HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-23 - Orange Coast Pilot7 _
Orange Coast
I IJ ll I 0 N
-. -------
Dl•e-a-Ll•e \
a ·rgain• Toda11
I Reporter's Eyewitness Account----------
Be .Just Quietly Bobbed the Bank
By 1 Da1ty Pilot ~an Wrltt"r
THE UTTl.t; MAN STANDING t1t-fon· thl· l>unk ll·llc1
v. as ob\'loosl 1m111t1ient, obvw'u!>I) ncrvoui.
But th•• f1r!>t <'luc 11nyt .. 1n.: wai. wron~ l'tunt• wtw n lhl·
tt'ller s1ud. "I llon't h<tH' that murh money hc rt> "
·oon 1 µla) dfl) tru·k.., rm mt'. he· n ·:..1>0ndt:d ~11fll~
und 1t w.1i. oh' 1o ue. lt1t• Cr0<'kt'r U&nk hrnnt•h ut 2:mo
llurbor l\l vd . ('oe.t<.1 Ml•:..iJ wc.1b tw in.: roht14'.id
Tht• lt·llcr wu:.. t:a lm . tJ~ .... ht• f1rC1h1:1bly had hct!n trumt:d
to be . and ~an1 him wha\ t'U!>h :..hl' hatl a1>11urc ntly le:,,:,,
than $2.000 Ht:forc he wa." U!Jt tJf t.ht· butlthn~. :..he t}a<I <.11:
ta vukel lhl' :.1lt·nt d lar m
WITHIN l .t:ss THAN a m1oult·. till' teller ·~ arcu·hiJd
been t'Overf'd tu 11rotet:l a ny ring«rprints the rnbht:r Ol;.1)
have left a nd the teller w&1!S ~1vcn JJa pcr un which to write
anything-s he rcml~mhered
I ran to ttn.•-tWindow to ·wat(.."h lhe rohbcr c~t:al* in a
while VW buJ.! with a g ray rear fonder , tiut I couldn't ~ee
which way the t·ar turriccl onto llarbor or even 1f 1t did 1
couldnlt set! the lu:enl'lt-number or lhl' dr~vcr
As bank robberies go. it didn't stack '"'Ui> a gainst what
\ uu get for a S4 m ovie ticket. It was over almost as soon as
11 s ta rted . and many people in lhe bank weren'l i.wi.re of
14h<Jt w<.1s happening.
A !though customers were barred from entry du rang
th(.• 1n1ual check by r}()lice. e mployees were generally c alm
l'Ven Jokmi.: abo ut how the robber y had upset the
lunch break sc:hedule
T hl· robbery occ·urrcd at a boul 12 45 p.IT\. Frirlay Onl y
a fl•w custom1•rs \H'rc in lhc bank and nnlv two of u~ were
• a 14 a rt: 11( wh ul w<.1s. l{'JinJ.! on lloth of· us· .ghl f<t 1rly good
looks ut th(.• rolJ her.
THE: POl.1<'1': ARE LUCK\' m11rc or ue. d 1dn·t \ec him.
lll.'<'aUSl' lht• uthl·r 14 lllll'S1' a n<I I d1dn t 11..:re11 on illl a::.p11l'I ~
of ms descnptwn
.• Wt' agree<t'that· lw was· short, :..iiJ.!hl. swi!rthy: 1)n1<e mpt
a nd somcwht·rc: tw l w1•1:n ·lht· ages o f 25 and ~5 lie wc,rc a
pla11I s hi rt a n!I cl ark pant~. h<ith or which wcr <: too h1g '. ·
Was· ht' 1trme<l'j T tit' tt llt.•r :-.a1ct ht~ kcp1-t11:;-hand 1n his .-.
shirt I saw him put somethm~ in a pants. pocket as he Jert
the bank, but it may have been the wad of bills.
At the tune. I thought it was a J.!Un It's a good th1ni:; I
THE URGt: TO TRIP HIM, to stOJ) him. to ask him for
a mat1·h was almost l1JO much for m(' I s imply hated to :-.cc
him gt'l away with that money I was upset even though
n<>ne of th<· l'a:..h wa!> mine
But ·' took my t'l.u<· from the teller. from \h•· 1p,11cl way
\he: hantfrcl h1 m lh1· monl·y
"If I h'htl 1<1 ht· 1r1 a rnhbcry." lht· 1Jthcr w1t11css s <11d .
I m i.:lacl 11 14 as .s qu1l'l ()llt·
"HU .. /\l.W/\\'S THINK of th(' kind where two gu)~
n>m" 1n ,l4;11h r,1f.h:~ •.i n,d or~!crr: cY.,cry,Qnc 1town QJ'I ll)c {loor:."
· 'N'o. the~ clon 't huppt.•n that wuy . ·• a hank officer ~aid
T twy ha npcn like · this The g uy h1l1> nn•· lolle r and gf'I ~ •>ut
as fast a:-ht.· l'an "
Pf'QpW wh11 worll al nank:.. ouJ.!hL.lo know
Trucke~ Shutdo,·wn' R~ts · (:rops·
• . I .
Man Held
In Slaying
Of Wife
1\ \\ i·~t m1ns l 1·r a parl men\
mana.i.:t•r w;1~ Jalll·cl 1-'rul;iy af
ternoon nftt•r ht• <ilh•gedly s hol
and killed his wife in the apart
ment they s hare d and then
stepped outside to fire a shot
tha t woun<f<'d both a lf'nant and
thl' ll'nant 's !I .H·a r 11ld du ug hlcr
PohC't' late Fr ida\ nt~ht said
tlwy still rlidn't 0kn11 w wh;tl
tout•he•d off th1• ... tmot m g s11r f'1•
that 1•n1.ktl l41lh th<· d1·ath 11f
:JM year-old l'atri1·1t1 Murgun:tc
Sanll<•rs and thl' s1·nous wound
tnJ! •>f ~lichul'I f.ilth'. a~c un
Lc>ss sen ou:--ly woundt-11 wtu:n
thl' hullt-t fi re1I from a !>mc.11
cultbt•r handgun pa~:-.Ni throu~h
h t.·r father ·._ nt•e·k anti lodi.wtl in .twr k g wa!> :1 y«ar ·<1lll l>en1s1·
i\long with h1·r f;l(twr. the• girl
was laken to W1•sln11n~tn C()l)'l
m un1t y llos p1t:JI for trN1lmt.·nt of
hl·r tnJury
/\s pa ra me d11·s l rl'att:d the·
woundc·d man anti hi:-. ilaughtt·r
before tht·y wn c ru::.ht·d to the ·
hos pita l. poht:c wn t.· a rre~ting
51 yc·a r·ol<I Huh..rl Lt.•t• Santin:-.
in an alley lwh1nel' ltll' aparlmt.•nt
t.•om plC'x wht•r<· lh<· :-.h1111l1ngi. o<·
D .t11t Piiot P~otO 8'f Alt ""'o t<Of"<nlrf'
Big Loss
Faced in
th th1· /\:-. ... 01•1al1·cl Pn ·:-.i.
< '.tl 1t11rn1:1 111111 ancl H·gl'lahl«
i.:ri111.1·r:-. 11.lll liw.c• l•1 IW~lll JlllJIA •
ini.: 11n!l1·r rr11ll1•in~ "f 1lt1l l<ir:--in
uuhan «Str ei 1•r11p~ rwxt w<'ck if
.1 ~11l ut 111n 1s n 1 found to a n1:1
1101114 1cl1• t rnc·kl·r~ · shutdown. of-
f 1t· 11tls s~·~
T lw prol t·-.t ''' 11Hkpcnc.frnt
lrcwkt·r~ h:.i:-. "('\en-I.~ hampt•rl'd
t ht• 1wt 11f·st<.1 lt· mnvc·m Pnl or
< 'al1forn1a aµnn11tural 11roduct:..
:i ncl 11ff1 t·1al:-. -.uul th1· :-.1tuat1on
141111 111 IM•t·om1· 't-r1l1t·:cl ·by next
"''Ph ,\hour ~10 pt•rc·1·111 of the
~t a li··~ larm 1~n11lt1d:-. nor;mally
1:-. t l'lll'ki•1I lo ot twr .,, ale ·:-.
' '111~1 .,h1111wr:-. 1:a11 i.lort• only
thre•t· tu tour d :l\'i hane•:-.L," :-.aid
Tnm llall'. 1•xt·1"111 l\'1· \ 11·1· IJfc:-.1
tl1·111 of lhc• C:ch111rnia <.rapt• and
T1 1•1• Fn11\ I .Pa~ui· B~ Mon-
tl:t.\. 1110:-.I 111 1tw ... 111pp1 ng ~hccl~
14 ill Ill' full ;inti w1 • w1tl tiu \t· lo
l11·i.:1n d1~1·111µ, 11ur 1·ri111:--·
l.;111. ... 110 H;1r ll'fl ol l 'n1tefl
l':cc·kini.: h1 nl 1-'J'P~llu wh1t h
i.:rol4., and ..,, .. ,,.., 1·anl aluup<·~.
1wu«h1· ..... p lum~ a11tl ).!r a pe:-.. '
i:st 1 matt-II loi.M·~ tor I ht• fruit
and ml'lw1 indu:-.1 n 1•111tlrl n •adl
SI n11lli11n ;i Il a\ In Moncla\ By
l ht• l'llfl ,,, lh•· 14l'C'k ...... tht·
h111·,,.s1 rl';wll1•:-. ii ~ 1w:1k, los~c·~
1•1111lrl n •a 1·h S~ r11 illi1111 l11 Sl.O
mtll11111 a <la.\. hi' o.,;iul
Police s a id Sande r J wa~
roanagcr of the apartmo~ :.at
138~ La Pal St .. Wc~tmirister.
and that he and the dead woman
lived. in upartmcnl 21 at that ad·
Harbor-watcher Wiii Get View of 1920a-era VeHel When Sea Scout• Get Her· Under Way
It 14111 ht· atl111~ to Kl'rn Ce,un
'' :1f.!rll'11ll11r1• 1f 1111 .... tru1·k ... tnkt.·
1" n11 t -.t•lf lt•tl , .... ticl Uon
.John..,11111. a KPr n < '11u nt:. potato
i.:1011.1•1 'I hi~ 1:-. J,!l•lllJ.! lo Jilli
lh11 11 ... a 11cl :-. ol p1·opl1• 1.111l of
-... u rk .. Little• and the g irl wi're also
s aid lo be residents in the <:om
plex but the apartment number
was notavailable from poli ce
They reported witnesses told
the m they hurd a single shol
fired from msidc the Sande rs'
at>a rtment at about I ::i8 p.m .
and almost i11s tantly saw San·
ders step outside
lie allegedl.v wa•ked lo the
pool area when• Little was play in~ cards with his daughter and.
without sayin g a word, fired a
single shot that passed through
the man's neck bcrore striking
his daughter. ' ·
Polic~ s!lid Sunders was still
fears Mount
for Missi11..g
HB Girl, 12
Barken tine Offers
Rare Bay Treat
Ol tlle Dally PU~ \eau
Deity P1tol a ... 11,... £Clllor
Hay wah'he rs al Ne wport
Hc uch will have· -a rare tn•at
l•'ears a re mounttn~ that 12· Sunday when a 1:10 foot. fully
year ·old ltobin Chris tine Samsoc r1.:~ed barkenunc• sails down the
or Huntington Beac h . mis~ing hay with a c rew of ~ea ScouL'>
since Wednesday, is a kidnap and othe r young sailing buffs
victim. a boa rd.
"Each day lhut she is m1ssin~ The "bark " 1:-. Our Sv:ancn
increases the possibili ty of foul whlc·h has been moore d in
play," Lt. Bruce Young s aid Fn N••wport Harbor for the past
day. wct•k t'n route to her new home in
Early today ~ imhct-said then· Victoria. n.c.
was still no trace or the missinit The squarc-rigjtc•r will leave
1-:irl. her moormg off the cast end of
Blondc. blue ·e y cd Mis:.. Lido Isle about l p.m . and motor
Samsoe was last seen riding a u11 the bay to The Arc hes where
b I<' y cl c ho m c r r om h c r the crew will set sail for the
tlw1r clog St·rims haw f':n routt·
lht'y 1.::1lled al 11orts m Madeira.
th<• Canary Jslund:-., Capl' Verrll•
and ltlC' Canhbe an From tht·
Caribbean tht•y caml' through
thC' Puna ma Canal and up tht•
Me x ican co ast with stops at
Acapulco, Caho Sun Luc as ancl
Ense·nada ,
Under ru11 sail lhc ship hoists
ahout 5,000 squure feel of can.
vas In c alms or 1n port she is
maneuvt•red with a 150-hp Alpha
<llt•scl engine wh1 <"h propels he r
ut 71'J·8 knots
The s hip is solidly built of oak·
on oak with thrt•c -int:h plankiflR
of six inch frames thre~~ht!~
1rasli Ha1iler
Killed i11
lllesa Craslt
A 27 veur-old tras h hauler wa~
·kllll-d 1.n Co:-.ta Mt·i.a Parl) Fri
ll av aflt'rnoon wlwn ht• fe ll under
the"· n ·ar whc1•ls of ht~ runa wa)
r11 blush truC'k and was 1·rui.hcd
tu death
Pohcc• 1dentif1e •d the v1ct1m of
thl' freak accide nt ne ar the m
tc.•rs.,<:llon of I.a Salll' f\ vcnuf'
and .lunipcro Driv(• as Ricardo
llc rnanclez Ponct: who lived al
11 IR Cubhon St .. Santa Ana
M 1·ant 111w. i.:niw1•r::. had mixed
n·a t·t lflfl!> to a 1!1·e·1~1lln h v l'rcs1
tl1•n 1 Ca rlt·r to krminak the
pnnril ~ ;dl0f•a 111111 of tl11•:-.cl fuc•I
for farnwr'>
'Thi~ 1~ rl•all} gumg to hurt
u~. · · ~aid Tom VuJo vwh, who
11pe•rah.'~ a 10,llC)O acre 1>rodul·e
r a n l' h 1 n Vt' n I u r u Co u n t y .
· 11 arvt•sting muy he over in lht:
M 1dw1·st. hut wt• hav« to operate
\l'ar round. a nd 11 takes a lot of
fut'I to run the tral'tors a nd other
t'Qlllpmf'nt. ..
But t'red If cringer . president
of the 90.ooo.mcmbcr C<thfornia
<SeeC'ROPS, Page i\2)
. Or:::J .. ~~-aM
The OIUlpOken chancellor o/ West
Germany ii one o/ lhe world le<JdeTs
girlfriend's house at 14th Street c ruis e down the hay lo the The Havers plan to lea ve·
Ne wport Beach June 26 or 27
and sail lo Pugel Sound with
-;tops at San Francisco and Seut
tie .
i\flt•r thl' r un a w av trul'k
opc rakcl h} Oreo 01s P<>sal Co
1rnssed over Ponce'!> body. 11
('Ontinued to roll on al an
l'Sl1mated fi Vl' to 10 mph until 1t
-;lammed into tht.' h1JUSt.' al 28Ul
Lu Salle Ave
Police sau.l the impact caved
in a comer of lhc house and ap·
pcared lo knot·k ut leust a por·
lion of it from its fo undation.
Carter wall
meet nut week
at IM Wntem
ecOftOmk wm·
mit in Tokyo.
Can J10U name ~It t' We 1 I
What famou.
m e.rlco11
91C>tftelft ti ffOhMd Oft l_M MW doUM
. For wllol ma.JM ~ boat'ball
fGm '*»• pitcher J<Jt' Niekro plav?
Tlri• wnk'• QUIZ. °" PtJflt' A7. c"oUenou 11ou to tut 110111
. ~ obolil ,,... Gild olJw1
.,,... artd """'' m tM newa.
and Olive Avenue in downtown hnrbor entrance The re, th('
Huntington Beach. s uils will be doused a nd the s hip
Detect.Ives have been workinJ( will motor hack to her mooring.
around the clock and have in· Our Svanen <Our Swan) was
terviewed relatives. rr1ends and built in ·n enmark in 1922 as a
acquaintances o r the girl. top'I srhooncr and wus used for
"Noone hasseenheror heard y t•11rs haulini;< malt for the
from her," Lt. Young said. Tuhoq~ Beer Co .
He sajd a witnesR has reported Tlw i1rf!scnt owners. Hou1.: unit
that a male photographer was M arf(arct II avers, purc•h11st.'tl
seen on the beach Wednesday her in' 1969 and took hl'r to
taking pictures or young girls England in 1977 where she was
about thP. time that Robin rined as a bark. Havers, a pro·
vanished. reuional yacht skipper a nd
He la not tied lnto tM! cue a' seaman, designed the rig and re -
a 11 u1pect but police artists ·•built her. lncludln1 all of the flt.
have worked up a composite · Un111. He used a m achine .shop
drawing frotD descriptions, on board.
Youngs a.id. Havers and his wife sailed~
The gi rl 's fathe r , R ob~rt boat from England. leaving Nov
22, with a crew of frie nds 1.nd
young sailing enthusiasts -and·
•• \ . •
Tht> couple 's plans for the ship
include exploration and youth
training with emphasis on ,the
lntlf'r ·
"We plan tn take crews of
tecn-ugers on c ruises on Puget
Sound and possibly to Alaska al
about S350 a week each. That is
aboul what parents would pay
for a campfng trip,·· said
"We won't be caterln,~ to the
affluent yachting crowd. rat.her
to problem children a nd those
who would otherwise not have a
chance for auch an experlence."
he explained
lle re's what 1>0licC' said hap·
pcned shortly after 2 p.m ., when
I.he rubhish truck 'be gan ils
fateful 'journey In lht.> quiet r~s·
idenlial neighborhood :
Ponce. the tru<'k's drive r, had
stepped from th~ rig lo help o
fellow worker toss rubbish into a
But he apparently left the
tru<'k In gear t hough the air
brake was on.
As the ri~ began m oving
forwurd and ttalnlng speed.
Ponce ran to the cab area.
leaped aboard und then was
<Sff FATAL, P .. e AZ>
l"air lhrou1<h Sunday
with some late niJthl und
t"arly morning low clouds
Nun1t to "~' There's a
beach /or each and /or ''"t
a bout everyom> between at
Otho. winch began &ts decline
into dttadertce '" Conalan·
fine 's tame. POf/t' A3. ......
Al Ywr lefvk• e11 ....... , ... .,
M«•CNtl At 111\eWIH ·~ C1M'\ltltl CMI T .. t"ll\ltll c-•u •• TllHllH\ Ill c-....... At frlwl• .,
c~u_. •• UllC .. L91t'\
0.••IMtl< .. All ..... ., ... _,o-wtl Alt .,,...._ At
\ •
1 \
... HI llt(t•nt' fnch1 )' 11l1•n1th1•tl
a a frd1•ritl 11n -.c111 1•,1·111)1•1• thl·
m 1111 r u,1t1111•d "' 1'11·w1111r l
lkurh ''" h 't' uh1•1 Lfw 1'hur1.d1.1)
holdup ut C:lh1 .1ttu1 Su\ 1ni.:' 110fl
l.1111n ASMl\'llllll.lll
A1•111rd1n.: tu ;1 'lw1k••,111111l f111
t h1• l11111•.111's S a nt a 1\0J 11Hll't'.
th1• .. ui.pt•c•t. Arthur ('hri:-.11111\
F11,1111I :Jt h111o h1•1•11 h vinl{ an
\ 111 h.1 l.anda .. in1·1• ha t'uktnl( nut
11( '1'1·1·111111.11 S..l.111tl F1·tlt•1 .ii t 111
11·1·111111111 .. 111 u11.1111111 111111· 1•1
l 'rtMlll 11tl 11"1,1h .,,lllf Ill' ""'"
M'f\ m g ~• "'1111•1111• fur hunk nth
1"1 ht.Ill 111 J,.'111.1lh t utti p11l11"
II I ' II •• Ill,. " .1' I< ,o \ 1111111 •I
i>lll'>ll11>lt', lhdl 111· "U' .JX \ 0 IJf O,
vltl und J Lu:. 1\11~clc~ 1 t·:.11Jt·11l
l-'r11l,1) ht•"·"' 111t r<'o ll\ 1t l1•11
ttfto•tl ,, .............. .i
111• ",1, .1rri·,l\•tl .111 1111111 t1lt1·1
'ht• 1'11111 .. tl.I\ 11111111·1 \ .ot 1111
h-1111111~ 111:-.111111111 ,o\ ;!'/Ull \\ ~·{°0 .... 1 1111-:11" ·'' .;-
'\1•1•11rct1ng tu N1•.,..11w1 111 .. 11h
11vl11·1·. fn:.tacl "'a:-. found hul111g
"' .1 toilt·t :-.t.cll of a rc!'llro11m 111
11\1• ofrw1· c'()flllllPX Ill whl<'h tht•
,a,·111gi. ;1'11d loan 1:-. lcwah-<I •
" 'fto'lf1·r'
toft1 poh c·c• I he• "1,~nil1t
t :.im•· 1n JH»I lwf11rc• 5 :m 11 m
dos111~ trr1w llt· k•·pl 111'> ha nd
1nsl<tt· hi!> 1lrwlc•a!>c• urul p!r ...... c·cf <•
not•' 11rtll'l'l1tl! 111w '11•111•1 tt1 t.:111cl
U\ 1·r all ht·r· t'a!'>lt
Sht• -.il 111 t lw !'>ll!>Jlt'(' I I 1111k t ht·
munt·v anct -.tufft•d •l into ""'
pants :,X,t·kct ltcfun• f11•1•1n~
OHwc•r!> arn Vt'<I i.h11rt ly 01fl1•1 .
"'""'"'""''" lo\ t h•· 111 ... 11t11t11111 ' •ol,.nt mhriPr\' a lal'm amt hf•J:Jarr
J -.•'.tr o It I ll.11 1·111l1•ol "'lwn I If
fl•',1 I, ( o .. 111 11.LIJ t• '>t1111t1·1l.
I-' tl>l••tl 111 1rw liu1lt1111~., 1111'11 ~ ,.,,,.,.
Tho· 11rf11·1·1 ..,;0111 It•• ..., ;1'> '"'
IOll lltll!'> fk I :tll°"' the• ttl:trt .... ;,... ... 11
1 tn.! 111 ,, lrn·k1>1\ ... 1.111 . hut hr-.
p;11ll -. "1•11•11 I 1111°" II a nrf I hf'
, , . ..,, r• .. 11n li:!h• ,,;,.., 111rr11·1I 111r
\1 ·1·111tf111 111 p•1l11·1· ~111~0:1 .........
tak111 111 f111· h11lc lup .111d :111 11 lt·11
Ill •" .0111111u11 \.\-11 .., 11011111' 111
I-1'1:-.l .1 d p.rnh ""' h •·I 'I h1·\
1111111 1: ''" ~llfl
"''"""'' 111-.1.h 1111110•0• ·"" I· 1 l!'>l.111 ''·'" 111r111 ·tf 11 v1·1 lo VIII
.1i.:1·r11 .., l•11d :o\ :dl 1·11111011 .011d
"'"lllcl 111• l''''"''o 11t1•tl 111\ ltw 11011
I wry c·harJ.!1"' 111 t1•d 1•1 ... 1 n1lll I
t:ROPS. • •
F .1rm l111r1'.1t1 , '·""· "We· lwll••\f•
llw lt11111L1 11( far111"r'' ;1r111nt\
(111 lf11·...,•I 1111·1 rr :ol 11111:tl l' ni:o•
.11 t u a I h h c· I p f ' ;r I ti 11111 t .o
,OL'l Ii 1111111'1• h1•C':tll"' ti 'h11t1ltf 1:1 I
th•· tntl1•p(•111lt•11t I r111 k1•" l1.1d<
011 1}11· h1,.;h ..... 1\!>
111 !+a r r:imc·ntrl ""'''rrtlth
~1 11ont \ L1·;11l1·r l ':tf•1I ll:clll'lt,
H /\ta!'ll·:111 .. r 11, toltl ,, n1•w.., 1·w1
ft'r1•11c·1• ,111• w1111l<I intrc,.luc •· :1
n · ... o l1111on 1n th•• L1·~'t sl:rt11 r1•
.... t..ing lhc· lc•1l1•nol f.!01v1•rnnll'tll
lll rt·tn~.t:otl' the· pn1.r•1t V f111'1 :ol
lcwal 11111 f11r a 1:r1<·11lt 11r1·
Shi· .1b11 11rg1•d ':o\ l·:t111111 ntl
(; "Brown .I r 111 l'~111 ·tltl1• .olliwa
11011 of 1·nu·r 1:1·111' f 111·l '''
rarnH•rs :ind Ill ;i!l11 .... ;, l1·n1
111orar.v 12 1wn·1·11t 1111•11•as1• tn th•·
w1·11.!hl lo:id l11111h for C';tl1f11r11 1.1
1 r111·k1•r'
0 11ts 11l1· 11( f ':ol ll1i1 nt.J h1i.:h
'hllll'tnl! 1·11'l' a11d 'tuirt;,f.!t'' •1f
fr1·..,h frr111 .., :inti \1•i•1·taltll''> ...,,.,.
<frt\ lllf.! Ill 1('1'!'> •k \ 1111-!ll
A11 11H1<'1i1l 11f Ill•· f;n·,1t Allan
I 1t• !.. I ':t!'I f11• 'I 1·;1 I '10 wh1d1
oio1·ruh 0'> I 'I'"' -.u111·1 111ark1•t' 11;1
t11111w111l-. prc•d11 lc•fl rl'l:ttl prtc·•·'>
for frc•"h I 11111'. .11111 '0·~·1·t al1lt•'
1111ts 1d1· l'alit11rn1:. n111!1I "•·a"I~
flouhll'" 1f lhc· I 11J1·kt·r'' pr11t1 .. .,1
dr.1J.!!> on for a1111tl11 ·r tw11 w1·1·k..,
II OWl' v 1• 1 , 1·on s 111111• r s 111
('al1forn1a wc•rc• t•11Jo.v1ni.: at 11•11..,I
kmJ1111 arlly 1h·1irl'..,M·d 11rw1·:-. ;o'>
r;umt•rs flooflcd the· hllgl' """
/\ngl·le, :md Sun fo'ran1•ii.r11 pru
d1H"e mark1•1, with g111111.., th•·v
Wt're unablt• lo s h111 nut or '>tHtl' ·
ft 1 tu in 'II' f' ,,. ... 11~ .. tly t '"'' .w th.,..,., h
t •"l'iJ tp., fiH""W' l•u I I •;f1l1• t-.o 11 , "• I 1 • .#
t I I tf.41 I t .. ,t 1•11 t .•t\t 'of I H 1h t tt ,..,. ,,,
···'·' ...... ""'"'"'''• o ....... ,,.,.,., .... ,,,,,
"It'.~ lo Mf• tt ''" U I t•.tt f·A•1I·" 110 1 I t 1
lfl Vl'!lllAt "'" t •·l•t' •l•o .,~ ,,.111 1 t·I /4
1~11 ,,.,t"""''' lollN • t .. 1nt•'-ht•t'•'""''' ftol"WI
..... ,,.ttay lhl l'"''t 1lt ... hlr•h1"Ufl•trl ti tlJ
#ti lht#l fttof ft1'1-"'Aii't ·• 1,.1,ll;t•·f,fl,.lf .... ,, .... .,
t••t 1(jf"At fltl•l I tih1 ,,,. •
J•c.11. c ..... , "''. ,.,. ,,,.", ,..,.,,.,,,."" '~'""''"'',..
'"•••\ ··~··· I Utlft'
'"""".t\A Mvt.,..,.. Yi .,.. •·111••• t '"'' -
(Hftt\M lM\ lttftw,..911 M•ll
A'\\1\t41'fM,.1\.lfft•._.,I ,.,,,~
11 '1t M lf",t ttflV'' ,•tl•t 'f.,11
I '''''' • t\1" • 11\ttf.h "'"' 1'' ,,,, t Hut H'1t1l•1"'-It•,., n \ ,.,, H ,,., h ,_,,..,.,. 01t
lel•pflon• C714)M2·4321
Cl•nllled Adv•rtltlng642·54111
'''''"'""'~'''"' •' ,,,,,.,.~, ,,.,.,,,.,,ir,,
~~:· ·v;~ ,';';.. '~;:,'t', • ?.t~:,,·~~~'"·~.:.:.:.
m.'llff•I QI •ll1t1Ptfl'\pl'l\t M \ tit ff It\ ""'' fl-t
t•#)tetd\f(I 0 •ifhin\11 \Pf'I 1'91 Otttntthl()A •t
t.Wfttqf\t ~r
~,~;:,..!•·,'JsR';:·.:. .. ~,!:~:: :~~· ::..2.~=:~·,~;.,=~t\~: M ~IM•
,. •
S1h.1td1y June 23. 1979
Clal111s Bara•••eni ' Meadowlark
Official Quits
Ol 1 .. 0••1• l'I ... SI.tit
A lember of the Meadowlark
/\1'{;1;·rl Comm1llN·, who was
abo one of the a uthors 11( a re·
('('Ill rriti<"al report on the
airport. has quit bC<·uusc he :-.ays
ht"s bein~ harassed by low·
flying piJots
.John Loni:. who 1s manaJee t of
;on a partml'nt l'Omplcx ncur lht
11 u nuni.:ton Beac h airport .
t f<.olllll\ lh:Jl l'.lrll'l' h l• pul h"
n :c nrt.-lo the' two·pagt; r e port last
11111nlt1. f11lols haw· been bui7.1ng
ht'> a partmt·nl
'The• pilot'> have lwcn hu7.7.in~
rnc· n 1i.:ht and clay an<.l m y hc·allh
JU"l 1MI 'l ~oocl 1•nough to t ake
11 •• I.on~ ;io;srrtelf Hl' was onr
111 "''"'" nwrrrlwr!> on the rom
1111 ttc·t· lh<.rt w<.r :-. forme d la~t
idcntary a low-n ying t1i rplane at.
111Khl, tht> 111lot turned off hi!i
fo:vans s ays that 11s 11 rule.
pilots · i.voi d tht• C amhridge
i\purtmcnL'> llhc complex Loni.{
manui.tC'>J liccuuse "they know
that plucc i'> a n·ul po l1t11·a l proh
h•m •·
Loni.:. w1lh t·on1 n11tl.{:~! 1·0
l'hlltrman T11rn l.1vt•11gfl(1d itnd
m 1·m lw1 ( 'h(•I I >r:oh11•, rt'le11M!1l
a m1n11rtl\ t·11mrn1tt1·1· rcµort rn
Jn lht· r1•por1 th1·v i..a1d they
felt the• a1ri.ou rl wa~ 11c1lht:r !>afe
nor l·r1 mpt1ll hie with the <"om
· Thf'V s a1rt fh(•V wr1111rt take no
f I'~ JI (In ... I 11 t I 1 l > f II r f U l U rt•
1r:1i:('(llf'l> whwh lh1•) '>:11tl 'Hr •
h11untl to 111·1·11r undt·r pr~t·ot
t•11111l1 t1nn~ "
Jaws of Lite Us1'd' In Ho ur-lon g "Rescue of Four Women
I ,11111.! :d v 1 l'latm '> thiJI hi· r•·
I"'' t1·d tlw 11w1d1·nt:-. t11 1·11m1111t
1 .. ,. 1·11 d1;111 rri:cn .Jim 1-:van ... uncl r·: \ ;c n-. ,...,,i(111cfNI "WhHI do y11u
E v:cn.'. wt111 uloni.: with airport
01wncr Art N1•rrc1 <.rnd the n ·mi:ttn
m g two mr·rn~rs m ..ikf·s up ttw
1·o mm1ttcc m:.iJnrity. f'a lll•fl 1h1·
'>lrtll'mt·nts in the· rt•port fab•·
and Ul't.'Usl'd ttw tr111 o f \\ ;1:-.l11rw
dirty 1tn1•n 1n puhlt1 Cr.tt.sh. Tr~ps . 4 .. W ~111en 1•\lll't'I ;1ft1·r that renort''" .
r•:\':trl<, a mc·'Jl h_('r."of lhc•
c 11 illll:•· Crnml> (Ai lob 1A:-.-'c.t<·w
Hon. dr·rf1•'" n1ak m~ SU<"~ :.i s lat1·
' n'1t•nt to lt<>fl J..!·H'flrt -'"tlys ~u~nllW-'
11111 hing aboul the :1llcgcd buzz
l.ollf.!. who •,1i111111llt•cl 111~ re•-..
1j!n1tt 11.on .I 11111• :~1 :rnd 111 11 11111 .11
11•nol ,, 1·11n11111111•1• 1n1•1•t 1ni.: tlir11
"' t·111ni.:. • :ill1·cl tl11• 1·1m1m1ltt•1·
H\ STEVE MIT('lft:l.I . °' 1...--o..rr1rrno1 s·r•"
1"1r .. rn1•n ;tncl polrn• "'or ketl
f1M· n t-.irl\ an•.hw.ir•·lf+ frt:1-fou1
('11rv11:1 tlt·r M.ir wom1•11 tr a111t1·tl
111...,rlc· '"'' 1·:rr., fot111 .... 111 h .1
lu.~d4:--1.:.0H1:.w11 111 l-.a1-1ur1.o
Jl1·.H·h l"nll."
< J(l u·c·r-. 111d.1\ \\l·t 1· '"II .ti ..
t1•1t1J Oftn1• Ito tf1•l t•t llllll" "ltoo \\ I
:it f:rult 111 tl11· 11 Ill .1 Ol l'lol
11-'11'111 th;1t :-.c•nl l111th ;.ult1"
1 :ort•1·11111g 111111 a g 11.ortl 1 :111 111 .. 01
tht· t•111ran1·t· t•1 Ir\ 1111' ('ov1· 1111
l':it·1fll' ( '11;..,1 ll1ghwa\
\111loul;11w1· 1·n ·"" ru,h1·d 1 .... 10
IJI the WOIOl'll to lf11a:.: ~l l•f11u11 01
11 11~ 1111.tl 0•1111•11•vn1 , 11111111 1J1
'\p" 111111 H1 •,10 h ,11111tt11·11·111:0111
l it )' '"'" ·" 1•11!\·111 \ 11•t111i... 1•1
!...11111 h 1 ,,,, .1 :\11·11 11'.JI C ·, 111er 111
S1111 th l..1 ~" fff;I
I >I I 11·1 • .J, .1l I l1Jag '>:.tt<.l lklt1.:h1
l..11.c ll11t•ll · 7·1, of .JZ15 _$urtllnc \\ ,,, v.;,, n·c·o\cnng from ... ur
1•1 , \ I.it.· 1-'t 111.1\
'-,lt1 >' ,i;, lit• tJrl\ l 'I •11 J l!l7'J
\1 .. 1 '''. 11:11 pol11T lwltl'\''
1110:10 ti 1111 •o~ 11,.. 1•:,...1 t.::tl1· at tlw
l·\llli • ,,,, 1 11 f1ir11111111\ 1m t••
( ...... 1 llt;•lt\\,I\ """'''"' bl'fllrl'
1111 I 11111 •f I 1f O
\l '>t• 11•11111'11 ...... ,,. ho•1
I'·''"''"''''':. ·1 :r If' V11,rc·n1·1·
1 ·11.,li•'<' '1 I. 111 1:11. :-.11·11rl•11 :1 T 1·1
I .,,., •. 111d I l1•l1•01 1~1 ·111 Mr< 11). kl>
nl , :• 1 I ',q111 Pf ln•hl:111 tf I lt IVI'
lJ1 o\l't •1t 11 ,•· ..,,., 1111.t v•·l11• II· ,o
ll:t l ,I II ', •11'1 I ,II I> :1-. <;i1t1,1
. I ) '" J .. I'.. I 0 0 • al •• 1 "I 'I l't) I ..
; I .11 ~ .,,,,,, \, • '"o" 1 • 111.1111·, 111
_g11 .11tl1·t! ffot1d1111110 "' ~toulll
I '11,1 ·.I \li•clll ;ti I '1·1111·1
M "' !\!<'< .,,, "' ;.ho 111 1:11.11 tl•·d
·;_ 1'1 •1...tlll•H1 •II th• !"l11\.ltJ1 i..<is.tUnlJ.
1.wiltl \ :rncl ~I '> C11,l11v. "';,, 11·
Jllll lt•.i 111 f:111 t·c111dtl 1110 Ill th1·
111\0·11:0.1\l' 1-.11.1.· wulJl 11.t.J.Ji;.
·11 ... 111llb!'lll 11.i l k"d ..... olllo
l1101111tl 11.1H1• 1111 11'"'' h .o 11011•·
1111 1·oal ll111h\\,1\';o , l11 ••rri•11
11<.l'rt lltf' 1.1v.·, of 1ir .. cit•\,, •• , ••
111·1· 01111· .. r \Ill' 1111•·1· "'""'n 111
I h1• !\11 ·1 1·ur~
1';11 a1111·11t1 ·.., "'''fl ' k1·pl l11t'>\
1ro·;1t1ni.: tlw patwnh 1111 ~·11111•'""
1111t-'1d1• lite·! ;r 1..,
l'o1lln· 'fl'·1•11lat1· 1111 • • .11 "''"
l.111111111 th•· llllt'I' V.lllitl'll tnlj'!ol
It 1·.1· ,.oitl•·tl 11111 111111 1r ;o1r11 .111.i
tlw 1111rll1l101111 d ..,111111 •, 1•:01 •·ol
j1d1·d "tllt II
·" I .dt1t1-•l .t:('.t;all .1>il-1 )ng ttn.}'lhing
J1k1· Hpl, .. rt'~Jlpfld\•cl 1-;v11n"~
"ho hl;a!>t.'rl l,ong ;,i nd 1w11 11th1·1
to11.uru.ucc mcmuc.r::. l.<cJ.. m1111lh
;ol t•·r lltt· r ntwal n ·1111'r1 w;,.., rt•
l1·:0..,1·tl .mil eallt·tl for 1h1·1r Cl''
•. · .. ·~·••.:•t ion~ • '· • • ·•
I lhtnk I 111lrl hun that thtnJ.!"
h.1tl lw1111111· 1w:a<·dul am.I lh.11
I ht-h:tlt ft·-nf-ttw 1,-rth li•o'
'l"l'l'''tl 1111tcl lh"\ ro·l•·:.i..,•·d th.ii
.. ''""' h 11( lt;11f tr 11th' lh•;. o_.olt•.tl ...... , .. ,,,
f.1111 t: '>.lltl th.it lit {111• p.t'.'>I
th tt·t· ...,,.,.,_,Ill' t1:1d lll'•·n l1111.11·d
:ti l1•a '>l .1 !111~1·11 t1n11 ••, ,;111ol th.it
Oii llfll' l tf'('Ct!'>IOll, .... 1.1•n hP trw1l l11
Hw1tin g t~~1
,j "'""" I , ,. 1 r wd ''' tl11 '' li..il ' rwtot
.11111 to h1·lp 1111· 1·omrnun1ty hut
11111~. "h:1l h .1p1wn... ... ... ,, r ""'''
I 111 11101 :111 ant i .01rpnrt 1w1 •111
liul lhc·rt··.., 1111lv '" llllJl'h I 1:ir1 "u' ·l! i> .... , , h
f 'r om Po~w t I
• •
!...:tnt ... 111 • .ft 111 \\ Ill fl1111l1t lj'IC11l
11,.,., h l·'11tlo1\ .tit••• 11111rn trnm
l .. 1~0· l l.1 \a•.01 1·,,, .111•11:.. lll'lpo111.:
"1th tlw""',., lt1·ll11rl•
I lo \'. \ l'f \ lll'lpl 11\ .11111 f'OJlt
111111•d I .I ', 11111w .11d
1111 I 11 I I . l 1\ I l•'•·I t ;,II ;111cl
\\ 0 j It ... kll I"'" rtd !'.Ill• .... "
d1•••,1"1l 1ri ,o 111 1 'I .t11rt 1h:o1
,,.,.,: 111•11• '~'""" Tr1111l1I•
.11 ,,. • .., llio 1110111 \\l11t1• '.lol1ll
,1t1ol t.111\\ 11 lo 11111.., '.fill"'
. ..., .... ii ·" \\Ill • .. 111.11 I. l1:tll1llll 11 11111111;'11111 )'.1 .,11·li C 'it' I "'""II •fltl llfllfl'f lfl .Ith ht I I l11lllf ll,' .flld
Rebel Troops Halted? 111 1·11tlw1 .., 1.qll 1 ,,,...,1111•1 \\,J\'> '" \\;o" f ,1111 \t ll:' .I ,111 ;11f lt llJI 11i.:h11·111.111 1·\1•1·1111\•' ..,1·!>:..111n 111 111•:11'11 h.11•
tl'l-:rtty ;ot a rl'lrc·;1t lit•111g hi•ld s.·hi· W"·' tocl;.i \ ... rrrfrng .1 y~llow IO
• • • 1 ·"I"''"' hn v-.. S<·hwrnn l)l(·:yl'le.' I .1 Thi· ·.11hw1·1 of , . .,. •. , ... ,," \ 1101111 -..1111
:\1 1\~A<;t ·i\, :"11·a r;11:u:1 rAl't
l'n· ... 1df·11t /\n:.i-.li•"" Som111a ,
11:1l 1•1n,1I g11anl dat n11"1I rt lll':cl
li.11·k two ;1l11·mpl1•<I tl'lwl 111
',1 .,11011' fr11rn ('1i...ta Hll'a a i. J.!"'
•·111m1·11t 11111111.., li:ctt c·ri·ol lh1·11
"" \ 111111 g11t•rt tlla h•·ltl -'IUlll •It..,
1r11·t... on th1· , ..... 11·1 n 1•d J.!I' 11(
\t .1n.1g11.1
1\, fightrnw 1·11111111111·d l"ntla\.
th•· ()q~an11at11 111 of A1tll'rtc·a11
Sl<tll'l>. nwcting 111 Wa-.h111g t1in 111
tlc•hatf• the hltH1t.l.} N icara guan
(·lvtl w:ir. ;~pJWlJt"1•d lo n ·;wh a
1·1in'>l'llSll -' that S11m1n.a rnu"'t
:-.t1·p :1s 1d 1· tf 111·a1·1• 1:.. to 111·
:11·h11•\l'Cl 111 th1· rrnlton h1:.. fa1111l v
ha' r ul1·1f f11r 1:! v1·ar ...
I n M ;rnagua. · t1al 1onal g u11rd
"J111kt"im:.1n l'ol /\11111 11·:-An1ntl:o
E -'t't1har, told n·11'1rt1·rs l wo 1•1011
\o\<.. •11 · 111tt·rnat111nal <:11111
rntHll'l rnc·n·1•n;.ir1l''> .. att••rnpto·ll
lo 1•111t·r :°'i11'iHag1111 f r11m ( '11:..t;i
I< w:1 to n·tnf11ro·t· 1110·,111101 1!> h1·ld
fl\ g 111·1 r tll:i.., of tlw Sa111h 111:..t:1
'\,1t11111.1l l.1lt1·1 at11110 l"nmt
lit-1 l<11m1·tl th:it holh '""'"'"
'' ,., " 'h:tllt't •·ti ''' .1rt 1ll1·n .ind
h".1\' 11111rl:tt fir•· f111 rn 11 a t11011:il
1:11.1rtl •1111("''"' 110 :on .1r1· 1111r1h 11f
~.Jttlf l lll~l:o JHIMflllll ... :ilOlll-: 1111'
..,1111l ht·r11 h 111 cl1·1 with ( ""'''
H11 .o Tiii' I l'f'lll I 1·•111lol"t ... t Ill' Ill
tl1·11 1•111lt-11tl~ 1·11nf11 1111·cl The•
..,1111 k1 •..,111.on .,;1 111 g11v1·rnn11•1ll
1111111'" ... 11111111•d I Ill' 111 \ :11 11•1 '> !f . ., . .,
t h .1 11 I h r 1 • • • nr 1 I " :-1 n "' 1 If • ·
"l:w:.iragu;-111 t1 •1-r1lfll .'I'
h111·fl.i fl ~ •• ,,,,.,,,.,.,,
C ll ICAC;o (A p } N ik11la
K<cV:-tJi.t, Uw :11rlinc hiJa<"kcr who
llc c·h.1n«l l11msclf u soldie r m th•·
('a ust· of S.•rh1 an 1nclt•pf·n1knc·1-.
ha~ bt•c•n '{t·nle rwc·tl to <!O yc·1t1 "'
rn prison on boml11ng chaq!cs
ll l l 11~' 1''.'-i
J\.t\.•1·• : .. 1nd l1 \• '""•'•':••
:q111t•:trl'ol 1,,.11111• I !-i IJ1 .it 11 t
.lt:rlrr ll11hrrt I. V. rll 111r •,1·11
lClllllll' 111 I h 1• I!)~·• l1111rd1111~· 111
the• 11l1111l1.1n li11111 •· of 1111·
Y11 i.;1>'>lav 1•1111·.111 :111d .1 pl111 ,,,
1111m11 1 v.11 n·tl'l)lt•in-' t·11111
n11•11111ral 111L.: H11· lwg 111nllH! 11f I h<'
rc•i.:111 11• •11 Y11g10: .. l:1\ 1:1 ·., rt1m
1111111\!'>I p11·1111t·f ,J11,1)1 Br1i1. 'I 1t11
.-..full IJ01r11 ~ f ,fUH H
WASlff'\;(;'f(>N t J\1'1 Aft1•1
cl1~.1·11\ 1 11n~· c 1-.1d,!> !11111ng 111
"1"'"'1011!> 11( "" nuc·J,.111 pla11h .
th,. :\u1 l•·:r r H1·i.:11l:.it11r• ~ '11rn
lttl'""n .... 1111l1•rtng pl;orol -. or
"1111 l.11 d1 • .1 c 11 \o -.11111 1111 .... 11 tf
111'1 , ....... ti. 1111 I l'ljlltr1•ol ...... ,.,.('
t 11111' .111 "\I<<· 'l'"kc·..,man !>ii\..,
I It Ill 1111, ... 11111 !\ 1111k I'!\ n1 ;111
1-'r :c11k l11)!r :1m "'a11I Vr11 l:H night
1111• f1f.olll " Ill\ •of\ ,•rf .... tff h:t"I' '.I()
"·" 101 1'1 ·1 l11rm I ht· 111'>1w1·llom"
.ill o•t llw '\f(I' 1ir1h-r '' M'lll 11111 ,
t•t •oh J hlv '11111da \ Thi· 11rd1·r ;if
fo•1 I!> 1;, 111 :1:1 rc'-:11·111r' 1111111 II\
W1•-'l 111 ~1h1111-.1 • 1•:11•1·1 rw f '111 p :111ol
I '11m 1111!\l 11111 J·:11i.:11w•·nn1•
Mlwnf f•r ic•c• ( t•
w II· 11 ''I \ " :c II I " I 1 I
Wh1•:il pr11·1•:.. h;I\ ,. J 11111111·11 11v1·1
I ltc• $I h:t 1111'1 :tl :-.1111th1•111
K a 11 :-.:t'i 1·I"\' at•1r.., for lh•: fir:-.t
lt1T11• 111 r11111 Vt·:ir.., lt11I farmc·t ~
;11 c·n 't 111!>111;11! 11t1•1r i.:ra111 t11
nt arkl'I
·Nol ""I''" llw l11ri:1· S11 v11•t
gra111 11111·1 h :1:..1•:-. of the• t'arlv
1!no ... h:cl> 1111· pr11·1· 111 I l S whe~I
Mesa Baiik Robbed
During Lunch Hour
Costa Mesa polirc i.a1(.I Friday
a s warthy m:.in who s imuh1lcrl :i
JtUn under his s hirt csca1wd with
"unde r $2,000" in a lunch hour
raid on Crocker N;1t1onal flank
in the llarbor Shoppin~ Center
The banrHt. described hy wit
n csscs as very n e r vous. rlc1I
with an ll<'romf>llCt' In a white
Volkswa~cn bu~ with 1t RrBY
rear fender.
The . robber Cl)tcrcd the bank
1.1t 2300 Harbor B lvd. ut about
12 : 30 p.m .. llOli<•e s uid Wit
ncsRcs said the man confronted
a teller and told her ./· Don 1t play
any tricks on me."
T he s uspect was de~cribed us
11hort and alight. with a dark
complexion •nd dark hair. in his
20s or early 30s. Wiloeaaes uid
ltc• wa'.'> 1111 .. h :1 "'" an<l unkempt
In a JIJIC:Jr,llll't•
Although t111·n· were scvcr:.I
1·u :-.lc1m t•r' 1n lht· h a nk al lht·
t1mt'. w1t1w'>M'S :-.11111 cvcryon"
1'l•mu1111 •1I 1·alm •
('strryini.t th e murder weapon
when arrciHed in the alley but
diet not resist when ordered to
drop the weapon and lie on the
When jailerl. the 51-year·olt1
man was booked on suspicion of
murder charRex as well as two
counts of el\empled murder.
~"''"" '>lll'h :. ltull1'>lt tr•·r1d /\11d
ti <'111111•.., .... 111•11 le ,,..1 • \11•·1 l1·d
\\ h···· r.11 1111'1 . ·"" "' 111:111111 Ill ••
lllllllJH I t I' p
...... "~' ,, .... ; ....
T\11 .. \1!\SSJ-:f·: ll,1 0 \1'1
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~•tll l\ .Ill .1pp.il l'llf I\ lr:t ... 1·\h;111• t
o·d lttl> ;1tt•·n1 111 ~. to f111rl ;r ... 1.111•
1•1111rl 111 ltl1wk 111~ ... 1·h1•tlul••d
W1·dt1l'!'>tl:" l'i<t•1·11\10111 anti 11•1"'
111 11 ,1 111111 lo lltc· f1 ·d 1·r;ol
Thi· Vl11nd:i S11prc•m1· ('11111 t 111
:1 'fllil d1·1·1 ... 111n l:rt1 • Ft 1d.o \
t 11rt1t'll d11w 11 Su Ill\ :11 1 ·.., 11·11111·-.1
l11r a ..,, .. , 111 11xo·1·11t11111 '1110·
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ol l:t\\ 11r (:11'1
"'''>11111'> 11•p111 lt•tll\ "'" IJUI till l1•1h1·f• ·"' ..... k1111· .11\\11111' ..... 1 ... lht• ,tgc•tttl:t :tftf•I tf c•!,Jlb 1tf '1 111,1 \ h;o\C "'''II l!11lllt1 111 • .111
''"'''" il•Hll 1111·1·t111~· .... cl Ill'•" 111 .. 111 .ol ~0:11, o'tlH "' '"''''" >< .o "' 111.1rl1 · p11lil11" ,ofllf Ii I• Ill 111 tit 11 1111. 1111" I '1111111 11111.111
.1111111 l.t1•1lll..J...., 1!.'H"'~' "'·· '"''' \I lll1'.lll 1'
I ""' ,ffl ·' l.,1 ii ...
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<'011n1·tl 1111 111tw r'> ;11'11 :rro·
"' h1·d11lt·cl 111 111 :-.l'lt!">.., 1 hang in;•
11t1• -.t nw111ro· nl tho· pl;111nin11
1"111lnlh!'>ltlll \\ tllt f':ll'h l'l1Ullf'tl
J•l·r-.1111 :c pp11111t111~: hi... •If lt1·1 11"11
1'111111"' to 1111· 1.,111ltn1..,..,11111
( >t h•·r t•1p11·-. f111 th1• r c•t 1 o•:t l 111
1<1111111 II Ii at 1111' ('" 11· ''•·ntc·r 111
1·l11d1• tfll\\lllllV.11 lntfll to\ o·nwnl
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I •• ,,, lllh'·.11111 .11111 r1 -.1 ;ol lflll .:r ,, \
, .. ,..,.,, ,.n~w l I
• •
Ill II .1t1 ti It '1111 fll'. prt•1•art1111·,
Jll'll'h ,1-. Iii• tl11\f•t l1·._,;, l1111 k
•• 1·11·d otl Ill\' 111adv.:o\ a111l lu.110
\· Ii• I• II tl11 \ 11 t1tn wa!> ap
""'''"'" '"'''"" 1111ol1·1 1111• hf':t\ \ I'll' 11-.11 \\ twi·I·, :ind 1·111slw<I Ho
ol1 -.1t lt 11111171• 111 ·. l11•lor(' tlw
11111 \\ "' 11 111 k ... 1.1111111<•d 111111 •h··
fllPI I
Closing our Mission Viejo Store and
We are OVERSTOCKED and Ready to Deal!
10<11/11/1/•• Ill
f.11111ir" '" 11111/
/( ' '"" '"'J(•
SAT., June 23rd l...._-»\''1"""'
You buy it or we have to move it.
®ak mablts •This i.1 110 "COM I~ ON" 110 1mita •
tion uuk ... it's tht' fY'IJ/ rh111g. /.\f
Quality. No .'frroncJs• 36 TABLE w1lh 1?" leal
4?" T ARLE Wtlh 18 lea!
48" T AIR~ with 24" lttll
~4 .. TABLE w111t 24" leaf
f 'ully Guarani« ed I l 't·ar
48 &!>4"':>PllT PlOf':>IAt 1Alll l ~W11 H
Bong 'frNI trlP Of van & Ilk• " away. No phofle cah ple111.
90 D"Y' No tntl't•\t r on&nc1ng Avl'ol&l>te
•H.tll ''"'" • l'ren 8~1.ll Ch~•"
• l'tt\\ Bae!. Aim C11n11\
• f)t11~e Chtirt
• 0 1e\\1nt1 M 111ot\
• '\tnr"-l!d BoollctMi•
• SAioon ChaH\
e (..,,••uC11lJtt•rt ...
• Ct1111a t,~ll•n"h
• J Ool11 IC" ttm
• RoAI fo11 0-J\ll\ •Hal Haik\ • re<n 51Mwh
__ , ll·i m.1'El.. .... '9 .. Mt. \t·l e&.m•I ,.,
1342 E. Edln1er (\;bi .. w of Gfl\nd) I 28Ml Mar1uertt• Pkwy.
135-2 ... or 135-3219 • 495·2161or495-2162
O•llY Pllet PIMlto by lloc,..ro 1(-1•• .
·'~,,~~Ma '
Matth<•\\ l\1a1s. Hi month:.. ''wm'l muc h interested in tht•
bas kutball c omµt•lll1on in the Calif(Jrnla Fire men's
01,v~npic~ hl'itl this wt•t•k at Corqna dcl Mar High Schot>I ~\all . .1.vbci~t· clad pla.~ on tht.• Lung lk<tl'h tea m. t·nt6r
1 ained him sl'!f \~it h u hall nl';1rl~ all htL! a~ he.
OCTD Adds Buses
·· ·· On 4 Coas·t -RO .utes
l'onl a1111•d hn:h hu)oi ridt·r ... h1p
µ r om pt t-d I) r ;1 11 ~. l ' Co u n l y
T rans tl 0 1s tnct c IJCTD > of
fic1ajs to offcfr add1t1on<1 l scrv1c1:
" on· four routes ~tartin14 Monday
· .. ,.•
The routes sele<'led for the ex
t~.a pea"'·hour service include
t.hree P<1rk -N -Ritf.e express
r o ull'~ orq:n n:itin g in S<t n
~lt·111t-ntL~: ;1!'> "'I'll .1~ a rout1· that
run s l1t•IWl'l'n Sl·al ..ieach
1:t-1~1n• World-<tnd the M:.ill flf
I •
f I;.
.. ...
Oranj:!l' .
·.The-new trap::. bc111J( alldelf <.1.re
on · ·
Rout .. 211 1 •. liet wt-en ·San
Cll'm t•ntc and Fullerton /\ new
nu rU'lbound mornin~ trip will de-
p<irL K M<.irt Pl<11a <il Ii OJ a.m
and arrl\ (' <it thf• 1-'ullPrlon
Park-'.'.! Hult-lot at 7 05 LJ m An
(•\ t•n 1ng -.mtthltound trip will
Je;,i vc· F11Jh.•rt11n a l 5 ~{0 p m and
;1rnvc· .i.t I\ M<ih Pl;,iza at fi 44 I' Ill •.
·rh<' rn111t• mal\1·~ "'<•P~ m· Mi!.
!.1011 \'w10. L.1 gun;,i llills: lrv1nt·
a nd S:mt;1 /\na '
R o u te 20 :1 fro m S an
Clt•mf>ntl· 111 Long l«·a1:h A m·v.
m·o rn i11J,! n11rthlmund trip will
• lc:1' t• K ~fart 0Pl;-i;1 <1 al Ii 4 I a m.
and ;11T1ve ;it thl' l'ird<' l>rivf~·in
1n (.oni• Bt•:ieh at H <!8 (I m A
n ew ('Vt•ning lrtp will ICilVI' th1·
drt\·t~-m at a·!'if. p.m and arn vt·
· at'f\-Mar1 ul 5 :10 pm
Thf' roult· !:;l'!JI~ c.tlong the way
1n :-.a11 .Ju.111 (':'1p1:-.trano. M 1~~10n
\ l\'JU. L.1gun;,i ll1ll< the Irvine
111du strial com plex and c.it
Mt· Donne ll· Doug I :.is in Hunt-
ington Reach
Ro ut e ·291 from San
Clemente to Santu Ana. A new
. morning 11orthl)9und trip will
lt'aV(' K Mart al 6: I I a m . ;ind
arn\ t• at 11th etnd flO\\Cr SIJ"C'Ct.'>
<11 7 15 a .m. A ne w l'vening
southhc:ountl trip will li!avc 6th
and Fh>wl'r a t 4:45 p.m . arriving
<ll K·M:.irt <ti 5·39 p.m
That rout(•s sto11s 111 San Juan
Capistrano c.ind M1ss1on V1c10.
Route :JR, bet ween Seal
Reach Lei<a1re World and the
Ma ll of Ornng_e. An addition<tl
morning wc~lhound trip will
l<";H'l' ·J.;i P alm;i J\vcnut• c.ind
lla rhor Houll'n1rd a t 5 4!'> a.m.
and arrivl' at L<'is urf' World at
.For adrtit rnnal infor mation.·
riders nia.\· t·:tll the clis trtl'l'1> in·
frn·m at1on l't•nLN at r.:1fi-R JOE or
tlt <tl the· npc-raf(1r a nfl ask for
OCT 0 ·s t'ol l free n u m he r.
ZP.nilh 7-HIDF..
Pot u~~ Back~J
SACRi\M 1-:NTO ! ;\P l D111··
!ors eould prescribe m<iraJuan<i
lo t'O mbat tht• nausea t•a ui.cd IJV
n tncer <:hemothcrapy under ;J
IHll sent to Gov Eclmun<I Brown
.Jr by lht• LC'~1~lature Frida)
·smog Tests O,pposition
S.1.1tday Junu 23. t 979
NBC Artns Guruds
Onofre Nuke Waste Protected
By Ri\\'MOND f:STRi\Di\ Jll. °' .. o.11, ,., ... ,, ...
Arrnt!d &.U.1tds~ll ~cc;_g~1>_any
apt'nl radioactive ruel shipment•
out of Sun Ono fre Nuc lear
Gcncralintit Station beginning
next month afler federal of-
fkhals r1.11Med concerns ubout
pobsible torrorlst attacks.
N udeur Re~u l atory Com
nrnllilOn 0((1c1als have approved
a lis t of &bout 180 r ules on
r t1d1mwttve waste s hipments ef-
f cl'l 1 vc July 15 t h at tighten
se1·urlty m transporting tht: sub·
.... t:uwcs from a ll U.S. p lants
S an Onofre power plant of
f1 r1.1ls now sh1JJ their. S!Jent fuel
in t rttl'ks t'Vl'ry I 5 to t 7 months
from the station JUSl three miles
south of Sotn Cl~ent-e. through
J.01> Angtde:. alrmg frcew<1ys to a
Murri:.. I II . storage facility
11111 N H(' r ules will require
sµl'rt l nuclt'ar fuel pellets, about
lh1: ... 1ze of a pen cap. to be
~hlJ>pt•d away from cities of
inure than JOU.000 population
wht're pr:icl1cal ," said com·
n11:.s11111 s po k<'s man Jim
ll;int·hNt in San Franc isco.
Thi• rule.• tall for !'JRC of
fll'1<1b to approval shipment
rout C's in adv· nre If populated
an•:.i:-. c·annnt bt· avoided, l.11 le<t<,l
01w armed guard must ride in
SC Doubles
S.rn Cl1:nH·nl1: C11 v Council
illl'tnht'r::. hLJvc d1Jubl•;d Cit} l\l-
l11J.J1l'~ :\t1cha1:I Barlett'!\ unnual
legal Sl·rv1t·t•!-> ff:f• from $16.800 lo
S:l:l,flOO hf.:.C'aust• ht· plun~ to pro
p tl r t 1 o n a I I ~ 1 n 1· r c <• ~ i: h 11'
n1unitipal workloa<I
l'ount·1l · mt•mht·r :-. M vrt,..
Wa ~m·r ;ind l\;_1rol1nt· Knhl<'r
· \' o 1 t:' 11 a g :11ns1 · t he ft· c hike
. that. along with funds fo r law
hooks·. 1ner1•ast«1 Bartll'lt's tot al
•r 1ty bud~i:·t Irom the S:J'.!.?2~1 al
li>t' a ted 111 fi:-;cal rn78· 79 t11 S4~.90<1
in 1!17!1·80
"I likl' ~HU l'\'t:n the1u~h \\f•
:.i r~ut! a lot but doubhnt: your
f<·e !" Mi's Wagner toltl
B~r letl :.at a council session this
Bartlett told the council he
plans t.o spend two full days a
week on city pus iness instead of
just one as hC".has !->inc<' h<' tf)()k
lhl• allomey po!->l in 1''cbruary
Bartll·ll said ht• is a riri vutc at •
torncy ·hired part-1..Jmc hy the
c·ouncil to provide lt•gal :ir·r\'iCl'!'>
and attr nd municipal mcclings
Mesa Blaze .
Calle d Arson
/\rsori "as blamt-d ·for a Cllsl<i
M P!->a fire Thursday that ca11s<·<I
$2~0 in d:1 mc.i g1• t o t he Ml')oiiJ
Verde Bus iness Complt·x . f''in·
Marshul Russ llC'ndcr~on sairl
lie s aid fi remen found matcht:-.
<tnil 1·videm·c of mori· than ont'
pl:11..·l· of fin· origin in thf' 6 ~9
11.m bl<.11.t' <.t l 1525 E. ~t:)oi:J Verdi•
Dn \'C
llenderson said the flrl' nc
curred in a puhlic restroom and
wa:-. rl·portNI hy ~om conc wh11
not1t·ed smoke in one of the stall!.
the.• was te shipme nt truck with
tht-tlrtvt:r. llunchell s u1u
Bo.h .Krauch. SPOkcs.man for
Sout hern California Edison
Company which oper ates the
San Onofre pla nt. said the new
NRC rules approved June 15 are
being studied now by generating
station security official&
Gene Morgan. a Sun OnofrP.
plant supervisoi·. said about 50
or the pen-cap size s ptml fu el
pelle ts a re re moved from the re·
actor <'Ore when ne w nuclear
fuel 1s brought in.
The s pen t fue l p e llet s CJre
highly rnd1oactive and would
probably burn up anyone who
might try to steal the m unless
the thief has elaborate anti·
Mtd i 01t<' hve ftt"'O t rt t-1 ~ g ca .
Morgan said
Spent nuclc<tr fuel lS· slored al )
San Onofre µl<t nt sill' 10 40-foot
.J eep borooated watt!r tanks for
a time lo ullow lhl· pellets t11
cool . s aid Mor~an who v. ill
s upervb(· the two n<'w San
Onofre rcCJctOr1> nuv. unc.h:r <:on
stru<:tion Thl• first lll'W plant 1!.
scht!duled to bci,:111 011el'at101\. 1R
NR(' offi<:wls ~av about 1511
s pent fut•I <;hipmt•ni!. ltkt· lliosf•
at San Onof1 l' an· macll• from
v.1t h111 the «ountry annual(\
Another 50 nucleur spent fuel
w.iste shipments com e into the
U .S. from othCl" coun trl<ttl tt~ch
year as well.
N RC officials estimate t he
total n umber of s hipm ent:> to
storage facilities in the U.S. will
increase to 1.500 annua lly by
Don Kason. an NRC offlce or
sa f e l y a nd s a f e guard :.
s pokesman. said a study made
last fall s howed the containers tn
which the s pent fuel is shipped
may net withstand a te rroris t at
The tests showed that 1a large
a mount of explosives detonated
u11<ler CJ truck ct>uld rupture the
~ . .ke..canlainer.
But the tests <tlso s howed thf·
t'CJ nla1ner1> rcmum rnt:.ict after
I all 111g 2 .000 fct"l from an
a irplane. be mJ: rammed' by :.i
70 mph lol·om11tt vc an<l i-rashinJ.:
tnlo CJ tement wall.
!\lthough 1t may lw too soon t11
\(•II. SOffi l' offl{'ILlh twlll'V{: th1·
"\ HC rule!> ma~ J!rt.•<.1tl) rnc·rl•<t.'>t·
tt11• co1>1., uf 1>h1pping nul'11-«.ir
V. i:l!.lC!'>
San <Jnofrt:'!-> trans port firm 11>
h1rl'fl b.\ Ed1Mm C'omµany of
fll•t als
25" Dl~ol C.C.lor tro~
-~. ~52 s 00
LO•f'tl ,.,,Cf'
.. . h~r l'OI' htl ____ Ff'otvrN1 Color T to•
[j:t• I
---= r'
Pzt lC E!!
I . 19''.
""'" ~r ...... r
To Clr Of'
19" DllM)Oflal C olOI' Troll I q·· D1~al ColOI' Troll
w • .. t:':1 -. I 1t .. , .. 11
~ . ,.,.,.., ... LIMITED
Tc'<> :1 f \\l)\l':tr111d 111,tl1
~~1 111n:-l'tl. 1:... a ll .1pp\. ti·llov..
... li>ok 1ng lor. ~· gp111J h11nit· .
Y1111 <'C•ll p1 1 h h 11n 1111 ;11 ·
'>r;1n:..:•· l '111tril \ ·\n1m.11
Sh<· I t l'I ;,r:7 C''.11 1>11 \ P
S1111fli <II\ •>I ()1 ;..i11...:•
Briggs Pushes Issue
R~dllnd 51 00
Fro'" Our Hormol
Di\tount Pro~~ GC9JOSll GC9l 6
$69 00
Mf OITHIAHIAH. ACiiUH. AHD JAMfSTO\VM <;fHIHG Slall• Sen dnhn Br.1 ~g~. R·
Flt.llto·rt<m. ~:11d Fn d:,y he h<t~n·t
given up his ·opposition lo the
Hamilton auto cml!>Stons te5l
progra'm ·in Southern Californi<t
even thouJ?h the Sen.ate killed his
bill to shap it Thursday.
In ttte wak<' of that defeat.
Briggs said. the Senate Finance
Commit~ passed a Briggs res·
olution ~fhursd:.iy ni~ht calling
for a study of ~he three-m onth·
old progrn)m in the South Coast
Air Basin.
The resplution, which wili
come befpre the Senale next
week . sedi; a $300.000 to $400.000 ·,
st udy. which would be conducted
betwee n September a n d
Decembel-. to dete rmine if the
program is r eally c u tting
m issions.
"It was just too early for th&l
ill," Bri~gs s a id of 581138.
·which needed 21 votes fo r
passage Thursday and lost 14 to
Hamilton runs 17 test centers ·
Hot S<!n Hohc•rt Presley. o.
R iv~_lftc. s;11d s urveys show
th:ll thl' lldmilton progrnm is
~l ':o t imes more effecti ve in
t·atching high -po lluting cars
than the service sta tion system
And Sen. Newton Russell , R·
G l endalc. sa~d it wciuld be
"rather foolish" fo r t he state to
buy out the Ha m ilton contract
without giving the tes t centers a
chance to work.
Bri~gs sajd substituting 17 in·
s pe ctiott s tations for 4,000
~a rages would force motorisL-; to
use more gas oline and wait
"It's a tre m e n dous boon -
doggle and a was te of energy."
he said.
He added that state tests at
Ham ilton eenters found t hat
pollution problems often went
The bill had the support of the
'Californ ia Service Station
in six counUes in Orange and "--u) N d
five other counties . It chedts '-AJll8 tauts ame
vehicles on change of ownership LOS ANGELES <AP> -Two
to determine if they m eet anti· local public policy consultants
am og requirements. have been named by Superior
Briggs called lhe program ex-Court J udge Paul EgJy to dlrect
pensive-and Inconvenient for the the study of alternatives to the
public. He said his bill would re-Los Angeles desegregation plan
turn inspet'lion duties to 4,000 In e ffect . The cons ultants.
garages and ser vice stations. Ed ward K. Ha milton and Fun-
whk b he called more convenient cine Rabinovttz. were a ppointed
for m otorists. Thursday
• •
Dealrrs A ~soc·iatwn Rul the
s tale /\1r Hesourt·cs Board OP·
posed 1t.
ARB s pokesman Bill Sessa
:-;aid the state has had prohh:ms
with Hamilton hut it is rnorc er
ficicnt than the gar<1ges.
Sessa said a s tate test found
that Ham ilton inspectors caught
only 30 percent of dc feclive
sm og control d evices in o ne part
of a two-part test. but were more
a(· curate in the tailpipe checks .
"W<''ve done audits In the past
that showed that mor e t han 90
percent of the m echan ics in
pr ivate garages do not do ade·
quate insJ>('ctions. It would be a
dis aste r if we we nt back to
that." he said.
Waiting times average to to 15
minutes al Hamilton centers but
som etimes r un 30 to 40 minutes
during peak periods. Motorists
pay SU for the inspection com·
pared to a n average of $18 in the
garages. Sessa said.
The defeated bill would have
appropriated •S20 m illion. Sessa
said half was to be used to buy
out the Hamilton contract and
the rest to pay back the ARE ·ror
developing the progr a m .
Briggs said the money could
be made up by cutting AR B staff
used to adminis te r the program •.
s elling s ta te l a nd u s ed by
Hamilton. and cha rging g arages
$1 for s mog certificates to put on
cars they test.
·I • I EST FROM co~~tilk 'I RCA-THE
"'II PhCMWFor $65900 LOW 49C102
WHY BUY AT ABC? 90 days <J payments). same· as ,as.h or low ~own
and 36 months to pay <O.A C.) Free Delivery and Seluo on all con'>ole
models BankAmericard Master t t'{arge ·We ser vice what we ~ell
No Commissioned Salesmen All deliveries made by fac.fory trai ned
v(\\'i ............................................................... . ~ c:.,o ~01-o<a~~&~(\&o~t,O 19048 BROOKHURST, HUNTINGTON BEACH
\<' c..~·"'· """. 1-(Corner of Broollhuret end Gerfleld · • t ·=i ... <\~-~ _ ... .,."".,.t." 1 1 L.--~ \.~1-e<'°' "°C.~\.t: HOURS: MON.·FAI. 10-7 PP,_, .--.,-~,
SAT. 10-5:30; SUN. 12·4 PHONE 968·3329 %~ §
Teen ltifi Woman SMrifrs
Daily Pilot Carrier to ihe Rescue
You111 J ohn Yoot fl knew
•ometJun& might tM' wron1
T he U·year old Dana f'oant
Oauly Pilot carrier boy noll"f'd
that Monday 1 nd Tueaday'i-
nt•WllHIJ>f'l'tl hadn't been picked
u11 when h~ approa~h f'd tht'
•·lderly woman '11 door Tu<>Mfay
JOHN FOOTt; H.\0 ('Oml' lo
l'OlleM nut. II~ th1n1ti. tum~I
out. II w•t-74 Y"'" old Ochori.t1
l>nuatht•rtv who woult1 lw <)n ltll'
r4"t't'IVIJ\j( t•nd thut lllt(ht
'I knodtt"d on the.• door 1mfl
hi.h'nt'd ... fo'oott' n ·<·u ll:. of TIH'fl
tluy nlt:ht "I thoui.:ht surnc•lhln•'
1111g hl be wroni.: so I lli.tcnt'<f fot
U Vflll'f'
"I heurd her Ubk mt· to ..io to
tht• window. hut I e•ouldn 't M't'
.1 n y th1nR." he• r nnt1nurf1 "I
u'kt•d ht"r 11 -.lw wu-. ok .n lln•I
"""' wld nw lo run .ir1d •Wl lwl1;
MRS. DOU4ao:a-rv . WHO
l i ve~ ahinf' uod "Ufft•r:. from
arthritis , hucl fullt•n out o ( hNI
·:ctiout I um T111·~1la y !'\ht•
,·ouldn 'I m ovc·
S ht• hucJ l;un 1111 t ht· flt>or. u11 <•
1111• to movt'. for ahout W hour ...
lll'fort· f'ooll· urri v1·1l al h1·1
·•IHI r<t ment. .. •
• · 1 r~ and 1(-0\ lh•• bUperml~n-'
d t·nt or lhc upitrlmcnl hualdtn~
IA. ho had a master k~y ," f"oolc
:.a )it, ··w, .. run bac k and. he
llpt.'OCd \ht• door and WC found
lwronUwnoorim1dc " -
Mr:. Uou~hcrty ts m s lublc
t'o n ditio n 1Jt San C lt·m c n tc
llos pila l. tha nkful that youn~
Fm1tc caml' by . •
o .. 1.,r1 ... ,,_,,,.:i,_.1t1r ... Jr
Dally Piiot Carrier John Foote Aeacued Dena Point Women
Facility .
Today la moving day for 89
s heriff's deputlew. Investigators.
officer& and clerical workers ais
they prepare for a Friday open
house at the ne w South O range
County s ub·station In Laguna
The m ove will r e locate the
she riffs facility from an e mpty
South Orange County Municip ul
Court courtroom to tc mp()rary
trailer faclUU«..>s adjacent to the
south county civic-center . 30143
C rown Valluy Parkway
R esidents wlll get their first
peek at the quarte rs Firday
from 2 lb fi p .m . Displays and
tour,; Of the facility Will be COn·
The Interim qua rte rs arc the
s ame onci. used by the Irvine
P olice Department in the p11st
f.'o un1y 11upcrvisors voted to
pur1·hui1e t he fa c ilities from
Irv tnt• la st yt·ar iJl a t'Oh\ or
about $40,000
~a Folo1nul
Hit by Bandit
/\ hmuht thn·at1·n1•el a fomuh·
l"1~rlcwith 1t p1Ktol at :ihout 7 JO
11 m Thurs11uy ~nd flNf wilh S5:J
Crom a Co11t;1 Mcs;1 ~·11tom:11 .
pohc·t· i-aul Frula y
They !>.aid lht· crwn. who µut
I hi· money rn· a yPllo w knapsack.
fl ('(I on Cool I ft• w:ii; 11c•h('nh<·d .,
a While tncm ;,ht1UI fi t('t•l l<ill, In
his 1·a r ly :t<>1-wit h frizzy hlon<.l
... h11u lth·r frng th hair ·
Lucky and Alive:
Saga of Shoot~ut
By AaTH\Ja a . VINSEL Of .. Dolly ..... ..,..
BOB A&CHEV 18 A BIG guy who loves kids a nd doga and
living but he is also a veteran HunUn1ton Beach cop who once
policed rowdy beach m iscreanta ln the 1980s aa one of Settler's
Sandmen. a special summertJme detaJI.
Tuesday was almost u;e last day of a police career for both
Archey and Fountain Valley detective Jeff Nichols, 33, who en·
tered a far northaide home on ualenment.
They accompanied a n occupant of the communal n.idence
who llpPt!d them to an alleged cache of stolen property ancL,
narcotics and they poMd aa pala helpln1· him to move to pt a
-peck at the evidence .
THEV COULD ARREST NO ONE on the informant's word
ulone without enough eyewiiness evide nce to persuade a judge
to sig n the rnquircd search w1urant under California law.
Herc is one day in the life of a cop who lovea kids and dogs
and livinJ( u nd whose s41llry is paid by the people of the cit y
.where he lives : , ·
"Dett:ctivc Nichols "nd I went in with our Informant to he lp
him move out of the hOU$e. We went into lhe bedroom with ham
and startt-d pumng s t uff out of drawers. . . .
"Next thin g, this KUY Begley walks in and sticks a cocked
211-,.inch revolvc r ·rn tils face a nd gets all over him ... He d!!·
m andM h is car keys air strcllrity for some bills. . .
·'There was a 21 l <armed robbery) going down rigbl In front
nf us when he handed oyer the keyR, but It caught Nichol& and
m e fla t -footed," Archey said In descrlbing.lhe turn of eveata.
Once the keys w e re Minded over. the tense situation eased,
hut Archl'y suys the re. was s lHI distrust in the air aa they
f1ms hcd helpin g the ir Informant pack · ·
T h•·y wnt· :1mllng arm~'<.! m en 1n tha t ho use :.nd knew il.
"IT MADE MF. •·EEL pretty
J.:OQd t~al I could he lp ~o~t-onc ...
"a'Jt; Foo.le. who livt•s wjlh his
~11·11falhcr a nd m othe r . John
dfltf Curol Ma h('r , m Dana f'otnt
·The M:irt:i1 For~tcr f untor
ll1~h School studcml. who carne~
l wo paper routes while a friend
'J Callons . says he want.!> lo ~ a
doctor whe n he J!rf>Wi. ur>.
·c . . ' ' 'B · ' ruisin. .n . oozin
"Wt: l .OAOt:I> t:VER\'TlllNG INTO the van and i.:ot tn
Therf' wer•· <>nly two iwats. ~'' I sat in th<• middle on th1· Ntgm1·
•·owling Wt• km·w those ~uy:-; wen • armed, so Nir hol'> :ind I
pullNl our guns :ind :o.ort of h id Lht·m We· kind <>f sa t on lh•·m "
• ."'l'hf' <;ui;p1·fl Hlenlirit·d &1s Rcf.!h·y approa<'ht 1J lht· v<tn a.::11n.
/\rdH·y :ih~f'rb .
Gas No Prob~em to 8;000 Young Joyriders f lltH'r!. tl('('1Jmpan11•1l lht· aflflan·nl ht·arl nr lh•· S1s ... n11 l>rt\I'
h1111 ..,1·hol<I 11111 f11 r 1111' 1·1111fr11nl:11111n , 11rd1·r1111-; th1· two uu
<J,.,.,.,,"•·r pultr 1•mf'n :inti thJ·tr t<1m11<Jnttin to halt
I h • look a stc•p in the ra$(hl
d1n·ct1on Tuesday.
Chamber OK~
/\ rt•s<illlllllll IO ftt vor or n ·tnov
1ng t:onlrob Crom th1· 11ri c 1nat tir
11t·I rol<:um wa1:> approv1•1I Thur"
day by thc• hoanf or cl1C<'1·t1ir~ of
the (.;os l:1 Mc·~a Chamhc~r <1(
('om riwrc·1·
The· n~11f11t 11m . wh11'11 will IM·
:o.1•nt lo Or<1ngt· County t·on
~f'Chsmcn. c ites lht· pol<:nl 11.11 d
f1•(•( Of h1 gh f'r rriN:h Ill 1•n
1 11urugin~ g as ol111t• t·on:.1·r v:i
I w n
II abo p11111 b out th~t tht·
I '111t NI St ah"> •~ 1mwt·rh·s1-t11
•·qo\ rol I ht· t11I 1>n <·ing 1mlw11·~ 11!
I h•· M 1df!C.loil wl-produ<•tn~ 1•ou11
I r1c; a nd urges ltrnt U S <111
111 11·1·~ <ibo l1t• :1llow•·1l l11 filial 111
th1 ·11· Cree m .1rkl'I va l1u-
l•igur•· Skah·rs
'lo Hold <.:ar Wash
The M<·~11 Vc·nk F1gun· Skal
IOI.! C:luti w lll hold :i f1111d r ;11S111g
1·;ir wahh from 11oon ti, o\ p m .111
Iv 7 ·a t 1111• 11·1· rink :cl lili'1
l'atilanno /\ve· . Co~ta Mes a.
The cluh, a rncmtwr of the
tJ S . l-'11.~ure ~kulanf.{ l\~Mw1al11111 .
will u se lhl' mone y in 1l:s chm
JwllllVl· WltJ trave l runtl
• yf'"
LOS /\NC; fo:LES (I\ I') N tJW
that school h. out an•I Southnn
C:al1fonua·~ g;1s hnt•b arc• J.!t1n1-.
<·ru1s ing '" htH·k. l11 g 'ah 1·vt:r
M ayt>c·b1~gn
'Along Va n Nu)~. Wh1ll11•1',
11 <1 I I y w 11 o d et n cl S u n ~ 1• I
houf(:.l'anb. 1·ar~ an· pa•·kf'll •·nil
to N i1l. ~lopltghl lo ... 111 pll1!hl
S11·r1•111-roa r a h1111cl1 1•1I diff•·n •nl
I Ull\''
wt:DNt:SDAV IS TIU: tr:11l1
t111n:JI "<:ri11i.c· n ight " along Vtrn
N11y ... Bo'11h•varrl. ~1·1•11t· 111 Hw
rn1JVIC' of lht• s:111w name.· Ttii ..
wc •c•k wa~ th1• ftr~I '>1 111•1· h1.:ho11I
11'1 out Monday. m11I H.1100 v<11111g
1lf'e1pl1· t~>k t11 th•· ~• n •1•ts Tw1•n
ly lhn•t> Wt•rt• arn·~lccl. mOhl r111
Ve•tc•ran t111ul1•V}1rll watd11·1
.I 11hn Jcrg1·n~en, a l.11h I\ ng1·lt·•,
polH·c '1><·ri,:1•ant. ~a11I lha t th•'•
yt:ar lh typic al cx1·1·11l that g rrb
an• mon· aggn·s~1 v1• Ttwy nuw
tom an "~hooting lh1· m111m " or
fl:1s hmg a ~1arc tfack ~11h· f1'11m u
n1ov rng, •·:er, and ~e)l111· hav1•
11dclNI a m ·w lw1~l rlro1111111g
th•·ar tanklup~.
· 11 ·~ llw ~<irrw thin.:. hut now
g irh, an· try m g t11 riwk up hoy"
arHI VI('(• Vt·rha .. h•· ~IJlll . · 11 .....
•>uly a pr11t1l1·m whc•n lht•y elon't
wunt l1> IJ4• 1m·k1·1~ 1111."
t·ommon. an1I <ilon~ ~1111· hln· .. 1:-.
many <JUl(•tly 1w rketJ van!> arc·
mobile hom.I'~ of 111 r1·11ul1"
.lrruenscn ~a11l
Ntncty 1111l1 n : 11Hll'1·r» ;111• ;p,
:.1gn(:d to watrh 11vn the are u,
he s aul
T11 tlw c·ru1h<'r~. l.:Hh SC'<·m11 tci
ht• fl 11 (I r '' h I t.• m I\ n d lo
.lt>r gt·nsr n . rruis ing .IS ne>l 11
pl'olit .. 111 11 'h lht: hl11ppang thut
wor n1•s h1m
"Wh1·n. t h1 •y :-.t.1nd a r ound.
they gl'l h1m•1I ancl that·., wtu·n
wt· J.!t•l brok .. 11 i.t11rrfrnr1ts untl
I rn11 hie.-.· .I i'rl!f'O'\t•n 0.,:1111. .. Un
ro rtunatt'l v . l h1·r 1· :ir1· morc•
1·nm1·" ai.:am"t thl' 1\1.ts than
thc•y n •al11.1• rUJlf'b and nib
lwri1·"· and k1tfs 1:•·l lwat up
<;11n g ~ f·omc· tl11w11 ltJ t h 1·
1!111111·\ :inl """ ..
(;t\Nf;s Iii\ Vt; t\l.SO hc!1·11 a
pr111il1•m .1l 11n_g Whitt 11·r
ll•11tlf'\ a1 ti 111 t h1· t:a s t l.n'>
1\ng c·lt·h harn11. M'•·n1· ''' th1· t·on
I r <i v •· r :. 1 ;1 I g a n u mo v 1 t·
l11111l1·varil N 1ghl h," wh1•r1·
1·ri11htnJ..: ,.... ltk1•w1M· a f10}1ular
p:]'>llmc'. ka ~I l.r11-/\11g1·l1·1-~hf"raff':,
('apt· Ken Sm ith sa 11l the re Wf'rt·
l l gang.-rt·late·tJ murd1·rs a nd
m1>r1· than llJO sc·raou~ a~s:1ulL'>
I a ~ I v c.· a 1 ;ti 11 n g u n 1 • ti I o t k
lwl w1·1·n /\llttnl u· llouh•vard and
Jo:a~l1·n1 /\v1·nu1·
'f'h1·n -. lh1· c·ru1hl'r'> r an1w in
a g t• from I :1 to :15. hut most nrc•
in llw ir lalc• fpc•ns und early l(~
!-i rn11 h ~a11I the· t:ru1smg hc~mh
a f I ,. r Ill 11 m , u i. u a 11 v on
w1·1·kl·nd n11!hl1>. and t·an la;t un
11.l '1 am=
"Vm;·vt .. ,;OT TO hec 11 to
lwlwv1• 11 ,, llLUe· <>Ver " ma lt·
/East, Midwest Get Rain
A lb\IQYtt '•8 b)
Am1••tflt1 ''" 10
IHH hfU'"JI!' bl! .,
Allan111 .,,, 1n
U•tlllfftOttt I'll I.II
fh;1~ ; "' '° UQ\IOt'I "I '4
h •n.wn\Ytllf' ••J ,.
llulf•IO I\ h1 I M l\lllWV "' ~o
(f\•1y~nnrt lb '7 rh1• •oo /\ A\
( "" '"""" '1<1 h•
Ll•••l_.'lf) /1 " f ntumbu\ ~'·· 6•
t;,11 I I Wiii ''" ,.
O•ittvet "' \7
l><o\ ""'"' ... ' .. A~
f.,Htltn1t '" WI
f 4U rbn•\ '·" .,
HMlfOIO 10 )I
tOTl1jf'Ul1 I \ •• ... OV\IOf' ~· ,.
tmt'•t1t1'•' ,, .. ,
Jof lt\'.t1W "" "" ........ \ c lly "'1 A .. l•• y-....-. IO\ 10
I •ltl• lt()O •• M
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C l>Vl\¥1tlf' "' /)
#IA-ftmOht\ ,,, IJ ,..,""" .. • l'lt•lw.u• .. ) .. )I
NIPl\t>h JI •l " N•\llwllle '° 10
Now Orlt\\ ., " H•" YOO I\ 6)
HO•IOI• 14 60 01\111 (.1ly " H °"' .... ,. ••
Ml, ....... __, ........ ~
·~ ~J .t' • t I •• " t •• ,,.. " I ... ..,.1
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" • ···', " tl(' •• , ,, '.. Ill ...... '' ., ........ ,,,..,, .,., ......
ft-11 ... •'' I
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r 1tf\O•uQlh
tJtt•no, M ..
t1 .. flo
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S•ll lM~
!Mtn 01«90
!Mtn fl'•n ,,.., .. ,., , .....
,,.,,, .... Of\
(ALIPotllUA 11 •• .,,1...,.
(I (,.oftlrt•
ti··-~ 1.one i..ttt" M4Mlfovle
lllllefl .. ,.,
...... 4,
Now(l<ltl ti.«I\
0 114•••0
l"•lfl'I \(If 'flt' ... ~
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!Mn l\ornMd•nO
&on IO\M'
"''"""',.' lt\r towrr ()h 1u V1tllf'ly 11tHf ... ,. ... ,,u1 AH1tntlt LU..\\.
t t'I• wr"'h"' '"'t1rw1• ,,,, ''ffl"lf •di
1)1• m ut t\ fht• 'nHH• ff)n1vU"Out
( 1tl1l111nw t tW"' Will '"' .,,. • lOUdl
11• , •• 1ttt'JU''" 01111 uhu n1ot1 111tnd
lofl•Q•t w 11n \vt'l\tltnt• W1\ •ft•r"'MH't
Mu11n tA1n ,.,,.,.\ 1t1 ~oul"•'"
(."lt"Hntu w1tt ft11vr , • ., •f't11t'-" .. '
lhrouQh 'lund•Y •ifll '•'ort ••""'
tl1<1h' IC 10 *)AM lrtw\ 41 tu \I
tUQh \ ln tf~l notO._tf\ dfit.\t"l h ••tt °"' ff4 to HM WllPl IOw\ " to ,.. •UQn\
in If\# \O\Jlt\iflllr-~ ~""'''' Wiit tM'I 104 lo \~ ,.,tt\IOW\ .. \O It.
f h• \I'-'"" NttvMt-. win ~ '"" '"(1 w1u rn throuyh \urlrl1t~ w llh ,. htw ,.,
lernoon •"'./ • .,.n1~ • 10,10, "' 111un
...,..,Al1on\ ff'mfll'r-th1r,. ""' L, .. ,.
r Ah<:» ...... .,... JI MW! in Hw V0\1tmi1t~
V •llOO
Coa•fal Wraf11ttr
'II IQ \~nl• llM I• \t " Ml '>•Ill• II••-• 1 J _. Nor111..,.,,1~r11 "'nd' I~ to 11 kllOh
ID\ 11 ',•nl" (,1u1 /I \t out-r <~faf -lef\ oll P0tl\I COi\
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,) &> ~-S11••ar" ••·• w.,,., .... ,,111""''""•'.,
&) tJ f"UnC'.Mt\tOtm\ ..,,,~...,_ h l')m th,. n.-' "~~~\tt1•r•l)lt11 tnw 'lnut:U nt \\
'' ~: UOft'' rn•tt\Atf ltt>n Into Ott'J f ...... •if' fOtHUht ,,., .,.,. tor tMtfi•t ( te•• I~'" "'1 f rtd•Y. \tr ... t<h+,..., \how•t\ or thvn •ft•tnt'MH't 0 &I O.r\l\uw.,, "°"' '4~• l nol,.nd 10
ftOftOe, tn. ,tnlf., f1ull f O<l\I •""
t i 11 , ... ,_, Ml"i"lfll>• V•ll•y ·~,. 4A '"P••r' "''" "''-''• ov•r fh-•• U D•IU>le\, 11N1•1.,.,,, \lofln• da•-•-o
tOJ ,, 0 .. 1 '"" Ot>lo V•llO ., \toorn• .....
1e .. "".,... ''°"' "''"'" -·o• 10 ,,.. 101 .. •••l•r" ,..II ol Olil•~rn•, wl\e1e
•l )I \10111'1\ \-1001\.00.' ..... 9011
•1 it bitll•t11" """on TI!v•-r it t0 5Uo -•• {ll!n.rally t l .. r on r ti t i \41 MY au°" Hit lloOle\ lo,.,. P.erlllr to Ml CoA•I !ft ......... 11\e Nl<lutthMll
10) I) lllv•• ,_ ..,.,.. llond \1"90, Ir~
.. .. lt""4•. '° mlf"' no11~1 01 8111
Portu•I ••lid 1nn1Qt11
\yrl A•••ilQI' ll91Qhl 1n '""' 111 .. 1mum h•IOlll m I••• P"flOd It\
,.,Oftd\ ......... ~
l um• I I 14
\,tnla Mefllt • I 1 U
N•"P<l'I HwnUllqlOll J U
\On 01tt00Cown11 > • I• \wen ,. .. ,_ ,.191\1 lft , .... ""°'
'"'""' ......... ,. ... I 01tKI-.
•l ~· ,.,.,, 10 ,,.., "°""°"" Mo•I 01 '"" .. 14 U • 110,dfnt llH bHn rettrlClt d 1b S-, ,.. .... Tiff•• 1111 u ........ ~
U1UllOA• IO!t .. l•fl'l'9rMur•\ •'OYNI ""' n•llon
., ,, ,, ... , lefttld "°""., '" -..... 11 •• •l U Nllt l\, IO Ito .. " .. \9 Air f'OfO 11•"'1 ,, ,. ....... utlbot,, .... ,
SM-...... '"'"' S.c,,... -1 '' p .,.
H ~· fllt \-• •rid lllund<t""'""•" ~lond hllll\ llO )() •••• 1111 Oftflfluot ltlday 1n 0111a110m• .,.I 111\d •-
\11 .. 0AV
' .. ,, rn
l Opm
., '.
6 I
1 .
hUnlJICr lo·humpc·r.' Smith ~a11I
"It t•o uld Lak1· you 1!'.i rnanulc~ 111
get through
"To lht•na . th•· go<1<I llung lh 111
g1•t 111 the• lllh1cl1· larw and t<Jlk 111
• ~irb g111r1i.: 111 th•" 11p1101-1l1· 1llrc·1·
llllll ..
In llollywrnHI , 1ml11·1· 11ffw1•1
Fr,.11 l)ahl ..,;ud !-i11n•.1·t .1flll
ll111ly1A.ooll huul•·v;ird h ha\c• :1b•1 ·
111•1•11 t·rowd•·tl ~m1·1-:--..,d11lf1I lc·I
11111. liul e·ru1t.1ng hah not tx:1·11 ;,
11ro bkm.
.Je q .(l'nscn haid nohod} kn<iw1>
why Wl'dnt·~day lwcauu· (·r uah·,.
11ight on Van Nu y~ l111ult·vanl.
but tht: trarlat1on go1·s hark tu th•·
01111 J!1;1r... wtll'n lo!'al 1·a r 1'11111 ..
1·;11n 1· r111wn lo show orr-a'nll (•>.
d1 a n i.: l' inf orm at 1o 11 N '' v.
woulfi '"~ 1·r111he·r~ 1·11rr11· rmm a ...
f;i r a~ ~;111 lhq ,:11 amJ A.f'lltin.1
s.~ to Reor••~nt
WAS lllNCiTON I /\PI Th•·
Nuf'l1•ar H<·~ulatory Commiss11in
Thursd ay tcntafivcly ijp11rov1·1l
rt•Opf'ninl( the nanc ho· SN'll
nul'l<·ur plunt in Califotnia afkr
thc· N llC st uff s~utl · pr:ohlcm~
whu·h forc·•·d n~-: .. huidown had
twt•n 1·11rr1·<·h·tl
Thi· ~USIJl'l'l 1de nt1ficd . hv lh4> om en s a!> flpgl1·y all1•g1•dly
..,lrtll'k 1h1· ur11•lt·nt1fll'rl 1nform ;1nt in lh1· C:t1·1· liy-rc·:id11n ~
tllr11111:h lh1· wtnd111A. ' ... ' 'Jne r111ir1· J1<1rl y . wh11 pol11·1· 1tlc nllfll'rl ;,i~ llrown. the·n dr1·w
a ~un ar~<1 fm·<t a P.t'>lril hhot throug h the roof "' th•· v11n.
r P;ll'hrnf.! thr1 111J'h 1111: "'1nllnw w1th1n m<·h1•!<i 11C th1 · thr1·1· 111·tu
11:1111 , -..111dwwh1·1f "lh1111J1l1 ·r t•i .,111111l<lf·r
"\\ •: IUON'T Wt\NT TO f;F:T INVOl.Vt:U 10 ~om•· ktnrl 11C
~IH.111t11t1t' tr;1p111·1l Iii th•· van. · ..,.,).., /\n•h•·) "T h<·n 1t11'> f.!UY
l11w1·r-. th•· 1•1wk1•!1 gun to 1Juf 1r1r11rm:int''> t11·ad "
/\rd11·~ la..,h1•tJ •Hit uni! knorkNf thi· wc·a(l'm awa ~ unit
.in11tht-r -.hot wa~ firl:'d a~ holh he 1tnd dt'\t·cta ve N1c hob grubtlf!d
ltwar gun1-and hho11Lt·d <ti tht· informant to d rive• away
f ; unfm· t·c·_hocd tnh1d1· th1· van ::iml JU St o utsidt· 1t
"Nl<'llOl.S •:MPTU:o m s CUP AT onc· of th1•m , -.c·vr:n
~hots Ur11wn fll'f•tf h vf• rounrlh Bt:gley pulled t hat 21u rnch1:r
arul 1•r:wk1 •fl orr 1w11 or lhrnc· at u.... "
:t'ht· hul lt·t rulrllc•cl v :111 ~l:irl•·rl to 11ull awav. lire·'
...c·rc· .. .-t11ng
'Oh <:11<1 I'm hit ... c-r11~el clcl1·rt1ve~ N1r hr1l1-
/\rch1•) 11n1n1·1I th•· 1Jr1vn t•1 .spcctl to Uuntangton lnlcrc.om
m unitv llo'>lJtl::il . trying \<> 1-t:1un,·h the blood pouring from hah
partnt·r ·., raf'I • with :1 w;Jfl 11( rlothl(l~ vulh-d from th•· rnfor
m :111t''> f)l•l11ng 1ng-. ·
1>•:T1::<.TIVt: AkC'lft:V 1·.,t1mat1;d H tot a l of tl to 15 ~hot~
"'1•r1· C1n ·lf. ha'>c·<l nn tht· Wt·a1111nl> involved. anti :.ay::. the i:unhn
w ill ring 111 hu. me mory fon•v1·r
We•'rc• lut·ky lo h•· aliv1., .. he .said
June2J .24
' ' ' ... ,_
Read it and ROO.P.
· Everyday.
Values you can count on
are advertised every day
I l
NATION/ LOCAL Slturmy. June 23. 1979 O~IL Y PILQT jl.
i Carter Aides Bypass Odd~Ev.en Pineh
l nusnbefl of PrHident Carter'J' 1 advlaen don't havt' to worr
' about the odd·~vf-9 1at10hM n 1 tton•na tn e ff ect 1n th._.
"tale• of Maryland aand V1r1lnht
And at least two hive o"plred
• W11hh\aton area They'rt' ex AMONG Tlt08t: PalVING
n r11 with plalH from their homt~
11t•lt-8 are Hamilto n Jordan.
Carter's r hJt'f pollUc i.I adv1~r .
F r a n k M o o r e . t h e t o 11
Cnn.cre-sional lobhy111t for t.ht'
Whitt> Hou"c. Timothy Krah, a
tnp C1u1cr <tldt•. lllnrl S1.rith Wed
dan~ton, l• l'fwt·11tl 1u•s1i.t mt to
lht• prt"!Olh •ot
• c-mpt bttau.sl' lht'y havt out-of
, atatc bCMM plaw. 8omt ap
pareolly in vk>l•Uon of the law
At k-ut e11•t admlnlatraUon
t offici.tJ own or dr1vt' ura thMI
b t' a r Ii c en at' 11 I a l ~ r r om
jur l1 d1 l't1on11 o th t>r th an
W••hington or the »dJOlnln~
.. ..
'You Ju•t Have to 8e Whet You Are'-
Fat But Happy
856-powukr Accepts Girth
ST ALBANS.\\'. Va . <APl T .J . Albert .Jackson sa ys his
size 6-foot-4. 856 pounds -is both a handicap and ·a blessing.
"I'm a fat man in u-s mall m an's world. Rut I'm happy," .
sa ys the 23 ye<.1 r-old Ja('kson from 'A!.11tabula. Ohio.
JACKSON -WHOS•: MOTHER BEGAN c alling him fat
Albert well before IJill <;:osby's comic ct)aracler became popular
makes his way in the small m1tn's world as an entertaine r.
·He has a stage show act in which he sings and dances. Ouring
the summer he works side s how tours.
He·s appearing in .a St. Albans Town F1ur side show. Ile
covers his two-cushion sofa easily. and keeps his portable fan
running as children pay 25 cenLc; to J(awk and gape at his cave
like navel.
J <lckson said he som etimes counstls fat people who come in
to commiser ate. lie tells them that fat is only in the mind. He's
learned to love himself the way he is, and tells the m they can
JACKSON SAID Ill': IS NOT really responsible for his
m1tss1ve girth, and tha t has helped him accept his fate and live
-without tegrcL<>. He said he has gi~antism , a ghrndular condition
not easily corrected ·
"I don't really h ave to eat much -todaty I had two Big
MlH'S and som e vegeta bles. Somet imes I have less than three
meals a da}." said J ackson "Eatin~ hasn 't caused m y
weight ··
·But he admitte d. he's been known to put away a breakfast
or four dozen e'ggs, two pounds or bacon. two loaves or bread and
a ~allon of milk.
JACKSON SAYS HE HAS OTHER plans for his life . He hopes
to rctumtoschool and become a child psychologist.
"I'll never s tand in the ·welfar e line.'' Jackson said. ''I'll
never say, 'Ht!lp me. I 'm too fat.' "
Even though ht hopes for a change in the future, J ackson is
not unhappy with his way or life now
"I LIKE WHAT I DO; 1 enjoy 1t. Fat people are human.
They bleed, they touch . they cry. Mother always let m e know
that I was fat. but she didn't t ry to hide me. So I learned to ac-
cept it a nd that helped m e very much
"You know. we'r e all freaks JO a way," Jackson added.
"I'm fat, so I jus t think big. Fat doesn 't really matter. You just
have to be what you a rc "
Cooper "Nick" Lewter
Orange County's
Most Celebrated Hypnotherapist,
Announces the Opening of
New, Modern Offices and Facilities at
Mariners Medical Plaza
355 Placentia, Suite 205, Newport Beach
lnext to Hoag Memorial!
Phone: 645·9740
Specializing in
• Wifl{jht Control • Smoking
• Marital/Sexual• Study Habits
• StrBSS Related Disorders
M. D. Supervised
The odd·t:vtin systcO' 1tdopted
by the 1overnors of the two
s tate• and the Ditttrict of Colum·
baa thhi week ~"empti> motorists
who11e J>lates art• rrom states
out11ide the are a. omchtls feared
that tourists micht t1l1tY aw1ty
from th~ Was hin.cto n area if
they were forced lo abide by the
Doth Moore and Jordan drive
cars, with Georgia pl1tles. Both
h ved an Georgia befor e coming
tu W a11hinl(ton with Carter and
School Eyed
By Trustees
Fountain Valley Elementary
School District trustees have set
a special hearing Tuesday to de
t ide if a fire-ravaged wing <1r
llarper School sho uld be razt.-d or
r ebuilt
The public hearing will t;>eg1n
at 7-;j() p m at distr ict head
quarte r s. Number O n t'
Lighthouse Lane .
both ha"e resided hero since
Carter took office
ficials said Georgia residents
who move to the capital have 30
days al most to register their
c ars locally . Mary land a nd
\'.'irginia o fficials s aid thoi.e
states have similar time limits
Most of the adminis tration
aides said they would abide by
the odd·even rule. a lthough they
apparently could circ umvent 1t
Hamilton Jordan
with their out-of·st1tte plates.
"'I 'll just comply." Moore
s aid -·1 go five weeks on one
tank or 8&s. sometimes six ..
rassed about discussing the !!Ub·
Jecl . however _ when reached at
hom e
"I'm sorry I picked up the
phone." he said.
Kt•nne th Ande rson. a cting
('h1cf of the Distract of Columbia
\•ehicle control division, s aid
Sarah Weddington
the.re ls an uutomobU• le~
e"emption for presidentJaJ ap-
pointees. Rut he said it applies
only to thoRe who have been con·
firmed by the Senate. None of
the eight aides with out-of-town
plates are in that c atej(ory
Moore said he was unaware of
the require ments for obtaining
an exemptio n . but that his
1>ctre ta ry obt..,ined one ror hi:.
NOT ALI. OF the out.of-Lown
plates are from Geor~ia. A car
Kra ft dnves bear s u pared In
diana license plates The t•ar ,.,
regis tered to Haldon <.: Kraft,
Timothy Kra ft's fa lheT .. ,Thl'
~lder-ttraft 11ves-tn -Nubtesvrtte.
A car rc~1stcrcd to Mi.. Wed
dmgton has l1C'cnsc pla~cs from
Texas. her ho m e s t a l e Uut
l'larPnc·t.· Ta\ lor. an aulc to M~
\\'cddmJ.!ton:s<11d her bo:w woufd
ah1de hy thl' rat1on1ng plan
Four o t ht:r ad m 1n1 ~lrat1 011
a 1th· s _ 1 rH' I u II 111 g C 1J I> 1ne 1
:.l'<'rt'lan .la1·k Watson, dn,1·
, < . ., .. ., \\tlh _l1n·nt-c pla t<::. from
lht•1r homt· :.late:-.
