollvler ness, drawing inspired perfor- mances from the attractive youngster s, Diane Lane and Thelonius Bernard. Laurence Oliv ier is Ideal as their companion, and solid suppart comes from Sally Kellerman, Arthur Hill and Broder ick Cr awford. The latter partrats Broderick Crawford, a role he does to perfection. The rating Is PG, but there seem s to be little to prec lude an enjoyable outing for the entire family. "THE CHAMP" is a frankly sentimental tale of the love between an over·the-hill boxer and his understanding son. Jon Voight plays the fallible father in good style, though he .. ._ __________ ..,. ______________________ _. ..... WINNER Of 3 AmDEMY AWARDS en -7:1 .. IUO ....... ,.~ ....... Tl•u• .. ~wonl ll"IJI , ...... Best Actress Jane Fonda Best Actor Jon Voight Best Original Screenplay Waldo Salt & Robert c.Jones Story by Nancy Dowd : •• t •• •• • • ... • '·. ;. • ~ ' ' . . . ' .-.. ,., .· . l I i • • •'", ' • • ' ''• .,,._-. ' . . " . . ,. . ~ ..... \., ,. " ~:;.;r··· ... ~ . • .. 4 ..., •o t'\ ri "" f~~ • ..,, AJEAOME HEU.MAN ~ •HAL ASHBY,_ Janeft>nda Jon \Qight Bruce Dem "Camilli Home" ......... '• .. . ·· . .. < seems al,,_. too Melttt~ to be on tMaldl. Rlcky.Scbmdlr Is t;. SUMNny 1-yeer-ofd~ •nd he Is eblolutefy perfect, t-aye OUMway Is .n.ctlve as VofOht's ex-wife, tttouott the reason tor U*t bteek-up Is not cleerly deflMd. The entire IN'Oductlon Is flrst-clns. remlnlscent of MGM lnltsheydey. Reted PG. "NOftMA RAl!'L rs en lntetllatnt _. f,......uy moving soclef drama about suppression of workers' rlQttts In cotton mills of tocMy's South. It Is also • Pygmalion story of the awekenino of • young SOUthern women's mfnd by • union orgen- lnr from N9w York. TM fllm succeedS on both levels. Selly Field ts the late-blooming cru~. Her performence slgnels the start of the 1979 Academy race for ~t actress. Ron Lelbfnen Is persuasive •s the Jewish pariah In the compeny town, and Beau Bridges has a tell Ing scene as Norma Rae's bewildered husband. Rated R. "OLD BOY FRIENDS" is about a woman psychologist who decides to look up her former beaux, thinking that if she relives her experiences with them, she'll be better equipped to handle her present problems .. , It's an ~Ing premise but as written~ Paul and Leonard Schract.r It falls flat. Talia Shire, playing wHh many of the same fidgety mannerism s that worked in "Rocky," comes across as an unpleasant neurotic r ight from the start and that impression Is never changed as she tampers selfishly with the men In her past : John Belushi, Richard Jordan, Keith Carradine. Buck Henry and John Houseman. But the ending is· a cop.out. Sex scenes are not explicit and the R rating appears to apply to the language. "SUPERMAN," for all its pretension an<l apulence, ts stll the same dumb comic book about a'man who can fly. This t ime instead of saving old ladles from burning building'> he's patching up the San Andreas Fault. The special ''MA•DaMt•H Ults'GllrWe (:. Scott as• mkfwestlt HI~ dncendlna Into Ute Mii the West CO.St porno world lft search ol hl1 ruMWay daugftter, Season Hubley portrays• prostitute who aids the hunL Paul Sctwader Ms written.,.. directed• film tMt succ..- not only n a S4~1nsetut drama but also as a soc: at document. The Cruea.I etemeftt II Scott as Ute retlgious fundameft. tallst. Tbe rating Is R. HELPS FIND RUNAWAY Season Hubley JORN El OLIVIA AND THE ~ GANG ARE BACK! STARTS TODA\ ....._.,~ SALT ... ROBERTCJC>te ..,..,NANCY DOWD ~.,,,,.,__,HASt<ELL WEXLER __..,._BRUCE OllUIERT ,._.,JEROME HEl.J.MAN DI.-HALMKrf. MU PLAZA Oll••E Mill awAIDI' YIUO ~·· Brea 529·5339 Cl .. ALAllD Anaheim 635·7601 Orange 637-0340 MllllOn VlefO 830-6990 ..nlCOAIT ... , .......... Costa Mna 546·2711 Wtnnlnstlr 534-8282 --· WllTW l1lll Gardin GrM 530-4401 ,,..._ Dllft.ll Orlnae 839-8170 - .. Frldey. Mey ta. 1179 ·Sqsan RaUes Eyebruws ---·~e Group'8 Fans 'Falling in Love Again' •1 LIM aOllN80N Tben aren't any "Suuna" 1n lhe new aroup SUaan, * l\litarilt Tnm otcld~ says. "Ont'c evel'YQM reall.-that we're four auys, wt>'ll raise a &ot o( eyebrows. Calling ourselvff Suun waa more fWa that comln1 up wilh 8<>mt-rock bead DlllDI Ute Shanface." "We didn't want the obvious rock and roll aame bb everybody elae," adds • usan's leurt SlDlf'f Charlet Leland. "You know, ull those m»lc bands with mat' ho names like TrlltlJer and Rt· oh,., There's nothlna wront( with tho:.t' n»mt•i., w1• JUlt didn't want a '&Ot\, heMv)' rock namt' Wt· wanted somelhlna that wouldn't PIKt'<>nhol.-our muak." THE rova GUYS In Susun are Ll'IOnd, Tom Okkie, Mkk Leland und Ricky H> 111 Describing the mselvfS us u s1mplt· ·· b11~:. drums and two guilltr band ... tht•y r1l11yed lht• Boston club t•ircwt for awtulc bt·forc rd1w1111n~ in New York City. . Texas Jazz Ba1id Diw in Fullertoti The nationally acclaimed One O'Clock J<ff1 Lab Band of North Texas State Un1vt:rs1ty of fers its only Southern California conce rt th1' season at 8 p. m. Monday. in the Little Theater at Cal State. Fullerton. · Leon Breeden . often called tht: "dean or J<u.1. education," directs the ensemble. The band '~ appearance is s ponsored by the university's music department. "The list of honors for Breeden and his Orw O'Clock Jazz Lab Band goes on and on." ~aid Don Gunderson. director or CSU F ':. J aZ?. Ensemble. "They've received Grammy Award nomm11 lions. been s ponsored on State Department tours and performed at the While House.·· Tickets will be available at the door or may be purchased in advance from the CSU f' music department office between 8 a .m. and 5 p.m. Monday. Prices are $4 for the public and $2.50 ror students. A group rate is available for parties of 10 or more. Dome Bill Groups Join Ja"i Orange County rock bands, raced with a lack of local venues a nd the blase attitude <if Los Angeles record companies, have turned. not surprisingly;to self-promotion. Seven of area's more enterprising youni:: bands have joined with TM E productions and KEZY FM for "Homegrown J am. Orange County Style," this Saturday al Santa Ana Stadium. Doors open at noon for a 10-hour bill that will feature the well-known Local Talent Band, Prophecy, Windjammer. Yankee Rose. A vante Garde, Sky face and the reggae or Friends. Tickets, $6 each, are on advance sale at Ticketron and will be available at the door. SUNDAY AND \11£DNESDAY MATINEES 2P.M. GET OUT YOUR HANDKERCHIEFS MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "A LITTLE ROMANCE" (PG) "THE CHAMP" CPGJ "COMING HOME" "SAME TIME NEXT VEAR " (R) "HANOVER STREET",PG) '·'MANHATTAN" (A) ~ ..... ,...., Staci I Um "BATTLESTAR GALACTICA" "LOGAN'S RUN" (PG) "OR EASE" "FOUL Pl.AV" (PO) "MANHATTAN" .. REVENGE OF THE PINK PANTHER" (R) . [...___· ___ R_o _c _K_T_A_LK _ __..J SUAun may lH! u nl'w band. but Charles Leland rlalrn' ttky'vt-tw~n under a lot of pres i;urt.• nln•ady ... ht•ou:.c our record started to ~<·l ,1 lot of 111rplay in tht· markets where we've ,,1.1 1'd We• did 11 lot o r gigs under really ad· \ t'r ">t' rornhtwn:-1. 110 :.oundchet'ks things likt: 1h:11. lJul Uh w1."~1· ~en i.:oing along, we've been morl' t•ortftd t•nt and rduxed 'As :m 111>e•n111i.: Ul't <Sw;an opens Graham t• ti rk,•r'i. l'Urrcnt tourl we can't really ha\4e .111ylhin).{ hlX'<'tJt·ulur u b far as spec1al effects 1111• <·om•t•rnt·tl Wt: huvc a very simple. straight .1ht·url thu1~ W1"n· JUSt u four-piece band doing lht' lllW>H' \\c llu. und I lhmk we put it a cross I t'd ll)' Wl'll "t:V•:N1TAl.l.V WE'LL be interested in "'l'hl,l tl'ttll'd lighting and s tuff hke that. but I li.!ltl 1111w \H' r\· luc·ky 1r the stage 1s well lit and lhl'rt' ~ J :-pol li ght 011 the person s inging lead." l;1u gh' Charh·:-, · 1 ·m surl· W("rc probably a pop-oriented ban<I. therl"~ no doubt about 1t But it's kmd of :.1 lly lo µul labl'ls on us. because it's all one 1ht11l: Ynu t:an tw vc a so-called punk band hk{· "l'h1· l'la:.h. nr a hand hkc lluntcr /Ronson. a nd l ('I nw. we'n• all r<H"k and roll bands, really Tht·n "s n•ally nnt a gn ·at deal or difference:. ltd\\ l'('n II!> "Thc·r<' m;r y Ul' pohttral differe nces hi'! wt:'.cn bands. orw band might write a bout a hoy rclat1onsh1 p, onc m ight write about the rev 11lut11111 , but as far us the music goes. music 1!'> -mus u· Labl'ls a n• ror thl' critic:. ilnd the· wnlt•r:-·· Susan's 1lt•hul LP. "Fallini:t In Love J\).{iun ... fral urcs a s1.•. y pop tribute ca lled "Marknc '' Why a song <.tboul Marlene Dietrich"! "TOMM\" WANTED to do a song with a lady's name." s:11d Charles. "and rm not sure "ho actuall y s<.11d it first. but we said why not do a song about Marlene Dietrich" ··Basically we wanted to write a song that would capture some or the feeling or those old films. 'cause• 'n"rc.all into old movies. that kmd of nal\'<' scxuallly thut was going on then A :-ong that was naughty and nice al the same 11m1• 1-0 lhat :-ho"~ that c:.ime about Oh\'1ously shl' was one or the b1~o~(!!>t stars ;ind 11 'L"asy l<i wrrll' ;,ibout !-iOmcbody hkc her . ~hl"::. "0 'iCXY " As for his own s exy ima~c. Charles Leland ;1dm1ts that hl' docs try and project that on-~tagc to a c~rt<trn extent: "That's Just natural." he ~ays. "The sont(s are straightforward things I hat anybody can understand and it 's easy to put that across. Dul I think our appeal has been pretty broad between male and female." . NOW PLAYING AT TWO EDWARDS CINEMAS ••voices"'' A love story beyond words. MCTRo-GOl.DWYN-M.lVLR oresen11 "VOICES" su•nnv MICHAEL ONTKEAN ·AMY IRVING· ALEX ROCCO W11nc11by JOHN H[R/HLD Sono' A SGOle OyJIMMY WEBa PrOOuced by JOl WIZAll Ooret1e1l by R08£Rl MARKOWITZ A JO( Wll.AN ProdUthon MfTROCOl.OR" "• .. 1 .... ·.vP"(~ "•lWC• Or~ ..,.,.,n'"'' OlOum .... '""" °" ~ R<c.olos ""° 1~~ · f PC{•""'~ i:ui~1 ~tCCtsn~ -. _;:::;;::, --&·• ···=~·M • .. , ... ;;.: MGM ; TUMbtdArtlstl -''IW""I.. t••·""'•C.•.. I A~c.•~ AT BOTH CINEMAS ... to love each othft' forever ... "THE PROMISE"<"> l / .. CALIFORNIA DREAMING" "OUR W1NNINO SEASON" (R) ---lmM..,..1 ti.£MAL»rot1~ ~.,.l'C._ .. _,,, ____ ll'd ....... • RICHARD PAYOR •111(1£.IUUlml&tal~ ldt~rtfNll»S) '!l .. '.t!NCE,RTU;P1,) JR) '*-'11tll>MIOOCY.wusnu 11t111g\JMLP.i ~ .......... lllliiiiim~iiiiiijWJ.iliiymrgiiiiii.i ............ ('lll_~~-o..~~:~:--::~!!.!~~..,,,,:t?f •1 "THE DEER HUNTER" (R) "THE BOYS IN COMPANY C" EDWARDS' FOUITAll EDWARDS' llUITOl ALL D•tYS•INI ONN 6&11,.M...-Mn. T HlllY TWIN Santa Ana 540·7444 Fountain Valley 839· 1500' • C• ... U 111',_U..._. • KIHle Ml ca••LA• Anaheim 635·7601 • ............... ~ .. ·--· .... ., ... • ·-~ .. Glow Power T1~mo1-row I!-. _the last run for Disneyland ·s · ·satur<lay Nile ul the Park" preview of l'11m ing ~ummer &:1ll ruct1ons. Included in llll' Ha m. to I <1.m. festivities will be 8:50 and 11 :10 p m p('r formanccs of the Mam S I rl'l'l ~lcl'I r icul Paradl'. featuring 10 I wink ling fu1ry land scenes mcluding but- ll•rfhl'S, mushrooms. ladybugs and snails from t\l1 n · 111 Wondt.'rlund. shown <tbo\'l' Karate Show Due At Heritage Park K1yoshi Yamazaki. a sixth-degree black bell from Japan. will demonstrate ka rate and its or igin as an art fo rm at 3:30 pm Sunday m He ritage Park Youth Service Cente r. After showing their skills and relating them lo Japanese culture, Yamazaki and his students will offer a workshop to audience-members in- terested in martial arts techniques. T1ckets at $9.50 for adults and $1 for children and senior citizens can be purchased at the door or the center. at the corner or Wa lnut <tnd Yale streets in Irvine For more mforma lion. phone Irvine Cultural Arts. 754·3639. A story of lust. passion. desire ... Ion· and death. J{f]RRTCANE .\11 1·pu·ad11·ntun•11l l.,\1·:i11d ronianw 111V•i• \I i..j\1 ' ••• \'. \11 • \I P'i\ ... ,. • • \\ ~, .. ' • l•''f\1 f ..i\11 • ~ ~· \,l 1 ,111111 h< • , •• ; \\l ' •• t\114~t ~ ' ORANGE MAU 01dnge 6J/ 0340 BREA PLAZA Bre,1 ;?9 ;339 I' EOWARffs· NEWPORT Newport Bearn 644 0760 LINCOLN DRIYE·IN BuenJ Par1t ;u-n?J -- WINNER-of ~~Academy c Awards BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR BEST SOUND BEST FILM EDITING I ROBERT DE NIRO I _ t. M•C"fe ''""" '" M ~ -.r lJ lllV! !•'Ai Pt( Tl;l!i '; I 1fll 11 ... • Mii.. t ~.ti o • •••• r II"'!,, .... ·-·,' . ' ,. /, :. •1t• ,.•, .. t,11( ...... • M '•' ,Jfl' 1.11'., ... biil't, ' ,. ;,Rf!'•· 11 • 11' .. ,,,, ~ ?f I · 1 " JI)(.~.,.. LM•l 1 LI •:l.~ ·.,.. r ·~~! :..· iut..~"'' r :.Rt t 11 " i:ONd ~ l..IYf .< At'"" f -.P1"tM1'> t,!o(HAj fll T: I f MICHAi .otA t,( j(jl"'N rt Ill Hi\l [ . \/ 'If I r,t,•ut10 • Mil t-Af I (IP.' t10 ... ,. .. c~ . R--::r..-::...._ r-----._ _____ ._, ...... NOW PLAYING EDWARDS' CINEMA WEST Wes1mrns1er 892·4493 EDWARDS' NEWPORT CINEMA Newport Beacn 644·0760 CINE DOME Orangt: 634 l'>!..J STADIUM DlllYE·IN Orange 639·8770 He went west In se.-ch of• dre-.n ···••..,..called C•llfomla. ~....,rt't ..... ···~·'" .. '""''~'•' "'J" I ~t 11 ....... I It o;o,,..-.q "CALIFORNIA DREAMING ' GLYNNIS 0 CONNOR · SEYMOUR CASSEL DOROTHY TRISTAN · DENNIS CHRISTOPHER JOHN CALVIN r.. ..... ""'' '"'""'"''""'LOUIS 5 ARKQf-f ... • • . , . FR(O KARLIN ,. . .,.. r-. NED WYNN . J -·· .• ,,.CHRISTIAN WHIT IA~EA t1 .. .,..,,.,.J()HN HANCOCK (..-or~()•·~~O.,~ ..... H'\..A ----- C1••r,M(l\tf_t '•t • 4\Cn ·• t •11...,.f '"""' •' ... •F(ltr1u4~......,.,_.,,...,,.1 ""• *"'"'WAA4f ~ANl't~flk"'IAll(~.\J l A..'-Attl_ANI _!.'-«.'1~~lA..,_'oJ II ~ ... ... , ... I "" LOCAL I NATIONAL I CALIFORNIA MOontes· .Co Wed Mot~r Decrle. White-~black Matcli NSW YOU CAP > -Silvia Vo,eJ 9Dt tM Dewl oo llodMr'a a.,: .... Moon• bad picked ..... ,,. .................... _ ........ , atude•t IM MY'diY k ... -.. of -"perfect mate•" for marri .... It wu "a bammer on t-hMd ad a knife in the heart:· aaid lln. Vopl ol I.be ..,•aement Vexed 'Bunng' an.._.. lg Koreu ew&QPliat and b91MMmUt Sun llyun1 11 ... m • ..... teremoa1. SLLEN YOCSL, H , •nd GeJll&LJUaiJJlald .. II, WU• ~raatdM!d by the inaptr•llon" ot llooa in I.he eentlnOQ1 Swwlay al tM Unlfkabon CburTb '• world headcluarten. They are to wed Students in a high school·level cbild·care course at Pitts· ville <Wis.> High School get an exasper a ted look from Jody Cr ary. Her pre-school group visits the hig h school class twice a week . This time the youngsters were performing a ''bunny play." Sued Mother Sues Son's Psychiatrist BOULDER. Colo. <AP > A mother whose son sued her for ''parental malpraclice" has filed a s uit against the son's psychiatrist. claiming the doctor encouraged tbe malpractice suit and thus held her up to na· tionwide ridicule. "It's going to become an issu«! of what is the function or a psychiatrist and what 1s lbe role a psychiatrist plays in society." the altorney for Shirley Hansen said IN A SUrr FILED in Boulder Oislricl Court. Mrs. Hansen al· leged Dr. J effrey Anker eo · c:oura&ed her 25-year-old son, Tom, to s ue "for lherapeut1c reasons.'' Her suit seeks $10.000 in legal fees. court costs and olher ex· penses. Hansen's suit, which sought $350,000 in damages from his parents for alleged "intentiona l infliction of emotional distress," was. dismissed in March IT F URTHER CLAIMED Anker's treatment reinforced her son's paranoia against bis p a rents and "irreparably damaged her re lationship lo her son.·• Mrs. Hansen is an astronomer with lhe National Center for Al· mospberic Resea rch here. Her attorney, Greg Martin, s aid he feels the main issue in the suit is what a psychiatrist's role should be. "Our contention is that he did that <encouraged Hansen to file s uit) without adequ a t e in· vestiga tion to d etermine whelher bis complaints against his parents were lesitimatc," Martin said. TOM HANSEN ALLEGED in his s uit he was pwtished for be· mg suspended from school at lbe age or 14 by "being forced to work long hours at menial h•b<>r on little food." His father , Richard. is a re- searcher for the atmospheric center and 1s working on lhe East Coast. ln • m ... marrtaae 10metime ln •••• "I 've known for a boul a J:c'k now tbal I would marry a man," Ellen told reporters. • "*ld lbe. was followiq Moon·• call to make the world popul•tion a .. lov e race" throu1h int4'nnarria1e. Al her home in s uburban Yooken, Mn . Vogel wept over the dau1hter •k feels she hu loet, a daughter she said "was .,motlonally bankrupt when the Moonleti found her. "SHE STAaTIED HAVING sever e e motional proble ms when she was 13 years old," said the mother . "tier father had a m assive cor on 1Jry a nd wa~ sen ow;ly ill for fo ur yt!ars unlll he died. She became a loner." She said Ellen met a man who to ld her about a .. one -world crusade." .. He swd he 'd-take her to one or their meetings, .. said Mrs . Voge l. ''He never mentioned anything a bout a church. only the o ne-world crusade.'' Arter her daughter met the Moonieti, Mrs. Vogel said. "She <'a me home and said. 'They're a ll wonderful. T hey're young and happy and so beaulif ul. · "I SAID, 'WHAT about your religion? They never told you an y thing about this being a church'." Ellen was raised a con· servative Jew with 10 years of Hebrew schooling . She could read, write and speak Hebrew. and she bas studied French, Russian. Japanese and Korean. "Her brother is a rabbi." said her molher . "This is a girl who knew all lhe prayers. She didn't even have.to open a book." Two days after her father died in September 1973. Ellen moved out telling her mothe r she was leaving to work with the church. "WHEN SHE LEFT she told me . 'I'm Jewish a nd I'll always be Jewish·.·· he r mothe r said. But since then. he r mother said. she.has had little. to do with the Jewish religion. It wasn 't until several months ago l hat her molher learned that Ellen planned to marry under Moon's direction. "All of a sudden she started using makeup, becoming con· scious of her hair and the way she fooked, .. the mothe r said. .. , asked her if she was seeing someone and she said she wasn't but s he would be getting mar· ried. " 'TO SOMEONE MOON picks out'!• I asked her. "'She said he had the Divine Principle and could m atch her to the perfect mate." On Mother's Day. Ellen called home and said she was engaged. ·'I asked if I could meet him and sbe told me he was black," Mrs . Vogel said. ''She said she had seen him before, and she had feelings about him. I made no comment." About all she can do for lbe present is "hope and pray," Mrs. Vogel said, adding there isn't a night she goes lo bed that she doesn't "think a bo ut my baby." Judge Murray Richtel ruled the son's assertions were wholly without meril and that legal sanctions s hould be a pplied againsl parents only in extre me situations IN HER REQUEST for dis- missal of the "malpractice" suit, Mrs. Hansen pictured her son as a "hippie" who was sus· pended rrom high school for sell· Former President Expenses Tabbed ing marijuana, who chose to live WASH I N G T 0 N ( A P ) -the law for former presidents with friends on a be ach in Federal accounlants have lo that should be removed. Hawaii, and who r efused to make close judgment calls on Raymond A. Fontaine, deputy cooperate with oHer s o r the tabs the government picks comptrolle r or the General ps ychiatric care a nd formal up for the nation's lwo former Services Administration, also education or to find work. presidents, federal officials say. testified before the panel. Despite the costly annual ex· Nixon and Ford gel a $66,000 In her suit, Mrs . Hansen said penditures for lhe former presi· annual pension, receive Secret 'Coast Week' Slated Eic hlblta, HIJ'& and performances will hiibU&ht Oraqae Coul CoUe~·· third biannual fair. "Coaat Week." acbeduled May 22·2$. The event ia aponaored by OCC's Aaaoclated Students and will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . daily on lbe campus at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa . Admission is free. Ac · tivities will include a ceramic sale. art ex· hibil, book sale and a performance by lbe OCC Jazz Ensemble Tuesday at noon. Ethnic foods will be served each day, including Korean, Viel· namese and Mexican. Events are scheduled in tbe campus quad. Design Hailed D a n a Hills H ig h School senior Scott Br o wn rt:ee1ved an honorable mention fo r hi s go lf cou r se clubhouse design in a <'Ou ntywade con t est s ponso red by t h e American Institute of Architects. The aspmng architect woo lop honors at his school for the design H is work a nd the drawings or olher high school students will be on display May 26·27 at the El ks Lodge In · dustrial Arts and Art Show. 1505 N. El Camino Real. San Clemente Speakers Perform Oran ge Coast College's national cham· pionship speech team wi ll g ive Reader 's Theater performances al noon May 29 in the OCC Forum , 2701 Fairview Road . Costa Mesa. Admission to the one· hour presentation is free and open to the public. The pieces performed will be "Ulysses. Come Home." which won lhe gold medal at the Na· tional Co mmunit y College speech tourna- ment lasl month in Min· n esota, a nd '·P e t er Pan," which took the silver medal. Fric19V. Mey''· 1911 ·"• IMLYPILOT •• Boll''• Tlaat Agaia? Motorists on state highway 218 on Monterey Penins ula are doing double takes these days when they see this painted sign on the road. The letters were inadvertently transposed by a State De partment of Transportation Crew. Gas Rationing Plans Difficult to Sell , By WALTER R. M 1-:ARS -~~l•IC-,..~t WASHINGTON It a ll sounds familiar: a campaign for energy con- servation. an effort to promote car pooling and lower driving speeds, a call for Sunday gasoli ne station shut· downs. '"" None of it worked, an part because people did not beht:ve thert: really was a gas shortage. That was the s umme r or 1941 r a nd spread a lihortage equJtably, An· derson ·s obs~rvation made sense, 1r not good politics. CARTER'S PLAN was to dislribute rationing coupons on the basis of automobile registrations. and a gooci BUT NOT EVEN World War II wa~ many or the critics said that wasn't enough to convince Americans to cut fair. their gasoline consumption \IOlunlara-Former President Ford bad pro· ly, and the efforts at persuasion posed to distribute coupons to yielded to the compulsion of ration licensed dnvers. but his critics said ing . that wasn't fair. either. The patte rn hasn 't t•hanl.!ed much In the argument over equity, a an 38 years Rut with no demonslrn· good many of the opponents seemed ble nat1onW1de crisis to rorl'e act1on, deternuned to make sure that lheir the adm101s trat1on doe!> not ap~ar constituents were more equal lban hke ly to get r ationing authority the rest Congress long ago instructed the · ft was a standby plan, and Carter White House to s ubmit a standby ra· said it would not be implemented un· tioning program When President less gasoline supplies fell at leasl 20 Carter fina lly got a round to it, he had percent short for at least a month. to overhaul his progra m to get it Should that happen , there will be through the Senate, and the House another kind of rationing, based on wouldn't buy it. patience m lhe service slation liDe5 THE PRESIDENT called that "a r e markable display of political timidity" and told Congress to figure out a plan. But House Speake r Thomas P O'Neill Jr ~ays there a ren 'l enough votes to apµrove any rationing plan. Gasoline always has been a topic to inspire political timidity. since most motorists also are votl'rs. When a major1ty or them believe the 0 11 shortage is a hoax. 1t becomes fa r more difficult for a polit1c1an to tell constituents they m ay have to get by on less fuel. .. We do not have an energy crisis. we have a n e neri::y productio n crisis," said Rep. Steve Symms, R· Idaho, as the House argued the standby rationing plan. instead of on coupons. THEN, IN ALL likelihood, the whole issue would come around again. this time wilh a crisis at- mosphere to prod the government &n· to action . That's what happened before. after the government tried to fashion an equitable sy!'>tem without rationing. ·'The lesson of the U.S. experience during World War II was that -for that emergency at least il could not be done." according to a Library or Congress study. "Voluntary and indirect controls. . . were tried. Even the most ardent partisans of volWI· ta ry means agreed they failed." Mesa Chamber rit~h~ms said it is the government 's AS A aESULT, on.Dec. l, 1942. lbe government turned to rationing. That wasn't just to save oil, although lbere were shortages. The big problem was rubber. and the only way to conserve 1t was to cut sharply on driving. Pl8D8 Mixer The Costa M esa Chamber of Commerce Greeters wiU hold a get · acquainted mixer Wed· nesday at WaUbangers Racque tba ll , 1600 W. Adams Ave. The 6 p.m . event is open to me mbers and prospective members of the chamber. REP. JORN H. Anderson of II · linois, one or only seven Republicans to support the Carter plan, took the politically risky route. "We shouJd not kid a nyone that if we just jigger the r ationing formula one way or anolher people can con· tinue with the ir present dnvmg ha bits." he said. "That 1s just not possible a nd we had better impress that (act on lhe American people." Since the whole idea of any ration· ing plan is to reduce consumption -There were protests and problems. not the least or which was credibility. But 1t worked. Lookmg back at that experience during the Ar ab 011 embargo of 1973, the Library of Congress study ob· served that to promote complian«:i! "the public must be persuaded lhat gasoline and oil shortages are not contnved, but really do e x 1st. .. Neither lhe public nor Congress seems to be persuaded of lhat now. the "malpractice" act.ion caused dents, none of the money is Service protection and get e x· her "gr e at grief, s orrow. s pent illegally or improperly, penses for their offices and llllOIWll:ee humiliation, shock and even they told a Senate Gove rnmental staffs . .___. ao1er." She claimed she has ~ff airs subcommittee thjs week. Voss said .former presidents been subjected to "ridicule and need offices, staffs , stationery Is out. embarrassment throughout the The "former presidency" and telephones "lo carry out , Upitcd statea and lbi rest or~ coats taxpayers aboul $800,000 a their duties," although those world." ·-.,yel!:amrr..-· 1Tl'1!1"'e.....,..11"'1U"'IR_J_.,ts,....,snpa-1""t·•Oll-1 -.;;ca;,;s;..;i.;..a_are;:.;;;~oot;;,;.: __ spec::'lm~1r:c~il11J'if.:y:--:ar.:e~r.-:::~-+---~~---·-·-·-·--··----·--------·-------- 11 ed former Presidents Nixon and bylaw. lln. Hansen's suit a eg Ford. "He <Nixon> sends out pie· ' Aalter referred her son, bis pa· tieDt alnce um;, to John Taussig, "We have to make up our lures of himself and autographs the lawyer who filed the minds as to what is appropriate and I just have to assume that's malpractice suit. for the office of the former presi· a duty for a former president," dent," said Allen R. Vou of the Voss said. Park Program $lated Sunday ftne eurnat and former top olfietala ol tbe Lal\IU Green· belt will ....... the Meond pro. 1ram ·of tbe La1una Beach Ua ttari an· Uni ve raali at Fellowlbip ''Search for Heroee'' ........ Jim DQJey, founder and past PreMd. Toin Alexander, preal· deat. ud lliehHI ScoU, ex· ee,tlft cllnetor, will discuss "Plw. Probleml aad Para." The ........ wtU tab place ,..._, at 10:• •·•· at the Udarim CelMI', at Cypn11 Drive ba tbe Art Colony. General A«OUDting Office. "A s auna bath, maybe no. A shower, maybe yes. It is a ITAY area." In recent years, tbe officials con.firmed, tbe government bu paid SZS,4115 in telephone calla placed by Ford and bla atatr and $2,242 for planta in Ford's of. fi~ial o@.lce. Allo, "'the 1ovemment main· tained electric 1olf cart1 as trauportation at 'Mixon'• San Clemente e.tate . Improved procedures have cut Ford's pboae bllla, the officials said. T&ey added that the $100 monthly fee to water Ford's plaata ii baaed oa a IOW·bld COD· tract. and that Nlxoa's 10U cart. do not carry Solfen. Sea. David Pryor, D·Al'k., subcommittee chairman, said there may be "ambi1uttiea" ln Boat Auction In Newport Forty boats will go on the block Saturday in the Newport Beach city yard as police bold their annual boat aucUon. The boats, rangln& in ai1e from eiiht to 14 feet, have been turned in to the police durlnl the year and weren't claimed by their ownen. Tbe audkJD 1eta u!Hler way at I a .m. ln tbe yard, -8upertor Ave. • Read the Orange Coast newspaper that keeps you , in --the informative DAILY PILOT 642-4321 11 / ,,._,,w.yt1. tm 2 Cities Seek Big Brothers Big Brothers or Orange County 1..5 seelung men in the Huntinf'ton ~•ch and Coslll Mes1t are1t~ Lo volunteer their tame with boys, a g es 6·l8, who a r t without a male Influence m their lJv~. The ba11c requirements are care and friendship a few hours a week. Following o rienta· lion, s creening and testing procedures. the app~ cant is matched with a you.ogster. .. Ge1'er11er UC, Nuclear Split Pushed •Net Eao .. la Ga•ollar SAN l'"kANC ISCO c AP> Tbe chairman of lhl' boMd of E x xon <.:orpontaon says Americans are go~ to have to ltvt: with less gasoline. · UnJes:. w t: curb o ur dnvang, we are eoing to bt: o n the ntgged edg4!. · · C C Garvin said Thurs· d a y at the annual s t.cx·kho lders meeting of the na· h o n 's ~ecood largest corpora tao o ··There is not enough gasoline a s Ame ric ans want.·· MALIBU <AP1 State geologis ts. perplexed by CALIFORNIA I OBrTUAAIE8 I LOCAL PUBLIC NOTICE GENERAL ORIENTATION meeting for pro· spective Big Brothers a r e held twice a week. 1 p .m . Mondays and 7 p .m . Tuesdays, 150 Yorba St., Tustin. the r ockslide that hus plagued Pacific Coast f'1CTmo11nus11t1ns • tCTIT'IOUS 8Ulf .. ISS MAME STATllMllNT TIM fotlowir19 .,.,._, •re dol JI ighway ror w eek s. have decided they need another NAME STATIM«NT two w eeks to r ecomme nd what to do about it. bu~::,~.~0~~~·1"9 pmons •r• dOlo9 bv\IMUM. l YONHAl'IT OISTR18UTIN IW•lcl'I WOrk•. Inc .. ll!(.Ot1). APrll " lt7'1. "9 E 11111 Street, Coat. Meu c.. '1•71 For further information on becoming a bag Brother. contact the organization at 544-7773 .• A final report ba~en CERllrlEO SHEET METAL d U .. Thursday 0 m PRODUCTS. )tq<n Pol>PY. Coron• cit! "' ( ) M•r. CA'17~7S CalTrans geologists, but RobOo Oe!w>I' w 1111em•. S"'" Po!>-o .. ld J Lyon,. 1'26 T111t1 ,..,.,...., eo.1.a -.... c.. mn PUBLIC NOTICE ·..-~~~ ~ ..... '('.;~ .... _ .. :. tb d th h d ST..f.TE pw. C0tON d91 M•r. CA 9l.,~ ey announce e y a c;.11 Mortenst"n, 211 M•••• 0 1., Jolln l Hert, 4112 Seton Ro.Ml, Irvine. C.. '211S .iMM •tCTtTIOUS 8tlStM•l5 f'ulHI ..... Or .... Coete ~IY Piiot T MAME ITATEMIMT For the Record u n d ere s ti m ate d the ------------c oron• e1e1 M.tr. ca nw Tllll blllinnl IS Ollflductecl by • COf' ,,.,.21.Maf•.11.11.tm 1...,,. -":,':°''°'""' ...,_ 11 Cloi"9 ..,.._ geological complexity o( Tho\ OU••nr\\ " condu<t•CI bV e tlmtle<t p.ilt1M•""'P· -•llon, WATCH WORICS. INC. By .-L HM1. MS. VICICIE"S CLEANING the problem and needed two more weeks. a.11 "'°,...,,_, Rollin D Wlllt.,,.l ~· PUBLIC NOTICE SIRVICE, 11 Salldplpet, Irvine, CA '2114 "'"' 8. Rvuell, 7J ~r. IDU1"M CIO&I T MaDtCA&. CENTI• .,...,,, "" Mr -Mn.. IC•ll•r Pope, Corone ... _,,.., ,...,,,..,, Mr. efOd AM~ R-11 M<Clv119, 0.... Polnl.""' McGtlltS MCGILLIS. M.O .. HENRY Mill. • "•ltn ot Georvoa, resident 01 Coron• ""' M.,. PH \ed •'"'dY MllY 11, ''".ti IN •II" of 113 Ii• leatt\ • SOii Robert H. MtGlllh ot S•n Jou. Ce .. • deugftler, Merlfyn McGdll' o l S.ret°"', Ce., • Mpllew. Or. Oon•ld Mc Gill!\ of Newpon Buell, c •. He •lw. te11~ 2 qrillntklllldren Prior to .. n1r.-10 tl'le medlul lteld Or, M< 0111" WH •lln tlle Sl>ort• Oeot. of '"" Lo• Anq4!iM Tl~ OurtnQ ""so VUr\ ln tfle medlull prof•ulOll l'lfl IM\ bHn on l f'le ,i.11 ol ...... Memor~I HOlPil•I. Cost• Mew Memorl•I Hosp•l•I. """ IN Sonor• Community HO>Pll•I A .., ... ,.n of WWI. • tnemller ol IM ~-llOf'1 H..-EIU LoOle. Ille Jolly 8tf1' of -trv!M C:-try Ctvll -,,. "Tuau-c-ty Hlstorket So<le· Meytt,tm Mt. -~ Ken Alton. --1 8•11Cll, ... ,, Mr eno Mrs. a..t Burritt. ~ BMtll, 11rt MrtU.rm Mr encl Mr~ llit•rdo Godl"et, c..c>l•l•-llM<tt.11111 Mr. elld Mrs. OoNld ~ Jr~ s.ncie-..llOY SAN CLIMIENT£ GINt:aALMOSl'tTAL Mey 1, 1t7" Mt and Mr\. RK"'1td Pe .. .-., D•ntt Point. llo1. MrJS, 1'7' Mr. •nd "'"· R°""ld Gerl.ell. ~n Ju.•~ C.•Ptllr-. oov M41y '· lt7t Mr. •nd Mr\. Mario Coiro. ~•n Cl•ml'nl•. 0"' Mt. end """'-Demel C""""• ~n Cltmenle. ooy M# •rid Mf\, Carl S<;hlt!ler. L"'!tJna Nl9Ufll. boy Mey 7, 1'7• ''" and llv\ Dale MerCllMlf S.tr Clemente. glt1. SANTA ANA·T\J!>TIN COMMV"ITY HOSPITAL April U, 1'19 Mr and Mn .. ~ooert Ploof!er, tn,,M, girl ,.,..iu•. "" Mr. •nd Mr\. Wtlllem ShePHrd. Hu11tlnqton 8NC.lt. 9lr1 OVE IUllYE!lt·l•F l EU!t -Bric~ How•td, .», of N~wpo.-t Be•ch. drw:f 01>rot1>y Eltt.O.llf. H,01 .O.r>olle1m. ill1ENOEl L.A~N S•l•d-. )q. of Hunhnoton Beach, •no Sw~, 1J ot S.nl• AN RaMNSlelal•~A LOS ANGELES <AP > -A 62-year-old rabbi has been stabbed to death in bia bed. police said Thursday. , Joel DeKoven, rabbi at Temple Beth Daiab- House of Wisdom in Sherman Oaks, had been dead several days when hls body was discovered late Wednesday. police s aid. Authorities were called by a person who s aid the rabbi had not been seen for severa l days. They found lhe front door ajar and OeKove n lying in bis bed. f'lrn Bit OU Ref 1"•'11 VENTURA <AP > -No one was injured in three firt..'S that plag ue d 1:1 n oil refinery here within an eig ht-hour period, o fficials s ay. About 300 ele m e ntary school students were eva c uated about t p.m. Thursday when lhe first fire bro k e out at USA P elrochem. according to V e ntura County 1'~irc De partme nt dispatcher An- nie Hende rson. SAN DIEGO CAP) -A 4l·year-0ld Navy chief petty officer fell more than 10.000 reet to his death Thursday while practic ing parachute jumps at Brown Fie ld in Chula Vis ta. The s k y d ive r was ide ntified as Senior Chier P e tty Officer John C. Bagos of Chula Vis ta. ly He-e-.nme-rot- Or•RQe C:-V lfiledlcel "''°'letlen He _,...._v ~es ttie c:-ty .... lttl ~ tor !tie City of S-•, -..,_ _ _. -' °" ""'" Ea· _....,,. ~ fflr U. Si.teot C.I". of lite Eaernlnlnt ao..o of 0\1_.1111< Plly\ICI..,\ enCI Sur9eon\. F11net.tl ~rvlctt wtll llt IWtCI Oii Sulldey, M•Y 20. lt7' el l·OO PM et IM Smlltl &. Tullltll W..IClltt CllaC>el, 0 1 E 11111 SI . Cost• Mew. wllf\ llf'V. RC>Mr I Pwrry olflC••lmq lnt-nl wlll l•U Pl•<t on Son<><• 0111 Smhr. &. TUtllllt Mortu•rv dlre<IO<'>. ...._._. PIVO Wllll AMS C RE E R Odr.Jn A l• l J•me>, 1', encl Anna l ..,, 10. llolll ol r J8 SAM PIYO Sefvot~\ •re Pf'ndtfl9 •I Cost• llMW Shows inOC PUBLIC NOTICE P•<•flc Vie• Memorl.i P•r lt SAVAC'E OVNNINC. l'lollf•I EMI. UT k M,,.._.., SPINC•R 1', end Oen• COllMn. 23. bolll of W or '"' Newport lle«h. l'UeLIC NOTICE NOTICE INVITINC 810S ,--.. ~ TIWs st•lernent wu llled wllll llW Counly Cleric of OrenQtt C-ty Oii Mey 2. 1t7f. Fn..U Publl~ 0.Ml9e eo.M Deity Piiot Mey 4, 11, 11, H. tm PUBLIC NOTICE . ..,.., NOnCa TO C•IDtnMIS OevtclJ lVOll~. 5KlytTrMwrer Tltlt ~ w•• tiled •llft 1t1e c-ty Oerlt fll Ot-c-.tv on Mrt tt, 1'7'. PU l"WllSIWd Or ... C.. Delly Pt Mey 11, u ,J-1,1. 1m 1 .. 1. PVBUC NOTICE O• MIL.JC T•ANSPI• •tCTITlOUS 9UM"ISI 1Sen.'1t'l -6"1 u.c .c.1 NAME STATUH"T NOTICE IS MERE8Y GIVEN to IN Tiie lollowlnq ~'"°"' •re d0t"9 Creditor\ OI MARY ICARPELES. lluslnenn: Tr•n\leror, -buSlllftS .oor.u ll EO OF ALL TRADES. 1!21 w. US W 19"\ St . Cost• -W. County ol 8elllO• 8tvd , NewPOrl 8e•cll, Or•n.,e. State of C•llloml•, tn•t •bulk C.tl~nte'2M3 tr•nsler ts allOUt to lie,,,_ to JOON Edwerd Leroy l• 8n\. 1St1 W. ti SONG. Tr..nle,.., wlloY IMIMntu 8elllo• Blvd • Newport B••cn, addreH i\ "SO Ca,.,rou W•Y. C.tlforn1•9M63 Anellelm, County of Ot....-. St•te of G•ll Marte lot B.ns. 1HI W Ca1tlorn1a. llalllo• Bl vd ., Ne wport Beecll, ------------ltrvlM, CA91JH FICTITIOUS 8USINEU Thi\ ~ t\ ~-by.., lfl· NAME STATIMINT dlvldu•t TM follow!"' per\On\ •n Oolr19 F,8 ftV\Wtll WMMUM" Tltll ,....._ #M llted .... the 8RISTOL ENTERPRISES. n>t'I C-l'rOefltolOr .... c-lyMfWlev Pewo ,.__..la, SM_,_ c:.111\tr-. 2. ''"· CA "'7S "''-It Mk-~ AnMt ....... )t)ll PuolllNd Or ..... CM'il Deity PllOI Pewo N«ellle, SM_,_, Celll~r-. Mey4, 11. tt,Ut919 ... 1·1' CAt1'7S How••d C-n. 1004t aof'll•• Stnet, ~.CA flJll PUBLIC NOTICE Tith ~•Ml~ I\ <-<led lly • ·------------ltmO.cl pwtnenllip M.G ~tronq Tiii\ ~....._, .,.. tiled wltr. """ C-ty Ctetk 01 Orange C-ty on Ao<1t 2s.1m. F'l!Utt Publl,.,,.,, 0r.-. C.0..-.1 Daily Pilot Apr. 11. ,,,..y '·II. II. •m IM1·1' ----------- PUBLIC NOTICE PICT'IT'IOUS 8UStMISS NAME STATIMa"T TIM followt119 per-• •re .. "'9 IMlllMU"' L ONDON G LA S S .. BY GEORGE! ... 2000 ParHn\ an. Coste -\ll. CA 92'11 Ooneld lklllet, J!I» P•,_ a S9, C:O.te Mev. CA '2t:l1 Oett<,. 8'11 .. r. 2mO P-a'9. CO'lle Mew. CA "'27 The ~Y to lie transferrf'd '' Calllorn~~ rocated itt SSS w 1inn Slree1. Coste Tiii• blnlness •• <onckl<,t.cl by.., !ft. - --- M•··•· c ounty ot Or•n9e. Stele ot alvl-1. f!CT'IT'IOUS 8UllNIS9 Tiii\ buSlnen Is c .... ct.cl by • oener•I ~"'"'· C•lllorno~ ~II M.lrl• l• B•s. NAMI STATEMINT S~lll proi-rly I• dc!-.crllll!d In Qenerel Tiii• \let........,t ••• filed wtll'I II'• ... ~~\t:ollOWWIQ pe<Mlft '' 00."9 bust· as: All tlOO '" "-· fl•f\jnJ\. equip. c:ovnty Cleo ol Orenve County on M4!y •• .,, -~of GEORGE J, JEF· Oonelc!Butter Tllis SIM-I •es riled """' '""' Co\lnly °""., Orell9t c-tv Oft May 16. lwt ment •nd goa,S 1111111 ol 11'1"1 O.ntel pt« I 1'7f ...., vn tic• llu\IM\\ known "' Jo•~Pll J Ft149 FRIES, •10 "'-llOrt Cen1er Drl'te, IJOIQI f(et11ei.• 0 0 s. --., SSS w Pullli,._ Or-'91 ~ o.lly Piiot. 5';11• 1 IS.S. ~ 9ffcfl. CA '1MO Pu1111.-Orenor c-o.lly Piiot 1'111 s''""'· co''" M•w, c:.-11 of Mly •. 11, II, n. •'1• .., .. ,. Geo<"' J Jefl•lel. 10' H<llt~.._ Mn 11. ».J-t. lfn l'IOS-7~ Or~, St.Mf' ol c.41110tn••· Aft-. CoroN del M41r, CA '1~S I------- Tiie INI• tremnr will llt -· PUBLIC NOTICE Tiils llW..u il ~led lly •11 111 m•-on or -r -'"'day of JllM, _ dl••OUal "n· et 10·00 • m •• ft~lc E1erow c-ve J ~ C t~ •101 E r --u ..... •ICTIT'IOVSMlll"•SS Tiiis ~_,II~ •lttl tlll NOTlaOP•a••-or-• "'"· ' ~-'" ..... -• NAME STATIMIWT County C--of Orenvt C-ty on •EAL ~"ir"TY AT ~:!ie ::~:11::1~ County of Or.... Tiie foll-1119 per-• en Oo1119 Aprll 16. ttn. P•IVATI SALE So f•r es k-to""" Tr..,siw ... IMlllMu.,. PUlnl MO.A"'1• •II buslnets-•-.-...SWI UMd AOVANCEO HEAL TH CENTER. Pvlllllllld 0r-. Coe\! o.lly Piiot l•tlle'-'Wc:-tef llY Ille TtMl\leror '°' Ille llvM yNr\ uoo 8rhlot Slreel _,II, --· Apt. 21. ~ •. 11, ''· tm , ... ,. .. ,..,.. .. c......... IHI pesl. •re· Same. '-"•Ce ~ 0. --.. O•t•d Ma) i. "" AdYMKe<t HH11t1 s m .... •. inc '• PUBLIC NOTICE c..tyofO....., J°"" H 5onq, C.alltorn1 e CorPOt•lkllll. Ml Oover 111 lllt Joleller ot "'" Est .. tt' ol UPU8~:~~::0WCOllP, OrTlt~·=-~~~~u<~3bw•cor FICT'l~8USINU_S __ t!!:;,H D. l'lflPATlllCIC , Jiii E. l'-illSI . Svrt• IU PO••ttOr> NAMa STATEMEMT Nol«~ I\ ~eoy QI...,,,'"'"' I"" ..... S•"'• AN,~ ........ '"~ Ad\l•nced ... _ Tiie follow!"9 _ _. " OO•nQ bu\l ~·~·QftO'O ..... "'" ... P••···~ .. .., lo Ewnw Ne. Ol·Jl.. ~ysl..m. Inc. nen •• tne ,,,.~,....,~I~. sulltecl lo Publh,_, Or-C.0.\1 D•llY Piiot r ,.,,. l r,,.,..._, OR.ANGE HEAT INC & COOLING, tont .. m••-ot Wld !>uper-Court on M II "" l~I 1t Sr Vl<P ~ldtnl IO•l NO. Sllepetd St , Un11 8 ., 0, eltPt me lfm day of J-, 1'7'. el ., . -___:___ Tiii\ •l•lm>enf .... filed wi"' ,,.. A-Im. C.lllotnt•.,.., the otttte of ROeERT A. EASTMAN. County Cleo. of Or~ CoVftty on May J ol'ln R. Cll•PIM'll. "" Potl All0trwy for Eawcullor. 11'0 Hertlor" PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE REVEL M. SPENCER, f'ejktenf of CAMERON.ALLEN Vlrgll H•rotd, . . N .. port s..c11. c..i. P .. .ed .... io, on "· .,.., M41~'"" J . u . 11o111 o1 Hunt· San Francisco arhi.t May 11, tm. He i. wrvlveel by I_, lnqton 8Ncll G S "th' k · "II Robert PeyM ol Atudle, Ce ., 1 NELSON·BROwN OevoO ln1t•. ary ~ S WOr S WI C1•110Mers Merjorlt Vec .. 011 ol 30, elld M41rllyn IC•y. 21, 00111 of be exhibited at Laguna N••port 8Hch. Ce. end Oorotlly CA>nl<Ydt!t-. Beach's Vorpal Gallery Lanen ol tow• City, Iowa. 1 'I' our ~Ilk! 11 lnvlle<t II'( IM City • ol l1v1,.. lo contrect tor ~ ton\lnK-tton OI ... \Ubj4KI project., dflCtl- ~IOw sun•t09 QCMl•T OP TMI STATE OF CAlll'O•NtA IJOR TMI COUtlfTY OPO•AMOI .... A-19114 '· ""· F11 ~~:c!i:::..::!o•u. N••POrt llH<ll. Blvd .. Suit• lll, Cost• Meta, P1111tlsllfd Or-CO.st Deity Pllol nu~ bullMU is <ond<Xled by en ..,. ~:11'0'~ ':•; County of i::--r· Mey 11, II. H . J-I, 1'1' 1857·1 dlvlctu.I •le o 1• "•. all !fie r • I"" _,_ R ...... ~tt •nCI tnler~ ol WMI ,,,,,_.,, (iMom· ~-petenl W'IDftl. •~•""'· Ill alld Tll1s •-• wu 1111!<1 wlttl ,,.. 10 •ii !tie ur'lelfl ,... -rty ,;tu;tte or•ndclllloren end t 11r••t· ------------from June l lhrough 30. oralldclllldnn. F-•• Wt<Yl<n Wiii T h e e x hi bit w i 1 I lie held on -..,.y, -Y at, 1m •• 11 :oo AM •t s1. Jemes hlscoe>•I feature original pris m a · c11vrc1t Witt. F•ttier F. er1e11 Co••"" HY.'~1·-.~JUll"' ~ w color draw·angs la"tho Fe"'9r Hertan eov•-11 o1tlcltt11>9. J CJ ~ • • En1om-..t ., 1119-Memor1e1 graphs and serigraphs . Per• Friends mey t•ll at 8ell 8toedw•y Mor111¥y on !>und•Y' M•Y DI ~ n KILLS 10, 1'1'9 from 1:00 PM tot JO PM, Bell ~ BrMdwev~:J:~':'or" CAIRO, E g ypt (AP) WALTER LOFGPEN. Servk n ••• -A man who s aw h is pendlno et P11<1fk v iew Memori•I 14-year-old s on crushed P•r• ,.,.,,_;;..1LL1.-s under a train 's wheels JOHN M. PHILLIPS, rulctenl ol became hys te rical Shot Coslll Mei.a. c.. P•uecl •••Y on M41y . • 13, lt1'. He I~ survltred by Ills wife and killed tWO persons ·•S1<1~" l'NlllP' of Cost• Mew. c.. and wounded two others. Nlemonel WtVIC.S Wiii be lleld on l h e new s p a p e r A I s.111rcur, Mey"· ""at 1·00 PM •I ,,.. e.11 ar_,_., a.epe1 '""" ,,,. Abram reported. --1 Elb Lodglt 1111•1 Offk WtlnQ. Th . d th lftUrnmenl el lnQIPWOOd Pe r-e paper 531 e C8me1ery. OonetloM ,.,.., ... m-lo rather w as quarreling t"~ Hurt l'und. Bell Bro•d1111o with the tra in"s conduc -Mertu.,y dlrw<lon to r about a tick e t for his Orchestras 'Win Honors The Capistrano Unified School District and ~ana Hills High School student or· chestras captured top honors in their respec · tive divis ions at the Mt. Miguel Southw est Orchestra Fes tiv al. Project· tnslell•llon o4 '°"' new lr•llt< slqnah•I ttle WCll«I IOUllOl\s: I. J-el 8en<OnC• 1 MelnetRedlllll 3. Von Kerm.n •I Mlc.,.,lwn •. Von ICerman et M411n BldS Oue. Mey 2', ttn. •I 2tOOp.m., '"''"" CllY Collncll Cllemllen. Arclllt~·, E•tlrNI•: '19S,OOO. S<oPe of Wor"ll • Provide for ltlf In. •1•11 Ion of loll# new treffk 11.,_1, •nd tr•"k strlplfll loc•led •• pr•· vlo•n ly .-.Crtbed T'WO ol ltlf lnl~S<!C· ..... , Von IC•,....... et Mlc,.,.1-.. - llon IC••-et Mlln. •Ill ... 1nlercon· ,..,1.0 lor lutu•• ,,. to !tie Cily"s tr•I· fl< s•onel contrOllet lou1ed In City Hell O•ner Cltv of lm11t Pl•n> -se>e<llk •I'-pt..,eN!d II'( HERMAN ICIMMEL. 4241 Cemous Otlve. Sufi• G, Newport 8••<11. C.lil0tnl•""° C011tr«I documents en -evel~· Ille from o.-irrwnt of Publk Worh, City of lrvlN , lor • ,__,.._'" of SU.00. RAVE A HAllRINGTON Cl tv Cten tor tile City o1 1rv1ne PuC>ll\hed Orenqe Coe\! O•lty PllOI Mey 11, II, lt1'11 l!MA-1' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICI OP "IA•l"G OP PR08ATI OIJ Will CAMD COOICIU, IF AMYi A"O l'Oa Lill· TIRSTISTAMINTA•Y. E•Ule of GLADYS WATSON ATICINS, au GLADYS W. ATl<INS. Oecusecl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN !-PAMELA PIERCE GRAVEN II•• !tied flereln • Pl'llllon lot Prollele of Wiii (•nCI Cocli<ll\, II Myl -tor Lei.en Telle....ntery. rtlerenc:e lo wlllell I\ meele l0t lurttler pet11cul•rs. •nd llWll llW time encl Pl«• ol ,,.,.,lnq ti. ._,,.,. "'• !>P<ln \411 lor M41v ?t. 1'1f. •I 10 00 • m .. In Ille CCMlrtroom of Oeperl....,,I No l 01 w1d court, et 100 Civic Cenltt Ort•e ~I. In ~ City of Sellte All•, C.llforN• 0•1.cl _,, •. "" LEE A BRANCH. C-tyet•n JAMIS I . ICE .. OalC'IC ,... WI_,. ..... SMM9 ... L.MA ...... C..'911 AfWM'r lw; ..........._ Pvbll....ci OrMl9f CO.•I 0.llY Piiot Mey 11. 12, "· .,,. , .... ,, PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Cot1nty Clertt of Of;f~ Collnty Oii In tlle c-ty of Or~. Stele of --------------! April 2•. lt7'. <.e1110rnoe, pent<Ul•riy clftcrlllld es f'ICTITIOUS auSt .. ISS FIM1tl follows, ·~wit MAME STATEMENT PllClllSIWd 0rM9 CN\t 0..ly PllOl Lot 16 of TrllCI tJM "' Ille City of T~ loflowlnQ __, 11 dolfl9 ~-Al>t.21.MllY•. II. II, 1'1'1 IM1·7' H11111i1191'or1 8Ndl. C-ty of Or .... . MU H Slee. of ClllfornY. n -M-. .. . NATIONAL LITHOGRAPHY PUBLIC NOTICE con!H In a-tM, Peon .. eftdUof EXCHANGE, 711S6 ~· Reel. Ml$ MlllCell-Mepi.. ftKords of wld 1lonVlejo,CA'26t1 C-ty. more ~IY-., as. Al\dAW ROCll, 327'1 SleWft S... PICTJTIOUS 8USl .. ESS YU * Drive, Hunllnoton e .. cll, Or., SOutll l_,., CA n611 NAMIE STATIMINT C•lllornie. Tiii• ~rwu Is cond\1<11d by en In· Tiie lollOwllMJ perMlft• •r• 001n9 Terms ot WI• c.n11 In I.awful money df'tld~I. businus n : of Ille Ulllled SIAl!ft on conflrmetion of ,.,...,. ROCll FRESNO " ACRES. 1Uf7 H•le .... hn llHC ... of -t IMO to lie Tiii> \1•1-1 ... , llled •I"' -A .. -.1 ...... Ce.'2714 ~1-wttllbid Cot111ty Cle•• ot Oren"' County on Me) Tr.e R_, P W•rm•nvton Co • Bkh or offers 10 De i.. •rll"'9 alld 1, ""· 1un Hele&-.'"'-· Ce '17U w111 ... .-.cel-•t.,.. •~Nici Office Fn H11tton Auoc1e1n. 17511 !twine •' eny 1,,.,. eflet !tie llrst Plllllk•llOll P11bll,._ OrMl99 CO.st Oelly Pllo 81vd., TUllln, C.. ~ lie,...,. end""'°"' -of ,,.ie. Mey 11, 2S. _,_ 1. a. 1m ..,.., Tftll 11on1neu " cOftdut ted by • O.t•d ,,.,, l•th day ot Mey,"" 1------------oener••--"1Wp. E-dA. F11Jpetr1<t ROllett p WMm<"91on EllKUIOt Of Ille Ell.alt' PUBLIC NOTICE Tfti\ ~-I •n filed Wlltl IM of Mid o.c..-nt Cou11ly Cler-of Ot9n9e C-ty on •OalRT A. EAITMA" IJtCTITtOUS aUSIMllU April JS. Im. 11'1 M.-en.c.. ~ 111 llAMIE STATe..-NT IJllGM C..Mete.~ ... Tiie lolfowt119 --Is do'"9 bus!-Publt"'9cl 0.-CO.st Delly PllOI PWCMllNd Or .. Goest Deily Pltol ~n.. Apr 17.~•.11.18.1'1'9 l.,.._1'9 -y11.lt,J4,191't 1flM9 SKYLIGHT SPECIALTIES. 101 -------------~Aft., Costa Mew, CA 92'21 RICIMtd Retldell Sc,,....,, 10'1 ~one A,... eosi. Mew. CA '1W PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Tiii\ lllUVMU 11 cofldllcted lly e11 In IJICTITIOUS aUStNllS su .. 1•1CM1 COURT OF T'lflf dl't~I. NAME STATllMINT c~ PIHCE HOTHEIS SMITM'S MOttTUAIY 627 Miun St Hunting ton Beach 536-6539 so n whe n the boy J umped off the train and into the path or anothe r one. Fourteen high schools compded in the festival h e ld in Monte bello. ST ATE OIJ CALIPOtllUA IJOR RltlMrd Rendell S<l\Nffr Tll• followlft9 per Min$ •r• doll19 NOTICE OF SAL• O• •·'1164 TMICOUNTYO•otlAlfOll Tiiis , .. ._, wes tiled •1111 .,._ lllnlneun: •EAL .. l!Of'l•TYAT MOTICI TO CREDITORS .... A·"'1te Co\Hlty Cten. of Orange c-ty on May PACICERS VILLAGE. 1'"2 Hele ,,.,v:~u PUil FAMILY C~ONIAL FUHllAL HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893-3525 Ne. A.fUlt NOTICE OF HIAIUNO tJOa 16, 1'1•. A.._, lrvlrw. C.. '711• FUNERAL ~~-PUBLIC NOTICE s~:~:~~~~,=~=r~~R 5<;•~ •• JE~_l-E:tt~~~= :::::: ,,,..~~.~J:.~. ~ ~~:=~ ~~i~~~f~~~~'1r~ In ti.SE:r:;: LIMS -----In the Matter of tfte E$t•te ot ..,.. "" Tiii\ ~.11_,. 1, ,_ .... 1 .... ~ ... WEBB, ati;• AOELAtOE LOIS WE88, ~ICT1TIOUS 8USINEIS EVELYN GRAEF. Oetuwci. NOTICE IS MERE8Y GIVEN tlM. "" ·-• ,_..,..c '"' .. y • .0.tH-. JRECTORS MAllMISTAHMINT NOTICE IS MEREBY GIVEN to MtLDPE D L . A8BOTT ,, .. fllto PUBLIC NOTICE qener•t~p. The ~ pet"Mlft I\ Clol119 M l· «editors IWlvi-cteJms -Intl the '"•r•ln • .... 11~ ~ .......... e ... Wiii "*" P Wenntnotort Notlee 11 ._..., .,._.. tMt IM -. ·~ ,_ • .,., -"" .-.-"' Tllil .....,_. WM 11•~ 1111 -de"lflMd "'411 Mii .. Prlva .. Nie, to 11 b LaWI Mu .. : WidCIK-nllolll•Wld cllllms,lnllle end tor Leti.rl Testementeo. ••· f'ICTIT'ICIUlaUSl"IU .... 1111 .,. "-"~ ... ._. ...... ,IU9fKltD alt or 1 OCEAHF~T WHEEL WORKS. ofllce ol Ille tlertl ol Ille •fores.aid I-nee to •111<1• "med9 lot 1ut111er NAMISTATIMUfT C-ty Clert of Or.nee C-ly on cClftllrmettan GI Mid S.Wlor c:-t, UnNe.,,,.,etvd .. Cosl•Mew.C• <Ollrl or 10 pn~t ~"' 10 ""-...,. Nrtlcvl•"·...., IMt 111e llnw 41nc1 TM........,.__, is dell'f ~ Aprlt2S,l'79. .,,_, wefWtllt5'11derofJ-,tm.et PACIAC YllW Mo11nt o~.... S<oll llllot Ho!IOtO, sos E. 8•tlloe derslqned ., -o"lce ol PERRY pteceof-lno l!W -llftbMn ... MUH: Pulll+llllCI Or ... C.O.st O.lly PllOI "" llffke .. ._.... I. Cale.fl, 2'1•'1< "1f u ~ Blvd . 11 ...... Ca. '26411 8 EATRAM. "°° Wll"'lre 81vd .• 51111• for JllM s. 1'19, ., tt·oo. "'·· "'ttle S .. l:CTltUM LINE DEStGH. 2 Apr. J7,Mey4, "·II. 'Im I ... ,. HI L• ~ A-, AMMlfl'I, MIMOIUAL PAI• This llu\lnes• "<ondu<I~ by ..,, In. 1160 111 "'9 City of LCK AllOeiet, In Los cot1rt,--n ot ~·HO. l ol wMI CkHn VlsW Or •• Setllll Le!IYN. Ce. Ore119t eoui.ty, Cellfwllle ,_,, etl ---· Cemetery Mortuary Mnrina:trv dlv1c1 ... 1 An;eles c->tv. w111m 1ene• ofllc• is ~.et 11111 Ctvk CtMff °'1" w"t· tWJ 1119 rlt!M. 11119 .., l-.si., .... .,._ -lill------1••---~-~--t-t-~-41~..,ott-.. E•M.,.o,..11,.orc1-41Meo....,_._..,...'•" .. •,...P.,,'•.,.<._• .. o.,,•...,b,..,u•-',_ne"•.,•..,.o,..1 -IN'l"•.,..u~n19·t-1".,',.11e,..cir1tM.yot.,.s-.~~ta"At:M-· _c.1_11_0t_n_1•_ WIHlem "-td Pr .. , 1"'9 Omen -------------<NMd et ui. time Of....,. •ell a. 3500 Pacific View Drive Cemete1y County Clerk of OrMl99 c-ty on Mey H id •Uete Svcl'I clelm• Wiii! ,... LEE A 'a RANCH, '"I'~,, COOldllclld ..... in· Newpart Beach '· lfn. MU\\efY _,.,, mu\t lie filed or °"""" Clef"ll .......... 644-2700 P'll*1 PU ten led es elorewtd w1lllln ICMlt IOMC*D ltALftt ANDE•SOtt, 1•. Wlltlem R ...... , C1ematory ~ .. -°' ... <:oMI Deity Piiot _,.,. .. , .. ,,. ""' OUOll<•llpn of !SHI c.... ......... • T,,,, .....,,_ -fffM wttll ... Mey 11, ll, JJ.June I, .. ,. 1111-lt lflh notl<• ~ ..... ca.ftlMI C-tya.rtifJIOr .... ~•Me NcCOltMIC• MOttTUAlllS --------D•t•d MllY '· 1m Tel: 17ttl,,..... "· 1m. Laguna Beach •Interment In PUBLIC NOTICE FRANic swiFT A...._.,..,,~ "" A ,.._ Aelrnlnhtretor of Publlslled 0r-. (OHi OeilY Piiot Puellt.llld Or ... CMtl Deity Pl 494-9415 fty -metery ~Estele ol May 11. 1'.1S. "" ltSl·7' Mey 11, ll. J-I, t, tm Laguna Hills 1J1CTinous eusu11ss ...,, dKedent 768-0933 MMN STATEMENT l'all•Y HRT•AM San Juan ,..~-·strano • Stllpntent T1te 1o11-1nq ... '"""' •r• dolno ,...._, .... uw " VGVI bllMMUH: llMW ....... ...... 495-1776 E M E PRINTERS, ~12 9o1M, ..... tt• •Burt.I Huntl..-11Mcll,CA9*7 L.ft A ....... CA_, ..... -.............. I . ---c. .., ........ Ulal T .. : IJUI ., ... _,., -.....,. 1ft8Ur911Ce Drive, UM "'-ti, CA.... PWll ..... Or ..... CMtt Delly Piiot ...... NOMI ErNlt A. Hr•o. UDI Mey 11, 11, H,-'--1, 1m lts4-7' 846-2424 Dnft, LAM......_ CA .... Costa Mesa • CNIRllllon n11 ...i-• 11 c.._ ... ~ 87~9450 1211. complet9. .....r .. ~, ... Tlllt ............. -II,_ wtt11 ttw --.llOADWAY MOITUAIY I 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 842•11150 '· • .... 4 ,, call for /TH C•unly Clerll ot 0r..._. C:-ty Cremation PorlfolU> AIWll JO. ""· 1m Gltler An. c-. ..... 540-155{. DllLY Pl&Of Q ASSIPllD ADS .... ' . Put some Nd s.1111 in your sUMets. Buy OM of ttae drNm llNtl fist· •d In th• Butln1 CIHsifled •d1 of tit• Dally Pltot. '42·5671 ................... PUBLIC NOTICE ,. ~~.~~ ...... ~~.~!-!'! ...... . ••• ,.. ... • ..... --. 1001 .............................................. Ml1ta1r'1Mettc.: All rNl &.•1nMtt> ud\ ''"1"'"' ID tW O&"WllPiP"t Ii> 11ub ~ w llw f\<tkrul 1-·111r }IOU&IRtl l\\'l ll( ltllHI ~ nllilku. 11 lllt'~1tl tu ad\•t•rt11H' ",1ny vn· ft<""'"''• hm1t11t111n , 11r cbik•n m1nat1ou b111wd ml hk't', ,·ulor. rl'l11t11•11. ''''· ur n1ttK1fud 11n.:111. 11r .111 lntt'nlloo tu 111 .. i..,· ,111\ ~·h Pf"\'(1·n·111"" II"' 11.1 llOf\. ur \11:.,·nm111.11111n 'tlUll nt'WSIJlll)o'r w11( m11 know1n.:I)' 1H · ... ·111 ·"" ddvt'rtl t.lll~ tor t ,. tti~tt• "l111'h I~ Ill \ '" lion ol lhc la'I' C::SELECT tPROPERTIES EXECUTIVE MANSION Double Jtated n•un' aril add' l() c ft'J;:llOI Clll r~ tu' l'Xtt11ts1h · It\ 111 1! rm llwtl' f:imtly r1111m "11h pool tabll', 2 m.1~"'' ,. firc plan"" j.!Hurmcl k1t1·hen. formal .J1n1111! rm. 5 (ii:int oll\•tfrm,, :1 baths. 3 l'ar j!araj.!t' l'lu:. 