HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-23 - Orange Coast PilotT
Die ·ch Jurors Reveal
How They Reached Verdi~
DAILY PILOT Kills 3, Injures
* * * 10' * * *
VOi. 11. HO IU . e SECTIOHS ... PAGE$
11 at Israel Bus Stop
6PWt,...._lo "'°"" Ga• Charles Wa r ren . President
Car ter's spccwl liaison to
California. says l ht• state":.
gas al loc<Jtion will hl' in·
c reased by 10 pl'n·cnt an
Jun e . e n ding lint•:-<:it
ser vice st a lions
Anaheim Boy, 2 ,
Drowns in Pool
A 2-ycar -old Anaheim boy
d rowned Tuesday in a backyard
·swimming pool, Oran ge County
coroner 's deputici. rcportt.'<.I lo·
Justin S m ith, 2. a ppar ently
tumblt.'Cl into t¥ pool a t 420 S
Archer St ., Anahe im. at 11 .56
a .m . a nd could not bt' revived l>v
paramedics summonc•d to th~·
s cene. officia ls sa id
Jury Cites Verdict
Diedrich 'Guilty Beyond Doubt'
SI\!\ DI I':<;() Tht: 12 Juror~
who convicted Orange County
Supervisor Ralph Diedrich and
architect LeRoy Rose on bribery
c h a r ~es Tues day said t hey
noticed many things during the
course of the seven-week t rial.
They said, for example, they
noticed the th ree defense al·
torneys habitually wore short·
sleeved shirts.
They also mcnt1 uncd noticing
tha t a wedding band worn by
* * * Aftt-r J11ne B
Kost• was :in on-again, off-agam
thing and when it was off-again
1t might have refl ected on his ac-
tivities or the ni~ht before.
One j uror said she a lso noticed
that Oit.'Clrk h"s wife. Inez, was
not in the courtroom during lht•
six court days it took to select a
And when Mrs . Diedrich ap
pea red in court on the tria l '.s
opening day. the Juro r felt her
pr esence wa s a n a ttem pt to
* * *
portra.' U1 ed n ch ~~ mpalhcllciJI·
ly as a family man
Above all e lse. however . the
jurors said when the evidence
was wcighc.'<.I it ixnnted to guilt
··~yond a reasonahle doubt and
to a mornl certainty."
· · 1t 's J usl when )' o u check
them together tht• ''rosc·c ullon·s
ca se was mon· plau~1 blc tha n
lht' defcnsl• case.·· onf' JUror s a1<I
in a tel(•pho11c inter view
lier thoui~hls we n• t·ch11cd by
s ix olht·r jurors mlt'rv11·wc.-d by
tt'lt•ph11n1• ;,iftt•r most of I he 1ury
m emht•rs rduo.;1·d tu bf' 1n -
tervit•w1·d liy r•·porters as thl'~
ll'fl lht· t•ourt room
Cordova to Take l\s lhl'v left, wh.11 h;1d b<.·cn
alm<1st ,; f1·stl\'t.• mo1HI ;1m1ml!
tht• juror.., during tlw tn~•I had
turnt'd to 11liv1<H1:. -.train anlf
fotiguc Diedrich's Office? ··1 am Just too t1n ·d ;11ul w1Jrn
o ut lo wanl to <11-.1·uss llw
c:cis<'. ·· Jiff\ f.lrt·m an H1 c:hard
I \"P~ ..,;11(1 when ... urr11umkd b'
rt<.'ws nwn 8 y (;AR\' GR/\NVll.U .:
0t IM 0•1lf Ptlel Sl•tt
SAN UI E<;O i\n e ra 1n
Ora n~t.· Ct1unl y pol1t1cs t•nclc•d
T uesday night when S uµcrv1sor
H<tlph Diedrich stepped into the
darkness oub JCfr lht· <.:ounly
Courthous1· <is a newly convicted
Within a few minutes of his
c·o nv1<·tio n on thrt!c bri ber y
t·ha r gcs. Die drich ~e<tled his
polil1 l·al c:iir<'N whe n he said to
Su p c n or Cour t J ud gc Ho~s
T harp·
··wetl. the n. I'll avoid going to
(Board o f Supervisors) mcel·
1ngs. ·•
Thal s t ate m e n t m eu n t
D ied rich hargaincd away his
p rerogat ive lo serve on t he
s t'mhlvmun Ron Cordova, a
:1 2 y t• i.ir 11 I d 1· 11 n ~ c r 11 a t i v t·
Ccird11v ;.i mad<' no overtures
for the Joh wh1li · D1t·dnch wa~
waiting trial and i-.;tys he will not
.sct:k it whili· the incumbent is
Ironi cally. norw I)( tht• 1ur111 ..,
who lalt•r d1:.1·u:.~l'<l lht• tas•·
.., it I rf t ht• \" 11 1 d II • t h (• I 1 (.• \" t•
D11.·dnrh":-. \<·r:-.1on of the hr1twr~
c:on:.piraty wht•n lht· 5:1 year r1ld
eounty s111k·r v1si1r tc·sllfll'd dur waiting sc•nll'nc:1ng ing thi• t nal
Uut he has lht• acl1 v<.· support ··1t was JUSl that whe n you fo r tht.• appointment of stat<.• h Dc m oc·ratu: Part v chairman wc1ght'U lht• i•v 11lc •nn• :in<I put l l'
Kic h ad O"Neill . t"abor leader 1neccs togl•lht'r ll1t· proscrution'-;
Bruce Let• anrl the cou nt v"s con· l'a:o;c held wat<•r und there nl'vcr
t in gcnt o f Dem ocr atic sta t e wa s a sa tisfa<"lory n•as1m for lht' flow of so nrnt•h mnn(•v. ··a wuman l egis la t ors. 1o c lut1 1ng As -Juror who aski·d not to he idcn
scmblyman De nnis Mangers. tifit•d said Diedrich ·s abrup t departurt• from offi ce was decided at 7:28 Sh e and ol ht•rs 'ie<•mingly found a s m ut·h fault with pros· p.m by an eight-woma n. four· t•cut1on w1tnf'sses a s they did ma n jury. I After being deadlocked 11 to 1 with those who tcstifi cc for thl' dcfcnst• in favor of guilt since Mo nday Prosecution witnesses giv.en
lliglt ,.,., ak_.tc
Barhar:1 Vn·er nf 1-:I < '.111111
1:-. llltt' ol I \\ti \\011w11 \\hi•
ho ujlhl 111 \\llh 'IC1IHl(1111 th1
l11g g:imc 11f ttw 1111 h :HHIU.d
World S<.·nl·:-. 111 l'11k1•r 111
I.as V<·ga .... F1t1 .' lo tt r p1·11
µI<· l'Olt'l"t'!I I h1 · 111).!lt ,1,d,1• ..
1·:.t rct gam l'
Tijuana Still
Minus Water
TIJUANA <Al'• Thou:-.:.n<l~
o f T1Juam.1 rcs1dt•11ls. 1n<"lucling
hundreds of Amt•r1c·ans la ving m
r t•t 1 r<'m e nt 1·o l on 1t·~. w1·rt·
without water for the fourth day
tod ay as t:·n~i n<•t•rs ~1lll•mpt N1 111
repa ir a broken pum p 1tO mile:-.
south of the e1ty.
board a nother few weeks m cx-
chan~e for a scnlencm~ date or
July 9 r ather than June 8. ----.-"Hi· edrictrwon 't-mflciatly be re--
m oved from office because of
his felony Jlllnviction until sen-
a fternoon. the jury decided un-low r atings in t he collective
CSeeCQIY!OV A. ea&e tU --mind of....lbe_jurors WCl"c •. Newpo...__ ___ m denrs-ct:n m t h at rault~
Beach develope r Richa rd Owen ~quipmcnt and slow repairs an·
Weather te nced to what could be up to
four years in st ate prison.
In c r e a s in g c loud s But in addition to forgoin~
tonight. becoming pa rtly p a rticipation on the Roard of
-----<1-4r"'udy Tbursda~. H ... · ~..__-i~'rtH!leir~ .. M'irSseef".rss--uu-nHl-sentenced-.
Thursday in the 60s at the Diedrich indicated late Tuesday
beaches. low lo the mid night he might resign before the
70s inland. Lows tonight July 9 sentencing d ate.
•----t..ucuDLM lD That woukhJpell "thl! door foT
Indians Picket
ty American Indians picketed to
call attentio n t o fea rs that
m assiv.e .stetillzal.ion-of Indian
is going on under sanction of the
fede ral government.
and former development com-
p. a ny exe<'utive Richa rd Stark. responsible for th<' third !.Uch shutdown lh1s month. Given the highest rating as a
witness for the prosecution by
the juror s wa s forme r s t at e
sena tor Dennis Carpentt-r. And
ra nked at the top of t e scale
CSee DIEDRICH, Pa1te A2>
An estimated 30.000 people h v-
in~ alon~ the coasthnt• ha vt·
een a ected by the lal~ proh·
le m al the La Mis1on pum µ.
TEL AVI V. Is rael CA P ) A
h ·rrorist bomb killed two women
;.ind a baby ~irl <ind injun'd 11
1wo1>lc at a (·rowded bus slop in
a '""n oul..,tdt• Tt:I Aviv today <t!>
hundn•ds of bracl1s poure d into
rw rt twr11 S111;.i1 111 s upnort set
1 ll"r-; """ \11"1.·tJ to fight rather
rhan 1-(1\l' th1·1r land b:.ick lo
Eg) pl.
T ht• boml1 •·>.plodt•<J i.hortl.\"
.1ft1•r 111 .1 m :1t11p th1· f11Jt'rglai-.!.
I •••JI of llw 1 11rh:-.1tlc hus slop in
1'1·t.1h ·T1l-.\a h, ~•x m ile:-.
11111·1h1 ·a~t ot T1•I Ava\. Th .. sla1h
''111 no111 :incl IH 1111111tli ·old g irl
d11 •d 111 I ht· l•><•;il h o..,1J1 t ;tl ,
.111lh111111 1:-. ... :11d
Th1· l'a It -.11111• l.1 h1•1at11111
• •1 •'.11111.1111111 111 111·11 ul d.11m1•d
1 '"'fH111:-1bll11 \ tor the hlast It
... 11d I h1• s t11rc was u-. .. d b.'
1 ... 1 .11•1! ..,11ld11·r!'-.ind I h;il the <ti -
1.11 I.. v..1 p.1n 111 tho l'LO plan to
,.,., 11.11·1.. • tlw 11.1tu1 al righb c1f
t1111 p1·opl1· U1 .1t 1 ... 1 .1d u:.urpt:d m
1'111< "'
II v. ·'" th1· f1r:-t l1•rronsl bomb
1 .111-.1111: 1·.1:-.u.il111·-. '>lnt·1· May 15
v. lh 11 1 v.11 lt•••n ,1J.!1•rs "'e re kill<-d
o1 net :1~ rn 1111 t•d 111 T1 lwn as on lh1·
"1-.1 111 <:.iltll·•·. Thal bomh
111 •>11 1.!hl t11 15 the numbt'r of 1..,, .11·hs k1l11·d hy l1~rronsts in
1 ~1 ;u•I 1n l!li!J. More tha n 200
ha\ 1• ht•1•111n1ur1•1I.
~1 1·:inwhl11•, Ddc•nsc• M ini slN
1-:1.1·1 W1·11.111;m wa:. lo Oll'Ct with
1 tw .11u1.ry f;1rmt'r:-. at lhl'1r Neol
:-)111;11 ..,1•11 ll'rrll'nl toda y lo try tu
1'on v 1111·1· I ht•m tu give up the
lanll a11cl ht•ad off an em barrass·
1 ng <·onfronlal1on.
1\ bout 200 s etlkrs barricaded
lh•·Jll!•t'lv1·:-. in 1·11mµuund:. Tues ·
il:r v on a JO ac:n• stretch of trees
:111;1 1 mp:-. rwar l ht• dusty desert
lo"' n of El Aris h. lsracl is s up-
po:1t•d to hund over 1'.:I Aris h. and
t ht• I a nd to the west , lo Egypt on
1·up1c d land m a ndat ed in the
ls ral'li-Egyptian ~ace t reaty.
··w t• will.not move," one set-
11,•r told a n Israe li ne ws paper
Tuc:.day. "We a rc prepured for
:my possil.111tty of physical op·
fSee BOMB, Page AZ>
The main mdU1lry in a Mia-
.....,,.,. Riwr lot.an of 200 1s
'•""" -OM /or et>f!ry «J ~·· StOf"I/. Page B 11.
Gov. Edmund G. Brown to ap·
point a replacement to fill the
3rd District seal now held by
Diedrich .
Front-runner for the appoint·
ment i s former s t a te a s -
Irvine Shooting Described
• .,.., ....... Ill .. ... ...
E.um Ordered
Keith Cook, 19, of Lynwood, who
pleaded guilty to second-degree
murder in the abootina death ol
rock concert promoter Steve .
Woll, WU ordered Tueaday to
under10 a 90·day dia1notllc
1tud7 before returnin& for HD·
Ol ttle O.lly ~llM Sutt
Breaking into tears as she
testifie d . a Ne wport Beach
wosnan told an Orange County
Superior Court jury Tuesday
that she watched u Irvine al·
torney Gary Wayne Patton
pumped several abota into her
1l1ter'1 temple.
Barbara Swearinten told the
seven-woman, five-man jury
that PaUOn beld the hands ol his
wife toptber and abot ber re·
peatedly as she tried to move
from the couple's Irvine apart-
m ent last Nov. 18 .
Ka therine "Katy" Leigh Pat-
ton. 23, the murde r suspect 's
bride of two months. was fatally
wounded by three shots in the
hea d fro m a .22 c alibe r
a utomatic pisto l.
Miss Swearingen told the jury
her sister wanted to end her
marriage to Patton because he
constantly badgere d her with
feeUni" or insecurity a bout ber
love for him.
"He just constantly bothered
he r all day and all night by his
insecurity, by the fact that Katy
did love him but h e d idn't
believe it," Miss Swearmgen
She also s aid her sister felt the
insecurity stemm~ from Pa t-
ton's two prior marriages that
ended in divor~.
Patton's attorney, A11an
Stokke. is contehding that the
34.year.old Patton ll'i a manic
depressive whose mental condi·
t1on m ade him not responsible
for the a lle ged slayiog.
rrosecut9 r Paul Me y e r .
howe ver. 1s alle ging that Patton
planned the murder, borrowed a
gun ahead of time, had it readily
acce11slble and should be round
g uilty of first-degree murder.
Miu Swearingen s aid she bad
gone with her s ister to the Pal·
ton home at 14 E s planade .
Irvine, to helo her remove her
<See ATl'OaNIEY. Pa1e AZ>
... OM.YPILOT s w.dn11ur .... e. 117'1
Dled1-te• Draws I•dos
FellOw -SUperouon Traiae Hi1 I nno~ai · -
Whj~ not commentin1 on the crtm•n•I
bribNy conviction that wlll oust Oranl(f'
Count~. Supervisor Ralph Ditldrich from of
h ct>. Diedrich '8 fellow supervtaors praised
ham and tu• aer vlc. to lhe cou.nty today
d1m1nlsh tht> muny JCt)(}(f thin11t he did while
in orrlcc," (;hark s1ud
"HE WOaK~D HAaD. lit' was dudical·
ed and ht' haa alwaya been a very c:111u•bh;
county xupt•rvlaor I hMve a lot of respect and
r..-lard tur ttalph I'll miH him " "It 18 my opinion that Oran1e County ll a
bt>tl\'r place becauae lhlph Diedrich ha
lw "n a county aupe rvesor ," Supervtsor
'fhomu Rll"Y said.
SuJ)(•rv1sor llurrlett Wlt'dcr was not fur
behind ('lurk and Kiiey In h.:r w1llingntiss to
u y kind lhinait about l>1e drich
"HE BaOUGHT IN M.\NY innovative•
11rocf'dures for the munaitcmcnl of <'Ounly sov
1• rn nw nt
"H.e wH at ~ood adm1rustrator. he wai.
~Md for lhl' county and he-wu!i goo<l for h1:.
1h :.l rlrt .'' Mr:-. WH•<h·r suld
. And llUUI) uf h1i. ult•u:> jr(' .. OHIJOr
r1•mmn why Orun.:1• Count\ hu:. an C'f(H'H•nt
l'OU llty g11\'\•r11111t•nt . lhk .... 1111
I rn 'all for 1t u11,h 1' fami ly und l 'n\
<iact for th~ ,·11u11t y thut things had lo come to
t h1 1'. :.tw l'111wlutl1·d
"lt..\1.Pll llAS 8~•:N \t'r ) dt•d1 f'uh'd untl
hunl "urkmg I Jui.I hupt' tlll' '"'''''It· \lo 111 n ·
nwn1 ht•r all tht· 111.111~ plu:.t·:o. lw :-. hrnught to
Ora11.:l·Cou11t y
s1 11•un11SOR .... u .... l\NTHONV s a1(l,
·11 1, unfurtumall· f11r Orao.:t.• County and the
1w1111h• whu li\1• h1·n· J :> \lol'll ai. lht: county's
1111t1j..(l' that th1:-. h.t1' hllpJ.ll'flCd I'm very surry
f(ar lldlph. Mr H01'c and their families," An-
111 1111 > .'>l.lld. Supt·rVl!:>Or lhlph Clurk h.111 '1m1l11r
words of pru1i.e for Uiec.lrarh lk went un to l'all Oie<lrich "a strong ac-
ll\ t> 11wmll\•1 11( the Uoard of Supervisors .. 'I h111w IL1 lph ':-. l'11111 l l'l 111ll dw·'n t
Spenkelink Reprieved
Judges Grant Ex-cou1itia1i Execution Stay
STARKE . Fla tAP 1 J ohn
A. Ss'enkelink's life was sp~red
early today. only hours before
the 30-year-old murderer was to
die in Florida's e lectric cha ir.
Federa l JUdges in Atlanta a nd
Washin~ton gra nt<'d sepa r ate
a ppeals for a stay of execution.
.. Praise God !" the former
Bue na Park man shouted as the
news nashed acr oss a te levision
s creen outs ide his cell a few feet
from the death chamber.
llis Ep1sropulia n m inister, the
Rev Tom Fca m ster . g a vt•
Spenkelink Holy Communion at
1 a .m . -just one hour before
guards had been due on Death
Row to s have Spenkelink 's head
and leg to increase the efficie n·
cy of the electric chair.
Less than 12 hours befor e. on
Tuesday afternoon. Spcnkelink's
Death R<iw companion. Willie
.Jas pr r Da rden, a lso was grant-
l'd a stav of f'Xecution when a
fed c.•ral JUdge agreed lo hear his
a ppeal.
T h e executions would have
hl'<'n thl' first 1n the Cn1ted
Stalt•S srnt·t· :1 Uta h f1 nng squad
::-hot Gary Ma rk t;i1m1,r e more
than two years ago
G 1 I more r efus t:d to purs ue
rnurt appt'als. :rno tht•se would
have been the first executions or
prisoners a ga ins t their will in
the United States since 1967
The Florida prison was quiet
today after a night or tension
among inmates angry about the
1mpen d1ng cxl'cu t 1o n ,
a uthor ities s:11<l Early 1n the
night. inmal('S 1·hanted. banged
on the cell walls a nd bars a nd lit
s ma II fires m protest.
But after the stety was grant
1•d. they settled down.
Spenke link was to have been
executed at 7 a m .. Darden al 8.
But minutes a fter m idnight. in
Atlanta. JudRe E iibert B. Tuttle
Fro'" Page A I
he longings.
When Pa tton asked to speak to
his wife alone, she said , he r sis-
ter suggested Miss S wear ingen
go into a nother room and begin
Miss Swearingen testified that
Patton askCd he r sister to re·
consider leaving him but s he
said she still was m oving out .
"No. you ar en't.'' ~he recalled
Patton saying.
Later . Miss Swearingen heard
he r sister screan and r;an toward
the living room whe re she al-
legedly saw Patton fire three
shots. she said .
He he ld Mrs . Patton's hands
together with one hand as he
fired "stra ight at her temple"
with the other , Miss Swearingen
After. Miss Swe aringen said.
P atton orde red he r from the
of the 5th U .S C1n •u 11 <.:ourt ()f
Appt•als issued his stay on an ap
pea l which former U.S. Attorney
Gene ra l Hamsl'y Cle1rk hut!
he l P<'d see k. T uttle• said he
would set u hearing da te today
A few minutes late r . U S.
S upr e m e Co urt J ust i ce
T hurgood Ma r s hall g r a nte d
Spen kelink 's la wyers anothor
stay of execution after two
(>ther Supre me Court JUSt1ces
turned them down The high
court is to lake furthe r ciction
T hursday.
Ills mother. Lo is Spcnkelink.
67 . was with friends in Starke. l l
rn ilc·s from thl' prison, wht>n shl'
got the word
"Tha nk God . Our IVayers-
have been ans wered ... stie said
"Thank the Lord. I~ found
som ebody to ma ke the stay ...
Then she was driven lo the
edge of the prison. where re-
porte rs a nd proteste rs ha d
"Thank you. Judge T uttle and
Justice Marsha ll for being fair."
she said. "That's all we as k
Gov Gra ham. I beg you not to
put J ohn and my family through
this ordeal for a third time."
f'ro• Page 11 I
animously that Diedrich a nd CO· press himself. Rose quipped:
d e fendant Le Roy Rose were "'Wt'll. I just hope they st:nd
guilty or all the cha rges brought m P to Chino (prison '. r un-
::igainst them in a county Grand ct erstand they have i::ood art
J ur y indict ment handed down c·ourscs there."
Dec. 15. 1977. Prosecutor Michael C-.1p1zi 1
Diedrich greeted the verdict descr ibed the Jury verdict as
with no show of em otion other "f~ur and reasonable ...
tha n turning his head to smile "We 've take n a lot of abuse on
reassuringly at his wife. Inez. this case. I think you can say the
who sat in the courtroom. JUry's verdict said far morc elo
Rose was visibly s haken by quently than I can say j ust what
the decision that he was guilty of the issues were and why it was a
conspirin~ with his long-time sound prosecution ...
friend to commit brjbery . After the jury h ad left the
For Diedrich. the jury's de· courtroom. Judge Tha rp agreed
ci s 1on meetnt all 12 j uro r s to let the two convicted men re-
bel1l•\'ed he solicited and re -m a in free on the stre ngth of
cc1vl'd SSS.000 worth of bribes as. their own word that they will
wcll asan ~.OOO bank loan. m a k e upcoming court up ·
Rose as well as Diedrich was pearances.
con victed or conspiring to com-But the judge scheduled a bail
mil bnbery. a conspiracy aimed hearing for May 30. meaning
at e xtracting m oney from a de· Diedrich a nd Rose could be
velo pment compa ny. Anaheim asked to post bail in order to re-
Hills. Inc. main free while waiting to be
Immediately afte r the verdict, s entenced.
Diedrich lashed out at his pros· Earlie.r in the night. defense
eC'utors. _insisted he was inno· a ttorneys objected to the jury,
cent no matter wha t the jury which had deliberated four days
found a nd claimed he was the without reachim~ a verdict. be·
victim of a witch hunt. ing held into the night hours.
L a te r , whe n h e r e fl ected La wyers Sylvan Aronson a nd
privately on his plight. Diedrich J a mes Riddel said the e xtra
saict hours were being used to force a
"Sure. I'm d isappointed that decision "to accommodate one
things have turned out this way. Juro r who wants to take a trip
"But I've had to face worse tom orrow."
things-the war . business prob-But when the Jury came in
lem s -lots of things. I can with its verdict , the j udge asked
take what 's coming a nd I know ea ch member if they had felt
Inez can. "coerced or pressured " into
"Sometimes you take what life reaching a decision.
has to give. And this is one of After a ll the replies were to
those times for me." the effect that there was no coer-
Rose. over a drink. was admit· cion or pressure. J udge Tharp
tedly depressed "by lhe whole handed the verdict forms to the
d a mn thing. court clerk.
"I just don't see how the jury And wh e n c le rk Robe r t
could have done what it did. I'll Lawre nce read the forms. he
never unde rs tand it." said. "As to defenda nt Diedrich.
T h e n . returni n g t o th e guilty on counts one. two a nd
wisecracks he often uses to ex-three.·· . .• * * * * * f'ro• Pa~AJ
among witnesses called by the
d('fe n se w as count y Ad·
ministrati ve Officer Robert
Thom as.
by the time the trial closed.
All jurors inte rviewed indicat·
ed that despite four full days of
behind-closed·door debate, there
:\1 ;.i rgarl'l T rudc;.iu . es tranged w1f e of Canadian Prime
:\1 inis tcr Pil'rre T rudeau. whoops it up at the Studio 54
d 1seo in :"Jt.•w York just hours afte r her husband con-
t edcd tkfrc.rt in the Canadian election.
Rehozo Buys Home
Near Friend Nixon
Ch~1r!C'S G. "Bebe" Rebozo.
lon).!·lJmt' friend a nd politic:al al-
l~ of form<·r pres ident RiC'hard
'.IJ1xo11 . has l>UrC'ha~cd a home 111
S an l'le mt·ntc ·s l'xclus1\e
Cyprus Shores area near what
used to be the Western White
Dway n e Be r ge r , o f San
Clemente Real Estate Company.
sai d t oday R e b oz o h as
µurc·hased the home for an un-
disclosed amount in the 50·home
d Pvt• Io pm en t pat r o 11 "d h !
!'>('C'Urlt} j!Ui.1rd'>
llut lk•r,..:n r<•fu:-.cd to rcll';.11'1·
furlhl'I' <1t'la1b of lhe hr1m1 th·.tl
I le a:-scrtl-11 that ,, ,,,.,.!-::-relN1'>t·
regarding Rd>o1.o s mo,·c· \loOUld
be released la ter this week from
a Nixon aide
Rc·bozo. <• M1am1 m11liona1rt'.
aided Nixon in the pun:hase of
t he ouste d p r esident·. San
Clem ente and Key H1 sc<iyne.
Fla .. estates. Nixon has sold th<·
Florida estate
Guarded optimism appeared
to be the p.revaW.a.1 mood today
at Oranae County'll service sta·
ti oms u the ''odds" formed lines
that were often less than 10 cars
Ion~ for their crack at the gas
Op e rato r s sai d many
motorists who last week were
forming lines long before the
pumps opened are now arriving
a t the s tations after o pening
time and finding that they can
hne up. fill up and still get to
work on time
But regional manager Harvey
Rose of Standard Oil urged
drivers today lo "conserve etnd r ecognize the gas
shortage as a permanent wa
"We mustn't let this appar
easing of the s ituation lull us l•
to a sense of false security." he
said . "Oil compa nies are work·
ang 24 hours a day to get the gas
to the stations and we have no
safety margin at the re fineries."
Station operators in lrvme.
Costa Mesa. Newport Beach.
Laguna Beach and Huntington
Beach were pumping gas today
into cars that often had no
longer than a 15-minute wail at
the island.
Attendant Jim Desolelle
pumped gas at an Arco station
in Costa Mes~ today a nd took
time while he was serving
c us tomers to warn them of the
cffect the gas shortage might
have on the coming Me morial
Day weekend.
f 'ront Page A I
BOMB •..
T he Is raeli Suprem e Court is·
!.ued a tem porary injunction lo
hall the settlers' eviction pend.
1ng ::i hearing l)n the issue
l i-racll Radio said the jnjuncllon
"asonl) for one day.
The protest thr<'ate ned to dis-
rupt weekend cere m onies in
wh ic h . E gy ptian Preside nt
Anwa r Sadat and Israe li Prime
Minister Menachem Begin will f o r mal!~ m ar k t h e firs t
milestone of the historic peace
tre a t y t hey s i g n e d 1n
Washin!!ton last March .
Starts June 1st
Select from the finest lines available at
very special prices. All our upholstered
pieces will be reduced for this event. 10°/o
to 25°/o off. Special orders included.
Stop in now while selections are
at their best.
DAILY PILOT trn-gt~en htgh ma rks on
credibility and pe rforma nce by
t he juro rs were p rosecutor
Mic hael Capizzi a nd defense
lawyer James Riddel.
~as never-a tllne -wtren t"°"_..,. .... ,
'nto Otano-Coa\t 0011v Ptfot, with •ri't" ., <CK"
binP<I ln~ N•wn Pr~'' 1\ ouh.f1,.,,,.d Oy 1 r. O• M'Qllll
CN 'I Pubfr\ft1roQ CamMny S.DArdtttl'd\itOft\"'"'
oubh \Md MondllY IPwovqti F'.fld•y tor (°'1A
M ,.\.. N•Wl'Jl)f1 S-AC h, HIJl"lirtQHH'I 8,.M l'h ,_t:Nf'I
t81n VAii,.,, Irvin~ l ..Oun• 0f'!l'th !,4utl'I (tM'lt A
\ln<1h' rfQ~I f'dJt1on 1\ pyt'll1\hf'<I !MturcM~\AnG
\uftd,.\I\. n. ptU't(tf>i'I Pu061,ft1no OIAnt h "' lJO w,.,., 8tt• ~trH1, CO\t• ~w. C•htOt"ru~ nut
•• .. rlN .... -Pt•\Mtrtftt •M ~·~
J.c• II Cwlt, y,,1 p,,.,,Ofl'nt •~Gt~4'J ilrM~•
T~Ult•1'1ttl Ed110t
TM~t A M.,.._.fW ~"'.til'nt Ectnor
Clo•rlO\ H L-Ric-" ..... •H•t'•"' ~nHtnoEdlltor'
CIHeltled Acf,,.""'"9 W.1171
"Mr. Capizzi was outstanding.
He really knew the c as e," one
-juror said.
Another juror s aid that Riddet
"was very sincere a nd did a
good job giving the defense side
of the case."
But still another juror men-
tioned that "everybody I talked
to couldn't stand" one of the de-
rense lawyers.
Alternate jurors interviewed
indicated the outcome of the
trial the y had sat through
without sharing in the decision
wouldn't have changed had they
been able\ojoininthedebate.
"I, quite frankly, was leaning
toward guilt lhou1b I certainly
would have UsLened to what my
fellow jurors would have aatd."
Kathleen Boyd commfnted.
The secQgd alternate juror,
• Michael Brown, also aaid ta. wu
leanin1 toward a 1uUly verdJct
jurors felt it might be possible to
return a not guilty verdict.
And from Monday afternoon
through early Tuesday evening
the jury was 11 lo 1 in favor of a
guilty verdict with one mate
juror holding out for acquittal.
All juro rs interviewed said
they did not know Rose had ~en
"tried on bribery charges once
before; that prosecution witness
Michael Remington was once
tried on murder conspiracy
charges or that Diedrich had
been indicted earlier on political
corruption charges related t.o al-
leged violations of stale cam·
'paign regulations.
Those facts were withhe ld
from the jury in an attempt to
guard the defeQdants •l•lnst
When asked, five Diedrich-
Roae jurors said lt "probably
would have affected" their opi-
nion of the defendants had they
known of the put smud1ea on
thelr records.
I IJ ti 11 H.t • .'. 1• I ~
.. ' •
t I
• WY a ._I I .....
' I •I f~
.4f PM. Y PtLOT s Wednlld!X, ...... 1171
Dled1-te• Draws Kudos
="--__ ~_e_l~ Su~rvuor8 Praiae Hi• Innovation
While uot commenhnl on \M crhrunal
brJbery c:onv1ction that ..,11J oust Onnge
County Supervltmr Kalph Qlllltfich rrom or
flct>, Dledr1ch's fellow 1upervl10r• pra111ed
him and h!a 1t.1rvlce to lbe county today
dlmlnilh thtl many teood lh1ntr• ht did whil.s
an omct'," (;hark s1ud
"Hf~ WOaKF.D HAaD. He w1111 dedtcat·
ed and ht.' hH ulways been u very cu pt1blc
county !4Ul)(1rvl10r. I h•ve a lot or respect and
re1ard ror th1lph 1 ·11 mits him .. "It 1s my opinion lhal Orance County is a
bt>tHir stlact benuae R•lph Oiedrtch hai.
been a ~ount y s up~rvt1'or," Supervisor
Thomas Riiey t'ald.
Su11c•1·vl!i0r tl1trrlett Wlt•d1·r was not for
behind ('lurk and Riley ln her w11lingntiss lo
uy kind lhinl(is t1bout Diedrich
llrO('fflUTC!I for the RlllllllJtC'mont or rounly ltOV t•rtunent
"tlf' wH a. i.tood udminastrutor . he was
i.tood for the county Mnd ht• wuis good for htl>
dastrit'I." Mri. W11°cl(•r ~11111
'i\110 mun.> uC h1:. 11.ku:. urc a m1tJOr
rl·ui.un wh~· Oruni.t1• Count' ht1i. an l'fflt'wnt
l'Ollll t )' lo(O\ 1'1 11 lllt'lll , ll 1 ll' \ ':tlcl
·1·m i.11tl fnr Uulph')I family 11nd I'm
~ad for lhf• t'OUllly lhUl thlngs had to Come to
th•'·. 'ht· ('(llll'll11ktJ
"kt\l.Plt HAS K•:•:N \f•ry tlrdt<'lllt•ll itn<1
h.ird \\01'ktn~ I Jui.I ho1w tllt' '""'l'k "'" fl' 111t•t11lk·r all llh· 1111111\ JJI U:-c'' he !> 111011.:ht lo •
Orang,· l'ounty ·
Sl ... :ltVISOK PHILIP ANTHON\' said.
II 1i. u11fo11u1iull• (111 Oru11~{· l'uunty and the
1wo11k who It\\· ht·rt· J:. "ell a:. the county's
1m:a~l· that Iha~ hJ:. ha1'1w ncd I'm very sorry
(111 lt alph, Mr Ho:.e and their ramilies," An -
t hull 1 !>Bid ~ll lll'rv1i.or Ralph (l1trk hJd Mm1lur
"ords vr pnose for Dacdnoh llt· \\cnt on to t·a ll Uiedrach "a strong ac-
''' l' 111\.'ntlwr 1Jf till' lh1U rd or Supervisors ..
·t hotJl' Hah>h ', l'••n'll't1on d•1l''>rl t
Spenkelink Reprieved
Judges Gra1it Ex-countian Execution Stay
STAHKF., Fla 1AP1 John
A. S1'enkelmk':-. life was spared
early today. only hours before
the 30-year-old murderer was to
die 111 fo~lorida 's electric chair.
Federal judges in Allanlet and
Was hington granlt.'d separate
appeals for a stay of execution.
"Pra ise God !·· the former
Buena Park man shouted as the
news· flashed across a televisipn
!>Creen outside his cell a few feet
rrom the death chamber.
His Episcopalian m inister. the
Rev . Tom Fca ms t e r, gave
Spenkelink lloly Communion at
I a .m. just one hour before
guards had been due on Death
Row to shave Spenkelink 's head
and leg to increase the efficien·
l-y of the electric chair.
Less thC:Jn 12 hours before. on
Tuesday artcrnoon, S1>enkelink 's
Death Row compamon. Willie
.)C:ls per Darden, also was grant·
cd a slay of exct·ution when a
fedl•r<.il Judge C:Jf;(rN·d to hear his
a ppeal.
The executions would have
lwen th(• firs t 1n the nill'd
Statt'S Slnl'l' :.t Utah firing :-.quad
~hut Gary Mark Gilmore more
than two years ago
Gal mon· rc rusc•d to pursue
t•ourt appt·ab, ;_,nd thcs(• would
have been the first executions of
prisoners against their will in
the United States since 1967
The Florida prison was quiet
<today aflt>r a night of tension
a mong inmaks angry about the
1mpc nd1 ng (•xcc uti o n .
:wthorities said Early an the
night. inmates t hantcd, b:inged
on the cell walls and bars and ht
s mC:Jll fires in protest.
Rut after the slay was grant
l.'d. they settled down.
Spenkelink was to have been
executed at 7 a , m .. Darden at 8.
But minutes after midnight, in
Atlanta. Judge ~llbcrt B. Tuttle
•'rent Page A I
When Patton asked to speak to
his wife alone, she said, her sis-
ter suggested Miss Swearingen
go into another room and begin
Miss Swearingen testified that
Patton asked her sister to re·
consider leaving him but she
said she still was moving out.
"No, you aren't," !>he recaHed
Patton saying .
Later. Mi ss Swearingen heard
her sister screan a nd ra n toward
the living room where she a l-
legedly saw Patton fire three
shots. she said.
lie held Mrs. Patton's hands
together with one hand as he
fired "straight at her temple"
with the other. Miss Swearingen
After . Miss Swearingen said,
Patton ordered her from the
T f'I«' OtM'CJIP CO.\t ~ly P 1&ot, wlthwh+<h 1\COfT\
b1"""°IMN .. W\ Pr~i. t\p.ubh\~b'l"""()f~
(H't Pub11\h1nqC~n'r \#~tiittf"rChhOt"l'\11,-,.
t>Ubh\rtfd Moria.ey 11'\tOUOf\ friO•• IOt' (O\tA
Nl•W. Nf"woort Ot"oMI'\ HUf'tln<JH>f'I 0.M ft Faun
•,111l'IVAllf'¥ ltVtf'lof' lAQUNftftM" ~rtl'\(OA\:t A
\1nQI .. r~Qt0f'M'l~111on '' ~D""'-""' ,..,.,,-0., .... ,'(t
~NlltV' ftwi Of1f't 1Ckfl CN·b41\l'\11"tQ o4ftnt t\ .-t llO w ..... , l\4tf' !ttrtiFt (O'\tlt M4"'41 (.1'ht0tnl• ,,.,.
11-rtN-Pr•"'*"' ""° Pub!•"'"' ,. ... t-· Vu,. P''""°""' ,.NI °"'""'~I "44ntto•u , ....... , .......
EOllor .. '':':::o~rt0,.,7:!,.
Clt•rlf\H Uff lllC-~.16111 """'•nt Mtl"l•O'"t Editor\
Tei.,tton• C714)142-4»1
Cl••tlfled AdYertltl .. Ma-M7t
F-" rom \•" c,.,, ... ",_ .......
or the 5th US ('1rcu1t Court or
l\ppc<ils issued his stay 011 un ap
peal which former U.S. Attorney
Gcneru l Ramsey Clark had
he lped seek. Tuttll' s aid he
would set a hcarin~ date today
A few m inutes late r . U S
Supreme Cou rt Ju s t1 ct!
Thurgood Mars hall granted
Spenkelink 's lawyers anothor
stay of execution after two
other Supreme Court j ustices
turned them down. The high
rourl is to take further action
His mother, Lois Spenkelink.
67, was with friends in Starke, I I
rnih·s from tht· prison. when she
~ot the w11rd
"Thank God Our prayers
havt' b<.•cn answered," she said
··Thank tht! Lord . lie found
somebody lo m ake the stay."
Tht-n she was driven to the
edge of the prison, where re-
porters and protesters had
"Thank you. Judge Tuttle and
Justice Marshall for being fair."
s he said. "That's all we ask
Gov Grahaj· I beg you not lo
put Johh an my family through
this ordeal for a third time."
Fro11t Page A I
ammous ly that Diedrich and co· press himself, Rose quipped:
defe ndant LeRoy Rose were "We ll, I just hope they send
J!uilty of all the charges brought mt• to Chino (prison ). I un·
against them in a county Grand derstand they have good art
Jury indictment handed down rourscs there."
Dec. 15, 1977. Prosecutor Mi chael Capizzi
Diedrich greeted the verdict clt"scribed the 1ury verdict as
with no show of emotion other "fuir and reasonabll' ..
than turning has head to smile "We 've taken a lot of abuse on
reassuringly at his wife. Inez. this case. I think you can say the
who sat in the courlroo,m. Jury's verdict said far more elo
Rose was visibly shaken by quenlly than I can say just what
the decision that he was guilty of the issues were and why it was a
conspiring with his long.time sound prosecution."
friend to commit bribery. After the jury had left the
For Diedrich. the jury's de· courtroom. Judge Tharp agreed
cis1o n meant all 12 jurors to let the two convicted men re-
h<'llt"vcd he solic ited and re-m ain free on the strength of
re 1 vt~c1 $85,000 worth of bribes as their own word that they will
well asan~.OOObank loan. make upcoming cour t ap-
Hose as well as Ditidrich was pearances.
convicted of conspiring to com· But the judge scheduled a bail
mit bribery, a conspiracy aimed hearing for May 30, meaning
at extracting money from a de-Diedrich and Rose could be
velopment company, Anaheim asked to post bail in order to re-
Hills. Inc. main Cree while waiting to be
Immediately after the verdict, sentenced.
Diedrich lashed out at his pros· Earlie.r in the night, defense
ecutors. insisted he was inno-attorneys objected· to the jury.
cent no matter what the jury which had deliberated four days
found and claimed he was the without reachin~ a verdict. be-
viclim of a witch hunt. ing held into the night hours.
Later, when he reflect ed Lawyers Sylvan Aronson and
privately on his plight, Diedrich James Riddel said the extra
said : hours were being used lo force a
"Sure. I'm disappointed that decision "to accommodate one
things have turned out this way. juror who wants to take a trip
··But I've had to face worse tomorrow."
things -the war. business prob· But when the 1ury came in
lems -lots of things. I can with its verdict, the judge asked
take what's coming and I know each member if they had fell
Inez can. ··coer ced or pressured" into
"Sometimes you take what life reaching a decision.
has lo give. And this is one of After a ll the replies were lo,
those times for me." the effect that there was no coer·
Rose, over a drink. was admit-cion or pressure. Judge Tharp
tedly depressed "by the whole handed the verdict forms to the
damn thing. court clerk.
"I just don't see how the jury And when c le rk Robert
c;ou ld have done what it did. I'll Lawrence read the forms, he
never understand it." said. "As to defendant Diedrich.
Then. r eturnin g to the gullly on counts one, two and
wi secracks he often uses to ex· three."
·~ * * * * * Fro• Page A I
among witnesses called by the
d e fen se was county Ad ·
ministrative Officer Robert
SO-fili ven-h.lgh-.ma rJ<s-.on
credibility and performance by
the jurors were prosecutor
Michael Capizzi a nd d efense
lawyer James Riddel.
"Mr. Capizzi was outstanding.
He really knew the case," one
juror said.
Another juror said that Riddel
"wa,s very sincere and did a
good job giving the defense side
of the case."
But still another juror men·
lioned lhat "everybody I talked
to couldn't stand" one of the de·
fense lawyers.
Alternate jurors Interviewed
indicated the outcome of the
trial they had sat through
without sharing in the decision
wouldn't have changed had lhey
been able t.o join in the debate .
"I, quite frankly, was leaning
toward guilt though I certainly
would have listened to what my
fellow jurors would have sald,"
Kathleen Boyd commented.
The second alternate juror.
• Michael Brown, also said he wu
leaninc toward a guilty verdJct
by the lime the lnal closed.
All jurors interviewed indicat-
ed that despite four full days of
behind·closed·door debate. there
wa~ ne-v~r ~ -&.~me .when--lhe
jurors fell it might be possible to
return a not guilty verdict.
And from Monday afternoon
through early Tues day evening
the jury was 11 to l in favor of a
guilty verdict with one male
juror holding out for acquittal.
All jurors interviewed said
they did not know Rose had been
'tried on bribery charges once
before; that prosecution witness
Michael Remington was once
tried on murde r conspiracy
charges or that Diedrich had
been Indicted earlier on political
corruption charges related to al-
leged violations of stale cam·
paign regulations.
Those facts were withheld
from the Jury in an attempt to
guard the defendants ag11lnst
prejudice. ~
When asked, fin Diedrich·
Rose jurors said ll "probably
would have affected" their opi-
nion of lhe defendants had lhey
known of the past smudges on
their records.
Celebrating? . .
Margart•t Trudeau. estranged wife of Canadian Prime
'.\Tin1slt•r Pit•r-rc Trudeau. whoops it llp at the Studio 54
das<:o 111 l'\l'''' York just hours after her husband con·
l'cdcd dt•fcal an the Canadian election.
Rehozo Buys Home
Near Friend Nixon
Ctwrles G. "Bebe" Rebozo,
long l11nt' friend und pohllcal al
ly of formc•r president Ri rharrl
;"\;1xnn , has µurd1a~l'd a home 111
San l' I(' m .-n le "~ t• x <'I us 1 v t'
C.'~ prus Shor1•s area n<:ar what
used to be th!! Wl'stern White
Dwayne Be r ge r , of San
Clemente Real Estate Company.
sa id t oday Rebozo has
purchased the home for an un·
disclosed amount in the SO-home
c1eve lopme nt patroll f'd h}'
~c<·urily )!uard:-.
Hut Ber~<'r rPfUSf>O to relt·as'·
furtht·r details M lht· hr1m• rlt·.11
11 .. ;,i.;st•rled•that ,, µr··~~ n·l1•ai.i
1·e~;.ird111g Hebom·s mm,. v.11uld
he released lcster this w'·t·k from
a Nrxon aid<•
Rebozo. ;. :'ll1<Jm1 m1ll1<1na1rt·
aided Nixon tn the purchase of
t he ousted pres ide nt ':-. San
Clemente and Key Bi scayne .
Fla . estates. Nixon has sold the
.Florida estate
tine ups
Guarded oplimllm appeared
lo be the prevailing mood today
at Oran«e County's service sta·
lions u the "odds" formed lines
that were often leas lhan 10 cars
lontc for their crack at lhe gas
pumps "
Operators satd many
motorists who last week were
forming lines long before the
pumps opened are now arriving
at the stations after opening
time and finding that. they can
line up. fill up and still get to
work on time .
But regional manager Harvey
Rose or Standard Oil urged
drivers today to "conserve fuel
and r ecognize the gasollne
shortage as a permanent way of
"We mustn't let this apparent
e asing of the s ituation lull us In-
to a.sense of false security," he
said. "Oil companies are work-
1n$? 24 hours a day to get lhe gas
lo the stations and we have no
!:>afety margin at the refineries."
Station operators in Irvine.
Costa Mesa. Newport Beach.
L<1guna Hcach and Huntington
Beach were pumping gas today
into cars that often had no
longer than a 15-minute wait at
the island.
Attendant Jim Desolelle
pumped gas at an Arco station
m Costa Mesa today and took
lime while he was serving
customers to warn them or the
e ffect the gas shortage might
have oo the coming Memorial
Day weekend.
Fro1n Page Al
BOMB .••
The Israeli Supreme Court is-
s ued a temporary injunction to
halt the settlers' eviction pend-
ing a hcarinj! on the issue ·
1'.r;1<·li Had io sa1cl the injunction
";.i' 11nl} for ont• da v.
The protest thrcutened to dis·
rupt weekend ceremonies in
which Egyptian Pres ident
1\nwar Sadat a nd Is raeli Prime
M mister Menach<'m Begin will
f o rmall y m ark the firs t
milestone of the historic peace
1·rcaty th ey s igned in
Washington last March.
Starts June 1st
Select from the finest lines
very special prices. All our
available at
pieces will be reduced for this event.
to 25°/o off Special orders included.
Stop in now while se lections are
at their best.
I ti~ II•' '''. 'It 11
' •
' I
,,'1 tH*'\• I " ..
1 •
-. -------------------------------------.... ----.;_--------------:-----:
I ~
Of .. O.it, P-•Wit
S AN l>l t:(;o T h\• 12 JUmr'
who <·onv1ctt•d 01·1to~'-" l'ount}
Supt!rv1sor Hulph llll'd rH·h 11110
.ar <•h itt>d l.dt11} Hni-t• \m bnh1•n
drnrges Tu1•:-.1l uy :-uHI llh·'
nnl1c~d muny th111,;s tJur1111o: lilt'
coursti of the st·vcn Wt!t!k trull
T hey S<ud. f<>r cxampl11 , tht•\
noticed tht-thrl'e defensl:' ut
torneys ha bitually wort> shon
s leeved shirts.
T hi'\' 111110 mt•nt111ni-.t not1r m v.
I h .11 ,j ~'l·dd111g haucl wo rn l1v
H 11i;1• 1&as ''"on 81.tllln, uff uJ,t,1111
111111.: .1n1I wht·n 11 wtti. 11rf ,1i.t <1111
II 111 1..:hl ha\ I' r1•fl1 ·1·t t••I 1111 tu:-'"
It \l I l•'' u( t lw 111 ~ht t.t'fort•
0 1w JUf\H -..i1<J '"l' ul1>11 nut11·1·tf
th.It l>1l·llnd 1 ' ~1h· lm:i., 1.1. ... ,
11111 111 tlw n 1111I11H1111 1lunn~ lh•·
'IA t'lllH1 d.H ' It look lei :.t•lt•c·t ,,
\11d "h,·11 l\tr.. l>lt'1J1 u:h up
1w.1n·tl 111 111lll I 1111 I ht· tr!ul :-.
Witness 'Saw
Sister Slain'
OatlY Ptlel SUff ,. .....
Gary Wayne Patton
N-M District
Seen Free of·
By KATll\' Cl.ANCY
0t llW O•oly PolOI ~l .. tt
Breaking int11 l t•arl> as s hl'
l 1·~l1 f1ect . :1 Nl'°" port Re ach
woman t11ltJ au Orangt• County
Suµl·reor Court .1ury Tuesday
I hat shl' wat<:h(.'d as I rv111e at
l11 rn('y C:ar y Way n1· Patton
pum111•d ,.c•n•ral ~hot::. into her
,1:-t<•r's tt•mplt·
lla rbant Swearingen told the
:-..t• vt'n -wo m an. f1 vc-m a n JUry
that Patton hl'ld the hands of his
wife· togetht•r <:1nd s hot her re-
peatedly as she t ried to move
fro m the couple 's Irvine a pa rt-
m e nt last Nov Iii.
Kathenm· "l<.::1ty" Lt'1gh l':it
tv n . 2:\. lhl' m urder s usµecl's
bride of two mont h~. was fatally
wounded by three shots in the
h e ad fro m a 22 ca l i b e r
a utomatic pistol
M 1ss Swe<.1n ngc11 told lhe Jury
hl'r s 1st(•r w;.rnh'<I llJ e nd her
m a rriage to P atton because he
t•ons t anlly badgered he r with
fl-c lings of insecurity about he r
IO\'C for hi m
"Hf' JUSt l'<•n~ta ntly bothered
ht-r all <Jay and a ll night by has
insC'curity. by t he fact th<i t K<tt y
<lid lt)Ve him hut he didn t
bt·IJl'Vt· at. · Mi ss Swearingen ""<I. She• al:-11 i-a11I hl'f' s1 ... tt•r felt thl•
lflM•t·unty stc·mm t·d fro m P<tl·
ion :-.. t\\11 11r1ur marriages tha t
f'ntkd in divorct.•.
'· Etluiic Bias P a tton's uttorn cv, Al lan
<.;111kkl·. 1s 1.·ontc11d1ng. that the
:1.1.y~·ar old l'atton 1s a ma ni c
<h·pn·ss1vl· whose mental cond1-
l11tn m;idt· him 1wt rcspons1l1ll.:
thr the· :tlll'J.!f'cl s lavin g
Ot ,,,_ O••IY Pilot SUtll
A s tate -mandated ad\'1 ~11r v
comm1ltcl' told Nl·wµ11rl Mt-'>:t
school t r usll:'c·s Tuesd:.iy 1t ha-.
con cluded the d b t rict has rm
schools that are sej:!r1·~01tecJ or 1n
d anger 11f b<•<·om ing so. but 11n1·
<·omm illel· me m l.w r filt·d h1~
own reµo rt saying he> d1sagr('1•s
Trus t<'es actei>ted the maJor1-
ty r eport. received the m 1111mty
re port and set a pubhc hl:'<mng
for 7:30 p.m .lunt.' 26 c.it H<t rpl'r
Community Ct•nter . 18th Stn'l'l
a l T uslm Avt-•nue.
The com mittee of 18 cornmuni
ty m e m be rs. two school ad
m inlslrators. t wo teachers. fi vt·
students and e1 PTA re presen
tative for med subcomm ittees to
visit schools. distribute a quc~
tionna ire and analyze sta tist1('<JI
info rmation.
l'ros l'c:ulor l'<•UI ~C\•·r
hcl\H' \'Pr . 1s a llt•gang I hat l'~lltm
plannt·d lhe• mur<lcr. borrowed a
j.!lln <t h('<td of llm(•, h<t <l 1l n :adily
o1t'l"':-..stl1lt· und sh1111 lcl hr founll
guilty of f1 rsl cl(·grcc muro cr
M I S!--S"'1'<1n11~cn s a11l ~he h;icl
gone with hl'r ~istcr lo lh(' Pal
ton ho m e at 14 E s planadl·.
l1·vin1>. to lwlp hl•r re move her
I w I 1111 KIOJ.!S
Wh«n Pa tton ai.kl:'d lo s peak lo
his wife alont'. she sc.i1d. her sas -
'l•r SIH!l!l:'Slt·cl Miss Swea ringen
i.:o into <:1notht•r room a nd l>t.:gin
i>a C'king.
• Miss Swearingen tC'slificd that
Patton as ked her s iste r to re
c·onsidcr lce1ving him hut she
s~11<l shl' still was moving out
"No. you a rcn 'l ," she reca lled
l'allon saying.
Ol't'nlll~ 1Jay lht• Juror foll her
t" e•St·nc·t· "',1:0. .111 a tt ~mpt t11
portr;i U1t·drid1 '' mpaltll'l•t·;.tl
I~ ·" ,, f:.111111 111,111
J\ l>o\t' 1111 1•b1• tecHH'V l'r ttw
JUn•r'> ,,m t wht·n tlll' 1.·v1tJe11l''"
.... a )\ Wl'l~lwtl ll 1111111l,·d to i,:uilt
·1wyc111d 01 rt·U~onhhle doubt iH\d
lo .1 mora l l'l'rluint v
II ·)\ JU~I whl·ri yo u check
lht•n1 togetht>r the· prosccutwn':-.
, ..... ,. wai. mOrl' pldUSlbll· th:JI\
1111· 1ld 1·11M' l'JM'. ufll' Juror .i..11d
cn 11 telepho nt-intt-rv1c w
!fer thoughts W(•ff• (•chued by
''x other JUror'i 1nte r v1ewcd by
ll'll•ph<int> aft e r mc>st of the iury
mc.·n~b · . .., r t·fU\t•ll t<• bt' 1n
tl:'l'V cd IJy n •1111rtcr., as lhe)
left IW ('OlJl'lrl)llOl
As th1·) l<•ft. what had been
<1lmost a reslnc mood a mong
t he 1urors during lht· trial had
turned l11 ohv1uu~ :-.tr a in and
I .1m Jll '>t 1011 lircd a nd worn
o ut to want to discuss the
ca se.·· ju ry fore man Rir har d
Ivey said wht-n ~urrounded · hy
news men.
Ironicall y. no ne of the Juror~
14'ho late r discussed the t·aSt'
:-.a id t h e) <l 1dn 't hPl1t:vc
L>1 cdrich's vers ion rJ( thi: hriht:n
t•o ns piracy whe n t he 53 Yl:'Lir 01(1
l .
Today'• Clo•lng
<..·ounty s upervisor testified dur.:
m g the trial.
"ll was just tha t when you
weiJ;hed the evidence and put the
1>iel'es togethe r the prosecution's
(·ase held wale r a nd t here never
was a sat isfactor y reason for t he
rtowofsomuchmoney,·· a woman
Juror who asked not to be iden-
tified said.
S he a nd othe r s seeming ly
found as muc h fault with pros-
! See DIEDRICH. P age AU
ance n • 1cte
CRlehr~rt i11g?
~1 ;1 l'l.!.1J'd T n1d1•.1u . L'Slran gt•d \\lft• nt C;in.11lt,111 l'nrrn
:\11111:-.lt-1' 1'11·1 n · T rudc<1 u. whoop~ 1t tip . t tlw ~tudm 51
d t:-.<·o in -.,;, \\ York 1usl h11urc, <rft<·r h•·r hu:-.11.111<1 1·1111
t•ecicd d!'l'1·:il 111 111\• C<J nad1-in r•lc('I ion ~h1• :--.;11d lod;"
:-.lw 'll l'lv hnrtll' It> 111· w1lh h11 n ··11('·:-. lh1· m c):-.1 ~<1ndcrfu l
m •111 I i.. 111, ''
W/\SlllN1;n1N l•\1'1 lfrrl
l.:1n1'l'. l'ri·~11l1·111 (',11·11·1 'frtcn1l
.ml.I for mer ft•dl'rn l liutl~·d dire•
1or. was 1nd11·t1•(I loday 1111
1'11argt'' 1m11h 1ni,.: 111~ f11wnn:1I
1h'.ll1111!~ "'twl\ Ill' hvJCll'd I wu
(;t•11ri.:ia bank:-.
.\b11 mtlll'l•"rl 1o11·11· Ilic h:1rd 'I
I ',err ;.in of111·1•r .• t ( ':1ll1oun F1rs1
":et11111al l:S:1 11k . T ho m:Js M
:\l 1tl·lwll. ri mt·rrilwr •if thl.• liuar d
11 ( cl1n•etor~ of ltw f"alh11un hank
.ind t h1· ~.1 1 11111 ;11 H:rnk o f
C; t'f1 r g 1 a . a 11<1 II .I .1 c:lo. ~o n
Mullins. a 1>artnr•1 with 1.anC'c·
:end a stockholtlc-r 111 thl· Calhoun
h<tn k
La nee and thl' <11 heri. were ac
1·used of making fals(' s tate-
men ts a nd r eports a nd d~} llbe r3lelv ov..r valuing land
111 •llll'l1~ ·and '('• 111"1l 1••' for 111
p ur pos e of 1n fl uenc1ng bank
T he four were• C'harged with
hank fraud inw>lving t>fforts t11
tl et'<'I Vt' u ff1 t'l'rs 11f lhl' t wo
ha nks. lht• l'ttnt roll1•r of the r ur
rc•nl'Y and t ht-l·'t·<l<'r:ll Dt•po~11
l nsura rH't' Corp
'flw .13-rounl and11·t nwnt al~11
:-..a1'1 lh1• 1lrfl•11<1:inl <h•lllwnHPh
IOISilppfu.'tf hank runcl'i :ind <'IHI
'r1rr d 1n tlw '111la11<rn ol 'anou:-
IJ;1nk111g fa\\s
T tw .l 11st11•1• I >1·p ;11 I rt1l'lll rlld
11111 1n'11r.1ll• l'11·:-.1d1•111 (';i rt•·r
\I as 111 vol\e•t.I 111 :111\ of lh1· .ti
ll".l.!l'd 1rn•gulantll''
Tht• 11Hll(·tm .. n1 ;el "1 11t.·nl1f1•'<I
('arr a:-.. form1•r Jlf'l'~ltlc 111 11f lht· :'liorth"'•'~t' (;1•11n•1;.i B.ank en
H1ngi.:ol<I . c;,, M11rh"ll ;is :.i
f1H·nh'I' b()ard m1•llllll'I 11f th.it
h.111k . :ind ~1111111:-.. J :-.. .a form1·r
< '.1 lh1111n clrui:-l.!1't
It 'i::tlli tht· <·011sp1raC'\, lasting
from 1972 until l111· prl''>l'nl. rt•
~ulll•<I in mc>r1• llw 11 ":!fl m1ll1<>n
1n loans for th1· tour t11•fc•ndanti-.
th1•1r fo m1ht•s a nc1 a:-.sof'wtri.
Thl're wt·n• :!>i:I 111:.rn:. liy 11
ha nks envnlvt.•d 1n lhr <'<t'i l' Thi·
111d1l'lnwn1 ~a11I th:cl mu<·h r1( th1·
mn1wv wa~ U::.t•tl 111 rcµav prior
IS.•('l,i\N{'t:, Pa ~1· \21
Road Study Authorized
lrvi1ie Panel to Probe Traff.ic Demands
0t '"° 0•1ly PtlOI Sl•IC
tel'. whtt'h m ui.I n •pl)rl to th1· I he ;rndicn<•1•
l'ount;tl .Junl' I<!. will be cum "\Vl• Ol'l'd snmt.• trot· coopera
posed of thn •t• Irvine Company tum and not equ1 voca!ion li kl·
exctul1Vl'S, thrcl' <'il y staff what I got from your pr esident ."
m c mhe rs <1 n cl M a y o r Bill Anthony s111d. re ft•r ing to a re-
,.,.,,,.. ......
Bert Lance
Dire Airport
Gets Debate
0t ICw 0•1ly PtloC St•IC
,\ i.tJnd111f.! rOf)m o nly crowd <ti
'\1·" port lll'<Jl'h cit v hall wa:.
•1JltJ Tuc-.dJ ~ night that Orangt·
('•11111t) 1\1rport 1·•1ulcl hl'romt:-
.111nl lwr l.11 ... 1\0J!L·lc:-lntt'rna
t 111na t :\1 rp,1rl
t'l. l'" µ11rt l-kal'11 l ll) Coun
1 el\u1man .lad.it• lll•<tthc r dt·
111 ••rc<l h~r· dm• rrc·d1ctwn dur
1ng J 1·ommunit~ forum on lht•
lt•l .ii .11rp11rl
~ht• µ11•tl11·l1·tl th .11 If lht•
OrarH?l' Count) airport t•xpand:-
..;,."port Beach well h1·comt• ''
i.:host town lllw Pia) .1 {{\>I lk y
'"Wt• ar<• 'ilancl in~ on thi• brink
ht•t1\ t•en n ·all) good ti me:; a nd
11·a II' h:i<I ti ml·:.," ;\1 r' lleathe1
lclld . lhl· p;,irte s :i n 1•ro \\d •1f
.11q111rt nµJ)l111c nl:-. who paeked
1·1t' e·11uncil t•ha mhl•r:-..
~I r... ff Pal he r \I. a:-. orw of ""''ere
p;11wlis t:; who s pokl· at the mee:I
1 n ~ :-..ponsored hy th1· Manner!>
C111n mu111ty Association The a:-..
,o c 1 a l1 on r c p rl's c:n t'
homt>ownt'rs on the west side of
I h•• l 'ppcr Ray. one uf the
1w1g hborhoods affected by no1Sl:'
fro m a 1r p la nt•s d c p a r t a n ~
Or .1 ngc Cnunty /\1rport
None or t hP other pe1nehs ts
~h a r~d the c·ouncil nacmher s
1'1l'WS on tht.> fu t ure or t h e
1.1 11· 1w rt .
T homal' H1l t.>y. thl• Orange
('o un l) s u p erv i so r w h fl
tSt>e AIRPORT. P age ,\2>
Coast --
Extracurricular a ctivities and
s pecial educ atio n al progr ams
a nd s e r vices were a lso ex-
amtne .
Later. Miss Swea ringen heard
he r s ister scream itnd ran toward
the-tiving f'OO'm where h~ 3f.
legedly saw Patton fire thret!
shots. s he said
Formation of " I as k force to
fi nd ways to bring Irvine 's road
s ystem in line with inc re ased de·
ma11ds from housing growth was
ordered by h(• City Council e al'·
ly today.
Va rdoulrs c·e nt meeting ht.'lwct•n the rity
The committee m ade no sug-
<See BALANCE, Page A2l The seven mc m hcr commit·
Newport Switehes Street
Motorists Muddled
Seashore Dr ive was turned in-
to two, one -way streets Tuesday.
The r esult. a ccording lo
Newport Beach police, was "a
ml1ht bit ol chaos.•·
Six police officers were sta-
tioned along the West Newport
atreet Tuesday m orning in an-
Uclp atlon or some proble ms
when the roadway was conve rt-
ed from a two-way street to two,
one-way street!.
Under the pl,an approved last
month by city councilme n .
Seubon la no• one-way west-
bound from 48t.h Street to 33rd
Street. 1t's one-way eastbound
from 41tb Street to Or ange
Avenue. ----·· •
Sgt. Dave Elliott of the police
de partme nt's traffic division
said he and the officers spent 12
ho urs on Seashore tryln~ to un-
tangle confused motorists .
"We can be thankful for a
very low traffic volume ," he
said. "Tha t 's the o nly thing that
saved us."
Elllott estimated that 40 pet-
' cent ol the people who dro\'e on
Seashore Tuesday had to be
wa rned about driving the wrong
way. '
About. half of the m knew about
the c hange. but just weren 't
used t.o It, he said. The other half
were unaware . the tra m c now
was belnl altered.
T he plan was put into e ffect at
t he request of the West Newport
Beach Improvem ent Association
in a n attem pt to slow t raffic on
the na rrow roadway a nd to keep
the street from being used as a
bypass to West Coast Highway
a nd Balboa Boulevard.
In addition to the one -way
s ystem, the street now has a
bicycle la ne painte d on the
ocean side of the road .
Elliott said there we re few
cyclists out Tuesday. and pre-
d icted that the com ing three-day
weekend would provide a good
t Ht of the bike path.
The traffic sergeant said prob·
(8" SEASHOaE. Page AZI
Penrling tlH· group's -re port. ~nd <"Ompan _ preside nt Peter
the company voluntarily agreed Krem e r on th(' mayor ·s pro·
to withhold fili ng o f any new posals
tract proposa ls w1thth(•l'il y "ff you. think .. l 'm ~o~n~ to
Ho bert Shd lon. the company's h11 r k o~f. I m no~. h'· contmue<l
vice president fc>r governm ent\. "We re not ,::orng to let happe n
relations. told thf' counc il tha t hl· hl'rt' what ~apptmcd in Newport
agn•cd with the mayor 's assess· Rt.•;i ch, .. Anthony said .
mc nt that "pcrvus1vc tr affic is a . i\s ~uthned by the c·ounc1~. the
p rob le m that r e quires aR firs t Joh of the task forr e wrtt .tw
j!rcss1ve atte ntion by the city. to dl'.~'-'lop 11 "short term actton
county stale and the t r vm t· plan that will show wh at roads Compa~y " (See TR1U 'flC'. Page A2>
Vardoulis 1s seeking 1mprov1•
m ents in Irvine 's roads, claim
ing their expansion is lagging
far behind the dem a nd s placed
on t hem from new develop-
The mayor had indic ated that
he would ask for a moratorium
on ne w tracts if the Irvine Com·
pany did not voluntarily agree to
11it down with the city to resolve
the apparent conflicts
lie had obvioui; s upport for
that posilJon from Councilman
A r t h u r An th o n y . w ho had
som e thing of u "Dutch uncle''
lt>clure for Shell tm and a batlery
o( company offlc1als sittin~ in
Dentist Re ports
1lie(t of Gold
Newport Beach poli ~e ar c
5eekln11t the thief who s tole gold
va l ued at $1.350 f r om the
Newport Center la borator y of a
The criml' was reported Mon·
rlay morning by Or Carl E
Rie d e r . 400 Newpo rt Center
Drive , who said two buttons of
gold alloyl' used fo r ma king den
ta l eppliant'Cl', disappea red o ve r
the w1.•ekend
l n c r e a s 1nJt c l o ud s
tonight , becoming partly
l'loudy T hursday . Hi ~hs
Thursday in the 60s at tht'
twa<'hcs. low to lhl· m id
70s Ulland. Lows tonight
from 55 to 62.
The mam 1ndU3try '"a M1.t·
SISSlppt Rf~r toum of 200 &S
taverm -one /or every «I
re:udems. Story. Page Bii.
••••• &I ""' S.W.lu &1 My 0-(U
... ""• Al .._..,. en L M .. .,. &6 Alllll Le-wn CU .,,,1_, llM Ml.____. ....
C•lllWfti• &J lll•'tli.t Cl .. U Cln11t-Ot• 11111 ... 1 ,..... 91 c-k• Cl ... ,_......... &4
CrM•...,. ca Or...,e c....., ••
0.•111 M*.. fl '""' .... &tit .... ,..... ., ~· M..-. ..
E..terU-CH·U hi .. ~-ett """°'"" CtJ.1) ,,_....... Ct .. tt ..... (!,).ti," ...... ••
.... Ille 9ttot .. •tt "'"' .. _ ••
) '
-----------=~=~~~=:+======:=:::.::~~~-----~ -------------------------~------
~VN..OT !t
Liable. T
For .Tax?
A~ private eorpor1tion
Mt up by Newport ...... tdaool
lruatfft to Mil computer pro
1rem1 failed to deduct •let• and
federal lax• and IOdal aeewtty
pay me nta fro m employee
cheth fOf' Its ftrat two ln<lntM.
an •lid.It revealed Tuesday. T~ audit WH conducted b,y
the firm Of i>rft'., WaterlK>uae &
Co on thti . c·ontrovttrs lal
Newport ·Mf'u Ins tructional
lteaearch Institute tNMIRI \,
whit'h wai dlssolvt'd Dec 31 .
Tht-"'port given to trustees
Tuesdi.y indicated NMIRI may
become habl\' for p1ayments tu
the stale and fedt'ral govttrn
mt-nl to t'O\'er these omissions
( , 4 ••• -'
• ti I
7'.' r ,~ ·1
lo • • I I
11 I ~~g -. L_'-~ -...
' J~ -----, ·r .... 'T ·--St
Proponent• Oet Lend Donation, Launch $45 Mllllon Fund0 rel1lng Campaign
Guarded optimism appeared
to be the pr<'vailing mood today
at Orange County's service sta· lions as the "odds" formed lines
that were often less than 10 cars
long for their crack at the gas pumps .
Op<'r ators sa id m a n y
motorists who last we~k were
forming 'lines long before the
need improvem n I D hoYt' they will.be nunced. _
Ajnoa« tbe ~·-that -Vardoulis wants to see in the
near future a re eompletioo or
the widening or Jerrrey Road
between the Santa Ana and San
Die10 freeways, completion ol
Irvine Center Drive between
Culver Drive and Jeffrer. ex·
tension of Bonita Canyon-,Wad
into Turtle Rock and expansion
of University Drive, Walnut
Avenue, Barranca Road and
Harvard Avenue.
Vardoulis said he will insist
that the city and the company
agree on some mechanism that
would prPvent new residents
from moving into houses if road
projects start to lag behind schedule.
TrustfleS said additional pa.y
ments received by NMIRI will be
placPd in an impound account to
meet future financiul obli"'Jttions.
Officials ol ,NMIRI. which paul
tts employees on a contract
bas is. including hared clerical
staff as well as professional
workt-rs. beglin deductions in
September. The firm was only in
operation for six months.
$45 Million Sought
pumps opened are now arriving
at the stations after opening
time and finding that they can line up. fill up and st111 get to
wo rk on ti me
But regional manager Jf ar vc•y
Host" of Stundard 01 1 urged
dri vers totJaY to "conserve fuel and n·togn1 u the ga:.011n1:
Councilman Larry Agran,
speaking in support of the mo.
lion. said Irvine's traffic prob·
lems threatens lo "wreck the
promisP of the planned com munity."
Hut Agrn n. who favors a
sluwt-r ~rowth rate for Irvine ,
said lhl' city should not put itself
m tht.' position of approving road
proJf'cls that would indicate
"premature" approval lo zone
changes that would inc·rease th1~ city's size
Jubilant Music Ce1iter Backers Wnfide1it -~hortage as a pe rmanent way or
The audjt showed a deficit of
~24 .869, c.'OUntered b • more than
$40,000 in receiubles
Of tlM O•ltr ~li.t Sl•H
Jubilant directors of Orange
County Music Centl'r arc on the
move today In addition. $33,000 in pay·
menta to the district from other
school djstricts have been held
up by the Orange County Board
or Education
I",..., rap A I
gestaons because it found no
segregation or d iscrimination.
the mB,JOrily report states.
The report was signed by com·
m ittee chairJJ'an Henry D.
However. the dissenting re-
port states that there does exist
a danger of segregation occur.
nng an some schools
That report was submitted by
P er H Trebler. a former
Newport Beach parks. beaches
and recreation commissioner.
He cited statisti"s indicating
the minority enrollments have
rncreifsc•d over the past rivt}
years al !leveral Costa Mesa
schools a nd are higher there
tha" m the rlistrict as a whole.
l\t Pomona School, for exam.
pie Trt>ble r slates the minority
e nrollment rose from 1S.S3 per.
rent in 1973 to 21. 76 percent in
1974. 32.71 percent in 1977 and
41 35 percent in 1978
Trcbler also e xpressed his
bt•lief that test scorei, or m;nori-
1.v students could have been ex·
amined. even though these re·
suits might be affected by fac-
tors unre lated lo the school system
He su~Rested a "ve rtical
analysis" to follow some minori-
ty students anonymously ·
through the school system to see
1f th ey made satis fac to ry progn-ss
Trebler noted that he has no
quarrel with the district's "ex-
c.-llent . educational program,"
but believes some racial isola· tion is <><'curring
'Thief Grabs
Fence Wood
Newport Beach physician
Albert Pizzo would like to know
who's got a ne w 2SO·foot
redwood fence
The doctor s1t1d he had the
lumber to build such a fence
stacked behind an apartment he
owns at 746 Tultin Ave.
He told police Tuesday he put
lhf' Rix-foot lengths of lumber in
place in J anuary and when he
went back to get them last week,
the fencing was gone.
The mu1sing lumbe r was
valued at $3,000
TM 0.e .... C-t Dlll\I -·will\ "111Cn 0\ ,..,._ _,,,.,_ ,.,.. ........... _l>YllwO<-
Coe•IP'*• .... ~ ,._ .... , ..... ,_
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T h ey 'r e look ing ror US
m illlon. And they made U clear
Tuesday that they arc confident
the funds will b4! in the coffers
long before a groundbreaking
ceremony they eKpect to hold
two years hence
"We will S<'ek these funds
throughout So uth e rn
Califomia." said executive vice
president John M. Rau. "And I
think we will find that our
Mr. Kramer
Of Newport
Dead at 73
Me morial services will be con-
ducted Saturday in Newport
Beach for long -lime Balboa
Island resident Arthur Kramer
who <lied Monda) al thE> age of 73
Mr. Kramer first came to the
island with his family in 1938
and moved in as a permanent
resident in 1946.
His business interests were in
the Los Angeles area but he was
also actjve in civic artairs in
Newport Beach in the 1950s.
lie was one of the authors of
the city charte r measure whk h
prohibits the charging of fees ror
trash collection. Mr Kramer
was also at one lime an active
member of the Balboa Island
Improvement Assoeiation.
Mr. Kramer's late father .
Ch arles J . Kramer, was a con·
gr essman r epresenting Los
Angeles· 13th District from
lie leaves his widow. Mary
Forsell Kramer or the family
home. 1403 North Bay Fronl; u
daughter. Mary Tomlinson
Kryder of Lafayette, Calif.; a
son, Charles J . Krame r of
Can\lga Park; a sister, Elsie
Scharman or Mountain View,
Calif .• and four grandchildren.
The memorial services will be
conducted al 4 p.m. by Dr. J ohn
A. Huffman. Sr. in the Grace
Hoag Chapel al St. Andrews's
Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Kra mer will be interred
al Forest Lawn· Hollywood Hills.
,..,...,. Page A I
repr~sents Ne'Wl>Ort Beach took
issue with her prediction and
promised the audience that com·
mercial jet flights would be
limitt!d to 40 a day.
He said he'd keep the flights al
that number even lC there are
twenty airlines al Orange Coun.
ty instead of the two that cur·
renUy have leases there.
In addition to Riley and Mrs.
Heather, tho panel includt>d
Supervisor Harriett Wieder,
OeraJa Danas ortlle Federal
Aviation Administration, Henry
Wedaa, an airport specialist for
thP Southern California Asaocia·
lion of Governments <SCAG \,
Bob Payton of Air California and
Cal Egerton of Los AngeJes In-ternational Airport.
There was no new info'rmation
e licited at the meeting. All or lhe
panelists reviewed what their
a1ency is doing a bout the airport.
Dallas said he couldn't discuss
the FAA 's pending investigation
into charges of discriminaUon
11ain1t air carriers at the
II lbe FAA fi.nda a1atnat the
count)' In the ease, lt could mean
that tbe county Yt'UI be forced lo
take on more airlines at lbe factllty.
Wedaa, a Yorba Linda cl(J
co...acUman, 1a\'e a report on
what SCAG la doln1 to find a
new airport •ite, wt added that
coutruction ol a new leclllty la at leuUO )'Htl •• .,.
tremendously ~xci tang Oran~c
County projel't w1 II loosen purse
s trings in both the public and
privatl• st•ctors."
Rau's commcnls ~came mo
mcnts after his board formally
accepted a gift of fi ve acres of
Costa Mesa land in the South
Coast Plaza Town Center de·
velopment from the Segerstrom
family of Costa Mesa.
Pointing to the model unveiled
by Henry S~~erstrom , Music
Cente r pr~sident Elaine Red·
field promised an enthusiastic
a udience that the 3,200·seat
Orange County Mu sic Center
Duke Vote:
All Ayes
The House unani mously
a pproved a bill t oday
a ut horizin g the J!Overn -
mcnt to issue a gold mc.•dal
h o n o r i n g a c t o r .J o h n
Wayne of Newport Beach.·
"John Wayne celebrates
his 72nd birthday on Satur-
day and this is a way to
honor this last or the old·
time movie actors ... Rep.
Frank Annunzio. D-111 ,
told colleagues.
The measure goes to the
Senate. Although the
Senate has approved a
similar bill. differences
between the two chambers
over the precise wording
or the engraving will have
to be reconciled before the
measure can be signed in·
lo law by President
,..,..,,, Pap ,1 I
lem s on Seashore actually
started on Monday when the
roadway from Orange A venue to
33rd Street was posted for no
parking so the old lane ma rki ngs
could be removed and the new
sigM posted.
~ore than 20 t ars in v1ol<:1tJ()n
or those parking rcslricli cins
were towed off Seashore Mon.
day and Tuesday. Elliott said.
·'Tuesday when we got there
there must have twcn 200 car:,
parked on Seashore We had to
get out a publi<'. address systCfTl
and drive up and down the street
and knock on doors to get 'em
moved." he said.
City Councilman Oon Mcinnis.
who led the COUnc.'11 fi ght for the
new system, said he found traf·
fie very orderly when he got lo
his home on Seashore Drivf' Tuesday night.
''This morning. though. I did
see a woman pull out or her
garagf' and head the wron~ way
But she pulled up immediately.
turned around and went the
right way." Mc.'lnnis said.
''I suppose the proof will come
this weekend.··
EJJiott &aid the slre.e.l wo~l be patrolled this weekend on a
special tiasis as it was on Tues·
day. "With the number of of.
ricers we've got. all we can do is
a routine patrol," he said
,..,.._ PagrAI
ecution witnesses as they diri
with those who testified for the defense.
Prosecution witnesses RI ven
low ratln1s In the collective
mind ol the jurors were Newport
Be.th developer Richard Owen
and former development com·
pany exetutlve Richard Stark.
Given tht \l1hest rating u a
wttnea few the prosffuUon by
lht-jurors wu former hate
senator Dennta Carpenter. And
ranked at the top of the sule
among wttneuea called by the
dehnae was c o unty Ad·
mlntatratlve Ortlur Robert Tbomu.
will ~ ··much more than our
answer to the Dorothy Chandler
Pav1 hon 1n thl· Lo~ Angele:. Mus it• Center ··wt' will bring the world's
g rt' a test l'Xponents of our art
fo rms to Orange County," she
promised. "La Scala. Covent
Garden, the Russian ballet. you
name it. they will be right here
in the heart of our county."
Mrs. Redfield and other di rec tors repeatedly made it clear
tha t the Segerstrom donation
was ideal in terms of building a
cultural complex that will be ac·
cessible to all 'areas of Orange County.
"From Seal Beac.'h to San
Clemente, no one will be more
than a half.hour drive away,"
s he sajd, "I can't believe our
good fortune in this s plendid and
generous offer."
Mu sic Center d irectors
stressed that a cultural environ·
ment has a lr eady been
t·stablished in the Town Center
hy the pr<'SC'ncc of the South
Coast Repertory The<Ater
The model un veiled at lhe
South Coast Plaza Hotel meeting
depicts a 3.200-scat s uditorium
with backstage and orchestral
facilities lo accommodate major
musical and dramatic produc t1ons.
Di rectors predicted that the
facility wi ll be ideall y suited to
the presentation of opera, ballet
and light opera.
From Page A I
LAi~CE ...
loans but a ls o was' used to
pu rc.'hase bank s tock. rt.' pay
overdrafts at tht• Ca lhoon bank
anrl ir1<·rc•:i1w the 1ncom<· rif the <lefl'nrfant!>
ThC' actual or potential lo!>!> 10
the hanh exc·1•cdt.·d $500,000, the
tnd1ctm<>nt saHJ
Lan e<' w:i ~ s p e..c1 1'1 r·Hlly
l'hargc<1 with I~> counts of m1!>ap
plit.·atwn or hank funcls while• hc
"a:-pre:-1denl of th1· Lwn hank~
In fl\'l' olhl'r c<iunts. hl' wa!'> ac.
1·us l'd of fal s1fyi n~ personal
financial statements HP alsCI
w;.1s r harg(.'d with <1 :-.epar<1tc
l'nunt of m aking false t.·nlrll':-. in
Thl' National Bank of lil·or~•1a
T h e I? r a n d J u r y w " :-. l' m
pant·h·d on .Ia n <!'1, t97fl . to 1n
\'('St1galt• allegations of finanr1:1/
1rrl'gulan1Jrs ln\'nlving l.ttnn·.
who resigned S1·pt 21. \97i . .,.,
dire<"tor 111 th1 · •~·dL·r;tl Officf' of
Ma nag1·m1•nt ;inrJ Bud£f•t
In th1· \t·<ir-. lll'fOr<· h1· J•>1nc·d
l' a rt l' r ; a d m 1 n 1 s l r a I 1 11 n .i ..,
d1 rel' tor of thi· Offltt' of M an::ige·
ml·nt and Rudget. U111ce ht·adcd
th1' Calhoun First Nati onal Rank
and the Atlanta-based National Ba nk of Georgia
ln vest 1ga t1 o n s b y th ('
Securities and Exchange Com
m1sswn. the l•nmptrollcr of thl·
currency and by director!> or th•·
two banks turned up numerou~
1n !-.lant.•c!-uf 1nro mple ll'I.'
docum1·nll'cl loans to Lance ..,
friends and relati ves
'Guard Tops,'
Owners Told
Nt·wport Beach police cau·
lioned owners of Mercedes con-
,·ert 1bles today tu guard their
\.'itr :-tops In the wakc or ttw
lh t>fl of three ha rdtops in <.ii'> m<1nv rta.v~
'fh1• lops cost 11bout ~2.Soo to n.-pla('t•
Thl' thdts Wl'rl' reported by
M t•I Grau. whuse e1 uto we.~
p;irked at the Ardell Marina,
2102 W Coast Highway : John
D11wn1:r !ll Beacon Bay a nd
i::arl Ike. 6tilJ Ha rbllr Island Onvl·
24 Arrested
In Scuffle
C tl!C'AGO (AP1 About 24
per ·uni. wcre arrested late Tues
d11y during a ~cufflc between
p11l1ceo :ind :1bcwt 1.500 dem.
onstrator.., outside a Un1vers1·
ty or Ch1<:ago building where
form('r Defense Secretary
Robert McNamara received an
award. officials said
Despite the protest. the un·
ivers1ty administration present·
ed ~tcNamJra with the Albt•rt
Pick J r Award for "outstanding
contribution:-to international unnerstanrhn~.
Starts June 1st
Se lect from the finest lines available at
very special prices. All our upholstered
pieces will be reduced for this event. 10°/o
to 25°/o off. Special orders included.
Stop in now while selections are
at their best.
J t ) • ,. t It -'•\\• •1( t\.t'
Jt# ... f"fO-.... •t ... --..
I ~ • • '"-'• ftli! ""'
Delly ...... , ..........
Convicted Supervl.or Dr•w• Pr•I•• for Service From Fellow Membera
Diedrieh Draws Kudos
Felluw Supervisor.s Praise His lnrwvation
While not commenting on the criminal
bribe ry conv1ctton that will ou:.l Oran~l'
County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich from of-
ftce, Diedrich's fellow supervisors praised
him and his service lo the county today.
"It 1:. my opmion that Orange County 1s a
better place because Ralph Diedrich has
bee n a county supe r visor." Supervisor
Thomas Riley s aid •
"HE BROUGHT IN MANY innovative
procedures for the manageml•nl of county gov·
c rnmcnt
•·And many of his idea:. ure a maJor
n•ason \\hy OrcinJ!C County hci~ an em c1ent
county ~ovcrnmcnt," Riley said
"RAl,PH HAS BEEN V<'r> dedicated e1 nd
hard working I just hope the people will re·
member all th<' many pluses he's brought to
OrangeCounty ·
Supervisor Ra lph Cla rk had similar
words of praise for Diedrich
"I hoot: Ra lph's conviction does n't
ctiminish the many good things he du.I while
in office, .. Clark said
"HE WORKED HARD. He was dcdicat·
ed and he has always been a very capable
county supervisor. I have a lot of respect and
regard for Ralph. I'll miss him."
Supervisor Harriett Wieder was not far
behind Clark and Riley in her willingness lo
say kind thin~s about Diedrich.
.. He was a good administrator . he was
good for thl' county and he was good for his
district." Mrs. Wieder said.
"I'm :.ad for Ralph's family and I'm
sad for the l'ount.y that things had to come to
this," she concl uded ....
"It is unfortunate for Orange County and the
people who lh:e here as well as the county's
image that this has happened. I'm very sorry
for Ralph, Mr. Rose and their families," An·
thony said . He went on to call Diedrich "a strong ac-
tive member of the Board of Supervisors.··
Cordova f o Toke Post?
Verdict Ends Diedrich's
·Career as Supervisor
SAN DI EGO An era in Jury indictment handed down lems -lots of things. I can
Orange County pollt 1cs ended Dec· 15. rn77 take what's coming a nd I know
Tuesday m~ht when Supervisor Diedrich j!rceled the verdict Inez can.
Ralph Diedrich steppl•d into the with no show of emotion other "Sometimes you t ake what life
darkness outside the County than turninj! his head to smile has to give. And this is one of
Courthouse <1s a newly convicted rt•ass urini?IY 11t his wife, lm:z. those times for me "
fe lon who sat in th<' courtroom Rose, ovt.•r a drink. was admit·
Within <> frw m1nulC's of hi!> Rose was visibly shaken by tedly depressed "by the whole
co11vict1on on three bribery the decision that he was guilty of damn thing.
charges. Diednr h :.ealed hi!. cons pmng with his long-time "I just don't sec how the jury
pohtical career when he said to frit>nd to commit bribery could have done what it did . I'll
Superior Court Judge Ros s 1-~or Diednl'h, the jury's de· never understand it. ..
Tharp cision m ea nt a ll 12 jurors The n . returning t o the
"Well. then. 1·11 avoid going to beli eved he solicited a nd re· wisecracks he often uses to ex·
I Boa rd of Supervisors I meet ceived $85.000 worth of bnhcs as press himself. Rose quipped:
mgs " well as an $80,000 bank loan. "Well. I just hope they send
Th a t s tat t.>m c nt meant Rose as well as Diedrich wa s me to Chino cprison >. I un·
Diedrich bargained away his convicted of conspiring to com· derstand they have good art
prerogative to serve on the mil brihery, a C'onspiracy aimed courses there."
board another few weeks in ex· at extracting money from a de· Prosecutor Michae l Capizzi
change for a sentencing dale of velopmenl c·ompany , Anaheim described the jury verdict as
July 9 rather than June 8 Hills. Inc "fair and reasonable."
Diedrich won't officially he re-"We've taken a lot of abuse on moved from office because of 1 mmediatcly afln the verdict. this case. I think you can say the
his felony conviction until sen-Diedrich lashed out a l his pros-jury's verdict said far more elo·
tenced to what could he up to ccutors. insisted he was inno· quently i.han I can say just what
four years in s tale prisori cf•nl no matter what the jury the issues were and why it was a
But in addition to forgoing found and cft)imed he was the sound prosecution ...
participation on the Board of victim of a witch hunt After the jury had left the
Supervisors until sentenced , La ter , when he refl ected courtroom, Judge Tharp agreed
Diedrich indicated late Tuesday privately on his plight. Diedrich lo lel the two convicted men re-
night he might resign before the said: main free on the strength of
July 9 sentencing date. their own word that they will
That would open the door for "Sure, I'm disappointed that make upcoming court ap·
Gov Edmund G Brown to ap-things have turned out this way. pearances.
point a replacement to fill the "But I've had lo face worse But the judge scheduled a bail
-a?'d District seat now held -by--thin.:s-the-war, business prob-hearin& for May 30, meanin&
Diedrich Diedrich and Rose could be
Front-runner for the appoint-asked to post bail in order to re-
m en t is former s tate as-Consll.lllll.OD main free. while wailing to be
semblyman Ron Cordova. a sentenced.
32 -year-o ld conser vative . Earlier in the night. defense
Democrat. • -endin Hit• attorneys objected to the jury. -----flM"t11mrn-irnad~U . g -whieh-had-deliberated.lour ... .d.ays_
for the job while Diedrich· was without reachinl! a verdict. be-
wailing trial and says he will not WASHING T 0 N ( A P ) ing held into the night hours.
seek it while the incumbent is Treasury Secretary W. Michael Lawyers Syl\lan Aronson and
waiting sentencing. ~lumenthal L?l~ Congress today James Riddel said the extra
But be bu the active support 1l would be nd1culous to a mend hours were being used lo force a
ror the appointment of state the Conatitution lo require a decision "to accommod•te one
Democratic Party chairman balanced federal budget. juror who wants to take a trip
Rlchad O'Neill, labor leader tomorrow." Bruce Lee and the county's con-TesUfying before the Senate But when the jury came in
tingent of Democratic slate subcommittee on the Conslitu-with its verdict, the judge aslted
le1ialatora, lncludln1 As-lion, Blumenthal said the Carter each member tr they had fell
aembtyman Dennis Manaers. adminiatration "ls '1nequivocal· "coerced or pressured" into Dl~ricb's abrupt departure ly tommltted lo brin1ln1 the reachtnaadecislon.
from Gmee wu dedded at 7:21 federal budget into balance, and After all the replies were to
p.m. by u ellbt-woman, four. to doln1 80 88 swiftly 81 lbe effect that there was no coer·
man JUl'1.. economic prudence permits." clon or pressure, Judge Tharp
After laein8 de~ked t1 to 1 Howe'Y91', he said, a conaUtu· handed the verdict forms to the
in fnar ot pPt ~e lfoeday Uonal amendment would be the court clerk.
aft.ernoan, tbe Jal'J decided un-wrong way to go about It. For And when clerk Robert
anlmOU1ly that Dltdrtch ud co-one thlna. he said, Con1ress can· Lawrence read the rorms, he
defendant LeRoy Rose were not always foresee, when it said, "As to defendant Diedrich,
(lllltr of all the tb1.r1et broqbt adopts a bud1et, the economic 1ullty on counts one, two and
.......... in a ~ Grand ftuctuatlonl that may He abead. three."
Jn a controversial Orange
County retrial, alleged victim
Catherine Hardin Tuesday stuck
to her lnitial story that 1he was
raped at icunpolnt and knlfepolnt
by Glen Howard Hutcherson.
"He told me to shut up and do
what he told me to do." Ms.
tlardin testified before a jury in
Superior Court Judge Richard
Beacom's courtroom .
"He said, 'You know what I
a m going to do to you. don 'l you?
I am going to rape you'." Ms.
llardin testified.
Ms. Hardin's testimony is ex·
pected to continue at some
Jn opening statements on the
retrial of Hutcherson, a 48-year·
old aerospace worker , opposing
attorneys gave strongly conflict·
ing versions of the events in
questiononNov. 23, 1977.
Defense Attorney Terry Giles
insisted the pair had sex by
mutual consent on the floor of
llutcherson's motorhome.
And when Ms . .Hardin de-
manded $25 in payment. "Cathy
Hardin went berserk.'· Giles
said. ·'She b egan to ye ll a nd
s c r eam. She sc r a t ch ed his
a rms." he contended
And llutchi!rson lightly bound
her ·wrists with a child's Jump·
rope to halt the attack before
he pushed her from the ca m~r.
Giles said
Prosecutor Da niel Brict·'s
ve rs ion of what he said the
evidence will show b in Ms
Hardin's testimony II<' all eg('d
Hutcherson pulled a gun on Ms
Hardin. lied her hands in front
of her, covered her head with a
blanket and taped cotton over
her eyes
Then. Brice alll'ged. he drove·
her to Brea Canyon and raped
Hutcherson was fo und guilty
of raping Ms. llci rdtn in a jury
trial earlier this year.
But Ms. Hardin's testimony
was doubted by Orange County
Superior Court Judge Mason
F e nton. F e nton g ranted
Hutcherson a new trial after a
j ury had found him guilty.
At the time Fenton said he
doubted Ms. Hardin's story cm
the witness s tand. And , the
j udge sai d h e found
Hutcherson's version of the
story-that Ms. Hardin consent-
ed to have sex with him and
cried "rape" when he refused to
pay her ~25-more believable.
Ch a rles Warren, President
Carter's special liaison to
California. says the state's
gas allocation will be in-
c reased by 10 percent in
June ,' e nding lines at
sl•rvicc stations.
HBCops Nab
Rape Suspect
Of a. o.4ty ptMC Slaff
A man Huntington . Beuh
police believe may be the "pan-
tyhose rapist" -so-named
because of a method of disguise
was arrested early today.
Investigators believe he could
he linked to as ma ny as 13 sex·
ual attacks in Orange Countv.
Arrested at 2:45 a.m. in a res·
1dential area was a man Iden·
llf1e d by police a s Ma rion
fo'ranklln Miller . a 32-year-0ld
Huntington Beach car salesman.
Officer Dan McKerren and re·
s e r ve Chris topher Holmes.
res ponding to a re port of a
prowler near Newman Avenue
<1nd Forest Lane. reportedly
tound Miller tudmg between two
ho ml·:.
Police said Miller was armed
w i th a loa ded .32 calibe r
hand gun in a hip holster. a
:.c..'rewdriver, and was carrym~ a
mask depicting a balding old
m an with drooping lips and
white hair.
A man weann~ an identical
mas k broke into a downtown
a rea apartment• Saturday ,
forced a woman into a sex act,
and look about SlOO before he
Sgt. Luis Ochoa said the
descnption of the attacker and
hi s method has led investigators
to be lieve he is responsible for
s 1 x sexual assaults in Hunt·
ini:ton Beach since October 1978.
Assailed -
By MYllOND antADA Ir. ................
A 1roup of Saa Clemente
animal loven b9ve scheduled a
Saturday demooatraUon ln tlie
city•a downtown area to ,J>rOtelt
the planned slaupter of 3.000
goats planned for next week on
San Clemente Island.
San Clemente housewife
Georgett Korsen, one of tbe
Saturday event'a organizers,
said. she expects a number or
goat backers from Oran1e. Los
Angeles and Riverside counties
to participate ta the protest.
Mrs. Konen said officials for
her group, Give Our Animals
Time, have received a parade
permit for the protest and plan
to wave placards and chant pro-
goat slogans while marching
down Avenida Del Mar from El
Camino Real beginning at 11
a .m .
Navy officials say riflemen
are suppo&ed lo shoot the feral
goats as the most effective way
lo protect a number of rare and
endangered animals, birds and
plant~ on the gove-mment·ownf>d
Mrs. Korsen said her group
has been a sking the Navy to
postpone the slaughter until a
"more humane" solution is
Navy officials say shooting
the goats will preserve the
threatened San Clemente log-
gerhead shrike and sage spar-
row as well as the island's en·
dangered night lizard and three
types of plant life.
The island is localed about 55
miles off the coast of the city. It
has been used as an ordinance
Navy officials. working with
s tate Fi s h a nd Game
a uthorities. plan lo hegin the
l!Oat shooUn~ May 31 or June 1
dt-pl'nd1n~ on weathe r condi· tions.
The C'arcasses of the JilOals are
to be left to rot on the island, of-
ficials sajd.
"The goat-. are being treated
like rodent-.." said Mrs. Korsen.
"They are docile, passi\le
animals like the kind we let our
children pet in zoos."
The goats were brought lo tne
island from Andalucia more
than 100 _years ago by Spanish
missionaries Most of the animals reside in rocky, inac-
cessible canyon areas.
Navy orficials have hired
private trappers to corral a
thousand goats and have al·
lowed hunters on the island to
kill a notht>r thousand of the
a nimals.
In the aftermath, a coalition of
t.>ight Orange County women's
groups labeled Fenton's decision
sexist-traditional. And in the
controversy that followed one
me m ber of Hutcherson 's first
jury said she regretted her own
guilty decision.
In addition. Ms . Hardin at a
press conference arra nged by
defense attorney Giles said shP
was "happy" the judge ~rantt'd
the new trial. a statement she
now says she re~rets.
Rebozo Buys Home
Near Friend Nixon
Carter Popularity
SGps to New Low
President Carte r 's popularity
among Californians s lipped to
the lowc•st of any president since
just before Richard Nixon re·
signed from offi ce, according to
results of a California Poll re-
leased today.
The poll found that three times
as many people in the slate
thought Carte r was doing a
"poor job" as thought he was
doing a "good job."
Charles G. "Bebe" Rebozo.
long-time friend and political al-
ly of former president Richard
l'\ixon. has purchased a home in
S ;-1n Cl e me nte 's e xc lus i ve
Cyprus Shores area near what
u~c·d lo ~ the Western While
Uwayne Ber ger . of San
Clemente Real Estate Company.
s aid toda y Rebo zo has
pun·hast>d the home for an un·
disclosed amount in the 50-homc
developme nt patrolled by
security guards .
But Berger refused to release
further details of the home deal.
He asserted that a press release re~ard.ing Rebozo's move would
be released later this week from
a Nixon aide
Rebo1.o. a Miami m1ll1onam ',
;i ided Nixon in the purchaSP of
the ous tt'd preside nt's San
Clt'mente and Key Biscayne.
Fla .. estates. Nixon has sold the
Florida estate.
Reboro is one or the few peo·
pll' Nixon has associated with
rt>gularly since he resigned the
presidency in August, 1974.
Secret Service agents. who
p atrol Nixon's Cas a P acific
estat.-at the southernmost end of
San Clemente. said Tuesday they
a re not aware of Re bozo's report·
ed moveloCyprusShores.
By J.C. H(.JMl'llRIES
Cer11hf!d Gemolog1s1 /\l~S
.... :• , I • 1 " I :
an ancient art still lwf's
The ancient jewelry art of enamel·
Ing is gaining new popularity in
Europe and may be expected to
catch the attention of Americans
.soon. Jn enameling, pulverized glass
• Fine watch repair
• Diamond and precious gem
• Fine jewelry care and repair
is mixed wittra -gum --containtt. ~--11----
natural coloring agents. hardened. o · · I · I d s·gn and and applied lo gold, platinum. silver ngma jewe ry e 1
and other materials. Orten, lhe creations
enameled piece contains diamonds or • Gem and J. ewelry appra1· sals colored stones to compliement the
enameled colors. Pieces include pins,
pendants, curmnks, brooches and
pocket watches. Enameling soes back
lo the discovery of glass-making. The
E1YpUans tre known to have used
the process about 2,000 8 .C., but the
Byzantines of Turkey are credited
with perfecting it. The conquerlna
Romans found the An1lo·Saxona mix·
ing enamels in bronze molds.
In Italy and Britain, enameled pieces
are now very popular. Emeraled
buats of Shakesperian characters are
popular in Venice. Stickpin& "both
trendy and elepnt" are advertlled
. by a ~ndon flrm speclallalnl ln
J. C. ..Jlump~ril' /)-w11f.,.~
u s t
Coas Cing
W~. Mer D . 117'1
Diedi·icl1: T ough Guy
R•:~tt:MB£arNti : ,..,.~ mt.•n have lef't 16" d<'f'P an Im
prrnt upun thl· .•ffo1r-, 11r Onm jlf' County OVt'r thu pa11t clt>~·ad'-· u:. HnlJ)h A IJ11•1lri<'h of f''ull.-rton , c:ounly
:-.u11t.•n ti.or. tturd d1 ll'H't
Thal •·r.1 l'llll••d .1hruJ,1l I) "' 7 2H I> m Tuebd&y In u Sun 1>1.:.:0 t•vur-l ro 11.1111
ll.1lph I l1nh 11·h ",,~ 11 po.1lltir1nn t•xtraorchni1ry ~mil
1ni.:. 1111.illl•• h1111tl .. 1111k111J:. gr.-~D riou~ l\n d when
l1t't't•:-.:-.11 ,. to11i.:h .• 1rr11Au11t . whe.-ltng dt·ithn~ a111I <•nm
h.1t1q· 11.o tq11fat•, th,· :.elf mut.le man who <'Um•• to con
:.11h·ruhh· <1Hlut·1h'l' 111 lht' toug h <'Oni>trurtion trudu!\ tie
\\ .1:-; <1 't'tl'I :m o( Wurhl War II, woundt•d tluran.: 1 he in
,. l.l:O.IUll or I h tl.t•r :-. l"ort rt•:-.:-. t-:uropt•
:o;o IN T iit : 1!*7U111, ht• got into Orungc County 1iuht1n
.1nll lll' lm ·1·d 11 I h• 111\l·il 111 .. hakl' imd mov1· the fon•ct. 11f
1:1•\ ··rnnknl Ill• ~~a-. rc.u1y .ind "ilhng to lake on any tX>d)
111• (';l fl\Jljl ~:111'1I r11r low l'llbl housH\~ He pus hed ant.I
"ho\ t•tl 111 :.tr1•:iml111t• thl' bur g1•on111g burcaucral:)' tif Or11nt:l'
l'nunl \ )!u\ 1·rnnw11111ff1<'<'"
l 11 ttw 11111<·t·:..,, 11( c·o ur,c. he became controverblal
anti to(lk 'onw kn111·k-.. more than a few times by your ror ~ r1·:.p11ntl1•111 in thl!> !>IHH'l' Uo1 don t worry. D1e<ln ch <.·oul<.I
k n11ck hat·k
fl t.: Zt\PPl::D TllF. P R ESS m January of 1977 when he
:.lt>µvcu <lown as coun ty board chairman, declaring the
Utt.·dn ch m Lighter Times With Silly Parking Ticket
nrnn1~P O H1nt n(•Ws corps o!)t!rates on the motto or "bad
Ol'\\ .... 1s~ood 11e~s ·
In i\1:Jrth 11r ·11. the Santa Ana Heg1ster bum ·rapped
l>11·<1ric•h f>1r .dlt·gt!1ll y muking $29 worth of "political
pt111111· t·1111:, · from his (.'r1unty office. Ht! retali ated in
1 vp1(·:.il f.J:-.h11m IJy t•hcck1ni.: phont' cha rges made by rc-
1111111•r s frorn t h1·1r1·1111nt v µhunes
I lt•arh. ILilph ()u•tlr1t·h t!>n t thl' kind of a guy wh11
\\•111ld roll o\t•i :.i nd pluy d.-:.id
·rttl-.KE \\ ERt: UCillTER moments too. Like when
:-O.h1·1 1ff ~rnd Gate:-· I rOl)ps hit Ralph with <\. $15 ticket on
\I <•~ 21'<. IY78. wht•n ht' p<.trkcd along the beach est Salt
Cr<•f'k 10 c:he<'k nut a constituent's complaint of heavy lit-
11•r 1ni.:1n lhr· :.ir1·a
V1c<lrn:h sael.lml'<I foul and claimed he was on oUicial
husines:-Ht-hault•d !:>heriff Gat es into court. He was stub·
horn and c·omi.iat, \'t' Lc::.s.lif' men would have JUSl paid the
I rt·kl'I ~
I lw lo11rn11r c·am1· 1n that n()t onl y did Diedrich lose his
11~ k•·' I 1;·111 I 1 11111· :r \ 1-.1t1ng Judge but he got another park-
111 · t .d1 1111 hi' 11111111 \ t«ir \\he re he d p<irkcd during the
I I 1.i l
\1111 lhr111.wh 11 .111. l)i('(Jrich g C1 ve you the public ap.
1w:11 •mt·" th:.it Ill' ":r:. hav111g an enormously good time
11\l•r' 11 _ill
On ltw m11rt· 'c·ri1111s ~•cit. his s olid contribul'ons in
('Clt111t.\ g11 .. 1·rnr11t:nl wt·rL' numerous and wide-rcan ging.
SO IT Al.I. ENOED lasl night in a San Diego
1·011rl room Wh<'n a JUry <:onv1cted Diedrich on 1973 briber y
c·hari.•i:s lit· i;:ol·s 011t of offic1 · July 9 upon sentencing.
l'i ow ~·oiu s uppo-;e that the pompous pontificators
am1111g u s will lc•an hac·k <ind intone th at ''justice has bc,.n
d nn1· ..
i\s for th•" <·11rnN. I'd rathe r rem ember Ralph A
ll1c>rlrl<'h fur thl' 1·1wrgy and lC1lcnt and drive he contribut·
.. ct ov(·r lh<' yN1rb in a g1·nu1ne effort to m ake Orange Coun.
1 y a h1·t11·r plat<· in wh1d1 lo live
Olt11·rw1M·. th•· '>tory hils " really lousy e nd ing.
~1·11deau I >efeate •
Clark Vows 'New Spirit, New -Life' • "9'EEP S•IUNG and let 's co TORONTO cAPl J oe Clark,
:a s mall·town politician whose
Proacreulvt Con!fervatlves top-
pled lht.• lormld11ble Pierre El-liott 'l'ruoet1u anu t he lti-year
rl'l.in of his Liberal Party in
Cun•1du ·s clct•tlon, pledged to.
cl:1y tu 1>ut "ll nttw spirit, a new
l1fr" mto th1:s divided land.
Tht• (~ervativcs fe ll s ix
.,,.11111 :.~rt Ill 'l'ut-sday's ballot-
in.: o f thl' 142 n~ded for a ma
J11rll). llut tht.· way was d ear for
Clbrk 111 rvrm a minor ity govern-
T it UDl!:A U . WHO bt!Camc
pn mc n11niste r o n u wave or
'Tru<h•uuman1a " that swept
(.'a11acJa 11 yt•ars ago. becomes
thc lt>allt•r or the opposition 111
the llousc of Commons.
In Nt.'w York. his cstrani:t•d
-.ifr. Murf(ar£'1. said· "PierrC'
Trudt•au will be the best oppost
t 1 o n I c n ll l' r k now n to t h t•
world " Shl' made lhC' commN\I
al I he Manhutt:.in disco Slut.Ito 5'&
1•urlr todar
Tht" 59-yt•:.tr ·old Trutll'uu , .1
s m ooth but t o ugh pol1t11·u1
fighte r who was the long1•sl
st•rv111g ~overn m l'nl lc·;u l1·1·
a mong the Wt•stcrn powt•rs, toltl
a tearful Liberal crowd' at an Ot-
tawa hotel early today ho would
"recommend to my colleacues
that we hand the government
Ousted Trudeau
Cheers, Boos Greet
Texas 'Killer Bees '
AUSTIN . Texas li\Pl The "Ktlll.!r Bt•t.·~" antir ht"rm•s 10 ~11mt•
fugitive obstructionists lo others have r1•turned to the Tt-xas ~tall•
St>natc and a t riumphant we lco me s plattcn:d with hoos
The 12 Dem ocrats disappcare>d Friday and stay1•d A WUL for f1 v<.·
days. robbing the Sen ate o f a quorum until they returned Tuc~day In
the process. they virtually as
s ured defeat of a presidentia l
primary bill thought to be tailor
m <.tde for former Gov. John Con-
While the senators were gone.
the T e xas Ra ngers we re called
in but couldn't find them. It was
a spcctarlc that enraged propo
ncnts of the bill, a nd amused
manv others
Wht-n th<.· scn:.itors re turned.
lh.:y told how they had done 1l.
TES HI D JN A one room
··~:.ire house" within fi ve mile::.
ur the· Capitol. a lthough one of
thos<.· later fled the c lose
quarters in favo r of a s moke .,
free atmosphere in H ous ton
Another was in Oklahoma and
the 12th was near th e Mexican
~ind thc next rla y thl· "K1llc:r
Bl'l'S" loltl llol1li.v b~ lt•lt_·1Jh11nt·
that tht·~ would rl'lurn at :t p m
ThC'y turn1•d up 12 m inu1cs lat•·
hut in s tyle, d riv1111! up to tht·
Capitol in u motorcat.lt· t·SNirl\•O
by s t:.itc tror1p<"r~ An 11v;,it1!1n
broke out 1n lht' Sen.Hi· <'hum
lwrs. with sornl' hri11s am 1t1 th1 ·
Onlv HI SL'rt;1tor' harJ .,t ;i\'t•d ;ti
tlw 1r 'ctt•sks . l\\11 ..,h11rt 11f ·tlw :.n
nt•t•<.lt•d for,, qu111 uni ,.,~· hll 11·
·t11111• IS ll'ft Ill romp11'(1 bU!\llll''"'
lll'l ort• lht• ll').!1sl;111 "' "\'"'''"' l·nds ;it m1dn1ght ~hmtJ ,,,. :ind
Sen A . It "Hatw ' Sl·hw;irtz
proc laimt·d
"l 'M /\8SOLll1't:LY t·on
\'lnC(•d S nJ 1·19 <tht• pnmary )>1ll 1
ts a d1·ad bill for this ~cs..,1011 "
on figh tin g ," tte u r ced bia
Because the Conser vatives
railed to win a majority of seats,
the 39-year -old Clark m ust head
a minor ity governme nt that
analysts say is not likely t.o last
more than a year before he calls
un e lection.
But the outcome nevertheless
may prove t.o be a turning point
for Can ada because the new
prime minister is the one who
mus t t r y to keep separatlst-
minded Quebec from seceding
and s plitting the country in lwo.
f<'rench during a victory celebra ·
tum in Spruce Grov~. AlbertJl.
not far from the Rocky Moun·
ta.i n foothills town or Hig h River
where he grew up. Clark said·
"Quebec will not feel isolated
1n a Clark government ... He
promist_·d a new partners hip
am ong th<· ft:dl'ral a nd provin-
t• 1a I governments that "can
makl' a model for t!vcry othe r
11al 10 11 in thl' world "
()ul'IJ\·t· l'rem1C:"r Kene Leves-
11 u 1• . who h as prom 1 s e d
t'uchccc·rs a r efe rendu m on1
"<•paration from Canada. has
.1 v1111kct rt.'rJOrtcrs c.tnd has been
11n;1vatlablc for (·omme nt on
t'l<1 rk 's victory.
t 'I N/\L Rt:T URNS for the 282
llou sc s t·C1t s s,:cavc th e
('ons{'rvttt1 ves 136. a ~ain or 38
over the• scats they held m the
l'arliamt•nt dissolved in Ma rch
ThC' Liberals h ad 114 scats, th£•
~11<·ial1st New De mocrats 26. and
lltt• right lennmg Social Credit 6.
;itcurd1ng to unofficial tabufa.
In lhC' la st Parliam ent. which
hall 18 fewer :wats thC1n this one,
I .1bC'rals ht:ld a 133-98 edge over
t lw opposition Con!>t•r vC1t1 ves.
tot:_ils showt·d th<> Consc r\'at1ve~
\\tlh I m1f1111n Vlll('S c:1r, I
pt•rc·c nt 1. lhl· Liberal!-. with 4 ~
111 ti lir>n 139 9 1wr('cnt !. the N<'w
l>t-rnotr:Jh \\tlh 2 02 million 118
p1·rn·11t <.1ntl S1>c·1al l 'rf'dit with
~,1 i.:n9 11 ;; pt•rt·•·nt ' Thc r1· wen·
Ii 1.200 I j 1wrc L'nl • '11\l's ca't
for olht•r p.1r11r ...
Tl1t· lnt:ib sh11~1·d tli:1t n1:arh
11n1· n11flton mon• l'a11ad1<111!-. \Ill
co Tuesda ,. than h:.itf been pn·-
d icted The unoffll·1al totals
~how<'d mun' tha n 11 million
\ <Jlt'S Wl'll' c·a!-.I l'rt'CJll'(ll)llS hCld
c·a lh•d for Slil!htly mon· than lU
m1ll11m or (.';_in;ida 's Jt1 .i mtllton
~·ltg11.llt• \'C1tt•ro; to turn 11ut
.... .,..,....
Vk:torloua Joe Cl•rk
Hard Fight
Likely on
Rate Hikes
<.•ongr<.>ssmen see a hard fight
ahead for Preside nt Carter's
proposal to help sm all sC1vers by
allowmg banks <tnd othe>r fman·
r ial institutions to pay higher in-
terest on passbook accounts.
The president claimed the c ur
rent Ct>ihngs on pass book ac·
cou n b of 5 pl'rcent at
commercial banks and 51,4 per.
cent at sav ings ;;issociation!>
.. a re costing lhl.! American peo-
ple billions of dollars m lost in ·
tcrest annually.··
governm!!nt Ii mats on savings
account inte rest rates to money
market levels as p art of a com-
prehensive packa~e of change~
m existing financial regulations .
Ma rkct leve l ante rest rates
vary . b ut on !>h o rt -t e rm
T reasury bills. the current tn·
tc rest 1s 9.6 pcrcC!nl
"I don ·1 think you can wrilr
that lhl' prcsidl•nt 1s going to
wavt' :i wand and 1t will take
p I a <' c• . ' ' H t• p . W i 11 i a m S
Moorhead. D Pit . a ranking
ml·mber of tht• llouse Banking
(.'Qmm1ttl·t· :.aid tJf th<-Carte r
µroµos:.il · It ' g1J1ng t11 ht•
The µn·~1<knl ·!\ re<:ommendll
t ions C1lso include legalizing m-
te r e s t-b<'a r 1 n~ c heckin g ac·-
t•ounts natronw1dt· anrl authoni
1n g \'ar1 :11Jl1• 1nl1•r1·-.t r a t •·
m o rtgagt•s wh1('h would allow
m ort g::tgl· p:iy mt.•nts to rise ant.I
fall with ovcrall rntl·n·st rntc~ Meanwhile, LL Gov. Bill Hob
by had calle d in the Hanger•.,
pride of the state's law officers
Rut lht! best they could llo w<ts
the ma!>lakcn arrest o n Sunday
of Sen Gene J ones· brother.
whose must ache could have set
him apart from the clean-
s ha ven sena tor .
Sen. Jones. it turned out. was
the one at the 10-man hideout
who left for a nothe r in Houston
because he had recently quit
s moking and couldn't sta nd it
when the others puffed.
hiding out in Oklahoma. Sen
Chet Brooks of Pas adena. broke
the ice by driving back r oads to
meet with Hobby in Austin at 11
p .m . Monday Hobby made a
kl·y parliamentary concession.
·Tornado Rips Minnesota
He ·s the best a t prying the
shenanigans and s ecrets out of the
Washington burear:racy -he's must
Damage Over $500,000; 2 Others Hit Texas
Mpl~·~I P
N~w Orin ...
Nt* Yo" ()Illa City
O<l•ndo l>t'tlled'phl•
Plll\l>ur,_. ..,,, .. ,0. O<~ "•"o
Dllily...._.M•ert ,, ....... ,
'.J lfltf4''f f o')t'I If Yfl\f U('I rint t\.i/f~
it· ,,, .. ttp•r l>t •, "'' C> rn t 411 btff(Jt,. I v fn ~I rV r C)f.J'f •1lt btl ~h~t\IWJ
'•t' •• 11111 ~ ~y ,, yO\j C')O "C)t
ff"\ ... ,,.• 'W\111,• Ill(~ liY H .. ~ (;.HI
Dftf fttff ut'1 tflt.S~C.I V fillttf(jlt
Ot•Hv• tt I
"1J. ,,, \)t/11'~ (.l~T•ty "'0•1' •4J•4Jlt
r«~l'"'"'°'' ;.tun11n·rnf"l IW4u" ,..,.,, W.•·,•""'""n. '40·tllf U.•·~ t " '~""'" f tr11 '' ''"' hu1tt n ~ ._.,, J1 .. 1f\ l d) \II 411 l)_.,11J J\»'U '..,-~lln t ,.g\11.,,.
f •flllnll N•O•J•·I 4tMIH
Monteoo 8•Y
M•Hll•n Mult o Clly
Nau au
hOIK IQ41()ol
~1 ,,
rn 10
Ill /)
84 IJ ., •l ., ) .
100 10 .. .. .. ..
't1) 1) .. Tl
Jf"f''~ M l.Wflflr Wll\ 1n n1' bdt ., Vdtd
uh1n11nQ on.on\ w N'·n df'Dn\ \(drtt d
11.,tn(I mWJ rw-hftdtO " Wunt'I 111t,r
t r u'-.ht<tl roe: k Q01nQ doW111n d r hut,.
r n•• br1<tii fit< 1no ol ..t Jar~ t>utldinq
'" ~ tuoom1nqton 1ndu'1"'"' t ompl,.11 w"' .. 1,1pp•d oft bv thf\ ~torf'fl. ""'a
mu-rrrnn '4lic'l rooh t "'"°"' vtt •·-~ or nnq,. peel\
'lt vrt.4\ Ukf'" bttnQ 1n~·df'" w""'"•ng
mA(.h1nr, .. \did J•n~ll (" ~'
rvrrythlnQ wa\ tw•rtinq, (hunk\
And t>lf'(f\ ol *°'" •e": lly1nQ II
.... , hudlo<lo"' IMd<IO'. •
C•••••I W'~aatwr
ln<rt4Kift9 CIOUd\ lonl9fll becomln9
partly clo\jdy Thunday.
Litlll v••••lll• •Ind\ nlgllt and
mornlnt "°""· HIQ11$ Tllu,.dev In the 60t at llMCllH lo mid 1~ lnl-.
CNSlal l9"1119'al\Wfl wlll ra.,.. bel•ten H an4 ., Inland ltm·
,.,."'"" wlll ,.,,., .. ._"and 14, Tiie _.. ...,._,_...,.. wlll lie .0.
s-.11 .. ~Tla•I
Wl ... H OAY Sec~ lew 2 Cit p.m. O I , SKoM~ l .21p.m, •.II TMUHOAY
Font tow J.10 •.m, .0 I irws1111t111 •:u a.m. 4.11
5-COfld 10... 1 41 p,m, 1, I k cOf141111911 I·,. p.m 6.1'
SIHO rlwt S!41 t.m~ .... l :SJp,m
Mton rl ... 4 21 t .m., WI\ S • 4) P·"'
Has spent 30 years reporting with
unique insight on Cahforma state
Pokes at stuffed shirts everywhere -
with a particularly sharp needle
aimed at the Washington scone ----
Places his tQngue firmly m cheek foT-.
humorous looks at everything from
sex IO sandwiches.
Rowlands Evans and Robert Novak
team to examine the political scene
as 1t affects the nation.
He ·11 stimulate you with bflght
informed comments on the news. big
and little and make you think.
E'nJOy )'OUr favonte columnist on t1'e
editorial pages of the
---... ..._:_............. ,.,_......___..__......_..._ .. ---~----~~-----------~=------~---------~-------
FBI r•porta that i "kind of
Stanley Rllklo plot" lnvolvln.i
tbe· fraudwent win· tranuctmn
of U .1 mUUon has betn thwartt>d
a nd two Ca1uuUan cltl&cnJ h il\•t· been arrt'flh.'d.
lo'Bl special uttt•ot llerbc'rt ll
Clouah J r :.u1d Tu~td11y th.1l
Barry 8enmbaum. a VancOU\'t•r
sale1ma.o. WJUi arrested Mond11>
In Loa Ana.-h.lll "' ronnl'r t 11111 with the plan.
Berenb•um. 49. rl'portrdl
plottt.'d with 1molher pt>r on tn
transfer the nmnl') bt•t wccn th•·
Bank or Nova S..'Otlil in Canad11
and thtl Crot.'kl•r N ut111na I l\ank
in Los AngelC'S, Clough s111d
2DWI• Het T.,,,-
SIMI VALLEY 1,.\p 1 Wh1·11
Wesley La Hozu and his w1 f1·
were ro un d dt!a1J 111 their
ba<.'kyard hot tub, lllvcst1~ator-,
at first suspeeted duuble ~u1t·1dt>
by drugs or poison. Hut the rt'til
c a u s e o f d t• a t h w a s e v 1• n
stranger both di e d of
The La Rozas app<1 rently fell
asleep in the tub. sank into com~
as a nd eventually dted o f
hyperthermia. or overheating of
the body, Deputy Coroner
Margot Martin said Tuesday
La Roza. 58, a nd his wifo ,
Helen. SJ, both s uffered from
hig h blood pressur e a nd the
water in their hot tub was J W
degrees when the bodies wen~
found. Ms . Ma rtin s aid.
