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1979-06-05 - Orange Coast Pilot
•• -• # .. .,.... =-· ................ DC-I 0 May Be Safer TUESDAY A FTERNOON. JUNES. 1979 11°'-IJ.. .0. 11'. I HCTIOlll. • PAOI• an Many Oilier Jets •· Hughes, Terry on Tape? • Bat, Knife Don't Mix in 'Bar • 2 Newport Men Held in Pot Rap • Sjx_ Missing in Freighter Fire $8.3 Billion • • • ' . I . . . ' Reeords Cheeked DC-1 Os 'Safer --=-----=Than t; -WASHI NGTON CAP> -The DC-I& that crashed in Chicago taking 274 lives was· not alone in having cracks or metal fatigue. An Associated Press check of Feder al Aviation Administration records shows tht• problems of cracks and othe r structural faults we re around before the Jet age. They are a fact or life 1n aviation. 1 Relat.edsl.orics Pages A'1. 861 EVERY AMERICAN-BUILT COMMERCIAL 1ethner has been subject to "airworthiness directives " .or AOs -government or- de rs for mainte nance check'S or repairs Many ADs roughly one i'n four for most plirncs order checks of specific metal pam for cr acks. Such an FAA d1rcct1ve last week grounded DC-IOs for checks or e ngine s upports. Some of the same planes were grounded again Moodily after the fo'AA learnt>d of additional prqblcms. "There's not an <tirplanc in the world. civil or m1htary. that doesn't have metal fatigue: eventually ... said fo'red Farrar, an 'ti=AA public affairs official. 'FARRAR CITED THE NOTICEABLE flexing of a n a1rhner·s wings in flight, a sight that often frightens neophyte fhers. Like a paper clip that is bent back and forth. he said. each movement of the wing contributes to a slight weake ning of the str ucture. "But better t.hat it bt!nd than break," Farrar said. Meta l fatigue dre w attention in the 1950s, when the first com- mercial jetliner Britain's de Havilland Comet -had a series or unexplained crashes. some fatal. It was discovered that a mis- aligned boll near a window flexed a nd eventually failed, resulting in explosive decompression. Most ADs deal with less urgent matters. however , and the situations they pOint out generally are considered as the inevitable problems of highly complicated machinery rather than a lirc-threatenin~ hazard. . CSee PLANE SAFETY, Page A2) j Hughes and Actress (Caught on Tape? LOS ANGELES <AP > -A Also, a transcript was read in f tape l'ftOl"Cling of a conversation court or an alleged ta~ In· t between a man and a woman terview between the actress a nd ~ •lleaedly the late piillionaire Noah Dietrich, a one-tim e Howard Hughes . and actre~s Hughes aide. According to the • Terry Moore -was played m transcript, Dietrich said, "He Superior Court u P,•rt of ~m e f· has just fooled a nd doublc - fort to pt Hu1be1 estate di•· crGssed y0u because he got hold tributed. · or that capitain 's log and he A voice that Miss Moore destroyed it." elaimed la Hu1hes said on the . The ship's captain is dead, and . tape, ma ln 1949, "Why don't at would be difficult to prove a you let aomeone take care of wedding took place between .,ou?. Wb)' don't you let me have .liuthet and Mias Moore. tM tob?" _Paul Freed, an ,attorney repretentiq some Hu1bes rel· Alt &Uomey for Hu1bes' rel-•lives, said hi1 clients wanted • • .Uve1 aMed that tbe ~Pl be to pre.a tJae ·tuue of whether foalared Wore. .ludfe Jack Swink there WM a marrta1e becOR iloaday. 11111 Moore had not made a MIA 1loore clatma sbe and format claJm on the estate, but JlqMI were manil{I •board a bad IMd ..Wicly that-she tn· atjia till fall ol1t4t. tended to. J ___ r ). I I 11111(1') ''!IJ J APWw-o SHIP BLAZE SIJ&. She Sailors Missing Six Musing In Michigan Ship Blaze CO PPER II /\ H HOR . Mic h (AP ) A fire raged m u 730-fool Great Lakes fl'c1ghtcr today, and six sailors were m issing a nd reared trapped aboard the crip· pied vessel. Witnesses on shore 10 miles away s aid the s hi p looke d "like a bonfire." Nineteen crewmen from the Cartiercliffo Hall wen: picked from life rafts m Lake Superior by two other fre ighters, the Coast Gua rd said. Five men were reported ser ious ly burned a nd two Q.the r s we r e less seriously hurt. Two Coast Guardsmen and the s h ip's eng ineer boarded the vessel several hours after the fire was reported a nd found no evidence or the m issing me'l in .a reas free of fl am es, the Coast Guard said. Flames kept the party from approaching the engine room. where the fire appa rently start-· ed and still was heaviest, of· flclals said. . Nearby waters were being searched "in the hope that the men got overboard," Chief Petly pmcer Joe Amato said at the search and rescue station in Cleveland. Amatd saJd the m issing men included a porter, two oilers, two deckJlanda and a helmsman. U.S. Eyed For Help In Plan .. !f01<VO 'AP) · Japan is in teresled in building tt '><'COnfl Pana ma Canal alcmg the prc1-.cnl ·ttrtttl, tlOS!t1bly-w1th lht: i.Jnttt'd Stut.t•s. ;.it a total cost of ~ :1 h1llion . the cconomtc• rwwspapc·r N1hon Kcn:ar rC'portC'd today. Thl· paf)('I' SJ HI tht• ISSlll' W;Js ta kl•n up wh('n (;1•11 Oma r Torn 10~. ht·ad of tht• Panamanian go\'t·rnmt·nt. \'1s 1t NI .l<1 µa11 lhh ' t' a r a n d rt 1 s <·us s <·<I w 1 th :1 .1 p:int'M' ltus1n1•ss lt-.ukrs w<iys ·of slrt•nglh1•11111~ t·<·1tn11mH· rt'.1:1 t I (I n s l.Jl' l \H ' I. II I' •• II a OI a a n <.I .J ;111an 11 said Shtg<'o Nagano r>n·s1 rlc:nt or tht• Chamhcr or Com mcrct• anct lnd\1stry. s uggc•stcd that Pc•nta-Oct•a n Construction C'O. or .Japan stud) tht• ISSlll' Pe nl<t·<kcan Const r uC'l1on h~1s 1•x pencnce in Sut•z Canul ex· pansion work in Egypt Naguno was unavarlahlC' to <'om mcnt on the n•port, hut a Penta .Ocean s1.>okesman said his <'ompany studied the project at Nagano·s rcqut•st. Nagano later .suggested that Prt m<' M inistcr M as ayoshi Oh1ra study the proJ nt in light or µossibihl1cs or strc ngtht'mng <'conom1c rt'la lions with the UmtC'd Statt•s and Panama. the spokesman said T he company spokesman said the proposed canal would be a m aximum 76 fcC't deep and 660 feet to 1,320 feet w1ee. enabling the passage of 300.000-ton to 500.000-ton tankers through the:• proposed 62-milc waterway, com pared with the 40,000-ton tankers able to pass throuJ?h the CSee CANAL, Page A2> Bakery Found Unsanitary SAN DIEGO !APl A l:>akery owner has been arrested on 12 charges of health-law violations after inspectors discovered In· • sects rodent droppings, trash and 'ciga rette butts in the kitchen o f the E l Cajon establishment. Tasty Bake S ho p owner Arthur Sl&Jte Sr .• and manaaer Joyce Paugh were taken Into cus tody Monda y by i n - vestigators from lhe distnct at- torney's office. Slai&e _a&ao operated a number M--tvf\drwqong stocked Wllh A Coast G u ard medical ~o~+ who appatflll:b (See SHIP, P_age AZ> • food from the bakery, I II Mesan Jailed Hat, Knife Don't Mix iii Bar Co!>ta Mesa poltce !><Hd today t h:.il Thomas Milton Holloway ,Jr .. 24. w1da <.-ompanroo·wel'~l'i't ).!r<'cted with open a r ms when 1 ht•y entC'n•d the Cuckoo c; Ne!-.t , iJ Pl;v.:c:ntHLJ\vcou.e..bar. shortl} hcforr midnight Mond:.i y. . Thc·v. wt•rc asked tu leave. <.tt'- l:<> rd;og l o poli ce r e port:-, h1·c a IJ~l' th1•v wt•rt• wi·a rt n):l hat. .... 'fht• bar o~nt·r-. Gn :.tld J ll<iath Two Newport Men Arrested In Pot Bust Two N<'wport.Bcach mtin Wf'll' arrested Monday night hy pollc1· who all l'JH'd the pair had 41 pounds of high ).!radc Colombian manJuana. Booked into <·1ty Jail Wl'rC' Win· ton Paul McM1llcn. 33. of 818 W. fl>ccan Front and John Ph1h11 Palmer. 48. of 215 19th St. Sgt. Darry l Youle of t h1· Newport Be ach narcotics detail sa id the mvcst1gat1on of the pair Ortl'?inated with the Los i\ngcles Police Department. He said dunng a s urvc·tlh.10c1· of Mt'Millen 's home Monday night, offi cers saw him put :i s uitcase and footlocker in h1:-. c•ar. T hey said he was followed to Palmer's house and when tht· second man got into the car. of r icer s stopped them a n d searched the vehicle. Detectives allegedly found t he m a rijuana in the suitcase and footlocker. They also said they found more than f.6,000 in cash in the car. Youle estimated that the mari- j ua na would be worth about $50,000 in illicit sales. Both men were booked on sus- p1c ion of possession or mari· Jua na for sale. Palmer remained Jailed today. McMillen was re· l~ased after posting $5,000 bail. Twins Improving · SAL! LAKE CITY CAP> - Lisa arjd Elisa H'aosen a re sleep- ing regularly, eating baby food and drinking milk and fruit juice one week after the surgery tfiat separated the 19-month-old girls who were born j oined at the iCTd.. ~..taken otr the critical fist M"ond ay. I•• I 35. ~aid that ':, J violalwn of ht~ cst.1hhshment's dress cod~. l'fTJ rerrrl l111ria pp y· a hOut I ht~ tum of <'V<•nt~. according to p1>l l('l' at·t·ounts . f1111loway, 77k ~coll Place. C'u:,;La Mesa, pulled .i 111 n1· inch kn1fl· W a 1 t rt• s i. K a r e n A n n I n ·. J.:r:Js~ta. 22. M'r<'amcd. Bar owm·r Hc1<H'h fl NI into ht~ nf f1 Cl'. loc kl.•d the door and ('<J llt•d poh<·f• O ffice r s t r a c k e d down I lolloway at a nearby bar and arn•stcd him on '>t1sp 1cion of a:. ,,lllfl with a deadly weapon. l k wa:-. still tn 1a1I lh1~ morning m l ll'll or , IO 000 ball. If 1" l' (I Q1 pa n t n n I cf t th 1· l'uc'koo s Nest, 1714 Placentia .\Vt'.. fk.'a ccetbly a nd w;,is n 't ar rc:-.lcd. poht'l' said. Ke rr Appointment S/\CHAMENTO <AP > Gm . Edmund nrown .Jr. has asked l'n•s utent Carter by l~lcgram to, hlol'k the appointment of Donald Kl'l't' as chrcctor of the Un1vers1 - t y of Culiforrua-run Los Alamos t..iboratory, where nuc lear wt•apon:. rcscan·h 1s conducted. Coast Weather Low clouds night a nd morning with only partial c l ea ring a fte rnoons l h rough Wedn esday . Highs Wednesday in the mid 605 at the beaches. lower 7os inla nd. Low5 tonight 58 to 63. INSIDE!-oo"" The Angel3 conlinu..: to make more news on the medical front than an the baaeball world. See 11to111. Page Bl. •••• ..--.-.. .... ~ct ....... ... .............. ................. ::.i.-.r.::.·· ·~ """' •i .. .......... , , ........... = 9:1 -.-. .... -------=- .. AJ OAtl Y Ptl.OT s , Sov_ie1' P-r-opose 'Frie-ndly1 ·Talks MOSCOW 1.AP I Tfif Soviet t ln1cin pro~ tulks w ith ('h1na "' MOM't.1"' in July and J\ua~1 lu t'h•u• llw 11 r IM•lw1•1•n the (eud m~ cummuru.:.l j(,1Wll:. .. J.h1~,Su_\ u,1t. 1w"'''" 1.t~t'n\'Y Tr.t11i. rcpu n<'\I lo da'y. Tnc1ic·t•l lnn!i<• from Pt'kln1e we-rt' lha l th•· I 'h1nt'l>l' n ·i: inkd I ht' 11k .1 f ,t\11t 1thh ('on11nu111.: JO ,., •. h.111.:t th.11 Religious , Freedo111 Dema11de<I CZEST01 ·11 0 ~1\, l'ol,inll 1 AP i 1'111,. .• Joh11 l'uul JI df· m <1ndt•d l•1d .q that P oland s com 1110111 1>1 glivl·rnrntnt rl'l' Oj!OI Zl' tht• rights and ht•lt<:(l> or Chrisllans <ilthou~h lht-ir \II'\\ ol tht> \\Orld 1s "d 1amctr1t•iJll y op • po1>t•d " to Ma rxism • · ll "¥.~1i, I ht· mos t powt•r ful po lit ic·al sl a h ·mt•nt tht.> pont1rr ha s m <tde in lht· lour days hl' ha~ bt•l'n in his homt·land In a SPf't•t·h p rt·pa rt•d for tit · liv ery lo a closed rqect lJlg of P o la nd 's R o m a n Cathollt" • bishops. lhc pope describ<-d rt· ltg1o us fr(·t·dom :.1s a funrta mrn tal human right a nd de<'lan ·d t hat ,:?ua ra nll•t•s o f r Pl1 g1ou1> freedo m 1n Po la nd's t·ons t1lut1<in and other doeuments <J rr• mt·1H1 1ng ful only 1f lht-y consider "tht• rP<il nt•t•ds,)ftht•churC'h ... A lthoul!h n ·ltg1ous freedom I!> g uaranlt•t•fl 111 Poland's cons tttu I inn, lht• t'hun·h has been pn.·~!> tlig for ;il111l 1t10 0 o f s l alt· 1·l·n-;or1>h1p on C:1tholic publ1t·a tton!>. for ill'('l'l>S LO t he Sl al\· r a <1111 an<! ll·lt•v1s ion. and fur ~rt·alt•r "l'f"1rt unit ic•s to offer n · l1gu1111> m~trut·t111n to the young Th t• JJll lH' a s<;c r te <t the l'hun·h's n·.td11ws..., 111 e nter toll) a dwl11J,!u1· with 1111· g1l\1·rnmc•11t l11r 1111rm;tl1 1.ul1on of t·hur..t1 -1>lat c ri·l all1111~ HE> <iatrl "a utht•nt1c d 1:.iloguc lll USl rt•spt•1·I th<: t·nnv11·t10nS OI Ill' ht· vcr-. t•n .... 11 r<' a II I ht· ri~ht:. 111 1•1t 11.t'n" 1111d also tht· normal ('OrtditlOOS lor lhc :'ICtJ\'11\' OI lht• l'hurch ill> :1 ro·l1g 1<1us t·orrimun1ty t11 which Iii•· va!>I m aJor1ty of l'<ill's lx:long We an· a w urf' th a t th1o.; d1;,ilogu<: 1·:11111111 Ill' t·:.i:.y h1·1·uuM· 1t ta kes pl;,ic-1· h<•twcen t wo Mn t't:JJt s of t he· world whu.'h ur<· rltam cln t·all.v opposed . but it must be-Po!>s1lilt• and c(frr ltvt: 1f lhl• good of 1ntl1vidua ls and 'tht· rwtmn 1kin:111<b 11. ht· !>C:t ld fh• f on· 111 "d 1 n g w ll h llw h1shops. tht• pope celebr <tlt·tl ;rn opt-n·C:ttr Mas1> for lhuus<t nds of Pol 1~h nun~ und ::.<itd thal Ml'n 'th1· IJ1gg1•!>t 1:ncmy of t h1· chuLcb:· could nol~e!f>. but.J!j! • pre<.'wte Ctr ICC:tt1on . P o les beg:rn gath e r in g ci t d a wn on the hillside below t he country'.s moi;l re vered shrine <ind by the time the Mass ht!~an. 1 he crowd had s we lled to sever a l hundred t housand. The pontiff. beginning tht· fourth d ay of his return to h1~ t•um rnunisl hom ela nd. looked al the rows of hlack·gowncd nuns ;md told the m the ir !'ailing wa!> an "exceptional t rea s ure" for the Roman Catholic Church. He recalled u visit tie h ad once m a de to a ho me for s ick childre n m Jus ho m e town of Wa dow1t·c· a _!'ld said even "the bigges t e ne m y o f the c hurc h would never forget the dedication of lhe nuns " The pope a lso rccalled his t rip to M('xico in .Janu<.try saym A has meeting with nuns the re "sank deeply into m y m emory ;;ind heart " F,....PageAI CANAL ••. present ccina l. It would be built about 12'"' miles southwest of and parallel t o ~he present ca~al o~~r a period o( 10 years, he said ~ OttAMGf COAST · 1.t1i\!1~J!tJI Pp p;; t,...0,~(N"I 0...'' Pt~ ••tf'wf'!wf'l•'fOl"f 1>1N"d ...... ,..._..Pr..-.\ 1\C>Ubfi\Ntdfh IP.PO.~ (N 'I Pubft\""'O(~y ....... t•lrfl(fif~\~ pub11\PM!4 ~' lfWOUO" futt.y fOf (6'\11'1 Nw~ N f"Wlltitjt't ...... ". H\llt\tlftO'fon a.Mr. I ~ t••f'I V•t..., lh'tf'WI l40~8f'M"l~H,Co.'t A \~,. rf'O*"" l"dlhon ., e>ubfi\N-0 ~'"'°"'"' "'°"' WNMY\ Ttw Pf'H"W•H• pVIM"f'tw.Q Df.nf I\ At .lJo Wt\I llo \t ...... , .... ,... .... , C•llfOfn•• .,.,. • _,N.-"'""'""t • ..., .............. , .... c..., Vl(e PtU•fll•flOGe_M __ ,_".._ l .. t .. ~.,. ........... ,,..,.... .... [ .... CMfttt .. '--..._" -4\\1\t•"'t M41n-'QlftCli(OU6n TelepMM (714)MM321 Cl••tmed ,..,.,..... ..... 71 ,,_, .... ,_ ........ ~a•n two m o nth" .Jgo, Sovwt t'or t 1 wn M 1n 1...,ll·r And rt•• I\ (;r11tn)k11 in.ult· 1h1• 11ropo1>11J Mu11d:1\ du1 lll>t .1 1111•1·l1n14 ""'tlh ~hUll;!M,' l'.IL.AI gl• 11 Al I·•""" 1'1.111 Zt·niJ"-'l, 'l'..11>~ 1>a1d ' 0 t()m,)tltn f"°tlPoled that each "'"' L•r11nll'11I h1• 1 t•1111·1w11tt·d U> a ll\'j>lll) lt1t1•1g11 1111111 .... tt•t •• 1 th\• 1.1 I b C;c•n t• l.Pl'ltV ll11rl . :l!i. ~IC' q111tl<>d twi) montrn, t.I J.!O ol the· s 1•x s lay1ngs of thn·t· c;1r1 S1·oub. t·oll;ipst•cl and d lt'<I :\tomi<J) 111 ~· pn:-.011 t:x t·n ·1st· ya1·d Ill-wet s scrvin~ l tnw for r<.1 p t·. kidnapping ;ind burgl:i ry . Wayne Yacht Crasl1 Loss Said 'Mii1or' A 1>1x1k1•s11\an l11r .lohn Wuyrn· h;1-. d1•...,t·nt""I a-. m1nCJr a C'ol h'>li•n 1 htl> W1 •t•k1·11rl hf-I Wt•t•n th1• art11r s va<·hl, Wild Goo~e. <in<.l anvl h1·r hu:il off ('ata hna Tcom l\~trlt'. s pokes man for HalJiJl' Prod 111·t1ons said the mi-. hap oc·tttrn•rf Friday rlur1n ~ ftlnung for tht· movie. Tht< M:.in With H"gart·~ F~t<'l' ' The r e port s a id Gromy ko handc.'<i Tian a me morandum for h 1 'i ~overnmcnl dee la ring: "The a11ns and tasks of the negotia- t w n i. must be the normalization und improvtime nl or relations bet ween our coW\t.l'iea on the b:i ::.1:. of the principles of peac·1dul coexistence. including t h t> pr1 n e1plel> o ( e quality . mutual n>spet·t for sovereignly and te rrito ria l integrity, non· 1ntt·rferen<'<: in each othe r 's in· l1·1·na l a rfairs. the non-use of force .. In Pekini.e. f'or eign Ministf r H ua n g llua t o ld v i s 1t1ng Australian Fo re ign Minis ter An· d rew Peacock 1t was likely the talks would t ake place. accord· ing lo an un1d t>nt1fied Aus tralian ~nlirce who atte nded their meet· 111g T ht' Chinese ForC'1gn Ministry later said only that the Mo"5co w urooosal was "unde r study," yet West ern d i'plo m a ts in Pekin~ suggt'Slt'd the c ha nces of the two old fO<'S getting togethe r were · n·asonnbly good " In Pt·kmg. a We ste rn d iplom at s a id Sovtt•t overtures or this kind gene rally a re m ude ju~t before a n 1 mpQrtant Soviet American met•ting l'rl'Stdent C<.trte r <ind SoV H't PtN .adt•nt Leonid I lire zhnev are lo mee t m Vienna on Junt' 15 'T hl'r<''s a r«rla m tempo lo lhts sort or lhtng ," he Said T he Chinc.•s1· a nd Sov1t'l com ' m u n 1s t s . a 11 t l's ;;i n d u n (· ci s) I ru.•nds from lht• c reat w n of the ('h1neM' party 111 1921. brokl• ovl'r for mt·r Sovie t P rem1t•r N1k1 l u l\h rushchc·v·s libcrahz<t t 11m mnv•·ml·nt <.t nd has dt'nun t•1at1on of lht· a utho ritaria n rule of .Josef St11lm in 1956 a ction!'. that also spltntl·rc d the o ntl· rnnno l1 t h u• rnkrnalio n·a l com rnun1s1 blot· Tht• ('hm1·~1· al'Cused the ·S<1 \tels of t·;;ip1 taltst ll'ndt:ncies. and tht· Rus-.1an1> rl'lurtcd that Ch ma and t ht· hold l'C:onom11.: progr;1ms of lhe lalt• Ctwirman M ao TM· t ung \H'rt' adventuri~l T h1·11· qu a r rel f•r u pkd into \'iolt·n<·t> 1n 19fi9 wht·n Sci\ ll'l troops t'lasht·d "1th ('h 1nt•1>t• un t ht• ir hordt•r Stnt'l' t ht·n. t•ui·h ha" m ;11 ntained up to a m1 l111)11 ml'n in comhal rec.1d1ncss 111. Lill' Guerrillas "It \\CJ!'. hit hv a luncb. th1· dam age was v•·ry 'Jlinor . proh &tile Somoza <1 lily in the m·1g h horhood nf a rt•\\ hunclr!'fl dnl lars ... K am· MANAGUA . Nu·ara~uu IAI'> -,a id l it· "ill<I nu <1111· "':1-. m1un·d G unbattlcs 1n lhe s treets a nd 1nth1•;w1·11frnl a fl t'ne r a l s tr1k1· virluall:r The· 1·1rn \~·rlt•d \iuvy JTllrt•· 11uraly1.NI t'iu·;iragu<i '!'. <'a p1 t01 I s Wf'!'µt.'r W<Js 1·h:trlcr1•tJ for u...... a s Sdnd in1~t<1 l!u c rrill<Js he ld in the M<; :\1 film t hat .-. ht·1111! niost of t wo northe rn C'1l1cl> a nti 1>roducc.'<i by Andn·w F cnady h <Jltl(ld P rc:.1dt'n t An<ts t.a:.io ---· ---Somoza:'..s.:troo~ 111 the solith. f''r eque nt c lashl'S b ey;t·t·11 Quake Hit8 Mexico soldie rs and gue rnllas con nul'<I into the night Mond y in Ma nag ua and othe r cities." I: '"'MEXlC.0 CITY 1 AP-l An l'::Jrthqu<Jkt• n·giste ring 5.fi on t h t' n I'(' h l (• r ~ c •• I c s t r u c· k -.oulhl'rn M1·x1co nea r l h l· Cuate m:.ilun hordcr Mond ay. SC'tsmolog1-;i... rt•port l·cl No c·a!>ualttC•:, o r st·r111u~ d<im;.tgi: " c r l' l'l' J)( 111 1 •tl T he r ebels ambus hed a ·~· t1 onal guard convoy a few mil~~ from the t'enlcr o f Mana gu1t a nd less tha n a milatf rom the U S. E mbassy. The 'Tie rce 45-minutc firefight could be h eard in a large pa rt of the city. Front Ila~ 11 I PLANE··SAFETY • .-• . t 'OR EXAMPLE. A TOTAi. OF 129 ADs ha d bee n issued as of f{l ld·M.ay Ort th<· f1rs1 U.S . comme rc ia l jet , the Boe ing 707, whictJ began service 1n 1958, and o n the ne arly ident1.c al Boeing 720. OJ the 129 ADs. 49.covc r cd Possible.: cracks m m e ta l parts, parliculaf . ly win~ s urfa<'t•s Twelve AOs were <'ons 1de rcd important e nough for airlines to hl' a lcrtt>d hy telegr a m . Those ranged from possible control ob- stru<'llons lo a 1962 wa rning th<il hnt and m oisture accumulating behind la vcito r y outlets for elect m · razors could Pose a fire hazard. But a.hig h number of AOs docs not necessarily m e an a lack o f safe ty, f''arrnr said. adding : "Tht• number of ADs issued shows the system works." with mos t issued early a s a new plane's problems are found. · f''or exa mple. 99 of the Boeing 707-720's total ADs we re issul'<i through 1969; only JO have been issued in the 1970s. IRONICAl~LY, THE OC·IO, a tri·e ngine, long .ra nge trans port in service since 197 1. h as among the fe west ADs. Only 43 ha ve been is sued lhe pas t ei~hl years, with only one requiring a c heck for crac ks in the m echanis m tha t exte nds the wing flaps. The Assoriuicd ,Press check of airworthiness directives cov· ered the Boeing 707-720, 727, 737 and 747 ; the Mc Donnell Douglas DC·8 , OC·9 a nd DC· 10, a nd the Lockheed L· 1011 the bulk of domestic airline rs . He re are thc results for aircra (l other than the DC·l O. -Boeing 707-720, a four·engine long -range transport in· lroduced in 1958. A Os : 129. Those requiring checks (or c racks; 49, including 17 for the wing s kin or structure ; 11 for various control s urfaces; R for the horizontaf sla bili7.er : 7 for the landing gear and associated structures; and 2 for e ngine mountings . -Boelnl( 727, a lhree·engine medium-range transport in · troduced in 1964. ADs : 70. Req uiring checks for cracks; 24, includ· ing 1 I for the landing gear and surrounding structure and 4 each for the horizont8'1 s tabilizer and various control surfaces. -Boeln« 737, a twin-engine. short·range a1rcra rt deliveted to airlines in 1967. ADs : 27. Requiring checks for cracks: 7, includin~ 4 for control surfaces and l each for the wing structure, landing gear and airframe . -Boeln1 747, a four-engine wide·body, long·range jumbo jet introduced in 1970. AUs . 39. Requiring checks for cracks: 10, in· eluding 6 for the fuselage and 4 for control surfaces. ~ -Lockheed L-1111, a wide-body. trl·englne. long-range transport in service since 1972. ADs: 32. Requfrin1 checks for c rac ks : 3. Include s leach for an engine duct assembly, cargo door and landln11•ar. . -McDoanell DouflH DC·8, a four.engine, long-ranRe transport tntroduced In 9S8, now· out of production. ADS: thole requlrina ·checks for cracka: 14. Includes I for engine wing mount., S for various control s urfaces and 3 tor landln1 sear. -Mc0..-11 Dou&IH OC·I, a twin-en1tne. ahort-to-medlurri· r ange transport in service since 1965. AOs : 43. Those requJrtng -r~heek..-for-crttkt. tlTl1"!tudeft +for enrine. mounts. S for tanlagt. J for vyrJowi control s urfaces and 2 for landJn11ear. . . . / ,.,..w ....... Bells ffJr 'Billi(~' Al'I n ·ss L inda Kl'l ~t·). \dll1 pl:.i ~ ... r t•JHJrl t·r Hd lit• Nt·wm1111 on t ht· TV ..,1·r11·~ Lou c;r;rnt ." snuggles up to he r n1·w hus l>:ind. <;ll·nn !-.tr ;ind. ea thcatn<:al carpenter l it··~ :111. -;111·.., :n It:-. h1.·1 ..,t·•·ont..I mar riage and his f1r~t Waddill Jury Nixes 'Evening' Debates .J 11 I'\ d1·l ill"r .ti 11111 111 )I I W 1ll1 ;~m W.1dd 1ll ..., murdt•r r t•trial c·<111t11111c·d t11 cl.i \ .,..., ( )r:q1ge ( '011nt,\ Sl1Jwr111r < 1111r1 .Judge Byron Ml·M1l hin 11111t1 ;tt c·d ht· m:iy u~k 1111111·..., 111 1111 1·1 1111•• th<• early ('Vt•n1ng .Juror1> s 1H·n1 al11i111 •·\• 11 hours hC'htnd 1·l11s1·il tlo•11 \1111 il:tv. thC'tr 1>1·(·1111tl lltll ti.I\ 11t cl• l1tic r at111n-.. ht•ltirr d e1·l1nrr1r i\ll' Millan 's s ugi:c· ... t1on t h:JI 1 ht•\ l'l'l'('SS for clillllt'r ~-tnd l"l''.IHJH' dt• ha te Mondav 111ght Waddtil . ;, 1:1 ,\'l'ar old 1111111 1ng ton llarhour 11h!-INrw1an 1.., accused of -.tr:ingling u n tnfJnt known ;.is Bci by <: 1 rt Wr·<t Vf'I after shl· allegedly survived .o Bread C·os·t Goi11g Up? KA NS A ~ ('IT \'. .\I 11 I AP I H1s 1ng i'lll 'l'~\ cosls, ht,:?hl·r w;;ig1·~ :.ind a sha rp incn ·asc· in lhc prll't.' o f w inter wh£':tl 1)rr1liul1ly a re going lo result 111 thl' price of a loaf of bread go mg up a bout a penny, thl' ba ke ry indus t ry s ;;i ys H o we vc r , m <lus tl'y of f1cials d•'cl1nc..• l o. s;1v s pecifically wht'n lhl· prn·;. increase might oc{'ur "Costs are 11111 ldmg in the ba kery indu::.try . a lmost assuring <i' hread pricl' advance on tht• 1 m m e di a t e h o r izon . · -det11ffes-ran <'dit o r ietl 1n Malling & Baking Nf'ws, a trad(' 1mhltcatio11 ------------ ~alin1· <ihortinn I "11 \l'Jr~ ago ll1s fir..,t ln:tl 1·11cl•·cl la~l \tJ\ -... ht'll 1111111 , ,.,,d th•·\ v.··r• d1·,11ll111·J_l'd 7 .1 Ill l:t\111 111 •It q 11111 ;i i .ti 11'1 I 11 Wl't'I"' ol 11•,lrr11111t\ ,11111 11 ll<i)" 111 tl1• ltl1••1.1tl1Jll \\ ,11td1ll hJs n1.11n1:11ni·rl 111. 11 11111 o•rfc •' I hr1111ght1UI IJ11I h I ,,1.., ""'"'11111-! Htt· tv.11 1111u1 l'.i 11111w1· 111t ,111t "·•" d t·;1<1 r IH•l>t' k"'b 1111 t ht• \ <·r_g_e,..e ·ttcath In lho• time ht· cx~~c·rl.hl•r ;,i t \.\ 1·....i m 1 11 ~tl:'r· (Yor:ntn u n1t y I Jo-.p1t:.il ~l ond.!~ 1uror· ·"k1•d 111 , ,. \ 1i•w .1111011~\ ph11t11g r.1\1h1> 111 I ho .l.\1•.1\1•1 11it .111 t. J l111\L! "'•lit ho,111L:il'h·n•I cb Thi·~ 1111>11 .1 -,l.1•1! f111 .1 I :qw 11 • 111 ding ,,f \-\ .1dddl ~. r11 ~t 111 l••rvw" v. 1th 1'1 os,.<·uU•r H11lll'11 1 h.1\t1•rtp11 :incl ,1 rr·c·J11 cl111 c 111 .1 tt·l o·phllrtt• I Clll\ o•r,,t l lt>ll lll'l\1.1•1•1) \\ ;1tldtll .11111 ht.., l'fltt (·JI \'U"•'l IH Uon.ild (111 n•·I~; i1 t '11ri11·l:..t.·11. "hu ltJ::. Lt:.st1!icd lw :-:1\\ Waddill l'hokc· t he infant. 1n,1dt1 lhl' rl•1·n r<l1 n~ w1th11ul W11dd1l l'~ k1111wlt•tlJ~t· for p11l11·1• tm t•.s t1ga10r~ Quillin~ Lauded .I O HANN l':S Hl'Rf;, South ,\ fru·a 1AP 1 Hlal'k ll·:.tdt·r~ en thus 1asl1<'a lly wl'lcomc d thl:' rt:s 1g n ation of d1sgraccll President .Jo h1'i Vors ter . with m a nv an:.1s l mg today th at other Nationa list Party lea<l('r1> ~huuld abo quit lo force c hanj!es t h;;il weuld 1m provt• the lot of hlat·ks Vorste r 1>t l'ppl'd down Mo nday. soon a flt·r :i report 1mp hcating him m thl• <'OVl'r -up of a mult1m1llH)llf· doll:.ir 1>l'andal w:.is 1;.ihh:d 111 l'arl1aml:'11I It's not ..-.. , WASHINGTON <API The U.S. Supre me Court today up he ld a Massachusetts la w that gives an absolute lifetime pre f C'ren ce in public employment lo vete rans of the arm"d forces By a 1·2 vote, the justices said the law does not discrimmat•! u n const1t ul1on a l ly aga in:.t wo m e n . Be cause the Massachuselt!. la w is s tronge r than s imi lar laws in 45 sla tes .. tod ay 's ruling like ly will tw ha 1ll'd as a shwld 111 t·o nst1lul1on<.1I a ttacks o n thost l<tWS. In most otht•r Mates and 1n f Pd{' ral prat'ltt'l', ,;.A VClt•r<tn 's :.1·ore on a q ualifying exam1n<1 · ltOn fo r l'mploy mt·n t IS part of U po .. nt !>ysll'm unde r whu:h oth1·r IJrt•fe n ·nc(• f<u ·t o r s a r t-con · ..;1dt·rt·d In Mass:.i<·husetts. ull \Ph-r ans who pa~s lht: l'Xilm a te movt•r1 lo lht· lop 11f l hc· t·;m d 1d a t t· 11~1 ahl·;1d •!f all non vt·te raru. T h e M as~at·hust·th '"'"' wa..., c·h a llen~ed as a for m o f st•>.tJ<1I d1st•rimination aJ,!<i tnsl wom1:11, u h1 stor1c prat·t1c·1· in lhc m il1ta r} ·T h<' histor y ol cJ1scraminat1on aga 1n~1 ~omt•n in the m ilitary 1s nol on trial 1n th•~ t':J"'" · .J u-,tu·,. Poller !::>k\\.art \\ 11111• l••I ll1t l OU rt . W ht• II l ht· I 11 I :i l 1 l \ <1 I · l1·1!1s l<1t1VI' :tt·t 1un~ cslahl1~h1111' ,, n c1 t· x I t· n cl 1 n g 1 h •· M a -.1>ach11o.;t'lt... prc fert·111·t· at ,. con-.1dc retl, the l:.i w r<·m <.11 11 , what 11 purp<>rts to h1·. a pr 1•1 t'I t:OCt' lur vetera ns u f t:ilhcr 'l'X 1)vt·r non Vl'lt'rans of ro1th1•1 ..,t·x. nol for llll'll 11vt·r "'orno·n Stc•wart ::.<iH1 • .1 u ~l1t·es T hur)!1111d .\1 ;1r .... 1t,11I a nd W1l11;;i111 .I Brt·1111.111 .11 "" -.i:nled I n .111 0 111 n111 11 ''' ~1 :.i rsh ;;ill , I It•"• ...,;, 1ol 1111 M a 1>'ia c hu"'·1 h l.1w · ,., 1111." purpu1>e fu l g1·1111t·r h:t...,t·tf d o c:rin11m.1l1on Ht·t•.111...,1 lht• l.1\\ 111•.11 1111 ... 1ih ... l .1T1t 1.tl r1·l.t11 1111...,11111 I•• .1 lt•g1 t 1111.1l1· ):!0\ll'I rtfltt•fll:tl "'''"' l ive 1l t·:.i11n111 w 11h-.1 111 I •t·rut111\ undo ·r lh• t•qu.tl J>rttl· 1 111n t l.111-.t• •II th·· ( '1111:-1 ti ut lt1C1 ht• 11,.,..,t>nlt.•r-, ...,;,1t1 Therl' was no imm<•tltak r11111 llt'n l f rom th e N :tt11111JI >rganiz<.1t1 on fur Wo m en ,;, 1the r feminist groups. Thl' M:.i!> .... achl>UM'l~ l;1· ... "'·'" ..,(rud; d11\\n 11\ a th11•1· l•h• 111Url IO l!Hf,, .mcl 11·a1..h11J llt• Supn•mc Court in 1'17'1 .S.HIP ... 'lt'\\•·11 th1•...,h1p t 111m a hcl1rc •1•'"' t hJt helped l'V<tt'Ual{' lh•• IOJU11•tl Sa 1d lht• Inte rior o f lht• o.,h111 "" .• "prl'lty b<.1dlyburn1'd " "I don 't set• how <in y t,1111\ 1·1UJld l>t' e1h vt! 111 there.· ht• -,,11rl while un loading !>I retch ;1 ~ .• r lloughtun Airport F out of the inJur<•d wer e tal-.1·n to P o rtage Vtl'W lfosp1t;,il 111 lla ncoek. autho rities said. T"11 w e r <' d e tE>rm1n11rl t o tH" 11111 serious ly hurt to be t n·iitt•11 the r e and wPr<; St•nt hy Cou1>t G ua rd pla nt' lo the Un1 vers1tv of M1 c h1g!tn hurn cente r in A1111 t\rhor. WO m tlt·s j o t hl· south ,£The Coast Gyitrd s aid l\\•1 1'!J1Cr c rewme n with minor 111 Juries were bcm g Lakc n by bo:.il to the Po rtage Coust Gu;rrd 1>t;1 lion Tht• uninjured m<'n were still ahoard rescm· vcss1·b how often you tell her, but how well . ' t Ith It ... h. '" ' .. ,. ' We c.rn .... how you "'l manv "'•'Y' h,· 1l'll h t•r "I lllVl' you" - t•Jch bt•autiful. unfor~\'ltabll', 1 nn..,t.int And 11·, thc rt• 1l1r lht• Wtlt Id to !>L't:. l ."h'"n 1,1,11111 Nc·wr1ir1 < \'n1t·r. Nt·wrim fft.,tlh I I I l1fl4,i-t ~HU '(lthtt 1., 1f1•01 \\,,iJ'""'"' \t.111 f .ia·w 1t ll•ll' \l.,.11 (lr .. nn ''''''""" l\J,., (1rt•ll'I t "' 1\11~"'11 • I \,01 1 lu /It' I J.,, Y t)I•• I .. ~ "'4.t'"' , ..... ,.,.. '•••t• f'Vl' 1 .\#ltot .... i .., .. •u \f\A M1,.,1t"''"H .1,,.1,., I,,,.. I,./,, r.-.,/,1 Orange Coast T~ay's <:~lil~ N. Y. SteekH • . COL TL ......... VQL. 1'l, NO. 156, 3 SECTIONS. 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JUNES, 1979 N TEN CE ' 'All A~ircraft Stiffer Metal ~ F~tig-ue'·· WASHINGTON It\ I' I T hl· 0(' to lhkt ('rlt!>IW<l Ill ('h1l'a~11 talun1t 274 llvt WU?. no t alOflt' In hu\ lnl( cracks or nwtul foti~u1• An A~&o~:llat.·d Pn·i. ... l'h1•1·k ol l-'1·tJ1•ral I\ 1at1c10 Adn11n1:.t rat111n rt-<'Ords ~hows ttw 11rohh-mi. o( 1·1 u1·b 1111d otlwr -.truNurul fault:. were urou11t.I hdon· th1· w l .1._i,• ·1 ht·v lfrt' d f<t<'l 11f lift· 111 ,1vu1t11111 I Hl'hth'<I lOrlt1!> ... q.:u. ... \I llti t:VERV UO:Rlt'.\N 8Ul.1 ('OM~U.RC'IAL ll•thner hb:. bct•n bUbJt:l't lll u1r"'ull htt14''>'> 1l1111·t1\c '> 111 J\lh g11\•t•1·1unt·11t o r dt-rs £11r 111,11111<'11,1n1 ,. , lh ,.k, ur rt·flklT'> r.hiny Alh roughly Olll' 1n four Im ""''' 111.1111·., u1 <J, 1 1·hf•1·1..., ol '>llt'l'il1r Ull'lt•I piirt~ for crack'> Stwh .111 t-' \ \ tl1rh t1\.-1 .... i '-'t't•k ~rounded [)(' 10:. for rhctk!> of cn~1nt• '>u ppur t~ ~11111c ul ttw ~dnlt: plane~ were g rounded uga1n To Cl.e11r Air Soriets Seek China Accord MOSCOW 11\P I ThP Sovll'l l'nion pro 1>os1·c1 talk' with ('hina in Moscnw in J uly anti Augu~l tu clear tht· a1 r hl'I Wl'Cll thf• fl•ud in~ communist giant~. t h1: So vu·t ne ws a gt•n l·y Ta~!> n ·porkd lo d ay. l nd1<·atwns t rom P <'k ing "'e'fe that thc-C'hin<'M' regarded the 1dt·a f:J\·orabl~· Continuing an exthangf• lhal be~an t"o monlh!> ago, S<1\'lt'l Fore ign M1n1 ... 1t·r i\11<lrt•1 1\ Gromyko rn;.icfr lht· propo'>al Monday <luring ;J nwl'l1ng with C'hincst: ('harg1• II Aff u 1rc·:. T1<in Zeng µ<'•. Ta!>!> ~Jtd .. 750 CdM' Surveys Returned Offici<ils <it lht• H ank nf Newport :o.<11cl topdy ull<1Ul i f;(J Corona def 1\1-:ir t1111ltl 11J~ !'\tJ111t a r d :.urvt-yb hit v(; I.Jc c u re t urnl•<i h> lhc·m Dick ~11Hcr ~p11l-.c·~m:111 for 1 the hank. ~aid the· 1n-,t1tut1on I vol unlt'crl·d to n •rt·1 vc Lhe :-.u r . veys lor the Corona del M<.tr I. C1v1c Assot1at1on Association · 1 m e mbt•rs w1ll l<illy tht· r e:-.ulL'> Deadline for rt•t urn or the four-page qucslionmurc 1s Fri- day. The s urvey. authored by c1v1c associati6n Presidt:nl 0 1ck Sue · ca and Newport TI1·a<'h Pla n - nin~ Comm1ss1<tnt~r All<i n Beek. is un allt-mpl lot ind t>Ul what res 1de nts of old Corona 1kl Ma r. think of a 1iru1111!><1I lo rcdun! lhl' allowahll' s11.1· 11£ homl·~ h~ a hvut 40 percent Heck said 6,IHIO :.un l'Y~ ha-.1· been ~l·nt I 11 Jll'llfll' rl y vwnl'r:. and r<>g1sten•d voll•r ... 111 thl' area bo unded li v /\ v11l'arl<1 /\ v1·n111 ... Fifth Avenue. Buck Gulll'y <ind the ocean Because tht· -,urvt•v.!> wt•n · sent to those two h!>I~ ot i1t•111>lc. Beck sa id ~om c Jll'oplt• w ill h ave• multipl<· opporlu111t1<:~ tu a ns wer the que~t1onnair1· The resulL-; will he presl•ntcd to the Newport ncach Planning Comm1ss11m lh1i-s umm1•r m an alll'm J)l to ~et tomnHS!>1on hatk ing of the rf'du1·t1on IJropo~al. Beck. a Balhoa bland rl's 1 de n l. s <i1d tw ~ pu~hing lht· pro posal bt•cauSl' no 1>th1·r pl;.inrung commissionl'r cs 111t 1..•r1;:stcd in it He said Succa and some othe r Corona del Ma r r es ide nts have complained ahout the s ize of <See SURVE\', Page A2> Coast Thl' rc·port .sa 1cl Gromy ko h~inderl Tian a mt•m<1r~inclum for his gm·t·rnml·nl fl l·C'l:inng "Tht· ;11 m~ anti t asks or th<' ncgnlla I H>ns musl Ill' the norm a li1.al111n and 1mprovt'm1•nt o( relation:-. bel w1·1·n o ur {'Ount rtC'!'. nn lht• h a c; l s O f t h C' p r I n 1· I p I t• <; O f lll'<l('('fUI C'Ol'XISll'nc·t'. int•lurJing the Jlrlfll'I J>lt•s 111 f'llU:tl1t y, rn ut ua I l'c'ipl·t·t for sm·1 ·n ·ignty a nd tt·rnlori<i l 1ntt-g nly, non 1111 .. rft•rcn1·t• 1n <·:tt'l1 otlwr :-. tn krnal :a ffairs. th,· no n use 11f lon·t· " In Pe king, Fon·1g n :\11n1s tcr llu an g ll ua to ld v 1s 1t 1ng Aus tra lian 1"11n•11:n1 Minister An· drew Pc aeock il was likely the talks would take place. accord mg to ::in unid('nt i fi ed /\us tr a llan M1urc1• who attended t heir mect- 1ni::. T hl• C'hinC'.sc Foreign Ministry late r said only that the Moscow urooosal was "under study, .. yel Weslc rn diplom<its in Pe kin!{ s uJ;eg<'stc d the cha nC'<'S of the two old foes gett mg to~clher were ·n·as11nal1ly guod ' In Peking . a Western diplo m at ~;.ii d Sovicl o ve rtures of this kind J!t·ner <illy arc made JUSt before an 1mport<int Soviet Ame rican meeting President Carte r and Sovie t Pn·s1de nl Le onid I Brezhnev arc to meet m Vienna on J une 15 "There ':-. a certain te mpo to this sort or thing ." he s aid. · T h eir quarre l erupted into violenC'c in 1969 wh en Soviet I roops clashed with C hinese o n _ ".lhc1r border. .Since the n. t!<Jch h as m·ainfai nctl up to a milli6n. mf'fl 1n C'Ornhal n·EHl111c!>~ en the ttr••;J. ' Plaza Radio Ads Upset 2 Mesa Of f "icials Noting that she h as talked to South Coast Plaza offic ials about 1t to no avail . Cost a Mcs41 City Councilwom a n Norm1J flc rtzog expressed <inger Monday about the hu,J:!e shopping center's radio advt·rtis ing . She said it omits the n ame or he r city wh1lt· de scnhing t he Costa Mt!s a s hopr)ing t11mplcx a s bein g "north o f Newport Beach.'' Sh~ secs that as a s light lo he r community. C o s ta M esa Ma yo r Ed Mc Farla nd also· said during Monda y 's city council m eeting that the radio ads m a d e him a n- g r y . A ··I no longer shop in South Coast Plaza," he said. adding with a gnn. "That'll fix 'em ." Mo ul.lay after the £-'AA learned of additional proble ms . "'rht:re 's not an Ci1rplane in the wor ld, civil o r military. that cltwsn 'l haw m<'tal fatigue eventually," s a id Fred Farrar, an FAA r>Ublu· affairs off1c1al •',\RRAR CJTF.O THE NOTICEABLt: flexing of an airhn1;:r 's "'an~s in night. a sight that ofte n frighten~ neop hyte flier s . Like ii papl'r l'11p that 1s bl'nl hack a nd forth. he s aid, each movement o f tht• v. 1ng tontnbutes to a s hght weakening of the s tructure • liut bt·lll·r that 1t bend than break," Farrar said Meta l fatigue drew attention in the 1 950~. when the flrM com m t:r<'1al JCthner Uritain's de Jlav1lland C<1mt't had a ::.enei. of Unl·Xplainl'd l'ra~ht·~. some fatal. It v.a::. d a:.covcr<:d that a rn1 !. .1llg nl'd bolt lll'ar a window flcxl'd <ind t.:ventually foiled . res ulting in explosive decom pression Most AOs deal with less urgent matters, however. and the s ituations they point o ut generally iirt: considered as the inevitable pro blems of hiJ?hly com pl1tatcd machinery r ather tha n a life -· threatenin~ hazard. f"OR EXAMPLE, A TOT/\t 0,.. 129 /\Os had been issued as of mid-May on the fi rs t (; S comme r cial Jet . the Boeing 707, whic h t.iegu n :.cr v1ce Ill 1958, a nil on t he nf'ar ly Identical Boeing 720. or the 129 ADs. 49 covered po-,-..hh: tr;ic ks an metal, parts. parltcular ly wing !>urfa{'l'~. Twcl\l~ i\D~ wc·rt: con!>Hh·rcd important enough fo r airlines to hl' oll'rted b) tl'lcl!ram Th1,...c ranged from pos~ible t'Ontrol ob ISc1· Pl.ANt: S,\t'ETV, Page A2) 'Protect Coast' APW1r~o HELPING HAND -l.Jopt· .Joh n Paul 11 readw~ down lo pull a t·htlci up lo hem 111 downt own C ZI..' ~lot' how ;1. Poland. Pope Blasts Poland for Censors~p CZE~TOC ll OW/\, P l'll;.ind 1 A P l Popt• .John l 'aul 11 d1· m andc c1 today tha t P olantl ~ n1 mm11n 1~l J,(i1v1·rnrn1·n1 n •1· ogn1zl' th1· n ghb ;ind lwltefs of ('hn~t1ans althoug h tht·ir vww 11f lh1 • world 1s "rl1 amctrrt•;-illy 1111 IJOSed " lo M arx1~m It was lhl' mos t po~1·rful pol1tu·al s t<itcm1•nt l hl' pontiff has made in the• four day~ he ht1!> bcctun his homl'land · I rf a SJ>e<·ch p rep a n·rl for <k it very to a r los(:d mt·t·ling 1>f l'o l a nd 's Roma n C<i thol1<" bisho ps. t he• pope clcs nibcd re lig1ous frredom as a funda m en - tal hunrnn r ight and declart·d t hat gu<aru nlccs or ri·lagiou ~ freedom in Poland's t•1111st1t ut1on and other don1m1•nts <1r .. m1·an 1ng ful only if lhl'Y 1·11n~1d<'r ··1hl' n·al nt•t•ds oflhe<'hurt'h .. A I though rC'hg1ous t rl'e<lom 1~ ~u arnntecd in Poland's con~t1t.u lion, the chur{'h has ht•(•n prcs~ i n g fo r abolil1 on or s late censorship-on Ca tho.h e public· a· l ions. for access tn the stal1• radio and l l'lcvision. and for greater opportunit ies to offe r rt:- ligious instruction to th1• young.· The pope assert e d the ch u rch's readin1..·ss to t:ntcr mto (See POPE. Page A2> Park Service Opinion Due H JO,\NNt: Ht:\'NOtO:-. 0111><' O•olf Po101 \t•ll \-\ dl1am Whalt•n d1n°l'l<1r <1f tJw :'l:at1111l:il P.1rk!> !·>t'n It'\'. '>i.lld 111d.1\ ht• lwl1t•V('S the ~4 .1.HICI ilCrt· I n uw ('0;1:-t l.ag1111a <; 1t·1·11lll'lt ;1n·a 1111 .... 1 ht· l•l'l'"tt'rvl·tl frnrn rl c v .. lop11wn1 ll c1 "l'' (•r. Wh:.ilen !>t'>Jl lJl•d :-horl of 1·1..·t•ornmt·111l1ng tH;,t lhi· pr opl·rt \ lw houghl a~ ;1 nat11m<il url1an parf... lh· 'a1rl lw .... i11 ti•· lt\t•r 111 ... n ·1·11n11n,.nd.1tt11n 11n 1ht.• propns<·tl fedr·ral purch:1:-.l' dur 111g h1•;.1rr11g., 1111 l1•f.!1~l;it1on tri Ii<· o1111 hon•tl II~ <'11n'-l1 P!>'>1na11 .l1·ny l'Jlll'l'~1Ull . I) ..,,111(.1 1\ll,1 Palt1•r ... 11n );!a\ l' Wh.tl1•11 .1 h1•l11·opl1•r l11111 11f I h•· <trl'<.I I ha.. rnu rnml.! <ind h11-.11•d c.1 1>n·~., <"1n lt·n ·n(·t· ;1t '>'h1t·h \\o hal1·n :-.1111k,. 'l'hl·n· s no do11l1l 111 n1\ rn1111t lhat lhr!> itrt"• n1•l'd'> lo h1 pru 1ct·tt•<f,' Whal1·n d1·1·lan ·<I · It 1<; part of the· ~w:-.t 111 y,h;)t '> ldt Ill 1\ll\{'rt(·•1 . Th,· 1';1rk' rl1n·1·t111 -..1111 lh" I'> '>Ul' '>1'1'111!\ Ill 1·1·111t·1 1111 '-' 1111 h ag,.n1·~ ... 111111111 lw 111 1·h 1rg1 111 prllll·~·t111 g th1 • p1 11 p1 I I\ th.it :.I retl'lll'!> I rom t ''' """ d1·I ~1 ;1r lo thf' 1\l1•11 I i•ll\il'I flit lhl' 11uth <ind 1nl.111d '" t.11 .r .. thl· ~;.111 I >11·1:11 Fr ,.,.y. .i \ rti.· ,\11 ... ,. '1" '" r 111111 .. 111 ~ \\'i.• II t; .S. II~ I 11·? Japan Eyes New Canal in Panama 1'01\\'f) •.\"• .Japan 1~ IO· lf'rt'!>ll•d 111 l111tld 1n).! a :.ccond I' an a ma C;1 n:tl ;tl<)llg tht· prl·scn1 l'Jnal, J)O~s1 l1I~· Wll h th(' lJn1l1;:d St<1ks. :11 a tolal co:.t of ~ :1 htllwn. the l'C:tmom1c new~riapt:r N1hon Kc1w1 rcp<i rtcd today . 'l'hl' papc·r s a1rl the 1:-.s ue wu~ taken up wh1·n (;l'll Omar Torre· 1oi.. lwad of th1• P<111amaman government. v1!>1lc d .I arian lh1io. v l' a r a n d d 1 .s c u s s c d w 1 l h :hcpan<':.c husint·s~ ll•;.idcrs way!> of :.lrcngl ht•nmg t•c11nom IC rcl;.i r1o n s bt:IWl'l'n Panam <l a nd .Japan fl 'l);mt· Sh1~C'o N~(jno, pn·~1 dt•nt or lhl' ('hcimh1·r of \11rn 111l'rt'l' ;Jllcl I ndustr~· .,uggl·~tcd that l'l'lll:l IJ1•1·;1n 1 ·,,n,1rul'l1011 Co of .I ap.111 stud~ I hl' 1~:.u1 l'l'nla-Oct·;in ('ons1rul'111m hd:. l'Xpcn l'n<:'t' 1n Sul·z Can<il t·\ 1><.ins 1on work Ill t-;gypt Naeano w<1~ unava1lal1ll• 111 cnm m c nt on lht· report. hut .i Penta-Ocean ~fJ'Jkt.:sman !>dlrl h" l'fl lTl!Jan~ :.tUdll'd lh" pr1111•('I .ii Nagano's rl'que~t i\<1 ga1111 la1f'r s uggested tha t Pnm<· M IOl!>lt'I Masa yo~h i Oh1ra !>tud~ •h•· (lrt•J 1•l'l in light 11f J'lll!>S lbilil1l'' 111 :.t n •n uth1·nin).( 1•1·1111om1t· r .. 1:1 1111ns with lhl• I '111 L1 •ti St .1t1 ·~ .111d Pa nama. tlw s p11k1•sntan ~.i1d II wnold-Ott llui11 ahtnJI 1;''. mllC'S SOlltf)'>'t•'I 11f .111d p;_1r.dl1•I 111 1111· Jll't'~\'111 ',11 1.d Laguna Loses One, Maybe Two, ie~~ers l.agun;i Hl·aC'h City M <inagc•r l"rcd Solomon wa:. l'XPl'Clt·d to annonnl·c ht~ rt'~1 gn ut1on al an CXC'C'Ut I V(' <;t•sscon with 1 h<· City ( ·o uncll l111~ afll'rn1111n , and ( '1ty Trc•as urcr l'l•g Murn·alt· an noum·•·cl s he I!> qu1ll1ng hl'r post .July :w /\ hq:?h ranking l01l y 11ffid~1 I , \\ hu a!>kt•d rwt to lw nanwcl. s:ud Solomon will a1111<'11m·t· h1~ n ·s 1g nal1on a t a •1 :rn 11 rn t•x t'('Ul1v1· session w ith City Council rm•mlll'r!> and will leuvl' th(' city to takl' a position with a private firm Whe n reache d for comment tu· dav. Solomon would neithe r con- firm nor deny the rl'port. Solomon was the City Coun- t 11' s u n<i111 mous t htJICl' from rll';Jrly 50 a pplit•;_1nh for llw c·1 ty ~ h1ght0!\l posl l a~t \'l'ar, and took over as l'1ty m a nager Jul~ I. T h 1· •I I .v t' a r o I cl a d · m 1n1~trator :-1oh \\1th l.agurw lkac·h got oft to ;1 toug h ~tart Thi• d ay hl'lon· ht wa!> (1tf1<·t:.illy Ill !\ta rt worl.. he y,;_b dr:1y,n 1nt11 a hot tonlrt>\"t•rs~ wh1·n he wa~ as k<'d to mak1• a d1se1pllnary d(• <'Is ion conn· rn 1 ng l h l' c 1ty · s police chief !::iolom on s u::.pcndcd C.:hil'f .Jon Sparks in tht.• wake of a fi g ht in s id<' a tavern following a two- a n d -a -h a If-hour CX.C l'UtlVl' session with h is ne w council me m bers. w htl'h has plan' lo dl•\t:lo p much of lhl· "'uthcrn portions cir the proposl•<f p:.irk ha~ oftt:rt•d t11 1h·d 1 call' :l,4110 ancs tor open "tJlaC'c In add1lcon the t·1ty of f..1g una Ht·a1·h has purc hasl·d ;)20 at·n·-. 1n th<' S\cam or c Hilb 111 I ht• hl·art r11' lh<· proposed petrk .111<1 lhl· !>L1t1· 1-; ~tudying ttw purcha~C' of 1,m>O acres of beach, 1,,•11J s lal sht:lf and canyon!> in tht· In 1nl· C:ompaO\ 1iro pert y. Wh;tl1•n' lour loda) 1~ th•· < ulm1nat11m ot a tcdcral park 1ud.\ J' parl of Pal l•·r~<1n (,.g1:.la11v1· effort~ lo l'~tahll~h a p;1 rk C II the 2•1.11(.NJ etcn· parn•I ·~·t• ('().\ST . Pa141• i\:!J Mesa OKs !Support Of Edison f 'n-.1,1 \lr· ... 1 ('11,\ ('n11n1 1 1111 mlwr .... 1p111·11, c•d a rl':.ulut11111 \l ond<iy :.uppo1 t1ng ant.:>. JI a n !> l 11 ll fl r t h (' s () u I h ,. r II C.1l1 tu1n1J Ed1!.on generat ing 'l.1lwn HI lluntington Bl·al'h, 1f 1t 1 ;_in b•· t•o11~lructcd !>O 1t doesn 1 I urltwr pollute the <.iir Thl· rl'Solut wn w1 II be s<'nt t11 t lw C;_iltfnrnw Enl·rgy Hcsourn·~ C'onM·n at11111 and Lkvclopmcnl ('omr111ss1on. v.h1ch 1s reviewing SCF: :-n •quc:.t to build a 1.290- m 1· g ;i w;J tl c11mh1n t•d c y <•l t· "''lll•rat1n j.! :-,t;clion lO ont• or fou1 ... ,111•!>, 1m·lu tl1ng ll unt1ng lon lll-ad1. . C11 u1wtlma n Donn llnll led lh1· Miil\ l' lo t:Skl· a p11!>1l1n· ap pm:11•h" lq lhl' SCE proposal 11111 ing tlwl f'V1·r)!)nt· 1.., con 1·t•rn<•cl .1hout 1•111•1 g;. shnrtag1,,•' hut nnl•11t:-. \~.lilt:-11 plant liuill 111 lht·1r h;ll'k\al'd 'I ht• rt'"Jl11tmn n11l1·:-th<it dt· lll.tnd f111 1111\\l'r I!\ l"'<t'l.:'l'(lalll! S<"E t':.l1111..to4t•' an(! n1uld rc:.ult 1 n a !>hortJJ.tt' Th" t'll ~ -: clraf1 pro1msal r.cad I h.i1 th1· t'o\lnt'll "1~ OJ)posed to I h1· w ll·1·tion nf t he llunlington lh .. 11·h !>1t1• unll'SS s uff1c 1cnt 1:1 1r p o ll u 11o n > mit igat ion mcasun~~ arc mcorpor:1lcd · and 11 tlw lacihty ""uld intcrfcn· \\ 11 h ('1>:-la ~lt.:sa s liring1ng ll' a ir tpraht.\' up In Air Quality :\I .1nagt.•men1 Plan standards 1111\\1 H•r . lla ll moved Monday 111ght lo reword the rt.'~ol ut1on lo read ltwl the t•ouncil s upport:- 1 h l' p ru.1cct If m itq,!;t t 1on ml•a :-.urcs an · included a nd un less it would inlcrfcrt.: with Costu Mesa ;.11r quality. Nuke Test Halted LAS VEGAS tAP> FederaJ Weather J,,..ow clouds night and m o rning with only p urlial ·c l earing aflernoon s throuJ;t h Wedn e s day. Highs Wednesd ay in the mid 60s a t the beac hes. lowe r 70s inland. Lowi. ton ight 58 to 63. Six Sailors Missing As Freighter Burns ... Sparks wa lalc·r rcios t<1tcd by the c ity m unagt:r after di!> t·aplinary action. a movt• that up Sl't man y police OfflCl•rs and 1•iti7.C'nS who felt lhl· l0h1e1 !>hnuld have been fire d lkpa rlmcnl of Ener gy officiab announced t he post pone me nt of .tn undcr~round nuclear test lo tla~ :.cl till' Nt•vuda T est Sit1;: dul' to hut! wt•a l hcr. TtOO Newport Men Face Marijuana Rap INSIDE TOD" W The Angels coftUnue to make mon~ news on the medkal front. than in the boaeball world. See stor11. Page Bl. lfltff"'lt-•• A1111 L•'*" Cf ••le• .... MlltNl,llllft •• .......... -,.. 0# .... C9MlllY "" ,, .... ~ ., ~-. -.,-4 ........... . , ,.......... .. ~.rt;.. ~-...... p . COPPER HARBOR, Mich. ·AP> -A fire raged in a 730-foot 0 real Lakes freighte r today, and six sailors were missing and feared trapped aboa rd the crip- pled vessel. Witnesses on shore 10 miles away said the ship looked "like a bonfire" before the blaze burned It.self o ut. Nineteen crewmen from the Cartiercliffe Hall we re picked from life rafts in Lake Superior by two othe r freighter!'!, the Coas t Guard !\aid . Five m e n, we re reported seriously burned -and two o tbe r s were less seriously hurt. 'Two Coast Guardsm en and the shi p 's. ·e n_Jlneer boarded the \'efllSe l seve ral hours afte r the fire wu rep0rted a nd found no ·---a __ ;.a...._.._~--.----···-......... e vidence o( the missing m en in a reas free of names, the Coast G u a rd said. Flames kept the pa rty from approaching the engine room, whe re the fire apparently sta rt- ed a nd still was heaviest, of· ficials said. Nearby wate rs were be in g searc hCif "in the hope thut the me n got overboard," Chief Petty o m cer Joe Ama to said at the sea r ch and re"cuc s tation an • Cle vela nd. Amato said the missing m en in c luded a porter . two oilers. two deckhands a nd a he lmsman. Four of the Injured were take n to Port•I~ V•ew lfosphal an Hancock, 1utboriUes s aid. I ~0 I I Mlll (e ,p.._... SHIP BLAZE 8fTE • , Six $9Hora MtHfnt Two Newport Beac h m en were arrested Monday night by police wtlo aflegea the J>a"IT ha d 41 pounds of bigh grade Co lomb1un m a rijuana . Rooked into city jail were Win- ton Paul Mc Mille n. 33. of 818 W. Ocean fo""ronl a nd John P hlllp Palmer . 48. of 215 19th St. Sgt. Darr yl V.oule o f the Newport Beacb narcotics detail said the investigation or the patr originated with ..,,e Lo. Angeles f.Qlice Department . He said...4uri~ a s urve Oancc or al"cMlUen·s home -110.nday night. officen; s1tw him put a suitcase and footlocker in his car . •. 'l'hey said he was followed to · Palmer ·s ho use and when the se<'ond man gol inlo the. e&r . Of· fi c ers slopp~d lhe m a nd scnrchcd the vehicle . DetN·tivcs allegedly found the monJuuna in the s uitcase ancl footlocker. They also said they found more than ~.000 in cash in .. t ht car Both men were booked on sus- pj c ion or possession or mari· Juana for sale. Palmer remained jailed todQ, ~lllllell WM re-- le11ed ane r poirttng '5,000 ball. ' ... OM. V P!\OT N /Umrs .To Meet At Night? Tyttftr. Jyft! 5. lf?! J.ary dellbern1o n tn Dr WllH1m W1ddlll"11 murder retrial cont1nut>'1 to day u Or1n1e County Superior Court Judie 8yron Mc Millan Indicated ht• nu~y H k Juron to m~'t lnt-0 th~ t~rly ev.,nln1. Juro rs :1p•nl nbout s Pvf'n hour:1 bt•hlnd rlosNI doors Mon day. lht•1r St'<'11nc1 rull dMy ol dt· libt"ra t111n11. bf'fort' dt'c llning Mc Millan's suggpst1on lh1tl they rt't't<llS for (lt11nt•r Mnd rt>sunw th· batt• Monrtu,· n1.:ht By J AC'IUt; HYMAN Ofl.,.o.ifrl'llM•w" Abruhuna i .1n('oln 1.ind the Andrews Sisters have made m y phonc ring more ti mes than I care to contemplate. l .A8T TU•:SDI\ \', thl• 011ily Pilot ran a stor y I wrote about u Coi<lu Mcbu m1tn who hud un original edition or a nuwsp11per annuunc lnM thl' Lincoln iH1sussination. 'l'ht' urt1l'le mcnt1011ed thut the news paper is valued at mor• th1t11 SOO.ooo Thul f1gur<: wus obtained from a IH'WblHlper ch11p1n.i ul><n1t another copy of the newspaper that "as aut:twncd off 111 Las Vc~as Judgang by the telephone calls I got Wednesday, there urt• m(Jl'tt l't1p1es of thut original 1865 newspaper In Costa Mcsu than therl· ure or a Wl·ek old Dally Pilot. Waitd1ll, a 4:J y.-<tr old llunt in.: ton tlurbour oh:-.tt'I rl('rnn, I!> 1H't•u11t'd tlf :.trun~hnf! un infant known us Raby c;1rl Weaver Uftt'r sht• llllt'~:C-dly !>Uf"\IVN! ii :.<thn~ abortion two yeurs ago Ills first trial t-ndt'd l1tbl ~fa~ wht•n Ju rors !'.a1d they wer<: d l'<tdlc)('kl"<l 1 5 '" fovor or ac qu1~ta l after 16 weeks of tes timony and 11 dt1y?> o r de'- llbNallon. I got ninl· l'Ulb Most cir the callers wanted to know "hl·n · to gl't lhl'1r old nl'v. s p1:1pers appraised t Pat Dunn ofour At Your St-rv1t••· :.ugi:;t•:.t:. tht· Americana Collectors Shop in Santa Ana 1 MOST SAID Tln:IR grnndparl'nts ha nded the papers d o" n So1Th: s:.11d they plan to donate their copies to a uni- ver?>aty or musl•um Waddill has maintained his in- nocence throughout both trlab. 1nsistinn the two -pound, 15· ounl'l· infant was dead or hope- lessly on the vergt• or death by the lime ht· examined her at W estm1ns t c r Co mmunity llospital. Monciay 1uru~ <1sked to re view autopsy photographs or the We<Jver inhnt. along with hospital re~ords. They a lso asked for a tape re· cording of Waddill's first in·. terv iew with Prosecutor Robert Chatterton and a recording or a tele phone conversation between Waddill and his chief accuser. Dr. Ronald Cornelsen. Cornelscn. who has testified he saw Waddill choke the infant. . m a d e t he recording withqut 'Aaddill 's knowledge for police 1 nvcstlgators. Schools Win hnmunization Certificates The 95 pcrccnt level of 1m- m uniz<i'tioni;,; a~ainst chi Id hood d1 sf•ast·s has won the Newport Mcs;,1 Unified School District a t·crt1ficate of recognition from thl' U.S. Puhlic lle<i lth Depart mcnt a nd thl' California Depart- ment or Health. Di s trict officials sai d Newport-Mesa is the first dis- t ri ~t in Orange County to achieve or s urp<1 ss 90 percent immunization. flead nurse Dec Douville has directed the immunization pro cram, which began t hree year:. ago Youth Seized H tt '' In Car Theft , ...... -~Santa Ana youtti,_wbo told:~ pohce he got tired of walking, was jailed Monday in Newport Beach a fte r he was interrupte<S in an alleged attempt to steal a car. Police booked Kevin Paul Lapcheske. 18, on s uspicion of atte m pted auto theft following the noon incident in the parking lot serving the Re uben E. Lee and Reuben's at 251 E. Coast Highway. T h e ca r ·s ow n e r held Lapcb~ke fqr officers after he· allegedly found the youth inside h i.s ".'chicle attempting to hot wire 1t. . More Bombs Sent NEW .YORK (AP ) Five powerful parcel bombs all capable or killing or maiming have been sent lo Nazi leaders in four states. And a telephone caller says more are on the way today. But. unlike the firs t group, today's bombs "are going lo go ore." the anonymous caller told The Associated Press DAILY PILOT ,,... Of.,.. (M\I 0.1t, Pttot. Wit" *Mc,t\i\ (OM bt'W'd ''"' ,.....,.,.. Pr'"''' t\ ChlfMjll'ltCI tty,._. Or.,,.. (O,.\I P\llOtt\tWftQ(.,ornp.tn' \tiM, .. tr-"°''"°""' ~· pWDfl\'"'d ¥oftcl•¥ INOUOf't ftt(Jofly tot (o\ti• ~~. trrf•woort ,_..w.f'I H!MhftQton ft.foM" rGuft •• , ... Y•lt•• •• ,....,.,., t.~ Ar•,,.'ScH.tth Cont A \Utft• tf.tOftr,tl fOlftOf'I t\ ..-1"'"9 $Af\lf"0.y\ AftfJ w.... ... , ... """io.I -1\IW!lq P4 ..... I\"' uo Wn l ft•• Sl...i, '.°''• ~ C•lll0<n1• .,.,. --... -,,, .. , .. ", ef'Mf Put11h""°' '•Olt CwN' Vl(t~t\ldt~l• ... 0.ftet .. __. TlltfM•ll-ffUor Tlle-•A.~ ,,.. .............. . (Mf ...... ~ ................ " AOlt!~l ,,_. .... ..,. ,llOon • T1t1111rt1M fM•)MMllt C'111•••.W..111 .... .....,. "Wc've l>t'en h1d1n i.: the thin~ since we saw that story." one woman said. "We never thought it was valuahle before ... One man s aid he also has an original or a µapt.·r an11ounr1ng the Kennedy as - ~:ts~111at 11in, hut dl•t•ith·d against having t ht• l\Hl 1•<111 ions fra nietl and hung on the w:.ill hc•ta ust: "11 would be too grucsoml' ·· Ill:: AUm Rt::POKT•:o posi>essing a lfl35 !Jt•wspu1wr e dition with <1 color pic- HYM•N lure on llw front und a headline about _Mussolini. ··1 know why"\>.'. l!randmother s aved it.·· he said. ··She s a ian.'· • :....R-----·-- What's all this got to do with the Andrews Sisters? Last October, the Air Force announced it was seeking a copy or the singmg trio's "Shoo Shoo Baby" record to provide atmos phc.:rc for the display or a n old 8-17 bomber or the same name . The bomber was being restored. Wc contCJctc•d the rcconr s arranger , Vic Shoen. in Laguna Beach. but he didn't have a copy. So I wrote a !>lory. MY PHONE DIDN'T sto p ringing for three days . We produced enoug h "Shoo Shoo Babu~!>" to s huffle off to Buf· fa lo. plus a B-17 flight Jackl'l Its ownl'r's w1fo commented. "Old pilots just nevt•r gl'l rid of any or lht•ir junk .. S<• mut·h f11r ' Shun Shoo Hall\' " And L1nto ln. t110 Out whtll· I w;1s '' 11lml! th•~ and wondering how to end it, I gc1t ~'L'I •mot h<'r ph1>rw <·a 11 It "a~ fn1m a wom;,i n 111 Corona d el Mar And gues!> ''hat she has·• AN OKIGINl\I. of the l.ibler County Galellc tno !,Late ltstl•d ~ of Jan •1. IHOO. announcing the death of George Washington on Ike-. "1 . 1799. f 'rom Pogf" ,t I PLANE SAFETY ... slr~ctions to a 1962 warning that lint and moisture accumulilting behind lavatory outl('l!> for electric razors could pose a fire hazard. But a h1gh numbf'r of AO!> rl<JI'!> not necessarily mean a lack of ;;afety, Farra..r s aid. adding "Ttl(' numtx>r of A Os issued shows t ht· system works." with must 1ssut <.I C'<.irly as a new plane 's problem:. <1rc found For t•xampll•. W or the Boeing 707-720's tot:.il ADs were l!>SUCrl through 1969; only 30 huve been 1s!>ued in the W70s. -.-!R~C<;ALLY. Tilt-: OC-10, a .. .tn·engine, long-ra nge transport ~rrservice"S1ncc 1~71 , ha"S'alnOng I he Fcwcst ADs. Only 43 have been 1ssue~t . past eight yt·<.1rs. wit h only one req..u iring a .. check ·for . q:tl~ . · in th«! meeha nism that cxtcn~c~~aps -- =-"=--~Asi.~te<F-f>ress-ch~k Of a1rworth10CSS directives COV · e recr-the Boeing 707-720, 727, 737 a nd 747; the McDonnell Douglas DC-8. OC-9 a nd DC-10. and the Loc:khccd L-!011 • the bul k of domestic airliners llt·re <1rc the res ults for aircraft other than the UC-10: -Boeing 707-720, a four-engine long-range transport in- troduc.ed In 1958. A Ds : 129. ~hose requiring checks for cracks: 49, inc luding 17 for thl' wing skin or structure: 11 for various control surra~es: 8 for the honwntal stabilize r : 7 for t he landing gear and associated structures: and 2 for engine mountings. -~log 727, a three-engine medium-range transport in· troduced m 1964. A~s . 70. Requiring checks for cracks; 24. includ- ing 11 for _the landing gear and s urrounding s tructure and 4 each for the horrzonlf#l i>tab1 liwr and various control surfaces. . .-~ing 737, a twin -eng1n~. short-rangc"':lircraft delivered to a1r lmes·m 1967. ADs 27. Requiring checks for cracks: 7, including 4 for control surface:-. and I c<1eh for the wing structure. landing gear and airframe . -Boeing H 7, a four-e ngmt• "'.ide-body. long-range jumbo jet mtr~uced m 1970. ADs : 39. Rrquinng checks for cracks: 10. in - cludmg 6 for the fuselage and 4 for contro l surfaces . . · -Lo~kheed . L-1011, a wide-body, tri-enginc. long-range tra nsport m service s mce 1972. ADs 32. Requiring checks for cracks: ~· Includes l each for an engine duct assembly. cargo door and landing gear. -Mc Donnell Douglas DC-8, a four-engine, long -ran~c transport introduced m 1959, now out of production. ADs : those requiring checks for cracks . 14. Includes 6 for engine wing mounts, 5 for various control surfaces a nd 3 for landing gear . -McDonnell Douglas DC-9, a twin-engine. s hort-to-medium-rang~ transport in service since 1965. ADs: 43. Those requiring checks f<?r c racks: 12. Includes 4 for engine mounts, 3 for fuselage, 3 for various control surfaces und 2 for landing gear. Hughes and Actress Ca~~t on Tape? LOS ANGELE~ I API A t~recordlng l'Jf a conve rsation between a m an and a woman - alifgedly the late millionaire Howard 16ughes and actress Terry Moore was played in Superior Court as part or an ef- fort to get Hughes• estate dis· tributed. A voice t h at Miss Moore claimed is Hughes s aid on the tape, m ade in 1949, ''Why don't you let someone take care or you? Why don't you le t me have the tob?" An attorney for Hughes' rel· atives asked that the tape be played before Judge Jack Swink on Monday. Miu Moore claJms she and Hu1hel ~re married aboard a ship in the ran or 1949. Also. a transcript was read in court o r a n a lleged taped in- terview between the actress and Noah Dietric h . a one-time Hughes aide. According to the transcript, Dietrich saiC.:. "He has just fooled a nd double- crossed you because he got hold of t h at captain's log and he de11troyed it.·· The sh.lp's captain is dead, and it would be dlfCicult to prove a wedding took place between Hughes and Miss Moore. Paul Freeze. an attorney representing some Hughes rel· allves. said his clients wanted to press the issue of whether there wu a ~rria1e because M Isa Moore ~~P, not made a formal claim on tbe estate, but had Slid publicly that she in- tended to. WAS HINGTON I AP 1 Consumer <1dvocate Ralph Nader urged Congress today to close all nuclear power plants over the next two or three years, calling the billions it could cost cons umers "a cheap price to pay." Nader. tes t ifying before a liouse subcommittee reviewing tile consequences or the Three Mi le Island accident, added that construction should immediately be h<1lted on plants being built. lie told the llousc Interior ~ub LB Seafood Shipper to Face Trial Laguna Beach s t-•:1rood ~h•P· ping firm owner C:1·rlC' .J Balsom !><Jld he was · los t a t :-.1•;1 · 1n 1!17fl whil~ lranspor\1og :;;10 ton:-. 11f :.hnmp and tuna <H.:ross the Pal'if1c· <kr:.in Hui twQ sl·afo11d t·11mpi.111ws in San Oll'J:?O and Au.,tralia (•la11n Balsom w:1s l{·lling a ft~h ston <1nd the onl y thing that wu-; lw;t ~ their SU!_ m1ll1<.1n invc:-t mcnt Ha lsom pleadNl innoct:nt Mon day to rhargl'S bcfCJrf• <i federal gr <1nd JUry 10 San Diego th<1t thr· Laguna Beach firm comm1tkd m<1tl fraud anrl pPrJury 1n al· legedly trying to c:over uµ the schc·mc B alsom. wh1J s ur r(•ncfr ri·d Monday :.ift(•r thr· st·\ f·n·<·ount J!f;Jrtd JUry 1n'11t•lmf'nl \HIS IS SUl.'d , ('Ollld r1•1•t l\ (' LI ;If» Vl'<J r prison t<•rm ancf . 2~1,(/110 In f1n1 .., 1 f founrt guilty lie "'as n·ltu~(·tl llll ~50.lNHI hond i\ s s 1..,, ;1 n I l '. S i\ 11 111 n 1· \ Thomas Coffin ....... rt llal-.orn u~r1·ec1 tu ~hip 3.11) 1110~ of tun;, from J:1k <.1rta. l11d1m1·.,ia, lo lh1· San D1<•go lias1•d \' .iri ( ;nl1p SL•afoo<I C:ornp;rny 111 in1d-1971; B :1 I s 11 m . w h r1 n p • · r ;a t l' d Wt•stern !\1annt• ('1,mpany from fi:!I l.ort'lta Drl\ 1•. 1n Lagur1a lil'ach. pur<·h;ised a c·argn :.hip nam Nl · llr>l un111 " und<'r .a Panamanian rni1~try Coffin !><lid Van <.;amp t1ff1t1als ga \1· Balsom .1 cumml•f'1 •1al Idler of c rt•d1t for Utc tuna pc1y:ihlf· \.\ twn tht· l11>tunu1 y, a~ lui1<11·rl y,ith th1• (1-;h ;111d h11und fur tht: t 'nitt·d St:.ilt•.., Bread ··eusr Goi11g Up? I\ i\ NS 1\ ~ ('}TY . :.1 u t /\ P.J ftJolnJ.! c.:n.ur~.'t' c·osts. h1gh1•r \\'ilJ.:1•-; ;inti •• s h<i rp increasl' 1n tht< prit·c· or w111tc1· wlwul prolwhlv ure going to rc·sult 111 th~ price or a lour of l1 rc·ud go ing up uoout a pC'nny. the bakery indu!>try :.ays . l~owevcr. indu:-;try of r1c1als d ecline to :-.ay sµcc1f1cally \\hen the pnct· increase might occur "Costs are building 1n the b11kcry industry . al~ost <1ssunng <1 bread price ad\'ancc on the Im• m e di a te h or11.on." dccl<1rcs an cdilori<JI 1n Milh~ & flaking News . a trade publtc-at1on <'Om mlttee on energy and the en· v1ronment that unk?ss nuclear power is banned. there eventu1tl· ly will be a nuclear accident. "It is better lo c ut losses now <1nd st.op this ghastly industrial folly r ather than wall until a nuclear catastrophe m a kes a portion of the U.S. urlinhabitable fur its survivors." Nader said. As to the cost or shutting nuclear power plants a nd replacing the e lectricity they gene rated, Nader said· "It's a cheap price to pay compared to a lternate risks ... He also called for t he resigna- tion of ull rive me mbe rs or the :--;uC'l ear Heg ulatory Com m1s51on. al'<:using them of "tn· c·ompetencc and ind1Herence · towurd nuclear safety issues In testimony Mondax . <1n or g<1nizat1on representing ut1lit1es ..,aid <1 mor:.itorium on new nuc lear plant~ would cost ctin· ~umNs ~119 l;ill1on through the ~!'.tr 2fl(lfl and inc rease oil am· ports liy up to ;j million barrels a tla~ Th" nat1011 imports about 9 rnil l1on barn-ls 1>f 1J1 l dally, ahnut half its tot:.il ton,..umrt1on Sol Burn:-.tl·in. a spok e~m:.in lor tht· Ed1 w n Elt·ttric lnst1lul(• a rul 1•:i.cn1l1\'•: v1N· prl's1dent nf .lw W1s<'on-..n Ele1•trw Pnwer l'11 ~aid thP ti,-,t to con~umt·r~ C1f outla wing nuc·lt·ar p<i"e r en '"'t'fT'rt]wu U'f t7l"" • 6 6 I 11 I OTI through the end 11( the teutury 1n adrllt1.on to the Sl19 h1ll1on .an l'Urrt.'d b~ a moratorium on con :.truc·uon The full flf>Us~ Interior <.:om m 1tlcE' has apµrO\ l'd le~1:.l<ition t h ~11 would ban nl'IN rl':H:tor l1n•nM·~ for a t IL«1~I -.1x mc1nlh~ Th.it rrWia?>un·.., ..iw:.i1 t1n g .icl1<>0 on I h1• 111111~·· fin,, r T hen• .ir•· if! comm1·rcwl r•·Jt t o r -. l1 1·1·n-.t•d 111· 11111·r :itt· ~···rit·r.itini.: .i l,.1ut 1:1 1H·r1·1·nt 111 111 .. n.111011 .., fl•J\\1•r 1\n :idcll 1111n;il 11:.'. 11lanh .1 11· 111 'aru111:-. ..,, :tf.!•'" 111 1•1111struc l11>n f 'rom Page ,., I POPE ... .i d1 :.iloi~u(' with thl' guvernm~·nl lor nor rn al11.at11m of C'hun·h :-.tall· n·l~1t11ms 11<' ~lltd "authc·ntlt' dialogue must rec;pec-t 1 h<' tonv1ctwns of lwl H·\'l•rc:,. t•nsun• al I the rights of c1t11ens and :tlso thc normal c·ond1tions ror th1· act1v1t v or th(• t•hurr h as a rCll)!IOU<; <'OrTiffiUOll)' tc > "h1ch lht• \ ast m a j(lnt' of l'oli·~ lx•loni.: 'W t> ar1• ;114 arc• thJI 1h1.., d1<lf1>guc l'annot ht· 1·c1 ... v ht:caUSl' • O•llr .. llet 1141" ...... 'PRESERVE TH! COAST' Parka Director Whalen Fro•P~AI COAST ••. Whalen said the report made by his staff will be re leastd within 10 days, but he w<1mt'<l that it will carry no spec1f1c recommendation. lie. said the national p<1rk:. se rvice• staff will await con- J!ress1on:.il tornm1tlce htciring!> on l'illlcrson 's acqu1 s 1twn b111 IJl'forc •!>suing its recommend<1 -t Hiii . Patterson serve?> on the houM· inte rior tomm1ttee ilnd 1~ J mt•mbcr or that paneFs n<it1onal parks subcommittee. Wayne Yacht Crash Loss Said '-Minor' A ~1111k1·..,man fo r Jnhn Wo vnc h;1:-. fil':O.l'rlhed as minor ii col li-.111n rlus wct•k<·nc1 bN\\el·n th•· .11 t11r.., .\ :wht, Wiid t;oo:::.t:. and .111nl ht•r IHWI oft C '.ii .dtnJ ·111 rn !\ .. int·. s p11k1·sn1an fur ll;t1 p1i· l 'r111..luct1011~. s aid thL· mis ll.a p uccurn"<l Frid;1 v durint: ltl111lng for llw mo\ It'. "Tiii' ,\liJ11 \\'11h H11ga11 ·s 1';1c·1• ·· . It Y.:1:-. t11l hy :i lun('h, thL: da 111a gt• 14as Vl'ry m111or. prnh .d>l,v HI the neighborhood of a l1•w hundrc•d dollars ... Kan•· ... aul lit: said no one was m1urcd 1111 he <1cc1denl. ThC' convert ed Navy mint· 'W('l'Pf'r ~<1s f•hartere<l for use· 1n thl· MGM. film t hat is !wing pr<1du1·l·d hy Andrew Fcnild.\ f 'rom Poflf" .. t I 11 t akt·.., plat·t' 1>1'1\\l't:n two con ./ ''""'" of the· \.\.orl<I "'hu~h ar" ~URVEY .•. cl 1.1 m .. t rit•a II" opµost•d , hut 1t mu~t IJc µoss1hlt· and cHect1vc ti the ~ood of ind1v1duali; and tht; n.1tw_n.dl'm:.indi> 1t, he sH1d . .ild UU' m-cre1rr1g w1ttr the> b1~hops, thL· pope telehr<1tcd <.1n Oflt'n-a ir Mai;:. for thuu:-;ands of Pc11ish nuns ~111d o;a11l that ev<·n lht• h1 gg1·s l t:o•·m y f01f thl• ehurd1' could nut help hut ap 11n•ciall• their ded1cat111n Poles began gathcring Ht dawn on lht• hllls1d<-below tht• rot1ntry's mc1s t revered s hrrnL· a nd by th<• time the M<Jss began. !ht• crowd had ~"ellc<I to sl'Vl•ral hundred thousand. The pon1111 . beginning the fourth.day or his return to his t•ommumst home land. looked at the rows of black-gowned nuns and told them their calling was a n "exceptional treasure" for the Roman Catholic Church . It's not liomi·~ l1111lt in thl' are1J n•t'l'ntly .ind have· sought tht.· building s11.1• rt;"d11ctions in :;1agJc family tJomc andduplex ne1ghhorhno<l~ An example of the--pr1rp11>.1·-rf reduction for the• st.andarcl :111- root hy I IX-foot lot would nwan that 1n st~ud or the current :!.232 s quar<> foot h ome and i..:~aragc now a llowed. the milx 1mum building would he 1,939 ~qu a re feet includin~ gar<1 gc Also included in the prop<>~al are reductions of current bu1ld- 1ng hei~hts At present. the standard ill· lows an average height or 24 fet•t with a peak height of 29 feel. The propos a l 1s for CID . avt:ra~.t· hC'1ght or 21 f~et with Cl pt:ak"' height of 25 feet. It also proposes to limit the one-stor)'. he ight to a n average~~ -• 13 feet with a peak of 17 feet. ~ ·how often you tell her, but how well . We CJn !>how vuu ?>11 m.rny w.1y., h> tell hl·r "I lovt• you" - l'ilC h lw.lUt1(ul. u nfor~l·t t,1l>lt-, con!:tt,rnt. And it's lhl'H' rm till' WOrfd '" 'l'l' ' .... l·."1.J111n hl.tnd. N1·wpNr <'••nter. Nt•\\ rwirr 0.."tch I (714) 6 l l-1 \80 .. n. lh I J '"_. ... !of'\.. \\ l .. ,, ... ., .. , ...... M •ti 1 Al)111" I t 4tl" M •• u ('1.tnjr!( ( • tr•n•t AJ ... CtttJHt 1 ,~ "''•'h' , .... l)h ~·o 1 .. , Ytf.t' \ .. ... f ..... ~ \ ,,.,,-l•1oftu \f\A M, .. ,,llwt,1 "' J, f , '' f, r ! I I If I .. 011't'('tortl of the Oranae Coon ty Transit Dlatr1ct I OCTD 1 11reed Monday to pro~idf• penonahlt-d dial-a ride bui. aervlee to •enior t I ti unit ·throughout UM> c-04nty . Tho approval "\n ronc-ept" of U\e b•an..: phtn meams that h cnld· 1M2 rc:;ldt'nt 65 al\(f Q\'t'r cnay cull a inanl·bus to tht·1r doorish.'p Da1ia Ma11 Said Killed By Truck INDIO IAP 1 An autopsy ha~ confirmed thHt a Marin<.' maJor killed on lllghway 62 l(ll>l Friday was ahve l><.'fore hl' was run over · hy a tn1ctor !railer rig. The vic·t1m. 1clcnt1fict1 as f.\avid Whittingham. 11:1, c1f Dana Point. wa~ lying on thl• highway when he w;is st ruck hy lht'.' rig driven by .J Hwhard <;orham, 26. of Palm Spring~. actorrlmg to Deputy Coroner Hay Carrillo. ,.+.-_.1J;J.t:.. dl.:l._e.t.Uli 11 c Lh al W tll tingham was kallt·d hl·c.·ause of the acc icfrnt . 1n which the.· whef'ls of the truck ran over his head J~ Tht> mannl' rrportcdly had IE>fl lhl· Twenty n1nt'.' P alms Manne rac·1l1ty with another of· f 1 c t• r ,. n r o u t <' t o C a m p Pendleton. whl'rt' both werl· :.liJ· tioned. The nlhl'r nlf1t er, Maj. Terry lloward. ;irnv('(J al the dcsllna- 1 ion. Ci.t rnllo )>aid yt•:-.tcrday that hl' has b1·t•n unable lo reach Howard to 1·stuhlish what had haµµt:ned to Wh1tlmgham. <..:arnllo s uul the investigation of the anclfft'nt has bl•t•n turned ovt>r to the J)1slr1d J\llMn<•y'!. Office 'IYCowboys • Sing Number For Lite Duke llOLl.YWOOO I Al'I Songs <.iround the campfire arc part of the tradition of the Old West but s ome of tht> 50 screen cowboys gathering for a television pro- duction want to dedicate their mt.'lodies tona~hl to a nother American tradition Johll ·Wayne . (10}) rtt.,Ch<!llnE'l 7). Wayne, hos pitalized with canc.,r, will be saluted in song on a n A RC le Ii· vision special callt'd '"Wht'n th<• West Was Fun." The scrt>cn f'Owboys re- quested th:.it the show's final number be dedicated to Wayne, s aid producer Hrad Marks. Roy Roge rs, Dale Evans and the Sons or the Pion('ers will sing whilt• the <·owboys gath er around a t•ampfarc. J\ picture or W<iyne. a veteran of scores of movi e we s tern s , will be s uperimposed over the scene. Wayne 1s staying i.tl the UCLA Medical Centl'r. where officials r eported Mondtty thut his condi- tion 1s stable In a trivw Sl-<:tion of the show. 1t wall be noted that Wayne once wa!' asked to be Marshal Matt 01 lion on the "G uns moke," t elevision series, but instead rec· om m ended a young actor name d James Arness. T hose bust•!. wall l'ttrry f'hl..rly puasenl(ers to 1h•11t1nutl11n' within Uwir own n1111munallt'S or hl bu!' litops whttrt• 1111 l(l'r bww i. will tak., th+lm grNlll•r d11stunct·J'I 11 lonR fixt•d roull's thut M~fVl' otht'r truvdcrs As •><..·ro·, dm·1·tm )> t•ndursNt tht• bu."i1n~ 11lun fur ttw clflt-rly they ubo buckt·d away from long hl'ld pluns to :.11111cday pro vu!t' dial a r1d1· ::,t•r v1ct' to rt':.1 ctcnti. of Jtl ages within most Orange Count •·ommu111t1t'S D1ret.'lt1r~ a lso agreed to oHl·r to :.enjori. only exai.tin~ full scall· d1al-a·ndc :.C'rvat'e:. m La Hahm , Fullerton und Orange. To be lt'ft mtac.·t a rc all comer:. dial-a·rade :.l'r vices in llrt'a . East Anaheim, Villa Park and the Saddleback Valley Plans call for dial -11-r1dt• service to conUnue in those cqm munities simply because it 1s less expensive than it would ht· to provide lttrge buses operating aloni:: fixed routes. OCTO general manH~C'I" .James Reichl'rt sa 1d the shift to the seniors only program is "un attempt lo providc dial-a r1tl1· service on an equitable basis _ .. while adhe ring lo thl' mcssai:e of Proposition 13 to in crease efficiency and produt' t1 vit . " Reat·hcrtabo s:11 that stalt• h•g1s lat1on as well as terms of union rontracts arc forcan~ th1• transit dislril'l to rc -evaluah' where it Wiii plact• its rcsourt'e:. There wasn 't full aJ,!rcemenl with the boa rd of director's tfr <·1sion to com mit its dial-a -rnk resources to seniors onlv. Director Robin Young t·<1)>! a dissentin~ vote 1n the 4 I ha llot that set a nl'w service tune for OCTD. Miss Young said existing dial a ·ride s tudies show that !>Cn1or)> make up only about 20 perct:nt of the service's r idership. And. s he insisted, olh<'rs who USl' the service: for esst·nl1i.tl trave l should not be penalized Ill th<' effort to make the servit·t• available to seniors throughout the county. But Miss Young is a city coun <'ilwoman in La llabra, the C'ity where dial-a-ride service was first introduced in Orange County. And ~represent ativ es from t•ilic·s wailing for dial-a rick st-r vacc urged OCTD's director)> to get on with the task of bnn~ mg it into other communities. Huntington Beach City. Coun- cilwoman Ruth Finley, ror one. told the transit city directors a need for personalized hus service for the e lderly ex1sl<> an her city. Fountain Vall~y City Manager Jam(!); N~r-sald tbcr-e Is alao a need in his city. · Those words echoed an OCTD !>la.ff report that recommended lo directors they s hift their sights to providing service to the e lderly throughout the county. OCTD directors Ralplt Clurk . Phil Anthony, Al Hollinden und William Jo~arris agreed. A tentative schedule calls for the senior dial-a-ride program t11 he in operation in Costa Mcsli . Newport Beach. Fountain Valley and Huntington Reach in ::icp tember. 1980. · Irvine is tentatively sch('dulcrl lo get the servi<'e m December , l9!H. By July. 1982, San Clemente. San Juan Capistrano, Dan<i Point, South Laguna, Laguna -Niguel and Laguna Reach arc s lated to have dial-a-ride service for the elderly. according to tht• plan adopted by OCTD's direc- tors. N Drlnlc io 'J'haf . When eollele ll'lldutloD l"UDI into the hundred•. 10me me am ~ idientlncaUon becomes necessary. Thia Oregon State Unlvenlty trad hu beer on the brain instead of sud• in the eye.· ·, ~ ---· ·---··----· ---·----·---v---..-.----......... s DAIL y -PILOT A 3 GaSSa e ~oys .Hit By Judge Owners ol three Orange Coun- ty car was h firms and a Garden Grove gas station were ordered Monday to bait alleged illegal gasoline sales practices. Superior Court Judge Robert G r et!n i s sued a t e mporary restraining order that makes the four liable for $500 fines if they l'onlinue the alleeed unlawful practices. The car wash operators were ordered not to r e quire a customer to buy a car wash in order to purchase gasoline and not to charge more pe r gallon to 1·ustomcrs who don'l have their autos was hed. The gas s tation operator. . ,.,. ... ...,.... CLOSED CAMP'# SILENT VALLEY, NEAR BANNING, AFTER BUBONIC PLAGUE SCARE Riverside County Health Officials Launch Attack A~alnst Squirrels and Fleas George Bice. a Garden Grov•• Texaco dealer, was ordered to obey the odd-even gasolin1• :o.<Jles plan anrl not lo require lhl' purc hai>e .of other. prudul'ts a:-. a tondit1on of sales . . Plague Fleas Hunted The district attorney had <ii l cged that ttice charg~s c ustomers $3 each for gasoline· appointments tt nd sold IC1r1~•· quanl1t1es of gasoline to 111 tl1v1duals then c·ollcctl'd a 2!1 t.·ent·per-gallon storage fee. Riverside County Combed Af"ter Boy Stricken I.OS /\NGE l.ES 1/\1'1 t: round )>qu1rrl'ls a nti thc- plaguC' mfrctt'd flea!> lht::y ;m· heli£•v1•d to c-a r ry iJrt• IJl'1ng ttunt('d ~~U.-h--<>Ll~<li.s xwh1l have :.l't tr:lp!> 111 the halls cast of Los /\ngt.•lc·~- The effort began m R1vcri.11.Jc· County .wlwn a 15 y('ar old tx1y wa)> i.tr1 cken with hubon11· plagut• aftl·r \'1:-.1tini.: a 1:am11 g round nf'ar ldyl l~lld /\ similar l'flort 1s undl'r way in Lo:. J\11g1'11•)> County, when· health offi1·1ab worr}' llwt a r1·· l'l'Ot pl;1J!Ut' 1':1:-.t· 1n l>1am<ind Bar means thl' dl'>t.·:•'>l' I)> n1«1r 1n g lhl' 1kn:-.t·ly popul;_1t•'<I md ropol"1tan an·~1. With modern trc alml'nl. 11 s 11nlikt•ly Los J\ngl'l(·s ,1:-. l)OlhNl on lhf' l'd ge of a t'ata:.lroph1 1: t·pidt•m1t'. said Or. Shirlt·y Fan- n111 , chi('f of Los Angeles Coun- ty's at.•utc tommull1cable dis- , 1•ase control divis ion. Hut plague l'O uld be a major health problem whe n it comes so near the 12 million residents of tnc sprawl ing metropolita n area. Plague known as the Rlac.'k Death when at decima ted tht· population of medieval EtK"OP<' is a rare disease· which . 1f 11lent1f1l'<i early. 1s U)>Ually c:uro hie With modern antihiotlCS. un trc>ated, it is us ually fatal. Most human t'ascs occur when :1 person is bitten by an infected flea, itself destined to die of tbc plague it carries. Earl y Police Probe Demolilion Try on Yacht Los Angeles County Sheriff's dcputiL•s said today they arc un- able to t•xplain the thtft and al tempt£'<! demolition of a ~.000 yach t found partially s ubmerged off Catalana Island. The yacht, the Black Sheep. a <·u s lom-madc tra wle r , wa)> found ahout sax m1ks west of the.: island on Sunday by cornmercaal fa sht·rmf'n. The fi she rmen •old s heriff':. d eputies Lhat two people wen· M'cn leaving the yacht in <1 smaller boat. "Al lhi~ point we.· don't know whether we're looking for men or women," commented a de- partment spokesman. · The 56-foot vessel was towed lo Avalon ha rbor where deputies s aid two ··explosi\'lc devices" were discovered on board. The department s pokes m an was unable to give specific de- tails about the devices exce pt to say that demolition experts re- moved and disarmed them. The yacht is registered to at- torney Samuel Silverstein. Deputies said the ooat apparent- ly was 11tolen from its' berth .al San Pedro on Sunday. Teac~er Quits After Lockup CHICAGO .tAP> -/\ teacher who locked a 10-year-old boy in a closet as a disciplinary measure and then forgot about him has resigned.\ Ricardo Davenport, 26, a sub- stitute teacher, turned in his teaching certificate Monday after officials recommended res- l1natlon, Board of Education s pokesman Thomas Maloney Hid. Police charged Davenport with endangering the life of a chtld. Officials said he locked Orlando Tillman in a closet Fri· day to punish the boy, who was round pbyaically unharmed 23 ...... ...,., Offieen..W.Da~ port WU dlltrffted because one or bis children was uaderl0lo1 an operation and apparently for1ot about U.. boy. :-.y mptnrn -. 1nl'ludc '""ll•·n . t1·nd1•r lymph nodl·:-.. d11 lh and It-\ •. ,. Plagu1• has tw1•n lurking 1n tht· JJWW1La&n~.a.nd d t.::>crb JJLmucl uf the J\m1·ncan Wl·'>t '>I ntl· <it ll'a)>t 1900. v. h1·n a fo ur H'<1r t·p1d•·m11· d a1ml'd rnor1· t h:Jn 1110 San Frall1·1:-.c·an'> The last major oul hn·ak 1n tho • t 'n1h•fl !)tall·~ k11lc.·d :i:1 IW'lPh· 111 l.os J\ngelt·s m 1~<!1 J\ fo"w 1·t1!-.1•, .Jll' ~t1ll n·1>orll'd 1·v1·r~ yt·.1r, mo!>l in Cahl11rn1 a. !\1·~ \lc •'l.11·11 ,\r11.ona ;111d C11l11ra il 11 1\lmul on" fourth an· I.JI.ti It's not llk<·ly (·\t·r to Ii•· c·om ph·tl·ly t•r:1rl1t :1t•·d . 'hut w1· t-.•n k\·c.·p ahc·alf ol 11 ." '>:0111 l11•1l111!f'' llarv1•y M ~1 gy 111 ttw ~Wit-• WC·alth department M a J..?y, who 1:-. d1n•cl1ni.: th<· ldyllw1ld allat'k. ~aHI pl:1~ui· c•an lw controllt'd by c<inll'olllng thl· t.'an·1l.'rs Ill.' :.aid stall' and coun t y ht·.illh olf1t·1;i b :o rl' t r:Jµpin g ground ~quirrels near the <'amp- gn1und to te!>t lht· an1mab and l hPtr flt:as for plag ue .. If plague bal.'ll'rta art' con· firrlll·d m the <Jrea he :-.a1d..1 the .... qu1rn·b anc t cir 1urr•>ws w1 1 he dU!>h•d walh ins1•c·t 1('1de. The )>quirn:b will be lured into du:-.l 1nJ..? traps lengths of pipe with ;.:ra m 1n the middle a nd flea- k1 lling dust p11£'<1 C1l1•1th"r l'Ot.I On1·f' ~t·'\t' got thl' ll(•a'> un dl'r control.' ~l agy )>a1d · l.\l' II .1 ... k thl· :-t a l i A l r 1t•ultur1· Jh·p;1r lm1·nl t i) 1 o 1n .111d o lim1natl' I lk g111u 111I '>fllllrl l'l' Wt· c·an t .. 11m1rwt•· 1twrn a ll ul t'IHH St'. hut t hl· \ '>ll ou It.I lw ri· ti 111· 1'(1 lo ..i n; 1111 11l u n1 W1th<•llt th•· rrnle11l)>, j 11u n · nol going to h;n e plag u1. C1 1f1 e 1 ~1 h .. a y th•· •·nd o f l'ahlomia·)> once at'l1v1· hlju1rn·I !>Uppress1on program m ay •·x pl;.i1r1 a rt·t•1·11t 'Jllll t 1n plagu•· ea:-.1·0., Tht• court ordc·r appll<·<; tc1 two c·ar wash t·ha1ns . Ml'lro ('.or Wash Systems .,.. 1th uutlP~ 1r1 ('•>s ta Ml·sa. Huntini..rton HPad1, We:-.tmanstcr. Orange ;ind !-ia111.1 n a . an l' a<"' n"~D?ia'"'"""P'.,,,,r -~~-... h•rpnses ond 1l)> 1 l 1·ar WiJ:o.ht". mclud1ng 1-'oun!arn Va lley < .Jt W<t s h . S<iuth C'ou)>t Auto W<t:-.h Aul •> W:o)>h Newport PI C:10 •· \:('wport <'enter Car We.sh l.11h1 C'ar Wai.h. LJguna C'ar W .• -.h and Costa Mel>a i\11111 Was h The th1rct t.·iir v. ash afrt•f·tf'd 1,, lhl· 11rdt•r I)> M1:.-.101l C'<tr W<J:-.h 111 ~.1 nt ;1 /\na .Judg1• t;r1•en dt•n11·d the d1•, t rir t a ttornt·)' 's n·qu1·-;t that 1·;11 v. a "ht•S I'll' prol11h1tt•d from lin11 t 111g the· numlH•r uf ~gC:1 l lo1h p11rrh<1St'<i h.\o 1·ui-.111nwrs ~h•1 orot 1101 lo havl· hc.i vi: their au1 m. WiJ)>ht'd. "f" 01wrators of a ll four firm~ v.11 1 n ·rurn lo Judge Gn•cn·:. 1·our1 June 22 for a lull hearing on llw a 1 lt•ged v1oli.tt1ons Parade Saved Las! week opc·rators of fou1 11ther car washes s1gnrd nut oa <·•Jurt C1grcements to halt alleg1·•l :-1m1lar pn.1cl1ce~ without admit ting uny wrongdoing. T he district attorney h <ts (11.·d Citizens Chip Inf.or HB Fest .., u 1 t 11 v l' r a 111· g e rl · · l 1t··111 ~.JM1l1nt• :.a le)> ..li!Jtn)>l JI) :O.t'I \It t ~lat1on.s and car washes in a ll Huntin~ton Beach 's trad1- t ion al Fourth of July paradt• will be he ld this yC'ar thanks to the gcneroi:>ity of city rcsU:tenl:.. Joe Whaling. aclin~ c hairman of the Special Events Board. s<11d more.• than SI 7 .0041 has bt·1·11 raisC,d to finance lbc 75th unnu.al purade and lo conl>trucl a float The J):U-atk will ht· held on -!\lain Sfrecl. b<·J:ill~:tt to a.m:- lt wall start ut Orang1· J\vcnut· 1n thl• downtown arei.I and will hl·:.id north to lttl' <.;1v1c Center at Yorktown Avenul'. show al the stadium c.1t Hunt· ':.!et~1~g'!4-·ach fhgh Sl'hool that Guerrilla~ Killed Tickets ar e now available .11 SALISRURY, Zi m hah"' the µublic; informatt0n offi<·l· al Rhodes ia f/\P J l'rani • th1• l'1vtl' Cc:nkr. 2000 J\1 <11n St ~t 1 11 1s t t• r R 1 s h o I> A 11 o· I In previous years . thl' parat.lt· 7\f u l(irc'A.a '" ni·w go v1·rnm 1·111 was finan"C't'tt'tr! C'Jty funds b'ut it ra 1c1cd black n alaonaljst glJl'r ~a:; i;-eJ]lovcq from Uus y.car ·s -nlla 1M>:.il-1on::.-1ft-net-t!:ltbo1rn:· b u d~e-J-_ ~ft 1• r P a .s:. ,q.~ I.! 0 r :\Toi amb1quu Mon-da:}' for 1 fl, l'ropo:-.illOll !'.I , II r ... t llli'lf' ~ll1C4' Ulk1ng orn<'t' lot.,! "l~k Thi· m 1 llta r v <'•1m rn.111tl Ht-s1dcnb t•;.inw to lhl' rf'!-.t·uo·. '>a11J ":i numbc•r ' 11f gut:rrill.o ·. howt•\'t•r hy making rlon:1t111n)> wc•rt' kdktl Ill llw ground and .111 to lhl' l'lly whe n the\< 11.ilfl lht.·1r .itt.1<'11.)> 111 nurthv.t'...,l M11w11 1 Then· also will l.1<• a fm·works wah•r lulls. bl<Llll' ~~~~~~~~-"~~~~~~--~-~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~- , • ls there a young man graduating in your family? We would like to.help you dress him up for the occasion. Storekeeper Doug Root suggests a navy blazer from our Student Dept. . . 1028 Irvine. Newport Beach. C.1lifomia. Phone 642-7061 OAll'Y ~LOT f\JffOay, Jun.&. 1971 Craeks Cite Ja•f Coas ting Mass~alting Qf-Jefs:-Asked aOLU NG TtU~ l>H't: UF.PT. OownCOHl from our h appy rcttion. worker$ In lh•• employ of S•n u.~110 ~un~y prov~d only Y<'Sl(lrday that they 'rtt real 'gambler!'! with t h.-1 r j(1b8 The vu llt'1I 11 pn1tt•Kl Thi~ wn:.n'I A 11tl down -trike· Nobody was out n111rt·h1n~ "It h pltH'ards In h1tnd Hut th1i. pr<ih'st by xornt· .!, 7110 Sun l>11•.:i1 <'nunt' r lt·nc·ul workt!rl. w 1.1:1 rc&I The.')' ht'ld "ltumun t:rror l)uy · Wh.it lht• 01111111 JWOJ)h• did. m protn.tuut Uieu du. ph'U"llrt' With ,•ontl Mti. wilh th<• \'11u111, WUI'> to mu kt· u "'hole• lot ol ru1i:.tukn tn tht·1 1 work TF.LEPUON•: C'i\LLt:RS to the cou11ly ofrlcd, got "'1 on~ numl)t'ri. ~11m· t·1t11en:. JU:O.t phun got disconnected t\ l'l'ord ang to n1·1A .., d 1~patt:ht.>~. paperwork went tnl<> tht• ftl(':o. "1th ,•1-r11r.., 10 11 dncl ma1hnJ(:. went out from lhl· WAS H INGTON tA P > Federal officials, concerned that improper maintenance pro· cedures may have produced a crack and led to the nation's worst air crash . have grounded nearly two dozen DC-lOs, but u consumer group today asked a .court to ground the entire fleet Tht! f)ltrtutl ~rounding was or· '-Scared' Program Defe nde d_ WASHINGTON !AP1 Two youths say that despite the find ings of some c riminologists, u JJrison 1>rogram clcsagncd l o m a k c• l l' c· n a g l' r s · s e <t r c d straight" was cffcc:t1 v(' in steer ing them llWliY from troubl(• walh thl' l41w dered Mon d ay night a fter similar cr acks were discovered m two jel!t that had gone through the same procedurc. IL was the third grounding m a week for some of the jumbo Jets . Meanwhile. the 50.000·member Airline Passengers Association. rebuffed S unday when 1t sought an o rder lo ground all DC-IOs, used the new information on cracks as the basis for reopen 111g tht cast 1n U.S. District Court today. · ~ LAWYER FOR the assoc1a· t ion. Windle Turley, aq~ued that 1 m proper m a intenance pro· cedures h ave caused "lire tbreaterung" cracks in some of t ht' 1umbo Jets Turll'Y s aid fed eral 1n \est1g:.itor!'> h.uvc treated their latest f1nd1ngs a s "a life . threatenin~ position. · Rut the Fcdt'ral Av1at1on Ad m 1 n 1 s t r a t 1 on , ht' ~ a 1 d , h ii ~ rt>s r1ondl·ct with u ··ver y waten·d ·ctown, vNy softened . <·lt·arly an udt•quat(• prnf'cdun• tor n· l'h(•tkang tl11· a1rpl:inl'..,, T u rlcy argued Lori M1 ick ;incl Hon Shaw. re:- adt•nl:ii of Hi<lgfll'ld Park. N.J told a llousc• Edut ataon a nd Lahot J l1 D G F. ,\ t · K R ·~ V E subcomm1tll'l' Mondav that th1· l!o111n:-on .Jr . '-"HI ht· \Hiuld rull' graph1e and profant• wa rnan~<; m today on lht· paswngcr group s mates at Rahwav State Prison n·qut·~t l or a l<'m 1>0rar) ~avt-therrrahout~rntwl~,,.d,.,11rrf-"''""., • ..,..,u:a.uu1~ u rckr W...-Aro1.md.-th · Bro~11 Baggers prison life hav1• kept them t31i DC' 10:-own (·d h y L' !'.. · ~tra1ght ·· ;t1rltn1•s Stu 'nts at \/<in Buskirk Elt•ml'fll<.ar_y Sc:hool..in-Tucson wait in lint: ror milk afte r bt·ing told to bring sack lunches to ~chool bccaus<.· food in tht·~1~tnct ~ main kitchen wa~ tuund lo be t•onla mmatcd The contammat1on came from the· nearb~ Amen t<.1 n Atomic::-. Corp., which uses radioac t "''' t r 11 1um t o m<.ilw .... 1gns ;.ind watch f att::-. TllF. TWO WE RE among 17 youths whose v1c;1t to Rahwa v was filmed for th1· Acad•·m ~ Award·winnmg dor uml'ntar) "Sc·an>d Straight ·· c;u11emmcnt Clerk Cranking 1-:rrors lntu B11reaucrat1c Machme "Stuff I used to do. I don·t rl•• no more,.. US· year olrl Sha_Y\ sa11.l l'ount v hall to 1 hc.> populace with ty ping m 1~takC's No lt'llang at this early datl' ho" muc·h ('onfusaon ;ind d1 !->ruption wa:-l'rt•;i ted by lht• (·l1•rko; with tht>ar lluman ~r ror U:ty. Hut 1mt• thing is f()r ~ure. th(•y cerH1anl y dad take a rt:-k with tht•ar joh~ Are n a.,s R oot· Twnbles in Kansa s l:ity What 11 lh<'~l' govt·rnmt•nt ""'•Pk m;Hl1· all th11 ... 1· 1·rr11r!\ .ind 1t d1dn t lur11 out t(• haw• .in} ht·;1vv 1n11>•H"t 11n th1· S;1n 1>11·~0 County 1111pul<1et•" That might ~uggl•..,t that ri·:tlly. tht·; dr,n t n1.:1:cl all t ho~t· t•mµloyt•t•s an the: ft r:.t plac·1· . 4-'urth<"l.11 mtght pr<w'l· fh<it Tfit:'"lihifht:°ra ni!biiuar<I nf pa11«r1Aork 1.., 1u~t SCJ much pa1.wr :.tny1A;1y 'i ,,u t·an t1 vt without 11 KANSA:S CIT ·, Mn rrrp - nravmg raan lilll\\ 11 b1 70 !O ph wind~ (':t v•·t.I an th•· 1011r ol th1· t\l•mJ)Cr /\n•na. -.1t•· 11f th1· 1~11. Hepublll·an National Conv1•n AND J US'f T HINK of all th11:-1· lclephonl' n ilb 111 the San r>aei.w Count\' halb that n1·vcr got through ~o wh<it" Wt· l1ml that thl' world•~ stall turning today des pttC' th~ dis l'Ollnl'C'l 1()0<,. I aon. triggcrc·d flash flo(l(Jini.: <Jntl CU I po¥.er lo an l'St1matl·d· 100.000 customeri.. Thr('(.' mrhes of r a m and hail fC'll during less than un hour 1\fonday night a nd the fterc7t. winds down<'d powt-r lane:-. (·aus mg fir<'s. a nd blew windows IJUI of bu1ldmtrs. eutt ang ~ever al pM1 pie with flying glas~. official .. !laid. Somcbml\ m1 s.ih1 f11.:ur · 1t wt111lrt 111· a i.:rnid not10n 1us t lo makt• all that 1·1111 nl\' huMm .. ,!> a pcrm<int>nl d1sconncc I Hin 'flfF. Ot '•"l('IAL ATTITl'IH: tl)w:t rd lluman Error Duy wa:.. for th1 · San Dt1·J;!o C11u 11tv b<>5:.e:, to :-uffer through 1t all 111 :-tll'ntc That might nwkc at even worse for the mrlrtant clerks No tnJuri<'s wt•rC' r eported :1t the 17 .OOO·scat arC'na . i'S onl} s ecu rity a n d m~in.ltnan c-c. workers were on duty and they mana~ed to es (·ape Damagt· wa~ t·~timat<"d al !'1 million. On<• <.'Ounty ~upl·rvisor • .hcW-.l'l.'