17X40 :-purkl111 g pool Hul(c rnrnt·r 1111 \111ly SlilJ.lW Total J)l1n' Call now 541;.2313 ., •• "'1 1• J •.i t1' I I~- VIEW OF TUSTIN HILLS ( > 1· c· .i n ,. 1 l' "' • S a n Clcmenlt·. :J !Ir 2 Ila. f:.imtly rm. lop 1·ond. 492·2004 Ownl'r l~R.E.Car 3 moe;. i''Rt-;t-; dnvtnl:! for Qualified Buyl.'r. '7K l'on tJac Phoenix 4·dr &•cl. lo m 1 . I m m l' d 1 a I L' posst'!ls1on . Assume 24 payments of $1 llO 11 11 O.E.L. commcmd nl:( ~pt tst. P /P.1133-3177 \\ i . : ' . \ 1~AY I.JOI{ CO. 111 .·\I !'If\'· ., .• 1•1 11 ; llAU1WUL OCIAlt YllW1 IZI0.000 A r<'ttl prime location in this quiet priv11te community or J11s mlne Crttek ' Ovt·rlook" the professionally df's11:ned wu1t~ .:reenbelt plus oceun vww St>e this bri ~hl near nt>w ··a uy M1~I " m odt•l tocla ~ Sunny k1l<•ht·11. l lgt! ll t•t.lrOOml'I . d<'n & 2 putio.' Tt•nn1s. pools & JHt u1.7.1 24 fir ~<'<'Urity gatt• WHlFf N. TA YLC>a CO., ......... JI 11 S.. J11 ... • tllt loed MIWPOIT CIMTH. M.1. '44-4t I 0 NUT. SWffT & HARDTOIEAT 1~ 1h1" 1i.::iu11ru1 c\ 11111 -.1.ui<l1nl! llit ~h.1 hc.mh >' 1•111•lo,,1'tl It t1lll ) II & JU lf 'ol\I\• li,11•k \ 41 ( h"'' 111 ~c.·hb ll. ·hupp111.: ( '.d I 1111" !IW 5:no ALLSTAT~ REALTORS FOUR-PL EX ..-J.IKE MEW! NEW DELUXE SI 14,500 MOTEL t-:xn·lh•nl tuuq>IL·>. 111 114 UNITS v''"' ml.'nl b<1qp.11n \ 11 :\I'm''" Imm ()1,,nc.·yl:1111I IH.'W paint lll'-idt• and oul ' lll•aultl u ll> appo1n1,•1l. AH nt'" c·a rpt•l 1ni.: t'' t·r~ !-.IJ:wu1u.-. nM1m " l'nol. .II I HOii' Supt•r fl'nl 1.I oll't<;I qLl<'Crt l1'•1b. 1 urnk1•\ fl' t•'Ctr,•mt•h· low ';11·:.n,., :.tb 111 I!" th1~ !'ollllHrt1·r' r;1lt•' 111;·nmc.· Slll~I m•1 Pm ·•'t l r111ht. 11111~ Z!i'; 1:r11 -.,, 1·.tl I f ,,,, I I 11 r dnwtt l>11n t 1111-., lhh pn\ alt• prl'Vll'" i;)2 Ii'"' orw • Broker 1·11'11J1·rat 11111 . ,. , , 1fl\1ll'(I ('all7:.:! l~litl [ ~ IHAIHI lt ~L'!:~~ A.. HOPUTIES • BEACH S·PLEX 10,... TM l :lO r .M.I \lm<r.t Ill'" lll'ac·h :1 11h•\ 1111·a11•ol 11111" mtl1· I r .. m 11,,. ,;i11cl l.11" ma111 ll-11:1111•1• l '111,.1• In ,di ro• OCUHF«OMTS lal1•I ,,..n 111'" .lu!>t 11,,t 1 t '111h Sll'5.•~~t ' l'fl t.lh 7ill :! Bl< llo1c•l' Sii5.IHMI ' ( " & I HH du plt•\ ._..,'.'lilllllfl(;jGI -Sf/:> IOI' :! & :! H H d 11 p It• ' Sj:l5,0c~t ' DUPLEX ONTHESAHD $177.000 Step; to thl' bcllC•h from owner's front unit. :I H1>drm s +loft . F'irc.•plan· lh·d u, & pat111. shakl' roof. Ca II now. 673-11.'i."IO ,.,. , ,, ''I.,.•' • ·''ft fl'• I I &. :1 I\ It d 1111 It• x $0041,UOO' .i & :1 1)1 , 1luplt-x $7!1~1.UOO' li ,2 Br unit:. SI .000.500' BAYF«OMT 3 & 2 BH clupl l')( $425.000 ~ COSTA MESA 2 HR.. fl 2 lot SK3.0l)(l 1 NEWPORT BEACH 3 & :J B H 11 u p I l· x SllID.0001 Sl\111.(JIJU' 'The fasl~l draw in lh1• lalboa Boy ftrop. West a Oa1ly 1'11111 Re-alton --. .,...._..,......... ....... DOMT 61VI .. This nwy be juat the home you have tH.-en lookina for_ Nicely d~rated ~ingle story home on a quiet street in rushiom.1blo Turtlerock. 3 Bdrma .. 2 hath~. paneled f amity room -a real 8howplace! OPEN SAT/SUN. l·S. Be • Mire to ~<'<' 6162 SIERRA SIENA. Irv. At Sl25.400. we rc~l this is the belt buy in the ureu. Y.A. BUYERS :-.1 .. :W l'H()(; 111\M ' If \'OU makl' SHOO n:IO~} oU may qu.tllf}' l.11" \lo'>' n 1 I Al.Jfl' Ill ~l•I 11(111' l.t'I ll,. -.ho14 vou ho'>' to do 1t' L~1ll n<iw ' Tall to R~ C~t W•Listen! 754-1202 CLIFfHAVEN :! lklrm~. :! llalh~. cfrn. 1rpl1· L'loM' 111 sd1oob & d1un•h1·,., Short l'Sl'rtl" ,..,,.,,bl.• SI 1!1.500 t)7:1 ~>:J l>ll 225:1 f':Vt'!> associated BROKERS REAL TORS lOJ' 'Wlr 9 .,1f) ••) 0. &b I CARL SIAD BY THE SEA • ••••• VA APPROVED HOMES Al Anol • OrcJ. Co. NO morwy down up to $100,000 V1.'lcril1l Admuu ... 1 ral ion Salt'S Hrok{·r WORLDR.E. 54l-l626 2A llrs. 7 day wc 't'k 0on·1 watt to huy n·al ('!llak, huy rcal l'Slatc and WAJT' •••••• CORONADO CAYS I. U XU r I 0 US fl ll y !> 111 t' Mansion. Spart· fur 11~1 yath~ in rioublt· d•11·k nodcl! v1t>wor Ha~ & t:1 ty Custom rurn1:-.hcd , 2· frp ll'S . Jat·u111 & 1•11.•\ ator. sundeck" l'\1 patio... ma 111'~ quurtni. and nth1•r aml'111l1c' ,1 + bdrm,, ·It-()alh" sr>SUll jJl•r IT1t I Toddt-.1G1.·n1.•ral R E 714/1-280-lSS I .lui: .... ;ilk or r11lt• l11k••,., tu ---------th1· HI-: \l'll .,. lh·n '"" l1U' 1111,., 11111th·rJ1 ~ -.t'on ltuph•\ HI /.!ftl "lll ~ l\E,\t'll l'OW:" llo1th un 11'-1'111"1'1 ul :1 Br & '.! tia .1114lonl~;: ~1·ar-.11ltl hk 111g s1:1:>J•Jt• ,.., •.• 111 • WAl.LACE&CO REAL TORS Carlsbad 714/729-5966 "Strik~ It Rich" · :'>Je;,ir ~l'\lol)Orl ll1•t)!h b, ohl\'r dwrmcr. large H <! l1K'Tl1.•r lot Ano"" from h1r~1: 1·11 ~ park ;1 nd du,.,,· to "rlt<t0b SKI .~JO At'I lltl\\' l ';.i ll 5-lli ~11:1 .... . • . [®IRPdUI EASTS I DE SPECIAL ('rn11t·m1•1rar.' .11Thtl 1·1 tun· t. '''"Ill! L\·I\ :1 ht1rm horn\. "' 1lt1<1I frplt· ut fml) rm & II\ rm ~cw t•rflt.' l ·1·d;1r rmnl'l1nl! & clr:11nut11· ;1tnum l'nlr~ LI!<' 1·11\ d pat111 Call now 111r cll'la1l' I lpt·n !-:\'\·:; :,1:1 !U!1t ASSUME 9'170/o VA LOAN ~ quahfyint.:. SiO I 111\il l nt onl hi.' pa ) 1111·nt ~l.~A-1 Uc•wn. I llt·olrm :! lialh. fph· l'n nll' ;\ho-.a l111 .tl111n l 0 all nu~. ~lli :!:ll'.1 [~lfl&IUI RSHING, SAILING & SWIMMING Heal 1::.-,\al(· Sell 1dle items 642·!>ti7a ------ SAVE 6~! L1<1M·toa1rport St;1h-I' :! ~•orv :-> Hclrm. :I IJ.1 ronTI..11 dint'. !-.1.·p famil~ SI 12,IUI EXECUTIVES SAVE GAS :'liewport Uca1·h l'ustom tn lt'VCI t Hdrm. formal d1mni:. :,,•pan.ill· fom1 I~. ktkhcn. ~ f1rl•PI••<''-'"· l.i:1· IJllOI. i:ar.1ge ;an1I ""' k a r 1•a Harln•r 11 1 gh ~.IXXJ. MURMEW IWmuch. n11:h~) Hcaut1rully & pro foss1onally lands1·apt•tl. 1 hedroom. :1 hath hunw w load!> of xtrn:-. -,ut h a..,' m1t·r•,~av<· J111·uu1. 1·1•11 tral 'a1·uum ,.,~,.tem. cl I :, h wtLShcr. W<'I h:1r. ralll!l' & fl\'Cl1. s prinkh·r,,. l'I<' ,\ml uoly S1.t!l.54MI JACOBS REAL TY "' 675-6670 WOULD YOU IE:UEVE, $57.900? No mtslukc·Only S.'>i.!K>O for lilts 111tra111n• :!hr <!ha c·ondo .. :n<I u nit vn vat·}. w a II! put 10. alm11-ot new erpli! & a (~1mmun1ty pool Won I l.:L'il Call now !li!I r,:1711 ALLSTATE REALTORS II 0 :'ii E S S 0 L U PHO Ff'.S.<;IU:"Al.L Y l>o 1l llll:!hl with lht• l::<hwy,, r 1\1:ts 1 gJg.75'.JU or 5.'11 ~II WANT ACTION~ Cius ir cd Ads 642 · !">678 BIG CANYON GORGEOUS n ew l isti n g overlooking greenbelt, located on prvt cul-de-sac . ~ BR. 5 1/2 ba .. exceptional custom home elates pride of ownership w I many extras. SEAVIEW'S BEST (.;las.51fied Ad c ... 11 TodltV .. 67S.7060 .. 642·567~. . 1--------1 1-:x<'lus ive v~. prvt community. 4 kR. 2t 2 ba. spacious family rm wtfrpk. xlnt views of Catalina & city lites. $339.500. oovou Ofl'FER ASERVICfo;" Lil U. pubUr know w11h m llCI ln the Daily Pilot 8anb Directory. It ran Cllll ,oo 11 little H Sl.17 per day. For more In· ...._ .. aJld ~plete ..... NIJ....,., MOlfTECITO/W VIEW-IERFECT ~ ............... ....., ..... •• ..... ..... ~·.. C91 ... •"'"4 _t ..... a..Shl 1d .... 1wa.daw ........ ... .....,..,/OlllA,,,......_..l•d1c.,1tl wffll Wee kw c-::z•cl. 0,.. ,., .. 4 ..... _..... ......, ........ 3 cer ...... Oun View. lsctfl...t fe•llJ .,... I• Heritor View Hiits. S27t,000 WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. ~.1;l(, v. (11.1~1 11~1h\• di. :-.,,'\,port n ..... ,, 631·1400 COM DUPLEX'S Very <:ustom. vaulted wood bca ceilings. beaut solid oak <:abi ne . thruout. frplc's in living rm & mstr BR. 2 BR, 21h ba owner's unit + 2 BR. l ba rental on rear. $279.500. *** Deluxe 3 BR, 2 ba, custm built owner 's unit w/designer wallcovering. laundry rm + 2 BR, 1 ba front unit surrounded by white picket fence. $244,500. Call Dan Bibb on listings 675-2311 CaAM OP THI~ The finest Creme de 'la Creek! Jasmine Creek that is! Here's one of the best <and at one of the lowest prices). 2 bedrooms. a den. air conditioning, plantation shutters, parquet flooring. tennis courts nearby. a jac uzzi and rirepit in the backyard and countless upgrades and appointments throughout. Presented al just $244.950. U~IC)U~ li()M~i REAL TORS'. 675·6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar llG CAMYOM Golf course view from spacious 5 BR. 4 ba. traditional home: lge. family roo m. pool. Jacuzzi. $750.000 IAYFRONT Several fin e bayfront homes with pier & slip AVALON We ll tonstructed . 3 BR. 1 b<i . oak floor . pa rtial baseme nt. concrete foundation. Flats area. $120,000 Fee. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 B oy~·d•· D""'" N B 67'> 6161 3 +POOL $65,900 BAYFRONT LEASE Fan11I) '"'' h \ 1111! rm tµk. courml'I k111 111°11 tdlOl' f1rt\,ll\' p .ilt11 St1arklmg 1J11ol Jl1kc.• 111 h1.·aC'h (ur .111 1wc.ir1 clip SJ:O'l [)(11o1:n 11r t .olw 11\ "' Sl-t:i m11 pa\11h't1I:. l .111 i i-I 91\:J ti71i7 '. INVESTORS! OCEAN & CANYON VIEW E.ashide, CM 5 UNl'l'St;t1X:wr.· 1111 Ow1wr will n 1rn. "uhm1t all ofrl.'r,. l'ra1.:: ~:w.ooo Ht-; M,\X 1;:11 121ili ATTHEIEACH DUPlEX $98.1100 I l•lltll' t 1111·11m•" I 'n m1 IK't':lll t \•flt ,ii :-011•11~ Ill -.urt .111<1 .... 111<1 \'w" 111 <K·1·11n Ownl'I· "111 lwlp f11tanc·1• llurn 1111 th1 .• 01\l"\' Ill .1 hll'llllh' flJI 11 II r I II 11 I I ~ I .1 I I ii-I !l!l:l liitii [~lfi&ll'I Corona del Mar I h1J.:l' 1 .. 1 w11 h '"anou" honw l.11!1it a11d air~ k1tr hl'll Ma,..:.l\l' ,.111n1.• l 1r1.·vlan• :1 Ul'tlrm,,. fom1ly & d1n1n )! rm l'allu and ri1·1•k POOL W 1Kl ., la,.,l. c.tll t\i:J 11:.:.0 lh1w .. omcthmg you want tu s\'11'1 Clash1ric<I ads do Find what you "'anl in 1t wl.'11 t~ll·5ti7K Daily Pilot Class1f1ed" IE 810181 ILllRS CD. OVER 50 YEAR S OF SERVICE WA TBFIOHT WITH DOCK SpN'ttu•ulur F<1m1I} llomt• On Tht-Water In N1·w1wrt llt-ac·h Thrn• Hedronm" Plu>o M a111-., lln11m l.:tr l!•' Famd~ HO•lm lmman1lal1· Cnnll11111n lhll!" Olx'k Fnr Your Yat•h1 (·all "'"" 631-1800 111 oova DltVE ENTREPllEHEURS WAMTED rrl.. .._..., appa tufty •xf to UCI. '"'-· S•d'#lcla .. with beer llc••t• Cwl•• U•l••rtltJ aad •••r 11ew co1utr•ctloa. Met l•co•• S 11,000 per JHr. A1kl•9 $65,000 . .....,, -..... OM! W AMT TO IE EHYIED? D•'t pa11. ttah a,. as, .. , te lt•lt4 ,_. ....... Hen'• • .......... .,..se-.. .... .,... ................... ~ .. -.-.. C9 ....,. h •11• ef Mewpert'• prl•• ....... [ ............... .. ....................... ef etaagt I ..... a.y. Offcc9tl tit $201, .... ..... 644-7020 NEWPORT IEACH 499-4111 .... =-s..-. ...... L1• 497·JHI 49 IZ L11 ... 1.._. ~W ~ f?€cJch Reatty llAL ISTATI IJCCRLltlCI SIMCI 194' CAMYOM CllST Tired of looldn1? Tired of decorating? Thia spectacular condo could be the answer; it hu 3 bdrms.. 21h baths & every upgrade imaginable. The location is quite convenient & exceptionally private. $182.,000 4511 llWPOIT COOEI mv£ NEWPllT BEACH 1S.11 OCIAM Flldtft' LOT Newport's best ocean front location with s mall home. MMf Sol I I I. f&lff SSZl,000 COllOMA DEL MAR 3 Bedrm home, large R·2 lot. Mini ocean view. private beach. Sl7t.500 ASK FOlt DAllB.L PASH IE/MAX 631·12'6 °'"Sat/Sutt 1-5 sc»s Vt:NTA.JA. N R Tt·MJ~ Ou() Villa~. 3 HK. Fam l<m. p vl wrap- arciund patio Li·veral.!t' ftn anul. :\1tn dwn p~ mt 1>11Hi25!! SH!.l.!IOO r //lfi~Jfl /// R ~ A~?t TY _); .l i\.'>MINI-. Cltt-:t-.t-. ,\ :-IJl.'<'tal way of h le. 1·nJO~ thl· v11cal111n atmrr.,ph1·rc• ~troll al<lf'll! th<' wind tnl! palhi-among hul!l' shadl' trc.'t."' 1 or :;;w1m 111 t.tw bl•aullful pool. n ·lax m Uk• Jat uu .1. or havt' an 1•ncn atm)! gamt• of t1·n nL•,, your o~n i.hoppml! t·cnlc·r . .,l·hooh J nd 1·hun·ht-:-JU.<,I a round the \'Orfk•r TWO llOM t:S ,\Vi\Jl.AHLt:. both thn••• Ired.room~. lam1ly room,,, '11·w hal<'Onw-: On•• al S!UC.CIO<J. th1· olht·r J l St! 1.5'•> COU OF NEWPORT ' REALTORS 67S.551 I ~Macnab -Irv me ''SH-. THEM T ALIC TBMS! .. Own.·r 1s olfl•nnR a super I llK. fomtlv rm. 1·ustom tv1mt• + rt~x 1hlc rmarn· 1n)!'" /low down vaymcnl ;11..-1·plt.-d Will also sell unclt•r ~a le-. cont r at·1. ,\lTl> or lratk. Urivt' hy ~17 Ir\ m1· /\Vt'. Newport H1·ad1 Appl o nly St.$\t,1100 Belle Chase LcL' t;i.i.trol I K 10 I SIR FAM HOME J\.-;sumt• ~>2.0011 \t~~,.;. loan S437 /mo Minutes lo beac.·h. Soper ram1ly ho ml' Mai.s1vc stone fph' . ('Ountry k1trhe n. W11ll of glass leadmi,: to cown.'<i pav1lon. Hu1::e cul ·de ·~ae lot. Only S}).500 Call for de la1l:4, ~7!1111 H'1 I ,. ' •• ,,,,,, ,.,, '·'' (~•H*MI OCEANFRONT i H1i.: Lob with largl' hou,,t•. COULD IH.: 1.>l' PLl:X 9j2(),000. J ONt:S REAL.TY. Inc. 673-6210 ------- . SEU. idle items with a· __ 1>42·~78 Dally Pilot Classified Ad. IAYSHOIE 4 llDaOOM L<ir~e fa mily home with great indoor outdoor living areas. Newly decorated. Close lo private beach and boat storage. $299.000 ACOUMILLIAM'•CO. 644-9060 n11 SANJOAOUINHILLSRO. IN NEWPOlllT CENT£R macnab I irVine realty ... "llST OF llG CANYON'• OAICCllST-S I "·000 Outstanding golf course & LAKE VIEW. 2BR end-unit only 1 yr. old. Wet bar. fplc. shutters privacy +spaciousness. <K·ll) G-••-St6t,IOO Deluxe 2BR w/o\tersize master BR featuring sittin rm. & hu e !'Un en u . a rque ors. plantation shutters. stained glass & more! <K·l2) Ptt• tUIST-S227.SOO 2 8 R + den view town home w /ehclosed mirrored wel bar, blt·in bookcases. coordinating wallpapers& paints + many other upgrades! Wrap.around deck for entertaining. <K-13) AU9USTA .... 2JIMI 3BR + den end unit w/1~1 golf course view from nearly every room. Formal dining + eat·in kitchen w/cbrning style range. (K-14) All in security building w/pOOI, jacuzzi & tennis. JOYCE EDLUND 642-8235 'A2-t235 '°1 Dover Orlw lrYIM •t ~ V~ley CllfttH' 7Sl•Mt4 1- MAUIMOUOll And U. bHt ol Maw 111 t<..-Jua'• '"""'' rHlden tJl&f llft!M, lro111111uotl Onl <ll unit!> UI l h l;. llrl\J \l• bt•lll'hlront ttolr l'UUN ---------"lmmwuty 3 lklrm~ .. -4 SI 1.000 ,.tel halt. " •t i.Ii.I} l lruund ltlDUCTION floor unit. N,1"" umfrr Owarrw h.lll\.• purc han\I N:>lli.lrul'IHrn l'rt\ ult' QlllJltwr hom.· nnt1 Ai t• rt' ~ t'OW'\i-. M~ lllUlllllit "4) hJ lnll\ c 'I tu:. h,1\ d ) pool • re\'l'f'11llun room M V homt< ft'atun·i. 4 $7$0,000. l:1tl1 for II bet " ~'t to st't.· brot'hure & n , ;. b•lhi. f11m1ly rapbs. roOQ).i 2 f1n-phw'.·:. .1111t 11 -.. ..u-y poof• J»eUUI h•r mort' ---.. WonTllillon. catll Mel·~ ......... 770.610 j .~ HERITAGE REALTORS DY OWN•:K 4llr, llb11 wlfrpk'. fa m rm. ~. spa. 88". ftrt• rina. pMM>. Nr So. CO&llt Plat • Ii p a r II N 1 •' ,. ~~rhood 196.000 4Pl.EX MESA VERDE u wrwr·, urut :1 lldt m :• I~• aµ11rw.. WOO "'II II 1..it111, thrt·1· :t t1dr111 ;o l1.1th •·n1•lot.t'CJ .cur1Al(c11 l 'rllh' lHll)' ~·91til / llPlN IHllJ)l Rl Al r v - ' .. CAIPlf. nJ.Ull ~-1Hdtl040...... 1044 ••..••••...•........•.• . ..................... . CO.•••• LoutM. 9IAaOUI UVIM6 Nor 1rhool1. 1h opi.. LOW frwy NIC'\:4HR.2HA.un DOWMPAYMINT l&r&t' loc Park fll1t:t'.ln(''"2·7461 ~ 2 sty 48r. 2~ na. rntht!d ral l't•lling, IUCHV•IW 1>tH•1.1-:x Vt•r)' n 1r1·. llWT"11' ffil&>ol ~di t}li,IMJ l 'all fot l>el1tlli- l.'!I$b'1!Jii 1'0\'l'rl'd patio. short. safe "Alk tu ~t·hool:.. ~hOJ>lt. park. library, tennis, µou b A)\i.\.lmabl c mvrttc:iJCe If*•'. . Sl 7,000 ~wn paymenl. Un1 ve r:.1 l \' r a rk 552·0873 io r 7Jl 5100ext 1488 -.sn Cuwsk!tav. ~ ..... ICMI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~· <kean side ol hwy. level loc. easy accMS to beach. Needs paint. minor re paJl'S. 1deaJ for home & m<'omc . Hurry , only $145.900 Mission Realty 494·0731 Uancho San Joaquin 2br. ---------den, 2ba. frplc. pvt MGUILSHOllS pu1Jos. all on i.tolf course Private beach commun1 F.njoy view from most ty Orean View exttut1 ve ruoms. P ool & Jae. home. 4 BR + ram rm $131,500_ 64().0997. F o r m a I d 1 n 1 n g NleUILSHOIU .._ .. .., .......... ZIN*••• a.. .. wttm, ti•• ••-' 4ll•l•t ares. ,..._.._..., •••.-. wlttt ctn-. .......,...~_., ...... ~ ..... ,..,.. ............. CD••• ltJ fw JM .... ,......, ...... 900 LOVIL Y HILL YllWS ....... 4 ............... ,... ... .. fw,_-r1la1tt11 '--al•w ._. .............. ~ ... ., .,... ,m_,. ,,..._. •ceu .... S.Z 7,IOO FAMTAsnc MOMAICH TIUACE Fln~1•11•.-Y ..... wllllJM....._I ,.. .... ,... .... ~_.., .... ............................. ..., M..-cia r...,.. c• ,,. .... szn.ooo . 495-1720 LAGUNA NIGUEL 499-4551 493-1112 SCMllll La; • 0.. PoW .... __... ___ ~ Walkm 1; lr.t! BIJfrant l>uPlx Pu& vu • 38r upr dr. ''"" ll'p. bllM 6 ldr)t hbp •••. 8ummr/wnlr reatl. sno,ooetofr own/act INl).l171. .OWMAllCITI BIO CANYON Condo great locallon. ALSO =ant 3br. home with +spa · only ll3UOO . nc. Only 873-4311 Agt. NEVEi AGAIN IN NEWPORT •An ideal IO<'ation••• •An elegant E rf&lish Tudor condominium .. • ·Pri~ from SlJ0.000 «Y; rinane1n11? •UY.ti down fmancang ·······;~········ ~~~~~----1 vn:w VIEW VIEW Spectacular cu.st homt• OPl-:NSATISUN 12 4PM :JOli4 .JAV /\RU 9'4-2611 CUL DI SAC Sharp 3 Bdrm. nt$lh"<I cm j h~t· µn\·:1ll' lot N1·,1r lirookhw-sl ;ind ,\tl<anla al7.900 Hon Ort. Rt'al Estatt' Profcss1onal:-. 1163-8377 TURTUIOCK rm.S!lS.000. BKEN HOME·M1ramar RIGEMTREALTY Plan 0. t'Orrwr view lot. H3l ·3114or496·9501 497.333 I 644-7020 Mlwport •ach La ... a •ach nus could be your last chanre· to buy an out· 11tandin11? 2 hr and den, 3 br or 4 br w1lh 31 "J bath home rinse t o ever · ~1hm~ Only •1 uva1lablt• lll tiu:-. l'xdus1 \'C orrertng. Corner lot . copper plwnbtng, ~ood rmanc MnaVerdes CORNER LOT 1 .. ~ 11f room tor inutur lvme or boat un 1h1:-. n&l'1• 3 bdrm. :.! IJa full P rl('l' 911.900 !'.irk Pla1·,•. 1111· 842 7461 t'Omplt.>Uon date July 15. I~~~~~~~~~ Sl'lect own oµt1on s . t>~~. 640-0254 ~ $159,1100 G II Robtort::.un, Rltr. 675-0562 r' -- ACULAR QUALITY DUPLEX An exceptJonal custom bit bome W /VlllUlted wood bNm ceiling. beautiful solid oak cabinets thruout. fplca in livg rm & maste r bedroom . leaded glass windows, & ceramic tile jal'uzzi in For Tow Lovt!ly townh<•m 1· '" Qllte a showplan· Il a:-.:! be droom:., /.!t)urmd k1tl·hcn 11. 1th evt•ry t•on ce1vable bwlHn. Plush upgraded car pelan)(. Cover ed pa tio. Co m mwuty swimm ing pool $67. 500. C a 11 n o w ~1720. TARBaL. ---~~--. --m>trbath. ,_ ______ _ PLUS A charming 2 bdrm ren· tal w Jfplc & s eparate peUodeck. 1279.500. CM.I. 644-7211 rJD.1'11(,tl t\/\llf\ & /\'1'JOLIAf ES 1MJPLEXHOME Jo1nest corner location : lovely 2 bdrm. residt!ncc wft.h fonnal dinrng rm. + income wut. + game rm See " enjoy the be11t for less! 1229.000 OPEM 1-5 'Wed;n.rt/Sat/Suft 5200ICHID ?AUi.MARTiN •EAL ESTATE 644-7383 YOU WON'T IBJEVEIT !jpt't.'tacular 24 hr aet l\ l' view of harbor. O<'Cil ll. coast & bay nlle lites. On <A:t'an Blvd. ovl•rlookmJ.! Ouna Cove. tma.000. 8~ owner. 631·4560. t'inest duplex m CUM .aldr ju:;t <:ompletmg. 508 Mar11?uerlle . S29!S.OOO S ubmit tl'rms · Pos::. tr.ade? 543-6148 Duplex, 409 Golde nrod. Jbr. 21_,ba up + sun deck Approx 11100 sq ft. 3br. 2be down + patio Approx 1500 sq rt. 1270.000 firm. Call ror appt. 640-507!S. -------- <..10.NA covt:. 11! 2 br. w1pnvatt! ~uelll qtrs. Bay & oc-ean view. Neat as a pin. SZSS.000 with uwner financin Jt. Bkr. 213/54.'> 7166. AMnqul IUFFS F:astsld e 2 Re d rm. hardwood floors. 1·ovc ce1hngs. R·2 lot with plum; to sct•ond unit . Large assumable loan. 9:17 .500. C.a II 546 · 58i11J ~HERITAGE . . REALTORS The Location Is Perfect Owming home locat1..-d by excellent Sl·hools . shopping et'nter~ a nd freeways. lnr ludt's 3 bedrooms. oak panelled rlcn with w.-t bar. formal dmml-! r•torn. f1n ·plarl'. m11r1· l'O\'('rt•ll JHJI HI MHOl Uon't watt l'all 5'14 .. 174!0. TAABBL -· IR.ANDMEW TOWNHOMES "lritt..y Wood'" t Jo:asL'i1de Co11t;i M l'"a 1 2432Sanla Ana /\\'l'. Enl(hsh Tudur 2&3 Hr s plit ll•\'t•I , 2&3 r ar J(a r age . lrplt·i. mi<·rowa\'t."S. g reenhouse windows , pool. s pa. TENNIS rourt. 646-0061or955· 1921.1 Devt'loped by Woodtr~ Dev Co IY OWMEttjE'Side 3+ or 4 Bdrm. 2 ba Ncw· ly redecorated in & out. Sl27.000. Ph: 847 478!S investor must sell 1 home 1n Costa Mes a . N o brokera~e 2(X') Amhur:-.l Sfl2.500 Call 831·!0!1 for mforma· tion. Mesa Verdt' lloml· by owner. So. or Adams on Starbird. n r golf 1·ourse & park. JHJO sq fl. 5br. 3ba + Cam rm. Hu~e mslr swte, J y r::. old. $1.99.000. 54.'i· 1831 /556·4444. --- osun uealcy B} 011.11l'r Co ll l'rk homt'. 3 Br: walk tn ::.l·hools, xlnt 1·o ncl thruout OClTlJ a :-. s uml'i. loan. SA7,!i0 0 !167-tilll8. Pnn only. CUSTOM HOMES jugt completed in qwl!l northern CM near S. Co Plaza. Bes t appearini.: homt's in area. 3 Br 2 Ba Pnl'f'd ni;iht at Sl l :.!.000 U.111l46.@17 'fi-11i··Ul!ll Me;a Woods .\ Br. :.! lw , FR. Ort. 3 l'3r gar. xtras Xlnt eoncl. & lot• Ownt•r l rns frd . Sll ~.00 0 556-10>. IN F'L/\TION B~i\Tt~K By owner. 2br twnhm lfiJll-H Iowa St. 567.500. 751-8404. MAKE 0 1-·n :H -------- RB>UCB>!!! 4br. 2ba Me sa Ve rd t· I lomc on corner lot , R V storal!t'. Will Carry 1s t w 11n1r1 $25.00o ctn II\ Ownt•r Pnni:. Ont~ A:-.li mi.: SI tti.500 962 iti20 OPEN SONDAY 12·5 l'u.~tum giant J hr. ~·1 1 SHARP 2 Ill' Ulndo New cpl 'R & drapes Nc;ir lluntm~on lk'br. S70.000. by owm·r ~5970e\'es & wknds. WHAT'S YOUR RACOUET?. Elegant 3 bdrm condo w /l.t'tuUs courts. close to bearh. Shows like new $103.000 754-7800 CREEKSIDF. ASPEN m Woodbndge, 3 Br. 2 ba. FUiiy landscaped and up(.trarit.'<i. SuPt'r terms SOO.!nl Owner. 551·4038 IRVINI GROVES Assume 10•·; m t. con· ti'urt. Sl.2.500 down. 4 BR. J Ba. AJC. upgr11dt'tl. l"or ap~ 5.51~5351 ___ _ TVRTI.EROCK llomc By Owner 4 bdrm 2 ba. Jo'l0l' land. $132.000 Nccd qui5 k sale. 644·41~_7 __ l.AKEFRONT R25,000! Shurp Glenwood model on Arbor Lakr Steps to l>l·ac h & duhhous l.'. l,argc II \'Ing room & farruly rm combine with Exec Patio Home giant outdoor pat 10 to Gftd Pool bnng lake side indoors~ Bike to bearh. Spac ious fllghly upg r aded. fan & airy 2 story. Gourmt!t tastk view. 4 Bedrm or 3 lull'ht!n. Huge IJ vtng and lx.-drm & de n. Pools & dm1n.: rm. Crackling tenrus courts too! Take a fireplact'. 2 Ext ra largl' look <tl this ele (:ant J>allos. Only ~.000. Call '.f~~~mt' today. Call now. 96.1-7>1111 .. .,; .,',,, 1 • , ... , ,, "' u . . I ~·lfilllil [' Niii l1a. rormal d111tr1i.: r m . l.g1· il Hr. 2 Ba . I m1h• to UNIVERSITY P ARl<-2 l'lu.-..h 2Hr. :!Ha t-.nh~t'. 1\C. n~·°" l'Jlli.. t·nd un11 . Wldl· i,:rl'Cnblt , :;tcps lo adlt µool. By (1wn1•r 9.JJ.500. 552· 1766. S51H48:! :.cp F H tlir Ui.11 k Ua} hl·ac·h . $111 .900 J\~t Nt>wpon ~22!17 : !163·tlltii 498 E. 20TH ST. 20thSt & Irvine 1\1-'l --F'OH SALE HY OW:'ll l•:H West.side 3 hdr m . 1 1·~ ha. lgc yard ::.71.!ISO ~~ .355~ MESA DELMAR VA terms. 1mrrutl'. 5 HR. ramil)' home. Lovely de· cor. Agent. 551-4682 e~~: EASTSIDI 4 Bdrm, 2:a.. Baths. rareplace. patio. shake roof. l'tl'. $129.900. Roy McCarch, Rltr S48-7729 --------- 1026 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Magruflc·ent <><'l'an Vtl'W New 3 bd. Open Sal & Sun 1-5. 3:1116 Cole1uo. Ai,:t. 833-062.3: 759·0706. GRAND OPENING MARI NITA Prl'Sllf,tiuus rl':-ttdt'n1'l':-t neur tht• martna from $165.000 . !SJI 3450 . 493-4006: 549·5111 OPEN SAT·SUH 12-6 Tn-le vcl pool hom e 4 br. 2'-2 hu. :-l'I> Jo' R . s pu, l1Jw mHnl Ilk ·d w ,fin· nnj:!. 17371 IREDA LM. So. of Warner. West or Spnngdalc. Al!(cnt. ----......... lbbOw 1042 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Mtcrtt.tHarbow 4br. J full ha. ram rm, DR, LR Jo'ull lnd~epd. tile entry, ull hlt·tns, frplr. slumP11tone walls complete Near ne w. quahty bit by Ayrt·s. P.O ple;ise . Sl31S.:i00 IW0-1441 DCB.LENT PLAH Large 3 bdrm. 2 ha all on one floor Near shopping t'enter Park P lace. Inc. 842·7461 nine 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IRVINE'S IEST Woodbn diw Plart· Bis· quc model :lrrir..~ from lhc lake 4BR 3 ba or Sp;in1sh splendor or. fem.I at $168.000. Call to see. OCEAN 5'RA Y R.E 759-9222 Pert of Tomorrow -Today Dreamy contempora ry. st y le h o m e with 2 bc.-droom~. lush atn urn c•ntry. dirun~ room. Wt't ba r. double fireplacc. den, i;iourmet k1tchl'n with buill·in. .... G u&nl L'OV· cred patio. Much more'. 118.500. Call 559·11451 WL. --· ~ Coa•Hiettc• for yo ur fas t ·pace IHeatylc includin~ al electr11· hltn k1lchc W/11lll'rowavc & compac tor. <'Ommun1ty tennis pools & J•H'uzzi's, I maintcnanre. fu lly sprinklered yards & a min. JOg to our sunny bcarhes. On t•ul·de·sa street, this 2 twdroom & derl in the J{u11rded com· mwuty of J asmine Creek is a s tl·iil l lo w e lt priced! 1 at only 1210.000. Call us bcrorc 11 ·s ~one! Prcsll~IOUS Mesa Vt•rde 3 Sparkling duplex : 2 BR. 2 Br. family rm. 2 lia. ba, I lift. 1 La 2 F11I. :1 frpk. indoor Swt•clis h gar. $149.000 Peg Allen. BBQ. 751·5917 Rltr 4.CM·7578 ~-... _.HO_.•M•OR_.E __ _ LAWNMOWER! Townhouse: 3 bdrm. 2 R.c.t ... --co-. bath. d ining . b u1lt1ns. ,.. ''""' xlnt carpet.a & drapes. 640-S I 12 Many decorator louchea. ----• Double gara ge. Asking Walk to bch, shops. 3br, 114.000. 2ba. ocean vu. By ownr. Call ~1151 1167 .000. 673-SS22. -----------''---• : '* HERITAGE . REALTORS HIUTOP nus -near new rustom 3 bedroom home has living room French doors open· ing on an ocean v iew. Much more to tell. call CENTURY 21 W EST, 564-4840. '-llaita V~ I 034 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I SHECON I I I I' I I I I FINKE I _.., ...... I" --1 -...1-1-~ "f Sr-TIG_Ul .... ,-R .... ,O.......,El......-tl .... ; You think vou've 001 pro- -. . . _ . btems. I've got 11 canary thlt r,-,P-E,-K-,~-E,-E-,----, ~ng;~~:~· ~. ch~lle Q~od - . • - - -by • '''"" '" •t-. """"'11 WO<ch _..._ _ _.__,.._......_, • "¥W a .. 11toirfrom "P No 3 h<!IOW • PR•NI NUM8Ut0 1, 1, . r 1ll!ltS IN mem . _ I ~~~(~~tr '°'I I I I M 1111 3 +DIM SI 14,900 ChatrminJ Dartmouth w/lvly atnum. Upgraded thruout. Lie m1tr 1utte. Near pool& • jacuui, phl,a mlnlmum main · teMlltt yrd. Newly of· rerett. 7»1501 By OWner, 1114 ROHmary flt. a Br 2 car 1ar. ,.,,,c, •rmdld~on· a,. •.soo. ICUNi&.ITI .__,..a. C•1Nkcflw IOll I . .. , ..... SH&fE IMVIRONMIMT!! LmJl-•oda I 048 _._.._.._.._.._._ ••••••••••• •• •••• • • • • • • GA Tl GUARDED Treat yourse lf to a n evening at ho mt': tht' dramatic 40 rt. living rm is gra('ed by 2 elt!.:ant open stairways that l'l'eJlle an 1mprl"SSIV<' al· mos phc•n • lmpress1\'e OUldoor decking. ocean & canyon views. Just IJ sl· ed. 645-0303 FD~rS T E OLSON <Xc•unlront. 2 BR. 2 ba .. OYU apt. fo'rpl. deck. sandy bearh. pool. put· ILOI! green. rt'C ct• n k r $!20.000. f'eg Allt'n Hltr 494·7578 REE DER REAL TY Hilltop Ot·vl'IOµcr:-. La~una Charrnerlt Ckean View Ne w Condos & Ne"" House I blk bc·h. l..2.3. bdr. 442 Cyprl'ss at Lor u~t Ownt.·r 1Dc\'elopcr tliUJhl t' r 1 H r o k c r . W I L L t:OOPEll .\ Tt: •l!l!J 1ti2a h m. ... I>(. or -1~1 .. JJ l!'I •l'•Jll t.fu. t lll·G. ~ L' I" ER B II 0 M 1-; UY OWNl-:H Wh1tl' watt•r vww. wlk to bch & town. 3Hr. den. 2'·zBa. ha Irony. maids qtrs, cul-lle·silc Xlnt res1denti. & 1n\·cst me n t. 740 Oak S l 5229.500: (714 1 494·~ or C213 l -176·33QI ...-•LOCATIUN Get away from it a ll 111 Top of the World family neighborhood, t:jpst' to s r hools 4bdrm. ra m nn . w1wN bar & frplc• Beautiful lrg i;1dt> \'ard Stolll'r wi ll a ~:.1 ... 1 w1fmancan~. Ju~t n: dur ed. only $135.900 0 77().2022 Goldenwest n~altors & Assoc1atl·~ .MEW & IEAUTIFUL Countcy f'renrh Custo m Home with ocea n \'lt·w steps from bcar h. •1 lid. 41, ba. den & ra m1ly rm Prime Crl.'srcnt B;l\ locauon SS25.000 ~ at 1188 Mar 1 n c or r a 11 ownt•r J e an t::drl y ~; 2 Br M"Cludrd on lar~L· wooded lo t . \ i t.·w ~ $149.500 1120 Jcffer:-.on Way· 4~ 51 ~2 ___ _ MYSTIC P ARIC :\ sert·n<' mt & t·anyun \1l'WWllh}!hmp!Hoi.OI lh1• l)l'l'Llll. I h1:-spal'ICIU:> I bdrm. family homl' h ..... bc.>tm frci-hly 1·;irpctcJ ~· painkd. Sl~.500 ENJOY ..... Cata ltna s unM•ti. K goq?l'OU" O•'t•;Jn \It'"' ... from this lovl'ly. h1ghl~ upgr<ill\'tl c-.intlomin1um ;:11JSOlutl'ly 1 mmaculatt·' Sl~.000 OIUEHT AL DELIGHT " dhtmC'tlVC. ('UStom J bdrm home m 1>0pula r Coas t Hoya 11· Th•· spar1ous de<·ks nHrr un p-.rallch:tl ~•cw ::. ~.000 ,.." ........ ~'-~11Ciatk~ t:i4 &,; ' • t ~N Cr~it\IH'fl"""' '' l 1t1111na SeoK.n Co \IJ1t:.• lll'i 494 "" ~.~~I :~~~'ra"'~5b/ I ( 1141 4fM 4~\I! ............. 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Laguna Niguel Realty • REEDER REALTY S89.500. 3 bdrm. :!1 ~ ba.Condo: c lel(ant. frµk. ale. 2 pools . wlk to stores, sa\'e gas, 9•; as. ·~• .. MrQ.-v ' \'OOperation. F:as) .11· ress tennis. golf. bl-at•h Ca.II R.E. Ofr 1 da~i. IO·(i 494·4315. Other times. 499-162Slv. ml>.c. ........... 1041 ....................... MOMAllCH IA Y YllW NOMI 3 bedrm wood tic 11ass home with view. Just a few steps to the beachclub tic sand. A must see by the sea. $250,000. A CGUMIU. IAMIM CO. 496-7222 831-0836 nr..ttn••llr,._ ............ NIGUB. SHORES As5UINllM Lo. ,\ roomy up~raded a p prox 1900 liq ft 2 story :J lld rm. on ice la n1I Stained iilu::.::. -..mdow'i Cllld upstairs peck d i lhl' Pac1r1e Se l' S H t: Jo' Jo' I E I. D PL/\CJ:.: at Tus tin f\ve & 16th 1n Newport Be1i1rh b y PAt:t;SETTEH tfOMt:s. Open daily from 12:00 except l"r1day PLL!S fabulo u::. rcc rC'at1on \714~31-0094 fac1llltl>:> a nd ~·usy walk .--------!llm topnvat<:bearh ---------"-- AN I) •ach Dolllouseo .1 fabuluu::. ,1!>!.umabl<' SI OS,OOO Sl40.000 at !J1 •'; loan. Pnrw n~hl at :Sl92,0oo Newport Shores. aural'· 644-7211 ttvc 3 BR. newly crpt'd & t'(JR MORI:: lNf'O patnl1..-d inside & out. 5 blks to t)each. Owner rJD.NIL [L EJAIL[Y & I ASSOCIATES Somethin9 Your Family Needs ThL'> t•hml·1· fam1l)'·::.t,yl<· home l<x•at1'<1 .it •·nd uf ruJ.dc s111· -..1 rt·t'L 7'1Udl'I I 1 k t• h o m 1· h .1 ~ :! bc.~room.,, I or ma I 1hnmf,! room, llr cplat \'. ~tanl k1t1·h1•n ""llh c,a ll ;.:t•h f.!llfOn" :1 f)..tl tM 12 "1\0 •1t\1·r,,1 l\l1ln· ~i . .iflll (..111~:1.J·llll~I TAAnaL. "CTOI'' As'6#1'1Dbl~ Loan F:uNa) El 1'1..:ud :Jbr S!J-1.t.K'IO. CuMom t<colt \ 770 'J777 . tra11111ferred oul 9f art'a l'ool & tt:nn1:. rourt::. Rt'asonablc terma. t u qual.if1t!d buy~r. c .. 11 for d ppt t o St'l' P1.:11gy. !llJ0-4:1)2. !>36·2498. BY OWNER SuPt·r Nc1ghbrhd. Jbr 2ba ~ fam rm N•wly re· rlcl'o Sk~Litf' Walk to µk 1schl $129.500 645-WJ7 Int luy .. Shotts Hy Owner. Npt Shores. 3 Ur. dt•n. cumm. J)OOI. ten nt " nt'. Sl OJ.9 00 "Courtesy tu Bkrs ·· ;i411.~1 3·STY OCJ:.:ANJo'RONT Owne r fmanrt.od I )\I.TI a gt 5414 1)2: 10 ---BIG.CANYON llt)rdcaux modl'I · 2 Br & ram rm or 3rd Br wt 3 Ba 4: t'Ornt!r k>t. 111µpr0>. <.x.:t.1\.°\; \'ll'.:W 120· far1 nJ! lhl' g oll l ' no bi. t r uct l'd h 111 & 1'()(JJ"S(' $)!)5.000. OwnL•r , OC\'an vie"":-. :J Br. :! h,1 Hkr !>49-l!ti8H <·u~tum lam r m l'\'t --------- hl'ad1 1~>mmun11~ {Inly i-:xl·lus 1vl' Newport SJ~.!AAJ. Tower . Magn1r11•1ant H Johns H t-: ,193·6891 C'a1al1n a -C anne r y -------VillJagt! VJeW. 2br. 2ba 1055 professionally decorat· ed. Slll9.500. 751-SOOO. ···;.;;;;·.;:.;·~··. _548_·fm4 __ . __ M.J. lroclc & 5oM Inc. 1-------• Wt saved the best for PANIC SAU! last• Trul11 IAik1· Fort'St " Duplex. 4 Br+38r. flllCSl \ afu1..~ A 3 HR. I Open Mon lhru Sun. ::.tory, $113.0ill. ur J ~BR . lOAM to3PM. 2stury. SJ33.l25 Moth a ir 11S34thSt. cond1lloncd. I ully up Balboa Peninsula gradl'<l. h1•a u1ilully fie• $199,950 l'Oratl-d & prorcssmnally The Property M1&rt landscap<.'<I. Pnme l<X:a 640-9019 t1on Call nuw C714 l ·~~~~~~~~~ 581·9610: C714 l 770.6493 I· Mission Viejo I 067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-;xr11J.'j1\'l' F1ni~t\•rra on tlw "'alt•r 01 La kt• M 1:. :-.ton \'1c10 :!br. 2 ha. up gradl'l>. (;round lt•\'cl + hoat ... 1111 11 7.:JU O. 751·500U. 54tHfl~ Mlwport •och I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DEILUFFS PIMHSULA Dl'l.X. wj2 & l Ir. Units. Complelely furnished. unus ua lly s p adou :-. roomi. with flrf'places , Wl't ba r s . m 11n y amenities. Owner will trade for apls or mottlL Sl19.000. Wl\TI Rf HONT ttOMI·~ s.c. REAL ESTATE 631·1400 Rt'duced t o $144 .!tOO.~~~~~~~~~ A~utely 1mmai:ulatt· 31---- lidrm 21 ~ balh. rormal d1n1nJ!. Splll le 11 c l townhome Open spact• \1ew from livinl( room ii1'd lllllstcr sw tc. Now vacant. owner 1Anx1ous. Call 54G-ll5 l . ,. s ~· HERITAGE . . REALTORS NEWPORT HGTS This tudden ~auty Is on dead end st. 2·sty 5 Br J Ba. sml ocean vi~w. full Swedis h s auna. big Jacuul. lots of extralt. Must see to appreciate . $!25.000. Owner Wiii help fmunre mmr-=-~t==:E-t~e---'--~ 601 LIDO 3333 W. Coast Hwy, NB 645-6646 Super \'tl'W of Bay & Ocean Pcrrert cond C.111 for appt to Sl'i' ROGER BROWN R.E &73-1020 BEST O R IG INAL BLUFFS AREAi Sensa· Uonal P lan E. hl1hly UDO ISLE cUl&ocnazed. apack>wl 2 bdrm. aui&ee + maasl.-e EllcepUonal 4br, 2ba on family rm. & added bob· wide St to St lot. rrench by rm . O v e r I o oJu doors ai beam cellin1s ellormoua 1ree,belt. lhru out. hardwood nni. Hu n ea ti 1 p r e • d formal DRi I& So. patio. ..... .. .\..at ... ~ u s ed b r c1' frJ>lr . Completely remodeled. Dover'_._ SPACIOUS By Owner. $410.000 . s BORM + m..-nn. 6'13-84ZI. Desl1ned witb P erle Me s ta In mlad . IUlflllS,ll'IMIST Enormous livln1 rm, IAast on er at owner 11111'1 rm. formal dlnin1. chrert pnce. Immediate Ellcltln& indoorroutdoor occupancy 38r 2 ba.«.>nd liv ing. Preali&louic mil "C" plan by poot Lg nelihborllood. For appl. fenced peOo. ownr / bkr. 14J-H4lt Qtleft8attaan J.S. 90-tJIM. 3M3Vlata Cajan • -.------- 975-01111 • $W.ooo ~~.:T!RR~:~~ Cha rm In 1 2 bd t m . Room &o lidd, allilY. Near layvieW Mobile Home. &hope, beach ~ bu• . tr7.000. 701 Udo Park Or. =· PrlH o•I)'. t4.17MM1. • -. ~ ....................... .. ~ ... ....................... ,._PLUS 11 IM..,..Cn•• I bedroom. 2"' bath + pool. Eaeeptjoaally clean with 1raciou1 iadoar-outdoor llvina and a roartna f~ to add to deU&btfUI llvln1 In dYa exacutJve communJty. Priee Juat reduced to Sl~.900 Owaer muat aell. Bat buy ln Newport CaUaow! oms & ASSOCIAns IJM200 OWi• M_tv....,....._., H•• bouiht dOOlhcr ~. Comlor111bfr 4 bdrmi. Wllb t~ pm a\!)' al 2~1 biUhii. l.ut'lllt.<d Ill d<'IUlt!ve !MtbluH. with ~vur CM11 prwa tc ''lt'W <ii O.IJ&liM. Bleck y lttd ai ~ W1iM.1o lUJQ, for c•n tc rtialnln.i Al> 0 .. : U VALUE · o~n,·r "'Ill ''W'TY Liil T. 0. <.: u II l.11i11 Rd!ty 673-1300 t07' ....................... ~t.wnt'f 2 bdrm twnh:.l!. ::ip11n1:.h t 111• f Joor .. ~C~I:? ..... c....... 1071 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnvc•stor·, Nt'.11 1\lf1tk1. :! Ur '1~·"' 1>110 1 $.~!l .01111 ~~7 s-t.A. \ l' I>"'''" I' •. 1010 __________ , ...................... . LIDOISU _. Hr 3 HM. 2 frpll• 's, 2·:.l). lm.000. Owner Pnn 1111 ly 173-~ Harbor View. :lbr. t!h.i t•ana.astic upgradt.-s in & <U.. Sl.Sll.000 OJ>t·n S:.it 751Hii43. IUUTlFUL 41R + FAMRM.HVH ... ~., nl'ur :,l'hl. park & pool. SJ74.500 a,,i.ti561 ~0·14·10 OCEAHVIEW NJ>(. Crl':sl ('Ondo. 3br. Jba. t.'fld un11. Pool. h:n Ob cru.. I.rot> i.q. ft. Xlnl cond. Owner Ocrupan t 1Rc.,J\or. Not yet listed Buy below market & s ave t"omm. +. Dys 1)75.2711. eves. & wknds . 5411.72116 UDO ISLE Outslllnding l'St m rt" model. l'r 1 me rorner locatton. :.kJ.1:) to bi!u<·h J Ur 3 hu. d1·n I .iv rm w 'wl'lbar & m<i,..:-1 ''-' hnrk frplr . r hea111 1·1·11 ing::.. t''r flours 11ancll wind. dm area 11f)l.'ll!> It. bn1·k flllllO Hright k1I w all nu bit m:s & nook Spacious m:st r su1 l\• w bait-on'" Decor at 111 fabm':.tw;ill rov. /\.,;:-um 'loan. S$75.000. H) Owm·r tl75·27li4 IYOWNERHEW 11.UFFS CONDO Magnificent G !'Ian Wrap·around windo"'· t•lt.'vatl•d rornl·r lot Catht..odral beam t•t•1hnl!:.. mirrored t! story t•ntry Brund new t·pt 'S! und dt• •'Or 3 separute bt.'<irnom ;,uitl'S. :I baths~ 1amil) nn Mm1 Ila' '"'" l L'n tral nll'uum.' i\ M "';\I 111 l.t!n·om. Steµ:. to lml·k IJUY 1\d,Jarcnl I""'°' a 1111 t·ahana. Sl!IS.000. Opett Sat /Sutt '. 5 orby~wtnwnt 2420 Vista Hoble1a 644-4133 PIOIATESALE 2IOIMHOME R-3 LOT S57.000 Ill tht-tiOO block uf ~1 Syt>amort· i\D ohl..r z Bdrm I bath homt• SOX125 lot C0.1\,·nt111nal term. OOI) Call 644-7211 /Jn NICJf l. UAILE Y & ASS'>l:JCIAT£5 NICEORIGHT Nl•ut 3 HH. 2 ha hum1· 1n rut'l' rw1iihborhood f''ull pn1•t• only $71,500 Park Pla('l'.lnc 1142·7461 -s.et.a..,... 1016 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:Lt:Gi\NT 4F\r, 21-,Ua home Spt'Ctar ular Vll'w l>Vl bc;.11·h & trnn1:s fa1•1l1 t ll'!-. S3ti5.000 I' N U Pro1J1•rt1e:. 1213 l W7 :i:JIG T•tWt 1090 .••..•..•.•.•.••..•.... SPECTACULAR VIEW t)f night lii.:hb and J.!1•nl11· rolllnµ h1ll1-('uswm :1 Ill< h1d1•awav Formal tllnini.: . .,11nl.i.·n lo11ng1" tanul> r1,111m & h\•inl! ri•wn ;111 uj)\•n to t·ntl·r latnmt•nl sl7.l'cl \ IL'W dt'Ck1-. l'lf·nl y 111 ruvrn for 1011 Owner 11. open to 1•n •at1Vl' fmanl•tn):. flnn· ~.000 RUMAR REALTY 558-7977 WEDEfYYOU To find unothl'r t·ui.tom hcITTlc lh:it t·an ma trh 1h1• un11~ue design of th1:-. l'U.'>ll1lll 3 UU. homo· 1o1:1t11 t:1rn11\ r ... rn .1nll L?u riw ruum · Si1111·rlil~ dl';,1i.:nt·1f k1tl'l1t•n "11 h hr1·ukf•1"l ;trt•u tit.It 11µt•n;, to \ 11·w uno dt•t•k in,::. l.t \'101>( roum anct ma;,t1·r !-.Ulll· ur1· ;,urniundl'd hy walls or iila..;~ tha t overlook mWit hghb aml :>Wl'CP· 111~ \ l\'W of ocean. Pr11•c $!lll.M RUMAR REALTY HOME MR. IEACH 558-7977 SI I 0,000 --- Ownt...-mot.ivatcd to i-ell Olllw RMI Estate IJus t>hurm1nft 2 Bdrm & ••••••••••••••••••••••• den +s ul'tf'oom home Just st~ lo bclwh. Com· ~ ..... ~' muruty pool, tennis & tcr _. 1100 nr1c neighbors. • •••••••••••••••••••••• WisbwyReafty k IDS & P ET S 671-6900 WELCOME OWNER MOTIVATED PR~TJGJOtlS HIG CANYON c.omc by & m ake oHt·r on this charming •l br bNtu ty. 2 frpll's. hugt• rms . h ly big Sct'I Udt•d lot. 759·1501 l!flti Kirkwood. lovely air 1-ond :mr. 2Ua. bkyd for Ult-lmts or pct Musi s1:1.· 1U<.1J)f)re1· CMM5643• Mobile HorM Stott ~·~ St6,900 STVS TO BEACH Dhl wid1• ·r,1 Tra1ll!r:.tm•1 IUN51116 J J P\1 b<·h & pwr. Suh·l\'ltmi:: alh1wt•d w ·utt-d tn Trt•usun· I:.. \......Jll6W6Mi1Wliillliiiil~I :nltll l'ac1hc Cuast llwv. Lai.: lkh. Offered ti~ kcnaii.:-.anl'c MI' 171-I J s.. Clewltnt~ •l'Jl.J.~ll; ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ··"'·.·.·.··.·.·114 MINUTES FROM THE lNS 15 DIFFHENT ICH Bayrllff Villal!e. 2br, Ruyul Monart·h 21.60 .... h . f 1 . 1 2Br. I" 1lfo. corner lot. ua. r arming rp <' in ' I k Uvtn" rm w/dioinu 0 rea 0 w p u r r c n t · "' .. .. CJD6767 Tll l.ite rooms. thru·out PLUSH fo"resb paint. new r pl'g. 11....ol.-L.U-.... __ 5...__ Move righ\ in! $79.500 .._... nuns •vnr 848.8895 TRUE LUXURY Newport Beach tBr. t blk Panoramic ocean view to ocn. Sl.2.500. 646-5678 Townhome. So dif· alt6PM&wtnds. fft'ent+Stained glass en F'"""'uy p••I( uy to 4 levels. 3 Br, 21 ~ _. • """ be Zfrpks Comm pool Owner anxious. 3Br. .,.....,. ___ ,.Jaf..m 6 i · , ~Ba. 19?6 Barrington. Obi. gar w topcn ~r . bdrm & bath w t~ankn tub, schls jusl mmull's away. IMP38441 ~Ho.Store 848-8895 IOUtSITE 2 STORY. 4 Bdrm, 21h ba. winding tllaircMSe. 2 frplcs. ( t in IHO matt. suite w /silting --------· area,dresslng rm. & •EXCIDNG• ............... Bee.atlf.al 1i1fl ~d•awat tBr. 21:ta bOme within walk In~ du. tance of 1.1do '• hn••!!I ~ art-11 Sffl,111 J>t•I ~ .......... ".,...,,..,.,. l2'Jd10' w t!•P.nded hv "lill rm 21ir. 2a.a . front kltcia'fl, "''•utilul ''"1>> 1'111'(' y..,.O L...-•• Sfltc"'l-r l\:iauutul :, Stur Adult I.I\ <M•*l Sc·rt<'rt·,.t. :! I.it· Bt. 28.a, f11m rm with ttll tht•lltr-. t1n ly SN.!IOIJ C.u.olHIA PAClllC MOIUHOMl SALIS 2100 I llirlJtir. Sh' :.!IJIJ 1\ S46-SU7 SUMTHIMG EXTRA fln~lll).! area 1n ln~tr lJ d r rn • , . I.' cf a r I 1 n '"I 1'111*1..,, 1>ull out k1u·h··11 :.heh'\~. ~ puntr) . uhl "' 1 d l' A r I 1 n i.: t o n 1111~701 MabHeHorMSton ~ Kll!I!"> ~ VIKING. All'. !lx21 M'rl't'O JAllTh. '<IOI hwa t1un m S Slur purk lrv1m· Hvi. !I 4. ;,:;1hN77. afl 5t'M wkn1b 551 ·hi:!lS ~tors• 1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20ACRES- W1Ll srl.IT l'aw<I roud. powt•r, 13 m1 tn Hcl'Tl('l. "lnt to .:cntl1· !>lupc. Only ~.000 full pnt"l' Tt·rms <.:all Dave l\na ppu •• 1gt ( 714 l ~.166(; Eust or L11kt· StlV\!rll·11od on Mojave ltawr Mn JaVt· n vl'r view. I a i:rc S!tXXl down, SIOO JX•r mo $7.500. phont ~·44!13 SACAES $17.500 t-'IJJ.t P HJ n : Term. ltkal for m oh1h· homt'. IJ milt·:-tu lkmct Powl'r C;ill 0 ;1\'t• l\nap per. U_t'l. 714 71il:I llXili ltfl fwnh for We 1300 .......•............... 4·Plex fur-salt· by Ownl·r. near bt•ac h in San Clcmenk Xlnl invC'st- mcnt. Slfi9.~10 t l-'1rm. 4~2!'1M TRIPLEX 3 \'r:s old. ull units have 3 bdrm~ . .i•~· ba lliL•a r 1\dam:. & lka1'h Call Shon·ltnt· M ana).!l'mL•nt Corp. ~7·63')3 A:.k fur Nam'yWvnn 1800 ................•...•.. Pnmc :-.:c.,..ixirt 1'1·n 111,,11la loc:ut1un 5 older units un 2 lot.s To h1· ~old as ;1 J0 .. 11 lax ddl•rrt.'<l t''lt•hani.:t·. ~II C:irolyn 642 a lil or R ll' h u rd U u !> t' n Iha I 12131~·4!1&5, i\~ u\':,TSIDt-; C°"t:.t Mc:,a 3 ~-:,. S195.UUO 642·2510 ur646-4848 DAMAPOIMT Duplex · View. Nl•ar llarbor. 1500 :1<1. ft. l'a 2 br + den. IJ~c .:aragcs. $149.SOO. Xlnl financing_ <.:hU('k S ptllt'r, r\g l. 752· Ul'.!Oor re:.. li73-IJ3K2. OpnSat/Sun 1-4 New dlx <f uph·x ~22ti liroa !I St . NII Call uwnt.•r . !n!f·SOO!l ::iupt•r n.odurtion. Ii un11" 11 .:urag~. S22.000 gr""" appr. a t S21\9.000 i\s· swnc: IM or $201.700 No"' at $245,0110 f'r111 o nly i\i..it. b75·5llOO Ut l'T.V F.asts1dc brand new Jbr . 2bu unit t n·modcl(•d 3br. 3ha hOUSl' w fl'. IJX gro~1' $1 \J~.soo. 752.2550 lncOlllf Properly 2 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JHOUSES t:asts1de C ~. 3 separ.•tC' tou.-;es on 2 lots . ;\cross from park. Super 10\·a · lion. $lSS.~. A PR€HIG€ --q_ ____ ~_HOM€~ 3333W. Coust Hwy.NB. 645-6646 7 UMITS-C.M •. Beaut. new building. Flrepl~. xlnl location . vm ~2·1603 FOUlt UHITS.C.M. N<-ar new. 3 Br ownl'rs unit. 2 ba. frpl. 2·rar gar .. 3·2 Br. 2 ba. units. TSL lnvst mts 642· 1603 Oldr tri pix on dbl lot. grt tax shltr.-s11s,0001ufr owntagt 840-1879. ALWAYS WAMT9 TQMA~7 Why not 111•11 today? MOit ol the ~ who now t'Cftlrol 30-»aG or mot'e '61\it• ttarted with a tlu r·""9*' houR M duplex. triplex. or •·Pl•• •nd tradlld upward as du~ar equUy ll'hl· You t·un do the um~ Uuq 1 WHArs IT ALL ..-.M? AtTD OS 111 • Ma .... , • ..._ ................. ,.r*lf tlJI X~ l.11111 m tht! 1umclti of Heal l':staui Jargon? We t·un h1•lp uMcramblti 1oome ol yuur qu~llons. Our lwlpful 11nd knowledge able stalf ol over 40 •·un de mystify t\\rms like this and help YoU to d .. t .. rnun•• what kind of propeny ls r ight fOf' you und fill> your hnunr ang STAIT WITH A SMALL NIST 5G Wl· \'IAll ~how yw how even a small nest egg ran lw JlUl to \\Ork for you to take advantage of tax :.Jv..t llll"I aml l~~m bwld mg a fortun .. for you! WE CAN HELP Confui.t>t1 b.\' ~11 many ads? Don't kno w whert-to be~111 your IO\'estmcnt program? You will find our hJ.ihly rramt!J ~tu(( helpful. Phone for un appointment 9UAIL PLACE PROPHTllS. INC. 17141 752-1920 OCEANFIOHT LOT m prestigious Surfside Colony. Vacant lot available to build your own custom h o ml'. Galed e ntry t o Colony .· Unobstructed view of Catalina Isla nd . White sandy beac h at your front porch. Plans avail. & approved by Coastal Commission. Rare oppty. OWM PAIT Of YOUR OWN 15Ud40 Now two. the only two commercially zoned lots on Catalina Island a re avail. for purchase. Located in the center of Avalon with a story book view. You'll have lo see lo believ~ Ca ll ROB McDONALD. Agent for details. 962-5521 UNITS Call forfrl'dl"t w,. h." l' lht-m rrom ti 1r111h•\ at Si.'i.WO up to Iii unit:-;11 sw.001 <:reut tnVl01>trir-. :-.1·h•1·1111n l';tll nuw ' S.~Jliil6. NEWH UNITS Out of stat1· 1;;1 lintt:. Sl.IHll,1)111) 10 Unit,. S780.0llO JH l,;n1t:-SX7 l.(l(~I 1IM" 1111 a,..,,11111 lt1.1n 1 Ji l'111t11 Sil~l.I""' (1,,owmt .11'.sum loan • l'nn uni) 1>it'aM" 0 l!ourkc. 1111 r :><Hl 9'J;i11 Ill L-:"1 r I.OT. ,\1\.1hl0lm :\lakt· uffi·r ~lorn:-& ,\,, :.QI' tl!l;l I :JH l!l!!-1 VIST1\·4 1 • al·n· ht!:. .• 111 plan..; & pt·rm1ti. pd for. J,!radcd t•nlo(int•L•rt"d. 1U m111. from orn , pk?-. pl;ua & ;,ehls. good an•a , w1<k rgrowa l ut ii Offt'r. 4:.;.29!).5 PROl\,\TE HI lot. North Tu-.11n lllb:s Level 1 ~ al'rt.-. <.:all (irl')!Of'Y 1\. l>cnn1s lkul· I~ 75!H120 l "a11)vn l .akl' lul SW.U(~I tJfr t>IJI (&I Mobile home / TrirPri&s 2300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...._ ...... had . ..................... . t 1 .,.. 1202 S bdrm 2 ba else to beh ••-•• .. ••••••••••••• »~O mo 536-0086 / IUDMTUNTS F.coftomy. Savegu + (jmc ~. 3br. l~ba. lrg. fnc. yrd. Singles & f\."ts OK ao. .... Brand new 3 br. 2 ba. bltns. drp;. crpt.s, ;,II ell- tns. Lnd'\Cpd. l\7S. pvt. Ply . ....,-, mo. a BQ:RM •• ••' leyel ~ unit. Part vlew. 1'135 ~ mo. HsesMitsCtgs t'·Unr . tm t tic haesingleti lm2 br gar kids phlx l250 2 br gar child ok 128$2br111111 qwct Sl503brkids pets lg s-53+1112 ba kids nr all Ml64 br kids pets bch 9625 sharp s br be11ch sm rum a br Ba 111;1 Calif. Cassie by the Sea. 3br. den or 4br, t:V.ba, frpcl. RV boat ae<:css. Cov 'd patio. Comer lot. mr. OC'ean. S'>JSmo yr lse. Isl & last. Grdnr & water meld. Call 340·2151 aft.6. SUnny 4br, 2ba, view of SaddlebMck Mt. Dbl. gar. ----CAMYOM 1575 .... 1(8;. 557-olZS Homefinders·St.ate Wade • •••••• YAAPPROVID HOMES All.,._· Org. Co. NO money down up to SI00.000. 4 bdrm home near In· dianapolis & Brookhurst. Fam rm + dinm~ rm. Avail now call Shoreline Manal(emcnl Corp 847·6363 ...... v ... 3267 ....................... Lak e front luxury lownbome . rabulous view. 24 hr security. brand new 2 Br 2 Ba. AIC, lake privileges SlOO mo. Joy. 837-1401 or 5111-l IOO. Agt. ...... ._Ori ....... 3242 Ntwportleoch J269 ••...........•......... . ..................... . WATER•'RONT CONDO BAVCRE.<,T Lovely 3 br, 2~~ ba end Custom 3 Bdrm 3 bath wut. Bnck frplc. bltm.. home. New offering. SUOO dbl em·I gara~e Slap m o. yrly. Call Ann F•b.aloua 3 bdrm , NllOm home wiUI seas~ tional golf cowae view ! Yeuly rental, 11100 pt:r mo. Lovely Mcl.aln 2 bdrm • 2 bath townbomt!. Large deck. Avail. immediate· ly at $1700 per month. ~t640~ THICOYE ~"i&Uonul 2 & a den condominium oo water! Pool. jacuzzi, beach! Yearly rental, $1750 f)t!r mo. ~enl 640-5560 Veteran Admm1strat1on Sules Broker WORLDR.E. 543-1626 ~Hrs. 7day wet.·k Don't wait to buy real l'Sl<llt.'. buy real t.'i.t alc undWAJT: avail. Lca'ie S'875. Pegi,:y. Pt!ters, JZ76 ~. Barrett RJty 642·5200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrriM 3244 NO FEE! Apt. & Condo BeaUllful ocn & hill view, ••••••••••••••••••••••• rentals. Villa Rt•ntals 3Hr + de n. 28a, lsc SSll!> ****** 6 Bdrm. ·I ba hom t.'. rh0tre 67!>-4912 B«r mo. 211 Calll' l>Of'ado art•a Irvine. SIOOO. mo. ---.:... ~13 )434~1 3206 tiJl.0000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'llll' 3 Br 2 lia. i.:arai:c, frµl e . s tove . n •frig, .... ~hr dryr. 9i75 ) rly 11c1 JA.'Lo;, ·1~1·3223 l'\'t•:. -----8c6oa Peftiftsuto 3207 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pt-.:.Nl?\SULA POl ?\T I lir. 4 Ha. dhl ttara).!t'. h(e masll'r swk. walk to bcach1bay. Si501mo Yr ly lcaSl' Agent. li42·5200 &673-4396 .. :ve.. ----eon.a dei Mer 3222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Ur. I ba, nt•wly ftntShl'O hurdwood noor1' l'r1 mu IUl.'alc i\).,"l. ti7S·0~11.i2 ---- Woodbndgl· Pl<tt'l'. s tm. 3 ha .. formul d1ntni.!. hv & (um rm. Lon 1tcd on park \lo1lh .1 VH.'W ul m b 9'175 Mu Af.,'l t>~I !>W:l REtfTALS 3 HI<. 2 Ha .... S500t!f".i0 I BH. 2'· • ba. furn .. SH~ I HR.21-:o lKI r\U Sllll)O 2 HR. l Bo. SC .• $4~t5tJll '.! & dt•n + dtnini.!. frllk I ba I l>lk to l>u.-. & i.hup:, ~ 644-7400 t>IS 51.i57 citst;~~--3-224 't52~CAMPUSl>a·IRVl"E •••••••••••••••• • •••••• T\."1111.1-:kUl.I\ bland :I ~11-:sa \'l'r<ll· I br. :! La. lir t•1w 1· hum•· :\t•\l'f furn rm. frpk, "''l'I har . 11\t:d 111 ' • ~ 75:.! !Jtl~~ "''" l'Jll . l).!1• ~ d. 110 µct ~ "~" 9115 i 51 :1111t; Turtlt·ro1·k Bruatimuor -----... ---honk'. 3 ttr ::! Ua. i.:tt•al BACK IA Y l'Ufllht1uu. l'IOSl· 10 poc11. LurAl' :i bedroom 2' ~ I.cast'. $625 mo ind. bath to wnhom L'. llu~t· i.:ardt·ner . Call M33·3251i roo stt'r swlt-. f1replAt't· T...tlenH:k Glen d.ishwushcr . doubk.• t·ar garal!<'. T\\nnis. pool. lmmal' :J bdrm & 1h•n. sauna. Jac uu.1 La r$!e i.par1uu:-room. hkt• ne~ patio Available now <'Ofld. Lr,,: lot, dose tu S)5(1mo.ti46-4477 pool & tc•nn1?-S750. t:orporatc Plata Re;ill} :>ti-2!Y.>3. New 1·omlo. '.! IJr. '.! lttt. :! Woo<lhmJgl• I le\ :Jbr fl')Jl1·;,. J!Ottl & J<t('LJlll r r .. 3ba. :! rrpk. :!.20<r..4 SI05 yrly. tli5·4!112 Bkr II Spri n k Ito r -. $77 i> !).52 5232 w"..,..,.woort Nfo:WPOkTTfo:R Ri\Ct; <.:ON DOS :! bdr . Sf!()!ltmo . ~ bdr. $550 /mo NeJr l>OO I. jat'Ul.t.1. :.JunJ , voll ey ball ba~kNball , Call J ohn J).,'t tiJI ~ 3 Ur canyon home, walk to bcat>h, lease S650 mo. '.!14 t\ v~·nd ;i San i\ n ton 10 Ope n Sal/S un I I 045~ S..Jue CapistnMo 327• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------LI.! 4 Br 3 Ua. nearly n ew. I tH,OCK TO ~t;i\CJf P().h 3br. 31Ja w 134 • boat :.Lt p SllS(J 640-491 !f. :Un-, 2ha, lcar ).!ar Dis hw. r 1• f r 1 ~ • $ 5 7 5 I m o . Utamond Heal &tat\' MS 7573 Ut:aullful 4 bdrm. J)Ool llom1-. nt•w n.1rpc:t. new ''U' c "' m1•·ru-wa vt· O\l'll. nt·~ p;1ml lh.'ady rur 1mnu-.I orc•upanc·~ . t.urdc11<.·r & pool ;,en t\'e •n\'I S:J'ij per mo. HJ:l lllilll r\1-;t.'lll !! Br t 1ft·11. :.! H;1. 1n 1l.1ruor V11·"', 1ww paint. 1\dulh. no pt•l;, S70U . :m r...10·2.S.'):l t-:.\ST BL.U Fl-'S·:Hlr 2Ua. 2 patao~. 2·~ t·ar gar , wshr tdryr. refni.:, S650 mo. <2131~1 loyfront Coedo Luxunous with forever \1ew. 2 Bdrms. 2ba. St.>curtty & pres tige. 1M1mo lse Need Boat Slip? J c·ar gara.:t'. 31012 Pa~co Vaien<'ta. S650. 4!:+4 722-t s..ta AM I 3210 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Ur 2 Ba condo. ca~b. drapr:,, pnv. patio. up i:tack..od. Call 548·8300. ---..... LGCJlllMI 3286 ••••••••••••••••••••••• O:ean View New Spat>tou:. IWI. 2 :.ty hou:.c. I blk to bt·h. 1-'am rm , dan. rm · Jhr. p:..llo. :! frplt'. :! •·ar l!ar ~mu :'oio Pt·I~ (I\\ llt' r ;, (I h J.1 , Ill :!1:1 1>71Hltilltl :! btirm "1t11 -.mall vanJ Sl51J1mu Walk hJ :Ith s1 he;wh. l~·:lb7t!&6til th.ii Luxury 3 IJr. 3 ba homt.'!>. Frum $50. mo. Agent ~I 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bt.odrm Condo. ent'l~t.iJ gara~c. air t,'Of'ld. Comm. -~·_MOO/mo. 4!*3·9796 __ if fwnh funrished .•..•.................. 3702 •..••.•..•.••.......... f''ur Ht•ttl l-'11 r111 -.lto·il Had11:for' L 1111 Thi· S111 ~ 1n~;. Call <•fl~·r j pn1 ~··l!ltJil I l'lt•l< C'ust a ;\h·:.a 1·' n·llcnl h.wut111n Slfii. hHt ,\J.!t•nl KJJ-O:JSli ,\t Tht: fll'tH'h I<!' Wide Sharp 3 Wrm. :! hath • =Sl-'21.\2 S!.l .OOU ,\dull:.. h u )! ,. r a m I I;. rm T 1· r r <H' l' T w n h .., <' J t l!ru\•crs1t~ & M1chd!.On 3 br. 2 bi.I. Nr. pool & J3l'. Lovl'ly quiet :st r l.'t"l. 1\vall. approx J Unl' 1. ~75 mo !»2·351il. un L IO U I SLI-.. (i l;imoruu:. L·xet·ut1\ ~· Hu yrront 1·ondo w 1th load.-. of roum View and moch m11r1'. Shp a\atla· IJll' Furn C>r unlurn. SJOOIJimu lc6oaPeninwla 3707 ......•....•........... Terrific Trilllea in Huntmi..-ton &·r11:h at IOU~ 1'.:nglund Look. but don't touch Call llo h Dlcktn.'!Oll, /\1.,1 979.a533 10 houst.'S on lot 0Wner may l'urry loan with SIOO.ot>o down Ilk r 631·12:14 Pr_n.~yls nnly TRIPLEX no pets agent !IGO 1510 S>35tmo . me t garch·ncr Uill Pam at. s.i&Sl:lllO MOllLE HOMES •Lovely itic60. 2br. 20;1. fam rm in 5 star ariult p;trk Grt•at e;irt· fn:l. h v· ini: at tts best •Ntl'C 2br. l!ba. ram rm. ~lxti() moh1I homl' in ~> star famal~ park Grl.'11t fur I hl· h•1i:,un· family !"or more into 1•all II< l::N Prur1•s:.1u nal ltltrs . >l!lK·~~l(J. L+tc 3 &!rm. :!r l>a Nit'~· J)Wlelin~. N1cl!ly decorat· t'tl Low rnainl ~anl. SJ251mo. :>57~ •TWO STORY 4 lxlrm :1 bu. formal dm. rm dl'n O>lY 9175. mo. 52A~ _ 2 RR, 11 z l>a. 2·car gur, frpll'. Ki<ls OK S150 Ai.:t f.i75-0070oru31·5a."JO 1-.;xl'l'll. I :-r old 3 lir townho u;,l', frpk. I ~ put1v. SSSO H •rtlaJ,!c Park f>S!i-OH I We:.t Custa M1•11a :! Mt'S'a Vl•rde. 4 Hr E lW<' home. •lt.•wly 111·1• Sli7511n<·I g;irt.knt.'r C>Ancr :>ki-~l 3:1 IJ!Jrm w11t11 Will ,h11"' MolMtoin, Deserl. po;,1t1H l'a~h flu\!.. Resori 2400 tbrpnvatey<ml.r µ.ut1I HANt:llOSA,'I: JOAQUIN To ... 111\ou:,t-. 2 Br. den. :! ha To11 lt•\'t•I. lin•al \ ll'W • SS50 m u. i\ \ ;11 I JUlll' I. IHU -12 12 o r i!'>I i\nl SlZi.!W 1\J(cnt 91!• ttt;lfi ••••••••••••••••••••••• paid. ~u l't..•I ~ s:J!">O IU.UEVEH SI SIC CONTRACT 2on a lot ~ai.t Sad e (.'o;,t :i , separalt.' yard-;, :separate garage:,, 2br. lllu.1•;11·h 0... /AC)t. 631 ·I I 23 FIRST TIME INVESTORS DREAM f'nlTll! llunlm~on lk•al h l,plcx m a h1i;:h l) 1k s1ra h11• rental ;in•a Onh SM4.!Y.JO. ll wun ·1 l,1;,l ' Ulll now likr im-2535 ***** Sellen Will Carry! 8FOURPU:XES,llR 2 FOURPU~XES. S,\ it UNITS. i\nuhl!im 19UNITS.CM Principals Only Please All of lhe>e project s may be purchased on very fa •ot abt' ront11t'5t'9"' Owner is motlv:.tll•d - Want 's fast a1:11on "'or mfo. call WORLDR.E. 541-0800 ***** PALM SPRINGS JO a1•re.. on mountain. al>Qvt.' town. fi73 22K!l St.20.