Rnignaf ion A•ked
board of trus tees of tht•
California State University and
Colleges has voted to ask Fresno
State College Pres ident Norman
~axter to resign.
.. The board is asking for the
resignation of the Fresno State
president, effective Jan. 1, 1980.
and is sendin~ an acting vice
president to the campus im-
mediately,'' board <.'hairman
Roy T. Brophy said Tuesday.
htldo11 Filed
LOS ANGELES tAPl The anti-busing group Bustop filed a
petition Tuesday with the 2nd
District Court of Appeal asking
that a lower court's hearing rm
the Los An~eles integration pro-
g ram be delayed
Supervisor Harry Britt, Center, and Friend•
Some Resort Areas
Hurt by Gas Crisis
Ry Tht-Assodated Press
Southern Cali fornia resorts that cater lo people just out for a drive
c·an cx~cl fewer vbitors than usual this Memorial Day weekend.
bul metrop<llitan amusement parks and rC'sorts that depend on vac
taioners are less seriously affected by the gas shortage.
Typical of the .. let's go for a drive up the coast" resorts are Sant<i
Rarbara, the Danish to wn or
Solvang, 45 miles farther north.
and the ll ea r~t Castle even
farther up th(• coas t :.it San
Simeon. Tht! ~asoline shortagl!
a lready has hurl these touris t
Solvang Chamber of Commerce
said business has been down 50
to 70 percent and that gasoline is
hard to get in !:iolvang. Things
aren 't mu<'h bette r in Santa
Barbara, wht:r<.• orflcrnls said
tourism was off by 30 lo 40 per-
cent. ·
·At Hear st Castle the number
of tourists le1st week was down 5
percent from last year . Officials
said it was the first time in
m emory tha t the number of
pc•rsons \'is1ting the ca s tle 35
milC's north of San Luis Obispo
had declined. Last yeur. nearly l
m11lion persons toured He<1 rs t
Canyon-Sequoia National Park
should be pac ked. and r angers
said Yosemite Na tional P<1rk
aln·adv was booked solid for thl·
Wastal Bill
Gets 'Boost'
long-awatited cong lomerate
<.'Oastal bill , a mixture of
features from 14 other bills, has
received a unanimous baptism
from the committee that gave it
But the cons ultant for the As·
sembly Resources . Land Use
and Energy Committee. Tom
Willoughby said the rcaltors
Wldl ... -23. 1919 DAtl Y PtlOT .4$
Slain Leader Honored _ . .
Tholiaan& of Gays Maas for Milk's Birthday ·
~ .
SAN FRANCISCO 1 AP> Thousands or protesting the police actions, but many also OPenly
homosexuals sang In the streets celebrating t he urged others to remain calm despite an_ger over
birthday 0( slain gay leader Harvey Milk just 24 the slaying or Mllk, an energetic aay raghts ad-
hours alter the controversial conviction of Milk's vocate.
killer sparked a riot and trashing of City Hall. White, 32, a former aupen1isor and police of·
The pe11ceful celebration or Milk's 49th birth-ricer. admitted slaying Moscone and Milk in a
day Tuesday night drew about 5,000 to the Castro political feud. ·
Street a rea. heart or the city's homosexual com -· · •
munity of more than 100.000. JN NEW YORK ON TUESDAY night. some~
homosexuals and their s upporters, some carryang MILK AND MAVOR GEOR«:fE Moscone we.re signs reading, "We all live in San Francisco." s.hot to death Nov. 27 by Dan White. whose conv1c· rallied at Sheridan Square an Greenwich Village.
lion for voluntary manslaughter Monday was re-The New York ma rchers said they were show-
garded as too leni~nt ~Y _many gays and others. ing solidarit y with San Francisco homosexuals and
The ens~in.g r~ot tnJured 160 people, and cost would m arch again tonight. They said they wanted
the city $1 m1lh?n an damages a_nd other expenses. to meet with Mayor Edward Koch to discuss more
and left the Caty Hall a rea in a glass·strewn police protection from what they said was harass.
shambles. me nt by hoodlums.
Morning America .... city Supervisor Harry Britt 9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said the violen<.'e stemmed from "a lot of rear .. in
the homosexual <.'ommunity following Y<Jlite's sen-ten<.'ing
Brill. a n avowed homosexual who was appoint·
ed to replace Milk. added· "Harvey Milk hated
tht:.' death scnten<.'e with all his being and I do, too_
If that had beC'n the verdict, J would have protest-
ed with horror
··sy no means did we want vengeance, .. he
said. "What we wanted was a sentence that would
not have a llowed that terrible act to appear as
something insignificant · ·
took full responslbilily for poli<.'e actions during
the riot, although many of hls men grumbled that
Gain was loo restrained in dealing with rioters.
·'We were ready to take those bastards on."
one offic er remarked after police were withdrawn
from a confrontation.
"Without doubt some of my men wanted to
mo\'t: against the cri>wd and articulate their anxie-
ty and frustratwn Hut movrng at that time was
not the w1sl· thing to do." Gain said.
1-.:Vt:N SO, GAIN SA ID 59 of has offi cers wer e
rn1ured in the riot. and 12 patrol cars were set
a bl<.ize :.ind dcstroyc'<l
Thl· mornmg following the riot. " calculated
t•alm preva1lt•d b<'t~cen police and the gay com-
m unity prior tn lht• htrthday celebration. Mayor
Dianne' Fetnslcin. while backinJ.! Gain's handling
of thl' riot, Vlf'aded ror lht· peaceful cooperation of
~ays. She als11 denounc1·d the verdict as too le-
T llRt:t: HUNDRED VOLUNTEER civilian
~ay monitors moved through the birthday celebra·
tion <.'rowd to maintain contnil under an agree-
nwnt that uniformed poli ce would stay away from
the block where the <.'clehratJOn took place as long
a!. th<' silm;1t1on remained peaceful
After sevcnil brief sentimental spee<.'hes by
ga v leaders from a plutform set up on Castro
Strc<'t, balladct'Ts sani.: tunes lamenting Milk ·s
dt.'a th. Ccl<'brants. soml· bearing lighted candles.
filled the street and salon window ledges and roof.
lops .
ei:.I rly. and soml' hired special security g uards to
protect their pre mises against looting in the event
of further rioting.
Rut lhl' monitors trained by police maintained
a l'alm µrcsl'nt't.', r('straming orcas1onal drunks
who stumhlcd among the <.'elebrants
Some gays carrie d s igns denouncing
the verdict. und a few leancts were handed out
$34.SO buys your choice from a beautiful
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"If we J?O to trwl. we'll argue
that busin~ isn't work ml!." said
Bustop attorney Cliff 1-'radkis.
"But in the meantime. we're
trying to head that trial off at
the pass."
THE BIG BEAR resort area m
the San Bernardino Mountains
ulso depends on people out for a
drive. and Gloria Holt of the
Cha mber of Comme rce s aid
business at s hops there was off
markedly because of the gas
shortage. "There is not a busi-
ness that has not been affected."
Ms. lloll said.
on one hand and the environ-••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ ~--• mentalists on lhc other
Pra11rr Bill Eyrd
minute a day would have t.o ht·
set aside for prayer or personal
refl ection in Ce1lifornia's public
schools by a new initiative which
has the green light lo collect
petition signatures.
Al least 557, 790 valid voter
signatures arc needed by Oct. 12
to qualify the measure for the
ballot in June 1980.
However, people on vacations
a nd those who have planned
t hrce -day Memorial Day trips
apparently urcn't about lo let a
gasoline shortage interfere with
their plans.
we re still unhappy with parts or
rt is a "committee bill,''
A 8643. whose principal author is
the <.'hairman of the committee.
Assemblyman Vi ctor Calvo. D·
Mountain View. A 10-0 vote
Tuesday sent it to the Assemuly
Ways and Means Committee.
The bill. the main one lhts
year for the coast, would ease
ro.st rictions on some single fami·
ly home construction . It follows
a lengthy hea rin~ May I in
which committee member s
agreed on the amalgamation.
Frorn rhe tJeg1nn111q ol ni-,
assoc111t1on with the Cor11r>anv
Guy ach1eveo ourstan<Jing sates
successes and garnered many
awards! Honored tor t11s dynamic
1eadersh1p with the manaaNsh•n
of the Costa Mesa olf1ce. Guy is now dedicated full lime to
the support ot n1s salespeople
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Orange Q)est Daily Pilot
____ ._._....
J1t1.-,~ ..... ~.1 0 ~~-~ ........ ~ ........... ~ .............. -ober1 .... N •• WMd ... /Pub ... lllN .. r ... T.home ... s.K• .. vl.1~.E.~-tor .rJ.. &U"rS ; ~~. &.rbere Krelblch/Edttoriel ..._..._
-oUege Finan,~--Wiren-ShOuld .We Get=Invol¥_ed-_._.___
=Needs Revision ay IUCllA&D assva ""'_...,.....,..._
WASlllNOTON -Suppoee the
Hu••i•n• Invade Western
Europe What do we do?
Amtr4c an leaders believe
•lmoat unonlmously that we
"hould KO lo war. Bul only •botlt
half the· American people a1ree
walh that.
lnl to me miUtary force than
they bave been In tbe reeent
paat and are more wlUU. to
apend more money on de·
fenae ... but that when It comes
to specific pl~ and 1ltuaUom,
most of them don't want to do
anythinl beyond negotiation or
don't care al all.
1ay1 do notblai. t pel'Hllt aays send military auppllea; '6-per·
cent of leaden say lend tJ'OOps.
limited nuosblr1't'Dlacet ..,_.,
tbe Amerleaa j)Ublic and lta
leaden are PrePand to •llfPOl't
the commitmeat ot U.S. troapl,"
saiCI P'oretp PoUc1 quan.d1 ID
a report OD the paWnj, "tbe wUJ.
in1neu to take aetloa la thole
select bi1b-prlorlty are• t1
greater amon1 botb tbe
leadership and tbe public thu it
wa1 four yean qo."
Coast Community College Utstract trustt.-el> torught
I ace a proble m that could be solved ea aly if stat~
lcghslators wen~ only Willing to enact lon1t-term f inanrmi:
let;l~latlon for the t wo·ycar inslilut.aons
The problem C.:ousl otficials I ace centt'r~ on u pot.-n.
tlol n.'<lucllon of income from Saddlf'back C'ommun1l\
ColleRe District studt'nts uttend1nJ( Coast <"ampusl't-
11tls incom<' would tx> redut'ed twcausr Saddlehiu-k
trustees have votl'd to support a so.rallL·ct "free flow"
system of students bNween community t.~ollt'jte~ Fr·t·<'
flow mean." a gtudcnt would be able f o altt·nd courM~:; di
any two.yt>a r eollt·Ju.•. re~nrdless of whf'rt• hr h \'ri-
llndcr r urronl bntl·out lt>~1slutaon, tht> t•xc·h.in~t· of
funds for s urh a st udt•nt rtow would bt.· s1j.!n1fu·ant I It·:.:-.
for Saddlcback than 1t would be for l'oa~t 1n r•·t u1 n
IJnwcvcr, 1f lt-~1sl ution Wt•H' .~nlll'lt•<I th,1t M'l .1
::.pecifit· per.s tudent doll.11· umo1111t for at 1 Pn<l(in1·t·. 1 ht· •. ,
chungc bt:'tWl't.'n the two rhstn<'ls \\Oul<l lw t•quull tt'd
It's eusy lo set• why Sadt.Jlt•b.tt•k h.1:-. optL·d f11r tht· f1 t•1·
flow system 1l pau.l !-81:.1 . .i:t! tll C't1a::,l tn 1U77 7K wh11t-
Co<.1st µ<.1id ~uddleback onJy $17.5~ l 111 rt"turn
And Coast 's stand ugainst fn·~· flow ul!:>n I!> t·ui.v tu 1111
dcrstand it stands to lose u l11rgt· amount ot 11lUnt·~ 11
free now iSi enacted l.lcforc sli.tlt· s uµµort b l'QUulltcd
That's because Coast would pay al>out ~850 per s tudcnl
while Saddleback would pay only nbout $230 per !>tude nt
But free flow cannot work "he n the sv~tem of frnam:
m g is still bas<'d on outdated formulas. Stale l~gis lator::,
shouJd pass legislation that would equalize support on u
per.student basis. That would a lso foster more effictt•nt
planning by e nabling college officials to have CJ be tlt·r
idea of their projected income.
Health Goal Closer
For decades politicians . sociologists and otht:'rs h;1n·
been decrying the fact that the United States remains thL·
only civilized country that. seems unable to guar ant<:t'
total and a ffordable health care for all its citizens.
For much of this time the American Medical AssociC1·
lion was the principal opponent of national health plans in
any form. along with the sellers of private health in·
s ura nce. But of late even they concede the inequities of
existing c hoices.
The very poor are fairly well taken care of. The rit'h
can still cope with escalating mediral costs. And most
workers are at least partially covered by employer·
sponsored ins urance plans.
But even those plans can leave a terrifying financial
gap in case of major illness. And there still arc millions
of Americans. including the self ·employed. who fall into
none of lht• reasonably safe categories and must choose
between s:?oing without health insurance or paying
s ky ·high premiums for individual coverage.
The answer, a s many countries determined long a go,
is some form of mandatory health ins uran('<: for ull. Onl~
total participation can provide e nough funds to g uarantt·t·
basic h ealth care for everyone a nd adequate care for
those who are faced with medical catastrophes.
This is not som ething that can be funded entirely by
government. It must include participation by employer~.
e mployees and the self-employed.
And. as Sen. Edward Kennedy has at last agreed. it
works best if coverage is provjded by qualified private in·
s urers.
T ha.t dichotomy of democracy
11• the' mo8l Alrlkin& realW'tl Of 8
&pt.'<'1111 c;allup Poll ~Ing passed
urouml tilts White llouse these
duyH The mt'n and w.,omen who
• woFk tor Jimmy C•rtcr believe
tht•y m£ay have found a winning
1980 lrt:.u<' tor lht:ir candidate ·
t'arh•r ttw l'l'•f~·Keeper. Or. lo
&>Ill tt 10 <• rnore nt'gative way.
S inct• ('artcr do.tis not itppear to
b1· purt1t·ulafly dec1111ve, he's not
\ t•ry llkt•ly to S<'nd the Marines
111 a11ywht·rt· And thut may be
"l1 ul ml•'' 11( the people want,
lllllhl 11( ltW pml'
T iit' POLL CJ( c1l1tt ns and
h•:ukn. "as rv11duclcd by the
Cullup oq;ao1zat1on m late 1978
und 1·arl l!n9 for the Chicago
t'v111w1l on Foreign Relations.
Tit" resuJts, hke foreign poli('y
1l!otC1f 00 t•n seL•ms these days,
art· l'onrlL-;tng and contradictory.
:;howin~ that Americans are
gt•nt•rully bt•t·omin~ more will ·
American leaders, on the
other band. ln 1overnment, the
press and business are
si1nificantly more miUtarUtic -
or lnLernatlonalllt -than the
man and woman on the street.
For example, if:
Westem Eu.rope -54 percent of
the public says send troops, 16
percent says negotiate, 9 per-
cent says do nothing, 6 percent
says send military supplies to
whoever is on our side: 92 per-
cent or leaders say send troo1>5.
The Soviets invade Japan -42
percent or the public says send
troops, 20 percent says
negotiate, 13 percent says do
nothing, 9 percent says send
military supplies~ 81 percent or
leaders say send troops. •
NOllTH KOREA invades
South Korea -21 percent of the
public says send troops, 28 per.
cent says negotiate. 24 percent
In all, the survey indicates
that there are only three altua·
lions in\ which tbe public is
si1nificantly more hawldab than
leadership -the Panama
Canal. Rhodesia, and the Arab
oil states, particularly Saudi
Arabia. 1be public, or 58 percent
or it, .-ould send troops tr
Panama closed the canal, but
onJy 49 percent or leaden would.
IP TBEaE were a RWllian-
backed invasion of Rhodesia "°'.
ioi Cuban troops, 25 percent of
tbe public would send American
troops, but only 10 percent of
leaders would do the same. If
the Arabs cut off oil to the Unit-
ed States, 36 percent of the
public would send troops. but on·
ly 30 percent of leaders would.
The Gallup "public" sample
was the usual 1,546 men a.nd
women from all walks of life.
The "leaders" sample included
366 men and women from· the
Car t e r a dmini s tratioi*,
Congress. international busi·
ness. labor. the media. un-
1 versities, religious institutions,
foreign policy organizations and
special interest groups.
·'Although there are only a
,I ', 'V <!' I
·' r.f~~<P r
J-. . j~~~.
' wren I~ tht ~pEttl ~\el t t11ade an arrezi~ d1~··· 1Miy was the sa~ cld.m Kho kkktd.
sand in ny face .
)rr'""·· ' ,
. THOSE hitb·prlority areaa
where more than two-tbirda ol
public and leaden believe the
United States. bas "vital in-
teresta" include: Saudi Arabla,
Japan, Israel, Panama, El)'pt,
Canada, West Germany and
Great Britain. 1be respoodenta,
both public and leadership, also
indicated marked increases in
'heir support for defense spend.
ing and intelligence operations.
Among the public, 32 percent
said the U.S. was spending "too
little" on derense, 45 percent
answered "about right" and 16
percent said "too much." That
compared wilh 1974 figures of 13
percent "too litUe," 47 percent
"about right" and 32 percent
·'loo much.''
The numbers of people believ·
ing that the CIA, should be ac-
tively working in other countries
jumped more dramatically,
from ts to 2S percent. depending
on the question and the audience
MOST OF mE numbers in
the Chicago council polling
seemed to return to about the
same levels as comparable ll60
polling. In other words, the post.
Vietnam era of peace feeling
may be over as far as the public
is concerned -and is definitely
over as far as leaders are con-
cerned. 1 lake those numbers to
mean that opinion leaders and
molders -the government and
the press with the support of
business -are pulling the peo-
ple of the country back toward
an internationalist, perhaps
more militaristic outlook toward
foreign affairs
But the Carter White House
sees something quite different.
They see Americans clinging to
isolationism -· resisting the pull
of leadership toward foreign in·
volvemenl. And they think that
will help Jimmy Carter in 1980,
bt'Ca usc people see him as a
man who made a peace. in the
Mideast. and isn 't very likely to
do much more in foreign policy.
If Americans would rather not
be bothered. or involve d . Carter 's their man.
T his final concession. as outlined in hii:. recent! v Ill
lrodu ccd He alth Cart• for All Americans Act. b rings u na
tiom.11 health program much closer to re ality
The Kennedy plan goes much furlht!r than tht: phaSt'd
ht!alth prog ram still being drafted by the Carter Ad-
Prison Guards: Society's Unwanted Men
That would start by offering protection a gainst the
high cost of major illness. so.called catastrophic cov
eragc, along with increased benefits for th(• aged a nd th<.·
It would add an estimated ~10 bi llion to $15 billion a
year to exist ing governm ent s pending on health care .
Kennedy's compre hensive program would cost a
great deal more. He estimates the initial public and
private cost al ~O billion, of which $29 billion would he
added to the federal budget. By coincidence. that's j1Aft. / the amount by which Carter wants to trim the upcominN
Kennedy conte nds that with total participation and
pre-negotiation of charges made by hospitals and doc·
tors. his plan eventua lly would reduce national spending
on health care. Thal may be optimistic. .
The Carter Administration has expressed willingness
to work with Kennedy to develop national health plan
legislation for this Congress.
The answer probably lies somewhere bet ween their
two proposals. If they can move closer together the goal
of a ffordable health car e for all may be less distant.
• Opinions expressed in the space above are tho9'°ol the Dally Pilot
Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and
artists. Reader comment Is 1nv1ted. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O.
Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 .
Behind pnsnn w:Jlls it's now
the guards who a rc growing
restive. Tht•y a rc organizing.
some arc striking
This has to do with why.
Yo u C'a ll the m "pr1!-to n
gua rd!> " Tht·1r 11:..ilional ,,r.
gan1zatio11 ts
ca ll r d t h e
Amcnc;in A~·
~oc i at1on of
F acility o r
ri ce r s . Ob
v10usly. they
prefer to he
identified that
But what
they arc arc prison ~uanb .
society's "unwanted men ..
SCHOLARLY criminologi sts
who've never carried the· kC'ys
tend directly or indirectly to n·1i·
ulate, dominate and frcqut•ntly
Charle~ McCabe
castigate lh('m these men whO
man the ramparts of our prisoni.
with no compr('hens ion of the
dimensions of that job.
T he prison guard has to keep
people in places they don 'l want
to be . Some or lhe m can go Cil
him with a knife made from a
spoon -· and they have nothtnl!
lo lose.
The professional prison guard
absorbs a nger and guilt with
which he had nothing to do. Yet
he must enforce rules to protect
mmaks from one another and
from themselves -in subtle
ways th<tl civil rights lawyers
nC'v<'r even suspect.
Thl' conscientious g uard
knows his responsibility as ~ocs
no hndy else in the c r imtnal
JUSltt•e SYSt('m. Of the priSOn('rS
who ar~ his tn ~a fekecp he
knows their eating needs,
hathroom habits, loneliness and
tht.•ir horcdom. und how much or
lhc1r bravado IS rear
Tht· pris on ~u a rd knO\\!ot
who ne<'ds patie nce and who
responds instecid to impatience
lie co mprehends the frail
vu ln e rabilit y or s o m e t o
manipulation and bullying: their
r('markable idiom and symbol~.
their uruque body language . the
kmdncsses and mtense loyalties
of which they arc capable and
the sometimes v1c1ous brutality.
WITH A sixth !>ensc born of
ceaselessly patrolling the brink
of a volcano he senses how col·
lect1ve tensions rise and subside
in response to mysterious tides
a nd social rhythms which no
soc1olog1cal treatise can ade·
quately explain.
Prof. Bob Barrington. Depart·
m cnt or Criminal Justice.
Northern Michigan University.
believes there is no more acute
need in the cr iminal justice
system than somehow to im-
prO\'C the morale of the correc·
tional officer.
He says. "The militant un·
ionism we see developing is a
response not simply to economic
needs but 1t reflects a deep and
lo'ngstandin~ frustr ation about
many things ··
WHILE OUR prison system
this last decade has been trying
lo adJUSl to endless civil rights
s uits. new court orders, to
changes undermined ; often they
a re unsupported by their ad·
ministrators. the courts and the
If anybody is going to be left to
perform th.is necessary. difficult
and dangerous job. the rest of us
had better start thinking long
and hard abo'ut how properly to
sa lute selfless public service;
otherwise the men we want in
those jobs may a bandon them lo
the kind we don't want .
Boyd/Great Lovers Hands Off the Myth of the Loch Ness Monster
Item No. 722C in our Love
and War man's rue is an ob-
servaUoQ. by tile rellOwnect
.Jeuamyn West: "For a
woman, there are no 'great'
lovers: there is only the man
ahe loves. And she does not
There is another move afoot to Nessie, or sometimes Monnie. ly to the economy or lhe govern·
have to be a mathe matician help find. or prove the non-short for monster. A good Mon· me nt.
to reel that the more be is 8 existence of. the famed Loch nle/Nessie story. and there have Yet 1 do hope the dolphins
•great' lover, lhe less he is Ness Monster. This one Is scien-been plenty of them, can mean et draw zilch. A man needs his b~rs. 'Miss west co-ntnded Ufti.. a.a hell. and Amcdcan to couple of thousand in London s.uper.stiUons. as he o~ bis
thal the so-called great lov· boot. It is also trendy in that it circulation on a dullish news bread and butter. and the roof
ers of history, s uch a s uses that decidedly fashionublc day. over his head, and somebody to
Casanova, were 80 elected to mammal, the dolphin, in the Among the British, Monnie is listen to him. and somebody to
such fame not by their quest. an object of greatlove and affec-keep away from . As long as
women but by themselves The Academ y of Applied lion. That he or she is a lot of there is mystery there will be
and the talk of other men. . Science in Boston. which sounds ba loney matters not one whit. superstition to solace those who ;,;---fjf#4~~--:=-----;---------------1r-~'-f!....;-'l-~.L~i!._--~=----..IJb..aLJle...J·!:-~OQ!t~t!lis~hLJi~s~e~ve~n~_fi-nd.JnY.ll~ ncertin . Ilear On the Okayama Golf for training ,~. forgiven. There is somet IDJ! lathers and ~~ about the creature that reaches "LET ME ma ke the super· Course near Kobe, Japan, is f · " ·d M k j oiners. has .-anca'entdeeps in Albion's heart. stitlons o a nation. sa1 ar GI a 28,000·foot·long monorail ;p~ d 1 t h oomy for goll carts. As you play been running °"' With great consideration for Twain, "an care no w o an nu a I ex. the British economy. Nessie makes its laws, or its songs, the course, your 1olf cart ~ Trul t ·n Gm follows you automatically. pedilions to almost always appears during either." y, mys ery we wa Loeb Ness, in the tourist aeaaon. The hump. always have with us. A world
The swa11ering in-
1ensiU vi ties dem ·
omtrated by tbe pres·
idential party in Los
An1eles regardiDC our. .
1a1oline crisis are
vaguely reminiscent of
••A II the President's
Men ." Deja vu .
anyone? G.M.R.
Not even every lood cook Scot I and . backed apparition, which could without mystery would be
reaUsea that chill with or This year it be a good·sized sturgeon or even almost as bad as a world without
without beans wu fint COG· h o p e s t o a huge newt, la seen, usually al attractive women.
cocted not in Mexico but in mount cam-nl1bt, slithering through the It might be added that anyone
Texas. eras on two dolphin• wbo waters of Loch Ness. Right after who diddles with the supersti·
are being trained in a secret he is seen, the British and Q
Wu none other than spot in Ylorida. The dolphins American news agend'8 have 11.()te&
Franklin P. Jonea who de· · wlll be sent this summer deep full particulars. The stories are
fined the comcience as "a into the murky waters of the always used, and for one ''This Is a rapidly changlng na·
1mall ltill voice that makes loch In search of the legendary reaaon: themarketexists. Uon and 10 years is loo long to
miAortt.y report.a." monster. For if no rational person wait for accurate Information on
believes in thia fabulous sea Mr-the population." -ae,. Patricia
lt'1 IUIJ the cuatom among
Canadian l:lklmot to name
their sled do11 after de·
ceued family membera.
I, FOa ONE shall be sick at
heart lf the dolphins or anyone
else comes up with the dear
creature the £oodon dallies call
pent. the British publJshen sure Sclaroeder, D·Colo., sponsor of a
do. Belidel beina some form of bill which would require
emoUonal UHt lo Qle Britlab, Americana to fill oul oalional
Monnie contributes quite decent· census forms every five yean.
lions of others is playing with
nitro. All of which may explain
why Hitler was thought a great
man in his time and place, and
why there are no really ramous
fconoc asts .
A few years back some chap
said, "I am a firm believer in
the Loch Ness Monster, but I
don't lhtnk it could survive the
level or pollution going into the
I DO TIONK The New York
Daily News took a correct and
conservative line on tbll subject
"We yield to no one in our ad·
miration for science, ln man'•
ceaaeleaa search for ultimate
truths. Bul 1ome mysteriea
should be kept and aavONd. And
we include the mytb of the Loch
Neat llomter.
· 'Somethln1 very wonderful
will be loat to ua if this endurtnc
myth la destroyed. And so we
cannot po11ibly endorH tbe
radical new plan to use tralDed
dolpblns to search tbe dark locb
for ua. .
··Leave the Loeb Neu
monster undiltur1*1."
• (
Your Home
OrMlt,_CQuntv Airport
Enroll now
summer .. •
Ptaa Ml-OIOI
MOft. ttwu Fri.
I a.111. lo I p.m.
In The HeadinK Game nfllhing is lert to chance. Students
expt•ri<•nci' rN1ding a1; fon ... 1•njoyabll' , . tJnd something
they can do sut·e1•:-.st11ll v /
• I nslru<'ti<11l bPg111s 11111 v a I tn car eful d i<Jgnostit: li.'sl i ng.
•An inrliv idw.11 progrnm of inslru<:t 1oi1 1s pn•M·rih1•cl for l'H<'h
•Only prov1•11 lt·1·)1111qu1·-. und matnwls art· utili/.t•d .
•Th(! pn.'Cisc proi..rrt•..,:-. of each student 1s ('U rf'f11Jl ,v mnntl orNI
and rl'war<.lt•d daily
•Student build strong reading skills and :-.t·ll·conlidcnt:t·
The .. !t~.~ili!!gJJ,~e™
879·5!>88 842·0606
768· 771>6 955· 1105
It ... ,,...,.,. ..,,.._. --~_.. .... _ _._. ......
"Cot o problt•m? Thtm wnte to Pot L>Mnn. Pot wUI
<·ut rt•d tupt', getting tht> on•~• and action you MH
to aol1>1· mt>qu'11tn1 '" govl'rnmem and bunnesa. Maal
your que11t1on.a to l'al l>unrt. At Your .~e. Oran(lt'
Coosl l>ml11 Pilot. P 0 fJox 1561). Costa Meaa. CA
92626 A.~ mony ldten aa poain~ wall be an~ed.
but plwnt."1 mqwne& or letters not mcludbag the rea1tc-r·., JuJ.l name.address and bwmt-1111 hours' phone"
number cannot be conaidered. Thas column appears dai·
lJI czcep Sundaya ..
CftullS loll Appe•b Ce Re~fler
Ot:AR PAT, ,Would you please repeat the ad-
ctrei.s where one can inquire about getting a
ct·nsus-laking job? I misplaced the clipping.
J .J., Newport Beach
Several o&Mr readers laave asked for a repeal
or U•i• ~ AYS It.em. Wrtt.e to: Bareau of lite
Ceaaa, Al&eetion: 1181, 11177 San Vlnceat.e Blvd.,
Loa Aaedea, caw. MMS.
lt'riglu l..o•• Ordrr• Not l..o•t
DEAR READERS: AV.S has had many in·
quiries from readers who ordered "Crash Weilbt
Loss" powder from Milburn Products. The firm's
advertising agency reports Uaal lbe ''Bum Off
Body Fal" ad was test marketed la .December and
January. Approximately 45,111 to 50,MO orders
were aolicipa&ed based on lbls testlag, but tbe lint
ad campaipa in February broaJbt la 91,000 orders.
The comp•""Y hired by Milburn to process or·
ders was Wide •.• taffed. Orders fell behind and an
inadequate product supply was quickly depleted.
At that point the fulfilment staff wias tripled and
more diet powder was ordered. The ad agency
says components of tbis powder come from five
sourt'f'S throughout the U.S. and It was impossible
to havf' them delive red to the Wisconsin manufac·
lure r beuuse or the Teamster's strike. Other
transportation methods were arranged, however,
and the product reportedly is ready for UPS de·
livery at the rat.e of 6,llO per day.
Also, due to the flood of complaint calls, many
callers reach a busy signal or a r~rded "dlseon-
n~ct" messa~e. Callers asking lbe operator for the
Milburn Products Co. number in Maplewood, N.J.,
are told there is no listing in Maplewood. The
publis hed phone number. (%01) 744 ·3777, is
answf'red at the main office of Milburn Products
localed at 605 Bloomfield Ave .• Montclair, N.J .
0704%. The Maplewood address used in the ad is the -----------------------------1 address of a bank where cbec:ks are processed.
Again we're being chal·
, lenged to IXP.r1k <1il loyc 11,1
sales record•, /\1 1CI were·
go1nq to Oo It w 1!11 Onu: /\
Yem deal•, on ll1e HJ1U
l oyows. lhu l otr1I L l,LJrllJ111 1
cars and trucks
We're dealing c•1 ti •t· Cmol'J
2-Door Sedan. Toyotn s lowest-priced and highest gns-
m11eage car Were open extra hours to help you get 1n on the
challenge And wevc got the car or truck you're looking for
Come on in now because The Great Toyota Challenge
ends th1!~ week You 901 11
19fXJ Harbor BOulevard
(714) 646-9003
Cus&omers arf' asked to be patient. Back or·
ders are being filled as quickJy as possible now
that an ample supply of the product ls available,
according to the ad agency. Delivery is anticipated
within 10 days after an order is received. Persons
requesting a refund on the 30-day money back
guarantee offered in the ad are being advised that
the 30-day period begins when the product is re-
ceived · not when the order is placed.
Ocu• Art ion S•lt Tai.tr• A uornew
DEAR PAT. D1> you J.. now wlil're I can get
some ~ood information on forming a consumer ac·
lion group or possibly getting a group together to
file a class action suit'!
L.E .• Costa Mesa
A class action suit requires the services of an
attorney. but forming a consumer action group
can be done if you can find enough dedicated peo.
pie who have plenty or spare time and are willing
to work hard. A helpful publlc-ation is "How to
fo'orm a Consumer Complaint Group." lt"s availa-
ble for 50 cents from Consomer Federation of
America, Suite 905, 1012 14th St. N.W ..
Washington. D.C. 20005. The booklet describei; how-
residents of Cleveland resolved 1,000 disputes in
rour years through organized action.
f,.orlie Sfory ."imPlb f 'u1111y
OE/\H PAT. I\ friend of mane has :-;tartccJ t•at
1n~ a lot of garlic in the IJt'licf that it helps the hody
gt•t rid of cholesterol Can you rind out 1f this 1"
true'! I'd hkc to he able tn tell my friend lo quit do-
ing this h<'fon • he loses all his friends
II . II., Costa Me!>a
Your friend probably read the claims or
Professor Hans Reuter of Cologne, Germany. He
says consuming op to three grams of garlic daily
<eq uivalent to one average-sized clove> can help
rid blood vessels of ratty deposits known as
cholesterol. The professor attributes rewer cases
of atherosclerosis (buildup of cholesterol on the in·
ner walls of the arteries) in such countries as
China. Greece, Russia and India to the presenc.-or
garlic in the diet.
American physicians aren't as enthu!llasllc. A
cardiologist al John Hopkins University, who is
r11miliar with tht> study, said more Independent re·
search should be done. Another cardiologist at
Georgewwn University quipped, "The study may
bt> valid, but without knowing more about ll. I
think I'd rather have cholesterol:"
$175 filCh
, '1550· '
EYerything for your
Home ••• Under One Roof
Weber Kettles
At Sale Prices
The most POC)lllar outdoor covered oootler in
America gives you your money's worth
because. •It's built better •II lasts IOnger •II
cooks mo<e •II cooks better •II cteans easier.
And •t saves vou monev m the IOng run.
SMOlr.y Joe •.....•••••••• 22.88
........................ 44.88
11" Color •••..••.•••••••• 52.88
22112"' llodl •. " ....•...... 54.88
221/2~· Color .............. 64.88
•All S11es in stock
• Chrome Plated
• Fold for travel
8 1nchcut
I 14.99
161nch cut
Heavy duty
Cordless Etectr.1c
True Temper
•7600-29 .95
• You·ve seen it on TV . . you'll
love it • Cuts w1lh fishing line ...
no blades . . . sale! • Cuts around
trees . ak>nQ sidewalks .
Surfglas Introduces Improved Prlndle-15
New PrindJe-15
Catamaran Debuts
One uf tht-rwwest high.performance sailing
catamarans i..cl'n in the hay and ocean ofr Newport
Reach is the Prindle· 15 prodµcd bY. Surfglas,
Inc. of S:.inta Ana.
Sail area on the n ('W «al has bt>cn incrC'<t!->cd lo
approximately 142 ~quan• ft•ct hois ted on a new
rac·y 2S·foot mast with CJn inte rnal m ain halyard
.i:flld rotation controls Mtnimum weight or the fully
rigged Prindlf'· 15 as a bout lffiO pounds.
The Prindle· 15 1s reportedly desi~ned for the cat sailor who wans thP lrt.•f'dom of a ont>-J)<'rson
trapeze cat It fratu n•i-usy mmctrical hulls 1no
Gagger hoards 1 and !-.oph1st1catcd controls.
Standard <•qu1µmf'nt m cludt.'s ad1ustable tiller
extension. <ll'lux(' tr:.t p<'ZC'. foam battens. through·
deck hulchl·~ ;111rl a one piece black mesh tram-
poli ne
Motorboats Set
For Examination
Flotilla 29 of the Coast
(iuard Auxil1 :.i r_v .1l
Dana Point will t h<• g1v
ing a Courll•S y
Motorboat Exam1nat1on
at DaQP Point H ar bor
USCGA decal is issued
to bl' displayed o n the
hoat If ddiciences are
notl'd the decal will be
1ss ue 8-after they are
TM Balboa Yacht Club h1u~ unnounced the
"hedtla.t 'for ltA mldwt>ek summ~r Hilin1 pro·
1ram1 which inc lude the Wcdnn duy nh(hl
Tw1U1ht Scrltis and tht• 1'uesdi.y n.1aht IJt!er C:.an,
Thirsty Thurfoday and Champaanti Stlral's
The Twlll•ht Scrk~ 11t for dlnich1e11 sailing in·
1id• ttw bay. Cla1&se1 inl'ludl' th., Th11.tle , Metcalr.
Lasf'r /\ &r n. Lotwr 30·1>lmJ, LldO·l4 A~ B and C.
Motht.•r ~•bot uml Adult S1bol.
TIU: J tJN•: s•:au:s -.turts Junt-Ii und will be
1u1lled on con11ct•u11vt· w ,·lhw11d11y t'Vt•111ngs. Thl'
July ~t'rlt's will II(• ~•ll••ll on ttw llth, ltsth and 2S,
und tht> Auftwtt iwries wtll st1ut Au.: l a nd con
I tnut• on <'011:.t'<'Ullvc Wl·dncNduy ~venin~s
Thf' Jun1• lll'N Cun. Jul Thirsty Thursday
:ind Aui::rnst Chum1JaKfll' ~1·nt•i. 111volves lartcl' boats
up t.o !iO ft-et in lt>11gth :..111t11.: 111..,1<!1· tht• bay and is
known as on{• of lht• 11111:.t i-p1·1·tuculur midweek
'uthn.: t•vt•nt:. on th1· Wt ''' t '11,1!-.1
Tht' fk·l·r ('an ~, .... ,., \\ 111 he• ,,1d1·i.I Ju1w 7. 14 ,
21 a nti 2H. Tht• Th11 '1' l hur d ,1\ S1•rtt•-; I!'>
i-<'ht•dult•c1 Jul\ !1, I.!, 1:1 .111il '" 1'111· C:h..impagnl·
:-·...-1 It'/\ "111 lw ,,ult-II Aui.: .' !I lh .inti :::1
'flll-: 'l'lll'KSIM V Nl(alT h1i.: lioat l'>a1ltnJ: has
lvn~ l>t."t·n llfl 1•\1·11:.1· f111 1111dwt•1·I.. 1·11rklall purtaci.
JI !>hort•:.uk h1111wi. to ":rtf'h 1111• y ur hb crossm..:
t rac·ks in llw rwrrn" diannt•b of thl' lmy
It 1s abo a f111gl'r~·crosst•d :-.ituulton for in·
sura nce undl•rwnters, but in lhl' rnuny years at has
been sailed ttwn· has nt•vt•r hl•t•n 1.1 snwus ucca
PRICE $ 14.50
The CME is a formal •Spiral sllceci for easy serving
program staffed b y •Honey 'n Spice Glaze •Cooked 30 hours
trained voluntee r s f{(• ,..9. fl •Nat1onw1de sh1pp1no service ::r;e ~~t P~~~~s :~ ""'l~fy· · · · •Full service Del1ca1essPn know reder al require· ., •Old World Cheese Shop
:,~~~~ga~~,~~yi".~;c~~ Bu!i'd u· sg =-; ~~~o s couraging adherence· to ~ higher standards than
those achieved by mere
compliance with federal A Oou,~mrt ~tr 0 n... II'''' dn1, • t lia~n to r·.on'1.f boating regulations -J J\I I.'. JVl l 1 ~ ~
The examination i~ .. -----------------.. 1 I I' free and strictly volun. M-.t.i Doy! llie .-'Cr.di'-....,.. .. at., .. i.-1 ~· ·
tary on the Jlart or the HAVE A IACIY AID PICNIC & -:-:-' --boat owner or operator. I
Ir dericien cies •1 r e HOMEY IAIED HAM H~ ey
found. no report is m ade R...,....., •• llllp _,....,.,. u.u. Ilg ·Ii I
to any law enrorc«.>m ent 3700 IE. COAST HwY., c--..__. ~-~ 67"·9000 u~ agency, nor d oes the ex-_ _,.._.,..._.,,..""'""' • -
am i ne r have police 24601 RAYMOND WAY .. ll TOttO ID~ ll TORO. ,HOMIJ37·llU
power himself. 19069 IUCH ILYD. GtGARAB.D, HUNTINGTON IL\CH, iJHOME 14'·'575
If the boat meets al I Also Anaheim: Orange, Rancho Mirage, La Habra. San Otego. North HollywoOCJ
federal requirements. a _:~!!~~~~~!!~~!!~!!~!!~~!!!!~~~~!!~~t!!_~
Woodward I
New Chief
Robert .. Rob "
Woodward, veteran
Southern California
boating industry dealer
from Newport Beach,
has been elected presi-
dent or the Southern
California Marine As·
Jerry Sehi, Seaf!ull
Marine, was el ect ed
vlce president; Jack 1
Hochadel. Willard Com ·
p.any. secretary ; B111 j
SChultz. SCMA director
of boat shows, assistant
secretary; Rolland
Holland, Cabrillo Boats,
tr.easurer, and Ed
Nkhols, SCMA general
.a..na1er, •••i-stant
:SCMA is one of the 1 IMding regional marine
trade associations in the
eountry with a m e m -
bership of more than 700
cempanies, all engaged B~tbe recreational boat· 1111 industry. SCMA also
a,_,nsors the Southern
Gllltfomla Boat Sb ow, "9d every year at the
Uie Anples Convention
Ginter. ud the Sailboat
at tbe Loni Beach
entlon center.
ooclward ia owner or Btl•tol Yacbta In Newport Beacb. He baa •~•ed as boat show·
eUlrman for both 1bow1 Ja llia IS years of adive
...... ce with SCKA.
M~Y 31st
1'21 N.11 Camino leal • -'92-17.U •San Clemente
• '
Prescriptions Filled
We Also Carry A
Complete Line of
Children's Eyewear
To Voul
Distincli\'C EyCwca~
Sensatt0nal fram es· d1st1ncti vefy
designed for your lace You can
get beauty & elegance tn a frame
with a comfortable fit See our
wide selection of fashion eyewea r
at a tremendous sa vmgs to you.
--f'IHCES ON -
Soft Contact Lenses
Just bring us your prescriptions ano
Doctor's O K for soft lenses anO we can
help you 1om tl'le mil hons ot other satist1e<1
.._ soll lens wearers ....i
1 ·
--~ .......... -----.~-~... ... ~~._~--------------~..--. -~-----------........_. _____ _
· ,,, PR•·
( ~· .. . : i4·f: ~.{ ... : .
14 oz.
8 oz. JAR
32 oz.
• muffin
54 oz. BOTTLE
;~ .
LEMONADE ----.. -
30.7 oz.
8% oz. BOX
MIWPOITIMCM-ftlt lmM, W ....... ,._.
IOUMfAIM HUH M•••• Aw.-SANTA AMA-HI I S..... .........
15 oz.
6 oz. CAN
< .ali/orn ia
Hipe ( )/i1•t•S
24 oz.
5 oz.
, ... 2:99C
---~ !w!P!~ 88C
Slim compact """ 1.19
t·, 1s ... 2:66C
~ 2s ••. 2:88C
64oz. 1.88
Assor ted Colors 9 9 or All Ni!ltHill c
V1•11trla1ed spr 1ng
.. ,.. 3.49
.... 4.49
All foam ventilated
cushion m s1mulatec1
<,heepsk ir1 cover·
rnvi:rs1ble 10 f1b1e
_ 7.88
He11vy Gauge Piastre
With Full Zipper
Solid Colors
•• 24"• ,,,
12"124"• 4"
1. -_, ----~
Approx. 14"x 14"
Adequate deo111 lor Wtre grid w11h h;rnd1es mis
charcoal bed 3·wav height ad1us1ment
..... 10.95 K 1.99
·:::;:: ·.
Approx. 1o·x tr by KELLEY
Casi Iron Cons!rucl1011 Cornple1e1y por rable w11h With Heavy Ch•orne Plaled
Casi Iron Grills re11ol111ng y1111 and
er ank uo <1d1ustrnen1
-... ., 5.95 Appro1. 7 88 12' /Dia.
•1214 •
1.19u. 15'h"x 15Y(•4 49 17" HIGH
al626 •
Stops ants &
nuisance 1 79 P•·~I~
Kill~ l ·!WI'
1n•,Pf' 1 LB. •
All 1..i1 ,, .1n1
1r 1t•1'r"•'"l11• 179 colony dre~
M.1t:1 nl
p1.1~t·~ lQT. 99c
lnst>Ct Spray
CAN COOLERS , ~ ((~),0 Citronella Bug·A·Boo
and rPqular candles
keeo pesty insects
away lor Qreat
oul!loor enter 1a1nmg
Assorted 11es1g11s
Ourck. e;isy sti'lllS for
ctiarcoal and wood
Molded l(ll!m w11r> 9 9 [ , .. ~. ·-t -
STAY ·COI 0 S1«1lt'r c •·,,,.;'.:::., .. ,,
Ririe; --A_
PAKOF6 ~""
PLASTIC ~~l and color s
79Cu. 32••· 79c F 1Jr hickory sweet llavore!l
stedk5. pouflry. game
White or Colored 77c Approx. s·
by H &G
Touch Top
• UcMwtllM. ~ &I 1tctiell
• '-...... , ... i....
UJD -· 141
PAK OF 100
A 11, Sile outdoo football "'Dome-Rib" Design gives
f0t-39e~ ..... thtt!W5~9-i1m:ttt·nq1Jf!!CISton-fhqtTt~t-a----.:
New ilmil/1nq "'WtJ10011•r. 111 • ,,,,.
work< on ,;II <LJll,11.1•' w1t1111to l
sand mg. burning scr ;ip1ng or '
harmful chemicals' ~ ,., '\
flNE PIN ••. , ~ I
and kicks hke
1h re
al th
,. ~~~1beach or
99 c \' Approx 9".
•1t1 • •1m •uns
MEDltJll'PIW-:-C:t ~ ..... ~~--·~
2 99 ·-; 1,,;
• EA. II .
Sport Kit
Long Lasting Duck Viny l
Bag with 1 qt. size
THERMOS Vacuum Botlle
and snapltghl Sandwich
Box .
Thermo Bag
Insulated 101 camping picnics.
boating 1rave1. beach Assorted
prints and solids
... •11 • ,. 12 , ..
WAIM YA&.UY tt1 .. 1l1 I w....,
Ban --~,,-
Regular Unscented
Oluock~. ~
¥7r1:s11. •
IHIHk SAY ON tor Smnos t ve ryo ay1
Boogie Board
f11rte P!lundJ ol rte •Ible Jo~I
t;'~ It •1t1 a1(Jh• 11 t1 ., 1•t , ••
,1'f\ !'1111" I 11 ()(I\ ,,., 1 f
I ''t'l It' ilUt lU\f \..ii ,tf\ '
~~;s=:e\ e 'lit 11~llCt' 1rw r~11ll 11 11011\<J ~ N.IH\ HOdlS U~ IO·.
2lti"• 23"i 44"
349 ~
For lh£: sav.ige 1an
• Den T aMi•c letioll
•Dark Tllllli111 Oft
loz.1.99 u .
Ban De
Sole ii
Suntan Gelee Orange
or Suntan Creme
White -Choose frorn
Moderate or Extra
3%u. 3.50 U.
7 or.
REG. SIZE 280'1
/Galaxy> Four color
print. heavy we1gh1 \11nv1
Beach Umbrella
~ 33"x 6 ribs in assorted
Cutty Sark
Shave Cream
u ... sat ggc
::-8.99 :: 4.99
Bacardi Gilbey's
750 ML 4.99 OUART 5.19
Black Velvet
Ancient Age
:: 5.99 ~u: 5.99
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---·------~---....------.... -...... -.......... -----.. ---. ---.... ----~ ... ~_.....~ ..... ..-----·-----------.............. __ ._, ___ _...,. -------
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~. Mev m. 1m NATION I MUSIC
Anita Bryant's
• WAlllJ'NGTON CAP > -Drq eom· .......... to.top~
ihlr -·pntetipUoa products u ef. fffUft a1ainat eolda etUvltia In· dl1..uan and meny GU..;, malMU• lf
a propoaed federal re1ul1Uoe ls
la"l• may HY. and FDA panels ommended regulation. advertl•lnl ••~• reeomm..aded that the •lt'ttcY r ta1tn11 thM could become 111 .. •I
baD many tenna frtqueotly l&led on y.-ould include: ~~ripUoa label•. . Touting Ba)'er Aaplrln • ., Ana~ln
-camn1 Pept.o·Bl•mot ,dfetC'Uve
JM "lndi•eation." ...BecaUI& c;( ta..
similarity of tbl1 to "Hkl lndl•• lion." many people t~ink It la an ltDl
acid. allhougb the FDA due• 111.ll rei
coanlze UUa use. the report 111dd
t h r e e · performance
sin11nc engage-
ment at the Ceo·
tral Canada Ex-·
hibition in Ot-
tawa in AUl\llt
has been can·
celed. Her agent
says the Cana·
dian officials were intimidat.
e d by militant
Trecteral Trade CommlHloo
staff 1'INda,y uraed the four c.'O"'•
mi11klnera to promul1ate • ncu&•·
lion requlrln1 adwerlt•emenll for
non·prettrlption "'drui11 lo ••1 only what the aovernment alloW8 \heir labe .. toaay
FTC adopUoe ol the H me restrlr and Arthriti11 Pain t'ormula as beana
Uou for .. Pf'Ob•bb would hav~ l(ood ror arthrltla. The 30t-pa1e re·
more Impact &fuute studlea show port nottod the FDA pa'ftel nnctlnK that
tbat COOIWDertl tel their lnrormatlon not an medical ons with uplrm may
on DOn·Pf'"CripUon druaa more oftf'n be a ppropriate for some types of
from adverttaemhla thatn from arthritis and some can lead to Ir ·
THE Fl'C 81'.\f'F ALSO t1Tl':D an
FDA panel's finding that lhcir1• '" '"' non-prescription drug "acctlptahlu
ror s pecific treatment of the common
cold." la.,.ls. reveralble joint damage.
The n'C at.If rttommend•Uon, 1( ·Saying Alka·Seltrer wUI fight
mlnialraUun I• dcturmlnlnt what lbci
a('cel*'d by lbe commuuuon. ('Ould "upset Klomach." The report said an
afftt"I Utt-SS.I billion annual u leK of l"OA panel found "upset stomach" to
the noG•Pf'MtrlpUon drua Industry. be too broad because tbat can mean
which ad\'f'rtl"'Mt hf'tvllv !Anything from acid indlgesUoo to
Some common advertlsina cllllmK
could continue. such as that • pro·
duel aids in bringing relief rrom acid
indigestion. heartburn. headache and
constipation. U nd\'r tht· FTC l\UH'1t r ec cramps1 nauseaaoddiarrhea.
Cancer Kills
Jazz Musician
LOS ANGELES IAt» Jazz trum~ter &n<1
composer Richard Allan "Blue" Malt·holl. 49. dlt'd
at bil Los An~eles home Mfter .. sax-month bout
with brain cancer.
Singer Ernie Andrews wus al Mit che ll 's Mde
when he died Monday evening I'
bandleader Paul Williams in 1951, later free·
lanced in Ne w York City and played w1lh l><lx
ophonist Earl Bost1<.. hand ~nlll IY55.
After a conl't>rl tour with Red Prysut•k, Sarnh
Vaughn and Al Hibbll'r, Mitchell atta1nt·d pro
minence in jazz as a m e m ber or lhe llMacc Salvl'r
quintet. touring with the pu1mst from 1958.tu 19ft4
Later, he led a gr oup of has own wllh <'hi e
Corea at piano In recent years he was a(•tavc 10
studio work an Los An~eJcs. ah.o rlay111g m a
quintet with saxophonis t llitrold Land.
and pure. el0<1uent lone graced tourin~ and st ud111
groups of blues artists Ray Charles and John
Mayall. and he recorded with such Jazz greats as
Julian .. Cannonball " Adderley, Philly Joe Jones.
Johnny Griffin a nd Red and Whitey Mitchell, who
were not related.
He also played with the big bands of Louis
Belson. Bill Berry and Bill Holm<.1n and with the
J ack Sheldon comho
Andrews. Sarah Vaughn, Freddy Hubbard and
others have volunte<'r Cd to perform ut a mf'mor1al
benefit lo help defray Mitchell's mcd1c<1l expcns('S .
June 10 at th<.· Los Angele:. Mus1c1:ln:. I ;n1on head
"'Frosty' Flees,
Slai11 by Police
Pl\WTLC KET. It.I I AP1 Frns l ). an HOO·
µouod 110l<1r bear. was s lam by police gunfire t'<1rly
toda) aflt:r vand ab let the animal out of Slatrr
Park Zoo.
Thl· t~ar s lapped two teen-agers. knock IOJ.!
the m down. and was headed for a cluster of mohilt
homes when 1t was killed, police said. The teen·
;.i~crs did not require medical atknt1on
An anonymou~ l'<fll Pr told police about 11 p m
Tut'sday that the twar was loo:.l' Thl' 7 year.old
an1m<.1I had lx•<'n fr1·cd from his Mmpound when
°'Cveral Chains were :.{'V(•rc.'() with holt·CUllerS, or.
f1c1als ~md
More tha n 6o "t :ti<' 1 roorn~ ;:ind policc.·m<'n
fr om P:iwtuc:kl'l. East l'nrvadencl' and Sl'ekunk .
Mass .. conv1•rgcd on the area, ciuthont1cs ~aid .
and shortl} after m1dn1ght a half-dozen h·•·n·a~ers
ran out of the park and told police they w('rf· m lhe
wo<1ds when the b<:ar ran by them
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INSIDE: •Stocks
SAN 01£00 tAP> The Los
Aq•IH Dodctrs dodatd aa bullet
for one innin.e. but in tht end. it
didn't mue any dilren>ncl' As
haa been llwir cwitom 1n 1979.
they loet by one run.
This' timt-San l>1ceto 's
Broderick Perkins wa11 lhi' hero
his bases-loadt"d single ort
Jerry Reu."ls m the 10th inntn~
Kave the Padres u 7 6 vktory
over the Oodgt-rs Tuesduy night
and bended Los Ant:t•les its 12th
one-run setbtH'k of thl' yt•ur
••1 WAS l.OOKIN<; for u
fastball all the way." said the
Jefl·handed hatting Perkin:.
"Coach Whitt>y Wit•lclmann.
who was charting p1kht•s, t•allcd
me back to the dugout and told
me to watch for a fa:-.tball.
Reuss wasn't gctlmJl h1:-. lircak
ing pitch over
· ·J just tried to. makt.· good tun
tact and I got lucky ..
The Dodgers are 20·24. mean
ing they've s uffered half their
losses by one run while winning
seven such games.
"We've ~ot to st<1y within
shouting distance until we get
everybody back in there," said
Los Angeles M anager Tom
Lasorda. "We're missing a lot of
power without Ron Cey anti Heg
gie Smittl out there
Penguin rCey I. he wa:. hitting a
ton." added Lusorda . "This wai:.
.th.e seventh game Cey has
massed and we've lost six or the seven ...
Cey was balling .381 in May
with five homers and 12 RBis
before gomg out of the: lineup
last week hecause of a pulled
hamstring musc le . The Lo:.
Angeles third ba1>em<1n is ex
pe<'led to return to action th1:-.
The J>udrt•s fought liad: from
a 4-0 deficit anrl h<td ci C'h<.tnct-lo
win the ga ml' in the bottom of
t hl' ninth. There were· bast:run
ners at first and third with
nobody out when Carry Evans
flied out to Joe Ferguson in right
field. Perkins tried to score after
the catch but was thrown out.
third even though we kne w thcit
Ferguson had a good arm." said
San Diego Manager Hoger
C raig. "If he doesn't make a
perfect throw we'd have won 1t
then ...
The Padres ' winnin~ run wa:-.
s et up by Los Angeles second
baseman Davey Lopes' second
e rror of the night. Jerry Turner
reached second on Lopes· wild
hr his •rounder took
third on a wild pitch-by Jerry
Reuss and then Dave Winfield
and Fernando Gonzalez were
walked intentionally to toad the
bases and st:l the s tC:Jg e for
Perkins' game-winning hit.
Reuss. 1-4. pitched only ont
third of an inning lo pick up the
loss. The winner W<.iS San Diego
r eliever Rollie Fingers. '1 ·3 .
THE DODGERS built their 4·0
lead on RBI doubles by ~teve
Garvey in the first and 8<1ker 1n
the third and a two·run hom<!r
by Lopes in the fifth.
Fitch Named
Celtics Coach
BOSTON 1AP) The Boston
Celtics announced the si~ning of
Bill Fitch as head coach todav.
only 48 hours after he was r~-
1 eased from h is Cleveland
Cavaliers contract.
"J( someone said to me whe re
would you go, it'd have to be
Boston," Filch said.
The Celtics job w<1s open
because Dave Cowens will re·
turn next season strictly as a
player. He took over as player.
coach last November after Tom
Sanders was fired. The Celtics
missed the playoffs for the
Fitch was the only coach in
the nine-year history of the
Cavs. After coaching at several
colleges, including Minnesota,
Bow ling Green and North
Dakota, he compiled a 304.434
Angels' Rudi: ·It Felt Like a Needle
MILWAUKEE \AP> Dick L>av1s ~ays h(· isn't another Larry Hisle. but
tht· Milwaukee Rrewers' second-year
ciutf1t>lder has been a remarkably ac·
<'t'Plable subsiitute lately.
Da\'1S. on a tear since being handed a
regular job six games ago. s ingled in
Milwaukee's go.ahead run in the third
rnnin~ Tue!\day night and also con·
tributed a n RBI s ing le to a five-run firth
inning as the Brewe rs whipped the
Angels. 7 l
hits hy Larry Sorensen. 6-4. and mav
have to:.t more than t~e1::_:;1x_:.game win
n1ng streak. Outfielder Joe Rudi pulled
a hamstring while running out hi s
ground ball which ended California's
first inning. and his av<1ilability for the
remaining two gam e:. of the series was
ter while llisle. their ~3.1 m1lhon slug
ger. has been idled by a muscle tear in
his.s houlder since May 4
Hisle was placed on the disabled hst
last Thursday. a nd Davis. replacm~
him as left fielder·designcitcd hitter a nd
as cleanup man. has nme hits since
and I feel 1f you make contact con·
s 1ste ntly something good will happen
often enough. I always was a good hitter
in the mmorl> and I don't rcCJlly s tr1J<c
out a lot ··
"It felt like somebody stuck my leg
with a needle. and it knotted up
Hopefully it's nothing serious. but I'm
going to have <.t. doctor check it," said
Rudi. hobbling notH·t·ably aft er the•
three of them homers and ~1x Rill in
26 times at bat
"I don't feel the re's an} pressure on
me." said D<1v11> "I can only do what I
t•a n . hut 1 ·m a pos1t1\ e µerson and I
always felt I rnul'1 pla) 1f I got the
DA \'IS HIT .:155 for Srwkane in 1977
and won a bpot on the Brewer roster
last year . but batted only 2UI as the fifth
outr1e lder bt.·h1nd ll isle, Gorm<.1n
Thoma:,, Sixlo Lc:uano and Ben
0 g It\' II'
WlllLE MERV HETTF.:'1Ml':'m pro
vided h1lll•ss rehl.f f11r H111.h . Duvis ha~
been tht• Brewt.·rs m<•:.I prnll11rt1\'e hit
· ·t won·1 1111 :m homt.· run1> hkc: Larn .
.iddt.•cl I ><1 ,-1~ · R111 I m a cont<irt h1ti1·r
"After tht• .'ot•ar I h<.td 111 the minor:,, to
c·omt.• hen: C:Jnd '>11 on the· bench v. a:-.
tr1ugh." DC:J\'1:, '-;JHI "Hut I'm n11l goin~ ..
to pout it I don '1 pl ;1\
A ·Miler at Heart
• But Bruggeman Runs What's Needed
0t IM O.a1ly P11o1 Sl.aff
\\ hl·n ht· wa1> htl•r<ilh :,a(•rtf1t·
111g h1:; ho<ly for his lt;am . Mih
Hrul!f!em<1n went thrnug h an
I d l' n l i t ) t• rt j., I s II f :-. tJ r I s . hf.
rnuldn'l f1gun· c111t if h<· wa!> u
half miler who also r;Jn lhc m1k
or a miler who also ran the half
Fortun<1lcly fo r Corona def
Mar Coach Jim Tomlin. Brug·
gem an could care less
"li e wa s willin g t o do
whatever we wanted ham to do ...
Tomlin recalls. "He'd run the
half and if we needed the poi11ts.
he'd come back in the 'mile. And
if W<' still needed the points, hc"d
come back and run in the mile
n•lav fie knew for us to win .
he 'd. lwve tn douhll• and he cl<:
h \'t'rCd ..
so 1m ;<;11 . I !'Ii FACT. that
Corona dcl M<1r went through
lhl· dual mc:et st:ason unht:alt'n
;ind. with Bruggeman n 1ptunng
titlt•s in the 880 and mill-. was a
run•• way winner 111 the Sea Viev.
Lt>aJ(Ut.' final!.
Wht•n Cl F competit1011 rolled
arnund . howl'Vl'r . Rruggeman
knt•w ht"tl h11l·t· to make· a
dw1n· Hut hl'fon· ht• tl11J. 1t wa1>
made· for him
of 4 .18 I 1n lhl· mile :in<J !J 27 for
thl· tw1>-m1 t.. · 1 ·m ... mtlt·r b'
h"a r·t ;.ind ,, half mtl1·r Ii~
n t' l' l"iS 1 l ~
"I Tlll!'iK THE ~111.•. 1.., ;, bet
lt•r 1·v1·nl for m1· ht·l"<iU'>t· I
clnn ·1 h:I\ 1• that g1111d a t1m<.· 1n
tht.• qu<.1rter I cnJ'JY lht· half mile·
but l enJoy the mile t·ven more "
lie was n 'l in lhe moocl to enJOY
a nything Saturday. thanks to
another miscalculation.
"I figured I wouldn't run until
4 o 'clock so I had a big
hrcakf<1st." he l a ughs · 11
turned out I ha d to run al 2·30 :.o
~· o u l' a n 1 m <1 g 1 n t' h 11 w m ·'
stomach fC'lt
··But I JUSt had to g<.•t in t ht·
rat·e. I h<Hi c·o mt• th1 :-. f:.ir
nothing was ~ning to stop me ··
nl·rs . as.., mC:Jttcr of fact Thin~~
w('nl smooth 1n a 55·M~c:oncl first
lap but rounding tht.• f1n<1l cunt',
ht• s lipped rrom third to fifth
Tht·rl' Wl'rt• t >Ao runne r:-. in front.
1" o mort• to h1:, ~•dt• and C:Jll
lookl.'d lo1>l when ht• brokt· h1 ~
:-.I rir1t'
"I l·ould hl'ar HH· 1·oal'h H•llJn.L!
fhr ffil' to µl'l out 1dt·. · Brug
52 Millio11
l!l.'miJn n •1•all!-· I rt·rne mbcrt·d
h im ll"lltn~ m1· 111 pr;.ict 11:c not I•>
g1·1 timwd in :ind then· I "'a:-..
l1k1• ., du mm'. hox('(J 1n
I didn't µ;mil'. th11u gh I knew
I cl )!l't uut :-.omchnw hut I d1dn"f
kn1m l'XJt•tl;. holA. ..
\\hat hl• dad v.a!-mO\l' tu the
third lane· to acceler<1t~· iiround
t wu runners a nd when the pack
hit tht.• straightaway, he slipped
through a s m all opening lo the
ins ide. Here's where all those
880-mile doubles came in handv
Reat•hing into h1~ rcsf'rvc. hl·
~h1ftcd gears again for o ne finul
burst of sprint speed that ciir·
rit-d him tu the tape
It '' :i:-. :i~ he would s<.1y l<1tcr,
· sc:.ir~ .. hut 11 did teach ham un
arnport<1nt lcss1m
· I h;I\ e to run outs rdt· mon ·
thal · .. tor '-llrl'. Hruggcman
... ;,~... II mrght not he so t'<IS\'
nt·xt ltrnt·
.·\\01d1n.u tht• box 1s a b1>ut the
nnl y ..;tratc.U.' Hrug~cm<.1n has
tor tht.• ~l ustn~ mCl'l. .. Running
l:.t:-.1 1i. tht· m ain thing ." he say!>
I tl11nk 11 .. go1ni: to tome down
IQ I h<' l:i:-.1 l()(l\·ard:-. a~ain
11 ':-~" l'10~1· •rnvbod\' l';rn
1·om1• lrom nowhl•rt· t•" w1n.11
I n the ;1 A pn·l1ms. Hruµ
gt:man was pla<'NI in the fourth
heal. whil'h h(• won h<.indlly Hy
th<' luck of the draw. he was also
placed in the first heat of tht·
milC' and. to top it off. lht> meet
w<1 ~ running half an hour uhead
of Sl'hcdule.
Thus. Bru~gcm<1n was kicking
ha('k m the stands when the an
nounccr be1wn reading off the
l'Olrics for his mile ract
Without warming up. stretch1ng
or cvcn checkinJ.: in. he hopped
onto the track just in time to
<'<•t<•h the start
Anaheim Stadium
Scoreboard OK'd
Anaheim Stadium will feature
;1 ~2 milllon sc·oreboard with <t
g rnnt telcv1s1on screen for m
slant replay WhC'n the Lol>
Angeles Rams arrive 1n 1980.
NF.F.DLESS TO SA\', ht Anagreemcnttopurchase the scoreboard was approved by bomhf'd out So much for the Anaheim city counc ilmen Tue::. milt• day and wall gave thE• Big A thl' As it turned out. though. 1t was 1 a r gcst and m o s t m odern
a blessing in disguise. For with scoreboard of any maJor league
only one race lo worry about. stadium to date. Bruggeman was able lo concen-
trate solely on the 880 in last THE NEW BOARD will be
week ·s CIF 3-A finals. There. he purchased from Stewart· Warner
needed every last bit of e nergy Corp. with American lnforma·
to accelerate through a tight lion Corp. givinf? the city a
pack on the last turn and win in guar antee that advertising rev.
a sizzling 1:54.70. enue will cover the estimated
So for now. Bruggeman is a .~300.000 annual cost or purchas-
hatr-miler. But eve n that is sub· ing and maintaininJ? the bi~
·eel to_cbange_aft.er he runs_i..._--z<,-ard._according to. Anaheim Ci·
Thursday's Masters meet at ty Manager William Talley.
Cerritos College and. hopefully, A city re port stated that
in next week's state meet in A m e r i can I n for m at i o n
Sacramento. estimates the income for ad·
· · 1 ·11 probably step up to the vertising on six panels of the
<tnd tob<1<:to ad~
Without beer and tobacco <.td!>
the estimate dropped to ~290.000
µer year and thl' group would
not guarante<' that income would
('Q\'er <:os ls. tht' report said
the Bank of Amer1c<1 agreed t11
finance lht• purchase with 111
yearly payments of $270,000 in
t·l uding a 6.25 percent interest
rate whic h Talley said was so
low he couldn't believe it.
Without the authorization for
heer and tobacco ads and the al·
tendant guarantee. the city
would have to seek more con··
ventional financing with an in·
terest rate councilman Don Roth
said could he as high as 12 per·
rert . -----
Min am Kaywood . another
council me mber. said she could
not support part of the deal.
o.i1r l'li.t , .. ,, ~Mi• mi le in college." says the CdM board will be between ~500.000 --~C_O~A_O~N~A_D_E~L~M~A~R~H~A~L~F~~=IL~E~R~M~l~K~E~B~R~U~G~G~E~M~A~N~·--~s~·e~n~io~r_w~·~~~~"~~aronbe~ and~OO.OOOper"arwlthbeer
"WITmN THE United States
o ur No. l health problem is alcohohsm and I do not belli ....... ..__ __ _
Almoad (;01ning West Is Irrelevaat the city should be telling people
to buy beer." she said.
She added that she would sup·
1 port tobacco ads only "if we
would' have equal lime ror the
cancer society." By IOHN SEVANO Of .. OMly "9t .....
It's not easy to be the rinal player
selected ln the National Football
Leaaue draft.
If you don't believe it just ask pre·
vlou1 winners Lee Washburn. Jim
Kelleher. Kelvin Kirk. and this year's
recipient Mark Almond.
Almond sat patiently by his phone on
ll•J 4. He, like many other colleae ____ boDefuJa.. felt_bia_call was only • matteL
of lormallty. That he was sure to be one
of tbe top playen selected. ·
BUT AS THE AnEaNOON wore on.
Almond'• doubts became more
"l was really 'sweating it out there at
the end." said Almond from his
NatchJtoches, Louisiana home. "I heard
on the radio that they were in the 11th
round, and I fipred, ·wen, I'm not go.
Almond wasn't the only person with
his ear fixed to the radio. Some 2,500
mlleit away ln bis Newport Beach home,
Paul Salata. originator or a yearly
farce known as "lrrelevant Week." was
also l(tued to hJs noise box.
final tand 334th) aelectJon-Almond
and Salata had hlmsetr a new subject to
be honored during "Irrelevant Week
IV". June 25·30. ,
The annual observance is really
n o thing more than an exercise in
absurdity. The event, hosted by Salata
and some of his cronies of the Balboa
Bay Club. usually Includes an unof.
fic ial welcome to Orange County. media
conferences. banquets, and visits to
Hollywood Park. Universal Studios.
Disneyland. Knott 's Berry Farm.
Anaheim Stadium and the La Brea Tar
Pi1s. .
Ttie word iuuolly is used beuuse ii the
events occur. fine. rr they don't It's
totally Irrelevant. •
this was when J went to PiUaburgh ...
said the 22-year-old wide receiver out of
Northwest Louisiana University. "One
of the coaches walked up to me and
said ·Well. I guess you've won a trip to
California.' I didn't pay much attention
to it though."
Almond paid more attention when
Salata's accomplice and right-hand
henchman. Bob McClellan, called.
"It sounded like a lot of fun. but it
also sounded pretty wild. My wife
thinks It's crazy." laughed Almond.
who's been married three yean and is a
rather of one.
laugh about with the Steelers. As if the
<SeelaaELEVANT, Pa .. •>
The deal was approved by a
4·0 vote with Kaywood abstain·
ing rather than voting no.
scoreboard will be moved
outside the stadium when it is
enclosed with 27,000 additional
seats to accommodate the Rams
when they arrive in 1980.
The Big A scoreboard will be
taken down by July 1 to m•Jc~
room for the additional seatlq
conatruclion. A rlrm has llven
the city a price ol $297,000 to put
the sign back up and in opeta·
-. · .. ~ .. . ... ~ .. ~ ... • •••• t' •• ....... ... :--.· ... .,------..... -~-t_-· .. --~---~-------· .. ~
-f~t~!~!~ ~ !8-Pr~~ In ()~~~lee PM ud •~b pa~<I·
lme IO for IAe alaUl'uniaal~tt One of 1be fHlured riders wm be pant wUI retelve a T·ablrt. wltb five
8"clal. Man Nowicki ol Polucf wbo captured a awaf'dl s>reNnted In If dJYiaiou. EDtey
. ewnl, wlaith lath ... ftve •aec· broaH medal In the lndo world cham· deadline 1a Friday. June 1. : ...... '*"' .. r•c.t. a 10 llJlonMMl" ti 2 p&oolblpt llr ll'7S and • brome rnedal ln the A child.Na's hlghHlhl wUI be the Bii
i' • '
1•1 ... ) dlataaN run and two pre·.ehool Bla lt'1t Olymp&e road rate. Wh .. 1 comp«UJon. The flnt 20 boya and l "'"' H<'te will lw conduct~ on Plattn· Ottwr rac-ea open to the public include a 20 1lrll <four and five yeara old> will be etla Avenue Mar t.:atanda tll1h School. Senior.Ill Ute, II veteran• race, It eliglblefortherace.
,•lae1tnnana at 1 • m . and rotinUnwna until wom~ • rM<'e. • jl.lftlor rac-~. and a Senlor l . C •~•· t l ld .... , Bl 'l '•P m andllNalk>n.IPrnthceCh•Hicrace. on._ ... n • mua prov e ""' r own I
I 'ne' bicyctt' raclna pro1ram wUI have Entry fe.1 ran11&e from '3.50 to $5.50 with \\'he!-'I and the flral place boy a nd lirl wlll f eatraMI "'-Mn thrmll"°'6l lhe world. ln· an ... ao tharae for poal tmlry fe-tig, Entry rec:etve • blelah Ram par IMcycle.
1 oludlftl 12 m•mM,. of thel U S S.n1or deadline I• WedM•day, JuM 6. Entry formt for the lO·k race are avail•·
•men'• c Pan Anu1rh'an Ol)'mpiu l team. Mol"t" than 2,000 runner• are expected to ble at the Costa Mesa Leisure Services
'plua t.luw .ntrant• ••rh from S.1111.lm. enter the to k run, which befiM at I a .m . Dept. <77 Fair Dr .. Room 305> and at mCMt
•Canada, C'olumhaa, ('t..,ta Riu. Oenmark. and wUI follow a route throu8'h •·a1rvl~w Oran1e·County sporting good.a stores. For
..,_,land, Mnh.-.,, Swlturland. lr•land. Stat.-lkMlpltal 1uld a.round thti Public Golf further information. call 754-5300.
A C•paule A•por1 From the Wortd of Spor1a
8rll•• Ho•.-r ~btlo "••u•an
•·mm AP l>hopalrM-11
Buddy at-II 1111111•11 111' fl r,t l111nw r un nf lh1· •
yl·ar 111 lhl' h111t11111 111 tlll' 1•1.:hth m11111.: tie. T1·:(,1i.
defeated M111nt·~ua. 4 :1, h111111tn.: J rrry koo11man
his fir~t loss of lht: s1•t1so11 Host1111·:-. •·r .. d t,ynn
belted a thtt>t"tlln h11mt•r l1l <'ttl' n M·v t·o r un llurst 10 th1•
second inmn.: 1111d lht• U1·d Sox h1•ltl c>n lo lwat Uallunon o, ·1 !1
Nt•w York hul1..rt•tl Mark •'tdrych und Sh.-ldon Burni.ldt•
for chthl runs :H\d Sl'Vt.•11 tuts 111 lh1· th1nl 111n111~ 1111<1 tlw
Y sinkt.>t-s poslt•d a 12 K victory ovt•r Detroit
1.ul11 Tian&. maklll)! has firs t start :-.inn•
May 12. pos ted 111:-. first vu·t<>r} 11~ 11
Yankt't'. . JuUo ('ruz tnvlcd ~tnd scored
on a sm.:le by Ruppe rt Jont's In the 12th 111
nang to givt· Sc•altlt· a 12·1 I \'IC'tory over
Kansas City in a 37 hat sh1gr1·~t Andrt-
Thorn&on hit th<' first J!r<i nd sla m honw
run o r his maJor lt-ag ut• carct·r lo lt·atl
Cleveland to an K-f; \'lctory ovt•r Toronto
Gf>or~t' Or1a 's t wo-run homC'r 1n 1 ht•
t.•tghth inning lifk d Chu· ago to a 5 '1 ~ m
U LL ov"r Onkland I 'hilad1•lph1a 's Gn •f(
l..uziruld belted a one-out. two·run home r in the huttom of the
ninth inning to carry the Phi llies lo a 3·1 win <wcr St. Louis
... Philadelphia s hortstop Larry Bowa frac tured a bone in
·his right thumb and will be side linC'd about three weeks .
San Fra ncisco supported Ed Halickl with a 14-hat attack. in·
eluding three sm~lcs a nd three RBI by Darrell Evans, a nd
beat Cincinnati. 12-2 . . Tony Perez's bases·loaded double
keyed a four·run third inning a nd paced Montreal to a 6·3 win
ovt•r streaking Pittsbur~h. which had won its last six games
.. Ri~ht·hander J~ Nlekro pitched a six· hiller for his lOOth
career victory <JS Hous ton downed Atlanta. 4·1 . Rkhif'
He bner drove In three runs to bark the combined six-hat
pitching of Kt•vlo Kohel and Dale Murray a!> the Ne w York
Mets defeatl~l th<• Chjtoa go Cubs, 4-2 . The Yankees' Tom-
my John who 111tchf·d two ('Omple tt! gurne:; th raise his rt·c·urd
to 9-IJ for lht• s.-.ason. was named the Amerrc:-in Lt-11i;11t-
P layt>r of th1· W•·c•k ua,•.-. KinJeman of th1• <.:h1c·ag11 Cuhs
<.t nd Dal.-Murphy of Atlanta havl' ht•en n<1med cu·wanner:. ••f
the NI. Playc•r of thf' Wt't•k award .
------QMOft-ul flu-Day-------.
Angcls' ~ta nager Jim Fregosi. on the presence' of
female baseball wnters in has clubhoust': .. It doesn't
make any drfferenrf· They dl'>n 't ifl>k an~ dumht>r q ue:.-
t aons than the guys do ··
,,,alone ,'\amed ,,·a ,1 ·,. ·"''P
Jlou:.ton center Moses Malone , who won the •
National Basketball A:.soc:1atmn ret>oundrng tilll'
and led thl' Rocket s into the playorrs. has been
named the NBA 's Most Valuable Pla yer for the
1979 sea~on . . Bruce B~esda aven~ed a defeat in the singles
by breakin~ Shots Suresh'!.i ser ve on a 3-all point m the
doubles to give UCLA a 5-4, second-round victory over P ep -
perdine in the NCAA tennis championships ... Southeast
Missouri State Univer sity has been placed on probat ion for
one year because of violations iJI the school's bas ketball and
track programs. the NCAA has announced . . Jockty for
Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner Spectacular Bid Ron
Franklin has bee n fined $100 for kicking his mount aftt!r the
eighth race al P imlico Race Course ... Southe rn Baptist ·
owned Gre1nd Canyon College will not allow its No. l ·ranked
baseball team to compete in the NAJA World Series this
month because players celebralt!d their last victory with
champag ne in the locker room.
TV: Horse Racing Today at Hollywood P ark. 7 p.m .
Channel 52.
RADIO: Baseba ll Angels at Milwaukee, 5:25 p.m .
R11li11g Has
LA Happy
C I N C INN ATI 1AP 1 ,\
ft>dcral appl·;.d s court rukd
Tuesday tha t Da le Mccourt llf
lhl' Detroit Red Wings, mu!>t go
ln the Los J\n~elcs Kings, thus
upholding lht.• N<itional llnekey
1.t•agut.•-; rt·sl'n ·e clause a nd re
\'<•rs ing a lowt·r court <.kcision
l\t ('Co 11 rt . an o u b t ii n d 1 n i.:
St't'Ond ~·l•;1 r pla yer . was not
avarlablt• for tomm1•nt b ut his
a ~l·nt . J 1m. llmds of Sud bur~.
Ontario sa irl l\tc('ourt was dis ap
"HE LIKES De troit. The poor
kid. We won the first round and
!h<.'\' won the second We 'll haw
to se<' wha t happons now ... sa id
Red Wings General Ma nager
Ten Linds av rP!H•rved com ment
' W 1• h:n ·t· · lea rnl'IJ of the dl·
c1::-111n iind will rt>-;erve ;,,n,·
com ml·nt nn th1• dl'c1s111n unt rl
s<Jm c r1 mE· aftC'r !he Mc mon:d
da~ WC't.•kcnd ." Land:-.ay said in a
pre pa red statc•mt>nt .
Jn a 2·1 rlecision. the 6th U.S.
Circ uit Court n f Appeals Sl't
aside lh" previo us ruling f)f the
{l .S . Dis triet Judge Robe rt
DiMascio of Detroit which hC'ld
the NHL reser ve clause vlolutcd
antitrust laws
"WE 8EUEV•: that in holrl-
ini;: t hat the reser ve !-tystem h<HI
not been the suhJE'l'l of ~ood
faith. rarm's·length ha rgaining 1.
the trial court fa iled to rcrogn11.1·
that wt•ll c·st:iblis hPd principle
tha t nothing in the lahor letw
compels e ithe r party negot1atin~
lo y il·ld on its 1m ginal pc1s1
h on." the a ppC'als court ~aid
Marina Girls
Reach Finals
In Softball
Marina High School advanced
to the finals of the CIF 4·A girls
:.urt ba ll ple1yoffs for the second
tune m three years with a l·O
triumph over host Tustin Tues·
<lay afte rnoon in e ight innml.(s.
Ma rina will play North Tor-
ran<'e for the cha mpionship Fri-
d uy nii.iht at 8 on the Golden
Wt•st Colll•~c fi eld. The game
w ill bt• preceded by finals 1n the
2-A ~nd 3-A divisions .
<.:o llcen Ue rry o pe n ed the
t•1ghth mning for Marana with a
triple to ldt ccnterficld and
M'Ornd on a s:-1crifice fly to deep
lt•ft fit>ld hy Tina Kyler lhat was
d rop1X'd fo r a two base e rror .
After Kvlcr stole third. t he Vik·
m gs C'ouldn 't gt'l he r' hnmc and
I ht• -;eon · rt.'m;11nt•d 1.0
T ustin m a dt· its b1ggPst threat
in lhc (1ft h mnmg by loading t he
bases with no outs on a sm f!lc
and two Ma rina errors. Viking·
pitcher Kim Nutter got t he next
batte r to ground back to the
pitC'he r 's box and she st arted a
d o uble play at hom e to third
b ase. then got tht.1 next batter on
a gr o und out.
The s hutout Wa !:. t h<' third
s traig ht fo r N uttl·r 1n the
playoffs. She had on(' l-.trikcout
a nd no walks wbll1· ullowing six
hits .
~t anna won lhl' CIF title two
~·l':rrs :1gn and w:i:-. t·limin alcd
an thP st•rmfina ls a yc;,i r ago
Fro• Pag~ BI
odds we ren·t 1 noui:h !nobody
dra fted last has ever pklyed a
minute or NFL ball 1. Almond
w ill be among som e select com·
pany in Lynn Swann <1nd John
Almond t>n•n wonders 1f 1l
wouldn't hav(' been to his ad vC:Jn·
Lage not to be· drafted a t a ll
"I have m ixed fct·lings, .. he
e xpla ins . '· 1 'm disappointed
because I though I'd go earlier
The n again. it was good to be
drafted bv Pitlsburf!h with all
the other p layers that we re still
left to pi<'k Crom rm 1-:la d at
how things worked out. I could
have been a Int m11 rc di5a p·
pointed ··
Yt'a, Ma rk. JUSl thank If 1-'1tlS·
burgh ha s passed you by you
wo uld have massed out on the
b<'St WC('k Of your life .
Then again. ma ybe you would
ha \'C been helte r ore if P itts·
bu rgh had s clcctctJ someone
Carew Shuffle ..... .._.....
The Angel s' Rod Carew dan ces back to first as
Milwaukee first baseman Cecil Cooper is late with the
tag on a pickoff attempt during Tuesday night's game.
The Brewer s won. 7 -1.
Eagles Fly IDgh
Estancia Upsets Lagunans
Of tM 0.-ly P1191 St.IH
If you belie ve you've seen the
best IO lhe category of great
come.from·be hind te ams. but
you haven't seen the Estancia
Hig h volley ball team. forget 1t .
you haven't seen anything. -
The incre dibl e Eagles o r
E stancia. who got Qff the noor to
t'llminate No. 2 seeded Nt"wport
II a rbor 1n thc qua rte rfina ls .
cam e back with a miracle rally
Tues d <•Y n1 ~hl t o oust host
Lag um.1 Beach in fl\ t· ~a mes
OOWN, IO· I an thl' dcc1d1n~
g aml'. Co<.1ch Mike Pomeroy·-.
C ;i rdiac Kids playt'd c hu m
p 1o nsh1p calibe r volle \·hall tn
s hocking the Artis ts. 15 t I. to
c laim the victory
The resuJt p uts the E agles in
the champions hip game a t
Westminster High Frida y night
17) against a te<1m whic h can
cla im an even ba gge r upset tn
the playoffs. Santa Mo nica .
which st unned No l seed an<!
No. I ranked San Cle m ente
The fi nal ta bulat ion :-.ho v.'
E s ta ncia w 1nn rn,t:? Tuc!.da~ ·,
h a ir·raiser be forP I ..1110 \'OC'al
raos. 15·11. 12-15. 15·7. 9·15. 15·11
It w as on e str e a k a fl l'r
a nother as the two po,we r :-.
alternated in domin;iting the as
sue .
But whe n lhe Arti s ts of
Laguna Beach rallied from ;in
0·6 de ficit to post a 15-9 dec1s1on
and even the match. at appeared
the Eagles had finally run out of
ga s .
into the lead in the decid er . first
5-0. then 10·1. That, however. was
the e nd of the rainbow for
Laguna Beach as J eff Gasper,
Cr a ig Keup. Tim Krohnfeldt .
S teve Va n Horn. Kent Smith and
Hob Reiden proceeded to put on
lhe rally or ra llies.
"We lost our concentration:
~a 1d La~unet Be ac h assistant
C'oach Rolf Engen. "Estancia is
·a good ball club to come back
like that, they showed a lot or
Po meroy'!> ~xplanalion for the
:-.ud<te n turn<1round ? "We just
d1dn·t make a nothe r mtstake the
r<•s t of the match . what else can
I ~ay"
"Thrs as such :i ~t range game,
~1nythm~ c·an ha ppen "
(; i\ SP F. K AN D KEUP
~r··..i rhE-.1 <1 t·<1 Est:.int·1a 's early
vrcturu•s a nd Laguna Beach's in-
ability to fi eld four straight
sl'r ves by Ke up in the third
.i:a me was the key to the Artists'
rkm 1se in that segme nt.
In thl' decider . down 10·1. Van
!lorn had t wo scoring blocks at
1 he m•t. <;a s per did ltkewise.
l\l'UP M'Ott'd 1w1rr with laps at
1 h ,. n1•1 :.i n<I t P:l m 1)d with
K r ohnfc ldt on a pt.'r fect block.
K rohnfcldl ra mm ed one do wn
rh,• i\rtl.!>1:-.' throats. teamed with
Kl•Uµ a gCJ1n on a block a nd
....1•rv1'd a n j Cc . the n Smith's
blul'k at the net won it.
It was on<' sensational rally in
.1 (.(Ynl where quality volleyball
has been a fact for years .
Playing we ll for La guna
Bl't1c h we rl' Andre w Dodds .
R<•nc O live r , La nce Ste wart,
Eric-Cla rk. Kevin Norick and
Ha ns Smith
Th rf't' t1mr s. C lark , a
sopho mo re. put a temporary
sto p to the Esta nc ia rally with
we ll.placed s pikes. but LagWla
Bea ch could not ta ke advantage
of tht> serve
KMPC (7101; Dod~ers at San Diego, 6:55 p.m .. KABC <7901
Soccer • Detroit a t Ca lifornia Surf. 1 · 15 p.m .. KORJ 194 3
FM ).
Thursday's Radio
M cCnurt. Octm1t 's le ad in~
scorer as a rookie in Hl77·7R, had
rf'fuscd to play for Los Angeles
a ftn his contract wus turned
over by the Rl·d Wings. McCourt
re mainc-d with the Red Win.gs
<lunng lht· past season.
Baseball Standings JOHMSOM & SOM S~LESMAN
Baseball -Angels at Milwaukee, 11 :25 a .m .. KMPC 11101.
PHO•ll: CAI Oii n. 10"1 ~, -
N(W "'" • NIW fUftCTIOfl • 'tfW fl.Alft ._ ~:~"'-";~~~~~ .. ..-.. _ ... " ......... '""" --lol INCfle>~ .,. __ .,.,.,_1..--c-
West Division ...
W I. Pct. GB
Minnesot~ 25 14 .641
Angel!i 25 16 .610
Texas 23 17 .575 212
Kansa s City 22 20 .5P1 4112
Chicago 19 20 .487 6
Oakland 15 27 .357 111 :l
Seattle 15 28 .349 12
EHt Division
Baltimore 26 14 .650
Boston 25 M .641 1ri
New York 23 18 .561 31.-'l
Milwaukee 22 20 .524 5
Detroit 15 20 .429 81/:r
Cleveland 17 23 .425 9
oronto ll 32 .256 16',~ ,......., .• ,CMft
Mllw-•l,A ..... I
BoslOll I, 11<1411more S
Cle,,.1...01. Toronto• Hew Yort 11, o.frolll
Clllt.,.o S, Oeltl•ncl 4 S..•Ule 11, K...WI (lly II llJ l11nlt19>I
Tu•• 4, Mlnne\04• l ,..,...,o_ '111-F--•r----...... ,...,._~, M lillll.,.11-.e_lfrrttn 1.11,
" 80\lon ISl..,,lt'V •·11•I8Altlmon• ISl-J 11,"
c••~''""° ({,arl&nd I II •I 1 orOlllo tHuHm..., 2.•1. n New y-IBHlll• J II OI Ottrotl • ._o_
l·U ,n
OA'l•ncl '"°""'°" 1 .. 1 •I (lllCAQO !Kr-J.ll,
" Mtn~-Wll .. tCOllt I ti •I Tr u \ IJ'""'"' 4 '' n Only 9-1.KN<!Uled
West Dl"islon
San fo'rancisco
San Diego
W L Pct. GB
23 16 .590
23 19 .548 I '~
24 20 .545 I 1'"J
20 24 .455 5 1~l
18 26 .409 7' ~
14 26 .350 9''•
East Division
Phila delphia 26 13 '.667
Montreal 23 14 .622 2
St. Louis 20 17 .541 s
Pitts burgh 18 19 .486 7
Chicago 15 20 .429 9
New York 13 23 .361 111.4.i
~7~f!!.!! 1101nn1"?.?.!
NIOftlrHI 6, "''"10Uf9" Pllll.tdflotll• l. st. l ouls t
Houston'· Allaflt• I
New Y0'11 4, Clll<-1
S.11Fran<IKO12, Cln<lflfwllt 1 ,.....,.ca-
~I~ ).JI al Sall 0~ IJOM1 4 11
Pt\U buroll CC•ndtl•rl• l I I •I Monlr~•I
IA-nl-11,n -".....LOIUL~.,tlnet 1 01 •_!_!'llll40elOll••
HOU•lon (A•<l .. rd ••••• , ... ,, ...... IM.-tvl• 'J•
ClllU90 IHOlllmon l·l l •t Nrw Ye>r-t!< .. <OIW
0·)1." ClnC1""4141 11.AC.ou Hll •l S•" Fr•n<IKo 191.,..
•·"· n
t IU: t"AMll.\ l.ISC'Ol.~·~U:R<TR\' STORl.
2626 Harbor Bl~d. {'osta Mna ~-5630
Sed1n In beige with
matching tan interior.
Automattc. 8 cytlnder. air
conditioning. Economic.I
yet roomy. (503915).
In sp1rkt1ng emerald green
met11tlc. with. tan velour
Interior. M1ny luxury
options. (391UOU).
f 200.JDOdll. Whltt.wllh..tan
comfor1 kntt f"'9rtor. dual
e.na. *· PGW9r .... ""' & brllcN. r9f/I ltlde Window
aftd trllller towtno pec:Qge. (IE1•tl).
___ ... _, __ ··------.......... -.. -._....._ __ .. ----,....,.. ..
au MllTOL ST. 1530 S. HAIHIOR BLVD. . 120 E; FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS 15221 BEAQf BLYlt.
80. Of SAN DIEGO FWY. PHONE: 870.0700 PHONE: 547·7477 PHONE:89311144
--...---~ ----..-..~·-------PNONI: ~~..,.__.._.. ___ ---
S. ltaWo f""'/'°' OPEN. MON. THRU FRl ... 8 A.M.-9 P.M./SAT. 8 A.M.-6 P.M./SUN. 9 A.M.·5 P.M. ..
99 ~~t-:-:-=-1
f.f .T.
A78-13 l lACICWAU TUIElESS 27 MONTH m-::::~~ttn:i7.i1~
llMmD WARRANTY-rr:~~----.-.....-...a
tHr ,,, •o'~ c;1v151 ,., """'"o w•H•Nn ON COt"Ntu ,,,,s, •o• • ~Pft•••to N\JMH f Of M0NtH$ AGAIN~f AU t0AO ~A/Alb~ IN HQf.MA\ l'AS,!>f NCf l (Al USl O•MAOfO tllf Wiil H lf'lACtO WtfH ,-OIAU O .M0 .... f11lt •OJU\f ,..,fNI
CH•tOl IA~fO ON lfGOlAI SflllNC, '••Ct At llMl Of 'UICHA\l
&lltlY & &EllU MANO\IN(i
I ) I ltSTAUATIOll 1888
. SU0 lAOI -lAOI
• S<o64 ... _ .... _ ... -
••79c 01.
H TL ~ H TL "'•<Tt4" FOR STOP' TAI UGHTS "" 6 --"" l "" AND llltN SIGNAl.S
l&!!_,:::,•t•rt~rll ~.~r. ~.:: 1 •• t y-<CWW* tor
CAN llMtT ' '
, .1
1 .. ,.,..·.-.... ::. Shines
-. ~:·~~Sun
:~l., .. r: Liquid or paste
-:~\~.--·~·~ CAR WAX
,.,_ t!Klly......, .................. ..................
SIClp< .. lu-.... , ....... II• IO ................
.. . .
' .
. .
' ! I . ,
1 i
---···--.... -• -.,,,... --,., ...,. .. -.. ... -...... ,_ ---............. ,.,. ,
USC Gets
Surf Set
To Attack
-r "0Au.ck, attack, at· tact.·· He Di•'t-Wam1-Bench Lon1-Orance Cout Collete
rrHbmaa b•a'ketbaU
atndovt -st eve Tim·
mcma, wbo aleo Jed lite
Pirates' ~ball tum 'ftllt'aU.....,.1am•
.... of die California •rt •Mii It trle• to ....._ a lalrin1 alu• lllflr'TT:I
''To ... tbal'a lbe •·
•¥ ... , .... ' .•• )t ... abcMIJd play ••• ..,. Peter
Wall wi.o mah• a.la
holDe dlbut .. a head .-ett .... tbe Surf t"A• ~ dlle Detroit Ex·
P'or U. many who have u l and w•lched their
fh.ort\Llll on Ow bench In"•" ot plQ. fol~. for you: oani. Grewe ff11b pltcber T'bol' Edcell. a 6 3,
lli po •d rial9l·bandet'. was recentl) named to1he
So.tJa AlMlan team; whic'h will compel(; al La
Palaa hrk .luae 7.
TM&·a IMlt ..,.clally 11urpri1lq 1iace Edpll '
ruked.,. a M overall record, fuh4oned an 0.7S
SRA and ltrwl out 102 batten ......
lo a fourth place ftnish
Hunt1.qton Beach Principal Dr. Larry Luc. as in the r ecent Ila le
move1 to Fountain Valley and former Weatmimter cbampiolllbipe, hu re-m~~ PrlncJpa.I Tom kolaooUi a witches· from the HIYed a . fuD volleyball dla ..... tt to Huatlnlton Beach Hie. achOlanhip from use. Tlmmoa1. l ·I, us While many have credltecl ex·football coach pounda, led &be OCC
Bruce Pickford and Im ltatf fOC' tbe aucceu of basketball team ill re-
Fountaln Valley football the put 13 yean~ those bounding wUJI a 1. 7
witbln the atatr have for many yean nodded a v e rage a n d a ls o
toward Berser for b1a back1Dc. chipped in 10 potata a
Most outstanding athletic programs are then game.
because of the influence of the principal. Timmons is expected • * • to crack USC's first •'We're IOiq to be a
WMkff deleuively
'lq Ulla way bul
'N aot llMna lo •in
~-~ if we don'l score a," adds Wall. who
WHAT • 8U&PaJ81NG is that EdceU did Ai
lot of ..._ u a Junior at EdUIOft lbih. wlwni
.wa1ne Palic• ud W•yne J.Llltl were bu11y 1as \he
top ettdlen for the Charaers. tdaelJ, wtto bad play~ two yean at Guden
Grove lfiih, traoaftrred to Edhloa tor h11i Junior
seaaon. but with Justl and PaUc.a on hand. ht:
fowsd it tough to break into the startina lineup.
Lea1ue choices this season-mainly because the
Chargers finisbed out of the money in the league
AL11I01JGH THE PO.LE VAULT went into the t e a m n ext Ye a r i n
night <aa it sometimes does), Saturday's CIF track ~v;;;:o:;;;l=le=::y=:bal=:::::l.~:;:;~=:;;;; and field extravaganza at Cerritos College, featur-r
ing the 4-A, 3·A, 2-A and l·A finals for boys and N4 ~~ s;f!.~ E•
girls, appears to be the basis for several years to pe-. on ""-;r.---,.. In
ced John Sewell as ltlfed eMCb lut woek ln
Q effmt co sb.Ue up an
N'ASL le1tm lh1al is 4·5 on
tbe year wilh jwst e ight ••ls scored.
~ now it ti South All-star Coach Tom Trager
uf Corona del Mar who wiU have the problem of
dealing with too many talented pitchers for qne
come. dDnW1ltic 1'91ationa.
"I would think the same format will hold true t7141975-0111 Ewn1ng & Weekend ••• "I thought I should he getting more pitching
time," sayis Edgell .. Muyhe lt wu because I was
a newcomer. SQ we moved back to Garden
Gron• "
A MAJOR SWITCH in the Huntington Beach in the future." says CIF Commissioner Tom AooointmantaAvailable.
Byrnes. "ll settles all of the arguments r egarding S15 Initial Con.uttatlon
While F.dgell was at Edisoo he put logether a
3·3 record and I 30 ERA, one ol the best In the
Unified School District has been completed with
Dr Paul Berger. a staunch booster of Fountain
Valley High athletics. leaving his post as principal
to t.a ke on administrative duties within the district.
placement in the state qualifying meet. -===========
';Ted llacDougall. a
SI-year-old veteran of the English League, and
S.m Oates, a converted
def e nd e r . s park
Detroit 's m a k e-shift
''°at Uae. MacDougall haa three goals a nd
three auist.s in the last
tb.rtt pmes
Although Edge ll's s latistJcs as a M!n&Or at
Garden Grove earned him All-Orange County
honors and a berth in the All-slllr game. a paradox
to lhe situation lies in loo fact that PaJica a nd
Justl have alao been chost-n for the All·slar game.
Reaction oo the Fountain Valley campus was
negative on a unanimous scale-to the point of
t·onsidering mass resignation. Cooler heads pre-
vailed. some sort or plea is due al tonight's board
meeting. but that's about it. The Barons are going
lo lose Berger.
"With everyone cc)mpeting on the same day
and on the same track, there's very little to argue
about. The top nine marks in each event qualify
for the state qualifying meet and that's that ...
Thursday's state qualifying meet. once dubbed
the Masters Meet. figures lo be a lot shorter.
It is due to begin al 6:30 p.m. with one·fourth
of the Saturday's massive s chedule. PaJica and Jusll were st-cond team All-Sunset
........................ 11:1111sgi1111:.-.... sm ...... ..ci~·~·~~ .................................................................... lll!~lmllll~,~
AMalllCAM UAOU£ .._.,,...,...,
~ ............
•rllM ellrllll•
If.Miiier, cl 4 ' I 0 C.afttllf, 311 • I , D
Ford, rl 4 0 4 I Y ........ ~-3 I 1 0
C.•rew, II> 7 0 0 0 C_,. 11> 4 I 0 0
O•ylor, Oii 4 0 0 0 0.YI\. II 4 I l 7 Ruoo, II I 0 0 0 ()gllltle, rt • I I I
Ronmn0, 11 3 0 0 0 Molllot, 11> • I J )
I •n\hd.Jt> J 0 0 0 a...oo, on • 0) I
DownonQ,, 3 0 0 0 Tllomn.t l •O I 1
J Aroor•n. c O 0 0 O 8.M•rln•. t • I 1 O
Grit h. 11> J O o O
T l>On, l b 0 0 0 0
(.mPn,'>, >\ l 0 0 0
l ol.!11• JO I ~I Toi.II\ ,~I" ,, xenlrf•-• c .. 111ornia 100 000 000 •
Nlll••llll"'-' 011 O!IO 00s I
OP C•lllO'"''' 7 I.O B C.<1hlor1114 •.
M11wau•~ 6. 1F<-Ford. Tllom•'· Yount.
t1.M<1rt1M1, tl<lnclo. 38-Mohlor. ~-
Y~ lft N It Elt aa SO
FrOO't II .. ,.11 4'1J I 1 7 J I
a .. ,, '" ' o o v " O.Mllfff 3 ~ 0 0 O I
MIM*2 ~ IW,6-41 'I ~ I I A
P8-Do.llol'Q. T 1 11. A-'1,1~1
lt"S.• 1, or-.>
HO\lon 010 000 000-I 10 I
OttlhftlOrt nJO 007 MO ' ~ tl
lfrn• u, Ch •<I" Ir 1. (..t"'pl>ell II I ""° Al •en•.o". t 1ana9.-n. \t~_._,, t f7) 1tnd
Oemp'lf:Y. W-R-•J, l·I. I. ·l-1.nagan. b J
HH• 8o>l<>n, Lvnn (IO. 8dlltmot '1. ll
')m tlh 111 A JS.'171. . ...._., ... ,.". C.l~nland oo; 003 000 I 1 I
l oronto 011 301 000 ~ II l
P.011on. w ....... " U I, ~ 1/1 -c..
Al•••-; LemollQello. BVll!ey 161 Mid
De.,ll. W ..wllklll,, '·2. 1.~llo, H> Hll <~wet...,, T"°'nton 161. A-10.181
lt-..nt, TllllMJ
Ml--. 100 tOI OI»-l II 0
THO 017 000 Oh -4 I 0 K~men. M<l~llall Cll •net WyneQM. c-r. K"'" 111 ~ Sund""rv. w -11 ... ,.,
6 O. L -K"°'m•n, /·I. HA~-M1,,nnota
J-'•"°" 171. lu~. e.11111. A ·11.,>S
Oa-land :ioo 110 000 4 10 1
C."""9" 170 000 07•-S I 1 u nglord, Heaverlo 181, I <KO Ctl ...cs ,.......,_,.; 8"'rlo\, !><-lter IS), HtftlOll Ill
a11d H•IM»f'Odny. W Honlo"• I I. I.-
He-no, 7.J. HR\-0.IMICI, o . MUrpf>y
141. Ctlk40. c. W<ttll•"VIOll CSI. Ori• m.
A -U,102.
.,.._II. Til9ft I
""" Yortl OOI m ooo-n IS I
Oltlroll 000 000 011-• " l
JIMll. Tldr-fll -H-; Fidrvcfl, 8urM!de CJl, l.Gllel UI, T..,tor 111 .... PM·
rl\fl. W-Tilltl, M . L -FidfY<ll, 0-l. HR -
Detroit, St.,.. m. A 33...,,
Suttle :no 700 500 001 U 11 t
IC-Clt-f 500 010 0115 000-·ti 16 o J~. ~ 111, A..-y 191 alld Co•
8""''· ...... 121. M<lrtlll 111, E. Rodrt9""r
111, "' ... ., '" ...., Por1er. w .. _ .... 1-4. L -Hr--y, 3-2. HA-S.Httle, BocllU'
UI. A ·11,"7
l.otirs. 211 """"'·" a.ti••·" a.,,...,,•• Fft911M,rt ""'"'•·cf T.Mniv,lll
Wltkll.• ............ ..-.. v~.c
111 .... L..-.P ,.......,.,d
AtlrO> 4 •• ,. .. , I
til)u\lan 000 UO 000-• 8 0
All•nld 000 000 001-1 o J
J N oft.ro """ A>l\l>Y. M M.ollk!r. ~'""" IYI • ..., 8ene01tl. W-J . Noekro.) 1 L-M.
M•lller. I 4. 1-1~-Hou,lon, C•bell 141
(111( •90 000 001 000 1 • 1
Nf'W VO<ll 700 110 OOa--4 • 0
L•mP. w H~IWndrl 11) """ Fool•.
ICOO.I. """'"'V 111 ...CS Stt•m._ W ·IC-I, 1 0 L -Lome>, 3 I H R,-cn1u 110. Md<11n
141 Nrw YO<t . Hrilr>for Ill, YounQlllOOO Cbl
... _.)>0.
Gl-11. lte~h I
Ctn<tnnotlt 000 001 001 -1 ~ J
S"" f '"""~'l 100 Uf o;, -12 U 1 tiontt•m. H()on .. n t)1 PfY>tOf"f"t '•'· l cwntu\
fll. B•" Ill otnO ben«• H•ltOt ..na ~0t·i..
W-l-l•hOo,) J L 80-•hdm. 7·1. A 70,0)8
NCAA Pl .. yotl\
Oo•k-111W••I11 .. -•I
l•l<hM .. 11, Wt\ I <.•~•~"-"Mudd I, S• Oldl'• 4
C.•I SleteSlolfll~~ IJ, La•r~n<~ I
llltnol' ln•lllult' ot Tr<11no109y •
Wt~t.0""" <hN<O'>h 0
CIFPln Ott\ • -~lll11o1•• llu•n•-'· ·r-'wn<1 o .... , I
t i St'gundo u . LO\ AllO't• >-As.MM ..... >
t f4 Ou•,,lt:t t> C,411ftt •
Lam p<>< 1. II~ 1
1·A S.mlfilwl•
NOf"fnv .. ~.-• r,ll"ftft •
~" .. ""'·""'~\ l·A S.mllln•h
f .11m0r,.. f. l ttrsMntt•fli!:J c>
l.o Soen.o 11. •rh"910'1 I
~ SdlMtt s.-i .... .,
"'4onl< ~' PTt'9 I. T rmolclon I
"'••IOll3.0t<M9 Lui~,.,. I
IT II.LIAN O~EH ..... _,
Oonlitllqw 8eOef 0.1 1<11•n Gollh "'o • 1.
M : TOlllno Z~lll Oto!. Ille Ha\l•loe 61,
M ; H-Sol-,,. .. DeClll Joubrrl·, ...
.. ,, 6<2; co.-S1001on dfof. Mn~•mo Al<.i.t• 1•. 6-); JoW H_ ... <lei. 8111<1\ W•ll> •l .
S·1, •. ,; Corr.tdo 8arauultl del. Ello!
TMIS< ..... M,6-2. -.-....... s-.... GeM ~def. Tim Gulll-'>Oft 6-•, 62;
'1111•' c:;en,&Mth def. T im Wll~IWNI 6-7. J O,
deleult IWll-1~ wllllelrr• w llll pulled
~lclff muw.lrl: Eddie OObtr\ Oel. B...W ~·-6-1, 6-l : Tttry -«lei. ~ Me.,., .. 3 ... 1.
CM......_, W. Oer!MWYI , .... , ..... s-....
M•-OrMtln del. Rou C-•~ •I;
RoU F .... Clti. OWtsllM A~·V .. wtlfl ...... , ... _ .. SlmiKOll dt4. c. .......... ,
~ M , 6-J; Jlrl H'911K def, JCWW ,.,._
drew •·O, 6·); Peter E ller Ciel. Cl•ll
~s-6-7, .. 1.6-1; 0..C.K T••oUydo-f I(~ E...-t •2. M ; SelllL• F r-K
Ori. P•lri<a 0omlft9ue1 6-.l, it-6, 1•S; Hotf
Gehrl9clef, A..,-Moont , .......
~ I I .,, . . "
Cll• '""' Sefftlflll•lt MMiM 1. TintlttO
M•rlna 000 000 01-1 t 7
Ju•hn 000 000 00-0 • t
Nulfer •ncl tlr<11ney Je!lrte' dna WdllCh
CIF P l.-,efh
..... s.tftfi ..... ,
Nn•1h Joo ttncl! ). L•M1tctOt1J
M1trlnd 1. l u•llroO 181nn1nq,1
I urn PO< J La Ou"''" O R1Qnr1112. Troy O
7·A S.m•l1n•h
MdV I"'' I Upl1t110 0
C•Pl\lrctnO Vttlt••'I 1 Indio 0
I A Semolffl•h
f\Olltld l RIO M• .. wO
Cn.trt..-0... 4, t!•t'llni;n I
s-tl k~ s.Mfflfl•I> !Mn JoK•nlo l .0.-_1......,.,, 7
Rio HOfldD Pr9" l, Wllltt..,. Owhll•n I
CIF ).A s.mlfl1t•I• ,, ..... 151, .. .., 1'1.4
'V.oull~•r1eY 01 'I OS: U~orrn lid"-
• •f!ey •II I.OS. S."""• be.om-P...i 111 • o. • •oo• ••e•CIM<-111-.,l P•u• Ill ;Ind
F••lry 11 1 a.a. Alhkouncl-f'•rley Ill JJ.:U.
T~'sR..-.• ....... ., .... _...... .. '""'""' I "'' rK~ A-I IW.CiOlll 6 60, 4 40. J.20: T~I IP..,.rl 1.11), 6 .0; ..k!I
8y Kn ...... ICMdot•I s.oe. S7 Ea6<i. IMI
~IO UJ.00. . S..cOftCI race FMhion P1tncu PfrnNt
6 . .0, 4.«I, 4 00; Ml~\ p..,.. OM1Ur IC,,.~I t• 00, ll.QD, Aoc•fi !>la<IL tW•hOlll 6..00
T 11lrd r.tr MoonlUJhl Oano:rr IH<trtt
U.00 ••. 20. 3.20; ..k!twl>ellr Ouro IC"°~I
ll .IO, 7.20; Ms ~ .... Ao pe<I IC•,doul
Fourth •«•-Aamblln· Man l(ardoHI
~ fO, l.60. 3.10; HU'\ll'!fl 8HCll l(.tta9ff'I
4.00. l .20; lldlllr Him 11.lpll•ml 4.80. '1 £•·
'" .. 16-31 pMd 110 )0, Ftflll t .ot M'I s-t ~I< 11.1~1
).10, l.00. l .20; Trlpot Surptl~ IHMll IUO.
1.00; OyN90 Si• IC«dOlel l 60 Slall\ ra-Slalr'H HI IMll,llrffl It 00.
6 . .0. J 00; Windy"' R_,, cW .. dl ~.tO.
l .IO; Sll'9 Loloder IAOUQlll •.«>. $$ Eucu
11·•> "IOICU.00. S.velltfl rece-Per ls Pl-• lfteHutel '°·'°· 11.00. •.«>; ~·-" Oollv c~rl l .fO. l 00. Ml).\ Cioln{I RoOel IMtl< llell I
l fO.
£1911111 r••-Go ~ {,o ILiplwlml 4 IO.
3 .0, 3 70. C.-t R-CFrtr\lonl • 00, ._40,
0 1•9'1 ThouQlll IS-di UO. U Euci. CJ.11
p•ldSH Jo.
Nlnlll rile~ Sl11tmb<lm Mer'/ IAdelr l
71.110, U.•. 11.0. lr•lln ITr_.,,..I 110.
\ 20. P"'"*" l ut -•tel 1w .. 0 1 11.00 u t •·
.. (1Alt-1t~un . .lt0.
Allt ncMno:t -).'9'>
La-una Falls -UlM Reaches
Tennis Finals
Corona del Mar advanced \<> lhe finals of the
CIF 4-A tennis championships with a 16"'2-ll'lz VIC·
tory over Beverly Hills Tuesday afternoon but
Laguna Beach fell out of the 3·A playorrs by losing
to host La Quanta, 201f..!·71'2. m the 3-A semis .
Corona dl'I Mar, four-time defending CIF
champ. will focc Sanl<t Barba ra in the finals. San·
ta Barbara defeated El Toro. 20·8. at home. win· ning all dout>lcs po1nl:-i along w1lh four singles vic-
tories by Make l"olbt'rg
CORONA DEi. ~11\R has been designated the
home team for Thursday's finals againsl Santa
Bar bara, the No I st•l'd
The match will be held at the Newport Ueach
Tennis Club. beginning at 1 p.m.
The Sea Kings will be trying lo match the all·
lame CIF record of five straight crowns set by San·
la Monica in lhe mid·60s.
Santa Barbara is one or three schools lo h4tnd
the Sea Kings a setback this season in non-league
CdM CONCENTRATED its s trt-ngth in
doubles for th(• match at Beverly ll1lls. Danny
Saltz, lhe No. l singles player this year. Jomed
Greg W<.1shcr as the top double!> com bine e1nd won
four i,ets Hoh Cas(• e:1nd Antony Emerson won
three of four to give the Sea Kings 101rz of a pos:.1·
ble 12 points
.. It was 3 kev nwkh for all four or our doubles
players,'' CdM coach Ted Win~lon said '"But all
e ight o r our playc.rs pulled more than their fair
share of the wl'1ghl. We had some critical v1clon es
in the smgks "
"Our only rlisappomtmcnl was that today's
match should haw been Cor the ('hamp1onsh1p on a
neutral cout1." Laguna coach Art Wahl said.
"WE HAVE HAD a very good year and our
kids never rl1d give up today. La Quinta Just had
too much depth for us "
The brightest spot for the Artists Tuesday was
the doubles play of Chris J ohnson and Eric
Davidson wh o won three of four seL'>.
Laguna will have Alan Godfrey, Pete r
Davidson and Je ff Wahl back next season along
with incoming Rick l..ea('h, a junior champion in
the 14·and·under age group.
Bear Sued
1 A1'1 br1an
Ba s chna ge l o f th e
Chicago Bear"> nf the
Nation a l f-11 otba ll
League has heen ~ued
ror S503.000 m da m age'>
s temming f rom a n
automobile accident twc>
years ago.
Au v,•tt•.r.in1 ~uo.e.,.1 Tu
P-~ .... Pnu 1 "'-"' l.u loc & Oe>c. ....,
( ~ .. 48 ""' •lie< PUb
• """"' -~uo .,,n aulo ft;ns ""' ~ "'""' ,,...., llC ~t;·;~~-1n1q1. ·-•Nie """" 111,,. l!.lll •llli002:.11Set
MOW ..... AIU ON 4'PltOY• c .. m
BaseUll Football Soccer Tennis
Adidas Sllles 'Tretlm'M .. ,;pr t
Dack Feet
Churchill Water
v ht1y'*t( .. ....,
herythitf) For ttle AtMttt
I --l
S S •Jtt 1 I 0 0 0 I
f I I I 2 0 > t o o t a
l.sll• l..t9r-. T-J:U.
Clf'Nlt A• 1'I ........ ~ ....... ,~
~cu••.,..... ....... .. ..__ ............... lk ...... 2: c::.ei-CL) ...... ~ ..... H ; .,_,,,._ tLt
.... t ... N.~U; fllf-CLI '"4 ... t4. _wt ...... --,, .. ~ 1• D.,tfl I CU '"4 tt lclllllt ..
.,_. ,._ H ; at, """* MllJv •t. M ,
w-.111 a • CLI ...... M : "'" "4, No.
...... _._,·-~----....
Tuaso.n ntMSACTHMes
aAlallALL ,._.... LNell9
Fl\11, <-4<1tW. Mid s .... ,.., 1n11e1wr.
Pieced ftol> Moo•..,,.. y, cet<ller, °" tll9 OIMtlltd ..... w.ill'td Fr Mii Duff,. lnflelder. aA1«aT11AU. ................... ,_let ....
tor went.
• r-. ••,......., -• • • • •
f 11tllllls
Playpnt Balls
IMllY leads
WllPtSets ..• ,.
J11 Joy
nite Siii
Davis r1et1r Im•
Y1111flilcl s, •• ~. 11~1s
•• ~ .... bcUts
l I I
. ~
TOUllN, VUfOllavia CAP)
The Unlwraity of Notre Dame
baallelball team defeated
Clbona, Z.,reb, 107·1&, Tuesda,y
in the ftnt match played on its
Ya1oe1av tour. • Rt~h Brannla1. the former
Marina Hich 1tar. led Notre
Dame wtt.la 21 po0au, and Kelly
Tripudra 8ddfld 22. ltlll Ulm
beer ~ 21. The top &corer
for Vuao-lav18 waa LjuboJeVI<'.
with 23.
several bnMted. apeclatoa
Ull• 1maU SJovenlan town in lhe
pklwwque Soca Valley on the
border of Italy
Apart from jumpln1 ability. a
weakne•• of most of th ..
Vu1oalav playen. lhe vis\Un•
Americana we~ superior al.o In
· ba 11 handlln1 ~nd phy•ical con.
dltionm•. ••rom lbt' vflry itlart.
tbe •'•"1itbur lrh1h wrn• runnlntr ..s the VuaOf'l•v t1•11m tret-'<l to
keep up,
....... .,... ..., ............... 119 ._ ..... --,..-.-.'-'"_.._....__ _______ ·-~·...--......_. _____________ _
... •
um. t.br of1icl•I world cham· plona.
The play of the F11hlin1 lrilh won OYH lbe crowd almoet Im·
mediately. and local buketball
uputa aa.ld It was bound to help
booat lnterat among Yu1osla·
vlan basketball playera and
Nei.t. Uw American team will
1)h1y Yu&Ofilavia in Kragujevac, a city in S.Jbia. Saturday.
. ~-...-.. _,_ ... . ......
Martin Suit Dropped
-RENO fAP> -Former and,
LOS ANGELES <APl suppoaedly, future New York De ena ve ai.r eor1e n-,,.,,-w,..,..-,-1---nhes-Mataeter Bilty-M.nut
or the Umvenlty of Nebruk• h11 pUMd another crlal1 In hia
slsned a 11eriea of four one·year oft.en.bumpy ride through life,
contracts with the Los Ancfet but in keepiJta wllh the way
Rama, who flcked him flnt in things happen to him, still
the Natlona Football Lea1ue another crillcal moment lies
draft. ahead.
The Rama ~aid Andrews re· A criminal comelaint of bat·
celved a aix·fil(ure bonua. tery Jtgainst Martin hH been
Andrews. a native of Omaha, dropped by Reno sports writer
played three years as a de· Ray Hagar, and the two re· t e n s i v e e n d w i t h t h e portedly have agreed on terms
the defead1aa world champions.
Stelnbreaner. upset al
··~~ . Hid ut winter that bis former
manapr must be completely U ·
onerated Jn the Ha_.~!'... cate
before he can come back aa
Yankees' fleld bou.
Th• coune of thf' ••m«" and lhe "nal outrome tame u a big
t urprlae for th .. renowned
Yu1011l.v fir"t lea.cut• tt>am from
th.i <'UJ)ltul of ('roat1a. tlntl fot
The" Amt•rl<'lrn team bu
s<'hedult>d fl"l' mutcht.•s around
tht' C'O\lntry . 1nl'ludlng ont•
a1:a1 n8l the• Vu.ioNlav nu11onal
Urimning, • eiuartt, bas been a ·
s l11rh•r aat Notre Oame for three
:;cusoru; llt!'ll be a stmior in the
llJI I
Cornhuskers but will be a of an out.of.court settlement.
linebacker wllb the Rams. Martin. though. still must face
He ts 8·3, .weighs 226 pounds Yankee owner George Stein·
and is working on a master's brenner's test if he is to regain
degree bis job next year as manaRer of
"I'm not going to tell them to
settle or DOt to settle," Steinbren-
ner said when talk of a poaibte
out-or.court settlement lint sur·
raced. "Billy told me be would
be proven innocent. But I'm eo-
1ng to have to look at everything,
at the whole picture."
"Martin-is expected to be in
Reno Thursday to finalize the
settlement. -
Indy in Jeopardy?
44-car Field or No f"'~d? .