A :'II 0 T II 1-: R t' 0 R ~ t: H
{;t•org1an. :\tan lh.:<il.lt~ 1if th1•
Off11·1· o f ~l ;rn<J g1•ml•nl <i nti
H111IJ.!t'I rl'1 ;11 nt•1I li l'en~1· platc:-.
frum he r h111rw ~tiJll' . .•
M1 g nanclli predicted a close
ville on lhl' rebuihhng issue and
s uid trustef' Karen At·kl ey, who
us absent Thursday. a pp-ar.cntl~
will be the swing vot1•
When trustees last vott'd on
the fate uf lla rpe r 1n Seµ
tcmber. Mrs . Mignunelh a nd
board pn>s1dent 01c-k l'lum vot
cd to k ar down tht• e ight room
hui I ding ).!ultetl h~· ll'l'n <1g1•
arson1sth in .l;tnuan l!J77
College Districts
Eye Cooperation
H11h<'rl MmhJox . ;i prcs1dcnt1al
... 11c1•1·h \\rtlt·r anti lormt•r µastor
''' lh(' f irst Bapt is t C hurt t'I 111
c ':ilhoun -;till ha~ h1:. Gt>orgtJ
1>1:11 1•-.. lfut h•-•~ a r C'latii.•·
•11'"' c-11mt·r 111 lht· Wh1t1.· llow .. 1·
... 1 ~1ff anct -.aul h1· pl:1n-. lo rec
1~1 "'his l'ar l11t·a 11\
Hl'T Sl"Si\~ Kl!'i(; Hollo\\ a'
.1 ml'mfwr of \'11·1· l'r<:.,1d•·111
\\ .iltt•r M11n1l:ilt•). -.1:1rr ha -,
h (~·<I 111 \\'a-.h111~t1111 !-t10t·1· lwfor•·
\I 11nda1 .. ;1~-.u1111-<J h1,.. n 1rrcnt 11t
t11.·1· Sitt· drnt'' ,, ·1·a1 ht·arHtL!
,. ' p 1 1 t' tf 11 I.. I ah 11 in ;1 I 1<.:L'n .,1·
I' I. I\ I,..,
Llll\4 t'\'••r. I rus tee:-. lto~<:r
Uelgtm a11tl Shcila Mt.·~t'r:-.. t>oth
residents or thl' llarpt'r an·a.
voted tu ha\'\.' an·h1t1·t·ts dray,
plans for 1><>:.Mhk rt·:-.tural111n of
the winl!
C•ia:.I C-11mmur111' < 'r1ll1·g1· IJl'.,tr11 l tru'>ll'cl-. Jrt' 1)()1:-.ed lo. Jt:l'l:JJl
S;1c1dkba<'k ('olln :c· '> prr11m-.t'd 1ntt·rt11:.tricl altt·ndant'l' Jll•rmll
sysll'tn. < 'oast Bu~mt·..,.., ~I anagl'r C<1rrt·l l.1n Thomp:-,tln ... aul
"Tl1t• tru°SI•·•·'> hav1• i:tv•·n nw JUlh11ri1.~1t 11Jn L11 s1~n lht' ai:n·t•mt•n1 I rn :.:•·• t 1ni.: I> (' l1n~n-.• 1f 11 ·., <i.hat "''' d1 :-.n1..,.,1•d \.\ ednl·-,da' ·1 h11n111'>•10 '>lJld '·' :.,:-. ,, .. -.;11cl
MRS. ,\('Kl.I-:\' ('AST l ht:
thrid vot1• in f<l\or of 11olt·ntwl
r es tor at 111n Ont· t1·nla ll\ l' rt:
building plan wnulcl turn tht·
wing into a l'om mur111 ~ <Tnll·r
Mrs . Mi gna nelh su11I 1hs tric1
o ffi cials s till are nci.:<1t1L1l1nl-(
with ins ur;,,nt·t· a1.wnl!'> on.or set ·
tlf'mf'nt ur lh(• flrc tl ;1magc,
cstimakd <1t S8'l<J.l)()ll Shi' r ;,iid
the insurant t' c11m 11tin) ·~ l<tlest
offer was "a g<KJd dt·;,il ~hort of
what tht.• da m agt• n·ally \\as··
She said the amount or settle-
m e nt rou ld he a fat lor ;n
trustees' 1k•l'1!-.1<>r1 wh1·th1.·r 111 rt•
build l ht• ll:tqJt'I' wmi.: 1ir l1•;.ir it
Ruling Studit•d
PASAOi':NA I AP l The l.J.S
9th Circuit Court uf Appeal h.,s
twe n asked to reron,;ulur a rul
i'ng by a three-judge panel lh<it
halted fcdc.'1"al court s u pcrvis11m
of th<• Pas;idcna s1·ho11l i nlc.~ra
lion pro).(r<1m.
TllAT PROl'O~i\I . will allo\.\
SadtJlt·IJat:k rc.,Hlt•nt... to a\11•111!
l'la:-.St.':. i.at Orung1· ('1w'il l'11ll1·1.w
JO C:o:.l<i :'\lesa or <:11ld1·n W1·-.1
Collt>~t· tn llunl1nl!t1111 l!t·;,1·h
OIH'l' tht•\ sc1·ur1· :1 p1•11111t from
S;.11ldll'li;11·k a uthor1t1e:,
St u<lent:. att •·ndin~ lht· < ·,w.,l
Dist ru·t \\ 1tl1 "-Jwrm 1 l \\ •1u Id n111
hl· n•qutrt'd lo pa~ a S.'i:~ µt·r unit
fet· that would hit\ 1• lil'1·n 11·\ 11•11
h:.id lhl.' I wo ti 1st n1•ts not eonH· l<•
agrPt•nwnt on a permit S)'..,h.'m
Saddlt'b<it:k truslcc:-. <ff•• l'~
pl•t1cd lo apprcwe the v. rtlkn
ag rt•c m t·n l HI lh1•1r r1·guf<Jr
hoarrl ll•l·t:ling l\111nd;i ~ ;11 7 .111
µ m ..
Tll fo: PROPOSE() al!r t·t·nu•111
ham mt•n•d 11111 bl'111nd t"l•1:.i•d
doors last we<'k . would allnw
Saddlehat k rt•..,1<l1•11t~ to 1 :J kt·
Coa :.I Dislril'l t-<1U l'!H'1> 1h at
a ren ·1 ol'ft!Fed at ~>itJ1llehat:k a11d
that lt:<Jd to <.i degrl't'. Cour-,,·:-.
ne'cessury for eniployml'nt, :..1wh
as i11 ... 11r;m1 •t• I'! a:-.'>t•:.. \.\ 11u Id ;1 l.,11
hc a pprm l'll
New Border Fence
Work Set Monday
SA~ YSI ORO I J\ I' 1 -Con.,1 rurtton of a conlro\ 1•r!)1a I 1n ft>'>t
high fent:c along the U.S .·Mex1co borde r 11> scheduled lo h•·g m ~1u11
Border Patrol al(cnts in Sun D1c~o Cou nty said th•·_,. hOl'!l' lhl·
5.fi -milc fence will help div<'rt the traffil' of illegal ah e-n~ "1ntn
<Jreas we c an patrol casit•r .. Tht-steel an<I m1">h !'t nll'ture will
replacl' a barhcd wire fence dc ... cribed by patrolmen as ··Jeaky a:. a
sie ve ...
Mexican-American ~r<>Ull., ha\·e protested plan:-. 111 hu1ltl thl'
fence. s aying 1t 1s a poor solution to the µroblcm or illegal aliens
CBl1WA -
and Sunday
Lots of diamond rings and earrings.
gold ctiains, fine china and
crystal. bronzes, some furni·
ture, oils. chandehers, bras\
lamps, etc. n
Something for eve~ne
-from $1.00 up. Free
admission. Bank of
America, Master
Charge. checks,
some terms
June 22, 23
and 24
Inspection of all merchandise
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
2 -5 P.M. and 7 · 8 P.M.
galleries ltd.
2542 West CQast Highway
Newport Beach. CA
(714) 646-2200
. COMSIGt1t.•ns ACC•rED
Ari Le111ne Auctonn•tJ• >
Gr-c1ntl t-1•ctii~1g
25°/o OFF All
~!~;~f,!~~~l~ A~ll~rtum Suppli~ ~
Specia l June 20 June 26. 1979 \ \ '
Gnathonemus macrol~~idotus: $7.99
Alro(rlr' M o rm v1 10-. Wr'llf l• I .111 1 "1nt•mbPr havr•
thP ldrqr·'>I bril1p 0 1 clnv lt'>h nur •11•· 11 15 ,,1,0 r f'
outeo lhilt w1 hclv• r1n .. 1,.< tr•c orq,,n th<lt 01 0,
touraqr .. pn•dator<-1 ,1n1 n•·<H ,,ful and 1ikP ,,
..,hady c;pot le r1·l 111 when fhf• l1ql1I ,., bright A
mon mlt•rc..,1111q <.r1•i1lurE-to ddd to VOl" colfPC tton
w o ulCJ br dlllttull 10 lino Dr op t>v AQurll •<
r rOOtl ,,,, rlnO ['X<lm1n( n1.. I ,,m on Still• unc1 .. , tho
nr1nl1· 0 11t>y Wh,,11 · l or only SI 99
~ 1510 W. Baker• Costa Mesa -=-
.. .., 549-1391 • Corner Harbor & Baker -
7 t wr
The PreCision Haircut
Explained Precisely.
Because your head is unique. the wav your harr
g rows is equally unique. Really quite d1fleren1
from every one else s
Precision haircutting ll> a technique for cutting
the hair in harmony with the wdy 11 grows. Your hair
eventually grows our but 11 doesn·t lose 1ts shape
with a precision hairc ut Consequently your hair-
cut will took as gocx.1 alter t1ve day& as 1t dces after
live m inutes And because lhe hair falls naturally
into place'you won't have to l\eep luss1ng with 11
Usually a shake of the head does it
At Command Perlo1inance we shampoo.
piec1s1on-cu1 and blow c.lry yout hair 101 sixteen
dollars. whetner you're a gal or a guy And no
appointments are ever necessary.
We also o lfer perm anent waves. coloring.
frosting and cond1t1oning. But we really shine with
precision. And so w1ll you
-------~ I (;.om•and Performanee .. ,,,.,.,, .... , .... ~ ........ ,
Of'UI UllMIMO~& MOMOAYI t•-•f'MOAl~'I /tAM •f'MIAT,I
IANTA ANA -1232 I . 17m IT.
(l.W. cor. ot m" • Gr•nd) 147 .. nt
• ~OITA MllA • fl!lllA VIROI CIN1Wft
2101 HA"•Oft auo. (H•111ot 1 Adam•> MCM11H
........ l'•lce .........
S~mber Warnings
Like Crying Wolf
8) P&TU HCHaA<i
MIC-.. --....... Ow ol tbe real()fta Lt'll ao hard to respond to Jimmy
Carter's sombf'r wnrdnas about the oU ahorta11e 11 that be
hatrdly ~ms fully to undcr~tand It hlma.,tr
In the.' pati\ f•w Wffh ..-·v·· aou.en M>me lncM:aUons of
the real meanlna of the pbr-...t-"dept'ftdence on foreltn
oU," a Utt\e ptff•• of rhf't.ori<' that. hu bettn fkutun.i uound
slnu U... am ernbartto and which ~m11 to hav~ been dll·
miued .. a rorm or prH 1dt-nt11al po1tunna cby Naxoa. b.y
Ford. by Carter' that n~ not be uken 11eraoualy. Yet
bQood ua. a» aa..._which M\'• •P"Nd aerou u.. coun-
try. t.,_,rt an• m o re• :w ru...as \llUU~: an announcement by
Nlg.,rla, Uua naat.un's :..,.'Ond lar.ce:st supplier of foreaen 011.
that lt may tah N>pr1sal a<'tion ll the U S. bfts its uoc·
tlou qalnst Rbodesla . an announctment by Saudi Arabfa
Uaat if u-ere Iii no broltdt·r M •ddle East ~ace settle ment by
Mxt year. thtl S..udl11 will impose another oat boy<'Ott
a.i11inst UM! Unntd S\;alf'f.. lhf' threat of further reductions
in lr~ru•n proouctk>n and 1>h1J1ment.'> growmK out of the
eombanatlon of holy war and c<.'OftOmic cha06 into which
the AyatoUah's revolution hai. plunged it . Most or tbuse
threats m ay never be n•atiz~. but there is no question -
thett the poss ibility ltst>lf"deeply affects u:s. foreign policy
and lhc nJ!llOn 's freedom to ;wt In internationi.t affaus.
NEmtE• CARTER NOil his predecessors have been
reluctant to re mmd the country or its vulnerability. yet
none of them s eem s lo have comprehended the enormous
ehang~ in poUcy, progum atnd allilude -changes. m·
deed. 1n the lands cape itself -·that are required to reduC'e
that dependence. Thus Carte r s uys lh1&l the country is go
ing. ~ have tD ge l along on lt!S~ gasoline and to pay mori;
for, at. _but ht> say~ no~hlng or. the _impliuti~s of. su~h a
future on. for example, the buildmJ: und location of new
housing de vclopme nb: on the rel et live priorities or
freeway t'onstruction a nd .publil" transportation: on tho.
economics of the a uto. tra ve l and rec reation indus tries . on
the renewal and viability or ctmtrul c ities. and on scores or
other areas or Americi.n life whi<:h will b4! deeply affected
by any real, iong-term e nergy ~hort<ige ·
. .
f'Oll 111E PAST COUPLE of m onths the ga s·crunch-
mora.list.s have bee n say~~g .often with· ill·conce~led g~ U.~t shortA~~s ~re ~Ood . for us .. There.,s something
g ratu1loutily puritanical and. m m any instances, profound·
ly hypocritical about all that. Yet there's no doubt that the
gas s hortage will solve certain problems which had ap·
pear~ a.II but immutable . I( poople c imnot get enough gas
the vutually uncontrolled sprawl of new s uburban housing
de velopments ma)' vanish; al the sa me time. and for
similar reasons. llff' in <'e nlral cities may once again
become not just attractive ftut, ror many middle <'lass ~,.
ptc, nearly lmpcratl\le a c-han~e which in turn· would re·
vivf~ downtown s hopping areas, theater~. movies. pa rh
und srhools &nd whirh. in<'identally. m l.:ht d<J wonders for
IOr ai:uinsl> urban crimc statistics.
All those thin~s point lo soml' in v1lin ~ rim·
SJ1(·1·t!-t · lt1t· r~am·c _for a rest~ration or t·ommunity and fo r
an 1•nd t.11 th(• 1s<1lat1on of a m1lhon :-.oub who i.ha re nfJth i n~
but a free way und a ('Ommon :-.cl of r.<td io &n<.I tf•l<:Vi:-.HIO
progra ms Yt•t thcr.;t! prosrx:ct~ can hardly be contcmpl<it
ed or c v ... n sct•n hehmd the h ysterii. ubout the n ext ta nkful
of gas unlc~s lhne •~some lc<idership lo give them Wice
THERE'S A TIAED <.:UCHE that tf American-. <trc
c alle d to m ake · legitimate s acrifices they'll res pond
C~rter assumt.'8 thut such legitimacy is basl!d rm two
thml;{s : .a rc·a l proble m a nd ~ome equity in the way th•·
burden 1s d11>tnhuh.'d. But beyrmd those cond1l1on~ thn c I!'>
!'>till anoth<.-r n ·qum·mt·nl that the pubhc is con vinced lh<tl
the nation •hl'lf thl' J(11vt:mm1.mt. lht.• cslablishmf•nt, lht•
people who c ount •~ providing assis l et n ce <Jnd
So far the_ ~dministrat1on h:ts been unable lo m<:el a ny
or those c~1~ions. It h~s fu1k"1 to ~rsuade the country
that the sac·nfaccs for which 1l as ks are either equitable or
n~cessary, a~ 1l has not yet come up with anything that
gives t_he ~bhc; u sense of common purpose or a lar~er
frame an wh1ch 1t can place its own inconvenience.
At this momc!lt· indet.-'d. Carter has not yet even
pe rs uaded t~e. pu~l.1c that he ';'nderst~nds the proble m . kl
alone the poss1hlhhes. If he did. and 1f he managed rc<illy ,
to turn them into the moral equivalent of war the n1:1tiu11
miJ(hl eve n come tu lik<' it '
Leaded Gas Poisoning
Air and Converters
McClatd1y News Servitt
If you've been pumping leaded gasoline into a car or
tnack designed for unleaded, it's a good bet that you'll ht:
paying $200 to $300 in repairs at a lat.er date.
. You've probably reduced engine e fficiency seve rl&I
mlles per gallon and the chances are increased that you or
pauengen will be harmed by toxic rumf.!s.
Even if you se ll the heap, the new owner probably
won't be able to register It until the damage is repaired.
That could lead to a default on payments or a session in
small claims court. And there are potential fines -
although few have been collected.
MOl'OalSTS PUTl'ING LEADED gas in a car built
for unleaded can be fined up to $250 if the state brings
cbaraes. The d ealer who sold the gas -e\len if be operates
a self·aervice station -can be fined up to $10,000 by the
(ederal government.
Those are the! c hief re asons for us mg unleaded
guoline la veb.lcles desiped for it as cited by indufftl'Y.
state and federal spokbmen.
The problem concerns• U!Ut looking like a warne iron
that la pert of the ex.haust system in most cars built since
IW15. It'• called a catalytic coo\lerter and it tilters out
about ~ pet"Cent ol the pollutanta released by con\lentional
Usiq ~ aaa resulta "in what we call a poisoned
cataJJllt, which. ot course, ls irretrievable damage," said
Ford lilotor' Co. spokesman Dlck Dewey In Loa Angeles.
''Lead le.ill• tbe catalyst in the converter and renden it i.
In IOIDe coavertera, lead also plu1s up the exhamt
system. caualng the car to loee power and backfire.
Backfiring can do more damqe to the exhaust system.
. Can takln1 unleaded 1aao1tne have narrower nozzle
openinp meant to prevent driven from U1ing any other
fuel. But aorne people ream out the spout.
OTHEll PaOBLEM~ CAl181£D. by bumint leaded fuel
In a car deliped for unleaded lnclude:
UnleMed fuel la a biaher-quallty fuel. It haa been re·
fined more, bas a hither octane rallnl and bu 1-. im·
puriUea. The result la 1UahtJy better gu mileage than
leaded fuel producet. ~ 1u abortw the life ol aparlr plup, exhauat
1yat.em1 and carburW>n, maklnl repaln more freq.aent.
Damqe to a cataJyUc converter by leecled 1u oft.ea wa•t ~•eel by warruaU...
More lllformaUon oa ualeaded 1a1 la avaUable b)' writ·
... to ......... Source &afattemeat Dlvllkla <EN·340), U.S.
l:Hl,.....tal ProtecUon A1enoy .. Waabin1ton, D.C. ...
... . r
Border· Seal NO Answer
• .-...,.c •• uu. C..0-."-f, 1_1.,•llO<\•M
-... .. 1,.._\efvl<a
Tod1y. the UnJted Stites ls experienclna one ol the lar1est tnnow1 ol immigration in our
Since UGO n_,arly 50 million
people have immigrated to this
country. The lmml1rant now ls
now about one·hall million eac h
year. In add1tlon to that we are
brln1in1 In 125,000 refugees
yearly from Southe a11t Asia and
11om e Communist Bloc countries
in Eute rn Europe . Besides
those numben. there is a great
unknown quantity o f
undocumented aliens wbo coJJ\t!
1n outside of th~ l e g a l
1mrnlrratt0n limits.
SOME PEOPL IE talk o f
"sealing the border": these arc
n o t bus inessm e n along the
s outhe rn border of the United
States. I can assure you. Their
greatest llOUrce or commerce i!'>
from the Mexicans who cross
the border daily tp s hop.
The entire ecbno rny of the
border area is dependent upon
e asy acc~s back and forth. I am
not advocating that this country
o pen it.s borde rs to uncontrolled
entry. But I do want to stress the
import .. nce of . facilitating the
crossinf( of lci.:iUma te travell'rs,
businessmen. tourists, shopp..rs
and 1Jlher;..;;,
II o w l' v 1.· r . e v t• n t h e
unilo'ciJmd1t( .. d alieni, ·who wt>rk ·
in this country may benefit t he
economy. To a Jtreut e xltmt. w1•
ha vt.• bct>omc de p£•ndcnl upon
t.h e :.c w o rk l·r s w ilbl)u l
documents. Tht·r t-41rc elcm1·nls
in the U .S . 1·c r>'nom y t ha t
wouldn't fundion ver y we ll 1f
they w1•rc•n 'L hl·rc.
C R'OPS WO L' LO n o t h ~
planlt-d, tended o r h<i n 'c i.t<:d
without them :ind so me low <:r1~t
..: o o d s w o u I d n '' l h • ·
m<Jnufuctun·d m lha~ country. M exi('o 's p o pula tion ha!->•
Jtrown from 25 m illion less than
30 years rt~o. t.o 67 mllhon today
AbotJt one· <1 nc1 t>nt?·ha lf m1llfon
youn ~ pcoplt! t'll lf.'r the JOii
m a rkt•t c<ir h y•·<i r , but. only
;;bo ut 600.000 nl'w Joh11 <ff\'
c rc:a k d annually.
So: the..· United Stat•·s ;ind 1t:-,
at1unda n<'c ,,, som(• kinds or Jflbll
<ti"I!-. a:-. a saf<:l y valvt·. Thi'
m1~ral111n north h1·l11s l•1 buy
liml' wh1h: Mext<'O work~ '111
~olving 1L'i prnbh!ms. And lhl·n ·
are s igns that solutio ns 1:1ri·
com 1n~. Wh1h• population
i:rciwth was J .6 f>C'rcf'nl tn 197'1. 11
is now bclit·ved to h1· down lo :1
pl'rct·nt Som•· tJl'li1•\ 1· 11 ,.., a!'>
low as 2.8 pt.•rtcnt. <• vt.•ry s hari>
drop ln less than 10 years. With
the "Responsible Parenthood"
procram. it is likely lo d<.-clint
e\len further in the next decade
LAST VEAll the re wer e 22.000
foreign worke rs admitted into
the United Statc11 for te mporary
labor. They came fro m s uch
countries as the West lndwi..
Spain. Jap11n , Korea an<I evPn
Canada. But, none came from
Me xico.
The re is a rwcd fl>r ra twnal
thinking and som e new policy 11n
s uch m atter s. A t e mpo rary
labor program shoul1t be p<irt of
the answ*'r . Tht• Unit~d Stul~ '"
already experiencang the la rge:,t
non-citizen labor program in th1•
w orld Our s , h o w1.·ver, 1.,
unre-guleted . and the-worker~
are called undocumented a lien:-
Rut . this is occurring on lh1·
~realest s t•a lc an l111• I 'n1 t1·tl
Sta tes.
And 1l r e s u llf.. 111 th•·
lmm 1grallon St!r v1ct· <1 rrcstin11
o ve r o n e m1ll111 11 11t·rs 1111 ...,
annu ally. and dt•l<t l\'\ltlJ( uvt>r
300.000 each Vt.'ar whoi.c t:r1m1· ti.
that lht•y want work an th1 :-.
There ure <•h:.1111~t·s in th•· l<Jw
th.at <·ould n •ltt:Vl' ltw s 1lu<1l 11111.
lo the bcochl of ou1 41wn <·ountrv
a nd the nations that .ir1• ltw
sour('c~ of m o:-.t und1wurrw 11tl·ll
· Ttu:st: l 'Hi\l'i4i t·:S 1·a 11
In(' I u d ,. l h •• f" 1111"" I II g /\
p rov 1:110n that would 111·11;d11•·
1•mpl oyer~ of undoc umented
u l1,·n~. a proJtra m for allowing
undocumented a.liens to 4'nlc r
legally and occupy Jo bs fo r
te mpo r a r y p e rio d s whe n
workers cannot ~ found in the
United States: and. re store the:
q u o l a s f o r p e r rn·<a n c n t
imm igration from Mexico lo the:
le vel U1a l e xistc.'<i three year s
;,igo. so that families who ar<'
M•paratcd hy our border can bt·
n~uni tc:d wilhout w<i it ing for
months or yea rs .
On e of lht> thing~ that can be
done in the meantimt ts to Sl.-'(:k
<t consens us among the many
g roupl'i who tta v.--strong-11nd
almost immovable pos1t1ons on
1mm1grallon policy.
TllF. CATHOLIC Bishops. the
N at1 onal Council .of Churches.
the W<Jll Stn•ct J ourna l a nd
mt1JOr Mcx1can Am erican and
o t h,•r elh n1t: gro ups a ll· find
t hernsl'lvcs L:.k1n~ t he sa m e
1>os1tion for a 1:wnerul a mnesty.
wh 1h: group~ -.gcmt·rully thou~hl •
of <IS <tdvocaltng m o re "liherul ..
1111i,1t1 o ns on i ssues arJ(ue
..,, rongly ffir a mon · r cslnt•t1w·
1mm1grat1o n p o l 1e·y The s e·
t n t' I 11 d I' ! h <· I\ Jo' l. . (.; I () .
•·n v 1r11oin c nta l1 :,1:,. Zc.r.o
l 111pu'lation G rowth and other...·
It h<1s b<-cn sa id that Me xico 1s
1 h t• only n.atwo that c a.Nl;:.
fill'cign a id frorn tht• Un11t:<J 'Stall'~ ll s· '11lll ar!-. ea rned (}y
11111lo('umcnl1..·rl OJltt•n!-> go to r+•t:ll.
d o l h t• and h•>u:-.c· m tll1on:-. of
ramH1es Th1s earned foreip aid
aoea dlrec:lly lO the poor. who
need it, and U. not s kimmed llnt
by-bu're aucrah or wealthy
la ndholder-..
This country was built by
immigrants ~nd i1> still being
buill by immh~ranls and \he
sons and d au f( ht e 1'8 of
1mm1grants. I t>elie ve there ls
room in this country for more
people who com e here for the
s <1 m1· rt><isonx the y a lways have·
Heekang freedom . u better life
ror lht!tr children ;md ticonomic
vpportun.1ty .
SUCH PEOPLE add a sp1trk
to this country that 1s present in
fe w others. People pay us honor
by stnvtn~ t•> come to America_
fi' o w 11 •· o p I c a r f' t r y i n g
d es pe rat f'ly t o immigrate to
Russia. Chma . Cuba, Vietnam or
F.<J s tc rn t:uropc . They are
trytn~ to esc•apt..> those places. as
well as many countries in South
/\merita and the Cant>bean, t.o
t·t>mt' to lht.! Unilt.'<I S tales,
Hut . W•• <to nc 1•d prope r
t·o nt ro li. .ind r1ro~ram s to
rngulah· the· flow of people. so
Ui.1 t th1i-c·ount rv r an <·ontinu1· to
IK' a htivt·n for m <iny, and so our
1m-m1 ~rauon tnws wltt.-be fair
and 1u:-.t and will ht! looked u1>0n
<is s ud1
• f( ,. IJ , I ,, I •. 11 /. T '! 111 : • T h tt
Cu111111111m1t•11/ll1," 11 Jlul>hca hon ul
t /11• f"11m t1u ir1w1•o lth C lub ul
( 'aJtffll'TIIU
Drill Over Al!ger Augitrs .W'!ll'-
Ry 1n:Rn CA~N
i.tant nitpicking ahoul "t•orrc:ct"
t.:n g lish . U!'>
performed hy
W i 11 i a· m
S wrin'. J ohn
Sim o n wnd
E d w i n
Newman. is
the hii:;g t•i-.l
bon• s inrc the
Twin P e<ik :.
t unnel. You
and h im . he
:tnd mt'. who cure:-. <i ll thul mur h
a s long <i:. we unders t<ind each
othe r. Hopefully. And mo:-.t im·
portantly or importa nt Th11l's
why I didn't nail urba ne Alist<ii r
Cooke. wh'> is 11lways desc rihc'1
a~ Urbane , for S<ty in~ nhout
Lillie Langtry. on Channd !J,
that "the Prince's code was well
un1forstood bet.ween he and h11>
Roh Edwurds of C ulisto~a
thinks I'm gelling •so rt in the
h ead for not. raising Ned about
that. and for let.ting The Chroni·
cle get away with this headline
on Carmen Mc Rae's opening in
a local club: "Carmen Augers
Well For Redante's ." Old Bob is
correct. An a uge r is a bore.
which Carmen isn 't. And nit·
picking Is. Augur well, prophets
THANKS TO Clint Eastwood,
the world premiere o f his
"Escape From Alcatrn" was
prese nted right here, at the
Palace of Fine Arta Theater
June 21 , u a benefit for the
Don Nivens, who 1raduated
from San Quentin, where be was
the star column.lat. to become
Ttw Mmment pai.w nf tht.•
1>1111)' P1l11t scl•ki1 111 inform·
11nd ictlmulnlt· r l'o1kri; hy
llf't!ftC•ntlnll a vnril•t y of l'llOl
mcntury on to111'-·i. 11( lnlt•rt•i.t
und 11lgnlficanee from ~infnr·
m l'd ob sc rveir11 a nd
Robtrt N. W#td. Publtaht•r
8aWNay • .1..en.1m
1111t· of M ;irua ·~ lw:-.l fn·1· ltoll't:r"
has houg hl a hoa l "lhal greall ~
r •• s t! m h I c s . Th.. I\ r r I ,. ii II
()ul•t·n·" So h1 · ha!-. 11:i11w1I 1L
·"l'ht• /\frtt•an Str111 ~h1 ' '"•'J!ll"
his wire , Pa ula ··Now tt1<1t' ou1
ship h<ts l'Ome In, we 1·a11't al
ford I hl· paym ent:-.'' 1
P RESSTOPP•:R : 011•· llm•·
,\s!wmhlyman Charl11· Wi1rrt•11 J
res1j.!n mg OJ:. 1·h;11rma11 11( rlto·
Prc•slllcnl's Council on En vm 111
ml'nla l Qua lity dft•1·t 1 v1· .lurll' :10
bul thut 's not the 1ll'm Thi·
ile m . 1f ;_iny , is th;11 h1·1-. ;1lrca1h
in Sacrame nto. 11cc:upy1ng \fta1·1·
in the r'ede ral nu1ld111~ whtt:h ·~
dcs1·ril)\·d on the· lohl1y d1r1·1·t111 ,
as "Off11·l• of th1· l'rt·:-.1lh-nt "
We ll now Tlus <:oultl lo1· 1111
ilt•m ''" two 1·ounls 1•,,...,, 111 1
o the r St a l<' c·a p 11 \IJ h a ~ .1
Presidt•ntia l oHu·i· Th1·n ·f11rt·
Jimmy (;artn 1s well irnd Lruh'
worried ahoul the 1•a nd11l a1·y 1;r
.Jerry Brown, and ha~ ai-s1J(rwrt a
v e l .-r a n nu r c a u <· r a I I o d 11
som C!thing ah1111t it .
"Ahlw>lulP ho~h ." :-.;i ys Char(11·
Warren. a ware or thii. conjccl111
ing. 'Tm h er e only us l h1•
pc r sona I r c pres c n la t1 vt· 11f
Preside nt C arte r t o h e l11
C alifornia throug h the ~<t !-.
s hortage. Since he m a de that
s ta tement via tel<'phonc. I c:.n
nol re port lhal he s aid 1t with u
s traight face.
PACJll'IC TELL and T ell: AIM1
scrounging for votes is M adum1·
Feins tein. Come t o morroW',
s h e • I I s u r f u c c u t t h 1·
Metropolitan Communi t y
Church ut 152 Eureka to pro·
claim Guy Freedom Day. 1111s as
a new home for the 1(8)' c hurch,
the Rev, Troy Perry. head of
Metropolitan Churches, plurul .
havlnJt bou@t It from the Vo1c1•
of Pentec0&t for $210,000. .
Anita Bryant will wunt lo
know that originally it.. wa11 tht'
Central Baplh1t Church. u 11 run
damental aa could be!.
Rev. Perry belle vu that
bolDoaexuallty is preordained
but adda be bu no technological
or medical 1upport for this
~theory. He does know. however .
that be wu "1tn1led out by Cod
in 1981 to bqllu 1ay churc h ··
Wby DOt?
l.11•'-•·11 •··nu•\11l)porta11t thtn l! 1s
, • r h.11 :-.11nw :.!5 tu11:-. i,r df•ltrii-will
1·11111 •• h11rtlt11g dow11 on• Molhl•f
·f·:,1r1li' .1r 111111rl .July ~I , wht'll
:-ik) h• h rt•1•nlt•r., ttu-almosphl,rc,
:111<1 what ;tf("l)lff 1•ha111·es or .,..
111 g 1111 111 tlw ht·ad hy ii. ll'lh:1I
1· h u 11 k ' · M 1n1 m ,d ," C'I :um i.. ,
:. . Hui .I I\ /\ndt•r!->hn. l'rof. of
Cl a...,c..w:il A1d11•11l1>g y ;11 <'al. r u.
111111tl~ .11:-Ul:.il /\i·.,<·hylus . th•' <in·
1·1l·n1 c:n ·l·k 11111•t. wa!'> killed
whl·n an •·<J~lt· mti-.Lakmg his
!)a Id florric for a rm·k. d roppcd a
111rt0t:-1• 1mw> IL 111 a n <itlt.'mpt lo
, 1·1 ~t·k th -.hi·ll Su g1Jcs the
t.111\flu>o · a ncnfolt•, ;11 any ralc .
.1n1I "hal an · 1111• 111td:. un ~clling
•l11a 111 1111· lll'.111 with a tort111~~.
'IA>\,\"' .
I NOTE lh:il ""1.Jm;,hk t'olum
""'':-. .1rnl 1·;11·11io111!-.b a r 1· 111v11k -
Ill).! ('l\11'kt•lf l.1tJl1• !-. ll:t llW tn
lh 1·11· van :i1 1ons on tl lhem1• of
NOW WJ'~ W' t11 °Cupcrltnu,
wht'ft' Sh•·• m Golub found a
l'Ci4'l t·: 1·a rrl 11nrl1•r his door with
1)11• to!lo"'JllJ.! 1wrw1lcd messHgc.
"W1· h av1• lw1•r1 11n11hll· to n ·ud
~1111r rni·1t·1 hct·.111i.<· of yo ur dog .
It 1·r1nt1m111lfy 1 r11·tl to have sex
with mt•\(l r"r cudt•r Th'!-> has hap·.·
fl l'JW1f lo f1 v1• 11( u:-.. . Whal
rnakl•:-. this rt•ally o(ld 1s that
S ht•rm's <1111.:. a f1 vi·'.Vt'J.1r ·old
golden re\ rwvcr •w mt•d Hoger;
1:-bl 11ul Hui ~11 1!'> lov1• ,.
·~k ylal1 a:. fulhnl!. Sk vl11h I!'> full .
II\ j.t I •'
Lt hrur ta11!'> a:-!'>un · mi· 11 WU!->
lh•nny Penny who cried "Thi!
i.ky 1:-. fall1111!." ,,,. w.,:-. 1t Ch1eku11
"Isn't it 'amazing-one minute you've never hMrd of
toggera and lhe next they crop up everywhef'ef ..
~~~-~ iJu) ·iP4, Nuke Core Breakdown Detailed
!:\·( r~~ }~ -~ }11,J 0 fJJ ~ 'J 1Ju-ee Mile Miahap Bring• 'New' J"ocabulary
Sketch by Lau;• Ridgeway, San Clemen I• . ~ ' '
Uu Watters, I, Does "Happy" Sketch
Ill g1 rl1> and hoy:.
Summer 1:. here and with the ex,·eption of some over·
c·a:.l mummi.ts . thl· pas t f1·w days have been 14rcat weather
The s un has bet:n !>.h inmg m a blue sky and a ~ooling
sea hreezc has mad•· for a 11leasanl outdoor e nvironment
along the Orange Coast
MANV OF VOU HAVE already spent time on the
hoach If the bat<·h of mail Uncle Len received this week is
a n indication, you hav(" gre at plans for the summer
Jl ow you plan lo spend your summer vacation was the
t hf'm<' for this week's drawm~s
S1·vcral imli<·aft•rt they plan a I.rip to Jlawa1i, a com
mon va1·ation dcstinatior1' for Sout~crn Callfornwns .
i\ DRAWING by l.aur<1 ltidgcway or a welcomm~ com
m1llt·<' m llawai1 wms the San Clemente girl top prize 01
St•<'ond 11lacc and a cash award or $2 goes lo Lisa
Walters, 9, of Irvi ne for her drawing of a heach scene Lis a,
who has won before. did a clt!ver, "happy" sketch of birds
and a smilin~ s un 1n lhc sky, a rather pleasant-looking
c rab on \he btiach. a sm iling youngster on her beach
blanket under an umhrella decore1t1-d with n owers. a
~anckastle Oym~ the American flaR and a swimmer in the
ocean chasini! a bcachball.
1-;yal Goldmann or Costa Mesa drl!W a picture of "my
trap to llawai1." Becky Visca, 14, lluntinglon Beach. chm;c
11awa ii as s ubje<-l ror one of four drawings shr sent. The
uthen; were ~wimming , one that had rive different scenel'I
c Disneyland, the beach, Palm Springs, fishing and sleep·
mg.) The other offering made Uncle Len chuckle It simr>IY
had prinl.(.'Ci on it the word "nothing.'·
RICHARD JOHNSON, II, Huntington Beach. did a
funny drawinJ( of a surfer about lo be swamped by a wave
and an accompanyin~ sketch shows the s urfer's hands pro·
truding from the water. He's holding up three fingers on
one hand. Clever llichard.
Laurie Connotly wrote a nice note with a drawing of
her. her dog, a sonbalt, bat and ttlove, telling \hat 11he
would be spending her summer "playing softball and with
my dog! And s"aling with my dog! Thal's what I'm going
to do this summer." Thanks for the note Laurie.
Eyal, Richard and Laurie deserve honorable mention
as do Cloud and Ian Schnoebelen, Corona del Mar; Karisa
Masley, Htmtington Beach; Tracy Lomasney, Costa Mesa;
Mary Walters, Suzanne Toombs and Pam Voehina, each of
Irvine ; Kelley O'tlern, Newport Beach and Julie Wataon,
Clare Gartbolti and Terry Noh, each of Costa Mesa.
IT WON'T BE long before another Fnurth or July is
celebrated. The day on. ~hicb America ceaebrates its 1.n.
dependence falls on the first Wednesday in July this year.
What are your plans for the Fourth? Whal does ln·
dependence Day mean to you? •
Uncle Len ror next week invites you to do a drawin1 on
\he aubject and send it by Wednesday noon to lJncle Len,
P .0 . Boa 1580, COffta Mesa, Calli. 11826.
As alwaya, the drawinp 1hould.-be"1n black Ink on
while paper four b) four inches.
Untll next Saturday, goodby and have run.
·.E11ayiat Could Win Pony
CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. (AP> -A.pony that hu no home c.n
1 be 1ure ol one thln1 -Ill next owner will be able to write well.
; The pon1. a 7·rear-o&d mare, wu found several weeks qo and
1 the AnAmaJ Shelter haa searched ln vain to find \he owner.
Rather \bu pve \he pany to the ftnt penoa wbo aaked for It,
town olfldala decided to award UM pet to the child wbo wrttet Ute
1 bett -ay. Chlldreft muat MO why tbei want a poay dd bow tbey
I would take care of It.
I Tbe CGD ... t ia open to all lalip reaidenta wader the a1e ol 18,
L but paND&al COGMnl la required.
Andy Hnds 1 World Book
Vur Book to Paul Heno1. a1e
11, of Tbouaand Oaks, CaUf .. for
hh1 quetUon ·
IN A NVCLl:A& &t:Acro&!
The Three MUe Island nuclear
power plant In Pennaylvania suf·
rered • breakdown just before
dawn on March 28, 1919.
On a brush-covered i.sland in
the Susquehanna River· across
from Middletown and not too far
from Hiu-ri11burg, \he· event& \hat
happened are now rega rded by
Nue-&e..,. Regttliltory-€ommisaiot1
offlc1als ai. the wurst accident in
th11 24 year h1 ;>tory of ·com·
m enaaJ nudear power.
With tf\e news ot an accident
al the Three Mile Island nuclear
powe r plant in Pennsylvania
c ame .a lot of· ques tions and
muny words that ·are not in
everybody's vocabulary. · ·
PEOPLE asked. Wh y did the
reat:lor fail"! Whal callsed the
t:ore meltdown in the .reactor?
W ••S lt\c dcs1i.:n of the equipment
faulty or was there a weakness
in te<'hnolo~y? ·These and othu
que+itions will he a nswere<t-by: •
.the cx~m artei" much careful.
:Study. I
We. can understand some or
the i:omplcxities by lsf\Owini::
what :-.omt· o(thc word!> mean
· Meltdown means a beaUna -
or rather an over-heatina -of a
planta'11 nuclear fuel lo a point
where it actually melts the pl'O·
tecti ve shell around the nuclear
uactor.coc.e.....Wben tbis ba~
there ~ a widesprea«S release of
radioactive contamination.
CO&E as· the center of a
nuclear reactor. It is here where
the fissionable fuel, when ac·
tivated, splits atoms of uranium
and produces heal.
Fuel rods are hollow pipes
which contain the uranium ·
pellets that are· used lo fuel \he ·
rea ctor t.o produce \he heal. .
Control rods, made or carbon,
are inserted into the core to
n~utralize ~e fission. .
At Three Mile Island-' accocd· an~ to·1ndicatfons, lil main-pump
in the fet:.-d·water system shut
ttitwn. It was sup~sed·lo propel
water thmoJ?h a cl~sed cooling
system, Lh•L.l· m:.idt-the •steam -
1-!l'Oc ralor, . hathcs thoU'!:.a nds of
feel of tubea belon1tn1 to a
Hparate cloeed 1yale1n carrying
water heated to IOO·dearees
Fahrenheit by the reactor. The
feed water tuma lo steam which
powen the turbines.
On earth today there are about
240 different species of turt.lex.
About ~ of them live in North
America north of Mexico.
There are seven main t)'pes or
turtles: mud and musk turtles,
pond and marsh turtles, sea
turtles, side -necked turtles.
snappidf( turllc.is, soft-shelled
turtles and tortoises.
THE BACKUP water pumps
went on but lhey were splMlng
uaeleuly. It may be that somt!
worker had cloeed the valvet1 on
the output side several days
before. No wat.er waa moving
throup the backup pumps tu ALMOST all turtles eat bnth
cool the reactor, A billion-dollar plants and animals .. The diets
piece of machinery came clost! vary among the species and the to disaster. locittions where they un he.
The pouibW humaft-6rot' or-foUD!1-..A few k&nd&.ol-WFUes;-in..--~
leaving \he valves closed was cluda~g \he green turtles and.thc-
probably comJ>Ounded by what lorto1~. feed almost exclusive·
appears to be a design deficien· ly on planL-..
cy since there was no alarm to Some rrcsh·water turtles, s uc·h
telt that: cooling wawr was not a s . sort-she lled turll~s. feed
actually circulatin~ in the 1:h1 l'fly on ~n1mals . S~appmg
machine. turtles eat fish. frogs, 1nsecl!>.
-A nuclear engineer reported young wuterfowl and also algae
that temperatures in the cort: ut
the Three Mile Island nucle1tr
power plant proba bly re11ched
3,600-degree Fahrenheit, thus
causing damage lo the rut!I roo:-.
and producing a hydrogen bub·
ble that was troublesome for
many hours after efforts started
lo .cool down U.,-fe<telo.I'. ,-
Andy sends the 1979 Wo rld
Rook S<'ient:t· Y1·<1r Annu1JI to
Bronwyn St'rutlfrn. u~c ij.' ()(
Frederitton, New liruns wi t'k.
Canada. for he r quc~lloo
The 22-volumc World Book t;n
t•yl'lopl'(l ia. Andy's own r e-
fcrc nt:e librnry, is st·nl as ;m
award lo the wrill'r of thl' qucs
lion of th(· month. and a tY.11
volumt• World Rook Dictionary
J:OC's 111 th•· writf•r of the question
or lht• W4'ltk s.>nd .. ynur-<fUCStJnn•
on a IM>St l'Urt1 to i\sk Andy 10
(·an· of P O. Hox 1560, (;ost••
. M .. sa , C.:al1f 9262fi. rnakiJIJ:! s un·
111 inc.:lud<.· your name. a ge anti
;1t1drt•ss F:ritrtt·s 11n· open t••
f,!1rls and IMl)!>.1 to 17
·Anaheim Lake Birds · Puzzling
Our EUil",•
Rcct.-ntly a nc1,::hhor boy ;inti I
wt•nl fo,hing al Anaheim Lah
While there we saw thret! sc;t
birds that at first gl,.nce lookt:d
like Sea gulls, but after ·chker
obser vation we realized th<'Y
Wl'rl' not ).!ull s. ..
Th1•y. wc•rn a third to hall ·a:.
b1i: ai.. sea gulls, hud a lon1{nar
row wing span, black heads anti
a long bla(•k beak. Wo uld lhey
ha.ve been albutrossps~
Slnccr~ly, 11.1 .. ll.
' DrarMr. R.,
J 'm afrnid it is noi pns!-lible for
me to make a positive identifica
lion of the birds, bul J)t!rh;,ps
you can us.e the following lead.-;
to help you locate them in a bird
book from Y.OUr local library.
It is unli»ely •that lhey were
a lbalrO!-tscs. for a ll species or
these birds arl' ~trictly ocean
dwt!llcrs and rarely 1( e ver seen
on the mainland.
They nest on remote islands
a nd SP«!nd practically all or their
lime flying uv('r the sea 01ntf
gliding on the · winds. Ont:. th<:
wanderini.i albatross, h as th1·
broadest wing span of any living
bird up to 11 feet.
Shear-waters resemble gulls in .
general appearance';' but onl·Y.
rarely arc these seen on the
coet1t. Fut mars arc ve ry lar~l·.
heavily huill sea birds of the
s a mf' g<'nc•r a l apJ>e>a rann •
Sk ua!"o arC' a lso gull·s hafll!<J. 1m1I
some Spt!Cil!S have dark heads
and black beaks with " dts ·
tinctive curve· al the tip.
T he pomarln e jaeger is a
sp••cies of ~kuas that also (iL-;
you r gcne>ral dc•sl'ription You
eould check these in a library
bird idenWication ~uide for Ous
Also, there 1s still a JIOSsibility
that what you sa"-..)Vas a very
la rge species or gull althouJ:h
these ar«> not common here al
all. There arc about 40 speC'ics or
these bird-; lhal vary ~really in
size. and some h ave dark he .. 11~
and beaks. tTherc are gulls \hat
are as lar~e as g11ldC'n eagles.>
So you should check gull 11u·
tures too.
I am sorry nnl lo be more Prf"
else, bOl perhaps another reader
might have the answe r
DHr Elbe,
I !S8W a picture or an animal
called a mole rat Which one is it
KeUylt ..
Dear llelly,
You ar~ correct in assuming
that it cannot be both, for moles
are insectivores and rats are ro-
dent"· two entirely different or·
Cur First
State Dog?
It.a pediaree la loet in antiquity.
but the Catahoula cur haa a shot
at becomln1 the nation's first
&tat.e doc.
K Une Ruahin1 of Baton Rouge
told a Loutatana House commit·
tee Monda.,y_ thal her dog,
··Nap," waa 1"rned by former
Gov. Jimmie Davia ·
"Governor Davia wu the first
penon to ride a hone into the
Capitol and his doc la the flrst
Catahoula here," abe taid.
Oavl1 1alned pubUdty in the
ear!r .. J.~.~ 11 tovernor hr rodi lill VP the Capitol
ttepa to the rotuada.
Rep. P'rank PattJ waated to
Dow the ortiiD al tbe houail.
~>m1· sf)t'1-:1c:. h:iV(• s rnrill ••.>1•:.,
c·•:irs a nd tail whil1· 1n <1lht•r -.
tht:.-.•· <ire· 1m 1:-1bh· But lht· t1·l'lh
a ri· thosl' nf tht· typu·;d rnllenl
lfrar Kc· ad..,,
M(1!'.I l "fl\I' llill/11111)!!'. Y.1°1"
m.lflt· or an1rn.1b . 11rol1a hl~ Ill
1l 11•i11tr11..: lh:.t -.u1·h <·n ·;.tur•·,
Wt•rt• vt•ry 1ni1>11rt<Jnl lo 1.·~1rl '
human!"o Thi· 11WJ11ri ty of 1111·
rln1w111gi. ri·pr,...,1•n1 tm .. 1111, mam
n111lh~. h11r:...1·-... and _ant 1•l.up1
typ1•s 1\1 lht· t11n1· of .th•· draw
in~s . llwi-1· a111niab had not l.11·1·n
tfomcst acalt..'<f anrl were hunlt'd
f11r food ;ind i'loth1 ng
Unlike the mQlf' wh1d1 r,!1~s
w1lh 1L.., f1•1·t, lht· mul1· rat 1111.!:-.
with ii:. 1nrisor ff•l'lh Tht• lips
l'<t n tw clrn ... t·d t~·h ind th1• h·1·th .,,,
-ihal d~rt. will not' i;:1·t mt11 lhl·
mo uth.
1lcr !"o . The mole ra t. from Afric<1.
1s a rodent and lh1ppens to hu\·1·
li ving haliils lik1! lhosc-of ;i
The li vini.: quarte~ consist or
a n etwork of tu nn l'ls wi th
M'\'t•ral Ol.'sl urt•:.is T1.1.o t1r ll'ln••'
111f:.i n h ar•· !torn ,,, u t1m•·
IJ nhkc m o lt-!--. lht·M· nµl1·111., ;1r1·
\ t'l!l'larians 0111• u1111,o11al
s111·1·1c!'. 10 Arrw:J 1s IJl'iwl u·all~
·l\lt ht)Uf.!h IA •· an· nol 1·erta111
)u !-.I whal puq1111<>1• "';1;, -.t·n c1f l1\
I h t• , •• 1 v ,. .. a I n l • II g :-. . ;, II
thrup<1l11).!1!>.ls assumt.• thal ltll!\
W•'rt• a part of some ritual 10 an
all~mpl to i:am ~u11cnunt y 'ovl'f
th••M· creatures Unlike rode nts. this one hu:.
beco"i'e aduptt.'d lo st;,yin~ un
der ground all its life. It even
lookli like a mole with a cylin
der·shaped body and soft. dens,·
hatr that grow!'. !\I n u ght up ~o as
to olfe r no frlt:llon 1n the tunncb
Dear t:llie,
' STRANGt.: t'i\('TS : T h•·
l"<inary I~ a !"olM.'('11'1' of r1n1·h :..nrf
"'a:--11am1.•1I afll.'r th1• 1sl;:1111b
"'he n · 11 w;J!"o fir ... t cJ11<>t"o\f•rcd
In the ancient cave piunun~s
what kind 11r anim al 1:. m<1.-.ll)
shown '•
world scope
( 10 poonl• IOI '<IGh QUf'tllO~ an ........ n COrrl'CflyJ
1 P1•·"tl'·n1 I .1111·1 .1nno11nt t·tl h t· II ti( X)..,I
I )'II W•111l•l. w1111ld 11"11 loll ''"'"" lo"lt' loll
''·'"'' fw1Wf111fl ''" f lllft•d '°ir,tft'\ .11ld
/1n1h .. t.v.•· l<ht11l••\l,1
1 M•"•',, ,,., 1·1111-.. I 111 h.o• ~ '" • •" •"ll''"' In 1h1·
lJnt'"" \l.11•' .rr11I 11th1·1 • 111mt11•0\ hy 4-0
I";.,.,, .. ...,,,.,,," I 1111• I '·"K"'I '"""K"
"'''""'I •ti '111d1· ••II ,,, lhl' I l111fl'tf -.1 •• , •• ,
.o \llWtd h ''''" I lllfllh
'l I ho• I J 'o I(' iv• r 1111wn1 '' 1·r11·r1ur .o..iing
Am1·11r.111 101"11"''"" 111 ll"' lllf• ni•w tfo ll.11
, ""'· ... h .. h l(O•·, 111111 f 1t111l,llt<1n July I '""
'" w 1111n l1•JIUr•'' 1l1i' om.1K•" ol tCllOfJ'>f
I 1'-1 '-u'''" II An•hrn1y, 11 • .,tn'lr l<•>'l"""'"'
4 A1 1<11 lo hn W.1vm•. wno won .in A< Jr1t•m v
~w .. rtl 1111 h1\ p..rform.1n1 •· 1n rtw l~i'I lolm
tf11•tl t.,,1 ... ro,•l n l 1 ·•'""' ,,, 1h1 · ·•!:•' • 11 7 !
,,. 1111• ( owl1111'
11 '"Jlw \h'l•lll\1°0
' .,,,,,. C.111··.
"> I h1· l 11mm11n1'" .111t l ,ho• ( h 1\11.111
lhjm•1• '·'" w••rt• 1h1• m.i1n vo11•·1<W""" 111
11 .. h , r••t ,.,,, n.itton.11 •·lt•r110n Whor h P"rly
1•.om 1lw Ill'"'''"'" in th1• n••w l1.11t.m P.irf1.•·
110 po1nl• 11 you un td•nlltr lttta '""°" tn IM M••I
A, <"h;incl'llm o l w •. ,1
<.1•rrn,111v ''"'I' l il74, I .11n
n n1· ot r 1110rw"\ mO\I
w1tl1·lv "''P'''"'0 lt•.irtn,
N t•t l Wt••·k I Jll'l
'<"h1•dulrd "' mef'I w11h
Prt•\lcft•n1 C,1111•1 .tntf
01~wr Wt.•\tern le~ri··r. .11
1h1• "' onom•r \umm11
mcellnK tn fokyo. Who
t1m I~
match words
4·r nnv.11leir1• d·flnli 11111lly. condemn
S.conrrldlc1 ••1111h4-r. t1\\emblc
'\ Ru der
In addilkm to tH'in~ a hmil\ run h-atur1•, 1'1 .. :
QUIZ is an in~.icral parl oJ lhc.in·clasuoom n1•w,;
pro tram pr .. s.-nl.-d in OranJ( .. f "oa"t ar1·a 'chooli.
aH a pMblk Ht"rvicc• hy tht" Daily .. ik>I .
•• ,_.,,, .... r , ... .M .. M•ttf ~ ... ~,
• news picture
110 po1n11 ti you ""'•"' lh•' quHhon correcllr 1
f',f''-•'">!'''' .it "Ii''" li1•).:.•' ,urpu rhw••t•• lu11 •••J ''' rn.tl• 111•w '"'"''''
""·''"1,.,,,..,,., ,,., 1•11llv , wh .. n th•· l1·d•·1.ol ~v1.1IH111 Ad•11"'"''·'·
111111 r111l1·11 d .111 """"'" ·•" tl11•t11, hy \( I ton-.1 ONI 74/ I)( HH
'"""'"" '.1t11 1•ll1·d { )111· •1( ''" I',, I'·"'"''' 111 ( h11 ·'>!" l.1\1
1nnn1h ~1111111.; 1l'1 p1•1111lt
I I .111 v llud, wh11 l1•d lndo.tn.1 'i1.01t· 111 1h1• lo11.1I, 111 1h1• NCAA
lt.i,lt·ll•:11f 1t111111,11nl'nt . ll'("lllly \ll\'"'d .1 ltv•··)•-.1• •''''"·''I
w11h 1 h1· N,1111 1n.1I ll.l'~•·lh.111 J\\\IH 1.11H111 \ ll 110( >'-I ()NI
l'h• 11'111\ """'· 111 l\l/111 ( 1·111'1 ··I
Mul .. •n .-11•rn.1ntl1·1 rotlt•. 1 ''' "" tnrv m lh•• tt.•lmnnl \1.tli1•\,
'J)tJlltn>: <,llf"I l,11 ul,11 lj1cf \ I h .IO(f' 111 f,lflllHI' hrH"' r.01 Ill)(\
I rt pit' ' I"""'
,1·( 1,.t,l,11 h.(f4•nt'rdl """mhly C .(,ftlflt•fl 1\1 I
I M.u.uhon 'w1mmcr (CHOO"! ONL Q,.m,. Ny.111, Sc~"
l.1ylcir 1. m.1ktnl( h1•1 lhorcf .lllf'lnpl tn '""'"'I•> I lo m l.1lonm 1h1•
RJhotffi<I'· ~·IYI' UIJ .... ,., .!O hllllr\ .inti 21 m1ll•\.
4 f 001h.tll\ Ot>n vt'r Rmnr fl' .mcl h.1wl1o1ll\ Orrro11 l 1JCf'r\ h111h
p1rl11·rl '""''""Y nt M1r h1MJn ,11hlt·1t• Kirk Lf'.ich tn lhl\ Y'"" \
roll••)(•' pf.1Y"' <lrJll\ Wnh wh11 h """TI cl1d lc•.ifh <"hOO\C lo
S P1trh1·1 fin· Nu•kro, younM"' h1a tlw1 of A•l•nt.l Hrav.-~ hurlN
Phil Nwkro, f4.'rf'ntly ft'(OHif>d hi\ lOOth <:Jr••f'r vtrtory loe
N1f•kro ptld'lt'\ tor the jC"HOO"I ONI · Homlon A\1111\, SJn
I 1.inf l\fl'I C.o.m<'I
'•mily dltt:UUIOn 1110 tt:or•I
Shoulli 1hr l1•1l1•rJI 1eovnnment undNt•kf' "' n.o11ton.1I tw.1hh
in\ur.inu• P"'"'""' wvc>nn11.o1ll /\mt•ft(.tn\l Why 01 why not/
YOU,_ ICOfill. tt 10 100 '°"''' -T~ ICO..ll 11 to tO ..-.11 -hnll•nl 11to10 p0tnt1 -Good 6' lo 70 polnlt -fe11
OV!C. IM .111·79
ID.Qty •lftOfl-t !tJelfJ. 1f0Jll0·• !.IOf.<8J. •n••S·C :•·a :um•=> U01I09•1 l.IJl9Rl.WO•S
Ot·:>Q :••IUaWIM3N
•·~ !;,·t !~·~ :p·z :q-1 :8CJWOAUCJ.YMI
•PtWlfJS 1nw1~H !:IMl\'N8M3N
1r1•.130WacJ uwn1µq3~ : a·t : .<uotu
·UV ·9 unns·c :q·& !""8 PlftOW.·f :11•03R0'1WOM
A8 CWL v Ptl.Ol
' ·nrug Aid
Sale Ban
Al\ Oran1e Count y Supt'nor
C o u rt Judie h u order~d
W .. lmiNler lo !!lop f'nforcln1t
ita r n tri<'lk>n11 on Uu• · u le and
.d ia pl ay o f nar ('o tl r 1>
The p~Uminuy lnJUnt'U<1r1 h
Judi e A.Uc .. m•rl•· Slotlt1r Wll1i th.-
aeeond to bl" lu urd ••••nat the c·1
ty ordln•nc.-. vn.1rh r .. quir.-,..
blolalnHat>s to M'l 1u11dt' rt'11lrH·t1-.t
area.. within th .. ~tort' -for 1.hi.
pill)' •nd s 1i1lt-ul s uch 1tt•m!> ai.
roach cli1>1. c1ttart'lh: rolle-n 01m1 --~~Da~~~-wl~,..._1n"10f"!>WOU~~~--'-ifJI~
Tht1 f1ntl lnJuncttoA w u:. bbu .. d
lalft munlh, pcodrnai. thaJ) Wt't'k b
hu rinac
T ht' lnJUnt>t lOni. huvt• b1·1·11
:.ought by Muttl(' l'IUI .. ti 1·h1u11 or
reL·on 11ootort•s whll'h htt~ un outlt·t
in Wci.lm1n i.tt·r whl'l l' -.u1 h
paritphernaha 1tc:m-. IH\' .-h11
W1.•s'tmans tcr City ' Atll1rrit y
Paul Morgttn i..&ad thc C:at y Council
may decide Tuesduy wht ther to
appeal the anJuncllon
H unri.rigtori Woman
Receives D e gree
Lis a Jack!>on 1>f tfuntini.:tun
8.cach received ht·r hat.•hc ·lor or
a rts de>~ret> in cen•monw~ al
Wes tmo n t Coll ege , !';anta
1Jarb11ra: • •
A ~raduate of F.dison llii.:h.
s ht' 0 ts Lht· <la ul!htt·r or Mr-.
l>orel'n G Ju c· k s<in 11( 11 u n I
111g111n lk ;wh
O•oly Polo! \t•tl Pltolo
f .,i11fslri119 'T••!••·l1i•s
A 1 ·r~1111· rq 11·1,1lo r pla 1·1 ·.:.·~.,11·11· 111 l ht• 1 <1 ~1
t•xlt·n or JKlllt0b flll <>Ill' 'l'ow11 ( 't·irt1·1 .. ,,,.., 1• ,I Hi '>l ltr~·. s:Jo
011 llron offin · hudding in S<111t h ('11:1!-;I Pl,11.1 . <:o~.1':1 ,\lc!->J
T tw 350.f>OO-square·fool htu ldm g, whith b ·11t.l1r 7.i, 11o1 ·rcl'l'l1
l•·a s NI. is sth1.·clult•<I to 111w11 111 1n11l ·< l(•lohd· with' I m1H·rial
Hank as lht· m:1.1or 1t•no1nl '1'111' 1·d1l 11·1· Is a 1111111 pro w <·t 11.\
{' .I St•g1•rsl r11111 &· Som •. 111d 1111 • 1•111d1 ·11t1.d l11-,11r:111t·1.·
('om p ;111) 11f J\ 1111.·nt• ;1
Powers of Sllggestion
puw r r~ 11f :-.ugg1.·~t11111 an· so
!'llrung that rn11r1· tha11 1:«11wn·c·nl
o r thl· llt'llfllt• wh11 I <.1k1· w11rlhlt·s-.
n•mt'tlll's f11r tlw ,:1wsl pain or
ht!a rt 11l~1·aM• gl't lll'll l'r s1m
'11Y hl'c·:rn"t' lht·v lh111k llw l11•at
me nt work~ . ., '' 111ly :-.hnw~
Tht• mt·1li1•al h •·n c f1ts 111 p1J~111 v1· thmk111g Iii.I\ 1• long IH·1·11
k now n 1•1 ttol'lo r ' a ~ "lht·
plat•cho t•ff.,c·I · ll11w1•v1•r, r1·
'>l'i.l rt'hl'r:-. -.:.. v ltw 11011·111·\ .11111
t•11ns1i.lt·nr·:r or ltu~ 1•H1•1 I a11·
niuch gn·Jlt·r than t·xrictlt·ll
Tlft.;V i\l>U 'f'llAT gn mg fake ·
m t·d1 1·in1.· on 1>urs1os 11 1l> 1m
.-th11·al. hut 1lnr tl)rs sho111fl r•·
mt•rn ht·r ttw afl va11 tai.:1·' 11( 11111
t in~ llll'ir 11~1 llcntl. 1n Uu· rtJ.:hl
rrum e of 'mmct ·
"After all." wrntt' Or flcr~rt
Henson , "unlike mo s t other
(_· _M_E_D_l(_;1_N_f;_J
f11r111 -. 11r lht•1 ap\ Ill•· pl.11'•·11(• •·I
f<·1·1 h :1~ w1t h~l•u1d 1111' 11 ·-.1 1.f
11rn<· :incl <·1111l111tw :-o 111 h1• 'al•·
<Jrtlf lllf'XfWOlfl V(' •
Thi· ~I 1111 \', d 1r1·1·f 1 ·ti hv 111·11..,1111
• ti lklh 1-.r : ... I "'"'"' ·" t.1·11• °"a-. 1111 t1l1 i.l11 •d 111 lh1· :'l.1 ·w
E11J!la111l .l•111rn<.1I 11( M 1·11!1·1111·
Tiit: R •:s t:A RU1t:R~ re
v11·w1·t.I th•· 1·a rh res ults hll·
ta med h~· drwtor' who tcstc•1I a
v a r11'l v 11( t rc·al ml'n ls for
ang1na .'ll1c l'lll'i.I p;1i11 cau-.1'fJ hy
11111 11111 1• 111111111 ro ·a c hin ~ th(•
All the~•· tr1•:.il nwnt ~· 1hr1·•·
kin1b of m N ll1·1n c and llA-11
11pt·r atim1s ha ve :-.11w1· 111 ·1·11
11r 11~'1'11 Jlll'rl ll'.ilh v.111 11111·-.:-. r11r
.lfll'll1.1 But llw rim lnr~. l';1rly
I 1•.-.1111 ... WI I I' 1111111 11'1111\ lll'f)Jll l:-0
111 .di 11 ... 111 111 hJ .... 1 d11d••r-.
l1111l-,1•c/ o1 I 1111 I l"oldl '. 111 l'.1 '>lUrllt''
1111 I 1x·,· 1•.11 w111 ·. 'I h1·v I mind
lhal :111 :l\l'l o')'t' Ill x~ JH'r<'<•nl or
llH' p1•11ph• 11np11 1,.i·tl ,1f11·r laking
1h1• ~~··ml f111 n11tliw1• 1fl•atnwnl
'l;O'f "'l.V IHI> .tlw 1•:llw11 h
11'1°1 lwll•·1 h11 th"\ al,11 , 11ulll
._I .11111 fllVf 1· ,. '' I 1·1 ,1•
l'ht· n·wardwrs 1·1>1wlut11· that
ti w u~ th(• d1wt111 ~· enthusi11sm ,
nol 1h1· rn1·<1 11·1 n1· thLl t e n
~;vc11 lh11ugh mt•cl11·11w!> on 1 hl'
mark1•I li;1v1· lw1·11 prrwt•11 t•ffc:c·
11\t' 11\< 1t.1•111 «'l\o'" 111 •·a-.1n~
l'11 1·l.t p.11 11 . 1111• pl;wl'1>11 l:ff1·1·t
t'llll i111 11r o \(• 1111·11 1H1w1•r .
H1 •11·.1111 • .. 11fl
Seaside Seenes
Italy Has Something· for Everyone
•~ ._,_. c.,.,_ ....
OSTIA 1 llal y -Rome 's
Rockaway or ()oney Jaland, her
subway summ er r.:sort by the
s e a , may we ll be the most
dassified. s tra tified stretch of
('Oastline any where on earth.
Like the ltulian bikini. Lido d i
C>titi11 packs a lot into a tiny a reu
modesty in dress. 11lthough total
nudity as practiced in lhe ouler
r eaches or Ostla 's "s plaggla
libera " -the rree be11ch -is
s till rare .
stra nge cults a nd groupie arop·
e mperor-wors hip was in vO(luc
hereabouts, there were temples
to C upid a nd Ba cchus . the
d telies in ch11rge of love and
booze Sundown swingers used
to gather In the tepld ar ium and
the caldldarium the pool and
s team room of the Baths of
Neptune for Saturd ay night or
In th~ ninth century, Pope
Gre gory IV tried to rescue Ostl1t
The grainy J(ray sa nds. about
as inviting as the road into a
i.:ravel pit, 11weep away from
Rom(•'s 1-'iumicino airport In a
series or haphaza rdly fenced off
tlt'a.<:bfS_ lh.ilU 1.0ld somc.t.hing for
Out of sight of the frolicking
coppers. lhe whores and gays
cavort new.r the r uins of Pliny's
villa on g rounds o nce given over
to the royal hunt. When out for a
day i n Ule sun.tfie la<Jies or the
e ven ing seem to favor co n
servative one-piece bathing cos
tumes as if unwilling to .c1vc
a way any lrade St!Cr ebt
fro"l.....it'I ~o.c_c_ by e ncloslng __ _
TlfF.ltE AltE SOME .tegant
t'aba na clubs for Rome's p11tn ·
cians and politician,., 11 number
or fi ne selJ[ood rtstaur ants. front·
1n J( on the i.cu. fa rn aly picnic
~rovt·~ among thc scrubby pml>·
t•ovucd dunes now scarlet Wlth
w i nd blo wn 111111 i>1 t!~ u nd a
11umbl'r o{ campsites for rol
11 n 1 e s o r c a m '' t• r s a n d
t·a ravancrs who come from all
over Europe
Any Continental resort can .hr
f<'r p rl'lty muc·h tht• same for 1t:-.
d t1.!4St• _and JJl afil!.b.
lfut only (lstw· shakes OUl Ill>
~ a 11 r1 ~ 111 at' 1· 111r11n o fl at e 1 n
~t·pa ra t 1• 1·ov1•l. I h1· m 11~t 1•x
traorclwur) llde~ of h um1:1Jl1ly
T llt:Rt: IS. /\I.MOST m ordn .
,1 nun-. lit••11·h .• 1 t11ll.0 lw L11.·h. a
c· a r :i IJinwn lw:ll'h fu r the• poltt·1·
·a11d lht!tr ra mllll'~. a to11l"<·s:-.
ht'<H'h. a 'nud1c ht•ach. a lwadi
rur g<tyS" and a h1·<tt·h for wh11n·:-.
J>1•m1wrat 11·a lly hut a loofl y
<.,an1lw11·ht·rl lwlw1·1·n thf• ~ays
;11111 th1• 1A-lllH'1·~. th1:n • 1s abo ;,
l'n vah· lwa<·h for th1· f1n · ... 11lt·nt
of I ht· rt·puhhc·. ·an 1wtn1t1·1wna n
wh11 M•ltlnrn llM'.:-o 11
"O~tla ~ <l1°l·ad1•nt·t· li<·~an 10
C'1111stantin1"' 111nc'." !><JYI> lht·
olcl H111t• ( i111 <11· In 1(1)rn1·. whlf'h
1~ a long t im1• for any <1·~11rt 111
ht· i.:01 n~ d 111A-n hill
f>IS('(H1NTINfi Tiit: tt1~11 h·l>s
Lnli11n1•s who ust.•fl tu spla!>h ;Jhut
1n tht• Tvrrt11•nian S1•a hark 111
l'h ny lh; ... :lcln 's 1lay, Honw·,
-.ea'i1d1· -;1·1·n1· w1·1111i·d 1h .w;iy
onto llw w1ltl •,11!1· 1m ly m lh1· lasl
(1•\\ d:1y ..
T his 1:1111•1 Il a \ dN'a d1·n1·1·
tl:tll':-. from 1111 • 111111• lht" lta h;cu
h1klni l11·i.::111 1•1 :1ppn.x11nalt· m
~kim p1 nt·,:o, 1h ri val 111 lh1· w .. :-.t 1·r11 ll 1·111 1s 11 h •·n ·. I h1·
Bra zili an \lnni.: l11km1, known
1•1•111·rlf';ill v 1n holh 1·1111n tru·' a-.
1i11• 't :111J.!:1 · 111 ltw 1 h11n g
011 1h1• pa-.1a p;wkt·d 111nlrin1 ....
u{ llw lt11ma11 ..,.a ny mph~ 1h1·
1ang.1 m1•l'I~ lh1• 1•\1• as :1 j)lt·a~
1111.( p:wk:t}:t'll 1111 or (11lk 1·raft, as
1f :-.1>m t•11111· had lw1·n hani.:inJ.!
l11w1·1 h;1lls 111 rn a1·ra rnt· fo'r11111
U11· rc<.1r. twu nianduhns sc·1·m lo
lw p la,\ tll J.! a 1111 1· s l rini.: re•
T iii': MONOKINI. WlllCll JIJ.!
gl1•..; 11:-. way down ltw 1·11;1st from
1h1• J"r1•rwh ll1v11•ra . s1.>110 made·
:-.horl \hr1rt •1r 1rall 1t11mal lla li 1111
The t o p less a nd n u d1 e
beaches. JUSl down lhe line from
one or the most expensive fis h
rest at.ltants . r eminds the wt•ll
read tourist that Ostia, once: the
rnouth of tht• Tiber, a lwuys .h1t:.
het;r1 a J(odltss ph.u·c given to
it within walls and re naming it
G r egoriopol'ct St. Augus tlnt·
died al a hotel in Os tia as be wa~
a bout to embark for Africa.
In tht-days of Bo~ias, Jutta...,
II .whik still <i c ardina l added .
the p1t·lun•scau•· c astle that still
rnws ab<1v<• th .. dunes After that
t h1· pap1tc· v lost interest In re
fornuni.: th1• town a nd turned 11
intt1 a pe nal 1•1>l'>n.Y for oHendc:r~
iJ~aln!>I c·hun·h la w
'Fro~ty' Gerard
$30,tfOO. Grant .. Alds
UCI LectUre Series
LT. trvint: hal> 1·~l:ihh!>h1•1t lh1 · Fro~ty , Gnant V.--1tanl! Le<.1tm :r
St:rtt's with a SJIJ,001') ~ran t from l.1•ona "fros ty" Ii (jnar<I
Thi· ~runt v.111 •·n;.ihlt· t h<· 1·ri·at11m 11f ;i n 11nnuL1I ont: wc~k h·1·111r.
iwnt•:-. al t;CI Tht· first v1s1l1n~ lt rturt'r •~ (•X !lP<:lcd tr1 bt· al t!('f 1lur
IOJ.: the Spnni! Of I 9Hll
Mrs Gl•rurd ;:i lt111i.: llm•· n ·!>1
tlt·nt ·or Coron:i iJer ~far. reside~
rn t~Ul!t·m-. On · ~ht· 1s lht· widow
11f l>r H:ilph W <;1·rarrl. found
1n~ 1h·an of th1• t:CI C ruduatt·
J>1\'1"!-111n and 11r o f l·~:-.o r 11f
l11olo~11·al ~<'lf'fl('t:» Ur (;t•ra rrt
. .
Women le, G~t
Spe cial Tir•s
lau..:hl <tl (;('f fr11111 100:1 unt il hi!> O S I I
rl1·<.1 lh In l!t71I IJ C t00 i 11~.
PAWS Slates
Fund Raisin~
T hi• f r \ 1n1• l'r11m 11 t11111 11(
/\n11T1al . Wt•ll lll;1n~ 1 I'/\ WSJ ~"
g a11 11.ation IA-tll l111ld ,, l1a1;1;11
and run1111:1i.:1· ~alt· l•1da y rruni
I I) a. m lo •1 fl m
Thl· b;ua<.1r will ht· t11·1tf iJI th•·
('uh ·1•rda li· l'l u hh11u~t· :1754
llam1lt1m . l n •1111·
l'r111·1·1·1b will 1•11 t11w;11 d ""''
1111rt1ng llw 11r i.:an11 a11•111 "1•fft,r1'
to a~s1~1 th•· ln •in1• ,1n1 111.1I 1·.1r1•
8Pach Party S~t
SAN u n ;c;o 1/\l'I 1h•·
'ni H·rs1t~ 11( t'all fo rn1<i 11l<1n~ t•1
throw :1 b1•ad1 IJLlrly July M ;i~
1•r• or a s1:i 1•xt1•ns111n 1·11ur:-.i·
Tht• !.tthJt'l"I ll•1w 111 EnJ"Y lh1·
1;11llf1•11 \\1·~1 ('oll1·g1· 111 1111111
111gton 1~·111 II 1 ... 11H1•nn~: a ''"II
m1·1 pr111•1.1111 l11r w11m1·n h1•ad ...
111 h1111-.1·h11ld:-th1 11k1111• .,r rl'l11r11
11111 t11 -..·h1111I
Th•· .,, , Y.•·•·~ pr 111• 1 .1111 lwl.!111~
.I.ii\ :1 .. 11111 1· 1l1 ·.,1gn1·d 111 111 Ip
Y.11111 1'11 \\ll h -.11111\ -.kill;, ;11111
't•l1·1·t11111 111 1·;111·1·r 1.!l•a b
('l.1~M·s Y.ill r 1111 fr11111 >I,, Ill lo
1101111 tlail~. with a lhn•1• urlll 111
l1•rtll'r-.or1a! 1••1n11111rr111·a111in 11nd
.1 11111· 111111 \ •11 at 11111.d plan11111g
• l."s 1111 lt1d1·d
( '111111 l'olf •• \4 rll fw fll 11\ 11lt•ll I rt•1•
l•11·h 1 llf n·11 .11••· ;• 1111; .. 11r 111l11rni.1
llon ph11111• 11:1::-77 1 I
Put \Orne red sail\ en
your sunset\. Bu y one
ot the dre.lm boil1!> hsl·
e d 1n t he Bo.,t1 nq
c ra.,.,1flcd ad!> of the
0.11ly Pilot.
FAITH CHAPEL ,_ ..... , ......... ,
610 W. t• ST.. COSTA MISA
'ASTOi DAYIO l. Wll~
I 0:00 AJol. -ltlll STUDY
l l:tl-.-N ...... W......, 7:00p.&-l• ..... W .....
BAPTIST CHURCH c-of Felr-1ew •Ad,..,_.. Celle N• ..
I f'• HIMC!ft J•"''· ,o,tor '"°"' 17 141 \S •. 178T
11:00 A M.-SUHOAY \CHOOl t :•S A.M
CHURCH OF CHRIST " 211 w. w"-. c.,, ....... ,.s.11tt
WI• fl• A (,. 111111 ( •h1w 111r( C.111wo11q (.111 ,1< lo
"Nl .. DS OJ, .. fAMtl Y"
S"o me1h1n4 wo n1t,.1l1111111t111,1pp1·n 10 yvu .11 ""'
Cuat Of IUICIOUS SCl£NCf C ...... Senk ..
IO:JO A.M. '*"''" Ctvt> ~int •-ur.~1 •1e•cJUttU .. M.h
Chu<<I\ ()41""'
1'71 s.. .............. . c ........ .. '4~10)2 fW.•""'.,w 64'·'4••
DI. lt.IAHOI C. JACHON. H•• ~ h_,.tltt ....... ..,. TMCtl«. ,, • ...._. ,.,., .........
lr.W ............ MWttw
SUMDA Y -JUMI 24 -I 0 A.M.
"11'1 ... WITMI~
....,.~a:,......,..c....,-.. •• .............
"WNO 10 YOU n.9 YOU Allr
..... ~.i.e. #I C.poe• ,._...._, ....,... ..
ca.r.tt Of1191 1"7 W ....... Ir. .......... , ...
I .
June 24th, 1979
Costa ~Mt-f1nt Chtlr<h of Christ, Scllftffst
JllO M.•o Y•,.._ Dr., Cotto M•MI s .. dlly \d1oot -I 0 A.M.
Chwclt ~r.fu -10 A.M.
Alto ht ~ Of locll M._.., -S P·"'-
le ..... ·-· 2110 MHo Votr• Dr 9 A.M.·4:]0 ,,M. MOfl. thrv Sot.
W•d. 7-7:50 ,.M. -t.t :)O ,,M,
Hutl...,_. leach -Flrtt Chwch of Christ.
Ith & Otl••. H ........ °" IHc ll
Cllwdl & ~y School -I 0:00 A.M.
....... ·--JJI M• St.
L•9•1ta leach -First Ch1trdt of Ce.rfat,
SclHffst us.....-Drin
Cllwctl & S.., ScMot-10 A.M.
•• .... •--H4fon atA••·
Mewport leech -Ffrtt C~ of Ce.rtat,
Sci ......
UH Y .. u. . .._..,.,. hec ..
Cllwcli & s.4ey Sc.._. -9:00 & I O:lO A.M.
............ JJtl ... L.We
M•. llln Fri. -t A.M.-1 P.M.
I M<I C..ot" ,,_ flll'lll•~ -II :IC) 11 :.<I A M I"' lllUOr ,_
All .,., u ,n1 ... ., 1n'-'rtfllll tn •ttfWW1 thft rhurcr. MMY'f llHt •rwf •ntt>Y tM Ott\r•-0-• 11t
ttMt A.,editl'Q '41~
C llli. Cert 'ro .. dtd AT ALL SHYIClS
-JtWt Call .... , .. •lctetyf
Ltt •• lttlp ,.._
CHllSTIAM CHUICH ....... "-'
IUHOAY: HwHiitf .. .._tl
CleHH-4 ;30 I tO:OO AM
1...,.0.,..'°" WorttMp-4:30, 10:00 AM , 1:00 N
~ ....... ,,,_... • ..... , ...... , ... -"'""''-91e"
DtAl·A·Dl!YOTIOH-1-.tMO: C>fftc.-Dl-Hlt
..,..._,.... Cllritt ... 1191°'
~··~· IS T CHURCH Of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE ·~a • ~ .. Of Nf~PO~~.~~CH . . .• -1,,"" ;' HY ALIHT IUHI, IScf. MIMISTH
10:00 A.M.
Mondey Morning 11nd Thu11dey Evening Heelln9 Worlllhop
MacArthur at Ford •ooct-M•wDOrt l•ach
, fJH AN lf4',1'1f•At tt1NAI Ml '1'tA(tl UfAl 8~~9lt
1)6.6912 ................... '4~51)1
609 Ele•tttftt St. • 136-11 SO ~
'IGGY IASSITT. Uc.f.~ttw a T.
Sund ,1y Sf>rv kP'I, 9 30 <Jnd 11 A m .... jllf T_._,.,,_._C.._ ... .._, ~
METHODIST ........ '°"
10 Sunde, Sf-'"'".,"'"'' '•ttow•htf>
P•ttm fhorn•• WMm4N., 84tfmon
-WAU-OOt l'MI-..... --71631 W.t.1y0. 1!101111\ U1j""•
499 30111 ~flfvoc"• •I 10 00 A.,.
IDftci,tn .. Cllrf .. I
J4el lnlM .. s-· ....
, .. ,,W"lc"
w ....... c...._·.ce...
tltOI A.M.
IS-9rl1 ..... t
·on. ....... "' .. ,,.,. ..
Dr.D.W.MI ...... ..... s..--
Aev. Gene A. henton ,_
c .... ,
... 11"9AHCNUIC., 201t2 MeeftOtie. H.I ,,..,
~e .... 4MO
......... &. ........ ,...., ............ , ..... .. ........,., .. ....._, ... .......
A C."ial Ilk .. fr11t1 die
l*ITH C•ICI If CllfSl
611H.ti.....,.A•t ..
0...WW.lwh,Nw tlw
10 ··~·-:-~.~~~
•ICllH•• CMllUTIIUl ClllCll
)40St.•···"· ....._,,..L....-a.ec ..
Mii. ASTllO sawu.atAt4 ......... .. c .......... .... '&..":_ ....... w.,-. " .... '"'""'
stlMB If t• alS
>1111 ........... ·.it·. ':rt'
-..WI I .......
llA.M.-C ...... .., ....., .......
of the Constal A rPi1',
-----CHU I CH Of-TMl C OVl Ht.HT ----
l l SO F0tr•trw Id Co•lo Mf'\a
l rvc:f' A 1!11rrlt ~o•lor
\-•r WO'•h1p A Chwrch School
rllooif' S\ J . l H O
Co,,.......ity 'resbyt~ria" Church
4 t S Fwnt A••., L ..... hecll 04· 7'55
Aev Arthur J Tanller~lev Flev Eldon H Thies
q JO A M Wor:.h1n
Cholclrun ·, Wnrko,hoo ill Nw -;ery CJrr
10 4~ A M F l'llOW'lhop Ho 11r
l h1·. !-iun<1.iy Wnr•,111n"'
600 SI Andrews RoAd • Newoort Beacl• • 63 H!l:l80
Dr .................. ....
W ..... StnkH-l :•t:JO.t l:M
... HUPfMAN .... t.\C....._
IJ 00 '"'"~' '"'°"9f' IC 1ndf104rten 4 JO lnl..,I fMOUQfl (Ollt•
II 00 lnl•nt Tlvou0f'61" C.•-
Jlll.._Y .... Dr~ ........ .... .... --Ml.... .... ,.., w .... ....... . ...... ........
Le.-., ............ ......
SUt4DAY WOIMW & CHUttCH SCHOOl-t:JO A.M. ,.....,_......, .... Ml.,
A Thinking Person's Religion!
Sltllllt C..t ,.._ H1l1I a.I flew ... ..... -....c..e. ....
s..., Senkn: ,,, .......
ltt. a_,, t11•1 I ,, ,...., ........
' ----~--------------------------·--~--'-ffl.if!ta ....... ___________ ..... __ :.Nne ... D-.t~ ............ OAIL ... V_fll.OT __ A ... •
Bishops Consel111rate~
Tribute to A.nterlea Set .. • 1.ake llJl11 Commually Claurcla 1eta a j ump J>ft the Fourth ot Ju·
ly cclcbra\mns with ll t ribute t.o Amerlca aervice SUnday al t :30
and 11 41 m at lt,I Toro High School.
Combined ('hol111 and an orchestra will perform "I Love
Am er1ea ... tflrecled by Or.
Warren (; Marilh, minister
of mu1M· Soloists will be
Lua n Sands. Rur bana Smith,
1t1H1st•ll PutlerN1m and Gene
Thf• srhool 1s at 25255 Toledo Way, E l Toro. ..
The Collcgc·Carecr Youth Choir of Knott Ave. Christian
'hureh, Ah<ih<'im. will perform "The Wltnesb" at 6 p.m . Sunday Ml
•·1r .. t C'hrlsUan Church , Main Street and Adams Avenue. Hunt·
1ni.:ton l!l'ach
Rosulw 1\hrams . a rounding mem ber of the Nationai Organiza.
tton for Women. will s peak on "Myth America: llow Far Have We
Ht'ully Com<•"" at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service or the joint Sad·
dleba('k Valley. Laguna lle.ach Unitarlan·Ulllvenalial congrega·
l11m s Ms Ahrams is u psychology department consultant at Cal
Stalt' Fullerton St>rv1ces are at 429 Cypress Drive, Lagunct Beach.
featured speaker at u evenbal on proiperity scheduled for I p.m .
Fr id ay al the Newport Harbor Hilb School auditor ium, lSth Slreel
a nd Irvine Avenue. Newport Beach. Habaen will di&euu "How to
Achieve Total Prosr.rit,Y:' apeakina on web •ubieda u Jrieada,
bappineaa, persona and aplriluaJ fulfillment aa we ll u material
succeaa. The e vent ia sponsored by Ce•mul&y CHre" by &lie
Bay, Newport Beach.
Tiie Cea&er for Theolopcal Studies, Newport Beach. will hold
its first comme ncement exercise at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Campus
Chapel of Newport Christian Schools, 883 W. 15th Sl., Newport
Beach . The Rev. Or . Russell P. Spittler, assistant dean at Fuller
Theological Seminar y: Pasaden<t , will be commencement speaker
The Rev. Cal Stevens of Greeley. Colo., will be guest speaker
al--t~ l&~a.m .-SUnday homecom~ servh:e at 1tty ... ~
Congregatloaal Church or Newpor t Harbor, 3262 Broad St .•
Newport Beach . T he Rev. Stevens is rormer youth minister at
Plymouth Congregational.
Presbyterian Cburc b of the Cove nant. Costa Mesa. bas
scheduled vacation church sch1.111I from 9 a .m to noon Mondayi
through Fridays beginning Monday a nd running through J uly 6
The churot\ is at 2850 Fatrview Ro:sd, Costa Mesa Cla sses a re .for
ch.ildren age 3 through rifth gr<td e. The church is at 2850 Fairvie~
Road. C0sfa Mesa .
'fhc new hoard of directors was recently installed in ce remo·nies
a t ('on~r.-otion B'nal 'bedek, Fountain Valley They are Joe
Tole.· her. president . Btll Schack and Gloria Wodins ky, vice presi·
dents : llar vey liomberg, facilities: Ruth Landsman, fi nance.
Terna Garland , me mbership: Al Cohen, operations, Neal Kaskel,
public relations. Stcll<t Megalla nes, social action : Judy Kessler. Michael Melvi lle wi ll d1scu~s ~elf·heahng concepts us ed Dy the ..... ~~_.,;->0.__.._~~. caulh-ttel:wil1 , bcl«>y=+iel'do1F,'Wayinmd<means-;-Jaclrt W11lflIMS:----··l\·nterrcair1rtdftftf"in a 7 p.m . leclurc Friday at Golden West Coll~ge
l't>rrespondini.: secretary: Charlotte Bach , recording secretary . com m unity center. lluntin~ton Hcal'h Melville 1s a philosoptiy o r
Jerry lfcrs hf1eld, tre <is ure r. Lou Broder wi ll cha ir the Shalom religion in~tructor Admission 1s S2
. ~l'ommi.ltct· ;.11:;J> co.nshting_uLCarol Coloohl-Y,-~1w Cel""'-'•r. !,..-.;
· ~f 1lllN11:111 :inti C'ht·nt· Sc·hn<ill
Mark V1cll>r llan~1·n. author. educator and humorist, will be
""""'" ·,..,~:, •. w '""" ~ .. ,:"'"" ••d th• v"'~" wll: "'"'"'' ~· ~o-,pcl 1·onc·nt at 7 p m s.i111rrh1y .J•in e 311 at Community Rlbte
Church, 17575 l-:uc.·1111 A Vl' • Fount>JIO Vallr y
·Minister Preaches
.. .
'fwl•nty·s1x hi::ihop~ from Ii\ na t1om; recently prostrated
thc msclvf'~ in front or Poµc John Paul II during con
~t·t·r<ilaon <'<.;n·monics al St .J\·tcr'~ Bas ili1.:;.a in V<itk;ul
C:i"' .
Service Urge d
For 'R e j e cts'
Of Socie ty From Church Roof ---------
Church Attendance
·cosis Wonlait Job ·
NA!'-flVILLI';. Tc·rin < AP I /\ former state e mployee. rirclf
1;1~1 fall wh1·11 ~.Ill' took time <iff to bltend a re ligious observance.
h;i:-. gont' to court to g1•t h<·r JOb hack
111 the !.u1t , Brenda J DePne~t a..,ki·1l <l Chancery Court lQ t>r·
1frr h<'r rcini.tah:mcnt a~ a secr1•1 ary in the D<'partment or lluman
SerVi('(!S Division or C'h1ltl Suµport S h<" <JISCJ asks that she be given
hack pay, fu ll st·nior ity rii:hts and lc<ive tune.
Mr~. DePriest. a m e mber of th<' Worldwide Church of God .
maintains shl' was fir1·d Oct 2'1 fur ot;1k ing leave to attend the t-'ca~l
of Tabcrnul'll'S ~ind the Last t;rt•at Uay
~(;(;OKutM; TO IU:R lawyer. Har vel M lt11~crs Jr .. she took
t.-1ght da.vs off
Hoj.!1•rs ~t1 1<J lht• Ti·nn<.·~~cc 1·1ms t1l 1Jt1on provi de~ thut no
em11lvycc :.hall It<: forc(:tl lo \\t1rk cm a c.Jay his reli~1on observes <.1:0.
a day uf rc:-.t
In April. tht.• !>lat•· ('1v1I Servin• <"omrn1ss1<1n upheld her dis
flog<'r:-. ha~ a ls11 filed a scpnate Chancery Cour t challenge lo
the st;1te's refusal 111 wafll Mrs . Oc Pnest une mployment bencrib .
She· now ha~ another joh, but was out of work four to hve
week!> until l;,inding the new pos1t1on, Rogers said. She was a s tate
t•mploycc for ;1bout a yt•<ir. he s u1d
BALDWIN. K;,in. <AP> -A
call for the church to serve the
rejected people of ~ociely has
been· issued by the Rev. Cecil
Williams, ministt-r of G lide
Me morial Unite d Me thodist
ChurC'h in San Francisco.
lie s r)Ok(• rN•cnlly to 'lclcgat<:s
attending the Kun~as Eas t {.;nil·
ed MC'thodist Confrren<.·e
"It i~ liml' for thl' t hurch '''
act like ll is th<· hoc1y or c;od,"
said the mimstt·r . whose own
c h u r ch i s know n for its
m inistries to special segmenlc; of
society. inclutling homosexuals.
"IN OUR own church we a<:·
cept persons as they a rc, we do
not care who they <Jrc. The peo·
pie we serve have been rejected
by sodcty. I lcll l hem 'I hear
you. I'm goin~ lo acce pt you, no
m alter what <·<>l<Jr you are or
what you arc•
··AIJ ar11un1I our Un1t1·d
M elhudist Churc:hr s are battt:rc1t
women. :ilc11hol1n... prt1'0n<:r s.
peo ple who have de::;pcrate
needs. But the churc h stands bv
and docs nothini.:. We nl'cd to cfo
snm cthini.: ··
SPP# IJnity
T h t.• H <· v 11 a n s f\ u n g .
s omet1nws c·ont ro\•cr~wl
<l1r c1·tor of tht• E<:umcmtal
lns lilult-. sav-s m a inl ine
Protes ta nt a 'nd Cetlhol u·
t hrch(':-. ai,:n•c• s uffic·1ently
on has1t hcliefs thev should
hcgm s haring lfoly 'commu-
nion .
CLl\HKSJHilt<;, W Va <l\Pl -.Ja cl)li'c; ladllt!r '"the b1bltcal
lcgt.'nd ~ay~. n ·;,irh1·d from fo:arth to lle.aven
The Ht·\' Hnhnt MNritt'., lt1 d1kr w<J~n 't qu1t1· as tc.11, but it
\\<IS lon14 Cn()Ugh t" pol him CJn uu~ r&1f f)f the Bt'lhelem Baptist
Church. whtt"t> ht-pn·iwhe1I a ser mon lhal ftJ lr11led ~ promise -
m adt:' a month bdur1· E a:-.l1·r
Mc•rntl procniM·ll h1 .., 1·oni.irci.:at111n h1· wou ld prca1·h from I.he
rooftop 1f morf' than l~f1 p1•r1ph· showed up for Sf:rv1c1:~ More than
t:IO lH:oplc· pac·kc•tl the c·hurd1 11n East('r
SO Mt:RKITT ('LIM REI> to the highcst µoint of lhe one-slor·y.
wh 1tf'·framed butld1n~. ahnut 35 feel up, anc1 dPlivered what he
called hJs ··shout It From Ttw Roof" sermon
Ht> said lhc· idea came frrim Matthew 10 26 ··what f tell you tn
the darkness. that speak Y'' in the hJ!ht . <tnd what ye year in the
car . that preach ye up on th•• hnusctuv:-. ·_· .
M.erritt said chun ·h attr·n<lanrt· has 1n<'r<:ascd from ahout 60 on
Sundays bdore thl' pmm1-..·. lo ahout WO on recent Sundayi.. But
he s aid he won't make rooftop pre aching a habit ...
College s Co1itrol Tigh~e1ied
VATICAN CITY I A I' l l'opc .John Paul II has decreed
a tightening of Vat1 c~rn control over s oa:u: ~6 cburc h-run
un1vers1ties. arouncl lh · v.orld. hn ngsn i; to dn ••nd a •:ontro·
vcrs1al cxpen ment s tarted hy tus fJrC'flet'essor
In :m 87·pagc· Apo-;rnllt c ·11n~t 1tut1on. J papal dct·r«>e. thr pon·
tiff said ncw n ·:-.l·an·h nt•\1..•r :-.hould he at the •·x pcn~e 11f papal .:md
hicr:1rch1 c teaching, and th<1t professors shoulrt rc;frain from
rhall<'nJ?in~ rhurr·h cl11r tr1n1· or filt'l' rhs m1::.sa l from their post~ .
. j_O_R_AN_G_E_CO_A_S_T_C_H_U_R_C_H_D_IR--..-E_C_T_O_R_Y_
Pltp11n(ltl1 L ..... l111q 1l'ql1111%li l, i:w l I,
L I.. \.
3262 IROAD ST .• MEWP'ORT HACH 642-2740
SUHOAY Sl:IVICIS-9:00 & 10:30 A.M.
Pastor Cal Stearns, Speaker
. --E ... scor.u CHURCH
Ill l. ley, C:Mt• *-541·1U7
l:W.&,. -ft.&INTIOMAl -TC--9:H .. ,. _ NOlTWC:MAll\f lfllH
c.-.c ......... ,. .......
WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via lido, NftYPC>rt Beach
S..., l :OOA.M. Pnyff ..... .W,C 1 1111
9:00 ~. CITlrc9t Sc..., .... A ... 1 .......
IO:tt A.N. ...... s...,. "wrw .....
H.ty C s-toys
........ "··...., .......... l lto 11
I.: .. ' ..... A.N. ........., c:...
,.,,.~ ............. 1:oor.M. ,...,_ ....... M._...., ........ .._...s.mc.w .. ...,...o.Of.._.
n.l••.JeMr.Atkyll,lHt•-........ '7!.-0210
Saint Mic et And An Angels Episcopal Church
Ull Pecific Vi"' Dri••· CorOfto cW Mw
"°'Y C1•• la" Tw .-Y• 7 •·•· -w ... .._,, t :lO •·"'· n.a. ... ,,... • ...,.,D••i1.IKtw ,.._U4-04U
All SAINTS ANGUCAN EP1$COPAl' CHURCH Ace• ..... th 'HI ....... c-,,..,er teem Bushard. Fountain Vollev 963-3801
llY.S,......W ...... llcTOI
MOLT COMMUMIOM ......................... a:OO A.M. , • .,.,.-..c. a CMUICM SCMOOl ...................... 9: II A.M.
lillliOI •ta ,.A YB · • · .......... • · •• · ••• • • • • I I :00 A.M. MUHllY CAii AYAIL.Alll
I Holt Communion First ~11nd11yl t 1'00 AM
LUTHERAN CHURCH 7'e Oo .. r Dr He"'°" 1Pod 1
Roqu J ln9. rntor
G•orCJP 4. ~. rmtor
WOH~HIP i:iERVl{.t R 00 AM
C~H~l"lTIAN EDUC A-r10N q 1'• AM
'Ar "''"" '>~ri· rrl 760 Victoria SI .. Cotto M•to
lottlor V. To,_,., 'otlor -& ) I· 161 I
"WO.SHIP SHYICIS -I: IS & 11 :00 A.M.
•ftday \c hool& AcMtlibff Clou -t :lO A.M.
Chr1'ti-U•-11t.-, \choo&-S41·HU
2'11,_teY•,...Or CotteMoM
llOllNI:•~ •llAN1KN.PAl10tl -Al·~.A.c . ..--. S...., Sc-.. -9:40 lt.M. Mlftf AlfU
Monii'"J Wor.111, I & t I :00 A.M
r rlt1c• of ,_. ~ School Mn. J-.............. ,,_.,.. -·-'" .. "' , __ ," .....
2'00hcltlc YwwDr .• C-~Mw 1H ·IOll
suteA Y CHUltCH SCHOOL -t:ff A.M.
l«MSHY CAii ,.OY-
hv ...... 0 . C.mcta. , ......
1)141 MlltoRA••· ....... t.. ..... ~., ................ ,,,.
t :JO & I O:JO AM -W_..., S..lcot
•:lO AM -s-4ey Sctiooe __, .... Mil•
1714 Or-. ..... c:-. ...... ,..,.. ... ,&.. .... .......
MOll•te woa~1 1:41 A.M.
P..-...STIC Sl .. ICI - 7 P.M. ... .,.,,,
A CordialW.tco1Mfrom
(I ' t1l ~1·• 11
l'itl ',I 1'.tL1•to1d il,ol
Clwf'oc h School tor
.t.11 Actn-•:lO
Wonhtp -I I :00 A.M
It • I I • • • -~. , • t
t fJ0 1,1 \1i .1t r ~f If,,
\•, ! • I ' ••
I t1f11l111ql1011 LI• I ,.
,'/,'! 1/111',I 'I ll l'.1i
WonMp s.r.1u: I 0: IS .. ,., '• •.• t, •.·
I hJ111111111• 111 U•· 1ct1 N• ""'
METHODIST CHURCH • Wentllo & Chelrch Sclloot 1>hhl 1t1;!:;;!!:,.'·44h1
9:JO & I I :00 A.M. C-CM 'CMOOl
CH:~VH<i~~:CH HEW•;~·~T"c;HTER
140UW fj,,11 ,, '"hi •'I 16(1 1 M.11Q111•rol1• Av•·
1./,1 \1111'• C.1111111.1()1•IMJ t ll••v I Ir ,IJt•rl ',111•1 .. 11'1 J• 64 .... 741
WonW, I Chwch Schooil & c:..C-:;:.... t :JO A .M.
Wlidoy rr•·\chool/Dov Cou t :ll A.N.
7:00 ....... ' ,... ....... Mc ......
IUJS tuthwd St. lo• ..... .,._, MWatw "l·JSU
A ......... a.rc .. -W9"1111pA ~ k,_.
9:1l .....
740 W W 1lso11
Co~•a Me~.,
'I Oil f.un1lv W111~l1111 lfnur
IO 110 I .uml~ l-'"llow..!111>
10 .10 Ch1ldrens Forum
10 JO Worship Serv•c,l'
l +t l •
Robot MA.II( ~ MILLH
Dir. of l d.-:-Mlri-• ..,._
rrfll..,.._JCMf MMkowih
~ Mf'••n•-frider. 1:00 '·"'· ·~ Sc'-'-s.dey, •:I' e.llL to 11 :45 ...,
Hh•w Sch~ Thundey. 4· IS • •.IS P·"'·
1011 C-4it.li.H•w,orl~ed1 COff J....,_ul
Jr & • Hi«fh Gr .... __...,. f~eti•
YltH~t W.tc~44-1'9• .t Ult\
~ t t. , 0 $1
Fr1doy •••Mftff
f ir.t Fr1dor of.._-"""
l :ISr."4.
H.IOO• £l1•111.,1r1 I ' 11.rnu :>tOO·A M11r Vt'\lil
llAJStc A11c Stuklor Newnon BPach Callt
Educator Hildy S tic1nllldn F« iflf........_. c_.. U4·7ZOJ
Ail \1,,.,...,.,. W'f"tt_OIN'
Or-.. & U r4 St .. CMh MoM
DI. '· •. aSHOll. rmtw UJ.IOIO
SUNDAY SCHOOL·t :1S H' WORSHIP·10:30 pm-1:30 pm
WIDMISDAY · 1 rw ·Ow,_._.__,_..._..•
WOID C» PHOf'HICY M-...frl.. lfSG • 6:11 AM, 7:11 PM
XIMO • 7:JO AM. 1:00 PM; IMC» • 11 :JI AM
wo~Hil' -
......"·-·.-------· ~-------~-~-
' •
The time hi.ls <'Omt• to i.rw11k of
at'id· l<ivlntc planlJ\ Th•"o' phm t'
tr1hould httvc· tht• 1>ruµt•r ft•rt1l11
in.: and muldiln" now 1f th1•1r
love>ly, f(1lorful flower IH•' 111 Ix•
t1njoyt>tt "' ttw futun· Tho~t· 1)lrtnt' th11t htll undn
l h• K r nh•ttor a rf4 <' 111111• II H\h .
t'ut•hNU1s , Hhrnl11d1•nctr1111.. 1tn1I
Al 141t•ai. All th 1 l\t' 111 11t•11I "'II!!,
und, 111 npph 111i,: .1 mukh ttw
tturdt•11,•r !\h11uld "111 I.. with ·.:.t h
mith•rlul' that ~ 111 i.:" t• an 11r1d
rt•uct 11111
Mlll,nUr-W CA~U;U.IAS will
hr l p lt1•t•p 1 h1· root' c•nol 1inct pr11
v1dt• ,1 .. 1111h11uou1> :-upph uf or
g1tn1t• 11111ll•11ul 11111 r 1•rn1·111l1t•r
d o 11111 111ukh ,1.·1·ph .. 1111 ,. tlll'll
r1brolll> root b)blt•lll 11' r 1 .. hl 1111
tht> 1i.urfuet-<11l1I (\1·1•p muh t11r11~
would dama~t' tht· plant
F'u c·hhtal-> n .>qu• re It>.,:-. at ulll
th:rn do oth1·r .11·111 1•>~111~ p l..111l:1
Howt•vcr . a .. 1 ,~titl\ .1e·1d .111tl
very n eh. r1111~'' .,OJI w1 1h j.!111ttl
dra ina~t· a:. thl' IH·.,1 pl ant111 ~:
m cdium fur lhl' Fu1·h:-.ia /\ .... 1111
fcrti llZln~. thl· l"tl('h:.aa will 11•
H<'t q u ic k l> l o :i ny 1·•11npll'l1·
fe rtili7.<•r a p pl11•d ;i1·1·11111t ng 10
d i reel um:-.
Saturday. Jun• 2:t 1919
St.upe1-1.d1•us ~q1tasl1
Gardening ________________ _
How Does Grass Grow?
Scientists to Go Undergrormd f o·r Aruioon
COLUMBUS. Ohio IAP) ll's
back to the g r m1s r oots ut Ohio
S tat e U ni ve r s it y wh e r e
worjt men a r c comple tin g a
$50,000 underground laborator y
that scicnlusls will use to watch
gr ass J(row
"T he m os t ampo rtunl purl or
the plant 1s thl• root and th al 'i.
1 hi.' p art wt• kno w lea s t u1"1ut ."