()X) Prin only . ~ounty 2500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... VA APPROVED HOMES Al1 Areas· Orq. Co. :-40monl'ydo"n up tu SI 00.000 \'dcran Admtn1sl ration Sales Brokt>r WORLDR.E. 50·1626 21 Hrs. 7 day week Don't wail to buy rl•al &t2·l.IS35 Mesa Vt•rijc 3 br. 2 l>a. tJhl gar. IJltn.,. frpk. 5550. m d grdnr :>.57-7tJUK m :LUX E 2 Hr Condo 2'? btt. Pvt backyard i\1 tarhl'<I 2 C'ar gar. ff'l>h-. auto ~ar dr opnr . trash romptJ73-2282 blwn !J & !"> Sllarp 3br. dbl. gar . fq>lt'. ... to\ c, 1!3rdl·nl.'r .• SW5 IH2·519'J ~::t..,L'31de 3 bdrm. lien . 2 hu fo·unky hou~~ fur sfll-'C'1al rouplt•. N1> pcb. Drive by 437 K 2C/th. Sl. S.Sti5 mo. 5411·1HUli o r ti.11·4446. 3Ur2 lia, 0C('al1 VICW, SSS() mo lease. 673·&743 t.'lltatf'. buy re11l eslall! I y r new 3 b r. 2 b a and WAJT! townhouse, pvt pa tio, * * * * * * lrpk-, no pets. $490/mo. ---------· 6'2·5722 2700 ·~····················· lmmat·uJatL· :J RI<. fo'am1 ly home w I lovely yard, pn va1·~. fpl1·. ;i;,sol' r11.10 I , .: rdn r rnt'ld $.'.>!'•O mo. Lango Rt·al ~lall'. 4l'7 it23 :! .-01.>n. fam r m. 31Ja. 2 frplc-:s. U011 Ml ft . Wood bndl!e $775 mo :>.52 52.1:! 2 RH. 1 ba. dbl j.!ar .• l m•d var<!. n1c·t· S.llj mo. 5."t9-6289. &tti-3255 Dav 1d L.alJllllCI leach 3248 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IJwldt-r's Custom. Hm, 2br 2ba. den. Some uc. vu. Beau. yrd. Gar. Han- dy to shp~. & bch. SlOO mo. yrly./lse. 581·7000 dys. eve. 586-129ft Beautiful 3 br home w /panoramic view. 2 hu ge d cc k s . all a me nitie s. $1300 . 549-1186. 2 rar gar W/l•lcr opener. 497·:M26 S&S01mo. 1st.last + S200 ---------....... dep. As k fo r J o hn , Oceanfront La g un.i . .......••uu••;;,;.;.;-...-:d••••••• i~63~1~-12Ji6~·~A~i:~l?l~.~~~~~ Private Point. Spec· _ 1 tacull&I' views, brand new mobile home. S600 mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0-.ftolRt lZ26 yearly. 494-6594. 499·4673. Costa Mesa 3124 ...................... . u••••••••••••••••••••• 38r + den & 3rd sly deck. ......... USO PrH1i9ous Lido 2 fjdrm +den. l"re:.hly d et'Or ate ll Patao . Sl<n!tmo Wotwt ft ont HoMts 611-1400 J Br. fom rm. in lfrbr Vu w 1i.:ardent.'r. S675 /mu t>~ Hi\CKlii\Y :J bdrm. 2 IJa .,..~.ih'r paid. tms mo. Ask for Hoo Lc.-c9&1·24~ ••Hl.Uf"FS 4br. 21,,ba, ram rm. £rpl1-. ll\'t patio. Sli50 644 14tl0 /K:JO · 505-0 t·xt 40 O:ranfront 3 hr, 2 l'ar i.!aral!e. 2 bath. w /w 1•rpt. drµ.;:._646·~-- Hu.rbor Vt('W 4br. fam rm, Sh·~µ1 n J.! r 1J11m,, ii k1tc ht·nl'lt1•1' s; .. ,,.., .,..et.-lc & up t ll•t•an Fr11tt1 67>87'10 CostaM.so 3724 ····-··················· CASA DE ORO ALLUTILITll-:S 1'1\lli Compar1· lwl•ir1· ,·ou ren t. cu~tu111 d1·1'.1 i.:11 featurL'" S 11a1·1u11- k1tehe n w 11 h 111<11 n ·1·t lli.!htllll!. l>l•paratc 11111111,.; area, full 11.'nl(l h mJ rt1lt' J,lul lman 111 Lath Kml!!>tl.L' b...-dn>Um1'. p11ul. BJ:«,l. :.urr1mnd1·1I "11 h JJlu:.h la nd:s 1·a 11111;.> ADUl.T LIVING \T f'r S H•~T NI) l't-:TS l Bdrm turn1~hl·•I S:J:J.1 2 Udrm furn1sh1•tJ ~IW Jti."I W1•st W1bu11 (7M ll~2 l~il luvl•ly yd, $795. meld gurdcn er . 759 · 11W1. ·1971744 M otor ho ml' ,,,.,, t'OlllaJllt'fl. on llfl\ Int OK f or <! :o'l 2~'1 .. 54()..~r., SL'Vt.'rul Bluff:. ro111:0!' a\'a1l, 9iOO to $800. C.:all ka'm~ ugt 1»4· 1133 ---'-- Harbor Vtc•w lfoml·~. C<Jrml•I model. Jbr. 2ba, :1va1l. .lune I. S125. ~44 ·6977 . !137-3114 4, ~211}2. ------ TraJlcr. l'>'. .,cdude1l. I br. uttl pd SI.ii> '.!:1:IM Nwpt HI. t~i 01 Ii 3726 ....................... 2 lxlrm. 3 ba. Luxurv Danu Pt. Condo. Vww. rarepiace, jacuu:1, I hlk rrom Manna shopp1ni.: 1..-211161. Panoramic Occ~n View Eiccc. Twhns e . 3br, 2Yzba, 2 car gar, tennis. pool, sauna. No Pets. = 11()(). 9684254. or i..,.. .... 3741 ---------...................... . 1811' Oil LEASE WITHOPTIOM Jbr, 3ba newly ~at· LAGUNA BEACH MTlt INN. •twt 6 up. Maid serv., color TV. hcall'd pool. Util. (114) 494 ~ Studio. block from VII' -------torta Beach. S350. l sl mu NcwPort Terr art' 3hr. S250. the reafte r s;!llf 21,,bu, h1$!hly up~radt'<f. S«urity dl!p. Ut il Hlt'I View, Avail. July Isl. Cll963·2527 ~75. 548·5764. ---------Nt!w 2 bdrm lu l<un OCEANFRONT. L~e 4Br. mob 1 I c ho m t• U j, dectl >. Over 2400 sq ft. Great Paclfir view -.ooo WIHAVE MOIUS! OM UDO 2Br, dbl wide sauoo 2Br, put tmn •1~ 2Br. boel dock 155.000 1ox•oss C....M.IO TRJ-PLEX BY OWNER A I BR furnished house for panoramic view ocn 9550 mile from bcb. 2br units. reol. mo. 34052 Formosa 1213> ....................... Neer New 3br, 2ba, quiet cul-de·sac. A IC Adults pre1errec1. sm. •&·3181 or4m-3184. Ava.i.16-lO den. 3ba, 3 frpks waterfront. i\n ·uni llS50/m0.Agt751Hl20 modates 6 peupl,• AA._. .. ....,, .,, No. El Camino Real SAHQ.Df ENTE 4tJ.llOO 2 Br Beyfroat. dbl wide. At.&ailulSIU60 WAnRFRONT RCTM:ul •I YllW =~~1:li ::-c::::."'1::~;~~~~6~31~-1~4~00~ -...... WiUI c .. tom = $149.000 $149,000 ii the full price ror lbele 2 duplexes on 1 lot. Good location, owner .whelp finance. Call Uli now for your lDvestment needs, M&-3880. • SELECT .. PROPERTIES .......... ceramic til WALK TO BEACH 2 Bd, 2 _...,carpet. Formal Be. + den, petio porch ..._ room. located in near lovely club. pool Ir ~IU'e plannerd com· Jacunt. tll,500. Apnt. ~a~n~ttffotcl. ..._, al pools, tennis ~ •• "" ........ ..,...,..,r c11rry. auta..t~. "'7.000. ....._. ,ou're b41)'int or ""·000· 815-3115.\ =.!!!Ms ..wa., Clualfied •d· HPelOftlltbiu YoU wane ·•-¥tltilinl will ret )'OW' tolellt ca...~ adt do aaOUNNKYU: ._..,1ot1ae. itcbtpeo. It well -Cell NOW. .... ple.callTodaJ!I0.5171 ....... . . xlnl cond. S13:i.OOO. 6'5-3867 OM461 ~ 1642·1238. '-JllalNdl 3141 2_B_R_b_me-. -oc-ea_n_v-u, Leverage --·--· .. •-••• beaJm. fplc. palio. SUS. New-Deluxe S&ae•WTAL ..._, 5 Unita/I Units For immediate occupan· .-, .. -----32-3-2 Agent, 640-1814 cy. Chann!nc spacious 1 ............. •••••••••• NEARCOMPLETION BR home in preeU&ioUI 2 Br 2 Ba, yard, club Zi67 Elden Ave, CM Emerald Bay Terrace. facilities, S500 mo. No Dix 3 Br home & 5 2 Only minut!'S walk to the pets. SMM351 between Br rentals. To 11ee beach. t~S call9'19·~ = ~: ,--;,-.-Ytley ___ l2_l_4 SB 11111o.1G7 m-4848 1a1.31i1 ...................... . ----"" HOllESEORRENT WHYPAY MOii? 3 or 4 br. Pricect rrom Send for brochure People who need People M35to1525. Fncd yard • or call That't what the 1 a ra I es. Fam 111 es WeltemRealtyServlcet DAILY PILOT . please, kidt • peta A 8-flit.le AcMtorY SDVJCE DllUCCl'ORY ....,._,Call ....-or uo.1ms .. au •bout! '7Nf1L All. no fee. Qindo 3 8R., 2 ba, 2·CU gar. view. $400 mo. &Da13 aft 4pm. HOM~ FOR RENT 3 or 4 br. Priced Crom 9635 to 152$. Fncd yard & garages. Famlllcis please. Kids & pets welcoml!. Call 984·2566 or 973-211171. Agt. no r et!. llake tbose 1ood i.c.ehold itema you're not •la& available to -otblr famlly by ad· wwtl I • tlMm for MJe la a..lfiid. Calllll.ar11 WATERFRONT, pier & Bal boa Bay C I u b slip for lge. boat. Dover privilecea avail. 642· 1802 Shfts, 4 BR, den, 2\o'z ' Sll51Dd. lltil. Close ba .• beautiful 2·•l>' lradi· to town. Pvt yd. walk tu Uonel. S16SO Mo. on beach. A•ail now leele.A&ent644-IA? -...n•lll·llll Qwmlng eaitrs Twnhlle, ... ,.,.., .._. 37 69 abr, new Cfllt, 2 car gar. ... ...... •••••••••••••• as.cu. 840-t:Ma. Newel' HRBR VU 4 bdrm, ram rm. vtew. Xlnt loca-uon llll50tmo. 213·790-5125 714-m-4257 lCNGSJIOAD ~ view. 3 Bdrm Z bath. completely re· modeled. Sl450 mo. yrty, AmtPaers. luTeU Rlty ea.SD . ' ' WIHAVI Me•WTALS TA.KING RESERVATIONS ~ia l e d .. ....... ., ' . ' I Bed.room Fv.nuabed Apar1menta • ""'-a-titul ~i.. • J t.droom C rum d. UMlm I • AU UtillbM JIGtd -s--~.r-.. ..... •Ani-0..-r,_ s......., "'-net. ....... cw.,s-- IAITllDI a Br. bltna . patio. w-.twr dr)U hook up SM.\. mo No rtuldr.-n or Pf(.f l~l'WOOdA I. 314 ft Monc.e VU.ta . H4 1m .. WPOIT UAa'T'M9tfS 2Rr..-. Mahn edul&&. no fMlt•· lW> Nfowport Hh d . CO••taMt~J !..Arlt' I bdl'ftUIP'ler Slf\.'j Quirt hullchnJI wllh be-4tut1ful landi.1'ap1n.i ldrt&I for Mdulb ovc•r 35 No pt'h l.Y.F.WAR U Al'TS. 2020 t'u I l1•rton A~-.·. 11 blll t>1t"t Nt•wpo11 Avt· ., I t.111 :touth ut hii} l ti31 ll31f'7 i! tO(. hlalh Ill 11. li lO Ju.mn St l. M $340 Nu rtuldrm, llrN 11 do!( 1>k Sa:.! 73U ~c i br, I I.Na, end i.:ar Nr OCf' Nu f>\:b. ~ m 3lllti UoJl • \..'m)', :t ltR I lilt ruodu, O/W, llt'W t)altlt. drpii, pool, no I••' mo o<J .-. A'ii> mo. 1841'1'7 Vfo w "1.nt Ln (~11 IWti l :rt l •Z Hr . 12t' yo.rd 1otoVC' /rdr $31\.') Chi Id 1• No prob 1W !t1174 lJrand nrw 2hr, i!lrn pilC)h1lde n>ndu lt•nn11> ''rh.. n •1• rm Joi( lu lll!ll1°h NJ 1>tlopl>l11.: ~ Open tlOUM' hal I i! :i 2t312 Hrootchuri.t 110111 Yilll:f17l! .,..... ll44 ••••••••••••••••••••••• R•tn·ho s.rn Jo11 qu1n tWTlhiw IUH ~111rt, l't bu A dult ~ $!'Ii.!!'! 2l3 /S40·3765. 541 7607 l_t\"eh --PLUS MUCH MOllEt Easts1d~ ibr Iba, I~ 'Ilk-VIiia."> <!hr :!bu. patio pallO, new l'Pb, drpi & & bit in.' ~!JS 7$2 1111 painl Adult;.. $350 t.>xl27Jdy:. Oakwood Garden Apamnenta 7$2-~ -----'Ilk-LaJu .. -s. 2br, JI :: l1u. on Lgc I br apt, SfOO mo tht> lake•, $575 752· 1111 Pomona Street. C M ext 27:1 dy,., Newpon leoch/Nonh 880 lrVlnu (at 16th) 111•1 b•~-0~~0 i\t(t.0-~I Coif ('OUrM· Vlt'W patio Ks1deduplex I Ur. rcm·l.•d <'<lfldo. Ham·ho San Joa yrd . NO dogs. $JOO qwn, 2 Ur + dt•n, rl'fni.:. _548-~ _ _ pool, spa,~. !MiO l.Sll Newport Beach/South 1700 lbrto St fOov•r 01 l61h) Adult:.. I Wrm. car[>('t. &.og..aleoch 3148 dral)t.~. r1rl0placc. fncd. • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1714l 642-8l70 Aduh1 only, no pv•• Model• open dailr 10 ' l)Olllo. no l)t!lS. 646-2723 _ Dl>luxl' newly deC'oratl<'<I 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• c·1•-1eoch3ll ...................... Bachelorette 5215. Lowl•r K Side. Arel~S to Sµa. Avatl. 5·29. 631·-0401 :! lxtrm apl. $395 month 769 Ha m1 lton. Call Shoreline Managem ent Corp. for appt to sec H47-G3\.'l Cltitom twnhs. c·oaslhne Dl>lww J Br 2 Ba C'Ondo, "iew. lse July 15th. 2br. bc<tut1ful complt-x nr S. 21flba. 661-2871. Coa..,l Plaza. Plush new ~ .. Mar 3122 l·arpt.'l & dra(X'!>. Sl85. • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~21IT!_ (!!2. t !l>O 2lJr. Iba lwnhs apt. Pvt deck. blt -111~. pool .\dulls. r h1ld Iii+ $12 ll>l' b'13-0t7:J. NICE APT. _1br: gar. 5.'"lll·2t>26_. _ Costa Mesa 3124 O...Point 3126 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J Hr. 2'·2 Ba $495. mo. 2 Br. I ba. $3!Al. mo. l'vt encl. patio & J,?arage. Lots of grao;s. 33552 Bii.it: Lan- tern. 491i-!Y.!30 or 496-33.'>4 or 496-9275. -------···-··············· ••• ....., ... °" leoch 3840 M~A VERUt-: home at· ••••••••••••••••••••••• mosphl'rt' 2&3 br dlx SHARP, beach 1.2 & :J BH. apt..o;. no s.:!.Cts. 546· 10~-frplc, dishwshr, garage & patios. No pets. ~23.'iH: wknds 840-liJOii ::! Rdrm, 1 bath apt. .\dults. $350. mo Gas puid. ti42·5073. Seawind Village LA MANCHA APTS New 1&2 brtrm luxury Lari.~. 1.2&3 bd 1-!ardcn adult apts in 14 plan:. apls. Adults. 0 :.hwhr. from $400 + pools. tt•n· hltns. cn<'I itar, Mai. bbq rus. wal('rfalls. Ponds! Poot Gas Pd. 778 Scott Gas for rookini.t & heat· Pl. 00-5"1:1: 645·5'll I ini.t paid. From S11 n l.itc. hnJtht. airy 2 hr & 2 Olcl'(O Frwy dnw North IJi•. rrpk. pool & J.-il'UUI. on Hcarh to Ml·t·addl'n ;\du!U.. no pi.•l:. 6.11 ·0097. then Wl'St on M cl''addt-n to S1•a11o 1nc1 V1 lla.:t· $175 Near new 2 br. 2 ba. 1714Jk!13-51UX. bdrm apt on ocean n<'ur Victor Hugo. l!(onted pool, elevator, !>Ublerru- nean parking. $625. 4'~. I bdrm: S3SO mo ml'I ulll. Walk to town & tw;u•h Deck. view. 4!14 ·3ti72 Q;l·ll61 -............ h 3869 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ftARIC NEWPORT Ba c h e lors. 1 or 2 Bedrooms & Townhouses From $349.50 Spectal·ular spa. total recree1l1on proAr am, ::;oci:il proitram. 7 pools. R leML'i 1·ourts. Al Fas hion Island, Jambore<.> & San Joaquin Hills Road. 17141644-1900 BAYl.-RONT. 2 hr, 2ba, ~. Vu Penthouse, 3br, 21 •ha. $1250 &10 1<900 or li75-ll9!l0 4219 Putm·c. 3 lor, :! tw, 1·1indn SµLlt lcwl " fqolc & puol ~mo H:n-H Hi2 on:ANf'RONT I Hdrm. 1 bi.I. 'frarl) -~cnt 67J.31;6J Condo 2 Br. 2'= bu. un· rurn Cape Cod. 5650. 1>75-0.166 after Spm. 3 fill.. 2 ha, upper dplx Nr. ..C.do Family pref. ~so Mo Ai..'t 675-8170 .i.:ar 11·arport, frpk, patio. -St.t.·ps to bf·h. 2 hr. frpk. •i<Jsl'toall 2 & 3Brs. mow m tuday, J,?aragc, l.M:am ce1hni.:s. TSLMRmt 642·1603 wlk to shoppmR & hus. all bllns , $175 y rly . --------CJ.35 lo $385 H42-9K44. 642-46.57. 1&2 Hr from S<!8S to $395. 646-0SU7 -------- New cpt.">, paint & drpt;. Westcliff area I Br J?ardC'n Clean & nice. 751·2060 I~ 3 Br 21~ Ba, 2 l'ar apt. pool, l adult, no pets, ~ara!(e. near 405 & m>mo.646-4378 !teach. $ISO. 527-4225 STUNNING lrg. l&2br. 21.>a. ~arc1cn apt. Pool. ~. & ms. 710 w. ll:llh 3 Hr. 2 ba, garage. f /JI, s m St yd, no dogs. S435mo. -900-5376or~7S·fi670 Uc:t Hr apt:., family com· --- plcx. No Pl'ls 2'.!0tl Apt J HOM~ t'OR Rlo:NT C-Ollcgc Avt', 642·9760 3 or 4 br. Priced from ----SC3.S to SS25. Fncd yard & ~. Beaut. bri.ind ne w 1 ga ra itcs. Families IJa, frplc. lndry rm.1111r. please. kids & pets TSL Mgmt 642· 1602 welcome. Call 964-2566 or &side quiet, clean 2br 1 _9'13-__ 297_i_. A_.Jll~_._no __ ree_. __ ha in triplex, patio,---------lnc!"Y· gar. $385. 67~3600. 2Br w /gar·nu cpts·paint Wtr pd 636-4l20 l·Spm 2176 ~lacent.ia "8 " PIO ---------TOWNHOUSI-: 2br , l Y.zba. pvt pauo. encl gar. Adlls. no JX.'tS. $350 avail G /l. m w. Wilson 646-3723 S125. 2 Br. refriJ:, C&D. patio. Adults. no pets. 731-A W.18th,673-7787 Lg 2Br. new. W ID hook up. l car ~arage, S3SS mo. 557-2704, C213 l 431-425:;. 2 ... AcWtsollly 3 pools Covered car port patioapts .. BBQ's doeetofwys le bchs walk to s~ing. 17111 rldetlw•st CltW....r 847-6064 llwlilq•Gr••d• E.slde l Br + den w /yard. Spacious 3 BR. 2"'1 ba. Adults, no pets. $350 uUI f)oplc, Dshwsr, encl gar, pd, 1st le last. 631 ·2124 laundry hookups. Avail tW-•IHdtll40 ~mo. Peggy, ....................... MIW Al'f HOMES MOWllMTIMG ......... LL Cll·M1•1 ..... . . . .. ~ .. ,,. ... s.a. ... ..ee 3176 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adult studio apt, stow. refng & util. $190/mo. SJ5() w swn. 4U2·21115 S.'-9 Capidrmo 3871 ....................... 2Hr, range & rehiJt, pool, no p e t s. S350 mo. 496-9594, 831-6161 ... lwllh Fwwillwd oru.fw'9ilhad 3900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11iEEXCITJNG PALM MESA APTS MINlITES:u> N PT Bcp Bad[ 1&2 RR from S255 le up. Adults. No ~ts. 1561 Mesa Or CS 8lks East or Newport Ulvdl 9am·Spm 546-~ PACIFIC WOODS Adult apartments sl'l among wanderi nJ( streams " ta ll rragrant pines. 1 Br from $300. 16350 Harbor Blvd, South of Edinger. 839-2140 4000 ....................... Room w /kitchenette lli6 week & up. 548.9755 ,...._ ..... 42IO ... ~ .. •······•······· La1una Oceanfront. BUul. Jocatloft. Step& l4l beech. July -Week. Aus. '8IO wk . ..i.aou °' -~ I ¥1 ....... 4Zll Offlee ...... 4400 ............. 4410 ....................... ....................... -···················· ...... ..._. IJOO 1111:•~1 ,~-· ....................... ........ - .... far Nftl, 81t1 ... , Qly .._ 8: llDenl fum. • mt.'1 pr cpj. C.11 .,._Jp.m 641·1•. ,_.LOCATION C»1 WATU. AvaUablt b' ,....111Dftal or ,._II omc... Total oe 3000 11q ft Can be div1~ into ,.nwlk>r unlt.a. Orlv .. by aim W Coat Hwy. NR. the n call A1ent at 831-1400 IDO 1C1 ft C•l &&or. • ._y Newport Blvd, Coata 1•--•7•.•1•1---..... Nta to dew~ Naell1aet IGlt or stolen in l••19••••14•M•19••• ...... •19••••• •91•N•19••••Heca~•· V ' EmerUdS.)'.llO!'!IOld ...... \. BIO BEAR L1hrront Qibift, Sml or l1t1 1roupa. Mi'.mJB.no1 OcunrrOflt a hr, a b11 ......, Avail now lhl'u June 1~ ~ ftkT OittmOOC1tM-1d homt1, 3 Br 3 RM. pool. 2 wk min., INlldM't'V -~ llUfl ...... a.. 4300 ..... ~················· ROOMMATES saa ...... s.v. f<hl1y .nun• P11y lt!!ill ! All Ai&,,.• l.irt.'lltyle1'. Wt· Chl'('k R\lrt'rent·~>s Ct154MJIZ NIK'\' 11171 we htAV(l hell't'd thoulliuid~ of our cht.>nl" flnd roommat~. We l'an ~Ip you too! HOUSIMATES H.X! 4134 12131466·1U43 '\ tij! l'OOfllfTWtl' wanted tu W 2 Hr 2 Ba apt . pool. JtW. lt'NUS Slltll mo l'a II ~lb 372ti b{ot lt·S. Ask tor ~· 740 Sq. n . w por "q. n. &111. mo Located olf the t05 t-•rwy nr. Crown Vlllky Avail Moy l~h 1131 3:Ji6 or il31 ·90tll llW SQ f't medlcal·pror. ofrs Nt!wly decorated /\mpll' prkit 1500 t:. Klltcllu. Orange. Pruf-.,r Miunt <.:o 83J.'14'4 . Otrice or Commercial !lpacti In downtown Laiuna Landmark Bldg. 1.~. ft. or will divide. 494 1S3S, or 492·0100, "92·1901 IEST CdM OHICIS Vt•ry 1mprt.>SSive ofrice suit.es, centrally locatt.-d un south side of Coast Hwy Two 2nd floor ~pat·t's lmmal'ulalcly dean & ready for \m. med. occupancy. Would make great t'OrJ)Orate of· fi<'e. Only S3951mo. Call Landa at ROGERS REALTY 675-2311 elev.top UJ per mo. All High..,.. i. but. 10 yrs. m.Glll8 owner movln1· from a°""'~ Sq. n . Toilet. at.ate. will carry some IUOWld ltivttl. parking. llnaodJlc. Deta!ia In llat· IMO. mo. l7!1l Analw1m anttolc.146-HOJ St.C . .M. HUMTIMGTON IUCH SHOPPttG CIMTll 20·xeo· shop avail June 1 in e11trcmely soccessrul llt' ne111h1.Jorhood &hop· pana l<'el'lter at muJor cor· ner~ of Beach Ulvd & Garfield Ave in Hunt· lnaton Beach, w /R31ph~ & Sav-on aa anchor te· NUils. Prefer qualirk'<i re tail me r chandiser w/proven marketinll ability Call owner at C7141 540·8833 wkdy~. (714 I 6 4 4 ·9535 eves/wknds HAllORILVD . Store or orticc. Cosl,11 MeRa. l3SO Sq ft $395 Month. Brokt.>r 1>'15-6700 a...trialR...tal 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ............ o,,at lwllt, 5015 .. ............•........ lQve&t.ors earn SO"k or pro- r1t. A successful bwlder seeks funds. Short term, secured. Mr. Gordon. Q56.at64. Mmlllytol.om 5025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• /NEED I MONEY • CRfDITNO PIOILEM Mun 50·~ llkl'S lo t•ook ~~~~~~~~~~ LAGUNA HILl..S·two ad J:.Jl' 5000 sq ft M · l units. nc•w bldi.t . A 1C on,., fronti. on Moulton. nr Lake Forest. lt"ast-by owner li3S lllCXI 2"d & 3rd TD to.s 547-5402 Arra nged by Coast Hot. &.o.s look1n~ for apt 1hsl' to ~hun· with ~lra1~ht non "metkl·r m /f Paul 5.57 ~132 •537-7WJ ..-------- ()ffil'(' ~. fl. for rent. Mam St .. 11 .8 . Ca ll M·t <.;orncr. !JOx l <!i 7514199.S. wtsmall rumm bldg &.>aut. furn. or unrurn. of· fire. Corn 3 ~as stations. $425 mo. 991 W. 19th St. C M. ti42-:\490 t'haln w I pear aoaPtd .._. ,_. •••'-'· pend1nt. REWAflD ............. Mf, A-~ --.7008or-.nu. 1 111r .,...., ...., JGU'U otvv ~ aJ N 8 ..U ia 10 Uotl t1' wlnd. rvvnD: and cl m: • · BIClm:J-' ._.. _____ • lld· Anamal Slwll«. 8"-3151, -.-$9-.21». Samoyed Cl'lth) v counea. NlY 18th on I y ad 0 ft : ctttlf. llaU llanball. Ch i h U a h U a m II , ...;Gl-~.;;JllS=._· ------Auib'aUan Shep m lit, 2 lab mhce11, Chow mix • .W. W..e.d. 7075 Pull mix.. Adopt 19th, -.. •••-••••••••••••• -• g reoy ut, black ul. tile CllriaUan lady Adopt 21st AM only. live-in.Care•llNNfor Sllkie elderly penon. Mt.a806. FOUND: Blk w /httle Lk'enled Nune avail for wtutc. Aprox 30 lbll. Poe. IUllllDef' camp or Pvt du· Lab mix. 645-9429. '1...-. telH~. 1''ulnd Mother cat near 8HAJlP l:nel'aetk mature 22nd St & Irvine, N .8 . woman deafi'eta DOldllotl llad kilt.ens in my yard. helpil\I others. Exper'd Mother darkish In color. youth director. teacher, ~ill e yes & s mall. pubticrelationa.'97·2131 ~c. personable M., LOST JREWARD now driving 2~mi to Brown burme11e cal wort. seeks interesting w /white flea collar. wortc. short car or bike spayed 1em. 4 Yrs. Kink ride from Bal. Penn. 3 yr on end of tall. Vic ol college. exp In Prod. &Isa Chica & Warne r Conti . Data Proc, (Harbor Bluffs). Has Restaurant. educal'n, in· medlcal problem. Days te rest in Const/R.E. !115-7127. Eves. 846·5736 Dev. Very Reas. Sal. Req. Terry 675-7825 Dys. a...a;r; 81bleo & Scien ce & Help Heallh. Garnett leather. Reward . !164-s.'B3 SIOOO.OOIEWARD f'or 1nformat1on leadmA to tht: recovery of Ivor y t•o llecllon . ~un s & Jewelry stolt•n from m y homt! on May 1 lth. No ques tions asked . 4117.2701 Practical nurse with xlnt refs. wishes to provide 11£ for elderly. Cook. pen;onal care, cleaning. 646-15216 aft s. ------....., W..ted 7100 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ACCllh lee. a.. Experie nced, salar y ol)t!n . Compute r expr helpful. Non-smoker. ~0006 LAt' La'-!una hous~ to s hart• S1ni.ih• pi.irl•nl w 1cluhJ prPforrt't1. $2tta mo Pam 5'W·<!t~l-I work. & freeway. Mo lo mo. All Urgently need Ml i. pace amenltlC's. 9t>4·2793 M F for ('Stahlished busincsi. $10·$15.000 pn. fund:. avail. NOW for good R.E. eqwly loans. Pay int only. Agt, 551;· 1592. ---LOST: RF.W/\HL> M MDMyW..ted 5030 Samoyan. Newport <alfl .4349 honw Coast llwv address. f"urn prvt ofhct.> -$250 mo. Desk spact.> -$150 mo. Copier , answerini:: srVl'. st.'l·'y, bookkeeper avail on fee basis. 494·9421. Min 700 sq fl . C'M arcu 714·646·2tilll •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Bl/24th, CM f'umily S!0.000. at uy;,, heanbroken &12·0959 Act'Ol11modations for re- tired couple on Bayfront. Balboa Peninsula, l bdrm & bath & use of kil<'hen an exchange for keepinR house clean. Heferencu required. 675-6491. 4550 :.! roomrnall•s Mt F tu shart• li.t lx:h htlWil'. P vt bdrm & IJath. ~l mo Storogt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Isl T.D. on Sl00.000 Prop. Santana. Bkr.541 ·4197 F 0 U N D : M a I e Dachshund ref's. 000·~. Bu.stn(•ss man, JS. offcri. low n·nl to neal non smokm~ lady m rt>turn for hlc hskpi.i. Cu.<>tom •11Jr . Lai.tuna N1i.:ut'I house ~-5006. MW s har<' 2Br. 2Ba con· do, reliable. stra1~hl, non smoker SJC li61-G439 Rmmall• lo share 2 bdrm 2 ha upt SlSO mo + ul1I 846-11154 EXECUTIVE SUITES Luxur ious off i 1· es . spaC'ious t•onfe rc nce room. e xecutive secretary , p t.>r s ona l phone l'Overage, reccp· tionist. xerox, notary . Lease or m o nth l o munlh. Near So. Coast Plata. OranJ(l' County Airport & Fret.-way. <.;a II VirJ!ll'IJa 979-2161. RV PARKING $25. MOMTHL Y Ft1ll·cd storaj{e for your hoot, c1tm~r or extra l'ar . t'or info. call 848-3133. Hunt. Bea<'h area. 4600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mii" roomatc wankd lo shr 2hr. 2ha. 2 i·ar garg O•F C SU IT ES San ctupll.!x 111 Crt M. W tfrpll'. Clcmcnlt.' X Int I~·. P\'l & dis hwashl·r. Furn qu1t·l L'ps la1r::.. lnl· bcauurully. $225 mu. Call uttllt.ie!>. A rC. nl•w l'PI. Loui ~c. Y7:J ·.Sl:l5t , ocean "'1cw Various K.:k>-5.:JO s ites, $100 & up. Mr ----------C lark 4 9ti -~594 o r Hoommatt.', Npl Heh 831-6161. Resi>0ns1blt.•. wor kini.: wrllt.'r Sl'l'k s ont· hl•droo m cotta~e 1n Comnu rlel !'.tar or Cui.la l\1(-:,a (JW<'lnl'SS l'M•l'n Ital Wntc Cla!-.i.lfll•cl ,\<1 :r21A). Uaily P1ln1 . P 0 Rox 1560, Costa Mei.a ~;i2fl Ht.o0m "'anlc'<.I .lum· l!ilh I.al! tkh or Npt. Reh. ". ~foll• i.tudt•nl · 2t Hd:-. Thanks Todd , 675-tilll~ 1'Vl~ & wknc1~ IJa.vfront duplex, M / F -------Oar11g,. or '-IO tndustriul bldi.:. tu rt·nt. i\pr>rox ~q. ft. Mik<'._492·7989:.. $250. 964·261!8. ti75·4221 Roomm.1ll' want<'<l. pror h•m. 25 & up. 2 Br 2 Ha fully furn Woodbrtdl!l' t~IO<lo. $251). ,\ V<lll llOW ~9131 /~J0-8811 . l\Sk for J1mmlt' Roommatt" wanted $175 mu. + ulll. Nr OCC col· ll'f:C Cra1~ 957 923:1 -------io\omalc. Ill 25, lo shr· 2hr l·oodu. 11 II Slim m11 +ul1I ~·llH71 2br apt lo i.hr w 1rnolht.>r & l·h1ld F"m11le. n o 11 !'1mokl•r prcfcrrc•rt SWO meld ulJI CdM. Laurrl, &~i37 res, 644-lJl>IO ofr . Nwpt.· llunt. Bt h. I ux home. fem. $135 /mo. rum No smk. No Pet:.. Kan.'T'I or John, 96.1-6621 Shr ~ Hr house. N . l.uJ;una. 2 bacht.>lors look.mg for Jrd. Stra1itht. Tennis ,·rts. & priv . !leach. $275 pr mo. + ulil. 494·6068 t.•ws. N.B. Allen. prof /bus mn. Shr w /2 Jit!Crs. Lux. furn. vu hsc. w /lg pool. mslr bd & ba w /pvt enl. ~ar. S17S mo. + ulil. 644·0484 4350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stora.:e Rental. $35/mo, sinJtle e nclosed. Hunt. 8<il. Peggy. 960-4392. Office....... 4400 • •••••••••••••••••••••• SHARP OfftCE MODERN RUILDING In downtown Huntington Beach. with parking. $125 per month. SCOTI' REAL TY 536-7533 Office To Shott m Corona c1cl Mar Call 644-8494 Ulx. 1-rm. orfil'l· JdJ A1rporter llol<'l Nu lea.'* 833-:i223,9to l2 WfSl'CLIFf·. i:round rl1 real estate office. Shan spare,w1lh d e.k. $75 mo 6"5-42X>3 /645-37 30 PRESTIGIOUS FULL SERVICE NEW EXEC SUITES (Jlty malurl' womu n dc sirC'l> homt• nr tht• sea Will c·nnsidt•r s haring. h.'t' i,1tting or \'XCh En t 11 \' :.. 11 II • ' J I I I II f! . aughll.'r, melapl1yi.1t·s. hl·lp111g othc ri. Non· 'lmokt•r P 0 . Box fl7, l.agw1a Ueal'11. Ca . !12j;52 Tl'al·her dcs1rt's unfurn 2hr 1•omtn or t wnhs. /\n•a of llrookhuNOt. Busharc1. Nl'Wland II U . C.M . ... v ~-si50. 6754085 aft llPM lllMMss,lln••st / FiftanC• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMSiMts Opportunity 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mar Arthur & J amborCl' Insurance Sales~rson AVAILAllLF. b f 4 ok. swte w /clerical Oot.>s your pri'Sl'nlJO 0 · fer you mdcpen ence . space. presllj.!C, a ft.'ClinJ.( of aC· t ofc. suite t• 0 m p 11 s h m t• n l & INCL.: seeretarial l'l"·onomk security'' If services. phone answer· not you s hould talk to ing. pnvate entrance. re· Farmers ln.'i. Group lo· rcpt. rm. 1·onr. rm . day.Otll848·51ll photocopy, telex, mail. _..;:._ ______ _ serv. CONT/\CT: Ell'i.tanl. s mall beauty CORON A PAC IF I<.: salon tn .shop. ctr. l..ag. CORP. N1J.(uel. A-;ktnl! $13.500 IRVINE Peg AUen RJtr494-7578 714/833·750t Offl(.oe. Cost.a Mesa. A1C. drps, cpt, 2 or 3 rms. $200, 440sq ft. 979-0211 I Ii¢' property TAX ES Then came PROP 13. Next the GAS PRICES• lh.'fl t·ame .... Vote W1Sely Amen ca• DALE'S RV ..... & Sain, htc. SF'O. LA. Denver 1·800-854·0399 outs ide Calif Rus executive needs $45.000 2nd TD on pnm~ Cannery Village proper- ty. 642-9178/642·8235. Ask forH. Perry MIM't~IJH. Trust Deedi 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWEST WenstRates lstT.D.'s, also 2ftd T.O. Loons. Frun.':>l Te-rms sinre 194!1 Sattt.r MtcJ. Co. 642-2171 545-0611 MONEY AVAILABLE 2NOTOAND SWINli LOANS .. INTEIU:ST ONLY OH f-1JU.. Y AMOHTIZlm ... Lt.>t• Rt•ally ltE.Brok~r.960·19~7 EQUITY LOANS Fnr Any f'urpoi.•· 11 pomL-; Call TEK Ftn~n · t'laJ al 1 73-1 :nw ..;;isy mf)nl'} Siil.WO Ill SJ.C.00.llOO P 0 . Box IO'l:!. Nt.>wport Beach, !!2662 ~nh/ Ptnoftals/ Lost&FoUnd • •••••••••••••••••••••• 5100 ••.•...........•....... PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY $2 Sell any 1tt'm or l'Om· blnallon or items few S75 or les~ with a Pt>nny Ptn<'ht>r Ad" J Imes for 2 COOM!<'uhve days t.:ach add1tional line is 00. for tJw 2 dayi. l 'har1w 11 1 Nocommere1aladi. t-'or ml'lrl' 1nformJl1on J1ld to plart-your ad <"all 642-5678 MAIL CENTER ~'*38'M>4ft. t1l.f'll1'f'C)1~a..tiC>t --~o. BOXl!8 A-V-AM.AaLE---, ~...._,.._....,.._ ,._ -· ................. , .. , ...... ,. . ON THE WATER! l'LUSHSUms 350 lo 1300 sq. fl . Fmlta5tic VMws Wet Bars Udo Menlo Y"'°'Je Custom Offices. Sinitlc sty. French windows & doors. All" t'Ond. Finish mtenors to your rcqwrc» ments. 70" sq . fl./Sl7~ min. 771 W. 19th CM. 644-6977. 837-3844. 548-2892. 6:lJ Sq. fl. Toilet, l!round level. crpts. $2SS. mo. 17EAnaheimSt.C. M. ---------·1 ~.~.~ ...... ??.~~ -_ __.__ Newport 675-8662 fi00.l250 sq ft. Hwy vis· lb1 hty.· Lagqn4'. s ub parking, New <'arpcl. drapes & paint .. w r eond. Price n e l(otiable , 549-1186, 557·5870 Coast Hwy' 300 sq ft. Nl'W ofc. furn. Almost free. 673-1354 MIDICALSUm Ground floor, Corona dcl Mar. $650 Per mo . Realonomics Corp. 67H'700 Npt. Blvd .. C.M. 3rms. Beaut. New Bldg. Patio area. 213 /862-8967 ml' tOC'AllOR E. 17th St .• Costa Mesa . 2 Dix. s I.Ii tes. tllOO to SI • 000 mo. Ample parking. Broker6™>100 .............. 4450 ....................... For store "office space at reasonable r1tes. 500 to 5000 s. Ft. M.-sA VERDE bR PLAZA tsa5 Mesa Verde E, C. M. MMIJJ T<J1'AL TENNIS Compl. quality H·nnis cloth.inR & aCet.'SS. store. 1.o;t or Found a pet? Call Animal Assistance League 537-2273.nofee. Prime Newport area loc. ---------• Low overhead-hi prorit. 1-"ull time in come o r abtientt.-e ownership. Ai.rt. 67J.4311 The Second Male Inc . Above water boat clean· in~ & J(encral marine maintenance. Look.in~ for person to I.like over established Danit Pt loca · . 642-0671. rH<YJ'OCOPY MACHINE REPAIR SERVICE. Will tram. Orange Co. ba11cd R e a so nable . 714 /$t9-83'73. Hairdresser "RENT .. ~ace, EARN MORE. Expenenced. attractive. Call for Interview : 548-22.'!6~ FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5671 FOUND: White puppy apx 6 mos .• vicinity of New1><>rl West. Hunt· inf!1on Beach. Looks like Samoyed. Call 963-1856. Lost c hild ·s s abot sailboat. hull only, "While Knight". Nwpt area. 6'2-3811 or S48·252S. Reward! Reward, loet, M. Siamese. vie 23rd/Westminster, CM. Hu tag, Timujin. 642-1827 Vic Vit'loria. CM 5'8-3258 NU Arumal Shelter, claim or adopt. 644-3656. St. Bernimt. M. xtra lg Dane mix? M S1llue t•ounct · M. s ml wht puppy wtCollle markmi.:s. Short St. NB. 67S·llOOS ---f'OUND· Brn/Wh1te t:n~. SpnnJ?er Spanwt M Vic .lth & F a 1r v1t.>w S A ~t 0070 ACCOUNTANT-with 2+ yrs CPA firm exper. to work parl·time In Lauguna CPA ofc. Non- smoker. Send resume to: PO Hox 1134, Laguna Meach.Ca.~ ACCOUNTANT Newport Beach R /J:: lnvstml f irm-immed ' ~nmv,.·reqwres: EXP~ 1n corp /ptns hp al" 5350 1'\~1EDP exp. rep~f. /. ~~~~•••••••••••••• thru fin. stml prep1- IU:LAXING MASS,\t.it: hudRel/fin. analyst~ . l:!olJ,lamt..••,.L1l· Ma:-~cur _Utll~l.23.·_ ----- Oulca119-!I, 4!l-t·51 l l MICHELLE'S •Outcall• llA.\1 2AM K35 374\J LINDA & VICICI OutcdlMas~ For TM NI of It! S.'1"\'lnl! a ll Oran~t: Co X3S 7313 COUNTRY GIRL •ESCORJS * <&1 ltrs 73>H>-~7 •FOXY LADY* OLTCALL.ONL.V •972-1138• PREG!'ojA:-JT'' Car1n J.!, l"OOl1d(•nt1al counsehnli! & rcf('rral 1\bort1on. adop· t100 & kt't'prni.i '/\PCARJ:: 547·25b:l ------- Spirihlal lleo*r 11115S. F:I Camino R1•al San Clement.c: 1-\Jlly lu: for Appl. 492·7200 Act1g Rkkpitg TEMPORARY Rei:ostcr today to work on vanous accountin g & bookkeeping assi~n menls. Work closl' tu your home. Acctg clerk~. bookkeepers. a1·co11n Lant:. are m.'C<led thruout OriJllgc County. Call u~ for more mformal10n. Hobert Half's acco•••...-2333 No Broadway 11200. Coldwell Banker Bid~., Santa Ana 17141135-4103 •Adnsses-Adon •All A~es All Ty~~· •I No Exper Nee>• •llollywood Talent Dir Now TaJnnJ? Application:. Anyone interested in • Movtes or Television •Call "S.A.M."• We 've been in showbiz smce 1963. · •633-2233 ext 95 SCn.>en Art1sl 's Mgmnt ----------llOUSt:llOLO HBLP & l'are for s1l·k or elderly av ml. t!J.1. 200'J 1\IRC ONDITIONING - --INST~ER· ex per, re· •PLAYMATES• s1dcnt.ial or commercial. F.SCORTI' yr round employment, 10 847 2791 pd days off. l wk vac art • -l..t yr. 2 wks va<' art 2nd Physical massage by he 'd yrs. 3 wits vac art 5th yr. musseur tcchn1l'1an N 8. Un I i mt l e d m a j o r A~. 4-SPM. 548·2817 medical ins policy. IHA Company participalinJ.! GUYS W DOLLS EXQ.USIVE ~S..-.ic• CncltC... := •CLASSY BF:AUTIF.S• ~ORT St:RVICF. C24 hr> savings plan. Call Tim btwn 7AM le 8:301\M 545.5544 o r apply in person al E.L. Payne, Co .• JOOS So. Halladay, S.A. Ambitiom couples wanted to nunage small part· ume business. Sen ous abuut earning extra in· come. Willing to learn . Must ertjoy workln" with pec)l)le. Very profitable. l"or. appt. Call bet.wn 9am Personal assistance in &2Pfl1. 642-4213. buyinJ,?, se lltn ~ & --=-------- neJW(1allon.'i. For appt. AM Delivery for dollars. \':lll Malt Ph11l1ps , LA Times. early AM 6-16-5007. routes. avail S.E. Hunt. Bch. 21/:t.3brsdally, pays TRACY'S OUTCALL S15G-$400 mo. + bonus. 9 am to 2 am 775-0493 Cail 546-4481 or 96().2166 for details. MALE will do anything ~I for S20.000. .,..., .. S. ~Ice 757·0382 PBX operators for a Tommy's of Newport. t elephone answering service experienced or fllcort serv. raterlng to will train. Full time or women. 642·1S7l eves. Ume shifts avalla· FIGURE MODILS ESCORTS OUTCAUONLY hp. ......... 631-2140 GOLDB451RL evenings or grave yard. Must be able to work 80f1le weekends. '!')ping 3S wpm. required. Many ro. benefits nallablc. Plealecall Mon-Fri. Fashion Island are11 : ~1791 Costa Mesa area : 673-1166 E.O.E. Witneues to llttident Feb 1--------- 16 between bicycle fl An1werln1 service poe1al vehicle at ace en· telephone operator. trance on Adams please UPM·1AM shift. m11ture caUS.U. r:;:;. zm Forest Ave, Newport Mariner's Mlle. Modem 503 sq ft store or otnce. 2630-C Avon. LOW Small store In beauWul s hopping center 1n Newport. AvaUable for immediate posession . Tenant leaving area. Call 873-3008 PIA n • S. •lat H60 1....;..;,.:,.;;;..;..,.;_ ____ _ LOST : Grey m In .............. ••••••••• ADl>licatk>na now being ta"ken for warehouse· delivery helper. New furniture warehou1tn1 and delivery firm. Pbone DOWNTOWN Costa ...... aoo tea· ft.'° zsoo lq. fl. Cpt.. drPI. •ir· eand. lllr. m.C700 rent. 2l3/4TJ.700l ....,Doubl .... ~e 11111y111ou111ri-..ln_com...__e111 • 1111n-1 Sch n a u z e r • n r Traveling companion Turlle rock. Irvine. Avail. Thurs 8 :30·Sat Reward. 955-0137. UPM. Brenda. 81M·7563 GREAT LOCATION need of key a11110elate11 to II Stereo shop. bike shop, help In a n expanding LOST: 2 ca co cats . sporting 1oodl. pet store bualnelltl. Call for appt. Oranie. •reY le white· 1 or jewelry store, 1800sq. bet.4-7PM.S7~9'l3I king hair, I short hair. I\. in Hunt. Beach. GOOD 11!!!~~!!!!!~~~~~1 Reward. 87:H336. RENT. Ple.aae call •TRAVELAGENCV• P'bmd 1r1 blond cat. long CtlerTI Or-ee n , Totallnvest.oft27Mlncl hair . ·costa Mes•. (21J)450-0af JUI Franchise Fee. :M&-7mor546-lll77 1 Vacanc1 downtown F.qulp,6caah Reserves. l'UlJND! Fem. Irish Set· Hum. Beada. 210 Maln GOLDEN GLOBE ter Appr. lyr. Vic. Beach 9t.11Aftl ma11-.1.S11 MMm •W.,,.... 8'7-tm5. ... a K"# , =:.~"':' :: ~ ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• per hr, Rood advance· SdlMhl ment for the rtaht t ..... 700I ......... 1•11 . --·•••• ........... Apt llan•J•r wanted. GoW .....,..., Drivat.e or COUllle pnrer'ft'ed. 11 un· 1roup. lllclll llu· ltafaeatllbad. &aper»• IJl:llMI. LPGA. Raacbo reference• required. Sm Joequla 131-1110 EHlll. 1 ( I '' a ,, .. 'ss .. ,. C.az•11 ........ ;;r........... ... .• _."··············· ... W llOM)'• ~· "'-flit. An~ DriwwQa•Parllt111 tot • jGlla. Call Allan or •• .,.,,.. •SealcoaUn 'nifty ...,. •I.IC'. NB. CM S6 -----· MMIT1 Remodel. repair. fen ••llll•• rarj>entry, old t mt' C'l"llftlmarlllhip 11 yn an WM Uc'd Mr Pa&ocn bo llUSl4 C\JSTOM YO\&DI ln&MorC.~'ry madler of 4yr otd boy b)' Jay •. ~ Meala £vt'n1n111 • Lou'• Cupcontry 30·yn .......,,.., Call~~ up UooN. window.,, .,._a pm d.ltya, 11>-lpm ptlllOa, ,..mnct.1.1n1 ett· WMl&f'fteb Cueta Mr•• L.ir llna ~I ~ .,. ...,. 19lh 'tl'f'l-t eor hour K•mud llt tC'ht>n tt.. bat hroom•. dt't'ki. .,..... l"u"tom f1nl"h Wt>rlt , ... --················ aktlWd rral'Urnt'n, rn~· Moblle Hll'Y<"lt' Kcp•ir Nt .n .... No Xtra Chi F<w-lb<' ,.~ ~•--Ollla-1n•>1t1 14M -,...-. ...,...,__. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shamp;JO & \tram dt·un ••••-••••••••••••••••• t 'cllow hrtj.:hh·n•·n. ~ht OIVORCE/BANKRM\'V qlb IOmul l!lt',u-h l'lt•un F\llngt.ofinal 9JiJ la v, 1liu rm, hall $15 Aq.: Al'tlon Legal ~rYll't'b rm S1 :>Cl. 1 ou• h $1 u. d1r 842-MOOa. hr st•n ~ Gu.1r t<L1rn 1wt l)(.lvr Ukkp&. p1Ayroll 1tax.•:., t'pt rt'J~11r I~ H' cxpr fuwnc. stmlS, mort• NH 1~ wilf'k rn):.t'lf tkh W'l'a 10 yrs ~ 111~ ~1 111111 Wt· ~ire l'J flX't l 'leant.-r-. 8 k k p g l h r o u J! h "'' I i stateme nts 1bal che<"k .,.e.am l' l!Jn '' !.O up bk. ""'Ybdls hobtl'n Wurk ~ua r ,_ ·rn,.:k mount unit t'r Kitthleen Blank Bkkp~ f"l\t, rea:. rat."!> 645-3716 540-4479. :-..-cretanal & word pro- t't'S.~mit !Wrvu-es to me.·ct YtJW' n.'tlWrements. Busmt~ Support Sys . 975.(j.115 lww something you want w sell? Classified-ads du 1t well -Call NOW, ~-5678. Ceda r Carpet Uphol CJ~. Stf'am /bru.,h, I Rm SC"Otrhgrd fr1•t• Vt·ry n'as Guar mont.-y h<H'k S.mun, 75 I ·fl95 l CARPET DOCTOR ~1vr 1~1·:. any 3 nM>m ... ~o IJ phol l'l1·;1n111~. ~(·ukhguard. /\II w111 k f,!ua ra11t1•"d 552 <I lllG fo'r11t· t~t 2.t hr Sl'n l"ounclali'"'•· reta1n1na ·wall11, bl()('ke. patio• ~·d SiJJ-Mlll. ~..431)8 ~ concr.-tc JOI> OR let your rorm•. l!l\'C money Raul~ .. All k1ftdl al 1..-nwnt work lb yn tn ~"""" ........ mur1MOua ...-rvll't• t'l '""' ...t , r~blf' pnt't'!t ~., ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ' ....................... Ciardenln1. clean·upll 6 lud1up1n1 Oeoru ~ ~'1072 •VUV LOW PHICt:S• on landK•&* oua int. <ifu11• ~201~ J~1•~.comp ylt.rd wurk 1md dun up. "'• ttiro n5 l~I t'll'•n up11, Hauling Li.111JM·apmg lmmt'd M'r\ll\'11111 1°142 9007 I' , I ... ................... . llauliftl•CIHnup. IWldential /commercial 631··· I do it all·•klploader. dumpV\ICk. haw. 1rade, t"flnellt, iaphaJt, tree re· movaJutc Ul· 1251 tl&Win1 Is cleanln1. HAive dump truck ~Hl27l llauJing·any size-tr ash· Robin ·a llou1ecleanlng trees-yard·construc t1on . Srvc, ror a thorou&hly 484·2121 clean house. 540-0857 Add·A·Hoom S111.. l''am rm w/frpk, ~ ro11111l I.Ir I~ l''fl'c t11>t l'rt'frrrt•(l Hui ldc r i. ~1!J11 Ja1•1An11a_, ~Krduot?r . .itu:dt~l~. clc<tl\up, tr~ lla!Abng. Cons1ruc·11on & For excellence l n lrtm 751 U738. S•m Yard tleanup s Call hou&ecleaning. Cleaning N1.....tumut.t 9:).;.2J6M. Unlinuled. 5'6-3728 tloml-Pnde C1trdt'n1ng '1WTy SuOwrlund 1 '0t1alt 1·itian ul)ti, hwulawitys. l'1tllO.. n.·w «on:-tr & p(1Wt11~ 554 1766_ ~ ~-A Ct" 1 ~l~~Hi Students. h1Ard worltml(, l'l'hable will do your Bectrical lu.rgt' ur !ilTIU ll J?arden & ••••••••••••••••••••••• lanJsl'apc Call eves. l':Lt~(91'ttll'l i\N f'n<'c!I •~ii ~ n.iht fret· t•,.t111111lt' un GeMfod Ser•ices larJ;t~ or bn-uall Jul,1~, ••••••••••••••••••••••• I.Ji· •:m2.S4 1.n 03!>!i ~~ctric ~-W74 U& H F:lc-11m· lh~111cnt111 I :tt'rV ll"\' t:H~llftcr 5l'M,6·12 lSOJ l J(' •2Kllb/ Fecifte) ••••••••••••••••••••••• K & H n ·;NCll'lli Galt.,. & 1-'t•fll'C lh·11:11r filM >~II~) ~UI, '.}l)Jli •MR. FIXIT• ('arpl.'11ter pa1nt1ng Kt:a:. raki. 1:, yrs 111 iU'\•a ~ 175:! tu: St.:fU:t::NING at )our home very rt" &S0011ble. t:all aflt'r 6PM ti42·9MZ l~HAI ••••••••••••••••••••••• llANl>YMAN 'No .1ob loo s ma I I. John !>18·005.'l Aoors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • HaufiftcJ ' H•1de.-.9 • •••••••••••••••••••••• L~ Serv .. windows. floor waxing compl C'learung. houses & of races. Wkly. m onthly r.d.e!i. Bonded. Fr~ est. 751-8951 --------HUSBAND & Wlt'F. ~pendable c•h?u nin ~. Windows. floors. & general house rlt!an•nj? & home ma1nle nance . S48-01Z1. The Persona I Touch Cleaning. The finest m houserleanmg by pro· fess1onals. Exper ll' dont' Rs nbl r ates . 552-0JQS, Bonded /1 ns. DANDY DUSTERS Wltl~ or 1 lime service. VarifnL'4, R t:. work our SJ><'<'ialty. Walls . w1.n dows.. s team carpt•t d ean. Bondt.'<l tlns Fret< t"St. 24 hr St<rV 552 111()6 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Undlcapiftg ••••••••••••••••••••••• European Landscaper. Top work fair pnce. Refs. li4&4!71 dys/eves. Renovating, rotot1lhn~. new lawns. s prinklers . gnl tln·up. Bud 646·8481. Dave 642·4853 ......,.,,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• <.:erarnH' t1h•. hn lwu,)lt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1•aq>t'll< & \ 1oyh t.11· UCl' Stu1.lt•nt I Ton lnwk Coolr t-: ... 1 rn.-.1 Install Trash. trl~ trim Oan Sell things fast with Daily in 7clay ... ~,;11 ~·10 1>12·3224. _Pi~ Wanl/\ds-_. __ _ Bnd<. i;ton<•. blork work, tile floors. tonc rc t e patios. walks . dnVL·· ways Frl'e est J ohn 846-1583 Prof painting. Ext Ir lnt. Low rates. Rers. Free est. 5JS.4780. 5S-43l3 Painting . INT /EXT . Neat. honest. reas .• 12 yn exp. Lic'd. Dave 964-1°'5. lnl. Paint Ir wallpaper. Qual. work. reas. pr. Freeesl. Steve. 547-42111 !'me exter Pamung by R. Sinor. St. lie., ins. Try me. 83&-SMS 24 hrs. HOUSE PAINTING Excell. refs. quality wortt.s.&9-9756 EXCELL. PAINTING Re~. rates. Free est. 548·Z106 Expr'd Vour harbor area painttr. 1n1 textJ Prof. quality work. Reason. Lu· /lns Est t•heerf ully g1 ven Dave 586-8425 /\BC Pa mt mi? lnl /ext. tteasonablc & nt>al. !-'rec Eli t. Lir 1119237 642 · l 907 Have something to sell? Classir1ed ads do it well astLine Roofing & Skrlighta. Rsnbl rates, al work guar. Lie• 331<1113. Freeest.497·1202 ....... ta.-"' ••••••••• •• • •••• ••••• •• Trw s.r.&ce Neal patches & lex lures ••••••••••••••••••••••• AlllEST. 193-109 LEE 'S. 640TR El-: Specialist in re ·stucros, Spanis h Textu r es. Patches Ir Additions. ~- .... &r.te«re ....................... Arndt 's P la nt C hn1c. Housecal ls for hou:.e pllmts. Trouble shootm~ & houseplant t'arc. 645· m91 ----------- Artistic trim & removal CdM since 1952 Gregi(s Tree Serv1ct? Tnm. remove, haul Neal, reas. 494-2129 l!t!!l'! !'!r a 30day ad in lhe DAILY PILOT M a k e t h o s e g o o d SERVICE household Items you 're I not using available to DIRECTORY some other ramaly by ad· DO IT NOW~ \'ertlSmg them for sale in 642-5671 Class1hed. Call 642-5678 •--------- 7100 HlfpW..tect ·710 HlltpW..ted 7100 HelpWe11tt•d 7100 HefpW..t.d 7100 HefpW~ 7100 HftpW..ted 7100 HefpW..ted 7100 .... W..ted 7100fl~W..ted ..•.••••.••.....•...... ..•.•••.•..•••..•...... ••..•..••.•.••......•.. ..........•............ ...•.........•.••••.... .................•..... ....................... . .................... . APT MAN/\G 1-:R t'or SS units in Costa Mt"Sa Exper 'd coupll' Hus band must h a\t! mamt. t'xp. Wlfe hkkµi: l'XP Call 642-5073 ur 12131116S·3851 1\fJt Mi.!r Ill adult unit:- San Clcmt•nte. IU'l-:1700 Kirt A/R RKeptiOftist Om• ).!1rl oHtet•, t''<I' rt<i(rl m typmg & \'t•nrymi.: 111 •'OH'\':-, •W·SO IA'pm. Ill kl'\' "-'' ltHK'h. <Jl\SWl'r 11h11n1·. -~~~cru l o ff1 r 1• pru t't'<lurt.'l\ Newp0rt lkh 4lf'Ca 714:645·7040 •ASSEMILERS• •TRAINEES• Oran~e County mfgr of ~ro rnedla~1al pro· ducts is seeking trainees for day sturt lo assemble eH!rtroruc switches & dis · plays. Apply in person Moster SDKialiMs 1040 f.1onrov1a. C.:M f:.O.E. Assemblers I.ale mt"l'hanH·al m llunt Uch expcr prelcrrcd but ~111 lrion 3 0 lnstrumt•nls l~2 Cht'm1cal Lant'. 11.B ~-5351 A-....-.cmbly WarehuU."il' Smull 1•ll't'tror.11.· part:-. I.lit. :.hill. no cxpcni::rn·t· ~<;ary. Exrellt.•nt fr mAe hencfiL'4. N1!ar O.C. Airport. /\pply i\ vnl'l t.:k .... 'lronics. 754·60'J I ASSEMILERS -No exper. req'd. Your area. All shift~. Good pay Paid we.•t."kly. l'u foe Must be ovt'r Its NORRELL TEMPOH/\RV St::RVIC.:ES IRV1Nf; 752·1.S542 ·rusn N 551i·90l7 /\'l'Tfi:NOANT W/\NTF.ll. fM board & «arc fal'1hty 1'1t1me. 41'M·l2.30i\;\l. wkndsonly. Bay V1l•w Manor Jr>tl W Bay St.. C!'\1 642·JS05 1\lITO M t:Cll/\NJ<;, prof only. 20'it parts. f>IJ•,; labor C<All 673 3320. -----/\1.JTOMOTIVE Tr.so & HHYy ~$ Poeiltons available n. I .... RolMM Ford 4ll6D Harbor 81 vd Costa Mesa Qualified t echnicians · con&ac.'l Jim Moffett at 642·0010. Atrl'OM<Yl'IV E •USIDCAI tCHAMICS! Excellent pay & working conditions near Orange County Airport for qualified mechanics lo perform l ight mechanical work & as· sill lhe Used Car Mgr. Vaned, lntm!stln1. Opp. ror advancement Ir ~~: ~c~a .. •• Dove at Quall St.a. Nl:WPOR1r BEACH AUTO CARRIER NEEDED evcrun1Z~ Laizun.1 Bch. & Oana Pmnl area Call th1• RA·1nstt-r 51.11-41-t I Bah~ .... 1tlt•r rt·">110ns 1hl•'. pn·forabl>' in t-: :.1d1· (";\I art•a for J\ r old hab\ t.:irl 111-.1 M<on Fri l'I\'·";. l'o•ll 51K·1~ol l d~:.. or 1;<!5 ·li !i5 l'\ , • ., l!;1hys1t my hornt'. ma 1 un• woman :1 rno hah\ :'w1•1n ·t-·r1 flrt·ndJ fl41H!.'.olii aft•·r ;, 111\BYSl'l"rEH, my home'. S!5 pn wk-7~ Shah mar. C.: M !>18 !111!1 B/\H\'SITIER. evening~. start1nJ! 1mme d . my home. 67~7621 . Banking TELLHS .-W ACCOUNTS ~I.'"" :-.harii 11\'r'lonahlc tdlt•r.; ancl m·w a1·('1 :. IJl'r'>•JO!'<. Su Vln j.tS anti loan t.•xpt•rll•n<•r prt" florn'fl. t-'ull I 1m1• 1111s1 t1on" availahh.' Plt•a!it' t•all lr\'lrH' ::)a ,ing.:.. & I 11;in 75'! ~je)(J ... 0 t-: \1 ... Ranktnl! TBJ.ERS Full tune position & S:it. (lflly iu;1li111t. HEW ACCOUNTS COUNSELOR fTi. &Sat. only ()pc>nlnl!S in t>ur Cos I a M1~a offiC'e. Experiem·c pr<•fcrmi t:all Mr. Wa~n"r 546·2300 Cdif.~ral ~~&Loan 2'700 Harbor Hi vd t.:, ~I J\n f'.c1ual Opportunily Emvloyt•r M F IJankmg C:O..S-rLoan Officer lmlTl('fi oprortunity for 111d1 v1dual to :.rollt•1t & mak1· 1•on.-.11in1•r locins 111 the Co:-.111 Mesa arra Minimum 2 yr:. 1•xr1:r rt'Q with h:mk or fmancl' l'O. Loan Disburstt" f>oli1t1on avail a lso m our Costa Mcs<i offiC'C' in· wtlVl'S lnan d1sbur1'm1? & cn-d.1t \·enfyinJ! of con· s umer loan. .... t;ood lYP· mj.! skills nl'c. l'.:xpN. prcfl'rrcd. Call Mr. Biegel at 546·8510. CaNfffferal 5aYillCJI & Loan 2700Harbor Blvd.C.M. An Equal Opportunity Employer ... M If . LER IM-Thntl i\ cart>er position is avallnble in our Costa MCfla branrh. The ideal person should have pre· vious Savings & loan banking or cashier ing background. for im· mediate considernlion and to arrange for ap. pointment, please call Tom Dennis <7 14) 979-31110. We airer such benefits aa group medical in · 11\.nnCe, long term dis· abUlly. lire inaurance, paid retirement plan1 atock purchase ana much more. Rar11u111J ('\'ening~ Costa l\ksa 7~1 !YJOl! BEAUTICIAN Cll'an Women Wanted Irv area. $t.2.'lhr Must hil\'l' l'ar. Suz.1:., !lf-.8·8846 CLERICAL Commantl l'1•rforrna11r1·. pos11 111n n ct•dt•tJ for ·"n-tt• lhun'uttmi.: l'laN:" Newport lk·al'h travC'I lmnwcl Op!'ntn~:-1h~1sl 1•umµan~ li 4 5 994-1 , ;\h!I"'>. prt•t·1:-111n ha1ri•ul Otant• 11-r,, A:.:-1~lanll< & full & - I• t r t•<'l'IJLlllOl:.ti. (':\t ---------Xlnt ~ro,..l h Ul'P•HI C"ll•rwal "" :.~1lan l'omm ,\. 1xt DON'T READ THIS AD h1•1w f>i ~ t«ill .fohn UNLESS :•ol lliKI 1.lt·aut ll01an 11:.ur !:>! yh~l:-w11 h ~onw followtni.!. r1•1"t•pt1u111st. mar11 c11r1sl~. & a.%i:. t.1nt.:. n<'t't.l<·d lo adtJ Ill fmc :.Larr of l.lusy. full S('1"Vtce Newport Beach ~alon Top vay, bcnd1l!>. & 1n.,ura1wc oHt•n.-d tv thost· w1lhni: lo work. EnJOY wo rking 1n a d e an . friendly at · mospht!re. C;J II fur in· l<>rvi1-w. Mark or Gary. .~..;11>t. BILLING CLERK !S7msal<Jrv to start. some 1·xrx·r rl'4'1UlfL'<I lnvon·· Ill).!, typlllj!. lt·l1.•pht1nt', l'Ompany IK•nd1U.. S.1\ ~mt 7 1i l MJr~ AhJt'pnntt•r nt•edl'cL l'X· p'd. Small but ~row111~ ~hop. 11 B ~-29:J#j BO/\T IHll l.Of.R~. "'' Y.111 lr3m /\µply f m & :Jpm. Is l & 2rnl i.h1f1 Mal{;rc·.:or Y:.il'hts IGJI rta(tnl1a, C M Bo at Yard work t· r nct'(J('d. N(•wptlrt ·11a y. Padf11.· 1idl'S :'v1 ;mnc 2'.!7 20th Sl. NII G?:J.G.'>\O llOOKKt:EPf:ll -... ,. t1t•nt·n•·t-d with .1 !-Ni:.c of rumor 2!i JJOhr:-. 5 rfa v wt•t•k For 1'cw1>•H.I Hc<tl'h intt·rio r clc~11<?n sll•lio ('.Jll 71·1 l>tli·lll71i Hf JO K 1-\ t-. 1-; I' 1-: H f u 11 lime lrir wt•ll t~lal>lt:.hed upholstN'Y de•·orutin~ firm. F.fft1'1ent. sharp & dt·pt·ndablc. Costa ~ksa. ti42·K4<JO ll11ol<k~···111.·r. full l'h:ir).!.-, full t1mt'. bc;u •h IH t·<i 1!19 ~14<1 RUSHOVS. c>Xpn. lull t1mt" clay & l'Vrn ini.: :.tun. /\pply m person ;1t the BeaC'h H l)UM!. ll t!l SI t• c p y If o 11 o w L n . L.a.:una lk h Carpenter. finis h & rough. mm. 5 yrs experience. 551·~ . Carpenter l''lrush Carpenter. Exp'd. 631·9259_. ____ _ Carpet cleaner. full lime. no exper. necessar y . Pays good. 54$-1662 early A.M. hours. Irvine area. $300-$400/mo, no collections . 544·0551 / 213-968-8752. --------CARWASH Ca!!hiers wanted. full & f> /T . t ' t n V I y . N B , Laguna, & Orange. Call 644-4460 •Vou'n• 1111t•n·~l11d Ill lOJ> wag1-s and 1•xn•lll•nl 011 porturuty for udvant't" fll(•nt •You'd t•njoy other ex · ccll1•nt b<'nd1ts such as an a utomat1l· nl!'t of hv· m (! salary adjust mcnt. If \·ou're mH'restt•d in seciuni.: l'mJJICI) mt•nt as a •ALE CLERK TYPIST Please call for an ap· pomtm('nt · 714 1!>19·5·U5 fo~venin~ It Sat. aµpo1nl· menL'41wail. State Farm Ins. Co. 333.1 llyt;,nd. <'.M. Ca . 92ti2fi. 1-:. ". i:; L1cn 1•nl !'liat wna I Prod uc·c Co t-• 'f oJ)l•nmg for j.!t·neral dl'n r al. OC airport art':i. ;o.;.Jfl 'lmOkl·r Ca II for in· lt:r\'u•w. r1.56·1050 _1'1'!:__ (1('ni•al hd11 ror sh1ppin,i: dept. TyJ)l• ~.:>-wpm a10. eurately type tn\OIC'es. handlf• 11an('d sh1ppm,i: dutJe.-:.. Cull Llurllara al 544·9Jli0. C1.t:IUCi\I. Earn Extra Money' TYPISTS PBX ACCT CLERKS KEYPUNCH OPER CLERKS Must have phone & rcliu· bll' t.ransp Lon~ & short ass1J!nmenL->. Jlohday & vacation pa y . llos pital11.at1on plan avrulaule VOLT •t ,,..."Cll•ttn.,. ._. 11v• 1 " S4f>..4741 :&&11 Campus Onve t i\c ros:. from Orange Co. i\irport l F.qual ()ppor Employer O.ERJCAL. alert, inlell ~irl. interest 'g work. never dull. MacGregor Yacht..'I, 1631 Placentia. CM6t.U830. c:o.td fttnCMa•I Has lot~ots avail w/muny fine. supt>r com· panl<.>s and lhcy'rc all Free! 540-6055 . ~~ Coastal,.,........ AC)tttCy Z190Harbor, C.M. l~FREE Oen IMVISTMIMT SICalTAIY Open1np now available To handle Investor ae- ro.-run lime as1l11tanl c 0 u n t II r 0 r I 0 c a I ....... •·3rd morl•a~e bkr. Need C~HIERS UTotEM MARKETS rnln8lt'f'll °" ""'· • · " I d ahif\. No experience nee. penona •· mature a Y Wetraln.StartSUOtol' W/bkkp1 Ir It typln1 -~OOD per hour. Advancement bkad. Good benefita. Call AUTO PARTS ~ 1 nr opportunity for manage-·M4-ID~~~· ~~~~~ ---S S A V I N • S I mm. 1J08lllons to 15.SO :: lf ..... CR Al.Tl LO•M per hour 11 qualllled. for aen 1.u Ston. Upm-._ "" more lnlormalion Ir in· !,:l Pa 1 · P e r m · UNO Adam.a Ave. ta-view p to at ore 82 al 7am. Fri..S.t. nlatita. • /botp lna, frlnae c..ua1 ... CA92&26 3000t Crown Valley. per hr. to start. 1175 ...,._, l.q\n8 Niguel. 4fl6..9950 Paulartno. C.M. 1$1-4152 MZI W. tit ST. EQual()pportWtity orcall '114/s:r7·41MO. Selhrith EME! SANTA ANA. Employer M IF Equal ()ppor Employer · ll'aa BREEZE -======~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a ... lfled Ada&tl·N'71 <-1erk LOAN SERVICE Local mort~a~c brok,·r. near Fashion Island. t•x penenN' n-quirc>d. Call Mrs. Bia. 644·8821 Clerk.'>. all ~hafts. no e x pt>r. ne<'t'S:-. SJ f'er hr Lo start. aµply al 7 t;ll'v1·n store. IO!H W. Uak1·r. c~t.a :\'!~a CLERK TVPISTSllU Salary 5'.25 J>('r hour /\pply Newporl l\tcsa Unified School Dii't . Classified P<·rsonncl Of· fir<'. Mun Wc-d Thurs & Fri. 9a m to noon. Tut•s from lpm-Jpm. 1601 E. 16th. St. NB . E.O. E Codrtall Woitnts School F..am u·p to ~ JX'r wk Low twt10t1. Placemt·nt a'>SISt . 75J.!1194 --~ COOK. t'Xl>(!.r'd, t"\Jll tlmt•. rutr:.. i\:sk rur M 1kl• or Wayne. ti40-744~ _ COOK Custod1ai1Jan1tor1al ,\II :,hlfts. FT. Xlnl benefits. a.1f .. ti682. Custodian. Saddll'liack College. Miss. Vtt•Jo lll'M·7.30/\M Sal;irv ran.ge 9!01 ·$1136 +.shift diffcreTJltal 831-9700. ext 1'!·:ll3betwl'('n8 5PM 0 1\Y CA~11' OIRECTOll Sl.25 hour :1.:-.hr-; Wl'<'k Nl·wport arva. r;.14 ~04 0-dytJmc <11llt'r ne<'l1c•d for ~mall rh1lt1rl·n 2 day~. soml.' t•vcs Ha vcr e::.t. fl42.J21j6 or 642·!•2.12 n~:LI VER\' ·A\·a1 la hie now. Top pay, good I' rr hrs. E\'C'S. 5·9. Mon· t"r 1. 531.alll Ol•h very & stock work M 1 F applican t s welcome. excellent OP· ponuruty to train in auto perts sales. Apply 1522 Newport Bl. CM or 10081 /\dams. tm. /\ulomot1,•e ~pply. ___ _ DB.IVERY WORK Ovt•r 25 yrs . Part time . Chou;(' own hours. use own car. we pay l?BS. No M?lling. i;!ood <•arnmiis Call 714 ,826·!1770 bef noon DRAFTH Electronic mfr needs drafter to do mechanical del.alJ drawmgs for as· se mbly & la yo ut . Knowledge of shop prac. r tt l'S & maC'hmcs des1rn· hie Min I 2 yrs ex · pt-n('T\{'f' + some rolleli!c draft Ing tourscs or 111wvalcnt •~ esi.l'nl1al Wt< offcr good pay & hcncf1ts Call for appt Tt'lon1c / li l'rkelt·\• pe r so nnt•I l11•µ1· 714 '49'1 !1401 Lui::un a 8c'ad1. t: O. l-: ----Orafun~ Arrht./Struct. lmmf'd opening for 1·apable tn· cliv1dwll with office ex· per. Floyd E. Weaver, JM 39 BI rl' h . N. B 714~ ---Drapery room worker. a 11 phases. Exp'd or will lralll. Wages DOE. 642·1843 . ~ SeclrMtnss Ne<odt.>d for small work room . Nr Orange Co . Airport. Salary open . ~35 Dnver /Maintenance Will lram. f> d11y wk. Start S) 25hr. 642. 11.86 for l'llfl\'al<>s1·nt ho~pit;.il. 1-'rl't' health ms uranrc aftt·r probation ary pn1od 106 30 ~h aft. t:\·cry ocher w<.-ckl'nd off. Apply 14<15 SUJll'rlM N.R. • Dnver stock clerk mu."t Dl'tlvery p /Ume /\M, I.;\ know O.C. area Chance Times. SlOO pf'r wctk. for advnC'mnt. Pae1f1c In· Gas supply ava1lal>lc. dustnal Supply 2167 S. La~wta Ueac·h. 494~1Ytl llathaway_S_A ___ _ ----------Oclivc•ry (X'rson ncrdcd Dnvers.SUpervtsors O>ok..'4 & Busboys. ••'(pe r. for ll111t•pnntcr. Pf1'1ml'. · for F/P Time J\ppl~ ;_1t 11 8 .. .,., 2926 S250 pt>r week start.in~ Fis h K1l c ht·n . 