.t:.r . a c<:rt:11n Rogt'r Hcdi::ecock. m:.iy huvc ~one lo th~ crux of 1t all without hed g ing a bat Ill-declared . "I sus pt•ct 11 will he tJaffacult to tell the• d1fferenct· hc•twr•l·n tht•ir pt·rforrnHnce on llumiln Error Uay and <iny othe r clay Fire officials said the giirnt ~ports scort•IJ<wrd that hung an the l't'Oter of the· a rcna 1 n downtown Kam.as City cras hed to lht• floor ahout 7 l:i p.m .. and 11early ;;ill th1• roof ft·ll in soon af- terward That 11uJ.(hl to 1·au~t· lt11· w1vt·rnmc nt cll'rk., t11 n·ally .f)ondt·r lht•1r 1oh Sf'c·ural y Storms Inundate ·Texas ~......_ Campe rs Flee Flooding in fli~ Be nd P ark Tr•prrat11rr• California "' l.O Pt p Albu Ou,. I'• '" IJ AUant" ~· '" fit1tl1"1or,.. •• \/ bo,,,. "' ~·1 ltO\IOh !I ·,~, O? Hrown\v1111 "~ IH o• HutldlO ,,, ~~ UI C:nrt~rn SL HH ... C.l'M!'~rnn•· ,_ \!) (1'111<100 "' w " Ctncmn,111 ., " (levelrJn(I h• •I U•IH Wlh ·m n II U.:nv .. , Ar " ~,,,,,, H\ •• Httlt•hn 8• ,. Honolulu "' 0 H OU\IOft "' II and'dpdh' "' !>II J;t(k \ Y lllf' -· 10 Kan·\ C:1tv ~~ I.cl I b/ l.HY~ 1()4 I) l.illl•R<><V ... ., l.Ol Anl)f'I~\ I) •l lOt.tl\Vfllf" "1 \ti Me mph" 81 "" M•~• H• I \ l I>\ M ihtrdUliif!tft" "' .. 01 Mpl\ SI p •• " O• Na1hv1t1r HO ..., N~w Orin\ 'ffl ,. New Yor~ ol 00 16 Ollie Ctly 86 1>11 Om.the ... 00 ,. O'lenclO •1 11 Pftllec! l>f\•• •9 00 P-n11 ~· fl& 03 "'"'"'"QI> "3 ., Ptteno. O.~ I I 111 RellO •J 4/ SI LOUI\ Ml Ml Slli'·h"'P<I •• II Sell l.•U e• I• S.nO•eoo .. 61 .,..., ..... w .. ..., .......... M• 1f.11 •"'1·•f 11 yoJ (jf, ''"' f '9u• fl ,,,,,,,, .. "''''•,"' r•"" '"u '"'''.,'' / ~flt .t•t.I llMI '1 +f"'t WIH ll•l lftl111t1t""'1 :!:!~:~,~~ :=~"o~ ,.,~ '~ '1•t lt•• 't i m •HO Y\N' t ilCJfi 1'111 b9 lfthvt'h t C~T...,._• '°""'' ()r"""" (""'""'I"~ t U 1·4UI ,.,...tl•M -ltri-1' It' Ht t 1 i 'f\o. t(I" .,. UlllJt ... (h ,,,, ~. ( .... ''"''" ..... , 1..i I JuJt ("' ''I I '..I 1.4 f' -· ~ '• ~If l 1t' i I .. , ,....,,, ... . ...... .... (o•o ""U'" ot th .. '-dtn~Of6Y ddy •. ,u.-t•• Pf"' , .. " '" \ouU'lt'• n C"litor "''' 'Oi•\l.Jt ,., .. ,..,, wrw-,-,. tow f tUvff'. ;HU1 tu< ••I dr111tr w ith A pdfl11U ,,ff,.,"'"'"' h•otr 1no """'" to,.~1 "'' tor W• on•·\d'4iy o, th•• NAt•onAI w .. ., .. ,,,., \f•rv•f ti Oft\p1t•• lht' p<''" ..,,,,,,,...,., h•on trmnPr"h"P' m l o' h'l<f••lt'\~, ""' .. ' c ,.,PN ted to , .. m"'"' "' 1r.., 1nw /0\ I,,,. Wflittn.-., ,,., ..,,, •• on•CJ•f '"d f1ttr w,tttrwr tn ,,,,. Ct•\l•rh wll•''" h1qh, uo to "' WPtt> ...... OP< h•tJ In lh•• UPP4'' ~,...,,, rtn<J t .. m,,. """',.' ,hould "'"' n 107 •ft Ow-•owt-r ..,f'f t1""' ( lt•.tr t,.,, .. ~. w•·rr ,11•,o torr• ,J\I 'o' lh,.. n1ounta1n\, ttw ""' olN-r ,.,.,._,t ~ , .. ,a ~ -St-i>•'" rmmID N 1'l"I 1HH1 01or n1nQ lnw r lnu(1' tl'HOVQh Tf\ur \d,1v N1lr1 lo ,,. f1rtl1't• 11nd nnly f)t•rt111I • t• •" 1n11 '" ttttr• ________________ ...,;;.;;;.::;.::..;:..:.;::.:.:;..:;,;:....;.:.:.:,:.,/ nO()n' \ttn f ro:tr. ~ ~· .......... n H OJ ful\11 8• 10 W•Vunqton u s• CAl.IFORNIA 8d~f"r\flf'IO 100 II A•v1n .. 10? ll f ,,.,no 100 •I lttn(A\lf"' ., 14 Montft"., 61 I I Ntel!I~' 101 01"1 ... 11 •• SS P1t\O Rol>l4>\ 96 St Rel! Otulf •• 10 Sit<r•mrnto .. S6 S.tnl• f\i11r-hetrd 61 61 ~lotklon q4 w fhefMdl 101 11 Oar\low 101 10 RIQ Ot'ltt 14 Al l•t•lln" 10 00 Et C•11tro 101 10 H' WOOCI 8u,t>.on• II ., Lonehecn 11 •1 HewPO'I 0..<t<h 61 •> Hortflr'-13 s• Onl•rfo 90 s• P•lm SOrtllQ\ 101 •9 P1tuoena ,. ~ S.11 R•rMrdtflO II 14 t...Gellrlel ,, 61 S.11 Jo" II II ~·•A ... 14 '° Nt1t•Cr111 ., S6 5ef!te Meft• .. S• i1m1 11 ,. l•h"" Y411t'y JI TOrr•lltfl ,, u li'AN AMI R ICAN At 40P11l•o ,. /\ I J1 e..o1. H C111tt(en " I) "'"00<1 'IO 10 G~.0•111•• lb 6/ 'fl1 H tQh -'"'••.Olfl' ...,,,..q, n1f1f\t find Heven..t ft\ IC 11\9UOfl •o .~ I~ morninq nno" HtQ"' w"'o·n'"'°"Y m 01 '"" ff'lit160\. Mollteooe.r lb MaHllen 8l Mut<oClly II 1111••14• •1 I I I\ \J ll Co"~'•' ,..,.,°" •tttur•"\ will '""fJ•• bftfW'1-f'O \8 'tn(t tfW Mtd f,f~ lnl1tnU lf'mr>"'"'u',.' Wiii f•lnQfl r~twf''t"n \~ '9n<I th .. ~r 10\ ,,,... '#tdt f'I 1 .. m ' Nlo11t•rrey 89 " Of> CWt .tlUtft Wtll ()"' b• NaiYU ft\ •• T •OV< leetlMt 86 1>11 ,,.,...,.., <IQ )/ IJ.S. s .... r,, Sfl0w9n -•-""°"•" ton 11,,.... O¥t!• n.e \OUlhern h•ll ol lh4' Pl•tn\ 1111\ mom•nv. w1111 lot .. 11, """'"' r••n Ovf"r PM'f\ of W•'' ,,,.,., H"'" f>oooh _.., •ePO,t•o llOllh ""° w~\l ot AllOI-10flow1"4 '"'" tl'IAI fell e11 IMll _,y n mlnvtet •1"""'- DltK•\ Th• le••• 119 lend •••• 11.., 19' ,,..,.. ot r.int.,1 Over ' ln<llH were IOQfed Ill ~\ In.Ml tn flour Nlollday lllQlll In Ott "'°• Wiii! -MH • .... 11114 • tot., of • to ~ 1nclle\. St411111. t 1tlll l lOOOlllQ ••• rttPOrled In 81Q ..... N•tlon•I P .. k. IO•"llG lh• eWIKllellonOf -<•MP'lf~ Th1111ller\tor m\ wtre Ob\erwed <Km• Ille mlGlllt Mlululpp. V•llev dl\CI Ulltlllr GrHI l.•U• ••41011 ., well H !ft -Me•l<t. T-_,. •I .. a.,_~ ,8"'1.., •IMI Ille <Mtt ti_....,,. ..... tr,..._., I" tlle 11orlll••tt•,,. <•r11er •I wew,.......,.. ecreu IM 'IOVIMnl t.IM,lllflM ,.....,_ .... ,~ ll'lol """"" •• J I m COT •.....-ct lrO<'l'I 41 111 W•• ,_ •• ..._ l.~•·· ""'"" .... tll 8 1yt!W • TUESDAY ~.,, ond lo• 11 1• ,, "' 1 l "''0110 11"11' & 11 o m \ u WEDNESDAY J. u \t IO* t ... ,, m O 8 .. lr\th1qf'1 I ~itm )\ ~fl<Oflll low 11 )9 pm 1 • '>Ptono ll•Ql'I I "pm 1 • !>vn rl'o#\ S 0 tt m "'I' 8 0111 m Moon ri\e" J 1t o m , ~·r.. 7 J~ d m S 11rl Rrport Foret a\I valid to 1on1qlll \11rl A-4199 llelQht 1n 11•1•1 """' 1mum h ri•oht 1n ,~ .. , p,.,,od "' •e<Olld\ A•• Ma• fit•r Zum• 1 j 14 Sent• Mot11u 1 1 I• Newp0rt 11un11nq1011 1 J 14 S.11 O•eoe coun1y 1 11 s-11· ,,_4199 """"'' '" '"'' 1111 ... •-,,...,.. tn '"'· Olr«tlOll ,_ s. .... Mon!<• H•wQOrt HuntinQIOf\ '41<10_C_y A.,. M.t1 Dir I 1 \W 1 row 1 \W J ~w Oull-IOf W•0""'4•• I 1111>-< h<lnQf' ll oh111 <;11n t o ld Tu r lr-y howt•vc·r, that he· ¥.a:.n t ... ure tht· 1·ourl had thf' powt·r to .. suh -.t1tute its 1udgmt·nt ' for that or thP F,\/\ adm1nistrator, who ha ... ;1ut hor11 :. 11v1·r aa r lanl' s<1fr-t v da rt•ctlvc•s T hi· s PrH·.., <1f 1 n ... pc-c·t wn~ ""r'· 11rd1•rpd aft1•r ''"'' of t h1· w1d" hutl~ I IC' llh «ra..,h•·d 1n ('h1l«-tl!1t .\l:1 y 25. k1ll111g :!74 p•·rsons an ttw nation " \\(Jr!--1 ;11r d1 -.;1.,t1·r T iff.: llE.\RINc; c·1·nr1•n •rt 1111 .rn F/\t\ d11·1·1·t I\,. :\l1111rla y 111~ht "ha eh g1·n1·rat1·d HrJ l''ot1mat1•1I 2fl 11f thl' t:lH plant·.., that may hav1• l11•1·n .,11h11·t•t 111 1mproJ1f'r m:11n l•·r1 a nC't' 111·1w1·durt·'> th;it t'OUld 1·.111~1· 1·r:wl...., Th•· p:10..,-.1•ngc·r ... l!I uuµ. i.auJ I h1~ "a!>. 1n:uJt!l1ual4·. IJ11t g ov1·r11rnt•nt :itlorn1•\-. ;1 r g u1·d 1 l \\ :io.., .1 suu nil dl'l'ISt;Jr1 lia-.t·d 11n tht· adVlh' of t•X p<'rt~ .J un;it h:1n llow1·, ,en attornn for tht• F/\1\. told Hohanson th•· <ii;!<'llC'Y prt'Vlllll'>IY ord('rt•<I Ill sut•t•I H>rl!'> of th1• 1·rue1:tl Win );! pvfon a ss1·mhlv al antc·rvals of 111 days or JUO fl yan~ ho ur<> "t<1 r:it r h o nv in1:1p1t-nl <'flt"<·ks Thi· rww rt1 n·1·\1\'t· ht· ~.1111 . adds ;1tf -d111 11n:il d11 ( k., o l 1 lu1...-.· plan1· ... tit.II Illa\ h a \1• li•·•·n 11111iropc-rt) 1ns1wclt•1I :-inc-<• tlw 1.:ra:-h ll 1l\1•1• l.:iml11·rth, chwf nf lh•· t . s . all11 rlll'Y ... ('IVd d1 v1~10ll ll•·n:-:-aart !h<', ~atter: Qoe~_ JJ01 1\ .a r ranl tlw .. 1·om.pl1•I ,, 1l 1$ru1>· 11on of :11r tr:tlfw /\rHI h1· '><Jtd I he• pasM·ng1•r.., J;!roup has 11111 s hown thl' 1rrPrwrablP harm needed to oblam an cmt·rgen•·)' rl·strnanang order -------------- Kenny Rogers Wins 3 Coun try Awards '\,\Stt\'IJ.l.I· .. I 1·11n 1 t\I' • K1•nnv Hoa..w r:-. whf/ cashNI 111 l11•;J\ 11\ 1111 Ii.-, h11 .,111111 tho l.:1111ld1·r . w:1s a thn•1 .. t1ml:' w1nn1·r al 1h1• l:Hh.1nnu.d ,\lu 11•t'1l 1 '\1'"'"!·1.11·11\1\:111t ... l<••J'• I'• 1111.tl 1l1 111 111al..1 · lhc · 1·1·11·1111m11· ... l1•·1·;1u'o1' 111 <q11·r1t1r111 JllJ' 1·11mrr11tn1• 111 11.,1.., 1'110 .1·11 l•1f1 1r1.tl1· \f1t'o1l1-.t :\londa\ n11!hl Iii•, Ttlt' <:arnht •·r \\.1-. ..,1·l1·.-t1•tf ht''' -.1111.,lo· <111ll hi· o..,hured dul'I ol tht• 11·:1r h11n11r ... 11.1t1.!.~tt1~ \\'h ,I "IF l'D 11.\\'E K~O\\~ t <.I h.1\ .. °""" thn·•· :.tlA-ard~. I d haH· • ant·«lcd and h1·1·n lh• '' 1n JJt•r..,1111 Hogcrs :o.C11d from La s Vegas 1 1.1 ::.pt:«l:.tl hvol..up tu th•· 11o1ll<m<tlh ll·ll·vao..,t·<f award:-, show C:tt lh1· (; r;m d Ult• Opn tlou'o• ~IJaJ·<t M .rntl rt·ll "'ao.., ..,t·h·1·11·d ft'malt· itrla!>l of th1..; ye<tr hre:1kil'l'f:?1 .. ur1•tla L~nn .., I~ ~··.1 r 1ranl!l1·hold on th1 · .i\\arcl · I than k 1l -. great :.h• """· :\t1 ... :-Linn ~a11J 'You Vt' got t11 los l.' soml'l 1 m1 · CHh1•r lh:.in H11ge r .... lhl IJOI\ 11lhl:'r ;.ict t11 IA 1n more than___llll.L_ ;rv•::rrd wac:; 1'hT ~l-:.tl1·r ltrntht'r'> \\ho \\1.·r1 · 1·hu~l·n gruup ,;f 1111 \t•ar fur lht• ... 1xth 'olraa ~ht ~t·Jr .ind "h" \\0 11 lOIJ a llJllm honlir:. f•11 F:nkrta11wr ... On and Oft tht· Ho.ut S ii.VER-ii \IR ED PEE\\ •:1-. Kan g, Jn <1t·1·11r!l111n1i.t 11.·h11 1.H111 1 I h1.• d <t:....,ac: · t t·nrw:.'o1'l' \\ u ll1 in t~H. "on I he Vound1·r s A" J rd tor long um1• c·1mtrtlJUt1011., t11 l'<Hmtn anu:-w f llhl'r \\ innt·N. w1·rl' _ Roy .Clack~ Coµ mw.11;1ao,.. ,!tHi .0 .. '>l;Qr..pt" Hrolht:r~. hluesrJ!is group of thC>"yt'ar: ~dd1C' Ha bbllt . :-.on~w~1ll'r of thc-y<'ar:· .Jt."11 • Clowc·r. top t:omt'dy .1c:1 PB~ l.1H· trom th•· Grand Ole Opr~ t11p k lev1:-.11in :-.ho"'. H1·x Allen J r rno.,t prom1:.1n~ malt· vocalist ALSO, TUE OAK RIOGI:: fjoy..,· band, hand of th1· year. J ana•· 1-'rackc. most pror111s 1ng fcmah· \ot·<tllst . and Connie Smith. go:.pt'I tll'l or tht• year - ----- I Shop the Daily Pilot and Save! / 'm happy because I found the lowest food prices in town -with the help of the Daily Pilot. - By using the Daily Pilot food section. I really ::;ave. Each week, I study the Daily Pilot ads and dzp the coupons. Timely . recipes and news of <>vents which af feet food prices help me plan a hudgetwise menu. Televised clafms about lower prices are fine . hut the real bargains are m prmt . 642-4321 In the Da ily Pilot . DAILY PILOT _______ l .. _ , T~. June 5. 1979 OAtl Y ptLOT ~ .45 R11dar tJ se Sought , Wind Fanning_ __ ,,, ...._..... ............ -.:1-eHPTo ·Control -'Gas Guzzlers,_ ;:Banning Fire • BANNING IAPl f;uauna windis ra nncd 11 ll1htnlnt caUMd. 800 1trre bru11h fire lh1&l blazud out ul tOntrol early lod uy in ru1uted terrain 11:. tt ~trlea ol amall anon flrt!-S eruptt.-d nearby, a Mli.te Oeparlmt'nl ol F'oretil ry ~pokc11m1an isa1d. Oepartm.nl of •"ot••stry l'11pt. Ted Pfe1fft>r sald tM blue 10 mllt'i. northu11t o f this desert town wu SO pen•tmt <'Onta1~ ond iabout 40 per aent rontmlled by H a m lie e!>ll'JH&ted ll would lw "at ~-.Hwo cht~~~rt' the blue was-fully l'On .trolled. It \!.•us lhto~ 21st f1r1· 111 the 1m:1.1 of the Morongc1 lnd11.1n lkservat1on th1:. year 11nd thl' fourth 1n a week. fire off1e1ali. i.1.1111 Monday La st ) t:ar thl'n: were se ven&I f1r.-s an the s1t me an:u . Mu.r Rf"l•i•• Garftl LOS ANG E LES r AP 1 Ot•ft•alt•d '>thc111I board pre s ident Howard Miller hung onto the gavel Monday night, :,ayrn~ he \\ould not <,It·µ down unt1 I tl'rt 1fII'at1110 ( ,----------)of the ret•all clcellon lh<it · ,,T4TE ou:,lc·cl him . Cit y C ink R ex Layton said certification would not be complelecl earli_cr than nt'~t Tu<'sday, meaning Milll·r will preside over at lt:ast o ne more board mt:N1ng M<>anwh11l•, tht• D1stnet Atlornt•y s Off1et· <·on· r1 rmcd It I!. IOVt ·~I 1gat tng alJcgallOllS tha t SOm•· :.1g nalurt.•S W(•rt• fnrg1•d on I he• pt,•lil1ons that rr sult t-d in the Muy 2<J n ·t·all 1·l<·1·t111n BaH01d \''oft• 'J'o1Jiglu SACRAMENT<> 1 A I' l ,\ l11pur11-;an $5 b1lhon -Get To11gh With Rapisfs' . ., . M ar y \'inc:ent. 16. who was raped a nd had her a rms hacked o ff by her attuckcr l:.tst y(·:a r , c:.illcd on the California Legislature Monday to m<1kc rapt.• scnll·n<.:cs longer. She was in Sacramento to testify in f:1\'(11' of ..i lought·r l'~IJH' li1ll authored uy Sen. Alan Robhins. lc·ft !\1 1~~ Vinn·nt ~ ;1tlaekl'r . Lawrt'nt'l' Sang lf..'ton . \\as scntencl'd to 1,1 ·' l'.11'~ 111 pr1~on. ,1nd could hl· parolt•<I (.•ar lat•r . -SACRAMENTQ <AP 1-P (lintinl,! to the conlinuin~ gas s hortage Brown administration officials a rf' aicain calling I.or radar lfl California Highway Patrol <·ars to spot ~as guzzlin~ speed<."rs. But Go~. Edmund Brown Jr. 's top aide. Gray Davis. e mphasized at a ne ws eonfer ence Monday th<tl th<' slate would apply for a $.1 million federa l radar grant only if the Legislature agreed {o put the pro· posal in the stale budget PRESIDENT CART t:;R , thrnugh Ch arles Warren , h is energy laaispn in Califorrua. asked Brown officials to seek the gr ant for California. the only state whose, h1 ghw.ty p<ttrol lack!> radar. Davis said "For t'8('h mile ci lxnf' 55. thert• 1-; a s1gn1f1canl rul'I pl'nalt} ... ~aid War ren , who said ht• cl n vel> 55 and :.t·•·i-. t·ar" pass him all th<' t1mc on tht' frt'l'\\ a} AT A CAPITOL NEWS ennfcr1·nn· Monday, Davis '-'lso warned that to the extent Californians n ·vcrt to lht:1r old drivinJ.{ habits and usl' mort• gaso line . lhl'y .. e un look for l<JnJ.{cr I mes .. agn1 n :it th1· gas pumps S1ntl' l'arly Mu)'. when motorists 1n many Ca l1forn111 counl1~·s had lo :-.pt·nd more lQ u11 a q.hour 1n hm· w;11l 1111-: for g:isolt n1·, lines h <1v1· d\\ indlt·d l>Offi C'Wh<it throughout the slute E ne rgy Co01m1ssion , repeated their assessment or last ·week that gasoline s upplies would likely fall as short in June a s they did in May . "U you ask me will it <the situa - liO~\I improve to the e xte nt that Caltfornaans can r,.eturn to the ir former uninhibited . ·uncontrolled, un· disciplined driving patterns. I can 't foresee when that will occur. We will be living with the ~as shortage for soml' t ime. <'ertainly mo nths if not yt:ar s ... s aid Wa rre n . W..hilc Davis o.oled t.hf! Cfil's 'i pf'eding tickets far outnumber those in other :,talcs. he S<Atd there is room for improvement fir a lso s aid the adm inistration would i.cttlc for te mporary use "' r::ictar 1f the · Lcg1sl<1ture supportNI that. 727 Jetliner. SAN FllANnSCO IA P 1 J\ P:11•1fic· South\\e'i-.l /\1rl1ncl> Bot·ing 727 ll'tllnl·r l>ound for ltc no. Nev . m ad1• an emergency landini: <ifter one of 1t., -.1x tires dropµNI 3,000 f1·•·t to tl11· g round lollu\\ 1~ takl'off, authoritu·-. .. ;i 111 Th•· :11 rer ;1ll. ;1 ftt•r dumping fui I h;!ilout mt•a!.urt• for lm·al S!OvcrnmcnlS strapped hy Propns1t1on 1:1 lax 1·11ts as i.lah'd for a state As· ~embl r ,·otc to night <tftcr !>ailing through a key eomm1ttN.• Strangler Suspect 'Implicates' Cousin ON Tiit: R.\U.\R l~Sl.t:. Da \1:. .ind Warr1•n .. ;11d the l.!.1!> '>hortJl!t 1:1\ , • ., gr .. at.-1 Ul'f.!l'Ol'Y l(J t h•· 11n> poi.al \\h1ch 111 th1· p:1 .. l h:.i., lw• 11 kdlt-<l 1n :.~·Vt'r:tl lt"~t~la-l111n""l'SSSOn~. 1nelud1ru! this 11111 !Wr r tht' t•ac1ftr•ttrC'an1Wfl~lllffll'f'.".l1~=::::::==11 lm.111 , l:md1·d Monfl3y al ~an Fran Most of lht· mun<·y would go to schools and lo a pf'rmanl·nt s l<ilc takc.:ovt·r of moc;t t·ounty wf'lfan· <'O!>ts Rut other local govcrnm<'nt~ would twnef1t hy a p<ir1 1al rl'<h~t r1but1on of riropcrty taxe:. away I rom the sch0<1b AH8 hy Ai-.i-Pmblyman Leroy Green<'. lJ SacramC'n"'· \\Oulcl arrcct a ll but a handful f)f California s fl.000 local government ;,iizencies. from tiny liltn.iry :111<1 m11squ1tu <tltatem<•nl d1stn<:b Lo h1llt0n-dollar counties ltledaanol l 11e Bac krd SACRAMENTO tAP l California m oton'>ts I.OS ANGELF.S <AP\ The cousin or Kc•nnl'lh 1\ l\it1n<·h1 , a<·<'Ul>t·d of fl\,. lldb1l11• Strnnglt·r c:1s1·"· ha!'. hl'<·n 1mµl ic·:.it(•d t.y ·s t1•\ c· Waiki s a!> an aN·ornpl11·1· 111 '>Om .. or thl' a l- leged murders h~ "Wlflker" -thl' pt•rsonalt l\ that p i.yehof1,g1st:. .. ay R1anch1 ~1i-.surnc•., untll'r h ypnos is . the l,(1S Angclt>S T1m1•" n •ported toduy Thi• m·w~p :q11·r r1•p1ir·tl·d that W;ilkt•r. lhl· .1,.!J:r1·:.i-.1vt'. rauc·uu:. p1·ri-.n11a!ity who ltr:11•<, .11Jout the kill 111~ ... whl·n llta11d 11 1:. nyp11ut1zed. !><tld l11 ~1rwhi ·s col1:-.1n Ang1•lo lluon11 had thl' 1t!"a for lhl· ni ur<kri-., hut that "\\'alkl•r" kille d lhc fir'>t girl. with th1• tous111i-. t ak1nl! turns ;iflcr that Rl"T STATE LAW ... ay:-. thut without turrob0rat1ng t•\01d1>m·1· no l'll.trl{t•:. t·an lw fa led ;,igain ... t Uuooo on I lit• un!>upµorll·d :-tatemt·nl:. 1if <in :.ii kJ,!l'd c·ot·oni-.pir<itor · Stcvt·" :1rpan·ntl) .., a\\are ot Kl·n11eth. and refer:. tiJ Bwncha ~~ a weakling who des1·rV<•"> lfl b.• 10 lrol1 lilt·. say~ a Jli-..' 1'111d1ig1-;l \\ho t·x .in11n<'<I B1.1m.·h1 1 lowe\('r. prost•t ulor:-. s ay \hl'Y an· s usp1c1uu.., t Ila( Bianchi. who h<Ai. dah blelf in pi-~ t:huloi;:y. m i ~ht haw in \'l'nlcd "Stl·vc· WalkN" <is a possihll· cll'fensc· 1f h1· was t aught The C llP Jntl thC' llr11 \\n .id m in1str;111nn h .• , •. argu•·d 1h.1l r:1tl:1r would lu·lp lh•·rn control l>p•·•·,11-r'> mon· 1·1 !1·1·1" .. I\ li ut lt·J!.-.1.it '" i. ..... h.1v1· qu1·i-.t111n1·1l 11:. a1·1·urdl'V anrl '!11 g Hrr1th1·r ;1..,pe<·l "' rnng lc,ht,~ ing In I ruckt·r'> has ;1 ll>•1 t·unl nh11t1·d to thl· propo:-.al'!> dcf<:al 1·1:.eo lnu•rnat10n.1I i.\•f'IJOrt w1thou1 1nt·1tfrnt ;i., 11 :1'>h 1·n·wi-. l1n1'<l ,, runway Tht·n · were no reports <A 111 1uri1•<, among th•• 1 lfl pa:-.!>E'nger'> .tboard l'SA'" Flig ht 135. /\le>. Garv1•., a 11ultlit: affairs ol l1<·•·r 1n Los J\ngcll's for tht· Feder.ti '' 1.111on /\dmin1i-trat1nn. -;aatl the 111 1·1<11·nt would lw 1nv1·:.11gat1·rt ON TlllS LATEST mo''" :-·..-n.,11· I ht· int·1d1·nt lwgan wht•n the t1r1•., Pr<'SH!t-nt Pr'• 1 c·m .J.1111•., '111 1:. .,,11d nm :.ippan•ntly <·t1 m1· 11ff dunn~ tlw hi' la,on·d r.1d;1r for lh.-('llP liut wt., takt><1fl roll. ">:t lll c;ar v1 .... Th" thought th•· Jll'tlJ.Hl'>;_!I .. h1rnlrt go rim wa:. 'iµt11ll'd bv l!ight <·1int rolti·r-.. I hr1111gh lhl' norm a l l'omm1tt1·•· "h" rad1•u'(J ll11• pilot aft1•r dcµarturl' :-.y:.km lik1· p:i-;1 r ;sdJr bill'> .ti 'I Hli :i m /\:-.s(•mhly Sp1-.1kt'I' l.1·0 ~.l d 'drlh) Tl11· l1rt-. m1hui-. 11:. nm, stayPd rll said h<· '>Upporh put lln~ lh1· r;..d<..r ... 1d1· 1 h1 · a111·r;t11 \\ ht·n 1 he· p1h11 n .11i-•«I auth11r11allon 111 thc· bud µ••t llll> la nd1nj.! i'.Par . ;1 ddt•d (i;u·v1· W:srr'1•n, \\ho ''<ill·d •11 . .:a1nsl rud~r Wlwn hl' l<1w(•rt•il th(• gear <1ga1n 111 co uld use ~asohul or m ethunol m their cars aft er paying a ~:i fee. un<lcr a bill r lt·aring the As Sl'rnhly hy ;1 un.in1mc1us vott· Mond<.iy Gasohol 1s tyµ1 <:<A lly u combinal1on of lU per -..--_ccnl£Lhanol ai:irain-based alcoholr ;;.n<l 90 ~o(!~Ot j:!a solinc.:. Methanol is wood·b<Ased <Alcohol. Rl 'Ojll;O,·•H. KEt'USt:D to d1s<·us~ t!'I .\ REPORT to H1)1n1·h1'i-. d1• Yth t·n h1· \\;L.., .1 mt.•mlJtr of lh1· preparation t11r landing , th1· ttn· <Al' any aspects ot t hl' invest1gat1fln wh.cn f ~ n~C.J.!.lo r_n.c y u c Vl Hr c t.1~ ~ <:t1'1 f!Jrl)"' l.;•:l:)!..:?l~1l.1Jf.S e;,, llt-11 o(l ht' yarc nlly Cell out <.•<5nrYontcd at has Glt•na;.ilc uJ)hohlefY P!>Y <'hology proressor Dr. J ohn former t·nllt-~1µ.it·:-. to r~t·onsadt-r tn1·1r 1hl· :!:15-µouni tlfl· i-.mashL'<I into ;1 s hop. \\';,itkins s aid that R1anchi told of the . oµpos1t1on (·ernt·rNc t·urb 1n a 11·s1dl·ntial scctmn Roatwra~ht 's bill would allow the use or S tatt>mt•n ts hy thl.-28-yt•ar old a lleged murde r partner under hyp-.. r 1!1t h mond. making a m11sc like a m ethanol mixtures an cars that also t:omply with R1anch1 while under hypnosis have nosas. WARRE!': .\l>Dt:o that ( ald11r hnmh :1.., 1l ft'll. w1tn1·sst:<; said It Oc partmt!nt of Mot~ir Vehicle pollution control bct'n a rn<.1 1o r bai.as for c·ommcnts by n1ans could 1·\1.wtt :.ibout ~:1 l>N<·•·nl liounn •ct i5 f1 •1•t lll'for•· coming tr> s tandards District Allornt•y .Jo hn Va n De Kamp .. 'Steve" mC'nlJOned his a ccomphct' "of Jum· i-. ni·1·1! for k;.1 .. flhnt· ,.,>rn rt"·I • a nd Los AnA<'les l'olt t f' C.:h1C'f Daryl tn tht• l..ol> AngC'l<·s murders. \\hllm 11[1rt·c1 to :1 n.it111nw1tl1 .i\lragl' •• r o rw man 14..sh·rtnl! h1'i l..swn a ft.:11 (anal Bill llPjP«-IPd Gates lhat they 5uspN't the ruggC'dly he later identified as An gelo Buono ;_1bout W-J rx·n·1·n1 lt·t!t away wai-. unhurt and a1rhnc ol . handsom e Buon o. the T imes re· giving his address a nd place of Dav'1s. Warr e n and Richa rd llt1al'i wen• on the scene almost 1m SAC.RAMENTO 1A P 1 Gov. Edmund Brown -ported. work." Watkins said tnh1s report Ma ull1n . <'h:.i1rm a n ,,f tht' ~tall-' nll'dtat el~ to<·a rtth••tireaway . . Ir · s up a n<l d own ram p<A1 g n-t Q u 1 Id the --=------------::-----------------------------------------;__ _______ _:_ __ _ Pc nphcr:il l'anal 1s in trouble agam . but one • his c. _£· ./•- alhts thinks the latt>:.t obstacle can be-removed. a.1a11na ISLAND A hill b~1<·k<•d by Rrown to auth~rize construe-• ....;_10 WEEKEND CRUISES t1on of the 4.l·m ilc waterway was reJected Monday / · ....-:: I plu~ daily c1'" & pm by the Sl·natc> Finacn cc Commattec on a 5·6 vote. t wQ short o f t he 7-vo tc majority needed for p.:i$~agc. - ~---======-------=-======:!::=====::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::~~~===~· Summa T., Sell Airwest? LOS ANGELES <A P > The parent company o( ,11\)ghes /\irwest.-the S um ma· Corp .. would llkl· to sell the <iirlme. a n official o f the ;.11r car ricr say:-.. llughcs Airwes t staff v1ec prcs1tlt'nt .John G. Carls on said Mond ay that Summa. own<.·r or 7~ p er cent of the airlin<'. <.1 nd thl' t's tatt· ol Howard Hughes, which holds the othe r 22 pe r- cent. "have been con s ide ring the possibility of a di5po5il lon o f the a irline." B U T , S AID Carlson. "no n egolia·j lions a rc unde r way." Howard Hu g h es bou~ht the air line in 1970. two years afler it w as crcatl'd h y the ~r gc r o f Pa ci f ic. Bonanza and West Coast air lines. A SUMMA CORP. spokesman in Las Vegas· said the compa ny's in- veatment bankers have been "uked to be1in an inveatiaatlon o r the feaalblllty" or sellln1 Hu1bel Alrwest. The alrllne operates 48 aircraft on routes in the western Unlled States. Canada and Mexico. Study OK'd FRESNO CA P> Witb one dlasent1n1 vote, Freano Unified Sebool diatrtct tnlltttt have Miit 'the it.ta aa· HraDC91 t111t the di•· ~~c:.:.n:~=· Uoa. ' FatherNDay is -June 17th • •• if Dad lives out or town SELECT A FOOD GIFT PAK TODAY We'll send it for you! T~sSpread 1 lb BEEF STICK"9 s.,,,_., :.au.age. 12 01 Mold Mtd91t lon9h0tn, 501. Smoky ChteMt a. •. 7 01. Pl••n Coum. 7~ ot. Belle Fleu•. 8 01. Ed1m Stodt, plu• Stoawbomy BoohGO\ 18 98 "Yl IUltlnlffd deli•ff1 Clllr .. of \l'IOPfd Phone Orders Accepted . . • Order Now • . . 642·4302 See this and ~other gift paks on display at. .. Hiclco1r1 fGrlliU WESTCLIFF PLAZA 11'11 A Im. N.8. ta-ten •·Wll7;fttirUit;lll&llt: .. UIS 0 1 mnnt" FASIDON ISLAND Ne-r.:;t Beada .. H• •· tlt;W.• .... IJ.I -- MO LONG SUITS I 8ll'Ol'JCOATS • lOtfO '°91nY flEO '°""' y '"°"' . '°"nv lOtfO •Ht *" ..... ..... •H1 .. H ........ " .. ...., ........ .., .. TOMAHCE 20t34 ...-1110tne Blw<I UMIOO GU.NDALE 'AIHION ctNTP H4t11 10 Aoo.n.ori~ 347.0Mt 1 I : I I t fUl.LERTOH 0<dnge1 .. , M<1ll '7H1t2 IWIQIOE lo!19 R1v111s1Ckl J'l11.'<1 612·3150 -j t ' ~· LOS ANGELES 3•0 II ::.011n11 521>S2Sl MOHTCLAIA PLAZA Nt••l ll)(il (; ~ M.i•I 621-7973 "the look IS YOU ' ' J]~[~~ Il7l~:w . .. r1s1rv1d lar DAD Qiana· nyb1 So Ii 1xur 1nui; ye 11 JO r 1{ •ver· •,,u<.JJ< '< I ii\ f)I rlCll(cll Spire gives you th is elegant easy care, wrinkle resistant beauty in a host of exciting colors ... copper. grey, tan, red, white, blu~. brown & yellow. 28. In sizes to fit that Big & Tall man. ·Ou Pon I 1eg1~ll'lf"{I lfdOuma1k M••• t~so<t • rovr Of>t llOP •llopp.n11 l!UdQu41llf1~ '°' ,,.. 8'11 • '"' "''" lft•I • SOUTH,COAST P\.AZA Siln11t AM ""·" 111<> Tu1.1-,u1~ 556-2570 OflA~AOA AtllS U/llll<>!l .11 Ot•.oo$n• ... lt0-227S --~II OllOO >110 llo••"•"' dl 7311 I 1·· .... ------··-~-.#- • J .49 DAILY PILOT Tueeday. Junes. ttn NATION /WORLD Building Heat Limits Proposed in Emergency .,. - WAStflNGTClN I A Pl Thti 11avo anct>tamu~ W ,000390.000bar Dt•partnu·n( or 'Enl'rgy propost'<l reJ( rclis or oil u tluy clu1'l11~ un ac·ute rutil ulutlons to limit healint( un<.t <'OOhn" shortl.lattl Ot'"pTIVltC. non rutdf'nt1a1 bultdlnR.---·The prt'11adFrit m u~t determine a If Prl"ll<knt ("art..r should deC'lare 1m -,c·ven· c·rwr.iy "upply inh.•rruptlon ex· en..,rtty t'nwr~t>nry 1~l b tu put th•• thl·rmostat·('Ontrol About fa ,. m1 lhon butldin~s would pluu into dft·ct be s ubject to lht• 're<111irt•mt'nls , hut lht'rC wovlct bl' 1•:Hept1ons for h11i.r.1t a 1i. und otht·r ht•u lt'tl run· hara 1t1l'5. lod1o:1n.is. t'lt•rrwntury unit nur~l'ry :-t·hools amt 1111 run· c·c•nll'P• und hutld1ngi. \\Ith rontt·nt1' re<1u1r111i.: controll1'<1 env1ronm1•nl<1I lond1t1011., STl\Tt:s WITH SIMli.i\R phrn)> of thf'tr own C'oulrt b<' exl'mptcd fTolll the ft>dc•rul prol(rum Ttw rt>gulut 1011~ provide detail~ lw a plan ~1ropo:-1'<I hr ('artt-r and itJJ prvvt•d hy <'1'11gn •)>:. 0 11 M<t}' 10 1c1 One Burned n· AC"rl\'A1'9':1), TH E pla n would 1111111 hl't•tini< tu 1111 l11 gher th1m 65 111·~ 1'1•1•i. 1-'ahrl'flhl'll . u 1 r cond1t1onini< 111 no l11w1•1 than HO lll·~rCl'S , and hot .,. utt'r to nu 111m 1• lhd11 1115 dcgrct:!. O" 1wr)> of hutlll1ni.:~ covered by the r1•gulul100)> woulll be re1.pon:.able ror complY.Jng Lo<"al authont1cs would l.>c cxP..;l'tcd lo help monitor com plt ant·t·. amt 'iolJto1::. would bti s ub Jt'l'l to hnc.·::. ri111g1ng a::. high a i. "10,000 India Women Flay. Dowries NEW Ut:l.lll, ln!11a •AP \ Indian women leartcrs have slarl1•d campaii:nmg against the o ul· lawed dowry systf'm, a tradition still practiced hen · despite charges 11 res ults m the murder of hundreds of young gir ls annually by d1ssatish cd husbands and in-laws . ··Women af"e'notfOT"bumim;.~tra~501fi · m - ons l r ators outside (he home or a New Delhi family accused of fatally bumsng a young bride. ··Federal ~rkin -. ottBeach ·r•~ fi'Wff!~ T he wome.n's tea m , Anglican Angels 11efl > batte r the men's tea m . th e Walnut Tree Fairies. to r e- tain the .world c ustard pi e throwing title at Cos h eat h England . THE FAMILY REt'USED TO come out and talk lo the protesters. Satpal Singh and Tarvinde r Kaur were mar· ried an December. In the trad1t1 on or Indian fam1llt's, the 24-ycar.old bride moved into the home of her husband's parents now open. e of .. She told the police just before she died two weeks ago she was watching television when her mother m-hiw crept UJ> be hind her and doused her with kcro:.cnc and hn si~Ler-in-law set her ablaze. Th(' M'rN1 m1ng wom:rn. her sari m fla mes. rus hed nut o f th(' room and <"Oll:.ipsed Ne ighbor s .. molhl•n•d the· flamt•s with a hlanket and her 1n 1;1ws took her 10.:i hospital where she died POLICE SA ID TARVINOF.R ACCUSF.O her in-laws of hurn1ng her because they-didn't conside r hl'f dowry adl'quaH• She said she had been s ub- t<.·clt•d lo Wl'l'h of "threats, abuse and torture ... • ces-in 1979. Singh 's fom1ly dl·n1ed the charges and s aid Tarvandcr was not w:.itchang telcv1s 1on but wa!> cook mg whe n he r sari caught fire. Tar vindt·r ·s parents had given the bride· groom the N1u1v:1lc nt of S2,500 m cash. a motor ... eootcr , a l<·h·v1!'>1on ~et , a refrigerator and gold JeWt•lry. The polu·c !'>aid the dead girl's family re - µo rtcd Singh 's-parcnls demanded mC'rc . Pohc·f• are investigating and have not m ade :.in} :.i rrc~t!'> "Hundn·ds of young .girls arc burned o r bcutcn to death evt·r yc:.ir hy the:1r hus bands a nd mothl·rs-in-law ovt.·r ttre issue or dowrv, .. s aid Suman Krishna Kant. htwd or the Wo me n's Grievance:. Soc iety JN AN INTERVIEW. SHE CLr\IMED the number-of women burned to "dcath"inl'he4ndi~n capital mcre:.iscd m three years . The 1975 figure of :j50 had douhlC'd by 1978. She arknowledged that some dcaths were gen- uine m·c1dcnts. Rut she claimed the most com· mon explanation ~ven by in.Jaws is t he one thj! Singhs gave the bride 's s ari. the traditional over-garment of flowing veil. caught fire while she was cooking. _ Although banned by law, the dowry system still is widely practiced with the bride's family giving cash and gifts lo the groom and his family. The a mount a bridegroom can get varies from .. a rea to area.and depend s on h1!> «1ualific~ions. job and family status "AN ENGINEER Wml A degree from a n American university may he worth as-much as ~50.000 but a graduate from an Indian college may have lo be content with $2,000," Mrs. Kant said. The a nti-dowry la w is "Oabby (#nd spineless," s he C'Ontinued. The maximum penalty for de ma nd- ing a dowry is six months in jail and a $625 fine. She wants this raised to five years in prison and $1.250 fine, and wa nts a declaration of wedding gifts required on ta>. returns. , Prime Minister Morarji Oesai's government says it is considering strengthening the law and has barred pubhc servants from "accepting, tak- ing or abettin~ dowry.'· Bari-kiri With Blast TOKYO <AP> -A rightist , d ressed in the t raditional garb for ceremonial hara-kiri, forsook the sword and opted for a shotgun, committing s uicide to advance his views, police said . Police said Shoji Kageyama, 68, head of the 40-year-old Daito-J uku organization which stresses reverence of the imperial line, died from wounds to the chest after pulling the trigger of the gun with his toes Kageyama left a note calling for the passage of a law before the Japanese diet c Parliament> which would gave legal recognition to the ancient system ol dating based on imperial reigns. ..: --' . ,, NEWPORT BEACH-4 Corporate Plaza, Coa!tt Highway !touthofNcWport Cl·ntcr Drive, (714) 644·7255. Other offices throughout California in Ilcvcrly Hill~. Encino, H ollywood, lnglcwoo<l, La Canada flinrrid~c. La Habra, Los Angeles, Marina dd Rey, NorthriJgl', Orange, Panorama City, Seal Bcal:h, Torrann.-. U pland, Burlin~amt.>, Los Gatos, San Bruno, San Jose, Sararo~a , Stanford, and future offices in ~ti i.i-io n Vi'-•jo .ind Sant a Mo nica. WESTERN FEDERAL SAVINGS FREE! Just publisheds "Favorite American Wines & How to Enjoy Them!' hard cover book by Better Homes and Gardens. Good while supply lasts. ·. - all the WlJY to the bank. Yeah, the' savtng gas money, parking money a lot of wear-and-tear on the car. So the way to save gos? Rlde th1 • . -... ----~ ---......,.............. ... . ~- . '· -· .... _. . ... . .. -.. .. . T~. June 5. 1979 DAIL y PtlOT A ~nti:smOtting 4d PWa Rejected Punch WASHINGTON cAP ) _'[Qbatco company exect1laves are thumbing • t._if' _... at a dlallenae ft1>111 t1"!1 federal aovermMnt • ~o a tteatth of Ootal to •ad MO millk>n to 'n· cou.r ... childl"t'n· not to 1mok• Tbe .auiJo< .cla.uetl~ m_akm m tl taln ll*r S80C> million advertlt1lng a nd promotion bud1tet8 are not directed at chlldrt•n and ct<l not 1n flu•nce younute r:; der~1onb to s moke MSAl.TH . E D ('ATION and Wel(are Set'retar y J OS<'Vh I\ Califano Jr . in 1n /\pr1I 2tl SfX"t.'Ch ln San Franclsro. rha llf'n~ed t•1.:1trf!llt! muke~ "lo put bOme of tht>1r ad ve rtsssn~ doll ar~ wht•rt' the11 cor LM>ratt' r~et.oru· 1!> He s~gestt·d thut the rnm1m111t·b spend 10 1~rc·en1 of their ad bud~to:t.>. on a campaign to urgt> eh1ld r<'n not t11 .- Goel Corrrrtrd D EAR PAT · I ordered 1>11 m c "Goop" for a Mattel Thing Mahr more than thrt.·c months ago. and my check was cashed promptly I've written a~lettcr to Mallet asking for m y order to be filled or u refund , hut I can 't get any cinswcr. I.fl . Costa Mc!>a Get ready to make the things or Witnesses Got Full Impact Of Execution TALLAHASSEE. t'la. <AP I Florida State P rison Superintendent David Rrierton says there was no at· tempt to minimize the impact of John A. Spenkelink 's execution on wi tnesses. which included several stat<' legislators. "That was not at all the intent ... Rrierton told The St. Peters buri! Tim•'S. "The intent was to fulC1ll tht- law the way 1t was written " THE NEWSPAPER reported in a copy right story that Spcnkelink-. ro.-merly of Ruena Park and who was e xecuted May 25, may not have not have gonetohis deathquietly. Brierton refused to discuss with The Times the events preceding Spenkclink's execution. bn\Oke and to wnm youna •'Omen of the danl(t•r iimoksng po:.es fo unbOrn ha bl ell Rf'ttpond lnl lo' lhll' C.Shlll~•· OM tob•<'<'Q .-ic~utlve, Lorillard ~i de n t C:urt1" II J udice. quoted • paua1e fro m the rcccnt St1r1eon c .. nc•ral 'Ii RtlJ)()rt on Smokint and tlullh that 1rnld. '"l'he influenceofthc m ua media m lht' 111 1t1~t1on of smok· Ing ut'' d1rht•ull to dt't.ermmc "MASH M•:DIA advcrta:un~ makci. un <•n1>y and temptm~ t,1rget. but tti. 111fluenct· 11> unccrt.1111, Judge wroll' C'a llfano "Evt•rymw, 1nl'lud1n g l..ordlard. u..i rt't'" th11t d11ldrt·n 'h11uld not i.mokt• llOWC \'l'r. 111 11,UI knowledMC . n<1body know~ why t·hildrt•n be~in tu hmokc , 1111'1ud111g t•x 1Jl?l•ts In the rit•ld, .. Jud~t' 1>81d A lthou~h I hl· JWH·rn ment :..u rvcy f.1 I ',_,r1flH• ,,, ''··'I I I l'u• '''"'I'• l'ut ,, '" ,f ,,,fllT11 jftrfUl/fltt •i'I ·'' ·''-I-' '''"''•N••'fJ , ~ ,,,,. ,,., flUlll• ,,, ''"'I t'f •• , •ii I'•' ~ ..... ., "'''' ;'""' •ll•• \IH1n I·• l '•d h""'' \I ' ·~' ,, •' ;1, • Hu•oi• f ,,u,,r /J111.IJ'f l'tlu' I' ti ff .. J I"" • !11 \ft ..u I \ lfJ,,,,, \ \ "'"'"' It U1·i .. ,, ,..,\ 1it+l1 I 1#1 ,,, •HI "•'t1•tl t•ut JJI*""•• j' Hh/1.1n1 ~ "' '' U• • •ior 1•1• 11t(Jlh•t 1lw ''mi, r 'ta.II'"'"'' .Jl.1111, 1 wl l'Wll'•• ti '•' ,,,,, ,.,.. 'H.-m(l.·1 .. am~.t I-. • •rt\Kl• ,, ti I tu • "' .m'l·•Vl"-01 .. U.n I~ r trf'f)I SondlJ111 your choice ateeause Mattel bas another pukagt• uf Goop on Its way to you. \'uur ordn bad hrtn rilled before, but apparently was lust in the ·mail. 8'-Sat•~. Rrrhr(.•k Dryrr DEAH PAT I JUst c·a lled the Cons umer Produt'l s_.fl·ty Com mission to find out tf my hair dryer 11> among those conlainin~ a!>hestos It wasn't on lhl· list,.,hul <:an I be s un· 1 L s not dangerou~ .. N W , Santa Ana :\ CSPC spokesma n says the hair dryer list is beinK updatMI approx· imately eve ry two weeks due to con· tinuing investigation of all b.-ands on- tbe market. A JM'riodic recheck with C P SC by phoning toll free <800 > 538·8326 is the only way to make sure tbe hair d ryer you h ave doesn't con-. lain asbestos. Binrr Loan11 DEAR READERS: The California Public UtiUtiesCommissionhas raisf'd. to U,000 the maximum loan Southern ('allfomia F.di~on may make to a customer for insulating hi!> home. The program. in t•rfecl for about a yea.-, calls for an M percent interest bearing loan with no mom•y down and up to 60 months to pay. The pre· vious maximum autho.-ized was S500. In asking for the bighe.-maximum, Edison said that costs or insulation have increased 30 p ercent since March 1977, when the utility first sub· milted its proposal fo.-the program under a .PUC directive. Further in· crea ses are anticipated by the utility When a venetian blind on a large in Jane or JnJy. picture window separating the death cha m ber from a witness room was --El.._, Poer Sport raised immediate ly prior t o .. Spe nkclink 's execution. the inmate .. DE~R PAT;, ~.a~ you ~II me what . !ready was strapped in the death tenrus elbow 1:; :-and ho. a.new ten-a . ms player can avoid getting 1t·; _chair. ·-·· • • .J.T-. Costa Mesa Teniili elfiOw -irarts wfftl...-torii teft, don or ligament in the elbow that doesn't he al p.-opt>rly and then becomes inllamt>d and tender. Ways to prevent tennis elbow include ex· e rcisiag to build up the forearm muKle8; warming up before playing vig'>rotlS tennis -o.-any other ell· ercise or sport that requires forearm adio1t-t11lng a fairly light and nexl· ble racket, and bitting tbe ball pro· perly-4on't lead with the e lbow. T HE TIMES SAID several inmates .n the ·area o r thl· cell wht:re Spe nkelink s1>enl his letst huur~ re· ported hearing the 30-ycar·old con- victed murderer scream. "This is murder. This is murder... · The newspaper quoted the inmates as saying Spenkelink fo ught prison guards trying lo prepare him for the eJect.-ic chair. Pie ~yed Ag&lft Fired Man Gets 2ml Chance TRENTON, N.J . 1API Michael J . R osen berg. fire d from h is r estaurant job for eating a piece or pecan pie in the kitchen. was given a second chance to convince the state he s hould receive unemployment compensation. A New J ersey appeals court ruled that the state's decision to deny him jobless bepefits was based on insuffi. cient evidence. The state was or- dered lo hold another hearing. THE APPELLATE Division of Supe rior Court said it appeared Rosenberg's di,smissal may have been prompted by more than his eat- ing a single piece or pie. Rosenberg m ay have been fired because o r confl icts with his e mployer s over whethe r the restaurant manager properly proc- essed bjs medical bill for a job· related injury, the three·judge panel said. ~. a cook at tbe Ground Ro und Restaurant on Houle 17 m Hasbrouck Heights. was discharged l''cb. 18, 1978. after he violated a com· pany rule. THE RF.STAURANT HAD a big sign over the refrigerator prohibiting employees from eating pies or other ctesserts. The stale Board of Review a nd the Appe al Tribunal ruled Rosenberg was ine ligible for unemployment compensation because he violated a company rule. The Appellate Divis ion said it hesitated to pin a "badge of miscon· duct " on Rosenberg because or the "s parse and inadequate record " before the hearing panels. "In our view, the interests of justice require that a further hearing be held before the Appeal Tribunal or the Board of Review. whtch would more fully explore the reasons for the discharge,·' the Appe llate Division said. relcaffd April 26 showed the percen· ta1re of teen-age smoHn had-ftl since 1974 rrom 16 percent to l2 per· cent, Cautano aaid Uwre were-1.7 nillllon airls and L8 million boys f)elWQen 12 and 18 who were regular smok'ers. Raymond·J . Mulligan, president of t he Liggett Group. r esponded to Califano that il s hould be left to mothers a nd r~thers to use "their own free will ln discouraging their children f[om~ s tarting to smoke or continuµtg smoking." MULLIGAN ADDED THAT gov · crnment intrusion would only en· cour age ma ny young lo do "t he very opposite of tha t which the gov~rn ment advocates " Mullil{an said the indus try docs not try to encourage anyone under 21 to smoke · In another rejoinder, the Tobacco Institute. the induRtry 's lobb~lng and publicity-Jtroup, said Uie .cigarette makers stopped advertising in col- lege. new11paper1 in 1963 ~nd adoptt-d an ad code in · 1965 lo st.op using models unde r 25. George Weissman, chairman or the board of Philip Morris Inc .. told Califano he has seen little evidence that anti-smoking ads are effecti ve. "THERE APPEARS TO us to be no reasonable basis ror be lieving that a s pecial CaQ'lpaign by the tobacco industry aimed a t teen -agers and children is likely to dissuade those in· cl i ned t o do so from smoking cigarettes." Weissman wrote Califano contends that s moking is "a powerful habit orten taken up by uns uspecting <.•hildren. lured by seductivl' multim ill100-dollar ad vertising campaigns. · • Las Vegas. 30%off. • 1919. Pooch Putllt llO "To us and <?Jl' firm resolve to solve oor Uttle drmkmg problem." one-way including tax to Las Vegas. On HUghes .A:irwest. No lower unrestricted fare available. Every coach seat. Every flight. With gasoline pnces so high-and with supphes so short and Imes so long -flying to Las Vegas now makes more sense than ever. Especially whe n you can fly for 30% of1 on Hughes Auwest. And when you can leave from whichever auport m the L.A. area is most converuent for you: Bwbank, Ontario, or Orange County. Burbank. The most non-stops every day Leave Burbank . Arrive Las VB!fjS --8: 15 a. m..--=9:0 Ll...m,_ndii.-stop • AniveBuroank 10:01 a.m. non-stop l 10:55 a. m. 11 :4 l a. m. non-stop 2:30 p.m. 3: 18 p.m. non-stop L ea.ve "Las Vegas 9:10a.m 3·50 p.m. 730pm 4·4 l-p:nt: non-stov----=--=::m 8:2 l p. m. non-stop 6:40 p.m. 7:28 p.m. non-stop Ontario. The most non-stops every day. Leave Ontario Arrive Las Vegas Leave Las Vegas 7:00a.m. 7:44 a.m. non-stop 8: 15 a.m. 9:30a.m. 10:14a.m. non-stop 2:10p.m 3:15p.m. 3:59p.m.non-stop 7:50p.m. Orange County. The most non-stops e very day. Leave Orange County· Arrive.Las Vegas Leave Las Vegas 7: 15 a. m. 8:02 a. m. non-st~p I 0:00 a. m l2:10p.m. 1:05p.m.non-stop l2:15 p.m 12:45 p.m. I :36 p.m. non-stop l ·35 p.m. 6:10p.m. 7:00p.m.non-stop 2:55 p.m. 6:40p.m 7:30p.m.non-stop 8:50p.m 9:35p.m. Arrive Ontario 9:0 1 a.m. non-stop 2·54 p.m. non-stop 8·34 p. m. non-stop . Arrive Orange~ounty 10:52 a: m. non-stop l :09 p. m. non-stop 2:30 Rm. non-stop 3 :50 p. m. non-stop 9·39 p. m. non-stop l 0:24 p. m. non-stop lust call d Travel Agenl,your Corporate Travel A rrdllger, or Hughes Auwest at: Hollywood S.1111.1 Moi11<•1 C1Jv1·1 City ~~· ,. +ftl lid Los ArnJeles • lntorn.itional lr•l~""'"' I Cnmpl"n IJu1 ·n ii 'Jl Y I-iii• 11 1: l,.tlt••WoOO f'\.--•land 'A --L T.111.in(,. ..., .... ..,,. /n.rlCUlOUTI Lurtq Fl.'d< h ~;,111lt1 /\11.1 ORANGE COUNTY I lun11r1Q100 .AIRPORT &'d<:h Irvin" r • LosAngeles (213)772-5100 Ontano (714)986-6724 Burbank (213)247-8333 OrangcCounty (714)540-2060 -....... ·-· ....... ,... ....... -.. -' .. -.. ... .....,.....,.., ... • .... tu Orange Coast Daily Pilot Editor.IOI Pge ---------------------------------------------- TUMday. June 5. 1919 T~\ Keevll/EdUor Bar~a Kreiblch/Ed1torl•I P~ Editor '9'Wlge-ScreeJiing a uable It hos bet!n ru~1omary, hut not mandatory. l'o r Californiaj<>vernot"' lO~---<'k th~ ctdv1cc of lhl' :.lull' har wtwn makintcJudicial u1lpo1nlment.s H Orange ounty 1 o ny example . •he 1oh or cret>nang candidates for J Udge ha~ done by lhl' MUlt· bar ' 'om m1st1lon on Judi<'aa l Nommees E .t1u11lwn ha'> bt•l·n l horou"h and cHcct 1' <' Workinac with lorHI lawycl'l'l. lh1· c·omm11tslc>n 1s m 1.1 Pt>Sltaon to ch<'Ck o ut each nommt'\'" nack~round ancl •1ualafic-ations anc1 11 hud llppl~ rart'ly ~(·1 !-b y Additional I}. the• st·ret~n111~ µroc·t.·:-.~ help~ '"'<>Ill ttw taint of undut· l>OltlltUI tnflUl'lll'<.' UI u ppo1ntml'nh to ltll' liNWh nut tht? ordt•rh· proc·t'"" 1an into tl uublt· ''hen l.t Gov. Makt• Curb took 1t upon h1m~l'lf l o af'1J0111t u JU<.l~t '' hl·n Cov Bro '.' 11 "~:.out of the st~ \' Bi O\\ n hJd ha:, uwn cundldalt• an muuJ ~nd ~m0ved H/"' 11 htlr .h\ tht· nomma l ion That daspul•' 1s sl1ll t~1ng ~ortt•d nut • llowt'v<'r 1t ctut n •vl'al that Brown h.tCI fodl·d lo fill ~omt.· 35 1ud1t·wl va<«tnt•acs. u nHtllcr B nJ\\ll p1'nt1H~cd 10 lukt• {'iJl'c. of Lt-t or·t.· h1b rll'Xt dt-(Jarturt Hut he 'd 0 11 ly mana~Nl 18 appoinlmt>nts IJdorc· rcalmng hti d run out or JWml'S of candidates a lready scretned by the bar ussocw . t1on C;tt his request. Ttus ra1M·d lht• un,·omfortable possibility that the µovcrnor or the lieute nant governo r might be te mpted to make some hasty appo antmf'nts tha t t ould be re~retted later. s ince Brown appartmtly plan!:> a number of out-of. Mat~ trips this year Assembly Speaker Ll'O T. McCarthy now has in- troducl'd lt•g 1sl(:lt1on that would m ake n·v11.:w by the stale har a m a ndato ry part of the .1udk1al a ppointment process -no mattl!r which of lht• two lop state officers. m akes a nominalion. T his i s a good 1d(·a Some such rcl1ui r<'mcnt is necessary 1f we an.· to be a::.surNI that lht· s1·rl•t•ning pro cess will be m a inta ined. rcgardlc~~ o t gub(•rnato n al whims. Taxpayer Gypped? As governme nt g rows more costly and more cum- bersome. the e mba ttled taxpayer has increasing reason to s uspect he 's not getting hlS money's worth. Corruption a nd coverups still s till cas t shadows in h i~h places . An obese bureaucracy grows more letha r g ic. Vast governme nt agencies seem ancapa nlt: of doing the Jobs they were create d to do Vt1s t corporations seem to h(' puttan~ dol lar!:> ahe ad of l'lhu·s -whill' gove rnrnc·nt looks the olht.>r wav T h<' Nudr~1r Hcgulatory Comm1~s1on rcsi>onds to th<: Thr('(• Mite Is la nd c<.itastroph c with aston1 shml·nt a nd r un fus ion <;ovl'rnment app<.><irs impote nt when it comes to cn- t11rc:ing fue l alloc <JL.ions a nd prict· control!-. -o r c.·\ en find- ing out what, if anything, the <imnipotcnt oal <:ompanaes an• up to It lakps a trag1t· plan • cra~h and the lo~~ of 274 inno. n :nl ,,.•oph.' l o :,p ur lhl' fedcr:.JI Aviation Adminis tration t o v rd 'r 1nspt·ctions of potentially defective aircraft. The FAA had been bu.'>y trying to determine 1f l1ttll• .11rports like Orang<.• County's wen.• guilty of d1sc nmma- Uon hy not admitting more airlines to their c rowded 1'1clds. Yet "problems" were found in 37 of the first 51 planes inspected undt·r FAA s upe rvision. So now we learn 1 hut inspections will be required every JO da ys instead of annually ' • The naive C'it1zcn hai-. b •(·n trc.11nt·d. t:Vt·n urged . 10 huy mor t· cars and mor<.· g~1solirH: and pour t axt·~ into vtt:-rl -htj~hwtt.Y-~~em~ ttnd acc>c.-pt nuclc>a r powt-r <Hl<l l<in~-d istance <:1v1alion as a w ay of llf e. N11w he is blamed for using the car~ :.i nd buym~ the gas and told he can 't ha ve any more highways and wo n dcr!i how much h e 's risking his neck 1f he gets off thf' ground or builds more nuclear plants And fo r a ll this fine ~crv1ce hP payi, and pays. Perhaps Ba rnum s<iid it all. Pithy Prose Dept. As admirers of pithy prose and punchy pa rallels. we . were much impressed by Howard Jarvis' opening lines in · a ·s peech he gave •re~eqlly ~for~ Orange ·cciunty Town· flai l. •. J.an:is,. h<Jr.dly, known for. color in his la I ks,. started w ith these comments: . . .. "A billion se~onds a~o was P earl Harbor. A billion minutes ago Chris t was on earth. /\ billion years ago man had not yet appear ed on this planet. But a billion dolhirs a go was yesterday afternoon in Washington. D.C ... Pretty good, huh'! We thought it was good enough to warrant so me kind wor ds for Jarvis -or for his speech wrrtcr. Then someone in the office recalled hearin~ Ron a ld Reagan using exactly the s ame words in one of his spcPches a few vears back. So the kind words mus t go to Rea~an-or his speech write r . • Opinions expressed tn the. space above are those of the Dally P1101 Other vrews expressed on this page are those of their aulhors and artists. Reader comment is invited Address The Daily Pilot p o Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (71 4) 642·4321 Boyd I Paternity ByL.M.BOYD Consider men who admit in court that they've falhe'red children of unmarried t Dear Gloomy Gus Too bad the State Dept. dldn 't ask for my ad- vice when dealin& wlth Iran. I 1lways knew the money the shah p.ld tor buylnt our arms wouldn't do me 1ny. 1ood -but I sun knew Iran's oU would. DRY 401 .. lfty c;.t c:--• .;.. .... .......... ,.....,. .,__ ..... --. ..,, '~·-· .. ·-· .. ~'· ...... ~.co-. . mothers. Blood tests prove that one out of every five such men may be wrong. At least. such was the case in 67 legal judgmenu checked out by researchers. Of lhe 67, slx men positively weren't lhe fathers. Another six probably weren't. Yet all 12 unques- tioniqly admitted paternity. Worst thing you can do to a rur ·seal la put it out ·on tbe deck ol a ship at sea In the summer. Not only will It get painfully sunburned, but tt most probably wm get mll- erably seasick, too. That's tbelr Jonah, se1la -sunburn and seulckneas. You uy you've never be1rd ~ Capt. Jtllttbew Flla· den? An En1llab navl1ator WH be. H1atory lilta him 81 th• only man who alone named a continent . l;it:::::::S::::::::=:~----------""!'!""~~--=-~~Ueli~~ Jack Anderson U.S •. Lost fhanc-e. to C11~b ShHh:=--_ W ASlONCTON -li'l'Orn itttp· pn·si.1.>d se<:ret document.t;, the 11tory can now be told h ow U\e Nixon admini:Hra't1on let the i.hah or Iran gt t away with driv- 111.: uv 011 pr1ct ::o In less th11n a d•·radc, this haR revolutionized tht• <'e<>nonuc world and put Un· cit• S um an the position of asking ulm1 of ~he1ks and emirs. A I lht• center of the drama '>loo ct lfl'n r y K 1ssanger. the u r b .a 111• J nd will y fo11•1g n p 0 I I l' y \I rt U O~O O( t h l' N 1'<nn t' r.1 I n 1913!.I. 111• bt•).!.1n ~.1uc1 \ 1n g ht)\\ Ill tlt•ft•tt tl l ht• t: ~ '>l!.lkt• 1n tlw l't·r:-.1an (;u l f area . whose 011 fields pump lifeblood into the factories of America lie rej (-ckd a djrert A mencan r ole an the area and dt·c1dM.t llJ r('ly instu d upon a n·~1Cmal al hJllCe. Then the nited St:ltt:'> would provitlt• a rm!>' ft1 r thl·M• "forward rtl'ft•n'<,.. c·ounl rit•s .. 1-. the National St•t·u ril y ('01111<·11 '" forred tC1 lhN11 UY 1!.17:!. K1'>!-.llt1;t-r h<.td "\'lLll'tl upon tlw ~h.Jh a 1' t lw 1·h1l'f wo kl'lor of IJ S. ioti-1·1·sh rn llw l't•r,1;rn Cul( l\1 .. x1111•l'r d1 :-. rt.'~a rdHI ft war111 11g frt.,m Hw l't-nl:.i~on ·s Offt<'•· of lnt•·rniJ t 1011 :.il S{·t·unty Arfnir-. ;tlXJut Ilic• tn!t•rn;tl ..,tab1ltly of Iran And h1· 1 gnun·d m111 c-potr1h·d oh 1t·c·t1orh from Saudi Ar.1h1a. whu:-.1• rult•r' a lso fe ll lhl' ~hah was unstalil<· a_od unde>pc ndulil1· In J uly 1972. h 1s~.1fll.("r l'>'.Ut'd instrul'l lons t<1 gra nt Ltu· -.l1;1h unl1m1tl'cJ :..irms .. aJr·.., ;1 Iii.wk check to purd1..1s1· wh;it1·v1·r m lli lury h:.irdwL1n• ht• Y. a11lcd This <l•·llghtf'd l ht• '>hah who had g1 andtoi\t' d1 .. am., of rcl1uih11nJ,! tht> f'1·r.,1an ' mp11·1· <.ind ""rp.1·' in~ \\c:.t Gc1 m..111y uy U1l: ) ciJr 2000 M ll1t:1ry -. tlt·s qu1r·kly '>o:i11•d from llll' mlllto11s to the· ltlllwll'> anc1 urm:. l11·r::a n to µ011r inltJ Iran 111 sur h 11u:1nt1tws lh.Jt 1111· shah's forc<•s r uuldn't a::.s11111lttll' the m . T h11' hru us,:til ano11!1 r Y.arn1ng fr<1m lilt• Offw" of In ll'rnal1onal ~c unly Aff;urs Uwt the arms shipments to I ran '.\t•n · gl'lting out hf h:i11d. H u l I h e ~ h .1 h s d rt•;, m • had no oounds, ~hor1 of the n·\ Paul Hnrvf~Y enue to finance them. HiS in· satiable ambitions. Qf cporse. led lo his demand for higher oil prlcea. States a secret, Central JnlelUgence Agency summary. "THE LARGEST oil price an· crease in h.istory took effect on 1 January 1974. as a result of de- cisions m ade at the December m eeting of OPEC ministers in Tehran. The increase in the pos ted price -from $5.04 to ~l l 65 came about ·primarily through efforts of the shah l>f Iran. ·'The shah, in need of money fo r has d evelo pment a nd military pro~rarns. ari:ued that the p rice of o tl should rise be<'uuse lu I !>uch a move would 1mmediatc:ly impr ove the rcv- t•nuc. and balancc·of·paymenls pos1t1ons of OPEC members. lb) ~· 1 \\ \I ... very oil was being w11stcd by consum- ing counlriH at the prices then ·prevailing, and le> oil as a non- renewable resource tha t would soon run out.·· Out of Saudi Arabia. however. came nervous opposition to the p ric e increasti. Jn secret messages to Washin~ton. the . .;audis offered to block the price rise if~the Nixon adman1stralion would brin~ pressure on the shah to hold 011 prices down They pleaded that they couldn ·t s tand alone a~a 1nst thtar' fellow oil producers. But Nixon and Kissinger did nothing THE SAUDIS ~cumc 1ncrcas- in g I y w o rrie d about lht• economic consequences Tht:>y fear ed that the extorl1 onC1 ry prices would des tabilize the • • strudure." world ~nomy and upset their own statu1> quo. • .. Jn the spring or tn4.'' ~ C IA s ummary added, "the Saudis <again > slated that the price or 011 was Loo hi1b." But the CIA s uapect e d that the SaUdis merely wanted "to place tbe onus ol higb prices on the shah and to placate consuming countries." Al tbe Treasury Department. h oweve r . the n -Secretary William Simon was alarmed ovl'r oil prices. He Clew to Saudl Arabia an JuwJI 1974. to explore the Saudi orf'ir. The late King Faisal l'mphas1i ·d that the shah was the key to price stability. He promised not only to halt the price spiral but to force prices back down 1f tht• United Slat.es would u~ its influence with lhe shah to ~et his c90peration. Simon ea~er~ agreed to im- pn ·s:-. upon Nixrm how important 1l 1.1. a:. Lu c•nltst the shah 's sup- port. I n un1'1r 1pation that the l 'n1led !-it~1te!> would keep its cn<t 1>f 1 hC' ban~ain , the Saudis a<:· tually l:tnnounred that oil would be ~o!d at public aul'l1on . ECONOMISTS have told us this should have broken the bi.ir k of the 011 <'an.t·I Simon informed ~IS that ht• d l1'('USS('d thP pncc rollb<.tC'k with Sau<h vii m inister /\h m ed Zaki Yamani They -n~ret"<i tht-au~wn should push rnt pnce:-. l.H1r k down to S7 a bar- rel. S imon hurrie d back to W:.i shington und reported the S:i.ud1 offer to Nixon. Simon told tJ1' Nixon appc:Jred to go along. Ill' C'lttn<'ht•ct hrs fountain pen between his te<'lh . yanked off the <'ap and !'it:rihhlf'd a note lo h1m,f'lf on ;1 s r raJ) o f paper • !-.1 mo 11 unch>rstood this to mean that 1'1xon Wh ulrt c·on liJt'l lht- sh:.ih Bui no 1•11nt.1<·t v..1c.. inarl<· UI\ d!11'.'>111m·1I t hc• ~:rnth'> t·all c·d off 011• .1nn11111w1·d .1u1·111m l<<!r,.orl • d 1111 l 'l \ 'l<1 \'adh r.11"1•11 lh" 1i10 ... p••c·t 111 ·a Saudi 1111 :ml' 111!11 111 v.hll'h tlw 1·11m pitnw ·, \\•111ltl tw .tlltlwl'd ''' h1rt dc,v.n 1 h· 111·11·1• 111 .1 c·1·rt:11n porr 1011 ,,r 1111 ~ 1wl11111q1111 'I ht· 11t lJPh lout • ll ,11,1·l1t111 111·H ·r ntatcnah1.t'd Ttw r1·:1 ... 1111 wa:-. th:.i l N1'<11n .11111 l\1:-.!>1111:l·r 1w 111•r 1ntl'rvcn1•cl \\1lli lh•· :-.lt ;1h . Ori 1Jr1 ct•:o., mt•:inv.h1le. cun11nut:d to <:liml1 . --. Falling Space_lun,k's O~r Responsibility lit';.ivy. ht·.1vv h:tngs "' t•r thy hl'utl. It's g1;1ng lo n.11 0 iron' Thal labora tory wt· h.1v1• l111d orb1ttn~ in space for :.LX. Y~:Jrs. 85 tons of h:.irdwan· will <'Om" hurtling tow<.ird t.·arth within days. And NASA and NORAD hasten to assurt• you there as nothing to worry about: n obody on ea r th ha s ever been hit by s p a c e j unk .. Hu l while the ex- per.ts ,tell you not • lo, worry they do. Jl unks o f s pa c e .1un k fall b::ick 1010 thc· f':.trth'c; <•t mosph<>rc :it lhl' r:1tc flf m11rc• than onl' a cl ay hut this in bound Skvlah as d1fft'rc nl It wc1~hs 85 ton!> ll will breuk Charles McCabe up wht•n 11 1111.; tht• ('.lrth c; at m v .. phc•rt• intn -100 mayh.• ~1(1 p 1l'cc·:. wl111'11 will survrv1· n · c n l r y 1t n rl h 1 t l h c t· iJ r t h l>umcwflerl'. MANY Of' thosf· pieces wall weigh mo're thun 200 1>ounds. Al least one of tht•m , a metul ring that holds two sections together, weighs 5,000 pounds. Another piece. a vault for stor- ing film. weighs 4.000 pounds. And breaking up-bit by brt lhe bits will rain down along a track 4,000 miles long. Where'' The answer to that question may change between now and rci'nlry ,<lay but .tentative ly NAS A calculall'S lhat 1t will t ome down hctwcen l:Jlitudcs 50 degrees north ;md 50 degrees :.outh. Thal includtc·s a lot of OC('an I.Jut 11 also includes M oscow and London and Be rlin Tha t would appcur lo leave you in th1· d c·.Jr •·X<'l'P' l.<t !'>t Aprtl lfllr' ~PHI'• 1unk trar k<'rs pn"CJ11·1tod that ,, 1•1·rt.11n Sov 1t•l rod.t•t l.cunl·lwd in l!.l'il w o-u·+d-r "i" t tf·Nl o .... tt r l It !.Omt•when· rn !ht• south Atlan11t· off Africa. It ramP down inslt·:.id IO the north Pacrflr ore A l:.t~k<J SO FROM its bus(' in Colorado S prings the North AmerH'Cln Air Defense Comm and 1s ~111111? t•1 try harder to <int1('1 p:.il1• t he ET/\ :rnd des t ination for Skylah · Si mil arty : NASA i!-doing some computing on its own. And if there is nol any n •;tl fear anv rNll arnrn·tv and real official worrY. aht)ut your safety thcrt;· IS whut t h<• Wall Street Journ;:tl i:a ll -; !'Om,. "fingernail chewrni::" J.lOtn~ on Because sure ai. shout in· should somebody get hit und hurt by space Junk our pro- fessional sky watchcr~ would I ht 111..,•j\ l"• lw ltlll 11•d 11\ .ill ()Ill · I ,cgt•<I 1111·d1.1 . Th1·or 1'ltt'.1tl_,, l h1•r1· "'a t!rt•akr 1'11:uH·1• you will. g<-1. 1111 th~ mf'ft"Or than hy :t frai::nwnt 1•Jf ~kyl:Jh T hc ·rl' 1 ~ a m 111·h 1~r1•;tll·r t'han<·c yuu will he :-.lru1:k by lightning Y t't <l1sa~kr~ rt'sultmg f~ man m adt• ha z:.i rds bccom1• · po htit·al cvenb ." So NASA ;md -..onAU a nd lh<• F'<'df'ral l'rl'µa n •clnt•:o.:-. l\gt·m •y and th' l>t'p<1rtm1·nti-o l Defense. Stalt • .J nt..I .lu:-.t1<·1· ar~ all ho0ldin~ m~t · 1ngs on "What do we do if. . .''" Tiii: Pt:NTACiON alr<'adv hi.i~ ml'da·al and damai::'> as'scss .... m~·nt teams s t a ndmg hy , though lhl· 1•arltl'~t S k ylah is hkd y tu tl1s1111t·gr.1l<' and foll is .June 20. /\ 197:! tn·aty makes the owner or any ~pacccraft liable for any dam a i::e 1l causes a nywhere m the world In th1:. <'as<'. us. 'Whizzer' White's Press Vendetta in Full Swing Who wout"8 have thought it. wlw n .lc1hn F Kennedy made th<• somewhat fl:Jshy appointment lo the' Supr eme C'ourt Ill 1962? "Wh1Y.1e r" What<.•'' lfow White loathed that sobriquet. which has followed him to this day. ll was not mNcly that a jock had numcd :mother JOCk to the ha ~h l'OUrt Cert a in l y th t>r e wa ~ n ot hln J? w r ong with Whi t e 's crede ntial ~. They wcr<' a lm ost t oo J?ood l o be t r u c valedictorian or his class at the University of Colorado, a flhodes Scholarslup to study law ttt Oxford and graduation from Yale Law School ma,:tnu cum laude. Nof lo menlJon being named l o the Nu · tlonal Football llalt of Fame . Wh at was to surprise eve,.,.._ body was that, within a year , While had htabH1hed himself as a member ot the conservaU~ aide of tbe bench, votln1 re1· ularly agaln1t s uch historic · ata_as ultalon t" publtc I S<'hools, ract:1l integration and labor !>Lr1fo. On the famed "War - n ·n Court." White was con. s1st('ntly 1n the minority bloc of four in the great s 4 decisions of that lamt•. TllF. YEARS lfAVE done nothing to radicahzc Justice White Indeed, 17 years after h1s appointme nt. the former All· Amen can as known chie ny as the Javert of the American press. When a freedom of the press case is decided these days. • lawyers speak of the "While Court." For years now he has pursued our editors a nd publishers with the cold fury of the pursuer or Jean Valjcan. White's record as a loose con- structaonlsl or the First Amend· m e nt is e xtra o rdinary . Dec1alons bearing his name, and backed by four o r five or his fellow jufllsta. include the ronow- lng Cu-reaching changes in the status of reporters: l. Newap1permen are com· pelted to testify lo grind juries about information lrom con- fidential news sources. Tbls became· l1w ln two 1972 de- clalons lnvolvina Earl Caldwell, -then f)f tM°'HtrYWk 'Timer, and . ., Paul Branzburg or the L..ouuvalle Cou r&er·Journal 2. Reporters' notes. files. t apes. photo~r:1phs and other working mate rials arc made vulnerable to surprise search warra nt raids on ne ws rooms by polic~ seekin~ 1nformat1on on crimes. This c roi;ion ca mt• under the dec1s1on last June upholdin~ s uch a raid on the Stanford Do.Uy newspaper. 3. LAST MONTH. an perhaps the roughest or a ll the press de- cisions. journalists · thou11hts. o pinions, Judgments and n e wsroom discu ssions and ·'state of mind'' are thrown open to judicial inquiry in libel trials. The ruling required television producer Barry Lando to 1nswer such queauona in a libel suit brought by reUred Army Lieute- nant Colonel AnthOny Herbert over a 1973 "60 Minutes" pro- gram . White's rationale in his anU- presa crusade Is th1t the press has no right to be 1oy more privileged an instltuU011 that any oth~r citizen. "The ,rtdes." Justice White wrote In the Herbert·Lando opinion, "are ae- pticabte tcttfiir Pl'8I ed WoUlir .. defendants alike ... That am·t the way I see it. Nor as it the way a lot of people. both an the communications business and outside at. sec it. Nor. in my opinion as it what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the First Amendment. "Freedom or the press" in the eyes of the founders, really meant "freedom of the people to he full y and truthfully in- formed.'' ll was tbe .-lew ol the people who founded this country that It rould DOl survive witbout this fundamental principle. It la no accident th1t tbe First Amendmenl is the FIRST amendment. Curtailing the ability of the pres11 to fully and truthfully in· form is much more subvenlve of democracy thin even the ~ranted exCHsetit of some things that get into print. B y l e tlin i,t c ops into newsrooms, 11md submltUn1 re- porte r s to p syc h o log ical 8crut1ny by courts t meaning lawyers I. and forcin1 dlscloaure of confidenlia1 sources, the hi&h court, wilb Justice Wbite lead· log the pack, ii makln1 mi«hty bad law. Wonder what JFK would have lhougfit? - > 14-t --.-.. --·- CALIFORNIA I NATtON TOURIST LANDMARK IN AURAL MAINE Town• N•med for Foreign Cities World Tour It's All in a Name NORWAY. Maine <AP ) Would beJct·M.:llt·r~ who can·t afford itn around·the·world tour tha~ summ~r <•an ~et thc::ir fill or foreign place numes by prowlin~ the back roads o( rural Maan{' From Moscow. Madrid and Mexico to P aris. Poland <i nd Peru. the PinE' Trf't• State 1s a trC•i:i!.Urc trovt' of name::. t hat s mack of t•xot1<' an<J faraw;iy plHCt'S Tot·ar~~ CAN STOP i\T Nt\Pl.ES. P1tltor-m11. Sorrento. ~omc· C1nd Vl'rona without ~Ntmi.: foot 1n ltc.aly. Nor is at necessary lo convt•rt dolla rs tn rf1·ut~<·hl0 murk!. tw forl' ht·adrni.: off for Brt•mf'n. Un·.;dt'n <>r i''r:inkforl l\iorw<t)'. l>f'nmark . S wC'dl'n . Stockhol'm t.tnd New Sweden lt·nd a St'and1nav1an tout'h to tht• M a uw lan<lscHpt'. C hana a nd Canton have an Dnt•ntal O<ivo r; Athe n::. a nd Corinth maghl a ppl'al to stut.11.'nt::. of :rncat,nl Grt•et'e. i:lnd Lebanon a nd Jerusdlem seem (rc•sh off the hl'adlines <ibout the t ro11 b lt.'<.1 M add le Eas t A S MAl.I. Sl'ATE BY MOST standards. M ~unc mav wt·ll lt':td tht• nation m the number or towns wh;t·h dt•rived therr na mt"s from fore ign countrie~ or 1'llll·~ A lm1-:11ist1t's profe~sor who s tudied the 11r1gans nf M ;11rll' µI C1ce na mt'S say~ many towns wt•r•· in c<1rpornlnl in tht: early 19th Century. whe n 1l wa:,, fa~h111nahlt• to hotr<1w pl;WC' n:.a mt•!. rrom ah rnarl ·rtwn· w<i~ a µeriod bt:twc:cn lfU)(J to 1850 whc:n 11 "';,.... 1 ht• thing to do to name towns after l11rt•1gn places.·· sa ys Dr Phillip R Rutherford of lht• liniH·r:-.itv or Southc·rn Maint· /\ t r:m~pianted Texun who workl-cJ three years IO c·ompil<' "The Oirtmnar) of .~t aine P lace· Nam•·~.· Huthcrford ~uggt·~l~ that mnst of the nam1•s w1·rt· ~clecl<'d for n11 purtrrul<sr reasnn. l'Vt·n thoui.:h theories ha\ t· cropped up tu l'xplaan I ht• clcnva1111ns OTHER SOURCES SAY s t:TI'LERS in Mex · 1co <1nd l't'ru p1ckC'd thoM· numes to honor the s pirit or liberty in colonies that broke <iw<iy from Sp:rn\sh rule. &th towns got their nam1·s at the t1m~ of inde pendence. c In ~.{'a!!l2n, ~ t.Q_wn m_~y hav~ gott~n. 1~~ name rie·c~tu:,,t• so meone from <t particular p\;:1ct• 1n Euro~ had settled there. but. says Rutherford. .. f -• .. .. • • • • • .. • ··-...... __. - T~. JUN 5, 1979 DAIL\' PtLOT ,4. .Voters to Decide Herbicides ECOLOGY .J M r;Nl>OCI N'O 1 AP-r ·-In tb~ s h•dow of th4' (OJ'Hl. whuc lh.c ~~dwooda scntpe t he sky and the lumhurn)an hs king, they are holding un rlt-ct1on today The results m1ty t'h.,lf(~ tht" way rutwFe geneHhOl\8 or Now. she beau a citizens group. tr_.ci. 11mJ chalt.lren grow up. that succeeded in getting the spray. 'l'ht• vlul't-as Mendocino County. ing ban on the ballot. mll' ul NJturt' s masterpieces along "We are being made guinea pigs t ht'. C..:uh forniu co1tst Th~ issue Is while they study what happens to wht'th~r poison should be used to us." M~. Whaley says. "Although 111un:t i.: • ats fort>sts In the lace of we 've seen birth defects from spray· .crowrn~ c·cm1·1•rn that people are af· ing, the state has no r egistry of birth h•t•t1·1I by t•henHcal management. defects. So the chemical companies 1 ·r 1 s T 11 .: f' IR s T 11 me i n s ay they have no proof. T hey say it is «al1t u rn1a tht• M'cond le ading safe. but l ~n·t belie~,e it and that's I urn twr st,1\l' that the hattlt' over why l want at slopped. hl·rbac·adt·~ I!> un the ballot. If pas~cd. MENDOC INO COUNTY 1s ltit' urt.linanl'(' will ban acnal spray-~alirornia's second largest lumber· 111..: of lll'fo hants suc h <tS 2.4 D and ...,,roducing county. with 475 million 2 ·I .~ ·1 <·ont<11111nJ! dioxin. one of the board feet of wood harvested last rno:,,l lOXll· s ub!>t(jncc~ known It was y ear. creating a ~100 mllhon mdui.try ,, m1xturt' of 2.4·0 und ~.4.5·T that fro m 2"• mWion acres of forest. <·reatt>d A~t·nl Orange, a defoliant Companies like Masonite and used by thl' United States in. Viet· Georgia Pacific ma ke their biggest na m Its u:;e was banned th~re an 1970 money from towering redwoods and u11d ll as bl<1m ccl for a variety or alls Douglas fi rs. But h ardwoods such as from loss of memory lo birth defects oak and m adrone also grow here. and to <·anct'r the experts say they grow faster than F(.•h 28, tht• Environmental Protec· the more valuable woods. crowding I um t\gl'ncy ~u~pt-ndt'd th<'' spraying oui sunJight and taking up space. c•f 2.4.5 T on fo n•st:. and pastures in The easiest and most economical thl· \'mll·d State~. pending hearing method to thin the for ests . say on i.I pt-rmancnt ban But fear that lumber compa nie s. is ~pray ing tht• hcaran~~ wall dr<i~ on and the chemicals lik<" 2.4.5.-T to retard the l!·mpnrary han v. ill bt• lift.-d has growth of softwood amt kill 11ff un t•a us1·d pc:opl1• hkl· fkll) Lou Whuky "untc•d n·J.(c•tutiun In lake ar \1011 ~RS. WHAi.•:\· K~F.\\' little <ibtlut l'ht•ni1<"Hb until ~1x yc:<1r-. <1go wh~n :;hl· all' ~oml' lilul·IJ1:rr1t•s i.trowing n~.,,ar ht-1• home The ncxl tlay ,SbC found 11ul list·~ h<icl b1·1·n 11lcgully ... rra ~ 1·d w11 h a m1nu I na1.olC'. the· l'h1·n11 «al thal «~lllst•d :1 h ugt• cr;,in 11 .. , ... , rt•«a II .v (·;ar'> ;igo EARL'S • LUM•l"G • MEATl"G \ot•r W•ler ht .. h"t 8 U'f OP PON t~NTS S,\ \' ~u <:h s prays often drift over othc•r lanrl. gelling into the food c·hi:iin through a nimals eatin g tht• t.lyanl! hrush <ind into U1t• ~ater which gt'ls rnt<1 humun~ c.and causin~ rashes.'lJirth ddl'cts and even cunccr ·Tht.'rt' is no ind1 c:1t1on that th1· l1·vl'b. of dioxin s prnyed. <Jb<iut 10 m icrograms p.c r acre.. caus~ any hazard to huma ns a nd animals." said Jack War-ren ; a Dow Cbenucal herbicide specialist. So Dow is spending millions to de· fend its pr.oducts and discount un- ravorable findings and work like "The Politics of Poison." a television doc umentary by David Rabinovatch of San Francisco. RABINOVITCR FOCUSED on the town of Orleans. north of here in Humboldt County. the state's largest lum herinl( a rea a nd one where spray· ing had occurred. Between 1976 and 1978. of 33 wometl who had become p r e gnant. o nly 1 r had norma l . healthy bahics. The res t m1scarr1ed. aborted or had dead or deformed babies Similar re ports in Alsea. O re . wt·r c influential an tht-EPA i. !>U~· pt'nsaon of 2.4.5-T In the Arkansas Oza rks. anamab died and gave birth to deformed off s prang. after an accidental spraying over a farm a rea. One farm owner '" wife first went blind and then died of cancer. In Denny. c.ino ther Humboldt com muf)1ty. two wo men an· swng Dow and others. bl<tmang miscarriage!> on s praying "\'OU HAVE TO realize lhiil lt.tri::e numbe rs of the womt·n ~upposedly .1ffcctcd hy hl·r b1c1des have ()ptcd to ll\'P in the fun·!>ls. awa ~ from eve ry orw el~t'. · Harn·n ~ily::.. cli11m1n~ lh<tl man~ <trt· drui:: u~t-rs a nd t·itt wild fc)(l\b I n1 n11l ~aying th<i!>•' a rt• tht• solt· reason~. IJut lht·v an· m u n · lik..Jy to !Jc 1ht· c:suM: tha'n any s prar1 ni:: · i\t•rial ~pray111g v. a:-. 1.'0mm<in 1n '.\1l·ndoc1no Count'.-until l!J7li But rounr y aJ.!r 1l·ultun· t·o mm1~s1oncr Ted Er~son. alarmed bya state memo on certain her blcldea, refused to grant-application• to spray. - Dow claims that there are more than 35,000 studies d one on dioxins and 2,4,5.-T and that they show the che m icals are safe . · BUT DR. WILBVR McNulty of the Oregon Regional Primate Research Cente r disagrees. · "Dow's sutudies have been with ro- dents and l don't think the result.a are . . . relevant to humans." says the scientist who has been studying the effects on pregnant rhesus monkeys ··My personal view is that there b e nough lab evide n<'e with primates to ~ugge!lt there m ay be s ome damage to humaM .. Spraying opprments say jobs wo11ld be <'reated an an area with 20 percent unc mploym<•nt af worke rs clearet.I woods by hand. f'ORESTER LARRY Camp m ain- tains that shortuges of wood could re· suit from bannan~ s praying, noting al ~ould cos t $200 a n acre to thin b y hand as opposed to ~15.$30 an ac re to spray Eurher this year T rinity Couniy. just north1•ast "f Humboldt , ban~·d spraymR crrt<irn herb1c1des or usin~ the m on thf' ~round, going beyond what Mendocino's han would do Tht' stale attorn1•y J.wm•ral'::. offict· sa id . ho wever. that locahtaes urP bound bv s1a\l' and l1·ch•ral n·~ulat1nns. which ~up1·r~t·<lt• th<•ir o wn :vi RS. \\11.\1.t:\ NOTt:s lhl· al lnrm·y J:!t·n1·r~I al~o '>illd Propos1l1hn '3. the propcr1' 111"' 1·uurng mcd:.Urt'. "':1::. 111.cgal l~1;fc1n· 1t v.a:. p<ii>~t·d hy \ ot l'r!. · On1 · :sttcJrn1•y .... opinion 1s <ibout U'> good a~ <inulhl·r. '><i1t.I l'..rac·kson .. St lot lllb)/ . " !>trvltf"flr?W"~ttlrhdt \'our Door ICcttt ')\Ofl• Nt-drt"'t Your Art'"-' 1 COHA MUa642-1753 I~~ N•w-1 81•0 Ml\\IOH VIEJ0495-0401 ,..,, t.. .. m•rw. C..."9\1t-. t\.tn 01 f.rwr .JI Aw•r P llw J HPME OWNERS ._, RABBITI INS. Thousan~ of our wstomers save on their electric bills. Sl!Ke 1•s1 l'14HMIO• ILYD. COSTA MESA 541.5554 ··~cn<'rally it's not true .. '----------"! FatherNDay is June 17th ....... ~· if OcW lives out of town SELECT A FOOD GIFT PAK TODAY We'll send it for you! Pixie r. /, '..,, • 8 oz. Med1um·Sharp Cheddar Stick. ... { 4 oz. Grapine Cheese. 5 oz. S moked Edam Bar. two 2 oz. Cheese Spreads. a package of Lil' Ollal Wafers. plus strawberry Bonbons to add an interesting decorative effect. 7 98 Plu~ c1~..,rnt1t t•t•ct tJl't"""' v I h.tlQt' ol \hol)l)OO .. - See this and ~other gift paks on display at_ flickol7 ,,,,. OI OHlflf!J SOUTH COAST PLAZA / "-wC.uallMll 540-6991 0,..-..,,..,.... ...... ,s... 11·1 -----------Americai Ctme Stores . I ThiS is an it costs them. For the price of a postage stamp. you can get expert help on how 10 accom- plish two things we're sure you·ve been trying to do on your own. Save energy. And save on electric bills. When you mail in the coupon below. w~ll send you a short question· naire asking about the size of your home. how you heat and cool it. what sort of appliances you use and so on. FiJJ it out and we'll feed it into our S.A.V.E.S. computer. Out will come your personalized computer print-out on how to save energy in your home. ~ Tips on how to make your electnc appliances run more economically. The rdrigerator and freezer. The range and oven . The dishwasher. The air conditioner. .. -. So far. we·ve heard from mor~ than ~00.000 customers who are int~rcsted in ~avi ng en~rgy and money. Wc'<.l li k~ to put our S.A.V.E.S. computer tu \\ork for you. too. Got a stamp handy'.' ~-----------• Get in your Ii~ today. I IJ Mallro: S.A.V.J::.S .• Southt·rn Culirornl• Edison I G' P.O. Bo• 800, Nowmead, CA 91770 rm •n Edi.on Cllllomer. Plc~e ~end me 11 S.A.V.t:.S. quc~1ionn11irt•. I I Nam~ I ,-,l-,l-lr-~-,-,~-~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~· I C11 v I I Z ip sCE . \ Southern California Edison ~ "' L0.1 I (liJCl '' •' ,, I'""· •.• , -• J -= --~--· -. ·- • Al• DM.Y PILOT QUEENIE OC Solo.ns Split occ Rites Set , ORANGE COUNTY .1 POLITICS .1 OBITUARIES Peli .... to Speak _Mp~t Back Losing Gas Boost Bill Orange Coas t Coll~ge honors its 31st gra<lua IOJi( CffiS June 15 at commen· ctm ent exerciscsan OCC 's LLiia.r.d Stadium rn Cos ta M esa . Th e cere monies begin at 7 :30 p.m. Grad Service Slated at tJel---· ''All I k1111~ '' lht·r1•' .111 111l l 111111i.11n "'"''''" 111111 111 .. , ttt·I H'r> t'Al'l 11-..I 1lur 111.i .1 p.ir .1\.11 For the R ecord t"1"..Ut<cJ IW"'IO(luflll M AY II Will LAM':t O•·f•At MA luuo ,,. . ., 71 Of h """" t.ttMJ I iOUH ( ••• II 111 (,Mejfon (~''"'' lAMO(Uf klOC-rl l1,H h j1 I 1•tt1y JJ ont1 Juchtn M Jt hollt •;t If "''" MAY I? WO I I l'I R WINN ( ""' 1• , 1 Monte Id" o:1nd u .. , ,,._., ·• J1 ,.,. ) t ut 041nd Flomt CUN,.IN(.1 .. fAM r4A, A ' ONI t11111 80,c .. u tfnd "-,n.run A1w' •4 U•1tfl Of f l f(lfO f AWARO t OC>tf ...... .,(,h f\ I -J-M8n•Y'r.'t'. "'1"I Of llulll tt'IQ10n 8tMt h IHcN lf \f O lll V llhM< l •rr• w~.,... n . -J..-'· n twth"' t I l o1t1 HU(,Hr~ ~(MU VI I No,,,.. ... ,, St•nlf'Y. •> ot (o•,11• ~' \11 tlln ¥.tt(J•f'.-f •) Of Nrwtlt"1tl tt• •" t1 (O(_Hf:IAN C1A I "'" O• tit11\ F , ... ,..-. JI -ctnd ,..__,.,,._,,.Ann ll notn M N,..wpOt"f tWot(f\ b ill I N (,( ff HAN~t)ff I f\t1m.·1• w . JJ .. no M.uH1n rl "Y JI '"''"' "' 'looitn ('"""°"It' \IOl l J J[NNtN(,~ l\ll;'tlt /M .... ,, H ttt>tf"tlo R • It. hOfh 1'1' liunt1fl1JHtfl a ... cn MAY U Ml W ION Ar l RO f t.on• I I' •rn:I ~rt''lllf'rlltt< •on < 18 tx.th ot < ,,. ••• M~V. <.•>I Atl l ~ VA l ' t4, INt u.,, t.n 0 J•, df'Cl '...u'".idfl t • ltt, holh Cit f I r t1f n 0 Hllll N H<l'l'I I ,,,,,,, tit tti: .1nd t 'tmt •' t 'it'l ';'n. ,,~, nutn u• Wt••,fn11U\h•f 't'OUNf, r1r P•,( ('""' 1 "' ,., ,_., O , JL ,,ro M11un1•n /\nu 1t. ourn u• tofunt•no'on h'"·" h MAY 1• f A Vt Off Wtt 1 '' t•.1iw1r1.AnOHmy ,,..,., ... ~ ... i t •t•!I MAlllSI ••• I , IU I f M l\ r r 1• I " 1-t. , I 1,t o·\lnM• .. , t t ••• , t ·I ,..,..,,, M '" I If/~ 11fW tt, 1Hlill 'Wf 0 Ot f t t fllt'I I q O\tmttf'I rn11tO• tit ltftft t,, ... u,,.. , ••• '"'"''' """''' ,,....,,, '\" , ... J .. y Jun. '1 t tit .ti t•,u ,,,,. N t htJI ,,,1 ,hdpt I w1trt lt'lt ..,, ' J h ,,,, f t,. HI 1t fttf'•'\ I (Jt t •Otl r ~· h fl ,,, t f'H' .... ,h., t ........ M · 4 I I ''""' MO• tu••' f t v.14 f""' ... '14'1 • ,4 '#UNN ~f lH IJONAI IJ ;y N llllfll ~I '"' '<I '"""'t J.11• .. ..Jl-1..t;L..U.,-.~I t ,.11f11 .,_.. •t•• 1, 11r VIV•'' t'v t11· t• 1 tf·• r U'H•n t "'" (J (/t ' ,. ( •f1\ r N 1 I•' 1n lf!fVlt '"• 1•r.d 1nt1 l,,.,..rtt ""ttl hf" h-1 ltf ll"t #I ( t t;· •' 'A't\C.jll HI i ,,,.,..,.,,l1fh' Utt t tur • lh II tHt.tt"Jw,1; Mu• tunt , aTT c ,t; O P < ·l w fl l '' IJ•I' '(1 •• .,.. •• ' )Unt' \, l~/f1 ..,1••01t1••M 11t r11•,f,• M1•'-.~ 1ur 'ilY .. (J o., "'' <Ntl1 'I Md ,,, ( tr\l1t ~.,,,. ~ C"''<l't-"" l Ott ot '>•'"" .. , ..ldUQhh•r t\f'l1¥' W111r11 k n f I 01.1" '*''°" t--ouf Qrttndth1l("trf'n, r,.•orcw 11 :Ht ~ttn t tdt~ ,,, u. I( 1 111w tt1 f)H ''' >wn""'"· MoiltrtC>t'tt' Arro.,o f1t (.1111 .. 111u" <eu•n bur~n ot f•n0,1n1•nd ""'''"''• • •1 .Jtndln~4 two Uroo<hllllft'f Mtirtu1ir y FLICllWIA Jl A N M t L t( f'Wlfl H•\10ttnl ftt :.OtOf\d Ot!I Mt.tr f>'•~•o1•d nw.1., .Jun .. 4, '" ttotn Aottl 1, ltf!tn 1n U 1u 111U<1n >nlttr•o, ~ ... °Svr'IJl'1v•d or hu bdnd h.tt l.-\, dauqnw ... r Joan u""'" 11t OrOnd ()toot ltlvtf' ftnf1 \Gn rk>'\ I lo • wtr •• v r o vM (1ty, (." t t1u 1t.t1 n1tn11n ~Atrn ""'1..,111,._. flo,,.,,10 f hi •""'' I ,,~ hl .. 'lllf', f.lf"'br('t1t ti10 fln ,tf;fl f),tVlll •••Y" ttrnt,.,.., '""' Mt tr•~·· ru Lo•. \~;; ~:;,::'"',\;;:~., .. ~,~ .. ~~ '•t •t•( v ,.,w Mnrtu1t1., (n,.pt•I ,.,.,,,.,,.ntthtVt .. tt u11lrolf1t 1~l1U'I tn H"',."' J#ti(1l tl \/1f•w ~·f1t<r#1ttl f'4t1lt " 11 .. u of lkt1111111w •. (k>n,.ht'W"I•. "'"" n. "•dt" to ... o..tu Mt'"Wl' .,., ,.,,. wt111 '" ro IO!>PtCl Ot,,l>Qt• lwl'llY Inc. l'«1<•fl< ltttw M ortu.Ml dUt"'(_t()f\ McCOttMlc • MORTUARIES LJQuna Bffach 494-941 5 Laguna H ill<, 768-0933 San Juan Cap1:.lrano 495-1776 IALn.IHGHON fUHlllAL HOMl 646-2424 Costa Me:.r1 673·9450 IK&. .. OADWAY MOltTUAaY i io BroadwAy Costa Mesa 6<42·9150 SMITM & nmtlU MOttTUAIY WllTCL .. CHAJ'll Oemltory • Flower Shop <427 E 17th St Costa Musa 6~ P9CI ll01MllS ~'S MOltTUAH 627 Main St ' Huntington Beach - 536-6539 ... , ... , COlOMIAlJUHllAL HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westmm:>tor 893-3525 0 /0 11tfW1 t .. flf'Mt Mo J• pUth ••I U u11t ,,,,,,,,,. h1 o• h t l•M M INt °" 1'1 IM I N M tftfUI' ~ ""'':. •~. *''''' kv. 1 M'u. lt• W it• 111 ' •i~""" I 1,11• Wll 1'1 ff' 11''1 'IM H • • Ullt ltl I .t 1 uH1 P'4un• t fll Onlll ••• t I l11r11 •WI N l•t I p , tr.n.11t 11 /I ,1 ttUflf11111tv1o h1.tt n uhd tP1•H f.tH ••t It. (;f I o\t;t M ... 11 Ml'Y 1' /IM M f ll Ml\NN ~·I l\l\lff •1 ••• II" 1110 , .. , ' ,, (•I I H ••• Mt .,, ·'"''I 1110,." ,,, , ..... I II '•" ii' 1l t'NIC/l\NtH •l'141N ~tfll ft,.-o , .. ,,. I/ 11,.11 lift•• fl M II l.1t•U• t I ll t1ll1tf1tllhl • ht II h • A tHJ•u111.11 fu n •11 r ~ '•'"" t,11 w .H I 'fJi llt i .totllfl-• f\t ltf h 1HUI f "'""' ,, ot A1• ,,..,.,,,, I fl'I tNt tlt I 'WAI t #IW Atttno"y H '~ .,, w ...... 1tn 111 .. 1 .. 1 .... .-&l '''·\• "'d' t t '" ut ''""''"''ton MAY 1' ,A,.,f\A ( •I t.t t•i N I Ht A H t Mt• h.u I ... t.f>11I IS '"'''ht H h101· •• f1Ul"t1IWP\fffi1f1'hf MAY II WAt I •,f UMlht t "''"I tjttu11rt / ut I "~ At.111111 , ,,, 11 M ,u "' I ·•lit lltt If t.t ( '' t.t ,,..., ... , , ,,, . ,. ''''" ·''"' ,,., .. " ''' W• \l1uu·1•t1•t, ftrnJ (1•1• 1• W 11h 11 1 t>I ot Anntw>1n1 NIAY ll MA,.,1,M()t r M( Au' f fJw.Htl l •' If o •• nc1r111,.,,.,~u1JrlfS(1.1t1•tO ,,. hOJn u• 1 '"""''"'~ \'ttll••, • ,, A,, r ,, M"'', ,,., • , ,,,~, ,, f uUt"nro It llf .1hO I ''""'' I y1H1 IH111 '1<t /"ii t~1U• fil 1utn ( h t•w ht,.. t .. ~'"' '1fAl t f M 1•nt1•I J1 ''I" 111 11 ... no ••t•''1' •. , """ /1 lt•1•tt ,, f1A( r l (JNf ( M 1th10 I I 1..rt1•I ,, JI 01 W1 ... t1111n,l1•1 dOd M,1,y /~rn• tf1 n l ''J"~"'' NIAY It Wf)0(J'. W r)ti(J', I 1••111 '• •, fi 11110 f 11 tf fflJffhJlhl, <4 j ri'!1ll ljf 111\ • l••n-ttt1l1 De atlzs Elsewhere 1\ "\ ~ 1\l'CI I. I S \111 1,\1'1 '"•pl l'hilq 1 \ ;1 n !lorn \\11•1•m !-., !II a flllllll'l 'I Ill .01';1 a11d :111 11av1g:\llflll Y.1111 Y.ork• ti "' 1 l h < • h a r I r· s /\ l.1nc11fl'r~·.h ;.,11ol ll w h .11 d t-: Hyrd. dwd~uml:1~-- WOODSllH ; It. t• I Juhn M-Ac-k Koos. nx :1 f11 rmt•r lk;irst Corp t·\ 1'l'Ul1v1: <i nd rnl·rnlwr 11(. a promin1·nt San 1•'1 <Jn 1·1:-.co fom~ly, has ht·c·n tound dNHI 111 Woods1<i1·. I he vic·t1rn of <.i s 1ng l1· g unshot wound lo 1 lw h1•;.u1 . . LOS ANca:u ;s f Al » Jonathan 84·11 Lov•" la<'P, Hit , founder a 111J 1·ha1rm an <·mt·1·11us ol thl' ho ard of Cap1lal Ht·M·art·h :ind Manag1· nll'nt < '11 • lllll' nf tbt' n;i 11 0 0 ':-. lan!('s l '1nvt·st • m (' n I rn <• 11 a g l' m t· n I firm s. c11e 1l S atu rd:1 ~ ;alll'r i.I long illness. LOS AN<;J.;.L .. :S I Al' 1 Or. Kurt t:. Ban, 77. :a rt historian and ret1n·d t·ducator, die d Friday. Baer. a s pecialis t in Sp<Jnish colonial a rt ancl ar<•hitC'ctun·. w<.is ap pointcd in 1953 to din·rl thf' uncovt'ring 1)f art t r I' a S U r I' S f I' f) m California missions. -· FUNERAL .l>lRECTORS I larbor Lawn I MountOli~ Mo1i uary Cemetery : Crcmator'Y •Interment In . Any eem,tery ~ •Shipment . •8url81 lnaurence l •Cremetlon $215.~·· l Call/or /ree CrematM>n Port/olio 1-Glalef Ave. 1 COllla ..... 1401114 -·- ' . -.~ .... -----~._,...--- lb O.C. tlUS'fl NG. Ol l!M o .. ,, ,., .. ,,~It Ornn~f' t'ouoty 'i. d4'lf·~1tt1on m Uw ~lllll' Aliwmbl,v i.µht uloni: other than 1rnrtv I :!''' 011 bill dl'11r.-:nt-d lo in 1·1 .. ai.,· 1n 1:-.11l111 t• 111•11dut·l1on 111 l'.1l1fo1111u for tt ... rt•i.t of 1h1~ y1•11r SH 1~·00. whu·h would huvc· ullowcd hl•th v11lut1ltt y 1n .:u11ol111•" thcrd1y 1n 1• n · 11 :-111 u f u 1· I p r 11 ti u l'l 10 n ii 11 d h vcl 11H·u11>1111 ""'':-.'""'), (s mo~ 1. flt•t•dNI ~><I volt"" 111 p.1i. ... t he A~· 1·mlily II ~1mt llo\\ 11 tu clt·ft·ut <16 22 ,t 11 1111.:1• ( ·01111t y Lh-01111•1<11'-l(w hartl H11li11l1>1lll ol ~.111li. A11<1 <tml ('lwt, WrJ of t:.11 d1•n (;1'""' \11lt'1l fur II !-in cl 111 H1·1•11 hlt1· t1 n..., M ,, ri cin lS<:rgt•son 11r N1•wp111 t U1,.11·h <11111 ICo~-, J11hn~1111 111 Full1·rto11 llOWt:Vtm, Ot:MO('KAT Ul'nrus M a naJwr:. ur I lunt1ngt1m UN1ch and 1Ct•publ1t·an Brun• Nt·stundc of Oran~t.· vott·d a~a 1n~t tht• bill I\ t•om11anaon mcusurt'. S B 1210, abo was 1kft·ato.,·tl 1r1 l ht· Ai.st'mbly. Tilt' volt• wai. •1-1 2~. agu1r1 with 54 'oh·:. nt'l'tlt•d t11 pas:-. Thl' bill would h:t\•' ullc1v.1·d an 1nl·n ·a s1• in ~asnlirw lt-.111 t.•011tl·11t w 1til Ol·l I 111 ordl'r lo 1•11c•1111 rag1· lu1·l 11rndul'lw11 'l'hl' 1 >r:rng•• <'ol1111y /\:-.:-.1·mtily 11!- lt·1~at i1111 volc•d llw :-.:cmt· w;r~ on Sii 1:•10 :1:-. 11tllcl1111 S ii IW'I • • • ~1fC S. 1'1111.1.11° MA/"\NI NC 11f l.a g 1111.1 111 11..., will prt•!-.1111 · 'J'hur:-.day "lwn lht· ( >r.1111:1· ( '0t111ty F1•ri1·rntmn ul l<l'puhl1t-.111 Wjtrn!'n m 1·1·1 lw lu1wh at the home of Mrs. Richard Suess in Santi Ani. _ • • • HARRIETT WI EDER, the 2nd Dis· trlct 's representative on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. will s peak Thursday ut Cypress College's 13th commence ment. * • • ASSF.MBLV M AN DENN I S Man ge rs, 0 -llun lingt.<>r\ Beach , will conduct a one·mt1n hearing on me ntal hc<J llh issues l hb Suturdc.y m Santa Ana. 1'he ht'aring gets under way al 10 .1 m. at l ht' Orungc County Ha II of Adm1nastration , 10 <:1v1 c Center Drive. M angt•rs. a member of a n As · ~(·m bl y subcomm1ltet· on m ental health. is conducting the hearing at lht• m vitCAllon of the Ornnge County Mental Health Assocrntton and the Orange County Mental Health Ad· visory Board. The hearml.! is open to the public. but pe rsons wishing to ~peak are bt' ang asked to re.:i~h·r tn udvc.ncc Conlatl Doug Re nnell at 517· 7559, or s ign up during the hour µnor l11 lht: hc•aring at the c·ount y Jl<Jll or /\<I 1111 nis l ration * • • T ii i-: •:X1·;('UT IVt-: C'11mm1ll1·1· of 1 lw sl;1t1• Aineric an I nd1·p<'ndcnt l':1 r I v wtll m c·Pt l h 1:-. wt·1•k•·nd al <;rt!-. wolrt ·., Inn 111 Ful lt·rton. St<.1t1• <'h ;11r111:rn Thuma:-. M c;oodlrw say:-. t hl' ~UUJl'l'l or thc· me('l1 n~: wil l bC' prl'sidl'nt1al pol1t1t•:-.. A total of l,482 stu· de nt11 are candidates for graduation. OCC n ationa l c hampion s peech s tuden t . J ot•I 0 . Swe nson. will pre · sent the commente- m c n L -add r cs s S w~nson has tallc d h!s spec.'<'~: "May the f orce .... Or. Norm a n E Wa t son, c hancellor of the Coas t Com · munaty College Dis - tract . will present OCC 's an nua l Outs ta nding Citizen Award. T wo Gradua t e Stewart <:a r1>c11ter 111 . son o r Mr and M r s Stcwurt C;1rpt:nll'r .Jr. of Ba llina l s'and . a nd Mark W1tll'n Hcihinson. scm or Dr ancl Mr:-. Tom W Robinson or N1·wµor1 lk r1ch , h:1v1· gratluah·d rrom ll a v.:i1 1 L o ;i C'oll<'ge 10 Ka nl'oh c llaw;i11 Dr. Jack W. Peltason . p-resident ,of t he American Council on Education, will speak on ··The Company of Educated Men and Women " at UC Irvine's 14th · commencement June 18. The ceremony will be held al 4 p.m . in Campua Park. Or. Pcllason, UCI 's vice c h ancello r for ucadcmic affairs from ~964 to Ul87, moved on to become chancellor of the Urbana·C~aign c am- pus of the University of Illinois. He assumed the presidency or the American Council on Educa tion an 1977. AN HONORS CONVOCATION recognizing a bout 300 UCI ~raduating students for their s cholastic achievements will be held the night before comlnenccm ent in Crawford Hall at 8 p.m . Speake rs for that ceremo ny will be UCI Professor of Baological Sciences Garth Nicholson and UCI senior Howard J . G ensler . Or. Nicholson 1s professor of developmental a nd cell biolo~y a nd physiology and associate d irector or the oncology progr am at UCI. Genslt-r was named UCl's Outslandm" Senjor by the UCI Alumna Assoc1at1on. UCI Chancellor Daniel C Aldric h, Jr., wi ll pres ide at both the honors convocation and tht· t:ommenccmenl ceremony . T in; T RADITIONAL llQOIHNG cere mony for lht• <.:ollcgl• of Mt•du.:1111· gniduating cla!>s also wi ll be he ld the d:1y lw fon· t·ommcnccmcnt an Cam1'u" l'ark. Norman Cousin:-.. formn editor of the Satur cl ay Jtl'Vlf'W ;ind st•n1or lc<:turc:r an medic·a l human1t1c:-. ;it ltw l i{'I./\ S<•hool or Medicine, wdl bl· fhJ: guc:.t ~J)l':tker a l lht• µrogrum al 5 p.m . Juno· 15. M<'mlwrs of lhc· graduc.llng c lu:.s c.nd th<'1r fam1lit.-s wall b<' hosted tiy !he UC! Alumni Ass0<:1<i I ion ;it :i cham pal.(n<.· rl'c1·pt1on 1n Student Services l I rom I :10 lo 3 30 p m ('l)mmrnrement Day 6WE~E 100 6YEARS tF_BEHIND "DIE GTIMES SMALL 'PRIES GE T OUR 'PAMOUS 'PRIED 'POR LESS . Children arc charged according to t heir weight on our old-fashioned ~ale. 'PEAST GJN 'ANTIQUE SPLENDOR. Our dining room is a museumful of Tiffany lamps.and rare engravi ngs and old·oak tables and chairs- rcmi11 isccnt of the gracious, turn-of-the-century t•ra . I GIJINNER "IS 'READY tiWHEN "YOU ~RE. It's a good idea to call a head for reservations, especially on weekends. 1"onday through Thursday. 5 to 9. Friday. 5 to 10. Saturday, 4 to 10. And Sunday, noon tlll 9 p.m. ~LL "YOU CAN GEAT ~T ~ 'PRICE 'PROM t#THE oPAST. Srart "iah nackt·r-.. <rnd cht'C!'lt'. Then delicinu!'I .... uup. GCir~cn frt·-,h !'la lad. 1-ricd chit·kt·n p/11.\ a -.c1:ond meal cntrcc (which chan gc!'I daily; rnll .1hcad ). Vc~ctablc~; polatocs and gravy; hot t'ornbrcad and honcybutter. All for j ust $4.95 per person. for a!'I much as you care to cal. 'filE GJJIG "YELLOW GJIOUSE "RESTAURANT GREAT 'AMERICAN COOKING -IN "N OLD•-FASHIONED 'MANOR Coc ktails available. Master Charge and VISA welcome. Banquet facilities available.· 1639 E. Imperia l Highway, Brea• (714) 529-1891 •JOJO Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa • (714) 549-0319 .Dinner: Mon.·Thurs. 5-9, Fri. 5·10, Sat. 4-10. Sun. 12·9. Cost• Mesa is open for lunch Mon:-Fri. 11:30-2:00. -- , ... ... ' i - .. t T~. JUM 6. 1979 DAIL y Pit.OT A J I -Whose ·Fault? . -N-evatla --Canee'8 lnsurance P-ilin; Pre_m,iums Soar St•n Ja<.'oh .Javtl~. R N Y , ~ays ht> will look into ne" 1. rl·vealed dt-ta1ls of his" 1(t• ~ l!l76 hustnt!SS dealings with the Shah of I ran. Tht-ne" Iranian gov~rnment h as indicated that s he was involved in lobbying. Plan Upsets Japan T<>KVO t AP ) President Carte r wants to jog aroupd the Imperial Palace during his yisit to Tokyo this month, but the police and the Foreign Ministry hope he will change his mind becau~ or Sl•CUrtly problwns. Kyodo nl'ws service reported The report said the U.S . gov ern m cnt notified the Foreign Minis try tbat Carte r. who will be her e June 24·29. is eag(·r to run the-21h-mtle circuit a round Em· perior Hirohito's palace By U.. Aaaofl•W-d Preu No fault ll\liurancc w11s trum· • pc>ted 1u11 the answt'r to rl!ung auto lnaunnce r•lt<~ wh~n It Will p1on~<'rcd In M11i.sachust!tts Elcbt yeurs laLt:r, 1t ha11 m..,t with o nly m bwd s uccttMi und morf' tha n two thirds or tht: <'-Ountry remutrlb wlltlout It In fot•I, lu:;t wt>e~ Nevada bt•csmt-lht> t lrtit i.tutt-with 11 no· fauH i.ystt.>m to n·1>4.:ttl U 1:hc. l .t>gT1.fature volt'<l tu cancel the state' six yea1 old no rault haw dftl•r pn•m1umi, i.ourtd Tlli\T l .EAVt:s ts '·tatl·i. with full fled~t:d no f.wlt sy1>tcms And wh 1lt· nu faull ha s qu1ckcnt>cl vuynwnts to 1t<:c1df'nt v1c t1ms . al hai. not showed th1: savings t•>.pected in .!