:.:.1111 OSU '11gronom 1i-.l Ur K<'1lh
,J K t•rno<·k . who w ill tw 1n
l'hart;tt· of lhe lab "Sc·u.:nta~ti. on
I\ h ave· a gt•nc rnl 1<lt:a n11w wh1·11
;.ind how muc h to ft>rlall it·"
I< E HNO('I( S J\10 lh1· la t.
c .ill•·<I ;1 r ll11.11tr1111 will 111· uM•d
to lt·11111 llow rnu('/1 u1ld. heat.
fcrtilw:r. v. ,1tt:1 . mO\\ llH: iilt<.I
ol h 1·r p r a < 111·1.·., 111;1k 1· /.!I a :.'.'>
Tile• I.JI!, v. h11·h 111wn'.'> c·urlv
n1·'\ 1111111 lh . t i-K 1·1 11o t k ..,
l,,1 a1ml11ld II•· ,;11tJ 1~:. p101.11,<1
p;111)• I' .1 I llltfllll1fl h 'llfnl'li·r
.111d ti I I'' r h.ql' 1111' 11111\ 11Jlt Ill
th hllHI Ill 1111 \\111 (rJ lli'I tll 'tl' flit•
l;ill "' 1·1111111111•1! "' Hl'l 111 :tl •·h
111t'.1l'olll c· ho\\ 111111'11 w a1 1·1 ,.., lw
111i: 11l1h11"1l In llw' plaul \
I )p,11111· ,1 pl1·1 hor a 111 plJ111
ph 11·1 :-., •,111!1-11111)! t.11ok:-. ullrl
\ l(fl•I) ;11f\ l('I' 1111 lill\.\ f t) l 1t•;tl
\ 11111 l.11A 11. l\1•1 llW k '.;11d lh1·11• I~.
l >'l;Jl l\t•I\ ltttl1• 1'\,IC'l llllllrlfl,t
'40 11 t1 bn1i1 11.,,, .1.11rf 111 a:-...,, II••
11 Jup .,, 1•:.jll'('1 ,tll~ I ht· 111o h
He said wate ring imd fertiliza-
tion can be made to work better
1>y knowing when and hOw much
to put on
Tit E RIDZOTRON 1s a space·
ag(' name. but the idea is slm·
µIt•. Scientists walk undeq~round
into a lonit hallway in the lab
a nd obsf.!rve the r oots or grass
growing on the surface la 30
g la11S·fronted compartments.
Th e lab h a s lime-lapse
microscopic photography equip-
m ent. On the surface is a com-
p le l e m et eorologic al station
ut1ed to keep tabs on wind speed,
direction. rainfall, humidity and
other wehlher factors .
Vegetable Gardens
Need Attention Now
Vt>getable gard ens 1n full swing n eed your a tte ntion now lo tn
sun· moulh·walcn ng h ar vests Di~ in fe rlthieri; around the plants
Jt'to rclm g llJ p<tekiJgc ch rcctions. Than seedhnlo(l> as the second set
of leave.'!. a ppear If yo u wutl too Ion~ to lhm. the plants will ht
... tuntc•d and the erop vil•lt1 red uct:d
f:stablish1"I tonH~lo. ('Ucumh<:"' and meloni. dtJ best with d ee11
w;.ill•rtn/,! Tonrnt1w :-. ~encl d11wn dee p. long rooL'> a nd dra w the
"'atc·r tht·.\ n1·t·d a:. tht·y nN~d at Too many fn•qucnt wCJtcran~s en
1·our<1!.:t' i.:rowth <Jt t ht.• ex1wns1· or fruit proclu<·t1on Anothe r pro.
c·•·tlun· to t·n<·ourCJgl· fruit prodw·t1on •~ to rcduc•· ve gt>lut1 v1•
).'rowtll h} p1n1·h1ng l1ut th<'_growth th1Jt ~proub 1n the Joint 1lelWM·n
tlw m ain ... tt·m aml lhe i.111" branch<·~
('l '('lJM8t:RS CAN ht· trained up w1r.-f•·n 1·<·' to sa vt· valu;.i hlt·
g ;1rtl1·n .... JHH't' <:1nd fac11tlat1· 1·a sy 1111:ktng Ptc k 1·urumbf:rs in iJll
1fll ffl:JIUrt· st<Jll'. th<:1t I~. bc•fort• ltt<• fr~lll fu ll y d evelop, for l'rtSp .
,t11ald fl;.i von.·1~ s ltl't{l> f.'.r u1t:-. a ll11wcil ICl't••rhi-l ln w1ll <:ausi! the µla nts
to :-.11111 produt·m g 1'1Jlt• I.wan~· 1·;.in ubo h1· tra1nl'll up pol1·-. K1·1·11 th•' 11lants wt•ll
p l(•kt•d lo kl'l'IJ tht•m tJc;1r1ng longn and pr•·vcnt tt1nn from p utting
.di 11f tlll'1r l'~crgy 1nt11 h••an "•·•·<I prlHIUc'laon ~ •
1r11oui•ni-:N OHON :.... :1111'1
Azalt·a~ an· :-.IJ ;w u l 111\ 1ng 111 ;,1
lhP.v <·an be .e_lanH'<l HI '>t r ;11ght ·
arid planl mah·n a •Tant1111.t 111
this tyJ>t: <if m Nl1um 1:-.· n ·1·11n1
m e nded in Cahfurr11a ar ttwn· I'•
any qul•stwn of tlw :-.111l<1h1 ht v of
the sml t-'t•ell Hhod111l t·rulr•111.,
and Az;.il1·a:. wit h c·ompll'I•· :.t• 11J
fertilize rs r·<·t·orn m t·ndcd h ,·
your nurst•ry'n1:m with lht' "'I.!
ge:.1111n 11111 111 11vl·rd11 th•· l1·1•d 111g
Of thl'M' µ1;.int:-.
SI 1.'ph ;11111· \\';it 11«1\\ 11 111 I'' I I 1 ." ,Jll' \'I '\r•\\ Jllll I
H 1·:1d1 p1 ·11.., 11\1·1 th1· lllJ• 111 th•· 11<11'111111 ,q11,1 .l1 pL11lh
111 ll •·r li.JC"I, \ .11 d ~11 11lt • .i111· pl.11111 •I 1111' ,,.,.,i 111 l':tl'I\
"I" 111g awl. :1'. \1>11 1·:111 st 1· J)w pl.1111 " .11 1• 111«11 I\ ;.1~ tall
"" :-.h l' ts Wh;1t Sivph.11111· 1.idc•d to 11·11 11•. v. .1 ... h11v.~ m an~
"f ll;t"h :-ht• h.i ' 11;11\ I '.II rl 11111'> !;11 ,111d ti \hi\ ;tl'I' a'>
1:11 ,1.•1· ,,.., 1111 111 .1111 \\1111ld 111rlwaH
K .. _K~O( K ..,i\l U 111111 •· ti•·
t .1d1•d "111\\lh 111f111111,1 l 1011 I
1w•·d 1 cl h\ 1•1111 111111 1• 11l.tr1.11•1·i'.
.111d J.(11111111bk··•·p1·r ., .,. "''II ;,..,
11\ ,I ft'\.\ r.111,tl 11 ,i( t111/fll •ltV.ll• I
"h11 .11" ,di p.111 111 ( 1)1111 , '):SI.Ill
rn 1111011 111rf i.:I"':..,, 1111111 ... 11 '·
I\ '· 111111 h ., ' ... \I , I 1III11111 t •
111·111 •111 I.iv. 11 1·,11 Ii ·, 1·.11 111 I ho
1 llllt•ll ~··''I ''
P E Pf'E RS i\~H tom;eto•·.., ;en· 11111 rnallv wind p111l1n:it1•d . so if
\1111 ,1r1· j.'ro\.\111v th•·rn 1n i.:n·•·11ll111J'-I'" 01 1111d"r h11I 1""'"· he ..,ur• tll
.h.tk•· tlll' p lant , q11•;i:-.11111:tlh "' 1n•.11 ri· ~1)11tl pulhnatmn ll:.n1 ... t
t.1'11 p•·piw•' a•11·1·11 .11111 •11 ~1141<'1 ·,111 •11 v. :.11 1111111 th"' n ~w11 '" .1
v. •·t·I 111 H'hl rt·tl
\1111 ~ .... ,, v.1•• 11.., 11<1v.11 tt.•·' .1r1· .11!1'11·'""' 111r111,.·11t•11 '. 1111
• 11111 111·111:-. v. .1t1·r '!Ji.Ill' .Jilli .u111t ~·t.1
Ti-y Playing It Coo
With Flowering v· 1 ~c s
No matlr-r w h i1t lh•· :-.H1111111or1 .., 111
Vlllll' 1•a1tl1•1I 'llll '-h.1d1· \.\l'I 111 d1 \
1 ht•/(' , ..... \ 1111· 1111 \ "" l"11r v..h.11
c:an bi· 11111r 1· pli•:1..,111 alil1• lhh11 '.lltllH'
Ill <i 1·0111 .,h;1tl v arl111r 1111 .i h11t ... 11m
titer :-. du\ :11111 1•11Jo v 111i,: th1· l11•;111t \ 111
our m anv f111w1·n 11g vtn1·.., Thi·-.. .111•
wc·ll w11r t h an v 1•f111rt.., nt:l·rli•tl 111
grow a ncl tr:.1111 lht·rn
The 'IUl't:n nr llw .,•· 'tnt'" ,.., 11rr1
hahly ttw ch·1·11lu11u:. l 'lt·in;1\1i. Thi•
la r~c· f111w1·n ·d v artl'lw:-. iJfl• ava1 la
hit' tn c·olori. from v1•1l11v.. 111 prnk 111ir
pie or rt•tl Tht·v rrla } 111• :1 llltl•
parlteuh1r alttiul havir11• <1 11 \ hut 111111
01 01s l r0t>I<; but orw«· 1·~1 <1 t.1t ... tw tl 1111
t>lnn rn~ :1rt• i.:11ri.:1·1111· t-., 1·1 g1 • •·11
( 'lt•n Wll'> "'11 h 1l:-. 'IJl'lllJ.' l1l.111kt•I 111
frag r a nt "'.hilt' ... 1:11 fl11wl'r'.'> ,., "' t cl'
lnvl:'I Y T hl'..,t' an· 11nlv I""" ,,r 1)11
411 f>O d1ffrn •nt V:J rt(·t 11·~ kno"""· ""
flon 't f('(•I 1"(•:-.trl1 I N I
T II 1-: It 1-: J\ R I-: I\ I. S () m a n ~
J a sm an1·:. to c·o11~11lc•r · ~:v1·ry 1 oni·
knows ttw 1;t<1<1d 11ltl S t a r J a :-.m 1111•
whit•h lak1·s 1rn rl of 11:-. 11;1m 1· from ,,.,
.Jas rn ant· l1k{· fr :ei.:r an1·1., 11111 how
a hout the· l'n m roM· .1a ... rn1r ... w 1tl1
yellow flowt·r:-. ;ill :-.11mr11..r aull bJI
Spanish .la:-.man1· h ;1s fragr;1nl htt l•·
whill· flown:. 1n lht• ~pr111g T h1•:,1•
lal>t \me:-. a n· thn·•· 1r u1• m1·mlll'r~ 11f
lht· .Ja :-1111111· gc·n11:-. ancl an· i.u ri· to
pl<'~lw J\nnlht•r vm1• with a i.itnila1
n a m <.· 1s th e· ( 'a1 ol 1n;i .f1·..,...,11r11n1·
which bl oom... in 1 h · ~.pnn1-: w1lh
yellow t r ur11p1·t flow1·1..,
Ir you pr<'l t·r 11111· of 1 It• rn1ir1•
v 1g oro11:; v 1111·.., a\,11 l :ilil1 l h•·
'frumpl't Vin•· fa milv.., ;r J.!'>'HI 1 h11w1·
a nd th1·n· an· :-.1•v1·r al v:trll'l1t·:-. wh1t•h
will g1vC' you tr11 m 1wt .,h;q1l·ll flowt'r.,
il'l v<i nous 1·olors v111ll'l. r(•1l, 11r
orao~l' Whrl<' 11 will l ak1· lht• l11•at
a od d ri111gh1 11111·1· , • .,,:.tila~tic.•11, 11 ,.,
~till very fast i.:rnw1ng . :-.'' g1v1· 11
P.lt•nty of room an1I a v1'r) ..,trring s u p
·Port, bul avou1 us ini.: thl· ')It.If: •Jf a
buildin~ for this vim·
THIS N1~'1:U for ~,111111 '"1'1tort ;11 ~.•1
applies to twaut1f11 I W1s ll'l'1a:. wl111·h
e If feeding with i.ctd·promolin~
fertili1.er fails lo green up Cam ellia!>
and Azaleas. ui.e a n iron chclutc
a vailable al nurscrws .
e T ake hanginJl bai.kcts down a nd
let them soak undt>r a l>prinklc r or m
a tub of wate r <'Ver y now and then t<1
insure complete m o1s tun• 1:1l th!!
e 8ouguinv11lca bloom will be 1.n .
lt'nflfled if rou keep the plants on the
dry aide. I yours isn'l blooming al ,u, chance~ urc you've been too
·~erous with the waler .
e Com and beanR can be 11lanted in
two week successions for longer
harvest Ume.
• Chrysanthe mums bought In
bloom th1a month c an be cut baek
when nowerlng 11 finished for a
~cond bloom in fa ll
1.111 Piii 11111 ••• II'"' . I•'·'" '"·"
., l•.1111 "I 1 •• 111 ' I .1 11 1.1 •. 1 ... I 11 111 .11 11
1111 II ',\ • I .'I cl
f tt•,f .,.,. \lt'1tl11tt ·' t h,. 1., ft .trtn,•
11111 """( .11 llH 111111 lo ,,. .... ,i. I I • .i.
ll11• ... Jl\1•1l .. 11•• "" ,, 111 1111.111.1 .. .,
111 "'h111· 1111" I I I 11\ ,., I tit J•Lllll .111
~11 11 1111 • I ·11 .... •111•· I • I ·I"'' 1.ell\
l11·;111111t1! 1 .1..,. ·11!1111• tl11\\ 11 " 111;1-imr\
\.\,ill a11clt'.tll t "'' t ll/llJ1•1 I 111 I ,I'd ,1111
\~ 1• h.1\1' 11.1•11111.111·11 •1111\ a 11•' •11 llt•
tll t\\ I' I I r1~· \ 111• '• .1 \. ,111.Jl1!1 1,, t Ill 'v·1
\11111 lt11 ,,f !1111 I I\ 'II •(I ,llt•f 1 \l1!1,l1'1l,I
ttfhf•f I 'IOll"t ,,f\1 1Jl11ff 11 II
Mix I 1n 11a Ii ,,,,.~
f-,or St u~nn i I I "' ,-
Color f!is1>l<(Y
I 111 p .J111·n.., h ,1\• 1•1111 111•11
l ,1\111 1t1· l)f 111.111. i .11 1Jt ,.,., • l "' \\11
1111 th•· v.1d1• 'I•" 1111111 .,( lf1ln1 1111 _.
atl d 111 lhe· :-111111111·1 1~.11 d•·11 ;111d 1•11
1111 l11n~1·v1l v 111 t1w11 1111111111
I 11q1.tlll'll'> .. , I',, ... 11111' 1 ll'.••1111 111!1
1n1·r .1111111;.t f111 ""·'"' 1 ,,, ti•• • "' 1 J•'
• .!11ni.i 1h1• , ,,,1.,1.11 ,11 1 ,, 1.1.1,. 1" 111···
1·;11) lhfl\I' Wllll 111<11 • 'Ill tJ1,1ll Ill lt11
h11\ 1111.111<1 \;.ti· • "'' .•.
I '11' \Tl f-:1\;~ \IC I p • • • .11 11J.11 111 "·"II 1111• h .... ~ I. p1ll1fl II . II
1111111111.., 11\1 1 1111 'ill~•., 11f w11w ''""•I
p l:tllll'I t.,m;tll 111 l,11 ~I I, Cll t•r l1q.J
111J! '"" \.\1lh ~11ir .1nl • 11l•1t wl1• ro 11.1·d
.1 ~, au t•di•uo'
,, rlll Ollf ,. Vllll ... I Ill' , •• 111h"v. 111
l'Olu1 .., ..,1·,11 l1•t 111 •· 111111. \ 1111•·1
11r:.i11p1· .entl •·\• 11 ,.11111· tt1.1l l111p.1
111'11'-fu1111!.h. '1111 11111 w11! l11·•·11nH·
.en l111 p ,1111•11:-. l•1v1·1 'J'lle• hl1ic1rn.., N in
111' r~ 01n 11111· llll'h lip 111 i'1·~ 101'111· ..
;rero:-.:-.. Jn ;e h;111i:11111, 1>,1..,k1 t 111 Jr1 :1
1·ontc.11n1.•1. VIiii 1•:111 llllX .... v1·r ;,( 111 I h1•
1·ol11r~ 1111 .111 t '\' 11 11111n· '>lllltnllll' d1"
SO~E OF Tiii-: 11111r·1• 1mprlH1•d
v a rt C'l11·:-. 111 t Ii<' I: t" I :1 1111'11 """ t 11
look for a11• '( 1111li 11•1 la . 'I.II 111 , a11d
'Man1·tt1· 1"01 1111• l.11 g1• ~·, 111t11
rto" 1·1..,, 1'111 1·k 11111 · 1<'111111.1 111
'Gnm<lc•' Y•1u '""' 11l.1nl th1 t11 I ll'hl
:ilong w11 h B<·i.:11111;1" II •<lr:•n J'1·.1'.. 11r
t-'ud 1si;i., or h :111)! th1•111 n•·'I 111 """r
Ft>rrt~ f1u ;ill of tl11 ..,,. pl.JOI!-1·nJ11y lht·
s a nll' light n ·qum•(lwnh
l m pal11·1t'> 1f11 v.•·11 rn a rll'h, flllll 'lt
sotl <ind l1id11} ... 1m 11111•..c·d \ ..r11 l 11·i.
a rp bui-.hwr <ind rnorc• 1·omp.11 t I'" 111 g
you a µrnfu:-.11111 11f1·11l1ir t h.ti ti. h.1rd t11
Worms No llcl1l
h1 "Ba(I Soil'
T hl• lowly 1•arthw11rm, v.,. r1· told,
ts a :11~n th al a ll's wc l I w1 I h y 111ir
1.wrlll'n s1nl. which may tw tr ut· The
ofl<•n h~ard rec ommendation to tm·
port earthworms to aerale your soil.
however, is erroneous
The y help keep a good soil In r oncl1
lion . but cannot m ake a bad soil bet·
ter. In fuc·L. where compaction exist."·
earthworm11 are unable lo e xist
Work a mulch into comvacted ~011
Earthworms will upfH•ffr of thv1r o wn
accord try it a nti 1w 1•
~ ..
0 1'1 N .J LY ti h
CHA RUES . ~:~;L vms 3 9 9
Have a Colorful
at Home •
• •
If 1y11u 0H' lilw mo~I (H'Oplt• v o u II ht• '>lw nclinq more• lnlw di h o nw M,1}u• 11
1•n joyr1hl(' ltv w orl<in!I in o ur 'l•'rdc•n. l{(•mt-mlwr I hat Ho!}<'r·.., (><1r<Jt'11~ offc•r'
1o u tlw IH·~I !)(•It-< lio n .ind hi!1hc .... t q11t1lifv plctnh ~11 •' tru•· v.1lu<'
(J~\, OF T//12 lt-,.~
~ Marigolds
(~... Petunias
. ,·.:;),:tt";,.? in 4 " pofot
,. )J ·;.,' A.. ,.,,,· .. ,..,,,. NOW ·69C
• ..... {;,1'1~ J '\. ' • J. I l<t•q11l.1rlv <}IJC
'" .. '!.,..,-~"" . ,, ,
f # i~·"
l<q1 P11t l' $7 70 .....
J •' I . ,·,f:"Jt'jii:~;. -F't.JCifSIA · ~ ~·:t~t;1#J~'?I-.BASKETS·: ~r~.·~.f.!#;11 ..
) I
We• h'd vc• o v<.>r 6H varietit>~ of ·thi..,
po pula r and unique flo~ering plant
in <1lmo~I e ndle s s c.olo r <·o mbind ·
tio nl). They will bloo m in J>ctrlictl
~un throu!1h l.ite falL
M.1lw ~1,,rdc.-nin~ .,, · fdmilv proj(.><.'t '." .
Alfc•nd H<lljc•r"• Gc:;rd~n~ informdtiv(>
Ci.trd('nin!l ~wmin.tr~ on hdngin9 lM~~6!I
t ons truc tioi1 di " · ·
11 AM. I l'M. ctnd ·3 .PM·
...,,Hl .Ju,11111111 t1t1t .. !<11 .11 M.11 1\1111111 Bl\ll N1·~ 111111 H•••11 11 I ll II hil0 ·5MOO
t lpl'l1 1>.111 •Jo1111 111 f111m -l lorhl (1411 h77•1
·-····--~--.. ---...--____ ........ ___ _. ___
A Vie w From
Judy Fiduc c1a
(SonnmyM Spec•oi.a)
H 111•1 f lr1lo 11,q f1l.ttlt
,,,~ c ,,,,,..,,,,, /V ,t•. ,.,.,,.,, '"
I' I 1 I if 1 ) If If: If H •I•
1 J+ ,. 11,t ·• •P , t11r I•
• ,,, ,, ; .-:•, f., .t n1• rut ,
• 1 , f , t • t • '' t ' 111\•' I
t f • I t I , "'I ,,, I If tt ., ·'
p tf I I ti,, 111 t I /f \II
I 1t 1f J '111 t Ir I I tfl
tti• 11 t 1•1• ufH11J!1'"'
.. , •• f1I• .·J' •• ,., I I II .. 11
,. ,, ,. I • I ,., ,.,.q. I •
~ t tf/Wttt'f ft11tt1 lqft••I .... fltt_._
I 1111 HI It /;Ill 11''/.Jot'd ( Ill
l.;1!11 ,If I If 1t,lld,l,lt I t •' f .,,, ,1
tq,01"''1\' U1f1;11,tr11 /,
ti ,.,.,, jl• '''id I I llf" h•d
I " ,, t' ,, '"' I ti 1111W1 .,
f 1 I f 1 j Id rl 1 I I 1 I I lff" 'f
\/,f11 11 lf11 11 11'/• f11 ,,,, 111
,, '• '., ·I' ', , , ,, I' I' " 11/1 JI
f 1ff11 ht It dqt I /ltHI
1A ,, •• f ,, ' ' I ' " I ./I I" .,,,
q r1 •'Jlh jf 1r 1!;1 11 11 , I Ill
11 11 1 I "' 41 1, ''' •Lu"'
I \1 1 VJ 111 I J f I t •f ••IJ ;Ir
i"• I' lf I l11rH'I lt1 !I
I It (lfll '· J ,, VI•'' 1111 I 11 J.
"' f .. ,, • ,,, , •• 'l t , ,. t t ,,
ti,,,,,'" qtlf ,,..,, .... i , •.•
'''fl It• ft' JI 111, t l '/. t I 1 t 11 t *
Ill 1111 y• 111111111· .• "1!
11 ''"I H•1q1 • 11 11
flff1tl fU•I~ "' ·.,.111d
LI GHT N• "tl111•1pli111,. ,I
loll1•11•1i ,tlllllfjlll .. 111111111
1•111 ()I I ,,.,,, ... , Wll!llllW
WIJ(fll! Ill• 111••.il l'l.i11I•, 111
111 ••f l 111 1111111• loqlll Will
ll•·lt.11 (1111 d '. .... , ..... ,
''"'' 111 (1/j ltH 1111• :1111 1'1.-irtl''
IJJICj'l""I 1111• p•il ,111• qi'!·
111111 11111 llJJll "·"'""
qrow111q pl.tttl lh,c· c.11, ..
1111.1, prc•ll'r.., ll'llJflt•r..itur•·"
h t'IWl'l'll 6[.i 10 80 .111(1
pl•,''llY ol 111 •..,11 .111 Wt11•11
11111111<fllY 1s not .11Jf'tJ(1,1t1•
14 ,11 tip<. will t>rown .111d
11111111•·'" w ill w 11t Us" ;a rm~
1111 11111 •11 w otll Pt'hbll'S .11111
111 yo111 Oxv!:w n Ph•'
'11lvl1on I 111• 1·v.1por.1l1011
,tu111ltJ t>1111Q lht> hu111111'ty
1t•v1 •I It> .11 lt•,1s 1 !>0°o
wJhER: K1 •Pp your Glox·
""·' """"' ;11 111111ml's using c lxY'll'rt Plu!:t .~t PvH• y wa-
l••ri119 l\!,(I COITIIJl!!IP le rlr·
h t ••t Oxy(JIJn Plt1'> w •ll ~·ll-
111111.llfJ ov111 wntc r1ng J ncl
pro111ritl• blossoinenq
INSECTS: Loa I d rscoto ra ·
111111 m c urleng. bro w ning
or wilti ng ol llowo1s -oil
cnn .t)fl CACISOd by Thnps.
Avh1ds. or Miios Uso Black
Leal 40 or Cnarc on In·
d oor Pinnt Mist tor control.
tndoars during the win-
to< or outdoo rs dunng the
summ er. th ese flo we rs
wh•Ch c&n last up to three
weeks will brtghton your
Sizing Up Yo11r Mail
Miniriwm Envelope Dime1uions Due July 15
By TIM! .bMC6awd Preu
Get out your rua~,. Starttn1t
Juty l~. your mad wall bave to
n1 ('1HUN' up or down to ntw
PMtal ~rv\rt> r~ttutauons
t'or ttw> f1MJl lime, lbe rf' will
bt• 11 min11nom sit:•' for firs t
<'hlb t'n\'t-l11J)('8 31., by f1 v" 1n
c·ht>s i\11 thin~ ~m•lh•r lh•n th11t
will lH• rt'luml'1l lo \ht' IC"nclc•r
ovt:as1z•: MAii. Al-'m 11' cif
ft'C'lt•d h~ tht· n •.iulullon .., Thur
"'111 ht• u 'ur1·hur)t1• 11C ""'"
1·1·111 s on ,11H f11i.t d .1i.:-l1•tl1 r 111
1 urd ,,_,,hw h
1:-h1~i,:1•1 th.in 1.1• In
11 lrl m l'h1•:. und w1•1.ch11 lt>si. lhi.n
(\I\\' oum·u Ttw :.um e C'ha rgt• will
( ___ co_N_s_v_M_E_u_J
wtlh buyin..: c•urt111 or forrnul In
v 1taUooi'I Uuat ur.-too s11u1ll
rtw Nat1onul Alixo<'iulaon of
<: n•clln~ <'erd l'uhhshur'. which
r.•111 t•st-nh 80 J>t•rccnl of thf! 111·
1lus try, 'tud ull lhl· n 1nls pro
ch1 c-t•<I ltv ''" mc·ml>t'r' wt·n · 111
! 11111 pli .111< c· ·
llo tit•· lt1 1;~t·r (',1rd' n11>l
fllt tf t• •;
crease would be minor. O'Neill
su1d most canta .nd letten were
l1tqcur than J 'r~ by Slil.1 inches.
t'vcn before the regulations were
808 8£CkEll Ot' the Poshll
Servlft> !laid the United States
"11> probably one of the last
N1unt rles In the world to get
around to impo1>1ng these stan·
dards ..
J aµa n . Wc·s l Ge rmany.
1----'=·~~I~ tt1 u n s 1 n It' p II'<' t' 11 f thirJ.cius:4 ma1 1ttaer-Tfii111 1 i.
"T H•:R I-: IS N01' n·ully a 1.hs·
c·1·1 nablt• imµuct," ::.aid J&ck 1t.'
Jat' ·i.orlo f l ht' ub1wr1ut1on , <id
d1n1: <t lt'ldll\Jt•I) '"i:tll ;.unoufll
ol 111tper l'i 1nv11h 1•tJ
Ue l ~ium . Au..,t rn l1a and the
Nt'lh<·rlamls. for example. bar
rn all that 11> s mallt:r th<tn 31f, by
~1,:z 1nf hes, Becker said. Great
Britain and Canada proh1b1t let·
t..rs und cards smalle r than 2:1.
by four inches.
by 11 •, 1111·h1•s u 11d -. h1 c h w1·1~h:.
lt'1>s than l"' o ourwt•::.
'r'ht• sl andarcls "'t'rt' prupost't1
thrt•e yt>ar' ago a nd envf'lo1..-
<i rlll 1i:reN1n~ t•ard manurar
tun·rs sa they havt• had 11l1•nt y
o f 1111H· t o .11t1u'l s11 ~""
i.hou hln 't f;H't' ;111 v pr11hkms
"Your 1•nv1•l<>p1• m11;ht l>e a ht
111· rnort' ••X flf'llS IVI', • hlHtl
W1l11a111 H U'Nt'dl of the En
\ \·lupt· .M<J1111farll.Ht'f1> ,\::,i.oc1a·
t ".n
11111 tw llH1 :-.l11·1>M'd 111.at ttw 111
Beckl·r sai(,i the co!>l of handl·
rn.: over:.1zc or under s1ze mail
was behind the new rules. Jt~ms
s maller than :I'!'! bv fivf> inc hes.
he said. ;,rt· "Just t;JO small to bt.'
handled by machint:. ·; Laq~c
items loo. he s;11d, "h;,ve to ~
hanrlk'<.l by hand · ·
AP Wtl'•--te
Watc·nn\'1 011 d ot•s n'l s~\:m <ill that won·
ckrful to l ~·mu11th ·old Courtm·y ~ust <:iS
hf' t nkC'~ his ftrst h1t c in l mpcni:tl, Calif.
,,,.,,, ,, ,,,, ;,.,.,,
11-NNI( J"(.OH~. ''"""''"I OI l.°'
•noeht\ (-t P't\Wd "'*"tt on Jun" 71,
"'' ~ '' \it.trv;YPO tw I 'on M~ron ,~,Ob\ ot ( O\M ""''Jt. (.. I d<toQl"ll,.,
Uf,. fl,..,,,.,, '1t l "°' Anw I• I .t uHfl I
Qf 11101 tl1(1lrH• fl (''*'"' 1fh • t•l lttt •
••II ,.,... P ·I" '-"l ")\1001111 ••r If~ IO ~M ••f
Mr,.,,,, r,., ... < "'"..,'' f'f 1f1) r,,,,,., ,..... c.-~ •. l·• ,.,,., .... ,. •• ,,, ,,,., 'ltwn
M OulH f)lj .,,~ M OtlU<tf f rf•r t•I IOt-.,
\•~ ~~\·
. ·~•h ,,,,, ,,.,..
(O.,u'M, ("' ... n<I tr1•~lh M otdi\On ot
I( l;,md lh I dll't, O rPQOn And di\(> ti
01•(.t\ •n(J nopn,.w " ~un .. tttl \rl'l ltlltf'\
will .,.. .... 10 on MondAy "' '/ 00 P M •I
H4rbf)~ l .. """ Niiioornof•"-'' (n,..~• F«tm1
ty .11'l'J••\I\ 1n twu "' r111•• r • '~et Of>l\"-4
\10f'' ht l-r\ ... t1"• lf1 lfor f\fn• f II •IH ( """' il>f
·.u1 .... , lt1•''"'' I"'""'" M l'.Unt 01 •••
M~''"··' y d H• I'"''· S•O h \.4 BOIE~
f,[ PAI u • ••n•--s. "''•d•nl OI
C 'l\ttt ,.,., .. ',. f"A\ ~d ,,.,,,.,.,on Jun.-
TURLEY n . ,,,,, '""'"'"....,Of n1• .• ,,,. .,,. Mo
IJAf Ptt 1AU f lJtli.t Y ,. 1'11•n1 nt .. ,,,_.,, J •..11t11 f,,lt•fin~0ii .. ,t;f f-l)unt~1n i"."'"' "'"'' t.,A f:#,," ...... a tfW"9'f Oft h.ih•• "•lit"~. c. ... ,,llJtTlft\ E ~•"d W ittoo fl
1t lV/f'i '-urv~ b " "-r hu\~nCI ,,.,, " fio1~ c.i• C,..n lJ .. •(,0 t ,, •• n., "'''"''"'
N '"'' .. , 1.Yll't f fln.-,.,, ...... ~.\Ant .. "".,,,,, (()n ... d'f ., • .., ,...,,,~, ~rU J
Af\41 t • l 11nv bdl)Ot o r N .. Wttpo rt Qtan<1c n1'd,,.n ant1 I Q•••At
~· "'' h (" (tr-.t"I k •1n ru,-• .. v of Nt-wPOr1 qt;tnd<h•~'_." S--r¥Kt"\w 1ll ~ n,.id on &• ,.f' n (,t l qr.-~"'*"lh1N PUfAny MohO•.,. J~ 1ct, 1411~ "' 1 t'JO PM .at
cu,...''· ,., •1 '"'v1v•"d ,,., "~' m otner tn• W,..\lm1n\1,., M PmOt htf P.ttk
tJ• t Tult>•h or ,,..,..,rx,;t R11ooJt h r,. (htitp~t '"'"'''"""' W•· tm1n• .. t~r ·~'~'''" .,,n,...~·•tt•ln Su•~""· htf\., Mfom o''"' p"",., W,.•,tru1nl \f ¥"r
1-. t{•U ·•' t '1'f t•~ "' •·~·••t \11.-w M""'O'••• p.,,..., Mottu,.ry '" (ftttfO"' of
(h1p•I lnt..-•ft•'•tlf P 1Hfl 1t V11•w ,.,,,.tH.1,.tnrnf\
M • ,,,,,, ,,,1 (""' ~ f',.t t ft 1 Vi~•
Murtuot't' N'•Npo't ll•~..t.,n tJ1#f•1 fOt\
Thf' ,,,._ .. ...,.nu 11 .. ,~n, .,,. C10H\O
o"'''"" .. ' o' l 1M\I l(A"' PRCJOUCllON!>.
10(}0 f1 .. f\h1U A"•"' ... 8hlQ \, \ul11• IOI,
(O\I~ M""' (A V'i#.Jf)
i->At tf•f , ...... i>tJ'' E"'f''Cl'''""' tf
("htt.1tn1ft n ;rpo 111111u n M>O\J f,•fth1tl
,._~.,.nu ... H1c10 \. \u1t_. I08, (0~11t Mt"\d ,
(" <r/~16
M t11Qu.,.1 Ou,.n f oilbu l tOJI
'"'"'''" l ,.n. '4,.wporl fft..tU' l A Y1•~
f hf\ bu\u\"'' I\ ( On(luf h•O 0'1 d
o--n_.tdl 1Mt1rtet\h;p
M.41qu..J 0Uf'n T dlbOt
fh1\ \lftflimit"nt w"\ ftl111tJ ••th I~
County <."''' o+0.•"91' (<>unty on Mey
1•. "" . -"" .. ,. t"ubh''-"'d Ot•tnQlf' c.,...,, 0dilV V11ot
Jun~ 1). lO JCJ1Y I I•."" 1f18,.
\l)P[NIOR COVIU 0" fHf
140TICE OF' NfAlll H G O F
l'ETITIO.. FOlt l'•OaATE OF Will
AHO FO• LEllE •\ f £\TAME H·
~\l<tl• .,1 M1f,NON C Ill (.KlR, o ..... 1'~d
N O ftt r ,. ••t J#Cttv r.1-.i'r N '" ... ' ,,, .. ,.,,."d' A J,, 10 ...... r.t1 Yf'tt'f\d r,,., h u<H" ,~., ttl•"d """'p,•n •" , .. ,,ttnn for
r•,l'\t>ill'" at Will nnd to' '"'"''u '' Ol l "'t , .. ,, ,,.., ''°"'"'•'• to '"' Ol"l•l•n'"'' ICtL-t t tk-• 1\.1 Mn•<-h •\-maO,. H .. , h't ,,,,.,
ll<t' ''' "'"''' •tntl th ,, tn• ttm ... 111d pl.;\t • ot ,...~ .. ,.nq tn. •-tnh h._ o.• .. n ,,.,
•or Juiy 10 '"'q ... , to oc.i • M '" tr• , ourtroom nt ()flrMr1m,.nt Uo 1 ot •,.,,d
, ourt ... , 100 t ,..,·11 (cnt,., Q,...,,. W~\t,
•n ,,, .. '''" 01 <...tnl;t /i>n .... (.ol•f<11n1;t o.,.,,." •""· 10. ,.,,4
I FE /4 llRM<(>I.
(ounlt (l~•k .
J ......... F1ln.~.
u1 :..11111 c .. 11 "•••' l.••1111• a..<11, CA '2UI 11141 .... ,.,. •
Att•,..Yler l'ellt.._r
PulJ,1\"""° ()<,1,.Qr (OA•,t 01't1ly P1h1f
IUNI• 11. 1J, ?•1 1~/·
2 J10 19
Nl)ll<r 1<, 111 PHW r,1\/l~~ 11HI
fi''h• 0 1 ..,,.,... Vu • 'Jt n,-,,,1 tlt\h 11 I 1f
O•itrH''' fnout, •ill ·~., ... .,, ''PI t.u1
""' 1 .. 1 ... thf'lt't ) 00 to ~ •• t 1rt ',, ,, ....
'tth d.ll'f o• Jul1, 19111 ,,.~,.,.f1 httl' '"'
fhf> furn1• h1nQ ot' "''~t Of"lf'I tn Qr U••-d
•' .... """ vnoot\ '" '~ ·b''" 1tf \u1 n
O•O•. '",.II ..,._ '~'"'-'''d tn trir Ru"n"''t
Off tf • ot ,,,... 01\ttl' t •t 1'''"0 U Stortt, •tunt.nqton hfl!•t h. C•lltorn1d 91(14) *'"° \h.tlt bf"~ ~d «Wbh<ty '""U
"fovd •t the .-bcW .. :,t4,f'd ,,,,,,. 4'nc:l
All l>.0\ \Mii bO' m-11'1 1><0 IMm\
ttirnt\h.,d by lf'W" {11\tt1' t Thf" to,,.,,
•,tMll bf" d( rt}tn(Mln1f"'d b'( It t ~r11ft"d M
r ,.\"•'"' ~ 'ht•<' or· b•d bOnd htt \ of
I~ •m uunt tJf ""'bid rnd(jii, Pl'IY.tblfll' II') ,,,_. otc,..., 01 ,,.. ''><"ftf"I y,,..,. S• noo•
'IN VI HO, fl\\tf>t•nt ot ''"''"'"'· ,,, . o.,• , .... .., 11w1ty t•n Jun,. )1. Pl/9
\11t ~IVI '1 b ; 1 rl ttl'IMPt IUllA W l'.tOQ ot ''.,.,,ti> <., 1 OtAnnn.-uqnt,., w w ,.nq
,,, It VlfU*, ( rl t UfWfdl 'If<, 'W11 1•\ .-,111 IJ•
n1 tfJ on \1tfotd..1y .. , I 00 f'M ,,, lht•
H 1tr bat l4Wfl twi-mor t1il (Mp. t w 1th
fht Ff .. v J \f,.nlf")" ftp\Pt "'" ~t
f,1•nteJ'"' [p1vtlo.-u <nvr'n, t t1U\m~
tctU••, OflH.• .. t•rw; t.tar-nt>r I tt#n Mount
U hvf> Mllt1Ud''1d1r.,_t10•' "l•O \S\C
Ou\1n"'-: ,,, -., n oino 01\tf•' t nl 0,-,;,nQt• C °""''" r "littJtf\t4
l.l)LOlr r MAOl~ON LE R~C>•.
eu• t.-t went ~mJt to llfl' ••th rrw l Ord
1)11 Jun .. 11 19/fi Y.,. h"\ L.P•n .. tr';
(J-.n1 ot (.o•,t.t Mt#"" (" tor 4• ..,,.,.,, '•n'""' 1\ ~·un;o1w"'n hv h11t hu\Ddf'ld Oon
fl")n lf '''"· '"'"'• V101,,. N,.w of c ... 0'0111 .. ,' FlV\\#lf MA01V)n Of I( 1,·•m1•tn
•·ntl\, Or"QOn. VMI M--'d•Wn o t Wfl\t
MORTUAIY. 110 B1oadw11y
Co·,ra M•·• .• t
b42 ~11'>0
WtsTCLff CH.Af'l\
Mor1Uary • Cramahons
Flower Shop
427 £ 171h St
CO!>l8 Me~a
"HCI aaoTHH\
627 Main St
Huntington Beach
7801 Bolsa A•e
We111tm1n s te 1
t4 I N f I(., tJ '.. /; • ""''J (.,All .. nt
O• t #..-, HunhfV)lun O• .... " C..tl1torn1tt
f.lot.Jf•tf ( t Ar' 88'97 r.,,,11,tnf Or.
Huf'\t4nQIOf\ o,..f., h ( ~ltfotn•.,. ~Mft
Jo•eJ>fl C.l\dn. 1w1 '"'" F•t""nno M t \ .. •O'l Hlvd , c,,._.n~f1f• Uttls.
( _.11to"Jn1,.'f1J..u
Phtl1S1 I( I,.,. ,.,,,., I .iMVf AAy
I "'",..· Munf1nqton b• "'' tt, < """('"'"'"' U M8
'"'" tlu°JU''fll\\ ·-· (On(1uf tr tt b\f d q~~r•I ~,,,_,-\htp
1100011 (. '"° r hit, \trttl"fnl•nt ..,,. ... td111n w11n u_.
('\untt C.teritJ ot OrAn1JC ( <.1ur1ty on
JUOP I ,,,.
Puhli\nt•rt 0.ftnc,• (..,, ... 1 lJ.-td ; J.lliol
Juf'll lJ jQ lvlf' I 14 1''1'1 141? lr:i
r .. , h hid mu·.1 (t.ntotrn '1r'ltt b--
,,.\pon ...... ,,, ,,,.,. ttrnfr..w I (k)l'um_.,,..,.
C.001•\ Q4 ..... , "'pl!'' 'Of'< 1111 "'''°"' M'ld tO,.tel ou ... ntdy rir • •t'O,.llnQ \'> b"
'"'"'~'*d fl"' no.,. on hi•· in '"t' Bu\•
""''' O tftt .... Ck11tl4n Vl-"'"'11 \r ,.,,..,, 01\ '"<'. h••o R Strf'"''· t'tu"t1nqton
Oe•c h. C .tllto'"'"
ff't .. o~,,,,,r,,.,.,.,..,,.~ '""" "9"' to ,,.
11'4 t tt"., or "'" t).d\. ""'" ""~' mftv w 1thf1•'9• hi\ Dtd •or "' f.l"'tiod of fatly
fl¥~ U )J CMy._ Aft11r thir Cl•I,. \f"t fOf trwo-
oprn100 Of b•d\ o,,.,,ftlf CMltr
(l11>r• Of '""' 8<Mrd
t)f l r-u\h••\ <><"'•" V1rw \t(hoOf Or\h1tt Ot~ County, C•
Publ•'""" °''""IP' Co•~I 0 1h1y r1101 Junr 1l 10 1•" 1IOI 1•
from Roger's Gardens
roger's .
soil activator
• 1n 33 ·1b .
,\ mt-morsal fu n1l 111
t h e · n a m t· " f· S :1 n
(.' I 1· mt.' n l t· r 1• :-1 ti 1· 11 I
Sophia Spar L;eff. whu
diecl June 12, has been
established to aid three
s outh Oran~c County
Library branches
M r:-La ff .,., ho !Ji1·d
afh•r h1•al't surl!t·n 111 .1
l.11~ 1\ 11i.:1• I•·' h11-.p1 t.d .
\\ .,., pr.,.,11l1·nt 11 r I h•·
Fn1·nlls or 1h1• l.it1r:1n
I! r 0 II 11 l h a I :1 I <1 I' ti
bran c h c :-. 111 Sa n
C l1•mt·nll•. Da na l'wnt
and Sa n .Ju<in
MRS. I.I\.... <.1nd h<-r
hus band, Harry. movl'd
to San C'lcmt·ntt-in 19f'Ji
Aftcr ht'r ltl64 ret irl'
nH'nl from :ll ~1·:i rs 111
th(• <.tpparcl m..rrhand11.-
111~ husinl·1>s. Mr:. l.;1ff
w u r k e d w 1 l h . t· h a r 1 t y
fund·ra1sing j'.!roups suc h
a s lhe United J e w ish
fo~und and a program for
retarded children.
I\ Nl\TIV.t : or Omaha,
Mrs . L<Jff a n d ht.'r
husband WC'r<' lravelc•rs
who dc•signt·d an1l hu11t
I h <' i r S an C I t• m c n t c
hnmt• in 196!)
~!ont•y donated 111 lht·
nwrnr1n al fund ~ill 111·
use•cl to purch:i:-.t· lihrary
f•qu11>mC'n1 \\1th a pla')Ut·
bt·arang Mr s . I.arr·~
Donations can bt• s1·nl
to The Frie nds of the
Library, Po"t OHict· Box itss; San Cleme nte 92672.
·KB Gradual•·
H 11 tw r l A I l' ic and 1· r
Str an ~c of lluntm ~t on
lh·ach has g radualt·<l
f r o m V a I p a r a i s 11
I 1111 vrrs1ty 111 lnda:in<i
Gets o,~gre ...
.lfoffrt·v Marhat!l F wr
nf :"/ t·wilor{ Th·;u·h has
n·c·1·1vcd a lwchclor 11f
:-.r1cnc(' d egree f rom
PAClftC ¥11W
Cerrelery Mortuary
3500 Pac1f1c V11JW 011ve
Newp<>rt Beach
. ~tility gardening b~ckets
Laguna Beach
Laguna Hills 1
Sen Ju.n Capistrano
Mortuary• Cemetery
1625 Gisler Ave., .costaMMa
Roger'" Soil Acli\.dto.. is •n or!l•nic baM> '"4>il conditioner •nd miMral fuiiliur
which M1pplie. humus, humic ~Ida., and b.cter'-illbHnt from meny aoils,
producing an environment in which ptanta can achinie m;uiimum ttsulla.
Th•i.e ingredient& inc:rHM IM nulNnl capillCily of the M>il. promote INKtcrial
Pfopogatlon to improve toil ttlructures. •nd increase the moisture
rete"lion ca.,.c:ity of ltw .oil.
Ideal for Lawn, Tree and Shrub feeding and
soil preparation.
PRICE $11.16
""" J.....,..... llllk Mtf ""114.wAua.... Hhtf . ,,._,..,.ft.,,.. h, 17'<h •W ~II
·~o .. ""4""''"~-ta. ..... M0.•7?•
• 25 D1;.gonal
•XL l OO
• Xtenood Lile
RCA 'XL-10(>
--,~, r;,
• 1 '.l r .tt)r. n.il
• x, H•(J
• /t1.r11l••rl L1fl,
•• < n •• /.t /~./ s349~5
• 'ti U1.Jq .n.11 "
• C11l1;r1 I I~ I• • f l••Cft "i" l oniru:
-;ol~;takf ~~ l' -----. ...
l ;> U1.1QI 111,11
Bli.JCk ;and Wh1fl• ssaoo
• :>!> 01.1qon.a
• 100%.Solad ~li..lll'
r1: RCA
.... j __ :-~--
• ,I' I h.1'! 1•1o1I ( ,, 11
• ( I '1 • i~ """ .... "I• 11 ' • , If' c.. ·' 11 ~I J
RCA 4 hr. Stl,.cto•i\lo n
Video Tapt Rtcordtr
"' perror~nc~ ,,.., r v• .... 1t>""'
• 19 01,11Jnn. 11
• C nln1 ('Ann111 ,, II
• fl1·r,1ri1rii1 I 1111ir1q
YOUR . '
• ~Ot'fTJilNH:r ,. ,, ........... .
• 25 . 01agon3I
• 100% Soled Slatr
• Randon Access RernotP
• 1 I I l1 1•~1 •I 11
• ICJO':i. <~nt11J 1.11"
• Colt 11 N'0rn1 ,,
Clauic StythMJ
-----. ·-·-··----------------·
~ •. f ~1 ' • Aom•I• Conl~ol ll lj 1,. • 2'> Diagonal
, ---· • G T M.Jllf
( ~~ • _•_I • Ml'd1lmr.1m·.an
'""" C.io1nP1
-ONLY $69995
' I } f}l.Jft' '' I
• 1()(('/. .,, loll ' ,f 1111
• /\I (.
·-;-;1 ~=--,.,
:r~~,-:1 COLOR --
''" 1 • 1 ( >1.1111ir111I Cllr11m.i I 1n •• ~
I I•~ I l 1 ,,, I IJll 1111" l11bf'
' l•f, If I ( '1'1',f .t. tf(• t.>, 11 I '
~~::!~=:::::;:::;~-;;1 ' .1• 1,t11tw 11 11tr lt,rj1•lf
/\\I\ 1'''1V\H~·
'• t ... ,.
'1 11" '•' !t••
I t f 1," ' • 1
• f ••• c ·t
11·mr•t•• lq1 ""I
ol r I • 1t t 1<!•
II I I I ,,,,
,,. ·''
r 1, I\ /J '1f!! I I I tr 1
-~-. '. .• I
\_{I ·--··. --·NJ.; ,_ ". .":.-1_..JJ. ~ ... ·-~ ---
· '" I .. • t 11, f
• • 1ltf • ·t 1 •t •'I•,
• Vtfl
• 1 ~1 ·1111 1t •<.11rtfll)f
• ··-
' 1 ' I )i,j\fl)ll31
Tr1 111tror.
I' 1 111111111!11
I 111111111
ft1 I' •• I
r, ,, "'
• I I llt " .
1 .,' 1111q
• f 4 I ,, lflf•
f ,, 11 o ·
I ~i!!~--...,JIJI
D I '" , .. I
• ' ()1 IC)' n.al l'rlll"' 111 n f V
• Jw111I • ,,.,,,.
• H1•m 11I• I 11111n11
• Vlll
• I 'l [)1,1(J•Jnt1I
' f II! 111• "
• 1'11• t1h11110 n
t I lfl IJIJI( ..
''" 11111 · r111, ..
• • 3 Hour
& Play
.. . . I '
Hungry Pigeons Home In on Sea Search Targets
W ASlllNGTON I I\ I') lt1 this A r11•1 .:r11dualln11 from llrnd
lrulnlHlo: Wllh Im oranac n1i18 thut
po1>s uv n ndomly, th~ Ph'eoos .re
1H rnJ)JM.'tJ Into a plv•lte1188 pod al·
1 ;H'ht••I lo lhe underside of a hull<'~ and taken for a ride
over the st1a
Tiit; PIGEON8 IUDt; three Lo a t•h1mRcd tht-ir minds with lhe re lhe birds. R1ghl now lhe tar1et
U!llt' ol lanr und 1.onar tmd olhn
ophlal1cattHl wlurdriea, th~
Coa11 Guard has h11 on a nt•w w11y
of findll\I peopJe l<*l Ql fill»
HWl&ll' pipoAal.
pod. cuch racant( a dlfh::rtml direc· suits color la oran1e: lf8"r they'll be
lion. L1Rhls In the cockpit tell the trained on yeUow -the color of
pilot which bird s pots the target .. THE BlllDS SEEM pretty h1i1p· moat llferalta -and red. And,._
and from that he knows which wa1 py about it." CMley irafd ... We h•· who know•. eventualfy pi1eou
to look. The winning bird gets ven't had any comphtints." may be trained w peck when they
food. IL took 18 months lo train the 11ee anything man·m •de on lbe Plaeon11 of the 11laln. puk
~nrh • .Ulue slUin1t variety Do they cheat·~ flrsl set of three. They wt'rt: ui1cfl water .
'Wt• tooncl an somu tests lust "As far uH r know, we haven't to look for a small motorbo1tl off Thi11 yeur. the Coast Guard
A MAN AT Ttn; Nuv•I Ort'um. ~··u 1 thut the blrdit would detect had man.y false ula rms at all," llawa11 1n f"c bruary , hut the IN spt•ndinj( $73,000 on the project
Syttlemh l't'nwr m Honolulu ha" lh1.· luq,({•t ubout 00 &>f'rc·ent of the said Conley, who is In the Co1tst hclico11ter crashed and thci hirdi. which 11uys for bard·trainlng, a
t1i1k4'n flvf' IJIK<-vns under hl11 wl11~. 111111• 1111 ttw (frsl pass," Hitid G1111rd's ttrrJ<:c or ltescarch and wcri• lo!il. Five birds arc in trum n<'w observation J>Od and belt.er
t n un I nil lhum to 111>0\ Uw 1·olor • l>uuglus Conll'Y. who runs the pro-Development inu und they expect to oo rlylnc ut t•leclronic components.
orttnif' Wh('n tht• h11d 11•••·11 Jii t:l "The pilots und crews would Al firs t . cho11pcr car>tain s theend of&>ptcmbcrandOctobcr. "They find the target long ·~
oranl(•· 1t IK'('k1t 1tl u 1>w1tch 11111l 1i. 1h-tt'<'f 1t ulJOul 40 verccnt or tho thought flylnu~ co·pilot with If it work r>, the Coast Guard hf'fon• the r1llols do," he said.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....!:rl"w atd~'it with food ___ ' t 1111_•·_a1_1t_ll_h(_·y_k_m_•w_w_h_c_•rc_· t_o_loo_k_" __ Pi_g_t•o_n_s_w_a_s_ro_r_th_c_bi_rd_s_. _h_u_l _ho...;.p_c_s _to_u_!\c_· _si_m_u_l a_to_r_H_t_o_t_ra_1_n _·_·T_h_c_y _ca_n_'t_oo_t.oo_d_u_m_b_.'~' __
! .. I . "HANG TEN"
f ANNING Oil or
-~ 4oz.2.50u.
T-SHIRT C.2.99u
~/1.11\1· '""" y•m1
l.111111111· 11)1111 llllJ.J
11v1· • lirll· 111 1111111
t.111ld Ill {1111111 "''' '
OlllR liOOU Ill JIJNI 30 lfi/q
Right Guard
Baby Oil-
For The family
N11I fll'.I .111.1111/
1-_;i 1111 h11I .1 111'.llllV
_LJ °''"'"'
( . )
Cock toil PLANUTS .
12 oz.
Color Print
. .
All-Purpose TABLE
Iii 1•1'1' Ill I I ' t• I
l.tlf I lllilf I I h
I '
..... ~\P · ~·..:f~' ,,. ...
IJ(I lr1 1 '11111111
I t1l1flh'1 ltt'olV\
1111rv 11111 11 111111>11
master charge '"' ... ,,,., ..... '••c
5~~.o:n SPACIAi, SUPER .. n.,
7 oz. HAii SPRAY OR r-
, I 1 t, t I I
Sl\VE-Sl\VE -Sl\V
-~~";ER SPBCll\L
1 9'9'~·': .. ·· ~
1'111 ,, , ll.i1l111 •1t1• •·1I•
,,, 11 I " I 1111 I II
lff •' •' .
""" 4.88
Cassette Recorder
f 11 I I ~.,, '. I ,.,,,
1.1•, 1·•1t 1111•" II\ •If
lft i tHUf111t •''' fllH f t1
p li(llt•
• 8~11Bllfi~
lnr.lurtr.n c :
QT. 59c MW/ 24.88 ~
Disposable CUPS 9" Plates
./ ~ '.t., ., ·H ·.
'" ••• •n
'·' f' ' ' , I
f , ••• , •
---~~-• •
3 Ol. (
1,.;1 ' 10 ! ~ oz. -:-' 1.69
CllO l?fxp, Cl26 12 hp
C • H •I "CHUNK"
OR Oil
' ' Proti-THIN' 'TM
• 60'1 v ...... ' ....... ,.
.. ' .. ~
TWINPAK 79c 2-6oz. EA.
•16oz.~Pl•P..,.r 999
• llO's VitaMl11 1-6 s.,,altMflf
•lot. •tur.a l ...... DH1 ''DIAL'' SOAP
Your Sav·on pttarrnac1s1 15
prnparcd lu 0111•1r.n1111cow.
co11-;111t11t1on on you1 prr:·
i:.1.11111100 We b11llcve you
will Ill' ploased wrt11 thU
!>Parkltno cleanllno~s ot
ou1 c>hllrmacy depar1men1s.
fOUM'f AIM 'f AUIY ....... I w.,,_
--...-------..... ---------------...
1oz.2:99c SIZE s PAK 88C OF 100
"PEPSI,, 12 oz. CANS.
1.11 , ••.
Si\VE -Si\VE -Si\VE
• •
J 1
.. . . . ,.
I I ~1•N•s1•o•e•:··c·o•m•1c•1 ................. .-..-...-........................ ~-S .. 1!!!••-*~ --•Televillon -.,a
Sit~. June 23. 1979 DAil Y PILOT c:i·
Royals Rip Angels;
LaCock Keys 9-5 Decision
OUT AT HOME T ht· Ange ls ' Bobby
Grich 1s t.h rown out on a <.'lo~t..· play at
h 6 m C' pl at<· Vr u l:.t) nig ht at An:.1h,·in1
O•olr l'tle4 PIM>tO• DJ lft<Mtd 1(-1•• _
S t ad1u 111 Ko 11~a s ('1lv <«.1H'h l·r l><trrell
l'orll·r J.!<•I" t 111· hall i uppl'r µhoto1 :a nd -
puh I he· I :w on (; rwll I bdow I
Of Ille Dell., ...... la.ff
Pete LaCock is probably gel·
Ung tired by now of people asking
him what it's like to have a
ramoua rather.
His dad is Peter Marshall,
host of the TV game show
Hollywood Squares .
S-Ut just once, h e 'd like
someone lo ask Pet.er Marshall
what It's like to have a famous
"l'M P&OUD OF HIM, and
I'm sure he's just as proud of
me." LaCock says. "I 've got a
dad who's big in Hollywood, and
he's got a son who's a major
league ballplayer .·'
Marshall had ple nty to be
proud of Friday night as he sat in
an Anaheim Stadium box seal and
watched his son rip three s ingles.
~knock in three runs und scon:
:twice , leading the Kansas City
•Royals to a 9·5 victory over the
LaCock 's first two hits were
off Nolan Ryan. who absorbed
his rourth loss of the year Frank
White also did con!,,idc·r ahlc
cl a m<t~c . bc llin ~ a two-run
homt'r and dri vin~ 1n two mun.:
runs with a ~1n~h: <1nd a d1,uble
Most of his c·arc•cr, Lacock
has bee n platooned al hr~t bal-tc
or as des1~natc.od haller . He h1l 303
in 1977 and .295 last yl'ar. but
ha sn 't been able to win a !,,le <idy
Tuneup Turns Into a Ring Joh
Holmes OVerhaub; W<>avt>r Willi 12th Round TKO
:-n :w Y()JtK (A I') Li.Jrry
lful m1·~. in M'riou~ tr11u1Jl1· 111 llw
ll lh r 11 unfl , kno t·k c·d M1 k1·
iWt•avl·r down wi th 10 M'tttr11b l11
lgu in lilt' round a11cl I hen ~loppt·rl
lt11m '1'1 ~ccon<ls into th1· l:!lh
!round lo rct<.1in lht• World Boxing
tAsSociation heavywc1i:ht cham
.. 'J>ionehip at Mad1~on Square
Carden Friday naght
, T he cxp•·rts tw tl l':tllN :I 1t :1
~uncuv fo r lfolm1·" It turn1•d 111
~· the tought>st r 1ght ur 111~ un
r calen JI-bout l'artwr
l WITH HOl.Mt:s llllKT rrrim ;,i
hook and lwo right hand!> a nd
h;w k•·<I into hl'i 1·orm•1 w1ll1 Ill
1'.P('1111d:. 111 i:o 1n lt11· I It h ri111ncl
111• :-111ldl'nlv f1 :1,l11·rl l11i1111• :1
1 11-:h l up1n·r <·u l I ha t cl11 1pp<•d
WeavC'r fa1·<' up
Wt•aver :.t rugg)l'd up ;,it th1·
1•111111t of <•ight a nd lh1· h1·ll 1·:11111•
tu hts n -scut·
Then Holml'~ l"a ml' out slorni
in,g in the 12th roun<I nnrl l:1n1)(·d
'itX or 1·1g ht hc-;111 s huh ;,i·,
W1·a ver appt•<.trf'll rm th•· 1i<1111t fl(
t·x h ;.1us llo n Thrc<.· m ore· u11
1it·rcub a nd a c·om hmal111n of
punches IJy 1f11lm1·1> lh lhc lwri<I
fo ll()Wl'd , a nd ri·fcrc·t· llarolcl
Vala n JUmpl'd m to h;,lt th<.· figh t
;1~ 11 1·row1I ol l•l, 1:s1; voiced 1b
ll11x1 11g n.p1·rl~ gav1· Weavn
1111 «h:11w1· :it a ll and network
tt•l1·v1w 111 w11u ld11 't huy the fi ght.
dt·t·n11ng lh.-rn<i n they dubbed
· II 1• r f· 11 I cl>' ' an unworthy
<'h 11 llcng1·r
U lJT WE/\ VER. who~P rt>cord
\\ .1:-1inlv 20.x. ~;1111 twforc the
li11ttl "II don't hoth<·r me what
t h1· 1·x1K·rL'i ~ay Whal do they
knvw ahout hoxin1C" F6; :1whil1 · f"nday n1ghl, 1l
:tJ1<tn'1 look ltkt• th<.· l'Xpt'rls knew
· · a rtylt11n g ahout hoxing
When the flgh1 cnclccl . r1•fcrc1·
V a I a n h <1 d If o I m c s c. h c c. ti
I07·10I , JUdg<.• Tony <.:as lcll :mo
fa vorcd the champion 106· 102,
and judge llaroLd l.cdcrme1n suw
it 106·103 for llolmcs .
The AssOl'tatc d Press had
Holmes ahead 107-101
flolmcs. who (!nJoycd a 21h
inch real'h ad vantagt•. c<.1mc out
jabbing and Weaver was an easy
target thro ugh the rir~l round It
~eemed just a matter or time
bC'forc the champion ~ot scn ou!>
and finished the l'X ·Ma rine from
Los An~eles
TIU: F.ND app:ir1•nlly wa!> a t
hand for We:w C'r when wnh 1 24
ll'ft in the· fourth round. Holme~
hlas t<•d home 15 s hots lo thi· ·
he ad that had Weave r In serious
tro uble. But lo the amazt"mcnt
of the crowrl und llolmes
W(•avcr c·amt• hat k with thn•c
head pun<·ht·s.
"HEY, IT DOESN'T matter.
because we've got a r eal s trong
bench. The guys are all ex·
perlenced and take a lot of pride
in what they do." J.aCock says.
"We had injuries last year a nd
we 've got the s ame problem
now." LaCock added , "so we 're
all ex~cted lo.~ in there and
do a job."
That's exactly what LaCock
did. afld he was we aring u wide
grin after the gam
"I had my family nd friend~
here . and it sure reels ~ood."
Lacock said. "ll 's not a matter
of showing oH. hut you JUSl have
pride and you wa nt to <lo well tn
your home town .··
town frie nds who wcrcn ·1 al thf·
s tadium could h a v1· !>t•c.:n h1~
performance on Channel 5 II
wa s the thi rd hnm1· i.:a nw
televised totally this season
ft'or those who tuned an tu sf'I·
the Ang~ls instead of LaCO<'k.
they got a bad show
Ryan was s helled for 10 htt~
befo re making an c<ir ly 1•x1t m
the 1wvenlh 1nn1n).!, and hi!> 'i uc·
C'Cssors Mike B;crlow irnll Sll•v•·
EdUy d1dn'I fan· m 11 <'h lwttc-r
The ltoyuls ' Ric~ale won his
first ~amc since May 30 and
looked much sharpe r than his.
record <5-5. 5.<Xt ERA gomg in>
would indicate .
.. My slider was the best its
been all year,"' Gale said. "I got
Don Baylor thrc.'C straight Umes
on good sliders, and he.'s the.kind
of guy who can kill your best
pitch ..
COAi~•: BRUSHED Ot'F a ny
su ~~e~lrnns th<.1t the Angels
wo uld not IK· <.1hh· to w1thslltnd
the prCl>SUr(• or a hot pennant
rat'I', d1•:.p1 ll' the· ract Catirom1a
hal> nevn hc<•n in the IJlayoffs
· Wh1•n a duh 1·a 11 lose a Rod
Cari·w trt lh1: numhc r three spot
111 l ht· ortlt'r ancl ~ replace him
wit h a t>an f''or<I, you know
t h1·y'n · ~ol tcl." G:dt• Sil HI
<;al1· wa). f11wlly d iascd 1n the
1·1i.:hl h inning wht·n Brian Down-
ing sma~hr•(I u lhrc<· run homer,
and Ford I a tN ri ppcd a solo
horrll'r in tlw ntnlh
Tht• Hoyti b 1•ru1>ll'd for thrc•~
r un" m lh1· -;ixth and three mon ·
111 11t1· 'if'Vt·nth lo ltrc•ak tlw l!ami·
(S1•1·./\NC.1':a.s . Pitg .. 8 2) ..
Then suddenly llolmcs was .()n
the floor and the rrowrl ·on 1b
f<.•ct. but Valan ruled 1t a slip.
With the c rowd chc<>rini.t him on, "'
We a ver moved to the a ttack and
got an. a couple or more head
punc hes before the bell.
We aver , al 26 three year~
younger than Jlolmes and at 202
~om<' 13 pounds lii:hter thun lhl'
champion. landed u hard right
early an the fifth round and Cl!r
n cd the r o und with his a g
gress1veness and <.t 1·ouplc of
more head punches
lie continued to set the tcm1x1
an th<.• s ixth round as Holmes
landed some ja bs hut was wild
with his other punches .
Then Holmes res umed com
m and in the seventh as he bclolan
to find the murk with his tert
hook and rii:ht ha nd. Jn the
eighth, Holmes' jab wus a thin~
of beauty and he also landed <1
aashing right to the jaw with 10
sc<·onds left.
Holmes said h e had told
Weaver before the fh~ht that he
would "klll him to protect" his
cha mpionshi1> belt.
"The belt cost about $150 hut
it's my whole life ." Holmes
said. "It's worth everything iA
the world to m e. This belt is the
s ymbol that all professional
fighters fight for, and it's worth
more than money."
Palomino No Match for Duran
NEW YORK <AP) -Roberto Duran
£nocked Carlos Palomino down in the
ixth round, mixed boxing with punching
nd poundect out a unanimous 10-round de
iaion over the former welterweight cham·
ion from Huntington Beach ft"riday night at
adlaon Square Garden.
Tbe fight was a prelimin11ry to Larry
olmea' World Boxing Coun c il
avywei1hl lllle defense against Mlkti
eaver, but It was the fight most of the
na came to·aee.
DVL\N DIDN'T diaappoint them.
Tbe •rear-old Panamanian, who gave
&)p t.be lllbtwelabt UUe because ol trouble
maldna the U&·pound Umlt, showed he Is
deadly 1erlou1 about b ecoming .eltenmpt champion.
He felnc.ed with his head and shoulders,
be Jabbed, be cowat.red and ol course, he
put on the deadly pressure tha t led to his
nickname "Manos de Piedra" Ha nds of
He especially put on the pressure in the
second hatr of the fight, overwhelming
Palomino for his 66th victory a~a lnst just
unc loss in his legendary career.
judges Tony C aste llano and Harold
Lederman each scored it 99.90 for Duran.
The AP favored Duran 98·92.
Palomino held his own In the se venth
round, acorln~ well with hoolcs inside. but
then Duran took complete command in the
final ttar. rounda often smlUng lrom
the aheer }oy ol the batlle.
Duran who wca.ihed 14$'4, t ll4 pounds
fe11 than fhe welterweighl'Jimif •'nd UW.
more than the hithtwelRht limit, roded
Palomino with a hard right 40 seconda into
. -..
the eighth round and shortly thereafter
ripped home two left hooks to lhe head and
one to the body.
Mercante broke another clinch, Duran
almost ran lhe referee down trying to gel
to Palomino. And when he reached him, he
SAlashed home 11 right-left to the head lhal
had the fans screaming "Ducan. Duran,
Duran" as the bell rang.
At the bell, Duran dropped to his knees
and threw h1I arms aloft ln the salute o(
victory u the cheers rolled over him.
Palomino, 29, a Mexican-born U. S .
cilben, la a fighter who went lnto the rlng
with a 27-2·3 record with 15 knockouU and
s even 11uccesafuJ title defenses before he
lost to .Wilfredo BetUtea lut lu. 14.
Palomino never had a chance aa Duran
<See PA.LOMINO, Pap.Bl>
Rookie Delivers
Braves Ed{{e Dod/.(ers, 3-2
/\Tl.ANT/\ (/\PJ Rookie
Tony Brizzolara allowc'd ~even
hits in eight inninl{s and drove in
the winninl{ run with a i.ucnfic<·
fl y In the rourlh as the Atlanta
BravE's edged the Los /\nj.\eles
Dod~ers 3·2 f'riday night.
Atlanta erased a 2·0 deficit hy
scoring all three runs off Rob
We lch, 4-5, in the fourth. Boh
Horner was hit by a patch lo
open the inning and then Welch
fielded a tap to the mound hy
Je fr Burrougl}s but threw wildly
on a force attempt at second, al
lowing llomer to reach third
AFTEJl JOE NOl,AN fouled
out, Glenn Hubbard !lingted.
scoring Homer , and Pepe Frias
doubled, scoring Burroughs.
Briuolara then lifte d his
s acrtllce ny into center fie ld to
bring Hubbard home with the
run that broke a 2-2 deadlock.
Briuolara, 2·2, struck out
seven and walked throe before
giving way to Gene Garber In
the nlnlh. Garber notched his
Both Los Angeles runs were
unearned. Gary Thomauon
reached safe ly in the secosa41
lnnlng when his arounder went
through third baseman Jerry
Royster's legs for an e rror
Steve Y~qer walked and Welch
dumped a run-scoring single into
right field.
Th,• Oodgcrs l:icored again in
th<· third on singles by Steve
c; a rvt·y and Ron Ccy, an error
hy n•ntcr fielder Rowland Office
that ullowed both runners to ad·
1va nct• an l'Xtra oase a nd a
..:rounder by Dusty Buker.
It was only the seventh victory
tn thl' last 23 games for Atlanta
;.ind the 13th setback m 19 "ames
for the Dodgers.
or the last 14 butters he faced
ht>fo r c Garbe r s to ppe d the
l>odgcrs an the ninth. allowing a
I wo·out single to Oavc (,.opes,
who stole second but was
~lrandcd when pinch-h iller Der·
rel Thomas bounced out to end
the ~ame.
Briuolara retired JO in u row
ut one ~tretch before Garvey
ope ned the eighth with a single.
lie ~ot out or a major jam in
the first inning when the
Dodgers had runners at first and
third with nobody out after
stnglH by Lopes and Teddy
The lanky right.hander fanned
Re ggie Smith and then 10.t
Garvey to hit Into a double play.
Wt'lrh wu juitl as erfecllve for
the Dodgers, allowing only five
hth in the eight innlngs he
worked. lie fanned seven also
and walked two.
. ..
.. ~· . .
-OAILV PILO'r Saturday. June 23 '97~
0AlfY Pllel ........ by lh< ... nl Koell"''
• •
To Lead
OAKVILLE, Ontario <AP) -
Tom Wataon fouaht Ma way
&hrouah cuaty wind.I to a hard·
won, 2·under·par &9 and H ·
au med a C.hree·stroke command
Friday in the second round or
the Canadian Open Golf Touma·
ment. .
Although he had to scramble
at tlmeA In the winds that gusted
to 30 miles per hour, Watson hit
"quite a few ttood. key shots,"
he uad. And, bubbling with the
confidence that was m issin,g in
-Jrrs -poor 'Performance last week
in the United Slaws Open, he
"I FEEL THAT if I continue
to play well, I'll win the touma·
m enl. I 'd s ure rather be ahead
than behind."
Wat.son. who has a c ha nce lo
become the first man an PGA
tour hb1tory to win m ort: thitn
$400,000 an a single scitson. h1td a
3fi·holt· lotul or 135, seven s trokes
unde r the d1Uicult par on the
·hill y, 1.USO·yurd Glen /\bbt:y Gulf
<.: 1 u b coursl'
.la ('k Nc.·wton . lh(• g lobe·
trottinif /\us trnlaan who shot a
cours1• record Cl\ to set the first ·
round pu1·c. went to shuL'> hil(hc r
in the bns k, ('hilly hn•ezes and
&tllletes Of ¥ear
Top Prep Stan Honored
• TltW ., ,,.. '°"' "' o ..,..., "°"°"'9g ~ coue OflG ,_,.
tcflool CIUdftea O/ IM .,_or. P~ ii 0 brif/ ~ Oii NWllO/
tlwm. "···· ...... ·-······· One or the moat gltted athletes to
come out of Huntington Beach Hlgh.
Doyle was a three-time All·CIF first.
team selection in basketball. She played
on two CIF 4·A title-winning teams and
in four years or varsity competition
scored 1,483 points, an average or 17.6
per game. She was a member or
Parade's All-American girls team.
played in an all·star game in New York
and was a me mber of the Junior Pan·
American Games team in 1978. She will
a~d t:JSC on a fulhrehotanhip
T ennis and b adminton have· been
Mc Mlllin's forte in hil(h school. She WMS
the No. 2 s ingles player on the Charger
team in tennis for two years and with
partner Lily Johnson was the No. I
doubles combine in badminton this year .
T he badminton duo won the Sunset
Lt:ai:ue thampaonshap. The co -player of
the year at Edison is a pre -dental hygiene
s tudent and will a ttcnd OranJ,!e <.:oa~t
Col h:gc in the r u 11
l.l•a Brrnnan~ 'Edison
The othe r half or Edison 's CO·athh.:lt•
Of the year IS (I diver Whll Will return t11
sl'cond at 13H with two time
C;.i nad1an 0 1wn 1i1.1 nnc r I.et·
T r evino <1ncl tour i.ophom<Jrt·
I>/\ W1·1 tirin~
a rormcr homt: town to attend colle~c at
Colorado Stale Uni vc•r saly in Ft C<illm!>
The daui;:htt·r of Ed1 :.on lf.:aC'ht•r ;,nil
coach Larry Bn·nnan , Lisa chdn't !\tart
diving until four }'<•it r'> ag11 Sh•· ha..,
ht·•·n 1·o;wh1·d IJ\ ~ 1":.111n V1c·111 1·11<wh
H1in <1 Hrwn ;md> r111 1..,1u.'f1 fr,ur1t1 111 lh•·
Junior n;1111mals Shi· will :.tudy fori·:;t n
al Color ;,l111 Stal•· an1! h11p•·" t,u.iurttt.+
ht•r d1vrng can·c·r
A Capsule Report From the World of Sports .
Sovie ts Like the _Sights
But Can 't Stand the -Food
f"rnrn AV Dlspatt:bt"s
~1\N l>l'.IC\I 1>1~nt·ylant1 n •ma1 m. Nn I on Iii
l)H• 111>1 111 pl:l<'Ps 111 1:11 for tounn~ :-iov lt•l alhltl.,.,
:111d hl111• J'""l" •.ttll .1r1· a r•·tl h111 shOJ>fllrl l.! item.
hut ,\m1·r 11·.i11 frJ111J."' 1,.;,ving '* liad la~le rn (heir
fl) IJ\1111:-. I •
Tlw r1w>1! 1:-. ti••• art1r1l·1al. ·!'.a HI interpreter Sv1~thin11
tll.Jl>l'Vltdi, ~Ii. fntw111ng al the thoyght of a nother ham·
'bu'rgcr ·• •
On thl' la!>l le~ or a f1 ve·<:tty. nine-day tour, mem bers of
thf' Sovtt•t Nat1nn;;I i.:ymna:-.l.Jt::-. team' <1 lrcady a re longm~ for
som t· hardy h111111'(·1>i)k1ng
Dur1nj.! tlwir v1s1t lo th<• mtema llonally r-.mous S<i n Diego
Zoo 'fhur ... rtay. Hll'V :-.amplt~J "1•vNy kind of junk food you c11n
think or ... ~:ml a 111011fr1c·1a l •
Ont· Vf•Ung i.:y mn:is t p<11cJ rtl-arly flir :-.orncthing more
~Ult Jhk to So v11•t t ~ .... 11•:-.
"Ont· girl liou~•hl a "hol•· l'c·krnl.{ duek while wt· w1·rc at
,..1!.hf'rman " Wharf 11) San Vranc1:;c'> She had it wrl:lppf'd up
in a hox ;;nil t•1t1k 11 hiwk In hc·r hotel room ," said Hick /\p
pkrnnn, :rn :11dc• w11 h th•· 1; !'l Gymn:1 tic.sJ::'!!der.auon
~c·ant1mt•, th1·y 11w1k 111 C<11Jrorn1a's top s ights
"r>isn1·yland "' Ntt I It ha~ t)(!en re l·ommen<led to us by
11lh1·r~ who ha~c· tuur1·rl lh<' US.," said Ulas<:v1tch "U1sney
t:a rtoonl" ;m• v1•r,v 1101111\:H in the Stiviel Uni<in."
------f/U11ff• t1I lhca Day ------.
l·:x Y1111 k1•1· and <·11rrent Padre Jay Johnstone 11n life
1n LIH· 111 ~ Appl<· "Y"u nePd threc pa1·emak n~ to h v(: in
Nl'w York. Evc•rything 's h uslll·, hustle, hus tle "
Cal ll#h llurb l''irNI "irlorg
Vtl1•r:1n Catfis h Hunter Wl>fl his first gamt: or la
the :.c.ii.on with latt· relie f help ~nd Darryl Jone!.'
HHI triph· 1•a ppc·cl a two run l't~hth inning as the
New York Yanke•·~ d1•fe;.tcd Clt:vel<tnd, 3 2, in
/\ mn1can l.ea~ue :•<·t111n 1-'riduy night Ron Jackson
slammt·d a lhrt·t· run homn <md singled lo score another run
a:-. Minnesota sna1>""'' a rive-game losing stre11k with a 5 3
.victory over the Gh1c11go White Sox . . /\solo.hom er by K.-n
Sinl(lf'tA>n and " two-r un bl a~t by Doug
DeCince!t gave Ralt1more a 6-5 win n vcr
r l)(o troit Jim Rict: rtrilk'<I two h11mf·r~
and Hoh Walson an1l Frt>d l.ynn om' <•1H'h
a~ Boston ro<lt· a t5·hit ;;ttat k lo a ll I vii·
tory over Toronto For Lynn. the k:aguc's
leatling homt' run· slugg-er. it wa:-; No. 18
l.ighl·hilling l,arry Murray drove in
thrct• n111 s wrlh an ins idc thc ·park home·
r un and a clouhlc anti reli ever Dave!
lleavP.rlo :-;hut the door in the lust two in·
HuNrr:i< n irigs as Oakl,;1 nd h1•at T1•xa s, fi .~,
Gorman Thomas, Charlie Moore ilnd
Robin Vount ~m;rnh(•d .home runs lo lead Milwaukee to a 15-R
rout of Seattle i\ndre Dawson drove in three ruos with a
s ing le and a saerificl.' fl y :ind Warre tl Cromartie knot:kt>d an
two with a s ingl1• to pact· Montreal to a fi·5 win over
Philadelphia . Rookie Jdf IA!Onard do1,1hled home one run
a nd pinch·htll<'r Denny WalUn1t drove in anothe r in the
seventh inning to rully llouston to a 2·1 wrn over San Diego.
Joe Niekro became the fir5l 11 game winner in the majors
with relie r h<'lfl from J oe Samblto . Niekro ls 1 l·l ... Ted Sim·
moH helled his second home run of the game to slart the
seventh inning, snapping a 2·2 tie and pacing S~. Louis t o a 4·2
triumph owr lhC' NC'w York Mets . Rookie P~ll NHlu scat·
te red seven hiL'I a nd Biii Madlock drove in two runs to pace S1tn
F ranc111co to a 3 2 win over Cmcinnati . Pbll Garner and Bill
RobiBllOD llrow in two runs each to lead Pillsbur~h to a 7·2 win
over theChicagoCuhs.
IC'• Offlrial: .... ...,_. L~
It took an exlra day but J erry Buss was official· ··•
ly conrirmt•d as. the new owne r of the Los Angeles
Lake rs by lhe N HA Roa rd of Governor s Friday
. . . The Division I SteerinR Committee of the
NCA.l voted ununimous ly al(ains t a propost.'d national cham-
vionship playoff in college football ... Grossly overweight,
Jim Young knocked out youn g Weadell Balley in the third
round in their heavy weight fight ln New York ... Memphis
State has been placed on probation for two years for viola-
tlon11 in the school'R basketball and football programs ...
Jflrry S-wa was the only additional qualifier in the fln-1
r ound or time trials ror Sunday's Pocono 500 ... The NHL'a
expansion to four cities became official when lea1ue presl·
dent JeM Zleller 1ranted franchlles to deposed WHA mem·
bera Hartford WhaleM, Edmonton Oilers, Winnlpe1 Jet.I and
Quebec Nordtques . . . Bolton Bruins 1oalie Gerr, ClaeeHn
had a tom carUl11e removed from hia Jert. knee throuah en
arthroscope and 11 expected to recover quickly.
-. ---
f 'rctnt Pagca BI
orw n l.al'o••k ... ingh•d f11r th<-kt·y
1111:-. 111 1·;11 h rally
K ,\ ~~/\S t'IT\' l'l.A \' •:o a
...,., app\ lirantl 11( h;11>1·l1111l, lak-
11\J! a 1h:inlcir.:•· 11f <Jn 1·rror, tw11
wild p1t1•hc•:-. a p<1ssed IJaJI and
tv.o 111r11'11I single•:; to k1•1•p th1·ir
I ,dl1 1•.., ;1h v1•
H111 th••\ 1d:-.11 1-nuw how trJ
k 11c1t•k llit· :-.turfing out or tht· hall
whc·ri lht•\ li:iv<· lo The· Hl)yals
t.:111 four ll ouhl•·s. ;1 triple· <i nd 11rw
honwr to 1w along with th1·1r
t•IJ'ht :-,111g l1•s
Wt111t·" h11rnt• run wui-h t:;
fH11rth 111 11 st•;1:;11n :-.h1irte nt'fl tJV
:-I\ wt·c·ks -;111·nt n ·covering from
:i h1 •1k1•n han1I. I k rcJorncd lh•·
l111l'u11 Ju:;t IO day~ ag11
AHGrl NO"T ES tnrl\hf)--l\#r1tlo-t f\0 '¥'''
fMIP\-1 ,,,.,., ,,,..,, •Oj!JtV , .. ..,,. .. ,,,, frotn ,,... K•ft"'t
( •h HfftAl\ fnpy r~ t\,.YtnQ m1•(Ju d. pf()l>4e-m\ t
th.,.lr o"""n It till ''"''Pd ""Ith M•t M<.11t.-·, tout
rot ••Or • vtt 1 •• ,, \rot• Ml.lit r 'Mn G......-9'•n
n .. ••f'J••O tr\ol1m1, •.ur~,.ry m MiJr< h Al C..W•• a nd
F't•n~ W flwt• OOth wnf'lf on th• ttl•u:tUf .. '1 h"-I Mtt'f ~
"1'f\• n lt1• 1 .,,,,,.,, "1t f1'f fHIC hr\ ,.Ud lr1'1 l~•••• ' •.1N••''' h '' ft1nnq 1\1\ t•#I' ittw:I W hitt> ,,,,._."0(1 fl•
, ,11ri1 t ·••"'1 '''" t . • 0~«1n,.. l..fl'C)f\.lrd t """ tlO•"'
A 1 IU ,1 •,1,,. t 1 JP\t 1 lt>1w ,,, J nh\\.ifltl ttvrr \f4r1\ ()o
11 11 ' ti ,.H 1ut• I•' ~,.,,._. &~!obf •. 'hll trv1h-., '" '' t•• ,1 • ,,,-r-..,1"'11 ,. Ir•''' • h>rn rf1fdl.j, • u tt ht '"'''
"''' .. °f' ·'''" '"°'' a.b&y Grtc" ,......~ rw-
,nut• ""'", '"'' ••J t1• tr.-An(~I • h'b r-C.Of(J '"' tO~t I~'"''~''' .. ..,_,.,.ttf,,t ~ .. ,-.--..,.n-,~I~. N ,_
• h ,,,.,, t>; l illy Mier .-" f l'i'>11 ·•n f) &•bltt tlMIPP
I t'11M • M.-fll C.__., htt\ r~mt'r~d "' ft wt11f
t 1U\(11Ctl\'"' ''"' fHttrt•(l'trt l•·••Q'"l' MOl.>.,lf' Of 1h,.
f•'-t' N')nfJ• •, t H ""' hh.-11 tnvf'>lvtd 1n ()OP third '"
rn• A"'>*'' tnt"I "'""' "'" ve.lr, v n t1nq "' 7 ,, .. •·•rt -·•n ,. 1 tuh fl•(4h "•vMl ,,,.., .. ,. dfld ttf' f ~~ nt
I '1
ran ht~ \loJOntng l>trc<ik lo 36 and
mfl('kt•tl h1i. critics who had sa1rt
Iii· m rghl not ht· <thlt· lo handle iJ
wnrl<I C'lass wc·lte rwe ight
Duran's la :-.t loss wci s in a 10·
r 1rn11d non·t1t l c· de cision t11
t-:~l\'han l>dt•sus m the Garden
1111 Nnv 17. J!n2
Bdor<' the fi g ht. Duran had
s J 1d, "If I wc·rc Palomino, I
would not fight Roberto Duran."
It wa:-. t'Xl't:llent advice .
"I Wi\SN'T T RAINING the.·
wu~ I was supposed lo." the
fllrmn lightweight chumpion
sa11I or his foilurc· 1to knock out
l'a lomtno "I <li<ln't feel like
training 1n Pan11ma I was
h11.y ...
Palomino said he was s ur-
pri:-;t>rl 11t Ourun's s peed .
"I didn't fee l h<' <'OU Id he that
fas t at that weight," the former
wcllNwcight c hampion said.
"nut he was vt'l:;y strong , one or
th•· twst righters I ever fought. I
t•ouldn't ~ct· m y combinations
lO~CthC'r a~ain:il him. flt.' WllS
• moving so well, it threw me
oH .''
P a lommo s aid the Duran fight
might be his lust one .
"I havl" to think about retire·
m<'nl serw1i....ly." he s aid ..
Duran s uul he would. like to
f ac'l' tht• winn e r o r th e
December welterweight cham -
pio nship figh t between Sugar
R ay Leona rd and Benitez.
<A>etzee Feels
He Can Do It
SAN REMO, Italy <AP) -A
world heavywe ight title li1ht in
South Africa before a record
c rowd of 100.000 fans would be
Gerrie Coeuee·a reward ii he
managea to defeat American
Leon Spinka in a 12-round fitht
In Monte Carlo Sunday.
Coetaee. a 24-year·old un·
beaten profe .. tonal from Box·
bura. South Africa. ta coaftdent
he can do It.
"CHw111u...,ly I fl 1fln 't 11la'.I 11u11t·
:•" w1·ll tod:.n"." :-aid N1•"tc>0.
"b!.!. IO!-.l an °lli-h()l1• pla}off to
W a t:-.1>0 for t ht· 1975 Hri t1sh t >1x·n
C'fCJ\~ll I hit f11ur <ir r11d: :-.hull>
d11'i1' l•I lh1• hn!P :me! n11:-.:-.t·'1 th•·
pulls I ll1111k th;.t "":1s th•· turn
IOI-! JH1llll
TKE\'INC J ftAl.l.U:o (rum ••
p:11 r 11f tlouhlt· I.Jog•·).., '" rniJlf'h
p.1r 71 v.htlt· W1·1l1ring r·h1pJK:rl 111
I"" l l''' CHI lhl' ""a) t11 l11s round of
It was anOllll'r tw11 i.h<it:-. ti:IC'k
111 111•11 ('rn1:-.haw, .J11hlln\ ~1!11•1
ll11h Citlrln. Holi J.unrt a·nd ~tk•·
lll'1il , 111'11 ;II MO ('r1 ·nsh:1w ;.nd
Cll11l·r had 71\'s. H•·111 11. l.u1111 '/'I.
:incl ~I 1 llc·r 1:1
< H tht· l1·:11IN 1., only WiJl!>on
and Nt•wlon pl:t~l·ll 1n lht• a fter
nO<JO wh1·n llH· winds wen· <•l
the ir h1 g hl':o.t ;incl the t ern
pcr<1turcs al tht•ir lowe:;t /\II the
r<'st pl:iyt•d in thP rl'lativc·ly
c·alm . mild l'IJfHl1t1011~ of thl'
"W•· got ~J lug hn·;ik 1>la}rnJ.: 111
the m11m1ng ." ('rc·n~h:1w "'"d
A!' ISUl <.:ATIO~ 11( th"
clt'gr1•1• 11( 1l1Hwult,\ l'll('IHIOl<·11·1I
h\ th1· af1t•rn1ic111 ~turll·r'i "''"
th<' !>lruggling Kl JIO:-.t('(J t1y
~1 a s l 1 • r 1 c h a rn fl i o n F u7 :o
Zoe ller lt w:.i ~ an incorn:l'l
srorc, how1·vcr. lie '<I <i ('tually
seor<'d H.3. Wht·n th<' d1scrrp4nry
w<is diM'OV<·rcd . Zric•llt-r W<tl> rh:;
Pla ying u1 llw morn111g h1.1lf or
the field wa:-;n 'l c·nough to :-;ave.·
South Afrit:an <:ary !'layer .
howc·vc•r. Ill-shot a 73 hul rarlcll
to QUl.llify f11r lhl• final t wo
rounds al 153 Arno ld Pa lmer.
who scort'<i tht· firs t vu ·tory CJf
his legl•ndary •·art•t•r in th1:-.
tournanwnt in HJJ5. ;1lso m1s1>l·d
at 80-153
Wa lson. golf':-out 1>tandsng
p c·r fornw r t h1:-. :-.ea:-.<J n with
$353.()00 in l•:irnsngs ;ind fou r
lilies to his t·rcd1t . wai. cnm-pltr
for thf' day when he w<'nl do'f'l
into the v;ilky, a sc·n cs or four
h o I e !> a Io n g r u c· k ·s t u d d e d
Oakville Cr<'c k They're the
touRhc•stortlhe cour~<'
fllU .. NAM
,.ruUe Gr~~ ... f 'fu. \ nll••ff
C.IH t N
1\11 .11·1·1tn1pll ... twd 111t1"'' 1:111 ""'"' hiJ:-.
h•·•·11 n:1m1·d 111 w 11.,· ... Who 111 Am•·n1•;m
,\1 11...,11', 1;1,•1•11 I'> :i i"'' an uut ... 1:intl1ng
.111\l•·f'I· Sht·.,.. ,..., 1 h•· Su11<,••I I .•-.1).lw· 1·ham
p11111 111 tl11: "'""' 11111 f111 1 hr•·•· ~t·;,r:-. ;i nfl
·""" 1l11·d1s1 11• 1111!17!1 ~h1·w:1.,1111t11·.,t;1lt·
11w1•I f11r 1w11 \••ar' anrf 1:1p111r1·1t lhl'
C ·11r•1tl1•I :1ward .ti 1··•11111 1 :1111 \!;111•·•
1111bl•·ni;1l1t·11f li••111i.: llw l•>p .11hlt·l1· Siu·
,d ..,1• "'""II Ill 11111..,1• dtlil \.\ iJl ,1l11•111l 1!1t1liJ
1'rdl1·1•1·111JJ1 11111,11··,1:1111!:11 ·,h q1
Kim ,\ uu~r. Marhtn
l'l;1)l'l'.11f th•· \('.1r 1'11 ( ·11: 1 I\ "''fth;ill .
Nuttt·r lt:d lht· V1k1ng:-. tu tht· ('If-' churn·
111onsh1p. A pilc·her this yt·ar. she wa:-.
twice nam<.-<t to the rir:-.l tt-1tm /\ll ·Cll··
~quart a!> an outf11·l1J1·r Whtl •• ...,,rt11:-ill
h1J1> tx·..r1 h(·r fort•-. !>h•· ah'• won /\II
SunsH L1·agu1· h11nor ... 1n \ 11111·\ liall :11111
lw~k1•thall cm th•· t ""' 1t•:1111 111 i •.11 h
... p11rl Shi• h:i<I ,, Ii I r1·•·11rtl .1n1I .1 II •\I
Ell,\ 1n ..,,,ftli;tll 1111 ... ,,.,,, 1n•·l111ltrll'
tht l 'l' -.11 ;11J.!lll .. 1i11t111J1 \., , ......... Ill 1111·
pl ;I\ 11fh
.. Ult I II
l .. aur.-1llauaia.1Uarh1a
'l'h1• 111111>1 'al11;1lil1· playc.·r on the
M a rin:i ll1gh l1t1s k1 •tliall tr·11m this rni!>l
"''"l>'ln. llayala 1:-. 11111· of lhrct• girls
:-.elt•t·t1 ·d for l•IP h1>1111r" at Manna lllgh
Shl· aho t•la t•d 11·nn1:-. anrl with "
fr<·s hma11 J1artn1·r r1n1shcd third rn thl'
Sun:-1·t IA·ai.:111• Sh•· was M VI ' tn h•nnis as
a 1un111r anll plaw. to alh•nd UC lrvuw
Slw w1lts1u!ly 1·11111puH·r :-.1·ll'n•·t·
Su•y Bra:nry .. itffirlna
Braml'Y Is anOth('r lhrt·1··:-.ri0rt star at
~tarin~1 <i nti filllnl.!l.V W<J:i Onl' Of the•
thrc.·1· girls :;cll-c·t•·d ;1s t<ip athh:tcs 111
the program 1\ h·ucln a~ wt·ll a~ nul
:-.tandinJ! µlayt·r . ..,he· won all leagu1·
hon or i-rn Liii thret• :;port:-. und wai-
named to lht• i.<·<·ond team All Cit-'
softball un it for tht· s econd Mra1ght
yea r She aho J,!L1 1ned a third team
bc>rth in bask~thall and was Marina's
M VI' in voll eY.ba II
Goodell, Vassallo Win
Mission Viejo Swim Meet 'Goes as Expected
There we re no m ajor upsets in
the first day or ac tion in the
Swim Meel or C hampions at
Mission Viejo Friday. All the ·lop
names ex~ted to win did so
with re markable ease.
Brian Goodell. the world rec·
ord holder in the event, cap·
tur<'d the 400 freestyle an 3:58.91.
ne arly a full se"cond a head of
M isslon Vie JO N udadon•i. team
mate D1an Madrut(a . <i
Another m ember or t he world
r eknown Nadadores also foll
familiar In the Mission Viejo In
'.ernational swim com plex al the
Marguerite Recreation Center.
Jesse Vassallo. the 17-year -old
Swimmer or the Year an 1978.
cruised lo a 2:00.09 win in the 200
individual medley.
In the wome n 's events, Tracy
C aulkins. the 1971\ wo m en 's
Swimmer or the Year. captured
the 200 lndo in 2: 19.70. Linda
Jeiek of the Nadadores won the
100 backstroke in I :04.82 while
her club also took first place in
the wome n's 400 medley r elay in
4:23. 711. •
Other winners we r e Mary
Mea1her in the women 's 100 but·
terfly (I :01.0), tum Linehan ln
the women'11 400 free (4:U .56),
Jim Halliburton in Che men'• 100
n y ue.73) aod Mark Kerry u.
the men's 100 back I ~.fl31
The last .major llW1m meet
before the July Pan-American
Games in Pue r·lo Rico. the
s econd annual Mee{ or Cha m
pions resumes today. bcginmn~
with prelim rnaries at 10 o'cl<x·k
Finals get unde r way a t fi p m
<'>n tap today arc finals in lht·
200 fl y, 100 breast'. 200 frt't:. 400
Lepez Trails
ind1 vutual medley and ftOO Cree.·
rl'lay, ror both men and women.
Vassallo. world record holder
in the M>O 1ndo, will try to doubk
t od a y . Goodell . a two-limf;'
NCAA Ail-American. is seeded
fourth an the l'Vcnl.
J t' 1. c• k ma i nta i n c d h c t
dominance rn the backs t rokt·
Alc~tt, Britz Lead
ll ERSHEY. Pa. c/\P) Amy
Alcott .and J erilyn nnfz fired
rounds or 4-under-pnr 68 Friday
to take the first round leud In lh1•
Ladies Professional Golf As
sociation's Lady Keystone Open
al He rshey Country Club's West
Course. .
Alcott and Hritz· held a one
shot advantage over Shelley
Hamlin and Kathy Whitworth,
wflo shot ees. At 70 were Betsy
Kina. Vicki Fer1on. Beth Daniel
and Dot Germain.
Nancy Lopez. the LPGA tour's
leadln1 money winner, was rour .
1troke1 otr the pace at even-par
Alcott. u one-lime winner Uus
1u•11son. carded four birdies a nd
no bogt>y!'I in u Oawlcss round
Sht• dn1pped 12-foot birdie pulUl
thr.-e times.
Rritz srored an c8tde on the
16th hole to key he r round. She
knocked a five-wood rrom the
rou~h on the 474-yard par-5 hole
that landed three feel from the
cup. She tapped in her ea1le.
Brlt1 recovered from a double-
bogey on the second hole, when
s he went out of bounds , by re-
cordlnt blrdles on three of the
followlna flve holes.
Hamlin UMd only 28 put&a in
her 1cramblln1 round. •
\11 i. \\t',l\11 I Jt•lt J l•I)'' \1.11rld H11\lllf
' • \0 II II I J I " I • t \ \ ;' I I J.' Ii I 1 I 1 • ' 111 I "1111 • I . : I I I \
ll1d111t •..., ''"II .i 11 ·11 111111111· tlw .•. , 1111d 1011 u d
t o1 ljp I llfl1 1111111 f·111f,t1 Il l "\1 \\ \'1 111-....,
\l.1d1 ...,1111 ~q 11;11 1· (;a rd (·n llt>lmt·~ r1··
1 '" ,., 1•d 111 .. 1·1111• a l:!th round l ·din1t•<JI
I 11111·"11111 .
~ Halldicaps _Irrelevant
Uv 1111\~ \HJ> I. llA.'>l>Y
U' '"-' O•••f' P1luf \t •fl
·ll 11•1 11 ,1 • do11 I .1cld .11 I•• 1'.,I
f 1 \ , • 1 r , * 1 ~ • , t ~ • • .1 • r • t t I ' '-•" J , "•
lq! ,tf \J•1t1d .1', , fl J "'I \ II I \.\( • ~
'·. Ii ' ,, : • ·"' "" 111 .d •" ·" \l• • ,, \ • rtf I 111 1.!1 •, I 11111 '""
I 11' , I J. "Ill I
flqt !It.ii . '"II II It ' ;11il .1 '.1111
• • .1u '"'
f 0 1. ;: Jiff, II IC\~. l>IC ,\I'
1•nl !1 1~ 1111111 1·.11 ti •11 11,111 II • .1
• •1111 .. 11 <llH'tll l' Ill lo.111d11.q1
111111 .~·1 1111 •1•11•1! :!li J ..... II l.11 I •• 1 I l .111•1 I.,,,,. 1•1 I 1\11;,li 111 11111·
,, .II I
1\111. ( 11'\ 11'1 ,I 11• llfl'ill 11f
l'o1h1ia d1·t· ,\l<.it ,111tl .111. t1111t1
rl1·a lt r 111 S;rnl:i -'/\11a , will ht• 1111:
favo n lt• N11l IW!'<tllM' of ht'-l11w
li:111d11 ,Ip or '"I l.111 )t1 I .Ill' I' !;1 I
I h1· 1111· I pl.1,. 1·1 I 111111 M1·',:1
\ 1·r d1 · I I '. \1 \ I .1111•· 'A ll:. 11<'1 !1·1
"'!it 11 I d I 1l•1I ti.I\ 1· • 11 111111 Ii
Ito • 11111 ... ,.1 •• , ht •,1\
\,I th" 1111,.., r·1ul 111 1t.1· '1;111
111 IJI 'fll'tl ltlll< I JllJ' l',1i1\l1ll
I "111 111 • \ ( 111!1 • l .11 ( h.1rl•" I i11
I •\·"' 11 "I''''', ,1 'M 111· 1,.. all .it
111 rt••\ .ortd tta , lw1•11 1'.11111111' f•11
1l11111l . j \ \1';11 ;111tl li:i:, '1k1·11
l1A 11 111 111 . ,. It· '>•111 ·I d1ol111
l 11••·' tl w\ w•111 ld J'I\•' 11111 ;!};,
I 1tlt1•1 lw ,1tJ1111h
. l.\f!HY 111':1'°1"'1 \:\of 1111111-...
.1 11, I ("1111111 t \ I '11111 lo\ Jll l.1kl' .i ,(I,
1:1111 J l.1 \ l'1·1 li.111., lh1 pl.1 \1·1 wllh
11 111'1'1ft 11 't'\ll \Ill1t11· "'""'
I l1·irw111.i11 ti.1-. tw1·11pl.i\111r• '11•1 •·
I 11 :11 11 1· I'• :1 11 •! 111·d t I• 1·t 1 •111H •,
111 .1 uu! ,,, I••••·•
I 'I 1<11111 I 111f )•·ti 111 111\ h.111
di•·' I I '" \l•f t1111I •• 11 •'•IHI ''"
.1 .
111•' ft1ill I h 1111 ·11!111·1 11f tho·
11•111 1rlli" 1 •• 11111 V.w)
I •' wh•1 will
1•·111•"1·1!1 -..;111!.1 .i\11.1 ('111111l1 y
( j1 tl1 \\Ith .1 :1:! If,. I ;11'>11 Hn Ill
lit! II"\ '\,\ 11 ... 11 ... h1111ld (°il ll'll' ... 111111'
1·1111IU!.llH1 ii r11ll-:-. 111tc•rprt·l<tl 11111 ...
are rlt'(•1h •d
-.ir·111 n ·\ 1 111 I akr 11fll' '>ill•· :and
\111•11 •. 1111 11llw1 ii .111 ,1q•1111wtll
I ll'•lll , ,lltlf ft11fd'> il fl play fl)f <111\
"' "'''"''' d p1·1111il l•tlttlll'
HI 1.1 :~ o• Pl.i\'Y will '"' g11\
• I lll'd "" 1111' .... ( '(;/\ ;11111 PC;/\
r 11f1·l111ok• W111t1•1 rulo·' will 111'
111 \ "l'lh 'lll'l IJ,qt'l lh"I '"' ... 111111'
'' ·"' 1 l1·rt 111 1·r fro m tht· · V.11111111 ". l\1·1h111•r OJ1"n ) 1111tJ
t h•,,. v.rll Ill' n•1 r 111111111" tunl•·.,•,
•111.1111111,.111-.1 Jlld 11•1 111111111.:•an:. ll
r Sports ·Mailbag l
I li .111~. '1111 .1 •• 1.11 ~ .. \1:11111
'l 111tr ,If I 11 11• o1lt1111l I ,,.1111 !-.k• .fl'.
()('(' • ''"1 1111•r . w:1:, '>llfl .. ''
lo\o\;1 . 111.,.., '" 1·t-rl a1111 v 0 1;111).(1•
C'111int \• ... '"'Ill <1111 th in~· ,1111
tl11f11 I llH'lll 11111 h•• '>fH'llll'> 111:111y
t111111 '> · m1·11<l1111:" .1lld••l1·., f111111
.ii I 1 ht• '-t11 l 11u11tl111~ li111h ..,d111t1I...,
IH·"ldt• ... 1111' 0 ('(' .• 1111l1·11h
I 1111 11111• kn11v. li11w 111.111\ ~1111
d.1 v:. 111 1111· pa•.1 I wl11d1 1•, ""'·" h .1 l;in11l y d ;1\ I lw 11:1•, '•f"'lll
l11•lp1111• IJUr :.on 1111111 in h1~h
... d wol :md :11 oc·c· ;ilt1·r foolhall
1•am••., I l111nk a "l't·1·1al Tha11k
You "' :11'-11 a ppr11pr1 al1· f11r 111'
w1h· ('Ill'• 'fl who rn11 ... 1 ;ilM> lw a
w II n II \. rr II I . 11 ll d t• I' ... I :1 n d I ll J.!
p1•1..,1111 I k1111w I s peak for rn uny
pa 11·n1:. \\hen I s;1y w1· all <1 11
111 1·1'1Hl1· you, I.Nm Skt·1t·
Mrs. <:harh•.., 'fhih•
lh>arning Prui1u~d
:;port ... F:d1t.or
or all the gn•al pla yers on lh1•
California /\nJ!<.'ls no onl' is mon·
deserving of the /\II star team
I with lhe 1x.1ss1hlc 1•x<·1·pl1tlll or
Don Ba y lor. Holf Care w , or
Carn<'Y Lansford) than lht: hurd-
no~t·•I Jlrian Downing With hi ...