10065 · ._.,. · pay, Muslen.1oy workml! (iarficld Ave. v.v. IJl'l ITl('n over 18 for LA with tccna~e rs. Must 964·4331i Ti mes in NB & c l\t . have V:in. Sta Wal( or --COOICS r:zmss%' $)5()/$400 /mo. ~6w 1s he ll. C ali U you are mter('stl.'d 1n s mall busy kitchen & potential for advann .. mt"nt call 64-1·47AA. ~xp. 1wc_ Rt:! e r1· n c 1·:. r , .. quired. DENTALICllAI RSI DE ASSIST Pos1t1on opt·n for :.uper dynamic ~irl lo a.'>SL~t denti:.t m Irvine. Most know expanded duues. Call 552·8339 or (.:OOK·vegetanan S.Jme leave mess at~'>2·K225 expcr pref Mothl'r's • K.ill'hen Restaurant. 1750 Dent.al Rc..'<'ept.· rlex1ble So Cst !fwy. L.aAuna vus1t1on. Open ror 1m· -aJ?rnall\e plcasanl in· Cook Wanh'(I Full llmt> div1dual. Busy orri<'e. work 1n produ1•t1011 t'Om · Prt-vious expcr. Typin~ mis!.ary Growlnl! 1·0. skilli;. bookkccp1n iz. (~JOd benefits F.OE Far ~..8J39 or leave m1•ss. Wec;l Servin·'>. Proour· ~-822:5 lion ~'ac1l1t y. 11172 ---- Reynolds. lrvml' Apply Ill pt•r.iOfl. Cosmct1rs $8HR SALARY Ex<'itmi.i & totally unique prodocts. 6 hrs training & car req. Call 547·0337, lOAM·2PM only COSMETIC SALES .. Excellent training, in· ter nalional company, kM ol potential. 897 ·8749 Coonter help P rr & ,.. rr. r>ay shins, Mon-Fri. AP· ply in person , 9·12. ORANG I!: JULI US. 711 E. Balboa Blvd. BIAlboo. Counter Girl for sandwich shop. Mon·frl. llam· Jpm. Call ror appt. 556--0670 Counter Help . Mon·Fri. Super Sandwich Phone ~- CUSTOOtAMS Part time poaltlons avail. al Irvine Co. Dept. Complex Ir Shoppl~ Center. Flexible hrs .. some week.end work. Ap· Den'AL ASSIST. If you are a rnendly &. outRoing person & want to 1.11oork ID a modern, {lrO· gn!S.'liVe ofrice <'Qme Jmn our team. R.D.A. prcr. Salary open W /benefits 9G!·:M02 Dental Offil'e · San Juan. need experienced rcl't'P· lionist full t ime . Mon· Fri. 493·0611. Dental chairs1de ass 't, l )T exper .. 22 & over. in· itiative, CM. 631-1420 DENTAL ~SlST. ·Chair Side. Full time. Good benefits. X·rays. H. 8 . 846-3540. DENTAL HYGIENIST needed for Peno ore HR. Expand'd runctlon.' lie. reqd. 3 dys wk. sat open. Pro( shar'g Ir pen.aion plan. n• /M2-e631 DESIGtB Air conditioning d e · slper w /minimum 3 ~rs commettlal HP-9'" Xlnt benefits, Incl g prom shann1. 5'0·7122 Mon thru f'ri. 8-5. Dlven wanted In Newport Beach area. Mu1t be certified • experienced In hull cleanlq. Neptu.ne Pba 11V1M1 co. 1071Camelbadt Dlvir\1Co.lt8-. Newport Beach '44·9010 DONUT SHOP. earll..AM. no ex.-necaa. 'Kpply Tiie f..i.t draw ln tbe AM. 0 . K. Donut '11, 1JIO W•t ... a Dally P ll°' Fairview. CM 6 .. S. aaea1fted Ad. '42·5811. Briltol. SA ~--'------- DRIVERS Men or 1.11o-omen 25 yr.. or older. Know ttw! coa~t crllcs. Net $180 a week or morl'. OraoRe Coast Yellow Cab. 17300 Mt. lfe.rrmann. t'ounta1n Valley. tNo of Sla ter hetwn Newhope & FA.lrhd > On1J! Clerk & Cashier PT, afternoons & Sat f>.t2·4l().i ----------Electronic assembly & rrol.<'nal handltnJ!. JJOSI· t1ons open No exp neC'essary . Will tr ain $3.10 per hr to start. Call : 64.'>-J632forappt. __ _ ENG I NEER SALES PERSON BS & MS in mec h engineering req, desii;n oil well s ubmersible pumping eqwp. includ· Ing aux products. Must be hmili ar W/bUS c usloms /conlacl 1n Libya. Will commute btwn US &t Libya to f anali r.e sales. letter.! of C'learance ror exchan~e of eq\Ap Ir frghl forward· mg. Sl521 per mo. DOT 007061.014. Ad paid by employer. Take ad to near est Employment l).!velopment Dept. fi:q ul p m enl Re n la I Permanent position w /potential ror youn& a m bitio us man w /mechanical aptitude. am Harbor Bl¥d. ISCaOW SICY DP Mana1er of new , c:nllllive lndepeudeftl to. amiail8 to pve rapW ad- vwemeilt to eompetent aervke oriented lllnOn. Call CITY ESCROW. Bonnie Enn1. (114 ) s.az. ISCltOW SICY or Jr. olflcet'. aalary COCIWD6ftlW'at.e WltJ9 H • (lll!I'. OonUDenta.I f.»crow Co. La1una N lauel. ...... Exp'd rarpenter _ Min . 5 General oHice. Matun• YTS exp. m finish & rough i..elf sta rter. pleasant C'arpentry. 551·~. telephone voice. typmg --F•CTORY 50 wpm. Mon-Fri. Call "" Jerry 531--0811 9 to 5 Now hinng factory help . --- - -- Will train. Wood Light *'GeaAL OfffCE * mg, 2031 S E. Main St. lrvme. !;46.-2901 Factory tWf> G....f.al /\pplirattons now bctnl! a('t'l'Pt<'d for female operators . No expt•r nt't't!ssao . Xlnl l'o . benefit::. & rt!VICW!'I l>eltronac Cor p . !129 liakt!r St. Costa Mesa. 545-0404. FLORIST =ue retail nursery creative people for full & part bme perma· n~nt position s . Must have expen~ in floral design. Excellent op- portunity to w~ m a prestigious setting. Plt'ase apply in person. Mon thru Fri. ROGER'S GARDENS 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road COM 640-59« F.arn extra money wh1k k1.~p1ng up with your ~k1lb. .. UIN t:S' I Use your skills in varwd. wmpori&ry ass1~nmenb . W<' malth your skills (JI sdM.'dule wilh jobs tht1t SUit you. NO FF.F. 557-006t '-..0~ off ice • ~OJ overload A ProfesaklNllServl('(! General Of fire TIAIMH E ntry leve l position 1.rradi.ng exams. Variou:. ck"ta.tl duties. light typing and neat handwriting n " quired. Exc-ellent work· 1n1' cond1t1o ns and bmef'lt.'4 including dental plan. Phone Pcrsonnl.'I Department <714 1 546-7360 for appointment. Equal o pportun1t .v Full time & part time employtt. nursery sales person.1.111111111111------· Must lutve m1rumum 1 yr._ ___ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliilliiilm• r etail nurs ery e.x · p e r 1 c• n c e . A v a 1-I . weekends . /\pply 2028 Newport Blvd, Cos ta Mt"Sa,646-7441. GARDENER-Full time No exper. nee. i\pply 1n person. Newporter Inn Hotel. 1107 Jamboree Rd N H See Lend:.y i. .... 11s.J .. E O.E. C..cnM"al Offire We offer t.'Xl't'llL'fll 1·ompany paid lll'Tl('ftts along with our d•alh'n(!t ni? pos itions now available m our Npt Bmolfict•. t"lLF.CLERK ~IOCKCLERK MAJLCLt:RK Cl.ERK TYPISTS Tile above positions r e qwre pnor office ex· pt'lient'l'. typing ability and1or 10-key addm~ mactune by lOUC'h as d~· s1rable. We will tram qualJficd 1ndiv1du.als for the n~ht position. Entry level positions but salary commensurate with ex· perien<'t!. For appt call 641).45*}, CXl 244. E.0. E. GltBAL OFFICE TelephoM personality & t)l>lng a must. Sla.rtin(C salary $700 /mo. Im med . ~-Contact Mrs. Lawe at 754-6701 for lo· terview. PART TIME for Cbri."· tian coumelinl center in N.8 . Receptionist. lite lYt>il\I etc. Call 631-41760 or 644--0107. Glt8AL OFFICE Type SO wpm, inVoi<"eS. phones, filing, posting Pl)'ables. blueprint files. Venkale position, front ofrlce appearance for ltvine rum. mra. ~ rarappt. GENERA!. LABORERS TRAINEES ASSEMBLERS PACKERS Mus t ha ve r eliabl e• transp & phone. Lon~ & short. t.erm ass11mmenb . Hohd<iy & var ahon pay. tlosp1ta It zallon plan 3va1lable. VOLT l t "-.... , holl'\l-IV '4 It.JU: f "• :IMS Campus Dri\'e 5464741 c Arross From Oranl!t.' Co. Alrport) F:qual Oppor Empk:>y~r Girl fnday PT. answer phone, type etc. $3.25 hr. C.M. call Betly,642·2003. G-R·E-A·T SALES JOI MOW OPEN GOOD PAY. GOOD HOURS. GOOD CON· DITI ONS. MANY FRINGE BENEFITS . FISr GROWING COM · PANV PROMOTES FROM WITHIN. TRAIN F 0 R T 0 P STARTS "JM · MEDIATELY ". KEYBOA Rl> 1'.:XPERJENCE HELPF\1L. WE HA VF. OUR OWN TRAINING l"ROGRAM PUT ON BY TIIE COUNTRY'S TOP ORGAN SALES PEOPLE. CALL AT ONCE FOR INTERVIEW. ORGAN EXCHANGE, STAN NUNN114,W.7a. •••AL OMCI GUARDS GU1 Deeded ror 1 lirl of. l'\all • part time. All nee. Ute ~ 1Wn1. are• 1 . U a I Arm s ...,., Ute -.U1. rlll"DlllMd. ,\In 21 or *· f710 per mo. NB ..... ,__. -s-e ...__tto5 tN«. --~· . ~n~· No~~t Modem company Deeds trvlceJ._ !~ W. 5th rwpaaalble .-... with Street. Nina Ana. In· ..,..._ 10 key • 1Wn1 ............ f.12 &t 1-4 aklJla~ l'\all Ume. Klu la· .._Un P\"l. cftlltttn. lmae. <=•II Hlir DnlMr 114171W'laf0t ......... 1111!: HAIR KAHDLERS ~ ~ rill a ... ._ openmp for ex· Dlil1 PUat ca..tfted Ad p"d laalr c1n11aera at la a simple m.U. • • IMlllCW'tlta lUllt N.B. jwtcallM2·5171. ... ..... \ HefpWeatM 71 HetpW..tM 71H . ....................... ...................... . . l ·' _ .. __.. •• I f ' '· .. ~ . ' ~ .. ~ ~ t ' .. ; ~ , ,,, , , , I . .. .. ·. .. .· ·' • 1 . . " f 1 , • • . : f I " • ' A ~ .. • • i ·' • .. I J • Hotel San Maten ~""-t'fltly ttw \'tllul!l' Inn 1n l.al(w1a tit'ul'l1 1:. :-Ol01•k 111.: th e folln,.1 11 11 qualir1l"1 emplo) ct'' SERVICE PERSONNEL With CKJ)t!nt'Ol'l' HOUSEKEEPING ~:xpcr prdcrrt'l.l JAMTC>aS-MAIDS tu 11 IJ mt• 11 a> i. , 1n111 t mw .. ,,.,., N\lo'PI llft'.I ~ha~l 1.,. t 'S l'llltcn Call ,)32 ~~ llr Jµpi\ .11 t2.'.l :\ Oii\ I' Ur.1n.:1· Mon t-'1 1 JJrntur II c· \1q111ri r1· """ f.h1hl) •fl Ol'l'U v i J.:.:r1','>l\1' jJOllOI l 'ruform fur111,h1"'ll Cf11v•I t<rnJll<>}l"\' l:)(·nd tt?> \t1' 'IUO l!.t-1td 1r rnft IK7H Sorth ,\1f"J)l1n "·•.>. ~ \ ~2720 Kf'ot't> up \lo Ith 1nnut1t>11 • fo:.ittrU IRl'Omt• for am tHIJOW. _!Jt-'OPl':_~l l ~ _ KEYPUNCH ft ART TIME Short houri. day s hift. l :! yl't1r:-. t'XPt·rH'OC:t· 11r1· l1•rrcd Wt· arc not a M'rVIN' 1Jur1·au 1:-:~ 1'dlc11t wurkmi:: conch FRONT DESK. 110 111\, )!nod s tarting :-.:.il:.irv with :-oc month r1· t:::xpcr 11rderrt·1I '11•\lo · Phon1· Pl·r:-ttond Ut•1Jartmt•nt l•>r an ap f'l('asc apply in pt•rson po 1 n t m e n t . 1 7 I it I ttwnH::toAM&SPM ,fi!HI 546·73fi0 Equal Op ~> Coast llwy , La.:unu portunity F:mployt:r Bl'ach Or rall 494·!*436. !•--------• KEYTAPE OPF.RATOH _________ _, fnlys & rules avail. 3742 HOTEL tlGHT AUDIT Cl.ERK eKper desirable. Up to $6. hr 979-5860 LF.GAL SECRETARY. OC airport, ex)'.>t!r .. xlnt typing & sh s kills. s alary open 97S-0782/545·1555 ------Good opportumty for :i rellable per.>on with an aplltude for numbers & LEGAL SECRETARY rakulator i.kllb. NCR \lo llh ~oud tc·I' hn 1 r a I ~ t>xµc•r pn•f i\d\·un s kills Emphasis on rcm c nt op port 1101111·:-. bt1iwuon and rl'ill e:-.ta1 •' a\1111 1-;nJOY xlnt. 1·11111 F:ii-l g rowin g rl'al pany h1mt'f1ti-.' Appl~ t•,.,tatl' fmanrtal <'•JIYI !.lam 12 Noon. Mon 1 Fri. pan) Nt•wporl U.•111'11. l'••r.,11nnc•I l"ush11111 bland t 'all MARRIOTT HOTEL 7~· 1511 a:-.k rur Mary ~WI N('wport <.:N1kr Ur 1 L'G 1 • ~ T N1•wp11rt lk•;u·h .r. i\' SF.l'HE ,\HY. E(1ual 0 11:1110r E11111h.·r Lai: llc'h l'rohat1· l.;iw m 11 of1·, s1·ek101t Sl'<'V w /xlnt __________ 1 ),kills. Mag I l'~'<p, pro hall' t·xp & S il l'fd °I.I Call 7M14!).l-7!l"l7 H OTEi. l'art t1m1• a11chtor Salary huscd on t·xix·nl·nr 1• Must know NC H 421111. llunt 111)!l11n HeaC'h Inn. 21112 l'ar1(11' Coast llw y J 1.1.1 llou.,1'<'lca11111g, ~'rul:a n,, mu.'t h<.' <'On:-.c·11·nt 1•Jlls. flan• own tra11:-.purla· 11un Hd:-. r c qutrl·d 1>111-710\ lf<Jl"St:<.:LI::,\;\: 1-:1<~ l';1r nt't'. I' rr Tops (;lnl!ham Girl 1>1;, ~.1~1 I k"""·rlcam·r:-. :\l't'if n• hahlc & cnth11~1a!>l11· 111•11 pk tn work for n,·~ LeCJGI Secretary S m a I I r 1 r m s 1• e k s :-l·rn :tary w 11·xrcllcnt ty pan)! & shorthand skllb Salary 111~0 Will "Jll.,Hl1•r part II mt· CJ II 7MM732137 l.1n·11,1•tl h a 1 rll r1·~;.1·r f' T. hr.-& th loo llt'l!Ot1,1 hi'· filli·77~i 1\sk lor .luhc IJn:Gt:ARDTRY<>lTS Ne,.porl Oune~. Ma~ l!llh, 81\M 11! yrs & :-.tan· dard 1-·.i\. card. 644 5921 - - t ll•antni:? !'>l'" 11·c 10 iii II LIQUOR CLERK· fi75·1!'1J tull timc. Mature ex llOUSl-:10 :1-:P F:tts F rr & pcncnred pr1:f. but Wiil Plf. l>ana·:-. hou:-.ekcc1J· trum. 895 W l\lth Sl. mi.: Cahfornw's largc;.t _eos_~_,_ta_' _M_t_'S_a_. ----- lll.'t'<l'> 5 mat ure p1.ot>pl1'. work pV1 homes. S1·&5 hr ;,.-., ·I0.11 llous<·keepcr •(.'h1ht 1•a r1· Work1ni: motht·r :-•·ck!> \•xper hous1·k~1·p1•r ltt 1'are for 2 rhllcln•n, K & Ill '°lovely NU homt' !li\~1 llPM Mon l"n Heb n· 41.11r1'<1. 64o 2100 hl•t Wl'l'll !!·2PM JIOtrst:K1-:1-:r..:tt J.1\'I' m1out. matun• :.dull N !>moker Share h11m1• Room & L<•ard IJUY for <L<;M:-.llnl! !>Wk hu1>harul W1f1• work' 14 111 ~.prn Tut":-. Sat 1-;,·1·:-. & ~un off lJay!> 7t I Kl~I :1.'11;i; or ~Ii 959!j. \'Yt·~ lf.17 ilJ lf1 II( i.17 9596 LOCKSMITH Xlnl opportunity for LJx•k.-;m1th With 2 yr {'X· pt•r Wt• n1.'<.'d person with :-.al('S ability & locksmith t·x~r Salary l!ood with pr n f1l s har1n .: po s !> 1h1I111 es Ca 11 Ku,t o m l.11 r k s m1th Scrv1rt-. Lag una l11lls nOl-:.!<11 l..umhn Yi\IH>MAN . rull or IH lllTll', 1mmt-d opcnmi:. ).:tW l!Xll, & gd dnv'g rec Call for aµpt, 549 J<173 ~.e Shop Troinu lmmt'l.l opt•nmg for tn d1v1dual w 1 m1·r h ah1hly lt1 01wr;1t1· prodw·twn mnr h 1n1•rv Xlnt "'' l1o•rl4:f1 L .. & 'rnp11l 1·0 ;id va11l'1•ml'nl [Jl•ltronll' O M")> !r.!9 Hukcr St <.:Ollla Mt."'a 54!'>-0404 Ml'dlc·al i\,,,.1111 ant l11t1•k olhl't' 11ncl litl1 Sal11rv c·om~l1t1111· t1t·n1•f1h '-"tod Cull 1140 7412. N111 lk'h Mt.'lhr ul t'r11111 ('lff11·1· I-.\ 1•-n1111·1~1 !'>.tlllf \ 11p.·11 I•!:: lliaJI) MISS~MGH p 1r k11p & tl1 l1\1 1' 1Juo1.1.:ho11t 0 1 ,111~·1• l'.11111 I 1 & 1 .. .,, \nt.:1'11·' , 1111nt \ ... , "''"'l'll f i ll1·J• It '1ort.:a.:1· ll.111l.111i.: ~ 1r111 Mu.,t hJ\I' \,1hu t'.1111 dnH·r~ 111• & 11\lo ll 1,11 1-.ntr~ II'\ 1·1 1'°"' ""' ~ P<t» r ur ullu"' J111·•· & !:ab k 5 M I" 1tl11t l'O µaid tl.!111•1fttl> For JJJPt r all 64()4Slll "x I 2-14 MotH\ W.Mednew faces: M<."ld1> Mul1· & f"1•mah· I r v It u r r a t' I' h u ... ('ha.ra('f<'I , 1\ h1 ~h f:L~h11111 ur h1<1ki-l1k1· th1· i.:arl n1•xt !lour l'.111 fur a n a111>v 11111111· nl f11r ,, lll'f"tllllll 11111•1'''"''' You (·111lld 111· m11<11·ll111-: a:-. 1•arly II!> rll'xl "'t•1•k ' Su don·l h1~1tah'. 1·all now, a.-.k for ll:ttl·I G:ll 5U(l(I N1•w York Wt•f.I Moddinii A1wnr) 87SW t6th St. NH Mont('SSC)n kar htnl! pos 1 hon available for Mon l essor• diplo mae d tc:i c hl'r Sml San Clemt•nk <>rhonl 0 111 for appl 9A'.\1 12 datl~ -l!l2 1'19() Mote4 ~ Ci.rte !'art ttm1· 1~12 :io:io MOVIE EXTRAS sought hy ll 11lly"'norl 1n11v1t• firm SW Sml Jll'I" day pos:-. Lookinl! for 11Utj.!1i10I! Iii 70 ~ r old,, want1nl! 111 l>n·ak 111111 rTIO\'ll'S li lol I ;,;1~1 01::!11, ext ~1 Vll>EO l',\STINCi SJo:HVJ<.:1-: tnuw 111 Ith \t•ar I MassPust• ll<•rcpt 1001!-1 Fu-st da,.,s k1?1t ma;.,,ai.:t· s pa m C'.\1 Salar~ ~ l•onu.' + t1~ W1· I' 111 train Ill !>l'hl H 15 J.131 l'\'C:-onl.v N H mfr of fOl)ll 11r11rei.,., Illa! nct•1h '1 U<l llf1t•rl Ill'™'" wllh .all around m;n·h111t: 'hnr ,., p ~I u,..1 havt•11\lo11 toob C.1ll .J1m . t;t;!·!•1!111 ••Nursery Work• • SN·k1ni.: 1nd11:-.I r11111 .., Pt•r...lfl with knr1Wl\•1h:1• 111 hurt1r ulturc• & plant-. I yr ex pr req "d s.12 H8ijjj . --- Nurses 1\1<1 with j!uu11 rudimentary knnw ledi.:c nf As ian lanl!1n.1~t'!'> ChJ.rK'hl:. Thai nr Shan for a mt'd1cal group . Call 55!1· 7:lf>I NURSES AIDES and orrlerhcs Ol't'<h•d l•1 give TLC tu l'ldnly pa l1 t'nt s . Wi 11 I ra 1n 11ual1f11•d 1wr!>•llln1•I Earn wtule you l<"Jrn All .,tun., ""·all apply 111;; Suvcnor. N R -----N~ Aide;. 7·3. :l 11 ~:x per Ol Tr.,101•1· Ap provl'cl CNt tra1n1ng I~ M1~<1 Vc•rtlc (.'onv llosp 661 Cl'nll'r St ~la Mesa NURSING 1\ <' 1· U I l' p !> ~ h I ;1 I r I 1· fa1•1hl1t•s m·1·ll' R:'\.,, I.PT"~ & ml•ntal hl':tll h \lo1Jrkcr!'>, all !>h1fts 1111t•n Hill vr plllm•" xlnt fr 1ngc h~nd1t -; l'a 11 ·196-!"!702 or 8:11 177 4 PAITTIMI 8ecrel11ry, typ1na1 . llMttlll nffi<'t", t.-1.:phMe ~l)', INllU ... nofl· s mok e r (;all '""' m.n:t ------Pdt TIMI ONL T IJ...-t o rompany u l*ll'IOft 1n Or•n111• Co a rco we n.-ed i.evt1rul 11h•1'1• ~·o&>lc lo work-111ahU l"'r w"•k ft IOpm .,,, da Sat MWit bt· 114 •JI' nv,•r l't-oplc who un• 11lul>lc ure pn•f1•rrt'<I S450S...., Ur woflt 11har1111( i>ru urllOI. wlH1·h t•\ 1•r you twt.f1•1 f"c11• tnh•I'\ 1•1111 7 14 i7~awi.wn t1'J)m PART TIME Su11t.l11y only 111 111•11\•f'r l>mly 1'1104 lo 1·urr ... r.; tn l..ii:w1u lll•iH'h H1•quire' \~II Cll llHl{l" ~(.111011 Wllj(IHI & d j(llUd Ufl\ 1111( n .. ~1r1I l 'h11n1· 1iil2 t:llt & c1..J.. h•1 tlarr ' Sc't•lt•' ... qu ul Oµµurtu11 11' t.rnplo~ 1•r PART TIME EVENINGS \llUll>-"'"h 11u1:.tand1111-' .1111 tll'll\\' pt•r,11naht11'' \!oho 1·nJm work an)( "'1th k11J.' (h1·r 21 Start Jl SI ~.o µ1•r hour l'hon1· Ii l l I :J2 l .. : x t l!l ll . HJ-:TWi':l::N 4 00 5 oo l'M Alie for Andrea ":C1ual Opµortu111ly EmplO.\t"f PIX Of'ER. Opcr·, for t1·lt>pht•ne tHl,Wt•rtnJ.! !'>t•n ·11·1'. Mu:-1 bt· Jhh· lO W11r k ~••lrH' "'t·t•k1·111~:-T.\ 111111! :1:; I' l'ffi r1·11 UI rt•tl I•;~ 1J1·ncrw1· 11rd1·rri:·1r 111· 1'111 lrn1n Manv 1·11rn µan~ llt.•111·f1t ~ Full l1m1· or part tmw. day & afh·r noon l'Vcn1nJ.! -.h i fl"' a\a ll:a blt• l'l1•as1• 1·all Mon lhru 1-'n. 543 4230 1::01:; PART-TIME PBX OPERATOR 1lie Daily J>ilol ha:-. un 1mtnl'<!Jall' OJ>t'lllOg fur a l'lSX Opl'rulur 20 hour-. pt>r Wl•l'k. J 301':\1 lo 7 JO l'M . Sutu r 1la \ II 1101\~ tu t:! t\111111 Tu 1·-. tl a~:-. u If E " l".'rll'lll'•' pn•l1•rr1•1! hul ,.·1ll 1r:1111 S.ilan ranl!t·~ lrom ~11~ I !1,, i>•·r hour i-;,,·t·l ll"lll 1'11111 p.111 \ ht•nl'f1h F1>r .1 pp11111t mt·nl l11r 111t1•n 1c ... 1·all l)tl .1:121, l'Xl :!7i ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT :1:10 W .. Bay SI C'oo;ta Ml"Sa t-:.1ual Opp.1rtun11~ t-:mpluyt•r l'BX IH'EH1\Tl>R. p:irt lllllt'. r11r :°lil•WJIOrt fl r ll rluh 1-:x1x·r prt•f"d ('a II for Jl>PI. 1;.15 5000 l'Xt 54:!0 •ftlX TB.EPHOME OPERATOR! l'll·a.,anl work IOI! 1·011111 t111n' I' 1th l'h1•\ mid ti,• all·r in l>r<111J.!t· C11unt1 .\irpurt hu~1111•:-' 1·11m plcx Som\' hgh1 I""'" kl'l'lllll)! l ~ IJIOJ.! ft qturt'll ( IJlp lor .11h an 1·1·m1·nt ~·1· Offw1· :\!gr HOWARD Chevrolet Ouv(' & Qua 1 I St:. NEWl'OHT llfo:ACll ~ln~ttSOft l'1•r..onnl'I I' 1· r-. on n l' I If 1· ;i I t h ht•ncfll~ d,·rk Our N p\ lkh urfl1·l' ha:-an 1m mt.'(1UJll' Opt·nmg for a n md1v1duul !'>cl·k1ng a rhallt•ni.:ml! p11s1t11m m pnsonrwl WI' offt•r a \'Unch' of c•leru·al <l11l11·s in pt·rM>nn1·1 & health ht'flef11' t'amhdalt• will have prior nff1r1• l'X : tX'm•nr1•. l!OOd !~ping. & tc•ll•phonl' & puhlw con· ta11 :-kill~ 1-;x1wril'n<"•' th":-oarabh: m ri·r:-.onnd or lwalt h lltmd 1ts hut ,. 1 ti 1 r ;11 n Sa I a r ~ e u m m l' n , u r :i t l' ,. • ,. " Pt·ncnr l' For appt l'all t>IO·l!'Jlf"I, ext 2-14 Jo: () E PET STORE 1-'I S ll OH H l [(f} K N I) W I. 1-; II c; I'. llfo:QUIHt:U G42 5522 l'lli\H~ACY CJ.ERK In ITll'<l laid)( pharmar \' M f' IO·S h4().1;.51;,1 S!OlETARV REAL ESTATE OFFICE MANAGEMENT We ere looklna for 1 ve•NtUe women 10 wort in our btaeatlful wel.ftfront yacht.a seles olt. u corres~nce leCftt8ry 6 relief recep· tionalt. QuaUficatloM ror this po1ilion incld a typ· int speed '11 55 wpc,p. CTeative writing skills. .t>IUly to tnfft the publlc Is good ref's. Hrs are SWl·Thurs. 9·S.30. Non smoker. To 9)0. Call D. Burke wkdyg, &U·S735. ,_ .............. ""-....... , c••••w11tee..tlladt1 ....... .... • ,.... ...... fw .......... ,.. ...... ' ... _ ... .,..... SECalT AIY F ff Wrihte.,#Ht.DtlrNet ... IHO, Cot ......... c .. tHH Pl'.lsit1on for an enerietk ~ mildly dispo11jlioned individual with xlnt typ. mg skills (115·90 WPM I. shorthand ht'lpful. Will co-ordinate business and penonal ralanders or a dem andinl( Newpor t Beach executive. Mus t have rront office ap pearanct'. a car ess~n Ital. salary negotiable. Cll.ll Bonny 645·6300 btwn 9AM·lPM PRODUCTION Mahriat Co..trof PLANNER i::h'l.1n:>nu: mfr in SI)(" 1~ st'<'kinl! a sl'lf startt-r. "' 3 5 ~ ~ f'Xllt'r l['l pro 1fu«t1on muh•rwl 1•o n tml. LO >iChl•dutl• ordl'I s 111 fT\\.'('l proou1·tinn rcc1u1n· rn l' n I s . t• ,.. ""' d 1 I t· malt•ria h. forc c,1:-t mall'nal rer1uirl'mcnb. doshortul!e follnv. up & a ':uwty of oth('r t u!>kl> Must be able• to mtcrprct part s 11 ~.t !> f rum b lue 1>r1n t.s Expl·r in mfr env1ronmf'nl t•:.:-.cn l1al. Wl· oHt•r xlnl pay & llenl.'f1b F a1·ll1t) 111 bt'uul ol.agun;i Canyon. nr ht•ar h & r1·i-orl art•ai. l'<>ll for :.ippl 1't·10111r tlcrkel1·.r l'l"f'>1Jnnd th·pl 71 I ' l!J I :.i t(l I J.:i I! un II llt·<.H"h. E o I-: l'UHCI IASI Nt; t\C :t-::-.;T J ycars t•XPt·r m1111mum Mt1Wit'llg1• of (llllH'f & ritm hl'lpful Work 111 l:oi.ta M1•:.a .art•a . )tall rc:.um1· lO 1'0 llox 22n. Costa Me:<a. CA 92fi2ti RADIOLOGY HOSPITAL RADIOLOGY TRANSCRIBER lmnx'<llat1• 111it:n1111! tor 1·1lhcr a rull 111111· ur part I 1 m ,. It a 11 1 11 I '' I! \ Tran.s1·nh1•r 1-:"l1''""n1·1· 1,. 1w1·1·s:-.a 1·~ Montla.\ ltiroJU~h Friday. :1prn to 11 ::111pm lor lull tan11• ,,hill Wt• 11rft·r 1•xc·1·ll1•111 lllmcflls l'l1·:i:-.1• apply lO P~Office SANTAANA TUSTIN 1001 M. Tustin A•e. Sc:a-ito Ano. c 0 '2 7 0 5 l-:C1u.1I Op pl ~ Empl11yn :\1 F Hcal fat<tlc CHARGE ANEW CAREER CAUSEY &CO. Reol&t• SCHOOL now acrcpt<s Vl~1\ & Mi\ ST ~: H C 11 i\ HG Jo: Prepare for Stale Exam in as httll' a!> 27 hourtt. Sl'hc.·duled at your 1.·om·1• ruente Guarantc.'l..>d, Call n<1w lo s<·hcdulc your f-'HEE 1ntroducl11n lesson · Causey & Company REAL ESTATE W~'!So Co:a:.l Jfiwuy 17141494-8057 Recept I Dt'ntal · Oexiblc Jl()S1t1on. Open for 1m· agrnal1ve pleas ant In· d1v1dual. Busy off ice f're\"IOW. eK~r TyplRJ! :.kills. bookkeeping S.'12 8339 ur leave mes!> ~8225 llct·cpt1orus 11Gen1.•ral Of f1c•1· Tl'lephonc:., ~nod typ1nl! esst'ntt:il Pac1f11· S kippe r Mag at1nc 645 1611 ------- ftl>st;iurant Garde Man~eror Pantry F'lr..t rla.s~ r~tauranl in l.ai:una Nlf.!Ul'I H to •I p m Sular~ Opt•n t:,.. Jll.'nl'nt't• Conlatt <.:ht•I Mt·n·ado at Haysh un llou.w 770 3222. lk~taurunl Ca!>hll'r part t1mt· Mon Fri t l·~pm .):IC'k. If\ uw l'lu1Jh11u"'· 7~>1 754.111 aft :! ----- luo:-.tllt1rarl1 1-:x1x•r Bu;. Boy.; for Npt lk-h c-luli. 1l<1y-. & n1uhts l';1ll for ..iµpt. 1;.i:;.5000 t•xl 5a) RETAIL SALES N"-d t•xpt·r sail·:-. pt'rson full tmll.'. N B ;ir1.•a Call foc a~ t•ll·~""--- Sa1lmukcr nN•11C"d t::x pN onl~ li:J l·-lti60 o r ~·5a.16 Salt·:-. Artl\l' :tl!)!rc~,.,IYl lad1t·:-. nt•1•dl'd to de mor~~lrate & :-.I'll unaqut line of 'kin c•;in• pro 110<·1:-. Will Imm !f'li ll54~1 SALES 111111111-:> ,,,. h1 1·h1·rr11i-tn 1fuJ11r.to solwst 11u,.,111t·1:• & d1agno!'llln· •n 1•r I h1• phon1· 111 Nt•wporl Bd1 Ba:-e 1 1·11 mm1 -.:-111n i M •ti-15 l l 11. Z:1k S 1\ I . 1-: S 1 . I. E I< I\ I o 1 Ciaft 1!.111 !J111p 111 pvt duh . I' t hr:-, mu~l fh·x l 'all for <11>1111~15 :11.100 t•xt 5:!0 Serret a ry ror s m a ll hbcral r hurch in <.:osta Mc.'Sa I person offlre 5 d y P 1T Good off1rc slull'l. mature. respons1· ble. tactful C<ill ror an appt. 646·4652 SECRETARY Mature pl e a sa nt persona lily. very pa ltenl. arrurate typist. ll hkpl!. exper l!l·n o rr work Prerrr W/knowledge o perate Telex Permanent part· lime 8 J0.12 JO With O<' t·a.-;1onal full days l:*nd n.-sumt· to Class1f1t'd Ad =4HH, Oa1ly Pilot. PO Box 1560. C:ost it M1·sa, Ca . !r~i2.ll Sl'C'rt'l:iry. PT. ln1n<·. :J hn; pr fla). Sf> (I() pr hr liood tylllnl!. Call Hogt•r 957 l3:r7 St.'<'rctary J unsur Arc you ;i c·arl'Cr m inded & st•tr motivated per!>on• We wunl your enthu:-.ias m We are u younl! dynam11· ~P of self startl·n. who arc interested m results We pay yt.>ar e nd inren· uve bonuses & j!1ve you the j!rowtll opportumly you ~ervc lmpn•s::. u:. \lo1th your competence <:all Vtl'kt 549·31~ Sec~I r-.il-'l."1 sl'II .st<trtt'r for 111h with lot.'> of\ and) lio<Jll typini: & s horthand r•· qwrt-d Som1• pt·r~onnd ~ork ln-1111· lntlu),tnal l:l>m1>l1·x ;,.m. 7t>:t~ t: 0 E SECRETARY jExec. l'art time. !f to 1, typt• 70 wpm. S II. Sf> pcr hr 1 n ·rnl' !!a 1. n:n S:1llo:-. SECRET ART C'hlldr1·11 gr11l'n'' ~1atun \l'ork for dynamw fa~t Pt'f!>OO F llml'. ;..1rn1 l(r11w1ng rl•al c~l a t 1• l'\t•s &Sal f.nant'1al compan y Tiw l"Offl..-Bt:an N1.wport Bearh. Fa!'h1on 549· 17G6 l.slaa:'1. C;all 759· 1511 ask for Ma1 ) ~,\I.ES [·;Jrn SIH S.">o an ----------e\1•mni.: w1thnut t·Xpl'r -,i·ll &>1· I.inc 1-·;i:.h1ons .it 1n homl· ,.,1yli• ,.,how,., Cst of 1·ar & ph1ml'. wk 1.v pro f1l 1•h1·1•k, n•> 10\ ..... l n'll•llL' :Jli.1 i 1711 :-.alt'!> l-a-..•111 :1l1 ng op ptirtunl1~ fur ,) :!nil 111 rom c {'h111i-1• ~ 11111 houn. ('all ~160 f)(ri!J :ill 6pm for mon· ml<• Sako:-.. How wm1hl you hkt tn mak1• SIOO ~ "'k, I' I I m , . llf ... I I m l' II o u i-. l' h n 111 1 l 1· m :-. . ~IX·l !lll!J s a I c !'\I (I <I y. pt I I m \•. malurl' & 1•xpcr c111ly <:i<:i:!J W. R:ilboa Blvd iii B Saito:. iltt•w York Co has opim· mg:-1n 0 C ror salt's 10 manag1·menl l'O Bux !'1352. Garden CirOH'. !0~2 SALES Nt•w tern tor~ pn!-1t ion opt·n '" 0 c ror pe r son ,. l'X JI . 1n :-a ll· u f sv.1t«hc:.. rc•la~"i. l'lrcut hreaker:-. & pa:-0:-01\·1.· 1·om · pnrll'OL' for H rapid j!rOI' 1 n g 1• l 1.' r t r n n 11· tJ 1 ~ tnhutor Will l'On!>ldN trame<• 1r pl•rs1>n ha~ SF.CR ET A RY N1·wport Ct·nLt•r Lav. F irm. 1n tl'llJJtl'OC'C. good 'k1lb & prior ll•gal t·'<µt·r rt· qwn,-d C..11 Huth 1Jra1.t·r i5!J~ •SECRET ARIES• Sl'ey /Ge nl Off' l<N•p FCgenofr mnl)! FC gen oft-·1·0111\t r S!I00-$1800 Han)!1• Employl'rs Pa) All t't•l'" u z Hemders Agenry 4020 B1rr h. f.blab '114 Newport Brarh. ll:L1·Hl!IO SECRETARIES Loni? and short term a:-.· s1wimrnts Holiday and v <• <' a l 1 o n p a y llosp1tal1zat1on plan availablt· VOLT tt f\.<U'<.•-IA~ .. "'.# J.fvlll ..f ~, :ti-18 Cil m pus Dn vc 546-47.il < i\rross from OranJ?e Co Airport 1 Equal Oppor Employl'r c•lt-ctrome lla1•k ~round ----------lkply ad 512. l>:uly Pilot. PO Box 1560. C4-.1a Me:.a ta. 92626. t:OE M 11-· SECRETARY SHIPPING • R!CV'O. . 11 /F , MacOrocor WMIT9DllYll • VeetU. at.SI Placeatie. l&lilDAYOHLY C.11. To deliver 0.U)' PUa& SHOPTIAlt .. lmmed open1n1 Co.ta .... mlr ro. Xlnt benf. ~ periodic reviews. PelU:q»c Corp 11121 Baker St. CM ~oeo.1 StudenU J3.l5eam money aft sch I & Sat w I newspeper cir e ul1t1on rrew. ren e em 85 per wk & m ore. N. CM. area. 7Sl·3492 SUIS11TUTIS Ulilit,y /custodial per&Ull· nel. $42S /hr. V 11rfous school s1tc.>t1 as needed. Varied how's. !'W cKpr. nee-. Will train. Ability to work mornings 11nd tor evenin~ s hirts as needed . Apply to l rv1mo Unifit.>d Srhool Dist. 2941 Alton Ave. lrvtnt'. Ca hf. Ph. 556-4900, t•xl 30 t: 0 t: Tak• 2 Y ..s of Arrrry ...... c ... Two year cnh ~tments a\ailablc to scl~ct<'d ap· pbeants You may defl'r al11ve duty up to ()c>r 31. bundlel to eemen. lte· qiiree ven or 1.,... Ila· UOn .... end • aood drMna retord. P6one 642·4311 end H k for U.rry Seeley or Don WUliams. OP~~ITV E~LOYER Werehoule worker look· 11111 for mature. alert tn· dlviduaJ willing to learn & »lUPl responalbillty an ~u.bliahed NB firm i11vol\led in y»t htinc. blk:tt packing & ski war-e text1I~. Seeure future for niht person. Filling or orders & general warehoust! duties. 371.4 hr wk. Xlnt Co. paid lx..>nefits. Ca II 645-1066. Ware house /de Ii very person for party rent.al slOf'l'. FUii o r P ff. Apply ae,s Newport 81. CM. Wan·house man good dnvtnl! record a must. Dehvcn es. inventory & mamtcnan1·c 40 hrs Mon f 'ri Tustin a r ea. tall Barbara at 544·9360 1979 You may quahfy 1f 1._ _______ _ you arc 1• •17·34 years old •Ht~h school grad (No GED> •Want to se rvl' in Europe. •No pri or ml11t<1ry serv1ec •El1g1bll' for o /s1•a!> duty NOT a ll trarnin.: for s kills avullablt· und1·r 2-yr plan. F<ir murl' 1nl11 on this <.1ncl oth1·r ,\rmy enl1slmt:nt 11l.111!> c·all HI Sqt Ste••ns 962-8821 CM Sqt Martinet 540-1026 SA Sqt Haynie 542-2435 T E i\ <.: II 1-.i"' H , SUBSTITUTE, IM MF.DIATt: Ni':t:D Grades 3-8 Vahd (;;,hf t.cadung credential i\p ply m person l"ountuin \'allc•y SdMx>I D1stnc1 "t ughthoust> Ln, fo'tn VI}' C 11 r n •' r •> I ;'l;1·wl .ind 1T alhcrt E O E Tt•a,.h1·r l'r1• S1·h11•1I L \'rl I fl,.,, I •• Ill t' \ 1H•n1•n1·1• 1\llt·r11111111 11r 1T111m1nc hour-. 1.111 KX211 TEAl'll E H!'> /I.• 1\l ll~:S ll•'l'lf\~l IOI Jll"I' 'l'hU•ll l~·m·l 1h :,:,i, ~iili T1·:i1·h··r 1•11 pro· "'"'H•I 1•iq1t•ni·r11·1·tl . :111 hr' wk . W1.o:-.lm1n:.h'r H!f7 ~If.I\! TECHNICIANS Eleetrnnw mfr m S 11 C WAIEHOUSE No cKpcr. req'd . Yo11r area. All s hirts Good pay. Paid weekly. No ft'C. Must beovcr 18. NORRELL Tt:;MPOHAKY IRVINE ·n 1!-.Tl'.'I 752·H542 55>1·!1027 ···········~··········· Anti.-s 8005 ..•..................•. lla ll trl'l'S , armoirc. d 1• !> k .., , I' h 1 n ;i . a c · • eessom .. -s, m1SC'. 63HI035 GI.ASS SHOW II H. Ot!press1on Glass Cluh presents Annual Glas.' Show, Sat. 19, 10 to it. @I 10th St.. H.B, Al:;o Ouna & pottery. Adm. SJ 50 2ft off w /ad Au:.lrian Oak l'htna c•abtnt"l. leudt'd hcvelrtl gla.,,., & mtrrnr. 1·an•1ng'\ 110 low1•r liul h·t. ·d nl 1·11nl1 Sl.7f11hc-.1 ut f1:r '!•i:l 1474:! 1\ntq l\u ~I raan, IHI)() ~1tl1'11nl. walnul. twnlco m1rr11r. huhhh• )!las!'. moth1•r or pt•arl 111la~. rmrhl•· top $1 JOO. Jo:ni.: li;th:V ;·nl1 18911. 1)t1k. $l!MJ t:11)! f'lj('kl'r lllflll, hurlt·d I' a In u t . s;rnu Wit I lwr~a1n. will "1>ar)!<1111. rnu ... 1 ~t·ll r.75·~5 ha.., 1mnwd 11p.·111111!~ lur 1----------qui.llf11'{f t1·1·hn1n:t0' R.&DTECH Ne«i Sr Tt•1·h to <.1s~1,1 dJrc11or of H&O m n1 ·1' produl'l '""''' 1gatiun. tit•\ t•lo111nl·nt &· .1 ppl11 a lirand 0))l'nmg Oak 'N '.\1on· AnliQUl'!'> 211) Mam SI. m1111 ma II Uuntmi;:tu11 l!t-<tt'h. 9611 7388 Hr::. JO 5, :\Ion S;it Amcrn·an Oak 11111'1 Will J!'>wml.1ll·. 11·,t 1----------& 1•\ Jluat.• 'anuu:-cl1• lumnur.• ,1grb tor µrodtll'b lin1·, 1n 1"1llut1•111. lw:1l1h •·I lt•t•h & t'O\lrllllrTI1·nl.ll i.trt'a ' I :! ~ r' 1·\Jwl ·" l'll'l'ln1·al or 111•n1•ral I.iii lt'l·h .-2 ~ r' n1ll1•)!1• I•' t'I "t'lt'111'1· 1•our-.t· .. d1·'-1r1·d ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT TECH Tn ronst ru1 t. '"'' & 1rouhll·1>h•10I. \'OJ.!lnt•1•r 1111: mod1•ls & prntul) r>t' un1ls for pilot •procl u1· lion j yr:-cxpcr 11' a prtldU<·tmn or 1'ngm1·1·r ing tcd1 +-~ y rs lorm;1 I 1•l1·1·tron1r.; t ru1111ni.: 11r l'QW\alent dc,.,in•d PRODUCTION TECH T 0 ,. h t.' I ' k 0 u I ~ 1 r 11 u h I 1• , h o f• I 1rurcrowa \ 1• rompiin1·h & fi lt er~ Ei..pcr v. m1 cn1w.1 ,,,. 1•nm p11 rwnt IC",.,lllll! ~ form al trammj! m lm:-.11• l'lt:l' Imme thl'Ory dt·,.,u·<'CI We offe r xlnt 11ay & bcncf1t:-.. fa1·1ht' I!> llJl'at t'(.f m l)l'aut 1..;i:un;.1 t"<1 nyon nr beat'h & rt•MH1 u r t'a C;ill tor appl l'cl"S<)llf'lcl D<·pt Tdon1l· Berkl>ll•.). 11141 4!14 !MUI Lul(una lk'arh Uak 11'1' 1><1-: S!l j . Ch1k llfl'!>.'t'r ~.1 Uak lJlih• ::.,'ljl 5.'>7 90K!J l'l'\ll' uq.!,111, xl111 nmd ::1-..~1 l'l.1~ "r JlHtllu, l!d •1)()11 S-151J IX'SI 111 r . ur nalt• huffl'I. xlnt 1·onll ·~II .\II Oak tlt·m~ tii3 50111. llAM -5PM Appliances 80 I 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'H EJG llT DAM AG t-: 0 l-ICYfPOINT SALi-: 3308 W W<.amcr nr Harhor. S;inta Ana !17!1·2921 l",\Sll Pf\[[) W:-hr /f)n·r s / R l'fn i.::-. '411rk1ng or nol !157·Kl3:! HAHC:AINS l 'i;{'(f n •fng:-.. ~hrs. rlryro;. garur, bc:.I hu~s. we scrv a ppl. Ht.·,.,1 Appl 5:Jti 091 I, 5Jii·-1330 Wl":-.llRl!hoUSc j!3S d rYt-r. hl•;t\"V dUI Y. nl'W. :iltll Ill l·rah; 6ti I 287 I Kl'flmort• i::as dryer. 2 yri. old. wh1t1•. e xccllcnl t'Ofldit1on ~; 00'~ Wai.her & clec dryer, Hoth xlnl rood S50 ca. 552 03'l5 Al&tion 8015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ***** llouM·kl·t•pt· r !11 v1" In hl·uut1ru1 Npl lk h ,·11•w homt• w 'Jar u7.11. l•rl\ rm with Ba . ('lffl• for I adorable 1nrant. l'<tll 640-2957 (or intcrvll'w Housekeeper II ve ·in or out, care for small rh1ld Rt-f's. Irvine S59 ~I Mw1Lo;, ;,pply The Inn at Lal(una. 21 I N. <.:oust Hwy, l..ai<una &>arh -. Office C'-rical Noexper req. full & part MAJ OS. Full or part time t1~ r het'kml! 1•ustom1·r l'OOL Cl.Ei\NEH F.xp<'n1.•n1·t·d !1611·800!J ·•· . I VISA' SALES. P /l1ml' Pubhr !'>pt·akinR. tl'a<'hmg or salrs bul·ki:md & tht' de· sin:• ror persona l ~rowth & tugh mt'ome arc a ll you noc'<i to earn up to $18 per hr romm. lrnmed lor openinf.!. C all Dawn. 12131204.3920 for appt. Outstanding oppty for 2 people or1c•nl e d serrctanes w ith good sccrctanal skills to Join our Sales Dept Enjoy ex· rcll1.•nl eompa n y bl'flCfits. Apply in person Mon1Fr1. 9am·l2 noon. Personnel TF:LF:PttO N E SOLIC ITOR 1n your Mmt'. ti·!IPM. no :1ah':-.. ~.00 hr +bonus. ~;o. MM MOVIE WORLD All:TION App I u M a r y , s a n mput & assislln.: m ma ti "' room. An opportumty for C.1ementc Inn. 125 W . houscwivt'S to ~ct hack tto.Mwf•H & fllpland.lan. mt.o the workmR world Pool mlllnlcnanc:t', p rr lo start Salary open. 64(). 7(WI() Sttlde..ta MAIDS wkd~s /wknds. andbemvolvedmahllsy FOTOMATMDS YOU SeakUffs Motel. 1661 So. data pro<'l':oistng environ· PrinhnR We have lmmed. open· ~t HwL l..aRuna Bch. ment. ft.APER CUTTER lnis al our stor e on SAt'F.GUAHD Compulenzed mm·hine. P .C H & Superior + Ma1nte nan re Positio n BUSINF.S.'\SYST1':MS one year cxpcncncc pre· MARRIOTT HOTEL 900 Newport Center Dr Newport Bearh Equal Oppor Emply m If TB.EPHONE . SALES Newspaper s ubs , Your phone, 4 to 5 hrs a day. $?00 & up romm wk . Exp, pr<'r. Over 21. I D. NeW!iparx•r ~:nt. 835·6453. l to31'M Only ----- May 11th· 5 PM. Gaoung machines, gold Jewelry. auto parts, a nti· 4ue oak furniture. bronzes Plus mU<'h mnrl: lo he sol d . C11 ll 714 1523· 1320 ***** t n.ny other Orani<c Cu. Dana Pt llarbor. t:x. 2283 Fairview Rd. (('rrcd. four day work .,..._...., ___ -.;.loc~11;;.1;.;1oru;,:.;,;s:.. . .;W~or~k~l:,:Oi..:·2~~-W'ior,..1c~n,..r~cr.d~~re~·ilire~r"'r~el'lid~.+---C•os;;;.Tit;;.a~Mw,eift!l'>:.::a,__ ___ t-_ · . . or : . on · · s a · c __ __ _ 1nrludm1! dental plan. • RECEPTIONIST * Switchboard & Tl·lex operator w /prorcssiona l appearam·e & persunah· ty. T 40 50 wpm. lell'X exp helprul Call for appl . Newport rmacue111·al R!ll W 6t ext II . • ~ ~ & I I I I '-· I.~ s :· I ' 4 Pd tr a In 1 n R XI n t tx>ne rlt!'>. Apply 24701 ~,II w, 7360. Personnel benefits. 6 pd holid11ys. Dana l>r.496-6137. Of'FJet:Cl.F.Rl< ( [)cn,.rtmcnl fur a ppoml For 1mmcd interview. ~'(f full lime pcr11on or •-Management IJleoHare duties Xlnt rn. ment. f.qual Opporsunity pie~ rall RQl!er Scher ... I Are you p r ese ntl y lx..'l'lcf1ls .mpoycr at 964~. E.O. E employed but need add1· Coast General T1rt' Indispensable p erson needed for deUvenes & nW!colcduties. ~7357. IMSIDI SALIS lmmed. openings for ,......ib6e, mature self sterter who com · munieelea eeslly with dhen. Sales nperience • Pl• but not required. WllJ lrein. M&&at heve lite tYJlinl ekllla. llonal income.? Work S47-!H23 lO·lS hrs per week . ---- Retirement bene fits Opthamology, front ofrtrc aveil. Bill Hughes . MiMionViejo . ~msext.137. 83MMll MANAGER • Assistant. 2 Or*'~ Cl9rtl days • week. Ute boob. Mfr firm &eeU reliable lite meintenence. t'or indiv w /1 yr exp. 11ood eppt. call 157-8191 phone skllla " aultude PnnlJng RECEPTIOMIST Our rompany 1s s1-ckml! a qu11llfted t'nthusaasl w receptionist /tYPISl with the ab1l1ty 10 answer phones for multiple ex· ec ulrves . Salary rom· m e n s u r atl' with qualifications. C M. nr So. Coast Plua. Cati 546-2982. Receptionist /Secretary part lime. 15·20 hrs. per ftek. Psychologist or. flee. Salary open . References required . C.11642·8786. 551-1125 towerd customers, to MANAGER • Young ledy t.ace ph orders In • non· needed to mene1e Out "'* '« olc. Xlnl co benf. Cell Model 6 Escort ~pply In person : 1ervlce. Cell eves. Is C.ALJFOAM, 18661 Von wkndl. 483·2131 uk for Karmen, lrvlne. 'l\:lm. PLATE MAKER Some experience pre · ferred. anrludes stnp· pmg, photo and layout runcl1on . Excellent ~ing conditions and benefita including dental plan. four dity work weett. Phone Personnel Oei>utmenl 546· 7360 for »PllOintment. Equal Op· pottunily Employer. ~~~~~~~~~~I ~ llCB'rtOHIST Terrific opportunity tor beginner. Typinft. Will trai n o n phones . Promoteble paelUon. lrvtne Penonnel Agency Gectronic • mechenlul for• rettl~ • process ~. H >'"'· e•· ~. Xllll worlllna conct. 11 lllMllU. Caotal't OP· roa Illa Releerch Dr. fl&•ma .. E.O.E. · --· Painter wllh brush & MATERIAL HANDLING rollerexper. Pay accord· PlrtaSt«-kpmion Ina to ability Own P.x,~ dettlred not trwportaUon.981·1853 reqolred. Wiil train. ~·-t pus compeny PART 1111!:. Nd 2 key ~ tncludln& back people for u pandln1 •-ray. Irvine. 540-7831. bulinea. Xlnt In come. E.O.E. For eppt. MZ·0'721 I ' rRODU C TI ON TRAJNEE. Rub~r hose products. Irvine area. Mua\ paM ro. ph)'lllcal includlng back lMMY. ~7638. E.O.E. Find whet )'OU W anl in Daily Piiot c1 ... mec1s. . . . . • E l'NI. Coate Mese 9Wte»t 642·1470 Srrecn pnnting produc- tion manai?cr wa nted. Must~ve exp 540·9~ SEAMSTRESS, cxper . moturc wom11n, P 1t1mc. Your home . Debbie 646-6490 aft 4PM Seamstress Some exp desired. Will train. Pat. t1s on Satl Destin. 673-2180. SECR ETARY F t T . r heerful, exp'd in· dividuel w /strong typin11 & s hortha n d talents went.ed. Apply In person . w /re11u m e t o Mr f\ienlell at Robert Bein, William Froet & Assoc. 1401 Qua.II St. N.8 . •SICllTAIY• UteolRce sklll8 required for run 2 Wfflls job In H\ft. Bch. Other poel· Uonl evell. EOE. Cell ~.m.oas. ... _. -.. onre Mus t have cxper. 111 sewmg and handhnR people. Salary open 3701 West. Carriage Dr .• SA. cam. SHAMPOO ASST net'd<'d ThUN thru Sat, The Hair Handlers642·8484. Shipp ing & Receiv1n.-c Trainee n eeded 1n adhesive mnrg plant. IS37 Monrovia. N.8 . ~5125. 51 • PIN(i CLBIC Shipping & receiving dutaea. good pay, at · mosphere Vl'I')' nice full benefllll. Musl be clean, sharp Is exper. Sal com· mensuratc w /ability & upH. Gerry 1714 ) 6.11-<1700 Shipplng person womens wear. garmenl expcor. prerured but nemmery. Tustin a . Moo·Frl. 40 hrs . ell Bllrt>ar• •l 544.9.190, TClftih7:30PM Tow TrU<'k Driver:-. P'< CONSIGNMENTS pt•r 'd. To11 pay /\pplv STOCK LIQUIDATIONS G&W Tow1ni.:. H OR Love ly bdrm set s. OhmsWay,C M 642·125l Jrmo1 r es. complet1.' · ----· walerbed set. chlna tbl. TRAVEL AGENT nc.-edt'<f <.'hr.I. china & imported 1n sales of vacation arts &runulure. travel incl'f cruises. fi'IT SAVE SAVI SAVE tours. Ultn' s ales Salary Wt honor BofA. MC, & comm. Qut1llfied only Ceshier 's C hecks & ndapply9S7·2700 Cesh. NO PERSONAL U pholstere r . exper 'd. CHECKS PLEASE! Xlnt working cond 's. Food aveileble. items 642-llMl. subject to presale. VETERANS MAST•S AUCTION Xlnl oppor to earn xtr• ~~Newport Blvd CM income. Part·timc up to l•m.- 9125 ----·· 646-•-8686-Sl.300 per yr, pl1.111 other benefllll. For full detaih1, Is to find out If you 're qualified call NAVAL R~ERVE 5$2-3$3t WAITllSSWAMT8 Apply In person btwn 2 II 4. Any s hift. Stevr os RMt. m> W. Coal Hwy. N& llcydn 1020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mt.'ftl 10 apd. 2 foldin~ blkel. All •It cond. 67~91ot 10.speed 23". quick re· ae.e hubs, Simplex de· r•ll levers, aood cond •. 840-llm , I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! . \ ' • ) •• ' ~ ......... -... .-..---~- ~· ~~ ............. ~~ IOIO ...... W. IOH Mii••••-••••••••••••••••••••••• .......•.......•........•...•......•.......... 1010 Mee•••-. · IOIO I "4n•••-IOIO .....................•. ······:················ UlllM-AINP"PIN•· ~ ..U..1 tem .. T wlul. aft.tm. ...... e " 0<-t 80lld wood 11unw tabl~ • 4 llhr r h01ir11 IMIQ. tMili·35ill l.itlk• i>UVP1· blk lcX'llo• Aypl , (urn '1 tnl'.t' ~ tut SJlt• $l:XI sat Sun 9 4 IMIO J\N uu-!MllU 11GUA WAY. N1)t llr h -Llww ,·ab1n.•t & luh 111 ~ngcr~Mticl pupp1l·i-. olh1·r ttondll'" a3:i. "-J\(;,L'1W Pomona 1.st luµ1lul 1 _tl4ti pi (.' M Sprin.icir Spfnlel 1-'c m Multi t'r11n1h l'ouh '12tnub AJl i-~.Spa)1<tl t uy~ .. f urn1'1ur1· •If' SW. 8W 2lliM plJ atK't''>, 1'1111 "'"• 111 k,...,. S.lky Tcrnc r l)'f'. t-'•·m household 11t'ml.. 1rl1 S!*Ylld VcrJ cult ti.I lut1·h. luml1t·r & tn1,,1· II b"rr>-40l3 lo 5 Sat Muy Hlth l75tll ---- -t-: a s l t n ~ :. • I 1 \ 1 n r Old t.:nghs~ ·Shcepllo~ tCul\'crdult· 1 pup&. i\KC Shots. L' "'T ...... u v 1 ti 1 9.'>7 i!Jln ,,, """' rd11 1:. u. un ---_ _ Brh. 10 4 Furn, l11k1:1', BLOOOH OVN l> lh ·d books. clothing fo'ern-.~ho'!' b•":'· 5 rm~. MOV1NG SAU:. 5 J!.I, !I In bea~~.548·6600 _ 3, :il!Ul P:Jrk11 ww Ln. ,.,_to TOii 8045 19-8, Jrvm1• ('olur· TV • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cull 1'Z rnallrl>:.l.. 'h't.'P S.l\'er lip Pcr.;1an malt'. Siamew&? fomalc. both are hst tn11nl!d. d•· 1·lawed & rixt'd No ~m l'h1ldrl'n. &4 2 ·~1fiti . H!N·l:OIO. Wood, h: lr('t' trunk lin1i: your ,..;,w w;.4sg;i Beautiful Germ3n s ht hair P0ttter I-'. 1 ~ r old li>ves ct11dren. 9tiH 2917. 7 mo. rt al e tt:rrit>r I pointer. Free to i:ood home . (;ood with 1·tuldren 8-4 ·8395. · K 1 tt c n s. w ,. ;, n t• <I & trained. Coi.ta Mesa an•a. 5'»1·4i15 funliturw ... 8050 ....................... C/\SI\ 1'1\1 IJ ,..or J?d ustd furn. anti 11ut.-s&rlr'l!''s !l:17 111:1;1 **I BUY** Good ust.'<i furniture & Apph ancc:.·•OH 1 will :.ell or SELL ftr You MASTBtS AUCTION 646-1686 Ir UJ.9625 11' wht sofa tu>«to style. piped in brn vd vel. Likt· nt.'W $250. 64().. 7~!f Jtangmg lamps: 1·opper & stained .:lass antique w lswa.i: S75. <.:anc ant ~d f1msh w /Sll.\•J.: 5125 ·Crystal C'h arnll'l tt•r wr.:;waii $150. l'atv1 swai: light f1xturc Slfl ~I 7049 :.ora. lam1Js. thh. & mim y oth1•rs ADOPTION GUILD S al<.· 11C n1·w t1·nn1s dothtnl! & l·qu1p1111'11I H1i: burl!arns' Fur 1·h;•r1 I\ Tax dt.-dur tahll' Sat May !!Ith from 10 to ·I 11133 Mariners Or. Nl'wµorl Ht h. ( Uuvt·r Shr:.1 ESTATE SALE Jo:wryttuni:: will 1-(11 May 19 & 20. !IAM·41'M 2107 Vista L:m.>do. N B. Colossal Garal!t> Sale• Nc11!hborhood Spr1nl! (;lean oul. Cohas<;e' Ln off l nd1ana1>o ll s & Hu.o;hard H R Ma.v Wlh & 2111h. tl·5. Toys. boob, funutun·. dothmi::. 1·H· lilG t'\N Tll' ('O M · M UN IT Y (.; A It A Ci t-: SALE !IAM S<Jt. tJt•t.·an llifls Clubhous •-. :Ja:i1; Call<.· I.a ~u1nta, San Ocm<'nh• Gai<1f!t.'· E s tall' Sall' 1-'um. k1tt hen. m·~ i\v1111 l'OSmN1rs. <'loth•·' 1·11· :Dill Manta Ct l,.ag N11!, off 5(-lva. Thurs & Fri, 12 7 Sal, 9-1. 493-07111. F.state Sale. Med & lg wome n 's h undmad l· dothes. 7•r,·8 womem; shoes. over 200 pr. Ovl'r 100 purses. JI.' we I ry. dolls tall s1.s 1, t·ompl t·andlcmak1nu outfit tmol~. wax I +other a'>· s ortl·d misc·. 5 KI ltm! S~ Hn ,tctl. t'M t\,nulun-. Ni tm41~\ ~'TATt: SAt.t: MUM'lllll quuhty 11nt111u.oi. 111 p 11t111 ruro1tur1• O a l. ~ontWtnill\1' It Ill' .i ry . oak Qu."1•11 Ann 1hntnt: 1ot·1. V1<1on1tn 11.of". \1h•14u11t n .rwd .:oltl1•11 uuk lldnn ~u1 te fr11m Villu 10 Swt•dt•n. fJ1n11n.i w fu Ifill\)' lh'fllb ol f UI II & tit• l'Ur lt.IO llUlllt'l"IJ\lb tu ITil'rl t111n C .s 'l h un i\ V1•f"'>atll1•' \j)I HIU JOll l 111;111·) 1.,>111·. N II 631 <&.'.:tK IO ti dull) ITI·milo· ·wWtnt\ 1f1Jd11111-. Jllll~ 'lU\'l', rtll'I Ktt1·h1·11 ""k 't'l 1•ir1 1upt.u .1rtl '"'l t /1 1 Tu..,1111 l'M 1111! Jl;Jl'k\,trll "dh'. h· & ""II 1tt>m:.. ~al 11111) tili ~ Jiimt-:. l'I NU Oft ol 1!1lt1 Sl, 11r llarhur 111 . MoVINli TU 11/\W/\ll Must sl'll rdn.:, wa~hcr. dryer. Moin.v lwaut v!anls Womt·n·1' <'lotht.•s SI 5 10 7 Oth••r M1sr ('1IM. ti73 JXH S/\T & SUN afll•rnooo GIANT MUI.Tl t'M11L\' \'ou nam1• 1t, wc'\'t' j.!11t 1t' SAT /SUN at l!OS~2 t.)Ut~·n ·s l'url.. I Ill Ill wn IU't•>khursl 1Bud1ard off lndJJnapoh:.. 8060 ........•.••........... 10 yr old Arab mar.•. hy Zarabo SS.UC Ml 4 Yr ulcl i:l'ldmi.: hy Ht•al Ml'<..'uy $!,00> l 714 I 49'J-tfik7 Household Gooch 8065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• L."ust.om ()r;ipery lntt•r1 ors Sak 200.000 yds of fahnc 1 n :>tot' k • S:! 7 5 yd . 731-0710. Mwelry 8070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPALS OPALS l mporlt·r ha:-1'1r1•y ,\u.-:traltan Op11 b 111 1111 load al whuk s;il1• pn1·1•;. Call ti4V·~.Hll Misc:@llaneous 8080 ....................... llandCnwhl'l1·d lll Kl ~ls \'t•f\' Ullll!Ul'. /\l~u lf1p llui.:l!crs l!t-;1ut1 ru I lin1:ht tolors l't·r1cd r1t Gu<tr. to rt-lam shaf)l• 1n watl'f 1 wt~:k dt·ltv1·rv. Call 711t!IR4·723K C'Olll'l:l _after 5 pm for mun: inf~ MllQUl' drt"'5er OV3l m1r· mr rd1m:.ht.-d. butcher block dinette S150, 1772 Violin, 6"5·2573 ----loahlrMarW ........ •••••••••••••••••••••• loah.Power 9040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gret:n wmf.! had.. 1·ha1r Jlam1lton St, <.:M Sal·l•--------- w tmalc htng ott•1man . SlOO. MO. 71)19 D 1 v o rl' <:. m us l s c I I housdul or m·ar n1•w funulure. <213159H13\fl onl~ _ 1-h & Sat !I 2: :wi.'11 La II t; r m 'J s a . L a J.! u n a N11.iucl. t!t5·065X. Mupcd_ lawnmowt-r & t•di:1•r. 23' trvl trlr & moch mon· f-)ct?ant so( a + lovt'l'eal. PL'<'an rorrec this. unuM'll S\T ONl.Y 10-4. at !'1!~12 Mudowlark Or ll H h1de·a ·he<l. l.'arth1onc<l Clothinl! & hou~t·hold ~:·~~· all ncur new. _articlt-s. ..,..r -----MOV1N<i · li:.trai:t· Sal{'. • .,.,,a; .~angle bed. tlrt-s!>l!r Sat Onlv. II to 4. 3(. w 1m1rror: mt-lal de"~ J\lmood Trl't.' Ln Irv. w /chr: Lypewntl'r: sm. •· HoUidl•x: 2 Ollk l'hn . Old l!lu~:-.wan'. C'h tna. r 11 1· k c• r : m 1 ::. r s1lwr. Ho1·k w1·ll pnnts. lunushmi:s. 120 I-: :!3rd hooks, 3-s pced. Many ;r.!2, Sal. 9·f1 k11C'hcn / ho u:.l'/l!it rai:t• 10 Pr blk kn~:; Mrm ;::,,, ha r ).(a in:.· 2 o 7 Ii 1 dbl keybrd cord or~llll. llopetown Lam-. ll.H c·or group. Univnsal s~w Sat/Sun. !I.JO /\.M · <.:ash marh. rcclnr. suf11, mar plea."t!. __ ble co( tbl & 1 t.>Od t h\. ~k Droror. 011 pain\tnl!s. lot~ 1mn rm d1vd'r 1142 Rl!W; or mi:.c. f.!llOdll'~' 21672 'llM·~---_ _ llilana Cirdt-. 11.B. Bet .. Hattan Club Chair. Cofff4• Rus h a rd / II am 1 llon . table. 3 pc sectional. cat Sat/Sun -------f~pn~'S.:_67!>-ltnO lwllloa <Lillie Isl> 11!1 Crystal /\ve . tfou:.1·holrt fumishinJ?s, Hoh1l• parts. toys, HlO's of other 1tt-m:.. 6'75-4784 F n • Sat. Sun Must s.:11 by Sat Hcst f'/ fer! Couch. ::.lt·c•p soh . brkfst. set: nl'w quc•cn iz hed. i:.tf·rro. !'154!·0609 HA ,.,......, RRI S.ON ... HARRISON SEA RAY loah 0 Don't let the temporary ga.o; i.1tuat1on co~l you a s umm1·r of hoat1n i.: run, ... Harnson I:. dOIOI! their part ... HARRISON Howseflsat LUCIGMGI TAGS · fnim yuur hwunt'S8 cJr.I Smet oew 1'16rd for 1•at<h lat& pl1.111 °"4' spart> Wr r\!turn Pt•rmuru•ntly ,M•a){'(i lllttlU'llVI' lit!: & strap, ""'etini: a1rltnc· I D requart-nl\'nl1> t•n· vt'nt lot..!o ., ttwfl' t"ur a , .. nl0rlal1t1'll Lal( 1•nrlc111,• wullpa .1wr, fo brH· or l)fiy tao .. ptip1•r & w1• "'"II bltrk & t nm vour tuw. Or try two rurd.'> tiud1 lu buc·k l'Kll 't :.\ Sl•·uor3.t6 • :>tu..::. SI hU1•a 1,;f1111i.:s SI ~I 1·11 1u or more SI ·W 1· J sai~ Ta~ Indwell NOCAIW" Uritw your own or 'lend name. adclr1o.ss. phom• & w1• II muk1· orw 1·urd ix.·r l<Ul Add 25' t>ltCh S-:nd d~d• or morwy or- dl•r tu PILOT NIMTING I' 0 HoJC IStiO t 'a;ta Mt-:.u, Cu 92ti2ti O'N1•1ll Su11cr~w1 'f;,rx·d ,,•um:-. U1'c d o n 1·1• dUl'llll t Cit SllO ~·OlSti COPY MACHINE 962 7033 l11t1•rnml'nt SµJt''' :! Plot~ llarhur ltt•,,l l't·mt-tary U1:s t ofr fi46.(11 IU ~POHT I NG tlCHJ St-: Ml::MH .. :t<S llll'. only $170 + !>mall monthly ft.'I: P\•l!J.!Y. !!00-4~.! F r l' c t l' r u p r 1 i.: h t . $150/bt.-st ofr 3 bar :-.tools SIS t•a SW· 7:tW l>1· I u x l' ~ ht' t' I 1• h a 1 r . Lumt.•i.: todc•t rha1r, Sall• T walkt.•r & l)>ronl! l':tlll' ~ Taki" all li75 5i:!I da)s. 1•v1-s 1;.rn H7l:i • IL>llN WAYNE TENNl!- <.'Ll!H famil~ m1•m lwr~h1p swoo ('1111tat•1 Mr:-D1•11111 s ~ k1.h :,. i.10·1000 . -------------'111 ElllLI 111" Saving gasol ine a nd fi nding a multit ude or recreation r-social enjoyments is the business of "The Halccrest Club" in Cost a Mesa . T ennls. (t enn is pro a va il able>. s wimming CJ:feguard service>. picnic areas. fire rings. children's programs & a delu xe c lubho use. A rew memberships lert al $20 a month. See : Sat. & Sun. 10·4PM. 3107 Ki llybrooke Ln .. or call 557·7234. -------------Co6or TV. portabll.'. KC/\. Ul<t mL'>C items & access dnt cond. sw.; Sut IOam 709 Ord11d . 646·1!>25. COM 64(),7127 ----Coins. proor & mmt sets. .,tl v•·r t•o1ns. Urian. &11~~ ~.dbl oven or broiler. ).(al., natural or propane, l~ts of xtra!>. hkt• nc~ $700 valu<" M~ll for $350 IU I 26:!t. 554 2156 ---CARPETING. wht. <IU sq yd!-., ~ood rond111o n . bcaullf ul 1;.1-1 l:IOH E X C . L U S I V E EXERCISfo:-Uniqul' pvt 1nslrurt1on lly 2 educated & eJCper'd CdM women. beitmnmg new concepts tn sltmmtnl!. tnmmmg. toning s tl'm1ni: rro m buck).(md 1n dance . .:ym nasl.lcs. rct' lht•rapy & Ill yrs of inst . Will \'Ii.It your home· by appt only 83:1 1471 ask for Penny· 675-7CY17 Mlle ...... eoaoMllktl ••••••••••••••••••••••• t •• -· Mil ....................... MovMall '° • m1llrr .a0 . &.~-.of-&Unrr••ltd •w sale: lamps. some dnmuet w/ZUJ1an <'"m· decorator pcs .. antique Mil -'-• ~.1 ' < 17981 l::ng. Por relaln • -""""'· 2 yr old. auna. ro11.away. myrt~ MS·l5.» or 963-4423 wood bowls. lablea It _sno __ .IOBO ______ _ oclds-fr ends:-Xlnt pnces. fM0.-4294 Cultm pool lablt! lamps. Brown & Jordan outdoor furn .. & misc hou11ehold ~tems Sunday. 642·21S9. Contractor has s urplu."i of 3 ton high t'fhr1ency rcn· tral a ir rond1t1oners. Mw;t ~II You install or we install No rca:. orrcr ref ll.'>ed. Call 778· 2040 100 yr old upnght piano. concert timed $47S t:lec. stove SIOO. Ws hr /dryer S35ea 964·1921 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Olosen -Knit<· -Roul!e -Kc'l:J>('r - PUNK ROCK You ttunk you've l(Ot pro· hlc•m-;. 1 ·ve ,ttot a l'anary that sml(s P UNK ROCK ~ ....... .. .. ~ .. ~ ...... ~~ IBM Executive typewriter. "500."J 95..S-2274 1017 ....................... Tame Umbrella C«katoo & Less<.'f Sulphur Crest· ed Cockatoo. Nice h1rds Young. 67$-21662. ,._Ir °"9m" '°'° . ..................... . lfpnJ.:ht piano, 1\106, a nla· qued. white. ivory keys. t'lt•an $450. 673-6785 I 81M-ll54 STARBRI Tfo: CONN ongm..Uy $2200. new at Chnstmas. now $1500. 759-llll &::.'<qws1tl' W1.'lldtnl! Or1 .. ~s orr whlll'. Sl 7' Ldl'l', ~atm. hund Sl'Wn lx•ads must S<'t.' to lx•hev1•' W~1!: S750. ~ar $$50. 642-489'J afl tipm wt.~kdays Ha ndsome ext•1•u11 \ l' Carpet. ~Ood condition. 95 dt,.-...;k, 3x6. oak. $250 •·do;. av()(•ado ~ha". SlOO. WURLITIZER 4300 or- ~an. xJnt rood. S600/best orrer . 962·5600 art 7PM - 1' •. 1-;t·o Ht.>fractu r Telescop1· t::quaton a I Mount wit h ca~t'. a aC' <'t•sson es. books Sl50 (;all J1•rry 536·5776. IUam 5pm ____ _ <;;it'nf1N· · !\1 a i.:na\ o>e 1'0nsolc 25" eotor TV n · molt' t•ontrol with n •rnrd pluyt•r & am rm .,l••rl'll. paid S150U ~··II t o r ~1 11>!.t otr , t•olft·•· tlJl1 Svmui.h ~hod J.!l•"s l(Jp • lar).(l' dl-sk ~I:! :!X7:J Solul b1n·h n1l h•t• and t•rul tabh.."' SHJO ~11;:1 :i:~15 497 ·20ot2 or 497 -3282 J ,.. ~al pnt:c 545·345_i _. __ Old ras h1on look 10 1.! hedspread. Cull ... 1ze. small floral pink palll'rn with nounc·e all around nearly new SJO: s mall throw e r orh1•t pink pillow. J.!Ot·~ with bedsprt>ad $2 962 ll437 aftt!r8 30am ----- Suli::le bed. xtra lonl! m1r ror. lamp!'. drape:.. p1c·- turcs. elothesclosct o r t'lose t doors. M1s r. 833-1993_. ----- ~ W..ted 8081 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Complct•· ~t·t of f;rand Want good used rurmture Uunk.., 42 boat 1·c•vl'f\ &. acct-ssones ror dpt. -----SewiftgMachiMJ 8092 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M.runore sewin~ machtnt! &cabinet. SlOO 968-7001 5partillcJ Goods 8094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •USEDSCURA TANK• S4() Ca II c vcs ~·4034.Tom 'TY.Radio. totR.Stereo 1098 ll11Jt.•, Xlnt 1·ond s1~.11 "97·~3n31 ·4<Xoli_· __ 552 17721·\l.·s Old .,ht·et mus 11-. old ••••••••••••••••••••••• photo~raph.-.. <1ny «ondi· 8eautJru1 25" color TV. 2 a...i sq. ynb high qu.tl1t \ 1·arp1•t1ng & 1lr;q Jt'' !\tad1· tor l111rt•1 l 1 n1 llarttor V11·~. lti.:ht rusl. ~1m t>W 7:1CY.!. ll\Jn. 751 lllf75 yr warranty. frel' de II very $1 IH. 646· I 7Hn 8083 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "1!1" & "25'' tolorTV ~l':t w l yr wa r. 642·5340 J Wuvn1· T1•nr11 :-. L'l11t. ;.(>r Salt• or tradr' tor n tr f':im1.ly m1·m b1•r ... h11. $18011 Call Hll'll ,11 ConCl'IJl 5 5 ~turl111 rt• ·1;x f'O~l·h1· "l'<Jlr-.. '11 I Ion lla M'0<1l••r . l11s:.dl cit· lww l·l1·c ltrourn t>W·!>ollk allli IW w;,tt (;wtar amp & ---------- ~Pl'ilkt•r 1·a1>1nl'l . 2 "21"rolor'IV ~tJO 1 yr rrukl-S 2 mike ~land!>. I warrantv w 1lxiom N1·w. ' " lts t fj42 5340 1·1·1vcr & <I ciuadral ll-x 6'1S·4811<Hrom li·5 STl9 "'l~·ak1•rs w /1·on· prm:. 646 7ti73 loah & Mcw;ne ........ I US(.'Ci tire!\ 8 75xlti 5 Sil lrob ~)'ol win· tfrta1l. t•arh I low h<tr, SI ll:I S1400 Sl'll for SiSO or Patio furn tall!\-. l'hrs. lowl}(1•. d t'. liood eond. 751~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----9010 ~ _ ___ _ lradt· ~·43t_iis_ _ Ewryth1ng must i.:o : l!caut rnu1·h. c·handC'ltl'r. .1 n 1 1 11 u l' h u r r ,. t . washt·r 1llrv•·r Jfr~1s11na IJlc pnc1: Ucst offer 112til llolland Ur Vic Hc;,1·h Slater II H art li K.l:! !!ti 12 OPPORTUNITY knocks often when you ~ result gettmit Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Ad:-. to rearh the Oran1::c Coast murkct. ••••••••••••••••••••••• llkJ ycb ~rn ~hal! 1·rpt ·~ +- ~m d~ I rom 2hr apt S150 752 2550. 