>Orne states At its best, no-fault com- pe nsates m o re people m ore quickly at less cost. a ccording to s upporters s uch as Lynn Sutrlilfc, former counsel or the Senate Commerce Committee. Al its worst, it 1s too costly. No.fault insurance was de - signed to luwt•r pre m iums by discour<11-{1ng l1iwsu1ts over the rc!-t pons1l11lity for accidents und d:1 ma~f·S . Onrl· an 1nd1v1dual f1 lt•i. a <'l:11m undn no.fault, his 1n sur<int·t· rompany pays for costs st<•mmin~ from 1nJury no m:.attcr who 1s rcsJJ(J ns1blt: STATES PERMIT lawsu\l.S for "genera l" damage!; suc h <1s pain THE UNITED STRIKE IS OVER. . -~ \t;; A1 last. Airline tra\'cl i~ !!etting ~~C~. 1;'1~k ln nufmal. And we're aTI ~ hrt•arhin~ a tremcndou~ :-.igh uf rel id. bpccially Continental. We did evt·rything we could to hdp people !!Cl where they wen:: ,µrnng during the Mrikc. We added hundred\ 1 ,f 11cw flights tu handle the overload. We even -.tarted flying new mutes to pick up lhc :-.lack. But ii just wouldn't have workt:d without your patience and a lrt!mendous effort un C\'eryone!'s p<trt . Nl'WS ANALYSIS and suffering only after a set minimum Is reached. In some states, this "threshold" is based o n a s pecifie d amount for medical bills -it was $750 in Nevada. In other states it Is ~•mpl¥ a verbaLslandac.d. J l.leh a disabling. disfiguring , or othe rwise "serious" injuries. In states like New Jersey and Nevada. where critics or the law 11 aid that the dollar .threshold w as t oo low to discourage lawswts, rates have had to rise to keep pace with generous benefits. .. Whe r e no-fault has not wo rked well i s where the .threshold ror lawsuits isn't high ~nough to keep minor cases from be ing litigat ed ." com· ments Leslie Cheek, a vice pre- s 1 d e nt or Crum & Fors t e r Insurance Companies. "That on· ly mimics the old system. You can 't save money without cut· ting out old expenses.·· THE SENATE COMMERCE Committee agr eed. reporting in 1978 that "a sound no·fault system .. sav('s money while pa} mg m ore benefits." .... .. . Additionally. an insurance in· dus try group ~ailed t-he All· Industry Hl's c<.1rch. Advisor y Committee noted ln a SOO·page study that 81 percent of the acci· dent victims in no·rault stales got their money within three months and 90 percent did so within six months. This ronlrasted to 46 percent within three months in the rest of the country and only 62 per· cent within six months. The industry organization diB· covered one more difference: in no-fault states, -an Increasing proportion of money paid by in· s urance companies goes ror ac- t u a I loss than for general d amages. "EVEN A BAD no·fault plan 1s heller than lhc present syste m ." s ays S utc li£fe, al· torney of a coalition pushing £ederal no-fa ult laws . Such legislation has repeated· ly died Qn Capitol Hill. and there are no plans to introduce ne w no·fault bills this year. But Department of Transportation officials say the administration continues to s up· port the measure "as a matter of principle ... The Associatio n of Trial Lawyers of Americ a continues to oppose it, saying it m~es people pay for the s ame in· surance twice. BECAUSE OF THE effective- . ness of its verbal threshold and the extent of its benefits, Michigan is often cited as the model no.fault state. Adjusted for innalion. the cost or its bodi· lY injury msunnce i!t reported 1.o have dedined 16 percent as soon as the law went mto e£fect in 1973. Another immediate ef· feet was a 95 percent reduction in payments for pain and s uffer - ing. I Now. virtually all c laimants are paid within a month. but it 1s estimated rates h ave risen an- nually by about 14.S percent. Other slates with no-fault Hawaii, Utah, Flo rida, Min· nesota, Kansas. Georgia. North Dakota, Color ado. Kentucky, Connecticut and Pennsylvania have had mixed results m re- ducing pre miums . West German Chance llor He lmut Schmidt has warned that war s m ay b t> precipitated by' competition for oil and gas if nuclear en ergy i s not quickl y d e veloped. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642-5878 The dream boat you seek is pro- bably in the Boating classified ads efthe. SUMMARY ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT FOR COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY DAILY PILOT 642-5678 Th:ini.., h1r ... 11ci..1m· \\1th 11' when 11 \\<I\ hard tu l!l.'I \.:'.111-. through, hnrd to gel :1 .:Cat. l.'\l'll hard lo gl'l lo the airport . J\ml -.pccial than'k~ tci tr;l\d :tl-!t'nt' everywhere for thdr ama1.in~ stamina while hanginµ nn 1 lw hill.'. w c·rc proud of ever) C1ntint·n1.t1 cmplo 't!t!. from our l:>l:ka~uerl.·d rc~rvations agent ~ lo lhl.' r.,11-' In the huml' offin: wht 1pl.'rf11m1ed Jouhk: duty a~ hagg:1gl.' handk'r-. Welcoml.'hack . Un1tcd.~lll'l.' 11 was rough. But if \out h111i.. \\ t' pulk:<l tuget her <.Jurin!! t hl.' :-.trih'. you should ~l.' u~ th)\\. • • .,._,, I'-""' (' t •tkm1tn in.I n 1111•th' t 1.-~h ""'11,,1.1 ""qui .. \ lftr IMPROVED TREATMENT AT Pl.ANT N0.2 " INTRODUCTION. , _ The County Sdn1tation Districts ot Orange County a re a regional ne twork of 600 miles of trunk sewers. thirty outlying pump stations, two ma1or t reatment plants. treating 180 million gallons of wastewater per day. and an ocean outran over five miles lonq . The Districts' service area encom- passes 38 percent of the land area of Orange Coun- ty and includes 23 ot the 26 Incorporated cities In the County. It serves 90 percent of the population of Orange County. re presenting over 1.6 m1ll1on peoplC> As a result of the Clean Water Act ot 19n and 1t"> 1q77 amendments, thP San1 tat1ort Distr icts must improve thP Quality of treatP.d wastewater di~ Chcirqed to the 0<ean by upgrading its wac,tewater trt>atment pl<1nts . The upgrading program 1s financed in part by StatP and Federal grant<. a wa rded by the State Water Resource~ Control Board (SWRCB> and the Environmental Protec· t ion Agency (EPAJ. ThesP agencies may award grants for up to 87111 percent of the total cost of the project~ for upgrading wastewater treatment. The Sanitation Distric ts, SWRCB and EPA have been.. w.ru:kJno .coop.eraU1t.eLY on a program to up- grade the Districts' Treatment Plants while con- currently preparing a master Facilities Plan and Enviroomental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (ES II EI R I tor pro1ects required during the twenty ye.Jr planning period. This ap proach allows the Districts to immediately up. grade its facilities, m eeting the requirement dead lines of the.Clean Water Act of 1972, while allow- ing time for the Facilities Plan and ·ESl/EI R to analyze the new environmenlat standards of the 1977 amendm ents. as we ll as various project d I ternatives. 'The Sanitation°0istrac ts EIS/EIR process has in· volved an extensive public participation program . In this proqram, workshops and Draft EIS1EIR __ .. TP_,,lf.ci'rl!1.9S.Jl•wf ~ field lhroughou!_. thf' Countv Discussed have been the D1stracts,....programs ail<:r a ttern.H1vec; a s outlined 1n thr Draft Facilil1e'> Plan .rnd comme nt'> hve bef'n rPcPoved rPlat1ve to the environm<>ntal 1mpaC1 s of the· program! .. As ;i p;irt of th1· process to i!llOw thf'l Oo<;trict<.. to 1mmc.-diah·ly upqr.idc its fan11t1f•c;, tht· 01stri< t•., 5 tall" and E PA n;ive adoptrd a "NPoa t1v " ON l~rat ion· undPr the (dlilorn1a Envir onrnt'ntcll Quality Ac t rlnd the Nat1ondl Environment.ii Protection Ac t, certifying that the Di stricts pre· c;ent proposed pro1 ec ts a re not growth 1nduc1nq dnd provide a significant amount of pollutant ro• m ova l of waters discharged to tne ocedn. IMPROVED TREATMENT PLAN Curre ntly under construc tion on the Districts• in- t erim program of improving treatment at Plant No. 2 1s a 75 mil hon gallons per day IMGD > "econ- dary treatment plant In its cons1derat1on lo max- imize treatme nt, the Districts are proposing to rf'- rdte the secondary tre,1tment plant to 90·mgd. This w ill require m odifica tions to hydraulic struc· lures to max1m11e fl ow Tne removal ot additional pol lutants from the wa<;tewater will produce more solids These add1t1ona1 solids wtll r eQutrP more d1grs tion, de watf'rinq, storage. trucking, and composting facilities as a part ot this improved trratment plan The Districts· master Facilities Plan 1s still un- derqoing pr eparation and additional publi c participation in the form of meetings, workshops, and hear ings will occur to involve individuals, or· ganizations and agencies in the decision making process before a Final Facilities Plan and F ina1 EI SI E I R are a dopted. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (CONSTRUC· TION) All construction will be confined to the Treatment Plant No. 2 site. Impacts should be minimal to local residents. Increased truck tra tfic, dust generation, and noise may be expected during working hours, bul these will last only the dura- tion of the project construction. These impacts will be mitigated by specitic construction specifications tha t the contrac1or must follow. The spec 1fications will cover t hese areas: t. Avoiding rush hour traft1c . 2 Spraying wate r to settle dust . YOU SHOULD SEE US NOW. 3. Compliance with all a pplicable laws r estricting machinery noise and1or construe· tionhours. 4. Working with Districts to mitlcliile other complaints of adjacent reside nts. \ · The PFoud Bird with the Golden Tail. CONTINENTAL AIRLINES 8 U.S.A .1Canada/Mc"ico/Hawaii/M icrdnesia/ Australia/New Zealand /Fi.iii.Samoa/ and the: Orh:nt. • ' For further information regardino environmenlal impacts ot the proposed interim program of im· proved treatment, the following documents are available during the week tor review at the Dis· tricts' Administrative Offices, 10844 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley, from 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 1. "Environmental Impact RePorl for Im- proved Treatment at Plant No. 2," March 1974. 2. "Environmental Assessment of the Im- pac ts on the Marine Environment and Archaeological Resources Resulting from Improved Treatment at Plant No. 2," Januarv. 1976. 3. "Negative Declaration" re Improved 1 Treatment at Pla nt No. 2, April, 1916. i 4. "Neoatlve Declaration" re Coyote Can. yonSludgeFacllltv.March, 1979, • _ ~ Published Oral)gj! Coast Daily Piiot June'· s. 6, 1. ~ 8, 9, 10 2110-79• (: ,_,,.\. • OF+_-• -·-·-··"""···-_ ......... .,C ____ ... ·--~..-.-.---- ·. .....,.., . • . ~I s,111 Diego Federal -~- 4 0 7 0 3 9 1 4 5 6 ·7 8 1 56 789 " .. demi • .. ----~Numinimu"! savings · acc_0un! b~ance ~~ir~ to~_apply ! [ • .--® . ® Plus San Diego Federal's VISA and Master_ Charge cards --offer tliese a<fyantages: · .. No finance c.hatge on purchases if you pay your liii:iil balance in full each month! Some S&L's impose a finance charge from the day they're notified of your credit card purchase. So you pay a finance charge on any purchases you make with their . ca·r~. '.Bu_t ~ith.San Qieg9 .Feder~l:s c.ards, tber~·s n,o . financ~ chatge on pur~hases a~ long ~ you pay· the . balance in full b.y the next billing dat~ shown Qn your statement. -Your credit line is based on your financial lii3 qualiftcation.fi ! Some S&L's set your credit limit at 50% of the amount you're willing to keep in savings. At San Diego Federal. your credit line is based on your fina'!cial qualifications . . . not on your savings balance! That means you don't Trudt-in-Leadi111 Oi9clo9arn have. to worry about your credit limit decreasing as you withdraw ~aving!) for per:>0nal need!>. _.. We don't require any of your savings as ...._ ••security"! ·· Sot)le S&L0s r~q~pu to let them h<?ld a certain amount of ypur s~.vii'lgs as .. security" for your credit card. That mea'ns .ynu cannot withdraw all of your savings whenever you need it. At San Diegb f'ederal, we do not require any of your savings as "security." In fact, you're not evan required to have an account with us to qualify for our credit cards. .. You can appl)' for San Diego F ederal's cards even ~ if you already have other cards! . Even if you have cards from other financial insiitutions, you can still apply for San· Diego Federal\ VI SA a nd Ma!>ler C harge card!>. In fa ct. many people lin<l tli c separate accounts ;m : a convcnicnl aid to hudgct planning. .. Get cash at over 7~.-000 na~ionwi~~ location~! • .-~ With San DiegQ Federal's ,VISA and M.aster , Cbarge cards, you can.gel cash· at ov~r 70,000 location~ t throughout ttie nation. Apply today! t For more details and card applications. visit your nearby office of San Diego Federal today ... the only savings and loan with VISA. Master Charge. a nd American Express'1 ! If you do DOI pay the cntuc ocw ti.lallCll! of your San Diego Federal VISA or Maolcr Ch•rge aooounl in full prior to your ne.111 btlling dale provl,<kd on your monthly )lalcmcnt. you wt.II be n~J J f frllANCE CllARGE com1Mmg of peri· ochc 1n1~c:s1 dc1crm1ncd by applying lhc monthly pmod1c rule of l~'t<cotrc)pont.hng 10 an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 111%) 10 lhc total oflbc amoun1.uubjcct lo pencxhc rate. The amoun1u ubJce110 penod1c ralc arc: a. TM aver· age datly b.Jancc of previous billing cydc purchasn and cash adv~c~. lhc )Ufl of lhc dn1ly unpaid balance\ of 1hc rvrcha&Q and uMI advaoces 11cm1J.Cd on your prcVIOll.'> moo1hly •l11cmcn1 ~1JcJ by 1hc nwnbcr of Jay) 1n 1hc btlhng C)liC ~O•crcJ by YOW pl<Vl()U.' bllllCmCnl, 'UCh UnJl31J balJOO,-,. lndUJC 11CW purch,l)C• and ~h aJvan= ll> Of lhC dale 1hcy wen: JlO'lcd l'C\ younccoun1 Paynrentl' JlHI crclllb maJc dliflng 1hc J)f"cvillu> bilhr\g cyd~ v.iill be applie<l lo •uCh unpaid ba1aoca &a o( lbc dale tMy arc ~led IO your .a:o1111110 lbc cxirn1 1hcy ctceed lhe prev1011\•balancc of lh11 btlluia dale. b. Tbc ncr•1c daily bal1oc:c of 111<: ICICl)Wll. computed by d1v1d'ing 1hc >Um of rhc daily unpaid balan•cb dunng 1hc C\lll'Clll blllina cydc by lbc ownbcr o( da)'$ in the btlhng cyck; •uch daily unp31d balam,'C!> ond uJc paymcr11> aJld crcdli., but u d udc all new e&ali advaoca. purc3Ucs. 611U1« charges. or la1c charge~ po51eJ 10 your accounl Junn~ the current billing ?Cle. All cub aidvaoces oriaina1cd "' 1m111urt0n> or her than San D1c110 h:dcrnl .lunng 1hc <.um:nt bilhngcydc aruubjcct IO a oac·lllllC c:i&>h advance fee al the ralc ol 4%. which oorrc.pond' 10 JO ANNl 11\I l'l·RC'I I· l\Gl: RAn.or 4li%. Wbca.w~ ttu. fee .. a tuw.ncc cbll!gc. Thoe Jacl~urc. .uc lllll.dc 011 bd1Jll ol !)w1 OtcKO hdcral •nd for Security Paca6c Na11001J Bank. II American Express Card! In cooperation with American Express, you can now apply for the world\ most respec"ted Travel and Entertainment card-the American Express Card! For an annual membership fee, you can charge purch~ses and services at establishments worldwide. You set your own spcndi pattern, as there are no spending limits set in advance. Your personal check is guaranteed at seltcted U.S. airline counters, participating hotc and motels, and American Express Travel Service offices. . Ctpltb•lllCll 34206 Oollt11y P ... llold It YICIOnl Blvd. ~posite tapistrlllo ltKlt "all Sltopplfll Cettt• T ... :496-0201 Making saving easier for you! -----·-------·- California ~ family finand al ctntc:r .. ~c since 1811S . ....... ""' JOI~ CrOW!I YtHey P11kw1y sovtll of Hitutl Roed r tltpllofte: m.62 to Ntwpoft lacll On EISt CDAI Hiatlwly. Mtwetll Mdr1flvr tllTtt fftcl Newport Cetrttr D11ve Optn1111toon Sin a...te Millleft Vieio/lapft• Hffll mo "°'111 £1 ClmlnG IHI Al la Ptt & Clbol, ld1acenl lo ""'Aftnlcl• P'ico'' --~ Ctllflf fttepfloM· ,98-6330 ftltptlorlt. 770·63'6 Openlnc soon In Irvine (~id8e). S.. .. 11c-,-... s.o ... "'"" ................ , ...... 31,_t>llt "'-• Cl.,_,_ Ol•C••• Ol•!11t llC.,0. l_ I __ !>lllll ll"'°" i.-tr•u "'°"'II>•--*"".,""•'-'°"°'"' --'°"'-°" ""'''"' Otol<t,.t ·- lttr.\ ....... ,ijlMWll,, .. , h.-i • ., .. ,....l ................ ltt ..... S.C•ltt ~·~ .. S."'l •ti1•e1•1c•'''• ~,,.,~•~O>ftt """"""' ..... '"f't!t ~. l .. l'lf\tl\C:..-tt ~'"'"" l!llC"tf'l'U .... , •• ,""' U.Jffrt~Cti· ~,,,..e...t. c...,,..,,.. .. fflt\ .,.,.....,~ ,, ,.., ...... f"'l 'ittfM '"-•"""""fl'.•,:.OO;lot111 11••••"flC-1 •••~1 '""'"'-"~°'-"' .... io."'1• •..-0. .. 1 c. .... ~. "' .. -11•-.•• 11'(.;-c....,,.., ....,.,..,_ .. , s.u,...., c.to""'""' 0,,.,,.,1 ... • --• ..... 1,.,.. ,.... ••4'm ,_,._.,.. »-.,.tt•r"11 ,,..,,rm -·· ~ . . f ---...... . ·-..--··--· ... -··. I • I • • .. . . . . ............ t INSIDE: •Stocks •Comics • .... T1.91d1V. June 6, 1979 OAll't' PILOT ------- A ·n llnexperted Steal ~Uving -FuH-13yete Weightlifter Turns to Biker By JOHN SEVANO Of 1i.. O•lly ~1194 Su" The year is 1952. Phil Guarnaccia. belter known in weightlifting circles as "Mr. California" or "Mr. Physical Fitness," had just finis hed his usual workout in the gym and had walked outside for a breath of fresh air . "I was standing outside. trying to get the smell of the gymnasium out of me. when a cyclist half my size went by nic." Guarna<:· cia reflects . . "J was getting tired of working in gym. nas1ums and J thought I'd like to give that a try." SO GUARNACCIA WENT out and bought himself a bike . Now, mind you. this is a man that could probably have destroyed his new toy in his bare hands, a person who outside of his childhood hadn't ridden a bike for year!). a man considered by many to be one of th<: top physical specimens in the world. "I honestly felt ph ysically fit wh(,'fl I got the bike." Guarnaccia remembered proudly .. It wasn't unlil I !)leppcd on the bake I found out how unfit I n ·ally was " So enamored with his nl'w d1scoverv and challengt', Guarnal'cia decided to lca\;e h1:-. weights for pushing pcdab . :.ind it 's heen a love affoir l'Vl'r smcl" Today, Guarnt.1t'C'1<1 1s 1;.1 years old. 5 !1 and 170·pounds. Outside of some th&nnl'ss on 1he top of his head. he could pal>-> for a m:in·in has early to-mid 40·.., Guarnacc·1a will bl' among the favorite.., Sunday for the s ixth :.s nnua l Costa Mesa !'l<t· tional Classic h1<:ych: ral'es which get un- der way at 7 a m GUARNACCIA WILL RA CE 1n ~h C' Veterans D1v1s1on 135-year-pld and up 1, c.t 20·milc race he has won thr<.~'year!) 1n a row Bicyelang and racan g have not only become a plea s ura blc l'Xperie nce fo"r G ua rnaccia, hut an obsl'ssion a!) well lie starts almost l'Vl'ry day with a 2' ~ hour workout and finishes with anotht·r t\\11 hours of hacyt lang in t ht· t·vcn1ng , PHIL GUARNACCIA Btl'yl'lrng 1s the h;i rdcs t thing 1 ·vl' ever d ont-. We1ghtltfl1ng 1s <:hild s play nl'xl to at. I think I'd be dead tod<Jy 11 I hadn't followed the palll'm I do now. "In we1~htlaflang, ralht:r than work on lhe internal parts of your body heart lungs, the whole card iovasc ular system -~ ~ou work on the t•x tern<il. It'!) lak e having a ~1:.ick t rul'k frame with a Volks wagen l0 ng1nc " T llt:Rt;'S l'IO douht now Guarnaccaa has lh1· engrnl· lo ~u with his frame A racer for lh\• past 30 )Car:., (;uarnac1·1a claims he'!) in l1d lt-r :.ha1w n11w than :.it :.iny other t1m1.: 1n 111 :-. I 1 ft· Kurt Kingsolv~r of Cal State Fulle rton stoic home successfully against Arizona in Colle te World Series ~•t OrnuhCJ Monda.v. ,\ri1.onLJ tatc·hc-r Daw• Fortmun w<ilChl·~ s afe s ign by umpire nandy Christal. F.ullcrl nn won. lfi-3. "Wlwn I saw.that '>l'rawn) kiri rtrh.· hi'> hike that day sOml'thmJ.: Il l up 1ns1dc or mt:. says Gu<Jrn<Jl'l'W "I km·w I \\<J~ he;,irkrJ in the wrong d1retl1on 1;1\1· 11w ;1 \\1 •11-:ht11rtL0r and I II rh ssolvc l11m 111 1:, rrnnuth . Whl'n Wl' J.!Ol winded lift IS.•f' Wl-:l(;llTtffTER. Page Bt I Angels Singing a }'antlliar Tune Wallach ~ -Drafted Rud4 Knapp Join GroJjing Injury L~t ' .. By Expos -By DAVE CUNNINGHAM victory in nearly two years . otti..0.11,,.1 .. u-Rudi reifl,Jured his hamstring muscle Slop me if you've heard this one before. while running from first lo third on Sun- T_he Angels learned M<?nday ~hat_ two .or day, and was a late scratch from-the ~r.fronl·l~nc pla~s will bcs1dehned"'n· fmcup Mond ay whe n 'he r ealized he ~efm1lely with injuries -----';'?""''( ").,.., .;iA. -l ~'I:'!; V t.... ,..t 'l · ··tb"t'>..;..··~..:.~ -. ~~ "'~"""' "'' ...,, ·"ou1""•· CV;cn up.'~ uw\1gna ~u..iu er •. , , .. ,. _OU '.!.oug,, 1 W.3S tcc-~,._er • PIOc ::---K _ -c::: :..:. "I -i:hat was Sun ay. ~Orlday il was two . . :rrapp, -ma ... mi:; 1ns rrst. appe'llr ancc That's a total of fi ve s tarters who have stncc. a sore shoulricr look him_ o~t or the s uddenly hcen transformed from players rotation ~ay ~4. p1tch~d one annmg and to patients. had to retire with a spr:.iincd hack. THE LATEST are Joe Rudi and Chris SO ADD RUDI and Knapp to the Angels' Knapp. Hut in spite of it all, the Angels C'<.1suc.ilty list. which a lr<:udy includes Rod s topped the Toronto Blue Jays, 4·2, to take Carew I t orn thumb ligaments l. Rick sole possession of first JJlace in the see·saw Mi 1 ler I fr actured hand J and Nolan Ryan American League West . 1 calf muscle pull 1. /\ crowd of 16,979, smallest of the season <.:arew's injury is worse than originally al /\naheim Stadium. saw Bobby Grich feared. lie has been filled with an arm and Merv Rettcnmund hit solo homers a s cast and will miss fou r to five weeks. Mike Barlow notched his first big league Miller is also wearing a cal.t; he's out 'O~ ·oats .. come ·AJiv~ ht Playoffs OMAHA, Neb. IAP > -It was bound to happen somelifil,e. Sooner or late r , the potent bats of. Cal State F'ullerton had lo explode at the College World Series and they did just that Monday night. The victim was Arizona, which was sent home reeling un- der a 17-hit onslaught that pro- duced a J6·3 Fullerton victory, keeping the Titans alive in the double-elimination tournament. FULLERTON, RATED third nationally, came into the series with a .330 t ea m batting average, but the Titans strug- gled at the plate in their first two games. losing to Mississippi State 6-1 and beating Connec· lieut 8-3. · . Monday night was a dillerent story, however. Tim Wallach, a graduate of Saddleback College, blasted a three-run homer and Sam Favata rapped four bits to lead the barrage against three Arizona pltc:ben. ANOTHEa CALIFOaNIA te.m won the nightcap Monday .. Et1btb-rated Pepperdine eliminated No. 4 Misalaalppi State~ lD 10 innings Jn the beat played game of the series to date. That action left an unusual situation. For the flnt time ln . -five to siX-weeks. Hyan figures to m1~s <mother 10 days, give or take a few. Knapp said he first fell muscle spasms J n..bis back. while warming up, and during the first inning "the p<.ain JUSt shot up • 't'.tttAIJ 'h':Myblu~.c:·Ktrapp'st\YS..hC...tmcslL ' ... know ~ww soon fie 'TI be abreto pa cll-agaiO-:-- From AP Dispatches N EW YORK -l"o rm er mvcrsity High and-Saddleback . -CoJlc~c: stando1Jt, -Tllll:.. Wallac;h. ==z::~===;~=:;;..;:~..,..,,,_=--;w;u;-sclectcd,n-U:rc fi.~stTOOJrd lif 1 h:1schall's ma1or league draft by th(• Montn•al t-;xpos today. R ETTENMUND. WHOSE homer was his first in more than a year. says he's . looking for the /\ngels to roll with the punches. "Injuries arc a part of the game, and 1f we're good enough we 'll be: a ble to play through them," the 12-ycar veteran said. But Mana~er Jim Fregosi thinks this is no ordinary rash of in1urics. "I've been on a lot of ballclubs." l"regosi <See ANGELS. Page 821 JOE AUDI .~ * Sutcliffe Alleviates Dodgers' Problem PITISBURGll tAP\ Tommy John as 10·1 with the Yankc<'s. Doug Rau 1s awaiting surgery, and Andy Messers mith is on the disabled list. So the Los Ange les Dodgers called on rookie pitcher Rick Sutcliffe once again Monday night, and the 6·6 right-hander responded with a complete-game four·h1tter as the Dodgers beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 4·2. "I TIONK THE BALLCLUB is relying on me . I know I'm rely. ing on me," said Sutcliffo, an Independence, Mo., nataw who has shown he can take the heat by compiling a 6·3 record with five vic- tories in his last six decisions "Give him credit ." said Pirate Manager Chuck Tanner. whust• ream has lost only two of its last nine game!'. ··we just weren't able to get any runs off that guy •to night. · Tanner added after Sutrliffe halted a l5·1rnme h1thng streak by Om ar Moreno. The Dodgers came here after three weekend defeats m St Louis by a collective margin of 26-16. Before the game, they announced the loss of two starting pitchers. Rau will unde rgo shoulder surgery next week and be out for the season~ Messers mith has been placed on the 21-day dis· abled list with an alllng a rm. TOMMY JOHN, OF COURSE, is a healthy, wealthy winner with the Yankees after leaving Los Angeles as a free-agent. "It feels great to taste the fruits of victory," Dodger Manager Tom Luorda sakt after sipping a cold beer. "Sutcliffe pitched a real good ball game tonight. He pitched a real good ball game against Philadelphia. An"d he's pitched some other good OIJes," added l.uorda, whose defending National League champs are six gal1)es back in the West Division. "This Is the biggest nn we've had in sometime," Lasorda added. Meanwhile, ll was the Pirates first look at Sutcliffe . Tanner suggested things might be'dllferent next lime. "IT'S REALLY FUNNY. Everytlme we face• pitcher for the firsl time, it's been tough," said Tanner. "But when we face them the secoad time.. we do better." There were two homers ln the regionally televised game. a two·nm belt by Joe Fer1uaon off losin1 pitcher J lm tlooker and a two.run, lnslde-the-park homer by Pittsburgh's Dave Patker. \\'alla('h , a Ii :1 , 195-pound Sl'n1ur at Cal State Fullerton . "as lhl' 10th playc·r sl'lcC'tcd lo· day Wallal'h 1s currC'ntly plav- 1 ng in llw l'ollC'gl' World Series 10 Omahu. Neb. Ile has slugged 23 hunll'r!) this st'ason The first player picked in the draft <by Sealtlel was firs t has e man-o utf1 e lde r Albert Chamber-; from John Harris ll1gh an Jla rrasburg, Pa. ~hort· • l v after ~lecting Ch<1mbers, the Manners a nnounced they had . :.tgned ham. Another Orange County player picked an lht: firs t round was Sl•n •tll' ll1 i:?h"s hortstop Steve Huet·hl'le. Ill-was chosen by the C hit· ago White Sox The Angels did not have a first 1 o und draft pick, but the Dodgers selected twice-tabbing !jtc\'c Howe and Steve Perry. both pitchers from the Universi· I y of Michigan'. Rack Leach, an outfielde r. was the third University of Michigan player pi cked in the opening rou nd . lie wa s se lected by Detroit. Leach was Michigan's quarterback the last four years. Anotherplayerofnote picked in the first round included out- f 1 e Ider-fi rst baseman Joe Lansford (by San Diego>, the brother of Angels third baseman Carney Lansford. l"llUT llOUNO OllAl"T l'ICICS I .... otfllp All>Pf"I Cr.aml>P,_, II> ot, J Ol\n H•"'' t11qf\. H•f'fl\Duf'Q, Pt' 1 N,.• VOfa Mf-t' ftm l fldry. P, UCLA l Toronto J•.,_.$i:nrMdrr .. c·o•. P•cific ., .... ~\. • At1ttn1a t}tctd 1Comm1nsk. of·lb, Sl\il_,.,.. H u~rt. l 1f'nd, Of'ltO \ 0 0 1.1"41-J ... n l"••M-•li<O Bv~l•IMNI, u . H1dlwal'\ M1ttm1 l ... f'\ ... 19h. H1eteah. Fl•. • St LOUIS And"w V•n Sfy .. # Of, N~w Hdrllord H1qll, Hht HM110<'d, HY. 1 Cle¥el-O-Jolln 8-1. p, "-" H191>, ... .... ,o. .. 1. HOU\lon-.Jofln Minrocll, c, Pvnasu .. -y. Pot. ' Cllk ... Wiii .. So•-SIHeft llw< ..... H, l'ullerton. 10. M-rHl-Tlm Well.tell, Ill, TIKtlft. 11. MIMnCll•~•"lft •renctt. Of,""-· w 1 ... 11 Clllc~ Cvll•-Jofl•lll•ft Perlmeft, p, c.., .......... . n . o.tr011-llkll. l.ncfl,ot, u .of Mkllltaft. U. Soft Oie90-Joe Ut'lfoford, Of.Ill. Wlko• Hl9ll,SM1!eClolro. IS. S-l"r..-ci~o !cllOl<e lrom ""9911>-Scott O•rre111, p, Bvotey, 111. i.. l.m ""9elft lclloke from Pitbllwtll1- Sl•tt H-. p, U. of Mk lll90ft, "· Te•es-..i.,,., Ooft oie.-. P. u. of '"es. II. s... FrMICIKo-RIO l.vecll ... , p, H--. ,. ClllU90 Wlllle So• (C llOIU l rom B•lllmorel-lllcll.ey Seillletmer, <. Brerih.lm, , .. , 19. Clnclftftelt l<!Mlc. lrom Pfl11.ci.111Nt11-0... ......... <. "-'°"· LI l(Of\M$ Oly-ct\erltOft H--·· p, CE, f1tftftH-Sl•le. n . C•M-•-111.osu.11 ..... p,Clo-u. 2J, DetNi4 I~ "-Milwellll .. 1--awls ll•or, Of, OMrtlwft "-llMS, Mlcll. • H. S... OW. l<hok• from l.M Alllitlnl- lllMef't ~.<.~o..e. · the ,,_,.... history Of the aeries,. the Jour llnaliltl are from only two le.,_. -Fullerton encl. Pepperdlae of the Southern Callfonlla Buebell Aaiociatloo._ and Tn• • Arllanaas ot the SoutllWMt Coiaferencie. A .. ..._.. BERT CAMPANERIS TIU~ TO FIELD IAD HOP SINGLE. White the Dod1ers remained stx games-baclt in th~West, the Pirates fell 4'Aa gamea off the pace In the NL East. · . . U . LM Mlitlft l<llolc• ,,_ Y9"11-1-llt¥e ~u.-.~-H. O•••• ... l~l\olu f rom f!Mleftl Mtt9 ~ ltftflouW ,of, Htn.•rd .. , • ! T~June5.1979 A Cap_. ........ Fl'OM the Wonct of Sporta --'Outlaws' Star Has 'fools; All He Needs ls a Pardo11 t 'n>m AP Dt1pakt.H MtAL~ER . Ok h• harles Hick"' hui. m t!llned • let.ter of inlt>nt tu play basketbull h r u 'fexaa Jwil<>r c..-ollege. Now all he net'ds 1$ lht· u11 t>roval ol lhe l'ardon 1.ind Parol~ Board. Hicks, a ff root s former prep s tandout at f:ury, Ind . lb :.enl~ u flVl'-)'e!tr l('rm In the blHU' l~ntlt-11t1ary '°' rarw from Custer County. liut h11> performuncc on lhl· l>a1>kl:tball eourt u part of the pt!nthmtuu·y'i. Outlaws kum hai.o l kt-pt the college rt><'ru1ters uway lie has aver1tged 36 points and 13 rebou11c1, t1nd <'IH ltt•t ~his year m a 1:ame a.i1uru.t lhe 0dUas Co,wboy1> pro foot bull tum he hu for48s)oin{s Allhou~h scouts from a number of collt'gl:', have het'n a mong rttent audiences btoh1nd the wall:.. the 2:! )c..i1 old !>harpshooter bas signed a lette r of intent to 1>l<ty for Cook County Junior College an Gainel\ville , Texa~. i.>endmj! u favorable r ecommc nd1tlton from the :.late Pardon <tnd Parole Board next monlh. ------q..1r el llw Dat1----- Philadelphia Phillies Mana~cr Danny Ozark, afte r a poor showing by bis team: "We were us flat to1ughl as people used to lhink the earth was ... •••i.r A~'.-Pla,,rr el lltr Montlt NEW YORK -· Outfie lder Don Baylor or the California Angell> hit .354, drove in 23 runs, and Ii :.cored 21 himselr to win American League player of the month honors. A.L. President Lt'C McPh:..il announl'('<i Monday.· -Baylor bud c1~ht doubl<'S, a trip~ and 5e-Yt·n home runs while drivin~ ln two ~ame.wmning runs. He abo had r•1ght ~onsecutive stolen bases a nd hit safely in 22 or the Angels· 27 aAYLO• Brock abo May f,!a mes durini.: the month. Has 12 game hit· tini: streak during May was the longest for an Ani:el this year and he ended the m onth with a six game hilling s treak Lou Brock of the St. Louis Cardinals. who hit .433 during the month. was named National Lt>ag ue player of the month. Brock h:1d 29 hits in 67 al bats, nine n Bl and !>rorcd 11 r uns during May m one of the best !>tam in his caret-r. lie ne<:d~ o nly 5-t h.tt5 lo become thf· !•Ith plavcr in major league history lo reach the 3,000.hit plateau. had three homer~ ;.ind ~Loli· lhri·e bai.t.~ m Texas Ranic~rs relief specialist Jim Kern: who had a band ln elaht of hl• club's n victories in May, waa named the Amencao Lc:aa~·s Pilcher: or lheJloot.b. lloWlton AstrO!'i ri~ht-hander Joe Niekro, who won six f(am1:1 wllhoul • loHs 1n May, hu been cboaen lite National Ltiague'• pUc~r of the month. ., ... •.-eerd• I •i• t'leae.,, Form{•r Los Angeles Dodger pitcher To••Y Julla became the '(irs l 10-gamc winner in the ma· Jor lea..:uea Monday night, pitching the New York Yankees lo ·an 8·3 victory over Kansas City. John, 10 l, :icutll'red s ix hits ... Lee May'a Ue·breaklng •Ingle In the 10th inntnJ( gave Baltimore a 3-2 victory over Mike Marallall and Minnesota ... Jim &Ice and Carl Yaatnemakl lrlggered an eight-run fifth inning with consecutive homers '°"" · , and Rick Burlesoa capped it with his first · grand slam homer of his career to power Boston past Texu, 13-5 . . . Ben 01Uvle hit the first grand-slam homer or his career to give Mllte CaldweU all the sup- port he needed as the Milwaukee lert· hander scattered e ight bits as the Chicago White Sox fe ll, 6-0 ... Seattle slugged a club-record six home runs and Rick Honeycutt pitched a five-hitter to give lhe Mariners an 11·2 triumph over Detroit ... Rick. Manning's bases-loaded sacrifice Oy in lhe 14th innjng gave Cleveland a S-4 win ovl'r Oakland ... Bill Lee allowed only lour hits over eight innings to record his lOOth career victory as Montreal broke a thre('-game losing streak with an 8-1 victory over Atlanta . .. Jose Cruz and .Crall Reynolds smashed run-scoring bits in th<' fourth inning and rookie Randy Niemann hurled a s ix· hiller as Ho uston defeated Philadelphia 3-0 ... Joe Vouol'blood cracked a home run and scor ed three times as the New York Mets beat Cincinnati and Tom Seaver 6-2 ... Minnesota released left-handed reliever Ken Brett. Brett had a 4.97 EUA in nine appearances with the Twins. IAJ11rttder Erupl11 011er Repair 8111 De fens ive back Joe Lavender or the .•• Washington Redskins has been charged with as· · sault at an automobile ;igency after gelling the bill , fo r re pairs to his car, allegedly fighting with three police officers before they carried him off to jail ... Fonner l>l•nvcr Broncos defensive back Leroy Mitchell has been sen- ~t'nccd. lo three years' probatJOn and fined ~.000 after plead- ing f!Utlty to charges of selling a nd conspir ing lo sell cocaine ... Jo'ormt'r world light-heavyweight boxing champion Jolla Contt>h scored a JO-round decision over unranked Ivy Brown at Liverpool. Englund ... Wayne Sbaw, a s ports information director at Cal .Poly San Luis Obispo, has been named assis- tant to lhe commissioner of the Pacific Coast Athletic As· sociation . . . The Cleveland Browns have signed USC de- f ens1 ve tackle Ric'1 Dimler ... UCLA linebacker Jerry Robill80ft signed a series of fo ur one-year contracts with Philadelphia. Flying High Tefe.,llaion-Radio T\': No events !>Chcdult:d. RADIO: Dodgers at Ptl~hurv h. 4 :10 pm , Ki\llC 17:.Hlt Toronto at Angels. 7: 25 Jl. m , K .'\1 l'C t 71o 1 Hornan1 <.1 ·~ Nad1<1 Com<ine c t m tikl'l:> a :-iornt.·rl\uult 11<; ~he win:-. thv tloor l'>.(•ftl~l· w ith <.t pf'rlt't'l 20 00 an lht" t\rt1 ~ltt (;) 1n11J :,t1c:-. World Cup champ wn!lhtp:-i rn ·1 o k}o :\1 ond:iy . Hogan: Ali of Racquetball Pro Earned More Than ::5200,000 Last Year By DAVE CUNNINGHAM reason he C'vrr lO<iC''i 1:-. h<'<'<JU.\f' ttw pro 1·irr u1t. tht' rc~t lrorn Se ldo~tMh:it;"~ns:"ath~etc of tht! rough lt fe of a racquetball product endo rsement:-. d · _ ... h pro. llc"s :-.tall a JUntor at San D..-go ominah." is sport lil<e Marty "It gct'i pr<>lly demanding at Stall'. hut owns thn •t· hOUSf's Hogan dominates racquetball. t. 1 I l "'· And Hogan knows it imc!>. t·ou c •.n! gone every ion(• t•;.ic.-h tn Vtab, SL.Louis und w_c~k~nd of lhc year... Hoi:an ~fan· D1t=go 1 and a trio of cars. in- ', "l 'm..-the be!it:•TtH!l',l!~Hri'l '" say-s. '1Anr1 be s ide s th e r lud1ng a Mcrced,·s 450S L .• 1 II 0 G t\ N II i\ S ,\ f .I ll I. I racnc1 10 M I .OUI'\, hul ,, , lw 1s "10 yt-:.1 rs U\\ay" 111:111 mak tn~ any dcc1s1on about mar rtattc. Another trapping of his fame h~u; ~n w1 1n111h1llon Lo /\bl ' a nyone in the world rag ht now tournamt•nls .iwople alwayi. want HM w-and a G MC four wht>cl who can even ~rvt-inc a--~~001""dt---·e1thf.btt10fl':'I. c hmcs<md staff hire 1vr rue ·1·~upcr..~r-o-m~p~c-•c-n·~~,,_,,,<1 _____ _. .. rnullt ·s porl. 1·ontravcd-for-TV t'Vl'OI t<tpcd <·;.ich :-.ummcr 10 the i.:a m~." the 21-yca r-old San thal." llf.: ROUGHT a condoman1um Die~o resident says. "If l 'm ALTllOUGll HOGAN won the for h1~ dad 111 lll ino1~ ;,1nd has rt'· Bah ama:-.. playing halfway decent, nobody national lttlt• last yt•ar. hf' lost in t amc·d ftnan<·1al t·xpnb to 1nw·~t can touch me." the finals in 1976 to Ch arlie tht· rest of his fortunt• AT THE SAME TIMf.; llogan is p laying the n 1:1 t1 o nals rn Phoenix. TV vlt'wcri-will gl'l :1 chance lo sec him in. a ldpt·d f'vent Sunday c J l : 30 a m. on Channel 21. BRASii, CONFIDENT and quick with an a nswer, Hogan is the Muhammad Ali of r1tcquet- ball. "J know what it takes to win. My shot select.ion ls better than anybody else's.,." Hogan says. "I can execute s hots better, hit harder than anyone, and just ov.cralJ pulperfo"rm any oppo- nent." · On. Saturday Hogan will get- a mJilc opportunity to'ba<'k up hh :-.lt1temcnts wh1·n lhc Nataonal ('hamvionships 01wn in Phoenix Thr w1·1·k lnni: tournamt·nl. 11f l1•rin1• $1:!.IMIO lei th•· wrnm·r. an 1111 .llly 111 aw•. llw l11w't pluy1·r:-. 111 the worlll Brumfield tind aga in in 1977 lo Along with Hogan's ~urc('S~ Davey Bledsoe . have come groupies. the s tarry- "! had a couple of bad days," eyed ~iris who h<Jn J.! a round Hogan s;1ys, dis missing the tournaments hoping to J!Cl their losses. "But sin<'l' then I've got· hands on tht> yo ung. good· ten a lot better. Like I say, if I'm looking bache lor. halrway decent. nobody can "Yeah, I got them coming out , touch me." . • of the woodwork·. They 're at Last year, al the tender age of evety sit~." Hogan says. "When 20, llog~n . <'arncd more than I first came out I used to play $200.~ ~hghtl;Y less than Hall : .th.at scene, but no.WI tend.to shy lhal t.ota1 came from purs~ on away from it."· · · It's the World Racquets ln- -vitat1onal. but 1t wo n't be rac- quetball that viewns will sn Hogan playini:. He 'll tw Jmnini ft v<• other pros to' cor:il~te 1r1 ~rts other than t~elr'sj>ec1alty.,. ' . . . Baseball Staiidings JC>t*CSOH & SOM SALESMAN OFTHEMOMTH AMt:Rt:ICAN l,F.AGUt: NATIONAL LEAGUE Wc•Hl Dtvislon West Division W I. Pct. GB W L Pd. GB AngC"l11 32 22 .593 llouslon 33 23 .589 Tuai\ JO 22 .577 l f'inciMali 29 24 .547 212 KansasClty. JO 23 .566 l'h Dodgen 27 29 .482 6 l\\i,nncsota 28 22 .560 2 San Francisco 26 28 .481 fl C1\icai;co . 25 27 .481 6 San Diego 25 31 .446 K Seattle 21 34 .382 ll't!t Atlanta 19 34 .358 l.21h MARTY HOGAN WORKS OUT BY PLAYING SQUASH. ti OGAN I S TH t: ddt•nd · 1ng daampwn. In fact, ht"s h<·•·n llw No. I runkcd player in t hr· world for more thun three ycurs, und he's won 28 or his l1tsl 31 1ournam1•0L'i. To hear Hogan tell It, the only Oakland • 18 36 :333 14 Eut Dtvlalon Celtics Have -~ Bird in Hand? BOSTON CAP> · The Boston Celtics again h ad their hopes raised high today, with R<'d Auerbach due lo mee t with lhe lawyer·•Reot for Larry Bird. the Indiana SU.le star who m ay soon sign • NaUonal Basketball Association contract. A Celtica o(licial said team preatdenl Auerbach and Bob Woolf, Bird'• repreaentative, would decide tbe Ume and place or the nel0tlattn1 1ea11on not" long before they actually meet. Celtic• owner Harry Man1w1an intervened last week and BoltOn ralaed Ua S500,000 per season offer to le00,000. Woolf hu lowered hla oris&nal propoNI or more· than a1 mllllon per.year to about f700,000, and there wu apeculutlon he would Helt at: leaat one last hike In the team '1 5-year contr1et bid. ~ BHtoa drafted Bird, the 1111·19 coll••• player-of.th•· . year, • a Junior la 19'71 and bu until tbe NBA drat\ Juae •..J~ .... ~ .... lid•. OtMrwlte, tbe 011 ~ ... beck la&o &Jae •.a pool. ' East Dlvlalon Montreal 28 18 .617 Baltimore 32 20 .615 St. Louis 27 19 .587 11'2 Boston 30 20 .600 1 Philadelphia 28 24 .538 311\i New York 29 24 .547 3112 Pittsburgh 2S 23 .521 41h •·ro• Pap 81 Milwaukee 30 25 .545 3't!t Chicago 21 26 .447 R Detroit 24 23 .51 l 51.i'.t. New York 19 29 .396 10Vl Cle vetand · 24 27 .471 71t'J .......,.,w-. ANGELS TOP TORONTO •• USED CAR SPECIALS snid. "hut l'v•• IU'Yf•I M •••11 II n10,h like llus om· " In an effort to plul{ llll'lr h1tlt·i., the An ~l'I ~ 11 1 ,. r•·11•11 t1•1ll v soarch.ing for 11n oulf 1ulth•r 1111 the O(X'n mark\'! /\ 1lt·11I w1111hl ha ve to be mude by Juot: I!• the league's tradlnK dl'1tdht1... ' "We need some he lp, antt we're trytng to g«.'t lhttt htir}l " Fregosi said. "I cun 'l pinch hit. I . can't pinch run, I can't do a nything . Wtiether H '1 ·somebody to play rlght away, or somebody lor the bench, I need people." . IN TREIB OWN farm 1y1tem1 the Angels' best prospect i11 Gil Kublskl 1.317 at Salt Lake City) but-you guessed It Kublskl Is surrerl"-rrom an arm lnlurv. The lineup Frego11 i ·orrered Monday night miahl just as well have been for an oldtlmer» 1ame. Bert Campanerla fage 38> led off, Rettenmud <al• 35> waa &be deslpated hitter and WilHe Oavla <•1• at> played rlcbt "-'cl. But none ~mbarra11ed himself. Ptajlq In his 1,000th , Toronto 13 41 .241 20 ~•.P•~111>2 1·1irc•1•r i:nnw, ffrllc•nmund wt•nt -.....,·,Sc.-:::·~·!'t.'•.~::":!.'..11 , :! for :l, 1Ul1' 1t was h1!l homer that •-....•. T0<on1a1 Hou,1anl , p,,.,..._,.,....o , , .. ,. I It" "Uln" Ill :!. R•lloma-•>. """'"'""'• 1 llOIMlftQ\I Only 9MNS\<MCllllMI • " '" lln\IC>" ll, Tes••~ ,...,.., G~ ("II m Jl:I fl(' r I ~ JHI n (' ht'd t WI) New YO<kl, lt-W) (oty J o-..n ISutlO<> ..... , ., Pllhllll<Qft te1, ......... Mllw-.,..4. Cl1t<-O I l o. n s ln.:l('s nnd IS 5-for It :.tnCl' Cln•l••••H.O .... l•nC1• 1U tnn•no•I ~ .. Ole90 IR•>mvsw.t M l .. Cltl<..., IL•"'P ht•<·omlnu lht• l<'ndoff hitte r. !>e•111• "· O.••;::!,., 0 _ ··~ ... ,, ... c~1111. 1 .. 1 .. •11 ... -. ts.er;_ AhuJ !\·for-tt In the pn~l lhrN· ... ~~ •~ ,..,, .. ..._... "-~.;Yen iscett ... , •• CIM"-f• , ........ .iumc11 I~ Dun Ford, who tripled , .. ,,,11N11•0,.,. ...... u:o .. .-.., ... 11. M 1." Jo knock In the tJebreaklng run " P1111e .. 1p11•• tC••"°" •·•I •• Hev\1011 -ttnd hit 8 double J-4~.'':'""* ltWtnfl NI ....... _ '""" 1·s::~~~ ...... HI ... St. Lelllt (Mef't•MI •77 PONTIAC GRAHDPllX . In sper1tllng emerald green melathc w•lh tan velour inte rior and many luxury options .. (391UOUJ. 53895 "We've got to keep a positive •-~~ c11y IOUr• "'1 .. New Yen "'-" »1>.11 .... 9""8A a t t i l u de , ' • F o rd a a y s . Mn • ..,,. c5NtDft •>1 .. c....-,.....,.. , , ~ °'"·" P2 0 PIC * , .. ,,...,.. 1we1t• 1.i1 .. o.....-• ........,.,, I IUP ....... tlOTH -... .._. " M"''' ...,. , .... 11 Wttlte wtth tan comfort knit fonMtly ~ '91. two A119tl _.c.-s t..,. n Oel..it CIWI.....,. Wt et IMttlt ....... , .. ,, interior, dual llnkl. alt. """ ..... .,. ,,.,., "..-"' •• Y-"' •• power steering, power A~lfft ......,... Wiii .. l• .. vt ... IO<elty ...., c~1l~~~11,~~·~~~~·~~.---------------------•••••••-•••~~e~r~~~~~~ ... to .. fMt<MI • ..,. AIC TY 1tkl&M 111111... Ind 'r 111 • r t 0 w Ing ,..,.,,. '" • ••11 1>1~• " ..,, "' s...tNtn pick-'1E18818). Cellleffll• Olenfltl \ "-' to drotl 111411 ...,.. from uwv \ llt \(llM\M""' Wiii -· Ille .._lt!Ofl of Ille SelllrWY ee-~ly •• (MMY ~I s5995 ,....,.,..._,,J...,,11 .. nlQftff•n••.._,..tt•• Vr•nat ( ounl) \ 11ldf\t 1.lntoln·Mtrtllr) lkaltr\lrip =~~.:.~:~=.~"::.'.iJ·~=i JCHKSCK SCH Tewft,~.lleu111wlle••,d•efl•dlnltwl1r\I l •74 OLDS fl fwN...,...., .... «>...-....... , ... _, '' ..... .,. ... ,.. ...... ,.,..,..,.,.._,.."'-•""'•'~' , Coupe In eparkllng light ....... l .... '1'9111t ...... e ·•utll'tll'll'6" .. o-nreen Witt\ malCt\lnn ._, ... ,,. ..................... .._11121•1· • • ,..._,_ .. ,,.111..-. ... ""'"''.,..... medium green interior. =~-==:~:'"::.~":!:;:: THE f AMIL\' UNCOl.N·MERCUR\' STORT.·, 1,,u,.•utyl and comfort. ... ,.......,_....,.,CM1tortt1e•tw'ert-1616 Harbor Bl~d. Costa Mna S.0·5'.JO &3PXT . c ............... ·-11• ...... , .... ,.. '2249 1 ............ ...._. ........... .. ................................... ... _ .. .......,,., ...... ,....._.,,. .. ·~!ll!!!!lillll!l!!!!!!!lfl~-.. -lli-lli•---11!11------111111----.. -..................... .. ........ -__._____ ' • . ,..... .. .. _ ..... _ .... ---.-.--~--- ' - .&M&JltCM1.U01tL ............ , .. ,, ,_ c .......... {lt lUt", \' •••IO• I" Howell, .141 ,.,h, di\ fl0~1N1' Ill kwlll " W-•lf ··~·'" (••• ... ' fote1, ... ..... . ...... \ t I 0 t-m (W't \ \\ • t 1 0 \ I I 0 l •"•"<I l4J I 0 0 ~ \ 0 I 0 'O• Cl (I o I 1 l 4 O l 1 !lolor If • O I I I 0 0 ~ A1•ell• IO I II 0 •I t 0 t 0 °'>•"'"O I 0 I 0 I t t 0 ltlm "" dh I • 1 • ) 0 0 0 (1•"1\ Ill I I I t 0 I 0 W 0•¥•\ 'I L • 0 f. Je 1 t I t Ol•t\ fl) t • 4 \c .... 11 ... ,..,.. ... , t ororuo IM f\ ( e11tarn1• .11,11 \ttl • • L ( .,,1u•tt•1 UI-' I ... Ullf·t l •UfQlfu• I l\Jlt Iv-Ont\\ hJ t •Hturn·'-• I 1U • 010 lH t MO HM J4eH•l•th,it\Q i' (#H t h I IOt '" R•1ta1 Uu,11>111 °' L'°"\IOIO T~-11' H IC l 11 •• ~O Huttm•n 1t ?•1 o f lh 1\-•t , 0 • v C•llt-a 1Cft•P$1 fl , tte11Q•CW '' \ I ,,,., I I 0 I• \ttV• ( l1!'1t ' ' Jttil I,}, ll "il.'~I 1¥••D4t•'Y• f I fl A '" lfl't Orroaet l f Wi"') Mlf'\~'-QIA tH) ''"' ~ ... 0 1 ,, I j'j.jfhtnot-.1 m..o "'' ,..... t J hi ' f '1t •\Of'\ Mttt •.t\"11 I •"tl N yf\'"u"' b orQm4n t 10 f t.1' .... ,, ,,, " .. ntw,.. • h •ftO OefT'IP"'Jt'; 4:.ti ttoq, tu 'A ... , •H"' U # •' l M•-1..n .. u i,), ••k t~.,11 ... 11_. •• AOf>n1< •f' t tO. A t l ~-0•1 'v•~' 11 .. ~· ',~;,"•,-;::•;,;? \ I~ ltU\ton l tl1 Oft() 00· 1 l I • I D L UI\ M t•01<n I\! Mitj"l(n l)J,, ttfmt•I f)f 4nQ ~"""'1~•Q f Otf ftl . WrlQl'lt tltl ,.no b Prr v W l o"'''• \ 3 L 0 Eth\, t t HA\ 1,..,.,,. l-.lh\J I }\ f,•ubh llS• UU\IOf\ ~it~ ta 1, V8\lttfM\.•• 19,, Uurh .. -..ou •Ji .• "•98 ............. , l!e"\*\f !ly oet l(lt 01 a I New,,..,,. 010 bo1 00. t 10 O C.•J•~.MWilllt I lt l .. ~--1-JQlll\ •1111 .,."""'" W -10 I I \t•I•, \ 4 ttN .._.,. .. , Cllv t. llrel1 Ill A It IM .,.._. .. -.... .,.,,___ '°° 000 ,.,... • 1 0 f hlf-I 000 000 , OjlO 0 t t (•lll_U_( -· ••-•le,.,ttlfl tO'ft ,, .... ,"" ... ,. t •t •tttt • ••-r Ne"0•04rly l~I W <.•IU•Oll • • l ft1u"''9-"-.., \ I MA MH•.iN• .. (.)ullw .. ti • u IOI> ,,,..,_, ••• , ..... t 000 WO IOI I I .IOI 101 IJ• II I) 1\ Wtllv• •~ U~ht·•~ ''' Arrovu 11 1 .eNJ t ... ,., • "" •1 """ >;t \iltf •Ni ( ,.,, W UVf~Y~ t#'4 I & ~lk \I• t I tttf \ ~-ttt.. ltOt "'h ' UtuV• ti •• ,.,,. t Mt,., • " ful\t \ tt I 6'1• I A \ \,. IM4MU \ A t4 I •h>•"''-'W1 ()Ort tU"J CA)() O I I t I I Ot11•t•t\il • QN UJt ~ \lit,; t I I I iNtU. tf\~ ~lhwr •I M C.OW' tflU I Air'""""' "h•Ut.lr, lh 4tlft d tl It 1 t lfnd t \\1AU ,..., 'lilflOJ't,I I 't I/II M i;ll"" l\I ltM•'tllA \'1t·4 NATIONAl.1 l AG Ut o..r..n 4, Pu•• .. ~ I l•• ._ .. , ............ .. •• r " 1H •D , " Ot • """ \ /I) I I J Mun ,.u • ' • "' Q "' M y\\•lt I IJ I f l•'-,, ) 1 \ .., "n1lft •I & 0 •• ,.,._, 1 rt 1 t I I ••I ••t IC.. 1 ~ ,1,.1u•·ll tfJ • U I D ( I 'I JD I 0 t1 N lJO\h It t Q 0 (,I r M 1 '"' ttJ u o 11 > 011 • u o •J ......... ,It t (If VU .. I t nv~)o• 1 • 1i.o1hltlft ,, f 11t •• 1 I\ II t t I I I ii II 0 t IJ ~ 0 '•'* l\nl• /0 C,11rh.-1 JV kOh-.1 r '' I 1f\lt f ~·n ioftJUHI C1 I M lln•' t+n I' ~.ulvt• " ll t I i T 11.,1° St..vt e by lf\f\tn<f' I u 11 11 i U 1 I 1 0 IJ IJ t U Q II u ,, ,, u ' u u 11 0 II II I tfl I t I • If\·"~"' It"' ,,, ,,, t (IC'> • "111\DUrqfl !Ml IW 000 1 I t l't'N\.CJf' 1 fJt' l t1• Ao,,..1 ... , 1 lOit l 11 .. AnQ•~"' • tJ111l\l-.,• 1Jr\ t lf\ I 1a r •f'• ' •.11tt(lt1oll k u'\"' 11 tlU I 1itt1t.1\t1n Uh P~t•m 10' ':all -t "'"'" I homw' 1,.0\ ...... ~ IP H II E ll 1111 SO ~Ull llftt:" IW,fi '' 4 1 } J ... , .......... k o o+rr IL.I tJ Momo ,, f ,.. u•<1t< I I It H•t•• '41h hilt" r I 0 A I .. /11 u ·-····-· _A,, .. , ioi tot no 1 10 , All-'11• 010 000 000 I 4 O It l••· fel m•• 1•1 e fld C e rt., I\• luOl•t•, • M'IMtr 111. WL""'"'" If!, ~Oii 1•1 .ie ......... -....0~ m -W II l••. • J l. •••-•· 1.J HA -~•MI • n ner no A ·1 • .- ...... a.~1 .. lltlel"~ 000 000 000-4 • 0 H011t19" -fW ...,_.) '1 0 C~• '''•"°"• M<O,•• 1e1 •ftd BOCWMt . N,.m_ -·-W N .. meMI, J 0 L l"'hlefl-.~J A "Ml ......... _, N•-. Vot & 10? 000 00) • t7 1 t ll>C IM•ll 000 011 000 l • I \••" •"0 ~•••'"~· $eevet. tt•tr t8L rom•u• "' -8en<I! w $••"· ~· l '}PltlVf f 1 \ H•h ...... Yor • HencMr')O,, J• v~ ttOl, Cln<.lnnelt, 0'"'"'" ' '>"•vtt• 111 • Jl,.0.) ALL...ITA•GAllAE VOTI LIAOI•~ ·~-'-..... , '"··-•• _. C-W. C...._..., Jll,MJ, 1 C.e< 11 < "°°'" MllW-M, 6J,ll41 l C,eorqe ~on 0o\lon, 0 ,11•. • C"''' (l\amOh\\, N•• ror• lS.611: s J"""' M•'ftlerry, l 0<onto, 18 0 ), ti Jir\tOft ThOmpw,., 0.-CrOol, 1) oaJ I loOdiv IWe1ruy, 6elllmot~. IJ,00., I •-• lrtornton,(l•ftl -. IJ,l'k .__ ..... I I •-Wlllte, K.,.w \ (lh , t()S,9o• 1 i.,ny R~my. llo\lon. tO) ~U , J. ••..,V Gttcll, C~, tt•. ' Wtll~ A""°°'"" H f'• Y Of k . f&,OOJ ' P •ul M Ot1h .H ,..,,,..,.,__._ Sl,81) 1> Jooqe Ori•. (l\•<<OQO n we. I LOU Whltt1ll~r. O•l•Otl, Jl,•ot> 8 (lump W ill\, le•"'• )I nJ ~_, ..... llu<•1 Dent. Ne"' Vo<& 1.IO '11 1 f ·~ ~dtt!li:. ~dn'Ml\ (lh 111,10 . l Rciv ~maiu ... 'f MlnM!~la. "7.0.., • A1<0 Ou•i(>.,o<>, tlo"on ••.W>. ~ AOO•" Yo..n1 Mtl•dUllff H )'llJ o Mtttt 6~tonger, 0.-ltunor• 1•,4\8, I Al.tt\ "'-'""lf'Ntlt. Ortr0t·t t•,lto ¥ "4dfl0 ""'°'' 1<'0,0 tt .. lend, II~ TlltN •ew I (rr41q PWm•\, PWw Ve><ll IQ),118 I (,• 0•9" B••"· oc ........ City. I >a.uq. J IJul< ~ Hob \On, Bo•lon, • 1 9)1 • Don Mo"'·• M ll'#•uktt, "' \U. \ C•rMY L..t•n ferd. C•llter11t., l4 ..... ; 6 ~"' lld..00 """"'"""" JO.Ill. 1 OouQ O..C.ln<.t'\, llJlllmoro. 18,l>•I h liuOdy Bell, l o"'· 11.00• , ....... I (df'llQn ....... Bo\ton UJ,01' 1 0 111rt1•H Por l~•. ti'"""" .. (tly, 111,IVJ ) lhu,mdn ) ¥•Ch ...... , IH,Olll.' 8 rW..0... 1 .. , c...-.. tl,t,., > J im w ndbe<O ,. .. ,. M.ltf, 6 L-• P•rri\lt. Oelr0tl, 16,0U 18\lkltW-..r,Ml,.,,.>Ote,11, .... t . 111c11 0....-v, llMl!Wftot•. it,"f. o.ttleW I , '" l vnn. Bo\ICWI. 11). .... t Jim Alf f &ot l..,, IM, .... I Cert VettH-..._., 80\IO,., 1•1,1 .. , •. A990i0J JoKkloO,., ~ Vo,., l)t,'20, ) .,,_ OM. Ka ...... (lty I!,~~ • ~'• IC..,.,., Ctly 10.D4J I 0.. 8 tytw, ~ .... u1. I i..•rr• ,.,, lo, M•l*e"loM, U ,k l , • llon Lt Flot~ 0.lrOll, "~1. 10 He l M<A•. Ke,.w • CtlV )0,1 ... II St•,,. K•mc>. 0..1rolt, «.>es 11 MIO o RIYet\, -"°""· «.101. IJ Bot>t>v Bond\, Cltvel-. 31,.,, '• Owt9hl E on' 8 0-.ton, ll.092 COLL IOI NCAAWO•LOU:lllt\ ... 0 ............... L-n · •r.ocllet (•I \tat~ Futaerton t•. •rUOIW I tAtlt~ tllm1n..ett'dt P 1rppe-ro1rw \ Mf\,t\\lppt ~tdh• • 'Nh\ \l\!u"O• SWte e11m1n•h~O• fMeY'\ Gem•• St,., l~t ¥\ Ar\«tn~\ l&t I)• .._ FllENCH Ol'EN ,., ... ,.,. Mo"CW11\ AtWlh M ,.n \ \H'IQI .. \ JlrYHl'IV I 0 ""0 '\ d.,.f M1tl"Ut:I Ordnl••' 'b At, h J b t ~ t I (hJn• tJ1uo~, tJ••t wn,u , ' 11>10 • t " • b ' 1 , °' • Jo·<' U tQ1J11•' 1, w.t t t•ut t ,.,,._t "-, b • f> t ) f; t ''· b t '\/•'\(Ir s;.tt r I I (). t 6tot•t•'fl ... •,utarnun6 1 t.i 4 h J f od•Y \ A•\ulh M•" \ S•nQ~\ C.,u•lh 1 rou '"'" o,., 'J'C!.~t M ,.y .. , I \ I O ll I 6 1 b l Wom• n \ \thOh \ W• ndr t .,,,,,n, 1 1)1•• ••ttn-t M dn(')ftll.o v" b l 6 J ._. .. ,~1r101 M1.tt 1\11.0 Vd °''' ~,~ ....... r rHlft'U••'ot I, 1 f • llECKENHAM TOUR NI: Y l •l Be<kenl\•m , E"Ql•ndl M11n ~1 'itrtqlr•-. ~·tr•• f h•m 1n11 O .. f u,,,,,,,. t)•mvwn I tt ~ '1 r ... , ., MvCJ• rt• • c h' • Jonn• tun-1 c. , J t.i 1 f "'" c •Ut 1,,ttn Orf '411 -.M ttVl·' ).fl f) t t_.A wome11, •"'91tt-E-G••et0"9 clllf Nell<tt •f99t .... •I (11•1~ l!,,.,t LIO'f(I tl•I ""'• Ge'lul•ilh t •O. •·•. 0 1•""• ~ rom flOlll def ltl•o•n•• llu11c1 •.t. •·• ., ....... ....... M'"'' ,..,..._,._.,. T ..,.,.., .de.I O\l'h Ket"4tl t•):i .t. HIGH \CHOOL MI N ~ \OUTMl'•N CALIPOllNIA GOLF AUOCIATION P'INAL\ l•t V~ c-. lltveo ldet tlldlw-.h t MOO<P I El\onor•I /J/1 U I 1 S<"• '(10111,t rt 14 11.f) ) P•lf' C!Mtn M4t•l 0'' 11 I) ••& • Oner ......... 1 1J·I ...... I Cu•w•\ t .,..,,,. /l lb 1•• TNm I Clo•" JOI>. J. O-. Hiii\ M . J L• JOll• J q • ti C<tmtno R~"' 1111 LO' ALAMITOS Mo'"'-.y''\ lt•,ulh I t \lh ot ZWittt QWr1•f1'0r~ "'"'"'q 1 f +r \t fd t .... -,._..,,.,.,. •ul'l 111 "" 'Mou"n' 10 I('! t>W ld'J h•Ul1.,tM"'"'"' '"''tJlt/1tt~U. I tf1 W ar (f1'J•-.,llOt H.~t(J11 10 \1 l"'•ctlt.-t t . J,Htfd\\Jt.o S.tf)nd 1tt11> Hr,...,\ h rh'OV & f'"d'"' 100 I~~' J 10 rt-A f lfT'P fJ1l•f ( r.•1•'l"'' 0 Mi 180 (, .. ,.,.-. .. yf ~•Sr t')Wdf'I tf)O ""'" ,tt< .. Coli M ,. M1trlnirt •• ,,,, t.tOO t ••>. 1 ti> 11.-own Ht11• 1 l '''"ntri 1 A 10 1 olJ >""'•"Q (Jn ( • .,t 'Wdh0t11 J 10 •ourtn 'd'' l1mMv '"! ·~1nn111nl ~f;O h t.0 • ()(. ~vi.: f v .tnrlv f(n rl'J~' • '1 80 \ .iO Mr (.-tf1r1 'l/,1t•,11n, l o0 \t•·•·" 111 tt$ /t (id1<1 1i1n fJI ~ tflP\, ,,. "'""' ,.,,. .. " '"""''" 1110 t; lU t /'J Jt,,M;ef10'1 i"trtif> O V<.I \ aQ r fllllOf<Jnn....-.tw.;ft 1todt11 • 'tA, ~ .. "' ••• 8't""1lt .. 1 O•v IBerdl H JO. \«I,''°· H-0....... IO.rlt w l ••. • tt; ~ ..... ~' (HMtl 14.IO. IS••• ecta , .. ,,.,.._,\HO \0. • . s.,.. .. .,., .... _~,11(.lo c;.14 l(lerln•I U O. • 00, 1.lO, f lwr5 Fe v0t1te CC••••> fD.20, ) .0, Pie Ill ",. Slly CC..Oo1»I ~.IO. E'9ftlll •--Big Tl""' lloc• .. C...,_I • lO, 1 lO, 1 «>: C"--"f• I Brooh l 3 oo; t to. Hei-e IC..Oo,.I 100 '1 eoecle 11 \I po1iCIU1 IO ......... ,_ C-• C~I ,.00, '-JI. J 00. <>••mono 8•o1<e,.t IL•C>ft•m l t .40, >.JO; l wo (-\ 18 .. di ) IO." 111ec;la C .. )I peld H • )0 "'"·-.. ) .. ) Misc. MOfiOAY'S fllANIACTtONS 8AS18ALL Amen<•ftLe- ( AL II ORNIA ANC,t:L ~ Pieced A10 M1t011. OUl-f"'°lder, on tfW 1t-d•Y d1\4tbled 11\t 1. tro"' tttM\ tu J~ t MIN~l'><ITA TWIN'> A•te .. \eO Keft .,,,.,,, P•tC'-" N•l-.ILA- l 0 '> AN Cd~ L I !> P '" co 0 A nd 'f Mt \\'"' ~M1tn. prtcf'ltl>r, on '""' 11 d •'I d1\.4bttid 11'1 ~t (4fl~ 'IK 0 .. v111llttO, Outfj.fo.a.r, t·rom ~lbVQUf'rOVt-" o'I tPW" '1¥lf1(' (0~\1 Lf'd<tut' • "''d '"""' Ptr<Jr-o r,urnt-10 1nl1flldt.!r . to Afbu-ou••t QY•--.,...,rrn,.-..,-o tOt'lhdt 1 ut O•v• Ptitt· t•1r\o.n. p1l<.h•;!f, h om Afbuou"ruu,. '>AN D•l tJO PAO Rt '> .......... o t um f.,H,.,,<1n, lhl'hf..,, h um H«t w,111 ut1n ... fl.tt•ti< ( CM\t l t'•«tqu .. FOOT8ALL N•l-oV Fo«!Mll L•••"" f H t(.Al,Q Uf At:I', ')1tpu•<J W .. ltP Mt C lt'ndOn otnd 1.-rf)f'nt>o H ... d •t:'n.. runn ,nq ..,,., •-. 1oon.• ;edt '°"''"'"'" (IN ( •Nt~"-Tl Hf Nf..,,At '\ '-•QfH•d i•""°"• Whit• (J,.l..,.t1•,1<wr 1,1( • •• C.•Qf'lf>"Q Httt nt•y (OI "'" Ofi1•n\IY•' qunra, to d ,..,,...,., ot ""t'f Of'\t!'• "' ,.., (Clntr1tt h f I l Vl LANO BP(.iW ...,, "•qnt•O A tt f\ Ounle•t , ,,...,.n"Jt: '"'' r lt.• ,1nd (l1nto" bur • '"''·''"n .. r~llt l'Hlt 110 f l PHIA I Af.l l '> , •• ,,.., t:l(Jf')tn~.on ,,,..,.,~,.,., tu d ~~flt!'') Of '"u' une 1e•1 tClf'llrtU: f\ --------- No Hindrance LPGA !Star Was h am Is Dia be tic By 110 \\',\RD I.. II \~I)\' 0 1 OW O•UY P 1tot ~tAtt JoAnn Was ham ,.., ;i na m1• 1wtr1111s ()f tht· Womt·n·~ Kl'mr•:r CJ1x·n gv lf tournament at Mt•sa Verdl· Country Clu b wtll not ~oon forgc·l She is the player who had tw1J holt-s ·in-onc durini.: the tourna mt•nt ear lie r this vear. on the lfith hole on" day and on the s t·venth huh: two day~ late r. t ht· pro., for 1 lt1· IM 111111· ~h11t ~u n 111u rrw m1·nt, llAD AN\' lllRE Lt.:VA?'liT gc11ftng tl <1t •·:. n.•ccnt ly . o n1·s in which tt rrn.1dc llttlc th fflen•m·e to ynur pc.irtnc rs "he thc r yo u s hnwt•d up or not '• Well. P <1u l S<1latc.i 1s planning Just s uc·h a n event in conjunct ion with nis I rrl'levant Wl'l'k r t'l<:bration honor 111g tht• lust player ta ken in ttw NFL ci r aft. :\fork /\lmoncl. T he tournam ent will lw hc·hl al Ml·sa VC'rrlt· CC .June :.!5 wllh a 12 :111 shotg un s tart Atlas Cushionaire Whitewalls only 99e more than blacl<walls. Uut few of thos<' "ho "<itt·ht·cl ht•r p la y rc al1 1l' that the :!~I y1«_1r <1ltl • Wa s hum has ht·l·n a rl1<.1hl•t1c· s1n1·t· t ht• a1:e of 11 T he Am<·ru:a n IJ1abctes A~~rn·i;1 lion recent Iv h1>no rcd he r Cl~ tht· personality o·r th1• month in South('rn Ca lifornia. tht· f1r:.l i.uc h c.i wat'll Washam is c•urn·nlly mvolvl·d 1n forming <.111 athlC'l1c c·ummitt<·t· whwh GOLf ' w ill a ss1:0.t thl' ai.~oc 1 <1t111n m fu nd ' ra is ing ;:ind puhh(' a wan·nt·ss pro g ra ms. .. JoAnn 11-a g rt'<t l t-)(ta-mf'll .. ·lo other di abet ic s ... l'Xl'l'litl vc director Ma r iana Po rter suys -r'The life or a pro golfer 1s one 11f c·o nslant pre~· sureS<JTid orr-gmn~ tr.ivcl--und -:tht- h as shown th«Jt d 1<1bl'li c~ c;.in h:;.i!I very normal hvc~ • • • WlrnN l\RT SCHll.l.ING. presl·nt~ tht• fi rsl Or ange Coast Sa\'ings pro <im toumam t·nt at Me).a Vt·rd1· CC J une 1:.1. ht· will ha\\' :in out~ti:lnc1ing arr<iy of an •<• <·lull 1>ro~ p ;1111c 1p«..tt1ng Included on tht· ll~t arf' Schilli ng a n d his t wo :1ssistants al Mt•.,a Vcrc1e. P;:iu f W1s l' and Bill Bo~lc'n . · .Jack G«..t rnl.'r of Studio City CC. Tom Ba rber a nd .Jf'rr.v Barht>r of Gnfflth Park: Wt II it· B:1 r hrer of Los Coyok~ .. Dave Cink o f . M tJU't1 l:llO-Mt-ado~: Walt Wfllo"s ;:i nr1 .ltm Allen of Soull' '"Park in Oj ai · Other~' includ~.. ll~y O«..tkcs. UJla t. • tac h e d .. Ja c k llo lli s and 1'11 t Cha rt.rand of Holling Hills .. Jimmy Cla rk. unattached . Ga ry Wishon anrl P inky Steve nso n of Vi rg inia C<'. Ste ve Kenning of Lo:. Co yotes. Frank Ke lly of Te rr a Oe l Sol; Tom Carte r of Si mi V;:illey; J i m Bellows of La keside : Bob J ohns of Dad Miller GC: Bob Harrison of Brentwood. A lso. Doug Booth of Huntington Seaeliff: Mo nty Blod gett o f El Do ra do ; Tom Scha uppner of Friend· ly Hills; Ca ro l S harp of River Island. Marc Sipes of E lkins Ra nch . Max Bayha . unattached ; Norm Bernard of Redlands CC; Dave Burhcr of Ba ke rsfield : Ear l Col her of St ud to City ; Dave Evans of La Qu into. anfl Le w Difford of l!:I Dor ado. A full field of a ma teurs will J<>m f:n1 n «s a n· now being ta ken hv c·;tl ltnj.! (;.\;, 011 1 or h} contacting Ke n H11,zoll11. tc)urnament rha1r m an for I ht• 1·0 s1><m~onnJ,! ( 'orona def M ;:i r lotfrlulo"n 1•1111) • • • HO S Wt-:R t:R o f S:.i n Juan ('t1 111strano ancl pa rt nl'r ./:.iC'k Lundell <if La )!un<.1 Rc·ach deftea tcd Randy Brawn of 1-;1 Toro and Ra lph Wodn ch rof Ora ngt• in a sudde n d eath playoff 1n tht• :IB-hoh · b<.·ltt'r hall m em ber 1ourna mc nl al S<tn J u<.1n IJ11ls Go lf C lu b . Wc~r p1c'-kl·d up four :.lrokc s on one fiole by finng ~J-11&ublc::ciiglc:.Ml_ o ne on thl• 487·ya rd. par-5 sixth hole •--...;.;;..-..::.. Hra wn had a natural b1n lit• for a ne t ;:l'ro rln th,· llili y;,1r p<1 r-lhrcc 16th holt· (Ju.•t•ki,.9 ,, r••a Cour1u •11 I RVINE <;OAST Women':, cluh odd ho IL·~ to urnti ml'nl · A Flig ht Thl'lma c; .. rronl. 32' ~ B l''hg ht • 1ll'1 Fern Sproul and Beth Kraui.. :15 . C F lig h t 1t 1e 1 nuth Sm ith. llosa lt·e Wine ;md lk rmccc Stcti.on. :12' '..!: D Flig ht Evely n Conant, 2k1·~. Most par ., tourn;.i me nt :' A f li ght Alice Hhorl_v. 17. B F light lfelen Ra llent1n1·. Iii (' Flight Rcrnie ce Noechcr .• J) F lig ht 1-:vclyn Co· nant. 15 . ... -COSTA Mf·:SA f"rnnk1c Dur:.t de- fl'a ted M~ry Z1mml·r m;:i n to cuptun · the wom en 's c lub m edal play club cha mp1onsh1p. B IG CANYON Two low ball!> or foursoml', ~ucsl day . A Flight-· •G ross 1 Dean llelpcrin. J a ne t· Holla· duy '~ant:i An u CC). Ro sak-e Vance. Dee Dec· White lfrvinc Coast CCl. 165. cNct ) Virgi n ia O 'Brie n . Nata lie Kini:( (Mes a Ve rde l, Karen Talbot. Ma r y Ha tckin <Mesa Ve rde l. 133. R Flight 1Gross1 J ane Marlin. Patty Hoyt 1Sa nta Ana CC 1. Ceil Ma rtin. F:dith Hobinson cSanta Ana \C l. 180. 1Nc•t l Duffy Whitlow, Micke y fic nwic.k clr:vinc Coast CC\, llarriet l'fl ('~e r . Kay Gardner •Irvin(.• Coast 1. 137 . KC Roof Caves I ri Pi •. P•f er WIDE AREA COVERAGE r KANSAS C ITY, Mo. t AP I Severe thun· ders lorms. packing pounding rains, h igh winds and large hail, raked the Kansas City are a Mon· d ay nl1ht a nd caused pa rt or the Ke m per Arena roof to collapse . The arena . hom e or the Kansas City Kinas o r the National Basketba ll Association , 16st one·h•lr to three-quarters or its roof, a ccordhig to Kansa s City Fire Depa rtment oHic'lals. Mainten ance and security personne l In the building al the time the roof collapsed had been accounted ror. autho rities said. One fire ofrlclal said da mage to tM 17,000·seat are n a. also the ho m e of the Central Hockey League. Kansas City Red Wings. probably would exceed St millio n. The larRe exte rior a rms which s upport the structure apparently were not da maged, however . Some seatint( se ctions and the arena floor were dam a1ed when the roof fell. . The Nation al Weat he r Service ~aid two lnchm1 or m ore or rain fe ll over mo8t of the .m etropolitan area within a hair-hour pcrJod r ~00:-L.A. 2!! ~OEPOSIT ON APPROVED CREDIT Now. during Whitewall Dealing Day ';, pdrt 1c1pat1nq E.t< .:0 11 cleCllers Arc featuri ng Ali as Cush1onn1re wh1tewc.ill tires for only 991: rrforc t11on t)lackwal l tire~ ... And they're also featuring s11ec1al 11nccs on Atlas Poccsetter wl111uwdll ti res Stop l)V today and save on t11ese great tires. Whitewalls 99C extra- Atlas Cushionaire tires. A quality tire at a moderate price. Four-ply polyester cord constr uct1on for a smooth ndo BlACKWALL SUGGESTEO FEOlAAL TUBELHS PfllCE EXCISE TIM SIU fWffff TRADE.IN) TU A78-13 S-2?.-59 .$1.62 E78·14 31.92 2 10 G78-14 35.83 2 38 G78-J5 36.78 2 44 H78·15 39.40 2 66 WHrT'f-U.111< EXTRA • ...,......,.~ IOwPfec.9 on ~ •1- ffWtn~. Another great tire vatue- Atlas Paeesetter tires. Glass -belted for mileage. '>trong th <Jnd great (111 ctround performance WHITCWAU SUGGESllO TutlEL£SS PAICl TIRESIZE !WITH rnAOE·INI E7B·J 4 $36.12 F78·14 39.76 078-14 41.96 078-15 43.26 ti78·15 45.85 FEOlRAl EXCISE lA• $2.21 2.34 2 53 2.59 2.82 Whitewall Dealing Days also mean .900d prices on gas-sav ing radial tires - the .Atlas Silvera1re ... Economy Radial and the ~xxon . Steel Belted Radial . 1. .. ElJ{ON See yow Exxon dealer and save, ~ Wnltewll Dulng Days. • Suggestle pttces a<e 1n eflecl through July 31 . 1979 al s tations operated by Ex•on Company, J .S.A. Participating Independe nt Exxon dealers set the ir own p11cos which may vary from those advertised ' • !tJ DAil. Y ~OT -TUMdey, Jf'e &, tt11 • -f op· tirnisrn I I Bi h _g Pre~ Wind Up f o~tball 1lril& j "f aOGt:a CAitLSON .................. . Wtth sprinte foot ball pr11cuc~ _ w1ndln& doWJLbr o.vu_ ro.r ~' Oranae C'.oast uea schools . op ttmlsm Ir. h1 i:h ro r m an y ~•&wcially C:ostu Mt-sa. Edison and t )(>L·rtn View hi.ih H'hooli. At t'o'lta_ Mesa the Mustuni.:' knl't' dttp ln returning lh u1l·ri. wti rl' runnintc a n t41peclall)' 1m Prt'KM\'t' option oltense b.·hand ~ tht.• •11.ntrterbackln_g of Su Vtt'"' Lt•iotu'-' l'layl'r of the YN 11 Bill l_.ux. aloof( with l't'l'el\ er 1>1111 Ba ut•r , Br t•ll T ho mµi.1111 1111<1 Ch ri111 <.'ht.•:.tl\! y Lux. hsted at ti 2 llH . uppt•ar' bh:&e r. fo:.tt:r .aruJ twttn, ~•th dt•t•p iw~:>l':-1·11 11 11>t1•nt ly on ta r get OC EAN VIEW, with <tll lca~ul' bl <t r !S Dim 8 l'll1n 1 <tnd O<tn Clt'arwatt'r 1defen:.c 1 and Ra) Kolle r and Torry Bachme tt!r 'the quarterback rcce1 Vt!r com bo l in lh<' pack. C»ml' up with 9.9 s printe r Rick Moser . 180 pound Mark Swliils and anotht!r tough running b ack 1n E d Cardena. At Edisdn the Cha rge rs havt' bee n bolstered by the presel}ct• of St . Francis transfer Dino Bell in the defensive backfield, along with the stead y improvement or Ma rk Boyer at liJlhl e nd. Kerwin Bell, the All-CIF star with 20 touchdowns as a Junior. __ f!li>S~ spring_practtc.e_ due to a commitment at the statr track and fi eld fina ls others goi nl.! through their pact's at Edison a rc quarte r back 1-'rank Seurer. line backer Bill Malavas1 and :m o ther depth-loaded· squad. AT 1-'0UNTAIN VALLEY, the defending Big Five Conference c h a mpions a re hig h on the possibilities or q uarterback An· d y Ocl.uc·a . 185-po und junior running hut·k Slt'Vl' Southwurd a n d more q uu ltty d e pth in years to t ht• pcunt lht· Barons a rc consicknng lwo-pla\""ming 10 thc fall. <J('('Mding Ill Ol'W t'(liH'h M1kt• Milnt'r. T hi· Barons h ave hN·n ex p1•r1m1·nt111g wit h optio ns :.ind .rnort· mot um an the ba ckfic lcl Change:-. in t he o ffens1· al Nt•wport llarbor a rc in ::.tore wtwre C't•uc·h Ha nk Cochram: is 1n::.t·rhng a winged·T ::.ys lt!m ··1t :.. a d('(·cptive-type offe nse. :.ays <.:o<'hr anf', .. without having to run <•n optacm. ·' 1\ l<.i n Gaddi ~ 11 65 -pound senior>. along with senior M1kl' HANK COCHRANE HAL AKINS flt•ll 11501 a"fl .1un111rs Hri twrt Anthonv 1170 • :ind <iarv Parrish • l li!i · \.\t·r t· t o1l.1 n g al · q u artc rhad. N<>al l<os:-. 16-3. 210 l forms tht• hulk of Newport ':-. line• AT LAGUN.\ BEACH lllGll th<· Artists arc adding some of. fl·ns 1ve flavor with tht' add1t1on of a double wing. triple-I and m otion, thank:-. to the return of formt!r head coach Ha l Akins to thl· ~taff as backfield coach. The Artis ts will concludt· Arbitration Split ·-' Horner Is H'!-PPY) ATLANTA t AP 1 Hoh llorner said he w<.is happy, but the .strain in his baby foce told a nother story. The 21-ycar·old blond bomber r~pt!ated over and over that he had won that he was happy a bo ut Monday's ruling by an a r bitr-ator which denied his re· quest for free agency but t old the Atlanta Bra ves to pay him <.ibout $146.000 for 1979. llorne r's eyes, howeve r , gave him away as he d iscussed the s ix turbule nt month~ or anticipa - t ion in the arbitration case . f''ina lly. he put it u ll into perspective when asked how ht: rc:tlly fell about the decision. "l'M HAPPY, relie ve d . upset and miserable a ll at o nce." s aid · las t year 's Na tiona l L eague R ookie of the Year . Woy. argued that his 1979 salary should include all of his 1978 compensation, inc luding s igning and other bonuses. which totaled about S18J,OOO. UNDER MAJOR league rules. a player's compensation can on· ly be cut 20 percent a nd Woy argued that Hom er had to be of·. re red at least $146,000 for 1979. The Braves refused . claiming bonuses were n one-time pay- m e nt. a nd o ffe r ed Ho rner ~1 00,000 for 1979: llornl·r held opt unrl claimed he s hould be de clared a free a~ent bcc<1usc the club had not offer ed a valid contract by <1 deadllnedate. GQetz• decision 1s im portant because of t he effect it will have o n n egoti a tions with top am ateurs drafted this week. "ll 's going to be tough on those k.ids siJlnin~ out of college and high school." said Horner . s prinll pr11clice with 111 Maroon und White-touch game f'nday at 7 v m. Adm1H ioni1Sl per fan. OlltVetsitY Hftch C"oach Chuck Mc Aoinch says he's e ncouraged lly the performance of his Tro J1tns where senior Jim Slaff and JUntors Bill Tosherf and Tim Ex· ft•y Wl'rt• under his :.crutiny fo r tht> 1.111 importa nt quarter back Job "II you dOn t throw the ball rl·asonably well . you're not goin~ lo hav .. a good offense.·· says thl• m·w Uru versit y coach. l 'l.A Y TVCKER, a left· handed quarterback who led the Corona 1h•I Mar sophomores lo a 9·0 re· n ird in 1978. has the kind of pro 11·<·twn most dream a bout with \ 11 league linem an Cory Burwell tfi 2, 2301. lacklt• Scott Curpenlcr 1 Ii J 1 ,, • 2 3 O J • c e n t c r B r i a n lk revcrc 16-2, 210 ). Vic Sidll'r •ti-I . 205 1 a nd John Olnick rs-1. 210 1 up front. At lluntmgton Be ach }lag h . Corona dcl M<.ir s opening oppo ncnt Sept. 14. the Oilers an· showing promise with the play ur quarterback Danny Curra n . r unners J oey Rodrigues a nd J an B<ti ltty. free safety Ra y FrC'nch and <.i senior b"fOup head<.'<! by 200·pound Ulckle Myron Sipp a nd gua rd Carl Carranza. in addition to Junior gua rd Mike Let• T ransfers arc a big ite m al San <:lc•mentc 'fhl· T rito n:-. 11 1 (.' k l~d u.p-1;. <h-2-J_() "iw.u.A d full bal'k·lineb<Jckt•r Jim Ooehr ing from Corona dC'I Mur and <J re expt•cting a pa ir of 210 pound lr<Jnsfers from S<in Fran c1sco and Washington. t 'ORMER SAN Cl .t;M ENTt: athlete Lucien Green . a two· time scoring and rushing leader in Virhtinia, has yet lo make an a ppeara nce. a lthough the father has told Coach Allie Schaff they pla n to return lo San Cle mente . ft'red Plack a f 160-pound run n1ng back > and Darryl Anderson 1 175·p<}11nd guard l were bright :-.polo;; al Dana Hill!>' s pr ing drills . Most notable t ha ngcs at Da na II ills a rc w1th ••ssislant coache!> John Calla rd has exited. John Miklas. and John Kli nk havl· been <tdded and Hi ck He il , Greg llowil and Ron Buchheim hav<' heen elevated to the varsity s taff. At Mate r De1 the Monarchs are tryin~ to rebuild a formida- blt! offe nsive line d epleted by g raduation. Back is guard Dou~ Beeuwsacrt t6·21fl, 205 •. a long with qua rterback Phil Spencer New to the proj:!ra m is Castro Valley transfer Mark Hatto. a 160-pound wide receiver and dC'· rcnsive back. T he Mona rchs wi ll go with their veer offense again and two 01111e-1eading runners are "' \larisoo ctnd J ohn Kapsnt!r., IRVJNE IDGH is s witching to t h e winged -T b e h i n d quar:t.erback Ray ~vlla, New t o the Irvine camp is fullback· linebacker Paul Calderon, from Newport Harbor. Al Estancia, the Eagles have lost four potential starters they were counting on-noseman Phil Chou Ito Salt Lake City), tackle Bob Patrick f Pacific Islands I. fullback Gordon Hamilton Ito Bloomington> and tackle John ,Fotenot <dropped outl. • Although Estancia is down to a squad of 32, among the re- turnees are receiv~r Tony Camp and lineman Al an Alkana. Tom i''ishbeck. a 10. I sprinter at Marina, has transferred to Foothlll lligh, Marina 's opt:nmg opponent in September. · Sam Aiello has been playing well a l quarterback a nd Lee Knowles and his defensive team- m ates appear to be on schedule. Gained by way or transfe r are Kennedy High comerb'ack Tony G uble r and Ocean View sophomore Craig Stevens. a de· ft'nsive e nd amt qua rterback. "I don't know. I 'll just pick up the pieces and go from here . You don't plan on this (arbitra- tion) happening. You hope it d oesn't happen but if the cards fell e xactly the same way, I wouldn't change a thing. I'd do it 100 times the same way," he said Altho ugh both side s wen· C'la1ming victory. 1t appe<1r s th<tl the Braves wen · the big win nt:rs. WEIGHTLIFTER ... · Atlanta lost so me money. but retained their No. 1 draft c hoice of a year ago. Horner belted 23 home runs. drove in 63 runs and balled .266 in only 89 games. ARBITRATOR RAYMOND Goetz' decision was disclosed in a draft opi.rUon distributed to the MaJor League Baseball Player Relations Committee and to the Major Lea1ue Players As socia- tion. which had a rgue d the me r its of the case before Goetz . at University of Kansas law pro- fes sor, last month. There la no appe11I for the de- cision. Ironically, baseba ll's free a1ent draft of high s chool players and college players will be held today. It ·was In that .clraft that Home r was plucked from Arizona State. year aao. Problems arose when ll came time to 1l1n-Horner for lt19. The Br.vea nelOttaled on the basis • of h is $21,000 rookie salary, but Korner a11d his a«enl. Bucky • • Ir ~ ......... ....___. .. :• ing wc1ghls we'd stop <Jlld talk You ca.o'tdo that ridinJ.t a bike " This isn ·t going lo be a leis1.1rt· ride Sunday eithe r. Gua rnacciu takes his bicycling seriously. usually averaging between 25-28 miles per hour during the 20.25 mile race. "I've got the best equipment m oney can buy," says Guarnac- cia modestly or his SJ.400 two- wbeeler the owns three olbera or equal '"value> that we i gh 22 pounds .• "The only othe r thing I ha ve lo contribute is a motor myse lf." GVARNACCIA'S strall'gy (or racing boils down to just one ele· m ent fitness "The fitness I have and the fit. ness I can put out, that's m y stra t egy, .. says th~ father of two. Guam11ccia also doesn·t wa it for a race to develop, he de · veloPI lbe race. "I don't like a dull r ace." he says frankly. "I want lo see how much my competition h~. I like a race Wher<' the work is forced , . and you put out a I most cvt!r y t hinoou havt· " And what docs he ::.ay to the skeptics who cla im bicycling 1s t•asy? ··Every body born in this coun try has been on a bike al one time or another. Most people ride for the run of it, which Is a lmost the next thing to sitting in a chair,'' he says. "Those peo· pie are never pushed beyond a certain le vel or speed. "Anybody can cover a hun· dred miles in a certa in amount or time. But J.tive those same people four hours to cover the same d istance and those that catn you can count o n your right hand." Gua rnaccia scoffs a t the no· lion people are throui:ch at the age of M. As he says, "those a~ the people that die three years down the line . ··Body maintenance Is lhe . key," he continues. "I think cyclin~ has added 15 years to my life. and I plan on being as active 1111 I a m now . when I become 100 year!j old." • FOOTBALL I TENNIS I BASEBALL O••lv P•I01 ~I.tit Photo EDISON HIGH SENIOR QUARTERBACK FRANK SEURER. Borg Gains Semif'1tals Gildemeister No Match J·or Swede . P ,\ RIS 1AI'1 B1orn Buri.: got hy s tubborn rl''>1:..I :rnn · from I la 11s G1ldt•mc1st1·r of Chllt· to- day to "''" 1; <\, fi t . 7 5 :rnd movl·d into lht· ~t·m1f111ab 11f the· Fr<·nc·h Opl'n t1·nn1 .., l'ham p1t>n:-.h1p:-.. ,\ ~l'llout 1·rn"cl 11 1 17.IJOO "atl·ht•d th1· S\.\l'dl'h '>lar fi ght fo r an hour \o sdtl1· lh1· third 5l·t' on th1· c1·ntl'r t·ourl 111 1111· l<t>lantl Garros stud1urn ' BORG IS 1-·,woarnu f11r lht· ~-1~.000 fir),t pr111· 111· " h11J!lm g lo win tht· 1·ro\.\11 f11r lhl' fourlh llmt· an six yl'ar:-. G 1 ldc m c1:-.ll•r 1111·" hol a nd cold. but at t1mt's 1n t hl· match he o ub tr okl·d Borg ;.ind won t•heers f rom th•· t·xr1lc.thl <· Parishm crowrt The Chile:1n·!) :-.trong lon·hand hl'lpt-d him 111 hn·ak Hori.!' "><'rvic<' aft<'r t railing 2 5 an the first sC'l Tht· Chilean broke :.gain lh<' sec:ond ~ame of th•· <;t'cond s et But Ror{!. patH·nt and unru(n ed on the slow day C'OUrl . prod uc1·d hi!. hC''it lf'OOI'> whf'lll'V<'r th1· mJt l·h began 111 ti•>"-.1gnm:-.th1m (; tld1·ml•1st1·r rl'lu't1•d t o lti· dO\.\O 1\t '1 11 Ill ltll' th1rll wt 111 h.id ftVl' hrt.•<tk p11tr1h ;1ga11l'I HtJrg s st'r\'ll'I' Thi• ('h1l1•:1n :-..1111 a lter" :ards hl· play1·d m:t~ lw rny tw:-.t lt·nn1..; 1•vcr "Wiii-:!'\ I \\.\S DOW~ :i I 111 t hl· :-.1·torHJ l>l'l I "'as :llrn1>:.l l011 11re<1 to run." Galdc mt%tt r :-:11'1 ·1 JU!)l w<i:.n t mt!nlally tOul!h l'nough I ha ve never run lh.i l muc:h an my llf<• I ha ve pl<n1 ·1I tor four or f1\1 • ltour:. iJgaansl V tlus and never been th1:. t m .-d · Ear lie r. G uillermo Vilas of .\rgcntma quickly finis hed orr li(•ne Ma y<>r an a· m atc h tha t h<td ~t a rted b{'fon• da r kness f<'ll Monda~ ~ind won . 7 ~ •. l ·fl. fi 7 ,; t •. fi !. ~1 :1.;1·1 . )tiun gt·r brulht·r uf \rrwrae;in pro Sandy. ll·<t hy '"''' ..,,.1 , to unP Mond J y night but m.1 n:1gl'd 11nly thrl'P games 1n l \.\CJ ~l'l:-. lC>d ay. Vila:-. qu;.ilt fit•d t11 m1·1·t Yi<·tor Pl·ct't of P a ragu;iy an th1• quartl•rflnah M ayc•r play<'d W<'ll at th1· starl of thf'.f.ourth set a nct Vilas had to fi ght h1<; wav pas t two dcures l'l hnld '>4'rVl<'t• tor a :!·I lead. Hut 1h1 •11 thl' Am1·ncan had <t ~p<•ll in \\ h11'h h,· l'OUld do nothmg 11ght NameYour Game ... --t" -.... .. The teams or 15 ·Oran~e Coast area high schools and three community colleges get personal attention and coverage from the Daily Pilot sports stair. Not just scores, but stories and pictures whenever and wherever the news breaks. Dally Pilot sportswriters and pbotograpbers are at the games to bring yoa detailed nrst.laand reports and pictures. Our wire service reports the action of college and professional athletic contests ac~s the nation. Added to all of this are the reports of other local high school and college sports, from wrestling to women's ath1etics. r Name your gamf' -we cover your team -in the sports pages of the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 ·~· ···----... -·-•+-····-· -···-.. ··--· ...... ....... ... . . ~ .. "What's th. matter? Old you hove o big wHkend, too?" SUPERHEROES SHOE MOON MULLINS ... MISS PEACH I ·, (~'' fP~'11, qJ~'''1,, '{' ': "'··: \ 'i." : , ' ' ._. .. \ ... -• .. u ~ ~ ·~ ~ by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta by Jeff MacNetly DRABBLE l-IE'I , l.OOK Wl-lAT 1'1-1( W~l 1'~(.SS f>f{OUC.~ f , l.VUJCN ~ A OISH OF OLIV(C, AND CELE~'{ At.JD -:.-rur~ ! DR. SMOCK Al'T"E:N"'flON _,. we ARE: GOING -ro N6eP 2 ,000 MORe VOL.UNTE:eRs -ro Hea..P PUL.t.. OUR CHICKEN SOUP f>ARGe FROM. -rHe WA"'feRFRONT' -ro 1"HE HOSPl"'fA&... .1 NIELSEN by .BiLKeane GORDO "I wouldn't wonno sit behind him at the movies." DENNIS THE MENACE ----------------~ ~ -... :>. .-------~P"!""~~~~n JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS rrs HARP 10 t'E:L.IE:Ve SIXH A 11NV ~PV CAN CONIA IN SUCH A MASSIVE: ~. ?.l . SC1t188LE ! SGR188LE ' !ill'l&BLE E ~1 ~~~·,~.I J& 1 • by Harold Le Ooux THEN 5UPP051N' l GRA6 HER Au AIN? WHAT WILL '!'OU 00 ABOUT IT ? by Tom K. Ryan SAVOR 11 : 11115 MAYgz::me ONLY GLIMPSE OF ME YOU'LL Jff:I AL.I.. VA'{. by Ernie Bushmiller T19d1r, June S. 1111 PEANUTS ·nu"f ·s w~" I &ROU6~'f -iOV l-IE!ll ~ 8E£.AVS( 'IOlJ OE"SE INf: f~(. 6£.~1' ~ -•t--Dl\L Y PILOT -.. TALK ASOOT /It DUMB QUESTION ... by Kevin Fagan bV George Lemont VVHY" 50 MANY PE:OPL.e 10 PUl.-t-ONe BARGe' c::>oc. ? by Jeff Millar & Jon Mcintosh Frzf D F1&UR£? A -or<eA'r -~ u £1\JE: I< Al IAK)UL D NtvtR A'?t\ H1? TRDO~ '0 Do SOME:1H1~ Ht TNDIJC()N'r IX) ffiM<?ltf. I ' ~ ' I . ~ llCRO'>' • '>Wilatc IC f ISh 1.i Aci,,•· 1~ Anoor11 'b p f ,, S'l 54..0111sn r..ir Sci Rt:St:' VI!~ 61 Seeo "u pcno.111• •., v 1·,u~ b4 f ,•\So I • &~ Rro.icJwd~ · · s.-d~"'·"" ,,,, ) .. c111i-. o6 Oost••CI u• 1q '>Iii~" ·n· I n..,m1 • Iii I •<ti'" ol I 11•1;-•, l 1 Aru,m S8 C•tv <>11.r 11 ""~""': ~q 01it1'1!• ~ :~ TY' • .,,, V ,,, ()()WN r! lf111t.H1• t Crow flt: i!i K1ttv ,, Wollnnuno I') ldl•Ht•l "' ' -ht-"' 11: Ld" 1 Cl;iuvoya111 31 Se.ircti uu• ~talked bat.I\ l•t 0 01 6 Alter noon 36 .Anoth1•1 I Bundllnc; hm1• 1 WOldS 38 Pub SldOU• 8 Ba~ketbarlc• 39 Everywhe11• -Baylor l wordc; Cl Tall qrass 47 Gamble 10 Mach•nP. 43 Block heads pan 44 Argot 11 Res111ci1on 4~ JC ano 1? Wall pier S1arnm111 13 Caribou Sc1m 18 C S A ~01 41 Regl order ~ Cloer •Cl Noun ending 14 -up Pre- !>() Machrnc 1001 oarei. )t Bolls OI ta1e i~ -COdl' S3 Rota11ng 16 St11keb1eak parts ers ~Jl LJNITED ~···llUI•' l-iy111J1ti11t Mon1Jdy 'l Puul" Solveci 1f Compolol•I ~I 11\!dVt:nl~ liaroro -IOO<J 28 Da11v lledt ;i -Cc1na1~ 'l WOid!". 19 WW-II 1n1hab wall'ICUUI w JI tnlelJPChOn ~J Romc111 32 EulOQV 33-Sa•O· phOne 35 Balfll; JI "1ahcrou~ burn mg 40 Wo1m •r Poetic con llachon 46 Ct1urch ar- wrrter ~4 Diva· s •;otn SS Maple Leal" or Range'" ~I C•.'.>SS •.woro·~ !>8 lhrs: So '19-machme 60 Newcasth• o; eas waterfront .i l 1me of ye11 63 Rro1er Sp ·. • 'P ,,,·, • . . I • t DM.YPtLOT Tueldey. June&. 1979 Business .. ~ . MaY Be JinX~dJ~-~ .,G~od Neighbor. -Plane The>y started markf'llnt< 11 111 t 971 u .. a food nelahbor 1&1rpl1nl' thut will t'ntt>r and IC"avt~ •irport 11rt•111t with 11C'1trct· I)' mQr(' th•n a poht\' hum nod 11 whoo11h " And ttwy i.old i1111n• lhun 21JO nf lhl'm wnrlcl'1'•ld1·. lh1• mo't r .. t't'nl 111 nrounJ s."llJ nulhon '"1rh IUIT TIO: WIUt: hod IH' 10 CfUttn-uH"h.-~t"'flonnl"ll-t k'ttrJ!l11~ flc•t•I ,111d a prochH'l 111 tli. ~IO ~ t'.ll :11·r111"1Ullt·ul 11 ucl1t11111. h.1-. hn•n 11H1k1n~ u m uch Kr1·l•tt·1 11'•1'•· thun lli. m ukl·r-, 1nl1•11dt-d ll h,,, h t•com1• onl' <lf ttlt' m11-.1 '"" 'lro\•r ri.lal plu1w~ to huv\• fl11w11 T hf trouhk\I h1 ..,to1 y or tht• a ire rurt u.ctt 111 t•u 1111· ur11l1·1 .s rrulmy wh1•0 :in 1•nglnr 1 .. 11 fro m un A nw r1 r11 0 A 1 rllot•h U C 10 1111 1t llfl1·d of£ fro m ('h1 t'lllCO ·s O tlur•· I ntt•rnulioot.11 A1q iort. 011 Muy i:, 'l'ht• 1.1h1111• 11u11tl1•11 I y p lun~i·d t11 tlw i;:1ountl, k1ll111~ 2'11 1wu111t· 111 th•· n.1t11>n ' "'"' "t t•rulih Arni prohlt·m" w1·11· 1t111111I 1111 [1!1 of 1111' lldl lltrl lo. l'.17 111111•1 11(' 111-. -11uuu~ .44"•1 fo't'1lt"f'ft -vmt10rr 1\<l11Hn1,tr11111111 .,1 tl t·rl'll """'''' l lnll' fhl• llltl'l "l~l\l f ll <1111 ilf I Ill' JI I 1t1t·111 ... lll\IJI\ 101• IH 10 ... ,111· 111.·-.1• " -NOV. 3, tt73. ·A Jet run Afi· 11t ro b ly on N:atlon al Airlines t''lljiCht 27 dhuntegrated ~ear All>uc1ut•rque. NM.; and p1ece!i or nwtal puncht.-d tlole11 rn· thc- 11 lu n•• 's 11kln and s mi.s hed a t•u h1 n window. <:uu:,,ing the pM111enl(er nt•xt to the window lo ht• sucked out and killed MARC'll :1, 1974. Shortly ufl\·r tukt'OH from Par 1:,, on u fl11.:hl to London. the rt:ar cargo lloor uf Turkish Airlines Flight nru Ukw 11u 1rnOF'uusL·athl' noor nl t h1· µassengt•r <'a hm lo col lapst• \'Ital 1·ontrol t-:1ble.., w{'n· tl.11n :1~l'tl a nd the pla ne s masbt>d 1 11 l " I h l' 1-: r m ti n o n v 1 I I l' F11n ·io.t k 1lh n~ :l lfi pa-.s1•ng"r'. lh1• 1:11•.ilt•i.I d1•al h lnll 111 a v1,1 •l,..,ert•llleS~ efttl • •Jt••--•• •no ••Jor ••dlflr•il•••' teHI ,,,. "~ .. d~d. • lio n history u11 lo that lime a nd ~t1 II lhc wors t for a s rnJ:(le µlane -NOV. 12. 1975. An Ovf'rseas ioq nttonaS-A1rway~ chartL•r falting off from Ne w York 's Kennedy Airport SUl'kcd a flight or gull~ 1nlo 1ls t-n~incs. causing lht· run hlades to d1~111t .. ~ratt· Fly1n~ m t·lal fra~mt·nt i. !'>t·vt·r<'!I fuel line·" a nd ~lJrkd a fin• lhut c·1m i.u mcd lhl' plan(•. Thi' 139 passcflgers m anaged to get to i.afcty Cities' Fiscal Data -•MARCH I. 1978. Two tires hurst on a Continental Airlin es airt·raft l akin~ off from l.os J\n~c lC'S Airport. and the plane cau~ht fire• as 1t ran off the ru n way Of the 200 p eople a board. lwo d ied from i.moke in· ha lalion a nd bur ns. a nd J I c1the rs wen · serious ly IOJUrt'Cl J\v1a11on ('XfWrtS a n · t·omµar 1ng lht· tro uhlt"> of tht· DC 111 with thOsC' o f Loc kheed Co. 'i. 1-;ll'ctra propJtc•t ncurly 2(1 yN1rs Called Incomplete l.\l~ 1\N<:1•:1.1·;:-, 1,\I'• ~to·.l 11111n11·1p;tl f1 nan<'1al n ·1111rl:,, d11 11111 p1O\1111' ,, ('Om ph-t 1· 1•1,.,,, ... 1.1ll•111t•11t 111 a 1•1ty., l1<.,1•ul hl·IJlth to l!lWlt· 111v1·0.,1(1ro., 111 m tmw1p:d li1111d-.. •,ay" 11111• 11f the nation's l11 r1tc:.l a1· 1·11111111111: I 11·111 ... • t·:111i.I ,\ Wl11111w \ n ·1·1•11l h 1·111111111·11·!1 ;1 ~,ludy of tht· 1!)77 unnual re port" 11f 1011 1·11 "'" 111 •I:• ..,, :1t1·~. 'l'h1· ftl'lf l lttlllld I h:tl 1111111• lh:111 IO flt 'l'l'l'lll t 11 I llf'lll 11 1'1'1 \ t•tl ,1 qu;iltlll'tl " a11d1I 111111111111 l•1r •1111· Ill lllllll' ~rri 11111'> "' 1111'11 b11t1 ~:··1 . lil0l':I 11~1 · !•I 111:11l1·q11:!11· r1·r·11rd" l':r11-.t 1\ \\'11 111 111·\ h ;,·, 1•n· p.1n•d ,1 g1111l1•, llov. t '1t11•" C'.111 l111prt1\1· 'I li•·1r F 111:.i n r1.tl 1(1•µ11rting .· "hwh 11 " pn·..,1·nt 1111! Ill ;ihu11I :!.'Kiii I'll.'!' 11ffll'1.i1' ''t I h1· \T 1111w1 p;tl 1··111:.i nn· < Hf1c1·r ... ,\:.~11t'li1t1on 1nl\·r na1111n:.il cnn Avco Leade1· Platts lo Quit :--., " ~ I> I ..: (; () f I\ I' I <'hi11rman .J :1 nw~ K Prt ~ • ._.,,, tw 10, 11•1 1n 11g 1111111 ~I 7 l11ll 1oi1 /\\ ,.,, I '11rp IJ11I I h:r\ ~·11 I Hild Ill• \\ orltl :il1111 1I I ha l \ 1·1 1••11•111·1· 1111 111111111· l1n arn•1· th1" 11.i·t·k in I ll't1 111t "Tiii-'. SPKVl•:V Ofo' 1•1111·" in 1)1,. ··, 11111111111• 111 111 11111 p11p11 lal111n 1.111r1· l11unil •1t 11•" 111 .\1111m.o . (',tld11r111:1 I• 111111!:1 I ll1 n•11 ·, \I ll'h1).':111 :i11d ·11 ,,, .• 1:•·111·r:il h h.111 1111' 111•1'1 -..1l1•,l.11 ll1r} annu.d 11·111111 ... F or I h1· Ill p1·11·1·nl of -.un ,., 1·d • 1111•i. l:iil1111• 111 1:..i •• t•ll·:1n t11ll from :1ull1t•11 :-. th••1r n ·"·n.1 111111 -.. c·:i u,1· 111H·1·1l.1111t\ :1lto111 1111' n ·111ir1' .ind •lw1 r '"'·f11ln1•-,, 1111• :H·1·111111l<inh ,;11d Thi.., 1·:in 111111 :1 1•11•·.., 111·<111 r,1l1ng :m et tlw :11T1•pl.1hil1t y of lh l11t01b Ill •Ii·· 1111.1111'1.d 1·11111 11111 111ty "**'-t7 -mtHttttu of d'oH<i r> wf'r<' "IH'nt to corrctt the plane's de ~1):!n flaws· Anc1 1•xJ)('r1.s a rc wonder ing 1f lhl' OC·IO will hN·om1· a "Jtnxcd wl." likt' tht• firsl vl'rs1on of the Britis h Comt·l. fon·"d out of 'c·rv1c·c· b£'c·~rns1· ''' m echanical f au Its C rtl1t·s C'l a1rn th1· hi stor y 11f th(' l>C JO has h<'t·n ont: of problems "HOW MJ\~Y ac·t·1cknt<., will 1.i k1· plaC'C' bdon • all th" dd1·cts 11f lh1• ;11 rernrt ;in• rully k nr)WO"" • ., n.., 11m1· r ;111v111· all· H iJ I JI h '\ad1·r :1..,k••1I 1n .1 l1·1t1·r 11> I r.11l'f>'•rt;1l11in "l••t·rl'laq llrot·k ,\1L1111-. :'\ J th•r .... ru·C'1l 11·a 11~ 1·nt11·11"d th1· rt 1·s1 ~n of Lh <' ;11rl'r:ifl ' (;1·n1·1 :ii El1·1·trlt' <'F 1; enl!lnt'. Y.h1 1·h hi' 1•l;i1 m 1·il ri·m a1n~ \·ti ln1•ralJI•· l•J lht• inge-.lum nf h1 rrb .ind oth1•r 11ll11·th lhal n1uld <·:1uM· m1 1r•· a1·t·11f1·nt-. T lw h1 gJ!c·-.t prior 1·11nt n1vr·r'>\' 11v"r 1h1 • ;11r1·1 ,.fl t•am1· <tfll·r Lh•· 'J urkbh /\11 luw-. 1-r;1..,h 1111L...,d1· l'.111~ HI l!Jil '1111· :n1.1l11m Y.orld \\ .1... ~I 1111n1·d v. h1·n 1 t ti1·1·a m1· ( h •·1· Tiu· ( :ounl•·r l'tA SO Lr\tinq\ I 111 Iii \1·.0 1, 11ld g11111~ ton ~Ill 111' 1>.1141111 .111 111 l1•r\.11 \.\ lnr ''•""·••nni r1r1 ,.., +,, t, t_ I I f• 1Ut , •• I , ..... "'~ l tf I /It ~ I . ' h tht I If ' I ~ I Ill I 111 ·rl '1111· ('llltlf1.tll\ \\ 1•;11., Ill\ 11np11111:t1111 11 -.. 1 •1 l11t• I tl i '1t t I ·-·· .. If,. t ll ,, :,:,•''' ,,: 11 , .• /J' j ;•:r':'A ... , .... " I (I t ,. ·.· I ¥1 f>I I H' I •• known that the flaw I.hat. caused:• the craah -· car10 doors that· blow out--had been \nown for - two yeare. IT TVRNED OVT the FAA had reached a "gentleman's ugrcem ent" with McDonnell Douglas on door changes that lo effect soft-pedalled their urgen· c y . and lhe'Turkish airliner door was never modified. Thrf>t• books were writte n about the c rash, one with a n . 1n11: coffin --on lts Cl>ver;MCDOn.- n e 11 Dou~la s forc e d the publisher to change the cover and correct s ome e rrors by thre atening hbel· action. The company did file a $25 million hbel suit against the New York Ti mes Co. for its revie w of the o th t•r two books . It later dropped I ht• SUll Thi• barrage of lawsuits result· tn~ from the Paris cr ash rt" portedly cost Mc Donnell Dougl<is :.is muchas Mi5 m illion. THE DC-an manufacturers in· "st on their craft's a irworthi· · m ·M;, with u spokesman saying "no major modifications" will bt· ncl.-dcd. But some· aviation experts huv1• l>l--<·n quot.ed as 1>aying they see indicat ions that the ·Chicago t·rash was c:auscd by cxlcni;1vc hydraulic failure, and that this t·ould lead to a rwlesign o( the whole hydraulic syste m . Tht• ultimate faw of the OC· HI m1 ~ht n•1-ol with the traveling public· and Lht• t·arricr:-. SOMF: P•:OPLt.: f'Et.:L hkt' J\ nt huny G <'org<•. who said at l .r>' An~C'les a irport on Thursda~ I h:1l h1· had l>f-'{'n ala rmed to ftmt h1i. 1·h1ldrc n booked on a l>C w to N1·w York ··1 put lhem on a d1ffert·nt pl:int'," he· said. llul the· his tory uf the nc If) ha-. nol put 'lff the Brazilian .11rl1n1· Vari!!. v.hu·h unnounccd lh1· s ame· dav that 1t would huv 11\1• more· 11{ I hi· J"ls in <.i S27iJ rn 1II111n clc·~tl l t took an o ption c1n .1 :-.1'1.lh j t·I ·' p lp# an., Do"'"" Uf>'\ ANO DOWN'> Nf W f f>P,, IAJl1 1r•• IOll'>#l"'l lt\t Sight Chef•ked < 111111• 111 1111 11 11 tl\•'I l •i Ill'· \ 111111).(1'1' 1!11\., . It I I ·f "t I I t lhll "' ' t ;U'/ 1 111 fl/ I I •lu• :u ,, .,,, ... I 1• I' t'" I• t• I • olt111 ' ' ,, •• r h" I' ( I I I· ..