Cini' hitting I .3riO <ts of this writ·
mg > and aggr<'s~i v1• f1<'lding it is
a s hame that he, a long w1lh r>on
Baylor, is i.o far down in the
ba lloling for the /\II slur le am. •
111 1111• )':1'>1 r11a11 \ 1lt-!->1•r vmi;
111.1\ • 1 . "" u1· 111 1111•· t he t•·a111
• " ti 11 ,, 1 11 11 ;.a 11 I y w •111 Id n I
11lh 1·rv.1 ..,1·1 Jll'>I 111·1·:111 ... t· J
1,1t·1A··.p:11wr !-1111'11 a ... your'> ~a v1·
1lw111 a 111111· 1111 hlll'1ly I woulrl
·lflJlfl'l'I all' \ IJIJI' pa p1·r 1(1 VHIJ.!
tl11 ·111 .1 1111 11· ... 11111111rl ~ . .,that Uwy
111 rghl /ll.1k1• 1111· 11·;1111 tt1 at tl11·y
11).!hll\ d1·°"·rv1• lo U11 f11rtunul1·
I" lhi• pl.ov .. r~ a 111I 1•111tl'lll''> tlt111't
d11 1111• v111111g .t~• a ll th1· right
pl.1 v1·1., wtt11Jlf 11« .,1•l1·<"lHd
11 1·1 :111 ... •· llwv tfori ·1. I I l11nk th<1 l
11 1•, n1·1·1·.,.,arv 111 d11 :1 l1ll11· cam
11a 1111r1 1~ to pul ll1t· rig ht pl<tyns
111 1111' plat·<·!> 1 hat U1c y de:.ervt·.
L•·h 1(1·1 11111:.1· d1°:>t'r v111g /\'ng1•b
1111 tlw l1·a111
'1')1anh ,
Milch Moldf'nhaue r
Sanla Ana
(,{u·•·r~g•• Prub••d
I 'r a1g Sht·ff
Sport.., 1·:<111 or
Thunk you for the f1nt• cov
1·r :.igc you ;_tllowl'll us this pa ... t
'-<'hool year. W<· an· proud of lhc
faC't. w1• arr TJlfo: outstanding
:i l hldw prugrum 'in the state or
{'al1fornaa Your 1·overagl' al-
low1·d us lo 1·xprc ... s lh1s l(os~I
lo your n:<1ch•r!->
Tfianks agam
•·red lloonr
i\thletl~ Director
Golden WeHt CoUe1e
will lw a 111.t1 1'11 pl.iv •'\1·111 wi th
'll Ill ltfl o1lll'flll', I l1lflld I ttftlll I '>I\
111,1!1 llt''>I 1·11111p1·l1l11111 J•::ll'h l/f
I h1• rri;tl tolw:; "'111 lw : t't11 l'tf
"'"", :ilt·h .111d Ill , .. , ..... 11( .1 ',,.
lh•· pl.1\1•1 "' 11111111~ ,, 11;11 t11·1tl<ar
111 :111 h 1),,)1 "''" II t11v11 111 n 11ir1·
I II' .I Ill·~ I llf t• lo\ ifl j,p lll Yl'll(l•t f
lu l11 1·:il.. l lw rl··:1rll111 i.. .11 1 •11 t1111i:
lo I 11 l'l•·\.1111 ~\ •:1·" 1 11.111111.111
I' :111 I :-..ii ;11:t
II tt':11J..11"": p11·1.i1h l•11 ·11tl 1111·
111.11 1 II . llw l1•.11l1·1 1.r lro1 il1ng
1«111l1•11ifl'I \\ill 111• 1Jt•1·la11·d 1111·
v.1111u·r al Jh.it 11111111 l\i11 playoff
..... ill Ill' twit! 'J'1w!-.ll;1v IJ<:t'<iU~t'
Sala~:i w:u11 ~ to gel 11lhf'r fu1·et:.
of' I h1• Y.c1·k lonJ,! drama 1·11m
/\ PllESS ('ONfo'EK E!'i('E frir
h11111>1 1'" M1k 1· A l1111111d , 22. a
w11l1· 11·1·1·1v1·1' 1Jrafll'tf rrom
l\111 t li 1A t''l<·111 I .•1tt1 '-l:tn.J St ;11"
I 111\1°1!->1 1\ ,,.,, 1111· 1'11l~liurgh
St1·1·1i·1.,, will 1•11l 1111 11 lht• g1ilrm~
.11"l1 v1I \ .it '1 :111 /\l Ii :111. U11· an
n11al '\;Fl. 111ght ;it tlw Ball111<1
B:n• C'1 11li will feat11n· many pn·..,
l ' II I a II ti r I 1 r Ill l' I' p I a Y t • r ....
r11;l('h1•., ;111d offi<'i:il., High han
tl 1t':q 1 gull1•1 •. 1111111· l11 arn1<.'
lil'fll FI' lht• f111 ;tf lrJl1ttte I'>
Phils ·C lear Up
Ozark Rumors
MONTHt·:/\L IJ\l'I l':iul
Ow1·n .... 11t·rM111nC'I 1h rcl'lor of the
l'h1lud<'lph1a l'h1ll1t·!'I, reportc..-..lly.
... :11<1 Jo'rnla y 111ght lht· trlf'a of fir
mg M an<.tgN D<1nny Ozark has
m ·v1·r l'ros!.11!1 h1 ... mind
Thi· Ph1ll1t·s t1JH'n1·tl a <·ruf'1al
lliri·t· ~{am1· M'rtt·s a m11J rumors
that Ol:trk '~ futun· with the Na-
t11111al L<·aguc· team hinged on
th1• outcomt· of lhP M·rirs
Ow1•ns held a C'luhhouse meet
m g with th<.• 11l ayer1' :md couches
prior t.o Friday ni ght'~ game and
was rt'JX>r1.cd to have severely
chas tised th1· Ph1ll1cs for their
lackadais H·ul play, which has
M·cn the team s lip into fourth
place. 41h gam<•s lwhmd the Ex·
po~. who lca<I the Nallon <il
Lc•agu1· F.asl '
Owens n ·1.ortcdly i.atd thul he
has n c vl'r t ontempl ated <t
managerial <:hang1• :rn<I blamed
the <illltud" of the players for
tht· doh's recent slump, which
has seen them drop 21 or their.
la st 32 contests.
1979 BMW 733
Fully fe<tor y fQutptMd tS'er. o iJ103101
$346 ~~~
"Now more t han ever I want to Lease the
Luxury and Prestige of a New Cadillac!"
• .. end I•• lor • 60 montll oo•" end ,,.,."" (At> "•'~ of $11 )I) 40 "llPt \))()() 00 t.011<
tton wUh ,,.rn•tn•"Q velu.t of
1979 BMW 5281 fully F~IOfy fQUllJIMl(I
I S.t • U:tJ1001
Art Hoberg
MIHlon Vl•Jo
''I reHoned that many smell compact cars go no
farther between flll·upe then • new Cadlllac from
Alten. So why eacrlflce th• Comfort, Room, end
Luxury to eave a few dollar• a month on gae."
(714) 831-0800 18
At the euper-dom• of euper cer buye. 28332 Cemtno Cepletreno In Lqun• Httu•I.
$226 ~~~
• ti end I•• tor • 60 """''" -n encl ,.... C.. 11e1we et ''~.000 •""' \1..000 .. ~,Ion wllh ••melnlnt vet .. of ••.OIO
150 N. Beech Blvd.
Le Habra
(l ml.No.ofl.A.frwy,)
Star Dies .
-Troy Are h er, defe nsive
lineman for the National Foot·
ball League Giants, and a com·
panlon died and anothe r person
was criUcaily In jured In a motor
vehicle accident Friday night, I police u id.
Arche r, a 24-year-old National
Football Conference All-Star.
was reported dead on arrival at
Palisades Genera l Hospital he re
afte r the pickup truck in which
he w as ridln~ s truck a pole
about ·9.15 p m , sa1d a hospital
ARCllt:R BEGAN has col
legiatc career al Rio Hondo
Junio r College before moving on
lo Colorado, where he was
na m ed m ost valuable player on
defense in both 1974 <1nd 1975, cis
well as All 81 g 8 for both
seasons .
"ll 's a bad roud and it rained
and they prohahly trae'1 to mukf'
a turn and h1l " pole," !>IJ•d C<tpt
Truman Moc of th<: North
Berg•·n p o lit·c. who <tdded
Archer was believed to he drav
T he 1n1urcd man was tden ·
llried a., Louis Lawlt:r , dc:,crabed
a s about lht· :,aml· <tgC' a ~
/\n•ht>r, the nur:,ang .,UJ1cr v1sur
Tilt: IDENTITY of lht· '>N'or11I
· pcr.,11n fatally tnJun·d wa:, nol
n •ll•a :-1-.I 1mm,.1f1al1:ly Ii} poh1·1·,
hut T 11m l'llWl·r:-.. a c;1<rnl~
.,l>"kt· ... m:in. s aid m ·llh<.'r L<twlt·r
nor lh1· umdn1l1flcd man wt:n·
llll'mht:rs or lhl' c;1<1nl~ squad
nav . P(·rkins. lht: n<·w hC~Jlf
<'oad1 for tht· (i1<1nt .... <inil 1-;d
C'rukt:. thf' k :w l ·!-1 pulilll' rt:l;J
t111ns d1H·1·t11r. w1·n· 1rav1·ling t11
111 a k t• 1111.,1t1 v1· 111<·n I 1f11· at1<111
1'11\\ t•r ...... a11I
A n ·h1·r . :tn 11111s t;.antlmg ' tit·
f1•n s1v1· t:wkl•· f11 r lht• c;1ant-.
Jllllll'c1 the l<:arn an l'.f/f;, 1'11w1·r.,
... :1111 A (;Je nda lt·. < ':.ilir . na11 v1·
,\r l'll1•r wa., d r;dt1·tl l1y lh"
c:1;1n1 ... rr o 111 <"11 lt1ratl<1
l 'n1 vt·r'>1ly
ARC'llt:R \\'/\~ Kt:SIUINfi 1n
c;ullt•nl11•rJ.! , .... 1 1111rlh or h1·rt·
l'111A.1·r:-. ... :1111
111 111 ... rir ... 1 prt1f1• ...... 11ma l ~··a ... <111
v.1th tht· 1:1 :1n h . /\1 c·ht·r "a"
narnt·ll to th1· l'ro i"<11)thall
Wnt1·r·., Sc<:or11I Tr•<1m /\1 1-Nt-'I.
lt11ok1 e tt•am and wa., voted lht·
(;1ant ... · t>Ubilant1ing rookte tiy
t hC' New York Chapter of the
Prof4'ss1on a l lt'ootba ll Writers·
,\ ... :.o ct<1l1on In JU ... t half a season
;1!-1 a ... 1.artn, /\rcht•r hat1 70
In l!m. /\n·h1•r wa ... 1•v1·n·m on·
awrs omt· lh· !->larted <111 1-t
gamt'" ;ind w<in /\II NFC r1r!->l
l<'U u1 honors
Mears Leads
I.OS J\NGt-:1.t·:s 11\f'I In
rl1anapolts foOll wannr·r R1 <'k
M <'a .. .., of Bakt·r~fwld . won th1 ·
polt· 110:-.it1on in 1-'nday ·.., ciuahfv
1ng for the finals rn C'l:1ss I 11n
l1mitf'd :-.10gh• ..,1·<tt nimpct1twn
• it tlw ()ff.Jl":ul Worlll Cham
11111nsh111 (iran l'nx at lht .. '"'"
/\nJ.!r-l1•s Coh.,cum
M1·ars drov1· his 4 -Wh('(~l-rlr1 v1·
ran·r ~•round the a,14 milt· d1rl
I rat·k in 53 :t'-J !-.eC'onds. followt'il
hy f>c•nnis Kccfr of Ouartz Ifill,
at r,a !'9. and Mc<1r s' brnthn,
Ht1J.!1•r. ~ · 11
a.turdl¥. June 23. 1979 DAIL V PILOT ·~
Today's TV
By HOWAaD I •. HANDY Of , .. o.lty l'li.t !IYff
Following are the major sporh events on tetevl~lon today.
Ratl"9S are: .r .r .r I ellcellent; .r .r I worth watching; ' /
fair; I forget It.
11 :15 e.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ {
BASEBALL: San FranciSt..o at.Cl nc.lnnatl.
Announcers: Joe Garagiota and Tony Kubek.
It will be a battle of left-handers whPn the Srin F m m 1\to
Giants meet the Reds In Cincinnati's Rlvcrtront Stadium It
will be John CurHs C 1 3) p1tchinQ tor lhP G1anl <o .1q<11r1•.t the
Reds ' Fred Norman <3·6 l. C1ncmnat11s 1n second plclft-111 the
National League West while the Giants arc lhtrd
~ 3 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./
GOLF: Canadian Open.
Announcen: Vin Scully, Pa t SummNa ll, J,1< k Wh1t.1ker.
_ Tom Wats.on_too.k.. the.lead •A ~CdAadid11 OpM1 w1trr a
two-under-par 69 Friday a nd ,.. 1n front by two strokP'> qo1ng
into today'<; third round . Jack Newlon. 1111: qlotlr• trot1 111Q
Australian who ">hot a cour..e record 64 on openmq Cl<t y. wc·nl
10 shots hiqhe r 1n brisk wind<, to drop into a 111• 1nr · 1•a111d
with two.time Canadian Open winni·r I 1·•· Tr 1•v1111, ""'J IOIH sophomore 0 . A . Weibrlng.
9 30a.m. <211 AMERICAN ANGLE R
11 a .m. (41 BAS EBALL ,WARMUP Ar 111'.11J1 t•>11k .11
ba'>e ball, ho<;IPd by Bry.1111 rJumlY·t
Noon (S) WOMEN'S SPORTS SPfCIA L H1ql1l1111<:.
of thP Asso(1<111on for lnt"rr 1Jlf,.fl1<1tr• J\thl,;111 ·, fr1r W1111 .. ,,
<AIAW) cht1mpionr,h1p l'vr-n l.., 111 1111• l11llc1w1nq .p•ir t· 11 ,11 I<
dnd fiPld, swimminq, d111inq, qymnoJ'.li• ·,, •1011 o1n tl I '11111
3 30 Pm (71 1979 NHRA CAJUN NATIONAi '>
Oe fPndinq ch,1mp1on" K1·lly Flrown 110 11 1111·11. llulJ r.1111·1• 11
lpro ...,lorkl a nd Rot> P11 kf'll ctunny c"'"' .i11 11111011•1 111 .. • ,,
tranl'> 1n th,. 11U9 Crl1 un N.1t1ri11·•I' l.1p•·rt .11 1i.t1r1n 11,,.,,,, I
4 pm. <?> SPORTS SPECTACULflR 111r:t 1°q111 ti
two rr1.11or box111q m,11 c ht",, 1.1()1•rl ,11 C.,,111 l•Jdfl I •111 1 111 1'1< ,, wnc <,uptor h.1nlilnWl'IQhl I li11fllf}ll1n Wolin ,,,, '""'"'( fl•
fr>nd'> hi'> 11111• .iq,11n·.1 J11l111 111·111.11111• / ""'' 11 •t••1 '11 , 11qhlwr·1Qht 1•l11n'1 n.111110 h1>11I .11 •· tt1•· l/'Jll /\ • lw, 1 "' r .. , ~.•I
tontc n<:Jr,r<, lor ,lh1· 1rnwn11·1 •·rilly v.,, 111"'' 11y '''•h• r 1, I'"'"'
f rnf'\IO Esp.in •• M\IJ ( lo1ucl1· llt)l·I /\l '.ll 1t11· t 111.i1 . ,,, II. l•H/\
City ot Roo;r><, On•·n. 1 .. 11"'1 ,,, r•11111 •• rio ( ''"""'."'·•' 1r ••• ,,
fr,1nk Gliebf•r T1rn f(y,111 1•,111 COLl..EGC W WI ':>I I 1Nr,
l ht• E<1'>1C'rn lnl1 ·ri ollPq1o1l• Wrt",li1 nq /I• ·''' ,,.,,,, '1, "'
p1onc;h1pc,, li'lPt:d .it Prin• 1·lor1 tJ ~
4 30 p.m {11 N FL C.R (A T TFAM'>I < IH /\.1
YEARS/GREAT GAMES /\ 1•1•1~ •1o1 " "' "" .tr11 ,. 1 11 R~1dt·r<, Ho.-.1 f'ilt Sw nn1•., .ill
s p.m. II) WIDE WOl~LO OF t:,POl n •, /iAIJ
ouleloor 1r.1ck ,;incJ l11•trl c ho1rr1r1111w 1111" 1.1rw1t r M' · "' r •
tlln10 COllPq1· 1.1 ... 1 w1· .. ~r·n11 11111tu11"1 ,. '.t• , "' • ,1
c,t.1nd1 ng VH torv 1n 1t11 I '1011 1110 l•·r r1111 '"''''"' •' • 1 ·1•
J;ic k•,on. M.irty I "'"''' 1 '''"' ''"' l '"""'' ( t.1 n t 111·,c /I • M1r h1q.in d00, l.1 pdl .it llr•111~ l f " M P 11 'ti'• PWO ()(
CER 1571 AM ERICAN RACf WA Y W 'I '• 11 rot· 11 ,
I pm, 1~11 HO RSE RA(.INC. l"!.iy .1t 1t11ll u•1111
Prtrk " r m ·1111 PRO soccr w 11 •• t. ,,, , ,, , , , 1•.
Houqhnt-r k ~. plo1y1•1J ' 11111 r ''" •11 I ,1 '• • I 1 1,, I••••
l ul'>t1, 0 111.j
n.)•,r•h,111 01JIJq 1 r ,it /\l l.11l1o1 I I II 1 '" t f I I
~ •• n ... 1 ... (1ly.il l\11 r1•·I I ,,, " t'M)•I •/I
(The Daily Pilot 1'> not r<·'>POn\1l>le ICJI" 1.1t1· 111 . .,.,,, ..
Pat/res Bring Back
Cheering Chick'~
S i\N DIE<;<> 11\l'I 'f1 ·d
1;1annoula:-.. wh11s1• portrayal •if
.i <'het•rlt•<.11l1ng d1wkPn c·n .. 11••tl
;1 rlfH'k or l'tlflYl'iJl. .... ha'l I C•<Jd ll'd
.i•n <i~rcc mcnl with th e !">au
1>1t·l(11 f'acln·s. an offll'tal 11f 111"
NJllonaJ Lcagut· 1'111111 11nf1rnwtl
Th<' f'arfrf's haw· S<'hPrtulr·c1 .i
~tond:.iy 1>n·!'l:o. t.,inft-r1·1111• l•o ;111
no ur11·t• th~· agn ·c·1111•nt
T IU: ('lfl(;f( t:N'S IH .Hl T .
huwc l'r v.111 lw dt'f,l\1·tl 11111 11
lat•• nt•xt w1•1•k :i t San 1)11•1!11
Stadium for th1 · l ';1tlr1"~ ll11w.t1111
/\s l rns gam1·, a n ·11 r d1ng ,,,
Ballard Srn1th. 1·~1·«11t1v 1· 11• 1•
· · We 'v1• had a tn·11H•11d1111 •,
amo unt 1Jf ma1J." ... u1d ~11 11th
'1111". V. .1111 I 1••! 111 fl' I l•trtfl .ti
Iii• h.tll ; tll I
1.1 llll)JOll l.t '. "''",, •11 1111 ,,.I B 1 '1111 I.· II "" o11i1·1 I 1111'1 I
t llHfl 11 If I It• V1° r f II t•d ft\• t\ I 1 f~
1.rd1t1 .1.1111111 ir1 I 11• \1, ii II
\\a ... 11111 ,1\ .1iJ .1f1lt 1•11 I •tllll!tl 11
t· 11d.11
'I Ii •· d••\f•l11p1111·1tl • •llll' o1 111
.1111'1 1;1,1111111111.1 • I 11 1d • I
111 '1 .• ,., .... 11 .1111 I Ill I'·" 111•111llt
\\'1·;1111w .1 t11•1dit '"" • '" ~ •" ·'"'
Iii.ti lt';tl llll'd I "" H• 111• tq ..
\\II' ( ;1.1111111111 I :tlli .... ,." ·' "I
f •I I f ' t 1111 ( 1111 J ' f f 11 I I I ' I 111 ~ I f I • ~ ' l
1.I X l'H; l.111 , 111 .• 11111111 1 I•" •I·
I .11111 ' ·'' I· I l',1 I , , ';,.
.\ !-.1q11 I 1•11 t 11111 I 11·111 • ft.I
ho1r11•d t:1:11111•>11l.1 11'•1111 ·11•1'' ·11
111)1 111 fll lll ~>!1111 111 111 I ' ififw 111.1
I 11111111 .......... th• f\t ,1! I Ill• \{••fl
Baseball Standings SALESPERSOM
NATIONAi. l ,t :MiUt:
West Division
W L Pel. (iB
-t2 29 .592
San Francisco
San Diego
36 32 .529 41"'
34 35 .493 7
32 39 .451 10
32 40 .444 l01h
25 43 .368 1511'.t
F.Hl Division
M onlrcul 38 24
Pittsburgh 34 28
St. LOUIS :M ~
Philadelphw 35 32
Chicago 31 31
New York 25 37
~ .... ,.,k ....
Monlre.-16, Pll•l-lllf'ta ) PtlhbUtljtl 1, '-"'<..,O 1 Atl•nle l. ~I 1 !>•n F ten<.lko J, (tntonn•1• 1
~I lOUI\ •. H~w Yor• 1
H 01n Ion l , Sen Ol•OO t
T ... y'tO-
.548 4
.548 " .522 51'1
.500 7
.403 1:1
D .... n t ....... , \I ... All•nl• INttlo•o• ••
!:,an frttnc.1\CO •Curt11 t )J •t C.1nt1nn•H IN01menl"4> Pl111"'411N• If 1plno\e , .. , ., Montr"HI t 1109'1\
Clllu .. 111.utcllel i·SI •I Pllhtlvrol\ tllobln'°" i.11 NewYOflt(£111lMl•tSI loultl0.-) SI ~nO .... (JON"·SielHO<itlll"IWllllM""\1 JI
1979 Versailles
Dark Champagne color. hit whool. power
c10-0r locks. wrre wheel covers. AM/FM 11eroo with tepe, (Siii 3139)
....... ti • t.41() ~ • t '°'° '9..0V.I of *eJOO t Ot•I cktw1t t9Qv1r9GIOt t1••tre"'t ''44 t~wl'tf'l,o.JtOOOCf
ttta•I M ltloNll~llfl-
AM•:Rl('AN U :A(;t:t-:
Wf'St IJivi!>IOn w f ,
Angels 4l :io
Kans a!'i City :11 :1:1
Texas :If; :1:1
Minnl•sol<.1 :n :12
ChicnJ(O :J2 :Hi
Seattlt· :111 42
Oak lune! 22 -t!J
t:a11t Dtvlsion
Ballimon· 45 22
Boston 42 25
Milwaukee 40 :10
New York :11 :JJ
Detroit 31 J:J
Cleveland 32 35
Toronto 23 49
Fr .. o '•SU U\ K•n\a\ Ctly• .,._., \
8ett1more '· ()eott0t1)
80\ton U, J Of onto •
.. ., .. Yorio l , C•r .. ltOnd 1 MlnM\OI• \.Chio "QO t O••l•nd •. ,.,,., \
Mtl•ot11•w U, S.•111• 8 , ... ,·,o-"
4 ' .
S' .· x
I ;1
!J I~
11;,.,,,., C1ly 1Gut8 • 61 <ti A-1\ ltfon J 11 T0t<1nlo trrel\1-n 1·11 el &o.lon I R-o \ 11
Mi1>,,,,\0le IGofh \ 61 el (lllUQO IO•.-q,.rl•n ,. ..
h H \ !.MMIM l·O at 0.lllend I Noni\ l 41
O.lroll tWll<.o• ~ ... •nd Vounq 1 01 •t U~•1•1nor~
IPelmer 6 >-M<C.r•oo• ' II Cle_,.I_ IWlw •\I •I ...... V()l'll IJotln 10 J)
M••w•"91• CSot•n\On 9 •> "'' ~tt•tue tt'•trotl \ 11
. ..,~ OM.Y PILOT
~ . . .. .
.._.~LeMUI ................
C--. •-City ..... .. ....
(......,..... • •• _. ... _ " • t l t
{-tr-.a • 1 I 0 () 9••11, lll f 0 1 D I'.,., ti \ t a 1 (-1\\ t i \ t I I
•• , .... It ) 0 0 u .... ... • • 1 t 0
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M•rta. (t t 0 I 0 f WfUI• ltt \ I J •
~ I 4 0 0 0 t••t•• '\\ I J '•••h ., .. , ••.• ,, ...... ,.
"4 ....... -...
....... t lly OllO 011 '" • c.i • ..,.... 001 011 , .. c,,.," Ut' .... ,. .. ~ I , .. '
t.••Uet1u• • 'Ott .. •""•• • •h •• (•·~·I l• WU\Oft ~tat ltt k.ft
Pet .. , f -·· Jlj I. lhrtl Ht< I __ IQUL..W, ~ ......... ~ t4I ~.,._ -wn ..... 1..-. \ V•lo
•-tClly IP H • I a 11 M)
C.•ie 1w.•J1 "• • l'ellll\ I I , ......... ~
lhenU '" ... -lclc>'I ,.
u Q
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!O•<OiL) &VI aAQIB
'•"""' Al • " " ••• , l'(t
(_•t•• Oown1nq
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°""°""" l'irlle11m-
'1uOt H•t•o•
(•MCNMft\ D•••• ·-·-JOl•h
• 0 0 u )W
,. ) 0 • Jh
"" J\ ,.. I< IH IJ) u ftl •O J\J
)<& •7 ,. •• ••
l•J \I ,, 8 }tl
II l l• '1 11 ffl
10 <J II Q JI
7IO •9 11 I/ )9
1/0 ?~ ~ I I•
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1\9 71 Jll ) 11
V\ 11 JJ 0 I
•>-'" lCI o fu
)I> , 0 ' 10 I J 0 I
7 ,0 / '°' 101 /) JIO
IOI ....
IYJ , ..
IJ1 r•1
·~· l'.O' ,...
(ltA< ll... fl JI> 60 I 7 1 fJ
Ay•n IOI o flt •1 lit ~ 4 7 'fl
A,..,. t01 100 0 H 6 \ I \I e.,, 1• ~· 11 11 , 1 j b•
FtO\I l \Vo I\ J~ J7 ) f 4 M
Tell.on• >~·. 6J 19 .ll > • • o
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O<O\I•• 171, 09< ·~• t•>. Mc l8UQllhn I 11 •'Id Slln\Of1, I C.O• (61 W Sl810r>. I l I
Abbott, l.a Hff\ Mltwftukr ... f l\om11t\ f IAf
Younl ISi, C -~ •JI s.-.. 111~ MM>d<llo
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(Iii<-000 100 100 , • t
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111 ettd Foot•; lllyleon, J•<h on 111.
Teltu4,,. <II eftd ~lllen, Ott 111 w
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l>•v•d C.r•ham
l(t fmJI l ttfll"t
P•Y I toyd t..•t U11m1tton
l•m Nolfonl
f omtr11 ..
C,•or 0'" JOl\n~•H'
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I) I) It)
In Finals
t:1taocia la ln the finals
of tbe American Na-
tional Volleyball A•·
aoclatlon hl1h school
championships and
Fountain Valley can
make It an all·Otanie
Cout area affair if it
60 MOS.
fell by Weatchett.er of
M An1•I• In a . pre-
llmary here today.
Tbo•• two teama
aqtaare off at I o'clotk at.
tM ~ Arena for the
ftlbt to face . Eatancla,
U1e CIP' ruDner·llP,
tollllM at I.
Ml• 78
T ..
I•• f to.tr
t f QA•t(I tMtnp .. t
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-••cltMity .... _....., ....... "•'"1'
(•hll\ ...... ,.,..,,y.,,.-,
f Oftltn' ..,.l/}I, Me,,,, .......... '
•ntat ... ., • ,., .... \
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tt•l\t w.,...,
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M (JllltnQ \moot" CAUA•r .) /0
rturo t fff,, Ur11t U Ip,,.,,,. 111 11(1 1111
, 60 POpp,t John , Af)yqht A 00 I l fJ , •• 1141'1'
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Ad"'''' \ 60 -, l 'I f tir,tit f 11 u• 11 1
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£, •• ,ii' rr rr ,,. .. if,fl~ •.o
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llAH llAl.l
Ameft(ttn L• .. ~
(.l ~ llELAl<O IN(JIAH!> SIQnM lnl"'
Hob1tn p1I< ""', 11nd "'''""erl tHtt• "' Wttt,,rtrn ~ ,,..,. M1dw "'' I "·•QUlf ~•<1M•I
fir1J11nt /IN"•"'. IP\1Ht t>J11•,,,.m1ttt
H•hfHWI l ••t1t.t•
'1.A.t4 0 1r r,<> PA(Hl l ~ '""' Holfl '
f """'· fnfktldltr. ''' Am.-rllto Of tn. t ..... \
N•t ....... _., ••. llMll Aue< t•t•Otl
M \l._.,A\JllC(l 8UC If ~ -,,Q"~O 1(.-.,,n
fl~\tttn1 .,,,.,.._.,d.tn•'ll'•• ,.,,., c.onlrMt
PHOi.Pll)C \UN\ f,,.,,,,d 1"-'" dr,,u
'"'"'' IQ ,,,._,,. "'"'"•'' . ',.nh•t. to tr. W•"ih1nqlr,n 8Ulf.,t\ for tt ftt\t t"lund p1f~ In
Ir.tr 1,/9 N(tA dr•ll Air.J" lh1t1f '°""d U•tk in ·-u T .At• JAL/ At n'"'"''' w11nur t41)t1 • .no.
ou,•rd, h nf'ft fhfl (ht'"'~ h uH• m "'-' llAnqr
,,,, th.,. r1r•lt rtQhh 10 Rf, ti v w i111,1m\
"··-·~ ....... Ill••• ... /4lW ENC.l.ANIJ PAll>IOI ~ ~••<
,, ... 1ed 'Sh.,. (OffJl'll (}1'Pn\IV" QU•tO
~l<l"~d Ron 8tr1wn. fk ,,.n,1v., b•<•. f om
M c. L •uQhl1n. fJunter ~no l' .. ,, ( tHtltnQ
HEW VfJAI( f,l&Nl') 1<•1,..,..-G l •"t
)OM''\, .,..,... , ....... " .. '.Ann A hHn MAfl"wOf\
P Hii AO!oLP IHA ~A(,I I '. ~•llM'I
Rufu\ ,,.d, .. \, otten\1¥• t.c-•••. to • ""''•' o•
'"' .. ,.on .. """''<'-""*-"
A FVU lll/tlrf' ~
···'" PlQUt~EOiD!IOV6 ·111f f:!..4(,.l ~RO
IMm l'IN't SffeO 7N€
/i+1C(t. T C OK'TIWC':> 7() ru,1,ow TH/('()()~H_,,
Cl!IJS'S/AIG 1Ht ~y f$f
KtClll m u rr ntF
/110/lllNfV_./ f "f.'()fr( lltr
f"tlJ..L ~u//~(1 viii. t r..Al<I/
/(}() ff)/.'t/Jlfl {I 11f/O
rH ti ... WJt r
•/I. I/ d/ft/ / 111./1.f/ 1.~ I {/. { J/ ('',ll)(
Mixed Doubles
lnuganis Vie
/\ rnn(f'll d1111l1lt·s d 1 ving r·11rn1H·l 1t11in will tJI'
tw ld .11 tlw Mari.:lH'I 1t1· H1·1·r1:1.1ll1111 1;1·ntt•r s wi m
1111111: :11111 d1 v111~· ·1·1111q1l1·x 111 M1,:,11111 V1<·111 .luty
f.1 l ~l Wllh UlllSla/Hflllg dlVl"IS ]111111 r1111r l'f1Un lr11•i,
n 1in p1'1 111g ·
'l'IH •T 1111·t1•r .,,,1111 g li•1.11 ti 11r<·t11t1111.1r 11·' will
lw1:111 ,11 111 .1 111 -...1l11rtl.1v .Jul) M with th•· f1nC1b
.11 :• 11 m 'l'ht· Ill 1TIL•t1·r t•11mr.14·tll111n will he ht:ld <JI
llw ·, :11 r11· h1111ri.1111 St111th1 y . .I ul) I~
I >1 v1111• for llw I' 11111·tl St:.il1·i. IA ii 1111.f ll ym Jiii' g old
111t•tlal1sl .h-r11111t•1 l ·har11lll'r :im1 .. i1 v1•r rn1•1lal1i.t
(ii l'J.! l.A1ug:w1:-
T lln·t· llll'll·• spt 111i.:l111a1 ii 1 JJ .,.1111111· 1·h<lm1111111
1'1111 1111.i;!!Jl..-W~ll tu :Utl wllh Ct1a ndlr•r whll'· Harh
W1·i11..,tr·1n. I ht· 1'1111 .. 111 11 .i l111n.il !'li;1111p111n wlll
1·1111qwl1 • w11 h L1111gan1' ;1:. ;.. t1«H11
H 1 ·1ir1·~··n1111g I\ 11stn1 li~1 w1 II .• lw H :11'11·111· l.y11n
:i11tl /\ntl rt·w .l :11·k.11nm., holh /\11~.11 .!11 :111 thrt•l·
m ell·r <'h.1mp1ono.,
1'.111:1fl:i 1A1ll 111· 11•1n 1·-.1·nt1·il 11\ l.111•l a ('uthlwrt
:111tl t\1•11 l\1111s l1tJ11i:! l1•1lh rw t111n .. 1 1 h.1111111,,n, :.ii
1111' lhn •1• .11111 111 1111"ll'1 l1 ·v1·li.
t·arlo:. 1:111111 11t1· 1>1111111• 111 .. t1.i11.,1 111 ltw w11rld
d1:i1n p11msh111i. 111 10 11u·l<•1 111rn1wl1I 11111 will ll':1m
IA llh ll:lf lljll;il l'll:llll j/11111 (;u;1d ;d l1Jll' ( ,111 ... 1·1 11 lit
('1•p11·-.1·111 '\11"'( .....
'I l':tlll llll:0.1•.J d111d 1f1·•, tf t0• lllj.! I a ll!'W (111 I/I.ti
and ~ad :1d•ll l''> di\ 1r11• 1•11;11 h 1<1111 'J 11 111·11 1111111·-.
tins "''"'' w11l "d .1 ,,,.,.,.,.f11•111 fw tlw lutu1 ,.
Del Mar P1~esents
Rich Stak~s Races
l>d M;,,r 1{;11·1· T r:11·k v.il l prt·w nl th1· ri«hr·st
:-.1:11< .. , '<'h1•tl 11l1· 111 11:-. h 1i-ti1rv wlwu 1111 · t1a 1·k in
augural••s :1 11:1 d .1y 111(·Htng W1·d111·:,tla) . .l uly l~l
v. 1th m11n• than $1.:n::i.111111 111 ht· 1hs1rit1111t·ll 111 l~
:irJrl1•d 1111/lll'V l'\fl•lll '
Thi•11· :ti •• ,.,,,, l :11 ,., \ :1h11·d .11 $100.(1(1(1 OI
11H11,. lhti. \l·:11 1nd111J1ng lht• l1•a tprcd 1>1·1 M :.i r
lland1t.,t1• 1111 l.,tlw1r fla y 1~·111 :11 w11rlh SIZ5,000 Cit
lht· t r:il'k wlwri· lht· tur f m ('1•ti. th1• s urf
Th•• 1n1.1t<lt111n;.i~ --tt-h;.im1tHlflsh111 r1t1·t> for QJd1·r
hor •,1•:. 1s r1111 1111 lh•· Cr11sliy (',1u n,1· d1:.tan1·p or
:!1111111:i 11111<-:i11tl 11111• '1U:i r l1·r
Tiu• lta1111111 :1 lla11tl11·<1J1 ror r11l1c:. <lnd man•s
al1111g w11h !he· flcl Mar fh'hularll1• h:1v1· IJN•n
hooi;tC'fl 10 SI00 .0110 Th•· Harrwn:a. 111 If mile and
11111· 1·1ghlh 1111 1111• 1111·( 1·11tJ1 "1" 1s 1·u rdcd S uruJuy,
Sept '.! wl111t· 1111• lh-l1ul:111l 1·. r1·i.tr wl1·1I to JUVt•n1h·
f1ll1cs ;1 1 a mi11., w11l lw run Sundav S1·111 !1
Sandona, Fisfd,ack Wi11
.John S a ndona :i nil .hm 1-·1i.llha1·k took tht•
"Jl11tl1ghl ~·t lhl' W<'•!kly s pcNlway 1n11torryrlc rar t:i.
at lhl.' Oran i;:1• ('o unty Fa1q~roun<b 111 CostC1 Mesa
Fricfr1 y n1 ~hl hy w1nnrng lht• hundwap and st·nitch
main f'Vcnls lwfort.· '1,Z25
Sandon11 won Hit· f1vt··lap hand11·t111 with Davi.'
l>el<·rn11l1• of Htv<'r s ide s ecunrl. Bracl Oxf('y ()f San
<"lt•nw nlt• l111 rrl . l'hil Gagnon of Hialt.11 fourth,
l.C1rry K11s t11 of I.a Mt•:-.<l fnfth :.inti Da n M(•Nt·il or
llunltnglon Bc ad1 !.1x lh
Ftshbut·k t1 f F11ntan<l was th•· wmnt·r of tht:
four 11111 M'rnlch main with Oxlt·y second, <;en('
Woocfs 11f N1•w1.Hirt Bc a t:h thtrrl an.I Mark Marriott
of N<'WJM)rt U1•a t h fourth
Davi' Millt•r won tht: set·ond d1 v1!.111n anti J11hn
Connolly lht' third dnvss eun mains M<lrl.(11 Kin~ de·
featf'cf llohhit• Hunter and f'um Hc·nn<'ll in the
fcalun· mall'h raee
--PUBLIC NOTICE .... .,,,.. ... , ... ,
A •ll06.UTI ... DP Tiii CITY
COUNCIL. OP TMI CITY OP .... ., .... u .... , .... , .. '"
L. .... " ... OtlT•ICT TO P•ov•o• PO• TMI MAt•flNA•CI OP c •• , .... "' ... " ... PIXTU••• A•D Al'l'L.IAtKal WlfMIN IAID
CITY ..... 11n1t•• A TIM• ••o
PL.ACI PO• l'UeLtC Nl411•lM0 "' ...... WHE•l!A\, 1111• Ctlf C-111• <M · ..... ,,Ill , .. ,.,,,..,loft ... '""' Li111111111 OltlrlU. --· lo Ille pro "'"°"' of Ol•l•lort u, Pe rl I of Ille ,,, .. " -" ........ c .........
''•'• ot Ce utor"'"· •• •.....-0. lle"'11 I ..... Sit-L~lllO All OI 1'1tt ' IOf •
\f< .. t 1191111"9 Ol\1<1< I wlllltn \<Old City
f() be It ftft#n •nd Oe\IOft•t•d •• \lf<IEE r 1.IC.HllNG OtSfRICT NO.
/t I llt•••10t•fl'"' referred' 10 •• ,,,.
"SlrOl l.191111"9 0 1\lrlfl" I. •ftd
WH.f l'iE AS, •I lh1\ llmt, '""'• h•• O.on e>reMnled end •llP•ov•d Of 1111\
C!I ~ C.oUftLll, .... l'i.po•I .. l>Y lh•
[nQ11ttef of WCH9' •\ r eqt.tltt••O by l•w,
OfWl •I 1111\ lime""' (lltl (Ot.l"'tl I\ <k
ittou~ ot prou MtdtnQ with Hw •0tm•
hOt\Of \ .. O~tr-t l•OftUl\(I01\lt1f I,
,.OW. lH(RP·O A[. lltE t lJY
COU NC ii !H IHC C.11 Y O f
Llo.(;UHA 8[A(H OOC!> AE!>Ol \IE
A~ f'Ol.1.0W'>
'>EC. llOH I RU.If ALS I""' IM
•bf.Iv,. r"< 11•1\ 4're •II ''""' •nd ' or r~'' \E(ll()tt , P Ulll.I( IHft A~Sl
fl• 1
n 1en(e requlf&&, 4tnd It I\ ff\fl 1nll'n00ft
ot thi\ cu, Gounu l to Otdf'r thO'\I' r er
ttt1n f1atut~\ •nd ttPC>hAnct\ on po,. '"'"' o• \lfe.,h, ••enu.,,, o••' "'· P•'" .wa•\ ~ fJOOllr W•i;'\ within th6\ Cit y,•\ \hown un ..,,,., C.11ttt•ln d t•Q,•m
•nd l'>l•n. •II bf'•nQ • O•' t of tne
• 1(1PO•I" Of lllt (l\Qinttr OI Wo•• on
111. on'"" t>lll<• ()f 1"~ (•ly n ... -. to ""
ni4 1nltt1n•O. •nd <utrfl n t to bf"'
tu1n,\h.,ft fOf' h QnfthQ \1ud ti.clurtt\ •nd
*'PPh •n' .. , tQt ft J'UOd ot '""' .. t)t t'"•' ~-t(JrT\f't't//lon1 •no on th"" t•.1 dity ot '"'; ttn ~ •or11nq '-" ,,,... iqth tt•v ,,,
liU;t ,..,_, .,.H II' 1tl I ,,,, ... mt• Wt\n ,, ....
M,..~1 1 1,t "'••rt t rtQ1n"I'' ot Wt'itt
\••d fO JJOtf ot ftlf l nq1n...,, t>f Wt>tlr
, .. .,., '"U• IHhHrt ti 111 ,.,Id t)y tttlur•n· ..
1 "''''''" ·• "n" n .. r1•t1t All 'll ,,..,. w~• .. mt 1mJH')'lffm~n1 .,.
\t•f t1,rlfl ,.r,t1vP ,h,,11 tJt ftful'' in '41
'Oqj.,fH" w ith ltlfl (')lttn\ AM \fH"' ,,., _.
'"'"' 1•11.,,,,.,., tr; nn•f ,,_,, pnrt1t u lttt"I tt·
fl, ,.n. f'! I\ tt1,,.fj1• l•J ,_.,,, fll,tfl' ..-t'lfl
• 0 .. , •"'"'''>"I'.,,'-'" 111 .. 10 u,, ,. ....... ot
1ri1 ( 1t fr It rt
'd: ( rt<'t4 t UO'H 4'1JHt H "> (,J I
f1t ',l lf U t '''"' U\t ,.,,,,., Af~\ '''' t1t•14•tn .. n 1, ,.,,.,,.,.,,, ,, .. .., ,,,,, .... , "'',
'l~fol• Ot"l ... to ti I ,I 1t111 I f f~ t\1 ltt lfl fh•
,,,,,,,, ''"'' ,,,,.,.,,. .,.,. r.-.w111-1,.1 , .. , ''' In.
.t•• •' I 1f,hf1rw1 I>+ .tt11 ~ ,.,.,, '''" f 111
t llfl'll 11 hft11 f) t 1t1 1• r IP\• t •t;rn\tl r1t
"'" .nu• tr1.untr ,..,.,,,. , .. , "', 11nn
1mp rt11t• n.._•n1 n1U{1'"flfflh u c.>1Jfl ... "''
h i; f """''t h tt+•h u I ·••ti t 11 t l 1,vt11 11
fu·t•t11 •l•" 1 .. ,, • fl1 f11 lf1• 01•.h 11 t
n• n• tih·n "' ,'1111 .,,11• ,..,,,, 11011•••11•
Hh ,., •11'1' tt, ,,., t • 01''' "' f1.1\o !fit 1 tt,.I
u11'I ' ,C1••11• ... lltt '1·11t "''" f1 .n1fl U1.
lr11 t 1', "" ln,•l ,,,,,,,,,,. OI U+1 I t1'1 ,.,,
\,HJt11rr1 IJft lrlt' .t4.y< fn1•1d 111.tl'f ~10• On
Ith• 1n 1n1 '•"'"' ..-,, 1n1 t •I t r f• '~ ~""'
,u ji) (Ht.,ilfnlll 11\th l tlh lfU I t lo 111 •11
•11t1f1 11h t t)I I 11;11l111•f l11•.1t1• t 1111J tn ..
t #l t•f ,,,, , .... ,.,, ,, •• "",,I I ,,,,, ,.
f• 1; nf • •, ff'I '•Ot tnottl-I • .111J (,,.,.
,,,., ... ·•'"' ....... fl,f ... •'' 11h•f1 ·•'"' ,,. 1~1h•IJ it1 ,·,,,.,""' ,,, ...... ,, "' t f # ,,,,, ,,.
,.,,,, .,. •• ,,, ,, ,, , .. llfl1•\t tl ,, 1111
(11 It •' 1 .,....,,1 fl·itflt "fft tfl•t l ·•,.n nAll
If ,. th fl" Hlf ,,. 'tll o4 If If" •of• f,, '
0 11) h 1•l I ,,,,,111.11t11•.h 1 I
• t r f H ~,, 4 i 11JIU I' I ·It' 11 t I' t ,
frh tl 1lt1/ i I•. ftf l1•H ' t I I •otfl•' •it•1#fl1
I ll'•f,1U , .. ,,,.II I l"o flH llfJI otft '''
I 11•·11 1h ti'• ltf,tl IJttJ1• 'ii I u / "•fl I'
1 •11'1 • 'I "!' •11,11 I 11111 +l1•jH #f1t'
t •0 1 ... n11 f\ oHt H IOlh ,, '°''llllf ""
f111 ·•·<l·•rA• ''' tf,j \'''. • 1 If ••r•11 I•• .,I I ,ttl! ,,. , ........ I .... ,'"'"'II'
fl +If ot•f •I' f • t t'\11 I• I fl' II I I• IHI
iJtt H1• • 11 , 100f11f ' •"' ••''' ,,1
!fl•,., I ''' t • ~If" ' • f•l+1tt1t t N I t
',t , ,lt#f4 t 'I I 1/\1 I
tr\ I ft f,,,. ,,,, tut0 I t '''''' j
11 • l.•ftlt h ~ '" i.t l tumf t •·• '' ''"""
t '" , r If t f f t to ti It 14 I
N A iii r I tlA tl( I I •Htf uwt tr,. I
ly 1 t1 1·1'.\Htlf '""'" U'•" P Ill ,,11lJ ,,,..... oo>ll
furn:J 41t t'n()l'l•fl\ r 111i1 t tt n hf th" 1,. .. ( nll,.., fl)f l.MJl•v•tnl lu Uu IJ,,,.,,,,.,M, ot
.._. • t•· t t•l ft f 11\t 1111 • f t r'1'1ltn•,
,,. th'\ ...... , ' • {J1 ••. "h
'4 111 Int 1f'• t I· •tllolt lt1~4f1 ..... t f f (1/11' til
lht• ',fttft 111 t 1tl1l'lf t11" I •t ltll H0 .. t1
'''"ti"'""''• \hull tu lflnttt •1t;I 111 ,,,ft
',f11 "'' t1,no '"''' "'t fl,, w11•011~ \ 11111
.ti•h'" t11t ,,, I,,,,, I r1f (o t • 1td1 I t ''
,, ,,, ,, lt1ltf ff th
,. f ,,,,,._,, ,,,"''' f ,,,,,,, ,,..
,,.,,,,,,.,, tn 1 ''' Oflh '1•111 1f• t lit ff,1
IM) _....,,, .... IMMl•M"'-111fM
1)1 In ell, 11141< .. ot '"" ,, ...... of llM ••vlttlltl\ of 111ttnlltfl ... 111 00.1"'11 ot
noll< ., "'911 Ille <omt>lelff et ••••1 ,.,,
(101 def• "''°' le Ille Ut• Ml fO< PWflll<Ho«l"9.
T.,.t ~ It• eclOllfioft, 1111, Aeaohillon
\NII ltllt .. t~l lmMecll•i.ly
l ... 1 e <erllt!H Cotlf OI Ille·~,,,..,.,
roll t llcl dlter#'tl • .-i llt lOMllllW
lioft, I\ .. m '" °'-In u.. Oftf<e 01
.... , .. Gotlt<IOf, tnd '°'.,,. j)f()(-1~ M <eln. Al<llerd A .. "9. O"etlet
of F111enui. Ii ""'el>Y '9CIP0lllfed •• llltr
P9ftoft IO pertorm 1,.. dull•• reQUl<IH). ..,. I_, lo< .._Clly 1•• C1111K10r
'"OV••IES ~°' eny -•" lnto•mt "°" •t1•1"'9 lo Ille prOfHdll\9•, "' C1UOtn9 1n10tmetlon rele1tn9 10 prolhl
proodu•e. conl.c.1 Ill• lollo•ln11 hrry8ren<ll
"''"''•"' Clly M~f/Mun•( id•• ~ti/I(•\
1"11yol l oOQIH'" But ll
~.s "°'"' " .. """ l•Qun• 8••th. C•IHortu,.
lllCI •'1 ))II ff •1 1741
~E C f lON I\ "'AIHfEHlo.Hl ~ cosrs f~ .. f 0\1 to• m•1n••1nu~ th(o
\tree• HQhfinQ ff"l't>CJIOV"'~"'~ •lthin
t'W •bOv• r•'""""' t1d \tuurt l 1Qhhf'\~
01 .. tflft Af"e U•tWtr.,uy ._.,, tOt\h ""
~~ i-i ui ~~
v 4
141• IO "i.,7l>O 11 \f •. 000 00 lll,?MI 7 I
111110 •• $1'8,9118 f8 \.41,()()(t 00 !I0.•88 ••
l'ltl., \131,11• I\ ,~.000 00 \1141,/11; I\
~f.(TION I& <l l<llll(AllUN
J ht (ii ti C.wti. \lloolll Ult Illy IO In" •Oot:>••on n t thi\ k""J'""'.,. P A\SF O A l,P IHJV l II AN h
A O()P T E () uu, ~th 01tv 1;f Jum.. 1~1•
\I IAf I' M 1 ()()WI I I
•. I• •n 'I 111111111.1., t
I 111 (_ lnO
t, y,,.rn_, I f411lllM .. , I 1f't f h•r~ 1
th., ( 1t/ r1t I ••<I"''" lt1,,111 1•1111v u •• ,,
lht• lllf t•(fltHll' ..,, ''tftjlll1fl #11 ftq 't
"'l""fih•'t ,., " •'"'('"'''' ""'' fu•u 1,f 1111
I 1ty r •r•;rw ti '•'''"'*' •It '11 111 1111 1•1111
\, lfi/1, O't th" '')lh1w 11•0 1•11••
' A-ff ', '()''N f 11 Ml Mltf H '
Mt fu,.,.11 f)1t•'(JA "·'''''" IJ, 111 1h1 ,,,,,,,
"'" I I<,,,,,, II Ml M HI ., ,.,,,n•
/\t~·.t u I t 1-U IH H M l M hl h .. ,,,,.
"' .. ,
,, .,,,,,' .,, u t ,,.,, •••• ',,,,It,,..,, tn•
I 1f, '"I 1t•1u•11tU•r• n ( .•••• ,,,,u ...
..,~,. t I lf.fl fHH ru· "'"I '·
I• I
, I I ( 1Jt l /4f 11Jf4f, h t /,.4 11
..,. •-..HI " I"''"" ""I " f ,, ';
'-' .ltllhl t"
tn, 11 ... •·I 11ynl .,,,,,. ,..,11111-..u.-t"",,,
,,., .... 111 ,,.,, I ""N' ' ,.,, M q • '
, .... ,, ••••• ' i ••jl' ... , '"' ........... '
,.. ••• '. flll ,., f ,, ,, I I "•1 , f I ··'
ft1• fh 11 flJ frto " 1111 ,II I l1111;1111 1 I I
...... ,,ft h +tl
M •t Ullo lllfWt t I I +1< ••111 f•1ll f11ttt4
..... f, II I llf '"f t '"°lf•tt• I t If•! t ff
l tf1lft••'fl•l1t If I fll Jr I fl tt 'l111f1f
l 1l•tt .. 1•J t it f,,•111 liltlt tOol ,1
olf•l1Vtlt fi.0 +11
I• •h I 111 '''''""I' t •1 l I f 1·1., t ·hot
Htt • II I t I 1J t
Vt 'HI.I(' NOT l<"I·.
M lj N H U'A' l tHH' t
H A,:tfH')U JIH )U IA.I f1l\TN 1C t
4'.01 l4 M OOft--t; Ho.id
H"•PD'' t\ll•th t.A'flWi
I• I h • '' I I I I Ith ,,,
r; f 'Ni"'••' f r ' 1i1i•11"'•"1 t;~,. 11.
( t 1 I f4 • A'• I I tt •
tf'l''l ltf f1 ,f 11d , I
t ,,, '''"'''''" ,,,, , ,. \UMM0 .. ~
(AU ,.UMff f H ltlh
HOft(( I Y°'1 """"• ..... ,.. \&H'd
<owrt N\4f W<•* •••""' fChi ·••tP.•ut v•vt N •ne M•n l Ufttn\ Y041 ,.,pond
""'""" )0 .,.,, ••.,,, .,.,. u•torn" .. t1on
A 'Y f \Q' ~J\led h• \ldO di '"""O..tdO f I l ttbun•t ~,. d"' 1d u t Onh .. IJ1t
\lft •wd•tN ...... OH!'nl.t\ Qu• uo flf'\oUftfl
d• O•nlro l't,.. )0 d i•\ ~ ._. lot 1nhu m ..
f •on qur \l'lut
t H> fHt tll t I '"1At4I I\, 1111
1111.1r1,1,11•1 ,,11
t I I''' -.+ I I •I• 11 IHI t•·• ''· .,,.,,. II I .,.,, h•1t .... I t1• •.• I l•t #t' ,.j t't>t It It! N 1U111t ! ll•t/ 1fto t
'11•d•' lr'\ot 1~1·•~1 ''" 111 If' •11'' I ftu •1U111 •111 • t ,,, tf ••f r "' t h
t •Jffifit'H' A i I ••I I i\ f '" ''I i fltt I S ·I #,l h ft; •,,.,,I ., N• lh o fth t•11t 11 •u
f' • ' • ,, t . I t ,.. 'I • I ·•, ,, I; I "' I • I• .,.. • lilf ...... , " '
... ,,,,..,,,, .. , I ,.,,, ,,, I• I I ti• ftl ,., •··. ',..,. , .•• H ••I l +lt ,,,,, 111 lht
I-:~~·;;·~~": ~'"~:7' ~ Wt ' I'' J.t4 -I#---'•'I' t ,f 4ttt1ff1 ft tt4• ,1,111 I f ,f
MAl •i 11 ,.~ .. ,. '"·'' "' lfH\ •• ,.. ~~:· •• •;·· ~~1::·· ',,":~ •••
111·;.:,;: ,,:·, :7:,
111111f ft1• who '' ,,, I If• t I "''''"''I
f.11•.1f11 I I tr1 ff' ,, f lt• f1 1t1n ltlf t ·• •
'"' ot•. tt •tt f1 ~tt'tl • 11111' h O \fhtU O• 1111
t ru '~"''"'''"•"' , 111 •,, f4t111 ,,,,. 1
ltf,nlu 1Q " #I '''"" no f 'h•f1!1 A h••r,.lo •IOM '\r O '1 h ,,1,11 ,.d, .,,,;,, '-'• 1n
t t1f4Jf1t'1fltt1
\I < 1 lllN I! ·~. fJ(')fJ ' 11•.if ltH
11 ltu I ntllf"'' u l W 111Jo ''
'J1llljlflti !ht h ll1tl!tltli11 111 ltlf .. tt1 I I I··•""''''',,,"''' I •• ,, •• ,, •i 1, .. ,,
&tlffyl fl tfloft I lffl ttlf fl\ lf1I lft1 I' ltf ,,, .. ,,., r,., .. "'""''''"'"' ,,,,,,. ..• , ..
,t 1 '''"• ' ••111u., ••t "''"''• .. i ()1't l \~l tf Mt h l /,1/t t4 ltlAI
f llt •,p A f ft41 }U fl fJA r •1t fl ll t
1\ll'f Al f tlt tt0t1'4 r11 I 111 I• M tN
t tU < OISNf H C HAMtU ,, t1f t •tl
( I I f f t) \IN f I l ft l I " I , f U A r
klt 1111 Af.t M• I I 1tit 1 •I A ( I fJf
.. Alli f llYfl"lll04r11 1\1111 llMI
AN fl Pl A(f f I• I p A'< 1 >fl'> (II f
I (JUN( 11 I ()!• !Ill 111 /\!'INC.. 01
l'IU /1 1 '>l '> f/I; 111\ II ' flON'• 114
l/FFI l'f NI f lfl Ill! 1111;MAllllN
O f lttt P UU l"n't• U 't f fl l.f I
l I( d • I H4 t , f JI '• f fof I ( I f I> I t'4 t
f I If NI ()I 1111 MAii" I NANfl
WfJ IU'> Iii IMl•l<llVlMI NI. AND
A N 'f 0 I It I I• M A I I 1 I' 'I < !J ..
1 ~1 U(.0 H4 t •O"t Ut-..,11' U f t O N
/\N ( I•• l<'>(I .. ~ Wttfl WIS H I ()
llliJ l ( l I (I HU lflkM• I l!)N IJI
IH( <,IRfl I 1 U .. -.ltHI, lll')IRI( I
'> H !") 11 l 0 • I l l .. W II I I• I I' II
Pf<tr ll ~I Wllt1 I HI "' ( (I r RK
Pf<IOR HJ ftH 11 ... 1 \I 1 A ND
.. 1 111 UIJI l I) f 0 f:J ~··u P11n1 I(
ttt-A U IN•,
\l < I ION 10 ,JOI II I tn.•1 th•• (1 1y c ,..,,. ,-, t11·,,•no; .,.,tno'•'"" ,.o(J t1,,,., h·O 111 1••,nh .. n ··• '11t1¥ f')f lh1\
Jlt•\f)liJllOO In f ht (It lt'lt,11 l Wt 'tl t)'uly
,.,11 f j 1 '''' '• oJ ltl""'• 11~1th• ,tu'' I lh,
f,l,t1Uf1tf lhtl llt+ lo•ifl It ·It I llf1, I
1ufll)ll•1 nt ''''"'' t ;•·U 11,1 Hu I• h• I •lo
'f'11ftl'I• 'f '''Oto ' •"11•1,11111 w 1111 h , u•l•I•
fl'\1,ll •'I 'l•fl'11'n111111f ••I W•fil' fotillllll
i,t n \Cil\CYOl j1ttff111 1\'11)1 •ltt\t•t tt h•I 11
•1vn\t1 ti •rt H1• • l!ttll•l1HUf
0 II YOV Wl'th to \,.rttl If'!" 1tdY1t t o l
,.n •llorn.e, 1n '"'' m,tll•••, '"" '"''whl
d O \O .,,.omptif \O lh ffl ruu• w• •llt>n
r~n~On\•, 1f .. "¥ nt .. f btt f1ltid Ofl luuv
11• '1 11 n, ,,,.,. 111 lllJit
M ttAM I l r.J f,,.
.,, " ,,,,~,,, ,,, pul f
K •" E \twfm..n
llH00(\, ll t.N O l>l l •
Ut N••~ Ce"f•t Or
\" ......
Nowpe'1 l • ... 11, (a o .. o
hi 1/141 ~
AUOfft•Y IOf Pl,.t1thlt
tfv lth \hl•fl f)t ,'Hl(I'' f 11.1 I
J\.jll• 1 " Ir, If, lfi/lf
,111, ••tHit
It /f, I t
PURI.I<" NOTl('t.
~Ul'ElllOl'i COUil i O~ IH•
!oJAflE OF (ALll'0'1HIA FOR
THE COUNtV 0 1' 0 1(AN<;l
HO A ltoj01
0 110E11 r o
In th .. M•tft~t ot UM• A11plu ., .. , ... •1t
Mf HUA(J "<JUR/A .. /ANI IQf I n .. no ..
... , .. ,,,.11
POtJ P/Jt.NJANI '"'''''''""'' n,., ''"'" "' p .. tii.o" w 11n th_. f h•t ti nt int\ t nvrt
tot An °'"~' '"""'t1m, 111 t 1111.in,-.,' nttm• frnrn MJ t-itll\U l"UllA/ ... N Jl\Nt
lo MfllRO(J! Yffl/'>NIMA
-J--'1lnt .. lle.W\t-) .. lt'f Of (lt•m •,1tl I If( Uld
Ii On w 1th•n \Md (•It' •• , •• ,. puttflf "tmn ..-------------------------------;,,.,..u r,r nnt lfl\\ thom t1 n 11n1 '1*'~'
t l t~ OAOt "' O UMt ''" lh''""'' ,,.
lf•(tr\,lf'(2 HI lhot'r "hr-ti.<r 1•nl 1tlo fl ttM tf• t
f><'lnrfl ttW" d"tr •f')f' '"'O t'u t;1,. •"'"'•no
11n<1 fu rfJwof 'A'" HuOllt•l11•" ,n,.11 l'WI>
b• l•O t1• \UC t .. \\IVll 1n\ .. fl 1t)fl\ 1n Ill
dt1utv or ~•ty M •\C>•O--•
'>(( 110 .. II 1'0!.ltN(, IM I IM
c ity <l•rt! \h•lt ,,..,,~ lo b f' t un
,pu uo u\ly 00,1,.a .. .ionq .. 11 ,.,.,.,, '"
'"" \tre .. 1 1 •Qhllno lJl\U U 1 wn~,,. lh•
1mo',,"'"'""'"' " fHopo\rd lo b .. 1n .. 1n
1•1nfltd, •• nol rflOt,. lhltl' ,,..,,.,. hun.tl•"tl
"°'>'"'•' twtmr th•,,'"'''·'' l 1 oo.t n1 ''" >u~y '14. lU'i, 111 O .. o.-1tmt"nt ll:>t'lor" th•·
H nno1 "bl,. ftru• ._. W \unlfl"' .11
O H lo.Nl,f fl)UH I Y '>Ul'I: R l lHI
COUPt,/00(1v1f (.f'flttt• (trl_.~,t"1h OI
\•ntA A.nit < punty n• "'"fl<t" \l,.tP ot
C•IU011•11,., MWt "'°""' •u'W• 11 '"''I whv
tM Of"hf•M for c.n,.n.,,. r.f ""m" '"ou111
noth .. Q,~f,.d
11 I~ I I/Pf Hf Fl ()P iil RI 0 111~1"
( OJIY 111 "'I\ t)tt1f>f to \hl'tw '"II'~ tif"'
pufll•'\,,,.(1 1n UH' 0 1111., f-'1101 it
new\p1tp1n ot t1•ntt111I 1 trt u h t t1nn
pnnt,.d 1n O""""' 'uunty t 111tlut '"''
" •int ,. ft wl'"t\• Hu lf}111 ''''I"'""" wt••·•' SU'911UO• COURT 0 ' fHI. prtl'>, to tr. rtttlf' , .. t tor hfl'9ttnQ trn 0\1\
UATI O~(ALl~OltNllo. r o ll oe!Oltnn
THI COUNTY or OaANOI 11•1•0 lum 14 '"''
H• A· 1tttlJ flt u',. w ,t,,rrnnr,
N OllCI! OP N l!AltlH O OF JudQt>qfll\11
Pf TITIOfl roa .. aoaATll OP WILL '>ul''""" (<NII
TA•'I' AND PO• AUTMO•IU.TIO A".,,..y .. Lew
II'!. o s 1mportont a s ours
1at l IROADWAY•SANTA ANA• 835·3171 .. ----------1
TO AOMINUTllll UNDI!• T"f UIN•w...,C.Rt .. o,,.,.
Of flTATll$ ACT '""OIATI CODE N••"*1._,11,C.A'1Mt
Sfl ET tllOt h i l11Ct~Hlt
E•'•IP of C A~I JOHN Mil l l ll, All.,,.U ....... , ..... ,
O.r •it'~ Publlt..hld OftltOQr ( Ott\t f)1t1lf l'tlltl
NO fit.I:. I~ Hl;Nf llY C,tlll. .. 111•1 J u,... ll 1J. lO •nd Jiii• I ,.,~ 1~) I • J••" ~ f~ ..... J•An \ •tt hAf
,,., "'41\ tll•d P'Htt•tn • IHJUllOl't fOf
Ptub,_,., ot Will •'10 '°' f\\u .-r•t,, o• l ~•
I•<\ ftll-nl•y IO '"" ~lil"'M'
""" fC>f Aut"->tu•t•M to Adm1n1\tt1-r ... "" flCTITIOUI aullNUI
unM• ,.,. l~nl lo.dn11n1Al••ll""
ol E•l•I ... All IP•oN•• c.-1•1 •1
...,q I r•l••en" to wMc h I• m otel• •o•
'"''"'' pert11v111". ""d Ill•• '"" ume f ll• 1011-11\11 P'ft\On• ••• dornQ
•nd pl.C• Of 11Hflll9 '"" \Am• II•\ ll\itln•\\ .,
bMll "''tor 1111¥ 10, ,., •. •I 10 00" m M U L l [ H A ( G 0 U H J I H (i
"' , ... l wrf•oom ot 0.P•"l-· No Sf .. Vl(E. UIO flmoo e.,, L•Ot>n•
ol Mid t _., M 100 Ci•I< CA!nl., 0<1¥• Nl9.,.1. CA"'" Wot, 1n lltt <.11y 01 5eott• An•, Ce rol ~ ... Mull•n, UIO Jlmor
C..lltornle 9111, L ....... N ..... 1. CA.,.,,
D•IH J..-IO. IOt .-oo.r1 Ml<h .. I Mull•"• 1JIO
I.EE A B•ANCH f ll'l\Of ••1. l_.. N...,_I, C.A t)•I>
'°"'11y(i.r.. Tiii\ IW~IM\\ h COl\Ou<l•O lly #
CLA••I. LIA•Y a MOC*I 'I' ~M<•l pet l,,.""1P
.... LI 2 I 1111M ............ Ill ( .. ni W. Mullel\
,..... .... ,...., c.tlf. ttMI flm ••••-nl w•• 111«0 wllh II\•
UUI , ... _ County !I••-OI o .... "" t.ounh 00
Al*My\tw P ......... , N M I, 1'1'
P ubtl\"9(1 0"'"91' (Olt'1 D•ll• l'llOI, JuMU.U .ft lt1'
P11111111Wc1 °'"'1911 Cu•• r>-••Y ui101 n11 ,. J-•. ••. n, 10, 1•1• no''"
Gang Garbage
, ... "."··-·-T ht> rt>cl'nt 'lllltt· of contemporary t:M nK vu·
tu fl'N h u1<> bt•c n :. t 1• ud II ) 1rtt•U1nl( wor l\t: und
A nh•11t•1111 lnlt-rnttl 111111111 !> "fu1nn iud"'' ronttnU4'11
the t r1•nil llownwurtl
Thl' film 1llw:. mnrk tht-m ot ion p1cturt• debut
of J \11') T r.1volt.1 hut h1 hrnth1·r John hux nothing
to "'ur1 y uhout 111 tr • rnN ·11r 1•om11ttl1hon U he c:on
1an u1•l' ,.:1•11111,.: Nl111·k 111 :o.1·11pt~ hkl· thth Ut: !i-nut
l'•'.I lly b11cl h~tt• urHI hi·
Mol /I &' 1 111 :1.' h nH• poh·~~11tl , hut r I CJ !" II n ll \' " I c1 I' ti 0 t• '
REllJE"' rwthma 111 ci.tublt'h 11 r 1 w \t n ri• inh •r1•Nttng 1' .l11h11
I 11 n :o.1 n ~. "'hl'i )JIU Y\
T r.I\ ollu :. v111111.:1•1 lir nlhN in lht· film
OTl .. :K TUAN T IO: t 'l lMltt;NT t11d fur j(ung
fll('l_.1-fl'l>, UH ~11t.Jt'rN huw lh1:. :.t'r11J1 t'Vt"r tlOI p ro
rluccd :.. "'111l1•n IH T1rnttlh\ 1;ullal> 1:1nc.l Jl'lt
K m g , from u -.ton h~ '""~ ,rntl prutJ ut·e r Ho~rt
L S l·hufkr. ll 1:. 1u:.t d -..·1 11·~ nr unrnt .. rt-!>lan)t
v1gnellt.'S il'at.1111 ,.: tu ti hh11x.I) -.t111ot 1·111 up flnuk
bel \\\'(.'I\ t"'o rl\ .iL \OUth t.;llllll•'
The ba-.1r 'tor\ J0<1 1t ,., ha'ilt a~ wt-11 u:.
baM.· r1•..illlll"• l r .1 \11lt,1 J '\ thl· lt'dtlt'r uf a g1mg
in lhl' :>l't'lt11n ul (Jue•·nl> k 110~ n a., Surinv~1dc Ttff'
f.'t tJn uc .,
. U•tl tu<
>VNN T\10(
4rn•• 1c: "" '"'•rA.t'6~1t•I
kO(W't'f l ")tf'lltHr\
, 1rnt)lh'I ~., •• 11.-·.
I 11nt1H1y l1t1H1t\ ''" .C •nu MUw••lllib ColOt
( 1t\I 10• t I• 1l'IUllu JQhll I 11n)tnV. 1,f~\ fl'!/ P'1c II.'~" And,t"'tlt ~~'~::H7'1h:::,; ,;~~1~,; !;:'~·~.~::'~'~m~,~~·,~ Mu~1·~~·y Jtt1~:~· •. u".::~~'t
.. unr.1n•• '"'"' t{J(J IH•OUll•\
W.PAA r~t1ng A
~ang ':. baN1<' :.H:t1 v1 ty ~ccml> to lJc dt'allni,: in bla ck
m arkl'l 1·1g <irl'll1•:-., :o.uppllcd by loc·a l m o bs ter
Frank Sivl•ro
Whc•n w:.arlan· l'r upt:-. with a rival gang, led by
bloodthirs tv Andrew Huhan~ Tr<tvolla tries to keep
-his youngc·r hroth1·r. l.an:-.m~. a budding com-
m e rcial artis t. from h1•1·om1n~ involved Tbcre a re
a few rom:rnla(' :,l·1·nc'> hct wc·cn T ravolta a nd
Stacey eu.;,kr.cn: and l.ani-ang and Taha Bals am , ai-
we ll as a lot of Wik about "~ctting out," but m ost
of the timl· 1s de voted tu more vwlcnt aspects
1.ASSIN<; CR F.ATES /\ nic·ely sympathetic
chara<·ter. and Pickren and Bah.a m are fine as t he
two girb .loan 1>arl1ng ha:. a couplC' 1Jf nice scenf'~
as T ra \'ulla ., rnolhl·r . hul tll'r talent is basic~lly
"'a stNI hl'r1• ilt1t· to g1·n1·r,d l;ll'k 11( drnra ctcr de-
velopment. Huhrn 1-. t·ffl·c·t1vt·ly despicable a s the
r ival gang l(•udt·r. untl M l<'hacl Tu('ri 1s enjoyable
as one of the gang m t·m twr-. Nnbo<l y could have
done much ~1 th th1:-. undcr wntt<:n ~cn pt. however
<ialf:.a:-. ;d -.11 d1rt·1·lf·tJ and h1· was not ahlc l!J
add ttw. n1·rc·i-s ar) :-.hapt• cir a sl;!nse of context to
his a nd King 's io.C'ripl 'J'hP l.cchn1tal c redits are
rath1:r rout 101'. although tllt' photoiraphy by C a ry
G r:a\c·r t1•111h to lit· i.:1mmll'ky and draws a tte ntion
to 1tsc•H with a nuinhl·r ot Busby lierkcley·type
ovcrht·ad !-.htlt~
T ht• mu:-.11· by l\lun Douglas a nd H arold
Whet•lt•r i s l'Nc;c nt1<1 lly s uppo r tive and the
soundtrack fcatun•s seve ral songs performed by
the N•·w Yo ri; C'1ly Hand
' 1.
Uft1td Artist•
So . Coast ,,. ·~•& 7111
)410 811\IOI l•et P1,.ll'Q
"THE MUPPET MOVIE" 17., ....... 0101
Oo\b'f St••eo
'NO 01 llCOVNl S
All McGraw
"·~' 00 \ 1~·••0
She will find. YOU!
646-05 7 3 646-3266
A ti Wtt•~fMJlu
Gary Merrill, 63
II ti I I ' \\ I II t I 1 \I•
Liu.ii '\ol.111 Jtllll'
Mar) MJ r t1n ,ind .l.111.
Alht•r t-.1111 111 t t11· \Ill
01 UV It• \ ,if t•rt 11111
tCM •"f' Ut.~••11()"' perto1...o In ~l•vn 0' r1, ~hoh•
Idle, Enjoying It
Merrill 'Never Worked at Acting'
1-'Al.MOU'l'll rORES lUE. Mame
tA P I Gury Merrill insists he's not
l101111! 111ut h or unylhing. But a t 63.
t h t• ~ ett•ran ai;·wr loo.ks lik.t: be 's do·
111,.: 11 \ft•ry wt•ll
"1 11t!\ er work," the aa~gy·faccd
f.frrrill i.aul 111 th1:1t rich . d eep voice
tlwl !'. l1t•t·rt h1i; tradem ark. as he re
l.1xl'd 111 a r1•ntt•d o<:eanfronl home in
thh l'11rtl .111d suhurb "P l-Opie say.
\.\li.tl do )'(Ill du '' I :o.<1y, ·Nothing ·
l'hat -.101" lht' tonver sation "
1\1'1 11,1lh. \1t•111 ll JS doing what he
I 1 k , . ., h1 •-.1 1•nJoy111g the: warm
11111111h., tol :O.t :.i11w where he 's spent
t 't'I' -.u111ml·r ~mce he was a boy
r rrrn mi:: up outside llartrord. Conn
\11, kHJ lh:\t·.., g1vc·n Maine in th·
'>ll111111t"r. tl ., lake do 1w Y''u J:t ·l itd
'"' lt·d ht· l>a ' !.
T ii t-: \OOI C'T IO 'i R AS bten
l1fl·l1111g \ll·rnll briefly attended
Uv\\ dom Collc~c and uocc rnn for
< '1111.i.:r t•; ... 111 M 11111• And hC' and licttc
I>.",., :-.p1·111l m ul·h of their lfJ year
111 ,, r l'I a ;.: l' .1 t a ho m c 1 n C <i pt.·
I-' I 11,ilwth ~1111'1 • 1965. Ma 1 ne ha~
111•1·11 111111 .. o r ll·ss :vi .... rrill's perm a
111•111 h o "ll'
:'\:t•1'f1 ll , known fur h1~ mies rn such
C onc~rh·Sporh· Th~olre
24 hr. t .. fo line
7 I 4·6 45"1S I I
Phone Orden
714·"45·8"90 , ..
J cda1mcd movie' as "All About
E ve" tmd "T we lve O'Clock High" as
we ll as counties' TV appearances.
ca lls himself a n 'adequate a ctor,"
one who "ne ver wo rked at 1t.
·1 had no d rive. really . l Just like
io ~t!l by and h;.ivc fun." He recently
rc•turned l.cJ California a place be
dis likes · to film a fall TV s how.
"The Seekers." a historical epic he
d1 sm1sl>es us "idiot·y."
had thrct· m inuh:s <in the show>. I
probably had onl· minute . I s aid. ·1
'houltl have re;ilw•d a ll you wanted
wa~ what 's left 111 the name. J ust
!iCOd nw thl' m<J11t:y -you d1dn 't
IHI\ e tu fly m e out ' "
Merrill will not appear in one other
u1Jt·orn1nK pro~ram. a "60 Minutes"
prof al<· of Bette O;i vis He decltned to
be 111tcn.1c~:cd fur 1t The) met whllt:
filming 1\11 Al1out 1-:,,,.. and were
married in 11150 ht-r f11urth mar·
nag l' ;rnd his -.1·1·ond ·1 hi:}
cl I\ o r l'\ •cl Ill WGO y, 11 h :'<-I 1~~
;1-v. a rtlt·tl t u ~loch or lht·lr
Th•· f\\11 • h.I\ •·n I 1.ilh•"I for
llffil'. i\11•rr1ll N;1\-. \.\'c•
,tlong too Y.t•ll
Crazy Person's
PG : :· f}~Ll~l~k ~. t rJJ~l,lPf1~r ~L;l~~f ~
1(r•1v•=-taJ1 ~rtJ
Brea 529-5339 Oranqs b34 Y?82
Cosra MP.sa ~46·2 7 11 Buena Park 8£1 ·4070
+ .. • • ~OlDSCHUlMll ~OLlRHV~j lKl\IOOMAMI Jl?K'l GU1n~~11~
lvr;~,._ ..... "''• ,,., --... --. -. ... ..
/lftt.• / .. l<J ·~ • ''"' , f .fNI ••"1 II , ... , .... ,, '"'' . ' ' ,,,
l .. .. •<#"I> I o I O
rP1 • • .. .
~ ,,,,,~ ,.,. ....
lHl '.>t.Al.-l)t \tit •AtJ,l'10 f·H tt;IU
<;OOf Of 'if' r JH r,111 Af1 >N
J•(; ...... ' •• , .,, t #-. ..
l'I II J<I \I h 1\JJ\'\l/\HKJN 111
1\11 1\H I I It I< J Ill 11 I< I 1l1tt .. I I JI JN I A\\~
\.1'"" h11.ll JI I'\ Ml ll<l<J'-I ,,., ttltw l'rndou 1•1 1\J.A ., ,,Hhl"'
\\11111·11 hv1\l\()Hl W Ill f((,M/\:'>.
P11.!11• I I,,, 1\H 11 ll IHI llLI I H <illtl \1.111 1·\'1 .... ,, Kl II l\1
~""',...,,..""'_,r_... ,,. L
q•.1t•\.I' • t, H {Li41
tOf1f!!t. STADIUM
~ DRIVE .,, •l ' ~·'"'" ....... .
~--... ..... •ill• ---
•• t.aura An&.oneW .•• t ~ mcN beautiful
WOftl8ll In ftlms IOday," .IACK llM>U.-
.. A hallmartL of Vesconti 's whole carTer.
Ranbwith lhe bnt." llOCMll .... llWW
b\l Ni\
.f\N n~•:1.1.1
~~.NMH.H ~ 9'N{~P-~
·Tull lnnoeent ',._( •• , .• ,... ........... v ... .__ _______ __, .,,. '™'·'·"' ''""flW'
COIO '"""l-.Molr .. lab , ,.,...,, •IOIJlb
t'ftlV. Al'l,,"9 _ ...._ ~"'"' R I ~ .... "".._.. ..........
LAIT WAVE 1:10, 10:40
llACM ., a.us. .....
WAVE 3:50, 7:25, 11:00
INNOCENT 1:5$. 5.30.
t :OS
r~2J:.:'=~~ ~ ~.~"· :.:.
edwards BRISTOL CINEMA , :00. 3:15.
6:00, 8:15,
~UPEAMAN " ho• l I 1, Ill \I I ' ~II ti II ' ti •' ~.A "'4• lil •' , ~ . . ittf£, l . ,~'f~)~"r . 0,thMa_
O •• ~ ~ .. ·-0· " 1'
DAILY 'l 00 4 45, Plus
I JO 10 IS t1ANNOVER STREET ,.._--::c ... , /!J · Clol'I Eastwooo ~ "··~·P· ·~ ~'· "ESC.APE FROM Ci:MCJ':·~·-~~): , ALCATRAZ' 1PG1 auue .... , . _;-: DAILY 1 I!> ) JU
~~·~ME Tl~ NE~r YE AR f> 00 8 is 10 30
-'''"1'111 ()'\.Jfl l The ' _ "-IRI
1•1 Tt '' ,. , u.n ..
·Pl(f!!>ON ~J'
ZF.NQ,t4 ••
Plus "HAIR"
"''ll¥••· . . . t . ..... 4&••
-'I ~~~~ "' ............. ,~ lt4'1 •U ••••
0 ••
DAILY-I lS.330.
6 00, 8 15. 10 30
.. . Hll,lt~tlll ltl!.:Jt 1rt · :' lloi!~~l\I Jll.I ~. ~
, II H\l lillll~I ~
8attle"itaR §MA\~JICA ..
_________ ,.. P1u~ 'STAR CRASH
BUTCH & SUIWCE 11-r.: nu rAIU Y OAY ...
----Titl----~~~T O N~~~:~O
DAIL Y-1.15, 3:30,
6:00, 8.15, 10:30
.. , ..........
'> AlilOem~ Aw 11 n
Be.._1 P•rlurP 9 ,.,, 01 ~·c ,,,,"
pr ~ •.•t DEEH ·•
I ~ NJ.'( Ht;xn·J~
...... FOUND" -·~"fiiE' DAILY
FOOnOOSE 1:11, 1:'°· FOX" Q 5:45. l :to. 10:00
2:00, 4:00, 1:00,
1:00, 10:00
• t
• ' ... I •• . .... ·:
-: --
. • ..
• ..
-~LY PILOT Sa1urct1y, June 23. 1979
Skerrltt Stiff
Actor's Career Soars Wiih 'A.lien'
HOLl.VW()OU IAP > Wllh
the~t«r rert'lpts of "Alh>n "
pu1hing into ttw rartfltd "Star
W ar11 " h•rrllur • Tom Sktrrill
ishOuld bit' ft't~hn~ ttood
Ile 111 The aC'tor would fttol
tv_.n b<•lt f'r 1f he• o wned u
pC"t<'~tlltl<" of the litlHH'e lhnli.r
Ill whl<'h h1• 1ota1 1o fh· do1•Nrl't.
"lla lfwa,, throu.ch 11r0tlu<'h on,
I rc•ahtc'(1 th11t 11 ..., ill\ go1ni: '" l'H•
a h1~bJy MH'1-.. ..... ru1 film. · hr 1"'
1·.111.b ::1 11fr..re•1I to trudt• "'> t•o
t ir e lt tlnrv for ht,lf 1 1 Jl(•r<t>o
lt•tl•') poiol l<nn ~hwwll , thf' •·.>.
"t'l1ve 11rcKll1u·1. 1ui.l lau ~ht'tl
N111 lhul Skt•f 11tt lwl11•v1•1I 111
"Alwo '' (rw n ll1••-li.•.i11111111.i
•.'...WJJJ<:N I ··~r r o.ud Ltw
i.l'ript l w .1i-. 11ut 11n11rt•s,1•<I I 111
not H t.in of .,, ll'lll'•· ltc·t1on. 1HlOI
any way, &l "' 1101 lht' kmd t•f film
thJl ('<Ill ht• \ 1:-0UJltll'IJ h11111 .1
i.<·rtpl Arni ori.:tudlf . 1111• p H
tu rc> w:11. )(otng 111 lw 111acle· 1111 u
C..irly low t1111lgt·t "
AP Wtr•$iftiHO
Skerrfn In 'Arlen'
whH'h f1•at11fl'd Httol lit•f 1;110111:
ilt'lor 11unwll f(11lw1t H 1·ilf111il
~kt•I rttl ;1lrn11 .. t IUt 1wd 1111' t1 II i..
w .. h "M A~ II
hroui;lht nflw fortun•• lo Elliot
<ioulcJ :.iml l>on uld S uthe rland
llut 11ot.hm i: lo t•r..:1l11r Skerrltt.
Thl' 11d1h·1I irony ,., thut Skerntl
th•l'luwcl J durnc•t• lo pluy 111 tht
'f V('rSWll
1 thouuht lht•y W(1uld mukc 1l
111111 JUSI IJllOlht•r /\llt•om ... hf• f'I'
Jllulm'1I "I ch~11 ·1 rc·aln.t• 1l wa!'\
f.!Oll1f.: to l>t· a 11u11l1ty show. Thf.y
1·h11111111l1•1l rny d111ru<'lC'r' ltom
ttw "'1•111·~ .. 'lu now 11c·rmh: huvf· to
J '>k. nu: what role· I playf•d 111 tht•
lllOVll' •
s1< t:garrr ·~ ('i\RE•:R 1·11n
t1n11 1·tl wrth film' l1k1· "Hun ftu11
.J1w .ind ··Ht •! tl;ul M ama" ;in1l
111· .1 ppl':• r:i·d 111 t101.1·n:. 11( ·:·v
"'f 11•:-.. 11lu:.tlv ,J '> hc\av11.:~ Th1·n
rn m P-trrs"tt n I fJll JJ
I v.i.t" lt.1lv (111 thn·t· anti .1
h.d l ,\t':.t1',. lw '.;11d ' ll•·rt· I :1111
l•Ht oliv11111-.lv An~~h> Saxon lo Ill'
1 .it .J '> .mytJ11n~ t·bc, tn.1l ov1·1
tl11·11°r ..... ,.,1·a'>l .1, llahuw.,,
.\1.:i a1i1·11h :rt Willt:1m Morn'>
k•·111 t 1·ll111n rn,. th11 t <'l1r1L ·
l·:.i..twnod <•Jl.d ('11,11 If·" Br1111.,on
h11".11111· .. 1;1r' Irv ""'u k tnr! 11'\ 11 ;1
h J\ul \ht• wltolt· •ntu:..il 11111 h.111
l'h.1111:1•tl 11~ lfw t1111•· I 1•ol lhc·r•·
(Ill Ill\ l.1'>1 t1l1t1 , I\ lt>11k 1111' lllnl'
1111111th-. lo 1~·1 rn v ·.,al;.iry. T hal '
v. h1·11 I d1•1 ttl .. d to f'flm•• IHwk
•!11•n• 1\1111 111 t'll.111)!1• :.C~!l'Ol~
St~pi11g llp
/\<;lr"~s Hn1<1k1· Shrdd!-. l(·<'nlf'r) p icks up
'>(1m1· IJ:1llf•I t ip•, lr'IJUI m«mbe rs or the
/\mn1C·;1n H:tlll'l ThN1ti-r School during tn·
lf ·rn11ss11111 ol :1 p1·1·111rm:rnc:c· in New York.
I _c\llld
< ...... <.,1.1111 NhC IV
M astroianni
2:00 P.M.
"C'ITIOUI •uttMllt
Tll• 1011-1,.. po,..,., are t1ol11•
111;,1 .......
llSI ·-Str•t. C.O. .. -... CA ~ • ............ ..,_ S.lft, IM. Ca
Calllor"I• c .. _allWll, llSI l allet
'''"' • C-• Mew, UI ..,.,. Tiii\ -'-' It (.OffCN(letl by • <«• pore I loft
8 Al(E.lt llaNTAU '° SAL E\, INC.
A--..111 .... 1,,., ........... Thi\ ,, • ..,_, • .,, Ill.., wllll 1 ...
(.otHllY Cter• o! Ot-(o<jnty Oft May
n . "" "" .. PODll•-Or ..... C.0.>I 0.lly Piiot
Ju,,. l. •. ••.13. ttn 1101.1•
'"',. toUow•no ""''°"' ••• dO\ftO bu\1n•\\ A\
Jl(O fHTERPPl~f'I, lltMI 8ut h
8tttd • Hun••r'IQ\Of\ h..,•<n. C•hfO<n•• ,,,.,
J•t • O•wtlo, l'IO~ 0.•p H•rbOr Or . Huot1nQton b"'•'"· C•llfotn••
M trltPy Pulltay, t"\\\ t-iun11noton
V11t"Q" Ln . 11101, Hunt1noton IJ• .. t h
C...11 f ot rue"!l'U.11
,.,,, nu\1nf"\\ ••• 1onou, t f'd by tt
Q .. n,.ral ()6rlfWl't•,n1p
J«. k [) .. ..,. ,,_,
'"" ''"'~' '*"\ w...a *''" rrw ".'ou"I' (t,.rk ot O t AnQe (.ou"t f on
J~n .. u. \4tl1'f
"H1 ..
Pubt1\,,,.d 0tll"O*" C M \I 0'41ty P tlUt
Jun .. t•.11, 10 and -Jutf I IQ/11 >tt• 1•
IN fHE SU .. 11'111011 COUllt OF
lllE U a TE OF CAl1,-0•HtA
IH,.NOl'Oll f llC
COIJNTY 01' 011,.HC f
HO Al-14
OllOEll TO SHOW CAUUi llC .. ,.,..E CHANGE
'" ttt.,. M.tlt,.t t)f '""' ADOIH AHOf'• ot
.... Vf N Af.ll~•U'' hUl ll ~r11r tr.:.
M l l INIJA ()1.1\11[ 1\111 I I lt()lf"
... nd r_,t\f'l.A ANN 0111' f ~Oi(,. • l)f
•tCYITIOUt eutt••M
M&MmtTAT•MaMT IM;!:~-: ... ,.. "'-· •.• tltlllt
lltENTWOOO HOMl!S, *l·H =Le Jel4e $1., ~. Ca lll-ie
~ S. O.v.t-flt c-..."Y le .. .,.,., ..,....,.,... c.-l•tl"9 _.two
C•lllOt"I• ,.._ ........ ,, l061·H f'a•I
L.• Jo!te St., ......._.m, Calllatnl• 91-
Tllll llYYneu I• '~'" Dy 0 -••IP«tMnlllp.
lllll!NTWOOOHOMES, INC • c.ttlon>Ce Corp., ~el Port,..,
JGM8 S....r. p,_,
Thi\ \le\-t • .,_ 111-11 w ith In•
County Clerk of 0•'""911 Cou..ly on J-1. ,,,.,
lllEITM C. WIEL ..... TT
Al .... M YMLAW
•tttllrd 1 ....... M
M•wpert 9Mdl, CA tt ...
"" .....
Publl•hetl Or-Coest D••lr PllM
June 9, 16, U . lO. ltft 1711 '"
0 " •IEAL P•O .. Ell f Y
A tlM4
fltl: COUNTY OF OllANC£ •n th• M fttt,., ,-,f th,. f 't11t .. 111
M AqJt)R•f-r Hl: Al.~ ••'-O h M)"'" ,.,
M £ V l LYll Bl Al!>. CJr<•<>,...IJ
H{) llU I\ Hl R f Iii (',t\11 N Ho.ti
I~ U~f\IQN"d WIU \1t)l ;t\ 'Hh.Jlt.:
~-f~ ft, f~ hlQtllf"\f M\IJ bt•\I h1dd"r
\Ubt'"{ t tn t unrurn.-t1r..n ''' ~'""
'-,upPHOr (.our• Of\ 1;r -tHu Jut, • '11·•
o t lrHt uH 1f' ... l)f (A l 11 ',fl ,, A.
(.A t I l\H 11, '1rl W•".t ,11U1 •,1t111 t
\u1t,.. "'• l ••\ Aflftf'""• f 1tltt "WH 4
( Qunl, ••• I ,, Afl(J1•I••'\ • '•'"" I
( ttftft'JrfH<t , ,111 ,,,,. f 1t,flf 11th• ,11 I 11
fflot•\I l)f \.Ald ,.... I tt ...... rtf lh,. I fftr 11J
tJ,.;etn tt"'1 ttll Ow 'o •hl f1\h m t ,,,
f,.r .. \f tru1t .,, .. I I th tf _.. n U I, f
f'l11 • 1t''U .. 1fflltl fjf •1tJf' lf1ttt I ,.,. ,
•1tt1 .. r ••'' •1thf1r ,,.,_.,,. ,,, .,, wl ht '" 1 ,
fh~f ,f fllll lh I ·I I f If flw 1• of
n ...... ,h •n .ttitt lf1 ail ftt• ••ff '' • • ti 11'
J>t"''; '\llUAtMi 10 lf\f ' 1 ) t ,•1! 1,
f)t f'tOt)" ',fotf" 11 f .tlilt.1'111 I ,,.,, 1 , ,I u
''""" flr1 ·1111 ·''>II i1n o.1 N!f
1'ht'n H 1dlt' y ~<·oll w a :. 11•,
"1g111•d .... cltrt'<'lfll lie• 1-. l ltt•
Hriti!>twr who"' v1:.0JI :. .. n-.1·
"'a., tlt•1tt'lop1•cl l1v making 'l'V
~ um m 1• r c 1 ,, 1, h 1 !\ • • 'I h 1•
OueU1:.ts" wai. a vl'o u<i l f1•:J:.l
thou ~h <i co1nrnrn·1<1I fo1 lun·
Skt'rrilt rt• r l·ad lht> "A ltv11 "
s cript with lJ Ol'W pt'rSJ>CC'llVI'
fie also wa:. t'nc·ouragcrl wht•11
20th CC'nlury F11x t·lt·yatcd th•·
budget Lo $1111111llrorr
· "f II J\ T W 1\ ~ A N 0 T ti t. ll
!'>C'rljJI th,1t \lt(I .ti 11 11111 l''.'ol\I '
111 1111· n·;11t 111~:." .... ud tlw l)to\11111
l1orrr ul'lc11 "Hut I k lll'W ll11h
Alt111 an, aucl I lwd l a 1lh 1ha1 lw
wuul<I turn 1l 11110 :.111111·1111111• that
wa~ y.1hl, t·ra-1.v a11<11kli1:hll11I I
:.111•nl mur h of m y t11rw l ry 1111: '"
t·on v11u·1· t-:lltc1t anrl l>orr 11( l11.1I
llll'y l ht1t1J:hl IL Y.;ii. 1-rap
"'fff5': 'fl !K~l 1'G· f'fJtlll lllol\' '"•~Q•ott<M"" N'"ir~tA•~ 1flVt N AIJ f t;t'~ 1 tit ., 1 'ii 1 t •1' I fh f\iJt1 I ' 1'111
t;fl •t "·l(I ff r f.,f Ii'' 111 l\1r1 .. \j~ I •M• Ii.I\" hf·1·11 111·.1 I h at l11r T•1r11 -----------'-------------------'•1•H, t i-n"" MH ""' .. '"""' t4 ftj fo4 I' ltt ,I II f IJ p,. I Ali,, ..... u I ,, ...... Hi• •H•tf;I,. ••• I
T he hit of "Alu•n" m1 ghl wc·ll
boost Tom Ske·rr 1\1 l11 I ht· !-.1.ir
status t.h:.it ha:. •·lwkrl hrm :.1111·1·
his J!,.):l d1•h11t 111 "War llunt.' Ttw v1my 1~ that 'M A~ II
ff lft t1t )t I I tf
tn •. t•'•'"''''
"•'""' ·''"" f•t •f.tfllf'f+ l'lf"·r ''''''' •t ,..,...,.,,,,.,,, A111,. ,,._.,,, r ,.1.•1,11 1
f tll••AJ.tltHH1 ftU',l1'tl' M l11•4 f11u 1h 11f1 .ut ... •l .t •'W'
f,A Lit AUi iont£1rt." "~"' ,,,·,1 1 A ,, ,,, .. •4••h.o#f .r ,,, , • , ',, " , 1
/tf4,4 f1'1f'>fJtf', tltl;W U\,..,,.,...,,, ,itl• •1f ft ltl +1 # r I I
:-.k1·1 n-t t 11 1. 111·rf11rn1;1111 •· :.,.. '"" • f "t'"" •nrt "'"' '" """ ~·1111 II'\ '\1 .11'1..111w 'i h ti.,t..1111 1 :::~ ' .. r .. ~r:~:",.•;·;:· .. :··~ ·~: .. '.,,"',~.
'" "' 1•i1 ,,,,.. "' uw ~trc·11J1t1• 1.1 More Entertaining th.fl \H·ll l1k .. 1I filin · Aft1·r\\,1f ti
.. ,. 111:i\ •. ,, 1 \1111 111111v .1 •• 1111' 1111 •• Tha~ 'jumanly ~ssible !
Film Sclwol Grads
Debut-With Disney
1101.1.YWOOI> Ci\l'I ·i:wp, r:cc:cnl fil m ,.,f·houl
l!raduat1•:., M1<'h.:"id N.i11k111 and 1>~1vuJ Wt•t ht1·r. will m :ik1·
lh1•1r 1n:aJ11r 111111 11111 pH'l11ri· flt·liut ;1\ <·o d1n•c:t11r'> "' ";rt1•·
,\II N 11!hl Tn·:,.,1ir1< 1111 111 " ror Wal\ I J1~n1•y .J'rnduct111n'
Tl11'\ .tl!\11 \~1 11lt· the• "'·ff•f'11play
Tlt1•\ "'""' 11111 ·d l1y Dl\111·y a yt'i1r .1~<1 1m 1111' ha'·" 111
,111 .1Y..11cl Y.1n111n1: ff1m111 lrlro . .Jun111r ll 1~·h ~1·hr111I
'\,111k1n ''a g rad 11;1l1· 111 Ille• IJ<'I./\ f1lrn ~chool cit11I W1·1·hl1•1
• ., :1 l'I :11lual1· of th" \lnt\1·r~1ly of So11lh1•rn <:altf111111.i
Holli ,111· ~:1 anti laav•· hc·1·11 l411rk111g to~',1·th•·r :--1111·<· llwy
.... , ., , • I.I
l >:1 .. 1tl No1tt1•lilon. ~lf·pli• 11 Vut~.t anll J.:<ld11· l>t•1·1.•·11 ,1;11
.•• •1111t•·11h 1A.h11•1111qlf'l t • with c•;il'h f1llwr 111 :1 1•l:rlit1r.11•·
1 111• 1'.1•llf' 111·\ I' •·ti It\ an 1•('1 c·ntr11 gr:Hl :.tutl••nt
-,,... ...
I ht• ( Jripnul
I \, . '.'
(PG! • ... • tDO er111U IOt ·~-
1:11111'!' Ill ... ,,I' l '.1 .i1 ...... .a11d "''"' ~
th1· :.p a1· .. 1·0 ,111111a
011tl"c 111 fl#'
1\Jt• II . ,•J (~
'I Ii<'' 'oli1l \ I IH1•·f·r11'. :111 f'\1•1 ~
111111 ,1111))' I 11 .ll llfl tl1;JI fp1•tl• llf1 ~j .•;J, "
1111 t-111..-, ,"j ..... I I ·' 'flil"" • "'' " ·,. I ~I ., • ... ... ,1. ,£, ;ii' -
·'"" 1111· 1111 .ii 11111 1;-. l1t1111· ( ~
l lfll'k,1111111.ltJdll'flfl'' fl;11 1fl1, 'cf l ~ I ~ •'•
liPIH•Vt • lirtl ;o.,k 1·11Jl l ... 1\•, lt1t•11• r' •• -,-.-,---'t,;;.,;..~? ._,/•
\\ :1•, ftlOl 1' 1••1r1• Ill 1111 • X4 f lf11 / \'.
• ,, 1111<·~ 111111·11 ,t· """'" · ..... 11., 1,:J· 1 •• 1. ·, 1 '-.
Wh:.ii h:r:. h ;tf11Jf•1wd t11 ~k•·rr ill /
,11111•. \111•11 ( ·t ) ) i'( './( ! . J (. )
I lw1" ..,.,,.., a u 1111111l'ff1.i11· UJ•
"'II )'I' Ill 'I I 1f1h f )Cit' ltl 1 lll'lli I ,T
I• I I .h ( :111 .t1111, \\ 1111'11 I """ I J
1111 111, I II d11 Wlt11 l..1111""' 11 Ila•
p !t l1l11 Y.1111 1 lw Ill •'<I •>f ·;11.11 •
11111\11" l1\ 111 .. '"'''' l'l:r .h I,,,, d 1111 I,., ....... 11111 I W•l \'1';11 '·
fl 0111 lilt\\ I• fH'I 1.111\, ift1•f 1111'
O..,l ,11 'f I• 11111\ 11' ,111tJ 'I ,11
\\ .ti • If
' .... --,
Tll /.'l'.til '.! :.r
J /\ "'·
If t'-,•UfdhtfJ~fJfftf fJfh1tlt1it ••1 !1 1 119 l+t I h 1 11, I h ;
(It r \.t1n 1•·'"'' \lf'fJ •ft t f11• 1n41fl .. f "-"•1r!Ptt1•p• 'H f t11 I lit" +I q•1 U1; I 1 I" 1
,,t1f1 '..•.t•t1 ... W U Ht CJr•fJl'tl fH1i 11f I 1,t I f 1, fl I 1 •I• f' I 1 111 t I Ith ,r ! • I
'F• "tt"J"' '''Vft fi" J,11 14 jlll'I •11 llJ ~r"•IJ•C,t• 1hrt N '"l1t•J
"'tJ ''' 1,lr.; '• '• fl W' f I t t
t, • •f ti I fht I lot.,, "'' t 11•11 •J' ,., H 11• f• to+-•.~ ti f' ,t t I ''
f• nt1•tl' ' , , .... ,,,,, .1 ' ''"' l\f1•1h.t •' .• ,., t ,,,. •' 1 " t 1 •
I ,. ,,. ,, ti h-4"':.. • • ,.,.,I ,. ,,,.,'
' I • JJ., ,.,,,, Y•Jtt1f ill,,'"•' ' I•'. ' t ' It' • 'ft .•. ,,., 'I ,, "' fl ,, C .. l , ,,, • .,",,.,\I ,(I"
~·'·'•''') r If'·• 11 ,,, I 1.I ,, A l tfl'C,..,l"'"'ttf.,..,
• N I .,,., , • ,,, , I, ,, , • ··' 111 N .. ,, ., •• ., .•• ...-.. ,
4 1t,1 I .... •t 'I' n '" ' ; ;I I t ',t I .iul ~ .. u tr l h
tft t ,,~ 1+11• ..• ,,,
t•hl;t I .;,. ,,~'4 1 )o ,,.,,.,. ·'"'
'"""''.' •'' WAL Tf k Iii 8.AJl~Nt".f V
A •torr•• t •t l ••
\ JJ t u "•"•"''' o,., ~• \w••~ r tr,,,_., ( 4tlfor"'• tl...,.
r ,1 l llt S~J 11 ,,1
Atlot "•r ffY f#•hh04\•f\
I I l•,.f •• I
Nf1t f f ft)f ~( (11 ft, ..
',JP(W1(Jt.tt(J1W!CH l .,.f '.t'• 'lji (.A l 1r r1wtrt "'' ''"
itf'llf ~r,.J,...T I IJ LJW.\... ... !.-L
•t '\ •• ;j ·~
H ""'"''I I 111
.... .. z •• l
t ,,,
"'r"""ir--Tl..-,.. ......, .., ' .. V'f -•
t• ~ ti• 1• ,, ti • t It f I
r.otoo" w ''""_., .. ,. tt)J (,,. .. ,.,, .. A,,..
\.t6f4 MO'\•f,. C .1 'f'O.&OJ
I) I II Ill 1'4)
AU0tflf't tCH" C•tf'wtot
I ,111•n.o f/t1tn•jt" f .,.,I f•-11+1 I
luH• II fl! l•fltl II 11/1
I lol I 'H 1111•
f If I
t I I .. ..
1•t BU<. '' l'I U I.
.., .. ,~,
, U•t 1ontU' t UUt.4 f (\I 'tH
t A (I I • f ., f-f) ... ••i .. f t U
tt4t t1UN It ff fJW'A"-;·I
,.,,, A lf·Ut.-1
,. '~ t I ( f '' i ~I f1o JI I h , •J.
I•' r I j l (1 ,.. r ,, ., I ... (J' c~ I 1111 f
f I ~I ( 1 t t4 • I ff h J I ( A ff ( ~· t I I
,,4 tf .,,, \1 ,,. kt Al P J1r1t l k1,
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Pl >IH 0 '. (,/llN'>t l t
ti.41'l W1t\"1 .. tU<tf'\ , t4lft • t C•"'u' f ftAntr ,.,,.,,,
LO'\ Anet• I"" (A W>')4i
• llorn .. , fOf" prpCtt10l'W't
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J ;tto I II jtf 11 I
lllOOllll( 71 IUIHllOS'Mru
.110101114 ,",'.! I 'i' l.'1• .1' 41, 0,0 '
A CllllMA 1011 \DWAHOS VllJO •7 ' ,,fl tM ~. l \91o fl o IJ I
~'"-' \1*4 ' f" I I '
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()I LH llUNf[l1 (R)
Pl Bl.If' NOTH't-.
'<011C£ Of '>All 0 1
... H~HAl P l!OPr "1 i
Undtt (1>t1I C.Odf' ~ .. , 11(,t'I\ '* 1,.1 .. nd l ...
•nd ~--~tnml!nt
LCllCM S•t tlon t.O.•
l'l 'Hl.H' l'IOTl('t-;
l<OllCI IQ {IH U l!Oll\
\,l.,,r fi!('W (.(JUUl t_H 1..-t
\l•lf Of C•1t•Ol'h 1A I fJ"
IHI C()llH ft O•O Pi>l<Gf
H (J A Ul0/11
I tf I I A f..I I 1 I t
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I l
I I M J j111llA flMlj ll\11 ....