INDJANAPOl.IS I AI'• Tiii' ft .. •h
l~ O( ral'll\J,: I~ httlc fflllfi• lh<HI .111 di
tcrthought at the lndrnnuP'•h:. f.1111111
Speedway h'Miay with t ht• '"''Mt>1hl)
looming or e 1thl·r a 44-cur f11'1cl Ill 1111
r<Jce at all whc•n thl' st<irt111~ 1111w a r
rives for Sunday's Indy 500
Matters came to a boil Tuf•:.!11n
wh(•n car owner Wayne Woodwor(t
Ciled suit lo ha lt the $1 m1ll1on race
and the U.S. Auto Club dec1dC>d to of
fer JI other entrants an op1)()rtun1t y
to qualify lh1..·1r l'ars m c1 ~11ct1al
session Tuesday
WOODWARU'S SUIT, f1l ctl 111
Marron County Supt'rior Court one!
scheduled for a h<>arinit Thur~day.
as ks the taC'c be stopped unless his
c;1r l'i; rcinstalt•d Wl)od wurd 's r al'1·r
was remov(•d from lht• linPup aftt·r
qualifyinJ? amid alle~LJtions of chea t-
ing on pnwt'r restr1c·t1ons imposed b) USAC
Woodward's c•ar. clr1 vt·n hy Dick
l''e rguson. was not among th1· 1 I 111
fered an unprecedented c:hanct' to
win places in the fif'ld. All of tho~c
cars were bumped from th1· grad dur
ing t_1mc trials by faste r car~
Any o f the car s 1n the s pecial
session qualifying fast(•r than Lht·
:,lowest car now in the field plC1ccd
there by Roge r McClu~ky at IR3.908
would he relegatf'll to the hack of
lhe traditional :\:l.(';.ir ltm·up
THE OFl-'F:R WAS made Ii~ l'S/\C'
f>rt's1denl ll1C'k l\ing undt·r a IJS1\('
<·ompetit111n rult• a llowing spt•crnl rul
I n g s .. r IH t h c w t' I I Ii e I n g 0 r
automothe competition .. The only
stipulation was that all 33 entranL-;
already in the race agree in writing
to the extra qualifying round.
Lindsey lfnpk1ns. ownrr of the car
t ha t Johnn~ l'<.1rson~ ha:, qualified in
the third row. wouldn't ~ak for his
fellow owne rs. but said: ''I'll agn•e
111 11 I 1111111. 11 ' ,, l•·rnpl'I Jll' ~1:-1!
'"'' ... 11111 . h 111g 'dl<I t ht• .i1·l111 11 was ta ken
ll1•1·au ... 1· lh1· I I r1:1 1 -. invo lved
quahfwti hd1,r1· <• l':-.At · l1ulle tin wa~
1s~u1•il (II IOI' lo lh1· r1nal day of time
lriab ·~ui.:g1•:.l111~" that intake ex·
hau~t p1p1·' h<J Vl' <1 m1111mum inside
01:111H·11•r 111' I ·17 m eht·' Tht• bumped
clrt\1·r~ ... au1that11mo11n11·d to le~allz·
1ng attl'rOIJb 111 overrule power
n·~tri<·t1ons and put them at a com·
l.ll't 1ll\'t• dis a cJv untagl.'
T llE sr•:C'IAL qualifying session,
"h11•h would l.cgin at 10 a.m . Thurs·
day woulr1 he open to the cars
1Hl gi n a ll y qualified by Stev e
K n siloff. S pikt· <it•hlhausen . John
M:irtin. Bill V11k11v1t·h. Dana <.:arter .
J1•r ry Karl. Al l.oquaStto. Tom
lh g1•l11". J111· Salda1w .• John Mahler
:111 <1 I.arr~ l':i 11 nc1 11 Kri!>llo ff.
Gl.'h~hausl'!1. B1gt'111w, Saldana and
M ahll·r qu<1hf1t•tl in olhl•r cars after
lhey wt•rt• humpl'Cl. lht•ri'hy opening
the pc1ssil11l1ty of other d rivers quah·
fying those t ars
King took •~sue with the rumor that
cheatmg on power restrictions had
h1•1•n w1dcspr1•ad 1111 both the first and
~e<:ond wet'kl'nds of quulifications.
lit> !'aid those rC'ports were "based
largely on rumors and hearsay ...
"USAC's tt>chn1<•a l committee.
ht•ad1:d by .lat•k Ht-<•kley, a re compe.
te nt. fair mindt•cl pl'OJJI<' who know
whut th<.•y arc doing." he said.
··Ever~· wastcgaH' a ssembly from a
<111al1fic•d t·ar has hN•n inspected and
sealNI Thl'Y must be used on race
cla y in thl' s<1mt· configuration as was
used during qualific atio ns
"NEVERTHELESS, many of these
previously qualified but bumped car
entrants feel that they were deprived
of a n opportunity to qu:tlify with a re ..
dut:ed cxhau~t l'llH:. IC the other 33
entrants aE?ree, we will give them
that opportunity ...
Aztecs' Cruyff to Make
$1 Million Per Season?
PASADENA IAP l Professi(1nal
soccer hus nt·vcr m~1dc much or a
splash in Southi:rn C;iliforma. but
that s1tuat1<1n f1 gun·s t o chan11.1·
dnis tically in th1• ncu futmn•
Thal ·s bcn.1ust• the Lo~ Ang1.•lt·~
ltzl('CS of the North American Sot•ct·r
LcaguP hLJV<' s1gnNI Jt1h<Jnn Cruyff.
1.·ons idered onl' of thf• all·limc j!reats
of his spoM. to a multi·ycar c11ntrai.:t.
"I am a gambler and in football
sn1.·ce r all along I took risks." said
Cruy ff Tuesd<ty night a t a news con·
fcrence where his signing was an·
nounccd "1 think within a very ~hurt
po riod we can get a lot of people in
the stand~ and if we get a lot of peo·
pie, I will be the highest paid athlete
in Cahfornia. ··
08\'IOUSL\', THAT PUTS the
32·year·Old Cruyff on a 1JCrccntC1gc as
we ll as on salary The A7.tt'CS. who
play the ir ho m e g<J ml·S at the
s pacious Hoi,e Bowl, a vt·ragcd 9,900
last year and in three home games
this year have averaged less than
7 ,000.
That fi~ure will probably incr ease
g reatly, s tarting tonight when the
Aztecs entert ain Hochester in
Cruyrf's NASL regula r .season debut.
Los Ange les has a 5·2 record in this
young season but has scored only
e ight goals in Its s<•vt·n games. Tho
Aztecs fim!'ht•d 9·21 las t yt•ar
f"1t1 a n e 1;_il tt-rms or the contract
wer e nvl annoum·ed but 1t had ~en
reported that the rival Americun Soc·
c•t>r l.t>aguc had pooled resources and
m adt• a ~I 5 m il hon riff er to CruyH.
fessional athletes in California are
basketbLJll playt'rs lhll Walton a nd
Karel'm Abdul .Jabbur. W<tlton re -
cently signed a contract with the San
Diego Clippers for a re porte d
$800.000 a yeCJr while the Los Angeles
Lakers r eportedly pay Abdul.Jabbar
mon' than ~.000 per year. /\nd the
Angt.-1!.' Hod Carew rt-portedly ma kes
~0.000 per st-ason.
' C'ruyff. of The Netherlands. JOins
the A zkt'!"i afln plLJying nine year s,
1965-73. with AJa x or Holland a nd the
pas t fivl' seasnns with Barcelona,
flow long will it take him to get in·
to sh apl' '.'
"You nevPr know, but I can prom·
ise I will work hard." he said.
A native of Amsterdam, Cruyff
s tands 5·foot·9 and weighs 150
, .. 11/t' \11111 I ,,,,., I IJl/1
With th• famous Top·Sider•
sole ... hundreds of
sharp-angled slits working like o
powerful SCf""O" to give you o
rock·solld faoti09.
r:er Men .. ""Y 5'1erry 1.,.s-i 1n !MW tlrtt but 119' .wry \tyle.
.......... lt'.i>
Forw-SH,,u6to to Me•tlff'llSID 10 ~ ~~SHOES .
ConYos Oicford
White and Novy
20. 9S Womens
21.9S Mens
• faeNoft t•nd ... Newport a.ech ..• 75 .... 11
Walker Imperial, uUART
Seaqram's 7-Crown.UUAl\I
Kessler's. 1 ?5 un-.R
53.9 1
Ancient Age. OOART .. . .. . . . . . .5.88 66.55
EartyTimes, 1.75-UTER ................... 10.20 57.72
Wild Turkey. 750-ML 10.23 115.75
Wild Turkey, 1 1s u11:J< 23.65 133.85
Korbel,OOART .. __ ·--· ... 6.20 70.09
Chris Bros •• OOARl 5.89 66.58
E & J Gallo, 1 1s uTFR. I 0.31 58.55
Courvoisier V.S •• 750Mr. I I .40 129.00
Martel VSP, 7SO·ML .• .. .. . • . . I 0.52 I 19.00
Salignac V.S., tSO·ML . 8.94 I 0 I .12
Canadian Club, 750·ML 6.70
Canadian Mist, QUART ._ 5.73
Seagram's V.O •• rntAR I .8.40
Gilbey's, oUART .. 4.8 1
Bombay, 1~ML 6.57
Fleischmann's, usu n 1< 9.52
Seagram's. OOAl<J 5.17
Bacardi Lt. or Dk .• QUART 5.68
Ron Rico Lt. or DK., QUART 5.90
Myers Jamaiqm. 1~ ML . . 6.58
Ballantine. 1~ ML 6.85
Black & White, QUART 7.65
Cutty Sark, 12. VF.AR OLD 7SO·ML 10.09 114.01
Lauder's,auARr ..
Johnnie Walker, Red., QUART
Cluny. 1 75-LITER
Don Emillo. White or Gold· I .75-LrrER ...
Pepe Lopez, White. OOART. _
Two Fingers, Gold, 7SO·ML _
5.79 65.52
9.15 103.52
64 .29
Gllbey's, QUART _ .. 4.22 4 7 .75
Kamchatka, I 7~UTEIL ............... 7.92 44.77
Smirnoff, 80 Pr •• QOART ................. 5.58 63.06
Stolichnaya, 80 Pr., OOART ............. 9.95 1 12.48
Amaretto di Saronno, 23-00NCt. ... 9.74 110.05
Drambuie, 23-00NCE. . . . . 1 0.03 11 3.50
Grand Mamier, 23-0UNCE 12.90 145.95
Praline. SOOMWUTER ... ··-. . .4.99 I l 2.68
Sabra, 23-00NCE................ • . . I 0.58 I I 2 .93
Vandermlnt. 11.11200NCE ......... ... 4.73 106.87
I 7~LrTER 1615 954
CASE OF 6 96.90 CASE OF 6 57.20
11 .37
Mr Ro:,1::. CHABLI!:>
t.'; LITER
} 98 239
Charles Krug, 750ML 2.75 30.00
Kenwood. 750ML .. . 3.24 35.20
Inglenook. 1so ML . 2.94 32.00
Sutter Home, 7~ML 3.68 40.00
Berin~er. /",j.J ''L . 4.04 44.00
Almaden, 7!>0 . ..,L . . 2.94 32.60
Charles Krug. /JliML 4.04 44.00
Chris Bros .• ,:,c,,..11 2.85 3 I .08
Franciscan, 1~JMl 4.84 5~.75
Parducci. 1~0 ML 3.76 40.85
2.67 3.34
4 .40
Sill CASt m 24 6 PACK
Busch Natural
Blitz Baverian
/5 OL Cl\N l,1()UNU N h' I~
(.A~ OJ I/ \..A:-.Lm i·I
911 924
Coors . _ .. .. . ............ 12oz
Hamms .. ........ ...... . .... ... . ... 12oz.
HeinekensUghtand Dark . 12ol
HenryWeinhards . . . .. 12oz
Mitter Ute:-:. . . . . 12 Ol-
Lowenbrau, Lt or Dark 12 oz
Michel ob _ . . . . 12 oz.
MOier. . . . 12oz
Old Milwaukee . . . .. .. .12 oz
Olympia .. 12oz.
Pabst . . ......... 1201
210la •ACH •lW. MUNTINQTOfll .UCM
1.76 6.63
fl'tAY 24 TO
fl'tAY JO,
I .
\ I
I •
' s
' I
~ ....... ~-··~ .....
. .. ... ~ ....... • • .. J • • ••• -. .......... ..._ • .r •••• • • • • M _. ,,. .. -..... • . --~ ..._.. __ ,..-...... -.------... •·--·--------·------------P••_____...,._....,_ •"' ...
... --. . . . . " . . . •
w.dneedey, Mey at, ,,.,.
B11sinesses ______
Cemco OU. Newport\ Heath, a dlvtslon of the
C.E. Miller Corp . Irvine. has announced the·
fonnaUon of C4'm('o Flnanclal Services, Newport
.a .. ~,,. Buth
Corp. have announced that a wbollt OWDed sub-
sidiary ol MSI wW acquire Chua.
MSI wiU l11ue 250,000 lbares of Its common
'atock In excbaqe for the outatandlQI lharea of
U.. c...i,,, • .,,.r•• 8rep
Lion Country Safari, Inc., Irvine, bu repor1ed
1171 ftnt quarter revenues ol S557.JS7, compand
with $'101,818 In the 11m• quarter lut year. 111 Y(JQ M t f/16
Tift' ~r
1.41ro m e tll4L,
1111 A/t/.l F~l t
,If "...,~IV }.~
()I.I~ A. /UC.<. ~ :O
W(/ '1«.'°QI/.
TM dlv1i.lon Wllll ora.nized primarily to help
the oil Orm ro~lt' with lhti lncreaset In the coat of
e"plurat.ory and dt•vtilopmental drUllne. the com·
pany taJd It will work wlth private and lnstltu·
Uonal · ca1>IUil murk•·ls and will enaaae in real
eat•U! dev41lop111t·11~. uN1ulliltlorll!, and fln•nclna.
Completion ls condiUonal upon approval by
the shareholders of Chase and r91utatory
authorities and the salisfaMion or other conditions
in the aareement.
Included in the lint quarter of Jut 1ear wu
Sll0,000 1atn from termination of the previoualy
contemplated lease a1reement with Stabl-Laeat, -~,...__,,.....
WAI' r c:~tv;::> -
/JdJ. I "Ni'-'l'l.'Yi/A I
'i.V/1 1 • '!) fh{
~ t.. "',,,,, ·1r: . ,.
S(»I I'~••~ I ' t tC,IV .'"' llff 111! ,...,. • • ... ,. :~1-1-: ,,
A.¥1> i 'i'll ..... If! • \,,. ! •
llVT llJ t-:J: .•<'-...... .-CIJ,ttr~t-
Not Quite
Tennis Player?
OttlM DAiiy P'llel SWff rAge divisions in a tennis tournament usually
read 12·and·under, 18-and-over. or something like
that. If it's a senior tournament, you'll see 35, 45,
55 and so forth
But when you see age divisions or 100, 110, 120
and 130. you've ~ot to believe there's a major story
there. How many 130-year·old tennis .,layers can
there be?
The answer is none. But the tournament has a
130 division anyway. It's the Yonex Tournament of
the Ages. scheduled June 11·15 at the South Coast
Plaza Hotel Rat•quet Club m Costa Mesa.
The divisions represent the COMBINED ages
or the douhles teams.
"A 30-year-old tould have a 70-year-old
partner in the lOO's," says tourney director Paddy
Speyers ... But that would
C J not necessarily be the JENNIS ideal age combination." A gr eate r balance ...._ ______ ..... would be struck by two
50-year -old players. but
when you get to the 130 di vision . <it least one or the
partners simply must he an old-timer
.. Peg South, who is 86, has entered sever a I
divisions. int'luding ()UT new Generation Gap event
which lt'ams 111niors t 12-and·undcr 1 with a doubles
partner 55 ancl oldt·r ." Spcyers says. "South is de·
termined to w 111 lhl• prize for the oldest entrant to
wm a malt.'h ..
Hobin lllppenstiel. 63, an active senior player ,
has. teamed with George Peebles. third-ranked in
the Southern California Tennis Association 60's, to
enter the 120·s catcgQry.
Spots on the tournament sheet a re still open,
and interested oldsters or youngsters can get re-
gistration information by phoning Speyers at
752-0306. Sign-up deadline is June I
• • • JERR\' VAN l.INGE and Tom Leonard, de·
fending champs from 1978. are once again seeded
No 1 in lhe men's open division or t he Adoption
Guild doubles tournament, which begins Saturday
and concludes with semifinals a nd finals at the
Newport Beach Tennis Club June 2·3.
n.n ••,....r Rrperl• G,....,,.
LOS ANG t:LES I AP 1 -Htivenues for the
Timl's M1ri ur (.;u. lntn•uM.~d 12 percent fo r the first
l)lr.-t• monthh of th1 ~ )'4.!U , rising to $342.6 million
I from l306 m1lhoo an lhe aame quarter of 1978.
Net lncorntt rOtl~ to QU million froni 126.9
m illion in the 19714 quarter Per share eaminaa
were 8.1 tt•nta, <-omp&red with 77 cents in Uie three·
month penod or 1978
OdzftU 0pftl• N,....,pert Olllr~
Citizens Savings and Loan Association has
ope ned an office Kl 3300 West Pacific Coast
tlaghway, Newp0rt Beach.
Four l'USlomer service windows are included
as part of the 3,600 feet of th~ facility. Parking is
available on two sides of th~ building.
Teleflle Computer Corp .. Irvine. has an·
nounced it e ntered into an agreement with its
primary lender. the Fi~st National Bank of
Chicago, to restructure the company's existing,
bank inde*dness.
S. V. Edens, chairman, said the bank al'!'ange-'
ment and an aj:lrcemcnt from creditors for a one·
year mor<itori um. are "major steps in facilitating
the completion of two major development pro-
grams whil'h should sustain the market for its
Xerox I Sigma-compatible products and enable the
company to return to profitable operations."
Almost two·thards or Telefile's revenues have
come from Xerox.compatible products for the past
two years. -
HSI fo Arqulrr Clea•~
MSI Data Corp .. Irvine, and Chase Computer
Douglas Oil Co.
Names Executive
John L. Sheldon
Douglas Oil Co .. Costa
Mesa. has elected John
L. Sheldon to the posi-
tion of viCl' president.
lie µ!,so was recently
promctM to director of
w ho lesale marketing .
li e h as ove r a ll
r espon sibility for
gasoline, asphalts, j et
fue ls and fuel oils.
lie joined the com·
pany as a sales
r epresentative in the
Rocky Mountain a rea.
lie has helq various
management positions.
including dislri£l s~e~
manager, manager or
industrial produc t s.
division manager and
so uthe rn r eg ion a l
·~·••A ... •e111a
The John Breuner Co .• operator of a chain of
home.furnishing stores In California, Arizona and
Nevada, has purchased Abbey Rents FurnJture
a nd changed its nam e to Breuners Rents
ft•alldal Ce•fer lfndrr 1t'a•
Saffell & McAdam, Inc., Irvine, has begun
conatructJoo on tbe Orange Coast Financial Center
in Costa Mesa.
The three buildings will total 17 ,880 square feet
Qf apace. Completion is expected in October.
The per share loss for the first quarter of lt'19
was 8 cents a share.
Harry Sh Wiler, president, said proxy material
for the annual gene ral meeting and for
s hareholder approval for the sale of tbe California
park waa delayM to accommodate technical
Cb!lnl• required by the buyer.
NrtDparl ,.,,... Op~•• /tlarlc~i
Newport t>harmaceuticals International Inc.,
Newport Beach, has announced that its French
licenaee, Laboratories Delllande of Courbevoie,
France. has obtaine d price approval of
isoprinosine from French health authorities.
Fra nce re presents the fourth largest
pharmaceutical~ market in the world.
Why lease an ordinary car when you can lease a new I 979 PORSCHE?
A seminar for women
in the business world will
be held Saturday at the
Hyatt HoW1e in Anaheim
from 8:30a.m. to5 p.m .
to5 p.m.
It will be presented by
weCa n W o m e n 's Network. The leader
will b e Mimi
G r a n t . f o u n d e· r
by J ames F. Lyons, vice
president or marketing
for National Program·
ming Corp.. who will
conduct a session on
fina nce and corporate
tallon will include in·
t e rv iews with s uc h
busi nesswo m e n as
Irvine's Sandy Andrews.
vice pres ide nt a nd
gen er a l m anager of
Subaru o f Sou t he rn
Ca l i f orni a; Bu e n a
Park's Marion Knott, a
partner in Knoll's Berry
Farm : Dollie Walters,
president of Hospitality
l lostess. and Mary Kay
As h of Mar y Kay
The S75 fee includes
workbook, continental
breakfast. lunch and a
year 's me mbers hip in
women's network.
Information on re·
scrvations. d u e by
Thursday, may be ob·
tain ed fr o m th e
network. 542·5636
The POl'sche 924. It's de~qned to cony on the Porsche
tradition of ..,inning. A tradition that spans 31 yeors and includes over '400
mo1or racing vict01"1es. h's also designed fa1 the practicality of today.
Its ~que rear tronsaxle pro11ides
virtually perfect SO.SO weight distribution
between front and rear-for balanced
rood holdinq qnd broking.
Its aerodynamic design is aesthetically
pleosinq-and practical.
Best of all. everi with options
leos;ng a 924 is s11prisiriqly aff ordoble.
So visit your Porsche+Audi dealer and
test drive a living legend.
t t> ·f• -i·, I Ji -"lff f \ I~ 4
\ ..
Van Linge is a Newport Beach resident and
c~b~amp~m~e J~nWQ~T~~Club. ~--~--.--,--~------------~-----h------··••••••~~ He teamed with Leonard to win the Southern • tt• t
California Tennis Associalipn open doubles title s I e NI 1ng p one
two weeks ago. and they also won the Yonex Open ......
at Fountain Valley's Los Caballeros Racquet and i•n your pocket. Sport.a Club.
In addition lo his matches with Leonard, Van
Linge will join Gail Glasgow in the Adoption
Guild's mixed open division. where they will be de-
fending their t hampionship from last year.
Among the entrants in the men's open division
trying to wrest the title away from Van Linge and
Leonard will be Tim Pawsat and Antony
Emerson a pair more accustomed to junior
Emerson is the son or tennis legend Roy
Emerson, while Pawsat is cWTently ranked No. 1
among Southern California's 16-and·under group.
* * • LEONARD RECENTLY TOOk a departure
from tennis and drove a stock car in the Cannon·
ball Express t ross-country auto race.
Joining Leonard in tag-team driving was John
Mahler. Indy 500 entrant. They made the trek from
New York to Los Angeles in a Camaro Z-28 and,
although they didn't win. they round enough gas
along the way lo .ma ke it safely which is no small
• • *
Huntington Beach players went at each other for
the Western Orange County championship of the
National Junior Tennis League earlier this month.
The program is operated by the California
Youth Tennis Federation, a non-profit outfit based
in El Toro.
--The Nets-were-champs of-the Los Amigos
divilkJn but in post·season playoffs they finished
second to the Rolling Stones. who lost only one
match all season.
Joyce Dillenbeck of Huntington Beach coached
the Rolling Stones, while Eddy Smith, also of Hun·
tinlton Beach, coached the Nets. ·
Among those on the Rolling Stones' roster
were Craig Dillenbeck <HB >. Ryan Ward <Foun·
taia Valley), Curtis Fowler and Robert Bashaw
tboth Huntington Beach>.
The Nets' lineup i'cluded two Huntington
Beach youqaters, Warren Harris and Jimmy
Thurmond to Coach?
SAN FRANCISCO <AP> --Nate Thurmond,
wbo cloeed out a 14·year career in tbe National
BuketlMall Asaoclatlon with Cleveland, aaya he la
interested ln becoming tbe team's new coach. But
he 1akl be hu yet to be coa\acted by tbe team
about tbe poettioa. . Blll l'ltcb, tbe onl1 coach and 1eaeral
manapl' tbe team bu had, res1lned MoedaJ.
TburmoDd jolDed Cleveland in 11'71 followiq a
trade wtth tbe Cblca10 Bulla, and played 121
aamea I« tbe CavaUen.
All Answer Page "beeper" rsn·t a phOne. but it's the next
l'lest thing It alerts you 10 ~nt r.alls anytime. any·
Where in Los Angeles. Orange, San Bernardmo. River
Side and parts cl Ventura counties. all IOI one lcJY
rrontllly rate There's no lmt to lhe runbet ~ "beeos'
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ment to install. either II someone wants you, they dial your
number on any phone and your ''bee()er'' !Jve5 you the
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In Los Angeles County 4 6 2-PA GE
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Doug Schneider
Solutions to a wide range of personal and
business Insurance needs.
For Instance. working with your account·
ant or attorney. he can design and Imple-
ment programs that meet your special finan-
cial objectives. Programs lor your retire-
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of dividends.
Results-oriented programs 'that benefit
you today as well as tomorrow.
So II you ha11e an appreciation for pro-
fessionalism, give him a call. And find oul
how Ille Insurance can be a vital, CQntrlb-
ullng part of your total financial strategy.
Highest earnings on Westem's SIX
MONTHS $10,000 minimum
investment certificate. Rate 1!-
rlr-t muoo:.l by ~1 vi% to lhe Uruttd State;
!f\~1."1 Ir/ htU W•. kly de "llnt rrl!I' tn• I~ effecbve
tt~· lutll wu.ci l1.i..r.,.J<1Y 1)irough Woonmi:ly .
I nten !'I l5 run en rrub inly SubtK1 to rtVdlidbihty
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certUJeoot-. but'°",,..._,,,_ lban n.,
Account. lnlero;t P\td day-in, ddy-OUI,
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We pay pootage both ways. Complete 1nformabon lun'UShed i.Jpon request.
Senlng CaWomlam far°"' a quarts of a C»Dtury.
Statewide ol&c. with a.9111 a.. S135.000.000.
eo. ........ 270 Ea1t 17ttt ....... (7"14) 145-3113
LOftg IMctl, 4IOt ,ec:mc Cont Hlghwey. CA. (213) .. 3301
• ,
............ ---~ .. -..... -....... . , . . .-. ~. . -. . . .. ~ . . ...... ,.. ............ . .... .. . . ._ . -.. .. . ~ .. ~ .. .....-. ~ ... -·--..... ,_ ... ..........,__ _ __. __ .,,...,...,.. _________ _
I ~ ' ~Business
NSW YORK fAP> Worried
t.Mt &Mir' auoU.ne ww mlaht
,_ dry, people plan.nln1 lriPI
Met' the llemortat Day weekt1nd are lumlnl to tralN. PIADM and t>uau •nd creaUn« a •
and lJrey&ound 1a s1mlluly op
timltUc. "n LOOtQ UH wt 'rt IOtnt
to have a real boom w .. ekend,"
Hid an Amtrak apokHman ln
W aahbqetoo who did not want tu
be •dentlned.
(_,·_m_E_.RG_Y_) lion. a Wa1hln1ton-b1sed in·
duatry 1roup.
"WS IXPBCI' TO do very
heavy bu9lnes1. even more so
than u.u•I bttauae ol the Unit.eel
atrtke, •· aaid Al Becker, a
1pokum1n for American
problem, 11thou.1h moat have Deen runnmg ugnl on 1ue1 m re-
cent monlha.
Della, however, baa been c.,..
cellin_a an avera1e of 20 of lu
more than 1,800 flllhts a day la
the pQt couple of weekl becauae
of abort fuel 1upplies, and-ex·
Pffla to have to around sevenJ
over &be weekend.
Puaenaer crunfh.
Amtrak reported Tuesday lhat
Ua reMrVatlona for the wHkend
are up 50 percent over laat y~ar
Contlnenlal Ttallwaya bua Unt ••pect.a 25 percent more ridera
• • •
"We lhink that murh ol It as
due to Uw 1a&0Une proble m ," he
addH. "We've alway~ have •
crowded N>ndlUon on hollday11,
but nothinc like we'\1.-. had the
past two montht. Wf"ve tu•d J>t.'O·
pit swarmtn& onto our tralna "
re8ume run service unUI after
the wwkend
"W£"rt" •olnM to be crowded,"
5t11d Dian Hcnk111, a spokttaman
for I he Air Tr1m11port Aasocl•·
• • •
18% lnerease
Moat of the airlines expect
that jet ruel supply will not be a
* *
Vmied to Ope11
Planes to
Other A.irlinRs
Tt)t' Amtrak &JJOkrl\nuan swid
Pf'(>plf' trying to mitkc tr itan n·
s rrvattons for this wcek~nrl
·s hould call beforl' 7 a m or iaftt-r
7 P m ~aust' lht' phoiit•s u c
Jam nwd during the dliy
for Greyhound"' l'hoe111x, Artl .
!>a 111 . ··u ·:, 11 lw1ty !'I u ti o<•U
wt•ekend, and you C'omb1ne lhut
with the gasoline s hortage and
11 ':s going to be an t•11t·ellent weekend ··
Getty Halts Diesel
Sales in Midwest
CHICAGO tAP > U n1t~li
Airlines says it will honor
passenger tickets ror rl11(hls
from all other a1rhnes for 21
days from the tame 1t re:>um"':,
TULSA. Okl a IAP> Getty Refining and Marketing Co. has halt·
ell the sale of diesel oil and furnace fuel in the Midwest because or
what 1l called an extreme shortage of the products.
The company said Tuesday it hoped to resume sales in about al
The earner. which has bct.>n
shut down s ince M 1tr ch 3 1
because or a s trik e b y
machinists, plans to resume
limited operations Mond ay
and full operations seven to 10
days later if a tentative contract
agreement reached Sfllurday
with the International Associa·
lion of Machini s ts and
Ae'rospace Workers is ratified
this weelr.
John 7.eeman, vice president
for passenger marketing. ·said
the proposal to accept compara·
ble tickets from other airlines
will provide more direct routing
and wider choices or departure
limes and dat es ro r a i r
L.e e Sneath. a Da llas based
s po kesm a n Cor Greyhound·!\
co mp e tit o r . Co ntin e n t al
Tra ilways, said.
"H you want to travel Wednes·
day or Thursday this week or
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thurs-
day next week. c ha nces are
you 'II avoid most of the rush."
N ErntER BUS LINE expects
major problems obtaining fuel.
"Any shortages that might oc·
c ur would arffct primarily charterservict-, ··Sneath said.
The airlines also expect a busy
weekend, partly because of a
s trike al Unite d Ai rlines
Although a tentative aJ:rC('mcnt
has been reached in that dis·
pule. United is not expected to
In New Orleans. meanwhile. a
group of congressmen called for
l(overnmenl allocations of diesel
fuel lo prevent the shutdown or
more than two dozen oil rigs.
GETl'V SAID ITS action af-
fects customers of Skelly brand
products from the Ark-ansas
Rive r to the Rocky Mountains
and from the Canadian to the
Mexican borders.
The company said a 16 percent
increase in sales of the fuel in
the first four months of the year
led to the proble m.
Getty said it was implement·
.in~ a special proi:tram or dis·
tra bution to comply with the
Department of Energy's new
* • •
SEMINAR Standard Chief
Oul·Of·State Real Es tate investment orfers
dynamic opportunity. Learn of the potential in Low
Down Paymenl'i. Polilllve Cash Flow, aind Rapidly
Jncreasln~ Prices F.lsewhere. Understand the
potenital in various areal! of lhe country. Whether
you are a first lime investor or an experienced
Reservations Required.
LOS ANGELES I AP > The chairman of
Standard Oil Co. of California says he does not
be lieve last week's meeting between California
leaders and President Carter will result in sub·
stanlial gasoline i;upply increases. but he added
the worst of the gas shortage is probably over.
H. J . Haynes told a news conference Tuesday
that the allocation base change announced by
Carter following the meeting wilh Gov. Edmund
G. Brown Jr. and others bad actually been an·
nounced at least two weeks earlier. TUES. & WED. 7:00 P .M. He said the state will still feel the effects of
that modification. but "that did not come about
because or that meeting with Brown.''
rf~~ { .---
'V~ ~---·-'"'\ . -. \'
Tucked Away
in the Center
of Things
Discover a secure country life in a private gated community
rule requ1r1ng that suppliers
give first priority to customers
with c e rtified agric ultural
would take at least a week to re·
s u-me sales "as equitably as
possible to cus tomers with
certified agricultural needs.··
In New Orleans. Rep. Bob Liv-
ingston, R·La. said a diesel
s hortage was lhreatening to stop
the operations of one Colorado
company, lhe R&L Mining Co ..
in three to seven days , and a
ser ies of other companies in
Louisiana and Texas in 10 to 20
"My first count was 25 rigs in·
volved, .. Livingston said. "but 1t
a ppe ars now it ma y be
s ignificantly more than that.··
He said most or the companies
are s upplied by the Phillips
Petroleum Co., which has an·
nounced that diesel a ll otments
will be cut back 40 percent from
last year's s upplies.
Easy Saver
F or A~sem blyman Bob Ha~('s. R·San Fernando. t he
s ho rt age of gasohne h as n't m eant a c ha,ngc m transporta·
tion. He commutes d aily fro m his Sacramento hom e to
the Caµ1tol ~arage by m otorcycle. Hayes says he's been a
cycling fa n for 28 years a nd adds that his machine get:-; 50
miles p<:r gallon
Ov~r 1,h~ Count•·r
~ ;: ~::~~7.' 10 1(1>.. !.lorlSI
,. )0 Str••CI ll'fl 12 SUperEI
'"' lvt TIME DC ·~ .1.,, T .... ~.
t •• '"" Tec.umP 11\~ 17'.. Tenn•n•
19.>.. 1'1 l fe<'OPO 8"' I'• TrllnOC. i'h s.,. T,....,,,d
10.. 1"' UnMcGol ~~ ::z ~~ ~~;:
l it• 1 .. UV•B~" ,. ,.._ UoPonP
1"11'> l&''> V•lvC.•• • .,... \'r.,. V•nOt.a
11 971t.. Vtl< ,,, O •sv .. ·~~ V•Piil8\h l" •• • W\,hfnr 1', 1\ .. W~bt>s:1'
.&Ii" ~1 Wtldttn j~.~ ~:~ =~,:~~-q
1'1• lP o INtnNllQ
IO't> 11''1 WmOf'( 1• u .... Woodlnt
II ""' WWEnu 1'11 1#1~ • WrtQPHW '81•/ ?'• 4 l10n\JtA
• , • ~ IQ
" • l-l1 1) • t ~ ,.
... 16
"9 II '·'" " 1.S.\ I• 1& 10 ,. ,,
U.•~.100 n
N"""' A\tr°''" •nu·u .. •tJ F 1nllf'MS
W'"'<Urf' S•L,."'\Q
A IC P!>O P"A Sv• =~1;~
C·u•rOC" •nert'f" 1ntmtE•
Orl>ollft\I ( ... \NJ "' Andr\lf'ICI H•mbH• !.t4181d AdYMl/1'11 OmnoS...
1 , • vln ullott.. rm BG 10 ... 11.11 HIOllYtd 11 1• 11 q• ~~ovm,.,,. •1 •00~ •N.sol. Op~0:._~·-.r, t-1 d·1 01 ~o,m.,,.s ti •1 n \•
... t~""v"o":~E(~PI t~~ 'Ul 1N: F~·~~ Fn1'1.11 ~:~d"'!~ ,;·: ,.H.~ Muno •• ., 10 JO ~f~d nn , •. .o ._"Quota" • 01 9 e.
-Tiie loH-1119 ci-Dlvld , 11 J OJ Hllcm ll 63 U.SI INAl'd ti.~ U.Je V!. Gov •" 10.0. tnc8o\ 8.~ • 06 ~nlry F ~!.~ 16NJ; lallonl, \UCIClllacl by Nlonlll ll.01U11 MOl'M 1,00 NL ISi Group NlnHc.,uMn Co· Mon8 I 00 NL Sl\Hr'O" r -\ tne Nall-' AUOC:I· NtWS q lJ 10 20 MNINI 1.00 NL Grwtro S 68 6 21 l'rttd I 23 I "1 Ootn U.M 14 14 APO•P 11 641 2J •• ellon ot ~ulltes NVV" 14,. IS U Otn IJ ... l•.40 ln<om l.78 • tJ tndeo • :w 10.21 Soerl IJ,14 1\ 01 tncom 11 ••1• 11
Deeler\, In< . •r• CGFund 11 01 11.. h Fre 12.0. NL Tr•• '" 11 10 12 " Mau II 01 ., .. h f,. f.U NL ln•••I 10.'1 11.60 111• IM'k H •I wllocn CGlncm 161 I 1J US G•I I... NL TrPASI\ J " Fd lnc 14,0, IS 37 AIM 11.•t ,, 41 Sltrr&G t0.83 NL. ~:: ...:""= ~:,;:~ : gg ~t "'::~!t Grc;:t. NL :~cu:~·v ,•~1 NL Mm Fon•n<I Ttm@ 10,19 II ,. S~rm D b ,00 I'll
\Old ,_ •net (eftl cc t.CIO NL Bon<! I " NL Int ll'Y\I 1001 ts.JI ::b ·t~ ·~·~ ~!:=.~e~ •;.:; ~.~Survey " 10 se II.~
•etutl ot llOuOlll CentSllT 11 ... 11 l6 C•O•I I "3 • 11 Inv Guid •.n NL MIO IJ 11 14," Penn Sq 1 :14 NL T .. MOd t• bl JI.SO <••lue OIU\ wltt (l'lnHl'W'd unavall Conlld Inv lndi< 111 NL NICO 10.0t 10,18 PtM Mu s... NL Tempr GI S.I• 617 cllartel T"""8y CllartFd I• .. tt21 10 63 10.67 Inv 80' •IS 10 6' MFO t•.4' IS \q P"ll• I.OS 1.IO Temol W 11.10 14.32 s.tl 8"' CMM Gr Bo\ 0811y I I 00 NL lnvuto" c:;,_ Ml'B u,. U.O Pl>CM! (ap 1.U t .'2 Tamo Inv 1.00 NL
•GE FCI •.SJ .... "unel • 61 I n Ostnv 10.11 NL I OS 8d \.40 s s• MM& '11 • 11 Plloen I'd Hll '" Ttn\ C•o I 40 UM Ac0tnl' 20.01 NL Fr001t 4 72 S tt EQ In< II.IS NL IDS C.~ S.00 NL MFH 11' 1 '1 Pllltrlm Gro: Tnu lnvs I '7 V O Alul~• 1).01 NL Sh•re 11l 7 tO M~I » 41 NL IDS Grt 111 I ll MCM I C10 NL "119 I'd 1121 IJ,I' Trav Eq 11.lS 12.ll Al~, lJ.:W NL $t)et 6 ti I U Mun 8d • 4' Nl tDS ncll s.71 6.17 M•tllen -••II """ C J.H 4 04 TTudrCHd IU 2 NL
A81rtllT 10.M It.JO , ..... o u.u NL l'lclel IS" 11.26 Mull 1.11 • SI Merrlll LYMll Mq tn '·°' '·'° T-C G, I !·", NL AmerkMI F~ C-F• I ., I" Ho YICI ··~ NL Proo U I l.17 aslc 10 ... 11.Cll Po-r ,,..,,.,, -nc -.1 NL AB•I t.21 •.OS Cololllal Fund\: LI Mun • 24 NL T .. e. • 6S 4 IS C•oll u 15 u,o Fllf'd U.SJ "" USAA Gt I 04 NL
""''' 1 ... •.n Sen S« I 14 • ~ Purlln 10.1111. Stoo "·· ".. EQulB • 10 10.10 II '·" I0.49 V$A, ~ In< 10.,1~ NL AMotll 10,,4 II.If FIHld t n IO.Cll Salem S41 S'I S.le<I 1.M ',. HI In< UO 10,CIO Pl.ti\ Inv 11.12 NL " ~ccu 4 , NL
that se ems worlds apart from today's hectic pace. Laguna Meadows occupies
a one-of-a-kind setting.that-ls secluded yet perfectly "l'.IG.ltl 1.Jll 1.11 Gtwtl! •·"'·~ s 40 Tllrlll •.l'I NL . V•r P, 7.1• 1 lt Muno '11 •.JO Pllortll 11M IJM 11~11 Miit Ul NL IJOftii U:JS 0 U fi>com Gr U1 "TrotllCI 24.1t" tmr ltlt1ft S.94-.... tNAtt I• Mt. ~lffM 11.w.lHI J.l·~IL-Jru..------J C~ I 00 NL ()ptll 10 0 11 •2 l'lnan<l81 Proo• hlel 24 .• 1S.J4 \DV•I t ti •.M .. rlc. I'-· . Un : located near everything an active family needs. Enjoy ocean views
from an exclusive community that includes championship
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7200 square feet. The magnificent customized ho mes at Laguna Meadows
have from 3 to 5 bedrooms with fr om 2400 to 3460 square feet.
Priced from $250, 000
For Information, phone (714) 499-1266
< 'H1\ NI J < >Pf"NI N<; Pl-IASF II
~~ ~-~-------
FdlnY ,,., 1.M TH Mt IJ.63 u .O Dy,_. Sf• NL '"' .. u NL MHI AM j S3 6 CM Grw"' 11 01 NL Broed IO_ 11,U
Grwtll 7.'3 "" Coll• Giii 11,60 NL Indus! • • NL JP Grt" 10" ti 0 MOHY " •. ,. I0.10 lft<OfTI • St NL N•c' '""I~ Im '"'°"' I.ts l.M Cwllll AB ts I OJ ln<OfTI 121 NL Janu1 I' t•.11 NL M$8 I'd U.SI NL N t::r• 1111 NL U 80 4.t. '·'• IC.A 1.1• I 4' Cwl"' c l.J' I jO Fst lllV9'ton Jolln H...cotll Mui Ben • " I0.04 N Motil 10.SJ NL Vnln< 11.a 12.J I NPe" 6 '4 I.CM Como M I '4 'C11 8nCI Ao IHI IS.I> Bond II.I) It U MIF Fd 11' 1,4' Prim« 10 C10 NL V"lted F-. WsllMI .. SI I.It Comp I'd 111 140 Disco ,., t .J3 Grwtll •.:!' ••S ""'" Giii 427 .,, TaFr• .... NL Accm ••S 7.21 ........ , ~·I (Oll(Ord 14.IS NL Grwtll 1.11 u o B•l•n .. ,, • 01 Mut11•10I ~ Pro ,,..... 1 10 NL 80fld .... I.JI
(8084 I 22 I .. C001s l"v t IS tt 12 ln<om I 07 1.n Ta Ea ll.I• t• 91 Amer 10 ts ti 0 Pro Inc t I• NL ~°" Gr :·~ ·~·:; ~rrVi"' .. ~',Hi con ... ~ : ;r ~t ... ~~,-A ~fr I .. ~. ~~:~~ ,~ NL ?~-;::: ~ ~ ; " ~~~"::: ,.::: " IS l~+M n~ ;:::
ln<F:r1i:., .:s• :,,1c1~;n: :n: F\~~ 10.~ :t h"Z :1: 'f!t 1111!t~, ~:: ~~( ~:o.. 1~-: tt~ ~:" .:..r.
11114111• 2J. .. 24... 1, C•tll t C10 NL •• Wall 16.•I NL HI Yid 11.Jt 12.Cll Net Avl• JO J' NL Int EQ 1111 1•.CIO V ~•1119 '2·j07• IN.ILO
Toi "" 7.11 7.15 1,1ncm I 00 NL "net GI" ..... .... -M 1.00 NL N•ll 111411 12.01 NL O-ro 11.'7 t•.n vn,· S•L~!.. .... lle11tr II.SI It.I• 11••-~· Fe111ftder1 Gto1111: #ljlljn8 10,11 10.M Nel Se<U!' Sow Gtw!ll IO'I 11 'l • ue P,.. .....,:
C1•1tltl t.11 I.• m•I 12.11 !UI Grwtll S II S60 Osfln 11.97 14.07 ••18ft f '4 10.11 HIYld 11.11 19.06 r•I LI ~·~ t~:
E2:Gtll 1,.i •·• ••w 11,45 tUt llllom 11.n 11.n Sun>m 1u2 tt.M Bond u• o• "'"'m 1.24 7.t• _:"'f:: 15 • n·• ~:; rn u~ .~~ rn ;·: =:.1 ,~:: 1:: l:~ u; .:.: g~-:.~.. ;:r. :·t: 8:~$, 1rn ,:.;~ s:l's.. ...,. ..,,
Pac• 11.U 1US Dell• 5'0 t.O Fr•nklln Gfeup· KeySION FUl!Ch ,.. ''" .... 1... hlhl JUI"·'' Vance ~ , ... Pt4W141 , la 4.02 Clllltl• Br-n UI ,_.. Liii Tr t.00 NL tn<Om S.10 6.U Vllte !2 . ., 16.IJ lll<Ofll 1 .... ,....,.
AGlllP'CI •.1• 1.11 16.00 NL DNTC •. n Ut cus 81 "·" "·! lQlhv I.GO NL vo, .. IUI "" e:'n"'t '1·'!.. ·'·~ ""•"'• UO.. . . ~r C:.. J Of J • Grwll\ 6.Jt 6 Cut 82 11,Jt 20. tock I.Of 1.71 1tel11._ UO NL mlft ,,.. ·-Al1161.nP'd ... , I.II' cd ,,·., "t Utlla U7 4.'3 Cut 84 1.11 •. •I!• 11,to tt.U lt•Mrte 1,0t NL v I ~.,!··· ~1111'"' .... NL •SI 1• S4 flt lncem 1.• 201 Cut Kt I 2J 1. "\Ll'9 Fllllld: lteftrt UO NL ~ ..,....,...:
1'111.l!JI!< IJ.11 NL • ew 10.te NL US G4W 1.11 •:41 C·llt Kl Ul J.12 4'Uil lt.14 IUl Sef9< 1111 UI fO,SJ Jft'r a·• =· t ANtvlll l.H US .,1vs Oro· Ceplt 4 t> 4.4$ C1n St 11 . ., "·" Grwtll II.ti l'-'3 Se~ 0"1 l!,91 1U2 1 _.. A-•· ... .... o,..,, t).07 .,.,, E4¥11 i.1 UI Cus Sl ... •.u IMOfTI •UI I.ti St~ .... t.n "", .. ,, i11 tt Ao,tU -811 Le¥99 11 S4 "11 Ll!AHI I.GO NL Cut S. UO j,1• ltetE41 U.M 1•,a, 5' WI Ut IUt 14 · NL .AH Hti!llMOft: Llct At t.00 NL FUllOllll UI •.17 Pol•r J.SJ U• Clll#t Sc ser-t: "ltd e 1.11 t.St 1 NHllltt 1 11 NL , ..... In< GB. LUlllllOll ~. 16.• NL Cem St 16.•7 NL : 1"'"' ;~ ~LL lll<Ofll U2 .... s.t Inc I •• NL C."'111 ... NL Cp Ldr IJ.07 ••• ,, ~ ..,,,. lnc9m IU7 NL ~ ..... $18Ck t.» 6.lt hi"' 1'.7' NL l"'PI< 1 ... I.It LU Gr 14 ti IUO l!"rtY It II NL 1"11 FCI lt,t NL W.l!•I -11.Jt Nl
EGt I ,,. IUSt Tllre C 16.9' NL[ tlld Tr to.ta to.to LH Ill '." IO.jO G ... re ti.It NL ,,_.11 It tt.• NL ~,,_.I lG ••·177, ~LL
II( ,... Nl. ·= Gr • 11 10.cn ~llOI "" NL L•11 .. U.OI ".. Llen't ••• NL MM8 .... NL :::.::' ..... u' NL lllv IO.Ot NL I• ,.....,. ~m IUI NL Liie In\ • M lt,J4 M8ltfll t 1' NL ~I #.M NL "" ....., • Giii US NL• 8 .,. 1.,. 1'1 • 1U1 NL Liq G8P 10,00 NL P.,lfl tJ.to NL Se<_lt, ......... WI..., NL
tH<Hlff .... NL ,,_, 111 NL!I • ' -·· NL L'"""'' S.Yle• klMIS ,.... NL ~ '·" ... , wv.,,,1: •. G ~·,. ,•-»., ~.., Gt911(11. Gtwtll II IJ llOI Se< 10.7' NL ClltMI IUO NL .,._ Wlf II •r NL 1.,1, U S t.• • ,. ..
t• 1'0 1.11 !fl IMMI UI. .~ Mltll 1.00 NL Miit IJ.AIO NL ""'101 1111 NL ~llfttl 7.11 t.n •1!: ~ I!·"' !:!LL 19' ,. •.Of NL Ii' I 0t t.J fltl llld n.t1 NL L9"1 "'*'" .,._, 111< US .. L UMH II • 1US ~"" ,U ,. ~llC:. 1.a UI 11 tM .70 ....,.1"911: A"lltO 1.M L U NkM,d tt.• NL IK'90 ..... ltf'ulNn;
'" UI I I " "·" NL " HOA • M us BM • 10.10 II u ,._. •.11 ••• Afft$M ·1 "LI °'"" 1t! NNLL Oii t.Q 1'.'5 0-0 tll "L ONifl 7,11 '71 Dev G1 1145 IU.1 = , IUI NL ""1fls II. NL l'fewi ... 9-0.: !fllll Tr 1'• NL lllCMI UI NL IMOl'n JOS 11' -UI '-11 llMI ere.· ':!naL .?!-6'.__Nl. (..... Ltl NL lfwl Ta t.St NL 14•'1 09' 11-'t NL LwtlWt.,. 9'o II M 11.11 A(lles Mt 4.00 " -..., -CNlt • 1.)1 "'--"* IO IO" .. ' .,, LH tO.tl NL ,.... IG.42 tt.Jt "' IS.n N&.1 ...... 7.11 ,,,.,c .. '" <Mr9tl
.. -
...... ~·-··--.. ·-----· ........... --... .. ~ .. . n .... -. --· ....... ,.
Trend Contta.w•
Really Are N~t
.... • • .
If you gel drunk on Seagram 's gin, take an Alka~
Seltzer for your hangover , smoke a Kool cigarette, brew a:
cup or Taster 's Choice insta nt coffee, shop In Saks Fifth
A venue and then try lo caltn your jangling nerves bY.
downing a Valium tranquilizer. you will have. in each
case. bought from a for eign-owned company.
While these a re eve ryday names in Ame rican life.'
they all belong to non-U .S. companies.
bulk of its business here .
Miles Laboratories, maker of Atka -Seltze r and One ·A·;
Day vitamins. has bee n acquired by a German chemical
giant, Bayer .
Kool is made by Brown & Williamson Tobacco, wholly,
owned subsidiary of D.A.T Industries. British multina-
tional opera tor R.A.T also owns the Saks Firth Avenue
c hain
T aster's Choice IS one or the many brands or Nestle.
the Swiss confectioner, also~c owner.of Libby, McNeil
a nd Libby, Stouffer f oods and Alcon Laboratories .
Valium . world's la rgest selling drug. was developed by
the S w iss pha r ma
c· e u t 1 c a I · c h c m 1 <.' a I
firm , H o f fm a n
Lu Roche.
T h e l i s t o r
Ame rica n com panies
owned or controlled by
forejgn interests keeps
le ng thening . f our ht ~ ones fe ll last year. Amtel or
Providence. R I . industrial manufacturer wit h sales of
Ml5 million, fell to Canada 's Dominion Bridge Airco of
Montvale . N.J . chemica l company with sales of ~920
million. was boug ht by Britain's BOC. National Starch and
Chem ical of Bridgewate r. N .J . fi r m with sales of ~O
million. was acquired by Unilever . the An~lo-Dutch com
hinl' already rc1>rcsl'nled here through Le ver Bros. and
Tho!.. J. Li pton. And Budd of Troy. Mich .. automotive pr od
ucls s upplier wit h sail•::. or $1.2 bil lion. was picked off by
t;l'rmany's Thysscn
C S. companies. they are investing here directly. start mg
from s t•ratch
Firestone T ire and Rubber has been having a lot of
trouble making r adial tirt~s <or money 1, but France's
M ichl'hn m akes it look easy. Michelin. whose s ha re or the
Amt'rt<.'an market 1::. ris ing s teadily. will but Id a MOO
million tire plant ne ar Columbi(4, S.C. Thal will be 1ts rifth
plan t 111 th{• United States l\fter tha t. 1t plans lo build
anothe r radial pla nt ne ar Austin. Tex<14'
Ameril'an manufat·tu rcrs 11f T V st>ts alsQ have had
thf'ir problem::. If they didn't go out uf business. t hey went
11\l'rSt'iJS to makl· lhl'm But tht· .Japanese seem to hkl'
nrnk1 ng lt•lc\'1!.11111 s1•h 1n tlw 1 · S '.I.Ith /\mertc<1 n lahor
Fin• .Japunc ... 1· <·•Jm pa n1l'.., Sony. San yo. Mabushtta.
:\1 1t-.11l11sh1 anti T11-.h1 h:J an• a lready making TV re
1·1•1\ !'I'.., hc •rl' T Y.11 m o1 1· llll.1dll :inrl Strn rv wall l)J>t·n
l ' :,. pl ant!> th1 -, \1·:11
Market 's Early Rally
Runs Out of· Ste am
NEW YOHK 11\I '• T hi· -,111t k rnJr Kt't -'LI:-m tllt:d tn~
u a~. r..tllt'n ng :.aft ('r .1 ... tr.,ng 'il<art
Thl· f)oy. .11tn•'" .1\l'l',J,I!(' or :m industrials, UJI Jll<1UI a
p1Hnts 1n c·:.arly tr acl1 nl! ":1s o ft I '.fi' p111nb lo k~li. to
l;atnl'!'~ a nd let..,1·rs Y.1·ri• .1ho u1 4·\ 1'11 1n lht· I :.all) 11f ~l'Y.
\ ork Stock fo:s('h1rn~e-ll:-lt'<l ,..,.,ut·-.
Thl' markl'I turned upwa rd Tues day a fter the Jlf>\'t:rn·
mc nt , rcporlL'd that Meiers for d uruhle g11od!.. fe ll H.7 per·
<:cnt in April for their sharp<.'Sl dcC'ltnc in 11 ye:ir~.
Analysts sa1<1 I he nt'WS was ~·c lcrimcd l:l;-in\·cslors in
I hl' hop<' that an~ slowdo~ n tn uus1ncs::. CIC'tl \ 1ty Wtll bring
with 11 rcducc•d 1nfl<it1onary pn·ssures dnd lowt·r mterest
.4'1oc•k• 111 Thr
,lnwrfran Leader•
NEW VORIC !AP). S•M!' ' om 0"C• •nd ne-t chltnQf' of ttw-'"f'I m o\1 tt.Ch vte Amefl<M Stoc9' E at nAnQ.. •'\~"' ..
1'•dfnq N hort'111V df m Off" '""" " Ovnah~ct Cp Al I.JOO I l. • 1 •. S.Otitron 1&7,600 \ 1• At\ttlnt A lf)L800 u
l"lrClyG\O llO?OO II'•
C•rn•ln &3.&00 11 OCL In~ \O JOO ~ •
(olnCmt \I 100 " • "' AdotM!'OI C,\ ~I •00 1bt 1 • t• •
COnSuoOtl a ••. 100 10.0 • I
Mhal S1oc-k 11 D id
Un< l'H1n(lt"U Total ,,,..,... ..
Nt w h1Q,,,
Nf'W tO•\
fOOJ• ddY
"" <IOf> •1J Sii .;4 4)1
ld~I IQ •I JI 11 31
NE W VOAK •ooro• t•o..•• Ptt'V•OU\ <liJ'f' Wrf>• '900
M onfr\ ,.(IO
Yf.tt dOO
fAP t NV S10<11. '-''•'
rwo """'' dQO J dft t 10 Mt,..
'"" to d•I .. l'>ll to Ot111P
WHAT AMEii 0 10
Aciv~ncr<i Ot>ci.n~o UnthanQf(I Tot•t 11,ut!S Nt w lll<1h•
New IOW\
)0 J<I0,000
J0.•00.000 la,JS0,000
ll,l~,000 )t,,~.000 X> 110,000 1 US,~'1,01\
1 &l,l,•60.000 1 o<1J.~~.ooo
t OOd'r 04Y
181> 110 l.. H I 178 71• 80J 804 .. " • 11
r '
....... -.. --··--...... -.. ·-·-------· ·----....... -.......-·-·--·-·-·---·--------~, .. -.. ....,..-... ,... . ......, ... ...,. .. ---~ ... ,._ ...
.... -(
Retarded K~ Like Ducks to Water.
••f'!t--~ .................... -. 1'\,a.WI ........... .
''l 'U bet the hot lJ!lh 11re buu111~ ll~t· rn11d m all lhl'
capitals ol t.M world "
F Or the Record
LAS VEG~S. Nev. M•llt•O•
OAIGH·llATTERS8V -C"-<10 G ,
U, et H~ llNcll, -Lino• e,.,..,,. ,,, et inr1ne.
PATE·AOW -Ro0er1 Broll. 10. or
Le Pel.,.., eflCI Lori J Hn. II of
F-.te1n v .... ,.
AN .at
JOHNSON-WARNER·-Ro ... ~· nf HltMiftt'Dn e..c11, •nd p..,hM IC ,
60. of FllllertoA.
Mklleel M ., 24. •nd T!Wttt~ Ell•n,
14, -of H-ift91on hKI> PRIVETT-SCHRAMM -Mi<n••I C .
1a. •net S/Wlron 01-..., 11, DOln of
Coste ..,. GARZA·STOUT -Jo-.on P 10. •M
CllffYI L.,..... It. tlolll ol Hunltnqlon
C,4 A( tA HA' l~f ~C'lM 1,.ntt""\
td••rO 44, •NJ ~r•tvnn J""" •S
DOii\ OI LO\lo """"' HANNONLIC,hTJ OOT ~1lhJ1!.2
,.,•nt-t\, l\ •rKt t .. h .''4 f Ar h; l><>th
o• Hu,,tu-oton 8f'd l r\
MOJl(A·ROORIC.Ul l M ouuel A
)t. ano (,101 Id l .,, butn ot f-Oun·
t1tln Vo11v,
CIR•~ E C.•AI ANO l.11rry P.itul,
79, •"O CIWl\11 Ann, i.. boll• ot Hunt
111111on 8-.h.
Afan. 4 J, of ltvinr. •nd J•ne
Elll~IM!ltl, 77, Of S..nl• """ NI C.ASSl().SODEAQUIST V1<10•
Rocto, 1J, ot HunflnQlon lk•cn. •nO
L1\• Dawn, 1), Of Nurc o
M U N!.ELL·r01H f R R•nddll
C.tn~ 7• """ Jo"nn~ 2S. DOln ot
(O\ttlM .. \.d OWENS MOORE Odnotl Tnom"'
11, ol s .. n1~ """· and Dororn~ " J)
Of W•\tm•n,t .. r
WILi IAMS l0(HAl0C.t Rnv
Arl"u', 4'. ot ,,.,,..WCX>f1 a.~.,rh, dnd
El t1d0.lll L , U , of Yorbol Llndd
a, IOt\NNS a &\'MN.88
Of ..... ,""'4 ....
The ch.lldrl'n aplaahlna in Lht pool al the Oranae
CoHt YMCA are ruled by the anarchy cU1tomary of
klda ln wa~r. lftatnact.or1 ahout for everybody to One
up aaainat the wall. ltalf re.pood, lh4' r~1l awlm lhe
oppoalledirtl<'tlon or dlvtt under wattir ~
IT'fl A SCENE TYPIC.\L of a recreation swam
But there 's • b11 difrertince at thali pool. The
k1d11 l'IJ)IHhlnti about am ell handlc11pped in som e
way. Moat art• mt ntully rchtrcfod
That fart dooftn't c.h.·ter them from having a
grut time in the w1atcr n1uC'h to the dt.'laght of their
parent• MJld cou<'hc"
The-nve ('(){t('hl'll, led hy llt hm t'ernandei and
Jo Ann Welch urc 1u1 11lc•ased with their progr am
as are thf' part1<'ipants
The two wo mt·n ~turtN1 II\ the fall of 1977 with
nine <'hlldrcn
THE SWIMMINC i SESSIONS hdd thr ee after
noons a week now 1n<'l ud1..• 40 youngsters from all
rn ,.r Orungt' County
Their swimming ab1htacs range from those
"'ho arc JUSl gt>ttmg u:.cd to the water to the prm~
\\ rnnmg talents of the Jl'Oll r1tm 's Spec11tl Olympll'S ,.Cl m pctitors
Al last month's l'Ountyw1de competition for re-
tarded and bandkappcd children. the Or ange
Cuast YM CA s wam team took l2 ribbons.
Three of at:. mt"m bers . Eric Heslington. 11.
M attht'W Bergholz. 17, and Michael Hughes. 13, did
so wt'll, they 'll ht· going to the statewide Spec1dl
Olymµi c:. at UCLA nt'xl month
LIKE THE SWIMMING program itself. their
parents are grateful the Spec ial Olympics provides
ao outlet for their youngsters' athletic drive.
And the parents, like their children . are
absolutely bowled over by the prospect that a good
race at UCL.A could mean a trip to New York and
the int<'rnational competition
... For Matthew, it's what gets him motivated to
get out of he'd in the morning," observed his
m other Shirley Be rgholz as she watched her son
practit'(' divin~ into the pool und swimming with
po werful s tro kes lo the op1>0site end
Aside from th<' JOY 1t hring!) into their lt\·cs.
th<.' swimming progr;.1m has 11lhl'r bcnd1ls for the
child ren. Mr:.. Welch exphun!).
Coach Helen Fernendez With (from left) Eric Heallngton, Mlch•el Hughes and M•tthew Bergholz
moving seems lo help their mental a bilities as
w~ll ... says Mrs. Welch.
"Besides. the most important thing is that 1t·~
something they can do for the rest of their live!>
They can do it with their families and 1l g1Vl"-
them a great deal of sutasfaction ··
J im OeBoom, ext.•t•ut1 ve director of the Y. says
tht" program will be cxµanding next fall afkr a
s l'Jmmet break.
"We have so mC1ny requests . we'll have to I
thank this 1s the 1>nly prcmrarn of tb kincl 1n th•' t·nc l
of the county · ·
ll also gives some sat1sfact1on to the m e m ber" -----~--of tht' Newport Center Kiwdms Club who d ondted
$2.500 to help pay fo r the swim progrdm this yedr
The Y kicked an ~.000 und the balance comes from
the families
The dream boat }OU St>f~k b pro-
bahly in the• Boating classified ads APR.JO
O•n••I R<ty-, 1S, OI A~dondo
8««11, -IUM. 11. of Hun11no1on
~ORTON·SO•::io'ER . (Mrl~' "IT'S GOOD EXERCISE ror them. Many of THE KIWANIS CLUB ah.o I!) helping Pd)' the
Ed•••d Jr .. JO. o1 Santa An ... ano these children have motor coordination p roble m s cost of getting the youngsters to the Special Olym.
or the·
642:5678 DAILY PILOT
tfOLOEN-8R08EAG 8urlon
Cl•'· 60, of CMno. -A01# M•roe. 50.ot~a...-·· "NOERSEN·LENZ -Erl~ Ovblo,.~1 ,
D, end Neftty Cwol, 30, bolll of Hunt-.,.._.._.
PRIESTER·ZELLM"N J"llr~v H n. eftd J9ftnltw J .. 1•. 1oo111 o1 <:0)1• ~... .
DEt:RIN~COWAN Edw•rd l""·
1l. •nd s.ndr.t LIH9n, ?l. boll> o• Hun· 11nq1on ee .. 11
Deaflt Nol Irr•
f VELYN P t:.RSON ~"''"'"•'.., M•
p~nO•t\Q .tt Pd( 1f1( V11•llf M ••MtH ,,,1
Park Mor11.ktry
AUOREV MURRAY S.rv1t .. \ ,,,r
fl•"d•n9 •t P•C1h< Vktw M fl'morMI
Pd•• Mort!MrY
&ldeftt of Fountekt v..ii.v. Ca Pa-. .. d
eway 9ft ......... Me, '1, 197' M Ille
F_ .... V•leY c--i1y HOtoi .. I.
Ml" Worst WoH • ~i<al A~~l\l•nl
for th~ A.tdtcthon ~nd Or"H oloQv
.M1dK•I GfouC> 1n F4'Uf't6•n V111111t"Y tor
,...., 1><1~11 year\ -"'"-., "''4><••1 ~d wllll medical 9fOU.CK "' '"" <..tnl.t llollonlt• -ttw Or-C.oun1y .trr.t\
IM llW ~I JO .,..~. !>u•vovecl Dy ""' mou.er, Vlvi.n I. Woe•• and•" •mn1. Ora KO<ll ol Hun111191.,., 6"oKll, (d
M•morl•I -vicoH will~ «><>OU<l•<I
on,,...,,.,..,, Mey 14. 1'7'1 at 1 lO PM
'" tll• Ple"e 8rotllltr\ Sm1111,
Nlorlu.ry wllll Or. ,.,,..u, R. R•·e.•.
C-•SIOI' of Ille First (llro\11'1" CllU•lll o•
f ounlaln Valley, otlo<l•hnq lnl•r
ment •ill be pnvete Piette 8rolll•r\
Smllll•" Morfu«ydlrKIGr• ):..-1>))'1
EVAN' WILLIAM It. El/ANS. r•\ldMI of
Co•ta MeM. C... P•swel •way on ,,,.,..,.
11. ""· He I\ s.urvlvf'd by Iii~ ..on
Wllll•m T. Ev-. ot Aloll,., OreQOn. I
brother, AoY Evens ot OU•hom•. ctnd
I lllslff Noll PY'Odor of Par•mounl.
Ce 9 1r•nd<lllldren. 21 ci rt •f·
ciran«lllklren. S.rvke\ wlll n.. r>etd on
t-rlday at 11:00 AM •t tn. Bro.tdw"Y Cllapel wllll Rev. C~rle~ 0. Clar•.
F1rs• United CllUr<ll of CO'>!~ Me'~ ut
lltr•lln<J. Bun.ti will bl! •I '"" Mnn l e clto M e mori .tl P IH •. S"n
8 Hnard1no C• 8ell llroad'"••
Mcw111My of Cmt.t M•VI dtr.,clo"
ST,.NLEY M<EUEN ""'"•(•" MO' ~,,dln9 "' P•t•ll< llj~W Mt•morutl
P••Mort-y SMITH
e4 C.tllloml•. f?\~I ot ,.nah.,lm
Pntad _.,May n . 1'7• "' 1~ "9" ot ' , ... ~ He .. ~ Ill• 1>11r .... h . O•bDI~
Sntllll ot A-.m .tnd Cll"'"" Smtlll
of El P•M. T•••' •nd • bro1nu CllMIH Smltrl of A......,lm Two un
cle._ Tom Smjltl ol Fullerton, and
O.lln Sn>itll of A......,,.~ •n h l'I,
hrllle Surma ol Nortll Jud-.on, In
di ..... F-al wnrlcH and llllerm""t
.......... pl.Ce In North JudWI', 1,.
d1•n•. Smllll & Tullloll Mo rluorY
torwantifte dtrtttoo. •21 E. l/lh !.I.
Cost•MeW ..... ..._
7801 Bolsa Ave
PAClfilC YlaW
t • IDllAL PAIK Cemetery Mortuary
3500 Pacific View Drive
Newport Beach
San Jua.n c.>tstrano
OfobraAnn,10.olWestmtn•ter II h I pies o"L roN 0A111s -sre•tn Pau1. n . ..:a:....n..:.d::_"'__:'e:....'..:.ve..:__f:....o:....un __ d_t_h_a_t.....;..g:....e_tl_i_n.:::g_a __ t_o_s_e_m_u_s_·c_e_s_· ____ · ------------~---------------------------and C h,.r• Lynn. 1b , b o th ot
Grover, lS* .,_. ,,,.,.,Y Fr•nc.~s. 18,.
boll\ of Hunllnolon 114;.t<ll.
0 "111!.-KEELER R~) S1~p11,,..
18, of S&n J,..n (Apo"'""°• and Su•dn Lynn, 11,ol L_ ... NIQU('I
BURROWS.FIES Danod E.. 41,
t\nd ldtl M ., .. ~. bolhot l•'IUnA H HI\
I H 1l1 'H(\M P'>ON Robrrf
Au~Ju\t, ?'i, MMJ (ynlh1d Anu, 1). bOfh
o' ,..,.,,..,flnciton 81.-i1ch
MV ER~ LEWl<,ON °"''" WaU•n ?t1 ot Muntmoton BedCh. "'"d J1•<.
Qutolvn ()f-P 71. of G,ttdf1n Grove-
' ~, ..
'•Euewhere .
Rill Rank. 74, a 1az1,
tromb o ni s t who
performe d with t>or
net isl Rix Hciderbecke.
the Paul Whiteman or-
chestra. and the Dorsey
brothers. died Monday
Ctl llLJ\ VISTJ\ 1AP 1
Dave Aldridge, 79.
forme r C:Jrca ch1t'f or the
U.S. Immig ration and
Natura lization. daect
R(•tircd Navv Rear
Adm. Karl J . Christoph,
H3. died he re Sunda y He
was awardl'<I the Silve r
Star while serving with
a mphibious invas ion
furn·~ 1n lht' South
I' iJ Cl f ll'
-Former J,os Angeles
County Public Defender
Richard S. Buckley. 64.
died Monday at Verdugo
Hills Hospita l after a
long illness .. He was ap-
pointed public defender
in 1967. and ended his
co ntroversial tenure
with r etirem e nt in
January 1976.
Neptune Societ y
646-7431 C .. for
C•m.11 ...
1-larbl>r Lmwr
.. . . ... . .. . . . . . ·.: ·. : : ..
REG. 1160"
SALE $119
PARLOR SET by Homecrest
Adjustable 30" mesh-top table and 2 patio
chairs with
re movable seges seat cushions. Sale
11. I •• -• I
• t ' • , ~ I 1 " :1
\ ! 11 ' I
I \ I I •I • 'f I
-, "' ·.,
MAY 19th
FROM 11-3 P.M.
We carry a flll 1111
of acctUtrlu.
,.,11e1111111 parts. etc .
•Cooking Grill
• Rotisseries
•Knobs ... •Lava Rocks._..._ ___ _
TO MERCHANDISE INST'.-.--~~-t--~~~~~•
Coste Mesa
110 Broadway
MIMlt1'mtU. lllOllNMY _...,CHAPIL
09nltay • PIOW9r Shop
4~7 !. 171h St.
Coet•Meu ~
•Interment In
Anr ·o.meterr
• Sltlpment
••. complete •
Call for free
Cremation Portfolio
t ,
•J• DAM. V PILOT W9dneedey. -a . 1171
~ -
\\I 11'<'1 'di\) ---.. ,, •. =ON9
~ . ....,.,..., ..
~-.Or ....... i.
.... IO c:at9 lot "'"' ....
W"-t • •OOll •I• -~i•lt •• Doctytuara1"0
~ en "'""'' Ila • *GM IV ~ IM """" ., ,...... (lfOl.CI -...
~IM-ol .. .... ,........ IM'"I .... .,...,
•lily • '"'9IW)¥...,..
Cinctt'• ~ ... daN ••
~ ..... -I~ ltlinll• lotl4ty .... ""°'*'
""'""'900 s._.,....._..llv•
gang 01 youtlta whn
~ '"-·--°' , .........
~I dtAMll Cl!hC •flO
playw119"I """""'"' hl\..,I (RI .... ~
Cop'• Cri•I•
Lucy play' CuJJ•O "'""" n•"
l10fln<IS. 1"41 M•1 ll"~ "'"""'
.. tllll•OQ out
De nnis Wcavt!r pla y~ a tenacious poltcc
lle tl'tllvt· <Jnd Diana Muld<.a ur 1s h1l> w1fr
1n "'A Cry ror Justice." a nt·W Polit·\·
Stor y clrama. amng tonight .it ~on !'J UC .
ChMnnl'l ·1
OueSI Wan"' lle11 ... utno•
ot The S•Mlnt Clown~
~fart 2 of 3) •
7;001 ==-= NEWl YW£D GAME
I ({) JOf<fft'I WILD
Steve 1s shOCktl<l 10 ll!it1n
tNH 111:; l1anceo wnom ""
l:>t!ht>ved 10 nnve t11.,o on
lh& Oj)ttldllllg litl:>ltl 1•
.. 11vtl (Par! ti
Fr..o and Litmont tnrow 11
""'Ohbofl!OO<I plkly '" 1111
ett01t 10 •11M ~ to
pay lhflf• bllls
fl) 21 TONIGHT
"Housing" (Pafl 3)
7:30 8 WORLD WAR II 01
Mtd,.ay IJ (10) FAMfl Y FEUD 8 SPECIAL
Channrf Lbf ing•
f) KNXi 1CBS) LO'> Ang.,h:">
.. KNBCtNBC) L O'> AnqelP')
• KTLA (Ind J LOS Angele'> D KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angeles
(I) KFMB (CBS) San Diego D Kt-U-TV (Ind ) Los Angeles III KCST {ABC) San Diego
• Ktrv flrid ) Los Angeles
• KCOP·TV (Ind) Los Angeles
• KCE'T ·TV (PBSI LOS Angeles
'9 KOCE· TV (PBSJ Huntington Beacn
~1•lf1 Annudf !:>c•o•u u
I •Im A.w11rth Cc1.,1>11tv
pru...,nters 111ctu<1•nQ Vin
c.enl P•K:e Rod T\tyto• an<I
8tenda V&cc1t•o IO'n nost
W1Noam Shatne1 I()( llHS
yf181°S •wards
• AOAM-12
0 111C4'11 RIMKI accuses a lot.
tow OlllC8f ot un~, v
cwelly to ,...spect~
1:00 i) rlJ ROCKY'S • FR1€NOS
A sne11k pre111ew or tne
mo 11ie "Rocky fl' and COl'f'I·
ments by same ot 11s stu•s
on tne.r roles ••II De
pres&nlACI 0 REAL P£<>f>lE
Tne tunny things done by
;,vt11ydav e>eoole an<1 ll>ll
overyd&y things done by
tunny peoplA aro> seen 1n
Watergate Sunk
Dean Drama Opener Tied for 14th
NEW YORK <AP) -Viewers had
to choose Sunday ni~ht between John
Dean's "Blind Ambition" OQ CBS and
"A Man Called Intrepid" on NBC.
but many apparently preferred to
wait for ABC's ''Love's Sava~e
f"ury," which began an hour later
than the two miniseries
The two-hour ABC h im was No 3
rn the W('Ck 's ratm~s. behind a cou·
pie of situation comcches likewise
from ARC. ''Three's Company·· and
"Laverne and Shirley "
The fi rst chapter uf "Blind Ambi·
tion." CBS' fou r -part Water gate
drama. finished in a tie for 14th in
ratings from the i\.C. Nielsen Co. for
the week ending May 20. while Part I
of NBC's four-part World War It spy
story was a dismal 47th.
THE LINEUP AT the lop helped
A BC to another first place finish in
the week's ratings, the front-running
network's 19th in a row. ABC's rating
was 17.1. with CBS second at 16 and
NBC third at 13.6.
The networks say that means in an
average prime-time minute during
.It's a Girl
For 'Gloria'
Struthers. the flaxen-haired ac-
tress who played Arc hie
Bunker's daughter Gloria on the
television series "All in the
Family," has started a ramHy or
her own.
Dr. William Rader said Miss
Struthers gave birth Friday lo
an ,8 'h·pound baby girl.
Samantha Struthers-Rader.
The couple were married Dec.
18, 1977.
the week. 17. l percent of the homes
in the country with TV were tuned to
ABC listed eight of the week's Top
10 programs, and CBS had the other
two including No. 4 "60 Minutes."
NBC'S TOP·RATED s how was
"Son-Rist': Miracle or Love." a drama
based on the true story of a couple and
their autistic son. It was 19th en the rat·
The rating ror "Three's Company"
was25.8. Nielsen says that means of all
the homes in the country with TV. just
over a qua rter saw at least part of the
s how.
ABC HAD TWO shows at the bot·
tom No. 57 "Mac ke nzies of
Paradise Cove" and No. 58 '·Osmond
Family Show" while NBC had the
last three -"Presenting Susan Ao·
ton." "Whodunnit" and ''H.izzonner ...
Here are the week ·s Top 10 pro·
grams: "Three's Company." with a rating
or 25.8 representing 19.2 'million
homes. "Laverne and Shirley." 25.6
or 19.1 million. and Movie·"Love's
Savage Fury." 23.2 or 17.3 million.
all ABC. "60 Minutes." 22.4 or 16.7
million. CBS ; "Taxi." 22 or 16.4
million. and •·Barney Miller." 21.7 or
16.2 million. both ABC: "M·A-S-H,"
21.7 or 16.1 milUon. CBS: "Happy
Days" and "Mork and Mindy," 21.4
or 15.9 million, both ABC, lie, and
"Angie," 21.l or 15.7 million, ABC.
THE NEXT II shows :
··G uinness Book of World
Records.'' ABC : ''Barnaby Jones."
CBS; "Carte r Co untry," ABC :
"Snoopy Come Home" and "Blind
Ambition," Part I. both CBS :
"Charlie's Angels." ABC: "Dukes or
Hazzard" and "Dallas," both CBS :
"Son-Rise: A Miracle of Love."
NBC, and ·'Bob Hope at the
Palladium,'' NBC. and "Lou Grant,"
CBS, tie.
.. =--• -·-------·---· . _, ..... -.
........ ---·-·
tftle --~·•lftt the ... ~_.,kl, eaMHT• ~
TOlft, d 1•11M to De the
.,.t ..,..... 9f EWI·
.,...., OOiiNillel...-~. ta
allOOllld 10 IMfl' IMf fill·
r.oml"e~.-8 MCWll
•• "ISutMlll ~I ........
( 10541 !)Kie P~, o.C>t>oe
Reynold• A HOllywOOO
M11t0tW111et •• Qlvet1 ou1to·
11y or • •aor.,,1 Qlfl dllfonQ
C111111m .. ('/ hll I
0.-11 04Gtl VII'! Oylo•.
'ony RancSall
• • 'My11e11e1 From
Beyond r11e htatiQt."
C t9171 ~twy. An
onlrigultlQ looll et -of the l)09tllble .,,,_, to
I.... tmlfd«OUS p.a:zle of
lhlil Batmu<la Tnengle. 12
hra I
The MWIM<'I And M0talS
0 1 High Capotah&m" How
<10 the a1111u0es 01 the
·•obl>et baron1" on 1118
.. oc:umulauon and ••pend·
•ture of capllal 11111 attecl
vs? '1\l TH£ PNME OF M488
1:30 f) CIJ 0000 TIMES
Fl0<1da's cOflOefn for one
ot he< young sch<>OI bus
pa~s puts "°' on a
t Oll1ston courM with 1"4l
child'• mo1he<. CPart 1 01 2)
Fel1a ~a -e
case Of 1naomnla and
Oscat Ir-to help ltim
9:00 f) (I) 8UND AMemOH
Dean al\d llll'ee othef tf>P
White Houte aides are
I.red l>y N1aon. alter
appear1ng OOIOUI 11>8 Sen·
ate Comm•ll<ltl. Dean •S
1udged gu11ty b~ John $111
ca 1Part 4 01 41
· A Cry For Jusllce (Prem·
1ere1 Robert Culp, Oeon•s
Wea•e< A palice 1nll(lst ..
gator reopens a murdf!f
c;ase that was supposedly
"solved" two years e9'1161'
by h1S II ashy, publ!Clty•
see111ng partM< 9 MAKE ME LAUGH D OJ 8AARY MAH1LOW
Smoino svpe•slar Jonn
Of,nvor 1o•ns 1>0~1 Barrv
Men1low for dn hOur of
KTLA e 7 :30 -Science Film
Awards. William <"Star Trek") Shatner
hosts this sixth annual event honoring
top !ici·fi achievements .
CBS 9 9:00 -"Blind Ambition."
The White House walls come tumbling
down in this concluding episode of John
Dean's account of Watergate.
ABC 8 9 :00 --Barry Manilow
Special. John Denver joins Barry for an:
hour of music and comedy. ISee photo
....,_ and comedy
0811C41 In Arnertca Ctlor6·
o0'8PltY 9y 8al1nci11ne,
Pllf1 I" Edward VtlkJllM
1ntroduces a program
1ea1.,,,ng rng-. mu$1C
by Ravel. the Andante
Mo•ement lrom Diver·
11men10 No IS musoc by
Mozal1, and The Four
Temperements. mu11c by
Hindemith. (RI G DAVID SU88'<1NO
10:00 I G NlW8 • ®l VEGM
A larnous lemale 51ng&r
actempttng a comebaci..
aMl!f a bOut with druos and
alcohol "'"" Oan to lftrn
wtlO Ii lllrealenlng ner hte
"little Gi1I U>at" A brtll1ant
scientist la held 10 realtty
by the llluSIOn that h•S
daUQl'ller •• •1111 allve.
el) THE HElf'ETZ
Jasch• Heifetz, cons•de•ed
the "'or1d's greate,t v•o••n
1st performs and conduct~
works by Go•s llwt•I Bacl>
Bruen Mozart Dellu~sy
,u•d Proi..011ev
10:30 GJ lll NEWS
11:00 6 1J fJ (I, @ • NEWS 9 MAKE'ME LAUGH G MOVIE * * "X, Y And Zee" I 1972)
Ehzabeth fayl<><, M!Cttael
Cauie A vengeful women
6015 out lo koep lier hus·
bend aller lfndlfWI out that
ne s h&Y1"Q an attaor 11 h•
S9 mm I
C1>1co trl4ts to talk Ed into
, .. Wing until Ed'a nlQltl·
"'are conlllneel "'"' l"IOI 10.
Benny portray• Ta•
Cymbal, "The Go4Gltl Boy Of Pop " ,,......,
Guest Waller Kflff autnor
of "The Siient CIOwni.''
(Part 2 ol 31
'1:10 • (I) 8WfTCt4
Pete al\d Mac try to pre-
•ant a pa" of e•t0f11on1sts
from blOWtng up a bani<
P<Mlderlt they llave turned
11110 a human bomb. (RI
Host Johnny Carson
Guests Clark Tfllry. Joan
Pepper paws as a model
to uncovet p10blems 1n a
Q.!rment t&et<><y
Sman must 111Jce a paytOll
10 CONTROL agents
n..tt•nd Ina Iron Cor111n fD CAPTIONED A8C
·w1ia1 s In lne Bo•?
'fog Ck>s.nq tn" A .. oman
·~ •er,.t!Od or s1ay1n9 alone
in her hou11e all olDtMl
KAOS t>utlds ll'le world s
smanesr roooc 10 kidnap a
scoenh~t fD 21 TONIOHT
t<ousing tPart 31
12:308 MOVIE
• • ', I op B.;nana ·
110.,41 Pr111 S•'""'S Ros..
Barry's Cabaret
Pop singer Barry Ma nilow salutes the elegance and glam o r . of
night club days with a lavish production number in "The Third
Barry Manilow Specia l'' tonight at 9 on ABC . Channel 7.
Anita Speeial ~t
Singer Anita Bryant. known for her
campaigns for oranges and against
homosexual rights, says her first
television specia l will provide an en·
tertaining alternative to the current
fare of sex and violence.
Miss Bryant. in Ohio for three days
of filming, said she believes the
show, which has been in the works
for a year, "will be able lo compete
with the best.·'
which is expe cted to be aired
sometime this ran. has taken the
singer-evangelist and her crew to
Sun Valley, Idaho. West Point. N.Y ..
Valley For~e. Pa .. and to Zanesville.
Money to put the special toJtethcr
was raised by Miss Bryant. with con·
lributions rrom persons sympathetic
to he r views. shl' said in <i telephone
mterYiew Monday ni~ht .
A variety show planned for the
former Miss Oklahoma was can·
celed because or the controversy
arising from her successful cam·
paign in Dade County. Fla .. to repeal
an ordinance outlawing discrimina-
tion against homosexuals.
REFERRING TO that cancella·
tion, the singer said. "This is all the
more reason why the special has
more meanin~. · ·
She said s he hopes the special
proves that "the alternative of a God.
family. and country show, getting
back lo basic values. can be done in an
entertaining way.'·
"H's encouraging to see this kind
of support." s he said.
..... A lllllMaioft IW ..
......... .-... IM*i-
~ -....... ..--Wlllt ........... Ctlw~M .... , ·--••• "'Ull At TM Tap" t .... 1 '---~ •
JMft ..,,.,,_., A -· ~-----dOlllO .... -· decldee to Mrwe an ett111r. (2 tw-.1 eMCMI *** ··~'*Y" CIM1) l•• Ae'"lcll. Yvaa
Montano. WMn .... Cl'90le
io-retume to~ fvr·
tllef trouble, a SoutMrn
~,.,.,..,.. ellenf, (2 '"·' 11:a1•0 MANNDC
Mannlll Md a ........ llttclf.
ney try 10 tr.. • man
WfOft/Jh aocueed "' '""'. <* by tlndlnQ Ifie ,.... ......
11:«18 (I) HAWAII FMM>
McGatren'• "*"°'Y IS
lftteel by I ~ING
killer <9-CfMltnQ murders
McGarrett ltad previously
sohled (RI
12:fl8 G MAYBICK
"Ooamond Flustt"
a.-1· Playt>oy put>1t"'8,
Hugi\ Hefnef. !~=1= t:48 MOYIE
• • ''t "Sta11..9h1er On
Tenth A•enue" ( 19571
Rocha•d Egan. Jan 518'·
tong Alter an '-' pier
bOU IS murdered. lfWelh·
gdtOrS l!ave trouble
obt1in1n9 intormahon lrom
ooca -oners 12 lws • 6
""n•I 2:001 NEWS 2:20 MOVIE
• •', 'Tea F0t Two"
t t95illl Dons o..,. O~don
~!)(;Rae Wt.en an heiress
t11es to back a Broaoway
Show. She dt~\ that
the manager of her estate
h,rs iost most or 1>01
money (2 l>r$ I
2:258 NEWS
2:30 9 MOVIE
• • ·, NtJW Vork Conh·
de.itiat" t t9SS1 BroderK:-
C•ilwlord. Anne BancroM
An 1n"8Sttgat1on 1s Q9t!nfld
10 praoe a New Vork-
bated intern.1oona1 1yn0t-
ca1e ( 1 ...... SS """ I GJ MOYIE * *''> "Murdet IS My
Business" 1 1~1 Huv"
Beeumont. C'-Yt Wllkei
Provate delecll•e Mike
Sl'laynti gels onYOhled "'
dnolhe< mys1aoous mur ·
__ ,,..,.,30 ..... 1
..... IMART • ..... CC*T~...,... ..................... .... ., ...... tDr
-~. . .. , .... " ... ....,.
* ·~ "GoddM V. TN Tlll119" ( 1•t•t •rra
TMM ... Vlrilo .....
Wiien Godlila tftrMNN •
~ moctl. Its mol'*
Mottlra attaick•. (1 tv .• 30 mtn.I
.... ltlCWIE ***" Fl'Olft Ute" 1-H.c-'1"1eetty, Mel
~---A mlltary ,,_.,, ~"' -"" of • wtlOM por-
".. hl'"9 In 1.ondorl n.(11v .. ~lnlf'I)
.. tnWldlrtAN>a 4:11 ...,.
.... MOVll * * "Tiie Baul W111t A
MllhOn Eyes.. ( 195!>1 Paul
Strei\. Loma Th11y9t A
myslenoos Cfllllture wtWcll
feeds on Ille braons of .,...
mfi ~ l>llCllbwds 10
ullllCk rancN!f&. a gent!&
c,;ow 10 stomp Iii neogltbor.
.tnd a pet dOQ 10 tvrn
mean. (1hf.!30 "''"I
Bayt i•e Mo.,ie•
1~ G • • 'h "Joe Bucterll•t''
C 1957) Audte Murphy, Bur·
gess Merfldtll! A cunnong
Jdp .. nese man takes
a<1v.,,,11Q8 of five heplels
Gts ""'° ,..,,, 10 publislt a
• • • *' , "In A Lonety
Plt1Ce" 119501 Humplwey
'80g8<1. Otor•a Gralleme.
'W~ a HOllv""OO<I ""'118' 1$
accuwct 01 mu•de<. he S411s
ulJ .1n <1hb1 .nv01v1ng hos
'E'lnen<I. Ct '" . SO min I
3:00 (LOl • 1h "Scalawag" 119731
Kirk Oovgtas. Matk Lester.
(1 ht ,30 m1n I
S;*> 8 • • "The Female
1 •8')" ( 1968) Jack Lord.
So.an Slresl>flrg A mele
h1tclllttkt!f accepts • rtdo
""1h a young gtrl. ,_
reallnnt;I lie ,. to becOme
tl>e u~ c.actlYfl ot hef
mothe< and SISll!fS In a
tone4y desert outpost. t 1
tH .JO min I
Shelley Hack
Newest Angel,
HOLLYWOOD <AP> -Shelly Hack, the Charlie
girl on the television.commercials, is the new angel
on ABC's "Charlie's Angels,'' producer Aaron Spell·
ing said Tuesday.
The producer said he was at ABC for con·
ferl'nces in connection with sigmng Mis!. Hack for
tho role · ~
Spelling ~aid Miss Hack
would began work on the series '
opening two-hour show on a
cruise ship in lhl' Caribbean on
June 11. The "Love Boat" cast
will alsoappearon the show.
~\ M~ HACK WILL replace ~.-
Kate Jackson. who quit the 1
show after three years a s angel /
Sabrina Duncan. Her character w.ctc.
name has not yet been chosen. She is a top model
and appears on the Charlie perfume commercials
She will JOIO Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Ladd a
the show opens its fourth season on ABC Sep-
Miss Ladd replaced Farrah Fawcett-Major~
when she left the show at the end of the series ·
first year.
MUCH SPECULATI\... ... had surrounded selcc·
t1on of the new angel1~er Miss .Jackson an·
nounced she was leaving the show. It was twice re·
ported that actress Barbara Bach had been signed
for the role.
Spelling said he and co-executive producer
Leonard Goldberg had seen more than 200 ac-
tresses in ~heir selt>ction. In addition. they looked
at photographs s ubmitted by 5,000 other hopeful11.
Hope Eyes China
HOLLYWOOD IAP> Tuesday il would be the
-Bob Hope is going on first such show since the
the road again _ this thawing of relations
time to put on a show in between China and the
the People ·s Republic of __.;.U_n_it_ed_St_a_tes_. ___ _
The show will be
telecast next season on
Hope will film the
s how in June, principal·
t y in P e king and
Shanghai. NBC said
FROM Fash ion Island
.............. --.... ----... ., ..... -·-. ··-... __ ...__.. ---·-·-·· ----··------•
_ l()CAl /WORLD i NATION ...
•• I
t'Bus Lift
\ . . . • !·Lawsuit
• ! Dropped I •r HBl!XlC.\ a11:1.~ ...............
The C allfnrnla Atto rney
: Geri~'raJ ha1 dropped a lawsujt
• that bad demanded that llft.s for
: · hendlcappt!'d ~·~ bt-lnataUf'd
: on 455 nt•w bu8~t1 the Orana~
{ County Tt~n.sil 01strk l re<'t'nll)'
1 received.
But, in makll\lt tM OUl•Ol court
scttle m t nt . OCTU d1re<'tor~
.tt.itffd to rt!Mlu• uny rww htU;c~
cftdert•d "fully Uc.'<'l'S~lbh• 111
mobUlty bnndkap~ persons "
And, 1n u relate d ai ~·11 on
awarding a ~1 0 I m1 1110 11
con t ract to Gt'ne r a l Mu1or~
Corporation Jor 75 more ""'" C'oaches. thti d irE>rlors spc«1r1cll
thal all the buses be equipped
with hydraulic lifts estimated to
~ost $15,000 ea ch.
Delivery of the order 1s l'X
pec t l'd next yea r . OCTD '~
Ge ne r a l Ma n uge r J a m es
Reichert saM.
A second segment or the set·
tle m e nt wilh the a ttorney
general specified tha t OCTD
must maintain Its existin~ Dia l·
A-Lift transit service for the
handicapped 1~ntil d elivery of
the 75 new buses is made.
In originally contesting the ut
, torney 11tene ra l ·s charges. fil<.-<J
last year , OCTD directors said
the county wide Dial-A·L1rt
$er vice was a better ser vice !or
handicapped and e liminated the
need to equip all buses with lifts.
Now, Clark said, the district
may have to drop the Dial·A-Lifl
service because it will be too ex-
pensive to maintain in addition
to ordering the lifts.
Directors also r esisted order-
ing the lilts by saying not any
· manufactured so far have
' proven to work ve ry well under
mass de mand and regular use.
Hut. according to OCTO's al
torney Ke nnard Sm art. federal
leFtislalion ·is pending requiring
that transit districts provide the
handu·apped with service ··com·
para hlc" to that provided non·
l n his opinion, Smart s aid.
such a requir~m~nt would have
s11pported the California al-
tor ney general's demands
a1ainst OCTD. As a re.suit,
directors .agreed lo the settle-
The settlement or this lawsuit
in the state courts has no errect
on a second suit s till pe nding in
fede ral courts, Sm arl said.
This class <4Ction s uit was
brought by Yvonne Bagstad or
Cost a Mesa. It Loo de mands that
the ·ss 'OCTD buses already re·
ceived and all ne w buses be
.-quipped with lifts ror hand·
dicapped, Sm art said.
He arings in this lawsuit are
s che duled for the next few
wee ks, according t o Smart
OCTD officials are a nticipating
that Ms. Ba~stad will refuse a
settlement similar to Monday's
:.i nd will insist that the 65 buses
now Cln hand be Jirt-equipped,
the attorney said.
Officials Due
At Newport's
Pmreake Fest
A congressm a n , a sla t e
senator , an assemblywomC1n and
city council me mbe rs rrom
Cos ta Mesa and Ne wport ~ach
are scheduled to serve pancakes
· a l an Orange Coa s t YMCA
breakfast Saturday.
. Rep. Robert Badham. State !· Sen. John G. Schmitz and As·
~ s emblywoman Mari a n ~ Bergeson, all Republicans from
• Newport. Beach, will participate t. in the Good Neighbor Pancake
' Breakfast. according to YMCA
a.: ·Executlve Director J i m de
The breakfast will be held
from 7:30 to 11 :30 a .m . in the
HugMs Manet partrinf lot;-3493
Vla Lido, Newport. Beach. The
J?Ubllc ls lnvited.
;. Costa Mesa council members ..;,m serve from 9 to 10 a.m.,
"Newport. Beach representatives
m 10 to 11 a.m. and Badham,
m U to 11 :30 a .m . de Boom
lcketa are $1.50 adulll and $1
:\for children 14 and under. ~T~ . ~
§Oii Exeeutivee ~
~ fll MYea mejor atl COID•
,aDJn ...,_. to testify before
new Aaembly Committee on
el Scarclly, tbe cbalrman
01. 'But a lobbrilt for tbe oil CODI·
paain, WUUam J . Keeee, Nici
Ila et tbe 19"91 comPAJdee of·
f9"41 to Miid "top natcll" people
to~ .... tbe MftDtb ....... IOt tbe ...,..pbed blvtutlon.
Parents Prohibited From Spanking Kida
,. ... , .........
SiVeden's Law Buns
Spanking of Child
STOCKHOLM I AP 1 -I\ law that for bids parents from
beating, spanking, cuffing or otherwise harmin~ their childre n
takes effect in Sweden in July, but some parents are not happy
about it. .
One rath(•r que~tioned said he thought spanking was good for
children, and a spokesman fo r the smal! Maranata religious se~t
said frankly : ··w e will go underground 1f we have to but we will
continue to exe rcise our na tural rights."
Tippler Tot/:)
w.dlllidliY .• 23. 1179 OAILV PfLOT • l J
sex Tavemil
Only ~ndustry
For the
Record ......
.... ..... AM.
'tOWITM. Nltrns•IA• ..........
Mr .... _._ ·-~ MVt&Ylltal, ,_...,.V .... 11'1
G ULFPORT. lll. <APl -Chances are, : .. ~~ tr1e ,..,. .... c...
somebody's serving a cool one ·ricbt now In ,.,, ... Mn. f!Mn>ie a-. CeM•
Gulfport, a ~r sipper's paradise where there's a ~=Mn. c..t "111M11, C..•• bar for every 40 people and selling drinka is Mna, tit1
virtually the only industry. ::...:;:~~~911""'' Jer•a11.
"Oh, we got a grain elevator, too, and the car ._.. .....
auction on Thursday nl0 hts, but the ban are what Mr. •"• Mrs. 11•11•1• L• ••rr•, {. e ..._..., 9Mdl,.., ma&es this place go,'' says Jim Reighard, who Mr • ..,. ~ , • .....,. ••·s.t-,
opt;ns the Look Out Lounge every morning at. 7 ~~ ~ 111c._. ,,.._, .. _.
o clock on the dot. 1,..1o11 ...,,, bco¥
THE LOOK OUT IS ONE OF five taverns :, ..,. ""'" P.,. ~•. '"'"-·
It'll become six when another reopens this month Mr. _. ~ awtlft L'"91e. c.u
-which alon~ with a liquor store constitute the s~-'11fle ........ 11" ....... tm
entire business dist rict of Gulfport. Sharon Mc M 11J1on, Mr._,"""-Gfl09Wr Scoct, 1rv1M,
By day, this Mississippi River town or just 220 Laguna Beach, will :: •!Id"'"',....... WIWh•"· s...
people is a cluster or bars and houses. but at night compete for the title J~,.~-.9'ri
it is transformed with a glow of gaudy neon and of Orange Queen Ju-::.:."!~"· Jotw1 '* •-. c.. ..
bright beer signs. ly 8 • nd the r 'ght t Mr •no Mn. B111 &omMt, HllMl"fton
"I guess you'd call this a real friendly town," r eign a o ve r the1 Coun~ !~a<:;..,~.""•"• v ...... ._..
said Leo Shekleton, a burly Sl·year-old beautician ty F air July 13.22. l\l•nc1.v1r1
whoboughtthe lounge twoyearsago. E ntry de a d line for Mr .no ,,_,!:::!.1;.:,':.c.s1e'*». He calls it the s martest investment he ever q ort made. t he pagt!ant 1s June a,r111, ,.,,
2 Q . ( 0 ( 0 f ffi a t I 0 0 Mr •nil Mr~. Aerrnoftll R.tklin.t>, SHEKLETON ADMITS THAT A tOT of 751.'J')A7. co\leMe~.bov
Gulfport 's po pularity is due to ·strict liquor la ws ->crt :S:.":ir~' J_, ~..i-. ~,.
just across the r iver in Iowa . ----------•"''' "· ''" "Seventy.fi ve •>ercent Of my business IS (rom Mr •lld Mn. JOM A09tr, HunllftQIOf\
t R 8H <l\,boy Iowa," he said. "Around midnight or 1 o'clock. abb• Mr •MMn..D••ld -•,H""''"ll'°"
when the places over there are closing. you can sit JS :~~:;..,llo:.V~ "'""""' .. ,,1111, """'' right here al the ba r and look out the windows and •no1on e..c11.oir1
wa tch them coming over the bridge, Ion~ linei. of Mr •"" ""'' eovo P•t•rs. Cott•
them heading straight ror Gutrport. That's why we Expel Mew. DoY ..,.. 17, Im
call this Look Out Loun~e . Mr •"" -~ J....n H'flll"''· """'·
i..:p I II f I •noton h«ll, DOy "On Saturday nights trU... p aee rea Y 11 s up," Mr .,.., ""'~ T>totM\ Hoowr. eor-..
said Shekleton , sitting al the plywood bar "Jl gets 17 °"' M•r.oir1
hard to find a pa rking place sometimes and folks ·Jews Mr .no ,,_,:-r!~!:· ~'.'~. e..1too.
line up all the way to the highway. And on Sundays '"-·Do'
We'r e O""n bright and early, for 'services' so to M r •"" """'· MltNoi1 AeM•11. Hun•-..-inQlon 8NU>, 9"' speak. You m ight say I'm a dC'acon here .. pH l LADE L p If r A Mr .,.., -.... J-CAtbell. Hunl·
THERE'S I\ POOL TABLE IN the middle r>f tAPl -An organization ;!1°"~8::'"~':°:. c;.,, 8 ,.,.u,
th<' room. a fo w riverboat models on the w:.ill and :or ca 11 in g 1 t s e l r th e wrnm'"''~'· "°' Supreme Rabbinic Court M r •no "'" J.,.n L•r"-C0>•• jukebox in the rorncr with a n•perto1re th<1l is de· of America fnc . has ex-M• ... 11,,, cidedly honkey-tonk ,..,,, "· m•
The Oaks :.iround th1• l'Orrll'r 1s mon: urhanc. pelled 17 persons from ~~,,,~i;:i.:~~Q'~~ R~s. Huni.
with slick country bands :.ind itc; Na u~a hyde t he J l'wis h fa ith for Mr •"" M" G.i111ermo A.cetit•o,
I h b e l ievin g that J esus eo•••Me~ Q•r• furnishings, but ShC'kll'lon der ares l ere 1s a com-Christ is their Messiah. · .,...,, •· '"' m on bond among the m a ll thal makes this tipplers' Allr. •nd """ oon•'" M•t"o''o", Thr., .. wh1 t 0 robed w ·t '"" 1 town something spcci a I "" " " m.,.,, ·,.'!::.,, tt, """ r rabbis sounded a call on ~ The Look Out. hke its competitors, o fers its M r """ M" ""'"-' Ft'""· Munt
friendliness nearly around the clock the shofar. a n ancient ~1~!;"',,,!';,PO~rv•o lello, Co\t• An ordinance requires that bars close at least ram 's horn, recited the Mc ... 11,"
two hours a day. which is exactly the tim(· it takes names of th" Mess1amc Mr •ncl1W\.Jot>n1>oo0ge,1"'11w .1>ov J ews and the r har ges A.-Hn.m• T erry the barma id to hustll' t ht• last custom1·rs out ._., and M n Fr•Gerl<IL Ouilell,
into the dawn. s weep up a b11 and !('ave thani.(s prl· against them · and the n N••POrt 8-.1> boy s n u f ( ,, d o u l t h r •· e .,.,,, u, "" senta ble for J im !ht• d:.iy m<rn. who launches thl' h ._., .,.., Mr~ P•u• H>orren, co.••
unending cycle wi th lhl' sound nf a pOJ1·l<1p al i <'Undies dunng an our· ~·r· ... ~· ...... J-_.. a-.. ,, H·-•· long l'l'remony an a -·~ -"'"""' ._.. -· a.m. sharp. downtown hotel room •nqion a..c".Q"'
b ~-~ AS GOOD AS RUSI N F.SS IS. st used to 11e bet guarded by mcmtw rs of Mr and ""' !>•n NQuy•ft. Cott•
ter . The state btJi ll a new highwa y seven years ::1go the Jewish De fc n s e -... ""'
U S h. h h d h I Mr ~"" """ e ... u W1>11•. H""''ft91°" to re place old •. 34 w 1c :.i run n r. t a ong Lea~ut· """'"· ""' the edge . or town. Thrt•e taverns closed shortly Mr..,,., Mr\."'""''' ~aplt!tOft, Hlifll·
thereafter. THE DEFENDANTS ::'°:~~9~-1 51Me•os. coua
SWEDEN WILL BECOME THE first nation with such a law.
adopting it in the International ·Year of the Child. The law ls a
step in a process aimed at protecting children's rights here. A
children's ombuds m an and a n e mergency phone watch for
youngsters already exist.
"It's not the sa me." says Leo. "but then what were charged with "ac-~.•w•
. ?" • . h a,rilH,19" _..:;.;;1s;.,;. ___________________ t1vely engaging in t e ,,,.,_ --~ J'"""" e1-. """'·
spiritual destruction of ~~~."~!...1c1 •-o. c~t• the Jewish people"' by -~.11ov
When the minority Liberal government introduced lM bill to
ban parents from s panking last March, Justice M~nister ~ven
Romanus said it means .. our soci.ely has taken an mc,re8;8rngly
negative view or beating or spanking as a means or bnnging up
The re has been no organized opposition to tbe law_ but
r eactions from jurists. lawmakers , and parents have been m1xed.
Said one annoyed fat he r of three:
between deliberate s panking and what J would call an outburst
te mper. I never spanked my kids in cold blood, only on the spur
of lbe moment. J am sure it does not hurt them but help them."
Most critical of the law were spokes men for the Maranala
secL a group of about 300 persons who split from the Pentecosta l
Church in the 1960s. It sees physical chastisement by parents as a
natural means of correction and an "ethical, moral and rellgious
The sect operates its own "pilgrim " schools In protest
aga inst the public school system, a nd Ha ns Drynte. principal of
one Maranala s chool. safa:
"Jl the authorities try to stop us we will go under ground and
light on. They are s uddenly outlawing an old cultural tradition
and parents a re declared idiots incapable of rearing their
children. People in other countries will laugh at this and a whole
generation will be criminalized because some sociologists have
their way."
Conservative Tore Nilsson protested it. Quoting the Bi ble, ancient
Icelandic life ruJes or the book Havamal and a centuries-old
Swedish law document. he said, "The Jaw against spanking
conflicts with our cultural tradition, with pa rents' rights and
personal integrity a nd with Western humanism ."
Justice Minister Rom anus took a different view.
·'This development renects the now-dominant view t hat the
child is an independent individual who can demand full respect
for his person, integrity and own value," he said.
The Ja w prohibits "any act which. for the purpose of
punishing, causes the child physical injury or pain, e ven tr the
disturbance is mild and passing." It is m eant lo include
psychological punishment, but legal experts have criticized the
wording on this as too vague.
Many child psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists and
doctors bave welcomed the Jaw as necessary to protect children.
'"THIS LAW 18 LONG OVERDUE because so-called spanking
bas in effed been a le«iallzed, milder form or assault and battery
or could lead to worse abuse," said Gunnel Linde, who belon1s to
a children's rights oreanizaUon and has written a book on child
beating. _
And one wetrare officer . sa1d: "ln my work, 1 o1ten1>ecome
amazed at bow JJttle parents know about their children. They
don't have to be bad to beat them, just ignorant, teachln1 the
kids only the most primitive and ineffective way to solve conflicts
-through violence against someone weaker.•'
Grade Sc:!hool children aged 8· 10 polled at a rttreational
center were definitely against being spanked -not 1urprislngly
-lboqb they found it natural ~casiooally beat a brother or-
alale.r tbemaelvea.
PETEa, It, NOTED, .. MY SISTE& is always riling me. Then
I hll her but that's OK because we are evenly matched. If m y
dJd would hit me, or mom, it would not be fair but I would hit b ck too ..••
"IDWDI ls no 1ooc1," be c0ntlaued. "But some parents think
tbey cannot brlna up kids without span.king them. There tbe only
thine la to nan away for • while so they become aAXiou.s an<t
re1ret It." 1.etaJ medical officer Sven·Olof Lidholm took a stem view of
parenta wbo beat their children. Crit1ci1in1 authorities for
laxne11 ID eartng for maltreated )'OUnllten, he said he receives
more tban 800 repe>rts of child beatings annually, about 10 of
them fatal. And he beUeve1 there are perhaps some S,000 other
children beaten re1ularly Without It being reported.
TD BAN DOU Nor CA&RY any apeclllc punishment.
However, ordinary crimlnal law allows sentences o/ up to 10
yeen for serious CHes and up to two yean in mllder enes. . F1ou1na ln schools was partjally banned ln 1918, but as late
at t• teacben ln lower ST•de schools were still tallowed to uae
some pbysical pu.nlsbment on students.
• 1979. Pu!>clt Plltlls lld
"fa lsely te lling J e ws
that acceptin~ Jesus is a
con tinuati o n o r
The e xcommun1ca·
lions means that thl' 17
can no longer return to
Isr ael as J e ws under
Israel's ''law of return.··
cannot be buried from a
syn agog u (' o r h n ld
honors in a syna~ogue.
the court said.
Primary targets or thf'
ac11on were f<!aders or
J ,. w s r () r J (' ~ u s . a
Califor nia-based mis·
~1 o na t y g r o up l h <tl
1 operat es u nd e r t he
name Mmena Ministries
leaders of a New York ·
based group called the
AmeriC'an Board of Mis
=-ions to the Je ws
It has bet.•n e11leged
that both groups have
the financial ba<'kin~ or
eva ngelica l Christian
Film Set
The public 1s invited to
a sh0\\1n~ or the film,.
'T ht• Golde n Age o r
Second Avenue." June 2
at 7 30 p.m. 'at Temple
Bl'th Sholom in Santa
Th~· film. narrated by
Herschel Bernardi. tells
the story or the h1slur~
of Y 1dctis h theater. Its
showing is s ponsored by
the J ewish Federation
Council or Oran~ Coun·
t y • s .I e w 1 s h Cent c r
Enterta inmenr , danc-
ing a nd re freshments
also will bt.• provided .
Cost. 1s Sl.50. For in·
formation. <·all the coun·
Cll a t 75'H 94.t.
Talk is Cheap.
It's easy to proclaim
"the lowest prices in town"
on television or radio. But
advertisers who mean what they
say commit their price pledges
to print in newsp(\per ads.
For bargains you can
believe in, rely on t.he DAILY PILOT
642-4321 ..
t ' J
' . ¥ .. * r • ._.. I MF -·••V -.. • • -'• -• ' ..... f""t•• •, • •·• • -.,,. ..._. .. -••• -.---• ,..,... • ...
81• ~ Y PILOT.~ Wedneeday. May 23. 1971 NATION
'Ellrllest Town Site' Found In Vlrgbda
W*&HIN&FE>N f APi-1'~
earlieal town ail• found ln British
uttled Amerio hH bef'n un
earthed on tbe..bank1 or tbtJ J8m<•12
RI ver ln Vir&inla.
Trea1ure1 turned up In three
ytara ol excavatlon Include the on·
ly two mJllt.ary "cJoae" helmelb
ev•r found ln the New World. lht-
ea rlleat u,mplu or British
American pottery and a akeleton
from the lint major lndhin
ma111cre. complete wlth wounds
from acalptn1
_ THE DllCOV£alt:8 wuti made
!!~~!!!!!!~~~d~u~r~ln~1~e~xc~a vations at Cttrter ·~
f 41!1·:' MOTOR OIL
300R40WT 43c
10/40 WT. • 59c
I 1 ,-;. .. J ll=':'~l
..... _ ... 17-01.
Sill 1 •• Pl Kl
llG ..... n-Hc 01.
30 2 s
WT .
IK. )3t llG. 1" 1.tt Ut
8 ov~e spray con A ho rd shell shine
GroYe--JlllitftlatHNh TIM> fH'~-..
financed by th.-Nalwn•I Gto·
@r11ph1r Soclt'ty , ~ hh'h :wnounct•d
<ll'l11ll11 T ut•1111ity
Sde nla&t s fr o m l'o lo nlitll
W1lllumsbur1:h. which owns the
Carter's Grovt• property. bti~un
dlulng In llr70 looktnJl for traces
ol outbuHdmws from tht· lltth ctm
lury pl11ntuho11
lnstt>ad. tht•y found rcmuams of a
aelUement Hl lWlliUOO ycw·i; old~r
In 1976 the dhUt4.lrs came 11cross
tht1 rt·mu1n~ ul Wolste nholme
Towrw. Lhl' t'arhesl trucl' of an
1<:n.:hs h s t·ltkmc111 10 t\m('nca
t'overles so important Is that
nothing of the JameKtown settle·
menl iand fort diatloit from 1607 has
t'ver been found." said Ivor Noel
flum e. reAide nt a r c hivist al
Colonial Williamsburg and chief of
the project ·
·'Thus. the remains of bulJdinas
and artifact s un earthed at
Wolstenholme provide us with our
earliest evidence of life and death
In colonial Virginia," Noel Hume
said in a National Geographic
magazine article.
Although archcologlsts know
from s W'viving records pretty
u~h-wftete Jantestown;--the
earliest s~ceasf'UI En1liah settle·
menl in America . was foUQCkd In
l607. its remair\5 have never been
found and they believe the ori1inal
site was washed away by the river.
Jamestown buildings survive. but
not the original stockaded settle·
ment. Wols tenholme Towne.
named for one of the principal
stockholders in the sponsoring
company, was established in 1619
a few miles downrive r from
Jamestown It was a year before
In 1622, more than a third fll
Wolatenhclime Towne'a cltlaena were killed In an Indian uprialns
which swept the Vir1lnia ..W•
several graves In the la.t vi11111.
but the moat interesUn1 one con·
tained a skeleton they think may
have been Richard Kean, mJUtary
aide to the plantation's 1ovemor.
Death was attributed to a blow oa
the rront of the skull by a cuttinc tool, such as a spade.
•• ..
Arl,u\!oble lovnge ond choor leo•ur e \lu1dy
\'eel l1ar11e ond tubular ••nvl •••oppong
9.99 ...
. ~.
IEG. 6.99 549
I JI\( ()l;I·~~ ''FRENCH
l4" JUtMOI
~~~~!J~oly pool 3•• woth colorful de•ogn
•0•60 I mon 1nllo
table boot ol •1nyl
!--or;, GULF LITE
Smort de\19"'" creo
lions '" o choice ol
eye catching styles 1
With multi tone plos
tic frames ond pop11
lor gradient lenses 499
29" fAMltY 'UUMAll 12 9 9
Woth oil the clelu•• feotur .is of more eapen,,.e
lines sold 1n leod1n9 deportmenl sto•••' With
steel·re1nforced lrome. overs!led 11ppe1 rein
forced hondle ouembly do...ble bvckle flop
In 10 lb bag
SAU 79c Pl I Ct
In quort co".
211 E. 17th St.
Whole lupply lo•h 2 qts
•KIAVl fllSlf lT. SAlT., 99 Made of hogh 1m
Whole supply losts. 6 ,, oz While •upply to\ls
JUNIOI 15'' W~ll:u22'' 999 SUPll PllCl SWllPllCI
W' .. 11 ,., ... ~
IJ.,1 .. ',1,,.
~"'"' ...
45~ .. PULLMAN
Comfortable Poly1Cot1on !will
•horh 1" o variety. of colort
Avolloble 1n tires XS S, M l
WAnt SPIN llll pact plasttc w11h
•SAUWARISPIN -G , ... nq -down lid llll •& • Holds 18 12·ounce llG.
llOPICAl IOMD '='249
lollle of 100 table~
14. 99 cons
TAMPOIS MILi Of UGNISlA w·299c ··nc TO,_ 1.Jt
H• ·lo• of 10. '1oln Of Mint. 12 or.
DISflOIAIU SUYllS -·69c '·"
. ·--. --... ---.... -, --~ ....... -. ,,.... . , ... _ .................. .,..-.-.. ......... --·-
HlllH: .•Sllm Gourmet •HOf'OICope
•Special Diets •Ann ~nden
........ 1 ... d
• e
Burgers, Beverages
Team Up for Cookout
Give your first cookout of the season a
'pecial flair by dressing up the favorite-all·
American hamburger.
WbiJe there's notbinl quite like the aroma
of food cooked outdoors, neither is there
ID~ quite u tasty as grilled hamburgers
made with freshly ground beef.
Home economists suggest that you chop
round steak in your food processor and for each
pound uaed. add one quarter teaspoon salt, a dash
of pepper and one-half teaspoon of Worchester
sauce. 'Iben shape into patties.
Let your fa mtly a nd guests choose
from a selection of fillin~s that can be quickly
prepared in your food processor You'll ha ve a
meal that will satisfy indivtdual tastes. yet re
main easy on the chef.
Shred several ounces of Cheddar cheese in
rood processor. Use canned sliced mushrooms
or chop fresh mushrooms in processor. Mix
t.ogetber and seal between two patties.
Crumble fried bacon in processor. Mi x with
softened cream cheese and st:al between two
Chop fresh chives in processor. Mix with
crumbled blue cheese <room temperature> and
place between layers of hamburger.
Finely chop onion in processor. Comhine
with mashed avocado a nd dash of lemon juice.
Place mixture between layers of hamburger.
Chop pimiento-filled green olives or black
olhes in processor and blend with softened
cream cheese. Place between layers of ground
• • • Until recently. Americans turned lo trad1
tional hevera~es. such as beers. soda ooos and iced tea for summer get-togethers
But these days, people are finding a newly
Jl<>pular beverage -wine -meets thirst and
social demands dwiq the warm monlha.
When a summer occasion calls for
something a liWe special, impress aueats by
serving cool. refreshiDI wine recipes.
As guests arrive, serve a tasty, invigorating
wine punch that will get any party rolling.
To prepare. peel 2 medium-sized oranges in
single long spirals and put the rinds in a large
4-quart pitcher. Add 'fl cup super-fine sugar and
max it with orange peels to release some of the
oils in the rinds. Slice the oranges and add them
to the pitcher along with 2 sliced limes. 2 apples
sliced in wedges, 2 sliced bananas. 4 cups
orange juice, 8 ounces orange liqueur and 2 bot·
ties rose wine. Let the mixture stand for 15
minutes, then remove the orange peels.
Place the pitcher in the refrigerator for
several hours before serving, then pour the san-
gria into tall glasses or large wine glasses, half·
filled with ice. CIDCKEN IN WINE
When it's time for tbe main dish, serve this
delicious chicken in wine recipe. Rinse a 3·
pound broiler-fryer chicken fc ut int.o 8 pieces>
with cold waler, and mix in teaspoon sail, •1,.
teaspoon pepper. and 1/4 cup of flour. Coat the
chicken pieces with the flour mixture and shake
lo re move excess.
In a large skillet, melt 3 tablespoons of but·
ter over moderately high heal Add chicken and
112 cup chopped and peeled onion, one 4-ounce
can of chopped mushrooms, 'fl teaspoon
minced, peeled garlic, 11• cup chopped, fresh
parsley, •/4 tsp. dried rosemary leaves. 1 cup
dry vermouth. in cup Wine and the chicken
broth. Cover and simmer over moderately low
heat for 45 minutes, until chicken is lender.
Next. remove c~icken pieces lo serviniz
<See COOKOUT, Page Cll)
Th• first peechM ol the ,, • .,,, are available now.
Spot for ·Plenie
Memorial Day heralds tbe..Qmmer IMIOD
and tbe loq holiday weekend uaually ia ideal ror picnics .
Rather than fight holiday traffic -and use
up 1aa -plan a family party right in you.r own backyard.
Wltb a little plaMing and hearty. familiar
food. you can turn the backyard into a change.
of ·pace picnic setting.
PICNICS ARE made for fun so you'll want
to rind the foods the family 1.ikes best.
Add · som e extra touches sucb as a
checkered tablecloth, brightly colored napkins
and utensils that oarry out the red-while·and-
blue theme.
If the meal is scheduled for late afternoon
or evening, place some old-fashioned lanterns m
strategic spots for a warm, cozy effect.
Food is the first order of business.
THE Mf;NU should be simple yet sub6tan·
Fried or barbecued chicken is a traditiona l
favorite at picnics -so plan lo have it.
Three Bean Rice Salad is a good choice to
accompany the chicken and can be prepared
early in the day -or even the night before.
Red kidney beans. cut wax beans and
French-style green beans are navored with a
marinade of Italian salad dressing. lhmly !)!iced
onion rings. salt and pepper.
Packaged enriched pre-cooked rice 1s pre
pared according to packeige directions and
fo lded into the bean mixture
Chill thoroughly. then arrange 1n CJ r lea r
bowl a midst crisp. curly lettuce for a culodul
addition to the picnic lable.
pil~her of refreshing l(•ed lt-<J with lemon shcei-
roundout thcsc·ent-
Ir ~ 1
\. . .
Dnnct mu1lbr dDMD't.,.. a pmhlem It a
Dad might favor apple pie, tbe younpten
might opt for chocolate layer cake and Mom
might settle for a slice of cold meloo. However,
with fresh rrwt approacbing its peak tn late
May. a li1ht. refreshing dessert JDilbt be sher~ topped with fresb MUODll fruit.
Along with the food and the weather. the
moat important ingredient ol a family picnic is ,
fun. Remember. the bigsest room in your house
I can <8 ~ ounces> red kidney beans.
11 can f8 ounces) cut wax beans. drained
I can <8 ounces> French-style green
beans. drained
112 cup prepared Italian salad drt!flsing
11. cup thinly sliced onion rings
I teaspoon sail
14 teaspoon pepper
I 112 cups water
I 1/2 cups packaged enriched pre·cooked
Combine beans. salad dressing, onion, ~
teaspoon salt and the pepper in large bowl.
Meanwhile, bring water to a boil. Add rice and
remairuog salt. Cover, remove from beat and
le t st.and five minutes or until water ;s
absorbed. Fold rice into bean mixture. Chill
thoroughly. Serve on lettuce, if desired. Makes 4
L 2 c ups or 4 to 5 servin~s.