•. ' .. I • I '· "''' I . I 141.1 H' II 'I •I . ... .. ,, .. " •"'ff"" .,,,.. (T•~• th• (..nunh,, \fl)t ~ tfl"'1 •n,,.1nl' ft'l<tf f'htVf" Q~ Ui> 1n,, tfl-0\I 1tfl11 flitiW" th,., tnf>'\I C'>-t"ilt'O Wt o•rc .. n t ()I f t\qN')I• , .. , •• ,,d..,_,._ Of VOluntt Engtnl't·r \\'1·nclt·ll Kl1t ·H·r m :it..t·!'> l1nal ;,ulJU!'>l mc·11b 011 ;1 mod1lu·d 1\1-W» !'>lghl !fir lh1· ,\rm.\' s T()W :-,_\'>t•·m th1· -.1g ht ' t lwr m .11 1niag1ng night '1~11111 :-.t·n-.t·r produc•"•., an 1m;q.~·· Ii.' "tt'n"tlllJ.! "t111 ;dl dll lc.·1t·m ·l'"t 11) heat Thi· ~1 ~h l "''" l11 •1n )!, p 1,.(1:11·1·d f11r '""''" ,11 l luJ,.!ht::-. .\1rl'ra ft ('"-. 1-.1 ~1·g11 111J<J µl:J!JI t\ ,.,.,. ha" a h11m1· 1 n '.'-.:. 11 I >w1•11 . \\ht•l't' \\I'll t)\\ll-, J(.1111·h11 ll1•n1.1nl11. ,1 I 1;1"1 .11·n · n ·s1tf1•11 11.tl rl1·n·lopmt·n1 <1r 11 111111 ,.. • ..,1 1lo·111 ... ,, ·'"''' 1/Wll' ,\\'fl Ftn;111 1·1.il S1•f\ .,., .. , l1o1 '>1·tl .11 '\1·v.11orl I It· .1 l'll It's Taps for Sole Store . .,. --:-• --... r ' . If the SIWe ·f'its, Beller Buy h No11 C lllC/\l.C> 1 Af' > UsN1 lo Ill' thul wht>n a c·1mvi('l with a !.tze 19 foot or a mlll·r·i.kuting chimp nccd<·d i.hocs. lhey knew when· to head But that won't he the case much longC'r . ht.-c:ausc the t wo C'ustomf•r s . alonl( with 6.500 1Jlhe rs. will he o n their own when Ren Newman S hoes d oM•s a round July I 'AND 'fitt:N TllJ\T"srrui'lr~h1;p· that cater<'d to hard-to·ftt fct·t for more tha n hulf ·a <·c·ntury 1i.' boardl'cl up. down will tom<· lh11> sig n "S llOES Womr n I lo M. AA/\/\AA to J::J::J-:1-;t;+:1-:E . Mt-"1 4 to 18. /\AAA t11 F.F.F.EEEE ' J\nd down will l'flmt' the s m ullc r s1J(n ht•ne;1t h it .. H NC'wm<i n · Do wn wi ll t·ome. too. ttw stacks of shoeboxes that St•rved as furnishings. us well as the JO wooden theater scats and the fl ourcscent fixtures t hat cast u dim while light o v(·r lhc moun tu ins of shoes N EWMi\N'S DAUG HT•:R, Annette N:1~el , s:iyli her father had to st•ll l11s t1111ltling 1.11 the 1·1 t v. which plans 111 WHkn lht· i.0 l r l' l' t 1 n l h l' N l' a r N 11 rl h nt'1ghliorhood a !> pa rl of an urbun·l"cnewal projt·ct. Mrs. N;igel s ays Lhat very sam e wet·k 1n .January he r fath(•r suffrrNI a ht••.u I :ittuck and died al lht· ;.i~1· of 8fi Nov.. JJton Nt·wm a n :,, i.1m . Ml'I. • ·whb r at( lh1~ tlus1m·i.i. "'1th h1i. f:i thcr f<ir )Ca r~. 1s hold1n).( lhl' · cst:ihhshm•·nt'5 fir..,l anti lai.l gn 111g -out-11r hu1>10<·i.~ ... alt· "TH•; Rt:SPONSt: has l1t:t·n terrific ... Nl•wma n :-.ays. addin~ that he's rcCt'IVl'd . h·llt'rs anrl lclephonc <·alb from ~cro:,,i. the nation. "Somcllmf's I c·ry wi th the m o n l h c fl h o n c . · ' l h t· t· I d c r Ncw m un's widow . He rtha Nt•wman, says " 'Whal am I g<1 ing to do. Mrs. Newman '!' lh<•y say. 'When • am I going to buy shoes·•··· Wher C' indeed will lht· Statcvillc Corn•(·t1onal Cc•nlcr LEASE FROM NABERS. FREEDOM FROM INCONVENIENCE whatever model of Cadtllac you Choose to f It your llfl·atyte ... diltlnctton comes standard ... u11ao11 80U ... VAllD, COSTA •••A (7t4) M0·9t00 -.--~ --· t 11rn wht•n 1l n1·e1b a :-11.<· I '.I Thl· Newmans had bec·n i.l·lltng an inmate then• his shoes s ince his 1>r<··pt:mtc•ntiary days, and 11 w;1s lhc samt· 111mat1· who t<>ld prison aulhor1t1cs whf·rc sut·h i.h11ei. c·ould IJC' purc hased . Ant1 what ahout th•· rollt·r· 'k:ll mg l'h1mpan1.ce with l 1 'L EEi-: f1•d" "II•: WAS IN a rt)l lN 5kat ing :rl'I :ind nct•dcd sho1•s for his rollt·r ~k:itt-~. ·• Mel Newman re· t•a lls ... Anothe r t·ustom cr . a womhn who tho ug ht the chimp "ai. a h:rld 1 n~ t·hil<I . got q uite a st•arc· wht•n tlw C'h1m11 got up to I ry out lhl' s hot·i. .. Hen Nc•wman Shot·s op<·ncd in 192:J In what W<JS then a pre· dominantly <ierman communt· ty. The ston· was jus l a few m lies west. from I he one owned lJy Nt•wm:in ·s fulhc r. Morris. In thos1· days, there· wcrc a hank. a cl1·11:1rtm <'nt store and <t gardl·n rcst;rnr:Int around the t'<Jrnt·r. 1'nouilh 1·omm1·rce lo al· I r:rt·t «uslome rs lo the shoe i.lOrC' • radio ~r WIDE AREA COVERAGE ORANGE CO.-L.A. '17.18 .:.:r= SO DEPOSIT ON APPROVED CREDIT DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642-5818 f I 'I '·'' I N ,., t Iii lol 111/ t . I " •• 111 ,H ,_, f l .... ,, I It 1 A,o o ;', 11•, •'• I ,, I ,,, t 1,1 , " 11 , ,, , r , u 1 ·~ IH ,, 1 '·• •'. I· •• It '· ,,, ,. l!l..J I ~,. fl•·' /l fl ' , , h'I "'''' Ii.rot • H I f1t11• I• /i,tlf• ........ l\r•W • Atottf•tlff 1111(, 11 :!·:;;:.'.I' . ' ' , I ,,. I ,,, .. ' Iii t, f tlf1,1 • ,, ' • tlj ,,,, t t '''·•f t C t hlr lh )f It • I I• ti1u• I ' • ~ t '""''J'Jll .r \ f (,( r I I /• 11 • I nt'tlf1 It I I • / t, t 'tHttl • ., I I .... I lf!•l(IJU I I• t 1tt;11 14 ·14 .•• ~ .... 1H.d<nlU 1/-14$ t 1U.a.~1 . "'"'" 11'1!r".,,-rw::-.-n "1'J'(TPt" Htt\\tf f 1'1' 11 I '1( '"' •• h tfl•M• ff " <11 • I 1\NJ1f '" ft .. l'fw• K ~, , ltt ''·'' l\1•l1t •tJ ll'• ll • lo1i!Ji, I h•l10f ,. 0 11<1t '''" f 1.1wn11J htn111Ml /f'I 'JJ h•'''"' fl, 1•. ,.,,,.,. . .,) hi" .. wr" ,, .... 1\1 • ',,,01,r111 Hun ,HH1t J~ 11" f r.110•(JJ fHft•I .. '> , .. , 10 f 1 A•H• I I fhwTttrn ?\" }•1.,,. (,nk•r •,t Hur .. 0--. tj'. ,~ I r,nP~.,, llu• t fo11• 1H '" (10¥t I ti r~:;;·:1:.,· ,~~. )~+" ~~::.·;~~v t 1tnfnrtt-t ) 1 r,11tnt• I I ••i1"tw t 1' • t I 1 f ,ytf)f'fyn f 1•rUnlut t 1 l•. tt1Hth•• t "',.t t; I • lhOhf)# f nVtf• .. ~ u l' .. ,.,,,.,1, ( ""'' • 11 14 , I • n 1rt•l4t r ,,, \tHI '''• t11 1t1 '""' f ,,. It I 4 • \ • ttt1t·1t1n1 ( •tltllA l/• \'I H t,,1t1• t < tlt lttfl ~. J• ... , .. ,.,~ (f,.H fL )I /M ttyn1ttn1 < l•J•f o ._..., ft'-ht<tftu• t fr>haV• nt I • J " tnh,.lf\O fQn1filt JI~ 1• • tntr •<p ( mlt,tH llf 1 t lf'h t ( M 'mwf•I it ct tntmtt., C on'-'••O '11 • 6)'' tnft .. W,., I I' . ~ ... ,. • • t • • . 01~:., f 1 t I • t ••• t /I I"', •i •• • , "•ttl i ollll I(• ' ••W1••· " t .... ' .-• t 11 ', ,1 J1 , I• ' ,., hr II' 1'1 ,f ·~ : ·~ : :::;:'J,'' tll• t i • l-*Pn1t(n1 . . . .. I• I .. I• .. I , • I" I I .. >o • . .. , ,, ,, , r , .. ,. I I t~j .. '11 t ,, t. "' .. ' I J •'• t "'fl" N1 t•riu "'I th 1 •• .. ft I, I+ It • I ' " , , " I , . ,, '•I ' ' It , t, "' tt .. •Q• ""'""'"'f ,.,. \t jf ,,,, I• ~·n•i ""tow '\7 rU I It t"'11 0 t4• t 1t1Wt (MI I I t•fttf>t• t n~tn~'\ "'" Hi• •t "'"'' "'' • '"" , .... " '"' p, .. ..,.._,..,, f.o\~n., fHCJ r,, 1• I• oltl') f•llfJ•IV ltt\I (jt(J l)<lf I , ... ,.,. t ••• ,,,,.,., I It ,,r•;11f •U I • 1l•f• • A lhH ' "' ,.,, '''"' ,,,~ ,, I ........ ,~ j 't A'1 ,, .. ' UP\ .,. ' "' ' . ,, < "'' ~·· 4JCJ /1 • • t '11 II .t • 'IJt I ' u,. -. IJU -.. 1 U11 1 1 lw ,.;,r11111 t • If • • 110t1tf\ ,. I ,,, f" .. lufll '10 I I nu •• ,,~ q J • Uu tJ i ' _.,._ if"1.,_h\fo t I IJ/tl'M t•a II ! I , -N• u t f :.,. •;..: 1 Z;,1~;,· I ,, l l'll1t;M;J .tl. .. ,.. • It,..,.,,.,_ ~.' 11 Alt""'.,, Io I !~ _:~fr:::_ I~ ~~\""hn I) 1!. , , , .. ,. ' , ., I ... " . , .. ,., 1f 11 nit••• f I ''.J' 'JJLl,, h• 1'f.tf'•MfJ 1"' Hm• ri.11 /{f f1,,, ,,n.,, /I I nftn,1Mtq II tt,1r-flDH,, ) ' ~•110~.,,. II O t 1onOn I\ • \ ~ I " ~ • 10 • I I~ '1 I ll • • II • I 11) 14 . " I• 1 I'" I/ 11 "" ,. 1h 10 I • ...., 11 '":~ m f41•"""' 'tilt t 1lh f thlrr'111lrl ~·Wt·:~~· ('>ION~ ( mtC)i ' I t ,,.('ft.1n N ft11 n•,., u .. ,,o (~,.,-n .. , f• ltrn\v ... ., .... ,, Attf-•(;f At tp.11'° w." f'I 1 .. mput ( P'lflf(>.V M •(tHf w •• , .. ,,., C_-tMotv(.._ '"''lttfr 0 1t\f( R'\ " (.pf\,A!( I . . . lb .. /fl'. " . .. ". II·• DOWN) t ,,,, I "I I II ' I K I' • I ' I ' , .. \ ''· 8 1 I • I I 1 , , I '14 1 •, , .... I ' 1 uu t1 111. 'I , . -, ~,., ,,.., '~ -ilU jj 1-- ' I ' ? I 11µ U)) 1111 10 \ 1J1) .... ' , ,, f~ •• "•> , ' Uu ., I .,,, ., l lip • ' ''" 11n Uu • t J)(I 0 11 I< I 11 1 Ott I ii) I 011 11 > '• Ott 11 1 I OU t• t '• 0 11 1011 '• Ott ._' '• OU "t •, Oft 1.a ' 011 8) '• Ott I .J 011 I I '• o•• , , '· Off 1 1 •, Ott I ' '• 0 11 J I • Off t. I 011 11 I • Ott ", 1 011 <>) J 16 011 11 • -., t)ft ., .. ', 01• • ' MUTlJAL FUNDS .. .. . TueMlay~ Closin• Priers NYSE-:-COMP6SITE-TRANSACl!fONS N DAK.Y PILOT . .,_ X·ra9Rkb V aloe of Tests May Be Offset BJ SYLVIA POllTE& ....... ""'-c.eei-tl For generations. diagnostic X-rays have been bailed as a boon to mankind. But debate over the proper use or X-rays is becomlnr a major health issue. Even as more aopbisticat.ed rorms of X-ray teehnolof(y develop, antagoniah• are protesting that consumers arc subject to too much X-ray exPosure IT WAS FEAR OF EXCESSES of ioni:idng radiation that pu1hed tbe U.S. a nd Russia mto signing one or their first maJor agreemen\s m lhc fi eld of nuclear testinu. Scientists from both coontries agreed that atomic testm~ had to go under ground. not only as evidence of dete nte but also out of concern ror the survival of future generations. The Three Mile lslaad nuclear accident has bel_ped to focus public attention even more on the "-ngers of radia · lion. A r~nt U.S. task fot•ce draft report discuased the many sources of ionizing radiation, including X-rays. ex· posures that a rc r eceive<.\ by emplo):ees of nuclear facllilies and atomic bomb tet.•t ing. The evidence sug-... ----------... Money's Worth ~ests that low-level r adiation could in- t•rease the risks of some ran('l"rs Rut even crit1rs of so·called X· r;iy OVl'rUst• believe a "'oulcl lw 1n1 lll•nl should not av111d an t.•xan11nat1on th<al ri>ttUlrl's the use or X-r;1y" 1f tlw phys1e1an t iln 1ustrfy 1l!> u~c· DC"fl"ndant ~ and c:rit1cs agn:t· tllat cxpo:.un: of fctusc·-. to X ray:, 1:, risky WITH Tll F. f~XCEPTION Of' N"TURAL hackgroun1I rad1at1on. medic<.11 X rays make uµ the larg<:st smgfe ck· rnt'nl 11f radiation l'xposure th al most proplc receive " llcalth off1ci<.1 I!, have taki·n tht· t·onr;er vat1 ve approach that there 1s no level of r adiation that is '"J>061tive1y · s<t ft · Such prl'st1~aous organ1rntions a~ the Amerit·an M<'d1C'al As.soc1at1on and t h<.· American College (Jf Radiology <tre against taking X rays without sufficient rea- sons. th<1l est<Jhli s h the re will be a contribution t o di:.ignos1s of the patien't's cond1taon AN EARl.Y MAY R E P ORT BY THE Nat ional Acarll'l'llY of Sci<>ncc s ays the n sk of developing cancer bt!cau~e of t-xp()s.u r1• to rad1<1t1on appears w ht! almos t tw11·c as. grc:1t for women as for men. and much greater for younger rx•oplc· than for those 50 and over ··At low do~•:s. lhl: risks <1re v1•ry :,mnll." say~ !Jr E11 ward I' H:uJf11rcJ of th1· l m vcrsity of Pittshurgh GrarllWll· Sl·hnol 111 f'ulJlic lfl·alth. who 1s. Nat ional A l'<Hlc·m~· u f Stn·m·«:-. [W n•·I chairman "Tlll'rc 1:, a n~k . IJut 1t :, not lht: t•nd 11f tht: "-Orld · Wf• ha\t· n1) irJro a \\h<tl tht.-t.ofrcc·ts are from ver y lo\\ It•\ 1•1..,, · rct1ms Dr Harold II llnsst. of Columh1<1 Univcr"i ty College of Physu:nrns and Surgeons. m dissent from t111· NAS study ... And in uny case. they a re undelertuhl•·" Stock Surge Paced By Energy Issues N F.W YORK 1i\P 1 Advancmg energy •!>SUl'S led t h1· stot.•k market higher tr>day . The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials wa::. ahead liy 9.44 points to 831.34 Advances ll-d dccltncs by 3-1 among New York Stock Exch<tnge.liskd 1. s.ul·s !tilork11 ltt-Tllfl' .ftipf>I ligltl NEW V()AI( IAPI ~"''· j p"' 11-o< .. 4itNI ,,., <.~ of f'f'W' fttf,~n MO,t d(hW' -~Yo-• ~~~ .. -1'~•""2 ~tOf'k)lly dt ""°',.. 1rwn \I Nl f (..Otp •,t' 000 JU'• ·I t-4f'Hiftr lnl OI >00 1b • I (11/Slnnl'ty ~1 'l\JO I"- Qdmdd• In '\MO\I) tP •• '. Te\.Of'O P~1 Jiff 100 tl • t (4f'Yf\Wid •t J\I \00 '' I. . 1 ~ """"'°" l\\ W'IO 1 ·, (JMrfrr(o Jl•.>.A> 1f I 8 M \ J?\ 100 II • .-t ' •~ro• (p ~tliCn .o ....... t • A mt"r •H'"\'· 11i1 I()() t0 • • " (ff\.~r\WKJ 110 100 f!J' • • ,..._ 8JllyMIQ ua ()<JO A' • . ... Sl•rt OruQ /\1 \('(') /t1 , 1 Gull O•I no.ooo 1°1 • N [W fOJO( IAl't Anlf'11n'"0 (J• I 111•'\J lln(Mr>Qaj lt.fAI '''1Ut>\. t-f•w "'""'' Nttc• 10W' SAl ('> APC>tOt '"''"'' .. Ptt•\ffOU\ """ W.-t-• 11qir• .. MOfltn <t<)>J y,..,, 4QO IAP> !~ ;'r:';;.,'::!",;1 1918 to°""'~ t~l I lo O.Ot~ AO..•ncf!<I Oe<fl""" Untr..~ rot•• '"''"''\ ,. •• 11,qr,., He• IOW\ .- ,,,, ff)d4y ... ,., 1100 l"tf tHI '' • •UO ·"'' 111,1 ,;vi . II •I II Prev Today o~., H I 71M 11~ ,..., ltO 741 9.IO 81) lO l\ J • Nl W YORK IAPI -M,1My A. Ii"'"'~" Nt.'W Yorfll. \11~\8 f)11 E~l-d "'-\8 bit; 1<00rlu te0'8.t1b ·- I • .. .. a-o~1L v t>11.01 l~~y.~un• ~. 1979 Television TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTING&i-I ' --l --& -· I I I ' I 1 I'\ .... .. , ..... • •OtONlt fl• -..v1•1cw ~ 1'ervooe flfld IM Coumr ~--it ot ~~ IOroio. 10 '-- --~ f".,t;>1 ..... 4n *'°''Ot ·~ to .., ..... ioa•• '"" """'°""" ~·-·~I .... f"" gr°'4) ,_. ~ llll•l~leCI -..... f"" • TMIMADY~ Mille tw"1 c .. a1 pi.,, • c~ l•IO fOI the lwnll) • aTMSTS Of aAN M''10900 SIOl"WI Wt.pe(ll Hl•I a 11•1~ Offi(:., It rfltpc!n• !>IOI IOI lfylflQ 10 ,~ .... l '.,.,.,..... OUI OI 1el01mlld COflVtCll • OWREASY Cw.-•• tu lu• • umioQ,,\f, 0..0.Qt< J"""'' 111> •t i CMNEWI 1:30 CANOIO CAMIAA i UCHEW8 I LOVE LUCY lucy •VI>'""""'' Ml<Mllt "' <11\ •~Olt<. pttnCe$1 10 .>n Nawlear Peril? "'10< I 10 llJ•th8< AlGl.y • C•- • DO<CAVETT C.uus1 Oer<ii<I R •otd 811 RITU OF IPAINO TIW wmuill llArp l.6oll puf• hunl 111 ~ounotuoo .. ntt tho a11omp1s o l lhe u100fir;t1D<.u con~etvOllOn grOup 10 Mop •I '"" d OGu men1eo M ichacl lira ndo n llcru 1:t nd W1llrnm l>cv:.i nc portray an 1n ve~t1gativc team µrobing an aet'ident al a nuclear power plant in lhl' TV m ovie "Red Alert " tonight ttl !l on ·BS, Channe l 2 I}) CAOSS-WJTS If§) MEAV GRIFFIN Guesu l: noutOl'r I Humpordtnt~ P11111c~ Dolly Connie S"IM>CGll tR) 7:00 I CM NEWS NeCNEWS 9 NIWLYW£0 GAME I MCNEW& CJ) JOKIR'S WllO • 80( MLUON OOUAA MAH SttlVO must repaw 11n 1w- plano In Older to uacupe an Alt lean natlOfl ., llANfORO ANO SON Lamont ano ROllO m1s1a1t- bnly lt>lnk ~ 1 (ld 11.11 1111ly "'' rnon•ll• lull 10 llV•) El:) 21TONIOHT 7 30 II ClACUS HOSl'lt C..1t Do<JO •,ht 11i..:,to l auroncu Q 8HANANA Gutisl Ro bbV Ryo..il 0 OATINGGAME 8 S 100,000 NAME THAT TUNE 0 TIC TAC DOUGH ti) AOAM-t2 Malloy ono fle<,d IU~fo 10 Ille r..11~ on hO<seoa<:~ 10 trlOCk down lhtevo' ~ NEWSCHECfC (1) THE GONG SHOW (l_Ol HOU. YWOOO SOUAAE8 • t:00 tJ ()) C88 AEPORTS C'laa1111.,I Ll•f 1119• 9 KNXT (tBS) Los Angele~ 8 KNBC (NBC) Los Angelu~ e KTLA (Ind ) Los Angule~ • KABC·TV (ABC) Lo~ A11gult!'> Cl) KFMB (CBSI Sdn Diego Cil KHJ· TV (Ind) Los Anqelu!> (!t KCST (ABC1 ~an Diego • KTTV (lno) Los Angclu~ • KCOP·TV lhHJ ) LOS AnqclC''i e KCET· TV (PBSJ Lo~ AnqH1·~ C19 KOCE·TV(PBS) Huntinqton BcJcn I> ll•t~ l'h1" ?0 YttJI\ Sh•• t'1'h ullhiV•H'>•HV lif Uh• Allt••tJ tll..,.J!tl0f1 ot Nut 01t.Hutv '' nMr"f\d bt ow·. .. r .. "'·'''' o u•1•oony bro.JCJ 1 1t\l .m 1f.tt.4 1..-ah.Htnn .tn 111tufv1ow w1U1 rormc, J'r<t~· 1t1t-fn1 (hirt1qhf f tCU'•flhOwt•f fJ.•n Hatn(•t u.trrntrs t\rbfV. l~holobfoH>w 1 0 THERUHAWAYS An H•·C<.1nv1c t (Hilf• flt1ocl115) 1ry1119 to k""" h15 ru11awJV 5()1• lrom l•Oublu Wllll 1110 13w jOilfS IO<COS w1111 S1we A11u t0 to hnd 1h;iboy 0 THE FIGHT AGAINST SlAV£AY • A C.tatch.11 Peal>Unlry · ll'd by Witham P11t anO Wilham Wlll>CffOfOO, Pt1•· 1t .. ment passou a graOu<1I 1tbOl1hO<l blll U\ 179:.> 8 ~~ HAPPY DAYS ~to .. urd dnc:J Marl()() 1001 l'H"I 10 lhu l<>t1gt: Wht•fu U1•1V' ::,,CJunt thU1t houov· mo1.Jn iv hy ~•nd rt•lii.mdlu l'"'i.1011.tmt! IHI 0 MY PARTNER THE GHOST 11111 c..110~1 lillk:. 0) CAROL BURNETT ANO FRIENDS (,u,.,,, HrH1lly M'CXJ•-.1 I II.) MOVIE Retrospective Rehroadcasf •• 'I "OhOtt• That Sllll Wia11t·· I 111111 Qocumenllt· l y f l!frllyftlo evM IOlceS ...... poHMa'°(I of .,. •nlN• lllm<ly fltld ttwNten 10 dllllR>'f'Mm 11 1~ .Wu fn~THR Ottcw P•1 .. t0n" Andre Prev1n ~ jALl pjanllt Of.ear Pell!flOI\ at the _..,_ t>oard fOf 'orwetulion IJl\O mu soc I A I ID AP\ACETO• t Shot ~ • pett<>d OI 61• yHfl llMS ltlm d<>Gumenll 1110 crea1t0t1 of Ille east t;o1ld1ng ul the Netlon.i C.alloi<y Of Art. a struC1u1e i.1rea<1y r ega.oeo as a COf1· luml)Ol•'V cla~s>C UO 8 Q.O) LAVlANE • SHtRLEV 511t<ley t.oov1nees l11v1;1ne 10 '°"' t>et 1n oo o-nooh• "' '" al tne poono 10 p.0- ""1 mo 11ea11Titiflt ot Oogs IRI ID THE 000 COUPl.E Oscor <Jell;tl()ps an ulc« dflO Dlame~ fl)lu IOI II 11.00 IJ ClJ ces MOVIE • • . Rt!O Akl<t.. ( 1977) W~ham Devane. MiGllaet 8rand0f\ A compulet con- l•Olltng Ille C>j)(!f81t0<\ Of II noc.1ear pllll' I orr onoously dolOClb oscaCJ(l<l rab1alt01l .. nd seals 1j>ur1een tocl1nl· C•an~ 1ns>d11 the bolkllfl() tAI ·0 NBCMOVIE • • "Nowt111fo lo nun" t 1978) David Jan~sun, ~1t-"I Jntc• Powef s An u•1h.tPPY hu«.b.ind d•1Vt~\ '"' eluhOIOIO SChen~ 10 tf1tr.n tus unftuthful w1lu .m(,f SIOrl 11 llUW hie 1n1 0 THE FIGHT AGAIHST SLAVERY I H-e Pup•·• c.om.. • A •,Javn rtHlCthon 11\ J:irn,_uc ... on 1113:.0 wa•, trUblle<l by llltl rr111111a. l>ul t>tooghl 1JOi>1 ll'oltl 111$0lfS G t'16J TliAU'S COMPANY JJCk SU6pfJCIS IM I J.Jll<JI ,.nd Ch11ssv are p1011111g 10 1ep1oce him 1n lhu apa•I· mon1 wtlh lllelr IO<l'll<lf r00<nma10 (n) 0 BIU Y GRAHAM CRUSAO€ ID M£fW ORIF'FlN Ouo>sb r n9;ilbu• t llumpcrd•r>Ck, 1'11111~~ tlully. Cnrlfl1u StJlltJt.t..• lt.ill.tQht•t J11•0Wllla11t lltl fD HOLL 't'WOOO TELEVISION THEATER J hH Ht•m•OflW••V r1t.1v l1m Math•·u+o'1 Pi •rty KH1c1 MllC .. t't-11 ~Cy,,,, nntt Al••..:o.10. th'' 5<.0wlJy O'-flr.1y 101,u •,l.__H')t->S m th• 11, .. o l l •n•••.t itf'm1nqw J y fl•I EID MASTERPIECE TUBE TOPPERS NBC e 9~00 -"Nowhere to Run.·· David Janssen and Stefanie Powers s tar in this TV movie about a man's efforts to escape his life and start over ag_!iih . KC ET 9 9 :00 -Holl y wood Television Theate r. "The Hemingway Play" focuses on four stages in the lire of Ernest I lcmingway. ABC U 10 :00 -Wh en the West Was Fun. A salute to J ohn Wayne clima><cs t his tr ibute t o over 40 wes t e rn µcrf ormcrs in telcv1s1on over the years . TliEATRE Liiiie Fiiiy Lenis A Donce" L1lhe" dounlifl'>~ nature cames n°' on ati. .. lhe death ot King Edward ShO ret11os to lhe south ol hance to live out nor lutl'r ye111s 9:30 8 ®J T AlCI A e1e1errnwied cabbtt1 Wllll o cruSh on r ony 10tns ltlfl ~uni>htne Cab CompGl'iY lu bf! near him (Rt 10:00 D Cil NEWS D ®l WHEH THE WEST WAS FUN HOM Glu1111 I nrd. aiono w111t over 40 bt,11~ o l I I/ •w• .. ~h·rn~ lh•ttf '!.tde~K.'°' • Indian~ tJnd d,.nc;.1nq yut•, µay 1nOU\•• IC. ti~hjv1s1on • OldW.,SI ti) NIGHT GALLERY 1 lltJ lilt~> OIJCk O..g />. Cl•t.etM1ted phy<.ictan t•O"> cu1 Sk•<l rO"#. finds a mPd1 GAi bag thm wan m1s1a~•u1 ly trnnslerroa horn 1111 7hl tentury ~ NEWSCHECfC t0;30tD9) NEWS ~ VOTERS' Ptf>ELINE , 1 :00 II D a ct) n~J NEWS 0 MAKE ME LAUGH 0 MOVIE • • • •,., .. J anP ly10 I t944) OrSO<• 't'fofls. Jo.1u r on1mne A y0un9 Engh,n novo1ness fall& '" lo"" with lier br00d1n9 secrn11v" umpk>yt<• c:> hr<, I 0) CHICO AHO THE MAN Whon CfllC.O wdnt('. tu•, ,.,...,.,,. • 1pt1rtmont. t\4~ d<-C•Olf'1 '' IU,,. ttw) old '.llf)lt•ff;()OI mfl1 CJnf• II.) THE BENNY HILL SHOW Bonny c••lf .. l)tato, h1., ti4th h1rthtlU'f ,,. lfH· ti''"'''''·'' •.11,,uuo<J•-.o(J t., b• hlllhol ov,. .... , tI) OICl(CAVm ....,, .. Gu<!fil C.Af aid R f.0<d 1':30 II (j) BARNAllV'JONES A cn,;1rm1nq con man who bortOW'l 111<1 t<U>nhhes of ....ccosslul men 10 Ofd6f 10 m""Y weullhy wom11n ,,.,,., In mU<dllf wllon his 'c~· oeg1ns to tf'umbl& IRI 0 TONIGHT Cuo51 hOSI Aten lllllll 0 SOUPY 8Al£8 0 llJ) A8C MOVIE • * S~I.; lf'i1'1f't6 )':I IJ1•.1d And L1111n9 tn New '<.1•~· 1191 ~1 J1>ann111 1tu1t1n. Roy ~cn•~•CJt)t A 1,t;O•ICO J'~wtsn nirl mo~~ Ju,m tn., wt>urh'\ 1ntO N••..-. "'w ., C11 f m scarc.n ot .. ,, hu'\brtr.O a"cJ t,A .. ft.uJt.tnh1'f 0) THEOONOSHOW II.) FERNWOOO 2NIGHT t •'J••"ot'J ch1IO p.on1~t 0 1.t.n ••"' Gr1t1r-1 ,t.lltQ10U4' tcadt..'f [111ty J1·n~1n\ '"P"Cli'lnl u.;11,ni~ Georgu ano :;atty K•"PI!'• ED CAPTIONED ABC NEWS t.<>fff NG 12:00 0 TWILIGKT ZONE [dWOJr<l Hiill llOYl I sltl(;I 10 lt'ltrr Oi'l f~ lor "'a' lh.it ,,,_. ""'" "" ••llt.td IJy h•' tJr••am~ 0) ALFRED HrTCHCOCt< PRESENTS Nr,n.• ~"_. <_.,, Bhnci·· A m •ff pt..tn~ to mur<::l~r hit, , 1111 to tnn.-.. ut f&Jf-f tortu ,.M ... II.) GET SMART ~'' otrJ h1u 1k rl)t1h•·• ,,., •.• th .,,, ,,,,,,. '"•· •·,( •r··· ,,, "'' lhtl ...... ,.,,. ED 28 TONIGHT t2:30 0 MOVIE It • • t tt t r 1t A l~.t•Hfl''"° It••: lt (~Yv HIH1l.U'f A lonuty r,,..,..., .. If.. I ' ··' th111 l f1t•1t tU wr111t• i tll ~1•1.1H1t1t1 1n U1•' Otand Teton Moonltlln• ot Ullih. (I hr., 55 tl'lln) .MCMI * * * "Ztegteld 01t1" ( tD4 t) ,,_ ··~· Lene T-. WhM llllP- pene to ttw.. gitll 11 trac41d trOl'tl IN "'°"*'' Flo ZMIQlllld dilCOYetS t"-.12 lwa.. 30 Min ~ .MCMI • • ,,., "The Looteta" 1111551 Rory Caltloufl. Julie AO#nL A gt°'4) Of ~ Ct aatl tunllVO<I gt ec>Pie dotpeletety imono "*"· setYM to get ''*' hand• on • IMge sum Of money ~onoealed 10 !tie Wtectr • ~ (lht.30tntnl 1UO (JJ CM LATE MOYIE e e 'i't "M81'11" f 1950) Spencet Tracy. Jam.ia Sl-•t A pw Of ltdwwl> lu•ftl• c;omt>tne thelf &lulls 10 smuggle bedly needed tubbet °"' ol J•PM*M- occ;uoted Melly• du•1110 WorldWaK II 1:00 D TOMOMOW C<lesll. Oourmtll OOOlll Julle Clllld and JllCqws Pepin IRI Cil MAVINCt( . 8enellt Ot Oout>t" 1:401 NEWS 2:00 NEWS • MOVIE e "• •· Tht1 Only W11y ' 1191:11 Jane St.tymout • Mar11t Polter rno N all 1rt•ar.ion ano occuoauon or Denmark ,, h1s1011ca1ty rt'GOunlod f;> llr~) ti) GETSMART • !>ml'lfl 1s squnr ed 011 ·•Qct•n,t 1n~ 1n•,1mou!t left<JS•dt-. ttnd fl•i:. dSS•&I. .1n1s 2:250 HEWS 2:300 MOVIE • * •1, • fllP Lio~' I t9!>61 John Puyfltl, Dot• Ave0011 Allt11 W0<ll1 War I, a rulll· less and ambt11ous p<>11t•· c1an ioons t0<ces w<th r ao. el-I IO ga.n c:onlrol Of St LOU•S c I hr ' 5~ moo t 9) NEWS 2'A21J NEWS S:GO. MCME • • ' Bury Me Dead" ( 1947) Ma<k Oanltlls. Jone lOC~llatl A -llhy young go<t rnartoed IOt e•ltlfmlfla- 11on appeais at ""' own ru.-.. l ft hr . 30 m•n 1 3:12 tJ MOVIE • • • • l.4r Soroon1cu~ I l'lh 11 Oscar ttl)moll<a • Ron •• 10 l """'" U'llng ·• O&'I· < no!OqtCal 1r.c:• .\ dor 101 J Vfl"' 1hP fd(.titf l.)1tf1tly• ,t•, l';f ·• m .. tn Nnn '" 'l'''''h'd~ •••t\ hi-. w1fu ft• ... tn m.Jrry tt.,..tlO•I04" 11 nt •'lm1ft 1 4-<lO 0 MOVIE • ' lru• Hl,t(.' (...t;ht t I 1141,41All11an11.1 ... n, woo- 0l'19 Pr91M. Wtteft a nM• CGta .,._.. • Nld ...., _IW a l'CIUP of _,...,,, tM dt,_ of tM truell ----lo prONl!ilttnno--.fttws.1 ute NIWI ... MCWla • ·~ "Lott B•ttallo,..·• I I t9621 Olefle Jergene. Leo- pold Salcedo. ~ rec:4IMI aid trom e FM!clinO guemlll leeder d1Hlf\Q WOfld Ww It. 11 ht., 30 • ,.,.,, t • MOVIE •'Ir "8etore t Ha,..o • I 19401 Bot11 l(arlQlf, 8'uc9 Bennett. Seatc111o0 IOf a youth Mlf'Um, ti Kleotl~I 1n19Cla lwnself Wllh Ille blOOd of a k•llet I t hr • 30 mlfl\ M'N11~•da11'• a.,,,, .. ,."'•"•~· t2:GO D • • "Oenhst On The Job'. (1961) Bob Monie. hOUMI A ~ of dental liGflOOI ora<11 finds ttlefn. MlvetO P< omol!OQ .. tooth • 1>3sto 111.n fdtl!. to ,,,.,.,1 Quall ly. &lllnOaf di t I hf • JO mini m * * "ThOlaGt l:t1tl1kri11q ' I l'J11!ll 1/,111 Johnt.00 Ot<.k Vurk Du•. •"Q WOflO War II b ll<itlkl r11 mu Bu IQ ti " gun11 ho N.11 • ,.,r1'1 hn .. hand of •h•hOhJU'..., u1l11tr.•ltt All1(lc:J lrOCIPb (I II• SOmm l 1:30El:} **•*"Thu l~llr!ot< '- M ouln 119!)9) All•<. l.>11111. rius~. l<.J~ W;il<.11 4 n <jg;POIUG Uutc.h..1111$111""1. "1 \Slit ·•mpo!.ed l)t)Vef"ly m t>fd"' to all0tO lho ltno< .. 1 1n drl &Uppltes j I fir • 35 mtn I 3:00 O§l • • v. "Thtee Faces West" ( 19401 John Wayne . SiguO GurMl Too dlkl0hl11t ol 11n Austrian immigrant IC>tlgS to return home tu lhot to•'lf ~ lflt1 ~ unltl o.1\6 d•SG<>lffi<S lwf!l nol lt>e ne10 She t>olf6V6d him 10 be ( I nr , 30 min I 3:30 Q • * '. ' Hdrdt..l~ • 119111 C.11111 w .. 1~.,, ".tPldfll•• Powur~ IO •tw •··"'Y t!J()()'>, a m1Jrtonary "ot)ld1Pt I rllli1-"'°S f() fhtt <:au:.•! ut M•" .. C.4:•n 1flvotuhOf'\atttt> ,.,,, t•1 dt~t..-6f h•~ mt:.-,,- " Q fllttb• dmOttg fhttm t 1 '"' . :lU min I Ike, D-Day Remembered ~ • ·Rollleo' -=~·Encores OnKCET By TOM JORY NJ.:W YOHK <AP > F1flcf'n y£'urs have 11<1 ssed s ince Waltn C ronkite and Dwight D. E tscnhow<:r strolled throug h the American t•t•mc tery ovt'rlookini:; Omaha Be'8ch on the c<Jast uf Normandy. "D Day l'lus lO Yeiir1',· broadcast by CHS Jun<' 5. 19&1. CBS Channel 2, has reviv<.-d "0 -Day Plus 20 Years: Eisenhower Hcturns to Norrr1'Jndy," 'ror r ebroadcast <it 8 o 'clock tonight. the JSth ttn· nrversary of the offensive that hegan the morning of June 6, 1944. T hey paused at sever al gravestones, Cronkite n·citing the inscriptions. ··1 think the re's some !l.OO<f boys who lie her e," thf' correspondent said. "0-DAV PLUS 20 -Ycar~ .. foll!>v.S by a month Eisenhower the n r ecalled has o wn ~on 's AUC's successful broadcast of "Ike," a three-part The encore telecast 01 th e S an t'ran c i s<'" Ba llet 01' production 11 1 .. Hom eo and J ultct .. 1-. the finale of a ~•x wet•!.. -; a I u t 1• t n A m l' r i l' "n d an ~ c on ··G r f' a 1 )> c r f o r m a n c c ~ , ' gra ctamion rrom West Point as Alhed for<:es began -miniser ies ha~ed-on-tirst.-nhowcr's-warycars. and ------- l-a---_iuu:~~lllL.AJn...Europe..U...t.-would-lcad to=the ••nd oL 1llc "CBS Rcpo~" poc-1.al-su.r~I~ caplta:~c---=:....:;,;;:__...;..~~-:-;:~J=;;5o:;;;o.-,~ >dDJ da.it...al 9 p.m. on _ _,,,4-. ...... -~-----~~---Y'-"'-c' ET. Channel l8. World Wa r II, and refcrrt'<i to "these young boys, on that dnimatizat1on, which starred' Hobert ~o many of them. over whose graves we have been Duvall. treading ... they we re cut off in thear prime. "About half the country's population has been "THEY HAD F;\MIUES that grieved for them ," Eisenhowe r said, "but they never kne w the great experiences or going through life like my son c·an enjoy. "I devoutly hor>e that we will never again have to see such scenes as these.'' Eisenhowe r by then, that military hero had ~·omplett.'<l lwo terms as president -was obviously moved by the somber selling, and his me mories, and his pica for peace m ade a fitting conclusion to -- l)orn since D·Day," said one CB~ s pokesman , .. and for many people. this rebl"oadcast will be t heir first real exposure to this historic event." Indeed. CBS has heen examining previously brondcast n(•ws SJ)CCials. with an eye open for those with some curr<'nt a ttraction, the spokesman s aid. "D·Day Plus 20 Years originally was hroad cast in 00 minutes. Tht• ('Urrcnt v£'rs1on hus hct•n <'Ut to an hour, w1tl1 u rw w 1nlro1lur t1on hy Cronk ii<>, .. t :iSHNllOWt:ft WA~ 'ovER/\l.L 1·11mm:rntll'r f or lhc 1nv:e:-.i11n by AnH'rH·1111, Bril11-h, l".n •1• · fo'rt•nc·h·. · Pofi1-h nncl \~anacl1i~n ;.ol1l1<'rs·, und ~ Cronk ite covNcd llll' 011cratmn for tlol\t•tl Press. Fo r the rwwl\ s pt•c1al. thc·y rt•lurnN1 to head- quarl<'rs for the invHsion at SouUawi<'k lloust• near Portsmouth, the l'ortsmouth Nav11I Yard where much of the ussault was mounll'd, und several sites in Normandy. They stood on the beaches Gold, Sword, Juno. Utah und Omaha where thousands of soldiers we re klllt-d by the defending Germans. "D-Day Plus 20 Years" even 35 years later. or- rers nn Intriguing slice of history, as Eisenhower and Cronkite reminisce. sometimes passionately, on thi11 most s lgnlricrmt of modern military opera· lions. Tiit.: Rt.:BROADCAST IS interesting in unother USJX!Cl . William s. Paley. CBS' rounde r and network's current board chairman. as well as Bill Leonard, t hen Paris bureau chier and now pres· ident of CBS News, and Fred W. f<'riendly, then executive producer of "CBS Reports," accom- panied Eisenhower and Cronkite to Normandy. though they do not appear in the film; O.J. Driying Bus HOLLYWOOD !APl -O.J . Simpson goes from boxer l o bus driver '\n his latest TV movie . ··Detour." ror NBC. Simpson, who's just completed a starring role In "Goldie and the Boxer," plays the driver of a tour bus that's hijacked on the way to Las Vegas. Production is now under way In Albuquerque, N. M. Arte Johnson, Anne f>'rancls, and Gerald S. O'Lougblin also star. • ·~-...... -CRONKITE TALKS WITH FORMER PRESIDENT EISENHOWER IN 1964 Memories Qf 0 -0ay, 35 Years Ago, Stirred In Rebroadcast Tonight 'Tattoed Tt.•ars' T he ftr~t thrcc·al'I hallct to be presented o~ part or "Danc e in America," "Romeo and Julie t " r eceived i b television premiere in June of 1978. Based on William Shakes peare's classic tale of love and dcatft' in Renaissanct· C • Sho Verona, "Romeo and Oung Onvlcts Wn .Julit't '' was c horeo· . g raphed by Mic hae l .. . . "Tattooed Tears .·' a . .4hslur'11A~· 11ortrait of life inside a · correl'lwniil ins\itution for. youlhflll 1>Efendc r!>. makes its t<?levision 1>rerrne rc on Wednesday. June 13 at JO p.m on KOCE-TV. Channel 50. Filmmake rs Joan Churchill and Nick Broomfield we re admiUed into the Chino Youth Training School operated by the California Youth Authority. They were give n their own k e ys and pe rmitte d to w ander through the low-security prison. film- ing without restriction. A UMVf~ PEllJI [~] ' ' .... f f ....... "" • .. .... NOW PLAYING . , .. . S muin; co-direetor o(U1e • l'hL·. J·t'!'lull as. un unft1nch1nif,. :fcclaamett :sa·n ft""'raii · .... -. <·incma vcrtl<' documentary focusing cisco Ballet. to a scorl' p.r1m;.mly on the lives of lhr<.>e 'in· by S€!rge Prokofiev: males: a withdrawn young man who ' • ha llucina tes a ngels·: a minor of-Jim Sohm a nd Diana frndcr who inarticulately craes his Weber dance the roles of frustrations before a parole board. the "star-crossed lov- a flcr inc reasing his three-month stay e rs" and company co- to a three-year term while inside: director. Lew Chris - a nd the man bearing the tattoos tiansen is featured in a which inspired the program's title. a rare appearance a s Jorm~r glue sniffer who resists any Friar Lawrence. Actor efforts to persuade him to comply a nd d ancer Ric hard with tbe law. Thomas is the host. ---.....,_ .. _ .. ., ..... ,... TICKET SHACK C•.cwh-~n..tr. Z4tr.W.U.. 114-64'-tlf I ...... OrM'I. 714-641.ntO ""Q, .... au_..i~" - An THEATRES lDWUOI' MUllT•TOll PLITT CITY ClNTER Huntington Belch S.8·0388 Orange 634·9282 IT .... ..,..... Orange 639·8770 HELD OYER! GATA LINA .. . , .. _.., ..... -_...,..,._ . Nlw. , .421 11••""' oui. lhlp ~· Hotldey" ..... 1 :00 -~ ftef'ft ........ """'°" ...... ..... A ...... et •:IO PM· "°'""' Trip ••• tn.oo. UMw 12 .•. t1.eo. .. .., .. ,'°'"' a lftfortNt6on: C714' 171-82"-• \• ' ' . ... E~TERTAINMENT I tNTEAMISSION I MOVIE REVIEW lf'N·' •. :-,. ··--·· •llal'UlA b ... ~'>1 •9 Clllllltlt.UO A~t r ~"ii!\ /CMJI SNl.l.l'ti:TV Marcello Mastroicmnl ' SUa.TITLll SUNDAY MAT1 ... 2:00P1M. i:[t111Qt \U:[tt ou.111.tll v-•"'Of W1 lh• IOUnlCOUI (0\1,A l.l•>.t .... £0WaADI .. SIUOOl IW1• a>WUDt. tllJO M1 1o·ctc1 l'!Jt1 t ''' MIUIOtl OfllYI IN I I ~ t Barletftllll Masleal r!...fmpr.essive . Mu1icul lheate r . never a paarUcwar iotJpl.-or the llule· qu1n Otnn~r Playhouse's diet ljuat five ot tht• thea\.er·s tint 20 ahow» have bt'<'n lyrlcaal offer· ln11 ), receive~ 3 r~sounding boost with tht· t>mngence of .. Flddler oo Uw Hoof." 1'h111 l1ar1e.at 1rnd most am· bitaowi offering from the two· year .old din· n e r lht:ater al1to is easily Its m08t im · p t l' S 8 I V e ach ievement. U nde r Thor Nlt:l s l0 n ·., dynam1 t• d1rct·t1on . lhl· s how ovt·r · C14APMAH f I 0 w s t h l' ·e ) The demanding role or Tevye is played by baritone William Cha pman, who endows his as· aignment with an operatic ex- cellence seldom e ncounte red in his predecessors . However. Cha pman ·s vocal excellence is counterba lanced by a strange "f'IDC>t.a• ON T"I •OOP" A """'<•I by Jerry Boo •"4 Sfleldon H•tttit•, O•re<tt"d Mw:9 (he)~r•phf'l'd b¥ ThOr N•l"l\en, mV\•C•I otre<.IOf Pfluf Hur~. '"' ~''9" bv R~rt 9onQll<lm. llQhlif'O bv f Uf,l•M AOd<". tO\tu~ by 01m1tu f),.\,,, 1><•WMM T.......Uv\ tntc>uqh ~uno~v• •t 8 JO •I ti•• ><••Jtoouon 01..,,... Pt~""°""'· ))03 ' H•rt>or Olva. ~..tnl• An• Ar-.t>rv6flOn\ '" ))11 T,.vyp r.01.,.. ',~···~ HOCl('I fHl CAST WH11om Ch11pmnn Pt•4t I V t'MJQn Oebb.., Rotn\1 .. m Ao"tM'" T~tvMt Tevye's two oldest daughters. the latter e licltin5' lurl'pa in the throat with her solo ··Far From the Home I Love," and Patti Cohenour is splendid a a lbe third daughter, who marris out or the faith. As their suitors. Alvin Kupperman, Brad Maule and John Shull give strong, in· dividual performances, witb Kupperman's coroiHI shadings providing a needed light touch. One me morable individual a spect or the sbow Is that its scenes do not just end as writ- ten, but are played out in almost ad-lib fashion as the next se· quenre 1s read ied. This pre· serves the cohesiveness and e liminates the s taginess or musical theater M az<'ltov to thf' llarlequm for a Ion~ and joyous r un witb "Fld· dlc·r on the Roof.·· The show is UA CINllH °'""';•' " 1•11 \ 1.,r ut 11r'•K.i a STMMINI IMllfl·IN v • oqe b•'I M /•1 :.mall thrust st11gi' and s pills ovl·r mlo lht• au<hcncc. ('nvt>IOP· 1n~ th1• pluy1~111.•r in tts poignant s tory :m<l I u.sty score. · · Fiddlt•r' · IC>n ~ h a s h<'cn among the more pop u lar musu·als. anti 11 loses virtually nothing m th<.· transition fro m s prawling proscenium s tage to the hmtll•d dimensions or a thn na lhl·att•r. On the contrary, its 1naeased proximity to the au· d1encc produces a marve lous sens<' or intimacy and involve- m(•nt which a big sta~e produc· t1on ranlleve'r hope to match. (hAV() Y~ntf' Molt I Penhtt '9: ' . p,., .. (" Oh•"4>U' ............. _A.WI\ W•t\i.Mw.,.~ ,Alwin ft: u~''''hfn Ar•t1 Mdvl•• M.-,._ff~, on an OJJ1,'n cn.ded en~aRement I~[~~=====:;~~;=======::: and ~hould play well through the s ummer ;Jt the dinner house, 3503 S. llarbor Blvd .• JUSt north lOWARus· tlNlMA WIST CINlOOMI UA ClllllMI w"''·'" ., 1 .. , ~1·? 1.4, • ' •'•w *· , .. , •1 , u ..... ,. Mf"·..., • 4•1o•,14 STADIUM IMUWl·lll 01anQ11 639 KlTO Nlt:L.liEN CAPITALIZES on evNy opportunity to s ustain th1!> rapport , M.'Onng mos t l'ffcrt1v1:· ly an lhc t;1vl•rn song and dann· number .. To Life:-" ;ind tht· l Ulttr Wr>tl lrn1 Rbl>Ot t-yf"dko • (.0•'>14111 .. l1.t<nt1' t1 UlltQf".t Jonn Shutt £Joo P•l>"nbf°"" ttbsencc or humanity 10 his In I e rpr<'tallon. II<' 1s st rnng and :.tern with undispull'd c:ommand of his characll'r. hut a da:.h or warmth and humor on occasion would add d1mens 1on to his 1>C rformancc. of Cos ta Mesa. • BACK.~'TAGE -The city or Westm1n. ... ter's play production c las:. wtll present an onginal "'ork by Coldt•n Wel\t College's Charles Mitchell, "The Kin~(<\ Fl<'a . ·· to be presented Friday a nd Saturday at 7 p m. and Sun- <1 a y a l 2 : 3 0 p m th t h t' Wes tminster Aucl1lorium. 7571 Westminste r /\ve. . . Uoh Soar<'s is dir<>rtsng a nd r<'l'i<'rVo· I Hins ;1ri• a vall<.tl1lc at K~8·3~ll 1. t•xtcns1on 2fi l . rt--am "t'(JUt.'flt"l'" t'OTTC'"O{'ffill>Y-;<:;;;;;;~~~w.,r,.;~;;rr:;;:;::;;:;:;;:;::;::;:;~.--TTe v ye to justify his a pp rov <ii of Pearl Yeadnn as his wife, Golde. has the swN •test fe male voice In the c-ast hut hill" op· portunity to u ... ,. 1t , and he r y CJ u I hf u I f " :it u re· s JJ o ~ t• a crf'd ilJ tlit y, 11 rob ll'm. Huth \\I .arshll wsk y ».-t'ltt"t-lff-nt :'.I~ th<' m atchm:Jk1·r. the ~trongest at .. tr<'!>~ ever glimpsed locally 1n the role. T ht• ("I) s I 3-M"c . . iJ I v I ('. l'l;tyhuuM· ha-; bl·cn g1v1•n lOX 11:iddcd thl·al1:r typ~ :.t·ot!> from the Ur a n~c C9unty Fair ... they'll bt· 1n~talled this fall in the playhou~c s Com· mumty Center a uditorium. CMMllC»tll• ... .,. SUPllMAHIHl """ IAlllHllAI..., ··-• OUV\A ... Mal" GlllAH "'°' PUii FOUL PLAY 1Nt ,,._, ,_ SUMMH CAMP 191 """ CMIHING HCTK>Hrri WooeY~ ............. MANMAnANllt ,,,., • Mt. Ml. to&t • ......... ''THE UOttCIST" Ill ,.......,,., U.f /MIM/--11:.M-bt...._ 1:1 ~t:H "CHtMA SYMDIOMr CNI ,,... t:ll Uf(~--l>M-4:1M'4M:M an unarranged marrwgc for his dau ~hter. The dirf'ct or abo doubll-s as choreographer, again most impr<.:ss1vt·ly. DEBBIE ROTHSTEIN :rnd Barbara Turvett scorl' highly .,s 'Winter Kills' ·Falters By RON PENNINGTON , ... " ... , ..... __ Seeing the completed version or the financially troubled "Winter Kills," one wonders how they ever rajsed the money to finish the film, which has since been picked up for release by Avco Embassy Pjctures. The in~rediertts are there ror a strong, albeit controversial. political thriller. but it's all heen ~e!!l' well botched up by writer director William Richert.. BASED ON A BOOK BY Richard Condon. the plot concerns the family of a U.S. president who h ad bt..-en assassinated 19 years earlier and whose half-brother discovers ( uo•nE ) new e vidence about the IU' r • murder and sets out to REJ'IEW dis cover who -was really ----------· . res pon.-;iblc. ~ The young ~n . well played by .Jeff nridgcs. 1s led -through a series of improhablc w1lc1 goose chasC's that lead to an t.'Qually improbable but somewhat prt.·<hctablc t nd· ing. Ri<'hert:~gey direction rails lo overromc the confushi~n ~h1~ script, wh1rh incorporates awk ward flashbacks and a lot of extraneous dwloguc that has little to do with the matters at hand. Several attempts at humor are heavy-handed <Jnd ohtrusivc und seem totally ancongru<Jus to the material. BRIDGES IS A VERY persooahlc actor :.nd he does what he t'an to carry the film. He docs achieve a believable characterization of a, man caught up In a situation he cannot comprehend , but it leads nowhere. John Huston tends to chew up the scenl'ry as his rich and ruthless rather. anc1 Anthony l'C'rkms g1vt•s another mtenst: and di~ turl><'d charac·kri1.at1on as the man who controls the family's vast hll..'itnl'~S inter~sLSu . Tile ~~UpJ)Orling cast reaturei; an imptcSSIVP Jin<'Up or famill csr fart·~. :111 of whom J;:IVI' good pt·rformant·t•s. but ,who csn· al'io waslt·d m tht' m a tt•rwl. Tt11·:.«' includr ~terltnJ? ,Ha yden, Eli W<tllal'h. Dorothy Malone. Halph Met:kcr, To!>hlro Mifune and Rich<trd Roonc . ...O:~~N, Dreyf"uss iii 'Crossings' --"''--EUZABETH TAYLOR'S much publicm'<i but unbilled silent cameo appearance is that of a former movie st ar· who ~erved as procuress for the late pr<'Sidt"nt. "li]iiiiiiil~lfiia~!!:'I! HOLLYWOOD IAP) -Academy Award· • winn<>r Richard Dreyfuss will :r.lar tn "Crossini:ts·· ......... efh -•\• 1179 911!.0 """' ·-SUMMll ~re> """ . CHllltNO HCTtON 111 ....... WI .... _.. AUIN• ...... ""·· flLllM. llUI. .. ~) :=::t:!,... Mtl~i6 t~::zr-:· .. ~~~ i--::::~e=-- ......... ._.. ·-1tl•Ot 1&.11 ... , ... M•M•CW• .... a•n 11 .......... I - for Warner Uros .. an ac:t1on-adventure film about smugi.:ling tn t he Orient. - It will b<> filmed late this year or early in 1980 in Euro)>(', India and other lcx:ations. Robert Mark Kamen 1s now revis ing his ori~anal screenplay. '"ALIEN' II. corMJ, a welloper,. ~.a ICIWChef and a l0t1'of fun..Jt ell m0wies W91'9 as thltll6ng I would hlpplty spend .. oi my t.lnM In the movies." ca...--.NeC-TV Vilmos Zsii;:mond"s bright and colorful photOJ?· raphy is pretty, but would sC'em better suited to a romantic fantai.y than to a thr11ler. which this al· tempts to he. Ma urice Jarrc ha!> provided an cffcc· lively <.'<!r.ic 1•lt·rtron1c :,.c·ort·. .... MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY .. "A LITTLE ROMANCE" CPGl "THE CHAMP" <PGl "COMING HOME" "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" (R) "HANOVER STREET" (PG) "MANHATTAN" (R) "DEER HUNTER" (A) "THE EXORCIST" "THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAUK (R) "GREASE" ''FOUL.PLAY" (PG) "HANOVER STREET" "FAST BREAK" "CALIFORNIA DREAMING" "OUR W1NNING SEASON" (R) "THE EXORCIST" "THE ISLAND OF OR. MOREAU" (R) -L D•IW>IMIONk 1t•PM.-.n'LT Clll .. U"99r t t ...... U•lett e 9( ........ .,.,.llH 5 Acaoetny Aw<i•ds Best Ptc111r• 8eS1 Oorector rni'r<T. DEER (RI ~HUNrE --iHf"" ' EXORCIST.! HST AC"'HS · wfnva ;,:;:r::,, /I!/ -;;:.'o !!!] _....,. ''WINTER KILLS" .. , ( .. tions. / Feah1..ino U • .__~t • · ... u.a aa-,,.. Dllelm. premter . . , ~ • • • ·" • • -I.. • -. ...... ~'Ocean to OceaD-'Service. ~~ .... • '• • • • .. •• f f I • • • • '• ~ ... .. . Now every United nons top to New York is a fli ght of fancy. Without a fancy price tag. And without any advance- purchase or length-of-stay restrictions. It's our new Super Coach Fare . On your way to New York you ·11 enjoy all the pleasures of United's exclusive "Ocean to Ocean" Service. · Featuring a meal 'with choice of entrees. Hot refresher towels. The convenience of advance seat selection by phone. And more. On our morning nonstops there ·s free stereo entertain- me nt and highli~hts from CBS's 0 60 Minutes" or ABC's "Wide World of Sports: , And on our noon or 3 p.m . nonstops, you can enjoy a full- Jength feature film for $2.50. United also gives you the added convenience of nonstop ser'vice to both JFK and Newark Airports. . ... . .. . ' . . . ,. \ ... .. . . . . ,. -... -. . . . ... For reservations, call your Travel Agent or call United at 537-7521. Partners in Travel with Western International Hotels. 5 nonstops to New York. Leave 8:30a.m. 9:00a.m. 12:00 noon 3:00 p .m . . 10:15 p.m. (Night Coach) Arrive 4:30 p.m. (JFK) 4:55 p.m. (Newark) 8:00 p.m. (JFK) 10:45 p.m . (Newark) 6:00 a.m. (JFK) Schedule subject to change. "Duck a I' orange? On a discount flight?" "Only the price i.~ disc-aunt, Alice. Only tile price." I .. Welcome back to the frien skies. .--.....--.~-=·.~-·\ 1 '. •' • Call~1ravel~t ~ ...... , ... ... -.. .. .. ,. .. . .. f 4 ,_ -.. .... -,. . ·--....... .--........ -----.. 1 .... _..,,..-1/1»-.... ~..-...... _ .... , _ _. •• . .. --. . . . ' I INSIDE : •Ann ~nders •Horoscope . •Erma Bombeck •Classified , T~. June I. 1111 • ReeyelatileS-Ma New thrift store generates money to pay handicapped employees By MAaC'IA FORSBt;a G 0t .... o .... ~ ......... Stuffed a nim•lll for $1 ap1ecf' F111hmg PolH priced •t $4 A lunch box for 50 tent1. a pee Un ror 35 ccnllli, a pair or children's ihoes for sz. Great prices. And it 'a not • s wap meet or aaraae :6alt . It "1 the> new Oeseret lndu11tr1es thrift st.ore and production center at 17350 Mt. llermaM St .. •·ountaan Valley. Grand opening ac t 1v1tu:s will ta kc place Thursday throu~h Saturday, Jum· 7 thrOU):h 9 S anger San d i Gr 1 ff1 t h ~ o f th1· Lawrence Wt lk te lev1swn 1'>hu" ~•II cut the ceremonial rtbboo at IU J m !-lesttrr day . DESERET INDUSTRIES, owned and operated by the Church of Je!)U!) Chrisl or Latte r-d ay Saints , IS open to the public. Anyone can shop the re . anyone can contribute ne w or used ite m!). -·- The far 1ht v ha s three trucks that opl'rliU.1 ()n M rotating pickup schedule th roughout the county · . "If people don 'l donMte their lhmgi., we 'r., o ut of business.'· s ayi. Arl'o Pt-uce , aiss1st1tnt manager . Bu1unctis 111 what ma kes Deseret In· <lu11tr1e:. mort' than a place to get a good btt;' - It's a production center that provides employme nt for the e lderly and han dic·a p!X'd It ·~ tlw1 r JOb t<1 refurbish. renew and rt'JUV{'lljl (' Ite ms In need Of rt'p81r T hl'Y n ·u1>holster threadbare sofa1> a nd d 1a1rs . clean and steam press limp !)Un dres-.ei. a nd baby c lothes and repJ1r old dockl>.stovcs and refrigerators. T HE SELLING FJ,OOR is stocked with quality, inexpensive items. and the' production center 1s staffed with JX.'Ople who ml~ht otherwise be jobless. Deseret lndustnes "is here to help people wh o arc me mbers of the 1 Mo rmo n > c h u rch who arc h<in · dlcapped. either physically or mentally, and the aged who ca n 't fi nd Jobs ··we provide wor k for t hese 1n· div1d uals so that we can ta ke them off we lfare rolls. We want the m to be self s ufficient,·· explains Pearce. TH E RECYCLING operation was _ beA-\Ul_by t.be..M.ounoo.chufch an 1938. Jts philosophy was that the value of work was essential for the d1gn1 ty and value of man. . "The church d1dn "t be lieve in people rece iving a dole without working for It .·· 5ays s tort: manager Dwain Cheshire ··After tht' Oeprt'SS IOn. members or the church wer<' on welfare roll!) . the church fell there "as a need to help the needy We tr:Hn <ind teach JX.'Oplc to be productive.·· THE SEl,F·SUSTAINI NG operation now e m ploys 40 people <111 but t"o urc drnrch ml•mtx·rs 1 <Sf>e THRIFT STORE, PagP (;2) Furniture is reupholstered in shop's production area. Rosemary Vrooman steams clothing on 'Susie: Breakfast, BaUered Boot, Surprise Featured _,,, . We love to ~o out to breakfast especially 1f there :s ~ood com pany i.o share the morn an~ with. T his was the case last week when the March of. Dimes (MOD> Orange County Chapter . tnductcd new me mbers into the Order of the Bal· ten~d Boot. We ~athered for the honors at Alfredo's, the Italian dinner house at the South Coast Plaza Hote l but no . we d idn "t have pas ta for hrcukfast j ust some good bacon and e~gs. T h•' Butlered Boot is the award J;(tven to !hose who contribute 111 an outstanding way to MOD'S a nnual Walkuthon. und this. particul ar ~roup cons isted of those who part1c1patcd m the Executive Walk. Under the leade rship of Su(M'rvisor Tom Riley, t he J;(roup walked the last mile of the route lo ram~ $6.5001 n pledges The effo rt d1dnl appear to be too strenuou!'. because the group was ha le and hearty for the festive breakfast. Earning \heir batU!red Boots were Col. Arthur Dlttnieier, Dr. Fred Grazer , Donald Dugan, Ken Clirl!ion, Maj. John Curran; F rank·· Michelena, Af Baldwin, Frank· DeSantis, Ctit p Kral. Dr. Daniel Stringer, R"ay Malavasi, Jack Harney and J.udge Betty l..ou La moreaux. Corppralions represented were JTI Cannon E lectric D1vis1on. J . D. Lusk and Son. Cadillac l''air view Homes West. Northrop, the Irvine Co .. Genge Consultants, Mission Viejo Co., Orange Dis trict J uniors. California Federation of Coast. Youth is Wmner ,\ II -YEAR -O L D Founta in Valley High School studen t . Ala n Greenfield. has won first prize in the ninth Annua l Young Artist Concerto Competition. H• waa one of 38 e n- trant.I rrom throughout tbe county. Tbe compe tition is 1ponaored by the Orange Branch. Mu sic Teachers' AalOClatlon or CaHfomla. Happenings By Judith Olson Women's Clubs and Lake l''orest Pro111·rtic~. ~ The Navy LcagU(', the c1v1laan arm of thr L" . S sea services. 1ns tullcd new officers during a'- gala ChanAe of Com mand Dinner Da•cc at the Offlrers Club of El Toro Mannl· Corp~ /\1r Station. We Joined the party and enjoyed leurntn):! what the league 1s all about. Sen. J o hn Schm itz was m a s t e r o f cer emonies and . Re p. Jerry Patterson briefly droppe(I m. . . But Dort ·Rogers·. retiring presi~enl.~ was' in· .the. spol11~bl. Jle fCCCIVCd COl'\gr<.1tulat1ons frqm ,Sel). paqJ Carpen~r 'und ottu£r' trabutc~ ·.before · t urning the ~avel ov~r to G'°rge Mrti~r~. · Several a r med forces br anch es wcr<' reprei.entcd. The various unjforms made the • eve ning colorful. We Joined Capt. and Mrs. Quintous Crews lhe ·s commander or the Navv Regional Medical Center, Long Beach >. Hnb a nd Thelma Chattin, Mike and Shirley Stitz· inger and George and Patsy Hoag for dancin~. Big Wheel . ... The winner 11.. prln · clpal cluinetl1t In the Fountain Va lley lll&h School Orchest ra a nd Band. Orange County Youth Sy mph o n y Orchestra, All-Stale Honor Orche1tra and the All-Soulhtfrn Callrornla Hl1h Stbool a nd Junior Hilb Ottbeltra. He WM • ..... 1.f"'8Uat ta the lnternaUonal Clarinet CompeUtlon IHt yHr In Toronto, Oat. &Jord Harris, 45, of Hacienda Heights, was really cooking on his f1um8Y during the recent WhHl•thon SJ><lnsored by the Na#ona/ Sp/Ml Cord Injury FoundatiOn, Orange County chapter. Harris did 305 laps non.,.top on his srmc-her-like de- ~. spen<!lng appro1Clmately fiv. hours at the wheel and win- ninR first olace In the self-p~lled caNigOry. Other gu1•sts were Rear Admiral a nd :wr ... Harold Parker, J ohn and Kitty Rau <1nd Fran lle pfH"t'. prt•S1dcnt of lhc leag ue 0S 11th region ~ We athmdt•d E~tLlnt:ia 1111.!h School"s spnn){ concert to h<'ar a favor ite student. Sharyl M11es, play her trumJ><•t and had an unexpected sur · pr!St'. Thl' hanrl playl'<I a s pec ial song ... Devolt.'d tn You.·· for P1·~gy t-:n~a rd , w1feor thl' d1 n·c·tor, Ted •:ngard. ll was a toul·hang moment ··· She was ho nort•d fnr her unending devotion lo tht,> bun<I. i-:nga rd said. Who elst· would haH· brought 1>0~1de~ al the end of a hot pu rnrle . sent nowt·r~ hdon· lhl' bund"s first.concert and ....at through <'Vt.'r~ single footb<1ll ~dmt··· Th(• fHl't"•' ~a ~ ehose n. Eng ard addNL lwca ust· 1t "as nnl' of their wedding :.11ng:. ~· Did you go to thl' c h1h cookoff <1t the Balboa .. Bay Club" Wt• did a bit of pl'Opl.-watchmf.!. '\\<htch rt: fun fM:causc there's no o.ther · let:your· ha1r·down·· event quite hke 1l. · · ·. ' · T here were · co:. tu med c haracte rs from early California. Bonnit-Williams, in he r · monk"s robt•. represented the Spanish lnd1ge~ t1on team from Newport Be ach and J ea nie Harnett, F.d Olivaret and Don Barnell an Span1!)h outfits. touted Bart Mavcnck"sCh1h. . Pit Stop Ch11t was advertised as being ··a blast" and the Palmdale crowd urged cookoff goers to ··1ndulgc m the bulge.·· When the folks on Evening Star Lane get together fo r a party they really do it right. Such was the cusc last wct•k when Floss and Ed Schumacher were honored at a ··moving away" event. The Schumachers, who are resettling to sm aller quarte rs in Jasmine Creek, were sur- pr ised when their neighbors arrived en m asse in a truck labelt.>d ··Gobble Van Lines " to reveal party plans. Marilyn Tacker, one of the instigators, said they had meant lo hire a Bekins van but plans fell throuAh. 'Sq the Gobble truc k was a hila rious s ubstitute. Tftl' Schumachers own Global Va n Lines. There were many s igns at the party site on the beach: One proclaimed that ··Otd Schus never die--they JUSt shuffle away:· The u ke aiso carried out the theme with big foot prints for the two ··s chus." · Joinjn~ the festivities were Bob and Marte Gray, Dorothy and Tom Doan, JoanJ and Jolla Betson and Irene and .llm Bentley. ~ The ever.busy Newport Ha rbor Alumni Club of the University of Southern California honored Head Football Coach .lohn Robla10n during a steak dinne r In the Newport.er Inn. Several hund red members gathe red lo meet the ""big gun s " of use athletics and enjoy the a ntics of Pat Buttram, m aster of ceremonies. J oe Leighton. president. hosted the event a nd then turned lhe gavel over to ne w l~der 01· lie Ganlller. Among guests were Dr. &klaard Perry. USC athletk director. and BarMra &eqn, women 's athletic director. Speaking of unlve n ities, we met Dr. Da•ld s.x-. president or tbe University or c auromia. flle IL\~rENING8, Pq_e a~--- o.ify .. , ... S\ilft ,._ Ed and Fldss S«,humacher appear sur- . prised when fnends threw party for them. ..., ............... ~Tom Riiey, left, ,,,....,,,. Bit· tered Boot award to Me/. John CUrran and Chep Kral. •I • -- -.-'ll' ... '.,,,_ •. , ... r ... _ ................... ....,,. .. . ·- . ' . " DMLYPILOT , ..... ~1.1111 ~LANDERS --·-• .--'l!liftft StAre-Provldes· Job, for Elderly . , ,,.,.. .... cu priced. ·•we will probablf be up to 100 1naploYtft> lD 1 m011lb. l.Dd we bope ta b91ld to aoo," PearH •an. makt a profit, we want to juat balanct> at oyt 11\e, 1Ullrs 1erwr11lt! the mon.:y to pr<rvi~ tbe WlllN. ·' Pearce addl. · 1Tt;M8 Aat; OaOPPED ott a\ the back entrance or th.-apaclOWl f .tdfily_ -w~r• lNy ar~ chet'k~ •Rd tcreeMd. There are bins for c lothing and hard aiooda like shoetl and sm ull appliances. Major appliances &o on wheeled plal· forrna. - "Clothes are sorted by hand, piece by jli then thu ar._e. cleane.d ana pressed. Clothes tbal can't be used are :sold for rag,," he says . There's an appliance.a,..., radio and TV room, a sepante area for furniture · strlppinc and reuphol1lerin,, a aboe nt· pair area and a carpentry lbop. Services available o nly to church me1nben include an employment ot- flce, the Blahop's atoreboule <a food complex> and the Relief Soel• DlaJ tribuUoa Center. . "Thia (HlH\y wUI bffome a hub. In a ·tew yean. we v.sant to open r<Mtr or rrve .:-Jllilllt• 1.&orta 1UlM acor. l in Ounce County ·•The aton here bHically ls run to ~>"W .. et. "It'• a fair exrhance We don't try to ''Ever)'UUn111 IA aeparalt!d u to usa- ble , what department It l&oet to and not uuble Enrythlnai la ti ilher rtipalrtKI or 1wld, ·· f'curcc uy1 In the production area. merchandise that nt.>e<b oo re furbis hing goes to the As Is Dept., where it's c leaned and THE FACIUTY, built on six acres or land. serves the county's eaUmated 67 .000 Mormons. • The Deseret lnctustriea thrift store is· open from 10 a .m . to 6 p.m . Mondays throueh Saturdaya. -The telephone number Is 545-8271 · ••• Happenings j I •·rom Paat> C'l I durmg ti n •t•t•pt ion hosted hy Pa&rltk and Ba.rbara ('adi~•n 1n thl·ar Nt>wport Keach home .. l>r Su tin was an Orange County over tht> w eekend for t111 a lumna gathering so lht.' ('ad1g1ms took the opportunity l<> invite lht•1r friends , rm•m bers or ma ny community gtou11s and promint•nt c1t1zt>ns lo talk with him about higher edut•at1on ht>rt' But tht! afternoon wai. so pleasa nt and the ~ompany so ~ood that Or. Daniel Aldrlcb, UC I chuncellor. said the formal talks would tw rallt<d otr Tht> nearly 100 gU4>8ts chatted an- lormally with Saxon a nd enjoyed the beautiful wa tt•rfront v1t•w from the Cadlgans' tcrr1tce .: We :-potted thc Setb Ober&s. Tom Doans. ·&opervlsor Thomas Riley. 8111 and June Lang, ~,.June SmUh from Dr Saxon's staff, MU&on Von •.~Damm and Eleanor Burg. ~ ~ .·. ,,..-.:., . Mary Gray, director or the Laguna BNH'h I "'Assistance League 's hom emnkcr ser vice, wa!> hono rcd during a recent rC'l1rcmcnt tea at the chapter house. w.., offe r best wishes to Mrs. Gray. _ One hundred students of Merle Valdez, a µ1a no teache r who 1s m uch loved tJy her many friends. presented a re cital al Newport Harbor llagh S<·hool last weekend. For the 11th year Mrs. Valdez has opened the pcrform:mcf' to the public and invited d ad!> and moms to play a long with their children. Many of the parents, e xplained Don Valdei .. M crlc"s husband. gl'l out their cluranets, trum · pt•b <sn<I tro mbont•!> a nd dust off old skills for the c·vcnt WC' think ~avings <ind loan office~ and bank~ ;trf' nifty plal·c~ for pa rt1t:s. When~ else rould vou havt• a buill·tn bar with lots of !>pols lo dis i>t•n:.t• <lnnk~ and iilt·nly of room for guests lei t'll culak" San l>if').!O i'"C'dt•ral Savings and (..Qan As ... 01·1a t1011 wc·nt onl· bt'ltn for its grand opening l.~ht wt•l'k1•nd a ncl r;11 :,c.·d a tent for dining a nd <I a Ill_'..! !.!R, 11<U<tl:fil1l to..llit:Jlcw 11c<tdqu•rwrs-bu1lf 111 ~ m l'\1·wport ('<•nl ('I Wt• darwNI 111 I h1· m11!>11· of ~i; Brown ;111!1 h 1s Ban<I of Hcnown I Lt. General Will lam Thrash 1s an exctille nt purtner! 1 and sampled 11t-IH·1ous tidbits prepared by Rococo of Beverly ll1lh. It was a g iant party . About 1,500 people :-.howcd up. a nd a good tim(.• was had hy a ll. Wt• wt·rc grt·clt·d hy Presid.-nt Gordon l .uce <1nd Vice President Edwin Gray and learned how the 24 hour tcllt·r machine operate:::.. /\nc1tht'r rceilttl. Veta IA1ulse Sharp prcst:nl· e<I hrr hcg rnnin~ und intermediate p1<1no pupils m a forma l s ummer n ·r1t1tl in the Newport Oc1wh homt• or Mr. and Mrs. George Argyros. Suctc•'ll youn~ stude nt!> µ4:'rfo rmed for the ap· prt•t•1ut1vt• a ud1 cnct• Wom en 1n Communacat1ons had its an· nual \fotnx Rrunch Sund<iy in .the Corda Li z re:.tuuranl. Newport Beach. and instu lled new orflccrs and reviewed the ye1tr. Helen Lot.Gs relinquis hed the gavel to Nancy Duis, tht•n laughed whe n she reeeived her gift from the outgoing board. It was a larJ,?c piclun· or herse lf depicted as "Wondt·r Woman ... un apt descriptio n ror an l'nl•rgl'tlc lt'adl'r . The Or;m~t· Const 's f''ISll ori"aniza taon had its firs t rund ruising event recently, un e vening ,1t S t•bast1an's Wes t Dinner P layhouloe in ~<In Cll•mt•nte "?,..,,.. -..,;::;......._...o...,. ....__ D•tlf Pl ... P-•Y PalrlO 0'~1 Nt•uly 300 pe rs ons ~aw a performance of ·-camclot" and feasted on a .!>Umptuo us buHct dtntll'r. Ho st Patrick Cadigan of Newport Beach rmkes a point with UC President Dr. D avi d Saxon . below right. during a reception m the Cadigan hom e . With them 1s Mrs. Barbara Cadigan. the hostess. They discussed higher education. • Volunteer Lita Sale nngs up a purchase. Grat'i" Brady and Kathlttn Yeager we re co- c:ha1 rmen but many kudos go to George Brady, who 1>1tch ed in a nd did a big µortion or the work. llus bands a rc handy. are n't they'! ~ W e 've learned that Monsignor Thomas Nevin. re cto r of St. Joachim ·s Catholic (;hurch in Costa Mesa,,will celebrate his 50th year as a priest in Amt'rica next year, Plans alread y are in th<' works for a Jubilee for the pastor, who is ~cla ve in his community . Get out vour calcnd<1rs and circle Nov. 2. T he re wi ll t>C & gala part y that night <1l the new Sak ·s Fifth /\venue when 1t opens al SQulh Coast l'lata thJS yt•ar. F our Or a n ge <'ounty groups ha ve <1n nounc~ lh<1l they're teaming for the opcnmg under the umbrella ··committee to n cne ht the Arts " ' WP courdn't stay for the whole ta lk but Ms . We II tw h<•nring more• from Dco;1gning Womt•n, the· Museum Council of the Newport ll arbur /\rt Musl•um . the Or a nge Count y Phi lha rmonlr Soril't i<'s and the South Coast South, a cert1f1ed m<1s te r graph<1analysl . will tw looking at our wratin~ in the next few days and we 'll tell you what s he• says . llC'pcrfur y S-up1iCirCGullds _____ ---- 1.arry Te~dall. ~on or thl· Oarrell Tesdalls of l·'uuntaan V:i lley. hCJs h<'en awarded an honors schol<1rship for the WW HO a cademic year al Pacahc Chr i:,t1an CollcJ,:e. II should be a challenge Most 1ournalists have tenible penmanship and we'l'c no excep tion WP t'n joyed t alking wit h Marilyn Brrnhardt, Ma~J{it• t'ranc iskovic h, lre nt' McCarthy, Bobbif' Dauduman ilnd Kathy Mlllf'r. J.-rry Martia , u guest or Sally Jobnson, was the lone ma n • 1 What does your h,andwrltiog reveal about you" Carol South, prcSident of the DOiphins o r thl' Newport llarhor Area Cha mh<'r or <:om · ffi(.•rrr. g;ivc rm1nh·rs :Jbouf w)iat your t 's tell at i.I 'lunchl'on If you ham> an llem /oT llaPJJf!nmgs. send tt lo Judith (J/son at lhi: nn1/y 1"1/111 ,, (1 ll<1I /~I Costa ,\fr~o r A 921):!6. or 1rill hn ut 642 4:121 llUfiJlol•nings "'"~ 1't •''11 Tut•sdoy' le Response is Best DEAR ANN L ANUt-:HS I m :. freshman an college and 1-:l'I offing quile well with evcry liody. (iut 1 ther e are two things I do not care lo discuss with a nyone. They arc m y salary and my i(rndes. How can I politely te ll som<'one , "It IS none or your business." when I am as ked, "What did you gel on your Eng lish mid·le rm'.1 " Or "How mu c h was your p t.tyc hcck las t week., .. Please come up with an ·errectivc> and snappy come back . NEEDING A T U RN-Of'F FOR Cl.ODS OF.AR NEEDING: I 'm fresh out o r snappy comebacks, but an eUf>ctlve answer need only t-0 be !ooimple and direct. The language Is right in your lette r : ''The re art> two things I do not care to dJscus8 with anyone -my salary and my grades ... DEAR ANN l.ANll~ts · Our mar- ried daughter and her husband think it is perfectly all rig ht for childre n to sit in on adult discussions, no matter· what the topic. The grandchildren hang around whe n we talk. eyes as big as saucers. cars lik' mice· I don't-believe childre n should be permitted lo hear everything adults say . My daughter and solf>ta.taw think nothinJt s hould be withhe ld from children that hcang included in gro wn-up conver:rntion will makf! Ann Landers them mor<' m ature. Roth m y husband a nd 1 dislike it whe n our g r a nd c hildr e n p lop thcmsc>IVl'S down. and horn in with questions about things that <irf' heyond th<'1r yc•ars Arc we wrong ·• LOVE T llE M RUT .. o•:AR B UT: No. you are not wrong. The only way you can control the situation is by refusing to discuss "adult &oplu" wben the children are present. tr your daughter and her husband ~t on s uch a subject, sim- ply uy, "We will talk about tba( at another time." DEAR ANN LANDERS: ts it ac· ceptable for Catholics to receive the Holy Eucharist more than once a d ay? CONFUS ED CATHOLIC DEAR CONFUSED: T'9e ehardl tries &o discourage perlAltonen from bellevlng that more Is bet&er. Some saper-ttllglous zealots tblak <ey wUI get a higher rating in Heaven if they spend more time In church. PORT-MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL $25.00 Dhc-' Oii ............ ,.. Through June 14 (with this ooupon} * IMDMDUAUDD IMST1HIC:TIOM • ACC• •A TID IDUCA T10M IA.C.l.J • ACADIMIC IXCll.l.BfCE * CHllST1AM EHYllOMMIMT G..-.ec.1 Also Ava1lablf' • Pre-School & Full-Cay Care 4 MW1tryofttw P<>n-Mts4 14"1ST CHU•CH HOW.H......_St. Co .. a Me'° UJ-tlll Just Shake it and Let it Fall Into Place. The Pr~cision Haircut. Because your head is unique. the way your hair grows is· equally unique. Really quite d ifferent from every ono else's. Precision haircutting is a techr:11que for cutting the half 1n harmony with the way 11 grows. Yourha1r even1ually grows out but 11 doe~n·t rose ats shape with a-precision hair~ul . Consequently your hair- cut will look as good after five days as it does after five mrnu~s. And because the hair falls naturally into place you won't have to keep fussing with it. Usually a shake of the head does it. At Command Performance we shampoo. precision-cut and blow dry your hair for sixteen dollars. whether you're a gal or a guy. And no appointments are ever necessary. We also offer permanent waves. coloring, frosting and conditioning. But we really shine with precision. And so wrll you ~----------Qi'f 'f'f? __________ ~ ~namand Perionnan~ OPEN EVENINGS I MONDAYI (f°AM·t PM DAILY/I AM-6 PM SA'\°.) COSTA MESA·MESA VERDE CENTER 2701 HARBOR BLVD. (HARBOR I ADAM9) 540-6153 •ewclasses SC1rU119 ................. ~ ....... . ...... ~ ..... ..... Former astronaut Gene Ceman, right, chats with Gordon · Luce, San Diego Savrngs and Loan president, and Ruth Dillon, Newport branch manager. Ceman is a member of the firm's board. Setting was at the company's grand opening . party for its new· headquarters In Newport C~nter. / RUFFEU.'S WHOLITllY ... , .... ..... , . ...,., ... . Cella' ... _ ... ,,. • ~~!!!!!!!!!!!m_l!l!!!!I!!. I' :-~lf'IDADI t-:r DAILY PILOT l ., • .. •• 71 ,_ t! security and care while you're not there t40. weekly m~~ p.o. box 1914 Newport Beach.CA. 92663 phone: 64S·8616 exc . l fully l icenaed Cl. iftl•red KILL SNAILS. • Warm weather will bring anaila and alugs to your garden. "That'• It" ia the safest' snaii bait we recommend for use around children and peta. ADVANCI lllGll1'RATION NOW OPIN. lllOW IS the hmc lo sign up IOI ice Sl<.lhng tessoo:. at lhli "'' Olp<ides Chalet Wheth<." yoo've ice skated bef0<0 or nevr•1 ic<• sk::iled 1n your hie. ()t'l() Of lhe<ic closscs is 10< you. CltLc:,scs 1111 un fusl. so Cdll loday lor all lhe 111fo11nation for lhe wt101t I OfTltly ADVANCI RlllllYATIOHI FOR GROUP PUHCTIONL 1c:1· C..ip.1C1c !'.> Chnt •1 1i. " great pl.ice IOI 11,.v,11t• nr 1f1•,111uhon11t O•OUP luncllOOS C.ill now 10< 1r•St-1v,111on:, 714/979-8880 KI CAA\DESCHALET · 2701 Harbor Blvd. Harbor & Adams Costa Mesa 979-8880 .-. -... .. ,. ., . . ... . . .... . . . . . . ...•. ERMA BOMBECK I HOROSCOPE Shortage Lurks -A.midst Af fluen·ce W\• have lwo rars in our All&rDl.tt'. u <'lllllr I \I 5-tl !And door <'h1mes \hut!'~ llow Ory I Am My Wlolcr c:o:.t hus a fabel in 1t 1 F r ult "br th•· l..t'Om l, our fiuK11r bowl m•le he., ltw< c-~m pltch .. r and we ttubscnb<• to \wo n.-wspar,.'rt- 1 nwntlon tht'~<' fart~ onl y to 1m1>r<•11S you For amidst ull th\~ rlu!' nnd 1&ff111f'Mt', w'· rould not m:all a hox or rook11•' 10 our duu.:htt-r .it c·ollt".il' Ut•1·1.1u:.t• • ,, 11. ,. t1111I 111J ll\1\. • h 1 n•i :.tno.: ur IWllll'. • t' • "" ht''" n "'1 u1111111i.: 11u1it·r and •I.I • rn1 J1t·11~·1I 111 I" 11 .. 11 1i "'h11 h tu ..i ddr\·,.., I\ IT JU-:c.;,\ "II "'11 h I lw w un•h for o.. ""' I h .. carton lht.' TV "'l 1·u111t• In 11. ... .., loo lug Tht· l«•r ran~ box 10 11 ... n1Jll 'I lw l111x hold1nl{ th1· Christmas ta 1·1· lt)!hl:. hJll •• w1n1tow an It Tht· • Col. Sander-. <'h1t•k1·11 1Ju1·k('t lt•<1 tk \:ll 'l'hl• n•>'•' tlSbUt' box too 11101..,y Jnd th1· 1'r,1rkt•r hOX too full I would hJ\ l' :.old tn) :-.oul tu Uw lit•\ ii l•ir .1 sho _· hox. · Thl' f\~1111' \\;" q111ll' :11111lh1•r ... 1.11ry ll \\:.-. o.;hockarlJ..! to d1-.1·0\1•1 11 I h:ul .111 1n<-ltn;1t11m 111 hang lll)M'lf 11r al I "';,, lill•t•d111).! ~11111 ~•·tl1•tl a ~•mfllt· tourn11pll'I, I \\•1ul!I hav1· tu n •-.11rt ''' ;1 n ·t1 huar rit.lmra 111 lh•· 111.ll'k of tht• ml'tl11·1111• 1·ab1m•t . ;1 111111 Noll:1r. a 1~a1'1l1•11 hth l'. a lu·ll. .1 i:ym ~tuw -.11 rni: .. 1 tl1 .1w ... t1111J..! frnm .1 pair 11f hathani.: trunk.., 11r :1 li•111•th •1f dental 1111~.-. TUE Oll EST f111 liro\\ 11 \\ 1 :1p111ni.: pa1w1 ~as a 't1rill 111 lut1l1ty < Hl11·r thWl 1.:lu111i.: hrc1\\n g ro1:<'ry liai.:~ 1·nd to 1·11tl t h1•rt· 11. a.., n11 hoµe 1n s ight 11f find1nit hrown "rapp1ni: pa1x·r I havr s11 ve1l ttw H1 i.: l'!·ntil Sl.'~ar<·h fur la:-.1, po!-.~thly ht·t·au:-.1· 11 "thr· m11..,1 1n<'<inl!ru11u.., ··1 do not undt·r,1;1nrt rt -.:11cl rny hu..,lrn ncl. . that ;a lll<·r;1t1· l:1milv (If ft\l' \\hll funt·lton In :in 1•duc·at1ona I at mo:-.ph1 ·r1· an • forrNI tti 1•nrn mun11•a1 1• 11.' 1'1<'111111' 11•l1•p horw rn1•Sh:tJ.!l'' 111 1 lw i.:rl'aM.' on tlw t· 11:111'.I fan Surl'h. '>ll mt•\\ h••rt· an tht!-. hllll'I'. lh1•r1• "''"' lw :1 Jll'lll'il or J pell Wt· lountl '"" l \ rww 1 ah·r•,, a ILitwl murkt·r . a y1•ll11\\ l'r.1von . :111 1•y 1•hrow 111·n1·1l a ('11a p.,l1<'k, :1 111t·1 1· of lailor.., c•halk anti .1 ru:-l.\ nail, but 110111111· p1•111·tl or pt·ra clul 11.e f1 ntl "'INi\1.1.Y. wt• -.al :1111un<I th•· k1tdw11 lahh- l'xh :a u~tt·tl. l,1·1 ·, 1111 ~ l'l tho• 1•1111k1 c•..,, I '><Jiii 'tar tml! t11 r11lihl•· "" ,,,.,. "I know \\ h•·n "1· a n · he:1tn1. -.:11<1 n1 v hu..,b:and, paSl-!llli.? lht> plat1• :1rt1unrl t11 tht• IH1)l-! /\s we !-.;•l 1111·1"' 11tl1l1!1ni.:. I !-.aid, "Wt· ..,hould writ<· ht•r ;11111 1·:"1);1111 \\laat h:ap1)('ned to tl11• ('OOk lt.'S .. l\n hour l:1lt•r, ~1· h:Jtl 11m•a rth1·tl a p1et'c of ,yellow t.alllcl µ:.i.~cr. 41 µJctt oC cai:1.U.ioard (rom ont' of Dacldv -; st11rt!-., a :ix 5 s a :1tC'h pud heh1nd the r<·frigt'r.ator anti a p1N·t· CJf l1ssut· from iJ ne w blous e. t pickt!d up m ~ yt·llow C'ra.'.\(<1u an<l ht•gan to wral l' ( Horoscope wt:u N E!-i lJ/\ \'. Jl 'N •:Ii Hy S\IUNE\I OMJ\Rlt ] 1\RIES t Mart·h 21 l\pnl l!!l AppcaranC'c•s <.arf' dc:<:e1vw 14 Know al and <wt ao, 1f a wa rl' of 11 It m1 i.:ht s1·1·m Y"U li av1· ,uffl·rl'tl :a :-.el11:t<•k Hu\ you n • rl'bound1nl!. 1111 t ht• way hark /\ h.:i.:;.i I da· C'ts 10n coulrl hoorneranc tn ynur favor. TAURl'S '/\11ral <!u M ay ;w 1 Acc1:nt ''" ba s ic issue~. t'.l'llini.: 1<>h <lorll', lieang ~perafll' Ucpendenl:-.. pl'ls m 1ght M:l'm to ·con vcrgt· Maintain ha l:an1·1'.', humor . l'rc'!-.surt•s ar1• rt· lievcd Opportunity 1•x1sts lo t:xpa111I hM11.0n!I GEMf!'il 1Mt1y 21 June 21)1 Imprint l->lyl1-. Pe rmit otht•f o.; to lwt'1mc aware.• or your 111· d1v1du<tl ~1gnatun• Mt•mhl..'r or opposite ~l'X ·~ drawn to you :111<1 m;tkr•.., no St•C·r ct or tl J\nolht>r Gl•m1n1 . a V1 ri•11 and ~HJl!tltarwn l1~ure prom tnl•ntly S1 g111fll'~1nt t'h,ini.:1· llll ur::., c·o uld 1n volvt• wntinit. tr'avt•I ('AN('t:lt •.Junt· ~I .l uly :!2 1 J\1·1 ·1·11t on C'On rl11s1ons , ~•·t·11r1tv. lff•1rwrty, doml·,tu· rlc·C'1M11n!-.. v<J luc> of honw. p11!-..,1hl1• c·hanl!''!-. 1n 1·11nn1·c·t111n with rcsuknt•c· 'l'auru~. Libra, Srorpm pc rMm.., fi gu r e pro m1 n 1!11 ll \, Lf:O fJuly :nl\11J..! ~a •-Av<11d ~.pn·adang (•r forts 111 ton many JL1r .. 1•111in:-.. Be vCr!-.:tt1le without scuttc•rani.: your fo r1·c·!-. (;ct ronceplh. form als on papt'I'. lk "an tou<·h · Idea!-> u0.1unlJ . key is to ~ :;clccta vc VIRGO t Aug 23"~<'Pt 22 > • Mo ncy. prod UC'· lion. dedication figure in sccnurao. You r invest· ment in property or ideal s ur,::ch lo fort front. Re lationship is "serious." Jr not aware of il wake up! Your pas t catch~up a nd this eould be favorable LIBRA 1Scpt. 23·0<'l. 2'J 1: You gain added reco~nation. obtain bette r deals where supply. dis tribution. price and dis play are concerned. Another Li bran and an Anes, could t1ominatc scenario. <.;ontrac·t, partne rship propos al could be on horizon SCORPIO flh:t 2:t.Nov. 2 11· You ~ct frt·sh opportunity for new s tart, t he initiation o( 11 proj· eel. You ,.:et chance to correct pasl mishtkes . H you rejected love in r>ast . a ra re "moment" a~ain materiali zes. There is something almost magical about what is to occur 1 SAGITTARIUS I Nov. 22·Dec. 21 >: Accent on confidential da ta!lhe knowledge of wh,n lo make a move. attraction, glamour and aura of s uccess. Cancer. Capricorn and Aquarius natives figure prominently. You could give dazzling display or extrasensory perception. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22.Jan. 19l: Elevate sl1ndinl{; be &onfident enouf(h lo know that you're on right track . You receive offers which .-eflect recent efforts. contacts. inquiries. Oemtni. Scorpio , SaRillarlus personi. figure in scenario. You get verification or views. AQUARIUS 1J a n. 20·Feb. 18 ): There arc some blockJI to communication. Find out what is needed lo icet mesuf(e. product properly d.111· trlbuted. There Is "esca pe hatc h " from morass or red t.apc. officialdom, petty persons who are bitter. envious. You" win! \ Pl8CF.8 <F'eb. 19-March 20>: Job 1et.s done -your efforts, views are recognized. Accent on cornmunicaUon, Metting lnfonnaUOn concerning rent. lease, credit.A and de blls. Special rela· tionthip ia bJ1hllghted. Nothing ia apt to occur 'halfway. ' • ' T~. June 5, 11J79 DAILYPILOT Unlea~dlrani&ns Back · Leader, Gasoline ProteSt Mideast Pact. LoCUJlta Controlled ROME CAP> -The pla1ues ol loeuata th.a& threatened large crop ao.... in aortbeut Alric6, Arabia and aoutbem Asia have beee broqbt _.,. control, but the threat hi not over, .Aaaiatant Direc tor·General D.F. Bommer ol the U.N. Food and Boosted WASttlNfffON 1APl Anwrlcans may land rt • tattle .. axwr to .:N t h l.'1 unh·udl•d t;asoltne urtt>r Uw &dnun1~trat1on .ar tt·d to l111°rt•a sc pro 1Jut•llflfl 11( lht.· foci ll nch•r the al'l ions. fl" fath'rh Will I)\• UllO\ol.'t.•d to .1tld i <·1·nt.., J .callon to t h1• hrnw pl'l<'t' of mly 10 1·r1•11Sl'll prollul't111n of u11lt•uth.J J,:a:o., which IS 1n rm,.rct h y-r.irs l'll U I Plll'll \4 1 l h Ill a II 11.1 1111, .rnt1po llut11111 tit- ' 11·1·:. T ii t. fNC'R t;,\SM IS 1· \ p t • 1· I l' d I O l' ll ~ l 111uh111:.t~ an l'Xlra unc fifth of a cent Pl'r gullon 1Jl lhl' µump. The actions also call for :.us pc•ndtnJ.! until Oct I a hnn on lhl' odanc· l11X>"ltn).! M MT ::tdd1t1v<.• u..,,.ft 1n prudurtnl! un l1·adt•d gas1>l 1r11.: <ind an tl1•l11vi n g ror a )'t•ar '' n1·t1·r Jamil .., un lhl· .1 m 1111 n I 11 f It· ~11.J 1 n ........ 11111)1' Th,• l-:11\'I I llrl lll t•lll :1 I l'r11tc·1·t11111 •\J..!l'rt<·y had pl~1 111lt'd on 1m 1oll'mt·11L 1ng, un (kt I . :-.tandard.., l11n 1t1ng tht· 11 v1•r.tll avt·rag1· of ll•acl p c·r J.!:Jllon t11 5 i.:ram pt.·r g;a I Ion. 1-: N 1-: R c; V :-. 1.· 1• r 1· t a r v J :i m 1' ~ H ~c hlc:.1ng<'r and t-;1'1\ ,\dm1n1!.trat11r Dougla.., co..,t h· a nr111 u n1•1•d tho· plan ... :il ua .. Whitt• lluU'.'.l' Monrtay Tht• 11ff1t.·1al:; ~:11d tht• plan ~ l'Oultl n ·~ull 1n rt• f1nl'f'> shifting a~. muC'h :1~ 7 W,1)()0 ha rrl'I~ pn dav from lt·adt·d lo 1111 1,.;;1h•<l produr t 111n T ht· aim 1s to ht•lp 1n c·n·H :.•· tlw )o,h:ar<· of un lt·artt•cl output Imm th1· Jll'l'..,l'Ot 411· JH·rt·<:nl Ill Iota I i.::isol '"'-' product ion lt1 rnon• lh:.tn 1!'1 perl'l·nt. th1·v s aul T.hc· t-:P/\ s aid todav th<· y1·ar's l11·l.1y an n:. ~luci~ll-! l•••1d t·onlcnt-ui g<J~ohnc woultl nol hC:1vt· an) s ign1f1c:rnt lwalth dfrc:ts. consukring thCJl hl'lurc· st1.tnd ar<ls wt"r(• 1mpos1·d <.a ft•w yl•ars ai.:o I ht• a H·rag1· lt·:1tl c·ontt.·nt \\ Jl-> 2 graio~ IH:r H<il 11111 P UBLIC NOTH.:t.: CP~IJ ~tCTITIOUS BUSIH£S\ HAM£ STATIEM£HT T "~ toHow•nq perwn\ .tr~ do1no but..•""''., '>HAW ANO Tiil no I .. ., '.>()(.IA I l '>, IJU) A•O<-Sl .. •t. !.u1I• no, N• .. Pol1 R•ot(h, (A 'l?lof>O Sf\"* <itnd T altlot, •• Q,.n~'"' 1i.rt~""'P. 1JOJ A•D<.Jt<l<l. !. .... ~no. N-~or1 ri--..-"· r A -n~ (Tf'fAt(J J Dun.ti, 1~ W li,lhu• fH ¥0 • W1ttt HX17. t u~ AnQ<"'I~\ {A -.007• c, ... ,,..,, R r "'""'""" ., .. ''V~,,.. .. 01 the tr.11rlf!'\ 0 ( ... 1'1w••11 t?/4 T t\1\I 11s1 Oo•t ~l•t~I. N~wPO•• ., .. .,,r., C/\ ~'""° M 1trt1n Cnt,.'P'•''"'· "" iHTUIP'1 p_.r1nr r\n1u. U lh C 11\t tio,.ch•tO ~11-1, \otnta .AM (II 'l?IO'J Wlllt"rn er 0.:.1o1 .... 'coo Bri\tnt \tr.,,..t Nortf\, Suite )•~. ~rwpOfl llU< t\, (../I <nt..a '"''' bY\IM'\\ I'\ ( ond u( ff'd by .. Of""'"'"' ~rt,_.nh•P \h..t.., dnd l ttlDOt ft Ql"'"""'tlft pa.t1Mt \nip ei.,,,..1ow ~M .. r~,.I Par1n.•' t "" ''-"f"mirn1 Wd \ f1t,.d wltn ttw> County '"°'" Of OrM\QI! ((N"IY on M•y ... ,., .. D•M.•r<o, 8.-r••. Gneftbe,q. Tl>r•ll&~r Attot Mf' •t L•• FtUO .. no H••-' c..tftl•r Or , ~tt. too ICew..-.1 llH<ll, t A tl- Puoh'.tlt"'\J O utflOI" t ""''' r>.111., Pilot M•r 1~. n , 14. Jun .. '• ,~.,~ lftl \ '" P UBLIC NOTICE ,ICTITIOU\ BU\IN£U HAMI! UATEM£1CT I h4' 1011-il'IQ Pl'"On I~ OO•nq l>u\• M\\ .\ lEWCO MAC.N ET IC'\ 0 1V 0~ lEW(.0 ElECTlllC CO. tNC, 414 H Newpof1 81vd , N--1 IH•<h, C.. ., ... ) Fr-~ NI. L-1•, SOI E l Moden• •~ , Ne-1 llfo•ch. C• 9'W>l Thi\ Du\lneu I\ 'onducloHI by• CO< po<alloto u·wco El £CTIUC CO , IHC r ronc ... M. L""'"· Se<.,..t•ry Thi\ \letem..nl W4\ llll>d wllh U1e CCMJnh• Cterti ot Or-C-ly on M•y II,,.,. fllUSJ Publl\IW>d ()r-C....-.1 Daily Piiot MO 1S, n. 19, Ju<"'), 1'1t 18'1? 1' PUBLIC NOTICE • TEHRAN. Iran l AP> -Hu.nd~ of lhouundi ol ll'.anlaDll ltanaformed memorial rallies Into maas displays of s upport for Ayatollah Ruhollab Khomeini today. Th.-y chanted ''death'' to Pmid~nt Carter. F.:gyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Ministe r Menal·hcm Began. THF. RALLIES WERE to com· nwm or atc the thousands or dem - onstrators killed In Qom 16 years. ••go by th<.· troops of Shah Moham· med lh •za l'a hlava. overthrown an F<,bruary by Khome ini's forces. Thl'y <tlso fotrowed criticism of Khomt•1m tn rct.·ent weeks by a vane· ty of pCJlttat.•Lil and religious fi gures, who h ~1 vc d at m e d democratic I rt.·edom~ :.ire betng 1~nored in the l'CJUntry and that Iran as slttp10~ toward a n •ltg1ous dict atorship. The ra llies we re staged in m ajor c1t1es around tht• country. beneflttn~ from a national holiday dcC'laretJ by the government The ~t att' radio said s loJ!ans s upportinl-( Khomeini. the Shiite Moslem leuder of the rcvolu- t ICJ·n thCJt oustt·d the !.hah , prt·· dominatL'li cvcrywh\•rc Tflf: TF:llRAN ('ROWO, 1·st1m<sted hy rt'J)(irtl'rs :at about COO.lJOO, carm·tJ hundn'(b of porlraat~ uf thP heurclc1I ;t~ ;.ttoll :th and pl:warcb "1th l-!lo).!an ... t•xpr<'l-!Stng lht•1r :tllt•j.!t:HlCI· Ttw m:1s~1vc· <'rowd IJurs l 1nt11 daant... of " Kh<imt·anr • Khomc-ana "' <i!-. lay and dt·nt.·;11 ..,pt.•akt-r ' ~ucct't'dl-<l t':.t<'h otht·r with l->p<·cda·..,. Olhc·r <·hants int.'luilt•d · D<.·Lith lo Cnrt<'r ' .. 'Death to Sadat'' <:t nrt "Ot-ath lt1 A1neuatw.OF1..Uaa.Uon ,....u. - Begin'" because of the Mideast Swarms of l<M:usta in two yeara pla1utd peace.. lreal.Y..the)' ne&o.tiated.Jha1 I.ell. .Elbioi>i-. Sudan.JM Ar_UiUJ_peniDIWa, P~~ _ the iu.ue oC PalJ:sUnian ;a_uwnomy up and India. in the air. ~~------------------------------------~ The banners they held aloft P.raised Khomeini as the "leader " and "backbone'. or th~ revolution. and a choir or little boys s ang a starrinR marching song : "Khomeini. Kho· mc1ni. we are ready to die fo r you." A HUGE PORTRAIT of the ayatollah. three s tories high. domi· nated the rally an Tehran's Sepah Square . It was suspended halfway· down the fl.Icade or th~ ta ll tele<:_om.:_ munfcations bu1ld1ni:t Security guards included j.(rctn· u niformed members of the Guar· ctaans of the Islamic R<'volution. an d1te seeur1ty corps set up·last mont h by the Islamic Rr•vol utaonary Coun· ctl tht• country's supreme body Shops a nd gov<'rnme nt orrices c losed. Wome n in foll len~th black veals carn~d children rn their arms. and m any of the ma rchers were s~parated into m<i ll' :.tnd rt:m <ile group... .\DDRF-..;Sl :'llG ,\ m1•m0n<.al rall y an Qom. 100 milt·~ MIU! h or Tdiran. Kho· rn1•in1 ::.truc·k 11u1 al hi'> 1·nt11 ·.., ·Yo u "'•·r•· .di '1tl1n11 in vnur homb and 11 w;,., hl:aru that gavi: vuu t h1· fn·t·d1J m 111 1·onw out. Mi now iry to tw 111\1• "'th th•· p1·opl1 · and d o n 't 11pp<1 !-.<.' lht· rt:l1 g111 u:. lt•adt•r!-t~IJl ," Khomt·1n1 dt·<:l:.tred , without "ft'for ring t11 hi:-. crrt1c:. by nanw NOTICE TO RHfOfNTS Notice " httfebv ti"" tt\lt • pVblic ......... wilt be IMtd Irv the City Counc:.t of tht City of Huntt""on a.di in die C:0-11 ~of IN C1v1e C-w. 2000 M9in SI•-. Hunofl9lon 8eech, et the !lour of 4 00 p.m. or "'°°" thwlllllft• "PO_... on dM llidl dey of June; 1979. 10{ tb!l-POW of 1111letti111 public tf'PUt on the Cify .,.......... to• Fi.cal Y-1979/80 end on the-of a....,.i ,.__,. Sh.ttrtnQ fut•<h •• -t of 11ta1 bud9M. Copoet of th• pntli""'-v burieet •• .. eilllbi. •I'"" Cnv Cl<Hil't Off-. 2000 M.tln Sir-• .tnd ttwo Publtc l1buwv, 7111 ,..,._,A-. Hunt1ntton llNdt. The ptopcK8d 0.,_81 F.....t ....... "136,M2,728. T ... protlOl9d 0. .... ,.1 R•..,...., Sh¥1nq Fund Budtet o19P'O!Wi.t" $2,084.2152 for eoip•UI oull•v •nd $104.117 for Senlo<t Out•..c:h O.enc. AH,,.,., ... t9d i-t0m. .,. 1nv1111d 10 et11nd ulCI .... ,,,,., provide wrifrwi 11nd oul commt1nh • ...cr • .r. qu"""'"' rll9lifd11111 IM Wllire FY1'1179/80 8""""1 fllflhe< ,,.fC>flM1oon may be obto1ned from the Offia of IM C•IV C*"' ,., PURLIC NOTICt: P UBLIC NOTICE P UHi.iC NOTl{'F. P UBl.I{' NOTKt: P UBLIC NOTl<'t . PUBUC NOTICE C~""4 f'ICTITIOUI euM .. IH .. AMI STAT•Ml .. T Tl\• loll_..,. ~-" ....... i>wll ,.,, ., Cl•"t\TOPHElt HOMES, 1111 GemPll\ Ort .. , !!MM JJll, lrvlM, CA .,,., CIWl t....,_ C. ~.)trl ~ 0-t,.., s..ot. JJD. Irv ..... CA .,,U Tiii\ _.It c-~ 111¥ •" lft Cltvlth.•I CHI....., C. (ii'*' Thi\ , .. ..,_ Witt Iii.cl "1111 IM C-ly a.ti! el Or ... C-ty Oii M8\I '·"" Do you r~ad the P ll RLI(' NOTIC't.:S publishf'd in this nt-ws papt>r daily? Tht>y an• a vital r•art or Dll t: PROC'fo:ss OF L/\W and or th e PF.OPLt:•s RIGHT TO KNOW ... I' u 111 I t' n (I I I ('cl> J r I' pubhstwd unikr t-ourt or· d\•r" or h•i.:1slat1 ve 1·1•dl•:. for the 1>un10 ... c or noti fy. ani.: unt• or more in· '11 v1duals of somt• pro· JHl~l·d .1t'l1on or past ••V t•nt wh11·h m ay ad vt•rsely or fovorahly nf· In t 1 hio1r rt).!hb, rnll•rt• t or rlut it·s. a1111 abo fur t tk! l•UrJIOM' of ).!I\ IOI( ,,u1•h 1wr"'"" the opµort u111ty to pro1t•1·1 tht'lr rai.:ht :... 1>r 111 Ill' hl·artl in the muttl'r . M:inv 11Uhl11: nul1rcs h,1vc i.:n•al \ alu1• lo taxpuyt•rs. "ut·h u" those not11·t•.., puhl1 :-.hcd h y mun1r 1pahtu•s. public authority t•urporation,.. tn•asurcr s and otht•ri-; who &r't' required by l•w Ill publish financial re· . ports: budl(et heurln.: nollces. ordinances or ad· vcrtlsement."' or bids on p ublic work . The se notlrt·s keep you In· formt•d 11s to how Mod why your tux dollar.. art' betnl( l'Xpendcd. They a lso prt•vent or di!!· 1·oural(c rrauds. raids nn publl<' treasuries ;inti frtvnntixm 1n the letting of public contracts. P UllLK' NCmC;F..8 MAY AFFECT voua L .. '[,. voua raort:an. oa-voua MJ81N£88. 1te1•u.. .... ,.1 DAILY PILOT (?f DAil Y PILOT PWLICNOTICS .............. ...--nn1•cau ...... P• , ... ~ .. ..... ..... ...,, tlOTICI OP Ml Aet•• OP HttTteet .... ...._. .. W WM.&. ... Q ... "'"' .. ,,,, ...... tAAY'_. ... ..,......._., 1e 1•IM•11ua u•ot • '"' ........ ., ............. ... -----i ... :w-n~~Cl l ...... , f\1•1• e l •t I I Y ~AN f MAltOVL rfL DK• .... NO t 1('e 1' Hf •cev (,llfl'N .,.., Al\t'N WILi" M••OU•ftl! r.e• 1, ....... ,.!<> .... I_ ...... _ ... ""Ill ............. i.t ••• l••••·' ····-·lo ...... ,"_'_,.,, 4-i. ........ _ ... _, ... '••• ..... ~····~ ........ , ,.., ,,.._ ,_ "' .. -· ,.. ·-..... _ .... _..,. l\lt, .... »••li,11lef ~ NI , ... time -.. 1 ..................................... . I~ J.,,... 3' ""· •• '41 • • m 1n 1iw .... .,,._, .. ..--,._... ... , ....... 1 _,, el IOI (l•I\ c.,,..., l't•tw llW .. I tn , ... MIY ol ~I• """ { •illo< n•• u .... ,_, "" IEI A lllll>N(H C-yC••• AAltC*t6 AAltOI,.., INC "'ILMAUllON' ,,.. .. --. , ..... "" c .. a.-., '-nu. A ........ ·--Pvt>th ..... ()r-( ... I O.i1y p,..,1 J-) • 11, ,.,. 11\J ,. PUBLIC NOTICE lfOTte:& lOCltEDttM• OPl"'-C H ...... llt llen •ttt • .., U C.C I NOltC.E I!. HERES Y GIVEN I t redltot\ o• .... wtlt'I•" n•m• lr.•fl•l!l'!Dr -• -tren\l•r h Mloul •o h "'-Oft ,,_r.09•1 Prot>erh IMJrelfl•fler OM<rlbtd ,. ... -..... .,.., ...... , -·\\ 01 Ille lntendtcl trM'l\leror " ROBERT <.RAGG, llU LOQfll • t, CO\I• Mew, GA'1tU l"4P --bu>lf\f!u -.... ot l"e tt'll•n<trd tr•n\t.-rer h OAVE llE VNOlO!>. 1au L~n ••• (.~•· M•w , C.A'162' Tll•I Ille P'OPe•h pertln•nl ""reto I• <l•>crlbed In -••I•• Worm A•l>lnq Equlpmef11Mldi11oc•i.d•t llHL09efl a•. Co>I• Mew, CA '7U• TM bu\inHI n-u ... d Oy Ille \etd tr.,.lleror •I WO<I lol •llon 11 OAll>NGE COUNTY WORM FARM. Tiii\ ''""Ml<tlOfl Wiii bt ... fldl•<I 111•°"911 .,. .U.Cf-. ~d bulk Ir ... ,,., ,,..11 .,. ,_,,,..,..,°"or ., .. , J- I, ttr• '>o '"' <K h ~-to u ld •nl•"°"" f r1tn \t•rft WKf tnfrndiP-(t T '•n\ff"fOf ''~ t M fO'tow•nQ dddlfk)n•t bu\tnf'\\ I num~ •nd .odr""'' w ithin ttM:o "''" Y•dt\ l•\I P«~I C.0"-\ Sl>tll, 1101 W 8•• •t. (°'le""""'· (A J 0"1•<1 Jvnt' I .. ,, °""" ArynOlch ·"·~,,~ .. ,•"(" Pu1>1t"-1 Or-c.o..w o .. 1y PllOI June > ••1' 110 ,. PIJBUC NOTICE ---.-P ICTITIOVS eUSHllH •e»I STATIEMl llT fllr ~ Pl!f\Oft I\ OOln9 l>v" " .. '"•\ llEFl [(TION!>. mo W. C.entr•I ::: n, s.m. """· tA ">10' 8~<-Y l~ Lon(llellow. 11«>1 N•Qfll '"<l•I•, fount~'" ll•llo , (.A '1/0I Tl\1\ bVMne·u 1~ tondv<ted br,•n '" 0t¥tdu,.I llec•v l.N' l onQleltow f Pll\ \t .. t"mttnt Wd\ fHrd with ftlft C.uunty Cler• 01 Or•l'IQO> Counly on M., I I 1•1' '1U n1 Publo\-°'""9" fo"'' Olt•IY P1101 M•Y I>. 11, tt. J -). t'1• ll'IO /~ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS e u StNESS •AME STAllMI NT f f't~ foHo.w1nQ pPr\On\ •r• do•nQ Ou!..rte\\•\ M l(RO £ Jt PO'lURE, .. , r ,O.n """'· C•l•Me .... (4hlot n1•'1UI C •"'Y """""-t H.........,,n, I"'.,,., t •hlorn14 '111~ P•ullM "..,.'"· •t1 E JOI .,,,,..., C"'441Mewl, C..111°"'1•'1UI I"" bu\l,,.n '' tOfl<lvtled bf •IM•t•l ~""""4p P ... ltllP Rolaefl\ (-y Hvvr-\ • • t11\ '\l,.t"~' ••\ t iled with '"'- 'ounty CM!r11 ot Or-,_,, on M•Y II "" FIUH? "'""'''....,Of.-<.o~" O•oly Pilot. Moly I), n.1•oNI Jun<') 191' "C'TITIOUS IUSl .. IU llAMI STATEMI NT 119J ,,. I he 101-1119 pt•~ 1\ do0n<1 l>v•I· ntf'' •~ ElfECUltlfE INT£11tOllS, 1•7' 8an lde Drive, (.oron• <ltl M•r. C•lllom t• "6J) Sll•non LM P...... It,. 8•y•lcle Orove, C.a<Ofl• del M•r. C•lllo•n•e tUH Tiii\ IMISl~1 t\ tonoutt~ 0y •n In d•vldu<lt Slwlr°" I.ff Pet><t Tllh \l•lef!W!!'I wu llle<I Jl"tlll llW County C14trk"' O•-Cou<llY on Ma'r ti,''" l'ttU Pul>ll>lle<I Ot-(N \I O•llY PllOI Mo 1$, 17.1', J-$, lt1t t"I I PUBLIC NOTICE Cf'tl .. llOTICI TO Clll!DITOlt!> !>Ul'lltlC>tt C.OUltl OF THI U A Tl 0, CALIFOltlllA P'Olt l HI COUNTY 0 1' OltANOI N•A I .... l ~1•1" ol JOHN Al [ X l>N OE P 1 E OFOllO, 0.V•W'd NOTICE t~HEllE l\Y C.IVEN 10 111~ • recUtOf'\ ot """ abO•e "'.tf'Nd de< eo.nt th•I dll '*'"'°"' tl•v•nq <t•jm\ •9t'•nii1 t~ 'Wl•d df<edf'nt .trt' r.-qt.ured to flltt them. #6tt\ tt\lf! f"liHH WtV VOU(,.t\, in 1"4! Ofli<t Of Ille t14'rk ot Ille •bove en 1111e<1 roun, or 10 prewrfll !Mn'I, '"''" Uu1 l\el~\wry ~OU<her,. •o the un der\IQ'*I ., Ille ..... olllt • of THOMAS L lORO. JJ~)I P•-lie V•l•ntl•. !>u1te 101·8. '"--Hllh, GA '1tU, wrtk ll ll lfW pl«e ... o.i\IM ll Of Ille u"""IQNCI in •II ""'"en pert•ln1n<1 to I~ Htete of w l<I d«edeflt. wn111n to..r nw>ftttn. .tier 111e llnt ...,Olk•toon ot 1111, nol•te 0 •1•<1 ~. JO. "" 8All8A"A JEAN HALL E utlllrl• ol tM 'Will "''""-"•med *'""'' YltOMAt L.l.OllO S....Jet·• JW I P-•VMIMI• &....-. HMh, CA tMia Tel C1t41 llt, ... . ........, ..... _..,.. Pub11"-'1 Ot-CO<l~I O•llY P1IOI Junes, n. It, '6. "" n o 1 .. ( TUMd!y: June 5, llJ79 6 - 2 • 5 6 7 8 p I L 0 T 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Th• Blggeat Merketplece on the Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT CLASSl-FIED ADS Y~ Can-5911 It, Find It., Treu lt With a Want Ad 642-5878 ......... ~.~~~ ...... ~~-~~ ....... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 Ge•r.. I 002 G1Mr.e I OOZ Gt•r.. Gwr.e I 002 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 't t I ..., •• Notice: All rc:ial l!llll alt' Jtht'r1 1:.1.'il lO Uu.-. n.:w-.p1A(>t•r '" '>I.lb Jt."1'\. lo the fo\ldt'r11I fo'1A1r lh>Ufiln(t Arl of 19GIJ wtuch makl'S 1t 1llcl(1tl lo a dvt-rtlse "an y IHl' ferenrl', h m1t at1on. or dlscnn11ndl100 lia:.l't.I on r1Ce. cokw, reb.:100. l>l'X. or nauomt.I on.:111. or an 111lent100 lo make uny such prcfrr(•nl'.'1•, ltrn1ta t.M.-1, or dl.M·n mm at 100 .. 11us OC'W:>JIUl~·r \\Ill llUI know1111:ly a1·1·1•1Jl ;111)' a dvert1s 1ng f (l r r t•.il et1taw wh1r h 1::. 111 viola uon ol' uw I aw • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \\' 1 ·~1 , .• , '\ TAYLOR CO. IU-/\1 lilf\S .1111 1· l~l·lfl COSTA MESA IMCOMI UMTS TWO DUPl.EXEs--l.AIGI LOT t;ach duple x contains t wo 2-bdrm. I-ba th single-level units . Near schools. shopping, etc. Sl)per priced al only $200.000 for both bld gs. Call today! WHUY M. TAYLOI CO .. UALTOIS . 2111 S.. Jo141in ....... MEWPOIT CEMTH. M.I. 64Mt I 0 MBtB>ITH GAIDEHS OCEAN VIEW $69,500 Hare oct'an view d up lrx lot. loca~-d 2 blO<'k!> rrom the beach .• Jusl hsll'CJ C '.all now before tl 'i. .:0111· 556-2660. 116 CANYON Golf course view from spacious 5 B R. .4 ba. tra\titiona l home : lge. fa mil y room, pool. jacuzzi. $750,000 LIDO ISLE Cus tom tr ad itio na l 3 BR home on prime corner lot. Freeflowing fl oor p la n. 2nd s tor y min i h a y v ie w . $325.000. IAYFROMT Several f inc b ayfront home~ with pier & slip BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 141 R11y\1d,. Dr•v<' N 8 b 7S 6161 DUPUX OHTHESAHD $177,000 Slt'JI" 10 Hit' t"'''"'' fr11m owner"• fronl u nll :i u I' rl r m ... .. I 0 f I fo't r t•p t:11•1· IJ.-1 1-' iii SpoNshVilo liR +POOL T;1kt' ov1·r $75,llOIJ VA. II'•';. tJi!"..:-i 1m11 pa y' .Il l Ari·ht"<I t•nt rv, r·m y 11\1nv rrn. r11 ... t;i kill'hl'n. largl' f.1rntlv rm . bnc·k 1pl1·. One C-ell Service Faat Crectlt Al!proval ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Ge•r.e I OOZ Gt•• .e I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Boy ~ ard \!£)1 Beach Rea lty REAL ESTATE UCEl.UNCE StMCE 194' TURTLEROCK ... l h1· t houghtfully "onrc1 ved floor pl a n PLUS lhe a rtistic d l·(·or M'l." thb <:undo apar t from all 1·ompl1llllon. Let us show you t his 1nspmni.! l htlrm .. for mal dini n~ room hom t· & rnn v1 nc·1· voursclf. $165.000 ... 