1'1t•kd-;, Hod St1·wart Ii 21i. &I ufr fo'11M>ri:la :. din~hy with ek'<.1m• motor $200 ti31 1!123 H:l) !11511·~1: ... _...__ __ Wakrlx,'lJ tompld1· Sl•Hl (lf'f1t'l· dec·k & dw1r s.io !j64.51tlli rorrulrit· 11lanh. ,., \'ol l!ltU l ·onl11ll'nt1al. C :\t' ~Iii !ltll I Phone 642·5678 Boat tratl1·r for IG'·lH' twat Sl 50 t lJ:.t ofr SM-5137 -~--- Autos.H•w 9800 Autos, H•w 9800 Alltos,H•w 9800 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRICES ARE SKYROCKETlllli! NOW IS THE TIME TO IUY YOUR DATSUN • IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR NEW DATSUN FROM f1Jl • /llli!l lfiJl!A •:'~]ii': : I YOU MAY BE PAYING TOO MUCH!! CHECK YOUR CLOSEST DEALER LISTED HERE. GET THEIR PRICE IN WRITllC. THEM COME SEE THE VOLUME DISCOUNT DATSUN IEAlER Al MUllH OUSUll Wiil T lllOll OllSUll Ill( 6 HI NEW 1978 B-210 HATCHBACKS 4 -4 SP••D WITH PACTORY AIR (Ser .299367. 296156. 466650. S22040 I YOUR CHOICE 1 -5 SP••D, PACTORY AIR COND. (Ser.296073) Desert Gold ' 11100~ OlfiUll DAILY PILOT • • '--"' ••• DAILY PILOT --~· .. ··'420 t040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.... ... -···················· . •••••••••••••-• .. ••• .. 10 •RI repaired. re••· LI' Chril Cr1ft. mahoa. hull only. nu lrAlltir 9500. 6&.\-Gl3 /t14.'1·4 I 99 U~ TO• lltLU ON A TANK Of' QAI .• MIW ?t 210 SIDAM 2 Ooot 4 cyt •ngln•. 4 ~ t,.,,llN9ai0n, bOdy ••de mtWdlng1.. t1nteCI Olan I underco1t 1S•r ~)(Stk S&ti). s3999 NEW •79 PICKUP Full)' tact0tv 110111pped. 5 ~Peed transm•Uk>n. undercoat, wsw tire<! tinted gt.ss & economical 4 cyl engine (Ser 4058 79J (Stk 54061 MEW '71 20051 4 c yl . 5 ~peed trans . a11 eon(1 tinted gtas' W'iW ltte'> AM1FM 'itereo radio & t>OcJv s.oe motd1no:. !Ser 0803371 tS ti. S115J 55699 ~pa. tu & .,... & delillr'lec9dld equipfft9M. SuDjK110 PflOr .... Good ·111 72 ,_..,.., ~ paint._ malntcnanr•• ~.n Wm f(W l&JlPL MAR.INF: CARPF.NTR V KU Boata. mttr huolclAI. & ~,.. Rt•POflMhlt' Rats )47....,.16 --- ~~ 90l0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!r/to lllll' Johnson V 1H & t.ailk. vi( t"'ld . luw llfi. 50 l"llarti. w,.,., l \111,t. \'1111 l"\IU~Ct. s " & M t'Xll'l l !1 i: bron11• bouna .. v.a.t'fll'\'k 675 11100 -~ ...... ,0..,. 9040 .....••...••.......•••. ·111 ~·arab JJO TS uul 1tnv10:\ ~hour' Loadc'd ' 65 m&lfl 1>iw. Stored un lrll.tlcr Mu!.! i.dl bci.t of tef 7l 1-82 I 61hotm,. 546-12001workl 1\!ik for Jl't l"} 1'..rkan::. Hay <:rwst•r 25f1 flJgb. mbrd. Nµt, lkh SJ'" Sl.:00. 1>44 U.il7 -------AQ.ASSICl! 34 ·Hunter S(>dan cruiser Twn eng. ~alky. head. sips 6. Maho.: cabin, Oak J<:eda r h u I l. HJ.18 C'la.<;Sic Must ~di by 5·30. S7000 Dys 675 9!16ti. 2H' Luhr:. t:IJ !>o:. -----,, • ...,.,.Dory •Jll()1 Ens. -~IPJIK'lt 20'. opc•n, '7i.. lo hr.I, many extras lf,5Qo 48t..Qi71 183'1·'474 Own yow-own dock xpa<•e ~ ur r1bl'ritl1tss 10 . ('n 11c•r1fl IJUlt'k 1•rono V·G. Danforth COffilJUS!'\ F'k'C' man bill(~ µump ln:.truml'rttutaon. rull 1·ov(-r, & barnama top 1\ll PW W.~143 ·12 SlupJatk :fJHt flyinR hnd""· outn~~t·rS. Vtff. ~·a t1•mp. dl·pth rmdl·r. IJ ;,1t1· I.ill.I k , I r a 1 I t· r s1;i oo<R'bc·s t offH. 714/S4114153 9060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lJfl (;ydonl' w /lraller. Nl'w 111 '71l. llardly wwd $14l5, Sl.225 value 1>7:1-7615 'f!l " t'ATALINA. lmmac 0 18 , Sl4.000 Consider reas. ofr. Must sell. Bos 1 !>howang by ownt•r Sal Sun 11:17 Bayside Or N B S lip 106. 7141689~ or 6$17 ·8268 L DE:RS 16. <.:lassie 2fi" sloop. l st'ls ra<·mg saali. 19 5 $2 o o 0 . I:: v e". 213·287 !>891 ti14·646·3652 Lehman 12. rompletc $W0 642·5191or 642·6173 -----i SOL CAT 1s·s w (frls. Must Sell·S700 & SJ JOO ()I bt~I ofr S411-5287 Sportf1sh1·r <.:lcJn u.,• l2' I $17.950. UOG/\ROl"S "'"11e • momaatw/la r Yl'S.541l·S556 mint 1'ond1twn. $aull &i<HOl314!J.l-1231 WANTED "i6 Llim•o•r :!.") Un stul Boat s11lt..osman ror Chm. <'r;ntl, ;lla111 , J11J . 151 --,...~ ..... ~ .... -••• ' .--.....-••w.,..f"••.....,...•-.•-._~.-..•• .-.. -.--._..-•.-u:w '6-• r ~.~ ........ !!~ ca .... , "zo "IC:ti. ..... tlll '7f Cllpl)(lr 21 • w /frlr. ·--·••••••••-•••••• -•••••••••••••••••• Ila •s110 2 boat o wner mus1 beeonlt' I boat owner MWit N II 1uper tl<.'Mft EnCIOa 27 08. Many u . lras New interior. 115 .90~. /Or offer11 546-IJClllt. llotff II 840 Many ~xt.ras. Sl2501atrer 87~4714 Hi&Jlloa 26 w /trader. fully t'QUIP saal 11way cond outbrd motor It 5 sails . 5.S.2-4006 ------Brultol 22· sailboat. head, galley, sleeps 4, 0 .8 . Lessons S8000 E vena ng~ 4!J6.5327 .• 17 Ft. Catamaran. orange hulls. yellow tops. whatl' tramp, rolorcd sails ; all like new. w /trailer $1600. 538-9788 • 23' Maya class rruisani.? sloop, a traditional woode n yat•ht 213 /831-096.5 $4SOO Bristol cond. Sunbeam & wtute Harbor sailing, a farruly dehl!hl. Lido 14 w /traaler & options 644·0733 art 6 pm. 01 Sat/Sun. ------ 1974 17' O'Day Daysailer & trailer $1550 Xlnt cond . Us ed only 2 sea.-;oos 545-894<1 loah. Slips/ Docb . 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUf'S AV AILAILE Y At Newport 646-~ I lllh property TAXES 'lbeacaaw PROP 13. Nnl tbeGM PRJCF.S! thencame .... Vo&ewiaely AllM!Jica! DMl~IY ..... &W...lllC. SFO. LA. Denver. l '800·8~·0399 outside Cahf. ~ shell. ri~nlus. fib Dats1&11 or Toyota. ao.t~ -4 -----.... CAMl'll Fairw:\Y Ford F'·350. low ftle~t • + ll' R.oUalonl( Qamper W/many, many extras aX'I. 3 gas Ullks. f'W up .away from gas shortage area. Come sec. Makeolfer. For more de· taLls caU 847·~ aft~r lipm. ----- Moeariled .... 9140 ....................... Demm Moped.125(). Very goc.ld cond. 546-m5. ----MDWcydet/ Scaahn 9150 ....................... 71 Husky 400 dirt bike $500 or best airer ~91.51 e V\'S. '74 BMW R75f4>. 34K miles. immaC'ulate, Sl.900. 540-8340 ext. 388 '77 Honda 7SO, automatac- 2600 Mi. 11600 546-3398 16 Yamaha 400 End. Lo mi. Good shapt', bsf orr over SiOO 557-6388. ----------RM 250 Suzuki 711112 only nddt'n 5 hrs. Make offer 557,1(63 19MGTD 9'.ICAI BRAND NEW! Your choiee al beautiful blatk or eletanl cbam-pqne, dwte are rare ~ not lO ~ found elsewher e In Oranee County. Luther interior. wood dash, AM /FM stereo cassette. glau sick' curtains highlight Uus collector's item 's fea&Mrel Must be seen to bP appreciated . JIM MARINOVW l8711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 ***** r.llVIE WORLD CB.EBRITY CAR AIETION ....., 11.19.20 Hundreds or Antique. Class1r & Sper1al In-. ttte5t Cars to be sold. Roll~ Roy~. Ferrans, (;ad1llat·s. Packa rds. Auburns. Chevrolets. F~. ElC'. 1-~or anfor ma· lion contact MOVIE WOllLD 'AUCTION CO. 6900 °' 941 thof-pe .... ,.ti. 714/523-1520 GASAVAILABU.: ***** ----------. ... '''' . ..................... . ''"~ YOrMllYAN VI. •~de traaa. pwr. 1tHria1. radio. front di~ brakH & radial ........ (mall). ""' -~ '. l ' •• • t AT LA "' r HIH\l t R } i' 1•,111 lri Open Daly 6 llunday 'tl1 10PM , 211129 H1rbor Blvd. Co.Ila Mesa 14'-ltJ4 71PlYMOUTH 'YOTA .. 127" wheelbase . :; pas~enger. V-8. auto lranll. riJhl side 1lidin11 dr .. emassion t'ontr ol system, AM radio, new white paint. 119,000 mi. Sl.995. ~n be seen at the Daily Pi&ot. 330 W. Bay St .. ea.a Mesa or <'all C1r<-ulat1on Dept ~-4321,ext. 210 1978 FOID E150 window van <privacy ~lass I Uses reg. gas. PS. PB. ral't<llY air. custom in-terior l teats. ice box. :.ora bed, sieel ma.: wheels. AM 11-'M 8trk Meno. Cobra 4-0t'h <.:U. 13.000 l'liles. Van eoi.l Sll.500 nt.-w. will sell for llZi().~ .,_w..tect 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WIWILLIUY YOURDATSUM PAID FOR OR NOT TOPDOUAI FOITOPCAIS BARWICK :>A TSUN I I' 1 8 11 1375 493-JJ/5 Cran & Welh•rall Y<ieht <~•no ... Xtru. ... an l'I Suhot Wunl\•rl so· Slap f o r salt-s Call Bill 1\lh~un , ~ f-'1rm Ua~~ ;um bt'a u11ful Chra.; Cr aft '71 Honda 350 _S400 /ofr 556-04!~. ·s1 Ford 4-dr estm sedan. nds paint & uphol. J\. J fTle(·l\an. S600 cash. Art f;. 546-!dll> WEPAVTOPOOLLAU for top used cars-foreign. domestics or classit·s If your car is ettra rll'an. :.et' us FIRST Nt•wport Boal Cl·nll·r. 2rJm ti40·!f'JIO. ;; ts :.«mm 1213 J 446·50-IH or <21:l 1 645-6015 4!13 :12\Jtj 445-576:1 -. - ......_ ""' 9100' Aados. New 9100 Aados. New 9100 .Autos, He 9100 Aados. New 910 ....................... ......••..•.•.......... ...•................... ··•·············•······ ..•••....•.•.••..... ,. ......•..••••.•.••..•.• '72 Yamaha 2..'>0MX. Good eond $300 /bs t o rr. 665277 . ----------14 YAM . 500. raannl! & l<C· t·ess Xlnt Cond. 9000m1 S10) 673-1640 ------'77 Ki\ W ASAK I 1000 LTD XLNTCOND. 645~ Hus ky 360. STR t-: E T Ll::(;1\.LENDURO ~ Hun:. j!rC'ul. xtn.a~ Mui.t sl'll li-l Ofr 531·~· Bwrk Le Sabr{'. runs. 1958. body tn Rood shape Hestolfer. 645·1048 l>"c1tsun 1600 Roadster $35011 673·9053 --------4 Wllftt Dri•H 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nissan Patrol 1\sloni: S!SllO See lo ap· pn,>t1 a le. 833 I 3:r7 ---- '7'9 Hla.1.er. 4.0oo ma. loaded. Pvt l't \ 552 t.>.'1l'l ~ .•• 1110..,.c...ty 2925 Har'°'" Blvd COSTA MESA 979..ZSOO WEB UY USED CARS U\Lt. USf'dt.:ar Ml!r 540-5630 C Z 250. runs pcrf t-t'l. wry clepcndahll'_ Musi ·~; lnh·mataon.11, ·l ~«I. 1, sl'll :.<>On ~. 5.11 ·44~ n 1. 1tual l~anki. ~1ra11.:h1 7X Ka"a'ak1 KZ650 low rru XJn t mnd G42·7ti5.'> 74 llontla Xl.7•1. xlnt 1•11nrl Sl75. i2 Yarn :JliO. IJ:.t run b1kl· S27s 91;.1.:i.m 'T.l. ~ fo:lts nort'. full ra1·1:. wry <"U.'>t.om. \"l•ry qu11•k "9H-~I i~I Yamaha 250. r1.000 ma, Sj50. 7H2002 559-1134 bJdy, 1·;1mp.·r -,ht•ll $14!1111 f1nn ti4!>-21.i:. 1011 ~~o~ & so~ • LINCQ_N·M£RCURY 73 Hro<wo, ... ik ltilf.AiC. 2626 HARBOR BLVD. ,. .. 11 or 1r ,11lc S21UIJ 7SM ~t9X :aft :, __ COST~ MESA 9560 ••...••••.......•.•.••. 1978FORO RANGER PICKUP StH·k .!oh1ft. VH. !\hd1111! f\!<U' window. w1dl' tares & mai.: wh ~e l .... ( l.H87TJ'j I WANTED!· L all' r.H>dt•I Tovo1<1-.. \"olvt:IS. Ptt·kops & Van ... Call tr.today: $5999 ( Motar Home,, S. I ' Reftt/Stor~ 9160 .... ....-.. ... . c ....... .. AM/FM stereo, lave speed transmission & steel belled radials. (AA425659701 Five speed, air cond .. AM/FM stereo. Quad sound. four wheel dasc brakes. l)Wr. windows. pin stnping, s ax cylinder & fuel injection. (MA48010165) •....•.....•....•••.•.. Motor Homt Rf'fttal 20'to ll' "\al I\ '-di' 1·1i111 aanC'd ri·,.1•n •. n11w ror ll11hda~:. & \h'Ckl•nd~ Ht-:<:t-:~«Y MOTOH 1101\1 t-: HENTr\L'-: !125 N llarbor Blvd. S.i\. ••!'>JI 2.'>03• • HENT Luxury Mot or homt• 22· l'a l om ar Sit-"'.,. ·~ S250 /Wet.>k + It ma t;.W·lt">R5 ---HENT 23· 1-'IHfo:B/\LL SELF CONT/\INl-:1> Rf':ASONABLF.. 645·221U , I.! OaL-;un parkup. J.."JIXI l1n~. t·;1mJ>1.•r i.hdl, Or11.:. µaanl b 1·1 .t((·. H1•ally ('l,.,1n S<!OOO/Ftrlil ~ 73 Fnrd µ11·kup. 302 <'OJ.!~ 1\ IC. I' 1S. I\ 11'. low null~. S2.8001or bst. ofr 541H025. "'•4'·'10l • St0-t447 l"illt'i!•' Stud<•nt n~f'al i. automobak> l'or apµru\ arr.;a ll'I) SISO l>W·27iti -- We luy MIZ•s Too! IJ•t u..; pay off your r·o11 tra11 & tl.U'Tl 1t into c·a:.h Wt· want to buy any & ~•ti cl the µampn'--d M BZ ·.., Vo'(' 1.".IO rind. We W(•leom1· ttw oµµcrtunal~ to ~1v1· you a -;ubstant1al ca~h return on your inve!.1 ment Call Pell'r Kay :11 ~ of lmµorts . In•· . ti!J)l Manche;lt'r Ion I h• · Santa /\na fwy I (71-1 1 52.J-7'l50 17141750·720t Trailen. Trant 917 0 Tow 1'rurki. (21 both Ford - - - •••••••••••••••••••••• • l Tan. Holmt'S 440. &•st l>rumr?M.'r /student net.'(!!\ t.1ean 23· Terry Traile r offer. 6'&2· 1461 van. truck. or cpt w.:n :-.t'< up to hve in, single -Reas Glen. 5411·233:> person. (/wet adult park '83 GMC Step Van 6 cyl. w.,· ~ Spal·c rt'nt SBO. Owner nds paint $9501bst ofr ••••••••••••••••••• •••• wall fi nance 10•;;. to alum r amµi. ava il 9701 qualified person. $4999 96G-6277 alter Spm _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• rash. 545-<llSO Trailers. Utility 9110 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Small utility tratlt.•r. Mont~ry Witrd ;ixle &spnngs. S7S. 642.3379 2wheel6x4. $75 ~l --- /!//I/lo S..-.ice. '.ts & Accessories 9400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SRVICE DEPT. ()pen 6 Days A WN>k Man.·Fri. :7:30-5:30 Saturdays :ll:IJ0.5 :00 ...... Chryl . ..flty. 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1934 Panlche wheels. set or 4, 6xl5 mai:s. for 911-912. S350. Ski r al'k s2 0 . 642-1811 Gas tank 23i,., x 34.1~ x 9'"2 high. $10.00. 642-3J79 De Vilbiss 1-!H.P. air C'om· pressor. model N((.B- -P52Sl 960. 642-3J79 NEEDED : Equali zer valve ror 1986 Mercury Waf!OO. Has front disc brakes. 980-5780. ....................... IMPORTANT NOO'ICETO READERS AND ADVERTISERS The price of items advertl1ed by vehicle dealers In the vehicle claaaafled advertisina collllDlll does not include any applicable tues. llcenae. tranafer rees, llnaMe ~. , .. '°' ... pollution '°""°' de-vke c~rtint'aUofts or de-.1.. documentary pre· perwtioD cbartes unlna c:Ablnrile ·~lfied by the~. ·75 Chevy Luv Mikado xlnt t>ond. shell. wht spoke whls. wade tire:.. $2500. 497 .3503 Can't Sell Your Car? CREVllR MOTORS PAYS TOP DOLLAR For Clean Used Import:. -----il OaL'lun P.U. w !shell & Call Mike or Don 13S.317l boot. looks & runs xlnl. ------sum. 991-9486 '77 Lancia Coupe. snrf. i5 Red Datsun shl'll ., mags, ate. llhr & µwr. boot. 17,000~1 C.H. fm 8 trk. SS900. 833·246'! 561-<m4 _Oa__;;.ys ______ _ 1963 OodJ::e 6 ryl. asking '58 AusUn Healy 1006. _'71 Sien>. Runs ~ood body MBZ 250. '76 Honda Bake ~ood. 673-JZM 1646·9160 550. Beat offe rs. Call tlwn l·S. Ph646-9720 '71 lnterpational. hitrh radio. loaded. $2250 964·1921 ~-9570 . ..................... . (])ev. i4 window van. V8. auto. P /S. P /8 , A IC S!.700. PP. 675-S(ll2 11 DodJ::e. economy 6cyl. new tras. runs Rrcat. bluebook is Sl800/askin.i 11600. 645-5000/cxt 3411 Rick. '72 Dodge Ma.iu-Van. wan· dow. 1 too. Xlnt inside & out. New paml. l2200 or bst alr. 549-8609. '77 GMC V ~ 34,000 •L 6 eyl. 3 spd. good gas m il. amtrm cassette, p/a, p/b. lllOO. 988-32116 'T1 UN Illini van, t"CJl.lV, Sharp. good M.P .G . moo. -. .. or 752.ge ''.11 •DAY ~·. iilf',OU ,., f« a 30day ad ID &be DAILYPILOT •YICI DlllCTOIY OOrl'NOWI '41al671 9705 ....................... 74 A!S.A IOMEO fiTYCOUPI 5sieecf, factory air cond. & SU!reO. (026700). S5J" RACH IMPORTS 1Mll Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 74A!S.A IOMEO SPIDa 5 speed, attteo It in l'X · relle nl condition ! t331MPTI. SSSH llACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BJo~ACH 7H·0900 ,. '74 All• Romeo Veloce Roadater Convertible. Sidi shift, \'inyl inLerior. AM/Fii t'UMtte, maa ...... low mileap. in NT condition. Pri. . <P JRll41 . /beet offer. Call l1SNMO. . . • . .. , --...---. \ W..' 1111111• •• •e;......... ~.~!.~~;.... ~.~!.~ ...... ~.~~~ ....... ~.~~eunH ~.'!:!!.~•n•eu ~..M!y 11. 1ft DAILY""°' .,, 1 ·.} Ml' Ell 1711... t7JI t7JO 1W t7H .._. t7J7..... 9730 ~I• ...._1.,1rW ...._l•1rW 111111 Ill lllllllllleeee ---············· --Meeeeeeeeee•• ....................... ···.~;;,t-7 •• 9 •••• ....................... eeee•e•ee ee .,.... eeeeeeeeeeeee ............ ._eeeeieee4eM-ee11<eeMe•ee •t ~--MM•••D •1 .............. 5 • 1n•DAT1UM vttaow'TTl"aatiut x1nt ....... JA.UAll Mii•••-'740 ......... _ '740 ._ uo -Al~ UllH41CHIAcac ~. 14> ml. Bat otr. .._ XJILA.XJlJLs __ ............... ....................... • ....... ,_: :. ... U&a.l•WICI ~··.,._ ..., ..,.1 wkh • • ~•IU:30PM __ HOMDA Cwt 6XJSCC>Ulle11 lt72 .. C•H 220 dleHI. 73,000 ml. Jm-Bc.1eu1o.1~~ .:., AMl&IAllMI OfM....... apeed&rw.CllOPRK 1 Fhit1JJ.OM8pid.r.utr•"· MANY M~c'Olon•vallableror HOS&. Perfect cond. Sll.500. w /whl leather l11tr; .; di,.• SALIB-LEAllNG ONLY IZlff tnl6 MZ·l:M2 /lv m"111 TeCllu11,.,._I 1mmediatedellvery. A«iate brown with air TM·•2'79. BedEer AM /l'N ateno. ,, •. --I.If! PAltft.SERVICE -...o:ITOATSUM ~ UtlVRSITY TISTDllVIOMI ~:.~:'14',:i~m~~c~ ·•mil.. 2 ..... auto, tt=.·~~~ !f•:t •A-.a••a .. TS •OoW"8tret·• ~ t)»t ~ ~<klr t'un -....... ......._ TOD•T!!! -'~• .. • c~tNI -,.,c, launn :-co-nd. -_-..... • .. .....-. _..,._ Hn'PORTBf.ACH \"t!f1 :J.ooomTxlnt l-uncl. ---,_ .. si£nt llUIO.f73.3750/4N·Z220 ··~ • ,:: N·-~c...t -HAAIOllll.VD _ ~JOO ___ Alt 5twkndlm ma .._. ;:,:-._• GMC ... iry:'.:\ llACHIMPOITS ~4IOSL: 8llver6blue. ::.a:s-:~~~· f ·.·:." lla HM •41o6411111-0Zll Aaa1une my lu1eo '7V ..,, Ill S. vt'r wfPm 11np. 2lli50Harbor Blvcl .. ~ .. Dove Street 42.000 mi. All~r. A ltereo, rare 4·ap. Sac . ....-tJI 9111XIMd9d,k)ml.low LOADl-:0' l.u~a-l(o Cot1taMe111t ~0040 .~~ NEWPORTBEACll plwn.lll.IOO. 5-38'7& Lo /ml. 14 ,995. -"16 .. TIUM pa~. lt1<' C'O wlll r11c·k Okm1. $51 · 75• -oo '61-0S.......&...Lt.... 114 I I4 0 • 7 7 6 2 • , _ '111 111111111111".. 1110 Mlp Dyl ~Tl. Dllft 7257nt'!I ....... 9730 ~Harbor Blvd. .-v-r Pltl-9/11~ TI4/la.J7'10. ..,! "N.a. .... ar., sart. 47,000 eU•. 4 C"yl. • _.,.1 ~ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA "73 450 S.E. XJnt rood.. ..... ::::.~~ tl:P"d . ..,. paial. n .. w 1974 0.tiu..--''!...~a~:~lltk. r•~lo, ilXJfJag.94.000mi. 979•2500 Ivory• Bamboo Int .• '7965C&, yel. idnt. l'Ond. ~:.o:tt':'· Hcell. ['4 we.. cUIPICI.ltO&Ol •tow a-.. •·UW ~.000/bestolfer. _ Mich Tires. Ill.~. or llllUni. 114.DI m.nn , Alll hi "N. u.cm ml, P066 A._,.. ---494441 ~IHI 9740 tnde for .R.E . or T.D. ·s. 673-4313 ; 7~.~~W'OOfev• .n· •lC. fOITUN[ ~~i.·~ ••Ir ~•••••••••••?!!.~ Vou don't need a gun to ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.'.kcurt 642"5554 '73Mercedes Benz280SE · CadillacstoGo-Carts ,.. .. ··-SI lft "draw fut'" when you '61 190 SL Hd Wt> ronvt, U , AM/FM stereo, navy Whatever the Pad Punl!acOMC "14 Ctvw Grnt MlltHll(t!. piaceanadlnthe Dally new pnt, uphol, 1mmac 71450SEL.Brown.lom1. bhae ext .. mid bJUtl Int. ~'emotfthemarket "NAiilUbWp.Ubno DIOE i.tSl .S..ntaAn1t MIWPOtrTDATSUH :tnt rond. Lu~ r:u·k. PUotWutAds!Callnow appur. $6500 rirm. Xlnl cond. 644·4201. Imnwc.Jowner.Askin& itbaCluaiRedAd -..1 lo -• • .., ~. ,. ...... __ 171415."M IOOO _ M Oov" SU•'\'t St.OW ~713 -6'2·5'78. llJ3.8972. Spyglau, CdM. smo. 642·4447 Call Now! M2·5678 ammo -.. '"' • ua Nt:WPoRT Ut.:ACtl ~. 1" rf. maroon lt7'DAT1UN IJ~llOO .......... 9800 ..... ,Mew HOO........... 9100 .......... 9800 ...... Mew 9100....._Mew 9IOO 9IO. 11).13::W) JIOZ, z + 2 •• • • • • • • • • • • •••••• ••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••• •• • • • •••••••••••• ••• • • • • • • • • ••••••••• ••• •••••••••• ............. • ... Automalu'. ••r nmal tt71 DATSUN AM .-M 1lt>reo ti ~•r, ZIOICOUPI •1'rd3 1~13\ (i\ild ~ 11peed, air ('OO•I . Now°"" $6650 Ml'f"t'O .. ma.ii.. C43:S1JOI Mncle •'" ..._.,,....... MIWPOIT DATSUN 2150 Harbor HI . l" .\l 1111 Dove Stred 645-5700 Nt.'WPORT BEAl'll lMllEDIATE DELIVERY! LAlell&ICTIOM 71DATSUN 5tOCOUH -..-1979 29M males 5 spec•d . _.._,.... AM tFM slereo. nt•Y. JJ... radlllls. tOMTWLl 5211'1 $44'6 ~fc~C.r! *J.C. FORTUNE C.aU &odlty -We ma) Ponuar -GMC h ave the pre-owned ~K ts1Sl .San1a Ana BMW you are loo6ong __ 1_114 1~ 1000 ror! 13 l.zMO 4tM949 1'171MW320i 4 speed, AM /FM alereo c..ue • like BRAN llCHOllCI NEW! C141SJEI. ..._OllySISOO Miracle . W../lt'••dt 21.50Harb0r Bl .• C.M. 645-5700 OIAMel COUNTY'S OLDIST '"We need to buy clean OaLc;un used car s" S Will Pay Top Dollar$ COSTA MESA DATSUN & 21MSHARBOR BLVU Sal~&rvice-Leasini; . 540.6410 540.02 I l ~~·~w ·w Oat Hdstr. gd :;hp. 1540Jamboree ~or blit oJr. Newport Beach 640-6444 ~2019· ---------"68 BMW 2002 Alltos. UMd Aakin& 11450. 831-9023 ti4M742 al\. S IJ~IJOO '1t alOZ 68.000 m1. Auto. ma"s. AM /t'M t ape. $1!9001olr. Must sell by Fra.~art 4 . 1974DATSUN . IZIOZDI. Sedan. metalUl' blue. 4 ll pt!ed & nt-w t ires (6741..JS). A ga11 saver for only $2499 ' NEWPORT DATSUN 8lllt Dove Sln.'<·I N~'WPORT Ht:ACll 11~1300 ---'1 3 240Z D ATSUN . Clas.sac, auto. $4700. 151·317G ·7124oz Clu1.~w Air. sllrk SI.JOO 9ti(). !Xl50 '71 Datsun 1200. trans. SIS50 !ltill·7tl7U fo'tnd whitl you 1.1.ant m Ov.lly Pilol Classifieds. Alltoa,UMd •IMW765l0i Locally own e d & serviced', stereo. air. power s t ee r i n g . IS99PC\J) HERE'S A REAL 9<\NtJY AD WITH SOf-1\E GRfAT S74'5 .IMSUMONS IMPOllTS 1970HARBOR BLVI>. OOSTAMESA • 631-1276 IJJ.9300 '76 2002 fhawlcss cond. every ~a. $1400. Eve:. 67$-~. dys 521· 1371..__ I '72 l.O CS lfti. Superb cond, orfcrs. <Serl128) Overseas Im· por1.l IGGll98. ----- CREVl ER $,,,.~, SANJA AN.- 835·3171 THI UUlllllATI OtlCV1NG MAC"IHE •USIDIMW1• "16310ZSIR Cll96NZB I '18s:llA SIR C152PVO) 'Tl 5.'1>4llpd SIR 10179 I '78 733141!1pd 1025VFZ I "'n!GJ3caa S /R C093VZC I ·-ni 320i 411pd 1101 UOK I a.ed S1_1_!~ '78320i, low mile. Perfect. Aallume lease 988-7212 IOI McLAIEN's & 850N. Beal'h Blvd. <Al Beach• Whittier I LA HABRA •7141522·5333 ao.ed Sundays '16 -Slk. anrf 31,()00 ml. Mite, A/C, mint Cllllld. ao.aoo. 8"-at06 c..rt 9715 ....................... '71 Ca~ 2000, 4 1pd. IJCJ'ftl' ctialul, air, snrf. amtlm stereo. Clean. '79 Tino Capri. 3.500ml. AM tFM. air, power. apart -pension. Total aparta car .• ,_,/Otrer . 111.mts.m-.. dy. "ll Qwpl. ....... 4 eyl, _, au&o. Good cood. .... ..,..... .... 9720 ....................... *Z's * lllCOUMI• . t .•., • .... • k :. N ' '. ,\ ! '. I It j ----- 'Tl 511 I ... 1 4 apd, nm • .,.,., 1a. 01 ml. -- USED CAf{ 176 PINTO WAM* 4 cyl. <Hc>eed. custom paint. (455PPM). 52677 '73 DODGE PICll UP 8 cyl • automatic. air. (54556P). 53177 177 NOVA 4-DOOI 6 cyl., auto . air. low milesl (eeowRAl. 53377 '76 MUSTAt«i . 4-<:yt.. 4-tpeed, pawer steering. stereo. CIM5POI). 13477 '76 &RAMADA ..eooa BORGAINS FROM SADDLEBA<K! 176 PINTO WA60M ' 4 cyt .. auto .. roof-rack IPQ1RXM). s2977 '76 COURIER 4 cyl . 4-speed. only 35 .000 mal es ( 1E06208). 53377 178 VOLARE 8 cyl.. •·speed. AM/FM srereo. low males {H029C). 53477 '76 PLYMOUTH •OYA.em WAeOM e cyl., auto.. radio. heater. (987REW). 53577 '75 F-250 PICIUP 8 cyl .• auto .• air. power 8 cyl.. auto.. power steering & brakes, '3777 53877 '71 FIESTA '78COURIER +Ct:f .. W .. IPMd. llr. sunroof • 4cyt.,44peed.f9d60, mega. (7'MYOllO. heater. Tu:a low "mHeage. (1 1) . 54977 ......_ _ __....,.. -._ ..... ____ ...,_..__, _____ ,,,. NIW7tVOLVO STA110N WAGON Model 245A 4 cylinder en g ine . automa11c transmission. factory air con d i t1 o n1ng. power steering, power brakes Ser lf244802 S lk. #678-B. Lease 5157'7 ....,_,,r .. MEW '7t TOYOTA COIOLLA CUSTOM J DOOi S8AM Model•1502 Automatic 1ransm1ss1on. AM radio. accent stripes. body side moulding. wheel well mouldings Ser •615945 JY---~- T--lllWIO S..."'"cel4411 TO!el CeY1 -11 '4'9734 tftC""""9 If•. hcense I d<K. -0.1....., a.y..,e"1 onc8 154111' 19 •nciucl<nO ... ' heense. ooc ...,,, """ c:.onv"'9 C1111119• FOi .a ,,,_~_..,.,..Of your OOOCI ~ ...._..,_.._,... ,l~ MOdel 17371 4 speed trammiaStOn. chrome rear bumt)ef. ultra mirrors. Ser. 1031882 Stk. 12610. $ 10688 ::.nH MIW 7' TOYOTA CB.ICAGT .-.~~~~-,it-B--~~-t!T----f.-M--.uli.T9AC·K---- -··---... ~ ... Model '2196 5 speed transmiSSlOn. MPX AM -FM stereo radio. Toyota·• moat popular car . Underseel and Pinstriplng. Ser. 1571811 Slit. H388. 56188 ·- ·. . . .. . . . . .. ., • I • ... . '• .. .. . ' ~! :: •. .. . . . .. -. • ,. ':· • . • .. ... • 4 .. ! • ,· •DDMLvN.OT Prio.,.-11,1111 ....._,_,urw ........ r • ..w M1M.1., • ..w ........ r•rW ......_ .. ,,,.... Alllet.Ulff. ____________ .....,,__ ·········'············· .................................................................. _ ••••••••••••• .!" ............................. . ......... t74G,... t744"" ..,-t7to ,_,.., t7.61 ~ t7'7 ••••II• 9no ..... . 9772 tt111ca ...... 11 OOlleee;;B"-eeeeee -.. ••eeeeeeeeeee•eee •ff••••••••••••••eeeeee eeeMl eee•••••••eeeeeee eeeeeee•••••••••••eeeee ••ff••••••••••••••••••• --·•••••••••••••••• -··••••••••••••••••• __ ..__ .. , • 't1 llt D llettedet • 0 ....--DWseleut.21 :rteo HW rebll, U f ltl-aM,Davkl . "11 2IOSE 3 ~ ronver •. mint rond1hon, prired for lmmed ale th11. Wl't'kend ool)•. 121.~ -..a~U.tln·~7 _ .... t74J ....................... Mtw lt7t Mfh& ..... ITt an ~ for 1mrnc'<h•h• ckb''t'f'Y: All <'Okin.' ~"· US bl.fort" )~ bu,,v TODAY!!! ~' ..__. ...... < ....... .,.,.... .... _ ~ lhtrblir ltlv1I LU>TA M1':SA 979-2500 '16 MG M1d.:•·t • .a~t-. ~ ~'\'t•!.IH!I I II!! Ill!, t11 ~GD <:T r..t.11t •·n~ t1•t.. IT\lk~ fk'\4 tlr\'"· & lMl 1cry run. .. & Jo11k, .,ir.·.11 S!5U) I)( b. ·~I uf I !Cf7 &";':I Alltot,UHd •••••••••••••••••••••• Mewlt7t ..... More peopi .. buy the MGH converuble than any olher C'onvt>rtable! ~US be-fore you buy TODA YU! -~.J _,_.._. 21r.t.')llarb0r Ulvd curr" M 1-:. .. A 979,.2500 RACH IMPORTS !MIC llowSlrL't'l 2' .. 'WPOllT 10-:1-\l'lt 1sz.0900 f'oncM t7SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• '74 Por!>t'h" !J I I Im NABERS mal.'Ul utt· l·o nll 1l111n ' __ , firanJ new •·ni.:1111• 1n · htull I. n l'W l lrl'~. ;JOI •·und . Ol a)!:. L1•atlt•tJ • I/~'() Hnl!bt )t•lluw "llh .1 lt(~ hlu1·k IUIJ l'n µI V Q ... .,& ttrtc. I. \HG f':s T SEl.ECTION OF NEW & USF.J> IN ORANGF. COUNTY CADILLAC VALUE PROTFCTION PLANS ~vallable oo Most Car s • t o,...c_.,., s..-.c ...... • 1971 CADILLAC Sll>AN DE VILLE 1-\Jll power. factory air <'ond .. AM /f''M !>ll·rt••1. till wht>t!I, puddt.'d l11p & leather mten or. Sharp• !IM!lNOCl. $2595 • I IOI K Hl' I S5W5 l.H.'SI uf f1·r l 'all 75!J ~o '(ill !H2. nt•wly rlill t•ng & Lr aru,. ~ood body. StiOOll. Call. Ml· 192:1 tlHlll Yellow V1•ry <'lean New pamt S7500 n.i 5193 74 !JI I new yellow paint nt•w M1 e hl·lln l1rl·11 on n •11r :'llOT appearant'l' ..:roup I H l'ng :u;.01111 mill~ :!11 ~PC S5500 71·1 i:tl-5193 ·71 !}llS Blat·k on hlac1' j :.pd. m·y, :on.i:as kon111. ~!hi.Cr. rbll l·ng Iran!> & c· I ut d1 9i!'IOO 5;,<! :JJI~ ·n o, !l'.tl Cop11t·r a t'. s un mo(, all t·xtr.1~ Lo m1 T:Jw 11\'t•r h·u~t· or IJU) l~lttl(Jafl I '77 9115 CPE •771., ta4, blk/blk. /\C, ianrf. alloys, AM1t·M st~ r.•-. All JClril' ::3 MPG. No dwn. T <> lt<l' ~6. 9'73 2077 . u ., 11JJlll, 67~ 182 c.:01'1\t Mu-.t •wll S.-.• 111 310 Rroi.rlwn)' 1.1111 YHICh 4181 :I.WI DMI '1,..1 IH I RNI. tw .. ut1ful M11111y ,,., f lHI •;""""' 11' bwJI & l'Urt•ti fol lW Jump.: Sc-II I 1y l'tt 1) 2~• S7!JOO 1ofr 17 111 1~&2 K~\J AM'11 U1tvltJ (IOU D \UNOAY\ =..t1~1ht•r l'loutJ t $19 WU ~4111 li1 <! llr M l'W C11r1w h 1 ,,,. KHU. Xl.111 \Wll i;N,.>tlU 1.~ 2lC3 lt71TOYOTA Sii Ul'TIACK t:x1·t'll•nt t•trncl11111n. AM 1FM ster••o & luw nt1k'li 1 '64U0K ) Mew<Wyl4HO Mirede ~/I ..... 21~ tlarhor Rf • (." M 641-1700 '71TOYOTA CatCA umAa H,.117 nYk .... 4 I') I. ,, T • IJ 11 • !> I 1• r I' IJ l U p t: • mui.1"11 11d111l11 i117iW UY tlll~I ""6 *J.C. FORTUNE 1'11111 uu · (;MC a uJ t: li.t St ~1nt.1 1\11a 171 11~·1UW 1977TOYOTA umAa lll,1C'k 1)0 bl111·lo. 5 "Vl'''° Jll 1·u11tJ . 11l1·n ·o, r~·<1 I '41r1· wh•·•·b & ,, l11n 1I 1-.u 1Jl7SFY 1 $6199 '*WPOtlT DATSUN tlKK 0uH•Stn•d N EWl'\H<T 1u :1\t' 11 UJ. llOO saGb 9760 71 l 'orolla. ~ood runnmi.: t'VIKI . ~50 du.):o. ~0 i422 •••• • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •' C\'l~ ti75 ~·I SAAi SALES, SHVICE AHO LEASING '711 CLE1\llANC t-: NOW JN 1•11ocao-:ss· BEACH IMPORTS H.ltl 1.k1v1• St n·\'I NEWPOl!'I' HEACll 752-0900 1973 SAAi 2.0EMS ,\ 11trun..: runnllll! 1·ar ""h A-'1 FM ,1 1·n~1 & ,. u !'\ t 0 "' w h l ' ,. I II ltillll'ES o Now Only S2 I SO Miroc~ Mmda/RettaUlt 21:,U llarbur Bl., C :\I 645-5700 11 S;iah !f.IE fwl 111J X Int l(,o(Jk1-<l :1fkr 1•11ncl ;-.;,.,.. l'onllm•ntul Tin•:. KY II i.:oJ:. :.ho1·k:.. uphul:.lt·r~, & I whl •hSl'11 :!:l :JO mpµ SWlll !*>I :141!1.1 Toyota 9765 ••.....•.... , .......•.• '77TOYOTA CEllCA LIFTIACK ::i:;. 191; mil~·!>. ·• n I • ,\ T • " l e r 1 · 11 I ,, p l" • maJ.!:. radial!>. l:!KISl'T Iii IZJ I SSS66 * J.C FORTUNE l'111111ae (;Ml' 2(M) 1-; bl SI . Sunta ,\nu 71 IJ55X IUtJO I ~lti!l Tu~ o I .1 ·I I I r 1\u111m.111i· tran:. . rl'lmdt cn::1111._ n"" hr.1&.. .. :., µnoel 1m-,. & llod~ l'r1 111~ ~'JI• Call & a11k tor Laun al ~IX :1 11>.1,aft.•r :111 Ill 1978TOYOTA CELI CA \ .. •lln" With 5 :.1H'c<I . '1t·r1'CJ tapt.· & air c·ond. ,\ 11harp~' i!rll \"J ,\ 1 ONLY SS89S HOWARD Chevrolet lloH' & l1ua1I S111 :'ll~Wl'ORT n t-:.\Cll 83).0555 Mlwlt7tT ...... Tl-71 MOWtNSTOCIC IOI' 1mmedlat .. t.k•hv\•ry ! S.ot• US _,ortt you buy TODAY! ~.!) 29'lS llurbot ftlvd. C~,./\ M•;$A 979-2500 'till S1>1tf1rt• Mark I ll HoutJstcr , 3Smp~. xlnt. rond. Wire w he e l , r adrn Is St 1•r1"' & tn Pl' N u lonne au . 1-'ut·I t'l'Uf'IOmy +s umme r run, $1.5!.15 .offer. 645·1312, bi5 1401 Valliw09"' 9770 ....................... VW ll1tv111~ tro uble ~di· mg YOW' t·ar'' Try us Top dollar · Pmd ror o r Not ' Brinj! your r ur to Jim Man no Vo lks wagen. 18711 Bt•aC'h Uh·d . Hunt· mi:tun lic3rh .\sk lor 1-'rank Manno or Tom A1lun. 1977YW2DR. RAlllT ·I Slll.'l'd & t'USM'lle 1ti5UHYS1 $3999 BEACH IMPORTS 11411 Dow St r<'l•I Nt-:WPORT BEACll 752-0900 :\lust s t•ll 'fiti VW i.:a11 sawr, run11 gn •at ~O f»l·ti:JO'J. Chris ah 51'i\1 * WHIZ RIGHT PAST GAS PUMPS Thl'~' t-:1-unt l.1111· Vulks\..·:•J.!l'n" Won ·1 l.a11l I AIOI! Grl'at ~11ll•aJ.!l'. t:n·al l'ntt·11 '76VW8UG Metulht· ~rCl'n ,u t F-'1 1s:t!HCW1 '75VWIUG L&J.!hl i.:n ·•·n Spl·•·•u l Whl't'I:. i:!IO IOW I '7SVWIUG Yc-llow Chruml' wh<:1•l11 t5!1i:\IYS1 Mtlyft'tl Manx freme + llOOd lr&nll. 1100. 8'2·~ ~· mT-1723 eves. ae.rli.. '71 Yellow Convertible 8'IQ Xlnt teas mt Pr~ ~y 12986. 639-5633. '72 Squarebar k. ltd m1. tcd rond. ~ Rrtl11 & Bat. ~.87~Eves. 77ltllJCOll•ertiWe 25.000 milt's, pe rrt-t"t meC'han1C'ally & t'O!>· me t it: a lly . 28 M PG . AM /f"M stereo & tape. bi~9910or 673-34&1 '73 VW bug. New rblt cni: •30mpJ.!, reg .ias Xlnt l'Olld. 12895. 675-0073. IOIWITHAM VOLISWA&EM HAS OVER 120 MIWAteUSID •COMYmTIIUS • D.ASHaS • IAlmTS • 011sas • SCllOCCOS • IUSSES OM SAU THISWIBIMD BOB WITHAM VOl.KSWAGEN 7600 WHTMIMSTll AYl. WHTMIMSTll 893-7551 • 631-7880 M\' BABY'S L"I' f'Ull SALE! 'W t;l11<1 'Clnt run nm..: & J.!ood hod} 1·1111<1 Approx 23 mpµ 12000 !Jf l.i:.t o<rr. Vtti !1197. Hu~ alllll! '71 VW S9UAREIACK 73 Rebuilt enf.!llll'. nl·w brakL'S. supt.•r l't·onomy. 11tron).! runmnJ.! t·ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9'05 ....................... '7SA.M.C. HOR .. ET Sportabout 40.733 mlles. 6 cyl. sll<'k. fac. air. p s ., lug1;. rut•k, t670M PU 61102 l $2766 *J.C. FORTUNE Ponuar·GMC.: 2(XX) E Lst St . Santa i\na 1714 1558-1000 ----9910 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1974 IUICIC COUJ>t'. VIC. autu m <it ll'. JJ"T :.l. & hrakto:.. a ir c•ond ~ & \'lny l tcq1 • I 753VCO I I Slk .259'Jtl ' $1918 THEODORE ROBINS FORD ';lOOO HARBOR Bl VO (05'TA Mt SA 042 0010 'N Bw1·k /\pallu :! I Ir. i\M. i\IC.: Xlnl c·c1111I Sl200 645·9'.:!8!1 ·1:1 Bw1·k El1•d r :o l11111LP•I. 1-'ully l:'ftWppt·d I' 1tr. h urd to µ S1•ll111 1! .11 wholl'!>al1 · oook. Sl:ljO C<• II 5.'iti K55. 'l ·m Sl<}l:.rk. lull '"'"' r ratho, ht·a to·r I 111 l11Y. ma Xln t 1111 •• -:11111 l>l-1 i-MiK '77 BUICK CENTURY Cuslum :o.lat1011 "'ai.:1111 on :.1ht·rw1lht·m1t r;o ,11111,! n'<I 1ntcnor. r0<1I rad .. A.\1 F~ :-.ll'rt'Q, 111l 11tt·1·r mg wh1"CI 1133RYZ 1 $3995 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN · MERCURY • o..._..c.-y·. ..... c...... • PUICHASI OllLIASI YOUIMIW ·1979. CADllLAC NOW! ·--- NABERS ~) um H.•rt>or 011tct Co-.1.• 1111t .... 1 '>4().()100 --9917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 CHEVROLET CAMARO /\ :.1lv..r shar py with iJutomatic, pwr ~U-t•rani.: & ;ur rond IOl2SG 1'0 I . OMLY $4595 HOWARD Clw•rot.t Dovt• & (tua1I St!> Jl;f':WPOHl' Hf':AC.:H llJ..OSSS 1976 CHEVROLET CAMARO 1-ull powo•r. l;w111ry air t"Ond .. r;,lly1• wlt1•1·I!>. & 111 1 wh .. 1·1. ~h.orp' 1t•i()NBT 1 $3999 )l/X) H.111 ~1' tslvo I I • "''·' 1\..1'.._1 'YI() 1110() i:1l':1m.1n1 au . ,1ut11 :1:, I\ 1n1. ~ l;lh :!Ii~, (i1J4i<I 1••1flll 1978 CHEVROLET CAMAROZ28 Y'-'""" ~ luaifr1I ' .\ :o.har11t·ar' 1m1,\'l'H • ONLY $6995 HOWARD Chevrolet Uuv.• & ~ua1I ~"' ~EWl'Ol<T Ht-:,\Cll 833-0SSS 74 Nova ~. PS. PB, air . tape, 4 spd, factory IMI• etc. Good cond, nans well,12150/ofr.~. '79 Moon Wen V-6, auto. a1r. 4:1()() mi, loaded. gd mi. ~. &tti-2625 c:a.ry.ler tt25 ••••••••••••••••••••••• INVOICI SALE OM ALL lt79 COIDOIAS $890VER t\.11 inv01et>S on windows . Does not include factory holcibacks & incentives . f':xpires 10 pm 5·20-79 ATLAS CHR,¥SL £R PLYMO UT H Open Daily & Sunday 'til IOl>M 2929 tlarbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1934 ---- 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOIA COUPE l'\Jll powt'r , rat1ory air o·ond . tilt wh£oel. cruise mntrol. Sll'reo, split pwr. "4.·111:.. 20.000 m ill'S & an l.IKE Nf':W condal aon. 1:J23S(;H I $4999 NABERS ~) llDJ 11.u!Jni Blvd c., ... ,,. 1\1\t. .... 1 '>40 ()t()() 1979 CHRYSLER HEWPOIT 4 DR. Vil .1u.111mut11· trun~ . JIWf ,, & bra kt'::., II It wtit .. ,I. 1·lcC' rt•ar ~·mdow 1ldri1sll'r. viny l roof. w11w radial tirl'S & more~ 11047·10) t 975 CADIU..C aoouoo ,\ I I o .\' ~ , A :\I F -'1 Bl<oupunl(t stt.>n·u. Turho n•ar 1111t·ak1•r pki.: . 1•11·1· Int' anh'nnu. :11r. rlOYo t•r w I n cl" Yo II • h I' a 1111 J.! h I wash1•rs, erw!>o·. :.Upl'r low m1l1-s. Lowcn •tl lo f':urnpt>an stunrc• l.1i.:ht (;n".'fl ml'lall11· ,ltuek,.,k1n "1th l'loth lll::.l'rt:. 1114-ltl I i i Corona 'ta "µ11. ,L!ll•1tl ga:. m1ll•aj.!1·. run'-µmod , n1.·1·th paint 1111! ~7011 allo·r 1: l':\I ·l!f.I :~I.!:! or K:IU 2-'»I:! Tri..... 9767 ••..................•.. '75 VWIUG l.1J.!hl IJlue 1305N DZ I $1450 or best offer 497-1961 2626 HARBOR BLVD. '75 LT Xlnt t·oncl ~·u11~ COSTA MESA l>quippc'<I Mui<I ::.di 1r11 $6895 f':X,1rt~ I'm 5·2Cl-7tl Full powt•r. factory air rond .. tilt whct•I. stereo tapt'. t•ruist· rontrol. -;pltl powt•r Sl'<l ls & Cahr iol•·l !up . Shurp' IK93LGJll Mew 1979 Triumph SPITFIRES Vdvo 9 7 7 2 Cocitloc 991 S nll'(I nAA.1 1;;;, H7•1i ''' t\1 !w1t.1m $3995 • 1975 CADILLAC COUPIDEYIW Cabrwlt'f tup, ll'&ilh<'r. ta p<:. 1111 whl'el. cru1c;c rrinl r ol. full po wt•r, • r:ic·t ory :11r c·ond. & '· 0 w M I L Jo: s I 1!*45LQT1 $5495 • ·i:1 l'cl\ol,1 ('cm1ll.1 lh-111\1• \(', ~lt-rt~I l'J""· •' "l'\J '76 911 S CPE C oll .1t•1111t11•r. ltm 1:111 w h I I l' ll I :o ,. k • l'Xl ,,,,cl~ ... ,;;;, •1.i1;, I'\,.,., Tn111 ISlat·k 111ll·r111r SuJM·r Im' m1lt·11. :.ll'n·u. ~ur. Jll•i)-.. <Jntl '""' d1•:on l'n1•1'f1 Tu ~·II ;it H d .1 II U I tll' lio o I.; ' f'.r.i:s:-. F l! I '7691 2ECPE \llo~"· ~11r. "Ul>\'r "'" milt·,., A-'1 F:\1 \·,.n d1·w1 •642-8366 '69 Crown Waqon: Good cond. Good tirH. S600 . E v ~ninq s 64S.1286 11; l'1Jr11n,1 \\ ai.:110 ,1ut11 .11r r.111111 . ho·,oulllul r11rl4I l-.1·ommll• .11 "ln;oll 1.omal\ t·.11 ~1~1 '"·'''" ~:•U.1 \ 111 -.t11t·k for 1mrn1·tl1:01t• lfd1vcrv' Scl· L"S IJ<•t11r1 · vw bu) TODAY!!! Bau~"'i'~' *°"~'"' ~ Ht• ...... • .. -•~• ........................... ,,.. 292.'> If arbor Bln J t:OST.\ -'11-:S,\ 979-2500 S,1\l· S!JOO 7!1 Spit r1n• Stl'n."'· SUK mil\• Yo Jrlll' whit• rx•r 1·11rn.J !Ifill li:u.1 ,.,.t.,. & wkncJ11 '74 "412" WGM. 1!1•;111t1f11l 1·ar l«·d 111 1•111 .... 1.1;;:-;11z1 '71 SQUAREIACK 1.1i.:h1 li1.·1~1· l:l'JH".>\l" 1 Xl111 Sd 1•1·1 in ol \.olkS\\ :OJ.!1·11 lilh•''· Too' CHICK IVERSOM \ ·w. POllst 'If E ;\ L' U I +la E Cuu:.t 111" .1 , .11 Bu,1111lt· llrl\ ,: ~t·wpurt ix·;od1 1;7:t IY.1tJ(1 * ••••••••••••••••••••••• VOLVO SALES, SERVICE AMDLEASIHG on:tts..:i\'; ut-:1.1\'t-:HY EXl'EHTS EARLEIKE VOLVO I \l!Ai llarbor HI\ d COSTA Ml::SA 646-9303 540.9467 ·7~ ltiltE 17 IJOO m1. ,, 1· . •••••••.•....•.......• ·72 El Dorau11 Crn" •·rt 1 ltl•· nu,.,sd ('\t Yo IM11)1• l1•;1lher 1111 "·' tT\ c •pl Xlnt 1·111111 s;, 01111 11,.,1 ()fr 1;1:, :Ql~I 1·\ • ., l!J71, El 1)11r;11lu lv.11h•1I. )!ooo 1·111111 ,\1 u11l ,,11 SllAAJ ur ufh•r (Iii.>! U<!!llJ ·;!1l'UCl'E IH-: \"ILi.i-: /\.~Ull'll· l'a" ml·nh Fu I h Loa\h-CJ°' 1 LH D:ll 1 l l)lr. 642-8366 I> "· 11111, JUlot am rm SF.LL 1111\-11t·m~ with ,1 ... 1t•n·11 ~:! ;, mpg. On1 llaal~ Piiot Cla::.:.1f1'-·tJ 1\<I I h\nt•r r.1'i !rj:li llil2·5tiiH 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 Alltos, New 9800 Autos, New 9800 Autos, N•w 9100 Autos, New 9800 I 976 CADILLAC COUPEDEYIW •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• With nuasc C'ont rol. I t• a l h l' r & A M I I-' M stereo w /fl track tape. 1772PGW1. $5995 • 1977 CADIU..C SEDANDEYIW With split power seats, <'ruise control. stereo radio & cassette ta pe playe r. 1Q1s11421 $7995 • I 977 C.ADIUAC ILDOUDO Full power. factory air cond .. Cabr iolet top 'lplil power spat, till wheel. cruise control & s tt>r eo . S h u r p ? <961TZW). $7995 • 1977 CADIU..C sm&.1.1 With leather , cruise control. stereo radio & track tape. («JRKQ> $10,595 • 1971 CADILLAC RMI WOOD llOMHAM Full power lnrluding leathe r -covered 50/50 po wer 11eat s & wi r e w h ee l cove r s fJM"Z'W I. $11,595 • t 971 CADILLAC Sift.LI Full power, 'factory air -cond .• Wt wheel, stereo t a pe, leather top' It L OW MILE S! <.rzs>. ' $11,tdo • OVE R 100 QUALITY CARS TO SELD:r FROM It's Palm Springs This Weekend A T ORANGE CO UNTY'S #I B UICK DEALERSHIP Bauer Bui~k •N cosTA MESA See The New Palm Beach Le Sabre ••. l.18T PaK&-ale.au DISCelJNTED 'IMO BIJY OR LEASE TODAY! We Leaee All Makee a Modela. Big ~ar, Small (;ar - We Take Tra•ell! Our prift-ineludft ... er; .. .._ fl1lHpl I••· ffcf'tlM' and • 120 •• .........,, ...... Photo For lllUttnltlon Purpoeee Onty. (5679) (150772) Enjoy The Ne w Palm Springs Regal Starting at '5888 ,,.. .. =---------~--...... ---.. -... -,.. ... ,. - • , . ,.. __ 1977 CHEVROLET CAMAROLT 111.tl k iv llo.1d1·d • \ 1ll4'1· 1\11'' lll!'ii:l • "' ONLY S4995 HOWARD Cho rolet I'-'""\. (1U.111 !'-Ill :\ t-:WPOln HE \I 'If 833-0555 ·;7 tila1·k ttn ltl,tt" 1 lt·an. r..10 1 m1 S'1i1M1 C.J ll \·ar I) .Ut if>I i!llt1 9nO .................•..... RMAL 1978 CLEARANCE' 1111 C.1m.tr11'. \.'.111n•·1· .... \fonlo· l'Jrlc,.,. \l,1hhu ... K· :0-m :111. Ur J '>t11· rctlul· lhJfL' 1 SAVE NOW!!! CONNELL CHEV.OLET ~ tlarhor Ill' •I 1 11s·1 \ \H~._, I S46-I 200 1977 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO Sharp t•:or "'l h JUtomallc P" r ::.t•·•'r 111).!. :ur t•ond & \'tnyl top. MJ5TXM 1 ONLY $3895 HOWARD Che•rolet 0oH• & Qu111I St11 N EWl'Olff Bt-:i\CI I 833-0555 1974 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO Fa1·ton <11 r n 1nd . p .. ddl•d 0 lllp. A -'1 F-'1. pwr 111l'ennJ.! & brukl·11. Lill Wht.'t.•I & 35.UOO m11l·11 1-!.'Ctra ntt:l" 1531Kf':A I. $2499 ()pt•n Daily & Sunday 't 1l IO PM ~!!11 llarhor lllvd ( '11:-.lu Ml·:.a 546-1934 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOIA l'\Jll µow1'r. fot1ory air c·on<I l.;.anrlau I •>P. till "ht•t·I. 1·ru1 ..,,. c-oot rul. 'Piil pwr 11l·at-. & 21:1.000 rml"' I 177SS1' o $4599 NABERS ~ lC-00 H.irt'IOf Blvd c '""'' ML-1. 54(}9100 1979 C .. YSLER LIMRON2DR. V8. a utom a tic trans .. pwr st & brakes. tmtt.'d gla.o.;11. radio. C'UStom at·· t·,·nt st n pcs & mor~ ~ (I~) $5295 f':xp1res 10 pm 5·20· 79 ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH t lpen Daily & Sunday 't1l IOPM 2929 lla rbor Rlvd. Cost:i Me:o.a 5_46-1934_ 1971 C .. YSLER LI IAltOH SEDAM f'ull po.,er. factory air t•ond .. all or the Chrys ler luxunes & 18,000 miler. Must st~' <Q210394). $5999 NABERS NABERS ~~ l.<m H.~rbol Blvd (Q'.Co4 N\c ...... I. 54() 9100 1977 CHEYIOLET MAUIU ClASSIC Coupe. Loaded & only 21.000mik-s t71W>WU1. ONLY $4495 Z.00 H.lrt>or Blvd. (00.1.1 Me-..1. 54().QI()() 68 Town & Country Wgn. auto, air. roof rack. all pwr, Act. cond. Original owner S8(JO. 675-486t;. 67 <...~sler 300 Burgundy ma•· 40Km1. ~ood on J.!3S. ll5(). Ti6-_5_1_62 __ _ 1)5() L<; ~ full price for Uus 1.989 Imperial 2-dr. ---------· Runs ~at. N~ brakt: too s.. c.-Hwy. ~I~ .a>RVAJR. '86, A/C, no hp, body fair, enc s ick . Offer. tm-5122. "1lt O.prtce clusk. Fully eqptd. Lo ml. Take over i.e. SllOmo. •·3037. 71 Impala, 4 d r sedan. power windows, A.IC, AM/FM 8 trau one own er, one drlvt!r. freeway miles. iaaoo, Xbeond. 751440 .. Mrt.~. c ........ ttJO ....................... ltnUMCOLM COMTl•ITAL MAllY Only at,008 mUes, full pier, flld.ory air cond., a1J the Contineota1 IWt • uriew Ir UKE NEW ron· di\ion, C831RJ A>. $7t99 NABERS ~ 2oOO Hllbor llhd.' . CoM.I Mew. WC).9tOO r; _.,,..... ...... _ ..... .......... .,.. ...... ...... .............. . ....... ..-. .......................... ... C " '~ " .... "41 . .., "H . ...................... ....................... . ............. . ltMUMCOLM '10 Scat.ani, bath m1le•11e. 7' MOMAICH CGMll•ITAL mechanarally sound _... <*.ft. Mt AWi'· !et.it.. Good family. bus1nea1 SedM. tu with t•n 11, ....... C.briwrlop, "'--· IBOO .. ...,.. h•raur, lilt atnrlnl( :I:=•~ ~reo 'T1 Lro n. 30.000 mi·a. trwae control, pow.ii "''' : = ~~ &o ....,.,. =· .~ ·~ ~~~dti <mWCR). "l2 ....................... COIYITTI COUMTIY! II To C'hooM Frum IY641. To l9'79h HOWAQC ... •~ Oo\t' & ~II $t.s NEWPOK'r 8t;A<.:tt IJJ.OSSS t tM CHIVIOUT catYmt COUPE With ONLY 71,000 milt-:- '~' MUST SH! HOWAID ctw•rolet Dove & Quall Sb ·NEWPORT BEACll llJ.0555 ec..,.-9933 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1974 MStC.URY COUGAR COUPE VS. automatic tran:. . uir ·oond .. pwr. M & hrak•·:-.. AM !fo• M s le n u " K tni<·k. spUt !>c.:at. \Ill\ I lop & W/S /W l lfl'" 13231Cf'R1 $2895 '75COUGAR Ar ct 1 <' w h 1t1: w 1th 011ttehml! white \ 111}'r rn ten or, lilt s t~·1·n1111 wheel. AM t FM -.t1·rl"o ltt>JKZE l Sl29S 540-5830 1011\SO\' ,\ ~O\ • llNCc)l N ·MfRCURY 2829 HARBOR BLVD ~T~MES~- 1970 XR 7 All power auto AIC st ereo cassette PS/Pli ~5 Xlnt shape Polent1<1l 1•l:ti.s1c 673·:J449 '76COUGAI Ligh t j!rl'l.'n ~1th Yrutt•hin~ l!ret.·n 1nll·nvr. au1omatu·. air n1r11I <5791'(,'N l $3495 540-5630 1011\SO\ ,\SO\ • LINCOLN·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA MUST SELL '79 "XR7" LOAOfo:O! Total luxury Speect control. AX /FM 8 track, Powt'r :.l·at. win· dows; kx•ks 3600 mile!-. tull warrnnty 731 310!! eves and wt·t•k1·n<I t'mancing a\•ail Dir (~) '77COUGAR c.ool white w ith t:ln in tenor. md1v1<lual l>U(·kd :. l' ab and ,.\ M , 1: ~1 ~tcroo 17!fTT I' I I $4995 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • llNCOl N·MfRl.URY 2&2' HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ------ Dodl)t 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74DOOGE CHARGER SPt:C. ~DITION IS2.~ mil~. V·tl. i\ T . Jo•ac. air.. p.s.. Land1rn vinyl <14LLFW lill24 l 1276' * lC. FORTUNE Pontiac-GMC 2tXX> E. bl St .• Sanla Ana (714)558-1000 .. 4dr nck clutC'h. Grto•t -V-3. ~ lb 3 spd. _£bl.~~ lt1,flOID MUIAC~ fl cyl . autom.tk traoa . tlWI' ·~t • brak .. 11 M t-'M t f'rro W ('U.M'tk .. W!IW llrt•i. llUIW\'l. I 141tS . ' ' ., · .. ' AT LAS l0 Hrl1 't IR Pi i\1(1,IH (~n 0 1ul)' 6 Sunde)' UllOPM 2!t!9 Harbor Blvd C1~1a lllHa 546-ltJ4 . 77GaAHAl>A l'QUlle Ul gvld wllh l 1rn In tt'n11r AM FM 11 trttr k anti ..ir cond.auoned 1·0111 fon I \lJ7TD t; I $Ht5 540-5630 lfNl\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN· ME RCUR~ 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA TrOJn~portatwn t'Jr for rent, 11vo11t d°"n pu y mcnls. 1111 c·h,1r~1·:-. lax !!ii, h1· 1·1'' '7ti Granad1i, 40,001 mi, ,\l '. AM . l"M :,.tc r1•0, lllM l'ti . b lk w hlk 1111 •·1««· mo1l~I. 11nly s1:ia 111 0 l'r . 'l!M 1r~ . !'i 'J F II,. cl I' I \' k up w ma11·hirU\ trlr Hehll 312 :t.p<I .\M l":\1 K lrk, Ill'" p;11nl, & <'over for lil·ll "l>ok1•d 1·hromc wht·t'b w ra1hab Call ~.Si n:lll8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78ZEPHYR Coupe. Medium IHl.'l'n met<Jllic with e<'Onom1l'al fi ryl t.'fl((, auto und air cond. <54199'7 I $4895 540-5630 IOllXSOX & SOX • llNCOLN·MERCURY .. 2121 HAAIOR ILYD. COITAllEIA_ ~S OOBCAT. I uwn41r. Jl,000:.t m1 M•H. A!C. 4 1 . SaV\l te•i.' • 11-. 8M09AM WM 77MOttAICH ...... Go< mt!l&Wr w11h .ii.i. Mt \ inti rru111 ,-.. ntrol l\M t'M 11l.in'(), ~1~ •'I M'lll, powt'f" wtnrl''"' °" 1111 M«nng wheel l~JI I $)ff5 M0-5630 2626 HARBOR BLVD. __ COSTA MESA ~ '72 <All P1.1rk !I pw .. ,. ~ ·•+: While fully luJ<kJ ' Xln1 • si.100 675-6101 '71MONAICH GHIA Cou!ll' 10 muro11n v.1th mutt·hani,: interior . u1r cunt! 1 ll~U Bl l $4995 540-5630 1011 \SO\ & SO\ • LINCOl N ·M ERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA Showroom rond. '7841lr. 6 1·\ I Monur<'h. ,\ <:. I'S. PB. Ill 24MP<;. wax1:d twice a mo • F:nit wai.ht'<f bt-monlh.ly. !>till ha~ 4 yr wmly lnlt.'nor hk1: new. llPk.>W book. rc.:a:..onal>lc offer 67~ l.3G4 76MONARCH GHIA Sedan . K1c h br uw n metalllr wtth tan 111 wnor A prl>C1s1011 s1zc1I automob11t.· with family mom C074PGNl $3195 540-5630 1011\SO~ & SO\ • LINCOLN· MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 2626 HARBOR BLVD. M111t.cJ 9952 COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 ZEPHYR Z,. 7 COUPE · Blue with malch.ing blue interior. power steering, air cond, power brakes. <0061291 SM95 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN· MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '76MARIC IV Silver blue with Jue lt~ther intcnor. Pamper yours elr ~1th luxury. 13-l!IUZI I $6895 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN·ME RCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA MaYerick 994 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76FORD MUSTANG II lDR.COUPE v~. ;,uto tran.'I, power steenng, AM /l"M , 16,224 miles. 1410RTV > 66 *J.C. FORTUNE Ponl)ac-<.iMC ~ E 1st St . Santa Ana !7141~ lU(AJ Mu.-.tan~ 11. ·;4 Ghia I r~ I. auto . .\M 1FM ti lrl< ,\ rc.:al 11a,.. saver s;i;wo 7J.i-t;40-1771i aft llP '.\f '71FORD MUSTAMGH lOCOUPE 17.600 m1lt.'l>. V 6, ,\.T , fac. air. p.s . stereo cass. (~611121 $5366 * lC. FORTUNE Pun lw c · G MC 2tXX> t: tst Sl .. San la Ana <7141558-1000 '71 Maverick. new paint. '15 Mustang II Ghia, PB, a ll powt.'r , low mill's. PS. AC. /\M lf'M :.ll•rt•o. Ma1woffer 556·06,E__ new paint, xlnt con<l '77 Maven ck, P /8 . P /S. H.5H m1 . full tank gas. ~·1 Ph •i.16 1n411 Mwcury 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OKAN<.iF.COUNTY'S HWEST LINCOLN MERCURY DEALERSHIP RAYFLADHOE U NCOL."J-MERCU RY 16-18 Auto Center Dr. SDFwy·l..akc Forest exit IRVINE 130.7000 '76MEACURY MONARCH GHIA St'dan in burnis h~d bronze with matchinJ.! tan vinyl interior with au conditione d com fo rt, P~. P/B, 1<174PGN> $3195 540-5130 644 lllll 74FottD MUSTANG It llardtop Coup,• !)li,:!;i;, mil<~. auw lran~. rnl1111. heat1:r. Ol'W paint tl11lLAB1 $2666 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac·GMC 2tXX> E. l.sl St., ~nla Ana 1714)558·1000 •••••••••••••••••••••• '77 OLDS OMEGA lllHM. 4 DOOR Bronze. Automalic. pwr stet•nnti & air cond. 1400RVX>. ONLYS44t5 HOWARD Chenolet Dove 6 QulJ Sts. NEWPOR'r BEACH IJl-0555 t--------...i' l:.;,2:-.&.1Di.aocl~e c •mp PS/PB. V·8, AM/FM cass, plug Ina, o ne owner, mtth xlnt. 12750. Must be seen. Ma rk, ~ lt7ttiaCUIY ~Z,.7 ' lion. tan with tan vinyl ineerior wtth individual front seats, till wheel. AM/FM 8 track. roor rack . P I S. P /B (3JllSnJ) . . -------·--~DodgeVan clean. reblt. eng. Sl500. $48-0t71 • '72 O\artlft'. Owner Needs ma. wortt. 95(). 980-6481 H40 ....................... ~ ............. .._ __ .__ -- V8. automatic, pwr steering Ir brakes, fac tory air rood., AM '"'M stereo, factory two-tont paint fr only 1,000 miles U63NKP>. Speciall) priced at •"' SIOts 540-5630 2128 HARBOR BLVD. .COSTA MESA lt760LDSC/S SAl..OMCOWI Bur1und1 /w h lte kleded. CJIOREA). CM.YMHS HOWAID Cltnr•t DoYe. Qu.11 Sta. NEWPOR't BEACH "JI Xlt7. Oil blue cruise, HJ.OHi cllm•te, a11;1,elhu. •-------- dliln ..... AH.ID "18 01c11 • ReaeMY 4dr dimel. Loeded. Make of· ·TS Grand M • r q fer. P.P.m.U. =-~.·~~com,t: 'ft <Ml CUl1-a Supreme rsa. ti.ooO. /but. n;.~mr 12.•. ..... ......u.M . .................... . a..u, ttH . ..................... . '7'1 01.1>~ ~ Hl'll''"'ly ·N,•w ·r .11h , bruk1•i & llhot•k,., l'\\I• WJb, Wiil dows. tilt whl at r nus .... (•ontrol 1\ M ,.,.M ,,ter >Um l'Orn I S>, OO(i Ca II ~6tllll 1:1 1•ut lu~1> ~ 11idl(lf!l • t1ul.o IUI \'11·,111, $11SS(} 11~ ,IH() !Illig 73 Olu'> Cui IJ,,,. ~lJrt•trlt.> olj OW llll Xlnl l'und ~ 7~o232 ----""'° 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 197tfOID PINTO RUNAIOUT l.':cono m1cal 4 n I • automatic trans . P" r :. l c c r 1 n g· & r a d 1 11 . 1312TJR I CSlk P3119!11 $3688 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HAAllO A Ill VO CO~IA MfSA 642 · 0010 ·74 l'lnlu, like nt•w, makt• o{(cr. '77 FORD PINTO RUHAIOUT .... . ..................... . "111/W. LUGO ml. -15/Clr. 980-311()6 ---......... '''' .. , ................... . ttnPLYMOUTH AllOW•T 5 ..-ct t.ram1 A,M/nt radio. rur wmoow ie· foger, bucket Mala • more' <JIMUJVI. $4791 •.._I. It,,. I t ATLAS l'HH Y~l l H Pl YMOIJI U Open D•IJy ft Sunday 'hi IOPM 2V29 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1934 1976 Pl YMOUTH WA~ Automatic trans.. llA,f • gage rack & fal'tory air rond <6J8WOV l $3499 NABERS ~ l(l()() H.vbot 8lvtl Ce»M ~-~<)100 75 Fury Otltom . s.•n..Staw"" All extras. P /S, P r B AMrFM. A IC. l'lock l'nuss1on control ~ysh•m V-8. et c,. etc 78 ,23< miles Pnce Sl.595 Car 'be seen at the Dail> Pilot. 330 W Bay ~I \osl a Mt•sa ur 1·al Circ ulcit1 on Ot·pt 642·5678, ext 2 IU '"'" .... ._,_.C•t-Js..tll&w.., ltlu. rndA!Uc w /t>llM! int A/C, AM IFM ll\!r eo •uto., 1peed <'ont rol e m1 11ion1 <'On\ro: 1)'9tem, Unt.ed 1Jasa. pw1 w6Ddowa61ocb. Pri~ Wow Ww boc*. 7U0f ml ..... Can be Men al u. n.i!y PUot. 330 w Bay St., eo.ta Mesa oi call Circulation Dept eoan. ext. 210 lt71 Pl YMOUTH fwyC••-' s •• ,... 3 Seat SUt&oa Waaon. Torquerute trans. V·8, tlnl glaaa. emm1salona oontrol sys~m. L/R re · mote control mirrors . /\IC. autom atic. pwr. ta1lgaw window & door locks. Priced below Blue ltnfl.YMOUnt YAUAMT•AM VI. -.on.Uc Lrana .• air oond .. pwr. at. fr brakes. AM/FM r9dio. vln1l top 6wawtird. CCIOSMGR >. SIJtl )11:,,~..L· I'.....' AT LAS 1 HRY~I ! R f'1 1~11 11l H ,... ,,.. ... _ "'' ....................... . ............................. -.. . '77 Trana Am, T·top. '1$ MIN: I mill -lfiD AM/f'll·CHl·CB, PW. atereo, aool 1M 11111. PS, PB. lo ml, .... -/belt~. lfl.NI m.mo ••tm. "T1 Trana Am. T root. 'T71'rana Am._,, llut AM /Fii CHI, extras. -'1 C&llWnG5 • ..Ari ... Ollltml. lllQO. m..a ctlll ... 18Couie- _cbs..;._. m. __ S641_P_ll_.___ '71 Catalina, fully eqptd . 71ftAMSAM 12,000 mi. SS895 tofr. Open Dail)' 6 Sunda)' In Sleaminl black. red -~- 'tillO PM in&aior, olfaet b)' gold 'T1 TRANS AM 29'29 Harbor Blvd. rm• wheels. Air COfMli· T-Top. Special EdlUon Coata Mesa · "' G 54~it•4 lionini. PoWfl' windows1 ApP.earant'e rou •. .. • power steering ana While / blue velour iD· -.,4-Dul*er--sbocll front In brakeai. (~7TDL> terior . Loaded with S74t5 p()Wer windows, power Ri,a.trearguarterpaner . .,_.,.5630 door locks, s lere•. d&a'lapd. Rest beautiful _. l.horotAghly inspe«ed fr parts. 960-648_1_. ___ detai&ed. Immaculate - "13 Valient p 1s. p/b, a/c READY TO DRIVE. x1nL cond. $1.!500. beatot 11163RYN> Dir. rer. 833-5397 IW> CH: Hae HARBOR BLVO. 6424366 :161-4211all.6 COSTA MESA ...,.n.-.~.-,..-d---,,...,,....7--0 lb>k. 76,000 m1 S189S. ,....._ ttH '78 Trana Am . T roof, Qm be seen at The Daily ... •••••••••••••••••••• cn&se cont. Vel. Int. AC. Pilot, 330 W Bay St.. I 977 -.... "'C sr.m. ~9298. ....................... tt76FOaD Costa Mes a or call ........,...,,.. Cir c ulatio n De pt. Fir.W.d•llfff 642-4321. ext. 210 A loaded blue "S~ybird" lt71 Pl YMOUTH '~ y $5895 VOL.ARI SEDAN 'HOWARO ClwYNMt VS, automatic trans.. Oove&QuailSls pwr. st. & brakes. air NEWPORT BEACH cond., spilt se<1t. vinyl lll-OSSS top. ra<bo & ws w lires. ____ _ __ lti'pV~DSsa95 75POHTIAC Exoin!S l0Pm5·Z0.79 v 3VINTURACPI. AT LAS CHRYSLER PlYMOUTH {)pt-n Daily & Sunday 'lil 10 PM 2929 Harbor Blvd Cost .. Mesa 546-1934 --- · • a t .. fac., p s .. Ratlye, 27.000 miles. new l.Jres. 1026NOA IH0591 $3266 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac GMC m> E. ~l St . Santa Ana (714 >5.58-1000 '67 F ireblrd 326 V 8, a>mpc. P I S. AT console. super wide.: ma.: whls. ~ body. good cond1· lion $1085. P.P 63H777 f 971 POMTIAC nAMSAM Black App group. pwr windows, AM lt'M ~lcrl-<> 8 track. mag wheel:. & 31.U7 miles. C060UDM I Nowo.ty $6650 Miracfe Ma*/RetMIUlt 21.50 Harbor Bl . C M 645-5700 THUHDIUJID f\tll Po'lllfl', factory air cond . padded to p . AM t t'M stereo, tilt wheel. IHther, cruise rontrol & 34,000 miles. 1873NKLI. $3999 - NABERS ~ . VfCJG 9974 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76POID '76 FORD LTD2~ '76POID '76 FORD Th's <;party ltllle gas saver 1s eou1ooec1 with a 4 cy1 enome. automatic lrans & oower steering (716AVN) CSlk 943A) COUIUm PICIW This economical litlle lruck is eQuipped With 11 4 npeed l r4nsm1'ss1on, radio and heater 1"'91481. va. auromahc rrans oower steering & brakes. air cond . 