Wesrmmstl'I 89i' 4493 1Jw1qr 1, 14 7~·1J
STllHUll Dlltrf.llt Orange 639 8770
Co·11.J Mt:~~
'140 O'fM
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IN/\1114) j• 1• t t..11-$ I N A•
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ft•• .f ',r;.•1t "°' t \.on.rt IH ''""' tY flltt\11 h t~• no 1 •I• f " '11 '" 1 I 1 ff l'lf\'.•'' · ••' n\ot>(11( ·•I ff• • t11tllt\fl•'l•l' '"' f"' IJ tf h '""' o f Auu '' • '•' I II .11 I I ' I .'\ .1~110 i' I\ .1 U AfHt ... ,..,.pn1it>OI ... ,,. ,, I •• n 1n1ti1n•·lf
I 1 II 1•1 I I• II' I 01 • >•-·-----------------------re "'v•>•''' ... ,,,,M"d, ... •n,. ,,.,. """ ',.. ('lt•t• .. ~I w1lh ,,_,.., (1n1flfY 11 f)t 1llOW 1tlft•t
'""' t fHlhflhtlllll Al4t M 1 ,,.,,,II
tt1.,, I *"''' 1•111 U1·'Af•·1tl '
V/11()1 d'llllfH , lllf
f,HI 1\1 <Ill f 'ol>I I IJIHJl'I
r 1\1 If OHN ll\ Piii AMIN(,
n11HWINtJllH,',fl\!.nN HI
IC[ CAS T! l ', CPCI
(htlrl tJn<trt t > f rrr IJnft• .. , • M 10d•,. •~f.t*f'Q•ourut
. -------------
Ui•• ,,, dV' 111,,, o t ttltrun••v' .,.,.,. 1 fl .. ,, '01llt1 '"''" '"'"' 1 wh11 h ., t111 1 t ,
ot -.fOfdUP c fi\h u t .i1rt1i11•rt1 .. 1n1J ''"' fh1\1n••\\ ''' ""' w 11Jt '''''"''•f ''' ""' '•''
p11n-..., of ._..,,.,."""' 1n<1orn1.•t ,..,, ... ,;,,1,
1"' \Jff,.(J "' lh.., fn,.. 1ttlOY .. 111t•11l1()0t"(j
·~""''' 1n ( Q\IA M~·~,O'f lJAll"d ,,..,, t1th t1At' ot Jun• '\ii_,
rH>ll• 11l4"n\tNI 'I
fluOll· ~ (.)r941~.,-• (.wi t (),ufy ''d•H
Ju" .. I• /l l\fl'f /JM; ff.I
H,.lt8011 JUDICIAL OIHJll( f
4"'11 J•-... llo•CI
H•..,_i 11 .. ch, (A U '60 •tt A I t"-1 f I I I h A t4 I( 0 f-
N l WJJORJ A (ttl1to rr11.1(11tp0r ... t10 0,
IJI rE N D AHr 1.11~v 0
'"" O ~ r tt r ll r r. •n ind1v1du"t. .and
r>Ol \ l ttw()Ul'Jh \ ,,,. '"''"''' SUMMONS
NOTICE' Yov ..... -,.,.., fll•
t••f. ,,,., IO!IUtMj flt lf\t• l•\h1lt' "' '~l•ff I•
1 Pl\l•ot 'f'•"'"'I\ ltnlt HU10lt\•, 11lt~ t !tu
ttr\I f111tlll ,1l1f1" 111 tht'• t111tt1 1•
lJ1•l"lJ l1ffl•1 P1 11t/lf
h .1111i 11f A tllt11(ft
r~ 1l1hHt1I t Ill .t 1Ht1I
•tWOlft /\ 01 ••tfll,.I
t •1 • yl'!t HI lh• W 1U ,,, ,, ..... ,....,.,
li,tUi.t>tf 111 f rt11n t
J"Ctt" '>MlfH nu•1
IJJ• 'oulh P•'"'~' A'f'fftU~
\lth1tt1•r. CA '°'41
Altotn'' fOf F ••« utof'
t11mt1''"'6 fttMl{lf' • tM\t ll,u l'f t••lnt
Jun•• lti, It Ml ,1nd July I 1'0'1 J iOll 1•1
<ewrt m•y *<.Hie ... ift\I 1ov •U"out
yowr "'"• ,...,. w11teu rou re\,otwl ,_ ____________ __,, wltll111 JO <MY• 11 ... d tll• 1ntorrn•1ton
IN ,.NO 1'011 THE
0 1101'11 TO !>HOW CAUSE ff[
film-making ...
a movie ..
"It's a bird, it's
a plane.11 s a
him that's fun
for everV<>ne:·
lllll"OI~ SAt•1110 '"'"•'•
••"ION ·~•NDO·GI Nl 116(.lMIN ••• ~·t~•llO OOllNI M 111111
t ttlltSIG'"' 11111 I we ·IMO .. u If· JAUll lOOl'I jl·Oll Nit I OMO
fflJ¥(Jflll()l ... flO·llUllCOI 1100111 Yl llflK PIUtlll •llUMI& ltHtU
1111111(;1 l l&"''·hlYUJj IHU llll·SUSU•&H n ""
t-t•MAlllO '1110·•'"''..,"" Mlllt() 1'1110 O&YIO NC WM&N
lhlft lllW•AN-HOIOl llNION
Today. only
a h•ndful of people know what
'ne China Syndro•e" •••••···
Soon you will know.
ll'Cj MU•\ftt••• ........ 0 •••llMllt•U...,.C
au,.11111AH ''" c-• '" edwards HUNTINGTON tllf I I UN IU,Cll#AN '"· • 00, 1113'
1 tl•C>< Al flll\ H9
848-0 388 "''· 8Uf'l,llUll ..... ,. ,.
ClllMA I JI CHINA > .... ,.
I"-,.,,... ,....., nl lhrt t•""O~ 4 to '"""" ,~,,.,»JI,,. ,...,~(I/
m1 lf4 "-""""" ltJf .... ,.,.(1 0, ••• ._ht/11,.,.
"•• 111rn ""o Liil ~•lM~ AI Cl •Vl
Htl 1.f At tlt tit ~(H1(ltif Pt(" tUtll
1.0111 IJ! "lllf IUC.ULAIK)"
AYISO' U\IM 1W ............... ..
El ,,,_,_...ff<"'"<•"''" U• "~" ........... """"" ... u•. r e"°9ft
•• .. ,.,,.. • • ...,, LH I• 111lorm<1 , .............
I ro 1t1l OF.F(Hf)AHf A •••••
(Omf)l4t1nt twt~ b9ef1 f•led by tntt OIA•n
tiff •Q•ln\t you.
• If you w l\h In d e lMd lhl\
t•W\Utt 10U rnti\I, w1lh1n lO O"f\ 4f1~,
tt•'\ \ummons '' ,,., ~.-d on Yt\ll t11,.
wHh ,,.., court • ""'";" pl1utdlnQ 1n
re\pon,., to '"" rornpf4'tttl tit ••
JU\hc• Court. "OU ffiU'\f ,,,., '""' ·~
tourt • Wfllt•tt pt~•<l•nu tJ' .-""'" ,.n or•t plttll<t•nu to bf" ~nh•f1td 1n tM
0001.et t Unltt\\ you dO \n you1 dfo!t•ull
•Ill be f'M~t'f'I U,,.,,. AJ)()h' "tlM ()f It\•
pl•1nnt1. •nd thl\ • '"'' t m 1''f flntt•f " lu64Jm.nt ·~tft\t you tnr .,,., ,.,,,,.,"".,
m •nded tn ttw tomot••nt. wnu fl , t>v•d
,.wll lft _.,1"'""°nt ot "-'· t•••nQ
Of mo ... yor ptoperty O• OUl•I' ....... .
QuHIOd In Ille (Ofn91••nl
., II .............. -IM ••w•n ••
•11 •tMnlt\< Ill""' m""9r, y .. •-,. .................... y .. ,.,,, ....
,........, ff .... -y -.111.111 ... 11 .....
OA I E D 0<.._, )Q. 1911
M HAMLIN, r1e1-
8y H 0 1Jte>f4, Oer>Uty ...•. ._
llMOOa\, ll•MDAU . a "II•
SM "!••119'1 C-r Or ,.11 ...
Mew_.tt llM<11, CA tl ... ------............................... ,,.,. ,,, .. ~
AllefMJIW ~Cfl
1>11011'"'°" Or-"°"'' O•••w "''~' ,_,. •. "·,. ,.,. J 11 .. ,,
In th,. MAttt•r ot th,. APC>'''"''"'" 11t
<.11-111 H AHIHllR HULi 1-Hflll I'>
..-r1 tNUA OIA•;t H•ltlFNltlf ll .
•nd c.1'.r t A ,\NN ltUll (HOH "' tot
( h1tt•Qflt "' ~"""' WllFRI A\, '>lfVI H .l\PlllllR
HUL L! POlltC, Ml LIN DA Ul.l\Nf
8UI tr JIOICI<, ~ml f;I'>• I A ANH
8 ULLfROl(I( "•",. t1tl"d tP'\t'1r ,,.111
uon *'"' IM Cff'Prlil QI lf'I•' c.nurl '"'
ptormli.\tfif'I to t h'1ng.-fhf'•r-''""w' tu
!.TElll N ARIHUll RR•lO ~'·
M F LINOA OIANt HAO()ll'> ~tHt
C.1\I L" ANN llllOO tC '> """"· lhrrofor•, 11 I'> HE Rf OY OIHll Ill fl tt'"'' •tt .,...,~, '"'••tt\l~d •n "'~ .. ,,.tt.,,
•fnr•\4'id ~Ar In Oftparlm,."t 1 ot
tn• Al>ftY• t«>utt on July h , t•I• •t
t • 00 "01 t~ aftd ttwt• ro ''")"" ( ........ ,, *'• ,,..., "·-·· *"" ,,. .. , ,,..__. ptlf atlon for ,.,..,._ of n4m• \honulcJ not Dlt ,,.,., ...
If I\ f UltHffR ORDERE.0 rn~t ~
copr ol ""' O<M• to \llo. r;iu,41 IJ'I puDll•~•CI In I lle 0111, Pllol, •
n•••P•P•• of Qener•I ""u1 .. 11ori, C>Ubll•lled In OtM .. COWlly, fat tuu• .... ,
OATED J..,..t 1'19
flruu W !>umner
)....,.of Ille
~''"''°'"' WAL T•ll II IAaANGI:•
Utt Ulllftnlly on ...
MlteC frwlH, , ........ ,,...
Tel: 0141 Ht·UM An.t-.t .. ~,._,
Pullll\l!M °'*"" Co.t•I Dally 1•1101, J-16.11.10 .... JUI• 1, lt1t tm I•
.. _, t
The Decisiom
St 'N UAV, J Nt;M
8 )' :,\'O ~\ OMAU
ARIES c March l l i\Jml lfl l t;rnphas111 on
"more room" within a rcstnr led ._rea Gf'mm1 ,
S•Mlllunu11 nat1v " r11o1t111• ;1rum1nenUy Hi&hlll(hl
"xpt.'rmwntotion 'l'' \11l1h{y
TA\Ja lls I 111 II ;>f1 "'1•> 20 J Slwiy /1.110
mess&f.1' v.hal '"" h.ACt ~lvf•n up for lo~• will
m11k,• rt-11111:w.ira1h 1• l.unitr ll!tJ)ecl 1 fovuruhlt·
1o1vod n''"'• 1&Jld humr11 •'•>rnt• 111to Jlluv
fil::Ml l N I ( M .1\ :!I J une 20 > A rnnl 1u1
finianrt'li. colll.'C'l(on' tklo1lln.i nt·W b, 1•ith1l11t111tt
,t'lf ,•:clt•,•m Wr11t•. 111:ik1• 1lct·1~1t111:., 1m i>rmt '>I y h·
r om f' l o ll't111~ 111 1·1111nt'1·11on v.llh relalloni;h111 tti,11
llt>t>m~ to i,to 1n mun" J1n·t·tton.' ut onr •·
(',\N("f:R 1Jun1· :.'I Jul\ i;!) Puhllc ur1 lu11r1
could be folAlUrt..'<l 1'1•1 ~on.illt .rnd 1'01.1ulartt} ~rub
Ii p ot 11.,:ht A n 'l'lll 1111 111111\ 1Ju1&hl}. OrlKIOJ hl \
Crt'llltV(' l'lldl'J\\11 ' lllll!jllt' W.A ):o. CJ( <JC hJt'\ lrl ~
Lt::O IJuh !:l \111 .!'1 \\htil wn1> a ~ec11·t 1i.
now ·uut 111 llw "I" 11 B1 1~111 c u~ lo dalt.-011 d1·
\'t•lnprnt'OI!-. 1r1w11111· 1 !1'1111 lo pull wwl 11\ 1·r
\llll l ,.,,.,
\'lfl(,( I \lW 'I "\l'l•I .':1 ... lllph u :.1' 0 11 111
\'lll\'t•IOt'lll 'ol'l IPLl 1111111111111111, llll Clll>tflcd fl'ld
lton!-.hll>. \\l\h1·, Lli .11 1 111 lw fulf1llcrl l'apnt orn,
'anl'cr 1nc11\ 1du d 111.:un• 111 power pac k f'd
o;1•t•n ;11111 "v1om•\ .irut I••\ dnrn1n;1t1 ·
I.I UK \ 1 s .. pt :!:1 <>< 1 :!2 1 !-t1H·1·1 :.ii 1·orn 11111 r11t y
pru ).:1'1 1 •111ld h, h 11 It 1111 .1i.:t•11<IJ F1r11-.h what you
s ta r t d1•m1111:-t1 JI•· ,\J\ 111g JIO\\c t ' •
S<.'ORPIO 101•1 :•:1 l\11v <!t l c:uo<l "F~ a :-.p1·1·t
coinc·1dei-llOW Wii ii 10 1114 I 111~1· Jlf'Ujl'l'lS, s p1rttu.d 1
ty , la nguagl'. .. <1111·.11 1011 , pulili...l11nl{ program You
b reak lh1 ough 111 ~:• •·ut1·1 c·n ·uttvt: na11g <:
SJ\GITTAKltJS 1 '\m ;!2 1)1·1'-;!I ) lio -.low
l'OOUJ.l h to ~a.v<1r I la\ 111 -. 111 :-.1111•11 t he rJowcr~
Ht•fusl' t1> tw <'aJo lt·d 111\11111tl;11t·tl. ru:-.ht·tl ~tainla1n
your own p;11·1•
<.:APRICOltN 1 l>1 ·1· :a Jan 191 Obtam htnl
fro m Sa~1l l ar111:0. 1111•..,,,1g 1•. you get what you need,
minus nurr anti "'·fll'I r1111111~ rnalt•rial
AQ 'Aftll 'S 1.l.111 :>11 F1·h WJ 1 ll ma} appear
thal )OU ·m1 ~·,1·d lh•· 111.11 k lluwcvcr. what ha~
occurred bof11nt·ra11i.! 111 \Olli f:JVor You gt>l .Jlro
verbial SN 'OIHI 1·h 1111 , ••
P l~<'•:~ 1 f-'•·t. 1•1 \I ar1·h <!OJ F:xr1tPm1·nl.
<'rt•atl\ 1l). 1•ha111•1: 11 .1\ 1·! -.,,,.,.1,11 ('rJrrespondcn<·I:'
fcaturrrt ~<'mh"r 111 1.p p 11· 1lr-'it'll pla)!-. pr1>m1n<:nt
rolt·. Taki· arh ;111 1.11'• 11f · 111 prtM' cle m ent Yciu
1·1111ld r uh· I••' k' ~111 .1l.
"'ALIEN' is a corker, a walloper,
a rouser. a ~creecher
and a ton of fun?'
Gene Shalit. ~ ..
1l:M I( /1111 'II t 1.r Rf)Nl<.A HMl~V lJlAN
!..1<1 llHll I WI AVI 11 I •1HI WIUI ,111 '>lANT(,N
IC JtfN t11111r IANl•ll/J ~ .• 1~1; I Knr rn
'' I H ••I l'l•ftlillf ••
,•, loo\. ••• , u ....... "'',j . .-•
,., ii• I •' I· ' " ... ' .. I •• ,
A lrlo 11( rwar pt•rfecl scoreb cuused another
uph .... avnl 1n the• s tandin gs this week as S.t:.
Vlllu~rtrab , Mu6m dt' W. und Jolla M. Stryker
1•lll{1Wl'\J ttw1r WU)' buck tnlo 11 lie for first place
with Jlllil two rnor•· t'Ontests left in Trivia Bowl
Th11< m t-t.HIN th 11t f1vf• tnv1addlcts huve a good
i-hot .11 • 111 rytna< off ull the marbles, and the
1111:..:o.1h1llt) 111 ,, l1l· 1·1·rlainly l"<1sts Pcrh:Jps since
ttw 1•01111>..th1011 1" ~11 kl·c 11, we should make the
rwxt 'l'nv11t Buwl u "'" month utruir. If you agree
1111 <.11:.al(rt!l'l, Jiil tl dowu on your next entry.
W1· n · bu<·k to lh · normal run of trivia loday
folio~ 111•: 11111 "P•·1 1..il J11h11 Waynt: column, and th1~ .
l•M M ~t•••~ Ot•11 •... "' .... ,.,,,
\ ~ '\tt1a•f'1t•I\ t It ' u
l ,, ...... Me>h \ft ... ,,
J lid \t,.._rl.,. 11~,1
l Qli\41 '4•<" OA\ U • ,1
Tr~Y -••lt'•I
(.t~llY ()no '11 ''
He• k~ tft Tew" tit
lt•Afttt MIU Cl' 11
. .,..,
10t 1
IOJI 1 ••• ... ' u
a 6eflt httotft'\ (J•,t \I
' Jollo 11 ....... U I H
tO "•ncy ,.,.., "' ,, \11 >
11 'f,.t ...... t,.\Am .. A f\ >I 0 I
U Ott1" \#t Oot9'ft u• l> .u
l)•J ••dJo UI ll , .............. c.... )I
1\•A1c~W.arMr ,1'11 H
•Ho er\lry tKeiw"9 ""ll 01 l~ht ---0 01· may 'ol·parat1· lh1• h urcl c·t>n• tnv1& nut!. rrom
lhl' n·gul:1r trl\ 1a 11111:-. Ttwn agarn, tt may be: all
tuu ca::.y
N un1lll'I 11111t• ~ii I 1•.1 rn you lh<c· honu:, point lh1 -.
\\ 1·1•k "" \\'\' h\.'act clown t h<· honw:-.trl'tch .
I. T HE SINGlo.lt t :X llOKTt:D his llstt·iwr It•
1•r1d1·a v11r to I l'<'all wht•11 t•X1s lenn: was a f 1•;1gil1•
1·111l11n1Hhly 111 ~hal fllt11">11°:J I" '
t! In \\It.JI <·111111 <· 'it1111 w11uld \11u ftnd l111·111 la
3 Whal. ;w1·11rd111~: 111 tl11• tag, ·~ lhl.' fJrll'I' or
:'ol 11rn1 t· l'c·arl ~ hal '
c.Mamas' B~al .. A11ni~s.,
N EW YO HK 1/\l'J With Jt·lrl·:-.~ LI\' l 'I
lmann ll·aJing )1111r 1 h1·1·1111g ~•l'lllOn , 11 ·~ hcsr<I lo
111~(' •
Tlw :-t.1r. or I H•·1111·11i!1•' ~l ama.' urg1...J ••n
th1· \1111ng-.l1·r-. "h•1 ,q1p1·,1r ~1 t h h1 ·1 111 rl11
Hroad\\J\ 1111,...1r al .1. tll\.'\ dt'flat1•d lh1· J..11b f1•11n
'J\nn1r . I ll !J Th 11--rb ~ Ill ;t rarnr tu I IJITI
m1..·111oratt• th1· :.!.1th .1111i1\11-.an 111 llw Hr<i.111""'
Show Lt·a j!lt{·
"A LITTLE ROMANCE' is extraordinary."
-ALAifl£, ~ce
11 .1111/1.1 1;11o 1111 I I II \I
I 1\l l<I N< I ( )I I\ II H
,\H ll ll 1l<l tll I "'1\l l't hi 11 I f<\I\'\
0 _..,.~.""""' 1'J't ;I . ...,,..,...,, ,,, ' .. ,
AICHAllO OAfl'llf!R. Coemopollten
"'Butch and Sundance:
The Early Days' is young, fresh
and everyone's American
dream_ of wlld west adventure."
BRUCE WILJ.IAl'l801'1, Pl•Jboy
. -.
......... ..........,.._ ·-----
Saturday. June 23. 1979 DAILY PILOT •7
By T.T.
•1 N ame the fomale accomplice of mass
murderer Charles St ur k weather.
5. "SHUT VP AND DEAL" is the memorable
dos in~ line in what Oscar-winning movie?
G. In U1e movie ··semi-Tough," Kris Kristof·
rcrs on played a c ha r acter named Shake Tiller.
Whut was Shake's real first name?
7 What was T•·d Giunnoulas' contribution lo
the world of s porL'>"
!:I In the T V movie "Uue l." na m e the
rcs t:wrunt wher e Dennis Weaver stopped for
9. "DON'T LOOK F OR VS in the school hall,
look 1n the pool h:.all" i-. a lyric from what novelty
10. Too many aooks would have made Al's
task muc•h m<Jrt> cl1rricult had he not been we ll
1r:.11ncd 10 the :.irt or tlt•ducuon tn what movie"
LaM Week's Answers
I Pharmuc1!tl f Wa yne·'> fathc r 1
2 A perforated rardrom 1 war d1sab1llty ! _
:1 "S;rnd~ of lwu J 1m;1" 1()sccsr nom1ncat1011 1
"Donovan ·~ Ht·<·f 1 Jotnt birthday 1
~> • lt<JO \lt•r I oghurn • or "True Gnl It al
g 1·ntr:.il l
•• Bruc1· J)t-111 1 V. :1>1w '> "k1llr-r 1
7 "'fruc C r1t ' 1 f1r~t 11·alt·11\'>1ng1
K Wif1• Mai'. rlaugh\1·" .J:.e111· aud
' 't'lluw H1lJl.)(rn·, 1
'' "Tlw Al:.i1n11 1 '1..,l•·n l1 ght1 •
111 "Heap th1· V.lld Wind,' 'Wat..•· rif Uw HNI
W111'h." "S 1rub of '"'' .l1ma,' "The Sea Ch:.a -.e.:·
"'l'h1• F h •ht tlll'. S1-.il1t·1·~" a11d "T hf' Sh11ol1 ~l "
I \\' ,I\ rw <11.·.i th -. I
I \NIU t/11111 llWiUJl'I.~ 111 'l'/UV/11 , I r1 !Ill! IJUlll/ .J'ilrJI
/;11 1 l.111'1. (',,~tu M1·•11 '/;!1,;!1, ,\/( ••11lnr~ rnt'-\t lie re1 I'll <'d
/111 ~ l'lilln1fi111 1Jllwru1w J.,1/f llw pl1111n'.~ IO:St :sc1111· un it
/W llltltrl/1·tf I
-.6tt e,Lr•"'\ "8'_,.U•.J1,
· HAIR is for ever\tone!
HAIR is triumph·~~t·!·-
HAI R is a jubilati~n!. :.~. · .. ~
Let the sun
shine In!
CIJfoc.r ... flrJ'll~ .. • "'.,; ,.'•·•~•·••
.__._ l"t_; ••. • 1111111 ... n • ~
• • •• h I t • •. .,.. ..:i
""lit led lltl~IS -----···""''·--·
'c:• i.tf{ii-W'l:I! , {;_'!._I_~
,.,, ,.+ t,; • -..ii.wt I
I 1 A1• t !>J.O 74.44
1\1 • 'lt't <11 'lHtHIJ,•ur
, , •• • • •• Sl~<'Ut1 1 I H1.r•1•1 .. f IW~ itl I •mflll
-,., lb.'1•
.. '· .... A L I E N
1 • 1 1 1 llv1 1·11· •Ou< I rt rtQf<IALO SHUSC 1 T
Pfl<>I 1111 11 t1\Jltf)IJIH ~ftrl<lll UAVIUC11LCR • W.Al1L1Ht1l\
U•flC. •1 1Jfl• n1r111 ; t.111 1 ~.101 .. 0V OllNOBllNNON.
l ll!-.IV.AN ... CJUlll<r.Ql.OW Pllllll!.Uv nfuJ•I ----
R llltfflllCH O
•I -' • 0 +11\ j '"l°'i .... 1 11 u
• •••
NEWPORT llACH * 644~780
. .•.... ...... ,, .. ,
994 J400
l • ••••
.. ,., l .,. . .
!194 ;-400
, .. ,,..
-~II/~.~· ... ~]
~ ...... : .... :1-J
"l'Mt MQMlnl _. ..
,.O,HICY lNt
111ao • 1111 • ,, .,
•:U e l :IJ ~ 10.IS
llrO e l :I SeS1-114S & 10100 .... -·--•lkll.....,._· .., ... -~
I 00 e l IS e S:lO e 1100 & IO·IS
'"" fAlll e A1AN Ae•IN THE IN-LAWS I~
'h it M0Hll'n M0\111"
,.O,HlCY fl'OI
I 1 .)0 e l lO e 41JO e • lO e &1l0 I I 0.JO
..... ••t• Mv1lcet Sl•u ·c..a..,et' "
l>l U\
tlUCI \fl IN
GAMC O f Ol ATH111
UP IN SMOt<f 111
f tnt f ALI' .til•" ........
W0 ... ..141-1-00-t.I \
\. ',,.,.._.' Jl-2 4 ...... ,1. '-9!1•
.. J:.. ":".~_ ,.!f..~ ~
, .. , ~--·111:10·\-1 IS.9')0
·-. .__,.. i.. _, _..,.
I THl MU"O MOVll 101
T .. E CHAMP 1•01 .. u,
HlROES 1,..1
"TMI MOHSH I M0\111"
HO,HICY 1•01
•1 llS
NIGHTMAIU IN ll000.111
onn rALK e AlAN UKIN
... fMlliililYL.:::.:!.:::~~ -·AM .... ._.,,..._.,._·--
> '"" "'"' am;ll:J~lil'"?"· .. ~ .. ::·T:··:-) . .,. ::-'· u, • 1M011• 1•• " •' ,.,,.. ~ 1 CMKUN C•OllCUI (N)
. ............. , ··-11Jt4/t 14 I
, .............. ., --..... ,. OtU1•
-J. llNT\ICICT flB MO¥ll fal ..... u STftllANO e HAit O'HIM
lllNK'S IOI tN I
-IMAl ...... MCll10N
MOUA CALLI'"' _, ................... ....... •1•=ri
,...__. ... " .......
Tiii CHAMP ....
""' •IOll!Nt
\ ' I\ I I I 1 .,.. .....
I =,·-.. ..,.,.,OUCM ----• * T ...... lul~ f IHll
\hoeOI ........ "--0.
CMIO A w.rto w., H -· ~ ..,....,. WllC)Ort 10
bOtfl "'9 f:~ ltlO Nibs
W"'!I In AlrJUn tlilllla rn
··~·---.. AU.. l'TAM -~ • • ' lkJmtl Al 10 10 •
11116 71 o.:i. O* MllnlQOlft
•J Sr~O PleM lfl If;..}
.,. ••,•1>•11 Am•rn an
POW 1)19n• lo llAl.,m+nal• .... _(.....,(-
• • "C ev. Oi <>->"••"
I liS21 M~ C '""' Alt••• StNth A11 -.. "'"' -Ci-. caw ICN ll•"fl
fltOOetl "'''"' "'""' ,, l<Ul<I UV I I"' IO"''" I
1G-IO 9 (JJ l ARZAN I SUf'£A
IEV!N 8 THE Jf:TSON8 • <f:tJ 810FOOT ANO
. .
Seturdey. June m. 1919
Spurky Marni::. t lt·ft , ha~ wuru::. With
l'int·1nnut1 flNf:.. 1·utdu·r Johnny Ur n('h.
pl.1 y1nJ.: hlmM·lf lrl ;111 t'J)IMKh-of "Tht·
Bact Nl·w:-. lh-:Jr:-." t11111ghl ut K on ('BS,
C'h.11H1d l
hu•.o() vu tl"'lt1 l''•'Y h f
~h 1rnl0tu O A lot IV ut uob•11
houtHHJ U.uuh1i. ho•M11t 1ur
ft(IVfftQ &-UfAAltftt1tttJ IU 0 1••
t.h1ttn>1> 01 tt d11v•li8hly voo 110
M11\/0lll (1111 Ji)HllH/
<illlltlt Ml\J ''ht ttH•h\ t ' tu
i0H1•ll )
Ot1tl•" W11\t I 1hry <1111t1u
tUll) Uh'f1t Ohlt :.-\1\Jl\I '''" Ht
lhP. ..wrnou10 t.•Jwttr v
. . ~.
lnoMpM>f' Mal• p_,
An llO_,.,,., IC>""• ....
n>Otol 1eni0I• lllQ.I0<\1 OI
AhN"• '" • hyd•OQOltl·llMll<l
blllloOn 10 -... h '°' ..
moalf'O ••OIOt• 11 h•• I
• • • Advet1tu1H O•
HUC:lll«lwty Finn" 11960)
I Olly Ran<1•ll. Ed<I••
HOdQM QUIO(l on 11\<t llU•
ry hy M••ll Tw¥•tl A
'>Wlt..,rn b oy <.Om418 gl
OQ41 wtllle 1141!1•nQ down I h41
~•l1MH1pp1 1'1 t111 l
• MOYie
• • LUGky 111 .. n ( 103''
lohn W11yn11 till•""'~
"•h••htOo A. Qvtt•ll•'~' ouo
n11 t11d1tlol(;k "'" 6<;Cu'lld <>I
i l<l10 bl>tlry (llll I
l •1<1 •IOI y o f ro.,, you•>Q
Amu•k..4.&tt&J who hav..,. "'
t StfHtd• lt)I H ,,,U ... m(l loor
Ol'Y ~ '3C4'! ·~ \Old
• 6 • Ww• (JI fht1
W11Clttll~ 11<14 JI Jt,hn
W•'Y'"' M(Hlhlt :.C.011 A
f.Jtttt'I '(;hOOUttu( tw•t hU•,t
vO f, om i1 1Jmoll lt1wn tot
n .. •vff\Q w ttll(}O .. ((J(ttlOVOt
,.... ooa• f>A(.Omt.t'• tho
Uhtft{"f o f romunht """'' /
O .. twtttt" t\llft> {Jkluhoo-... o•I
mun f:>ru" J
'•PM .. ,1 Olym11o1" "1
UC.I A U OAAG AACINO C.l•t•"• N,·1t1on11t•1 fD TURNABOUT
KTIV e 5: 00 -"Mutiny on the
Bounty." The original 1935 version of the
movie classic with ~lark Gable and
Charles Lautehton.
KTLA e 8:00 -Miss California
Pageant. Beauties from all over the
Golden State compete to win the chance
a l the Miss America pageant.
CBS 8 9:00 -··save the Tiger."
• Jack Lemmon turns in an ~ar-winning
pc.rformancc as a beleaguered garment
ma nufacturer in this 1973 movie (photo
below ).
11111•• CIU<ll 1111111m11nl Dy
"'"" c.ap1am. <IOC•<le• 10
"luhnv 1:> h•• I
ft1tt f 11tmrJ11\t1 " llf+I' .. t•tl
hv .1 tohun(I .. '''" u tflut
ltdo•-. t (Hlllf)I nl U1u •.h111
(10 1 NEWS
6•30 I) WORLO o r
Tht~ r11<11t,·1~ M 1fltitfH1r1
Ooc And l\Afo<WI Walso<l I
Gowt Scrnrt1n0t
(e ) -..uOH OOUAR
7:30 8 CHAHNEl TWO
'..utSOnllll ChtldA &n<I M G
K""Y lak;i " ""'"lw•n<I tOU<
r,1 ~lhf!rn carir0tn•a pllO·
p141 nno (>lac.es. onclud•no .,
••5•1 10 L .. 1to fl~tQnor 10
l)ltthCtp.tt•• tn pr.tHtUltHnpy
111111 i1 •nok dt th4' 1aqoo1
Qf\11 t tQJt' ~w941p111<J lh<! lhe
tountry D (\OJ fAMIL y FEUO
FOOTSTEPS 11:001 =:;:~
80NS KAAlOf'f'S
12:30 IJ lt) FAl AL&EAT
"'U .u 1\)•\\ tu' h • 11H 1 hu
( 1U(J1f , 11u:0 I tut;Ut•t .ti
••t•nd·-. Otrl WrJ''""1 ,W"•• ,,.,.w.11v '";,tJMh•c.1 •n ,,,,11
t 1llH)tu1t UUlf i1tt.iftJl1!.llllftHI
,.,,,...,,mrnout'i 0 HEWS
rho ':C..talt..h tng Pr>I•~ l•t·
th1 Cht1to11n.1 c;anchot .,no
thtl t.1tf\Of O•s.t.()Vt)f ltHU th•• ,.,,.>ii ,,) prr1cl1c;f• life .....
lff'1"-'• m •vO• uwlly t;IOP'>
l h tt 0 10t11ll 0 1 Dr
Cll•doll'' A cU111dty '"''"' 9'•~
which 1111,ally 11mpl1lovs 1n.1
v1S•on Bno twlAr•nQ flt ""'
01:.r..ov8' turn~ n1m 111111 ••
psycttoiic k1ll1;r
'" ··•tnftocnns On r V•'*"~'
Otl M lly I, 1963 Jin• Wil
t~ftf bttc:IttT'Ml lhtt nt•,I matt
to plont lnu ~tat\ .01d
Sl"P''~ on Mr l ""'""' 8lJ_JEST ~ f'AMIUES
.11:1& 0 &ASWU.
s .. n f, "'" .,. u ,_,,, .... n•~ "''
C.n<.1nnl'llt P•·th
I h•• PQPUIAt htnn•~ 'h.-tnl-
f)tOf\ :.Pofl•Oht~ ttu• .1h1l11m,
••Hd t:artttit"' tJf w tim1•0 m
12:00 II (8 l SPACE ACAOEMv 0 GOLF' •
A.I AW Wt1fnl'••
• • M, MUtlf"I'· UUh••
A(l1t•f\ l 1'•~'))' ••U t ., .. , •• ,
thml1 t t.JU rt••• I .• •.t '..11th•
ktdS IH'\11 1ht•·m•.t14Vft'\ tn
lrouhlP Qn(.(• •.t(h••n f I ht
:m mon 1 " m SOUL TAAIH
JAi'" ti14lP1>i111I ·~ ..Cl u'"'°
ot frrtmpt1nq "' <A>ftur1"
OIONW IQ tlt1<1lh
• • • Mt~•. JulMJ • tu•.Ot
Arnt,1 F110t\> hHIM ~ltt•tq
(fO) CM1CO 10
'£1 Cumino Ho(Jh
t:008 (t ) ARK II 8 BIOVALUY
N H" llt t()().11.tttQ fot ti f'1u•f
whl) a t~n 8h UUtr10 t11flt h
••ou1pm••r11. .u1tt f)•,
~u!,,puct~ t• y•~·" 11ltt
• • • 'NOfU\ fo AIH• .. ,,· r 19(>(), Jf)fut W ayn11 ',tt•w
31t G tllO()t•t A m • .u hn(h .,
... ,t>•1olltutP fOt h1~ l11••nt1 '
flftfM....ert-ufl&f' flH d1~/1\f••I ~
'" .. nu, m.-.,, .. ~ a.nulf4ur
I" I"> 'JO m111 1 a» HOHEVMOOHEAS'
ff\•• Kt&mdAfl\ ·•"'' Jh•·
Nfutt>n\ 1uu 1nfu ~• h••
~v1no~ on tM" tJCtta" vov
t.1f~" to Pu11s.
ti) MARCUS WEl..8V.
Alhtf tt u •fC1tmt1(1 ,,,, (1f1nli(.
&.\•H"'UfH" •I jf1h d ' lltl 1ttltlf1l1t
HH,tt'yft<W' Ot Wt•lt1y hrnl~
nut tw tb ,, h,.CJt.ill1•t:.' .;,, ... ,
1 to• K.moa100 tM•
1.301) 18/ FILM FESTIVAL .,..,, t. VHHt Oltt QUI tJ1M.flW'
... , •.unt~,th•no ,,., ""''''
•ffllJ'JffoJf'I thrm ·• O•O-k••fl
rt•l)lnl• • .fJ. '~ntl '' yuut.q hoy
•••ttrnt. a htMOU tu hUml•ll
tt•h'Qrlly 0 MOVIE
• • ", "Ablx>ll Ano <,r"'
""'Hl Moor I htt k•Jy~lou•t
0<Q11'o I l'l!>SI fr"'1 Ctm•
t y11n ft.ut Alf Pf buymiJ ••
uhn •U1~hmt mtJV••· •,tuf1•t1
lwO m••n 0'-' 10 ••t)lt'y"'ffMHJ
th '"1•U C:h •11 thu \<HI0(11tlf
C'lla11n.-.I IJbt ing•
11 KN,<l1C ASJ LIJ'. Anf1o>I•"•
8 t<NBC INBCt LO., An'l"''"'
• KlLA (Ina) Lo'. A111j1•l•J'.
8 KAUC TV (ABC) L<1" Anq•·I•·,
ft J K~MFHCB~I ::,.1n U•"<JO 8 KHJ N (l11CJ I LU'. A"'J"I .. ·, nOl KCST (AOC) !;:in 01• •q1;
• KTI\t (llHI) tui. Anq•·I .. ••
g) KCOP IV (111rt) Lo» Ar1o11•l1·,
8' KCL I IV (Pllf>) Lu., Anq1•1,.. m KOCr rv /Pl:lbJ Hu11l1n'JllJn u .... u,
l'\lllt1' ., fh•,.v f 111nt l\unu11
,.,.,._ l.,tllh•i11111
• • • I t1t• ltttl•., 1t1 \
( 1'•1 11 IJwu-111 M• (_..,,y1t1
l'1tul fhu-.u lhtt uttl" tc1• 1
1ru•ltr)(Hll1t.UI VOllf t' ftu t Ii
fut•(> llt1 tn (Jt•HI Wflh ,f V.tti
.-fy ul """'Y•l••'t' 1JffJl41f•n1•.
t I ht 10 ffllrt J
:1'00 I) KI08WOAL0
0 GO
'"'''·•''' 0 BONANZA
(hu (,fltfWtlflflf·. l~,,,,,J.,tft
t UH l\lft Mu•••v t fJ'"' . ''
~"''' unf1 t1t1n•r· tu. C·"'
•f'•n .. w 1H1f11111 m MISSION
f ttu IMf '""'' flttll '"'"''' 1l
oH t•()11my ,1o••nt f t h1fl1Ufl
111 .. •rulh wn1•t, f)p. 1 ••• 10•, ,,. ,.., ,,.., .. ~ ,,,,f, Ill Ith•.,.,
• • rt1 .. 1 rau•lv I•"'
tt'H•., Jr1tit1 W.1v1u A11n
I ~lltft• •f fl tt '' It. qil'l• I t 1f t •• 11
lj1w·, t.11111111•1•, ht' u l r1t111 t1
t •I' \Hllll O U•I ff)itU\ fHli.11•.
I t1fllH,l f I tu ·,
'.Uno• 1•, "~"ll!llt•tl h · t1\1 ov
•·• ,, ,lt}ltill rn.1• hHfi••·• ••
t•lflH ,, , r1n~·· t1,1rt ·•i•11
••fun• 1t fq 1f'1 µ,,,, ... , ,,,.,.
2:30 I) LAST OF THE WllO
· p,,,,no••t 0 1 1 tw t ,,,. ••• 1
3'00 I) I 81 GOLF
Canrttl•tH• Oo•·•• I ·~··
f.UVt1'1lll" Uf trut(I fll\.HUf
pt.1y m ""' S •'·0 0()() ,,, .. ,,
11,,ffllHtf h tJffl fflf•H /\f1l1t"I
t •''" (.,ru11 111 ( ),,., v1lh ,,,.,,,,.,,
fh,-. Vo A1, IJf•pu•UnHU
At 'tyln1.1t
a • • Mu n".,'"
lh•.1111 ,,.,,. t lfJ4f)) flt)tl -.,,,1, Ju.,11 <,.1vU1•·•11
••·1•,11fJ tJtt HI•' IH>'J .. hy f •t
r,.,.,,,Hllt111 A t11uh••r
.1tfPff1flf•, II+ n1.11fllo11n 111•.
•••11•'"111 1• 10 ,,.,, 1 f1li1 I 111
t'u1t1 I 'H"'• J.V ul f , mt 1 (, .. , .. ,
• • 1 "'''ii ''' rn•· 1 ;, 1
l!,11frl('in I l'1h01 M'"""''"
• S111nmer School
4:00 I) I $ t SPOATS
Cuv•1• ••Ou ut '' ·.uf~''' IMh
lillflW UHJflf fifJUf l;•1fwrn1n
W 1Utu•h) <••.if•H•1 Imo lohu
H••tU,f11t1••/ ·•'"' ·• l/'/11/+
hotuw•'!O'"' h Oul f1•,11\JIU••J
( t11t1•.to f •;phHtt v•, ( f11ufJ1
Nt,••1 h Offl '1Ufl )U1f11 ''U•lt
lff '4'(t)
• • f,10 ,, Ytkl t•• K1lht••'I
u, '"''1iJ Ht1,tt1•u 1 •
t ,,,...,,,,,(1 Cl.tu• lu1..,,,, A
W fltll+ffl I f>OV'll•I • f n I
Cf fflC,'1f1•1 l4'1'h ttt1ll f 'l'Jt•
Ill f1l#ftf~'1#1t ''o0 lltHt .,,, I I
t.1hf\fl .,. , •• ,~··•h~ff .. ,., '
t .. n.r1h 11., ~,1111()1·• v Wh• •
,,,., f.t1"' I 1• ft •· I ft1o11•
t1il lfft• Pt•f111' I II ft1lf• II
II• 't1•,1f W•IJI fhl' ( •ihJlll' •,
'If 11111 , Hitt l•+<i11f.t!tf1" Iii
AtWHU .ti! 111>'1'11' h H•J
H,,.,1 jr11• flt• t
0 fREE .... ALL
ltfl\I f r.111t. ~Will!
( l(Jf .,,, .. ,.,,,.Mt '•II'"-.
h•tt #JM•• Hl>t10 lv••t1 "' •tu
unhuhuvuhl" 1 t1rrttk.lf•u w,,,
luf1 hy ll tn11n thlfl\HO t\n .01
(.t)v•••·•O•• rJf lh•• AAIJ Out
,,,.,.,, f ,.,r~ I\ I u•11j C h tin
, • .,,,..,, .. ,,.. h n m w .• 111111
( tH)V• ( •\1\IJtftl t Ht•
.. ..A., h•tJ .,, "lflfJ "'' .. t ti
r.tf1• fu;t1l lt)u IU11•tll,1ft 1f1 tl
'1p u1111w11 / 1n f$(1,1,., lyt1
• • ',1,m•• M .11 l ,1it1t•
( l'Tr.71 Ju .. q ,h r ,,,. .. ,.
M.1tlhH hy11t l\rt Ao\11"' ,10
'''I''"' tn •.,••O'•" 11U111npt•,
ll'J, .,.,1t1•1f• fO•• tlfh•rQ~.)1y
who ttr1\ H1f1llf11futf Afflun
r ,Jn '"""''· (I h1 ·,, m MOVIE
• • • • Ml11my fJ1• lh•·
fttnu tfV f 10.t'JI (.,1,,,-i.
I, 11,i.1 (.horlu~. I ''"'lrlf'Ht
fti•• trt•W r+f lru• It ttA •,
fJ'1•11tly ,,.,,..u.nt, .1(J.11n•.1
I •
(.11v•11.1un 111 Hw /\/ill (1qf
1111111 '•111 ~ f, \ 01hl ( "un
CJU 11•,f111 •• l fHflt V'J.11111;1
(,,,,,,!\ c ·•"'' 1111.1 ''"
M u 111q 111 '""' ,,,.,.,, '.,,
f,1(.U 1fl1f'I •h•~ hit• I t! fltl1fl •I
'1(J1•t•tlN 'f 11 fttt.1,•ttf1
M•t n••1·•I
1100 I) 18 CBS NEWS
• • I 1J .... , .... , u. .... .,
I ''"·"> •"''" I I If •' 111111• "
'• 11d• I 'llhuu t11•t h .Hlf • 1
;t •• 1,,11f.1 l lt• f 'f''lllf'll W'•'"
111 fuit) 11t ·,fl1l1fl ft
1t•h 1 1)tff I t• It I tl;llPI
,,,,,n•llnll •·t ,, t·•, 1
• • f;r1qht I 11.11 I t•1•,\ J
'"'''f (,1111µ1•1 I ·••1••·t1
h 1u 0111 A h •h 11• '' 111 ,,,,,
f'"'""'-u" '''""'01uly w••,1ftt1·1
qhftl,1 111,tHti•' h1'I.,. ,Ht<JH1
r t'f•' ,,, "·to;,,· '·1•11~ ''"I
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f.A<•'''J 1t • t•• 1>1t111 .'••l
f\, !111111 111 .. '·'""' W.rll
''•·••oh· l u•• J•1h11 1,•fu
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t.A11"•Jl1h.1 ''"" •·' lhu 11 1·.1
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8'00 I) $1 BAD NEWS
W fl••tt fiulterr"d'''' m,,..,, .. ,
t/m tftl'tl,JkU o t l•1U11~ 1011
11 ••• ., •• h••.,. ... ., o~n '"""" ,-,,
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.-..ioi. i(J 'Y'~-V1-tlt•t.JU t1f th••
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11.11t1 •"• t h 1iltt1() h •H4•fl ht
1 • u11'1 ·.to-un ... t I ,,, tO ,,,. .. ,
fD ... ffTIHG Of' Mlf'olOS-
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t . '''"'''.fin ft.•rtt1HHI
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ft1t1fl•''' I 'IWfl .• ~..,.,.,ttl thnu
,.411,I •~n,Ht t")I , dlH1• f111 Uh·
f,trirJH flf•tl ~• plot ,,, rluw 1I
ftlJIU('l tU 1.•111 thP filn(w
Ht•ro's Story Told
hNI\ .. , ... "-•.,.,
• bM!tl tot>bef '"°"" 1¥*1 wtlO ~ ~·
Mii IO lie 1 adloaetove
... (I) Cle*""' * * * "Seve The Ti09t"
( 1913) ..... l.-.oft. J.a.
Olffofd A .......... .__
O•""*"I "'•nwtaclut•• ,.... daapef ... .,., ....
«lf"""IOn s-vadlnQ ._
Ille •t•UQlllM 10 •*tM' .....
Mlt·tMPeC1 IRI • llJANDTMI...,_
A vindlclive aoorta CM
dfhlet ••-to pr-I 8J \1 fro m ul11ng "'*"''' pallenl• on an ()Uhl'Q IO ...
amu!M'Nlnl p111& IAI
.. T ony'a f 1mlly" Ll"Y
Storcn. "lha MtNMer And
flle St11ppat" Pete• G••-· Ao1 KAMty, "H« Own Two Feel",,.,... Ally•
son. Van JoMtOn lfU
• NML, l()()OM
Loa AllQllM Allee• va.
, ..... AoughnKll•
• EUZAMTHR s-1 f1l9land's P1tde '
Aner 1ornanclng IM aging
QUMn. 11>e•yovno Earl ol
f saea plans lo 18ft\0"6 IWl•
from ll)e ltlf~ l>IJI IS
e•ecultld II> IOUNOllTAOE "Oow1> ea~ .. TM 1916
Readen Pou Awa1d& ·
r llad J,,,,.,• OOd Ch<C:k
COtea hoM an all·slat llNl·
up ol Bwllrd wmmnq mus•·
.. 308 MOW
• • • M y J .1vo111 ..
8 1une11e" ( 19•11 Boo
Hop+>, OotOlhy lflmOUr A
myslenous woman P4'1 •
~VIJdtt<, it baby PllOIOQlli·
pht:tt 'I) bfte..,..,... " "U~ll •
<lf1u1h (1 "' JO min I
1 "" Boy Who P111d1Cll!<l
f JtthQV·•"''"' A too yulu
01<1 l>Oy whl)5'< p<o•11Gll()n\
""ff uot,lrhngly ttu~ ''
m .•dfl •• t•1luv••,1()n
v>mmftnla lOt
10:00 D 8UP£1tTAAIN
A yovn<j hltltM~ IJoyCH
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l>flonq purWOO llV lllH~· 1)1
"''' to'"'~ ~,...rvani1·, wtwl
\litn(j er1 tnhf'ril h"'' fOftun••
'' -;nP dH'u; f Pt 0 AUSTMLIA fOA
V1r (>rlmn fl•t k .u •>·•• 1
J •1•.ofl ,.ncl m,1n., Au.,111th.u\
p .. ,lotrnff' \ -.1.u 1n t IUu•
1110 ··r~"' Ml ol A1J')lr.1li.1
A pMIO(lrlillh•ir IMoC,hf!Ul
I 1.-.t) wuo ,,.,, .. ,..,~, ~hH 1•,
IH·•nt4 n.auntfld b'f ·• MH1•
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J''''' ,,, ,, btO tun•• ()fJ6t11r 'I•''" ... y1•,11 ~' ,,,,,,,~,. Htt
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''"'''' B<t f Hu• 'hth•
At .1fJ••rny A.,offt ~111n1nq
·,hrnt him h• lh••
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P" ... '•lflh~
10:30 t(:) THE L06 ANGELES
/"t"u f.A1•tit11 C.tlf'\dUCI-.. t'1t•
1 /4 ~h1lha1n1ont< tn
"upu.-.f• Of UH• t CHtt.t•t t m,,,.,.,,,, Mtttu.,' •·•'' ,,.,,.
..,,, ..... , ·•PP.•••'..tnc..•• ,., •t•
rJ 1tt•f.ll1t w ith YtUllfH".t
111n..t" P••flm.m 11-oououm1•1no
A Wdy Oul•ttHI lllllJllO
lr,utt.1t• It\ nQt Whitt ti "\f•Um •
ttni1 tho <..-on<J'''!o u u
111mn!-lt muht,•fflO t;y u rnu•
fttud•· ot mint mon•,t•Ht\
11·1&8 A8CNEWS
Ho"' fl~Qll f,ouhl IHI
·----··~ ·-c. .......... ,. ... ......... -..c.r.. . ..,. * • "A ""*'!Oft 0t ,_ ..... ,., ............
• MCMI .~ .......... ,,..., .....
de KclnOS* .. Julio ....... .MCMI • • • ... "'"* c:11 ... ~· ,, .... , .._.,...., eoe-t. Joel,_, .... °" .... ncMlt by ..._.,. ...
Two ......... .,...._•
~"*IOI"'°' tlla ..... Of....,.....,
• *""' • • ~ "8ecr•I• Of wo-" l1M21 Anll•
9jorli. Jar1 Klotlle. Dw.cted Cl"':;;;...,,,_.,
• • .... "Fade lft" c tMtl
But1 Aeynoid9. Bllrt>w•
loden QI lltOVW * •"' "Joutftey To SMofl '
( 111111 J•"'*' Ceen,
MdlMI S.ra11n
t1M8 MOVIE *** "A~l"(t971)
K irk Oou9l1a. Johnny
C.-h OrlYM by greed. IWO
IOI"* oun¥'-S stage II '"°°'out tot a prlC4t ( t tit ..
50 fTW'I I
tl:IO. lltOVW
• • "lw1s1eo Br111n"
119741 Pa1 Cato•. Jonn
Ntland H911U41d llnd tor·
INlftlfld by SCllOOI ptflS·
">Ills. a b<~llanl 1-..-
1s 11111\alormlld 1ftlO a half. m..... hillf ·IMllllll and IS
cont•oll9d by an 11¥11 •or~
tOl'llm&ndtng """ 10 kott. It
111 30 m1h I
t• D M>Cac OOHCE"1'
Gvesls John T 1avOll11
r.11 •nl Oouglaw S•lvnr
Conven11011. lhe Manha!
1 .. ns. J1mm•& Wl\\~e•.
S1lbef. Allo M>d Manha
• ~ hC! Mons le< And l ri..
r.111" (19~ ti U~• Or-.
Hod c-nn w""" •'" -r-vft<, Ille ,,_,_
P.an11'1d "'"'" of ,, 'fOUOq
m,.o wno •·•---tUtte.utt:KS.
OM• f ltMfutt:t Qf.M'1 f.)fl J k1tt
tHfl ~ •• ,,.,.., ( 1 hr 10 min t
t 308 AOVENTUM"8
I h•u" Anrl C..ounl"' ·
• • A•,..gnm'lfll p.,,.;,"
1 l<t )21 0.tn" AnO'*JW~.
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1·3611 TALt<AllOUT wnt4
t·4& 1101 ABC NEWS
2·008 MOVIE
• I ()f)il' I rn1 .. In rh1~
H""''"'""' I •'J7?1 W llll•11"I
Mr.t .hou l,Co'"' ••oln''~
• "lhtt V.1mP"" Abel
S aldlllf AOrodnno W jllllf
1:068 NEWS
2'108 NEWS
2:1&8 MOVIE
, t "" v101+"'' p,_.,,,o, ..
f 19~91 V1ll11rn1 ('i,•l>'.mdn,
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MtJfv f'tu1hn
3:30. MOVIE
•""' --c 11rn!I Vt1n1u10~
f l'l~) fdmond O'Unen, IJ,,,,., <;ulhvil(I
4:000 MOVIE
• • · rrn, Ou:iltu(.IJHll
111.it.71 Rtr.t\Jtd l (l·"' P1;l11·
• u. Ovrrn,:-,.,
•·1011 NEWS
4.1&8 MOVIE
••• 1 fho $c..,1rtotWtJb'"
I 1!!'101 Gt•Hllt\ Jono~ Ha1el
KOCE Plans Educational Prograrm Vietnam 'Hell' on TV
Special summer mslrucllonal pro·
gra ms that <m, v:trtcd enough to en·
le rtain, inform and educc.le every
member or the family begin ainn~
Monday on KOCE-1'V, Channel 50.
P arents may COJOY watching in·
struction television with their gr ade
and high school children. designed to
review basic muth, reading, and
grammar skills, (GJ<~D series) und
programs about the American
economic system.
DURING A SUMMER of restricleJI
s ummer t lasscs. because of the
financial effects felt by Proposition
13, Channel SO offers nine summer
_classes for the primary and secon·
dary school ch ildren in Orange
Each morning, Monday through
Friday. inHtructional televis ion
begins at 7:30 a.m . with the "Elec·
tric Company." The program, for 7
to 9 year olds, is an exciting and ef.
fective way to teach basic reading
s kills Eac h program features
animated cartoons , songs , comedy
sketches, and Spiderman.
"Freestyle" encourages 9 to 12
year olds to Uve life to the fullest and
avoid aucb unfair reatricliona u sex·
role stereolfping, with emphuiB on
career development. Jt airs Mondays
and Wednesdays at 8 a.m.
Development (GED) Is Ii aeries de·
1lgned to Improve a student's akJJla
to the level of competency neeeuary
for the Hilb Sc:bool Equlvalency
Ritter, Dey Cut·
HOLLYWOOD (AP) -John R.ltter
and au.... Dey will •tar ln tbe ABC
movie '1'M New S.uoa." RJtter
play• a former athlete wbo beeom11
........... y bapel•• druM ..... b1I ....,."'911'.... .
Pro~rams in math. rcadin~ anct
gra m mar arc presented sequentially.
It a irs Monday through Thur.1day at
R 30 a .m. a nd Tuesday and Thursday
al 9 a.m.
"FOOL'iteps," cspe~i ally for 17 to
25·year-old a udiences, is sensi-
tive and thought prov()king series on
the interactions or adults and sm1o1ll
t•hi ldrcn. Programs arc hosted by
Rob Reiner ("All In the Family")
a nd his wife, P e nny Marshall
t"Laveme and Shirley'') and Mike
and Judy Farrell ( M •A•S•Hl. ll
airs Mondays and Wednesdays al 9
''VEGETABLE SOUP," for uges 6
lo H, teaches appreciation for dif·
ferent points or view I acceptance or
individual and group differences and
positive attitudes towards one's own
ethnic group, It airs on Tuesdays at 8
a .m . and is followed by "(;over lo
"Cover to Cover ." for 9 lo 12 year
olds, encourages in deli ghtfully ii·
IUBtrat.ed fashion the searching out or
good books for ruture reading and in·
creasing awareness offine literature.
Os .. arRoflo
Ja c k Le mmon i s
s hown in the role
which won hi m an
Academy Award for
"Save the Tiger ,"
airing tonight al 9 on
CBS, Channel 2.
Hy P•:Tt:R J . BOVUt
I.OS /\NC t-:LJ<:S II\ P J In the la!>l couple or
~··urs . llollywootl h;b <11scovcred a wellspnng or
11lsp1ra1um m lht· Vietnam War. issuing forth a
st•ru•s or movws und TV dramus examinm~ the
Sll l'('tal Jl:llnS unf1 horrors or lhut ronf1 k l
l'lc11ly of unj.!s l m these. but no heroes. Viet·
nam , wiJ.h Its d1 vutcd passums and uncertain
purpmw. wasn't the sort or war that Hollywood
c·oultl L'mhrul'c It wos a war that America losL
So. Wl' got rilms ahout alienation <"Coming
llom1"'1. grisly retribution !"The Deer Hunter ''),
rnglorious loss of life <TV 's "Friendly Fire" I
NOW NBC IS WORKING on a new chapter to
the nightmurc. called "When He ll Was in
Session, .. to be aired this fall. But this story is a
ht lie different from the others. It has a hero.
lie is Commander Je remJah A. Denton Jr. You
might remember him. Ile was the first man off the
pla ne when the first group of American POWs ar·
rived in the Philippines in 1973.
Denton was shot down over North Vietnam in
1965. For the next e ight years. he was altemetely
tortured und isola ted by has captors. spending
more than four years m solitary confinement.
THE PlllSON CAMP became Denton's own
personal battleground. He waced a quiet war with
his captirs. reruslnl to break.
"I WAS SEEKING TO obviate the possibility
that they .dub words into my mouth that I didn't
say and wshonor me back in the St•tes." he re-
members. "I'd already made up my mind Ulat I
was going lo defy them, but I never thought there
was one chance in a million that that would get
back to the States."
It did. Navy intelligence saw the television in·
terv1ew and picked up Denton's message. It was
the first confirmation th1o1t U.S. POWs were being
It was a quiet triumph, and bespoke a strength
of character under pressure that defines heroism
in any war. on any side. Denton, now a retired ad-
miral, seems embarrassed by the suggestion.
"I DON'T BELIEVE you can ute1ori1e
human beings aa good or bad. heroic: or coward· !Y ,'' he uys in a quiet Soutbem drawl. "There is
good and bad, heroJc and cowardly ill 9"" m·
dlviduaJ. Certain circumstances, certain act.I ol
will on the part of individuaJa elicits IOOd or evil
from them."
Hal Holbrook will portray Denton, Eva Marie
Saint playa h.is wife, Jane, who, with other POW
wives, became active in drawing at~ntioft to the
pU1ht ol American war prboners ..
"When Hell Waa in Sesak>n" has no political
statement to make, Denton says, "It just tella a
true story dealing with human nature. You cu de·
rive anylbins you want from that."
"Villa Allegre," for ages 8 to 12,
stresses bilingual education in an en·
tertaining, crosa.cullural program. It
airs Thursdays al 8 a.m.
"BIG BLUE MARBLE," for all
"Condo' Set
•For Series
His moment of ttlumph came in May. 1916. His
captors, lhinkln1 Denton would cooperate to spare
himself further ancuish, .t .. ed a phony television -------------------
press conference In which Denton was t.o have de·
agea, Is a close-up view of people, HOLLYWOOD (AP>
places and things uround the world, -·:·Condominium," the
bringing "children" of all ages closer btsl·aelllng book by
together by sharing their hobbies, John D. MacDonald, will
nounced the U.S. war effort.
Dent.on appeared to be cooperaUng. but by
blinking hi s eyelids, he spelled the word
"TORTURE" i,n Morse code.
aporta, education and letters. It aJrs be made into a four·hour •• •• each Friday au a.m. mini aeries for Opt>ra· ..
"Here'• to Your Health," a aeries Uon Prime Time by Haibor littl
for all ages, dealJ with proper health Universal Pictures. IM...., ... 111e1. ._., care. It ain each Friday au:ao a.m. ,.,....,.....,.,
Viewer 1uide1 and/or teacbln1 The book takes a c:......_
auldea are available In limited quan-panoramic took at life In .!~~~H~!!!!~~~~ UUea fbr mos t of theae summer a sun belt community
Hrin, for parents who wilh lO hold and the spectacular
tbelr . own "summer ac:hool" with tde"ruc:Uon brouabt on
their chUdren. For more lnlormauon. by a c:ataatropbtc hur-can M.QIOZ, extenllon nc. · ricane .
' ..
"'' a few word• to work for ou.
~tYlt• Tllftl ,..,, .. , Y-OMf
I CM! hit• HHtnl V-A,...1
C.O\Uo -\A'42-1753
1 ..............
11111u1C* w1uo495-0401 ,..., C.-C#I*-•
Ray Stedman will be speaking on
Sunday.Monday. Tuetday
and Wednesday ev.nlng at 7 o'cloek.
Come •nd he9f tt111 ,..11 known Blt>le ellPOlitor -.ct\
lbOUI "lhe "'Oii Nberlfln9 MCtt1 tft ~Otd of God: the
truth ol lhl New ~I. For further lnfomletlOn call
rr.xlRlr.JeR.S cbcJRcb
1000 B1aon A~ue • Newport 8each, Clfffomil l2llO
··----,.. ____ -, ----_._., ... ----------
. ., ---..
"I wonder whot mokP., our bo<kyord
more comf ortoblt-• 1ho11 1l1t W 111 ~low..,">'
'\I \'
$C.t400 L-
b y Pasko, Tuska & Collett a
by Ferd & Tom Johnson
,I ( r1L.t. 11~P.
• 1 • PLO .St
I ~ ~ I
"'-' '#14:.. --,
fl(·) ~t.1 ~ ~\J 11~~
by Tom Batiuk
by Mell Lazartus
11Jr1vLV u 1 .1kE
~I\\.. 1, l ~-V JMQC r'
1 US vr~r,I) 7 -, --I !~ ,·~
•• j
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-\'I J.,A'"f c->
by Gus Arnola
S.11my. June 23. 1979
l(OU SMO™~ Mt
ILA\.-\, I ,,.,, ~-. I I
'.~l(Jl,)l V (Jr, Tt;.li. l
by Charles M. Schulz
by Kevt(t Fagan
~'J1 11 '-JOv~1 "1V
./'\(v\1 (UIN (, WRO N(,
"! rn~Kt: 1 OntJ 'T
W AHi" 10 \...."1r1..iJ
A0ou-r rf 1•
bY George Lemont
., -,....
by Jeff M illar & Jori Mcintosh
"One of the things Ooddy likes 'bout tennis is
the little dress Mrs. Lincicome mode for
herself. I heard him tell her ,"
P,AIN/ 10 W~AR; ,'( nif. l lMF I
~···es ;
by .Ha rold Le Ooux
by Tom K .· Ryan
by Ernie Bushmiller
:. I
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'Soggy Monterey Artichoke Capital
CASTROVILLE c Ar> Tbf' l'Old.
IO&IO' ~&S,dt <'llm1tle lhnt m1my JK.'<>
pie 11.ee »OUth lO MVOld h1t1> mUd t' lhls
Sallnu Vaillt'Y town tht' · l\rtwhnkc
Ca1>ilal of th•· Wo rld ·
11 tatf>., 9.000 111·rt•11 of utlchokl'i.,
<'l atnUI lht> t.Ulllll lb llO J(r~•l thiat
.. Wt' ure U<'tu11lly lt•uvu1ai liUnlt of Uu:
vro<luriaon Ill tht• fll'hl UO(J harvesllnij
1111ly Uw l>ei.t 11u11h ty "
June 30. mor ti lhun h:.lf a million
more thun lllSt year
Lloyd Stoltch of th~ (;ullforn1.-
A rtlchokt' Advh1o ry Bourd. 1m In·
du11 tr y marketin g ur ou p, s aid
a:rowc111 should get ubout 270 cartons
11-0r ucre. cumµarcd wtlh Uist year's
"d1sustroui1 ·· 194
for $10 ·a curton before April l.O. but
that grower~ arc receiving about S4 a
c:arton now However. Boutonnet ex
plu inl'd thitl ~rowers should receive a
hl'lt:iunul avera)(e or about $7 a carton
and brcuk t•vcn for the year In fa<·t. th.-wulhrr Ii. 110 ldeMI 1n
Monl.<'rc Count where ~ ptorrent
of lht• 5l11le'8 wrtlc hokc• produ(•Uon
take•s l'l¥t'i' that .:ruwe•MI 11 11y rt4
r e nt hurvt•sta of th1• i::rt><'n tull11
~hu1>.t'1l ve1ietubh•' tlrt' b1•Ht•r than in
Ut!11p1h• iwlt•ell v.-hur vt'istinw. lov
1•,ri; of tlw tr11·ky tu t•ut dulh.'IH'lcs
huv · ht•c•n 11hh-to huy nwthum blZt'tl
Ul'll1•holu:11 10 1 IJIK.!Ul 2:> ('tJOlb ..... di,
hulf of whut th1·y <'ONt 11 y1·ur ugo RTOU<.'11 AOD•:o TllA1' the Ill·
du11try avcra"e over the past decade
hais bt•l'n ... ~~1ul 2f>O t.·t.rrlons per ycur
llo w c-v1•r, whtlc l h1'i ycar'i. 1•r•J!1 1:-;
ubundunt, vrof1ts surpr isini;:ly a1 1·
110 1
I N AN •;t·•·oaT TO bolster profits,
lhl· s tate a rtichoke indus tr y has
s tarted promoting their product with
rcl'iµe su~gestions. \•u ri;
1U~TH01Jc;11 O Nl.Y ,\~·•:K c •••
lJrOfllS htH l' ltl'l'Ortl(lllOll'd !ht• rt'Nlf ti
h rt'l• '-.1 nt: hu n c•i.h . .: ro) wt•r.., ,., ,. 11v 1 •1
ju)'t•d uftt'r t wo 11u 1 t11·11 h.t1 I ~ poor
t:OU• 'O:l\'l't1•:1t l.Mrr foll uncl
~ llltt•I hd1w1t IJrOcJU\'I' ltw vi ant
hud 11 , .irowt·r i. :i1.1y. w h11t• steady
14 llltl'• umJ ..,11n 11i.: r u111i. ulluwl'd rnoM
111 llw pl.mli. to 1·111111Jll'lo 11 :.Ul'l'e:.sful
~(II " HI~ I ' dt•
'"l'lmM· who 'olcl c·h(lkC!> prior lo
/\prll to i.houltl s how a nice gu111.
Stolll'll !\UIQ. 'hut lh•1Sl' who :-.old f1·w
or nnnl' by Utal lime will bl' hurling ··
/\ nd why du :lrt1cho kes ncc.'d prom-
l 11>11 at u 11"'
"l•'or one th1nj.!. they Jui.t don't hJOk
c•diblc." s aid l'aul Duhin or Lcc <1nd
Ao;~o1·1 atcs. :i putJl1l' rl'lataons agency
h:.inclhni.: Uw prom<1l1on. "The pi!rt
you c;.it 1 the mrlt'r lc:.if and thf' heart> 1-:11"urcl lloutumh'I. ~h'J't' ~·3 M1~1
Fu rm i. H'\'ounh (11r 37 lll'rl't'fll ol lhc•
i\i. t, ,.,ult, l h 1· i.la lo· i. art.whokt' Ill
dui.t 1' ''"l't't'I' t u ... 111,. uhout l 6
nullwo 1·411101111 111 llw ycur cndin.c Stohd1 e xplt.rint:d art1chok<·"o 'old lh I ht· J><1rl that · ' "
111 '~11111.: •>U I 1•1 ~··I ~J' I 14'1Ultl· r v..1111 tu I" rtw •"''
tu 1'11' 111 lr1•nt ''' tum
( ,,,/ 1J JtTt>!iol '' ; , '• I "1f; :11 / I J; J" tl /'rJI 11111
1 IJJ rt'(l lupc• •;· fliri I·., ••. 1,,1,. I '·'":' ,;,,,, '"'" ••• I .J
fll \11/1 1• llil'l/111111 \ f'I "'" t flll/11 >II t,IJ/ /111 11,1•\\ '1:111/
l/11la 1/l11'~ll 111 , /11 /'ul /l•llt•c 1\1 '• 1111 .'>•'rr111• IJr1;n1/1
( 'U<t: I / 111,1'1 I ,111/ /'I I /1111 I ,11, ("'·I" :\:.·~11 (A
":!t1'/t1 1i.\ /IUJlll/ /, l11•r•, ti , /)(1~· 1/1/0· I• 1/1 /,.• Ull\11 ('r•·I/
li11t 1111111111/ 1•111111n1'\ '" /, l/1•1· 1111/ 111• /•11!11111 th••
rt•tJtll'I ~ /u/I 1111 1•1•' utltlr1• '1w1J lrw.1111· l111ur • plwm
"'' n1l11•r1 umu1t /11· 1 ''"·'"""'•·fl J 111., 1 11/1111111 t1/.JJJt'f.J'' <1111
/!/ I' It'1•p/ .\11T1'flll1'
DEAi< l'AT h 111\'n• anv 111111 1•nvt•rnm1·nl
grou11 1u<1und that lwfp.,' t'flm:u;rr~ wtm-an--hav
IOj! j)fl11Jlt·m :. With 4.111 :.u !·llf' ..
.J .J N1·wr.x1rt H<.,1dl
'I r.) <·tml a<'llnK Avia tion ( on:.ume r t\t"tion l'ro
jl>cr' 1:Mfi ronnP<·licut "Vt·. N . w.. Washington,
0 .(. :W<132. J\('t\P b t·onccrn1•d ~itl1 airlint' i.ah·t)
and l111· rl~hti. o f alrllnt· 1•3!'.M·n1:1·ri.. ll :.i l:,o
mo n l::•ri. th1· working:. ol the ('ivil J\1·ron :wt1c~
Board J nd l·1•clnal Avia tion J\dm;nhtnllfon.
l.A~/isl111it·,• ililb Off .-rf#d
Uf':/\H l'A'f Wht·n · 1·a11 I wrtlt• l11.~l'l <:0p1<.::. 11f
h1llh vt•111l1ng in the hlull· ll•j.!1 ... l<.ctur 1:'•
.J c; , F•wnt:.11n Vallt·y
\' ou can re<fUf'Sl one free copy of any blll from
t eglslatlve Bill R oom, (;apitol Building,
Saeramento 951114. l\!.!>C mhly bills arc in·
dlcated by AB and Senatt> bills by SB. Order hill!>
by number and In numerical order, AB'" and SU'!>
separately. Enclose a s elf-addressed, stamped en·
velope. Vou aulomallcally get the last amended
version In print. Vou can always write lo the
author or to your own legislator c.o express your
opinion of any pending leglslatlon. l.etle rs can be
addrt>i.scd: llonorable · · · ; Member of the As·
sembly <or St·nate), State Capitol, 8acramenl.o
9S~Jot .
DEAR PAT I have a problem l'on t rolllng the
am ount of cholesterol in m y system, so my wife ha:i
been buying csrns luhelc<J "Speciall y Balanced
Fresh Eggs · llighcr 1n Pulyunsaturali·i. "They are
proiluccd h y .Julius G oldm:rn's Egg City 1n
Moorpark. Thesf' <'ggi. l''ISI more than the usual
variety. Is this u ripoff, or arc the spet·1al egg~ ac·
tu ally lower in t holcstcrol '1 -
C: W . Newport Beach
Matt Lonsdale, vice president of'producUon for
Egg City, uys the label stated the"· eggs are blgher
la polyuaaturates. No "lower ln cholesterol" clalm
He explain• tbat several years ago, research
1cle•UIU lavolved la poultry nutrition foud that
tbey eou.ld eflectlvely alter tbe fatty acid profile of
e11a by feeding hens a bal1nced diet of feed•
lkmo·wa for tllelr high llnolelc acid eon&eat. EH
City uee W1 special formula lor hens that produee
Ila "lllllterla pol)'unHtura&ea" e•gs.
Lonsdale Hys the "higher la polyansaturates"
cl1lna can be tabstanUated, and eggs are
periodlcally &es&ed by the ata&e. lie points out that
thll does not tell the whole 1lory, however. In
cllaagtng·the fatly aeld profile by virtue of .feeding,
all tlaat haa h1ppent-d 11 that some of tbe
....... turalftd fatty •cld11 havf' hfat'n chan~~d to
pol1 ... ataratf'd n<'ids. "We havf' not changed the
11tar1&ed fatty a<'ldS al all nor lhe choleste rol
level," he uy1i.
Loaadal~. who wu refreshingly . "o• tbe
le•el," addl, "We ban certabl 1teou1ta •IMllM
Htlo•en dem111d tbl• type ol e11. ~" an
etlten wile demalNI bron e111, ~HH tltey
t'10 &11e1're Mt&er. We ftlld Otll'lelffl ,..., alell1
wl.. &lie ekl 1111••· "tbe ~Mlomer II al••Y•
rt1lllt,'delptleoarhowle41et.tllecoatrary. ''
• I
JESUS CHRIST (the Son of Go~) DESC~h .. ES Hit!. TO BE:
A LAKE OF FIRe! \Rev. 20: 10-15)
A PLACE OF TORMENT! (Luke· 16:22-24)
FIRE IS NOY Qua~c,~:o: (Mer!~ 9:43-4e)
A PLAC~ r i"" 1MI~r·y-.·"" r,,11r.····~~ Ar•"' CM!'l.('\•'''G i. ~( ~'"""' ki 1 J -\1 .~.i''-'-' ·~ 1Hl1.,1 ~ .... ~"''"''c
OF TEETH! (Man. 25w30) (Ula:t 8: 12) (rllatt. 24:51)
THE WINE OF GOD'S VlRt\'ic-H (Rev. 14:10)
A PLACE 'IJi~~n~ THE. ~r.'C~lC or-·;;:t.:~ TOR:v1~NT
ASCENDETiO UP FORl:Vfrl AN~ l'J£P.. (i?e1. 14: 11)
' ••
All LIARS, ADUlT~t?ErtS, fORt':C,'\TOf?S, $.ORCERCRS, (Enchanter
with drugs) A1URCE:!~~~~ Aafi) ll~~:UE V~RS, ARt GOlf~G TO
SPEND ETERNITI lN Tl:E LA!!~ OF fU1E ~ (Rev. 2' :8) (Rev. 22: 15)
(Jesus :dd so!) (ft1cU . 7: 1 :!-14)
EVER! THERE IS HO PURGATORY! (Read Luke 16: 19-31)
Pl••• •ncl for more free literature concerning the reality of Hell -and
etem1I p~ni1hrnent-and God's Plan for your salvation. (Non-Sectarian)
Se1td for •••utiful two-color, illustrated, 336 page book, "SOON~
Cllpriaflans -WHO LOVE YOU!
r -'.i .! I -• • -• _".,. ._ • • • ...,
__ IS'll _ _,_._. _______ _
, ' ' .
-,_ > ;
~ ,.
r..-• :.::.. ~~
->~ ~ __ ..,,...__
4: , ..
~ Q . -' .2 ..
' > .. Ci: '° , N
_J ... '° > .. >-N a.. ~ -~ °' w ~ }. ta a: ~ Q c .. u . 'J -"' "' .. ... "' .. .... ta :x Cl. "' : .. 0 0 w W ::' !ff u!i 0 z ~ . .,, f-~ z I ·! "' ~ ~ 0
:J ~ IV )( ·"' r. ~ 0 0 .... m .. om u s ::> u
.. ._ -....
i ---l'ICTITIOUI ellMNIH"-•
N-1 STATIMINT , ... 1011-11111 __ , ••• 00111,
"'"""'·' 8AK Ii" PllOOUCTION5, t Ill
._.,, ~trffl, C:0.141 MeMI, CA mi.
IJ•h• ,..,.leh -~1 ... I"< I• (e litotn1• fOrpot•tlOft). 11U 9•11•r
Slt .. I, C.. .. Mew. CA •lei.
'"" ~"9\' ·~ (OftClu<l•d llY •co• . ,., . ...,,,
81U(EA IU!NfAU. &
"'""-' M 8ttl119tr Pre~1c11tnt
'"'' \t•t•""'""I we\ t•led wttn tr"e Govllly Clerk of Or ...... C-lw °" M•v ,, .. ,.
I'll ... ) Pulllf\...., 0."'1QI! <.Ot\I O•tly Piiot
Jun*•.~ 16. 11, tV/9 110l·IV
Tnt toUo••rua per\On\ .,. 001no
OV\1n~u ~
BBC A'!>SOCIA IE'!> )IS. C<ll••~,. Pie«<. fuli.rtoo. C..ltlO!nt• •7'l.'I
J•O II ""'""'· \te• lloute llo• l>'IO Or-. C..ht0<nl•~7M' ..... ~--f-Flil F ,.,..., C.1rn1no. Jr • 1tS. (,•l•v~r•,
• 1mon. a1tr11n11., .,m
,...,,,..,, G &utll• nto M•l•O ....
Avenue, LM A"V"tf"\, Cahforn1• .004ft
MU~ll\ G 8Ulh~. /1t0 Melt0\4' Annut. LO\ A"90I.,.., C"ltlO•nld ~·
'ht~ t:K.l"nf"\~ ., (.Of"IO\l<.lld by ..
C)ff\~r~I C»rtnitr\oh•O
J•~,. s.r-· CURRENT FACES ON FBI LI S T OF 'BEST FUGITIVES' AT LARGE fh1\ \lctt~I .... , tlt.-o ... un •~
County Ctf"r• t.11 O'ttnQt" (ounh 0" Jun~ I). 1"9
AllefMY•••L..o ..
lltl Dew S.rwel Sltite 1•
.... ,... .. .i< ... ~ • .,w Li,st Conj ers Status Put>h\~ Of-(Ckt~I Deily P1lo1 Ju"4! 7l, lO, July/, It, 1q111 )40'I lq
f I 11146
FBI l Jses "''l '•,J.) 1 ()' Vu<•la for Publicity -\ PUBLIC:: NOTICE
IOI( thP f:'lil 's U:-.l of m w.t WJllh•d
<·r1mina ls th1·;,. dav:-. 1:-. 11 ltlll1·
like winning :.idm11>s11111 lo a lop
nott•h grad uatt· 1><·h1111I
The n:' art-frw op1·n 1n1~1> .11111
onl v tho:-.1· w11h o u t-.1.111<11111
qu:.il1f1C'o'1t11111:-. J.!•·l .111•1·pl1 ·1f
Thl'n · 1:-. l'Vt•11 .1 1·11111111!1 .111-rl
quota ~y:-.tNn
FOR F:XAMPLE. T lrt'. I Hf
(r(lwn., on h:Jv111g 11111re· 111 ;111 ""'
r.-prtht'lllrtllVf>-Of a 1'11t•1 l11 IC11·;i11
lt•rron..,I gr1H111 1111 lllt' ""' •11 11
I (I m ""' w a II I ,. d f" I! It I \It' ...
T h1•11•.., al..,11 0111· ;11rl111•· 111
Jad.t·r. '""' tl rug ...,r111g:!l~·1 orw
111111(•1· k1ll<·r. a rHI "'"' w•H11a11 .. w ,. ' r.. ci ' I t' , I h t' Ii t• ... I
I 11g111v1· .... ' :.;wt Haym11111I I\
('onnully, who ha.., ht·.ifl1·1f lho
1"111'1> f11):l1t1vc• uni! four ,,.,.,
··w1• :-.l'J t·<·I 1h1· ""''" who :u,
111 11:-.I v111l1•11 1 prnr11· .ind v.h11
l1a v t• d1•rr111rr ... 1 r,11 r·tl h q •ll
Thl· tdt•:J 1:-0 I ll llM' p11lll11 II\
wht'n· tl <·.111 h1· 111•1..,1 l'ff1 ·1·11 v••'
by IOC'll'(l ... Htg lift' Vl..,lhllll y 111 ,f
1rn rl1c ularly da11gl'rou~ :-.U!'.)JC<'l
to makt-capture mur•· likely.
ff 0 W E V •: R , II I G II L \I
public1wd c•a:-.e:-. :.ire• l<•fl '>ff I he
lt:-.1 Lil lt•:IVI.' room r11r 11111 1• wli11
h:i\l' j.!lllll' tllllllll1t 1•d V111 lh.1 1
rt':t!>un, P :ttl) I lt-.J1 .,, .,.., • ., m·v1•1
on ltw top Ill
T h• h~I 111.1.,.., ,Jlltltllc·r 11111·
Connollv :.:11rl , rn r :.i 1:.1n1.: llw
morah· of Ji.!t•ul:-. llv g 1 111g tlw111
-···•~rophy lo :.hoot h11 / .
Bef•f c,.~f s Ris•~
M11 ... 1 .11•••111 -, llt•v1•1 t·;,ipl un·
11111• 111 1111' llllJ Ill, ' ht· "Jiii "Hui
"111 ·11 '"'" "'' i,1111 1•:111 gr, hom1·
.rnd 11 II "''" "'1f1 • 1111· 111h w:1 ... \\111'111 ,,
I Ill' ""' ....... l 'l 1';111·cl Ill l !l[>CI,
11111 I-Bl 11flll'1.1h ... a v 11 h:J'i un
il1 I '<1111' 'll'lliflt ,lfll I lf.1111.!I' !'.lfll'I•
111, d 0-.1!h 111 1 11·,~ r1f l111• hur1•a11 ..,
I ti I tllf• t !111 I l·.1lg.11 I l11ov1•1
f R f T H ~ If t\ V f·, ~A 11>
lo\I I lh1• \1•,tf !'> llt:tl 111 1·11h:1111'1•
1111 I •tll l'.111 .., I e·pul .1l 11irt, h!Jlltt·1
11.1 11 11 w1•11 pl.w1·1J 1111 I lw 11..,1
""'' ,, , llw Fiii w.1.., 1·111..,111~ 111
0l lf1 II 1'11111 '·lft1ff ... l:t\' 1111 lhP lt1>l
1· I\\ •1 1111111" 111 th•• t•,1rh 1!1711\
'llftt • ~.tld llf1 • f1:,I llYl'rt•n1 '
ph:1s11C'fl ll'fl \\11tg r:id11·ab :11111
••lltt r .. 1'11.H 1.wd 11 alw:1v1> madt•
11111 111111 h 111 "''lllHI ral;• l111t1lup
111r 11 ,111\I 11fh1 r •, w 11111,1• I hn al lo
I ll I I v..1:-. 1•'\;1gj.!t'f',1l.-d Tht•
111 .,. ··mpli.1:-.1:-. on q1111l1ty wa:-.
.ttl1111l 1·if h y ('l:.ir1•rw1· M Kt•lty
• 11 111 ., .11 r ll'd nn l1v 1111· 1•urrt•111
d 11 t••·t11r Wll lt a rn II W1·hster
'I 111· l W11 lrav1· all •rn.plcd 1.H :.h1rt
I It•· f111·u .... I torn 111ultnl' hank ruh
twri••, ~111d 111v.arct wl11t1· <:Ollar
<·111111•, 111 g,111111•d <·r1111c and ter
ronsm .
\;()W rs J\L:O,O T U E lllnl'
\I, 1 11 I• 1 .J\', lo tf1·ll;t11· Fiii
1111 1 '' •• .111•1 ..,,, t·:.:. q uwl pro
fl .,:-O HJfl,ill Ill ,tlfri JJOl1t11·al ftt·
I ;1t'lont1·111 1 o :1 d c·g r c<" th1•
11111:.1 w.11111 If l"I rt-fh:t·t~ thal
J.'o:tl /\! •m• 11nw un<lc•r llc>ovt'r .
1111 It I v.c ll1 ·rt lo Iii 11aow., with
ltw .1d•ltl i•111 11f 1·xtr.J ll·fl -win~
u -orseDieat Gains
Popularity as Food
• Hy Tlw /\.,._.11'i;ih•d Pr"""
H1sirii.: hccf pr11·1·:-. h11 v1 11w1t•.1.,1·t1 1 ht• tlP111a11tl f1>1 hor:-.t-mt:al,
<:rcul111i:: a 1Lu·rat1vc· ni.1rkf'l for 111•1111 111 11111 ..,1: ru..,1l1·r"> and
s weet l&Jlking hor:-.1· de;,i lt·r.,, ~1t•1•ord111g 111 :.11mt· :.l:Jlc· 11H"·1ab
Agriculture• offw1;1b Ill N1•w .l1·1..,1·v · :H ru..,tlPrs h1tvt• i.lolcn <11
le:u.t 24 horse•.., :.1n1·t· 1.1 ... 1 fall 1•1 lrt• •1111•1 l11r ">l<iughtt·r <tnfl U"><·d for
humc.1n con!'.umplw11
IN Tiit: ~T/\T•: Ot" WASfll C,TON. ,,f111·1.1b ... ay :-.t1mt· horse
de<i le rs ar(' using '':-.11h s111rw:-." In 1•1mv1n1·v ownPr.., Lu Sl•ll them
hor~cs. The d<'alcr:. :-.ay llwy want t lw h11rM·!) fr1r I hl•tr c-h1ldr1·n, but
lhc ammaJs oftt•n wind up Ill I hl· ~laugltlc·rltou'>I'. 11ff1c·11tls !'.<tY
Uob l'l'lt•rstm , m <i nagcr .1t l h1• Montan;1 llor~cmcat Co in
Seattle. sa ys hor:-.cmcat wh1d1 1·an lw ll'g:tlly :-.olt1 as long ;.is 1l 1!)
governmenl·ins pt•t•t1·d t!'> !'.1·l11r1g at X!l eerit:-. ii pounrl ground
T -bone slcaks go for $4!.9H <i pountl ;111cJ lcmh:rloin cuts $2 79 a
p 0 U n d . p r I t• I' S ( II r r 'I •
comp ara ble c ut:,. of IJ1•ef :trl'
ne arly twice as high
• 'Horscm cat 1s ;1 h1 µ
commod1ly and u lucraltvl'
one. loo," al·cordmg to (ih·nn I) Chaplin, 4·11 <.:luh ;Jg<:nl in
Gloucester County, N . .J.
Chaplin, who is <il:-.o head of 11 pr1vale agenC'y rel'ently formed
to protect horseowners from ru ... t11ng. estimated that a horse
rus tler can easily make $500 by ~ell111g a stolen horse for s laullhte r.
recently warned horseowner5 lhal. allhoui;h some deale rs lead
owners lo behe ve their pcLc; will he going lo a new home, the
dealers may be sending the horse orr to the slaughte rhouse.
"It's fraud, but it's very difficult lo prove," the department's
Bob ArmslronJC s aid. "We can 't offe r a ny figures on how
frequently it's happening, because of the nature of the cnme. Most
of the sellers never know their pel would e nd up being slaughtered.
But we know it's goinf( on wherever there a re horses."
In some s tates, horses arc ra1Sl'<I for s laughter and ins pected
when they are sold to butchers
BUT NEW JE&SEY 0•·•1CIALS SAY tht>y are c·oncerned that
the rusUed horses -sold to butche rs on the black market -could
create a health hazard because they may contain chemicals unrll
ror human consumption. Horses in Ne w J ers ey are kept for sport
and recreation and arc wormed regularly with chem icals that
would harm humans.
No incidents, however , of persons becoming ill from e alinR
borsemeat have been reported in the slate.
A spokesman for the U.S. Department of Agriculture said, "fl
(horaemeal) is a 1ood source or protein and it's just a matter or
taste for people ."
JOHN GOULD, ACTING aDEF OF the enforcement branch
of the USDA, said the department inspects all plants where
horaemeat la prepared for domeslJc and roreign consumption.
AlthouCh moat ~merican11 find horsemeat, which gives off a
sweet odor when cooked, unacceptable as a beef subeUtute, lhe
USDA says world tonaumptioo of horsemeat is Increasing rapidly.
In l.nl. t.he dep1rtment s aid, 120 million pounds or horsemeat
w11 lhlpped out ol the country, an increase of 1,700 percent over
1'72 1bJpmenta.
• f
1 aclH·a ls. But 11uw , Kathe rine
Ann Pow..,r, th<: li s t '!> only
wom :an . ubo 1s th<, only Onl'
wlr11:-.t· n •putat111n I!'. inscparahlt!
tr 11111 radwal I ws d1·vr•lopc<1 in
!ht· t·arlv 1~70.., 1'hl' t'IU !'><iys
:-.h1· was in "a small. r<'volu·
t111narv l.VPl' or~:in11.7J t1on which
:11l v111·atc•d v111 l1·nt a tta c ks
.1~:11n ... 1 1•s t a1Jlt sh1·d M)C-tety i!nd
1·11nl nhut1 on of 11:. rohb<'ry Tiro
1·1·1·1b lo :-.ur h org;rn1zat1on1> a :.
1h1· Hl:wk Panthn P:.irt y ·
NOW 30 AND ON thl· 11~1 Mnt•I.'
1:1111. !'th•· alh·gNlly took r1art rn a
H11~1on hank rohht·ry th:it result
1•c1 111 lht• 1lt·alh of a polt<'t'man
Two ulhc·r:-. on llw hst hav•· lie:-.
to ti'rrorisl groups , a <·<·ording t<1
I It 1· I" H I IL• y rn o n cl I. u c·
Lt•vas:-.1•ur. :12. addc·d in 1977, 1:-.
lt :ticl to bc•lcm g to th<' so-tallcd
Sam Mc·lv1ll1. .. .Jonalh;111 Jackson
l 1n11 of I ht· l'c·oplc"" Fnn:l'!'. ThP
FBI n:g;irrls l11m a!'. an 1·x1wrt on
tnakrng bombs 111 · t1)11 i:. tH'
•·u!'>cd of taking pa rt 111 arm ed
l1ank m hb<'r11·1>
C:.i rlos Alb<"rtc, Torri'!'.. 26, was
:1dderl t.o the ltsl m 1977. The FRI
s ays he headed a bomb-making
Opl·r:ition in Chicago for the
l"J\l.N. a lt•rror i!'.1 grr.up ~•11 ·
\ 11t• a t 111g Punto I< t l· an i nclepcn
I,\ .. fOll01lfl1nu U,.r\Ott' ,.,,. Oo1nQ
bU\lnto\\ d\ *
FrL EC'lf( HH r RPll1V<; 8117
()rw t-11 AvP ~ ... '''"""" r ( ,; Q]f.til I Wiltu,m fhum.t\ '-"•hh..,11 tl/]1
0 , w• ti A•• W• \fff11n•.tt<r ( 41 Y7tJtU
')h"'' 'ti Amy M u,,•lff 81 I) (Jt ""'""
Av,,. .Vro\trr'lfO")fr• l ·• {I'/~ J
r h t' bu\tn"''. P; t or.cJut ft o tu •
Ql!nPt-tl LM,-,,,..,.,n1p
W1tl14m 1 N111tn••ll
I h 1 '1lah:•ftilll~I <Nit ftlrQ w tlh lt\.t < ounty c '"" ,.,, u,,.,,,~ ((..lun11 cm Jun•· I'> t~h
PuOlt\ht-d f.)tott~ ( ,...,,, ''''*'' P 1lt11
J1tn .. 'IS JO tutt I I• 1--h >410 /11
PUBU(' NOTl('t;
UAtJf ., I. ,A',lhU .~ •• , Pl1tl I 1111.t
Av• t 'l'-l't ~ ~tt. ( '-" •lb/I
Jnhn M f4.1u t h; t '''''"'n'••
fJrrtn~~ (ft 1rJbt/1
f t11\ t>u\oN·\'\ '" 4 v•W.Ju• l•••J t1. ,.,, •fl
tnf\n M W1t11
'n .... ·•·••••ff\t•nt ..... ''" tJ w1fl1 '"' r r,unt1 (i1•r• *'' '1111;1q• f 1h1ol; ul\
'"''' ,, 11'"' Fl 11~1
i;u r;ti·.Ot·fl f>1,t1l1ft t "'' I f).111,. P1H1I
J~h, " $('! lulv I I• ~111~. H H ,.,
t tlP tOllOWinQ ~·;\Of\ '' OOttHJ bv'•
ne'' A\
(A LIFOllN I A '>tlPl'Alf'
5PO~ t<. hln ,,,.,,,.,,.,~ Hunllnq1on
fl• «t' h t··• •1U;Ao
• t h f ' •rn••u, '•"' lh ,,, .... .,,,
t•ut1t1nQh"' Hv~ h l ri '"ft.Oi r n., f.N\I~, .. ,, • flin0·•1• t• o b• '" •••
'yh· f , .. ,,.. ,,., 'ht' ·~···h·,.,.,,.,.· ..... , ..... ,, ..,,,,.. th•
(ount1 ft• t9' nt OtttnQI ( Qunty On M <ty
I 1q1~
THE MOST Rf:CENT add1tiun
t11 tht• ll:-.l incltt•at(•:-, lht· f''BJ 's
lll'W fCK'U!'> . ,_ ......
I J K 4 dd d · PuDh\...., O"tn'l'• (0.1 t (J.ut, f•,tol
,I'll . Oury, 4, a e In J 1unl J. ~.le.,' I I~/~ 117\ /Q
A pr 1 I , 1 s d 1· s c r i bed as a
U-t<'hmond. H • t:1us-tnessllHtfl-' 1 u·cl to organizt•cl t•nml' lie has
l11·t•11 1nd1dt:d f or m urdl'r.
rack1•lc1•rtng ;ind extortion. In
v1·!'.l 1galor:-1 :-i ay h•' killed one of
his t•omJX!lllors ;met tried lo !<ill
a 11o1 h t' r t o k e 1· 11 <1 vi r l u a I
mo nopol v 111 b a r s a nd
f tw fl')llDWlflQ ()f'' \f1fl '"" ct01fl11 bU,1
"'""' ··~ IAAN~FNI'. 140'1 W M•u Mtr""
Blvd , SMtd Au,·t. (11"'0' "'•• 11110•
Robt•r-1 L T vi f I 108'4 v.1ll1•1iJ '.,
Cot.In Mf"•,,..1, C -•l1ft'Jtn1.t <n'•"•
I' t• s l a u r 11 11 l s 1• a l l' r i n g l o d•v•d•M•
humost•xuab in H1chmond Rot,.•1 l tu11,
1 h1t_. bU\llW•\.' I\ fOfldUC l1'CJ by''" 1n
rn ... ,,,0~1 _,..., t11t'<1 w1tn thf' fllS plaCt' 00 th (' la s t ha d Cnunlv CIHk Ill O"tnQo• COu11lv on
1)1·long1•d to Anthon y I> JuM1•.19r~ "'"°"
Liberatore, a n a lle ged C le veland f>ubll\""'2 °'•"'fl' r 1101\I 0~•1• r .. 101
mobs lt•r. I .iher<.ilnre, indicted in JuM th, n, :io.1n<1 iu•v, i•tQ 7308 ,9
a11 allt·gccl plot lo kill an un
dt·rworld rival . W<tS the only one
'lrl lh1• 11:-.t c·aplurnd this year.
Six fmm the li!)t wcr c captured
I rl H_l7ft.
URERATORt: WAS AT lar.t:<'
for n('arly a year . a typical time
111 lw on Lhf• lop 10. Thl're have
bt•cn 3fi6 fug1livl's on the hsl in
1t1> nc<.irly 30 year history, in·
duding six women. Some 340
wl'r<' capture d
lll•re arc the others now on Lh<t
1or1 10
Charles l.ee Herron, 42,
~ought since 1968 and believed to
havt' had some connection with
I h e blac k powe r move m e nt
year s ago. llcrron. lhe list 's only
black. is wantc..>d In the killing of
two Nas hville, Tenn .• policemen.
Wlllle Fost~r Sellers, 45, a
prison e~capee and convicted
bank robber. He allegedly took
pa rt in 10 armed robberies or
banks in the Southeast that
netted more tha n $500,000.
Boaald Lee Lyo•s, 31 ,
added in late 1978, wanted for
air piracy a nd kidnapping. In
1977 he escaped from a Ten-
nessee pr.ison where he was
serving time for robbery.
-JohD M. McDonald, 61, who
the FRI says belonged l o a
Roston Rang invo lved in
loans harking and gambling. He
iR wanted in connection with
t ransporting a valuable stolen
stamp collection across slate
-Chart. Everett Huglles, 34, ·
un alleged drug smuggler on the
list since 19'78. He Is accused of
killing two men and two teen·
uge sisters who accidentally dis·
covered a million-dollar ship.
ment of marljuan1 being un.
loaded along the Florida Coast.
-llUly Deaa AIMlerMD, 44, I
added to the Hat in 1975, alleged.
ly a career criminal who
escaped from a Tennessee jail in
1974. He WU being held In COO•
necUon wtth the shooting ol 1 de·
puty aherlff.
()o you n ·ad thf•
published in this
newspaawr daily'!
'fh••y an· a vital
p a r t o f D ll •:
and of th e
I' U 1111 1' n 11 I 11' t• ~ .II t•
JIUIJh:.ht."l't 111111..r t'llUrl llf·
1l1•r., ur h·i.:1,,1.11 1v .. l't1(ft•.,
for !ht• Jlllf'IMIM' 111 lllll lf,
1111! 11111• or m11re• 111 •
cf1 v11l11;1b 111 ""ltll' p111
1>11:-01•11 .11·111111 11r p:t:-1
e•\ 1•111 wh11'11 111av ;111 ·
vt•r:.d v •ir IJv11ra1ilv :if
feel lht•tr ri~hf:... tnt~·re•:-t
or dulw:.. ancl 01h.u for lhl•
l'UrfJOhl' of l!I\ 1111! :O.llf'h
t>t•ri.11n" 1 h1 · 01mort un1f\ lo prull·rt lhl'1r ri ght:-. or
111 bi! ht!urd m tht• math•r
Many J>Uhhc no11rp., hav1'
1:rt!01l vafut• to taxpayl•r,,,
s u rh "" thnM' nolt<'t!)> 11u hf1 s h l'd b y
m un1r1palrl1l'!>, ·lJubhc
aurhor1t y roqlQra11on:-.
I r l':l!>Url'r:-:11111 11t hl•rs
who an· rt'QUtrt'll hy htw
111 pubh:sh fm 1Jnc1;1I rt"
porls. budi.tt•I hcartn~
notrres. ordmanee:. or ud·
vert1semenls of btd"> on
publrr work . Tht":-.o
notices kcc~l you 1n.
formed as w how and
why your tax doll un1 urc
being expended They
a lso pn•vt'nl nr di:.•
<·ouraJ(c frauds, raids on
11ubhl' treasuries ond fuvortUsm in ttw letlinti
or pubhc contracts.
... ·-· ·----· -,,. ... _..,..._ ----
~.June zi. 1979 DAIL v f'tlOT Cl . ' The 11'9teet Mart&etplece on the Of8"'9 Coast
You Can lett It. Find It.
Trede It With e Want Ad rM2-S878 J One Call lervice
FHt Credtt AptNovet
1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
C lost> t o beach. 3 b e droom & 2
EQUAL HOUSING bedroom. bllns. pvt patios, frple & big
OPPORTUNITY gc.ragc. Xlra Ir~ lot w /o\'er 3600 sq ft.
W1her"1Notice: includes <·verything. Offer your terms.
All real estate ud ve1111>1·1I $235,000.
111 Ous newi.11a11..r 1"> 1>1111 IEACH HOUSE Jec.t to lhc f't'tlt•ral F:i1r ltousing Ad .,, l!llil! S pat•ious :1 Bdrm. 2 story w/ltg dining,
whkh make:. 11 1llcg:.I 111 bltns including microwave. dshwsr,
<1dvert1s1· "any pr1.. 'frplt-, t•h · Ownt'r v<'ry anxious.
rerc>ntc. l1m1tat111n. 11r $11 5.000. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5.
dJhcnmmal1un lJai.NJ on CLE .a..._. IE .a.CH HOME ruce. color. rc1J~1on. "ex. ...,,_" A
•w nat11Hl01l on gin. or .rn 2 Bdrm <:Ulll'. Sl(•ps lo bay & beach •
UQ.Q.J""• _.._.~_.....Y-"-f-,sh-Opptng. A+i-k-ffi~l42.aulJ.:----------I
)>lJCh preference. hm1t.1 COM-ETELY REMOD.:. .:o. uoo.ord1i.cn m1nat1•m ·· r-., ~
'flus nc:w:.J>apc:r will nut
knowinj!ly .11·1·1·111 .1nv
;ulv1•rl1:.1r1u l ur r ••JI
~Lale whu·h 1:0. 111 .-1111.1
lltlfH>fthe law
lltlORS: Adnrtisen
...W cMc:k their acb
daily .ct ~port er-
ran ifftl'lltdiatety. The
DAILY '1LOT auumts
liabilty for the first i,..
cornet inwrtion only.
Hames for Sal~ ••••••••••.............
1002 ........•..............
'\.' )t>tl -.hp lhl II 1111 I "'
•·rt~I "fl'"' 111111 1•11J1,111111 h\1111' r<•111t \ttlt l•'.illl•
1•11•~.11111· 111 ll11 I l\11 \ I
!!<Ir Ill hfllllt l-.11J11\ .•tttl
11n\.11 .. 1111111111 11.11 ... ,111
rrnrrw-. ,11111 t..111 .111 I 1"1
h-.1 .. 11•11 11111111·111.1!1 ·'''
.11 :WI '01 I .ell •'1» ''Ill•
-p ~·~~;;;; .. ~
l~-.11 II f ;1,1111 ' I • I I\ II
' d11w llrn • llMI 'I II
• '""n 1;.11111 1<111 '"''
L 111·~ •I•"' '""' , .... 111 Lr~· v. ''''" •it • "" • .,, ,,
p.1t1•1 ,\111\1' ··~l.t\ "' '''"' •h1 It '""' l1Jr1111111 .v 1111 ly '$..i '.1~111 i . .ti lt11l.1\ 0 ·~'"'VA"
If ~tl\J ITLI ko• '\1·11"1 11111
\t1ll 11~•)' 1111.1111\ 111 11v.11
vuur 11w11 11111111 ' I .uv.
i.1i1wn' I;'""''" :..11'41 1r1~1
I <t'1 lt:--.ll41w \"tt ''""" 1 ..
tlo 11 ' c·.111 ...... ~
Tdk to Rrd Carpet
Wr listHt! 754-1202
I lllk Ir IM ,11 It I Ill< ' ll.1
like• 111•v. • •111tf11 -:II IMMI
" ...... II Ill' \ \ I II •• II
11.twl.m:-. It I· t'.1.1 .i:1:u
'12 Acre-Hors~s
c 'Ol l'li'l I<\ 1.1\'INl.
l11lrm lh.1 I 1111•
f11rm:il t1in1111' rm 111·1!
Outr. w.1lk 111 ' '""' h 1't•11tral ;11r I 11rr.1b flu<
:-tall:.. 111•1rll 1111 I 1·1111"
IREN /Gold key
546-9521 ask for Rita
ts a good day
to advertise in the
Daily Pilot
Ctassified Section.
11 :.i I1 a n t 1 ll" l'U !-tl m J!la ss. pe~ &
g roovl·ll floo r:-.. Do yourself a favor,
l'CH1H· !'>l'(' 1 ht ~ Wt'l'kl'nd. S425 .000.
0P1-:N SJ\T & SUN I 5
W1rl1 · :-.p(•c·l :.irul:J r . p :.u1or:µm1 t· v u•w.
H t·c·1·n1 ly n •d1•1·orulcd 1 Bdrm. family
rm ~ formal dining. Air c·ond. bltns.
wt·t IJ;ir, 1'11·. S4!l7 ,500. OPEN SUN.
I>/\ y I ;,
lltl '' l1r !•Ill 111·11 U.1 ~ 1')11111 t1J1lllt1 ll.1\ I II.in
IM I ~ 1111•!11 lll'hl \ 11'"°
1.11 .. 1111
t-:1n•.1111 W,1lt•r1 11111I !1\'
111~ "'1th ... 111111111•·n11r
tl11 k \ UU,t•I_;, U-\.-.. t----
l'mal!O.I . 11 \·,1.il .,.111ff
''·'"" 1'(111-11.11111111' v.1111 ~.1tru utt•.1u ht •••/•!