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811- ~~~~ . I\ b1•aul1ful , SpllC'IOO~ ·m.,hmt hume" f&!alur mg ~. 13drms, J bath,,, oomlimmi: •·v<•ry dt•sira bit• d 1•nwnl or a hom1• 111 apprm. :10110 sq ft . ot h v mi: /\l an unmalrhahh· pnr1• of SIS!l,000, 1111:-. sh11u.hl be the.· tw"l v.1IL11· 111 th~ IH'iH'h ;ir1•;1 ' l'll'UM' t·all :,.u.; "MI for dclwls and appt. «;;SEL ECT patio. :o1hakl' rt1of C ·.1 I I nllW. (ii :J K:..'iO .... ,111 Clf gl,1>,., l1 .. 1d111µ lu I•---------1----------1·1ov1•r1•t.J 1>al11J JtH I :m ~ COATS & WALLACE REAL ESTATE. INC. ••••••••••••••••••••••• T' PROPERTIES 14 t; ,+I ! • Owner Moving Ir .. ,. form pool "11 1 roun11t"1 hv aclnh•• v. .ill-. Only Sr7 ~IO ('all l11r ,Jlf ;1m<'nil1t•<; !16:! 7H14 I •, Gaar,.. 1002 ------- OMY~arN~w lJn111u ... o p porl u111l y aw;uts you 1n th1' lnvi•ly .. r ll!OO • hum<' ( '••nl r:i I I\ l11(•;11l-'d V ault1·d woorl ,: I' I I 1 n g .. . w I' l IJ •• r D1•rorat11r wa 11 t 11111·r mi::s. l'nvah • d1•1·k C:t·n lral varum11. S4·lr l'lng OVel) & murh more. C<tll now. 673-8550 l1m11114 T1w HOMt Most Uwfy To Sltccffd m prov1dm R what you want most C'Omfort. , . .,c appea l & loc·al1on Thi:. •·I;,,.,) 4br. Jba hOITil' 1<hic·h ha:. <! wet har •. :1 f11>flos & ... Form DI< h.1:-. 11 .111 mc·fd 'i.: ,. r11\.1·rt'fl palJo w If 11>k. Wt'l It.tr & B™J Call today !17!1 • ..r.11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VATHMS! CUTEHOMI IUILDAILE LOT 1lu.c; r harmmg easls1dc Cc>sta Mesa hom l' 1s located on a largt-bwlda · ble R·2 lot. If ha rdwood floors tum you on. this is lhc plaC'e ! VA a ppr:11w d N O DOWN O n ly S8S.OOO Call S hvry I Brew1·r. 7S2· lfl20 ~·9UAIL A!~S~-'°'" YU l :JO ,,M.I 3llDIOOM $62,900 Wit h great assumabll' loan. /\ little pa int & l'lbow grease could t urn Uus into a real charmer Call on Uus one before it's too late. 751·31()1 CSELECT IPROPERTIES associated BllOl(EAS-IHAL TOllS lOl'. W 8olboo 611 ]66 I MESA VERDE UHl9UE!! Plll>l lune on market 4 btldrm, 2 hath, hn~·kJpl.l.:. long dnvcway to rear o r ho m e l o :.ep 2 t·ar ~a r a l(c ll u~c lot <;recnhousc Covf'f f d c·a m l'llia ho t hous t-' Many, muny cxl ra. .. Uni q uc and tltrfc r l·nl . Slo\l.500 {;;jll for more in fllf'Tmt1on. ~ 2313 off'• f 00 f I 11~ M>m1-thmg v<1lu111>1C'' l'l;.we an ad 10 our A:.l :ind fo'ound c·ol u~ Th<.11 's where p.•opll' look wh1·n they've round a n 1t1·m of valut'. DAVID WHO? Oavtd Roten ng is look· 1~ ror fully quallht'd R. t:. Salespeople. wantmg lo <'am top money. fk'sl Orans.tc Co location. Call for Uav1d. 646 ~ 1;''ft1 ,,,,.1. ''\•lf'fl ' '"' •• wt&EELSI? ATS87,500 OCEAN & CA~YON VIEW Corona def Mor lb.lf(e lot With l>PlU'lf/U' home. L11:ht and ;11r} kitchen ,\1.,.,.,,.,,. o.,l•in•· f1repla r1· :1 ll1·11 rm ... family & 1l111111i.: 1 m Patlll awl 111'1·1. 1 •0 111. W01aJ I la:.I' ('all "7:1 X:1~l0 ". ALLSTATE REALTORS Cll n you get 4 13drms. 2 baths, l a r ge fam ily room , mode r n k1lt hl'n, <k.>tat•hed 1tara 1tt'. nll'l'IY [~ -~ l andsraped. dost· t o , schools and shopplni:-' r:rn·a fORiJ FOUR OCEAN FRONT LOTS ~r-·t·t.11·ular "11·w • .d I llGCAMYOM Lovely C'U.'\Lom ho me on lht· go lf c·ou r :o1 c . s bdrm<, . drn . family r m , 4 baths, pool & Jltl'UZZI $750,00) 4~=="> VA IC>I d1'1;11b & ltll.'otll•lll ll t\l.H 0 1\ l ~l.\'I> 1n:\1.r' ti7:J l!i UU orEH DAILY 2-5 20 Cypnu l'oillt RARRARA IRJTClllNGS Fmltcntic-4 IR IA YSHOREs-A HOME TO CHERISH Oc ltghl in this s pa rkling new Ca pe Cod homC'. Ruilt with the best of everything. Spacious master s uite w i l h t c r r a c c a n d j a c u Z7• . 3 hcdrnoms & family room. $447.500. A Courwa&. IAt«a CO. 644-9060 7161 SANJOAOUINHILLS AO IN NEWPORT CENttfl -llDBIB BLlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE .RARE FOUR BEDROOM ILUFFS CONDO Built In Tht• R IVll'rll Sertlon or Tht' Blurfi. W1lh V11·w or Night Lig ht:. /\rross T~t· Hay S1•pa rhl1· (/11ort1·r-. fo'or Orflr 1., Study, Or <:111•,t..; 1-:x1r:1 Stnras.tt'. N1•w ApphanC'f'S In I\ ti l'lwn J\ ".Joy or Nt•wport .. l.t!>llOI!. $ lfl~1.lllMJ 631-1800 111 oova DRIVE SlllC & FINlf PITIFUL C P I A P R S l E l D N l A T E R M Y S P B J X T 0 U U I ~ a L I K H U J E Ac v s l\L u FI T PIN G l c TR R ~E U l E U A E W S E l B A R E S I M W E l A H S 0 S 0 L U F N R U D M A T R A R 8 P W R E T C H E 0 A R C E l £ E P Y 0 A C P W T A C T T R V l Y S H L 8 W L V T N E 0 I C R 0 0 8 H I R C B L E Y 0 N N I T £ P W Z A U M l T T A E L R I £ Y E J J f C C A £ C R P E G C E T 8 0 H I M U K I L N 0 D H E N H 0 N L M T A T L A P A L R C H A I W I R R A A S I X L S l M R A K t V T N T 0 6 P £ A t U £ M I 0 R 0 A 0 E C Q G A N £ M M f D E S S E T 8 M l P A U ~ ; ........ --....... ~. 111911·. ..... ""·...., ..... ,.. flftd ... _, ... It ltt. ~ ~ T......_ ,._" -.. l'Mlll ,,...,. .. ... ._... w..i v Ntry L ma llllila ~v ..... .......... 0-.1.-11 _,----= ....... .... r ~--- BUYERS If you m.tkt· $14001mo. ~ell.I may 4 ua hfy l o own your o wn hom1· 1 Lo w Down' Loan:. 111 $100 0<10 I A:'l u.' :.how yuu h'cJ"N l11 do 1l ' Ca ll No" • Tc6 to Red C~t W~Udett! 754-1202 WATERFRONT 10 LB CATFISH was caught fr<>m !h•· clf><'k or lhl!> a lmuSI lll'W 3 ~.ba dt.n.Lng rm. + d l•n hum1· on th\! wa ta·r · B ri c k patw. 1Jal1111ny, fp lt· Am1•n1111•s 111elcl puol, JUCUU.1, volley lia ll. ,,;:111 ing. J1rt val1· hra1·h & mUt'h more. ror o nly $235,000. Call now. won 't la:.l (;T.J.8.'>J() • ..... •1 , •••• ,, ' .. 'Ind what ~011 want 1n Dally 1'1lot t;la:.!>tf wch I BUCCOLA BUil T $105,000 L\ly 3 hclnn, <!ha lmly homl' 10 :-.out:hl .dt•·r t :a!>t'i1df' local 1011 Im ntHl'lllal•' m O\ I' Ill I 1111111 llOO f\."i 7711 EASTSIDE. CM AIARGAIN! J-;t ITI 1 I )' h 11 Ill t' " I I h 1·u..,w m •INall., th r uoul I HH. 1'altll'tJ r:il ('1•1h111!' li.!1'fpl~. i.un>.h1111· c·u .. 111m • . !..<tr c lot AIL~ ac'1't"• pa r ·1n1: l'nc•t'<I 111 sdl rol ,LICMI 1\1'1 now' C.1JI !'•Hi ZJIJ ,,f • f ~ J • ; • • • I t • STOP!! Takl' time 111 r<'lfl.( .ind shop J l homt· It':. ~1m1>1t· w 11 h O a 1 I ' I' 1 I 11 t c 1ass1f1ed Alls A nrl 1r ynu hav1· ~omt'lluni.: tu ~ell . ('all ,a f r11·odl v ('Ja,,s1f1cd J\d \ 1:.111 ,1l 642 5b"7H NATURE LOVER'S CAPE COD hl(ty ......... &gi•d HYirOldtlHf and wld• opetr spous of rolhlq Mlhides and si119llHJ birds. l....,._1ti1t9 tri·l•••I 3 b•drooM cORdo. Ll•l119 rooM .with ~ ...._ cellhtgl, opet1 f...My room ldtcltetll cCMl!llto. MpWal• -hr Mlh, pin clR. ..a. Enfoy all the bt111flts of COMllMlity pool, ..,...., mid lltoppl'") Harby. PucefMI pastoral VIEW. SllZ,500. WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. .' l.:t1 \\, ( ,,,,;I l1ql1.\ I ... ,1~•r1 H •. 11I 631-1400 $©Rdtl lA-LG t !f~' That lntri9uin9 W ord Game with a Chuckle ------141,.4 loy CIAY t POllAN G [ T N I l I H[WL S ' I I I I I H O DER I I' I' I 1 am reading a ~ abou1 • _ _ _ iev11e11Qn. lt 11 eo laec1natlnu. I ..-----------. can'I PUI -_ .. I DE R T U C I ... _I ..... , ......... 1-· .... , ........ I-o-~ :"7:·~~~ .'.:"" ... :":~::, "w .:,11 ..._ ...... -._.__ ...... -. ....... "°" tt•••l<Mi hO'ft , •• ii~ J t ... ..., .. lltNI NIJMl\f fll 11 llf P\ 1•t hot ~I \()!JAii \ OCEANFRONT 4UNITS l'A·'I l0t·.1l111n 111 N1·wp11r1 111'.tdl' $31'..'i '"'" I 11C'l111l 111i.: lot !!Ox 111'.I' ISl•ll"I hurry on lh1-.' lab>a Bay Prop. R..tton • 67~7060. Just Reduced! Watftiront! AJITIUbt rw~ .. l Jiit, 2'·· balh, family rm. lltnml! rm, cl t•n Hr11·k 11.1l111 h:..1 11111". f 1 r •·pl.11·• amt•1111 ,,., 111• l•I 1m•1I JatW:ll \Ollt•\ h.tll .... 111 in,•, 11rn.1t " b1·,1r ll ({, ~ll'<:JI ,\1 tJl<l- For Only ....... S2 3 I ,OOO t:111 "' .... .... 1111 I I I I ' 673-8550 Pft41HSULA POINT ·, Vh r. .. w St1·1> ctn 1.1 H Ii.: cJ111111i.: ar1•a w1lh aliu11 tl.1111 1· 11r 1·ah1111•1s Lg•· l.11n r m. ma .. tl'r 111 \\ 111pi•n h~·a m & r rp 11 duldren':i wmg. $34!i.OOll UDO ISLE ttaim1 lilla °" dbl lot. 7 Ir. 5ba. fC1111/kitch nn. pool. Pri•ocy. ST ARTER SPECIAL 0 1w n h 1· a m I r p It' <!llr1<kn . p atio I v gn1<lc'tl llc•;1•·1t, i-1111 '' lt'!illl' $11~1.1••1 PEGGrY BROM S . RLTR. 645-ISJ I HOUSE'N G ARDEN fl•)' l>•OI •I :1 HH l ll.1 1·';111111111 11111111.,-l<tto '"' I t~· '111\ IHll f11I I 1 111 I 11'1 f • 11.11111 II h I fill~} tlill •. tr • 'lttJ:li1 ,~··' h •• h11I i,, I '11 .... 1 ltll' t 11 1>111 lol . "tol 111 .. 11.tl ""'"' ('II I ~· ~-I \1'1 I.It, 1:P1C1 OCEANFRONT MO ME Sl JS,000 91 1a10 Au.umabl~ Ht•tlt•\'IJI Jlt•tl .: 11111 Ill \1,.,,, v .. ru ..... i.:n •,all''' homt " 11.itui .ii I>'' I-' luwh•n :: 'lory. :1 ~cam 1~1f.1r ml1·nor 111·1< l1.1lh 1.,,11 nh, h~·· f..imi ly rw l'I\' I r1 ·m,.ntl111i... '"' ,, I 1 H 1 1 t1on ~ o•• •• 1·.11111 11111-t ;m 1~;•arl • .'1t';1~a~10t' ~·~~:~ l (11"11t•r lul lll.o lo.••' '1 1 '111 J•" 1v 11 ( 'uhlt·,,.11· '<ln•1•t \;L,UI \\:l(••f \It'\\ f'\l'I\ li1•lt I' I 111• I .11 ·'' ' ,,,, I'""" . ~1. I ·~)Cl JIHI I I .• \ll> f • .r~·· :J' .· ·'' w " ,.,.' t •ir ttpc·ni·1 l\c " I I I (. 11 I I ... 11111.1 ',. 11.111 ii '" 1•.11111• I I I 11 '"lt·1 JACODS REALTY ' m •r • '' '11 :., " '·-• II \till V.~l~~.~~7.~1 •• Iii ,'r \~ 1£J&u:tl 1111.( rll1'"".i~1· Ill I 1 .1111 '\...~ --•-•••••- ftllff 1 I" upf· r1 lt1\,,.1 #I · 111· I f l.1 .,ti l•·tl I lh• " 1\ I • I•:' I ,oll ;\11"'. \\ \ 'i I' \( I fl l'I" ••I..' ,,;-.11 .1 I f,,,,.,11.-1 (\ti, I.I~ [ll~7K f11co1d~!~,~?.~~r OPEM IM DOVER SHORES Pru·t• d r~1 ...,l t('a 11 V· reduc·t·d ! Warm th & <'harm a houn·d tn lht• spacious 5 bd rm~ . living. f;:imr ly rm . lihr ary & e1<·l1\.tl Y: rnocns. H<J.<"k I ~)'• night lig ht \.-1t·w & ·~du own the. l and. $43~.0<lO .. IS 12 ANTIGUA WAY OPEN l ·S WED. r A COU>WB..&. 114.Hl!Ul C O. 644-9060 7161 SANJOAOUIN HlllS RO IN NEWPORT CfNlER macn ah I trvinc realty ARIORLAICE IEAUTY! O n l h l· L;.1h1 ! V i c " o f Mtns ! SPI' I 11dNi st l'f'l'I , ,. In!'><' to recreation fae1ltl1l'S & ll·n111s. A I ruly elegant 3 UH luwnho m t• w1l1hniry + lights & :.i utCJ !-t prtnk ll-r· .. l>O SEI'.: THIS O N t•:1 Sl:J!l.01111 M :1 rto n ... ri7.7.e lt 752 MM IN IOfi l M 2·823S 901 0 0.,,t'r Drive ~4-6200 Ht1rD01 View Cente,. Irvine d i ( t1ml)u\ """~"Center 7S2·1414 __,; I • ......... s. ~··············~···-· •••••.................. •··•·••···•·····•···••· •t111r.. llOJ ewNt IOOJ _,..... IOH ...•..•...•........••.. ····~·················· A YACAMT COl.t9 HOWi On1• o ( lht! lurli(t•ti l cornt•r lot~ an tlurhor V11·w tlomt·~ 1·, the hx·ul.Jon fur lhai; ~ hl01lrt11Jlf) J tHI cfrn Mo11a 1·0 modt•I anti 11 ' '.aront i Tha <t • 111r.11°11\1· h11mt· .tlsu ha!! 11111• 11( I hl· .1 r l' ;1 ' I JI w 1• ~ I 11 1 I c· •· '• Hir>.0~~0 u11tl 11 ~ lt·t· t (.11 1 11 I J,_.IVIJI Ii I Al ll 11 <'>' tJ f •,, t.1000 144 I I IO\I C.0101 ll•1Jlill'1.iy \ 1111110 ti• I M.11 &UNITS ~1 .. lO ll:ty f. ht'JI II Gl t'lll 11umm1·r '""''"11 1 1 lllk rr ht•m·h J 1111 .' 11.1 hilt' llO'W • •1111111 llJ I ht Ml A .... I.I Ill •. \I A I 11 .1 fl I ~ w1u11.1> It I'. 41.:1 l!IJ4 r.•ntul On 211111, "4~ mo !•---------· JGM.IHftyl tn3 11210 DmTICALLY REDOCEO 1111n :-.111111 "· Y < • u "'''" 111 1· h I J 111h I .d1uJu11 -. HI t J Ii VI t• W 1111 t t' ,,.,,.,llt'f lt·.1\111)4 .111·<1 I lw•lfltutrl hu111 1• 1·1>111 l1tlr111 l-'1111• It 111 f.,. 11i.1 I l•ldt Iv , ,.,,1,,.h•l1•1I II. , t' 11111111).'rm l111~•t \,1111 • liul11,l1t••I 11 , Jh 1 '' "'' 1wv. \1• · .. 1 '-'•Ill• l-'o1t1l1l11I l'nvltlt• I""" 11 Sl:.i:'1 IU I IA~ '111 I w1·ll pn1·1-<l a1 S:~iH.~,.rH1 .. .~ O~N HOUSE REA Tl ~, • ~ .. \.\'_ 1111 ,... ... II ' I I I I ., t ~ II ' i: h I .111" y, It •• , liuilrlt•r• lo''" f111 illl •11 111JI ltoll 1 ,,If COU OF NEWPORT RfAl.TOIS '7S-SSI I 1006 .•................•.... C11u11lry 111 h•Htl•· 111 too 1111. ' '" VII(. t 111 . 1111' h 111'.•' 11t'.U llt1rm w fv11•w 111 !-on li.1y Jo :1111/11111 '11 r111 I l '" .:pl $"~•1.1-)11 l'h111 Ill Hil( ;i 1.r A I l1r t1u1•h " ' hlk ti1 l(u,1rd1·d •,w1111 1! h. II w I ,, •• > ' I ,. w St.:J:..0011 :t fir ~ l!"l 1111 11111111 :••• t,,,y 111 1110 l1llo. 1111 11I11 l • • f :.!h .. 111111 tjwut•t •1'/ •, '1>i ~1 !1 u l Ii?:! t;'7'• 1022 ••..................... All fn·~hly ll11nl' :,up1•1 1·ut•• ~ l1r. tv. 11111111 11111 1(.11 ~fl ,J;r.flllllt" 1\\1 1•11n1· •111l y s1 ;w '.1111 llWllf'I f7 14 J:t:ll1 111 1/ i iftl 1"n 41r1:1 Smart 'n' Super! 7593 ~~B~ blQOO MIMI CA5TLH IN SLllPY DAMA POIMT IM THE HILLS c .......................... oc ........ . J .._..__. ..... loh of wood .-d at-..4 9'••1. '12 1.500 SWHPIHG HAllOI YllWS A tow bedroo• ,,-it-le•el IHNM wltti ,, ........... 1y.t-. 2 •• ,.,..u. -..•• declu tor .We wotcWIMJ. SB.Lia WIU FtH•MClt stts.ooo · WHITEWATER AMO COASTLINE VIEWS Thrtt __.OOtll. J 1h b.tlt ..._ • • •dra 1.,..-lot. G.....,.°"' -. .. of woodl -4th wltt. c'!'fll•MfMM_., occewh. '1.,,500 493-8812 DANA POINT 499-4551 South LGqUfta 497-3331 La9uno leach 495-1720 LCICJllftO MICJHI 644-7020 Newport IHCh Corona def Mar I 022 Co1ta Mffa 1024 •....•....•............ SPECTACULAR QUALITY DUt'lEX /\u t•Xf1••J,lltHllt t • U~l•11t• lilt IM.lllil' w \l,1Ultt•tf ""'"~I l1Vi1lll ,.,,,11111• l11·aulilul 1o11l11t 11..tk ...... ,, •• I • U1ru11ut . f µIt ' 111 '"'I( 1111 l'i 11111 :.lt•r l11•tl1 t111111 lt·111f11I ;:l,1~-. w1r11h1w~,, /1.o ,~,., .... ,.,. 11h• J·••·u1 n 111 flhlr l1itlh PLUS I\ 1·h:1rmm1: ~ l1tl1111 n •11 t al wdpk /Ii •'I•·" JI• 1mllllll• • I.. ~'l!I '.1•1 CAU 644-7211 OUPUXHOME Flrt•""'I 1·11rtwr ltw;,111111 ltt~•·h 'J !JOit I" fl """ II•• w1lhlt1rm .. 1l 1J1111111• r 111 1 Utt t1UU' Ullll ' l'•frtlf• f Ill :-..~· & t•llJI•~ lht· IJt''I 1111 1;...,_,' S!~I •••1 Of'~ l ·S Wed/fhun/Sat /S..n 5200RCHID PAUL MARTIN REAl ESTATE 644-7313 IUI 111•: •IOl•l•·x wll Ii f" ot ,1 /ov <! w1111I n ·nt:.h, ~112 ·~•r llv OW lit'/ Mii •l!l!r.I t .1111•"1 llrl(lll.11111 •ll•r .. ompl111y ro 111u•l1'1 .. 1l llv llWllf'I , $17!1.111111 l'flll f'lp1ili.1rflly "I ,!J ll'JO~ JASMINE CREEK 1.ow1·11l IHI •.•• ,. i.u111· I •·l1·an. 11·1ufy ''' t011v,. m Z lliJnn lit 1l1 11 l\-.-.11m.1 t1f•• H' •', f11;1n •t ••f .,,.,_ ,1v,11I f't••I,.,, l t•t1lil'> i'A 111 l(U/Htl1·1J • 11llilllllllll V Mo(1vah'<I •u•lh-1 A"k1111• 1111ly ~I0.1100 ILC. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 JU·;1~1W MAHK l-.T ' :1111 Ii ••••• ,, T 1.1· ,, "I ' \t.111.:111 11 I '• 111 toldY 1:1'. >1.11:1 1>;11111111: :!4111 1'1111111 .111111· Vww tlunw h v1•1 vll11111• "·"'"'' 11)' • ""ii'·'',,.,,,,, l l1~l1·1 11·-.1t11 ,,,,..,, :•11 1 I JI ,.,,,, Ill vii I ritt Ult i , .. , dfl t'I 11111 fl Ii'/:! Ill XII .•.........•.......•.•. EAST SIDE TRIPLEX ~u1rp .. ;,;, ol!>itlt• I rq1lt•11 .rll :i 1111 I Ila :lf'HJ'>'• I ht• ,1r .. 11 1111111 ti.irk A·~1111· Sl4'/,!1IJll Ca II ~.411 ~>AAll ._,.. HERITAGE ' • REALTORS lrlYC!>lOI 11111.,I "'II 1 IH olllC 111 ('u 1.t11 M1·-,.1 No luolwr ,.,., :'It.,\ llihtl' .... )>!:• :.oo I .Jll X.11 ~II' I 1•11 111111111111 tu.at ANTlf,>Uf IUFFS 1' .. 1 "I '111 1· :l II 1f r 111 111111Jwoo1I f10111., 1·11~ 1· I t1jl1111••, II ~ lol W lllr tJffill;, JOI hl't 'OUd Ullll l .:11~·· .1 ... -.11m.1hlt· 111.111 SKI .~JJ t ".ii I !>41, ~.xllll ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS '9000 On 9 >/4% Int I IWm·r will 1•1trry f111a11 IC 1•!1111· Pt! t 11 5.1 I 'I !1IJIJ I 'r1tf l11tl1>t"fid 4111 1\1 \•)>,j Vt•r<lf· 1111111• w Jf I pl.•. wl'l lmr, 111:.nv 11l1 a-. 211111 !'>t·raut.( l'I 1:.t :1fl:i fi f .lvo.li /J\11 RH>UCEO!!! '11ir, 1.11o1 Mt•"J V1·r1l1• llortw tfl• tut 111'1 lot I( V ,,1.i1r.11(t' W ill <'arry bl w tn 11 n $;~!1 .flfHJ t111 II\ , ,..,,,.., l\:.kllll( $1 ll1.~>4it'J !lfv '/li;!JI l.nw 1111\o\ 11 Jo" II J\ VI\ . :1 l11lr "' .: li.1 I am '9\'.110 1 1 .. 11 111w FIX EU 1 ll'f'l-:H "" :1 hr . 11 I 11.1. wl''' i.1tl1', 11' 11;1111 tM I llflit•fl ( IWlll J\t•I ~ll.!t.,11 Koll :i.:.~,:i HO QOALIFYIHG! Tnilv rll'l1~htl11f :•;,,1~1 .-.q fl ',l\r far11ily 1 m •111 h•• lo1I 111 \1,...,,, 11••1 ..,,., I l111i• • I•~ · t·p 4 •1vd p.tlt•• ,.,. I 1·1 I ;11111 r ·, 111· I 1 I Ii l 'Jt•J trl' /\t,~Ufllt' ~,. • J ~1I •JW11••1 t',11 ry :~rnl w 1:10• 1ln 11r • a~h t" 1ww l11,1n .. ,, II I J ' I I I h u ) u 1 •~I l!l,!,IMI' I ':ill t1Wllf"r f.1l(I ""'" : ,,111 rn Kil . llJo.IAIW '1/\llK.J-:'l ' l•:l1·1•1nl "/11•r;i1lt·1I :1llr Mu · I .,,., J•r ill only 111:1 it:11:t l\1(1 /\'i."t 1.\11\111.1'. V/\ M•·'·' '"-1111 ... llw l1l.1111h I tu I 1h·I MJI :1111< i' Iii\ 11.1 "1'•1 t \ •11 •I II ~ 'I ,1 :'1Jloll '""111•1 'A!IJt'.!1:• t.411 lll'I~ LOW PRICE DUPLEX l!t' ! f 1t1w11 t11 llJ'. 1>11 val• I 1111111• 1111( (i It llo lw rh1111, Hllr ,,7r, o.,h~! ll'l11nJO fl4•,111ly M> of t1.1~11lt', rl11 111 lwo;t l1<'h' :mr. :i1111. fml Ult, "11111w•t .ilm1.-.. l1wd firs IJr111·11I f11 i:.111·1n.i S'1J!l,llllll Bkr /11111 l'rin only vk1t.'>t:. trl:J I Mii 1024 .........•............. S"81UY Jo'J1Mb11dt> 3 hr t ha 1111 I y rm. of•'li ht•arr111. h11J11• frpk. ll(t' n ·ur ya11I 1 • 111 I l(oll"tl~t' Approx l!IOO "'I f l II Z 1111 hllX 1:1~ f (l,f1'•1 1>11 VI' lty (;~I I'. :!:1r1I St . l h1·11 1·111 1 ownr / 1'J!t IW2 IY.i.l!f' St7.500-I O°lo Oft. MCM11 dl'I Mnr 4 hr. c'f1r nl1' lul, nocj1,111hfy111~ "" H umah l•· J u .. 11 OwrwrtA)tl 7~1-3006 OUTSTANOINO 2 br Mn do. Ht-aut.. up1red1•d Normlll bllna • WH her, dryer, elec:. te•r. door OP· nr Low monthly malnt. I~. '74,900. A!Cl!.-lm~ MISAWOODS $1111.~ 4 Hr. hm rm , Opn s.tr.;un I ~ s.«:, Santa CIMra. Owner. Mtl ~Iii MOlito:l .4' NOW Jo'OfC S7'1.to: 'HRl1..-AN"1;'W00l>S" N••w t ownho m t.!H, l".811t11lttt' C01'tli M«ill'M 24~ S•nl• Ao Ave _.I cw9M IWJO Dmta Point 1026 •••...............•••.. HILLTOP ·n11!\ 111•11r 111•w t·u,t•11n :1 ·4'!,.lm111n h111Tw 111111 h v1ni: ruom ~'rt·rH·h 1l11or-i 11pt·11 1111( 1111 ,tll 114't':tll Vlt'°"' Mud1 1n11r1: to frll, rull n .NTll ll Y :l I W .. :ST. fl()'$~1) MAllHITA 4'pt•1·l 11n1l11r h tllt111) hot11t'll ~I:! :12'.Wi Ml ft Cfl.,,•: to M11nna S.·lv11 IW & (.'.ell c l.11 l 'rirn.1 V1·r11 $ltl:>,1.1110 to S'l!>~.IJOO IOI :\:>oto. «13 40flil Hldr ............ llC .. 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• leoctrtoGo! (1wr11•r 111 movin~ <1111 ul 11rc·n N11•1• 3 hr. 2 I),, ho111t' w Ill V 111·1·t•11s .,,u II !ll'Wf' til ,~J l'urk f'l1wc•, lrll' K42 74'i I 4 hd1 m. Cond1!1 JJUUI, ;1w~ui, $7~.ooo. No quul1 j ytntc i\ss u m1• 8:\4 •i lolan. 21J/4J9-111W. t,;_y_ea. :.e 131438-a 1441 UNITSUNITS We hMv e 2.3. Ir 4 PU:XF:S. M>m l" w•lklnic d111h111e~ lo the b4!11rh. Prkt.-d from 1117 .!IOO up. Park rlaC"e,Jnc:IM2 74til llACHYllW OUPl.EX. Very nit·e. Owner m1.111l ~II M .000. . Call lot det.all1 ~'tl&~j,1··· IR1-44 1 va: • -HAYIW1 11S . Who will ltnance your new home at •round t %. 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... Go Ahead Snail YourseH! w.,.;-lhli. 1•lt0 l(IHll l'IJO tempornry :.tyl .. hom1• w1U1 :! l>e"llrtf(1ms. dt•11 fhnm.: ri10111. tilt'<I t·ntr y Vol U y I fl .1 ~ I y b rt (' k flr•'pla1·1-. wt•llrnr an1t 1111.n.• Musi.1v1· c•11v1·nod ~Uu <.:omrnun rly 11(#(11 $llll.SOU Jlu1 ry, l'ull :..'if·~· Wl -· WOOOUIDGE SALM.EASE-OPT. :lb<, <kn. Zhu, ~ J.lltllu ho1nt• uor ~t"tJW. I 11d)>1 1J1.I JNl.111. w 11·11v1·r . c·ath 1 "'' 1111( W1io1ll1u111 hr 11•k ffllk, 1(:1-. k1t1 h1·11 11 ..... <iltJdl Z 1·a1 1• ... ri.:. 11v1 t•11l'I UJlll ••• I b"'IUllW 1111· lllll(l' iWl,!J IO Own will h•·lp fin l\y I/Wiit I 714 1,,,. lb'\!) H.1111 hu S.w Jto.1•1111n :.!111 tl••11 ~h.1 I 111 I• I•\ I palt•I" ,ill 1111 1tolf 1•t1ur ,,. 1'.fllllY vww Ir 11111 11111•.I '.,,,,n._ l '•>ol IV J•H )I jj 'JU 11111 l/.ft7 :".1·w ::. lx.ll w ;i iw ;i • .11 1:.11 ~ f r)lh "'> l'.>.t IU.'ol Vt' M!J,IJ()IJ !>IK,IHllJ 1l11w11 !'>:!Vt' W•JU ''"I ""ing 1•1;,, h , ~l "J0/11111 toll IJJ ) 1tlt•11l.' '.,.1.1 ll'llJ<> 111-;1nw MAil KET' 1-:11·;:.1111 u11.:1 .111.-11 :1 111 Mu-.1 ""' J•nu t•tll\' 1:7:1 1:11:11\1'1 ~ACATION AT HOME :--,,111111~. :.Wlllllllilll(. I 1·11 Iii)>, ~11llt·yl1111f .111.f ~hul ll1·l,.IJI tJ jJIU.'> .1 IJk1· "lll" .uwl 1•1o b All ttf l ht•)>t itff)t•1tlllt0"t ••••• VUUl "'t i 'lt'k tlw j1l.1n .11111 11n1·1· ho11w· you would hk1• 111 UM· li.-.1ut1tul V1ll.1.t•· ••I W111xJl1ril1~!1' a111t tll1·11 1•1111• ll'o a '".ti W1· 11." • Iii.· rnl11111i;1t11m •if ll111M· 11v.11I 11•1w urvt 111 11 ... hJtw 1· l'all lf11tuy * WOOD8RIDOf REAL TV 551 ·3000 TBlRIFtC TURTUROCK Sl45,000 .l w.t i.ti•1r.. a111t tnir11i. 1>lw. qu11hly 1'1•11111t·nt1.1I "11VIrt1111111• 11 t W 1• I I 11l.111n•••I 4 l1llr111 v.1lh '.'\·•·var J t•· 1Jh1:-.lt·r ~.u1h• r1.n11ty r111 & 11 111·11 k1tdwn, 111111111• 11""" & pr1 val,. I a n'<f~t·a t)t••I lllJ1•ky,1r•I II. 1•.llit1 J\ V..1r111 l'ill"li. ft'f' 1111' 1111 II '"" 1h1~ t11111w .... 111 11.,.11 1·1·llm1'-. :11111 .111111111 - \\./\II Hf 11«1"1 I If 1"11 .._ Int lll/.l f ',l.1111 '. • 1 11\1 ' BEAUTIFUL :!1111 :• h.1 1·11111J11. w;rlnul 11a n,.l•·•I lri11 .1ry, Ju,. . Ill ,, i.1 ,. I " I •• ' ,, I I 111111•111111 .. , Xl111 11·r111~ ~11:1:uo.:,.11 r.:~.i 11 :~~~~~~i~~~ 11 M1·lh1111r11,. M11d 1·I ·1 lli11 rn. ;i 1,,, 11111:1 ·"''"• ~·.1h11 •· (;1t·:1I l•1l'al11111 'I 1·1 n I it '1mt 111 .11111 111\l•r 't523 CAMPUSDa·IRVltf( &..J-IHch 1041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l~nwr :J Arrh tt:.y 1 ..,, .. pl11A•ly rt•modt>h..,I, :1hr. i!IJ11 w ldt·c·k11, oak floor~, i> k v I 1 A h I ' h r 1 1· k dnv1•way. O nt> of lh" lllfl\l'.'ll lot11 Wllh m.111y 1mhJrL-d lrccH '4:~1.11110. Owner 490 :'27 t H:M !ll~1;! l.OWto:M 3 AKC'Jf tt/\Y :t hr. l hH, IH'f'llll VU, l'lnrw 111 heh ;pvt <·om m Wt,01111 l~it IKl4 Causey & O>mpany PRIVATE & ~EREHE 111 .1 I •ol •" t •if 11 t • ., v.' • IJI 11 • • i I \ .1 11 d .~,,., .t h11· \ 1••1A • 'ft ··' • u ll'll.11tll1i 1·11l l1•1111 t ~"1.1••1 • 111>1 "'t I '"' I lf1v. .1, 111 \i 1 ll.11ot• I• .111 f ./\( :llNJ\ 111 Al II 497-2457 HIDEAWAY By~ Sea/Mnbilt' l't·tt•., t w•' 1-.t 1n t•·r < ·11.1rrn111i• & 'I'·" "'"' V. ilol! IK .idol ,1 I 111 I '\ I ~"' 111,...t tu 1 .. v.n 11111\ $..It :.1111 A i'I .1 ... 111 <l'fl l!Jtll •" 1\H.111\ I.II llJ\ \' 1111 1' 1,11 0 1 .... ,, ~ .. 1•·11111• 11 111 II• J•'" l/Wll l'I •l~t.Ufl Emet aid Bay Lot tonu.:~1 LOlpMI Hlqut"I 1052 ....••••••......•••.... Upgrades Galore Customized Lot .S.JI~ I lilV ill•l{I ;1d1 ti l\tflll• f,.,111111 , t u,1 .. 111 11111 II lolt lwll .... tlh t'~l'I \ llill.f( :1 l11•tlr111.rn 1> d1111111: rot•lll, t;11111ly ri1tt11i v.1111 'k ylq:hl 1111•11 1!·•••1··11 11111111 111•·11 l1t·;11lit•d '1•11 111,.:."' ! 1.i • .,t 111111•1"> Miu h r111ir .. ' $1 ;i:, 0110 t •• J 11 4!f.1 11•,1 TAABal. GA TE GUARDED HIGUR SHORES Auumab~ loan 1\ r.111111\ upµr,1111·11 ·•I• \ >mlC l!•llJ o;q. ft.~ • tnr1 t Id I 111 011 I 1•t• l.11111 !-.t.1lli• 11 I l.1• , v.11111,..,.. .. ... ~1 "I' l.111 .. 11• f k ·" lllt J '.1• 11!1 !'I.I'" fa Ir 11I11 ii· I "I I o .t I 11111 I.II 11t111-.. .11111 I .i;,\ ..... 111. t.1111n \,1lt• l11 ·••Ir /\:\II 11 falr11l11u1> ,,.,,11111.ilil•• ~l •llt (~~I .ii '.11 '. 111.111 l'n•··~I n1·h1 .11 l>l!1:• ·~~I 644-7211 jo IJlt MOH I·. fl\ H > ~ . ' . 111-:El>Ell IC 1·:1\t.T\ Mia 11v11 :1 1io11111 ·• 11;101111111 1·111.1111 l111t. UI •. ;! f11111h . v.11., l•t ~.hHt .. ,, '11\t" J!·•'• ~f , ,1•-. :-. u 111 ,1 11 I ,. II I 11 k ,. r f1J(J1wr a 111111 1-:a:. v .... '"~~ I• 11111,, 1(1111 , lw•:11·h U.11 II 1-: t.111· 7 J n y-. 111 1, 494 <1:11 !') Ot lwr I I ffil'I> 4W I~ Iv 111:,1( Jontl SAtto: W Nin" < '1111 do :! Hr 2 Ila. pnnod 111 )>4·11 ul SHJ.OUO l'nn only Kil iw:! MO QUALIFYING l.ook • ., hk•· rn11d1•I /\111 hi' wtJrk I)> tl<lfW 4 IJl(, :! b,1 hornl· l'lw.h 1•uqwti.. d111ii & w11 ll1·11v••11n)(" t''nrnrnl •Im fl. lrpk lktrkyonl 1t•11h11u-... :. fl1111 Ill Ul't•,11) J\"NUlli l<~n. pvt pl v J) ltl.!JOll OO \f1~ 1048 u.,.e•eci. 1041 ~•och ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• DAMA POINT Jlf'auliful 3 Bdrm 2 Buth OC'ean Vi ew custom home. Sweeping views or Dnna Point Murlna. ocean & t•onstllne. Close to mtirina. E njoy lhC' rily hJChls hy nlf(hl. $299,900 A C0L0WaL IANIM CO. 496·7222 831-0836 nr.. ....... .., .... Lepl9 ..... Wut M H.tllUllll &42·~78 .. Oi_ll_Scot_ t_RJ_tt.531_·7_m__ , ~----·••llJ!!l!lll!ll••lllil•~ 'I 1x·••a11 Vi"W" :i Hr, % 11.1 I UlllOUI fam flll 1•111 l11•u1·~ c·11mrnu1111y Only $1511.00IJ II John1> I< ... 493 AA:il 1069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTIHTIOM SICIPPHS l':nJoy youi :.urnm t'r ni>u r Uil• w:.tl~rtrunt from lull unvu..-. :$Bdrm :l liutl11·un do with :ii, boat :,hf• l<t<'hly d 1·1·•irJt1•1I rr. M'fl'm· 1·urthto11~ lin•·k fm·11l;w•• 1:1 .... 111u:. l1v1111: JI $4:J.tXAJ DON OSEN Reatton 7:11 :ll 11 BAYCREST $149,700 BY OWNER '>11111·1 'IOt•11•hl.rh 1I lht :-li.1 f.c• I .1111 r 111 '\•·v. I\ I•· ti•·• 11 !'>k vl.11 1· W .d~ 111 1• ~ • ll I 1. I .''I . 1 I) t0 I,\' tjJ:fl MEWPORTHGTS llu-..... ,,.,fl 1 .... 1111 ) i' ,,,. 111 .111 .. 1111 .. 1 ;• "' y ~' 111 I ll.1 ollll t" I ol li \ lt'W lilll ~ .. ,,,, tJ1 ,, ,_ • ., •• ,. 1, •• f I·" u//i 1111' 111 *'>'I r .1 1'l"· t ,,.,. ••• :11Jt>n •• 1.11t· ,,;•:i:. IUJ Ow11 .. 1 will lwlp IUi.Hll'I' a:l33 W ( '1111.,1 I l\oo y. NII 645-6646 THEILUffS 1(1•fl Ul'f'tl 11) SJ 111) !Jtf(/ \lr.1111111 f\ 1111111.11 1l.1t" I l!oh n 1 :• · lr.rtll 1111 ni.1 I •l lli~ !'>1"111 1 .. , .. 1 low11h1111 1•• 11111·11 '>11111·1 vu•w f110111 ltv1n1• r•,.•lli .11~1 111.J,lt•r 'Wit• l\11v. ,,,. .u11 .,....,,. ••• Jll,\ ltlll'· ("1111!All11 .. 1 ~HERITAGE REALTORS ~~,.~!~n9 !l~~t t\O Wltlt• !'>! lt1 ..,, lut It t II• II •l•Jl)I"' & l1t·.1111 • l'llJllJ!'o lhru •1111 . h.11 llwo1HI I It ., 1t.r11"I fll( It•~"' 11.111•0. " • ,. •I ,, I I I k I I I• I• I 111111111 ldy f t'I0 •1lfrl,.•I I:~ ,,,,..,.,.r S-1011 .u1111 .. ,., Kit;!:J HARIOR ~IEW -oRJGHT. Lhrl{1' 4 ll4trn1 l'alt-r111•1 Mdl ll.1rl~11 V11·w llornt" l.1••· tt1111ol1 \ k1ttlwl1 pnv.11t· y.11 •I M111ol .,, •• 111 .1p11rt1·1.JI t• 754·7800 ... Mulheam-Ht!!•lty H<:wstcr UDO WATEltFIOHT ("4.blllJMhllJ( vww. prvl dol'k lly 11w111·r 4 Ill<. 3 l>..1 $1 ~JO 11011. vn1w1val!. Ofl.ly biS ~71 Hy UWOl'r • H:.rl)f1r Vw w Uonw. <.:ar m1•I Mo<frl. Jbr. :1t1a. F H . 1;11od I'm..-644 1an IEST OtUGIMAL ILUFFSAIEA! St•n :.a tiona l l'lan F:. h 1 Rh I y ,. u 1> Io m 11. t' d . :.1m1·1ou.-. Z bdrm :iwtc:. + nia>.:-.111 .. family rm & ,, tJ d ,. d h o 11 Ii y r m Ov••r I 111Jk :-. •· 11or m ou' .,n·••nlit"ll llunt:)>tly ont ,;t at Slk:J.JI" i!1a!ilt11u~ & Q11 .. •.!\1·;; l 111 rn Ring 640 · '>!>60 Anytime fdslblull Prol Bldg EASY In liuy with own,., lin,1111 Ull( & f.J:o.l f)lll>:.4''o'it>ll 4 t.rlrrn lit hui!•· l.1111il v r1111r11 on pn v.ilt' 1·urn .. r 111 W•-:.td1 II .I u~I h -.ll•d $M"l .:.oo Will "'II l.1:.t to ,,,,.,, IJUy•·r t llu1'' • I '.tll •A• li!'.11 Ontu~ 'l I I Jtf'21. Wntdiff Realty -J tUXUWY'~T ITSAHEST with lhl'> t,111-.... NllHIJ\H 'I tlWllhom•· 111 llGCAHYOH l!JIU1ly ~J.:rJ1h-1t 1•111l un It W ll'UblH) IJt•I UI ol I 111 ~ thn.,iul lly a11111 '"''> :!>! 1 .111)1•1ti Ii.land 1>1 • N II Sl!f.I ~Alli l 'all J)41 • I y11 1Ju.1 :~n "lZI 1 ITS HO SECRET v. I· ..,t1t.l1 ""' to• I .: 1111111 m ullilif,. 11 t I Ii I"• It I) w , II J\ H fl W( Jl<h t\ Uf..1>11 J\ l HIN l .111 M IJ1,;'..'):f .1ntl 1..t U'> 'lllltW Yllll JJt'l~ttl 11\.1111 t• ~,.., 1-.1111 ru-.1 lWlY PILOT 'I ON 111£ WATER. Neyt 2 bdrm .• c ondo la 811A- •men •· lmmtcl1at Ul-cupllncy • .u&urne rrl(. -~loan. '114/tt2·44d. SPICTACULAI Y•W Yrom UWI 1uper 3 Hdrm, den condo. Beaultfully derorah.od with cust"m walJpaptin. ceramic tllt· lllld new n l'l)et . Y or mu I duung room, located 111 i.c1•urt' 1>la nnc d c·11111 rnuruty Of pooh., t .. nni:s l'OUl'b) and spa 11 J1.01111 DON OSEN lffllton 401 <a.t:NNf:YHto: 4!17 4K4ll s.-.. ~·.,._ 1071 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hy Ownt!r. contemporn rv 4 yr old sl(I family h•1111t· an pnv t•omm , 2-11t y , :1 Br. 2 U;•, mstr J'f•tn •:1t overlook.-. Sun J u;in 11111" t:i.uthtnne dc.oeor w /t1l1'. rn1n1 11'1 ndi. & wov .. 11 woodi. I hruoul. l'rol I a n t1 :-.t·itp1• d y 11 r 11 <.:omm JJllOI & :.pa Mui,t 1>1'11 too.IHI 493 ~;{K, afl fil'M Mou .,'rl & w kn<J:. 1080 .•......•••••••.......• $59,995 Great Potential! l•11Jltl lw your"''"''" h11rn1• Wllh .1 ltllft• 'W"I ~ •• ".. • r ,. a I ' v I I v I l11'flrtJ1jfll'\, 111111111: ·'' .... ·o Ull IH•I th (11 ,l 'l \ 111•·11!.1 • • llwn .. r will h•·lt• fm.ttll'l' llu1 ry, •.lit :A111n o TAABEU. NII 't·: :1 hr. I '• lia 11,.111 t .. w I I I' 1• y I ti I 11 ~· ti ""'':hl1orhll•1•I Hi r• t.. 1\11<) 1•l.1nl,.1 " t•111 I 11 floll(f# /!,, lttHil lrllli l>lol , .... W/,1tlll1t lllliJI ' 11.1 /', 111.111 llliW 1'111'11111' °h:o'l IMJll lu ,._,.,It tl•i""ll I'\ 1111~. SI~ 1J11111·r '"'' 111 ,.j I.IA!•-, ~ Ill', '1.~I /'.,II ··~10:-./wkrilb l1v •'l'I'' .. ,, Iv l1n 11 •llil\I 2 Story Sandpoint Home I •11°Jltofl vn n11·•· • 111 ti• ,,tt• 1'11..w tu ~JUlh j •tU I 1'1;1/,:t '1 ll''llftNllll~. l'l,1111 l1tlllU' I l1•1lli. tli11 t11 ~:. l.111uly 1••t111, f1n·11l.1•·• k1lt•ht•11 Wllh t•Vt•fylhllil( 1111111111 I ~1v1·I~ ya11I ,.1111 l1.11 t ... 11u•· Won ·1 l.1.,1, 1•1111 r,.1111nu TAABal. :!11 ll 21111 Con1t11 I '1.1111 J\Jl". $4111•1111. •• 111 <!XZ ~~ REAL HEAT! =~ ~,..,, v , '1 l1f , ~· IJ i l~111W Nr ~, C:.t l'f.11.1 ·'"" I 11•1•v..1 'r l'.1n l'I"' ... Im· If.I.! 111.t t ~1t11N1 1•11 "·'"" N1•wpom i-----------S1111,.. ... $111,UIJll • T 0 I' '""•I(/"/!• PWK>IATE-Rl LOT SAKT A AHA HTS. Jr. SL Swi"' Poof v.1lh ;i lli•1lrt•1m hu111• 111 I ho• IAlll l1Jo11•k 111 !'\ttul 11 '>y• ;11wJ1 ,. J\n 11111, 1 ..'. li lt ill, I 11.1 lillllll' !1tl\ I.'. :11\1 t l.11n rm :• fri11t·· lul 1:.111\f'llltllliJI lt•r 11h llllt k 1 f"t•al••., w.tr n r .II toOJy 11•1 pf11 It• 111,111• /\ t,tjl ,._ t 11.,.,i ,11.o '" 1., ... 1 , ,,1111 ~ 644-7 2 I I !.I.Ill l~HI I '.1 I I I• 1 I 1111 1· 111•1.:lll1urhtouO eBn • vt· 111 wkml~ :.:,., 1111:• • , • • SJOK IELOW' , , MARKET 11111•1· :1hr. :llm f'Tii·r n1•ar l wy .11rp11rt Jo'11ll r1n1·1• St lllk C1ll 1>1111 1111 111· l.1tb ~ !1411 1\1•1 PRICH> TO SELL! 101 111.1•· '1 l1r ~ha N1•w11orl f'n·"t 1·1HHl11 111t·nl "'"' 111111 .1•11• In I h,. IM.'olf'll lh "otlll h~lllg oll 11 .. 1111~· W/tll)t1I. ,.,, ... "" t1•n1~ $111 ,'llJll l>ay-. ·1:" ltt:ll . I':\ ,., 1i:ll :!:IU:I 109i ·········~············· SPIC & SPAN :1 Bii. 11:.! I''"' ha h1tl(t' t• n 1· I 11 11 I I 11 I' I u ' It 1·an htclfw , .•.• rpo•l 1111( 1111 ly $'iK,!•IO I "a 11 !11>4 :11, 11 Fowrtaift R. E. ....................... --•:!!•r.•.!7-ll•n•~•'t•'•1 .• 1.·:-.1--•I •H ••t.I ~i7 l'n1w Oulv 1100 CUSTOM llGCANYOH :ilUJ ~ .,.,. t :, Bdrm. !>11'1 b11lh. J f'ar l(IH l.o<•alt..:I un rul 111• 1'lt\" with vwws of l(Olrt·ou r:-.t• & mini. Jo'ur prr vnll' sl111win1: ol I h 1:. 11:.llnit <·111111.111 H on ll1bl>s IOGlllS IEALTY 67S-2l I I J Ur 2 RM Ohd'fi. t'(1ndo, I l1·veJ, pool. nr 5ho111JtnH. Li-mu:., sdlooli. Sl 3'!.JllO Pnm·1pals flflly ti7~ lltll l MOM'TEGO OWMH FtHAHCtH~ t'Mn l»s llc M ontt•1to model, llerbor V1rw I l'ri int' condition. Nt•w r&rpt!tinte lhruoul • 4 twrm. forq1•I dlnanic rm Frelhly landscaped, Pnvatl' y»rd. C&oae to pool and IK'hca Owner Wiii rreat1vely rtn•nce tor qui.hfl~d buye r . llurry "all 7S2· 1700 -, <1ft1 1f. •1 • '\ • .f.f t(.),1oll ''" f [~1111 IACIC IAY·STUL 3 Hr home w /20.40 pool· t j111r Xlnt cond. Only ll:M.IOO HCAMYOM COleOS UAVAILABLF. '7S4U,Afll. I C-ron Island A r.rr1'i.t11<1ou.-. .1JtJn·:.:. m lit~ C.rnyon f'n1·c d ;JI only $1:11.:ioo ~21. ... .,..c.....,. 640.5357 HAllOI YIEW HOMES Montl'f(O m<>«tt•I, fl'(' land •...................... OW-"'B DESPER A TE 1!17fi ~X.:.2 Kirk wo111I , tlWllt'r nt'<-cb fo~I '>111• IA Ut211.'l:Ull Mallu.HolMSfon Hl.MSS 1tr11 Sk yhnt· 12x44 on" bt'droom in eu>dlt>n l f'(tndlllOll, Shed & 8 Wli llll(, 111 <.:oiit.u Ml·Su low n'lll park 631 ·341~ ----coma LOT 1976 Dbl wade t:ell11'. uu u11uHI l exlured homu (MJo'50n I ........ .._s._. IMI.- anti c'VfTlmumt v pool 4 i----------· Jldrm11. cloi.c lo ho p pin.:. 11<'hool •ntl pool. 1100.SOO foe 642-5200 MCmYATID PllSTMMOUS HC.AMYOM Come by It mah oiler on U'6. charmlna 4 br, tkl.i u· lY 2 frplrll, h1A&e rm1 Iv ly hlM aerluded lot. m1~1 ~ WiJlktH f; l tltl UDOPIMIM. Well k>ca!A!d 2 yH r ol<I (ioldeaweirt double wldl• 2 Bdrml., J Mt.hi, Y8CIHll • ready ror lmmed11tlt~ «K.'Olpalley. Here's your cbuc• to Uve a t lhc bMt:b tor oa11 sa.~. '7M400'• HARBOR i\ 1)1 \'IMllfl OI If .trh11r fn H"'1 m .. nt '\'11 2 PIT1 W&COMI :MJISI lloiM Caaudt> low flllrll l'fttt. Su bmlt ah of• ten ctlDll7J.10) ......... st.. .. .- ..... DAILY PtLOT la..-......... [,iAY~L,OR .. qql ----------_ _/ r--........ I U. lfUM'T'IMSTOM-wia'CM OWMm'S J IDtlM. zv, IA. UNIT ltomchkl' hv1nl{ ror thf' pro or1e tnr "'l re pl r Putlo 7 Rrnl 11 I un it-. tJrochu.·in~ hkt' ;1 $ m :H'hinr 24 hour-. Pl1r ctuy Nr H c•.Jt'h Blv'I $J<J7.5UO S1•lh.>r will rwunt ,. 4 UNITS 111, MILIS TO llACH t-:'1(1•t•llt·11t :1 hdrm, 21 • h u uwru·r ·., h nn11 •hk1• u1111 .. 11 e>µk P tltru C'loM•cl garag•·i-(;111\,lh :111·.i Amon g flt'\\ hlrl ~h l\,11 :! 11<11 m <J ml 1utl' I bd1111 11\1•0 1n1· 111 •i.lu1·t11 l! ur11l' wo t k rng fur )1111 .1 ruund tht' d•ffk ~!:~!>OU Sl'lll'r will (malll'l' WHUY M. TA. YLOI CO., l•tlhn l 1 I I S-~-Hlh loed NEWP<>ttT C&ITEI, M.I . '44"4910 MmcMareAreM 4 {t » ~ 11 c· r 1• " n ,. 11 I' lak • 1147.:IOO 'f t1rm• W 1c·rt•11 with mul1llc• ~ 91l.CJDITll'TltTi. D1' 11wr • .,. wllh l••rrr111 ''1111 orc1oro. _ . Subd1v1,.11111 ternuntt r1arwht~ ., ""'rut•l(t.• <:1111 '"' 10111 ...... ,... M loh SJ 111,000 Ownn ~'tll 1•11rry /I. I• 1• r L' " a<·n"' ltt•r.uoo Prirwli>tih• 1111ly 1>lti'.1"lt' t'u11l1t11 l\t•n Murk" ul Wtll W. Heulck lh•.tll111 & i\1t.'l11t 't.1l"' lti4tiN1n11~~lt••• 1 l'a•,o ll11hl•·. taos• 2lt-5JSo 11051466-1049 1111111<' & I-Jr 111 ~Ill•:. :! I ltl .:J ,11 It'' C'oll' h I.\•\ t• l v. .. 1t•1 11 L'JI '\1•11u111a M " 11 n I " 1 n ' ... r ., m SSll HIJll I O't cl u w11 :!t:I &.al lllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!! Red (stat. ~~' n~ nwn1•T 1>11na P v1nt W..t.d 2900 .._. -• I 00 l"llllt• ur Ow11t·r:.h111 " ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·····•·····•··········· WA.MJID KIDS & PET 24xtl4J 1!171i ll.Hflfllt\1111 :Jllr. <!Ha I A 1177~' 1>lt·~ ~:L'i,!AIO t'Jt'h Oil up (fl l:>,000 Mj (t 11)1:> Ownt•r will l111,1nl'1· on l'1111ln111 v.11 h rn1111rnum $711,IMIO d11w11 Will :ic• 1·0111m11dutt· 1:!l<'han1ot1· WJIJ. l'l\V ('1\S ll IN /\ ... I.AS H 1-·011 VOlllt llU S t-: UN ITS Ole l./\Nll t ';ill !'fruit Hl'.tllv ~;7!">:1:1 Mobile Honw Store k.-&11 KX!I~ :rw11 Ctu·h,1111 W.1y. Ar>t R..tal HU N T I N G T o H ll fl I' .&!It. 111u1 or ••••••:•••••••••••••••• HACH 4!11.H>27S HiouHI .fvrnished ' Low P,u k re·rtl , :.M xf.u ----------•I•••••••,\••••••••••••••• l<tJvo.al Mo11111·t"h. rn1111111 •... 7 ih X GROSS Newport •ac:h 3 169 f.N1m bt'l11J 1>117H7 7:! l Bn•ad & hulh'r umts. LI\ •.-••••••••••••••••••••• Mobile Honw Store ururworporatc•d, no rc•nt K4K HX:1:. c•ontrnl Iii :mr. I ' 2 Ba AcrMgr for Sale 120 0 •.•.••.•...••.•.•...... 1.-11 for s ah· hv Ow111·r Y(Jbt'mrlt· L<lk•·.; l'arl. C2H mi llJ 1-: •11 "'n·~nu r lot i:2f)ll A '""rt~. r1sh111~ & ~olf duh 1·omm111111 v Only gY.,JW.1 , 846-5502 4Br , <!lia, :!24 VIU l.1(111 Nord. $2.000 m11 •'XC'l'lll /\~ 12.')()() 12131 ;nu <1~1 flf' 121:1 19:J4 0020 IA.LIOA ISLANO Summ~r or yQarly rt•n tal J fir. 2 ba Jlayfronl 644·!613 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jbf' hnmt-, :.' hlki-IV b1•h fo\ally t nrhl bar k yd a... tl4tl 1757 all !i .:lit. ~ WI, trpk. ,11u11•hc'<I l(llrat(t'o t•nl'ld h11r k y1l, oa:w &MWlL i:~. dll)tl. M'I~ lndt.l!I >111rdc•n1·r Avi.11 Jww lltth 000·1141111 '* Ur. ~·) b11lh hoUJw I hlk lo hr h l"rplt•. fl l'l'llll \ll!W. <! ('llf jlllr -~')()/ 0111. ~·~·}WI I IJllrm ('ondo, pool lllC'ULll, I' 11111Clt1 $4()() ~r mu 21:.11<1:Jll 07tl0 Eve~ 2 t:J <!:.ti KI 4fi A\,1il Jww l:!l h :htor·y. 3 bJrm I. t.ia hu~•· l:1m r111 ftr,.l'l:tt•t-. 1•,1qwt:.. •Ir •II"''. d 1 .. h lo\ o.a ., h t' r . II 11•1 C'lll'l'' 11•qu1 ro·d ~7:1 1111:.i 7Ktl l ur008 711!1 Nt•w t'l\•1tanl 2 ht•tlroom 1 dc'fl $:>7!l t't·rlor At win 1tow horn•· F111l' IJh.x·k!t lu lll":.tl'h l'nvJll.' 2 1·ar 1t.1ral<(c: "'ull> m et•n t.1 m1.-d yard Atlults No µi•L-. lnc1um.• at 5l7 llith SI rt"t1 I 7 M )!16() G:IJ l 3244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOMJ-:..<; "'OH Hl-:NT :1 or •I hr l'rit•t•d ,(mm S4:1'> tn ~:!5 f nl'd yurt.I & guralo(l'~ t 'um1l1c:. µh•ast• K ids & rH"b. wdrornc Call !Hl-'I :!.'lt;t; or m:12971 1\1.'1. no rt•t• RENTALS 2 Bit. I ha. $4!i5 . $1i00/\1.)CI SM50 !-'urn S1'15N B $475/51111 :1 lllt, 2 ha <1 llH. :!1 '.• l><i <11111, 21, IHI 2 UH, 2 11<1 I 21 ac·rc·:. p .1noro m11· Vl\•w of Swrr.,, X 1111 iulclm~ ~111· .... •wa~c· & 4·1f .. 1n1· M·1·11nt v j.!<111" 011nu1 .. ., f 11101 i••dl NEW GARDEN OFFICE BUILDINGS PRIME NEWPORT FREEWAY LOCATION S l ,670,000 GtMrd 3202 523 C ••••••••••••••••••••••• IJ AMPll5l>a·IRVIME « •• u r' t• t ,. u u t ' c•luhhou'" h•1r• .. · l1.1rk nchn~ IV :.w1rnn11111! '""'' $1 1i.lrlm 1\lt 1tp111 <'I. wk1Hb x:~, 1;x:1r, lllV ... ICS llH•. 1\ 11 I'.,\ !ill 1>n nll' .wr , • .., 111 '"" 1lrv1.,1on 'urT11ur11ll'd hv 1·~1'111,1\•· h1.1m1•' Will work w1l h dt•vl'h•P•"' lk.•h Wra,v 7M '11#1 :.!:.-:111 l<AN' 'I It) I ' /I LI I' I\ I< t 1\ ~ 111 r:~o a1•n·' 1(;1111·1· 111 •lt'V(llop1111•nl pn•111•r t v f':Clw t'1~h rlt r ~..ui :1m:1 1800 ••..•.•................ O,.n Sot/Sun 1-4 N1·v. IH >t ll11h :1i:!1 ISrt•Jtl :-.t • N II <! t 11 .. 11 Ii;: putt•,.., ln1ki. Ov.111·r !n~!ijl.l'J UNITS-UNITS! Bar~~m1 Ii!"e ~ 9'111'-• 11111 1••1•'" !T'l"I! ,Jfltl dt'.\I • ' :\H:..'\/\ Dlll'l.1-;:\ I ;1111n"'Y l11 llrt1ll1•1.., 714.955.3454 :1 urul1' (1x1•r' & v;i1·:m l lol II II I II 1• n ( , •• 111 In CJ1 t'll0\,1flo• $~'111 ,111111 Woll~aui.:, 1\1..'1. 11:1-1 17'..l $65,000 DOWH '1 l>t:l.l tX El 'NJTS • 1,.'l"l·:HEU l\T Si.'l0,01111 floy McCardle, Rltr 548-7729 DUPLEX S:VI 1100 •town . /\~:-.um•• $1:!1,111111 C1wn1·r will • .1rrv 1 lilk r11 .,,lflcl al 1:1:1 1-1111 :-01 :"-II l 11~1,~,110 1 all .11:l c·,111h1.1 •fi ail IUOGET RENTS 1':t•onom y S:1v1· ~:t~ + t tnw llws Apt:. ('lg~ I-' l 'r)f $1110 furn :-.I u11t11 ut '"' S*•J J hr ltilr<Jj.(I' :ljllllll:> S!?!l furn 2 hr pat 111 $!7r12 r.r •·hdd 11k ~12 br 1 bak1111) Sl~l 2 l>r h,..,,. frw1I \ii ~'iO :lhrkub I"''" Sfl~. :1 h1 k 11b ""',. Sl)t1 ·l l1rl.tn1h p+·t~ 557-082 5 tl11mc·f1nil1 ·r' Sr:.it•· W11l1· \.',11·;int 21tr. 2h:t. d 11"l1' lo rw~. S:l.'l0/11111 1\:-k for 1 .... 11 h. !lfi2 (1471 Corona det Mar 3222 .......•...•..••.•••... (',,rn1·0 ll11!hl:1111I -tlir n1rn111t1 I) rl'rn1.11.lt•l1-ll SK?~ 7~·!1 11!111!'; Wantc;.I tiy pvt l•IY. •1t·,.:.i11 vu hom1'. h1•. 1111111111 lo buy or ~;111·:. t·11ntr.11·1 :lllO IM~ .l1H• 3224 .........•.•....•...... SIX Nt-w t'l.lflilo. 2 br, 2 ha. i! Crplc S, JIC"'' & j:ll'U/.11 1 BDRM UNITS $41i.Jyrly 1m 1 4!112 Bkr Woo•lbr11l1:•· l'ondo nr lake J llr. 21 ~ ha. l'Ovd 11o.a1111, frplr . li-111 ti:!l:J or :~~ 7:!.IM Wuuclhnd1:l' l'l:tl'I'. 5 Hr. :1 ha, l'n·~l'ol :.11 ua1t•1I 1111 park W<•"' fir.., & 1·.1m .. 1 l'll•l. hc•aul II ul SX7~11 llHJ 1\1-ot Q.14 M11:1 ur ti:Jl ~·14 l'n1 v l'.irk . I l1t.lrm . l'OllV tl1•11, fq1lc' :! t':t l ~ur . ;ulult:-. SiJ[1tl l\J.:l r.w 1.d!1 Wiiiow!. 'lhr. :.!l•:t , ltv rm. din rm. l.1rn rm t'"n1·1·tl yd SH ri 11111 ti4'1 l IHIJ , H.'WI !jl(,jf 1·xl <!fl Or.u1~1'ln•c• l'.11 111 11111111· 2 lid. I ha . J\t C , <! 1·:.1r g.1r l\tlull:. 'l'l'Olll,, p1>11b tote· I .t•;tM' $44!5 ~.S2 Ii I !'".S The l.:ik1·~. tux hv1ni: w 1 a II :.inw n 1111·~ l : 11 j!rud1-.1 2 un . ssri<J mo '1!n -·1Cn2 H:mdll1 San Joaquin, sa'n l.uas lfry mudd. :1 Bil. 2', bti . 11111 rm . 2 rmtrnN . h1i.:hly up~r:Hh•cl . uul:.t:.in1hng v11·\I> no 111:1' $695 Mu Ai.:cnl K:n.!f~3 1 br, pnv islt:l)8 to be h . vu. SGOO /mo or S2001wk 499·3982. 497 ·1761 THICOVI ~tKJfl•I 2 & a c.len l'Ondom11llum on wutt:r ' POQI, Jac:un1, beach ' ft'vl)' rental. S17~ per mo A.imt &IQ-fi.'\00 __ ll»Tbrlf' Vu 3br .'2ba:r Rt-=~~~----== tO"Ct'ter inr l '150. Avail ... .,.... •ach 3769 J uly lsl 644-7'87 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----UAVFRONT 2Br. 2tJll . 4!0' Spuc1ous Npt. Terr 3br. bcMtl slip opl1onul. yrly. 3bu, Condo. 11pa, pool. no peli. or c•htldrc n . frpk SOOS M0-1989 Evelyn 631 2482, ----THE ILUFfS Short term rentol11 3 BOHM sm1Cle lcvl.'I, <! Hy tht: week, now av a ii paJ.J<>fi. varant $750 l'l.'r Noh.'t: Al(enl 675·1:1170 mo lJNJV Pl\l<K, rh:.irmm~ I .!>ly . 2 bdrm Tot;illy f~h Near evl'rythm.: S5S() Per mo. l\J,(c•nt LIOOA.R~A. For leusc. luxunous 2 Bdrm . d e n c·ondo liayfront aod boat shp. WIHAVE suuua RENTALS Tl\KINC; lt1'~1':HVA1'IONS associated 8 NO .. EH 5 llE A LTCJll'.) 4 tJ / ', Vt-iiutli .,..., b ' 'bb ! on prestigious Lido Park ----------Dn Vt! $1'00 mo OOHOSEH REALTORS 497-4848 7 JI :1111 llAHROR v1 .. :w llOM t :s 2 Rdrm & dt'n, fr1·i.h paint. $750/mo garc.lnl·r mcludt..t.J 640 5112 :..1.'l ONTllE C.:l\Nl\L l.~c.,l l1r :J ha. bcuut de<'oralt·tl. co mm pools & h•n111~ I Qt' IY.ill mo ti45 33711 &•av11•w lk•aut1ful 1lhr. 2' iha l'Xt•t'Ull VI· ho rn .. I/ill dcu rc·t· ~Wt'l'PIO R Vll'W P vt ).!Llll•d n1m munity, 1t•n111s , s wim rrunl( & Jill' $1 200 mo 644 201'>7 llGCA.HYON I. o v t' I y M t' I • a 1 n Townhoml'. <! t>drrn. 2 baths, s p:H·mu:. cl1·1·k , <'omm pool & l1·nn1~ $700 pc·r month. Subrmt on IA.':tM:·opl 1un l\J.(l.'nl 1;,io G.".C.llr :! Hr I lia v11·w homt'. ~ar pn\' yart.I $<111~ 111 11 6'1Z ~12'l Siml· 2 Hit. Tit 2' · U:.. 11•11 ru:., 1•10I, ~pa f11l1 11r ht•h $575 H4(i lfi7fi W1·~trl1 ff t 'l)fltl•1 \11 11han•·1·'· lrpk . 111111( $1511 /bk '1 fur .l1·rrv 1 · !IJ7 1Jl72 t'Vt''> 1~11) '1~/j s .. :1v 11·w 1.ovt•I> :11tr :!' 1ha. lam rm . t•·11111,,, 1•10I. VIP\\ $1 l~tJrno 1111'1 i:r1tnr & W1 r 7~1!1 11~1<! 3276 .••.•.••.•............. 1-ll'atll.tful tH.·n & hill Vlt'W, :!Br -f den, :!Ila, b1• $.'1!l~1 rni1 211 t";d fl-llurallo (21:1143'1 4461 3 278 .•.•................... ...........•.....•..... Brn•lfortl l'lal't' 2hr I ha .:! 1·:.ir gar:.i)!t•. t·nd urul. nr JJUOI , S:l.'10 m 11 ~)(! ()1()1, 71ili 7 llrO <k'Nmfronl :I llr 2 Bit n Rhl on .:.ond. :o.ui-·r loeat1on. rully furn. avail nuw Wt.>ekly thru S.·pl 15 [)y:. 7~ 7410, t'Vt'S ll3fl 2111!1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llc6oa Peninwla 3807 •...............•...... :! Br. <! ba l'Ondo. <! .. ar ~ar , auto •1rinr lkaul hay VIC•W. $7110 TSl.Mumt 2 Hr. lj!I' s undl•i•k , :.t.·1.11-lu l"M.•at·h $4Hri yrly Ind ut.11 IM5 511ti2 alt Ii Capistrano leach 38 18 ·····••····•··········· C">lm twnh . .,,. l•ir 1h1· ell~ l'nm1111:1t1 vr H1rcb l'Y•' vu o( c·~t hn1., spit lt'vl'I :! br. 2'> bti 1.,,. J uh I ~1001 Sw••t•r>anJ.! t•t't•:1u \I•'"' 'Piii 11•\t·l h1·.1m,.d l'1•11' .... •'lL'l h o,1lun•., & halmnu.... 2 Ill< :!' ... "" 1i1;1 :l>S71 CostaMHa 3824 •••.•.•..•.•.•.•...•... t:a~1dc• l1r.1111I n""' tll.- 211r 1 ll;i . \l•ry pH .• 1tllh s1m 7~ 2.'1~i11 2 lltlrm . I l1o11h .q1t /\duh~. $:175 rn11 <::1·. p:ud ti42 fi'J7:1 LA. MANCHA A.PTS f.;;ri!t•. 1.2&:1 htl gar1h-n ;q 1h Ad ulh ll~hwhr , hlt1L .... t'Ol'( f.!.1r , 1!:1~ lih'f l'ool I ia!'> I 'ti TIX !-.•·1111 l'I 1;.i:t :~11:1 1;,i:, :.1;11 :!Hr w gar 11u 1·11h IJ11111l Wtr 1>d li:Mi <llW I ~•11111 217fi I 'lal'""' 1.1 II" S.:llJCI rn.x VI 1-:w l llll. lll'JI. b1•;11'11 & .. 111111s s.11;11 /\t.llL,, 11•1 pd.:. li4~. 1i:17!1 ZIAJI l'<inltl· 21lr. JHt p .. 110 )!.1rt:. hll UL' ~ Nu 1 hil1ln rr or IH'l" I 1111 \' 11·11111 ,, (ft!; :11 ~n. :M •Ii/Ill 3hr. :.!ha, 111 '1 1111•\ p;1l 111 ...•.....••.•.......... Oelu.xe IJtc 0t·co.a11 view. 2 Ult a pt I '• Ila , J(ar v. /c•lc•l' dour UIJl'n cr 714-493· looi> 2 Ur. I hi., ~I mu l 'vt c•nr l µa t1.o & ~ar.1i.ic· u.it.s of Rra:o..:. :IJ.'i52 Ulut Lante rn 4!1fi n:w or 4..'*>-33Sil or 496 5275 $100 MOV .. : IN J\LUJWl\NO: 2 hr. 2 ba ~ <kn $42!'; E1wl ~aruge, pvt fr11•d i: r a .., .., y a r d :1 :1 ,1 I I t hclt.1m Way. •1\111 1!1.tl or4!Jli !1Z'i0 2 bdrm 2 ba den, pauo. gar1Age. Walnu.l S<iuan·. Nl'Wly ralccor Kted. $475. 64.').mi & S59· 7309 .....,.. ....... 1852 • •••••••••••••••••••••• l''ACING GOU' COUltSE U1od11 2 hr, 2 ha, West Nllll' Dr Lovely area llltn~. was her 11 r Vl· r p11t10. 2 l'ltr l(ur . auto 111ll•nt·r A1lulb No l'l'ls $47$ mo f'a II K37 ·"427 Mewpor+ •ach 31'9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PARIC MEW.-ORT lla l'hrlur ~. I or <! lll•droom., & Tuwnhou:.t•:. fo'rorn S:-14!j ~iO Spt·t•lut•ular 'IJO, tolal r1•l·r1•al run uro~ra m~ ~IC'ial ,.irogram 7 µouts. II lcruui. courts /\l fo'o.a:.hum l!.land, J:imbort•t• & S1rn Joaqwn ll1lb Hoad 17141644-1900 Yt•arly , 3 Bil, ~ hJ Luv•• ly l/('C<IO & b.iy \llt•W $700 0 ·1·a11fr1111I I Hit. I bu. yrly A~l'lll !i7:1 ;lljl):I Hwaitittc;on Beach 3840 2 ht.lrm• fl.1 y front .1p1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S'ltXJ1mu y•·•1rly SI wu•. OO!H.'h 1.2 & ~· UH . 675 7'12!.I ll"IJ!t'. tlu;hwshr garni.:1• & p a l t u ~ N u IH' t ~ !IOI 23!)11, wlcnd~ H4fl 1rn11; Seawind Village WAT .. :IWl<ONT. 1·harrn mg s1n~h·. $112~ y rly. old .. r prt:fl•rn•d rl7:1 ll "''' 3876 ...•.........•....•.... Spa1·1<>U.'I 21lr n1•w c•rpt •-. drp ... & $351) 1n•·ll i:;ir. B1wh ul ii 1Jt.1 $170 An.yt1m1• 4!12 ~ntil So.Ml LOCJUIMI Roommate want4.od , •;.~ hlk ~I belach, NB. D10 pr rm 642-!'275 ·---- t'emalc t0 s hare m y M V hou.'ie Pvt rm & b ath ~)0 tnd util. ~·43.SS aft !lpm l'rer fl•m. Sh11 rc beaut h."ll'-l1 kl' apt , 2 bdrrns w1buths . Xt ras 01111.1 f>omt •t!1:1·~J. 4350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 1·a r ~ari:a~t' un all1:y m :.tnragc SSO/mo/ 5'»1607Z 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SI» l250 SQ rt . Hwy v" 1l11ltty l.a..i u na, ~uh park1n1ot. New ear p•·I , draJ>t,oi. & Pliml .. air i:on•J P r 1 c 1• n e g o t i a b 1 c• 54..q.111:16. 557 5870 ---- <Wn<.:1-: i.p11ce ava1llllill' <i t 171175 Hca1•h Bl11d nt·ar Talbt:rt in Hun1 lllf..'lOn IJt•a<-h. S.'>0 µc·r m1111th. Phone• mcs~<it.:•' servt<'{' SIO ~r mnnth tlc~k S5 iwr month. l>a1h l'ilot uff 11•1• P h on1 ij.12 4;121 ext 276 ":Xt'l.'Ul1ve 0Ht1:1.,-s avail 111 lull :.l'rv ore bid~. N• 0 (.' airport. Heccpl & phont· ans St!cy :>l'rv. t•onJ rm. etc. Pis c .. 11 7~fill!ll I MO t'R .. ;t: H .. :NT 250 50(/ sq . fl. OHil't•i. "'mm $145 l nl'I util. 77!1 W Wt h st 540 22(Xl. N"w 1&2 hdrm luxurv adult ..c11r1,· in M plan:. fr<1m $41J(1 i IJO<JI~. 1 .. n 111:., \l><tll•rfolb. pond:-.' (;~Lo; for t'llOklllg & h1•al •fll( 1•:11(1 I-rum SJn Dll'~o 1-'rv.v 1ln't' ~orth CJ() B1•;Jl'h i11 ~tc·t> .1dd"n ltlt-n W1 ~I on ~t c• 1-'adtl"n fu s .. uw1nd Vil l.•l!l· C7M 111H3 51!114 .............. --.-~....,~~tll111f-.rthr-.:nnmc. -, '"T1'1'Tr-nrt-------I :!& J llr .... mm1· in luda\ v.11.. tn sh11p111ni.: & hu.., s;IJ5 lti S311;, 111;: :l>sl I , f,'\i, '~" •DELUXE* GARDEN APT. 2 Br, Adults only .l f • ~,, ... I "\•'rt~I 1 ar1~1rt p.1t111.1ph HHt/" 1·l"·••l•1 lw\' ~ lwh• ,,.,;ilk 111 .. hc1pp1n~ 171 I I Goldrnwest atWame r 847-6064 HunHnqton Granado 110~ 1-:.-; f''IJH H t-:~T .I or I hr I 'ri1 •'fl I r11111 • l:J."J tu S'1l.J I' n1 11 v.1nl I<. ~ar a v •'' F.irn1l11•' pic',1 ·,,. I.. 1th I<.• (11 I "'•·korrll' I ';111 '••I ~,i. 111 !fi:I :!!rt'I .\J't 1111 '"" Lull Adult llu tl1·11 I''"'' U f 111.·at h ,\-:-. ll Vv.' Sl75 114:! IC)7:! Sl11d10 apt lor ll·a~1· I 't•I ind Pvt ht·ad1 S:IOll mu 4!tJ <l/i.14 3898 ..............•........ Brul'll1 111·w 1l1·l11:0. • h1frm .! Ii,, I . q rt If u I ~ fl•• •·nc·lo,.,.'fl ~"" ••W' p.111•1 ,Jll l tllld lflf,1 11! 1/1'\ 'tt I 7;.:11 Tr.,,k 11!1<1 J:))I~, '" !«JI :!114 ~nts fvmi~hed or Unnntishe-d 3900 ...•................... '1'111-. l·:Xt l l'I (, PALM MESA. APTS \11 NI ''I~~'> TON l1T 111'11 ll.11 II. I &~· llH '' ""' ., ,;, "' 1Jp 1\llulh '\t• jwl" 1:11,1 ,,,.,,1 1)1 •.1 lllk~ 1·~1-.t or /l.1•v.11111 I Ill\ 111 !Jam .>pin :.11; :1111.11 l'A('I Flt' ~OOIJ~ 1\dull apart 1111•111:. .,,., ,, m o 11 i.: \I> ,, n d 1 · r 1 n ~· 'lrl·.1m~ &· t.111 f1.1~r:1111 111nc... I llr rrrnn $:1011 lh:(10 ll•1rl11ir 1\1\lf, !'>uulf• '" f' . .du1~··r 839-2140 BA.LIOA ISLAND ~1mrr14•r rn ) rl> I hr ,'l1o1 1111 I h ,. Ii .1 \ I I 11111 hl4 !151:1 /\ '. ampl pkl! t'r $1!1 .. :ur "'" "''' rl'·<~d t11~~"1 OH11·l' or Cummen·1;il s µac·c 111 cl11wnt11w11 ' Lo.1i.:11n:i L.mdmar k Hltlt' l.>f.U-11 II or will cllvuk 1:14 t ~,:$5. or 4!12·1111111 l!f.! l!tl>I CENTER POIMTE EXEC. SUITES .1:1inlurt·1·& Ma t·l\rthur t<.1 v W1otlow~ I 'lu'h ( ·ari,..1 752-2737 • EXECUTIVE SUITES l.11"tllfl••IJ ' .,,,,..,. ,,, ... 111u~ t•11nf1·r1·111 " I 1 Ho rrl , l' l't' U l I \ • • "'' r1•lar y , f1t'r 1'011 .1 I plM1m· ''"' 1•rag,., n·1·1·1> 111m1st , xo·rox. nota n l.l'dS l' •>r month 111 n"111t h l\i••<Jr S.1 Co:t'I l'lii1.1, C Jr an~l' C.:ou111 v A11111•rt & 1''n .. ·way I 'J ll ,Ht, ~1112 MSJfCA L SUITE C:mvnd rlonr, C'oron.1 ch·I \l ,1·r 1;.,u 1•,., '"" ti 1• J I 111111 Ill I I'.. ('II rfl •ii!. l1iti• 1-'unu,lwcl 111111·•· for I , 11111 1n1•I ti 1,.,111111)(-, t 'l\1 1 .111/\M 7i~t 77-14 S1 M.000, ;.-HH s, 11111•, "t.-wl~ µamll•t.I. ~araj.(1•,, luunilrv rnrnn Hrca1t & hulL••r 11n1ts /\II lbr 11n vall' yard. ( 111• ulil I llt'(Jroom with l(reut Ill 11a11I, No l'eti. s:1~.u •~tnlt', lcH'alt•cJ on 1mrrw Q.12.fJIU'i gar. lll'W 11a1nl . l'llflll'I~ N1•at lhc• l1t•Jl'h. If.! ~Br lllJ Roana 4000 s1:10 I' ()fflf·l.'·:>lor' Nof'cts $11110 !>'1~1 7!11tl Pl'f'i kitJ.,, $:.!~I~• "'" ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'I'''· 1tr11 ..... l\/C 11:1111 r.:.. m:!t 1!1m11 v. k11 dwn\'llt• lk·;tt'h, II II t..s .. 1144! 21n1 Wftll'llin1ter 3298 ~ •och 3248 •••··~··••••••••••••••. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllJM ES f<'OH I< 1-:NT Wnffc*e VillG«Je ~2 .,,,,,.,.k & u11 3 or '1 hr f'nn'<I lrom I a d n1·v. Nr ·' l'r1mL<. l 1.1 . I h.1, 5'1li !17:1r1 ~RT ILVD. N orth /\nahc·1rn la nd l-kx1blc krrns. l)ffni·1I :1 Hr2 Ba,Caroily rm,:11:,2 ll4•aut1Cu l 3 br h o m l' , 1 $t11.'f:1/C}U-Wonr'1' r-1..,..,,rf--<IUM1'rr-tnn•, -11ot.,.:V,~r.t'ii•rt""'('~. t-lfttt • SANCl..fo:Mt:;NTt-: IJl'LX mr,:noo C)•1•un 1rw- :1 Hit'-. I :! HH l11ni: .. 1·:111 now' kuli; OK. no JIC'b, 1111 h u I.! 1• d •· e k s · ;.c I I w It E L I\ N It t; /\ L :.inglc!li. ~l."1'I mo. 1;.i,1 111;11; :m1t•nrl1cs. ~r,o !><I!~ l lllti 0 . nc·i Y. 11• rit«t';~11~h:i.11l't ~app~I s~· 1N~.~. t,,H~·t1~:'1~·1~H1i1 ~. r~~~~~:-r.~:-:~~t--~-.:::::..:.:.:.:.::~~--~~· ~-Mc=i·· .. fl ••• s Jill'•. "ur ···u"" L•.,m1lt1" 1 ~111LarryX471>1i71111r•\o I" I I Ill C&JlUJ,_""""1-=-------,.. "' ... ., ,. " " J:t('Ul.7 .. 1 ( i11r:ci!1• avail -• ... un!'o urms It'• • :111a for l1•as1'. ;.unple purlc1111· pli.>asl' kids & p<'h W "'h . ~lir t•ll lo 7fi7 1 lom l•rnnl. l'vt bath. Kitdu•n pnd1• or uwn•·rs tup NEWl'OHT IW ll DPl.X $!:1!1,CMIO bltwlc \II •JC'l'UO. li.:t· :1 UH Ulllb, fph-11, i:ara~l'S, fol· lund. t l•rrni. .. :..'\'l'l\Tt: 54(1.Jlifil~ Mc-;a Verde '1 + C:.imrly. r1rl•p l a c•t', Z ha (:ntnµlf'l.d y n•dctorall-d $570 l)t•r mil 751 ~:!M l!i!:.iut1Cul J b r h 11m1• w tpunoram1<' v1t:l4 . 2 h u ..: 1• d l' l' k s . a I I amt·n1t 1es $1:100 . M!J·lll:lli I · ·' ,. 11·,..,.. '"·"" · !15.5 ''" Sl rr1f"f•ir"('irl'IC' ~:1 ~1:11 1i111:t for informa l.ton wt• C'Om1• .... 11 "'" c..IU'I; or llal'ti. $!7ll $!7~• " • pn v1 l+·i.:t·i-S..15 wet· le ly Nt·w owru~r !173i~l. l\.._tt, 110 Ccc. I Br $;115 $32.'l 2 & :lhr apts, from S:~lf> 'l!lf~~ .irt Xpm llr>n't miss tlws P 1n.w· .. 1 rr'tl.-nl h.1ri:uin ... 1·ull nuw ~ 17(10 • .. '*°""' rrop.rty 2000 .....•..............••• 1 U..ITS.C.M. tMVESTORS SPECIAL t::.1s ts1dl' Triplt·x near Nc•w11ort llc•1i:hi,.•<. 1\11 lotri.it-2 fklrnf~~mls -111' xlnl t'OrnJ Near shopptni.: wwl c·lly IJ.trk. L11a11 1s a:. ~ ti Ill II b I c• A " k I n R $147.500. Call 540· 1 l:l l ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS Jlt•aut nc•w l1111 ld1n ~ 11.ll.'s best 7 unit bwld fo'n.11htl't"-. xlnl llM•11t1011 mg Rid<' your h1kl· l11 lh1· TSL. lnvmts -6'1:! lli03 hcJ'll'h Grosi. mr $2!!.064 FOUR UNITS.C.M . Jll'r Yl':tr Sc.-oll ft ea tty S:.lli·7~1-Near nt-w, 3 Hr ownl•rs umt, 2 b~. Crpl, 2 cur 1-:Atr , J.2 Br. 2 ba. units TSL lnv!'ltmL<i 642-1603 l lOMfo: + IN(.;OM 1-; rtrand rww. Renl'i al l'Ur· M..'l'lt market. J br homl" Oldertn·plx on dbl lot, /.!rt + tn plcx in rear: Lar iic twc shltr . Sl75,000/ofr uruL'I Prin . only. 979.:1:nt> fJWn I aJCt 840-LK79 '()I" 7!ll 9187. wsk for Teri O:eanlront Apl/llotel, & SU>res. Npt Heh Owner CWT)'. '186,000. 675·211S5 FIRST TIMI S6UMITS 7.115 x l(roRs mt'flmc Pnnc:1pals only Agt . 548~13 IMYISTOIS DREAM Loh for w.----2200 Pru ne Hununl(ton twarh ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-plex In a h1tehly deslra • hie rt!nla l area Only IU ~NIT ':'°"'· l\n~heim. SJ44,950 It won't lust! Mak.e. offer. Morn s & l\s· <:all noW Bkr. 842•2535 SCX'. (2131 374·4984 NJoJ\H COM PU:l'ION Vl~IA 4 ', al'rl' loti., o.11 256'7 Elden Ave, CM plan.-. & pcrm1L<> pd. for. Dix 38r homt>. ltl<· rixir J(raded enganee•red, 10 AboS28rre nla ls.Tosec min . fro m o c:n . pk:.. • c:all 979-5089 plai.a & s1·hls . lo!ood a rea, ----ooderi;round ulil. Offer. 4tto.10. A Ut 43&2956 ____ _ Ir niom lo bwld morel ...,... ...._ / We jlllt Hated lhla enlic· TrtrMs 2300 inc lo"eoment property -·••••••••••••••••••• '" ~ ·e~cellenl renta l 2 br, 2ba, dbl, Sstarpark . area. All for Sl79,000. .tulta no pe•b -000 u~ m one rent out the . .... -· . others. {;a II u • ti l Owner SS?-5659· • m.mo. '11at!IS22br, 2ba, din rm , A · Uv rm & den, bonuK rm, LL$TATE t~!!~· AdJt park. 1a1.0141 ftEALTORS t ta .... hMrt, ,.rivi•iillllllS 2 Hr S:l60·S3'1f1 t · h 11dn11 A 1. cc p I t• 11 <.-............... 4200 DB.UXE GARDEN 'f.':::ished 3400 TSl.Mi:ml tW1 HI~:! S hvn·hn l' Ml!t l'orp. ==-~ .. "':: . .'':~........ OfffCESUITES EXECUTIVE HOME Mesa V1•rcle 4 br. family rm, dmmi:: rm V11•w <ir t:atatina Ca II Shorl'lrn\' MRml Cor p for u1>Pl K47.6J63- 3 Hr 2 Ua . •H·1•1rnvll'w, $.'l5o m o 1117!1 Parkc•r,·:.t biJ.6743. Opn Son 12 :, Wanted by pl/\ ply. Ot'l':tll vu home·, lsc. oµtwn tu h11y or :wl+·" f'Ontra•·t 54Q T.MS. Joe <.;trn : AS I\ uuc; I Hr + ~aru1tt'o .. :a:o.t~1d1• SIJO mrl wukr Adults. nopet.., 673 (i.J72 ----5 Ult 2 Ha, bonu11 room , fclf'mol dinml( room. fJJk. clo6c to stios.M & schools . Kids & pets OK. Hd s r e. q 'd. 1625. A~cnt. 9'11*-6896 3 B R 2 Ba pool home, In cld5 pool serv, ~ m o. t-:rT11•rahl H:iy fWt·arifront (rilf)!t'04S Vlt'W, l)\ll l lt'h1 4Bll & l.~1' r1•c· rm. Yc•o.ar ly '1!)1 fKe.I Ai.rt Ill.,: ynrtt. roun~ry ~t'llll)J.!, frpk, krd ... /J>l'l!-OK I llr . lk.'t'dS Tl ,(; $11~1 499 22Hf. O<·<'anrron t La~un:i l'nvall' l'utnl SJH'<' t;wular Vlf'Ws. brand n<•w mobile: hnm1• $.'1SO/mo Y•' url y 4!.M 65tl4. 4!~ llti7:1 3 Br. ~ IJtt. 01·<·nn v11·w house on pt·a1·c•I ul 1·a nyon S650 in l'I u t II 494~ 1'~ M •; ft I\ I. U II A V 0 C to: I\ N f'' H 0 N T Ciorl(l'Ous v i e w , pvl beach. 4 Bdrm & l1otc rec· rm. l\vail J une, July & Aut<usl. 494.0029 Af.ll. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ocea nf r n nl , Sun Uomcnlt'. 2Dr -. ckn, $450/w1.-1•k. 494 5tSll7 . 1!34 1122 llunt B~·h l'unOo furn EleRanl, on ~and. 2 hr, 2 t>a. pool. dubhou~'" M'c·urity . $7511 mu 6J6.J124. C21J MJJ <l!lli!J CondorNsi'WRI Unfurnished 3425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• N<'ar So Cst Plaw :!hr. 2ba Ol'W <'l"J>b ill dl'f>l> At<:, palm, pools. Jal·u1.1.1 & lus h lrids1•111n~ Nu Children or l'et:. $375 ll•ss d1srount. H35 4447 ext. :QI. aft fi. 9f>J.. 7'1111 SPACIOUS 2-Jbr <'tmdoi. nr. So. Coast P ltu.a , Frwy access lo lrvml' oomplt·x 557..-4800. 751·2060 ·---1...,... ...... 3252 3 BR. 2 RA. new rrpt , pumt, drps. air. patio. pool, jacuz7.1, Sunnowcr , $495. 54S-7tr15 New 3 br house. No J>(•ls, no c hildren. $450. mo. !m-3376 2 BR. I ba hs. y:int & de lached .:a r , $375 mo 642·1670 days, 548·8647 c·v~ 2bf'. Iba etl<'I .:ar. t>t:·am reihngs. nu c pt/drJ>!., no Jlt!{S. 9'J6.A W 111lh St CM. PS. 751-6543 EASTSIDE 2 bdrm, l ba house. No c h il d r e n , nq p ets. IZID/mo. RE/Max, Jetr 831·1318 l22' ••••••••••••••••••••••• $.SOO /mo . perm a nent or Sum mt-r r e n lul to ht· nt'g(lt.Hltl'Ci. 3 bdr m . 2' ~ b ll Condo l'l c~a nt . frpk, a ir , 2 pools. wlk to stores. s :.ivC' i.eas .. :asy ai:c•ess t e nnis. i:otc. beach /\dulls 14 +. Call R E Ofr 7 duys 10·6 494 4315. Ot ht•r t 1ml's $ l62S Iv msg. ---------MhlicM Viejo 3267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOM~ FOR RENT McCW. Ilg c...,. ToWll'H•• 3 br. 2'h ba. on th(' i:olf rourse Oetaeht.'<i 2 I' a r .:aragc. fabulous v 1c:w S975 pe r mo l\gt·nl 644-5403, 631-3444 C.,.-.. M9r 1722 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 or 4 br. Pnced f rom Summer renta l barh . N lo~. Jo'ncd ya id & $300mo o r S90wk. No 111r ages . Jo'ami lleii Pet s . 7011,,. A caci a, ple ase. K ids & pets 6'rr>l767. wekome. C.11 964·2566 or C-. Mna m 211'1t. Agt, noree. ~---------·1 .......... ~ ••.•••.••••• 3724 Sharp 2br. Crplt·. ds wsh r. ""7 ~!l or1447-t>.16.l bal1·c1ny , I~ ~ara 1t1· i llr. 2'1:' ba townhou~t· Adulli.. 1711J l\nahl'I m .;1111 S1,.H•1ous & home· I\ Vl' /Iv a 11 11 I fJl)J Ilk~·. Ulx kJlchen w thlln 00 11=-i. ('hr.wl11hd1 pvt .. ntry & )!ar<ig1• Townhou. ... ·~ Adult~. :.! hr. Smtll Pt'l ok $410. ~11 l'flC'I pullfl. pool No P"" Mana~l'rll42·!l!l:to 7~' W ll'lth SI 646 !1~>07 lll·lwCl' hcal·h apts "'rpk ~ mo l'nl'I R<•ra)!t'. 1wl 1t>' mes1an11u llt•;iulllul i.:ar<h•n JIJI' pool & ~11a 1\tlult~. 1111 J.)l't,<; Bat:ht•lor $!70 l.311-: llil hSlrt•<·l 1146 ti!116 2 BR I Ba ncwt•r t;ni.ts 1dt· l.Clfllalrs. Uakony, 1>1W. d 1~posa l , no s mall 4'h11dren. DI() mo. <.:1111 54&5880. ask for Donna I Rr. s tove & rern i::. /\d ulls, no pe ts . $270. 5411.m20 IJA<'ht>lor. fnrd pat10, pt!t!'l ok. Util 1>d. S2JS m o S48-8ro4: 646-2316 I Rr, hltns, pool, adults. no pt'ts. 1295. 931 W. Wlh Sl. 548-0492 3 Ur. 1 •.z ba, fr plc', d'ihwhr. 1Caraj.!e. p:ah o Kids ok. $400 mu 7118· I\ w 18lhSt 557-457!1 UtCE A. HOUSE J Dr 3 na . lfiOo S41 n. "'" rm. ws hrm . <.:ID, no pets. $425. S46-11S2 P1•i:g>'. 960-4392 Dl'lu.w poob1cl1• xtr:i IJ!l' :?hr, ~h:.i Bltn.., 1bhv. 111 Nr l.>t.'dl'h l\lllh. n11 flN~ S:W mo 53ti is.'li;~ :!hr Condo !171 1 \I rll.1 l'a1•1f11• fl II !'o.l'J r Bmokhurst & ll:im1ll11n Nr. h1·h, µools . ll'n111s, JUI' lknl OJ>l!OO~ <!h[ I V,ha. Townhsc lrpt·, 'pallo. s m. pct OK /\vu1I tmmt·cl $375 Jst tl;J:.l lic-L S:l6·410tl a rt . 6 I wlmt.ls Nc•ar New Xtrn Dix, 1''ront /\pt. Li.t 3br. 2ba. I Stor y No. /\pt Abovt•, frpk. bltns. W 10 hkup, Cn1•<.1 y rd, xi ra I~ palm. j!aragc, many xtra:-. $4S5 :;45-~ I llocJ& to OceClll 2 Br. 2 ba. fri>k. :.! r:tr itara~w l\dults only, n•1 j)l'L'i ~ mo l\s k for 0.1·k 1mly. 962-615-t. I llod& to Ocem I Dr. 1 ba ~s 1-'rplr. l car garage $275 Adults '00.ly . no pets. Ai.k for Studio Apt, $195 No pets. Dick only, 962·1il5"4 8118 Senate . Shown eves. b &-7 fUm or unfurn 1 r apl pm. near beach. Adults Qnly. 2 Or, I ba, c:pts, drps, no Nopels. 980-2675 dop. $300. mo. 645-7522 •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• lmmac. 3br, frplc. lrg. 1275. I BR mobile home . 2 Br. 1 b~ _ _cpts, s mall LE A s E 0 p T I 0 N • yard, cul·dH8C. Walk to Mature adult only. No yanl. No OOflll. l330. m o HudaoineDan" ~ec.MC'ondo achoola. ~mo. '181·7613 pet.II. Quiet, secure. 1991 ~7522. Olndo: 2 Br , bltns, n?fn i;, crpls. d rps. pool No peta. 197R'7 Keswick Ln, n ea r Ad11ms & Brookhut~l. $340. (213) l.aJ(UOU Ut•:ll'h Wt'f•k ly . Walk to lhl· tx·.11·h rlat.'i.' lt1•ally 4!14 ~704 2br apt CIOSP tu hc·111•h /1.t storns $22.'l wkly 3511 Th:.1.h a, La.: u n ;J .i :..1 ti>!<"' OCEANFRONT ft.·<iut :1 hr. 2 h,1, I rplt• :! l'ol r .: .. r ,, 1!" ,.. u II y f um1~hc'fl $Iii/Cl lo $750 11t·r wc"t-k ·1~LMl!rnl F1•11CJh•. 2!1 :111 wa1111•d 111 ... tir c•xr,.·n~•·~ 1•onll11 on •l('>•an m 1111 $22.'i t ulll ~.:ti "'127, !lf>7 •ltXll/ t'Xl 2:13 La~u11a lie ;11·h . lown :1 Arrh Hu y J BK. 2 BA, vll'w, pvt c'l1mm C'lo~c 111 bl•ac•h. S7llO/wk 644 llU4 Udo .... layfroftt Pvt lxnwh. l.ariw u111l!'l. $:UI to S500 wk fiJ l ·3230 1-·ormer haun t of mov1t wcaL'i Pvt Ocun Point Moe'\1 fanlaStlC' VICW nf l.a.:una . <.;u s tom rumiturc• Sips 5. Adult .. Qnfy S00tJ Wt.'t'k 494 6594; 400-4673 Vocatiolt l...tak 4250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lloust.o for rent. ll1i: Hear City ~IP!' fi. hncns rum ~ rutl'ly pr c·pl Call a.fkr 3 p m $4K 1911!1 ---nu.; BEAil l.ok<•lront Cuban. Sml or l.:c groUJJN. Mar.114/866·7101 La«un•. oceanfront pnv. b eac h , f i s h l n 1o: weekly /rno. Winter Ratel, 489-31U6 Lake Tahoe 4 Br 3 Ba. Avail by Ow wk. Boat ra mp & dock. 552·84711 evet. .... to,SMN 4300 over a ..-uanl artna Nwpt Blvd, 646·8373 <SJ30,000). $575 m o ..... ....,.... .... l~6' ......... ly decor 1 br duplex MISAPIMIS Since1971we have he lped ••••••••••••••••••••••• •:nJS Z,Oto4000sq rt. 111d urft's . Ut1hllcs, 1\1<;& J:iruton;il A1rp11rt /1-h.-cway Act:cs:o. v lfTlnwrrc 1';.1rk N1•wport llt•at·h. 833·AAl3 l'lu:.h dc!'.11o(ner fu ll :.O'f'Vll't ' l'Xt'('UllVt• SWh-•;, 11rt.':'tl1i.:1ru .. Irvine ltx-.1 lion 7 52· K>lllO Nt•wi1ort lleat•h oCc, full kitchen & bath b'7s-4!U2 ONMEWPORT BAY •350to 2000 Sq Ft ....... s. .... •MmWViews .w ..... UDO MARINA VIL.LAM 675-1662 NEWPORT CEMTllt Desiten pla~a luxunous OHll'c! sub-let $720/mo. 64C). 70ill. l:leatiY• S.ih l\vail now, 2 oCrct.'S in NII nr wrport 11 1 22S SQ rt . romcr. 112 155 sq ft. In ten or m htslefully dl' t'or a t e d full ser v ice !!Ille 714·833-9971. ---------Ex~Ulive olfic:es singl" 3 r m s uite. Pr i m e Newport locMioo. Pluah ronlereoce room a v ailw- l*. No lease required. Call 631-0131 ------omcE. Sub leue, C.M 440 sq ft. 2 orflc:es, A/C, c:pt s /d rpa . '200/$300 . ~ll IAST 11t111St. 2 delwce suites, 400 sq ft·1180 11q ft. Gmd Fir . 8IO ai '100/mo. Broker ....... 2400 48l.o467 .... ••••••••••••••••••• ,,... ... b Qut t I Br S:US. Frplc, poolJ Near Nt>w X tra Oh t.howands ot our c lients WT'SCOV• ....................... P1•••V~ l2l4° NO fo'l!~t:! Af:: & Condo ~·la!r~l~sovt>r ~'. jlicuu.l,J.•• bbq, clot1eo ~I~: .. l,.,~rh:~:: rind roomm1lea. We u n 1---------• MOIT•••I Secluded" peeccful lot In ............. ......... =·RkVl I• Rental• Nopeta.125(). 5411.1021. fa:.1~v:'~~~· 2650 skyllitht.s. V:aultcd cell twtp=.i....ns SHAltlt OMCI 875-6'100 '~DOWN AITowhead. Can walk to Ex«. home 2 ~lory, 5 r . 7... Ing~ Obi. attch. l(&r ..,,-,. grJll COW'lle. Leke front bdrm. 21/• ba. frplt, n1c" I BLOCK TO REAC H ........... l -New 2br. 2ba. l wn hae. M••Y Xtra :s . SU!i. m..4L14 (2l3)-.8l4J MODERNBUCLDlNG 4 Plex. Aaaomo. Seller ri«htJJ No •IJl'nllt. C.11 .-ea. No pets t82Stmo. ~3br.3h11w/34'boat ••••••••••••••••••••••• USO No P e ts. 1940 ~3804. Com panion· M a ture ~~~~:!~f!~~ M~l~~~=~rlnt P!~:1~: MTkt-644·5.186 •tt74or963·111M. •Up. '195.640-4919 1t~~~,.!'k~:c~. =~ Wallace,546-MS.day11 NNr M'W lovely apt. 2br. wonwn w ;cu to share GrounaQoor~mo. ~. Gary D 8oal"r Idle item• with a a ke you r 11 hoppl n.c SellWllh EASfo;! llft'V , rolor TV, heat ed 2br. 2ba , Ad ult• On~ Iba. frplc. bltM . W/D Npt homt' w tu m t!. SCOTTllA&.n teiM81or5al·3'88. D-.lly Pilot Clu11ified Ad. eaier by W4ln1uhe Daily ll'sa BREEZE pool. Ulil. <7141 494·&ZM. ICOVe 6 refrt11. pool, $31 hkup, pn y pat & l(ar Room, board & ilalary. 1~71ll :.:·-==Pri:..nc_:lpa=la=on=-IY ______ .;J.::642=·;;;5fm=.====-==;....[=Pl=lot=Cl=U11=l:.:O=ed=A=ds:....:=:.....La~au~tr~ted~A~d~,. 642=.::wrr:.:.::"~:...·==N:.. O>aat.=::::::"=•::Y=·=:_...1..:•::::1::111&::::=::===-.----L-Xlnt....:::.A._rc_a_~_-::·-=54-=5::..Jti04...:'.:.JLNl-te_or_d_a_y _o1_3_ ... _725--...L.:======;::::=- . ··-----··· ... - \ • c,:.r:r•to SclntC'fUI Of .. ._ ..... s.n.1 h9 . PHaoeal Book ....... ~ CUSTOM 1nk't\Uf ~ntry by Jay • 842·._. Ct• P, Ac..ek •••••••••••••••••••••• O M Acou&l1c 1pra). •P. pMd o6d ur ntlW cc1Un11. r•a~r•)'•-fr•• ••l • lli*I ---------• Jt #' ! rt I ~~llGCW1A£.,...illch.tnA _c_d/COMNfe -.......... ••••••••••• Wathroom1-:-at1cil•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ MOIM"J'• fe11eo•11 • penC'lln IC Ulile! W PbUha-cement Orhe•~•· .. arllin11 lot C~1tom fin la._ worla •'CWM..'n'lt' wutli, all ty~ •Repairs ·~•koia11n~ ~ rTaflamm ,..,,.t" 542 2182 IJ1"d/bond.-d •LIC' Nit. C M S it C'llll ~--~ti4A 41ttt ~/Comm I ~nY m .r .......... jobi tc.a.on11blc Jofll\ ··········"············ :i.11"*2.~042:• My homt<, ht. day Of' v.._ly. vw :Mtft St1Raloo11 IJI, Nii 81:.. noo 11 ~r or IV)wls ~-r ,.,II h1tbY"I CM h.im.• SJSWIH :>t() 7:w7 hi•hvs1tt111.i my h11m1•. l v vt' & 13r •'. t'\ p('nffiN'd 642 ~ hinnSenke ••••••••••••••••••••••• tilakpg, payroll t u t''. fllUllM'. 11tlmlb. mon· N R itrell lO yrs 11.13 IU98 OI~ 160 Hunkrupi•y JlO Ad ion Lt-gal Tn>m.: *2MOO •'lnr1iw1al managt•m1•11l loan bank, SBA & t'(jUll) f1n<tnt·1ng 1>1 v1·r~1f11•cl ('orp Servin·~. Joe· 7:12 01110 l'f'r•onal r anH•n\rv PatMJI\, dt'<'kl>. f1·n1-.•i. 111 door work t•l l' 1>11\<r ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shlimr•uo • 11\1•11111 1'11-.111 lU..ir l>Ml(hh•ne·,., wilt cpU. IO mm blt"at:h l'kun hv, din rm, hu ll $1!> 1h I.I rm f1 ~. ('CIUdl $10. j•h1 ~ Uuar t•hm pt·t udur (.'pl n:piur, I ~ )r:. t·111>r ~ WU(k m yi.t:lf. ttd:. ~I UIOI w ... \~n· Cet~t 'll'llrll'I' Stt-11m <'lean l\lso u1• hobll•ry Work J!Ua r 1'ruc:k mount u111t 1-'r Ult, rca:. rat(':, 045 :n lti c ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• HoeJm ,1dl11t1U11:.. rt· mod1•l1; (;1·11 ('on ·~ 7)1 '/64117!>.! ;!(1. lhperifl •.•.•.•.....•..••..•..• l'l\'lt 'llWOl<K l'Al.J\('t: Ur .. l)c f lt•.., wvo l.1 ~. llllnd.'> Lo.-( tJl>l :.1•rYll'tl 0044Yll Drft ..... ldng .........•...•.•....... MI SA KO '~ C rto alln· l>rl-ssmak1ni.: & Jltc:ra l1vns l'u~to na Wo t k 64(). 7322 for uppt Bectrical ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:i.1-:e nu 'tAN l'n•·1 .. 1 nght frel' cs t1mau on lari.:t· or slT\llll JOb" Lw 11337254 673 0;1~.!I Eh•11 nt·rn11 l\csl ratt•-, w nod r \"II(' cs . I( u tt• 11 • occ Student 1 Ton trtJ<• k ~~bit! raM Trllllh, lr\!ll tnm. Oun kf f1'... 642-3?.34. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca-.uu.c hi\!, ._rdwood , t·11rpel• 6 v1nyl11 L1r l:.otl\r •)It IWil lnstllll Ul 7 daY!l. S31 lt440 Giw••· ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------1111unn.i 4' ckianmic Uavti dwmp tri.te k MH%TI -G-'-ARA_C_E rtl!:ANJN!'; Will Haul Or Clean AnyUun2 962-L4li2 -----Ha•1dumng ••••••••••••••••••••••• Want a Rl!:ALl.V GL t-;AN llOUSI!:? Cull Gingham Girl t-ree t.'hl 645·5123 Uatderung. rle11n·u~ & p ... • H I l4!nd:>cllvang Georl!c .o .. rn s ouser e unani: H>Ullbl !'14S-7(172 Srvc. for ;i lhuroui:hly _ _ ___ dean house 540·°"57 •Vfo:nv LOW l'RICt-::.~· Ull huxl.S4· ave ma ant Uwt'Rt' 5'19 l!IJ15 ('ll'an ups , H a u l1 ni.: l.andi1cap1ng Immel! iwrvu:ang. 642·~ _ Japanese gardener. gardcnmg, rlcanuv. lrt:e trim 75 1 07311 Sam Ni:>hlmula llomc Pndc Garden1n.: clt•un upti. haulawuys, phtntin~ ~-17~ 1-'rol' Japane!.c gurdt•nl'r, IUll.'n'I, spraytni::. tr(•{'-., l'I t• a n · up &c m a 1 n t 5'11.{1;115 <.1t•<tfl lllti, lrN' tnmm•nl! & l<iwn Monthly !>t'rYtl't· <:<ill a-.:rren !17!1 ~ F'or f'X t't'lll'n t:" 1n t~clcanin~. Ch:un111~ Uol11nilt.>d ['46 3726 C<lM Clca nm.: S1•n11·t· Stlt't'IUllY for l'l>M & HI r<.-sl<lenLo; 675 1909 DANDY DUSTERS Wkly or I I tm1• maid Sl'r v1t c Val'Jnts <iur Spt'l'lalty . W•tlls. WIO <low~. s t e am n 1rp••t dean 8on<led1Jns lfrls foh'(: l'Sl. 24 hr i.erv 7 dyi, !'i:.il 4100 MY MAID e ffll'1enl. rt•h:ahk. n · u."inalil•-. rl'f~ tj'/J !M4:! Spnn~ Clt-ani11~ S1><·•·1·ol Hr : off Ill h11UM''> & ·•IJI 1kK11· profL-ssiun.1llv 111·. 5.'ll 01().') 2 ttm; + hall SH :;() .lunt· i.tcam deun bJltWial ind •~llor hn1.1hh·111•r s:1v1• ~ •. bkett'h :nail lor all n1kir t:l'J>L'> c;uar 1'11m Jll'I 111kK Uvhol d1•11n1nl!. SN1l<'hJ!ard "'ully Ills H1·h ,.-,...,. ,.,, ~4 hr 111.•sl workrnans tuµ Sml GeMt'al Ser•lcH l'1•dar ('rpt t'l ... in ·g st.-am ·~hitrnp1K1 w111lo~ ws hi.1, fi r wall '1!. 1!1·111 d 11'j! st'r He•o,11•01111. \ t y r..nl>I Simon "/5 1 H!151 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C<trpt•ntn l''r1•c 1-:.,1 l\11 y :.11..1• Jobs C'all l\llan or Tun)' 646·H64!1 HILARY 675 7247 Office Retlfal lK'rY 7 (lys wk 5..'12·41Uti CAHP•:T l)(K.."l'Olt 1-~X IK'rt 1·arpN I fl SI all a l11tn, s p1•1•1ali.e 1ni.1 1n hoaL~. t•ars. vans Call SI 1•\lt'. 171<1 I 11211 k7till art1•rlil'M JOl.._ pr\'ft•rr,1~ ti75 KJ.\~ ••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • 'l'r11vcll'rs Ell-<.:tnl' & !Wm. I n \' n I's I ).! n • M ii Ill tcnanc-"' & H1·t11Ch•11l1al LI<' & 111.1'Urt'il l'l•ll bt II.II 71\M 71'M.1"1l 1503 VACANT HSI-: & l\l'T 111\LJI, l.1,El\N Kt-:1 1/\IH l 'AINT I.OW t;OS'I' ~:!!.'><!or 646 114 IJ ,.·1nJ what you want m Daily Pilot Cl 11>4"l11·al ... 1-; ;< µ r 1• I 1 ;, h I , hOUM·kl'Cµl'I s CJll J•&(' lfll ~.7 5300 Lost & Fowtd 5300 4400 llllMH• ~ ..........•.••..••..••• ~ ........ , MaRey W..ttd 5030 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lost&Found ............•..•....... . .•....•..•....•.•••••• ~--~-~ ..... ,O'T"lrtrl~ • .,.+,....t-f.t....--. ....... rt.J~ .............. ~. la.I or Found a 1wt '• t ·.111 I\ n 1 mu I As" t, t .1 n 1 1• I .t·a~Ut' 537 w:1. n<1 f,.,. 1-'0 UNU Whitt• JlUJlf•V a11x G moo-. \ 11•m1t) •11 . J' ian u11n• M ,11• \rt :\l ,11'11•1111 I. 1\l l.1111.1 Wk .• :11, .. :1.1J !)';H l~I I-' I> ~I -,. I) 'I; 1• •' I llri111khu1 '>t I'. ~l.1 11•1 .-.T.-n $ecWlt)' & cure while )'OU'rc not lhl'rc. $40 wk l>'~ FuUy lic'd "insured . MS-M181t2. ---------f!:r\JC>y Tahiti. Wiii boats1t nr houses1t for you. tWf11. b~7UJ· -~------ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Robeff.- .... WK• Anoc:iatn, Inc. ls1 r111w ~rv1c1• at a (air llfll'l' Person:il & <'om Olerl'1al ti'75 0~ ~' THE HARTFORD L.-dlcapinfl ••••••••••••••••••••••• J:ipanl'se LJndsl'uµl'r nl'w hom 1·~., r e land spnnklns 10 yrs t'xiwr. lo pnt"t:. hl' & bonded No boru 5 JI ll l til or 897~ Ll't lli. lns t<ill a N t;W L .:1 n d s t: .a µ l' 11 1 ltt-:.JI 'VE:-.11\TI-: Thi• C>ltl () 11 l' l'" n tr l.i 1· 11J6441it ea 11 114:, m 11; ••••••••••••••••••••••• l:!n<·kwork small Joh~ 'll'Wp(}rt, t'er..tJ ~,,.,_, (l,i In uw 615 Jl7fH·H s llrwk, ~lrnw. lll11l'k work lilt· I l1111r :-. 1·.0111·r 1•ll' t•all"'· ~.tlk-. dr"" "·1)' ,..rt·,· •·sl J o h11 >Wi l ~tK:I 1\ll 1>'1''' ot rrl""'"n llh">, J1;Jll11', jloll h i I'll\ ••r,... hlk walls :-r1/i !mio Block. brick. slumpstonc wall:; • planll'rli. ah,o brick pltllo's. reasonubl)' pnc-ed. l~c"tl 41 bonded &b, 541.zr~. us 9908 Cstm ma:;onry. brll·k. ~-blOCk No Job t()O Ml'Wll Sll'Yl' ~o or M1rhael 960 :tl2ti ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Or (,'ty 1'nx-kmg f'M'11.1hl h 111 ~ m <i t e• r r « I ~ • funutute Call 95:>·2654 --. PainffncJ/PatMriftCJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pt:'fEftS PAINTIN<; t-.:x pr d ltt'O'> H<1t1·'> !-'rec· Es t <.: ,1 ll G l' Ii\' 55:! (HS8 J-'ru( µa1ntm1oe 1-:xt & 111t Low ralt·!> llels l"rc1· est 5.1G 47HO. s;u; iJ:lH3 l'a1nl1nl! I NT 1-:x 1' Neal. hunc:-\, r .. ;,s . I ~ yr, I')( p 1.1t"d lJd \ l' !~ ll>'I~ 1.nt l1c11nt & v.all1>a!)\•r (Juul work. n·J:. pr I-hot· ~l Steve r.-17 4:.!!S I Fin•· t·xwr l'amltnl! hy I< Sanor Sl h1· ms T1 y mt• >l3f; ~~'>.')5 ;!.\ hr~ ~:xn:u . l'/\I "rtM: llh" ralt'" l-r1•\'t·s1 Z'>IK-t11Jt, E x 111 11 l~uf\ont.tl ~ 1·11111rn1·11•1.tl JI ,1 I 0 I I II I' I" I I' 1• 1·,l1tn.11\•' fll•i. I ,1l\'' 1\ ma11 s h11m1•1-. h1-. l'.t~.ll\· ('all 'I E ll at Paint Yow Castt~ ,.,,, .1 lrt't· l·~.l. 1111 1·1<1 1 ~1· Ill!> lliJntl1'fl H71 :1:•7:! P&llllJna ln&/Ext. Quabty Guaranteed root repair11. wortc Is nt.nal. ~ all typee, rock. bol lar. ..Umatc.Mi-~ C!OmllO" woud. free ~til AU.r....,.... ~:;.e•per N&-•»1 Neau• J.mCOmpl. -F. $350 Jn f,i!50 A Ul25 Hoofmg, excellent wo rk, -:X ·-.:._ ~ IOw prices. Satisf1t(ilon Pauit·Enenors. Beat All guar fo'ree est . 549·8674! Pncei.. Proof Jobs 1..abl lO Years Lu'# 363090 T•uiai• ........ Wl~Anyt.ime ••••••••••••••••••••••• <.:olor e d TV Serv , ...._./l.,air s pe<:1ahs l . all hrand~. ....... •••••••••••••••• duyi./cvt!s & wkn<l,.. N4:at pat1·hes & l<'xtur(•s 84&-9467 AtHEST. 193-1439 TrwSenk;--- l~hK'Co, Spun1~h t1·x lure. pat.t•hcs 11111 /l'XI 1 $.57 tflOO ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pluml11ni.! n •puar S111·t· 111 n·modt·hni.: •·•1f.lpl•r rt· flCVt' ,.Tl'(· 1·).I T11µ JI JI Plumhu1K <;,;n Jl!M Q\Ml'k & dt·pn1da hlt'. mu:-.l watcrh1:ah•r' r•·plan·d S25 0 H St ('lair·!> l~J5t~I IJ fl St Cl;.1r·, l'lum1>111u $12 µr hr /\II work J!WU'anlt..._-d 645 3503 Ret11>det & bpair ••••••••••••••••••••••• W1•'rl' rcmool'lmi.! lhe• h1.: wtul•· hou.-,1· 1•l>iw•· 1111! <'onma w,.' II n ·m•11l11I your hou.~e· ,,,,,. M~ :~HI Roofinq ··············•••······ f(.,paar & Ht•r11•JI All I ) j) l' ., ... h I " I! I I' ' r111·k,h,1k1·' '""'"" 1.11 1•)'1•1 t''I ~..II :1\1:10 "111 ,\\'Jtl Ill•· l.1:.l1•'t dt.1"' m lh" ...... ,1 .1 llJtl\; l'iltol C'l; ...... 111~1 "" I.I:! :11o111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tnm. top. rl'mov1• trct·~ 1\11.o landi;cu pt• IV '>J)rinklcr. Mt:Wt'c 111·\ 64.'>SUM Typinc) Serwic~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• U' (Jf(1rc> !o*r v1tcb. l'rul . t)'J>ln~. t.crm pa1iers, n • S UOH•S t·t·· LIJUI \•• .Jtl~1t11. 642 724!1 lnw l'•~t lypang or ldt·o hl'<il on 1oemal h•ttt•rs 1111 your Mlcrh\·ad. 1-'rcl' 111 fo Wt•n<ly 751 G89:t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Window dcanm.:. h1j.(h1·,1 standard Spcnalu.m.: 111 h"'llCS/aplt-5S2 4443 Window Tinting .....•......•.......... Window folm d1:.1·111 ~l"I' l:11h·. 1•11111 yr hni & r1 tlun· l!IJr•· ;11111 '"' 1 ' :,4\1 a-111 You tfon't m·•·tl .1 l!un '" ·11r.1w I a~I ' wht•n \ 1111 plal'f• .Jll ~"' Ill th•· u ;otll l>ilot Wa111 Ad:.• <'all 1111" t•t:! ~)1;1H Jc0s Wanted. 7075 ... W~ 7100 Ht4pWC!ltfeod 7100 Ht4pW~ 7100 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ................... '"'·-·-·-·-·,...·-·-·+.:-•.;...••.;.•.;.•;....•_•_•_• _ •• _._._._._._._._._. _. ·-·~·-·~·-·-·-· ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· ._._._._._._._. ___ _ TEENAGER "''''"'mts kt·•· 1'.n l· 1111 W;1n1 .. 1•1111 -,1ru1·t111n ~H 1-., 1'11 an up •it" v.1111 >Nrork ( M 'II II ,1 r•-.1 • ,v\l .. J M7 11111''. ·" •·u1 1\1• I\ IW•I $1 , .... , hr s.rnl.1 '"·' •• ,.. ... 54!1 7~,z.o Su-,w •ASSEMBLERS,, Hahys1tl1•r fltr I yr ulol \1011 I hru l"n . t ull 11111,· ('e!ht.1 M1~;1 ~ 1~25 /\t:l'oMLtJ'IVI·: CouriHylus Ht·1H'h full :.c•r v1l't' •. ,. \.'l'llllVC :\Ulll.'. :1 In ch v1dua l 11H11·1.,; nu~ •. 1v;ulC:1hlc . i\11 am1·n1t11· .. 11wlu1kd rn m1111t h 11 month rental M;w/\rthur al J amh11r1·1· t:Xt-:t:UTIVI-: UOW INt: £'\ttthhi.ht•tl , s un·s-.ful 11 u s I n ... s s s I' r v I I' ,. c Mai.1r11•s1tl' 1 ltc-ady to •·xpantl a n 1J 1ur ron ,. .. J1d<itl' w s t11hle 111·r..4!fls •1r 1•0 ~1s sol1· or ad)IJnl'I Io liUO>llll'Ss i M !flU Z:JOO l'fl 1 n · t•a p1 a r11·1·1 1• . Sfill ,0110 lo 1·1>m11l t•t1• m1lh1111 dollar whol1·-,;1lt· & rl't,ul ~11ort111g 1-wo1ls hus AHrh;1tl'd with 1ir11 ft-o,lclfl .. I 'llllrt.'> & SJIOrt~ hi.:un~ lnvt~tur l'Jll lw 11111 v1• ur 1niH·l1v1• hul Will o.,(•rvo• m c•orpor111t hoan1 1·apar1ty 'fhc aotal rn~r<itn will ht· mt.-rna l1111wl m st·o11<· lit n ·turn:. t11i.:h Call Ihm B rian 547 ~737 l'nnc·1pals only plvn.w N1·wvort W1•0,t II uni inJ..'lon fil';wh. L•11.1ks l1k1· SamoVL'll <:<i ll \16:1· lll:Jli ~·1·m 1111 1• 1'" II 11-. • w " h 1l1· 111 .11 k 1111: ' I Http Wanted 71 00 1\1·1·01111\' l<1•t •'I\ .1hi1• ( 'h•rk fur :\ JJI lkh 1 li1h ~ unw K :11rt.t1 :111111 \\1111 lhrn ~T1 Xlnt ""rk1n1· I'll\ 1riinmc•n1 I .111 lt11 •• ,., .. 1~1:1 !.U/411•\l .iJll •TRAINEES• Omni!'-' ( 'ounl\ ntl~•t 11t 1·1~11 r11 111"1·11.1111•1,11 1iro •h ... 1t_:, h ,.••••kHU' If.ti"+••·~ for dav ~h1ft 111 .. ~.,1·ml1l1· 1·1t'l1rtHlll' '" 111h•·'1'!; d1-, pJ.1" i\JIJllV Ill 111'1 -.1111 Dri•er 1~l2 1170 NEWPORT ILVD. <.: M offll'c sp;11·•· l'ri µal.lo ~ l lJ /l!f;l lt!lfj7 Tl-:NNJS SllOI' Xlnt N H an•a 101· 1'111' brands lhi.1h µrof1t. luw Ovt'l'twad 67:1431:11\~'t 1. l or 3 olfll'~ on Balbo<i Hlv1I. m•ar Mum S t "'mm 400 to IJOO sq ft muu· for sah•. M1:-lii1v11 •:a1·h w1lh pnv balh & Vll'J" :m·a 4 day wvrk Swimm mg ptoul .,..n 11·1· ~s. Trutt ~ 5035 shower 64l·~iZ3 wk. Goud nt•t Sl!HIOll 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Forslore & olfll'e spal'c a l ~asonable ratt'S. 500 to 5000 Sea Ft. M~I\ V1':1un: l>H PL/\ZA 1~ Mt.-sa Vt·r<k t-:, <.: M 545-4123 Nt•wporl Mamwr'!> M lie Muilcm 502 'Q fl s tort• 01 offu•l' ~Ill {' I\ von LO\\ n·nt 21.31477 7001 .INTREPREMEUR F.q1.1ty • Ot.•bt • Part1wr SSOtpttal Available SS f<>f' <Teutive h1Rh returns invest men ts. Chain or multiple de11li1 desired. 1-'rank Vincent. 549-83U!t Direct nwn salc-s force Hi!'(' people . l>t>term111t• 1 nt 'Offle. Slnlt II m Ill a I m ve:;tmenl. Trammg pm VIC1fd. Call Joan K1rk 55&-8l46 l'llet.>dlec ra It itl.V:it m :. t Val'ancy down\nwn SMake.rm b··\.y'stif:>ni·t r llWll H..·m·h :rn1 M<i1n uit ,. ~ Mma mall !J60 15:,x O!Rta Mesa. Ai;it 548·75:10 l\t<'r <iAl.Lt-:UY or (II' FICE SP. w1lh n·rcp t10n1:,\ & ani.w crini.: s.-rv1l'c. fo'rom l<IO Stl ft lo L'iliO :sq ft. 298 lil't)adway. l..aJ.luna Heh 493 mo I~ SQ ft hld1oe for bt• I! 1•11r park.mg spa1•cs. Bm.y :.tn.'t.-t loc. 700 W. 19th ~t . Clt>la Mc=;a . ~'>7 ~I U'f11·c & shop 1100 s~. rt Xl11l loc. 17:J6 l\Jaaheun Sl . C.M 673-~~ .... trial Retltal 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAGUNI\ 1111.1.S·two ad Jm• !'illflO sq ft M· I un1ls. m•w lildi:. l\fC ofrt-. fmnl~ on Moulton, 11r 1.a11,· t'orcst , lc a~c: liy owner ~J.'H "''" l.aKWla 11111:. Unc 51JOfl ~11 ft M· I unit:.. 111·~ hldJ:. A/C 0H1t:t• "'rrtnh on Mo ulton n r I.a kl' t'on·st l.~c by owur ~I-I~ ~ GROS..'i. Nt.•w r,;i0o :.q fl tJlt up free i;landm~. llB _l..aim~r Rily 549.2330 PARkUDHILL l'cl store & .:r o11111 Jlk·w1.1ort. Ask for ROC'k)' l\sO.. !'.56· 77111 ... ,, ......... OpporfWlffy 5015' ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnv1..,lors nt•t:dl'<I. l\pJ1rox 'lJ1;. not um. ~hort H·rm. 7517&11or75<! m 1 Mrihey toJ,.oan 5025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fNEED fMONEY • cam1THO f'ROILEM 2nd & lrd TD loon• S47-S402 Arrani?t'<I by Coast HOMt Loa.tt MONl'.:V A VA I LAllU: /\n > purpo s e . an y :.unuunt. Mr llur~raVI' .vtNEjUow nl4195t-3.5.15 :ll.000 sq fl ht>a1l4uarter:-. 500K t • 0-1 R L' olfice. rest!Mrch & dl'· o l m 1 · o:. vctoemenl. Light Mff.:. Develop. Con1Hrucl & facilities. Prestil(e IOl· nr tMke out. Inventor y. re Npt & S.D f'rw~. Now ce1\'1tblcs fin Dus ex W)derconstructJOn. pand Unbankahlc nur call Al Johnson. s~alty. 547·57:r7. IJon ~-~lftc. &i1&n. 1 41'7 • ....S.WIHG--Lo·.· .. ·s- J"or rent Commerciul Unit a, " Officti. ooo sq. ft. WTltuSTDHO S125 tmo. 829 W. 17th. St. ('()Illa Mesa. 546-0660 LOAMS ON ••••••••••••••••••••••• .-...-W..e.d 4600 llSIDetTIAL PIOHITY Re1pon slble, working w r I t e r see k s on e Customb.ed to bedroum collage in MC.'(.'t YOURnt.~s· Corona del M1tr or CostM I.I. o.T. Meaa. Q'9etne5s efisen· SAMTIAGO IAMM taal Write Classified Ad 714/IJJ.HClO •U. Dall~ Pilol, P.O.,. ______ _ Boa 1560, Costa Mea11 1 _________ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• lOWEST lntenstR•s I st T.D. '1, alt0 2nd T.D. LoaM. f'a1rf'Sl Terms SIOl'l' 194U SatM.t-MtCJ. Co. 642-2171 545-0611 EQUITY LOAMS "'or l\ny Purpose· N<• ~nts Call TEK ,..lll<Jn rial at I 734 :llfiO Eai;y monl'y $111,000 111 $1,(Ul.t.l(Jtl. f• 0 Hox 10:.!J, !>ll·wport lk·at·h. :12662 SfJ,J. YOUH Znd TD TO l'VT PAHTY & G ,.;T Mott K &t2 J.'>73 t.lllY AVAILABLE lndTD /\Nb - SWl~G l..OANS . IN'J'l-:Hf~TONtY Oil J-'UU.. Y /\MOHTIZEO .. ~·Ht·11lly R. f: HHOK 1-;K, 900-1%7 22 MON'nt 2NU T .O $1 1,(UJ noh-St.'('Urt:d hy a ~.I.IOU NPwporl Wc~t l loml· SI 1.mo down pay mt'.111. 10' .l mlt'('t:Sl, 15': d I s 1' II u n l H 0 n Ort/Hrokcr9fi:J k:r11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PENNY PINCHER ADS 9NLY S2 So•ll any llc.:m or rom bt11;ot11H1 of items fOf' S7:, or l1·~i. with a P\'nny l"ul<'he•r l\d J hnn for 2 L'OOS4!C'Ul1Vc.: d11yi. t:ach adt.11l1onal hn\' •~ 60' for t.IM-20ay~. Chdrgc 11 • N1J<'ornmcrc1al ad!> 1-'tir mon: 111forma t 111n ..00 w pl:.cc your ad rall· 642-5678 SCIAM-l.ETS ANSWERS Tingje-Wel"h -Drone -Trudge - IT DOWN .... ISlo·cbemaat-a ll'y " I am reading a book ......, W..eM IOJ ~ levitation. It is ao -•••••••••••••••••• fMCinatioa. I can't put wtte/aune Med houaina b'I Harbor' att• for u moa atartan1 July . No cbUdrea. Call Antunlk codat 312/&t0-6298 ITOOWN. ~RT PACIFICA ....... ,..._. SJOO ~~~ud~~ ...................... . $75,000 to comple t t --------• nnabclnc on po11lblf Hl-:W/\RO tu whom••\pf h1·lps f ind j!old 1·h .1111 n1•t•kla1·l' w 1<.lium11111I pc·mlanl. Lost or s tolt-11 111 t-: m •· r a I d II .1 > IJf>.AAH 7000 •1r la\!I i:l I I l'n·f fml ... hr h 1·:1 u1 hs 1·d1k1.• <ipt ;! 111( w/baths Xtras 1Ja11J l't 493·5.'fiO LJ~I'· Wh1t1· <;htk' •l't11nt SlalTll-:;e· 1·:1t. M•m. 5 /l H, \llC of V1~1ci Omada. l·:.1st Bluff,.. Heward t'•tll tiMJIMl37 FOUND Sm ~h1t1· f1•m l'oodlc> m 1"' t'lnst•ly d11>1x-d. In)! t uil & curs V11· 2:!nd 10rnnl:(\'.l:M Call 641i JJl12 I'' 0 U N U . Ii I II fl • VICINJTV 01-' Hl'l'll «< MONHOVI /\ C'M Call & ldentJfy, 64f, ~~I LOST·Sm wh1ll' m a l1· 1k11!. Sh•1r1 hair, fllljl)IV t•ar... lonl! la1l. n1•wan1 714~ - HF:W/\RD 1.osl f, rno . frm. !i2-Sbe1lhcr1L '.:.. J)ohcrm<in. Nr (~;irf11•l•I & IJcrll'h flhd. JIB l'b call :"-46 l:t:Hl f.t.f\l Bra1·l'lt•l VI<'. Hus t.Y f'f>bc·an Scnt11n1·nlal v11luc Reward li46 4!1711 f,.'il ~. J1t>l. Hlk & wl; r~·uterc·tl M Cal . l y r:. old . He~urd !16H·J!ll7 HH (j~ · l'nnt ~ofa t•ush1or1, 11.wn lrvanl' & Orani.:c S\, CM 646 7!1.tJ -· ~-- $100 ltl-:Wl\llf> for ICl).I ( Nr l•;llml!t'r & r-:udHl 1 mill• nc•utcrc-d Ulu1•11rnnl Saamt'l>•' Cn·> & wh1t 1· No front 1·laws Vny tinl!hl hhw l'l'01''il't1 l'Yl'S Jo:ictr~mcly J!<•ntk In door 1·at onlv · llas wht Oc>a c•lr 5:SI '1 w:s. 1f not htm"' pis Iv ms.:. l"OlJNl>-Ue·aut f1·m dad\Shun<l an 1-·v 1Wt•s1 m arca 54~ 9244 1962-077.~ eVt!S. 3 rinJ,!i.. lal11ci. r s l rm Art>y's. Bndf.:cr Ave. fl/1 Lunch. Senllmcntal vul. REW/\RD.tl.17-4333. I LQ,'T Mln1 <.:ahc-o •·al, v1r .. Hluffs". "Brid.:1d" fiM· 13 l 8 ; 64().1>489 LOST: White fo'cm <.:ockapoo Vic. Baker & Babb St. CM RelovNt family pet. C>oi.: need:-. medication & :;pcc1al dfot Hfo~W'1\HD ~ 1979, ~3301 an 5!r7l·6442 FOUND· Yit lloberman Pln'lthcr Vh· 5'•ushorc & Hil(hlttind. N U t;4 2· 3067 1-'ound NB l\namal Shelter . 644-36561548·2153. Claim er adopt: Blk Poodle drk giy Lhasa, wht Poodlt!. wht/blk Ak.it11 mix, whl Rabbit. wt\lCal, kittens Found: Auatr. Shepherd type d oM• vie. Gov· emer /Nal I, CM. 646.WI "#:::CW-' ....................... mulll·miltion dollar mov le. "111ber deta1la call (1\4) 95'1.o:m:- Found. 6/2, Fem Irish Seller . co rn er 17th /Tustin i\ve, SA 841-98'..R ' fOIJND ADS Found-Ab-andoned--M-othcr ~ .. fr!.~ .... ?~ The 8ecoad lhte Inc Above tuter boat clean· la1 Ir ,...,.., marine malntenanc.. Lookln1 b ...,.. &o take ovtt •t•bltshed Dana Pt. lortlUam. •1111. IDr fRE£ eat 6 lllt~. Free to AK ~~-CalL A~ 12".JlldT.D Calf: f'ound Brwn/wht m 11le ...... MJ.1671 E n11l1h Spri n ger •.ooo well •uNd by Spaniel. Mesa Vllrde IO% eqwty in prime .,.$45-1516 Oruce Co. Owner e>c· TrllCk o&d 111 ~ IWiadaJc:e. 0.11 5:i1 ~ tt..rn11 with a yowd I st I: h f(M' M. 644-7211 eo"'9. Claul/1ed Ad. &e.:S1fi!f ad~:.2;,8 • !•~> H1 UJ •••••••••• • • • • •• •• • • • •• Mmte-r S~dalitie' h.W ~11111 •l"IJ , l \1 1-. 0 1-. ltlt·al !fir S l'lrll rt•l1ri•d \1u:-.t hav1• v<ih1I \':olll •ln,, .. r .., 111·1•11,1· Xl111 • om11a11 l1t·n,.f1h I '1111 tat1 .Jam M11rfd l al 1-'()l 'Nll Fo ·m '>In 11,111• h.llrt'll 1)(()1 hlk tft1j! \II' Uu~hJr<l & llJOlllfl,.; !Ji."I 7 IJCI Jft :1 1-'(JU'\il> M 1\1·1". 1111111111 Approx :1tn•"' \'11• M;.1111 & Yorktown X.lli :n:JI 5350 .....••...••.•••.•..... JU-:1.1\XIN<i M1\Ssi\1;1<: llnh.Janw-. l.11· Ma:..,..ur (M c-all !I !1. 4!"1 !jl 11 MICHELLE'S •Outcoll• llA.., l 1U1 Jf!l~-:17~·1 •FOXY LADY* I >l il'('1\l.J, (INI. Y •972-1138• l'Kt:(;Ni\NT" I .11·111 ).!. t'<mf11l1•rl11;ol 1•1111t1'.l'h11J., & rt·f1·rr;1I Ah11r1 11111 •• 1tlt11J lU>I) fY J..f'f'Jllll~ l\l'f '1\ln: ~ritual Reader uc1 .. s 1<.11 • •• m11111 llt•;ol S.U1 l'lt•mc111c·. l<'ulh lw For AppL •1!1l..1ZJti •Sllt-:Ht L,.:t-.• 1'..r11hl<il M.1-.~t·11·,1· llOU.'>t't·.olls II\ 1\ t•l'l. tt:J!I 111.~ I 'hy-.11·al m.cl>,,1i.:1• h v he· II rra;Js.-.cur t1·1·hn11·r;1n I'.. II l\pJll 11 Kl'M r>'\X ~l'i MAIL CENTER OPENINC ~OON P 0 OOJllO& IWAllAUI { MAI.I-: >Niii 11t1 1lll)J lt1111' llw 1l for S!u.mo 7:,7 l):Jlil COUNTRY GIRL •ESCORTS• DIVORCE .~~~,! .. any11n1-. no matkr whn1· mirm.-d or wht•rt• sf)l111M· 1s, frtoe infl/rmatmn. 1•all Lo1Jay 842-3244 Lovelv Ladifl 11wrr1' Cl.l\SSll (24hr I model<> & cs1·orts S<'r\llCl'. 535 5!18.1 r.t IOMI 5-nicff 5360 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tra ve lin ~ 11u<-rtilitry A\'311. Thurs 8 : :lO Sat ltJ>M. Hrendu 119-1 7~~1 ·t.-= ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... w ....... 7075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f')-ench istudent w1sht•s to live w / f•mfly mid June to nud Sept. Babys11t1ng & late h o u bewor k . 832,2256 al\er 6PM. Let me brlahten your ewnm,", sharp man, new car. avail as ~ or companion . Dayti 754·9ll04 evs 96.'>·009S. M ake your s hnpplnll easier by us ing the Daaly Plklt Claasiftt.'<I Ads. ........... !-.har1· 11mt· 'I h1• llg1·n1 \ has hud lhl' IH·-.1 mv11th 111 Uk.· l.'.i veJr'> m U1l' hu~1 n~.,,,., "ith Tlll\NKS 111 Jll <IF Veil ' l\p1111111tmt•nt I Inly Ernrituyn~ h 1y /\II 1-'1>1·~ !JI. k••1nt.ll•rs l\j.!em·y 4Q'lO l.ltrl'h , t-i.~;1lJ ·1~1 N t>wpi1rt Jll·a l•h,'RJ3 kl!W1 a1·1·11Unll1Jll Ornn.:c County ma nuf (.'(1 st•cks 1nd1vicluu l w Lh1• knl)Wlt·d i.:c of a• c-ru.11 a<'l1. i.: 1 a ll1hlv to m1111t.1111 •111 f11n11 mn·-; uf /\1·1<11unlrng. on a mtni 1 llOl)I ~)'I (; d t '11 IH•t1•·f1t .... Salary opt·n 1>1:1 5.'> 70. M:CO 'NTIN(i GENERAL ACCOUNTING <'o' llobh1<'S, ln1• hao; an 0111'HU1~ Jn ~1·11cr;.1J at • 111111t 1ng <'andulall•' s tKivhl ha\1' 1·i.p.·n1·1w1· rn :.ah ·" rt·1111rt -. .11 tc1Unl!> p ;J\ ;11111• l1•l lt•rs of (Tl'lllt <.llltl M1n1t' l1t11)k kl'l'Jllllr! l'u:.11 11111 rl'IJUI n · .. :1 Ii y1•ar~ 1•x111·ri1·111•1· 1n ·• mCt11uf;u·tunng 1·n'P-f'11n ffil•nt w1lh :.omt• 1· 1111'1:''. Ii.· ,,.I( moll\;tl• 1 "11111 ~ht• ahrtlty Ito work llh nlanltl\UITI Mllll'rVt!>IO l Fur a l'Ol\f 11l1·nt 1a I "' lt'r v11·w app h 111 tlt'r. nn or 1-.111 114 !•i\li ~.:,I cox HOBBIES, IMC. A Sob:-11llary of l~·l'uri' llvnamu·s. ln1 1~.ct1 I-! Wnmn Avl• S:antli i\na, Cu. 9't7t)5 1-:0 ,.: ~Lv Ac-t1~ Bkkf.1111.: TEMPOHl\llY Heglster 'today lo work on vunous accounlanA & hookkccpin~ a ss 1i:in mcnts Work l'los•· II) your homt: /\<'l'tll d crk!>. tw111k kt•cpcr". a t:t'llU n !ants art' nt-toekd lhruvut Oranl(e County Call u. flJl' more anfurmutmn. Hobert tlalf's occCMllltet11p1 23J3 No Hroudway •200. <.:oldw1•ll Hankn Rid~ .. Santa Ana 17141835·4 I 03 ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR 1:.·rt1fw<1 full lllTI!' \11 .. a Vt'l <It· ( 'oo \ .1 lc·,r1·r11 1,1, I O •nl"r :-Ol l' M 5'\X ~'.~:. • AdrHHs-Adors •/\II Al:"l> /\II 'rH1t'' • •CNo Jo:x111•r N1·1· 1 • • llvllywoCJd Tal1·nl l>ar Now'rakmg /\ppl1t·at1<1n;. i\nyon" ant1•n •,tt·•I 1 n • Muvll':-o ur 'l1•h•\ 1:.11111 •<'all "S 1\ 1\1 • W1· \ ,. hf.,.n 111 o.,h11"1111 "nr1· l!lli:J •63J.l2J:J 1·x1 :1~ S<·ri'i.