1111 wheel. cruise control & vinyl toP (6lOPCFl. IStk P3811). •IAMADA COUPI Economical 6 cyt. en'iline. automatic transmission. power steering and air cond. ( 121090) (S tk . 79&.t2Bl ••AMADA 4 DOOl Economical 6 cyl engine. automatic Iran-. power steering air cond1l1on1ng. oowPr brakeo; & vinyl top (688P001 (Stk 0783Al s2711 s2911 s3111 s3m s3399 '76 FORD f.UMADA GttlJ. COUPI Economlal 6 cyl. engine. automatic trans.. power steering, power brakes. AM/ FM and ei r cond. (722PKG) (Stk. P3532). '77 FORD f'IHTO WAGOH Thi s s mall w agon is eau1poed w11h a 4 cyl engine and automatic lransm1ss1on Lots of gas mileage' (272TXB) '76 FOO HMldACOWI V8, automatic trana . air cond., power steering & bf9ku. cru11e control. tilt wheel & AM/F M tape (26t 198) (Sfk. P3792). •77 FORD LTD 11 •0UGHAM VB au1oma11c trans . power steering & brakes. air con- 01t1omng A.M/FM and vinyl top /684SWS) '76CHRYSUI COltDOeAC~ V8. auto trans . pwr st Drakes. pwr. windows & ... t. lellther air cond sun· ,oof. 1111. cru•se & vinyl top. {743POn (St!<. P3667) 536U S3688 53188 s3711 '3988 '76 FORD GUHADA•MIA 4 Door VS. automatic. pwr steering & brakes. a1r cond . pwr dr locks & windows flll. cruise. AM/FM tape & vinyl tao ( 148NXN) (Stk. P37 f 8). $ s4111 54788 -__. ......... '77 MaCUIY MOMAllCH COUPI V8. automatic 1ransm1ss1on. pow er s1eer1n9. powe r brakes. air conditioning and vinyl lcp. 15<t9SARl ISlk. P3681l. '77t•CUIY couuacowe ve . automatic trans .• AM/FM taipe, ~ stMr- tng, .,.,._. bflttft. oower wiodows. Ilk cond. a vinyl t9P· leeet54) (Stk. P3711l. $4888 '71 DODGE ASPIH4 DOC>a This car 1s eau10Ded with an eco nomical 6 cyl . e ngine . aut o ma1 1c transmission and power steering (839UKXJ· (Stk 79605A} $ . . ' f IRAND SLAMSAYl•S ON ALL 1979 OLDS DEMONSTRATORS & EXECUTIVE CARS • 98 REGENCYS • CUTLASSES • Bi's 179 CUTLASS SUPREME ·.···.:. .. , ·-·~ -179 OLDS 98 REGENCY ·:-.. ~-..... AM/FM stereo with tape. air conditioning. tilt steering wheel. cruise contro1. (8903). e>lus rax 48 months open end lease. Cat> cost s 7500 Residual $3675 Periodic payment S720t 92 Inception oost $261 CW on apPfoved ::redtt :.;.::::"'"U-Absolutely loaded including custom stereo -. . ".:}-~~ system. all power assists. (8885). ~"'--· ...... ::;t& ~.~i;S:':·-:..: s1 --. · ......... • Plus fax_ 48 months open-end lease. Cap cost S9885 Residual $4180. ALL MUST Periodic payment $10.1m 76, lnoep11on cost S367on approved credit IMC TRUCK & YAI I • I 979 GMC 1/2 TON VAN Rear dOOf glass. aux. seat. power steering chrome gnlle. chrome bumper. radlal tirer.. gauges. (TG01590517606) (13268). "MOCATAL me COMVEITEI" I t7' GoMC Sierra Cleuk I T• Pldaip eeoo GVW I "'" ""' QilSI< Slodfn9 ·~·· .. -... CO"<! '1.,<1~• ~ -004 COOle< '-'"'~ tonlfOI 1 t ift<e VB .. .,,.,,,..,"' "'-·..., fuel. ob -Pl> "'o oano-y -· *'""9 OOW9f' ~ ~ ooor toe-'-> 16) 9bO 186 hr~ 6 •"t'1ll• 11:t211&i fTCS3411Z!>n8201 I 979 GMC 1/2 TON .. 4X4 SHORTBED Aux g as tank. 5 . 7 lttre V8. locking d1fferenllat. sktd plate. taclf. HD coohnQ. chrome front bumper. gauges (133031 s5479 58579 (TKLI SJ .. 379 USED CAR & TRUCK HEADQUARTERS '76 MERCURY IOICATWAGON Automatic. air condtltoning, oower steenng & brakes. R&H. luggage rack. custom wheels (567NPLI '71 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME VJ vinyl top. air cond.. automatic. pwr. steering & brakes. AM/FM stereo radio, owr. windows. 1111 wheel. custom wheels. only 11,000 miles. (6521/YC). 55979 174 PONTIAC FllBllD Auro . PS . P B . air cond1t1on1ng. vinyl 1cp, AM/FM stereo (007VBUI •77 CHEVY MONTICAILO Auto., PS .. P.B .. factory air, tlltwheel. p()W8rw1ndows, Yz padd tcp. custom wheels. and tires. (877SEAJ. ' 177 OLDS CUTLASS Salon Auto . P S . P 8 .. air cond . 'h vinyl top console. buckorseats.stereo& tape. (P13534) '17 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME V6. auto . PS . P B .• factory air. tilt wheel. AM/FM stereowithcassetteplayer.(910SXK). -··-··-.... -----.. ··---·-·-~ •77 FOID MUSTANG • cyl engine. s11ck shift. stereo radio custom wheels & tires (055SZCI •77 COUGAI Xl7 Auto . P S . P B . air cond . vinyl tap. 6-way oower seat. stereo. tape player. cruise control. oower windows. (932RKY) • .... _ -.. .. --·-.. -·-···-·-...... ~ . -·--.. --. I ' ': ,. ~-I f .. ' Buntlngto• Beae• Foilnta1n ·~Talley EDITION VOL. 72, NO. 131, 4 SECTIONS, .. PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1979 Y•••B••el••• Dally Ne••1t•.-e• TEN CENTJ ~--------Daily Pilot Exclusive Report-------...1. ~ • ; 1975 Suit eges Oil Conspiracy By GAav GRANVIU.t: Of .. «MM• ...... , .. " Los Angell'S court rt>t•nrd::. ul cu) unsettled 1975 lawsuit mdudc uHtdav1ls und other documents that allege 10 major 0 11 cumµamcs con~p1r~d an the early 1970s to control the gasoline market by creating an oil shortage, the Daily Pilot learned e xclusively to day. The affidavit s. some of them signed by former oil company executives, charge the 10 oil producing companies used the a rtificial shortC&ge to drive in- dependent producers out of business a nd-lo st a bilize gasoline prices at a profitable level. Cited in the documents are the names of com· pany officials who allegedly joined in the marketing collusion as we ll as the places and d ates they purportedly m e t to discuss marketing strategy. Included among the a llegations vouched for in a series of affidavits and depositions are the following : -IN MEETING ON FOREIGN soil and under the guise of mternationaJ business agreements. oil company e xecutives successfully skirted around pro· visions of the Sherman Anti·trust Law. -TIIEN ATl'ORNEY GENER&L John Mitchell "gave his blessing" to such meetfngs and did not bother to send U .$. Department of Justice r e presen· tatives to monitor (hem. -WHEN NOT MEETING as a group abroad, the executives of competing oil companies plotted marketing strategies in small private meetings al such places as the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles and the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. -THAT AS A RESULT of the alleged contrived oil s hortage. gasoline prices jumped from an average of 45 cents a gallon to a "stabilized " 72 cents a gallon in an 18·month period in 1973·74 .. Allegations included in the records at the Cen· tral U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, most of them hidden from public view by a court-ordered seal, are charges that have never been proven nor disproved. It is known that representatives of the 10 oil companies are in the process of filing legal papers in ans we r to the charges. But those oiJ com· pany responses are also sealed from public scrutiny. These answers are to the 1975 state lawsuit that was filed against the oil companies by the Attorney General's Office. then headed by Evelle Younger. The s uit charged the 10 major oil companies that operated in what is called the PAD V area. that in· eludes California, had conspired in the early 1970s to control both the wholesale and retail markets of petroleum products. State governme nt. which buys more than $10 fSe~ OIL COMPANIES, Page AZ) . Exxon Accused of Huge Overcharges Police Nab Suspects on Sex Raps Huntington Beach police cap· • lured two men early today and • are looking for two more in an ! outbreak of apparently unrelat· t ed sexual assaults that has hit t the city. Three of the attacks occurred early today within a four-hour period, sending a pair of female victims for treatment al Costa l Mesa Memorial Hospital. Both or the women suffered cuts on their hands while al· te mpting to fi ght off their at- .. II. I t ' tackers. said Lt. Bruce Young. Ricardo Roland Trujillo. 25. of Midway City, was arrested at gunpoint about 3 o'clock this morning by officer Dan McKer· ran who saw signs or a struggle and heard screams coming from a parked car al Newland Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway. Trujillo reportedly was armed with a broken beer bottle and cut his victim, a 21-year-old Givden Grove woman, during the attack. Lt. Young said the victim told investigators she met Trujillo in a north city bar and was driven away despite h~r protests when she got into his car. Trujillo, in custody in lieu of $25.000 bail, faces charges of rape, kidnapping and assault with a deadly weapon. In an earlier incident, police a rrested Patrick Gibson. a 35· year-old transient. on a charge of assault with intent to commit rape. He allegedly attacked a woman about 2 a.m. on Hunt- ington City Beach. Police said the victim, whose age was not available, bit Gibson on the lip and Oed screaming. She reportedly was helped by unidentified passersby and a description or her attacker was given to police. Gibson was ar· rested near the scene. Shortly before 6 o'clock this morning, a 43-year·old woman who lives in an apartment com· plex on Heil Avenue near Bolsa Chica Street awoke lo find a man armed with a knife standing by berbed. Police said the man put a pillow over the woman's bead and attacked her. The woman auffenid a band cut while trying -to fend olf her attacker, police sald. The woman was able to run from the man and escape into tbe rear Jud of the apartment complell where her screams caused tbe man to nee. Investigators said they are looldq for witnesses' who may Jiave Men a man runnin& in the CS. A'M'AatS, Pa1e.U> 'HOI' TOMATO' FE.4TURED TCHt•r •h•'•-Kn~ Oelllcl ,,..,._of COroaa del llar, .... lllarlet Kathy llara... in tM 11111 lbe beld more Wea U.•a ...,_: 11111 Downtown Dollar Dara, lli11 Ball7hoo, IUu Hot Tomato, lltu Ana-.. Bull. S.haturiq Pa1e81. • ,. ............ DEATH NEARS John A. Spenkellnk Ex-countian Due Death in E'Lectric Chair TALLAHASSEE. Fla. <API Gov. Bob Graham signed the death warrants or two Florida death row inmates today and ordered their executions to take place within one week. A ulhorities imme diately scheduled inmates John A. Spenkelink, formerly of Buena Park and Willie Jasper Darden to die in the ele ctric chair Wednesday morninll(. The executions w-0uld be the first in the nation since Gary Ma rk Gilmore was executed by A Utah firing squad in January, 1977, and the first in Florida since 1964. Graham had nol bee n expect· ed to sign any warrants other than that or Spenkelink, convict· ed of murdering a traveling companion, Ohio parole violator Joseph Szymankiewicz, in a Tallahssee motel in 1973. Darden was convicted of the 1974 slaying or a Lakeland, Fla .. furniture store owner,· James Turman. * * * * * * One Day a Week Leaving Auto Home Backed WASHINGTON <AP ) An Energy Department official en- dorsed a proposal today that Americans leave their cars home one day each week as a way or overcoming gasoline shortages. David ·Bardin, head of the de· partment 's Economic Regulatory Administration, also told a congressional hearing lhe California gasoline squeeze is caused by a worldwide shortage of crude oil and is nol contrived by big oil companies ·'The gasoline shortage 1s real," Bardin said, "because the planet Earth has been producing less crude oil than people want" He said the best way lo cope GAS LEAD BOOSTED IN CALIFORNIA-AS SUPERVISORS ALSO WAIT FOR GAS-A9 DRIVERS LINE UP FOR CAR POOLS-84 OAS RATIONING OIFFlCUL T SELL--01 with the shortage is for people to drive less. ··Leave your car home one day a week and we can gel through il," Bardin said. He testified before two House panels conducting simultaneous investigations of Weal Coast gas shortages the House subcom· mittee on oversight and in· vestigations and a House Com· merce energy and power sub· committee. Panel members expressed skepticism over the Carter ad- ministration's handling or the shortages. ·'There is complete and total confusion everywhere I go about gas shortages. People don't even believe there is an energy crisis," said Rep. Mathew J . Rinaldo, R·N.J . Bardin said many gasoline stations are overc harging customers, but lhe true ext.enl of overcharges is h a rd lo de· tcrmine because the govern· m ent only audits a fraction of the nation's 187,000 service sta· lions. Some a lleged overcharges have been as high as 24 cents a gallon over the maximum price a llowed under federal regula- tions. Bardin said. Nationally, 7,000 service sta· lions are being asked lo explain "unusually h igh " prices . another 2.000 a re targeted for formal investigations and 847 stations already have been cited for overcharging, he said. Beach Blvd. Open Again All six lanes of Beach Boulevard in Huntington Beach were reopened at 3 p.m. Thursday following completion or a storm drain across the state highway. Traffic ha d been de· toured onto Ma g nolia Street from Adams and Atlanta Avenues . Crews have worked around the clock s ince 12:01 a.m. Monday in or- der to finish the project by this weekend. City Public Work s Director Mike Zambory said single lanes may be closed occasionally . while repairs are made to lhe landscaping medians. but he said he expects no ma jor inconveniences. \'alley Bigla Fraras .. Priireipal Shift Fought By JEaay CLAUSEN °' ... .,.... ...... , .... Fountain Valley Hilb School teachen are petitionln1 to halt the transfer of their principal, and the president of the school board contends lhey are foment· ing student unrest. High school senior Karen Millerd said Thunda1 she represents a group wbicb bu secured 2,000 student alpatuna uki.D1 the-lhmtinaton -8each Union Hl1h School District's Board ol Trustees to bait the transfer of Principal Paul Ber1er. · But Mn. Zita Weaaa, school board president, charaed that teachen -who alao are pell· tJont111 to halt Berier's transfer are 'manipulatln& the (peti· tioning) students in the claaarooma. "They are t.elllng lhe kids how terrible the board is," Mrs. Wessa cbar1ed. "They don't want a new prineipal and they are uslng the kids. "Rumors are fiyln1 that the new prtncipal <Dr. Larry Lucaa) wm require tbe students to wear unlfonm aJld tldnp like all tbe coacbel are quitUnc." t.w. ewr•ntl7 · prindoeJ at HwaUDltGD Beaeb Hilb School, is 1cb8duled to repla~ .......,. July 1. Ber1er i• to auume dutln at district headquarters. . Ber1er saJd this week be did not seek u.e new dlltrtct job be huNellwedbulbelieTa....,· I ". , . ---. . -. ..-. -- --___._ . ly in the management system which aaaigns people where they are needed. He said he is qualified for the new post and is "lookln1 forward to the oppGrtunity of working with the wider ranee of teachers and department coordinators and ad· Qllnlatraton." He aaid be considers the new Job lD implemential curriculum dnilhed to meet new 1tate ltan· darcla tor ar,aduaUon an~· portunitJ for bla ow1a canerCJe. velopmeat. Petlttona circulated by teacbera after WednHda1'• tranafer announcement by Superintendent Frank Abbott (lee tJNaBST, Pa .. Al) 0•11• ,. .... S!Mf ....... WINS ON 10TH BALLOT t New CouncllWIOman Finley Rldh Finley Joins Council On 10th Vote By ROBERT BARKER Ol tM O•il' .... .._ St•ll Plann ing Co mmi ssion Chairman Ruth Finley was ap. pointed to rm the vacant seat on the Huntington Beach City Coun· cit Thursday night. Mrs Finley and former Hunt- ington Beach Union High School District President Ralph Bauer were deadlocked with three Council votes each until lhe 10th ballot. Mayor OOn MacAllister. who had been Bauer's chief sup· porter, broke the deadlock and switched his vole to Mrs. Finley. Through all previous ballot· ing . each time Mrs. Finley was nominated. Ruth Bailey, Bob Mandie and John Thomas raised their right hands in support. M acAllister. Ron Pattinson and Clancy Yoder voled for Bauer who was out of the state and unable to attend Thursday nieht's special meeting. If a candidate wasn't chosen Thursday, lhe issue would have gone to a special cilywUte .elec· lion in September at an est1mat· eel cost of $35,000. "I don't want lo s pend the ' $35,000," MacAllisler s~id. "Mrs. Finley has been very supportive to the city. Bolh she and Bauer are very qualified." MacAlllster said he is hopeful that Mrs. Finley's appointment may spell an end to the turmoil in the city and lend strencth to the Council that was reduced to six memben wilh the reaipa· lion of Richard Siebert in March. Mrs. Finley said she was aboeked but pleued. Sbe WU IWorD into offic."e immediately • fGL.tba. Win tbat eaplrea nellt April. . ..I ruUae tbat tbll la no man· date ol tM people but I am ready to do the best poeaible Job I can," 111'1. Flnle1 said. "I don't bav• qualms about being effec· Uve oe tbteouacil." Crude Oil Pmnp Price 'Doubled' WASHINGTON IAP I An Energy Department official is accusing Exxon Corp. of more than doubling iL<> alleged over. charges to S462.6 million since a year.old lawsuit accused the oil giant of charging too much oil pumped from a Texas field. Paul L . Bloom, the depart· ment 's special counsel for com- pliance. said continuing viola· lions and accumulated interest increased the fi gure from the $183 million alleged in the June 1978 suit Bloom commented Thursday a fter U.S . District Judge Thomas A. Flannery kept alive the government's suit against Exxon. His 24-page opinion de· nied the company's request to dis miss the case on grounds it was brought to court pre · maturely. An Exxon s pok e s m a n in Houston said. "We are disap· pointed that the suit was not dh;. missed, but we believe that the company correctly applied the pricing regulations a nd that our position ultimately will be up· held_ .. The s uit accuses Exxon of mi scalc ulating the pri ce it could charge for crude oil from the Hawkins Field Unit in WOod County. Texas. Exxon contended the Energy Department couldn't bring the case to court until it tried to set· lie the matter directly with the company. However. Flannery ruled "lhe mere creation of detailed ad· minisl-ralive procedures to sellle overcharge cases al the agency level" does not eliminate "the powertogotocourt." Bloom said since his special counsel's office started opera- tions in December 1977. the Energy Department has ac· cused petroleum companies of price violations totaling nearly $3.9 billion. Coast \ Weather Low clouds night and morning hours otherwise mos tly sunny with some high cloudiness at times. Lows tonight 52 to 57 . Highs Saturday 64 to 68 at beaches. 74 to 50 inland. INSIDE T8DA '1 Feeling fulive llau ~eknd? Huntington Beach and Newporl ~la ore pro· v1ding al·honv opporlamitN• lo aamp.e Cite Orta. Sri Page Cl. ..... --~ u ..... °"·"" _.. ..... ............... ==-ct: =~ .. ... ,. ........ T......-Q = °"·": •• • fl C1·tl ..... ..._ M ----------- ... ..,. -·-· -...-······--··-···· -· ............ ---·· . • • . . • • . l 't t ' I ' f , I A.I &WL Y PtlOT H.f Drivers Wait to tEven By TO• BAat.t;Y ............. ._ Oranae County 1uvlce sta Oona report4'd k>n& hnt"S of 1•~ hunary motorh1t11 today as the "evens" fOl'1nf!d "P for what, for many drtveN. will l>t' a larutful of MH Ouat will h•vt> to lut unt.d 'fut<asday The "t'Vllna" art> ~Halblt< for mur~ Iii.II oo Sunda.y. 8"t U LI t>ltlH'Ca.,ci that at luat hall the rounty • servkt-station~ will n·maln elOMd that day. It appt'11red today that th .. "odds·· will have a far better chance of ritlln.: up Saturday than lhe ··t!vem·· will have on Sunday Manr stations reponeo that they w1I Os>t'n Saturda.y, If only for a few hours, to dispose of any allocallon ..that tbe oLI companies care to deliver The Automobile Club of Southern California's weekend gas crisis s urvey indicates that a bout 80 percent of the service stations in Orange County will close Sunday. The figure drops to about 50 percent for Saturday. But an Auto Club spokesman said lo· day, the Saturday picture is · ·gettipg better all the time. We find'-that a lot or stations that planned to close have now de-cided to open. He felt that the ch1rnge of heart was not so much from a dt!s ire to obey the recent direc- tive or Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. ··as a desire lo serve a very cooperative public ... Several service s t a tion operators who have decided to close both days explained today that the decision was forced on them hecause their supplies or gas ran out. Operato r s of the Go-Lo service station at Bay Street and Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa have gas and will opeh both days from 8 a .m. to noon on a self-serve basis. The response of four Hunt· in~ton Beach service stations Arco, Union 76, Exxon and Chevron and if'aterl that Sun· day will be a ~asless day in 0 11 City. All four will <'lose Sunday but two of them Tom's Arco, 5981 Warner Ave. and Ray's Union 76, 14572 Sprm~dalc St, -will open Saturday The weekend gas outlook in Newport Beach is' gloomy with only one or six stations contact- ed prepared to pump gas. Operators at Newport Shell, West Coast Highway and Riverside Avenue, said they will open both oays. Motorists will rind a closed sign at these stations: Mobil, 1500 W. Balhoa Blvd., Park Lido Union. Newport \;enter Texaco, Croft's Chevron on Newport Boulevard and Ken·s Mobil in Corona del Ma r. All said they are without gas. A variation in the overall pat· t e rn was reported in Irvine where Randy Johnson will open '11s Chevron station across from Orange County Airport from 8 a .m . to 3 or 4 p.m. Sunday but not on Saturday. Teen Saved From Cliff A 17-year-old Huntington Beach boy was rescued off the cliffs above Abalone Point in Laguna Beach Wednesday after he became stuck climbing up the 90-foot cliff face , Laguna lifeguards said. Dan Van Cott, of 10051 Stony Brook Drive, was dropped down to the beach by lifeguard Mike Dwinell. He used a rope and safety seat to hoist the stricken youth down the cliff race. Lifeguards got the call shortly arter 5 p.m. when area residents noted the adventurous young man had become frightened because or crumbling earth as he climbed the cliff. He was un-hurt ~AMGECOMT HIF iaJ(lfl@io)I I"" Ot-C-. o.llt P11u1. ••II\ -II"•--11,.. -....... , ... _._..., , ... 0._ (Oilt\I PvfMhlwlitC...._...,y S...r•i..f'Cf•IWlt_.,.,. ,....., ...... -... ........... Ft!OAt IO< (O\IA ...... ..._ llHcll, .. __ .,.a. .... ,_ •-v"""·'-.L-11ot .. •1-c.,... a •"'919_....,....Nl_l•-l-s.t\itCIOn-S-.at• n..--~p1.,,,,,.,.lJD .._ ..... ,..._.,C-~.C•-"'•'- 9-11.-"'"'--,....._ Hcllll.c.tof Vl(t~..-..1-0.-.. .._ ,_._ ..... ~·----.......... IE ... ClolftttM.lMt ~Ill ..... 11 .. 1\1~~£ ...... ._._ Ww•I Or-~. lditw ................. °"'°9 llt/fll .. <11......_ Mtlll!IQ "'""'""' 1111,0 , ... ,... - OMce9 uc '::.~· ;:'~=:..::;."' T111,e.1111 (n4)__, ~ .............. .... ,_,.._o.....,~C..:a •Rlq ... ,. =.~ .. :.s.=~l~== :.'=f:.:."'"' _J .. ---.. ~...r....::.=e ·--··..,_II....... . ...,.._.._ .. __,, Frlc!!y, M!J ti, 1171 OllteMI aetleees ... se&led RecOrds ,, . Won't Be Open a, altBl:CC~ Hll!UI °'-~~ ..... Orartat' County &uperv1liort1 probabl y don 't h•v •" "snowball'~ ch1n<'t' In h"ll " ot (Ort'lng opt•n St'nh-d l'OUrt ret• ords fmm a hawl'lutt <:har(Clfti major oH c.'Qmpum~,. with con· aparlna lo n. Jtrit'tlll •nd creuhng artificial ahorta1e.11, a C•hfornaa deputy at~y general hu In dltated ''The defendantic do not wanl the eonlents of lhc dorume11t:- on lilt reve11loo to the puhhc," said Deputy Alloroey Generul Gary James, who works m tht! anti-trust section of the Lo11 Angeles office Allegations <'Ontamed in lht: Allorney General's lawsuit, however . are r eported ex elusively today an the Daily Pilot. Reasons offered by the oil companies in asking the court to seal ~ records included "pro· tecling trade secrets and other such hokum," James said. James made his statements Thursday in response to a move by Orange County supervisors to hav• 1nform•tion from the luck .. d fil'll4 of the pendinc C1thfomta <.:cntr1tl Diatrict court caM reJea&H \0 the public. SuJ»rvlaor Ralph Clark raised I ht• 1si1u .. o f the Attorney Gtm('ral'11 antitrust suit against 10 maaJor oil companies while mak- in1 a ~port Wednesday on the present 1aa ahOrtage to bis board colleagues. The 1975 suat char1es tile petroleum companies w.ith prare -fixing and c reating artif1e1al shortages in a con· llp1racy evidence indicates soes back aa far as 1912, Clark said. Rut the case is still in pre- liminary stages because or the ··battery of attorneys" the oil companies have used to stall the case in court, he added. Because stale orlicials believe the anti-trust suit may not get to trial until at least 1983 because of the oil officials· resistance, Clark said the court records should be opened immediately so public agencies now in- vestigating the current gas s hortage can make use of the in· formation. l"ro•P~Al OIL COMPANIES. • • million worth ·or petroleum products each yea~. sought to e nd the alleged collusion among the 011 companies. Originally n a m e d defendants a~d co- c-.wirators in the lawsuit are St~ndar~ 011 Com· pany of California. ~exa.co l.nc., Union Oal Company of California, Atlantic Rachf1eld Company, and Exx- on Corporation. . Also named as defendants and co-conspirators are Getty Oil Company, Gulf Oil Corporation, Mob~l Oil Corporation, Phillips Oil Company and Shell 011 Company. Among others, Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark this week said the 1975 lawsuit and l!':e issues it raised has a direct bearing on Southern California's current gasoline crisis. Clark decried the slowness in r esolving the issues raised in the civil complaint which is not ex· peeled to be resolved until 1983 a t the earliest The county s upervisor . himself a former service station operator, also criticized the court seal on the records that seemingly keeps the issues they cover secret. Thal seal was placed on the af. fidavits and other supporting documents by United States Dis· trict Court Judge William P Gray of the Centr a l District Court Among allegations included m the support documents vouched for by witnesses interro~ated by attorney general investigators 1s that the defendants prior lo 1970 had for many years operated a c landestine intelligence network to police pricing practices in the industry. The loose-knit s mall in· telligence unit, purportedly headed by Agner Nerheim of Standard Oil. is said in the af. fidavits to have reported in· discretions or "bad actor'" dealers who consistently sold gasoline for Jess than stabilized price. And those who signed af. fidavits telling or alleged one-on· one pricing stategy meetings amoung the small group or oil company executives n_amed as the location or the anformal meetings such places as the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles and the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. And they talked or secret phone, lines that connected dealers in the price fix as well as their practice "of never putting anything in writing." Contended in court documents is that early in 1970 it became apparent to the oil companies that the only way they could tru- ly control retail prices "was to eliminate the independent seg- ment~ the market. ''The l'e8IOD for that became eminenUy clear; no matter what agreements and mutual un- derstandings had been reached, the solution was <sic> imperma- nent." The affidavits alle1e the fixed priclnc scheme was being aub· verted by the "never endln1 sup- ply of crude oil" and the "p~ cuttinc proeUvity of the indepen· dent marketen." The allegations contained ln the affidavits go on to say: '--rbe m-_jon could live with tbil <retail pricing tra•ll"ellions> "° Ion• aa the major profit 10Urce was ln the produetioa <reflnJn1> end of the bual-. However, "1"10 1narked .?M bellllllina of severe chantn in the oU ~· belnl able to rely OD tMlr reflneri• to pro-. duae the Dl'OftU U.1 wanted. Aeeordlill IO tale ,1.tnUft, forelp oU powen -•pedelly Llbya 8Dd tbe oUler OPlllC na- tiou -were demandhal ~r royalu. tor tbe crude oil tbey 1UDIW to tbe reftneriel. '•Proftt at tbe l'llail marhtiq end of tbe induatry became more significant and a long- term solution was needed." And the solution hit on by the oil companies was the creation or an oil shortage, according to the court documents. One "informant" told the at- torney general investigators the "following: "'The industry began to actively promote the idea or a s hortage. Company officials began lo speak publicly or the possibilities or a shortage. "Jo 1972 refineries began pro· ducing less than required to meet marketing shortage." Charts and graphs prepared by state lawyers indicate that major refineries on the West Coast that normally produce up to 92 percent or maximum em- c i ency "s udd e nly and mysteriously" dipped lo 85 per- cent or efficiency in 1972. And along with an orchestral· ed effort to reduce petroleum in· veritories, the curtailed produc- tion resulted in the gasoline crunch or 1974 and uniformly sharp increases in the price or gasoline. the attorney general alleges. As a result, it is alleged, the contpanies were able to take more or a profit at the retail level. to drive independents out of business and to become less dependent on refining profits where profits were being gouged by the providers or foreign crude oil. And unde rcurrent running throughout the court records in· dicates the oil companies' ac- ti vilies in the international petroleum markets in the early 70s "would be direct violations of antitrust laws" if practiced in the United States. Cited in the documents are meeting places and dates where the oil companies allegedly mapped their shortage plan. They purportedly came unc:ter the guise of the London Policy Group and the Libyan Emergen- cy Supply Subcommittee, away from home meetings "held with the blessing or Attorney General John Mitchell." "No representative of the U.S. Juatice or State Departments was ever present at the meet- in1s." Cited as "prominent at the meetings'• were named ex- ecutives or Standard, Mobil, Texaco, Gull, Exxon and Shell. Listed among the indepen- dents seriously if not mortally wounded by the contrived oil shortage planned by the major producers wu Bryant Oil Co1n- pany of ffuatlncton Beach. Like other Independents, many ~ them with records of not holdin1 the price line when "crudt oU and refined products were plentiful on the market," Bry.nt allecedly lost 40 of its 90 dealers in the ensuing 1974 gasoline crunch . A1 lbe independents tumbled and ~alled gu wan became a thin& ol the put, the price ~ a 1•lloa of luollne Jumped from 45 ceata a pllon to ••a 1tabillaed 72cents"lnJu1t11 montba. And the auotney 1eneral cbaries that tbe proftt 1wtteb from the refinery to the 1u lta· tloD pump WU attomplllbed ln collaatoa by tbe major oll eom· panles tbrou1b tbe 1lmple technique of crHtlDI an oil •hortaft . District Yictary . The American FederaUon or Teacbera CAFT> apparently scored its Ont victory in Ora,, County ThursdQ by wioninc the rl•bt to represent '50 full-time teachers in the Coasl Communi- ty College District. Teachers in the district cut nearly '10 percent of tbelr ballota in favor of the teacher union af. Ciiiated with the AP'L·CIO. 'lbe local AFT chapter, 1911, will now serve aa the exclusive bargaintn1 group in contract negoliaUom with the district. In a separate vote by part- li me employees, tb• rival California Teachers Association <CTA > won the •i1ht lo represent 1,300 hourly wage teachers in separate contract negotiations. E're.P-.AJ UNREST ••• claim there is "no useful purpose ... given for the disrup- tion of this excellent school by the arbitrary transfer. They call the transfer a "grave error in judgme~t" and seek ''public accountability for the administrative decision." . The teacher-initiated peli· lions. and those of the students. are to be presented to the bo~rd of trustees at its 7 p.m . meeting Tuesday at dis trict h ead - quarters. Trustee Doris Allen said Thursday she would like to re- consider Berger's transfer. ··1 trunk that moving a prin- cipal should be for very strong reasons. It's my opinion that the reasons in this case are not strong enough." Abbott said Thursday, "My job is to make certain that seven high schools have the most capa- ble leadership possible and the best s upport services to help those schools provide the best possible education." . He said he needs Berger an the district curriculum job and ... con-s id c r s it an opportunity for Berger to advance his own career. He said Berger will be reassigned as a principal follow- ing culmination or the two-year assignment at headquarters. l",....PageAJ A'ITACKS. • area about 6 a.m. this morning. Those with information should contact Huntington Beach detec- tives al 536-5963. Detective Art Droz said the most recent attack bear s a similarity to a Thursday inci· dent in which a Huntington Beach woman's cries for help drove off an attacker who en- tered her home during early morning hours. In that incident. the woman also woke to find a man standing by her bed. He reportedly dragged her into the living room and attempted to rape her. However, the woman's pleas roused her sleeping lO-year-0ld daughter who walked into lbe living room. The man then ned, police said. He was described as about 29 years old, six feet tall '1lnd weighing between 180 and 180 pounds. Police said the man has dark hair and a mustache. By GARV GRANVILLE Of .... Delly ........... SAN DIEGO -A criminal trial is over. And for those who participated the defendants and th~ lawyers -a lime of fierce action has abrupUy turned into what they admit is an angon.izing wait for a verdict. Defendant Ralph Diedrich passed some of his waiting time pitching quarters to • line on a courthouse noor in competition with a Daily Pilot reporter. WHEN DIEDRICH CONFISCATED all tbe available quarters with a series of canny winning tosses the game turned to gin rummy. He won there, too -a $3 Joss for the reporter that will show on an expense account report as miscellaneous and sundry expenses. Later in the day. Diedrich and de· fense lawyer Syl Aronson played a 500-point gin game for a much higher stake, Sl,000 to the winner. After trail· ing in the early going, Diedri~h again won, this time on a 501 to 483 pomt count. IN ANOTHER PART or town, prosecutor Michael Capizzi shopped for a rental electronic bleeper that will call him to return to court when the 12 jurors make their decision. Later in the afternoon. Capizzi smiled with pride when he dialed his own bleeper numher on a phone to dem- onstrate the erriciency or his S3 a day rental. . But Capizzi's smile faded when the small electroruc bleeper fastened to his belt railed to respond to his own telephone message. But the smile returned to Capizzi's race when, on a second try, the bleeper responded to bis call. In addition to his costly gin rummy lesson, Aronson spent the day absorbing good natured jibes directed bis way. BECAUSE OF HIS SOMETIMES abrasive and bom- bastic courtroom style, Aronson was told the jury was bound to acquit Diedrich and co·defendant LeRoy Rose while convicting him of any number or heinous crimes. And he was chided because one newspaper report described h.im as being ··as fiery as his red hair." Aronson's red hair isn"t has own. BOSE CLAIMS THE RED locks once belonged lo a harlot stranded in Hong Kong who sold them to a wig maker in return for a one-way ticket lo Singapore. Rose. as is his constant good-natured custom. spent most ortheday telling jokes on hi msclf. . When talking a planned trip, he theorized "'that no matter what the jury decidtts. I guess you can say I 'll be going on a trip or some kind.·· AFl'ER A STF.AM BATH ir~ a downtown gym and after the jury was sent hom1· for the night without reaching a decision. Rose held court at the Gavel where he pla~fully flirted with an attractive bilrma1d whu se~nungly enjoyed the attention he directed her way Al diMer Defense lawyer Jim Riddel ate squid steak at Anthony's 'and rehashed the seven-week tria_J-its ~dl points. its danger pomts and what he sees as its turrung points. . Like Capizzi, Riddel :.aid the> agony or awaiting a verdict does not diminish a:. lawyers mature and gam ~x perience .... lt 's always the Sil mt. Just d terrible ehurrung that keeps you on edfl_e ·· FOR ALL OF TllE part1r1pants 1t wa:. simply a time of waiting tht.' final r1utcomt: 1n the t~1al of a e<_>unty s upervisor and h1:-, t'lo!'.t personal friend on bribery charges. . There was p1tch1ng of <iuarters,. a $1.000 gm rummy game, a light Oirtation w1t.h a barmaid, a bleeper or ques- tionable reliability and squid steak. And while the tormenting wail went o~. 12 persons tried and true met behind closed doors to decade ~hat turn in the road lies ahead in the lives or those who wait. Victims Aid Thieves A total of 149 homes in Hunt ington Beach were burglarized in April, and, in nearly half the cases, burglars bad a n easy time by entering through open or unlocked windows and doors. Police confirmed the statistics compiled by Huntington Beach Neighborhood Watch, a group of citizens trying to right burglaries and thefts with better security measures. A group spokesman said there also were 78 com m e rcaal ' burglaries last month and 75 cars broken into. bringing to 302 the numberorburglariesover-all. In March. there were a total of 378 burglarie~ in the city. the s pokesman s aid. The group will hold its ne~ meetmg June 6, at 7:30 p.m. m the police building auditorium, 2000 Main Street. The meeting as tree and open lo the public . For more information about Neighborhood Watch, phone 536-593.1. SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MISA 540-1102 •NOTICE• Y• c• now llllr a •ee piece SUIT for Ille price of wgalotlof&AS ••• fflCll's rithl • laf.., OM at,... ... price,..._ JCMI get ...,..., of .... or ....... •cme for iust "ONE DOLLAR" .... .... ............ '-la ... M&T tM P.M. Mt. IN. W. M0CMe PM. .. CAIM ' .. I 1 VOL. 72, NO. 131, •SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA L-_'Ye•r •••et••• Dall)' Ne•••••e• TEN CENT ~ ........... ....-......--.-.---Dally Pilot Exclusive Report------...... . . 197 5 Suit egest Oil Conspiracy •• I + .. !' .j By GAav GaANVILLt; Ot •IMM• "'-, .... Lot; AngeJcs court records .in an unsettled 1975 lawsuit include affida-v1ts and other doc-uments that ullege 10 major oil companies conspired in the early 1970s to control the gasoline market by creaung an oil short~ge, the Daily Pilot learned exclusively tu· day. The affidavits, som~ of them signed by former oil company executives, charge the UJ oil producing companies used the artificial shortage to drive in · dependent producers out or business a nd to stabilize gasoline prices at a profitable level. Cited in the documents are th~ names or com pany officials who allegedly joined in the marketing collusion a s well as the places a nd dates they purportedly met to discuss marketm~ strategy Included a mong the allegations vouched for in <J series of .affidavits and Clep<>sitions are the followmg -IN MEE11NG ON FOREIGN soil and under the guise of mternalional business agreements, oil company executives successfully skirted around pro- '4s4ons of the Sherman Anti-trust Law. -111EN A'M'ORNEY GENERAL John Mitchell "gave his blessing" to such meetings and did not bother to send U.S. Department of Justice represen - t atives to moni,tor them. -WHEN NOT MEETING as a group abroad, the executives of competing oil companies plotted ma rketing strategies in small private meetings at s u<·h places as the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles and the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. -TI1AT AS A RESULT of the alleged contrived oil s hortage, gasoline prices j umped from an uvt-ragt' of 45 cents a gallon to a "stabilized" 72 cents a gallon in an 18-montb period in 1973· 74. Allegations included in the record~ at the Cen- tral U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, most of them hidden from public view by a court-ordered seal, are charges that have never been proven nor disproved. It is known that representatives of the 10 oil companies are in the process of filing legal papers in answer to the charges. But those oil com - pany responses are also sealed from public scrutiny. These answers are to the 1975 state lawsuit that was filed against the oil companies by the Attorney General's Office, then headed by Evelle Younger. The s uit charged the 10 major oil companies that operated in what is called the PAD V area. that in· eludes California. had conspired in t he early 1970s to control both the wholesale and retail markets or petroleum prooucts. State government. which buys more than $10 IStt OIL COMPANIES, Pa1e AZ) Exxon Prices Hit $462.6 Million Overcharge Claimed WASHINGTON !AP > An Energy Department official is accusin~ Exxon Corp. of more than doubling its alleged over· charges • to $462.6 million since a year-old laws uit accused the oil ~1 anl of charging too much oi l pumped from a Texas field . Paul L Bloom, the depart· ment 's sJ)t'cial counsel for. com- pliance, said continuing viola- tions and accumulated interest increased the figure from the $183 million alleged in the June 1978 s uit. Bloom commented Thursday after U.S . Distric t Judge Thomas A. J<'lanne ry kept alive the 20,·crnment ·~ s'uit against Exxon. His 24-page opinion de- nied the company's request to dis miss the case on grounds it was brought lo court pre - maiurely. An Exxon s pokes man in Houston said . "We are disap- pointed that the suit was not dis· missed, but we believe that the company correctly applied the pricing ~egulations and that our position ultimately will be up- held." The suit accuses Exxon of miscalculati ng the price it could charge for crude oil from the Hawttma Field Unit •• WOod County, Texas. Exxon contended tht> Energy Department couldn 't bring th(" case to court until 1t tried lo set- tle the matter directly with the company. However. Flannery ruled "the mere creation of detailed ad- ministrative procedures to settle overcharge cases at the agency level" does not ehmmate "the pGwcrtogotocourt ... . Bloom said since his special counsel's office started opera- tions in December 1977, the Energy Department has ac- cused petroleum companies of price violations totaling nearly $3.9 billion. Companies have · a g rt-ed to repay $126 million, he said. 'No Con~rete Leatls'. D•il• P l'°' Staff P ....... -f Rl< .... rd ltoe"- FIA£M£N (ABOVE) USE PRY BAR TO ATTEMPT TO FREE TRAPPED ACCIDENT VICTIM Charles Shaw (below) Was Among Six Injured In CotHalon Early Today 4 Probe Irvine Slaying Irvine Crash Traps One; 5More Hurt A broadside collision in Irvine early today left one ma n trapped for a short time in a van and five others with injuries. Due to the severity of the acci· dent and the injuries , police have not yet determined exactly what occurred, accordin~ to Traffic Inves tigator Owen Kreza. Orange County fireme n resort· ed to an air chis el lo free Charles Shaw. 36, of Santa Ana from the van in which he was a ~ passenger. His root was caught between a s ide door and the body of the vehicle. Shaw was reported in satisfac- tory condition today at Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospital with rib and head injuries. The driver of the van. <Sandra Johnson, 31, 15949 Los Flores St., Fountain ValJey, Y(as admitted to Tustin Community Hospital with Internal and head injuries. She was reported to be in stable condition today. A paaaenger in the Johnson vehlcle, Faith Shaw, 41, of Santa Ana, was treated and released at Santa Ana-Tustin Communi- ty, while Mrs. Joh11son 's husband, Billy, 49, received only emergency treatment from paramedics at the scene. The driver of the second car, / ; Carm Valenzuela, 11, or Santa , __________ __.::.___ ____ ..__ ______ _ • Ana, was reported ia stable but > critical eaaditioa today at Santa t Ana-Tustin Community. His \ paaseqer, Cyntbla Fernandez, I lt, alto of Santa Ana, was treat· eel at tbe boapltal and later re- leased. t Police investieation or the ac· f etdeDt ii &mder way. Iran Toll Climbs TEHRAN, Iran <APl RevolutiourJ ftriDI squads in &lie boly et~ of lilulalaad lD DOrtbniltem Iran neem.d two former Savak secret police tortunn 'l"llunday, tbe offtclal Pan .... .-CY reported. Tbe . eaecatlom bro111bt tile total t ,~-., --lo IJll •. • .... ta.it ....... I'>' revolution. Wort Rebel Ushered Out SAN PEDRO <AP> -A self· proclaimed revolutionary, call· ing for an end to the "oppressive system that makes us wail in gas lines" was ordered out of a courtroom because his speech generated applause and cheers Crom the audience. David Borden was escorted Thursday from Judge Glenn Wymore's courtroom and extra marshals were called after Borden was told he was. disrupt· ini the courtroom. Marshall said Borden's com· ment \QUched off rounds or elap· ping and cheering that would have prevented court from get- ting under way. 'HUI' TOM.4TQ' FE4TVRED Today s he's Mrs. Gerald Thompson of Corona del Mar, but as starlet Kathy Marlowe in the lllOB she he ld more UUes than anyone: Miss Downtown Dollar Days. Mias Ballyhoo. Mi11 Hot Tomato, Miss Angus Bull. See Featurina Pase Bl. '• Irvine police have established a four-man investigative task force to conduct what they ex· peel to be a lengthy investiga· lion into the slaying of 22-year- old Savannah Lei~h Anderson. ··w e still have no concrete * * * leads and no particular s us · peels." Dectective Lt. Gene Norden said today. Norden said investigat.ors are continuing a long series of m· terviews with friends and as· sociates of Miss Ande r s'>n * * Ir Irvine Murder Victim Mourned By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of .... 0.llT Pllet Sl•tf More than 50 grief-stricken rel· atives. friends. coworkers a nd Mormon church officials gave tribut<' to slain Savannah Leigh Anderson at fune ral services Thursday in Newport Beach. It was perhaps a bitter twist of i rony that the noon services were held at a Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter -day Saints just steps from the apartment complex where Miss Anderson lived when s h e m oved to California in 1978. Mourning the loss of his fiancee to a brutal murderer, Gene William Mills Jr., 31, said Savanna h represented four vi rtues: g rowth . happiness, lfeautv a nd love. "Lo~.· . s he shared it with us." Mills said, before breaking into sobs. lie stepped from the lectern and placed a white rose on the end of the casket. Prior to the ser vices, Mr. and Mrs . Alvin Anders on. the woman's parents. spoke to re· porters and lashed out qainst the murder of their only child. Calling the crime the work of an ''obvious weirdo" Mrs. Max- ine Anderson said, "We're try· ing to help others -we want to show that these people cannot get out of jail. go out the door, and do these things to other peo· pie." • Miss Anderson's nude body was found in her Woodbridge Meadows apartment in Irvine Monday evening by police. They were summoned by llilla who became wo~ JWbell ~ attractive secretary dld nol answer her telephone or reapond to tM front door. Durtna hi• remarks, Milli in· dicated IMt he will accompaft1 Mias Andenon'• body to SaJt Lake City, her hometown, for services and burial there. ·'She was someone who grew, developed and gave or herself, .. s aid Mills, as a vocalist began s inging the hymn. "Child of God." "Last spring. a young lady walked into our lives and touched us with he r vibrant p e rson a lity ," said Ken Bergerson, regional operations manager at Commercial Credit Corp. where Miss Anderson worked. "The thing that impressed me most was when ber work was finished, she was always anx- ious to help someone else," Bergenson said. Bishop Roger Summers, citing Mormon doctrine, said "we're sad, our hearts are full, but Savannah is happy." Looting toward Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Bishop Summers said, "'Ibey will see Savannah ,again." Oil Report F.xaggerated? LOS ANGELD <AP> -'lbe 40 billicm barre1I of oil Mexico has claimed to bold in proved re- ae r v ea la far too bi1h an eatlm.te, the Loe Aftleles Times rep_orted in today'• edition. ,.um.roua petroleum experu In Maieo .Ck.Y and Ute UDlted Stal.el ..takl Medco bas larce q~ .ol oil, but not nearly as ma .. 11.ulcan ollldall bave ..._..ted, tbe paper re- ported. =~-Mldtllen..... ma1 l»e what tbe llezku .. .... .......... Detectives have been working far into the night and are expected to put in more overtime hours this weekend. Norden said. One situation hampering the investigation. Norden said, is that Miss Anderson apparently had few very c lose friends , despite the fact s he knew many people. The nud e body o f the secretary was round by police Monday night in her apartment at 61 Cascade in Woodbridl!e Meadows . Miss Anderson had been strangled and beaten on the head with a blunt object. Norden said de tectives have given priority to leads they want to pursue. And on that list is a future meeting with detectives from both Fountain Valley and Costa Mesa. Investigators in both cities are probing unsolved. bludgeoning. type murders. Norden today stood by pre· vious refusals by investigators lo say whether a weapon bad been found or whether Miss An· derson had bee n sexually assaulted. Orange Coast Weather Low clouds night and morniq hours otherwise mostly sunny with some high cloudiness at times. Lows tonight 52 to 57. Highs Saturday 64 to 68 at beaches, 74 to 50 inJand. INSIDE TOD.4 'Y Feeling /utave Hats weeknd? HUlda.gcon Beach CJftd N~ Bcocla att pro- ~ at-llonw opporfwsitW• to '°'"'* Uw Grf•. ~ Page CJ. ..... ........... _ ....... ·····-·-·--- • • .. 1: ,. 1 •• " ,, .. ·. . - .. .• r. .. '·Prlct>·JU~ C~ed· •1at;aEC<'AHELM ch••h t; t~'~ in tti• Dallf petrot•um comp•nles wtth 0t•o.,,......... Ptlot. prl ce-lldna and creaUa1 Oran1e County s upervlaon Reaaon" offered by the on artlfletal 1hort•1•• in a con· p rob• b I y don · t h a v t a rompanles 1n aakana lhe cow1 i.. aplracy evidence lndlcatea ~ • ·anowball'a cb~ an MJI'' ol aHI the reronta lnrluded "pro. bacls u r.r u 1972, Clark aaid, forctn• opm Haled court rw· tffU.., trade !lffl't!U and other But lhe cue la aUU ln P~· t}rda from M lawauit Cbarll)Qt tUCh hollum, ''. Jamea Hid. llmlnary alat(etl beuuse ol the major oU companle& wttb con Jam~ mack ha1 !4tatemenll "battery or ~ttorney•" the olt itpirlna to lb prscH and c~auna Thurlday an rnponae to a move companies have used to stall the a rtificial »hortaan. a California by Orance County superv11MHW to can la court. he added. deput1 at&ornry t&•Mral baa ln· have lnformaUon from the e.,c:aua~ •late officials believe du·•'*'· locked fHH of the pHding the antJ-truat suit may not get to ·~-.. def.,adanta do not wut CaJ&fornla Ceatral otatrlet court trial unUI at leMst 1983 because the C'Ontent. of the-d<><'uMeftll UM ~leaM!d lo tM publit of the 011 officiMls' resistance, on file ttVL•ulro to the oubllc-." SuPf'rv1M>r R•IPh Clark ruh1ed ('lark said the co urt records said Deputy AtttirnL'y Gmc-ral I hf' hsue o f 1 ht• A I torncy should he opened immediately Gary James. who worh in the Gt>nerul '11Mnt1tru~hu1tagamst 10 i.11 publH· agencies now in- a nti-trust sc ('llon of the Los major on companiH while uuik · vt>st1galin(( the current gas Angeles office. 1n1 a report Wedne11d&y <>n the shortage can naakt! use of the in· Allegations contained an the present gu shortage to bts boi.rd formation Attorney General's lawsuit. cOllt!a1ua * * * however. ar'1 reported ex The l97S suH ('hitrges the * * * * • • Drivers Fill f',...P..,AI OIL COMPANIES •.. million worth of petroleum products each year, sought to end the alleged collusion among the oil companies. Originally named defendants and co-conspirators in the lawsuit are Standard Oil Company of California, Texaco Inc , Union Oil Company of California. Atlanta Richfield Company, and Exxon Corporation. , Also named as defendants and co-conspirators are Getty Oil Company, Gulf Oil Corporation, Mobil Oil Corporation. Phillips Oil Company and Sheel Oil Company. • Lines for Gas lnCo~ty By TOM BARLEY Of -DMIJ rti.c Ii.ff ·, Among others, Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark this week said the 1975 lawsuit and tte issues it raised has a direct bearing on Southern California's Orange Co unty service sta lions reported long Imes or gas hungry motorists today as the "evens" formed up for what, for many drivers, will be a tankful or gas that will have to last until Tuesday. ·~. current gasoline crisis. ~:!...