......... , .. h th• J.t\ .... t. h\.
I<• ti ... t •••• llfl' ,111 ,I l-,\\'I ltll\f' cflll 1111' Wiiii 1't1tll m1•I t'.tlle·~ ................. '°'lu.1t1tq 1 J ,ttl 'A.I\ (tt
h •llllfllll f\tfl l fl I l1lftlt1
till Hu J't1ll 1 01u • f'llll
111111 111.llt \ lljtl I .tdo
11lfl It ~ tlfl 1 I •lflh I fll l
'"''" 111111• 111.•'" 1 lw1!r111
"'1tt1 • x p .1U,l\t' \It'\\ I
I 11111111'11 I l'll't'.11' llf
111,11•1, •111.111"1 ..,,,lf,·1
fo,tf'JIJ• I 1111111111 1 11111 will t .11 1 \ '""Ill r.o•·t w1tlt
flH' t tlfllllllffllf \ IH•ttf'-
)'rJ• ·•I ltt "II .JI ~l.!1.JMMI
··~I ,:~(.' I h•11t1.1 .11•1
Ill'. 1l11w11 Fnr p11 v.1t1·
"',.I u' I ' \. ~ II •• I "' .. \11111~11 " 11111d1 I I 1\1 ,,,ti •(Ut f t l lf I \ t I ,II
,,HtWlll~ I .tit K-11 IAll•I
CONSTRUCTION ..:.11.11·1 1 .... 111111111 d1•1111
,\ .• ~·11-.11 1111\
Jim T aylot-Reatty
~I mt 11n 1111• I lr.111~4· (;11
ltic-.1l111n tr:111t• or ~ell
t 'n111· 11oly Al!I 4'.17 :ll)(l!t
Pete Barrett
7 TI<lrm .irul 111•11 1·1inclominl11 m .
I p~r;1llt·cl !'l:111 .loaq11111 Moct1•I
IJ 8 Solana, l,..i,.r Op"' Sat/Sun I ·5
lar g1· 111a"il1·1 ""'''" hric·k f1rc plat:(.
111 lam tl.v """"· :! 1·:1r g arage.
< ';1rn11·I 11111tl1·I You <1wn lh1 · l<ind.
It ... 1mm:1111li1I 1· :1nrl vac·ant Sl•f'
l h1 :-. ou1.1:111cl111 g 11tl1•r111g
3906 lftfrt Isle Dr., CdM Open Sat/Sun I -5
S q111·:1 k" c·l 1·an :in cl rc•a d y
"ti "It. cl I ; ti t' h I I )I' I :t m ti v r II n :i
Brlr m .... huhln ro11 111 . and !'iunny
I ;r 111 tl y rourr1 nv1•rl1111king t·rwlo~wd
p a I 10 ·:ind po<1I . ~ lfiH,!'>00
1212 .Do•er Dr., NI Opett Sot/S... I ·S
1 Bdrm:-. and family room, huilt
w1 1h lhc· hu:-.y family in mrnd Loads
of r oo111 for out door c·reati vity
loaclt-d ln11f ln•t•s and garde ns . ~J +
14;1ragl', ltV hoal "ir<•a + +. $275,000
25 I 0 Vista laya Cr .• NI Opet1 Sot/S-I·~
v a rd t•nu•rl ;..11 n ing around the
inv1ling J>Ool , f1rc pil, and lushly
I CJ n d st' apt' ct pal i o . Enduring
<·omforl 1n lht• 4 Bdrm hom e.
des1 ~nNI for thosC' who care. Most
I a vorahly pm·cd al $245.000 fee!
l 6U S_..1p, NI 0,.. W/S-l·S
And v a ('alaon all year ! 4 Bdrm
re dwood h omt• with view from
master bdrm and deck. Exterior
newly painted. Call for details and
appointment to see. $139.000.
ASI US altHt Hr 1t... ..,.,...,,
,....,_w111c1t co•en ltellt~ & ........
• . . '
W•H~Oll lbr. 2ba hom (.'111y "'*'· So new 1l'11 lwen '!).~en for I yr 9J2 000
. ebr coodo or occun. -.ooo ae..iro~ f-1 Ml~ \\t'tn l .. :t ~1'1K
•<>PIN HOUSIS I ·5 •
Bdrm . In IOJ! r 00111 l1h1 .11 ' l111111ly
& gjl mt• room hflrn1· B a1 ·k Ii." n1 ~h!
l1 g hl \'11'\o\ l't ll'P I.I~> UOll ~l·:I.;
t 't<Ar<: t\I 1rn; \I 1.>I.' \'Ill,(\
W A \
OrlM IH THI llUFfS ;\1 .trll\ · h1w ..
,11 .1rl..l'I 1111"'1"'"'"' 11·11 111 "' '11111
:..c·h 1111I ,'\ .ill tl11 .11111·n1t11·-. \11111
c·1111d 1t llHI lll'IJ'Jn.r l ~Hfllll 0\1. fll'f
I'\\ II l1t•tf r11w11 ~ 111'11 l'll l'IO,t·cl p.11 Ill
~"I r,,, m 7lkf' t1tr l'n~ <II.?.'
~t:t·: "J\N('\ IMH ... IC:\l ''.11 \I Il l
VIST -IH>l\t \
lil·d ruu111. dt•Jt Lu\\ 1111011 l 1 r " ,,
t w.111t 1fulh d1·1·111 .t11·d 1·11d 111111 \.\ 1111
;1 -.\.\ l 't'jll!lg \II'\.\ flf t li1 J..!lllf I fJlll •I
1'111 l ' $:.!:1:! ~111e 1 "if· I· I .I f-'\ 1(1 )"if
/\T 1HSE A IS J.A:\11111<1\ t·
O,EH IH EASTILUff IJt-l 11•t11t 11l 1l1n•1•
h 1•d11111111 l ;m111\ li11rr ~l' l.1w:1t1 ·d w1
q ttll'I !'ilf'l•t•I, !'i llll l1t llld• d h v 11 •'1''> ~
I 111\.\ 1·r ' ~·.don ·. II ~ 11 11 l1l<.1· 11 1·d
l1r 1ck l 'r1 1 \· ~11.;•,1 .. 11 -...1 .. 1.,
( • /\ IC() I. y '\' ( . /\ I ( I ' I·,;\' I',.. f( '\'I I I jl,
O,EH IH SHOREC llff!> .\ 1,,, 1·h :1
h l•droom . ~ li<tl 11 t 11111 11 1 v h11r1 11· 1111 :1
qu 1<•t m (•:111tl 1•1 111 1• r 11;1d Ht 11 1-.
f1n·p l;1t·1·'>. p1·g~·"d 11,1k 110111 .111d
l H'il Ill l'l'lllllg ,111 .1dd 111 ltw 11)1.f
f :1!'ih1111w d d 1:1r111 11 1 lhr-. 1·11 : ... r:d
rnl t a1:1· s:11., llCtll ~I· I" IO I·. I\ 11·:\ '\
AT '.!.'17 t\10H:'-:l !'\C 1·1\'\ n 11\J l<I>
T \.\<11 :-t111 \ h111111· l•H ·"' d 1111 ,j \I I \
p r I\ :111 • 1111 ' 1 lwd r •it1111:-:i 11.tl lr-..
1111 m :tl '11111111~ 11111111 ,.,, r ;, l:1 n•,.
1;11111 1\ l'tlllll' v.1llr .1 \l•f\ ll1111li1
d 11·1·n • ~.1 1 <"111 •11 '.>::11 111111 ~I·. I•.
H I( I•: ~ I> t\ <; I .. \ ~ ~ A I .j x J 1
.'\ •,p :11·11111.:. ;, l11•d1 '" •11 1 ·s '1 :11 Ii t1111111 •
Jll '.J ;1 !'..f1 t11'f \\,ii~ ,,jllJI)' I f1l1·.1·,.1til
·, t 1 1·1·1 I 11 It w ''" 1 I ' 1" r 1 rr 11 111 JI ' JI' 1• 1 I
.i1)d •l1•11ll'rtl .1 1, ,, l111•il '>:':l.1 11011
'"'rll dt·llg hl 111 1111, -..111111 \ .1 Hit :1 •
Ba Sa11. I .111'> ll1·v '>Piii II·\ l'I 1·11111!11
in f(:11wh1, '-i;111 f11.1 rr1111l <.;p;11·11111"
\r lf'\,\'. I 111:-..1· ,,, ,, .. ,,1 tv '"" 'Iii~> 1)011
H111ld \11111 d11·.1111 11111111 · l•11l.1.
( )\.\ llt'I \.\Ill I .II I \ f11 1.11H Ill~' ,1111( Ill
,11'1111 d111.1H · 'l:i.111111111
S 1·p ;1r:il1· 11111111 111 ·d t11vv11l.1111• •
11111h. lh1· kmd Iii.ii •l1·11i;111d tlw 1,,.,1
I t•rth ()Id ( '111011 ,1 d 1 J .\)<J I _ ~uut 11 J..)I
th1• l11 i:h\.\;1\ 111111 I 1111 111 1
... ~~. l .1tltl
J>;1rl111 i1 W1 ·:-l l'l1ll 111111 11· 11i;1d1·
;1frord;ihl1· l11r i h•· v111 11 11.4 i.•111v.. 11111
f:irnrl.v. ()1111·1 l r , ... l1111·d l'lll d1· -.:11·
l.:11 t•1· 1111 1'1 11·.1· 111 ... <"11<111 !-.. lV
!'i h11pp1111• 'li I ;1!1.11011
f .onk I n11n l•'r 1•111hd11111''>t1 r1111 11 \ rng
:111d (:111111" 11111111 111 :-..p.11 ·1011:-. 1wt111.
frrt'phH·1· :11111 h11l1hl11w p<·111.11 "\11
t'XflC'll!'it' \.\,I.., 'f1;111•d 111 <·rt·,tlt• 1111-..
d t•ltg h tl Ill 11111111 · ~·1 ti .1011
Thn ·<· lw d1110111 H l11f h 111111 \\1111
1·11 <'111M·d p:11111 II ltll' .11111 ·n1t I<'" 11(
lht· :tw:1rrl w11\n1111• 1·1111111111nit \ (':ill
w. l o :-,1·1· S l~l :1110
Larj.!c• f a111tl v 11111111· \.1.-Jl h 1-1 ri·;11
indoor 011ld1111r l1v111g :in·;1!'i N 1·wly
rt'lh •c·or:1tt-d ('11,:-,1· I 11 pn v:ilt· lw:1('h
and ho :1l :-.l11raj.!1• $2!J!J.OOO
/\ss11mt1 hl'· 111 :111 1111 F1·1· S 1m plc-
(' <1 m t·11 S h 11r1·.., l111rn1• Thrt•l•
~H·d room , l :in11l v room , fo r m :tl
d ining and rnnyorl v 1t•w $325.()00
L o ve ly 41l x l 00 In t rwar p ri v alt·
he:.i r h & ho;1I d1 w k Bui Id y our
drc•am hom1· in I h 1!'i prrv a tl' ;1rf'i1
Just listed this d ean 4 BH family
RM homt·. Thrct' hlorks from lt1t·
beach. Newport BNu·h s<·hools and addrcss.~ry ~1rrorda hle. pri<-c<f :1 l
C ASUAL horn<' with open noor pla n
f<'ire plat·e wrlh r:11scd hearth in
living room. Three hcdrooms, lw,,
baths. Community pools. tennis for
only $100 per ycur. Walk to l>euchcs.
f'riced al $159.000.
Jtlt UH~ HtU.1 "0
< ·,,, 111•1 111111 '"'''It I ;il111 lo11 ..., 111111 t•our~t·
, 11•\\ ll1 ·.i 11111 tdh I 11 r111 -..h1·d & pn1I
d 1·• 111.d1 d 'l l~d1 111 tl•·rt l11rr11;tl d rrr
I I II .~ : 'J t I .I '\ 111 '. II !'I l ; I l 11111 I j ·I I I Ill) I.
11·11111-.. 1•.1 f1 ·d "('I Ill II \ $'.rill ~111
fo.11111 \ I Ill' · 11111111-. 111 1 lw -..11rf r,11 fl
t w I 11 \\ 11 I , 1 II 1 II \ 1 , I 1111 11 I I fl .i I h .i "
,d\\.t\ .. Ill JI.! 1 tf .di 111 111 •1 1111'111:-.. 111
111\ t·• I 1111·111 111 1-.111(1 11111 I" 11p1·1 I \'
I II \Ill\ lt1 1111 1· Wll h pl I\ .. ,,. ''"I" flj
I 111111111 111 11 \ lw.11 h I '11111 ,'(. I l'l'I 1•,1111111 I I 1111•1 ( 'l11~1·d ,.,.,,.I •1111111111111 \ I HH
1,,, ,,,,,1 111 11111 ·· , 111 -11111 , 1o... h11r1·
I 1•1 lt'.1(11111 lllt .l .11 II/It ,\ lilt Ill f1 -..ft
oll lfl,ll ltllll \'.II I flf!IJ
.•• It d 11pl1•\ I 11111 d lll' I \\" :• """'"·
11.il Ii -.11111 11 • 11·\ I'! 111111:-'\1·:1r ~1·h1111f,
h11ppllH' l'I 1 '°lup1·1 p1'1<•1·d .II 11111~
:!tHl,1100 1111 11111 It l1ltf1'.. I '.ill t11d <t\ I
I ' Hlr w l, I 11 I 11 ·;11 Ii ' I )\\ 111•1 .q 11 :1
f1d1111 '" 11.1 1 ft . :: f ll'l•fll.11·1•-.. p l1t-. I\\ II
,, ' ti I '"'I ll • I 11;, I ti .. 1111 1111 ••
I 111d11111111 I 11.11 It 11111 1 I ; 11 .. 11 11•11l:d
• I I I , , ,, I 1" " I 11111 ~ 111 H.,. 11 t111 I tn g I ( 111
!11 .,11 Ir , .d11• ·..:1 111 111111
WESLEY H. TA YlOR CO .. holton
2 I I I San Jooq11in Hill$ Rood
HEWPORT CEHTER. H.I . 644·49 I 0
(It• .tll 1\ t',111\ 1111 \II'\.\-". l'i 'llltHJl'll'rJ ;~
1111 \ I l11·1li 1111111 li111111· \I.ult· l11r :1
I :r mil\ \.\-1111 pr",,,., f111 l\11 1111 lV 1>1111
'\"k 1111 H;.,.
1-.. \.\ li1 ·11 \111111' l'X I'(' IS making ~
fl.t \ 1111•111 .. 1111 :~ ho 111l'S ( ';df. 111 l:1kt•
;11)\;111l ;1g!' l1f lht• ~n •;lf jll'll'I' Ill [t'l'nl!'i
11l l1 ·f'l·d 1111 I hr!'> 11 l1t·d n111111 ~1 .. hath
v. pr111l <'<...· I :1 n11 Iv 1 in /\!'ik for T h1·q
Wlt1ld11 .. 1d <>I' I•:'\' 11 01 'S I-: ~I ~ I r1.
1!1117 C l1·11\.\1tl Hl l..111(', H:1\('l'I"''
I v1•:11 "'''"' d11pl1 •x v. ti h I h•· w ;u ·m th nf
\.\-11<1rl IV ht wh 111 I h1 • 11p1 ·1111t·»' o f g l:1:-..!'i
<; n ·.11 lcH·.il 1011 I<. 1·1111<!11 11111 (':di l'o. ces k
1111 1-:1h ·1·11t\11111-.11 \11·h
l'li;tl 1111' "':'"I ii" 11w111·r lt·l'b :\ltt!'il
-..1·11 ljllll'k h 1:1111d ,,,.,.,,,.., i1\.:1rl;1lil<·
1'.1 k<• :ulv;111 l.1i•1• 111 .i11 >c 1\'ly 0 11 :1 r1
h•·dr 1,.1111 1·111 tl1· ""'' l1w.il 11111 ;11 14~Jli2
l '1 p 1·r ('1n·l1· l r v 1111 · ()f'J·:,'\ S1\T &
SI JN I ;, Look l11r V (•1 :1 S h;1rp
H 1·l :1x 111 :i I r :111q11rl "''" rng 111 B1 i:
(';i 11y1>11 /\d111111:, gull ("lllll'M ' S l:1?,;,i10
Call 10:1;11111· M11.v1·d
II ,· 1 I~; 21 640-5357
~ U k P I I I U ~ I W N ~ P W R f R 1 ·. ri· l r II I II I r II 1 u •, p I R 0 0 c
I' A 1-1 M I• l ',j A M I 0 A A [ H 1 [ 0
II M (:L A v M •• II y y n 0 n [ T 0 N r R
h l P <1 A U It I I l I 0 U B ~ R A P I
1 T I 'I U C N t, ( I l £ M 0 P 0 R 0 (
I I '1 U M A T II I' 0 I' I' I H N 0 0 S N
II l V 0 Ii I N tl 1 I N 1 A T H U 0 M P
() 11 U P G I X N T l () 8 () G A N W I S
I• T T I ~i fl )( I I I U l II 0 K A R A 0
Cl k'R H N 1 X 0 r 0 0 X [ LT U 1 U
I' I N 0 R 0 l A X N 0 R U L Y H E C R
l T ~ L ( 0 l I ~ N N S A T M I H L P
R 0 M P A 0 T ~ S 8 0 R S N E P 1 P E
l•,.lluctlo•" l~11l<ltto wo1t11 llttluw •11110• lorw110, e-k
wtt•I. u1•. tl•Jwt> u 1 1J11111t1fl1lly F11111 o ch end bu• 11 In. •
t' ltippopo1•mu& Butleto -
'1'11 ,l'll lht!'i \\t·l'k1·11d ' :1 Hdrrn-.. l 1dl
l)l'P ;l ll \'II '\\'· l'll .... I fllrl fttHlll' ',;11111,I
l1tlf1;tnl 1'1 111111 $:!:~1i .lllHJ
(·ori111a dd :\J.1r 1·u•L11111 I l1dr111 "
I rpl1 , . 11111-••· d1 ·11 1.11·11111 T!lp •11
01tl'flll.I I llJ'lf l.1111f .., ':-lllll IM'41
('1111111.1 d1 ·I .\1 .11 ..., l111v,l ' '1 Hd111 1-. :1
h.ilh tl1 ·l.11 h1 ·d 11111111· I _ll'\lf1 11 1
fl-.ll 1111 ·' .id 1.11·1·111 LV 1•11 v p;1rk t .'
11 rf I Ill II II I I V. I l lJ 11 ~ II
d1 I\ l'\\;I\ f;trj..!1' ltil f 'l ll't'd fll '''"
~:1!1~1 000 <';di 1111 .q 1p I
( )( 1•;111 \ wv.' ! lld1111 1 1111' 1·1 I d1 ·11
v. 1 I h~t1 I tlllt·d ~'I·"'· l~1li(1 "I II 1·;11'11
11111 1 '"·''•' l'llllllJlllf•· '" I I\ 1111' t-.
,'\;l'\\t~ll'I H1•.wl1 I ';~II 1111 .q111't fq ,,.,.
$:!:1;,. 11<111 I ct Orange Coast
64 ,1 4848
Pool + 2 Jacuuis
Jk.t tll lfill C ll!-.111111 111111 1 11111111' Ill' I
1•11111plt'1 1·rl pith 11111111 ·11111• q11 .il1 I \
f1.,il 1111 .. , I Hdr 111 .! 11.11)1 l.11111 h
f'lll ',\ Wi'lfJ,11 l°'(f l i'l flt•f\ l;tl J..!I
111~l t•1 '.111 1 j • \\ I l'p)• .111d 1111 111.d
d1111111• I 111111.11 1d.i1 1 '11111111 \ k lldfl'll
\\ di \ .tpplt.1111 1• I ,1tf1 /1 '111 f 1 ''t /I I
j\ I l'l rtg 1·1.tltil I p l11 1-,f.111d \\Ill 1-,
1·1·1111 ·r I 1111\ ,, 11111•11,.. l :1111ll v
r1n1·11l 1·d li•JllJt' ::iJJ!L:iUll
--O~ Hotue Sunday 1-5
609 Seaward, Corona del Mor
t 9 I 22 Biddl~
Tllrltffock Dr. to Emporia theft
.riqht °" le"'GflY
Just steps to pool and tet.Ns plus o
quality residential en•lrOftftMftt. Well
planned 4 ldrm home with Hporcrte
master suite. family room and op•n
lcitch•n. dinin9 room and pri•ate
land!iicaped backyard and patio. A worm
open fttlinq thru-out this hCMIW with hi9h
ceilinqs ond crtri11m. S 145,000.
f ;1, \\ t , ,,1 I 111• (I 1 ' 1"
• u '\• f 11 1f If',• ti! f I
S~Rdtl~-~ £trs .
That Intriguing W ord Goml' wtlh a C huckle
------·-·'-4 u, (\~l t •O\\A ...
BMEER lJ u I _ I I I' I'.
01 cuu1se you n1ufll 11.1 .. •
l1llllll' AIK'llll tl11l C1tlllOllllJ
doc101 wn(I tHl•JO lo ·· ·
I O•
Mount11n 11011 l1op•tl"' PP"'' ,. 1,1ec~ir1 •llllP\
llhnlUCllll' Muuse ~ 11, 1111 '.1 ~r,11n1 ~ p~!:~::~. w~~: e ~:,.;~:.~i:!/~ t(tl(P\ ,,. I I I I I I I I T 11mo11uw ?m?
~ ....... ~~--------.-.:::::'."!:!~--L.L..:~fTS AMw.n lft ClettlflcoffM 5100
"""llttd" · .... , •• ,,, ..•.. , ~ ,,..,, •• ,,1..,
.. '''"' ~,,,,, ""' .,,,. ,.
"'''" '\11 •I·. 'I•, t11 .ti • d
~ q/\ t.11111h 1t)lllJlh ,, t,,,,
ll1·.1d\ 1"1 I I I .1 I• .ti
·~,JI.' 0 •1 trl 1 1 ''I
.,, ., 1·J ·21
u L .. .J ti I
W~tcliff Realty
f!\1 l\ fl\\ I llr ' 11.1
I" ,,111• 1111 1 .. 1111.d I I IC
I 111111" t 111 ! I 1 l'I' I"'
A ,,14 ,, , ,,,,, •l-1 •
11, \I 111• '-.I II I I 1.11
IC I \I I I II( l,J . ··-11•
1l1o1I lijhl '-!1'1 '1~11•11
.1 1•1•·.1 t I 1'•11111 ' lo.1111
h•1U•• tU , -.Ji I '.\•,.,H I-..
'\t ,fl ,,fld I 11 Ill f.qt l#f
p .. llu .u1d i,ql•f•J11f It• tUP
.11 11 It< I \1•1\t Ill'"" tiot 1 .. 11 ,, ~ '11 I I<•
111·11 k• I 1!111 I I ••II 1111
"", ' I ,ti I .I '• I I I
IMO UNIT WPM I Lovely view, 2400
sq. fl .. 3 BR, form. din .• 2~ ba., 2nd
frplc. in huge fam. rm. w/Vlet bar .
L~e. endOHed patios. $233,500 Jnclud·
rng the land!
IAl•AIH llAUTY 2 BR. 2 ba ., form.
. iv ;,\Feit an J tevel-:-C11thedra1-~--1•
't·eil 's .. new t'<ffPl'l s. lovely selling
with some v it•w . Only $162.500.
or1M SAT /SUM 1-5
hl'autifully upAr<tded . t!xpcinded . Pie:·
I urcs quc g rl'cnbc ll. $179.500
IAIC.AIH! '1 Hit. E Plan . end unit.
fo rrn fl rn . f :rm rm . · 2400 sq . fl
is~1 ~.r,oo h 11'111llrni.: J.1nd !
aEALTOI IMC. 644.CJ 114
U1t & ltly Witt. HM E..,.,.+s
T\11., 1i-1h1• hom .. \lo htdl 1
1Jn1 ·~t t•• .,,,.,,,. '''" SS • ,~,, ..... 11111• ,,,,.,,,. ••·• "'"1 ww111 ...,,111.._ .r..i1111111111
,,,.,. "'"''"''"" l t•ll "'I .111 ram h •1fll•• Ill •• Ill•
.. 1•·11. f ,, .. ,, "'' f .,. ,,, tn•11 "'tlt)'t'"L' .u•··• :u•• l , .• ,,,,
"''' ',,"" ,, • • '' ut 1 .1 I tnn.atJI•· lt1lf 1r1,, l.101 ''"
It r• •1 \ ••1 1"""' 1 f, .;rit·r ;1 t,,,1\-• 1tffUUUU11 V f.•llUf'
'•"1"1" 1111' 1111111 I lt1h I l11lv ',\1~1.:1:,11 C ·,tll l•~l.1V '.II:, ,,,I :f/'1 '.(111 ''L~mm•mm A 962·44.11 <.::·1s4 6 ·ri 103 LL STA. TE
..... 1111 i\11 I lo·l1· • REALTORS
Big Canyon
Golf Course View
leo1o1tiful MW townhome -easy a ccen
to pool and joc1111i -tenni\ cat1rh .
• J l~oom~ or 2 pl1o1\ conn-rt. ckw
• Air conditiotWd
211, Battn
• Formly t.i~e kitchen
• Dininq Room
• C eramic. tile entry/ klkhf'n
• Quatity car~h/woll covennq$
C 11\tom \hutten / drapes
• OthH' c11slom amenities
Sole by owner 640· I I 02
O r yo111 .01r-r11 < .11111 '"'>Y lo brokers
Reoti\tic price for q11ick sole S239.000
LU SK IN DOVER SHOAES ~11p1•1 11 1·11-..t 111n 11111111·
1111 l.1rg1• 1 11n 11·1 1111 \\ tlh 1 !'>11.11·11111:-l11l r 1ns .
pt 1" :t1 1· ~·111 •!'<.t q11 .1rl1·r :., 1 .. 11h1·d r :d 1•1·1 l1 n g:-..,
l1.t11.in t1l1· p1111l & -..p ;1 l '11:-.1lrv1·lv l'lt•g :inl ms utt•
;111tf 11111 '>:l.1!1 OI HI
LUSK lH EASTILUFF ,\ ~ra 1·1 •>11s ·1 B<lrm l.u~k
l111tl1 11111111 · '""''" ,, p.irk ltht· 11.wh\.:tl'll . q1 111·11 111
"' .ti 1111 .11 Jiii), 111•;11 !'id1111>h, """ -.h11pp11l~. ;111d
\ "II II" 11 I h' . l.111 d !'>:! I; I .1110
LUSIC IH DEEttftELD '-.u1w r Ian.~•· a !'i,Umahl<'
111:111 rm ;, foxy 1 Btlrn1 dl'f:wh1·d homl.' D on 't
1111s-. 1l '. :·1:,:1 IHHI
LUSK IH CAHYOM CREST f-'ornu·r m111fo l
ho nw :1 Hdrm <·ondo , :-..ll.'Jl!'i tnirn tht.• shon1ung
1·1·ntC'r Ont• M t h1· 111•1!'11 t'<mvt·ntl'nl llwau ons in
Corona d c·I M :1r. :u-12.000
LUSk IM IAYCRfST • 11 ·.., :i Jll.Y I•> 1·nlnf;11 n m
1 hr!'> 1 Bdrm B:1y1·n ·st hump '"'1lh ~t la r gt' pool.
lols of p rrv:u·v . P 1·rl1•t·L l :1m1l .v horn(' ;,it $249,500.
IJ onH' Wll h rr rt•pl :11·1•
$I 7:J.!.H.IO
435 CAHAL '1.
Bdrm N<•wpurt Sho res
ir1 t h1· rn :.t:,ll'r suit e.
LUSK IH IA YCREST :1 Hrlrni t•xccull vc homt•.
f..!Ollrmct kitchen . i m m c di<ile oc<·up<J n c y . Owner
a n x ious $1 rm.ooo
LUSK tH JASMINE Cllltc -New on th <· m ark<!l. 2
1-den with pce>k·a ·h<>o view Assumahle 9.1.ti<'1,
J.Ol\N lJ pgrarit-cl c·arpd:-.. and landscaping
S22!'i.OOO hy Hppomtmcnl
···---·-.,._ ...... ____ ...,.
~~:.~.~ ....... ~~:~:~.~ ....... ~~:.~.~ ....... ~:~:!.~.~ ....... .
GeMrel I 00 Ge•rtl I 002 •WNI I OOJ • ....,... I OOJ ~······················ ······················· •··••···········•··•··· ...................... .
HottH1 For SciN
···················~··· G._,..e IOOJ •••••••••••••••••••••••
l\-aut1lul 1·u.,l11111 hum1•
1111 lhl' l(ulf ''11u1 ~c .
ll•uhmn.: !I 11:1· IMlri11i. •
~•uaJy, 1•11ormou:. r.unil
rtn & ot IJJlh' t'r1111vlclt•
v.ulk 111 h ur l.o.\ o·l y
i,:roumt~ 11\l'I pool &
Jl•Cu.w r7~.ooo Ai.k for
h u r b 11 r u If u l 1· h 111i.:11
l•W llll
Bea ch ROO!fy Of'ltt SAT /SUM 1-S ~~~-~2~o=c~YP'RESSPOINT
SPYGLASS I.I"'' lit'\' ~1 ht·droorn ... :I l1111h, lfK JJrakl'' Hu\
<>1•dl Sun I ~
DOYll SHOttlS H11 \ '1,.,, Ii l>t·dronm' '> ll~th-. t~1H Ci:1l•1,\'
OJ>l'll S~1I Sun I .~
HAllotl llDGI '"\\ I l1,·droo111., \II'"· 111 7 ~·11l 1 \'
01>t•n Sul Su11 I ~ ( 1
IAYCllST l..1 q~,. \.trd ~1 lll'd11111111 -. :1 IJ.1th-. 18117 ~.111cl:d\\1111d
Opt:ll S;.tl ~Ull I .I
ILUFFS t-:ll•..:.int 1·01Hh• :,: hl'd11111111' l.1rr11l~ nmrn 414 \'h t:a Cirun<IP
OpC'n S;11 Su n I ;,
COIONA DR MAI '•'.1 t.1h1pll·~. :1 IW :!' · l1<1t h-. l'ill'h fi J:l .\J ar1g11IJ
Opl•11 Sun. 1 ::;
IAYCREST ,, Bt'<lrnom :-.. form.ti dining rnom 1807 T oyo11 L<•nt•
OptHl Sal Sun I -~
IA YCREST :l Bt.'c11'1><11ll:-., f'o r rn:if dining ruo111 . ~0 1 ~ l.t·,·w;11·d
()pen Sat , Sun l ·5
WESTCLIFF 2 H1·dn1om :-., 2 baths , 1-(ourmi'l kll C'ht·n 1218 l>o\'l'I'
Open Sal is un I .5
HARIOR HIGHLANDS ·I Bedrooms. 2 h;.iths. poof l lil5 Huth LLJ111·
Open SLJ t Sun I -!'i :
NEWPORT HEIGHTS :1 Ht·tlroom!-., dl·n . 3 tar garc.igt'. 3000 l~l a ,.
Open Sun. 1 5
ILUFFS Single• lt•\·(·I 2 bt·1 troom-. & <lt·n 2211 V1 -;L;.1 Dorado
Opl'n Sal Sun 1-5
COSTA MESA I f·:a,l!-.llh· I lh1plt•\ :l ll r :.! b;1, (•ud1. Ill''' 1 ~1~1 I C'htll'l·h
< lp1•11 :-;:it :-.un 1 ;,
S:H (). (/OO
$2-t !J. 5011
~ 1!14 ,50ll
S 17!J .!"100
, I 72 .500
NEWPORT BEACH -759-0811 --------------~~ ------~ ....w...-~~~~-.w.-~~ ~~~~
Coll t tHir:-.c· \'H'\\ from s p;H·111u:-. 5 BIL
I ha I n1<ltl 111nal home. lg1· fa mily
room. pool. j<J<'UZl.I. $750.000
Cu,lom t r;ufil 1nn:lf :l HU h11m r 1111
pri ml• t nrnt•r lot. frC'dlowing floor
plan. 2nd :Hory m1n1 hay \·it:w
Well tonsl ruC'lt·d. :1 BH. I ha. oak
flour. partial t>t.1!'.c mcnt. t<m t rete foun-
d a tum Fl al s a rc.•<1 $I ::!11.ll()(J Fe1~.
~t·vt•ra I fine: Im vfront homt•s
wilh pit:I: & !>li p
3t4.J Bayside Drn1t> N 8 675 6161
Do you 14*) to flu Oft tM cliffs
of th• oc•• Clltd awolrftt to
SM•ll of MO air mtd .... ICMlllMI of
CJ•lls? T'Ws mtd nwch MOn cCllt
b• yows m this 1tat.ty OCMlt-
froftt rfti~• on th• cliffs In
Nor th Laguna l•och. 4
l•drOCNM, 3 bofft1 mtd pohfttial
Maid's .-.en plus diniftCJ room
for 11, alt odd up to yat1r
fNrfKt MOil• achntun. ly
oppoifttlMftt oftly, off•red at
This opew .,._ 4 be•OOlll i.o.
k ..... t.w '-*" ..... --or
frOM 0r-.. C..ty's MOit H·
clllM••prt.aha...ct.S.tM ....
, .. r~ c..-fty of lr•IH c .... ,,.. ...... k -......
c ...... lot ........ wHll ....
pol••IW fer ••C.*-W oc._ ..... s,.cw ............. .
Hw ldtclil.... for•el tll•l•t• .. ,.. ..................... .
Covt·n·d "ilh ~h111J.!lt0!'> .ind t ill' Ikpe n
d :..thll· Jfunu: ·W ;irr<.1nt~ P rut<!t'l111n
l'fan lht:-.<· un it!'> <•rt· s1mlh of tht·
hig h"".L dtJSl' tu ::it hool. park~ anti s hops~ Two 2 twdroom units. a p<J l10
ga rden. tht• wood and glas!'> lcx>k and
a n :1lt r\1C'tiVl' pri1'1' llf SJ7!l.OOO
Hf Al fOllh •. G /'"i llOOO
f:~~:! .......... !?.~~1~~~:! .......... !?.~~
l•o•tifuJly d•corot•d "prfd• of
ow1tH'IWp" 2 dory hCMM with yaw own
boot slip. Warmth. woods. and
nceptiMol d•cor throughout this 4
ldrM. hotM with for11tol dlftinCJ r111.
Spacion 1Mstff wit• hos flnplou. All
Ht,,......HH for th• finest quallty fOMily
n•ir-..t, $975,000 1 .. c ...... '-d.
Owntt MOll•atH to sell tt.i1 chanN'"J 2
bdrm + .,_ .ct ••rOOM '"""--Just
steps to bHclt PLUS co.......aty pool,
tn11i1 .ct t.,.nflc Mighbon. S 110,000.
S•ll•b•ry •••lty
315 Marine Ave
Balboa Island
"'t111laM11• VICW llH h11l1•'
t"lt'\'llll. h.1y & lll)!hl h i,:h l:-.
hum 1tw ... 1w h.1111111i,: 1
hd1111 . la1111ly l'IH h1111w
" 1 l h J 11 \t• I y 1· 1•11 t 1 a I
1'(1Ur1 > t.1rd 11111111• I' 1111
Jal ):I' j(rllllOfli. 11ffl'l lllL:
111ax1 U'l urn 11 r 1 ' ,, 1· '
~.54XJ .\~kl1u l1:1rh,1r.1
l111trhu1~:-. i;.14 1:::11
Tlw .. \\1•:.11 ll ff J IJ1ll no
h11111t• 1, ,, 11,,., 111 1·1'
lot'ilUl1!11I 11111\ \\.1\ lo
'''l\1\"':< II ' l,.11 1•1· 11111w r
1111 Wllh IH•11I ,\ lllolll\
.1m1•1111 ... .., S! 111 fM~1 ...,, ,.
63 1-3444
\\11.11 ...... ""'""" "·''" '" '~"t·\\h~j /,1 .... 111 hit 111 ~
1.,1r .. 1111 ' 11.1111 I 111111\
hu11w 1111 ,If II lo I I 11
l1•1t d .ol ultl\. .,ll,'l't'I I '.di
,,,U .(l:•A~
• • •
Virqinio Anthony
~fO\ I.II 111 11111 I 11
I 11•0!.1 \1 1•· I
'PU ·ff••l!1t \\tr'ltt ti
two tree tickets
1\1:11"' '.11111· .1 ..
.h1111·:.!:•11tl 1h r 11 .'111·. llh
1'11 ~.I ""' I•· I l.11ll1"ol
111 t'.Jlirn• I.I. ''"" • \I
l'r11!1-:,~m11al a"""' 1tr11
I Il l Ill<. I 111.ol II ; I• I'
1\ll.'>1 \\Ill 1 II111 I I I
\IJIJ Ill lllllt h.1•.1111• '11111
h111n1· 1111 •111h I ...... 1,.
~·. Ill ,.,1h· 1•111 1' l .1 11
\Iii I l.lti 1\J..'1
I \\II• fl• 11111 ll 111 "11 lo
l h h '"IM I -.lf,111 • 111 Iii\
111wr.1d1·d t '"tin"'"'''"' 1k>1H'oll t i~· 11111~ ll;o" 11
"" n 1•.11111 1V 1·11d11-.1•d
j.'ar,1gl' t\ f\.•;tl '" .II al
11nly S>\.'>.•'llM> :.10 .~""'
Reol E•tate Utt. · D
IJ1\d 1 :1 Bd1 m-., ·• II.ill.,,
'''-•pol tf q i • • l•'t # lftt' H
~uul;I\ I .• 1~.:. I \\ l )o •I
W.o\ \rl,1111·1111
. IREH /Moneelc
Sl6-146 I
1,11·1·1.1 qllwl :or10,1. :i
l.11lnre. ~ tarn11\ 1111 .di
l;ir~:1• r•tt1111' .! H .. 1 h~ .!
C111lt-... _ ... h.1rp l,1n1t-.o·,1p
llH! <;;• 17 111 lfl 11 11 1 I )
... 111111 ..... 1·
\b 11 h~l\I' :I lplo•,,,..,
.1,J1lal.ih• $11~1 111111 1-.. ol'h
Enterpris~s 645-2411
Wl-~'ff('l.11-'I-1'1,..,111•1• I
hr ":o.1•1·111"1· IH.r111·
O•urt.';ird 1•ntry ,1,, 111111
l;l111ls1·ap1nf.! II 1·11111•1•11
o\'l'r :'.12,(lllll for 111,.1 .... d1·
<;< >l.F Cot' HSI·; \' IJ•;W :1
Bdrm r1>.1 ·r "' l.11 1•1· fol
L1>w1•,.t Ill N1·1,1111 11 l ,1l
SJ lfi.0tll1
Cl IL IJ E !'-11\C 1•111,.h I
htlrrn 1n N\.·\I pol'I B;ol'k
I.Ill~· F;11ml~ n "im" wl'l
bar ~ hui::1· 1111<·11 h1-.1 rn
ma,.\l·r s 111 l c l'rof
~lllHlllSI' /\II h11> I
more fur ~01,111111 own1·r
anx.iou.., •
<:OHNf:R I.OT With'"'" hit• HV a1•1:c,.:-.. 1·11111111
lt·n1·t'll 3 Br 2 full h~•t hi.
SoJ)l.•I 1·11111lll11111. hclow
rnir k('I ;il Sltl.IJCN/
SOU't'll SA
I NV 1-;s T M I•: :-'1 'I' Up~ra1.kd 3 htlr"m 111
quil'I nd J.lhhi)rhoo1I X Int
potential. A must "l't• 11l
....., ..-. ,....., .-111 -tMl~•cnstoprt••
Ir•• C..• a...ct. -OM of ...
fl•Ht ••d •••t prlY•h .._._..la"-wortd. Of.
fwd .. 1710,000. ~ rm=~ rrf2I ~,
499-4111 495-1720
S ..... L1111 •. l ............
4f7.JJJI 4tMll2
11•11 D-PoW
Airport ltfffty
Everybod~"s dream 2
Br home pla new 2 Ar
unit nvcr 3 <'H J,llH
Sl.28.000 Southlander's
Joen fk>Wt• 675-7006
. . , ..,.. ..... '
Saturday, June 23, 1979 DAILY PILOT
macnab I irvlne
Gre&.1l v<Jlue al S164 .900 ! Loads of ~pace -cathedral ceilings -added
ston•ruom or workshop in gar. custom patio on tree.filled greenbeJt.
Bl'Vt·rly Morphy 642-8235. OPEN SAT. 2-5 P.M. 2634 VISTA ORN ADA .
IS ~21
1\1 ovt· rrght 111to this cute 3BR Eastside Costa Mesa home w /coppe r
plu mban,:i. new paint & l'pt. SI22.500. Terry Aune Hanes 642-8235. SE.E
In lhC' Bluffs! Yes. this floorplan offe rs separctlc mas ter suite + 2 a dd'I
BH ~ 21 ~· hc.ilhs formal d ining & cathedra l ceilings. Love ly city
11;.!hls & mln. view ' Highly upgraded a must SC't' ! S249.000. J ean Dill cs.
ti l2 x~:t.5 OPEN SAT 1-5 P.M . 406 VISTA QUINTA CS-24 1
. \\'di gt·l you 111to th1!'> luxur ious 2-story. SAR '1esa Vcrdt• ho me o n one or
lh1· n11 ·t·!'>t st1·1·l'I!'> in the ur eu. CC1 thedrnl C'cilings form<1 I dining -
1'111.\' f:imtl.' rm\.\ fr>k . & wet bar Nes tled in a vcritC:tbll' a rbor<Jtorium '
:-.17!1.!IQO .John Gr<Jnath ti42 -82:15. SEE IT SAT. 1·5 P.M 2733
S.\:\ IH'll't·:H IS-~5 I
ll r<1 in ,~lll' l'ntry w l<)ng g:illN~' o vt•rlookini:! patio: Npt. Cenle r .
f1r11mont<1r.\. d;r,v & ntt.!hl \WWs ··u ·Sh<lpl·d ·· fl norplan offers priva<'y &
1•.1:-\ l'lllt·rl <ll n111g Hilb fa mll~· rm klt<.'hen romho lnew l Mint
1•1J11i1 1t 11111 ' .::1:!!i,1>1HI Ht•\l'rly .\l11rphy ti42 8::!35 OPEN SAT. 1·5 P.M . 11170
P t·:S<' \ l>O I( IS :!Ii )
f.g .-1HH tam1l.v rm n·s " one· room t•Quipped for rc•cordini.?
prn1·l11·111g or 1u-.1 ll:...t1 •n111g lo m u!'.11· S1tualt>rl on qull•t t•,ul-de ·S<Jt nf'~ir
... tiopp111g. ln·1·"t1\'~ & gulf C'OLlr"t' E:\lr:1-fg yard v. lots of fru1l tree~.
...,.!I ~11111 \l;ir111n Fr11.1d l 752 111~ O P ES SAT 1·5 PM 2-0141.
I< I\' I'. HSW E UH . S,\.\ T~\ ,\~A II EH; llTS I S-27-Y .
\11 1'11·g.1111 f111nw 111 ;1 p r1\';1t\·. guard f.!a l1•d 1·11mmun1ly !'>Urr o11n1ll·tl f1y
\II'\\ 111 H it\ O r·1·;10. ll J.!h l!-. 1.l h1lh l'rof dt•t·or:i tt'<J Bar Hil rhor m11dt •I
\\ 1•11i-t11 .... 1·d .... pa & \1·r~ pr1\:111· 1·11fnPr lo1·a1 1on B1 ... s11n· to n sit you'll
111· 1111pn·,s1·d ' .1:1111• l'aq111t1 fit! tt2:1:; <>1 1 E~ Si\T SCN 1·5 P ~l ::!12L
'.\('(('('.II I.I\. S l·:1\\'l l':\\' rS :!8 1
~pnrw 1111\\i'I'' lr1·-.h p ;1111l. hnghl room:... & rww dt:·<·or i:!lor p;1pers makl·
111i... ;, Hf< lt1111w :1 ju~ t•• h\1 • in Fairly pnc·t·d 1n this privalt• h1•al'h
''"Ill 11 1 :11 .-:-~!1!1.111111 11·1 · J11·u•rl.v ,\JMphy 642 82:!5 Of>Ei\: SAT SCN I·!'>
,, ~ :!H71 B,\\'Sll<>l <E DIC B.\YSll()HES cs.w1
J·::...1'l'lh·111 \,tl111· tor rlt 1s h <tn \.\'l'l l~ 1 BH horn<· " lnvt'I~· 1·ourl.varct
1•111 r~·. 1111·" g;1nlt•ns & extra-lg 2-ear J.!:tfi.lgt· f''am1 ly & dining rms opt:n
111 p1111I 1."< • .-11:1t111 an·a -:\ew c·pl + fr<~·~h pa int O!\OLY S225.UOO. :\l :1ry Lou
.\l.11·11111 fi ll x2:1:) OPI·:!" SAT SC;\; l·:l I' .\l 1834 COMMOOOHE <S-30 1
\ppm'\ Ill" on Jl;1\' + "\'rc>w St1r>rl'mt··· • :! OR t:~el'lll t Vl' n•Lrcal offE•rl•<f
1111 "\l:!;i.IHHI Ol'E~ S.-\T SL':\' I ~ P 'l 1 24~ BAYSIDE OR. :\t Al K AJ
IS :11 I
('11!1• :1 BH honw in primt• lo<·:.i tion ' 1\ll 1ww cpl fplC' -lg hae k\'ard
I runm to ;1dd on I '159.51111 fr1• HM-c·rly ~t o rph:.· G42 ·H~35 OPEN
S .\T S l .:'-1 1 5 P ~l 5118 HEOL,\:\DS IS-:.12 1
Fr11m lhr:-. 1 BIL family rm t ha rml'r w l 'fpks. 2 endosed alriums &
\ 1·r;.· 1u·1 v~1lt• lo1·a1 11m All this m the pri n 1l('. gated <'Ommunity of
S1·:1 \'II'" "hH·h offt•rs tt•nni". poof & s pa Slti!).500 ind l:md. Be lll' Chu~t·
f.t'l' til l·fi200 OPE~ SAT st ·~ I ;, P :\I 190J Y1\CllT MAHIA. lS-331
Sp:1rkl1 nJ.! ll;1rh11r l1 1ghlanrls homr w a ll nt·w bay windows g iving loads
111 fi g ht & :uldt•tl ch<1 n n ! Nl1" kitc-ht·n lwth rC'clOnl· new <:pt:; &
rt o1 1r11J1.! 1hru11ul hr-auliful hat'k~·a rd & c·o\·t·rcd patio .. Just finished
l111r r.\'1 ~1 1!1.!)llO Ht•\'t•rl,\· Morphy fil2·X2~15. OPEN SAT SUN 1·5 P .l\t 152i
I 'H I S< 'I I. I./\ ( S<l 1 I
( ·u ... 111mli't•d I or!) nn ~inglt•·StOr,\' :1t l'IHI of t'Ul·dC·S:I(' Rcdt:toralt'O
111·" "1ll'ht•n h t1J.?t' .\;ml t·lose to park. playgrounds , sl'honl-; &:
c·11111rn pwl~ Ht·ch1t·l·c1 lo SJl!l.000 Donna '1odshall fi44 ·1i200 OPI·:~
SA't' s t ·:'\/ I ;, I' .\1 2117 1 POHT BHISTOL CJR IS·351
Ha\-.hon··:-. c·ha rmcr on u <'Orne r lot ! 3 BRs. 3 buths. oak noor s. Fre nch
d<11.1rs & sunn~· so pat io. Owner s a ys ... Bring of for! .. $325~. Dona
C'hH'ht·-.tl•r li42-H235. OPEN SAT SUN 1-5 p M. 2670 WAVERLY on .
1 s.:m)
F11w frac11q1,na l home huill w Ql:ALJTY} 4' RRs -5 baths :-form<1r
din mg rm · lg famil y rm i\ND M UClt MORF: ~ SS \0.000. Clint, Moses
fi l l H2:1;, Ol'EN Si\T SUN 1-5 P.M 202:1 F.. RJ\l.BOA BLVD. IS·371
Orw of llw lwst n ews! Split level eleganC'e inrorporaling redwood
<lt·l'k lni:: & sun poreh. OPEN SAT SlJN 1-5 P.M. 321 AVE CEHRITOS
(uff Visla Ca'utlal I IS-38 \
Whl'n ~·ou S fo;fo; the-anrnzing \'iew ... the unusual & breathtuk.ing 2-story
l'lll r,\''. hakon1es & living rm ... the quiet e legance or the formal dinil')g
rm .. lht• magit'a l m ysteries or the gourmet kitc hen ... you won't
ht·lit:Vl' the rest unless "YOUR " eyes SE E IT ! S395.000. Lois Miller
fi4l·H235. CS-:l!ll
llG CANYON. • .OtU Y S 152,SOOf
TOTAi. <.'harm .. T OTAL elegance ... TOTAL security! Bright &
hl'aulifufly clctorated 2 BR condominium in one of Newport's finest
an•as w l'nmm. pool & tennis. Owne r transferred -HURRY! Barbara
A une 1>42-8235. (S-401
ll1ghly up~radcd 2 BR Canyon Crest condominium in great location
nt«tr pool & tennis. f'amily rm -formal dining -library adj. to master
OH -custom fplc & lots of blt-ins. $189,000 fee. D. Godshall/S. Fix 644 -6200. CS-41 l "
U"8t IA Y IST A Tl
Southe rn Colonjal 5 BR residen,·e overlooking Bay to Ocean!
Beautifully landscaped w/11t. trees & roll iog lawns +pool. stable &
guest t•olla~e. Room for tennis court too! Offered a t $2,900,000. Harriet
Pe rry 642-8235. <S-42 >
642-8235 •o• De•er Dri•• ..... ,.. .... 644.6200
1'44S.. ....... Dr H.._YnC..._.
. .
752-141• •M1c...-1r. c .... ,...,c...-
r • ..----•: .. •••• ff/ ........ ""···--·---·-
DAILY PILOT HOU\H for S• Hout.. for s. ........ for s. HOUMI fof' s• ...... for HM ...... for s.
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11urc:111y June l3 10111
IU HOUSES Sat/Sin 1·5
1711 w.tl•. CDM
.. _...... M..teclte •'"-4 ta.d. .-d _ ................................. ~ .......
___ ... if • =• lllp a. ••..-Y wey. s.. Goory
.. -
..... S17t.OOO
14211( ............. .
M.,., 9ld tot... MW •cot' ill/o..t.
.... of ,.... .. •IP"•" yow-, ... "' "''' ~ 4 IM.-00111, billlord roo"', •n.
a>, rlffr••I• VllW. H. H.._,. O 'hory
-UTC41iiii. Npt. sa.Gr.t SAT ONLY ,
f.AIW.FRONT-8each, Tennis C-.._ 2·•'-Y ...._ oa tt.e ccmol
_.... ... ovtdoor ,.tio and your own
....W beoch for ""'"'"CJ. V enatile 4 ._.oom ho...-with teporate matter 1wit.
~ IM119 roo. with fireplace and din·
ifl9 -... Walk to pool. tenni• and ocean· •
. tro..t bHchet. sus.ooo.
120 Via AntibH, l ido
l ..wty dKorat.d condo•inium homu
Gii pNStiCjicMtl Lido. WaMt to layfronh.
te.is .ct private beachu. Special
....Hies ttwuout include' a new plu\h
carpet, new point & window co•erinq!o,
new appliances. fireplocu; built-in chino
catlineh & patios. lowed. Lido price.!
5" 14M IConHr & Helen O 'Leary
2bed. I bafh.one ~••I S2 I 0,000
2bed. I baffHapperloel S225,000
2bed. 2 ba. townhouse $254,500
/lili executi.,e family home in the fine\t
cno of Lc*e Forest. Professionally de·
corated 4 bedroom, J bath with pri•ate
dock out front. Antique stained qlau
doon, custom tiles, carpet & wood par-
~ floors. A lot of home on today\
market. Complete security sy,tem.
S.229,500. See Mary Ann Nethercutt
2507 Pt. Whitby, HVH. SAT ONLY
Hiqhly up9raded and decorator
cootdiwted Somerset model. VIEW of ci-
ty licJhb. Formal din. rm. and nice yard.
$240,000 Cafl Karen Knoche
#nclmin rl's1~ THE WATER
. with MbcMd diqnity Ottd educated qood
tast•. Special imported and antique
~ cirace tM ...tire four bedroom.
41h bath residence. Stained qlau win·
dows & French doors in the· formal dininq
room; rare cornd fireplace manffe in the
faiftly room; plu' a handsome study.
Sepcrate master suite with ih own li•in9
room and balcony. Luxury in oery
ttspKt best describes this home . Boot
slip included and YOU OWN THE LAND.
Shown by appointment to qualified
buyen. S 1,470,000. Call Gil Foenter
this condominium ~ on the WATER i'
in o clal1 by itself. Architectural Diqut
~ bocnt about tM detiCJftft' feature'
«Md MIKt •cor of 1taiMd0 qloss, custom
wood pmwllt9. antique b~mcfront and ,o
nwch tmr•. LelnJer than many homo tt.i'
2 bed. plul deft/office and ralHd dinitHJ
area offers pri.,acy, Hcurity and
G'failability for your ow11 boot. S620,000.
lea11tifully decorated "pride of
ooazrlhip" 2 dory tto... with your own
boat sip. Wannth, woods, and excep·
tiOMI dKor throughout thi1 4 ldrm. ho.-
with ton.I diniftc) ""· Spacious ,..,t•r
U.. e.. flt 1pl•c•. All tt.. __ Ritt.1 for
, tt. ..... t ..... ty fo"'Hy N•irOMWttt.
S97S,OOO l1tcludi119 lo1td. Call Gil
. -,
W..r •Jlterior ..cl •enatffe floor plan "•w'±d IR tWs 4 .._..._. ...._ 0.,.
WAl8 with yow oww pi« OIMI slip. A
wll11f1..e ,.tlo.,.. faMlly rOOWt, OfMn
Wlchlft _.. Werior cowtyard. ht today'•
WATRFIONT "'orbt .... a "bHt
...... $342,500 fft. Cal Liiey Hown .
Plllluhur UDO loc..._ with forHer
NW. OWMr wll HCh9MJI' this l or 4
...... ..._ fw -6ts or cowrciel
.......,. HI ffMt to HIKt yow colon
......... -OWMr ..... ., •• $40,000 •• •IRt •w-.ce. $195,000. Call IHI
~'1:1(, W C'o,1,1 ll1qlw.11\
Nt'Wpon f~,,,. Ii
Ho.,Ht for Sate ""'"'.. 1001 G...... 1002 GetMt'm 1002 c........ too CHMrel IOOZ •••r• 1002 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
G9Mr9' 1002 ••......•............•.
~ llR bol.llll' $fl~ WI'
4 llnh11 ~ \U )'
',!&, 11\lt tflll'h'
l17;1,CU I
•' 6 2 l lll 1l1111ln
P~.101 1
4 & J Jiit 1lupl1·\
·~·11101 '
J.tkJUh. 1l1111h •
11 :11111 Ul lll ' $1 ~~I IMl\I
''" :> nn d11.,1n .. ~IOI '
J & :1UH 1fuplt•\
$1KI) 111111' 4,., :• llt< 1t1111lt•\
11 ... 11. 1•1111 $111'1 ••lfl
lolboa lay ,._op
h11u .... ~ 1111 I lu1 ~·1 11111 1111
11 111111vh I• h 11·1111111\'lul
Ill Jllll ..... ""' I I ,,, 11/lll
wcth I'll \.11t· 11.ilJ\1 llol Ii I
II ti I Ill 1' .. I ' It \111 11111.1!11 ·1•11111.11·1
lnl~ ol 11i.1 •I 11111 ~ \
'lllU._1 l1h' 111.111 ~1·r1 •111
,\flll 1'1'11 •1 •
$69,9 50
St1111·r ''"'" 1 111iii111 ··11
h•lllll 1<•·11 lt11d, l11h
h111!•' l11l hit Ill 11 llt)
.. , I.\ \ ,\ I ••I"'" I ·"I ""''
fyll; :.::11:1
4 BR + family
~I "'"I ('l.11~1" T 11 111· .. \I 11.
'"•l fll•lll l ,\ I h1111I E11l'l11.1d 1.11cl 1111 11'.
l;1wb •"•J)l.'U I!. ,,1 •·•111ol1
l10fl lu ft U'•'I •It t • •• ~,\ \
\1•" .1 •111 \.\ 1:11 h .111tl
\It•\ l'I '"''"' ~ ... , 11 1,I I I I\ I I \I
">u 1111111 I 1 ·1 I fl
781 CENTER ST ..
\1n 1I I<. 11.it11o 1;11\11 ,\
l 1 t• .. lfl t .. It ,1 I ,11
iW ..... L•1• _1,..e1,..-.ut1 -.utu·t
llfll'I .1111·' N1·" fl 11111
•·•fltl'h. 11111 1 lwr hl111 k
1•1111111 ...... & 1111 IA'.I\
11111" ('1·1111.1111 1111 .tt1·1I 111 \'11.,l.1 \11· .. 1 I 1111 v
~;.101i11r l l11 :1lw •h ••11111
ii I 1-.1111 h., 111 • ( .ti I
10,-. f ol 8 )0 f'.M I
I.I ~l IO OI '-.111,IHI
f':irk hkt• "''111111' Ill'\\ l'""''" .'l\1 .. 1\.1
::irl.r~IO 1 11~·11 111111· ,. Sal
& S1111 1 •, :11:' Suhw\ l.n
l'll111r111 I c '\1
l'nilf' of own••r"hlf• 1111
:!Ha. l;in .11 1·1111r11 .111I
111.101 1·:iu·11 rn1: Iv 1111
m;,1· u I .11 1• II'"'" I ii 11 I la11d"•11111n1; 11•1 :1''41
l .tlXllllOll" :!Iii ;~ll.1 \\llli
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(;111''>1 lll)I $:'l2:'1,IHMI
I I h111~1· Ill llf'.od1 t 1111ltl
hl'llllplt•'I ~ lh.IMMI
Sllll av;11l lllih·
I \I N'4h
I 11141 &13.5210 I
'OOI w e.n .... Al•d
"Mwpool hec.h U.lt1C>tno•ll'6ti0
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .
Sp11~.:.~Pll" 4 IMr . 21 "Ra . Oonu~ Hrn .
Cv111 111 µuols In cludes ~ar<lcner & ·'''I"' 11•1·:0. li!l~r m u /\~k for Trin1
IL11 1111
"11.i< 1111 .... I lidr • t!' :! Ba , w ;Jlr tone!
1 .111 punf1l''" :l t ur J,!ar , on C ul dt·
~.11· ~t In 1111· ~t'l1001 ~ l'lm.t-. 'o USSO('
f1''-'' Sl l2,IJ(>O A~k fol' T orn Baron
I ·m 111)..!11111. I Plt•x <;rmd lon.1t11111 riff 57
I< r1·1·wa_v 11t·ur c·11lll·J.!c & shopping
I ;{ Hd :1.YHtl '2:!3 !ti.JO /\s k for Ht1y
I 11 1•\1•t·1111v1 · horn(· 111 Ml'~<J Vl•rfll'.
11<"" ( '0111111 ' C'l 11 l1 l.urg(· lwulc ·cl &
lll lc·n·d po11I, prl\;11 1' \'anl Ht•ntoclcktl
.1111 1 11111•1 ;11lt·d k1lc·h l'11 . I IMr . tfrn. &
l1>1'111:il d111 11 1~ 'a ll c; l<.:n llc llwarth
1 · .1 t .r I 1 11 .r ~ :1 n C I c· rn t' n t l'
bl;111tl < ·~111 \ 1111 \'11•v.' l'ool. l prl\ ;1t1 ·
lw:ic-111·-. ;1111 11111:1111· gar:sgc· clou r all
;q1pl1:1n1·1·-. 11wh1 d1'c) l.L·a~1· opt 11111
I '11111 ra1·1 111 ~.iii· l'n·:d '' l' finanting :1
l'id r 1 lull \:1·v. 1-.11·1w1 Sl~;,.ooo T1 m
f( ft I )f II'
:1 Bdr :1 -,,;, 1'11111 C ·111-.c· 111 IJt•;u·h
:...t;1111 11111 Bol1 t1I' I >11v11• K1111p
S h11ri·1'11fh 111 11111· \\ 11)1111 (l('(•jll) \If'\\
1··1111·:-.t < 'nrt111.1 d•·I n1:11· ;m •:1 s:i:H,!l.ill
(';ill 1'1111 1<1111111•
"•·\\ c·111111·11q1111·;1 1 \ c 'tiff llouo.;1· 1>11 1111
11l1d nwl-. \'11•v. 111 111·1•:1n 1\ 1·:111' 1111
l ~o l t 111 I )11\ 11· hc11111
1:!1111 "'I It H1111111 f11r p11t1I l\. lt-11111 ., :1 111
1 111111-.i· I n1111 f'1 ·r ;tit .i 1 lllb H11l1 111
I) I }\ It' '" '""
234 E. I 7tt. Street, Costa Mesa
'111' 11...,1•1• \l'!l\•111-. "I l11dn11l11 ilb
I h\11"1 .11111 "'" I ,ti •·ti II• ,ti I. ' 11• (It I 11·1
l·:t1·11;111I 1·w .111 m \.\';1!1·rfr11nt Tr 11 l~
g r :ll'1<111 :-. .111d l11 x 11no11:-. S pa1·11111 !-.
111:1rlil1 · 1·111 n w t•:1tlwdr11I 11·1!111 :..!
11111111·rn11 -. c·1ht11111 l<·:tlun•!-. ;, Bclrm. 5
l1;1tlt 1:111111\· r111 w /Wf'l l1:ir Mas ter
"'111· v. ltpli-f()rmal dining rm
l1n·:1kf;1~t n11 l'l1·<·t rurw· flltt·red :11r
1·1111d f>11 ·1· 1lv -.lip fen !ill' ·' ad 1t & b;i\·
Ir 11 :1 I ... I" :1 h 11 l 11 11 ... h 11 m t· I 11 r
;/_1-· --t~6~:.t ;-~s.-r ~ ~
A lbcrt Pusscl I Realt y Co.
H~wporl a~ach, Co
J\11 111q>e·1T:d1l 1· Vt·rs;11ll1 ·:-111 Big
< · ;1 11 v1111 1 ·n ... 11 rpa-.st.•cl luxury
( 'ot llC'I' 1111·.111011 1111 ;, 1·111 tit-:-:11·
'l'rul v 0111· ol !Ill' f1rw home:-in
N n v p11rl l\r-ac·h Sfi:>0.000 B y
;q11111111t 1111 ·11 l
FOR JUST $85 .
Faal mollln9. thorough and Heiting prHentatlon of releYanl tact1 1nd fun·
damenlal1 of Real E11a1e law. finance, appralHI, 11aellon, mathem1tlc1,
••crow. tltle ln1urance. and mofe, by one of Callfornla't mo11 llnowledge1bl•
praclltlonera and 1llllled leclurera. A complete courH In TWO DAYSI
Speclally delfgned ONIE WEEKEND couree •Yellabl• Hclulfvely through JDS
Semlnere, usln9 • brand new 220 p1ge 1yllabu1. A rere opportunity to le•'" or
review Aeal E1tate with 1n Hperlenced PfOfe11loftal.
Th11 lncredlb4y comp•cl and lnfCHmall.e 111 hour, TWO DAY H•alon 11 offered
weekly, Saturday and Sundey, •• .. ,,,.._ lcttoot (Coe1ttln• Col .... ), 2531
Orchtrd Drtve, In S•nte Ane ......... (aouttt ot John Weyn• Alff!Ol"I). A .. l1tr•·
tlon (penonel Cl~k) 11 In pereon et 1:00 am l eturd1,1, but INROLL•NT 11 ~~~~DI Cen ttow tor your AHIRVATtON end COUR I OUTLINI. Coffee end
.IDS Semlna~a, Coron• def Mal'
(714) 644-1094, (714) 144 ••••
n.w 'Uew .,i;~ling
I n 11 n 's t i g w u s I r v 1 n c Te 1· r a t e .
hc..1uul1(ully dl·t·urah·tl :1 hcdroom honu.·
w1lh lcrrifit hav & ocean view Im·
mar thruuut it:-· ~pac:iow .. :u100 sq fl .
h(•akcl s w1111m111g pool. large i;:ou rmcl
kllchco with -4u Ht-ffi ati(t;-forma I den
1n g rm . h<'<.tnlf'<I <'e ilings An oul ·
~landing v;lluc· a l $fi13,000 foe
Nt•v(•r offrred for !-.<.&le hefnn.·. Located
•>Ill y I Ii!~ from the <1t.·c1.an in Corona
1h·I Mar l Bdl'ms . l twt hs m each un·
1t Some hu vt• f rplcs . beamed ceilin~s
& privall' balc'oni<·:-l':ad1 unit ha~
t•uclosuct g<1ragt· J\11 <:xt·cllcnt tnV«'!-.l
mcnl opporlunil ,. :11 $810.000 Buyc•r
t·un assume :1 atl1 Vl' loans .
Two • ... .: lit'rc loto.; inl'lucling a l11xurio11-.
1 bdl'm , r;uwh '\tylv home: with fumllv
rru J.orult'<l 1r1 ·h11r<;1• r r:.17.y Nort·1i
cas~· <·<nn11111t1111{ d1~1 :111r·c• t n H1v1·r.,irl1·
11r J\11:d1l·111 1 1<1111111 & 1.11111nu for up t11
Ill hor-.i·.., I.I\,. 111 I hi· hurnt· l'.· l1111ld ,,
:o.l'('OI HI h11r111' f111 rt· ..,;rlc · 1-'1111 111'11'1'
$1 ~I ,!',(JfJ.
Sp <·<·I ;1r·ul;1r 1l!ltlfl sq fl hontl' ..,,.,
a m 11rw ..,llrl ll' of I ht· ra rt·~t & m 1,...I
lwi111l1f1ll i1;inh·11 .. ·' 0 11 will t'\'c·r \I'('
~l .1 g111!11 c·111 1·;, .... ·;111111 1.! ... 11·1·am v.1th
laru1· KU1 p1111d t\ li 1·1·;1t hl ;1k111g :-1·1
I Ill ~: "'"' f lt:lll I ' 111111' Ill tilt• f11 •,11•h lrl
~1111t h l..11•1111 .1 I l11rn1 · " d1·1·111·:1t1 ·ct
Wit II Jll'f(·1•l1· ...... :1111 lftlll'\ //..· 1':111 lw
p111d1;i..,1·d l 111 111 .lt1·d I Bd r 1n -.
l11n 1wl d111 11111 1111 f.1 11111\ 1r11 \\ilh
\\,t lk "" ""' '"'"' \i,,-, 01111 I II I 11r111:-ll1•d
\J.111\ llf 11111 J111 ·11fl -. (,'{ ( fl(•f1 h l1t1 \l' I'll
111.\t·d 1111· 1·11111p.1r;1l1\t• J 1·n.tl I"'''""" -
Ill 11111 lff'\.\ 1·111r11i.111\ 111'111 111 111· '"
'\ot·\\ I"" I 1111•11 1\ ""'' '\1·v. p11rl h;1, d1:s11~1·d ;1 1111 111 lh1 • Ti \1-.ir-. lh;JI
I i.1 111111 l<io.ilt' 11 ;1 . tw1·11 lr•·n· ( .di 111
-.J11p II\ \I.I' \\lllllrf ld,1· \1111 Ill"·"" '1111 '
<11 1111r tinwl111 r1 \\ 1· .ot •· pr 1111tl 111 1111·
p:11·I W I' tJ.1\I' p l.f\1•1) Ill 111 .tr.llH'
'\t•V. p111'I \\ lt;il II I l11d.1\
11 . \I {I~( )I~
BALBOA ISLAND H1•:111l 11 ·11 111d1·l1·d
B H h;1\'frn111 nt·v. dm·k < 11 .. •11 l111LI\
1 ~~1 < ;r:111d c ':1n.rl "I.In 11110
JASMINE CREEK C>.\111'1 \\;11'i1 11111 •1'
H1·-.1 • :t l lH I· .1111 If 111 1111 1.!r .. 1·11 111 II
Oc ·c·:111 \'11 ·\\ < 1111 ·11 t11 d .I\ If, "k' :111
1; HI l\H:l~1
LAGUNA BEACH :( I 'll• 111111 I ll l',111
\ !\'\.\-IHlllll"• \\.di-111 111 • 11'11 l:!lt ( ·,.
1·1·111 H:1~· s :1;11 .'.11111
LINDA ISLE t·:l1·;•.1 n1 n.-.11101 h111111
L:11rJ!l'llll!-. 11.1h l<. t r·:1k ll1111n111: 1\· 11111ld
111 i1 1(1111111 111 1 11 \t'I 11111 \•'> 1•!
..;:~ I 00.1100
1•11:-111m111 ·d B1 11.11111111111 Ill{ l'.1 111
I< Ill ( ;.11111· 1111 1 111·1•:111 \II'\\
rt ;1,. 2r11 ;, \~ 1111 lm 1·1 s:n .1.1.11H.1
c;::; SELECT
()p1 •11 '"
ll11g 1· add mi r:11nt l\' rnom "1th 11:-.f'cl
hnt k I 1n•pl:1t·1• & "t'l 11:11· w 11 h
n•fl'fJ!\0 1';1lor. 1~ tlw l11g hl11·ht ol 1h 1 ...
warm h11111t.• Tiu• lo. 1td11·n ha:-1lt':i rl\
lll'W h111ll 111~ & t h i... 11w1u:r 1' ol ll'1:
Ill ).! v /\ 11•1111-. 1'1111 Pl'IC't' IS '-!1~.:>110
<'a 11 11:-; 1111w. 1:11'...:11111
This cute 2 twdrotrn1 l.·a~l~ull· ltonw
has been n •11uul1·l··d & 1:-. :-.1tu1111·cl 1111
-a large lot II ha:-; :tlh.'.\ ;11·c'l'~=" ::
garagt•s , \\t•t 1>.1r. f11·c•pl:wt• & ni11n·
O w1wr will 1·arr.\ th<· 111:111 Ful l
pr1t·1· $!l7.:.tK> ('all ;,;,1; 2fifi0
STARTER $62,900 :1 lw<ll'oom hnnw s1tuall•<I on a tr1•\•
hnrocl s trt·t•l nt·ur South < 'oas l Pl :11u
ll offf•r:-. hardwood fl11t1r:o. & laq:(•
lol. l\lso has a !I', :i~ ... um;1hlc· loun
Owrwr is m ot 1vulc'<I to sdl' t '11 11
7~1 :11:11
COSTA MESA $79,900
I lwdrnoms or :1 & ch•n. :.! halhs .
f1rPplat·c•, 2 <'H r ga rng <' & mul'11
rnon'. Ow1w1· w1 II Ill'! u I 111:1nr t• as·
sumahlt• !l',:J'. 1011 11 Hurry 1111 this
one' Call 55fi.;mr,o
~ .... 711 ·Jltl
Ul2 S.L Iris ...
M.I. H6·2HO
c;:; SE LEC f
1. ft~nlertain lavishly in this spr awling .
mai.!nificently re m odeled ho m e
highlighted by huge living room with
h~-rri!tgborre-parQU"Crfloormg i008
Spruce paneled ramily room warmed
lJy its used brick frplc. 4 Bdrms .. 3
halhs. huge brick putio. Ask. $490.000 .
2 Enjoy s pucious luxury in this sun-
falh·d 5 bdrm. & d e n artist's residence.
11t·i·(•ntt·cl by soaring beamed ccilin~s
& f111(· t1I · floors . Prime island loca·
:1 l•:11u·r throug h l'I\•(' {!alC"S into the
1 ll <·d 1~anlt·11 1·ourlyarcl of this s uperb
h ome· hoastin g va ulted c c 11in-g s.
h;i11dt'r:1ftl'd rnolclings. French doors
& lov,.lv "'allp:ip<·rs within its 2 BR.
<lt•n & c·11vl·rno11s form. din. rm. Ask
S 1 ~!1.:illO
v1111 ·r,. thinkini:: of marketing your
prorwr1 y . ""II us firs t' WC' sold one· of
rn11· 1•e1·t·111 1.Hlo li stin g~ in !I days -&
w1· 1·:111 ·;coll .v11w·~. too' 1
cl111 art.•LJ . plu~h eaqwb. panoramw
11:1 v 1'<..: 1w1·•111 \'u·w s11 11 C.l v<Jil • s:Jso.ooo
LEISURE WORLD l.:1g un<1 llills . I BR 1'<..:
rl 111 .11·1 ·;1 ('OIHllJ' w 11 h lug WiJllccl patio
,\..,k lll J.! 111 11.\ $ l:l.!'11111 l:o.Uhjctl probttl(•
1 1111 rl ;1 ppl'l I\ a I 1
D 4 V f D S 0 N I E A L Tl I N C.
3116 Newport Blvd NB 673· 9060
\111 111.t 1wv.. :1 twdrrn.21:· twth. lamil\
1 111 rl11111i1 r 11 1 cl1·11 Bru·k par11;_
11.1!1·1 111\ t 11·1·pl;1L't· /\mt·n1t11·s .1n1·lcl
p 1111I f.11·1111.1 \11111 ·\h ;rll -.:i ll in )..!
pt I\ o1l1· ll!'.11 11 ,\ :\II T it :\lOIO-.'
'-.11·p" 111 111•· l1t'.ll'l11 111r11 0\\1wr fr11111
111111 '! H1•d1 "'" 1 11111 F 1r1 ·plac·1·
I )1 ·1 I. ('{. p.11111 ,h.1 k1· I 111)1
<:1111•1·1111 . tw1·:111 ;111d 1·;111\1111 'II'\.\~
I I 11 •·• 1111 '' 1111 · 11.11 11111-. lt11n11 · Lighl
.11111 .tit\ l..!1 1'111•11 \l ;i-.-..1\t• '\IOllt'
I 111·1•l.w1· :: H1 ·drn1.. t .in11h & din111g
I Ill I 1:1! 1t1 o111d d1'1'!-. f'()()I. .
ll\\11•·1 1r;1r1 -.11·rn·d <>n,. \i':ir hom1• ".i 11 ,1111' 11.111! 11\ ..,t·llc ·r 1 H1 ·rlr111 :111d
jl•·11 \ .11il:1·rl \\llllr! I 1·tl111 µ•, \\1•1 h;11
111 •1 111'.11111 \\ .1!11·11 ' 1·r1n)..!-.. l'rl\'<t l•·
d 1·1·I. 1 ·1·111 r"tl \ .11·1n1111 ~1 ·11 ('11 ·:111111)..!
11\ 1 11 ,\ 1r111d1 n111rc·
0v1 11 •,n vr AH .'; or ~;rnv1cr
:...p1·1·1:w11l:1r :...pq.'l.ts:-Lmt.•ly F'ivt•
l\1 ·dr111Jm .\.111111·1 ."\11.!hl I .1ghts Vrcw.
1'1 11!1·..,...11111.rll\ L.111ds c·:.q1t•d M<.1n.v
l-:\l 1"1 l·'1•;1t11r1·... 1'11111, S<.1un.i . Spa
1·:111 n I • .111-. '1'11 1 .• 1 r;.!1' l.1 \·1n J.! l<oom
1'<.. 1'111111;tl 1>111111 )..! :\l11dt•rn K1t 1•h(•n.
(;:11111· Ho11111 S 11hm1 r Of'f1·rs
S~1:!:1 IHHI
2443 VISTA NOILEZA • "~.
Hl11fl .., f ,;trg1· ... t S1ng l1· Sl un· Th1'('l'
lk tl ro11111 1•11,... i··:1rnil v Hooni. Pa11l:t
l'l;i11 t '11:-.t11111 F1 ·;tlt;n·:-Thru-Out
1-';1:-.l 1•:...i·1·11v. ,\..,:-.11rnt· first Trust.
l>1·1·d '"" 1wr \\'Ill ('arr:-· l.;i rgt.• l tHI
T r 11 -.t l>1·1·d l'rll't'. .'t!)G,!iOll .
I 1wl11d<·-. 1-'1·1· l.;111tl Sul>mit All Of
I l'I"•
<: 1T.1 I f'hrr•t• B<·droum Or Twn
H11dr11111r1 Pl11 -. lh'11 ll11nw In Irvine•
'1'1·1 1 :11•1· \\'11 h ( >r e;111 &-Bay VIEW
N1·" C11~1om t ·ar1w1 ~. ltc-mo<lc•led
K fl1 ·h1·11 \'011 0\.\11 Th<· I.a nd
S:!:I:! ,IKHI
F1111r B1•dro11m Pop11li_1r Plun J. Lov·
1•1" Ont· Stor~. Latl;!l1 Living Room
W 1th l'irc·pl al't'. /E x r<>ll c·nt "'loor
1'1:111 ('nn1ni11n1 t v Pool T ennis, l 1la.v~ro1111cl. Tl11:-·Is A "~tu~l·Sct• ...
I 't'll't'd /\I Sl47 .000
<;re• :1 t c hH' Slorv Four Re<troom
ll11mf1 In l.a('1ws tu 4\rea. Corner
I. o t P r i \' <lt' y f> r of es s ion a II y
Dl't'ornl1•d Plus h Cu rpe ts ThrU·
Out (;n•nt flt't'OI' Wa lled Yard
W HV A<·<'rss Mnny F.xtras. Call
ft'nr /\pprnnltnl1nt Only SI 19.700.
< '11n:-t r11t'I Y 011r Own Cu~tom tlom~
011 Thi -. 1.ot Five Doors From
O<·l1anfr·1mt In N(•wport Ut!ac h. Ap-
proved Plans Already Available.
C tt II F' o r M o r <' I n Co r m a ti o n .
(!) ... -., ., ....
&31·1• HI DOYaHIYI
' -
. .
r NIWPOtcT au1 ... OCIAM YllW
L uxurious 1'cwport Crt-!4l Townhome
Vuult cd c·e1l1ni:. w~I httr • (rph'
t'urmul d1r1111 ~ " orean view For
l host• ~fwt·wl 111111nc•nt" ('OJOY anttm~h·
drn1n~ on tht• botc·onv o erlookmt( lu'h
J.(rct•nt•ry Li.t mas tf'r 'uttt• w h1tko11'
2 mor(' I.:\' hcl. '°' .Jo~ lo b t::il'h
Prtc'\'d to 1'<'11 ' llu1 1' '
Liii HIW Tllr\.11
JJJo ~,/. Ba,/ronl
tilumorou~. f'll'ur ncw b"yfronl home
"1th ~hp for larJ((• hout 5 Bdrms . 3
frpk' . 'lt•w d11111l..: room. family
fllllftl, ll'l' ICHlnl J,i5(},0()0
l----.J.!;~tuJuu.:..___ .... ·~.i-..,1..,.cl..,1•~1uc.t1.UOn-1-:Lbd r m.:i.
• 2 2 bdrms t~uu•t 1·uHll' 'm' clow lo
\'\'t'r)lhan~ I'' t h.111·on1\'' l'll· <'1111
Torw M :IX\\t'll HI fi lh 1 t:11
Realty, ht.111.t. U1'.u h 1\ u.1~ lru111 ttomt\
CompJny &7'>-456 2 NATIONWIDE
• • l!.H I ~·J,hu11• 1>1 :-.; H
l.i73 i~MIO ~.11 :-.1111 I:!
I II ,.... FAM h4 ~ DEH
l.itJ01 ·• l.ark:-.pur t 'd \I
ti:Jl 1 ll.IU ~LU 111,111 :0..1111d.t' I ,, DIRECT-ORY
2 HDAOOM ... lift~ 41r9Ctwy .... ,_ tM. ....._. •,.. ........ llEzr.s+ ................. Mtew
-..,._~Iii .,...tw .... '¥ .................. Iii ~t DAILY MOT Wl!Mf ADS.,._,
I II ' I )1111 Ill '(' \1 ........... ..._. ...... ,_. _ _... ...... _,. .. ._ .. .._ • ...,_c...__lliS ew• ~ -.,. -......---.,-fi i:l li:.!IO I lpt•fl ~ .. 1 "'i1111 I I
•131i Ag:11t• St 1 t"l'l I .1 J,!u11;1 lkh
$1:1!1,;lOO "'i.i l I:.!;, ~1111 11 :1
:u Hana I H and111 S .111.)11.,1q J Jn
li7~ liflOO ~ l ~1 i 01111 S a t S 1111 I ;,
;:1:1 S11lan;1 I l<:1rll'l111 S :111 .lw 1q l Ir\'
1)112 !'i(..100 Sl:M.!'iOO f't ·t· S a S t1n I ~.
• • 1215 Ba v-..11h· Dr 1 \J ;11Kat 1 ( 'd:\I
ti1:U~::!:1:1 :0..:11 S 1111 I 5
::!1171 l'orl l'rm 1·111·1· N1·v. p11rt lkh
j"!)2 171111 $!1:1.:-.rn1 S.ct Sim I ~,
2 IR plus FAM RM or OEM
715 Balhoa. l.;1J.!lll):1 Hc·:wh
Ii 11 IX IX ~:.!:!Ji.t.0(1 Sat S11n I :>
Xii I \.\' Wt l-.11n t '11•.I :1 :\I t ·:-:t
:; tX ~1l :i~1 Sund<•.' I ~-t
lfil:l B1111111l· Doon1·l l n T l·rr l~H
i;:11 )KIMI S:.!:12.111111 Sal Sun I ;;
12ll So Jhn·h. S:1111 ;1 :\11:1
.i Iii 2:11 :I S7.l 0011 S;11 Sttn 12 5
2111 f\ mg, Pl . ~t·wport lk :1t·h
li:H 11110 S:lif1.lllllJ S:1 t Sun I .1
2:11 l 'npp~. ( '11r1111:1 d1•I :\I :1r
i;7;, !)511 s:UilUllHI S:1t Sttn I ,i
:: JO CN·rtt11s 1 H:1nl'lw S;1n .J1111q 1fn
Ii 11 fi:!flO Slf1:-1.llf)(I S:il S 11n I ;,
Ii i t S;mt;11w ll;1 T c·rr . < 'd:\I
1;1:1 ){f!ll :-.17!'" IHlfl Sun I j
:.!:lfl7 l'nrl 1 ... r \\1d: :\J B
7:1~ fj"OO 'ilfil.:11111 S:1t I ;> S n :!li
::1.-, J·.1w11n·. '-°''Pl ('r..;f. ~ H
li lli 11:11 s 1:1!1 .• 1111 S :1t St1n I:.! I
~11~ I H1•1 \I I ,11 I 11 rhr I lglll1b 1 .'\ B
:; IX w:! I Sat St111 l .)
5.; i I Sl'l k 1 rk. 1111111111 g l1111 fk h
X!IX·:.!f;;o; SI01,!HIO Sun 12;,
:!Iii I V:11rw:I\ f>r ( '11-..1 ;1 :\l 1·-..;1
1; 11 7:!11 ,'!Il l f1IHI !'-iuncl;i~ I :i
1t 1 \(';w1:1 Tn·t· l.11 1 t Ill\' l'rk I I 1'
1;7;, )li.\ll :' 11 i' .!1:)11 Sun I;! I
2 11 t·:q•n1ng ("~111' •in C'cl .\I
li:tt 12i:ti s:1:1 i :1:;11 i · r·1 • ~a S1111 t :1
15110 St·n·11.1tlt· l-'1 .. \: l''' p11rl lh ·;idl
f.n i:100 · S;1l St111 I ;,
1115 \'1:1 \\•II;> I !.1d11 1 ~11•1 .'\ II .
r.1sT.11;1 o;;:~~!\.IHlll • S11n I :1
:!Ill :! I .1·1·"' ;m l 1 H:f\ c·n·:-.t 1 '\ H
j"f>!l t:X I I ~l !l\ .. -100 S;it S 1111 \.j
1~1 ~ llrl\l'r 1>1' (\\'1·-..(l·l 1ff ) '.': B
. /:I'.• llKI I ~l i!l.!llHl Sat Stm I :,
•1:1!1 :\1tlf(1rd 1·<:<11l1l'O Shr-, 1 C"d !\I
li7:1 t~J(tll ::;:\:\1\.1tt111 ~;1t ~ltn I :1
:!11:1 \'1s li1 Nolih-141 1 Hl11ff:-.) ;\iB ·
li:<i IKllO ~l!lli.:1110 ~;1l Stin I ;,
• Ii 11 '1'11:-.I HI i: I :IJ\ ( 'r 1:-.t :1 ~lt·:-;1
Ii 11i :{;!;,;, "S~!•.:irn\. ...:.:11 S1111 I '>
* 1 ~~:1 ~11ltingh;1111 t \\ l'"tdilt I .'\B
1;:H :n 1\ :-;~ 18.111111 "'" !-.tin 1 ;,
11 :111 ,\11-..llll. ";\11•-..;1 ;\wtll . <':\I
7~ I 7K11X SX \.7~11 lt·1· S:1I Stin I 71
18117S11r1 1·.' 1<'t11r11 ·11Il~·lllr1d'1 .'\ ll
1;7;, ~1:1 11 -,~::k ;1110 S;1I S 1111 I '.'>
~Ol l l.1·1•\\ ;ml l.i1llt'. .'\1·\\ p•;rt l~t·;wh
1:-1!11ix11 ::;1•11.:-,1111 :-;:.t S un 1 ;,
1111 Pr11-..p1•t·I '.':c·\.\ port Ht·:u·h
li'L.."1 1;1i711 '\l l r1 11110 Sal Sim I ;;
I ;j Hl:u·k~.\\ :tll I W1111d hnd J,!t• J r l"\"llll'
ll \l xi:1:1 s 11 ~.1)01) S;1t Sun I ;,
12!1 C: S tn·t·I . Nl ''' p11 rl lk:H'h
Ii Hi 7171 ~17VH>fl Sal Sim I :-1
:121 t\\.'\' < \•rrtt u:-. < HI 11H~ I N B
li4~·k2:15 Sat Stin I !'>
508 l<.t•dl:-1r11b ( Nt:wporl I 1<·11-(hls) NB
542·X2:l:\ S 15!1 }'>1>0 f l'l' 8u Stm I ·!'>
15l7 Prist·illa l ll:irhor llghlndsl NH
tM2·8l :l!i ~ 14!1.;JOO fl'l' Sll •St in I .)
2fi711 W;1v<.•rlv Dr ( B<t vshorl':-. JI\ B li12·H~;1;, S:W1,000 . Sat Sl111 l~fi
170K Mada ~;1 st'ur. ~t:~a Vt·rdl:'. C.M
511'1· I lfiM SI I ~.OIHI Sa t I •11
G04 l\lariJ!old. ('oron:i <ll'I Mar
fi73· 7:l00 Sal. I ·5
25112 Hort•hu rtl. S:rnt ;i J\ na
540-:f'~ili S7 1.51HI Saturday l ·fl
l llt plus FAM ltM tw DEH
t! 1 Crt·st ('ire·!(' <Canvon Crest I Cd~t
fi40·567!t $160.1100 . S'S'l :10.4 :JO
11!1 Via Mentone CLicto I sle> NB.
fl73·J.'l.1& S425.000 Sat Stan 1 ·5
1542 l rvinc /\vc .. Newport Beach
645·~ $139.500 ' Sat Stm 1·5
1 2 9 !f S k y I i n <' 0 r ( M y s t ll' H I s l
1:llli O xft•nl l.n I \\\•..,l1·l1(.(] ;-.; B
Ii 11 !MlW ::;17!i.!15tl Sun . I 5
:111110 <'I"·' I Nl'\' port 1lt·t ght~1 N n
i :,!1 flX l I $172.f•Ofl Sun I ·5
:!:lHI \'i:-.Ut J)r I B;i~·-;hort•SI N .B
ti I 1 !Mllill 5:1!15.1)111) Ft•t• Sun 1 ·5
:1:1fio '.\11·\ :1d;i I Mt·:-.:t \'t•rth• I l ·~1
;) 10 I n o S!l7 .!IOI> S;,it Sun I ;,
:11:-1 :1t!l l n ·111,· HI l ~wpt 11;.:t l ~H
1;-;:; fifHK) 5:.!1:1.0Hll Sat Sun I !)
1Ho7 Trad1·\\ inti:-. c Ha,·1-r:.l I :'\B
1;i:1 :1111 .l!IX .000 . Sat St111 I ;,
:!Xfl:-1 E11n1p:1. ( '11:-.I :1 \I 1·-..;1
."ilfi. :!:II :1 s 111.!lllt) Suncl;I\ I I
!1:11 l'a11lann11. ("i1:-.l:1 :\k:-.a ·
:-;11i :!:11 :1 SI l i .11011 Sal Slm I ;,
!1:1 1 lldt•n :1. ( '11:-.I a :\l l ">-'1 :1 Iii ~:11 :1 S I Ii OOll Sal ~tin I .">
l:!IX J)11,·1·r lkt\ '" ~t·\\ p11rl H1 •:fl'h
1:i!111x1 7 Sat Sun I :-1
:1111111 ( ·1:1' SI . .'\1·\\ pnrl lk:H·h
1:1!111x'1i :-;1n .:1110 S11n<1~" 1 .1
• 1:1:!1 I l11r11tln l .11 1 I lhr I llnd \'.':It ,
Ii 11 :-1:!1111 :-\ j I i!l. I Hiii Sat Stlll I :)
• l:.!ll l>o\'t·r l>r <\\'..,Ldf 1 ;\'H
ti1:! ::1:!IHI Sllik.!)11(1 S:1l Sun I ,j
~.ill ( '11111111 I \; '''JJI Sii rs 1 :\ H
ti I:! :)~(HI S I IH.0011 S;1t s un I .}
~l ~I Y;whl .11111 :1 ISt·:t\'tc WJ 1'\H
Ii I~ x~:lfi Sat "SLJll 1.:;
:!:!.i \'1;1 ()111111. l.1du Is land. :\0
Ii 11; Ii 11 Sat . Sun I ·ft
:!II.ii l'11rt Hn-..1111 ('r I II \".II. 1:'11.B
1;7:1 :117!1 SI :ik.:,110 Sat Sun I 5
:!I \1·:w1:1 Trt.·1-. lr\'int·
i:i:! 111111 S I 10.tHIO Sun 1·5
1:.1 I 1111\·1·r l>r C \\'c~l<'ltff) :-.; B
1:1!1.;)1H1 S;it sun 12 :.30·1. :m
:11'.!J l<"o:-.t·\ 1·11 . C11!'>t;i .\ft·~;i
5 Iii :;1n1 :-;:11;~11 Sa I .-> Sun l l · 1
1; S1111thc·n1 \\"1111d . In int•·
!1;,:; ~11;1 :·~~1 .:-11111 S;,i t Sim 12 ·I
:1 lklltanv IT11rtlt· Hc·k Jlroadmr 1 In· .
7.)l :;:u;x SI 1!1.0011 Sund:"' Jl -5
:1:ii:I::! 1\\'C· ( ';dtl a. S:1n .llwn <"<11i1:-.
l!Jli x:;:1:1 Sl7k .. -1f)O S:1t 'Stin I 5
• 11;1 ;, H11lh.J.11 fll:trll1lf' Jllrub l ~ B .
7:1!1 1181 I ~I i!1.!lOl1 Sat '-SI.Jn I .)
I X07 T11~ 1111 I .n I H:1 \ l'l'l·~t ) :-.; B
7:i!I OHi I s~:l!l.501) S:1t 'Stm I .-)
:: 17 ( '11\ 1·111 r~· (I l;1rhor Jtid ~t· l :-.:. B
l."1:111~1 I S l.-10.IJ()(I Sat Sltn 1 :,
:!:it i S11 .\l:1dd11t'I\. Sant a .\11a
!fi'!I .-,::111 S!1:1.:M11 Sat Sun I ·.i
1;t)i H1wkf11nl Hd 1('am1•tJShr~) :'\.H
li7:i :1111 s~~!1.ooo Sat sun 1-:;
• •:.!:.!KS7 bl:1n1L'n·. L:tkt· f'orcsl
li:ll 111111 S~2!1.;,1111 Sal 'Stm 1·5
:J1:1x Br:1~'. ,.11:-.1:1 :\1t'~:t
.-, 11; l:11:1 ::;!1.-,.11011 Sun. 11·2
:!:177 ( 'ullc·gc._ ( ·11~l:1 .\lt·s a
;, Iii z 11:1 SJ:!.-1.(HJll Sun 1 5
:10>1 I l11l n1w1 111d . ;\;t•\\ port Hl':1t·h
1;11;11 11 ::i:.!l;).1,011 Sunl2.i
1:1222 l>t -:111 St . T11:-.l111
fi1'i·7171 $!1:l.51HI Sul Sun 1··1
127 llith Pl:ic·1.•. Co:-.Ltt '.\t c:-.a
fi1(i 11Hi7 Sl~l!l.!lOO S;1t. StJn 1·5
l:i l!l2 1.illt·. lh\• H:11w h . lrnnc
1;,2 1700 s 1:12.1:.o Sun 12.5
201 Susunn;ih Pl . ( 'osta ~tcsa
1;1(i !llfi'i Sat H·:'l
28~ Sus;innah Pr . l'os ta l\frsa
li1fi·!Htifi Sat g.5
2H5 H ohinhoo<I ( ,.:asts Hh• l C M.
li31 · llfili Sl2!1.500 Sat I ·4
• 1!'111 Huth Lant·. Nt·wport Heat·h
770·~15!1 $1 !l!J.000 Sat 1 ·5
•245 Si<•r ks ( Eastsi<ll•) Costa Mesa
H7:l·5:l.'l4 ~125.000 S:.tt. 1 ·5
!152 1\1.:..INa. Costa Mt•sa
54fi·2.'lll srns.ooo Sat. 12: 30.4 : :m :mw Occ•:m Blwt .. Nt:wport Rt.t aeh
fi44·721 I S:iturday 1·5
321 fo:sth\•r St .. Cuslu M 1.•s11
546·!')(i<l!'i SJ Hl.000 Sal. 12·4
• 2340 Cynthia Ct . Costa M esa
ti7S.-6000 Slfi4 ,000 Sul. l ·5 • * 41:H 'unal. Nt.•wpor t Be~ch
ti3 l-t 100 S2~5.000 Sat 1~s
4H4·5~52 S3f)5 ,000 Sun 10·4 S llDIOOM
2:120 La Linda. Newport Ot!ach
fit\2·2000 $165.000 Sat , Stm l ·5 1072 Salvador St.. Cosla Mesa
510 Via l.ido Soud. Npt Bch. 540·0201 Open Sat1Sun
675·2764 $475.000 Sun . l ·5 14962 Piper Cir .. Greentree, Irv.
3800 Key Bay c II a r bor View His 1 640·5357 Sat /Sun 1·5
CdM 2123 Hi~hland Dr .. Newpor.t Bch
644·0.157 S221.000 Sut/Stm 1·5 fl75·2373 $149,900 Sa 1·5/Sun 1·4
345 Universit y Or . N. B. 1607 Santiaf{o ( Baycrcst> N.B.
-497·1744 Open Sat/Sun l ·4 644·9060 $285.000 Sun. 1 ·5
483 Abbae Way, Costa Mesa #8 Drakes Bay <Spy'gluss) N. 8 .
955.0497 $129,000 Sunday 12·4 759.(~11 $4~.000 Sun. l ·S
3001 Samoa Pl. I Mesa Verdel C .M. \807 Sandalwood <Baycrest> N.B.
5$·2660 $99.9~ Sal/Stm..LS-_ 7~9·0811 $310.000 Sat/Sun l~
2574 Oxford Ln. <Coll Park) CM 1091 El Cam ino. Costa Mesa
5 IR plus FAM RM cw DEH
21:1:~ San<.lpi 1wr 1 ~h-:.a \t't·nlt· 1 <.: ;\1
fi4l·H23fl $17!1.!IOll Sat I !i
21111 1 Hin·rsidl'.Sant;1 /\11:r ll~ht s
752 1111 $121 .500 Sal I ,j
2(Ht) Ph;1l<1ropt· 1 J\Jtos ;1\·1·rd1·1 l".\l
fi75f1511 $151i.!llJ!I S<1t I .i
H:lOSt l'l:tir'1('1>-..t <t \lt-:-.;1
:-111;;rn:1 ;5 11 ~.IJflfl S:tl I
1;,07 Port What b~. :'\1·v. port B1·.1d1
fi:ll 1100 S2 111.111111 S:ot I .-1
5 IR plut FAM RM or OEH
• ::1; ('h(•IT~ I lill' I Hi t.:("~ 11 1 :'\ H
tilO·.iill •.:1.:111111 11111 S1111 1:!1
_..J:J12. t\1Jl1~11.1 \\';1.' 1l l11\1·1· !-ih11n· ... ,
Iii I !llH;o ::i t:l:i.11111• f 1•1• S.it ~1111 I :1
• * 'i Ill\ 1:1 l.11111 '\11nl 1 1 .11h1 J ~l 1 :'.'-fl
lii:1 I.iii:! ~I .:!:111 111111 :--1111 I :1 :n:s-; \l"11d111:1. 1·1 ... 1.1 \J,·-..:•
-.11; t17x t -=11!1.:11111 ~.1t ..... 1111 1 .-,
iii I ltll1 ·n·~t I .n c 111~ t '.111 ~ 1 111 :'\ H
1 i7 .-> :!:111 S!l:!ll.111111 St 11111 .1 ~ I :1
:!2:1 \g:11 1-. H:dl111,1 hl:.111tl
1;1:1 li!t:!I . :1:1.;.111111 !-i,11 S1111 I:!:,
2i0fi !-.l.1rl11rd . \ir':-.:1 \'1•1'dt'. ( · \I
.) Iii :!:l J:l :-i:!l tl.lllJ!I ~;1 I I :...n I:! :1
2111.·111-:11111· l lr ,S \llg t -..<'111111t.\
Ii 11i :t!:1:-1 '=1 t:• tlilll :--0.•t :-\1111 I ;,
•:.!lt('.\prl':-.:--1'1 I B11-· '"'"''\I:
li:ll :l 111 Si.Ill 111111 :0..;al :...1111 I .'1
:-1 1 l>r;1k1•-.. H:•.' 1 ""·' ;•l.1-.....; 1 .'\ H
Ii:! I IH'IO S.-1:..!.-1.0llO ~.If S1111 I ;,
• 1807 S:P11l:d111l1 1d. ;'\1•\\ pr •rl lk ;11'11
;;,!J 11x1-; :-.:1111.1HJll S;it ~11n I :1
H Dr:tkl·-.. B:1~· t Sp.' ;.!l a:-.:-1 ( '1L\I .
7.i!l llX J/ :-.; lti.-1.lll?ll ~u 11d .I\ I :,
1;11x <::d:1x' l>r 1 J>11\ ,.,. Sh1111·~ 1 '\ H
i :i!I l1Xl I :· 1:l11.11t•'t :O...•I !-it111 I ;,
111 lh ·l111tn1j ,... ( '11111n:1 r;..I \l:ir
lii:l .-,:1:1 I ~-i:lli'.I ;,1111 ~.11 :0..1111 I ->
4 ltt plus fAM •M or DEM
11 5 l.1·111;.i . l'l·r;ilt :1 llilh .. \11i1l11•in1
1;:11 ll lili .' ll!l.l1t111 Ft·t· !'.1 !'llin I:!,-,
12:1 l.1·11la. l1•·ralla 11111-... \n,1111·1111
1;:11 l~lili $:lXIU11111 l•\•1•:-i:1t :'1111 l:.! .-,
1:1:> L1·ula . P1 •rnl1 ;1 I llll ..... \n:tl11•1111
li:JJ l~lili ;.l'.!~1.flOO F1 •1 · S;1 S1111 I:!:,
:1 \i \'i:-.1 :1 H:a~ :1. 1"11:-.I ;1 ~lt--..;i
ritH k!1:'i:! s 1:1!1.!11H1 ~:11 s1111
:!:.! 1 \ ,\Jl;1 \'1~! :1 Dr . "\pt 111-h
Ii 10 f~.Wi I !--1 1:~ 111 •0 ~:1 1 :0..1111 I ;,
l!l\:.! l'11rl l 'l11·l-..1·:t IJl\'l l 1 :-.; H
Ii Ill 11111 :--l iti.l>flll S:1l S1111 I :1
*2:!7 Shc·n,1111111'1 . (·11:-.t;1 \11·-..;1
Ii ll lllfi7 Sllif>.lhHI S;11 Stm I :;
:!H iii St·r:111g l'I , :'\lt ·:-.:1 \'1·nl1'. l . '.\t
7:,1 :Ui!lfi SI 10 .lllHI Sun I :>
* 10:-1 ( '11rt1·:-. l ·1rl'11 " l ·t1 \1
li:!t l:!W; SW!>.IHHI lt•t• S;1 !',1m I :i
17l!IT1•1T;IJ1tll Wt1.\ I H:1.,1·n ·..;11 :\H
fi75.:!11 I :S'.!1!1.;illO S;il Sttn I .i
:!fi lk1·r\.\1111d Ea~I I l>t•t·rtld l In
liif>·J111 Sl :>!l.!1110 Sat Sun I :,
:l Blufh \'it•\\' !Trtlrk lll11d 1 In
fi75 :llll :0:~1.5,IHIO Sat Sun I ~1
17 Silwr Cn•w1•nl ITrtlrk 11111 J In
1;75.:111 1 S:!t:l.!)00 Sitt Sun I f>
.• :11;01 Sau:-.alit o Dr . ('d \1
ti10· IH2 I Sat S1111 ll -:"1
l li27 Alta \'bl:1 I ,.:as thlttff I '.':H
li75·!>!1:JO S2 17.500 Ft•t.· Sun I :1
J7 15 lnlcl Jslt'. '.\i1•wpo1·t l ho;ll'h
li:ll ·1400 $27!1.l.H)() Sal Stm I ;,
1121 Kings H<I . Nl·w port Bl•al'h
fi:lJ . MOO ~1!15,IHIO Sat Sun I 5
• 2114 Via San Hcmo I J .id11' lsl1• I ;..; H
liiM·!.IOfiO S'WS.000· Fl't' Sun I fl
fi09 Oona Id Pl <N" pl llg t l N B
fi75·f>llOO $251.!.HHl Sat Sun 1.5
fl2U Donalcl Pl c N\\ pt lfgl l NH
fi75·l'1000 Sl 15,!IOO Sat S11n I 5
1527 S..-a<'rcst C fl V 111 lls I < 'cl.\1
li44·f.lflf>O $28:1.000 S1111 I ·5
•221.10 llcatltcr 1.n . 1'l'\\ port Rl·h
(;46·32.55 S22!>.0(H) s S1 !\ton I .5
653 Con•. Costa Ml'sa
li46·32.55 $87 ,500 Sun I ·5
19122 Riddlt•. TurtlenlC'k . Irv
li31·1100 S145.000 Sat Stan 1·5
t 174 Dorset. Costa Mesa
546·2313 $92,500 Sun<IHY 12·3
• IOH3 Visar i;i I\ vt• I ~ksa Wood:-I CM
54CH720 SIR7.500 Sut1Sun 1 ·5
• •35862nd St. <Newport Shrs I N. R.
644,906() S19CJ,500 Sun . I ·5
2501 Windover < llV Hills l Cd M
631·3444 $298.500 Sat/StJn l ·5
19 Almond Tree <Univ Pk ) J rv.
675·6000 $122.500 Sat1Sun l·S
20432 Alisa. Hunlinl(ton Reh
962·44S4 Sl~.000 Sat /Sun l·S
•609 Seaward. Cor ona de l Mar
_ -67~2311 $439,000 . Sunda-y .J ·S
• 1801 Santiago < Baycrsu NB
675·3411 sa.w.ooo Sat ;Sun 1·5
Slllurci.y, June 23. 1979 6All. Y Ptl.OT. CtS ·.
....... , ,... s-. Ho.t.H for s. ...... ,_ w.
G..r.t I 00 CffMrel I O:>Z Cif-.r.t I OOJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
91/10/0 Al•-'* VA.LOAM
.... TheKfdt
(;I\ 1· tht·m mom 111 r1111 111
th.· I~. IM.'uu11ru1. li)(hl ,,
('~"l!ry ~br honw "'1111 ·'
rufty fom rm 1•1irm·1 1111
dt 11 hur)(tn 11nc·1· 0111~
SI l!!,SQI Jis:lud ~
C1tll ll7!J a:nn 001o1.