•n /\rt1s1 s M,::m11t Amwerinq Senice f'llX fJIJl'ralur~ fur .1 lt•ll'1Jhun1· .111 ,wt•r1 n~ '>t'r\ lt'e• CXfll'rll'nl01•al HI will tram f'\111 t1m1· or tlar1 111111· sh1fh ·" ,111.1 lilt• I h1 ys. .1tll'r11t11111 e•\<1•nlll~' 11r ~(cl\!' \ ,1raf Mu-.1 llf• ;1l1lt• tu ~ 11rk :iunw W<'eh·mb 'J'.,) 1•1111! 35 wpm n·11u1r1·d :\tan' \'\I l1t•n1•f1ts .t' .11t.1hh· Ph·."•' 1·all M1111 ~rt ,..ai;h1nn ls la11tl ,1""' ll>IO 17!JI • » · ('<t!'-1 .t ~~ ,, • .__,., ••• m:i 111:.; t-. 1 > 1-. 1\1'1' M1\~1\<: l•.H ,.°(or ~~ Ulllh Ill ('11~1.1 M1•:..1 1-;:i. p.•r 11 1·•1upk Wah· hkkPI! ,.,,, ('.tll ~l2 !.ilYIJ or 121:11111.:. :11Sri1 A~TION 180..0nr Mo &per. Necess. If you ar,· n1·w tu ('11,1.1 """'•1. 1l•m1J<•r.1nl~ 111-, t'llllUlllllrll.I }11111 1•1IU1'.1 111111, 1t•1·1·nt1:-d1:.1'11ar~t·1I lrom tlw i-t·rv11·•· 111 f11r any no,1:.ull -.,1•pk111a.: \I'm JHir,tr} 1•rnpl11vm1•11t 1~1n..,11h•r tlus u11111ul' 1111 pr1rturut v Y °" Can Earn S2 t 6 Ptt Wit. li;1s.'CI on your 11ruclu1· tlVll Y. l'OffiMISSllll\, µlll!- mc-.•ntlVl'S & l'Xlra profit :,h artnl! h 11nus 'l'h1· womt•n & men w1• 11n· looklnl! (qr mu y lw 11rl'1I of typlll)!. foldml! J}apo•r,, warchous l' Jnhs .rn1I wurkini.! for a hrml\'<l 111 ('Orne Work with youn.: J1oopl1· Rap11J ;1dva1H'l' mcnt ~<;abh.· I( you arl· 18 or over amJ v.l)uld lw avmlublc to st 11rt work 1mme•d1 at c I y . n il I bt.'lWC('O !I. 30 2 JO CcK .. Me110 645-6514 ASST. BOOKEEPER I v1·ar ll1rm:1I ... 1ue·.1l11111 111 .11·t·1iv1111111• 1\1·1·ur .111· l \jlllll! 1'11•\lflll'. ,., J,1t•nl•nt·•· n111 n ·qu1 r .. tl Xlnt 011ply lur ,1dvarw•• 0~'111 sur.1rv lll"'n "'k llM" 1\h1·e f,41i ~2 Aul11 (.'arnN ., l\t't'ffrd 1-.H-. l.JKurla lll•;wh & Dan:1 l'I .1n·.1 ('all th1• Hcwi.11•r ~I 41<11 t\11111 Carncr. 111·.:1-.tt•r "<1r!y /\M , ('o,t •. 1 ~M .. \ an •a !-:am $4110 tu $1511 nw1 t! hrs a clt1Y ldt·al part tmw J•lh. mus t haY1' r .. h ahlt-oar W1111d\ ~~:JIO-i 54 11 Iii:!:! • ,\l'l'(Jl,lff;\11\ F 11m1·. '" .-r Ill. lll'\'\h •li fhr ,. ' p.1othn.: t'Jr r1•nl;1I • '' Mus i hJ\ ,. j.!•IO•I un Villi! n-.·ord & l'.11lf ht· M V .m·:t ('all Mt' Z.1m•11 a Kil ~Jo;r ~~~. 1,;1.10 Alfl'OMOTIVI-: S.~non\ "1;,11h"I tm11w1h.11t·lv .11 tin•· of tho• 11111 tf••:il1·r~h11>-• _ 111 ( >ra11_i;~'. t~11-!1J!i ~m11•r 1•1mml'>swn~ & •11111 1111 1ModcM e Robins Ford .!U~I llarbvr lllvd ('u:.taM\•sa 642-0010 liahv"tt•·r want e d . I mum.-. a wk. K :SO 12 30 111 m y home, $1.50d11 li.31 01:10 H/\BYSl1"1'fo:lt. h ke to :.pend yuur d<iys on 1111· lw;u·h & l!l'l p;ud • • «haldri·n a~"' 1; & k N.•w1J11rt X :1 :t0 Mon-Jo r 1 rnll aft Ii. m:..41121 Bahy!.1ll1•r spend tht· sum mer 'Illini.: on Lh1· bt·.11 11 oo I Jdo Jsk & J!Cl p.11t1 l•.•r ot l'r ov 1 tl1· !-.UJIC'f\/ISIOn for nl.Y • duldn•n ct'hiltlrl'n 7 1\ 101 l', da)'~ Pt'r w1·•·~ Mu:.t h<tv1• trans1>11n ,, I.Jon ti7:S :IO"J I ,.; vt ·:-. Bal>y...rth·r m-.-.l1'tl fnr " :.1•h1111I a g•· 1•haldro·11 ~~·1111 th•· ~11mm1•r <ct 1111· b •;wh ti75 :1(11:1 a fl fi11111 liak•·rv m .1tun • s .111· ~1111l.t11 "''II II( J)/l l lTI• t:M l~kl•ry·.ti4l·0!')7 1· .~c1v:i111 ~·1111·111 1,111111 ----------1·um1>Jny h~ 11l'l1h ,\p11h 111 1•·rsun tu 11111 ('1.11 I, f'1·twralSal1•., Ml!r TModot e Robin' Ford 2\J;() lldrhrn llh •I Cost.t 'h-:.a Autnrl'lllll\•' COPELAf'fD AMC JEEP ::-J1•l'fit'tf I Wt/ i!Ohtl rlll't'hrlnw:-. Tor> b(-11.-J 11 s 1\pplv 21.lll 1<: 1-'irs l St !-. A flo'~>llMIO Si\l.1-Sl'l"< ll'U. R1'ffd for n1·w \lwvrull'I tl1•:t11•1,h1p ,\pply Ill pt'Nlll S.111-. l 'ht•\ 11111'1 !1011 :... \'ti.l'>I llw ' t.;1.:una lkh AlirOM< rn n ; Automatic T rmllminion ~hanic l't!Nlllf>n uvtulahlr 11-odore Robin• Ford :niO llarbor Blvd. Olf;la Mesi! Xlnl C'ump1my bt!nd1ls (.Juahfu•ll te1·hn1t 1an:. 1'1.lfll(ICI J1111 Moffcll a\ tHl lKHO l't-opll-who Ol'l'tl flt.'t1plt• ~l"lllhl alway' 1·h .. 1•k I h1• S.•rv11·1• 0in•1·l11ry 111 I hl· l>l\11.Y I'll.OT H:nllcm~ TELLERS M1n1rnum 12 mon l h ·. 1•1ir11 m1·n·1:1I h.1nk1111• Tdl1·r cXJl''r n·•1. RETURNED ITEMS CLERK . Mu:.t h11v1• 1·ommer1•1al h:1nk111~ l<•llt•r & 11· tum1-'<l 1h·nis t•xµ~:r 1't1!-1 lion .1bo h;nnlh·~ !>0111• 1·11stmncr servw1• MEW ACCTS CLERK I.:! Months m •w al't1 i. • · \ 11t•r 111 a ('11mmen·ial h a n k n 1• 1· If 1· 11 ' ' 1•11stomt•r 1·t111I a11 . h1 a.:h 11ual St'rv1l·e nl'\' Ap11lwanL-; :.hould lat1 1'1111 Vi"JiltiO (7141752-0600 &t23/24 Manufachrers Bank 1201 Do•• Strfft, Ml F.qu1d Oppor Employt•r !<'ind what you want 111 Omly l"1lol Cla:-iufat.-d!. Schools & I ScMols & Schoola & Sell a at• • .. !'!~~ ..... ?!!~ .. ~~ ..... ?~.~~ .. !'!~~ ..... ?~.~~ .. ~~ ..... ?~!~ YOGA IS WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR! ltlO.'fl Throw nu! lenston. lino pence ol mind wn11e you build a more healthy, b<'CIUlllul body' Tnt1 1t>mr1r1<11hte !.C1,1nce ot Yoga as taught al V091- CC'nlf\r I .. famous '°' ttS wnolebody aooroacn 10 a FULLFILL ED YOU l Aught by Avaro & Sri Oov1 two expert & cnarming Western women vr~a 'lhms. tones catm:; the mind & $8hsfte:. through & through Learn dt'E'O rn111J1,1t1on nutrition :.ecrets med1ta11on now to b1eethe ~lier fOf 1111Jhly1 FOf agt>S 14>· 72 Y oaa In The MomlllCJ! -..ra DIMOMSTIATIOM WM...._., ... ..._ 10 A.Mo. ........ YOGA CENTER OfCllfu• , .... c ................ .......... fiJtA.M. '" .... ,. ............ , ....... . 4411. 1n-St. lbfwn TLlfln I IMne St l .... C .... Mete ... MM211 OM.Y fl'tLOT H.fpW_..d 7100 HefpW..eM 7100 ....,Wlllh4 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HefpW~ 7100HefpW~ 7100HefpW..e.4 · 7100 ~ hr.., le•lllt Coaat .._ ann run ti.lie ••Y ......,.........,.,.. t'' 11,.nimeMM ~ '....,.., peakAon fl!x ........ pref ...... bu\ wW l rala. Call Ralph "' , r•MMOm c:.lflll••--,......&.e.. Jl81itaw• - Olala .... 'Aa-...~ •• ,, ~·"'. ...,... 1......-v1ew11 aft ~ AJl1 IT 130 t~ 171h . u.u11-. IAITINDB fo\tll ~ p/Umi: Th<" l.11fl ~-7~l '7'it!O (.,.._,('al LAR<iY. INSlJftA'llC .. l ' n M I' A N \ W ll'l.t:AS AN r ~l/H HOUNL>LNO~ & , .X l.N I IWN f;t"ITS II \~ IM Ml-:U Ol' .. :NIN1: "'°'' l i1•ti. 7 11 M 1tr1• 1111111 1.mi J-l 1 ~I lllKhl' $J jll'I tu lo ~t.;rl l<1·t1n••'' ,..,.1c~m11• 117'1 l'aultu1111, t. M 7!11 <W..'tl ·········-············· ....................... ·····················-·· •••ALOHICI Secr e t 11rl11I •Ide for OU~ o·c:on.or t:nwpna .. J5.1---sECURJJJ ht Apply In person bt wn t-1 wlld)'a . 17fttt-• - Monravu. t eQ'IJll -rr PATS TO -... salJl- eome ln and Me lbe H · GENERAL O•"FLCE citing things that are Need Girl 1"r1day happenin1 at Wells pt1ra on . 1a.od o n Jo'argo. We nH d e11-~. •ccur alA! typ. perleac-.d See'6r-i ty UIJr. INIYrou. Ute bllkpg, ~ in aOOcropp&'y for n eat 11'1ltw'e ~tson. PermM· 11ent positio n . Cl!Pll 54().7.s4 .,.._/Mlwport ••' S... J.M/ ...... . .....,..., ...... ... CoatwMeM&the WWttlwt_... IMMEDIAT~ OPENINGS Ins urance A1ency tni..-............ _ .. a.....HU.ta ........ ..... per. commercl•l _pro· ~--t.ac ~ rcuu..aH1 ""· .......... • P'-1• t«.m . .-. If 011r tuLJau =~~~~/~•-=-=.,:--f narac er-;--!1nt:•1t· ... -flOJon or loolra lllie ti... Psloul lines exper. de· lirl next door. C.11 for.,, wed. Salary open. N.8. appointment for a 660110. penoaal lotmview, You Jnaurance P r on.rtv 6 could be modella1 as \ C ,.nll • ~ r Nl'ty U Dnt week! So aa_..~ usast. accou.nt don't ............. c&U now. 4'xec. Exp er. nee. --. Minimum ! yrs, tne·•-. --•7=-5800 lypln1. ·Xlnt beJleflt§ New York West P'red s . 'Jame a Ins. Moct.lln«Alf!IK'Y Broken. Call Maurine mW.16th St, NB 7SZ.<8IO.E.O.E. Janitorial, man or ~n. Muat hMve own trans. Earning ~·'6 pr hr 547-1070 LANDSCAPfo: Mothers hel~r. live in. ml.tit drive, One achl age child. 67M233. lti.-.ullt'l&ll t 't)MM.i\NIJ t't:fO'OllMANI .. · Thl' ll n tr l'ull 111 1: Dld.,..,_.Oper f10-.p1n ,1111 .p.·11111•: \11r1t l1 l \11111 1• 11 11 lul'lOillti '''II h1 IJ1ful ...... 0,.retor I A'111ll11•• I It 11111••• I ·.,u11l) Ml111 t'Olll\>J llY , .... k1111' •n11tv11 l11J ., lu1 , 11•1 k 11111.,t .,.,,1111111' .\t u I I v I' 1· I '1 \i. I• M l.11•111o1t1.'<lr,;t1)1 'I P 'f' vuur ,1111 ll1111"•w u11·'& >'r 111 l'l It'' •\l,u t"Jn 11111.1r v '11111111)' m c111 ':H JJ60 . for supervisory leve l secunly ofrll'crs up to $4.25 P«-How with on•· of tht nation·~ lari:t-st guard scrv1tc!-. Apply ui pcr~on to GARDENfo:R O es1~n & in s tall Japan~e r0<·k formuuon l(arck·ns. Ko1 r1sh ponds <llyhntl Carrfl & l'UlllOm IJll filler l>)'l>l. ~r II lt:t• llOO<J.s & rllih. 5 yn; ("XII, S6 93 hr OOf 408 161.0IO Apply at nt.'arL~I employ rncnt dt!ve lopmc nt dt!pl Ad~ by cmployt:r MOVIE EXTR~ soul(ht by Hollywoocl movw firm S:W-1200 per day IJ()H. Look in~ for OUll(OUla( -1&70 ~ O)<b w1tnling t.o breitk mto rnov1cs. <714 ) 535·11120. ext IH. VIDIW CASTIN(; s •:ttVICK <now an 4th Yt:llrJ. 111111•1• lrnnll'\I •ttWttlll.C" r.,r •'' Ill"' l""'l't'<lllfl hiilrt Ulh 'r' & IU•l> l!>I U Ill'< Ill ~. \1 Sialary ·a. 1•111111111,1\tuO" t!i&)'W.t now tt' t'I Jl(tnW ~EIW i;o·r -.i. 1 >.1111 ~ruwt h UIJj)I) &. Vtl berwftb l'oall l',1111 111 ~l~ Of Judy lull rrt'•' l~at350ei ~,,. .. 1¥1~ ·~·h•" ,.,,,, mln ''"m1m11·r Cieri! T ypl\t ltt"'l"'"'1l11l111-.., 1111 h1ol1· II IV lt1 lll' 1111111: l(t'll' I oJ I t lu\r .11 1hllll"• :! YI' 1·\ , ... I Ill l(t'l U'I 11 I ••I \ Ill\ llt11lul I l)'J.:1t·111:.t .t :1 I.Ju)'' J w1-.·k <. M r.12-000k fo'IMSHfo:H. hb('ri::lasr. mfr nct.'tb fllllbhcr. wet bltltd & buHe r un ~t!l coat Call~ Mon fo't1 . Ham 5µm 153<! W Commonwt·alth t'ullcrton, (;A •RIKE STOrt~.• Htk1• Mi:1·han1r Mu i.I huv1' pnor tu.kc m1·rh 1·x11 111 a 11l0tt M-4 !ltiJS IOOICICEEPY Salary opt•n fur ~ar11w111 mnlj.!. i.clf startl'r. !"> y1 1•xpcr ~wncl rc~um.· PO Dox 21~1~. Nc wvorl Hcach, 9266:1. IOOICICHPY r /tltM fol' SERVI(;!-: STATION Morntnl(S A11ply :!!J!lu Newport Bl. CM BOOKKEEP .. ;H needed for gruw1n~ TV prodlJ('lJOO ('O 3 Y ri> or more exper $1125 to start 1o;qual Opportunit y c~ycr 556-9292 Jrvm1• IOOICICEIPY /F-C diam. Off1ct!S mo\lmi: tu N B fi/15. Great oppor1 for p~r<'l'>!'>IV<· pi·r-.110 l!t-aut offll·c·s & guocl l 'll l11'0l•liL'>. J yrs •·xvr lhru lnal lrnl r1·11 Sul;11 ' «11mmt:nsur.1tr w 1•xp1 St·nd rt"!'.um1• 111 Atl :i:1:1 lll>x l~~I. U 111 ly 1'11111 c,4iNta M<-:.a. ('A tl~.:!ll IRAICEMAH N£'UJ full 11m1• llrak•· llt l"ronl t:nd MJ11 :\1111 :-.1.artini.! !'>a lary & •·0111 m1:.:.1un p ro I' 1 .1111 l"omµIC'lc p t1!'kag1· 111 l'Omp<trt)' hN1f'lll 1> t\pph Coast 1:1·n1·ral '1'11 ,. ix:,:, llarhur Ill\ ii !' M :>1() 57111 Hus Boy Mu'>I 111· allh· tn work w1 .... k1•n!b tq1pl\ 111 .,,. r :.o n 1 •• 1 < .1 v t I( e s I a u r a n I , I h !1 " 1 • Irvine c; M 641l 7!!-14 IUSDRIVERS < 1a.~ lo tra111 Im' tin ~··r nt.w 1><·111).! f•1r1111••I II 111 h'rl':<.ll•d a pp I} 11u11 I 111~1111 Ho-;wh < '11\ :-,, h1111I r>1s1 735 M th :-,1 11 II ~,.:jfj 751!1 Cat.le TY T •chn ic iCM J ac k B urrv 111 Tdt!VISIOO !'> J11k1·1 ... W1ltl 1V Show 11> opc11111.i llt'" :S:'lch. ~ wuy n tlilt• :-.vi.14'rrl IO l'luyu t.lt•I H1 ·y, Cit Muxt havt! hun1 b un 1•:ic 111·nenct! & l>t: alih• 111 a~ SISl in SUJ)l•rv1s11111 CJ( ('1111 s tru<'t 111n & main ll'flant•c Xlnt salury & hencf1t11. St•n1I info 111 11r 1·:1JI. Hcmw ('z:irnt'l'k1 , 7!H9 J<arnsgalt• Avt•. l..A !W45. 213 /645 3287 CAHYASSER t;uaranleed ~alary I WnU.'lt!8. Cu II 972 l!:!OtJ bee.ween 5 & H pm •. Car Was h lmm1·1l1a l ,. e m p I o y m c n I . t; x peric m:cd (';i r W a :. h Manaj!Cr Salary I Com ffil.'il>ICIO ~ Honu'> Fur 111 tcrv1cw l'all G44 44ijCJ u-.11m 1lt1um--. f1h111: c-.1 lat. CS.rk Will 1ru111 111 1111:. hwhh blull<'ll o.111·_. l\1uth ·•l•I .1 1111.l'>I Re<ordt Cwrll Will tr,11n 1 """'h't1IJ•11J!\ IMI\ 10 ltl111g lit pt 1\1'1'1 'r IN l't-ltMIN H :JO 2 l~J M1111 t llru r11 ~1\fl•:('O IN!-11 lt1\"1t r· 1;:,111 H11•1kl1111 .... 1 "mmt .. 111 Violkv t-:.1u u I IJVfX" ... rn 111v1 l 'l.l•:ICll '.\l. GREETER 7AM-12HOON ('•1rn1mnv ha' 111w111ng 111 U...1<1 Mt''<il lor ,1lt•rt. 111· pr•ndahlt•. 111111 11 tu g rl'f•I n.cslorrwrs f nr ;1 11 l' w (• :11 l.lt•ule r 's S4!rv1rc Ul'pl lnkrL'l'.tang t•u:.tomcr n· lalJcJfL'> work Som1• fil Jn).! C ou•I :-.1arl1nJ! ~.alary. iJdV;>nc·em••nt & h•·11d1t:. Apply ·1 llt"• Thur at NuOrm l'la11:- (' M '1 fn.m !IAM I l'M <.11 nc·;il OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE • l•'I 1,,.; 11.1·.I< I\..., W1• will I r.1111 '"' 111 l 'la1m ., l 1ltr1 J! i'''' •'t·tlurl'' ,, •. \l.'«1 1 .1 <i1·11 1·r .tl Oll H"• 1111111· ll'l'hfll(fUI'~ •11.,.;HK T'I' l'l!-1'1 "11"1 111· ;1 '>••II '>l.11 l!'t .11111 al1h· I •) \\OI k 0111111• \I\\ 11 111 \\pm I\ I 111,' \I.Ill'> r1·q1111·1·tl I ' h.rn d lt• \ oll'l •lll ~ I f.1 1111 l1lrll1' • It I ' I ,, , • 11 I I " I ·n 1·1"r" J>•'"'1l1ou .t"' .1tLthl•· tu• • .,, llldl\ uhwl w11 h 1•\f•1•ll1 111 I y p In 1: .; k I I h & d If l;11>hom· t·XJH•nt 11!·1• \\<1 1~l1•r 1·om~·tl\1• ,,,I.on•· ,.,,,.,.11. nl •'""I'·• 11 ' I• Ill II:!\ 1111 lu<l1llj' rlt Ill.ii llL .... 1.1111 c·.1111111• • 111111' h ol ,111 ollll Mlllll 1111 111 t•I .1p11lv 111 , ... ,'"II 1 .. l'l.lt',OJ\;\ t-.L 1714197S-7724 Of' 975-7748 URC Untlc•w"hirs Ad1u~11119 Comp11ny '1Ml Mu1·Arthur lllvrl Nl'Wfitirt llc•1H"h, CA !121;41(; I A Suh1>1t.lwry of 'l'h<· <.;ontmental Corp I EOE M tr• U.EKICAL Summer Jobs f I ' I l'(l i\11111 )' Ill llCr...1111 Mcaten SfNclattlH ll>lll M•lllttJ\ 1" I ·~ I• o ... l l 1-11 1\ ., l'l!-1 1 1111 t11•·1lt.ot 1· 11111•111111( fur 'h 1q1 IJl'f 'l<lf1,d1l1• Ill 1h 111lu 1I 111 11r'~!"''""' I 1111 \'lll'lflt'l'tlll)t rll 111 Ill It\ 111.. Wurc l 1irrn·1·'-"tnll l'XIA'I hl lplul l:ociO I VJ• IJIJ' /f,, l>JJ«•llllll; II 111 ll-.t \hot 1"<11l1p.111v h1•111'11h -..,.i,11 ' c 11 1111111·11,ur.111• Wll 11 1• ~ 1'1' r C; 1• 11 1: 1• ('1J11 ,ult.111l:.. 11 111111• 711 7M 1,...z: Q.ERIC TYPIST. S565 <11•11<11 111111t v for l11 1!h .,,·111•11 g1 aclua11• to 111· q 1111 ,. vu I u 1111I1· 1•" 1•·n 1·1w1· 111 ,11·1·11: 111111°1· i '\1 N1H lk h un·.1 ;\1 n 1ralt· I vp111).! & I 111111• -.k tlb Ol'l'l'~:,;11·y l'.oll l•1t111· 711.1•16 ·M:!ll. M1111 f"n , H :J0..5 00 COOING CLERK DfHT AL RfCErT. llt k b11ly xlnt vus1t1on (i<ul lx•n('f11., Ii mt.r.. tlo:o t.11 l'XI> Ot'1' llw11 lk h IHIJ :t:~I ur:NT.\l, FllON T Ui'' i-·w .. ; 111 orul 'urut·rv or 111 l' l'un 11111l· II Ii :JJ'I 'II 91)3 lfl ",tl IH;N'I' I. WANTEU 'i 11 I.I 1· r !'. h .1 r JI W l'l I {/'U1l1f11~I l°tl.Jlr"if" I\~ ...ii.la111 tu J1)111 our f\111 ~ 1 •1 r f 1 11 h , .•• u t , 1 u 1 N1·wport \°l'111t•r Offtt ,. w11h (ll·t·1m v 11·\\ 11 n ,, 1•r1•ft.rr1·d '1'1111 !'l.1la1 y 11411 u:w '° 111· II I a I " ..... I " I a II I l'n1gr1•s""'' dt•11tal µra1· llq· lll'•'ll:. 11w1·k l1·:ir11111~ 1•'1(p1•r11·111·1·1l tl1•11t.ol :1a""'"tan1. :! cly•; pr wk (; 11 Od 0 l>!H1 rt 11111 t y <1!15 6677 l.:i1:11na N1..:u1•I ni-:NTAI. ASST e hrsd . 1-'.'llmt·. lluntmi..'lon Ud1 11H11·1· t '.tl l !Iii-I l!l!J:! ln.'>ura111·,. 1·xpr hl'lpf ul In Jfl•a l Jll "'"'" 1>1!-.hWU!\ht•r ~ll'l't.IPol f.11 !m 5411·1 ~rn.111 l>tL~m·· .... 1m11w1t COLLECTOR t;~ l"'ll l'llt'1•rl Cc1l l.·c t 11r llt~'f1t~l t1\ 1l.1l 11111.1l 1·11•d11 111 "'· .. 11 11111: '11ll1·1•t11 111 h.u h1 r111111d 111·• 1" '" t--;:!.1 ti; ~.':• ,,.., 1flflfllt 1 <•1wn1n1: • . 111 •t!rt :Jill ;1~k l11r Lon DISHWASHER l'.1rt 111111· 11 et1 111 .11•111 bl 11••1 hour \11111 1-'11 l>l'1\11 1x.irl .111.1 l'Jll I lon !Y..:1 ((.'1~•1 -.1an1111: .ii •rv plo t• ··~ DOG GROOMER ' • I I. 11 I ,. Ill p I" ' ,. • /\It 1.11·1-.h. lllJ ht•l(lllllt'I 1•·111'111, .11111 d1•11I If l'l,111 lit.: !.J:!:!, t.14 lr.l!IU 11..,l.1 \11•· a f,lf 1111\ I .oil \11111d;1v 1t.1mwli i"11cl." D•r 1111t -.h1111. 1·;1 rlv AM , 11•• .JI~ 1.!00 .b.k lt1!' C:111 1•:.µt•r. nee. Apply 1\ \I 1111 h .1 r d . "' \111,1· II .I " l111n11 1 .. :"11>1 ~ull r 1 .111 t·.qu;il U11 l·.11rv11·w !'.1 11:11.•·r c·vi 1111 l u1111 ' I0:111pl11\1·1 ----------•! Jlral11n1: 111,..1110.11 11111 c o111•p;11111111 111111 ... ·l..1 •• , .. I' "" dd1·1 h 1·1111111•· I .1 \ •. 1111 '\1 'M ~Jj1J1, ( ••111 ll.1 II llHI \1 olI1111' Yrioutn.11t \\ 1·:tt to h.1r•• pl tHllJI•• ~ ""t.lfUt" lt.-1111, '"':1111 o. .. ol ,1n ...,111·11rd;1y m:j '17~. COHSRUCTIOH SUPER t \r 1·~1wr11·1111• 1• 'I 111 I 1• ti \1 II .., I It I k1111w l1·11L•.dd•· 111 ,of r•ll··~•· ,,f 1•on ... 11 u1'111111 ·~.-, :n v •·14 -,~., ''" •· l 'IHIY:tl1 .... t'l'lll :l.'i Allil-~<; IHUH.ltl.11·.S () I. y Wllf\t I•.> wvrk ft•w1•r dio y-. lur tlw "amlc' r11•111l'Y" Ap plv 111 'I flt·. 1;Al<IJl•,J\ Inf lll'W ' 10 111.111 lll J,!hl ~11111 Wrn k 11 :m11111 I•• 111.1 111 lou r r11t tol1n1: lllJ,!hl.'o llt'I' Wl'l'k i\pµl y 111 llf'l''.1111, I~>{) (;lt•ll tll'Vrt·. I J1gum1 l~·ad1 1!M !i07r1 Cuok1Alh•11clt·nl lt)r •·lclt•r Jy lad11·o; 3 day, I.iv .. 111 ~ '>1Jlary lJanu l't 11(1.Sff~I. 11117 86()1 COOIC tum•. ~1111 uwdl.111 11 .ii ql~lllt'\'11111>: 111 111 f• 1111< II rm ·.1111111: 1wr 'ollll \\ 11 lo !•••I ,1l1 11Utlt• ltiMtd Jt I 1••11111: & ;:c•i<I 11111•\\1111< m.1rnl.1l11r.i 1, 11111 l '1 "' l>t'I 1n 1 r1 r:nl !-1.ol .11 ' 111mm1·11'11 r •l" w 1•x 1~n··111·t• L i ll :11U 1>~11 lor :tf.llJI LJr • .tt .n1,111 111•1•tJ1•1I 1111 .11 rh '>I 1 c· rirm 111 N 141 ISt h t-.. 1q11•1 n ·q m r1·J IJ!A,-l(,jt1 .1~1. l11r !'iµt·111 ,. I )In ... .1 .. 1·k I I• I k 11111~1 k1111w o (" ;1t••a «h.1n1 • 1111 .1t.lvnunnL <J•xot.l ""' h1·n l'f1r. l'a1·1f11· I 11 iltr.111.11 Supply :!le;? )', llalh.1w.1y ~ 1\ uruv .. ;11.1u111 1mc. J.!uut.I rlr1 v1ni: r•·t 11rd . Iii I<. •1,1·r 2'131 W (;u.~st llw\ N II IJn111•r, fi 1lav wk. ~1 l'M 7 1 'Mor Ii 8 1\1\I , gu1"I dn" mi.: 1 t·c•11rd, A11pl y l't•11 O}saw•r l{Jlill Pl•tl'cnl1a ,\v.CM DRIVERS t1ons t Opportunity t o learn flun:;t trade F tr Call GTJ-Q?O, Ht_Jp_~ __ FLORIST UniQUl' -retail nursc1y 1~-cili l'realJ vc people for full & part ti me J>t!rrru1 nt•nl vos1ttonb Mu1>l lmve expcnc·n1•e rn flora l t.lf's 1gn 1':11t·1•1lt•nt up J.11,1rtumty lo work 111 ,, l>fL'SLIJ:10U.'> :;cltlng l'll·a.~•· •111plv 111 pc·rsf111, Mon tJu-u Fri ROGER 1 S GARDENS ~1111 Suu J o;,qw11 1111111 Hoad ('l>M &10 594'1 t'\111 11m1· c•ouk w;rnt•·d fo:>. 1><·rn•n1·1· prc·r er r ... d 1.vnn s Ullfl!l'I'> 1117~. l'lan•nua. L' M i,.u; ~; Gt:ncral OH1ce RECEPTIONIST Our •·xpand111g rump:inv I'> lo11km1: f11r ,, wt·ll i;monu-il rcr••1,t10111s t for <our vurdws1n1~ & a C" l'IJllllttnj.! fl(•piJ rt nlf'lll !\ lhlllt'!\ 111dU1lc "''1•u1 at•• l YJJllll'. ~11m•· 10 k1•v ·1m._y phont·'> I'. ~·rl'(•t1n..: "1s1lor~ ~:xt•(·lll·nt work 1rw t•00<11t101L'> & hcnt'f1t!> IO('lud111g tl1•1llJI IJlllll Apply bc-t W(•1•o·H & 11. I & :1 N11t11111 .1I ~:dul':tl1on (<lrJ.'. HUL lllnh !'ii . N•·wpurt Ucat h ~ 73'i(J .. :m. ~EIAL OFFICE No '>horth.1nd n 1·1· I) I VI' r ~ I (II' It 11 ll I I I' 'I , nutuo 1 t-'1111str--4-~m~Nr•wp11r rrr ";,"J'.."'lll'IW•'fi 1111ly ;1pJ1ly rirm '1'1·rnr11 h1·1wf1h t-• .l\\;11 d .l11 r gc·11 -.••11 h\llw l'l'r'>Olll" I i\J.l1•n1} t 'u.,t11m I 'u m11u11 .!:1:•:,:• !XIS 1-; 17th l '""' ~, ... ,., l).·I l.<Jl!u. L11;u11:i ll1lb. :-,.,.LI 7bl 1112 11711 7tiX 1:1m GAL F~IDAY f11r I llf'Jllll .ill• tiff II ( , 111 111t·11:."";1r r..r.111 d1.1111 t<c•1·1·1·1 lit•· likkp'~. frnl 1111· .1J111•'.1r .1111·1· ~.11 l"•lllHll•'ll!\111 at1• w •·~Ill lih1(i '>01 Jt)lttldlllj.,:'>NI11 l11·11d11s Sc•11d r•"•llrrH· lo 1\d :~•1 . ·~IX l!'i<)ll, IJ.1 11\ l11l•1t, ("1,~ta M1""'· < 1\ \(4..!I· LABORERS TRAINEES ASSEMBLERS PACKERS "111 "1 h ,I\,. r 1·l111lol1• Moo. Jo'r1 .. 8 J0.4 .30 ziow Warner. km :!17 Santa Ana. CJ\ WB.1.S FARGO GUARD SERVICES DIY11'lon of llit kn ProU.'l11on S<:rv11·t-~ F,qual Opportunity t:mployl'r M / F (;Ul\HQf\ -WANTED- SECURITY OFFICERS OrancJe Cowrty A~a .. 'uH & Part T1nw 110:-1 t1iHL<; availablt· <"ar & tl"lcphone necess ary. Ap- i>IY a t BBUNS rttOTECTIOH SE RVICES COM PA.NY 2Wl W ~II Itri Anahl·1m 1714' 71;1·'11131 .. .t1ual l)J)porturuty l-.m11ln111·r ~I I' ll/\IH IJl-.\IC::'J I h•· ll;11 r ll:onclh•r., 111 '\ 111 11, !I h,1, lllllllf'fl llfM'lll lll''> l11 t "~l"'I h.Jtr d r 1·'"'' 1'I1 .. 111 •·I •• I' r •·I• 1 1 • ti x I n I I' r II\\ I h .. I' I• \.11~!1< ;,I 1'1;111 1,1:! Ii »<·I HAIR STYLI ST If VllU tr.I\,. J Sii"\ h•H•I.. I II t1.1 \ \•rll ,1 t..11~1 IM •l lll • I 11 '""<t' to 111\ 11< \\ I.., I ( :.ir1km•1, 'Ill hr wk M <•11 l·'ri W111 k 111 .'-.i·wporl I~"'' h ,rt,, In I flt• <".ti I 1, .. 1 1n!•1 • .rt '·I'll I 11 .it:··J• .<. 11111111,. I .. 111: ,, • 711 1·n111m ,\I· 11 "il•·ll ~l~il l 11 1'111 ,1•,.li'llrtlt•fll , 1111! l•lf -.h,11:i1 :,1~'t .. 1ppl o ( ·•·rwr:1t (II f,..,. l'.1r111101• !1:1 Xl11t l\p m g :.kilt, r1•11UJn'll ll1·al l•,,1 :1t•· lm1 ti.:r·~w;sl rl1· '>Ira hit· 1'10:1:.1· la If fur 111l•·n·11·w Lt\\ll IU :111 I. ;'. :111 KJ3 1:n· (;,.,'\il-:H1\I. luh 11 11 p11r111111111·' fur 111.1l111t• w111111•11 ;111 1.~. .. 11r 111 f•1rno ;11111n 1 .d i H11.1 h):.clkJ :J 12 li tlU, Ill !~12 ~Ti \ W<:A. !:i.iCllo.1 ,\11.1 <; .. .:N Ell/\I. <JI-'(' I' •t 11111• momm.i'>. mu.'>I t) !Ji' & U-(;,.ij~:;-1+ I( t-: C.: .. ; I' T lC I N IS T I o t s.rk:. 11ft11·1• of ITl llJlll \\tH1lc~;.oll' llllfM·rv In .111 oft I 11111 tu t'Olll lit"l 11 1 \ l' s;ilury Wt· abo µruvuk ;, f u I I y 11 ;i t 11 h c a I I h fi.o('k!ll!f'. µ:11d vacal1nn~ Ill l•du1·11 t1 onal rt•1m hursemcnt. /\pµh<·;inh m ust have lyp1n..: ex IA!ncnc·c . t•lcun Ol'lJI ap fll"aranrc & i:oo d ll'lt"phonl' \'Olfl' Cuntat'\ Jo 1\nnc at 9G2·fi60.1 llr1h1l11v & \.tt.1l111fl Ill\ 111 J~·f',IHI J,lll.1 '' "1"11 11 If.,. p11 1d 11.1t1••11 pl.111 Ill :'>II :1v<11l:1hl1· 111,\;'l;IJ Y !\1 1\~ 1-11 II 111 'VOLT.·· r&-A•v~""I• :t1-1H l ·.1 rnpLL'> Un',. ... t •• 1711 t /\c·ro', Fr•11n I )r;llll'\' ('fl 1\lr)MH't I 1·111,.ol C l111 ~•r I· 111pl11\ 1•1 GENERAL OFFICE lnl•·r o(r11•1• mad cJ1:. 1 n 1>11t l')r \Att4«1 & hvn mJ1il \\1\h111 lht• ol l11·t..., IJulr•"• ah•• 1nt'lu1k 111.11n1 .,111 111 i: ~1 .1111111an· !'>11pph1•!1 .11111 11nlt·r111g Muto.I h:1v1• a 111·.it ap 1>e11r:im··· and 11lt•11'>1111t J)t·r.,1111111!1.v l.11:h1 t.>-µ1n i: hl'lpful E"1·l'lli·111 e11m pany lx-n1·f1Ls 1nt'lud111~ d1•ntal pl;1n Apply N11 l1ooal l-:du•·at111n , Ham 11.110. lµm :!µ111. or l'all 5ilfi 7J(jll 4'1(11 lll rt•h Strf't•I. N1·wµurl l~·:H'h p lllTll' l<t'11rr'<l lll ~'1•d II 0 .1pph l•.i.1·•·r 111 1.11 1w11 I In, r·lt·•· ~ 1!••111 ma1111 ".tll 5'1!1 :~H:! ll1·Jltl1 Fc11l'I M11r1· n1·11I' I lull 11m .. 11•·1·.1111 1t1 t h••f k 'tlcH I. {(. ,1 "l'>I Ill ... 11ad, l1.1r Ctll 11>< ii-ti I lnt1·I 1<1·1·1·1111 .. 111-.1 Wiii fl"::rrrr ~t·r11 . ·" • ur.11,· 1111111•,t & 1lo-pu1t.l.t11i.- l-ln1hl1• hour-. LJl!Ul1.1 J!t_•,wh it!rT 4l44ti llOllSJ-;t'I. 1-:A:-.ll "1(; 0\1. 11 ·lruni.,,, Jo\111 ttmt"llrT'"n rnrr '1'r'JT!f"rrl 1'1" !/'7:1tUiH,6-Ji;.~71 llO~~~llULI> llt:L I' l-'ull ·t1mt• NI\ :irt·.1 (;.&:, 1821;1 Uou.-.t>kt't.'JM'r. As~1~tanl Some Svan1sh hl'l11fu l Call Mrs ~hcpnrd for apj1l Surf & !:itind llo h _•I, 4~·4477 eKt ~ Hlam· l'IUIH\, ~ Homclrffpen .. -.. --------11.1-.--------.-;.;;;;. Landscaptng ~ rvvt a....hc• ~."' new!JV', Unique retail nurser y S · . :;... pefSO!Ylel need~ OUl~OLOK people ,.._ ' agency for full llm1• Landst'afJl' ~I Laborl'rs. 1o:xpcr1cncl· ··y -752·0331 nt.'<'•~sary Adrmn As:.t lo $1300 Plca.•1e apply 10 person, Mun thru "'ti ROGER'S GARDENS ztOl San .Jo11qu1n tlllls Hoad CDM G40-~<M4 ... /(. Uakpr Ill Sl5Ull Okkpr /Sct·y to $I 2011 ":Xi•d .;.oey $111111 AIR ~1k /\cl i\..:m·y S1 t... S-,>t•V lo SllllCI 1\ / I' S1\ to $1JIHI S.-.•y I .I Ilk PJ.: ~>fl C:q'" llt· ad1 SH·v IH1•c• An ah to ~)11 ltl~· /O(J t)'pl( $7011 U>gal ~en•tary 2 yr~ 21!1.l Martm. Irvine Cal llt11(at10n ex111·r 0 111 for Appointm1•n1 req Nt•wport <.:c·nll•r sa1l•--------- opm C<tl~!..indu 640 K9U<t or8.1J..~ MKMsw Sltop Tr-.. lmmcd o~nml( for m dw1dual w 1m L-ch :ill1hty to operate produ1·t1on rnac h1nt•ry Xlnt 1·11 belwf!L'> &-r:iptd a<lvan l'l'ITIL'flt f1.r 11 ~hi r)l•f'SCln l.'ull t1J11,1 v lur 111ti·rvww D••ll run11· ('11q1 :J:!:J ll:tk•·r :-.t (0•1".IJ M1·•.1 .IL'• 1>11>4 \.l.1111 111 •ll'tt'I--•'•'II•' I f ti I I \A, ro lut'" l•ll•lt·'"""·"' I •h 1 .. 1 IA.k i.1111 ~111·.1 111·.1k t.111:l 1 ~h t lu1•11t h 11 1111 l,,11lt1l..l0I & <l>Jllf f l'lf ('.di ·r.~. 111:· 1 M.1111;. .1ppl\ 'I ho · 11111 ,,, l..11 11n.1 '1 11 ;'lo I '""' 11 ... \ I .;11•1111.1 llo·.tt Ii \1.111ol,.rr.1111· .. 1111·1 h:11111' \lu .I h,1\1• ""Ill •·"' I~ II• Ill'•' 111 •·l•·1 I r11".rl "'"lthng N 111,ut1J.11 u111 111 1•!.1111 .-.,.uµml•m i\flfll\ IJI r~•r.otl \l.1\ \,,I(" 1111' 1:,:m c \1111put••r 1.n If II ManarJUIZftt troiftt'~ CJp1 .. rtun11\ 111 I'"'"' "'llh 1111 I t h .ttn .. 1 ro 1.111 ,,,,,,., ,..,. 1i ff1•r 11111 .... 1l.1r. tr.11111111! 1110~1.1111 l'loJll.1j.!1 1111·111 11 .. 1111 , 111,111. JI.JI.I \ ,11 .11 llln , Ill 'u' pl.en '·" uw' pl.111 ll..t,111 t'\JMT •II lf,.1:r1 1• r•~11J11 1'll \t11 t 1,.. "1ll111i.: 111 r1'101·.1t1· :ti 1·•1mp.111\ 1•x 111·n :..1• ('11111:.1 1 \l.1 t" tr.c \11)111 l' .\11111 thn1 1-'1"1 11 ,\ \.I lu :1 I' ,\1 .cl .• 111 1J:fi. 1-.0 r. Nur.;1~ A1d<.'S d;1y:. only . Exµcr or Tramcc. A11· proved Cert. tra1n1ni.: llf'OC Mt">a Vt-rd€' Conv HO\P filil Center SL t:Mta MPSa · Nines Aides Stalt' C1·111f11~·1 only ~1 p1.'r htJur 5!4 ht.-.J r;w1111 , Xlnl bl•1wf11 ~ & v.11rl.. 1·on1I H.1 } "'"" "'"" 111 .. µ :!f~ Thunn, (' \l f,t;! J.'A(1 .. : CJ I·. NURSES AIDES 1nc1 urtl•·rlll'-. ""''<h••I "' 1!1\1' 'I I.<. '" 1·ltl1 I II P·• I 1••111 ~ "I' I Ir a I" •p1.1l1l 1t·1I 1"'1"~•111111·1 l".1111 \\l11l1• \ltr11 l1·.1r11 1\ll ·,hdh : ... 11 1 /\1111lv HI.• :-i411"'"''" ....; I\ LVM <li•·t11111!-. p.1rt 111111· 1111'hl tlUI\ f> ft1ll tlfllt' ,1f1 1 I nu rr1 '>hilt :O.h11 -.t.1 rt1nr ..:1"11..,. &-hrn 1'-pvt l-l ,1~'>h111 ("1111" ( '1·nti I 11'· fla..,~h1p IM . 111 lld1 "'"['"' NURSES AIDES Clpt•llllll''> flrl l'All<'r 1111r,,.., .11Ch"> IJ.n '<hill i\ ,1(1, nHMlll '>11111 • f"f;,,_,, ,1\,111 l•ir llll'\IK'f l\ppl\ l•i.11:·,hqo I 1111\ I '1•111 t•J '"'' M.1..:~h11• lld "-p1 Ill h Offic~ Clt"rll ll,1•wport lt•'.t • h ;iro·.1 f ))11·11111i.: f11r ,, m t.1111111, lr11111 1tfr1•·•· 1'11•1 k I.ti• phf'IOC'S, l11'.1vy l)Pllll( --1-,,~rfi r•"!tPf>W.-J~)llU·I~ ( · a I I 'I' ,. r r ' li44 7 :'>'Ill t: ( J t: PIEll 1 Man<1l'(t'f"'. & l'rt•w lt·;1u1·r-. ,..,.._ .. c1.-c1 '"r fr .1111·h1~t· r .1,1 fond 1·1·,.,•t ,1 u r ;111 I 1-: x 1•·n1·nt·•• lll'lt>ful h111 n11l lll'f't"S.'><1ry l-:x1·dl1·nt pay & hct1I'> !:icnd n •surn1· lo 1'0 RoK <131i, Balboa Island. Cu I. !f.!Jit.2 MAHA.GEi/ Auid Fahnc •·xpr rt'< I M anv t·urnvany lwnd1b ! 'M ~14() OfffCE SERVICES E1wr1wtu· IH·r~on 111 111, x1•rux ('11py1 n)!. I 11111..:, 1(1'fH'ral !\1°rv11·1•s <"om 11;111y will J,.ram N1•wp11rl l 'hurm:in•ut11·ab H!l7 Hith St Np t . Ue h 7M 1)42 7511 Ext 11 omcE CLERK TEACHERS . STUDENTS HOUSEWIVES I· xpcr (•ook. f/t1m10, lop p.1~ JOLLY H<11:1.H :w M •. 1m11· 1\.vc .. UallJoJ b land Men or woml'l1 i:; yrs 11r 11ldt•r. Know th•• 1·crn:-.1 1·111t-.. N(·t SIM a w1•1·I. 111 m•trt.' Ora ni:•· ('(Ja .. 1 Yl'lluw CiJb, 173/JO Ml ll•·t r munn . ..-.,un la1 11 v .• 11,·\ cN•1 11f :,1:111•1 lo lof .. ·II N c v. h 11 IJI' ,... 1-:ul'l11l 1 G t:N t-: RA L t IJ 11. LI N 1; 1 ::-.ll'JI () C 1\1rpo r1 i l'.1t1J<tl Oppo rtu111t~ .. :m1>loycr t \Jll time riays Xlnt hl·nl'f1Lo; 11;1 V\ll'W C't111\' "'"" ~ T hurm.<.: ~1 t.141 :t.',(() MAN AC .. :M i':;\;'l WANTED' WANT .. ;I)• Ambllwus t·uu11l1· H 111 1 hr, pr wk C:in n·:.1111 1111ti ,, large m1·um1• H1llll'r h1•n1·f1h <.:a 11 II ii I ll~hl.~. 835·777~1 CKI 1:17 .TRAINEE f':am cxt 111 SSS's for y11111 fly1111<( va1·utumo; dun I 11-t ttw j!a'i '>hrn laJlt" i.:1·1 )'OU 1!41Wll 1 COOK f •Ir ,. II n v a I 1· ' I •• 11 I ho-.µ11.11 Fr<·1· h1·allh 111 :.11r.11l1·1· .ol lt•r ptoli.1 l11111a1 y p1·nrnl 10 Ii :111 :-.ll dl l'.v1·1y lrlhl't w1-.•k1·rirl 1111 1\11µl y Mit:, Sul"'' 1ur N JI Cook fry. e x JJ\'l lc11n·cl Apply 111 j.l(•r-.110 Huh·, J~taurant, JI! I K l~I St Tustin. ~ H5:>.1. Fle1'\r111111• '"'1•mhlv ~ 11~1lt-n;1I ha1111l1111:. 1111·,1 l1 1J11:. UIJC ll Nu c.>.p 111•1 1·~···"V Will 1ra11, 5'1IO 111•r hr tu .;1 a r1 Cull ·~ :11.J.'? , .. ,. ·•til'l <i.EkK l"or "'""" off1 rl' or m:nur wl111f•..,iJh• nu:-scn In at.I 1-----------'"\ tllll Ill l'.IJlll Pl'tll 1 Vt• ·,a rr. Wl' aho 11ro\ ul1· .1 f 11 I I 11 1> a 1 ti h ,. a 11 h 1>a1·k;1i:1· fla1tl v:u·.111nn~ ,'!,, t••lu1·a111111 .. 1 ro •11r1 h11rs .. m1•rn 7\1fn111·aiiT ~ llHL-.t h.I\" ··~ p••r11•11C'I' Ill 'lall:.tiral ''pin~. ht•"'" ~I.or: 1111-: & po:.,..,, '" ~:111111al1011al ab1htw-. 1·11111 nt•l Jo Anne ,.r !*i2·i.;()'1 <~'fl4·ral OH1l·c· Clerks . 1'vp1sl:-.. ~·1·n•lan1·o;, Ac· r t I( L'l 1•r k 'i . H1·C'l'IJ I 11 lfll!'>I!\ Top pay No f1·t· l'.rnl W,.l'kly HORRELL TMtpOrary Sttnic• lllVIN'fo: ·,:,;• {\f;r,C TUS'l 1 N :1:.H ~2 1 .. : U I'. M I I' 110 'St:I\ E l-:1• EH II\ t•111 Noo-Mnok1·r fur 1•ldn h l!l'flt 775 0.11H ll<ll/!'IEK f.:El't-:t<. mu:-.1 h.l\t' ow11 l'Ur. l'1·rmJ ni·nt r.-1;; IJw.l llc1u~1 ·kL'l'pt'r. hVl' Ill, Jl\I rm & ha. l'lr T V. 111111 -.n1ok1·r. lt tf• hou~1·w11rk t,l\HtiolU, !J:15-l~'\!);J 1·v1·~ & wk11ds M.1nna M1.1nt .. na11n· g.ortll.'111111:. 1iu111t111~ t•lt'. Full t1 me f'44·012f; MARICETIHG SUPPORT CA"illfor your OPINION Women 18~ ~t'I 1nwl ti to part1t1patc m 111·w O)OSumcr slu<ly Unnl( :1 qw.lif1ed women & you rhty receive Si20 & they will f•a. receive Sll. Takes leis th<in 2hrs. Cu ll C11m municallons fCc1>can•h fbr 4Jppl. 549-8.117 l:i:,J.;11 :J!i\8 Cum pus D 1 Ill' · 646.4741 COOICS Must IH" "x pen t•nc·1•cl Ava1lahlc uny :.h1ft. NPal & <'h·un Apply in per111m. ~Ith. l'1•n111ry l.1rnll1•tl t1L~1Cll' S < 'uast l'la1a San l>1t"~n 1-'ty & Hr1:.h1I St lx•t WL'l'll 3 S. F.nf•rJ(Cltl' rJ(•rMlll Wilhnl' t 0 I <• k c 0 II I) I' w rc•11pon:.1hllit1(•s . Pu ll tJmt.• 1!1•111-ral off1l'e work Kn11wlL'lll(t' of shorthand t1t·lpful Typing n•quirNI Cap1s tr11nn Hc•al'h , 4!JB. l~H (~r ... ral l.IHln! Wl· nff1·r l·----------lloOsC'k1•1•1)1•r I Cl 11 .,,,. Ill . Musi he non -.mokt•r & dcp<'ndab l c . NR &10-·1314 l:;xpen encNI tcl<'phonc pcopk• will find rnakmi:: aµIJOuilmcnts with busr nt.-s."I ext•1·ut1v1'S rm our mmpa11y ofhres reward mg, steady Bn1I a po111t1un with u futun• ·nw l>mlv P ilol h:" ;1n 1mm.>d1al•· 11pc•n111~ fc11 tra111et•. for rul I 11 m1· rwrm.m1·nl po~rl 11)11 111 1Jur L'la~.,,f1cd lh•1>ar1 11'1L"1t Mu~t lw ahl1· lo typ,,. :L'> 40w1in1 lly p1111• lr;t will he adm1mstl"rr-rl W ;,JI ,1µphl'<Hll~). handle• phont's, 11.'arn romµutcr u n<I o th 1• r g I.' n l' r a I 1•l1·r1l0 11I duties . Op 1111rtun1ty for arlvanc·c· ~'flt and ex1·cllcnl l'om pany benefit~. Salary ("fJlntlll:n~uralc w 1th ex CASHIO Full time 6(ood P<1y . Growth company 5 lm·a lions. Over 20. We leut·h (Across from Oranl(c• Co A 1111o rt I fo;qual Oppor .. :111ploy1-r Metro Carwash, 29511 ---------Harbor Blvd. C.M ~RICA!. i:am Extrn MOO('y' C~HIERS SECRETARIES W/WOSll UTOTEM MARKETS Conk smu II rt'tircrm•nl ESCROW OFFICER We n•qu1n• u pc·rs on 1·111u1hko or haadllllit an 1·nl1re esrrow opt>t al ion 'llui1 poi.1t1on will Ix-fm ,, 3 mo P"nu<l, June, .luly ~ Aui.t C.'l ll 55!.1 lllOO, ai.k for llud x In l c·ompan y p.1111 l11'flcfits alon~ with 011r 1•hallc•nl{111R P'>°'tl 1•111i. now available 111 our NII oU.ce · FIU:l'U:HK l:L .. :HK TY l'IS'I'~ (/I ·c·nuntlni.: I Openinas now •va1lable far full time assistant rmnqen on 2nd. & 3rd shift. No ex~riencc nee. We train. Start 13.10 lo S4 per hour. Advancement oppor&unity for maoage mcnt poslllOM to $UO .., hour ii quallried. •·or ,.... lnformalloo & In · ta"view IO to store 82 at 30009 Crown V•lley , lACUna Nltcuel, 495.9950 orcall 714/~·4840. STAT REPRO a.ERKS TYPISTS -PBX horrw 111 Lul(tma He a d1 h.~ opcmni.t for mu I un• :ill around purt 111111• c t.1ok <:a II 4!14 ~ 51i f 111 itppt <'OCJK:-. wa ntt'll ;ill i.l11n, ;iµply 111 111·r:-.on, 11row1111: l'U with twnd11., Ma Rolrken;, 21.2 E. 17th St CM \.tAll •• ~TO<.:K l'Lfo:HK 1'111· above pci:.1l1on-. 11· qu1n· 11nor l)lf11·1· I''< l.lf'nl·ncc. lypm.: ululit' a11d 1or 10 kl'Y a1l1l111i.: 111.wh1ne hy lmH: h 1:. ill• F.xct·utt VI' St•<· rt•t 11 rv t 11 stra blc w l' w 111 1 r:.i m llw V11 l' l'ri•'. l 'unt;im1·r t"JWll1f1cd 1m11 v1dua l11 rt1r Ow Exrl'llcnl lypln~ /l.t lJll' n).!ht Po!> Jo:nt ry l1·v1·I Sil s k1lb, will hen· vos but !ita l t•o m ')llrt'<I to mPet m 1>er~un rnensurate w 1th l'X & over the phone key <'X· pcn cnre. t'or appt l'rt ll ACCT Q.ERKS KEYPUNCH OPER 12.ERKS (.• • ...i.s· wantc:;--C'l.'UllV(.':I & lntern1tt111na l 64tM5tll, ext2.44. KO.t.:. """ ..._ 1iuests, al o ur new ----------- llolldoy It vueutwn pay. Never A 1"('1• BquaJ Oppor Employer 2.nd~'OOk . liroile r mun Re1c11 rch & Develop 494.9477 ment raclUUes ln lrvme Counter girl, S1rndw1t•h s hop, Mon-lo'ri. IU·2 & 9·=->-5:00. 17881 Sky purk Blvd, Irv . fo~or 11p11t ~0070 in Aug. Immediate OJl<'n 1111, but would be asked to work rn No. I.on~ Beach until raclllties ur1· relo('atcd. De11lre self motivated person able lo Countermori, P/f, +full takeon rcspon11ib1lity for time drivt!r. Call Tom, burty b!l8ll make all his Ollld-Olre 6 d•y tamp l+Jt J ~ domestic & lnlcm•tlon»I ==~~ ~.c~l.k!:r:0,=•• I•--------· ~~vd~~l~e":o .;:!~ccu -----·-·-CUSTODIA-" Jo:x('cllent sal ary & ~ • --S46 4741 llelMI custodian urae nlly benf'fits. Call f.inda or D•Uy Piiot Cla.<1s :IMIJCllmpu~ Onvc needed by tluntln.iton lll11Salce, 213.537 tr.oo In· ... ads di11Play their (Arl'0811 from Beach City Schc'lol 01~1 t(lf'VtC'#1' wcck or June witfi Je1ilt1Uty Orqpeo. Airport> 90111120 pcor mo. rlc· I~ l'lcaiic roll for appt. I~? Our ada, we l"..quaj Oppor •;mployer pending on UJW"r Apply proud tony. really '7J5 14th. St II 8 1·-111 t•-h et re1u1ta . Phone · · · -.. "" llOmf't 1n" you want Sell kDe Items 642.5678 mai to 11e11-.c 1aai11ried ads do It *911. M2·:w78. • • ' . ..... _ .... Sl.77 per DAY Th11t 's Al.L you poy for u JOd11y lt(j in the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY UO IT NOW' 64Z..5'71 Gt_-ncrnl OHlt·t· TRAINEE .. :ntry level pos 1t1 011 i?rlldJOI? 1•x11m:1 Vunous ct,•1011 dutll's, ll ghl typmu uncl neal han<lwnt1111( rf' qui r•'CI l':x1•1·l11•nt wnrk 1 n J? !'on d 11 11111-. 11n11 bc•nt"f1t:. mdudm~ d1•ntal plan Apply 8om I lnm . lpm Jµm,1 Nat1on u l l•:Clutul111n. Hill B1n·h Sln.'t't, N1•w1111rt Aoett<'h !Near O (' Airport I nr 1·all ~ 7360 fo:qual Op portumty t:mploy1·r Genl ac, llS itrad W/gd typing sklll:i, 50wpn'I + ;all 9-S M Fr. ~1 -0811 Girl •'nday, typing N.'Q Sa lary /exp . N 8 ~7 Golf ~ Starter apply !lum lo 2pm Weekdays Newport Ut•ach Golf rour~e. 3100 Irvine Avc.N B GUARDS "\ill & p<irt time. All area:1 Uniform:< fum111hed A.,:t<'s 21 or over Rf'tlred w1•lcomt• No C'XJ.lt'rienrc nc•c APP· !r Uruven.al ProL •ctlon Servic e . 1226 W. Sth Street, Santa Ana In tttvtew hours 9·12 Ii 1·4 Monthru •'rl . IK>USEKE:l':P .. :HS fo'(f' & P /f' l>una 's houseket•p 1n1: ('uhfornta 's I artiest Ot~'fis 5 ll\lllUl'f' pt'llpft'. wvrk 1>vl hom1·i. S.1 s,'; l1r ~~4031 I M M FD I /\ T t: W o I< K 1\VAll.ARl.E 10 II II a n•a fyr m•at , rwrsu11.1hlt• IH 25 }r olth fll'\1lil•· hr., llll'l'nl 1 \ ,. l'iJ)'. l ·.1 I I tn~. 1191, 9-5 elm ly In .1 ml? How would .vou hk1· to make S25.00U <:1v1• me 30 minute~ of yvur Lime&. 1 ·11 show you how with Jo'armt•r '!. lni1uranef' Grouri Wll I not mterfere w ith pre ~ent employme nt. Call G<'fle Dillard IMll·S l 11 IMSIDI SALIS lmmed. openings for ru1pOn11ihlc, nwturc sell s tarter who com munkates easily with nUlt'l'll. Sales expen1•nt·1• 11 plus but not rec1u1rcd Wiii tr•1n. Mullt huvi.: Ille typm~ sk1lla. 557-0825 ----IMINCTOtt Quality control for volume sallmaker Mon On Thurs t to 4~38 pm. m1e.:1 Startm~ s alary sh pt•r hour. innNJi<<'l' w1U lw fnoq1tt•111 and ~uh~la~t1al Yc1t1 may work I or IH1lh '' hour shift~ Ii 30um till nulfl, 12 JO till 4 JO l'lt•a:.1• 1·all for .111 a11 1A>1.11tmc nt 5.57-82112 l!;quul Opportunity • Employer M•ture S•les Person Willin1 to work some ~m'OC:l' For lntervi1•w, Rfe.L'le rall . 64:! 4:121, ext m ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT DJ W Bay Street Cost1t Mt-sa t;qual {)ppurtunity t;mploycr ORDIRDESIC .Maturi', positive person for a~i:n·sslv<' I rv1nt• rum. mfi: Order desk exp m furn. or related r1eld. Versatile position for well or.:anized person who r a n handle busy phont', ty~ 4S+wpm, re Md blue.prints, USl' nlculalof'. Top salary & ~ncflts. ~40·8894 for wppl.~-----~~ miPU 6 wknda. Out10-1 .. --------llta pleuant penon11h· ty. 'La«una tlllla Mall. Helen Grace Candle:1, $-l&'iO. MtdtmllcloM..tM Must be experienced on ~as & diH4!1 en11mcs & trllllll. &n pleuure boats. Mallt know Mercrulser. OMC OWlrivea. Hi11hest walfet1 up to Sl5 hr + wll bcnefila. Turbo Marine Engines. 714184•·4126 .,,time. MOLDER no~-Reqalred 541.5.581 For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AO-VISOR . 642-5678 J ·' tw.W..e.4 ,... w-.... 7100 T .......... tm DM.YN.DT A . ••••··················· ....................... ~ ._,,,_.,~"fA· TTPIST /Off. CLI !'.!!'.~.~~ ....... ~.·.~ ~.~,,~~ttt-'•• ~~ !:11:!~.:'.!:!'_.!?!!~ I ~~!rl!~~~~~~;r+~UlAa~~t.ramL.=~~rw~p~li~:'ma~IJl~lrtl •MCllYMUll• We have lmmedla_ll Wlllllnl.,.,_, FNeldltw Pool J:~i::!!'·· ilatl' ·t-inl pu ~ ...,. u..,...,,. apn ror iOiiiJ fY'Pa.t to --~ en... velvet cbrt. Bolh •lat 16:112 Shorthand 1111111 req. hlsbldU.be9tmcmhln work la the Office Sa*•ll«Vice CQlld.f11.5'1t ._..aw. ~Mid ur• · r~ boy 10 yrr. old 3 l Mon 1''°16 all day mo. OI July . -.rai:1.1.11ra....•r-.a .. 1W.e.1~lrvllw~ a,..• Muat have own ldaa YI a.m. •tAUIAMT WNCH COllNTER P'OO() PRf.PARATION Pw1lofi waoled lo work .. I uneh t'Oul.I t t'r In I IU'ICtt hrallh food •tor" •·ood P"f'paut1on ... rc:~l~U$ .-1pcor d~1r11hl\' but not ........... ~=n1ty -~ Vn1ftw.m ful'Tl•!lfttod Mf'd1n 11 1t11.111v l.lt'11d1l11 AJ>pl)' l.1111lh~·r1-t Nutn UOO, bf.t v..-..11 C11 r OU'\t'I & Aulloc-b lov..·r lf•\t'I m lhf-~th \ • .,.,., l'llitlt Sbr.11•••0& Cl'OW.r_l..-.\1 Altll rue rn1u111.: r r , PARKING ATTE OA.NT. nt>at. N'•JMmM bl". ag&rll'"'l\tl. 3 yr dnv.-t'lllWr P11 .. ~1blt' nll'lnl ~)' hi~~ l'ftX A111.1 1Wrv Mdlurt'. 11111ot1----------1:1J)t'r 11:1 t'HX nr lyl~· Ufll!J' H n()t. will I ram, ;}-ll1>10 ~h1n l't.-11" of·· in mt.'d bkilil 2 Wki. i>d \JC .. or lnlt"r\ 1t·v. 6.11 564() "xona. 0 11t-r 'i. for t •>lephont' Ul'lliWt'nnte SC'rVH't' Must ht: able to work 1>0me wet!ko:nds Ty1nn~ ~5 wpm rt'q.u1 rt!d ~ p.-nence prdt•r red or will tram Many c·um pwiy benefit:. 1-'ull t1m1· or part llmt:, day & artc-r n11on-even1n1ot 1>h1fti. 11va1lablt' . l'll'UM! t 'lJ II Mon lhru fo'r1 543 '1230 t-: 0 F. l'holograph.-r, frt.-c lant'l', t'"~r m fine portnulurt• &Janub gl'Jlb.. Send bnd info t.o PO Box g~, CdM !r.£!5 BOB'S HOMIOfTHE llGIOY ltnmt~t1111lt' 11pcr11111C' 1n our family n•i,1,1ur ... n1 .11 ricar b) 1<11·atmni. W1· n • qwrt• nu pr1·Vl(lll' t·~ ~cm·t• Jrnn out r111•1\d team ( 'om1· "''' 111> to y bl•l w~n :t-41>m Waihn Waitreues c~ 7311 &lu1J(er I\ Vl' H H Waiten Woit,..HH MmMlget TroinHs ~A vt•n1\la dt• I<• ('<1rluU11, l.11~1m:.i 111 11:. Waiten Woitr~HH U• 11 get T raMtffS Cashitts .i5o1 (:C.mp~·ur I rvme l-A1uul ()ppor 1-~mply r l'rac fe m nurs r· •·Id M 1F widow C!IM h11e 111 /lch' ---------•I h~ekpg & ckni:. lt1•f ll44 .966fl PRIHTING Are you look1n ~ for 111llme work m PASTE tJr, the Pt•nnysavcr •~ loo6ung for you i\IJply In pen.on, lfi60 l'l:.i1·t-nl1a, \ M Wed lhru fo'r1 morn Ill~ PRIHTING Ht~tauranl COOi< !'art lJffi\'. n11:ht~ .t\µpl) at D1f'k Chun•h'~ fl1~1 a& NewjJOrt HI\ cl t ~t Restaurant WA N 1' I': IJ C o o k & I 11):.l<"f>S for 1-'r('nc•h llestaurant , ~Jffil' C'x 11 ncc·e~:." ry. , •r will tru1n . A11ply 111 per.son Th(' Ph•a'i:1111 l'clil>illll ~1 Martmf,!all· Way. 0 C Airport Looking for compuny wtit•rc you can bu1 h1 a c·<&recr? We wuulct like t11 t.alk to you. Compnsmi.: ~-now accepting ap pbcat.1ons for p1111tc-up Restaurant ,\pply Pennysaver 16fi0 Sandw1th & t>:Jlad as Placentia, CM. Thurs s 1•rnhl P1s, 5;,m t u n•rnlngs. 9:3-0am, Mon 1-·ri s:!'J5 hr l''ood Prep wurker:.. l"nnt Shop Tramt'f'. mu~• !lam lpm , Mon Thur. 1y pe 40 word s pt·r S3.3S hr.Mt•11t llb<·er.Oex ----Mlnhnwn ~ yn. eaper. ~ ,_,. la tM buliDeu Services Dept. at our a-41110 ....... _.11 M•a• IOIO Sa.I Ground tlOOr op 5a1&rJ rommennrate. wtdt'ftlANKSto · Npt. 8th corporate of. -· 11uat aell I Uclreh purbanlty w .tot11 crot1J> lmmod gpenlnte. rhooe ALLOFYOU f\ee. DutM1 will Include _................... "Olmelol" New Terrac\: C'Ot1•lr1 n•tworll nf tor-mo.rnln1 ''pt. ==mtOnlJ aulatle1 In •ur mall • CASHPAlD '111eelre.LB.Orchtell.a • le!nOW 6 oPef1 mlndt-d 'lli2M'l4.Brin1re1ume. F~PayAUF'ee& ro om : backup WASHER DRYER for Id m-9 furn, H t.I· ·tbl1 Set. June t •Nl. orr.anu.rn In p~o11I~ UaRMndwlA1ency switchboard operator, $AJ..E Reconditioned re· qmaltclrTV'1t5T .. m St71t. · ~P~ bualneH 1-•o.11 .__..,. • ., jllltllrdl.-Dtab 'U owe..., wori, ncep· ft.Wied. IH&e MW, I 1r **I IUY ** ~. limPI :J•wh.et-1 U4an r~ulr.-. •ltOO« Wiii _,_.. Nlwpart'9lldl,ID8l• UOil6.._alallarowld IUAl'uMe. Your choice CU.bmtn truck ~00. 6 iJulre. t:atl J uJ)' .Natloul llort111e.I~~~~~~~~~ oflke ClutJes. Good lyp· 1148 ea. None bl1ber. Good UMd Jl\irn.lt1att Ir COUrb M . c uatom roam Ml~ lnaurance Co. has SICUllTYONllC• IDI akllb 6 s ome Sale endl June 12. AP· APPUancft-OR I will r ubbe r STS . Antique ----r hall.n1ln1 po11tlon EXPOSURE desir able . pliaaceTown:>M·l.5il aellorSELLrorVou Sinaer iewtr 1100. F SA1.t~ aval.I u attretary to the $100 Eltce&Jent beoefits. MASTaS AUCTIOM WUJys "Zenith" Pool tbl Uta.UUALTY urond.ry market Mil\arypotic.-eorsecuri· PteMlle rail Margo Har · ...._."6&1Jl-t625 sl•t.e top.(Slill cratedl Of!llllS man a i er Good ly l*oud. No weapona, tk,at.. GE/Penn~ys washer, BestOfrer.646-:5808 A u HAN V N to; w 11.'t'rt!llHial 11lt1lls re rotatfn1 1hlft. Lr& co Amrordlnc. ~er ($'lee>. Many Q~· SLEEPER-SOFA, un- ._,tY.V(}I t11'10Nt\l<Y 11tarod Mort1a11e lend• wf)CJM beef Ir working <NJJt.Cn1900tr.) UClnli.lksslhan2yr!lolit . used. e legMnt loose Larae United upri11ht r o M M I ~ s I t1 N I~ ~cltground dea.lra rood. 0.11 Rita. '40-New tliOO, wilJ sell pair piltowa, C08t $490, will rreezer l yr. ~. P11d hi u ~HHltrl-.--'·· -1 i . tHc.-l:iend-cwnp!de .. rc. . ~•ST "'L . ---· f()r .13011" •. 66l·6U8 / settt230:Ml ·ZIM . ~ will eell for '254l . t l<tJS.-; Tt11>: HOAHO i.umt· 1ncludln'g ulary '-VA A TYPIST/IKDt. BJ4.5461. Baby rurn. c rib. $30 IN IK>l/S~ SAU;:) 70', h111lury to Hox 2910, PERSONNEL ror buly Real F.alate In· Large L-shapc sora. 2·PC dresser 120. chang1n1; \1'110~") Tilt: uoAfcp New_port_Beach~-•~~CY ~s;m0enct office Dix ~!~ ~e:ac~ ~1!~ with ottoman: off.while tblc. SIS. litrolll'r 125 C'OOI' lti·.:wnal Sal~i. Ofrtre AV'liOl""'ll ._, · Alryort area. rl:lllge $100646-S848. w/orangep1ptntc.2Chow _~_l87_s _____ _ 00 TO toO/ol IOVklllg for i.e('(t!lary 540-6055 We want a rnendly girl tables. I 6ft sora. kng S7. Tefn o 'ltfKlt 6'HOHRAMS Acot·ur~ty-•'1r11htttd. -.._.rr--6or,ru wttb pleasan1.. phone H<YfPOINTW~IUNG bed.~pread, deep pink g.SOfa,medtclrr«' •. II tit ... l'AI I I .1.~-,. ••• ., .,,...,.....,. ...,.., voire " typing speed 50 MACHINE $100 Des t oUer. 642-1340 cabinet tripll' mlrrori.. •\vA .I\ '"' • H\l""""·pcrsooaHty,lri.: NEVERA.CHARGE wpm. Call anytime 61~3027aft 5 30 berore8/eves. 1Vanlenna,goldcarJ>(•I 1111.l.ltAHVt-:'I'. m )l•1ic:rits,11rcvious cl<p Caltror afthrsappt mB533 __ __ ----ing, all In xlnl cond \ltill ~IOI 1>rc('ci 8JJ·4647 for 1n Admiral Coppcrtont• Apt 6 llJht'k frml lounl<(e ('hr-. IMll-3634 t=w:. ~I ZllW t.crvicw Sec'y, permarMmt plol1me. VETERANS l>Z 'l"efng. Cd cond Sl2!'J $1SO ea. or 6 for $H4JO --- Pleaunl office, CdM. X1nt oppor to earn xlra ~ . Suzunne, 646·771 1 or Waterbed K.: i.z w1lh .,'\/\Lt:.-.; M.\NMil!.:M f':N1' w .. hl.l\t' 1mml-d111tt· po:.1 11(10 <J lll•ilr11J ll' lv1 J µen.c.n., l'llµt'ncnt·1•1I 111 1111.-n':. & wonwn"~ t:;uru jll'Jll l'UlllelllJ)llr:JI Y 1•loth1111< :.ult.'1> & manu.:<' llM!rll fo'u II & P 1T hrs -r1Yr111Hhl"' S<tli;ry ,"" •~Jmm • c-o bt.'n{•f1ti. t ~II Moo Sul. IO-<I tu :.l'l Ujl lnll'rVleW TIH:LOOK 540--4500 SALESMEN $14K-$20K Tirt'(I or JU~l rrwkmK u h11m1ot'' Wr· art• looking ror l.•mb1ll1JUS Sl'lf rrMil1va1t.cJ 111d1v11lual!i to 'l'l'VI' as 3f'l'OUOl~ r•'I"' N.1t1•inl1llY d1~tnbu11•d pmdu<·L-.. Room for ad vant'\·mcnl Cull bctWC'l'n I() 2. Mr Wh1t1• 540-40'.t.'l SALES MANAGER <'u-.lllm Sa1lm<1ker nt'f•cb '·'''~ ma nuJ!,..r lO ~et up 11;1llunal d1~lnbut1011 and fol h.w up national a•I v1·rt .-.1na.: lt•ad!> To quul1fy . Mu).t hav1· 1·nl ll•l(t tfrgrt"t:. prfvr sa lt·s expr . ~a11tn.: cxpr & have a g ras r1 on sail u~·hnoloi!Y Send rc'!iUml' to I' O Box 2333, Newport lit!llCh, <.:A !ai6J Sales J>l•rson. pcnnant•nt, full llm<'. R.M Abrams Catalof,! showroom. Ull!t Newport Dlvd,CM. Sale'! P e rson · ~x pcncncc.cJ hardwart•, call 11fler 6 · 30pm 646·!">482. SECRETARY J..x1mnd1n1< Npt lir h 11h1Jrm1Jce ut11·al 1·om pJny needs secret ary T ypt' 60 to 1111 wpm Short.baud ur s 1-'Ct.'<i w n l rnR. Maf( tard ('Xl)er. hclµCut. <.:<111 fur a11pl. Nt•wport 1Jh11rm1tceut1e11ls, 897 tilth St , Npt fkh 714 / 642 7Sl I fo:xt 11 SECaETARY Srmll one ~irl office 2·3 yn, rec·cnl ~t·1·rctary ex· pcnt•nrc. Good 1<room111g & good Phof!e \/OICt' i'li M'nltal Tyv111R GOwpm Litt• shorthand or 1>.J>l'i'd wnlut~ J>rcfcrn'C.l 0 C l\1rport area Salary ha ~ed un 4ual1(u·a lion..; '800 +-Plt'llM' S{·nd ri-suml' to Clll~!!ICu.~I Ad R454, f);i1l y l'1lnt , I' O.liox 151;0, Costa Mt-sa. Ca 9'.!626 St-crt1ary for 111·1•ounllnl<( ofr Typmg & hkkpg t'XP rt-qwred N1111 ~rnoker prl'fc·r red N r OC Aul><1rt 7 11-833 97!11 . SECRETARY fo'or aggrcsl>tVc Finan· c• 1 a I J R . t: f 1 r m . Pre11l11(10U.'I N 8 head· qtr.i. lnteresl•'<I in lrn'I( legal skJUS Req1> strong ~ccy s kills . T y ping 60-70wpm, fo:nthus1ast1c sclf starter pref Apply 1n pers at 230 Newport Ctr Dr. Design Plaza, Ste ao.NB9-5. ldeal ~tuabon for right income. Part ume up IQ ------7S9-!H87. drawers hkc new Askin~ person 613--4429 Sl.300 per yr, plus other MoVln~ Sat am, Garrers -----MOO Julie957·8588 r..,.y ,.EC_ benefit.'I. fo'or full details, S<AUler gas range. 3 yn. fo'of' Sale, kmK ~z· wl~r -1 ~ ....-' & t.o rind out 1f you're otd. r06l 1200. sell $1011 bed w / l 2 d raw c r .._c1l•1W We areabouttoentcr an quahried call NAVAi. $5831 .~~1540~. W..eacl 1011 accele rated g r owth R~ERVES52·352A ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• .....,....A "·· .... rv••1..-8 and Whirlpool washer & "US If sola, llkf' new. 1ircen & E •1 .. ,....""'"" ..,...,.. ....,. ,. yellow floral $100 2 xercyc e, m1 s1 gym ir1&nagers will be select· Waitresses Wailers, part dryer. $75 ca. ,. h r 0 m e & 0 a u' K eq111prnenl for home ust: edfromoorexisting~· lmle,days&evesava1I 964·5578 bar~'""I ~ .,, .. ,. _Call Don arter 71'M pfe wheFe~ver poss1bk!.. erlvat.c.club. 644-540&-.............., _., _....._... -544-9128 'I1'ere il> opporturuly for £Jer ryer, 5 yrs ord . 848-~1847-0039 ---- _..... th 1 Waitress w/car for wicker $110 Rcfng, frost free. --Abov -··-.. I 111· 4 15,,, .... , in e area 0 bas ket lunc h service, $125 848·ti3ll2J847 0039 1920 Oeror Solid Oak e gruunu .~' x respons1b1hly & rom· Hand Otrved Udrm :-.ct round or l:'i xJ round pens al1on for pro· ~~~j~~·stt:~n; a>thgoodcond '1500/make ofr Call 1-'ri w /~ork1nK llltt:r Cet>.'ll<>na.I, dt.-d1caled Pt"O· Must he neat, persona bl•· lkydft 8020 e11t!S or wknd~ :>56 1 llfl 547 318:! pl~ •. •• "'"'"1197907•7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'rht· secrctarv /reception "'energeuc ...... . .• M<>VI N<r' M us·r s.· L,•1.1. <.:ash for book~ llar<l rov ·" aft ioam for appt Schwinn. g1rb; "l.11 <:h1k ' '" -1 N 1 • t k JlOfillion rt.'qwres modest "----slin.c r1Jy. lk nw $75 beautiful l<(amc lablc, t.>f'li on Y • o l'X, Ktl) " shorthand skills. xlnl Wartress wanted. expcr. 042 344!1 174$1 Honair<• blac•k slatt>topfrwlwood 97!Hl7H7 telephonl' answeri n.: Ill both food lit rocktails Wa>, NB, near t<irott ha .... t!. 4 newly uphol r hr:. Mlaicd skills and a ~ood typani! ltelween 10 4 Irvi ne Tu.'!un&21sl ~"i.'>O . <tlc;o velvt•l rha1r lliltrmllflh s-...4 Startin~ ~alar~ ('"''"t Cntry ''lub, 1500 L·. hl'droom fu p<ttm m , I 8083 r; 1s ~50/1 200 per ~t Hwy. N 8 1>44 ~ CYCLE & CO furn t-_;11~ 644 ll067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo Wnt(' ad 11~11 Dally _ _ • G1~ L7 gwlar Si1'JO '" Pilot Rox1560, Costa Waitrnin&Cooks Nt•w & us"d bik1·' fo:AHl.Y AM t-:l<I C/\N he-t ofr Fc·ncln Sup1•1 Mesa, Ca 9'.!li.26 wanlt'<.I All shirts avail:.i llQoght. sold & tradl-0 lookmf,! 5 P<' lwdniom wt ftevcrb amp 2 yr" old 2470 Newport klvtl xlnt C"fmd $4UC11ht·:;t ol $3501)rh~• 11fr Mu:.t ~l'll c_.; ""'-t h I t I.lie> Colony I< iU•ho·n ""'' 7'.J.10 l"r ~w "102 ,_ ... ""I ""7:1 .,.,, vice •:Md ion c P wan · ltc-;taurant 27142 Ortt·.:a '"' ' .,..,., " uuu• ..,., ....., ed Cull lime· days or n11<(hls . l mmcd1alt> _Hwy.SJC.49l·l848 Pets 8087 1070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CClh 8035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jrt~ empk>y111Cnt Apply 990 Jo:. Cst llwy. Npl. lkh. --- SErtvtCfo: STATION AT TJ::NDANT P /l1mc . Avail eves & wknds Neal appea r ance & handwntmg. Apply 4!500 Nt.'WPQrt Bl, CM. Servi toe ~llon att.cndant. Light repair wor k & sale~. Newport Shell 2.ID>W Coast ltwy ---------- Sewing Loft wa n ts energfllC cons<'1ent1ous peop~ with scwini.e ex penefl<'e. $3-$4 per hour &GJMS. v1.,, DCJ & Prodllctioll WAMTID DRIVER SUMOAYOHLY f>.trhni:t wf'll r ;in'<l ror k 1l tJ·n.i. SJO .. a 547 31112 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IWd ht!lld A111J1•111 µJrr"I lltlll•x f;-.,·r l! hands ;: w1IK t'ili!l'. youn.:, 1 alk' 0-:rels, ~~,(I, Solid 14k ~ 64S-43rill To d.:IJ11er Dally l'ilut bundles to c-arnt:rs. Kc qua res van or lan:c .,, a lion wuiton ;met ;1 ~octd drivanit re<'ord l'hon<' 1142 4321 .rnd <osk rc,r lfarry Set'lt'Y ur Oun Williams Onwj!J drl'l>.; watc h. 2 DoCJI 8040 -.t rill"'· $3!Al , hoth SMa(I Pknos&On)ans 8090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~It U:.n.t"14 KO~>{>d~" ••••••••••••••••••••••• t-:<)U.t\f. Ol'PORTUNITY ~Ml'l ,OYER W A R t-: II 0 U S f: R E C fo: I V I N G & MARKING fo r retail sWrt> chain. C<lll i>49 3339. &rorK1k. Slll':LTIES Pups Al\< Xlnl Markings Shots i:yccxam ~510 4 month nld .t\ K (' r•·~ Golden Lab Hetrt•1vcr 1-'cmalc. Apt dwelll'r must ~II. Dog «<1ld on.: for $0!85. Make offe r 8»3~7 Samoyed 11upp1es. i\KC' rctt 1 male. 3 femal~. -t wks. Deposit hold"i dOR Wine & Im port Hen $250 ~15aft5pm OeR. Apply ltam..Spm. -- -N1.•w Kawu1 c·11n ~ol•· 8080 •...................... LUGGAGE TAGS from your bu. .. mLo:.S card Pl anot> SJ!~!> U I r 751 1121 N t· w 7 · 4 ' ' K <l w J • lt.obt.-w••Jd c·onn:rl a.:_rnml fllJIOO Ut.-aler751 1121 ~Ml om• 1·ard for eac h 1---------• taa.: µlw. one ~par(' W•· Nfo.:W Ul<IMllALI. S PINl':r l'IANOS $1 .~I BRIMHALL PIANOS m inute . 333 Jrd. St hrs, xlnl pay 1f quauf1e<.I Liiguna Beach. J.on's K1tr hen. 3077 s ---------• SICRETARY Architectural firm needs Ptr secretary, 20·25 hrs pr wk. Salary negotiable . 645-04lS ---- Deptw lwllfs. 1802 S. Coast Hwy, Lal( Amt.>ncao Pit Hull pu11 rt:1ur11 1.,..rmanenll y sealed allra111ve tai: & 'llrap. mt'Nrn.: airline I 0 . reqwrcmcnLo; Prt· vent 1058 & theft' For a 1w.rsonaliu.-d t.ag enclo:-•· wallpaper, l abric or .. l>a >' GJQ.', Acron hom Soulh Coas• Pla14 15 t '12t ---------Harbo Ill Carn CUti: •--~11Gt-~Kl.11t-l'oremen to Dr> S.A 979-0747 aft aHS!st 1n m a1nta1n1ni.: lOam SICUTd ~ive ai;:ncullural trade a.."80Ciat1on seeks sh81J1 S(·cretary ror t rar. fie dept Mu~l ~ able to work wJth littl e supervision. J yrs orrice experien ce required Type 60wpm. shorthand 70·80wpm. fo:xcelleo t bt.oncf1ts. Call pcrsonnol. ll33-8:B4 Applications now being accepted for fem.al operators in 2 Dept. Great opportunity for right person. Xlnt co htnc f1ts & r eviews Deltron1r Corp 929 Ba.Jter St. Cost.a Mesa. ~. ~ ~Ailft.&..-~--~~~=--=-=-=-=--====:-1 613-31114 MRdm1rlM ...,,11 back & Ln m your lai:!> Or try two C'Jrd:, ---------"l-~ORE I GN MODEi.. I cqwpment & Jie neral :.tlop dullc:;. Apply tn p1>rsnn. M ax-Vat• 111 1.5501 t;om~ultir Lo. II B RECIPTIONIST Newport Bearh area. Busy rront de~k nct>ds 1·apable person. Heavy p hon es & t y plna; minimum 50 wpm Call Terry 644·7S40 ... fo:.O. I!: ---------RF.cf'TIONIST rrv PIST ~tn 60 WPM, good ofc ~1!5549-1767_ --• RECF:PTIONIST · for pnl~1onal oHict:!>. Call ~~. 8;iJ·ll486 l'art·lll'ne 11.-cepl1onist · 10 t o :i Sharp typing !>.k1lli.. phooe personality. frunl d(1re 644·2507 Robin UCIPTIOHIST · TeleO..rator Nood dependnble. atlrac. front olc pcr~n w /pleas· mg wlc manner & typmi: ability . Xlnt benf & Wl)tk'I( r()lfd. Slartmf,! sat <·vmmensurall' w /c·xp t'all Erin Do11n1·lly 7~·h30 RECEPTIONIST I.aw Orfit•c·:. Sulury 11egot111bh" f /llmt'. !I-~ Ca II 642 -8.'>32 ~ion1llt/l'yp1i1t 1111rt lime Ute typing & po11t· 1nl(, for con i.ultmR t!n11meer . Some ex ~r. deun!d. Npt. Bch. a rea !115-0040. ------Receptionist w /good typ· mg skills for CPA rirm located at MacArthur Blvd & Jamboree Rd. Irv. 7512-0274 uc.TIOMIST Mature, aharp person. exper. phones. t y p~ SO + wpm, In v o Ices , quutations, orders, front otnce appear a nce. top sltlary plus benefits for Irvine F urn. Mr.:. ~14C).t1894 for M ppt. llKepffoMt FUii-lime, permanent position. Typlnic r e· q u i red . Good co. benef'tta. Call 644-Ut2. RMeptiODllt ffypl1t for n nall land sca pe MOMed.I llrm bl Santa Ana. 1 lirl omce. Good penooalJty w 1aptJtude for n,... CAJJ fn.0744, " ~klntal tmmedlate run time 5:J. for 1harp PBX recep. with vartoua other omce du&Me. P1eue call lrvtne Savina It Loan A1toe. 752.ftOo, EOE M/P' WWW'llOMllT art18't 111 ror buo ~11 ...... ftrm. Utlll .,,..._ AplplJ In ,.,...-. · lft M'ewport ~Dr ... •.NB~ ____ ,,. ... HN'S twf•11rn<• an ;11•n•• nurse !>flt'• 1ul1st On thl' Job tra1n 1n1: 111 Oerm atoloi:y off1<'C:. wtuch specialize m the• tn-alment of acne Part ume &; full hmt! posit 11m:. available 1n La Habra. Oista Mt-sa & Westwood olf1c1~. No dermatoloftY t!Xpcn cnc·e nee. fo:venmi; & Sat. hrs llcncf1tll. C<ill Judy 045·7519 or Sara 631 0149. Sallrmker needed for sail IJ.>rt. S()me cxpcn"-n{'l! l"l'q fi46 58)6/631 41)1;() Se.le&-An CJCCll.uli: nto·W rvo<·ept rt.'l:tlt'<I to tht• 111 tenor dt•s1gn indu:;trv has up11ncfr1I to th(· Oran)ott' Coa:.t arc•a. Ap µlu•atwn:. now twinf,! a1· (•(•ptNI for t'llTl'>Ull.tnh who arl' profl's~wnall} orientl'd & hi g hly motlvah!d A 1·ompletl' training program pro vided, h111h romm1ss1on plan with no 1n t·ome llrrul.!>. 613-H230 Sale. AnEHTIOM MONEY HUNGRY AGENTS f1 1Jv1• 2 OJ)l'nin a.:s fr1r h11(hly mot1v1Jt1·d. ,. .. 11 startn Aa.:a.:rc·:.s1vl· sale·,, a1wnU. in hil!h vc1luml• of f1t•e in milh•in dollar l0<·at111n w the number one l'nmpany Call Al Stellato ror conhdenl1al mtervu~w. 96.1-5671 Un1qUl' rl'lail nurst·ry m-.rl:. :m OUll{Olnl( JH)rSon for full t1mt' indoor plant..'!. sales & main lenance pos 1t 111 n Knowltd~e of planb nt.'CCSSary Please apply m p..ri.on, Mon thru F'r1. ROGER'S GARDENS 2301 San Joaqwn HUis Road rDM 640 5944 Salt~. Sll'roo compon1·nb Ill f1 knowledgt• or -.uh·:. cx11er prl'f'd. Mt1na~c ffil'fll upportunll1l.o:. 0 <.: are1:1 t..<tll Mr l..t1M•lh at 2t:.l/6H!'; 8541 bet Wt'l'll llam 2µm -----SAJ.l:.."'i 1'RI fl,()N Nfo:t-:OS YOU To r111 avnlancht· of or tl1·r ., rrom marin1., rn<>turc yell'. ., po rt 1111i .:cub. motor ~port~. rl· ta1lo·r.. c;n·ut opply hut ""'' Jre Vt·ry sdcct.1 vc & w,1111 t ar1·1•r wir1n•·r lypt.., 1mly We train 1•x pt.'ftly V1">1l us and .,,.,. Call Mr Dehl ~c n !14().4023 Sall~ Wantc'<.1 youn~ ml'n who get 1Jlong wl'll with wonwn (;(Ill Mr C:c'Ortlt' 54CHOZI. 10 2 r--. .... ~,_•.,..••1 Saleswoman part tim\· Minimum 2{) hrs. Ex pcrien ce preferred Olive Branch, 557·0063 or SAUS 54().2'100. Design cente r sales, m Screen pn ntmg produ<· stde & out exper. Draw lion m anager wanted ap.uu;t c•omm Musi be Must have exp 540·91 10 yn~ & aggrcss1v1i, call ---- 642-2210 SCTRY /Gt.. Ofc. ------C<filA MEsA f.iKht typ S/\1.1'.S . lng & bookkecpinf for tqUIPMEMT ln11urancc1R .E . o rice SALIS TRAl .. HS Sa I a r y ope n . C a 11 Immediate positions Slcplulnleat64~9487 a v a 11 r o r m o n e Y Seamstress n eed«t for motivated. aggressive, nil lort Som e <•x profeti11ional sales people perience req. 646.5806. in 0 U i l' e C 0 p YI n g 631.4680 sys te ms, Guaranteed salary, commission + SICalTAltY bonus. All tralninR pro· National Mo rtaaae vkled. Stallon wagon or " " van pre('d. Please call ln11 uranre Co hu s aren Drozda, sales challen1lng position evtll. aa tecretary to lhc aaoa1er. 971-2333. VP ol marketing. Good __ Cati_r_. _Cop_y_ln_l _Prod __ ·_. 11~crelarl a I 1t ills r e. SALIS/FAlllCS quh'ed. Send complete 11\aU • put Lim~. Expr. ~ ~.c~A!'7:S~~ helpful. Will train. Coata Newport Center Or. _Mesa __ . 64M040------~• Newport Beach, 93860. Sales Fa1clnttlng oppty for 2M Inc. Chooee )'OUf' hns. Call llOCTI all lpm for nftlalo. SALIS MtptTI. We /teed an ~neraeuc .... penon to tell office auppllH. C,.M. /N.8 . ..... ~HlftU· per. preferred. Apply Btecl\ St•Uoaere, 4020 O....,N.B. SECRETARY ·Rapidly expandin1 co. in com - puter products n eed s ~m•ry ror retlonal aaleR " Ht'Vi~ ok Ac· cwate typing 6 pleaHnt Dhcine manner ~ui red. Verlety or dutlo. $1150 /rno. w 11rowth PGWnllal. Documallon Inc., 11152 MtcArthur llvd. 81.ilte 330, lrvtne. ..... ------- SECRETARY We are about lo enter an 1H·celer a led g r owth J)f'riod Super visors & maru.l(ers will be select @Ii.from eur ex1slln~ peo· pl~ where ever pos,.1ble 'rhel"(' ll> opportunity for .:rowth m the area or respomnb1lrty & 1·om pensat1 on ror pro· fC'!).'lHJila l. dt.'<11cakd pco pie. The M·rretary pos1t1on reriui n~ ~ood :-.horthand skilb, xlnl tclc1>honc i.lnswcnnil s kills & an xlnl lYIJlllA ~pt.'('<i Start 1na.: ~alaJ"¥.trana.:l' 1~ $1 (Ill() lo $1400il1P' mo. Wntc ad •!"l.1011 Daily Pilot Rox 1560, Costa Me:-.a ,Ca !0)2l; ~ SECRETARY M:iture, pos1t1vc ~·r~on. l•xp 'd . phont', tn11ni.: :ill 1-wpm . eal<'ul:i1'1r fmnl offit-e appear:lON' for Irvine furn. mr~ Top ~uJary & hcnf.'fll!> r~~ for appl. -.CRFfARY lmmed opcn1nA i n Newport Beat·h for Secr etary , W ord Prn<'rssor train<'{' In teJIJ~nl, gd typm~ & spelling a mur>t. Call Alice, before 11 ·30am. 752-6841. SECY Alert & accur needed for ,. chem co. Call Da.r64S-2111 . SEX:Rl!.'TAFtY JRECEPT. for1V production co. t:x· cltmg future, must tyJM! wcU. 'KO.K ~ual Qp. ponunlty E mployer $700 motoatart. 556-9292 Irvine Secretary ExecSecty Maui Iott Hot.I Exciting openings cur- rently exist for people· oriented people w Ith clerical alUUa. En· excellent rompeny lta includln1 free meala. Appty tn penlOft, Mon-Fri, 9am -noon , Perlonnel. 900 Newport Center Dr •SICllTAIY• Company In Fashion lllnd la loolltn1 for Sttretary lo train o n .n ~. ••l•ry '800·'8~ D.O. •:. r. •. cellent benefit•. Cell MN410 AMllllCAN Career A1ency llO Nei::.1 Cenm" Dr Ntwpxt Rb No he \ ----Speoal -,; discount to Real &tate School Call Don, 613·7JOO Super visor. Area /\ss'l. for mlru·wurehouse pro· jt.xt.s. Ask for Mr E ider 21J/68Hi731 Teacher-Pre &·hoot. FUii lime. Paid holidays 1'uslln. 131.m2. 1-:-ves- 552·4874 Tl'lcphonc Soliciting for ln.'i'Urantt ~$4 JH)r hr <.:all Mr Hydc835·3010 Telephone Sall'S WORK AT llOMfo: Some hand1rap rt.'q 'd. Call Collt'l't (;.G . s:l)-5.220 leave name & phone no art mess1J)otC. ------~-- TB.EPHOME SALES News paper :iubs. Your phone, 4 to 5 hr.. u day SltJO & up c-om m wk t:Xp pref Ovc•r 21 I f) Newspaper fo:nt. 835 6453 lto3PM<>Jlly TC'le Sales·C:<t1Hl paymf,! 1-'lt. & pit pos Mon thru l''rl Call art l pm , ~),',11.~11. Tow truck dnver nt.-cdt'ii Must bve CM, expcr. on ly. 646-96..18 Tow Truck Onvers t>lC· per'd . Top pay. Apply G&W Towing. 7408 C»uns Way, C.M 642-1252 ~. no experien~ necessary Mam.dacture of optlcal compnnents 6:30AM·3.30PM. 2 Sats pr mo overtime S3.50 hr located CM 646-0206. TYPESE:TTER·exper'd only, IBM or comp/set 500. 642·1M2. TYPISTS a.atlCAL TIAIMHS AUa.•tcS JUMORa.aacs IOUYOPBS Vouuy you want a cbante ol pace rocua your eyes l4JOD ~place Pertlaps a month a day or Wttlt we have the po1IUON which you may eeek Temporary aervlce la what we provldt' thef'erore out peoele mwtl be saUafied. YOU'tJ.J.,lK E OUR AnTruDE! 117..oo61 ~e~ office • ~ 1J overload ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... 8005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Armoire w /beveled m1r rors & bottom drawer, Ash, uh. $475. 644·1487. Rectangular Oak t bl w /extenslon & Ii imtctung chis $700 Oak sideboard. $325. Hurl walnut sideboard, $.'lOO. 91)4.5578. -----Aflll-cn 8010 • •••••••••••••••••••••• FREIGHT DAMAGED iiOl'POINT SALE D1" W. Warner nr Harbor Santa Ana 979-2921 CASH PAID Ws hr /Ory rs r H efrr f.!S. 'Mlrk111g or nut 957 ·8133 ---UARG Al NS-I Jst 'I.I rt'( n l!S, Wl>hr.;, dry rs, i;:arur, l!t'i.l buys, we serv appl Hest Appl 536-091 1. SJ6.43.'IO Maki' th ose l!OQrl hoo.<,<:holfl 1lems you 'r" not u~mi: uvallllhle 10 l>()m(•nlher ramtly hy ad \"l'rtl~m'~ lhc·m for .,~lit• m ci~.,1ru'<.I Call li4:! 56711 TELL Silky Terncr. fc•m.cl•• :.11utlc" house brok l' 11. $7 ~. b15-4lll3 ----Frftto Yot1 1045 ••••••••••••••••••••••• KITTENS · Weaned & Traml'd C.M. 548-4615 f'ree Lo good home Cul<' lovahlc s mall puppy . &1.'>-4368 f'rt'C K1ttrns. Per1>lJfl, 6wks old. K39_Jl23 fo'r~ klth:ni. fl wk' f;ontl health 493-4 l!f.1 l'VI'' ('uH· pupp). !! Wk!> old. 111•1•!1 ~ j.!Ood th11111• ~50JI 1-'Hl':t-: tn i.:1•1tl hl)m•· ,..,.m Cah<'<• \1 .u1\. 1, 111•1:., l'Ult' & loveahlt· >i42· 73HH l>arhng ti wk old k1th'n-. Ot"Y c-ahco hlk. i.:r.r v li44 222-1 M1.1..;t fintl hc1m1• for ahan tlmll'<I pu n •hn·d rn .d" < :Olhl' Tra1m.'li ·1\)3 I, I ~ MORE PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR E SALE! S1qns are qreat to give d1rec11ons 10 your garage sale but to let people know you're having a sale. you s hould schedule an ad to run In the Classlf1ed section of this newspaper' It's the best way lo tell people what you're selling, wh en and how to get to the sale Call today and le.I us help you wo rd your ad DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS HOil 142-5671 t1<.wk to bac•k f'HICES Si! l'a or :i '$:. 1,5 tags $1 ti() CJ I, !Hal:,S $1 511eJ IOtK"morl'Sl 4-0\·a Sales Tax Included NO CARD'' Draw \'our own nr send name, ·addr~. phnne & we'll makt• orw card per tag i\dd 't:r each :-.O·nd f·ticck •ir money or llc•rlo PILOT PRIHTING I' 0 llDx 1560 _:.<t.~ Mesa , c;:i _ !12621i COPY MACHINE 9ti2-7CW ( 'ont r;H'tnr ha' -;urptw. 1)1 .f U>rl tui.:h df11·1•·m v n •11 tral air t1111d1l 11111t•rs Mu<;t ~II You m~lall nr w1· rn.,tall f\;11 n •a;, 11H•·r n1u'...W lall 77H ~~10 n1 vt'l1er M t'lLll nln•· -.wrai.tc "'Y'>ll'm 1\ppr..x :12t :-q fl w1:.ta1rw..iy (i,1lvan111•1t -.tc•cl d1•1k IOI-!. dt.'bti.!n1"<J tor 1>a rt::. :-lorai:•· (':111 Snt:nl1(1c !>re 11111'1: <uni r (ii ,,.r,7 !Jl.'11 A~k 1111• 1>.1v1• 11 111 Wlurlµuo>I t•h•f.!11nt Jrt'd ru,.:.-.. Kx 11. a.:rey.... 1.1.•ht 111.-.t ~I l'a, 11·"~ f11r l111lh (llt'W $700 t'.I ) 1;1:! 1~12, l>-12 t>70.t Fam1I} m('mb<·r:.h1p. 'II II '1'1•11111~ Cluh m11 kt• 111 r C.111lalt fA'1 l29S11i3.1 13~fl 195G ..-ord pu I rue· k . $.!001bo. Old F'ord pu Jl()rts, lakc lht•m awa} H' t•mpr for pu. S50 1r 1·10 c mpr, S7r> 27' Fc11ther sa1 lbo11l ind lrlr. '200/bo. 1977 llonda Xl..125. $750 1971"1 liM · Custom va n , $YllSO 6".S-2270 ------F'Of' Sale Several On en tal l'Uf!S Rea~onable :I ChlnC'Sl' Scrolls. 492·2850, NE:W, BOND Ct " .Sh <llAPTELJ. l<1J1WwcJOd XI nt Mnd tw 1 out cA twie S300. Wt· ab11 have 2 antique p1ant1 stools 1118 each sn:WART ANTIQUf;~ mis llarborSu1kC Santa Ana 979· 1689 TY.Radio, MR.St.no 8098 .........•..••.•....... IJea141fuJ 25" <'OIOr TV i' yr warranty. rre\· 111· livery SJ Ill 646· 17~ GIANT SITIF.F.N T V Super p1ttun· l'nc&;d frn q u-r C' k ., a I • · S Ii :, 0 wimcl /l'V~ K.1:1·:! I :!H AM FM .. 1 .. n·11 t 1.lnydh I w1 lh l'J11 a ~on 1 1 ~J>l·ak..ro, Vi•ry j!•NNI co11 11ll1t1n ~J. f>!) KJ!IJ MJranlt 10:11) a m11. fill watt:., St!~ 111 " a.l!HW>!'o ••••••••••••••••••••••• GeMral 9010 .•...•...•••••..•...•.. WHETHH BUYING or SELLING TW1i1 Yow DAILY PILOT IOATMAIT Tophlce,_.ecl u1642-5678 496-~717 t-;x~ 7 ._--=====~ :-;till in the box duph r111t• Wanted: E let't ri c Uu v Wt..-ddanl( 1<1rt 20 pc water boat, call lt•!U sta In I es11 s t l't• I 61:J.9142 ~-w_are_968·64_95__ ...._ -.. -... --,,-,-t•c•/ Canoe 18' redwood & 5trrice f020 fiberglass Needs work. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $100. 536-e74, 964·~. Exper1 cerpel installa lion, s pecializing In Tennis. Newport Beach botlla, can, vans. Cull Tennis Club-hmaly SteveL..J714) 828·8768 membenhlp. 64S·Ul86. after6r• ~-------- Q. IAl SPI.::: SAU "::>:-=-toJO All blindl on sale month -.. ••••••••••••••••• olJuoe.ASPEN~l J.KW UO VAC Yanmar clelel pnentor, hardty Moaaic iu.mcl patio tbl, 4 !'WI. Cl200 eompletc. malchlna c hrs. need 7Sm7 some rep t Ir . SU.-.,. ... -1_-....... ---boa---rd-- M&<8l5. -U out . lll bn \lie. UDder Wmty. K1n1 u htnd woven IS1S.tu.OU4. sprnd. natunl color. --.. Power 9040 Xlnl<.'Olld .•. ~. -....................... Mini &tale S.te. Delk, "II Scartb·UO TS out kitchen tet, TV, panon1 driwa, Mhount. Loacledl tbl. llmpa. rlre 1cf'ftft, • mptt "'•· 8tond on ptt'luns + more. 11·17$. Inlier. llutt Mii/beit of. M4-1C. ltr. Stl* I'°'°' enlarter 711 .. 216 ..... I 1195. 14'-120tt-'I .. .em/M'f.-Alli .. ~~ ..,,.,.....~_ ..... ............. • .. ,._. .. ,,,w UM4 MIM.UtM ~~ -~lt!lim.... " t ,,~ ·············~· .. ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ._ ................. . --r-......................... ,...,, Vrw-... -............. ..., t111 Nilaiilaililli t740 ,.,... " '''' ttts a.ou•t "20• .. .., ilM ula"' -:;.-·;:;~..... ~..:.~ ..... · -1c:umia.riim10.-.l-••_•_•_••_•..!:•~····.·.•,•_.••~·==·:::•:::•=••:..•_µ-IJ!l!Wkb~-.. :~w·.·~:::-1'.iU..~• -j;;;;• A ............... • ........... ·;;i ...... r~ORANOi~=E~i~Eii:::==i[ 6T ..-...:.. ' m·• -..-5 9datta nu 1 '0 ' 1t• ....-7aw.o A duai COIOILA 01A1 •MC1t lmWBT wkly .. I t mi m.219 _ _ sz.aooonp..1 milK! All tMllA. CCl'HJ). Sl3.'700. Ecanomkal 4 cyl. with GD C.maro., Capnce.. UNOOt.N 0 ·llDCUll-Y &Sllllt.w/trall«,3SHP __ -_ ·-~ru,IJi•yl.u•o. the utrat 1nrludlnJ 75"»2526 ..um.Uc traftlJ . .-air MonteCarao..1111U'"-• EALERSHIP ..,..,,::* palat -Ji I • y,...._ tilt ~--.-. '111·JMI, AellJw imerior, •&W'OO(, 11!' coad. (SIOVBO>. (Stk. • Now•. Dreatlc reduc. IAY .. tD•OI 111_1 _______ ~ _ ...................... NiWPiiit . ..,.... ....... ractory P»Ja). Ltanl! LINCOt.N·llZllCUllY ·a P'a1,..lllp "claaalr". 'll'T'N"ry1$ftS/C 1L~p.tl t'Ord~LOQ.VL~JUr.. ~··1j.~4~' 74 ~mH ~ -:.1 •:~!/.:: SAYINOWIU .._llA6'GC..WDI'. •••' •\ U Ill arbor .Ji.h MW-. llalr• olf•r I'S/Ph, (•rutu. IJ1u'l ¥M&IY NO•TS ~ wtih tan UP· • SDft'wy·~'r•teXlL mm. or filltllq boln, ._ uwu. l ownor. c ll•lln, ~Ul...-RS>~ wjJI · a.7 ... = ll!vlanad•. labln, ·1e-Rou1tabou1 Hltt ... uo ~ Ul-IM04'MtA doM. power brakell, air --PURCHASE ,. .. 11; ft!bk~ • f'lt Ill.GOO. l.ib l'Ml'W, with '76 WA.MT•: OIJ.t•ICOUMTY'S C.'\lndiliorunf. t•rub1e ron OR LEASE *SllPERBOONi>ITION• .-e.'tr&r a.a-= ~ ~~i 1~J~~ ti'lx"' upper 10 1a """ ot..DIS1' ll'Ol. <mLE.J). YOUR NEW 73 Coe.T * l)iftll't 1nu1ur 2 a 11111". ~ tm MBZ 400Sf':L Only 1979 4 door sedan. V-3, auto. I man lnl1•l•bh-dlaatbL M lU1v~-r1ll(lfualorl·11bl1v~·• "' 25.826 miles, s unroor. '78 Celle• lftbck. A/C, rat·t . air , landau. ~·~ .. 6'1~1::;~.n *r::;::~~400 ~;;~;.,1 .. ~1:,·:iwr A~;,:1 ~=~ c:Si:'McW~~·unie ~!~·:·~pdi'e~Ko'::'. CNADIOLUW.•C ·~OC:O~~nJ~K"um:ir:'t~ ~~~ew radiali. ~ ~ .. ••••••••••••••••• ... •• 40' Saklli Serv1t>e 1.ea111n" 152-_2526 (Zl3)3l~ll5IO. butt. 1700. ~·9054 $1985 -----~~lMPI r~or-t4 •¥1C-t-D8'f-;-· , 2ctiii :'lno • a..Gawer,lllc; -• J97S 'C h cv · Cuprec e· :-*'l£;f.JUN£· ':M,221\,('hni..o~·n i.cn Oprt160ayi.AWf-vk v-9570 tullll!Aoy"" BMW 'Tl4liOSEL.Brown,lo m1 , 71T:;tlca Wia.:on. A/C, f'/S, tilt Pont.tac-OlllC -.kllf Solid INlhO~. bt·M Mein Fri 7 30-:'i 30 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.S40Jambcwet: Xlat coud. 644·4201 NABERS ~~xlnl COfld, saoo. Dl>E.bt.SantaAu ~-Ml~ Su1urday118W:.oo ~Dea<'b 64CM444 Spyglase,n.IM _ fo'ully equipped, n ..._._, (714)5.58-1000 Sup\lr r1•11numy .'O c.ktlle.trum, 100 hnr ~ nc-w. ha)', fu1h , 111 '*°' bwl ulf \'I' 00 LH.\.'I I.ti" UOR.'\1-:1·1• l''tho•ri:h .,._a.,y.~. ----c·f'l l .. nl economy ~ ~H~ lll!••~ll~ll!!.-'h:~SL~lver"W/hl11rlr (493UNff) L • _ c.r..tt. 9tl2 '720>r.Ym9 pus. wag: u..ta Mn.it _,......_Jtrn:M't.,....,.,.,-.,,...,.-; H•Ht-Oill~IHt'::;r.~t-i.nL.JOJlll!il nu.Jl7._HOO. SA.DOLEBAGK .µu,......,._ ............. WbJte., full}J-loaded-! S4• ltl4 Jul11nw.l11 110wc1 ~kcr -.8383 VALU:Y IMPORTS ICiCXHktrtxid~d CORVETTE Xlnt..:_1!-IOO. 6?5-6l&I S .. .,. 831·~485~9 . lllH l\M1lo'M tlh 'l t'(I l.•J,lt.' & 1 Sf 6 lt()AOW.Y '64 23> • Heull cng. -.JOO (rl'>t.1 Nll..-..1 '>4(}<>100 COUNTRY! 'Qi Men-ury Park Lane. 4 hull 5() hp Juhn .. uo Al!.1 trtr ..xi u II b I~ !llfh I llUTISH AUTO • 1 1-~J u1o11A ANA Beslofk>r '76 <:elu·a . Xlnl roncl l8ToChoosc From doot sedMn, one owner lll'All S499S 645-051~ AM t fo'M , 4 2.000 m1 l964i.Tol97!k T e nderly <'a red -for 7RT!lht11 kt btmt . .'I 11.i' l'rWM •r lk•rlwlo•\ Jo•I ~llHI ~Jbl:!.ill w1 lh•rb',.~i101 i11•t JC FORTUNE 835·3171 Mr"''·· 'fi7 ""'" l vorv wihlk S:J1l.,/tlNt 11fr <.:.all J iii. ·72 1':J Dori.do ConYl•rt1 HOW•D"'CL.-_._1 uUlomob1le: new paint, l't~ll<AtlJutHlvtl t 'M *,. H•LOlltMAtC Ol!tll..,OM•C-1,rt·78M.....,M lnt $4000 ~5786bfrnoon. hie HU.~M·t ext w1lxlne --•rVR' new wtute v10yl lop ~ tii!'4i PootHll' (;M(.' •USED IMWt• l1.:<1lhcr 1111 1-:vi·n uvL l>ovt-&QuarlSt~ l.uuks & run<; lrkc new. bl 1'h1·•y 111111.tlu, llti. • .1 yn1 f l'(JOt l'llCJ lmucl, lc111k1 !> (111 lw.11d SHIO/h~I u!r :i3ti b:f/1 00.i~ .:IWI-! 1111.~unto Ana 6424979 'TI<'.clJcu l.ftbk. Xlnt rond SJ.500/H:.t Nl:.Wt'OJtT tH-:ACll Malteolh~r 7Sl-41MO. (714 1~ lOOO '7G2WZ48pd <896NZHl '76 456-SI~ 1':xlt <·ml /\11 dcun, $56(.llJ ~r 64S-3200cve~ 831-0555 Miii ---tr1 tl\n .. l 't :tfl t Wiii "'n•"" SI0.000 or ""'""' vll1•1 Do c k a p J \' c I r 1• 1· 71s:.>4>pdS/R (0179J thracllc .:ruy I' I I' 5J6.S!44 after499 9952 77 CJMl'Window V.tn "78U33l"St S/R (003VZCl $22 .0 00 J)a y ---"7H St·v1llt•, l•> rnt '73Corvt.Ut·.4~.·l'luµ,••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Sl.2.3 111,.111-0. front n ·<1r u 11 • "7Kli!lA411pd UOlUORl 7 14 _754 6700, 1-: vc Tri.... 9767 :-.howroom ron<J, l mo~ luadoo t•vt l'ty '7H Mll!>tan~ (;hra Aut.o. Ol"\4 rudl&lb, ~hock!\, '783:DAalloys (167VOA> 714.« .. _c7. ••••••••••••••••••••••• wa rr. left $J2.!JW '74 640Hl7!1 xlnt rond. 2~.000 m1. -SIUPJAQ( 24 'fl '' '76 Loadt>d w 1xtr&~ Mmt cuid. Nt•w 1•ng & OD. Days 213 /5~ Jl!SZ Jo;ves 7l 41846 0021 P~ ~Mil ' ;:. Mu&tdt1 rl·..ir c11dl•cl to tiallc d Purt.o; rsnhl !16(). IJ&i ~ llllkfl.);.l CloledS•R,,,_.dirp ...,........, ilJSpiU1ru Sportan"good Eldo co11v1c:rt Ju mt ,.__,_ ttH ~~XU4'1>, mw.t ~IL C-AS"SAVERSPE"CfAl.. !nob, saves RDS Call for ht:awftrl c-lamc f750f1: ___,.. ,.,. ,,,,........,.., 3 1-'or<J V1trlb ·12. ·13, '74 '77 IMW l20i '7l MIZ 2200 11Wuls_~_72'l_. _ 1>7l-4642 •••••••••••••• ••••••••• Stunclurd truns. 6 cyl Atiotrans.,sunroof,air FUiiy tiqwpped dtci.l'l l!IW Sp1tf1re. 50K rn1 ~/6Scv1llc Brownw1::JCJ ·~:wr~~r\t~ •• ':;:,:rc~~~.' '00 Must-~. auto, pony ant, fo'ac 111r. console , ~400/bcst. 774-5000. Ask fi1r Da le Pilgrim or 754.Qi.')4 aft 6. '49 1-'unt h•11d1•rs, doors & rl.lllnan~ hvurds M uk c Hest Orf<'r 642 2l27 l'Ond., Slcrt.'O cussettt-. i>edan. Like ne w ' Low warr , whtllan, pcrlec't. die tnt All xtrc.11> lmJruJc Uill b75 ~7!H."' iJ Du1t1w Maxi Vun m1111 immarulatu thruoul ! maleage. locally owm·d & ~-968-6364 ('°'owncr. f'P. ti40 5074. h •"M UIMTJAI .,,_,1_.,,_ ""'.'''J'i.J rnc:rlur UlllC • .., Onl( ... ., I h r .,... • \..VU ICJ.JIV £• y.-a.-9770 m1 , x l11 t ('IH1tl. full • ...cv1•ra wr oosc rom Calfw-~ -.WCllJlft ill M1't1.Wt111d Brciu~t19rn . SADOLEIACIC -,--•••••••••••••••••••••• • bmwn w 11.m l1!tilh1·r mt '>hf)wt·r, t<>1lcl1k11d1l'n. 1~. v•• • ir.y IM.,..RTS JIM st.EMONS VW II l "I II 1 . 1 I 1 I Ml'tl, i•ush 11riitlt· 1c.r --... ..-v l~RTc uvang rouu e :.c ""'' 1·1 A•W rr11 •·11i.:1· ~ 811 2040 49S.4949 --v "' 111~ your rnr'} T ry us T11p Tak(· 11v1•1 11·m11111111g 1:1 IDGh. Sail 906 U'fn 341i07 <:11ll•· f'ortol11 ••••••••••••••• ••••• •• • t.:.uptslrUHO lit! .n·tl Q.ASSIC WOODEN S..•~I beltt-<l lll't•i. '17.1' I ~ IE.AUTY WI 341i<n Cul h· l'ortolu Dodge 9935 .........••............ • l-:XTICA SJIAHP * '11 ASPEN SPECIAL EDITION Mu~r ;111.I! 61) Convert blUl'. ltO,OOl mt. $3700. ti40·044H Lllange of c mpk1y m1•111 Uiµai.lnmo ilt!1H·h force:s s1.1lc of my 32' . Yawl..Bualt by ,.:urQVt.•un 4.~-ttrnnd rww-'fnft'k craftsmen. A hUCnfu:e al l'ln-s $200 nm~ & un·i. 125.W>. Call673-3193. 714n5i 7JIO • ,«Au uu ... • __ _ _ 19701JAHBOH Ill.VU 1ll~lar l'a1d for <1r N<it ' 111'1 of :! Vl'al 1< .. 1~.1• •Jt .....,.,.,,.., COSl'AMl':.'\A Bnng your 1·:ir t11 J11n hu}.91~7G57. l '711fo'ord ~. Van 631-1276833·9300 M11rt1111 Vol h~.1 g 1·n , Loodcd $HIJ!J~ IOI McLAREN's 11<111 111·111'11 lllvd • llunl Ca.taro 9917 Lulher!l64 1!121, 'G9 280Sl. Xlnt l'1Jt1tl inh'\•Jll lk•Jch i\:.k for ••••••••••••••••••••••• VII. :.utomut11-, powN OldH111>bil. 9955 f•-t·nrtt' f,u•t u1r. luu ••••••••••••••••••••••• d.111 , /\M 1-'\1 •,ln1.,1, 1 tll. '111 Okb 911 Conv. f'S /PH, • '111 -,,. '14 ,'.1111 mtl1•-. .Jir. very l(d 1•o ncJ. SJIOll 2B'Coro.inbd. VJ .. ', llDI". dp sounder. kt mtr. 2 J><t t:xtra:.. $15.900/0Her P.P. 77~lor9!f7 7301 ... fot-S-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMl"OR'l'ANT N<Yrl<'l-~TO RfoJ\Df':HS ANI> ADVfo:RTISfo:RS 'If) (iMC Wulk In Vun. Ii 1·yl Sltc-k Hun~ . .:ht!ll Must seU ~ -w·t.•r 964-1921. 9590 &' ..-~hout ~ t<>~. iJUlo, fo'rank Manrw or Tum /\IC b'73-J750 Allt111 '73 45(t)L. Jmrn;1r 1•ontl I' I' '&I, uulll hu.I! n11•1·0,1 67,000 mr $15,000 Fully ~ 111 ()(' $1500 r1rrn. 1& 1151) N lJeach Blvd. eqptcl 673 J750_ wurth It I ~ '78CAMARO "'1Uq111l'd "'llh .1ut11 t r a n ~ , ,, 1 r • • 1 u tJ , o\M FM -.tcr1't1 1·ai.~dte 1~lJLH1 '>«.TUii I I 'ti 4tfo~ S4395 *J.C. f ORTUNE :7l <'ulla~-. $WffHlfoHl'r ~.:JK mt , auto. A/C, f'JS. P /lt. ~-:riu;n52 050() Udo 14 w /trlr SlJOO. :K>'TahJt1ketch,124.000. 81J'l. 75.'l> llfU:r 6pm The p rll't' of lll'ms ••••••••••••••••••••••• LA llABRI\ l5 Mt No olSA Fwy) 17141 S2Z..533l <.:lased Sundays PancM 9750 'li!I Cl\MPl-:R 1U US . A M 1 1-·M !>t l'r l'" w/c·a.~>lh" ire box, '>tnk. fold out bed. rcbll t·n..: & lran-. Nl'w Lin~ ~!tl<ZI SADDlEIACk V AUEY IMPORTS ll 1·2040 495-4949 l11111t1a1· <:Mt: a.A.I 1-. J~l Sanl.1 An .. 17 14 !~ IOOO '76 C11t l<1:.!> Suprc m .. _ lll.000 mt. Many xtra:._ S~Q 21JIW7•1"18911 Cal 29. 1976. 11ea r nu ._'flganl'. :1 :-.ails, t•xrcll c'OOCI tts.5110 U46 8S'J2 Vt·ntun: 17 llunk:-., """ fHtlp1t, nu OtU. 11\l Jll ~ 714 'IGIJ l~1!I!• advcrtrscd by veh1ch• dealers In the vch1t•lt- c lass1f1,•ct advc·rt1sin~ mlumn.'I <101.·~ nol tnd udt· any a 11plll':ibl1· lllXl'i<, hN;rt'l', l rJ11s f1•r r1•1·:-., !111:1111·1· r h;,rg1·:.. rt'l"> for - air poll111 ion "11111 ml d1· VIN· tNt1f11·a111111 .. or <It· \1 Y S r I t. :J ti ' 111 111 1 ;tier <l1wum1·nt.1r.11 prl' I< a .I! 1 1 m ,. S I 11 ,1 1, p.1r11t1rn1 d 1ar,1!1'' 111111·'), WEWIUIUY YOUR DATSUN l'AJO FOIC Oil NOT TOPOOUAR FOR TOP CARS BARWICK DATSUN ""·"~ .r lJ.lll ( .qii--l f .tll•' 831-1375 493.337 5 CGpri 9715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76(~pn II 4spd st1ck.gd 1 o n1l L11w mt lcu,l!e •W.O l'h 1;.a1) ISXZ ....................... 73 91 ITTGnJO CL<; eng.tm'. 5 spd, 7" al toys, xt ra:.. $1 ~.aou H~iBY> Pristifte Porsche 536-7KXH '64 SC t'o11pt· H•••'l'll1 r('Stor:1lfllll Xlt1I 1'1/tHI $1 1,500 <t.43-&15'1 nT:. VW Van m .. m,rm. nc" rad1ulh. 11u1>cr~ 1111 n·l1ll <1L•au, gn·at g.._ ... :>JV•·• J I IHll rrlun• lhan $1 '11.1 l'.V1-..a(t 6 JOl~l:i ::::1:13 UJt..'t· <:C.rn .. iro SS 'IJI, \<c·ry clt!.UI $!.:¥•1 ( ..i I lt.:J I 'Zl'I l'Jrrl.11 " 1.7 It" '"' p.11111 •'1'1 1! ""''"' \ .1.:. ,,,,, ' .• t,.·,1UI \ tnJ ,,, i.JiJU Jl ii Hi ~1·1~1 )l.1-f, 1111'1 • SllAttl' &:-OW ll"T • '74CHARGER VfclAL EDITION VII, .1ut•>. 1J11w1·r o,tt·•·r 1111• l.tt I .111. l.Jtttl.ou, 1;:· .. ~1111111"'< • 1111.1-'W J \2695 *J.C. FORTUNE 'TL Cutlai.o; Supre me. n ·· ltal>I~" good <·oc1d, muc:h ltl\1•cl A1C, AM 1FM , hui·kd .., de. SI OOO i',4.l !Klti 1·Yt'l> -Pinto 9951 ············••••··•••·· • <ii\.">~Av .. :11 • '76 PINTO t-Jl.-.t'tt<1iJ.J W1t111<•r Surh folhl'' w1:.1• 'o p1·1·1ftt·d h.\ Wt•: l'/\Y Tiil' l)OJ.l.1\I< lo :w k.,., 1 :! li a I!., I.ht• mlv1·rt""' frtr 1011 11.o,;1·<11·ar>. furt·1u11 . t 1li11TM"il 11·)o 11r ""'"'"'" 11 '7'J Turtio t ':ipn Fulh lu:ull•cl. $7:JOO 545 SIS45. !'".!11 ti.'tll) 'TL !111'1' 1'(1u111•. •in 1: p;1111'1 ud ult r1~ Dl'd It pr11 ft'SStt>nidly rn;1111I ,11tt1•d <7'11MJI.> Ml'l:.I 'l1t1tl•·1 1-:uropca n Ill l1gl11-. ~.IW . Whl '71 Jiu..: !mrf .H. 1.lk J'f/U l .lrT••fll I A1 \ '< I I'd 111 t , xtr a l'l1•an . 11u I F'1 1111k l'"o I'll "''"' 11n-.wnl!. will ~u.1r 1·r11• Ii 11,111 '"" 1 u, '"·'• )'111111.11 1:-.,1· 10 11'. I .1 -. 1111 .J \11,1 • i M 1 1~ I•"~' STATION WAGON V IJ. JUtumal11 , ,.u .. 111111 ""l•·n•n 111g11..1l!" r;i""· :tl~C~I mt ( IK!"iltl YI ~~.500/Tr,H 1· 1•'1:1 1:1~.u ~/ )1111r r:1r 1r. "Xt1 :1 1·1 .. ;1n , f.vi-s. ' Clms4c• 9520 ,,,. ,1, VIHS'I" 9720 rnll!. 1>r li,c.01 1111, ~11;:, ·.1111 ·,11111111111 1.~1 . '", k ~ m;Jtl':o't5 23117 .111 '1 lll'O·do·d •• ,,vi . )..'. .!illl Ford 9940 :!2' S.1111 a11u w..JI 1·1111111 ···.·,.~,·:,;)·1:1•,•W••1•11•1•1,·1• .. ·.:·· ~ .thµ M"n· Sl111 .1v.11I .. ,., , .li .Mann.a ti llJOll.\\. l'I' Hl.Jly n •hlorw ! s 1:1,ooo .... S7JAX>7141847 H7!14 ti75 fillil _ fc ... ~--..A..=.IPJl~.-cum.w lo• --t"fn-MP-ror ch1ldn·n. um.1nk1.1bh.-I \J U P I lt1 o,.._,. C~ 25() bl~um REPllCAR :!!fl:; ll1.1rhor Blvd. Sabot. l!Oltrl c11n'1, 1omplcw~7!1 >146 578(J lll<AN UN t-:W • COSTA MI-:.'\/\ '\vur d 10tu· of 111 "11111!111 979-2500 hllK•k or "le!llt11t l'h11m --- ~t (lid i.1111 hua l W/tn hl<ilrl 1•ng. N1·1-.f.. J•Hllll ~.m0111Hl'r !'4b 4!.122 pugrw, thcst• arl' run· \Al ANTED I 'l.~,ll'b nut tu ht• found t" 1 . • • 1+.,•whl•rt· 111 Oran!!•· l.ittl' m w 1·1 I 11.>ota ... t:11111ll > 1 ... dtlw r mh·n•ir \vivo:.. l'll·kup~. & V .,,., """cl 11,..,11 , 1\M F\1 ('.11lw.l11day• SANTAN/\ ~I I .tk1• rt•'" With nt•w 1rn1h·r $1~JOlt ( ~111 tiJI 1J4:J OCE.A .. Roe.er /Cruinr •iK • Cust.o.m (;&(! tfa n n g Yaehl Pn."'4.:nlly in /\ 1 8nstol ·ond. srnr •. ooo c>wner/Ulr 075 ~II or aft S Cllll 1>40..biS.'l Lido 14 w /lrlr & ane11s f~1ud l.'ond. $1,11!,0 ~l1•n·o , .• ,,,, tf•• • ...:hJ!"'• 't(.11• 1·u11a111s t11gh l11:h1 lh1s coll,·c•tor'h H1·111':. f!·uturt~ Mu:.I ht· M'l'll 111 Ill! aµprc1·111tc1I JIM MAHINOVW llf711 Hc:wh Hlvi.1 HUNTINGTON 111-:At'll 84~'-2000 '!'".'. Jo'OttJJ l'll'Kl'l'. , .. ,~ dean, lit'SI off1·r fl:ll 22:$9 1-:ve11 ~:!l:!.:J 'llfl l\frrl'urv I' ark l.1111\'. ,1 <14Mir 1>1-.lan, •11w 11w11cr 14' Satl lJout w/trlr, $.">50 Tt•lldl'rly i·a rt·d f or Nk for Chns:_,646 ..:_~ _ ;1UU>rrw~tul1· New vamt, ... Slipa/ llt.'W whtl1• vtn)'I l op Dod&5 9070 lalk.s & rt1nl'. ltk1• 111•w ••••••••••••••• •• ••• • • • Make ol'fl·r 7~ 1 l\ij40 . surs Av AIL.AILE -Recnational ~~CNewpo!'-646-0551 Vehiclft 9530 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!ITL 26 f't <.Aiad1m;111 5th whet•l Lrarler /\tr, stcrt>0, '"' ..___ ll•4l c •• 1 ....... 1't1. '46-tJOl er \40·t4'7 ('0Jl1·.:l• !'.lUdf'nt n .. MJ;.. .1ul11111ohtlt• for llJlprruc 11mtl'ly $1511 11411 277ti 1!170 71 vw. -.11rk .. 111rt ·n.JJ.I rond1l1011. 517·:1182 Autol, Imported ...............•....•.. Generd 9701 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.m 't S4·11 Your C'ar" CUVIER MOTORS PAYS TOP UOl.l.J\IC For Clean U:-.t'd Im J>11rt~ t:aH M Lk e or L>on 135-3171 Ne~dt!d 2H' s lip for 'i>a 1lboat .July und /or /\Ml( Slip for lrd. wrll a1• com :L'i' mtrbl 1144 411!15 or b7!>6(U)Wcndy :i way r f'fr1..:, mag AHallOlnto 9705 wtlt.-clx 63fi 2AH2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------4Wheel Dri•H 9550 '72 );py<il'r. N .. w top •••••••••••• ••••••••••• prunt Elt•('\ ·~II :w rn PK Ta partatloit ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cca+n,5*/ ..... 9120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 000 ci11mJ'l'r, xlnt i:orut, USt.>d 6 limes, $1200/IJi>t olr. IWB-4570/$36. J!r~ Ullra modern i;hd1• 1n miru camper for mini pick up trucks. $300/bs t ofr 64Z-T168. 9150 ....................... "18 Yamaha 650, 10.000 mi, KOOd CO~<! ..... xtr as, $ll00/ofr61;HBM moms. Suzuki ~t . excellent condition.Sl$0 631·3474 Honda 125 .:&smores. '746 '76. ~- • GOHG f:OUS 4x4 • '77DODGE CUSTOM 150 S hort bed . V H uuloma11c 1>0wn 'll<·•'r m l(, mH~s/w1dc ovah. <'nmpcr sh<•ll/hoot, 28,88/ rrule:i. 011~1 $6295 *J.C. FORTUNE J'ontrac-0 MC 2000 E. l.Nl. Sunta Ana (714)558-1000 '76 GMC Hi~h Sierra 4x4, 111r, moonroof. ore road lire&, wh1Le s rlOke whls, AM/FM slen.-.1 & lapc. S54001frrm. Or uc<·cpt in tere>t m trade. 673-3461! or67~99l0 '7S Land e n.user. exrel cood. S>.000 New 16 fl tru1ler. too $3,tllltl lf7.~ for bolhl Call 58J.1772 aft 51'M Honda 400-four Super Sport . good Ila& milelll(e. JEEP-l-97ff CJ 5. w~rn mio. li42 :J441 -9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·71; l"ox. xlnt c:onll, It k r nc•w :JIJJll'aranct'. Ate. A M·l-'M Blaupunkl. h r o w n I g 11 I 11 1 n I • ~+MPG. SJ7 50. l'40·8234 aft6, -------'7fi 1\1.Kli like new t'Ond. JO.ruJ m1. 26 mp" dly, S/W w/snrf. stereo. a uto trans. $3550. 673 6350. -----IMW 9712 fMMl-:IHATI-: 1)Ei~I VEICV ' LARGE SEUCTIOH OFNEW 1979 320i's s211·s 850.MMINO ______ , Hubs. F\rll metal tab. 'nllolldaCB38C11' 11100. Call arl4. 498-4370 1\1.~)6.'\Jc),1". GoodconcttUon.ans. ._..... 91:60 IH STOCK! ..... ,,_ ~ CUii today We may ----------• -••••••••••••••••••••• have: thr pre -own1•tt '72Kawuaki350 '73 Chevy '14 T . Super HMW you arc lookrn.i '100 Oleyenne. Loaded, shell. ror• !141·1015 l2300 rlrDI. 661·30&7 art lll·Z040 49S-4t49 ..._..._..S./ 1.la.m. -- ... /11•• f 160 '71 TravclalJ cwilom , gooct 'Tl BMW 320l·Black with ••••••• .. •• .. •••••••••• cond, FM. hvy duty tan Interior, mr c•ond , RENT Luxury Motor hltr h. $2250. Luthe r . stereo <'¥S11ettc & ONf,y home 22' Palomar. 964·19'.!I 40,00> mll<'t1! F.1tt'<'ll••nt l'noditaon' M uict 1w1· 1 Slees-6. S™>/week + 'Ill Chevy PkkUll SOOOO. Pri ply. Ca ll IJDJI. MC>«il5 Stt.'V s rde, c lean 64$-1476. RENT 23' t'IKEt8ALL ·G3l -521M SELF' CONTAINY.D, REASONABLE. 645-2283 '11 Aftftllft IDClk1rhome 77 • .... ..,;--"' l>odle ... root " ...._ ur. cUllOm steer· i.oa 111tem. All /FM ... c-...... aft to llllNd*--tu.000. CIJI 0.,111--' afUPM. '78 C<>untr, priced re· duced rarpcted, campe:r ibeil. air. AMll"M ca!UI, euto. wht whh1, radial lira, SOK mi, Sharp. ... fMM3,'i6 D '713m.'snrf. 4 &pd, 111.t•rt.'O CMa •• ntw c>ng, fhtWft'il!I cood th~hOut , $4000. 645·2374 dya, 675·863" evtl. '71BllW320i-nwny xtrlilH, 6o ml. PEIWJ;C;'I' One ol a kl.nd. Mull ue. -7212. ........••...•......•.. * z ~s * J:Jt::l KAHM1\N!'\ t:lll' ;.;,,~~ S2795 ~PIK.OJLMIEll SJIOP &COM l'AllE BARWICK DATSUN :i...1r1 It'~• n t .1 t•• I 1111' Pri'tine Porsche 536 78XH I 'ONV .. :ll'l'llll .I·;. M 1 'l'I t'ONI> $<1451J1U1 Ii i.I fil!I~ • * POllSClll-. l !lliU ~VWlhij'. t:CJUd (•1md Classrr a56H, !'>lllJCr !JU Olli Uruc·c, $4;!Xl 21.J 1W4 504l 54H ~IO!I ••''f71.I l.1k1•111·;1, Js.,1 I) r r " r I . ,, I l ,. ~ ,. ' Wt't'kl•llll. I.JI .fi.:r7 9920 ······•···•····•··•···· • Slll'r:1< ltl'~NEH • *J.C. FORTUNE fltynouHt 9960 831 -1 375493-3375 '70 9115 COUJ.ll', lht.., ,.., ,, vt•ry spe<:1al c:ir w 111t:1 ny xtra~. Profc·<;~tunJ ll\I reslor1-d 1111211 E ll1 • ·n VW Van n ·bll c.·11.: u11 •let wurr·y, nu d11t1•h, '72 IMPALA . ~/10r1 SNl,111 11.H •ll1111 \: H, .111l11m,Jl1t , I"'" U .. 11~·1111~ r .• ct .111 . 1 .. 11 tf,llJ l,;Oll•'J ,\I .•............•........ 1975PLYMOUTH furyC.tCMa •DATSUNS• Lcrcp SelectiOft OfAllMod.11 :-.AU :'i l.EASINCi l'/\HTS SEICVl(.'1-. HUGE INVENTORY OF l's PrittiM Pone~ !)JI) 7HHH lllVOl<C't•: F11tc1•' S:1l1· 1.:.11(.• '75 !IJ IS t'.111' I ,, T;1nw toµ. ~' ~1JtJ. nu l.11 J . ~I nt rorul SHM ril l , 1 1r1·~ $260011.ie:.l W'.Hiiltil. '79 VW COVERTIBLE PP8l7-2949 'fih VW lllH: Ell V < ;(> C:ON U $1\1011 ~9515~111-:ltF.Nfo. 11.i ~e1rOl'l'O, JK,IHJ(I 111 t, S l<IK I JIO J.<1 rr y ~3/!>52 :uD:-i n1·w J,1<111ll . t1r•·'· '78 91 ~. loudl-tl. lo 1111, AM1fo'M , Ca!>~ $4HUO xlnl r·ood, lx:st offl ·r ffi3.. IK46 :>~ . r.su-57:111 ·-:-·10 'vw &i fkk :1 /t '71tll1'1'-rl'hlt N•I-! ~ tr.m-. 111·~ hrak1•-. ~ tum· up blk on hlk. J\M J 1,.M IC1111~ p t•rf IC1•.: g11·; sl.cn>o, alloys. rru.rkc of s1:~15 ~iJ r~ fer TI'1·"642 * ·73 911 Targ11 Th11> om• '" ·• n·al beauty. Blk on lllk All leatht·r Arr nrntl -AM /fo'M r ass. Many more xtras 1-:nl(. rn x 11\l cond. Wrth nT•'tJlh Won 't la s t S l o,soo 581·74:>8or SS1-Ji10 "/:J Kaf'man 1;111a 1:11·.:it H u y N ,. w 1• .1 1 n t $3.~110 t bl·~t l)lfcr. 673-ll!H!I 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Tl 91 IS COUPI-; Alloyi., &:.;,;;:;.;,;;;;,;.,';ii~~~-i11j AM/l"M, 111r, pt>Wl'r w 111- dows. cnitsc J7M nHk·~ $17,650 (()449) VOLVO SALES, SetVICE . ANDI.EASING o v 1-:RS l'il\S Df:UVfo:ltY EXPERTS i '1 710 St. Wal(on. 4 spd. ()nly 25,000 1111 c;;i~ :.aver. git motor lhrks I'll' $2500 /b :::.t o fr. f"'2 5292 '72 a40Z, Vl'ry ~nod rond $4100 493-1~1 -9725 '77 924 S tJN HOOi-' Black A lloy:.. <11r, AM/fo'MrUSM:Uc. 160911 76 912E Silver, hla1•k mt. Very clean Only J!lM maJes, (I~) Hrkr. 64Z..8366 EARLE UCE VOLVO 1966 llarbor Blvd C~T/\MESA 646-9303 540.9467 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO EX(.'LUSIVfo:t.Y VOi.VO l,argl'sl Volvo Dcule r 11\ Oran1<1• County 1 HUY or U :l\Sf; l)Jl(fo;(_"f l975 1-'tat X 119· In good t'Ond.ition w1lh AM Jfo'M stereo, 4 speC'd trans. & low ml le!i. '6()00 /bettt of rcr. rn. pty. C811548-~ after 6 pm or 759.0053 fht.ys. '18 Fiat llM Wi;.'11, 32mpl(, radio, aew tares, good cond. $750. Luthe r . 964-1.9'21 -----HoRdlt 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "-dNew'79 HONDA Cars MAHY To Choow Fro.I! UNIVERSITY ow.-wa. HOlldD C.-i • GMC Tn1Cb 2&"JO Harbor Divel Qlfila Mesa S40-9640 ·n Civic 27Kma. 33mpte Xlnt. co nd R ed . $3,300/oHer. 494-7122 tM!ll. t7ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• "19 RX70i, red, 11nrf. A/C. S·it Pd. cstm AM /FM l!Wroo cas.'l/splu·1. a500 P. r W-4472 -------'73 RX2 Air COnd. 4 11pd C()UJlC w /k>w m1. Runlj VftY 'We'll, nds some body work $1000/blt ofr dy1 •90! or evM 4tM·UI I Mllcc•1._ '740 ......... _. ......... . 'Tl 924. 20,000 mi_ Ma~~. AMWM. snrf. Xlnt conct 673 1970 dyi;, 675·4835 t"\ltl9!. -·----- '78 91~ 'faqia-whl/blk, chr trim. Polts h1•d whls, P-7s, I\(;, pwr windows. sw,:;oo, ~1 1281. ~~~VER ROUS·ROYCl IMO J .. ITl-1'1' ..... ""1 .. •<h l'-----' ......... ClOSfO SVNOAY\ 'SOSUverCJoud I $19,000 98.5-4144 L5T TO SF.l.L ONLY. l of 2. 1971 C-Om1!lh convl Wht on wht w /dcef' n."tl Int. Cmpltly ret'ltort!d to orig fresh ('(Ind. Ct\ r u r $70.000/or bs l ofr. 11.Mf>VKJ OR t976Sllvcr Shadow w t ph Oc:i:p Q11J1k,1 w /tan il)l. 20K mt. naw~. 