I padrngc commerc1a1ly.prepared coating
for chicken
I 4 cup oil or melted shortening
I egg
I t.ahlespoon water
2 I 2 pounds chicken ptecet.
!Stt PICNIC, Page Cll)
Get the cookout season off to the nght start b y serving hamburgers made with
freshly ground round. A wide vaNety of fJl/mg s will add a special touch to your out-
door meal. Don't forget beverages. Super Sangna is a cool refresher.
Produee Seleetion,
Quality: Exeellent
Overall. selection and quality of most pro-
duce items is great Consumers will find several
excellent produce buys to enjoy this week.
More spring favorites are starting to arrive
on the market. The first peaches are available
out of Arvin-Bakersfield and Coachella Valley.
The fruit size is small now, but will improve.
Reedley·F'resno should start their production in
about a week. Prices will ease as volume in·
Sources say Bing cherries should start this
week. As always, first-of-the season prices will
be steep until volume begins. Also, grapes out of
Coachella should start in about another week.
A boat load of Granny Smith apples are due
to arrive th.is week from New Zealand. Prices
are expected to be up over last year.
The tomato situation is rather steady this
week with Florida. Mexico and California all of-.
ferm1 product. Quality continues lo be a pro-
blem. An excellent tomato buy is the cherry
tom1to. Supplies are up and prices reasonable
Local atrawberTles are past their peak so
supplies have switched to the northern areas.
Prices have bit their season low and con·
aumen can expect to see higher prices.
A voc8doa should be a 1ood buy this week.
Slaea 1reamall. but tbe frull is plenWul and rea-
IOllable. l"or melons, cantalopue prices have
weakened u supplies have increased, while a
heavy demand has strengthened watermelon
prices. Eating quality as good for both melons.
Essentially, Naval oranges are done for the
~ason and ~upplies now switch completely ove •
to Valencias. Coachella graperruit is scarce
with quaJity reported as fair at best.
In the tropical area. pineapples and mangos
are both plenurut.' Pineapple prices are rea-
sonable while ma_ogo prices have eased.
Bananas remain steady. Papayas continue to be
a tight 'tem due to the crop loss and the Uruted
Airlines strike which has hampered shipments.
Sweet com out of Coachella Valley is a key
item this week. Production is up, ear size is
good and eating quality excellent.
Cocisumers will find sev~al key buys in the
produce department this week. Radtabes, rreen
onions. carrots, zuc.chlni and cabblge are 111
good in quality and price Mushrooms are in
better supply and quallly is also 1ood.
While iceberg lettuce prices are a bit
firmer. it still remains reasonable. Quality is
good out of both Salinas and Santa Marla. All
t~ leaf lettuces are also excellent in price now mulac these warmer days perfect for salads.
A high demand for celery coupled w1tb tbe
seasonal seedln1 problem la caualn1 prices to
advance. Supplies wm switch over to the Lom·
poc area in about two weeks wbicb lbould eue
the problem.
~··-----.......!·-~ ........ -··--·---............. ---• • .,, ... .._... ... -.. .. • • • , -• .. •• ---•• _.. • • • • • --· -.... ,, • -.. .-••• .# .--• • t . • .. .... .. •• , ..
• I a -.vfl.Of .... 1 , ....... ""
''Well, they're off on ono~ day ?,f
high adventure and ••pl0tatlon!
''Of COURSE I notice something new, love.
It's y04/I • • • f oce ... y04/I forehead . . .
a ST AR on yovr forehead!"
! . f
ft\ ~KMG, A ~ ltJ A
a.MJ6 •K:NMBMT,f#l/IJ
' • I
' •
by Pasko, Tuski & Collttt4I
by Fent & Tom Johnson
I t
by Tom a.tluk
by Mell Lazarius
L-OOK , ~'M 1"H e
"°C"T"O R .1
SO ~AS ,t SAY'.'
rr&i TH~ A:.mR~ UNION"~ If(
Blu Af> A6£Nl1B WHO MAK"f;
by Harold Le Doux
'-' ~ -.. f# .-.-• r -,_ -.-• -• • • • • ---.--• .., ..,_...,... .a _... ••.,,.. 4' _. A A 9 ............. .-, .. -• ._ 1J119 A ••
DON'T SM l(\l'VE 601'
SURE 'tolYVE 60i IT!
by Kevin f igaft
by Jeff Millar & Jon Mcintosh
,.. AND WH"1" ABOUT n#: PEN710N ~?
MMt.JtR? 1Ht-6UT1.ER I? ON WCLf~ , ..
I c,, .O r. 1111e~
• Prvn1n11~.
·~Sit·• I QlfUl'' '" p,, ,,•nt
I • .St'lld\UI
1q Prich
10 Hardeneel
l 1 On1a110 lake
l 5ouno units
?5 Foot s.:g
<6 listed
;>q Srwrrnq
J4 Coull
15 Alhena
Jl Bhp make1
31! Lawve1s QP
Jll Mourns
42 Ms Shea1tH
44 E1to1 o; · -
BE'tle .
4'i Aod111ooa1
4b lne 0 10 -
48 Combined
~Soak flax
51 Functions
53 Supports
,..,,, Mu~
ol PorltCO
62 Frt•t•
64 D1thcul1
65 Sound
66 So Ame11·
c~n tree
67 LOOlts over
68 Receded
69 Slipped
1 Inch parts
? Incite
3 Wrs.:
4 Ad11a11c: gull
6 Dodge
7 Tulle
8 'iacuum
lube Sulhx
9 Chevron
to Castros
11 Like lalftng
12 Double neg·
13 Perceived
22 Fruit
UNITED Feature Syndicate
Tuesday 's Puule Solved
24 Haste maker 43 Mullllutles
26 Smarted Ar· 45 Places
cnaic p()Orl-,
27 Work 47 Harmonize
28 Macaw 49 Haunt
.lO Fluid roc.k 52 Stoul
31 Fool ~ A11ttur -
32 Molttcr·of 54 Lmqer
pear I 55 Tender
lJ Cup1d1ly S6 Snootv one
36 Deceiver 51! Spoi..en
39 Olympic 01 59 Food store
Common· Stang
wealth 60 Babyron1an
t<l Riva!~ 63 lie
. . .. ...
;Kids L~ve Color, Crunch ~~ Raw Vegetables
08 to be•lt"1 fooda ln· u ·CUI> n . e. s te or minute. Tbeu, beat pnt• Un at•.-d of IUlll'·laden the bottom of blender dice fruJt. Divide fruit ly, stirring oecuionally, apple and oraqe juice, Jmll taod? Jari 1prlnkle on 1elaUn. amon1 4 paper cups. untll 1elatin melts. Re-125 ealorie9 per aemna
A•-Dally Flack of divided \Vaat 1 miaute. Heat re· Pour 1elatin mi~ture move fnMll beat and add Unpeeled 1Uced nec-
11.-U., Ala. Qe'a u.. 1 &abl .. pooo ~n malnlnl 1 cup water to over fruit. Chill several fro&en juice concentrate. tarines and apple juice, ~al Caap Seale nevond,.a.Un boilin•· Pour lato houra uaUI H&. Eat Stir constantly until dis· 150calorieaperserviq
Banta, • ...-a.1 camp 2 CUllll tnalt <eacepl Go•~f blender jar. Cover and deiaerta wttb a 1poon. solved. Pour over ilfced -Peeled cubed eitin• for dlabltic -.n.aten frah ...a-.. -a..> blend, acraplq onen, or diced fruit In paper oran1• and apple juice,
d ,___ .--...-untll 1elat1n aranulea · W I T B O V T cup1. Chlll until set. 145 uloriea per 1ervtq
UD er UMt auspices of •~ can frown B't Barbara G1bbona dlaolve. Add UDdUutecl BLENDEa: Combine Makes four servlnp. Canned julce·packed
tM Alabama Dtabete1 Juice eoeeeatrate <u froaen CODCentrate. Cov· aelaUn and water in a Some combinaUons to pineapple tidbit• and A1eoet•km. ceot DimaPDle \ d ... -.a w lt try·. ,,.,,. Two of the bl11e,st WfTH RENDEil . er an ---.. un me . amall eaucepan. Wait l <See SUM. P¥e ~> ehall~ are 1ettln1 ,_.~;:..;;,.;~~;.;;;.;..;..;;...;;.;..;;,;,...;,..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__:~~~
kld1 Co e•t the i r
veaetablea and d••·
coura1tn1 Junk-food anacu.
Dally hu solv\"d both
problems by t>ncouraa·
Ina the kkll to enjoy nw
ve1etable 1nack8 11erv~
wltb healthful non
fattenina dips.
Kida love tbe colbr
and crunrh of raw
ve1etablea. and dipa
tum them into fun foods.
Some of th e ir
favorites an! soow·whalt.'
mushrooms, celery und
carrot strips, cb~rry
tomatoes, whole raw
green beans, red and
green peppe r rings,
cauliflorets and broccoli
buds, tbiD ''thipe" made
from raw zucchini and
yellow crook-n ec k
Here are two of their favorite dips:
bine J 't'l cups plain low·
fat yogurt with 2 teas·
poons curry powder . 1
• tablespoon grated raw onion, ,,., teaspoon dry
mustard. Seuon to taste
with salt, ""8_r and a
few dashes ~r bqt pepper
sauce or hot pepper.
ChiU. Makes l ¥. cupe, 5
calories per tablelpoon.
· 15-ounce can aa,.,.,.., 4lralned
1 tabllepoon lemon juiee
I teupoon1 arated onion
1iil teupaon 1arlic
o/4 teupoon 11lt
Optional: ~ teas-
poon ..,..S cumin
'-" teHpeon chm
1 tomato, PMled and
Few drp Tabueo
YI cup .,..... low·fat
Combine In your
blender or food proc· ~ssor, atend smooth
and ehlll. Makes 11,1,
cups, ~ I calories per ta poon.
lAetS 111bur1en are I es-;,::lally popular, ·
top wtth thlek 1llcea
or tomato, oaloft and dill I pickle ddpt. Bat Ute bil problem for diabetic
youn....,. -Of' •'9rorie
on a ._,.free diet -is
cats..,. I He'8'1 a 1ealed-down
ven• el ... r Hll\P-Siae
formula. (Jlfon-dlabetica
can ... halley instead of
sugar tua.tltute.) SUGA~ftEE CATSVP
:Y4 cup plain tomatc
3 ounces < 'h or a
small can) plain tomatc
1 teaspoon prepared
4 tablespoo n s
l/• teaspoon onion
'Al teaspoon garlic
I/• teaspoon ground
l/4 teaspoon ground
1/4 teaspoon ground
Optional: quarter·
teaspoon celery seed
Salt and peppe r lo
Optional: sugar sub-
stitute to equal 2 table-
spoons sucar, or to taste
(or 1 tablespoon honey, or
Combine all ingre-
dients, except sugar
substitute, (if using it)
in a aauce pan_Cook, Wl.!
covered, stirring often,
until reduced by about
half. Store in
refrigerator. Makes
about ~ cup, about IS
calories per tablespoon
(about 20 calories per
tablespoon, wi honey .
*** Speecb 1weeta for the
school aet needn't be
aa1•·packed and fat·
i.iq. .
Needn't be a lot of won, eltber.
ID fact. tbey needn't
be kid Ruff. If you're
kw>lr'DI for a nutrltlon-'rlth pick-me-up for the 4
o'clock slump, you might
Ute 1o trJ tbeae e11y re-
. clpe1. •
Wlth-LUcky, you
can affOrcl to feed
he whole team1 I
_ ... r,--
} \
~ . ,,/
~ ••• J~ ...
Wholesale beef prices
are down this week ...
·so Lucky passes savings on to you!
Just In time for your Memorial oav weekend cookoutl Lucky's You've always liked Lucky's meat prices. But this week, when it
selectlon of succulent steaks and roasts has never been better comes to feeding a lot of happy faces, vou·111ove our prices
and our prices on beef are at a new lower prtce. What this all on beef. Overall, they· re a picnic, and that·s nice for a change.
adds up to is a reason to celebrate ... with burgers, franks, so when vou and the team gather for eats this weekend,
steaks, fresh corn on the cob and juicy sweet watermelon ... remember ... Lucky's a good play maker, and that's what
all from Lucky, your one-stop discount supermarket. dlscount's all about.
Fresh Meats Presh M11ts canned a Packaged Delicatessen --~~~--~~~~~~-BONELESS WHOLE
FULL y coono.
01Alfl8 I 891 • LB 1
BONELESS ~~.2~~~~~.189
IOICltOWU... •• . ... LI 1.38
~.!~.Rl~S~ LI 1.91
'fOUIOCi. Gl!AOO ~11 IAl1l0. 71
WITM POP~. -LI\ . . , • ll ,
,_.YOUNG DUCKS ~ ... ,_llt ......... ll .18
lllWDMAMl,lllOll" LI' .18
,_., IACIY GMOl A. • • • ll
OIOUNO ..... 'ATTlll ~ OOftltOl lXCffll 4 •• •Ml ........... _ ... hlW • • :=!: ... ~~ ..
J•MYDIMIAUUGI 1 a ........................ 1tOlllU •
~~~1 .•
~~~ll.1.19 n.av...ncacs "'°''..... ........... . .. . . ... 69
FRESH TURKEY WINGS 8 lllCll'\ ............................... 7
lnMUIO ,1QUllG .. ,..,. 11a ..... 1. 69
10 A.M. TO' ,.M.
~;.;:.Fl~ .. ll.2 88
:~~5~~~~~~ 99
tT><ICliUCl01''UI "'tG t &ll 99
canned.& Packaged
SllCEO .. 160Z CANe
O CltlAllllmLE OI 34 -Ol.l Cl....,l .. .. • . 17 01 CAN •
!~~~~Pl((; .39
I ~~1':"Fff~~~1•oz "' .49
r HERSHEY'S SYRUP 71 0 O<OC.OlA 1l 16 OZ CAN •
r INSTANT TEA 1 49 A tADYLEl 101 .IAI •
r HEINZ RELISH A~,!;,~.. . 91'tOZ JA1.47
L ~!.~.~:oum=
....... 101..w.63
lAlrtUf 45
1601 "'".
...... u •
111 IO llATl~~VMO
MEAT ....• 160Z. Pl((;,
SUCfD,t.tl .. .. , , 1101 PtlG 2. 79
6 W>Yl.ff SUCIO 1 19 -.&!-...... • t10lNIO •
!~EL~~c 1.89
r LADY LEE DIPS 0 SVMl(ll(S 801 CUP.39
Household & Pet
_,., YIUOWOIQlffll • lstJ IOU .49
r WISK Di I EiGINT 4 9 l'> NIAvYOU'IYUCIUCI ....... GM. l 'l. • 7
L VIUA ~~la ..... s1
r PAPER PLATES 1 62 b YIHA-1( , OOCT l'llG. •
b~~~ ..... l«>Ct l'llG .• 59
J ~~-L~~~.2111snou2.51
Health & Beauty Aids
• SNOW& tO.sHOWER -A:o'~:~ ... Ol sia 1.19
Health & eeautv Aids
• MrTCHUM ROLL-ON h ..WV.• AHTl49SNAHl 1 SOl 1. 99
[, ALLERESTTAILETS . . PlCcorn2.79
O et<.1AU rm•on 1~011T1 1.69
Frozen Foods -------
...... 'hCAl CTN. e
........ 8CT PK<; e
r REDOH¥HIP TOPPfNC 87 0 CJll:•llll 101 "'"·
EARS .. 1JCI ...... EA e
~t.~!~~~~~~ 18
. ........ .. ......... tlOl..IST .• 49
FliSHLIMiS ... .. . .... . ................ 10
UlllUAllCY -. ...Jll,IAC.98
US NO 11MJNCi9n .............. LI .16
. .. what discount
Is all at>Outl
t0""1on1 1919CWLUOYSlortt me o ''°""'_,,,Ml l'nc~..,. n••CC>1•"tl'O t•Ctoton-rn"1tf't<onct00fll•to'"'
"'""' •111no ....-..a.
We make thae bleD• eulU 'Mil der-quick fNt and Juice ... , ""''AUM•WDUI · comblaatlona In tbe 111ornin1 and pour them.
• ,, .. LA--AVINUC ... , .. ,"' flH KAll90fl IOUUVAllO ~ PJ MO. IUCUO Aftltlll OAllOIN ...owt , ,,,. MAOlllOLIA AVIMll llUNT-TON 9UCM
... , ATUlnAAftMll
1 tofO NOClflltUlllT llllUl
Into paper eupa. Store u-•o• tbem In the refrt1erator 1.• M111AOA .._,_ 01im11
1Alf1A AllA
Utt IO ~Ol lnlln
~· ..... ....,._ ...... ~---.............. ,.,.._ ... .,,.,.. .... ______ ... _ .,. .... , .. ~ ... -.............. , ....... ,,. -'.,,. ......... ,,.
rllt llATILU AVI.
I ... ~ -Wl~•AVllNC
TVITIN 11111 ... ~T AVINUl .. .,_"" ,,.,, -lllaDAL.a IT'lla«T
t Time Meals
DIUETES la a disorder of lhe body's
abllity to make proper UM! of 1uca.r. It la !.[Qpor-
tant to detect this dlluM nrly and -et itUDckr control before It lcaa• to t'ompUcatJons that un
hav• l~ct on almost all body systems. The
object ot dlqnosll\ 18 lo determine the de1ree of
lrHtment the patient will require to live a near
normal lift•.
Accordin,: to lht• Amt•riu n Dlabf>H·s As
aot'latloo. lht'rl' ur\• 10 m11llon dwbt•llc~ 1n thh ..
country. but only tl m 1lhon have bt~n diatcnO!led
01 t~t> who ure undt r mt'd•cal treatment
I million rt>c1uln• u d1uly uVt-ctlon ol insulin'
almost 2 nulho11 ust' orul mt'dlcat1on , and t~
re-st control tht• d11>t•ust.' by diet alone Un~n
trollt>d d1ubN1•s it-lht• third lt>adtnR cause of
deuth in this t·ountry. and 1s uli.o tht• lc>ud111Jt ca UM'
of nt•w c·1ases t)( bhndn,·~s
SOMt; Ot' Tiit-; wurnin& s1gna1Q Juvenile
onset d1abt.'ks in adolt':,cents i.nd young adult!>
is t'haracte n Lt>d by the sudden appearance of a~normal thirst, unus ual hunger, rons tant
urination. r<ip11t 'IH'lj.!ht h"" for nu apparent r~·as,~n,. \\t•,1kru·.,., .1111J r.111i.:ut'. u111•xµlarn.-d ir ntab1llty and ot1uM·a
Adult on:-1·t J1.1b1•t t·:-. 1•;in 1nl'lu<lc the~e
s ymptoms a~ 't't'll 1:1 s <lrow:,iness. itching,
bJurred v1s1on. cx<•ess1ve weu1'ht. tingling or
nu_mb.ncss 1n tlw t•.x1n ·rn1t11•:-. lark of e nergy,
skin 1nfecllons and slow healing of cuts and
scratches. If any of these symptoms persist, be
sure to see your doctor
The diabetu.· diet is based on a system of r~d exch~nge lists that have been developed to
gain maximum control of this degenerative dis·
ease. ll 's if!1portant to follow the diet carefully.
and lo avoid all foods containing sugar.
Here are some sugar.free desserts that ce1n
s ati s fy the diabe ti c, thos e who are
hy ~oglyt't~mic. and those who are watching
their sui.:ur 111take a:-<1 prcvcntr ve medic10e
tr ate
1:: <'UP n ee
1 z teaspoon salt
1 2 c up boiling water
21,z cups skim milk
I tablespoon unflavored gelatin
1'• r up cold water
4 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons frozen apple juice concen·
1 tablespoon le mon rind
2 tablespoons lemon 1u1ce
I teuspoon vanilla e xtract
t t 'rom Pal!,e C l I
Prt·hl'at 1)v<·n to 4()(} degrees. Empty coating
onto a s ht·t.>l of wuxc·d paper or into a shallow
bowl. Spread t11I in a 15 by lO by I-inch jelly roll
pan. ti\ n at·boltom pan with sides not more
tha n one inch dt>cp gives best results. I In a
larf!.e bowl. beat egg with a fork: add water and
ble nd. Add all the chic ken and toss gently lo
moisten each piece on all sides. Starting with lar~e p1t>c<'s. f)lac<· c hicken in coating.
one pie<'(' al a tim(' Pile coating on chicken.
the n prc•ss f1rml~· 1m all sides until the piece is
thickly ancl 1•\.f•nly covt•red Place c hicken in
pan. sktn !>td<' do~n I' ry 1n oven 25 minutes.
then turn ;ind fry 25 minutes longer until
ch1 r k<'n 1s l l'llU l'r He mo e from pan i m -
mt>diately Ma kl'S 4 ser vings
Combine nee. a.It and bollln1 waler In the
top or • double boiler. Brina to a boil and cook
about 2 minutt>a. Add mUk and cook 10 minutff
mort'. Soften 1t1latln In co&d water and set ulde.
Combine eu yulkt1. apple juiee concentrate.
leomon rind, lemon Juice, and vanilla. Add some
hot rttt mixture to the •H yolk mixture. then
pour the fllll yolk mixture back into the rice and
<.'OOk ~ mlnu~11 more. 11t~rr~ conatanlly.
Rt'move from he•t. stir tn aoftened gelatin;
1J1ht tborouchly and then chill aU1btJy Beat egg
white• unUJ stlrr. fold Into rice mixture. Spoon
into • 2-quurt rinac mo&d J&nd ctull unUl set.
Makc11 8 ktvirf~li .
2 tablespoums unnavored gelatin
3'-1 cups u.nsweetened pineapple juice
I tabll·spoon frozen a pple juice concen-
' 1 teaspoon i.ult
2 leaspoons grated lemon rind
In u sm all mixer bowl, soft.en gel1alin in "'~
t•up PIOt'ltµplt• JUH'l' lleat remaining Juice a nd
ddd lo ~t'latm, stirring to dissolve completely.
Add 1tpple Jwre \'Oncentrate, suit, and lemon
rind Chill until mixture begins to thicken. Beat
un high speed of an e lectric mixer until fluffy
and double in volume. Chill a few minutes until
mixture mounds fro m s poon. Spoon Into 6
sherbet glasses. Chill until set. Makes 6 serv-
ings .
2 tablespoons instant decaffeinated coffee
•1~ teaspoon salt 1:1 cup flour
2 cups skim milk, scalded
1 1~ tablespoons artificial liquid sweetener
2 eg~s. slightly beaten
t teaspoon vanilla extract
Comb.ine coffee, salt and flour in the top or a
double boiler. Add scalded milk slowly to make
a s mooth sauce. Add sweetener and beaten
eggs. stirring thorouf!hly. Cook over hot water ~lirrin1: until .thick. Cool. Add vanilla and pou;
into dessert dishes . Makes 4 s ervings.
And get a great-looking
wash in t h e ba rgain.
Oxydol 's unique combi-
nation of detergent plus
bui1t-in bleach gets
wh ite clothes really
w hite and colored
clothes really clean.
For detail s on this
money-saving offer,
sec coupon below.
' F' ,,.
I •r-
-... • "' SAVE35°
. . .. ... . .. . .....-.-·--..-. ---.... ~. ,, ........ ~ .
•• .Cookout
platter. cover and keep warm. Mix the 1 ~
tableapoou buUer with the l ~ tableapoona
flour to farm • nnootb paste. Briq the liquid in
akUlet to a boU over blth be~t. butter mix·
tur• l ~ at a Ume. r coutantly
unUI a . Wben sauce la 1. pour over
chicken. "
Aa a luaclous aide-dish to complement any
entree, wuh and divide I larce head of broccoli
Into noreta, pat dry and place in akUlet with 113
cup of already heated olive oil.
Add 1arllc clove. chopped, salt and pepper,
a daab ot nutme1 and l cup wine and saute until
To sat.lily the sweet-tooth ud eool a teRid
day. ~ the meal with tllil refreabiaa
deuert. .mply mix 1 ~ tablelDOOm ol com·
starch, ~ cup 1u1ar and a dub ot aalt in a
aauce_pan. Gradually aUr in ~ cup ol wine, ~.
cup oraqe Juice, and 1 teaapoon ollemon Jwce. ·
blendiq UDW mJxtun ia smootb. Coot aad atir
over medium heat unt.U mixture bolll, t.bickena
and becomes clear.
Add l teupoon grated lemon rind, a dub of
~ace and ,a small amount of food coloriq, ii de·
sired. Next, add 1 cup halved, pitted fresh or
canned dark, sweet, cherries and ~ cup
chopped walnuts and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add 2 tablespoons butter or mar1arioe aod
serve cold over vanilla ice cream.
·and start your own
coffee plantation, too.
on my size c•n of MJB Ground Coffee
Sewe » ..,_.. tM purdlaM of -cen ~ ........ MJ9 OIOl#Mf c.n.. fell~ 111.te CH 9flncl), GAOCER: PleMe l9deem ltlos COUl)On .ti ,,.... ,.,. ...,. on one un Of MJ8 Coffee ~ w•ll
be~ M ltle '"'* vllue plu' !>' !Or Mn·
dling, llf0V'°90 you Md ~mttt hlvo com·
pllec:l llWllll ttie le!ml of !tits olfflf Coupons mAv
nol be lu.gne<I Of lrtlnllemtO by you We will
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Ctes, blOllelS. etc 'l'ou< CUJIOITW must Pil'f M1V
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Of retCncted lnvotces ~ your purenase'
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Clw'tlon. k>w• $2732
Our lllh lolln: n1mc'
lr11111 the lrnl''t l"n llcc
lrl'e' in the ~orld. TrCl''
rhar Fn1w '"<111!! and rall
and ht·.1u11ful. Thnc
llCl'' :uc 'IX'n.il 111 MJR
.ind we'd like you H•
ha\l· one JI! }t1Ur own
St•nJ II\ th..-coupun
hclow and "l"ll 'end
~ ou :i 7 rnnnt h o.fll. fl It 1 x
in It collec lrt't'. I\ ~rc1:11
~rowin .l! rrct' 1h.11
hloom' fra~rJnl wh itt'
hhi..~(1m ...
S,1\e JO~ and :-.Ian a'"'.
I ..: ..: p I ;1 n I a I 111 n .
1ght in )OUr own hn111c.
Name ~------=,.,..,.,,._...,.... .................... /Pltiate ptonl) AoddttsS~------------------~
Ctty ~--------------------~
Slate -------,~~ ----
.. ··~ ----
FOr Zest: )
v· . mega rs
Althouah (ichtr, white
and wintt Ybl9t•rt a re
1ttll the mo.t popular.
ot h er varif'tlt!s of
aeaaoned vlnt.tgars are
availablf' t oday for
broadtonlna OM's ulad
Red wa ne v1 nt'N•r
seasoned with 1arh(
give8 te 1.-sty l11&vor to
moat areens , whll•
white whw vlrwt(ar 1m
parl5 a milder, subllt•r
Qua ht)'
Malt vinc•.:1i&r . l onR
used as a :sJinnklt•-on fut
fish and t'hlpS, Wiii ubu
add a dchcHtt• ~u,ur t••
salads. es ll('r\Ully fish
salads. And ti.rrago11
flavored vinegar glvt>1>
a frest1"aniliC lake taste 1•1
many chicken. fish i.n<I
mixed 1reen sahub
The Hearty Mt>etl And
Potato Salad shown ht-rt'
is a tasty r ib sl1t'ktng
dis h fo r s pring into
sum mer meals
All the ingredients arr•
prepared ahead dn~
marinated 'into an oil
and garlic navored red
wine vinegar dressin .
for several hour:. in th1:
refrigerator before ~erv
Cooked . d1l·cd
chic ken. marinated an
la rra~OO na vored Wint'
vinegar. is thf' b<1s1s ,·
another delicious salad
Here's an easy 'Na y to
make yo ur own
seasoned vine~ar . <'rush
one teaspoo n../drit·d
herhs ce.g basil. tar
ragon, rosemary. mint
oregano! or one clov"
garlic in a jar with et
ti~ht fitting lid. Heat one
pint vine~ar to the hml
ing point and pour Into
thf' jar. Cover lightly
and let stand at room
temper:ature ror 10 days,
shak1ng the• jar on1·e a
day Then s train Lhl'
vinej:!ar. rebottle it and
cover The vinegar •~
now ready to use. .
The Vinegar lnstitut11
suggests the followiug
recipes for Hearty Meat
and Potato Salad and
Herbed Chicken Salad.
whi c h show the
versatility of seasoned
3 pounds potatoes
1 po und slic e <'
c ooked r oast bee f
turkey or chicken
% cup oil
1~ cup ga rli ~
flavored wine vinegar
l teaspoon bas1
leaves. crushed .
I teaspoon s alt
'"-teaspoon ground
black pepper
'h cup sliced celer y
1h c u p s I i c e d
a,, cup ~rate<! carrot
3 scallions or grecr
onions. sliced
Peel polalot>s: c ut
into chunks . Coo k 1n
boiling saltt!d water lo
cover until tender. about
10 minutes. Meanwhile.
c ut roast beef into 3x I
inch strips. Place 1n a
small shallow pan: set
aside. In a small jar or
measuring cup combine
oil. \'inegar. basil, s alt
and black pepper. Dram
potatoes: pla ce in a
medium bowl. Pour ~
cup of the dressing over
the hot potatoes: toss to
coat completely Pour
remaining 11:1 cup of
dressing over roast beer.
Cover roast beef 'and
potatoes; place in the
refrige r ator until
marinated and chilled. 3
to 4 hours. To potatoes
add celery. radishes.
carrot and scallions:
loss gently. To serve,
place potato salad on a
serving platter on a bed or lettuce, if desired.
Top with reserved sliced roast beef. Yield: 6 to 8
lr'I cup tarragon.
rosemary or pars ley
fiavored vinegar
~cup oil
l ~ teaspoons salt
toH .~ntty Sh<'e OC'h
tomato anto thr•·~ '., an,·h
thttk SllC'PI' Plat•t1
around thf' ed11e ()( u
servan1 plah' Spranlt Ir
tomato slir~ with ~.
t (' a s po o n v 1 n ,. It • r
Moyod C'hll'k~n salad 111
t hf' rf'nlf'r of tht• nn"
Vlt'ld fl poruon1>. l cups
All Ra']ths sloras wll be OPIN 9a.m,.. , ..
Monday, Me11IOl'ial Day, May 28. r··~. -?' · r.~ .
Checll yOIW local slore·for special ~-~~·
holiday hours. ~ ~ ~>~~~~
•\.., ~ ~~·
P1tt1 JHn-Frottn A1lph•·MHI or Aalpl\I
Rock 19 Beef 09 Hambarger or
Comish Hen Wieners Hot Dog
lllZe 1 lb. pkg. II eac~ pkg. oU
Bttl Lo•n·Boneles Medium Slie·Froaen Pl.AINWRAP " Top Sirloin 89 Portl 09 Potato Steaks Sparsibs Chips ...
F > CHOICE pw t::· II lb.
1his hearty meat and potato
salad getS its special flavor
from marinating the ingredients
in an oil1and garlic ·
11avored red wine and vinegar
.... . •) ' . -~---. .. \ -·.
Vine Ripened sweet
lb. II
A19u1-r or 0111· n oz. Cant
... II pack
Hundreds of 11ew low prices throUghoul store •••
Golden Premium Meats
Al lolphs8Hf lleaks ancl R~ts
Are UIDA Choice bcluslwely
~ ,.,_, Joll, .. ~.,l s--1" ~ ~~H~1TUrt<tr1 Port< Steak P't' lb.
~ ,_,_. JoN>·POtll S~Ol>lder;l.,...1-1'' ~8Mfllib·I-Port< Roast .... Spencer Stelk lb
~ ~.,,,.., JOh"·POrlr Loin 141 u~ IM!llib·I _._ Mixed Pork Chope ....
I ~·DJCI RI> Steak lb
U\O.-lH nl TO'ld .. 2" ~ Telllell9ftd
Beef Cube Steak ... Sliced Bacon t~o1:1 lb
USllA IMICll•d 1s1 ~ llelpt.l lb. S..I* ,, .... ,IC_
c1~". Short Ribs P9' Super Blend lb
. U~OA 8~1 Alb·l••~ M•tly l n(! pe• 211 ~unit~ m•tt) Rib Roast lb
Pantry Flllera
Super Dell
Win•• i Spirit•
Super Produce
•tch .33
:· .15
(;?J R~iphs Ice
~ or;·j~k;··• .. 1ed
:· .25
~: .15
b~ .57
11•1 69 \.•n a
Hulth A .. •utr
J2 Of +
'01 ....
, ..
~ Fr•11tll 1
OCJ Chili-0 Mix .27
• 59
~ P;k 'N Beans >•oL 49 ~K~~Vodka Clll •
1111 3•• Super Bakery
~ A99ulw, S.no""" 0< G•lllt
OCJ Adolph's Tenderizer 3~L
~ .i((;i;, Dills >~;1
~ Gr~pe Jelly )101.
Pricll tffKitve Mey 24 thru Mey 30, 1979
~ Fr~h;i* Mustard
~ Chk:k~,~~f wth; S~a
~ i<n~lfi'D;;..ings
11.eipll• ~ Spana.h Peanuts 1201. 91 Ull I
I NIM!'~ -Q· i
I '-·• • .otT•wlllC...-141tl • llllplll I i a.... 10tb. 101 ! I........... bag I
1!0 ml .
'·'~"' 1111.
Super Soda Pop
Iii' cail"" · 12 Oa. Cane .,,
R'C'Coia 2 llr.
12.()L C_.tr......,,, 019"W 1141 Or1n99Cruth ,_
~';.up ...
"" IJ.Cb.C4M '" Coca Coll "" 12-01.c-1141 Aipln "'"
421 l;2J ou-Nlt;~r '4ot. 69 loel I
417 ~ A~gei Food Loaf 1101 99 1011 I
9'' ~ Appie"strudel '"'· of I 12•
Flowers lor Memorial Day
htthCul 1" Stock Dunefl
fr"llCul 2•• Gladiolas llUl'ICll
frttll Cut 1" Marguerite Daisie» hftell
, ..
llUllClt 1" Mixed Bouq"Uets 1"
1'1tt11Cut 2" Carnations 001811 ..
, ..
bu!ICll r• Pompona 1"
.._,. ___ --PJnda 1!9-~iLbJKk C01ort111-t ·· Sire
•Kii 3" Caladiums 1141 1•• ... , I .,......... I
l--iWl~~·°"'==~=C., m• · : pepper e cups diced, cooked
3 cups Romaine let·
tuce, tom into bite-sized
o/• cup sliced
scalliom or green onlona
2 ripe, l a r1 e
In a small bowl com.
blne vtneaar. oil, salt
.ad black pepper; mix
well. Add cblcken; ton
to toat wtth tbe dl"t!SS ·
lq. Cover and marinate ta tlM retrtseretor until
cbllled, at least 1 hour.
JU1t before Mrvinl add lettuce and scallions:
,,..c-••Olll•-~-._..-°"'c-.e-~ ......... C8'11"'0ll•••••••••••
r--,~,, - -., r--r~I¢!'· -• , I ......... c...... ..., 11 ........ .,, .... c......... I
'" D ..... M OW '-II . , , , ._..... ,...,... 141 I ~ •• 11 11111 ... I 1-... ........... 11 Dataga • .......... I
I u. OM ...... OM c...-,. cw.-11 1.11111OM ..... °"'c..,.,.0..... I c...---. ......... "" c.... ............... ,.,.
L COUPON J L CDUPaN J ----------------
For your .,.'I COIMnllra '"°,........_ ..... open
....... " the houri of
4 p.m. to., p.m......, lhru ,._
IUCI 'Ulml -.. t na ST.. CISll IEA -SM llilt .... mis
9mll• llJCI PASH • WIUllCIA. l.a •lS 12M IM, 1ISl1l llWW1 & IM .... • 112'1 17.1 ST .. 11STll
... .....
-~ .. ··-·--·----
~---..... _,.... .....
11111 ...... ,,.... ... .................. ~~ ..... ~ .......
. •1 AMn aft~ 1111111tll IOCI 411ll .. lUllOI1142 ...... ,.,. IOCll
Wf\ile Sup
1S411 s. ·-1. llSl•tt• ST• .-S. f.11 ... H _,
... -.. (
. 4 •• '
,. .
0 J • s102 range u1ee ••••••••••••
·1' .... , , . 1 fr·11 ,.,, •.• ,,h·,•ntr:1ft• 1:!n7.
Macaroni & Cheese •••••• 79'
Imperial Margarine ••••• 13'
l:••:.:.il 1.1-.11•.1t .11·0 11•11wr-. 1orw.' 1111
Italian Dressing ••••••••• s 1°5
J:1·r11"l•·i11 -. 111:.:'.!••r I ti oz 1•1•11·1' 1tri1·1•d
Safflower Oil •••••••••••• s 165
Glorietta Peaches •••••••• 15'
Del Monte Corn •••••••••• 31'
1 ·1 ...... \\ l1 .. l1 ,,,.,.,"',Ill ('I •'.I II :-ii d ·· -I j 111 ..
Hampshire Cream ••••••• 90'
h 1111.i ... 11 , .f• li·•li1 I rt '"'" ,., 1·:1 in 111nt
I 111 1 111•1 1 •"•111.or I'' I"'' 1111 h rai1'0: :i~ Olln•'I'
Refried Beans ••••••••••• 39<
1: ..... 111.1.1'1tlw111i1· f1:11orr:1nol 1al111·' 17111. •
Top Ramen •••••••••• 4 Fors 1
fl111·n1.il n••1•tl•.. .oil 1:1nl'ti1•i--:ioz 11hl!
Powdered Milk • .' •••••••• s5 49
M.J.B. Rice Mixes •••••••• 45<
SHASTA s 119
Pu;ina Special Dinners ••• 69c
1'.ot fn111l th•·\ lor11• .di 1ari1•t il'~ -l)<nz
MUk Bone Biscuits ••••••• 8 9'
F11r -.111:1 11. 1111·di11111 or lari,t1• 1IOl.(!l -ill 07..
.. ,. ........ ""'""··~·· ............ , ................. .
llw lhlt El ... has been 1e411hl by llulhes Mnets, JOU'rt IOilll to see some . ' chmln. In • prices. lecMe we can now tme ldnntla• of "'&hes'· volu• buying
llld wnlioll•ilc flClities. Ind, we1 pns the llvinp llelll to you. But, that's all!
We're not Coinl to lower our quality in meat, produce, or aRJthinc el•. Or lessen our
senict. So you can conti1ue to en;oy al the benefits of shopping at D Rancho. Only now
J it wl cost you less.
Brown or Powdered3· 9e-
I ,\ 11 1111 .flt I -.1o•ll.11• I .d111·' I llo o'l 11
Special K •••••••••••••••• s 121
f\,·1111:.!~·... l•Jt' .1 t!fl•ttl "L!•t1HI 1u .. rn11ai,!.. 1·• 11r
Granola Bars •••••••••••• s 1 os
\:ot11r1· \':111 .. , ·di 1 :1rwt11·-. 111 m. 111-..:
B • M. · s12s rown1e 1x •••••••••••••
•f!1 •t t 1· f'r1~·J..p1 111,1J..1•-. If l ':I'\ :.!:.!':·Ol
Lower prices in our Deli
Th · 1 .. ,, .. r I'''"'" 111al..1• .. t h•·t11 1·1·1·n l1l't l•·r' 71 ~11z.
· s101 «oquefort Dressing ••••••
Blue Cheese Dressing ~ ••• s 135
1: .. 1,·, l'lal lr•r-. 111•1r ":1latl~ -and thl' h11d1tt•t! 16 oz
Kraft Swiss Cheese •••••• s 119
"'"' ,., 1•11 I ho• h1,l1 ·-. ('11-.t 1·1111 J..,,• .. Ii llZ pal'l-.:11.!•'
Whipped Cream Cheese •• s 1 os
"I ii I flt 1 I,., ,, t I'""'' a l .1 111'\\ :.on1tnt h J'f'll'I' .. ~ 117.
Cracker Barre) St ix •••••• s 185
E \tr:1 :.;hart• 1·h1'i',<P .. pri1·1·rl to lw a sharp liuy ... J II 1r:r.
Aunt Jemina Syrup •••••• s 112
\1 ,111J1 1111·11.J ii I ftt.u1th flfll'•' '.!I 11Z
Instant Coffee ••••••••••• s3t4
Welch's Grape Jelly •••••• 79'
t Ir i:1111 1t t 111-. I••'',.,. prir1•' :!II •17. ; • .r
Health & Beauty Aids reduced
TOOTHPASTE rr .... , ,,.,,,. \11111 n ,, ••J' 11th fl1111 ridf'' !1117. ..
l . . s 1 • • 1ster1ne •••••••••••••••••
\11t i-..1·111 j,. I h.tl rt•f1 •-Ir• ' I..! n/
Alka Seltzer ••••••••••••• 89'
Maalox liquid ••••••••••• s 172
..;,,.,, • ii .II fn•t f11 l t 111•l t'l\'1 l:.!111.
B A • . s 11s ayer sp1r1n ••••••••••••
T s149 ampox •••••••••••••••••
J:, .! •. '11111 1 • ..;,, 11•1 1'111-. p.1d,a:.!1• 11f Ill
New lower prices on Wines and Spirits ...
Save 10°/o more when you buy the case!
1 ·1i ..... 1'1111 1 ,.,1.1, 1(11111 "r l·.rrwrnld I ·,II r
Inglenook lavalle ~ •••••• 5] 15
H11rl.!11111h , 1 'haltli-; •1~ ~11:1c ... 1.5 liter
E & J Brandy •••••••••••• 56''
Gallo makes it for sippin'! Quart
lord Calvert ••••••••••••• $669
EnJ111· ('anad111n anti the pric.-! Quart
lallantl•' s ••••••••••• 5 1649
1 Crl!al 'irulch . i.:reat value! l.75 liter
S b t• • w· s2•• e as 1an1 1nes ••••••••
('hahli". Burl.(11nrly or \'in lfo:1f' 1.5 litt•r
Ten High ••••••••••••••••• 5549
Apprrdat<' ttw whit1Kt?,>' ar.rl the price! Quart . $4" Ion Rico Rum ••••••••••••
, f'htl<ISI' \\'htll' 111' J)ark :ll ()Uf priC{' ... 7f)(} m) · s51• Gordon's Vodka •••••••••
Now a n .. w lower price on thr 11uart size
· These are not advertised specials. They
are just a sampling of the hundreds ol
lowerecl prices at Hughes El Rancho.*
Bold Detergent •••••••••• s 289
I\ 1111.! 'I'(•' a l ""' •·111111,. t ii 1. • 11111·1•
J l . .d s 102 oy 1qu1 •••••••••••••••
I "•·r a n11·1· rd l1·1·1111n -1111··· 1•ric1-'. :!:! 111
Comet Cleanser •••••••••• 3 3'
Facial Tissue ••••••••••••• 66'
I "''"' 'r' '"' 11••' 1•111 • ... , !I ·· 111:.! rt1ll -•"olo~ or rirints
Zee luau Napkins ••••••• 45'
l'ro II 11 q1l.111-. l11r ...,1111111°·1',;111nl,!! lll01·t
Sandwich Bags •••••••••• 71'
J:1:.!:.!11·-. '•' • ft~Hf IO,I fir• l•~l.!.1111.-)41
Stewed Tomatoes ••••••• 39 <
, ,, ... ,,I t I I 111: 1111 'lot I,, •• ol 11. lto111.
Peanut Butter ••••••••••• s 116
:-...~ 1p11 1 ,, , .,, ,· .; I, , .. .,. J.•r
Cool Whip ••••••••••••••• 68'
Deluxe Pizza •••••••••••• s2••
' I ii ... ff. 1 I • tltitlld ,t 11.l • :!1i 0 /. '-f/t•
Grape Juice •••••••••••••• 88'
\\1l1 h'-. l••I" -.111' l:.'.111 fr111.1·rt
Del Monte Pears ••••••••• 55'
S s141 Asparagul-' pears •••••••
I; 1, 1•11 C; 1 1111 t o•rrdo•r I lfl t 11 11 p' 1 ;, •)/
A --_.;:_ _,,._____ __ Mexicorn •••••••••••••••• 39'
f :r1vn f ir.trtt-t"t•rn "11h 11•-.t-l~o~ ran..
~~-! .~·~~~. ~~~~.~.:..:.~ ;<G · • • s 1°' PO POV $ 7 89
H--___. ....... ~<h's Mustard ••••••••6_5_' __ !~!t~becomesmore~ttractive
Del Monte Peas •••••••••• 41 c
=-'" 1•1•t ,111.t l•·rrdo·r and pr1l'l·d r1uhl' 11; 117.
Heinz Ketchup ••••••••••• 88' .Even l(rcat't'r \'aluc at the new price! t .75 ltr.
Pl Us , • • • • advertised $pecials • ••
,.,. ·~·····-..------------•• , •• 1't> ...
•Jn effect CJ8 of May 24, 1979. Subject to change
as costs and manufacturer's allowances may uary.
Th1Tlt~ -<1•.-l:rtt~!l•l l1t-.h1
I •
Charcoal S 12,
Sprinrcf1eld burn hot and rlt11111! 10 lb
Heini Relishes 39e
kur11er. liot L>orc. ~'"'ct . 111,lto Ill "'
Mustard ..... s •••• 49c
ln the lti ounce i.QUt'\'te holtlt1
Buns N•tma 39c OI MOT tee•••••
Sprinjft1t'lu rnluc µtil'lutge of ti
S & W New England &tyle-28 ot
B·B·Q Sauce~'59c
Hut, Rel{ulur. H1ck11ry-14 <)Z.
Paper Platessu 5139
Uixie 1 Spring Medle)o -package of 50
Burger Sauce &9c
Hellman s "Big H" ... 12 oz jar
Ballantine S · 1 09
BEEi i~c"
Zee Napkins . . • 29c
Spice Tone assorted colors-60 cl.
Kraft Dressings 59c
Catalina. Italian, Caewar-8 oz
Macaroni ..... 29c
Kraft 's meal in minutes-7 •, oz
less el, lets tf 7 9 ...... 32 oz;. c
Lawry's Sauce ggc
Sweet 'n' Sour B·B-Q ... 11 1 , oz
Tea Bags •••••• 'l 11
Chul{·a-lug-a Lipton! Pkg of 48
Read's Salads 59c
German Potato or 3 Bean ... 15 oz.
· Loura Scudder's Regular, Dip
or Barbecue ... B ounce bare
CREAM $1 39
Royal Hoet Premium Pack in choice
of flavors-1 , rcallon
Lasagne ••••••• s 111
Stouffer's in the big 21 oz size
Llme1de120zea1 •••• 49c
Minute Maid (I • • ... 2kt
Celeste Pina -'-2''
SaulQe (22 II) Pepperoni (lt II)
Potatoes •••••• 11c
Crinkle Cuta, French Fries-2 lb p~
WHOLE s1 29 HAM •
El Rancho's own ... water adcfed
Ham"" ......... 1111 Boneless .Him 12'!
l/ lanchti1 Hiiir.~ ..... ::~·::~::·~1I!
Center cut to give you the bet1t!
Rex Sole • • • 127!
Fresh! ••. to make the value Rreat.er!
~!~fro~!!, I~ --!2'!
'!:!'1! .. ~~10!! .. ~~~:d
1 Bone Roast 111! .. Cooked Slrimp s4••.
Chuck cut U.S.D.A. Choice beef Cocktail me ... frozen and defroeted
Bar·M Ham •••• s31!
Boneleu-wbole, half or quarter
Chuck Steak •• 111! 0 Bone Roast 121~1 F1£S11 ruL£TS!
Center cut-U.S.O.A. Choice beef
Fresh! Meaty' Lean Eastern pork
Chuck cut U.S.D.A. Choice beef
Chuck cut Choice shouldn clo~
lrs1111 . Turke11 ~~~ ......... II!
1-~I H.e11rhn's ov.-n ... 10 to 11'> lbi-11( plump tendf'r gnodne11s'. Mein roun1e pleaiwrt 111 1iny lime nf year
! ~~~~l .. !~!!~t w/•!~:
Turkey lllQllMTD •••• 69f
El Rancho's-frozen and defrosted
GROUIDs219 BEEF · , 111
Bulk or pattieti-lean grind
dvt!s not exceed 221"1 fat rcmtenl
Slab Bacon • 89~
Hormel by the piece (SUCOI ...... 99')
Sausagernuusnu. 115!
El Rancho's own recipe-mild or hot
CllOPPU llEF $ ~ 49 !!!~~d ... Bu~oo! •
Uc>t!S not ex~eed 15'; fat content
1iJp Sirloin Sieak ... 11.7/l
l '.S .lJ.A. Choice beef ... selected for quality, tenderness, fluvor' ... and bondci.~ offt1rs more rnluc' (FlllST CUT .. 3.59 lb.)
at the Delicatessen
PAt.llC RED SJ79 Snapper 11.
for tht-uvt'n, ... kil lf'f 11r hrnill'r
-Johann ~e1ster-11nported
'or El Rancho-and you.
s2~ ..
Riesling JOtlAlllSD •• '2"
.Johann Ml.'11:>tN imported' 'la"'
Zeller ~mz ~n •••• 12"
.J11h1tnn :'\lt'l·ln lmportt:d' ~!{ ot
SAVE $1.00 .
ON STRAIGHT s4st Whiskey
El Ranrh11'11--6 yr old ... Quart
7 Crown ...... 51011
Sea2ram ·., hi ended wh1l-key-I. 7il It r
Beefeater •••• sis••
The defln11 1ve 1t1n .. I 75 hter11
Mateus Wines '311
Choose Ru,-l· or White F1ft h
Canadian Club 1741
Tbe 18mou~ "CL'" seve 50c-.i1 h
SAVE 70c! ~ 1l1i 11 IR VODKA 5669 rranns FARMER JOHN ••• ·~. I.I ii fl Bonlod IOI El l<snch•' I""'""
Mozzarella 12a •• 'l 51
Prt.ci uui. (16 OL .. 1ot) (I oz ... US)
Krekus or Polka-lean tasty! (2 11 siit ... S09) .
Choose ~eat or Beef Franks-the brand that's become a California favorite' 16 oz package
Sausage ... f..;.. 5239 Pickles cuasus ••• s1°9
Klcments Wisconsin treat! 12 oz C'hoose Whole or Halves-32 oz jar
Or Bonbino, for variety! 8 oz
Super Fresh Produce
Wi!!consin aged rheese-Everfresh -n oz
PB1ch11 FmST OF THE SEASON • • • 17!
California fruit ... firm yellow meet offers fine navor~ for breeklBl!I, for de~i.Nl or pleai.ure'
fresh Carrots 15\
Jn plio bag for crisp flavor
.... nn.rM ......... ...... ""' 33~
Styrofoa• S 15 9
Ice Clltst • '' ••• duat the tbint for ~ht cold et.uff'!
' Fruit Rolls • • 29~
Choice of flavors . . . one 01. eacll
t.'!foes 39t
Nature's little gema ... 12 01.
and· ... for the Holiday
~:ti: ......... s111
Coppertone-f ounce-Oil, too
Sundown s211 Sunscr•n •••••
Batra or Meclium •trencth-' or
Pr1Cl'' 111 ,,fl , t•r Tlwr Mnv :U
thmuµh Wc•d Muv .'JI)
I Joen da1/\ 4 t o 4 .'iunda' /U tu 7
,\ '' ,a(.,,. to dealer~
' ''' '' i' -• ,,... ' •,\ 1• t1 .. ' I ... "• •f ""'• •i 1nl1n~l ~ ''·"''•,,. q' ,\ q•ir•jiJ•H '•• ... , 1 II, 1, II,,••, ' ,., '''' ll '~ , , • t6.Jl M~1u I 1'1 '1•l'""" •\o
~' ,,, ' I •• i' J' .. r ,, .rlh• ·'"' ,, ., H ,,, ' "",1 ''" I' , I t I ,, 1,,1t"' l ;• ( 1•r1'1 I •'"' \ .... I • ..." 1PI' ~· ... ~ ........ "ai.t '
CIDCIU11 IYBP .......... Ito
HtnMJ'• .•. favored Ice creem toplJinl! l~ oa
PEAllT •no ............. 110
N1tural ... n1turelly ,ood! Hollywood 16 oa
....... PlllD .....
Mn. Fannina'• for old time tute! 14 oa
STYIOFOll CIPS ••••••••••• 41c
Pack ... of 61 .•. 7 ounet> ... Sptin.rield
mcrr ms CAT F• .... 210
Choice o( vari•tJ" In J 2~~ ounc. cen
.................... ,$1.31 ILOOIY lllY Ill ••••..•• $1.21 W.X IEFIU •.••••••••••. ~lie I. I. TOUT TISSIE ..•...• lie 011111. KIEIUT ....... S2.3•
Cbomt __, ot &he Dl«-12 ounoe cue T•balco melle9 It Ju« rifbt-30 .01 bottle Gt... cl...,. for the epreyer ••. 32 oa
AlllONd Colonot White-4 roll peck A n1me )'ou'll recollect! Km11 11ze (Zk "'I
-.... -
WedMedey. Mev a . tm
• T ,
'· :Ire -FooilS of tlie Fut11re Those of the ·Past? 11
. --r1-:;-:..:.fR11p111!11P.-.•-::-:-::---dn.er.n:ntt-, -1bua~lr.1nesadv:.t..tiiider"iri•iiilopii..-·-f-•_.u11m • r 1 r •Jee t • d panltt 1pent 1nUUon1 "IN 'l'llS early~." bouHboldl now bne OG· elemeata tbat make U! a bera. Tiie microwave -I• ktkhlai ol the . I t• trrtn'te-crto1nh . pro1110Uw1 thw 1abr lie ea •'a•d, ........ be t1 l W 2 Didbitt: by meal.'" People leek oven WID lpeM'"UlllD ... _.---t
i..-•t ~ -ompa"'ies. to dispel the notion that a ometlm•• railed atltutfe. involved wttb lmpn>ved lNI. demorrapbea ex-quick, euy, available their way.
"' ·-" .. food co1npanlea clidate auao,a. "V~ don't.. Tllia rutw.. tbey Uld, aaltlUon -takl.n1 Pfft.. tbe perceo(qe Lo tnty items. "If tbey All Wa, remember ..... llere tbey dwell on what the pubU~ eata. aoylturf•ra today." b•ton1• to lbe can· lhln,. out that people reacla eo. Apartments, want a aq. meal tbey 10 bee.me moderna are in ~-eclaaolo1L and con· The ~Ile. ~ aaya. lleNlftft Aumer . tht compaa1e1 don 't like and puttla1 ln kltcbeu, pantrin wlll out." the proceu of movina •I ....._ .l =...:;: the public &eta wh•t •l la f~~ aakl. no th•& auppb hlm wltb tlllAp tbl& caiPt baw '8Dd to be --.1a.... And T,0 ..Ua food....coa:J.olf...AIAlJ mort •d· ·,
tlaat tlM fooda of the w.nta. ruearcli ... lo-fooi mull react to coa~ beta loll IDlfoe•••q." cllata1 patferna will cerna are d9'eloplaa tbe vaacecl IOdetJ. Or la it
fut "You on·t sl'll the dl!Y at &Mtr ••pafty tumer tutH. '4We're cba111e. modular meal, m.cfe up tbe otblr way around?
unml&blbetboHof consum n wh t1 t h ~ Aupporta aulop, •••n tpeadra more Um• PaeblilijllHpeet.d '"l'bere ta 11.lread,y a or Uelllt eutly eom· Weare,,ou'llrecall,re-I Uae -put. Take pasta, doesn 't w a n1 .·· h e thou1b -wtaUenattr11 br6a1tn1 HDvenlenre toebaaaet.ooufamW. deeUae ia the family blaedtomeetlndlvldual tunabalt.otbebu&eaa Celt beliM wttll lf&la de c I a r ~ • If e and 'ins to Jam U.. dowa • •cl n • l u r al n e • • become •mailer. meal," aald lfcNlven. taate1 and &be diDlDI well. Tbat'1 wbel'e we s:dvlli.aalloa baa _M_c..,.N_l_wn __ re-c_a_H_h_o_w_~_o_n_· _i_h_r_o_•ta __ -_eo_•_•_e_om_·_'_o_1_•t_he_r_._ .. _•at_d"'."'Eb_U_n_. ___ ,._l_ft_y_p_e_r_c_e_n_t_o_f __ ·_·A_ncl __ •_dec_Une __ ln_tbe __ t_lm_e_•_of_f_a_mJ__:ly:__m_e_m_·_be__:;l;..aD __ • _____ _
•weloped aome form of It ftom local 1r11ln.. It ·a men '°'"' on for mor.-lMa 5,000 years And
._. puta b being re· ~vef't!d. · 1o att the ba11i<' ~thnh'
• foqda of the Mt'X1CMn11
a• Orit-ntals
~II have b1e111c· .cr1t1n bated ra rboh ydrM l~~
They utilize meat. but
tbey aren •t dependent on
IC.. They u cn 'l , a11 lht'
tfthnolog1st.s s1ty. meat
They are rf'lat1V(•ly 1n
expensive too. ,. hu•h adds to their appul Pasta. for exampl~.
fosts much less than
beef. a fact well known to
Every time beef
•rices go up, pasta con
•umption does too.
• The people a l the
P illsbury Co . wh ose
future depends on how
you \'isualize yo ur
future. we re musin g
about the c-ha ngcs a few
days ago
"WHEN VOtJ go from
a primitive society to an
advanced societ y you
gel more m e at con·
sumption ... said Malcom
McNiven . vice presi -
dent . m a rk eti n g
ser vices. And suga r and
fat s too Evolutio n
seems to progress that
.. But now ," Mc N1ven
obierved. "the t rend has
lipped." He brouf!ht out
his charts: in developed
naJions. they showed.
su}ar and fat usage
were high but falling.
Grains. chick<!n , fis h.
vegetat>Jes were rn.;ing.
In the less developed
countries the situation
was the oppos ite The
c-h a rts s howed s u ~ar
<t nd rat consumption.
1 hough low . were grow
111g People were moving
more heavily into rneat
and away from pasta.
··M o!-""-. d eve l o pf'd
c ountr ies might b t•
becominJ! more like the
less developed.·· s aid
Mc Niven. They arc turn
in g back to basic'>,
<.t lthough thf'y ure sc<'k ·
1n~ the t>as1c:s in m urt:
conv('nient. easily 11rc
p~r~d form.
'1'1\is, of course. pre·
sents a challenge lo the
food concerns. who an~
perceived as on the fron·
tiers. always cooking up
new ide s to test on a
reckless ublic. always
seeking ew ways lo
make an d-fashioned
THIS IS the turf of
Oave Ehlin. vice pres1·
ff your doctor has told
you to keep your salt in·
take to a m in imum
because or high blood
press ure. obes ity or
some other medical pro-
blem. check the ingre·
dl ents of everything you
swallow. including non·
prescription m edica-
tions you may take
Rem e d i e s for
sy mptoms lik e
heartburn or indiges· ---on. tor-ex-ampt . con.
tain varying amounts of
Laboratory findings
report a wide range iri
sodium content or com·
monly used antacids.
~me contain 150 times
,more aodi um th an
<otben. However, there
is a Jow sodium antacid,
Rlopan, that ls not likely
to upset low salt diets.
Therefore, it pays to
lread labels carefully
accordinJ to a
s pokespenon (or Ayerst
. ! + MD
..OIUllll ·-.. $1 Jt SLICED BACON Ill ''l· .... ,_.. •• U\,.• s1•• SUCED BACON l.t.
tll&Oi 5 • tU AClli "'"'"'"
LB .
. ....
S LB. BOX M .19 EA.
LARGE EM> •1••l. ... ....... .
$139 SUCED BACON • •8 .. c. l•
OSCA~MAH• $179
IKO • Ctove• • 1 59 1((1 • ll.t.ot-<:u1 • 7•-.. AST 11 . C.CKSnAIC ,,•IH
1(1J • CHUC1I • -l£W •22• IUJ • CHUC!(• llOUlfO • 90M ···--WP l l NT .. A•T •• •1•• WlP • K.ILM.CUf • , 07 IUJ • IMAl.l INO •
OSCAM M••l' • llOUtiO. SOVAM[ s1 •• VARIETY PACI ;!-g'
-,.""',u ......... 111<>....,.n ....... ,,__,_.__._.._.....,_,_.._ CllUCK •OAST '' ..... A.T 11 2•• MaSfta. l • f IM
COOIED SHRIMP ~~J t• s 13 9 •tJ • llOU>IO • llOf<f•th • 1 •• •m • llOUOIO . 90Hll.US '2"• WU ll •2• u
H()llUllEl • •"-AHOL(R $1 '' WIENERS • Lii ... G 1•
flll5"FllOl(.. s1 s9 ........ T l l Tl•HA•T ll cu-•t8&K TURBOT flllET NSH• .. or1ou mo11 .. ra1 $199 sw1ri S•OU,•H I ,2 .. MU •SMAllU•O $ 9
18 s 19 LU• A•• IEEF l9 TllMrD ltOAST l• ••• SnAK •• 2• osc•• ... ,,,,.•Ber• s1•• YA11£TY PACK :.:~: t •
"°""ll s19•
DOVER SOU FILUT 11 2 •m·•o.,uus $IM 5,.;;-s:;)Q,.,.00• ,3 •• eu• •CHVCo.•10 .. u rsi. •2 ••
'"'U"'"Oll" s snw MIA T 18 WIT .. aaT ,.. SllOULMll •ftAll .• · ICELANDIC HAUBUT " 379 ~El •CUAll••IO,.Hm $2•• s w1ris••u wttnl •3•• flltr ••OuNO•IOhHlS~ $ 79 BHF \Yr.A~GlERS ;~~ l• -------------~llAM l8 TU•KIY .. UTmo n•sna• II 2
;. M1NllT£. MAIO l EMONAOE •REG. 30.1-0l Ofl ,__
•CRYSTALS . s i •s SEGO LIQUlo ~~!:c~. ! . •OOl 4gc
. . JU<>l. CRUSHED TOMATOES •l"" s ! ·~-o' 21c
OLIVES ~=-~~:~ .. no Ho: &Jc s 11 • HEINZ RELISH ..... 8U•Gl• HOI DOC:. ~ 43c ....oz: , .. n,• oa S•tl ~ : '<'IO.'
s 149 KETCHUP HU"l ' ! >H)I 55c,
•II-OZ. 1··: DEL MONTE 75c I
-· 5 156 sU:~c;~~~:'.~~-:~.... • ·'.:',,. $1.08
! DETEREiEllT ..
6 Ol•U•GOLO ·~BAR SOAP . ••I '-0L 50c W~/~~~~!~~~· ! .. a"'.',,:17~~
l1M£/S<.AlE HtMCJvEk 79 MINUTE RICE ..,. ... ,s ... o, o•u"~"'' 5 39c e LIME AWA y c RIBROHr orn1to "" ,,. IQ/
.... • •••• ----HI-OZ. ,. ~ STATER BROS. .. 98 I
• KlEE"E". w111re OR AsSOAno cOt.ORs 63c MAYONNAISE 11 "' c
••FACIAL TISSUE ·····-·-~'-
·• BALL•RD RY-KRISP ~~0J~ .. co ! 1 \0l 84t 'lf81SCUITS . _ ..................... 1.~z. J 6c CORfl CHIPS :~~~:~~~nl ! 1 ol &~ SNACK PACK ~~~J.~c 1m1t111s ! •1Hll 7.,
Low-Low Frozen Food Prices
FABRIC SOFTENER SJ.it•e•os S uMl( 82c
YARD GUARD --~ • ":'. 01 s2.54
CHARCOAL LIGHTER ou•c•:•l ! no1 74c
I~ STA BROS. 57c ~ PARTY DIPS ~~p;=:•0 "°'011M>l
ANTl-FREUE ,.($.Oh l I •l.01 '3.79
ECLAIRS lllCH'S ~ .,c CRACKER JACKS to•U ' ! lll-Ol 39'
CHOCOLAY£ "· '" ............... ool . 'c GRAPEFRUIT: JUICE M1Hu11 11a•O !u-0z SSC ORANGE JUICE ..u1EMA10 . .f . .cL 4 MARGARINE }le ORANGHUl((-wHoUs . • ~ 37 '"'l"••• ! l•l-Ol
ORANGE JUICE WH«ESUH. .• . .•• 12-0Z. ,,.
ORANGE JUICE WltO\ESUfl • •M>Z. 91 c
LEMONADE ~::.-::: .. -···• .... W)l. 25• LEMONADE :~c:.= ..... f . ..'2-0l. 4ac PARTY DIPS :~w:r':~' . ! . ·~z. 47c
Cftftlfl($ :;:~::~01.••1sa1111W1t... • s1 09 LIMEADE ..uru•M> .... •· .... . . .cL 29c uun O* OOlllll ~IUH ... l~l o
ASPEN l'f.PSl.COlA. DIU l'f.PSI. Otl • s1 39 MO\llll AIH Dt w lllJ~l CA"I o
ASPEN _.,~..... . .. ~ I . wm 91c
7 UP ::J"~"" ···I ........ ~, c• ...
•••1111 .... ......... --·----....--.. --· ... ·--........... ~ ......... ...._, .... .
-----..--. .. Iii ... ..
_ ..... ______ _ ......... ......._ . .,.
.. P*ICIS Dm:.
MAY 24 •
MAY 30# 1979
UIRA-FA~V • SWEll • l[l;()lA 1.2c EACH
NlW CROP• U !. NO 1 • WHIH RO'I I 2c l8
1 •Jlf,I • 'iWt I t• \llKI •1~l
U ~ "-0 I • \W• I r "tt't(/ ....
• ~WT>. .. .. • tsua •sm .... . . .... •111
Cl(lSl .. cUmlS .. ,., . '°' It m.nm Cll.ISl tw -· ,,.,, iu. CIAlU PaMSM ClllSI ..... .... 'I.IS •111CM Stas ··~ ...... "-. ·~· •us MlllCM sm.ES ..... ..,, 1t
C&Kllluml :.:::.: ......... .._. ·-.,.
sm.n ~ NlA JI WAI IU f .... ,,
llWmSMAIJUY .• _. ft'
NTAll S.IUI !UY •••'Ill
IASPIOl'f f9J -,_•ta
l•P•lll ""' '1.IJ
Health & Beauty Aids Specials
CASHMllE llA 1111 • Ill.It ... •-n llOOY H>WDE.11 • ICl-Ol ..
\Ill~ 5"Allll'OO 011 COHOITIOHt'.R
~~!~OOCILAOfS s 1 09 ~~'':ASH 12c
~£~~l011lllll( 57c
LlfillT ()Ill~
~~~~...,;,:.__:~..,...:~~~~---------------------------------------------------------W-... ~----~·-M9w~D~,1~t11.:_ _____ & OAILYPILOT
~ t,
.. . \
1, g
' . .. ,.
f !
I I ' . ,'ti
• l ~
·1 1
C&·C Cola lS here!
Beginning today you don't have to pay more for a cola that has
great taste and uses the same high quality cola nuts as Coke and Pepsi.
Why C1C Gala llstes great.
1 John Ritchie is one of the best soft drink flavor
technologists in America His taste buds
are said to be among the most sensitive in
the world. John Ritchie has been with Cantrell
& Cochrane, makers of C&C Cola since 1962 .
He form ulated C&C Cola's great taste using
the highest quality cola nuts and other
natural ingredients.
As a very young man, John Ritchie formulated
another great cola, Pepsi-Cola.
C&C, Coke and Pepsi are three different great-tasting colas. But, John Ritchie
thinks C&C Cola tastes a little bit better, naturall y.
lhJ C1C r.a11 casts less thin r.au and Pepsi.
Depending on where you live or shop, a six-pack of
12 ounce cans of Coke and Pepsi costs you about 30a: to
60¢ more than C&C Cola. · ~
C&C Cola charges ~ess becau~e Cantr~ll & ~,I
Cochrane deliver their cola the mexpens1ve way .·· -~ ._ 1
-in big trailers direct to supermarket ware-a .
houses. One big delivery costs much less.
Coke and Pepsi charge more because they
deliver their cola the expensive way-in smaller
trucks to many individual stores. Many little deliveries cost much more.
If C&C delivered this way, C&C would have to charge !llore too! . .
C"---"""Oday;the-people at-C&c,tike-John.Ritchie':are de~1cated to bnnging you t_he__..~-
finest quality soft drinks in the world-at the nght pnce. · . . . ~
Try C&C Cola. Use the introductory 10¢ off coupon on the ad1ommg or .
following page to save even more. Once you taste C&C Cola you may never en1oy ~
paying more for Coke and Pepsi again.
Diet, too!
01919, Centrell & Cochr•ne. Inc. Eliiabetl\. Nronoi--
·--~ -. . .-:'~ ,,_._ .. ,.~·~ ·~4'-~:.-.,.,..,..,.._.,,.-#1119.,,.r••~..,...~
Wedneeday, Mey 23. 1979
ice: ·Stuff Peppers
here 's a flavorful
ve1etabJe combination
that 111aku diel1n1 almost a pleaaurt!. It's
colorful 1reen pepper
h•l•ea 1tuffed w1th a
creamy rtee combo.
Tbe recipe stv• la for
two aervin&J, but it can
be Haily aaulUplMd 106 , .... , , .... , ,., .. ~t1119oon salt
D .... pepper
~ teupoon parsley
\4 teMpoon poultry
Wllat la Nl'UeUlarb u ·
peaUn1 about Buadlt
ltulfed Peppen la the eooklna method.
Wrap the stuffed pep-pen in heavy duty
aluminum foil and fOok
rt1bt alona wttb othr
itema In the oven.
Or prepare peppers
abead and Irene.
Tbe indavldual foil
bundles can IO dlnctJy
into the oven with no
last minute fu11 and
bother If you have btta of left·
over meat, you can
make these 1reea pep·
per beauties into a full
meal. Just add chopped
ham, chicken, turkey or
beer. A great meal in a
bundle . . and easy
cleanup, too
For the third con·
sec utive year the
Orange County Wine
Sor!ety. in conjunction
with the Orange County
Fair, is sponsoring a
Homewine Competition.
The competition is
o pen to all amateur
winemaker s In
California, who will
compete for the coveted
blue ribbons.
This year's competi-
lion will featwe a wide
\'ariety uf categories re-
sulting in a broader
scope ·and more awards
oei ng made. All de·
votees to the ti m e
honored h o bby o f
wint!making are cordial·
ly invited to submit wine
for judging , according lo
Jim Graver. chairman
for the event.
1-----f;''nr---"1,... made from
j ui ce concentrates.
categories range from
Zinfandel and red wines
to white. r ose, fruit,
dessert and s parkling
For the purists, the
fresh fruit divisiO]l of.
fer s eleven separate
c ategories from Zin·
fandel , Cabe rn et
Sauvignon, Pi not Noir.
Petite Sirah, Gamay
Beaujolais and other red
wines to Chenin Blanc,
Chardonnay, Johan·
nisbf!rg Reisling, white,
rose, fruit, dessert and
sparkling wines.
Awards will be offered
in each category. Finl,
Second and Third place
awards will be made
and each wine entered
will receive a written
critique by the judges.
Judges will be select·
ed by the Orange County
Wine Society and will be
unde r the direction of
Jerry Mead, CaUfornia
wine writer and critic.
One bottle and one
label, representing each
entry, must be s ub-
mitted for judging.
Judges will hand down
their decisions June 10
at the Memorial
Gardens building on the
Orange County Fair
Final date for enterine
i• Juae3.
Entry fee is $3 per
category entered.
The wine labels will
be ente~ in a separate
judging and will also be
displayed at the fair.
Plana are underway
for an arts and crafts
~how d-wine ~
be held the day of the
Award winniD& wines
from the Oraqe County
Fair's commercial wine
com~etition , will be
available for tasting.
These events are open
to the public.
Orange County artists
and craftsmen are cor-
dially invited to
participate in the dem·
onstratloa of arts and "
crafts. For more information
concerniDI entertne the
Homewine Competition
or participatlq ln the
arts and crafts show,
write to Jim Graver at
tbe Or...,e County Wine
Society, P. o. Box m1.
Oraqe, Californla nee5
or call (213) 7Jl.1011 or
(714) .......
15% 1025%1
.. ~ . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . , . . -FOOD
Bundle Stuffed
Peppers can be
preparect and
then frozen
until time
for cooking.
fllCIS IRIC1l¥I WID., 11A Y U mt '1115 .. MAY H , 1t7t. ._, ...........
.... "llMllS ... ·-..u. CIMllO•l llMI.
. l
-Fix Blended Beans
• 17
Canned kidne
beans and chick
peas combine
with tomato
sauce and sage
leaves to make
Italian favorite.
f '1r&t of
Ft\GIOU Try Peach
Cobbler or
SAVE YOU Sparerill
MONEY' . "c:=~!.Size~S · 39 ALL ·vccELLE'M'O
(Beau wt&ll Sage I
3 tablespoons olive
Peach Shorrcake!
• O..r l lltt Ate Oeflthlfvl
• lorM<ved. ''"'"" •• O..tl 1 can 120 ounces )
cannellin.i beans. drained
1 can <20 ounces >
chick peas, drained
ALL SAFEWAYS OPEN MAY 28, MEMORIAL DAY z.: .. ~~1 c .. k ... w11i.
l can ( 8 ounC'eS )
tomato sauce
2 teaspoons sage
leaves. crushed Potatoes Whotf ltote·U.S. No. I
Ideal 8oihng Potato lb.
:If• teaspoon salt
1 /16 teaspoo n
ground black pepper
In a large skillet heat
oil until hot. Add can·
nellini beans and chick
peas. Cook and stir gent
ly for one minute. Add
tomato sauce. sage, salt
and black pepper. Sim·
lb. Y ello" Onions ~o~,
Green Cabbagecr~::~;·h lb.
Delicious Apples":;;,y
mer, covered. s_tirring In Our f "/mn'r S hop frequently, until hot.
ab 0 ~ t 5. minut e s .. Daisies Marguerite s1 s9
G a~msh wtth parsley. 1f Fresh Cut . .•. . . . Bunch desired. Can tw served .
with Italian sausages or Carnations $299
meatballs. Yield : 4 to 6 Fresh Cut .............. Bunch portions 14 cups ).
•.-.,, pound s liced
1 1h c uµs thinl y
shc.-d onion
I leasµoon minced
1 can !20 ounces>
r ed kidnev beans
1 ~an 120 ounces)
ch1<'k peas. rained
1 can 120 ounces>
ca nne llini be a n s.
1 can 115 ounces )
tomato sauce
1 tablesPoOn olive oil
11/• teaspoons Italian
1 teaspoon salt
4 ounces mozzarella
cheese. slict!d <optional l
Preheat oven to 325
. . .Slhn
f From Pa•e C3 >
orange juice, 185
calories per serving
Sliced fresh strawber-
ries and orange juice.
140 calories per serving
Fresh or frozen un-
sweetened blueberries
liDd grape juice, 150
calories per serving
Sliced ba nanas and
orange juice , 155
calories per serving.
\.:.\.).\\~~ -...._. .... ..,,.-IN
-....-. .... _--. ._..,,,~-:
the wH~ of MemCHiat Doy Moy 21.Jvn• 3,
ho' be•n ,., 011d• to pay 1pec1ol htbvte to all
¥•t•ran1 of th11 country'\ otmed fore••
W1tho"' th*'' t.ervtee and IOCrtfK•• we covW
not en1oy owt prewnt peoc• ond pr...,euty
• e We Thank Them! e e
Pork And
~~-· 3~~1
Mrs. Wrlt1_ht's
Hot Dog Buns
or Hamburver 3 ' I Buns~ · _< .. • Plc91.
of 8
IR::d •.JIHCl.ih
14-01.59c Pkg
Brown Derby
Great Thl"t· ' 99 Ouench .. 1 I
:--; 12~;;!~
Valencia Oranges
Green Onions lanQy Flavor
Brown Mushrooms ,
Romai ne Lettuce ~
Crisp Carrots u 'i No ,
Ill 39c
2t01 35'
8 oz Pi..g 89'
Bunch 19'
Flavort 69C G~llon
S1H •
,.-o •. 39c loaf -···
Chi s
Porty Prtcf• p
Natural Style 69C ~ 6-01.
.... Plig.
:~~!k·"P ' 149
Snow Star
Ice Crea111
Creamy Smooth
Party Pride
Mini Pops
Fruit ;~~; Pkg. 99c ~ of24
Kraft Jet
or Mino
Mar,hmallow• 49c
IR::d 16°01. liit"''r Pkg.
l"heck Out 'fhe Saving . ..;!
Chris & Pitt's~ 14 o.-59c BarDt:cue Sduce Bollie
Nice 1N Soft:::=-·4 .. 011 89' ier Toilet Tos~e ..-., PiKI\
Ch Sa1ewav eese l0f19h0!" ~tylt ~ s1 sg
Cheddar. fQndom Weights . ... It
Bel-air Pizza~ 13·01 89' I •oien Heat clll<I Eat• ~ Pkg
Potato Salad~ 14·0/ 49c
111&< Xtnt. e Maca10111 ~ S11e
Safeway Liquor
And Win·es!
,,,. .. f lf•<lt•• In loctnt..i Solowa•" Ne Solt• lo
h c•tt of 10 Gollon• No Saltt foo htol•
·Gin or Voclka Winner'\
Cup ~-6·· 80-Proof
I .7S·Liter
Vin Rose
Gallo Rhin~r~en' 1 •• eChtantt
-<M. 1.S•Llter
.ru:.:~w.c'!~!'! ... 2 l.11~1 s 5
Colony er'"''""'.. .',.',s22s ec...., ........ e,,_hc:.i..., ... ,4 u
~MN "' ~ ac airs
-86-Proot SCo1Ch •
~ KaJllCllatka __..,. il(f.Proot Vodka
:; Tequila
SenOfrta. 80-Proor
....,. 53-Prool LIQIJl\Jr .
I 7~ Sl l' ~ l1let
2 7SO·mt S..,/ 00 Bottles
Quall s4so
23.oz s719
Beef Round Steak
Bonelen USDA ChOtc• Bfff. Full Cent9f Cut lb 11••
1 2 1.9
Beef Ru111p Roast
USDA Choice Beef Round. Boneleu( or Bottom Round lfoa\I)
Beef Chuck Steak
USDA Choice Beef Chuck. Blade Cut lb
Rib Eye Steak
USDA Choice Beef Rib (Spencer) lb
13 99
Top Round Steak
USDA Chiice S..f Round, Bonelen • lb '249
Chuck Short Ribs s11• BULK USDA Chooce Beef lb
7-Bone Beef Roast BEEF
USDA Choice Beef Chuck lb s1•• Whole Boneless
Beef Cube Steak s2•• lhoulcler
Lean and fender ......... lb USOA C~o•<• II••' .~199 C~vfi. (,on I b• Arm Pot Roast s1s• e,1~ Cu• "
USDA Choi<e Beef Chuck lb W1000.-d 1 o I' lb,
Beef Patty Mix
Ground Beef wrth
Protein Added. C Tutured Vegetable 98
~\. ~lb.
Boneless Ham
Fully Cooked.
Water Added. s 19 8 Great To Slice :~
F~ SandwichH. _.,,_
Burritos JS:~:~s
Sliced Bacon ~·
tO-ci 53' P~g
1 lb Si 19 Pk~ I
Fresh Hen Turkey
Manor HouH·
Grade A · IC 10 89 14-lb Son Tender
Mealy and Flavorf~ll c ·-=-lb ·-'
Fried Chicken
Frozen Manor
Cooked A r • .-. s221 Great Treat ,-:;:::-,
At Home or 2-lb.
On A" Outong! Bo•
Sliced Bo lognasri~:~" ~~~ $129
Skinless Franks~~~,, ~~~s1 29
Super Patio Buys!
For Home or Patio
• Appolachoan riardwood
Fro me
• 18-oz. Canva\ Seat And
'-.. • 2-coat Varnith Finith
Folcllng Web Chair
With I ·inch Tubing Alvminum Folding Chait ' 5 99
• Contour Seat and Bock ea ch
.. ..
1 Ii
Cl'• r.·~m~·~~v~~~~~~·~-~ .. ·~···~·~~~m~~~C~l~•~•~V~-~•~le~~llC~~h~J_r ______ ~--------~-~--.
1aVINE EBELL CLUB: A membership
deaaert wtU be held at 8 p .m. Thursday, May·u.
IA Lb• Coloay Clu'*8Ui1•1 I .
< )
I .
' .. "'~ -~ -
' '
Tune t'or
The Atlopltc'tn (i111lll
Tt•nnis Tuurmtnit•nt "111
be hdd ut tht• Nt·~ 111111
Ut'a<'h Tcr1111~ 4. 'lulJ. ut·
cord 111 ~ t u .:111 Ill t'11
<·ha1rnwn. Mr:. t '111>l1•1
Garn und Mr:. S tu11 ln
111 II
Tht• (1r:.I t•h11111111l11111
ni a t 1· h ,. " ~ 1 I I It ,.
Sat urcl:•) 1hr1111~h 1\11 111
d:i~. l\111\ :.'ti 1111 1•11.:h ~·14
Tht• (111als an• pl111111t'1I
for S11l11rtl1t\, J1111t· .'
and S11111hl\', • .111111· .1. 111
ltw duh ·
J\ II 11r111·t•t•1b i.:11 Ii• I h1· lloly F11111il y Atl111ll 11111
anti Cmm :.t•l111.: S1•1' '"'''
1\t rig ht "1th fll'ltt''
;1n· l\1r:. 1:,1rn. M1 ' 11111
a nd Pt•ggy ( 1.,:111•11
Buy Sunscreens Wisely -
Skin care experts offer tips on how to
make an educated sunscreen purchase
this summer.
ll"s tht• yt•iJr o f SPI'' isun protec·
n o n factnn rat 1ngs for s un
M'rl'l'll!>. Ml VOLi CHO hr s ure it's
also a yt'Hr c•f confusion for con·
~umt'r~ tryrng tn huy the proper
pr11t1•tl1on for family need:.. /\
';Htl'I v of rm rm·rals and written
diJ I a ~1ppcar:-on pa<·kages th1!>
)t•ar. :is manufot turcrs attempt 1c,
t•cimply with go v..rnmc nl n •quests
for S PI-' ra11ng:-
A.CC'orrhng tn :-.kin t an· expert:-..
h1•n ":-. wh<1l vou ne1•1f to knnw to
niakl' an C'du('atc tl :-.uns1·rccn
l . Head lhC' label carefully.
2 Modcr alt· protC'cti<;n s un·
screen formulas art· in the SPF 4
ran~e. meaning you can safely
take the ~un up to four times
longer tha n without the s unscrct•n
µrott>t tion. Use this formulll 1f you
have a dark<·r pigmentation that
d<ws n'l burn r1·ad1ly Yo u'll tan
without hurning.
~I 1--:xtrJ prutt·rt1on :-.un:-.crcen
formula:. arc 111 the SPF 6 range.
Fa1rs kinncd persons and others
who lC'nd to hurn quickly in the
:-.un s hould use this formula. It will
takt.' longt'r to tlln. but you
s houldn't hum 1f applied properly
4 • D0t·s th(;• sunscn·t'n say water
r esistant·· No mall<'r what th(•
SPI'' rating, if it washcs off in
pt'lrsp1rat1on or from swimming,
you havt' no morC' protection
;; WalN·rf's isli.lnt sunscreen:-.
generally stay on for hour:-.. in or
n ut of th(· water . hut 1f you I"\
pt:'rsp1rC' profusely or s wim a ~reC1l
dC<t I. it's bt.'sl lo n •a pply even
these s unscreens . Reapply to dry
s kin on)y
Thl0 :-t· tip:-s hould help }uu
thro ugh the m<1zt' o f SPf ratings
a nd product claims you 'll find on·
s hPlf "hen \'OU mllkC' \'OUr SUll·
s c rt•en purt·hascs t h.is yectr.
Hcj?ardlcs:-. of your choice. use
"-;un sensl•" and take the sun 1n
modnatc do~ws until you develop
a tan. nature ·~ own protection
against sunburn
~' -
Crab Boat Iceberg is good on warm days.
Eat Lightly With Lettuce
The California lceberg-LeUuce Commission
offers some s uggestions which are interesting.
unusual and sure lo sat isfy the most dis·
criminating dinner when lighter eating is in or·
1 bead western iceberg lettuce
1,; cup butter or margarine
Y.t cup flour
~aspoon salt
1h teaspoon tarragon
1,2 teaspoon chili powder
Few dashes white pepper
1 can no~ ounces) condensed tomato
soup, undiluted
2cups milk
3 cups cooked c ubed crab meat or Oaked
salm on or mixture of both
3 to 4 ta blespoons lemon juice *
3 cups hot cooked rice.
Core, rinse and thoroughly drain lettuce .
Chill in plastic bag or crisper. Melt butter in
saucepan; blend in flour and seasonings. Mix in
soup, stirring until smooth, then gradually stir
in milk. Cook, stirring, over medium heal until
mtxture""tomeg-10 boll and is-thickenect.-Add
crab meal and le mon juice; heal through. Spoon
rice into deep serving platter ; spoon crab mix·
lure over rice. Cut 3 thick crosswise s lices from
lettuce; cul each slice into halves. Place 5 half·
slices, arched·sides up, in crab mixture. Serve
al once. Makes 5 servings.
Our merchandise is primarily handmade. Even our other items are
unique. We have designed a shop for women. where you can buy
Home Decor Items, Clothing & Gifts for Youngsters, Boutique ttems &
we alao have a Dressmaker, all in one shop. We can Custom Color &
Design most items in our shop. It will be our pleasure to serve you!
-Mory Ann & /ea,.,..
3&9 E. 17th <W••tport Squ•re> Costa Mesa 645-0924
. ......
famlUea are needed in the Harbor Area to host
ehan1e &l'6fiH'8, ated 14 lo 33, ift 8
four·week cultural exchange pro1ram during
July and August. The proiram is s~r.e:d by
the Britilh-European Cenfr~ of Paris. Infor m•·
tlon : Jolyn Wayne, regional coordinator.
Non-lradlUonal career 6Ps>Ortun1Ues for women
is the topic of a lunchtime lecture sponsored by
the Women's Center at Golden West College at
noon Thursday, May 24. The free lecture will be
held in the community center .
stallatlon luncheon will t>e he ld at 10 a .m . Tburs·
day, May 24, in the Huntington Harbour home of
Mrs. Kenneth Busche. Dr. Janet Wright, assistant
professor or law at USC. will speak on Women and
Law. ~
BALB A C HT CL UB: The Ladies
Luncheon Com cc will prese nlthe UCJ Con-
cert Choir at 11 a m Thursday. May 24. in the
d ubhouse.
SOCIATION: The Fountain Valley charter
chapter will cele brate its fifth anniversary at a
dinne r at 7 p.m . Thur~day , May 24, in the Cask
·n· Cleaver llcstaurant. Fountain Valley. In·
format.ion: 537·0539.
J . Baletka will he installed for a second term as
president at 7:30 p.m . Thursday, May 24, in the
Irvine Coast Country Club.
CLUB: A banquet honoring head football coach
John Robinson will be held at 7:30 p.m . Friday.
May 25. in thl' Monte Carlo Room of the
Ncwportcr Inn . Ncwnort lk<JCh . Pat Buttram
wiU b(' masll'r of ct· re monies Information.
7' lallo
Contemporary Sofa
RICI #52
Spec SMet
htource: excluslve,
Joseph Hospital. Oraflle~ &l.lild will wt.RD~
officers Satut,day, May 26. in an End of the Line
Party beJinding with a champagne Amtrack
t rtpto-san Juan Capistrano.
CALIFORNIENNE: The final luncheon meeting
or the season will be held Sunday, May 2T at 1
p.m .. in the Place Pigalle, Laguna Beach.
Reservations: M. Edward Lewis, 494·0024 or
group that discusses the adjustment process or
relocating to u new urea meets at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesduy. May 29. in the Laguna Beach branch
Club Calendar runs each Wedne&day an the I><irly
Pilot and conto1n.<1 nm1ces o/ UNJmen's and UTVtCe
club meetings and events open to the J1Ublrc for the
follounng week
Send notices to Club Calendar. Daily Pilot. P 0 .
Box 1560. Cosio Mesa. CA 92626 Include your name
and p~ number No tu:es must be m our hand$
three wee/<$ m odoonce of on event
Disease Treatment
Study in Progress
A free research treatment study nQW is in
progress at UCI Medical Center for shingles, or
Herpes Zostcr
SubJC<:ts who have had eruptions for Jess
than tbree weeks arc invited to pctrtic1pate.
Informa tion may be obtained from the
school's division of infcctaou!> diseases. 634-5134.
Confused about wha t kmd of
suntan protection to buy? Here are
tips from skin care experts:
Be sure to read labels carefully
and reapply sunscreens when needed.
r-----------, ·I Ne wport·P•ciflc•I
I Films in conjunc-1 I tion with South CoHt I
I Actor Studio requires 1
1 $75.000 to complete I
I financing on possible I
I multi-million dollar I
I movie. To be filmed in I
IOrange County .
,: Further details can. :
I (l14)957-0282 I L-----------1
RI Creative Systems, trvlne. CA.
ltytlng: mod•m clantc, hlg~fashfOn d4Mlgn
....,,.: hofdWood, cloub ... doweted and glued
llabfto: 100,., H~lon weaw ~ of°"* f06ite1, l0m9 C()I I
COion: muted mtped "1o<MI of natural.
brown. blaek. t«ra cotta
~•: sup,..,._ comfort wttt\ 6" thick
foam Mating, rev.,..bl• cUlhlons, long
weartng fabrle, exceptional pttce. Included
at no Rita cOlt. dWcoeatlng wvtew,
delivery, and Rt warranty of qualny.
Ophnal llw: 5> loveteot tMt. I' sofa $Mt.
9' IOfa ti"· Al a ~ofa : stondarcklle llHper • JS C r:;::r-~
~2ss.·~I '·
-~--· ~ 7 DAYS A Wl'.IK • wtEKOAYS •O UllTll t • IATU..OAY 10 UNTIL I • IUNC>AY I):• U..1" I
Af!Atlllllll • 111') W, L..COlll • ,.,._1n1 ~TC* RACH• Ital.,._..,,.,•._...,
cf>ITA •IA• 1115 II -....... • S.11'1 U KA8'1A • I TJO W. -• •t.o711
'IALlllTON •JI• -LJnde -•SU-toll IAllTA MIAITUt'T91 • lnD L Intl If • ..watl we1~111 • ''°" -..... c11•1-•n ...,,, .... ·-·-CMn•UNTa•·~·llftl.··----· r Cooy<iql'll•'l~R8 tnov~""'' lflC ""Am/ncan SIQCll(•~eomci.nv •
.. ..
. 17
'Fite Name Game:
-1..ANDERf;. ~ince my
parents havt> been gone tor many yeoars and
lovf'd mt v.ry muc". t
don't want to raise any
ru.:1 loolung for dirt.
tlowtver . the lettu
from "Throc-ltmorton und l\kh1lll lwl" c-o uld
bu\'(' h<'l1-~·d nw a lot
h ad it llj)J>l'llrt'd 50 ~t'BN.
My purt'nts .:an ml'
u1itials no namt• Thi•
result was thut I bt.•t·am1•
introverted almos t
withdrawn know1ni
that e \'t•ryone who en·
tert"d my llfe would have
som e c·ommenl ltkl'
"What. no name" You
MUST have 1t n1tme "
While pthcr l>.1ds want-
ed ball gloves and bikes.
I would have settled for
JUSt h::ivin~ a name to
be a It EAL somebody
Then came' the lt•gal
forms erC'dit cards.
military paper s. et c
Can you hclie\'e , they
c ame back time :rnd
agalf': "Incomple te ...
"Sorry, we must have
your complete name. No
initials, please." ''Firs t
NAME, middle initial.
Please read the instruc
B eca u se of m y
parents' inabil ity to
foresee these complica·
tions, I s uffered need-
lessly. Almost every day
s omeone asks. "Wha t 1s
your REAL name? What
do the initials stand for "
So lo a ll parents who
are about to n a me a
child, I ask you not to
force them to go through
life silently questioning.
every time they look al
you, "Why did you do
thll> to me ~· c· E OF
OF.AK IO<'K: Grrat
lrtt.-r. TllHki. on hf> half
of all U...1n1Uaa.d Hm.-
luli OU& &Jwrt•.
()f. II /\:"<IN
LANOf.;HS I .1vplJut1
the con(adt~nt ml .in:. 1o1. t· r
to "Full of Doubt)\ · I
think at spokt• ror m.in\ ur U~ 1 I bt•llf'\ I' \Oil
s a 1d. som<' pt·opk 1o1. hv
ur<• an~lll utionahzl·d a n •
m o r t• r al 1 on a I t h ti 11
m Jll\ amll' 1t.luab "h11
.1 r c 1o1. J I k 1 n g l h t'
s lrl't'l ~ · 1 l 'd l1k1· t o
s har e my v1t-~ of
1· o u n ~ e I 1 n g a n fl t h t·
"sanity" of somt· of u:.
who 'vc experienc .. d at
It ·s hard for me to
believe the inability or
people to s peak t o a
tr a ine d , qualdtt·d
therapist in ordt·r Lo
the mselvc•s sort (Jut
their lives. It's also hard
to realize that some peo-
ple think if you have· hac1
or are having counsel
m g, you ;.in : eitht•r weak
or a little cuckoo.
I firs t w ent fo r
counseling etght years
ago becaus(' I was v<'ry
unh appy a nd I didn't
believe my life had to be
that way. c My goal 1s
not a bf'd of roses hut I
would like fewer pc<iks
a nd valleys morl'
s teadiness and s elf.
I tw llt•\•.-I'm 11 ~rf'ut
dt·a l hc•althlrr than some
n f m y r c.-lut1 ves t•nd
fr ... 11<l~ who l'Olltlnuc tu
hi,, nw ovt·rbt·11r1n~ 1 or
wt·u k 1 'flOUM'b, u bonnt:
Jiiii, tl1•11n111thntt 11arcnb.
\ll•~ratdul C'h1ldrcn i.nd
a 11 ' c 11 s 111 ve fr ll' n d -;.
Tht·rouv ha!'.> tau.:ht mt•
l ha I I <t1n rt'bllOl\bl blc for
h ow I h't·I II s;i vet! nl)
i.;.rn1t v STILL llAT
Tl.I NCi
OEl\R 81\TTl.•:R :
You spukt' &o and for a
grl'al many people to·
d ay. Thanks for an ex·
ct'llen& message. Your
lllSt para.craph is a gem.
l.1\NOERS. Ycstc·rday I
was visiting m the home
of a f1wnd Ht•r small
t·hild was sitting on her
lap wh1ll· we were cnJOY·
m i.: " rup of hot t<'a . The
youngSll'r l agt-two >
suddt•nly upst•t lhl' tea
1·up and s rald<'d herst•lf
on thc-arm My frie nd
1 m mt·diatt-ly put buttl'r
on lhf' burn stud 1t
\\as somC'lh1ng she had
I l' a r n t• d r r o m ht• r
g r a n dmo th ('r. M y
mo ther always put a
cold towel on our burns.
What is the best thing to
Try Saucepan Souff/e for two.
Souffle: Puffy
Cooking for one or lwo
persons can be quite a
challenge. Most recipes
are designed for four.
six or more servings,
but here's one that will
help you put together a
gourmet dinner for two
without any leftovers.
The recipe is for a
soume and it's a classic.
Grated Parmesan
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons nour
1 tablespoon instant
minced onion
'r'.t teaspoon dry
\'2 teaspoon mar-
1 cup milk
~ to ~ cup < 2 to 3
ounces) shredded Ched-
2 tablespoons grated
Parmesan cheese, op-
4 eus. separated
't'• teupoon cream
or tartar
h e at until mixture is
s mooth and bubbly. Stir
in milk all at once.
Cook, stirring constant·
ly, until mixture boils
and thickens. Remove
from beat. Stir in cheese
until melted.
In small mixing bowl
beat egg yolks at high
speed until thick and
lemon-colored, about 5
minutes. Blend s mall
amount or cheese mix-
ture into yolks. Stir yolk
mixture into cheese
Wash and dry beaters.
In large mixing bowl
beat egg whites a nd
ereJlm or tartar at high
speed, until stiH but not
dry, just until whites no
longer slip when bbwl is
lilted. Ge ntl y but
thoroughl y fold yolk
mi xture into whites.
Carefully pour into pre·
pared dish. For a •·top
hat," hold a spoon UP·
right and circle mixture
to make ring about 1
inch from side or dish
and 1 inch deep.
Bake in preheated
350-degree oven for dish
OR 375-degree oven for
m etal saucepan until
puffy , del icate l y
browned and souffle
s hakes slightly when
oven rack is gently
moved back and forth,
35 to 40 minute.s. Serve
•To ovenproof handle,
wrap it with aluminum
1nal-ea splash!
f.'!.'----ltutter bottom atnd
Be the center of attention at
r:::m~~"'''--the-beaeh-this-summer in sun-
aides of 1 t,;.quart sourne
dish, straiabt-aided deep
cauerole dlah or oven-
proor• metal saucepan.
Dust with Parmesan
In another saucepan
melt butter. Blend in
flour and aeaaoata11.
Cook, atlrriq constant-
ly, over medlum-bilb
, ·
wear and swimwear from ...
Greet selection in all styles of Spandex
sM7Meer plus super shorts. rompers
and scndresses.
, 3467 Via Lido
Newport Beach
/ Pnlng Lot Entrance
Free Pnlna, Fot Our Cuttomera,
D.tll Y PtLOT Cl•
r Borosrope ) FRANCI~-ORR
Tlaanfty, May U
AaJF.JLLMar_ 21-Apr. 191: Money 11 1rab-
blng more than usual attention -you learn
where it iA and how to set lt. You also locate
w a -had been m ssaf)g, loit or stolen. Cancer
native fl.cures in scenarlo, aids In making you
fee l more aecure. OldeLfamily member also la
in pkture.
TAuaus (Apr. 20·May 201 : Moon in your
sl.cn -energy comes back: you are more
dynamic. vitul, "ulive." You'll have reason to
cele brate. News from a distance is good -· you
are "accepted." Keep promise made lo Gemini.
Your views are vindicated.
GEMINI <May 20-June 20>: Confinement Is
temporary ; you will have greater rreedom. For
now. cht'ck details. be aware or fine prlnl, sub·
tie points and trends. Aquarius, Scorpio natives
figure prominently. You may be alone for a
tame. but you will not be lonely.
CANCER <June 21.July 22 >: Accent on
r hange, varit>ty, special relationship, outlet for
1·reative energies, gaan through written word.
Popularity increases. especially where opposite
st•x an· concerned. A wish is fulfilled. You re·
ccivc communica tion which elevates spirits.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22>: You get results of
t•fforts to patch up family differences. Taurus.
Libra. Scorpio figure prominently. Prestige is
on upswmg domestic and financial areas
benefit. Someone loves you and now you will
know it.
VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 221 : Perceive poten·
t1al · avoid direct confrontations which could
throw you off track. Define terms , check
sources and avoid self-deception. You are not
getting complete story. Know it and defer final
judgml'nt. Pisces, Virgo individuals figure in
LIBRA <Sept. 23·0 ct. 221 : Dedicated action
now brings desired results. Don't atte mpt
ha lfway measures It s hould be all or nothing
lht• backing you need will be made available.
Olde r indh·idual will return a favor
SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 211 Maantcun low
profile. Partner or mate express views which
ar e constructive and productive. Know it and be
receptive. Accent on public relations. Joint er
forts. commitment to person or ideal.
SAGITrARIUS rNov. 22-Dec. 211 Let ~ of
"security blanket." Be finished with situation
or JOb which has become less than challenging.
You learn that indeed you're ready for cold
plunge into future. Leo, Aquarius persons play
key roles.
CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19 1: Obtain hint
from Scorpio message. Imprint style, tap
creative resources. Review contract or other
legal documents. You could have more coming
to you than originally anticipalC'd.
AQUARIUS tJ an. 20·Feb. 18 1: Diversify,
display versatility Dig in to protect turf. Means
rt•fusc to be intimidated or pushed aside by one
·who is a bully.
PISCES 1 Feb. 19·March 20J : Re lative could
m a ke request which is impractic<il he dip·
lomatic but don't get involved in foolish
sche me. Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio persons
figure prominently .
9.99 to 12.99
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nubuck leather, Louis heel. canvas:
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Wood/canvas bag , 5.99.
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C'Jaa•p'• lflo•
Child a<'lor R1('ky Sdm1t-dl.'r huctrlll's with h1~
m other. Oiant'. rlunn~ a promotional l'Vt'nt
for Hl<'ky's movu.'. "Tht• (.'h 1rnp," in Los
An~~les rt!cenlly
WINNER ~~ Academy
of a; Awards
.... ... t~ ----
Wtstminster 892·4493
Orange 634·2553
Newpon Beach 644·0760
STADIUM Dllft·lll
Orange 639·8770
"OU'll 8llllVE
1111 \ BUCK
\ "6\ • ROGERS ,1\1 '" THE nth comnn .... 1:45 7:10-10:20
I•''"' 7:00.t:OO
1:40 00
. 7:00-10:15
M!IHl•tSI ''11.tH l[UJ.--l~ .. llt lllNfW"•->•'• ~ _,.._.1.0111"-1~.., ... Rll ,,._,...,,_,.,, •• ,,.,..., ..... MO.li\I ·-"'Ml.,__.. •-•l\Cl.OIW'I M'.1¥'t•t ,_,..-.._t1()R(A\0Dtq ....,.., _ ,,,,,-f.llll(' .... .., ... ,....._.,.CM~~-.... m1••••n• .. LMJa _;;.., ~-P0 ••1•....,._~• --·---·-............
Glenda W'a8ted
By GAIL W11.1~1AM8 ... ) .......... .__
· 'Thl" Ci ao of M1 i.1l Ma<'
Michael" lt derh1•tlv..i. owhltl
much to pre vious t'lusroolf'I
dramu and contu111~ no nc:w oh
St"r vaUona to 8<'l lt apart
Olend• Jackaon la lht• "Ml1111 "
of the Utle, a teacher ut Stilklrk.
a n En11l1h school for unruly
youn11"'nt. J1clu1on rwvtir acut:-
• chance to t~•ch, howt•ve1r, •nJ
Sht> apcmcb the duration or tht•
film playing buby sitkr tu he•
1rrt'press1ble charges
TttE J'll.M WILL 11roli.tbly
hn t' t1 tough llmt' fandtnK It:. UU
<l1c 11n.· Although J 1H•kson I!>
a lw ~ys an interesting actur to
watd1, her fans may ht· dasui.i·
( MtwlE REnEW J
&•t•lntud t-.·t·1au1w ttli11 most c~r
lltlnl v 111 om• or tht-weakest
\ rhll'lu of h ..-r t'ur eer . It's
duuhttul It will have much to of·
ft"t thfl youth maerket either.
twrau11r tht-1 kida In the film are
t1t111t'rully ll motlc-y. humorless
ltunt'h. rebt>lllou11 only in the
lt~tt:.1 ttppt>allnte sense or the
Ont> ttung you have to give
d1rcl'lor Silvio Narizzano credit
for ls unswervingly resisting
l'Uleness and sentime nt. Un·
fort unate ly. at 's a somewhat
hollow victory considering the
unrelenting vulgarity of writer·
producer Judd Bernard's script.
It ·s a somewhat pointless ex-
ercise that pits Jackson against
her hypocritical buffoon of a
headmaster without ever clari·
f)!ing wbal it i& she. want.a-to ae
compllah. And when things get
slow In between the ~e.111
fooling a.round ln the principal s olllce. brawlln1 at baaketball
games and humillatln1 vi.siting
financial backers, there's a
loony student who periodically
goes berserk to liven things up.
NARIZZANO•s direction fails
to extract much zany humor out
of these shenanigans, however.
Oliver Reed's portrayal of the
pompous principal is embar-
r assingly overdone: and as
Jac kson 's a mour, Michae l
Murphy is likable enough, even
if his presence does turn the plot
tritely towards the inevitable
Big Decision: m arriage or
career ror Jackson.
Photography by Alex
Thomson captures the school's
grimy grounds well and Hazel
Peaser 's art direcllon conveys
the unmistakably British fl avor
of the settings.
Blteh's Kid Grows Up
By n :AN·l'l.AUDE BOVIS bers working for director William Wyler, whom
she descri bed as a taskm aster NEW YORK 1AP l For Ver oni c a
Having made her first film appearance in the
1958 movie "In Love and War." she went on to nine
screen tests for three different parts when she was
12. including one for Wyler
.. 'Morh:ltton' deseNes a strecrn of bfavosl
I can·t c.1ge you strorv;Jy enough
10 see'Mar rotta ,,,
-AoM betf A8C IV .. l.lllllJ
AftRI lflllnU .. ......
W00~/\U FN
DIAN( l<f /\ION
ti1mtL t ti Mll\¥.JWf,Y
Ml fNL Slf.{LP · ·•
Cartwrii:ht. who had ht•r hrsl film role at 9 and
chose acting as a can•t'r when she was 12, the
highlight of hN (•arty movie days was a birthday
party Alfred ll1 tc·hco<.·k gave her on the set of "The
Rirds ."
Miss <.:arlwnght, 30 , stars an "lnvaMon of the
Rodv SnalC'h<'r!-." and ''Alien," another science fi c-
tion 'chiller to bt• released next month.
"DURING THE SCREEN test h e had J~~~~~~~~~!!~!!~~~~~~ somt>body shoot <l gun an the middle of the thing,
She said Hitchcock is described in some
articles she's read as hating children, "but I fell I
got aloni: with ha m r eally well.
"I used to ta"-him tea every afternoon at
4: 30." she recalled in an interview.
"HE USED TO SIT there and tell me alJ the
best wine cella rs to go to. And he'd tell dirty jokes.
a nd I'd laugh because l didn't know what he was
talking about. He thought that was great."
Hitchcock may havl' been misunderstood by
some because of his ·•mischievous sense of
humor." said Miss Cartwright. who was born in
Bristol. F.;nJ?lancl . which also is the famed d irec-
tor 's h1rthplact' She said she c·elebrated her 13th
birthday during the filming of the 1963 -thriller.
"The Birds."
Hitchcock "came to the party and left to just
let us all celebrate. And then I got home a nd there
was tht> most ~i~anti c bouquet I had ever seen in
my lif P m Sl'S 1rnd lilc.ics . It filled up my entire
<l rCSSl'r ..
WHEN SHOOTING WAS over, she said,
llitchcock gave her a picture on which he wrote.
"To the woman I love: Veronica." a nd drew his
face on the back
The life of a child actress was not all irises and
lilacs for Mi ss Cartwright, whose family emigrat·
ed to Canada and then to California. She r emem-
Huntington Beach 848·0388 Orange 634·9282
ITAIMUM Dllft·IN Orange 639·8770
and I JUSt incor porated 1t into the scene.
"And I just lhou~ht. 'Well, I don't know, it
must be part of the scene. ·,so I kept 1t in. I thought
that was pretty good for 12 "
She spoke of one particularly trying mcadent
during the shooting or a scene for Wyler ·s "The
Children's Hour." The film, starring Audrey Hep-
burn and Shirley MacLaine. was a re make of
Wyler·s 1936 movie. "These Three." which is
about two teachers. and deals with lesbaanasm
"THE RE'S THIS SCF.NF. when I have <1
breakdown. and I've lnld a he ahout having seen
the two teache rs to~elher because I'm being
blackmailed by the bad g irl , Mary ," Mass
Cartwright said. .
After Wyler had her go through the scene
twice. she said, he told her that she was ready for
a real take . Thinking the cameras were rolling.
she put extra effort mtu a n emotional scene.
·'Then he turned to the director of photography
and said, 'Now we 'll shoot · And I cracked. I
couldn't stop crying for 20 minutes
'·But t his is when l decided that what I really
wanted to do was to act. ..
Miss Cartwright's film credits include a p·
pearances in ··•inserts" and Jack Nicholson's
"Goin' Sout h ." She a lso appeared in such
television shows as "Leave it to Beaver." "Daniel
Boone" and more recently on public television's
"Bernice Bobs lier Hair." directed by Joan
Micklin Silver.
Darty A JO
'>at .-,..., Hol 11 JO
Best Actress J•"' Fond• Best Actor Jen v-.M
Best Original Screenplay w11do satt &R00tt1 c Jones Story lly Mincy Oo'd
.. HAL. ASH8Y ,_
Jon \bight Bruce Dem
"Comini Home ..
1>-0--HASKfll WEXl£R _ .. oouc .. BRUCE GllSERT
11).' 'f" )
i,. •I' l'-' I
• 'vi
..... u ...
.. LOGAN'S Rt.JN" (PQ)
':FOUL PlA Y" (PG)
ALL o .. 1v1:.1NS OPEl'f 6:lOP.M.MfGHnY
C:h1IO UnO•• I 1 Frett Un1eu • O(Hld•• ~l•Y~• ouno
u •uH• ....... _ .... .... HOO
J 0.C." • ............... , •Mv ..
Titl Dlla MUNTll 111
''" • Sito a,,,.
~NCI OUYlll e Wt Y •tUltlllAtt
A lmu 1tOMANC11 .. 1 .................... ...... , ....
W009Y """" .............. MANHAnAN111 ,.., ..... : ........ . ..... ... .
............ , ... ... .,.,, ............ , ........
-cMU. tn••ONr .,., , ..... . .. ,, ....... .....
,.,, ................... ..... W1Nhuw.u111
¥AH NUYa llfttel
.. i~.C!7~a::ic.! ... ) ·.-a OlMI • MCar
'"" POUL PLAYINI ...... ..., ......... ....
WtlOINIA DIUM .... 111 '"" VAN NUTS llYD._,
---:9i·-·--~-·""t ~-·---·---,::·~~=-:;:..I~-;:.;-
·-..... -Marl" OllAll(NI Nie
TV'• Gary. (;eleman
.! ........................... ntMl'•la
lewe .,......_,r fellow ~ ud Mil •Y ltuba .. :
•·• • .lllla&. wtP&et&. .-& cllddlete•• •lh llar • TV Way. Hla aalH .. Gary Cole•aa el
"Dlft"a• .......... " ,._.. lab ,.1tUcll1 dalla1
M.1a tr ., ll-1eu..W. Wl e( "' frteedl •· aW M'• l'Mll)' • •'4111&. Wu& la e.e -nilly! -•n. T.N., Ptttabtlrala. 1 A· We lud yuu not As advertised.-Gary IS •
kid. Small m alae but mcnt1dly u 1lant. Hll
parents , Sue and WtlUu
Coa.man. ol Zk>n. Ill . attribute
hi• mlt.ey atalure to a con-
l"nltal kidney derect. Detore be
reached the a1e or five be WI•
derwent three operations. "Tbe
laat one." TV Gulde writer
Marcia SeU110n reports, "was
a dan111rous kidney
transplant." The puffy cheeks
ar~ a by·pfOducl or the steroid CO&.&MAN
medlcatlorui on which he thrives His mother
agrees that while Guy will never have the normal
phy3ical size or strength or other youngsters his
a1e. "His gifts a re God's way or compensating
him for tlls other deficiencies."
Q : Was Utb one-liner by Heany You1ma• OD
&M Mary Tylf'r Moore sltow Ute otber Suday aJ&''
mew! "I &ook my wife to a wtfe·awapplD& party. I
ltad &o tho• in some casb!" --ay Levy, Fores&
• HUia, N.\'.
A : Yes It was the first time Henny told it.
Q: I see where oDe of my favol'Ue movie 1&an,
JoaD llloadeU, .. ID a Dew rum, "Tate Cltamp ...
How ma•y plduea bH •be made! A•d WHD't site
oa~e married &o Dick PoweU! -Mary Fnem1D,
Yes. Joan married Dick in 1936 and divorced
him In '44, marrying producer Mike Todd before
he even met Elizabeth Taylor. ,. e
Joan allegedly loaned Mike a
good deal or mont.>y and asked
him to sign a letter promising to
be home by 7:30 every evening
and stay there Blondell will be
70 this August and has made
just about that many movies.
Incidentally, Dick Powell's next •
and last wire was June Allyson.
Q: We were impressed wt&b .,.._
~ -. J
tlte performance and Ute •in· eLOMDELL
ceri&y of actor Stan Shaw In "Roots: The Ned
Genera&iom." Playing WW Palmer, be seemed to
be llvinl the pan. Was be! -Mrs. B. Rou,
Ricbmond, Va.
A: Shaw was very affected by the script. So
much so he says he phoned his grandfather lo find
out where in Africa they were from. "Africa?" his
grandfather said. "I don't know anything about
Africa. we're Indians ·•
"Now." concludes Shaw, "I'm in the process
of finding out more about how the blacks and In-
dians 1ot together." .
Cl: Aa eld •d•lnn ef Zero 11-.1, we ea•l9&
lll8 -. ...... la Ute •w 1111& TY ..ne., .. Del&a a ....... We ..Uee41 UWe, U aq, ,... • ....._
'Glad You Ask8d That'
....... , ............ b .... ..,!-.......
Laev .....
A: Not eDOUlb to plek him out of a lineup for a
s-IUve 1.D. But what tbe youq mu bu 1*ftt.
eel from hil f1mou father ia
talent·bY·imUnct, plus an af.
fabiUty with atranaera without
beln1 pushy. A1lo pop's jowla.,
ebina and obesity. We met the
kid on tbe "Faber Colle1e"
campus (at Universal City> and
discovered that, while he's
proud of his late father's
acbievementa, he's de\ermined
to make It big OD bis own .
Q: Dllrtaa Ute t•'I Ja. MOITSL
FoHa aqered a le& el Aaaerk .. Meaue el Mr
011&apebo eppHl&iH .. Ute Vletu• war. Dees lite
feel lier career was 1tu&ed by lier pelltlcal
beUefa! -P. Grtffet1, Sprtqllekl, 11 ....
A: No way. The actress didn't take a step
backwards before and sees no reason to do so now.
Actually, she's a bigger name and box office draw
• than ever. one of the genuine and venerable
superstars of the movies and happily married to
diaaidenl Tom Hayden, rormer bead or the SOS.
The couple are confident that he will become an
important figure in politics. His first try for the
Senate drew enough voles to encouraee him to
make another go at such a race. Perbapa next
time around .
Q : Tbe little 1irl wlto was clloeH to play Ute
Slllrley Temple part in u updated YeralH of
Ra•yoa's "Lltlle Mias Maner" -llaa site llad a•)'
acting experience at all! -.-Mn. Hele• A.,
Wa\erbary. Conn. •
A: None. Six·year·old Sara Stimson is a shy,
but radiant, little girl from Helotes, Tex. Dark-
haired and pixie·~h. she doesn't even physically
resemble Shirley Temple. "What Sara has is a
personality or her own that jumps off the screen at
you." says producer Jennings Lang. Taken to Los
Angeles for an audition. she won out over
thousands of other star.struck "Little Miss
Q: I'm cartou. Wha& do &lie Bea&lea Wak of
today's rock-aad·roll mu1lc? -Les Howard, Mia·
A: Former Beatie George Harrison, for one.
doesn't like much or it. He calls punk rock "rub·
bish." "Music ought to tw about makinl! vou feel
relaxed," he says. "That·s why I listen so much to
classical Indian music An hour of Ravi Shankar 1s
JUSl fine for me "
Sertd JIOUr qwlffmll to H11 Gardrwr, "Glod You
A•kftf 'fltal," car~ of lhfl ~. P.O. Boz 11748.
Chicago, JU. "'811. Marilrn and Hf/ Gardfwr wUl amwer
cu manr qw.Ckml as they con m tlwir column, but the
volume o/ maU moke• ,,.rsoital ,.,,._, impo..U..
(;rities Cheer Vanessa
LONDON <APl -Vanessa Red1rave'1 radical
political views may be unpopular --she polled j.ust
225 votes in the British •
parUamentary election -but ·
her talent as an actress Is
another matter.
The lanky, 42·year.old star te·
turned to the London stage for
the flnt time in •lx years aa El-
Ilda in lblen's "The Lady from
the Sea" and drew stunning re-
views. ... HAVE NM' seen a more ,
excllin1 performance rrom a HDG1tAve
1t11e aclreaa In these many moons" raved Peter
Lewis In the Dally Mall.
•·one has to dust down all the critical
m.-.... ~w'~~· ::::: 18.I
.... ,lAZA
BIN ll~·b3J9
Ana'1tlm 635·7601
OMllGI MAU llW .... ' flla
Ordn9e 6J7 0340 M•UrGll VllfO 830·&990
IOVTMCOAIT llfWAUl"""'M Cosu Mtu !>'6·2711 W11Srmms11< 5S.C 621?
UIWAUI' WHTlflOOll TW* Garden Giove ~30·4'0!
1T....-OA1n.1•0r•noe 639 8710
Catch all the
local sports
In tlle
superlatives," added Michael BUUn1ton in the
No praise Is too extravagant for t.he Oscar·
winning actress, said Michael Coveney of the
Financial Times. Her performance "simply must
be seen," he said.
THE PLAY opened at the Round House, in North
London, in a production sta1ed last year b y the
Royal Exchanae Theater in Manchester.
Mias Redgrave. daughter of Sir Michael Red·
grave and the sls\er of comic actress Lynn Red ·
grave, ia a champion of radical causes. She
belongs to the Workers Revolutionary Party.
which opposes capitalism and the monarchy and
wants Britain to pull out of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
Antonelli 'Wi.
-Gene ShllH. NBC·7V
MATINlll • 2 "1
the Star Wars of
movie musicals!
-~·1~;,,.:fjr· '.
r', · \ I •I 1...1 t-' · \ ~JJ1-1.J1:..J -J;;.
·.• .,
..... J
.acaoun ••-~ Soon yo• SUPERMAN ~.._·
011Hl0"tt"A"00 ~ ~ t~. (PG) c.1•l "•c.,,.,.,. J•ne Fones•• J•ck leniifton
PLUS ~";l'f-' HEAVEN
Mon·Thuts 7 JO. 10.IS CAN WAJT
"··----................ " HANOVER -' •• ..-.,
"'"' UDAWN
.. t
..; . ·-.... ... . . 4. .
Luau Pork with Fruity Avocado Boats brightens any meal.
Go Tropical
With Fruit
Looking for a change.
of ·pace meal to brighten
up the ··1 can't think of a
thing to cook" blues ?
Sometimes all it takes to
drag u s o ut o f the
doldrums 1s an C>asy-lo·
preparf' fit -for-company
meal lO tranSIJOrl us to
warmer. more romantic
The k e}' t o th i s
change-of-pace meal is
using tropical fruits
exotic, yet delicious, and
perfect for making us
·feel we are dining in the
romantic South Seas.
ideal for setting a
Polynesian mood, a nd
thei r d elicious fla vor
provides a welcome con-
l r a !.: t t o b eef a nd
chick,~n. This recipe is
doubly attractive since
all you have to do is
sea son the pork and put
it in the oven. It cooks
Fruity Avocado Boats.
featurin g papaya,
pineapple and coconut
piled hi g h i nto a
California avocado half
shell, provide festive
c olor for y o ur
Polynesian eating ad·
Prepare the fruit mix·
lure ahead of time to cut
down on last-minute de·
Save the avocados to
halve and seed easily ,
just before serving time.
Complement the m eal
with South Seas rice,
your favorite stir-fried
vegetable and a loaf of
cruaty bread.
Fruit drinks ser ved in tall frosty glas.ses,
ed with .huh
mint leaves, complete
the South Pacific at·
Set the table brithtly
-luau-style -and let
your guest• s erve
And, ol coune, turn
the li.-.U down low and
fill your room or patio
with candlelight With a
little bit of ima,inaUon,
you mllht eve!) btar the
dl1tant IOUDd of waves
breakin1 softly on a
moonllt beach.
2112.pound pork lom
Salt and pepper to
I s oft pap ay a ,
peeled. seed ed. d1c·ed
1 (8-ounce ) ca n
p i n e a p p 1 e· c h u n k s ,
2 soft avocados,•
•14 cup coconut
Rub pork with salt and
pepper. Place pork roast
on rack in roasting pan.