• • G!'lit Via l.1110 Nor<I. Lido bl. :\ B
liitli 7il I Sat Sun I 5
!! 11 Jlolly L11 . l 'nl\ l':t rk. In
fi1fi 7111 SlOU.UOO Sat Sun I 5
:l!Jflli lnlc •I hi<-I llhr \'11 Ill!' I ('cl~I
li42 ;,2110 S25k.000 ft•t· Sat Sun I ~'
2510 \'1:-.l :1 H;t\ ;1 ( B;H·k B~I\ I :'\ H
fi1l 5lf)O ::;275.l)(JO fc•(· . S;1 Sun I 5
• lfi:J:i S;inr taJ,!o I U<.i.} tT!»l I :'\ U
(i l 2 5200 S215.1'4HI tr 1· S:1l Sun I ~,
I Xiii To~r1n I .<1111 ·. '.\l·\\ port Ol':.tl'h
1:1!11'8li Sl'.l!l.7itHI Sat Sun I .)
:.!II::!:, E H;tlh";' HI\ d Bal ho;., J>cnm
Ii 12 >Q:t;; .. :> 111.lllHI S;it Sun I fl
~:Iii H11l11 nho11d f'I < J-::1-..t:-1dt· > (" \I
Ii I:! x2:JS SI I I .!1:10 S;lf S1111 I 5
1!111:1 Ya d11 ~J.,n ;1 1S1 ·:1\ it.·\\ 1 .'\H
Ii 11 Ci~OO S:!li!l.:100·lt·1· S:ll Sun I :1
:!Ill \'1<1 Eb11l1 . l.11ft1 l ~lt-~fl
ti7:J 11 !11 s 1:m.orn1 :-..1111 1
I li.iH \I lllfll't':r \h·:--;r \ '·r1h -. ( · \I
1;7:1 11:11 $111i 11!111 ~1111 I
'.!117 1 1'111·1 Hn -..1111 I ·1r 11 t\ I ll1mt· ,
Ii 11 li:.!111/ 'l i!t.fl(llJ :..:it Sun I ;,
:1 11 .d )lll!'f (°11\ 1· ti I\' Jlfll:-I ( 'fl\1
1;-;:1 :!:itlll S:tl S1111 I :1
1111;xc·ti ;1 ~;all. I n 1111·
l:-1:! !llHI S l ~!1.!11t11 ~1111 I:: I
·!:!XII:! Hu1·1Hl1;1 \I 1,-.11111 \ 11·10
;,>-1; l'.ICC1 ~lj" I ;jlfll S :1I Slit\ 1:.. :,
117 1 '~I ~11111":,r-..11 I I 1\1111 ·
i."1:! lllHI '-ltt'.1.:11111 :O..un t:..
:,,,,.,,; C '111.111tr111111 I 1\1111·
7;,-; l'ill'I :! 1:1.llllfl • :0--1111 t:_ I
·:r1•i 11.11111111.i \\.1, c ,, .. ,,,·\1, .....
1; 1;, 1;1 i t 'I :1:; ~11111 :....11 !'-i1111 I ..
11:'11 :0..:1.1n111 ·11 11111 !'1tl111t\ , I 1 1
i :1:! 11011 '.'-.\:!I 11tt11 ""' 1:. I
:!Ill :!\ :whl H1 · ... 11l1111 •:O..• ,1\11\\1 ">H
1, I I I ;:,!1111 ·;~1;;, Ill ltt :..... it I ·.
I lf';(I )'1•-.1·.itl11r I I 111\ I I "il\111'1•" '\)I
• Ii i~ X~:1;, <t:C1 lltlll :...;11 I ;,
;111 1i H.1rK \\l1111 I I n 1111
111 ;l 11:11 '1'.J!..:11111 ~:.t 111 :_
:! 11:u 1 r 111p:d;, • '\ 11 111 \\ .~ ... , , 11 H
:11 ;:.: 11~.\ ..:1 :~>< ;,1111 ~ .. 1 1:. 1;
2 IR ptus f.4M RM M DEH
11111 \\', • ..,, \';1h • l ,1111p 1 \\11rnlhr 1t1L!1· I n
I; 111 :!Oil "I I fl 111111 :..,, 11 " .'1
,:!1; ( .111\lifl J...l .111d 1>1 I \~ II h1 11:0:'
Ii 11 1!11 11 \:..'I '1 ;11111 !',,it ~1111 I :.
'.,!;,~,) J·:llh ·11 .\\I I <"1 d •• r( ;1t·11 . I \I
Ii 1:.: 1;7:11 ....,:rl .-11111 S;.t S 1111 111 ;,
111 1 .\11lil11·' l.1d11 l ~11·
tt:ll I llHI :-i:!l ll.111 111 '.">.ti S1111 I ..
2 IA plus FAM RM or DEN
111 \'1:-.l.1 (;1.111d1 1 Tl11 ·Hl11ll.-.1 \"II
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18!1 \'1rg 1111:1 l 'I Co~I :1 :\lt•:-.:1
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2 IR plus FAM RM cw DEN
:1::!:!ti Br11:rd St N l'\\ pol'I lkh
!17!1 ;1ll!t!I ( lpt•n S<1t S1111
2 IR & I IR
1:1!1.\lht•rl. ('u~f;i ,\ll•:-;1
liolli·i lil SI 111.IHHl
1!15 1C hur«h 1,.:;1!'-l!'1dt·• ("~I
Sun ll · ~
i'5!1 0811 $li ~.51HI Sat Sun I fl
Iii :1 Mangold. ( '11rn11;1 ch•I ~l ar
7!)!1·0811 Sc l!i.:lllO Sun I 5
l Ill & 2 H
-;11 7 1 JI ·· lll'lwtrop\•. ('cl:\I
ti7:l.tWt'1 SlfiO .OUO
11 :1 < ;oldl'nrtl<I. l'cl :\1
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.tl!'l (;olcknrod. l'dM
fii:l·~!l4 s:si!'>.t.HM
~ .. -·i •• & l llt
520 On·hu1. Coron a dt•I Mur
Sun I !'>
Sun I 5
644·738.'l $22iUIOO Sut •-Sun I ·5
1 .. ' 2 •• 707 Goldenrod. Corona def Mur
875·3331 Sl79.000 Sunday 1·5 . ,... ~~~~~~--~~~~ .•• w ..........
••• W•arfu_.I, ...
LM1J1 H.V. t Gtk
Jult 1.-.C~d Sl o.ooo
(' 1111 n tr ) t r 1· u ,. h ·
C1l1\H.\1 ... H " """'' .,.d
nrr R 1· ntr ~ ~ '"' "'»
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1 1· :1 11 1J a ' •' r ~ Mi .1
:-i.\11\.'illl'C' ',..~ 111
111·10,111 1'11 ~pl I l.1rli11r :
2451-2460 Or°"9f'
CCKtaM.so ,
t! 1111 h111111· plui-111'1 .tt'I""'
lmd1<•l111 'l1Mft11 1111 l!..\11.1
li. fol 1 111~x l .11t 1 1111• tl11
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h "·r 1111111·r l•t.t ...,
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tnot•Jrtl91! , . ., .. , ··u1 ••tn •
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,p;u·1· 1h"t \11 '" n1 •.• ti
\\,\I .'I 1-.11 I\ I''• I .1.-.I• I ·•' ''"'' ''·r• .,.,._. DEVELOPER S
(,f\1 ll1q.t .. , , .. , "'''"
1uilt1• luf1 lti t1u111,.t c·,,, ..... 11 .•t.!•
& Assoc. 6 71-2'00
4 BR-like New!
~\ l'. th II\ '•'\\ I ,fl jlt \ \\
lt,11111 ,111,f '-'' 'fl:l1I \ \
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11~11 I Hll .!' • H.1 ,,1u111•
f111 µ1,.,.,. pa1111 SI:.~•.'.•"'
Roy Mc Cardle, Rltr.
VHo r bor Yhw \ ......
:-. 11 \1 1-· II S I·: ·1
\\ t I h :1 f' I t \ ;a 11·
p 11 rk lak1• o.:.1l'd1•11 r I 11"' c•,. 111• ,, ...
1tc•1·ki;. rC'fh•c•t l 11~
pouli.. 11vt•rh1111 ~
(HI mt• l111·t1 l 11111.
n•:u1y 10 ntfl\'t• in111
S ho w n h\
11111101mm1•n1 · I
Sc:ll with t:i\."l t;' '754-1879 188.900 Sat/St.n 12·5 648·7171 $124.500 Sun 10·4 ~~==----;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ 11 ':. l• Uttt:t:z~
l:IH.'!1(1ed i\ds tH2 !'>ti 711
. .... -
\ ........ Fors. W.... .... W. MtmHhrW. ...._.,_Wt ,_. .. (9 CWL Y PtLOl S•lurday. Jun• 23 19 79 "'"",.,.Wt .......... ,... ...... ...... s. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• c........ roz4 c.e..... •01• .,..,.. 102• ._.,.. ·--·ioi6 C.-.. ....,._ IOH C.-.. W. IOU ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... s.. toeJ •••.. IOOJ •••r• , IOOJ .....................................................................
of n'""f"''l
JJ I POf'PY: oe. c ....... .-r.~• .... _ ..... .,....et!-•... ..
LiHle C--a.-ra. U.. •... ,_.
••• ·-.............. ...., fw -
".. ...,., ... -... .. $100.000. ._._.. ........... -4 ...... -.... -4
... a.It." -two a. ....... ...., ,....,
1hMty, l a..ttll• •• .., .................. .
Owmer ••• .._... ~· -SJ60.000. <>PIM SAT I SUN t ·I.
4107 SUIUY: Cwo HI .. •• t•lJIH•
ec.,_ .-.: ...... t.e• 11• ..... Cl .. htt
Ir r••••l•d & rdwW .. •d. It'• I•••
l>.OllHM. Pri•tlh beecll. ... pricltd .,
Ull.$00. OPIH SAT & SUH l ·S.
51 JA~ Cliff DI.: f,._ 6': ttwff
.... OOllt., ......, ..--. •'-• bek..y. .....
IHClJlcft & ~ for ~II OCC.-CJ•
,ri••t• 9•t•d co••Hlty. TffOUS couaTs. pool & ;.c.w. b~ price at
1241,000. ortH SAT & SUN I ·5.
•We ttaft .-otMr Hpitcialy weft priced,
rt01t 6, at $241,500. Aall to'" it. OPIN
SAT & SUN 1·5.
2040 ,HALARO,l: MHa Ver•; a ury
'P•cial offerhtg -11ew pahtt. new
lo.dscaph•CJ• n•wly carpttted, bi9 FIYE ~nDIOOMS, l battts, f_.., rOOM., Do row o •• fi1ta.c i1t9. s Is 6. 90 o. orE~.
2515 E. Coost Hwy., COt"OftO ct.I Mar
675-551 I
-· TRY THIS! -
• W(· havl' a l twtl. I hath. ~ingli· fomily
horrn· 1n ("Of(f )N/\ IJ EL M/\R on <1n
·fl 2 Int with room lo hutld a "('t.'ond un
""'it. Thi· horn(· ha~ m·w rarpt'l~. n(•w till'
,;j,. tl11' l>;1lh1'11111n ••nd ;1 ('(11.V ('OZ\'
. f in·pl:11·l• 1n :1k111g I t11 '\ horn1• ;1 rl11 t!ht ~
1·o mforlahll· pl:11·<· lo hv1· v. h1h• vnu
huild th;at M·c·ond tru·ornt· 11n 1t C11rr:t·n1
lu;m t·ar1 ht· ;i:-.:--unH·d t 1nttm·111J,! flex·
A Most UnulUtll Offeri1t9-
J•t Off South layfrOftt
Very lovt!ly rcmodclPd 2 ~lory :i
Hdrm homt• w1Lh J.!Ul's l room PLvS
tt largl' 2 H<lrm /\pl. Three <"Ur gar
+ I ofrstn·<·t rwrking space . Nirr
µalws for <1utdoor living. /\II on ;in
<·xtra wuJc lot. Plc.·?St· c-all to :-.t'l'.
LM lrechtel & Auociat.s 675-llll
229 ............. lalboa bid.
macnab I Irvine
All perfl!ctly ble nded thruout this
V••rsaillcs w/2's tory gluss walJ af·
forctinl-! views or golf course to ti~ht
ed towers uf Npt. Center. L avish
mas ter suite w/m arblc s pu + 2
add'I 8Rs & separate maid"s qtrs.
Manu custom fe atures. $595,000.
3 BR res. in Sl!rene atmosphere -
garde n court & cove red patio -din·
Ing area + hrkfs t nook -wet bar
pvt. patio off mas te r RR.
$365.000. <S·47 >
Expanded Dover model affording 2
master BR s uites! 10' ceilings in en-
try & living rm -inrormal den
w /wet bar spacious kitchen
w /o'ating arct1 . Air-cond. too!
1280.0QO. ($·48J
MIW Offll1Ha1
Expanded Versailles w/4 • itpacious
r8R8 -game rm W/blt·in TV &
. refrig. -den -formal liying & din-
ing rm. The perfect family home!
Many up1rades! (S-49)
... t-1115-_....IOO "1 Oewef Oftw "--Vltw Ctnltr
lrvlne •t C.mpu!t V•11e., C.nter 752-1414
t>r11ntc• t 'ount v " 1111"1
pn·"'ti.coui. Ith''"' ow nt
alf1c..'t! wllh ltl'7l~ llii4k1o QI
iww tr1 malhon, hull 11 r .. w U Vt'll lll l(I' 1111
quallfkd vn.11u1111 111111il"
wbl h11v1• jllOV\'11 lh1•11
ohtltl) Ill I 1•,il t•i.t..ih•
w lh11.c h11m1•' "' 111 v1• .. 1
fllll'll\( Vt'll.l''l ly . UI wlhl
hov1• lllfl l'llt'l•ll1•111 101ith·"
h1tt·k11r•HU1d In nlt1o-r
f 1t'ld11, bul w it h u
liJlUwkJjJ~:,. of n •lll 1•1o1I 1111•
jlJluwd thn>uKh Uh11r uwn
Ill\ t'"ilt11t'11" W1· 11ff1•r
(jflJI) 1'Q rt ... '"''" "/''"''"' .. I "''1111 IJI I\ .ti•• II I 11 • Ill
You'll say ou1. oui when you inspect
our newes t duple xes. 711 ·711 112
llrhotropc. only -S200.000: or 413-~ns
Gol<h·nrod. ror $325.000 each. French
door:oi. Jl.H'UZ1.1 tubs. frplcs.: las t
cb111w 1• 1l lh~c µf'iccs !
I h • ti I ,4 11 I',. l '" 111 11 l \
o\trf"'IM ,1n •.1 Ill N1 ~ fAll I
111 .. w h I 1111 lt·\"11111< .ti
unrl~ur>pon 'HT\'''''"· ,.,
t't0ll1•11I Ill\ •~lr11.-111 .11111
-..111~ II J Ulllllo: ·llltf ,1 I 11111
······••·····•···•····• MOYllNFllSH
l'k."W cpt, lino. paint in &
•llll. ut Croot 20r unit
1\Jso 3Rr. 28a loft Ullll
w1gucst. only ~ yrs ohl.
ltigh mcomt' units. 71#1
;\\-OCUcJO. llU.'\.'iM#r 'f'lrl 111 I~)' 111
lW ~ !o.u•·• .. ,,.ahll .,,,,,It
n •lllb Wiii I,.• Jhh· I ll ,.,llh
,l .10 fh l h 1 l.t'\l \ 1•,1t "
1'•0'111111:" "' ''"I ''"' 111 sio 1~1 .• 11cl ,, 1•.111111111
11ll·nl 111 r'olrll I'" II"•' I h,11
to lhl' lll'l\I I.! 1111111\h" Ill
IHlk°I l1J ll ~11 nt,111t llh II
.J.'"°''1.•lll•ll Wtl It 11111 111
ftl 1°
c ._.,., :., ol our •,1.1rr .11 ,.
•. 1bo 111'•'11"•'11 lo ,...ii l"•'.tl
t'" l a I •· I 1 111 1 I 1· II
part111°r'lhll' '''t'lll tll\"'
,IJ"I WI ' ,It I' ,11'\I\ ~· 111 d1•
vdop1m·111 .11111 .. vncl11 .1
I lllfl
f'l1•;L'•' 1'011\,wt :\I' l'.11
l ':tfklll"'"' "' l)ll.11 I 1 ·1.11°1.
l'ro 11t·rl11·' 1111· ,11
i~ll l!(!ll;or I 11~1 (J11a ti St
!'llc•wporl l~·;wh . C'.tltl
!0 :iW
l~o :i hdrn1, I I hd r m .
l>:c IAIVI • .,urkm~ for ti
1.1o111t Gr4!~l rwawl h1~
tory. low 11U11 1111·11.10•·1·
i.:aoun•I'-~11111,11110 Int I
lu111l 1
m:1 :MA•t 1;u .!:!:·1:1 .,;, ,.,
lOl~ W l olboo b'' JUI
1006 ........•...•..........
N1•.1r Nn Ila" :1 11111 111 ti ........ \\rl'h g11 1· .. 1
, ,. .. ., • .1 :! lltlrm :q 1I
I 11u llrt't'hll'I & '''""' :!:!!I M;rnnt· /\ v1• II I
~ltr. lh.i. i:i.1 /\gait· -
( 714) 549-2467
ahr. 2hu. JHl, rum rm. X
I~ kit & m:.lr. Hnl'k
frplt' /\s:.umabk !'' , •,
l1wn tl'r ms <>111·11 S 1111
I ll i! :111 s 111r1.lllHI II~
1•Wlll'r 55!1 1;7:1x 1 11
i\ twuul1f1JI, t·uslum :s
hdrm hunH· 111 this
pt1j1lllt11· pnvat•· ,,,.,.,1,
rm111y 1·xlras m d11rl111i.:
i.::r1t•1l 1·11lry, l1urvl.11
J l;.irm. n ... tr -.wt•·'"''"'
IL-. flWfl I rph-/<, Siil 1111.'
l\IUm . S!!°1.1.IO:I
,,,, ••• t . t ,.,,,.,...
''•'fl,.,•''' ·t •;•
• ~ 11 ' ,, '1' '
,,,, ' ,.,,.,,,,,, t 1\ <'u::.tnm 1· h .1 rm . :!
h. .. lrl'h .. :11~11:-h Tul'Jur
1·•1111plr tdy r1·m114t.·l1·d
hnc·k (pit . tll'l.1r·h1·1I :i 1 .11
.I! ;1 r M ,, 11 y l' ' I r ,, '
Si~.IUI A1·1 nu~ ' ( ".111
:..t1i Z.31:1
s:1!1: .. uu11 o" nl·r /\J.!t·
li7~ flJ:!l
•ot• I ,1,111 f • ,_.,
','14 1 .. f .......
OMl y $66,500
1•vcr ht.'l'll ltv•••I 111 1'11·k
)lllff "'"" fl•mr 1·"'"' m~o; :l lli•1lrrn. :! "·''''"· httl.!t: Jw<1m1•1I ( 1·1!1111!:-.
r'.1lh1'(lr.d ~ 111rl11w:-, ''''I'
1k ..... 11 II\ m g rm, t ph cltn
111~ r 111 · 1111rt h C 11 -.1.1 ·
\1l~:t SI 17.101 ~~If, :!:11:1
Try Lh1:-rm for M).!h:-' ' I
lir. :I ha Cooh.'mpo I>'"'"
hom<• fcalltr<'" an c•lo-g.1111
ltv rm, rtL'itu· fmly r·m &
r·ountry k11t·h1•n llll'h
wourl l.1t.•am:-. & m111<11og:-
Frpk Sparklrni.: 'I'·•·
St;.11nt·1l gl;n,,. • C'aml'I
1Tpb1 1>1•1-i1rat11r ~all &
wuwlow c·uvc•nn)!:-' ( i ;,-;
fin • p1l ' .I u~I h :-l1°1I '
Stt•el gah•rl 1·1111r1 \'.1rol
add'i to d l'gant 1·01 r~ 111
cxqws 1lc nlllwclral 1·1·11
mJ: lt v111i: rm :1nrl fnrmal
dining. Ma~:-.1 v1 · f;1n11ly
room 1-·1ri•p l a r·r·
(iourmcl k 1ll'h1·n w11 h
as lant.I har. ;, g 1:1nl
ht-"drrns. with 3 full hut.h!-i.
3 < :ar i:arai:1• 1-:h•i:anl
landlu-a11111~ i\ mu:-1 :w1·
at $2111,000 Act nuw' Cull
1a1>oo f'fltins.-to . I 007 ..•••••••..............
Fh ,· ha1•hd11r ,q11 "tw11
'"" hm 1111:-:1 llr 1·1111 :11!1·
lk1th llllll!-i ,II I' t'lllllplo·["
I~ n ·m11dl'!t·ol 111 1lt nut :1
llr hou:-l' 11-11"11'11':-w 11•
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1111! lb1•h " II p W lg
111rl 1·11v .. n ·rl niulu lo ·\ ··1
tJ1°1·k . l.oeal1•d nr ( lhl
l'\allu:i :lhhU!-.••., fr11m tiav
& '""t•ao I AIW1·~l prt1•1·;I
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c :111 1;1;, 1;n:1. 0 11t•11 ~'"'
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('CJ11.<;T l'l<lll'!o:ICT ll•:S
!073 !;\II)
Capish'ano ~oc:h I 0 18 .........••.••..•......
:1 llilrn1 I 1 o 11:1 """' h·\•·I 11:1· Ii\ rtt1. 111111
dtllllll' l.1111 I Ill ~ f 1 pf1 &
'"'"'" 11:1111·!111~: 1·11 II\
t.11111,t•at"''' '" r llllnl 101
HV l\.'ilOnt:: SI 12.nno .... 111
11111.11111f11•r, 1!11, i 1:1:i
CcninadelMar 1022 .•...••....••...•.••...
11:.rh or Vtt•w IC.lb . :11ir 1
~·:1111 rm Fr •'lll h d1111r ...
ht•;1m t'l'lhni:.., p a rq11 .. 1
flt~11'i. n r:-tmn o,;h 1111.-....
l'lllWll 1111111)tll11g l.1• vd
W 1111· rtnl.! ~i!l ,llCJCJ :JktHI
K1·v Ila~ ~t·ll1 ·1 . J11· rl
;rg1·11t 1;7:1:!i17. I< M 11:1:,7
'.ltit•n Sat Su11l (1
sh ;c r· 1·1·1. \ll ll<'t-:1\N
\'l t-:W t li1lrrn 4!1 • 11,1
E11J•>.v 1•11rn11ll'l1· pn' ;11 y
111 c•111·l11s••1I n 111rlvartl
Wtlh lll'·IUltl 111 1111111
J.11·1111.1 f1n·rt111.! F t'\'
l..1ntl 1111 111 1 do·,,,..
F11r m1•r rn11ol 1·I 1111111 1·
1'1•rfp11 f11r 1•11ll•rt .110111.I!
llv c >wrwr OrH•n Sat Sun
ll ~1 :Jl~l7 :O.:o11.-.:.h111 Ur.
O" nr i\1-,'\ ('a II ,.. kd"
7 I •1 7 ~ <! H H 7;, l' ' •' '>
IWI l~l 11r :11;;1 <!-lllfi
S r ;,,.111us 1-:a :-t s 11l1• ·I
llllnn. <! hu horn~ 1111 tn•c•
I 1111• rt s I ri«· I N ,. w
..;1rthtont• 1·ar1wh, 1ww
krt1·h1•n Im. n\•W 11a111t 111
.-.111t· c )J>t•n hous1• I<! 1 Sa I ~ l-illh1·r S l. SI 111.CJ<IO
So. Calif Realty
546-5605 645-69 i 8
Ge-Mral 1002 .....•.....•••..•......
Pete Barrett
One-of-a-kind. on 1P-1 of an acre. This
home ori~inally was huilt by an
architect for hims elf. 4 comfortable
bdrms, with home built around a
large reception r oom with 2 story
ceilin~s. and all ~lass on the view
side. A terraced garden leads to a
large swimming pool. which is
surrounded by founhtins & statues. + RBQ, and rirepit. ,Seen by appt
only 7 Ll7. Bea7.lcy
~ Sunday Only
(. h •• r m I II g :! 11 d I Ill
homt· t ;1 i! flrtrm .1 pl
!!11th havt· frplr':-Lo\ o·I.'
lal'i.:c• 1ml111 w "'" n_\ ,.,,. ..
11la111111).!s :! ~;1 r<1g1 ·~ .111d
1.111nilr~ rm t '01 ti-. ,,..,.11
1·,1r 1·rl· 11,r l '1•11tr;tlh
l1w:111'11 1•1""' l •> -..lt11p
111111•. s d 11111h . p.11 k ·
1~111 ll11 ·..l1ll'I {!.-1\lo)'.(11'
:!!'J:\l anr11· \v•· 111
T-Shirt Grows Up!
lkoe st"tch ln1t tor the tnlt\t,
happiest. most comlo1t1ble
rnuat ol 111-the f·slllf\ dim
Se• rt 1n a bouqllft of cok>ls lo "ta' \lrlltltl OI sashed SentS'
P11nled Pattt1n 9043 Misses
S11es 8. 10. 12. t•. 16. 18 S11e
12 (busl 34) taltes 2'-JlldS 4 ~·rncll st1etch knit
Sellf Sl.51 r. -" """1l M4 ...... ,....,. ..
Jim.ct.I ............ ..
Pattern Dept. 442
Dally Pilot
tu w.t 1111 a .... ,_.,"' t•u. Prillt llMll, MllllU, OP, SIZl _.Sm.I-• .
"I tllt new clothn JOit need toi
f.Olll busy lilt ire 111 our SPRING· SUMMER ,AnEltM CAtM.001
Di-. -Wts. '*"" """ ~ ""' Sl.!IO ""PICtM IEf ' '~'HI 111 ... ,t:. ...
....................... ....................... ······················· ....................... '
41J Al .. WAY
nr c ull today for advanced preview.
This immac. 3 Bdrm+den home 1s
s iiuutccJ on a <.1u1t.>t <·ul-de-sac street. A
l urg<.• lot with µool a nd redwood
Ju<.·u1.:1.1. Enjoy the abundant recrea·
lional racllitics. ~xcel. schools cand
convenient s homung. Priced right at
U!i5·04!)7 642·3263
Denni:> Ricketts. Realtor
C...... .. Mar I 022 eo.ta Mna 1024 ............ , ......... .
-..,,ii,..~ HILi iC ~ ~ Mc; COAMAOC RE
Ha. With a.c_. ............ ,.
I Hdrrn'i , 3 Ollth:.. ra mily
rm.. frpk t a l.rri.:1'.
1..w111y I brlrm apt !. :!
c a r .:arai:t:. 11111 )
Two llml"'' 'I w11 H ~fol..,
S0J.t••i 1'1111n p;rh ,._,11
111-1 l:!li! llk1
:-,., .. r llwy , 111 .. rr 1111-: 1· :!
llH :.i 11;1, fpk, H l 1111 II\•
llWTil!f !)ltll},l~I 1;7~, t:1.17,
1~1r1 liZtl
ltn ·al111 :1k111i.: 1•.11111r.11111I'
i ll1r \ 11·v. 111 Npl I l.11 l1oi .
0 1·1·a11 ( •1a :-l 1\ 11.1'
11111111 hghl!-o ft 1111) '" 1·1'\I
ro1111 S1q .... 111 1 ... :11•h Iv
park f'r·rf•·l't Iv .q111111111
,,, lhr11ui:h11111 Sl~ill 1ioo
li:ll l~il~l. fi7:l lllHH
l"·:111t1f11I :!Br :!IS.1 .!l ltr
"'l"IJll l) 1•011111,, I"'"' s:! 1-1 ;,c111 Ag t 1 , 1 1 1 ·''!' J!t:t1•11t :.~.:! ';'J:P<
'-'!••fl 111111 .... • :O..fl ~.... .! y,.,,, 1\1·~ T1•v.11h•11r.,1 .1
1.1r n1 l!' ~ 1,., l.•11 1 r "'
"''I lt;1r 111 1111 11·11111-.
$11!1 ,IU I l~\(I ~11\7'1 ( '°'" 11•'•
hn rtl>I! !"U:-l•Hn 11111 II .I
II/Ir Ill I d1•11 hollll' 11\'I
1n1,11·r h1trm '' 111&.: """
ti,;. 11~11 l rp ll' 1'V \"II''"
"'~ k l'l(IV,\TI·: , .. , ..._ \ 1\1 T \I;
''"""'!.! ~w 1o i Dennis Ric:k~th, Rltr.
955-0497 642-3263
1,n o u ~l~py he 1u\I llop~ into
lhP tuddhe~I PO'o•lrOn\
1Jed1tmt pal Im a t11td 101
:irw tM \leepy puppy of wll
lu1 tab11t He to\I'• <1otla1\ lo
llvy. pennies to makl! Pat1e1n
1341 Ouechon\ 104 0<1t1e1n I
SI.SO 101 each pa11e1n Add 401
eacll pat1e1n to• 111s1 tla\\ dll
mail and lltlndhne SM4 "
Ahct ll11b
Needlecraft Oepl. IOS
Daily Piiot
Owners h11ve purch<1i.i·•I
new~ <1nd ar e ready
to move. Tha~ lovely 1
Bdr m 3 bath h oml·
rc;1lW"l:S s~t:cll uff th ·
ma s ler bdrm . 2
hn·plac·~. I year oltl
1·u..,lu m IH11 It pool .. nrl
J.rn 1u 1 with lll>l·tl hnt'k
1JL>t'k tnl.! Sohnut a ll 111
fers. <.:;t 11 ~i; 5HHll I o r
nYll"C mformul111n
Must See
This Home!
lt:L ... 111°1'0 rcd1Jl'1•rl SO~~I '
S111,..rhly 11p ~:r u <1 1•1t
'h" w" I ;11· ,. w I 111 f
l1t'(lrn1rns, f11r1nal 1!1r11111•
n o1111, 1.h.:11 plus ~•·1 11.11
hul!c l rrt·pl.tl"I'. 1l1•l11\•'
k1ldll'll ... ti h ,., .. ,., 1111111!
liutll tn C"o\1•11•11 p.1t1 ..
;"II, .. ., ,1·h11•1I'. -.11111'1•1111•
·"''' lll•lr" .:'X7 ,IO I ( ;ti I
I.Hill) I .. ,., l i :!ll
.. ..... I '11J ,. ~ H" I ,,,
h.1rrlw111.1I I l1111r .., 1 "' ,.
····111111" fl "! l•·I \.\ 11"
plan ... 1111 ,.,., 1111<1 1111 11
l .Jt l.!•• ,,..,..,u111.d1l1 111.111
w.~ .. .., < '..i1 .• 11; :iXX1 1
llt1 •ti;, YI .'·' \•'I"' l ~11111·11111·11ri1t·1 1111 IC\
111r.11°1• V.. tfl C .111 ' I I
v. 111111 ..;:•, 111111 d 11 I<'
(1'411••1 \ k1111• SI It. ·'"'
~· ., ; ....... .
1u·:1n w \1 ,\11"1-: 1 •
Elt·g.1111 11111· r .111.·.t .1111
\111 ... 1 , •• 11 1·1111 ''""
1;"7:1-4:11:1 \ t.!l
I 11~11111·1I\1· :! .11111 I
lo~lr•••ll• • 1111tl•1111111111111
It 11111 :0:11 ~Mt
~...r,1 1·.ld1·11 ,, .. ' \1
~ I' '" I II W II h II Ill ' r-:.1 ... i...1111• ("11-.(,1 \1 ......
:!1:10 S.111t.1 \11.1 ,\ 11·
1;lli0IU il 111 !1.'1:1t!l!l.I
I il<l•:,\T Fl Ill (;Ill>\\' I 'I. I ,
1amtl11•),. '••i.:1•1.t11l1·-.
trrnl Ir"•'' t.. •0111111 ' 1111
l~·.•ul 1 ~u·11· 1·1tl tit • •,,,,
lot 111 Nwp1 I h:hl ~ :!~,1~1
'-'I fl 111d I hr . ~· l1o1.
l.!111'~1 h11tl"' w ,1 ... 1 h I\·
11•1n· < ·11 .... • 111 "'110111 ...
:-111r ...... '""" h 1•' :-1.1:! r""' JI\ tlWlll'I, Cv\~J f;lj 1 1'r1t1
Ttu ... lll·.1111 1 II• :! lt.r
hullll' h ,1:-$,'\!l,HIJll ,..,
-;um;ihh• lna o· l 1tnn.n·
l~Mwl it•i.~~)11
So. Calif. RHlty
ll L'i Ult: 11rdc r ol th1· day
111 thJ!> :1 flllrm dl'l1i.:1t1
l'l'lllUrt~ Sc•lf d1•;r111nl!
11vcn, Wll)( frt•t• floor:-.
formal ll1n111 g .-m . :!
pal11ii; & many ('1<lra"
75rtl4-1800 ·~ Mulh ~~r
2!1'n Hnstol. CM
Nc'W custom I tomes. l!07li
& 20IW Oran1w. 12 13 1
Sll).1987. (213) 598-517:1.
... ID. Ol4 CMtle• St. .. llt• LOVB. Y llOADW A Y lee\, In tOOll. r1111t a_.,
MMu. lip, Plttlf• """""· NI WIN()W1 0111 19/9 NllOtl •
CRAI I CAIAlOG-MI 200 poou
lat Oe\tRll\, 3 het pa\le1ns
punted inside Send /~'
l»S..te11-SU. .. 56 $UO
lzt.QIHcl/lllf ''""""· SUO 13'-"""' t:i· .. suo m.--·•· · ... suo 12"nftl f1twtn ...... suo
I U_,ellf ~Itta .•.....• SI. 50 114-Cffta •• ~ .. $1.50
lU.Stitdl '11' '*' QlilltSl.25 m .s111tt '•' ,.., 0.111. ·1•us inrilllw s..a ... uo
.~ ......... ..
Btwn Tustin & lrv11w
Aves. 3 Br with cha rm.
<'harm. charm! $90's
Cull befbn:· too late. t-:x.
HY OWNJ.;ff.JBr. 11!.fto.
+ dc..'fl ovcrloolllng hlfl
cover ed brick frµl1"
poUO. <'•trus lret.-s. 3 mi to beta. 3 blks from fwy. a.ooo. Open hse Sat !J.~ ll MIMf Clldlet . . ..•••
I IU..e.t .-S..-.ilM
116-., ftftJ Ollfta, .. ·1•• 2ll>tSu111uw1h Pl,646·!lUi6
115-.... Cledlet .. I.. u --V rde ,... 2b I
ll.C.• ~ ·~·· .._ e ...,r, 1.1. ow lll·Prilt ........... •• down, uaumable IW.000 Ill._,.~. t• '°81\ 9.5%. No quallfyln1t 111....._."'"c ... IM "7.IOO 646-1757.
·~ """'"... •. "' l"'ll tA llr T• · 1:: QadJllaoi tn Go·Olrts· 11~ •· · ·.. ""-tevn the .~ad Ill .. t.llMlll ·•· 1• Roll'emolflhemarket
Wil.h • Cluailted Ad
Clll Now! 641·5G78
-S... two a..•oa• ..._.a. 0... PoW.
$14,500 -oc ...... l 9"drOOSll ........... ...
com• nltr pool. .. -4-. SIM,IOO
-EltM ........ ..._, c ...... ,,...'"
D-,.., loc ...... S 115,000.SI lt,IOI
-Thr•• bedrooM tow1tho•• wltla
wltlt.wutw ...t cw ... riewl. $1 lt,500
-Fow iM*OOlft hw ... s-.......
pri•acy ..cl.oc.._. •iew. IJj~.900
-Ocea1t •i•w d•plH i• D-. Polltt.
Ow'*"' pllas ,..._.al _.t. Sl94,000
-.... lisH1t9 with l M*DHll ilt 1) ..
J'oii.4 euois tr.. w.tf. S2zt,ooo
4,9.455 I
South Laquna
Laqma Beach
LGCJUftCI Hic)llel
Newport lhoch
I 024 Cosio Mesa 1021
M(~a Vo·rili· a..,.;111111• 11·,
c :i 1st. OW(· ;ir,i-. :.i111t •
-.Iv I llr i!1' 11:1 fll'll •·\I'
'l."!Ji;ll•! l..1 t ·;,,,,, \1!1
11111 H:SI l'.!.'17
llv < iwn"r l.u>i unnu-. 11111·
11f .1 k111d 111 ,\!•·'·' rlt•I
\l,11 ,llr :111.1 l1ir111at
rlui rm 11111: .. \ .tr1I I(., .,
11.1f11r l1JL11 lllll) I rutl
, , , .•. , IC 1•, • 111 I\ r '
11.-lt•l•~I 111 & •ml I ltg~'
111•1.!f,Hh-tJ .~1111/111
lirti \l.111,11!.l't .11 I . \I
•eve., • ..,,,., 111 11o·111111•l.11
11i .. ,111 11 ul ~I ··~ .• \ 1·1 ii··
lh11111• ·1111tr111 1.1111 1 m ·•
1'1111 ' f !'pit• "° I II\ l'I I'd ,,.,,, .. -.1· -\t 1 :·.1•~1 \ \
I .ill I 1•111111 \ :•t Co11lol
01.1:-I IC.•alt111-.. •l>t 111,i,
11:,, l·.I ( ,111111111 I .111• I lH
i ila parld111~· 1•1111 ~
1.11·111 11 •·.111h11111"'
111111111 """' 111111" ·"""
1111tl1• •ii .. ~ 111·1·.h tp
OCEAN .....
hrt't·n·~ ec111I 1 ht!. hl11rr to11 h1°alll\ • :1 ll1lrm. <! b.1.
11r1•111111m u11grarl1•., 1hr11
11111 I '1IS 111« Nr 1•.11 k:-&
-.h1111µ1 ni.: S:IH.:11111 V ,\
T fo:U'1S'
Open Sat /Su" 1.5
t I OS Valt.y Circle.
11w n • 11 i. r 1; :1 t :, ~.a "
1~11 110 .
l'•N ,,,t.· lw 111o.11o·r 11 .... ur 1
1111 •l~lh•I "" •.II I :!nit
I itt'.fl 111.111 ... -.11111plr1111
'JI '·••"
1111111• ' .' 11111 Ill ••.• I \I
uhl r >1•·11 111111,•· :0..1t1Su11,
I ·, lli!I \ 11 g 1111,1 l'I
\.I 'I 11'1'~ Ill I T iii./\
1't1.11 111111 i.: llor. lrl.' FIL :!
I n•I• J111 •·1 pl. 1"1111\l'd 111
,\ 11111 ,1.1'.1 .. ~~1 c >wo.-1
l\;•1·nt 1,i,, ~1•;1
1658 Minorca
I •11.,. II\ .11111 • ,, 11 I r1,111"
1111 ... ·t .111
llt 1.1111111 h11111o• fl""'
""'' 1 •• 1 t~r,·.1t l ltt.tn• tu;•
\I 'I I! •1r 11··"'' 11111
l'1111~f lol • ..SI' Ontu~ ·u_r~ tvr 21 .
979-1 osp
·\• , .,..,,. I rorm 11:1 rk lo" •·I'
.1l1111t11 ll'•r11•• 1 lu ., IM ;!
\!'; "'''" t-r 1.r1 ·"·'''"
' 11·111 "' "'' ,,1111 Cl I ,
\l.1111 "' ,. 111 '""''
l'.1111.1111111 1 M 1,1,• 1 ~111
OPENSU"f 1-5
.\"11\\1111n flt" ,tl"l'.1, Ill"\\'
nu11i;11kl'I :1 lltc :!l1o1
I.rm rm .·· 11111 . l'l •'.tl
I•,.. 111 I l.1 r 11111 II t l! It
'""'"""~·\ 1•.•I .. :. $1:.!t •• 1111 l)~ 111'1 •11'1'111
l·:l,•i:;tnl :' \ r 111'~ :1 llr
:" • 11;1, •'''''"'" t d1•1 k
w j,CI' 111, '"'"'' h1!h1 ·p >' "•.,.,thl11ff
si;,i , .. , 1.1:: ~~1:1
Ho'mrs Toylor, lftc
IS) ''" 11l'r Culh•i.:t· t>ark :Uw i!h 1.1, lrph'. I-" I<.. nt•W
1lr:rr)I'' c·:rmc>L" IV" paint
\ \. F ii •\. "''""'lll1on;1t
~!-Ml ~>i i fh :l11rtJ l.11.
I '\1 i ;>\ IHI~
< ·11...,. 111 tw:1l't1 & 1•1111' 111
tn · .. v.a\-..' ll•o,1111111111\
d•·1·t1 r .1tt••I ' S p .11"11111-..
11111111-.' l'r 1\.1\1• v;1ril
\\/ 1·1111·1'1·tl •••• 1111 ~·:~.!.JU'
I Jwra1111• 1!1·111111° 1:1:.! M 11
W1"L'lll•• 1·h :1rllll'I' l.u\I"
I\ :: 11111111 I h.1 l.i:c I<:!
lrlf t'm"•I pat111, man.v
lno1 tr•"'" ('a n lw :-vlcl
" 1111 ~to •\I •Ir 1;rant
1\1.'\ t.IH :17Ti
lit•tw1~·11 Tu:-L111 & lrvm1•
av1·mM·:-l>arltni: :1 lldr111
"" 1·harm t ' s 111 "· ' 1-::.
l llL,1\t'
IJl-:\'INll E til:.!1i:1tiH
~·i f\:lfiH
Hy uw111•i; .. ;,,-..1-.111\•
l"ll.'>f111n I ht .'"• h.1 :!:ICMI
"'I fl 11n • , .11 ri· 1·n1t 111
1·111 lie ,.at". 1111:-. of 1 ,.., • ..,
Mu:-1 ,,,.,. to a l't•f\'l" Opc1~'ilrt & Sun :~17 V1~la , _________ _
Uay;i il~.Wll ~>\H >1~1~,2
'lltL'i bt•auuful 4 lldrm :.!
ha honw ha:-559.K\)O a:-
"umublt· 1111111 lmm.11·
l'Ollll SOO.Sllll Ul'l-:N Si\T
I 5, Sl/NDA Y 12·•1. :114!1
ltcic~·vl•ll , l'M
So. Calif Realty
l'nmc K s11J1• ltwat11111. 1•x
n•ll f:1m1ly l'Xl'l'llf I Vt'
hurnt' f'••1I. guest h111tSl'
WMl'l har, Ii.: rr•dw1101I
fom rm. I fir, l ttu . 2
fr11l1··~. manv 11lus
fealun'!.. S\li:-,,ooo ~'all
l't•ntury 2 1 A llccla:.l
:1 llllrm 2 bath. family
flM1m lla lcl'n•sl :trca
~.51•1 Utll 645·!111il
J 1'-'<lrm. fum rm. <1wet
sln•l•l. Evcrythang's
new l-1cxible finundng.
You'll fall in lov1• wrth it.
01wn Sitt l ·4 . Cttll
562·7367 6.1H .2ti6. Jl!aMe.
cmAl MIM ,.IYllWS
Location. Quality and luxury
From i91.500
lO\ll~h ~IJ(Jc.JI t)XIGllQIS
1100on1 1111enors
< n1ru 'll11)l t "thr~1·.
l'n\IOl1 • nulK •.
\M'i(XI t)IJfr~fl<lll'.t<1 lJI• 1111..~)!()l..•r,
, .,. ~ ""~ mocl()INO.,...' nnn ()(1', ov on\
C tll(')IY'o( hlil ~·'·~'"·II~, ... ,'""''''" l1ooJ1 <.;QITV)OCIOB CJ!>CJ OI~ loOf)
Wol IO WOii i;. Otpt,lllng
~te ftlCIOOllOO COOIOI will) pool -• Md ho,iOIO lhut<Jf)V pool
J :
" e
E . •
f. --
. ,.
........... ~ Hoettea ,_,. S. 81turd9y, June 23. 1971 D~ Y PILOT CZ
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• M:::di4• .. t1Clt I 040 ttt N --·-1140 .,,..._ I 044 ...._ I 044
............................... for s. ....... fer s. ........ ,.,. s-. "-",.,. s-. ~
........_ I 044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••" ....................... ....................... ....................... . ..................... .
................................ h 1041 ~·-1041 ~..... 1012 ...... '"'
. MAYll SOMIDA Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• <.:v1Hlu. 2UH. ~I\'"
OCAnftU IUW.IHtO 1 3 P'l•lr{'' LDTION LOCATION l Ult Ma1whu San J o11r1u111
Come Sunday frc•m noon to~ PM . to Ope n Sitt Sun A1<t
557 1 Selkirk. Hunt1njCton Beat•h. So u ( k ">fll'JIJ
Sluter. E of Grnhit m and (ind out why U\' UWNUi
l \111tom homl' 1111 I h1•
KAnc-h Only 11 yur11 11111
an1J ht(lhly u11icr11cl1•1I
()\II!( 2100 till " llfl 0111•
llt>fir 4 lwclr1111m11 :!
1 .. u.. tt•n1.i room. r111n1
!his locutaon Ii> uboul the rlncsl In h "H-Y 2li1 l'OfWlo F'anal I> r 111, ii ha, 1>Vl "1tllv. tmll t b w11 Not to mt•nll on lhttl t h1. '""1 W11l1111t :,t1uur•· ~orgt-ou' homt-h••'-3 kana ~1 ted t'nu uul> Luwt:lil vrn·" -----tmnn . .. . . rrthf"rlrpt rfttlan -. -..-. ~~"
II\ tn~ rouan bru:k fm.·p!Ut't', <'U\'t·rt~d Ml 0 11
putao and !.llmt• ''n·tt v fancy land e-.p ~lk>t 11 hr • ''""
ly mum, hv111ic room ¥1111
dlnioic roo111 com l11n11
uon. flnu11'Mxl ic•r•ICl' u11d
lllWe l&Ofap i'w-'ll4"' -
11al11rm1.1t1U11, &>l'-·aM• l J ll
lir*""ul aymmt'try t!m· phMlut~d w 1puceful 111r
niundin1'J'. enh•m·1·11 lhl'
llt'tlanl( ol l h "' I \> I)' ho mt!
w /1•xcl'ptlun111 l1v1n11
111>11t·~. 4 lice txlrms .ti 2'·~
lillthii u >e.stt.'tl In Colll•ICt!
f'yrk iH e ll o f lrVlrl tJ
~ Walker t; lee
Real Ealt11le LOWD
THIH AICH IAT 111)( It 't-1 ul'o 'at'lHH and ~Pltf'r '" nn x rm h11fl-tttl~ 1111.c•lij
1011:-. ll11rr' n 1mt• o n h v 01 t·ull lH,k•1 11wrkl'I J1111 hwll E -;. I (, • ·' 11
~ ab77 l'11J2t:11t111u11 ~OH ~ and .1:.k for ('h11rl1·:-. Mun:-.ut I I •\I I Y
''"I ,'()I)() L•Y rwmt.>, A~l 111 11 •• nd1 :tl•t .... 11 1·1•11
lritl Mii l'l Ill .lttl IHI ""
•.41• 1t 111 $UK '11111
c.le....._ IOJ4 11"'Nl'll f11 auld11I :
••••••••••• • •• • • • • • • • • • ,t~ JtllJ ''f It Uh i
lllt'I h<t & t.111 h IHI 'I' II ,1.:, •0 1M i 114111
J lJtirlll' , f,111111) I Ill
vc•r v t'll'itll 1 1111111 "
IJf WLI Sl ~.101
~SAT.1 ·5
245 • SlfRkS
M'\lJH Y "'I 1\l I I I It
S fo;,\ I.ION Ill-:\ I. I \
61l-Sl54 4'7-3118
(.Inly ~~').11011 t) w '.
Ml'Sll V1·r<l1· I 111 ;! 11.1 IJ"
Ill( SM•H-~I ""''"I ,,,.,
;:.1 :n11.
1026 ......•...•..•.........
~Jlll'khng rlupl1·\ :! 1111 :!
00, l·BR. L h.1 ~ r µI. I
l!ar Sl1!11oi l'<•i: 1\111•11
101 r '1t~t r.-;k
!'-.111•rla111 1.1 ~ 11111101•
lw111~-i.. ~Ill .! .1:!1w, ''I II
1 ·1ni.1· tu Mann.1 !'-."" ,,
1111 & U 1ll•· 1 .. 1 l'n111.1
\ t•rif SJl>.'1 fU t l•1 ~; •• IMltl
>\SI ~. 4:1:1 44111f, llltlr
tl<•hl!hl Sll;crp, .. ,.: .. :1111
:11 olt;J l14'1lhrn lkll • lull
I '\1 l'lllOll1 . II I lll'h \'
•u111 .. l11. Sl :•.'».1-it.t
496-950 I 831-l I 14
1.11,;l'J\N \ IE W I '( IN I Ill •
llH. :,,,-c_·unty hlcli: . 111 ... 1
l lntl' oHNNI. S.117,lllJO ~. M -3009 ' -----OCUH/H~RIOR YU
llr:1n•I ""w 1l11p1 .. ,
V:.ulll'(I 1•t1h11 ~:-.. (11111"
21\r, ~ha 1•a :1 ~.1ra~1·-.
$111 1.11110 Ju.111, \i•I
"n1u 't'll rrh nv-t'.-tttt-.n
•tu1\ I\ 111\4 \Ith
"' II•'"' ' I pl '" "'"'"I j Ill ··~I H'H .' 11.1111li11 1I
lb l .ill u"lll'I t.lo'I I ~II
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l"r11111 1111 ~ .ol1"1lul• I.
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~"w •11.11k11111' I I ~ I·
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$:IL"· 1111 .... 1ll 1r.11h· l.1 1 .. 1 u,.,,11\ !\.,;, 't 1111 i:to 11.au
•ll\IJ"''l.1-11 •
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01·1.,111 II I\ i.t:! 11:!1:•
~11 1• I 111~11111 I 1 lo!tlh
t~I 1 1011w1 lul "11 h 11 .. 1111
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l'.1rl. l'l.11·1·.1111 >U.! 1 lt.t
0 1•·11 111111 ,.
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1111'. ,.,,111, \,.,ti•· I 1 pl•
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IRE:H /Moneelc
f..XJ.<11,1\• ,,...,, tll l'IOfl.1111
111 l.111 1 ... 11 /\ t..11hr1111111
'\1• ... I I" poollll (II/\
p.olrt• 14 1.1111• • I""
\.l'/'\11ll•1ft JUI ~ t \1\,1\
(q1lt• 1\ 111·.1\l 'T\ ' I ,oll
IRE:H /Moneek
1044 ......•••.•..•.•.•.•.•.
hy r•1ll111c hill:-. &
11·1..,urdv ~1111..r:-. ~• roll1111: Nt•;trly llf'W :I l1r. 2'? loll lo f.t fro l<Olnillll Ii'.
<.:a ,lt' <.:od 1111 hilltop r1•flv<·l 1 11 ~! 1•1.,11·cf11I ~fv,fAAt /\:-.,um•· ··~1:0.1 • J4lrOIDll.Y ~Jfuitun· All
mi.: lom111r swo.1••1 1)11 ... " l11<·;11 1·tl Ill ~all .111.1,
CEXl'\.:HY 21 Wl'.!'-.1' •1w11 ViJl.1)!l' I'.:. talc..,
:v1 <\XJ\O ~ •l-1'17
TkAJH·; 1s t-:1.1.
I 1t:1v1• a ~1llr 1>.111.1 1•01111
horrw ll> tr <t•h· fhr c•1111tl11
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~10 :'1:11 !M •i (fll(I
8Toro 1032 •••••••••••••••••••••••
lUt. :UJ.a Cun<l11, 1\1 ', 111·w
1 Jlh, as.., 11111.1 lik 111.111.
l11w p:Jym1 ·11I <>1w11 ""'' <IWl'ICI~ !'IHI •illi O
1034 ••••••••.......•....•..
N"1rkhn~ it bdrm with
formal dmua~. l'lo::.•· 11.
FV i.l'hoob. l\s :-.11ma 1111·
:1 :-i'i. lnan tn.:1~1 Nt•ar
Ma1otnoh11 & 'l';ilh1·11
17IOl fo:lm. !N~I Util7 011t•11
!)out /Sun
<\hr, 21 :•ha c·omfo. T11Jurw1
I-'. V IKS(I Ml fl. I\ /I.
woll'r M>flt'nn. 1·ncl 11n1t.
lg patio, Ry own1•r, Or1t•11
houtle Sal /Sun. SNl,!11111
<All 714-963--filtl\H
2Hr . 2'"1 Ba . 1mprnv1·cl
IJtf\~ rm, !J' • a!ls11111a
hie. Make ofr to 11wm·r
............. h 1040 .......................
$63 500
2 BIJnn. ~mily r oom,
St-lier rnollvaled. 1.ulJ
IPI fl HI 11 lc,f
i' 11\1 I '(
H U N T I N G·T 0 N LANDMARK: Uppt'r 2
bdrm 2 ba. Condo. Cath.
CeillftlJll. Buut. dee:.
Adults ov e r 40 .
Amen'llel llllO-MO.
4 lr21Jt 0., lri·IVI. Supc!r
111redecl bulde " out. --·All·• ...
NftLISTJNO! a.Mnl IOt, C-d II, flVt
,. .., ..... 673"431J
The Future
Is Here
Ewrylh111~ l11r f 111• h v 11w with th1, l11\1·h 4
lw,.lroorn 1·11n1 .. m 11111 .11 v
htmH• al a 1in•·1· hanl '"
111• I 1 •· v I' I 11 ,. I II •I 1·'
f1rt•f1l.1(·1· 1111 <·1111111111~
• ind v.1111rm1·1 k 1l 1'11t·11
wilh 1·v1•rv lr111lt1n 1'111111
~.!01 Don't w:111. 1·:dl
:.)II >1-1:1 1
t'orncr l'nn1·1·1u11 :1hr.
;i ha . ( 11 r rn n I I I II ,
l'Urtht11n1•s, 1:11rcl1·11 oll
~lr l11lrm. N1•w c·ariJl'h ,
W fl fl 11 c· ,1 h I 11 t• I :. .
s 11r1nkl1•r ... $11~.oho
:.:1o1 lllltfi llV 11WO\'r 0 1><·n
S 1S I :,
San Carlos Townhumt· <it
Manrho S:tn .1111111v1n 2
IJdrms & cJ1•11, p11r11Ut•t
Ooorini.c. Muny 1•xlras
l\llrat·t 1v1•ly 11rin•tl al
$149,000. l'rin only
New on ma rkC'l, llroall
moor Oakwood, 2 Hit.
den. 2 b a .. cov1•rt•1I
atrium & p11tro {:111 111·
tHIC lor. •:xten!ll\lt' UJl·
i.credt'!I. Nltlumahlt• luitn. SUIUCIO
OnJy Glennt"yrc Model
hy Broodm oor In The
Glen. on market. 1
Ddrmll .. family rm .• d in·
ing rm., 2 bath.<!, 2 frplrs.
Central atrium Xlnl de·
cor. Beautiful private
pool 6 spa. Outatandlng
value at SJ98.950
c:.IM IA T f.5
IGC> Well Vale Loop.
2 Bdrm•+ den. 2 ba . 1bnJ ~ Jncludt'
centrtl air, Karaatan
cpt. landacaptn1. a10.ooo by ona owner. . .,.,.
BJtUlW MARKll:r!
Plepnt •raded a Br.
ll&aal· ..U. ~ Prln Gal)'.
'""'' •i.)4;-
• WllJJfl II HI IJI, ~
I \ I It t\ \ 1\1 •I\ 'lc /.1\ •
I ~ JI 1J I 111 I II 1
111:-.4 \ 1 "" rn111r 1w•ol
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~111"1 111111 111.' II I I !
I l lffU. Ill>< 'I\ 11111'
1 'iwAitot' 1our 0"'11 1,11 1w1
t.'UIYI 6r vlhl•I' 1J1l 1lct;ul,
IHI"' 1))}1'11 h-.1· :-..11 I\ '>11 11
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I llr :1 li.1 !.111111) hu11,..
l'.Xl•Jmh'J IJJOll)' rm
14 "~l''Y 1•w.t11111 ••xtra~~
iol'l1"11111e fou11ln111. I rvlll•
I'< rt•111 1mllut>. I'll' !'-.I "I'"'
l11111111urk & 1•ovl •
$11:!.~.i .. 111\ 'l<H \''
~~ 1 2000
l 'ni~1·1..,lly l'urk , l llr •
1k'f1 i'1, Ila :! \ n. .. 111
.:. 1111 n y t' J rt lo '1 " 11 • ., $1411.~111, ;1.tl :,:,:1 ' 17:1
I 11J1ll' 11 ... I. llr11.1tl11 1 .... 1
l'l.111 Ill ·1111 , :" 1 •••
11\ 1•1 •,11t'd lul It·•· l,111tl
\I 111 t 11 1111 'I I'• ljlHI
·~"' : •• ol\ art ~11111
\\ut1ll1111l~1· .. 1>1 .l11" ,.,,.,.
h1>1111· !l.1'.1111 dulh 1111
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W frt •1 U U I ... 1 II \ It• 'A
l'two~I l11 _,.II •11111·1, Iv .11
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llo~1r.1 l1lt· :I llr.:: ha l'ro11
•·d1111 rn11dl'I l.11!ht :11111
.111)1 \'1ftl Ullll \'1111 1•1411
IJw land SI 17 .!l~.tl
ap.., Su1t I 2-4
10 Acocla Tree Lane.
u,:.;•....sity Pork .
lh •1tl l-j\t.1t1·
!'.. \I I) I\ I· 'I II ~. k
r ........ 11 .. 111.. .s 111t . •· ·''" I! 'vi ,p;11•111u..., 11 \Ill~ Ill .111
1•11 v1r11111111·11t 1·h111 h.1
1·wrv1 h111v. 111 11ff1·r Ill-1
'01 :'..'"'I
~lll\o•r-.11\ l'.11 k 1"'1111114'
.'J H1 •'I II I Ill i! • Ila
1 u1111ll up.:r.1111 II ""
l'tllJll'tl 1\ l:J11d'C'o1p1 •I
qf( 111 .11or. 1•111 ttl 1
~. ;.t ~:: :11 C> IJ" II ",.
'>.1\ S1111 :11. ac., tlt.•11,.1
'I 111· l.n
I 1111 I h.1
.! 1111 :!Ii.• :-~.o
;: Ill< .!'' 1... '11~1
:11111.,:1... ~111 1
:11111 ..... h.1 .... 1 ..
:: Bii.:: to.1 ::-L'.1 .• 1~1
'>.111 I 'It· 1111·1111 •
SAT. & SUM .
1-5 P.M.
111 llw l'11l11n 1 11trl1 1J1.,
.uwl U lll '" fl ol II\ 111 ·
,,..,1·1· 111 a \••rv I'"" 111•
-..111111! with .1 111"' 111.11111
) .11tl 11 l•fl !'-.,\.t\ 111 'I. I.~
't523 C.o4Ptl5Dt·IRVl14E
Whnt 1\1b. ( .1111,1:: ,1.7>1
' m'acnab / Irvine
___.;;;;-· ___ !.e_al_tY __
Stngl<' family Brri<-tclmoor Wiltlww1d
l'lun . 3 BJ<s I:>. 1 den> -form al rt m-
in~ rm v:.iultl!d ceilings li.t.
yard w/room for sp<J -·atrium -.
many upgr:11l 1·~! /\ real buy at
S I 12 .000 V1·1· Stins on fM2-8235
Ol'Jt:N SJ\T t S·U N 1·5 P .M l :J
IS 50 I
~ UH + 1lt-11 S;m Car los Pl:tn m
Ra ncho San .Jn:tqum. Lake -new con·
dilion vaulted ccilinj:!~ air
1·11nd. S l ~1!'>.000. ltoscmary Myers
fi44 ·fj21)(). OPEN S/\T/SUN 1-5 P.M.
It JO C'4:HHITOS. CS-51 >
I INtlhc•r Plan :-itnum entr~· -4
URs <mas ter s utlt• w/d~ck >
brkfst b<tr -sf'rv11·1· rm. F eatur es
sk ylighL<;. cnam11· ltl<". plush cpts.
cnvl•n •tl patio & fir<'ring, Lighted
tennis courts + comm. pool.
SHm.500. Lorraine Rennie 752-1414.
4 BR, family rm hom e -air cond ..
for your summer comfort.! Atrium
• prof. landscaping featuring huh-
hling lount.ains .& hright~y bloomin~
flowers. $17~.500. ,Julie Van Wieren
752-1414. cs.s:o
Fabulous vn:w ... day & night
from this b,eautifully upgraded Tur:
lJ(• Rock Townhome ! 2. full mast.~r
suites -21h balh!I -skyli'ghL~ -
parquet e ntr-y . -central air !
$179,000. Madeline Cross 752-1414. <S·54> . '
•llAT LOCATION & ntelt
F anlHlic 3 BR "San Luis Rey" 2·
~tory townhom c ir) Rancho San Joa-
quin. Custom window & w~ll lreat·
ments -fresh paint -a auj>er !\Un ·
ny end unit w/uUached 2·car gar .
Ready fo( occupancy. Holly ¥arku
644·6200. <S·55 >
642-1215 '44·6200 901 Dover Drive H.,bOr Vl••·Ctnter
tr•lne at c~ V•t1e1 c:.nter
Rancho San J<>aqwn 2br.
den. 2bri. frplt'. pvt
PflUos, 1111 on )Cull COUrlltl
Enjoy view rrom mU11t
room,; Pn11I & J111·
Sl:ll ~1 ti4() 1111117 .,,-·
S74,500 '°'"' th1:-home· ha!>'''
""' 11 tut.: 111 It'll' ' I lK uwn
1n1h\ 11111.1111' l.cx·al••d 1n
Irv 1111' 1.r f t·11 n.i Ir u n
}u1ill)'1c·c111ti·111 1111•r'll ~ 1ilon'<l for w1urTi>fTfTI
Yo11r clt••c• to II•• 111 • 'ri••••
.... fl••d c1wity Mt sri•edl TWa
cit_..., l ~°"'• l b.eta ..._ • •
1.,.ge lat wittl oc•• •lew 9ld..,,... .....
roo. 11 priced to Mii. Y• c• •toY Hie
prl•• beoclt. t...e1 c~ -4 Cl lilly
recrHtl• c...ter. MM1t Nly Tlwee Arclt hy
COii offer. o .. 1y $21t,OOO. c.i1 Swift
,\ 111u.'t lo 1·11mt• 11vl•r &
""'f•tr \rn1r ... 1·1f ~.;.~ 4477
HatlTAGE ftARk
,1 111 1 ra111 ·rn1 1111111•1
la•'Ull! .irl'<'llllt'll •• ~'""
1 lly 1>;irk. 11.111111 1111 11\
fllllll \' ,11 ,, 111 f ''Ill
p.1111l1Vo•I\ 111"' 1111 I"·'"
t ·"', t... ·" .111111·ol \,'I
•1,• > U,Jt~
91,.0 0
\'•111 II Im• 111,... fl,.,,, 1•L111
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\1•,1J Ill tldt I ,,, U t I +II
fr•···tl11111 r 111111 .111 )\ ,,.,,
prt•i.:111 ' .I ti••· lnl1111 .
11.1 I 1.111,lt•rl 1•11 H"' II• I
111,,l!'ol••t 1111 lw .. 1 'I :1k1 ·
1111,•, 111.111 11111;,, I 111 I 111·
,\I( 1t1J
l!P.11 1.,1.111•
l~~och 1048 ..•........•••.........
@ ·
r"'. & '-A)mpany
:--"'·"I , 11 11 I ' 'I I \
1'111•tfHlfJfll tit t',lfl \ u•Y. t q t
\.11•1· .,,,di-. Ito ltl I\ .tit•
,. ....... ti t,.,i;d 'J i 'f ltl!
$fl . .1•1
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I t "!Ill f111.111• i rt l'
~l1'1 '(M
..... _ .,i·~ 1411111 _. \.-<;. Mc (,(JllM/\1 ~ It I
Priu Slaihed!!
0,." Suttday I • 5
!'-ottl.or lw.1l1·1t 1•11111 &
J•ll 11//1, \l)U l'olll .,,,tlk lu
111<· l1t•ad1 f111m lho I
titlrrn :i t1.1lh. rrv11 """' ~I\\ lt1 •fl, 1111 1 I oil r1 • 'f ,1k1•
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"~1.tl 111'.lr 1\lph.1 ll<·lil,
ho :!11,I~ (.1!•1.,111 \011>111 111· .
:-.1111 h 1..,1.:u11.1 !-..o \ ,. s:i.n
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Two Dariin9 Unih
I IS<ll 111 11111l h.t'> .1 I""
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2 Homu /Grut View
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'"'"'" ..... 11 ""•'1··tl l!l.1 1----·4
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)l:J!l,5011 1•ri11 1· 111111;
494·2'1Hfl '!1\1~ I ;!:!:I
u ·a.'11! 1111111111 111 s:ilt: Nt•w
m11lcm1i11rary 3000 :-.q rt.
Vl<'W homo• "'l!*.~t 1'1111
l'.1ul 4!n-4Mil
1n~ an·a w Fr .. 1wh cl•1111
OIJl'lllll~ l lt '\• 1·l11tf1•tl
11.11111 t 111111w 1 •.• 11: h,,,
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\,\Ill> WOHi\ & Ml "llllll
111-.l'Alll!-o. 11 \'WI h.1\i' d1·~m·1I a 1•1:1\l'I" t\T
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'l'AL l!\(..'UM r:. thl'> 11111 \
1 ... v•1ur I.ii.I 1 h.1111 c al
tJ11• i1n1·1· of
$149,500 hll ftriu
l)wn..r may hdp f1n11 ncc
~.s. Cst,flwy. Laguna
...... 494-0731
Muk1· yr,ur ,twpp.ln,i:
l'<J.SH•r h\' 11,111~ lh1• lb11\
1'1lol 1'1.1'os tl "''' ''"' ,
• OPEN. 1·5 * ·
Beautiful B-Plan unit . 2 bedroom +
den 2 bath vi<>w home. Sl:JH.000. See
11/\i, \.t\ROWF.LJ. :Jl 22R71 Mariano
OftEM IH LINKS POINTE: R cc·r eahon
for evcryunt· second~ from your
door. Next lo an ocean view P.lus
l'ountry duh li ving, 3 ht>droom. 3
halhs. hui.tt' rnmily room. cus~o.m
dt·coraling , S2fHl .500. Drive t o
!)ri val<' gated community, afeent
wall lc•t you in. One r;nil~· north or
Co:_ist llwy . on c;rown ·Valley Pkwy.
lmmaeulall' 2 bedroom + den, 2
bath <·ustom hom e desl~ned for
those• who like a spacious fl oor plan,
J.arJ,tc Inf. formal dining . 3 car
garage u nd oceetn \?i ew. $325.000,
• COUM&L ..... co.
4Q6·7222 831-0836 . ,.,.. ........... .... ............
I ~•1•1111.1 I '""•Ill l111tl1 •
ll1tr111 :! Ii.1th 111111"
\1,1J.!lllf1t•1•11I t'thl t.ol /I. I I
I~ hl!hl \ l\'14 1:1111r111..i
l.1td1,·n lllil,,~1\1• II\ 1111!
n -olll with ~l11w1ng ..., 111111 n ... ,rs g!l~.1.100
don osen
11111:u-:~~1-.v 1n:
l'.•7 ~l>i
111ar111 c·ut1;,i•""' :! 1111 I
ha. tl('t•:o11 '11·w 1111 '1'11"1
'' r•·d 111· pr~·t tw:wh ~:1!1,0011 l.111 ~" H •~ .ti
~i-l:lh'. 'l'f.I .i:.:1 t
I 299 SkYLIHE DR .
J.ow.tll'd 111 lit•· pr•·
,1.~11111 ... M \S tH 11111
.111•,1 Tht' !!. i 1•.-.11 fl 1111
Uf\H" t 1U.,lt10a h,1, ,1 ~111•1•
1111 llloll f)ijl \ lt'l4 I ti I li1•
hi. ••.ul, \',tfl\'Ull .uul llluUll
1,11n.' l11t·.1i (nr ;.lll••tl .1111
111,,:, ttw. :1 lwd11.w1111 .I
II .1t h 1t111 ... 1l1·n 11fl 1• •'
ho1r1•· h.1, h1 •1·11 11111
ft::-i-.111111111} l'l'llH~lt•l1•tl 111
.. 11t1• ,1r11I oul S111·• 1.11
r1•alun .... llll'lud•· a .... 111•1
ln 4 ........ 11 f11r111 .. 1I ll\inl! ''
" I n I n L! :0 r ,. .• "' I I h
r1r 1·1i11 ... •· & .. tljat ··nl l~I
h111i.: 1:.1n l,.1111at111 .. 1 • orn
1Jlt'll•h "''14 ~Ill h1·11 \\llh
Litt; IJl01·-.1 .1ppll,,111·1•" a
~ll(1tnl11· 111a ... t••r ~11111·
Wllh JllfUtt.I for 2 "'11 h
11ky li11hts unit 11c·ramw
tilc lhrow,:hout f)ffrn•1l
at PlS,00°), ~~f-5'~12
UMDB Sl00-,000!
1r.·rft.l'I 111~ th1· )<llllfJI
la111llv . tf11-.-;1 h1lrm
hcmw J' nt'ar t•l1•m,.ntary
-.1•h110I & has a lo,l'ly hill
Vll'W llWlll'r I:. 1n~tallt11~
IH'W c·al'l>l'I SlK.:.fllt
Own-your-0wn with SJ'('•'
tac·ular wh111· walo·r
view. undt.'rl(rounct purk
m..e C'lo1w Cu unit for suflo.
ly & t'On \ll'fl ll'nt:e 3
Jllinn'I.,· 2 bath.,. OVN·
looldnl( tht• pool $.M9,1t00
lckoal st.rler home or
weeke nder m J>Opul ur
Wood:i Con . th Is 2
bdrm home has 1nfin1tc
piw..,.1btht1c•1> Sl~.500
l'I\' '' f • 1• I ti• lf'hlW,1'
t t lu• ,t It•• t "\ l • 91&'1 1lt-4 14•4 tlf/ •
.:,.:.,~,: ~ ',;:.~: :.· ?'.~:: .,, ,
'""'· •• f ...... ,
... , .... lay Lot,
&..JIMe ..... 1052 • ••••••••••••••••••••••
Adult romm1111lly. <keen
6 Coutllne view. 2
Bdrm 2 be+cten. UllOlq ft. ;.i,ny upgudea .
~ prtct . s12e.ooo.
Pwt. Ply, _. A.,.tara
Rd.Ill ...
Realty ..
..... ...-0 , .......
Sparklln1 pool. ocun
bearby and cool breews
•nhance lb1a lovely 3 Ol'9f HOUSI Bdrm. 2"'1 bath home. to
SUH 1-5 convenie nt tu 41 ver·
JCM52N. H ....... I& 'yth lnl(. C•ll Ull for
fo'antw. at· 4 Udrm. J ha t_rurUwetjif;'1rQdeta•1~11'11 ... ~ homti w 1c ommana1n1t --1 -----i
view of tull.it., t111rwuy' 671-7112 a .en>.
llAUT N-..O•M
& lovt!ly mountain vww
are JU!ll suu1tirs. rur t 11111
l(ruat 4 Kdrm homt' 1n
mo1>t desiralJlc a rea .
4tJ.9494 495-5220
496-2413 130.5050
F:tirwuy El N11tu1•I :lbr.
st:J.1.<»I. Cu!!IOrn tlt::Jlt> n~lf111· ·
Take Over
8l/4°/o Loan
i'.:xt'Cllc-nt 11 • ,·. u:-.:.uma
hie Imm ~1th tl11s s upc·rh
tuwnhomt: on n11'l' c11rn
inun1ty :! f)t'()mumi.. d111
in).!. 1lcn. fll't·plat·t'. 1>h·p
:.aver luichen '411 h l'H'r
yth1111(. 2 IJUlloi-Sti-ps lu
111,.11.· l'lubhou:.1" "'''' ~.!JXI t'all <1115 IOIH
Tlli181\L . -·
28R be.u ly + 930 s1f
garage w /10' S" celUn~L
slres11ed for 2 iHory.
Everylhint< rtimodelt.'(I.
l'ri~ !Qwpt flghlll. 422
f'ulle rton 645·64!1G.
ti3t-2313. ()pen Sol /Sun
Ol'IH SUH I ·5
New liJilanl(. 4 br. 3 bu.
fumily rm, 2 rrpks. lg1·
I ot 0 W N t; R W 11.1.
CXRRV 1'1N'7'
JBr, d&!n or )(UCl!il room,!-
S/\U :OH l~l.\fo~ <WTIO~
l\'1th 11n1•1'tl Lu i.cll !
Holwe I Taylor. lftc..
•·••au & Huy V11·w Hom•·
lhr :Jim. '4'Cl l>ltr. 2 t'Jr
i.:ara~·· St .~Smut lt•ai.•·
'>JJtiun ti'lS ~l!ill
Churrrun~. 1'111·t:(ful l>IJUI
hi1ml' with la nai :llJr.
ram • 1l1111nl!. l'(imho rrn
Maki• Offrr lllJ'•n llot.1M·
S:1I I ~. ~··· 011•.•n llou>o•'
I >tr1·11flry 1i\1111t Onh 1
I ·.111 ,\~ l·:h11M' I 'un ''
fH( 7711 ::!!li>'I h 111
1'l;>l >illf.I
h1·r1"' S11arkl111~ 11t111I ''
kt' p I t' 1; 111 f 11 r I .o 11 I t'
"' 1t'o11l1h ·" .otl Siii .. \I<
llt•Jl. .t1110t ht'f I f.,I fl11 • 1111p11~'"'' l.tflllh 111111117
!'-op.11·1•111 I lltl r 111 11.i.
1•U.'-lt1rta .. \ I •lf•UI • 11U
'"llJl'lll l•1r •llli"f'l .1111 111~· .111<1 1lan'lra1111• ~ ,, • ..., 1t1r ._ ________ _
.1ll t•1•·nJ11) -i:t:11•-1 OPEN HOUSES LorJuna Yilloqe R.E •tit I Sf':/\SlllHI 1-:
497·1761 ltjJ1•11 Sat S1111 I:! I
t055 ......•.......•. , ..... .
M.J. lroclc & Soni Inc .
'11111) l .. 1k1• 1·1111• I
(110.._I \ .olUt• I )II• ltll \ :I
to•tlruurn' ,111 1 ••t1tl1
t:~WIS .. ittfo:NAJJ~·-1
Ot"•n S.1t ~111 I .•
·~1 \1 \l<ll:t11.f)
C '1•·11 S.1lurtl.1' I "
l"Hl•11 .t-'UIJ) lli'l'l ,oll1•1t .
1,..,,u1tfulh ""' .. r.11 .. 11 i.---------
1' r 11 I ,. , ' 1 •• 11 " I I ·, ----------l.11111,1 ·'I"~'
1'11{\I t·. UH'\ 111 t:'\
\I n111'ti IMI •-'}I.I.,, 11,\
I I tfl I ,!ti 'llo f 11
•ii •• i71J 1,111.1
'"'''IY .a Hllrm, :!': ha.
ram1lv rm , fri1k o·u~lom
l#lCtl'& ,p:i. l1l1·1ol lcir 1•11
• ,,., L.1111111 1• 1 ... 1.1rrn••I'
l.111h .,,,:1h.1r "I"'" !-..11 :-.111 I.!:, :ti ,11, \'1a
~"'·~~, ... ~ >en :m1.1
N9wport leac_h I 069
f 1'J T•fl ~: OI ' Et\,-.; 111
'''"'Jln·rl "''"'h ••" furln!>ltl'l'I. "$.i:!u.r~111 \W
17ir th•· 111 .... ·rim111atmi.:
;1 1.1n• 111111111'\urnl )' lo
111'11 a luxu~ :1 n r1r111 . :!• .
11;, with l11l;tl "''': .11 lh1 •
1•11lr,1ri1't: l11 l.ulu 1~11 (111
u11cl1·r -,, .\111 1'•1111 .
,;ouna. Jill'lllfl, h11! '11•w
•' '67l-1 020
l'onl. llay \lll'W, 7 h<lr n h
1.irn 1 m. dc:g.1111 11111111
64S-15l I
~ll 1'1-.lll.J\
I(')(( V1sla dt•l Or11 1
IMMAClll.1\1',.: l.>olor•"•
l'lan h1!hl ancl :urv :1
It It w 11\ I end 11a' "" '~vcrlook)ng trt•t• l111l••I
l'nn"1 l•1 ~t·ll $H~l.~l(I
ltelll on the marke t ! 2
1\.-drms. 1ll•n. 2 baths.
~hmi.tlt-d w ith i.huke rnor.
Won't last SJU,000. C',ull
R11r Jarri es. i\~t
Al!aullful !!1 ni;:lc ·stpry.
lul&I beam re1I .. 3 htlrm .
fond unit. l.mda f'lun. f\
btJaUly a l Slli.:l,UUO
......... Shon. ny Owner. Npt Shor1~. 3
Hr Pool. tt>nnls rrta.
$103,000. "Courtesy to
ltkrs ... 548·:MSI
Come bf a mu<' offer on OD charminl 4 br beau.
ty. 2 frplcs. ht.111• rma lv·
ly big secluded lot.
~1·wly lr..l•·rt <·onll·111
Jlliniry :1 IU< + th•n honw
11vnlt111k111i! llarhor &
l'ln·11n ... 1·1111ir1~'\ 1•>.
lo'f\'oot\/t ' u. .. ,. 11( rt'lwo1MI
1na h11~.111 y . '1 o n .. 1,·,=-·-~-• •l;L ... :0. ~~-f 't ..,t\:i~ µ:11111 hul1·" 11~~·r
..,.,,,., i.p.1 ·1i·a'h to :! llH
~·-~• qtr' S1:!5.llOO h ··· MartllJ :01.11·11al1 ~2-H:!:l,1
I'> .1:11
OftH SAT /SU .. t-5
1506 Mti4JUCI Way·
lmm;H·ulal •· I ~lurv I
lirlrin . •l'"' ha fan11Jy
rlJl . drn111i! rm ,,.,.
n-•1111 n1urty:1rtl 1·ntn :1
1·a r c;ir:o J.!1· S1·1·uril y "'""'11"1. 2 Wt•I h1u;.-., :O.l'·l &
,:11111.1 . v1•'"' lll11 II ll\
V:llt·nl1n1· S 12:. OOo
lndui!m1: la ru t•
REAL.TY 6 75-5200
•I filf rm:-. 11( t~imfnrt An
1•nt1•rl.111wr·, tlc h i.:hl ,
with l.iri.:1· ( ronl room
~1th hulrnny & v1t·w I alt
In~,. 1111.., om· 1,1:J.7:JOll
.. ,. ·-.,
Plus Terms ·
A larJw assumuble loan
m akes this attracli\'1!
two'story cp!u.'I sepuralt!
bonus rm. ltl(1lh loft. &
ba~). even more detilr-a·
hie. Steps lo llaf'be>r
Vil'W llo n1C!I Comft'\
pool. park & :ichoOI E.9.<n> .
7,_H'°l ~~~~~~~
~ Wal km 1; l t!I!
Re11I t:illall'
I bdrm. 2r,.,, ba. pool, 111W
kitchen. Baycreat. 8y o...r. 6'2-0lllt ,.
A DAIL 'I Ptl.OT Ollll'IHI• .... a..-......... oee..r ........ oee..r ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ....................... . ..................... .
IJH •c:rt. t11 ...... lt•lt t06t Mau ..... IHclt t06t S.Ch •• ··i..·····~············· ....................... . ..................... . ......... s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M•111 ,_ S. H111et ,_I* ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ...
~~ ... !~ ... ,......... • ... "' ,......... '°" ~ __________ , ...................... .
IXC:MM•I •...................... . ..................... .
Lido ••• c-..tom eon .......,,.ry home on 4.\
... l'laible floor plH l
•"' any family netid Proteulonally r r ~ated lhrou1hout
Qu.Mty MetuHy Syalem
\'ri~ har bt!k;w t:nMrke
fur 1rnmedlate .. i. Ope ,_,._ &~ Ut Vt. M .. o H .. m odt>l.-l1 31\r '"'""Y"'" h 111111• .. " i-UUA:&:LUllllL.IUJJ:t:ajlU-.UUW~-10 . ....IQUd -
lluk & Hrlrli w n~~ 1'1111 Of I.In•• l\ppl Ind 2
rt1lrro 111<v11. hi 111laml Nu r q;t• lhru•uut. ctld1tr fl•"'""•· rnirron·d "'alh, a. d1J11l•lll. euordlnal!!t.I f1rnPt'' 1·tl•tom hrwk rr11k. t1i.U lh lllfll' 1h •1•01'
P 1•1•1) •u•I h111 k hul.11' 11vl. h1tc•kyd w p1w1I 1>111111 Iii
ltrt•·k RH<I t'h to 11k fl ho111>1ni.: & "'·hl11 IJl'!l ~11·011•\ f.11 !11~1 117!1!1 Cuurt1·-\• 111 llrtlk1•r11
••an Twnlwc< f't•b Ok t>n91,, N K ar~• 2h1 . ,,....._, trpk. wtd, l! r•r
ICU. p11t1u. p!Hll. j11 r .
lMMWI Quly 6'Nn •'m ail•.
Ill""'' vu Luwe•11t 11n.-.• In
.,.... G l~.O&lll f11'1nt• ot\ly
673 .... ~ 2:)111
3 ltdnn hll<fW .,., ".?O 40
~ 1 'II<' Xlm , oncl &
\or Only $1 :M .~
CONUOS 13 11\ u1I
1173 ~l3 ;\l(t •
""'· :m111 i t-•r1111-,, ~
....,., IU tu 81 .. ~.Ul•J
Pnn u11ly ti73 ~
IJOO ISi.~; ~.OUH "I ft
:>Hu . rt·•· r m "' l)u<>I lhl
oh· <k n 1·t• 11;:1~.000
N-1 ... ~~I
r'nt·e Slu .. twtl ~111 \11
J)flOClfl:JI:. only l.1i:.I
1m1•1• SI :JH,:1IHI St•ll11ll(
.,net• Sl~.OIJIJ ~ llr, :!',
t)lr f'011I. Jll(". h·nn1s 1·t1·
Cull llWlll'f :l!VI '12tl0 • 11 IC..~1l(orfl7S Hin
IA'lt.'>t' h11\cl 11:1 :Mii h SI
I< 2 Xlnl n ·nl al ari•.1 :1
•t~'l from 111·1·11n A1lll1
,J.rmal '1 i.1111<·1·1. 1•111 kmi.:
Slllll.5011 lnc·o1111· u11f1J(ll
yrly $12.f,l)J
1-ran<·t·:. llor vuth. 1111 r
•il~ .. \!fll m~• 2:i11:1
Hal bqr View
IJ1v1·lv 21ir. 2h;r. , ... ,.,
11t•11 f'"••atunng 1111 c·xt ra '''"'fl IK ':iii\11' jlOOI i.ur
ro1111clt•1I li y lg luw
l'R!lfll yd ""Jlilllll 1-'l-:I':
MANY 1·xt ra~ I 1111.•11 Su11
II ~ 1~"1 1:111
tt.wklmy an .. , By t Jwnl'r
Ut.ilcr lhu11 rlt'w :i llr 2
llu, ram1 ly rm. 1h111nit
rm . 11 ;, •· Io 1
lu111l:wa110•1I. "l•1·lu<h•fl 1111
<!l•I' pn\· tin w w.1 v ;!;~1·1
Tu,l 111 A"'" s11;'.1 .1h\1
1,1:, K.'>I:!
Op.ft Housr Sat /S..n
:J fir l lt.1 11111wh-4I g.1nw
rm w1J10•1I l ahh-& w..i
har l,111 ' 11f 1·x l r.1'>
Owtwr w ill fln11nt•t· l~11i!
lrvml· J\w 1,.s;, :~r.1
l<i•llJl·NI pn1•1· 11.wkliaY. :1
..,~~--=l~1'.!lru.l~~.~~~ril.l1.. ~iCtl ...q ft 40l!211 1""'1 ~
extra llr & l\.i off 11<111\
1&...,~I hn1·k 111:.1111· & uut
J.<J, 111!.t
OPIHSU ... \.5
llll0J I fun11l y holllt• 111
";a!>.lhlufr. :wr11:..!. frorn
the 1mrl< '1 llllr m s .
formul 11111111~. fa111 ily
l&AHUOH \llt:W ll<IM t;~
2 bdrm. fit•n 2 t.11 .
""Mol\Mt•o · $1~.St'M> t't!Y.
(-S..t/Sun I ) ~7
t'or\ llrl~t o l ('11 C'I,·
~1 873 1M7!1
WlillL lu bt·ut'h, Z l.ir.i1• 3
lidTm unll !. wi th
,1rrplu1·1• .rn!I llut 11111"
C.rt•11l ... 1n\\·r ''umml!r
1n1·om•· potl'11l1al f''lT
iumpl" <:all for 11v11t
'Jlu.'l tuddcn beauty 11\ 1111
deud 1·nd sl 2 i;l y ~ Hr :J
Uu. i.ml 1>1·,•110 vu·w. full
Swl'dll>h i.11una , li1i.:
Jlll"U.tl.1, 11111. of t•IC l f/11'
Mus i Sl't' l•1 a11pn·c•11111·
~JUI llwnn will hd11
~ fR€\TIG€ HOM€~
:cn1 W Coa111 ttw . NII
Sun ( l!M·n 1 loust•, 11 a :141
UVOWN t:H SAVt: S$:..
1:141 Suss\'X l.11
· nr l.111V\'f & M 11n111·r~
Nc·wirurt Hl!:wh tin1:ht &
dll..'\'rfUI l'U.'>lom dl••·11ral
1d Jt>r, 2hu lt;rn..t1 hnnw
l.oVl'ly . 1·11untry k1l, ram
rm w1ru11,1-d frpk M1'lt·r
hr .:..wl1· Ill ;11tJ wmi.: ha:. t"'''·Y sill mi.: rm. ofr l.i,:
v11l 11uhh•, ownt·r ownt"!
lot W (IU :.h & 111•:Jt
lr11lo;1·1i1! M1111 y ··••·11 mi.:
1·x1 ra:-.1 Owrwr f 111a1w1111:
urnil $1Jij,000 ""'r ·ll>lll ti ti r I 11 ~ W 1• t • k
714 li42 '.U'.L'>
11 l~·1lrm, on 1111· v. ,,,,.,
I ;1rl(1· tl1·1·k f11r t•11lt•rt;1111
1111: Elt•t'\n111w .-..ky h i,:ht
111 rrl:"l1•r '811I1· Ow1ll'r
14111 c·arrv 11a111•r SW.IMIO
lll.w11 Takt• ovc·r SHl 7 j>o·r
11111 11a vrn1·11t A11 1111w,
1·;1117M ~.J h7fi7 ... . '
SpuMiiu.' 3 Fir. 2' ;1,a 1·1111
1lc1 uvcrl11olun~ or1•an Ii.
nll'11d11w 1.vly frplt'. xlra
'>l!llfll"ll'r11111fmu 11lus 1m
rnut•ulal•· move• 111 1·•111tJ1
11110. 711 Svarkl111g •·om ~7'.~~;w .,r I he I 1ghh inumly 11001 & s pa ti41i 77
r~~l~ L:w.1 2 !--'!!!®.!.~!:!:• l[i~ _ jt;tdM ,;~~
• 6 75-59)0 • U/\l.UOI\ I' .. :NI N~lj l.1\ 11.1~ I' 1 ,I Ill\, 1'11\I H.l•m11delc<tl J Bii 2 ka
c•hl.rmcr. I hoUbc from __________ , oc't!an/mnt Ukr !lfi() ~~11111
..WLISTl .. G!
Jmmar ulall' :I hdrm .
fom1ly rrn c:urme l 1>11
terrd11· 1•11rn•·r lot ,
llartior V11·w lloml'11
Rt•1m for 1111111 SHZJ.r,l•J
(;all for app'l
Elat-.pllOf••I 4br. ~ha 011
WMte St to St lot, h •·11d1
dl:ion. a. bt•am 1·,·1l111i.1 ..
Uv'u out, hurd~ou1I fir,,
illfmlll UU, IK ~; P••tlll
u '•'•I Ii r 1 1· k ( r I' I t•
t 't1m11h•t,.I> r\'mod1•h•1I
y w n1•1 $<fUO ,OOiJ
Vl-t-. thut ·,, rii.:ht
•t:lel(llOl l':nl(h!>.h l'uch11
r11odomin1um:. 111 .111
ldclt.l ltM'll\IUtl
•Pnt'i.'(f from JIJO,IJIJU
•With 10'/. 1low11
-lt)' !. (Ill II 111 ' 1111(
Thu. n1ul•I l.11· your "II
111rtu;11ty to huy an 0111
stalllhn.I.! 2 hr .1111l 1lt•11 ur I
hr with 21 •• IJuth hu1111•
d uw t11ewrylh111~
S 1· 1· S H I': t' t-• I 1-: I. 11
1'1.1\C't; at Tu..,1111 l\v1· &
16th 111 Nt.:WIJllrt lk·:il'h
h y I' I\ t" 1-; S I': TT t: IC
(.lpl·n 1huly frurn I<! Oii tu
!. I., pn1 l!x1·1•11t Tuo·~"·•'
& W\1lr1t.'!'>tlaY
t:~<.;THl.U l-'l"S I.,.; ..rnr
' lot it hr. 2' >ha 11 r N II
T1•nri1" S w11n ("11111 .
11ho1.11>, :.ch I:. $1 h .:1•111
7M fM Klli7ur11-H :!'1<12
011cn ~al ·~1n I :,
~Iii\ Bel) I I.um" llrl11
llJghlaruJ:. ~"'11 11.1~1
0111!.lamlmi.: v11·w . pnl
1lc11·k By OWlll"r " 1111 :1
li;i $1 .20!1.IMMI. pnnt 111.ll..,
1.-ily ll75 2571
( 11.ltl\ll.Hldll"lg r u '>I m rt·
mod•·I rrim1.· 1·o r n1·r
loc·ation. skllf'> tn IM•at·h
•. l~lll
w w1·I har, m ;1,.!..I\ ,.
l1nt·k rrpk & lwa 111 1·1·1I ,
t-"r door:., 111m1· ~ 1111111111,,
d ,r an::i 011t:n:. )o lir11·k
pallu Un~I k1td1. all 1111
bl~ I nook Spur· ms tr
'>Ult1• W /bah'<IOY. 111·
f'Qfatt1rfa(jnc,/wall 1•ov
r ' 1: ·I\ a :. u m I 111111
$-t7!i.OOO. Hy 11w111·r
m~;m;.s Opt•n h11u111· Slln
I 5 ;,I{) Via l.11111 Soucl,
ly<>wMt' $12'.500 :1 hr 2 ba. LJ.! fam rm
Gn·ut lorallorl & ll1·1·or
Musl st.'C As11um1· hum
l'nn ooly' 64!i IOJ1
........ ¥11 HOfllt I
MONACO. sharp J lKI l
hu New plu.-.h n1•ulral
l"rpl.'I t:ntry & l~t· k11d1
w/Mcx llle l mm1•fl •11·•·
l.A}an at 10•. $1~;.:;oo
Ownr /l\.:t 117~> ~I~+ ur
A uotlrer
I :rn · on t hfl water. f'our
ht·tlrooms , lihrttry. musit
room . POOL & <:us tom
ktl«·h~·n suitable.: for this 6200
:-1q ua re foot m•1slt•rpicct:.
Jol!e Co=rh llty
-------------BRING OFFERS
,..our b t'Clroorm1 :J hc.iths plus l ar~l'
hullu~ room or gut•s l quarters . Top
l nl":it1on O w 11t•1' wants lo movt•
s 11!1,!H.10
Bernita Eilft"hett
__ _!111111 ___ _,. ___ ---
M~I :.l'll 11111 1.w .. k holll\'
111 E.a11lhl11rf I llr :!' ll.1
Flt, 111·w 1·1111. •111 nx 1~1·
lot l\'k111 c SlliH,111111
( :M'11t•r 1140 t;lllA
/\lrnoi .. I •w1·1111fnm1
I hou.•w frim1 1w1·Jn :!
hc1>.~"4.-:-from nv1·r J••ll \
lti•aul 1x·•··fll \ 11·14 I 1 u111
hut h :1 1111r 111 1111 t I '
t ·u11111I rt•111111frlt-1t! 111
'"'" 1\ hw.1111111 hk1• I h1-.
.-. f!Jn ·ly :1\ .111 1111 I•·•·
L111tl I ~11 ""' :11111!•1 h i
I 1111<• 11H•·ro·d s.rm :>4MI
:! Ur. i! ha. sphl ll·\ •·I , . .,,.
1!11 Orn• 111 lh••111· ... 1 1111\'
Ill Nl•Wp••f l l\1".I\ h
$10:1,1.1111.1011 f,.,. l;rnd
('h1•,q ll':o.I tl11pl•·~ Ill
N1•w1111rt 111·.wh "'' lt·~:.tl
"II>' II :! lul IA•l'.1l1•d Ill
11-1 l1l111•k llld1• , ... , .• ,..
°"11111• W h l" 11111 1111-..
l11t tltl 111· ·' 11·.il 1111111••\
111.1k1•r liH 1 ht· 1 q•hl
l~·n.1111 1\.-..klllj' ~1 711,IHMI
1·11 11 1'.11 S 1111111·I
1 M'!wr Ai...'l mr. 1;77~,
:1 fir + 2 II r 1111 h
$lf.IJll-l lk1v1• h)' •IXl~l
S.·a.,IKirt' iV 1-.1 II for a Jll •l
:1 llr :J Bi>. N Jll !-ti 11.r• • ..,
1111·1 l.111tl & lllilll \
1·11.,t111n f 1 .. 11 ur··~ CJ1w11 tw,u.'4· Sal ;1. :,, :i:~ 1·:i11.1 I
N11t stMin•:.. :.! Br I 111·11 111
nlU\'e m cr;nd. :i:u1 IO:Ulll
:-ii Open h<JllM .. Nln I :1
Minta Jonis
~ M.-iM ••atty ·~ .~.. 642-1150
:HXI St1 l''l 1 :, ll•lrrn ...
~·,; buthS", :1 l'Ur l!!.lf
l.ot·ah:d "" 1·ul tit· ,,;i,
Wllh Vll"WI> Of j,!lllf l'llUrl••'
& mtns f or pn val•·
s howmi.: or lh11' li:.trn1·
l~tUlal't Ihm U1hl"
'7S-2l I I
tWwport r.,.inwta
l'nd1·r 1·11n !.l 1111'l 11111 ,
walk 111 lh.· 11n•a11 ' • l1lk
:J ftr :i lil1 wl'I 1,.11 ""' •1
I KlHI :..•1 It I ';i II 11 l<r
ti7!"> f1l~I
I 'ha. .... • 111 Sonwr:.t•l w 1l h
V1l·w ~. ttdrm. f.1mily
1 m. :1 h ath 2:.111 '"'''
Wh1I h\ l'fW•· n·chw••d '"
l(noM ,,..rfiH
752-2138 644-2542
N1•w1111rt Slcuri·-. h111111·
5.12 ,1101111 Wll "I 0 I'
~1Ulnu1 t>lli K77'.!
•1 lklrm. fa m rni l1.1r l111r
V11·w II :-.lt·W 1·111 I!
lll•aul ' 1pu1·1 'ln·1•t nr
11urk .,, hi. '""11 :-.111 • .1~"'
1;10 1 1111
Wt:STC l.l l'"F .111 ,1 11•
•lun-tl S11.1rp I 111 . :••
11,1 Sl~1!l.~.CMI I\) • "' 11•·1
( IJ11·11 S:cl Surr I:: :111 1•1
I :11 1:1M l)f1H•r I Ir
:1 llr :! IS.1 lllul h 1· .. 111111, I
lvl. 10.11. 11r .. t11111J11111:
1t·nn1:.. w lu111b ~I :t."1.lllHI
f1r111 l'1111 1111ly 1;1:1 llH I'.!
Sf•;'t,wula r on•a 11 \ ""'°'·
l h lf, :!ha 'l)~n .1 -.t v
l'la11 '"'a"' .. j.1 '"" ll v
owncr1ai.:cnl 7:.!J 1111r.1
11111r ... iahr. Z'·~li;1. f,1m ~
fl1>k. 11111 ~<•flh·n 11.11111
allot V1:..ta fld Oro, N II
li41 11!.7 $129.~.00
Nlult 1·11111111. :i. 1kn & l
l~1tJ1, '1 yr:. llhl $1114!,UOU.
l\l{l"lll, ii7f1-llli71i
Sl.t:t-:l'COOL ~AFI':
IA·av\• 1.1ll 1l1111r)'. /t.i wndws
I ll'f';N twh111cl 11n111m1•n·
lal Iron i;:nlb ll11{h 11n a
lull w 1C:a~;rl11111 Vll'W, :1
llr :1 Ha & 111·11. 1 ... 1wl"o.,I
))nt'i-cl vww 1111111 in Npt
UY OWNt-:ll
Opn1 Sul 1So11 I :1
: • .-. llolrnw•""'
G4!i ~17
~n H . Sull\•r Sorrwr!lcl
:ribr. Jtlo . 3 (:Jlf i.:11r1<. ne w
i1a1nt '" & out. 1•r11r
lndl\e11d & 1krnr X Int 11!1·
sum. loftn. 1!)7!1 l'orl
3 hdrms, 2 ha f(ar1l1·n
k1lehcn w /calllll! spa<'e &
pcrlt..><.'l view of t•ve s un
:.4..111 Uw·rudcd floor~ &
t•rµl. WoVl.'fl wood drpei Ci
1•unopy · l'rl'llY no wurat
)'ltrd Spotlci.11 .. tlohhy
C;aruMe'' w /hllan11 &
briahl hh'i. I plans for
un xtra rm <.:omc & :.t•t•
$1 !i!l,UOO Op1•n Evu11
750 l:iCJI
ltcal f.~luh'
C h e l stu H4'1 "'""· 644·T151 Owner /l\Mcnl
Att.mhon Hw ldf'rl! •
l.ol for i;ult in prime beach location. l'luns m
cld . rt"urly for llUl kllng
penrul W be ohl a 1 r>l'<I
For dcta1~ c,.11 t:llfol
I klfr. S'7).500'J
Geor11cCh1trlN1 Hc•11lty ....... ~-~ .uc• to $94.500
lO'k dO'#n •
Woodlllream Condo
38r .+'den ll must 11ct! 1
3e& U"lvenily Dr
al Irvine Blvd CM
II a r bor View ho m l·. it
HK. 3 b1t. fam rm, JllC.,
(nlry rrench door11 & win dow!J, totally cu.iJlm. 2tMl
Port Orisl<'I. 644·5005,
IWdui·ed to $110.000
672·2238 .._.. __ __
W11nted . tla rbor V1l·w
lUncfi. \;armcl model.
foe l11nd Call ~Q.j()71J Al}. ' . -----
tuve .80riM.-t.tunl( lo Kell?
Clauined ads do 1t we ll
llC CANYON . -
Specti.cular golf e1>une estate,"
nearing completion. 6600 aq.n .. 4 to
6 Bdrms . 5'.Al baths., Po·ol and
#6C ... Y-.U " , .... ..
111 STAii£$· CO.
You fir~ nJrdfoll )' im1ilf'd fo J1rt'11irw tJ,;,
l ,itlo /.,/and t•xrlti.,iiw! A di,1iurli1w lw11u· l/urt
•. t.Jf/t'I".\ tltt> l(otHI tlti"K~ ;,, lift•:
A unique CtJmbinatiou of
complete with J1icr mid JliJ>ldo<'k !
· ll:OOa.rri. -4:00p.m.
6'4 .Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach
Ntru>fJorf Beaclt Of/ice
2041 Wnldll/ ()riw, Nt'w/1<Jrl
(114) 6'11·1711 • (71'1) Hll·IJ'lU
W.1lk1:1 l: lt!I:
H1·.1I I ·.1.1lf.
I / I , . it: ... . ---"" .( ·~
New duplu. walk lo
be.ch. SlH,500. New
tran•fernbl t' 11 v.'lt
klM .. c Ev._,., call 76'M817 >
MAI.TY 719 ... 11
f'n.11 'I tlt<hts Condo
~. 2ha, 185.000.
4112·3072 ......
~ ...... 1071 •••••••••••••••••••••••
U1•1it dt:al m town• 2 llr I
ba condo S~9 .~00
~UTT or 4U2 9"1il
2 Story 4Hr & JHr Many
:.nwnille1> itOO K:l3~ ur
K31 2fi0<.l Wt"•l <"•1ost
Cornpaninn Crypt, lower
~('Tfll' vnw .
L a .cun1ta" C l
M11u1coleum. $2 101)
.... ,...,....., 1000 ................. ~·····
EM11lllide Triplex neur
Newport Heights . All
large 2 Bdrm unit& in
xJ.nt cond. Near shopping
and <'ltY park. Loon 111 as·
!l um .. t>l e . A s k1111(
Sl47~.Call540-ll~l .
1"•1' Suh· Uy Owrll"r. ithr,
2ha, fn11t-. h! 1,111·k ytl. :! ----------
i dlclK.-e 1>1Wl> A .. K. J,ot
M2 &y View l't•rrac\'.
Pac1fll.: V1t:w Mf'monal
I' u r k • N p l H 1· h .
714 f.16.5.1641
:1 Hr 11,<, Ro. ownfl"'i. unrt
wrth I Hr I Ha r1.'fllal un·
ll SJlllJ,W()
1111110~. \ H"W , 1'111'1' l11
1,.-11 W .ilk 111 -.d1I
S!IK,!1:111 i\!I'• 11t:1ll 1ly,,,
1!13 :Jl.t7 ....... "
Mt,. .. 1 "''" 1h1 i. 111·wlv
111111it1o1I r.1tlf'h ... 1yl1• hun11•
WI I h :t h t• cl I 11 U m ' .
(111,ilan', 1•11 n11l1ll1111:.
MC >M 1.,..,1111• k1ll'l1t•n with
1ww 1l1>.hwa ,l11•1 .1 n•I
1111111 111'> l:Jlor•· c :.1r.1J.!•·
111n·nl·r 1':01 '" W11n'1
l;.L'>t. ··1111 :>Ml 17~1
-· s..llh LOIJIMCI I 016 •••••••••••••••••••••••
J..1r1e-· r1·111111l1•l••il ~ ..
f.,q~ U II a 1111 lllO' W t I h
rnai.:ru lw•·nl 111 .. ;111 VH'"'
In l'.1lui. V1·rd1·-. I l1lk t••
111 1\.11•· h .. ;wh M11,1 .,,.c-•
$:!:!: •• 11011 {" .111 1.1 ... t 1111:
1\~l'rtl 7 H 11!1 71:11 •11
7M1:i.&I ~JJ
New hom t•K, pvt. rom
muruly. 3 IX'a<'ht·:-. :IA hr
M'l:unty. sub k:ttmi.: ()K
.. ·rom $29,900 n 14 )
u·nlrally l<>l'alt-d ( 1.rani.:1·
Cr1unl y Pk 2 0x ~>4
l'rCSll~l'. 1900 w 1:.t!1d1•d
~rm (;1111d t'Pl~. drpi..
:!Br. dt>n. :.unk•·n hv rm.
2Ha Owru·r l1·a v 1111•
'laW l'nn-d (•I '>l"fl ra1'1
;it S!J~ 1,'i4''36,!)X I
·n INt·T'fand, 440 ""g ;w
tu11I ~·. :ri1•1 m1 I A1.11k 1J.
'11 up m Jlarlt nr fw;wh
Sl!l,7:11 valuo •. S:w nlll'•·
,,,, $1J.7filJ t;itli !#172 t•\f• ....
1:1111to-n w •. ,1 '.!'1)(1;11 .:
l"trm l ha fa rn rrn
c '1«'\l.um t1"1 "'"'"' rl1·1 k r,•l'ar~ S;1n Juan 1'.11.1
1!.1!; KJ.:rl
Cw rcW
.... rty 1600 .......................
<.: M Comm~·rr1ul hid!:.
SWI' l)f offll"l' l:lfj() Ml (t
Hear pri( '>! Sllti.0011 KM
W. 1!11.h ~ nr l'lun•nha
·Allan W1piam:;, Uk r .