141.000/0r hllt. air <:m.51..L> Ouyr>, !1('6.2303 Of' 840 lOO:J C\ll! Pvt pty. '760 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAAB "14. ttL£. Movln11 July 1. must sell! Good cond .• gas 111t1u1e. ........ 4 240-D '75 Aun::.:/. AM /PM UM. Xlnt. . _!!,.CIOO. 8ob875'a$ aa.lfted Ada ,. ... R'f., 2025 S Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 Hwck '7!) Rt•iial Ht·•~·· 7.500 m t. 3 moll old. AM/FM. air, plush 111 l(,'f1or, HJO 4W-4b'7:t. • '73 EJertra Ltd. 4 dr. folded. I\(;. SI 700. 94602 •73 llcgal. rull powC'r . $UIOO /best off er 5.W-55GS "111 &late Wagon, lu11dt.>d, only 11,000 mileti, 16,WS. 83.'U316 c MH ttlS ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'::b,'I\ T f; SALi!: '76 cad. St.'d11n DcVllh· fo\llly rqlip~. 758-"381 9L03wet.-kdAys. ---·n C.d COV-loadt.'d. lrlr pq, po&i·trac\1on •. vcrr dn, onic own~r. 35M m . 1mo. $4$·7l08t 642·4903 ~. '72 Coup De Ville. like new MCloo ml. new t1re11 6 lhocb SllOO ~2280 $169S *J.C. FORTUNE 1•11111 "" (. '1 I 2(JIJ1"' l'.1 . ~;rill a 'n 1 '71 '1J.'.>X Iii~) ',--ti~ ra,p-t~/ 900 So. Coast Hwy. LDrJllM l.ach 494-1131 l'l:t\1{1'001. ANY ON 1-;·, • '76 SUBURBAN VII, 4 l>pt.'l'd. power ~l1•1•r tn)>!. dua l .11r. 1111 , AM!FM ::.t.cn'<J cu~:-.1·llt '. t111111w paint , 44,5:J5 rruh .... -.... W60PHZ> $5595 *J.C. FORTUNE l'oot111<· GMC' ;gx) E l sl, Sunt,1 Ana (714)$58-1000 .. -,~ ... ~ ~· 1~~ w.~U. ~ ·-~.-r.. Stllft•Srrice•~ .. -ftelffT '41W6inaC .. WA,WH •-c_.,, it ..... .C...twDri•• .. --~ . ..-Of'IH 1 DAYS A WIK 768-7222 '17 CHEVROLET MOHli • 4 i.pced, power st~noii. power hrakes. air cornJr lJOlllnJ!. 4 1·yl1111ll'r, 1·x t-cllent i.:as m11l'al(c, only Hl.Wl mill'!i lH.12SXAI SADDLEIACIC V AL1EY IMPORTS ll 1·2040 49S.4t49 •M.U.U CLASSIC • am 4·door sc.'CJans Ct.oic•of 2 wrth air cond . auto . trldlll., radio, low m1lc11 F.xccutive driven . CUl3MVP)_ $J,000 tt.w.al•/4-ric• .,_.,_.tco. 21a2 DuJ>Ont Or .. lrvme 7SJ.7il I 559.5951 '7#4 •lit Ion bro wQ Sllvendo 17700. Ml 4pm, 714 494 1110.1 '75 Chevy Monia Town Coupe . s tH·k . Ortf< ~ 30.000 miles . A·l cond R& n S.2490 .....-aftytrme. '72 K1nicswood i::state. Good rond Mu11t 111'11. bill olr 67$-72$7 C\1<.'ti .......... , ... \.. 1>-.,.,.. ......... . ..,,..,. •"'ot •••• ,.,. ...... •Ill lllC't O"-llll\\'\ • '72 MAVEQICK ' 111 .1r \ 1 ... ,1 .. 111.1111 -<K1. .11r ~:11:.i m 11c.i. 1&11''YW1 $1895 ~ I !'-i•Jt ~tillwn Waj!1111 I flrtfUt-fhtt• t I 311~. "' 11, 11111 1:10:. ... 1'1111~~1011 ,,,11lr11l '>}""lt·m. L •I( r• ""'" r111111 111 rnrrrrn · ,t C. aulo lrl:.it IC , JTWr >4u i::n w1 o ,,,-,,....,,. __ _.,;:;=....;.m *J.C. FORTUHE- loci..' l'n1•c1t hdow Blu• li<_111k 7f,,()UO m1-..-$l ... [.JI 1lf1r1 ~u ~·t a fr..+> t:m t. •' ~3-" \an be ~.1 .. ·n .11 "o" ll .H' (; M (' ~I·: IM, SuntJ 1\na t 71415.SH· IOOll 1978FORD FAIRMONT COUPE ·lll4· Ila.I} Pilot, J:IO W ll1\ St . (;()~la Mc~a "' rnll t '1rr11111t 1on B cpt • Ml ·l~l. l'Xl 2 111 1; ryl . &utum<tltl', ;11r 1i>lltl .1Jwr s11-.•n111:.11111 1,1 glali:-., w:.w 111 ,., lit whc~·l 1'0Vl'P~ 17711UK Y I 1976 PIJmouth Gn.t fttry Custom 2 s.at Sto. WCJ!t. IU111· ml'lalllc w tblu1• rnl /\/{;, A M /l-'M ~tcrco. uulo . ~11el'd ronlrol. 1•m1:-..,.011 1> <'Ontro l '!)'hh•rn. llnh:d gla:.s, pwr wmdow~ & IOC'ks. Pnccd hclow lJluc book._..906 rm $1350 plus yoo get a · frw ~ntc of ){as. Can ht· '>Cl!fl at the Dae ly Pt lot, Dl W. Bay St., ~l<l Mesd or call CirculatJon IA.-pt 642·4321. e xt. 210 < Slk J((,)j(}I: I I $3788 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR lllVD. COSTA MUA 642·0010 . 71 L.TU ll. JO,truO mtlt..., Xlnl 1•o nd l'rtt:cd to movl' fa~I !fi!l l7~ '75 Fwy c.to.. S...bcatShaWCJlll All e~tra~. P /S, P I B. AM /t"M, A /C, dock. e m1ss1on control :-.yslt!m. 'I/ H, <'IC., t'll'. 78,230 rrulcs. Pnre SJJSO plui. yc>u Act 11 fn.-e tank of l(as. Utn be st.oen at tbc [>ally Pilot. J30 w. Bay 1-':unnunl 197H. <I <Ir a11t11, ~tt·rt~l. /\M1FM.l'B. I'S. 1mm:w $42!>0 67a.37K4 aft" :Ill ·75 Granada I'S, Pll. air. lo m1. Hu n ~ g ri•a l $3100/bs t oft !172 81!HI 1.1,ys, 549 3465 l'\IC'S ONLY 21!15 Ml·~I .~. U!Rta M1.'Sa or c ull 'Tl Muv. lil rno:. yuunAI,. (. !rt·11tut1?n D e pl. hke nu, 4 ilr. ti 1·yl, llCJW_,..,t 642·~78, ext 210 & wind. It! m~ mfr full PORffac 9965 iiuar 673-7704___ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •GRANADA SALE* 1m4-l>UOHS Choic•of7 wrlh arr cond . leuthcr. sm1 II V ·8. r:idlO, l'h'. A II Nivtdow m1lc11~1· '-wert• l'Xt.'CUll vc d n vei.l Lowm $2600 C l7~MC> Hawaii•/ .... MCClft ~,._..tco. 21!Q 1Jopo11l l>r , In 1111• 75Z..753 I 559.5951 '66 Mus111ni.: 1•11nvl'rt. fi • Ht.ACK TRANS AM * '71TRAHSAM 19.277 miles, HutomatiC', V-8, power stocnng. fact. n1r. vl'lour int .. up· pcurancc .:roup. power wrndows & lock.'>, lill, r u .. tom wh e el s . <747UOt;) $7St5 *J.C. FORTUNE 1•ont111c-tiMC 2llOO K lst. Santa AIW <714)558-tOOO t•ycl Muto $3,000/bsl ofr '72Grand Ville, Xlntcoad. l-4!17-422> 1dl ~vm f ul.l power. a /c. 11m If m -. 11t.creo. Runs I Ike new VAN. Porcl '72 Air, PS with reg. gas. Must 11ell PB. atio, D(.'W pumL.t_~!nt aow. Sl400. 67Ma. cmd. will trade. 41121181>7 '16Grand Prix. Xlnt cond. Mwcat t950 Sun r oor. l oaded. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $8»/olr. 673-4313. '63 Rambler· "Never" needil aas. Kuns like a top. Needs murtler & 110mC body work. $3()(). 751-4840 J1 .. n1•&S.. UNC~CUlY "8ptoc11I bf the Day'' lt75COUGAI Air. AM/FM 8terec>, twin comCorl loun tte , beautiful car. small ec1111M· (IOIMIN> $366J lSIS Harbor 81 •• C. M !J40.56.10 ·~ Le Mans. 1ooct motor • good trans, good running turd. Ndi tune-up 6 &eat· COVel'll. SllO. 4M.m4 SACllPICI! '73 Oraad Prix. Fully loectcd. xlnt cood. Very 1·1t)an-ftC .... Mu1t Mii by June IOUt. f1500. IM2·ml '11 '1reblrd, DpirtL E>t· \I'll, lo 11.!!.z._DIW PAlal 6 tiaw.•natMGO. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA =....::.~ ... .-. .. e•·~I Dally New•11•pe11 TEN CE -'All Aircraft ·Suffer .Metal ___...------·. -· u . ,. ' r -a 1gue- WASlllNC.TON 11\111 The UC l lJ thut 1·ra~hed 1n Chicago tukinti :!'l<t hH':. w ;1i. nm ,llom• 1n h1n 1ntt l'ru1·k' or m~tul fut1guc An AM1Wmtl'tl l'n~i.:._tbw..u1£c~l 11.H.iUoo Adnt1.ntt1ll'.,hon l't1{'0't 1f:t Sht1w~ 1• prohl1•1n~ ol 1'rat('b .inti •1lh1·1 i.U.U\:.lu.ralfa.ul~ WJ!J'.C...u~nd llt'f~'"° .tht-Jl"t-ngt' Tiw 0 11 c ..1 .,,·iUi hf(· 111 uv 111t1on c Hl'la lt'(hlor1t•J1 P.ig1•.,1\ l Uti 1 E\'ERY i\~U:RH.'.\N Kllll.T ('OMMt'.K{ IAI. 1l·lhnill ha:. bc"n s ubJed tn "<11r"'orth111t>:.., rlllt'l'llVt!i. · or 1\0:. t:o l!rnment or d~rs fo r nu11nlt>1t,in('1• C'l1cc•ki. or n•pa1r1' M uny /\ Ut. roughly om· in four for n1t1:.t pl"n":. u rd1·1 ''hl·ck:. 11f .,r~l·1f1c metal partll for c rackll By Quake Law By ROBt:RT 81\RKt:R Of Ille D.alt, P1to1 Swll A new 1·arthquake ordantlOl'(' d esigned to upgrad e old llunt· inJttOn Bc:.ir h hull<ling::. .. ncoun tere d s hock w~1vt·s Mond ay r1114ht whe n 11 wnn <tpµrov:.tl I roni lhe C1tv Council. t"t c p rt·~ e n t a t 1 v c :> r1 I t h ~· downt own a rt· a ;1 l1rni! M oln S t n·ct Jnd l'<i t 1l 1t• ('o.i :-.t Soviets, Chinese Plan Talks ll1 g hway act·ust·d uff1cw b of ratl roadmg t he ordm <Jni•e that they fl•<tr w ill e aus(• the dcstru1· lion of many or the brick <1nrl m<J:>Onry hutltlmgs cnnsl ructcd hl'fon• the 1·arth11uak1· of 1933 "Thi• 1·1ly ha s ht·en eocrt·1ng t he downtown an•a and pushmg 1t into tht· mud !'low 1l ha:. 111wn1·d a 'llrt'l'l ancl frnntul uo., ~a ult," l!a1d J>r Loren .J11hnso11 who 1dl•nt 1f1 t•<l l11m:.clf a:. ;,i silent partnl'r 1n lhl' Main Slrt·ct SCJ loon ··otr1<'w b have hc1·n ~nt·oky <iho ul t hey wa y lht:y'vt· gont• .1bout this Jnrt t he re was no pubh(• not1cC' g1 vC'n to downtown "We won 't ll'l 1t h <.1 ppe n. rht•f(' S t•nough good fl('Oplc who w 1 11 s I :t n d 1r1 f ro n t of t h<• hulld11zC'rs 1f net'essar y. ··Johnson dt·l'larcd MOSCOW .iAP> The Sovwt T he council had approved the Union ro . .wilb...Cbma se1sm ir sa (cot y ordinance pre 1n oscow in July and Au1tust to v1o us ly, but a mended 1l Monday c lear the a ir between the reud· nig ht lo ~ive owners of t he most ing communis t ,qa;lnts lht' Soviet hazardous buildings two years ne"s agcnc·y Ta:>i-rr·iiortl'd 10 ins tt.•ad of one to im provC' lhr-m 11r ra;-e them d<.1y · lndi<·:ittun~ I rom l't•king T ht· ordina nce will identify we re that thl' Ch tnl'~t· regarded and assess potentral earthquake the idea favorably hazards and propose a program Contmuang a n •·xchangc that lor re ducing or ellmmatm g the began two mn nths ago, Sov1c·t ha7.a rds . Fore ig n Minist er A nd rei A About 52 buildings have bcl•n Gro m y ko m a de the propos<i l s ang led out for analysis. M<?nday during a , mt•f'tang .with A city official said it a ppears C hinese Charge d ·/\ffa1res f1 an that a bout 30 of the buildings -,. ftlCJY be demulls.bcd because -it ll~~b~ffi~~-£&..::poip(liecl.t · . -c"?lch ·-lltig.bJ a ct1 cal to s nd gove rnment be rl!Jll'CSCnlt·d hy a the money it would require o re · I I d e puty forc1~n m inister <Al the mforcc them . la!~s Councilma n C la n cy Yoder I he re po r t ~<itd Grnmy ko urgt·d to the council to move handed Two a nw m1>rnn<1um for ahead on the ordinance <t nd not his ~OV<'rnmcnt det'lara ng "T hi! ;,i llow owrwrs an add 1t1on:.il yea r a ims and tas ks of the ncgol 1a 111 fi x their bulldmg:.. taon::. must he the n11rma hzat1on ''T he o wnl·r s h an· bl·<·n and 1mpm cment of r elation:. negll·t·tful. Why :.h ould th1·y h t'lween our <·11u11lrtt•s IJll thl· push the p<i nic button a nd come b<tsas of t he p r 1nc!ples of (St-e UPGRAOt~. Page i\2) pe <iccful ('(1ex1stlon(•('. 1n('ludm1-: the prinr 1pl1·s ,,r equalil y , mutua l respect for sovere ignty and t erriton<il 1ntcf(rit)". non mtc rfcrPnce Ill 1•<11•h othl'r·i. tn t erna l affairs. the non-usl· o! force'." In Peking. Fnrc1gn Minister Wayne Yacht- Crash Loss Hu a n g ll u;1 t•>l d v 1s 1l1ng sm•d 'Minor' Australian For eign Minis ter An dre w l'<:acoc:k 1t wa~ likl'ly the talks would take place, accord ing to an un1de nt1fu·d Aus tralian source who attcndc·d I ht·1 r met:l· m g . A spokci.m an for .John Wayne has dcscribt!d as m inor a col· hs 1on this W('t'kf•nd hetween the actor's yacht. Wild Goose. and another lx>al off Catalina. ~ . I Judge Weighs T om Kane . s po ke s m a n for HatJat',Productiuns. said the mas · h a p occurred F'riday during filming for the movie. "The Man With Bogart's Face ." Waddill Jury . Night Debate Jury de libe r a tion in Dr. Wi 11 iam Wad di 11 's murde r retrial c ontinued t oday as Ora nge County Superior Court Judge Byron McMilla n indicated he may a-;k JUrors to meet into the ~rly evening. L ''It was hit by a h.aqch. the dama ge was very minor. prob· ably in the neighborhood or a few hundred dolla rs." Kane s aid . He said no one was injured in the accident. The conve rte d Navy mine s weeper was cha rtered for u se· an the MGM film thal is being produced by Andrew Fc nady. ~uch an 1-'AA ll1rel'l1vc last week grounded DC 10s for check:. o r t-ng111e s uppc>rt:> Sumt> or th<· sumc pli!nes were g roundoo a gain Monda~ anc r lhc !"Ai\ Lcarnoo of add1ttonal problem s. ·"t'hcrc's nol :.in a ir pla ne Ill the world. c1v1I or m 1ht1Hy, that d oe s n't havt• m cl :.il fatigue event ually, ·:.aid Fred Fa rr:.ir , an FAA public affairs ~mew l t'AKRi\R l .'ITt:;D T Ht; NOTl(.'EABU~ fl exing or an air liner :. win~s m flig ht, a :.1ght tha t often frightens neophyte fli~rs . Like a paper dip that 1s bent back <ind forth . he s aid. each muvt·ment or the win~ co ntributes lb a s light weakt-ning of thl· s tructure "fjut bt•tlcr that 1l bend th<.1n hre<Jk, 'Fa rrar sa1cl. Metal fat1~uc dre w attentwn in th.e l.9SOs. when the first eom· m cr c1a l Jelllner Britain's de llavilla nd Com et had a serjes of unexplamed ~rashes. som e fatal. It was discove red that a m1s- ahgnc.'<1 bolt near a window nexed and e ventually railed. res ulting In explosive d<!Cumprei.s1on. '"'-l Most ADs deal with less urgent matte rs, however. and the s ituations they pomt out g1mernlly <.1re cons1de l'ed as the inevitable problem~ of hig hly co mplicated machiner y rathe r than a hfe- lh reate rung hazard. FOR EXAMPLt:. ,\TOTAL OF 129 ADs had bee n 1s~ued a s of (Sel' l'LANt: SAt'F.TY. Page A2) Second ·canal? AP W1r11ptH'ilt; HELPING HANO -Pofll' .John Paul 11 n .. ·•u·hc!> down to pull u t hild up to tum in d o wntown (' t.l'~t o<·h o ,\.a. Pu land. eope Dema_nds Riglits fo All Cliristia1ts ('ZESTOC.:ll<>W/\. P c1la11d l /\P I POIJl' John f':.iul II tit• ma nded toll ~I\ thal 1'11l;111d ., co mmun1 ~t gi1v1•r11m1·nt n ·t ogni1.e lhl' nghts and lH·lt l·f1' of Christians a lthough I hl·t r \ t\'W 111 tht· worlrl 1s "d1aml'tn cally uµ posed" lo Marx1.,m ll Wit:> lhl' m o-;t pow.-rful political slalt·ml'nl the 111mt1ft has m<idt· m I hl' four d uy~ he h..1~ hccn m his homt•l<ind. Jn a ~pcc<.'h pn·1>t1red for dt" livery to a <.'lt1~l·d m t·clmg 111 P o I a n d ' s H I) m ;,i n C t1 t ho I H· lnshnµs . lh<• µop1· d cstribed n· hi.;ious frt·e<lom a s a fundamc n t<i l huma n ni.:hl <1nd dccl&rcc.J that g uaranl1•1•s of re llgwu:-. freedom m l'ol;,i nd ~ cnn:>t 11 ulwn and other do<·u rrwnts a rc• mt•o n· mgful only 1f lhl'.V <·on:o,l(h:r "tht• rC'<tl nccds ofthc dwn ·h " Altho ugh rcltg11)t1~ fr('edom 1s g uaranteed m Pulunlf '!> conslllu· tion. the church has been prci.~- 1 n g fo r a h o lit1o n o'f ~l a t e censorship· on Cat~l1c µuhltl'u· l ions, for access to t he !>late radio and tc lcv1s 1on. a nd fo r gr eate r opportun1l1es to of11•r rt'" ligious instruction to the young T h e p o p c a s :. e r l t· <I l h c c hurch's rcadinl'SS to enter into a dialo~ue with tht· govt·rnm<.•nl fo r normali7.at ion "f l'hur<·h <See POPI'.:. Page /\2 > Japanese Eying Panama P'an l'OKYO 1AI' .l:1p:in 1:. 111 11·n ·..,ll·d tn hu1lll111J,! :1 .,e1·onrl l'a11 a m:i I 'arrnl :dong th1· prl''>t-nl 1·:t11iil , po:.s1hly with lht· L'ntlPcl :-it:.i t1·"· at :1 lnt:il co:-.t ,,f ~ :1 h1 llH111. llw 1·r11n11m1 <· Ill'" '>l1:qw1 N1 h11n K1 •11<11 n ·porll'd t1eyy T lw pa1wr :>~11tl th•• 1s ... u1· wa:-. t :t ~ll'n up" hl'll < ;t•n llm;ir Torn 111:-. h10,11I nl th•• l'an.J1nan1 ;1n ~'" 1·r11nwn1. \ 1:.1t1·tl J ;q 1tJ n th1.., ''':tr and tlt '>t'U'>"l'd ~•th .J.1p;i1w:.1 ltu~.1111· ... .., l•·.1111 ,.., w<.iy.., ol -.11 t'1tg: h•·111ng .. 1•11111111111• rl'l:.i l 11 rn i. I 1 ( · 1 '" · 1·11 £' J n ;.i rn <i Jn <I J .1p;111 It i..11tl ~h11•1•11 l\.1~1.11111 11r1•s1 Nader Asks Nuke Plant Shutdowns Wt\S lll NC:TON •/\1'1 1'11 11:.Ulllt'I' ;1d\11t'.1l1• ll.tlph '\tadt-r w·gNl (.'1111g 11•.,.., loday to t·losl' ;,ill nm·lear ~uw+:-r plants on•r thl' n1·xl two o r t hrc·e yeari.. r a iling lhl· l11llwns 1t could c11s 1 c·1111s u mer ... "a ch oap pncc tu 11a) .. Nad er. f('s l 1fying before <i lloust• :-.ul><'om m iltl'l.· rev1ew1ng I hl· consequent.:<.':. of the Thrt•t• M 1 lc Isla nd accident. ad ded lhal t·•m-strtidion shourct Tm m cdfatcly I.Jc halted o n plants bt-ing built ·m· toM fff'Cltmm:< rnn.•rior sutr- <'11rnn11tk1· on cnt•rgv a ncJ the <·n \'1r11nml·nl that unless nucle<1r po"<· 1· 1s h:in1wd. lh<'n• l' ''c nlua I I) will hi'~· 1111l'11 .. 1r acl·1tJenl. ·11 1:. IM·lll•r lo t·ul 111-;se:-. nu" .111tl :-.l op lf11s gha~tly mdustn.il foll,v rather th.111 wall unl1I .1 n ucll'ar C':tla1'lroph•· makc•s .1 port 11•11 ol lhl' I ~ u11111hah1tahl1· !or its '>1trv1vors. :'ll:tdl'r :.:1111 /\:-. lo lhl' t·osl of s hul11ng 11 t11·h •;1r p11~1·r p la n t !> a nd n·pl:inni.: th(' t!lt•(•lr1c1l\ the\ g1•1wrah•d. Nadt'r said: "·tt·s ~1 <·h1:ap prt<'l' lo pay t'ompan•d to :.il1t•rn al1• n -;ks " · lie also (';illecl for lht• res1gna· 111111 of all five• nwmbt·r-; 11f t h1· N uc l <•;.1r H1·gul<1 t <iry C<1 m · rn 1ss1on . ;t(•c·u:.ing the m or "ln- ('OmJ'll'll'ltl'l' ~ind 111d1ffc n •ncc • lOWa rd nuc lc•ar i.afcl v IS!i'U<'~. In lesllm11ny Monday. an ur ga 111.wt1on n ·prt•:-.i ·ntmg util 1t 1e., :>ai d :1 moratorium on new nul'lear plant:. wuul<l <'Osl N >n sumt>r~ $119 hlll10n th rough th1: y t·a r :!000 <inti 1ncr('l1Sl' 011 un· ports IJy up lo 3 m tlhon barrels a Jjay . . Sol Burnstein. a s pokesm<in for the Edison E lcc tnc Institute· and t·xet•ul1Vt' v1C'c pres ident of the Wisconsm F.lcctrac P ower Co .. s aid the• cnsl to consumers of outlawing nuclt:a r powe r en· lir c l y wo uld he $66 tullion throu~h thC' l'nd of the C'eutury in a<lcht1on to lhf' ~1 1!1 ~i lhon 10 l'llfl'l'll lty a mor11t11r1u~1 on ron ... 1 r ul'l acm <lent 1>f lhl' C'httmli<'r of «:orn- m<·ri:c· and l nduslr~. :-.uggt•sll'lf t h11 l l'l'nl a Oc·l'<rn Const ruc·t1on C'n. of Japan study the· 1i.:-.tt1'. Pt•nta Ol·c·an Cons tru1·111111 ha , 1•>.per1c·m·1· in S 111·1 Cart:J I ex- 11ans111n "<irk 111 i-;g, pl :'\aJ.!.tn11 ~cl!'> un.1 v;11la hh: tr> 1·omm1·nt 1111 th1 r1·11ort. hut LI l'l·nl.1 01·1•a11 '>Jl<lk1·•,mm1 "aid ht~ 1·orn µan) :.tudu·fl th1· proJel't al '.'J :1g;.111u·.., n·q u1 .. ,t :\f a g~tnri lul•·r :-UJ.!J.!•':>lt·d th<i t l'nnk .\.t1n1:.t1·r \1 a-.:.iyrn;h1 Ohir.1 :>llld' th•· pro1 1·rl 1n light of f1'1':-.il1tl1l11•i. of ..,, , 1·ng1twn111i.-•-cunom1c· n ·l,1 · Bread Cost Go~ng Up~ KAN!:i.AS t:I T'i . M 11 1/\I'1 H1s 1nC! 1·nc·q,t \ 1'0:>1 :-., h1gh(•r W:JJ.!l'" ,JOrl ;, :-.harp 1nc·rl'<IM' 1n th1· pr11·1· of w anter wht·al prntJ<i bh arc going to n ·-.ull in tt ... prtc·c• <>I ,J lo.ti 111 1111·.td i.:11 1ng up about J 1w1111~, th1 bake ry industrv :..1v.., However. 1 nd u~t n nf fn•ials <lec l1nt:' to' c;ar :.pt•c1 f1l·ally wh<•n l h1· prn·~· m crease might 1w1•ur "Costs-are bullcJ111g 111 the• bake ry 1ndus tn . a lmost a :.su ring J 0 lin·acl flrtt'f' ad vanc·1· on l h(· 1111 · m t•dt ull' hur 1111n,·· c1f't'l l1 rt·~ an t•l.l11 on ;.il 111 l\11111ng & lfakmg 'it·".., " t ra<h· p1ihlu.,11 ion ' little L eagu e Strike~ Out in Diamond Run .. , l'<l rents oflhl'.0Ct•a n View Na taona l l..ittlc Lc;aguc._ hct t' given up hoix· of securing a p ermanent base ba ll home 1n llu nting lon Reach's C<>nlral Park. Spo keswoma n Eb1c :\1 ash1ta prcsentC'd a plan tu Ocl'an Vie"' School Distrit t trustees Monduy ni~ht for devdoping •ln<I main - la1n1ng four IJa1'eb0:11l dia mond:-. al Park View SC'hool a nd got ap· proval lo contmuc negol1<tt1ons for the pro1ect. • Hoard Pres1dt>nt J ay Rivera tole! Mrs. Mash1ta to scc:un· ap- proval Crom lhe school's a nd dis· lrt(4t 's adman1strators and return with final plans. Mrs. Mashila said he r or· gana:r.al ion 1s read y t o began gr ading a nd planting 111 llre para · lion for ne xt year's haseball season a nd noted that the 1m· prove ments i.tlso could be use<.I hy Huntington Bt•ach s occer and fla~ football teams, I IOlh with lhl' 111ted Stale..~ uncl Panam CI, the spokesm a n l!a1d. T hl' tompany spokcsm<.111 :.a id 1 h•· propo:>ed <·a nal would I.Ji· :.i m aximum 7G fcl'l deep and fi6'• IPel to 1.320 lt·•·t wide, <•nabhn~ l hl· µa:-.:.a gc uf ~UJO .OOIJ·lon t•• 500.000·lllll t ankers throu~h lh•· p ro po .,1·cl til mll1· watl·r wa ~. ~·ompared with t hl· '10,000·lon 1.rnker:. atJlt· tu p;.i:-.s throuJ.!h lh1• Jll'l'!>l'Ol CiJOiJI 11 woullJ lit· bu tit a ho ut I:.!'· milt•:-. llCIUlh"t·st 0 1 anc1 parallt·I lo lh1 · pr1•:>t•nt 1·:'1 11 a l o ver ;1 111·r1 od ol Ill\ 1•;,ir~. h1• :-.:.1111 Mesa OKs Support Of Edison 1 ·11-.t.1 Mt•h:t t'll y C'ft11 n 1 11 111t•111b•·r-. .1 ppr11v1·d ..i rt•1'11lul11111 Monda} :-uµport.1 ng a n e >. µa n s 1o n o f the S outhern C:i lifornia Edison i.(c ne rating .,talion in Huntington Beach . if 11 c;.in bl.• co11s tru<'le d s u it dc)(.'Sn'I turthe r pollute the air. T h<· resolutio n w1 II b1• sent to I hl· C:il1fornia l':ncrgy Hesourc1•1' ('on:-.ervat1on a nd Dl'vclopmt·nl <.:om m1ss1on . which is revie wing SC£':, ret1uest tu build u J,2'Jlr m c i! a w a tt 1 nm h 1 fl'! d c y c I 1· ;.:t·n1·rnt1 ng ~t;1111m m o n•· of fou1 ... 1t1 ·"· 1n 1.·luu1ng Jl u 11 t 1ng t1111 lll';tt •h Cou11c1lnw 11 l>u1111 ll:JJJ led lh•• 1110 \ (' Ill ''lo.tk1• a Jl•J!>tl lVt' ;.tp p111.1d1 ll• 1111· ~C 'E 11rnp1>1'a l, 11111111)!. I h.tl I'\ Pryon1• I ~ Cl>O tTl'1t1·1t ,tl10 11t 1·1wrgy s ho rt<1gt'" hnt 1111h11ch y.;int... a plant lw1lt 111 t ht·11· ba<·k~·ard " 'l'h1· rt•solut1un not1·1' that d<· m .11111 l11r p1l\t, t•r " ,., teed mg SL' E est1matt•:. ~ind M ulti result '" ~· s h11rtag1•. Th{' c1l} ':-. draft prOpo!>al read that lht• coun<·ll "1s opposed lo the selcct111n of t he lluntmglo n Beach s ill'. unless s ufficient c;nr p o llut 11111 1 m1t1 g at1on m l•;.i s urcs a rc mcorporatcd" and 1f t ht• l:.11:d11y would anterfe n · w1lh Cost a Ml.'sa 's bringing tb :11 r q u ality up to A 1 r Quaht y Man agem ent P lan standa rds . llowcver. Ha ll moved Monday ni~hl to re word the resolution to read that lhl' council s uppor-U; I h l' pr 0 J C Cl If mi l i g a ti 0 n m ea s ures a re included and un less at would interfe re with Costa Mesa air quality. Coasf Weather Jufbrs s pe nt a bout s even hours behind closed doors Mo n· day, their second full day or d e· libe rations. be fore declining McMillan's suggestion that they recess for dinner and resume de· 'D~spieable Action' T h e 1. 1 l t I e L e a g u t' s pokeswoman saul Huntington Bea ch city officials don't want tn dcn•lop ba schall diamonds <it Central Park without a master plan which as s e veral year :-. a way. "AHhi!:! point, we 'd like to call ·omeplac e home." s he told trustees, adding that the league had expected to be in Central Park 18 months ago. Lo w clouds night and mormn~ with only pa rtial <"!c aring a fte rno o n s thr<>u1th Wednesday J lli~hs Wednesday in the m id 60s at the beaches, lo we r 70s inland. Lows tonight 58 to 63. bale Monday night. Waddill. a 43-year-old Hunt· laston Harbour obstetrician, is accused or strangling an infant known as Baby Girl Weaver af\er she allegedly survived a 1altne abortion two years ago. Hts first trial ended last May 'when jurors said they we re deadlocked 7-5 in favor of ac- q u l tta I a lter 16 weeks of testimony and 11 days of de- llberat1on. Waddill hai maintained his In· nocenee throuahout both trials, lasl1lin1 t he two-pound, 15· ounce Infant was deid or hope- teNly on the verse of death by , lite Ume he eHmlned her at , We1tmln1ter Corn m unJty ~pltal .• ,. O'Connor Flays Hutton Over Access Rights Former Huntington Beach Deputy City Attorney J ohn O'Connor has accused City Al· tomey Gall Hutton of parUcipal· Ing "on a despicable course of action" in matters related lo his firing. O'Connor told the City Council Monda)' night that the attorney's office bas denied him access to public documents a nd mate rials he needs lo right his firing. O'Connor said he made a re· quest for the ma terial April 22 but didn't receive an informa· lion packet until June I. He Hkl what he did r~ive was innocuous. "I dJdn't receive 40 Items that I had a right to." l he said . Deputy City Attorney Robert Sangster sa id, howeve r. that he spent seve ral days gathering the information and gave documents "about two inc hes thick" to O 'Connor. "I'm surprised. I thoUgbl we supp lied all the information that O 'Connor had r equested." he said,. Sangster s aid o ·connor's re quest was broad-based and in· eluded. (Qr example. all eopit!ft of documents dealing with the Steverson ..Brothen Mud Dump .legal acUon. Sanpter said he eulled out 90me of the mate rial5 but lo pro- • vide copies of everything would inv o lv e "mounla1 n s of mate Mal. ·• However . O 'Connor said he re· ce1ved such things as minutes or City Council mee tings r athe r than pertinen.t in formation. -O'Connor md he needed the m a t eJ i a l to p r o v e h i s where abouts and to counter al· legations of ins urbordination a nd 1ncompctef'1ce lodged by Mrs. Hutton whe n she fired him. O 'Connor reque!ited that the Counc-il d i rect Cil)I-Ad· mlnistrator 'Bud Belsito to meet "filb Mn. Hutton •nd make •fl informaUon available . <See nLF.S, Pase Al> Trustee Charles Oste rlund said. "I'd like lo register my dis· gust with the city. The city won't m ake a commitment lo anybody for anythlngatanytim e." T he Ocean View National Lit'.' lie League operates under a joint agreeme nt between the city's parks and recre ation de- partment and the school district 1n providing recreation for ap- prox I ma""ly 500 north Hunt· lngton Beach youths. League -diamonds. o n o ld s chool d istrlcl h eadq\larter11 property at Warner Avenue and Beaoll BouleY&rd are scheduled to be IOkt by the school district, probablynext~car. INSIDE TOD.4 9t' Tht! Angt!la conUnue to make more news on the medical front than in the boaebolt world. ~e stor)I, Pa~e 81. •••• Al'l'-....... A1 .,_~ ,, L.M....,. '" ........... , ~ .. C .. 194.... CMI c-.c.. •• c---.. .. .......... ,. . 11-.n.f .... M a:=··· ... Ct4 .......... a ................ AMIL~ Cl ........ ...... p ..... ............... ==·~ = ., .. ....... ., ,....._ . , .......... ..... .. ......... M \ .. ,_., Jy!l! ~. 1!?! ~alley Seeb Hu .... n ............... onTeen :(iii o~"• ,.,,., '"'" ,,_ t~s~o•u K••nndh H.1r hm 15 of tlun I 1ng t1111 llt-.t1 h Hu \ S1·1111l Trou11 V~ hJ -. ..1 t·h1e\e d E a g l,· S 1·u11t :>l..1tu:, Tht· Ed1 !>0 ll ll 1g h S 1·h 11ol frt·:.,hma 11 1~ tht• """ 11( M1 .ind Mr:> Jc~~t· B:1rlm.\ ' Fountain Valley thlnka it " Ume Hunt1n1to n Btliu'h ail iarti. pa)'lftlC its w11y for ta pro~ram a 1mted at twudln_.: u(( Juvc111lc dt" linquency. J a m t• a N 1· a I . f ' o u n l u 1 n Valley'• city munu~cr. appeared bdor~· tluntin•1tun city council 1t1f'h1 bt· ~Y nhcht 11m'f suicJ hil'I 1·11y '" no le111.i1·1 t1lilt• 111 uf fvrd th1• ~Jo,ooo 111 mlllt·h10..: fund" 11 takt•s lu run tht.· 'l'e{'n lh•lp Yo uth St•rv11·c Uurcuu. T lw hur,·uu, t>tol uhll11h~d in th•· curly 74k-. .:1 vcs 1•oun1>t.-lin~ 111 ~ads and tht•1r 11urt>nti. on proh lt•m i. r ung1 11 i.: fr11m i.t:h crn l t ru a n q . to t•h lid u buse und r1ru~i. T tlt' hur,•ou has been re l'l'I\ in~ U1 .111~·· C'ounty rt'\'l'nUt• :-haring funJ:-. lv1 th"' µu:-.t thrl·•· t'ar:. Nf'&I :.u1d th 1• program "Jl1·1·1f11·al l y 1., J llll \'d at v1111n~:.kr., who ll.1 \'1· not ht'l'O 111 I rou lift· with pul 11·\'. hu l h d vc E',.... Pap 1ll PLANE SAFETY ... mid May on lhC' first lJ S wmml'fl·1ul Jt·t . the Bot·in~ 7"7 whic h hcgan st>rvice in 1!158, and on the nl'arly 1df'nticul Hot•mg 720 CH the 129 ADs. 49 C<>VN<•d pos~ible cracks an ml'lal parts. part1c ulur ly wing surfut·t·s Twe lv<· Alh wnc t•ons1d1·rcd important enough for 1.11rlmt·!-. tr1 be a le rt.ed by telegram. Those ran_g_cd koID-pos8.j.ble control ob --.--.Slruction-; o a 1962 warning thut lint and moisture a ccumulating behtnd lavatory o utle ts for electrie razors could pose a fire h <tzard been lc.lcntlfiud "as potential de- linquent orientea youth.~' - Wtwn the program startbd, il i.crvcd l''ountain Valley resi· . d tints ellcluaively . Howe ver. the l6:'cn help services have ex· pandl-d to the point where 35 percent of lls }'Oun_g c lien~ 'Ire llunt1ngtoif Bea ch res idents a nd lU per.cent live in Westmins te r . :-.u1d Nt'ul. Somt! stacr m e mbers work at 1·ll•m1•ntary schools and h igh B~ilding Fwul Use Snagged Proposa ls to SJ><'nd more than ~J 6.000 rt:maming from a 1969 school t·onstruclion bond issue hit a sna~ before Huntington Hea(•h 's Ocean View s c h ool honrd Monday night T ru:-.ll'l'S told ;idmin1stralors to gc• lwc·k tc1 the drawing hoard 11vl'r tw11 1kms. plans lo s pend $84,472 for s lurcige at <1bout IU !'.t·hools and new duplic ating t.•qu1pmt'nt for st•vcnd schoob al 3 COS( of5'35.000 S i x other t•xpcnd1ture pro po:-.als' met hltlt· rt's1s tancc and 1ncludt' t'nclos 1ng s tudent lockers at Circle View School. Rut a hiJ?h numbe r or ADs does not necessarily mean a lack of s afety, Fa rrar said, adding ... The number or AOs i»ued s hows the system works." with most iss ued early as a n-ew pla ne 's problems «ire found. For example. 99 of the Boeing 707-720's total AU!. wt'rc issued through 1969: o nly 30 have been issued in the 1970s. IRONICAU.Y, TllF. oc.10, a tr1·engme . lo ng-r ange transport 1n s erv1r" sm cf' 1971 . htt s among the fewest A Os. Only 43 have bet·n l!tsuert lht• pa:-.t e ight ye<1 rs. with only one requiring a check for --.,,,...000: library shelvin g at Cir cl<' View, ~.000 ; s awdust collec· t o r s fo r nine s choo l !>hop~. $45,000 . re payment or ti s late b uilding loan. St2 .000, n e w duplicating equipment for the ht•adquartcrs co mplex, $61,000 l'l'<H'k!t m th1· m1~c han1sm that e xtends tht' wing flaps ThC' A:.S<1t 1ulN1 Prt•!ts cheC'k o f airworthiness directives cov ..rt·d tht• Bocini.: 707-n O, 727. 737 and 747: the Mtl.>onnell Dougla:., l>C H. DC 9 :ind !)('.HJ, an<I the Lodheed L 1011 the bulk of <101111•!-.t 1<· aarlint·r:-. 1 lert.· ;.i re !hf• rc:-.ulls for aircrufl other tha n th1• IH' Ill --Bo•·ing 707 720. :1 lo ur 1·ng 1nt· luni.:·rang<· lransport in trodun •d an 1!158 Al>s l'l9. ThoM· n •quirmg c·ht:tks for cracks . '1U. 111l'lu<tang 17 for !ht• wini.: s kin cir structun·. 11 for varaou!'. t•onlrnl "111·t:.ie·1·-;. H for th1• hm·11<1nlal s t:1h1lt1l'r: 7 for lht• lane.Jang l!l'i:lt ond :i :-.sne 1all'd s lrw·t urt.·:-. a ncl 'l for 1·ng1m· mountin gs Hoeing 727. a lhn~·engmt· nwcl1um·rangl' tra ns port an t r<11h1t·1•d in 19f.4 /\Os 70 HN1u1ring cheeks for c rncks . 'l'1. 1nd 1HI 111g 11 tor lhl' landing g1·ur :rnd s urrounf11ng slructun· und 4 t:;ic·h to r the horizontal i.luh1h1.er and \'i:tr111us control s urfaces -~inJt 737 , 11 tw1n·cng1nt.'. short.range aircraft delivered t11 .11rhnt•s m 1$7 /\D!t 'l7 lll'qu1nng t.•ht·cks for crcsch 7, mclud1n1< t for control !turfat.·t·!t und I t•ach for thl' wing s tru1•turc , lun1l1ng gl'ar a nd airfram1· -~ln« 747. a four-engine· w1d1:·body, long-range Jumbo JC! ·introduced in 1970: /\I>~: 39. Rf'quinng checks for cracks . 10. an eluding 6 for t he fus t.·lagc and 4 for control s urfact:!t -IJockhe .. d 1 •. 101 I, a w1de·body. tri·engin e. long·rani::t.· trans port 1n :-.crv1cc ~ince 1972 J\ Ds 32 Requiring t·hf:'C h for 1-r.H·k .... :1 lnl'ludes t t•at·h for ;m engine· duct as1>c m b ly. curgo door a nd laml1ng iwar -McDonnPll Douglas DC·~. a four·c·ng1n1" lo n g rang1· tran!t port mtrooucefl in 1959. now <1ut of production ADs . thtJ'>'' n•qu1rang checks for <·r arks · 14 Includes 6 for 1-ngine wing mounts. 5 for varwus co ntrol s urfaces and j for h.inding gear -Mc Donnt>ll Dou~las OC-9. a twin.e ngine. s hort·to-med1um fangc tram.port in se rvice since 1965. ADs : 43. Those requiring t•hecks for C'r1tck~: 12 lnt'ludes 4 for enginf' mounts. 3 f'or fusclagt., 3 for var ious control s urfaces and 2 for landing gear. "'ro• Pap A I .. FlLES •. -. The council declined to get m · volvcd' becau se the matte r is m litiga tion and 1s heuded for 4i g r1evunce hearing June 29. 0 (11!-.ilO stiHI this morning he would request that Mrs . llutton gel a list in writing Crom O 'Con· no r on the m aterials that he !.UY!> he needs Quitting Lauded JOllA NNESBUHG . South Africa I AP > Bluck lead ers en· thusia sllt'ally welcomed the res· 1gnation of disgraced President J ohn Vorster , with many insist· 1ng today that other Nationalist Party leaders s ho uld also quit to fo rce c h anges that wuuld im· prove the lot of blacks. Vorste r stc pp<'d down Mone.Jay, soon after a report implicating him In the cover .up of a m ultimillion· dollar scandal was tabled in Parliament. ORANGE COAST HI DAILY PILOT fN>01o1111~(M\I O.-Ut _.1"04 •''"'-"''"''',.,... h11'W"(f Ot .. Nr9' Pf""'\ t\ fNbtt\~,, f)., trw ()rM'lq f o.it\l f'wbU~lli(lt(;Ol"I~• .-,,.~••ti--M1t10f"\~rt WDll\~d ~-· INOVQft I t 1d•'11 to1 (O\IA ~'WI Hfli.....,..I ~ft f41,,,ftfttt'I01t f\•Mn fnt.~ •~·n v ... u.-, lt•tM l....,..... f\f"''"" \outn (°"''' A • '"01"' '"0~ ,...,t(tft I\ O\olbl1\""'tl \,..tutd•\o \ •N'I '.uf'tt• .. \ f"t Qf'lf\t •HI Oubi1\hU'O ""•"I 1• Al U0 W•\I ._ .. -\'II" I ( O"I• ,...,.,. c •hlnu 'lul ,,.,. "_, .. _ "''''~"''•no ~,"'9t, '"'" c. .. , "•'• p.,,.,1n-nt eNtO.,., .. ~~· ffM.me\fCffWH liOllOf ,_ ... ._ Mon•0•"9l0010' Ole• .. •"·'--llK .... ,. !Mii A\\1\I•"'' M.n-ol"G ldttor, -··-W.•1 o. ..... , ....... t l!l!Of HuntiMIOfl .... °"'°9 tttlf8.,•< i\ r\oulh.-rd Mltlllnq Addr·tt\\ P 0 6o• "°t.,._ Tape OJJ"ered In Actress' Bid/or Money LOS ANGELES I A P l /\ ·tape recording of a conversation betwt'en a mun and a woman · allegedly the late mill1onairt: lloward Hug h e s and actres~ TC'rry Moore was played m Superior Court as part of un er Cort to get llughes' est<1te dis tributed. A voice I hat M 1s s Moorl' claimed is Hughes said on the tape, made in 1949. "Why don't you let someone luke care or 1 you ? Why don 't you let m e ha vc ,the job?" An allom ey for llughes' rel atives asked that the tape ht' pla y~d before Judge J ack Swink on Monday. Miss Moore claims she and Hughes were married aboard u s h ip in the Call of 1949. Also, a transcript was read in court or an a lleged taped in lervlew between the actress a nd Noah D ie tric h , a one·timc Hughes aide. Accotd ing to th<: transcript. Diet rich said. "tic h as just foo led a nd d o uble crosu-d you because he got hold 'of that capitain 's log and he dest.royed il · · T he ship's capt ain as dead, a nd It would be difficult to prove u wedding t ook place between Hughes and Miss Moore. P a ul Freeze, a n attorney representing som e Hug hes rel. allves, said his clients wanted to press Jhe issue of whether there _,as a marria1e bec1uae Miss Moore hid n ot made a formal claim on the estate, but had aaid publlcly that she In· tended to. Home Bur8larized Burglars took o ff a screen and cllmbed through a n open wlo· dow at 10288 La Hacienda Ave .. Fountain Valley, Monday nlaht to lake a televlllon •el~ alereo components. a •un and a 1old coin~ police Hid. Oltlcera lilted owner Jack W. Guln'a IOH 1t $1,260. Trustt'<'S indic<tted they want to push forward with a s till un d1·tf'rm1n<·d ~·mount of m on1•y rt·· q11ar1•<1 to grad<· i.l nd plant dis t n t·l :-.ill' 3-1. a 12·acn· unkempt p:tre·1·I ownf'rl pa rtly by tlw 1·1L} of llt1 nt1ng1on Hl';11·h H t· s 1d~·n t:. n t • ;ir th 1 • ::, 1 lt· a t ~lat1·r l\vc•n111· a nd S pnngdull· Sll'l'l'l want Uw silt· co nverted to .i park :111tl h :ivt· pl1·cl g•·<I to rn a1111:11n 1t 1f 1t 1:-. d1·v1·lopPCI C' 1 t y offi('1 a Is ha v<• ht'!tll at•·cl o v1•r th(' m11vP bt·tause or mum· l1•11:im·t· tn<·1,nll· lo-.1 whl'n st ;1t1· \'<lll'r!'. .1ppro\'t•d l'n1po::.1l1on 1:1 last y(•3r /\ l s n propos 1·rl hv !ht· a d 1111n1 !-.lral1on. IJut voluntan lv p lat·••d on a l>al'k burner. 1~ ;1 ~50,000 ex1x.•nd1t urc to expand Wl's tmont Sehool's kitc hf•n and lht• anstullatwn of a sec untv alarm sy~lem al most of the d1; lrid ·:-. '>t hoo b al a s till un dl'l1· r m1 nt·<l 1·11 .... 1 T h t' cl 1 !-. t r 1 c t · ., v <1 I <• r ., JUlho rl J.t•d the :-.alt• o f "7 J m1l1111n worth o f honds.1n 1%!1 t<1 . build schools 1n the then ruµ1dl} _grow.in~ f11stnct . Con~tructc·d with " the. Iund!> before s tud1•nt enrollment beizan clcclinanli( were Golden View and N u<.''t'a View Schools . Nineteen <>I h1•r schools were modcrni7.cd with the bone! funds . u district !->l><>kcswoman s aid. S t i ll UAsold· arc about ~'l m 1 Ilion worth of 1:onstruct1on bonds . Fro• Page Al POPE .. -. !>late relation!>. fi e sa id .. authentic dialogue mus t resJ)<'ct the con victions·or b<'lieVl•rs. e ns ur<' all lhe rights o f citizens a nd a lso the normal conditions for the activity or the c hurch as a r elij{ious community to which the vaM m ajority or l'olt•s bclon)( "WC' a r C' aware' that th is <tialogu'• cannot be easy because 1t takes place between two con ccpts or the world which are diamf'trically opposed, but it must be possible a nd effective if !.he good of indi vidu<i ls a nd the: nation demands it," he said. Be fore m eetin g with the bishops, the pope celebrated an o pen-air Mass fo r tho usands or Po lis h nuns and said tha t even · 'lhl' biggest enemy o f the church" could not help but ap. Prcciatc their dt.-dication. Deukmejian Denies Claims I.OS ANGELES 1AP1 Al· tor n ey Ge n eral G «Ui r ge Deukemejlan has denied claims that he was told in early April about alleRallons that Lt. Gov. Mike Cu rb had or~anlrcd crime B!lsociaUons during his years in the record Industry. Dale H . Speck, former law e n· formcement division chler In the s late Justice Department, said he told Deukmeji1n ~boot the al· le1 atloni more than a month and a half before the attorney l(eneral admitted. havln1 the ln· • formation. Sp.-ck also tlalmed the at- torney 11ener1l'1 Ille on the mil· ter Includes a memorandum by Speck which seya: "Dtac\llled tbia with AO-DH!." The file arrived on ~IH'W 1tftlt last week. schools in HunUnaton Beat hJor early [denttricatfon or problem vouths. Neal wants the three c ities to develop a cooperative fundini,: agreement bMsed on the percen- tage breakdown o r where the younga1lef!J I ive. ffunhngton's 35 P<.'rcent usf' ''' the teen help serv1n· would rt· quire a yearly investme nt of $10.500. Neal's request d rew no formal res.pons,e Cro m c ity council m e mbers. but J en Chenelle. d Huntington Beac h city ad m1n1strat1ve nnalyst. today stud Mayor Hon Pattinson ha!. hwn s upportive or thl• youth pr11 gram. "If we give them «Fountain Valley! somt· m o ney . we han· to lake 1t from somPwhNt· 1·ht· s he s aid. adding that "at t·omel. down to a hud1H·l d1·e•1:.u1n Neal s uad· he woul<I m akC' a s imilar request for funding help from Wcstmanstcr l'lty 0Hic1al~ 3 Teens Held As Suspects i11 Thef't of Car <'os ta ~lt'l>a r1C>l1 t•1• !><WI l11<la \ lh(•y <irn·stl'<I three· hoy~. t""CI cif thl•m t>S(·upce~ fr()m a 1uvt·n1l1· work camp. art1·r the· trio al legedly laun('ht•cJ a mm1 cn m1· spree M'>nd<ty . The l'!tl'a fX'ei. wnt· rl•·'>crtll(.·d a s a 17·ycar old tr<ins1c nt wh11s•· fatht·r h vt•i, 111 (;;1rd<·n Crov1· a nd a 14 year uld J\11ah<·1m 111 1\' A lso a rrt'l'lll'd \\ i:J'> .1 11; y1·<ir uid Costa Mt·~a youth. w1 ht·1· ~a 1cl Thl'Y !-.a1cJ !111·· thn~· allt•g1·1lh l'llolt• a c·a r ht·liing 1ng to Ila\ 11! ll1·ld of llunl 1ngton lh•ae h t11lo111 1(1 a m ~londa) Thi· 1·;,r 1i.1tl hl·<·n park1·d at a 11n · .,h•1p 1111 Ila rlJor Houll·varc.l 111 < 't>!tli• ,\'11-!-..1 With !ht• kt•\''> IO It 'I hl' 1·ar · all1·g1•tll v wa !'. 1i-.1·d l:ill'r in th•· day IJ} li1 tr1 •lar ... \\lit • r a n !'.at·kt·d tht• ap;1rtm • nt o f l!ulwrt W H a ~ n11111d :11 ~18'! :'l!;i 1111' s t . 1·s(•a p1ng \\1th ~s 1n t·1111h .incl :-.orn1· liquor f'•ll1 l'•· h~1d 1111 t·osl 1•sl1rn;Jlt.· for tht• broke n\\ 111 dov. lhrvugh wh1 t:h th•· l>urg t:.r ... t•nlt•n·ct. n11r for t1lh1•r d am;1g1· <1uring lht· ran:-.;wk 1n1~ l'o lln · .... 11d r ht•\ p11t t.-d t 111 !t l Olf'n c a r at a t.1111 1 Ii p m parkl'd at 570 .lo11 nn St Wh1·11 th<• youth:-and :i fr m :d1• 1u\1 rnl .. e·o mpana1in n ·tun H'd I 1 the· t .1r pol1n· ~1 rr••.,f 1 •d lh1· lhn 1· IJ11\' !jkylab Hit CkUh; Sli111 w l\Slf I NCiTnN 1/\I'1 1 f \'t111 plan lo lw o n J-:;11 th lwlw ·cu .lune :!7 and .luly :.!I .. lh1·11"' :ihout om• C'h11 11t·L· in li(IH lull11111 you'll bl· hit by a fall11fg l'}1unk ,,/ Skylab. :-.t·11·nllsts Sit) -I -s·tayin g 1nd11<1"'!-. won I n('('('SSaraly ht•lp ITlUl'h Eight of th1• c·~l1m:1tf'd 50!• piC<'<'S <'XJ)<'ctc d to ~-;11rv1\'t• ri· entry heat will IJ<' ht><1v~1 <•nough .. to cras h through an a v1·1 ag .. l'On <'r l'-lt' ~~ftt't' -hullrtrni.i anrf mos t or 1 h1· n ·st w1 II <'nm1• rlow11 hard enoug h lo go through ;1 wooden hous<'. a 1·ongrf's -.1onal com m 11tt'l' w:1s to lei ~I onrh1 y Hut sp:tC(' <lj.!t'nC'y c·h11•f liotH·rt /\. Frosch assur('rl a 11011"" \.o\ l'rnmenl Orwral1on ... -.uhC'f1mm11 tee· th<1t'thl• c•hanc'l'!'> a r•· <>nl v 11n1· in 152 that any human any~h('rc· m tht! wurld \\ 111 be hit A1·t r 1·!'t" l.1nd .1 K t•bt·.\. \\ho µl:.i y s r (•Jrnrter li1ll1 e :"l·v. man un lht· TV Sl 'l'ICS Lou C rant · ~nuggl es up to h•·r rn ·v. hu!'t l1a nd . (ilt·n11 Str:1nd . a th<•<JlrH·;il c arp<•ntc r . I I•·!> :~11 s h1··.., :u It ~ ht·r •w 111nd m arn;ig(· <mrl h1~ first. Six Sailors Missing ~ As Freighter Burns ( 11 1'1'1.l< l l \l<lll1f( ~.1 11 1. \ J• \ t1 r~ '"l'"" 111 .i 1:11• 111•11 (; r1•;t1 f..olo(I''-I I • ti fit • I l11ff.1\ :111d '-I \ .... t!lltf '•\•'r I fJll •"llil1 .llld lt«lf••I! lr:1p111•d .11111,lf tf t h• 111p pi1•d \ 1•v,1•I \.\'11 ,.,. ' ,. ''" '.h•ll • 111 milt•' ,t.,.,:tv •.,11d 11,,. h11 111111-.•d ''"' .1l111ri111. ,'\111d •·1·11 1'11'\\tlll'll lt l•lll ill• I .11 111·rd 1ff1 · I l.111 \\ • 11· p11 kt d l11J111 lift· raft-. 111 l..1k1· ~lllll'rl•ll I•\ I v.11 11t l11·r I r•'•l!hl Pr-.. th• ('11,1:-.I (;11.1111 .,;11d t ·t\1· nl•'ll \q ·r" ri •p11rt1 ti • r11111 -.h h11rr11·d ' n d t .... " o t h, 1 ... .,., 1• 11 I• ~ !'.l'r10u:.h hu1 t T\\o ('oa ... t c;uiird-.m1·n .ind th• -.h 1 p ... , 11c 1111·1·r 1111,1 r d•·d ll1• \l'!'."' ·I !'>I'\ ··r •• I h1111 r.. :1 r1 •. , I h• 111 1· \,,,., 11•1,.111.d 11•d 111111111111 • \ 1d1·nn· ut th• 1111 .... 1r11 1111•11 111 .11 1• I' ft /'f 11t ll.1 1111 " 1111 ('11,1 I (111;trcl o....11d Fl;1m1·" kPpt tht• p .1rl\ 1111111 ·'l•Jlrt•at'h111µ t 111 •·na.:trli 11>111ll .,.,hl'J•· th1· 111 1· :ip11.11 •·n1 1\ .,tJrl 1•d ;ind ... 1111 \t o1 :-. ht·:"'"'"' nl 111·ial<V<.;;flt! ~' - . 1·:i r i\ .,., :II •,., \\·t·ri· h1·1 ni7 ... 1•;1ri'111•d "Ill lh1 ll•JfH Ill.II th1 m1•n got ll\'l'rhoard ('h1..r f'••tl\ Offtt•t'r. Jm• 1\11 1<1!11 '><tHI ~It th• -.(':.i rr·h :i nd !'1·.,1·1"' .,, a l 11111 111 t 'lt'n·la nd /\m :i to sa11t tht· m1:-..,1ni.: n ... 11 1nr l11rlPd a ptH't•·r . I"'' <Hl<•r t wo dt•1:kha nds a11d a hl'lm:-.111u11 1\ (.fl ;i ... 1 (;II .11 d 111 •• d II .. I n1 rpo:-.m .111. \\ hu ·•Pl'·' 1 ••11 11 \ 2 .. 000 A(-r.. Burn H 1\ K t-; H ~ F I E L I> t J\ P \I mo.,I ~.OIHI a1·rf'!'. of g r a ... -. l111rnt"ll norlh\.\t·:-.t nf hl·rt· clur1111! t ilt' n1).!hl, ra1:-.ing Kt•rn Countv., fi n · 10 ... s ar n•:i v1· 1h1s -.;prml?· 111 J I m ost 50.tJOO <1 1:11·:-.. f1rcl1ghtt·r., !>aid. lt's not \'1• \\I'd I h1• ... 11111 I r11111 1 lwl 11·oplt·1 I It II ll••l p••ll ••\ "' 11.111 I h1· tlljUrt•d .1111 111 .. 1111 .. 11111 111 111 .. •,l11p w.1:. I" 1·11 \ 11.1111~ l1•1rrlt'tl I d •111 I ...... "''"" :111\ 1.1.11 I , 111111 1 11<· di\•' 111 lh1 I•' ti1• ~ .. 11d ,\11111 llt1IHo1d 111 1• "I f'l•f ( h1·1 ~ .. it IJ11111•hl1111 .\1111111 I I "lll 111 I h1 11q111 •·d wt•fl• I ,tk• 1 111 f'11 1t .J /,!" \h \~ ""'llli.JI 111 ll.1111 1u·I. .1utli1111l 11 •:-. ~ .. ,111 'I "" "'''" d1·l 1·tn11111•d t u Ill' too "''11 11 11~1\ 111111 t o Ill' t11•a l1·1I I lh I I oll! 0d Y. 1•1 1· •t•fll 11\ ( '11;,•,I 1,11,11.t pl.1 111 t11 th1· l 11t\1·r.,1t, 111 \I 11·h1gJ ll IJ11r11 l'1•11l 1·r 111 A1111 \111111 l•~l 111111•., to llw ""11t h Thi• 1· .. ,,,, l i11artl ..,;11d '"'' ••Ill• r 11••\\11 11·11 w11 h 111111or 111 Ill If ' \\t fl 111 1111' l.1k1 fl It\ 1111,1! 111 lh• 1 '•11 1.l~t , ...... ,, <.11.11 11 ..... 11· fl I h•· 1111anpir1·rl nwn "'"r•· -..111: ol111.1 11I 11· 1 111 \t''"1•t... UPGRAUE. • ..,,.,.,.,, rtllnl! n111\ Thi·~·· h11tl tl 111 i.:-, .111· I'll 1L1n g 1·1111g 1Jlc Jlld µ11~~1bl1· I 1111 h. he Ot'e: I <.t n ·d .. Lei ::, go .d11 •,1tf \\Ith II l' 11 um· 1 h \IJ 111 <i 11 II u 1 h Ba i I e v ....r1ct 111~111\ 111 l ht• ow n er~ 1if huilrllng-. drt' • .i1 ... e:11h•e la ndlvnh ·..,. h11 don t 1·a n· a bout Mu11l- 1111~t1111 lk .11·h Bui !-.he JOH1t•fl M:iyo r Don· \L11·1\f11.,l1•r Huth F1nlt·v and Ho b ,\h1nd11: in vol an!;! to t·xlcnd I ht.• r<·pa1 r d1•a cllinc from nnl' ,\(':Ir lo lY.11 yt·a r::. .John Thoma ..... llon Pattinson a nti Yocl1·r vole d aga inst l11e ,\ l!<ir 'i-; t•l(!Pn'ilOll how often you te ll her, but h ow well . \\It.• c.1 n .. II 11\ vou .,(I rn.1ny "·'\'" 111 11•11 lwr "I lc1\1· you·· - .... 1ch h1 .. 111t1fut 11 nll 1r~:• •ti .1 bl l ', 111110...t.1 111 An.I 11 •• tlwr. f.1r tll\' \\ 111 Id 111 ..,,., SLAVICK~S '"" h'v.,lt•''111e1 t 11rl '·"""'" hl.111d , t·wrnrr C"t·nn·r. Nl'WJ11•rr BlJ(h I (71 I> fl I I I iHO \flthtr l,, .• ,, .. , \\ tu1111\ur \l.1tl L1.w1.1 thtt"M dl Clr .• "~'-C1ttt1t"\ N•1 C •tnh~r 1.,, 1\11., dt ~ '•n 1'11 Jo'" 1,..,, \ • "*''" '•• .. \4,1 I ~°'' , ,... ' ..... • 'tj • <t" ~t\ti \I t to• t J.1· \I, .. "·· I 1 '·'. ' #t i ' ----------------------------~----- ' ~Irvine FOI TI ON •56, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES \VOL. 12. NO Jets I ~ Marine "By WILLl.\M llODGt. °' .... o. ......... "•" T r o u h I t• i. o m t· h 1 .: h J)t!rformum·l· Jl'I .11rcrt1fl 111i.:r;1 t 1on11 11 v l' r 1111 r I h ,. r n I rv 11w s hould end th1:-Wf't'k . "·') t\\O <'1 ty rounrtl rnt.>m~r!> who ml'l Monday with El Toro Mt1rt11l· Corµs Air Sl1ll1on llfrl ttul:. Hundred::. of t·all ... from n ·i.1 d ents compla1n111g Jh1111l J• 1 h ghte r n1~hls II \'I l\UOW-. hd\I' Tll•tftlt•tl d t \ .;\\ 11 ('hhoa r1hl '\111\T 11:~ I 01 n i. tr ,1111111j! p1 u~1 u111 ,,.,,,., '\lt'PJ>i''1 up 111 ,Ja1111u1 v, t it \ 111 'I lt'IJI., 'lllll M .i}Ot ~'"'""' u1 doul\,' ,rncl ( '11u11t•llm:.i11 ll1.I\ ad ~i lls :.;mJ 111 i1,1y lht• 11 1un1ni.t op1·r~1t1111..., .11 1• 1warlv t'f11nµldt·ll <HHI should ht t·um pl•·lc Ii\ t•'ruhl\ T ht• 1w11 ml'l \\llh M Jllflt• t '1•r l'-. off11·1,1I:-Monll.I\ 111 Jn at tl'llllll lo cl1'11•1m111l· \\hl·ll lhl' 11111 .. 1• prohll•OI n11ghl lit• h;illo •d - to 'Quiet' .. Irvirie T huy 1•1ted a Wh1l~ House or. dt•r ' that t•alled ror two M<trtne F 1 Phantom sq uadrons to un tfrq~o a1n:ruft tarrier landing 11 <11n1ng ut the Orange County lhl!>\' All of lh<·se cxerc.1ses havl' bl'\"n ' fl own on a runway not u~ually usl·d fur lh1!> purpo::.•· Va rlluull!> told nt!ws men I h1-. murlllrl).! Thi .. training d l'mand in l'r,·u::.ctJ ~1t th1: saml' t11nt· the· primary runway was under go· 111g r epairs for resurfacing," Sills added T h ey 1nd1catcd lhc tra min~ i>perat1ons were "75 percen t complete and t he re maining 25 percent should he qualified by the end of the week " Thl· mct!ltng Monday was in spired 1n pi.lrt by <1 move by ·C11 un<·1hwma n Mary Ann Gaido. "ho ::,aid lh\• city sho uld seek i.ln 1rtJU IH'l111n to '>tn r' the flil!hb because the Marine Corp:-. h<td not ' filed an environmental Im · pact report on tht' no1!>e poten- tial . Sills chided Mrs Ga1do for tht· m.ove. cla1m1ng 11 1mpa1rl'd communication with Marine o( ficials over a solutwn t" l hl· troublesome Jel flignl!.. "The basl' thought th•· l'lty was going to sul' lh1·m , Silb t'latm l'd "\Ve told tht·m wr-w<tnlt·d tu talk-we didn't intend to declare wa r on fhe Marine Corps ." Vardoulis claimed that when original grievances we re filed with. military authorities. steps were taken lo <tlleviate the-noise problem an May. ·'They de ployed 86 percent of thes e oper a tio ns that wen· -.rheduled for El Toro to San t'll•me nll.' Island and Lt!m0t1r.: Naval Air Stat ion." Vardouli'> (See NOISE. Page A2) Pact Reached Teachers Due Raises in Irvine? I r vml' Un1f1c·d SchrJOI 1>1slntt t each er:-un•I :o.t hool lao:ir<I negotiators havt• rt•a<·hf'ci a tt·n tative agrt·l·nwnt nilling for eight pcrc·f'nt l('at ht·r pay r:11M·s in e ach of the nt•x t two y .. ars A sta tement 1s:-ued JOint ly to d ay by lt•a cht·r :i nd l1oa rd repr esentut1ve::. ind1catNl f;w11I ty mcmher.-. would v111t· on th1· proposed two·y1·ar :ign•l'm<.•nt at a m cetini:: Thur!>dtiy Once tca<·hers agret· to tht· new purl. board m <•mhl'f' will b<' :isked lo up1ir<1\ <· tht· $84:1.!'il <! pay vackag(· The 1u?rccm cnt rcprl'scnt:-. ;1t lt•ast a JG pt•n·1•nt pay hlkl· ovt·r pn•i.t•nl rl1sl n <·t ~:1 l:1 r y It•\ t•I-. Ill llw nl'xt two \l'ilr~ "Tht• lrvuw l'n1fH·!I :-;<•hoot IJ1s ln<'I and tht· lrv11w Tt·:wht·r~ \:.:-oc1at111n '"" l' rt'Lll'ht'<I a~n·1· nh·nt on J two H•ar 1·onlrJl'l f11r tht· d1strn·t s 1iti1 lt'ill'ht·r!>. th1· ... 1 .1Jt•ml'nl :-..1 ul Thi• pr111x1~<·1I aJ,!fl•t•nwnt .ilv1 n 1 II!'. for i.<·v(•n pen·<·nl fla y h1k1·'> 111 SO·l'allt·<I 'iUJIJllPm<•ntal 'ialarv t·<Jlt'~Or1<•:-. mont•\ p:i1rt fllr a<lu ll t•cluc·a t 1on :i ncl drtVl'f t•Cl11t-;1t1on lfl!>ll'UC'lllHI. for l'X<t lll pit• Tlw l'•J.!hl pcn ·t•nt 1nt'rt·aM· Religious Freedom Demanded by Pope CZESTOCJI OWA . Poland 1 AP) Pope John l'a ul II dt· rnandNl l11<1a\ lh<tl P oland ., com mun1:-t gi>vcrnmc nt rc·t: ognize Lhe rights and be liefs of Christians although the ir view ol I the world is "diametrically op I posed" to Marxism . Jt was the m ost powe rful political statement the pontiff has m ade in the four dt1ys he has been in his homclund " 1 ll u ffpt•t ba~t· .., a I a rit'' :i 11d lllll gl'Vll) llH'rCaM'!> 1':1V hlkJ.•' fo r grad1wt1• i.thool un1t1> 111> la11wll In a n 1nstrul't11r ~11-.o "tll llH'f'Nl~l; h,\ t•1ghl 1Jl•rt•1•11I Otht•r 1ll'mi. m·g11tlal1•1I in lh1· Ill'\\ t "" yt•:ar pat'l "Pr•· ft IOI.!<' lil•tll'flt::. a nd tht• ltorU!lh of th1· ... t·honl vt•ar Oth~·r ''""l'' 1·11nt .1111t•tl 1n th1 · :.ell lt•nwnl an· 181 \\orkinl! d<t\' lor lt•atht•ri. :i nti 177 d av'> of 111 i.lrut·l1<111. !ht· ~tal1·me11t -.:11d B1•1wf1b will not he 1n1·n ·a..,1•d P rt•H•nl l'las:-. ~"·'" :111 :i\1 r.1~1 · 1)f 31 pup1b l11str1e1w1d<" .... ,11 lw ma1nla1m•d •. 1l'<:o rd1ng 111 l11l' :-l~t('Oll'Ol I. Coast Land Protectio11 Support-00 FIRE RAGES IN STERN SECTION OF 730-FOOT FREIGHTER CARTIERCLIFFE HAL\ Six Sailors Missing, 19 Rescued in Rafts After Blaze Spreads Like Bonfire By JOANNE R EYNOLDS 6 Lost in Ship Blaze Ol llW 0Mlt' Pilot Sutt William Whalen, direclor of t he National Parks Service. said today he bcltcves the 24.000·arrc Freighter Burns in Lake Superior; 19 Escape I rvine C<li.ISl·Laguna Grct!nbelt l'OPPEH 11 /\H llOH . Mi ch a rea ::. frel' ul flantl''· tht· l'ot1:-.t :.irea must be preserved from dl' /\ P 1 A fll'l' raged 1n a ?JO.foot Guard said Yt·lopmt•nl (; r<·at Lak<•s I rc 1g htcr loda} Flames kl•pl th1• p..trl ) I rnffl llowevcr. Whalt·n s tc1 pped and six :-;ulnr:. Wl'I'(' missing and approaC'hmg tht• 1 ng1n1 room s hort of recommending lh<1l the feared t rappl•cl aboard the t rip whe n• tlw fu t• ,,t1Jpt1w.:nLI,\> -.u.r1 property be oought as-;nratmmrt ,,led Vt':-St:I W1 lnl'SS('S on shore crl _j.IQd .::.tiU \o\o-O:.r-hcti~ 9T_ fll t•l t,\ liJdly bUrnl'd . · I don 't 1>t!e h ow an\·hurh 1·ould Ix.· :ili vc tn there.' h0 I' i.J11I "lull: unl11ad1ni:: stn•tcht·r~ .iL I lou);(hlon A!!P.<l!' _ In a speech prepared for de· livery to a dosed -meet111J( of :"'J>_~tuad !.11 -,Soman.. •• Cathol.1 c ligious freedom us a fundamcn· tal huma n right a nd detlared that guarantees of rel1g 1o us ur han park. He sa id he ·will ac., 111 milt·::, aw;.iy .!>aid the s h1p.. --Hft-a-l~rrt----r--'-~-,=--=;:=:.-~;:=:=-~~·~r~ms~f.rlcr,ciJo.rnm~· ~c~ntid~a~ti~o~n~o~n~lh~c~· ~ll~11~1k~cd .. ti k'· ,1 lion f 1 n · · N l' a rl.1) .... a 1 .. r... '"'' '· lw 111 ~ 'prnpusc (' cm 1l ·-. --d.t·<·n. crewmen from th1• searched 111 tlw h11~11 th.11 th• inl;( hcanngi. on ti·J.!is latwn Lo 1)4.; Cart1crt'liffl· llalr ...,;(·re· p1l'k<'<I mC'n got <Werhoard. · Fh1t-f l 'dl~ -t-'oO r unllc rnjurcd we re lah.1:11 10 PorlJgc• V1t.•w 1tosp1ta l 1n ll.1111•11('k authnrit11's s<11CI 'l V.!t '1.1.t'fl' dl'l "rn11nt"I llJ be 11.11 ... , 1 11111!-.h hurt Lu he t n : alcd tht•r't• .ind Wl'I'•· sc·nl hy ('oa~1 (;uarll µI.inc tr> th1· llni vcr~1lv i ll ~1 1 th1 µ.J11 1.>111·11 n·nter 1n 1\rm ·\rl>or. •tlMI mil1·' to th1• south 1 freedom in Poluml's t·onst1tut11m • W' a nd othC'r dot:umc nts an• mean· • l 1 mgful only if they <·1ms1d('r "lht· real nccdsoflhechurth. · • W A lthouj.(h rellgwus frct·dorn"'i.-. t .. g ua ranteed in l'oland'i. con~litu· tioo, the chur1.·h h us ht.'l'n prt·ss , 1n.g.. for aho l1t ion o f s l ate ·"'~ L c~sorsh1p o n Catholic publtta "' ·lions. for at·c,c'ss to lhl' stale · r adio a nd tclev 1s ion. 1rnd for greater opportun1ht·:-lo offn re ligious 1nstruct1on lo lh(• young The pope asse r ted lhc c hurch's readiness to c nlt·r tnlo a dialogue with the governme nt for normalization of c hurch Fi state relations . 1.,-He said "authc nl1<' dialogue Oi Dr La1 round sales inc lu1 High a thre ty stre Arn Yario were· must respect the convic tions of believers. ensure all the rights or citizens and. abo the normal conditions for the uctivity of the c hurch as a religious community to which the Vi.Isl majority of Poles belong. ··we are a wa r<' that this dialogu~ cannot be easy bccC1usc it t akes place bctwccrr two con- cepts of the world which are diametrically opposed. but it must be possible and e ffective if the good of individua ls a nd the nation demands it," he said. B efore m eeting with the bis hops. the pope cele brated an open-air Mass for thousands of Polish nuns a nd said that even A P W ltftl!IOtO HELPING HAND -Pope .John Paul II rc ac:hes down to pull <.a <:hild up lo him in dow n town Czesloc howa . Pola nd . "the bigges t en e m y of the c hurch" could not help but a p· pre date their dedication. P oles began gathc rinJt al dawn on the hillside below the country's most revered s hrine <See POPE, Page A2> aulhtH'<'d by Congressmi.ln Jerry from lift· 1-.111 -. 111 Li.lkl· Su11Cnor Officer Joe /\m atu, -..11d .it th• Patterson. l).Sant;i /\na , h.v two ot lll'r frt'lghlc rs. th•· s .. an·h anti rcs cul'"4..l..1t111n 111 Pallcrs o n ga vl' Wh:ili·n 11 i '11as 1 (;uard ,;1111 1"1 v1· mc·n Clevt>'l<intl ht·liC'OJ'tcr tour of th<' arc;.i lht~ \u•n • n·111ll t1·d ...i·rtol•~ly hurnc:-d Amato ~aid th1 m1 ~-.1ng 1111•11 morningantfhostcdaprt:sseon· .ind l\\•I olh l·r~ wL•rc lt;>i.i. andudC'd :1 po r11•1, l\\u u1ll·r ... f<'rt·nte at wh1l·h Wh a lc•n '>poke· -.t•rn\'tt-;I \ t1i1l't two deckhands an<I :t hl·I m -.m:..ir1 "Tht•rc's n11 doubt in m v mind l'wo (;11;i:-.1 (;11a r<bm1·n and lhe A Cnai.t t: u.1 r d 'm1·cl 1t'.i l that this arl'a needs to iic Jirtl .;h111's l'llg1n1·1·1 l111ard1·d -th1· tu rpos m ;.1n , "ho appan•nlh lttled." Wh <ilen dc<'larcd "It is \f'!>'t'I !>l'\t•ral hour:-:.iftt·r lh1 • \'tcwcd thl· -.hq,.from a hPl1<·optt·r µart of lhl' bc::.l of ~ hat'i. lt·ft 1n ran· ".1:-11·µ11rt1·1I a111I found 1111 1 h:.it hl'lpt.'il 1•\ a<·uatl' th,· in 1uri·d i\m('nta " l.'\ 1<l1·m·<' 111 Liil' m1~~111g men in !>'ttid the 1nt(·nor of tht· -.hip "·" The Parks director s:..11d lhl' 1:. , l'h1· (.'oai.l (;uard <.a HI t ""'' 11l lH'I er~·wmcn with lllllll•I 111 lllf It'' \Wrt' ht·tn~ l.lkt•ti hy lki;1I 111 1h1· l'ort aJ.!t' C't>a!>l <:uard ... 1., _ 111111 Tl11 11111n 1u1 ed 111 .. n v. t·n · ... 11 If .I h11.11•t! 1 l'~l'Ul' VP:o-~CI._ ~uc Sl'ems to C'enter on "h1e·h agency ~hou ld be in C'harJ.:l' ol protecting thl• JHOp<-r l) that stretches from Corona dcl Mar lo t he Aliso Canyon on thl· south and inland as far u!> lhl' San Diego f',rccway Japan Eyes New Canal The /\lts n Vll'JO Co mpany which has plans lo develop mueh of ttw southe rn portions of tht• proposed park h il~ offNNI lo dt'dicalc 3.400 at·rl'S for open space. In addition the city of Laguna Beuch has purc hased 520 acres in the Sycamore llills in the heart of the proposed park (See TALKS. Page i\Z) TOKYO li\I'• .J:.a p;m is an t1:rcst<'d 111 h11ilcl1ng a s"cond l'an:ima (':in:il along lhl' pr<'Sl'nt 1·a nal. poss1hl y with the United St:1l<'s . al a lol al cost of ~.:1 h11111111 . lhl' t•c·onum1<· nl.'wspapt.•r N1hon Kc1w 1 report('(! toda y. The pap<:r s:rnl I he· issue was t :1ken up wlwn (;{·n Omar Torri- 1os. lwu<I of lhl' Panamanian govcrnml'nl . v1:-1lt•d .Japan this yea r and rl1 sc u sstc•d with Fil8hino Gear Gone :1apanesc business leade rs ways e -of strenJ,lthcning ctonom1c rela Steve Good e . o f 4 592 l ions bctwl'en Panama and Havcnhurst Ave. in Ir vi ne. told .l apan po lice Monday someone hud . It said Sh1 J!~1 Na~ano. pres1- take n $536 worth of fis hing dent of t hc Chamber of Com· equipment from his garage men•c and Industry. s uggested that Pt·nt<.t·On·un Co11i.lr11t·t1on Co of .Jalwn :--1 LHly t hl' •~"ut· Penla-Otcan CnnstrU<'l1 on h a ... C'xpcri<'nce in Suc·1. Ca n<il t•1-... 1wnsion work in Eg~ pl Nagano was unavail;.1h lt• lo commC'nt .o n the report. but J Penta -Ocean spok<-s ma n ~;.i11f·h1: company studied t!w proJt'l'l al Na~ano·~ request Nugano lalt•r s ugges ted that Pnm c Min1~1t·r Suspect Held In Irvine Attack, Heist Mu:-ayo:.h1 Oh1ra study t he prn1 t'l' I 111 ll~ht of po:-i.i bil ities of ...t rt'llJ.ll lw111 ng cco nom ic n.:IJ llOn!> with the United St ale:. :inti Panama, lht~ spokesman s aid. It would h<• hu1lt about 121 ~ miles southwest or and parall<·I to tht• pn•s(•nt canal. Coa~c Weather Jc or 466 on $2. sales o 11 or 396 tuspid J1 125 St. ol sale Plane Cracks 'Fact of Life' A 22-year-old Santa Ana man 1s in custody today after he al· legedly attacked a nd robbed a m an who had given him a ride o n a lonely Irvine road. L ow clouds night a nd morning with only partial d e aring a fte rnoo n s t h rough We dnesda y . Highs Wednesday in the m 1d 60s at .the beaches. IOWCl" 7CJS lnl11fliJ. Lows tonight 58 to 63. . tet at a WASIDNGTON <AP> The DC·lO that crashed in Chicago PoliC!J taking 274 lives was not alone in having cracks or metal fatigue. old boJ An Associated Press check or Federal Aviation Administration lt>oth hl records shows the problems of c racks and other structural faults drus ul were around before,the jet age. They a re H fact or life in aviation. The al (ftelaLedst.ories PagesA4, B6). • of an Cl EVBaY AMERICAN·llUlLT COMMERCIAL jetlirier has been • Mahi 114 eu~ject to "airworthiness direclives"-or AOs--government or · 1111 h 1 den ror maintenance checks or repairs. Many ADs roughly one purch• ln rour ror most planes -order checks of specific metal parts for tty an o(J cracks. peLtrlod. Such an FAA directive last week grounded DC·lOs for checks ..l-~ ol~. . aupporta. Some ot the same planes were grounded qain ........ ' M after the FAA learned or additional problems. .... drua .. .• not an airplane in the world, civil or military. that RlalD ,r doesn't bave metal laU1ue eventually," said Fred P'nrar, an f'AA Pldl •LpubUc attain official. ...... ~ PAUA.I CITED THE NOTICEABLE nexin1 or an airliner's .. .. wings in night. a sight that often frightens neophyte fliers. Like a paper clip that is bent back and forth. he said, each movement or the wing contributes to a s light weakcninJt of the structure. "But better that it bend than break," Farrar s aid. Metal fatigue drew attention in the 1950s. when the first com · merclal jetliner Britain's de Havilland Comet had a series of un~plained crashes. some fatal. It was discove red that a mis· a li«fted boll near a window nexed ~nd eventually failed, resu.lting in explosive decompression. Most ADs deal with less urgent ma tters. however. and the situations they point out generally are considered as the inevitable problems or highly complicated machinery rather than a life· threatening hazard. FOil EXAMPLE, A TOTAL OF 129 ADI had been Issued u of mid-May on the finJl U.S. comsnercial Jot. the Boeina 7fY1, which began service In 1958. and on Uie nearl1 identical Boeblg 7'). or lhe 129 ADI. 49 cove red possible cracks in metal parta, partlcular- <See PLANE SAFETY, Pap Al) .. _ .. Irvine police said Willia m Bennett. 22. was a rrested for robbery and assault with a dead· ly weapon after he allegedly struck 49·year ·old Philip Stiller of Santa Ana. The 2:45 a .m. incident oc- c urred al J e ffrey Road ... and Bryan Avenue, afte r Stiller had picked up Bennett, who had been hitchhiking. police said. Stiller suffered minor cuts and lacerations to his race in the In· • cident. Police arrested Bermett a bout one hour later ne ar a Shell Jervice station al Sand Canyon Road and the Santa Ana Freeway. Police alleged thot Dennett had taken "2.32 from Statle r. _, ·-__ ,. ___ . ---··· INSIDE TODA~ The Angels continue t11 make more new:s on the medical /ront than in the ba!eball world. See :story. Page Bl. l•llex At Y-lenk • A7 •• _ ....... CJ l..M ..... M ....... ..., ~ Al ~ Ct-ti c-kl •• ~ as .,... ......... ............. Al H""811Nl ... t ~..-.. Cl4 .._... ca ........ 1.-. •• A1111U-.n CJ ...... .... ............ ................. ...... ce.ty.,. ............. , =: ....... ·~ , ....... .. TtlNllft .. ...._ At WefN..... A4 . } --'J.----- 'L 0.11 ...... , , .. ,. ,._ CITY MANAGER LEAVING? Laguna • Solomon IJy !ft'tVP. llrrnl~l.L . Ol IM D•I•• l'I ........ 1.;_111w1a Otiiu·tc cny M1111;i.il·r ft'r ..cl St1li11n1111 v. J \ 1·l!. p1•1·ti-d to JJlllUUJU'l" hll> I l~iUlll.lllOll ul Jll t ·~t•e 11 1\1' '1-\<iiiil"Witll Jilt' Cll) ( ·110111·11 th1-, ulh•1 nocm. :ancJ 'lty 'I 1,.,111111 t•f "''~ M111 1'1·ul1• .111· rt11lllH't·d 'Ill\.' Ii> 11U1lti11~ h1•1 po:.I J uh ~II \ tiwh 1.1111>.rnl' • 11, 1111 111,tl "'h11 ,l\kt·cl 11111 111 ... 11.11111'11 , .... 1 ~<1lumu11 v. Ill u11111 111111 1 lu•, 11•1> 1i.i11~11111n ,ti 11 I :w II rn ,., ~·1·1111 H ' .,,. ,,11111 \\ 1111 I ll 'y C \;IJlll'll mc·ml11•" .'11111 \II Ill l1·a\le· lhe· 1·1h 'tn tal.1· ,, 1'41'>111011 v.:th a 11n11a1t· fl I Ill f 'ro• Pagft 1\ I • • Wtll'n reuched ror comment to· The n<1w city m unu1<t·r raced 1li1v. Sol0tt .. m woukl neither con· the task-of determining which t1r·111 nor deny the report. ho mes would he d em olished and ~11 l1111l1m wa:-. the City Coun· which would re main !>tan<1rng c 1I ~ unamuu.,ui. chok frnrn A od . lhrou ~twut t h t-rf· rH'<ll h 50 1t11pl1cants for the maindcr of l!J7R ;,end the f1r">I ,1>. l'lh ' t111(hl·'lt post la st ycu, and months of this year. Sulom011 took over as city manager July has ht rd d<n:O~cd i-.tate· <tnfl I fede ral offtt·1;.tls through thl• 'I' 11 1• 4 I ~•·a r o Id a d burt•:.iu<·ral1<' m att• l!> oht~11n 1111111 ... tr ator ., 111h with Laguna cmeri.~t·nc·y fund:. lo 1c::.t11n· Utt· lh•..td1 ~ol off lo u tough i.tart unst able J.5 acn· s rtc t ht· d.J} lx.·fort• hl' was 0Hic1ally ll1s efforts wt·n· n·:.1111ns1IJlt· '" .,1.111 work . ht· was drawn into for hundreds ol th11u:-iu111l:-. of ·• IH>l controvcr.,y when he wa' dollars in federal <11d, und rcn ,1-,kl'c1 II• makt> u clis ctplinury de ovat ton of the lie h ·ul(Ucrt•il 1 l!>ton conC'c r 111n g tht: city ·, ne1ghlmrhnod r·ould IH·grn .:1., 1111ht•t· ch1l•r early a~ l111s summer ..,111111111111 ,U!>IJl'Ode<J Chw f ,Jon Ml'anwhtk'. Mrs Morn·ult•, l'I "lp.11 ks 111 thi· wak<• (ff a fight 111 ty trea:.urc•r for Laguna l:h:ad1 ... 1.t1• 11 tavi·rn foll<iw ing a two for the µast ">t'ven vt·ar.,, sa1rl .i nd ,1 h .rll ho ur exec uti ve,_ sh1· "als11 l1·av111µ 1h1· l'tty Siu· ,,.,,1011 "'ith hi'i llt.:W t·ount·tl will an·1·pt a po">l t11111 with .111 1111•111 ,,..,.., Ora nge ( 'ounty f111:1 111·1:tl 1111>l1tu I\ "111~ ... urr.111·' ..,p.1rks "'a' lall•r rf•tnstatt•<I hy lllJll I Stw \\>a' t·lt•l'I 1·d 1 1t \ t 1 ,.a..,.11·e·r l'v.11\1,• 1\lh \\1·r1· 1·1111,11h11·tl 1111p•trt.1111 ,·1111ug h fut .1 111111·.,111 th1• 1·11\ 111 :t11;1J.~t·r afl t·r d 1., lw .tll'r11•!1 hy l1•le·.:1 am ThoM: 11:111gi·d from 1>0::.">llJll· 1•011.tn1I oli 1·1plt11ar \ al'l11111. a m ove that up 111 1!17~ .. md n • 1•l1·1·t1·d 111 1~17fi ~truttwns tu :1 l!lfii! w;1rning llwl lrnt and 1n111:.tun _. ut·eumulat111g ""' 111an y p•>ll tt• offitcr"> ;111d H1·at·h1·d 1111 1·111111111•11l tod;i~ bd11nd lavatory 11ullt1.s fur elt.:l'l rtc razors touhJ JIHSc a fire h.cwrd 1·1111 .. n' who r1·lt lite chief should Mr:. M•>n 1·.il•· .,,1 1rl 'lw ha<I 111 Hut a high nurnher or AO!> docs not nect's:.ci rily ml'an u lack of 11.1\t' h1•l·n 111 .. 11 ll'nd1·d to ll-i.1v1· p11l1hc :.1·n1t·" :-.a fl'ly Farrnr ,;,ad. l:.lddtng "Tht.· numbe r uf Al), 1ssut-d !>howl!jh1• Hut Ill<' 1·ontrovt·rs1al t1clwn lll'l>l Aprrl. w h1•11 lll'r ~l'•·•ind :.yskm work">,· with mo!>L 1:.:,,ucd l·orly a"> a lll'W plam·' JJrolilt·ni:. 11\ Li.1gu11a ':. m·w city m anugt'f fuur yt·ar lt.•rm t•xl rrc·" arc found dn·w :-.uµµorl from others 1n tht· "M \' f1·t·l111g I"> 1111 •1rfl<'i;1I in For <•xample•, !1!111f the Hrn•tnJ.l 707-720' total AUs wen• 1:-.:.ucd n1mmu111ty, 1ndud111g gays, who l1H'al .g11v1·f'llrrH·nt ..,tJ1111ld "'''\'' through l!Jti!I, only :IO huvc IJ<:c111si>ucd 1n the 1!1711:. gatht•n •d pet1l1u11s lJacktng tht.· long 1·1 I ha11 I" 11 ton ,1·1·utn f· p11ll1·t• dud tt>rm:. 111 llw :.;11n1· e·.qi<u:1ty . IRONICAl.l.Y, Tiit: OC·IO, a tri·t•ngrnc , long -range t rnr:'iJX>rt In later months . Solomcrn 'h<· 'ialll 1n:.crv1ces111<.·e l971,has amongthcfewestAD:. Only4J havc hct.·n would :.ay h1s r1 rslactiona!>l'll)' S h t· ,,.,cf ~·11 111 11·rim <'II\ 1 ss ucd the pa st <' 1 g-hl YC<l'T!>.Wlt tnm1 y one nrqmr·"'n""1 gw-"'a~c"• .. h"'c.,,c1'kc--f;fl"'>r...---.., ... n ... n'"n""'"'.l.,,g"'11"'r.....,.w ..... a .. s-~t""h"'<'~t ..... o"U,,g"'h...,,.c"'st,_.,t.,.nrr1--tt ~1!S1H'1.!r w rll 1.1 r v l> trl> I} "' • • 111 cra<:ks in the ffil'l'hanis m that extends the wing flaps had fae·1·d pointed 111 hl'r pla1·1• The Assoc1utt'd f'rcss C'hcck of airworthiness d ircl'l1vt.•s cov But a toughe r dec1s1on l'U rnl' Th<' ll \'t·ar Lagun;c Bi •;c1·h r1"• cred the Boeing 707 ·7211, 727. 737 and 747 : the Mc Donnell Uuuglu!-> le:!>S than thn•t• monlh!> lutl'r. ldent :.aui 1l 1s her p1;...,011 :1I flP~ll OC·8. OC-9 and OC.:·IO. a nd the Lockheed L IOll th<' bulk of w tw11 ;1 dl·va:.tal1ng lanthllde 111 11111 t h .it tl11 "111 ~1 111 tit\ domestic airline rs llerc are the rc!>ults for a irc raft other than the· B I ul"IJ1 rd (";_1nyo n d e s troyed trl'a:.un:r .,houltl lwt or111 ·111 ·'11 DC-10: 111ort• than tw11 do1.e·n home!> pv1ntrv1· poMtHJl1 ' -Boeing 707-720, a four·en ~ine long-range transport 1n ·11 ., ">l11tlf•th111g lor llu· 1'11·1 troduced in 19514. AOs : 129. Those requiring checks for l'rach, 4!J , ll1ral(· '" tl1·eull· -.Ill' .,a id 1,111 including 17 for the wing sktn or structure . 11 for vanou:-. tontrol IT/orkerfil Pull I lhtnk thL· 1·•1111···111 :.huuld 11• surfaces: 8 for the horizontal slab1ltzcr . 7 for the l;,ind1ng i:war and W' 4 • , • " loolo.l'd at l'l11~l'ly associuted s tructures. and 2 for cng111e m ountrng!'> _ Boeinl( 727, a thre•'-cngm c medium rnng1· tran,pcirt in '"~na,+·u Day' lroduccd in 1964 /\Os : 70. Rcqumng chl'('ks for t.'raeks. 24 , rnc·lucl .::J "J ing 11 for the la nding ~car and surrounding :.truC'lurc· orid " l01td1 for the horizontal s tal11llzcr and various control \IJrfHcc~. -Boeing 737, a twtn·c ngrm·. short-rangt' 1:11rtr11fl tkllv1·11·d to .ur ltnes 111 l~i7 AD:-; 27 lk q111nng 1·h1·ck!> for l'raek:. 7 11wlurlrn1< t fut control :.urfa(•(•i. Ctnd I ea<:h for lht' w111g :.lru<"lufl'. l<1ntl111g ~ i.:1-.11 ilnlf airfrarnt• JS.14•in~ 747, .i four-l'nf.:1111' w1d1· h<HI V ltini• ran~" 1111111 111 p·I 1111111d1 11't'll Ill t!J711 A IJ<.. :~'.I ICf'q111ri11g 1 h1·1·I,, f11r 1 ra d .' 111 111 1·l11d111g fi for 1111' 111,1·1,11•1· .ind ·1 t11r•1111111 .I •,111 I.it·•·. l.t11·kh1•1·1I l.·1111 I. ,J \\1d1· li1td) 1 111 11~1 111,. 1•11111 1.1111.:•· 1r.111~r11111 111 .,,.,\111· ·.1111 .. • t!rn 1\Jh '.o H1·q u111n,t 1h•·1·k., 1111 11 .11 k' :1 ln1'111d1 .. , I '"ll'h 1111 .111 1·11111111· duf·I ,,.,.,1·1111.h 1·,1rgr11f11111 .111d l:111(l111g J.:t•:tr Me l>onne·ll Uoui;la~ IH' k, ;, 111111 •·11i:1n1•, l1111 g '"•111•1· tr a11s1>1>rt 1nlrrnhH·('(l 1n 1!159. now 11ut of p111ducl1or1 Alh tho"· 1 l''flllrtlll.l 1·ht·c·kll for l'ra1·k., 11 trwludf·:. Ii fe1r 1·11g1111· w111 ~· 1111Hlllt">. 5 for var111us l'ontn1l ">1trl:H·1·., .ind :1 for l:c11d111 g ~1.,1 1 Ml'fjonnf'll Douglas f.)(' 9, a twin cng1m., ">hort to llll'lllum 1·<J11gl' t ransporl rn :.cr vit(' Sllll'" l965 A lh 43 Tho:-.t· fl'llUI rang l'lll·l'k"> for 1:racb ll Include., 4 for l'ng1n1· ITIIJU llh . :11w l11">l'lag1., :1 lor var111us 1·11nl rol ">llf'fo tl'l> und 2 for lundcng g<~Hr ~J\N Ulfo:I;() 1A J1 1 ('ll·r1<·al 1<1r1ployM~:.-11f Si:t n l>tt·go ( 'ountv an· g 1vrng I t11· n1rn11111111t} · a taste of \\It.cl ' in !'>tllrl' rf lh!l">t' \\11rl .. 1•1., dn11 l g1·t <1 pay I .I I "> t• !'. ;1 y S ;1 11 II 11111 p11l..1·,111o111 ;dt1 ·r o1 1l:c\ 111 pla11111·d 1111• l.1k\·. II ;111d.1ll l'11·v11 1•••111 r .ti 111.111.1~•1·1 11 1 I h,. :1,111111 Ill t Ill 11 1• I (. 11 ti 11 I \ Et11pl11\1·t·:. 1\:.M11·1al11111 . .,;11d 111a11.v 111 t Ill' th111 g., ,111• h.1 rd 111 .,,.,. 111•111 1.: d11111• 1>111 1111·~ a1 t · IJ1•111~· d111w 1 Ht·lah·tl l'olu11111 l';cg e• J\ t J ' :\1 t·rrthl'f'"> o f ltw co1111ty llnard of Supt'r·v1sors wen· 1111111 Thl't r ti•IPph11111·" \\1'1 ·1· IH·!I "fl all day Mon H h d A t d,1\ ('allt•r' with offtl'cal _ ug_ es -~n __ c~ ress.. ."'~~·=!'>.,\\l:~~~~?;!(t~ ?" TALKS. • • ;r11d th1· .,l.1tr I '.l\111\ 111'' tit•· p11r1'!1:1-,1· ol I 1,un .11 1 , .. 111 11•·" Ii t·11~!ioli.1l ~.1i~11 ~.ul t .111'.u1i....w ..ll1._ In 1111· ""rrip.nn '''••fl"''\ \\'fl ,d1'll f"llf l11•J I, ftt1 1111111111.111•111 ... ·' l·d· .1 )I.Ilk ··llld\ ..... p.111 "' 1•111 ... llfl 11·~·1:.l.111\" e•ll111 I tu • q ililc h ,, park 11n 1111' :.'I 01~1 ·" 11 I•·", •'I Wli;1h•n ,;rid 1111 '' 111111 r11.1111 IJ\ h i'> SI ;rff Wtll f)L' I l'l1'(1:,1·d \\llh111 Ill d.1_\., hut Ii • \\:srn,.d lh:tl II \\Ill t',111• 1111 1••1 1111 l't'CfJ lll lllt'lld:1l 11111 111• -.a1 c.J Lhe ·n.ct 11111 ;.I p.1rk., ~l·rv11·t• s1aff will :1w,1 1t 1•1111 gn·ss111nal 1·11rnm1t t1·1 · hi·arinJ.,!:, on l'al11·r..,11n " :wq11"1t1fin 11111 lwfon· ,.,•,11111~1 .i ... 11 ·111111rr11·nd.1 t 11111 l'atl•·1.,1111 ,,.n , . .,, ••ii 1f1,. h•111• ,. l nt-f'l'IOl' -f'hlTI rn 111 •...,_.· .111'1 ;r "mCiiiTJl"r ()j 1l11t1 p.u1t.:.r.:i ufftii111f1f park:. ~11IH'fllllf111t11·1· ... Al'Wlr ..... ta ELECTRIC CHAIR T-SHIRTS SELL FAST IN FLORIDA Phil Kearney, left. and Bob Arnold Raise Money Shirts Sell Cops Back Use of· Chair l J ACKSONVI L f.E. Fl:c 1 AP t A pohcl' union :. .,,,ftli<1ll lC'a m lrymg lo nia">f• ~.ooo an travel money ha!> found an eagn ma rkt.•l for T ">hirts promoting th<' u:-it-of Florida 's e lectrlC' l'h.11 r "I L>own LJJ Tu (;o " lhe messagr· on the T s hirts, ac e11111 p;11m•d Ii) a d raw 111~ uf lhc· t·ltocln<· c hair. T h<• ">lalt' ca rr1cd 11ul 1i... r1r:.l 1.·xl·e·ut1on HI I!> year~ lust monlh c.ncJ anolhtr 133 Ill· 111.1!1·:. ••I l' wa1t111g 011 Florid a ., Death How · '1 E'1UE llS OF Tift: •·1t,\TERNAL OROt:R of Pol1 t·t• -.ottli.111 t,.,1111 an• sc-lltng lht• shirt"> ava1lahl1· an thrc•1· l'olors tor ~~. a1111·1·1· to r;.11s1· rn1Jn1·y to play 111 a "Sup1·r Covs " tnurna 1111·111 at Nf'w I >rli·an:-. rt1"'<l rncinth Thc·y suy 1Jus 1n1•ss ha:-. been I 11Ill111111~· J ll">I .t1.1out ,1 II ttw .1511 'I .,111 rt' wt• V" got a rt· gon<'. · sa rrl l'hl1 Kcarn1·v .• 1 'nilil1l·r-, 1l1·1 .. 1·t1ve· and m••m h1·r of the softlwll l1·.1m "''' ha\1· 11rd1·n·cl in1111• ,11111_ 1 ~111 .1n· ">t111k1•n for · "'""Ill')' ,,111l th1· 11 .. 1111 ir1t••11d1•cl lo ,,.II 1hl' ~h1r1 , only w1th111 th1 · t'Jl\ ' 1~1111·1· d1•11.11I1111·11t 1<1 .n11lfl olf1•111Jing n v ll1;,cn:-.. 'I lit• 111 otl1wl t 11111l·d out Ill li.1 v1· ,, v. 1d1· ,1pJH::JI "\\t:·v1._ II \U C>t I-IH 'I\' (JJ. Fl< t .K:o, a11cl '111111· 1·1t111•11" I "1111' Ill .. , IJ11\ th1·m K1·,lrfll'\ .11d v;,. t.,l\1'11 I .q111n1:11·h1 ti ,111\ IJ111h •1111-.1111· th• tl1·p.11 t11w111 ·r Ii•.,.,,.,. 1·11rn1111' 1111p, I 1111111 •11f11 1.tl• .11d II.<} 01 ·1tli1•1 .. 1111 11on1·1t 11111 pUrlll'1p;1t1·d 1 n 11 ... ·1 "''" t ">:d• I· 11111d.1 ·• d•·.ilh po 11.tl t < .11111 ir1t11 1111 · 11.111•111.d '•Ptillil.!hl 1111ti Ill• ·.i .. 11111 11111111 •• , l'llr\tll1d ~11111 11.1111 "t11111lo.1'1111~ 1•11 11111 ••I lrc,111 •• I 1111111. tlt1 111 I 111.11 1111 111 111111111 \ 111 f,, l'fll ft, ti• 11111111v.1111111.!I \ 111 ·' d111111 \'"'' \\1111 fflt-:IH t lKS'I 'I :-.ltlHT .1p11.111 ·11ll\ ·,111.,·1·..,..,ful th•· ..,.,111o.1l111•.1111 1 11ff1·11111.: .i "'f'1111d 11111 ,1h •1 v.1th ,, pH·tun· 1111111 • ,.,,., t 111 1'11.111 ;11111 ,;,q11g Ha11 l•·r.,on 'r1111 r•· ;'l.1•xt It r..i0·r • 111 "'""" '''"' 111m;1t•· .l.1cn•" H •• ult·1 \1111 1011v1l'l1·d 111 lht• l!t7:1ktllllll-!111 .1 .l.1tkM>rl\ ell• 1 .. 11rc.lm.111 Laguna Seafood Shipper tO Trial ; Caught on Tap~? ~:!='.;~~:~:~~~;:~::r~m~Wim· .. -·~. ,..,..,, .. Pag.a A I College Offf2rs Photo Course I .. 11•11n.1 111•.11'11 .,,.;ifood "hlJ> ... 11.·cl 1·011111 n•t'•'l\t• "· :1~ }•'.If IJlllJ: Ill Ill IJV.111'1 (~enc..J . LJ~J~rn pnSOfl frrm-amt '(°,!;,! 10 1111 °' ---=~,f .... 11<l'n1· v.as 'lo">t .1l '>•'J rn 1!17f, II 10111111. Auill.V l it: wa:. r ·lca,ctl LOS AN<: ELl':S 1 J\.f' l A I ilfl<• n·t·oriJin~: of ti 1·1111v1•r:-.at11111 IWlWt·e•n -a man and a woman allt•g1:dly t h<· late mllllon;ure lloward n ughcs and a~trcs ... Tl•rry Moore wa' pl<Jyt•d 1n S UJll•rior Court ;J', part or an c·I tort to get llughc::-.' (·:,tali· ell"> t ri hute·d ..!-Skylab Hit Odds Slim WA SlllNGTON 1/\1'1 If yt1u plun tu bl' on Earth tlt'tw1·1·n .lun1• 27 a nd Jul} 21. llu:r1•, a l11111t •1111· l'h:111t·1· 1n liOO l11ll1t111 ,vuu 'll ht• hit hy ;i lulling l'hunk ol Skylab, ">l'ICnlrst:-; s ay. S l a y i n g i ndoo r ., w1111 't nt•t<•:.,:.inly ht•lp mue·h 1-:1ght of lhC' 1•st1makd :iflll p1ec1.•:. 1·x1K'clcd lo s urvive rt· <•ntry h1.•al will ht· ht·~1vy <·nouuh. to cras h throug h a n avc rag1• l'O nt·1·1·te• o ffll't• hur l<i in~ and mos t of llw rest w1 II e·om<' do wn hard cnou~h to gu through a wooden house, a c·ongrc·s:-.1onal comm1llt!6 w<is told Monday. OAANOE COAST DAILY PILOT ''" Ot,,.n<a-(f'l.jlt\l n.1e. P•ff)t w1tl\•""" •HO"' t»Md thtl H•.n it'""' '' pubh°tl'eCI nv '"" ()f.tn(",. t oa \t Publ•, ... no r Qlfte..n.., \f>N,,.l¥it1f1ll1fln\ .. ,,. oubll\t\"'d ""°'"""¥ tr1tnvQh r ''""' lnr t'o,ltt Me\~ tH1WflM1 H••1 "· tt1.m1tnotuo ''"'llM" t f•111 tfltn V11tli11't 1rv1n.t \ 4'UOt'lll• 0fl4't p,1~th CtM't A ,,nott~ f •H)l(lf ... I Fd•tkln l\ thJr)li\fWIO ., .. ,u, ~.~ •l'llJ ~n<ht¥'\ Hwt t>f"ln< l(MI rubt1\flJ"V pl•ttt t\ .. , 00 WOI ft•• \lfflh t ~O'\t• M#w ( •ltf(H"•-'•1->• llo•n"-p,.,.o,,_1.no Put>'•"'9t ,., •• c.-.. , "",. p ,"\ffh"1t .ftnd 0-Mfltf ~f\lto-t f .. omHICMYU e-ooot • ,...,f'M, a ""Wf1111Mf11t M."•9'"9 ldWW O••ttt M LM• •KM<• P llMll A\"\l•l"t ¥,tll'l•fllll'IQ (dltor' OHICH Co\""""'* lMWt\t t\Aw'\tn11t L.•OVl"A tl••'" t ,,.,. (lol•t.n-w'" C.011 .. , Hi..fttlnQtOft h t r" I fits ttiit.Cft 06uJo••' n Tel~ (?t4)MM32t CteelfftMAft~MNe11 A v•111·,. th at Mi,., :\l1111rt· l'larrned ,., llug lw:-. ">;1111 11n 1111· tape, made• lfl l!J.l!J , "Why don t yo u le•t :-.om1•11nc• t:1k1· (':Jr•· or vou" Why don t you 11.'l n11.: ha\ 1· lhC' 1ob""' An attornl·y for I lu}(ht·:. n ·I at1vcs ask1•d lhal tht' t;,1p1· h1• playl'd l~fun• ,ludg1 · J ;1l'k Sw111k 011 Monday · 'M 1ss Mour't· <·latm' .,111' an~J I lug ht•:. wt•n• m <1rn ctl a lurnc d a ... h1ri in lht• Lcll of 1'11!) l\li-.11. :J ll ;119'1'1"1111 W ,I\ rc·;1d 1n 1·11urt ul an all1·g1·d t.1111·11 1n l<·rv 1<•w t><:t Wl'•·n thl' a!'tr1·:-.' and Noah U11·l111·h . ll •HH· t1m1· llught·s :11dt· At•c·ord111g lo llfl' I ran.,c·npl. 1>11'1 neh '\a11I lit· ha:. Jll">I l111d1•d ;i nd d1111hl1· 1·ro.,,t>tl vuo l11•('tt11.,e· 111• J.!•>I hold of lhut 1·11p1t:11n :. ltJJ.! and h1 • dl:'slruyt'd II " T he s hip':. n 1pt<1111 I» tl1•:.11I. 11ntl 1t would 11<· 1liffrn11l lo prove· ,, Wf'dl1111g took plal'(' between II ughe:. ;rnd M rss Moun· P aul Fre1•zc. an all1>rnc•) .n·prcsl.'ntrng some Hughes n •I at1vcs, s aid his t l1cnls wanted to press thc ISfiUe of whether· the re wa:. a marriage t>ccauM' Miss M"on· had n11t m ad<' <1 formal l'la1rn u11 Hll' e•,talt'. liul had said 1mhltl'ly that :.he in tended lo. Rebels Claim Ghana Control LOME. Togo 1/\Pl Hch<•l '>f ricers say they have ou~tcd th1· mllita.-y g"vernm ent In (ihana a nd ar<.' "fi r mly in ('ontrol " in the West African nation, accord Ing to radio hro ad c u s t s monitored her<' and in London Radio i\l'cra s aid th#! re volt was led hy f''lighl Lt JtJrry Hawling11, a le ftis t who wa~ jailed afte r an ullcmptcd coup in mid-May. That brondcasl said othe r rebels raided the jail Mon· day and frC(!d him. Another broadcast. heard in London, said the rel><'ls had set up an armed fo rces r cvolu· tlonary council made up or Junior o ffi ce r s anti n o n · commla11loned· m e n , hut ln- l~nded lo go through with e lec- tions this month t hat the over · throw n ttovern m e nt h 11d promlee<t would return Lhc coun· tr y lo clvlll..n rule . NOISE. • • ... 11<1 1111111 1111•11 .,uul they had a">kt.:d ~.cnrw 11ffll'1:ils to U">I:' a d1f l1·n·111 runway for l1:1lc night I l1g hl' llial had hr..•en rous ing r1•">1 d1·nts at rnulnrght :.ind ·1 a .m They suul they'd tulk alic1ut 11 I 11 II a .v an d I 1• l u., know , · Vanl1111lrs ">:11d · · 111• :.aul n ·1ia1r' to the ha..i·:. pn rn ;iry rimwa v wf·rc <'Xl'Cctclf ~" b1· 1·ompll'tt'd hy .June ;w I hat . lw said. :-.hould allcv1afr ll1 1• 11111sl' prohlc m for north I 1 \ 1111• n ·.,111!-nt ' Way11e Yacht Crash Loss Said 'Minor' A ''"'k('S man for .lohn Wuync lw' d<'scrthe<I U"> minor <t <·ol 11.,wn this wcl·kc•n<l hctw1·cn tht· actors ya<'hl . Wild c;oosc , and a noltwr lioat oll Calulina. Tom K;1nc•. s pokesm an for Ba l1 ae PrndUl'ltons, :.aid the mis- hap otc·11rrt•d Frtday durtnl( filming for the movie, "T he Mit n With Bogart's l''a cc." · It was h1l hy a lunch , the ctam11gc• w<Js very minor, proh· :i hl y 111 the m•IJ:hhorhood of u lc·w hundred dollar.s." Kan(' s aut llt· sa ul no one was iniured rn lht• atT1d1•nt Tht• c·on\111rlNI Navy min« s W<'f'J'lt'r was l'hurlcrcd for U">e in the' M<.iM film lhal 1s heing 11rnduccd by Andrew l"onady f'ro• Pa~ Al POPE. • • and hy the time th<' Mass be.can, th<' crowd had swelled to sever al hundred thousand. The ponUH. beginning lhc fo urth day or his re turn lo h is communl1t homeland. looked at Lhe rows or black·1owned nuns and told the m their callinl was nn "exceptional treasure" ror th~ n omun Qlthollc Church. • ... ------- Openings :-.till l'Xl">t 111 :i nm·11·1• photOJ!r<JflhY <.:l<JS!> !>Cbl'c1Ulf•d th i' :.urn nfr r· at S:icl 11 le • ha e·k Cnlh•ge··., norlh 1«1mp11s 111 Irv irw ThC' t•oursc• h<'gln"> .June I<! from 7 :111 to !) :.10 p m and Mn tinuc•s on th<' 14th. l!>U1 a nd 28th :.it lhC' 1·am11us at In inc Ct·ntl·r Drive :incl .ldfrt•y H0<1!1 Tht· rl•1· lor lht· e·o ur">I• '' ~~) It meets in room :1114 1111 1 IH' north eampus J>artu·1pant' must s up ply thC'tr own film Hn1l 1·amt'ra !-'or fttrthl·r informal um. ph1in1· R31 !l700or ·19'5 4950, c>.t <!ft(; \\ 111 le · t r;in,porl 111g 5:10 Ion' ol 1111 . 50,0011 bond • h1 1 mp and t1111a .11.·ro:.:. lh1· /\:-:.a ,1 ;1 nr IJ. S At torn1·, l';cl'ifrt· Occau 'l'homu' Col fin ">11111 Halso111 But two ">t•afoofl 1·11mµan11•' 111 .1g rec<I to ">hip J:JO ton' of 11111a ~an l>r t·~o .ind Au,tral1 a 1·la1111 from Jak<irta. lnl1ont•s1;_1, to th1· ll.1bom wa' ll.:Jlml.! a fJ:.h !>lur; -~-.rn l>u•t:}o -haserl Van C.:am11 .ind the• nnly thing thCJl w;.i, lo.,t · Sc•a food Company in mid-197fl w ..... their $1 2 million lll\est Ba Iso m , who opcralt•rl 11wnt ·wt•s t1•rn Marrnc Com1rnny from llabom pll•iJd1•d 1nnot·c nl Mon fl2 1 Lorcttu Urive. in Laguna clay lo charge:. lll'forc a fcdcr<it Hcach. purchased a cargo sh111 gr and Jury in San Diego th at tht· na m1·d · · 1101 unu1 '' un<ler · a Laguna lka1·h firm comm1ltt•'1 l'a namunian r<.•g1stry , Coffin rnatl fraud und pt•rJury tn ul ">:llfl l1•gt•(lly try rng to <:llvl'r up th(' V:ln Camp off1('1a ls gav1· -.d 1t:me n alsorn a comnwn·ta l IC'tte r or Halsom . who :.urrc•ndc•rt•<I Monday after the Sf'ven count ~rand 1ury trnhctm~nl wa' rs It's not 1·r cdrt tor ltw tuna , puyubl1· wh<.'n th1• llot unu1 was loadl•d w ith the· fis h and ho und for the t 'n1h·d Sta t1•:. how often you tell h er, but how well. W1• c.111 'ht 1w yuu "" m..inx \\'.1\'l tu tell ht•r 'I h•Vt' Vttu" - t•.1ch b1·.111 trf ul. 11 n lurgl'I t.1blt'. cnn ... 1.1111 /\11d 1t" ... tlWfl' lnr th1·~u Id hi ... ,., SLAVICK'S 1.,...11 ... 11 hl.111d :\.l \\f"llrl C ,111u. Nci.1 1't1rr 11\"tth I Pt ll tl'l t I \!'Ill n1111 t f '" tt l'HI \\I ,ff111tl\fl f \t tit I .111H1 I f ''"' \t.1lf ( lf,llf. I C ~I ttf"' 1\f~,<·tc·•"t 1,,.. 1\11~··''' ''·"' t>11f11 ''""' v.>'-" f I •t_. I I •O t lo· "AH•h 1• • 'I'•• \ t\\ "41 I 1 I A .... , \t ,.,,., , , ' , " ' ) • ... -... • La Laguna City M~nag~r to ' Another • in Pariama Japan Eying Canal 'TOKYO 1 A P l J ap an is 1n terested rn building a M!COml Panama Can al along tht-present ca n al, pos!ithly with tht• lln1ll•c1 States, :1l a l1llal ('0!->1 o( ~ :1 billion. lhl· l't'On(ln111 n(·w-.pap\·r N1hon Kl·tza1 ri·por ll·fl 111clJy Th<' p<ir~·r -.:11<1 1 h·· ,..,..,u1· 'A .i:-. l.ake n up wht,n (;1•11 O rr1;1r '1'111 n JO:.. h<·:ad ol lh1• l1 .111a111.1n1J11 gove rnm<•nt. v1..,1l t•tl .l .q1:111 th1., ye a r and cl 1s 1· u .,.., ,. ti 'A 11 h J apant•se hu-.1m •s/o. lt•;Hft'r.., way., of s trcngthl·ning 1·t·rin1111111• n ·l;1 lions bt•lwt-e n l'ana1n.1 t1n1I Japan fl, -.1u<l Sh1gl'O Ntti.:dno. p n-...1 111•111 of t h1· C'hamlwr of Com 111('1';.1• :1.11<1 lnrl11:-.1ry , :.u1;:g1.·s t1·d 1 h.11 1'1•111.t 01·1·an ('011..,trut·l111n ('11 11f .la pa 11 .,tw lv !Ill' ...,.,111· l'1·11t:1 t k1•a 11 ('rn1:-.lruc·tw11 h:i-. 1•\p1•1·11•rw 1· 111 Su1•1 (';111al ,., pa 11-.11>11 \\hi'" IO t-:gy pl "1 :.~:11111 \\a" 11nav:i1l.1blt· lu c·um 1111'111 nn I tw rt•porl hut .1 11 .. nl a j 11·1•:111 "Jlok(':-m an sa 1rt t1"' c·11m pa11~ <,t11tl1t:cl l ht· JH'lllt'C'I al Nag:i1111':-rT (llll':o.l ;1g:an11 la h ·1 ... uggl'-.tc•d that l'r11n1· M 1111-.l1•r Ma-.;iyo-.h1 Oh1rJ -.tuely lh1· prOJ \.'~l rn light ot µus-.1l11ltl1<:s or s trengthe n in g c•cono m n· rc:lu ttOnh with lht• n1ted St et lC).. <md l'anama. lht' spokc•sman -.aul T hl· Nlmpa ny hµokc-.rnan -.,ml t ht• 111·01>ost·d ca 11 :ii "oulcl lw .1 rn.1x1mum 71; f1·d d1• ·11 a nd till!) ((·1.·l lo I .:!~I f1•t•I w1rl1• l'nl.llihng I he pa-.)..agt· ul :HllJ .00(1 ton lu 500.llOO tun lanhrs lhr•Ha~h l hl· IJl'OJICIS('cf f.l m 1 le· W/1 1 l'r W<•Y . C'O{Yl parr·d \\1th lh1• 111.111111 t1111 t.inkc·r-. :ibl1· tu pa-.h l hroul!h lhl J;rt•.scnt l·ana l It would ht• huilt ..i hout 1~1 m ilt·-. s1111Lh\.\1.•sl of ancl par;1ll1•I (11 thl' prt-'>t·11 t t·amrl TREASURER RESIGNING Peg Morreale Plnne Cracks 'Fact of Life' WASlll-Nl.TON f A P I Thr DC 10 t hat cni:.hcd tn \h1 r<1s.;o taking 271 llv(•s wa!> nl)l :ilont.• in having a<iCk.!t or m1·tal follgu1· An Associated P n ·s-. check of f''cde ral Av1:rl1rin Adm1n1strat1on records shows the problt·m!-nf c·rac·kh ;m d either str uctura l fa u lt... we re around hl'forc· lhl· J<•I agt· T hey arc a f<i <·t of llfl· rn <1v1at1on 1 Relalt'cf s toru.:.., l'agl'S A4. B61. EVERY AMt:Rl('/\N·Bllll.T COMMERC IAL Jetliner ha!> been subject to "a1rwo rU11nc•s!> cl1rPc·t1ve:-. · or A lh ~overnment or ders for m a inll'na n<'e ehcc·k!-> or repairs Ma ny Al>:. rou ghly on<· in four for mos t pl<ines order c.:h<·ch of sp1·r1f1c: m cta1 p<irb for cracks Such :rn F Al\ directr vc last w<'ek g round<·d DC tos for ehecki. of enj!me s upports. Some> of th · s am<· planPs were grounded again Mondc.ty a fte r the FAA lcurnl·d of additiona l prohle ms. "The re's not <1n <11rpl ane m the world. civil or military. th<it does n 't have me tal f'allgue eventually," Sc.tad f'rc d Farrar, an f''AA public affairs omcaal. FARRAR l 'ITED ·nn: NOTICEARl,f. flt·xing or a n a1rl11wr':- wings in flight. a s 1E?ht that often fri~htens neophyte flier:. Like ;.r pa rl'r l'11p thut 1s li•·nl lwek .ind fnrlh ht• ~aid •'<H'h ml)vl'm1.·nt ol the "''"g c·nnt nhult:" 10 a -,lli.:ht w1·;.ikt·nmr.11r t h .. 'itnH·tun· "But better tha t rt lit·nd tha n hn·<ik Fa rrar .,;11rJ Mc.•ta l fal1gul' ct n·w :ttlt•nli<rn 111 the 1!1511!-., when tlu· f1r)\1 com m<'rc·1al j('tlint•r Hrrt a 1n ·-. de ll~Hiillancl ('om1•I h:td J :-.t•rlf•'> (1f 1m('Xplaarwd l'rashc·~ .. s11m1· ldlal It wo.i" 1li-.t·ovl·rNI t hat J ma~ a ligned ho lt m•ar <i w indll\\ fh•x1·d and l'\l'nlu:illy l<1rlc•t.l , rc·-.11lt1ng 1n l0Xplo-,1vl' clt•c·111npn·-.s 11m Most /\l>s ile·at w1tlt h·s.., uq~•·nl m :1ll1•rs. how1;vt·r, ;.rnd lhl• )..tlu;it111ns thl'Y p111nt o ut i::erll'ra ll y :ir,. c·1111-,uk11·el .1.., th•· 1ncv1l<~IJl1.· prohh~m)\ of high ly c11m p l1eated ma('h1n1·1 y rnltu:r tha n a Ith· 1 hrl'alc111n);! hazarrt. FOR EXAM Pl.I-:, 1\ TOT.\I. Of· t ~~ /\ lh h;id h1•t·n lh:>U1·d a-. 111 mac1-M:.ry on the firs t .~ <·orn mcrC'tal ll't. lh1· Boeing 707. wh1f'h IJegan s t•rvict• in 1958 , a nd <m lhl· nl•c1rlv ieh•nlll''1 1 Rocing no ()I the 129 ADs, 19 cover ed j)Oh)..11Jh: crac·k:. 1n metal parts. pa rt11:ul ur - ly wing surfaces ,,,,., T wclv1• /\D!> wc·n· 1·1m.,1<11·n·fl 1mport<1nt •'rl'Hlgh lor a1rl10•'-" to h1• a lt•1t1·d hy te•l1·gram Thu::.c r;.in~1·cl l1t1m po ... :-1hlc: t·<111trol oh <Sec PLAN•; SAt·•:T'V. Pagt> i\:!J 6 L_Q_st__~_Ship BIQze Freighter Burns in Lake Superior; 19 Escape ... ,f>Jiill HARROlt . Mich . . /\ p ) A r1rl0 ra gcrl in a ?JO.foot a reas tr<'f' ur N:rmi:'t\. lh<' Cn:i-;t c; uard· h;mt ·:pn•tty h:ully burned .. "I don ·1 'il'1• how J n ybody 1·011ld hl' nl1\1· 1n tlwrc" ·he 'ii;lld "h 1 it' 1111lo:t1l1ng -,trelt'he r-, at I l11ught11n A1 r11orl ! ··-~ (;n ·at Lak1·-. frc ag hlt'r today . :md s rx sa ilor-. wen· m i:-.s mg and tc<itcd tr.ippr d a hoard tht' l'r lp pied vcssrl W1lnesse!> on :-hon · 10 mile:. away ha id the :.hip lo(lk<'d "l1kl' a honf1rt•." N rnelcen c rl'wmc n frilm lh1· Carti<.•rdifft· llall were picked rrom life r:ift~ an l'.ake S u1>en or hy t wo othe r frc 1g htc r)... lbe Co as t Gua rd ~aad .. ·1vt• men- wc rC' r eportl'd serio us ly l>urnl'd itnd two o th er:. we r e l ei.~ M'nously hurl Flames ke pt t he purl~ from aprroarhing th•· l'nl!m•· room. whe n · lht• r1re ;.rp parcnt ly ~tart l'd and )..ttll wu-. heuv1t·st , ol · lwaals said Ncarhy w att·r~ Wl·r e lw 1ng Sfl~1rch1·d "in tl1t· hopt• that the• ..,Jlle.'n got ovcrhewrd." Ch1 d Pell~ OHiCf'r J OI' /\mato !\;ml ar' lh<· ..., Sl'a rt:h and n ·-.euc sl at io n 111 .(.'lcvt'land. l"our (JI l ht• lllJUrc•rl Wt•rc ta ken to l'orta1:1· V11·w llo~p1 lal an llanrod .. :111lh11nt11·-. s aid . Twn \.\1•r1• <l t·lt•1 m1n1:d to ht· to11 -.1·r11111-.h hurt tc1 ht• t r<•akd 1 hi' fl' .;111rl \\l'rt' st•fll F,y Coast <:11;1rd pl.11w to ttw l 'n1H•rs1t y of ~1 il'l1q,!a n hum n·11t1.·r in Ann ·\rh111 . 11tJ(I milt'-. Hi the :-outh e '.llo I I Miii ~ ~ APWlrfllllOlo SHIP BLAZE SITE Six Sailors Missing --------------- Five Arrested On Laguna Drug Sale Rap Laguna Be nc h police have rounded up five of eight drug sales suspects in the A rt Colony. including two Laguna Be ach High Sc'hool students, following a three-month drug probe on ca· ty streets. Arr~ted Monday a n d today on various drug sa l e s c harges w e re · ·John Richard Pickering, 32. of 466 Canyon Acres Drive. he ld on '2.500 bail on s us picion of s ales of m arijuana . Timothy Wayne Teete rs , 22. of 396 Thi~ St., $1,000 bail for 1uapicion or sates of m arijuana . James Alan Harper, 21, of 825 St. Ann's Drive, two counlc; of sales of marijuana with bail Mt at 11.000. Police also arrested a lS·year- old boy and a 17-year-old boy, both hlgh school stud ents, on dru1 ulel charges. The arrests come as the ,result of an undercover operation al Main Beach Park and near the bl•h school wbere drug pur'hMee were allegedly made by an olficer over a three-mon(h fe!iod. Lt. Al OllOn said officers are leeklftl three more suspect& In the dl'UI 1weep, and etpect lo obteln wanants for olber s us- Pldl • a Nlult o( the latest ar· ........ Two C0<.1!>l Guardhmt'n and th1 · ship':-. <'n g 1nccr boa rde d the \'f'M•t•I M'\'t•ral )111urs artt•r thl' fire was r eported ;md found no 't.•v1clc ncc or tht• m1ssrng men in Amato saacl lh1• mrssmg m en rnl'ludcd a porter. two o rlN h, two d eckhand)\ a nd a h1·lm~man A Co .isl Gu<ird m ('clt tal corpos mun . who appan·nlh v u•wed the s hip frnm :1 hl•l11·111Ht·r that hc lpec1 cvacua tl' lht· mJun·rl. s md the inte rior of th1· shtll wa )\ To Offset Cutbaeks Tlw CoJ"l (;Iii.I rd s;,11c1 I wo olhe·r tr11\\mn1 \\tlh m anor rn 1un(•-. wt•rf• hl'rng take n by boat 111 th1• l't1rl.1J.:l' ('oa~I Gu.,rd .,ta - t lflll Thi· 11rn11J11red 1rw n wen · .,till a IJou rd l'l!l>l'Ul' \ t:~::.cb. Laguna Seeking Money Laguna Be ach Cit y Council members will be as ked to ap- prove seve ral money-rais ing s ch emes toni~hl to offset expect · cd budgetary restraints in the new fiscal budget. They will be looking at an m- crt>asl' in parkinA fines, a h ike in tht• cha rfrr fees for the city 's municipal buses. and a progra m w h ere by pri vate • bus 1ness t·s would bf as ked to volunta rily .. adopt a park ... The agenda ite ms com e at a time when the City Council is preparing lo work on <in ~ 27 million municipa l hu1lgN pre· pared by ('1t y Managn Vr.-11 Schools Back Fees For New Buildings Capistrano Unified School Dis- t rict trustees have approved a plan to levy a $1, 100 per home fee on dwellings built by Avco Community Developers. Inc., to defray the cost of new school buildings. . Avco officials will initially pay $155,100 in rees for a 141·unit de· velopmenl to be built In Laguna Nlguel. But trustees stlid Monday the fees are far from the fina l solu- tion lo solving lhe school dis- trict's growth and overcrowding problem in the future . District aides reported that Sl-.te Attorney General Georae ----~ Deukmejian ·s r ecent opimon that the developers' fees arc a tax may mean that the fee plan would have to be scrapped. Because of Proposition 13. new taxes must be approved by a two-thirds m ajority of the clec· lorate in the affected a re a . Trustees also s aid there ap- pears to be little desire on the part of other local developers to draw up fee agreem e nts with the 'chool district. fo'aced with a potentially critical student housing s hortage in the future . Trustee Edward Westbera said Monday, "I reel <See F£~ P1ce AZ> Solomon , If :rpprov<'rl by the council 1on1g ht , parking fines for violators who pa rk their c ar!'> in front of a rc'd {'urh would be ra asc•c.J from ~) to 5:1<1 -rf the fin<' sr hcdul<' ,., approved by the: Soul h Oranf!C' County J ud1c1al D1hlri('t Ot ht·r proJJOscd chan~es would )..t't.' :1 ~ll'l'P rnt·n·ase from $3 to ~Ill for tho::.t• who park rn al· lt•y ways. fro m $1 to $5 for dis- pli1yin~ a car for sale on pubhc prope rty, and from $2 to $5 for backing into a parking stall. The council will a lso consider incre as ing the transit charte r r ales from SI t .50 per hour to $20. A group of Laguna Beach busi· nessm en and lhe cha mber o f commerce chartered the city's Village Trolley over the Memorial Day weekend to get shoppers out of the\r cars and in the stores in town. But city officials. in reviewing the c h arge for the trolley, believe Increased costs of fuel. m ainte na n c e 'a nd sal a ries Justifies the increase. A third money-raiser. s uggest- ed by George Fowler . director of Recreation and Social Services. would seek landowner and bu•i· nesR s upport for an "Adopt·•· Park" protzram in La1una <See MONEY, Pa.e_AZ> A- Treasurer Also to Resign By ST EVE MITCHELi. Of'"" D•1lr Pilot \~II Lagun:J Be ach City Manager Fred Solo m on wa:-. PXpcctc(f l<1 announct' hr!> rt·)..ignat 1011 <Jl a11 t-Xel'lll1 vt• !>Css1on with lht· City Council lh1:-. aft1·rnuon. <i nd ('ti} T rt•as un•r P1·g Morri·a l•· :J n nnunc·l'd s hl· .... 4u1U rng hl·r JXl'>I July W · A h11!h r anking 1·1tv off1C·1al who <1sk1·d nil! to ht· named , ..,,1111 ~ole1mon will 11nn1111111't h1.., n •-, 1).!n'atwn "at " I :111 11 m 1•>. 1•e·ut1ve st•ss1on with ('1ty Cuunnl mt.>"mlK!rs a mt will 11>:1\ t· lfl1· cit\ to t ake ;.r J}IJ)..tlt<m w ith .1.·privat1· fr rm Wht•n n•a<·h1·<1 for c·orn m e•nt t11 <l a~. Solom1111 \'-11uld n1·1llwr \'On I 1 rm nor den} lht· n ·pnrt. Sol11m1in wa-. t h•· < '1t v l'oun- e• 1 I -. u11 .in1•mou-. !'11011'. l rn111 n 1•;irl~ .. a!J.._~pplu·an1 .. 1111 lht 1·1ty !> h1ghe'il pti...t 1:1..i y1·Jr. :.ind took nH:r a~ c·1l) m .rn.1gc·r .lul} I. T h t· l I ' 1 ,, r o I <I ..i <1 m 1nislrat111"., 0 J11h \\1t h l.;.rgun.1 n c:.ic·h got off lo •t t11u~h -.t:.irl Thl• day l~furt' hl w;.i o.; tll (11·1<dl\ tn :.t~•rt work. h1· "':i" <11 :r"'n 111111 .1 ho l nmlr11v1·r"' 'Ah•·n hi "-·t" askt•rt to m <tk1· ,1 d1M·1pl1n;1n dr ('lh lOn l'lln1·t·rn 1n)! 1 ht I'll~ roltt•t• c·hwl Solomon "Uhfwnd<'<I < 'h1l'I Jori S pa rks rn lht• wak1· 111 " t11!hl 111- "'de· a lavt·rn lollo" 1111.:. .t t \\o .1n<I a h a ll h 111ir 1·, .. 1·11 t 1\1• -.1·h~1on with h1-. 111 w e·ouncil m e mbers . . Spark~ wa-. lat1·r n•1 n<,l atcd II\ thi· c.•11 ~ m an:rg1·t :itt .. r ct1-. 1· 1 plrn;.iry :Jl'LIOn .. 1 mm 1· 1 hat up :.cl m any polt1.·l' offi cer~ and citizens wh(\fe lt the· chief s hould h<avc been fired But the t•ontroversaa l ;.rct1on by Lagun~·:. new c ity managt'r drew s upport from others an Uw c.ommunaty, tn{'luding gay.;. who gathe red petilao~ IJ<ic kmg thl· po lice ch ief. In later month-.. Solo m on wo uld sa~ h1~ f1r-.t at·uun a.!> cit~ man ager we.ts the toughest tw had fac But <• touJ,.!hl'r df'e·1-.1on c·a nw ll'SS than thn•1 m o nth:-late•. whe n a dl'va-,taling lanrhl1d1· 111 Hllwbard ('<1 n y u11 d1•:-tn>yl·cl more• than I w11 do11.·n h11m1.·~ Th<· new l'1ly manag1·r .l..tl'1'<I I ht• task of c.ll·ll'rn1in1ng \\ hwh h111n 1·::> would I><· eh·m <ili-.ht·d and \\h1e h woul<t rt·m:u n "lan<J11ag . And . thi'c1u g h uu1 tht· rl" maind<.•r ,,r IH78 and lht f1r-.l "" month-. (II lhrs \l':ll', S1>lvm1111 ha ~ bird rtog).!;•d s l a t1· ;.ind l<'dC'ral offi<•1a b through lhl• hure aue r al1<: m :11.1• to ol)l:11n t•mt•r gem ·y fund-. tu r.t:sl«Jr\' 1 h1· unstable :J 5 ~•ac• sill' II as t!fforlh Wl'l"t· rcspon~• hit fo r hundre rts o f thous<ind/o. ot dollars in fedt•r<il aul. and ren. oval an n o l tht· l1t·floagu\•rt·cJ n e ig hborhood 1·o u lct begin a -. t•arly as this summt·r-. Mec.tnwhall'. Mr-, Mo r n·alt'. <.:•· ty treas ure r for Laguna Bc ac.·h for the past seven year-.. s a id s he 1s a lso leaving the t•1ty. She wall accept a position with an Or a nge County financial ans t1tu· l ion . She was elected cat y trea~urer CSee RESIGN, Page All Boy, 3, Hit By Van, Hurt In Clemente /\ 3·ycar-o ld San Cle mente tot r iding a skateboard· across lhc street near his home wa!\ struck by a van Monday morning and remains in guarded condition to- day with heaad and leg injuries Paramedic Steve Dimond s aid Ryan Caylor. 153 Ave . Corne lio West. was treated for a com· pound leg fracture and hei.d wound alter the 10:30 a .m . acci· dent. The youngster was rushed to Miaalon Community Hospital's intensive care unit where he re. mains today. Police said the driver of the van that struck lhe boy was not held. Authorities said the youth ap· parentty was r1dtng across the street wjthln a few driveways of his hon<e. The boy was reported· ly riding the skatebottrd on on«> knee wtUle puahln1 ll with htt other legl ......... ------- • TEN CENT O•llr P1lol Se.,o P/\OJU CITY MANAGER LEAVING? Laguna's Solomon LBSeaj·ood Slupper to Face Trial~ L.1g u11.J 111'.ll'h -.1•Jfoud ,11111 11111 g t1r111 11\\l11·1 <:1•1w J ll:il ... n11 ·-.,11d ht• v.:i-, 1 ....... 11 ..... :, Ill 1'171> \\ h1l1 · tran"J>111'il11 p ·,:111 l•111" 111 hr 111111 .1nrl 1 u11:1 .11·111 )..-, th1· l'~•C'll 11' Ou•an 11111 t \\II M'.ttOll(l 1·11rnp.11111·-, In "Jn 011•µ11 :ind \u ... 11 ,111.1 l'l.11111 11;.ibom \\a~ ll·lltni! ;1 11-.li ',tr1r \ .11111 the• 11111~ t hing lh;il 'A .h 1 .. ..,1 \\;J " lh1•1r >-l :! m 1ll11111 111\C'>I rnC'nt H:lfsnm pl1•ad1•1f 1n11n <"t•n1 M1111 d .1\ to l·han.1· ... 111·1111"" .t l••d1·1 :11 grand 1u rv 111 S<Jn IJ 1c~o th..it lh1 Lagun:.r 8t'acll lrrm c.·ornm1llt•1r mail fraud a n<J p •rjury 111 al legcdly try ing to 1·11vt·r up ttw s dll'nll' B a Isom . whc' s urre nde re d Monday --a rtt·r lhl0 se,·c n-couni. ~rand JUTY uid1c1 m cnl was ,.,. -.ut•d , ('Ould r cC'«>ivt: ~· :15 vear p rison lt'rm and $25.000 an ftn1" 1f found ~u11ly lie \\-Cl~ rclcaM'<I c111 S50.0IJO bond .A ~s 1 :,L:.an.t -.U ~-Allor11c\' • I 1111111 :1~ C'r1f1 1n -,:11( TGT...iin·~,----=;;..=:=i .1g n 1t·d tu ... hip :1:111 1111 .... ol t 1111:1 1rom .J;1k.1 rta . lnclon1•..,1a t11 lh1• S :1 n 011·gu li,J-.1•cl \ ..in I '.111111 St.,tf ood Cl•nlfl<tn) 1n m 1rl 1!1711 B ah11m w h 11 (1 p t•r;it1·il \\l e-.11·rn 1\l .111111· ('orn11:111y lro111 h:! I I .orMI :i Dn .,t.:: 1 n I .ag11na H1·:1d1, ptlrr·~a-.1·d ':1 car~11 ~hq 1 11.1m1•tl-"ll11t un.111 · ·u n cJ1•1 ,1 l'.1n~1m;.in1a11 r ·g1-.lry, ('11ff11t -.a1<1 V.in Cam p 111f11•1;,rl), g J\1• Ra lso m :i t•omm ·rc·1al l<'lll'r 111 1·rt•d1t to r th1• 1 u11.1. pay.tl1l1 wlw n tlw llotunur was loarl1·(1 "-•lh thl' lash :ind lruund for the l 'nrll'd St~1t1•s It IS allc.•~c<I thal B:ibom I j l!'1f1t·c1 documt·nls that :,ail.I th1• t 11n.1 w<.1-. abo ar<I <rnd e·nllt•l'h ·ll ~204.tiOO \.\hl'n the· \>hnn v p~1pcr:-. w1•rc • prescnl1·<1 lo,J 1ank. The 111d1t0lml•n l :1lleg1.'s that B .il s o m hc a dl•d t o l't'.nang , Ma laysia . to piC'k up ~I m illion 1n fro1.cn ~hnmp tor l"e·tu11 's ... 1:-.h. l'riC~ and hring 1t lo Sydncy1 r\ ustratra. Thl' tndrl'lmc nt :.allege:, th1· CSee SEAt'OOD, P iAgt• i\2). Coasr Weather Low c louds night a nd m o rning wattl only partial r f (.'a r1n g afte rnoo n s 1 hrough Wu dncs d -ay . Hig hs Wednesday in the mid 60s c.tl the beaches. lowe r 70s inland. Low:s tonight 58 to 63. INSIDE TODA~ The Angels continue to make more news on the medical front than in tile bo1eboll world. See story, Page Bl. .... ~. Al v .. , Sena A7 .,_~a L.M. •9" A6 .. ..... , ... , c~ •• CIUM,._ Ct-le C-k• .. ~ .. .,........., ... ==~~ "..ewtllt c ,.,, ....._... CJ -t d .. :s d n id S• le in 1e la r · ,ti ON\. Y PILOT llOICOW <AP > -TM &ov.et UllMa propoMd talb wtUt a... •n Moscow iD 'J"1y and Auamt to clear the-1t!r ~twt~n lbs: lt\ld •na conunwU&t 1tia nu., the Sovif't n.wat a~y Taas reported to do. lnd.lutabna rrom Pekin.c were that the ('h1nt•t-t' rc1&.rdM Ow ldH favora hly Conllnwng an <'1tc ha nge that Workers Pull -S,wj·u Day' S AN OI Et:O 1Af'1 (.'lt•rtt•ul e-niplo)'N'S of Snn D1c~o Count url· J<IVIO~ the <'llllllllUnlt\ ' 11 fllblll O( wh at ':. 1n storl' · 1( lhoi.t.- workers (11111 t Rf'I a pay r11 1s l', ~uy :.. u u ni o n spokesm an :.tHt'r u day o f planned m1Mukes Randall Prevo, ~cneretl mana~er ol the• 3,000 m e mb e r Cou nt y Employeeb Asso<'1a t1on said "many or the things a r e h a rd l o sec be ing done . but they a rc being done .. 1 ffl'la tcd column, P<Age A4 1 Me mbers o f the county Board or Supervisors were m ad . Their te lephon es were tied up all day Mon day. Ca llers with oU.c ial business were to ld ''Sorry, wrong numbe r ·· The s upervisors · huml· phone:. ra ng <'Onslantly f'ro• Page ,.., I RESIGN ... in 1972. and rC·l'ICC'lCd in 1976 Reached for commt:nt today. Mrs . Morn•ale ~;ud s he hl:ld 1n ·1endt·d to lea ve puhll c· st·r v1rt• nt•xt April, whe n h er :.ct•ond four-yPar tl'rm exhres "My ll'c•ling 1:-. no orr.r1al rn loc·al gon ·rnm(·nt sho uld :-.i·n t· l on ~cr than two t·ons etut1v1• term~ in lht• s ame capa city . · s ht· swd S he s a 111 .in 1 n It· r 1 m c 1 l \' tn•a:.url'r will p roba bly he· ill; po1nlL'<l 1n ht•r pl:.ic·c• Tht· l<!·y1o;ir Lagoni• Ht•at•h rt·!> 1dt'nt s a irl 1t 1~ her µcrson al op1n I 0 n th a l l h l' p II S l () f cit \' lrcas.urer s houlct becomt: a n ap l'O&nt1ve pos1t1on "It's something for the elt·t" t oratt' to decide." s he s a id. 'but I think the con cept s hould 1)(: looked 11tl!T6~'ety. "When the city first conceived 1 a n el~ted tre as ure r 1 it was an ('XCE'll('nl ldl'il. ht•('3Ul;(• ll pro v1dect a separation of power~ Rut in reality. lhc r~ i!> n o :.epa rC:Jl mn beraust· I m :1ctuall} pa rt or tht• man<Jgcmt'nt le&m ·· She will leave her ~1 5,<!00 a y ear po~t J u ly 211 a nd begin work in l'iHI.\' J\ugu~t with an un· n amed fina ncwl ins11tution f'f'OlflPageAI SEAFOOD. • • s hrimp was neve r liiken to Australia hut was instead sold tri <A Dutch rirm for f.30.000. Most or the 200 tons or s hrimp s poiled at s ea due to r efr1 i,:erat1on prob le m s. .. · - Federa l authorities assert th at Ba Isom changclf the name of hb vessel three time s in an e ffort to hide from the s e afood com panies Corrin said the r e a pparently was ~ever any tuna C<Argo ccir ried m the llot unui for Van Camp. The Vt"ssel has not ~n located but is believed to be in -Panama, he added. Ba lsom h<is been o rde red to stay m California J><?nding his June 28 pretrial h earing. Nuclear Accident PARIS tAP l Radioactive gas escaped into the atmosphere <ifte r an exJ>(?ramental nucle ar re actor in southern ,.~ranee de· ve loped a leak in its cooling s ystem. the Fre nc h Atomic EnerJ(y Commiss ion s aid today. DAILY PILOT '"" Ot~(o.t'\t O.••· ... tot ....... •P.t<.t'I f\fO"" IM..CS tfwo ,.._.. P,.~\ 1\°"*l~db;tfW>()f#'Qll" CN\t "Wt\Mn4(0l'f'CMI"' ~.w·•tllf'dtltM\AtP puOll\H O Mof'ld._, UWOVQf\ frtft.llt to1 (O'\t.t ~~. H•WIO')f'1 ""'«"-U·vt'tt~O't f\rMtt f~ •••""•n.._. h •..,...L..,.,.ft.loMft S1ouU\(M\t a '~'~f"Oihoir-1\~l"'l'd\.Ah"d'''Mld ~'f\ ,..., p...WIO# ""*l\J\lf'Q pl1tt1t ''•I llO W'f'o\I l•t ~"""'·'°'"• -..w. <•l•tcw,..._ •:i.t. ·-··-~~"'·""-'Yo(t l're\~~~:;= .. Mo""<l"r ~,IC ...... 1 .. 1 .. ,_, •• M ........... Mo1-· .. lidf1ar - ~"·"-._ ...... I .. , .. ,...,.~~-· '---• .. edtOMoe ,.....o-... - c:..-.-.~ ~: .... ~.Ol!I -....... o . llllt9Nc)\ ....... d •• two lnOntha •10. Soviet Pttret1n 11•.u~ter Andrei A O..-,ko mau tbe propouJ M3•d1,_ ~ -"'"'"" wtui Ch.,... Ch•rae d'Affalres T1an Zenape1, 'fH.i uld G rom)'ko p ru,111!\t·cl 1 h:JI l'Uc.'11 l(Ovt•rnm<'lll lw rt•p1 i",1•1111-.J l1y u cf('JH1ty tort.•1•1n m1111:-.1t-1 J I tlw talkh 'fhl' rc•por l h11 1tl f: rom yko h 11nckd Trnn u ffil'tnur a ntlum for h1 o; i:11vt·rnnH·11I rl1•1·l,11 111.: ''l'ht' ;11 111 ~ 111111 l,J'k' 11f 1111' lll'~lltta llOfll> n111 .... t ltt• 1111' l11)l lll 11ll/H(IUll .1nrl 1111p111\1·111t·111 •11 11•1.1111111' lw l"1•1•11 11111 111u11l l11"1 on till' f 'ro• Pa~ :I I J.~EES ... "1· 'h1111hl l .1l;1· 11 i.:JI :-h•p'> l•• "'"II .ill hor111· 1·1111,1rucllun 111 :'\.ill .J u.111 ('ap1~11 un11 01~t111·t 'dlOOh hU JH'flOlt'll tlt-nt J<·rn1111 • Thorn!>ll'v 1>4Jllll\•tl 111 lht· 1.201 pm1.1os1·tl homl' prof 1·1·1 h;1l'kt-cl L.v C lcntl.ilt· lo't·d l·r;1I !-.avin~' a nd l.o;.rn that 1~ tu he· loc•.ikd on prum 111cnt h1 1ls1dt·' a hO\'L' tht· Sun .Juan Cap1:.lr<m11 <·oin munity T h o rns lt•y :o.tr irl ht· h<1p1 · ... tn 1s l<·e.s will rt•t·1•1\'1• :in 1Jr~111J,!1• ('ount~ C11un::.1·t ·, l1•g a I op11111111 fill lh1· p r o hlt·m'> w i t h flt· Vt•lo1it·rs ' lt•t•:-. hy lhl' J UOl' lH st•hool board mC'<·i.1ng Travel Club For Kid~ Set By Library Snuth Orang t• <'<1.1 '>t .1 r10,1 ('h1"1n•n h;.IH' hl't'n lll\'lfrcl ttt li.1k1• a t nµ arou11d lh1· gl11ht· throu~h ho•1k .., tn thl' IJan.1 1'1gu1·I L1hr.1n .., tn1n·I 1·l11ll 1h1' summ(•r The <'luh "'II m1•1•t T hur'>c1a\" ht·g1nmng .lum· 21 al 7 11 ni Thi · .J unt· 28 nwcting 1w .... c•v1·r ..... 111 1 <11:l· plac1· ;JI 10 :_111 .1 m llu1· tu .1 \'IS1l b.v th1· "lld <ttltnl<t b of lh•· Pr1•n l1t·1• l'ark Zoornol11k Thi· l11Jr:1r\' hrnnch ,1, l1w:1tf«J ;1 t ~l:IX41 N1g u1•I Htl 111 l.agunt1 N1g 11l'I Tiu· :-.un1rn1·r ., .01·11 \'It,. . .., "'II mc luclt• puppc·t -,ho"~· 111111'> anti ;1 gi1m1· v.h1·n· 1·htldn·11 n·~•tf l11x1ks to tnn1•I around <i m:1p 111 lht.' w11rld. 1\long tht• "ay. llw k111 ... l'nt·ount1·r lo:--1 111 ).!1.tai.:1· m 1~~ed tr;,11ns .ind 1teher i;::. F o r ru rthe r inforrniJ t 1on . phone L y nne Anderbon <it 496·5517 Youtli Gets •Attaclied' To His Work bes11 ol the principles or peacel"' eonlatence. lneludina lbt prlaclplea of e.q-.al.11\1. mutual-rttpeet tor 10Yerei111t1 Ind t('rrftorlat Integrity. non· anlea•rt:rt:nce Ln e11ch other 's in· h'rn.11 a rra1r:... lhc non-use or IOl"l'l' ' In Peklog. Forei1n Mlnilter Huans Hu• told visiting. Au tralJM FOftlan Minister An· drew Peaeoelc It was likely the talks would take place. accord· Ing to an unidenliried Australia n source who attended their meet· Ing. ,.,....r.eeAJ PLANE SAFETY ••• '' 1111·11onl> lo u 1962 wa rning that lint and moisture accumulatinR llt'h11ul lavatory outlets for electric razors cdt.\ld pose a fire hciza rd But a high numbe r of ADs does not nccebarily mean a lack .,r '•t fl·l \. farra r said . Adding: "The number of AJ,)s issued s hows tht• '\''ll'm Wt>rks." with m ost 1SSUed early as a new plane 's problem s •• , l' r 11Ufl61 For example. 99 or the Boeing 707·720's total ADs we re issued through 1969 , only 30 have been iss~ed in the 1970s. IRONICALl.V, THE OC-10, a tri·e'ngine, long·range transport 1n ~ervacc since 1971. has a mong the fewest AD~ Only 43 have been l'>!>ucd the past eight years. with only One requiring a check for <·ra<·ks in t he m ech anism that e xtends the wing rtapl> •The Associated Press c heck or airwo rthiness d1rect1ves cov l'rt'd the Boeing 707· 720. 727, 737 a nd 747 . the McDonn<:ll Dougla!-. DC·H. DC-9 <ind DC·IO. _and the Lockheed L·lOll the bulk of doml•sl1t· airhne rs Her c a.re the results ror a irc raft othe r than the nc w -Boeing 707-720, a four ·engine long-ra nge transpor t Ill t rrnlun•d 1n 1958. /\Os 129. Those requiring c he cks for cr C1ch. 49. 1111·lwllng 17 for the wing s kin or st ructure : II for varioul'. cunlrul .,11rfa r1·s . k for the ho rizontal sta bili7.l'r : 7 for thl· la nding gear anu ;1sso(•1alt:d :.t ruc·tures : a nd 2 for engine mounting:-. Boeing 727, a thrce·engtne m edtum·rnnge transport 1n tro<l uc1•d 111 196-1 !\Os . 70. Requiring checks fo r c n11·h. :!4. includ 1ng 11 for lhl' lancting gear a nd sur rounding str uctur(' and .1 each fur tht' hm·izontal stah1hzcr and variou:.. control surfact's Bot•ing 737, ii twin·e ng inl'. ~horl r::rn gl' a1rt r art de livered to o11rllnt•" IO J!Hn !\Us :n Hequ1r ing check:. ror c·rn1•ks 7. 1nclud1n)( •I for rnntrol surforl'~ <ind I ca1·h for th<: Wini.! ... trul't Urf'. landmg gl'Jf' and ili rfra me -ftcM'ing 747 , a four-t•nginc w1 dt· oody. long ran gt• J um t111 jt·t mt rudt1l't•1I 1n 19711 I\ Ds 39. Hequ1 ring t'htt'ks fur t rack!> JO, 111 1·l11cl1ng ll for lhe rus1·lagc and 4 for control :..urfact·.., l.ockht>cd •~·IO ll . a w1d<:·bOd ) tn e ngine. long-r C:1ng1· 1ra11..,1N>rt in ... eorv1cc :..1ncc 1972 AUs . :J2 Heq umn~ check~ for 1·r:id,., :1 lncludl·S leach for an engine dul'l assem bly, cargo door .11111 l:1111lrng gt·a r Mc Oonn1·ll Doug las (){»k , a four .. n,::1 n1-. lrmg r ;1n).!t• t r.1n~ purl 1111 rc1chwetJ in 1959. now uul (J( produr l 1nn ,\ 1)-, 1h11!-.l' 1 ••q111r111g l'lll't·k~ fo r c racks . 14 I nclutlc~ fi (or c ni.:101· .... 1ng 1111111111!'>, ~ fnr \':JflOU~ ('Olllrol surface~ Cl nd :J (Or la nrJm~ J,!ca r Mdklnnf'll Oougla~ ()C.9, a twm·eng1ne , :.hort to m1•cl111m r.1n~··· lranhpm1 in l>t'rVll'e s ince 19fi5 /\U!> 4:1 Tho!-.t' rh1uinnµ l'lw~·k :. for 1·1·:wk:-. 12. l otludcs 4 for en~1nc moun1-.. :1 for fuM•lai.:•· :1 tor' ~1ru1u:-. l'lllllrul burrat•cs a nd 2 for fo nding l-!l'or Father Eulogizes Slain Son 'Lamb' l.llS ANl.1-:L F:S •/\J>1 Soap m .1 gn;it t' Lloy d Cot s en ha~ 1·ulog1n ·ll h1!-. :-lam J4 .year·Old MIO Nnah a:-··a yuung la mb" <•ftcr lhe youth. Cotsen's wife :.ind a Hi y1·:rr ·11lrl fr iend or ~11a h ~ wt•rt· all f:tta lly s hot hy ;J ll 1ntr11dl'r a l the Cots ens · H1·vt·r lv I lllb f'Sliilt· Ir Ii.ft•, 1f Noah 's fi fe. has """ 1111·an1ng. · ('rit....1·n s<ull J\ltlndu~:. th•·n II ., lh<JI 11 '!. tour ht•d you ~net ~1111 II gt1 on ;incl J.!row a llllk lwt 11-r 'I '' U llH <'IJI 'it'n W LI <; hu rit·d \111nd ay ,11 llllls1rlt: ~lcmor1~1I lathl·r ~i1 1cl 'My memoril·:. an· rtt•h .. Hcvt•rly I h Its 1>'1l1Cl' Cu pt Lt·•· T racy s aid Monda y there ha~ been almost no progress in tht· l'iJS (' in lWll Wl'f'kS. since sevl'r al :.pent .22 cartridge:-. w1•r t• found 1n Mrs .Joanne Cntsrn ~ 1·ar ap parently the 1nt ruct .. r·~ getaw<Jy vehicle. which ""J~ ldt ;J ..,hr1rt d1:stum·e from thr { '()t:-.i•n hCJffil' ,.\ l:-11 ~l;11n w.1~ Iii ""'r oltl C hn~l ophl·r l>rwring ·or w •. ,..1 ('ov1n.1. J hou:-.1· ~lit"•' <1f 1111· Cot:.l'nS SA N JOSE 1 /\P .Jami•" l'a r k Some WO fru:nds a nd re l Rel·ve~ wa:-. ~I u ck 11 n Suii('r rill\ 1·s allPnrll·cl the scr v1<••·!-t Gluc ('cit ,,•n . JHc~1dc nl 1J f th l· 'In fact. H<•l'v<·s. wus s t urk 111 Ncutrogt·na Corp .. <ind a d1n·c· lrn; bast:'ml•nt flrior . thanh to t h1· lor of Allergan l'harmaceuticab powerful slickum . wh1t'h rt• of lrv1nl·, ~poke with e motion po rtedly cci n s upport 5.01111 !J ul w11hou1 appurcnt hittcrncs~ po unc1s with a s ingle drop aliout the May 23 s hoot ings that ft et:'ves. rn. got mto hi:. pn• 0 <'CUTrf>d while he wa:s out of d i c a m e n l w h 1 I,. w 0 r k 1,; g town.on husml'SS ha rcfool m his game room Pnllt•e .say a ski-m asked in· ' I ruc1cr with a 22·calibcr p istol "I stepped on a tubf' Qr SupN w ith hllt•ncc•r shot each or h is G luc Wlth m y left foot. · ht' e"< bound v1thms 1n the head . plained. E:.tch cxprc•ss1•s sorrow in his own way." ~cl C'otsen. "Men Oeputy Mcir ty W;ir ych starlt'rl an· suppnsc•cl to cry We cry in· by soaking the foot 1n na il poh-.h .,111<• S11m('tr m 1·s we cry out re mover and pulltnl! vt·r} ~1th- ge ntly 111· ~au1 N11ah was "a young 1<111111 · prema turC'ly liJkc n from When Hel•vcs wa:. f recd. h1• I f I Ill> ;1m1 y. ha d gamt:'dlour ayers of µa m l ·Noah had a good 11 yea r!>_ th: from the noor. stuck l ightly II) g;1v1• Int:. of pl1•iJSUl'l'. lot:. of the bottom or his root :.hartllJ!, l11ls of th;.i llen~t'." h1~ Shirts Sell Cops Back Use of Chair JACKSONVILLE. F'la. 1 /\Pl A police union 's softb11ll team trying to r aise ~.ooo in travel m oney has round an eager m a rket for T·s h irts pro moting the use or Florida's electric chair. "1 Down 133 To Go" is the message on the T ·s hirts. ac· companied by a drawin~ o f the e lectric chair The state carried out it s fi rst execution m 15 ycC:1 rs last month and another 133 m · mates are waiting on Florid.a ·s Ueath n ow MEMBERS o•· nn: FRATERNAi. ORDE R or Police sortball team are selling the s h irts uvailahle m three colors - for 55 apiece to raise mo ney lo play in a "S uJ><?r·Cops " tourna· ment at Ne w Orleans ne xt month They say business has been boom ing . "Just <About all the 3SO T sh uts we·ve got a re gone," said P hil Kearney, a robbery detective and me mber or the softball team. "We have orde red more and 150 are spoken ror." Kearney said the team Intended to sell the shirts only within the city 's police department to avoid offendlugwcivilians . The product turned out to have a wide appeal. .. WE'VE HAD OFF·DliTV OFJ'ICIERS and some citizens come in to buy t he m ." Kearney said. "We haven't approached anybody outside the department. They are com ln1 to us." Union officials SHid they ne ither sanctioned nor particjpat.e4 in the T-shirt sale. f'rom Pa9.-A I MONEY .•. Beach. The pro~ram would sec large la ndowne rs and maJor corpora liol)s s uppo rt the m a1ntenanct· a nd ope ration of fle 1s ler and Main B<'ac·h !lark:. Fowler said 11art1c 1pat1on hy the private sector <·ould ofrscl 'the $30,000 cost of maintaining Heis le r Park and the $50,000 cost ror m aintenance al Main Beach Park. Counr 1I me m ber!> w ill m eet m executive session at 4 30 p.m . with tht· re~ul<rr l'Ouncll meeting :!theduled for 7 p m The au ...... Forei1n MllUalrJ later said only that the Moaeow orooosal wu "\lnder stUd.1," yet Wes tern diplomats, in Peking s uggested the chances or the t wo old foes getting together were "reasonably good." • In Peking, a· Weste rn diplomat s aid Soviet overtures o r this kind generally are made just before <in important Sovie t ·American meeting. President Carte r and So v iet Preside nt L eonid I. Brezhne v are to meet in Vie nna on June 15 "The re 's a certa in tempo to this sort or thing, .. hl' said The Chrnese and So viet com rnun1s ts. a llies and ll neasy friends from the creation or the Chinese party m 1921. br qke over forme r Soviet Pre mier N1k1ta Khrus hchev's liberali za. lion movement and his denun· c1ation or the authoritar ian rule or Josef Stalin in 1956 · actions that a lso s plinte red the once· m ono lithic inte rnatio nal com mun1st hloc The Chinese accused the So· vaets of c.a pitahst tendenc ies. and the Russ ians reto rted that China a nd the bold econo mic programs o f the late Cha irman Mao Tsl·· lung w<:rc ad vc nturast The ir quarrel e rupte d into \ 1ulc nl'C' 111 1969 whe n So v1t't t roups clas hed with Chmest· on lhe1 r border Since then, each has nw mt<itned up to ;; milh1m nwn 111 combat readine:.~ tn the a reJ lllP Wlr...-o HELPING HAND -Popl' .Jo hn Paul 11 re a c hes dov.n lo pull <J child up to ham m downtown Czc:-.tot h owa , Poland. Religious Freedom Demanded by Pope CZ E STO C llO W ;\. P oland 1A P 1 !'o pe Juhn l'a ul II df: ma nd ed t11day t hat Poland :-. l'11 mmun1s t g11v 1·rn m e n1 r c·t uf.!nl/(' lh1· rights and IJclll'b <if Chri~t1<1n!> ;.ilthu ugh their ,., .. w r>f th{· .,..nrl<I 1s "cl1i1m<:tr11·all\ Of• 110..,1·11 to .'.\1ar>.1~111 It wa:, lhe mci'>l p11"•·rl11 I pol1t1 l'al !-tl ;.tlt·m•·nl thP pontiff h:1:; madL· 1n lh1· f1,tir 1JiJy'> hi• ha~ lit·•·n 1n his home land . Ill a SJlt •t•r h pn·pa rt•rl f1Jr di· II\ l'I ~ t<1 J l'loM·d m l·l'l1111! t1r fl n I and ·" H n m an C <i l ho l 11· h1'>hop'>. lh•· JJ'JPt.' desc ribed n• lig1ou~ ln·cdom a s a fund<rmt:n 'I h l· h1ggt• ... t t•nt·my or lhl' 1·hun ·h · 1·nuld n111 h1·lp but tip ort•1·iatt· thl.'1r tl1•d1catwn P l)1,., ht•g <in g alhl•ring .ot rliiwn tm tht· h1lb1tf (• lielo.,.. ltu 1·11untn··.., rno:-.t n ·vt·n·d :.h ruw .1 nd fly. t ht• 11 m e lt11· ~ .i~:-. lwJ.!;111 !ht· c·ro .... tl harl -.w1•ll1·d 111 "('\'1·1 .i1 hunrl n :tl 1 h11u:-.and T lw pc11111 1l h11i:1n ning lhr fourth d .1y 11r hr~ n•1urn 111 tr1 1·11mmun1~t lmmel:md ln•ih ·d ,,1 I ht· row ... of ltl:1l'k "''" ,,;,d 111111 a nti t11lrl lh1 ·rn lh1 11 '.dlln1• v. .1 .tn ' 1•\1·1·pl 1tmal 11 .. a•.11 r1· '"' lh1· H<1man Cathol1t· Churd1 .Lal tuu:n.;.n ~tf ded<srt.>d --, ---• 1 h a t gua r a ntees of re l 1~1ou:; Skylab ff tl rrl'(•dnm tn P11l;Jnd ~ C'On~llt ut IC/II .ind ntht'r docume nt:.. a n · rm·an mgrul only if they consider "lht· {.M.tls Slint real needs of the church " A It hough re ligious freedom 1:.. gu<t rantced tn Poland s trmst1tu t 10n . tht· r hurr h has bel'n pn·:;., 1ng ror <1h11 l111on or ... 1a t1 · t·ens11rsh1p on C<ilho lic puhltca t10ns. tor :t<•c•t•ss tn t hP .,t ah • nHlw 11no lt·Jton,1nn a nr1 for grt•atcr 11pporl 11n1l1t•., to 11ff1·r 1" lap IOU!> IO!-I rut:l111n to I he YllUllJ.! Th r pop e• a c.,.,t•rl t·ll th • t:hurc·h !< rcadmt'"' lo enter into <i dialogue with the ,:?O\'N nm1·11t for norma li7.alion of t·hurd1 s l<tte re lat1nns lie sa1ct "authentic ct1a logul· must respect the con v1<•t1on:.. nf hc llevers . ens ure <Jll the rig ht:. of l'illzcns and als<1 lhe normal w ASlll NC:TO N '"I' I If \(111 plan t11 he on E iirlh hf'1W•·1·n Jurw :?7 anrl J uly :!I , lh1·n· !' .ihnut om• 1·hann· in fillh hllhun 1.11u II I.It' ht-I hy ·• falling chunk 1JI S kyl:Jb. !:;('1<'n t1<;t'!'S:J} S l a y 1 n I! 1 n cl 11 11 r :. w u n t lll'l't'!-"<•nty h•·l1> mui·h E1ghl of tht• t•,t 1ma11•d .)1111 Pll'l'I:~ •·"<1wt'l1 •cl 111 !'>lff\llVl' ',. ~·nlry hvut will hi· h1•.n y cnougl~ to 1•1 ;_i,h through an :1 v1•r ;.11 . .;1 t·ont'rc t.c · oHt '~· hulld_ll!S_:f!111 _____ , m11-.1 ol th1·-1~L will comt: d11wn -- ha rrt ('nOuf!h 1 o g-11-1 hrr1ugn ;1 - wood t•n h<ll1SI'. a n mgn •S!-t1011al t·o m m 1ttce wu:. told M11nth1y cnndi11ons for I.ht· act1v1 ly of the Energy Talk Set c hurch 'as a religious community to which the vast majority of For·San Clement.o· Poles belong . .:· "We a rt' a ware t h <t t th1 ~ dia logue cannot be eas y hecaust· 1t takes place between two con c·epts o f the world wh ich arc d 1a m ctn cally o pposed . hut 1t must he possible a nd effect ive 1r the good or ind1v1dua ls a nd tht· nat ion de mands it. .. he s aid Befo r e m eeting with thl' bis hops. tht• pope celebra ted an o pen ·a1r Mass for thou:.ands of Po lisll nuns and said that cv(•n It's not Th e Capistr:.i no Ray /\rl•a l.Pague of Woml•n Voters will prt.'hCllt a survey of information on lhi' enerJ?y problcm tonight in !:Ian Clemente T he prc!'Cnalum . wh1e,h begins al 7 15 pm , will include a fil m a nd cl1scuss1on. It wi ll la kt· plan· a t the San D1t•g11 c;as and fo:ln Inc Company <Auditorium . HI! W El Pon-al h ow often you tell her, but how well . WC! c.in 'how vou ~o m.rnv ,, .. 1y~ tu td l her t.1 ICWl' VC'IU" - 1 •,lCh tlt'.I ti ti (ti I. u nforgl'1 l.1bll•. cnn~l<lllt And 11'-. lhl'rl' hir thl• wodd h i .,,.,. Florid•'s death penalty came Into the national spotlight with the electrocution of convicted killer John Spenkelink. formerly of Orange County . the first man In the country to be put to deatb unwillln1ly in • doien years. I .l\hmn h!Jnd Ncwpon Cc.-nft-r. Nl-wplff fk·ach I 171-l I n44-I ~t!O \Ori" 1 t ... ., ~" 'II: "'m•n•hf M•ll. L.•~un; 11111• ,\f•ll flt•n,11< C '"'''"' I WITH 111EIR FIUT T-SIO&T a pparently s uccessful, the toftball teem i•oflerin1 •second shirt, also with a picture or the electrie chair and Hying "Raulenon. You're Next." It refers to death row Inmate James Raulerson, convicted or the 1973 kilUn& or a Jacklonvllle patrolman. Nw1(otnlrt l1" An~k\ l ~n l),.po 11 ... , VritA• • .... "~-· •• ~ ................ (.._..~-\-n.• t ........ \oh-~ .... ""'.' ..... . _., -···-----..----.. I O~an1e Coast f:D I T I O N ' "••r Ho•eto-;•:J- -Dally Newspa~~ VOL. 72. NO. 156, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A TUESDAY, JUNE 5, '1979 c TEN CENTS 'All Aircraft Suffer WASlll NG1'UN 1 A f'' ·1 ht• DC 10 thut ("rui.hed In Ch1cugo lakln6' 2'N h\'t'1> ~o:-not uhuw in huv1n~ trt.1<.•kl. or rnt't1.tl lut•tiuc ~etaf Fatigue' Monday a fter the F'AA le arned of additiona l problems t\n ~o<'lilt(•d f'rt•i.:-t•hr<·k o l t'cchi1 •I A v11.1t 1o n Adn1u11i.lr1tltun UA.:All'.d.i. •bi>"'~ •h problt1m :-. ul l'ritt·ltii and nthcrr ~lTill'lUr&T r&uH 1> Wl·rc Jruund bdort> th .. Jl't •.llolc I ht') a rc d fact CJI ltfo: 111 av1,1laon 1 lklult."CJblt)t'lt"i. Pui;:c-. A4, Hfl 1 t:Vt,;KV 1UU:Kll'AN BllftT ("OMMEllCIJ\L 1o:thnt:r h&6 ht:l•n bUbJt1Ct to 'u1rwur1hinci.:. cl111·l'l1vci.'" or ADs govi::rnm1:nt or ders for Ol.Jllltl·nunc.·t• l'hl't'kl) or repair:. l\hny A lh roughly onl! an four fo1· m11:,t &>lune:. ordt•t ehcck:. of :.pcc1f1c m ctitl parti. for c racks S ur h un t-'At\ u1 ret·t1 vl! IJst week grounded DC lOs for c heck!> or tingme i.uppcll"ll) Som e l)f lhl' !>Bffit' pl:tlll'l> wcrc groundt'd 1JHa1 n 824.4 /ff ilU011 Mesa Budget Rises 81/2% By .JACKI•: llVMAl'i 0t Ille O•lly P1lol SYll The Co:-.ta Mc•sa C ity Coune11 a d opted a .24 4 m 1ll1un budgl'I for 1979 ti<> Monda~ Thi· r11.wre 1~ up 11 5 JX•rcent from the current mt'nt from fo rme r Mayor /\lvin Pinkley, who told 1·ou nl'll mc m ht•rs he h<.td ..-tudicd the docu m t•nt carefully ··The re 's not a n airplane an the world. c1v1I or m1ht<Jry, th11t rloc:m b.~ve melfil labgue.._eventually," s aid Fred l<'arrar. an 1-'AA pul>hc.· uffairs offic ial "'1'RRAR CIT~O THE NOTICEABLE flexin~ of an airliner 's wings in flight , a sight that ofte n frightens neophyte flier~. Like a puper c hp tha t 1s bcftt back and forth , be s aid. eetch movt:me nt or. the wing contributes to a slight weake ning of the structure . ·· Uut bette r tha t 1t bend than break." Fa rra r said. Metal fatigue dre w atte ntion m the 1950s, when the first com merc1al Jetliner Britain's de Hav1lla nd Com et had <1 series of unt>xplained crashes. some fatal. It wa s d iscovered tha t i:t mis a lig ned bolt near a window flexed and eventually fmled, re:.ultin~ in e xplosive derompre ss1on. Most A Os de<i l with less urgent ·matters, however. and the s ituations they pomt out teneraily a re conS'ldered as U\eTrievt able proble ms of highly comphcuted machinery rathe r than a life - thrcatenm~ haza rd. FOR F.XAMPL~. A TJYl'AL O•' 129 AOs had been iss ued as o f mid-May on the first US Commerc ial jet, the Boeing 707, which began servicl' m 1958, ::ind on the nearly 1denttcal Boeing 720. Of the 129 ADs. 49 covered possible cracks in m etal parts, particular- ly wing surfaces. Twelve ADs were cons idered important enough for a irlines to be alc rtt·<l hy tde~ram. Those r anged from possible control ob- <See PLANi: SA ... ETV, Page AZI 'Protect Coast' Park Service Opinion Due Ky JOANNE K•:Y NOLD~ ' Ot uw O••IY Polol \Yll W1 ll1am Wh alt·n, uiri·<·tr1r hf l he Ni:t llonal P urks Scr vH'I", :,utd tud:1y h<· hellev1•s thl· 24.000 al·n · Irvine.· Co:.ist l.ai:.:una Gr(•('nlJl·ll :1 n·.1 mu!:>t he pre!. ·rved from dt \. (' lopmt·nt. l'atters on g:.ivl· Whal1•11 a h••IH'•>Pll·r tour of thl' ;.ir1·u th1:-. morning a nd ho~t .. n a pres~ con· fcrcnrc al which Whalen SfJOkl•. '"T he n ·'s no dr1uhl rn m y m ini.I that tlu:. are;1 nc.·e1b t11 ht: prr1· ll'Cletl." Who.ilt•tt dl"t'IC1rerl "ll •~ fJiJ rt of the Oc!-it of ~hat :. left in i\mt'rtl'a · ·budget . 1 "I'm very ha11py tn ::.ct· that I he Spirit of IJ wa:. upheld by th 1~ l'1ty,"' he S<lttl . rder nng to f>ropo!:>it to n l:J , which sla~hect llciwl.'V l'f'. Wh<.t ll'n :.topp ed 'hArt ot n'comml·nd tn~ I hal th•· fffOfJe rty Ix· bought a:. i:l n <.1t1on al 11rha11 p:.irk Ill' :.:.i td he will ch• ltvc.•r hi:-. rt•l'11mmendul1on on the· 111 upo:.L~ tc.•dt:rul purc ha:-.e dur 1ng h1•Jnngs ''" lcgis lJtton to lw :t 111 hun •cl hv Congrt'!>'>m~•n .krr\ l':.t lll'r!:>llll I) S.JntJ ,\11a Thl· P <trks tltn·1·tor :o.u11l the i:-. ~Lil' -;ecm:. to C'l·nto-r 11n "ht c h ;1g1•0('V 'ihult ld lJt· Ill t:h..ir~l' Uf prutl'<"ltng 1111' p1 111" rt\ th;1t '>tf'l•khe:. lr<>m < '1111111.1 d1 I ~1 .. Jr I() ltH' /\lt!>O (.';in,, II 1111 thl· •.oulh :.ind 1nl;.intJ ,, . I.Jr J'> lht· ~.111 l>ll'J'I I Fri·· ~ .. \ whic h has plans to dtvclop muc h of l ht· s111.11 hl·rn portions of tht- propoM.•<1 pa rk h ds o ffe red to dt>dt(·att-3.400 acres for o pen -.pan•. In ;.idd1t1on the city of l.<1g una Oc<tt'h ha~ purchased !l~O acre!. in the Svca m or e Hilb 1n th•· h •an (Jf the proposed p<1rk .incl the slate 1~ s tudying the purchasl• of 1.flOO acr es or beach. tUiJ '>Lal shelf ;.ind canyon:. 10 thl· lrv111c Com pany p roperty. Uow<'vcr. coun<·1I mtmher~ s a i d t he y bellevl' th<.· n l·W budget rcpn.•i-t·nt~ l'on:.1dcrabh· cost-t·uttmg, :-.inn· nio:.t of th•· incrcasl' 1s for ro;,id 1 rnprovl· ments r<1ther th<1n o µ ·r C1llng ex· pensL'l) Only sli ghtly m or e t h:.in a ~ pe rcent im·n.•a!>l' wus a pprov<'d for the operating budget. The budget do <'Sn 't m c ludl· a n y sa lary hikes th••l m ight t)(' negotiated ootween July aml 0 (' tobc r , C ity M <1 n ager Fre d Sor!:>ah;il t11ld t h1· t·oun<·t I. The budget dre w a ('Omplt propl!ny taxe!. r Sors<1bal nokd that property taxes aL·count ror on ly 9 6 ~rcent I of lhc city's rl·venue!>. while sale~ <Jnd use taxes provide 41.9 per cent T he bud~tted amount for road impro ve me nts will r1s1• fro m ~2 .94 m11liun Lh1s year to 5\5.J!} m ti hon in the new l>udgeL T he incn-'aSl' h;is hcen al· t ributt-d tu the postponement of .... omc µrojc cls due to uncertainty ufte r the passage of Proposition 13, and to liming Joint projects to coincide with the s chedulc..>s of ' 'I h•· """ \ •I" 1·11111p ;111 \ \t'i ch l ' .S. II e I 11·? WhJle11·-. tflUr torfay b the t ulm ana twn of a lederal p ark ">lUd} a!. parl of P <tlt1·rson':- IL·i.:1:-.lttt1ve •·frorts to cstahlts h a 1i.11·k on th1·:? I 11041 ar·n · p;.ircel. ISl•1• C'O,\ST , Page .\21 Mesa OKs Ja an E es New s!!P-ort 1--__:.~--=!!!11~~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~- Canal in Pllnama Of Edison 1-------------------flthcr-agcnciesln ~iets, Chinese ;Plan Talks I MOSCOW 1 AP) The Soviet Union proPosed ta lks with China in Moscow in July and /\ug ust to clear the air hetwcen the feud- '°~ <'ommunist gia nts. the Soviet news agenc:y Tass l'et>Qrled fo- da y . lm~1catwn:. from Peking we re that thC' Chinese regarded 'tht> idt a favnr<thly. Continuing an l'Xc ha nge that began two month!>· ago, ~ov1et Fore ign Min is lt:>r /\ndre i /\. Gromyko mu<Jc .the propo:-.al Monday durmg a m('ct1ng with Ch inese Charge d /\lfoires T i;m Zengpe1, Tass s aid. The report '"!<.aid Gro m ~k o h anded T ian a mc•mora ndum for tns covern'X\cnt declar ing-"ThJ' a ims and tasks of the negotia- tions mus t be lh<· no rma lization and improvem<'nt or re lation!. between our countries on thP bas is o f t he p r 1nc1ples of pea ceful cocx1stcnc<'. including t h e principle s 11f e quality, mutual respect l<>r sovereignly a nd te rn tori a l integrity. non- inle r rerenel' in each othe r's In· te rnal affa irs, the non·use of force." In Peking, For eig n Ministe r Huang llua t o ld vi s i ting Australian Foreign Minis ter An- drew Peacoc k it was likely the talks would take place , a ccord· ing to an unidcmt1ried Australian source who attended their meet- ing. -< Coast Weather Lo w clouds night and morning with only partial -e l ear i n g afternoo n s th rough We dnes d a y. Highs Wednesday in the mid 60s at the beaches. lower 70s inland. Lows toniaht ~ to 63. 11'818E TODA V • The Angels conUtaue to mak• more news on the medical front than In the bateball world. See :ttory, Poge Bl. At Y wr llrftte A 1 .,_ ........ CJ L..M...,. .. .......... , c.-.. •• C......... Cl•M C.-C• .. en • •• 0... .... "" == ... .... I .I ... .,___ Ct~ .... 11111 Q .............. .. Allll~ Cl *"'" .... MlttUIP_.. .. ................ Of .... C.-. .,. E .... , •t-4 ....... . , T ........... T""'9n .... W.etl!W •• ............ O range County. P ublic safety expenses arc list ed a s dropping from SS.87 mi llio n to ~.78 million . but Sorsabal said expenditures on police and fire departments will a ctually incre ase. He said the ;ipparent budget c ut is a result o r rec la ssifying S600.000 for s tr eet lighting from public s afe- A p 11rw.,.1wno HELPING HANO -Popi· John Paul II reaches do wn to pull a child up to him in dow n town 'zl!sl Ol' how a . Poland. ty to transportation and road _ TOK YO 11\1'1 Japan is in thut Penta UceJrt Co11:.trul'l1rm t cr esled in building a second Co. of Japan :-.tudy the 1:.!.Uc Pan am a C<1n<1 I a long the present Pe nta-Ocean Construc tion ha!> ca n a l. possibly with the Un1led experie nce in Suei Can al ex· St<ttes, a t a total cost of ~-3 pa nsion wor k in Egypt. hillion. th(• econo mic ne ws paper N agano was unava ilable to N1hon Ke 1ta1 r eported today. com01e nt o n tht: report, but <i 1·11,l a !\11·-.a C11 y ('oun nl mL·nill\'r'> JjJfJrovt•<.I .1 t t•:-.ulul111n • ~1 Qoduy ::.uppo rt1ng a n ex- pa n s i o n of the So uth ern \al1fornw Edison gencralm~ :.t<111on rn Huntington Beaeh, if 1l t'a n be con.~tructed s o il doesn't further..pollute the a ir. costs Community h ealth and e n-Pope v1rnn ment. inc luding plannini;.~ 1 B Tbe paper s aid the issue was Pe nta-Ocee:to s pokes man s a id h1:, las (S I a ken up when Gen. Omar Torn-C'o m 1rnny studied th" p roject at 111:-.. h ead or the Pa nu m an1an !'lagano's rcQllC!:>l 11.ag;rnu l~1t1-1· The rt>Solotion will he sent to the California Energy Resoutn'S C'o n:-.crvau on <.ind Developme nt c·omm1sswn, which 1s r t viewmg :rnd s aruta t ion, wall cost slightly more S.1.34 million , up from ~3-:-24 mitfi,·n -. ------ Do· land-f~ government. visited Japan th1!> s uggested tha t Prtml! ~1mster C 1 -.,. a '....:....:-----'1.~.a-F-a-D<t d-1 ~lHrS~h-M-ttsuyosh1 OhR"a !>ltHl-y--Utt' 1"'6 .l ape:tnl'Sl' business leude rs way-. c•ct tn lt~ht uf (1Us'id1tltl1es ol 'CE ' >LO.:quc.~t.o-buiid....a..J. . .-j'::1u:.__--=i t1H:g.1w att 1·omh1ne d cye ll' g1·nl•r:.it1r1g station in one of four 11 o we ve r . a llocatio ns for lf'ISUrc serVICt:S Will drop fro m Censorsh1•p 1\3.46 million to $2.58 million <:cncral governme nt cohL'> will ris e from SJ.!Y-1 mill11111 to M.:J2 m illion. Plaza Radio A.dS Upset 2 • WstaMesans Noting that she has t alked to South Coast Plaza offic ials about it t o no avail. Cost a Mesa City Counc ilwoman Norma He rtzog e x.pressed anger Monday about the huge shopping cente r's radio a dve rtising . She said it om1L'i the name or he r city while describing the Costa Mesa s hopping complex a s be ing "north of Ne wport Reach ." Stie sees that as a s light to her community. Cos t a Mesa Mayor Ed McFarland also s aid during Monday's city council meeting that the radio ads made him an· gry. ·'I no longer shop in South Coa st Plaza." he said, adding with a grin. "That'll fix 'e m." C'ZESTOC ll OWA . P ol a nd 11\P l Pope John Paul 11 de manded today thiit Po ldnd':-. co mmunis t governme nt rec· ogni7.c the.· rig hts and beliefs of Christia ns althoug h their view <1f the world is "dia m etricall y op. posed " to Marxism It was t h e m os t p owerful po litical sta tem ent the pontiff has m ade m the four d ays he ha:. heen m his ho me le:tnd _ In a SJX'<!ch prepared for de - ll ve ry to a clost•f1 mi:etm~ or P o land 's Ro m <1 n C<1 tho l1c bis hops. the J>Of><: de:.crihed n · hg10us freedo m as a funda mcn tal human right <Jnd declared th a t guara ntees cJf rcl1g1ou:. freedo m in Poland 's constitution and other documC'nts arc mean- ingful only 1f they cons ider "'the real nt.'i:ds oflhc church." Although re ligious freedom is g uarant eed in Poland's constitu- tion. the church ha s bee n press-. ing for aboli tio n o f s l a te ce nsorship on Catho lic publica - tions , for acress to the state radio and tclev1s 1on. and for greater opportunities to offer re- ligious instruction to the young The pope asserted lbe church"s readiness to enter anto CSee POPt;, Pal(e AZ> Six Sailors Missing As Freighter Burns • COPPER HARBOR, Mich. AP> -A fire raged in a 730-foot Great Lakes freighter today, and Jix sailors were missina and feared trapped aboard the crip- pled vessel. Witnesses on ahore 10 miles away said the ship looked "like a bonfire befote the hiaze burned itaelt out." .Nio~ crewmen from the Carliercllffe Hall were picked from' life raft.a in Lake Superior by two other freighters, the Coast Guard said. Five men were reported seriously burned and two others were less seriously hurt. Two Coast Guardsmen and the s h ip 's en1ineer boarded the veasel several hours after the nre was reDOrt4d ind found no ' evidence of the missing men in areas free of fla mes, the Coast Guard said'. Flames ke pt the pa rty from approaching the engine room, where the fire apparently start· ed and still was heaviest. of- ficials said. Nearby waters were be ing searched "In the hope that the men go( overboard," Ch ief Petty o m cer J oe Amato s aid at the sear c h and rescue station ln Cleveland. Amato said the mis s ing me n included a porter, two oilers. two deckhands and a he lmsm ao . Four ol the Injured were taken to Portage View HoHpital In Hancock. authorities said. of s trengthening L·conomu· rt•la ~ln•ngthl'n 1ng l"<'llrl •Hl1tt" n·l:1 "tes, 1ne lud 1ng Hunting ton l l(J ns be t""ec11 Panama JOU ttons with Hu· Un1tt·tl ~l iJL('" ~11111 .Japan P:m u ma, the s po kcs m J n !'.aid . lh •:tch ( ·uunr tlm;,i n Uonn llall led lhl' mov1• ''' "lakl· a 1>os 1t1ve ap· pmath" tv the sc i:; proposal, 1111t1 11 g lhat ever yone 1:, con -_. 1·1•rnl·d alJoul energy shortagc.•s hut nolll ldy wa nb a plant butlt It s ;.11d Sh1w·o N;1ga n11. prt·!>t· IL '-'Ould 11 .. li11d1 Cil111u1 1:!1 dl·nl of lh1• ('hamlic r of ('nm n11lt•!:> soulh\41•:-t 111 .irid p<ira llc·I mcrce and Indus try, !>uggcslcd to tlw prc·"l'lll 1·<111 ;il Laguna Loses One, Maybe Two, Leaders · 111 their liackyard." The re~lution notes that de.: manrl for po we r as cxcct!ding S(;E estimates an d could res ult 111 a s horta ge. Thl· city ' drart proposal read th.JI lhl· l'OUnt·tl "1::. opposed to I hl· sclccllon ol t he Huntington Bcac.•h !>tie .. unl es~ ~uffictcnt l :J 1r p cd.Jut1on 1 mitig atio n 1nca:,urc:. a rl' incorporated" <tnd Laguna flc :ich City M ~nagcr Fred Solomon was expected to a nnoun('e h1:-. n.·~1gnat1on a t ;m l'Xcc ut1Vl' .i-c.·ss1on with the City ('ounc1I tlus a fte rnoon, a nd City T rl'a s url•r P(•g Morn·:.i l<: an- no unced she 1s quitting her post J uly 20. /\ high ra nking l'1ly official. who asked not to be namt:d , said Solo mon will announce his res- ignation at a 4 :JO p.m . e x- e cutive session with City Council rnem bcri; and will leave the city to take a position with a pnva lc fi rm . When reached for comment to· dav. Solomon would neither con· firm nor deny the report. Solomon was the City Coun· cil 's una nimo us choice from eWHSM i. :iu I I MlllS ~ . .......... ·SHIP 8lAZE SITE Sb Satlora Mlutng -. L. fl l'ilrlv 51J ;1ppl11·:1nl:-. for llw 1·1t)' ~ h1ghl''>l 1111:-t l.1-.t \t•at .• ind took over u:. ctt) n1JflJg1.·1 .Jul~ I 11' lht' facilit y would im~r•;n.,l'.,.,----'-1 Th e 4 1 -y ca r -u l tl ~I d · with Costa Mesa 's bringing 1t.-. m 1m:.tra tors JOb with L<tgun<J atr Qua lity up tu Aar Quality Rt•al'h i::ol off to a t<1ug h ~la rt M a nagcml'nt Plan stand<trds . Th<.' d ay bcfnrl' hl' was o lf1c1a lly Ho wever. Hall m oved Monday to s ta rt work, hl· was drawn into nig ht tu re word the r esolution to a hot controve rs y when hl' W••::. re ad that thl· l'Ouncil s upports as kedtomakca dis t·1pltna ry de-t h e pro1cct if mitigation cision coneerning the <:1t y ·s m easures are included a nd Un· polic e chief. less it would inte rfere with Cost<J S I d d ''h f J ··Mesa au-quality. o omon s uspen e '"' 1e on ~parks in the wake of u fi g ht in- .side a tavern followrng <1 tw11· S • 1 ~ Pact Uraed a nd -a -half-hour exccut1vl' aLA. e ~session with h is new council me mbers Sparks was la t er reinstated by the c it y manugc.·r a fte r d1:-. c1phnury action, a m uve thal up set m a n y 11o lit'l' 11ff1cer!:> ancl (·1t1 7.t•ns who ft1 ll th1· l'hl<'f :.hould have lJecn fired. WASlllNGTON 1AP1 -Presi- dl'nt Carter, continuing his cam µa1J!n lor ratifica tion of the ~A L'f. II agreeme nt. said today the• pact with ~he Soviet Umon would help m aintain t he U.S. pos 1t1on "as lhe lea de r of the · Weste rn world ." Mesan Jailed Hat,, Knife Don't Mix in Bar Costa Mesa police said today that Thomas Milton Holloway Jr .• 24, and a companion weren't greeted with open arms when they entered the Cuc koo's Ne!!t, a Placentia Avenue bar. shortly before midnight Monday. They were -.'Jkcd lo leave. ac· cording to police r eports . because they were wearing bats. The bar owner. Gera ld J . Roach. 35. said that's a viola lion of his establishme nt's drtH code. Apparently unha ppy about this tum or events . according to pohce account.5, Holloway, 778 Scott Place, Costa Mesa, pulled a nine·inch knlre . W aitress Kare n Ann ln- grassla.22.acreamed. Bar owne r Roach fled into his officu, locke d the doo r and called police. O fficers tracked down Holloway at a nearby bar and a.rrested hJm on awsplcion of as- sault with a deadly weapoa. Ke was still ln Jail tbla momlq in lieu or St0.000 ball. Rill companion left the • Cuckoo'• Neat, 1714 Plac:enti1 Ave .. peaceably and waau•t. ar- r .. ted. polk-e Hid. 0"''' Piiot \UH P"°to Nuke OoSfug WASlllNGTO N <AP > - l 'on11 umc r •dvocatc Ralph N "dur urged· Congress today lo cloat• all nuc lcur power plants 1>vcr the ne xt two or three years . t•Olhn~ the billions it could cost 1·11n~u111crs "u c heap priee to I'll y Nuder. t estifying before u I loU!>\' !>ubcommittee revie wing t ht· 1·11n:-.t•quent·c:. of the Thret> 1\1 tit· bland ac·c1dent. added that con~tru.ct10Jl shQuld immediate ly tw hulled oo.plant.~.belng bwlt.. 111• told tht' House Interior su b· 1·111111111tlt'C' on e nergy and the en· , 1r11nmcnt that unless nucle ar IHIWl'r ts lmnned . the re eventual· Iv will be• a nuclear accide nt. 'll 1:-. better to cut losses now srnd :-.top this ~hastly industrial lollv rattw r tha n wait until a 1111l'll'<1r t·atastrophc makes a port11111 of tht• U.S. uninhabitable fc1r 1ls s urvivors." Nader said. A' Lo tht• cost of s hutting 11 u t'I t' a r pow t· r p I a n l s a n d. t't•pl.tl'lllg tht· t•leetr1 c1ty tht>y g1•rwratt·d. !'.:11lt•r :-.ard '"It s <1 l hl·ap prit•(• to 11ay (:om pared lo altt•r na11· r isks " lirely would be $66 billio n throu«h the e nd of the ceutury 1n addition to the Sll9 billion in· c~rred by a moratorium on con· st ruction. T he full House Interior Com m iltce has approved legislation that would bun new r euctor licenses for at lca!>t s ix month:, That m eas ure 1:-. awuiting aj;tlfln on the I louse floor The r<' arc 70 commercial ri·u<.· tors l ice n sed to opera11-. gener!(ing__ about 13 t>Cr<:ent of ffie natfon 's power. An addr l1onal 92 plants <1re in various stages of construct ion. Fro• Pag~ 1\ I POPE ... a dialogue with the ~ovcrnment fo r normtil1 zat1on of church state relations. lie s aid '"auth1..·nl1t dtalo~ut• must rCsJ>('ct lh<' c·onv1t•t1ons of bC'11c•v1•rs, tnsun• all the right!-. of c1t1zcns <ind ttlsr1 lhl• normal tondit1ons for th<· ut l1v1ty of lht· churth :.i:-. a rcllg1ous cornm unrl) to whu:h lht' \'H~l rnaJonly 11' Poles Ix-long O•oly ~I ... St.I" .. -. Paper Chasers End of the Trail Ill' abo (.';tiled for the n:s1gna t111n of ;Ill f1vt• mt•rnhcr:-. of th1· Nu1·l 1·ar Ht·gulatory Com m 1ss1on. accusing the m of · 111 c•ompt•LC'nc·<' and indiffe n·m·t• toward nuclear s afety issues "We ore aware lhat th1!> rliulogu._. c<Jnnot be t·asy heC~U.'>l' 1l takes place tx•tw<:cn two c·on C'epts of the world wh11·h <Jrt• diametrically opposed , but 1l must bf> poss1bll· and effcet1v1..· If the good of ind1v1duuli. a nd th•· nation de mand!. 11 ." he !>aid F ir s t grader Holly Pembrokl' tleft 1. ktndergartener Timothy Piepn 1.1nd fifth griJCkr V1.1lcrie ltus~o st ack old ll<'W'>pa1w r s th<.•y h<.'lpcd collect as part of /\dam:-. School papC'I' drin· lo raise funds for new handhall courts at tht.· :-C'hool in Mesa Verde. Timothy was the sc hool pupcr c·ollP<:ltnJ.! champ Valerie Wi.IS second and llolly w:as lhlf'(I Costa Mesa Planning Comm1ss1oncr C.C. Clarke wrapped up 13 years as an Indian Guide father Monday night, wht.•n he ~raduatcd from the YMCA group along with David, 10, the youngest of his five sons. Clarke. who participated along with all five boys in the group's activities. had to doff his regalia before he showrd up. somewhat late. at the planning commi~s 1on 's :\tonda) night p<>W·WOW. In k st1mnny Mo nday. an or ~:1n1zul1on r cpr<'senting ut1lillc'i s a 1d a morutorium on nt!w nuclear p lants would c:ost con :-.umL·rs ~11!> b1ll111n through thl' vca r ~JOO and rncrc<Js C' 011 im i>orts hv up to 3 million barrels :1 ci:ty The· nation import!. about !.I mlllt1rn ha r r<·ls M oil daily, ab1>Ul half its total ('Ons umptson Befort• met'l1ng with tht· bishops. the po pe l'Cld>rc1lf.·d an Opl'n·aJr l\1Ul>!> fur thou:-.:rnd' or Polis h nuns and s aid that 1'Vl011 "t he h1 gg1·st t·n1·m y of tho· churc·h c·r1uhl not ht ·lp hut J I> Mesa Police Nab 3 In Theft of Auto t ·o~t a ~k:-.a 1x1hC'l· sa 1d to<l<J} thn arn ~.lt'<I lhrt·t' ho~-.. tv.11 of I hl·m \'M".IJll"I''-I rom :1 JU\ l'lll l" \\ork t'.1mp ;tft •·r lht· trm al Po lice ::.aid tht•y spoltt.-d thl· :-.tol1•n car at <1hou t ti p m pJrkl'<I al ~,70 Joann St. When t hl' youths and ;t km<tll· JUVt'nil1.· 1·omp:1111on returiwd ln the· ear, 111tl11 ,. ,JI n· ... t1·d 1111' thrt·t· ho:.!> Waddill Jury Nixes 'Evening' Debates ~ol Hurn!>tc1n. a '>pukc~man fc>r tht· l-:d1:-.on Electric lnsl1lutt· ,1110 l'\.CC Ull\'l' VICC pre!ildCnt Uf , ht• \\'1sn1n:-.1n Jo:lt •c•I r1t· l'ow1·r \'n , :-..11cl lhc· c•o!>I lo 1·nn:-.um1•1s 111 111ll laY.1111: 11111·k:ir p11wer "11 pn·t·1alt· tht·1r d1·d11·:1t1on Po lt''-l11•g:tn g:ith 1·r1n~· a l dawn on tht· h llh1rl1· lic·lov. th• t·ountn ' mo'l fl'\l'f"d ... 111111• 1 .. J.!1·dh l.111ndwd ,, 1111111 lTtm" ""' ,.,. ;\l1111d,i. Jfld h\ 1 ht· t 1 nw t ht · ~1.J'' lt1·1•.on 1'111· , .. ,, :1p1•1·· "''" c• ll••'l rilt••d the l'~o\\d h;,id :-Y.t·lll:d t<1 -.c·q·r.tl .1 • " Ii \1•;11 old 11 ;111.,lt'nt v.h"'' hunfl r•·<I lhou:-.:1nd 1.t1h• r ll\t'" 111 1:,11d•·n <:r11\'• Tht· pont1lt. h1 ·g1nning lh•· :ind ,1 H \1·:11 11ld 1\n<thc ·11n 114•} Way11e Yacl1t Crasl1 Loss ~aid 'Minor' .Jury dl'libt·ratro n i n f)r d:ty, lh1•1r s1·t·or1d full d.1> 11fd1 ~~·J I w· fourth cl:iy nf 111, r"lUf'll lo h1• .. \b,11 ;1rr···~lr·d "'"' :1 lfiyf·a rcild W1ll1um W;idd1ll '!> rnurd1·r ltl1t·1-.1l111ns . lll'f11r1· dc·1·l111111 g ~ 100 S 111 t•o mmun1st homc·l;irul. lookt•d i•I t 'o..,1,1 ~lt·sa y11111h p11lic1·sa1d rl"I rial (•o nltllUl'd tod <ry a !> "vl c•Mrllan !> su1~g1•.,t111n that lh•·\' the rows of hl:H·k gll\\ll•'ll nun:-T ilt , ,:11cl 1h1• thn·1· .dl1•gc•dh Orang·· County Su1wr1o r <.:ourt fl'C't'SS for dtnnn llllil fl''o Umt· 111· lnunun1·zat1·on and told ltll'm lltt•1 r 1·tdlin1: \..... -.11111• :1 !':t r twlong1ng to l>dVl!I .Judg1: Byron Mc Millan 1n<11c<1h•d liall' Monday 111ghl an "'cxc<•pt1rinal . tn·:•:-.urc· frn fl t·ld nf llunlrngton Bt'ath <Jtw1ul tw mo.1y <.rsk 1urors tu mec·l into W<idchll , a it:1 y1,:;1 r old ll11nt lhl• Homan Catltoht Churth tfl a m Mondav The car hud th<' e<Jrly evening . 1ng1on llarhour 11li!>tl'lrit1an . is Cerlt•f·i·caleS lie rc•called a v1:-.1t ht· hact <11H·1· ht·1·n parked ~•t a tire s hop on /\ ~poke'\mun for John Waym· Juro rs spent about s even an·uscd of strangling un inf;mt mac1c to a homt• for :-.1c·k t·hlldn•n Harbor Ro ulevard in Costa Mc~a has dl•scr1ocod as minor a col· "----...;h""o"""u~ behind c losed 0t'!!1~r.iLll!J.!,j!lJ.:.._...!k~· n~o~we.!n~a~s2..· ~A:.:::•·•~b~'t:...,' .,.;G~·.!.i !..;rl~W?..µ(..!·<t~v~c.!•r __ -....,,.--.,,..--=::==r-r=;;:T-;;r-;-;:;:;---tn--ft'~.t-~Wltrlowtf"t--wrttrthh'f"t"-4ktft..,)~.,H1~n.--1~l--------tih1<:. nTirrilin<.~Vt'l:-tn~Htet~'."M'rt1tt-----t Bread Cost Wing Up? KANS AS C ITY. Mo . •AP > HisinJ.: cn1.:r gy costs, hight•r wagt·s and a s harp incrc~c m Lhc pncc· of wintt>r whent prohahly -a re going to res ult in the price of a loaf of hre<td go. ing up about a penny . the bakery industry says. a=;.....;;.-:1--H.owcver. h\du~try of. f icials d cclin<: to s u y s pecifically when th1• price -increase might occur . ·'Costs arc huilding in the bakery industry .. a lmost a ssuring a bread price advance on the im. mediate horizon .·· declares a n editor ial in Milling & Baking Ne ws. a trade publicallon. Fro• Page A I COAST. • • Whalen said the report made by his s taff will be released within 10 days, but he warned that il will carry no s pecific recommendation. He said the n ational parks service staff -will await con. gressional committee hearings on Patterson's acquisition bill before issuing its recommenda- tion. Patterson serves on the house interior committee and is a member of that panel's national parks subcommittee. DAILY PILOT fl•O._<_t.,....,, ..... t f11'111..,,.,~ ... - 0t,,_. ttw-~""°'\ 1\pubt1WO t,. ''-°'_..,. C.N\f P\lt)l1~(~ Sif~··•~tt'Oft\.M• pvtt41\fW.d Mofio.ty lht~ ''ldA'f fol (Ml" Mit\41 Nf'Wi00f1 6'-Mft H\lftffftQIOf'I IWMP! roun t•H" Y•lf•• '''""'° t ~ Rf,.t<f'll\ovih(0-\1 A \11"9te~"°tfH)nl\...,..t~!>11tt\lrC1 .. Y'\M'Ct ~~ Ti..,..,. __ ,.,,.no.,._""'"' _\I .. ,-· C9"e ....... c.i ......... ,.,. -rt•-........ "4--·- , .. ,. C..lt• ll•t• .......... t_Oo-··~· ,_, . ...._ -. .. ee1 ... e•• o..tetM \MO _.....~.-A\\ht .... Me ........ l• .... eo ....... OMoe !Niii"' .14:::::: =~ =·· .,.,. <Jrtt·r s he :.dlci.:t·dly :-.urviv1·cl a l' ·" f)<'rccn C'V<' 0 im <Jnd s:rnl ""t'll th1 1 11~'J.!'''' ,1l'l,.1 .., \:wilt Wiid <:oo-.c, ;,ind I. bort l mu11 1.1.;rt1ons a "a1ns l chrldho1~l l'h II --"I I ~<.r ine a wn wu ye;,ir!> ago. "' t·n\·mv ol thl.' church would e car a E'J!n• Y wa~ u-,..-. .1noth<:r hoal off Cata l111a. His first trial ended last May diseases has won the Newport never· CorgN the dedit';,ilion 11f later m the day hy burglars wht1 Tom Kane. s pokesman for when jurors said they we n • !\ksa Un ified School District a the nuns:· ransacked the apartment of BalJal' Produ<'lJons. s;,rid the mis deadlocked 7.5 in fa vor of at· c·ertif1cate of recogni~o~ from Robert W Ra ym ond ut 2188 Ma hap occ·u rrt'd F riday durini.: quittal after 16 w eek s of the U.S. Public HE'alt epart pit• St . c>scaprng-with S.5 1n t'Oln' filmin~ for thl' movil'. "The Man testimony und 11 1lays of <ll· mt·nt and the Cahfornfa Depart Mesa COtldO anti som(' liquor Police had n11 With Rogart':-. F:ic·i• ·· liber ation. mc•nl of Health t•o:-.1 esl1mat<: fur lhl' broken win It v.a:-. hit h y a lunch. t he Waddill has mainl<11ncd his in DI s t r I c t off I c I a I s s a' d d11 \\ t h1 ough \• li1d1 I ht• liurglar' Ila rn:•J.:t• "'as Vf'ry min or. prob noc·enl'e thro ughout hoth t nab 1'l'WJ)<H1·Mt·sa I~ thf• firs t di:-. Proiecl Wins l't111·nd n11r ,,,, 11lht•r d .1n1.11•1• .1hly 1n tl11• nt•1ghhurhood of ;J ins is ting Lh<.· two pound, J:, t r1cl 1n Orung1· County to .I c111nnc lhf' r;:JrT!-.Ji'kin~ '""" hunctn•cl 1l 11ll<1ri;..," K <.HH ou.nc~ infant.. wa~ dt·afl or hiipt· adllC\C or surpui.s 90 percent ,,111! I IC' s:w1 no one was 101ured le1'sly on Che vcrg-e of death liv 1mmuni1.itl1<in. City Approva I JI) th1·.;wt•1dt:nt tht! lime hQ <·xaminccl hl'r :it IJe ~1·· -R Tht• eonvC'rlt•d Navy m>nt· We s tmin s ter Com m unll\' !lead nur:-.1.· Occ Douville h:.i~. neJ ll ace !>\\l'l'l}l'f' W:t!-o l'harll'ft•d for U'>I' Hos pital. d1rt•l'lt•<1 thl' 1mmunizatwn. pro--A )'lroposed 23·Un1t l11v.nh11m<· , in thl· \HiM film lh:it is lwrni: Mond'!Y jurors a:,kcd lo re ~ram . whrch hf'gan -thrc:c years pr OJ l'Cl at· the l'ornt·r of /\d;im-, "-'.,,,, 1· M prndui·l"d lay /\ndn·w t-·cnad y view autopsy photographs of the a go and J'lac<·nt1 a avt•nul'~ \\:!)> :q1 ..Jt::l or esa We ave r infant , a lo n g w ith prnved Monday night liy tlw hos pit<.11 rec·ords. Cost a Mc·l>a City Count>I T h c·y .also askt-!1 for a t;i1w ri· More Bomh8 Sent ('ording of Waddill '~ frr:-.t 1n ·'The project by f:osta Mesa de.· lt·rvr1..•w with Pros crutor Hoh<:rt NEW · YOHK 1/\P 1 · F1 vt• velopcr .Ja11ws W. Ray would ht· Chatterton and a rt·cordinJ.: or a powt·rful parcel bom bs all built on s li g htly under thn·P tc:lephol'l4: cqnveri.ation ll<'twcc n t•a pable of ki llin~ or maiming acres of land. A nnonc rc11ul:'st. Waddill ancr hr:-. c·hicf a('t'USN , haw l)ccn sent l-O Nazi leade rs io fro m sin~lc-famlly n·~1dentiul lo Dr. Ronuld C<irncl<;t•n four stall's And a telephone low·dcns 1ty plannt•<i 1ll•v1·lop Cornel~cn, who ha-. t1•,11fwd 1·aller say~ mo re arc: on the way m e nt. w<Js apµrovt·d on f1r :-.t he saw Waddill choke rhe 111rant. t od ay But. unlike the first reading. d th d th I irroup, today 's homhh "a rc j{OinJ( ma e e r t'cor 1n j! w1 t>U ,.. c~oun•·rl ml·mht•rh sa11J that W dd·11· k 1 J r I 10 go nff. · th<' anonymous calle r ... u 1 :-. no"' l't gt• or po H·1· their only "Ont"•rn wa:-. ahou1 · • told Tht· J\~:.oc1alcd Pre~!> " " 1nvc::.t1galors · , traffic fl ow Tht• proJt•cl will PLANE SAFETY ••• s tructions to a 1962 wa rning that linl and moist u.n· ac~umulating behind lavatory outlcL'i for electric razo rs could ~sea fi re hazard But a high number or ADs docs not nccessanl ~ mean a lack of safety, Farrar said. adding: "The number o f ADs issued shows the system works," with most 1ssut.'tl early as a new plane's problems are found. For example, 99 of the Boeing 707·720's total ADs were issued through 1969: only 30 have bt.-'Cn issued in the 1970s. fllONICALLV, THE OC·IO, a tri-e ngine. long-range transport in 11ervlce s ince 1971. has a mong the fe west ADs . Only 43 have been issued the past e ight yea~. with only one requiring a check for cr acks in the m echanis m that extends the wing flaps . The Associated Pr ess check of airworthiness directives cov· e re d the Boeing 707·720. 727. 737 und 747 . the Mc Donnell Douglas DC·8. [)C.9 and DC· 10. and the Lockheed I. 1011 the bulk of domestic airliners. He re a re ttic results for aircra ft other than Lh.e DC·lO: _ -Boeln1t 707·720, a four·cng me long.ra nge trans port in· troduccd in 1958 AOs . 129 Those requiring checks for cracks: 49, including 17 fo r the wing skin or structure: 11 for various control surfaces; 8 for Lhe horizo ntal stabilizer ; 7 for tt1e landing gear and associated structures; and 2 for engine mountings. . -Boeta1 727, a thr~-engine medaum-range trans~rt tn· troduced In 1964. ADs : 70. Requiring checks for cracks; 24. mclud· Ing 11 for the landing gear and surrounding structure and 4 each for the horizontal stabilizer and various control surfaces. -·Boeial m, a twin-engine, short-range aircraft dellve~ to airlines In 1967. ADs : 27. Requiring checks for cracks: 7, lnclud~ng 4 for control surfaces and l each for the wins structure, land19g gear and airframe. have a cct·:-.s to hoth l'lat1•nl1i1 and Adams. hut right turns onl:r wrtt-h<' allowed hoth t-Olf'rtO~ and·cx1trng the compll'X < 'o..,ta Mt•:-.a ;inrl Dt·I Tuto "'ill sp11nMir J Ill i..dunwler~ run t11 lwnd1t F~11n 1cw St;11l· llo:-.1>1LHI Sunday hegmmng at K a.m The run will start unrl t'mf ut t-:~la nc1a ll1g h ~chuol , <!J~:s l'lac·Pnlla Ave .. Costa Mes a. Thl' mull' runs through ('II} stn•cls. .1 golf cr111rs1· und the h11:-.µ1l<JI Hcg1slrat1on co~ls S7 o n race dav. t·nding at 7 4~ ;i m Par11C'1 pant~ "'"I Ill' sc·nt T :.hirts com mt:nwrating thl• ot·C'a!>ion Adcl1t1on al 1nf11rm a t 1on .., a vailable by l'Ullrng tht• Co!>ta Mesa Lcrsun• Ser vice!> Depart mcnt. 7!')!1 ·5300 It's not 2 Presu1net.I Dead After Plane <..:rash ('A H l.S n /\ D ( A p ) In vcsl1gat.ors :-.ay they don 'l know why a private plane carrying a Napa phys1c1an and his wifto h o m e from tht:ir g randso" s graduation crashed in t he ocean Sunda y s hortly after 1t took off T he v1ct1ms. hath presumed dl•ad. Wt.>rt· 11le nl1fil'd late Mo n· day as Dr Virgil Parrett. 69. un obstetncwn and gynecologist in t he norllwrn C.:uhforn1u town, a nd his wile. Virginia. 58. how often you tell her, but how well. \'\'l' .1 n .,how v1111 "• m.rny w.1v., to tl'll lwr "I I 11\'l' vm1" l'<lCh bl'o\ltlif11l , u nror~l'I t.thll'. cun-.t.rnt And 11". lht•rt• lur tlw wm l'-' 111 '>\'t. 6,. -lloela1 747, a four-en1lne wlde·body, long.range jumbo jet llltroduced in 1970. ADs: 39. Requtnn1 checks for cracks: 10, In· eluding 6 for the fuselage and 4 for control 1utface1. -LockMed L·IHI a wide-body, trl·en1lne. long.range transport in service sln~e 1972. ADs: 32. Requiring checks for cracks: 3. Includes 1 each for an engine duct assembly, cargo door and landing gear. SLAVICK'S -MeDoamell Do•llH oc.a, a foUM!n1lne. long.ranl(e transport Introduced ln 11118, now out of production. A~s : ~ requlrtna checks for cracka: 14. lncludet 6 for engine Wln& mounta, 5 for various control surfaces and 3 for landln1 sear. -lle.,__11 0..1laa DC·t, a twin·en1lne, ahort·to-medh~m ranae tr8Mport in tervlce since 1965. ADI: 43. Those rec&Ulrmg checks for cracks: 12. Includes 4 for en1lne mounta. 3 for .fuaelage, 3 for various control surfaces and 2 for landln1 1ear . • 1:..1,hmn hl,11111. N1·wrorr Center. Ni:wf"'" Beac h I <11 I) fl M· I H!IO , n,h,, 1 .. ,,.,1 .,,. \)., ,1m1n\ff r M .. 11 L • ._.m.• fttll' i't11ll C'h.•n,.:·c t • ''u1"' Al"llt<•n"'"•"' I.a""">'''''' '-•n ll1q,:.t• / L_.t, "'"-"" t ,. _..,.f\tf-..• ., • wft1ohi.ltt tl_. '"' ,,.., .. _,,f"'\..., Vt"\A ... ,,...., .. .,,. . -· ---- .... DAILY PILOT I "*dly,'JuM I. 1171 X·ra11Bk .. . Value of Tests 1'fay lie ()ff set ----By-8¥&.VIA PORTER - ........ TilrMC.....1 For generations. diagnostic X-rays have been hailed as a boon to mankind. But debaUI over the proper use of X-rays is becoming a major health lasue, Even aa more sophisticated forma of X-ray technology develop. antagonist& are protesUng that consumers are sub1ect to too much X·ray exposure . IT 'WAS FEAR OF EXCESSES or ionizing radiation that pushed the U.S. and Russia Into signing one or their fi rst maJor agreements an the field or nuclear testing. Scientists from both countries a~reed that atomic testinn had to go under ground, not only as evidence or detente but also out of concern for the survival of future generations. The Three Male Island nuclear accident has helped to focus public attention even more on the dangers of radaa - llon A recent U S. task force dran tEtM>rt dfscussed tffe m any sources of lonizin~ rad1at1on. including X·rays. ex - posures that are received hy ·employees of nuclear fac1fit1cs and atomic bom1' testing The evidence sug. gests that lo w level radiat ion cou ld 1n crease the risks of some t a n <'ers. Bu t e ve n C'rt tacs of so·callcd X- ray ovcrust• bC'hevc i:I ~ould he patumt sttould Money's Worth not avoid i:ln t·xtiminat wn that r•·quarcs the use of X-ra ~. 1f th{· phy~1(•1an can JUSl1fy 1ti-u~·· Dt:'ft-ndants <Jnd critic~ <1grcc lhul exposurt! of fotuM:~ ln X nay~ 1~ ri sky. WITH TIU: EXCEPTION OF NATURAi. batkground rnd1at1on. medical X-rc.ays mak<· up the largest single Al'lc· menl of rada:.illon exposure that most people receive. Health offl.-1als have taken the conservative a pprnad1 that there 1s no level of rad1at1on that 1~ .. pos1t1vl'ly" ~::ifo Su<·h prt-st1~1ous organ 1i at1on~ a s the f\m eril·a n Med1c ... 1 l\!'t~Oc1at1on and th<: American Colle ge 1if Radiology arl' against taking X-ravs without '\ufri1·1t>nl rc.1 . sons th.it 1·stahlis h th.-rc will he a contnbut1on 1,, <11 agnos1s of the patient's cond1t1on AN ._.\ltLY MA\' RF.l'ORT B·Y T HE Ne1t1r1nal A1•;1111·m~ of S(0lt'nf'c ~ ... ys tht· ri~k of dcvclopmi:: l',ln e1·r h•'C'<•U~•· of 1·x1>1i:-un· to rad1at1on a ppc·ars to he :ilmo!'tl 1" ll'C' .J!'t l!l'h •l t11r women as for mt-n, on1J much grl"al<:r for 'oun~•n fl' oplt-I h.an t111 lho~e 50 and over 1\1 111\\ 1111~1·•., lh1· risk!'. CJ rt' very sm ... 11. · say.., 01 1-:r1~ :1n1 I' l<.1tfl 11rd <ii Ill(: Un1 vcrs1ly 11f P•tb l1urgh (; rallu.1l•· ~·kh1111I ••I l'ublic llctill h, wh11 1:-1 Nut1•rnal /\1·.11frrn.v 111 ~1·11·111·"~ pLinl'I t h:orman There 1~ a risk hut It .., 11111 1111' 1•1111 111 t h1· v.orld ' \\I' h.1u· rm 1clN1 v.hL1l lh1· t:fft•<'ls Jrt-from vc·rv lov. lt•v1·b n •turt:-Ur llarold II Ho~~· ul Columh1<1 1.n1 v .. r-..1 1' C11ll1•"''' of l'hy'>ll'l.Jn' .1nrf :-.urJ!1•11n .... in tl1!'t'>f·nt frorn th• NAS ... tucl~ ·/\nil in ,1fl) t,,..,,. th1 ·} .1r" untl<'lt·1·t.tl1l1· In reco~n1taon of Ho~s 1 s µoi nl, the N/\S pi:tncl admals that thcrt-1s 110 lev1•I of rad1at1on from wh 1eh WC (•an ... ay With tonf 1dt•nt•1· that WI• <Jrt f n •1• llf ,Id\ t•r~t' t•I ft·r t!'t It may not IJc known for Linuth<•r qu.ir11·r • t•11lur y or rnort:. Rossmoor Lists c.. Quarter Decline S-an>dloU" ln~o•e Drops Swedlow Inc., Garden Grove, has rl'portt.-d net income of $362,000, or 44 cents a ... hare , for the fiscal year ended Ma rch 2.5, compa red with net mcome of $392.000, or 45 cents. iJl the prior year Sales were $(!.l.l m1lhon, up rrom ~17 7 m1llton a year earlier For t he fourth quarter. net anl'omc was ~124,000, or 15 <·ents a s hart'. c·ompared with $11H.OOO, or 21 ct·nts, in the prior year . Sales were $5.7 million for \he quarter. com- pared wtlh $5 million in the prior year pt.mod TAKING STOCK Net income for the fi scal year and fourth quarter included an ad 1ustment of a lax pro- vis ion related to the sale of assets or the comp a n y's acryljc s heet divts1on in \976 The effect of thts adjustment 1979 oHl8l,OOO. was a tax benefit for fiscal MSI P•r.-lta••• Cit••~ MSI Data Cor p., Costa Mesa. has reported completion of t hl' acquisition of Chase Computer Corp. of Baton Rouge, La. T he acquis1t1on involved the exchange of 250,000 shares of' MSI common stock for the outstanding common shares of Chase. Chai>e wtll operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of MSI. Cftoloa Replae•• Dlreeior Certron Corp .• Anaheim, has added lnduslrtallat John M. Kinard to Its board of directors. fillina a va~ncy creal· ed by the resignation or Lawrence J . Ramer. Kinard la president of Pan World Industries, which I& primarily engaied ln the area of venture capital invest- ments and a new ~mcnt plant in Sudan, Atrlca. IAllMt.r•p. l'I,... Ope•• The landscape architectural firm of Eriksson, Peters, Thom•. IDd A.uociates has opened a branch offi~ in San Juan Ca.,Utrano. The home office ii ID Puadena. Projeda deellned bf I.he ftrm include Uada late In Newport Beach, Parker Hannmn In Irvine, Veterau Park In Sylmar and the Weatmlntler Civic Center. Owen H. Peter5 is the principal In ch1r1e of the new omc~. u slsted by Ric Vanderwood. an associate. ... - •••• --1···=-................ ......... ~ 0...,.,. I OI ........... ~ lotc. to .. -¥11 "'9 ~ IPen '' .... ~ WClllOt ......... IO II" U t l •I .... """°°"'° ..,.... ,...... °'.,. r•..-~.__._._ '"'MUllllld Mfl .., •• f:llltl • '"'MMrt 9'JNOH Miii• Md C#ol pl.It> • c~ lt1'> IOI IN IM\ilV a . ITMITI"' I.AN "'uoeoo IOne tV*l_.h lllf•I • Vl'Olot 0111r .. •• '""'°" .. Dlol IU< ''Y"'O 10 mllll"' 1:"1tn11\811 OUI ot flfOf....0 convoeo • OWAIMY llulll I C 101 t Offl(uJ1•1t U.U.~ .Hl6MI IA I 111 cal .... • • \t ''OllOlft f"9t t'IUI w111·· 0 •111 0ocu-.... ry f lrflfWW!o 41111 fofOM IMI• IN)t1111lon ol 1n .... ~llnd llwMten 10 °"''~ lt*9I .. l2 N I ) ~THS ··0ecat ,...._ .. ~ p,_ lolne. ;.u .... ~ Pet9r-........ .,. bowct tot~ •end -IA) • A Pt.AC9 TOM Snot ~ • period o1 11• ye.wt. 11"6 ltlm doc_,11 the CrNllOn. of I,.. .... l>uilelt.lg ol '"' Nallonel ~y ol M . • Wuetur9 lllteeOy r1g111ded N • con- 1empo18fy ClllllC, 1:30 8 (IJ LAVIANE I --.rt SIWlf'I '°"~ Laverne 10 1010 hllt 1n an ovetn'Of'tl ~·•·•fl •• ,,,. pouno 10 pro. lflil tllfl trutment of Oog• IRI .THEOOOOOUPU Otc;8f d4MlloPs an ulcet ano blames Fill• fOt 11 t:OO 8 Cl) C8I MOYIE uo ·~~AA • tLOW lUCY l~ '""'-·· ,..,. ... 11 •• ~" .,,04, Of~ft~ 1n 1.1n Nurlear Peril? • • R4KI "1er1·· ( 19771 ""......,., Dev-. MtCt\NI 0•~ A computer Con· 11<>11ing the ope/•tlOfl or a Nciear &>l<N'I erroneously dlll9CIS ·~ rad18llOf'I and aeals l<>u<I~ tec:tiru- c111ns inside lhe ot>v•ld•ng tRI ""°' r tu '""°"' Roe•,~ c 3fCWM' ~ DO( CAW'Tl Gu.1111 c..,...iu R fo.;1 '11) --.TES 0# PNNO T tw ""'"'"' lllM U M«li PYI> ""'" 1n NewtOUncJl•n(I •md rn11 llll1mp1~ ot "'" t.1oonpeoco '°"IM!fVAl•t>" Q•OUP to •we> 11 Mto docu mufllhd. M 1rh~~I Hrnudon I left > unct Wal ham Devane portray a n investigative learn µrobin!! an a ccident at a nuclear powt!r µla nt in the TV movie .. Red Al ert .. tonight al 9 on ens. Channt!I 2 0 N8CMOYIE . un!y think I' r(l(J h,1• unry su rnonlhs leff lo kvu • fl)HTOMOtt"T 7 30 8 CIRCUS lf l CA088-W1TS (f_t) WfW OfllFFIN Guest'> EngutthH I Humpo•d1nc., Pal rit k Dully. Conru!> Soll6CL" !RI 1:008 C88NEW& N8CNEW8 8 NfWl VWED GAME • AllCNEW8 G (I) JOKER'S W1U> 8) llX MIU.ION DOU.AA MAN S1evu 111\ltl u;pair 3n 1w plane 1n OtdOt 10 escape a n AlrlClln n1fll0f'I ~40•11 Cal Oo<ld S h«< 1~·w LllU180Cfl G IHANANA Ouesr Bobby Aydt1ll 8 DATING GAME D I 100.000 NAME THAT TUNE G TIC TAC OOVOH ti) ADAM-12 M lllloy and AOtKI ldk{! 10 tho hills on hoo sebOICk I u tul(.I< down lhlO•°" Qi) NEWSCHECK t J) THE OONQ SHOW QO) H<>l.LYWOOO SQUARES . tl)8ANFOROAN080N Lamont und ROllO ""Slilll. 1:00 t) f!) C88 REPORTS C'ha1111rl ~l#ting• • ~N)(T !CBS) Los Angele'.> 11 KNBC (NBC) LOS Angele'> e KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles 8 KABC· TV (ABC) Los Ang1:l•1'> lJ) l\FMB (CBSJ Sein 01e90 G KHJ·TV (Ind ) LOl> Anqch::'> llJl KCST !ABCl San D1u90 ., KT1V tlnO) LO'.> A11golc'> ti) KCOP-TV t Ina I Los Angele' Ell KCET· TV 1PBS1 lol> Anqclu'> ~ KOC( TV 1PUS1 Hun11n91un 8cdc.n O lJ;iy l'•u• 20 \' 0111 ~ 1110 J!llll onn1vurt o1y OI mu All1u<1 1nvuJ1on OI Nt><· m.inoy 1~ markO<J by th•S ~P<tCHil or1g1n.1lty In uad C:OSI nl 1964. lt1alu1111g un '"'°'view ""''h to•...._,, Pru~ 1<lunt Dw1ghl fosuntiowu• Onn Rnmc<' nn .. atos 1~101;,photObf'IOW I 0 THE RUNAWAYS Att tU.·COnY1CI tH~u· 1-111006!1) 11y1ng 10 k1'<)p h•& 111nuwoy i.on trom llooblo w1111 thu 19W 1°'"' l0tct11 w•lh Slevu A11uio I•> ltnd lhO l>OY 8 TH£ AOHT AOAIHST SLAVERY A Grdlflhil l'nas .. ntry I •·ll Dy W•llillm "'" lm t.I Wtlt1 •• m W~lbtltlOtC..O JJ.1t 1 .. ,m1·n1 pa5S<'~ .1 grnouol .100f11K>n n111 '" 11q' 0 l10! HAPPY DAYS ••uwutO un<J M.o.on fW ' n(ty th Ut'• •Mqo WhHtH m••v ,, .. 1nl lhf'ft floth•t """!Ofl 10 HY .,,,,, ,..1i;,nm•· 1n .. 1>1d II 1m•• fMI 0 MY PARTNER THE OHOSl I"" (..ho~I 11111.\ W CAROL BUANETI ANDFAIENDS C '""~' ll0<1oy Mt !Juv-..11 Q) MOVIE • • .. Nowhe<e To Run .. I 19 78) David Janssen. Stctan1ti Pow111s. An unnaooy husband oev1541s un e1abora1e scheme 10 ll•ICh his unlu1lhlut ""1te and 5111'1 11 new hie (Al 8 THE flOHT AGAINST SLAVERY • Free P11p1•1 Come.. A ~1n110 1obeU1on '" Jama.c .. '" 1832 was crushtid by lhu in1llt•a. bul brought pos1- t•lltl rosults D ll~ THREE'S COMPANY J1JCk $4.ISpCCIS lhOI J,Jntll dnd Chtt!>Sy aro p10111ng 11, rupl/lCAl him in lhQ apar1· ml'nt w1 lh rtiuo lormei 1oomm"'" IAI G lllLl y OAAHAM CAUSADE W MERV ORIFFlN C.uc~1 ·, ( u9.,fhr., I l1Umpc•d1ne1>. l'dl11ck Uully C.onn.u Sell<H CJ '"'""CJ'"'' fr(l(JW1llo10 (RI tD HOllYWOOD TELEVISION THEATER It .. • Hem1nqw.1y Pmy I orn Maltl"~on fJPrry P<1nq M•IC.11011 Ryon .. no Alo•llll Cl••t S~our f)y porl1 ••V lour ·.1 .. 1yus 1n It••• hit• ot l rno\t H••rnonqway flll EI!) MASTEAPIECE 1ke, D-Day Remembered • By TOM JORY N 1-;w \'OHK t /\ P > f-'1fkt:n yl·e1rs have p.1:-.!'!Cd :-.inn~ Walter Cronkite and Dwight D. 1·:1st•nho ~er ~trolled throu~h t he Ame ri can n-ml'lcry overlookan~ Omaha B<'ach on the coast nf Normandy ThC'y JWU">(·d :it ~t·ver<JI gn 1vl'::.toncs, (;ronktlc n·t:1tmg the 111~tri µt1uns ··1 lhtnk there's some 11.1100 hoy~ ~ho lie here,"· the correspondent sa 1d fo~1scnh11wer thc·n rcnilh:d h is own son ·~ J.!r<1duat1on from Wc!.t Pl))nl as Allied forces began I.he a:.:.~ult on l<~urope that would lead to the end of World W<Jr If, and referred to "thc~e young boys, "o many of them. over whose graves we have been lrc<Jdm~. th1·y Wt·re c ul off in their prime. ··O·Oay Plus ~I Year!.," broadcast lly CBS June 5, 1%4. CBS Chttnncl i, htts revived "D·Day Plus 20 Years: E1sl·nhower Heturn:, to Normandy, .. for rebroadcast <1t 8 o 'clock tonight, the 3~th an- niversary of the offensive th<1t be~an the mornin~ of June 6, 1944 "0 -DAV PLUS 20 Years· follow!. l1y a month A,B C'::. successful broadcast or "Ike," a three-part miniscri.-s hascd on l::iscnhower·s war years. and the ~ces rteports" special surely will capitalize on that d rama t1 zat1on. which sta rred Rober t Duvall "About hCJlf the coun tr,Y.·s populaUon has been born smcc 0 -0 ay." saa<l one CBS spokesman. "T IU:V HAO t'J\MILJES that grieved for "and for many people, tlis rebro<1dcast will he ~fiem. ~ t-:t~('llhowcr sard.~·but lht!YTJCTI:r:-lmcw th~-the ir first real exposure lo thls historic event.·· ).(real CXl)<.'m'nCCS or AO inl! through life like my son fndecd , C RS has been examining previously can cnJoy. bro~1dcast nc\\'.s special~ with an eye open for ··i d1U£outly hope lhCJl we will 11evcr again have those with som1• cur rent atlr<1ct ion, the spokesm an to sec ~uch s« .. ne!> as thcl>c." said. Eisenhower by then, that milil<1ry hero had "D·Day Plus 20 Years originally was broad· com pleted .two terms as president -was obviously cas\ m 90 minutes. The currC}lt version has been moved by the somber Relling, an<! his memories, cut to an ·hou r. w11 h a ne w introduction by .. and tus pica fur JK•ace m ade a fitting conclusion to Cronkite E ISENHOWER WAS OVERALL comma nder ---------------------for the i nvasion hy Ame ric an, British, t 'ree IRl f''re n ch, Po lis h and Ca nadian soldiers, a nd Cronkite covered the operation fo r United Press. f'or the news s pecial. they returned lo head· quarters for the invasion <1l Southwick House near P ortsmouth. the Portsmouth Naval Yard where much or the assault was mounted, and several sites in Normandy. They stood on the beaches Gold, Sword, Juno. Utah and Omaha where thousands or soldiers were killed by the_ defending Germans. • .. D-Day Plus 20 Yea rs" even 35 years later, of- fers an intriguing slice of history, as Eisenhower and Cronkite reminis ce. sometimes passionately, on this most significant or modern milita ry opera - tions . THE REBROADCAST IS inte resting in another aspect. William S. Paley, CBS' founder and network's current board chairman, as well as Bill Leonard, then Paris bureau chief and now pres- ident or CBS News, and Fred W. Friendly, then executive producer or "CBS Reports." accom- panied Eisenhower and Cronkite to Normandy, though they do not appear in the fi lm. O.J. Drivfug kBus HOLLYWOOD IAPl O.J . Simpson goes from bo xe r to bus driver an his latest TV movie, "Detour." for NBC. Simpson. who 's just completed a starring role in "Goldie and the Boxer ," plays the driver of a tour bus that's hijacked on the way to Las Vegas. Production is now under way in Albuquerque. N . M. Arte Johnson, Anne Francis, aqd Gerald S. O'Loughlin also star. ;TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS~- TUBE TOPPERS NBC e 9:00 -"~owhere to Run."· David Janssen and S~anie Powers sta r in this TV movie about a man's efforts to escape his life and start over again. KCET 9 9 :00 -Ro flywood Te levision Theate r . ·'The He mingway Play" focuses on fou r stages in the life of Ernest Hemingway. ABC fJ 10:00 -When the West Was Fun. A salute to John Wayne clima xes this tri b ute t o o ve r 40 west e rn performers in tclcvis~.on over the years . THEATRE llllltt Fitly Ct1nl' A Danco.. L1ll10 s Ollunllll:.~ naluu1 'ame~ hll• on """' 11\0 dealh ol K•OQ (dword She rnll•l!'l 10 lhtl south ot France 10 h•O OUI 116( lilf!f ye:l•S 1:300@) TAXI • A aermmlf\OCJ cabbl'1 w11h • crusti on t onv 1o·n~ 11>.· SunSh1n~ Cab C.oll\ponv ICI be near h•m IR) 10:00 D G NEWS D ~ Wt1EN THE WEST WAS FUN HOS\ GllJnn f 0<tl .;h11v1 ""''" ov"' 40 st:"s Cll l V wM1t'tns. thttt« '.A~d115> u ... k .. lnd1fin', and tHu·w· •• nn ,,.,, .. pay 1111><110 10 1Ulllv"11Jn , Old Wc~I Q) NIGHT GALLERY f h(t l •ll"! 0111~~ tlolrJ A dH~ff~1ltJd l)hynut.IHll IH)W on skid '0V¥ f1n(1•.., o mud1 c.ul hrtQ thot ~·•'> O'U~tJJ"'''" 1y tronslorruo HClm ,.,,. ?ISi Cflf1h1ty Qi) NEWSCHECK . 10:30 W II) NEWS Qi) VOTERS" PIPELINE 1t:OOt)0 0 ra1 ~ NEWS 0 MAICE ME LAUGH G MOVIE • *. , , .. ,,... f ,,, ( 1944) Or•,r>n Wt'fl·, f1 u1 f onh11nf1 A ytttlhtl I rn1h h Q(lvf+ft\t•'•' f.111•. IU IU.,;11 N lt1 ,,...,, lJttJl •tJ•<•O •' ,,.,, ... , tift1tJ'<tyl•1 1.• fit I W CHICO ANO THE MAN Wh••H ( .. htt 11 w.1t·f. fll 1 ,..,,,, (tl).Htm ••ttf fl,• cl• Hft lt1f#l ,,,,, (>jtl .tflH•f 1t1U ~ I ,,, ... Q) THE BENNY Hill SHOW Cues• OetBld A fOtd I 1:30 8 CJ) BAAHA8Y JOHE.I A ch11rm1nq con man whO oono...s Ille fdQntlllM or ,.ua;esslul men '" <>t<le< to marry •eallhy women lu1n5 lo murder when ll1s '><-'-oegins lo c;rumbl6 tAI 0 TOH!OtiT Guo"' h<l~• RICl'l l•ll"' 8 SOUPY SALES Q @) ABC MOVIE • • Shoola l evtnt> ,., Ou.id Ana t 1v109 in New V o1k" 1197'>1 Jo.inn111 11.-1 hn nnv SC.h>l1<lu1 A "Pl)ilecl J-•~h g111 "'O•n'> trr,ni '"" 1>ut>urbs 1n1u Hlf<o< Vork C11v ir1 Sf'•w :h of " 11u,1>and and Y.ll-1<1ent11~ W THE OOHO SHOW Q) f ERNWOOD 2HIOHT t •UfJ''._ ch•t'1 ()Hln1~t Dan 11y r.11tt•.y ,.,.hoinus l•1adPr f;t1H'f J••rtkir1~ ••a'PQCtan1 V·•H•J•\~ e,,.,,..,,,J•' ond StJHy .,c' f l!tJIJ~ .. tD CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MJANING 12·00 0 lWILIOHl ZONE I t11iJt 1tt1 tt tU 11,,~.n t *Pt 1n ft1'U CJ1l'f'i. ft.H fOHt thdt ~ >Nftl t •• k 1llt1d D'J tH~ 0) Al FRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS t.o;,t • /.4••• ',u hhtt1J A ,, ,, pl111 • "' r• jud•' , .. I• I ff1 •' ,,..,,,, r .. •t ft;ttu1,.-w GET SMART ~\h ••I r1 '" .. "1f1hl•f hH• ft, , •• ,,.,, ... 111•• ... ,(.,,f>'• ,..,. ~· '"""' " .. , .. ,. tD 28 TONKlHI 12 30 0 MOVIE • • • r , '.r11t A JI.flt flf1'W I l't .' 1-( J u GtW'd T9'0fl ~of U..11 lvq .. lllift.) • MCWia * • • "l ief.... Olrl" Clt411 J""" 81...,1. line Tutfler. ..... Np- 1*'9 to ..... ..,.. ii lt80M "°"' "" "'°"*" Flo z,..,_. ctl~I "*"· (2 In., 30 "*') . ..,. * •~ .. T"• Loo1et1" c t96$) Rory calllouft ....... A\Sem .. A group ol ~ CfMl'I -vlltOtl greople cSele*llefY ~ ''*"· ...,,.. lo get ''*' llanOa on a letge _,,,, OI ~ conceeled In the wrlGll- !i4'· 11 ht • 30 "*' I 11:40 (I) C8I LATa MOYll ••'It .. Malaya.. C 19501 Spenc1t T11cy. J1m.;a S10WMI A pa11 Of aoven- tutetl comblf\8 lhetr sll•ll• IO smugole bll<Jly ~ rubber OYI ot J1pa-- occupied MIMaya ,.Ouong W0tk1Wa1 It 1:00 D TOMOMOW Guests Oouon.,t COOl!I Juua Child eno Jacque• P"1>4n (RI G MAVl"ICK lleMlrl 01 C>ouor • IMD 0NEW& 2:000 NEWS G MOVIE •'• ·!hf• Only Way .. 119121 J.inu Seymo111. Maria Potter l htl N1111 .nvMl()(I at>cJ OCCUOllllOf'I of Oenmar., •'I h•SIOrlC.itly 1ocount6(1 12 "'~I G) OETSMART ~m.u t •'"• 1qut1'0tJ ott ,;c1a111~1 lhfl 1n1<1mou<\ l eacJsi<W Bnd h•"> illS'll~I •• nt~ 2:258 NEWS 2:308 MOVIE 11 • •;, .. TM Bos~ 119561 John Puyno. Ooo A•ecton Allor World War I. 11 1ulh 1 .. s~ 1111<1 11mb1t1011s POl•H· cian ,o.ns 10tcell W>lh 1ack- ,.,_s 10 01un con11n1 ot SI Louis ( l hr S!i mm I II> NEWS 2:42 t) HEWS 3:00 ID MOYIE • • Burv • M" 0.Md" 1 r~l) Mdrlo. Oan ... 1~ ,1..,,.1 l ocllrrnrt A W'ldlll\y voun11 oul mar1'00 for •utr"fmtntt ltOn 4POOAI~ di twof own tunM' at f I tu 30 min f 3 12f) MOVIE • • • Mi <;dr•JvtM "~ • •9t. II ()~._" ttomr11• ,, Rf)n.,ld l , ... " U-..nq l PS•· c.nOff'"Jlltt.,~1 fr.c,.t.. l t10<trJ1 "'P' lt\P f()C.•.•I "d.tAly-..1\ llf ... rn ,,. w t\O in gt.JllllKh• Y-"I ·• tu' wv•h• h .... fn m,..,,., ,,.,.., tSMft..;t I"' 4'J min • •.oo o MOVIE tlftl,.....'MIM· • .-.. .... ...,..... ......... W • trOllP OI .,......,... IN ..._. OI h tludl ........ lOpttWe .... -. '*--12 hrs.I ~ .... ..c •• ... . ..,. • ·~ "l.~1 8all.UO.'.!.. 111U)Dillte ....... a... ~ ...... ,._,..Ill- ·~ 8ld "°"'.,...... g4*rllta IMdlf duilnt WOfld W., N. (I hf'., 30 """ ) • MOVll • '4 ""BefOfe I Hang .. (I~) Boni Kal1off. 8tuce 8ennett. 8-d*'O for • you01 -um. • ldenllle 10j9Cfl himMlll .. 011 the blood Of • k Iller, ( I IW .. 30 min I "'t"dllt"•d••·· D•••••.-"' • .,,.. 12:00 D •• ··0en1111 On Thi Job"" f 1116 fl Bob MoM- hOuM A pew of denlel ~hool grads finds them- '411 ... l)lc>mohng ill tootn- 0.0516 lhal lat!$ to ,,_. Quellly SlanClatOS ( t hr • 30m"' I • * * .. l ,,.,L:UI BhltllNttg c 19!>91 van Johnson. Oict. YOik Ou1- "'ll W0tld War ll's 8allle of 1116 e~. d gung-ho Nan .. no his band or sahoteu1s 1nhl1r"lll Alhed l<OOl)S. (I h1 !>Omin) 1:30 f£J • * * * "'l lie Hors.is ' Mouth .. ( 19!>9) AIOc Guin· llU~S. Kay Walsh An UCCOOlrlC 8 11hSh athsl lives in ~Otl·•m~ pove<ty In ordor lo attord tho hrnr.;t ln .;11 suppltes ( t hr • 3S "*' 1 3:00 ~tQ) • • "• ··r htee fac.es Wm.I .. ( t9401 Jot>n W.-,ne. Siq"<I Ouuo The dilU<Jhtet ol "" Aus1r1an """"9f'llnl l<>nQ"> to retu<n home to the IO.,.., Sl\6 tell behond unl•I She 01'J(;OV(l<S he's not 11\>t hOIO °'l\O btlloeved him lfl l><J (t hr 30m"' I 3·30 Q • • ~t.irOGas .. UPnn1 '•·It ru ,,. , 11ff turlhd.•J m U11• ,,.,. ( t t •,u1rouruJ1·tJ f•f fh•.111t1t1,I nu1~·c. ffi DICK CAVETT '"' 111,,r, A t,,rr1111 ',t1 ,,,, Hu •''f ,,r h·•t••1hl•ff\••·,, Nf11h• '•t1 1111. 111' 1 Ht tt1u • ' 1 tw 111,,t ._ Cuflr '\ I {°;'t1f,1~) A0 11,1n f4.JVfifl Wtllf (197 II <.11n t Wd llo,u r . '.h•lllfl"' Po-1 111 lhll l'Jrly 1900S. d l'YW!ICHOltry 'O'<ftllf t,dhtt:), 10 t~ C.IUMI o t M•1 .. c.tn tt ... *'VOluhoouu,.r. f)-••v tu d•S<nv.u n1..; mtSS· lfltl wiht among thum '' hr JO 1111n I ..... - .. Rollleo' :~. Ei1cores .OnKCET CRONKITE TALKS WITH FORMER PRESIDENT EISENHOWER IN 1964 Memories of 0-0ay, 35 Years Ago, Stirred In Rebroadcast Tonight .,Young Convicts-SlwU)n · ·Tattool·d Tc~1 r'>. ' a d1~turb1ng portrait of life ms1dc• :r c·orrl'ct1on<JI inst itution for y1>uthlul offender~. m a kes its telc·v1s1on pr!"m1er(' 011 Wednesday. Jum· 1:1 at JU p m on KOCE-TV. Channel 50 Filmmake rs J oan Chun:h11l and Nick Broomfield wen~ admitted mto the Chino Youth Tra1nm1? School ope rated by the C<1 hforn1a Yout h Authority They were ~1vcn their own keys and pe rmitted to wand e r l.h.r-OU~h-the low-security prison. ftlm· ing without restriction. T h ~ rt'S Ull 1s a n u n f1 1r1 c h1n ~. • «1nc ma vente documenta ry foc"'ustng primarily_ on the ltves of three JO· m ates: a withdra wn young man who hal lucinates ange ls. a minor or render who ina rticulately cries hi!> frustrations before a parole board. afte r increasing his three-month slay lo a three-year term while inside . and the man bearmJ? the tattoos which inspired the pronra m's lallc. a formt!r glue s niffer who res1sL'i any efforts .\G--persuade -him to comply with the law . 11* TICKET .SHACIC ·c .. .,.._s,om.,..... 241r.9"hU.. 714-645-tll I ..... <>Nin 71W4Mttl "" 0 -• v.......... """"""'"'• -h•*•" A UNIV£RSAI ll:llR o .... IPGJ NOW PLAYING lDWAROI' MUUHMlTOI PUTT CITY ClMTlR Huntington Beach 848-0388 01ange 634-~282 ITADIQll DllYl·ll Orange-639·8770 ''DAWN OF THE DEAD" (R) The encor" telecast or t h e San F ran c is co Ha ll et·., produr t1on of .. Homco :..nd J uhet.. b t he finale of a sue-week . c; :ti u t t• to Ame rt c a 11 dan t:e o n ·'Gre a t p t' r r c1 r rn a n c e !> : · · W«dnesd:iy at 9 p.m. on KCET. Channt l 28. T he fi rst three-act ballot to he presented a~ " a r t '' r · · n a n c e 1 n /\mcru:a ," "Ho mco aml .Jul1t•1" rt•ce ivcd iti. - tl'lt·v1sion prem iere l" .I uni· or W7H. Based on W1ll1am Shakespeare 's dass1c t al<' o{ love and d ('a\h in He naiss ancc Ve r on a, "Romeo and ,Jul.1ct". wa s c horco- g r a phcd by Mich ael Smuin, co-director of the c.ec·claimcd San 'F'ra n- l! 1sco Ballet, to a score by Serge Prokofiev. J im Sohm and Oian1:1 Weber dance the rolei; of the .. sta r·crossed lov - c rs .. and company co- d 1 r ector. Lew Chris- tiansen is featured in a rare appe a r a n ce a s f-'rrnr J.awrencc. Act.Gr a nd d an cer RTc fi ar d Thomas is the host. An THEATRES -~ GRIAIE(PO) ,...,. THE RAVAGIRI (PO) .• ,.,. MMl"'DMG-HT ..,..,. . .. ., ( ··-... Cent "~"' HELD OVER! CJATALINA OIORGa *-LTON "LOVE AT FIA8T8ITI" CPO) l4:.·=~;wt...t . . .... ......... , .... ...,.,... ... -, New ••. UI PLAll!llf Cflllte ""9t ''CetltlM ......... .__ 1:00..,. ~ hom tt. • .._ ftntNon Md ..._ Aftlon et 4:30 pm. "°""' Trt-. •• 111.00. "'*' 12 ....... """ ........ • tntonMtton: 1114t S7S.U41. ,..