· Clark decried the slowness in ·=-:-.resolving the issues raised in the ·:f--civil complaint which is not ex- ~ peeled to be resolved until 1983 ~ at the earliest. ... . '. ... ., .. . . .. . : • r . -# The county supervisor himself a former service station operator. also criticized the court seaJ on the records that seemingly keeps the issues lhey cover secret. That seal was placed on the af- fidavits and other s upporting documents by United States Dis· trict Court Judge William P. Gray of the Central District CourL Among allegations included in the support documents vouched for by witnesses interrogated by attorney general investigators is that the defendants prior lo 1970 had for many years operated a clandestine intelligence network to police pricing practices in the indu&try. The loose-knit s m a ll in· telligence unit, purportedly headed by Agner Nerheim or Standard Oil, is said in the a(. fidavjts to have reported in· discretions of •'bad actor "' dealers who consistently sold gasoline for less than stabilized price. And those who signed a l· fidavits telting of alleged one-On· one pricing s tategy meetings amoung the small group of oil company executives named as the location or the informal meetings such places as the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles and the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. And they talked of secret phone lines that connected dealel"'S in the price fix as well as their practice "of never putting anything in writing." Contended in court documents is that early in 1970 it became apparent to the oil companies that the only way lhey could tru· ly control retail prices "was to eliminate lhe independent seg· ment of the market. ·'The reason for that became eminently clear: no matter what agreements and mutual un· derstandings had been reached. the solution was tsic) impenna· nent." The affidavits allege the fixed pricing scheme was being sub· verted by the "never ending sup· ply of crude oil" and the "pnce cutting proclivity of lhe indepen· dent marketers.'' The allegations conta~ in the affidavits go on to say, "The majors could live with this (retail pricing DAILY PILOT fftf' Of'tl\f\Qf C~ o.ftf PflOt. ••"'-"'< trrt '''°""" C>tnt'd ttw> ~·Pt'°''• '' JMbU\.hfCt 0¥ OW Of .. c ... .,PvOll"""°C.,,._, ~.ol•HllllGM•" pubhi~ ...... tfw-°"91" Fri"' fOf ('°'W Mew.,.~-"· H....il"'lto-> 11 .. '"''-•••~ V•llrt. ,....._, L-h«hlSoult>C...,.. A '•nt••r~•f'd••'°"'''°PU«liN~s.twcle,,..,. -.-u, Tlw llf"'<•Doll _,..,.,.. OIMI ".i a W•\I .. , Slt..i. C004•MoM, ("4-n•••-.-. ..... ..... _,_"'-_ Jee'•· Cwt.y Yo(•ftrhtcltftl--M~ .,__..,. E<ll'°' ,.-···--~~·-~•.u. .._ .... A>llMMl ........... e... --• tran&gressions > so long as the major profit source was in the production lrefining> end of the business. However, "1970 marked the beginning of severe changes" in the oil companies' being able to rely on their refineries to pro. duce the profits they wanted. According to the plainUff. foreign oil powers -especially Libya and the other OPEC na· lions · were demanding higher royalties for lbe crude oil they supplied to the refineries. "Profit at the retail marketing e nd of the industry became more significant and a long. term solution was needed." · And the solution bit on by the oil companies was the creation of an oil shortage. according to the court documents. One "informant" told the al· torney general mvesttgators the followanJ(. "The industry began lo actively promote the idea or a shortage. Company o fficials began to speak publicly of the possibilities or a shortage. "In 1972 refineries began pro- ducing less than required to meet marketing shortage.'' ChartB and graphs prepared by state lawyers indicate that major refineries on the West Coast that normally produce up lo 92 percent of maximum effi. ci e ncy "s udd e nl y and mysteriously'' dipped to 85 per· cent of efficiency in 1972. And along with an orchestral· , ed effort to reduce petroleum in· ventories. the curtailed produc· lion resulted in the gasoline crunch of 1974 and uniformly sharp increases in the price of gasoline, the attorney general alleges. As a result, it is alleged, the companies were able to take more o( a profit at the retail level, lo drive independents OU\ or business and. to become less dependent on refining profits where profits were being gouged by the providers or foreign crude oil. And undercurrent running throughout lhe court records in· dicates the oil companies' ac· livities in the international petroleum markets in the early 70s "would be direct violations or antitrust laws " i( practiced in the United Slates. Cited in the documents are meeting places and dates where the oil companies allegedly mapped their shortage plan. They purportedly came under the guise of tbe London Policy Group and the Libyan Emergen· cy Supply Subcommittee, away from home meetings ·'held with the blessing of Attorney General John Mitchell.•' "No representative or tbe U.S. Justice or State Departments was ever present at the meet- ings." Cited as ••prominent at the meetings" were named ex- ecutives or Standard, Mobil, Texaco, Gulf, Exxon and Shell. Listed among the indepen. dents seriously U not mortally wounded by the contrived oil shortage planned by the major producers was Bryant Oil Com· pany of Huntiqt.on Beach. Like other lndependenta, many ol them with records of not boldinc the price line when • 'cnade oil ud NflDed prodacta •ere plentiful on the martet." Bryant allepdlJ lost 40oflta10 dealers tn tbe ensutn1 1114 1asollne manch. Aa the lDdependenta tumbled and IO-Called I• wan became a thlDf ol the put. the price ol I 1aUOn ol 1uoUne Jump9d from u eeatl a 1a1Jaa lo ... ltalliltlld 'II cenU" In jult 18 montba. Aad tbe 1ttoraey 1eaeral e!lla,,.. that t.be pruftt ntteb from U.. nftDerJ to tM 111 lta· ttoa ~ w11 aooompla.bld bl eon.-bf tile •IJor oil eom· pant~• tbrou1ta tl1• · 1impl1 tttb••CllM of ereatln1 an oil 1bortqie. • The "evens" are eligible for more gas on Sunday. But it 1s exoected that at least half the county's service stations will rem•in closed lbat day. It appeared today that the "odds" will have a far better chance of filling up Saturday than lhe "evens" will have on Sunday. Many stations reporteo that they will open Saturday. if only for a few hours . to dispose of any allocation that the oil companies care to deliver. The Automobile Club of Southern California's weekend gas crisis survey indicates that about 60 percent or the service stations in Orange County will close Sunday The figure drops to about 50 percent for Saturday. But an Auto Club spokesman said to. day, the Saturday picture is "getting better all the time. Wf! find that a lot or stations that planned to close have now de· cided to open. He felt that the change or heart was not so much from a desire to obey the recent direc. live of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. "as a desire to serve a very cooperative public." Several service s tation operators who have decided to close both days explained today that the decision was forced on thi!m because their supplies of gas r an out. Operators of lht> Go · Lo service station al Bay Street and Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa have gas and will open both days from 8 a.m. to noon on a self-serve basis. The response of four Hunt· ington Beach se rvice stations - Arco, Union 76, Exxon and Chevron indicated that Sun- day will be a gasless day in Oil City. All four will close Sunday but two of them · Tom's Arco, 5981 Warner Ave. and Ray's Union 76, 14572 Springdale St.-will open Saturday. The weekend gas outlook in Newport Beach is gloomy with only one of six stations contact- ed prepared to pump gas . Operators at Newport Shell, w.est .Coast Highway a nd R1vers1de Avenue. said they will open both days. Motorists will find a closed sign at these stations : Mobil, 1500 W. Balboa Blvd., Park Lido Union, Newport Center Texaco Croft's Chevron o n Newport Boulevard and Ken's Mobil in Corona del Mar. All said they are without gas. A variation in the overall pat· tern was reported in Irvine where Randy Johnson wiJJ open bis Chevron station across from Orange County Airport from 8 a .m. to 3 or 4 p.m. Sunday but not on Saturday. • • • Momh's Gas Supply Vp SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -An improved s uppl~ situation has prompted one of the nation's larlest oil refinen to raise alloca- tlona to gasoline stations by up lo 5 percent for the real of the month. Spokesmen for the Chevron subsidiary of Standard OH Co. of California said Its allot- ments west of the Rockies ls toina from 80 perc~nt to 12.5 percent. D.E. Basye 1ttrlbuted the increued allotments to the acquilition of 1tocka made available beeauae of tbe United Airllnea 1trilt1, addltlcmal 1uollne from tbt Gulf Coa1t, aad purcbale al a61 from ln· dependant reftnen. • _______ ....... .... -..--.. - '-iw' Shall We Donre? AnatoU Ka rp<>v t Jeft l . world chess champion from the Soviet Union, is greeted--by the Frankenstein monster at the entr ance to the Univer al Studio Tour Center. Karpov was in Los Angeles on his wa:r-east w"here he is expected to meet President Carter neit week. • Cops Nab: Teen in ,--4. .. ... • ~Mr~~~., ::r1real(~fu v . A 19-year-Gkl va1raal wu ar~ ·. rested on attempted bur1l1ry ':f. and indecent exposure ebar1es Thursday followinc two toot chuea by Irvine police. Patrolman Roa Flatben said officen were summoned to the Puk Weat Apartment.a about I a . m. by Irvine Compan1' HCUri- ty guards after a man tried to force his way into an apartment. When police arrived, Flathers said, they found a man fttting the description standing near the complex ·'lot lot'• exposing himself to nearby children. A foot chase ensued, but the man got away. Flathers said. About 2 p.m .. Flathers spotted the subject near the apartments a nd gave chase -again -and with success. Booked into Orange County Jail on the charges waa Paul Gordon Hamer, who was unllble to provide officers with an ad-dress. Flathers said he didn't mind all the running. "Good exercise it sure showed who was in s hape and who wasn't ," he quipped. Pope Prays For Soldiers MONTE CASSINO, Italy <APl Pope John Paul II Oew by helicopter to this hilltop Benedictine abbey today. said Mass at the graves of some 1,000 Polish soldiers killed in World War ll and prayed there would be no more wars. UCI Teacher Cited • The Polish-born pontiff visited the 6th century abbey at Monte Cassino 35 years lo the day after Polish soldiers fighting with the .UC Irvine medical s tudents had an apph,· for the tt!<H:her Thursday. · The teacher in thi s ('asc was Dr. Thomas C. Cesario . of Newport Be a c h , wh o was honored wilh the Golden Apple Award for teaching e xcellence The award came during an honors ' day program al the UCI Medieal Center in Orange It is the seconil year an a row that Dr. Cesario . an associate professor of medicine, has re ceived the award. Winning the Silver Beaker Award was Or Stuart Arfm. of Newport Beach, a n associa'.c professor of bux·hemistry. Kaiser -Permanente Awards went to Or. J effrey L. Clark of Laguna Beach and Dr Victor Passy of Santa Ana In another a ward chosen by the students, Dr. J ennifer Smith of Orangt.> was pre!iented with the Resident of the Year Award. She 1s a resident in obstetric and gynecolol{y Russ Ship Chased J LI NEAU. Alaska tJ\P> A U S Coast Guard cutter and a helicopter attempted to overtakt> a Russian sealing s hip in iJ dra matic air and sea chase. but the culler·s captain ga ve up the purs uit when he decided it would be too dangerous to board the tra wler, the Coast Guard s<1y~ 'Unwilling' Chicken Flight Contest Set RIO GRANDE, Ohio IAP l -About 150 contes - ta.nts -some fat. some skinny and all unwilling - will be coaxed to try for a world record in Saturday's 8th annual International Chicken Flying Meet. Contestants are placed in an open-end box atop a 10-f_oot platform and given 30 seconds to wing it on their own. Jf they refuse, they get a poke in the tailfeathers with a toilet plunger. In previous meets, some chickens have flown backwards. refused to fly at all or flopped to the eround directly below the launchin~ platform. At stake in the contest is a $500 prize for a rec- ord· breaking fhi;ht and prizes of $25. $10 and $5 for the s wiftest birds in each of four weight classes. The record flight of 297 feet. 2 inches was set in 1977 by the late Japanese Blacktail Bantam "Kung Allies liberated it from the Nazis \n one of the fiercest and most controversial battles of the war. The pope, who was also <'elebrating his 59th birthday. walked mto the cemetery to the <'heers of 5.000 Poles holding aloft battle streamers and nags. John Paul. in w1'lte robes and a skull cap. was visibly moved. • Man Throws Mom to Death VlENNA. Austria <AP> -A young man hurled his mother from a fourth-noor window to· day. then jumped out himself, police reported. Tht· molhl'r was killed and the ~on wa:,; reported in critical con- rt1t 1on Poht•e s aad before she died. 4:J year·old Emma Lana told ambulance attendants that her .'.?I year-0ld son Karl was suffer· ing from a mental illness and had been under lreatment at in· lcn als Anned Forces Day Celebration8 Set A 10-kilometer foot race bf'tween Ma rines and civilians a model helicopter contest and ~ tour of the hangars will be r~atures or a two-day celebra- tion ~f Armed Forces Day at the Marine Corps' helicopter base in Tustin. The gates to the base will be opened lo lhe public at 8 a .m. Sat.urday and Sunday, or· ganize!"S of the celebration said. ... There 1s no admission charge. ~==========================================~~~~30~-~~~~~~~~~ Flewk.'' SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MISA 140-1102 •NOTICE• You c• now buy a three piece SUIT for the price of one CJallon of GAS .•. that's right • iust bMy OM at NCJlll• price, fllen you get • a-.lher of eqaal or lesser ... for iust ''ONE DOLLAR'' ... ,. ..... .............. "--' OflM IAILY IM P.M. IAT. IN. tUll MOOMol P.M. .. I ' I • • • STOCKS /BUSINESS Friday'8 NYSE 2 p.m. (EST) Price8 COMPOSfl'E TRANSACTIONS f ~ .... ..I ,. ,..,, .Wo t.t '11111 ,.. \()fit , .. , \.•• .... "I.._,. l t'l .... ,_ !'l •I l~ , 1 11 •,;. ,..,,.. r'-1 •1 •"'" l v , L"q 1 1 "'1\ (•,. tt1 1•1,...,.. Cw ("'l 11-,-•, ~-... u... .... MM ... ~ I 1111 •U Int "w 121 .,_, 1·" · ·~ . I ""'· Oue•let ..... .. ,... ! .... ., I • JJ '""• .... .. ... ~ "'"'" m·" '-•. u '°'-• "IUl1tlr 11\ I l ........ Ml!t•llll ". u -·---~ I .. I·~· Ill i 1 I l)\lt• °" U •I• 4 • ,_ • lUh\I 11' 1 I"-•;, M lllrd • ' " .. ' \lo ACA l,jl 1 Ma ~..... tM 1 J1 17 .. -.... .. .... • ~·"' ,.... "" r. I ••• i ... _"' .... l lt •o '° • ._ .... 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Kii pl I 50 I "''"-'• NoSIPw 2 , •• "' ftllJ :· scCZ1.. • ... 1•· \Jft8rnd .IS. s St .,,.. :mpe• Co :g ~ '!" '' Col!>Oll 1 J2 II ?• 11.. GK Tee I 10 • .. 111 , 11 Keene 40 5 IS IS • ... NorTtl IO 10 530 • • Scllt PIO I u t 311 JU-. -,_., U8rd pl I 20 6 I "'" :: & mre,p 13•1J •• 10"•. ~ cso pl , '1 I ,,.. . GK pf I .. 4 Jµ,. • .,.. Keller lOI> • I .......... Nlllo•I• 111 7136 .J~ ' ScMPI p15,01 • ""'· .•. UEnAs 2,41 • JI ?!~. ' -m~ ,, ~ • ~ CmbCm 10 11 ll 37'11. >., GMA Pr 2 l ..... Kellow 110 • 141 "''" "• Norl•P 'to s ..,. • ,, Schllll «113 105 "" • ..,.. UFlnC..I ,,tO II ... '. " Am\lf!d 2 I 10 ll"" • Ito CmbEn 110 I 10 40~• 11. G•mS~ 1 !O S I 11 , . Kellwcf I IJ 6 1J 11--. '• NwilAttl IO 10 111 10 • 1 Sclllmb \I 1017 1028 nv.-"A UftGrty .1' 1 «I "~• , ~~11109, \• 1~ l'llS 16'" CCmmDwEEq 11<060 I IOS 10"' "' G•nnell 1.16 ll 141 I.] • "" Kenmtl I 11 I 4 40~• -'• N•18cp I J2 • 19'1 ll"' 1'• SCOA s 'O I 20 2S ..... .,. Ulllum 2.~ 6 11 71"'• V• •·~ ,,14 • > 11 • \41 '311• .... G11>Slr 30 • 6 10 K-"n<I 60t • ISll 13o;.+ 'It NWIEnr 2.tO 6 SS l7"' · Scoll td ;Mr :i. , .... + Ila Unlllnd .1151> S 1 I\~ .. And(fey I 6 • ';'" :,: C.wE pt I '1 6 11\> • v. G•rlin• 1'24 I n I~''•~ '-\ l(yUlll 2 CM 9 JI 10''• • "• NwlEn• WI 4 u\9 • \\ !><OIFtl '1 Ml '6 10 2S>ll+ ''°" \Jftlthln .tt S 6 1111>+ ''• ~"ll'ln •t'el<,• .·~ 67 710S 12~ ·-CCwwEE Pp1I •. 327• l 19''• · Ga•Sv< I 71 S 17 1)"' • v, KerrGI• u 6 IS IJ\11+ '1 Ntlrllnd 2,0, 6 61 .Jl.V• '" ScollF ·.,. 1 71 11-.. + v. UJer811 1.04 } 4 ""'• 'II -nl•I --•• • 32 , ••.••• ,,, Gatewy 60 • " A't•. ,,. KerrM I.SS • 191 ..... 'I• NwMLI le • 9 9'1•1. ScotlP 'n • lt'1 " -'II UnPkMn u ,,,.. Apecne •• 41) ' 191 10''" ... CwE pl 2., J 26'' '. GeulllO 11 "' 104 40'," K•y\(On 10 0 10\too. NwStW I IO • 12 lO"'. ·1,, Scotlys .• • ll 17'•.... U11llef9 ... IS ,,~ ..... ApPw pf7ACI .. llO .. .,,. ,.,, (oms.I 2.lO • ., o .... "' Gel<O . I • J9 ,, ••• "Kenlnl .. u IS 23 ... "' Norton l,«I 1 1S tt • "Stowlll ,·«> 6 ll It .. -.,. USFoS I.~ . l5 IS''' ;_ ~~~001199_.l .7. 1411 .... , CCoomp''•.< 1 .• 5010. 11 18~>• '> Gemln l lO 10 0 '-1 ''11 Klml>CI 1,• I 11 11•_.,+ \• NorSlm 91t> 1 Ul IS>io-'' Sclldpl i1r n l 'n •..• USFld 1.411 4 175' UIAI+ ... • ,.... "' ~· -p·, I'°'"• Ito GAlnv 171e 71 IQ>. '• K11190SI tO 6 tJ I) .... ~. NortSplt60 6 lS\11+ '·s .. C.e.,pll 46 .. 6 11'<o-'h USGV~ 2 • 100 1'' .. .,,. ApplMQ t S1 •'• '" Com119r .lt 1l 170 '11• • '• GnAmO M!b n U 11\., • 1 Kirsch IJS • st 111h • '• Nucor 44 1 ltu4'1 ... + '" SeeCOt!I 42 's 114 1'1h+ ~. USGy pf LIO I 2S"-''• ArcetaC 1.U 6 I 131.. CompScl 10 1'1 """ '" Gn8C\ll 10 1 • IS'~, ''> Knl~IAd tO t 3J Jiii. • t,. -0-0 -Se•OCL J 10 s 4t 11"-+ 11. USMom .n • J2t 11"'-''°" ;H,:"Pes~1 .pi"_oe.1•,1 :~ ~.:: ~ ~c~~nl.nl1I01•2? '!: :~1• ... '' g~f:.:.~~ : g I~:;.~ ~= .. ·~121~. J~ ~-.. 8!k~nd 1 .::: I~~~:~ t:~,~·i~ ~ ~ ;:~-; ~ ~~L':.so :r, ~ n .~r:· ... " -~-llt • ,.. 11 • ~. GnOyn s I :10 seJ tt11, ICollmr .. 9 S 1"'4 • ''• OOlleP I 20 I I 1'1/l • tt '><t~rm 1 11 IJ 2.. lfllt + V. US •11 •. It 7'111. ArlPpl 10.10. a10 IOI • 3 (Gn90lm 1 o 4t 2l''1 .• , GtPnEI 2 .0 t 1001 ..,.., •, Kopp" I '10 7 u 204'. v. OcclPPI I.JS SJ 09 19.\ro • lo Se• rv i 1e 7 4 IS._,+ 1f1 USS-I .• S SS 20 -''• Ar•8sl .60b 6 9' 10 -1"" ConnGn nl,31 ' 10, 3S ... GnFdS 1.IO • 122 30''°" • 'le K09P•PI 4 •10 fl -V, OcclPet WI IOS ''' • '" !oo•fPw I 10 7 40 :It • '4 USSIHI 1.60 6 210 ,,..,._ 'II ArllLGs 2.20 9 IS llV,• .. ConnM l lO lt HOu721H 't GnGI" 1,~19 J l"l'lo• '"' ICo••<P ,)I e 1Stu1•""•'"' OcclPplJ.60 . S 63 +1~•s.arleG .S2ll M UV. ...• USTob< 1 ... 10 S :J2V1+ .... ArleftRty . , SI 1~.... Con'6C .80 ?J • IJ 13'•• 'lo< GnHo\I .60 t l 1' , , , Krell l 1 57 0 1,. •r, OcclP pl I . l •1V1 • '' Ser\ l,71 1 '11 191'°" • ''°" U11Tecl'I l.:IO 1 1., JI . , , ~.'n1mldeco I ~ •• ,'! ~o'::,·.· '"". ConEd , " • 101 21 Gl'lnt .60 ' l/O 37~ '• l(roehlr ' ll • • .. 0((1P pl2,50 .. • n ... I Sulreln St ~211 '"'. v. UT<ll pl 7,J1 .. 1 103'"-A .,, ~ ... ~ • Co11E pl S J 46 Gnln\lr pl J • )'I · • 1 l(r09er In 6 69 ~· "II 0«1P pf1,11 .. 40 It~.• •'>rt Pee nl IO s JS 11', .. , UnlT•l 1.U 1 1511 11\IO ~'r"'m P! 111100 ·1 1!~ '111;~ _ ~ C.onFO• 1 tO Ill 11'" Genllo'"O .... ·a 24 10''• • >,, Kr-r "'' , 4 ,. ... • "• Oe<•P of2.JO , 1 10;"' 1 • Sedco ·., n 1• 7S Unllrod .5011 U ,.,. " • Ck ., " Cn\Frl I JO J) 11•~ GnMlll• 1 " t t:M 15 1(1,11\lm .toa s • u-... Vo Ooclen t IO S S JI • !>elgLI I 100 6 4 1711 • •. Univ•• .16 • l5 9 • V. ArmRu 1.20 4 16 II .. • ~. Cn\NG 3 611 JI'•• '• Gllo'ot • 15'! • l:IOl stw, • Ol. Kywr .IO 1 19 12 -· "°" OliloEd I 7'1J 10S IS\• SwCplnt 111 & 1 ... l'f UlllwFCI ... I 3S 11._,+ .. Arr-e .20r s I IJ•t· • "· CnG pl 10.tlo 110 111 • '. GMol pl s • ~~ -L-1. -OllEd pf 3 "°.. 110 3' . Sll•k-S1 , 7S 10 .. I UnLeel l.:IO 1 1 " .,. Arwln I 4 43 141,1,• .,. Con~Pwl.14 . II 10• ••• ,. GnPorl .0 s ).I IJ'•. LFE .IOr . I ''-•.,.. OllEdrL ... 1100 71 . Sll<tal•• ·,. 5 10 " Upiofln ISJ. '" ..... \'1 Arvin pf 1 . . I 14"-• ... C11Pw pf4 SO /90 oOl • GPU 1 s .. 1 1'127 '"• ~. LFE pf so . 1 S=llo + '~ OllE p 1016 t lOO 101 .. • : • 5.,..,.11 n 3 10 1711t. • USll FE M • ltl 11• .. .. ~~ru,, ,· •2 5, 2'31111 !,'~ .. ·.. CnPw pf71• 11600 ,., .. , .... GnArlr It 1,. ull• ....... LTV 1 2SO • . . . . OllP plG2 21 . . 1 "''°" . '.>M•rH «I 3 11• ,,... . . Uslll•Fd ... . 1 ... ·~IO • -CnPw pf7... 11110 11'<r • 1'-> GnSlo nl I 10 1• lOJ/o LTV pl I 1 ·~ + v. OllP plF 14 120 d111"-· '• SlltllOll ' 1 1 60ol 40 . . • Ute PL I 76 10 1M 11"'-''°" AMIOG uo 1 21 11-. ... ,,,_ Prl.13 ) 201. GnSIHI 400 I • '"'·· L TY pl 1 . .0 24 )71;, .... Okl•GE L.0 ' SU ltllo.. sn.ur 'Dt 10 " •JV.-l lh UIPL pf 2.04 " 2 21''1 ' Atll-1.:IO S I ~. ··· CnPw pl2.4l . 6 11Vt • '" G TE 1 41 I Ut 1711.-''• LQulnl 1.0811l 11 9'1t-\~ Okl•NG I.ID 6 9 21"' SllelGlo 10 4 n I~ ''°" -'1-'I -~11C1~Y1Ec111 21 ... 7• '• 12703 m11•·;·.;. CnPw pl •. I IP'•~ 1 GTE pf J SO 4 1/V•, '<• L•<G•• 1 ... 6 6 '°"-,_., Olin I 6 "1 20 • ·~ \""IG !>ft'«> ) Wn -Ila VF Cp 140 • 2 ltl't-'~ ~ II .., -CofltAlr .llll J 109 81• GTE pf 1 .. 1S 14'1• • V. L•mSe t 1 U 1Jlh-V• Omerk 1.11 S 1 JO~o • 1, Sl!rwl,. ' II 17 io.., "• V $1 Cp 60 1 llS 17Y,-'I> AllRcpf J •• 1220 •3 ConlCoP .. 111 6'l"' V• GTFipf IJO . 11«1 IJ . L•neBry I I JO 111/r ..•.. Oneld1 . ., 1 I 12, · Sl~rPec 121 1 11 17~• V. Yellryln .IO U 1 •• ,..,,, · Allltc pf l.15 . l«I 0 · .. · • CnllCorp J • 11! ?H'o • •t• GTlrt I !O S 2'1 JS'"' •~ Llnler .!O U • 32 • "" Opellke M • l 11 "' 519n•I IO 6 216 76 . , VenOrn '2 S " ll"°' • VI All lie pl 2.80 10 11V. • >t. CnllGrp 2.:IO 1 111 11't•-"' Gflne\to lS 41· •• '' L•wlCll .60 1J 1' 11.lt•-· Ila Oren A• 1.S2 1 16 II siqnode I 41 1 11 l3¥o .• ,. Vetlen .«I :II 105 II~• 'I• AlluCp . lit 14 • w. C.nlGP pr 2 , 41 U vo., ... GeMlr 7 s • ~\ • 1, LHrS9 1.04 1 10 • ll'Yo... Oranoe ,20 • 'II 1' • • " 5 mPrec ?• 11 99 15'"° , 1,.. Vero J2 S SJ 9 AutoOt1 .51 IS :rt lO''• "' Contlll 1 u • lOf 1&"' GenuPt, 18 11 61 11 , 1 L\wT•n , 1 30 • 1 """, "• OrlonC 30 1 tl 10'" '• ~lmpP•t '16 11 01 ..... .,., Yeeco !O I 111 2l "' AwcoCp 120 J SOI 11 ... ' "· ContllP Ill• s. ., ,... ,,. G•P•c 110 • lSI 11YI• .,.. L .. Enl .11 11 • 101o\ ••• OutM•r 1 «I s 11 IS\. ' !olnoer • s 6J I)"' • Y•ndo It ) • 'II Aw<o pl 3.20 13 0 • I ConlllAI JI JI•• V. G1Pw p12 S6 SI 11"-, 1~ l..tt\On41 t .. 11 JS l1 • l. Outlet Co I S 11 d1' • Sino< pf l Ml 1 JI Venice 9 J' • AV<O pf • 20 4 161'1 . l \1 COt!IOll I 10 • U09 l2 "• G•Pw pf7 S1 , 1th '. Lell'llallnO • ,, I"' • .,, OvotllOr .... 106 1•~·-"' Slleoo• IO • 201 14'"1-.... Vests. I.. . 1 11-.-\fl AYflr, 51 S 16 COtltTtl I » • I" 16"" • V. G•Pw pl2 75 1 14"' "" Lehmn 1 lie 116 10 O•t•Jll SOI> S '1 JS'•' ..,, Skynne ·,. 1 IO'I t \> -''• 'lllecom l2 I• " 11"' ,,. Avnet .Ill 6 U II\\ CllDele «I I 161 3''IO "' GaPw pl1 IO 1100 73 · "' Ltnne r «I .• JS IJ... OwrnC I 10 • 141 11' i 'lo ~mltllA I «I 3 1 191._ -'II VtEPw I l2 1 151 IJ • 1'• Avon 1IO11 "8 .. ..,. Cooaun .Ole II 21' ,,.. 'I• G•Pw pl7 n . •400 •''" ~ ., \.•no• l,lO 1 1l "" ... O•en111 1 16 S 111 19~ • '"° !omllllln 1 ·u IO 01 Sl•• • '" Ye EP pf S •. 11«1 ''"' • l h -a~a -C-ln 1,14 I 70I SO..• ._ Ge~rc IO 10 5l 14 • Le\Fay ... S J 1\o ''• Ownll Pfl IS 1 ~' ... Smlllln 2.4014 US 17 _, .. 'll•EP llft.90 ·· 1 n o;, • 8T Ml9 S 1 · C-1 pl 2.tl •• J1/ l1 ··• .. GotbPd 167 I I 14"-• 'II LOFln IS. • ll"> .. '-'I -~m .. ln wl •. 101 o:i.o ->o YeE P pf1.4S 1500 l2W. • ''• 8e<lle 40I S 10 I '•' '• Gool)Lab .«I II 100 14•'1 .. , Gtltty I 10 10 11' 43-'Q-'II L .. 151r I.. .S6 16~ • 'I• PHH Gp l>A ' l I~ 11• Smv<Ur I 1 15 Ith• ~. Yornedo .tOll 111 11''1-"-8eltrlftl .tO U Jt.J •ti/lo I 'II COOP TR .IO l 10 1111>. G<!l1'f Df 1.20 1 18"•··· . LtvlUF ,60 JS 1011., ''• PNBMI 9M I 16 10 • Sn•p()n >.IO 12 41 10¥<1, .... YUl<lll< ,IS S I 1l~ • '"' BeldwU 1.:IO 7 61 >••,, '9 C-lnd .M 8 11 10'"'-1,., GlllnlPC. 60 11 18 91,._ •11 LOF 2.10 4 It 11 • '-'o PPG I IM 6 S2 lll/1 • ,,,. SonyCp .IOe It 13 '"' -''°" YulcnM 1.60 1 J l11'>-~. 81CIU pt 2.06 ll IO (oppwd 1.3' I I .... ... G•O•Fn ·'° 6 117 11.,, ..... LOF pl •.15. I s. • •1. P~A 1 •s II ... Sool111. 1 • 11\lf. '"' -·--8e11Cp 1.20 S I 71'1 • "' Cordut• U 8 >J 41.,' 111 vldLeW 1 t 138 11''° .... Llbly(p 110 I IC llC PacAS I 1' J 12 ·, SoAtlfr .. 10 •Iii WUI .tO I) 11 3S -V• 81llyMI 1016 SIS .. ~. ~ Cort Ins SI 1 6 u-.. (>lflHll , Ill S 119 141•, v. LlbrlyLn 9 1 2'• • ,.,, P•cGE 1 ll • 1011 7'1/• -"' SCrEG 1 .. t 162 15,..., '" Webesll .50 ' I IS'l'I • , 81llyMI wt · 134 JS'.• 1'• CornG I• I 169 S•'n • 1'• Glllellt 160 I 111 14!1io • 'It LlblL pf I 25 . 3 10' 1 P•Cl.,IQ 1 6 117 11''>' \lo SoJerln 1:41 e 1 17 -'4 Weoll pf• 50 -l:IO U • • 8e11GE 1.18 1 IJO 7J' • '• Corr81k I S6 10 J ,..,, '" r,1~1nc 10 \ 18 H o •• Llltmlt , ... I ICM w ... • '" Pl< lm 110 ll 122 0 ' • -'" SoutOwn 60 6 JS «I\/;, 11. Wec:llow .,. 1 6J 1'1" • "' 8enC.I .'2 s 1t ,.,.,_ "" C.Ow lu tO 1• "° 11 • 4'. GlenW IO 1 11 '"•• '·1 1119•1 J.50 s •• 31'-PNwhl, ... ' s ""' .. SoetBk IO • lS ll ... .,.. We<llRty 10 ·--. 8enci.9 60 I JS IS Coo BOC I 1111 J 601;, • '" GIOOM1r 9 ,. 1' :111yEll I 10 IJ llSS S1 + 11,<o P1cPw I t'1 I SI 1014 • ,,,_ Soe1P5 1 i1110 10 '"", '" W•IMrt lO U II :It"" • Ba•."lln' Pnp1'1·~ 5 11, JS • • C••iQ so • I • GldWP'n !O s " 12' .... Linc NI 2 •• -...... "' Pee TT I «I • ,, "" ..... SoCalE i .. " 103 ""' -'• W•'9f" I.cl • 1J 25..... .. nP ., is ..... '• Cr•ne I 40b • 10 H I'>. '·• Gdrlcll ..... I 11) ..... _1ncP1 I IO I 16.\o P1cr r Df •. 1IJO .. SolllllCo I s.f • JtO 11·~-l. WlkrA 1.IOt • 15 J7 • h 8nkNV 2 ..... S I l1 • l'O CrecltF ,U 1 16 t ~yr I JO s 7U 16\<o . L•Otltl 1' 1 19 S'• \fl P1cf1n IO 6 S IS"'• Vo SolnGE l,S1 s so 11-. W•llB\I' .1o1 1 J 73 .. • '. &•otVe I.CM S IS II CrockN 1 S !O tt • ,_., Go<OJw .O 4 174 'IO U llon tttt Sil 16 -.... Pe1nllW .U I 14 1''1. • So"Ao I lS 1 .. JS ... + o;, WelM1,1 I «I I 6 n~. 14 8n•Am 1.)2 1 1'0 ,,.,._ 111 CrckN pl l IS 47"-... Gould I 60 • lilt 11"' •• ,. Lill P1C pl J l8 ....... P•IW p l I.JO 10 ll'"' SNE hi J,60 • • ........ W•llJm 1.IO s ., )0 a ... •Tr J 6 11 31\i" I/, (rON pfJ II . l 111'7 Gould pO 3S I 131,,. ''• LOOhd • 11 70'l9 • '"" Palm8c'.10 I :M 16\\• '" SouPac 1 «I • 105 11>'-Ila WtllJ pfl.tO . 1 :11 8kTr pl 2.50 .. I 2 ..... • ''°" CrmpK I CM S I U • 'to Cirec:e 1 tO • JI ,,.. 'It Loclllo 41J 11 JO )6~ -''°" P•mtd• 12 60 51 3"' · SOI.Illy J,JO 6 IU Sl'n • 11o WerdFd 10 1:i. 11"1· ''• 8trtler 1.60 I , ... 32\'o • "-CrouHI 1 2' t I 2511• V. Gralnor '2 11 11 ll\11 • \Ii Loewl 1.10 4 41 u v, • ~ P•nAm 4 t71 S'• ~ Solly pl 7 60 , 2 71'•• ... We,...co • 20 t •r.· ,,. BerdC" .l210 134 11t<. • ~ Cr..,nCk 1 41 ~ • >lo G•nilYI I i ""'·,,,. LomFn 80 I 110 11'1• P•nEP J 10 6 9t 41 ' 1• SoUnC.o I,. I 11 14 + ''°" WernS I 60 I I 111'< BernlGo I • ., 2J~+ "• Crwbl 110 • •SJ Jt:i. '11 Gr•rOr IO b s IS ' ' LomM I '13 9 10 "''"' ' P•p•t fl I. ICb • 5 11Vr . :" SO<ttlnd " • 6J ,. •• ,.. WrnCom. I , .. 34V. . B•rrvW s.U 10 4" 16 • ~, CrumF 1 OI 4 tO II • ''• GIA P< 91 111 LnSI•• 1 «I 5 I) 11 '• P•ro•• I Ol 11 71 IS ' "' SouAoyl 1 11 112 6S '• Wernrl t,l2 t 4'1? nr,, • '• 8elHMf .IO lJ ' t.1 • • Clllbro 1. IS 11 ... • '• GIL.k O I• C 11 351,.-Vo LIL.Co 110 • 11' IS'•1 •, Pork Or l 21 I 207 11\\ \~ SwlAlr, 71 s '1 U71''•, '" WHllG\ 2 40 IJ S ?~ • .. 8tus<ll t.n 1 22 1'"• · · · Cum En 1.IO S •7 lt -"' GNlrn 2.1\e 9 tO 26 , . LIL plK L30 . 110 1' • ._ P6'Han 110 I 10 2S"'' :• Swt8sll t 7• • I no;, Wi llN•I 1 40 t 11 11 8 .. tTrr .5014 -401A' ... (1,1nnOrg .l2 I I 10 GINoNk I «I t I U ........ LIL plP 2 IJ . 1 11 • '.o P••aPn Mlb 9 l JI ' ' SwlFore .«I 5 51 1.-,, • WSllWI l,OI 1 II 11'4 • BeyColP .. .. '''• . C1,1rtW .IO 1 16 IS"" ... GtWFin \ .. s 1'll ,. . LI L. PIO 1 •I J lS'h v. P•IPll ,., IJ ..... SwtFI ,., '° II Jl'n ..... WHteM .10" lJ :IO"• 8eySIG I ... • 4 ""• • '• Cyclp • .• J 11 1014 • ~ Greyl'I I 04 11 61S 11-. • ''• LonoOr ,. ll 6 11 • "' Peyl\llw M> I 3 II • ~ SwlPS I :it t o U"-, v1 Wet•lnJ .«In 20 n • loo !!•.•,!..nt ,·.~ 101 J ! n v, • '9 Cypr1,1• IOb • 111 31 'II Grollod"" 16'1 i>to-\• L.orelCp 1 10 t JO><.. •, P'fl•t>ctv Jib t lO 20'4 • ... s..~IF «> 11 31 ?S\• WeyGol .• 1 I S~\ -,,. .,... r'<f ..,. -JOV• '.\ -D-0 GrowG .440 • 4 .......... L•L•nd I 2' 10 103 71 1-. Pe"il" 24 :W l h • -Sperton 60 t 1 l)V,· '" We""Un .JO 1 I '" • ·~ 8eetF !>fl.JI 2M •• • '• OPF I IS IC>lol • 'lw GlllAly ?1 411. .... l •Pec tOO • 2111 """ l'o PenC•n 1S 'IO .... ' t<. SOectPll 11 11 n •,, • WellOO .10 12 111 1'1<. • '• lh<km ,21" 105 11'1>.. O•mOtl 10 IOI .. s .... •r. Gr1,1mm I JO 10 31 111'. LOU•G• 1 10 1 10 • '" PtftCn rB Jt SllJ • 'II SOerryH I 4 • 13o;, "• WtlllM• '. • • """. '. 8e<tn0 .14 II II J7"6 • ''1 •nRlv • S 1' 15\lo 'I• G1,11rdl11 .41 6 17 II LO-Ml 60 I U IJ'1+ 'II PonDI• 12 S~+ ,.. SprryA In 1 42l .... • .... WelflF 1.12 S 1.0 1" • 1• 8M<ll .'2 I .SI 14.14 "' O•naCp 1.U • :rt 771'• v. GllWlln .H J '" U\oo ·v. l1,10fll '60 II 171 0 .,.. P1,.ney ',. ' 114 7'1<11 I ~ Sprn9\M 1.05 • s. " . '.. WetP'M 1.2\e • 11 ,. ........ Behr 11 19 l•t>. · Oeni<•I lt I 21 llV• •11 GllW Pl S 7S 4 061V1·· \4 LllOVS I I 11 IS.. '" Pe PL 7 04 6 .. "'''" · • • SquerO 1 ~ I 11 n"l ·~ Wt"1Pe 2.IO 6 10 llh "" 8elcoP s ·• 1 30 11'"' • If• OertlnO 1.ao I ~ IJ • ''' GUW pl 3.17 , 1 10 • \\ Ludlow ~ 11 110 "" '•• PePL pl 4.50 . 1200 42Y,-v. SqulbO 1:0111 i.11 "'"' Vt Wstclf .IO 10 31 ... ., ... • .. Selden 1,60 S 9 13'1• • 'II Dirt pl 2 , • llV. + V• GllW pl 2.~ \I 32"" • ''°" L1,1kens W. S I IO't, ,_,. P•PL pl' 24 ,, dO 101"'. SteAlle n .70 4 4 111/e • Ito WnAl•L .«I J 114 I \> -1'11 BeldnH .:16b 6 6 ,,.. 01i.Gen IS St ...... • 'lo Glll!Oll 1 OS 6 OS 1S"ll • V. lynCS~\ 40 12 '5 U 1tt P•l'L Pl 13 ., l20 1111/) • Vr Stel.. t IS SI n-... . Wft8fl< 1,3' t 7• 1tlo. '" 8et1How ... t '1 11-i. O•te ler .:IOI U •l .. ..,.. 11, G1,1llllH .J:I 1 33 11'• -M--PePL r"·'° .. l:IO II •·•·· St8rnd I» t 45 23" • '1+ WnCoNA .«I U 72 37.,..-IAI 8elllnd .11• s 9 7 . D•l•pnt u 17 ,.... .., G1,1llll pfl.30 I 11.. '• MACOM • 7• 11 7S ,, ...... lit Penwl 2 20 1 1n l1 • 'II St8Pnl .... lO llYt .,, w .. ec:ln 1.. " ,, .... 8ellCO ' I 21 It Oeyco SOI> 4 9 IC " GullR Dfl tO I 11' > • \lo M CA I 10 I :no '1 • Vo P•n•'pl I 60 · I 10 • • • SldMolA :t. 1 s IS'--"°" Wn .. ubl .• II 4IO 17'h • 1~ 8em" 1,40 s I) 11.... '1• D•VIHd 1.0 • ,,. 41 I) GllSIUI 13' 1 111 11-.. ..... MEI .40 1 1) 17' .. .,.. P•nnrol l.:IO • 3'2 • .,, ... SIOllC.• I.ID 1 .. ., ...... WUlllofl I.cl I 21' .. .,.._ ""'1 IMMla 1.16 • 110 .... ~ OeytPl 114 • 17 U•Jt "" G1,1llUtCI ... • II ""' • MGIC I • 3'S '°"' Penni Df8 • • 1• '2 • IV. SIOlnd J • ,., "". "' WllUll pfUO IJ ....... S...ICp t.• S 41 7J\'o '"' OPL pl 12.50 .. 110 111 •I G1,11ton 40 1 t 10... ~ Mec:AF I 1 11 ni,. • "• PeopOr 14 • 6~ n'?!'-\'tt SIOhOll t.:1611 "' Sllfl • -WnU11 pH.to .. I SO'-'• 1/) 81nel pl•.»·· I 4) .... ' ''°" Deere I.Ml t 460 3S•.4 -M-44 -Mee On 40 S 120 I'll-'"o PMP(;l 2 • 7 .. · StPec:C. 5m1 J I 1"1 + i.. WUfl ... I.It .. 17 IOV. • Ila 8enel Pl 4111 •• 1100 4'YJ • 1h OelmP 1,• 1 110 11 .. • 'lo HMW 6 I J'-,,,_ Mee:•• '.• 6 JI t \a, Vo f'tptlCo I 14 t IS24 U lla• \It Stefldea ·.10 1 l .. _ ... WUTI pl 2-".. I 121111 • 1, 8eM8_.!8PH.50 ··, 'fl• ""• • v. Oell•Alr 1.10 t 1n 40V.+ v. ~ec:aw J tO I t JIV. "II Mecmlll .n 12 1750 u10 • ,.,.. Perkl,.E .5.2 It 401 ~ • ~ SIMW 1 Cll 1 11 27'4-'It WHlllEI .'7 S .., '"' • "•I •. ..,. • Jlla.... Oellec l.50c 20 1 6'11. . H•joc• l • s..., .. M<ml pf 1.10 J 1,1l0 • 1 Pertee 7 " '""' • St•r•et 1'221 s 1 11 W1tvec: t.J1 t 1' 1911, • "' 8erlioP II 33 S-14 ....• Oertc>n• .. 33 10¥. ~ "' H• IF8 1.2.4 ' u 21'/o .• ,, Mec:y I.i s • JI l6''-. v. Petri• ,,.., 10 • :M--"" SIM11tln'W . 14 IQS s ... ~ -.,.~ I ... JO'..-. v. 8ettPd , 16 e 117 ,._, + V. DenMI l I I 11 ''''• . ., Htlflbt 1.IO 10 456 U l/1 ''• "'4lfd 1,2'!1 . 1'S IC ..... Petrol" l,04 t ~ l7"-' !~ SteMS. t Q5 17 10!4 Weyr pf I.ID.. UI "" • 'n lletl!Sll 1.IO l m 2211•+ Oennvs .• 6 110 dll .. ""HemrP 1,40 6 6' 111t• • '" Meol<CI .60 S 18t 91111+ !I+"""' 2.47• ·· S 21 • ;" SltufCll 1:10 ·; 110 •11111::.·i,.O W....11' I.JO t Md» --., 8 19Tll• .iOt! M 1'\h•l'h 0.l'llsply M 9 t UVt-''°" HenJS 1.Sle . l6 l•V. ... Menllln .JOb 2 J7 1014+ ,_.,Pet"' llfl,7S. 2 22 + I+ St•rcl'll 61 s 2 IOV.• ,,_ WelNF llo.. ... .. ? ........ 81111n,Fnesl .to, •6 •1 11'11 + \'tt DeSoto 1 • u IOV.• ..,.. Hen.JI t.1411 . 11 11 . . M•n!ILI .JD 1l tt • ..... l'flrer 1.12 to 1• ., .... • Sterlacp •16 , 24 lilt-"' W....IPlt I n "" + ,,.. tt .... 0.IEd 1.60 1 "' 141111 • • Hndlmn 1 4 100 11111 -'4 Ml•H ... 2.21 • UI :Ml'o. \It ""91p0 Ill 124 U'h. ~ Sterlot ... ,21 .. JI ... WMl .. 11 jlf ... "°' ,. .... ' 81•00r ... IJ UJ 11v •• Ila °"'"pf '··.' 1100 .. ' •..• H•M• I.ID • •ll 37lllo. . . MA .. CO I., • Ut ,,~. 14 l'flll•fl UD • l•I ""'·· ... SttrPre ,,.,., 1J It )'41 • -·"'" uo 1 l:D ·~ .• 8i.lrJ11 UI t II 71\IO-V. 0.IE pf 2.ll , 2 14"' •.• Mer8rJ 1.4'1 20 1' 31 ~ M.,•IM .IO I JI ,, ... • 'II PllllE pl 3 IO t«I J3 Sterlldrtt 110 10 61 2>~ -'I) WllllC 130 • ti ~. · · · llllUL I.to , 6 16\oo . .. DetE Pf 2.21 . 1 :IO . . . . H•l"Clee• .21 • SI ·~-"" M•t•IO 2.• 10 201 n ....... PllllE Pf 4.. 11110 Cl ........ Ste .. nJ '·-s , .. 14\a .... WllllC pl( l .. • •t .... 8t<llHR 1.. . . 1l Jllll.-0.1ter I I It 21 .. • t<. He,,.lsM I 10 lS 11 • ,,,_ Mere10wt . 11 ult>"-• >:. "'11!E pl 1 l:IO ,.~, SlewWa 110 • s J.'11, "' -lteMt • ti 6'4 • ll\t 81ue8 UO 6 47 1~ • "' OIGlor • I SI IJVt ''°" Harrel'I .50 10 119 :IO ..... Me,.ml I 1 «I U!li. . PllllE pl• n • 1100 12 ' "1 StollVC 1SJ10 21 ~-.. WMtfH •• • J50 14YI-V. 81uebrd .20 ' 41 t li't-... Ole1Co2 I.JO • , ·-Ila Herre-1 • " J1V.. • MerMld .IO I ., IS~ .... l'fllfE pl 1.111 • 1100 71"1 ... SIOllVC p1'' di 11111-.. WIOH 1.04 s 40 Ullo+ '" Boeble8r • n •-• "' 0 1e1ril 2.10b t It 33,.. • .,. Herrls .tO u 210 77V. • ""MertonL ... 10 •} 11 .. Pflllf pl'·'° .. d200 '3'-• S~ s1-w U5r ·i 22 ~· 1111 WleWt .u 11 u 11--.,.. 8oelfl9 s I 1 ,.,, ~ • .,,, OlemS ••• 1 S03 ''"" •.• . HerS<O 1.• • , Jt1" ...•. MtrllCll •• 1' 11 """ -"" PhllE ti 7,IO •• 1120 71 ' •. StonCOtl ' .. " 21 ts ..... Wl!llem• I 2l 1'1 17 ........ a.IMC, I.JO 1 IJI aA.-!/) D ..... MIJ ., ,,. ..... I ... HtnW •• s a ...... ""Mer•" 1.20 . I 14---.... l'flllf 1.7L. 1100 71Y,•1 SIOllS...1.10 • II I""-... WlltlWO ... ,, JD1 10~+ ~. Jorllln t.ll t >t6 26•..-..... OtoltelEq 14 91' »Y.-14 MtrleH• .'611 t.J .... • ..,.. Marley I 1 ti 221/o • '" PhllSu 1.10 1 U ?3'1fo 1:~ Storhc i. JJS .o..-\It Wlft• t. .. I 10 JtY, ..... fMt'9W 2 s " """ ...... OIR!ft9rn .52 • .. ......... M•ttlld ,41) , IS 101/l ....• Merrlot .1110 33S 14~ •• ,. ""jlMr 2 '° ttm .s .. Stet Te<"' ,. ,..._ .. WI..,.. 1J l:D 211t •...• ihr"1nl .10t s " 6 ..... Oiiton. I.Jiii 10 l .-•.. " Hetts. '·'° 10 • IS • \.fj Mr\llM l.20 12 tit 62 • v. Pl! IM• wl • dJ3IAI "" Slorere 1.30 lO l4 40'1'1 • '" WlnterJ 112 II IO'lt .•. llotE<f 2.U 6 «I 21\ti. · ·,, Disney .• 11 4M JS'-• • HwHEI 224 1 J 21't ,, .. MrSllF 1 14 I IJ 111'$ !'11 PllillnO .lt 2 21 •"·,, .. SlwWor I 2S S 44 2SYt Wit~ 2.a 1 51 1'11t + V. llotE pf ••• . • r20 ,...., • '"' Ol•nfdllt 11 74 ""· ... H•'tesA 1.2' 11 .. 16 • 14 M•MM 1.IO s .. ni.... ,,.. l'lllllnd pl I s tl'll-"" Su••Sllo ':io II 40 4 ·;. ~ WI• ' .... 1toot ..... 3 .. aosf pr,..... 12 llllt-"" OIWflMlt .. • 411)+ .... M•Nltft .tO 1 4 u~ "' Meryl( •• 10 l " • v. Pf111Pel 1.40 lle.9 U V.+ ~ !>llOPrG 1: .. 1 10 2Jtli ..... WI Ut s 6 '°"'···· 8r8111ff • .U .S 2'1 11-.. •· ·• OrPepjlr U IJ 2 .. 1~ Yo MHll'ITe< 5 n 22"'• 'II Mel Cup .M 7 47 llh • '1 PllllVH .tO 4 U llYI-.. SunCllm tO s I ~ • V+ WI !If 2.15 •. I 2~. ·• · • er-c .• 10 214 l1 + 1\lo Oo<TlaM ... IJ .. '""". li't Me<h .• • 51 I~ ..... M•KO ... • lS 2l>'<o •• ,. PledAvt 2•" n ti -"" SIHIEI '40 13 .. 14 -.. Wltc'L. 1.7' 1 n " .... !~M 1 ... , •• ,•, m" ,,_ '4 ~ ·'"' " ~-.. " Hec:llM 21 " 11-v. MIM!lll 1.20 • n' ""' ...... P1edNG 1.1'9 1 ' o...... !>unCo . J , ,., ~-.... WIS<l"S UI 6 .. 11111. 1111 _,,,. -n ---ly 1 • ,. ,._.__ Ila H•llm8 s • J2 21\lo .... llMsM '·* 10 21 Uw. Vo Pier I .10 s 10lf !Olio. ~ !>uf!C pf l" II S2Yt.... Wit<• •.• • 10 ,. . ... l •l•IM., 2 .. s 1111. ... •• •• ... 11 t n11t .... Helfl1H 1 • 202 ,..,. + 1 Messy" .. • 1111. , Pllsbrv 1.SJ t n ~· -;:, nttm uo 1 ., 22. 14 + ._ wmr• .IO s n '"'° • ,,.. rlt"'9t .Mt 10 65 n .... --., "° 6 " Uf\ • .,,, H•IM ,, 1.70 . • ~ • 14 Me•C• , .. . . " ISllJ . "" Pi-l.t2 ' ta _ ... _ ::' " . I • 11 24YI. YI Wol•rW .• • 11 '°"". .... fl I.a t 2 17 + °" 1 .0 t 7J SOllo • \6 ... leMC I 4 •4'o .•.•• MISIM I.Cit . . 51 10....... l'llMyl I.JO t 111 ~ • '" pq.50 t jf , 2\1> W-k Al t 41 lt\A • II> t.e • It 21._,_ '4 . 1:e 11016 2~ ..... Neltflllt 1.20 ' 311 ......... MllMIE .• t I '2Vr ~ I PllAVl llf wl .. 2751121,,_+ '4 f1M 40 it tt 14,,_, -w.M"' .• 14 41 27"'+ lh -I ' 1•-· ,,.. EJ" '·"'" • J:J'h+ .... "•'""" •• II JI 4'V.,, •• Mitt•! ... 1 SS ·~ '"' Ptttstft 1.2011 2tD ~-~ V•I ·,,.. ,. 1111)+ .... WelWlll ,, .. •MIO 21-.-v. .JI S ., 111111+ -evo t• 6 " 14-.• 14Herc111ts1.IO 7 JM 11'11-'A Mttl91tft • st 5--w Ple111tsc 7 '1 5-.-.. Oii flOU It ~t6\'> w.twllf UI •. 15 Jt\to-_,, WllGe 1 •• S l H.._. •·•· Ht' I 7 102 ~ ... Henlly 1.30 6 t 11-.-~ MeyOS 1.40 1 U ~-llo Pientrfl .16 U 21 It + \It kG 'u t ., lt'At WwMAlr 6 17 ,_,, • "°" I_,., AO. m 12'4-"" or ... lAO I .. ·; 14 HeHIOfl j '"'• ... llM'(WW 4 1 4!4 ... Pt.tyllOy .12U n lfli't ..... UPKP . 2J , ......... Wrlel., IAI 1 J u-.+" rMWtl M S ..S 14 ..... ~'Ill .Dt 'J • IS-.--Hntn llf l.60 ;: J I~-Ila Me~t I.to t 17 H + \lo l'leny .Sii t 1 211Yt-)'.'.! troM '7e 'i t ,_ ..... Wttrltir .e t 10 tlo. ••••• =llft.AD •• t 11:W.. •••• tluPoftl 6 I 9S 125\lt-"" Httlblfll I.SI t J1 ..._ ..... Mc "'11 I S 7ll 17111• '14 .. neu,.,.. I 7 10 I t ,.. .,.. , ... 6 t '"~· '\,; Wylelfl •• • 4 11\'>-.... IYttA06 S.uJS +l'AldvPntpfl.!O .• a 42-..... Htw1tl'tl .ll01til7 '2"'•114Mc fJf2,JO .. S112J1/)+YI PGMN .20blOW ~··'4 '"'°" '.•t H ~ • .,,,w.,,eui...a1 i5 711t-"-y r J 1 S4S tis-\to ..,,.,,. llf4.tD . . It SMt • 14 HtllVll • lO 10 tt 711t + Mc !If 2.tO . . 10 ~ \lo Poferold I I 7 -··-ybrn llft,e 4 ,. • '4 w., ., 14 Ill sv. ... ,.. 1 s I ..... l:NlleP , .. 1 m ·~· ... HnletlM ,.. • so Jt\IJ ..... MCOllrd .M" 21' ~. "" PflClrott .40 6 '" 1• • ~ ,.,,.,. IO • 21 ·--•-Y-1· _.., I S 27 I + llo Dvlle pl US • , ... + 1-. HlttOft I 10 Ut 1' -14 Mew .JS 1 Sit a -YI Portee .D t It I ... • .,. . . .. • l!ero1 UD It US ~ rH t• .. t I ..... °'*''°' L1t .. d9t "'-~ .......i t.• 1 16 17"'• ... Mc t.• I J ~+ 14 ,..,,GE 1.1011 ti ,._, °" l It ... t 44' ldtYt+ -Ovfl• Pf 1.IO •. lJ4t +,_. ........., .. e 416 ft-..... MC fd t• 6 1' U •.•.• Pe0 tlf 11.M .. allll IOIW. .. ,., -T-T -XTltA t ."1 4 Q --~~ • ,,. 1·• •• ,, 27'4-'-1· .. 1.IO •• d3t ~14 HOflyS .. 4 16141 ...•• Mc " •.•• ,. J.~ ... ~or. Utl .. 1 ~···;.: T•f U•1t m " • Yt """ .20 • " Jhr-"' , ..... ' ,. 11 ••• ,, .... Ult :: ' " ..... MrNG ,ft.10 .. • I~.... Mellttyr 21 17IO JMU l\lot "9111< I " • 1 ,. -... '""' J • w ,,,.._ -,·~ ' • ,, ""'-"' ... , .. s , • ., • " ., l.7'1J ., J:J'lll+ 14 Hemstll t.*-U ts J:J~ .... McL• ...... j Ultlla+ Ila .... "'. I,,,.. m !?~···..:. !...... ..... • 71 -141 ... le •• ,. 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': ~~-:: NEW YOR C P> -The naUon a u.c~-it0 4:1 n 'J-. • "'::=::, ,·:1: ,,: ,~t:: =:·•; R L::: "':t "'rn .~ ''°' zs11o~.... basic money supply rose StOO million r. 4 "i ~. ' ·'.·20 1,.~-;." H9'1r: ~ 2:,7 · · 1 ., .. '' Mtr~.1"' 1• 1 7 JAt • "" ": ll ; I lt: • "' in tbe latest reportln1 week tbe lJ'"' /J·t 4• zf,... 2J::·.-·\4i =:1:'J;I ·, 11t ~: \'>5r:i• t1•1t ,.I~~ a§,.t.·•··-!.',_·:;~ Federal lteaerve eald, but ~ta "" "" 1 "'" ,.... n • " ,._,.o 1 ' .., n w.+ 111 t • • 2l'h-" '"· .. --• • , .. _ 1--to •r U! .. ' • "'°" ·1~·· ' m:• "'......,,,. • ... • * 12 --~~\i!.. 1 1,. : .• :.. ~-1 .. =1·' ,r,:•.. dldn t npeet Wl'lll Ul'll;reue spur •.,. 1 . ~· :r:=' '· ;. !,t: =,,.'I,":, 'T l~··· =::.i.-:t '~ ,~.~.~ {,H: :: ' !l""+i.. further credit uptealq ln vtew ot 'ii' :"" · 1:.. ~111::·~ ==• )tli'1 ni.! ~ ~':f, ·'1f: • ~m:.:·~ ~ :: Ji~!_·i.; the IOftneu ln other econocnle ln· tll cr:lJa~ M l!-+ ._ """'("'·• ., n -Metrm ,;; t '! t.a -I' ("· ·· lff :a: " dlcaton. ..,_"' ... ., 1: I if" ..... """' II ... 10 I~--... Mii ~· .• a1i. """• .. L • • t I :.:·" The ""--~ Ill w"''"b 1-111 plua .. _,.., ..... • " 111Ai t .. Hvtt " •• • ,... • .., • • dO '2 +' I· I JI ~ . UI" .. ~;11 :: =~· 1 '1~·~1c1flf ;:..';-4.,-L• 11111 ::'''I=::::: "":" 1:1: g ~"' HYln11 accounts ln commercial i 1? 4'.... ~~ : ·• u ,....:..:" ·~~",. »• .. .; ~! ,,_ ., 1 ·t : ~! = ""'•, .. ·• st 1211i; banks, roee St.I billion ln tM week, ,J, ,., =:::-.~ ~MC ... a n it~:;·~ INAC. .J ·; ,. '1~-~ t,D. "' 14~111 ~ .• , •• 'r. J:"':_· from•t.'7billionto-.5billloa. fM t t 14 -I' ..... 4 It "'· ... IHllilll I · · J 16"". · · .. M , . t4 ,... . 11 I 1 Ftidlly, -"· 111'1 s DAILY Pl.O't .. _Boaters Require Risk Coverage 81 SYLYIA to&TE& Aa summer nears. record eumben wtU bit tbe ,rater to sail, ftab or water·akl. But vaeatioDen run the rllk of ruining their holiday and deatroylnc their financlal aecurtty. . On the waterways, there are more than 8 mlWoo NI· iatered power boats and 3 mi.Won craft that are not re~· iatered estimates the U.S. Cout Guard. Boatlq acc1· dent.a ~e nearing 7,000 a year;'"'causing..clOH to $12 million in property damage, 18,000 injuries and 1.300 deaths. "SOME WATERWAYS ARE UKE A highway full of Sunday driven, and theft or pleasure boats ~as soared In~ what could almost be termed an all·Amer1can pastime, says Lee Meyer. president of lbe Independent Insurance Agents of America. Thefts of boat.a, motors and eqwpment approached $92 million in 1978. There is no central agency to track boat thefts. People who own boats have special Insurance needs. They may need a separate boat policy or they may be.,able to add it to a home insurance poUcy Smaller boats, usually those leas than 25 feet, Money's Worth can be covered by an endorsement lo a homeowner's policy wilbput a formal sur· vey . A boat trailer might be covered under the auto insurance Policy or. if dt!C'lared, by hull insuranct!. The rules vary from company to com· ~Q. . Larger boats require a formal s.urvey to de~ermane their value and seaworthiness before they can be msur~. and a separate Policy is required. A survey generally ~II cost about $2.50 a root, and some yacht surveyors will charge $1.50 a root fo~ smaller boats. FACTORS IN THE CHARGES ARE the age of the boat, how clean it is, the time it takes to inspect it. The boat owner benefits from an expert report on the boat's condition. A pre.purchase boat swvey. which can be ~ed for insurance purposes, will indicate whether the boat 1s a good buy. It costs about $5 a root. . Boat insurance basically covers < 1 > the boat itself, or hull insurance ; 12 ) liability insurance for injuries. to people or damages to property of o~ers. A full marine Policy can protect against a vast arr~y of perils. . )/ In determining premiums, the vital factors will be the • owner's skill and training, the ovt!rall condition or the boat and type or safety equipment. THE POLICY PROBABL l' WILL protect against~ damage to the marina, injury to a swimmer or skier and r similar perils. ~ But because or the variety or craft and hazards, lhere· is virtually no such thing as a standard yacht policy. Bank: Building Gains for Month Construction activity in Southern California's 10 coun· ties reached $812 million in building permit valuations fos; March, according to Security Pacific National Bank, an in· crease of 35 percent from February. Paul J . O'Brien. senior vice president and ad· ministrator of the bank's real estate department, reports both single -family and multi.family conslr':'ction categories registered major gains. "These categories re· corded 5,400 units each ror March, representing a 66 pe.r- cent increase in single-family construction and a 41 per- cent gain in multi·unit building " ., March data reflect the geographic shift that has oc· curred in the region's home build in~ in the last year. "Riverside and San Bernardano were the only counties in the state to issue permits in March for more than 1,000• new single-family homes. By comparison, 'TAKING STOCK last March . Orange County issued permits for 1,055 single.family homes: this March the total was 656," the re· port said. In other a reas of construction. nonresidential permit valuations rose 21 percent during the February-March span to $29.1 million, the highest level recorded since July . The bank's report covers Imperial, Inyo, Los Angeles, Orange. Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. q.aui11 Sr.bear S~lted•~d The 12th annual Quality Assurance Seminar will feature former Rams lineman llod co-captain Tom Mack, an engineer with Bechtel Corp .. during a day.long con- ference JW1e 2 al the Airport.er Inn. lrvi.ne. The seminar. "Quality: A Personal Commitment, A Company Commitment," is to be co-sponsored by the Orange Empire Section, American Society of Quality Con· trol and Coastline Community College. IT WILL FEATURE SPEAKEllS ON quality as· surance discussing trends in the field and exhibits from Southern California corporations. It will be chaired by Anita Thibeault or Shiley, Inc., Irvine, and Is Intended for the quality assurance, mar~et· ing. purchasing and engineering staffs of manufaclur1q firms. The program begins at 7:30 a.m. with registration and continues through 3:45 p.m. Pre-registration fee ia $20 and includes luncheon. Deadline for pre·registration ls llay 25. Full·time student fee ia $10. Registration at the door ls $25. More information is available from tbe CouWne Com· munity Activities office, MS-0811. Mna Fl,... ••• a .. 1ae••e• The Hamilton/Tarnuuer Development Co., Costa • Mesa, bu purchased a Market Basket store and Standard OU Co. station in Anaheim, act.'Ordlng to Byron Tarnutaer, president. The 4.2·acre property at 1221 S. Anaheim Blvd. was bOutbt from tbe Uneoln National Ufe Insurance Co. of Fort Wayne, Ind., as a real estate Investment. Tarnutaer said. CN•k G_.. Olle~ A consumers· culde to Via• and M 11ter Chars.•• Hnleea offered by Bank of America bu bMD releued by the bank . The 2l·pa1e boolllet, "TH Faeta About Bau of America'• Credit Card Pl'Olrama," ll available wttbout , cbar1e at any of the bank '1 branebea. ............. --·--·--· -.......... <1 .......... _ ·I ,,...,, -ti, ,..,. MAIMADUKE . ,,,,, ~ • • 'Y' 5 I~ , ..................... !... ... .,. ·~~~ ''Oh. good ! I knew 1 could count on you ... ond just when the fire was getting low !" SUPERHEROES SHOE ~fS ll41S? A~T6= ~ATNJRI\~ MOON MULLINS LORD P. S,AID FOR ME 10 KEEP MY HANDS OFF P,N'I PIES COOLIN<5 ON ;He SILL THE FAMILY CIRCL'-, R~ Bil KNrn1· "Hurry, Mommy! Daddy's racing his engine at usl" DENNIS THE MENACE ' l J " . . . . .... . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . .. ._,,... .... --. ~..-.- FUNKY WINKERllAN ----"'"" ..... ...-------------------~-----------------------. &.INCM1 YOU §IAY ~ PCN'T' UCI PMONtN61 An°MtAr ~ GORDO 0' Ml<f AN.WllrlN(i MACMIN2'? by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta by Jeff MacNelly lHIS 1'5A 5TILLLIF£Q:: ~AT~. by Ferd & Tom Johnson SOME LOOPHOLES YOU CAN DRIVE A TRUCK "TJ.lF<OUGH. JUDGE PARKER NANCY • DRABBLE ME:"i, llJ£NO~ I L.~ ~ A P1c.1\J!tE Of11tE 0€C:l.AU.1lo..l OF l~ft..wtt.l'E ! DR . SMOCK ..,, ~·\: .. NIELSEN ~. HILlA~Y. U:6 ?EE WHAi Yoo'v~ var?<'.) FAR CN YOU~ NEW 'HtDD€"N ..._AMf.~A' ll>tLEI Fa.PER (vMMtl<'l.tAI-, .. I'LL PUT IT IN HERE 50HE WON'T TAKE IT by Gus Arriola by Harold Le Doux bv Tom K. Ryan THeN1SIR1 DIRECT Mt= 10 A MARSH - MALLOW CORRAL.! by Emle Busltmlller PEANUTS I AAVE MEAAO IT 5AIO TMAT ONE PICTURE 15 WO~TH A TMOUSAN WORDS ... WMAT WE HAVE MERE IS A COUPLE OF PICTURES ... •• by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont a..t::"'f''S "T"RY NO"f" TO ' E:XHAc..e ~u1-re SO HA P , t<IPPO .' by Jeff Millar and Jon Mcintosh -c.cco, 1 lCX.W 13~ MV mNauE ... YOU~ NE w HE Al/f.tJ/.. v r1Uffo OF NOTHINbt.Jt)\ BATtl~M 1l~UE CAMPAJtl?J I TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS t Boring 5 Slaugh!er 9 Drive away u Silkworm 15 Hawa11an c1ly 16 Irregular 1 7 L•le11mes 18 Russian 1sar 19 Sample ?O Assigns 22 Pearson or MaddO• 23 Biro 74 Low 25 Haunts 28 Oueoec. me· 11opo11s 32 Fru11 33 S1roo11e s 34-Bravo 35 Hog fal 36 Groups 37 Go 11 alone 38 King beater 39 Female an1· mals 40 Styles 41 BtlhSh hOOd· lum· 2woros 43 W1tMraw 44 USSR t •ty 4!> Fibber 46 Praying - 49 Corinec11ons 53 Gir1·s name S.t Slapper ~5 Lacerated 56 Angereo 57 Soothe 58 BrihSh ISie 59 Toooqgans 60 Co1ore1 61 Monlh A Ohr DOWN 1 De<:easeo 1 Exnon J Reclines JNITED Feature Syndicate Thursday s Puzzle Solved: P • f PA CHl ll OOO H lll AC [Vl lt A•tt ~Ul A t( Sf NO SEA S O ltl OE "'U•lS --' 0 0 A -H lo ··-\ " ( l l [ o s I • l I A I l l [ . ( [. I I 5 •• $ I D [ ' l c-D • £ A "0 •• • l re D 0 N I I S l E• 0 c l A 1 • ( ~ I R •• l A c • 0 s s f --( c 0 s • • • ..... _ •• 0 • 0 s ( . I • [ 51• l "' l' ... l .. DH ~~~ 0 D I ~ l I G C l • 1 U .~ A w r ' s S fl"S IA~~ 4 Final 21 lrritales 39 Scads remarl. 12 Roao s1r1os 2 words 24 r 1es 5 Polishes 25 Cllatr part 6 Quicken 26 -Co1ps 7 -and alack 27 Rowed 8 Thither ano 28 Currency 9 Checks again 10 Remover t1 Army base 12 This Sp tJ Eye Slyly 29 Wear away JO Was sick 3t Unbound 3J Xmas song 36 lntanis 37 Plato·s teacher •O Pork or beel 42 Kind ol hntl 43 Crooner 45 Insect 46 War gO<J 47 Dye plant 48 Alrtcan nver 49 Marl 50Gtst 5t Journey 52 Dispatched 54 Child: Prehx -,__ ____________ _ I • Laguna/S.uih £0ast VOL. 72, NO. 139, 4 SECTIONS,,. PAGE ORANGE.COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1979 ~••rB••e•••• Dally New•••IM'I" TEN CE ' ~------Daily Pilot Exc~usive Report------...... ~ 19.7 5 Suit eges Oil Conspiracy By GA•Y GRANVILLt: Ot ... DMI,,,_, .... Los Angeles eourt reN>rds ln ·an unsetfled 1975 laws uit include affida nts a nd other documents that all~ge 10 major oil companies conspired in the early 1970s to control the gasoline market by creating an oil shortage, the Daily Pilot learned exclusively to- day. The affidavits, ::,omc ef them signed by former oil company executives. C'harge the JO 011 producing companies ust.'d thl• c.1rt1f1cial shortage to drive m· dependent producers out of businE>ss and to stabilize gasoline prices at a profitable level. Cited m ttw doc ument ::, are the namt:s uf com· pany officials who allegedly J01ne<1 an the marketing collusion as we ll as tht' places and dates they purportedly met to discuss marketing strategy. Included among the alle~ations vouched for in ..i series of affidavits and depositions are the following 'Low Morale' -IN MEt:rlNG ON FOREl~N soil and under the guise of mternatmnaJ business agreements, oil company executives successfully-skirted around pro· visions of the Sherman Anti-trust Law. -mEN ATrORNEY GENERAL John Mitchell "gave his blessing" to such meetings and did not bother to send U.S. Department of Justice represen- tatives to monitor them. -WHEN NOT MEETING as a group abroad. th~ executives of competing oil companies plotted marketing strategies in small private meetings at s uch places as the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles and the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle . -THAT AS A RESULT of the alleged contrived oil shortage. gasoline prices jumped from an average of 45 cents a gallon to a ''stabilized" 72 cents Lagu~a -Teachers ' ' Condemn Trustees I! About 100 Laguna Beach teachers and students Jammed into tt1e school district's board • hearing room Thursd ay and ! chided trustees for c re ating feel· ' ings of "ill will and low morale " in local schools. The confrontation was spawned by a s alary dis pute b etween teachers and boljrd members. Teachers a re askin~ for 6 pe r cent ra iSC. H hOO) trustees have offer e d 3 7 percent. s tudents vowing lo boycott c lasses at Laguna Beach High School Tuesday in a show of s up· port for teachers The students ·said they had ~alhered signatures from half the high school student popula· tion supporting teachers in the dispute. "We're going to strike which is what the teachers should be <torng but they could gel fired ," J ohn Wheaten s aid. "Th~y can't fire students." ~ The stalled salary talks have entered the fact finding stage. That's where a committee of three hear arguments from both s ides, examine the facts in the · case and make a recommended settlement to board members and teachers. a gallon in an 18-month period in 1973· 74. . Allegations included in the records at the Cen- tral U.S. District Court in Los Arfgeles, most of them hidden from public view by a court.ordered seal, are charges that have neve r been proven nor disproved. It is known that representatives of the 10 oil companies are in the process of filing legal papers in answer to the charges. But those oil com- pany responses are a lso sealed from public scrutiny. These answers are to the 1975 stale lawsuit that was filed against the oil companies by the Attorney General's Office. then headed by Evelle Younger. The suit charged the 10 major oil companies that operated in what is called the PAD V area, that in - cludes California. had conspired in the early 1970s to control both the wholesale and retail markets of petroleum products State government. which buys more than $10 <Se~ 00. COMPANIES, Page A2)' School officials countered say-~ ing that money was scarce since Proposition 13 passed and insist- ed the district could not afford the raise sought by teachers Several teachers criticized board members for pointing the s a lary dispute toward a fact· finding committee that they claimed would stall a settlement indefinitely. · ·•Fact finding was not the wi sh of the teachers," Faculty As· sociation President Lida Campbell claimed. 