In se rt m e al
the rmo me ter i.n ~op
center of pork loin, in
the thick part of the
roast. Roast uncovered
at 325 degrees until in-
ternal temperature re·
aches 170 degrees. Allow
30 lo 35 minutes per
pound. Imme di a te ly
be fore ser ving , mix
papaya and pineapple in
s mall bowf. Coat un·
peeled avocado halves
with lemon juice and a r-
range a round cooked
roast. Spoon papaya and
pineapple chunks into
av oc ad o hal ves .
Sprinkle coconut over
fruit boats. Makes 4 servings.
•To prepare avocado,
halve lengthwise, then
twist gently to separate .
Whac k a sharp knife
directly into seed and
twist to lift out.
1 s mall onion ,
1 stalk celery. sliced
•h teaspoon garlic
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons salad
2 cups cooked white
2 tablespoons soy
~,_cup slivered
almonas, toasted
Cook onion, celery.
garlic salt, and pepper
in oil for 5 minutes or
until vegetables are
tender. Add rice, soy
sauce and almonds. Mix
well; cook for to
minutes longer or until
thoroughly heated .
Makes 4 aervinas.
Orange Coast College
operate• the official
recycling center for Costa MeN.
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•OUM. ~
• O!POIU ~•uu
pn t r•aMMIH;
AU rMI Mate advt't111'td
an Ulll M'Wl(Nl~r i& •ub-ied to the •·t'Ckral t'11lr
llou11n1 A,•t of l H•
wNcb makes It lllt'l(1tl tu
•dve rtlae "11 ny prt'
fettnce. h m1t11tlon. ur
dlicrimlnatlun basal 1111
race. rolor. religion. su ,
or naUonitl origin. or 110
UJtenlion t 0 m It k (' It II)
such prelert!l'll't', hmlla
Uon.:0rdiscrirrundll0tl "
1bil newspapt!r wi ll not
knowingly a c.'ct!pt any
ad ver tising ror real
elt* which is in viola
·······················1 Ga .,.. 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••
4 bedroom, 2 bath with
rll'(,>place. W /W carpet.mg
& bltn kitchen. Could
easily be converted to
mother·in -law's unit.
Great Costa Mesa loca-
tion. Full price S92.500.
Call '1Sl-319L
• '
Owner MovinCJ
Unique opportun ity
awaits you in this lovely
s.r. 1800 +home. Central· zy k>cated. Vaulted wood
ceilings, w et ba r .
Decorator wall cover·
ings. Private deck. Cen·
tral vacumn. Self clng
'oven Ir much more. Call
how. 673-8550
-001N Ill 0 °11 '>'llN ft)~I No(I ,.J
I -~
I -< • .$'
SI 14,500
t:xcellent fourplex In·
vestment bar gain. All new paint inside and out !
All new carpeting every
Wlitl Super rent.al a rea· extremely low vacancy
rate! Income $960/mo.
1 ross·call fast ror \'>rivatepreview. 752·1700
New listiq. Fresh paint.
Breatbtai in1 view or ~talina. the mountains
le nilbt lights. Lvly 4
bdrm bome. This is a llJUlton~bome shop-
ping lial . Fast safe
XJnl rmtal area. Comer Jot. ~et street. One unit
'-private paUo, other fenced yrd le frplc. New
unila 2 blocks a way.
11any ! OnlY •uoo.
SWl••IMG y,_. 1.tJ I bdrm bom~ .,,,.,,. rm 11 loeatAld on·
I• ., ..... from U..l~lake .... ~uil. • awtm. Orea& I ly mt u ldood. Can't lut .:11,.,,.,. ......
OC'f>:AN VI t:W $22H,!Xl0 ·1 hllrms ,
hu~.:mg t he rhrf:. <1bove thl· tlurbor.
approx :•1CIO s4 fl • J bulh-.. 3 dr<"k:..
j us l $229.000.
IN WESTCLlf'f>' 3 bdrm Sturdevant
built. 12.00U sq . ft lot. 2400 ~q ft
home, pur(1uet fl oor:,, beam Ct!lltngs.
j us t $169.500
M CLA I N T o wnh o m t! wit h
conte mporary look. tennis , pool and
jac uzzi plus an incredible view or the
Big Cyn. Golf Course. $220,000.
BA YCREST BEAUTY -4 bdr m. sgle
s tory, 2700 sq. ft., immac. 1ns1de &
out. $240.000. Cla~si c '
U,_.,IVU I: li ()Mt:S
REAL TORS', 675 6000
2443 East Coast Hrghwav. Corona dt!I Mar
Coroaa .. Mor
Hi.:e lot with spaclouli
home. Light and air y
kitchen. 'Massive stone
fireplat'e. 3 Bedrms .
family & d ining r m .
Patio and deck. POOL.
Won't last! Call 673-3550.
()11" llf 9 • 11 \ IUN l()IJI t1(I'
Eastskle, CM
5 UN1TS60X3G.S' lot.
Owner will carry. suhmit
all airers. 'Crai~. $220.000
R f;/MAX 63H266
special way()( hre: enjoy
the vacauon atmosphere
-stroll alonit the wind·
Ing paths among huge
shade trees) or swim in
the beautiful pool. relax
in the jacuzzi. or have an
enervating game· of ten·
nis, your own shopping
center. schools a nd
churches ju.;;t :iruund lhl!
comer. TWO llOM ES
AVAILABLI':. both Lhrce
bedrooms. ram1ly rooms.
view bakonll>:>. Ont> at
HTS $248,000, t he other at ~v • S?Al,500.
v...-l&A COU OF NEWPORT J ust listed ! 3 Be drm REM.TORS
owner's unit. P rivate 6711! 5511 patios. Dou ble car ____ .,,. ____ _
garages ror both un1ls.
Don 't wait on this one. 1---------cal1646-TI71 ()l'(N Ill Q •II\ IU~• IC)~f N< I l~IMIUll NEW DELUXE
Across from Disneyla nd.
R Heautafully a ppointed.
spa<.'ious rooms. Pool, all
queen beds, turnkey. re·
ady to go this summer !
Priced ri~hl; only 25%
U down. Don't miss this
one! Rroker cooperation
invited. Cull 752·1920.
a vet lnleresled in ma k· )_ '-'UAIL ing money? Home loans T
t.o SUI0.000. Buy or re· p• A.CE finance. Let us s how you ~
bowtodoit. PROPEATlts ...
TcAtoRedCcspet co,..Tlt:JOP.ti&J w.u.... 754-12021 __ ... ___ _
~II. macnab I lrvtne ?' J881ty --
3 BR split-level w/ cbntemporary
decor & MANY upgrades. Formal
living & dining area + priv. patios.
$207 ,500 fee land. Sandie Fix
644·6200. <K-95)
UleA Pl.AM
Highly upgraded l ·story 3 BR
condominium on beaut. landscaped comer, adj. to comm. pOOf, 2 patios
lncl. wrap-around. 1182.500
leasehold -nex. financing. Dick
Halderman 6'2-8235. (K·96>
MZ-1235 644-6200
901 Dowr Drive H.,bor View c.nter
I "''tit at C.mllUI V•ll•Y CMlter 752·1414
Best New l.istinl
t'1nl'st origi n a l a r ea. pre m i um
<'Ul·dc·Sa{·. m assive g reenbelt views
from d r a matic 3 bdrm former model
homl'. Just completely recarpeted &
r •painted Sensational n oor pla n (one
of only u handful) with "sur prise
bonus room ... An unequa led value.
priced for 1m med . sale a l $157.000.
Golf course view from spacious 5 BR.
·• ba. traditiona l home ; lgc. family
room. pool, jacuzzi. $750.000
C us tom traditional 3 BR home on
prime c·orne r lot. F reeflowing floor
plan. 2nd story m in i bay v ie w
Sever al fine bayfront homes
with pie r & slip
3 4 1 Boy\1d1· Or111 .. N B b75 blbl
Jog, walk or n de bakes Lo
the BF.ACH whe n you
buy this modem 2-story
duplex 1n g r owin g
its ronslst ()( 3 Br & 2 ba
and only 2 years old. Ask·
ing SIJS. 000. so ca II
L.ookinit for a lari::i-home
with an extra lari::c yurd'
1)1(' pt'MCl'l home for a
growing f a mily' J
Bdrms. spacious hvmg
room w / l' r ack I 1 n R
fireplace . Sun !'lh1ny
kitchen. rl'cr eationa l
backyard. J ust listed. on·
ly 115,<XXI. Call 645-0303
••• I • ....
Garde n patio enhance
this s pectac ular home. 1---------High on a hill; overlook·
ing bay and ocean both.
Only $299.000. Call for
p e r s onal prevtt!W .
t-,.1f; Ill I• U' lJfl '' IV f, I
Must s t'C this s upe r l•--------sharp 2 S10r). 2 tx'<lroom cozy 2 IDRM
condo. ~tcps t o pool. EASTSIDE
pnvate pa llo. A real This delightful home
steal at this pnte. Call near 21St & Tustin as tru-now, 546-3666 ly ··one-Of·a·ktnd" for the
buyer who doesn't want a
SI 65,000.
Spacious, s mJ.! le story
Newport home. Lrg
t'ountry kit r he n over -
looks pool size lot with
vegetable garden & rrwt
lnlel. Massive brick (pie enhances formal hving room. Sep. master wing
+ 3 more krnit s ize
boorms. Don't wait call
for preview. 646· 7171 f W1f ''lit 'i • •' \ ,.,,, ' ut t-. •I
your plants will love this
beaWful. Ught & <'heery
lg 5br home w /a homey ram rm. comer lot & a
bjlrgain price -only
$ll9.500. Good location.
"tract home", This beau·
ty has 1112 baths. buillms.
fireplace. copper plumb·
ing. double itaraitc und
SHAKE ROOI''. B11t yard
with BBQ and frwt trees, au.ooo. <..:all 54G-t1141
Sple ndid 4 Bdrm
hom e w/ rt exible
noor plan on a super
larj!e lot with pool.
Re s t B a yc r es t
IO<'alion. $249,500.
Gaar .. 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••
4 bdrms, f amity room. dining room,
breakfast area. Beamed cathedral
ceilings, two fi replaces, refiection
pools and fountains, pool, jacuzzi,
BBQ. fireplt, electronic filter &
humidifier, tile p a tios with
overhangs, automatic sprinklers,
prof. landscaping and decorated.
t1tt IM M)AOllNllU:aRD.
............ c:PftR
... ·-·-·"9 ·
~-<~~~~~ ~wt IAYYllW DUPLEX Finest comer location : ~·®· t?.eoc_h Realty
for Mle Saw?~ pt" c~ •acathMt •
JMI' OW1t ~ or .• J09' OWlt
pool Ate '°" ..... • ..., to • ... ....
oc ... bMdt! S,.Clon ] .... & ~ ,.... e.-. .-y xtrea. price FWMed
S 15.000. Mow S2 I 0,000.
l{EA LTOH.S ~11H·t· 1 H4H
Each duplex contains t wo 2·bdrm.
1-bath single ·level units. Near schools.
shopping, etc. Super priced at only
$200.000 for both bldgs.. Call today!
Ziii S-J~ ... loed
NEWPORT CEHTH, N.I. 644-49 I 0 .
4 Homu Oft A Lot
&roomlo bwl<l' Wr1ust
listed this l·n11 c·10)! in
v.a;lment prul)\·rt y 111 an
excellent rental i'lrl':.t All
for Sl79.00ll Call us ;it
2 UN11'S across st. from lovely 2 bdrm. residence
Newport Ha r bor Yacht with formal dining rm.+
Club with panoramic income urut, +game rm.
v I e W O r b I g b a y . Sfe fr er\JOY the best for
Beautirully d ecor ated. &els! 1229.000
with new cpt'g upper . OPIH 1-5 ms.ooo Wed/fw./W/S.•
m w Bay ~ve 520 OICHID
()penSat/Sun 1 !l PAULMAmN
CoraM .. Mar 1022 ~acular 24 hr actiw
••••••••••••••••••••••• VlCW of harbor. ocean.
An exl'eptional custom
bit home w/vaulted wood
beam ceiling. tx•aut1ru1
solid oak c•abinl'l s
Uu"UOOt. rplcs m llvg rm
& maste r he d r uom.
leaded ~lass windows, &
rerarruc l1le Jacuzzi 111
A charmm)! l bdrm ri·n·
t;V wtrpk & .,\•p:ir;ite
pauodeck. S279.500
CAU 644-721 I mm • I '
Corner lo t . copper
plumbing, ~ood hn<int'
mg. S15!1.000
G, 11. Robertson. Hit r
1-'rnm m..1sh•r ~IDie, hv
1n~ ro11m <'V k 111·h1·n
v.ulth '>llilho:th l\•!I V\·
harbor l1Jr 11Jwn .,,.,,
Owr 40011 '<l· fl ur 11 \'IOI! ~p:Jl't! for liir)!c l<Jrntly
l'nn-d 111dl umlt<r ap
pn 11s1•d 'JIU•· Su hn11t
1~t & bay nite lites. On Ot•e.an Blvd. overloolu nl{
(..1una Cove. $750,000. By
owner. 631-4560.
&«ye-. ....
ror your ras t -paced
lifestyle including all
t'lt'C'lrH· bltn k ttc hen
w/m1crowavc & compac,
tor. community tennis.
pools & Jacuu i 's, lo
ma1ntt.'n a n ce. ru tt y
spnnklcred yards • a !l
nun JO~ 10 our sunny
bea<'hC:-. Un cul-de sa1· -.trt'l.1 . this 2 bedroom &
den 1n th•· ~uarded com
muruly of Jasmine Cn•ck
,, ;i .<.t ea l t lo wesl
pncc.'<I' lat only $210,000 .
<.:all us before 1l ·s gone'
Walk to heh , shops. J br.
2b:•. ot·can vu. By ownr.
Slb7,001 67J.55Z2.
t111:-.IA cova:.:. 1~ 2 hr.
w1pnval .. l!Ut'!'>l qlr~.
Uay & tM.'can view Ne:,&
as a pin SIB.'>.UOO with
uwm•r fmanc·m~. Bk r
4!1J /545-71t;6.
115 Jc-tty. J a::.man<-<:re1•k
OIM. Huyc•r's l'hanJ:(l' <11
plan-; can ~· yuur .:1101I
fortunl'' 3 B<lrms . .!1"
bath <·ustom1zt-d t•l:J n : ..
I a r g P y .1 r I.I , I 11 I I y
landscal)\od 111 autom.it1\
spnnklcrs. unc·k plan ~ t e r s. plu/nbed t or
Jacuzzi. custom e ntry 21
LI I e. p I us h l' .a r p c l •
Hcarwood "1de hLHle (le
s h u t t t' r s . .1 1 r · Mewport Cettttt
Uldt:r Coronu dl'l Mar un
II.'\ llll'iltt.od VO the South
... lit• or t h<? h ighway
Unhm1led mcome It m·
veitmt?nt polcnlaal. Fast
11pprcc11tt 1ng area or·
fered at Sl9S.OOO. 646·7711
Prime location across
from SWlmming pool. 2
Year old doublt.• wide
Golde nwes t . with l bdnns .. 2 baths. all bit an
apphances. Vacant & re·
ady ror 1mmed. occupan·
cy. $&2.500
673-4400 •
Lovely custom horn" fin
t h e go I f t' n u r H' . ~
bdnns .• den. family rm ,
4 baths. pool & JiJl'UZll
1·ondttioned Nt•\l·r or 640-5357 l'UPll'<I 1\ ;.tt.·..1 1 .11 , ________ _
And th<.> beli t of M a ui 1 ~
KapaJua's (utcst rt.'s rden·
ual area. Ironwood Only
41 wuts m this pn ate
beachrront J:!Olf l'our'l'
rommurutv :1 Bdrm', 4
tJ;jlhs & ~tudv c.;round
floor umt N·o" uncll-r
cons truct ion l'ri v.1tt•
tennts courts. s1111mmanJ:(
pool & recreauon room,
$750.000 Cull for an
ttpP't. to set• brochun• &
Real Estate 770-6100
4 Udrms. 21 ~ baths. en·
JOY l'OfTIPlete pnva,·y m
cnc~-d rourt' ard with
'bt:autaful pool. ·J:tl'U7.2.1 &
r1n' nni::. 1-'ec t;ind, nn
\UI tit· -.·1t' Ft•r m t•r
modt•I. P(•rfr<•I tor enter·
taming. Uy owner 0µ.·n
Sat 1Sun I:! '.'> I'M 3@7
Sausalito Dr. (.';ill 14 kd}s
;52 l:K.5. C\ cs l>IO· I K2t or
Eas h1de 2 Bedrm.
hardwood floors. cove
l'1•1hni:s. R 2 lot with
pl11~ to .,c•cond unit
l..arl!e assumable loan
W1 .500 Ca II S46·!>1180
RAHE dupll'X with pool & r Sdhnl! anythm~ with a ::! l!uod rental;.. 5'!·12.000 ' . < 'I· r t _. B , &l(I .$!}!P.• IJ,uly Pilot<.: a~s1 ll.'C Au > uwnu __ . · · ,, c1 s1mplP matter .
JUSll'all MZ !lfliM.
1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••
20 Cyprns Point
vizy z hdrm hou;.t.' on an
ll 2 Lot. new rarpt•tmR.
Ol'W kitchen & .1 ~parkl·I•-...
mg f1replact'. Fm:im·mi:? liiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;:::::::::-..
631 -3444
Clean & sharp 3 Rdrm :!
bath W1th new <'<lrJ>t·ts.
d rapes & t ile. D<>ubl<•
~arage. ~.000. Assume
$47,000at 9''i. llURRY'
400£.17" FOR All C.M. A.US
a v a 1 I d b I <' -0 W N t-: I<
ITTJ.1n00_, ----
w 1mnunla1n & JlJ r k
\'tl'w.' 3 HH. dtnm)! & .!1 •
ba {..oaili; ur Italian I Ill'.
fantastic oppurtumt v for
s ml down & t;1kN>Vl•r 0~11wr aruuou..;. $1i9.000
Best IO<'at1on In Nt>wport
Beach! $365,000 lnt•lud·
ing lot 30x 109! lkttcr
hurry on this '
lc6oa lay Prop.
• 675-7060.
Two contig~~ R·2 lots . .-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-•
Newport tJelgh ts area.
673-3663 548·0715 Eves
H IJ ( 1 ~ l '1 '1 I./ f /\ 1 r <, ~ ... .,
4 • lw ti , r ' ' ,. "'
To place your message
before the
rea<fing public·.
Daily Pilot
Classified. 642-5678
-111111 ILlllS aa.
ConalnK!t Your Own Custom Home On Thls
Lot. Five Doors From Oceanfront In
Newport Beach. Approved Plana Alreedy
Available. Call For More Information.
Spectacular FamU)' Home On The Water In
Newport Beach. Three Bedrooms Plus M eld 's Room . Large Fam ily Room.
lmmeculate CondlUOf\. Huae Dotk For Your
Yacht. Call Now.
Ill ""DO¥-.-....
llthresffllcJ trMrf.t-.... Oii "-WATll
with slips to acca-ad• two 1wcJe
yoclth! AM y• OW11 tt.. '-cl. S1H1tlt
flowi•CJ ••d opu floor pl•• wltll
st.p-doww IMMJ ,....... f.-.y ,.... ....
de• lc...W be 4th Md.I ...t ._,...
di•hMJ rooa Fnsll decor • u a .. tllls J .,_.OOlll "9cluilng pri•• _.... _...
wiHt finplace &. sfftill9 F"OGllL A.,,.,_.
llw far ntori"'1 ... best of ... .,....
IHCh ......... boafflMJ. S7'5.000.
NEW umNG PENINSULA POINl "'"" .... -· ........... s..,. to.., .. Ou-. Frwll Morwl•dy 2 story .._
wlHt ..... willdows. Tasteflul MW.
N1tw IUtcM•. Lw~ ll•IMJ ....._ l ..... ...., rofl#ll/dhlillg .... lltl1rlar
patio. Slst,500.
HOMES lac.
~'1:36 W Cot1 .. 1 High1A.c11.
N1•wpon Bl'ttch
....... JtO.""t ,_ ,,_
~ .. -»-•UM...... ..~ ,....,. le ...
'°' ·-,_ JfC:... .,_ ·-.. _ ·-.. _ .... ,, ..... ··~ ,,_ .... ,,_ ·-,... ..c..... ... ·-.. _ ·-.,.. .,..,., ,._ ·-.. _ --·-..... ,,_ i.t ...... ·-.. ,_ at-.. -.. _ .. _ ·-... "°' ·-"°' ., ...... .,. .. .. ::..:.: :=...
,,,....., __ lil'<Ja..I ®~
··-"" e)lo .. _ ..... ··-....... ·-··-.. _ ,,,_
n-n -::=-,._ "-,._ ,,_ ·-..-. .... . ....,. ·-...... ·-.. _ == •-: ..._,
Qlo' • -DM. y PILOT .. ..
"9nC8 .. ,.U. OP
&""'8Ciano. ........
Tliillll :::.ci:-==,u -..a.c.......... ..... ............ .._ ........ c......
t"lr"trelt Y111M(lll ~·'""'*' ~ ...... c.i ..............
...,._. S.WMll -'--·-···
PICTlneut •vtt•IM ............. T
Tiie HM~..,_,••• ...... ~·--LA~-I EAOt OHi CO Ht
01e1111or• ". l -... ,11 (II ...,,
IUN• ... C:OUU ... Ttll
H&O.O.CMJ..UU&PCNI " .. .....,, .......... .... ._
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•OTICI OP Mla8UIO P08 , ..... ,. .. •u. .... lo. ......
Tl., ttnaMlllTA8Y, A•D
AUTllOtlllA'flOll TO a-l•IUll
Ml•f1T11.,,.. CW SWATSl ACT l~C.-lttll ... ,l
flll• -ll <-'" Dt • CCI' ~ ... ....,. ..... 1'111 ......
, ........................ 11 .. ll S.•
11199 .... LA9 A-IM-, iWfl M•-Cei....,_.a, -111<11 wlll N tlw rewltl
··-1•1-. ................. 11 .. ......... ~--l-4•-·• tl9fl T .. ""Ill' ...... _let..,_ IA
t• ll•we ih loa-Olli~• el 400
Mec &rlllvr le11t••••O. N••••• -..Cll, c. ..................... 1n ......
~ W-llefftt."
AftY ---II .. • wtll-<...., "'-k~ Ill I-Of ,._ .. ..
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It,""· •11-""*" ...... ()I .. Cliatt l)elty l'llOI ..__ .. ai.-.J-• ,.,. .. ,. ,.
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.. UI , llY Jw19 I I, lf1t An -I-Met ia ~I "-"'Val .. , ( • •l lW
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•ottiplect a y law l10M l>UbllC 01\ Met 1• U., JO J-• lfl"I "" If " .... ,.
1'11911"'9d Or-C.0.>I 0 ••11' Ptlol
Mey Jl, lD, lf1' 1q11 I
You Cl!M ,
J-M.U.W..c-t'f C..llMI cant L. Delle, o.,.ty C-y C-..1 .. "°" ............ oltloll L.ot•~.ca•n
T .. :9U·"41
C.-ty ot La MlelM oe., 1a:w• .. ~
Puelll"'9d Of~ OM<t Oelly Pllol.
Mo 13. lO, J~ o. ~l. 1'7' T~ lollow1"9 ""'""' IS dol"9 1111>1· ,_,, ... u ••
SYSTEM~. 1m .... ,,,..... Cml• Mew,
C..lllornl• t?t~
----------R•Y M~ctor RodrtqueJ., 1312
NOTICE Of' ..uauc MEAllUIO Wet$0n, CO.I• -w. CaiolOrt,, .. '262' 0 .. THE ec>AllD 01' TllUSTEllS llll\ bu$1nu• ,. CMdU<le<I by .., In·
0" TMll MUNTUIOTOtl lllACH Cllvlduel
TO: llESIOENTS. OFFICERS, Tlli\ •lat~nl "''" flled wlll\ Ow
EMPLO YEES. ME M8E AS A N 0 Counly Clerk Of Or-Counly on Mo
SCHOOL DISTRICT PubllslWCI Of..,. Co.it•I O•llY Piiot,
P LEASE TAK E NOTICE tN I on M•Y 9, 16. U, lO, "" 176>1'
J-26, 19". et 1·00 pm. In,.,. 8cMord
Room Of IN Edut•llon Center. s201
8olS41 A-. H .... tlnqlon 8HC:h, tlW PUBLIC NOTICE
llOetd ol T~t.H win l'iOICI • put111c -----------
lleorlll9 to review •II eveileble In· FICTITIOUS BUSINIUS
&ttete 01 IOllH tiAll"l(1
l(B~\i(f'j<,Njl'1'1111Y <HVllN tMt
0....1•• M !telly IW• llt.o ,.., ell! f
"'"_ ............... 111 -1 .. L_.. ·--· -A"'-lte I ...... ~ ... -... ,,,._ ..... Admll>l•lr ......... r.1.1 .. M l, ••
l•r•"'• to -~" h -"" 1..,t,,., P••llr ulen , •NI "'•' ,.,. 11..,. -......... -·lftU ... ---... let J-It, ,.,. et If • e M , IA -
• "'"'"'"'" ... '-1 ........... J ol .. 1c1 • 0111 I el II» 1.l•k c:-11tt I.>• lw W•\I •
II\""' l •t• OI ..... ,. AN. ( ......... .
........ -·JI, "'' 1 l t .. lt .. ANl...H,
\.ounf• , ....
JOH.~M II °""'" o ..... ,.. -·,..... ••• CeU•-.te ._ ,.. llltl _ ....
A,,.,...... """1-
...... 1 .. -Oron90 C-O••I n .... PJ•9l"'" tt.1t tot...,!_•~ __ •"":!.!.!
Tiie tollow1no IM!r>On• •r• Clolng
bu•lnu•n E K J DEVELOPM ENT , 1011
'°"""''°" IOCletetmlne -~ti..r elllf\ic NAME STATEMENT or ••<l•I ..,_ilotl ••l•IS In t11«1r Th• loll-•"9 per1>0n I\ ootno bu••·
111111 uhoOI~. pur-nl to Sl•I• School ~UT.~E MARITIME COL0 ECTION. lloerCI Tll .. S revulellotl~ k A"' ll9"0ft to """°"' 1111\ flOflce 1s l4U VI• OPOrlo, N•WPOll B~ac.11,
adllrHMCI wlH ... provlcMCI a l•lr op. C.lllOfple 92'63
.-t1111Uy ID pJM>ent vie~ cat1cernl119 Wl li••m I'), l<rolt i>t•Q. •11S
tlli• mt~ et t._ lime Of .,,. pub41c l ••I•-Drlvt . An•Mlm, C;;11Cor11la
helflfll. t:rtOI Zito Weu•. PrnlcM!lt Tllh b1t\u1e1~ I• conouc1..i DY aro 1,...
llOaf'dol Tr~•~ dlvldua t.
fr .... J. A-t. Ed D. Wiiii..., 0. Krll<~rg SK_., to Tllll tl•t-t wn 11..., wllll the
llNnlof Tnnlen C-ly Cl•r1' of Or•noe Couflty °"
Pullll"4d 0.-C.0.U Oo1ly Pilot. Apfll 11. '97'. l'llJ111
M41Y ti,,,,. , .. ,.,, Publl~ 0r0t!CJP Coe~• 0.llY Piiot. ' ___ .....;::.---:::~=~t.!"-::-:-:::=:::=--Mey'· 16, 2:). lO, '"' 1806-1' ~ PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE
.. tnftl
l'ullll.-o.-. Co.t•t Delly PllOt,
Mey t , "· H, JI), 19"1' 1191·"
PUBLIC NOTICE ·----~-------.-
"" ...
...• _............. .. .....-...... -....... ----. . . ; ..... ............ , .
Tiie ........... 14"\0ft It clolnv bltll·
••-!lvrll, Apt, OS. Wu1mln•ter.
C.lltoml• 'Ml
G41f-Glr•lt ~vat11Afl, ISl?l
l r-1\unl, Apl. OS, WulmlMler,
Collfernle f2'oQ
Tiii\ ~· ,, (Otldu(led "' ....... CllYIClllOI.
0 o..1•"'11 ...
Tllh u -t ••• llled wit" n. c;o...,1y Clertl ol Or.,. County°" Mey
ti, "" ,.,,...
Publl•lled Or-Coe\t O•ily P1lol,
Mo 2l, '°-J.-•. ll, "" l'IM·I•
,.,CTITIOUS aus11111n
....... ,.,.'* ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• COllllMIM 1024 c........ IOJ4 ....................... ..... ................. .
SI 1,000PmCI
l9UC110M Owfteft have pu.rcbaaed
aaodlel'home and are re·
ady to move. Thl.8 lovely
M.V. home feature11 4 bdrs, 3 batha. family room. 2 fll'epla~ and •
p>pl • JacuiZl. For more inlonmlJon. call :wa.~
A Chea 1111119
IEwCatcher ~enUy locaU!d by
exce\lent schools. shop·
p i n g ce n te,Nl. a nd
freeways. Includes 3
bedrooms. oak paneled
den with wetbar . formal
dining room. fireplace,
plltih upgraded carpet·
ang, dan lina kit chen
with buillln8 aalore. <.:ov·
ered patio. t89.000. Call
54().1720 -TMIEU..
--· I ------
"°°° ... ,,,, .. "' .... Owner wiU carry finan.
Reduced to Sl 19,500 .
Prof. lndscpd, 4br Mes.a
Ventehomew/frplc, wet
bar, many xtraa. 2810 Serana Pl. Ul-3696,
By Owne r. Coll. Prk
home . 3 Br, walk to
schools, xlnt cond
thruout. OCTC U a S·
sum es loa n. $89,500 .
957-6198. Prin only.
4br. 2ba M esa Verde
llome on t-orner lot.R V.
storage. Will Carry lsl
w /m 1n . '25,000.dn. By
Owner. Pnnc. Only. Ask'· uu: $116,500. 962· 7620.
PICTITIOU$ IUSINllH Pllbll"'9cl Or .. CoHI 0.llY Piiot.
11AM1:naTaM•MT I M4lvU,J0111C1"-•.u.1m 1t1N t
r ... loll-llKI pen.on " dOfl\O bull•
neH ••
'°lriff• Woods" <F.astsi~ta Mel>al
1'"'0R SALE 8 Y OWN f:R
Westside 3 bdrm, 11 2 ba.
lgeyard. $74,950. 831·3552 Tiie lollowlnQ IM''°"' •r• dol119 1>11111...... -PUBLIC NOTICE
BROKERS, SIJ2 Cynliloe L•ne ,
Cypre>•. Celllomla *lO
2432Santa Ana Alll'.
COL<-ECTION, 110 Newpon Center
Otlve, Newpot1 BH<ll. Celllor,..1•1
""° 0 11t•rlo P l•11ned Auld•"""' Oe ve lopmenl Jolnl Vet1lvre, 110
Na•port Center Ori Ye, Newporl
11 .. c11. c:.11forn1et2M0 I
Tllh bu•IMU It condllcl-.1 "' •
• CelilOfnl• COIO
• Qeftef'•' P•rtrwr By Cl•yton s11 .. res
Tiii\ •flt-I ••• 11~ wltfl IM
C°"nly Clerll ol 0r•"91' County on Mey
10, ""
Att-Yt91L.tw 11110....s-.
, .. t•I•
N .. ,.., a.Kii, ca. tU.o
Pvl>l•\lwd Oret>90 C:O.\t Odlly Polo!
MO 16, 23. JO,;,,..., 6, 197' 1'14>-7' -------------
SUPElllOll COUllT OF TNE nan 01" CALll"OllNIA 1"011
In ""' Matt•" ol "" E\181e Of MAR'(
JANE CROWE, 0..cea.,.,d
Nolle• ., hetet>y q1v~n to c..tedltor\
""""'""' t t.tlrrn ~1n .. 1 ,,,.. c;ct1d df'r c-~ dtnt lo lllfo ~Id t16•m• '" 1114' ofll<t of
'"" clerk oC "'" dfor~ .... 1<1 t°"rt or 101 prf!\enl trwm lo ow un<Wr"'0"""0 •t t'°"f>I
olfltl!OfMACKEV & KLC:IN, INC., 1J7JI
~an~:o;:,·7~ ~r.!,) ~:V~.':ic0~1
1-1t•r ott1t_fl> ,._ '""' ota<e of ooslM..\~ of I"" under\IQl\l!d In eh m•ller• pertain
::!~:.~=~~~~~I=~;:, 1: I
presentN ., •tor.wid w UfUf" tour
,....nlll\ ••~ ,,.. "''' pu1>11uuon of tho\ not>ee.
0•1..S M.ty 1, ,." Peu!E Cro~
Admlrw.tr•tor of 1¥
E\l•tt Of W•tl Dec~!
MACkEY & ltLEIH, INC. A"_"'_. ..... ..
UU N ............ Ste. JQS
Sule AM, Cell'-• '11 ..
hl:l1UI ~
PYblhlWCI 0<-C:O.•t D•li'f Ptlol,
Mo•. lb, U , lO, "'~ 11'2 19,
T.,. loltowlnv per'IOll I• Clol119 1>11•1
N U et·
MAGIC FINGER. '"°Soutll co .. 1 HlgllwjllY, L-.. Beech. CA •1&11
Parvlr Gh•ll•rl, !Ill Rhodn,
Co•l• ww. CA ti•~
T1111 ~•ne•• ''conducted or en 1n
Pan.II Gf\efl•rl
Tiii\ •l•l...,..nl w•• filed wllh tlw
County C~rk Of 0.-County on Mev
"· "" JAMES J. ltELL Y
ATlorMJ 9t U•
11117 ..... _..t Sl'"4 .. _w .. YMleJ, CA m• "",..' Publi\Md Of""?" (O.O\I D4•1y PllOl
May 2J, JO, JUfW ~ U, ow•
Tl\e IOl•owlno IM''°"' •re doing bu\IMH O>\;
1'43 Hol~ Clttle, '°'I• Mew , Cellloml•~ R o O~t l H Simmon\, HO
Hotfawbroott C•r(. I~. (o\td M~\d,
Cell lorn•• '2•~
Jame H '*"'· 63 11.tldl\ r.ou•t, Fremont, Calllornoa qoJll
0 ... 111 J Me•a. 6J Vfl•" C.outt,
FrflmOnt, C:i111MOU'\1.., •oltt
Thi\ bu\1nt''' •• tondt;l h~d by • 9ener •I p..,.;..,."i)'~
ROiio-rt H !>Hnmon•
frU\ ~ltttM"6Mt WA~ filf""d •11'1 fN'
(<>uf'IY CIMit ol or~noe Counly on M•y ''· ,.,~. rnl4SJ Publ,...., °'""oe c,o.,1 Dally Polot,
M~y 1), JO-JllM •, U. 19/t l"l·lf -------
SUPflllOll COUllT Of THE
E•t•lf' 01 EMM~ ME"IOOLIA
NOTIC( I!> HCRrav C,11/(N to Ill•
,. tftdltOf\ OI 1hf' AboV"' n11mtod Ot('fd'""'
tP'llt •It ,,,.(~\ hlYtt\Q Cl••P1) •04l1n'\f
'"• w lO o-<•c»nt •re renu1red to fllf
w1111.,.,. G<ooroe S•I••, nn Eyn.
1111• L•ne. CYI>'••'· Celllorn•• •JO r111> IN\•MU I\ con<>uci.d by en In·
w1111 ..... c. ~llva
Tiii\ \lel-1 '""'!tied wttl'I I""
Co.inh C.l~r~ Of °'""9' County on M•Y "· "" Flls..19
Publl\,..., Ot-Co.hi Oally P•lol.
Mey Jl, JO..,., June• 11. 19711 1•u 1•
T lie 1o11-1nq P.•'°" " Clofnq l>ll\l
PRODUCTS . <.usro1111 BOA r
Coll• Mew, C• n.16
David Al .... Oellf.Y, l11S O•kol•
An , Co•I• -.., C.• '1416
ff\,\ ~•MU I" Condu<t.c:I bY •n 11\·
OevKI A D•ol•y
Th•\ \lal-"I •a\ Ille<! wolll IM
County Cleta Of Or-Co..nty on M•Y
11. n1•
PUDll\heO Orflnq.-1 Co•\t Oo•IV P110•
M•1' ?), JO, JUMb, IJ, t~/~ IU~·t•
T ,, .. tot1r.rw1ng 0-:•1 "°" 1 _, 001nq t>v\•
ne\\ tJ\
L ENIOllPM.f 7171 h •lllOO Or 1v .... N .. •OOrl HI-ct• n, (Al1torn1'4
'nl>l>O Hf!~t s..,,, .. ,.. 'f 4UT\• • Ba, 'o"•,
1111 HollloP Of1Ye, N~.,Porl B•dc~.
C..lllo•n•e '26'0
l fu \ bu'\•~\.\ 1\ rone'tucte-c:i b'f ,.,._ 1n
dlvldvel Ht,_ c;.,...,, 8¥I0'11lo
•k• t ...,,. S f\4r ,,,, • .,
Thh \Lll~I • .,, f u fl(I with u.-
Counh Cte-r~ of Or.anQll" County o.n M d"I 11. ,q,.
Publl\~ 0raftOI"' (0.lf"i.I 0doiv P1tof,
M•v 11. lOdnrtJunt ~ IJ I~/# tQ!O /Q
l""m wltll t"" N><~\'wllY "''"'"'"'·on FICTI TIOUS •USIN£S!> Ille oll1v Of IM Cltr~ 01 llW dl>OvP •n NAMCSTATEMEHT
1111f'd (0Ut'1. OI to Qrt\itnf lt"fm, with Thp foltO#tf'\Q C)tr,,,,, '' d01nQ bu\1 th~ nt(f'\wry vouc f'\f'r\, to lh~ un ntt'\\ ,.,
der\IQneel ., '""I•• Olli( .. ol JA¥ES PROPE RT IES ev l ANO ANO
f . W ILHELM 0 1 IC I N 0 EL & BY THE SEA, 13111 Meron•r Or • 10..
ANOE RSON, 1070 NOf111 tlroadw•v, U19uM Noq.,.I, C.~ •1bl!
Po•I Ollie• Bo• JU, s .... ,.. ....... P•rl• Rull\ P•"91~(. dl\O •nown d'
Calllornl• '2101, ""''f" I\,,,. place Of Propetlltt tly r"" s. ... 13111 M.,,,,,.,
buSIMS\ of IN """""'Oneel on •II mal· Ot , LaQlltl• Nl9.,..I, (A '17bl1 l•n pen •lnlng to tile ••t•lt OI \•Id Oe· f "I' .... ,,,...,~ I\ ~ondu0...0 bY ... II\ c..iet1t, within lour month\ •lier CIW dlvldual
11 .. 1 pu1>11ca11on ol 1111\ nollte. ,,.,,.. R Preq1ri
O•tt<I M.ty 11. 1q10 '"'' \l•le"""'"' """' Ill'°" will• tn~ Ll""'1 """ndOll• Pompei Cuunly Cl•rt Of Orttnoe Co..nly on Mey
E •t-Culrl •or Cht Wiii J ~. 19/•
ol t.,..abov•
nameel Oe<eMfll
Jo-t E.Wl-111
S.11u AM. CA tt71l
Tel: Cl141 s»nn
An ..... .,. .. E•«lllrl•
'"~ Publ•~ 0•""9f' Co••• Oa1l\I P1101. Mey U, JO, J""" 6, I], 1q10
Publl>MCI Ot~ Co.\\I O•ilr P•IOI, ------------
Mo 2l, lO...., JllM 6, ll. 1'7t 1000-7'
T ... fOll-1nqc>@•'°" l\CIOfl\QbUSIN'\)
W. lttll SL, Sul!• "C," C.oll• ~w. C•
f'621 J•m~\. '11Cf\•rd 0•1vPr . 10•
A"'lle"t Pl , CO\le Mesa. C. 914n
Ttus bui.lnn\ •i condu<t..o Dy d-" 1n-.
Je""" R Ollver
Thi\ slal°""""I wH Ill"" wllll ~
Olvnly c .. rt Of O<-Counly on Ma~
II, ltlt.
Publlv.d Or~ Coesl Oally Pilot
May 2), lO, JUM 6, IJ, 1'7t "31-1'
19. aood day
to advertise in the
Dally Piiot
Q111Hied Section.
En~lish Tudor 2&3 Rr
s plit leve l, 2&3 cnr
aara ge. frpl cs,
microwaves, ~r~nhouse
windows. pool, sp a.
TENNIS court.
646-0061 Of' 955· 1920
Ot>vclQJ>t.'<i hy
Woodtr('(> (){·v Cn
•~·ated 10 Di el· QUll't
area ~ar srhool:-. l!Olf
and tenrus Superhly up
graded homt: h ai. <I
bedrooms. den. d1n1n i.t room. t'ntry hall, fam1I)
mom. f1rC'pla('l' l'at111 H~c lot. $159.900. <.:all
lnwstor must l>Cll I hom1·
1n Cost a M t•sa Nu
2(f1 Amhur ... 1 $>12.f,o4J
atll K.11 !ll)tll lo}r informa
l~llf.!100.' ~h~a \'••rdo ;J
Hr. f.1m lly rm. i! F\a
frpk, indoor Swcdi-.h
BBQ. 751·5!117
Comer lot :i Bllrm. I''
bath. fircplaCl'. d c>tt1d1t'tl garage Won't lal>t. •'Jll
Mesa Verde
Rooms Galore
One of thol;c hard·to·find
5 bedroom cxt'rut1 vc
hom<"5 w1th <'07.Y family
room, bnck hr<'pl;J<'l'.
kitchen wit h bu111 1n:-
G1ant patio rum. l<-nmh
of home. Cl~£' tns1·honl:-
Sl29,000. Won't la~I ' n 1ll
TAR8IU.. -· By owner. Jbr . 11,ba
$72.500. Clt'a n ran r h
style, lg walled 1n yd .
numeroui; fruit trees.
dnve W on 19th R1~ht on
Meyers, left on Co\ l"
0,... Sot/Sun/Mon
Great slartt'r homr with
frplc. + 1ncom<' unit.
Both with pn vall· patio &
l•n c loscd J:araJ:t.>s ,
675-1642 642-0762
l!t~!I~~! !~!r
a 30.day ad in the
4 Bdrm. 2:\lt Baths . fireplace. patio. s ha ke
rooC. etc. $129,900. llOJ McC_., Rltr
Hest buy 5Br. fam rm
home in Mesa del M ar.
~SQ fl. dl<>ICC IOC, h!t'
1•orncr lot. Gon~eou-.
home. many xtr:is. C.:11m·
pan' at SI l!l.500 Ca II now
.. l.tst of VA homes. Many
to choc:r..e from. Sotnl'
wi th 00 DOWN . ·o
C(~'T Noob1Jgat1on. call
tur }Of.It IJst at 64~7221
\Otlf"'Clf VOU l.\'l•Ul<I ffilJ\I'
io ~1t":>-a \'erclt• Sum mo·r
L'> Pt-rt: l!O takt: ac'l 1on. W 1·
hav1• a f!OrJ?eous 4 tir
home w/a sparkhni:; poul
& spa just waiting for
you to move into no"'
Ui.-:.1d1...,, l'l'Ol 1\ t'. tl h .1• a ,. o v ' d p a l i o &
.. pmkll·n> IL I!> rt•Jd~· for
\<JU tod:i y for onlv sm .CXX> 968 3371
Hl•nl fo:,t ;it l'
LO\lo rlo"'n Fllt\ VI\ .• !
bdrm ~ ha tam r111
$1!.5,WJ l;JI ·lYmt
It .... '"' Ad, tall
EHOllS ., ... ,. .... ,. , .... ,.
..... c ......... ...... ••4 r•per t errert •-•.ii ....... TlwD•ILY
P'H.OT .. -~ ....... ""'__. .. _...._,_
IOOZ • 1100
llOO • 2'00
)100· 4UO
..... WA"TID
MBCHAMDl~l .........
... TO YOU
IOAn & MAalMI ~IT .........
TllAMWOllTAnOfil .........
C P R C C H U P R 0 E H I T S B R 0 S
S U C H A 0 T H A I P Y 0 A I 0 L P 0
SH 0 TARE 0 0 YR CS OT R R 0 Q
L C 8 P U I 0 N S A 0 U C l A I D D Y
A H C £ E P S E L 8 I S I V N R 0 T R
N C L H I " T U D A R H L A A l A E U
G A-rr1. U u~lfH l A 0 L l C E H D A
I R I I Q H L G 0 G I P 0 I l V K A A
R Q T T A L D 0 I A I R R T D L Y W R
0 Y C Z E H P I R A H A T V 0 A L U
-.............. .-., .. ·-···----....... --.--
--···••t--fllt_.......__. ............... -
H11111 ,_ W. Hi .. t '9f' S. ....................................... -.~ .. -.-.. ~. ...... ,...w. . ...................................... ~······ ~~ ....... !~~' ~-.. --. .!~~
"•lie. oeean vift. WWAIDMOll.n'Y ... J ~ ........ (3rd
~~ ..... !~ ~~ ..... ~~!!
bd H . autte). Alt. ftJ •ot enJoy pro• fnalonall decorated
,, ", ...... 1040 •••••••••••••••••••••••
l.da ol room fur 1111.l(or
home or ~t on t h1:. nll:c•
3 bdrm. 2 ba lull llnl'•' aa.• Park Phu·e, hw
1-6 Br, 2 RM , I 11111\' 10
be11eh. SI ll .900. Atil
•2217. 111Ll-Ollb'7
3Rr. 21.,Ba. c:o1rthh.>11.-... ~amic lllt'. lum rm.
frpk' .. Mwil sec Ask111.i
.., .500 8'2-083Y
We h ave 2.J & 1
PLEXEi, some '°''~1lk1ni.:
distanee to the lwal·h
Pnald from Sl87 .~up
Parle Pla«?.lnl'842·7461
Bklck to beach, oeeuo
view. S Bdrm. 41:> Im :llOO sq ft. Lgt· 1Jalt·on1t·s
D 15th St. S19S,000. Ph
e.;r:;-.. ''•'''
1 I l • '>
, I 'illlti
A br11ut1ful '.J l1<'ilroum,
:!'' 1 ... u1 humc "'llh .trt•JI
1Alt1~ r.-.111 ll<iqi.11n
ut uni) ...->.!00 all tu
Jr Wll(IOOH1l11,t
~lt AL I v
551 3000
.. ll~l of VA homl.':-M1111y
to r hoose frnrn Sc1m1·
with NO l>OWN 1NO
COSTS. NI} 11hl1i.:11t1on.
call (or )'llUI l ... l ,11
••PICT IUl&.DIM• sms FOR
,,....... ,....... Cl ., .. '-"
Lit .................. ...... .......... ...., ......... ._..
CANYON YllWS L-.......W.we.c ..... ~lec....._
499-4551 49S.l 720
SOllllt LAIC)llllo L •; • Mlgll1I
493 .. llf 644-7020 o-,.. Newport .....
r\Nl>''Olf l>ON T IJ,\VJ-:
t...,.... ....... 1052 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Everything Plus
Ft)ulunng a spel1acular
view 11f lovely v a llt•y
fmm tlus clt•i.:ant 2 story
Th u~ 2 bdrm ~ cll'n.
IJ()p\llur "Mooac-o" homl·
tll bltrl(a111 pnecd for you
.it only $155.500 Thu. ito.
lht• low~l pnt·e un lht)
murkcl tt>day !lll'ally
l1.1t•11tL-cl 1H1 Purl Nel?o.on
Sln"·t. lh1<, home wont
last."<> t'all tud<iy 1'1•rms
BEST O Rl(;I N/\1.
BLU,.'FS ARE/\' Scnsu
uonal Pl<in E. highly
CUSIUmJlt..od' spaL'lllUS 2
IJdrm s Wll.'S + massive
family rm & addL'<I hob·
h y rrn. 0\'('rlouk s
enormous ~rt•(•nbt!ll
II o n l' s l I y p r 1 1· <' cl
a1Sl89.50U. Ai?ent 640·5560
TO m; I\ Tlll l-:1-' to :.t.•c
lhc vulue in this :;tnkinl!
l'OOtl'mporary hn mt•
Located h1 i.:h ahov••
Lagwrn's htmcd lhvwr:1
l'Oasl line on I argl• lut
with lu:.h pluntlngs, pu110
ancl :.un i.hatJ t'd
qXJrtyurcl. Sl'HAWLIN(;
'1 JllJltM , 3 H ATll
fo'LOOJt PLAN with
formal din1nj! room.
1Camily rc•1m 1. 1t•11tun•-.
oom ... • locall'<l adJuc·t·nt to ---------1 u s h A r ct• 11 ht' I l 5 lHE BLUFFS
Westcliff RNffy _ 'puc1ou.-. living room ap
llC'<imoms. dining r oom. Redured to SIH.900
f1repluCl'. k1tdwn w11h Absolutely 1mm:icubtc :J
bl.Dltms . plU.'oh l'itrPt.·l mA Hdrm 21, bath. for mu I
lhruout.2pn vakµatws d1 111ng . ~pl11 11•\t'I
Sl31.<KKI Must. M·e ' Call lownhornc• Opt'n i.pan· ~I~ v1t•w from Jl\mg n K1m
... AH ... ble
----- --lyOWMr LARGE FAMILY ~.:n.i c.-rM . Collc1w l'k
Assuume S52.000. 9•~,~ exceU. cond. (;orndl, 4
loan. $&37/mo. \.Minut~ Br + bonu~ rm 235tl -;it
to pounding s urf . 5 fl. AIC. ~prnklrs. many
Bedrm. family home. upg rades. Sll 7,UOO
Massive stone fireplace 552-5421 ____ _
Gourmet kitchen. Wall of
gJass leads lo coverefl
l>allo a nd park h kt·
grounds. Huge t'Ul·dC: s a1·
lot. Only $99,500. Call
now. 96.l-7881 QPfN /,tf1·U ~lit~' H I t J 1
1042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._. .... H..,aw
4br, 3 full ba, ram rm.
DR, LR. FuU lndal'pd.
tile entry, all bJL·ins.
frplr, alumpsWfle walls
complet e:'. Near nt·w .
quality bit by Ayres.
P.O. plea se. $138,500.
~1441. ---EXCB.UNT Pl.AM
~e3 bdrm, 2 ba all on
ooe floor Near s hopping
«'Tiler. Park Place, Inc.
------~ ....... 1044 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Answer To s . c.!:.Z
A super plush executive
home a nd quite 1m -
rmcuJate. 4 Ucdrooms,
dining room , family
r oom with br i rk
fireplace. Plu.c;h carpet-
ing thruout. Tiled roof
Patio. More. SD8,750. <.:ull
2br. den. 2ba. S&.S patio home. g<>fl'eous lndscprl.
Patio. w /cover, cath ceil·
Tulane Mndf'I Park
Horne:-. Tl11s 1s ;,, di'
tuchcd 3 bdrm. hornl· on
f('C' l<ind, With C'OH•r1•1I
d crk1ng . tas tl'flJll.\'
landsc·alJ(.'tl ill n um an·n~
and lots or pnva1·y Only
.. 523 CAMPU5l>a: IRVUCE
ASSUME ll/40/o VA
L a rge. beuut1ru1 4hr.
Jba. dl>tachE.'<I home 1n
CuJvenlalc. Owner leav-
ing area. $104.900.
~11110~ m CQpaQ 80.Lnlr
LA11J11M leach I 048 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Treat yourself lo an
cverung <1t home. the
dramalJc 40 ft. living r m
1s ~raced by 2 elegant
open s t airway!< that
create an impressive at-
mosphe r e. Impressive outdoor decking, ocean &
canyon views. Jus t bsl·
ed. 64S-4m3
'""· Woodburn. bnck './ frplc. gas kitchen-heat . FORESTE
OLSON at1aC.b. 2 car garg. pvt
(:Sid unit. 9~ assumable
mtge. 54.900. Own. will ... , ... "'' , ....
h elp fin. By owne r . __ ,_ .. _~ _____ c_,_,_
Rancho San J oaqwn 2br .
den. 2ba, frplc. pvt
patios. all oo golf c·ourse.
Enjoy VleW from m ost
rooms. Pool & jac.
SIJl.500. 64().0097.
Owner 4 bdrm. 2 ba. F ee
land .. $132.000. Need
q'8ck sale. 644-4157
If yuu're not readjn~ the
little llds in Classified,
you're missing a lot of
newsy information as
well as aome gn!al buys.
A gem or a ra mbling
c®Om home on extra
large lot. Gardens and
avocado trees. llu1:e llv·
mg room. beamed ccll-
i ngs. mas s ive brick
fireplace. all n atura l
woods. Modem kitchen.
Excellent ma11ter swte.
l.Eli.miled storage. Ocean
view. S27S,OOO.
Tltat lntrig•ing Won:/ Gome wiflt o Cbdle
.... ., QAY\: ICll&M -------·=·:c: .... :::-!o.4! ~ ..... -C:.'V"~ ..... II)..,..-. ...... _._ .. ._~
I· 11 'Tl·~, 1-
1 TUCSO IJ' .1*111. l Couldn't llel""9 tM 19t I I L u , E s I i ... the Olllef day. "Coffee ' r ,( I I ; ::,.::~..:~..::: _...__.. __ ...__. " tot • cup. SM lhcr#ecl me
Ii 1" Al T ,~ o, w I I~~~~:::
L ..... i.... ... -1. ............. __, by ftllifte "' .... INflill9 -· '°" ....... ,,_ -No 3 below.
prox 2R fet•t Io n .:.
AND C 1-: NT E H
FlREPLAC .. : OF 1'1\1.US
V t; R D F. S S T 0 N 1-; .
Slcpsaver k1lchc n ha~
l>lDlt·m ran~t·. nvt•n, di~·
hwasher anfl launcJrv
'l'AAllH!l I and maskr ~wll• :-:11 .... I IPll~DS"'-• va(•:mt. uwalt'r .111x1ou~
~·-__ Call !>W.llfll
area Wl• think lh1~ twi-
trr built hnmt•. in mcwt"
in eondJllon 111 a "IU.:AI~
SH :AL" at only
$142,500 Fvll Price
GONfo:TOMOllHtlW ~ I
!1,1.';S. <.:.st Hwy, Lai:un;a
,,_. 494-07 3 I
& ·Company
Otning room. landst·ap·
mi:. spae1ous ~rounds
with many poss1h1IH1es
to expand. 2 l~droom!'.,
plus mu n)' ext r a s
lllHSo C'oui-.t ll1way
Ill V1Uuge Fair
l.J\GUN/\ Bt-:A<.:H
One year old 3Br , 21z
ba+ram rm. C1..'<iar extr
t'r windows, S245,UOO.
497-475.'I or 774·533fl
L.aiJ-1 HkJuet 1052 •••••••••••••••••••••••
"Laguna Niguel
Realty •
in ext'lusive se1•urcd
area. Lrg J Bdrm . den &
fam1ly rm home. hig hly
upgraded. Extensive use
ol J?lazed tiles & used
briek. Corne r lot w /o·
cean & mountain views.
Pn1 beach. tennis & rec.
center. $229,000.
49).9494 495-5220
496-2413 ll0.5050
AsMRD~ Loon
A roomy upJ?raded ap·
prox 1900 sq rt 2 story 3
Bdrm on fc1• land
~ta1ned glass w111llow:-.
and upstwrs p1•ck al lht•
(abulou-. rc.·1•r4•al1o n
fonlltll"' 11n1l l':J~V 14•;tlk
lopn vaklJt•:H•h ·
·1 fabulous a~sum1c10lt•
S140.000 al ~,.,., loun
Pm·cd ri.:ht al $192.000
fo'OR MOR E INl-'O
L*Forest 1055 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Model HCM11t s•
M.J. lrock & Sons Inc.
W1• saved the best for
la.<it! Truly Lake Forest ·s fi~-st values. I\ 3 B fl. I
st.on'. $113.1110. or a 4 HR.
2 story. $133.l.25. Both air
eonditioned, fully up-
brraded. beaullfully de-
{'Of'alt.>d & professionally
landscaped Pnme 101·<1
t1 on Call now (7 14 >
51.11·!1610; (7141770-6493
Owner //\j.tl . No Comm
F.l ega nt V1 c 1or1 a .
Park wood 4br, Jha.
fl.rushed tJOnw. rm . air tu Ah))' upJ?rad<'d. II u)(c
lot Assum;1hlt• 1!).111
25102 S h a H r L a kt
Mssion Vieio I 067 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Exch.is1ve Fm1sterra on
the water of l.ake M1s-
S1on VieJO. 2br. 2 ba. UP·
grades. Groi!id levd +
boat s llp. $142,500.
751 ·SCXX.l. 548-9094_. ---
Mrwport leoch I 069 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Bayfront Duplx 1-·ant vu.
38r upr 2Br lwr. f'p,
bltns & ldry hkup in ea.
Summr/wntr rc nll.
$390,000/ofr own/agl
leach Dolltotne
Newport Short.-s, attrac.
AH .. w. Lo.. tive 3 BR, newly crpt'd &
Fairway El Nigue l 3br. pamted inside & out. 5
£)4.000. Custom Really blks to beach. Owner
rro.9777 trarL'lferred out of a rea,
Pool & t e nnis courts .
OCEANVJEW Reasonable terms t o
Un obstructed hill & qualified buyer. Call for
ocean views. 3 Br, 2 ba appt to see. P eggy.
custom ram rm. Pvt 96CM312,S36-3'98.
beach community. Only
$159,!KIO. ... .., ... $hons
It Jolins R.E. 493-81191 By Owner. Npt Shores. 3
SELL Idle items with a Br. ciomm. pool~ tennis
Dally Pllot Classified Ad. gu~~~<;ourtesy
"'9-INdl 1041 ........... 1041 ....................... . ..................... .
ll.co1ctwe1Ban1cer ~ RfSIOENllAl ~ER)IG( t~Ai\NY
Charming 4 BR, FR, DR with
sweeping view from mulU-level
covered patio. Many decorator
touches. Fire pit. Mexican tile
noon. Compare and you'll agree
tbat SlM.750 is an exciting value.
496-7222 831-0836 ,.,... ...... .., .... ...........
1;<11 LID<>
~upt•r view 111 1\,1 \ ,II,
()l·l·an 1'1•rff'l·t c·o11<1
<:a II f11r a ppl to sn·
H(l(;t·:H Hl<\,WN H I'.
1;7:1 10io
FL>e. nL•ar ,.,d1I. park &
pool $174,500
551·6.51il 1'40·1140
Outs ta11dirtl! t•:-Lm rt'
mode l. P rime corner
loeation. step; to beaeh.
3 Br 3 ba. den. Liv rm
w/wctbar & m<iss 1ve
britk frplc. r lx•arn el•1I
mgs. fo'r J oo rs t pa oed
wind. din area 01->1•11s to
brick patm. Bright kit
wtall nu hit ms & nook.
Spacious m s t r hUllc ,
wt halc'1ny Dt'eor alur
fabnc:.•wall l·1iv Assum
lt>an. s.175.000. By Owrwr
Sl"t?2728 Vistu Del Oro, No
reasonable offer rdu:wd
Jbr, 2"'o1ba. U plan Ukr
Only 2 years ohl a nd
f e a l U r (' S f ll r t I) 0
numerous a m1•n1t 1es tn
nwntion d<'tail ml'ld )! a
i::ou r m e l klt ('hl.'n .
balrony J!llml.' mom. a
:-.umpt 1ous fu ll s 111•
J<ICU7~1 in Ok!SIC'r l>at h
•not JUsl a h11th t11ll
W J ClSI. !..!tlld Hilk
1·ahincts thru out .rnd
much mlK•h more H you
want "The Point.. and
c·an eonsuler S439.000 for
CALL 644-7211 ..
Tnw' No expense has tx.-en s pared on this dt··
rorator 's dream homl.'
GorAeous Palermo
model In Harbor View
Homes. f'ee land. 4
Bedrms. t-'ormal dining
rm. Planked hardwood
floors . Accented with
Spanish Ule. A must tu
see fo r truly fu ssy
buyers! Call t o d ay
()Pflj' I 0 • rf \ tt •1 ff j, ft" I
-W.W Escrow!!"
Btst lMO' on Lido. 47' lot.
Chamung old home with
south patio, Beamed ceil·
lngs. Owner financing,
Mking S280,000. Vacant
Localed on a lge areen·
belt • 4 lge bclnns, fnnl din rm, rmly rm. 2 stone
f!Jlb. Newly deco . ml.DJ ocean vtew. 759-001
Real &tate
2 Bd cottage In Newport
Hts. R·2 lot. ~· x 105".
Clole to Hoag, b~ •
abcJppiq. $1118,900. Exel A&l. '73-1020
2fl/ZT 8ri11tol. CM
2 I& with large houise
Coolci bl! Duplex
I '11. l'Mb
(714) 673-6210 I
2001 w ~ lllvd
IWWllCWI 8elldl·Celilomlll92660
('J(>t out or the jla:. fine
and cull Mickey to s~
this beautiful Newport
Duplex. with spec1atular
water & Lido Is le view 2
Rt.'<irooms t'aeh w /frplc
& patiOti Can be convert·
t'<I to s ingle family homl'
Owner will help rmancc
Full pnee. S300.000
!1fj(). J911()
Owner Wank to Mon
Court Condo. /\I Supcnnr
off T icondt·roga & In
trepid Plan 7 Newporl
Crest. 3 Hr. 2•·, bath. :1
levels. blltni. 5 m111 tu
0t·ean , hay & peninsula
<:ommun1ty po11I. J<I'"
'aU1111. ll'nni:. 01>1•n I j
l'M l•vrry day. Franl I!.
llurvath. llllr li75 l'.17::'
~' -
Mwpt. C~st Condos
:! l:idrm -Pmbatt• '>di,,
Sl W,5(JO
I IJdrlll IAH•I\ \ 11.'\0o
I l:.klrrn nr 11•11111, 11001 s1-11 um
1\1-(l l>lfl 02°!15
Tustin 1090 .......••••....•.••....
ltuc1h1y fJth & 111<1,ll'r
bwlt 3 lxl. .! '.• h.1. lri.:
honus rm . r~1nd1~l}'lc
home llui.:" 1·orn1·r JOI •
Vacanl. fo'a?o.t l'°"s 1110 I Charwood Ln/Nt·wpurt I
hlk N of 17th Will <'ons
T 0. as down pay mL·nt
F'1n an avJ 1 f .
1100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
t!n6 Kirkwood. lovely ;11r
L'Ofld 2Br. 2Ba. hkycl for
tJw ku1' or pel Mu:-.t :.w
toapprf'c, <MM564:11
Mobile HOMe Store
Ubl wide '(it Tra1lerama
10 N51861 3 pvt bch &
p1t•r Sub·lettml! allowed
l,X'at.t'Ci m Treasun· Is
:1..,1 Pa1•tf11· C:Oa!-.t II w v
LaJ.! lkh Offl•rcd i.,
Ht.>flaissancc> M P 1 7l 1 1
<t<.19 lollfo ---
llnv:JI Mon11rd1 ~I.Iii)
21Jr. 11, Ha. c·orm·r 1111 .
I n w p a r k r ,. 11 I
IJDb767 72)
Mobile Homr Store
Why not at.art today? Mc.t al tbe ~ wbo
now t'Ol'.ltrd »•~ or matt wUtl ltan.d with a
fixer-upper house or duplex, trlpleJt; or 4·plex
and traded upward aa their equity 1rew. You
u ndo the same thln1!
10 x. ......... .._
lrMil ........... ,, ••• ,.,
IOJt Xe.-
Lost m the jungle of Real Estate Jargon' We
u n help unscramble some of your question11.
Our heJpluJ and lmowled"eable stafr of over 40
c-an de·mystify te rms like this and help you to
determine wh11t kind of property is right for you
;ind fats your financing
We can show you how even a small nest e"g c11n
be put to work ror you to take advantagt' of tax
saving:. and hf>Jon bu1ld1n" a fortune for you!
Confused by so m:m y ads" Don't know where to
begin your Investment pro"ra m ? You will find
our highly tramed :.tarr helpful. Phone for an
17141 752-1920
MabRHOllles ForSaM 1100 Ol·eanfront Apttllotrl.
•••••••••••••••••• •• ••• Npt Reh Owner carry .
~ VlK IN(;, /\•<". Kx21
s<'n'efl µorch. xlnt loc·a
uon in S-Star park I rv1n1·
0 }S !l-<t. 55R 2ol77. aft
5PM wknds 551 462X
~.WO 67S-28S.'> .------
Costa MHa SfMCial
Two super duplexes /\II
2 bdrm . I bath On I 1:1•
lot nr schooli.. :-huppmi.:.
Super location Pnc·1-d lo
sell now' ~ou.ooo
........ leachleauty
p .. Hlk~ tr om 11ePall
Tcmf11 I unit bid~ Mgr
<ipt .I bdrm . 2h baths
ooden ranchland, acenk
property. 40 a . parcew.
Near Deschutes River &
High Lakes: 2 8d borne oo Pine treed lot. Under
Kround utillties, carpet
lld. c'Olored applumces.
CIU'OUSel fireplace & dbl
~ar. $49.750.
J Bd home on 2•12 ;u ·n •to.
near river. IOl li or
"('('lus1on. Wood burnin~
heat.er. wood pancll.mi.;.
New carpet ~.500.
Sun R111er r esidence.
1000 sq rt, a ll Cedar
htmw. Heaul1ful lot 111
µmes & near lenn1:..
c,w1mm1n.: & i:olr
llt•auhful l~e rooms thru·
OUI.. SIW,000
Sup1•r rtH·r fronta.:t·.
huat dtl(•k and a cozv :.!
hcl loJ.! IYI)(' homt• 1·51;11
"'I ft ph1.' a <lhl ~arai.:1•
(;uo<.I wl'll and douhlo·
"'l'lH' '>):>lC'm . f'ull pn1•,.
2Br. dbl w1dt> s:ll .500
2fir. part rurn S:lti,7f,c)
2.Hr. boat !ICK.'k ~.IMMI
.! llr Havfront 1lhl Wilk .
& t>cauti"ful $79.!WI
"·\11 HI HO'I, I
IU IM I., Inc.
,.., i t·l-l(J .
1o1o ~ frµkll + 1 wo1 2-For mun• mlormat11111.
hdrm & unc t hdrm l':ill or wr1 IL' Ouk•·
<.1 pl '. (; r I · v JI u" ! Wuml·r Hc<alty, PO Rox
S240.0ll0 5Ulll . Bl••ul. Orego11. Wesley N. Taylor Co.
:n;111. 503,~·H262.
IU.-idl.ors ti44·4!l t11 ----....................... ~.Fanlls •.
-------Gro•n 2700
WA.LK TO Bi':/\1'11 :! Hd.2
li;J + den. !Jiii ht 1i.1r1·h
ri..•.ir loH·I~ 1 l11lJ 11001 &
J!ll'UZZI S:l:l.500 A.:cnl.
Cl<&• to Ho<i~ Hospital
/\duJt park. /\sk in.: only
Sl9.~ Call 54ti-.51480
AcrMIJ9 for W. I ZOO •••••••••••••••••••••••
By Own"•r m I),, Lul 11 4
arre:-"'1th neeks & n•·
scrvrnr. 2 bwldmi.: .sit<·~.
I m tall oaks l>y c•rt>t>k.
otlwr un hill Mumc·1pal
watl'r + wt•ll Phonl'.
t'lt•ctr1C•1ty. 11l:11llahl"
U li Sll9,500 7 14 •~ 11:,i.1 . -
···•••·······•••·•····· 4 Plt1x for s alt• by lll4 n1·r.
nl•ar hcdl'h 111 Sa11
t"lrm!.'nt1• Xlnl 1nv1 .. ;1
m•·nt Slti!UJ001 1-·irm
3 yr.. old. ,111 umt-; hav1• :1
hdrms . ;ti, bJ :-.1•ar
Allam~ & Rl•;11·h I .tll
Shorehm· ~1.tnJf,!1•mo·nt
Corp 11-17 t)Jt;J 1h k lor
Owrwr carry ftllJll•'lllJ.: JI
IO'~··, 211'; down. lull
µra 1•1· S265.JUO x Int
(;an1,:n c:rme ,\n ·:t 1"o
dclerrlod rn:Jmt Pnn n n·
ly J)kJ~·· ,, ~l . u
.luhn.'>Oll \Y12 ~:!(JO
Terrific Triple•
in lhuitmi..>ton Hcach at
lilIB Eniland. Look. but
'lon't touch. <.:a ll Bub
Dictunson. Al(l 97'-1533
Pn ml' l!untllli.,'l'JO l3t'.1l'h
4-plex m u h1~hly dl'sira-
hle n•nt<i I J rl'<&. 011 Iv
Sl~I II won't lo:.l '
l.'allilow Rkr ~2 2.S35
m1k rrom b<·h 2br unit:-..
'<Int l'on1I SIJ5.tlllfl
Atascadero Areas
·t 'I !I !"l a C' r l's n t.' .1 I
lakc·$147,50tl. Term<,
Iii a1•rf's with moh1ll.'
ht>m1· Rt>.ruo Terms :w ant.'S with term1>-call
lur mfo
Subd1v1s 111n )?ro und ·
randlL'S & acrca~e. Calf C.."
~1 lots·Sl llS.000. Owne r
Wl.11 l' arry.
A p p r o x . 5 0
l"n11L·1pab •mly ple:tM'.
Conlal1 Ken Mark:. al
EdHt. W. Heslidr
Realtor & /\ssoc1ates
164'l Spnn~ StrL-e1
l'aso Robll-s
1805) 238·5350
1805) 466-3049
·~1.2 aim ·r.12 12.311 . 411 /\C µrapes, 40 A\"
SELLlllo..IG,. .almond'. 8;.iker s ficl!i .
.... L.ax benttfllS. fi45-613:!
Send for liruc-hure ~ •
or call
W~l«m Re<.111\•. en IC•">
,\ Ke~I 1-:....tate./\dv1:.ury
53() 1073
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
...,.., ...... 3107 \' •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sf'l\CIOtJS oceanrront 1t
Br. 2 ba. compl. rurn
home. fo'rplr. wash /dry.
tbhwhr. 2 1·ar i:ar. no V"''· SJJSO/mo yrly. .. va1l St•vL 15. i;.i5.5354 l>r
IM·t('>K:! l.! l':'ll ITS. 1111 4 IJtllts & hou:.c, hv 111o1o1lt'r 11 UNITS . S1\
Nwpt ll µhts: (' M 2-t HNITS.ANAJI . 3148 LGIJlllMI leach
llxi:n.ie..-. <21:1 ' K:il 11170 lll lJNITS. CM •••••••••••••••••••••••
SUMMER RENT AL evc:;.12131481 JRl111d}' 4 111JUSt:S onLOT ---- --For 1mmt.'<hate occupan·
Cottdomini11M1/T own-Pnncipals Only Plea:-e <'Y. (,,'harmmg spacious I houMs for sale 1700 HR home 111 prest1giou~ ~.........., Beach IBr. I blk ••••••••••••••••••••••• L'rnnrald Bay 1'nrrac ,-,..,.. Allof lhe$c prOJC'\'tS may r,.,,.._ ' C. to ocean. $12.SOO. 646-~7li New Condo. lrvinl'. 5 mos be h od Only nunutl"S walk l.o the aft 6PM & wknds. old, by own,,r . "br, u ll'n· pure as~ on ,very ""·"c•h ----.... ' n favorable contract:-. ""41 • FAMILY PARK nis l'l s. 2 p oulSIJ.11· Owner is motivate<! & DOM OSEN
Owner anxious. JBr, ::~. Ev~s. IH5·l.i55. want s fast a c t ion . REALTOllS
2Ra. 1976 Bar rin gton. Broker for mformalmn J 497-4848 731·3llt
island lotchcn. I~ ms tr call al hrs. t• wport leoch 3169
bdrm & bath w1~1mfon 1800 541-0800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tub. !>ehls just minute:. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -iBr. 28a. 224 Via Lido
away. <MP3844> ---------1---------MobileHORR Store BALHO/\ D UPLt:x -1---------Nord, S2.000 mo. except 848_,c Cor onado St . (ll ·' Aug.$2500.!2!31270.4547 ........, u OWt&"S l IHM. or <213> 934-0920
charmer, dose to buy. Newer 8 U. w /great
$180,000. owner 's ho me hkl! unit •EXCITING•
Mrwport ·~iclo Beautiful 197 6
Goldenwest 2 Br. 2Ra
home within wa lking dis
tance of Lido's fines l
shopping area. Small pet
leadtAna S.Shr Adlt , .. p ...
l2'x60' wtexpanded liv·
Ing Tm. ?Br, 28e. front
kitchen. beautiful easy
care yard.
Beautiful s Star Adult
Pk. 3'x60 Seacrest, 2 lge
Br, 2Ba. lam rm wit!\ all
the xtras. Only $29,500.
PAClllC MOii.i HOMI .
rl'OIH...w, Ste 206-A
Dnuiftc are. l.n matr
bdrm , cedar lined
doletl, pull out kitchen
shelves, " rantry. dbl wide Ar inaton .
Hames u..tw.i.._
w /3 bdrms., 21,7 ba .
COM DUPLEX-South .. 'rplc. & pullo. 7 Olht•r
~Hwy tn heart of shop units for income. 1.S
ping area. J licirms. 2 Miles to beach. $397.500
baths down and 2 Bdrm~. 4 UNITS Hwtt leach
2 ba ths up. P r 1Yalc Xlnt :i bdrm. owner 's
patios. 4 car gange. home like unit . fo'plc ,
$194.500. patio Growth a r e a .
3202 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Save gas+ lime
llst'S Apt.sCIJ(S fo'.unr.
$235 I br hse stngles
12'3S2 br Rar kids plex
'1502 br gar child ok
/\mong ne wer bldgs
N6Rnl COSTA MESA. Insure your future. Jn·
re(urbished tri·plex with Yest today (Or tOmOr ·
fireplaces & patios. Xlnt row's security. $238,500
rental area. $149,SOOfce. W.-YM. TaylorCo. $350 3 br kids pets lg
S38S3+1~ ba kids nrall
MIS 4 br kids pets bch
$57Sfum5br Bal Isl
Realtor.I 644-4910
'11U·PLEX on rour plu I....&...._ 4r...L.. 2200
lot. Near Harbor Blvd.. ._. .,_. -
Colta Mesa. Good future
at this location. SIOB,000.
--.._,..,.rtr 2000 .......................
·7 UltlTSoC.M.
Beaut. new bulldln1. ~. xlDt locaUon.
1SLlnvmta M2·ll03
Near new. 3 Br owners
unit. 2 ba, f,.SI. 2·car
pr .. :n Br. 2 ba. units.
tsL lnvatmta 142· 1803
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
10 UNIT LOT. Anaheim. 557.olZS
Make o(fer. Morris & As-Homertnders-State Wkle
SOl' <213> 374·4994 Beautiful new 3 Br home
VISl'A-4 . I.? acre lob, all neld' school & shops. Ask
J)lam & ~rmi!ll pd. ror' ._for_Nen_a_._848-_22162 ___ _
graded e ngmeered: 10
min ; rrom ocn. pks. JCOHDO'S
plaza &schls. good area, FORUASI
WldergroWMi util. Offer. JBdrm,abath
4521165 1'150 sq ft ..... '650 mo.
Canyon Lake lot. 3 Bdrm. 2~ batb. ...,. UIOO,sq ft ..... tltO mo. ~v.000/~r. 3Bdrm, 2 bath
1161-0Dt n:=n~·o:: c.o .. th••• htert, new. Calll .. now ...... _ .... 2400 ._ ... . ....................... t1111•·re aooe. ~. ·~
e.Ja eaur. tse w toe>Uoft to .• SELECT buy. 4br beach home. 25
min. from border. PROPERTIES Protected development
CHH44»JO> ads' lri·IJlx on dbl lot. art ......._Mon ·tax ahltr. $175,000/ofr.-
lmowl'I u Lo Gaviotu, GetGREENcull
SlJ0,000. For brochure for WJUTE elepbantl
phone •Hm d11 .. ev• with a a .. 1rrea A.cl
•-95 ownt&ll IM0-18'79. •'7301. Call 142.5111
. ....... -.. ..._ .. ._ ---. ·---............ -. ·---·--. .-...... ...... -....... ... ,,...._ ----~ .....
··~ .. --.. -··--·
.... .. ..
.,.. -thun•k Pt • ...... .,,......_ A4I tao•t•......._
...................... e ..... ee•••••••e••••ee•• eeee•eeeee• .. •••••••••e ' ~~ ... ~~.~ ~=~e~.'.! ~~ ...... ~!~ ~~!~e~·:.~e ..
OCIAM YllW n-..,, riew cuttom bit Jbltrm. I ""be. Bit 111 CH
™81700 MO ~~~~-!tit''; 1~ =·~'::i1d:!rnK~ 2~~--M.2c•r1ara10, Jl!Me.lll· _l1JOJmt> ~tilt~ lijs. w.tlaar. f'Olllmlaftl -----1
ly puol. J.cuu.I 4i ....Wa C... .. W. HU 3 ltr z Ba. lamely r m . 3152 ON<aA qw tl. ••lk to ... u eeo .. eeeeeeeeeee• ~·1ly Ave, Mc11a Verde. br~rJt U nlurn o r 2br, Iba lwnhs apl. l'vt lud11 OK . nu pets, no
(unu1hed •l ~ mo Oe~ll . bit 1na. pool. '"""'-tD>mo.MM8S8 &e&T711 Adulb , child 16.+ No
~ Walk1:r J; I HH
Zbr. gar. SSlt 2a&.
~llll~ 2br. ll;l,ba, bit· 11\.~, d ishwashe r . pat.lo.
1•nc·ld .:ur1t. no Pt'lb
&..,..INcli ....
.. e .. •••eeeeeee•e••e•e•
Dllillu newly decorated 2
bdnn ·~ Qn oet!an Mar Victor ffufo. Jteated
pool, elevator. aubterra· ~arkia1. Sl2~.
........... 4210
...... e••e•ee•eeeeeeee• ........ e••········
1-lll18earC•bio.ldeal DOWNTOWN Colla & t!Yt get-away van· ...... aoo 1q. ft. IO JllGO
U.. For .uauner ...,. "I· ft. Cpt.: dnll. alr-
a.YaUcmi t.U Ma-a11 COlld. ar. ~
·-~~~~~~~~-~oceanfront rnv. alk'e. a.ta .... Alf}.
b e a c h • r l 11 h n a dnll. cpt. a « s nn1.
weekly /mo. Winl•r 1100.•1qfl.9'Mlll
R.llM. ••11 .-.C:At SUft'I
...._..,_. 3152 ._.. .. SMrw 4300 ~noor Coroa•del •e•••!eeeeeee•~··••••ee ee•u•••••••••Jll"eeee•e M ~o· P
F'ACINGGOLFCOURSE ROOMM•TE-S R:!ionomicaerco~:: Condo 2 br. 2 ba. West --Nine Or. Lov1.1ly area. 5 ........ S..e _m.moo _______ _
8 ltn1. waaher-dry•·r. , Npl. 0 •· ... C M 3...1fi-
2br , llHI, Ot•W Vllllll &-
('llflJt•I. pr' i.tn: .. •I Child
.. v1•1 lit\ $400 m o
~ OI JI lluy 5..11! 3t!'Jll Ot ~MlrAI
Woodbnd•• P\1U.'C' ~ IUC 3 ha torm11I d1n1n.i. h\
Ir f1m rm IAX·ull'fl 1111
part& 'Ail h .1 Vl<'W of 1111!1> ~Mo A._'1
&M-5403 11:11 :14.u
J ttdrl1lli. 2 ba Furn 1>1
un furnl11ht1d Sunl rn1•r
r1H11~ or Y••arly rah
$1100 644 9513
Su Of' ll11o1hway l 1., yr old
spac. 2 Hr. 2 Im. Pvt en
ltan<'c, t.'fll'I gur, launJ
rm . .1'Undl!CIL. ~75/mu
Own1A"1 673 1181
3hr t i,+;bll. twhn!ll' type.
cndcl .:11r .. p1d10. a i r,
w 111 rm . rrplt·. n r
I !arbor & Wilson. um S52·760t .
lbr. 200. 1mcld ~ur No
Pets. MOO 1040-8 Vulen·
eta. 54S-7983
n.at10 Z car .i:ar ·1uto EnJOY more. Pay les11 '""""·• · • "' .......... QPener. No J>t'ts · M?S All Aaes"Ufeatyles Beaut. New Bld1. PatJo
mo. Call no.1950 We c&eck Relerencei. area. 21311182.-&7
......,_..... ll'9 C.-54MZH TOP LOCATIOM
.. eeee .. eeee .. eeeeeeee• Since 1971 we have helped E. l7th st., Coat.a Mesa. 2
,...._ __ _._ ,., ur Ucnt . Dlx. siates. 900 to Sl,000
JU ••••••••••••••••••••••
.._,. V1mlt' 4 br. :! Ila.
~r S300 N,t Uo.,i"' ~Vh1una
oM \11~
fiUD rm. fl\lll', ~1·1 bar :1J1 1h11 '""''(I M 3 ~ new cpt. I~·· yd, 110 vc·1~ ~ .• 1.·1 11,11,1
1111.'S 1~• 356 1.u ~
IACICIAY \l1':>.1 \ t•rok 4 llr 2 11,1
~.,. 11111
3226 ..•.....•........••.••.
l.ur&l' 3 b1•droorn ::1•
blllh tuwnhpmt• ti u.i,
nwllter 111.11tc. f1n •phtl''' dish•MSher, doubl1• 1·,11
garagt! T t•nnii., pc:ml 2 Hl;i ::: UA hrrw. '"'1•11n 'u.
s1una . JaCUU I L11r~ llt.•1ur~'· r,1h. l>lttlll S..t!>
patio Ava1laht~· now ~ J:t'll
A'iOmo. 646-4477 8 T 3232 ----------.... ~ ............... .
2 Br.I Ma. t'ntl ~a~·a rn 2 tJr :.: Ii<!. yard. d ub re11tn~:.. nu r urpe t fa1·1ht1t•i., $511\J mu N11
tJrapt-s. 1w pC'ls SJt15 pel:-. !>S~ 1351 lw tw1·1·11
751.fia43 ·~~ r New l'Ofl<.10. 2 br. 2 bu, · PGl ... mll
frptcs. poxil & p t•11a1
S46.'i .)'r ly o7.'»4!H2 Uk r tlOM F:5 FOil R fo;NT
3 or 4 hr Pnct"<.I from
lbr private yllrd, f Ip. ultl s.'35 lo $525, Fn<·d yard &
paid .. No l't·I ~ S350 i:arai.:cs . .l"amiltci.
642.1&1.5 please. k Id :, & IH'l S
DELUXE 2 Br Condo. zi,.. welcome. Call 964·2566 or 973-297 I A~, no fet•. ha Pvt backyard. Al -·------
ta1.iled 2 car J!ar. frph'. ~Oft •och 3240
auto gar dr opnr. t ra sh •••••••e••••••••••••••e
t'Ump 673·~ bt_wn 9 & 5 Cdlf. Classic by the Seu
1'.~t.sldl• 3 bdrm. dl•n. 2 3br. dcn or 4br, l'l1ba,
ba, f'unky house for '!"PC.'· ltV boat urrcs:-
=>Pt-'<'•al couple Nu JJCI:> Cov d patio Corner lut
Of"' c bv -tJ7 E Wlh St mr ocean SS35~o .) r
'>t.5 mu s.J,. Iii !Jti or Isl· lst & las.I Grdnr & ~I 4446. wat~r meld t:<11184U 2151 aft ,,
Nf'wTu~'Tlhomc-nr hcar h.
~ rn.•r bdrm !>, conver:>LI
11nn pit. frplc·. pool.
•-ourts & spa. S575 mo ••16-7657. 642·0181i
Freedom from Fuss
e 2 I! r . I g 1· ) a rd .
sto11l'1rc fr SJt;;, Ut1l pd.
Ch1lrl ok. Nv pets
See-Thru Glamour
••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 8H. I ba $4!)!>
3 BR, 2 Ra J.''60/lJllO
4 BR. 2"t b11, rum Sl4~l
yrlv li•1111c. :i ltlC, ~ !IA,
I~·· ~ pul 111 fpli'. tw.111
2 Bdr m , I bath 1tyt
Adulls . &350. mo (, a1>
2br. 2ba a pt new apt
Palto I Child OK
PAUMIWPOIT ..__.......,."' 0 c ' s mo . Ample parking. Bar helors • J o r 2 find roommates. We can Broker67~
Bedrooms & Townhouses bdp you loo'
4 liH. 2'1 ba NH Slou,l
2 UR. 2 I\,., ~ $47., [oOll
n JHTl.l'lhH'h h l.11111 ,I
lu .,,,., hum•• \l•\ t•r
1Jv1-d HI' ' SK.'I() Dt! !102:1
Jbr, ~1 • httlh l JlllVt•f'.ll \
l'ark hou:-..· £'cl(1I lt•rlni.,
Sfn>1 mo 714, t;.10-lltJOtl
11111 rl•l:i ~t10(1 X .! I h
3276 ..•....................
111.•uullhd 04·11 & lull \ "'"' JH1 ~ 11tm, :m .•. 1,,. t.'l.'I~
mu t!l 1 l'allt• lJvr .11J1
t 2 U I 43"& 44til
c ..........
u.twWIMd 1425 ...•....•..••..........
Nl.-ar So l':>l Pl.uu 21Jr,
2bJ fl\'W t•rpt:. & •lrJ)b
Air . VJlJu. Voob . Ja1·u111
& lu::.h lnclscµ111~. • l
Uuklrcn or Pct:-$.Tl;,
It·::.:-. d llH'Ounl 11:15 .14,1;
l'Xt :.llM, aft G, 9liJ 7·Hli
..,..._ .... Fvmlhed •••••••••••••••••••••••
1>~5'11 __ 3 ___ _ From S349.50 HOUSIMA TES
LA MANCHA Ans Spectacular spa. tota l 132-41.34 <213)466-8143
t..ar.:e, l,2&3 bd garden apt~ t\1lults LJ~hwhr.
bllli:,. encl ..:ur, 1itas hbq
"•ul G.11> I'd 778 Scott
I 'I t>i2 f1i113 645· 5h 11
l"tc· bnithl . u1ry l br & 2
bJ, frpk. JIOOI & JUCUVI
\dull\ no J>t!lS 631 OO'-J7
New condo, ocean & 1'1ly
vu on tht' murr~ t M 2
up <.1r ... br .!1 :ha
~tll'rowa \•· w~hr. dryr
t.i n•fn c .ivutl L.'>c I' I'
a9J t-:n-s 558-0797
L>l..X-VIEW-2 lllL 1war
~:ich & ::.hop:.. s:1;;0
recreation proRr :tm ,
social program i pools. M
teruus courts Al Fasb1on
Island. J;1mbort!e & San
Joaquin ll1llo; Road
4219 P atnce J br. 2 ba .
t'Olldo Spbl level w /frpk
& por.>1 s.550 mo. 833-8162
SJ75 Nt·ar new 2 br, l bJ, AdlL'i, nu pcti; 645 76<\i ,.:Jr t'<orport, frpk~ pauu. 2all Pac-tftc· Stc·p. to lx'h 2 br. frpk.
1·lf11>l'IV all lt<tr<tl?t·, beam c€'ilm1ts. ·~1.M1?_m_1 ___ •>._12_1w3 Ocun bachelor apt. Sl!r.t all bltns. S475 y rly .
-per mo Call S46·S880 1\:-.k &t2·46.'ii'
1&2 Or from SZ!S5 lh $395. for Pam or I arry ----------
Nl•W 1·pt!I, p:iinl & drµ:. ' BAYFRONT 2 hr. 2 ba.
Clcan&mi·e i51 20fAJ 911)1) Vu Penthoust'. Jbr. ~°"leach 3840 !.!' .. ti;1 m~-8900
:t&3 Hr apls, farmly t•om
µh•x. No pets <!208 i\pt·3
Colleb~' i\ 11c. 042-inr.o
••••••••••••••••••••••• Yl·arl~. :i DH. :! ba Lu\ l'
I ~ Ot'l'an & hay Vil'~
Roommate. Npt Bch bayfront duplex, M/f'
125(). 964-2688. 67~
Shr 4 lir h o ui.c. N
L<t.:una. 2 bachelor~
looking f<K' 3rd. Str a1.l!hl
T1·nn1s crts. & pri
be<lrh. S275 pr mo + ult I
49C..fi068 ev~.
Femalt• Roo m m ate
nood4'd to .shr 3 Br apl,
HH S200 mo 964 1900 bet
Non·smolung house matc.
31-40. needed for 5 Br
Shoreclirfs hou.'ie w IJ)OC1I
Fred . 492-2897 /492·5121
l'xt JI
Office sp»ce local t!d
betwn Lldo Villaae &
lMlo Isle. Rent u d«->sk &
share a conference rm
Other" services optional
Ro«er 673-1020
$190 UP Offtce-i.t ort•.
cpts. drps. AIC. 17301
Beach. H.B. Lse. 842·2834
.............. 4450 •••••••••••••••••••••••
F'or store & om ce space al
reasonable rat~.
500 to 5000 s. Ft. M~AVERDE bR
121 Mesa Verde I-~. C.M
flt•11ul1ful Turtl<·r0<·k 3 llr. C.O.taMfta 3724 v11.'w , nt•llf'r 11\'t•d 111 , ~. Beaut. hr.ind new I 5850.1' I' 97!>-1~111 ••••C••::•:•0••E•0••1•0•••••• ba. frple. lmlry rm . gur.
SllARP. bc:.1ch 1.2 & J llll.
fn>lt. <hshwshr. l!arai:e
& patios No p d"
!Mi0-<!35K; wknds 840-6300 (X't.-antront I Bl<, I ba.
yrly ARl'Ol b'13·3663
Nt.>wport Mannn 's Mill'
Modem 502 sq fl store or olf1<~" 26..10-C Avon. LOW Pl'™'" lo s hr 2 IJR. <.:dM rent. 213/477·7001 apt . pool. 1•11· 4 blks -
-----_,.. 1~J\1gmt 642-1603
Orani:ct rt.'C Area 2 bdrm ALL UTILITIES P AID ------Seawind Village I,+: luxwy I Ur, Ultl ind .
Sla51mo. Isl/last + $100
deµ r l'q f"l'm. pre·
fl'rn.'(! 540-058X
beach S22.Smo 675·WOH t;Rfo~ATLOCATION ---------For the following ftoommall• wanlc..od 2hr. s ""'-b'k h
l ba. tenni:.. J.oc uu .1. Compare bcforf' vou .:mrw/~ar-11ut•pt.s·p111nl
pool, r tubhou.o.;t•, Adults rent . Custom dc1i1~n Wtrpd636-41:!0 1·5pm New 1&2 bdrm luxury
adult upls in 14 plans
from S400 + pools, tt•n
rus. wall'rfalls. pond!>' Gus for <'ook1r1g & h('al
in~ paid J.'rQm S;i11
Dll'~O 1-'rwy drivP North on 'Belirh to Ml'f.';1dden
Ul<.'O Wt-st on Mc:Fadden
tu Sl·a ~111d V1 ll:.t l!<'
1714 >llW-5198
2ba. U:·<'an Vit•w Condo tcn.>o :;,...,,.., 1 c s op. sport.tnjl Moods, pet stor,·
$425 mo 752·!l2t:i0 r cat u r l' :-. : s pa 1• 1 0 u )I 2176 Placentia "If' $300
k1tt·hcn with 1nd1rc•l'l
h..ehllllJ:, scparutc d1nm~
area, full lt•ni.'lh marble
pullman tn h:.1lh
K.1~11.<• h<.-drnom:-. pool,
flllQ. 11urround('d with
plush landH·a Pin.I!
--------S175 mo .. UIJI t:vc:> or j•·we lry stort-. 1800 sq
4ll:l 371!7 ' ft in fl Wlt Heach. GOO lJ
Nt•w 2 Br. I':; ba. 2 :>tury
Woodbnd~e townhom<'
Shas: CPL'>. bltm rani.:1•.
beautiful landst•;1p~·d
patio S5001mo f>40 5570
wkduy!> 9-G. 4!J9.4045 aft Ii ------LGrJlftl •ach 3241 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Buildt'r 's l'ustom llm .
2br 2ba. den Mme uc
vu Beau yrd C;ar llan
dy to shpg & b<'h. S7UO
mo. yrly .1ls t• 581 -7000
dys,t'Vt'. 586-J29R ----------lkaut1ful 3 br hu ml·
w/panor am1t· Vll'W. 2
huge dct'k s. il ll
amcnllll'S . S t :I OU
Lagwta Hills 3250 ...............•.......
llOM F.<.; FClll I< ENT
:1 or ·I t.r l'n 1·1•d I rum
S&:l'l to Si~ Frwd \'ard bi ~a r :\.)!l'S 1-'an.1111 1·~
ph·a:-1• t.; 11b ~ l'l'I \
wt!lromt· CJ II !161 :!56ti ur
!17:1·2971. i\j..'l. no fl'I'
&...,..Mi~-3252 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Brdlld new J br. 2 ba.
bltns, drp6, rrpl:-. all ex-
tras. LndsqxJ. S57!'1 µvl
Ply 494-0237
Jlehmd gu<trdcd .11a1e ... a
rharmm.I! momy ~ Udrm
home wit h <1<·r1·s::. 111
lahulo u:. rl't'rt•:ll10 11
la (·1h11es and l'as\ ~ ull(
to pvt l>t·al'h ~On mu
/I s k f u r N 1 .I! t· I
M-t.7211 1a1-rt ----Mission Vieio 3267 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Lake fronl luxur y
townhoml'. fa bu lous
VICW, 211 hr SCC'Urtty,
brand new 2 Ur 2 Bu.
A/C, lake pnv11to~cs $7110
mo. Joy . 1137 140 I or
581 1100. /\gt.
Mtl#pGl"f leach 3269 •••••••••••••••••••••••
NO fo'EE• Apt. & Condo
rentals. VIiia kt!nlals
675-4912 Bkr
I BLOCK TO Bf':,\Clf
Po6h 3br. 3ba w /34' boat
slip. $795. ~5 aft. 4.
I Bdrm furrushl'd S3:J!'J
:165 We-st Wilson
LGrJ19N1 l.och 37 48 •••••••••••••••••••••••
INN Slf.5/wk &t up ~1:!111
~rv , color 1V. heated
pool Utal t7M I 494 ·5l!4J.I
~N. Coast llwy.
Nl'W :! h<1rm lux u n
m o h 1 I l· h 11 m t' o i1
w<il 1·rrrirn1 i\l·1·o m .
mod::ill'" fO p1•1q )ll•
II a I h 11 ;1 II a ) L' I u IJ
pnv1lt•1w~ ;1\'<111 li-12· 11«12
3769 .••.....••.............
1 Bedroom
• Pluh B•aulth.\
S1n9le. 6 2 Bedroom
( r urn 6 Unlurn J
• All Uullhea Paid
• Sw1mm1n9. Tt.tM"°
• AC11¥lH•• l>1r•C1or.
f•ee Sunday Brunch
• Health Club&. Saw>aa.
Garden Apartments
Newport Beach/North
b~{i h .111~
:' 1f11fu
'M li1~·0!>ti
N•wpor1 Beach/South
1100 lbrh SI [)r,.,.,, ot I bit
'141 642 l!PI ~ BLUFFS-JBr 2Ba.
2 2 l A.-Ju)H ·nJy n ? p.-t• patios. ,., t ar gar. M,.,.,. O!l"n doily 1r11
wshr /d ryr, rcfrig, S6SO =========~= mo. (213) 008-8021
3 Br. fam r m. in llrhr Vu
wigardcncr SG75/mo
••Bf.Ufo'FS 4br. 2'17ha.
fnm rm . frpk. pvt put10
S650. 644·1480/830·5050
Harbor V1t!w Homc11.
Carmel model. :lbr. 2ba,
uva1I .Jun1· I . S725 .
~44 -ti977 . 837 ·3844,
3br, 3ba newly decor at-ed. Partially furnis hed.
home overlookinlt ROif
coun;e. S150mo. 645-0851.
BAYF'RONT·2Br, 28a. 20·
boat s bp optional. yrly.
no pets or c hildn•n
Evelyn 631-2482.
OIJO~!IJ~ l'lllt'O~S
JI h ti 111 I f ' r ~ t, !
Oreanfronl 3 Br 2 Ba n~ht
on sand. super location .
fully furn, avail now
weekly thru Stlpl JS. Dys
752-7410, eVl'S 838·2Ul9
z bdrm. all util.s. paid. S4JS per mo. )'early.
Avail June 1. 67S· 7SJS
2 BR 2 ea. bay, ocean
vie w. Poo l. j ac-uu1.
planned activities. Avail
611.S thru 9/17. Call Uni-
que Homes, Kay Parker.
67~ ......... u......-•••••••••••••••••••••••
..... ""' .... 3107 •••••••••••••••••••••••
2 Br, 2 ba condo, 2 car
pr .. •uto aplr. Beaut. ~view. SJOO,
18L Ml!lll MZ·llOI
Gor1eou1 ocn lit b•y "*"· ~ It top 1tory, eecunt1 bld1, Parkinl. 2Br, i.,.,aa . .-rs mo. yr-
1y. •-'NZ. 87$-'7264
BAYFRONT 1tulflo view,
POOi. •~. bkll. Yr ly. teoomo. KJt. Bltl.na. Al\. --
TOWNllOUSE2br, 11 A>a.
pvt patio, encl f!:Jr. /\dlts.
nu pct:,. $350 avail til l
'J77 W Wilson G4t\.3723
:? Br. l)ltn:., patio .
wash1•r·dr)'l'r hook-u11
~ mo. No rh1h1rl.'n ur
Jlt.1...'-. I Pcprx•rwoods I. 314
B. Monte Vista. 548-7157.
2 & J lln., mm c· 111 lod.I\.
wlk lo shopPtnR & hu'.,
S335 t o S3115 114<! !18-t 1 r;1&-mm
I.I! 3 Hr ~·: Ba. 2 1•;.or
ga r<i t,:l', nPar IOa &
llcuch $450 a27 4225
e HRfo~AT ll T ,\KI NG
5425 pr mu. hit I Ur apl.
tul'tb on barkbay bluff:>
~ l pn\ balt'ontl·:-.
frpk. htd pool. lo;1d:-or
C'IOSCL'i i -1!> Dom1nf!O Dr
:Hir. 21JJ. ~l k t•1' Lido
Sh ops b o.1.\ & hu-;
Matun• adlb S.S50 mo
yrlyli75·1U70 -----
l<uommalt' wantcl1 t o
\hare• n1c'l' 2 bd ('d M
hous•• nr bch l'rcf F
RENT Pleas e c a II
t:h f'ry l Green .
12 lJ 145(). 0227
~:.:i. dl•pendalJI•· Avail 1 Vacancy d o wntown
til l F.larnl'l;oiu 1A,-;4 llunt Bcarh 210 Main
Ft·m ne~.'<ls 1-\•m 111 ,ti.in· .:°'t Mini m.'111 960-ISSH
CUM hou:.t· SI~ f>horw H••1...wa ILVD
6-ID-l-t2b___ _ Stort~r ';,ff ice. c'ost a
fo"l'm 25-~ 111 :-.h:.trc 2hr ~h-sa 1350 Sq. ft. SJ!f::.
2ba. d uplt•x (;dM Ask tor Month Broker 675.fl70CI
c;ar v f>i 5 475 6 or lldllltri•R...td 4500 494~ •••••••••••••••••••••••
~e l bdrm upper. $265.
Quiet bui ldln ~ with
beautiful la nds<'ap1nc
Ideal for adults O\ er :1.'i
No pets . Ll-:EWAl<U APTS. 2020 l'ulh·r1 u11 A,.,., (I lllk cast Nl'wport
Aw & I blk south 1)f
IJay ). GJJ.().197.
J llr, 2 ba, J,!aral!l' r •p, :-m Vu. fr d1:ck <! HH. ~ Ba .
yd. no Joi.ls S435mo fph'. SJJO Pat111. l'arport
. ...........•....•.....
1-;ai.ts 1d•· C11:-lJ .\ft·~···
:>toral!•' garai::t· ltlx:!~
~mo Dy~. 646·42G2
L.AGUNA HILL..~two ad
1ac S()(JO sq ft M·l umti..
new bid~. A IC of fr .
fronts on Moulton. nr
Lakl• fo"or('sl. leai.c b y
owrwr "35· llllM. !lG0·5:rrn or r.75,rJ17u 4:~;mo
2 BR, h;ith & 11, ti tu .lo:1nn
SI C ,\I s:J 111 . i'1111
rhilcln•n, >.m:.dl 11111.: 11k
1~12 73.i-I -----
1 Ml' I br apl . S:IUll mo
l'11m1111 a StrP1·I (' \I
A,!!t., !l:Jl·KIJX I
2 bdrm apt. S:J95 11111111 h 71>~ Hamilton C;ill
Shorehn(' Mana j!(•mcnl
Corp. for appl lo :;cc
Lgc twnh:>l'. J Br. :iua .
families please. no pcb.
Nr Fairview & Bilkl'r
!':cw 2 hdrm. I b:.drplt-.
gar. n•ry s p :ttll•U'>
sioo mo ;:;9.1..i!l7
:J lk 2ba Sl511
I Hr ~1::,
Lloth unib ha\'t' hn·n n ·
Pa!Oltod. 1·pl'd and :m·
extr~mcly C'lt•an. ll73·t!I JJ
Sp<1c·1ou:. CM ;1111. :!hr
Good area , kids OK .
l'ool. SJ:!5 mo. No pl'I~
Kathy, 642-1951.
J Br. 2 Ba. $350. mo. hl &
lasl /\dul l!> o nl y .
lBrslv/rt'f. Qwcl 10<·. Sl70
111 lM I':"> Fl HI II E.'.JT
:1 11r •I hr l'rH'l'<I I rum
~:~'> 111 $52."1 Fnn l y.mt t..
u ar.1 1.; .. ~ 1'.1rnt11 .....
11l •·a-.•• kHb I\. 111'1 •
wl'lc•urn· t.'a ll !H>.l 2:i1iH "'
in:~2111 ·''-" rh• r •. ,.
Z Ir, AcMfs only
Olvl'rt'\l l·ar port
palm apL-. . UBQ'-.
r l<l6P to fwvs & brh.' ~alk tn shOppmi.:
171 I I Gotdettwest
HwwtinqtOft Granada
t1c;.in & Cozy. l BR I Da
rondo. ()/W, lll'W paint. d~. pool. nu lasl mo nr1
pt.'tS SiS() mt> 161i17 VtL'~
Putnt Ln. Call Rilti-1:~7 I
Sharp 2br <.:ondo t:losc• 1<:
tx:h & S .t>. Fwy. Bltns .
r<'frcg. wush1'r ti ryt• r
pool SJ7f> Call And)
Ulll pd Adil/> nu pell> :183 Near ll4"Uch 2hr. uut p<I
W Bay ;,..il!.!1511_; __ Call Joyce. 846·3.'lll i·vl'"
•'n fE lMIS\ •
•t-Qr K I DS & 1hl·11
•Tot Lot
•2 Bedrooms & I bath
•Walk to park.
17~ Placentia. C~t
1714 )642-3790
Coll 49'..! !14H2
2 Hr nmd11. J><)t.11 . J:tt'.
o;auna . I t•11111~. I m 1
bl·al·h. w:.hr·Jryr. nu
ch1ldn•n or pt•ls ~50
Lux. Adult 2br den Pool
0(( Beach & S 0 ,..wy
$475. 842 8572
South L~a 3886 ...•.•............•....
1t1;1 n1•wlv r1•d1•1·or:il•·d ~ i:;,r:1g1·"'l· rdnt.: $SiC.
., .. , ;.,')<t 7>112
Apartmrnts F\irnished
or Unfuntished 3900 ••...•....•...••.•.•...
Hach, 1&2BR
from S25.5 & uµ
1\dults No f:M.•ls
1561 Mesa Dr
1.) lllklt East or Ncwpor1
!1am·Spm 54tHltilill
1'1\l'I FIC WOO US
i\clult Jparl m1·nl1> 't'\
·I m fl n f! ... ;j n <It• ( I 0 IC
'lrl•am.-. & tall fr,11~r;.m1
p11n~ I llr I ru m S30t>
lliJ.'10 lliirl10r lll\d , ~oulh
of 1-~ltrthl'r
839·2 140
4000 . •....•..........•.....
lt1;t0m ~ 1k1tr henHtl'
Will rcnl room in plui.h
•wdo near S.C f'la~.;1 to
rc:-pun.-:;1bh• f\•malt• Sl'i'5
mo !li~·KXlll d ;1\'
$30.WEEK & UP
Slt ... 'l'IOJ.!. Shari· bl'1lroom
& bath & lulC'hen
Zl76Nt•wpc1l1 BU .: M
548 9755
Office Rental 4400
:I!.() Ill I :lUO ''I I I
Fmttastic Vir w\
WN &r'
Udo Marina
Nf•wport 675·H662
~125() ~ ft lf'4 y \I)\•
1bll11y LaRu11a . :.u b
parkm~. New <'arpc t.
drape; & paint , a1r cond
Pr1re n e1?o t 1abl l'
:>49 l l.86. 5.57·5X'70
I WFICI-: ;,pa(·•· ,,, a tl.1bh·
.11 17Hi5 Bc.11 h lllvd
lll•Jr Talb\'rt 1n II unt
10J!tl)n R4"1rh ~I p1·r
trlltOlll l'hUOl' rrlt'''••llt•
"t'T"\ w1• 111 fl1.'r monl h.
tk'l>k SS l.>t•r month Dail>
1'11111 o ff11·1• Phon1·
t>t:!-4321 t•'(I :t'iti
t;x1·1·. ofh res ~i.:1 -Jrm
suill' avail in full :>t•rv
off c b ldg Nr O C
a!JllOrt. rlcc-t•pt & phone
an ..... S.'\')I !>crv. t·onf rm ,
<'k. P lst• t•all 75Z·61KH
250 500 'Cf ft vH11·1•'
From S145 Incl ut1I 7i!J
\\-l!fth St 540·221MI
CdM dlx swtcs. uttl pd
Al'. ampl pkJ.!, f-'r Sl!.15
:nr No tse rcqd 67S·WOO
l.a~una lhlls · :.! a d j fiOOI•
!>(j ll M I UOJb , nc~
bldl!. A1<.: office fo'ront.'
on Mou lton nr l.ak1·
l''on·~t 1.:-.•· by ownr
~>I ltOI
~1 I l rut l11r rl'nt. aJQ:.~
II Wt"t 'ICI•· C' M
l•M1 ·l~
4550 •••••••••••••••••••••••
f'entoed storalle for your
boat. camper or extra
car 1-'or info. call
~ 3133 Hunt Beaeh
W A R 1-: II 0 U S t-:
S'l'llRA<t l-: Appm>t 3000
-.q rt. 'N n. all or pan
( '()ll;t,t MC'li;l ti42·475R
···~··················· ft1 ·,p1111:. 1 b It-. ..., tJr k Inµ
... r 1l t•r see k ;, o n•·
b•'<lrnom <'OtlUJ:f' 111
li>runJ del Mar or Co:,t.J
Mt"-J. Qwetness es:-cn
L1al. Wnte Classifit..>d Ad
11206, Da1ty Pilot. P.n
Rox 1560, Costa Mesa
••••••••••••••••••••••• -.....Si °" am.wty 5005 •••••••••••••••••••••••
2 BR. gar. patio urcu.
crpt'g $295. No pets 1st.
last + dep. 1942 Apt A
Anaheim Ave. 631·38..'ifi
Mature lady nds room 1ha
& kit pn\•1lcJ.;L'S for tilJ
dys, COM.:. 644-0KOO
Near lht• beach. II! 2Br. no Guest Hom. 41 SO
p(•ll>1k1d:.. $2 95 m o •••••••••••••••••••••••
EXEC sums
N.wport RecJ"Cy eo.,..
lnsurant'e Salesperson
Docs your present Job of·
fer you independencc.
prestJ~e. a feeling or ac
co mpli s h m e n t &
cconom1c security ? If
not )'OU should talk to i-·armers Ins. Group to
day. Call848·Slll.
5.'&0321 -------Varancy for e ldl'rly am t"1M 3844 bulatory lady. Share rm PltlME LOCATION
ON WATER Avu1lablt·
for prolt>ss1mwl or rt•ta1I
ufflt·t~. Total or 3000 '4 rt Can be d1v1dcd 111lo srmller umL,. Unvc by
26.1:1 W. Cuast llwy, NB.
th en rail /\j.?c n l at
631 1400
7-11 llomc like l br. pal10 . frplc, lndry hookup i.:ar
$2;15 /\11ail. on or ;1t)11u1
.runt·~ Call 962·0820
••••••••• •• • •• • • • •• • e• • D:m:.i Pomt 493·5920 Hoth f!ros.'! in bus. 10 yrs.
ownl'r mov1n~ f'rom
slate. will t'a rry some
finand ng. Del:iils in list
111~ofc NEWPORT
Runr ho Sun ,l(>U'JUln
twnh.'it' IBH +loft. l':·ha
1\dul1 , s:-1:.!5
:?131541> 37fi!'J. ;,41 7607
('VCS. ----
2 Br $260 + ult. M<iturl' Golf courst• vu•w p.1t1u
adult-;, no pets roodo. Rancho San .Joa
USO Newport Blvd. quan. 2 Hr + den. r.-rn ii.
Costa Mcsa pool, spa, $635. 960-3521
HllMh9• leach 3140 ........ °" •och 3140 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Luxury 3 br/2 ba. spac-wui.
interiors. incl OW, !!love.
fp lcs, &c p rivate 2·cur
!!arages. 5 Uniq u1: rtoor.
plans. r ent1n i.: from
11 :'* j
) \ 1 ...... ~ "' i ' , ~-
,.. -""'-. -.., '·-~· '··· •• {? •1 l.t11-.1t1on -e:;:. .. __ , ..
I fllrK'k, ntl 11,.,,,h Ill> 11
f 'ut n••f' hf 11•rn .S \ I•''-' f"'"" . ,.
-....rReftfals 4200 •••••••••••••••••••••••
f\F.ACHFRONT 4Br 2ba
l'Ompl rum homt· f'rplt•. -hrtdry. dshwhr. 2 car
f!ar. no pets A11a1l .lune
2 lfi . SI IOU . 54~»53~4 .
l>$<1 !1582
Fu rn. housl' or apl
flyLhe Week Call
DIAMOND R.E. --------Promontory T'oml 2br.
2ba. frpk. vaulted cecl
U\JIS. spa. jar . Av:ul now.
to6-2J 85. 675-2101
· La:gUna"Beach. Weekly.
Walk to the beach.
Place Realty 494-9704
2 Br + study, fully
furnished, 1 blk from
PCH. Sea Wind Condo.
Avail 6123-9/1, $IOO mo.
1M$8621. Bkr
v ........... 4250 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Hoos<-for rent. Big Ucar
City slpli 6. linens furn.
$25 mtely pr cpl. Call
alter 3 p. m. 548· 1989
740 Sq. Ft. 44' P<'r Ml . ft
5326. mo Lo<·atc.'d off the
40!1 t'r wy nr . Crown
VaJJcy Avail May 15th.
831·3366or 831·908l
4ltlXl Sq. Ft. Bldg P n mt•
0 C location. AJll to
0 C Airport. 60';;. office.
4U'r wurehouse. t'or
h•asc by owner Call mz:w.
Ofhc~ or Commrrcial
s p are tn down town
~a Landmark Bld1 . 1.~. ft. or will divide.
4!M-1S3S. or 49Z·Ol OO,
C8nll POINTI DEC.sums
Jamboree & MacArthur
Bay Windows
Plush Cu rpe I
Compl. q uality tenn 1;,
doOung It access. store.
Pnme Newport area loc
lA>W overltead·hl profit
Pull hme income or
absentee ownership. Agt
113-4311 ·-------The Second Ma te Inc.
Above wat.er boat clean -ing .ti general marine
mainte na nce. Looking
for person to take over
established Dana Pt
loc1tion. 642·0671.
Total invest. of SZ7M Incl
S7M Franc h ise Fee.
Equip, It Cash Reservet.
8411-4402 Office 3llOl!q. n. for rent.
DIG BEAR Lakefr·ont Main St., H .B. C•ll
C.bln. Sml Of' lge groups. 7SJ.-.S.
Dlrtrt 'own aalea force .
Hire people. Detttmine incolrie. Small ialUal in·
Wlltmeat. Traininl pro.
Yicled. CaH Joaa mrt.
Mii'. 1141886-1101 --mc--un-.. ---
0cu ntront 2 br. 2 ba SUfTIS
hlue. Avail. now thn&
J cme U. 615-4912 Bkr.
tlamondbe.S home. 3 Br
3 Ba, pool. 2 wk min .•
nmd lel'V. ll08/5a4· 1616
La1un1 Oceanfr ont .
Beaut. location. Stepa to
beach. July $550 Weft. Mal. llliO wk. 4'n·*2 or
Lu1turlous of llce1, 1_S&1 __ •_· ------spaclou1 conference
r oom , e x ecuti v e
secr etary, p er son•I
phone coverage, l'ffel>·
lionlst, xero>t, notary .
Leue or m o nth to
MONEY BROKER Earn $60 K+ as an
aaent. We provide a ll
tralnlnl • senl~ at
low C09t. •:•S. M0-1411.
moNh. Neu So. Coast Gardenln1 "atcounta
A u•. Or.nae County w/llt!Utt trailer. Must
Airport lit Freeway. Call ..U. 11ovia1 J ... lat. Vlrlbiia-.-Z. Joe .........
• •
' I
c:.m.t/C .. , , ... ....................... All..... .
U yn ill bua&nell. F1111 6
~ w r v1ce arr~
.. ,.... pri<'8 w 07~7 Aht'e'• Houaet'lt!an1n1.
Reuonable, rehabte tit n:f 1. 613• IJle 1646-411 t ...... _____ ......................... C.11
-Japanue 11rd-l'ner . a~llj!. l0k•1mup. ln•t• ~·••••••• .. •••••••••••• trim 711 1 073• Sam
Add·A·Room Sale l"am NWumut• nn wlfrpl<-. ~ 1•1)mpl
Ur •211231ti •'r.,.., e11t
rrt1ft1 rr1•1I Bu1 td .. ri.
The Muppt1lK Clea111n~
Seniu·ti. We do 1l all prof
*-23113 lnsW'ed
l I
•BABVSl1"1'1NG• •••••••••••••••••••••••
111 h o nu•. r • h • b It'. 0.~'ftler Frtt l'AI t ;\oy
re.apooalbl• car.-for w• ~ Olll Allan or
YOUDI t'ht ld r•n b y Tnny s.s-... ...,.,_. ol 4yr old boy
Meala. [ven1n1s ' ('~'TOM
lntt'ri(W Carpentry
b Ja) • IW2 8IQI ~ C.11 $41..41UJ aft« e pm days. lO.Tpm
WMk...S.. Coi&ta Mt·"'• r-~Ice
atM ne.r lllh. atrt"t'l 11() -....... baur •••••••••••••••••••••••
- -Shampoo ' stum c-lt·an lllab)'altllftl 1n m )' hom(I Oolc.-bn•htt>ntn.. whl U5 wk ~ 48 V \111 l'llL" \0 min hlf'11c-h l'lt•1111
ShdnwrSt , c.'N hv. 1hn rm h11ll St~ /\\,:
)t(). 7:.07
llcydt,1.,. •••••••••••••••••••••••
Mobile-81rycll' Rt'pu1r
~ Xtra Chg to'or tl:.t'
Cal& -(714189\ 1455
DIVORt=E I BANK R PTC '/ Fllina to final tfjel
Action Legal St>rvu~eJ>
8'2·MOO at hr St!rV
rm ff ~1. t'1tlK'll Siii • tir
k> t;uar t•llm Pt'l 11do1
l\11 l'\1)Wt, IS )n. t''l'I 1\1 -.11r\ 111):11•1( Ho•I'
!l:ll llHll
W" Quv ('urv-·1 1 ·1,.,11w r,
Stt<um dtmn l\IMI up
htil:.tcr.> W11rk i.:11a1
'l'r1a·k mount unit t-1
1~1. n:IL .. ruk:. 1'4~ .r.11,
Saw tiO''<. uoy J room' S20 Uphul l'lt'.111111.:
~ •••••••••••••••••••••••
ttM '"' llKtric. ~ftf74
,, c ... ....••••••......•.....•
I\ 61D1-'l-:N\INI.
i:.111-.,, & 1-~1·nc·t• Ht•p,111
1.1(14(U1 ~ 1o:m
\'1•1,11111. lilt• 11111 .... ., ... ,
• .1q.,.·h &. \ 111) b I h '
n~1lr ""' rn:.i 111~1 •• 11
111 I cluv"' !)~II H4411
C Wi.ll'lllllJo:, l)t'dll UIJ!> &
l..ncJ:.., ,q 1111Jo: (;1•111 ~1·
llt1l'hl S.l..'I 707:!
•Vf·:ll\ 1.llW l'Hln·::->•
Ull h11)\lbC<11J'-' lllol 1111
I n"l l:t' ·~1•1 .!Olo1
F.xp 11ardti 1H'r . Mow.
L<dl(t•, (·In Up!. ll'rt't' Ht
&nhl CM •rt•a ~ 41l91
0 ISXS 4 W.lcn ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...-.FtxrT•
C11q>t·nt1·r. 110 I nl in g t<4'1&11 I itll'l> I~ yn 111
ttn-U )M 17!'\:i!
V ('1\NT l\f•t' & HOM I-~
lli\Ut.L1.t-:AN IU•:l'i\ltt
l'AlN'f I.OW ('OS1'
!).'llJ ~
\11 u N 1•t•d t.:1111 cJ '~
ll111c.•·1·lo·u11ini.: 1-'ur u~1t .
wulllowi. & l'arpcl dl•:.tn
In~ It ~mL'S 111 1mlusl
ut\.' StutJ1•111. I Ton lru1·k
.'l'rasli. 1ret> trim Dan
l~ll :ct.M
Robln'11 Housccle 11n1n.:
Srv<". for a thorouichly
rleaJI hou.'lt' :>4().0Jl57
to'u r ex l' e 11 e n c e 111
~""Cleaning Ch~aninl(
Unbmiled ~3726
Vependa ble <0lean1ni:
Window:., floor s . &
l(cfwral house <"lt'urun~ &
homl' m :un11•n an<·e
The P•r~un~I Touc h
L1earuni,:. T hi.' f1ne!ll in
housel'leanin.: by pro
fcss1onnb E xpertly
dun e lb n bl rar e s
552·01US llondt'<I 'Ins
Wkly or I time service
Vat'ants. R F.. work our
s pecially Wa lls . win
cJows , s te am <·arpcl
clcan llondl'<l Ins Fnw
est :M hr serv. ~~·4106
la•1rt ...
lilt rntc 11ervlce at a r:ur
iince. J•ersonal & corD·
rnt:rc1al. 675·0562
a....dlcaplRcJ •••••••••••••••••••••••
European Landscape r
Tup work l-'a1r price
ltt>fs 646 4871 dys/eves ..... ..,,.., •••••••••••••••••••••••
Brickwork. Smull jobs.
Newport, Costa Mesa &
Irvine 675·3175c.wt>:.
Bnck. Slone. block work.
t lie floor s. ronc r ele
patios. walks. d t l'VI!
ways f"ree c~John
Bkkpg. payroll t ::t X•''"
fll\UK', stmts, morl' NII
aJ"eJI. 10 yrs 833·8 \ 99
M'oh·h.:u.1rd 1\ll ~urk
l(UO.rJflll•t•ll ~1.12 11111;
1-'rt." t~l ~hr 'el'
l ' It· a n u P' It J u It 11 1! I laul.in~ & Cleanuµ.
rt!:>uk1111.1I <'umm crc1al .vlrs Clean mak es 11 Mo•incJ
t ilt't'm. Bach a pts. a pis & ••••••••••••• • ••• • •• ••• C....nt/Concret~
L.1ndi.n1p111i.: I 111 m1·1I
'l'"' U'IOi! 1\4:! !1.IUi
GJl·SWI homt>s. 549.9372 M \IV 1 n i.: & h Ju I 1 n j.!
l-r<.'1ghl. IJldJ! mall•nals. Bkkpg thr oug h
statements /bal c heck
bk, pay bills.
Kathleen Blank Hkkpi:
Want Ad Results 642·567
Du.le W. l'h1ll1p:. n mi-nl
C(1rwrclc work .• di lypt·::.
542·2162. L1c'd bonded
Sl.Udl'l\lS, h;1r<1 w11rk111i.:.
rt'11 a bk will uu yuur
lari.:1• or srru1ll i.:arch·n &
l.1111li.I J 1'l' (',di l'Vl"i,
tiiil l:Wi. l''oundu11nns. n ·l a1nini.:
walls. blork:.. pa tio:.
u c'd 536-5013. 548.4309 S«'ll 1cllc 1kms
I Liu 1t ull-s k1ploader,
ilumplnwk. huul. i:rade.
nmw nl. usphall. lrt!t• rt•
mnval:. Pit' 831· 1257
We art> thorough. cm
c1cnt & r ea:.ona bll·
housccl<'aning ~erv11°l'
Satisfa<'t1on j.!uaranlecd
Hilda's R31·:r7~/642·6841i
l\.<;h.Jd i.:uods cl l' Lo\4°cst
nilt•s 1n town John
SELL idle ite m:. \4 1th .i
U:uly Pilot l'la~:.1f1ed Acl
.. .._ W.t.d 50 I 0 Mal'tt119H, Tntst ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deicli 5035 Lolt&Fomd 5300 l'tnoftals 5350 H.lpWattt•d 710<1 foWpW..t.d 71 ...........................................................................................
"-5.c• A9fll'Cy •••••••••••••• • •• • •• • • •
I a m looking lo ~cquire a 1-.:a:.y money SI0.000 111
Sfn!lll or med. size agen. Sl.00>.000. P.O Uox 10l3.
cy· 111 So. Coast are~ .. Ex· N<'wport Beach. !12fi62. cell terms w/poss1b1lhy ---~ ~tin.ued participu· ... ___ ..... 1 CJonifdesired. Re ply Box-""
572 ~ Daily Pilot. PO r.no.ds/
Box ~.Costa Mesa. Ca t.a.f & Fa.d 931126 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... .... =-=•--Ms 5100 ........ . ...•.•.....•.......... o,, artwtitv 5015 ---------, ••••••••••••••••••••••• PEllltY
Developer needs 1n · PINCHER
vestors for appro vt·ll ADS custom homes w IKO
cJcg. oce an view Ca II
l<t11.wr_. 7_14/~_·1702 ONLY S2
Investors wunted for up·
p r o v a l 114 u ni t
townhome develop ment
1n Up1Mnd. Call Roi;tcr.
Mmly to Lo.. 5025 .......................
W & 3rcl TD lo..s
l\rranged by
Comt HoMt Loans
Any purpo s~. a ny
amount. Mr. Harl{ra ve
~·II .1ny tkrn or cum
btnallun of tll'fnl> '°" $iS
or ll'i.S with :. Penny l'lnc:~r Ad. 3 Imes fur z
eonsecuhve duys. F.ac'h
add1ttonal hne 1i. 60' for
UK' 2days C:har11e 1t '
No commercial ad~
For more mrormauon
..tf"l(l lo plan• vuur ;,cl ' .1 I I
PRIVA T • PO•T 0 .. 19'1C•
H II ......... ,, I '111.,.·
f P.O . BOXES A\IAILA&l.E -. ...__, _____ .
5300 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Lost or Found a pct? Call
t\n1m-.i l Assi s tance
League. 537-2273. no fee
,714) 76&-35.'i8 ---------MaMy W..tecl 5030 •••••••••••••••••••••••
flLMS. m asS<X· w /So ul h
O>ast Actors Studio. re<1s
S75.000 to complt'lc
rinancing o n pos!>1bh•
multMnilliondollar mov·
1e. Further details cull
(714) 957·0282.
• ZO/o 2lld T .D Fors..
D>.00> well secured by
30% equity in prime
Orance Co. Owner oc·
c~ residence. Call
M. Wey 644-721 I
Mwt; ;11, Trwt
Dlidli ......................
F.arn 25"/o yield on 3 y
2nds. WiU discount.
BOO, sio.ooo. S20.ooo
$40,000. Call Roller
LOWEST ............
htT.D..'s. ..
Fainml Terms since l!Me """"'~Co. 6GJl71 MJ.061 I
FOUND: While puppy
;ipx. 6 mos.. vicinity of
Newport West. Hunt
mgt.on Beach. Looks Hkc
Samoyoo. Call 963· 1856.
Necklace lost or stolen 111
-Emerald lluy 2 tone gold
cha.in w I pear shaped
pendant. REWARD.
im-6IB-7006 or 688-2311.
Brown Burme se cat
w/while fl ea co llar.
spayed fem. 4 Yrs. Kink
m end ol la.11. Vic. of
Bolsa Chica & Warner
<Harbor Blufrs). H a s
medical problem. Days
ff1>71Z1. Eves. 846-5736
LOST: Male dog, blk/wht.
vie Mesa Verde. CM .
REWARD! 646-0034 m es .
REWARD for Star·
uppb.ire mens ring w 15
umll diamonds. $100, no
questions. 624·8578 or -9432
....... 21.,_ .__0 Loll: Bladt w/ white feet ~ "'.... •chest I yr. old part l yr 2nd TD, 10% in· ub. Short tall. Vic Mesa
tenat. 1"> discount. Cata Verde.C.M. 549-2025
1-iiund F1•m:a lt· S1.1mc•M·
Vu· l'uula n nu llri~lt>I
~· 177f• or 5."'6 1111;7
F'mmd Ft•ma It• l n :-.h ~l'l·
ll'r Approx 6 mos lo I :-ir.
llac·h & Warnl'r. II B
1447 961>..'I
f 11un1t ~t 1nk or ·· \'it•
H11lh<1a l'enn. :; ~O 17!1
C all 675-673-1 (2 13 I
fj,.'tJ.Sti lit
NH A11 1 m <t I Shl·ll 1•r
l*'·3t'5li1!'>$tl 215J fo'CIUnd
l' l a t m o r a d o p I
J..iver whl Spr Spu1111•I.
Blk whl L c1h m1,,
lllk 'hrn C111·k1·r 1111 ,.
<:ray L'al, Blk K11t .. 11,
1;r t•\ K itten F1•r rt·t.
,l'ht·;·L,ant, Hoad 1 ... 1 n ·il
H1 i0:;t1•r
Found Lillie blk 1-'t•m
Do.:. wht on c·ht'sl & f Pt·l
Vk K·Mart SC. 496·595:1 ----f'ound: 2 M yng dogs.
blk J t an mix . v i e
Slater /Gldnws t. 842· 1902
l.os1 51111. hlal'k malt·
Dut•hs und. Uanrung &
&J.<;h<trd. 11 B !JGll-0127
ln.,t 5121 V1t. Wdhrg.
Irv ·M. Shepherd l )Pt.·
dog, 9 mo w1blu l'Olla r ,
tEWARD 551·4259
LOSr CAT blk Ing hair
w/whl coll;ir. M • Vil'
Loma Terr. Lag lk h
C:lll 494·8273
La;t: Fem. Yorlue 5119.
\ll' Ra('Quet Club. Irv c ... 11 559.5090
l...arr: 5·19 Gray. Oranl?e.
wht Calico female cal
Calalina tMonl<'rl<'Y St's
Su La~una. REWARn.
1-·o u:-.;u M ln:.h SH ll'r
'vie Spnn1?dah• & flt'1I. , m. 5-21. 840 225/i.
f raund Gl'r m:.n S ltt•p
41ur1py. J mo:-old .
fe mule. Uana Knolls
arca , 1'9K-Oti38
"'ound. M IJach:..hund.
VIC. Vid.ona. <.:M.
BobJaml'S·l..i1· Masst·ur
Outrall 9·9. 494 r.111
llOUSEllOl.1> II !-'.LI' &
cart· for sick 11r t•ILlcrl~
av 1111. 8.13 200'J
MALE will do any1h111g
lcogal for 520.1100
757 0.1112
Tommv·-. nf Nl'" 1>0 rl
1-iil'OM Sl'r\ 1·atc•nng 111
Wllffil'rl. Vl:!· 1571 t·Vt·:.
Mal£" 40, wanls female
1·o mpan1on blwn 30-40
Likes sports. travel. pie
n1cs ett·. Kids OK .
541-4598 afl 6PM.
Lana's Outcall
Penonal S..-.ices 5360 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Trav<'lin~ c·omp:1n1 nn
Av:11I. Thurs K::IO-Sat
1 I PM. Brenda. ~-751l:$
7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Golf Lt-s..<ions, pnv:lte or
group. Mic ki Mac
Donald LPGA. Rancho
Sail J m.111 w n 8.1J.l710
INFANT Swim min g
ln.<;lruc:twn. ~ualif1t•d &
cxpr 'd. 642·7445 ------
Tutoring done by t•xp
Irvine Educ ators 1n
basic skills. Call 544·3524
or&'ll-1410. -----Jabs W.tN. 7075 •••••••••••••••••••••••
l.:ii:una llt.-ach clcl1 ro nw
mnfi!. needs alf .i1·1·ount
m.: clerk or lt00kk1·•·1lt'r
forrubar with a L·t·11u11tini::
flmt11ons lo work 111 ,1 ..
t'ounb pa~ at.ill-K1•v
punch expcr. t•xtremt·I)
WC' offer x lnl µa) (..
benefits. fo'a l·ilil\' " rn
beautiful l.a~:una Ca
nyon llt'ar bt•ac:h
Call for a ppl Prrs.mn<'I
[)(>pt Tt>lonu· J'lt•rkelc.'
714 '4~1-9401 t-: 0 . 1-;
Oran9• County is
• 1•114! And so a~
There arc m a ny ne w
firms movmJ! into tht•
Or ange County area
brinJ!mg about an in
ercasmg demand for 1•x
pcricnc<'d Ar1'oun1ing
:md Data l'rocl's sini:
TGll Acc-+ants
Cost .Accomtants
Sr. Accomtants
AccOURtinc) Clerics
Data Entry
K/P <>,.rotors
If >''"° arc nol :1~;1n• ul
the b<'ncfits ()f workmg
temporary ~1\'1• us a
call or visit u~ al our m'"'
location. Wt• will ho• haµ
PY lo W!>cus~ 1t w11 h you
Weareloc:atcd in the-
Suite 11200 Gentle C hristian lady 233.1No. Hroadwa~
I.Ive-in. Care & hskpg for Santa Ana
elderly Pt·rson. G44-8906. 17141835-4103
llAM·2A M K3.'i·:r74fl Practical nurse with xlnt Free Parking
refs. wishes to provide l·---------LINDA & VICKI
Outcall Massei¥
For 11w ,_ of It!
Serving all Orange Co
•ESCORTS* ~Hrs. 738·0487
11£ for elderly Cook.
pt.'f'SOnal care, cleanini.:
64&7526a/t 5.
Mature. t.tducated woman
will run errands. be t'Om
pa n i o n . II a v 1· c a r
Artist will do adve rtising
art. logos. photography,
mural. i!lC. Reasonabl<·
fee<s . 548-0296. ----Pri. Duty Nurse. 2" hr
care or p/t. ref .. trvl. re·
asonable. 759·1737. P RF.GNANT? Carin ~.
confidentiaJ counsel.Ing & Http W..ted 71 00
referral. Abortion, adop· •••••••••••••••••••••••
tion&keeping. ACCOUNTAN'f·w ilh 2+
APCARE 547·2563 yrs CPA firm exper. lo
work part·lim e in s.iriWRNder LagWla CPA ok. Non· l8~S. El Camino Real smoker. Send resume to.
San Clemente; Fully lie. PO Box 1134. Lag una
For Appl. 492·729G Beach. Ca. 9:i!652
No ~rLoe nee. ExJ>('r 111
buclJ!elmR. forcastm.:. &
long ran~c plann1n.:
Fa~• growm.: Founta111
Vly co. to $25.000.
Irvine Per.;onnl'I Ai:cnl'y
488 F. 17th. Co!>ta Mcs;_1
SUte224 G42·14W ~
Ropr, 714/a.1702 Certified Maaseu.'!e Accts paya ble. accts rec.
LaiT: Wire Fox Terrier . llousecalls by Appl typing. some knowled11e
M. Blk/brn le wht. 10 831J.tl838 . ol bookkeeping helpful.
Columbi;J Savings I!>
SL>dting a n experienced
Payroll Clerk lo preparl' and ove~ all payroll
functions ror the associa·
Uon. The selected appu·
cant mus l have ex
perience in work.mg with
a computerized p ayroll
system and with quartl'r·
ly tax returns. TypmJ!
skills are reqwroo
moa. Vic. Sant.a Ana Ave ---------1 xlnl company benefit3, fl Knox St. REWARD. xlnt oppty for advance
JackMi-7503. m ent. Contact Alll'e
INl'EUSTONL Y OR nJLLY A1101lTIZED Found: Moo 5/14; brn Lee ae.Jty. ... Poodle. comer ol Spr·
R.E. ......... 1957 =· • T.ibert. H.B.
111 .. TD P'OOND: r. Terrr mix, . Reealw _,,_... yield, b l ll I w h t I b e I I .
::.:aeo;::t, ;upe Brootbunt It Adami. ..... = u.u~ ••Ewa ..... 1111 .,_, ~ ID H•· Jl'oand in ColJele Patil. i D I 1 6 I o a n C.11. Female w I 1uture1 INOO·tH0.000. Cal aa left aide of neck.
..... TMllM-11GI ...... _...;--~-----~ ~LOAMI LOIT rem Cockapoo, Jl'w Au hnose. No ••on dUn, no collar.
111119. Clll Tiit f'lua· lllt eeen vtc ~ 17th • ital•Mll.a.. 'IWUn. Reward .......
F• All Actiln
Call a
lily Plllt ••• 642-5178
Soremon 557·9051 E .O. E.
~I clertl: posting
Journals. A /R , C/R, SALES, Ute payroll fl
~ 145-1395 131-.02119
CPA C.P.A. seeks ex·
perienced front office
help. Typlnl, lite book· besllal. phones. Local·
ed lrvl ne So. of S.D.
Fwy, Send resume ln·
cluilln1 salary hletory
to: P.O. eo" eou. Npt. Brh, CA neeo.
1lus position IS IOCalcd Ill
our beautiful Anaheim
office and offers a top
starting salary. out standin& benefits includ·
Int dental. and OP·
portw\ity for •dvance · ment. For u interview ~. Please call
Personnel. Onl y
quall_fled applicant~
shoUld apply.
c r a1.s..111p
aod Loa AalOClaUOn
Equal Opportunity
£mplo19r M /F
. . .
AcccutfillCJ C~rk w ... :ire Sloekmi:: a rt.'hahle
person with an .1pttlull1·
for f1i:ures & 1·akola1or
!!kills EnJoY t·x<·dlt·n1
1·1,mpany l><md11~ inc·lud
m~ frt-t.· meal 1•ach di<y
Apply m J)<'rsun Mon
F r 1 !1 A M I :! N u o n .
1'1.•n.oonE> I
000 Nt•wport Centn l>r
Newport &·a ch
!::qua! Oppor 1-:mr>ly ~1 F
•Actresses· A don
•AJI Al{l'S 1\ll Typc•s •
•I No t-:xix·r N1·1· 1 •
•llullywuud Tall•lll Dir
NowTaktn~ Apphcat1on~
Anyon<' intl'resll'<I m
• Movws or Telcv 1s1on
•Call "S .A M.'' •
We've been in showbiz
s ince 1963
•633-2233 ext 95
Scr('('fl Artist 's Mi:mnt
INSTALLEH t'XJ>t'r. re
s1dent1al or l·omm1.•rl01<1l.
)'r round employmt•nl. IO
pd days orr. I wk vac· afl
L't vr :! \loks vu1· art ::!ntl ~ r.;.' :1 wk,, v.1(' aft 5th yr
I i nJ 1 rn 1 I \' c1 m a J 11 r
• rno~hC'al lflS polw~ I I!/\
('11111pan)' part11·1pattng
-.;l\mgs plan Cill Tint
hl\<n 71\M & I! 3111\~I
!'ii~ 5544 or appl) 111
111:r~on al E L l';<,Vnt•. <.:o .. 3005 So llalladay.
AMwHin9 Senice
f'RX ope ralors fo r u
l\'h•pho ne cl n:..wt•rt n i.:
M•r\let' l0 xrw r11.•111·t•d or ...,,11 lrum Fu ll tinw or
purt L1111t· i.h1fts avatla
hll' Davs. afll'rnoo n
1•w n111i.:s· or 1:rav1• ynrd
.\'lust ht• a hll· tu wo rk
:-01111· werkcnds T) pini.:
3.'i wpm. noqum.'ll !\t any
rn bt'nt•h ts :1va1lal>ll·
I 'lca.w t·a ll 1\11111 fn
Fashion Island arc;i
f~M} li!ll
C us ta M e s a u rt·a
673-1161.i f: 0 f.
Ans we ri n J? s er v 11· t·
l £•ll•phon e npr r a t o r .
llPM 7AM shift. ma tun•
l)t'r.«>rl 2211 Fun·sl t\ w .
l .<1i;: Heh
1-'or 55 units 111 Custa
l\t1·sa Expt•r 'd couple
llu!>band m u'' ha\,.
m 1ml. l'Xp. W1fr bkkpg
l'XP Call 642·a07:1 or
( ::! l:Wt65-385 l
A./R Reuptionlst
t)nt• girl orfice. l'X I) rt•tfd
1n lypt.ng & wnfym~ 1n
vo1rrs. 40-50 wpm. IO key
by L()U('h, <tllSWe r phone.
J?t·nera l ()ff1n· pr11
n •durcs Newport lk h
.1n•a. 7M IWfi 7040
i\s.'lembly Warehou:.l'
Small Plectront(' parts.
Lsl. shirt. no expcnenCl'
necessarv Exl'ellent fr.
inge benefits. Near o.c.
A1rporl. Apply Avncl
Elertronks. 754·6091
No Fee Good Pay
Paid Weekly
Ts ••••rS..lcn ....... 712·''" ,.... 5U.t021 .,.. , .. ..,..
• C.11752.-fe
E.O.E . MJ F
Prof ~nting, EJl & lnl. ....._.,,..,_.
Low ratb. Reb. Free -•••••••••••••••• .. •••
est 535-4780. 536·4383 Neat patches " textureti
...HT. ltl·14lt Pa1nl1na. INT /EXT
Neat, honest. re as . l :.!
yrs exp Lic'd Davl'
Int. Pamt & wallpaper
Qual work. r ca s pr
Free est. Steve . 547 ·421U ·
l'lnc exter Pamtina by R S&nor St ll<· • ins Try
mt!. 836-~24 hrs
Excell. refs. quuhly
work 549·9756
Hcas. ral1..-s •·rel.' elll
548-271.16 Expr'd
Your hurbur area paintn.
inllexl Prof 11uahty
work. Reason. Lie /Ins
Ec;t cheerfully given
Dave. !'>86-&l25
Specialist in re -stuccos,
Sp a n 1 !I h T 1• x t u r t! !I .
Patches " Additions .
~ .
,._.&NCcre •••••••••••••••••••••••
Arndt 's Plant Clinic-'
llousecalli. for hou st·
plants. Trouble shooun~
& houseplant care. 64!>
11191 .........., .....•.••..............
Plumbmg repair Spct• 1n
remodeling. t·oppcr n ·
PIP.. f'n.-t: csl Top lfa I
Plumbmi.: 537 :u94
Quirk & dep<"ndahle. most
waterheaters r Pplat•t•d
S25 DR SI ('lair·-.
Repair 6 Re roof. All
types ·s h 1n1 le1 ·
,.,_ •· 541-5811> nn. Avail.
HORIWNBil01''lttG _
We're expert roofer:.
Not salesmen. 5411-3609 .
Do )'OU net'd a new roof or
the old one repaired~ All
lypei. or s hingles "
shakes. XJnt work low pri~. For free et1ti mall'
call Owaynti al S4U·ltti72
Slryl~·· •••••••••••••••••••••••
Cnas tLlne Roofinl{ &
Skrl.ighls . Rsnhl rah:s.
ul work )(uur l.1.-•
:JJU&l. Free t·11I. 497·1202
T,...SerYiu ...............•...••..
L t-: 1-: . S r. 4 II T U t:: 11;
J\rt.1~lll' ln m & rtimO\ al
UtM s1nr" rn52
Tnm. top. rl'mnvc tree::.
Al sn lands cape &
sprinklPr M1·Wec nuy
lH..S 512 •
Rcs1ck.1'1tal & rommen·1al
p u 1 n t 1 n ~ F r 1· 1·
estimates Rl•S rall•s
UH SI l'lu1r'o.; Plumbing Tulorinq
:SI<! pr hr All \< 11rk •••••••••••••••••••••••
,\man's horn!! 1s his
t·a..,llc Call T E D at
For a frt-t.• est. mt1e x1
l..ic· 111.o; Bonded 871·327Z
Wallpa per r"m1>vul. nt•at
& n •a.suna hlt· Hers ~~n.1
Cla ss1f1·d Ads 642·567R
s.:uarantl'('d 64:>·350:!
Minor plumhm.:. n·a'<11n .•
hit' r:.ll~ •h k lur ~I 1k•·
ln:.:r:.m l'lumbcn~. ri·a~
ratt-i; on rt•pmrs , n ·1111>t·i-.
rmdl's. wtr hi rs ti45·fi~
l'eoplc who nl'<.'d pcoplt·
o;hould always cht•l'k th•·
Servl('t' Oire ctnn m tho·
Spamsh tutor. a.:t•s IU·lll
R1 llnl(ual \01•rt1fh·at1·
h t• I rl V 11 u r h nm 1•
!Jli0-:IHl4 1•\ t!!>
\\ 111 1 ut11r t-'n ·rn·h lur ~um
m..r tur ltm & Uoarc1 '. I' .I W Villal!l' VI. C:h 7\
1 l H . Duma111 ~·
l!n1 v1·rs ita 1n•. 3340:1
TaJen<'<'. fo'ran1·1•
SELL 1dlt· 1l e m:-. with a
Daily Pilnl l'la:-. ... 1f1t•d l\'1
Hetp w.t.ct 11 oo Help w.t.cr 11 oo Help Wa.ted 11 oo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
S(·wral 11nmt·d1a1 e orwn
1n)!s for astwmbll·r~. w 1 a
minimum nf ti mo:-. o·x
~r 'old1·nnl{. µrtnll'd
n rt'Ult hoa rd' and lht·1r
l'<'l:ih'(j ronn~or<. I\ l'P
I> d1ret1 lo
Menter SpKialities
1640Monrovia, CM
E O t-:
IJll' m1·c•hana .. al 111 llu11l
Bd t t"(l)<•r pr1'11•rn·1I 11111
1N11l lrn1n 1
3 L> I n:-1 ru nwnh
1 :.!>4~ l'hl'111 11·al Lalll'
ll II
1194 !•3.'> I
ltJJ· 1441
2 tui Uu ... me~" I ·1 r P r
Su11t• :!Oli
llu11U nJ.!t11n lk,11•h
1147 :W!'lll
H!)O~ Wanwr t\v1· •~15
l.,lj!Una ~IL!Ut'I
.!7~57 f'a bOl Road
Equal Opportunity
Emplo}o·r 1\1 ' I-' .._ _________ J
al M11·hal'i t:arnson's
Beauty Su Ion 642·fi470
Attendunt. scrVl<'l' sla
tiun I' T mornln~ hrs
llrly • rnmm 673·3320
Mo &p.r. Necess.
Autumoll Vl'
Ne \' lit• d t .... II I.!" I) II
m..."'<'haruc•, Top h1•1wf1i-.
Appl) ::!001 1-: Fma SI
SA ~.HI01
,\L ·Tm1un v 1-
Tn:9IS. & Hea•y
Duty Line
l'1,..,11 10n!> ,1"a1lat.1,.'
Theodcwe Robins
<!WO ltarbor Hh ci
l'rn;ta Me:.:1
Xlnt <'Om11any twndn~
{Juallltt•d I• 1·hn1t•1a11"
t'Jnt:.11 .11111 \loffl'lt .11
&ll WIU
FIJll t1 m1· 1x.Nl111n & ~JI
ctnlr JJOS1t 1tJ11
F'r1 &Sal onlv
Opo•mn).!' 1n 'our ( 'o~I cl
~h-:.a tll I IC'I' i-:XIJl'rlt'llt'I'
prr ft•rrt-d
<.:all ~1r Wai:n1·r ;,.1r. ~IM1
Calf. Federal
:;.m II arbor Blvd l' :\1
A11 l-:C1ual Upportunll'
Employer .. M II-' ----
1'11 uri.:cnl n.'l'd i!Xlsts 111r
a µ..-r..on 111 v.ork :!O hr'
pt•r wt't'k 111 our Co:.la
Mesa bram•h M'n inl!
cus tomers needs. Ei.
perient'l' teller and /or
s harp traint><' with
<'ash1t-nni: background
1;ruw111i.: & pro).!rcs:.1\1·
S&L h as 1mm1•!11ul1
opt'fllngs for I parl t1m1·
& I full 11ml' ll·ll1•r On.·
~t'o.r S&L or hank mi: t·x
p..r 1:. rt"ttWrt-d. If you
h:1\1• l(ood l'ustomcr rel:.
I rnn' & prl'\'IOUS JOii
' I .1 b I I 1 I )' W C:. l C r II
h ·•h'ral S;" 1111-::. may
h.n •· :a 1•;,rt·t·r opportun1
l\lllr)llU ,_
\l.o· oH••c i.:oocl slar tml!
.. alar). pll•a,.:1111 work111J.:
c1tnet11 11111.... 1·11 lwncfi b
(2 U1d1f1,•rl 1·antf11lalt'"'
ph·as1•1·all 7ll 1i-H 7:!55
t Corpuralt· Plat.a
Newport Hc;ll'h. C1\
E.11.F:. ~ / F
Th· Stanlon • offict• ur ·' ....
l1•aclm).! ::.<tvmgs anti loan
ha:. an 1•x1·1•lle n1 0 11
porlun11y rur ;111 Ill
chv1du.1l Ill -.up.·rVIM' OUI
h'llt•r J nd m•w ;IC'counl.'
1•·r.;nn1wl to:xpl•n t•nce 111
lh<>s•· un•a!> 1!> rcqu1n•d .
m add1t11>11 to good com
mun1t·a1111n 'k1lb . Th1:-
p11e11t1on OI ft•r" all l'Xl'ep
uonal benl'l 11!> pJckaj!e
11111 sl art mi.: i.ala f). ancl
bl•aullful v.ork environ
ment l'h!a:-.e call for a11
mtrrv1c w appointment
Sa•inc)s &
LOClll Assn.
An ";qual Oppty
$700salary tosturt. ,.,oml'
t•J<per required. fn'flll'
in~. typm~. lclcpho11~"
rompany bl!ncfils ~ \
!n'.)..7474 Mary
If you url.' new to Costa
M1>~;1. ll•mporari ly dis
mnlmumi: )Our educa·
11011. n •renll dischari;ted
fmm lh<' s1'rnce. or for
any rt•nson scekini: tem
porriry l'mploymcnt.
<'00.~idcr I his umqul! op
who t•ar1 wnrk Saturday a----------U<>am·2Pm 1 hr!> as -.·ell
~ weekdays 1~ 11£-edcd
Famibarity with ty pin~
1s rcq\JI red. Please '· ;1 II
portun1ty 642·4711 YauCm1Ea"' $216 I'..-Wk. GLBl).Al.E FIDEIAL
Based on your produe -SAYIMGS
Uv1ty. commission. plus 1~~~E~.O~·~E~M~/f~'~/H~/V~~ incentives & extra profit r
shar lnft bonus . Tht> 1---------• womt>n & me n we ar(•
look.ini.? for may be tired
ol typing. folding papers.
warehous e jobs and
~ ror a limited in
come Work with younl'
people. Rapid advunn'
menl potisible . tr .)Ou un·
UI or O\'l'r and would bt-
a vallabl\' In start work
1 m mt• d 1 ,. I e I y • 1· ,. 11
between 9.»2·JO
~ dealer offers
flfll·Ume pe rmane nt
po111tiom to assist S•le11
le Service Managef'8 In
varied, interestlnll t.ask1. Good pay. Opp. for ad·
vancemenl. see Service
LADa.. .......
Dove •Quall St.s.
Security Pacific Bank
has an immoolate open
Ing fol' U Secretary IO the
Newport Be a1•h 11rt•:i
Prev1ou.' experience m 11
bank or savintis and
loan. Ty ping skills of
50wpm a nd s horthand ~~m r<.oquired.
C714t 111-213'
PACllllC ....
An Affirmltive Action Employer
Make th o11tt good
ho!M~ ite&n11 you're
not ..-Ing available to
10me oc.her family by ad· ~ Uwm for aale ln aasalfted. ean M2·58'18
Our beautiful Seal licad1
olfi<'t' hao; full and parl
tim e openings f~i: ••
Tellers. Expt.orience is re
qwred for the full timl·
position.": it is preferred
ror the part time open· ~. but we will ronside r ~ the r illhl appli
cants. Light typing 1s
n<.oeded for all Tellers.
Tht'St' positions offer t' x
c{'llent i;alurit.•s and
ttreat benefilll includinii
free parkin~ and paid
rareer apparel. Plca:.t·
ca 11 o ur Person n 1• I Depan~t for a n in tervtew appointment.
..... CUii
f\aU time. Eapr. belpfuJ. tu not nee. llany com·
l*'1 beDM'lta. Ai>Pb •L
-Plae9nlia Ave. CM. ortaUIU-Glll
. ........... .-. .... -... ---. -............ -..... . .. ' ---... . ,... . .,, -----..........
8 l:W&.Y!'!S.OT Wedt\Mder,M923, 1871 ~~~ ..... !~!~
..aw...., 71 tw.W..eM 71 ....,W-'H 1f00 DollMKU«' help M~hare
•'-•••••••••••••••••• ~~;T ••• ••• • •• .. •••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ~ t.o tel w /old i".:::·
; CAS... COOKS .T{!1~=MI!., UH: ~ &iq.r-pref, 30-.o hr~ s»r U ~ are lnlerntfd 1n In. hr cw 11.1() mo. for
wts.S.t•Sunam1&11t,1p· amall IM&sy kitchen tr llvr •n C M ana
.,. 1 9 1 Pb ln •rson Kerm potential for •dv•n<'t• fl46.:mt. ~ll ...;...-----tllm~ .Jlima ~dware M" ._. •.U......_.,a Ka...-
llartlor Bl. CK nee Referen r~11 r,. llON\TT SllOP. ear .
qwred no t'lPl'f' ~i ApPIY
t'OOKS waoltd-all .ahlll
t1rnw1n11 romp lPl Y
" bmeflt.o. M" 8a rlu>t ·.,
212 ~ 111b St 646-4303
i\.M, 0 K Oooufa. 1}80 FliMno. l'..M ._ Jti06 S
Orafbman 11~•1JccJ for
IU"Ch 111trr ft rm 1n Npl
Orh t-~XJ>(•r reqwrcd
~"50()uk ((lfSJWnt'•_· _ .._,.,, .......
Nftdt<d for .rnall work
room Nr Oran.i., Co
i\lrport Sal11ry u1>tin
-~ Pl~Ut! c.11 for an In *°"K'W l3.f:Rl<:AJ.. ~ uur Ad lo c1'Y unilt>r ·tnsuranN:''
fur l'lH.ICVOWN t:n
l'OR tu:s rem IH: NT
l'Al'Wll' Mll'n>Al.
Jfart ~""' •:urn f'lll ru mont>y dur1n1 11111rt• hour~ l<k-al IOI' 11 nwtht•r
wtlO r1u1 wurk 2 or a hr"
pt'r day or t'\ll'nllll(i. A 11111
l'mpM1:yc"d lk'niOl'lll Who wt.ti lo add to th1•1r 111
<'Otn(' fo"or llppl 1•011
Jntan Kirk. f>.W Hl<f•I
Unvt•r 11tod1 d1•rk mUilt
lr.11vw ( > t • ur1•u l 'hurll'•·
flJf ltdv111·m11t t'al·1l1l· In
d1.111tnul Sul1ply 21117 S H•~wl!ly )'>A
.... /SIC
t~ or P OC atrlJOn &n-11 Dll.Ys 714/~3 Evt-b
lM 18.11).9131
Bluepnnter n~t'\J, t'K
i>'d. Snwll bul tcrowm.i shop H.B. S36-2926
•'uh h i Loe N l\
S3.97hr. Litt-tyr.111.i .
phone exJWr he pful
Good appearanre •~11:
cellenl <'o benc Ca I I
Julie Gnem. 644· 1230
Salary open for Jiu rmt'nl
mnfg. sell shin er. 5 yr
cllper. Send n ·1wmt•
P.O. Box 2135, Newport
Beach. 92663.
Bookkeep er a ss1s tunt
Mainl gen 1oumal11 li1e
P 1R/. type <ISSISl In
\'ariety of duttcs Exp.
rast growin~ Co 645· 1395
t o s h a r e s p a l' l' 1 n
Newport & Huntington
R.E. Profess1onals1Ukr
Assoc. 631-555fl o r
Q fetena help. Hrs ti 2 :w
Monday· Friday
("''"I'll I
~lary ~tu~I:?
S.fllary 1773 to '95 7
l't•rmao .. nr up1•11111 11'
full And p1111 tlnw man\ fn11.:" lt•·n .. ru .... :o.p,in11ooh :.v•· .. k1011 tHll~I ' Jllol
dtTll.::. ubO lh't'<l•'tl 1-1
pi•r l1'1l1r h1 llORU<ll l)aV
l'.111 71•1 K.14 i!tlti I f11r 1 .. ,l
fi2S N Roc;s St lhn I; 1110
Simla A11a. l' Hi701
/\111110 EmJllOYt'r
Earn Extra Mnnt•)'
Mu,.t have phone· & rl'11a
ble transp. Lunl! & s hort
a.'ISi~nmcnts. llohduy &
v a c<1 t1on pa y
lfos p1tahza11on µl;,in
lf:~OIRAR-. ~RYICl.8
•"ff ERS 546-4741 cftii) I ~Ca mpus Onve
We have an 1rnm1•111ul.<' tAnoss from open1n~ for •• n ,. x Or:jogd.:o. Airport i
peri(!nred <·:is hi<'r to t-:C~uul Oppor Empln)'1•1·
work full time 10 our _
Company raft:tt!nu Will CLf:IUCAL. ;tlt•rt. tnt!'ll
also_ ml'ludl' h~hl rl1·11n i.:irl. inli•r«·i,l 'g w1)rk.
up. Should hu\IC' JJrc•v t•X •wwr dull. M at·Grt•J.:or
penence m an mdustn;il. Yai·hLo;, 11>;u l'l:n•rnlta. hos pital or s 1·h11 o l CM64:!6!1:10
r aretcn a a s l':ts h1er
Hours W111bef\:15 /\M to C.1..ERICAL
2:4.5 PM Monday throu,,:h Coastal Ptt·sonHI
I lflvt'I"' J)art l10lc tu de
llwr I. A '1'1m1·11 to rur ks
& 1>lt#'t~ M u~l IH! ovt•r tlj,
l~•ll 547 llJ.11 1Ua111 .:1m1 hav\', un 11r 1>1r kup l\lbo
1•11> I 1i. b ""' S~ 32h r t Olllt'Uj(•• ... l) t-: M /S , l '(ll>ll) ~h· ... u l .tr w .. :.h t•lillv 111vr11111i.: & w11Jcdi>
llW'buf UI\ 11 t11 .. ·111111u• ~>-~.!Hu~
llUW fnr 1'1'lit•0t'lll'l'd j!U'> ·----------m41n & t'XlJl'l 1•'111 <'11 •• l\t1'tul'J ,\j>JJI) Ill jH'f,tlO
Ill' l'lllll 64..'> 1()3!1
M :i rr1 t•tl 1·uu11 le·:. 11 r ~•11t:h• ~11m1·n fht• 111.
:.Uf'tc'r\'l:.l' II ll't'll.!).!o·
~1rb l' M t).d•, ·rr t•1•
I lomt.-s . :>45 !>.'i!i.t
M1·11 or women 25 ) r~ ur
11h.ll•I t\now I h1• 1·oust
1•11u~ Nl't SlltU 11 W('ek or
mvrl' Ur.111~c ('11;,is l
Yt•lh1w Cab, 17300 Mt
lh·rrm.1 nn F11u nta 1 n
Vo lle\ t N1• of SI 1tlt~r
be t...,;11 Nt'W hopt! &
Euchdl l'41un1t•r·<'ook full l11111•
/\pply Ill l>l'l'SOll 1;11ry '
fl1AL 330!1 fo: Coa!>I II w y. f> H V N G
Coooll'r lwlp I' l'I' & F T.
f);,iy sh1fti.. Mun-F'r1 A11
ply 10 p1'r:.on . ti· I:!,
OHANG fo: JUf.IWi. 711
E. Balboa Blvd. RallM1a
Qlunter sales i.e1rl or ludy
to tlry dearunl! :.tore 111
(.~ta M1-sa. 7:im -2pm
fo:Xpeneul'.l' or will train
751 :1115
u lW'ltcr c:irl for :.amlw1r h
;.hop. ~ton Fri 11 a m
Jpm C all fur :ippl
Counlt'r lldp Mon Frr
Super Sandv.1t h Phom·
.>ta 4Hll7
l>ELJVERV man fnr l'<lr
Iv AM L.1\ T1m1·l> hunll' J t· I 1 \' l' r} r II u I I'
El·Onom1t·al 1•ar r1·
IJWr«I. uciull.~ 1mly :!',.
hr.-pt.'r !1;1.\' :'llv 1·•1lh:l'I
111j.!. ~:111 pc•r mo. n1•1
\akt'-hOmt• + I!•'" ;i i lowam•t· W1•:.!n11n~tt•r
I lun11n1.'lon L~·al'h an·a
fi.li·!">llili ----U1'111 t'I') 1wr~u11 111·1·11!·11
for Irvine tr<i \lt•l :Jl!l'lll':V.
,\1u!.1 ha 1' l' r" I t.1 h It·
mc1111n·vl'll• + 1ns11r:tnl't.'
l't l•ml'. Mun Fri
l(•l'('!;tlll.i postllOll for OUl ·
.:111ni.:. rt•l1ab l l' 111 ·
il1v1duul Mu:o;l hke to
d r I \' I' • h a v (• 0 w II
lruns p11rtat1on & bl'
fanulrnr w10r11n.i:e Coty· l. A ar1•a Will train.
l\1011-fo'r1 !I 5. Xlnl s alary.
bcnl'f1 t s . Cal l
714 '7!.il!-&500 for a ppt
E.'ltp EIC<1.nnan ur)!cnt ly
neffit.-d by H U <.'Hy Sehl
Ot.,l SI .000 lo Sl~7 pl'r
mo U 0 E Apply 735
\4lhStrt't'l. llU 5:M;·K851
f.h'l·t runic· itSSl•mhly &
matt•n al hamllm~. po~•
t1ons OPl'" No 1•x 11
ncrt·:.sary W1 II I r:un
S3.10 per hr Lo :.tart Call
f;.&:;.J632 for <iflpl
Exceffenf PositiOfl
for Retired WCMN1n!
l.J\li.' m raretaker nel'dt•d
for lovclv 1·11untrv homt'
111 S;1n Juan Capistrano 5
m1null's from town vrn hu.~ Salary nc~ot1abk
t:lll 2JJ/~·333l. 9 lo S.
r:xport tn)! bus 1n('!-.S, p t
time 4 hrs a 1la)' Typinl-!.
filing 540·9215
~· . . . .-. ---. ------.
""'9W~ .... , •••••....••....... MllllW..eM 7100 · • '· ~••lt•••••••••••••••••• "'4lt W..t.4 71 Wlllhd 1f 00 ' ""
M•AL °"9CI .UAIDS ••••••n••••••••••n••t ~~•••••••••••••••••• ..... • 11,,1, Major NI u ... Immediate ---------1 · ~~~~ ..... ?~.~
R.E. o..e. ll Melllo1•n· openln11. Buch at· IJMh&atriaJ f 4LA1HIMACMNtST u.aa..tAlr llldlvldul to moephere. Unlforma Expr'd. for part time.
aHilt In .. n. olllte s::. .::::,•;.:.:s:.:i; Need Exla a I WortE bouts: 5 Pll to t
dulMI to wrut1e a ..... ,. ..,,_ .. ror Don. C-L"I Plf. Mon lhn.I P'fl. Call
IQ& lf'l ..... ::;H~•._::fl~ll:.:.:n:l;._• f-;:========-1--llr. ' at,,.... ~~:.i::~ i;~ CMIARDS w-,-: • .:::...:,:=:,~M=-.. -:-:-,,-l1l~~--~.;;;.;;..;;;;;.;;..;..__~~llOl~me==extr==.=motte==y=---r1
Ideal ca.ndldate should l'\all • 9art tlm t . Alli I 0.. Of 0.. 1 Lepl Mvlrtisill for 116U. or play? J C1U1
...-. IOOd 11en. otnte areas. lJn 1lo rm a ,__..Cit 1 ! ,.._._J-.+ ~ou In Amway. ildllunclexPt'rol l Zyrs rumfshed. Aicea 21 or I ....__...._ w• 1 .,... JpN~ Gunter.557.QJ7.
111 an offlw environment <<N« RetJ~ welcome. ._ " • • • I PollUon ~ avall•blc •-.:......_;;_ ______ _
Th.•• ll a n uullent Noeslerlence nee_. App· 1M•ll Room Helpe_r~.t for.-.unttoLeialAd· NuneaAlde ·.aUlbift.a~
1rowth opportunity of 11 Unlvenal Protection 1•naerters •Press Rooml vertialn« Director or lhe Apply lMSSuDerior
rmnte oullllancUna com Servlct' 1226 w. 5th 1operaLors neededl DllUyPilot, ·Ave.,Npt.&eb. benrrit.t It chant'e for you Street. Santa Ana. In· Immediately ln Latcuna to~·pra" )'OUrlall'nb tervlewhours9·12&1·4 INl1uel.<Men6Women,I General orrice U · NW'llCSMdeS7·3.S.ll.Ex· wtth a rut1trowlna home Monthru Fri. n or over). This is al 1 per. or Trainee. Ap· "--•·•··-. l'le .... ~ •·all or 1perfed ---unity r-_. perience and IJght t yp ng proved Cert. tralnii,g .,..._... _." .,.....,.. m1 .skills r e quired C35 · M VerdeConv 11pp1y in lltlnM>n · Gena Hairdresser llcenaed . ISEN IO R CITIZENS.I 40wpm>. Typlng test will PfO«. esa S · M ... zo . ronde rosa Ptr,h.rs •dayanegotia· I HOUSEWIVES andf be admjnfatered lo 1111 Hoep. 661 Center t. Uom~s. 2i*2 Ou111neas ble. 6'6·7764. Ask for 1sTu DENTS to earn applicant.a. Costa Maa. t~nter Ur . Suite 22.3. JUlle. I extra money .... .,RSl .... G
714/975-ltlOO u-•-n...... ... _ ~anted w/ Call or apply al .&utn ... oblle necessary f"'ftl "
E.O.E M/fo' "clie~i,; ;ew H.B. 11 J7fl7c..tleed· i::O:-~'as1CJC1allocaldriv -Acaaepsychiatricfacili· t~'tll-ral otriet! must have salon. Call 964·2&5. I ....... ...... ~· Elccellent company ty needs R.N. 's, L.P .T. 's
IO key adding mach ex R ESS R benefits . Salary com· and menta l h ealth•·
per llouni 11-5 dally w/ HAI DR E I IEL[~ mens urate with ex. wortlers.All shifts open, somt-overtime . Will Beautiful salon needs t penence. full & part-lime, xlnt fr.
tra111 Apply at 25811 operator with following I 1nge be nefits . Call
Nt-wport Blvd. c: M. or ~rv1ng Npt • Jrv . & I ,i:-'"•v1• t ·~ For appoullment for in-496-S102or831-1774
call714/642-T102for appt Costa Mesa. Please call IJJ.0542 terv1e w. p lt-ase ca11 •----------
M7-2234. or ~1. ext 277 Office CltricaA
(i(>' !nt.-ra1 offic:e partJt01m11ey Handyman. 40 hrs week, I frff., IJJ.f 441 No exprr. req. fuU & part. .a~u na area . S3 75 hour. 645·3381 or ORAMGICOAST lime checking customer ~t'f' 494-0487 Ask for ~Si!HS Equal opportunlty D..,. •LY PILOT input & asststing in mail
.Fl!Wk! iijj;:;jiiiiiji;;;jjjiii~iiiii;;iiiii~iiiij; Employer Ml F "" room. An opportunity for
D> W. Bay Street ~ves to get hack General ()((i1·e
Sales :service clerk to
handlc film~. phones &
hle typing rn busy lr\'mt-
offl«c lmml'd openmJ,!
C':tll for appt. Mehss;,i
Gen£'ral OU.1·e
Entry level pos1t1on
Several openin~s-You
ran cam & learn-Career
potential ~II us.
Jrvme Personnel A~ency
488 E 17th. Costa Mesa
S1.11te ~ 642· 1470
gradmit exams. Vanous I•--------· detrul duties. light typing
and neat handwriting rc-
Ql.ired. Excellent work·
1ng t•ond1lio n s and
Qc>nefJL'I inrltAding dental
plan. Phon(' Personne l
Qepartment C714l ~7360for appointment
Equal oppor tunity
Must have rt.•li:iblc
lransp & phonc Lunr;: &
short ll'rm assu:nm1•n1:.
llolJday & vacat10n JlLI)
llosp11a ll tat111n µIan
3848Campus Dnvt•
(Across From
Orani:<' Co. Airport 1
Equal Oppor Employer
Fu II ll mr Sc•c rcta ry
net.~cd for our f;mcrgc•n·
cy Room, expcn cn rl'fl
prefe rnd Mo nd:i y
thr ()u i.:h Fr1dJy
j.!f'Jveyard :.hlft 11 OOµm
lO 1 Joam s hill Ex
t'<.'llt•n1 twm·f1b, & work
mi.: 1·ond11111n:. l'kaiw
<ippl) t() 1'1·r:.onnl'I <If ,,.,,.
HlOI N Tw.lm 1\\1•
Sanla Ana. l'a 9:t705
Equul ()ppty Emplm•pr
ll(~ffl-~'). cvcn111~,. 21 1Jr
O\lcr ~ill 5'Pi 74 1>!. a:.k
for t:herm·
Purt llO'll'
---------Cost.a Mella into the worlung world
Equal Opportunity .tnd be involved in a busy .-----------, Employer data processang environ tlndustnal ,,, ____ ..:._..:.____ ment
..u 0 k y 0u,.1 LEGAL SECRETARY sAFEGUARo i" r Mag l'ard expen e n cP BUSINESSSVSTEMS
I • Way 11 helpfuJ. Gener al Pr<ll' 228.1 fo'a1rv1ew ltd.
I t1C'e l.1t1gat1on ('X C:osta Ml'SLI
1 Thru Summer I pencn ce helpful Call M6-60.ll} w·th Kell I I Marge833-8486. --0 -Ff'-'lt:l'.:CLEHK
I I Y • 11.ef{al Secretary for grow-Need full lime person for lwe havt-long & short I mR Newpon firm. t-:x. hll'<>ff1ecdul1es Xlnteo.
term a ss 1 g nm c n t s I pen ence c!v1I hl Good hend1t~.
•available for men &I s kills . S h orthand . CQasl<il'n..ralTirt!
lwomen I Beautiful offices Ocean 547-9423 I · I v11lW. (.;onRcnial ~roup fASS••bl•rs, l11i.1 Med ms Open ~al<1ry .
tMoldia.g. Pacliopn, 1 ~11Jan,640-703.S _
IMai•I• •c•, .tc. I LEGAL SECRETARY ~l'\'d cd 1mrncd11.1lcly I w1lh 1tood u·rhn11:a l ~· u ,. '( p I' r Ip n l: ef Skills fo:mphaSIS 110
l,;cres'>an • bt.urnuon and real estate I · Fa s t ~r ow1n~ r1•;,i l (Lill or c•1me 111 today estak rmannal rom
I' .1 1 d v a 1· 11 I 1 on .., pany Newport .Bca1·h.
I Ronus"" ~ever .1 fee' Fas hion bland Call
l •~ .; , r
H.1.J 1441
2102 Bu1>1ne's Ctr !Jr
Sllllt' 20K
llunl111~ton ll1·arh
R47 :14flli
11907 W;mwr I\\ t' 1121:;
l.a,1.?urH1 ."<1gul'I
i;:11 05'12
;!;957 CJIJOI k O<lll
759-1511 ask ror Mar)'
per in ht1gauon nt•ress .
non smoker. Hunlmgton
Bc;tch small fnendly or.
fJt'l' H48 1401_1 ____ _
M<1d11nt:.l Tool !Ju·,
mm t·x pcr :;vr'
j 14 891 24 ...
Hl:.I\' ''I) hr Wt•t•k
1-:UL.E R INDl.:STJIJI'::-.
21l)I [))\\'St :\ H
I ,\t'roM Im m CJ l' t\1rp11rt
: ~la11b. appl.v Tht· 11111 .11
f;riual nµpMtun1t v L;i~una . ::! 11 !I. t:oa:.t
t-:mplny•'r .\I F I 1 lw.v. L..11.tun<1 Ut.•JC'h _
.._ _________ ,. MAJUS Full 11r parl 11m1•
;\ µ p l y ~1 .i r " :-... :1 n
The Oct1ly Pilot ha:. an
rmml'<hate opening for
lra1nt•f' ror full time
permanent pos1uoo 1n
our Clal>Slf1ed Depart-
ment Mus t be a ble I•)
lypt• 35·40wpm I t)'pm~
te.t will be admm1stert-d
tu all appheanL-;1. handlt-
phones. learn romp1.1tt-r
and othe r gl'n c r al
c lertl·al duties Op
portunlly fvr ad\•ann·-
ffij>Ql anrl ex1·clll•nt com
p<1ny ht·nef11 i. S;1lary
1~1mml'nsurate wtth t·x
pe•nenc•1• For mlt•r v1ew,
pll'abC 1·1111 M2·4321, e~l
;JJll W tl;.i y !;lrecl
Costa Mesa
E<1ua1 Opp0rtun11 y
F:mplo..:.y_e_r __ _ --------.--, •om •...
: •Clerics
t-hday AgetKy
lfas lots uf joh~ a v;11I
w many fine. supt·r <·om
,ianic-s and the) re J II f'rL~1
Ot-h ver v & ~toek work ~I t-• . J II p I 1 1• u n I :.
weknm1·. t·xtt'lh•nt 1111
portwuly to tr:tin m :1ut11
parts salei. Apply 1r122
"t>wpon Bl. CM or 11111111
Adam ... llH Au1 11m1111ve
Factory Trainee. 1:ood
p:iy. xlnt future in l~sl
i:rowm>i plastic adhesive
l'O 1537 Monrovia Ave
N B Call M o n -Fri
Gent'raJ office
F.xc1llng opportunity lor
a people onent£'d pt'rsun
able to wor k evcnmi.::-
Apply 9am-Noon. Mun
fn. Pcr.mnnd
lmmed openinR:. for
l'e5J>Offiibll'. mature sl'lf
s tarter who l'Ol'tl ·
murucates easily with
others Sales expcnenl·e
a pl11.o; but not rt.•qurn-d
Will tram Most h<i \'e lltC'
('lt'rnt'Olt• Inn. 1::5 \\
_1'1;pland1;,in _ f •TJPists
' * Secntwies : •Word Proc
Please Apply m person
Sciewtific 1 .............. ,
••isioft of
J:imboree at Wimpus dr
lrvmcCa. t-:qual Oµpor
Coastal Prrsonnrl
27~1 llarhor. (' ~f
('.al l ror artt·r hr, appl
um~r Upportw11ly
Liquor Stort• Manager <.1erk n<"l-dOO. Newport Bt•at·h stor('. $18,000 per year LOAM SERVICE
~uarantet..>d + m<·enllvt.'. Loc·al mortl!a!l<' brokt'r.
3 YTS exper. necessary nt.•ar Fashion Is land . f•x
Company twncf1ts. Apply pcncnt·e requirt'<l <.:a ll
m person: Stop 'N Go.1•M•rs•··· .. B.ia.i .• &14.._·1!8 .. 2'1 __ _ Mkts. 71S N. 1,0;1ra St.
Ana.IW'im, C:a. 774·!f210 CLERK·P /TIME
Can.>t!t0ppm1un1ty l days pet" wttlc. Expr
Largest intt•rnationally hetpM, but not nee.
company owned fiRur1• ..,....._ at 1660 Placrn-salons for women is now ......,....,
tunng for mana~ement ti a , CM or ca 11
positions Mus t huvc 642-0811
back~round 1n t'lthc-r
bus iness. lcal'hinR or Clerk 7-11 Stort;. I l1>m·
direct sales. Salury + 7<im. FrJ·Sat nil!hls SJ
Commission <.:ompany per hr. 10 :.1<1rl 675
tr a 1 n in R prov 1 d c d Pa ularino. C.M. 751-41>52
Tremendous 1trowth <>P· ----
IJl·hw·ry p tlnll' ,\,\1 , I.A
Time.'> SIOO p1·r Wt·l•k
(;a!. ~upply "' .Jll<ihh•
l.a)!una Ba•;1eh 1!~1 K.l!Hi
Uebvery f)('rl>oll m•t·1h'll
for Blucpnnlcr P 1T11nt•
11U.536 2926
Del men over Iii for LA
Ti mt'l> 1 n NII & C M
l'crm /p·l. SJ.'>IJ1S.1uo1mo
lx•nta I i\1.st. 1·h a"" 111!·
1-:Xpcr C M. 0H11·e (iocxl
,.;.1larv & licnt•f1l~ Ca II
Ot·ntal As:.1~lant . Frnnt
f>r.-;k. f:xp'd 11r trammi.:.
!-" V area !tt;8 164H
ut-:NTAL1t:Hi\l HS llH:
I-' :t "lo r v wo rk<: r:. 1 n
rhenucol refinery Full
l1ml'. promme nl pos1
t 11>0" II 111h S r h1111I
ch1·rru:.trv 1Jr work cx-
P<·r Wl0lh C'h l·m J(•;i b
helpful E (!_!: 54!13211~-
I 00°/o
DEG HEt: + 2 VHS
W I L L I N <..: T 0 H 1-:
Call Oma
Center /\f,!cnc ~
1400 N Unslol Sutll' <!9<>.
NB !l2li&l 1714 l!l55· 361-1 F.oF:
Credit Assistewtt
fee paid. lf you ha\'e
finance or c r edit ex
perience. rome Join tbe
money makers Xlnt
bcnerns. S8SO to s tart
Al'ill fee JObs. Call Mary
O'Connor. 54()..5001 Snl'll mg&.Snellin~ of NcwPort
Ueach AJ,?en1·y. 4340
Campus. Su1k 201 __
Fatten up that slcinny
Work one of the follow mi.:
job5 and b nng home :i
pay check for those sum
fl'l('r ext ra.o;:
Trainee i\sscmblcrs
WarC'house Worker.,
S<.-c rHari t'S
Call today & work lomur
Ttitttporary Services
NI 556.8520 Ona 835-2622
\llj() Newpart Ccnter IJr
Nrwpart Beilr h
F.qual Oppor Emply m (
llo t1'l lloust'kccp1 n i:
l'or1t•r full t1ml' 12 !\tut
ni,,:ht 111 H :inam Xlnl
bcnd1ts ('all for appl
615·5t(lll (''Cl 54!(1 ---
C".rOOd opportunity for ;i
reliable person with an
apt.1lutk for numbcrl> &
t;ilr ul<ilor s kill::. NCI!
4:.nl expcr Jln •f .\dvan
t'1'rnt•nl (lpp11rt un 1! 1(•,
Jva11. l::nJo~· xlnl rom
pany bend•!:. i\pply
9am·l2 Noon. Mnnil"ri,
000 Nrwport U.•nll'r Ur
Newport &•m•h
t::qual Oppor t.:mplyr
m f
Ell'(.1 r0tlH' & m1·1•h;,in11·al
for a reei-1\ mg & prrwe:.:.
ll\SJ>Cl.'\ 1011 2 '.I ,\' f 'i I' X
per Xlnl workm~ l'•lllff
& benefits C'Onlat•t 01'
1'() 22. 5842 Ht•:.ttarl'h Ur.
II B K!l'.!·3313 1': 0 E
l::lt.><1.mnil' Assembl1·r
E>cpcr or tramet• Apply
10 person. Conlal'I OPTO
22. 5842 Rcsl•artb L>r
H.B ~2·3.11:.1. E 0 .t;
IMUranc:r Ct.rii
N o 1• x p f' r 1 l' n r t'
nct·ess<1ry S57S pt'r mo
RANK OF AM 1-:R IC A ~ Vr;i Lrdo.N fl
lnsuranl'e St'rrl'lat)• Npl
&•h ar('a We a n · ~wt•I.
MA IDS·Wkdy.; wkn<l~.
Sea/cliffs Motel. Jliti l So.
Coast Jlwy, l~una _B_'~-
MaintMGll(;e Mon
FUil trm1• da\:., Mon Fri
Xln1 ben1:ri1... fo. u "·
fia\\lt'W t'on\ .rn~;,
1l1unn. l' '.\1 1;..1~ :1.'111r1 ,
Amb11111u:-. n>uplt· w 10
hn. µer wk ('an rc!>ull 1n
a ll!c 1n("Oml· .. uthf'r
h en l' I 1 t ~. l' a 11 B 111
Hwtht'S 83.'> 1775 l'Xt 137
MANAG 1'.:R 1h :.1stan1 :!
days a wt-ek Litt• bookl>.
Ill\> mainll•nann' fo'o r
a_pJ~Call !f57 l'.WU
Mec•han11• 111 sl'I up &
ma1ntu111 n'l:H'hm1•ry 1n
adhes1vt> mfnf.! pl:tnt
l.Jlh1• t·ll~·r <kl-1r.1hl1·
We bwlCI & r(•pair '-Orn e
u( our dlSJll'IL"ln).( l'<IUlll
i\J!l' no llJrr11·r 15:17
Monru\lta Ave N B
!\kd1r al Assistant ha1·k
offlt•c• and lab Salary
I *Acct Clerb
f l>t1•·~ ,• nll)nOl l/llOU\ I ri • 11 11 n ,. h ;J ,. •.• v •111
1•·l1mh1ni.: tt1t· v.ufb ''f
IT •· m 11 11 r ,1 r v I
lnppor1un1llt·:. mav h..,I
1u~t wh<it you nt'M lor
I ..!t•I yllu out nf the rut' I I For a fleioblt' workm~I
,,rht•dul t• & lots o r I vr1r1cty. ,.;ill us tod;.iy I
1Top µay, pa1df I\ Jl'al111ni.. rrft'rralf
bonust-s Nt>ver a ft•e I
f ..._\ J tr f •
Call or
Come in Today
2102 Business Ctr. Dr.
Swte 208
I r I
' I I
portunity . Only
qual ified . mature
nunded need l'llll for m
lerview. Jo Ann Hill.Jard.
2131923-557 L
NiSIST. Pos it ion Ol>l•n
fur supcr dynam11· girl lo
a ... s1st dent 1st in lrvmt-
Mus t know 1'xpanded
dllllcs C;,i 11 5.52-8339 t)r
leavl' mess at 552·8225 FLORIST Girl Friday. Inside sales. l•--------•1 1 n A ;1 d e pc n d a ll I 1•
secretary lo work with
our manaRem .. nt team
Must be well organmi>d &
a self-starter 752-~
1·ompl'l1t1vl• B1•nd1l:. "iuntan~lon Beach
f!OC)d. Call 640-7412. !"pl IW7-3498
early A.M. hours. lrvmt·
area. $3()(). $400/mo. no
l'Ollecllons. 544·0551 1
Dental Rel·cµt · fh.•x1ble
position. Open for 1m
ai;tinative ple<is;int in
d1v1dual. Busy orftl'I!
Previous cxpcr. Typing
s kills. hookkeepin i.:.
552·8339 or leave mess
Cashier/Clerk. t-'ull·t1me. ft£U'P"'L •fl!SIST. Must be dependable & Pa1d Weekly No fee """"'"" -
able to work eves. & Top Pay If you arc a friendly &
wknds. l'lexible. Apply ~ w outgoing person & want
al OC Airport girt sho_p:_ i • ~7-::i to work in a modern, pr(l I l.... ~ress1ve office rome join our team. H. D.A. prd Clf'HIERS Salary open w /bcnef1ti; M T....-• y Sf'rYic.s 962·3402
Int. 752·6666 DENTAL . <.:huirside, if UTOJEM MARKETS Tlldift 551-9021 you are sharp, have &Toro lly Appt) some cxper. & R.D.A.
Call 752 ,,,,,,,,,_ Cert. To work 4 days a Openings now available E.O E • ·vuuv M / F ~ in Fas hion Isl Npt
ror (uJI time assistant1~~~· ~·~~~~~~~ A business pleasant <1f 1111oagers on 2nd. & 3rd.1. fice. Call 64-0-0300. Salary llhift. No experience nee. COOIMG CLElttc Open
Wetnbl. Start 13.lOlo S4 lnsurantt expr. helpful. .
per hour. Advaneemenl Irv. area. Call Nola DENl'Al.. HYGIENIST lo
oppor\llnity for manage· mstu wo,rk in establis he d
med positions to $5. ---------ofSll'ce. near S . Coast
perbourlfqualilied. F Companion Jive-in for Plaza.~
more information at in· e lderly lady. Needs Dent.al cbairslde ass't. 1 leniew IO to •tore 82 at penonaJ care. Thurs eve
30009 Crown Valley, thn1Sun.eve.8J0.968l. yr exper .• 22 & over, m· i.,.. MgueJ. 495. it.iatlve,CM.631-1420
or call nt/537-4840. COOK. exper'd. FuU time, ..,_,.... Employer nites. Ask for Mike or DENTAL HYGIENIST ~.,,.._~~~~~~~~ needed for Perio ofc llB. : Wayne,64().7440. Expand'd functions lie. ---------1c o o k • Pa rt · ti m e reqd. 3 dys wk. sat open. CUtl•ISALIS brea kr as ( wk n d S': Prof sbar'g & pension
Unique retail nilnery Responsible. CaJI 1~t>lan __ .7_14_1_1M2_·863_1 __ _
,_..•~person nza.sforappt. DISIGMR
forafulltlmepoalUon. Jn Od.t Ir &is--. exper . 1 di I 1 d additiaa to a Sood start-for F /P Tl~" Apply al A r con t on n g e · !QI ..... C....,_ lhare Fi11b Kitchen 10065 siperw/muumum 3/irs
iocwnm'vhnpool. Garrleld Ave. F . v . ::,1•:n:~r,rpro~~~ .,._ IPPb ln penon1_91t_GIS ______ sbartng. 540·7622 Mon
11/F. ())ob wanted. Sl.15 hr to ,_tbru_i)'i_._1-_5_. ----ROCIBS start • up. All shifts Dtebwasber for acute
•. &BIUb...IS avail. Apply Colony cue boapital ln Npt lkb.
JllUUnillllll KJtdMnc 27142 Ortea• .o br wk. Perm.nena
-Im ~ HUia _Hwi--=..y;_,SJ_.____ Potltlon. S3.00Jir hr. M . Available Imm lately.
0.-delllar Malle 'our 1 bopptn1 Call Ms . Holland,
_... _...Dy ueln& the Dally MMIJO ext 19. E.O.E .
PllatC1 .. lnecJ Ads. MIF.
Unique n·la1 I nursc•ry nt.•oo.s r reat1vc people for
full & part t1mt• perma-
nent pos11 1o ns Mus i
have cxpcncnl't• in floral
d esign Excellcnl op.
portunity to work m a
pr~ugrous sC'lllnl':
Pleac;e apply in Pt'rimn.
Moo lhru 1-'ri
2301 San Joaquin
Hiils Hoad
CDM 640-5944
f\.tnuture stripper ne .. ded
full lime i./o exp nee,
$3.50 hr .. mus t be
responsible & mature
C all for interview
548-7622. 78S W. 17th St
uru1 /\, C.M.
Gardener. 4f() hr wk Mon-
Fri. Work in Newport
Beach & Irvine Call
644-4894 an 6pm
PART TIME for' Chns-
tJan counseling center 1n
N. R. Receptionis t. hte
lyptnl( etr. Call 63J-076V
or 644·0UY7.
(Recreation Cu11todiun)
Lrg. H.O.A. El Toro.
Seekln« m otivated In ·
dividual to maintain rec.
facilities & monilor pool,
tennis cm. uae. l',ull-
time. •.50 to start. Call
m.1611 9 to 5. uk lot
some typmg, Ille book
keepin g. fu ll t 1 ml'
Outgoing. Xlnt pot('ntial
for the right person Ca 11
Mr. Borton 645·4720.
Come m and se<' the cx
t•1tm~ things thut an•
ha ppening al We i Is
Fargo . We nt•ed ex·
pc ri enct>d St.•c u ri 1 y
Guards 1n
1"9M/....,wport leach
s.t.Alto/ .......... ...... rtow/..._, ...
CostaM.M&lh. -w... .........
for s upervisory level
sttuntyolficers up lo:
with one ol the nation 's
largest 1tuard ser vices
Apply in person to
Mon -Fri.. 8am·5pm
1532 W Commonwealth
n.Uerton. CA
Mon.-Frl., 8:3().4:30
230WWarner, Rm217
Santa Ana.CA
Olvilioo al Bake~
Prole'11on Services
Equal Opportunity
Employer M/F
Llttttfllltll Claul/ied Ack are really
1m1ll "people to people"
..._ calla with bit re·
adlnhlp and bl1 retult.a !
Th pf~ your clual(ied SELL Idle Item• with •
ad, call today M2·5171. Dally Pl.lot Claulfied Ad ..
flouscclcanrrs Need re
liable & t•nthus1as111: pro·
pie to work for new
rleamni: service m N 8.
Sch 8907 Warner Ave •215
MEDICAL OFFtCE Immediate opening in
Newport Beach In s
AJ!C'flCY. Personal hm·s
exper. reqwroo. For m·
terv ple:Jse r all 646-3964.
Per.>on for front & bar k Laituna Niguel
I 831~ offlt·e. San C emente 27957 Cabot Road Call rves 213/874·6472
llOUSECL.f':/\NING Own
tran.sp. l"ull ·t1meor part·
11m1: Top dollar
673-0068. 64'6· 41171
MESSENGER t;quaJ opportunity
pi e k up & d c I 1 v er I Employer Mi F throu#?hout OranJic C:oun l __________ J Insurance
llOlJSEKF:EPf':RS t'IT & Prr Dana's housekeep·
In!! D1lrfomla's luri::t•st
nct.'<ls a mature Jll'Ople.
work pvt homes S4·S5 hr
5..»4001 .
Need individual With
J..'OOd written and verbal
rommurucution skills to
coordinate s crv1cl' rt"
quesL'I for policyowners.
ty & Los An1teles county ,. ________ _
for Newport At-a('h
Mortgage Oankin1t Firm
Must have valid C~hf,
dnvers lie. & own 1·ar
Entry levrl posit ion.
base pay, l'ar allowanct'.
& f'BS. 11·5 M·f" xlnt co
paid benc1rits. For appt llousekt>epcr 1rh1ld t•a re
WorkinJ? mother seeks
cxpr housekeepe r t o
care for 2 children 11&10
in lovely NR home !l:1m
to 6p m Mon F'r1
ltcfcr cnccs required
Salary+ mil eage .
lloust"kecpcr . mature.
part time, for elderly
lady Non-i1moker Own
CBr. Transport to doctor,
etc 114.S-9200.
TENDANT · 1''or elderly
ladies. Ft1 nate lhru Mon
rule Must sip over. bed.
meals + salary t~xper
prc (errt.od. own truosp
Dana POlnl 493.5920
Full time days Xlnt
benefits. Bayview Conv.
Halp. ~ Thunn,C.M. M2-~ •
Houaekeeper live·ln or
out. care ror small child .
Rd's. Irvine S58·.i.
call 640-4580 ext 244. · Life insurance product
knowled~e preferred
Creative abihlles m usc I·--------• and design of various Models
forms helpful W• MM MW focff:
Models-Mare & t"emale We olfer a liberal benefit I f you r f a c e h a s
package and un1qul' ch aract er. 1s h 1gp
wo rk envir o nment fashion or looks hke th('
Please apply to Person· gin next door. Call for an
ncl[)epartment. appointm e nt for u
700 Newport Center Or
Newport Beach.
Ca. 9266()
F.qual Oppty
Employer MI F
Janitor. full time. Mesa
Verde Conv. Hospital.
661CenterSt. C.M.
F\dl time days, part-time
eves. Nwpt area. Must be us citizen. Call 532·6$58
or apply at 123 N. Olive. Oraftle, MOft·P'fi.
personal interview. You
could be modeling as ear~ as next week ! So
don't hesitate, call now.
ask for Haiel
New York West
Modeling Agency
875 W. 16th St. N LI
Mothers helper, hvt> in.
must drive . One schl age
What's VourTrade? Ke!t> • .;u. lntlation!
Sl.77 pet' Diy Extra Income for am-
so1.11h t by Hol~ywood
mov\e firm. SZO.l?OO per
day PM•· Looking for
outaoin1 18·70 yr olda
want1n1 to break into
movies. '714> ~-0120,
SERVICE. lnow in 4th
1bat's Ultle top4y ·•--peop1 ""'l l'"" for 111 ad In the Dally Pilot bi...-e. -· ""'·
year). . Servtce Directory th.tt can KEVTAPEOPERATOR
atablilbyuurprote111lonal Daya at nites avail, 3742
ldenllly. For more 1n-eiqJerdesirable Up to 16.
formation call M2·5tm hr. 979-5880 Want Ad RftuJt.a
You say you want
,, change of pace
. fOl'US your CYl'~
upun Lh1s plat·1·
Perhaps a month
a day or week
IN\' have Lhc pos1t1ons
which you may ~k
Temporary service 1s
what we provide
therefore our people
must be satisfied.
~o~ office •.
~Q"J overload
Good handwriUn1. lite
olflce work. Call 8am-
5pm; Pickwick Paper.
PART-TlllE. work for
m1r1 _6 .~• W/i:Jlt'l
diatribUUnC'firm. Poul·
ble to earn 158 or more
pe r wk . 644.· 183V .
Sell wttb EASE!
a..Alled Ad9142..w71
Part T ime w /coineru
Contact Don, an Ii,
PART TIME a.da.Y only to dehvrr Oality Pilot to earn en 111 Lal\llUI 8ta<'h. H1-quin'll
ven or lar1f' 111 at Ion ..... 4 a atOOd dl1Vllll(
rworcl. hone MM32l 6i Mk for Harry Sec1ley.
Equal Oppo rtunlt
~ ------
Multa with outi.tundlng,
utt.rattlve l)t'nonuhllc!'
who erUoY wur~lniir With
kids. Ovl'r 2l Start at 13.50 per hour Ph11rw
842-4321 f;x 1 2~0 .
BETWEEN 4 .00 5 Ot l'M .............
Put and full time. t'a:.t
f'ood he lp Mur ry :.
Laeuna. Call J mh aam
CAUSIYaCO. .........
SCHOPl now 1trt.-ph V ISA Ir
MAST r. R C If A It GK
~(or St1tlf' t:u m
111 a. l1tt It< a" 'Z7 ht•ur-..
M'ht'th&J~ Ill yuu' I I ID~ I'
NC'fk-e Guarant1"1'd t'u 11 now tu ,..,·h~tule your
t'RF.E 1ntro1t11r tor}
& Company
f< I-' L l::ST \ I 1'
l"'i."> S.1 t '().i..'11 fh~ •I\'
1714)494-8051 -"1SA'
IC.,,;t 111mmt
l'.1rt lln'lt' 1111thl~ Appl\
OH"k t 'hur('l1 " H1•111
:..lfl Nt•W110t1 tilvtl t 'M
K,.,, .1uru nt h•· t 111· 1
t1lllldwtC'h ""' I'll M HI tl11y hrb t-:iqw 1 1>11•1
''tlKUrl ('1>1\lll'l'I Hiii
t:fJ :!00 an 3pnl
h1111'M!<llllh: opc•111111o:!> rur
& II l"t\T F:S.-, 1' :S
Apfllyal tht<
~?~ ..... ?!~
Party Conslt. /Asst M Rr
She must be outgoin(C Mont exp. Career oppty
Apply 2025 Newpor t --------• Blvd,C.m.
R;t9-. SCT1lY /Girt Friday
New Costa Mesa based
fum. Nd own ear Salary
t'Ommrnsurate w /ex pr NXOPER.
Oper's fo r tele phone answerin~ service. Mus t
be able lt> work sOmt'
weekends . TyptnJ.l :!5
wpm r equire<.! E x
perience prefer red 11r
will train Muny com
pany benefi ts t-'u II tinw
or par1 time. day & :iftt.•r
noon ·even1ni: s hill '
available. Ple:t'H' 1•all
Mon. lhru t-'ri 543·4:.!:IO
E.0 .E.
'Ille Daily Pilot has an
1mmcd1ate openini: for ~
PBX Operator. 20 hour:.
~r week. J:JOPM lu
7 •30 PM . Satur<.l a y
8 :00AM to 12 :\oon.
Tuci.d ays off. E "
pt-rit·nrc• pr<>ferri•d hul
'4ill traJn Salary rlilll!l''
from S3 <Wl-Sl.95 JIN hour
Exct·llt•n L C'Om pan'
hene f1ts. Jo'-0r i.p11mnt
ment for 1.11lt>rv1ew C":1ll
642-4l21. ext. 277.
330W. Bay St.
Co6ta .Mesa
Equal Opportunity
time, for Newport lkh
club. Exper pref'd <:nil
for appl, 645-5000 ext 520
Part time position im
med available. Mornmi:
hrs 8 12:30. Prevaouii
PBX exper. typing &
front offiC'e apJICarann~
rPquired. Xlnt benefit
package Call for appt
_ EqualOpty F.mploy~
Stead y JOb for r1 ~h l
pt>rson. Profit i.hcsnril!.
~roup hc•alth Apply in
pen;Qn. Lloyd l't·:.t ('on
trol 51i6 E. Over l<d San
ta Ana. ·
In med. bld g. pharma1·y
M·F. 10-5. 640..6564.
PIZZA & DELI 111'.:l.P ER.
M/F. to 3.00 d ;i1Jy. Tarto).
Pizza & Deli :1Crllt2 Crown
• Valley Pkwy . Lag111111
Pool maintenance. P /'I' to
s tart Salary o pe n
Some exp. pre f. ind
~tripping, photo & layout
funi:tlon5. 4 day~rk wk
Computeri7.ed machine I
yr exp pref. 4 day work
Collate & package educ a·
tiooal material. Will re ·
quire lifting of heavy
boxes. Wlllinl lt> train l oper forklift.. Exce llen\ wortdDI cond. & benefits
Incl dental plan. Call Pw.onnel dept, 546-7
for appt. E:qual op-
portUDl\Y Employer
Print ~trainee must
type 40 WPM, 3.13 3rd St.
"~c .... , ..... Annually l= ........... Annual.1)'
Apply at The Employ-
mmtlsTrainlnC Adimin.
of HunUnlton Beach. saa lb&D St. H.B. unU .... ., ...
Elect r nn1t·s m nf.i 1:
~111g a l'h·rk fur 11ur I
per..on rt•l'CI\ 10$? <h-Pl
Exper in re1:t·1 vm~ func·
tions t.fl-sin'<I, ul11hty I•
t)'JX' helpful.
Job 1s <'urrcntly 111,·a tcc
in lrv1rw . hut ~111 h1
mo v 1 n j:I t '' I. a J.! u n : Reach
We Ctffer ~oud JJ <IY &
l>enl'f11i. call fur 11ppt P1•r!.onnt•
Oe11t T1•l11nH' lkrkelc} 7141~ ~UI E 0 fo:
tu.'<'Cpt / O..•nl<ll rlt•x1bh
position. Opl'lt fur· 1m
ag1nut1ve pli:::i:-a11l in
d1v1dual Bu:.y offi1·f'
l~vious l'XPN Typin~
s kills. hookk1.•l•p1n 1?
552-ti:t:rn o r leav1
messai?l' S.'>2·K22S
Our compnny h :a•pkin~
a ~ualtfi1,1 1•nthuswst1c
re<'c1Jl t11111-.1 1yp1. I wit t
th{' <1b1llt \ 111 answ1·1
pllOnt·:. fur-multiple l'"
1•rut1 vrs S-a I :i'l'y t•o m
m c n !. u r a l 1• w 1 t t
!fUallftt>atlons . • M nr
S<1 Cnasl Pluza Cul
llunllnj,1.un Beach firm
has need of rN·eption1st
Bu o k kc-e pi n g bu t k
ground helpful G rowth
potential for those wh1
wi s h to a pply
therno;t•lvl'l" Lookin~ for
oulgolJl(t mdivi<luul (•on
la(1 &rhura. 9W :.!441
Het'ept1nrust , law 11ff11•t•
l.Jt.e tyµml(, proofr1~al..lmR
a irport are a . NU
Receptwn1st wanted tor
Dr's office 1-:xcellenl
!>a I a r y E '< pc ri e n n ·
helpful hut no t
necessary Shorthaml de
Sired. Must be ahle tt·
l}'JX." fjO\\'pm. must lik1·
people. 1-'rmi:r bcnC'f1t s
Good curccr opportunlt.'
/\pply 111 858(i Warner
Ave Fln Vly
R4>l'<'pl1omst part time.
ltt,e typi11~. ~1•n office.
tclephmw Sta rt S:l 511
Ne~ol1abll' h o ur!.
5119.0049 ---
RecepllOn 1s t I /\s s 1st ant
or pa rt·llme Prt'f. f''<
per In So Or:in~e <.:o
495 2(H2 fir H61 ·If>,')!!
Recept1on1st fryp1:.t. At·
curate t v p1 s l, min
tlOwpm , goorl office
skill-; 549 17tl7
Receptionist/General Of
fice. Telephones. good
typinJ: essential. Pac:lf1t·
Skip pe r Magazlnt•
64.5-IGll ------
Recept1onist Sharp girl.
Diversified dull~ ror ex c1tm~ Orange Co Mag
Start 1mmed. S600/mo
Mrs. West. 957·8522
Receptionist 10 t o :1
S harp typing skills
phone personality. front
office. 644-2507 Robin.
Receptionist Insurance
Agency Newport Beach.
Responsible for answer-
inll phones & other
clerical duties. Typing
req&ared. Posslblllty for
advance m ent. Contact
Connie 833-9550.
ltKtwtioalst P /R
Fee paid. Gorgeous cor ·
porate offi~e In Irvine
complell. Friendly fun
plllt"fl. Rush! S787. Great
benefit.al Also fee jobs .
call Mar y O'Connor.
540-5001. Snelling&Snell·
ing of Newport Beac h
Agency, •340 campus .
l 6 Fmhion lsa-d
~wporfleoch 646-7715 wkdys_· __ _
Seamstress need~<.I for Hestauranl C:i:.h1er part swl loft t-;xptoncnce pre·
llm•· Mon l·'r1 t I ipm fnred. fi31·4600/646·5ll06
.l;u·k. trv111t· L'lul>houst·. ------
7~..a 7:-l(JO Jrt i SEC /llCKPR
for r. OC airport a rea.
Oays 714rS49-8.173 t:ves
7 H 18.'ll· 9fl28
Restauru nt 1-:x p .-r,
rnatur1• M 1 F fnr M:•m1
fa."t food o;n \'1t·t• Uay!t &
1•ws &i.Hl:!IO
Now h1nnJ( for purt·ttmc·
opt'Jltni:i. Vur) In!! day:.
& hours . l11t-al s up
plemcntal mcmnt• Mu:.l
be ll:l & m 1·r Apply tn
I.IC~ an) t1m1•
21<li'\..i W Oc-1,anfrnnt.
Npt. Ht·h, 673 1:W"i
Ne.«i exptor s:ill'" person
full ltml'. N R ar1•a Call
fur appl 642·2444
PMt Celfttrot T raintt
Ste.Wy Jr>h for r&!!lll
person Profit. !.hanni;:.
group health. Apply 1n
JX'rsoll. Lloyd Pest <.:on
trol. 566 Dyer Rd. Santa
1000/o FEEPAID
Major 1tro'41h on ented
tran?>port fi rm nl'cdh
sales person c111>:iblc of
stronA mP.nt Super start·
20K + hcncf1ts & c·~ r
Oegr1..-e + tram.port bk·
NB. 9'2«>0. 714 9:;5 ~~ _
SalCS·l!tude nts work p it
now f It durini: :.umm <'r
vuc. be nt•al & rc•habll'
Car& phone m·t· 5!>7·9988
~o;tabl.Jshed & c•:<pandmJ.!
l'hem1rnl t·o. n<.'CrlS c)(·
pl'ric ntc•rl indus trial
:.aks Jll•rsnnm·I W(• (1ffrr
a cl\an 1·c on ro m
m 1 :-. s 1 o n s , m a j 11 r
mc<.11cul, ga~ bonus pro
!(ram, managem1•nt np
pun unity If ) ou an· ;c
i.d( starter and ha' c pro
ven ab1bt1es please rail
21.3/641 ·401 l.
Sales. Jlow would you hkt·
to make $100/~IO wk.
Pllimt• or f'/t1 mt'
II o us c h o I d I t 1• 111 i.
!!48· 19119
lntcresl in inll'nor de
sign or a rt 1-'T. PT
$20·$25 hr W ii I l r a 111
<.:all Ms Bunte, 848 9378.
HPM_. _____ _
S a leslad y, pt timt'.
matur<' & e'<per only
22:!3 W Balboa Dlvd
1\red of just makin~ o
living? We are looking
for ambitious sctr
motivated individuals to
serve as accounL<i reps.
Nationally distributed
product. Room for ad·
vancement. Call between
10-2. Mr. White s.4().4023.
Pos1L1on for iln cnt'rJ,lelit'
yet mildly d1?>J)Os1t 10nt•d
tndividual with xlnt typ
tnJ.l s kills (8.S 90 WPM >.
i.h<>rthand helpful Will
t'U-Ordmate hllliiness and
pt.'rsonal t•alanders or u
dem anding Newport
Reach executive Must
ha\'e front 0H1cc ap
pcaram.-c. a 1:ar CS?>cn
tial, salary negot1ablt'
Call Bonny 645-6300 bl"' n
anrt booltk<>epmg skills to
progl't'S$ rnto a c reatn c
O <.: Ai rpor t area ad
nurustrator Jr you arc
ready to s trtich a nd
grow with a wanning
team call 833·7745.
Secreta ry /Bookkeeper
wanted. l ~irl omce. s ml
constr uction co, Ca po
Aeach. 8:ll-Oll93
Secretary •PT, Irvine. 3 ·I
hrs per day. SS.00 hr.
60wpm Call Roge r ,
We are an 1mPort <.:o. loc
Ill Fashion ts w t an open
mg for a sales sct'rl'tary
Math aptitude h<'l pful
Xlnt working cond &
benefits . Ca ll 99'1-3700
ask ror Jenn. ------Secretary wanted for
lrvllw based company
Duties lo inl'lude· typ
1ng, riling, ma1linl!.
t ustomcr servi ce . &
masc orr1ce d u t ie s
Salarv 11ei.tol1able
714154(1.:;u:J.1 /\sk for
Secretary · <i1rl Frida y
Experie nced. m ature.
good o rf1 ce s k1lli.
Permanent P:irt Time.
Mon· 1-'ra 4!19-40ff7 aftn
$1000-$1230 per mo.
Do you like challenge ~
an opportunity to b<.> in
volvl'rl with d ynamic
people & projects " If you
have a sales back~round
& secre tarial s ki lls
Coastlin l' Commumty
College <a n innovative
rollege) 1:. intl'rested in
you Xlnt fnnJW benefiti.
include major medical &
dental for you and depen-
dents Apply by June Isl
~o HIM COfllmllftity
Calle9e 1370 /\dams /\ ve. C M
E.O.E .... M/F
cheer ful , exp 'd In
dividual w /stronl't typing
& s horthand talents
wanted. Apply in person.
w /r esu m e lo M r .
f)Jentes al Robert Bein,
WiWam Frost & Assoc.
1401 QwtilSt. N.B.
Secretary Junior-Are you
S A 'ES ' a career minded & self ~ motivated person ·~ We New territory position want your enthusiasm .
open in 0 .C. for person w e are a young dynamic.'
w I exp . I n s a l e o f group of sell starters who
switches, relays, eircut are interested in results.
breakers & passive com· we pay year end lncen· ponen~ for a rapid grow· live bonuses & 11ive you
ing e l ectroni c d is · the growth opportunity
tributor . Will consider you deMrve. Impress us
trainee If person has with your comn.tence electronic back ground. ,... Repl.y ad s12. Daily Pilot. _ea_1_1 V_i_ck._i_56-_3_1_8S_. __
Relief RN, .dys. Newport PO 8ox 1560. C<>11ta Mesa Secretary
ConvalesceQt Center. ca. 92G&. EOE M/F . Sale& & markt!'l.lng dept.
LB!laperior Ave. NB. s.a. penoo. FT position baa outstanl'lng op-
• in retail hardware store. portunity for self starter US lflnlll No Sundaya or eves. with a dynamic Data
Qwti .. omceneedalor H.W. Wrllbt co., l26 Proceuln1 Firm 2n'-Penona for ,.. Rotb ..... St.,C.M. 1~lalJ1ina in dental lidlllltiaJ Ir commercial ...:.;.:..;.....:.;;..:..;........;..;,____ Mr\'icet. Lookln& for ao-
Hle. Convenienl N. B a.lea penon wanted a1· meone who baa 1ood
location . Generous o-tve, full Ir part Ume. Yer b al s k 1 l Is It
eamm. aptit. Will traln. Good co. eecreta.rtal experience. ft.AT A I.I. bmeftta. Apply ln person Smd reawne or pbone
& .. • --... llm-llul for aptlt. interview.
HSWLwww BrANDARDSHOES ' 611-49'0 lln75. Briatol,C.11. DENTAL PRACTICE
a.u wttll EASE! lt'11BRl!ZE Q-"'ed Ada Ma.5178
2111 rairview Rd.
a.ta ll•a, Ca. 82al ,. 714,.......,nt.235
~-ltllpert lypial.
Mlwer ~. liOIOe fll
lat. Talbert /Ootbard .....
Put tl~-· to t. type 70 wpm, Sm. • per hr. lrvine.1117·W'1
Wor1& fQ( ~amic faal rrnwlnt real 'elllate
1n1rnc\al <'Om p a n y
N..wport Beach. Yu h100
Island. <.:MU 7~-1511 ask
Center Law Firm, in
teU11em·e. good s kills &
pnor lea•l e xpe r re quand Call Ruth Brazer
Sec l'l'ta ry
ExecutJ ve $(i(orelary
fOt' pr('81denl of M aJor
ltca.J ~late developer
1-:x ce llent benl'f1ts
Shorthand Re q Ex
l'<'llent opportunity for
self m otivated .in
tilvuJual. 957-8191
Long and short term as·
s1gnments Holiday and
vac ation p ay .
llosp1tuli zalion plan
''""""'''"(~AM• h .t.UV'Ll .. •
3848 Campw; Dnve
(/\1·ross from
Orange Co. A1rpart l
Equal Oppor Employer
Assistant to 3 VP's seek
organiwd self s t artt>r
who types fiO wpm &
i.horthand 110 wpm :i
years expericnrc. Sl:\.',O
IX'r mo. + benefits. <.:all
John 1714 1536·2521.
l ...t ..
E•pr'd . fauned. op·
portunlly . Yu II or = Npt .Bch area.
Teacher • Pre-S chool
Certifltale or ex·
perience. Afternoon or morning hours. 60-8821).
Montessori teacbin1
position available for
Montessori diplomaed
t e a c her. S ml San
Uemente school. Call for
a ppt . 9AM ·l 2 d a ily .
needed for pre school
Benefits ~2676
Wo rk P /time 1n our
telephone s ales room
<AMIPM shifts) and still
have pleasure time for
yourse lf. W ag es +
1:omm. Call £or details.
SOLJCITORS. •1 dy wk.
5PM·9PM, no sell. no ex·
per. S200 mo + bonus.
Newspaper subs . Your
phone, 4 to 5 hrs a day.
S200 & up comm. wk
E.xp. pref. O\'i.'r 21. 1.0
Newspaper Ent. 83S·G453.
I toJPMOnly
Tow Truck Unvers ex
per'd Top p~y /\pply
1;&w Tuw1nl!. 740U
(.Ihm'> Way. C.M 642· l252 -----
Tramet.-i., no cxPt•riencc
Del.'(.':'!!>aty l't1 anufUtt url'
11( opl1t·al l'Om ptJnenb
Ii :.JAM·3.301'M 2 Sab.
prmoovt·r11me $.3 50 hr
Located <.:M. 646 o<!OS
t I
*•"•~.. ltfO Wi.a~e aelutlon of low Uprlsht II ark .. eteer-•ff•••••••••••••••••••• llf1C~. furniture . Some Relrig. $400 l American
FRl:IGHT DAMAGED Eng1ia11 an~t.tea. Bedrm Food.llicer iaoo. 87~1556 Hal'POINT SALE. 3308 aeta, annoares, marble ·
W. Warner nr Harbor. lDp tablel. cry11. tal chan· JoUU family membenhi ...
Sama Ana. m.2921 delier ti t 18th eentury Newport Beac:h TerulUi
Wshr/Dryrs/ Refrl1s . wortdDI or not 957-8133
BARGAINS-Used refrigs,
b.lys, we serv. appl. Best
~· ss.-0911. S36-4330
braaaclock. Club. _,or best offer.
839·91.23 6'4-2829or644-3DO.
Game t.ab&e set MSC>. Sofa. Ladies Schwinn bicycle,
love seat $311(). em. lthr. like new •. Honda Trliil
couch $450. Emes chair 70 street bike. xlnt cond.
S 14 O. SM . d s k $3 O. _:75.:...1::....:-8181:.:.:..: .... · -----
!11s.<NTI. S G& SIMI DrwM
wi pour spout.a. S7 ea Nice Refrig for sale. GE. 7• sofa. good rondilion, 6 Kelvmator refrig. 17 cu
Bestolr. F.ames dine tte chairs , ft,5yn;old, wht, likenew
642-8979btwn 6·7PM Makeolfer. 675-5373 SlSO 964·!i293.
Wu bers/dryers,
Best Appliance
Sales & service
536-4330 536·0911
1975 May tag electric
dcyer. $100. Good cond•·
tion 968-7362
Good Condition. S60
Game table wt 4 uphol. 1 King size Beautyresl chain; 1225. Pr grn velvet mattress, sso. 1 Dbl bed chai~ _550ea. 644·7205__ mattress. free&M-2119
Must sell! Woodworks Two tickets Indy 500 E11
Dinette set. 48" rnd: ta· t."Cllent seats . Call after
ble w /4 wrought iron SPM. 759·<816
c·hatrs. rus t nagoh ------~-
cushions. s har p , hke 8a11Po1nt. marker pens . new. SS75or less. 979-7129 Save to 50%. Office.
afl 4 ~ home, bus. Fast mail or-
Queen SI LC bed
-de r . price sheet. Ke n
Port.er 536-n.7
Mclane mower. Mc lane
O'K & M ",as stovn, Xlnt Dlrung Room set a>o. 11 ~ " " of coe;t> Like nt•w.
Uu e.4211'
Mu..;t Sell' BEAUTIFUi.
<.:hancse ObJeCts. Rare
l-'1i::ur1 n cs , RuJ<l s.
1-u nuture, Screens. 1-'inc
J ewelry . many m bc
t'Ofld. appr40" wade ~P 673 1464
broiler. too. 640-9089
SALE Reconditioned re·
rarushed, like new. L yr
guarantee. Your choic1'
$149 ea. None higher.
Sale ends June t Ap·
phan~Town 5S4 5432
GEIPc nneys was h e r .
dryt:'r <elerl Many o p
lions. )..('SS than 2 yrs Qld
New $600, will sell pair
lur $300. 661·604H 1
834-5461 ----El('Ct n c dryer . perfed
l'Ond1t1o n Sl 2!'>.00
4!-16-6714 after f1V{'
'41lb 2 huge drawers. dhl
door cupboards & pull
out dl'sk . enl1n· kid~
room in one p1e<:c. $75
3 Pc Sc{'ttonal sofa. coral
brocade. Xlnl cond. Mt
JPM, 751·8945
Geroge Sate 805 5 .....•.........•.......
. Unique pvt. instruction
by 2 educ·aled & cxper'd
CdM women. begmmni.:
new concepts an s lim.
mm~. tnmmang, tonin~
stemman~ from ba!'lt·
J(rnd an dance, gym
nasties. rec: therapy & 10
yrs. of inst. Will v1s11
your home by appt only
Ask for l'cnn .• m :-, .. 7077
1•arty mornings ur lall·
•--------THAVEL /\GENT nct•tlcd 1n s ales of ··acat1 un
licydft •••••••••••••••••••••••
J Childr en's Sch win n
bicycles, aJI work $25 ea
644 2119
~TATF-: SAU : Museum
quahty Jnl1ques tu pcsllo
fur1111ur •· Oak.
gcntlt.·mall!> ltbr .. ry. oak
Queen Ann d1111n~ set.
Vict on:.in sora. l'lctaant
c·arved i:uldC'n oak hdrm
'Ult(• from Vil l a 1n
Swedl'n. fo111t 1n~ suf.1
man:r items uf furn & de -
l'Qr loo numerou." to men·
I 1 <J n C a " h '' n I v Vers<lJlll':\ Apt lW JOO
Ca~ne y L Jnc. N .U
63H53H 10-lldatly
Must 'arr1 f11·f' 2 fawn
t)\'t-rstuffed c hr11 w /ot
•o mans Cus tom Solid wood bar, 3 stool-;, tncy·
cle. clothes. all hkc new •SECRET ARIES*
Secy/Genl Of'c /Rl'l'fl
~"('gen ofc.mnfl!
1-'C i:cn of r rnnst r
Sll00-$1800 Ran~l'
Employers l'ay /\II f"c•1•s
Llz Reinders /\gent·y
4020 Birch, ~ta~ ·1;.1
Newport Beach, 833·8100
Person Foriday
f ee paid. Bea utiful of·
flee, lots of client contact .l varied duties makes
this a deli"ht. To S9.600
also fee jbbs. Call Mary
O'Connor, 540 5')01 Snc•ll
mg&Snelling of Newport
Beach AJ,len cy, 4340
Campus Suite 201
travel md'g crwses. FIT
tours. anln'I sales . Salary
& comm. Qualified only
nd apply 957-2700
Knowled ge re q u1 n •d
O\'er 18. ~uod future 1n
pt>t ~ore f>42·5522
40_ hr wc..C!k-appra isal
dept. in fine Jewelry
st.ore Some ruJ.!hts & Sat.
many <"<>mpany benefits
Ask for Betty Jewels By
Joseph, S. Goa.st Plaza.
DOCJ5 8040 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Ulasa APtiO puppies. 5
males, I fe m., 7 wks
~75·$325. 64-4'1.~595
Youn~ Female German
Shep. AKC. Champ hnt.-s
$350 tof r 661-0824.
uttle puppy. Blk Cocker
SpaoieJ. f'or Sale $150.
Xlnt Markings Shots
Ey~m. 900-45~
SprinJ,ler Span.it-I, H m(J:.
spayed fe male /\II shots
Gd rom pan1on $50,
C h e s apeaki.' Ha y
Rd.never, malt.'. l ' ~yr?>.
Obed t raint-d Gr eat
wl<'tuldr en. $100. 751 6f~9
~ 0 V I N Ii S /\ L E
lfnuseholc1 rum. fi xture".
nust odd~ & <'nds . I 15Z <.:ar.;oo. l'M 549~ 6 tn
8060 ........................
10 yr old Arab mare. by
1.ou'abo .SS..000. 4 Yr old
getchng by Real McCoy
S2..000 (714) 499· 161S7
Ha• 1h a6d Goods 8065 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Movin11 Stanll'Y dl>I bed,
mall. sprin~-; De~k.
dres~er. be d,pread s
P<'t'an K.in~ hdbrd. tnple
drt.'Sse r. twin mir rors.
DR table. buffet .
washer, dryl'r. rt>frt I!.
pat11) furn. m1 'lc. Cull
St ill unde r Warrantv,
tM0-5294 __ -----
l!I PC' :.ct watcrle l>i.
<'Ollkware. still an box, too·;. mone yba c i..
guarantl'e. Great for
woodlnj.\S & graduations
1-'or more mfo cull J an 642 <1723 ____ _
H1vet1 c r Mezza n 1 n 1·
i.tora~c sys tem. Approx
324 sq fl. w tst a-arw.it )'
Galvanized s teel deck-
inl!. de.agned for part. ..
st.ora"e. Call Scientific Drilling Control .
557·9051. Ask for Dave,
Hldm~ mower. 7 hp, used
4 hours $500. 646-1328, -
between _>_7~p_m_~--
lrvme IUcquet Club cpl:.
membership fo r s ale Rest off er. 833·242-1 -------·
4 new Firestone 500 tlrt.•?>.
l.R78-15. over 4'.l% d 1~
tounl ~~lJH. Unique opportunity af
fordinJ: di\ler?>tl)' a 111l
rhallen!o(e to :1 :.harp m
divadu:il. Ciuud P11y No fo'el'
Grl'at Benefits
Lg AKC re~. Gld n nc·a rly new Wa s ht>r /
lk-tm·ver nds mull'. :-.tud ~er t-:uropean ladll's f~·· or p1 1:k of l1llN btkc. ModC'rn oak 30xti0
··wturlpool" clei?ant are.1
nuz.o;. llx l4, grey:-., wht
rust S3S(J ea. lf'ss for
both (new $700 ea I This position r eqwres
good t y p in~ and
shorthand skill?> in add1
lion to ~cneral office ex
pl'rience and fam1lianty
with ab1bty to J!rccl anti
da r c•ct vi :-.to r o; 1s
fWJjG}J !n9-!H:I}. rlesk 640-26M.1 aft 2 -----Frteto You 8045 Jl"Wttry 8070 642-1242. f>.&2·67_06 __ _
••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Ura.ft.ml! machine & 40x7.!
We orrcr an C''(t't'lll·nt
sala r y and tomplc tc
t"<>mpany bencf1ts indud·
mg major nwdil'<i l an<.I
dental /\pply or ca 11
Monday. W~nesday &
tnday. 10 AM to I PM.
or 'f'ue!;day & Thursday.
l2Noonto4 PM.
t714J 540-6080
3952 CCllllpll Dri•e
Newport leach.Co.
equal oppty em ply m If /h
Top caliber Co needs
super typist t.o operate
Xerox 850 word pro
ces.'!lor. Exp. a must! Top
salary + benefits .
1400 N Bristol. "Suite~.
NB. 921680. 714·955·3614
Service gr eeting card
dept. in local K-mart. llP·
prox 1S hr per wk, Mon
Wed·Fri. Call John.
Experience wanted. at
once. Must have e xper
in sewing and handlin6t
people. Salary open. :1701
West. Carriage Dr .. S /\
T~ ory SenieH
'"-752-6666 Tustin 558-902 l
&Toro llY Apptl
Call 752·~·
E.O F:
Xlnt oppor to C'arn xtr:l
tnt'ome. Part-time up to
$1,300 per yr, plus othe r
btmeftts For full details,
& to find out 1f you're
qualified call N1\VAL
RESERVE ;152.:1524
To deliver Daily Pilot
bundlPs Lo earners. Il l'
'laarcs van or l~1rge sta
Linn wal-'(on and a good
dnvln~ rt!cord . Phone
642·4321 a nd a s k for
llarry Seeley or Don
Wanted : L1 vi.'·tn
Expen e nct:'d. As k for
Lynn 640-2326 _
Warehouse driver Must
havt' good drivm~ rc
cord. Position o pen 111
Free.fl mo Blark Lab. M.
l'uppy Good w1k11Js
Oan!'l:ll fMZ
'1 &wk old k11t~n:.. 2 .,now
wht & 2 who lnok likt•
~)'I~ L'!l\t•r 5.'17_ ~ t';'t•:.
Un 1 q u e Ca l 1 l· '' 1• .1 t ,
spayC'd, af(ect1onatc fam
Pt'l Must J:i\•c t11 J.liJOd
home, moving 5J6 ~>I
Frl'1• Baby kitten s.
trained Guocl w /dOJ.:.
ft•nrnlc l~ Norwe~ Elk
llound /Kl-eshond. N et•ds
yrd & affcoction loves
kids & d ol?s We ll
tramed. 840-424<1
!-'rec to good homt> 6 mo
female Lab 1<..:ollw /\II
shots&N.B. lic 640-0352
M Poodle/Terrier mix,
wht 1pcoch. Approx IY r
ro1.J375 -------Ad orabl e mi xbreed
i.horthaired puppies.
born E:astl'r Sunday. To
.:nod home s o nl y .
645-IJOO ---fwNture 8050 •••••••••••••••••••••••
For l(d used furn. anta·
ques & clr1V's 957·8133
our C.M branch. Apply I BUY
at The Earl's Plumbin~. * * * *
ts:!6 Newport Blvd .. C.M Good used Furniture & 642·17~. Appliances-OR I will
sell or SELL for You
Wareh o use/d e livery MASTBSAUCTIOM
person for party rental 646-16'• Ir lll-9625 store Full or Prr. Apply
:m5Newpor181,CM. 8' wtat sofa tuxedo style,
X·RaY Tech. part time. piped in bm velvet. Like & 10 hrs. per week. 4·5 _new _ _..;.SZIO __ • 640-__ 7049 ___ _
half days. Mon-Fri. For
Orthopedic Surgeon's of
rice Fashion Island
SEWING OPEi. Mlrc.._.ae
Haqing lamps: copper &
stained glass antique
w/swaf( S75. Cune ant.
gold ftni.'5h w /swag $12S.
Cr ystal c h andelier
w/swai $150. Patio swag
ligtll fixture $10. 640-7049 Exp'd .• steady. $3.50 hr •••••••••••••••••••••••
Diamond I 12cl O\'al USI.
awr $,fl()() Will i.C'll for
S7 ._.._., 54!>·574-1 C\'l'S or
MochiMrf 8078 .......••.•......•.....
HF:l.I HI'. Linde, 350
ainp. water lank. lon-h.
tahle. l'•-d<'s tal, xtras
"4.S.IFOO t' "' "'
8080 •••••••••••••••••••••••
from your business card
Send OOl' curd fo r each
tag plus unc spar<' WC'
r t>tu rn permant-nt ly
iwaJed allractl\·e l a I! &
stra p, mectm~ a irhnl'
I D requirements. P re
vent los~ & I heft 1 For a
personalized wg enclosl'
wallpapN, fabr1 <' or
.. Day tilo" PUPl'r & we
will back & tnm your
tag.'l Or try two cards
back to back. . PRICE..<\
S2ea or 3/SS
4/5tal'tS Sl.60ea
6/9tag.'I Sl.50ea
10ormore Sl.40ca
Sales Tax lnrluded
Draw your own or send
name. uddress, phone &
we'll make one card per
tag. Add 25'" each.
Send check or money or·
I' 0 . Box 1560
Costa Mesa, Ca 92626
1ahle. gx1
H:ilboa Hay Club l'ull
membe r s hip wantt•d
Q.111 64!'>·5()17
J..">llANGl:'llC BASKETS
/\~;,.o rt cd h a nJ(1n l!
has k('l S a nd p11tt 1•d
plants. ferns. donkc~
t;uls, i.pidl'r plants an\I
mon.> Some m clay poll-.
some· Hi.'dwood All th1r
ty f1 v1• S200. 644·1833. ------
PulS(.L--Wanton·· wrrncuP
Qiuldn 't believe lh.e si~n
I saw the othe r day
··Cofr('(' FivP \:cnt"." f
{!ave the wa1tn•ss ;1
rucitel. then I asked for a
C'Up. S he s howed m e
anothe r s ign. "WITll
CUP SO cents"
1011 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Books wanted. Clean,
hardcovers only. No lex·
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
Bird A v iary full of
parakeets, no tame to
care for them. Reas
O'Neill Super.suit. Taped ,._ & 0. ;111 1090
seam s . U sed once ••••••••••••••••••••••• doesn't ftl SllO. 541Ml256
Sl70 + small mo nthly ree.. Peggy, 960-43112.
Buy a Brimhall piano &
get a moped free.
So11th Coett Pie.ta Handsome executive 7~H12f up. 642-3472 .......... 1005
.:rplPIJ Dept •••••••••••••••••••••••
An.t lq ~ Au1lri a n . 1880
sidebrd, walnut, beveled
m irror. bubble &lass.
mother or pearl inlay.
rmrble top. SllOO. Eng
baby c:rtb lllO. oak. S400. Enc rocker lllO. burled
walnut, UOO. Will
bar1•1!!1 wlll bar1aln,
desk. 3116. oak, $195. ~~~~~~~~ Green wing back chair 49'7·2042or-49'7·3282 r:
wtmatching ottoman. QJntractor has surplus o1 ==a,:,1::"~
SlOO. 640-'1049 3 too high elficiea<!y cen· cuaaette tape player.
We you. If you wa nt
lt> work for a rapidly
ID'OWinl O.C. Mnfg. com-j)any_ t.fiat has 11reat co.
benellta "rut increue.
Call today if interested.
Deltronic Corp. 929
Baller,C.M. ~
Nice headboard and
pedestal. Brand new
~a beater. S17S
' &G-135tevea
Sblpptng Ctertt. some ex· nut HU. 8'J5.S5
per. he!p(w. Small mfg. ~ hand carved aofa. Kina alle bed. •· Twln.
plant H.B. Xlnt benefiu. Victorian needlepoin t m. DeUa (2), sis ea.
•ml fabric. '750. OtMr anti· ...;56'2..;__·GIZS __ . -----
SlUPPlNO Ir RECV'O , quea, W-MM J1ovin1 mmt Mil new Uv·
11 I r M a c 0 r e I o r ~=-tum. bdrm tet. vacMi. 1631 Placentia, Have 10metbift1 to sell! 2 , 2 bedl all xlm
C.M. Clauifl«ladadollwell. m-781
tral air condlUonera. IUOO. DNJer. 751-1121 Mult eell. You lnatall or
we 1.natall No reu. olfer PIANO SALi
rel\lled. Call T11-2(M() "-wal I ' srud. 2 yn old.
lll08. S...-6' I" 1rand. Aluminum sUdln1 dn 6 NIH. Jlecond • ..z.. re·
windowt, cuatom drpe flnlibed •rand .-296.
W/Yalancel.171-GC ~OID&;lf UPllOlBrERING·PleUe
call for free •Umata -, HB ..... . llH7TI
IRVINB COAST COUN· '4" Roeewood Kawai T R Y C L U B Gnnd. Must ~II S12,too.
MEMBERSHIP. M0-51.80 Dealer 711-1121
. --·---·--·--··....-....--... -·~ ., ... ··-~
' ·-tl70 ...... ..,. ...... .............................................. .......... ..w ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ... t74J..... ............ ~ • ., • ..w ..._.,.. M CWlV PILOT W!dfmm1 Mp f!. 1!?!
~.!~ .. ~~ ~.~ ........ ~ -r:;::;.~-,400
1 J Wave Tool, 1ood » llQ• claM cruiato1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• eond. m. Trade ror bl& •loop, • tra d lllonal -vu-·~ bmrd, ·3073 w o o d e n y a c h l • n. ..,_... 1 •
2&a/Dl.-M500. :'!~.~~ I"' ....................... lllriMol t'CJDd, Sunbeam It s.turda_2 I 00-$ 00 ~. Harbor u1Un1. a A-.. gwy. . .fllw •
llta"-'f\&I a\" coklr TV z
yr warn nly . rree de
la\IWY 1111 14' 1186
ramily delight U do 14 •l1arbof' 8lv1f
w/t raaler k options Q)lita Melli
M4·0V33 aft 6pm or 146-1934 SM/Sun Alrtabk 19 In l'(llor 1V «Int «.'Unit $17~ )46 02e a · Excllllbw' sloop, 2 00111
~ 11\PrtWM OWOW. I m""..:Jo
19" fr :?.$'' rolor TV $11~ '73. I
t'aC'tl :l yr w .. r "'77 C't1Wt"r 3U + dodr NU ~·S34tl S.Cnflt't' 1142 W?~
!J" color T V •• I )' r war ur ll&u .. C'.1tt w trtr. 11400
&U·M<M) l.-lwl ottC"r S48~87().~
~" l 'olur t'OCL .. Olt• TV
~ l\lcrt•o, ~l!I ~ION
.. !!!!~.~!'! .......... .
G1e•:d tOIO •••••••••••••••••••••••
t-'11>\or.:lus 1h11.:h y "1111
Zl' SANTANA llull onh
Mold rcJt'l'l $.'Oo l'h
~ 91111
"''"1n1· fll\)hlr $':!111) I tl (I l' r I II cl It' ' .• I •
ICJO.\ll'il t.'\ ,., Yt' T tl to: tr.11l<'t fl .!~
loah.Maritte l'ru1g t.4 1 l>h>IJ II.I\''
81a\ll>W\llt AM /l'" a I 1• r1 -.J
ca'lt'tb• w11ujto n ·111•n;1"
1170 F\1.11 RMW 8'15 ~7
i\OVF.RTIS t-:ttS
T.hf' prtC'(' "' •l •'"'" adv1•rfi,,t•d IJ) "'h11•1t•
dt'l61r-r·., 111 lht• \l01\ti•l1·
t'l11 .. -.1r1t·f1 u1h ,·rl '"11111
f'fllumn" dot.'tl Out 1111'1111!1•
uny »P1>h('•1lill• t J-'l'"
flr11nM•, ltUnlifrr f,.,..,
ruw11·t• chlcr~'"'· f1·1'll '"'
.. ir pollut11111 n111I rol ch·
\ h'I' t't•r1tf1C'JllUl\b Ill 1t1
J lc•r doc·umrn1 urv 1>• 1•
purtttwn r l\11ti:1·' 111111•,,
ulhcr"'IM' '111·1·1f1l•tl h1
Uko Hd\tt'M IM'I ... ,..... 9010 ~IM)cH..., &: "kOlli-
••unu•uuuu•u•u CLASSIC WOODEN .......... / llAUTY Oilluks 9520
:{>'OllNES~'J NK
I r11arroh• 1•ocktJ 1l y ,u·ht
llnnk~ :!.'i. :.t1•ctllt It
fully ~alh•y, :.huw1•r
I 'erk1m. tl11•,1•I t'n)(mc
Sllp With lt•UM'
t Yl'itr ruel :.upvlY SZ7.~11trad(• h41\.9000
A11dersoo's Yad1ts
llohw Cat tratll•r. Sl75.
SEA<iUl.L 51 :·hp. clutrh .
lg shaft. S!W'i 751-1)272
tlys. 642 IG:Sll l'\lt'S -loah.Pow~r 9040 ................•..••••
7H Scarah :i:111 TS out. rtn'vt...,, X.'i hour:. Lc•atkd !
·~ mph plu~ Stort'<I un
t ratlt'r ~lu~t :.t•ll bt· ... 1 nf.
546-12001 wortd
A'>k f•1r Jerry Perk in~
Hoal '>:tlt"iman for l'hr1~
('raft & Wrlkrafl vaC'hl
:.alt>:i C:Jd 11111 Alh!.11n.
Nc"pnrl float C1•11lt'r,
1'4.'l 11015
:! I fl 1<1·1111•1! I" II I !r7f1
r r;11 Ir. '11 ·, ::.111 , 11110
~ 7ftl>iill.Ui !~lt:k
l 'hw1~t· ul ~·111plvy1111·nl
lon•1·:. :.ulc• u ( 111 \ :I!!
Ya"I llwlt by t-~uro1><•u11
1·rufl:>ml'n A ~at•rifu•t! di
$!5,1100. Call 67:1 3193
Docks 9070 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Y AC Newport f-.4tl·ll551
Te map iwtotion ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9110 •••••••••••••••••••••••
C·l52. $111 C-172. $21.50. + otht•rs Stud cnls
we lt-o me . 5:J!f-4252. 54~·2203. ---~Sohl 9120 ..••.••••...•..•.......
Ii' Cab I bgh Ca rnpt'r Shell
Glas!> windows . 1''1bcri:ls
$150 842. 1 ffffl
Camper sht'll for 1'-1 too
p u $29.5
DA MAGED o\l'rntb
cumpcr for r1·1n11r or
s ul val(t'. (iood ap
pll:in i:c:. & 1:xtras
S250tbcst urre r ~~ 27!H
1.1· l!ll'WI lt1\Wl.Ell
FortJ I lit''l'i 7" WC 111.111
l•:\1•f\ "' :11l<rlth• 1·•1 r .1
'>itp "Ith fl'a~I'
~~s/ ' Sc 9150
I .,,,.,,r r11d '"l•Jll'
'l>l11:'>,l•~r 'Ir.ult• 1.111 !MrfHl
\111l1•r,ttn ' Y ar•ht'
I lrt.·111 lor nn'.tn I •~htnJ!' Vi',. l'Jl11n" 1i11 tr:11l1•r
-n5 ~:! l;f;(l1, IMi Cil l:J
SEARA Y-1978
:::!' l'mh1y <'uhin Low
hr..,, fud l'ff11·11·11t 1~11
1·•11: l)li:1tal rll'pth finrln
VII F .1n1c11nu. i.IC•rn gc
1•\r (\otllx tr:.111 n )!hl lrlr
S I 3 ,000 firm.
i:'i!• 01 t I all 7 or on
SJ\T SllN.illd:iy
l!fl7 :!!fl lJ<111 t'ru1:.cr 41l0
V11rtl llt:rkJt·y .Jet W lla1>1·
f11·ck & lanr11•m tr111lcr
~Al). )!).II ~!1-:lll l <!
Boats, Retit I
Chart"' '9050 .••.........•••.•••....
Soilinq LHSOf'IS
Sailboat Ret1tats
·~'ran~CflO Sa1 H m:1 7!JC!:I
Boots. Sail 9060 ....•.•..•.....••.•••••
·71, l.arw1·r l~ Bni,tol
1·ond M a1n .. I 1b. 150
(icnoa, Xtra:. ind S<il>ot.
S:tSCJO i'"'l rm IJays 7am
l l'm ~{}-!IJIO. 5·8,:JOprn
'75 I ii' ll Obll' <.:at
" tr<11lcr $1400. 4!>2 5740
or 4!-13-4!177
197:1TH ll !~l'll
750 Honn. 15.000 mr.
$1(J(MI !Jli3-!12:l:J
llonda Els mo rt' t-:nd urn
175t·C'. lo m1, xlnl cuncl (vl:>-:nss
·75 Kawasaki 4fMl·SL:1. xlnt
rond , 9500 m1 . $5~0 '
Honda 75 CUJGOT. Huns
Kood. $450.00 or bt!:.t
oo-4273 As k for Slt'Vl'
MotorHomrs, Sale/
Rent/StOI oqe 9160 •••••••••••••••••••••••
fH:NT Luxury Mo tor
ho m e 22' P alomar
Slt*ps 6 S250/Wct•k 1--
!tml. 640-858.5
HENT 23' f''trU:UALL
ltEASONABLE . 64S-2283
Trailers, Tra•el 9170
:>Aft Nomad StC. Must bt:
rnovcd. C.11 1 a ft ti
76 Tl'rry 25 ft Stl'. s lt•tps H
l1k1• new, Make orltr
Trailen,Utiity 9180 •••••••••••••••••••••••
$350. 559-8296 ---~ Senice, P«h & Accnsori~s 9400 •••••••••••••••••••••••
46 FOIWWOOl>Jt-:
t"Ull) rcsturl'<I' $1 :J,OCIU
675 tllll t
'79 MG TD
BRANl>Nl';W ~
Your cho1<'l' of bcuu11ru1
black or clc~unl r hum
pa~ne, thesc arc rur1•
da."51l'S not to bt· founri
elst'when• 111 On1ngc
County Lc:8ltwr mterwr.
wo ud dus h . AM 11>'M
Sl l'rt~O f'll!>Sl'lll'. J,:la~~
::.1de rur1a111:. highlight
this tollt·ctor ·~ 1t('m's
features. Mus t be !>Ct•11 t11
be appn•c1alt'<I
Uflll Beath lllvd
lllTNTINGTON Bt-:J\l'll
L>11tsun lliOO Houds t t'r
·~1 Che\ly 1 ~ T. s hort bell.
ne"' lire:.. needs t•ng
work. 551 5435 usk for
S<'Ott. 9i00 h~t oflr
·52 (.'r o,l cy S 1 W .
Completely rc,.torcrl
50mµj.(, dally drt\'l•r
S3450 Gary .1142 !11107
4 WhHI Dri•~s 9550
•••··········•••·•·•··· MtJSTSf':E'
'78 JEEP CJ7
11,ffi:l mtll's Sort top.
V·8. aut11mat1r, power
Sll'Cnni;:, AM 1FM ~11•rcc1
tape, Tac•oma's with
ovals lli1Clb"'7 I r W!IV /\,\ l
Punl111r GMC
:!lOl E l~t St . Santa 1\n:i
1714 15.'ill 1000
Trucks 9560 .......................
'72 Oabun p1f·ku1J, .:wd
lire:.. l',1m1wr ~ht'll On.:
r 111f'lt h etl.!l'. H1•ally
Clt'an $211110 Fi rm .
t5 Pickup 27.4112 n11 lc~
V-8. 4 speed. rxiwer ste<'r
1n j.(. mai::s 111vals
!IHl.:l!llf IK78W41
Pont wt"(; Ml'
21•(1 E l~t St . Sant.• /\lilt
(7 M 15.'>H 1000
'71 Uuli.un 1ru1·k w
ramper o,hell. r1•hll
motor $1600 r~12 2434 ;,i~k
fOI' Don. f\45 9502 CV('!>
·57 ctwvy hyclrornat11· Ii
ryhnder l rul·k ,\:. 1:.'
S7!., •offer !>1~· !J21 I
'63 TR4 ~ng & 4-s pd. '68 ·75 Chevy '• T l'U. hkL'
'1'11u.k your rild :-turf fo r Cortina l'n.:. & auto lll'W. w camJ>t.'r. reg J!a:..
111'"' i::oc1dtl'~ with a lrans.2k9part!> 499Z7m
''l:r,,:;1lled ad frli! ~i7H 549·174fi Tral·~ -Recreational
9510 VehicfH 9Sl0 ·••·••·•••······•·•···• ............•..........
1t1' G--C
VAN WOl'tl'fJ _...... .... _< __
=,t:"'tt0~1:;-1s" .. ,.._..,.
AU. PACTOH WAllMft'm ACC9'T19 I YIAI. ......... PIOTIC1IOtl
wmt It YW RtWICM
·72 1-·nnt p1t•k up F2;;(1 :ltifl
motor . 2 burn·!. Xlnl
t•ond New µarnl JOb. 1w w
''alvc job. 1-tood I in•:.
Call 549-3134 aft 5pm
'7fi Ford flarll'hero lot
m1leag1·. ma.::>. good
l'OOd. 540-17:~.
·73 Ford 1• .. T, 4x4, (i<IO<l
1'00dltiun. $4300
559-L:J.12 -----Vam 9570
····················~·· '75 PLYMOUTH
127" w heel ba s c , :;
passenger . v.11. auto
trans. ri'ht side slidm~
dr .. emission control
system, AM radio, new
white paml. 119.000 m i.
Sl.99S. Can be seen at the Daily Pilot. 3:.1 W. Bay
St .. Costa Mesa or call
Ci r c ul at i on Dept.
642-4321. ext. 210
'71 Dodge, economy 6cyl.
ne w tras, runs great.
bluebook is $1800/askinl(
$16(,IO. 64S·SOOO/ext 348.
1978 FORD El50 window
va n <privacy glass).
Uses reg. gas . PS. PB.
factory air , custom In·
t.erior & seats, Ice box.
sora bed, steel mag
wheels, AM /FM 8lrk stereo. Cobra 40ch CB.