'That proc· ess takes a long lime and we're facing two deadlines -June 15, the last day of school, and June 30. the last day a raise can be granted." She cl a imed school ad- ministrators were threatening teachers and causing feelings of ill will in the district. , 0.1lr P1 ... "'-by Ltt P•Yr>« ANGERED TEACHERS PICKET LAGUNA SCHOOL BOARD HEADQUARTERS OVER SALARY Teachers Clelm Morale Hed Plunged 6 Percent Raise Wes Denied • ' t ' . . . . . ,, . The tense summit featured Die Bandle'• 'Chief' Laguna Beach High School senior Michelle Palmer lends a band with duties at Laguna's police department dis· ·patcher comole. The young woman, who plans to major in Administration of Justice next year at Saddleback College, got her dream today -· she spent the day as the Art Colony's chief of police. The real chief, Jon Sparks, looks on. "People are saying the lines a re drawn,·' s he charged. "What's existing in this district is warfare." Several teachers warned that low morale could continue into next year and sour the school system, causing a sharp decline in the quality of education. "The interest you're earning on that money in ill will is enormous." Todd Huck told trustees. Board me mbers countered that they were faced with a budget deficit next year because Proposition 13 had reduced in· come to the district. ·'The battle lines you refer lo were drawn last year when Proposition 13 passed." Board President. Ron Chilcote main· tained. "I feel there's a lack of un· <See MORALE, Page AZ> LB Jeweler Cini Dead; Rites Monday Longtime Laguna Beach resi dent and jeweler Guglielmo Cini died Tuesday at South Coast Medical Center. He was 16. A memoTia I service is scheduled Monday al 11 a.m. at St. Catherine's Catholic Ghurch. · 990 Temple Terrace. Mr. Cini had lived in the Art Colony 30 years. He was t.he owner and operator of Cini's Jewelers. 867 South Coast Highway. He was a member of Laguna's chapter of the Rotary Interna- tional. Mr. Cini is survived by his wife, Jerry, two dau1btera, Mimi and Naida; and a stepsoa, M artln Milner, the television ac· tor. Woman's Body Found in Park 'HUI' TOMA.TO' A pair of San Onofre State 1leevele11 blouse and white FE,4,TIJRED ... Park e~mpen di1covered tbe • pants. Toda1 1be'1 llr1. Gerald •1111 '*'1 of an unldeaWled Tbe five.foot, three-inch lJC. TbomPIGD of Corona del Mar, ~ woman lytq near a clitt pound woman wore a weddlna but u ltarlet Katby Marlowe ln llllle Ill lt~•a.m. Thunclay. band. lnve1tJ1aton said there tbe llSOI lbe beld more tltlea la DielO Coroner'• Oflke ln· were no a~rent 111na of beat-than aDJOM: Mill Downtown Hlf=• Mid today 0.., bave ln1 or other trauma on tbe vie· Dollar Daya, 11111 Ballyhoo, ... •to Ille ldenttb of tbe Um. 11111 Hot Tomato, lliu A...- -• • •lned to be ln Mr ear-An autopey ia scheduled today Bull. See Jl'MtarlD1Pal•81. W• _. .._.. d8d ill a plM, todetennineU..duseoldeatb. -. • Death Warrant . Signed for Ex-countian TALLAHASSEE. 1-'la. CAP > - Gov. Bob Graham signed the death warrants of two Florida death row inmates today and ordered their executions to take place within one week. Authorities immediately scheduled i nmates John A . Spe nkelink, formerly or Buena Park and Willie Jasper Darden to die in the electric chair Wednesday mornin~. The executions would be the first in the na tion s ince Gary Mark Gilmore was executed by A Utah firing squad in January. 1977. and the firs t in Florida since 1964. Graham had not been expect- ed to sign any wa rrants other than that of Spenkelink, convict· ed of murdering a traveling companion, Ohio parole violator Joseph Szymankiewicz, in a Tallahssee motel in 1973. Soenkelink 's attorneys have conceded that he has attempted virtually every available legal remedy, although Spenkelink has an appeal of his sentencing pending before the Florida Supreme Court. Darden was convicted of fhe 1974 slaying of a LakelaQd. Fla.. " furniture store owner, James Turman. His conviction was up. held by the Florida Supreme Court in 1976. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the cue in 1977. # It was not immediately clear what other appeals Darden <See DEATll, Pa•e AJ) Iran Toll Cliipb& TEHRAN . Iran (AP> - Revolutionary flrinl aquada in tbe boly city of 11 aabbad in northeaiern Iran execut.d two former Savak secret police tortaann 'nlunday. tbe oftkial Pan news -.ency reported. Tbe executions brou1bt tbe total number of penons ibot to llJ 1lnce the February revoluUoa. San Juan Official Blasts Hillside Plan San Juan Capistrano pla. commission Chairman Michael Bertl6 attacked plans Thursday for development of 1,201 homes • on hillside land in South San Juan Capistrano He accused Glendale Federal Savings a nd Loan officials and city plannin~ s taff members or ignoring p I a n n 1 n g com · missioners' conce rns over the proposed project on 1,265 acres of land east of Interstate 5 and south of San Juan Creek Road ·'The developer dido 't listen to the planning commission and the city staff didn •t liste n lo the commission." Berns charged. ·'The whole thing has been done without public debate and public exposure. The plat) submitted by the Los Angeles-based firm was the re· suit of a court settlement between city officials and Glen· dale Federal managers. Berns comments came at the conclusion of a study session soonsored by the Town Hall As· Assistant SC Aide Resigns San Clemente Assistant City Manager Steve Burrell plans to leave the post he has held for two years to take a job as the top city aide in Capitola effective June 15. Burrell, 31, took his San Clemente post in December or 1976. City Manager Gerald Weeka told council members Thursday of Burrell's departure to the Santa Cruz Count.y com· munity. Council memh'en have not in· dlcated when Burrell's vacant pmt wl1I be filled. Talb Hit Snag TOKYO <AP> -Cblna and Vietnam blamed one anotber to· day f« a lack ol Pf'OINll in cur· rent peaee talb, but left tbe ••Y open far tbe aelrt round to be beld ln Peldnl. s o c 1 a I i o n o f S a n .I u a n ' Ca pis trano . Th e m eeting featured a discussion of the de- velopment proposal and an air- ing of local concerns over the proje<'t Be rns warned people that the approval Glendale Fede ral is seeking would be the most im- portant hurdle they faced in a process leading to development of the land. which features the most prominent hillside vistas in the Mission City ·'Once you gel the first ap. prov al it's down hi II from there ... he insis ted . "You're already on the railroad tracks ... H e challenge d Glendale Federal officials and city plan- ners "to come up with an even better plan." Councilmen will consider the massive proposal at their June 6 meeting. Coast Weather Low clouds night and morning hours otherwise mostly s unny wath some high cloudihess at times . Lows tonight 52 to 57. Highs Saturday 64 to 68 at beaches, 74 to 50 inland. INSIDE TODAY reeling /utive th is SHekftd'? Huntington Beach and Newport Beach are pro- mdtng ot·llonw opport1&mtw• to aample llw ar1a. s.e PQOe Cl. •••• M QM.Y"-OT &.t§C frid!Jj .... 1f. 1171 Open BeefJrtU Unlikely? ( Piiot Logbook J 8J&saSCCAllSLll ---............. ..--Oran .. Coanty v~v•.on P.robably don 't bave • ·anowball' chance ln bell" ot fordns C>Pt<n 11'6alf'd c:ourt rtt orda trom a lawawl <'bar1l.._ major oU companlea with con •firina Lu nx pncf'~ and creat.tq arllliclal ahortagt!b. • Callfonua deputy allorM.y aeneral h11 kn· dint.cl ·'TM deJl'ndants do Ml wanl the ~ontents of Uw do<'um~nlli on m_, rt!Vcalf'd lo lbr oubUc." 1ai• DlputJ Attomer beneral 9'7' lei.-;-who wrn in U.. anti-trmt -..euo. or t111• 1.iOI Aa .... IMCll. All•ti•• eo.&alMd •• the Attorney Oeneral'a law1ult. howtver. are r~porled ex du1\v,.ly today In the DaUy Pilot Rt'aaorta offtred by the oil c9mpan1ea in aaluna the court to SUI lM r«Orda mduded "pro. 1ectin1 track 1ecrrlli and ot~r such 'hokwn." Jam•u~ said. Jamn made his 11t11tementa f',....P ... AI OIL COMPANIES.-•. . m1lhon worth of pt•t rolt>um products euch year. sought to t'nd the allcg('d collusion among the oll companies. Originally named deCendants and co-conspirators an tht:' laws uit are Standard Oil Company of CaUfornia. Texaco Inc . Union Oil Company of California. Atlanta Richfield Compa ny, a nd Exxon Corporation. Also named as defendants and CO·consf irators are Getty Oil Company. Gulf Oil Corporation, Mobi Oil Corporation. Phi lli~ Oil Company and Shee l Oil Company. Among others. Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark this week said the 1975 lawsuit and t!:e issues it raised has a dire<'t bearing on Southern Calirornia. 's current gasoline crisis. • Clark decried the slowness in resolving the issues raised in the civil complaint which is not ex· pected lo be resolved until 1983 at the earliest. The county s upervis or , himself a former service station operator, also criticized the court seal on the records that seemingly keeps the issues they cover secret. That seal was placed on·the af· ridavits and other supporting documents by United States Dis· trict Court Judge William P. Gray of the Central District Court Among allegations included in the support documents vouched for by witnesses interrogated by attorney general investigators is that the defendants prior lo 1970 had for many years operated a clandestine intelligence network to police pricing practices in the industry. The loose·knit s mall in· telligence unit, purportedly headed by Agner Nerheim of Standard Oil, is s aid in the af· fidavjts to have re ported in· discretions or "bad actor;' dealers who cons istently sold gasoline for less than stabilized price. And those who s igned af- fidavits telling of alleged one-on· one pricing stategy meetings a moung lbe small group or oil company executives named as the Jocation of the informal meetings such places a s the Jonathan Club in Los Angeles a nd the Wa shington Athletic Club ih St>allle. And they ta lked of secret phone hnes that conne t'ted dealers an lhe price fix as well as lht.>ir practice "of ne ver putting anything in writing." Contended'in court documents is that early tn 1970 it became apparent to the oil companies that the only way they could tru· ly control retail prices "was to eliminate the independent seg- ment or the market. "The reason for that became eminently clear; no matter what agreements and mutual un· derstandings had been reached, the solution was (sic> imperma· nent." The affidavits allege the fixed pricing scheme was being sub- verted by the ·'never ending sup- ply of crude oil " and the "price cutting proclivity of the indepen· dent markele rs." The allegations contained in the affidavits go on lo say; "The majors could live with thi s <retail pricing tra~gressions) so long as the major profit source was in the production lrerining) end of lbe business. However. "1970 marked the beginning of severe changes" in the oil companies' being able to rely on their refineries to pro- duce lhe profits they wanted. According lo lhe plaintiff, foreign oil powers -especially ORANOECOMT LK DAILY PILOT lt\410f1tnQIJC~t o.o, Pttot. ••'"-"''" t'\t t>tn tl•nfl!O ,..,. ~Pffl'\1", ~' pub(\\'-'CS by,,_.°' lf/lll\JI' Co-tstPv.,~C~ ....,.,_.t•ttcttllOlt\t11ttt> IMOh\IM!'d ~' ow-~ ,.-,.10..., I~ (ou• ~=~.~~~~.:."::s::~o:~ '"'''"'-«141ioftl•-l-~otu«lllV\~.-..,_ T"" Pf .... I .... -1.i.lno ""''' I• .. lJO ~t llafM'9tt,CM.t"'Nlit..w.Gef•tor,., •• _,. ·-....... Pr ........ _,...._, uc••·ewt.¥ Yl<o.....,--~ .. --. ~··-... , ... n::-..:.~M= °""" ... .._ -~."'"'" ....... ~ ... l dl'-" Libya and the other OPEC na· lions were demanding higher royalties for the crude oil they supplied to lhe refineries. ··Profit at the retail marketing end of the industry became more significant itnd a long. term solution was needed." And the solution hit on by the oil companies was the cre ation or an oil short.age, according to tbe court documents. One "informant" told the at· torney gene ral investigators the following: "The industry began to actively promote the idea of a shortage. Company officials began to speak publicly of the possibilities of a shortage. "In 1972 refineries began pro· ducing less lbao required to meet marketing shortage." Charts and graphs prepared by state lawyers indicate lhat major refineries on the West Coast that normally produce up to 92 percent of maximum effi· cie nc y "suddenl y and mysteriolLc;ly " dipped to 85 per. cent of efficiency in 1972. And along with an orchestrat- ed effort lo reduce petroleum in· ventones. the curtailed produc· lion resulted in the gasoline crunch of 1974 a nd uniformly sharp increases in the price of gasoline, the attorney general alleges. As a. result, it is alleged, the companies were able to take more of a profit al the retail level, to drive independents out of business and to become less dependent on refining profits where profits were being gouged by the providers of foreign crude oil. And undercurrent running throughout the court records in- dicates tht> oil companies' ac· tivities in the international petroleum markets in the early 70s ··would be direct violations of antitrust laws" if practiced in the United States. Cited in the documents are meeting places and dates where the oil companies allegedly mapped their shortage plan. They purportedly came under the guise of the London Policy Group and the Libyan Emergen· cy Supply Subcommittee, away from home meetinRs "held with the bless~ of Attorney General .John Mitchell." "No representative of the U.S. Justice or State Departments was ever present at the meet- ings." Cited as "prominent at the meetings" were named ex- ecutives of Standard, Mobil, Texaco, Gulf, Exxon and Shell. Listed among the indepen- dents seriously if not mortally wounded by the contrived oil shortage planned by the major producers was Bryant Oil Com- pany of Huntington Beach. Like other independents. many of them with records of not holding the price line when "crude oil and refined products were pleotlful on tM market," Bryant allegedly lost 40 of its 90 dealers in the ens uing 197<4 gasoline crunch. As the independents tumbled and so.called gas wan became a thing of the past, the price of a gallon ol gaaoline jumped from 45 cents a gallon lo "a stabilit~ 72 cents" in just 18 months. And the attorney general charges that the profit switch from the refinery to the gas sla· lion P\lmP was accomplished in colluaion by the major oil com- panies through the simple technique of creating an oil sbortqe. Real Estate Chief Speaks David H. Fox, director of California 'a Department of Real Estate, will be the l"9St 1peaker at a June 14 dinner meetma of tbe La1una Beach ·Board of Reatlon. The dinner be1hu at e:ao p.m. wllb a •·boll coektaU bour at the Sllyllner Ballroom of tbe AJf'PQl1er llld tn trvlDe. Tlcketa ., for $10 and can be obtained It the board otnte, • OMlmeyna. Tllundaf la ,..poue to a mo~ 1'y"Or ... co.tt IU)Nll'~IMn IO have lnformatloa from tb• loelled fUH of U1e pendln1 California Central Dlatriot eourt cue releaMd to the public. Supervltor RaJpll Cltrk raiNd thr luue of the Attorney, GtneraJ ·, antitruat a ult a1ainat 10 major all <'Om"panlff while naak- iq • report Wectne.day on the p.-...nt 1u ahortase to hi• board e0Uea1ues The 197S· 8u1t charges the petroleum companies with pr1e~·fh1n1 and creating artlfletal ahortaees in a con- 11plr•cY evidence indicates ioes back u far u 1972, Clark said. But lht• <'8se is still in pre· limtnary stages because of the "b»llt'ry of attorneys" the oil l'Omparues have used to stall the <:ase in t'OUrt, he added. Because state officials believe lbe a.nti·trust suil may not gel to trial until at least 1983 because of tbe oil officials' resistance, Clark said lhe court records should be opened immediately so public agencies now in- ves tigating the current gas shortage can make use of the in- formation. Lat.er, the supervisor also saJa he knows he is not just ''whis- tling in the dark" when he al· leges that the sealed files contain information that indicts the oil companies. One of the confidential docu· ments Clark said be wants re- 1 eased is an approximately 160·page "Submission to Support Request for Discovery" filed by the Attorney General's office. Deputy Attorney Ge neral James' reaction was, "Under the present circumstances with the present shortage and all the upheaval it's hard to say what could happen." "But remember." he added. "all that confidentiality stuff was imisted on by the defen · Oemente Law On Sprinklers Reconsidered After a heated protest by loca1 builders. San Clemente City Council members have decided to reconsider an ordinance ap· proved April 4 requiring fire sprinklers in new homes . A public hearing is scheduled for June 6 lo allow builders lo air their complaints aboul the fire safely law. Builder Mel Fortwood told council members Wednesday the law is "ridiculous" and "a burden on homeowners and builders." Fort wood asserted that the law wouJd mean a $2.000 in· crease in the cost or new bomcs and would not lower fire in· surance rates as some buyers might assume. John Svalbe . a Nu.Wes t Development Corp. official, and local builder Ray McCast\and also bl asted th~ sprinkler law. M cCasland a ss e rted that builders were not adequately notified prior to the April 4 meeting when the law was ap· proved. But one local builde r dis· agreed. Al Wulfeck said be believes the law requlring sprinklers that douse a house fire would keep the city's fire department costs down. City Fire Marshall Gary Carmichael rebutted Fortwood's cost claim. Carmichael said the cost of installing fire sprinklers would range from $500 to SI .000 depending on the size or the house. Mayor Roy Hamm and Coun· cilman Edward Kalsched said they were concerned over the in· suraoce rate issue raised by Fortwood. Hamm and Kalsched have worked in the insurance business. f',...PllfleAJ DEATH ••• could pursue. Florida executes by lbe elec- tric chair. The Legislature thfS year re- jected a bill to change the method of execution to injection by a lethal drug. Tbe announcement that Graham signed death warrants came in a written statement from the governor's office. Graham made rio comment himself. F,...P.,,eAJ MORALE ••• cterstandln1 about wbat the 1cbool diatrict races," Board Member Marilyn Pauley added. Superintendent Robert Sanchil puaed out a sheet out· Uoin1 the diltrtct '• antlclpeted bud1et for next year and tbe amount ot money otnclaJa ex· put wm remain from tbls year'• budcet. He claimed tbe dlJtrict could face a M'rt.m deftctt nut year . • d1nt1. Tbe~ would pro= not weaUQrtllle dlnm w· -.11e1 ,....... .. llMl'bllJ... - UIUmately, bowever, the de- elak>D would be la the handl of tb•Judle. "ODJeaa the 1upervlaon can demoutrate a eompetunc public interest that the informaUon should be available, lhe court would not honor such a re· quest." James said. ll is poss i ble the circumstances of the current gas shortage could be Wied aa reason to unseal the records, ac- cordiq to James. •'The public is very anary now.'' be said. "I think the cu("rent easoline situaUon is just an extension of the practices charged against the oil companies in the lawsuit," he said. "We feel it's just the same damned 1ame be· ing played all over again." Crude Oil Pmnp Price 'Doubled' WASHINGTON (AP> -An Energy Department official is accuaing Exxon Corp. of more than doubling its alleged over· charges --lo $462.6 million - since a year·old lawsuit accused the oil giant of charging too much oil pumped from a Texas field. Paul L. Bloom. the depart· ment 's special counsel for com· pliance, said continuing viola· hons and accumulated interest increased the fi gure from the Sl83 million alleged in the June 1978 suit. Bloom commented Thursday a ft e r U .S. Dis trict Judge Thomas A. Flannery kept alive the government's suit against Exxon. His 24-page opinion de· nied the company's request to cfismi~ the case on grounds it was brought to court pre . maturely. An E xxon s pok~man in Houston said. "We re disap. pointed that the s uit as not dis- missed, but we believe that the company correctly appli~ the pricing regulations and that our position ultimately will be up· held." The suit accuses Exxon of miscalc ulating the price it could charge for crude oil from the Hawkins Field Unit in WOod County, Texas. · Exxon contended the Energy Department couldn't bring tM case to court until it tried to set· tie the matter directly with the company. However, Flannery ruled "the mere creation of detailed ad· ministrative procedures to settle overcharge cases at the agency level " does not eliminate "the powerlogotocourt." Bloom said since his special counsel's office started opera- tions in December 1977. lhe Energy Department has ac· cused petroleum companies of price violations totaling nearly $3.9 billion. Companies have agreed to repay $126 million, he said. Russ Ship Chased JUNEAU, Alaska <AP> -A U.S. Coast Guard cutter and a helicopter alt.empted lo overtake a Russian sealing ship in a dramatic air and sea chase, but the cutler's captain gave up the pursuit when he decided it would be too dangerous to board the trawler, the Coast Guard says. ·~~ _,.__ -~-~~'""""--,._ __ .__.._.....,.,_ __ .._~ ....... ~ ~Sollie Vlet0rie8 ~ For Diedrich 81 GA&Y GaANVIU.£ Ot .. Wtll ......... SAN DIEGO -A criminal trial is over. And for tboH who participated --the defendants and the lawyen -a time of fierce action bas abruptly tu.med into wbal tbey admit is an angoniline wait for a verdict. Defendant Ralph Diedrich passed some of bis wiitiq time pitch.inc quarters to a line on a courthouse noor in competition with a Daily Pilot report.er. WHEN DIEDRICH CONFISCATED all the available quarters with a series of ·canny winning tosses the game turned to gin rummy. He won there, loo · a $3 loss for the reporter thal will show on an expense account report as miscellaneous and suncfry expenses. Later In the day, Diedrich and de· fense lawyer Syl Aronson played a SOO.polnt gin game for a mucb htgber stake, Sl,000 lo the winner. After trail· ing in !he. early going, Diedrich again won. this time on a 501 lo 483 point count. IN ANOTHER PART of town, prosecutor Michael Capizzi shopped for a rental ele~tronic bleeper that will call him to return lo court when the 12 jurors make their decision. Later in the afternoon, Capizzi smiled with pride when he dialed h.is own bleeper number on a phone lo dem· oostrate the efficiency of his S3 a day rental. But Capizzi 's smile faded when the s mall electronic blei?per fastened to his bell failed to respond to his own telephone message. But the s mile returned to Capizzi's face when, on a second lry. the bleeper responded to his calJ. In addition to his costly gin rummy lesson. Aronson spent tM day absorbing good natured jibes directed b.is way. BECAUSE Of' HIS SOMETIMES abrasive and bom· bastic courtroom style. Aronson was told the jury was bound lo acquit Di edrich and co-defendant LeRoy Rose while convicting him of any n!lmber or heinous crimes A~d he. was chided be~ause one newspaper report described htm as being ··as ht!ry as his red hatr " Aronson 's red hair 1sn "t his own. ROSE CLAIMS nn; RF:o locks once bclcmged to a harlot ~tranded rn Hong Kon~ who sold them to a wig mak('r an return for a one· way ticket to SinRapore. Rose. as is has constant good-natured custom. spent most of the day telling jokes on h1m!;e)f When lalkin~ a planned trip. he theorized "that no matter what the jury de<:ades. 1 guess you can say J 'II be goin~ on a trip of some kind " AFTER A STEAM 81\TJI 1n a downtown gym and after ~~e Jury was sent home for tM night without reaching a .dec1s10~. Rose held ~ourt at tht• Gavel where he playfully flirted With an attracllvt! barmaid who !>eemangly enjoyed the attention he directed her wa y At diMer . Defense lawyer Jim Riddel ate squid steaJc at. Ant~y 's and rehashed the seven-week trial-its hitlh points. ats danger pomts and what be sees as its turning points. f:.ike Capizzi .. R!d~et said the agony of awaiting a ver~1ct does not .d1mm1sh as lawyers mature and gain ex· penence. "It's always the same. Just a terrible churning that keeps you on edge .·' FOR ALL OF THE part1<.·1pants it was simply a time of wai~ing the final outcome an the trial of a county supervisor a nd ha s r lose personal fr iend on bnbery charges There was pitching of quarters. a SI .000 gin rummy game, a light flirtation with a barmaid, a bleeper of ques· tionable reliability and squad steak . And while the tormenting wait went on, 12 persons tned and true met behind closed doors to decide what tum in the road lies ahead in the lives of those who wait. UC/ Teacher Cited UC Irvine medical students had an apple for the teacher Thursday. The teacher in this case was Or. Thomas C. Cesario, of Newport Beach, who was honored with the Golden Apple Award for teaching excellence. The award came during an honors' day program at the UCI Medical Center in Orange. It is the second year in a row that Dr. Cesario, an associate professor of medicine, bas re· cetved the award. Winning the Silver Beaker Award was Dr. Stuart Arfln. of Newport Beach, an associate professor of biochemistry. Kaiser-Permanente Awards went to Dr. Jeffrey L. Clark of Laguna Beach and Dr. Victor Passy of Santa Ana. In another award chosen by the students, Dr. Jennifer Smith of Orange was presented with the Resident of the Year Award. SOUlM COAST PLAZA COSTA MISA 140-llOJ •NOTICE• You c• now a.ya three piece SUIT for"-price of one gallon of GAS ••• that's rh)ht • t-t blly OM at ,....aw price, .... yo. pt .other of -.al or lesMr •allle for iust ''ONE DOLLAR'' ...u .... .................. 8 pM. v "°' ... frid!r .... , .. 1979 ·------' .._._µaCkd~~-S~! o.--~~egal Gas Policies_ that buy car waattea and a tw weella. Grove police OD mi.ldemeanor _;. fourinlaadoutleta-:--.... Or-.. OouM1 dlatrkt at· ......, .., ..... pnllmlnary Wwt• 81 w'1 U Mat wwek i01 Wt tbe ....... u ..... ''Ue &a.• .... ol _.. tltJaa u ear .,, .... •• a eoncf\Uoa of llilOU• purd '"· .,.._, DUUiet Attoraey J«f. Mr .... ftlld 1.Ut 1'1unda)' = • ftnu for tbe aUepd U. ol tbe atate bualMU ... prolM'k-al ~ wblcb pro-' blbh.18-'''tieln"aa .... ROllbl Nici be would leell a heerial on a preliminary UOWK'· Uoa a1a6aat tbe conditions Lawsuit Of OPEC Planned LOS ANGELES (AP> -The m acb.inista union is mad as hell about oil prices, and it· isn't go. inl to take it any more. So by the end of summer, when the United States may still be reeling from the effects of a fuel shortage, it hopes to go to court to seize up to S 1 billion in assets of nations that belong to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Legal grounds for the suit are complex, since ~it involves foreign nations and companies. But basically, the 900,000· member International Associa- tion of Machinists and Aerospace Workers < IAM > claims the OPEC nations have violated U.S. antitrust laws by price.fixing, says union attorney James H. Davis. The IAM cites federal legisla· tion that says foreign com· mercial enterprises whose ac. lions directly affect the U.S. economy shall be held accounta· ble to U.S. law. The suit was brought by the union in U.S. District Court on Def. 28. and since then the union has been trying to round up co- plaintiffs and serve court papers on the 13 member nations of OPEC. ~So far, the cities of Cleveland and New Haven have jonined the suit and several cities have ex- pressed interest in becoming plainlitrs, Davis says. The Los AIU(eles City Council is to decide this month whet.her to allow the municipally owned Department of Water a nd Power to enter the case. The lAM tried unsuccessfully to serve the court papers by mail, then turned t-0 the Slate Department. "The Stale Department isn't happy about It and we feel they have been dragging their feet," Davis said. "But they are doing it because they have to bv law.'· Gas Station Owner Cited In Late Sales The owner of a Huntington Beach service station has been banded a citation on charges that he sold gasoline to a number of cust-0mers while the station ostensibly was closed. Sgt. Luis Ochoa said police cit· ed 38.year-old Richard Gardner of Fountain Valley for allegedly selling the gas at midnight Thursday at his Exxon Station at Springdale Street and Ed- inger Avenue. Ochoa said lights were off at the station and no flags were posted that indicated the station was open for business at the lime ot the incident. Ochoa said that sales of gas while a station is closed violate rules of the odd-even gasoline sales program imposed recently by the Orange County Board or upervlaors. He added that such a violation carries a S500 per fine and/or a six·monlb jail term upon convic· tion. aom.tline nnt week In adcHUon. be aald, more com,_.. may be added to the eomplal.at .. bAI eGDHm•r fraud lDVfl\1aadoll eoMinuet- 0 f the M nrm• named ln nunclay'a complalnl, all but lbreean~arw.._. Ttlelr aUe1ed vlolationa An· C'lude requlrin1 evalomen to b.a1 ear • ..._. u a coad6Uon ot 1aaollne aale. eba.rllna a lUlher price for tuatomen not buytn. ur wulMie and Mttiq two dlf f~rent Umlta for the amount ot IH purchaMd -one for lboee aecond ~r thole who don't. The aervice atation operators chars• atemminl from his al· Also named wu Metro Car While car waah orrators named in the ault aUeaedly re· le1ed practice of cbarfinl $3 for Waab Systema, 2UO Harbor t ave contended federa 'retula· qulred cua~ to either pay appolntmeata al the pump. Blvd., ca.ta 11 ... , aad tu 11.uo tlona allow sueh eondiUons, for appoint at the pumps Car wubes named lat.be dis· car wasbea la Huat1a1toa RCMOhl aald 1tate law whlcb pro-or requlred t e purchase of tricl attorney's civil ault lDelude Beaeb, Coeta lleaa, Oraqe. hi bit.a auch reatrlction• takes mecbanlcal eervicea aa a coodi· 11 operated by Beacon Bay En· Santa Ana and Weatminater. precedent. tioa ol aale. terprilea. 2IO Newport Center Other Oran1• Coast ear He wiU be wklnl cMI rt.. Tbe stations named include Drive, Newport Beacb. waabes named in tbe complaint of h.500 for each aUe1ed viola· Oeorse Bl" Texaco ID Garden Beaeoa's car wub ouUeU ln· were K.L. Jae., tlSCl Caruuael Uonoftheatalecode. Grove,S.J .SbellinSantaADa elude Fountain Valley Car Lane, Huntin1ton Beacb. Roehl aald the fllln1 of the and Walliek's Union 76 in Waab, South Coast Auto Wub, operator of Hunttncton Center complaint came a. the result of Fullerton, according to the com· Auto Wash Newport Place, Car Wash. and Jack Galley, lnveatiaationa into tbe more plaint. Newport Center Auto Wash, operator of Lacuna Niauel Car than UO COUUD\~r complaint.a Bice alao hu been cited once Lido Car Wash, Laguna Car Wash, 30081 Crown Valley received by hit otfice in the pa.al and arrested once by Garden Wash, Costa Mesa Auto Waah Parkway, Laguna Niguel. Si'lktrood Case Family Wins Nuclear Suit OKLAHOMA CITY <AP> -A federal court jury today awarded the Karen Silkwood estate $10.5 million iD damages in connection with the plutonium contamination suit against Kerr· McGee Corp. The jury awarded $505,000 in a ctual damages and $10 million in punitive damages. District Court Judge Frank G. Theis had ordered the courtroom sealed 'Nhen the jury r e turned this morning after sending word that it reached a verdict. .The jurors resumed delibera· lions this morning. On Thursday, they asked a question that touched off healed in·chambers debate, then decided to work through the evening. But they retired without announcing a de- cision and returned to the jury room today. The three-man. three.woman jury passed a note to Judge Frank Theis on Thursday that said : "In instruction num her 18. what does phys ica l injury mean?'' } \ SU Injured in Crash Stars Due For Duke's Horwr Bid Several witnesses during the 10-week trial testified Miss Silkwood told them she felt she was dying. Her s urvivors sued the Kerr-McGee Corp., alleging negligtmce in connection with h e r contamination with plutonium from the company's nuclear fuel plant, ~here she worked as a lab technician. A broadslide collision at Red Hill and Alton avenues in Irvine early today left six per· sons with injuries. Firemen used an air chisel to free Chuck Shaw. 34. of Santa Ana. after his foot C above > became trapped between doors and body of the van. Shaw. after being tre ated by firemen. was transported with rib and head injuries to Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospital Four others we re hospitalized. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tot Critical In Beating; Mother Held A 2·year-old Cypress girl was listed in critical condition at Children's Hospital of Orange County today after she allegedly was severely beaten by her mother Thursday night, police reported. Shonta Charmain Norwood un- derwent surgery late Thursday for abdominal and head injuries. police said. Her mottH?r, 23-year-old An· toinette Norwood, has been booked into Orange County Jail on charg~ of felony child abuse. police said. orr1cers s aid they were notified of the suspected ctuld abuse by hospital officials. Investigation into the case is continuing, police said. ~\ ""l "' WASHINGTON <AP> A House subcommittee may not have any trouble attracting an audience to Monday's heanng. The witness list includes ac· t r e s s es E 1 i z a bet h T a.y lo r • Maureen O'Hara and Kathleen Nolan. T he occasion is a hearing on legislation to strike a gold medal for John Wayne, the Hollywood veteran who is batUing canttr. The bill would authorize Presi· dent Carter to present the medal and allow the Treasury Depart· mcnl to offer bronze duplicates of the medal for sale lo the public. Also testifying will be Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr .• R·Calif., the leading sponsor of the bill that is co-sponsored by 120 representatives, and Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer , a World War II leader and longtime friend of Wayne. Subcommittee Chai rman Frank Annunzio. D-111., said Thursday that several other Holl ywood s tars a ls o may lt!Slify. .. I have been a John Wayne fan for 40 years," Annunzio said. )'?J"'l · .> 1Shade '-;I .. ~> ·.1 Woman Beats Odds To Win at Poker SAN DIEGO (AP) -Bill Freer -whose poker·playing wife just won $12,720 in a Las Vegas championship -is eating humble pie today and loving every bite of it. \; ·oarde , 1 '1' SALE Kerr-McGee c laims Miss Silkwood stole the plutonium and contaminated herself, prob- ably while attempting to spike her urine samples to e mbarrass the company. She died in a Nov. 13, 1974, cat crash. The jury had bee n de liberal· ing since Tuesday when it asked its question about the judge's in- structions, and his first response was lo summon lawyers from both sides to his chambers to discuss bow be should answer it. Bill Paul, Kerr-McGee's chief counsel, told Theis he should re- fuse to answer, since physical inJury is "a common knowledge term ." Gerry Spence, a Silkwood lawyer, argued for a detailed e~planation. Theis interpreted that dif· ference of opinion as "the defen· danls want the darkness of the delta and the plaintiffs warit the bright lifht of day." He told the JUry that "physical injury" can include "non·visible or non-detectable injury . . . lo bone, tissue, or cells ... If a pel"!ion suffers physical injury under expert medical opinion, it 1s only necessary that person believe they have been physical· ly injured as a basis for mental pain and suffering to occur.·• Basket or Upright · Fuchsias Cnoose from 0"9I 20 ............ :11-.yartelles or mis W~!L"' snooe qaraen color lavorne 1 Gal S11c ' Reg '279 A E PRICEsl.19 Shade Azaleas A<IG IOU ano winter COIOI IO any ~naov oreo- llUfry white setecllOn tost~• 5 Gal Sile Reg '1199 SALE PRICE se.99 Recall Booth "The odds were against her." marveled Freer. 45, "but I've got to admit now. She's one heckuva poker player."· Barbara Freer, 49, outplayed 52 women lo capture the seven card stud crown Wednesday in the 10th annual World Series or Poker iD Las Vegas. Dis•idents in HB Festival Tbere will be somethln8 new when tbe totb annual Huntlqton Beaeh Clt)' Festival 1et1 under wa1 Saturday mornin1 at Oolcle• Welt Coll•••· Tbe new attractioD will be a boolb tb8t ursea one aad all by lta 1lp to .. Recall tbe Ra1eala." Tbe booth will be ataffed by 1neral eltllena who art woniDI for the recall of Huntlnston Beach City Councilmen John • Tbomu and Ron PatUnaoa and Clt1 Attorney Gall Hutton. A l"llqUmt to operate the booth bad nm lnto some blitlal COD· een b:r tbale wbo believed lt mllltt be too polJUcal and-could f'll tbe feltlval ln a bad llabt-llowner, tbe o•erwbelm.lDC llaJodr of tbe t..uval........, ... mm.. deelded Thunda1 .. tile na1J booth would be DO ••re "Utlul tban UaoH planned by a number or other or· 1anlut..lons. The recall group, however, will be not be allowed to circulate petitions on campus and mull conf'me its activities to the booth. Meanwhlle, entertainment and a number of other activities are scheduled throughout the day start.lq at 9:30 a .m. and ending at3 p.m. There will be rock muslciana, a Ja11 band. 'a dance ensemble. appearances by local officials and fUma and a puppet ahow for younpten. Tbe women~s state aoftball ehampiombip alao Is sebeduled. Alto about eo bootba will be operated by eivic oc1antutioaa taklq advantqe of tbe day to ralM money or to apreld the word about their ll'OUPI· ' The 4-foot l lo/•·inch card queen also made Vegas kl.story last year when she became the rirat woman lo play in the series• championship flight, where she finished 18th among 42 entrants. Freer admits that be was akeptical about the Las Ve1u tournaments. "Sbe'• playing against pros out there." said the El Cajon tavern owner. "She's only been playing 'Texas Hold·em' <the series' final round> for a 1ear. ·'I told her before sbe left that she was liable to blow lt." · After her victory. the jubilant Mrs. Frftr took time out to 1loat. "I tueu I showed him, okay,'' she crowed to reporters .• Altboulb Freer aaid be often plays poker with Illa wUe "for money, not tor tun," be doel not cla6m ~redlt for teacbiq tM 1ame to Barbara. ' Water-In What Does "Water-In" Do? Qr. Size Reg. '3.99 • Breaks up compacted so11 • Aerates tl'le so11 • Carries re11111zers 10 root level • Comes water ooo fOOd deep into soil • Cuts down run-off and puddling • Holds more water in nor weotl'ler • Wets peo1 moss. steer manure. sowduc;t and p1on1 rooa upon contact No mixing SALE PRICE s2~99 COSTA MESA 0,..1 ......... , ......... JllJ MIWPOlf an. COlfAMBA ••1111 ..... ~ta • iAN :ii lllf <.O ~ IWY ~ VALIEY .. E~8 '"'° •oomtuasr I JOUMTAIM fALLIY .... ................. .., .. P11oeaJ6wn1 ONM7.IAYI ........ I. I · A..f DAILY Ptl.OT ,ridey, M-r ti. tt11 NATION /WORLD --- ... .,. ... ' •I' ..... •• •I .... .. ... . " ... ,. •,' ... l I I l . t. ...... . ' . (· ~ . I , ' • , l I I I ; } .. • • ' ' ,, •. ~ : s j f I , ' J I I i • J d : t : ' . ' . ~ .. .. ..... .. ·:··~---~-_.j~_IJ_n,~ion Cuts " ..;,, . A Inst Art Revived OB. 8lJC'H PAINS Pao• GAS: ll ll • sad.. ud lamen· table comlMftt upon the CaJifomla acene Loda)' lhat clear· ly. the prat"Uee ol alpbonll\1 1uoline •• • loat art. Nobody llaowa how to do It anymore Thi•· deplonble> human condition 1tuck home juat ye1terday wtwn uavants or the heaHnc arts at UCI Mechol Center ttportt>d they have rw-elved more than JOO call:> an JU.St tbt-lut lO daty11 on thtt 8UbJeet , Peopje. the do<'turs ~ay. havf' bffn try&n1 to siphon 1111> out of their tenks and havC' failed miserably They t!od up bekhinl 11wtul unlHdl'd rumes for days The v1ctams have suffered gastro·antHtln•I •ttaclu req\llran& rast-actanac h1xaUvea to rt!move lh4! poisonous 1uoline from lbe human system. WWLE THESE SIPHONING (aahue$ are very serious, they're probably drawtng some giggles from those '"Here Lle:r Jim Drew, He Sucl«d WMn He Should Have Blew" an the populace who lived through the Great Depression and the gas less days or World War II. During the Depression, some people lacked the scratch to buy gas at even 16 cents a gallon. And durang the Big War, gas was rationed, even if you did have the bucks. So there was a lot of siphoning and it became a practiced art. IT SHOULD NEVER be s uggested, however, that good people went out and siphoned off somebody else's gasoline in thievery. It was just that to keep yourself and you r friends going, sometimes there had to be a certain amount of swapping around. Anyway, the medical calls suggest thllt the art form has vanished. just like the knowledge of how to m ake buggy whips. Because of gas-swapping practices now going on, I have consulted an aging expert on the siphoning art. He or. fers a couple of tips. First, don't smoke while trying it. Do not light matches to see how you're doing. Next. expert siphoning artisans never stick the hose in the gas tank and suck on it. You have some extra gas and pre-rill the siphon hose. Then, holding thumb over the hose. it 1s inserted in the tank and when the hose's lower end is released, lo, it has started its own siphon. TRY PRACTICING THAT first with some water, a tube and a couple or empty mayonnaise j ars. In practice. also try not smoking, even though you're usmg water. It forms a good non-etplosive habit . If it turns out you do have to suck on the hose to get the siphon started. give it one good suck and then r apidly re· move your mouth from the hose before the flow starts. This may save you a lot of pain and suffering. Sometimes the flow has started even though it hasn't reached the end or the hose yet. Do not turn up the end and peer in it to see what's happened. It may happen right in your eyeballs. Above all, re member that gasoline is supposed to ex· plode at the s lightest provocation. We live in perilous times. State Aims At Mosquitoes SACRAM ENTO <AP) -· Mos· quitoes. reportedly flourishing under Proposition 13, are the target of an $11 million bill ap. proved by the California slate Senate. SB382 by Sen. Rose Vuich, D· Dinuba, advanced to the As· sembly Thursday on a 28·1 vote. It would provide stale aid to pest control districts whose rev· e nu es h ave been c ul by Proposition 13. The state would pay up to hair a district's total costs in 1979-80. Profits_ Tally W~CJIUNOTON CAP > -Buaineu profits contillued at record levela in the flnt three montbl of tbia year, wUll mucb ot lhe 1am attrtbut· ~ to inllaUon. the 1overnment aaid today . Bu1 wbeA adjusted for taxea and iDllaUoa. prollta from current production actually showed a s percent drop ln tbe flnt quarter to an unnual $168 billlon total, a Com· . ...__ mere" Department statement receauon ls said to occur w.~, said. the economy shows ne1ative "Th•t's tt\4' firs t decline since growth tor two consecutive thl' rarst quarter of last year q~arters. and _there a~e when weather was awful and w1des~ad predi~t1ons of a m1~d there was ,. coal strike .. said recesa100 be1inn1ng lat.er this dep11rtment spokesman Kenneth ye~~e Commerce Department A Petrick. attributed much of tbe lain to AT THE SAME time, the "the reduction in federal cor· Commerce Department reduced porat.e income tax rates" that its estimate of lbe nation's first-' took effect lhia year. quart.er economic growth from The slower economic growth 0.7 percent to 0.4 pereeol. "The had been welcomed by govern· s lowdown was attributable \o ment officials, who bad viewed sales," said a department state· the economy's 6.9 percent menl. growth rate of the fourth quarter Before.tax profits for the fll"St as ··overheating" and infla· quarter were at an annual rate tionary. or $226.9 billion, up 0.9 percent THE REPORT TWO months from the fourth quarter of 1978, ago that pre·tax corporate prof. the statement said. its in the final quarter of 1978 . The new total eclipsed the rec· were 26.4 percent ahead of the ord $224.9 billion in profits al an fourth quarter of 1977 drew annua l rate in the last three howls from labor officials and months of 1978. P rofits were from Alfred Kahn, the presi· $54 .8 bi llion. or 32 percent. dent's chief Inflation fighter. ahead of those of the first Wmnen's Dag Thousands of Iranian women participat ed in a r ally at Tehran University on Thursday during the country's first Women's Day. Chadur-clad women held automatic weapons with flowers in the barrels to emphasize peaceful motives. quarter last year. THE DEPARTMENT attribut· ed much of the increase lo a higher valuation or inventories because of inflation. U.S.-Cuha Link: 'Awful' ·J Fourth-quarte r profits last y~,ar. adjusted for taxes and in-v~ntory inflation, had been $176.6 billion on an annual basis. Uutro Attacks Carter~ Blockade of Island The Commerce Department also reported that the nation's gross national product, the. total value of output of goods and services in the economy. grew at a n 0.4 percent annual rate, down from an 0. 7 percent r ate estimated previously. THF. LOWER F IGURE showed the economy dipping c los e to the recession level. although economists expect a re- bound in the second quarter. A COZUMEL, Mexico <AP > Fidel Castro said Cuba's rela· lions with the Carter ad · ministration were "perfectly awful," despite some improve· ment, and that the U.S. blockade of his communist-ruled island was "one of the most miserable acts that I know ... " ... We cannot even buy one aspirin from the United States for a toothache . But this is nothing compared lo trying to save the life of a child, when we Soviet Sub Outruns U.S. Capabilities? WASHINGTON <AP> A nuclear.powered attack submarine built by the Soviet Union can go faster and dive deeper than any U.S. Navy sub, The Washington Post said today. The newspaper said the Soviet sub has been tested at speeds of 40 knots while s ubmerged and can dive lo a depth of 2,000 feet or more. The Navy's newest attack sub· marine, the Los Angeles, is believed lo have a speed of less lhan 35 knots and a diving limit hundreds of feet less than 2.000, according to the news paper. INFORMATION ON the Soviet sub was <."onlained in detailed in· telligence data from recent test runs, the newspaper said. Capt. Robert Simms, a Navy spokesman, declined to com· menl on the story. The newspaper quoted an un· identified official as saying, "ll 's embarrassing that they've been able to do something we haven't been able to do, and the re's a big flap over it.·· THE NEWSPAPER said tl was too early to tell whether the s peedier Soviet s ub, whose hull is built of titanium instead of the s teel used for American sub- marines, could make a signifi· cant difference in war. Navy leaders contended the new sub is a· technical gimmick and not a threat lo American s uperiority under the seas, the newspaper said. also cannot buy medicine." the Cuba n president told a news con fereoce Thursday night CASTRO. VISITING Mexico for the first time s ince he launched tus revolution 23 years ago. said the "fundamental oh· stacles" to better relations with t he United Slates were the blockade and the U S. naval base at Guantanamo. what·h thf' United States has refu sed to \'acatc . Castro also predicted that tht> governments of N1cara~ua and El Salvador would fall soon because of civilian and guerrilla uprisings. He said the people of Nicaragua will "soon throw garbage at Somoza. Somoza 1s the son of North American 1n tervention." President Anastasio Somoza s rather look power tn Nica'ragua in the 1930s wath the help of U S Mannes . CASTRO SAID THE only country that has intervened an Central America as the United States and denied cha rges that Cuba has sent aid to re,otu t 1onar ies throu gh out Lalin America. Castro. visiting Mexico to ''t ighten th e bond ~ of friendship," a lso blasted the United States for als treatment of illegal Mexican imma~rants and praised has host. President Jose Lopez Portillo. for refusin~ to tailor h1s oil policy to suit W ashangton. The Cuban president said the une mployment that sends Mex- 1<.•ans across the U.S.-Mexican border an search of work is the result of "the batter and inevila· ble mutalataon of the national ll-rntory and the underdevelop- ment imposed by the force. the <t rrog~nN.' and the dominalJon of the United !::ilatcs an the past.·· CETAAudit Lowers Total In Misspending WASHINGTON CAP> --A fi ve yt>a r Labor Department audit of $5.5 billion worth of Co m prehe nsive Employment a nd Training Act programs shows S34 million has been mis· ~pent But the figures suggest ahuscs within the program are lcss widespread than critics ha\'(' believed. Department officials gave no breakdown Thursday on how the CETA money had b~cn mis· spc.·nt They said they were al· tcmptan~ lo recover the funds whe re possible Prevaour. estimates of abuses in the pro~ram have been in lbt' hun1Jrl'tls of millions of dollars. I Northern Plains Cool Talk is Cheap.· I I Wmds Gust to 30 mph in North Dakota Albu'QU. Am•rlllo All•nl• ea111 ....... llirm""*" Bolr.. BO•-Brown)Vlllt Buffalo Clleye- Cltk..,., C1n<IMall ClawlMlll 0.1 Fl. Wiii 0.-.r 0.SMoiM• O,.roll °"'""' ........ ~ ... ~ IM'apolls K.,.·,c11v u•V..-s Llltla Ito<' t.MA,.._ Lo.l••llle ~ ...... ........... ---"·" ............ .... Clf'IM .... y_ Ollle. City ()ffteM ,,,...... .............. P"9lflla :'t. ·-Mt.8111• Ml Lo "re 81 .. 11 S9 .13 to S9 n SI .. SI 1J AO l>S SJ .01 8) .. " ., 11 0 .os ,. 112 1• 0 " •s 84 ~· 71 SI .. •S ., )Cl IJ SI .01 .. .. • 10 ~! ~~ St I'· Tempt n 4t IS ., Solt Uh 7t SO " .,_ SoolD._., .. 60 II '° SM Fr°" 6' SI 11 50 ~.!!.. :: !! ~ :: Wet!Mf1910ft 7S 50 10 7l .OS CM.ll'OltNIA ll ..i -..onfi.td t4 10 ., ,. .9) Ill~ 17 1t » Bl'l'fllo t4 71 • .., F..-t4 •S n .o _....., .. S2 II 61 .11 HMdlft " 70 .. at .n 0.leotd 1J S2 tJ "" '-'_,., 91 ,. \1' S1 SeM.a .._. U S2 .. ii Se.di*' tS M 19 'I Tllonftel ti 57 74 SS Bentew '° .0 II ff allM •7 S7 a '2~•1eh« .. ,. .----------I c.M,.. ... " ...... ._,,_. 1t ,. L ... hedl n S7 Ne-...n 9Mtll ... ,. ...,..,.... .. St C>Mtr• n s. ......... 7S St S... lhfMnliM M .. SMO..i.4 11 S7 IMJteo tt St s.i,.taAIMI 7t 5' ~Ctw " .. ........... ..,, IMll 7t JI , ... "....., .... ,..,._ 19" ~PM--•tCM., » IMtMa .. 1' ... 0 "'.... .. " f ... ,,_ Klfl9\- Molltt908oy Mazata..i Muk oClty M•rlda ,.....,.....,, Naswu Toeu<....,._ TrlnklM V•r•Cn&l tJ ,. .. JO 14 ,, 14 ,. 7t " to n 11 n 14 ,. ... 14 ,. t4 M 7t 2t •<roul!W~I. T oclaY'• IOn<flt <·••i.G lor Sllowef5 •ncl lllu~ over tt>e -\l•m porllon of ,,. sout,.rn Pl••n•. por. hon• of tr. m~Mlululpp1 V•lley •ncl 1119 ~em ,..If of ,,. <;rut La-u, o lew s-rs •nd lhun· det\,,._n -northern Arl1on. . 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For bargains you can believe in, rely on the ' DAILY PILOT 642-4321