13,000 mlles. Van cost ~~will aell lor
'83Qevywl.ndow van
New paint, tliOO ........
7 4 OOUGE N i\N 70,000 -..W t7 I J
ml. AMJFM. air. l"S/1'8~ •-•••••• .. •••••• .... ••
5 m 1Rlr-$11100/brat olr
II ~I< ,,... 1, K li ..\ l \Ur~
!l it 111'>·1Y I JJ!'> .
WE PAY 'f'Ol' 1>01.1.1\ll tut top Ulit~I 1'11rs fur111jln .
Junll.'lllJl'!I ur C'IJl\l;ll:h II
your t•11r 111 1·•tfh l'l\'Oll,
"'"'' Ull Jo'IHS1' I ~
u I I" Or .... C-"f
.!!f.!'1 11 1.11 bot Ill\ rt
\'I '!:''I ;\ M lo~ \
OJ.MIW lt79
Al.SO "'3.'k: Ii 1 · 8
l~ll toduy W~ may
haVl' t hl· pre·o wocd
UMW you urt• fU()klng
lll-2040 495-4949
•IMW '76 530I
l.11 1· u 11 y own tJ d &
.... ·r1111·1•d , 1>H·reo. isir.
1• o w ,. r s l '-' e r 1 n I!
t!Wl'Ctl l
611-l 276 lll-9l00
....................... ....................... ...................... . ..................... . ~MO .. .._.. 46K ml.••• Ir t770 a.,,., ttJO MwwL ttll 9IGO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... • •••••••••••••
t:ves.U.1749 "71 VW C'OftYert. Cham· GASSAVt:R '12Qil. Putt ..... wq. •MG~~~ . 1 .....-ltd. edit. Z7K ml, 71 MONZA =~•· ~~~~ded I
t • ........ speed. power ateering, ttl2 frY 1'\1111 ....,... areat lad. air. Ult. Alf /PM
SZIOOora:..lolrx117·29ZI '74Super Beetle. Sunroof. s te reo. raltye . )f,lta
...... t7IO 1tlnf conCI . -GoOcJ gas miJel. (IU45H 975U0 R)
••••••••••••••••••••••• rRleqe. a .. 400. 548·300l. $4966
'771.'t 1134. blk/blk. A<:. 8M,a10. • •J.C. FOITUNE =~:!:~~II ~l~:a~·: Vat.o '772 Pontiac-GMC
MPG. No dwn, T /0 l.se or ••••••••••••••••••••••• m> E. let St .. Santa Ana
buy . 8·6. 973·2077: art VOLVO {714 )551HOOO
'67 911 Red, bea utiful. SALIS, SBVICE
~~ fS;DI mite.. V-t , atAomaUc, power 11.eer~
I na . AM /Fii
*J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac·GMC ~ E. lllt St .• Santa Ana
(714 )SM-1000
Many edru . Engine re·
built & cared lor. 20. »npg. Sell by May 2S.
fl~tolr. mo 642·SMS. AAl's. David. IEAILEIKE
1966Harbor Blvd.
646-'103 540-9467
'74 Musta ng 4.cyl. 4ap, toOSo.CoeatHwy. AM /FM c a sa, g ood
'71 914. Show rm cond .
Many extras. must see!
$'700 586-64 71
·72 914. AM/F M cass
stereo. xlnt cond. $4200
556-7495 -----
il 911.S Blk on blk. s spd,
alloys. Anzu. rblt cng. &
trans. IBOOO. Must sell
552·331lJ ~ves
Largest Volvo Dealer
in Orange County!
~ le-91 trans. ruoo. 536-8577.
1:~;;;;~4t~4-~l~ll~I~~~ ·77 Must, V·8 eng, only 71m ml. radio. AM /FM
tape player. A/C, P IS.
t ,r ~ r ~':-.: lr ~~ t ~~~ :; •J P/8. 96000. 963-5058
·] "#; .. ~.-Gli1·0 a.-bit• t955 •••••••••••••••••••••••
'tB Okl's Delta 88 immac.
IW/bcst offer
. • • 6.11·!>575
Capri 971 S '77 911.S Porsche 15Km1. ~
••••••••• •• •• •• ••••• ••• _Sun_roor __ · -a-llo_y_s_. _A_M_t_F_M_, ~·,·~v.t =-1~~.·~ '7ti t'.ipn 11 v K. lllnt <'ass. Mat. Blue, xlnt. T
('\llKI S!.4!IO l..0 1 m1. 499·2Clll
l i.c-cl t '.11 ~htr
1011 "so" & SOX
~,. -.....-.-..
.... & -, .. •AUii\ __ ,_,.
9957 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Econ o m1 cal 4 cyl ,
automatic trans .. pwr.
s t ee ring & radi o.
<312TJ RI. cSlk. P38991.
!l75-().177 '77 911 s CPE io25 S. Manchester 21 .... c ....... Dri••
2626 HARBOR BLVD. c~pn '74. Vii 2800. Blpkl A 110 y s. AM I F M Anaheim 750-2011 .. __ ,_._
COSTA MESA sler l'uss. A/C, nu Conll =l stereo, Turbo OfllM 1 DAYS A WIM
WANTED! ~~/0~3~1~g3~~g dg::: ~enna~r a~~~·i>!~ec.w~~: ·:a~lv~1:C18:e~r~~~!~ 1~~~7~6~1-~7~~2~2~~~ $3618
I.ult' model Tuyolas , · 89'l-5810 dows.headlightwashers, new Pirellis, wire shls.
VolvOK, P11·kups N=Van:. cruise, s uper low m1 AM/FM ster, new d utch
'77 Impala, 4 dr sedan,
power windows. A/C,
AM/F M ~ t r ack, one
o wner. o n e dr1vt'r ,
freeway m ites $3300,
Xlnl cood 75 I ·4840
ROBINS Call u. ... today ~ Datwn 9 720. l..owered to European & exhaust. $2500/bst orr stance Excep tiona l 675-2921 FORD
""'•4'·003 or !>40-'4'7
Autos.Imported •......•.•.............
GeMral 9701 ....•.....•............
Can't Sdl Your l'ar''
Fur Clt•un U~ed Im port:.
Cull M1kl' or Don
835-l 171
25 MPG-ZS MPG ·n Lancw Cf>u~·. snrf.
maj:!!>. ;i c. llhr & ...... r.
fm Ii Irk s.'>000 l'.IJJ :!-Iii<!
'fl)~h & 111 top sha111•. ·1:1i
lntl·rnut111n:il .1 wlH·1·I
drl \'l' slalrun ,1•agu11
S2150Cash. lii:J·Of,:lH
AHaRomro 9705
••••••················· 75 J\lr11 l1<1 ~l·d a n l tiK
m1lt-s. AM F.\'1 ... 11•r1·11
Lupe. 1\ c ', run ... 011 rt'!:
must ~ell Ci75 ~11:17
9707 .....•..........•......
Sell or T 0 L . '7tt ,\ud1
!i(Ul. i:ood rond. :1.lnt mr.
s::rcal gas m1. 20mpJ.! lraf
ft l'. ~1-lfimpg 11p1·n roJcl
'n HMW 3:!01·Ular lo. "'lh
tan mtrn11r, .11r 1·ond .
Stl'rt'O ca:-i.l'lt(' & I>:--Ly
10.0011 rn1l1•.., • 1-::1.1·\·ll .. nt
e11nd1t inn ' :\111 .. 1 -.e~"
S9000 Pn pl~ Call
Salt.o:;-:-.Crv11·1• L1·a:.in J.!
Roy Ccrv~r.lnc.
Holl!> ftoy1·t B~1 W
154\J .lamh11n·1·
Newport Ktoad1 1>40 4>111
1972 l .O CS lnj.
Superh t·ond. 1rfft'r~.
l~rl 126l Ovcr:.t'as Im
prirt.s 642·0006
&I Sl 6 ttOAOWAY
SAHIA -"""
Ill( UlllMAll Ol<IVIN!. MAf.tlllll
'76200'.!S!ll t8!.NiN~ll1
'7fi5:nAS/H mt<!l'Vl11
'77 ~·L<;pd Sil< 11117!11
'78 7331 4.'iJXl 102.'iV l"Z I
'7tif>3.'ks1 Slit CO'JJVZI' 1
'78 320t 4spd t IOI UOH 1
Closed Sundays
850N Bcacn u1wJ
(At Beach & Wh1tt1cr I
Clos<."'Cl Sundays
'67 BMW 200C Spts Cpc
••••••••••••••••••••••• * z~s * .DISCOUNTED
..... .J 11 .J 'J. t 11 t d J Ii' 1 t t I\~ '
831-1375 493.3375
47 M miles. ·t spl't•d , 4
rytrnd•·r New paint . nt•w
lln..."> IGl060) M 18PllLI
:lOOll t:. tslSl .. Sant<t /\nu
l714 )558-11100
Lan,ie Sel~ction
Of All Models
540-6410 540-021 l
"WtJ lll't.'<I to bu\' l'll'an
Oabun u~ed ~ar~"
S Will Puy 'fop Dollar$
:!84511A RROR Bl.VO
540..6410 540-0213 •
";:1 240Z. 4 i.pd. lo<idcd,
mmt l'oncl. S411>0 Must
i.•·tJ 111 ••Pllrl'l'litl t.'
71 OIOZ \'t'ry ('ll·an lo11ks
good. runs ht'aut1full)
St11Clf1 2 13 ,:J65·fi6Uu o r
491 2117
Rat 9725 •••••••••••••••••••••••
75 1-~i;1t 101 Sptdl•r Con
H·rt Z7,<X,Um1. xlnt 1·ond
Ml5 wknds751-57 1K
·r. 131 S1 IVl'r " pin :.t np
LOADED' Lu)!g<1)!1·
r a 1· k U K m 1 • 5 5 7
9727 ••..................•.•
Brand New '79
To Choow From!
Honda Can • GMC
~.'i() Harbor Blvd
Costa Mesa 540·9640
MercecM.. 9740 •••••••••••••••••••••••
1!177 MBZ 450SEL-Onlf.
25.41i3 miles. s unroo ,
leather & stert.'O l' assette.
(481SMWl. For sale at
··Wholesale" bluebook!
Xlnt mech. new uphol. '77 450SEL. Brown, lo mi.
22mpg 6.5M. 7141752·6808 Xlnl cond 644-4201
'77 m . 4 spd. r ruisc run Spyglass_._C_d_M ___ _
trol. air . AMffM. no re .73 •"""!.. uel. xlnt. cond. asonublc ofr refui.ed """" ' 673-3441 ll}Kmi. $14,500
BMW 2800. '71. 4 dr. A/T ,
A t C. Ve r y C l cun
$3300/or best. 7Jl-560l. Aft. S call 893·8215.
l:l()N. Beach Blvd.
'b7 319 D Mercedes 10
pMSenger Diesel Bua. 28
mpg, ne w rebh en g.
$13,500. &M>-3255. David .
1.9712816L. tobacro bm. 2
tops, 77K mi, $13,500.
'64 zm. reblt en1. suoo
or best offer. 645-0519
'71 2l!O Coupe, Tobacco
brown wilb tan lnterior.
ftcellent cond. Must sell
IB)O. 640-1118
(~91 Dir 642·8366 75 4 spd. AM/FM stereo.
air, $3995 or bcsl offer
642-0348 '73. Monte Carin Landau.
mu.'>l i;cll by Fri s:.i.1100
COSTA Ml SA 642 ooro t972 Targa Sepia brown,
911T. air. Kunis. 5 spd,
AM/fM stereo rass . :ii·
toys. clean $!1500
642.8968 & 752· l l I I Aaltos, Used r1rm Xlnt t'ond. Man}
'76 PltilTO
:13.374 mrlt':. V ti .
dUtomallc, cu~tom ex·
ll'nur. lu~lo(dl.(c r ack
1tlll+llCl&>RIY I
••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • xtret.."'-. tii3·44 I;
19ti0 Roadster ronvrt bl, ~•••••••••••••!?~.~ Qwysler 9925 ~:~on~ 4;h~94~u mile;. 64 Rarnblt!r Arn1·n1·an l ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 dr.23 Ml'G.rw14 motor& Sl!Jll •~th• full pn1·1• for
Rot. Roye~ 9756 ures Rum. i:rtJal 1st $:150 th•~ l!liZ• lmpt·nal 2 llr S2866
••••••••••••••••••••••• td.k1..,..1l 77ti 511i2 Hun.~ grf'iJI :"-l'l'U~ hrak" #l DlALER IN U.S.A. work ~m211 *J.C. FORTUNE
'Ill J a veh n Rt.In:. go(Jd ·n ~l·w York1·r t 'll'<sn. 111
rn1 $1700 mk nf r
l'onltaC' CMC
2COl Jo: bt. St . Santa Ana
1714 1558 1000 IR
ROY Nt'ed~ intcnur "•irk
CARVER S35U11>est 11ffl·r 119-1 !J74:!
r ROLLS -ROYCE. Buick 9910 ContiHental 9910 ·74 Plnlo, hkc new, make
=~~":t" ............. .......... ........... .. .. . .. . . . .. urrcr
\'---.-J...OM-4• MINT CONDITION ~.i Mark l'v Loa•ll•d ' :<In• 556 0631-
cLmlD ~UNOAH '77 REGAL c•ond H1•1! 1W' Mu-.1 ltardtnp Coupt• \' Ii. Sdl. $.'),UOI) h1·~l orkr •73 Pinto Runabout.
·~19 S1twr \loud I automaue. p<•Wl·r ~l1·1·r 5.'i!l!l'~:l
$1!),IJ()c) mg, power wmdciw..,, Ian
SI 165
b46 l'.IO'J.1
!m.'"" "1•1 dau. faet. air. lllt. nut"\"
Toyota 9765 •••••••••••••••••••••••
urtback. 25.400 m11l'i.. 1
t•yl , autom:ilt('. AM F:\1
taPl'. nia~s. r<illl ttl,..
f28lSPTI tfi ll25l
G~t<.:· Ponliat·
:c!CU) £ Isl St . Sant a 1\n<i
1714 >5.58· IOOO
71 Corolla. good runmn)!
c'Ofld • StiS(> days 540· 7422
e\'CS 1175-!IOM
1978 C'orolla l1flbJc·k
radm, air. !i :,pd. lo mlg1'.
Xlnt cund (i(il-7583
1\M 1-'M :.lereo t.1p1:.
lcwks. 1·ui.lllm wh l•e l ~
:i :! . 2 I !I m 1 I ,. ,
fl:t()l31 l522R X 't' I
~ t: ISi St 'SalllJ \n,1
17 14Jfl.'il'I 11100 •
1974 BUICK
(.'llUJ>\' \'~. aulomJI I\
pv.T :-1 & IJrakc:.. a11
('Ond & \l n yl IUIJ
t7~VC01 IS1k 25'.l!l!St
COSTA MESA b42 -0010 'Ill Toy Corona auto. new tar~. br11kt·~. racJ1alor & ~--ballHY SI .20Ut11Hcr ·75 Centurv 1·u.<>tom l<lr.
545.().17Jd ys AC. pwr: radio. ~oull
'711 t.:orona ii spd. w / s un
roor. frn i:asi.l'lle. m;11.:s
S!5()() <.;11 II Brt•nt !'>lti 7405
·77 Ct'l11·u iltbk Air.
J\M1i''M l'ass . 5 ~pd . .:ood mpµ S4li\J01l):.l ofr
lfl:l-5."ii7 afl Ii
Tri..., 9767 •••••••••••••••••••••••
'78 Sp1tf1rl'. f:Jl'I ren10\ a
blc hrdtp. Ot l>. /\M f''M,
~ + T U f' !WI tlOa!I
'76Sp1tr1rc SuJ>\·r look in.:
2'!-34mpg 22.1100 m 1 Sk 1
rack. 13700 K47 ltil3
Valkswogeti 9770 • ••••••••••••••••••••••
VW · lluvm.: troublt• :.1•11
1111: your 1·ur·• Try u:. Top
dollar · Paid for or Nut '
Unn)! ~our l'ar lo .11m
Man no \'ul k:. WJ l(l'll.
11<111 llcal'l1 Blvd . llunt
m~Ofl lk'ill'h J\sk ror
Frank Munno ur Tom
'71 Y1•llow t'orl\'t'rt1bll·
lllij( Xlnt i;:as m1 Pr v
Ply. ~5 ti3!1·563.'l ----·73 VW bllj.! New rblt 1•n)!
:1omp~. rci:t i:us Xlnl
('Qfld. ~5 075.()()73
ml·Ch s:!300 955 2395
Bmrk Ht'~UI '77, l<!.001)
rm s , h1ad(•tl. hkl' lll'\4
CadiHoc 9,15
~ ~
Bdot odo Center
l(J(X) H.1rooi Blvc1 co~•·•~. 540-Q100
'71i VW bu.~ Mint rnn<l
Air. auto. AMffM. w.x
lra.'1. bm & wht w istnps 'Tl El Dorado Convt'rll·
39·M. nl•ed s noth ini: ble. Russet ext. w/bone
$5400. r P . 548 3882. leather int. Every opt.
642·9375. Xlnt cond. $3.500/Bst Ofr. 645-32m eves.
'71 VW 5qUAIEIACK 73 Rebuilt engme. new 1976 El Dorado. loaded,
brakes. !luper economy, good cond. Mus t se ll.
strong nmrung car. $4600 or off er 968-0290
$1450 ar bnt offer Late 1976 Seville w /1979
497-1961 ext. aU extras. l owner.
----------t absolutely m int rond .
'71 Convert. Xlnt cond. B!OO. Call 213/597·2210
AM/FM. nds new top. s:m>. Ph fi61·3946 '7' C,. • Vih Asllume payments Jo'ully
'88VW Bus . Needs engme loaded! 1LRD3111 Dir.
work. $600. 642-8366 675-1556
VW r Ccuuo 9'17
1968 • sunroo • runs •••••••••••••••• • •••••.
great .• SLSOO. '76 Camaro LT. 2SM m 1,
4W7·1CB4 FM 9'ereo. \'.8 a uto.
'86 VW, S700. Call Chris MMIO P.P.67$.2460eves.
_&M«D __ all_6_PM_. __ C1ww1•t 9920
ums VW Bus. gold w/blk
int, stereo, radlab . xlnt
cond thruout. $3200.
'71 Convt~t/blk, xtras. ZZKml, . Firm. P.P •z:m
••••••••••••••••••••••• AMAL 1971
on Camaros, Caprices.
Monte Carlos. Malibus 4t
Novas . Drastic r educ-
'-r.l Mark\ i;1\tnchv d~·
:.11:1wr o,cnt·~. m("ill roof
Ult. l'rtJJ!>1'. X Irk ldPl'.
lot.' of xtru:i :J!'>OO m1·:.
~I If~
9932 •.••.•.........•.•••.••
tM To Ch<KIM' ~·rom
HOWARD Chenol~t
lloH· &. QU<tll St:.
!'/F.WPOHT JH~/\l'lf
DodlJe 9'3S ••••....•.•............
<:ORt i 1-;m ·~
l'ui.tom 150 :-;htHI b1•'1
\ II. dUIOm.11 II' IJll" l'r
:>il'I flllL!. m.lj.!' II\ :rb
lJmJl• r .. 1r..i1 h1111 r
2K.H117 mtl1·~ 11'11111 1
1 llbl.">9Gl I
Ponl1a1· liMl' m> E bt St . :-,:r nt a :\rlJ
Ii M 1551! !0110
·71; Coll c; T xtr.i 1•ln
ma).!i.. du.ii 1111 liltr;it1011.
S!8Cltl firm ti-Ill :1115:!
9940 .......................
i5 Pmln St.n wgn. I'• s. P•h. 111/mt MoVIOI(. Must
Sl'.'11 $2 .400. lj75.42:Jg,
PlymD4dh 996C> ...........•..••..•.•..
Fury Custom
: Sl'.11 S1ul111n W:.i j!o11
Torquefl1t1• 1 r:lni.. \' ·H,
ltnl glai-'>. ··mt!'SIOllS
lontrol '\s tt•m . I. R re·
moll' 1•001 rol mirrors.
.\ C. automat ic. pwr
lJJh!Jlc wrndov.. & door
lud,... Pnn'fl lwlow UIU\'
!Juul\. ';f\,01111 Int Sl4l}5
l'dn bt• 'l'l'n al T he Daily
l'llnt. J.111 W Hay St .
ru .. 1.1 .\h· ... a o r ··a ll
1'1r• ula t1 u n De pl
t>l::!-IJ:!l.,.Xt 21U
1976 Plymouth
Gran Fury Custom
2 Seat Sta. w,,,..
Hltw mclalh1• w/hlue mt.
1\ C. AM1FM s tcrcu.
J utu. :.peed con trol.
l'nll "IS IOO::o l'Olllr o l
.,y:-tcm. t1nt1.'ll ~ta:;s. pwr
"1nd11w:. & lncks. Pnt't'd
ht-low blu1• l)ook 74 .9111;
1111 SIJ95 Ca11 be ~et•n al
lhl• Uatly 1'1lut. 3JO W
l\av St , <.:o~la Mc:.a nr
•«iii Crrl'ulat1on Dept
t»~-4321 , l'Xl 2111
'7S Fury Custoftl
Suburtaaft Sta W 91'
/\II extr as. P IS. P /B.
J\~1 ffM. AI C. rlocl<.
1•nuss1on control system,
V·>I. t'l l' . ell' 78.2311
mile~ Pnce Sl.495 Can
ht• St't'n at the Daily
l'llot. 3.'.Jll W Ray St..
C:o~ta Mc:.a or call
l' 1 r c· u I a t 1 o n D c p t .
tH2 5t;iH. exl 210
............. ~ •• o.-..••••••• t>n1-t Ownl.'r '76 Volare .............. c-·· , .. _ stan wugun Mmt cond.
.idr, µ ':.. p 1b. auto. air,
1l1RIFTYTRU\K! 21mp~. 26Km1 . $3,\195
'78 COURIER 6.11.2m Lon~bcd P 1rk u 1>. ~) Pantioc-9965
Spt>t.>d , AM 'F M s tt'rco •••••••••••••••••••••••
cassette. 12.345 m ilt>!> SUPER STAR
un i<tlii < Ll\197~1 ·7e TRANS AM
$4766 19.277 miles . V ·8 . •J C FORTUNE uutomatic. power s teer· • • 1111(. powt!r windows,
Poouac·G MC r a 1' t • a 1 r. v e Io u r ·
2000 K Isl SI .. Santa Ana appt:aranre group. locks,
(7141558·1000 mags, t ill, AM /FM
'77 LTD II. 30.UOO m1 ·~.
xlnt cond. pnced to move
fast. 979-27 2H ----
&t e reo tape
'78 Fiesta. 2Smpg, orng. Pontiac·GMC
4·sp, doth int. sunroof. m> E. 1st St .. Santa Ana
AM /FM cass. louvers. 1714>558-1000 4100 m 1, like n ew.1----------
'78 Trans Am. T r oor.
9950 cnase cont. Vel. int. AC.
l6700/mk. ofr. 645-9298. •••••••••••••••••••••••
• ltH8 AutoCt.>nter Dr.
SDFwy·Lake 1-~orest exit
17,SOO miles. V ·8 ,
aW>maUc. power steer-
ing, power windows, 6
way power seats, c ruise.
lad. air. AM JFM stereo,
l a ndau , s u.,roo l ,
m ags/n e w r a dia l s .
·77 Trans Am. S&OOO. Must
sell. Call 646-7165, arter 5
call 646-1985 Connie
'77 Tra ns Am . T ·t op.
AM/FM·cass CB, PW.
PS. PB. lo mi. 16995.
·77 Trans Am. T roor.
AM /FM cass. extras.
119,000 ml. "'50(). 97~
dys, 67$-5548 PM.
·111 .... ,.
SE AIJpearance Group.
T-1'.op, loaded with
power-windows • aoctta. stereo much more .
White/blue velour In·
t e r lo r . D e tailed.
C883RVN) Dir. 842-1366
'71 Qwvy, 25M ml, ne w
tlrel, wllt ma11, llllOO. en-zm
<5MI. No. olSA li"wy l
l714t 52~53ll
Cloaed Sundays
'71 Rabbit, clean. 4-spd.
radio, 92995. An 5PM. m.tsG CONNHL
'76 Trana Am. Xlnt cond.
ldlO/ beat oiler. -.4996.
~ ..... I I ' • ' • t~~1'i'rr "1 558 -1000 °• :' 1 585 -7821 -n a... Vu. v.e. lilp. ma BMW azoi . lo ml. 21Kmi. Xlnt. coad. AIC,Sarf.muataee. ........ ,..aft. 5pm. -.1212
Mercedes Deni 280 coupe
'73 Maroon w /t a n In·
terior AM /FM radio.
Pwr. wlndows. air. xlnt.
pa mileage Sound in·
Y91tmml .........
hople wbo need people lhoUld a1wa11 chec:k the ~ce Dil"K'lory ln the DAJLYPILOT
t' \ \f I
')4b I 100
PonUac·GMC m> E. 1st St .. Santa Ana
it Pao Gf1IDd All._!~I ::rat:. Una. AIJll,
··-----~_...__....--..-=--·-· -· ---· -·-··--,, -·-------------
Huntington :Beaeh
Fountain V1r;~~0~y \'oar Ho•etowa
Dally New8paper
Diedrich_! ound Guilty !
lurors Tell How l'erdiet Kearhed
By GAR\' ttllAN\'llJ.•.
OI ..,. 0.llt f'tlel \1•11
SAN l>lt-:c;o Th\' 12 111r11r-..
who l'Ull\ 11·1t•1t t )nir11:1· c 'ounl'
Supl•rv1i.or ttalph D11•11t 1d1 .11111
un•h1tl't't J>l•K1l\' Hui-l' 111\ IJnlx•f\
1·h a r ~t'b Tu,·-.1J.1 ~ -.<11tl 1ht·'
nollcl'd nmfl) ft1111~-. durin): th•
c.·ourse of tht· Sl'\'t'O wl'l•k 1 ri.11
Tht'Y said. for ,•xumplt· thn
noticed thl' thr1•t• dl'fl'nw .11
torneys hahltually "'llr,• -.hl•rl
sleeved shirt:..
* * *
July 9 '?
SAN OJ EGO An eru 1n
Or a nge Count y poh ttcs ended
Tuesday night when Supervisor
Ru lph 01t.'<irich stepped mto the
darkness outi.1de the County
Courthouse a~ d newly eonv1cted
re Ion.
W 1lhm a few minutes uf his
con viction on thn·c briber )
; cha rges. Dtt:dnc•h !>eah:d hi ~
political career when he !.aid t<t
l Supe rio r Court J udge Ros!>
t Tharp·
"Well. then. I 'II <.1void goin~ to
'I t Roard of Super visors) meet
mgs "
That s t a t e m e nt m t.'<i nt
l Di edru:h bargainl·d a way hi:>
prero~t1v c to s erve on tht•
board <mother rcw wc<.'ks in i•x
ch anj!t' fo r <.t Sl·ntc:ncing datl· 11f
Julv H rat her th<.tn Junl! R.
D1edrk h won •t officially be re
1 moved from office because of
his felony conv1ct1on until sen·
· tenced to what could be up to J 'four years m slate prison.
• But in addition to forgomg
pa rl1t•1patwn on th<' Hourd of
,.;Ulh'I ' r~or-. unl1I "l'nl1·nccd
U1l'd nch mdu:atcd lute Tucsda~
ni1?ht he might resign before tht·
.. J uly 9 sentencing date.
That would open the· door for
17 Gov Edmund G. Hrown to lip l point a replacement to fill the
3rd District seal now held b.\
Diedrich. f Front runner for the appoint ·
rne n t is ror mc r s tale as·
"em blvrrwn Hon Curd ova, J j 2 ·Yl'~ir ·o ld con sc r VC:l ll VC
' Dl'moc rnl.
Cordova m ade no overtun·~
for the JOh whilt• 011.·dru:lt wa~
wailing tn al and ~ay-> ht• w11l 1111l
st"t•k 1t while the tn<·umbcnt •~
W<i1ting s1•n1 c11<·ing
Hut hl' ha:-tlw <H'llH' l>UIJJ>Vrl
for the app111 nlrnt•nt of <.,lat•·
De mnt:rultt' P arty c hairman
R 1chad O'Neill. lul1•ir ll·arl<•r
Br uct• Ll•t• and lht• 1·1Junty'l> <·on
tingent of Oc rnocral1t· ~tatt·
l egi s l;1tor ~. 1n l'lud 1ng Al>
sem blym<.1n Ocnn1!> M<Jng<·r~
Diednt•h's abruµt dr·JJartun·
from orf1('l' wa-; dcl'ldC'd <.tl 7. :!~
p.m. by <.1n l.'lght-womun. four·
man JUry
After bc..•ing dcadl~k cd 11 to l
in favor of guilt sine•' Mon(I<•~
a fternoon. the Jury drc1dcd u11
an1mouslv th.it Died rich <inn c11·
d efendaiU Le Ro y Rose wen·
g uilty or all the t•h<.trgt•s brought
against them an a c·ounty Gra11<1
Jury mdiC'lmc nl h anded down
Dec. 15, rn77
DietlriC.'h greeted the vcrrlict
with no show or emotion oth1:r
tha n turnm~ his head lo s mile
re assuringly at hts wife. lnc7.,
who sat in the <·ourtroom
Rose was visibly s hukcn by
the decision thal he was guilty or
conspiring with his long-time
friend to commit bribery.
For Diedrich, t.he jury's de-
c is io n meant all 12 jurors
believed he solicited and re·
ceived $85,008 worth of bribes as
~ell as an $80,000 bank Joan.
(See GUILTY, Page AZ)
Marina High's
Moore Cited
Marina High School's security
officer ha s been name d
Classified Employee of the Year
in the Huntington Beach Union
Rtgh School District.
Obie Moore, who has served
nearly 2IO years with the school
dl1trict, was cited for exe mplary
service in a presentation by
superintendent Frank Abbott.
A kln&·tlme Huntington Beach
resident, Moore la active ln the
clt7'1 police reserve.
The employ" honor is pre-
Mtlted amiually to the cU1trtd's dualfted employee after selec-
tion ~fellow employees for
NCOf Oft of hla accomplish-....... .. ....,.
1'h1·' '''"' 11wnt1111w1I nut1c·1n.:
th.it J "'' 11tt1n~ II.i ncl worn IJ)
lh• .. •· "·'' .in i111 .1~.1111 u f( ag11111
11t111i.: .11111 \lo h1·11 11 "''" uff u~.1111
ti 1111gl1I II I\• I 1•f11·1 l•·ll 1111 h1-. Ul'
I I\ 11u--. 1•f tlw 111.:111 h1>(or1•
0111· 111r111 'dlll -.h1• ,d -.11 1111l tl'1·<I
1 li.11 I h1·1lr11·h ' v.1f1• I nt•1 w ut>
""' 1n 1111' 1·••11rtri'l411n c1ur111~ tht•
'" l'Ouh ii.I\'> ti l\IOk tu '-l'h:t'I d
\1111 "'h,·n Mi :-1>1 .. 1t1°11·1l ap
l'l'urt•d 111 court on the trial's
11p1·111ni.; d1:1 . the Juror felt her
IH l'St'lll't' wa!) an atte mpt to
1•ort r <J) 1>1t.•drich sy mpathettcal.
h .1-. .1 fomll y man
A OOVl' all elst', ho wever. the
Juror-. ::.aid when the evidence
wa~ wc1~ht.-d at pointed to guilt
"bt.•yond a rt'asonablc doubt and
to a moral certainty."
• · 1 t 's JUSl when you check
lhl·IO together the prosecution 's
case was more. plaus ible than
thl' defense case." one j uror said
in a telephone inte rview.
Her thou~hls were echoed by
six other Jurors inter viewed by
tele phone after most or the jury
m e mbers refused to be in·
terviewed by reporters as they
le fl lhe courtroom.
As they left, what had been
almost a restive mood among
the jurors during the trial had
turned to obvious strain and
fatigue .
"I am just loo tired and worn
o ut to want t o d isc uss the
case," jury foreman Ric hard
Ivey said when surrounded by
Ironically. none or the JUrors
who later discussed the case
said they didn 't b e lie ve
Diedrich 's version of the bribery
conspiracy when the 53-year-old
Pleas Ignored
county supervisor testified dur-
ing the trial.
··It was Just ·that when you
wei~hed the evidence and putt.he
pieces together the prosecution's
ease held water and there never
was a satisfactory reason for the
now of so much money.·• a woman
JUror who as ked not to be ideo-
lifl~ said.
She a nd others seemingly
fSee DIEDRICH, Page A2)
School Board
Firm on Berger
DeltY ...... Mlilt ,,_
OfUW CM1ty ,.,,.. SUit
Demands that the transfe r or
popular l''ountaan Valley High
SC'hool Principal Paul Rcq~cr bt·
r econs1dert."d publicly were• 1g
nored Tuesday night by school
district officials
An C'S ti maled 40U pe oplr
packed the school board meeting
plac<' at ()('ean View High School
in what h<.td ht'cn hcrald1:d <.t)> ~·
moV<' to stop Rc:rgcr's trnnsfer
to a curric:ulum <.1cJmm1l>trator'!-.
post al I luntmgton Beach Union
Hi gh Sch,;ol Di s trict he<J d
Convk:ted Supervtaor Dr••• PralM for Service From Fellow Members'
i\fter thC' paradl' Of spc3kl'rS,
including µarents. ll'<t(·hers. art
mmistrators and s tudents, had
finished their marathon pica and
after a closed-door session of the
school board. it wa!> a nnounced
the transfer would go on a!>
scheduled July I.
Board President Zita Wessa
earlier noted that the tran~frr
was the decision of d istract
Superintendent Fra nk Abbott
with board consent. Diedrieh Draws Kudos Trustee Doris Allen dre w <.t
standing ovation for s<.1yan g she
would ask the superintendent to
reconsider. Fellow Supervisors Praise His lnrwvation
Wh1l(' not <:ommenting on the criminal
hnbe ry conv1ct1on that will oust Orange
<1unty Supervisor Rulph Diedrich. from of·
lll't.', 01l'(lrich's fellow s upervisors praised
t11 m uncJ his seo:rvice to the county today
diminish the many good things he did while
in office." Clark said.
"HE WORKED HARD. He was dedicat·
cd a nd he has a lways been <.t very capable
county super visor I havt• a lot or respect and
regard for Ralph. I'll miss him."
Mrs. Wessa unnounced that
s uch a move would be con ·
s idc red Qllly in a clo!>ed ex · ccut1ve.si:~s1on lati'r.
He r oronuuncemcnt dn·w J
"It 1s my opinion that Oran~e County is a
bl'ller pl<.tcc because Ralph Diedrich has
lwt•n a <·ounly s upervisor.·· !::iupt·r v1sor
!'horn .is Htll'y said.
Supervisor Harriett Wieder W<.ts not far
behind Clark and Riley in her willingness to
say kind things ahout Diedrich.
'Diree Killed
In Israel by
Terror Bomb
"llt: KKO UG llT IN M/\NV mnovat1v1.·
prun·dw·e:-. for the management of county gov·
··11e was a good administrator. h€• wus
good for the county and he was good for his
district," Mrs. Wieder s aid.
'Anrl many of ht!> idea!> arc a ma1or
n·a:-.on wh) Orangl' County ha~ :in efficient
l 0ou111 y govt:rnml'nt. .. Riley i.a1d.
"I'm sad for Ralph's family and I'm
s.id for the county thut things had to come to
this.·· s he concluded .... ~ TEL i\VIV. Is rael t AP I ,\
terrorist bomb k1llc:d two women
a nd a baby girl and IOJUrt-d 1 i.,.
peopll' at a crnw<lcd bus stop 1n
a town outs1d1• Tel Avl\ today a!'.
hundreds of Israelis poured into
northcrn Si nai to support o;et·
ttfors who vowed to fi ght rnlher
tha n give the:1r land hack to
"KAtl'll llAS Bt-:t:N ve ry dedicated and
h:.i rd w11rk1n~ I JU~t hope the people will re·
ml·mtwr all the many pluses h£>'s brought to
Orangl·County "
.. It is unfortunate for Orange County and the
people who Jive here as well as the county's
image that this has happened. I'm very sorry
for Ralph, Mr. Rose and their families.·· An-
thony said. SupervJs<ir H<.tlph Clark hucJ s imilar
word-. 11f µrall>l' for Diedrich He went on to call Diedrich "a strong ac-
tive member of the Board of Supervisors." "I hope n Cl lph s con vi ct ton does n 'l
HB Cyclist
Has Bad Day
After Crash
Tuesday 1ust wusn't a good
day ror 19 ye.ir old Dr e w
Wl111 am Gordon of Huntington
First. he collided with a van
while ridin~ a m otorcycle. al
7:30 a.m. on Baker Street , west
of Randolph Avenue. in Costa
Mesa. in1unng his right leg.
police said.
The driver or the van. Steven
Bruce Dewilde. 21. of Costa
Mesa. reportedly wasn't injured.
The police allegedly found
that neither driver was carry.
ing a valid driver 's license.
Dewilde reportedly hadn't been
issued one and Gordon's had ex·
p1red . In addition. Gordon's
dido 't cover riding motorcycles.
police s aid.
Gordo n was taken to Costa
Mesa Memorial Hospital, where
his leg was treated.
Police then gave Gordon a
ride to the city jail after they al-
legedly uncovered two outstand·
Ing tramc warrants namln1
Gordal\ came up with S476 In
bail and was back on his way.
Except for one thin1.
The .tront e nd of his motorcy.
cle was bashed up In the acci·
dent and it couJdn't be driven.
T hC' bomb t'X plodt·cl short I~·
after 10 a .m atop Lht• fibl'rglas~
HB Airport Group
roof of the curbside bus slop an
P e t a h Tikvah . s i x mtll'-.
northeast of Td Aviv. Thl.' slam
woma n and lK·month old girl
di e d in the loca l hospital ,
authorities said Remnval of Three
On Panel Sought
The Pales tine Libl'ratwn
Oq:ani7.ation in Be irut churned
r<'sponsibilily for the blast. It
said the store was used by
lsra<.•li soldiers and that the <ti ·
tack was part of tho PLO pl<.tn to
get back "the natural rights of
A co-chairman of the Hunt-
1 n g l o n Beach Meadowla rk
Airport Comm ittee said today
he'll ask for the removal of three
m e mbe rs from the p anel
because of "gross discourtesy."
J a mes Evans said his dis·
pleasure stems from a recent
press release issued by the three
minority members of the panel
cha rging that the airport isn't
safe .
Evans said the release went to
news papers and to City Council
me mbers without the knowledge
of the entire committee. ·
· · 1 have to quest ion their
motives in the way that this was
handl ed ." Evans said. "I
believe they are trying to get
airport operator Art Merio to
throw in, the towel."
The three members that are
the tar1et of Evans' ire are co·
chairman Tom Livengood and
members Chet Drahos and John
Loni . They represent
homeowners living near the
Livenaood sald today he ian 't
planning lo real1tn.
"The committee wa5 Intended
to improve flight aafetv and
make the air port compatible our people that Israel us urped in
with the neighborhood. It hasn't 1948. ··
beenmovm~inthatdirection,"he It was the first te rrorist bomb
said. causinJ? casualties since May 15
Evans said the homeowner when two leen-agers we re killed
r epresentatives pers ist in bring-and 32 injured in Tibenas on the
ing up the same concerns and Sea of Galilee. Thul bomb
refusing to accept a nswers from\. brought to 15 the number of
aviation authorities. 'Israelis killed by terrorists in
"Their points are invalid and I Israe l in 1979. More than 200
have run out or patience ... he have been injured.
said. Meanwhile. Defense Minister
The Airport Committee. which Ezer Weizman was to meet with
was formed last year by the City the a ngry farmers at their Neot
Council. will meet Thursday at Sinai. settleme nt today to try to
7:30 p.m. in Room 8 -87 1tl Cily convince them lo give up the
Hall. land and head off an e mbarrass-
ing confrontation.
About 200 settlers barricaded
themselves in compounds Tues· Gunman Gives Up, day on a 10-acre stretch or trees
and crops near the dust y desert
Rele88e8 Host•aes town ol El Arish. Israel Is SUP· -e posed to hand over El Arish, and
PORTLAND, Ore. <AP> -A the land to the west, to Egypt on
gunman who barricaded himself Friday in tbe first return of oc-
in a downtown Portland motor c upied land mandated In the
hotel wilh two women hostaies Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.
sµrrendered to police Tue,sday "We will not move," one set·
afte r a five-hour standorr. or-tier told an Israeli newspaper
ficers said. Tuesday. "We ue prepared for
No s hots were fired and no one ,1 any possibility of physical op wu hurt · · position."
1 •Ill
"'l'a ry response from Ken Dud-
cJ ridgl.', Fountain Vall ey lfjgh
J thlct1c.• cJ1rcctor. who had
pleaded earlier to allow Berger
tv n·mum at the school.
"The only thing r eun s ay.
Mrs. Wess a. 1s lh<tl you missed
the whole point or the evening, ..
he said.
Despite comme nt by board
ml'm bers <.tnd Supe rinte ndent
Abbott th.it Be rger had agref'd
to thl• transfe r aft er 14 years as
Fountain V<.tllcy flt gh principal.
:-.pe<.tkcrs repeated ly cta1meit
1St•t' BERGl::R. Page A2)
Odds Lines
Slwrten Up
Iii Cou11ty
Guarded opt1m1sm a ppeared
tn be the prev<u ling mood Loda.)
.11 Oranjte Coynty's service sla
t1ons as t.hc .. Odds" formed lines
that were ofte n lcsl> thun JU c<.1rs
long for their c.·rack at the g<J~
Oµc·ra r or!-. "a •d m u n y
motorists who l:..~t wt·l•k wen·
f 11 rm mg hnl'!> long ht' fore the
pumps opened arl.' now arn" ang
.t l th1• ->tat10ns after uµt:ning
tt ml' and finding lhal they c<.tn
l111t' up. fill up and )>tlll get to
\\ ork on l1 mt•
But rl'g1onal manager 11<.tnty
Ho~t· of Standard 01 I urged
d rivers tOda} tu · c:onser\'t' fuel and n•t•ugn11c th1· ga )>OJan e
!'horta1w us a permanent way of
"Wl• mustn't let thrs appart:nt
l'ai.mg of the s1tuat1on lull us m
i11 a Sl0nse of raise security," ht'
"11d . ·011 t•ompanies <.ire work-
ing 24 houri-a day to gt·I the g<.1)>
to th1• stat10ns and we lwve no
!'<1 f ety margin at the rC'fineries '·
!:;tat ion opt•rators m Irvi n'"
Costa Mesa. Nc wµort Rtl<t<•h,
Laguna RcaC'h and llunlington
Bc.ich were pumpin~ gus today
into cars that ofte n hud no
lnn~er thun <1 15-manuk wait al
the is land.
Orange Coa~•
In c r easi n g clouds
tonight. becoming partly
c·loud y Thursday Highs
Thursd.iy in the 60s <.tt tht•
be.i<·hes. low to thl' mirt
70s inland. Lows tonight
from 55 to 62.
The main indwtry an a M1s-
i11u1ppe River town of 200 is
taverna -one for every «J
rcmdenta. Story. Page 81 r
---~-------......,._ ~
'"--'-.e .4J
Duke J'6te: --Show Missed BERGER ••• . . All A ea ' .... they tnow aerier doe• not want Pee't U-1--L-.-L ~•-• to move . ~-r"""f!,~·~·J~ ~~~-+~~W~A~S~HIN-=-!'O~TO::-=-N::-:-l~A~P~,~-~t-----...-., .. --t .. t..-........... ~---~•~~~'~'-jf-l~-r-t.Rt~~~,_.,t-~wae•r"awr11r,;Uliit":tln'-..wt~,-..--..--rnaot.--~~--t
Tb• Ho ... unanimously Re of a profnrheal '° pubUct, op.
d approvecl • blll today lOJ~ By8TEYl:lllTCllELL poaeanordertoaeeepttheWlre--"p·ture -aulltorl1ln1 U.e 1overta· U fOSMD NIXhoN°'A~':EV'..erbert W. Kalmbach ~==~t"!~~. j~:ywab~fdh h~=-
ment to luu. • told medal of Newporf -Be~c . says 11'1C'. did not see a svmpa' .. ·tic '-hJll.1 ~ ~ a1
Ol•ONy ...... IWf
A man llunttnglon Bt-a<'h
poh<'t' bt.•hc-vt' may tw tht• "p1m
l yh o11e rup1 s t " 110 n 1rn1t-<I
ht'C'l.lllbt' of D nlt'lhod or cl1:.~U.IM'
wtu1 urr1•stt'd <'urly lodu}
h1vt•!'ltigaton; t>t>llt·vc h,• c•oultt
bt> hnk1'd t-0 1111 man)' tt~ 13 :>t'lt
ual utla<·U an Orange Count\'
Arrt·i;ted al 2 4~ a .m. 1n M rt•s
•dt'ntwl ar<-a wtt11 a mun Iden
lt(H•d b y 1>11lu·1• as M urto n
FrMnklln Miller. a 32 l'ur oht
lluntm~ton H1·111·h 1·ur sul€':.ntun
Ofnccr 01111 M<'Kt:rrN1 ilflll 11•
!l t"rve <.:h r1s loph1•r tl hlmt'!>
respond1n~ lo U r e port Of 11
prowler near Nt·wma n 1\ v1·nut•
an<t fo~oresl Laut•. rt-porlcdl)
round Miller h1drnl( ~lWt!en two
Polu.·t· :.C11d M1llt•r wus urmwt
w 1 t h a I o a d e d 3 2 t• a II h 1• 1
handgun in a htp hol:Ht'r J
:-l'r<'wdriver. and wo.1s l'Urr\•111.: ,,
mask dt•J.ll C'ling a bald111~ ultl
man with droop111~ lip::, untl
wh it~ hair
A man \\t'arin)! a n 1dl'nt1n.1I
ma~k bruk1· into i.I downtown
a r t>a apartmt'n t S uturday .
fon·ed a womun into a sex act.
and look about $JOO before he
Ss:: l l.u1:-<>t'hoa s a 1d th<'
1.Jtost·riplmn of tht· auacker and
hts method has led investigators
to believe he is responsible for
six sexual e1ssaults in Hunt-
ington Beach since 0l'lober 197K
Polic·e nickn<tmt·d lhl' attackN
· ·1 he pantyhose rapist ·· bccau!>e
he wor e a woman's stockin~
over his head with one eye cut
out in the earlier ass<1ults.
SJ?L 0<'hoa s<11d police are in·
\'est1gating Miller's possible m-
volvemC"nl in four assaults in
Fo unt a in Valley . tw o i n
/\nahejm and one in Stanton
s ince August 1977.
Police said the rapist would 1
break into the homes or apart-
ments and prowl about the res-
1dPnces hcfore wakini; his vic-
tims and assaulting them . The
attackcr also took money or
Jl'\\l'lry from his victims .
M 1 lier 1s in c·ustotl) tm :-.u .... p1
c•ion 11f raDl'. hur,g lar v <tlJll !>t'X
11<11 perv1•rswn H1.11I hil ... bt'cn set
.. t $25,000
Death Causes
A s tory in Tuesday's Daily
Pi l ot on a s chool clos ur ~
cer emony <Al Lamb School in
Fountain Valley in('orr.eclly list
f'd the causes of death of two
pop ular s tudent s 1n whose
nam e s th e s c·h oo l h a s
established memurial awards.
Troy Walson died of leukemia
in Octobt.'r of 1977 Formt'r
Lamb studt"nt Danny Roy was a
s opho more a t Ediso n Hi gh
School when he died in a traffi c
accident last f'all
The causes of their deaths
were mcorreclly revt!rsed in the
ar ticle The Daily Pilot regret:-.
the error
Fonner Huntington
Aide .Plans Talk
Former Huntington Beach t.t!->·
l'i s tant city adm i nistrator
Ri chard Harlow will talk about
low cost housin~ at the May 31
mee ting of tbe Huntington
Beach Chamber of Commer<:e
Reservations for the lun<'h~n
-;e ssion arc $ti and m ay be
secured by contacting cham~r
officials at 18.S82 Beach Blvd. or
calli n~ 962-fi661.
Vote Recalls Two
30 percent of the city's voters
turned out for a recall election
that resulted in the ouster of
two Simi Valley City Council
me mbers in the wake. or a dis·
pule over an increase in sewer
,,,.. 0 •"fl4"(.N\• 0..1• P•'°'4•••nwftttft •,(om
v1nro t~ ~·Preu '\ oubfl,PliPd h\' lfWI' fl•"""°
(ft0'1 Pvb4•\Nf'/1Cl(~n, Sr.,..ra1•ft'O•f~Atr
PVht•\t\f•C'I Mof'IOey tf'lif~ t-rtdllv tor (O\t ..
Mll\A N•woort A.tMh. HutUfnQtt'W"I f\fllt{h YOVtl
tetn V•tl"'t . h •lnt> l~ e.--1K,.ISO\lth(O--\f A
'1NJlf" ,.q~' N11UOf' t'\ SNbli\Md \AtufdAV\ 11nct
\und••' r·~ fW•n<•P8• s>ubt1'"1nca p1*"' ., ,.• l.JO w.,1 tt•r Str-r-t, t.0 t•Mitw., r•flto'"'• ,,.,. . ..., .. _
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OW•ltt" .. _ '"<"""'" ... II A\\•\••n' MAM<Q•f"llfl f eltitor\ ·--fl'l!•I 0<• .... C°""'' [ll'lor
NltnlHMllOft ... omc.
1111J'11Ut1111oW".t'd Melli ... -, ... "0. .... 1'0,.,...
Otflc .. l•~.~ t.~ ~·..:,"";i~··
T.i.,hoM (714)-.-,
aa.-..~M-1111 , ....... ,, .. °' ..... '°""''~'If'> ..... ,.
h n" 1 _. T J -~ -I.. .... --t'ofll-f'•l-Yer t1aa l Ori.n"f' . , ~ Wu \&I •a o ti\,..... n on o rt • i ..-.-o "n-rr .. " " portrayal of bis mvolveanent in Water~ate on ... _ •-aev'--at the -:!"1.--1. cM ~ _ _.. -Wayne or Newport lk>ath \'nu.oh r1•tnul. alle&ed vlc\tm en dA b'tl .. ... __ ... _ i Vll'lll: --IM:llUU ··John Wa)'nt celobr .. te~ l 'aUu.irtnt' llardin 'fue11d11y 1\uck .. n m 1 on proiram "'llUIKq!)' n I t. But Trustee Helen lr.tte seem.
hi 72nd buihduy un ~u\ur In h1•r 1t11liul "ltnry thnt ~hf' w»S The program. aired on CBS. was John Dean's story of ingly stunned her audience when
d ,,,. and lh1., is a "'a l(l rn111.•d at i;(110JK1111t und kn1fopoint t.•vt-nl~ leading up to lhe resignation of President Nixon in sbe announced, "Dr. 8er1er has
honor lh1 ' la.<\t or th1• ultl h v (;Jt-n llowur1l llut1.•ht·rson l~74The four-part series, which concludes toni1ht on tahpeplpiaedst.~?' district posJtlona in 11 m1• m 11\11.' .1<'to" It •'IJ · 111· tole I °'" 1t1 xhut up und do
Fr.Ill\.. Annunllt• 11 111 , whut h•· told mt· to do." Mb Channel 2. port.rays former Nixon fund The trustee said Berger is in·
tolrt l t•llt•a~uc!} 11 urdm lcl'lllfll'tl bdcirl' u Jury In raiser Kalmba~b as an unwilling. but terested in professional advance-
T ht· nwasurt lilf)t•:. 111 the s u1><-rlor Cuurl Judac Kk hard • loyal Nixon man, who was pressured in· ment and had, indeed, sought s~nat e Althou .c h the fft•acum'11 c·ourtroom to raising more than $200,000 for the higherpoets "botboutsideandin-
Srnatt> tu•s appro\ (·d a ··Ht-Hid, 'You know what I Watergate bur1lars following the aidetbedistricl."
,, 111 ilnr hill. dHfN 1·11r t·s urn ~mng to 1ln lo you. don't you" break-in. During \he lengthy session.
tw t"1•1•n th1• '"'' 1•humtwr:-. I 11in i:O&ng tu 1·u 1>1: you·," Ms parent Frank Bryant noted that
••Vt•r 1h1• Jln•c·1., .. wording lher(1\n tt"liltf1t-d · AND WHILE KALMBACH ad-Be rger had support from all ele·
11( ""' 1·n.:1 ol\trlj.l Wiii havt· M11 llitrd1n·, l l'Sltmony is ex· milted that he did not see the see-ments of the school's employees
'"ht' n•c•11n1\ll1•1I lwfort> tht· 11••t·t1·d ll> c·11nllnut' at !>o me Jl?ent, several friends told him they had and the community. m1·a ~u1 .-1•11n t"· "~net! 10 l1•11gth v1ewed the program. "If Paul is not doing a good
t 11 111 "' It, 1• r , • .., 1ll1· n t In opt•ninl{ ~tutem~nts on the . Did they b_elieve he was portrayed job. share that with us." he told
carh•r r\.'tnul or lluk hcrson. a 48-year uLMuc" in a sympathetic manner by Dean? Mrs. Wessa.
uld 1wrosvat·l' work1.·r. opposing "Well, yes, but they ar~ good friends," be chuckled. Baron G r idiron Boosters
t 'ro• Paff' A I
lloM· a!> Wt•ll a!> lht·dn<'h wa :-.
t•o11 vu·t.·<l of l:l>Obl11n11~ 111 com
m1t lmbery. a conspiracy aimed
at extnwtin~ mmlt:~y rrom 11 de
't•lopml'nl t·um 1111n y An11hc1m
Iii lls. Int·
I mmed1ately after the verdict.
Diedrich lashed oul at hilt pro!>
c•<'utors. ms1stect h1• was inno
cent no matkr whl.lt thl' Jury
found and ('l;umC'c1 hl' was thl'
victim of a w1tc·h hunt
L at~r, whe n he r c flec tt>l1
privaMy on his plight, Di edrich
said ·
.. Sur<'. I ' rn <hsappoinu·d that
t hrn gs have lurm•d out Liu!> W<tY
.. Hut 1 've had to fo ce worst•
ttungs the war, business prol1
lem s lots of thm~s. I can
take what's coming <And I know
lnt•z can.
·'Sometimes you take what life
has to give And this is one or
thos e limes for me."
Rose. over a drink. was admit-
tedly depressed ·'by the whole
damn thing.
"I jus1 don't sec• how the jury
eould have done what 1\ did. 1'11
nt•ver understand it "
Then . r e t urni n g tu t h e
w1sel'ra"k:-; he often u~es to ex
µres!'> h1 msd f. Ho!>c quipped:
"Well , I j ust hope they send
me to Ch1ni1 c prison 1 I un
d e rst•rnd they h a c guod art
c·ourscs there ...
Prosel'ulor M1l'hae l Capizzi
descri~d the Jury verdict as
"fair and reasonable."
··w e've taken a lot of abuse on
this case I think )OU can say the
Jury's verdict said far more elo·
quenlly than I can say just what
the issues we re and why it was a
sound prost!cution."
After the jury had left the
courtroom. Judge Tharp agreed
to IC'1 the two <"onv1ctcd men re-
main free on th(· stre ngth of
their <>wn word that they will
make up('ominl:! court ap·
pea ranees.
I.Sul the JUdi;tc ~C"hetluled a bail
hearing for Ma y 30. meaning
01t'dri('h an!I Rose could be
asked to llC1sl b<1il m order lo re
main free while wa1l1ng lo be
~enten<'ed .
F.arlwr 1n tht· night, defense
attorney:. objected lo the jury,
wh1t•h had deliberated four days
wit hout n·achm~ a vcrdwt. llt!
ing held into the night hours .
Lawyers Sylvan Aronson and
James ll1dd<:l !->Cl 1d the extra
hours were being used to force a
decision "to ac<.·ommodate one
juror who wants to take u trip
Rut when the jury came in
with its verdict. lhe judge asked
each member ir they had felt "<'oe rced or prcs!>ured" into
rca('hing a decision.
After all the replies were to
the effect that there was no coer ·
cion or pressure. Judge Tharp
handed the verdict forms to the
court clerk.
And whe n c I erk Robert
Lawrence read the forms, he
said. ''As to defendant Diedrich,
guilty on counts one. lwo and
Brinks 'Job'
SAN DIEGO <AP ) -In an
episode reminiscent o f the
Keystone Kops, San Diego police
mistakenly arrested two Brinks
guards on charges of robbing
their armored truck.
The uniformed guards were
spotted Tuesday loading bundles
or money from a Brinks tructrin·
lo an unmarked car .
Unable to immediately con-
firm the pair's explanation that
they were Brinks guards on of·
ficial business. police snapped
handcuffs on their wrists and
took them to headquarters. They
were released within lhe hour
wtth apologies from the police
Boy, 16, Arrested
unidentified 16-year·old boy has
been aJTested in connection with
the stranculallon of Janet G•·
ble. 18, a hi th school coed whose
body was placed in a /lastlc
trash bag and wrappe In a
aheet, police sajd Tuesday.
J\totnt'ys gave strongly conflict· , The Newport Beach attorney saJd be missed the first spokesman John Caldwell asked 1 n~ verlt1uos or the events in segment ~n Sund~y. "so I wasn't interested in picking up reconsideration of the transfe r
11uei.t10011n Nov 23. J977 the story m the middle. • based on Berger's record or
Defl·1ise Attorney Terry Giles strong athletic program support.
insisted tht' pair had sex by "ALL OF Tins IS Student Thomas Calvin dis·
mutual c<ms1.·nt on the floor of · · · BEIUND ~·· he said. "My counted claims that bis group
lfuk herson's motorhome ~:~~~·and 1 are Just trying lo ck on a normal had help from employees and
/\ntl when Ms . Ha rdin de · teachers at the s c hool in m a 11ded $25 1n payment. "Cathy . Kalmbach wa~ sentenced tn Ju y, l974, to spend from circulating petitions to retain
llardtn went be rserk," Giles s ix lo .18 mont~s m rederal prison for his role in illegal Berger and handed over a list of
s u1ll. campaign practices. 2.000 signatures.
··S he began to y e ll and Kalmbach and fellow prisoners John Dean and Jeb Student Gary Bernard noted
s c r ea m . Sh e scratc hed h is Stuart Magruder were freed in January of 1975 by Judge that 1.000 senior students would John J . Silica. arms," he contended. be eligible to vote in November
And Hutcherson lightly bound and claimed tha t the board's
her wrists with a child 's jump· support of Ber ger 's transrer
rope to halt the attack before Kin's Killing Told wo uld be ''tantamount to ht• pushed her from the camper. political suicide."
l;iJes said. James M. J ohnson, chairman
Prosecutor Daniel Brice's of a group fighting the t ransfer.
Vl'rsion o r what he said the B N w waved a newspaper at trustees
e vidence will show is in Ms . ~ ewport oman and announced that enough peo· Hardin's testimony. pie cared to put up the money to
f'rortt Page A I
round as much fault with pros·
ecution witnesses as they diti
with those who tes tified for the
Prosecution witnesses given
low ratings in the collective
mind of the jurors were Newport
Beach developer Richard Owen
• and former development com·
pany executive Richa rd Stark.
Given the highest rating as a
witness for the prosecution by
the jurors was former state
senator Dennis Carpenter. And
ranked at the top of the scale
a mong witnesses called by the
'de f e n s e was county Ad ·
ministrative Officer Robert
Also t?iven high m arks on
credibility and performance IJy
the juro rs were prosecuto r
Michael Capizzi and defense
lawyer James Riddel.
"Mr. Capizzi was outstanding.
lie really knew \he case," one
1uror said.
Another juror said that Riddel
"was very sincere and did a
good job giving the defense side
of the case."
Rut still another juror men-
tioned that •·everybody I talked
to couldn't stand" one of the de-
fe nse lawyers
Alternate jurors interviewed
indicated the outcome of the
trial the y had sat t hrough
without sharing in the decision
wouldn '\ have changed had they
been able to join in the debate.
··1, qwte frankly, was leaning
toward f.'(Uilt though I certainly
would have listened to what my
fellow jurors would have said."
Kathl~n Royd commented .
The second alternate juror.
Michael Brown, a lso said he was
leaning towa rd a (!uilty verdict
by the time the trwl closed.
All jurors interviewed indicat
ed that despite fou r full days 11f
behind-closed door debate, there
w;ss never a time when th••
jurors fell it might be p<1!->s1hh• lo
return a not guilty vcrdicl.
And from Monday <.1rt..rnooo
through early Tuesday cvcnini.:
the Jury was 11 to I in favor of a
guilty VC'n1i C't with one' m alc•
juror holding out rur acquill al
All j urors intt•rviC'w11d su111
they did not know Jlos•· had l>t'.t·n
tried on hrihcry chargrs oni•t·
before; that 11rosN·ut111n w1ln1•ss
Mi chael Re mington was <m1·1·
tried on murder con~plracy
c ha rgcs or that Dil'dri<'h hacl
been indicted earlie r on 1>olit1 cal
corruption charges related to al
leged violations of stale cam
paign regulations .
Those facts wen• withhe ld
from the jury in an attempt to
gu ard t he defendants against
When asked , five Diedrich.
Rose jurors said it '·probably ~ould have affected" their opi.
nion of the defendants had they
known of the past smudges on
their records.
V~ey Lions
Out for Blood
The Fountain Valley Lions
Club is sponsoring a community
blood drive Saturday from 9
a .m . to 1:30 p.m. at the club,
9MO Talbert Ave.
Healthy people rrom t7 to 65
years old are invited to donate
blood to aid the Orange County
Chapter of the American Red
Those wishing to help should
make an appointment by callina
Of tlle 0.lly ~IMC Se.ti
Breaking into tears as she
testifie d. a Newport Beach
woman told an Orange County
Supe rior Court jury Tuesday
that she watched as Irvine at·
torne y Gary Wayne Patton
pumped several shots into her
s iste r's temple.
Barbara Swearingen told the
seve n-wo man, five-man jur y
that Patton held the hands of bis
wife together and shot her re·
peatedJy as she tried lo move
from the couple's Irvine apart·
me nt last Nov. 18.
Katherine "Katy" Leigh Pat·
ton. 23, l:he murder susped's
bride of \wo months. was fatally
wounded by three shots in the
head from a .22 cali b e r
automatic pistol.
Miss Swearingen told the JW'Y
her sister wanted to end her
marriage to Patton because he
constantly badgered her with
feelings of insecurity about her
love for him.
"He just constantly bothered
he r all day and all night by his
insecurity, by the fact that Katy
did love him but he didn't
believe it,'' Miss Swearingen
She also said her sister felt the
insecurity stemmed from Pat·
ton's two prior marriages that
ended in divorce.
Patton's a tto rney, Allan
Stokke, is contending that the
34-year-old Patton is a manic
depressive whose mental condi·
tion made him not responsible
for the alle~ed slaying.
Prosecutor Paul Meye r .
however, is alleging that Patton
planned the murder, borrowed a
gun ahead of time. had it readily
accessible and s hould be found
guilty of first-degree murder.
Miss Swearingen said she had
gone with her sister to the Pat·
t on home at 14 Es planade .
Irvine, to help her remove her
purchase a full-page advertise-
ment opposing the transfer.
Teache r and coach Dave
Brown charged \hat Dr Abbott.
had ··mitde a mistake" in the
Abbott admitted he has no
"crystal ball." but s aid he
believes transferring Berger to
the cu.niculum post lo imple·
me nt programs to meet new
s1ate.mandat1.>d gr<Aduation re·
quirements 1s a good move
He lauded Berger for his work
in educating 4.000 students at his
high school each year. but said
the new post would help 20,000
students, distnctw1de.
He said the two.year·long Job
is expected to make Berger an
even better prmcipal when he
returns to such a job after the
distract assignment is com· ple ted.
Berger, approached outside
the board room . would not
answer questions regarding the
two-hou.r-tong session.
Starts June 1st
Select from the finest lines available at
very special prices. All our upholstered
pieces will be reduced for this event. 10°/o
to 25°/o off. Special orders in cf uded.
Stop in now while selections are
at their best.
'\l .. •tl -''"' "'-''·1<h.tt1•
v ';,,~·
tJt!'·""""~(frl..-.\ ~~&....~
' d tr~ " .... , ...... ''"-' t1.,,.-ftt\q~1
\ '
/ I
VOL. 72, NO. 143, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES
\'our Hometow•
Dally Wewspaper:
.Jurors Tell How l'erdiet Beoehed • f'
fly GAltY Ci ltAN\'11.U : °' -0.llt ,. .... """
SAN UIJt:<iO Th\• 12 Juror'
who convu·h·1I Oru11~ti ('uunt ~
Supervisor Httll1h U1 edrt<'h un1 I
arch1t~'<'l Ldtov KoM' 1111 hnti.·n
c·h a r gt!s T111•;1Ju y 'a11.I th••'
notu·c>d mun' th111i.:s tlur111i.t Ith'
t·ouri.1• 11r lhl· "''' 1•11 '-'t'l'k 11·1ul
Tht>y :-u1d. tor 1· ~11 111Jh-tlw'
rtOllCt.'d tlll' lhrt't> ddt•rt:-i• .ii
t11rn1•ys h;it11tu~lly wvr1· 'h1111
~lt!l'VCt1 i.hlflit
Th••' .1hm mcntiorwd nt'>\1I1n..:
thut a l4t'fl<t1ni.: hund worll" In
Bost• wa' an 1111 81(1tln. o rf·111i11111
th111..: and 14ht•n 11 wa:-off u.:a111
1t rn1i.:ht ha f' rl'fl4'<'1t•cl on h1 i. IH'
'" 1111·' vf 1 h1· n1~h1 hdon·
On1· Jllr1ir :-a11I s h•· uli.11 notu:11l
11\.1t 1>11'<1r11·h':-w1fr. lnt·1 . wui.
not 111 th•· 1·1111r troum <lunni;: ttw
,1,.. 1•11on <t.1vi-11 look t(I :o.dt'<'l ,,
tlJI \
\1111 "'h1·n Mr... IU1«tru·h 1111
"'"" 1•1t 111 n•11rt 1111 lht· lru11''
Irvine Susperf
Witness 'Saw I
Sister Slain'
O•tlY Piiot Sia" Photo
Gary Wayne Patton
Tiiree Killed
In l~rael by
Terror Bo1nll
TEL 1\VIV brael IAl1 1 /\
terron s1 homh krlled two woml•n
and .1 liaby f!lrl and 1nJ11n·d 11
pt.·optt• :it u ('rowcll'cJ tiu ... i.tov 1n
a town outs 11i"' 1\·I /\ v 1 v tC1d<1)' a ...
hund n·d~ of hr;wli ... poun:d into
norl111·rn SIO:JI lo support ...... ,
1 lc rs who \owed to fight rather
than g1vt• tl1C'1 r l<:ind hitl'k 111
Thi• h11mb t·>.plockd ... hortly
a fter IO a 111 . ;1111p the fi berglass
rm1f <1f lht• c·urhi.ide hus stop an
P e tah T 1k v;.ih , !.IX mil es
northeast of Tt.•I /\v1v The slam
wom <tn anct I>< month-c1ld girl
di e d 1n thl' loC'al hospi tal,
authorities s;.i1d
The P a lcst11w Lrberal1on
Organization in Ht.>trut clmmcrl
n ·sponsibility for the blast ll
said the stor e was used by
Is rae li solchcrs and that the al
t ack was p art of tho PLO plan to
~el back "the natural rights of
-0ur people that Is rael us urped m
l!M8." ,
lt ~s t he first terrorist bomb
causing casualties since May 15
wheo two teen·agers were killed
and 32 injured in T1be rias on the
Sea of Gal ilee
Of Ille O•lly Pilot St•ll
Bn•ak1ng into tear s as ~ht'
tl'st 1f1ed. a Nc>wport Be ac·h
woman told <1n Orange County
Supe r ior Court jury Tuesd<1y
tha t sht• watched a!> I r vmc at·
torn cy Ca r v Way ne Patton
pump .. d "''\c·r<1I shots into her
s1 -;tt•r's kmpll.'
Rarbar <i Swe<1ringcn told the
"('\'t'll wo m<1 n . fiV<'·m <1n j ury
thi.l t Patton held the hands of his
wife toge the r and s hot her re·
.pcated ly as s he tried lo move
from the couple 's Irvine apart·
m ent last Nov 18.
Ka.th~rl ne "Katy" Leigh Pat·
ton , 23 lhl' murder sus pect's
hr1d1..· •>f two months. was fatally
wounded by three s hots in the
h e ad fr o m a .22 ca li ber
autom atic pistol.
Miss Swearinge n told the Jury
ht•r sister wanted to end her
marni.lgl' to Patton because he
cons tantly badge red he r with
feelings nf insecurity about her
lc1vt• for hr m
.. Hl' just cons tantly bother~
hl·r :.ill day and all night by hls
1nsec·urity, by the fact that Katy
d 1d Inv<.· him· but h e didn't
bcl1e\le 1t," Miss Swearingen
ShC' also said h<.'r sister fell the
1n:-l·c·unty stl'mm l·d from Pal·
ltln 's l w11 prior marriage!> that
t•rulcll 1n divorce
P a tto n 's a llorncv. All<.tn
Stokke. 1s contending. that the
;14 vear old Patto n is a manic•
clcprt•ssave whose mental cond1·
111111 m<1dC' him not responsible
for lht• a llt·gl'fl slaying
l'r11s1·l'utor Paul Meye r
howc•ver. rs all l'gmg th<1t P<1tlon
pli.lnnt·ll tht· murder . b<1rrowed a
g un alwa<I or lrml', h1ul it readily
:it·cess1blc and should be found
g uilty of fi rsl·dcgrce murder •
M 1ss Swearingen siud she had
gone with her sister lo the Pat
ton home <1 l 14 Es planadt-.
Irvan(', lo help her re mo ve her
When Patton asked lo spe<1k to
his wife alnn(•, she s aid. her sis·
tl'r suggc•st cd Miss Swe aringe n
go 1nt11 another room and begin
Miss Swearingen testified that
P atton as ked he r s ister lo re
t:ons idt•r leaving him but s he
s aid she still was moving out
"N11, you aren't ," she re<:alled
P~1llon s<iymg.
La ter. Miss Swearingen heard
her s ister s cre an and ran toward
the living room where she al·
legedly s aw Patton fire three
shorS, she said
He held Mrs . Patton's hands
<See A1TORNEY, Page AZ>
Sammer Sehool Set
opl'111n..i duy, tht.' juror foll h•:r
ore•:o.N1l't.' was 11n attl!m1>t to
p•Jrlrny l>1cdr11•h i.ympitlht!lacal
ly us IA fum1ly man
Abov..-ull else, however . thl·
JUrori. s1ud when tht' evadencl·
was wcuched 1t pointed to guilt
"~yonrl u rc<1son1tble doubt ti ntl
lu u moral ccrtamly "
··1t 'i. JUSt whe n you check
them loijether the prosecutton'i.
c·usc wai. m o rt plausible than
th1· dl'ftillM' t'Uhl.' "11nt• 1urnr )'iilld
rn a telephont-1nte r v1ew
Her thoughts were echoed by
s1 x other Jurors interviewed by
telephone a fter most of the jury
m e mb{'rs r d u i.ed to be 1n
lt•rv1ewc•d hy reporte rs as they
left the courtroom
As lhl•y left. wha t had been
.1l m ost :i fesh vl' mood among
the 1urors during the trial had
turned lo obvious strain a nd
fa tigue
"I am JUst too t1rt>d and worn
out to want tc. discuss th1-•
case," jury foreman Richard
Ivey said when surrounded by
ne ws men.
Iro nically. none or the jurors
who late r discussed the cast'
s aid the y didn 't bellevt•
Diedrich's ve rs ion or the briber.>'
t•onspirary when the 53 year.old
W /\Sill NC.TON 1 /\ P • Be: rt
Lam•c. Prl':-lfll'nl C.:a rlt•r ·s rn,,ncl
.i nd form1:r lc1,kral huc.Ji::N dm•l'
tor , wa~ 1nd11·t l·ll tulfay •1n
c·hargl's 11u·oh mg 111, finan<:1 <.il
11 .. ul rni.::-wht•n h1• h1·ad1·d l14tt
<:t:orgia lrn nks
Also mdil'l1•cl Wl·rt• H1<·hard T
('arr an 11ffw1·r ,11 ( ':dh111rn l-'1ri.l
'.'iation'11 H.ink Tl11•m u.., ~I
i\11tt•ht•ll, :i m1•mlil·r of I ht· IJ4J<1rd
of '11rt'<'tors of tl11· ('alhoun h<.ink
<•n d l h t· :\at1111i.tl Hanlo. or
< ; " o r I! 1 :i . '-' n d II J J c· k s o n
Mullins. a partn•·r "1th Lann·
a nd a s1ockhulder 1n the Ca lhoun
Lance ;.ind thl' olhl'rS wert• at:
cused of making false statt:
ments a nd r e ports a nd dt•
la heralely over valuint? l<.ind
prnpt·r1~ ;ind "'l'llrll 1f•<. ror lht·
µurpost> ul 1n flu1..•11<:111g IJC:trtk
The four wt•rt· l'hargcd with h~nk lrnud rn vulvu1g effort~ to
ti c t't! 1 Vt' uff 1 c·t· r :-vf t hl '" o
I.Jank .... lh1• c·111llrnlll·r o f 1h1-t·ur
rt.•nt·y and lht• Fcd1:ral Vl'po..,11
lr1suranc·1· Corp
Thi· :l:l·t:ounl 1nd1t·tn11•n1 abo
said th1.• dt'f1:ndanl i.ll'lilwri•lt·h
nusapplwd t1;111lo. fund~ ;11HI •·on·
!>fllrt'<I 111lht•\11>lat111n 11f \ :1r111u-.
hanking let14 :>
Tht .lu:-.tl<'l' l>t•p..irlml•lll th<f
not 1nd1<·alo' P1 l'Sldt•nt C'<irtc•r
"';1.., 1n\Ol\'nl 111 anv 111 tht· JI
ll'g1·d 1rrntul.1nt 11 ... •
Tt11· 111cl1c·tntl'nl al:-11 11l1•nt1f1,.d
I ' .1 rr ,,.., lnrm1•r pr 1·..,11l•·11 t nl ti\•
,\;or! hl41·s l <;,.,., µ1,1 IL 111k 111
Htn:!).!olrl . 1:,1 ,\l 1td1t II ,,, .
rnrml'I' hoard 111 1 mlw1 Ill th.11
II.ink . and Mulhn ... ,,..., , l0rm1·1
l"rlhoun dr11g).!1 ... 1
.~1<1 rga rt'l Trudl'au. c s t rangt'<.l \\'tit· of Can;1d1.in IJrimt·
:\'ltnistl'r P1N n: Trude<tu. whoop:-. 11 up <Jt tlw Studw 54
disco 111 Nt•\\ York 1ust hour :-. alkr h(•r husl>c1nd ton
ceded <iefeiil tn the Canadian ell'CI wn Sht.· s;110 tod<1~
she'll flv home to he with ham. "He's the m o:-.1 wonderful
m a n I k.no" ..
II ... ;ml till' n111..,p11 .tc•\ tJ..,llOI.!
h o rn 1~72 until tl u p r• ... ,•111 11•
'lllll·d in mnn· 1h.111 o;:~rl millt1111
HI loan ... f11r lh1· f1111r 111 11·nrl.111h
1111·.r fam1l11 · ... anrl ;1"""''1.11 1·'
Th1·n· 14l'r I' :~:1 lo.HI'-"~ 11
l1:1nk ... lll\'tlh't•cl 111 Ill!' (';"'' 'I ht
1111111·1 mt•rtl ... :11cf t h:ll rn udl 111 llw
m11n1•\ \\ ;.i.., 11 ... l·d 1•1 n •p.t \ 1111111
l~·c• LA1'C't .. Pa~c· .u 1
Road Study Authorized
lroine Panel to Probe TrajJ~ic Demands
Of IM O•llY Pl'°' Sl•ll
Formation of a task force lo
find ways lo brinJ.: Irvine's road
system in line with increased de-
mands from hous ing growth was
ordered by the City Council ear·
ly today.
The seve n me mbe r commit
lee, which mus t r eport lo the
council June 12. will be com
posed of thrt-t• lr\11t1e Com1rnn> t111n anrl nut l'ctu1 vc.x:a11011 ll kt•
l'XN'Ul1vl's. lhrc l' r 1t y ... t aff 14 h<1l I got from >our IJl'es1<ll·nt. ·
mcmbt•rs a n d Ma yor Bill /\nlhony s:ud. n •fl'r111g to a n•
Va rdouhs \'t'nl met'ling lwtwt•cn lnl' C'll \
Pendrnj;! tht· grour>'-; report. and 1·11m1wny 1>rt•i.1d<'nt PNt•r
the company voluntarily a~reed Kremt•r on lht· ma)or .., 1Jr 11
to withhold film~ of any new 1>0sals
trar,t proposals with the city "If vou think I'm ~Olllj;! to
Robert Shelton. thl' company's IJat·k off. I'm not, hl' c·11nt1nued
vice prcsid<>nt for J!OVl'rnment .. Wc 'rt> nol j;!Ollll! lo let ha1>pc n
relations. told the council that he here what happt•ncci rn Newport
agre ed with the mayor's assess Beac h ... Anthon) :-aid
m ent that "pervasive• traffic 1s a\.. As outhncd by Hw council. the
problem I h at requires ag first JOh or the tu:-k forcl· will bt•
~ress1ve a tte ntion by the c ity. to devdop a "s hort te rm :H'lion
Irvine Firms 'Ange&' county, stale und tht.> Irvine· pla n " that will show wh<1I roads
Company .. need improvem ent a nd how they
Vardouh s is seekin~ improve will be financed.
ments in lrvme·s ro ads, claim Amon~ the improvement~ lh111
m g their expansion is laggini.t <See TRAFFIC. Page A2l
Two Irvine corporations an-
nounced today that they will un-'
de rwrile $35,000 in contributions
so that the Irvine United School
District can conduct summer
The district's chief benefactor
wlll be the Irvine Company,
which hu a1reed to make a
tJ0,000 cub donation and un·
derwrtte up to '20,000 in further
donaUona toward the coat ol the
PJ'OSf UL la addition , Alleraan
Pba~ala donated $5,000.
Combined wtth tta.ooo in con·
tribuUa111 from lndlviduals. the
school district now has SSl,000 in
hand slightly more tha n half
of the cost of the Sl00,000 pro·
gram. ' School trustees previously had
decided that If 50 percent of the
cost could be raised from the
community, the school district
would match the naure and cdn·
duct the pr'Olram.
District officials had an-
nounced Tuesday that summer
school would nol be held, due lo
a shortfall in community con·
decided to help fund the pro·
gram .
Officials of both firms indicat-
ed they will ask other companies
to donate toward the S20,000 that
the Irvine Company has agreed
to underwrite
About 2,000 students have
signed up for summer school
courses. Offerings will include
classes in basic skills, music
and other fine arts and driver
Enrollment for the program
has closed, but school officials
said a waiUnit list wl11 be set. up
fa r behind the demands placed '
on I hem from ne w develop·
ments. Anaheim Boy, 2., The mayor had indicated that
he would ask fo r 11 moratorium Dr · p I
on ne w tracts If the Irvine Com· own~ ID 00
pany did not voluntarily agree to A 2·year·old Anahe im boy
sit down w1th the city lo resolve drowned Tuesday 1n a backyard
the appurenl conflicts. swimming pool. Orange County
He had obvious support for coroner 's de putie rei>orted to·
that position from Councilman day.
A rt hur Anthony. who h ad Justin Smith. apparently
som elhlng of a "Dutch uncle'' tumbled Into tht• pool at 420 S
lecture for Shelton and a battery Archer St.. Anaheim . 11t 11 : S6
of company officials sitting in a m and ('Ould not ht• revived by
the audience 1 paramedics ~mmoned to the
··we need some true COORefa·' '• :\cene. offk1als saiit.
county supervisor testified dur·
mg the trial
· · 1t was Just that when you
we1..:hed the evidence and put the
pieces togethe r the prosecution's
c ase held water and there never
was a salisf;tctory reason for the
flow of so muc·h money.·· a wo man
Juror who askt.'<1 not to be 1den·
tafied said.
She and othe rs seemingly
found a:. much fault with pros·
AP W•t•pftoto
Bert Lance
New BomJl
In Balloon
Disco,,,e red
A "''1·11nd h11m l'm ad1· 11atl111111
h11111 h "'a:-l111·atetl t•arly toctJy 111
:\'1 r:-... ron \1 11·10 ;ind IO\'t.•Sll)!<Jlor~
lt1 lie·\ l ' II \\ ..... rn.1cl1· "·' tlw
.. 11g1n.itor of .1 ,1n1tla 1 d•·v1cl·
I ti IJ 11 1J s u n d ... \ n r g h I II) ...
ll:i• l..yard sw1rnm1n1-: IH•nl
\II ll1\1·...,f1 ~.d •JI' 1111' 1111•
"h1·r 1ff', hd/J l'f111ll" 1!1,.•\ ll'''
"lt1.id l h:irl1· ... S t umph ... a11f to
ti.I \ lht highly I .\IJll):o•l\I' ~:J:-
1 ti l1·d lit•\ H 't' l't1n:-H1l" of t ralih
11·•1.!" l.1 p1.·d t11gt•lhl·1 '" rl·:-,·mhl1·
,, 1'1L'Jr ·.hapc· ·\ .... 11ph1~1 11·:ill'd
1•t1·t·11 •m1t· 1kv1t l' "1th a 11 nw th
l.1 \ I' u:-t·cl 111 J.!l'IJ.!l.!•'r tlw cit-
\ H'l'. SI llllll'h "J iii
111· 11ulw;1t1·d t h1· de\ 1t·r·, an·
... 1milar to hal1111i11:-'"'p(1)rl1•c1 in
Hw ll1J,!hl p;ilh lo 01.111g1· County
\1rpc1rt 1."1 \1·.1r Thi· prci.l·nl
rl l' \-I \'t' .... .1 1' rn Ut' h m11 f 1·
-.11ph1s l1l·att·cl IH •\\f•\l'r . Stumph
' ( f ..,lllfll'llrll' \\ :1... Ol'a r Ollt' or
I ht•:-1· th11 1g ... \\111•11 ll \\ 1.'nt llff II
!'llllltl l'llUM' lnJllF) or tll'ctth lP -
that pt•rson." Stumph said. It
-.1•1•m ... 111..t• Wll11t:\ l'r 1s rlo1ng 1l
ha ... no rt·~ard for pubht· ..,aft.>t~ ·
lk pulu.•:, lnl'att.>d lhl' h<tlloon
horn h ;1t ahout 4 a m t11da) It
was tying on lht• ~round nl'ar a
f1•nl'l' of thl· M1 .;~1on V1l'Jt1
~1 .1 r J.!ut·nll' Rl•t·rN1lllm Ccnll:r.
"ht·•(' the Narladorc:-s wimming
I 1 •:I m pr;ll'll t'l'S
Or::::wt =~•~•
\\ ... acller
ln ~r l'a~1 n e r loud "
l1in1J.!ht. hecnmin~ parll)
cloud,\ Thursdi.1) ll i~h:
Thursday 111 tht• 60s at th1·
bl'<l d ws. low to ll\t• m "'
71ls 1111:.and. Lows ton1J,!hl
from 55 lo 62.
The main 1ndu:dry an a Mas
.sr.,s1ppt R11wr town nf WO as
taverna -orie /OP every 40
rt':udent11 Story. Page R 11
··~ '\
That po1iUon chan1ed in the
evening hours when lhe firms
'I 1.t\.. I I .. .' . ·-..-... _.
. .._. ---
t\I OM.. Y PtLOT I
,,... .... Al
Vardoulft wants to se. in the
near future are ~mpleUoo of t'M _•..._ o1 '-"Jiu .._._ w ... -....-...Am••e.
Die10 freeways. tompletion ol
Irvine Cenler Drlvt between
Cul vf'r l>rtvt• and Jeffrey. ea
ten1lon ot Bonita Canyon Road
tnto Turtle Rtwk und t.'xpamnon
of Unlvt>ralty l)rlvt>. Walnut
Avt>nut•, Burrarn,·a Road and
Harvard Avt•nue
VardoUlit Hid ht.l will malst
thut the city and th• company
a~rct• on aome mf'chanlam that
would prt•vcnt nt~w residt>nts
from mov111~ 111\tl hou1ws 1r road
projt'l'ls start to late htihlntl
Counrllmun Larry Ajtrun.
speak1n1t In 11up1aort or th~ mo
tion. said Irvine's tramr prob
I ems threaten~ to · · wrc-t•k lht·
promis~ or the Qj1rnned com
munity ..
Sl8.7 Milito•
. r
Eyes Budget
Amid uncertainties over the
outcome of state school rinance
legislation, Irvine Unified School
District trustees will take their
first look tonight at a S28. 7
million budget for fiscal 1980.
The proposed budget, about St
million larger than this year's
spending program. calls for an
educational program generally
equivalent to that now in effect.
The budget is bigger for two
reasons. First, Irvine is a grow·
ing district and will be allowed
lo reap more money to pay for
edu catiori of new students
Secondly. district officials are
banking on a 6 percent "infla ·
tionary allowance" from the
state to offset higher costs ol
goods and services
' that are upected to be hired by
the district, Hartline aaid.
Truateea will consider the
bud1et at a 7:30 p.m . meeting at
Venado Middle School, 4 Deerfield.
The board also will consider a
report from the Irvine Company
on future growth within the dis-
trict, award or a contract for
construction or the Woodbridge
No. 1 Elementary School and a
position paper on school finance
,..,.... ... ,,. 41
LAi~CE ..•
Rut Agrun. who ra,ors a
s lower .:rowth mil' for lrvant',
said the rily shoutcl no1 µul 1tsl'lf
tn the pos1t1on di approving mud
projects that would 1ntJ1e·a11·
"premature" <ipprovill lo 1orw
t:hange!> that woultl 111c·n·J:,t' thl'
t:lt y's SIZC
Gas Stolen
By Workers?
1\rdlL'ologis t Ivor Noel Hume 1.hsplay~ t1
mah: skull unearthed in a geologi cal dig
a t W u I s t e n h 1) I m t· Town c . n e a r
\\'illiamsburg. Va . The skull 1s believed to
lw that of a man killed man lndian attack
on the now 360-year -old town. <Story 812 >·.
The preliminary budget 1s be
ing sent to the board as an "in·
formational" item . Final action
on the spending pla n must
await action by the state
legislature on a school finance
package. explained G e n<•
Hartline. director of business
support services.
loans but also was used to
purchase bank stock. repay
overdrafts at the Calhoun bank
and increase the income of the defendants
The actual or potential loss to
the banks exceeded $500.000 the
SAN DI EGO 1 AP I Police
say that employees of a Shell 011
storage htcility here are sus
peeled to be behind the theft of
two 7,000-gallon tanker loads of
gas stolen last month.
Airport Growth Feared
Four such finance bills are
working their way through the
indictment said. '
Lan ce wa s s pecifically c~ar,::~d with 15 counts or misap.
plication or bank funds while he
was president or the two ban1<s.
In five other counts. he was ac-
cused of falsifying personal
financial statements. He also
was charged with a separate
<'Ount of making fa lse entries in
The Nattonal Bank of Georgia records.
In both cases. which occurred
April 13 and April 15, the fuel is
missing, a Shell spokesman
Newport Official Cites 'Dir~' Results legislature .
Hartline said the budget 1n
eludes no money specifically al·
located to cover wage increases
now under negotiation between
the district's teachers and the
school board "We're changing locks and
looking into hiring a guard.".
said C. P. Garrett. manager of
the Mission Valley fuel center
Of U. Oally .. II .. Statt
A standing room only crowd at
Newport Beach city hall was
told Tuesday night that Orange
County Airport could become
Baja Supplied
Of/icial Denies Slwrtage
TIJUANA, Mexico 1 AP) Gov. Roberto de l a
Madrid has publicly disputed a warning lo U.S.
motorists issued by Jorge Diaz Serrano. who heads
the ,government-owned Petroleos Mexicanos oil in·
dustr v.
There will bl· no g.is r ationing in Tij uana or ;m y
1ncrt•ase in pri<:l'S. De La Madrid SC:i1d Tuesday.
Th<' Baj<J Ca lifornia .chief executive said he
tt.'lcphoncd Gov Edmund Brown Jr .. assuring Brown
that adc...'Quatc supplies of gasoline are on hand for
Americans arrivin~ by motor vehicle_
Last week Diaz Serrano said PEMEC m ay curb
the sale of gasoline to Americans because of
shortages he blamed on U.S. motorists.
"l found no evidence of panic buying or hoarding
of gas as som e people here ar e saying," said De la
Murder Link Probed
In Truck Explosion
explosion that killed two men
sitting in a parked pickup truck
was being investigated today for
a possible link to the murder of
a Croatian refugee last Nov-
ember. authorities said.•
One or the men was killed in
stantly by the explosion at.12: IS
a .m. today and the other died a
short lime later at San Pedro
.and Penins ula Hospital, said
Harbor Division police Sgt.
Lloyd Lucy.
Neither victim has been iden·
tified. but police were trying to
determine if they might have
-been members or the Southern
~alifomia Croatian community,
'whose leaders have blamed a
ser ies of local bombings on the
Yugoslav secret police.
A second bomb found beneath
the body of one of the men was
eventually <letonated by bomb
squad officers, police added.
Officers who investigated the
Nov. 2 shooting death or Croa.
lian community leader Kris
Brkich in front of his Glendale
hom e .were looking into the
bombing deaths, said Glendale
police Officer Red Songer
Last month. two bombs went
off in separate but nearly
simultaneous explosions at the
homes of two m en active in
Croatian cultural programs. No
injuries were reported as a re
suit of the bombings.
The intended victims of those
blasts, Frank Striskovich of Cer·
ritos and Mario Forgiarini of
Rossmoor . blamed the incidents
on Yugoslavia's secret police.
Vance Avoids
Con/ rontation
LONDON CAP > Secretary or
State Cyrus Vance wound up his
first series of talks with Bri·
tain's new Conservative govern·
ment Wednesday, taking pains
to avoid giving the impression
America and Britain are at odds
over the new British initiative on
Emerging with Foreign
Se~relary Lord Carrington from
Carrington 's office. Vance
declared the United Slates must
recognize that a "new reality"
•~<><-~o.i •• ,.. .... --~ ... -exists in the war . torn . ~=~-=:.=.i~~-::::.::.,7. breakaway British colony
puo11 ..... , -... ,..,......, ,,...,. •o· c..... because of the mid-April elec-::;'~1~:;':':".t!".~:e.=.::':s!:.~~:=-: lion of its first black-dominated ,,.,...,.....,,..,.,..,.,._,_s.i ....... _ government.
=:"t:.~,;,·=::=.::=~:uo '---n.ut-Vance-and -officials ac·
111.-i• -companying him made it" clear
P•nllltftl""""""'-th U ~St h I e ru ates as no p ans lo
vou ... ,~ • .:.~.~::,,~.= .. .._. join 8 in in sending an envoy Tll-•·"-' to the Rhodesian ca pital . "°""' Salisbury, and that President TMMe•A.---. Carter will make an independent
Mtft .. ,,,.f;dt,., determination on the validity of °'"''"'"·u.. •-~..... the new government of Prt'me "'''"•m M"""''"' 5attor. Minister-elect Bishop Abel
to1ether with one band u he
fired "ltrtaithl at her temple"
with the clber, Illas Sweariftlen tntllied.
Aft.er, Mlaa Sweartnaen saJd,
Patton ordered her from tbe apartment~
another Los Angeles Interna-
tional Airport.
Newport Beach City Coun·
cilwoman J ackie Heather de·
livered her dire prediction dur-
ing a community forum on the
local airport.
S he predicted that if the
Orange County airport expands.
Newport Beach will become a
ghost town liko Playa del Rey.
··we are standing on the brink
between really good times and
r eally bad limes," Mrs. Heather
told the partisan c r owd of
airport opponents \\!.ho packed
city council chambers.
Mrs. Heather was one of seven
panelists who spoke at the meet·
ing sponsored by the Mariners
Community Associ<ilion The a~
s o c i a t ion r e pr e s ent s
homeowners on the west side of
the Upper Hay. one or the
neighborhoods affected by noise
fr o m airpl a nes departing
Orange County Airport.
None of the other 'panelist~
shared the council member's
v ie ws on the future of the
Thomas Riley. the Orange
County s upervi so r wh o
represents Ne wport Beach took
f'ro• Page A I
ecution witnesses as they diri
with those who testified for the
Prosecution witnesses given
low ratings in the collective
mind of the jurors were Newport
Beach developer Richard Owen
and former development com-
pany executive Richard Stark.
Given the highest rating as a
witness for the prosecution by
the jurors was former state
senator Dennis Carpenter. And
ranked at the top of the st:ale
among witnesses t:alled by the
defense was county Ad
ministrative Officer Robert
Also given hig h marks on
credibility and performance by
the juro rs were pr<>secutor
M ichacl Capizzi and defense
lawyer James Riddl't
"Mr Capizzi was outstanding
lie really knew the case," one
Juror said. -
Another juror said that Riddel
"was very sincere and did a
good job giving the defense side or the case."
But still another juror men·
tioned that ''everybody I talked
to couldn't stand" one of the de·
fense lawyers.
Alternate JUrors interviewed
indicated the outcome of thl'
tri a l t hey had sat through
without sharing in the decision
wouldn't have changed had they
been able to join in the debate.
"I, quite frankly, was leaning
toward guilt though I certainly
would have listened to what my
fellow jurors would have said,"
Kathleen Boyd commented.
The second alternate juror.
..Michael Brown, also said he-WaS
leaning toward a guilty verdict
by the time the trial closed.
All jurors interviewed indicat-
ed that despite fo ur full days <>f
behind-closed-door debate, there
was never a lime when the
jurors felt it might be possible to
return a not guilty verdict.
And from Monday afternoon
through early Tuesday evening
the jury was 11 to l in favor of a
gullty verdict with one male •
juror hold.Ing out for acquittal.
All jurors interviewed said
they did not know Rose had been
tried on bribery charaes once
before; that prosecution witness
Michael Remin1ton was once
trled on murder conspiracy
cbar1ea.-or that Diedrich had
been indicted earliet on political
corruplion charges felated to al·
le1ed violations or state cam·
pai1n regulations.
issue with her prediction and
promised the audience that com
mercial jet flights would be
limited to 40 a day.
He said he'd keep the flights at
that number even if there are
twenty airlines at Orange Coun·
ty instead of the two that cur
rently have leases there
In addition to Riley and Mrs
lle<tthcr, tho panel included
S upervisor Harriett Wieder.
Gerald Dallas of the Federal
Aviation Administration. Henry
Wedaa, an airport s pecialist for
the Southern California Associa·
lion of Governments !SCAG l.
Bob Pavton of Air California and
Cal EgC.rton or Los Angeles In·
ternat1onal Airport
There was no new information
chc1te<1 at the meeting . All of th•·
panelists reviewed what their
<igcn ty 1s d o1ni:: a bout th1•
Dallas said he couldn't discus~
the FAA ·s pendin~ investigation
into charges of discrimination
against air ca rrier s al the
tr the FAA finds against the
county m the case. it could mean
that the county will be rorced to
take on more airlines at the
The p r oposed budg e t .
however. does reflect reser ves
of Sl 2 million.
Each one percent increase in
teacher salaries would equal
about SHl0.000, district officials
have said
About $10.3 million will be
spent this year by the distract on
teacher salaries.
The preliminary budget calls
ror St l.6 million for teachers for
next year The SJ 3 million in·
crease in the amount would cov -
er salaries for 60 new teachers
* * * f'rottt Page .it I
for other students who wish to
attend. They will be placed 1f
s pace is available.
State.mandated courses tor
the educationally handtcap~d
and other special students also
will be held . These classel>.
however. are paid for by tht:
The grand jury was em-
paneled on Jan. 24. 1978. lo in-vesti~ate allegations of financial
irregularities involving Lance.
w.ho resigned Sept. 21, tm. as
director of the federal Office of
Management and Budget.
In the years before he joined
Carter's administration as
director of the Office of Manage-
ment and Budge~ Lance headed
the Calhoun First National Bank
and the Atlanta-based National
Bank of Georgia.
The grand jurors have issued
one Indictment. charging Cov.
ington, Ga .. banker Larry
Beas ley with violating federal
banking laws. Jn a plea agree.
ment filed in court last week.
prosecutor s r evealed they
promised to recommend a lenient
sentence for Beasley in exchange
for testimony.
In vestigation s by the
Securities and Exchange Com·
mission. the comptroller or the
c urrency and by directors of the
two banks turned up numerous
instances of incompletely
documented loans to Lance·~
friends 3nd relatives.
Starts June 1st
Select from the finest lines available at
very special prices. All our upholstered
pieces will be reduced for this event. 10°/o
to 25°/o off. Special orders includect.
Stop in now while selections are
at their best.
Lag11na/Soutli Coiast Yo~r Hometown
VOL. 72, NO. U J, 'SECTtONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, MAY i 3, 1979 TEN CENTS ~----------.....;.--.....;........;.....;.~--...;..;;.;. __________________ ~.....;,.;..;;;..;.;;;..;.;..;..;.,.;..;..;;;;;..;.;;.;.;..;;;.;.;.;.;,.;.;;;;:.... ______ ...;.;.:.;:;.;.;;.;:.:.:;;.::.:..:..:.;:.:::..:...!:.:...:.:.:..;.. ________ ..:.;:;.:::..!;;.:;;.:!,!.=,
' ·~ • ert ance n • 1cte
Students r
Return • By ST EVE MITC'H•:LL
Ol tlw 0 •11• Pl16t St•tt
It was 'hack to st·hoor .11
L<iguna Bcat•h High Sl'hool tu
day as nearly 80 Pt'rt'l•nl •>r Ilk
s tude nt bod) n•turnNI tu the
campus after boycotting clai-!>l'~
Tuesday tn s upport of tt~achcr
pay demands.
Senior s tudents we rt' atlt'nd
ing an awards cer emony al tht•
school this morning , and uf
ri c1als s;ud the student populiJ·
. lion was m•ar its l.100 total.
But Tut!sday th1 •rc were only
34U stuctt-nli. nn 1·ampus. with 7fi0
c·h11oi.1ng lo i.t<Jy <il homc nr at
l 1;·nct ... pr1>1 .. -;t marc h 011
downllh\n stn•ets
A l'r<>\HI 11f Ol·arly 50 -;tudent!>.
carrytnj! placar<b .rnd 1·hanl1n~
· • :J 7 ~ u ck:-., wt· ~ant ti . "
m<Jrt:ht'<i a lon g dnwntow11
, Sllkwalks and M<ttn Ht·ac·h P<irk
for mMl' than C1n hour Tuesdav
The crowd t hl·n headed towarri
the C'ampus when· ltl\'Y we rt'
cht'ert·d hy !)1•vt•r<.1 I tc<H'ht>r!>
Tl'adwr i. art• sct.>long a ti pN
C('nt pay h1k1• and ha vi: t:Xl>t:S!>cd
opposition I<> a d1~tr11•l nfrcr or
3. 7 pcrc£:nt
Th l' sig n n1 rr ~1ng s tudl·nb
m Cl n ht•<I 11ast h und n·d~ of sun
h.1lht•r!> <.ti M:i111 Hl'at h Park.
dianling •·Wr• nt·ed teacht•r:-..
, tht'Y nl·1·d li. · ;ind ·s ix 1s all we
<i:-k. to gt't u~ back '" CICISS ..
And whilt• tht school d1stn<'l
did not condone the walkout a nd
pickets. I.he pn•s1dcnl of the dis
, I r ll'l tl'<t l'h1•r orgam1.:1t 1un P \
• prt•i.scd dt·h.-dt tht· student 111
: . Lida Camµhdl. :.i ll•ach1!r Ht
Top of the World elc mcnt<.in
!-1·h11ol and prcs11le11t of La~una
Beach Unafu•d fo'aculty Assocw
t111n ( LARU FA l sci1d she was
"vt>ry proud of tht· high sch<KJI
"I'm delighted to ha ve the stu
dc nl support al the high school
levt•I ," she s~·t1d t11<h.1 v ·11 shov...,
tht.•v 'n • involved 1n the dcm
Ot: r a ltCJlfOC'l·S~ "
Respon<iing lo a rl'port lhal
students n11 ght lw willing 111
wa lk off 1.·ampus for u wcl'k 1f
lht> dist n et <iut·s not rc:-.1111ntl 111
tcach1:r ch·m:inds. ~h L'a mµtwll
"said . "It '~ a fa.riv rnd1<·al mo\'e ~ "I don't likt· t•; ~l'l' tht· d1stnr t
lose AlJA t avt'n.1g<• cl :nl v altt•n
dancl' ~n_., enu1·i.. but ,um1·tinw::.
you ha\'t! to gc1 t11 t·xtn•rrw!'> 111
gH J.lt•oplt· lo d1 ;rng1· lh1·ir
mind!. ..
Mcanwh1l1· fac·ult~ m1·mh1.·r"
were pn·parinJ.! their <1wn weir
plC1n against th(• d1~lrll't s pay
Ms C:..tml'ht:ll ~aid lcachcrs
I See Rt:Tt RN. VitJ!t' A2 >
O ean-up Promised
U S. Steel Crirv .. an wht.1l fcdl!r:.i l
officials CttllNl "lht· biggest f•n ·
vironmental control a~reemt>nl
in steel inc1ustry history," hu::.
agreed to spe nd ~oo million to
clean up <iir und wciler around
plants in we:-.lcrn PennsylviJrl1a
a nd Utah
Orang .. Coasl
In c r eas ing c l oud s
tonight. becom-ing partly
cloudy Thursd ay. H i~hs
Thursday in the 00s at lht:
be~c hcs. low-to the mtd
70s inland. Lows tonight
from 55 lo 62
The main mdwitry in a Maa·
nadppi River town of 200 is
tavt'rm -mae /or every 40
H~I. Story, Poge 811.
O~ult Pllo' P~oto b't !.If'~,. M•H PwH
Nearly SO Studenls Marched on City Streets, Beeches Tuesday in Support of Teacher Salary Hike
Coa~hes l'ow Sit-out
R) ROGE R CA RLSO~ Ot ,,.. O~•I• P1I .. s .. tt
\ OOZF.N CO,\('IU:S for Laguna Reach lllgh present-
cd Pru1c1pal Robt.•rt Hughe:-. with a signed document this
mo rnin)?. ~Hulin):( their int<'nlion not to volunteer to coach
in September. accordin~ to Athletic Director and football
coach Wa lt llame ra
With lfl positions unfillt:d. the additional threat of 12
mort• 1.·oal'hes refusing to coach in 21 otht>r categories
ll'"''•·~ lhl· L<1J.?una 8Pach campus with five walk·on
<:11adws for all ~port s when the 197!H'.IO sc<.isnn arrive!>
T h" 1·rux <1f llic mattt'r is the on-goi ng contract
m•uotJ:.illons. l're!-.ently the teachers arc unhappy with a
11ropoM.:d :1. 7 pcr('ent PCIY misc
THE PF.TITION CITES the coaches· d1ssatisfacl1on
with th<' pror>o!-al und in part. states. "We . the members of
tht.' current <'OiJC'hing staff. wish to give notice lo our school
ho:..trd <inti supNintl·ndent that the md1vidu<.1ls listed below
110 n•>t "1i.h to volunteer to coach for the 197!1·80 season
The petitif•n 1i. s1gnctl by llamcra. baskt•tball coach
M1k1· Hot·hP. voll<•v hall coach Mike Duncan. for>thall l'ttache~ Norm lloru.cki and'Hal Akin::., basketball coach
Tom Purdy . ha!>t'l>a ll ('Ouch llal llcnslcr. tcnnio;; coaches
\rt Wahl ancl Hort Hos~. haskethall ('OC:tch Jerr1me Karp.
J.(1rl ~ alhh·t1e d1n•t·lor Lynn Mc<1d1• and tr<1l'k Cl><tCh Dinny
I n•gn•t tht·~· vt.• t•hoscn ::.i.:rv1te'-to tt1,. o.;tudr·nb C:tnd
11~1.·d a lhlN11·~ ;1~ a pol1tl\'o1I 1mplt•m1•nt .,,,\.., llui::h• •
· 1 ·11 for v. ;1rd th1:-111 tht• '-t'hool lllmrd :..1n1I <J1,1'U'-' 1l v. 11 h
l ht'm It n·minds ffi{' or how lhl:! CJI~ mpll''-h<J \I• IJt·t•n llll'
.. At that l1mt• wt" II determine un1ler wh.it <·1mrl1l111n '
we'll :..1ccepl their resignation!> "
HAM F.RA SA \IS THt: HEART of the m:..tltt:r rJnt''> not
lir only with the differe nce in '>ala rv nf'got1 at111n.., Th•· prn
po~al or :l i fll'r('t 'll t ra1 ::.t• d1fft•r!-> from th1• Ii 111·r<·1•nl ._11u~ht
bv thl' t c•:ic•ht·r~
· "It's not JUst nwnt•y," say::. !IC1mNa "lt''o lht· <.1tt1tu11•·
of tho admtn1straltnn lowarc.I wh<tt pt:.·11pl 1• an• tloin~ lt(·r··
An 1dl.'mically our tt•st s cort.'!> an: among tht-t1m in <Ua11i.:1·
"Anrl. for in~l<tnt·e. I wai. fired last yt·ar in prl'p<tr:it111n
fo r l'ro1>0::.1t 111n 1:1. but lhl•n rehlrl'rl Wl· JU.<.t l1tok lh:1t 111
.;tn<il' Wt• c·11ml· hack and wPnt to v.ork Bot 1111v. lltt'> '"'
top of it It i. nut m11nc)'. 11 'i. :1 m<-tlh'r 1>f 1>nn1·1ph•
"WF.'Vt: Rt:E.:N MANIPlJl.ATEI> and pu-.h1•d .w111nd ,
w1"n · ;1 littlt• tut l1n•rt 11f 1l W1· rl1111 't m1 ·:111 th10.., 1n ,,
p11n1l 1\·1· "":> t11w<Jrd lhl' k1di. Hut wt• <·11n:-.11lt•r th1-; thing 1
'-l<lfl In till' f ;l('I '
llam1·r:i -;;i v~ ht:'ll l"11ntin111 · .1i-. f1111tha ll 1·11:ic·h 1hro11~·h
::.pnng prat'l1t·t; and that :-.umm1·r footllall 11r11µr.1m' "'II
C'llOttnUt' •
Tut•i.cla~. :1 n·p1>rtt·tl 7><7 11f 1h1· '-tll'1<'nt l'nr1illrn .. 111 ••I
1.0ao. \l.l•nt 1111 i.trikt· 111 !-ollflpor1111 the· lc·:ll'lll'r'
Jury Relates Verdict Cle1nent~a11 s
To Protest
Goat Kiili ngs Diedrich •Guilty 8eyo1ul Reasonable Doiibt'
OI ,.,. O•il• Pllol !>l•lt
SAN DI EC:O T he• 12 J•iror,<,
who crinv1ch·d Orange County
Su1H•rv1sor Ha lph Diedrich and
<trl'hilc<•t l.eH1Jy Hose on bribery
c:h a rgl'S T ul•sd ay s ai d they
nutil'1•d rnan.v things during th<•
couri.(· of lhl' !>l'vcn·W<·(•k trial.
Tht•y ~aid, for t'xample. they
* * *
Will Cordova
Assume Seat
Of Diedrich?
SAN DI EGO An era in
Orange Count y politics ended
Tuesd ay night whe n Supervisor
Ralph Diedrich stepped into the
not1n·d thl• lhn·c· dcft·nsc at
tornl'y~ habitually wore short·
slcc•\ cd shirt:-.
They <ilso mt·nt11Jrn•t1 nol1c1ng
that a wedding band worn by
H<1sc w<1s an on ag:..111, off-again
thing and whc•n 1t wai. riff-a~ain
1l might hav1· rdll•cted 1>0 his ac·
tivitil•s of th(· night ht:forc
Ont• Juror '-:tit! she al::.u noticed
that 01l'clr1<'h's w1f<'. Inez. was
not in the courtroom <luring the
six court days 1t took to select a
JUr y
/\nd whl'll Mrs Diedrich ap·
pearccl in court on the trial's
ope ning day. thl' .1uror felt her
presence w<.is an attempt lo
portray Diedrich sympathetical·
ly as a family man.
Above all else, however , the
.1urors s aid when the evidence
was weighed il pointed to J!uill
"beyond :..1 rl·:..tsrinahlc douhl and
to <t morn I <·<>rtamt v "
"ll':-. JUSl when you r hc·ck
tht•m toj;(ctht•r the prosl'l'ulion·~
t•ust• wa~ more plaus1hlc than
the· dt.•fcnM! t·aS<'. .. onl' Juror saul
1n iJ h'lt·phom· 1ntl'rVJCW
llt•r thoughti. were c('hOcd by
six other 1um rs inll!rvll'wcd by
te lephone afkr most of the jury
mcmlw r s rc fui.cd lo be 1n
terv1cwcd hy fl'p<irt er~ as they
left thr• courtroom
As they left. what hud l><'en
almost a fei.llVl' mood amon~
the j urors during the trial had
turned lo obvious s train and
"I <1m just too tired a nd worn
out lo want to discuss t hl'
rasc." Jury foreman Richard
lve.v said when s urrounded by
ISee DIEDRl(11, Page A2>
d arkness outs ide the County
Courth<>usc as a newly convicted
Within « few minutes of his
conviction on three bribery
char~, Diedrich sca led bis_
political career when he said to
~uperior Court Judge Roi;s
Rehozo Buys Home
Near Friend Nixon
"Well . then. I'll avoid going to Charles G. "Bebe " Re bozo,
1 Board of Supe rvisors) meet· long-time friend and political al·
ings." ly of forme r president Richard
Thal s t ateme nt m eant Nixon. has purchased a home in
Diedrich bargained away his San Cle m e nte's exclusive
pre rogative to serve on ttfc Cyprus Shores area near what
board anothe r few weeks in ex· used to be the Western While
change for a sentencing dale or House.
July9ratlH!rthanJune8. Uwayne Berger, of San
Diedrich won't officially be r•· Clemente Real E state Company,
moved from office because of • s a I d to d a y R e b o 1 o h a 1
his feJOQY convicUon untU sen· purchased the home for an un·
tenced to what could be up to disclosed amount in the SO-home
four yean in state prison. development patrolled by
But in addition to forgoing security guards.
participation on the . Board of But Berger refused to release
Supervisors until sentenced, further details of the home deal.
l>ledrlch indicated llllte Tuesday He asserted that a press release
c&eeCORDOVA, Pa1e A.2> regarding Rebozo'!I move would
be released later this week from
a Nixon aide.
Rebozo. a Miami millionaire.
aided Nixon in the purchase of
the ous ted pres ide nt's ,San
Clemente and Key Biscayne.
Fla .• estates. Nixon has sold the
Florida estate.
Rebozo is one of the rew peo.
pie Nixon has associated with
regularly since he resigned the
presidency in August, 1974.
Secret Service a•ents. who
patrol Nixon's Casa Pacific
estate at the southernmost end or
San Clemente, said Tuesday they
are not aware or Rebozo's report.·
ed movetoCypru!'ShoreR.
8 )• RA\'MONU t:STR.\l>A Jr Of ''-0 •1ly Ptfot !.ti1tt
A g roup of S;.111 <'l i·m••fl t•·
animal lover!. h:t\'l' i.dll'dUll'<l .1
S;iturcl;l\ tlt'mon~tratum 111 thl·
city's dn\\nt<1wn :in ·a to 111·11tei.t
lht' planrwd i.l:rnghkr 11r :1,11110
gnat!-pl<10rll'cl for n1•x1 wn•k on
San Ckmt•nll' b l.md
San cl l' m <· n t ,. ho u i. c• w 1 rt·
(;t•orgl'll Kur~•·n. l>nl· of thl·
Salurda,\ t•v 1·nt ·::. 1ir gu n1 zcr s .
s aid slw t'X l't't'bo ;i numhcr of
goat bucker::. from Orange. Lo~
Angeles und H1n•rs1dc t•ounl1e~
to partir1patt• in th1· proksl
Mrs. Korsen said offlr1als for
he r jzroup. G1vC' Our Anim<1 ls
Time . havt· received a parade
permit for lht• protest and plan
to wave placards and c hant pro
goat s logans while m arching
down Avcnida Oct Mar from El
C<.i mino Heal bcginrung al 11
" Navy officials say rifleme n
~ire supposed to shoot the feral
goals as the most effective way
lo protect a number of rarc~nd
endangered animals. bmls and
plants on lhl' jzOvernmcnl ·owned
Mrs. Korsen said her group
has b~en askin~ the Navy to
postpone the slaughter until a
.. m o re huma ne " solution 1s
Navy officials say shooting
t he goats wi ll preserve the
threatened San Clemente lo((
gerhead shrike and sage spar~
row as well as the island's en·
dangered night lizard and three
types of plant life.
The island is located about 55
miles off the coast of the city. It
has been us ed as an ordinance
Navy offi cials. working with
s late Fi s h a nd Ga m e
(Sff GOATS, Pa1e i\2)
---~ --
w /\Siii NG TON 1/\P1 Bert
Lanl'l'. Prcs1d!'nt Carter'!> fncnrt
and formt:r federal hudi.tc•t di rec·
tor.""" 1nd1t•lcd to rt ay on
1·h.1r)!1·~ 1nvofv 1nl! his f1na ncli.l l
tl1·altn)!'> v.hl'rl h1· ht•iHlecl lWI•
(~l·11rg1a h;Jnks
1\ lso 1nr1w h.•d wt·r1· H1<'hard T
(':.irr. an 11ffw1·r .1t (':..tlhoun F1r~t
'.";.i l 111na l H.1nk Thomas M
\l 1tC'ht>ll. :1 mt •mhl'r of tht· board
of rl1n·1•tnr" ol the ('ulhuun bank
:ind th 1· Na 11 11 n:il B.Jnk of t: .. 111 l-1.J .. inti II .la1 k'>11n
:\l 11li 11i:-. .i l):irtnl'r with L i.Jilt'•'
and :1 ~tot•khold1·r in tht• C.J lhour1
11.111 i..
I .1111·1 ,11111 lh• 11t h1·r . \\l·rt· ;it
'11 .. o·d 111 111.1k1111-1:i1 ........ t.,t•·
1111·111 ..; ,1 11d 11·purt:-. :ind d1·
It 111·1 1t1·h II\,., \ :ilUllll! I.Hid
1•111p1·rt \ .111rl 't'l'lll 1t II'!\ rnr H•1·
p111 ptt~P tl l lltflU l'llf'lrl)! h;_111k
I I .111!->dt'l 11111-.
'l'lt1 • 111111 ...,,.,.,. l'llHl':..!i•d with
11.111" 1r.1utl 111u1h Ill~ ,.fr11r1:-111
tlttl'l\1• 111f111•C'' 11( ll\1· l\-.11
lt.1111\'. th1· t·11111r11ll1•1 111 ttw 1·111
'' •H'\ .111d tlw F1·cl1 •1 al 1>1•1111~11
111 .... 111 .1111'•' t "ll'fl
11 T : I ' illll 111!111 I lrlf'Jll •• 1 ..... '·'•'I 111•· d1•t1•111J.1111 d1•itft•·r<.1I l'I\
1111~;1 ppl 11·d IM11I-. 1untli. .ind 1·11n
'""I'd 111!Ill'\111l;11 111n of \ :1n1111:-.
l1.1llhlll)! l:t\•'-
Tti ... Jir..,llt l' lfrµart m1•nt d1fl
r1111 1111!11";.111 · l'n·..,111lont ( ':irt1·r
'' ,,,., Ill\ 111\ t•d 111 :.Jll\ of the :ii
l1°J.!l'd 1rn·1owl;111111·~
Thi• 111d11·l 1Tll'nt .11-.0 1<11:nl1lted
('arr ;1' l11l'ml'I flrt''>t dt.•nl of th1•
'\11rth"''"l <;1·11rt!1<1 Bani.. 111
1<1111.?c11l1 l 1;;, \l1t1h1 •ll ;i., a
1 .. 1111• r fw1,1nl 11wr11hPr 111 lt1;1t
lo.1111. .111.t :\lulllni. ;i:, a f11rmt-r
(·a llwun drt1J?J.!l~I
11 :-aid I l w 1·11r1~p1 rat·y. l:islini.:
I rum 1!1'72 unttl llw prt·'>l'nt. P -'
-ult1•tf 111 11111r1· th.Ill .'lO m1ll11111
11, lu.in:-l"r tht· f111ir dt·l•·nd..,nh.
l lit•lt (.1111ifll'' :Jlld :ISM ll'l :llt •'>
'I h1•r ,. "',.,.,. :J>1;1 lti;111~ I" 11
11.1111-., 111\111\t·d 111 lh•· 1·a,1· 0 Th1·
tll•ln tnl••ltl :,;ud Iha! rnm·h 11f lfw
1111tllt ·~ \\ :1:-UM•d In I l'p.1:-llrt•lf
111,Jll'> lt11I .d "1 "'·•" U!-l'd f1 1
'""' h.1 .... 1).1111-. ,,,, i.. 11•p.1\
"', 1 tl 1.tfh ,11 I Ill' I dhouo IJJlll-.
.111d 1111 I •·:ht· I 1!1 lltt om1• 11f
1 lw ""'' 1111.1111 ·,
1111 11111.11 Ill' jt<llO'fll1.1I 111 ...... '"
'"' """" .•. ,,.,., d1·1l ..::1011111!41 lht• 111du 11111•n1 ,,11d
I .1111·1• ''·'' '-P •·< 111 •·.Jll\
1'!1.1 r l!t·d "1th 1 ·, 1·1111111-. ol mhap
pl11 ·'"''" 111 l1.1nh I u1111' "11111 • 111·
\,,, .. l'"''llft •lll 111 lh•· 1\\11 h<tllk'
111ll\1'11!!11•1 ('llltlll'-ht• v.a~ .11
•II" d 111 I ,Jl,11\1111! lll'f")O;.d
l111a 111·1;il -.tall'm1·rll'-llt· ;_ii,.,,,
\• .1:-1 h.11 ).!t•d \\ti h ;i "'P;1rat1·
11>unt 111 n1:1k11H! l:1b1• 1•n tr11·" tn
'I h1· ,'\<11 innal flank of {;\'firg i;,
I <'l't ll'd~
TIH· g r.111tl 1uq "-a!'> t•m
p.111t•lt•d 1111 .J.111 l ·I. IHI>!. to in
\ 1•:-t 1 ~at1· ;1lkg;1l11111!' 11f f111:inc·1.tl
11T<·g111ant 1t.':-Ill\ 111\ 1 n~ l..inc1•.
"Ito n·,1)!1\\'tl ~t·pt l l . 1!177 a:-
1h1 l·t•tor ol tilt' f\orh•ra l <llflt't' 111
\I a11:11.!•'lllPllt and B111lg1•I
Ill llit• ~•':JI':-hC'ltH'l' ht• Jl)lllt:d
I ..trl1·1" ,1d 111 1111 i.lr<Jt1nn .,,
d1r••t'l111 111 ttw Off1t••· 11f \lanagt·
llll'lll and Bud gt•I. l.antt· lh'atft>d
I hi• (';.ilhoun F1r~t N:il11111:il R;i11k
and thl' Allant<J h:1i.t•ll tloatmn:..tl
B.1nk of l i1•org1a
Tht• grand Jurnri. havt· l!>SUt:d
om· 1111lll't me11t. d1 a rg ing l'ov
tn )!l Oll . (i a . hankt·r l.arrv
lk.i~lt·~ \\llh nol:.it1nj! fl'llt•r;il
11;111k1 llll-I a~!).
.~ ..........
Bert L•nce
Fellow Superviaon PmUe Hi• I llll01'ation
WMM 80l eomMtd'• • ta. ertmiul
'H'fMry eG'll•™lon ti'•"' wtn oallt Orann Count)' Supetviaor Ralph Diedrida ,._ ii·
flC"t", Oiedrlc:h's fellow supt!ftltofl ,...._.
him and his N(lrvkc to the rounty today.
''mlnid the muy j ood tbu.p he did wh11tl
•• omee;· Cltn uid.
........ uaD. He WU dedle•l·
Pd a nd ~ has alway" bflen a very capab1t•
rounty supt"rviiJ•lf" I huv•· 1.t l<•l of respect and
reJ(ard for th l11h I'll nu~s tum " "It ts my opinion that ()raqe County•• a
better phm~ bttausC! Ralph Daedrkh haa
bt-t•n 11 county ~Upf'rv isor ... · upcrv ti.or Su~rvlwr tlnrrlt>tl Wh·d~r was not for,
bt•hind ('lurk unll Hale an ht!r wllltngocss lo
uy kmd th1n..i11 t1houl 01t1dr1d1 Thomas tltll')' Mud -.. HF. aaoUGHT IN MANl' lnnO\ all Vt'
1>rc1cudure.' lur tht• numugcmenl of county gov
"Ile· wui. a .:oocl udm11ui.lr11tor. ht• wus
tcood for thl' county und h•· wus i,:ootl fur has
dlstr•ct." Mris Wll'ckr ll1tlcl
"And many ur hlS tdtlH »r~ a ftl ltJOr
rt>uwon why Oruntte County h~:. •n efficient
county .iovt•rnmc·nt, ··Hile.)• :.ttlfl
"I 'n \ 11acl for Halph ·-. fanuly and I'm
Ud for the county thul th111.:s hucl lo Cflme lo
thli. ... .,ht· conr lulkd
"KAl .Pll ll~S et:t:N Vt'r)'. dt>d1catt'd und
tlard working. I JUSt hupe the pcoplt• will n·
member ull tht• muny plu:.t:>:. he's brought to
Oran~f'Counly "
"II 11> unCortunalt• for Oruo~c t'uu11ty und·lhc
&wopll' who hvc here a:. well a1> the county'b
image that thu. hits happened l 'm very sorry
ror R<tlph, Mr Hose amt their fum1hei..'' An
thony swd. s imtlitr Superv1i1or Hulµh Clurli. hucl
words of praise for 01edrtd1
··I ho"'' f{ulph ·, l'onv1t•t1on doesn 't He went on tu l':tll U1cdr1ch "a strong ac
uvc member of the ttourd of Supervisors "
• • * • •
l"ro• Pa9*' A I
• . • * *
cught he might resign before the
July 9 sentencing date.
That would upen the door for
Gov . Edmund G. Brown to ap
point a replacement to fill the
3rd District seat now held by
Front-runner for the appoint·
m enl is former state as·
semblyman Ron Cordova, a
.32 ·yea r ·o ld co nserv ative
Cordova made no overtures
for the job while Diedrich was
waiting trial and says he will not
seek it while the incum bent is
waiting sentencing.
ders tand they have good art
courses there."
Prosecutor Michael Capizzi
described the j ury verdict as
•·fair and reasonable.··
"We've taken a lot of abuse on
this case. J think you c an say the
jury's verdict said far more elo·
quenlly than J can say just what
the issues were and why it was a
sound prosecution.··
After the jury had left the
<'OUrtroom. Judge Tharp agreed
to let the two convicted men re· ·
main free on the strength of
their own word that they will
make upcomin~ court ap·
Rut the judge scheduled a bail
hearing for May 30, meaning
Diedrich and Rose could be
asked lo post bail in order to re·
main free while waiting to be
without reaching a verdict, be-
ing held into the night hours.
Lawyers Sylvan Aronson and
J a mes Riddet said the extra
hours were being used to force a
decision ·'to accommodate one
juror who wants to take a trip
But when the jury came in
with its verdict, the judge asked
each member if they had fell "coerced or pressured" into
reaching a decision.
After all the replies were lo.
the effect that there was no coer-
cion or pressure. Judge Tharp
handed the verdict forms to the
court clerk.
And when c l e rk Robe rt
Lawrence read the (orms, he
said. "As to defendant Diedrich.
guilty on counts one. two and
Coed Mechelle Lecomte
may not vol unteer for commit·
tees ne xt year, including
coaching duties. tasks as depart-
m enl heads and other non-
teaching chores.
"That's our way of responding
to this trilical situation," she
s:iid. "The high school is going
through accreditation next year.
and in order to do that we need
teachers for certain committees.
"If thev won't volunteer. it
presents problems ...
~en • •
'Prai.se God'
STARKE. Fla. <AP) -,John
A. Spenkelink's life was spared
early today, only hours before
the 30-year-old murdere r was to
die in Florlda's electric chair .
Federal judges in Atlanta and
Washington granted separate
appeals for a stay of execution.
"Praise God!" the former
Buena Park man shouted as the
news nashed across a television
screen outaide his cell a few feet
from the death chamber.
His Episcopalian minister, the
Rev. Tom Feamster. gave
Spenkelink Holy Communion at
1 a .m. -just one hour before
guards had been due on Death
Row to shave Spenkelink 's head
and leg to increase the efficien·
cy of the electric chair.
Less than 12 hours before, on
Tuesday afternoon, Spenkelink's
Death Row companion, Willie
Jasper Darden, also was grant·
ed a stay of execution when a
federal judge agreed to hear his
The executions would have
been the first in the United
States since a Utah firing squad
shot Gary Mark Gilmore more
than two years ago.
Gilmore refused lo purs ue
court appeals, and these would
have been the first executions or
prisoners against their will in
the United States since 1967.
The Florida prison was quiet
today after a night of tension
among inmates angry about the
imp e ndin g exec ution .
authorities said. Early in the
night. inmates chanted. banged
on the cell walls and bars and lit
s mall fires in protest.
But after the stay was grant
ed. they settled down.
Spenkellnk was to have been
executed at 7 a.m .. Darden at 8.
But minutes alter midnlaht, in
Atlanta. Judie Ellbert 8 . Tuttle
or the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals issued his stay on an ap-
peal which former U.S. Attorney
General Ramsey Clark had
helped seek.
In Balloon
A second homemade ballool'\
bomb was located early today in
Mission Viejo and investigators
believe it w as made by the
originator or a similar device
found Sunday night in a
backyard swimmjng pool.
An investigator for the
sheriff's hazardous devices
squad. Cha rles Stumph, said to.
day the hii:?hly explosive, gas
filled device consists of trash
bags taped together to resemble
a cigar shape. A sophisticated
electronic device with a time de· lay is used lo grigger the de.
vice. Stumph said.
He indicated the devices are
simitar to balloons exploded in
the flight path to Orange County
Airport last year. The present
d ev ices a r e much m o re
sophisticated however. Stumph
sa1ct .
"tr someone was near one of
these things when it went off it
could cause injury or death to
that person." Stumph said. '!It
seems like whoever is doing it
has no regard for public safety."
But he has the active support
for the appointment of state
De mocratic Party chairman
Richad O'Neill, labor leader
Bruce Lee and the county's con·
tingent of Democratic state
legis lato r s. inc luding As -
semblyman Dennis Mangers.
Diedr1ch's abrupt departure
from office was decided at 7:28
p m. by an cight·woman, four-
m an jury.
After bemJ? deadlocked 11 to I
in favor of guilt since Monday
a fternoon. the jury decided un-
animously that Diedrich and co
d e fendant LeRoy Rose wert·
guilty ur all the charges brought
against them in a county Grand
Jury indictment handed down
Dec. 15. 1977.
Earlier in the night, defense
attorney. objected lo the jury.
whu:h had deliberated four days
* * * Fro• Page 1l I
Pupil Proficiency
Tests Eyed at Capo
Fire Station
Pact Awarded
The contract for construction
of a new M16.400 fire Sli:llion in
Sa n Ju an Ca pis trano was
awarded TuE>sday to Dynamic·
Construction. Inc . by Orange
County Supervisors
Deputies located the balloon
bomb at about 4 a m. today. It
was lyin~ on the ground near a
frnt•e of t he Miss ion Viejo
M argueritc Ret•reatwn Center.
wh ere the Nadadores swimming
team practices
Sunday night's bomb fell int~
the swimming pool of a res·
1dence on Roma Drive in Mis·
s1on Viejo
Diednch g reeted the verdict
with no show of emotion other
than turning his head to smile
reassuringly at his wife. rnez.
who sat in the courtroom.
Rose was visibly shaken by
the de<'ision that he was guilty of
conspiring with his long·time
friend to commit bribery .
For Diedrich. the j ury's de·
c1 s ion m eant all 12 Juror s
believed he solicited a nd re
ceived "'85,000 worth of bribes as
well as an $80.000 bank loan.
Rose as well as Diedrich was
convicted or conspiring to com·
mil bribery, a conspiracy aimed
at extracting money from a de·
velopment company. Anaheim
Hills. lnc.
Immediately after the verdict,
Diedrich lashed out al his pros·
ecutors, insisted he was inno·
cent no matter what the jury
found and claimed he was the
victim of a witch hunt.
Later , when he reflect e d
privately on his plight, Diedrich
"Sure. I'm disappointed that
things have turned out this way.
"But I've had to race worse
things-the war, business prob·
lems lots or things. I can
take what's coming a nd r know
Inez can.
"Sometimes you lake what life
has to give. And this is one of
those times for me."
Rose, over a drink, was admit·
tedly depressed ''by the whole
damn thing.
"J just don't see how the jury
could have done what it d id. I'll
never understand it.•·
Then, r eturni ng to the
wisecracks he often uses to ex-
press himself. Rose quipped:
"Well, I just hope they send
me to C hino <prison>. I un·
lll_.,__...._1,11_l_llWllWO.-, ... ,, ............... ~. s.pe ... ~ocllllOM•<O
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Ironically. none or the 1urors
who later discus~;cd lhe case
s aid they didn 't b e lieve
Diedrich's version of the bribery
conspiracy when the 53-year-old
county supervisor testified dur·
ing the trial.
·'It was Just that when you
weighed the evidence and put the
pieces together the prosecution's
case held wa ter and there never
was a satisfa ctory reason ror the
flow of so much money," a woman
juror who asked not to be iden·
tified said.
She and other s seemingly
found as much fault with pros-
ecution witnesses a s they dir1
with those who leslifaed for the
Pr osecution witnesses given
low rat ings in the collective
mind of the jurors were Newport
Beach developer Richard Owen
... nd former development com-
pany executive Richard Stark.
Given the highest rating as a
wi\ncss for {he pros~cution by
the Jurors was former stale
senator Denms Carpenter. And
ranked at the top of the scale
among witnesses called by the
d e fense was county Ad
..ministrati ve Officer Robert
Also given high marks on
c redibility and performance by
the juror s were prosecutor
Mi chael Capizzi and defense
lawyer James Riddet.
"Mr. Capizzi was outstanding.
.He really knew the case," one
juror said.
Another juror said that Riddel
"was very sincere and did a
good job giving the defense side
of the case."
But still another juror men·
lioned that "everybody I talked
to couldn't stand" one of the de-
fense lawyers.
Alternate jurors interviewed
indicated the outcome of the
t rial they had sat through
without sharing in the decision
wouldn't have changed had they
been able to join in the debate.
"I, quite frankly, was leaning
toward guilt though I certainly
would have listened to what m y
fel1ow jurors would have said,"
Kathleen Boyd commented .
The second alternate juror,
Michael Brown;-also said he was-
leaning toward a guilty verdict
by the time the trial closed .
All jurors interviewed indicat.
ed that despite four full days or
behind-closed·door debate, there
was never a time when the
jurors felt it might be possible to
return a not guilty verdict.
And from Monday afternoon
through early Tuesday evening
the jury was 11 to 1 in favor of a
1uilty verdict with one male
juror holding out for acquittal.
All jurors interviewed said
they did not know Roae bad been
tried on bribery charges once
before; that prosecution witneaa
Michael Remin1ton was once
tried on murder conspiracy
char1e1 or that Diedrich had
been indicted earlier on political
corruption char1ea related to al-
leaed violations ot state cam-
pal1n na~tUona.
Capistrano Unified School Dis
tricl trustees are studying prof1
ciency tests that will be given to
1.200 elementary !'iChool children
over the next two weeks on a
trial basis
CUSD officials told trustees
lhis week the tests were pre·
pared under a state law that re
q uires school districts to test
e lementary school children's
progress toward high school
graduating requirements .
"We hope to identify very ear
ly in a child 's career the things
he or she is deficient 1n . · i\ssis-
t ant S upcrinl'-'nde nt Philip
Grignon said.
The tests will cover knowledge
t n r eadin g , wntin g a nd
mathematics and results will be
used as a basis to require rem·
edia l work in areas where
children don't measure up to
The proposl'd tests will ht' ad
ministered tu 1.200 children on a
trial basis so administrators can
,..,....Page Al
a uthorities. plan to begin the
goat shooting May 31 or June I
depending on weather condi·
The carcasses or the guaLc; are
lo be left lo rot on the island, of-
fi cials said.
"The goats are beinl'! treated
like rodents." said Mrs. Korsen .
·'They are docile , p assive
animals like the kind we let our
children pet In zoos."
The goats were brought to the
island from Andalucia more
than JOO years ago by Spanish
missionaries. Mos t of the
animals reside in rocky. inac·
cessiblc canyon areas.
Navy officials have hired
private trappers to corral a
thousand goats and have a l
lowed hunters on the island to
ki II anothe r thousand of the
a nimals.
Two Marines
Arrested in
Tire Thefts
Two Camp Pendleton Marines
are in Orange County J a il today
after sheritr's deputies spotted
the pair near a car jacked up
wilh tires partially removed in
San Juan Capistrano.
David Robertson. 21, and
Patrick Todd Hunllt?Y. 22. face
attempted grand theft charges
after their arrest Tuesday.
They're being held in lieu of
$5,000 bail.
The incident occurred when
deputies spotted a car across the
atreet from 32112 Ave. Los
AmilOI ln San Juan. Deputies
noted the car had been jacked
up 'and lu1 nut.a were removed
fronf'expenalve rQal wheell on
the rear axle.
The two men were located in
the area of the 3:20 a .m. lnc:l-
dent, a aherttf'• spokesman said.
"set· 1r 1t ·~ really tes t ing wbat
wt· want to test.,"
"The tesL'S may have an im·
pact on classes they're allowed
to take in junior high school,"
Superintend e nt J e r o m e
Thornsley told trustees. "They
may not be allowed to take cer-
tain electives '" lieu or remedial tourses ..
Officials pl an to ask trustees
lo a pprov1..• lht tests at their
June 4 mcc•lmg
The 5.480 square feet branch
station of the county's iire de
partment will be built at 31365
Del Obispo Street. County ad·
ministrator Cliff Endsley said.
It will replace an existing sta.
lion. now inadequate for the
area, at 31411 La Matanza. he
Scheduled completion or the
new facility is spring 1980.
"We re:illy can't tell if they re
being launched from Mission
VicJo itself." Stumph said. "The
two devices have been round
about two miles from each other
so at 's ha rd to pin down a
1 launch) location ...
He said the devices are being
studied by a crime lab to de·
termine what type or explosive
gas is contained in them.
Starts June 1st
Select from the finest lines available at
very special prices. All our upholstered
pieces will be reduced for this event. 10°/o
to 25°/o off. Special orders included.
Stop in now while selections are
at their best.
Proponent• O•t L•nd Oon•tlon, leunch $45 Mllllon Fund-r•l•lng C•mpalgn
$45 Million Sought
Jubila1it Music Center Backers Wnf~dent
Oft• o.lly ...... Si.tt
Jubilant directors of Orang£;
County Music Center are on the
move today.
They're l ooking for ~45
m illion. And they made it clear
Tuesday that they are confident
the funds will be in the coffers
long before a groundbreaking
ceremony they expect to hold
two years hence.
"We will seek these funds
throughout Souther n
California." said executive vice
president John M. Rau. "And I
think we will find that our
tremendously exciting Orange
County project will loosen purse
strings in both the public and
private sectors."
Rau's comments came mo·
ments after his boa,rd formally
accepted a gift or flve acres or
Costa Mesa land in the South
Coast Plaza Town Center de·
velopment from the Segerstrom
family of Costa Mesa.
Pointing to the model unveiled
by Henry Segerstrom, Music
Center president Elaine Red·
field promised an enthusiastic
audience that the 3,200·seat
Orange County Music Center
will be "much more than our
answer to the Dorothy Chandler
Pavilion in the Los Angeles
~Music Center.
"We will bring the world's
greatest exponents of our art
forms to Orange County." she
promised. "La Scala, Covent
Garden. the Russian ballet. you
name it, they will be right here
in the heart of our county."
Mrs. Redfield and other direc·
tors repeatedly made it clear
that the Segerstrom donation
was ideal in terms of buildmg a
cultural colT!plex that will be ac-
cessible to all areas of Orange
"From Seal Beach to San
Clemente. no one will be more
than a half-hour drive away."
she said. "I can't believe our
good fortune in this splendid and
generous offer."
Music Center directors
.stressed that a cultural environ·
ment ha s a lready been
established in the Town Center
by the presence of the South
Coast Repertory Theater.
The model unveiled al the
South Coast Plaza Hotel meeting
depicts a 3,200·seat suditorium
with backstage a nd orchestral
facilities to accom modate major
musical and dramatic produc·
Directors predicted that the
facility will be ideally suited to
the presentation of opera. ballet
and light opera.
Architects said the large pro-
scenium stage they plan for the
complex will favorably compare
'Breaeh' Told
Dally "'°'Si.If P11ei.
Henry Segerstrom With Center's El•lne Redfield
with the Do rothy Chandler
They said an adjoining concert
hall will be used for smaller
musical and dramatic offerings
with a uxiharv facil ities to m·
elude rehearsal , exhibit and din·
ing areas. A multi-level parking
structure will form part of the
There was no doubt Tuesday
that the proposed Mus ic Center
had the enthus1ast1c supr>0rt or
cultural o rg a ni zat i o n s
throughout Orange County
The Irvine Master Chorale,
the Orange County Philharmonic
Society. the county 's Lyric
Opera Association and the
Orange County Master Chorale
were on hand at a meeting that
demonstrated solid support for
the M usicCenter plans.
And it was ulso made clear
that dissension created over the
'year s by groups and com·
munities vying for recognition
as the centerpiece of the coun-
ty's cultural future is now at an
Rury-the-hatchet dcm onstra
li o ns inc luded that by the
Orange County Performmg Arts
(;u1ld wh ich swung its <11l-out
!.Upport of Orange County Music
Center, long an arch rival m
terms of cultural advancement.
"This joint support marks the
<'mergency of two leading
performing arts organizations
working together and signals a
major advance towards the ul-
timate goal," Guild president
Robert H. Blaustone said.
"We are working together to
fill a void," Mrs. Redfield told
him. "Ten years fro m now
Orange County will be at th£
center of the world's cultural
Gay Couple
Attend Prom
Without Stir
WeHare '
dent Carter announced today his
l1test welfare revision pro1ram,
which he said would cost S5.7
billion more than the present
system when fully implemented
In 1982.
The proposals, more modest
than the welfare revision plan
Carter proposed in 1977, would
expand the number of public
jobs for the poor, raise welfare
levels in the 13 s tates where they
are the lowest. increase slightly
the amount of money funneled to
the working poor through the tax
system, and simplify welfare
Carter said his proposals
would increase incomes for near-
ly 6.5 million persons and lift 2.2
million orthem above the poverty
"Even in a period of austerity
and fiscal stringency, our nation
cannot afford lo ignoi:e its most
pressing needs and its most
needy," Carter said in a
message to Congress.
"We must do what we can a!)
'>OOn as we can ...
The president said his com
plex package o f 101tiativt:s
Provide 400,000 new public
servic<' JObs and training slots
for principal wage-earners 1n
lo w -income fam ilies with
C'hildren. Combined with exist
mg jobs and training slots. th1!:.
would bring the total to 620,000. -E s I a ll I i s h n a t 1 o n ~· I
minimum benefit leve ls f11 r
needy famili es with children. ~
move Carter said would nm.1·
benefits for 800.000 people in thl·
13 states with the lowest benefit
-Streamline admimstratum
of family aid and food stamp
programs through standardizing
<.•ligibilily requlrcmt-nts and
s implifying eligibility requ1n·
men ts.
-Expand the ··e<irned mcomt·
tax credit," which i s a
:;ort or reverse income tax nov.
paid to some 6 million low.
income wage earne r s. The
average annual pa~ment would
go from about $310 per family to
$375. Carter said this would
"provide greater incentives to
take private sector jobs.
-Provide an e-;timated ~9041
million yearly in fiscal relief tu
state and local governments.
This would come through a
higher federal share of cash aid
to familic.'S and through project
cd savings a s some famlli c~
shift from welfare 111 new pubh<:
service jobs.
Provide rash benefits in
place of food stamps for aged,
blind or disabled welfare rec1
Truck Falls
On Driver
A 30-year·old San D1c,1.to truck
driver was crushed lo death
Tuesday by the cab of his semi·
rig as he attempted to make re
pairs on the vehicle, Jlrt:a police
Officers said Willie Lee Coht-n
had pulled mto a restaurant
parking lot m RrC'a ;ind tilted the
cab open lo work on his rig. But
the cab lilted down, crus hing
him. poli ce said.
Cohen was pronounct•d dead al
the scl•ne of the 8 .13 a m . acci-
dent. police said.
Security Tight •t Murder Trl•I in S•nte An•
Murder Trial Opem
In Robbery Death
Of Ille O•llY ~ti.t Si.ff
What 1s expected to be a three·
month·long murder trial, involv·
ing a chained suspect who 1s
~cl in g cis his own attorney,
opened Tuesday m Orange Coun·
ty Superior Court.
The trial of Hobert Edward
Cram:, :10. an alleged member of
l h t· neo-Nal1 Aryan
Brotherhood. is bt!ing conducted
v.1 th unus ual ~c:curily before
Judge William Lee and a 1ury of
12 regular and five alternate
Pros1_•cutor Ri chard Farnell is
seckmg the death penalty for
Crane for the alleged murder of
Huntington Harbour Jeweler
Wayne Golin during a holdup at
his Seal Beach store and the
purported execution.style slay.
1n g of reputed f e l low
Brotherhood member Kenneth
Wayne Cochran of San Jose
Spectators in Crane's dual
murder trial must pass through
a metal detector and have their
helongings searched before en-
tt•ring the courtroom and rows
of seats close to the defendant
ha\.e been blocked off.
In <1drt1twn. two sheriff"• dc•p·
ut 1es are posted outs ide the
t•ourt and one extra guard m
<1ddil1on to the two normally pres
t·nt in s uch cases -· is inside
the t">urtroom where Cranl' sits
:.it the defendant ·s table with ht~
fret secured by chains.
Outside the courtroom Tues-
day. Farnell said he will try to
prnvt> that Crane 1s responsiblr
for Cochran's s laying because or
the \.IC'llm·s rl'putaL1on as .,
··sn1l<'h "
··crane didn't thank he could
pu 11 the robberies he wanted to
w1lh him a r ound and the
poss1h1llty he might be inform·
mg." 1-'arncll asst'rte<.l.
The body of <.:ochran. <1 29.
year old San Jose resident. was
found in Dec·embcr 1977 on Bolsa
Chica State Beach in Huntington
Col'hran was shot 1n the knee
bc•fore being hit with the fatal
bullet. a technique police alleged
oflen is used by the Aryan
Brotherhood to deal with infor·
Farnell said Tuesday he will
first attempt to prove Crane was
guilty of Cochran's death before
turning the jury's attention ~
C olin 's murder.
The 4l·year·old father of two
was killed during a holdup at his
Leisure World Jewelers m Seal
Rl:'ach on J<.in . JO, 1978. as
Gohn ·s wire. Barba ra, watched.
Farnell alleges Cr ane was the
triggci'man in Colin's slay mg .
Earlier this year, 29·year-old
Edward Tyler Burnett of Long
Beach was convicted by a jury
or first.degree murder for his
non·shootmg role as a robbery
accomplice in the Golin holdup·
murder. '
Burnett was sentenced later to
life in state prison.
Crane has been encourag~-d
numl·rou~ times by the court to
<.i llow :ippomtment of a public
defender for his trial. but he has
ins isted on defending himself.
As testimony opened Tuesday,
he interrupted the prosecutor re-
peatedly with objections to ques-
tions posed to the first witness 10 lhl' trial.
County OKs
Drain Project
Plans for minor drainage im-
provements at tht' intersection
of Crown Valley Pa rkway a nd
Pal'1fic Coas t Hig hway in
L<i guna Niguel were approved
Tuesday by Orange County
The ~30.000 project aims to
ronstruct an underground drain
th rough tht> inte rsec-t1on <ind
chmanalt! a severe dip in the
roadway. county administrator
Petl' Dalqu1st !)31d.
Water now through the area
ha!' caused pavement deteriora·
tion at the heavily traveled Jn·
tersection. hl' s<11d.
Cost of the project will be split
bet ween the county and state
Library Yielded
H-bomb Makings
nuclear weapons expert told a
Senate subcommittee today bow
he found material on the con·
1trucUon of a nuclear bomb by
looking under "ff-bomb" ln the
card catalogue of a public
library at the Los Alamos Sclen-
ttttc LaboHfory in New Mexico.
when he and an assistant went to
the library in Los Alamos this
Randy and Grady went to the
high school prom in matching '
light blue tuxedoes. red rose •
boutonnieres and silver pierced
By J C llUMPllRl1':S
Certified Gemo/ocmr. M ;s
. '
on oncirnt art still lives
• Fine watch repair
The material found by Dmitri
Rotow s ubsequently was
described by government of·
fi cials as ••erroneous I y
Theodore 8 . Taylor, a former
deaiper of nuclear weapons at
Loa Alamos, described the er·
roneoua declasslflcaUon as "the most lertaua breeeb ot aecurtty I
am aware of ln this country's
post-World War U nuclear
•••POD d•••lopment pro· ar•ma." Taylar Alld ..,. were •IDODI wt~ taJled to ~about
tM inntl1• ._.. • laat. aub-
comm.ttt.e on nucleer proUfera· Uon.
Rotow told the p1nel he was worktnl •a conauJtant for the Amerlna Qvtl IJbertln Union
' .
He went to the card index file
•nd told the assistant, a law s tu-
dent, that "if you want to see
how to design an ff -bomb you
look under ·H·bomb.' "
Rotow then told the commit·
tee. "we found a little card that
said 'See Weapons.· "
Using the references found on
the "weapons index card,
Rotow's assistant returned a
1bort Ume later with an armload
or reports including one num-
bered "UCRL-4725." That is the
report Department of Energy of·
ftclal1 and other Hperts, inch.ad·
in1 Taylor, say should sUll be
Cliniea to Close
Outpeu.nt clinics at the UC
lrvtne Medical Center in Oranae
wlll be closed Memorial Day.
May 28. The center's emer1ency
department and inpatient c1re
units will operate on the normal
2'1·hour schedule.
The youths became the first
acknowledged homosexuals to
attend a high school prom
together in the United States,
the National Gay Task Force
Police were on hand in case
threats against 17-year-old Ran·
dy Rohl and his date, 20-year-old
Grady Quinn, were carried out.
But aaide from a few raised
eyebrows, the dance went on as
"Many students came over
and conaratulated us,'· Randy
said at a post-prom brunch. "A
lot of people were really glad we
stuck to our suns and went.·•
But Randy. a slim youth with
reel hair and braces, admitted
the s upport was n egated
10mewbat by threats to "tar and
chicken leather" him.
He said most antagonism
came from high school boys,
who "tend to be more wary of
supporting me. probably ln rear
of 1ettin1 the label or bein1
homosexuAls themselves "
The ancient jewelry art of enamel·
ing is gaining new popularity in
Europe and may be expected to
catch the attention of Americans
soon. In enameling, pulverized glass
ls mixed with a gum containing
natural coloring agents, hardened,
and applied to gold. platinum, silver
and other materials. Often. the
e nameled piece contains diamonds or
colored stones lo compliement the
enameled colors. Pieces include pins.
pendants, cuffllnks. brooches and
pocket watches. En1meling goes back
to the diacovery or glass·making. The
E1yptiana are known to have used
the process about 2,000 B.C .• but the
8y11ntines of Turkey are credited
with perfecting it. The conquertng
Romana found the Anglo-Suon• mix·
Ing enamels in bronze molds .
In Italy and Britain, en1meled pieces
are now very popular. Emeraled
bust• of Shakesperian characters are
popular ln Venice. Stickpins ''both
trendy and elegant" are advertised
by a London firm specializ~g In
• DiamoM\, and precious gem
• Fine jewelry care and repair
Original jewelry design and
Gem and jewelry appraisals
J. C. JJump~r~6 Jewef.r6
---. ..., OM.'t'PILOT w~.u.ra.tm ' NATION /WEATHER
. ~ '
• • a
•• Just
Coast i n g ...... ~ Te•~~';r Clark Vows 'New Spirit, New Life'
Diedrich: T o ugh Guy
a EM EM1n:a1Nt:: t-\•w men han left as dteo an 1m
print "'"°" th(' utfoar:. nr OrAnae Countr over ttw JH•st
dt'('Lltft• li' Hul1)h A l>1Nt rich or Fu lerton . ('(I Ufll y
~u1wn·1:.or. third 1h,tn<•\
T hat t'rtl t.•11111 .. 1 ul)rupl I) ut 7 28 p m Tu .. sd11y an a San
l>ll'JW l'Ollrtl"fl\)ll\
Htilph lh1·dra4'!1 "".1:. .1 l">htu•1an •·xtriaordmary . !>mil
rrii;. 11t1 11lllt', h u111I 'hukan.,:. gregarious AncJ wh.-n
11t'l't':.:-.,1n 111111-:h .111·11.:u nt, wht•chnl( dealing and cc1m
hat1H' Ill• n p1 f1t·' the M'lf mitde m•n who camt' to c.·on
'ukrablt• ,1fn111•n1•t• in t ht• tough construction trades II•·
""J S u 't'lt•r J ll 11( \\••rill W .1r II. ~ounded during the m
'J:.11ir1 l1f I lltlt>r :. t-'1111 re·':. Euro1.1t·
so IN Tiit: 1970i., ht• .:m into Orange County poht1cs
Jntl lw lm1•1I 11 llt• loH·d t o :.h<tke and move the forct: of
i.:o' l'l nnwnt th·~ u!> re11uy an<I w1lhng to take on any~y
flt• c·11m1M1~n1·J f11r low c·ost hou:.m~ He pushed a nd
''11" t•tl lo'' r1•1:1111l 1111• t ht· hurj!•·oni n~ hurt-aucracy of Or ange
( 'uunt' !-:0\'1•rnnw11111 1f11·t>,
In lht• JJrVl'l'':.. 11f l'llUr:.t• ht.-became controversial
:ind to(lk '""'l' knm·k~ more thun d few times by your cor
1 <':>p11ndl·11t 111 llui. "fl'1l'•' Uut don 'l worry, Diedrich could
k ntll' k h<ll'k
HE ZAl'l•t:D TH~ f>Rt;SS tn January of 1977 when h:.
'teppt•d down a:. county tx>ard chairma n , declaring the
TORONTO CAPl Joo Clar k.
u ~mlill tnwn politlt'lan whos~
l'roart"t11uve Conservative!\ t.op·
ph•d the formidable Pie rre El·
Hott 'l'roociau und tne u;.year
rt•1gn of huf Liberal Party in
Cun1uht'1' eltwtlon, pledged lo
1l uy to put "a nt•w spirit. a new
hfr" into lhl:-d1v1ded lund
Th<' Consnvutives fe ll s ix
-1t•11t11 shurt 111 Tuesday's ballot· 111.: M llw 142 rweded fo r a m a
111rlty . but the way ~as clear for
t 'lurk lo form a m inority govern·
TR lJ D•:All, WHO becam e
11r1 me min1skr on a wave of
Trudl'aurnania" that s wept
l'anada l l years ago, beromes
t ht.o leader of the opposition in
lhl' lloust' uf Commons
In Nc•w York . his estranged
w1 fl'. Mar~llrel, said "Pierre
T rudeau will be the best opposi·
t 1on lead er kno wn to the wor ld " She made the comment
at t he Manhattan disco Studio 54
lt·arly lo<lay .
T he 59 "year·o ld Trudeau . a
smooth but to u g h political
fighter who was the longest-
sl'.' r v i ng governme nt lead e r
among the WC'stern powers. told
a tearful Liberal r rowd at an Qt.
law a hotel early today he would
"recommend to my colleague&
that we hand the government
• "KEEP SIDLING and let's go
on f!.KJU.jng_ " • u~1•d his
Because the ConseJ'vatives
failed to win a majority of seats.
the 39-year-old Clark m ust head
a minority government that
analysts say is not likely to last
more than a year before he calls
a n election.
But the outcome nevertheless
may prove to be a turning point
for Canada because the ne w
prime ministe r is the one who
must try to kee p separatist·
'\.minded Que bec from seceding
"'-nd splitting t he country in two.
Ousted Trudeau
French during a victory cele bra-
tion in Spruce Grove. Alberta.
n ot far from the Rocky Moun-
t ain foothills town of High River
whe re he grew up, Clark said:
··Quebec will not feel Isolated
in a Clark government " He
promised a new partne rship
a mong the federal a nd provin·
c 1a l governments tha t "can
make a model for every othe r
nation in the world."
,.,, . .,......
Victorious Joe Cl•rk
• Hard F igh t
Likely o n
Rate Hikes
Cheers, Boos Gree t
Tex a s 'Killer B ees'
Quebec Premier Kene Leves-
Q u e. who has promised
Quebecers a refe re ndum on1
sepa ration from Canada, has
avoided reporter s a nd has been
u n available for comment on
Cletrk 's victory. ·
FINAL RETURNS for the 282
!l o u se sea l s gave th e
Conser vatives 136. a gain of 38
over lhe seat s they held in the
Parliament dissolved in Ma rch.
congressmen see a hetrd fi ght
ahead for Pres ident Carte r 's
proposal lo help small savers by
allowing ba nks etnd other finan-
c ial institutions to pay higher in-
teres t on passbook accounts.
The president claimed the c ur-
rent ceilings on passbook ac-
co unts o f 5 p e r cent at
commercia l banks and 5'4 per-
t:cnt at s avings associa tions
"a re costing the A mt:nc an peo-
ple b1lhons of dollars in lost in·
terest etnnually ... AUSTIN. Tl'xas •AP 1 The "Killer Bees" etnt1c heroes to ::.omc The Liberals had 114 seats, the
i;oc1alist Ne w Democrats 26, and
the nght·leanin~ Social Credit 6.
according to unofficial tabula·
tions .
fuf!itive obstructionists to others have returned lo the Texas state CARTER PROPOSED raising
government limits o n savings
ac<.'ount interest rates to money
market le vels as part of a com-
prehe nsive package of changes.
in t•xistmg financial regulations .
St·natcand iJ triumphant welcome sp lattered with boos
The 12 Democrats disappeetred Friday and st<tyed AWOL for f1v1.·
days. robbing the Senate of a quorum until they returned Tuesday. Jn In the last Pa rliament, which
h ad 18 fewer seats tha n this one .
Liber als held a 133·98 edge over
the opposition Conservativel). /J1etln c t1 111 l.1ghter Times With Silly Parking Ticket
Orange Colml\· nc·~·s t•orp!> operates on the m otto of "b<1d
Ot'\.\ 'i l ~j!1 t11() llt'W:-
J11 :Vl.in ·h (If '77. the SanU1 Ana Register bum-rnpped
D11·d nd1 f11r :.i llt•gt'Cll y mt.1k1ng $::!9 worth of "political
nh1111 1· 1·.tlh" 1111111 h1:-t•ounty c1ff1ce He r etali ated in
1., p1t"..d 1.J ... tu o11 by l'ht•ck1ng phone ch<1 rges m<1dc by rt··
pur tt•r• lrC1111llw1r 1•ounty phunci.
Clt· .. rl.' Haii1h l>1('rtr1ch 1sn'l the kind of a ~uy 'hho
"'oulcl roll 1>H·r and pl<1 y dead ~
THt-:Rt: Wl::RE LIGHTER mom ents too. Like when
Sl11•riff Brad Gale s ' troo ps hit Ralph with a $15 ticket on
~ ..iy :!X. 1!171i. wh1 •n ht• parked along the beach at Salt
l'rt·1•k t(J t•ht·ck 1•ul o L'<inst1lucnt·~ complaint of heetvy lit·
lt•ring in lht· <.trl·.i
lht'dri1'11 screaml'd roul a nd C'la1med he was cin or!icial
bus1 n1.·,s I le hault·d Sheriff Cates into court. He was stub-
hnr 11 :11111 1.·1>mhc.it1 H· l.t·!>:-t·r men would have Just paid the
t 1r k1•t
·1 h1• h111111or' t :111w 1n that not only did Diedrich lose h1!>
111'1..t·I f1.!hl 1,..11.rt.· .1 \1..,1:1ng Judge but he got etnother park·
1111• I .11> 11n J11, <·11unt \ 1 J I wht'rc ht• d parked during the
tr ra I
1\1111 1hrn11).!h 1l ,ti t U1t·dr1rh g~u the public etp
1w;1r.1nr·•· tll:rt h1• was having etn eM>tlnously good lim •
0 \ l'r 1t .Jll.
On th(· m11ri· sN1ciu:. "cte. his solid contribut'ons in
1.·1.u11t .' gc1\ ernrm:nt Wl·re numerous and wide-ranging.
SO IT ,\LL ":N DEO la s t night in a San Diego
t•ourtn'">m whl·n a 1ury Ninvicted Diedrich on 1973 bribery
rh;.irgt.·~ 111· i.:t1I'!> out of office July 9 upon sentencing .
Nc1w ~ 11u supposl· lhal the J>Qmpous pontiricators
. 1mong u:. wall lt·an back <Jnd intone that "justice hets been
done "
As for lh1s corner. I'd rather r emember Ralph A.
011 •drieh for the energy and talent and drive he contribut·
l'cl over thl· year!> 1n a genuine effort to make Orange Coun·
t y ~· bl'ller p);l('e 1n which to live.
01 hl·rw1M'. the story has a really lousy ending.
the process. they virtually as ·
s ured defeat of a presidential
primary bill thought lo be lailor-
mude for former Gov. J o hn Con-
Whtl<' the senators were gone.
the Texas Rangers were called
an but couldn't find the m . It was
a spcclacl<• that enraged propo·
ne nts of the bill. and a mused
many others.
When the senators returned.
lht•y told how they had done it.
TEN HID IN A one-room
·•safe house" witjlin five miles
o f the Capitol. afthough one of
those la t e r fle d the c lose
q uarters in favor of a s moke ·
free atmos phe r e in H o uston
Another·was in Oklahoma and
the 12th was near the Mexican
Meanwhile. Lt. Gov. Bill llob
by had called in the Rangers ,
p ride of the state's law officer!>
Rut the best thcv could do was
the mistaken ar rest on Sunday
o f Sen Gene .Jones ' brother.
whose mustache could h ave set
him apart fro m the c lean .
s haven senator.
Sen. Jones. it turned out. was
the one at the JO.m an hideout
who left for etnothe r in Houston
!)('cause he h ad r ecently quit
smoki n~ and couldn't s ta nd it
when the others puffed .
hid i n~ out in Oklahoma, St!n
Chet Brooks of Pasadena, broke
the ice by driving back roads to
meet with Hobby in Austin at 11
P. m . Monday Hobby made a
key parlia mentary concession,
Tornado Rips Minnesota
Damage Over $500,000; 2 O thers H it T exas
Te•per af u r e•
"' lo Po
,AlbU'Qut 86 " AUnnt• ijb bl 01
8 dlf1tnOrf" • /J ~) 16 B1rrn nQl\<1fT1 8& /J 10
tJo•~e QO •l Bo•lon /6 SJ
Orown~vlllrt 86 /0 2• tiuft~lo bJ " Cheyennr " . , ..
Clli(~QO ,. s• C1nc1nndtl .q ot O'I
Cltv•lan<I I>! •I Dal Ft Wiil 10 •1 t&
Denver I\ SJ . ti
Ou Moine• eo )7
0.lrO•I 61 •S
Helen• II •O
Honolulu 81 11
HOU\ Ion 9? ., 01
lnct'•Po"' ,. !>O JIKll\'vlllf' •• •> K•n·~ City 11 51
l •> V~\ 103 II
Ltllle Aoo ., 60 ..
L~A~le\ II •1
loul\vllle •• 6} " Memplu> l o .. ..
Miami ~· 18
Nlfl••uk,.. ~· ., 03
Nlpl>·SI. P 10 •• J\
Nullvlll<: 16 •• 0
Ne• Orin> 8& 10 t 11
Nt• Vork 18 " Oki•. Clly •I ~' 01
Omal'la "I \0
Orl•ncto ~· 68
Plltl.od'ph1a IS bt . " Plloen1• " 16
Plltll>urqt> ., SJ
Pll•nct, Ote '' s' Reno 13 n
hlly .... Dttl•wy
.......... 4
Ml'U1f.MI f rnMv It 'f'JU dY nut ., .. ._..
\of)tlf Ui4r)f" o., '• ~l o '"' C' ~11 t;.1•uu I
b t1t •o~t 1'1'1' \C')()V ~tH bv OYl•vnt8'Q
~atuio,,1 .tft(t ~ ... ~t.t; u .,,.-. 10 nG' ''tic mv-o' Vf~H• r uow t'\'f 0 t tn C41t ~f(ff1+ t I °" m ttftot ~JI Ct I 'i Wt!~ bf'!
I 111•• f'\
t o • Co d ~ -.:..:.:.:. )~o•"'' \•o••ono~• Ou•vdt'd cn:mrm ---===
St louls ,,
SI P-Tamf>,t ..
~II l•-e • S•n 01eoo ,,
S•n Fr•n 10
!•Hiiie 10
Spo-ane 8J
Tulsa 13
Wd•hin91on "
CALll'O.Nt~ 8Akersllelct s
81$"°9 •l BlytlHt 102 Fresno es
Monttro 6S
Needle' 103
O•-land 10 S•cr•mento ,.
S•nle Berber• 1J Sloe-Ion es
Thtrmel •1 8erilow ..
l'llgl'IHr 7S
Cele II fie 14
El Centro .,
H 'WoocJ·l'lur._.. .,
lOfl99HCn IO
New-'8"ch t7
Nortllr._ 17
Ofll•rlo " f'elm *""' 100 ......... ...
~h.-no .,
t..llOatlflel ..
Seftl• ...... IO
to.Ill. c "" ..
leflte M¥i. ,,
,....,..,,, .. i.y 1t
s• Gu.Oel•I•• .. ,.
7« Havana m 10 ,. Kl"Qllon .. " •l Mont•90S.y •• 7J ,. Nlerati.n 11 u S7 MolCoCllV " s• s• Merida 100 10 ,. .03 Nlonluro " 73 61 Nnwu 16 ..
Tevutl~IP. .. ..
Trlnlct.O •o 73
Vtr•Cru1 .. IJ
6• 11.6. s-......... m
10 Sllow•" •lld lllunder\lorm• ., per\lstH In .,.,,, of Ille ce111re1 end S4 soull'lern Pleln• -the u-r Orut 7S Lake~ !Odey, -from lllt tower Ml•· !>O slu tppl Vefley to Oeor91e, the S7 C•rollnn, Virginie end Nlarvl•nd. ,. MeanWlltle, ,,,_rshoWtr\ were 61 wlctely K•tltred from the Pec:Ulc 64 NorlllWftl lftto northern Nevecte. but .. the \tverlly ol tile wutlltr wet «O clec reu1119 by urly tlllt rnorn1119. S4 Tllree tornadoel were rePOrttd ti T-•Y •"--· •-on Ille ctn• u tral Tun COMI --e ctem .. lllQ u \IOtm In IM ~Cll'Oll\ tllbufO ot » ai.on.1.....,, ""'""· " 111 , ... Ml-• lw(""• lllere st were no -'' of ll'ljurlt,. lllut .,,.. •> llmlMry ~ esUm.ies twctedtcl S1 U00,000. Tile lttcl Cr°'' W(d tour u l\OvWJ ~,,..,.,Clem ... -10 " "''-......... M "I -11n1,,. tn Ille ~lie...., m..,. st ll'lt e ll~• Ufl wll_,, I HW a 51 .. , .... Let\ .. II\' tlle wlftdow •1111 • 4t ll!K• .. ,.., ,,..,,. e , ............ In tllt Jt tNllt y-;· MN (llMlle H•'IM•·
J'" y M~lltr Wtil\ 1n fU$ back yArd 01a"''"O onton!t when oeor1s star•td
tly1nq •nd hi-t\f.ard • ~nd 'll91:e
t ru\hed re><: et 901no down a Chui"' "
Tl'I~ brlCI< lac(nq o1 • lar~ bu1ld1ng
•n a Elloom1nqton lndu•lrtal to,.,..plu
w l)\ \lrl~<I oll by Ille •lorm, .. no
on~ Mdn w~d r·ooh t.4n"f' otf ltke
oranqe PHI•.
•• • 1 wa,. 119',. taetno .ns100 • wn~h1ng
m1tt ll1ne,' s.tl<I J.onPll C ir~I
''Ev~rythlng w.-s lwlr/1119. chunk'
""d P•t!te\ of debri\ werr tly1nq H •~\ ll•rd IOCI~ Ille <10or ,"
Callt o r1da
V•r••b+fo clOUdlne\~ was pr•d1tt~ l hrougll Tllur•d•V In Soulhern
ca1Uorn1a, -Ille Nallon.I WPalher s~rvlce Wiid the '"""'" ol meuura· l>le precloilM•on ... ten th•n 10 prr
Moun1•'" ¥N \ may re<e1ve ~~
119111 •-~ Tllur..,.v "''"'noon, fortt•sttn wKI, ~ lflof'n~r•tures
tllrouglloul tht •re• •l'loul<I drop
T,,. lt,...,.,-alure ••• u~t~ 10
llover "',,.mid 70\ on Los AnQele• Gu\ly soulllwe•I ••nd\ up 10 2S
mpll "'"'" npe<led to•-parl• 01 Ille deMtrt T,,.,,..,., •llernoon, bul
•um .,...,,,., ••• u~t~ lo con
H19h\ In tr. low'°' were loreusl for 111• _, dtWrl\, wlllle Ill~
mercury -• uprcled lo react\ '"" 111911 ~In "'* _, deterls
On Ille beeclle\, temper•luru
\llOUICI ... <OOI wllll partl, CIOuCly
0 IH and 111(11\\ In Ille '°' ~ectlcled
Co a •tal tt' ~•titer
lncren tnv clOUll• t011i911t llecomino
pertly C IOudy Tlll.,~V
ll9lll v•rlnl• winds nlllfll •net
mornl119 "°"''· HIVM Thuncs.v In ,,,. '°'et bN<lln to "''ct 10\ lnlend . C .. ilel tempetelutet Wiii rante
bttwun S1 eM t7 lnlenct tem
perel11nK wlll ,..,.. -~ St encl
7t . ,,,..e..,..,,_re1unw1110eeo.
s-,11 .. -.T1.r~•I
.. 9NHDAY S.C9M tow 2·02 p.m. o 1
S.Cond 11(911 1:21 p,m. t.11 TMU•SDAY
l'lnt .._ J: It•·"'· .o.7
"'"' 111911 •:2' a.m. 4.t S.Cond lew 2.fl ll·"'· I ti
S.CIM ~ l :S.it.m t.l'
S<lf\ rllftS:C e.m., \9'~ 7·Slit.m
NI-. "-4 t7 •·"'" \9'1 S · 4l p.m
a nd the next day the "Kille r
Bees" told Hobby by tclC'phone
that they would rl'lurn at J p.m .
They turnt•d up 12 m inutes la te
but in style>. driving up lo the
Capitol an a motorcadl' cscortert
by stale lronpl·r~ An ovation
hrnke out in the Senate cham
bers . with ~ome l11m~ am id the
l'h eers.
Only 19 sen<Jtors hlld st ayed at
their desks. t WO s ho rt of the 4! I
needed for a quorum Now, h ttl('
lime is left to complete business•
before the legislat1 vc session
ends at midnight Mond<1y, and
Sen A. R. "Betbc " Schwa rtz
M a rkt·l lev('I inte rest rates
v ary . but on s h ort ·t e rm
UNOFFICIAL POPULAR vole TrC'asury bills. the c urrent in-
totals showed the Conservatives ter est 1~ !I fl pt>rccnt.
with 4 m1l11 o n votes '36 I "f don't think; you can wrilt·
pt-r<·enu . the Liber als with 4 5 that the• president 1s going to
million !39.9 pen·enll, thl' Ne"-wave· a wand a nd 1l will tukt!
De mocrats with 2 02 million 118 pl;1<'('.'' H c-p W1ll1 a m s.
pnccnu a nd Socia l Credit with Moorht•art. I) l':i . a r anking
512,379 14.5 µcrcent I Thl'n' Wl'rt' nH.'mber nf llw Jlous1• Ranking
171.200 '1.5 J.)('rct-nl l \Ott<:. <·<i::.l Committt•t• :.aid nf th1· Carter
forotherpart1es. propo:.al. "It 's going to ht·
The totals s howf'd th<1l nearlv tou gh ..
one million more Canadians vot· The pr~idt•nt ·s recommend<1
e d Tuesday than had been pre· tions also include Jegal1zmg m-
d ict ed The un0Hic 1a l totals tt•rt•st bt•aring <'hcckrng CiC·
showed more than 11 m1ll1on l'Ounts nat1onw1dt• ;.ind authon 1
votes ~crl'ccist P red1ct1ons had 1ng \ttr1ahlc 1ntt•rcs t rcite
''l 'M ABSOl,l'TELY 1.·on l'allcd for s hJ?hlly mort' than lU mort J?agc.., 'hhit·h would allow
'int:cd SUI 14!1 llh l' primary h11l 1 mil hon of C<1nad<J 's 14 5 million mortiwgl' payment:. lo rise and
~1_s_a~d_e_ci_d~b_11_1_r_o_r_t_h_1s_·_!>_c_s_s_11_1n~·-·~~-e_l_•_J?_ib~lf_'\_'c_>_te_r_s_t_o_t_u_r_n~o-u_t.~~--~-'-a_1_1 _~_t_t_ho\erall intcrt"st rates
Has spent 30 years reporting with
unique insight on California state
Pokes at stuffed shirts everywhere -
with a particularly sharp needle
aimed at the Washington scene.
Places hts tongue firmly m cheek for
humorous looks at everything from
sex to sandwiches.
He ·s the bes t at prying the
shenanigans and secrets out of the
Washington bureacracy -he ·s must
Rowlands Evans and Robert Novak
team to examme the political scene
as 11 affects the nation.
He 'II stimulate you with bright
informed comments on the news. big
and lfttfe and make you think.
EnjOy ~r favorite columnist on the
editorial pages of the
l ,
' I
' I
7 I
,J ..
'We•r •••e••••.
lurors Tell Hom Verdict Reached
8y GAa\' tiRAN\111.U :
oi-.0 .110 ,., ... ~'•"
SAN DIEGO Thl· 1:: 1urt11!>
who t•On\'l<'h-d Ora ni:t· t '11u11t v
Supcrvii&tlr t<alph Plt•tlrll·h un1I
arehite<-t Le t<t>)' Ho'\t• un hrilwn
<·hargt's Tul·sc1 uy , .. ,,, lht''
noli<'ed many thm~i:. llunn~ tht·
cours~ of the st'vt•11 'u 't>k tnal
They said. for t•xamvtt-. tht•\
notie~d the thrt•t> dt'f .. n:-t' ... ,
torneys habitually won· :-hon
sleeved sharts
Tht•\' :.il,11 llll'll l11•th'1I llUlll'IOV
th.11 u ~1·fld1nN b11n<I w11rn h\
Hoi..• ~ii'-.in un .iwam, off u.:.1111
th111 .: an<I wh1•11 11 w''' o(f ltJl&ln
11 n1 1~ht huvt• r t'flt•rtt·tl '"' t11:-""
II\ 11 11·~ of lhl' ntl{ht bdm't-
(Int· 1ur111 ,,1111 :-h1• .1b11 11ot1rcd
th.ti l)11-cl11d1 ... ~111•, l11t·t w ....
11111 111 1lw •·11111 truom dur111~ tlll'
'" 1·i1urt d,1\1 ll \tHtl. 111 M'lt't'( iJ
\nc1 ~h··n Mr ' 1>u·1ln(·h <IP
"'""ir1·d lrl 1·u11rt 1111 the trial '>
11pcn111.i 11,1} tht-1u1t1r fe lt he1
t•n'"'"''t· wa' <111 attt•m pl lf1
pvrlr<•> IJwdr tl'h 'iym pulhel1l'al
I\ .~i. a (um ll tn.Jll
1\ lioH• ..all l'l'll'. h11w1•vc r . tht·
1uror:. s uacl wh1·11 tht· l.'v1dence
\\a:. \Wl):h1-.I II ~HJIOkd lo guilt
lwyond ..i n ·al>l)lli.I ble doubt <i nd
'" J 111111-.11 n·rt.11 w >
It '> JU~t whl·n you c hel·k
1 lwm tngetllt'r tht· pro~l·c:ulion !i
l 'ilM' wa:. nwn· pl<tl!,lhlc lhan
l h1· ct('ftonM· t':tM '. • ont: JUror s aid
111 rr tel<'phone interview
fft"r thouJ:hts werti echoed by
'ilX othl'r Jurors inte rviewed by
tt.•lc•phone after most of the jury
rn e mbPrs n •fus t"d to be 1n
tervicwed by repo rte rs as they
lt'fl the courtroom
J\s they left. whe1t had bee n
::i lmost a festtvt· mood amon~
lh<' 1urors durinl'! the trial had
turned to obvious s tralf) and
fa tigue
"I am JUSI too tired unc1 worn
out to want to discuss the
case," JUry fore ma n Ric hard
Ivey said when surrounded by
news men.
Ironically, none or the jurors
who late r discussed the ease
s aid th ey didn 't b e la e v t!
Diedrich 's version of the bribery
conspiracy when the 53-y ear·old
county supervisor testiried dur-
ing the trial.
"It was just that when you
weighed the evidence and put the
pieces toge ther the prosecution's
case held water and there never
was a satis factory r eason for the
flow of so much money.·· a woman
Juror who asked not to be iden
tified said.
She a nd othe r s seemingly
found as mwch fault with pros·
1See DIEDRJCH, Page t\.2)
Bert ance • 1cte
Of 1i. 0••'' ,.119' SU.ft
A s tate -manc1C1 tcd adv1sor v
com millee told Nt•wµort Mesa
school trust ees Tue~t.l<ty it h:Js
concluded the ch stricl has no
srhl')()IS that arc :-t·i,:n1gC1lt:d or in
da nger of hecoming so. bul on1 ·
co mmittee m c•mhl·r ftlt•d his
o wn report saying he rlr!>ugreei,
Trustees accepted lhl:' m aJon
ty re port. received the minority
re port and set a public hearing
for 7:30 p.m. June 26 at Harpt!r
Community Ce nte r 18th Street
at Tustin AvenuP
The committ<:\! of lk t:ommuna ·
ty membe r s , two S<'hool i.ld
m inistrators. t wo tC'acliers. f1w
students and a PT A re prcscn
tatave formed subcommittee~ lo
visit schools. distribute a quc"
tionnaire and a nalyze stat1st1 cal
E xtracurricular acl1v1tic~ and
s pecial e dut:al1on<.il progrnm:-
and services we r e a lso t'X·
a mined
The committee made no ~ug
gestrons be«au!>t• 1t found no
segregation or d 1s C'rim inatio11.
the majority report s tale:-.
The report wai, s igned by com-
mittee c hairman lle n ry I>.
Howeve r. the dbscnting n·
port st e1tes tha t then• dne!-. t-xtst
a dangt"r of i.t•gref;!atwn ot·c:ur
ring in some sc:ho11b
Thal re port wa:-s ubm1t1 cd by
iP e r H Tr l'l' I t" r . a f o r m t· r
'Ne wport Beach park~. he aches
and rec reation comrn1ss1ont>r
He cited sl<ili)>lt1•s 1nd1 c<itin~
the minority e nrollme nt), ha,·c
inc r eased u vcr lh1~ p<i~t fa v1·
years at sevt>ral Co~ta Mt.-)>a
sch ools a nd a re tu J! her there
than in the distract a)> a whOlt'.
At Pomona School, for exam
pl~. Tr~bler st::itc:-lht• m1Mr1ty
<Stt BALANCE. P agt• /\2J
~funct Firm
Cited on
A defunct private corporation
set up by Newport-Mesa school
trustees lo sell computer pro·
grams failed lo dedu<'t state and
federal taxes and social security
payments from employee
c hecks for its first two months.
an audit revealed Tut!sday.
The audit was conducted by
the farm of Price Waterhouse &
Co. on the controve r sial
Newport-Mes a lnstructional
ResearCh Ins titute < NMIRI >.
which was dissolved Dec. 31.
The report gaven to trustees
Tuesday indicated NM I RI may
become liable for payments to
tbe state and federal govern-
ment to cover these omissions.
Trustees said additional pay·
meats received by NMIRI will be
placed in an impound account to
meet futurefinancialobliRalions.
Offldals of NMIRI. which paid
lta employees on a contract
ba11a, including hired clerical
alaff aa well as professional
workers, be1an deductions In Septelbber. The firm was only in
op4tt aUon for ali months.
Tbe aulllt•ahowed a deficit of
•·•• C!IOUIMred by more than *40.• la Neelvables.
I• MdWon, Sla,000 in pay-
..... lo UM diltr1et from o&ber .._. 4llilrtdl have been held ,;t#r .. Oru1• County Board .......
i I
= I -~
-:.,,11lllllll1J1J111111J.tt11U UP ~\
--t --. ---;
[§~:;ii} ~o .. J, n
I. I
I , , I
I ,. _ _., __
I I ...
·r:rw I.
'~ ---
Bris tol St
Wf\S lll NGTON 1J\f'l Hert
LanCl'. Prt>s tdcnt Cart1·r'), friend
and fu nner federal hudgct dtrct·
tor. was 1n 1l1.c_·1t·d t od ay on
r ha rg1•s IO\Ul\'ing ht!> f111;m('1al
11t•01l in,.:s when hl· he<1dt'd tw•J
c; ec1rg ia hd nt..:-. _
f\bo intltl'l~ wen· Htt har<.I T
•:.tr r. an offttcr ;JI (' :tlhoun F1 rst
Nat io na l Bank . Thomas M.
M ltt·h<·ll. a mt·mlw1 ••f the t)(1a rd
o f d1rt•<·tors .,f lht· Calhoun bank
a nd t hl' Nut1o n .d Hank 1Jf
(; t' 11 r g 1 a • J n d II .J . 1 l' k so n
M ulltns. a pa rtner with Lance
and a stockholder in the Calhoun
Proponents Get Land Donation, Launch $45 Milllon Fund-raising Campaign
Lance and the other~ were at·
CUSt'd Of making fa lse s t ate-
me nts and rl'P'>rls .a nd d1.
libc rate ly ovt•r valuing l<.i nd.
property and securit1cs for tht-
purpose of influe n r ing bank
lransactions . $45 Million Sought The four we r<' char j?eel with
hank fra ud involving efforts lo
del'l'ive nfrrters o f t h e t"''
banks, th~ eontrnlh·r of the f'Ur-
rent·y and the f<'edera l Depos it
t ns urunt•e Corp. Jubilant Music Center Backers Conf.ident
Of ni. O••IY P ot.I Slalt
J ubilant director:-. of Orangl'
Count} Music Center c.ire o n the
move· today
Tht>y 'rc loo kin g fo r $45
million. J\nd they madt' 1l clear
Tuc)>day that th<'Y art• confident
the rum.b Wiii lit· 1n lhl' C1lffers
Ion,:! lll·fort· a groun!ll.>rt•akang
l't•rC'mony thl'Y cx1,e<"t tu hold
l wo } l'<J rs hc111:t
"Wt• wi ll :.ct•k th••sr funds
t hr o u g h o ut So ut he rn
Cahfo rn..-i." said cxN·utivc vice
president J ohn M Ra u "And I
th i nk we wi ll ftnd lh<Jt our
tremendously ext·1t1ng OrnngP.
County proJet·I will looM:n purse
~tri ngs in both tht· publit and
JHI \ ule st•c·tors "
Ra u's commt:nts c:t:1 mc mo
m cnts aft er his 1)1)ard formally
;.iccepted c.t gift uf five acr es of
Costa Mesa land in the South
Coast P laza Town Cente r de
vt-lopment from the Segt•rstrom
family of Costa Mesa
Pointing lo thl· mc1cll·I unveiled
by llcnry Seg1•rs tr11rn . Music
Center president ~l<unc Red·
ftc ld pro'mised an e nthusiastic
audience thttl the 3.200-scat
Ora nge County Mus ic Center
will be "much more tha n our
ans we r to the Dorothy Cha ndler
P a vilion in the Los Ange les
-Musi<' Centc'r.
"We will br ing the world"s
greatest expone~ts of our art
forms to Oran~e County," s he
promised . "La Scala, Covent
Ga rden. the Russian ballet, you
na me al , they will be right here
in the heart of our county.··
Mrs. Redfield and other di rec·
tors repeatedly made it clear
that the Segerstro m donation
was ideal in terms of building a
cultural complex that will be ac-
<See CENTER. Page AU
The 3.1-i-ount indictment also
s aid tht• defcnde1nt dl·llb1:1]iteb·
m tSa pplied bank run If-; anc.r'ron·
s p1r('d tn lht' \'1olal1on of variou~
hanking la~s.
T h<' .lu)>lttt• Dt'p.irlmt·nt d1rl
not an<h t·at!' Prc-:-.1dt·nt C'arl1·r
was 1nvol\'C'<I in any of the a l
ll'l.!<'d 1rrt>gul;.ir1ttl'S
T hl' 111t.11ct m1·nt a lso 1dl·nt1f1t·d
Carr a~ form<•r 11n·s1tlo-nt of thl·
;.Jor t hwt·st (;1·or )!1<1 Bank in
H1 ngg11ltl. C:a : M11t'hl•ll J !' .1
f11rml·r l11wn1 ml•mht,'I' of lh<ll
han k . and Mullin~ a:. <1 former
C•rlhoun druggist
It said tht• ('t1nsp1rary. lastinl.!
fr(lm l!r72 until t he prc~l'nl. rt·-
o;ultl'tJ an mon• l h:Jn S20 m1ll1on
in lo::in:-for tlw four <lefrndants.
lh1·1r fo malll'S and asson:itcs.
Then: Wl'rt' 38.1 loan~ by 41
hank:-mvol\'cd 111 thl• n 1s1• T ht•
in<11l'lml'nt ::.a1t.l that m uch of th1•
moncv was usc•d lo rt•pay prior
ln a ns bul also wa ~ u:.cd to
µurt·ha st• ba nk s tcH•k . rt•pa y
overdraft!-. al the Calhoun bank
a nd ln<'rt•ase the inc:u me of
t ht• cl l'f1•nda nt~
Tht.> :ictual or potential 111!>~ tu
thl' h:rnks t•xceeded $5(HJ,UOO. the
1nd1ctmt>11t said.
Lanct• w as :-pec 1f1 c all y
CStt L/\NCE. Page A 21
Mesan Graduatin~
From Annapolis
William O_ Valentrne Jr . son
of Mr and Mrs . Wilha m ()
Vall'nline of Costa Mesa. will
g raduate next Wednesday from
the U S. Na val Acade my at An ·
"' napolis. Md
' Valentine. a 1974 graduate of Deily,..,..,._., -Costa Mesa High School, will bt?
PLANNING A MUSIC CENTER .IN COSTA MESA commissioned an ensign in the
Henry Segeratrom With Center a Elaine Redfield u .S. Navy upon ~raduHlion.
lrvi.De Shooting Described
By KATHY CLANCY °'"" Deff, Pitl41Ult Breaking into te ars as she
lealilied. a Newport Beach
woman told an Orange County
Superior Court jury Tuesday
that she watched as Irvine at·
lorney Gary Wayne Patton
pumped several shots into her
•tater's temple.
Barbara Sweartn1en told the
nven-woman. five .man jury
that Patton held the bands of his
wtfe lotether and shot her re-
p .. tedly u she tried lo move
from the couple's Irvine apart·
ment last Nov. 18.
Katherine "Katy" Leigh Pal·
ton. 23, the murder s uspect's
bride ol two months. was fatally
wounded by three shots in the
head rrom a .22 caliber
automatic pistol. .
Miss Swearingen told the Jury
her sister wanted to end her
marriage to Patton because he
constantly bad1ered her with
reeun111 n( insecurity about her
love for him.
"He jUAt constantly bdhered •
her all day and all night by his Prosecutor Paul Me ye r.
insecurity. by the fact th"t Katy however . is alleging that Patton
did lo ve him but he didn't planned the murde r. borrowed a
believe it." Miss Swearingen gun ahead or lime. had It readily
said. aecessible and should be found
She also said her sister felt the guilty ol first-degree murder.
inseeurtly ste mmed rrom Pat· Miss Swearingen said she had
ton's two prior marriages that gone with her !lister to the Pat·
e nded in divorce. ton home at 14 Esplanade,
Patton's atto rne y . Allan frvine.
Stokke. is contending that the When Patt.on asked to speak .to
34-year-old Patto n is a manic ' his wife alone. she said, her sis·
depressive whose' mIWltal , t· •. uggested Miss SwearU..en
tlon made him nol \t'\ another room and begin
for lht• 11lle~ed slavl ,i,. .1 o t ~ ..
APWore ..... te
Bert Lance
Dire Airport
Get,s Debate
Of 1i. O•olf Piiot St~ll
,\ ~tandml! ruom onlv crowd <11
Nt•wp-0rt Heach city· hall wa..,
tnld Tu~dC1y night that Orang1:
County Airpor t could ht!t nmt•
.1001 h<>r Lo... •\ ngc ll'~ I ntc rn<J -
11nn .J I A1rpm1 .
Nl'\\Pt1rl Rt•:.ll'h Ci ty Cuu11
, 1J ~om;,in J <.1t·k1e lh·:_ithl•r dt"
II\ 1·n •d h<.•r dire 1.1r1·di1•t1on dur
111i.: .1 rommunity forum on the
111<' .l I :u r!")rt
!-i hl~ p rcd1c le1 I that 1f l h1·
Oranj.!l' Cn11nl} C11rport t•:..pand~.
Nt'wp1>rt ll1•ach will hecomc a
gho:-1 tllwn llko Pluy<J dcl Rey.
"Wf! lire standmg on the brink
hl'twccn rc:.illy good t.inll's a nd
really had times," Mr~. Heathl•r
ln ld thC:' pa rl1l'an t•r owd of
;11rport opponl•nl:. who packl'<i
t·1tv roun<.'il cham bers
Mrs. Heathe r was on<' or seven
panelists who spoke al the meet
1ng sponsored by thl' Manners
Community /\ssoc1at1on The ah·
' u t• 1 a t 1 o n r e p r c :-c n t :-
homeowners on the west side of
1 he Uppe r lia). one or tht·
neig hborhood:. affected by noisl·
lro m a 1rpla11cs d cp artin~
Ora n~e Count~ Airport.
None of the other pune ltst!'>
~ha red the council m .-mbt!r 's
v ie ws on the future of the
Thomas Riley. the Orangt•
C ounty s up c r v1~o r wh o
<See AIRPORT. Page i\2>
Wea titer
ln c r l'asin g <'lo ud s
tonight. becoming partly
cloudy Thursd ay. High s
Thursday in the 60s at tht:
be ac hes. low to the mid
70s inland Low!' tonaghl
from SS to 62.
IN818E T88.4 't'
'fM mom indtutry an o Mta·
ab.-ippi River town of 200 as
taverna -one for every 40
realde"'•· Story. Page Bil
At Y-llf'ri<• A7 ..... .. L.M • ...,. M ....._, aw c ...........
Clftli.... Dt• c-k• a ='= Cl ·=--= :: • Ct+tt .......... Ctt.U .._. C1.>t1,M .......... '"
.... --........ .
Celehraf ing?
C c> s t u M c s u M M )' o r IC d
Md•'arlund uld t oday h e
c10•'"n 't tM-llevc• dty t•onccrns
abdul trurrh' In Uw Suuth Co¥st
Plaaa M'·u will h1tve any effect
un t tle propullt:d $45 million
muill(' cenlor to ~ .. built there.
Plan11 lo build th4' 3.200-tHiut
1·11m ~It'll wt·n· llllllOUfll't•d T ues
d i•'' hy llirt•ctor::. of OrunKt'
County Mu.,1c \:cntN Inc and
Ow St·~..r:4lrom family. which 1:.
d11natm.c tht• lund all1accnt to the
South Co~l Uepcrtury theater.
.. 1-'roru C.-11:.ta Mei.a 's point of
v11•w . ont• of the· lrt•rnt•ndous ad
'1rntulo(t'" of havin.: tht• Mus1r
t\·ntt•r tlll'rt• ·~the tram c that 11
'4 t1uld ~t'rll'rak 111 o H hours
,., 1•11111.c:. Jntl we e k e nd:. ..
M d •'.irla ntl ,,1111 '
Thl' City t \1u11<·1l postponed
.1 ppro\':tl 11( I wo propost•rt 15
,111ry 11H1t·1· l11'41•r:. a hlm·k awav
t1 11m 1111' Mu:.11· C•·nll•r .. 11t• pend
111g 1·omph't1e111 of 11 trufhc study
M 1·1-'arla111t nolt•d that t ht•
thcull'r si~t· 1s a lrt•atl.V w ned for
rommercial us•• undt•r a m aster
P,la11 subn11tt1·d hy South Coast
I 1111.a, u St•i.:ers l ro111 develop
mf'lll, and won "t n·quirt• a n·
Thi· t•11.v has tak•·n rw offit•iul
p11s 1lm11 1111 tht• t'roposcd Mus ic·
t'1•111t•r. Mt·Farland :.11H1 , hut U~t·
St•g c'r i>tro m s anct thf'alf•r
l"t'llrl'St'llt:ll l Vl'S cltcl ITH't'I With
l11m . (.'11u11t·tlwom 11 11 Norm a
l_lt·rt WI! and City M anagcr Fn·d
~"I":. ah a I !"' r ti r I' m a k I n 1: r II l ' :-. cJ a y s u II II II u n I.' l' .
·'J'm n•ally 1•)(c1tcrt ubout at ."
lw :.aid. "I think ii':. gmng to Ill'
.1 trt•mt'ndou:. assf'I to our <·om-
M~r-~aret ~rudeau. estranged wife of Canadian Pnmi· l\t~m1sl~r Pierre Trudeau. whoops 1t up at the Studio 54
c11sco m New. York just hours Lifter her hust;and t·on
ccd~d dC'feat m the Canadian election. Shl' !-.aHI todav
she 11 ny home lo be with him. "He ':-; the most wondl•rful
m<.1n I know."
* * * Frvfft Pag .. ,, I
(~ENTER ••.
1·1·,:-;ihl1• to all an·a~ of Oran1•1·
f 'rorn Pagr A I
•·<·ution w1tnc!-.ses as they chrl
with lhol-tc "ho lc:-.ltftcd for tht•
P ro secution witnesses Riven
low ratings in the collective
mind of the JUr<>rs wer e Newport
He <i t h dcH·lupt:r R ichard Owen
• ind former d C'velopme nt com-
1.rn11 y executive Richard Stark.
G 1 ven the tughest r ating as a
witness for t he prosecution by
the Juror~ was forme r stall!
.;t'nalor 1>1•nms Carpenter. And
ranked at the top of the scalt•
a mong w1tn1•:-.SC's called by the
d~f e n s e wa ~ co unt y Ad
m 1n1s t ral1 Vl' Officer Hobert
Als o given high marks on
nedib1hty und pt>rformance by
I he JUrors were p r osecutor
Mi chael Cap1zz1 and defenst'
la wyer .lames Riddel.
··Mr . Cap1zz1 was outst:tnding
fie really knew the case." one
1urnr said.
Another Juror said that Riddel
"was very ~1nccre a nd did a
good job giving the d efense side
of the case."
But still another juror men
t1oned that "everybody I talked
to couldn't stand" one or the de
fense lawye rs .
Alternate Jurors interviewed
indicated the outcome or the
t ria l they had sat through
without sharm~ m the decision
wo uldn't have changed had they
been able to Join in the debate.
"I . quite frankly, was leaning
t oward guilt though I certainly
would ~ave liste ned to what my
·fellow Jurors would have said,"
Kathleen Boyd comme nted.
!he second a lte rnate JUror.
M1c~ael Brown, also said he was
leaning toward a guilty verdict
by the time the trial c losed .
All jurors inte rviewed 1ni:cat-
ed that despite four full days of
behind-closed-door debate, the re
was never a time whe n the
jurors felt it might be possible to
!'eturn a not g uilty verdict.
,,. Or•nQPC°'"t o.ily Pttoe ••thwh•t" 1\tom
r'ti~ IN-~Pr.,\.'' _,..,,t'lfiiid by trw Ot#\Qlt
(N 'I Pubh\l\olf'Cl(~y S.o.tf441f'...OtltCWl .. A•r
oub"""""° Monct•Y '""'~ ''"'"" •o• c°''" M."W ._,,.......,,~ft M\ll"ll~Oft 8f>Mh '°"""
t•inV•H•'I lr'f'•,...l~~ .. f'l/SovtP\(M \I A
'\t"'Cll .. f'~ ftCl100fl t\ °"*'""""' $.aoh;tOtn _,nd ~ • ., tN> PftftC .. , °"'°''',.•no P'*"' ., "' llO
_..,, 8•• """"'· (O\.lt Ml>w, C•htor "•• .,.,. ·-.. -Prt\kte-ftt~~·~
Jec,•.C-• \lo{~"'""*"''"" 04'-.tl """-·
,~, ...........
111111 .. inotfltot
~·"~ ............. . A .. !\lenl liltftlOlftQ fdilOI\
Man Arrested
ln Costa Mesa
Burglary Case
A man police allege had the•
m aste r key to a n apartme nt
com plex in his pocket was a r ·
rested Tuesday in Cos ta Mesa
o n suspicion of burglar y .
Kuben Franco. 29. of Santa
Ana. remained in city jail today
m lieuofSI0.000 bail. police said
They said Franco was a rrest·
ed after Howard Keith S horr re·
turned to hjs ap:trtment at the
Vista Del Lago apartments. 2775
Mt•sa Ve rdt' E a !>t Drive, al 11 :30
a.m Tuesday <md found a man
Franco. who did outdoor main·
tenance work for the complex.
a llegedly told S horr he was
working in the apartment. but
the complex m a nager denied
havi n g given p e rmission t o
enter. polil'e said.
Police aJleged a pocket knife
helonging to Shorr was found in
Franco's pocket. a long with a
master key
Odds Agai1ist
Long Lines at
Gas Stations
Guarded optimism appeared
to be the prevailing mood today
a t Orange County's ser vice sta·
lions as the ·'odds ·· formed lines
that were often les s than 10 cars
Ion~ for their crack at the gas
pumps. ·
Op~rator s said m a n y
motonsls who last week were
forming lines long before the
pumps opened are now a rrivin g
a.t the sta!ions after opening
time a nd finding that they can
line up. fill up a nd still get to
wo rk o n time.
But regional ma nager Harvey
Rose or Standard Oil urged
drivers today to "conserve fuel a nd r ecognize t h e ga soline
shortage as a permanent way o f
life .
B~ANCE •••
enrol~ment rose from tS.53 per-
cent m 1973 to 21 .76 percent in
1974, 32.71 percent in 1977 and
41.35 percent in 1978.
( '1111111 v .
· Fr:olll S1·al lk :u·h 111 S;111
C'lt'llll'llli'. 110 11n1• will Ill' mun•
tha n :i half hour 1lriv•· :iwav ··
-.Ill' saul · I 1·a11 't lll'lin•1· 111°11
1:1111cl rorturw 111 tl11s ~tlh-11d11t micl
1:1·11f'r1111s offt•r "
M u s 1 <' (' l' n l l • r d 1 r 1 • 1 · t o r ~
:.tre:o;s(•d that a <'.llllural e nviron
mcnt has a lrea dy be e n
established in the Town Cente r
by the presence of the South
Coast Repertor y Theater .
The model unve iled at the
Sou~h Coast Plaza Hote l meeting
depicts a 3,200-seat suditorium
with backstage and orchestral
facil_ities to accommodate major
mus ical and dramatic produc
Directors predicted tha t the
facility will be ideally s uited to
the presentation of ope ra. ballet
und light opera.
Ar~hitects said the la rge pro-
scenium stage they plan for the
complex will favorably compare
with the Dorothy Chandle r
They said an adjoining concert
ha ll will be used for smalle r
musical and dramatic offerings
with auxiliary facilities to in·
elude rehearsal. e xhibit and din-
ing areas. A m ulti-level pa rking
structure will form part or the
There was no doubt Tuesday
that the proposed Music Cente r
had the enthusiastic support or
c ultural orga n ization s
thrbughout Orange County.
The Irvine Master Chorale.
the Oran~e County Philharmonic
Socie ty. the county's Lyric
O p era Associatio n a nd the
Orange County Master Chorale
were on hand a t a meeting that
dem onstrated solid support for
the Music Center plans .
And it was also made clear
that dissension cr eated over the
year s by g r o ups a nd com-
munities vying for r ecog'nition
as the centerpiece of the coun-
ty's cultural future is now al an
Bury-the-hatchet de monst ra -
tions included that by the
O range County Performing Arts"
G uild which swung its all-out
support or Orange County Music
Cente r . long a n arch rival in
te rms or cultura l advancement.
"This joint support marks the
e merge n cy o r two l e ading
performing a rts organizations
working together and signals a
major advance towards the ul-
tim ate goal." Guild president
R obert H. Blaustone said .
"We are working together to
fl~I a void," Mrs. Redfield told
him. "Ten years from now
Orange County will be at the
center or the world's cultural
'J'.rebler al10 expreaae« his
behef that tetl scores of minorl·
ty s tudenLa could have been ex-
amined. even tbou1h these re-
1ulla miaht be affect~ by fac· •
tors unrelated to the school
Anaheim Boy, 2,
Drown8 in Pool
A 2-year -otd Anaheim boy
drowned Tuesday in a backyard
swimmln1 pool, Oran1e County
coroner'• deputies reported to·
Justin Smith, apparently He suggested a "vertical
analyaia" to follow aome m lnori·
ty 1tudent.s -anonymously throulh the school ayatem to see
If they .made aaUlf actory
pro1reu. 1
tumbled into the pool at 430 s
Archer St .. Anaheim. _.t 11 :56
a .m . and could not be revived by·
paramedics summoned •lo the
scene, oatclall aaid .
Duke J-'ote:
Tb• ...._. ••nlmot1ly
1pprO¥td l~lll t oday .... ._urortn•-tltt• 1eovern·
ment to 1111~ 11 aold mNtal
h o norina 3t'tor J o hn
W1tyne of Nf'wport Heu<'h
.. J ohn W11ynu ccltbrates
h1 i; 72nd hlrthday on S1ttur-
d ay anrl thl11 la 11 way tu
honor thhi last or the old
timl' movl(• •ctors." Rt'p.
l"rank Annunzlo. D·lll .
told eolh•nJ?Ut'R
Tlw measurt• .iO<'s to lht'
St'natc /\llhou.ih the
Senate has ap1uovcd a
s imilar ball. dlHerencf's
lwtwet•n lh•• two c ha m bt'rs
over tht• J>rc<'hlt' wordin~
of lh1• enJ?ruvinl! will h nv.-
to lw n•t•om·1l1•c1 twforC' th1•
nwasur1• n m tw :-.1~n<'cl in·
to l aw hy Prt«..,idc•nl
,..,.... Pap 1t I
rl'IJl"t•st•nlli Nl•w11ort lk11d1 look
issue with h••r p n•dit't ion ancl
prom1s1'<i ttw uud11•11n• t hut c·111n
nwn.·1111 jc•t fliJ!h t s would ht•
limllc•d to 40 11 dnv
flt' :.11ul lw'1I k1•q 1 \Ill' fl11~hb at
that 1111111l wr l'\f'll 1r thc·r•• 111.-
lWl'lllY lllrllllf''l a t 01"1111~(· ( '01111
ty 111st1 •;11I "' ""' 'WCI th al l'lll
n•11lly havt• lt•a:-.t•:-. l h1•n •
111 11tt.l1t1011 lo lltll'\' and Mt".
lh•nll11•r . tho p a111 •I t1tl'l1t1l•·ll
S u p1•rv1 :.or ll:irrit'll W11•tlf'r
(;Prahl 1>:11111" of lhl' 1'1•1h•rai
Av1.11lo11 i\1ln11111str11t111n , 11•·111,
W1•daa. 1m .1111mrl :.1wc·111h"t (111
I ht• S1111tllf'rn ( 'ahforn111 A'-"111•111
111111 11( < :ov1•rnnlf'11l -. 1 S< ·A<; 1
Bolt l'11vto11 of l\1r ( 'alt f111111a :1111i
( ·.11 E t:••rt1111 or I All> i\11a:•·lt-., In
lt•rnal 11111111 Airpo rt
Tlll'rt' wa~ 1111 01·w 1nf11r11111l 11111
•·111·111•11 :ti llw 111.-.-t1111i All of 11t1•
pa111·l1-.i.. r1·v11·w1•cl wit .ti 1111•11
.11:1·11 1•y "'11111111: all1111t 1111·
.t I 1'1'111'1
Dalla: .... 11cl lw 1·1111ldn 'I '"'·''"""
1)11' FA/\· .. l'l'lllllltl! lllV•· .. 111•11111111
111to d1an·1··· or .t1•,,., 1111111.1111111
:q :a 111:.1 :111 1·;11 111•1" .ii 111•·
a irport
If llw I· (\i\ t1111I•. :11 '.·""'·' 1111·
t'OlllllV Ill th., l'il ~·''. 11n111hl1111 -.111
l h.11 lh1• n1u11l v will lw f1111 •·d '''
l:1k1· 1111 m1111· ;11111111" .• 11 ''"'
f;11•ll1t y
W1·clt.1a . a Vorha l.1n1l:1 r 1t y
councilman . ~avf.' a rc l>f)rt on
what SCAG 1s d oing to hnd a
new airport s ite. but addt d that
constru('t ion of a nr>A fac11it' I'>
al least 20 years awa} ·
E~crton s<11d officials at Los
Angeles want Oran~e County air
passengers to use Ontario to re
lie \'e Mm e of lh f.' rrowdan~ at
Los Angclt•:.
Exeeatloa Stayed
'Praise God'
STARKE. Fla tAP) John
A. Spenkellnk's life was spared
t~arly today. only hours before
the 30-yea~old murderer was to
die In Florida'" eleftric chair
f'ederal judtces In Atlanta and
W Qsh lnl(ton j!runt ~d separate
appeals for a stoy of execution
"Pr aise God!" the fo rm<'r
Ruena Park man shouted as lht•
ne ws flashed acl"08s a l4•14'vision
screen out.side his cell a fe w feel
from the dt'ath cham~r
Ills F.p1sropalian minister. ttw
He v Tom Feams t e r . l{av1·
Spenkellnk Holy Communion at
I 11.m . JUst one hour hefor1•
l!ll:trds had bt•t•n du1• on l>f>ath
How to shave Srwnkellnk 's ht':HI
a nd lt>tt to increast' thi• effic1t•11
1·y or lht• .-lt•c·tm· t•ha1r
l.c•i;s thun 12 hour-; lwfor1•,<·11n
Tund uy a flt•rmMin, Spcnk'l'l1nk ...
d1arg1•1I with l!'11·11u111~ 11( """'"'
pltn11ton of hank runcl ' whtt.· ht •
w :t!l 1>rPs uh'nl of th•· two l1:1nk:.
In f1 v1• oth1•r 1•111111h . ht· wu ... H'
··11 s 1•d of ra ls 1fytnr,! 1wr~o11al
t111 ant'1.1I 't.11t·nwnt :. "'' abo
W ,l 'l dllll'J~t•fl With .1 .. 1•p!ll .tit•
1·011111 of makllli! fa li-i· 1·111 rw" 111
Thi• Natmnal Hank 111 ( ;1•1111:111
Thl' )!r a ncl 1111 y wa-. ""'
p:111t·INI 011 .11111 :•'1 t!nH, 111 111
"•'"llJ!:tlt• :1l11·Ral 11111" 11( r111.111<·1.1I
1rrt·~ularit ll'" Ill\ 11l v111R l,:1111••·.
whn rn;i1~1ll'fl S••pl ;•I. I !Ii:. ,,.,
1ltri•1·t11r of 1111' f1•1h•ral tHf11·p u f
M ;111:t~f'm1•nl ;iml lhuh:••l
111 lh1· v1·:11 -. lwf1111· lw 111111•·11
<".1rl.1·1 .... 1111111111·,1r.d 11111 ·'"
1111 •·1·1111,,r11 ... 11rr11·•· "' M;111.11••·
1111•111 .11111 1111111:•'1. I .:1111· .. "'""''ti
lhP (";ilh111111 """"' Nal11111.d ll.111k
.11111 tlw Al 1:1111.1 l1.1.,1•rl ~ .111•111.tl
l\ank 111 1 ;, • .,,.,.1.1
I II \.f ... I I I( .1 I I Ii II " I I \ I It '
~ .. 1·111 1111•" a11d ... x1•lto1 111•• '"'"
""""''"' ttw 111rr1trl rr1ll••r 111' 1 ht•
1·1rrrr·111•v 1111tl Irv tl1n•1 l•11 • 111 tit•
1w11 l1a11k•. t 11rr1•·d 11 11 1111111• '''"'·
111 <,l ,1111 •·•. •ti 1r11 •1r1111l•·t1·I~
1!111• u rrl"nl N J 11,.ir1•. t 11 f..uw•· "
frir•nc1s and rr·l••ll\'•·"
The grand 1urrir> ha Vf> 1sc,ur>1I
one 1ndJctment. ch<ir~in11 01"
1n g t o n . Ca . ha nk•·r L;irr.,
Bea~le\ '41l h v1()lcit1n~ fr·d•·r,11
bank1n)! lav.... In d pied J~rJ·•·
m t:nt fa le<l 1n court la~t v.1«•1.
P ro::. e C' u to r s r C' \ e a It• 11 th,.,
pro mised to recommend i.1 lr-n1•·nL
st>ntl'nt·e fur B~a~le~ in t•xc:h~•nl!t'
for ll'Sl1mon~
Oeath Row <'ompanton. Willi~
Jaspe r Oardt•n. olso was grant·
t•d 11 st11y of execution when a
feder al judge atcreed to hear his
a ppeal
The exeruUons would hav.:
bN•n th'-' first in the Umtt-d
Statt>s sance a Utah firing squad
shot Gary Mark Gilm ore m ore
th11n two years atto.
G ilmore re fused to pursue
l'OUrt appeals. and these would
have bt.~e first .~xecutions or
prnmnt•r!> ~•RinnKt their will in
the• United States since 1967.
The ft'lorida prison was quiet
today ufh'r a m.iht or tension
amc>nt( mmatl'h angry about the
• m p 1· n d 1 n .i c x c t' u t 1 o n .
a11t h or1t1t'" l\illfl F.arly In th~
llH!ht. 1111111111·' c·h anlt•d . hanAt'd
011 t lw 1·1•11 walb and hars and hl
...mall r1r1•:-. in proll'l>l
ltut a rter ttw st ay was J!rant·
t•cl. t h1•y scltt.•11 down
S1~nkf'link was lo ha v1• bt•t•n
t•Xc'l'Uh'd at 7 .1 m .. 1>11nk11 al 8
Rites Held
11"'or Suicid ..
Victin1 in CM
~l'l'\'11'1':. Wf'l'I' l'flllll tH'l1•cl 10
rl .t\ for ('h11,lopllt'r 1\nthon\
I .il1t•r of <'v:.ta Mt•-;a , .1 ~tude~t
.11 nrn.niw ( '11;,1sl (;olh.•j?e. whn
1lt ••fl S.1t 11ril." of a gun-;h•ll
"1111r11l l11 I ht· lw.111 111• "a ... 18
T iii' f )r~111~t· l 'ount} l'1,ront•r ...
0 H1n• h.1i. r11kd th1.· <fralh .1
''"''trl•• ·' 'lic1k1• ... 111a n ... :11.J \1r
l .. tll"I ' l1<ich \\,I' 11111111! !°'.1tur
ti.I\ ,1flf'rr11111n 111 th1 • Ha1·I. !{,,,
,11 1"1 111 N"" p11r1 111'.H'h b\ .1
111 ,111 \\Ill>"'·" \\.tll.1111: ht·· .i .. ,.
~1 1 1..11 11·1 ""' .. ~1".1il11.•(•' 11(
°\;••"po rt ll.11 ll11r 1111:11 Schonl
.... t11•r•• h•• \\,1·, .1111 \1' Ill th1•
rl I ,1111.1 d1•p,11I11w11I
"wn ""'"• "''1•rt• h1•lct .ti I p rn 1 ~•(1.t' ·'' 11_.i1r / H1·r g 1•r fln
< 1.o,t.1 l\1•'"·' l h.111\'I llun .d 1A1ll
111• .11 l.11111: r .. 1a11d \l.1twn.tl
( '••111••1••1 \ 111 N1•w \"111 k
. Mr l.alJ"' lf';l\'1'' 111 ... 11111llw1 . < l;ira L:i lJt•r of ('11:-.la Mt·~a. 111 ,
... , ... t('r, (;lortan1· llartdei.:cn or
llun11nl!lnn lkal'h . his m atc•rn.il
~r:ind1iarcnt :., David a ncl Atl••l1·
A rt· n :1 • a n ti h 1 s pal t• r nu r
~r o ndmothl'r Ma1?dcl.111.1 Lal
Jt·•. a ll of i'/r-'4 Yorio.
Th<.· family ha.:. !>Ul?(:t•stcd
m l'm o ria l d11natwn~ 111 Thi·
~· h r 1 :-. I '' r> h P r ,\ I. a I J t' r
S('h11 lar ... h1p Fuml :.it ~t·>Aptlrl
Ha rbor llt ~h Sc hool
Starts June 1st
Select from the finest lines available at
very special prices. All our upholstered
pieces will be reduced for this event. 1 Q0/o
to 25°/o off. Special orders included.
Stop in now while selections are
at their best.
. I
MSW YORK 4AP> -Worried
Uaat ...... ····-lob milht run cir)'. people r•annln1 lriP6 over the llemOria Day w•kend
are tW"ldq to traina, planea and
bu1e1 -and creati n1 • pa.......,.en.nch. Amtrak reported Tuesday that
ill ntln'at.t.I for the trHllend
are up., pettent over last year
Coatlnental Trallwaya bua line
••peel.I 25 percent mo~ ridt1rs .
* • *
and Greyhound is ~imllarly OP·
"n' L00&8 Ukt; we'rt> IOI.ft~
to baft a real boom wffkend,'
Hid an Amtrak apokeaman tn
Wa1hlnston who did not want to
.,. ldmtifted.
"W• think that murh or It la
du• to the 1asollne problt m, ·' htt
add.-d. "We've alway!$ h•ve •
rrowded rondlUon on holidays.
but nothing like we've had the
past two months. We 'vt<t.ad pee>·
pie llwannina onto our tulf\3 "
reaume full 1ervico u.nUI after
the weekend.
"We 'r' coine to be crowdt!d,''
uid Dan Henkin, a spoke111man
for thu Air Triansport Associa·
• * •
I 8'f0 lnerease
tlon. a Wa1bln1ton-ba1ed ln-
duatry lfOUI>.
··wa DPECI' TO do very
heavy bualnea, even more ao
than U1ual because of the United
strike,'' aald Al Becker, a
spokesman for American
Most or the airlines expect
that jet fuel supply will not be a
• * *
problem, altbou1h moat have been-naanmc n&nl ·on Iller an re·
cent moot.ba.
Delta, however, bu been ean-
ce1Un1 an avera1e of JO of it.I
more than 1,800 nt1ht.1 a day ill
the put eouple ol weeks beeaUM
of •bort f\lel 1uppllet, and ex·
peeta to have to rround several
over tbe weekend.
lf nited to O,W.11
Planes to
Other Airlines
Tht Amtrak spokesman s.ald
Pt'(>ple trylnti to m ukc tr1tln rt!
servahon1 tor this wt'ukcnd
should tall ht-fore 7 u m or urtt-r
7 p.m . ~ause the phon••i. ur ..
Jammed during tht' day
DON BEHNKE, A spokesman
for Greyhound in Phoenix, Artz .
s aid . "It 's alw1tys a good
weekend, and you combine that
with the gasoline shortati:e and
1t 's going to be an excellent
Getty Halts Diesel
Sales in Mid~est
TULSA. Okla <AP> -Getty Refining and Marketing Co. has halt·
ed the sale of diesel oil and furnace fuel in the Midwest because of Airlines uys it will honor
oasaenger tickets for flights
from all other airlines for 21
days from the time it resumt:s
what it called a n extreme shortage of the products. 1
The company said Tuesday it hoped to resume sales in about a I 1 t t
Lee Sneath. a Dalla s-based
spok esman fo r Gr eyhound 's
co mpetit o r . Conl1n c nt al
Tra1lways. said·
week. I ,'
In New Orleans , meanwhile, a
group of congressmen called' for
government allocations or diesel
fuel lo prevent the shutdown of
more than two dozen oil rigs.
The carrier. which has been
shut dbwn since March 3 1
becau se of a st rik e b y
machinists, plans to resume
limited operations Monda y
and full operations seven to 10
days tater if a tentaHve contract
a1reement reached Saturday
wlt)l the International Associa-
tion of Ma ~hin is t s and
Aerospace Worke rs is ratified
this weelf.
John Zeeman, vice president
for passenger marketing. said
the proposal to accept compara-
ble tic.kets from other airlines
will provide more d irect routing
and wider choices or departure
times and dates for air
··u you want lo travel Wednes·
day or Thursday this week or
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thurs-
day next week. chances are
you 'II avoid most oft he rush.··
NErntER BUS LINE expects
major problems obtaining fuel.
"Any shortages that might oc-
cur would affect primar ily
charter service." Sneath said.
The airlines also expect a busy
weekend. partly because of a
s trike at United Airlines.
Although a tentative agreement
has been reached in that dis-
pute, United is not expected to
I *
GETTY SAID ITS action af-
fects customers of Ske lly brand
products from the Arkansas
River to the Rocky Mountains
a nd from the Canadian to the
Mexican borders.
The company said a 16 percent
increase in sales of the fuel in
the first four months of the year
led to the problem.
Getty said it was implement·
ing a special program of dis·
tribulion to comply with the
De partment of Energy 's new
* •
1 Standard Chief OUT OF STA TE PROPERTY t
WHAT IS ntl ,.°"' POTltm.U.? IS" ... cncAL? I Sees l01prove· Dient
1 Out-or-s tate Real Estate investment offers
dynamic opportunity. Learn orthe potential in Low I
Down Payments. Positive Cash Flow. and Rapidly .
I Increasing Prices Elsewhere Underst and the I polenilal in various areas of the country Whether I you are a first lime investor or an experienced 1
Exchanger. THIS S EMINAR IS A MUST I Reservations Required.
TUES. & WED. 7:00 P .M.
LOS ANGELES <AP> The chairman of
I Standard Oil Co. of California says he does not
believe last week's meeting between California
leaders and President Carter will result in sub-
stantial gasoline supply increases. but he added
the worst of the gas shortage is probably over.
H. J . Haynes told a news conference Tuesday
that the allocation base change announced by
Carter following the meeting with Gov. Edmund
G. Brown Jr. and others had actually been an·
nounced at least two weeks earlier.
He said the state will still feel the effects of
that modification. but "that did not come about
because of that meeting with Brown."
rule requmng that suppliers
give first priority lo customers
with certified agricultural
would take at least a week to re-
sume sales "as equitably as
possible to customers with
certified agricultural needs."
In New Orleans, Rep. Bob Liv·
ingston. R·La. said a diesel
s hortage was threatening to stop
the operations of one Colorado
company, the R&L Mining Co ..
in three to seven days, and a
series of other companies in
Louisiana and Texas in 10 to 20
.. My first rount was 25 rigs in-
volved:· Livingston s aid, "but it
appe ars n o w it m ay b e
s ignificantly more tha n that. ..
He said mos t of the companies
a r e supplied by the Phillips
Petroleum Co.. which has an-
nounced that diesel a llotments
will be cut back 40 percent from
last year's supplies.
Easy Saver
For Assembly man Bob Hayes. R·San Fernando. the
shortage of gasoline hasn't mttanl a chang~ m tra nsporta·
l ion. lie commutes daily from his Sacramento hom e to
the Capitol garage b y motorcych.•. Hayes says he's been a
cycling fan for 28 years and adds that his machine gels SO
miles per gallon
Ov~r 1,he Counh•r
NASO Ustinqs
Tuck:l'A~~A I ., " • "" 0 10 .. "II HIQhYld 11 .. 11.'M lntom .... 'so ()pp('nflelmH .. d Com s "., 11 !>I -COMl'ANIES Btlll<k 13,oj 1•.U Fnerelecl F;,..:· HolCIQ Tr 1.00 NL Mny Mil 1.00 NL Oof1pe11 UI 1.01 Gr~lh •.02 ....
in the Center
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Discover.a secure country life in a private gated community
that seems worlds apart from today's hectic pace. Laguna Meadows occupies
a one-of-a-kind setting that is secluded yet perfectly
located near everything an active family needs. Enjoy ocean views
from an exclusive community that includes championship
tennis courts, acres of private meado~s. estate sized lots from
7200 square feet. The magnificent customized homes at Laguna Meadows
have from 3 to 5 bedrooms with from 2400 to 3460 square feet. . .
Priced from $250 ~000
For lnformntlon , phone (714) 499-1266
, \'-'I> <>l'l .NIN<; l'llf\Sl" II ' '" ' '
NEW YORK !API C-1.10 1... Am LW 7.11 l .J7 Hor Men 14.'6 16,17 Munl •.41 10.JO H Vld 13.U 14,.0 Se<IUO•• 21.71 NL -The followlRCJ quo. OMd 1.77 l Ol Hllcm 11.63 ,._,, INAFd 11,~ 11 ll US Oov •. H 10.0' tnc 6o~ 1.2' •Gt Sentry F 14,IO 16.09 l•llOM ~IN by Mofltll 1l 07 ,. H MOllM 1 00 NL ISi Gf'Olll): MUMC!l<IMH Co: Mone l.(JO NL SNJer'Oft F~. lhe Nell-I Astoel· N1WS •.°» 10.10 MlllM (oo NL orwlll s ... 6 21 FrMd 1.23 ..,, Optn 17 .... ,..,. Apt><t! JUI u ...
ellon of Se<ulll•• NYVn 14 2' IH1 0111 tl* t•40 tncom l .79 4.ll tnci.o •.Jot 10.11 Soecl 111• n .02 tncom 17.4' "·" Dulef\ Inc ere COFunel 11'02 11't1 h Fre 1i.ot NL T"t sll 11 70 11.79 Man 11,02 11.0' h Fre t . .:I NL lnvHI 10.61 11.60 the Of'l•H •t 'Wtlk ll COln<m 7.°'1 1.JJ US 0¥1 1.16 NL TrP•Sll l.1. .. Fdlnc 14 02 0 .12 AIM 11,41 17,'7 SlerreO 10.13 NL 111ew tot<urll~ c~lt!IM 1 oo NL Ftci.llh or-: tlldustrv 4.11. Mau Flnanct• Tim• 10.7' 11,1' Sherm D 16.00 NL
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81uetlnf .20 • J• •·~• 14 OiGlor .40 I 19' 12"1 • 'II HandyH 6011 1' n v.. ,,, "'"""' 31017 II &11• "'PloMr 192 • • -· ~ upr · • w1111erJ 111 1 tO'l't• '"' BellOiellf 4 21 • .,, + :"' OIGlor pl .••. yJ.0 10 -2• Hanna l.IO • 111 36.V. "" Mr'1\F I 74 • ,.., ....... "• PIOflrEI ' t 10 ""' -.... SsuPmkG .•7 I ~ I!~ ..... Wl•EP J . 1 ,. JS •• ,. ._._ I 1 114 JtYt-4 Olalnl 2.:!Gb I U 34.... . . Har&rJ I .... 11 JI 35 .. MarlM I IO 6 13 '3•~ • '• Plln 8 I 10 I ltl ,.... UPl<P • Wl\E Of ltO 1100 .. v.
8ot8_MC __ ',·!! •' 1011os Mt"t .... Olenis 1.•' •i. 11:\f•• v. Harfts .7• • n • 1111~. ,•: "',,,•d'tulCP ~·~ 7 1s , '" Plln~~Pf'"' 1,.u,...,,·;·;4 S5ulroM ·~ • !! ;~~· ~ w1(GI\ 192 , 1 "''"• •111 -" -~ • Voi OlellOld .60 1J '1 JS •I Herni""I I II ICM ~ ,. C "" • 11 1111 .. '• p 1I 1 I 10 1j Sl6 J1\0t , '" wank 1·-6 - ' ' Wl\CPL I 16 I 11 18 "" =--~·.10t2 ~ '; 1'V> ..... 0 1111a1E11 .. 411 ,. .,. Harral\ SC IO •• 20"-. Mnco ,60 9 116 11'1• '• p:.~:o,(, I Ill s ...... ~f~OI\ fJ:. J~: ~.·· '."' Wl\CP!. ,,., • ,, """• '• .. ~ "' '"" • 'Al OlfllnCJfTI .51 • St IO'to • IA HerrB• J I 11 1' II+ Moon II I 10 I •1 1" 1 '• Pl.,,lrn It 13 9 17~ • \1t •Y " P · ' ' • Witco 110 6 JI> J• ::.,J~ .. t~.~·~ 2~ m:: I'll g:::;:m,~ .• I~~-~~=~~~ 1:=1! 1: ~1~1~: :,,~. ;:.~.~CypFIQ'Jttttl lO I~ :~~· :~ ::!~~~ 't~7~ I~ ~::· ~ ~:•Elron .:~;~.~·I::~.•:=~··:~ ~ ! 1n :r.;··.
...,ff -• .,. 11""-"" 0 1= 40 11 '37 >S .. li•rl5M ·• S SO --I It It'"'• " p Pd 10b 10 '" 14.,_ w omelc 60 • w ""' .,_, ..., 10 40 l ltlt • .,.. 0 1,, '" II 10> ·~ I'll Harl•H-.s. II II It.. .,.. Maline I OI •36 10''> .... P~rokl' I I •ff lO.. •• ~=~ I ~ • n~ )}•. Wooc!PI • .. ' JIV. ..... 8r19St l.2ee I II ~ • ... Div 10 . IO •·•· .. HartlZd «I 5 JI I01t1. . ""•lltl J0t 1 1J) .... ._ Pnd 40 • 160 l7~ ,._ "P ' 11 Wolwlll I 60 • S41 1'"1 "> Brh = t ... II »I >30.'> • IJ. Or....., .ti IJ t i 16 t Iii HellS. I IO 10 l ISi/io • II+ Mell~I w1 115 ''' lio p r~i;: I I• s 11 ,.,;,' Tell8rd 60 l6 11'• • "• Wolw pl 7.10 ' lll -Yr .,~, "' J . ' 171.1... Oofna¥ 0. .... SI "'"' lltli H•llEI J.J• I 11 1••.r. "' Mo OS I.., 292 J ..... .,. P::'•c .IOb ' ., 11 ... -.... TTakoll • ..,I 10'· I ' WorldAlr • •• 1-..-''• Brl~ .Me IO " n~ • "1 OOftLJ U II l JM!. • Haye\14 I.JI 11 1• 16 · Ma orO I t ti 1' , ~. PorlG( 11017 13 ,.... allt y 1 a IOh " Wrt9ly J ... 1 1 .. ,..., .. 8fllw01 ,. • " 11 • Ooftftlf I • 0 i..tlt-.... Hanlln .ti! • 1S 1.v. • "• May\.JW l Jt ...... _ • ._ PoG Of 1 so llO 107,, . . T .... , pl I •• "" Wurlttr •• s • .... illYVG 2,:!! •1 11 n • E rOlv AO 12 s n-.. ..... Healtlh< s •• 11h• '• M•Yl9 '.'° 1 11 7•1'11 "· PorG of J 60 . 1 u ..,, ,,. ~ampE ,., •' 1!~ : ·., w.,1.,,. '° • u u•-. -"--IS ..... + "' .. ., ·'° • )SO .. -"" H.ch .JO • ,, 10 ..... Mc Derml ' s I.. ...... ... PotllCh I •• • •s rJ... ~ •ftdf ,., • WyleLIH . .0 1 ,. ,...,_ "" ,_ ·• • Me 1sv.-... r I.AO • 1 ~ "" H~ta¥ 11 ,,. ll't-y, M<Dr of 2..20 . ,. n... PotmE1 1,. 1 ., 12_ ,... TMIO,<tt I\ 1 '' • , "' wy1y u 1• s-. • 111 9-o. , .. S • 14'11 ..... C)OWCll IA l lOSI » -V. Hallm&s I 11 21%• 1i11 M<Or pl Jto > J~-\to Premier M IO 47 'JS-v. Tappa11 21 J7 U llV.-Ioli -Jl-Y.....Z· 1-~ ·•••IS 1214.+ I' 0.-Jft 1 .... 11 • »""'• "' ... lrH 1 I tO Jt • I'> Me Oftl'd :s.11 * .,.'l't• 111i Pr1macm ' n 111 »"-•.,., T<l>M~r .to • • IJl'o• 11' lCeroa 2 . .0101on ff~ .. """" ··' ~t I~+ Eeve 1.a • • 2011• V. Ha-C • t h , ... M<OOftO .1S 1 S11 1111.t v. PrlmaCtri 1 llV> ~ach11t1<1t ~:! .!? .. 12!:-~ xT•A• .SJ • 2'11 1._, ... i · ._ + Mr I I ,. C2 + 'Ill Hellrlftt 1.20 t 50 11\fo• V. M<GE<I 1.IO t 21 JS -"" Pr0<tG :LAO ii I.. IO '+'. 'v; .. ma -• -• 'f'ele\ ,20 1 to )I + \I)
tr t ,i: =· .. .. ,,.. .. I n + "' .... ,.. . .. It " L ".. M<OrH I. ' 101 ,,, ....... Proe•lfl . II n .. • "" ;·~ :-: : g: ,:: .. i . z ... cp I • n ,, .... v. J. 1 7 ., .._,:.:;~ Y'-a ' 10 "'" i .. ~11.10 7 S'4 ' + Mc tntfr • • 1wo Jt ..... l'roter .J:te u 1 2• • .,... r:,..,...., · 20 no uo""-; "" z ... te .• 10 n• 1t11t • ""
1 1 ,. U".. .....,.. • ' 1IO 1Jll't-·~·-• .a • 5' ~ ..... McLean .M s 11 •~• \It 1"$vcat IAO t ISi ""' 1 le t 14 •l'o "°' f'",."' • 1• nv.-Ye ,.. ,... • ""'"" .. ...,.... .. 1411451'+ "' .... ..,. ., ' tl'lt ..... IML0\11 l is ,, ..... !"llllCll J.a. SI Zfflt·.: ~ r• • 220 1 ,.. a--l4o enltllfl tlO t2 u ..... It .... i ... -• 141 '1\t ~ .... 2 0\11 ..... ..._It> I.II t 105 17'.H I' llA<MerO .10mN11J1•+ llli a'"" UO rlaGS~ tnMO · + ZumlMI M 7 IO U .. • ~ ... ,.. a uir \lo "'~~ .. • J »Io's .. " .............. u •12 ,....,_ .... McNeil .. • 11 l)\h "' .. lft .. '. .. ... ""'-..
... \A... .. + • m 1 "' "~· ......... ~ ... It » '"'. "" Ille• IAO s a ~-.... '" ... : •. : --ft + 1"" Caesan Anticlpat0 s Suit ... • "' .. I n -.... HRllMll ,. • 11 ~ t -lileMn .so IS ~· "' lft of .... 10S •11>+ .. " l "i• ,,...,_..._ ., ..... =· """""" '" '°1 '1"'-Mecttm ·••• 1 e"'• "'"".,,." 1.1i"•" ., ... "" LOS ANG•LES <AP> -Caesars ... , • ...-~· \lo .. ti +._a t.a 1 '6 11\fi-"' lilel"'ll .. IAO t 430 \.'t+ .. 1"$NH llft7S ,_ M'°' m.
·, -.. + ' ·· , ... ,.,.._._ ...., ·"' '°' 1'""• ""~a• ' •• ""• """"""Ill\ 1:"* ·; is .,_...... W Id I -'d it and its chairman • t4 • e '·" 11 4 .... 14 1141y4-... • 1 21 • ""MercStr 1• • ., JHll• ",.810 210 ,.. '°""..... or nc. s~ • tu •i 4:: . L. u1" J& 1""-"" HmtG1 "11'., 1• 11'11• ""l!MrT• 1.• • .>t '°.""• ""g ii:" .. •m ""'~·;,.; Clifford S. Perlman, may be sued by ..a ff t .. ...... -., .._,II l,!09 II lt4 »11>-14 Merell ! •• U ftJ .... _ '-11 IS y•t1101lol!-I-.
•""-• 11 J '"'• "" '"' tt!.. •• .... "°""" uo 1 '" .. -" *"""' uo • 10 2111>-"' ,. ,,,; •• :. '"° • +t the Securities and Exchange Com· *"• '· .. .-'' + "'.....,u uc • ,. t1 ....... e'L' ·• ' ,., 11v.-"',. I pn,H .. v1010n ..... mis•ion. -c-c -"'. , • $\& ..... ...,,_ .. .,, ..it.-"" ........ 401 •>"--"',. P!!·• .,. ,. .,.. .. f' t•7t1 41'At--•~-Howe. .so11,.27eoa+-.. ... 1. ... 11 s.1•"'•""P Pft . .a ::ytooo--..~ .. Caesar• which operates the tL' • ,M I • G&G AO It • ~+ "'. Hestl1ttl ·'° .S '1 1.-7 .. MOM t .to 10 2.11. n~ ..... PllOllO .. JIJ I°"'. -"' "•
1f'' ·l'·i 1 1~ .• ·,1,1 1: : i§•·-=• 111~ ,l *~::::: t:f';.J:I ~.12~ J:"': .. ~ ~~ u •: 1' .~~::·:: Caesars Palace hotel-casino In Laa
LC ... tt i" a • f, +-. ......,., us s •• ""'• "'111111,. 1.i. ,... -1 Piillm" ,, .. I "' m•.. .. Vegas and ls 1pplyin1 for a casino 1• '" • • , .. • "'., ....... ,. !? ,,,_L " MtlCn .n.os .. ' " ......... ,..,,_. • '·" • ••v.--. Ileen• .. in AUantl~ City, N.J., said in Al/f 1,tl, tr I It I ---141 llll(!!Oa-!.• t I t•~+ ~ l'wll'.llfe J2 ........ '"' r , ... ·• • .. " • o ' • ,., 1 • : •*•~·ft .. 1 21 ..... ~ 1 . ..-. •II ~· "' a protpedUI filed last week that.the
'ia •• ' '~ 'n 1 • ~ ':llJ 'll I,,.'.,, I· ?"':J. ·, J: "1tvt~ ~ fj5. t0 '::. : .~ Mi:! t SEC staff had told the company it 1 10111 -" :•; fZt .... ~ t .» t 111 II -Yi I I t II II mtt+ \Ii int -..t~ to nd to ... _
1 t •.I ,... -. j" "; "l§"• ~ .. • J"'• ~ .•:,_.•• , ... 11tt " euu.iu ~mme "'"""com·
,. 11 ... ~ . '. 't = ' : ·1· ~ 'I f-:: If ,:;. , • -,__ "' ,°!lotion~ tbato ~'~tmfmuf'u"re~J!.~a•~~
I J ! : . •'-~ t t1':.;'" , ··~ fA U::l., # ·+·~ "' l"VONlft YIUI ~ .. ' -~ 1c 1... .:e.11-•• "' t' " ...t ... ~ .1 • ....... o1 aecurtu. .... b1 caeun and its
.... ..::0...:.:--·1 I :: ... c ""' ...... ~.1 . • • : -w~: .1 -=~.... president.
Trend C'oatla.es
~U.S.' Names • ; • • Really Are Not'
lf you 1et drunk on Seagram 'a gln, take an Al~:
Seltzer for your hangove r. smoke a Kool claarette, brew a :
cup of Taster'• Choice ins t.ant coffee, shop in Saki Fifth•
A venue and then try to calm your jan1Uni nerves by'
downing a Valium tranqu.ilizer, you will have, in each ~
case. bought from a foreign-owned company.
While these are e v e ryday names in American life,·
they all belong to no n ·U .S. companies.
bulk of its business h e r e . · L
Miles Laboratories. make r of Alka·Seltze r and One·A -
O a y vitamins. has bee n acquired b y a G e rman c hemical :
giant. Bayer. ,
Kool is m a d e b y Bro wn & Williams on T o bac co, wholly•
owned s ubsidia ry o f B .A .T lndusfries. Britis h multina-.
tional operato r . B .A .T a lso o wns the S aks Fifth Avenue
c h ain .
Taster 's C hoice is o n e o f the m a n y bra nds of Nes tle,
the S wiss confectio n e r , a lso the o wne r o f Libby, M c Neil
and L ibby, Stouffer Foods a nd Alc on Laboratories.
Valium. w o rld's la r ges t s e lling drug, was d e ve loped b y
the S wiss pharm a ·
ce u lical ·c h e mi ca l
farm . H o ffman ·
La R och e .
Th e li st n r
Ame r ican compa nie s
o wne d o r contro lle d b y
foreign inte rest s keep's
le n g the ning _ F o ur ht~ o n e s fe ll l ast year . Amtel or
Provide nce. R.I . indus t r ial m a nufacture r with sales o f
S415 millio n . fe ll to Can ada's Oom1n1on Brid ge. A1rco o f
M o ntva le. N .. J • c h e m u:<JI com pany with s a les o f $920
million. w as bou g h t h y Britain 's BOC Nat ion a l Star c h a nd
C hemical o r Bridg e w ate r . N J • fir m with s ales o f $370
millio n . wa:, acquir ed h y t;ntlf•Vl'r . thf' An g lo· Dutc h com ·
b in e a lr('ady r eprt.'St>n tt·d h n t• throu~h L ever B ros. a nd
T h os. J . L ipton A nd H udd l)fTroy. Mich .. a u tom o tiv e prod·
ucts s upplier with ..,alt"• of SI 2 htllton , was p icked off b y
Germ a ny 's T h yssl'n
WllF.N FOREIG ~ <.OMPASIF:S AREN'T tmyrn~ out
U S c o m panies. lhl'y arl' 1m e~t1ng h e rt-<.h rec•tl), '>t a rting
from sc .. rat ch
Fir eston e T1rt: a nd H ubher h a:-. h h·n ha\'IOJ.! a lot 11(
trou ble m a k ing radial t ires •or m o n ey 1. but l"r ilnt1.-..,
M ich e ltn m a kl·s 1t look 1•<1s y M 1c hl•lm. whost: '>h<1r1• 11r thr>
Ame ric a n mar kl'I I!'. n~1ng s l t-adtly. will hu1ltl <1 SHiii
m i llion tirl' plant n•·ar Cfllumbia, SC T h al will hl· 1 1~. fifth
p la n t m 1ht-l 'mtf•d S t ;ikS Aft11r th;,t. L plans lo bu1lt1
a n oth('r r adial plant m ·ar /\us ttn. Tt·xas
American manuf;H'ture rs of TV !-.1·1., a h 11 t1<n 1· half
t h e ir p roblt·ms If ttwy 1l1dn'1 J.!O •1Ul flf hus 1m·..,..,, th1·y wt·nt
ovt:•r s t>as to mak t• th•·m H ut lhP .1.1pC1n1·!-.1~ s1~cm t<1 likt.'
rnak1nJi! telev1s 11in :-.1•1s m t lw lJ S "4 1th /\m<>rl('&n l:ibM.
Five .Jap un1•se t·ornpan11·s Sony ~Jnyu . M<ihushrta1 Mits ubishi a n c1 T11:-.h1lla 1111• ;ilr1•:idv m akinJ! TV re.
cciver s her(' Two m11n· I lit.ic·h1 J Od Sh arµ w ill oven
Lr .S. pla nts this ~ 1·ar
A mong som1· other lci rnlit<lr t\m1·n e:.H1 hranr1 n11m t?"
that come to you from fc1r <.•1).!n nwncd l'Ompante'i Jrt· B1c
ballpoint P<'ns 1F n·n t'h 1. llr y lcr £><i m 1lint1s h 1, T e n H igh
b o ur bon 1C<1 nad1.in 1. K t·l'blcr c r<1 c kt·r:, 1 nr1tish l.
M agn avox 1Uutc h 1. Mound ' 1Rnt1s h 1. B <1nt a m bo ok <;
1G e r m an • Ti me•" 1;\o r1A1•J.:1:Jn 1 a n rl B a 'ik111 H o hb1n '
18 rit1s h I
Robert F. Redfearn. S<tn Ju<.1n C a pis t r ano . h as 1nmet1
Toral·Vahey & A i.soriates, tnr .. S ;.inta Ana. <1'> J.!rCIUp
p r o duc t sal e s manc1gr·r
H e p revio u s ly h <'aded C'nns umers Managc mt>nt Co .
L aguna B each . Before that he w<1 s p r esident of Los
Angeles L ire lns uranre Co .. L<1!. Anl?l'les
H e is involved m the d ilY to·day aci1v1ty of prom oting
g roup produ ct s a les. inc lud ing the d esign and imp lc m e n ta
tio n o f g rou p h ealt h m s ura n cl' p lans a n d t he p r esenta tion
o f those pla n s lo mdependen t b r oker s. the i r c lie nts a n d
prospects .
Motivational Ues ign and Marketing, Inc •• Irvin e h as
appointed Sally S now a s a commercial acc o unt executive
She is a for m e r account ~signer tn the design r e·
sources g roup a l H e rma n M iller , Inc •• Los A n geles
Robert F. R e inhart o f San C le mente . former m a rket
man ager o f the r es1den t1al produ cts marke ting division for
J o hns -M anville . h a s b een n a m ed c o r porate marke t in g
m a n a g e r o f the Monier Co. or O r a n ge. a m a nufacture r o f con-
c re t e roofinJ? t iles :
EECO INC .. S a nta A n a e lectr o nics m a nufac ture r , bas
e le cted J . J . She lton a s a m e m ber o f the board .of direc·
He is corporate vice preside nt a nd a direc tor of Baker
Intemaliooal Corp. a nd president of Baker International
Drilling F.qu.ipme nt Group. •
Doll Plewa has bee n named nationa l s ales manager
for Dleeoa. Irvine .
He was previsouly affilia t ed with Warwick Ele ctronics
of Chicago and Alpha Meta ls in N e w J e rse y . •
Mlcrodate Corp., Ir vine. h as pro moted Chuck Caaoa to
vice president of the c ustome r ser v ice d i v ision.
He has been with the compa n y for more tha n five
y ears and was promo ted fro m h is pre vious pos t a s director
o f cus tomer s erv ices. ' •
Joeepla J . Ziomek, Laguna Beac h . has been promoted
lo vice president and senior bus iness development
manager at Vldoll Bau'a Beverly ID.Ila-West Los Anreles
regional bead omce.
He joined the bank In 19'76 and bolds a bachelor of arts
de1ree and a master's degree in business administraUon
from Ruteers University. •
Diltovery Properties, Santa Ana, has named Paal
Gallo, Fountain Valley, to handle sale and leaain1 of in-
dustrial properties.
He ii a former vice president of Irvine Savini• and
Loan and has been involved in the real estate business for
a number or years.
Saffell Ir McAdam, Inc., Irvine, bu completed a
12,000..aquare.foot addition for tbe Taco Bell Corp., lntne.
Tbe e~ area bcMlaea tbe aeeounUna, real lltate.
dJtilrlbuLlon -puttbulq ~ ...... tnaa-
iDI room wttb IOUDdproof dlwidlr wall 11111 fMUltlll fDr
acreem end audio Yilual equlpmlllt to trma tM 9tGte
' ; , • • i • :
I manqen. j