NI' I.~ C I hit. i! un1t'I on
.«Jld rfrwpQrl· Il l vet
Sl:lH, \#JO fWi 17 5 7
' COMM'l 11.:DG.
l'"or stlir•· or .oHin· I ~1;0
!'Ill rt l~1·ar p:1rk111~ Kl 1
W l!Jth St c:i,,..ta M1• .. u
Nr . t•laccnt1a . S!Jli.HIJU
v. l 1· r m -. f) I I .1 11
W1lllu1n. ... t<ll r
770.1210 ··.
Ofttf SAT /SU .. 1.5·
606 E.. CHArMAH.
NQl}A't'rwy lo C'ha11m.1 i1
M•Ht. Opport.
__ _._€.\JIG€
m1w CoasUlwy , NU
64M646 .
w /i'xtra hldi.:. ti 11>.500
·C )w1wr will c·arry I Kl al
111•;!. subm1l on down .
__...~€HICE ----~HOME:\
:n13W f'.o:i:.l llwy. ~B
'4S-6'4' '
1 UHfTS-C.M.
lkaul n,•w hu1 ldU1 ~
f')n vl:it·1-:-. xlnl l111·at11111
1~.lnvml'> 1'12 11103
6 Unih + Pool . ·
All :! ilr un11..-. .... mw
w frpk '· good ( ''"' ,, M1 ~.1 :rrroa o~·Tlt'r ~111
.. arry with. S7!".,l•Jo 1l11wn
t-ull 11nh· ~·~·J01
_..,..__._ ~ HOME\
:crow c ·1,;ist 1 lwy : NII
~•eel\ lOll t:L TIJ lttJ I' AM 11. Y
••••••••••••••••••••••• l'AHI\ :1ur. :111a 1 1,.,.,u,
lr1t1•n ·:..l111i,:· .Jltll .1111111w·
1111is•·rtv •111 Mam 1'ln•1•1
In I .lr11ngL.. "T urn of I i•n
turv ' Vwt11n,on 11<11111·,
hu+(1• r11•1I. l•·nru' 1· .. urt.
th1·fa~·Utll' hath ~IU:..•'.
,. I II • I " " •I ' ,, ' i:rn11n•l., l.1•1 y1111r 11n FOUR UHITS-C.M.
RENT FOR S.UMME:I? r Ill s:1 :1 '"'II (" .• 11 ""' 111 ·r a i...'l . ;.:,:1 .:, 11;1
;ci.:1111111',111 lak•• •1v"r
i\v;11lahlc· f•JI lo·nn1" 111
:.tr1•·tJ1r, .11 11-11 .1v111lat.1 ..
f•tr lo·;~..,, $.!!•l,1.01 I 011 ll
l\.1rt1ar,1 flumpllr•·~' "'
K;1n•11 Kno .. ·lu· · ·
fl.1·ar '"'"". :1 llr uv. Tll'P1
Ullll. ? h;r, frpl. :! 1·;,r
1\:01' • :11.i Ur. l ha u111 h r-: .. :v l':H N1tt "'11 .. 11 \1111
1"1111 vw11'lhi.. lw:111td11I
:111r. i!lt:i I ·1111110 • .• hlk l•I
•• i·.1n l-1·11l11n •)>. "'"' 1,,,,.
111111·1111\. fl pit • •1111 1•.11
'111111111 )Hll l1·r111' I IWI
1090 .......•..•.•.........•
I lr·v1•I fomrlY· humt• •111
l11ri.:c· 11.t Ma11y 1•x1r11:-. I
Vl'lll':.. lll'W IJINIWr ,,1yl<
··s 1·:1.1.1T• '
Mn:. I u111•1 u1· h111r11· 111
·n~1 111 :1 IM·1lro11m, :!1 ,
l~1lh. f;1mlly m•1m , hug•·
(1ir1rw1I 111111111>: r1N1"1 w1lh
I hn·11l:in·i. I\ 1·ostorn
h111lt ,1rl1)!1,. hu1111• 1111 1 •
:ll"fl' Won '1 I a:-t :ot
Sl:IJ,!110 t 'ull ~ .. IO :JCilili
:• u 11 r m . I "'1 .. II I h
flre1)IUl'l' 70 x IOU' 1111
Call Hrun• t11 :w1·.
75fl tl222 d yi;. I' V1•1>
r._r.:i 111W1
' °""" ......... •••••••••••••••••••••••
1100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
l.qw p urk n •nt. IU7 6
U!ltlr dhl w1<k. m-w t•11t:...
1· "r n ,. r Io l , Ii h u r p '
IA HllllKI ..._...._Stor.
lM8 118!1S
Anx.k>uil owner m Wll M'll
now . Z·h.S2 lhltcrcs l .
1970. w 11tx20 1•nclo1wd
potth. ~ Sl1ir Anaheim
J•t.-t f'ark. Kedl.l<'ed to
S!G.lm. Make offer lu· duy : IJ8ff37.77). ........... ~
H6-4500 .. ,..,"'
I Br/den/lf!e <'llbttn11.
P•tlo, frplc. 2 levcl11.
opM bu m11. new c·rpt,
bltnl, xlnl kx' Mu11l •tll .
Price redu. lO tu.0001 "r tn-190. -
Trade )'OW' old sttlf for
new auodhix w llh •
Oalllfted .t. 142·5811
'" M a J••,.111· M """'" ll1111w 1111'1!1 1·l•·nt1 , TSl.lnv,.tm1,.1;.1i 11~1:r
Wisbwy •~otty 1 l Unib + Pool
RARE AND! · 673-6900 11\ll l llr unu .... 1 ;,,.,,, ,,,., •••
:11.~I C' M :.1>1 1:1;,7
I\.~ l°IOh;. u:.. JIO!<l>llJh• tu 1----------C M'Jll•r will c arry .11 :I',
lh•· li1•ul·h. won't l.1~1 • w fi1J' • l111wn l"ull ''""''
SIK.000 t'all Th11rnlt1n Al•flOIJ AllA Ut't,(AIU
tt.•ullylf.JI 1>:11JJ l'alm ~1Jf111 i,:,., t11 lw
Hea:..of1ahl1· rt•lll '"'' k
Jlandy lo :.huii> & 1,u. ...
hn1-:-f.:11 •l!il7
A PIE:HIGt '-l--I HOME:\
:«t:JWC•1:i-.t llwy. NH
.. 64§..664'
I.ult. no·~ 0Hw1• n1r1111h·~
:.&dJaC'1•11l l•I Ill'"' Ill
1111 :.. l fl :1 I 1·.fl m ll I 1• x
SJ:)O,QQO Will han•ll•·
down paym1·11t !1' ".
lt.'tun1 •in ru'h 111v •. ,1,;I
t-'nr 1nlurm.1t 111n 1.ill
f1 11n V t-r.1 11kl111 .
(Jl<lt•r ln pix un 11111 11;1 i.:rl
I ax .. hie r $l7~1.•H1u 1111·c
t-:nJoy guri.:,·oui. •Jl'l·lin
M.inWL'o from lw:1u1lrully
u111(r:.dt.<d 2 Udrm 2 lmth
m111Jilt-horn•· 1n pr•·
!\lll(lllU.' t:I Murr•J >fi;iy.
Mal'ly t•xlrai:. mdU'lt' t•1ov
1•rtod rndw1,11,11I 1l1~t·k . clhl
r·arpurt 111111 :.t•1rai:•·
shtd ~.OOJ
don osen
,.,, t•, ...
4<11 GU :NNt:Yltt:
w1 .. •k1!nikr "' Trc·usUfl'
l!.lund Adult l'ar k m S
l .ai.:un J S ml trlr
w 11· a h <o n ,, , S 3 O O O • om :n2!1
ll11ulil1• w1df' 2 hr. I h;1.
JI \' l b l' a C h I' S . 2
l'lubhou:..cs. SJti.0011
t)Wn4•r /l\J..'l ti73·41111
2tir. Jim m 5 sir star mlult
K park '6 C tiamp111n
t(.l'Jtl\!.r 1"11.1 7101
COltdOMi11hHftS /T OWfl·
...... for,. 1700 .. -•••••••••••••••••••••••
Kona. llaw:111 t "11nll11
:.all~ & vf11·at1t.111 ri·J1l.1h
Harl lt1•a ll y , 7 ~• :11>+i'.1
Ku11kin1 tlw y , I\ .1111111
K 11 n a . II 1 !I Ii 7 ·I 0
11lll)l22 :JiliM
O.Cor.tor tiilodel
2 hedroom, 1 •., im . Aclult
1•ommun1t y t11·1·.111 a
South. ()1•1· .. 11:-111•·
t" urn 1' ho· 11 u r u n
funu:..ho-d l'hun" f11r J I'
JHll n I 1111· II t I 11 :-. 1• 1•
171111 ·ll:I 44<!2, 1\i.:1
l .... 21oth
t'rpk,dhl ~:irn~1·
« Wfo:N Silt /Son 2 :,
311 Al.TA I.AN t:
c in 25()() blOl•k Sao I :i l\n:c
l\V\" ' $14!1,SOCI. 11ffrr
Ho h1r1 1111n . ll r11k1·r ,
;14>1 !iti47
011/ll /ai...1 )j,10 llf1!1 . •
"l!Jil l':l411·n 1\v1'. r M .
Oh :lllr home'. tile• r•~1(
iU.;o ~ l ltr n·ntab Tu ""l'
1·all !rl!J ~,i~r.1
llv ••wm•r Uana i•11rn1
l'ruk or t)wm•r!..lll!) 1
1>11•11 S,!:1.'1.llCJO c·adi on up •
'" 1'. •. 0110 :..11 rt luh. (Nlrwr will· fln11n1•1· on
mnlr:111 w1\h rn1111murn
f7H.llUCI liown. Will u1·
1•umm•MJ:ttt• e111•h a nJ(•· :mt I t;hcllan1 Way. /\pf
II. U I'. it!Hl· ICJlf7 or
.n ; :.:.!7!»
ll«IMt-: + I N('OMt·:
llr1tncl rww lknl'-,JI 1·ur
n'fll markt•I :1 hr homo•
• I nplt•JI 111 n ·ar l.:iri..:•·
um\.-. l'nn only :17:1 .i:r.i,
•rf 7:11 !11147, a"k fu r T,•11
75~1 W1·~l 20th. l"1t,.I:•
Mc•:. a . I n " 1 ti l · r 1• •
(urlNSOOd. Orl W71t Will
:.how J)(1t11llvt• t·ash flolli
N.,'\ !n5-~tr.
12x60 $21,500. CM
15"! 0750, ?:JI ~
.. ~.~ ...... !~~~ ... -------... -
2 V1:11r old, 1 Uc1lr<Mm1 ,
lull sk1rt.1ni.:. ;rwnml( and
sti.~s. $14.!Y.iO t:>Jl ·3474
Aa-eep for We I ZOO •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sl>.W>cash. Raw Npt'l'
673-22119 ---.
Bari• Time!.
MESI\ Hlll'l.t:X
SJl4,~, 2 Uf('s, (plC'K.
nc..-wly pa111t1-d, .:aru~e:t.
laundry room
SAN c,1.t:M t:NTF. Dl'LX
SJJ6,000. ()('tan Vie w
3 HR's .+ i Pit
pndtJ of OWft'lf'Shfp
C.M. TlllPLIX nos•· to s ho9p1ng.
·sd1oolt1, t:r1·. l>nv'' b y l!i'i
Z!n<t St. <.:M. SlS'J.500. Uy
S46-tSZI ... terllt•
00 view acres with sur
fare water. Geolle, roll
In,( '1 n.t. $tSO per at'r('
Sl>.W> •;qwty. PIWJ as
sume balanc·c Wiii
trade. Private· rarly.
303 /7 95 ·8143 o r
F.itKt Collt11 M t.>s a II ghl t>
l)Upifx 2br. lt>a. encl
Mar. Pvt yd /patio ca .
Nt•wly dcr Sl25,000
6'4·9516by appl. MF:SA t'OllRl'U:X .. ______ _._
Sls..'>.lnl! " Unit.-.; rmit•· cJ ownen1h1p • Nt•w 1111ln1. IO'Y.IM1'81ST
RETREAT 45 11Cret1, 40
m inutes rro m SJ C .
Cleveland Nal. t'ore11t.
lXf Orte11a Hwy . Only $17~.000. Owne r will ftnance with 2.'>1~ dow".
Xlnl group lnvCfllmtlf'lt.
Oou J ones R••alty,
492-4412 .. 492 1168.
Anyt.lmt>. ..... '"" lACllS
ri t•w roo f l'ror
lands<'UJX,'<l N\•W l\lllVCli
& refrli.:'s all un1til!
Sprinkler :1y11lem , lob!
Don't miss ltM'lll' invt•ict
mcnt bt&rJ(111nli, call now .
7:12-1700 ()I,,,'" f;. I ',.,,, t,"' ., I'
New 3 bedrootn home" + apt. SlorULt;oMtr.
fMM414 or 49'H391 Top local.Ion In llMUo. All
utlllllea av.II Price NftDbl)pb.32268road
SlU .000. Owner St. NB. 2+-d e n ,
714·•11•. ~· fpla. Owner
l2 Mnil·.,,&OO-potentl11l ---· ---...--
lnduatrial aonln1. Will DUPLEX. nNda TLC. 2. 2
aell or take pa rtncr. BR I e. unit•. 11112.500.
-~•t.-e. .... .••
AMAMCIMG ~I \o the ownef''i.
dllta, ~' 14 units show
• spendab&e. Enck>tiud
.caraae•. P•lntcct ·lasl
year 6 hu balconies .
~•pool for happy
l4!nanla thla s umme r :
Owner will ftnanru at
10% lnt«L'At.
SE RVE . S MALL ·~H TO CARK •T mWon ln cloMd e11crow11
llllCl year. We h11ve a few
()IM!nln•s on OW' ol.-11
lltalf for a proleuional
t'«llftlkted to lnvetlmenl ... --..711·••·
-~ -... ------... ...... ~ ~ -.. ----.....-..-----..------______ .... __ ---... . . .... ___ ..... ___ .....,....,.....,.
I • ~ • . . . .. .. .. -........... '*-"•·-••• ~......... ,..._.,u..._..IMd *······················ ······················· ............................................. .
( ................ J OOO .._ P,..,ty .2000 ._ .. ... . ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• W..ted JtOO
10,.. "t:Jt , .......
'l'ttll'l.KX •••••••••••••••••••••u eDe-to Oi't'ln SJM,000 Phvllt'I 1•1111y 1un111 111
Bkr -~ ~ ~ from owner
llftwt duplex, 3 ttR. 3 hu
+ 2 BR. :t t111 317
tarkipur Cd M th
a1.qJl . U6U ,000
()wnr al(l 8trr l'llOJ'CI II
UU.l SU 41110, 731 05~~
"/!:Macnab -lrvma
ONT .. IA.Y ! .
t'1x UJI 0 t( lhv1•
SI0,000. du._rn 49H 3Z)4 ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ,.,. ...
••••••••••••••••••••••• .......... ' 1106 •••••••••••••••••••••••
WINTt:H Av111I S1•r11
U&h.-AU~~ I~ ~ 2bll, frplt'. 'IUJlttlJl1·
for lt•IH'h1•ra. $fo:,Ornt1
Zl3 I Wllf
1l1a111111u.i tunr h01111· 4!111
<lli<• rr iolt IJ\ I jJUllll. udl~ Yrly •JOu ltn 1~011
..... , ........... 31 07 ..••.•.•.••..•.•.......
S l'i\('fl Jt '-. IM't•,J11l11111l I
111 i! hJ • 11111111 Cur 11
huc111· "'I'" \\ ''"h ll 1 v 1i...h--.h1 }. t ,11 l(JI 1111
, ... , >IJ!IU lllU ) I I \
.n 1u I ~-·111 111 ..ir • ., .. c,.1 nt
MI 11.'IK'
c.. ...... •••••••••••••••••••••••
4!1Jr lbl&, Nu J14ibl. Sm
child OK. ~ l!Ht! /\
Meyt'r !f.~ __
llr, w11ll lo w11ll "J>t.11. 1am '°"'\I ytl mo m11 '71~13'9~)
I bdrm hou1e
f1n-vhl(•c Smtrlc:11
s:l~O ·rno Utll:i
7!11 17 Ill
w Ith
1111.'1 .
J Hr 5p;arkllnl( l'll·,1n
hit 11Ht ~ 1-'C I l'l':rs. 6.11 ~111
~ Vvroo lbr. 21J:a, fam
rm 2 tr11ki. ~IS mv No
111'1 ... !itl!i 5004 ----
••••••••••••••••••••••• l144
Tb.a 1.4&u,a. l u• Uv1n6' wl•ll amenlllH. Up·
.a-i.dcd 2 OH. ~ mo
Woodbndge char mini 3br
home-. tlln rm. lam rm
ltian111 Ir pool. 1600.
416.J&.'ll ot 494-0747
ltrand now twnhse n r
Qilvc•r tit SMndberg, next
to U!Mls, golf. pool It
llihoppina, 2Br, 2tt... 11t· 'acfwid ju, mlrf'6WiYif.'
compactor . cpts /drps.
t.'fW.l urut w/patlo i\v:.ill
unmed. MOO be. wt r &
l.lllW(' dUC8 pd. l · ~ l86ot
dys, 6:f7 -1061 eves.
tllr, ~11.i. film rrn, 1·q it:. rf il'l"'· 1~1 fm·<l y1I ClOtl•• l•1 l>cc' tel<! townhom1'. 2 .., hl.t. WiO 100 tA.2 il717 Ult. 2'"t ba. $t75 mo t\l(l.
~1!10 M11 3 111 . 2 11,1
1'htllfr1•11 uk Nu 111·h
\ ll""' to 'l tl1•1I, :...ix 'IH1!1
...,.,1 1111 ~:.o c·1 vt....
tlr.1111· .. \,1nl, t'o1rport N11
ll11..:-. 1\dulli. W:th:r IV
d1~'t 1•1 ht & IJ~t Sll~I
........ •1.-t• ~-
'•'W :llol l'IHIJV S'>~ 1ll11
I i.1 u It I•• ,,: .1 r ,, I(... &
ftrt•JJIJ1·1· &Iii :!1 12
3 llr w/krn1t'it7.c rn:.tr
b/Jnn & hath w tltoma n
t1ib, l~w fami ly rm
wlfrpk, eloM' \o rom·
pkic 1thopp111g area. ~50
rrw.a C:ill ll33-H1&2
Woudbrtd c V11tai::.1~r. :!
BR 112 Ha, xlr1t 1:ond
Pool & tcnms. no f>l'L" ~ m o Asi.oc• dot.'!. pd
Avail July I~. -t!H·4M~
NO l'J::J<:! Apt. Mi Colld4>
rent•l11. Vllllt ltental~
87$-4912 Bil r
t:AS'f tiLU ... l"S·JBr 2Ua.
2 puh08. 2l, car gar.
wshr/dryr, rehig, t650
mo. <213> 1111Ht021
*"25. 4br. 2b•. t'cnc~d.
___ l-844HSIO
s.lllAM lZIO
~ 3 Br 2 ea. (rplc. front 2 Br townhouff. new. tta ~. SO of hwy, uv11il Ba. (rplc. skyllt.e, dinln~
lmmed. IL'IO. lBt & lait + area. encl. patio. 1 car
Sl.50 cleaning dep, 414 gar. lob more. M50 mo.
VahJia . AduJt.s. no pets. llG-2568/MS-7021
••••••••••••••••••••u • ti7~l43'7. S73-39'17 TRIPllEX. xlnt location
....., e .... Slip 38r. 2llia. 2 sty Twnh.'ill, 2 bdnn. l bll. New paint, N cw l Y d c c or 1.tt c d
Udo b le. Glamorous"" frplc. A<.:. Nr So. C:it carpct11. drapei;, rloor-w/beaut. quie\ groundi;.
ec. Bayfront condo with l'laia. $40-t mo. 12131 inJ(, p:.atlo, frr11pl11Cc, Owner'• laruc 2 br. ~of room. vi<" .. and lf,563..~ c ;arport. $475. <..:u ll Be am c t' 1 11 n g b ~. Sl1p ;iv:i~a-.+-===zv.2Brh<>u.!.e,ncat$0. ~-. ----ttmrnlnfilt 7tiui(I·
ble. Purn or unfurn. Coast Pl aza Ca l l 2 ltdrms. I'· b'-"k~.' lo nreplace. PvtpatlO,dou $1950/mo 751~>7 • ""' " hie encl J(nral(e. Gas & > ~ut•h & 111.tll't.~. p.c, In· water pd. Wanted lm n\lh'
htfect LoccrtfOft
Balbo;a Penlnriula on
Miramar . l block to bay
oroc·e1t11 4 Udrm, 2 l>alh,
C! story Available 7 fl'/.
R>Olmo .
W11l1U•ott.r 3291 dt.IJm" purt1:.il uul couple. No children or
3 or 4 br. l'ncw from
~ lO ~ ,..nc.:d yard &
Stt.dlo. Knotty pim· In·
Mior 11"1 blks lo heh.
SZ7!'1 incl ut ii .
ll ii r ti g 1• !> ,.. ii m I 11 c,, -4!H·J:j24
plea:.c., k 1d i; & pets 2 tx1rm. rireplace, i.:ar:ii.:t•, wekome <..:ctll 91;.t-25f.6 ur J!;JlJO, curpcts & dra!Jt.'!..
97J..29'71 J\~. no fl!<· rH'HWt
Wllh pool, llt bCl'Ur1\y C .. 41.aiUIM eo.to Mff4I 3124 hwldtn~ 2 Ur, :! l1:r ~.e..d 3425 •••••••••••••••••••••••
ll'iOlrno. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M .. :SA Vl':RDF; homc.at-
"-'"11 ttt Ito~ I
llllMI-. hie.
b II 1'1111 J
S..IWfCmtyOft mos pht:_rc 2~3 hr IJJx F.W~ant cxt•t conclo. CM ajA.'I, no p~:ts. 54f.-IO.'W
pt.'tS. ~. 586-11963 .
l:-~11.dc quacl 2 hr I Im,
patio. l ndry . ·uuri
biJ..3600; fi4~·lt090
3br. Fl•ba with llrl\
palJo. '""~ airy room' No Pt>I s $4011 2~ I ~'
Oranl(t'. /\pt B Open ror
ln.'IJ>(;'('l1on this Sut. JU :J nr ea II flit r, · !JtHifi o r
C!l.31314-a.99 for-ttpfal.
I..:•· du11lo•\ lii·u• hi r••1tl
liJl llJ\'l'fll\ 111~1 "I II t ~ '"I h11)' \ h'W .11 ....
\.'l11n~ ~7!1 :,()11 I I 111 I
\llfl>l-,, t•C! lilJ.'> t:-. :11 I
•l\:l':Wl'f llfl 111.tfl>.•
tftr :111.1 • fr111t• .. Ju ... 1 111
1111: l•cllhllru..'h i\111111'
'1111 l't•t., 4:.MJ llt·<ll:1111L
'll ~I 'ti~ •n :1 '/TH
.I Ill , I h,1 . :: 1·a r g 11ra).!1'. t-: .,rrtl' C nttwr ltl'fi.
'S.lKi !>Ill 31 :i:i
t}JS itllr. 31Ja · Ad:i m:. 4 Ur, 3 ba II luff, t•1md11 M~ 10 Woodbrn.lgc ". ~aut.trut cond. 111· IJO'•I
;1 lll< ;i Ha. nr 11t·1.:;rn
Comm pool. Ja<'. l1·11n1s
No flH-' 571-1 mo l:w pro·
,,, !11.11 1234 1tyi.. 9112 Jfil~
l'M'!> ---
l..in.'l'. t.2&.:l bd i.:urd1.:n
a11Lo; Adults o .. hwhr.
tiltn..,, t.•1w l i.:ar. i.:a!> hlX1 l'IJOI t;:is rd 778 S(•ott
l'I. 6'\2·51Y7J, li4~ Jlil I
H.:•autrful i.:ardcn ._ipt..-.
1J011I & !>JJ:J ,\dull!>. ""
tlil t-: IRlh Stri-t·t
til2·~i Rig bc1tt•h 7 l 11111 \iw kl
mg, ~km~ ~.OJll
Otc:anfronl AµI , llol• I,
Stort~:. N pt. Jk" ,. h
Owrwr 1·11rry $"1!1 • .,1100
I 'h 67~ 28.'i..')
ltdunjl f•1r hurnt· + rn
t•Jrlll'" 2 lu,dy IHri-:1· 1:!00
!>Q ft upt w 1fullv ••111•1•1
k1tdlCn, frplc & --...i 1,,.,
ltanc ho (;a Murr ... 1.1
art•a Start )Uur f!,.;,i t: !>I at c I n \ •. !> I Ill f' II I
vurtfoho & h l.!l'lllTI\' ,,
lundJord. T~rnfw IJuy .11
only $49.500 t•a on .. a~y
14.'rm.c, Ownt·r wtll "<.trry
~ &.o he ranl'h proptort y in
Hanch11. t:ti r ~ a~ ~.ouu
rlwn Ell F1 ..,h /\~I .
••l·UHITS• •
2 Jt>r. 211a, I lw1·h On••
hlJUSc oH ttw wah'r
~· M1k1'. 213 ;,i•1 ~.llJ!J
t'Vl'!l 213 141:,.~o4IJK
S.'~I Ol•I
l\l lti X ~r1~. :r
111 l.J1.Wnu tw·:i• h
'""'"'' ,\g t•11l ~!J.1 :·~11;
l.Jr~c & 1<1i0111~
:J & 4 tx.-drooms ca
Owner ITIOl'it CJnXIOU!>
S&ibm1t an offer
7:ti IR-t'l.,or ~ :~:cl
Windjammer t•ru1N·rtw..,
•6 UHfTS It.a HI •
All 2hr. 111;£/ll'ar i.:ar Cid
llll'Oml.'. l0t•at1110 :Wllt·r
wi ll f1n;mr1· w "LO'' ,tJIJWll
or rn11 y lradt· for S '>
Mile,. ( HliO 4MO
Twet. ...... u s ·o..o.,e..
l'ntle of ownersh1v u n 11 i..
n 1• J r II u n t 1 n g I 11 n
llarhour. Two 4 plt·Xl''
arc 4J6() l><f ft. kn a l :IHX.'i
... q rt. "" un1l!. have
ftreplMccs & :.h;1kt• roor
Hu~ ont! or ;1 II U u.1 h I\' r in
~of niLo;m g pnr1
at Uus llmC', but mnk1• 11n
offer. Uuildcr hni. rn
1l1eatcrt he w rit t :1k1·
~per bu~k . t·xrhung1• <Jr
whatt..vcr. Thti. 1~ ;1 <>11r1il
+ 1·2 LOT!
tt ... 1t ...... 1111 Sl1'l ~1· l>..rl
11111 .. _,,.!>.uh-I·,,,.,,, \1, .. ,,,
:t 1111 1111 11·11• 1·tl 1111 ( lljl
11rfl.\ ~IJA I •1111 I .ti II I
!'.I'll Wt' H' k 1• rt 11 I:! K.!J :,
2200 ...•...........•.......
l\f'l'ltOX 4~.101' 11.trhor
Blvd :!1•1 front :t).:I', 111 L._i
I whra, 1·.111 ~n:I rio(~J
1 Lo;t t1m .. 11H«ri·1l 1
Al>M1lull·I) lht! Ul':ST vn:w LOT for' ,alt· 111
N U t•nla)' 1.111'/Jlt'lf
bl·lWt'<'n m1lh1111 dollar
r1~1dl'nn·!. 270 111'jln ·•·
v1..w frttrn ( 'tlM 111 I rv111•
,..or mori· 111fo, 1·all 111111
Taylor, MO fil 12
Bl 'ILIH·:1n.; I' \C 'I\\(; 1 ..
t\pprow·d fll11ns hy "'' y &
••1.1.,l11I ri·a1h 111 i.:11 Vtt'W
& w11lk lo Lagun:a ll<•:u·h
$11!5,0<111 (',ti I l'aul
:S t'onll#?UIJU.., loh w ·'
J>Wl{>r<lffill IM 1•a11 \ ll'W
Could lw ~ma II ••i.tat •·
w11h t•~n111~ 1·11urt'1 I' or
rurlho·r 111forrn.1t 1011
W11l1· 111 1111 llol\ 10:1. S.1
l..u).(u11u (',\ !t.'-ti'/'/ l'nti.·
( 111.h 1•11-.1-.1•
l'nm1· ltw:1t11111
Scead m class 1200
II:.! lot . fJIJ"d~' "' :t hlk..,
frm11 ott'Jll, 11·~ ··I, 11n mt•
Nol.al.(uno.i lon1l1un, I ' I'
2300 ••...........•.........
1la.vcJ.o~l 1llcdrm.2 yr
nl'w Sk y lir11•. IJnl y
Sl4.~ 1;;,11
liJI :i.t7•1
llNE Mii.i':
t 'HOM <X '1-:J\N
V1:ry dt"S1r;1hlt· two htlrrn
Mobrlt• homo· m t'1VI' ~l<ar
l'ark . S ha g 1 r111 ~
lhrol4(hout, lndry ;ire,1
w w:i!>h ma<·hirw. fom
nn. l)(t• llv rm & lltn rm
J11 c u1.1.1 & p111JI
W/cluhhow;1• 11111)' i-to•p:.,
away. l-:11t•s ii! Wo·t·knd.,
5:'~ OOlll}.
P la1·c cxduMVf• ... ,, ----------• lurtht·r mformat wn. 1·a ll
&. ~urk lhruugh onl' u
our vror1•ss111nal .... ie.
!>taff. 752· l9'l0.
10,. Tit 1:10 , .......
2 year old, 1 lll•droom
rull iJurtml(. awnms:: aml
:.hOO, S14. !KJO. I iJ 1 :sit 7 '1
Mott t• Dewrl. ...... 2400
Sl-'\:ltdt.-d & JH•:J1•t·f11I 1111 tn
An'Owht•:td Can walk t11
.,_'Ol( t.'OW'St'. l.akt• frnnt
nghts. )Inn. only Call
Mlk~644-~ COSTAMESA '
4 HOUSES 40 n1·r<'s M ti. 1tC'e<1n &
,.. t ti l 1 nvcr vit•w, stream s. ~pr
11n. IHI. c . rl'n u pro· lnit.'>. Moh1h: homt'. S.·11
pert.it!fl 111 htjilh apprl'C'l<tt· all or part PO Uox 7:J2 ~~u. Only '22~.ooo Uandon. Or !17411.
Ei\SJ'SIDE. Costa Mcsu
Dl-Jwi:e 6 unit townhouse
apt. G years new .
Pnme nort.b Coe\a Mesa
11rea. 4·p lcx wllh 3 bedroomll. 2 bedrooms &
&wo I bedroom units.
New 2 bt'droom 2 bath
home. M1ss1on Lakes
<:ount r y Club. Golf
lennis·pbOI. Hcaut1fully
hm~scapcd, no m11in·
ti!nance yard.
91110Cluhhouso Hd
Desert Hot Spnng:.
cw"' C...ty ...... rty 2550 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Gn.l mvestment. F1exi· ---------.. ..,..,won't IHt at
only Jln.~oo. Call -.-.. INYISTMINT IUY
3 Bdrm, l~ ba, 2 car Rar home on ~ acre. Call
Geo. F r ey H .F:.
'114 /1 ·3U-014 l
llAT1MIHIAT Olt_,se.le
Ate9 AI MANI "•rtr 2600
~ ~· ...................... .
_, .... Ea~talde COL ORADO scenic ~ 11 ... Owner • un-ood d l It baa redwood deck w e proper Y at
o.-rloollln• Anthony =:c • PP· Cl 14) .... Cal,.... . ......... . ..t• 11 HOO M.1nPt·r\ fovr
I. I . ' . '1
lleH Verdo 4 bdrm.
llO,ODO equlty. t•chan1e tor R.E. or ?? 151-88.
I.WO ISi.i-:. J ul\ ,\u~u'I Yard No l11·L ... H3.'l 3307 ~ Ph fi4'1 21m WAIJ<.TOTllt: BEJ\t'll :1 lldrr11 or 2 lulrm -. 1lt·11,
O'MI Ill mo N11 111·b 9il~.
11111 llll'ld'I 110111. J'll'll/11,
t.·nn1!> & 1·:11111· TV H1·f..,
r1·11 rt 7.'\!I !13 11 11r
7:,.., !J:111;
N.-w ilt•t•111 , :J Ill! 1h-11 :•
ll.1, ln1lrv. :-. 1iJ\111 1•,1
Ut',11 ho·' 1·1111 1if ~I
I N.JM•r li1~1 t:IZI\ ••h'I Ot\
ltl•1111111a\I• w,111l1 .. t N I\
Ce11.J<, Furn. o.11111·111111·'
7'.~l ltJIJK I'\ t'';
1202 •.......••••••••.•.....
S.t\' .. ...:..•~ t tUUt•
lb1..,1\pht '1i.:~ lo Cnf
$~.o I hr ~Ill> ll<'l" hottw
S!;'.!1 ll:1d1 ul 1l p1I r11·~
~ lbr i.:1tr part ut1I
· S!75 2br k1Cb. 'a rel
2!12hr l!llr. apf1ln ... twh
$350 :Jhr k !lb JJl'h II.al Ill
-$k~Jhr kul ... 11111~
Sl!Kl<11ir kuL ... 11"1!> l!Jr
:!fi0151M' l\tth l~'l:O. h11U:-.1·
llmrM·ftn1lt·1·, S1;111• W11l1·
V;wa11l :!h1. :•11.1 . "''""'' 111 fw~. ~ 1Y111 A:-.k fut
K1·1th. ·-il· M7 I
~~tr-c..o leach 12 l 8 •......................
l.l 'XUl<IOl 'S 1•it1•1·ut1\f·
''"'·anrmnt :1 llr '.!' • 11:1,
1)n1 clf'l'•1r. (111 11n11·1111w:-..
11(1(1(, "ll' .~7~~1 1\11 IH'I' .u ; X:UI
Corona drl Mar 3222 .•.••..•••••.•........•
:! llr <! 11:1 w hll 111'>. n r
l11·o.i11h, yrl)' b•• .',.",CJ mo
l'vlulL .. , 11•> IJO.·l:-. 1;1s 5!11~
'1 1m. 2 tiu .. frpl1· . palto,
nopcL'i. J;OOM11
Ai:1·nt 1173 5:J."..i
Sh11n•l'l1rf lh·r1 1l 'a ny1111
,~ .. w. '1Hr. :111;1 Jam rm
N<·w 1·11t Yrly lw s111:-111
1'75-!ITfoR, li7J f.511
1224 ....•...•.•............
llOMF:S 1"011 ltt<:NT
:1 fl(' ., lir l'nn·cJ rrom
Sl45 t•1 s,2!',. 1-·111'11 y;,nJ /I,
ll a r J J.: c .., f'' a m 1 I 1 t· ..,
plr11s1• K Hh ill 1'<'1"
wdtiKflt• ('all !JI~ 25(A; 11r
!17J.297 1 Al?l. 110 f1·•·
Newport 111·11-:hl'> 2 hr.
~ar;1~•'. NO ,.,.:Ts St :>U
1)/3 2>.."il;
Luxury :1 l1r. I '·~ Ii.a 1•11nd11,
Jhl J:Of, f /JI, pt Mii l .. t &
la .... t. f,17~. mo 1>12 5:.i'Jll
E S.dt• tuwnh.,1· S41i.~ mo
·~-ii 2!'1111 llr li41 i 4H4X
<1wrrn of 1·ai.ti.1d1• <: M 1:-.
found 111 lh1:. 21!r . I h.i
hoU.'il' ~'™· I d 11ld tJK
No r.1t1...., 1;:11 ~12
01:!-:1\N VI 1-:W M 1•..,a
lll~Cs 2hr. 21r,11~1 l1nm1J
new 1·1mll11 ~1:.11 Mi.:1
K.J:I ~17
( :ondo. adult.'>. S12"l.
2br J.WJQI gar!ll(t' frpk .
~~\ lrllil 11r 54X-OH4'.J
J Hr, 111 ha, II\ ;111 now
Im mu IA.':U•l' or mo 111
rm u all 1142 1:1:14 1lay:..
fi42 657H1·v1·s
2 UH, I HA, l'riv yard &
gar. No pd ~ K11h
mnytw s-12a 1m11 v "" a.._1. f).11· I l2J 6.'ll -12f>li --------NWl'f llliTS JHr. 2Ua ,
rrplr . 2 c•a r l(aragt',
paoo. nPw m 11d, adults.
54R5 mo. f¥.> J.l 4'16 -----OOU.llOUSt:. Oeluxc ~
hr, 1 ha. <'f>mpl. rcd<'r
Yard. encl llar . Couplt-~.
1 c·h11d ok. No pets. $125
eOean 2br <'ondo nr So.
C!lt Plaza. Pool. s pa.
cnport $400. No pets
Onttany Wood..., new .. ;ng
1\Ador twnhoml'. :.! llr :.!
ba, frplr. tcmnili, pool.
Patio. Rar. M5·S.'103
4Br, 2Ra, M('tla Del Mar,
fam rm, frplc, 2 car
garaRe. no pt.'l.'1 9fi8-496S ---
3 Br w /hugl' yd. E:ists1dc Kids OK. Waler /J(ardcn
pd . S450. yrl y l s e
1 .. '"' S1d1'. N1r t· •1wd :!hr. I i,, 1111( rm. d111 ran .
fpr"'. $-1011 1;,u; O•l!.11 . I•"' l\li>OI "75 ~\.t:s:!
1-:A.'il'Slllt-: 2 llft. I lt:t.
111·~ h tl 1•1·11ralt·•I. nu
J•'l' ·N1111 s mok1•r:. pro•
r.1 $100 mo ·~•. la1'l
+.$200 H1·11 rl > lllJW I
I .Jri.!t' :1 l1r nn Eai.1!>11lt·
\ .11•,111t $17;, 1110 Gli1 7:!'.!I
~r21 .
Wettcliff R•affy ---
Dalta Point 3226 .....•.....•.....••..•.
1•01:-.·r 'l<illl-:1. hr.anti
111·w 1 Ill<. ram rm. n'""
lit'l.11'11, $700
MO~t\IH'll S l'~l \flT
Jlfllll4' 1)\'\'lJll \ ll'W l'lllldll
;: hr.:! u;i $5i5
496-9501831-311 4
!1:1·\>t lllx 111111011 1·11Ml1>
l',111<11'alllll' l'IJ("l •tl \II t
11111 llrhr . :!llr. il••11
.!1 ~loa lfhl ~;1r. la11111J r.u, 11111·111 '". ~ Cq•I
4! hdrm :l h a Nl·a r
Jlw'b1r10cca11 vww. Bil
llL'I & rdni.?. $.S001m11
till J.l !M7 Mt llp rn
3234 .....•.....•.......•..•
Vat·anL l'll<'<' hflmt., '1 111<
pl u...,h 1·;111wt111s::. 11\ a·r
!>llA'C'f 11)( (;Jfr.(• lO !if'lllHll•
& fwy:. SliOO rno ,\gt
!i i2 "'171
~111.·r 5 rm, :1 ha homt•
l'rL'Slti{1ou.'i rnN1uct cluh
area. S'I~ mu. 7:,9 M:t'!
Walnut St1u;1rt· J '11nrlt1 :!
ltdrm.11• h11 /\/(', n ·rni.:
11m 1l J • .., •• S4001m11 A\ :111
• luly I Ai.,'t 5.~I 1!17H
llrn.nd nl'W twnh."• l llr I'' Ba. pat111, frplt'. 1n
new 1·1101m Thl• l.t1k1·-.
w /JXJ<JI. l(•n111:., J.11· &
lr11lry f;ll'1I ~· t.\1 ·111~
111 ,.: I .J\K t:<-; llrantl """
l'11ndu z lid rm :! 11.1
~2:, IT!•> :!I :l/•\:11 :111 IK
,\1t 1,pm
V11•W ur IJ111 v1·r1>1I y &
a1 r11ort Ja..,m rn1· :1hr.
!!Im. 1·ry..,ll1I d1and1 •ltt•r
lnllr:v rlll...J!.JC. t~r 11111·nn.
~tlllll dt•('k J\,111 l]llW
9 i25 5.5.'l 01111;
F11r I .1."1"'. ~l."'4111111 I'-•·°"
T t111l1·r1, .. 1. C1J111!11 ~111
:!h:1. i.un d1·c·k 11.111•1
pafk hkt· w ttin,.i c '•1mm
p••1I. t .. nn" l'fb , "' j:lf' ,.:v1·,1wkr11b 1,1~1 ;•;,'11,
Summer Lease
L.•rl!•' ... pa1•111u' h11m1•
11Jrt111lly 111rn1i-l11·1I
~1va1J.tl1I" 1111w V11111 .
11111rn1 y pc111l. -.pa ,1nll t• n
llL..,. N11w Sfj()(I IA'r 1111111th
4)--;. HANCH
H ~ 1\ l TY
:)~) 1 :'000
Spcctal·u l:.ir V l l'W un
Hu1wh1> S:ttt .l1111qu 111
l!Hlfrvur..,1• br :! Ha 1·11111111
• lft'n w /wt'llJ:t l 1111 I
~'hr llryl·r ,,J<:O\ ,. f!I ~
l':tr l'fll'I j.(ar:ag1· Sil.Ill
mu b l, la"l & $21111 ..,t·1·ur
~IM-46"'6/\vail .July I
~leoch 3248 ..•....•.....•...•..... ........ on leach 3240 , _______ _
Nt-w 4'!'L1 :,4 ft , a llH, l'X
t'('utJvc home <•l.t0v1· lfw1
l.111gt1111 llu rhour, many
.\tr ..L'i. Si'.f."1 t'all M 1kl'.
E M I': H i\ J. I> H 1\ Y
IH' Et\ N · t' It t) NT _
G Orjlt!CJul> v lt·v., 11 vi
bl'at·h 4 lklrm /I.I l.1ri.:•·
rt't' rm J\va1l .Jum· .Jul\
&. /\u~o"l 11r 1111 yr b
"~'L .... 4~ 002!1 Ml . llOMES FOH lli':NT :1 or it hr Pn!·1•d from, .. _________ _
$1'~ l.11 ~~-Fnn.I yard f..
i.: u r a i.: l' ~ F :1m1I1 t"
1111·11~•·, kids & 111·1-
._.,.11~11Jl(• ( 'alf :J!i4 2,'jf;I; ltl
!f73-2Y71 M.'t. nn f1•1•
M.-w f'll'l(Unl 2 IM1ln11J11l
·• dt·n $575. C:1..'llar & ~ 111
1k1w honw l"1H· IJhwk' 111
lw11d1. l'nvatc l 1·111
l(ara.:1• Fully main
tJ111t'li yanl. Adult... No
Jl'L' ln11wn • at 5:-"7 I/Ith
:--.t11~·· 17 1'1 )!Jfi().li:l:ll
IJ1wlv 1 br l ha, rrph'
IJIJI ~ar, l~c yll. Srn~k'
uk Sii.~. 9tiH 9724.
t:11; ~llh St. '1 br. 2''~ ha.
rrplJ'. di.hwhr. y(f l'tlfO'
1\va1I 61'.!3 S6:i4:> Mf.·7!11il
Sup..r 2Hr l'on1l". ~~11,
hltn~. rl'fnl!. nr ... 111111
J111ll! !Ml lllM
QIO(Jo for l'Xt•f'UttVC l'OU
pit'. 2 hdrm, 1400 sq fl
/\11'M•111t11•!> l'lu.~h S1'15 ::a :"ll1n
~117. 17Lh SL '1 .Lil< 2'1'1 ha.
l11lr. xlnl rond. yard
rm int l>7~1 A-16 79f.I
S&S 4 llr 21"i Ba. l11mu:.
nn. 3 rar, 311JO SQ fl, no
pcL'i. $7115. l.'.:ves iwo.62()3,
dys '193-9431
Glcnrnar 4hr, 2ha. frplc.
dtshw, med yurd, $500.
1& lst & lai;t. $200 sec
Walk tu bl·orh. 4 Ur, J ba.
2 ca r garage .
llc;tchwulk. $65() t $150
move in dcp. llf>2·5770
3br Jo/.bu, rrplc. bit.ms. 2
rnr J(ar. rncd yrd. l mile w bch. No J>ets $500mo.
lllt, lusllr dep. 53&-91'1.'ll -----M1. tn beach. 3 Hr 2 Ha,
den. O(fice. scwinll rm,
(rpl{'. hrdwd nn thruoot.
Koc fL'lh pond, gardener.
yr lie. ~mo. 963·~77R
Hr 11 .. sm '!'> lo lo·:1i.1• ht1'
I ..;,1cuna li.::wh :Jhr 11111111•
..., pt..1111 & .... pa M.1gn1f1
1·M1t t•,1nv1111 \ tl'~. t11
n'!>pon.'llllt' fl••rtY l1h11111•
for mh·r\l('W 4!j.I 1:.11
(.b ·:in \ u :it.r . 1:111111. :!ha
h11m1• N1i.tuf'I !-.h1ir1·'
I ;;il1· j!Uard1.,J. pri \ ht h.
l•'fllll:. & poo l ~i!!:'1 b ••
J\~·a il 7 1:1 t)w n o·r
(h•anfront. :1v;11I i\u1: I.:!
llr I tla , panoram ll'
\ ww. v1·r:v pn v:1lt• ('a II
l>1an.1 l~M IU!l7 •'Vt':-0
'1!)1 !;173 11 Y".
:AK, 2ha horn.-S1,;11•t1JUl>,
rnaj!nifl l't·nt 1·1111 11
Ot•c•an , \ 11•w i. Sll75
In&• c . JolwlSOtt
JID Vista Haya
Nf'wport Ucaeh
You arc the: wann1•r or
two fr'ff ffc•.ts
I SlJ.00 val1K·), l.o
June 22nd thru J uly 4th
Tickcts may bl' da1mcd
by callin~ 642·56711. ext
l12. ,, . .
House for rent 2br, :.!bo
01'cun v 11•w t'p r le .
sri.25mo. <..:ctll 4lf!l·~5 .... Hi., 3250 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Paoo homt• with ponl &
Jae $400/mo. Clnsc to Irvine . 673·3510 or
41M·4949 ...,.....,... 3252 •••••••••••••••••••••••
New 3b 2 b ----1-ttae ...... r, in a. pvt pal o. tla' 1 r 3242
2 Br. den. ocean view
home in pnvate uwh .. -d
community. Pool, lcnn111.
be11Ch. Ind refn.c. W !O
Absolutely 1mmur No
pets. $625. 4fi7 ·126 U,
493-56H'7 -------......,.,. •octt l Ht ta.A Magnolia. tr>7S mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6t2·3:117.
Dup lex 2 br . P re fe r muure coup l e . No
cbUdna or peta. s:m. lllt
Ii lut + 11ecu rlty .
831·at04 aft 10.m.
8mJ bechelor, '250. All new, utll pd, priv yd.
Secluded, Eaati•de CM.
llunllntUon Harbou r
house with $0' dock.
SlJDO/mo. 3 Br. 2 ba, xlnt
bay location. ac-ro1111 from Beach Club
Newport Te rrace 3br .
21t'aba, hiahlr. upttrad(,-d
View. Aval . July Isl .
~s. 59·5764.
NEW 2Br + dL'ft condo. P9oplc who nt..'Cd people
Waler Vtew, possible boat AhoWd alWl)'ll check the
11Hp. 2 car gu. '700 mo. &nice Diret"tocy !n OW
• 1358 ,j DAll.t Y PILOT
W1,;t.c1tfr .1r1:a . ·I IU<. 1lln
tnK •1r ramify rm. nw•·
\alTI 1\v:11I 1; ;>:, 1,...,. 11r
l'>l· w 11v1100 1.11; 717 1 ur
I;\.'). 7'.t<I
1-'antu.slll' Ila) & 1J1·,.;111
\ ll'W from lhl!> ;i bdrrn '.!
ha. f .. ml rm 11111111• 111
I r ' 1 11 1• 'I' 1· r r ,, • •·
S l200 1111, 1;;;, 1 ~111
ti73 4-MI
IJr1·an & JI.iv \'11·w 1111111•·
'1llr. :tha , ._,:,., l1a1 :: '""
1:.11 ai.:1· $'I .~t.1m•1 / lt·a"·
•¢011 1'1~ :..1:/1
Frr1nt row pa 11•1ra m 1c
,,.· .. a11 \'11•w. :111r :111.1
,1\ .ul .lurw :!:. 1.11, :w r;
I L.rti11r v II'._. I hr .' fl,1
Si:-.0 mt1 art• I .:.1rilt·r1t-1
~I 1~•'"''
()l.,•a11 1'111111 .:111 I' •!1,1
lq1k . 1·q11 •. t1r.q1"'·
ri·fn14 Yrly 1~.1· ~11~1 11 111
1;1:! l J.S:I
lllt1fCi. ~'IMl!lh' :!. '! h I 1111
~tJ) ., ., $>11~1
/\1: .. nu.11 11.1.1
Hlu!C... !'11ml11 \\ .111 ,\11~·
I I fir i! 1 • ·1,., 1 ... w1 v ""
l'OT l''rplf', pal It I '.I ">•I
1:;1'r "-11 flt'I .., ~Klllt
1~10 ·\.1110
W1-sl1·ltH I 111 .! 11.1 Ill.I
14;11 1,11,. .... lq•lt ~.·111
't·ai.i· f .. 1r1l1'111·1 11w l
~11:1 ~12 111 ·~11. 11:77
5 borm :.! i-t11rv .. :asthlufl
"ool ll1·11t or h·11~t· S)W
pr•r m11 Hy Owrll'r
GL'>-5.'.W .
.1Ao.;~1NU ltl'.l'.I\
N«wr II vt'lf 111 f 'l.111 111
J-';muly ruo111. ;1 Htlrm'
0 1 l "' dt·n SI .llfill 11u1nl
1i111<111r ~rl}
lt;1 rrl'f I 1111) t~I:! '1:!1111
W!\Tt:f<Fl!I INT ·1l1r :111.1
Nwpl Shr-. 111·;1111 if,
l~lfatt-1!. r11111111 111,.1!:. ,f;
11•11111,, S>i'i:, lllO 1. ....
:l ndr :!'':' l~r S:,ttll•m•t
3 Bdr :.!'"'· Ha !:17~ 11111'
:1 lklr 211 11;1 s.'17!1•111"
(.,.. /( )1·1·;111 'II'°" I
:111111 :!' · H.1 ~~-I 11111
tClv1•rlt•ok-. 110.,1 1
< 'h1lllra•111n.a ylH'. IH.'h n11
1'.;111 .John •• 11.'I 1o:H 121 ...
Bluff.., r·omlti. :1 llH. ~1
li;1 , JJ•1 •tl ~71111 11111
li1~~ 7'113 1;7;, IA~-· I )1111 IP
""'" Na·w, l'Xl'l11"1\lt' 1111! C ':1
11)'11n homi· 1111 1,.,,.,,.
1,,1~1 !><I fl 1; IHlr111. ~.• ·
hiJ M1111111u111 I y1·:.i r
l1'iL'ic'. S'l(J(~ 1>n 11111 Ii.I &
l;L'l mo ~ -.1·1·11nty d1• '"'"'l ,..rna 11t•wl :.tat•·
TEllllJ\ flHMA
l tl':i\l.TY
!172 1111:1
:i hr. 2 ba. hay \'t1·w , prof
tlt'Corall'd t.:111nm. l)IH1I.
<1ll ~urai.:1• A\ ail. "''""
$195 mo h•a:.t: r1110 ;.>JO:> or
IJIVCly 4 DR in r1u1ct rl.'i.
unia offering i.••runty of
~uarded j!atc $17~>0/ Mil
and i.:urdc!ncr Nu Jlt!L<;
Jl'annc Newman 1~12 "235
BAYCR~"iT, 3 llf< :J Au.
custom plankt•d floor:-.,
vaull.l..'CI rc11in~s. cut in
lul<'ht:n. P>O mo. yrly
Bilm..1.l IUty, M2·fl200
BluHs t•ondo. lnv1•ly •
~r cl~fln 3 rm. 2 ha. 2
Ctr .:1ar. l'ool No '1t:ts
ti50 Mo. Mien I 640-0020
s.a....... l27' •••••••••••••••••••••••
New 2 story, occun view,
770 fl222
-~~--~-... .....
ln1111· :!llr <!ha . lrlf'•I
p:1t1•1, 1:ara~··· w 11 hkt•fl
S 4 :1 [1 I !I 1; !I 4 1; 1,
:I 1-1rrn 11 ·1 l1a ":.hr 11trv1
l1011k UIJ p1111I fll.1 \
1!flntntl. 11·11111 . 11 . ~l.~r
m 1 II II >Ul! 111,;J:J
C>lx :1 111 1·•1111111. 11:at111 :!
'\l\, S.17', ~~int .• ,\n.1
:.!1:111;11 ·JX.l:I i ll I'll; lli'I
l h1nl1111-'111n 11. .. w h 111111•111
~"'°". •I for :t lo;1 Ii.:•· •·nd
)Jal111. tflJ I 10.1rJI.'•'
t 'tullln·n t. Ii"'" 11k ~'7<•1
mu 'lf~~fri7K
lh111111w1•111 ll.11 hu111 1·1111
t\<111n th•· v..,1\1•1 .,.. IN1.1I
'"" Silton .,. .tlk t11 l11•.11 II
:.! t.1r i t1.1 ~.-·, .• ,,.., ,,.,,
121:11~1!rl :t!.'1:!
Apcrimtnh Furnished •••.•••..........••....
8ab>a Ptflinsula 3701 . ..•....•.•••..........
~mnwr r• 11\.11 L ••• I lt.1
S!:)I J>••f ~t'l'I. 1\\ ,ttl .lul\
lV 1\11f' ·~1:, t!!'ti!:
3722 ••.••..••...•..........
;-.f1·W1•1rl ll<·.1d1 '• 111)1• I
1•11,1!1•111 1111 I Ill ._, .111 I
:!IH .!11.1 f,t11t.1'>l l1 'I• "
,;( h11) ~IN 1•,1n SI 11111 11111
l..,.. S.·•·unl) hid!! 1~101
J<W li42 47"3 or1~1~. 3-HJ
3724 .•..•.••..•............
~~1 )'urn 11• I l11Jrm
1•111'1 ~'.II ,\1IUll -. 1111
lJl'L" 21111 N1•1111i0•r1 HI
~.11\ 1'•.H
;'ll"~h •h'•·tor I 111 d11plo•\
.,,.,, ltv i.:;1 ro1~•· t)uwl
t-:111plm • d ,1dttll 11\l'I :1 ..
!1111 (•·l' S'.!~I r,tK Ill" I
S..'7:) I llr 1rn1IHh' ll11111t·
:'tt.atun• .11lult uni\ :-\11
111•\J. CNwl ,,., uro· 1:r.11
NW)ll IJl\fJ.1,11, x:11:1
LacJ-GS.ach 3748 .•.••••..••..........•.
:..•ttr. Iha, rurn1'.lw1I C); 1·,111
l"r1H1l l'•·nlhou .... · ;1pl \'1
ly b1• $1:..'f~I 1~~11;7:11,
llF.'o\ I·: II V /\'I'll )t":-.
lOl~ W l olboo 61' JUI
II} U11· w1-ck , 1111\N a v .11 I
Also Wrnh·r 1<1·nt11ls
Nu lt'l• 1\w·111 m:, x1111
l)Upl1•x I fir uaraJ.:c • I' •
hlk. .. rmm 111'\'an •l!I:! i l71
4!Qlil7:t .
l'ark N1•wpr1n I hr. I h.1,
und•·rgnl pkmi.:. full rt•t·
f.11'!>, S1~.ll l~l-1 :!:l~>'I .IJl'I
t.11111, qw1•l pat111 lt.idwlt1r.
okll•r ~t·ntkman. util JMI
'2R.~ IM" 1j75.:irm
(\·t·an fronl upper :!h r .
S1·a~hor1• J>r M 11r1
thly /y,•.1rly Owot·r
flcaulrful rll'W uppc•r '1 llr.
2ha. l''rJ>k. 1•.ith1•<1ra l
,,.,lings. lndry r m '\' hlk
W bch Avail Sc•pl ltlth
M u s I h a v I' r t' r :-
7 W !673 071H ll>l '12011 St
Npt Itch ----
• •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... , ....... 3107 •••••••••••••••••••••••
2 Br. sundcck J\vu1I now
yrty. I adult S465/Cou11lt·
SJOO incl ut1I No pchi
2 Ur, hcc s1mdcck, slCJIS to
hl•at'h. $4G5 y rly. Ind.
~I. Nope~ 64[1.~.
C•latrw 3271 ~cduplcxuppcr,4br&
••••••••••••••••••••••• den. 2ba. View. Qui et. Townhome 2br + den. con venient parkin g.
Mariners Vlllatil'. lte1.· M2 fdl'7, 842·3'728
t'ac. C.-... .. M-.. --ll-2-2 4~ . •••••••••••••••••••••••
2 er 1 Ba condo S340 mo, 1Rr wrwalk·tn c loset .
lit " 2nd • saoo 11ecur carport " pool. "75 mo.
A.vaU J 11ly t. l40-lo.l1 )'rlyM>-1*-·
2 Br. I bu, I !>I.Ory', ~hac.
1111.lh, pa lttl, frµI , d /W .
lit·am "1111!!:>. jltt r J\dll...,
~14~ 2fi50 Eld1.·11 < 1 1
~.:ti ijl~j
•IJtC'kl'dg;Jr w/IC!illlr
• t> W. 1iat10. !miry rm
•Nx.-t·1al 1.·<1l.11nd s pa<·•·
•Ciai. l11•ut. i.:ai. 1·1x1ku11.:
g.~.., ha.I\ walt•r .111 r n ·1·
• 1\dult.o;, 1111 pe•t:-.
~ i':llft•n ,\\I', f \1
li4:! 71'Jl~I
:.! llr I la,1 , ••JJh 1lr1r.. ll•J
tS.~., S-1.'o mu
·~~ 1!'>~~
.: llr, I h.1. •·111,,, ..,111;,ll
vanl N•1 1loi.:' i;!:~J 11111
l;.l', 7!",z!
t. U<lrm'>, I 11.ollt .1pl
1\t111lh ~.. llltl ' •• , ...
f,.1111 1,.1:! !"~/i.I
N•~ly tJ·~·•11 ;itt1l .1 l)r :: h.1
l11v,nh1111 ,1· ~11.11 11111:.,
(11 .. 111.11'• .lo 1011 (J111•·I
.lrt'.I 1\1JUll ,, 1\11 fll'I'
'Sm t.l~1 :i:oo i;1:, 1!11'1
I 11\ d\ I ltr ~Jiii> 11111 111.'I
l'•lf1~1n.1 lJu1••I .ar .. ,1
KlK KIOil 1\1!1·111
:1H!IW.alt.11· .. :-,1
'\11~ n·11lm1: :! l>r I. loa sr.11 t'.n tl•·1~,.,.l, , •.• , ·11
• I 11111 fn.,. r1·11I I 'htltl
1ok :\11111·h l"1!1 UI I
:...tl.1111 d;•an ;• lllt. I h.1.
hi\/\...,, 2 ) r •1ltl <I 1111·\ Y. ,,.n.. Kuh Cit\, 1111 111•b ,
~1~111 ti·lfo 7-17!.I t'\ t'h &
I fir S!l!r rttr ~6 • 0111
\l.1tun· .1•lull"'. n11 1wt...
~'li~I ;-.,.,.. fl"M Ill\ 11
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H.11 lld111 11•'" ~·r ... 11 ~.
""" l11•·,1t 11•n '-:!ill
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~:1rtl){l' :1 llr 11 • I 1:0 .1 pt
S('t t-'.t101I\' u111t 1'1111 .. <'<
I 'l.1\ ~r11u111I :...111111.1111"·
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1.1:> l:Y.11 IN·tw1·1·11 lllt\-:•
~. :...1111· ::111 . JI .. Jl;i ' "'''"· 1t-11w ... 1t1 . 111• I 1•.1r 11•1
111~-. Mii H;>KI
I.I'" :J111 :•11.1, t•llt 1•1:--"tl
J•.1l10. • .1rpu11 111 II\'•'.
IMljld .... );~I~, i:1J ;lt~ll.
sr;:1 :1 llr, ~ h.1 ..! •·.11
~arai.:1'. ~ .inJ. W fl 11 I
\,llltl'l l'Ul 1f1• '),fl , ... -.1111·
·1~1. !\1j!ll1( 1'1:.! '"'·'
liill'lll'lnr ~·, 11
I tfl'fln111111 :.:11.1
~V;111gu.1nl W;1\
I 111 -<J n-m •
• • •
Zachary Pochol
~h':'la & Hntli.:e ltd!-.
Y11u an· llw ~ rnm·r 111
two frtt He••h
c '$13.Ull valu•· I. 111
.fwi.·l2r1d thru July Hit
Tll'kl'b ma v h1· dJllll1·11
hy calhn~ i~1:! :~;;x, ,.,,
:!"/~ • • •
,• l\r :! ha, ''''"' 1dr1:-. p111I ..,:ot 11r•· .11llh , 11•1
r•-t." Sli!J 1;11, :!'.'''
N1•wJJ11rl ll1·1i.:ti1
tl1·11. JJ.11111. n11 rwL·
11•1 li75 7:!1.1
:! t, f
s-1 •.•
;''111 •\t•I l.11~·1111\<~J Ill' .1 111
l11--.11h1111w 1\ v.111 1111w '
s1;i11rn11 1;u. 7171
~hr. I' 11.i r,.furll"h' ti
llUJ• I ,\•lull:. nnh '\01
f'1 1:-, $°Wlf111 I '\'I dt•p
•• 11 llJX:l_
OanaPoiftt 1826 . ...•..........•.....•.
:? Br I lo:i s:r.•J m 11 :1 llr
:!' · l>a. S,l:Jj !Oil f '\I t'rlc I
JJ<JUIJ & gar.II!•· L·1h 111
s::ra.-.' J:l!'l!'1I lllt1t· l.J1t
km •l!A: :1:i<fu 11r .1!11; :s:i:. 1
•H"t.lfi ;,:..17:;
NIC'I': 'fllll'I :!hr. t'fPI'
•hj)o-. tl1~h". rl'l ri~· j!:11 s11:. :.:~. -t:11.1
St•~1 .w11l:1 r 111·,.;111 \ "'"' ·•
llr t!. Ila 1111 Jwl.:. 01
d11liln•11 ~II> A\.1tl .111
I) Jl:l\1· Smtih ·1~1:!·7~1.1
l•-t K :JI ;, t•I
llt '.111 \II'~.111111);11' tJ11f\
.Jllr :!ll;t. f TJlft-. ~: 1',tr i,.::o r
$.17~)11\fl \!Ill 1%><
~Oft luch 3140 ..•......•......•......
Sll.o\HI', IM•at h I :: l<.. :1 Bii
f11>h . 11t .. hw:.hr, 1•ar.11!1'
b I"'' I""' t'.t1 111•1
•01 ~Iii "'k ntf-. 11-111 1::11• •
Seawind Village
:\1·w 1&.' h1lr111 h" Ill'\
adult .1111:-in 11 J1l.1n-.
rri1m t.~•• 1 l'hll~ 11-11
"''· w:1ll·rfalb , 11111111' •
li:c. f11r '''""''"~ A· 11 • .,,,
1n 1• p:o11I Fro111 San
I >i1·1!11 .. 'rwv !In, .•• N11r1 h
1111 111•;11'11 in l'tfrF•1fJl11·11
lh1•11 w •. ,1 on M1'F:1tlrl1•11
111 S1'.1w1nrl 1lla1"'
t7M l~:l-~1l !11<
< :.1r1fl•n V1~l.1 A11li.
llo•.1ul l11 ,1111J 111'" I ic. .!
llr frph'. l.aunllr} rm
lmm~~1 lit'I UP\ ~I.Lt 1 .. 1-----------$~1
:!llr $1111 pool :1111t n11 1t4'h
thr tMl ulll lttl t:!:t "-~:t w n11v ~>'K :1:-;11:
N••.cr S11 1·,1,1:-.f l'l.11.1 , :1
HH 11~n1·r ·, 111111 111
lnplt·~ 2 Ha . frpl , 11111
1111 , µa\1•1. l!Jra).!1· l'o.11
fll1...., Sl7~Mo HJJ·!r.:!!1:1
2 fir. I'.· h.1 tw11h""· lork
frph'. )!a~, I~•· p;1t111
Adib. No J>t'I~. $32:1 m11
f..VC ~7!1
211r w /car. nt•w c-rpb
Wtrpdti:MH l:.!O 1 :ipm
:?171i "II" Plac·1•nllf1 ~l
2:'.JM "H" l'la1·1·nt1.1 $1111
Sp;1r1ou. .. 3 llr n•·wly Ill'
l'Or:ilt~I. dhl J.:Urilj.(I'. no
Pt'tS $'1HO . tl:J:l·51i20.
Jlw. 2ba. Condo. l'onl Nr
So (;st l'laza $150 m o
W<11L'iid4• Ouplt·x 2 hdrm.
pn vatc fcncro yarTt. SJ.'iO
Net. J\vail July I
2 Ir, Aduth only
:J flf)f)b.
l~Jv1·rt.od ,·a r por1
p;it111 apt .... llllt~ '
dl1M•\11f .... )::. & l)\•h.,
w:1lk toshopptn~
171 I I GoldHwe1t
I.I')! L>lx. new 2br. 2ha.
lHIJll,, J(ur. va tio. !111«1r
the llch. DIS. 846-la.!>t
I Hr I Hu. 2 blks fr1Jm
w;1t.er. no J>('ts $300 :!:!!l
19th8t. 842·0355. ~ H2:..'!+
I llock to Oc._
2 Hr. 2 b:1. (rpk. :! •'ttr
uaral(t>. /\dult.'i only, 1111
pets-$300. m<1 J\sk fur
Dick only, 96:! til~
402 lfith SI 1 Hit, I
ha. t\vu1I 71:1. ~
~. Ueluxc 2 hr. 2 l>u, rrvk.
2 bdrm. I ba. l<l'frri.: ~ar. bakony. Nice . $350. 7H71 f.lht•rty . !NICH40i : stove, new carpet, purnt, Ufi3.2SUl K47 SQ()
ut1ls piud. Walk to 11hol)I\. --_:_ · ..
Mu.1\.s. no pets. SJ& tmo Walk to be1tch Unique 2ht
SUOdepo81t. Cttll 5411·7filj!t P."'vate yard le sun dC<'lr.
.... eTSIDE ~ovc &r refriti. Sm. pet
UY OK. S37Smo. S:Jt1·246C.
2 nr. den. sphl·levcl, 9R2·8050 ..
r11>le. skylil(hl. c·ountry ---~
"<.otting. no children or W1tlk to beach, Ha rl\.
J1Li11. ~. Days 646 '1262. Slove " rdri.c. Sl81lmo.
---~ 962-8050. Bl<'h. Apt. lar1e lcnct.-d ---
yard, garage. Peta OK. Brllndnew2br .2bacottdq.
• ptt mo. Ulils paid. 1'eMis crt.11, rtt rm. Jut 8:11·~16. to beach. Nr :ihoppin,.
I~ 3 Hr 2 0.. family upl,
\Cflta.lrs, kids welcome,
no pets. 1400mo. l800
l'OQYC-in. MO---tna
llOO. 21372 Rroolchurlt
#616. 0)11 213 /Sflft·0071.,.
C V C S Ii W ·le n d II •:
714 /873 ·1477
213/J'lt:Tm .
• •
•• -._ •• ~"19111'_. ...... _ -.... ----·~,............__...
. . . ,. , .. . .. -... .. --.. -.. -. .. ~· . . ...
·~iltl•id• leocei ll.tO .........................
1 Br . 1 1 ~ UJ 1 1tn1l11
I( IH ll lot I' l ' n I I (I 1 t 1 U
t'TlJC rl,,.. JI. ~ !'iJli .'ill 17
1m'.'1 11111 1\111). ''"' I k"I K-&H 1llr.1
. .
'1o1h •111111 Jur11 lJ IU/11
~ ............ !~~I ~~!?.~~ .. ~~-~~
lln1 ll\I h.11h m11tur1· t'4111l> ~1·111 1.1 ,111 1< .... 1111·
1•mpl 1 1h hit-vn' 11•1 1u1r :a Ill .! 11.1 hul1 t ,11 11
$1141 I l..11; lh h llN 7.M.. I I.,_ 111'1< •(II 1•11 1""'1
I .: 11•1111 h lo )Ill 1 h1•11 I.
h~lr \ p rH k1111lt· Ill•
"'"'"' ,,., ll'tl .111 11 ••
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1• tic h 1 1 11·n1 ~rn ~·
'11\ I"' ~I / .-..1 tl111 ""I
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~uni l'J.'4111111 \ 11,.·11 ..,,,1
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t'Jln\11. 111 -.i. II 1 I lult 111
hl'4' I< flf t Ill.Ill Ill 111 h Ill
II II 111~1 111" 1,11,. h1 It•
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1!'r,1llltTfir\ \llUlt K u • •"'f••••• 1 "' 11"1 l't'Uo jW;> bl'oll l1t»11t 111 111 I l'\l t 11
... tr.u1' 1X.f1tu• •. ,. 1•d, ~Mllt\ar 1842 ...... , ••••.••........•
1\11<1tlHlllll' I J'h I hi
l;,_1. I (11L .. 1'1. 111 t•• I 1 pl1
j)\ I t•1lllll \ lllllt 11 1 I II
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llld 1711'11 l ol. :I
l ~l•llWI ,, ''''"··I 1111 I ~11. H t•
~leoch )1148 ••••••••.•.............
N'fh 1 11 l -. t. I I I'
UI \ •lf11 ti' I• t I 11 1
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1/11 fl~ol II I I lull II
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4100 .....•••.•••••••..•....
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Offiol...tol 4400 ~' Rtntol 4450 i.bwy to Loen 5025 Lo.t & Fou.td S lOO Penonaf, SlSO Hetp W-.ct 7100 ....•.•................
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ol C M No of S I> Fwy 1;73 ~Jt> w/eledronle backaround
'MONEY Rl':WARD · S44"7214 ,..t!m Allrlll'l l Yl' i.1111tle helpful. UI P'orest .
I.OST Cat. ~rcy 1wht mom. und1·r JO. on LMttun• Be11ett.
lltmulayan . lit lll v1t· t\net>/faurw. \'Ubp look AM~ Ser-Tic•
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p h 1• nu m .. n 1111 ( N O MuNl IJt' a hie tu work
S u t a n 1 ., m 1 C 1 11 I ,v bl>mc wcckend11. Typmi.:
-.tra 1 ~· hl a rr11w " • · :i.s wpm rcq~n.-d. Many
w lfl(:n1lt1l'rul "'~'"" m·1-t1 c.:11 l.11mchts uvail4'blc .
apply <1f \•1111 1hm'I hkl' Vit'!l.'lt'<'all Mon·l"r1.
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lmtruction 70 05
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AsM>C. Inc .
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honw :1to !J JO. 5 days. for
3 yr old fi4a 975 I.
Jt 1hY81ttcr nec..'flt.od for u
} r u I d lo( I r I W t ' I I
11'.•hav<.'<I Your house or
mine Bushard Yorktown
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('ri•c11t ·vcr1fy1ng ex
penence on consumer kJtlM with .rood typing
sk1lls. Ple1m1 call Mr.
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Sll•k:91 & a...
2700 Harbor Blvd
Colllu Mesa.
An 1-:Qual Opportunity
Whc:1l you t•all t;lasslfiro w 111111•(' rur lld, you' re a11 ·
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welcom e u 'd help In
wordul1t your lid for befit rc1ponse. C•ll Now!
ii42 St.iH
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ciV~\11111 l'ltM'lo 01 lttol'l!lt ..i
pr114i1t1on..r 67) .. 71W ....... •••••••••••••••••••••••
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ratt: ~ 1!167
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l"rc1• 1-:t.t Ca ll (i1•11t·
5.'lO! 04..'iti
1~11 pumtmi: l':xt & 11lt
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1n-. Try mt• ll:Jll !i~~~1 ~
hn; lt1t·hartl S11111r
..:xn:1.1 l'AINTINCi
lk:..-. ratt·i-. l"rt•t' 1·s l
5'Vi-:ti'llti ~" 11r·c1
l1ain1 t·:xtt•nur:.. IJcal All
l'nn'll. l'n111f .Joh11 I.Ji.I
IU Yc,1r'> Lil c :tli3(1'JO
'ff.n -1-iz 11\nyt1111••
l'1 •1111·r prt•11ar;1ll•lll
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I 111 l•;id lh•p•• 1111 a lal1·
t(to .... 1111;,hh • ~· .. , .•• ,, ... 1
I :111 11111 .,.~ ll!i'li
Paint Your Ca,tte
~11·1·1.1h1m~ 111 n·~1ol1·11
11.rl h•1111 ..... 1111 l·.>.t
1'11·;1 ,,. d wc•k 11111 I"
l•·r••111"·' l.11 ~ •1:•1t1tl< I
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l,1 .. lu~" 1111.1 •\I 11.111111111
l· 1 t''' •''' 'u•~• r •.. ,
L\1111 K.11 i 111
Plaster fRepoir ....••••.........•...•.
turu1lUI• e·:.rl '·'' ~1.,.1 '-:1·,1111.11« tu·~·\ t•·\IUf •"'
..,I.I.I. .11 .. 111111 "111! .t I FREE EST. 89 3-14 39
IJ .• 11\ l'rl••I c ·1., rf 11·d \ti , .._II 1111• 1••·111 "I.' 1t ,)(
" ...
tlo m t'll. Add ition "·
It e s I u 1· « o • o v ,. r
lllockwalli.. Low ra \ci.
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
Sturco. ,..ti•·~'<> Sp•n11h
texture + pM lchell
(lilt /CJCll. 557-0'796
t'r~est ~>-4119'.! T••li6-..,.... ....... , ····················-· •••••••••••••••••••••• • Color 1V Stirv Spcc1aU1iil
Any plum b111 .:. w att'r ull brands. duys1eve111 M!~ks, hathrm c n1•I wtmda 84&946'7
cernrn 1t· tile H1•a s Tie
1(12.~ •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sum·ht•1. 1•tuml11n.: lil•ul U-ramic-tile & murhtc for
1h1• h ctil IC 1•1111H'' shoftr1!11 tul> units . Ph
11)1pr11"1· .,. a t ••1 vrcssun· tl32-4MliK
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hrn111t'' u11\ umti-. l.1(· •••••••••••••••••••••••
P :rno:l!l7 l.111· a 1 ri· 1 i-.
tilt! :n 111
'1)14. 1'1111· Suri.e1·1m l'lumh
1111: t\Jlly msun•tl. hr"1l
l'•Hllr .. 'r1·c t•:o.I (iuar
11uJlrly work 5411 7~
lncll!pn11lt•111 ol ra1n d1•a11
111.: $5 511 up ll1·~u l h
g u;ar 7 d '
Mx 44:1h ti41i !Jiii 7
RoofincJ .................•.••..
Ht'IHllr & IC1•r 1111I All
1 y ll c·' ' It 1 11 i.: I •· '
r111•k-.h.1k1•<, t'tllllllll 1 •• 1
l·'l·o•P 1·,.,1 ~ .. 11 M1:10 Fiil
lti~1ting •·x1·1'11t-111 \\Ork
1 .. '" 111·11·..... !-..111 ... 1 :11·111111
~·uar Fro·•· •·:-.l. ... 1'.1 x1;7"
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lla lt'cl ·1ca1·her . t-)(lll'r .
Wlll tutor rt'adm11 n\:t th
t)'1•01·h "l<i.nhl /\II l°'·al
1·alli. r1•t 11rm-.1 ll7:1·4i01:1
Somm1•r l utonn~. rt•acl
1ng & lt·11rn 111 ~ ll 1i-.
:ihilitit s 1'1•;Jl'hl'r w1I h
lcarnin.: & severely h.111
cl11•:i11111·1I 1·ro·cl1•11 t 1al
I .ll'al n•f.; 1:1!1 l:ttl I
T~Service .......................
IJ•14 1·1,..1 tyµ111g •11 111.·11
I 11•al •1ni.:111,1I ldlt·f'· 1111
v11111 klll·rh1·ad Vr1•1· 111
ltt W1·11dy 7al tiH!1:1
Window CS.anin9 .......................
t 'oll1·~1· ,1111l1·nli-. "''"''''"'
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Xl11 t w111k Ii i:! 5·11!1
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''"'" r.111•' 11 1·1 .. ltll 1H!1:1
Window Tintinq ....••......••...•.....
W1111l1114 111111 111-.1·111 St•1p
l.1110• 1·1•11 \or 11111 /(. n·
ch111 111.11 •· Jtlcl 1J vt·'
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''1111 .111 , .ol t 1;\i( ~,jK .11ul
1 .. 1 ,, t 'l;1.,t.ll 11•tl \ti V1:.111
hdp ''"'
Help Wanted 7100 Heolp Wmtf•d 7 I 00 H~p Wanted 7 I 00 Help Want~d 7100 Help Wonted 7 100 >1~1p Wanted 7100 H~lp Want~d 7 100 ~ Wont~d 7 100 He!p WOftted 7100 •··••····•·••····•·•··· ··········•··········•· ...•.•....•............ ·······················1 .....•...•.................................... ··············•········ ....................... ··············•··•···••
U:mna111for :.m lM·t·rh;11 CASHIER 1111·;'\1 \I. \'•"'I l<ll \ •.J·:'\l•llt\1 111-1 I' 11111•·
111 1.!hls. ll•l5·<1!1l~ 11 y:-.. I 111h11 I '1 '\I•'' hill 111 *•EXTRAS** 11•11111111 111•1 1 1, p• 1\
:'l.'JIO.IM11 a fl l iJ'M IACk STREET CUSTODIAN l';•rt 1111w "-''"IKll I 111 Ii i\1·.,l1·tl ' 1l1I 1•1 .. , •. , A •J••ll t .111•11 •1I1 I I
IH~~t-. ""'' 111t1n1it11al ·•• 111•>1 1,111 \l1a' ·l11r 111.11 1111111 .. 11 Hul1 1•n1h·r. 1•x1,.•ri .. n1· .. 1l
Applv 111 t1t•r-.1111 .,1 .I I' ;!5 V .. -.h 11111 J:. I .1 prl t1111 I\ •'flt•• A I•• h
N!·wr•••'t K:d1 17~, AT EASE 111 Fa:-.h11111 bl;imJ. ~L"w J1t1rl OENTAL ORTHO """''"'"''·"· '·'" 11 ... 1
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0111·n1rti.t lur 11u.1 tlf11·cl
4a.o;h11H1alrl(• h:.011 :.lyhi.I
Mu.~t huv1· follow1ni: tor
bu i:.y clc itant s a l on
Hichard Ouellette Sahm.
3lO Newport C1·ntcr f)r Opcmn~-. now ;1va1h1hl1•
Newpor1 Rt•at•h for full I 1 m1· ai-.s1,.1 a111
1rona11\:r., c.n <!cul & :1n1
HI L I. I N c; c· L I•. J( K . :-.h1fl N111·x11t•rt1•11•·1· 110·1• ••• ~··r ·c1. $2!!0. mu-1.1J~lar..._...n~~&.u....,·1lci1al.ln-'--"s:s~1u.11uL.t~1l..ftj_.1
or mnn· for qu:d1f11·ll JX'' hour f11h ;o1w1·m1•nl
pcn;on. lr1v1111·t.. l yp111g . upp11rtuml .v l11r rrw nu.:c
tt•l1•phon1·i-.. 1·11rnp:11n 111cn1 1J11:.1L11111:-. l11 $.'.> ~.o
t11'0C!f1lo; Santa Ana C'all 1,11·r hour 1l t111.1hf11·1J l-111
Mary!f19 717'1 rrM1n• 1111!11 mat111n & 111
J ohn Wu,vnt• fl trp11r1
f>n .t1.os:m111al ofh1·1· m·1·tl~
mfl1v11lu<tl w 11>m .. 11• :II'
\~l(Jflltng i.ktlls . t yp4• '..IJ
wpm. 11)1" 11e rrrurnc11l hk
k1>'i.e p!))o,ll 1on anrl r,·1·1·11
t l!lf'llSt rd1l•f
n1·l'lfod for furn1l11rt•
s t on· <ioud ).(c nc r <ii
b;u-k~rnunct 10 key ti~
t ouc-h S <i la r y 1·11 m
men.-.uratc w /e)(11 <.;:_Il l
544 ... a•1
Boa t Cl cant·r Mal('/
t 'cmltlt: wa:.h & m amtu1n
new boat mv1·ntory for
Npt Reh. dealer l-'1111
lune Ca II 714 /fi7:1 ·6'100
t1•rvww i.:o le. i-.t11n• II<! ;rt
:IOIJO!I ('row11 11 111'\'
l.al:un;t_N•i:tu•J.... -i:1~1 !l'J~o
or <·all 7"1 1!i:(l •\H lO
.,;qual OJ1p11r t:m11loyn
C EI< 1' I I" I I·: I> I\ I I> I·: S
OIUJt :1u .11-:s SI hr 1•1
... tarl S m.ill l11\11n
f;wrht '\' 111 l.:11:1111;1 lk 11dl
flr11>IY 111 11.-;·.,,.11 111 'l'h1·
< ;ar1k·11:-.. 1~.111 C; 1 .. 11111·v11•
St ltlam lp111 '1/10111 1"1 1
l luld I '.;m · ii.: 1lav 1·.1m11
hdfl for t:hn,,l 1'111 !'\..t1111.1
lliK:l.'1 llr1111k h u rs I. I• V
Eiq11•n t•n•·NI 111cli v11l11.il
wanttJtl 111 Jll'l'llan• • 11-.t
1·,,111na t 1•., oil ..,u 11
1hv1s1011s. 1111 l11s l1 1.1I 11,.
\t'l11111n.-111 · 11111 •1 \
:.yi.t1·rns lV 1•1 1wrt11r111
ul1hty 1nVl'~l•l.!1tl11111i-. t'\o ~\tll lime bkkpr nl't«k1I 1·alr 11lat1· 1·arlh 11ua11
ror cJCCIWllVC rntr·n or 0 1' lltlt:!\ S11 111·rv1:-.1111l I 'll
lillUI wholL'!lalc showrm. pt·nencl' vil:il Apply 111
own ok. m1L-;t Ill' J.!1 KKI 1,.•r.-1111 with r•·:-.111111• 111
W/(1gue s & JX•r:.una hlt· Mr l-'u1•1llt·~ :11 llohnt
w /pcoph• A 11' • I\ I It· lie· in. Wilham Fr•1~\ &
-payroll. post111 1t . :.d :-11 i\i.:-.<11' • 1401 (/u.ul s1
kt'1) :.rht'C.luh• of ownn .. , I l"ashlon l1dc a r cu Start •~•·wpurt lt•at•h,
_p!R salury ~ rno. Call CLt:ltlCl\I. m.ilt>Tl'
758-0051 person :H'l'urah· typ1:.t.
Bookke<•p1t r · I''/(; for
f''ounlam Valley CPA
Some typin g requir ed
S 11l11ry r ommcn1>urate
with exper ie nce. Call
good with f1i.e un•:-. Xlnl
Bene J um1•s Ins Ca II
Maunm·. 75l 0900 Jo: 0 . t:
Clcrirlll 0 111Jf)r lun1t 11•s
Nat111nw1dt• rirrn nl'cd:-.
clerk typi!.l , r11dap hone
u pt'rutor & f1k t'll'r k
ftdkeeper Xlnl company l>cncfiti., .. Pl/SEC. caR-cr on cnll.-d rn <.:all
Need ed ftlr Nc wprt Jant·1e T Jt·c Un
BeKh firm , Must have derwritcrs l\djuslmJ.t Co.
exp thru f''/St.m\li. Type 4141 Mat•Arthur Blvd. ~ate.ly, salary com · N.8.!h~7&17 E.0 .1-:. •
mensurate with exp. <.:all ;:;::-:---1-
MJ.0743. "'"""u ........__ c.toRtlr Se,..iu
Bookkeeper ·F /C. Thru Looldni ror sh11rp person
trial belance. Mfg co In t.o work. rn our <.'UStom cr
Irvine. Send re11umc to service dept Ac-<.'urary Panc:o Ltd. Box 18823, of warkinR with ril(ures
lrvine92'714. very import11nl for pos t·
.. Al.SHOP
Bookkeeper : r /l, will
~ trainee. Co.la
.... •ICl331546· lt21.
f\all or put lime . Work ..., ,...... tiome. Jt::a,.
... ..,. +cub bonuaea
alt I wk training in
1'lllUn area. lla·ZiU.
Oar...a company needA
lot penoa tp aer vlc:e
~. pin up • delivery
6 .. Campaa Dr. N.8. •mt.
inlt of customer orde rs.
Typin& esl'lflntial & a c ·
curate with m inimum !iO
wpm. Variety of dul ie11
rJ)Ues Otis job interest· inl alon1 with quality
people to work with. Will
t.raln indivtaual with de
sireateagemess to l('arn.
Co. paid benllts pachge
incl. major medicul, Ufc
• dental Ins. Plu sc
eome in It vi1il our r•dll·
l)'. Between t am .. pm.
blk. S. ot Biiker off
H1 ·:ft'h. h ;,,., ;111 11nnH·d1;1l 1· 111~·nin l! t 11r \I• •11• "' • 1111·1 \'"11•' l"'l'I' 1 .. , 11.,1, 1 ,, (\ I \
.1 l"ull '1'11111.· ('u ~t od1a 11 wit h l 1g h1 111 "1 "" ... '"'"" 1·11 "'"111111 .. '" 1111 · 1111111'1 111lh" • 'P1•1 pr" ll<•"'' I .di I 1II1 , 1';' 11 \,'0I 111 ;1111ll•11 ;111n · ;d 11 l1 1n·.., ComfH'l lt1 \1· 1o1'.111•11111,,., 1i.-1111 ··xl'll \\,.11,1,, •.• 1 • .i
..,;ilar) ;ind g11ocl ht·ndll ~ <'all .... -.1 Ir ,,, o.11111 .. \It l•.r 1· .•• 1 "'' •• 1.
l1hllll'>' HIHkl II l.11\I' \I
Weekdays, a1k for Mr. FtftMC)CIA
IJ1•111..t lhl!iClll~l 1111 '\111
ll<h 11Hw1· \\•cl 11111\
tJ.lil ;}11~1 ur :r llt ,91Xt,
Cin•wllll.!. 11r11g rc·:.:.1\ 1· 1·11
ha" 1mmt'fllall· 11111•n1111~
for a r111111rn1· g1•1w1 al 11f
r11·•· 111·r-.11n t11 1111 11n 1111
1n i:, 11a)J ld1 ·~ I•'
l'l• 111a11 I1· i. W 11 h
km1wl1~l11t· 111 Ill kM• ;111
1hn~ mat·h1111· t 'hall1•11i,:
111~ 11os1tm11 wit Ir gurnl
lx-11d 1t:. Sa/a n · 11111·11
<:all Sid mr1 11t1:111
T ll .. : 11/\Tll M 1\l<T
<n II II .. : <'rn1i-.l llw'
c ·11r11na clt•l M.Jr
c 'LE lllCJ\I., :.hal'p ._:11 I
i.:1111'1 w .1111111 lw r-. Wt•
w1ll 1 ra111 St1111111 .. r & I 1111
11 m " M .11• Ii 1 ,. ~ 111
Yad11~. lli:ll l'l;11·1·11l 1;1
.D I
U .t;JUC 'Al.
.. ::1m t:"Lra M110t·v'
llohclay & vt11·:it1111111ay
Nt•vcr a 1''1:1•
,, r 1 ,..,.•t.)flAll. •i.f'r1...,...: 1 ·~
:ts411 C i m rms Dn w
( At rosi; from
Orange Co. /\1rp11rt1
F.qual {)pJ>Or Jo:mployl'r
Clen r ul
U you wen: a film star.
you would have to pay an
age nt YOU ,N t-:Vt;ft
NEVF.R I\ f''F.F.
Call a rte r hours uppl
Cle r k Markin g room
Re tail ~lore l·ha in.
Clerk 7·11 Store . llpm ·
7am. 5 niaht.a. $3.10 per
hr. to start. Retirees
welcome. 675 Paularino,
C.M. 751-41152.
Part Umt! small com
lfr11 1.ol 11•1111 111 11• ..
'"~111'1 f1 t'f Upt f o p
W M l>lJT • ---1-_..,,•.._r1~11'"1111) 111 lt1p 111111·1·
Ward Proc:~Ul'r 111.11 r1·1 ,,,.,., ,,., ·'II
l1111111~hak 111>t·111111' 1-.o11 1•r•·• 1·11'.., (I. ••·"'·""' "1
l>ian l11·lWt'>'ll 11.:111 1 111 ti.rl l'o•r rn.1111·111 11•1·.o
t,, :; II 111 ,,.,.1.krl.i,, lu111 1;1 .. "'1/1 •111 .. lll•"I
7~114 l,fi,'.;\ Mil lf..!.111
1-Wl lJJU~cuok w .:.1llwi:..
~"'"' "x11 11r1·rl'rn•cl 1\11
ply ·<il Thi· ll••ulw11 E
I"-'\:. !~11 t: C•1a,1 1114 ).
I 't11H<m~. i.111111• w'log l11r :1
adlL-.. l t.l "\I •I cl y~. 14 k.
wwa r, 11110 :.11111k1•1· ~I
hr ~17 0027
Malu1 1• latl V p t Pl ti
ICH1 JO M1on fo·ri. 'I 111
w11rk'u 1·•11111 & la1·11 I t-:o .. : 11;1 Y' ww C'uuvall'll
•·<-n l lf11:-.1111 1d :!11 ,.:1
Thunn. CM 1;.iii :c10~1
It.chef n 111k l11r 1111 v:rl•·
1·1iu11trv duh .. \111 111111•.
1d111 l1t•m·r.1 , M 11-.1 lw
k1111wh·cl~•·ahl1• lt1 ;di
U.'lf.IC.'11.S of 11111(1 11r1·p11ra
llllfl 4flti 571;7
COOKS <:onv llosp ( i111)(I :.alar.11.
Ot>rwf1l.'>. work 1ng 1·11111!
f11JJ!Sh1p C111111;1lt•M'<'t1I
Ctr f i4l H044
HF.I.I ":"' & s1-:co N 1>
Apply in pc'rson Tht· V ic·
tor II ui: 110 I nil :1m C Ii fl
IJr . La.:una lk'ac•h
111·::-.n .,1, v. .. 1111·<1 •.11111·1
i-.harp ""II q u • .t1 1,...i.
• h.111 -.1010· :1-.,t lu r••n 11111
11111 ~.1 .111 111 h1•,1utll ul
lll1•w11'11l <'1·nl t 1 11fl 11 1·
.... th '"1·.111 \II'" I< I)\
pr'l'f ii '1'11p '.rl .1 I \
,\11 1'111111 "' ·-•1:111•1 111111111111111 :1 ,,.,
llWl 1 1.al t•\ ., ...
l•·111·f1 l'o 1111·l11ol1111•
.. 11 .. 11111: ;,itll ltli!:!
f>'n 11 .1
\I 11 Ii '.,., ..
\1 1111
I li,h\\ .1-..ht·I ll"t•rl t•tl I 111' '""'II hu:.11w''· 11111111•11
11p1·111111: 1,7:1 i IHI 111
4'.f.' :~i'/ 1 ai-.k l11r I .on
M1•1·h;11)11';al f.:11g1111•1•1111(.'
firm 11o·:1r c 1 I · t\irp11rt
/\n·h11t•1·t 11r.1l rp1.1ht .1 Id
t1•r111 1: ti•·" rl'cl X 1111
h1•11dit:. llll'h11l111j! 11111ril
,fl.inn.: ;,_111 71.:!:! :"111111
Vn H!\
M1•11 11r w11rrw11 2.'1 \ r ' 111'
•1hltr t\now Ilk t 1ta ... 1
1•1111'!'> Nl'I $11111 .1 w••t•k cir
1111irt• t lran~·· c .. a~I
YdllJW Cali. 11:100 ~1 1
llc rr111a1111 ... ·11u111a111
Vall1•y <N•1 11f Sla14:r
Corp Prr s M't•k, 1111n h 1• l w n N 1· w h 1111 ,. t.
k tl I d 7 I• t:11<"11ll I s m ni.t. a r. a y 2 : .1
_________ _
with f> H 11r i.ls t•)(IJ 111
ass1sl m our Dallas &
Atl a nta f'urn Mk l
st)owrm. 1·6 lo 7.2() <.:all
Hfn.1370 or 49.S ~ eves
Delivery p:ii).?r.. to vt<nd
inlt machmt'S SHYl wk
Costa Mlilliu urcu. Ml !i.
Oehvery. r rt. 4::J>·!Jpm
own t r ans, Mon · l"r 1 some wtlnds rcq Msl lw
l8orovr . 531·0811
F /time. Must be l K &
neat. See Harold. 495 E
17th. St. C.M.
with valid Calirorn 1a
driver's Ii~. Husky.
P.rt Ume, 3~ to 4 day11.
Ur'~ 11H1t·1· r11·1·cls ma t111 e
w11m.1n t n work a rt t•r
fl/lOIL-. & Sal rn11rr11ni::~
Must Ill• l.'xpcr m 1111 HT
procCli U rl'S, f a!'> t II C'
r u r<i ll• ty 1)1 '> l. ~ou<l
IJCrson:ihty. non i-.m 11kl0r
!Inly. ~-9511
f<:tt~-tnrlun. JOUmt:y m11 11
marint: O nly h u ril
worker net.'11 :tf)ply. llo11
Mannanl(.. 645 flUti
t:lcetric ra n n1'Cdcd l m
med iulc ly for re ll uhh:
r1rm Expcr prcforrt'fl
<.:omm 'I & lndustri:il
work. Call 557·1872
a.du u elc A1M ... l1r•
f':,,cpenence or Tramees.
ApPly m per!!On Ol'TO
22. 5&12 lh-s<'11rc h l>r
11.U t_; 0 t-:
Oel men over 18 for I .fl •: 11 e (' o l 1 v c . s h a r " • Times i n NB&C M respo n 111blc for r a11 t
Perm/p·l. $350 /l400/mo. >trowing compuny. Sales -.51N4. & manage ment. Part
lime ~ run.umo fMllll· OJmpuler Protrammer DEMO NSTR ATOR S , lKlns. t'or intervi.:w cull
• 111tem m11na1er for P /time. store~ your bewt.n 6 & 7AM. & ti to 7
HPIOOO. BASIC lana. area, Fri It Sat only PM. 714 /8.\1-1W74.
Salary bued on ex· 123.00 daily. W /lnatruct. -
pefttnce. Sll,OOO·S.11.000. need car, m llllt be rella· ~:Xpcrtencl"d m c.'(llral a s ..:~r Dr. Sflnc1by4 ._ble_._t11_1_1ss_t·_•_•_._ __ ,.·t. orthoJx,'ffic surJwon. .,,_ • -tniinir bartr offt ni Nnn
642·5tl78 1tnll>lc('r IW6 5 llH
h1'i-.I Ill(•· ~111 I•·•· v. ..
ll,1\ t• 11/lt•tl 11\l 'I :11\ jt1li-.
~·111111! 1111110111r ~11 h } r
foll' I 11 I \
,\ '"'111 111\
l.111 It• .. ,. 110
t•\1u·r1••u• •· ~u 11·1·
W•~·kl\ 11.1~ S1.1111111\\
T~ary Sr rvice
lllV\Nl·. 7~1:! 1,1.1~.
'I c 'STIN ·,r>lt ·•1J 1
hO lo~ M I•
h ·111alt· C'al .. 11•na W111 k
111 I. \1 I· ~1 1~1 1 ..... 1.1r1
1ii:1 1o111:1
1• .. 1~.1 111111•l 1lt't0tl1'1l l•11 ,.,
p11rul111g Spa .1111~· 1 .. , .ti
•.11 Ill Ji;1k1·r .. l 1,.ltl !'>11111
l11n·rr~111 d111ppt·1., r d
111ah•1"I, rullo•r·. Xhll 11.1v
.\-l1t•1wf1h l'dr11~1.,.,,
Hllf1 ~11<1 :Y11~1
FIJ>HAI. fil'<;11!n1·1 ti.11111
"'" -.hop Wrll h.1111111· ••-ik:. !11•ll\1•n1•., .\. o1 ..
'-'l'lllllJ! :...ata1·v •·0111
111 .. n -.11r .1I ••"' 1•\11
h1~ !lf~)!I
l!111q 1w n •l.1il 11111 ... •1'
111'\-t_b IT1•:il1\1• 1wu}1l1• l111
lull & 11.11'1 11111•· ltt'I 111.1
111'1\l 111 ... 1111111.. ·""'' h.•V•· .. x111•rtl't1•'•· 111 llural
1k:.>J.:n .. :,,.u•llt·111 "I'
tM1r1111111 .~ to w11rk 111 .1
pn•!.\IJ.:11)11:. )II•\\ II\)!
l'll'ai-.1· .111111\ 111 llt'l'.,.111.
Munthni l•'n
Zllll Sun Jou11w11
ll1lls lloml
c·uM 1i411 r,:14.1
t1/LJ. (;11/\Ht;I-: HOOK
K t: fo: I' 1--: H I. a g u 11 .1
llto;1ch loc.·ut11111 Mu:-1 ht•
"Jhlc to hantlll· i::enl•ral
l1d l(er l'tlhlmg th ru trail
h a lu n 1·c . p uyroll tv
payro ll t ux r1·t u r n .
Salary 1•ornm1•n su rull'
with 1•x pen t•nt·l' ('a ll
4!M ll~lti
Cicncral Off11·1· work .
Newport Beac h, tl42 Clfi71.
tull umc . 642·11671
Co wllt l rio n 1•11
lhus1astit• JH!rs on for
xerox copying. f1hn1t .
hl(hl typing rt'tjulrcd
Pt11arma ceut1e;al~
tf17 lfith St, Npt Heh
642-7~11. CJCt II
Interesting & v11rled or.
flee Wi)f'k: some typmR:
llhort hours at firs t. full
time later Real eiill\le
~per helpful but not r('
qt9red Localed Newflllrt
<.:ent er. Ask for Mr
O>rbln, 7»Q126
Wunt flll llt>lp " 642 SCJ7R
•••. ,,,., .1 f HI I
I· \ ru .. j t r1 ( ' I •I I J I I J I tt
11t'fU'l ,ti ttflt• f "tlh I ttllt
tt1'4tt1• ;llnu \ t 11111
l. t 1 1 I" llJ• I•" I I
rn.1t1.1;•t 1 ,\ 111 Id h11•,
4-ul l.1ufl111. r .. r 011
lll••fll '"' \111• ·"" l.1111•
1111111 h1ll t,..11..i11 I••""
'·'' ·'' '""' (\ ll•1ltol.1 \ \\llh '\,1111111.tl 1•11111
I· .. ' ·• I II II" II h ( I I
\1fi••l I .ti•., I .ol I lnl
I 11 ~ ,\1. \IC I\ l•.'I I'\ r , K:n ·11.~1 .
ProductiOft C o.
1111r rrrnn1mr .n1111r1 1
... •k111 c ,, 1111 1•111
1·h••1•1I11 I t• 111• I C t•I It'
pt1f'.,,Hll \\ht1 Ilk"' \-.trt•·I \
(!, wllti h,1,. " l-.11.11 ~ 1111 !ti
l!illll /,tl ltlll \'1111 \\Ill 1 ...
,111<," 1•1 111) l•ht111 o ti;
"''''' •HtlilUt t fh ·UI tu o ur l't1l11r1 ul ·,t 11d111 .tl11ll j.!
v.11 h I .11 lloll •t•11t•I .d ttl
I II o• fllll I"" 1-. \lrt•lh'lll '
r't"'tlUJI l'tru·nt .... • ••>i ... ,u
1·11r.1lt• I l'plllg Ill\ 1111 1111•
11 ... 1\H \I' 111 '-"\ .1•1
11 .. r !. 111 .11I11 11· 111 ..
1·11l11r1·' I 'lc•,,..1• 1·.oll 1111
.!.!:I \\. I h "' IC•I
~.1111.1 /\11.1. (',.tit
.111111 11·. t.. ,.,, r11 111p 11.1' •
·' .ti} 111··· li•Hllh V111
l'Vt'I'~ 1111111 Wlll'h1·rl \ 1111
1·,1111 ,1 p .1111 .111 11111 .. le•
.tll~ 1h•:o.t11t.1ll11ll 111 I 1111r
d 11111•.. c-.tll I orla,
... 1a11 1·.11·111111: th.rt p.1111
lnp 111 llaw1111 11r M1•x11·11
111 wht•n•v1·r '
I I 'lt•rk /Ii ~I I
CW/W 111ul Si i 1
Joh:. .1v111 l;1hh• 1111l4
·rup pay
S1.11·1·1al IJ11tl ll'
U1ll for fllllJ(mltnll'nt
11r fuMlwr rnfor111;1 l11111
t8J off ice
ove r l oad
<iJo:NE R/\L
Mus t hu ve r e l111 h it•
lran'Jp & phon\• l.on 1! &
short t1•r m :1ssli.tnml'nli<
llolld:ay & v:ir11tion 11ay
llospitallu 11111n pla n
' t ·~·· • '"'' ,, • ' •
(,,,, .. ,.ti 1)1 111·· ""''"
I 11t ltl I •I 1111t•, I •11
1· .1,1tiI1 .11 .. ol I 1 1 II•
II•\\ l••llH 'I Ill \11.1h1 1111
11 •• 11oll· I•"""' 111.1 ol111
Ir I 11•111 I• 1•111 • 1,..1,,
.olo· t•"•l•I•· , 11 •1,.1. 'l.>\11
I •"II' I ,1 I C 11 1 IC • 1 ·1,., "" I 'I"·"' ..,..,.,., .. r11·-. \1
,., ,. c '1 .. , k ' I(,., ... ,,
1111111•,i.. T•1p 11:ov N" 1 ...
1•.111l .... 1·•·k l)
T~ary Sl'rvicl'
, I U\'I;\ 1-.. 7~1'.' 1,1J~.
·11 :sTI '\ 1!">1'! !Ill:! I
I·. II t. \1 F
1:110tl PllllJl•I\ llll'lll Ill'
1••1 1111111\ 1111 •111.1111 1,.11
IJI I 1111 111 \\•trl. I l:!pm "
"-"'k1•11ol' 11 •• ,, •• 11,111111
I\ U4:.i-\\ phOlll'> N "'I•
1111: :'\•••·rl phullt t'\ ""'II
11 a1~'>t)t1r1.111011 l<t-1•1 .. 1 n
o·\1•·1'1•·111" hd11l11I I .di
1;:11 ·-·Ill
\111 11~11 h11•.p1L111 ·11\l ~ \
1••r r1·t1d lrM ,,.i1 .. i
hilt 111111' •IJH'llllll' ,t~.1 11.1
1>11• 1tnml'tl1.1l 1·l v .11
11'1111• C'o111p.111~ .rp.111
llM'lll I t/lllpll'llt • ~lllW
l'~111·m·111·1• hdpl11I \1111
I~· ;,1
llY71 l'a11l•·lh.wk
"J1•w1•1r1 lk•;.,.h l~M '.~1111
Hill f... flJrl 111111• \II
.1 I • • ,t <o (/ 11 I I tt I' Ill '
J11r111:.ho•tl 1\f.!•"• .!I 111
11v1·r lll•l11 .. t1 141•11 •1111•·
N11 "~111·111·11•··· 111•1 1\111>
Iv t tn1v1•r:..1I l'tt1l1·c·t11111
!'1 .. n 11·1•. I :!:.!Ii W .. 111
St 1t•1•1. ~a11l.1 /\11,1 I 11
l1•rv11•w hour:-. !I I:! & I ·I
Mon lhna l''r 1
ll;11r :.t vh:.t w 1dll'nl\'h•
llf,•: g uarant•'t' For
thuw 11uuhll\•d tu :.I art
/\lfrt'Clo ':. llilll I'm· Cu;a:.t
llwy. NII li75 1;1170
111-;1,1• Ot:t:lllMINA l.IZ I·:
(; U1\SS
& ht•h1 :lrd ~1arty 11t111 hfy
ror ballot hy reg voters.
l'tiy has1'CI un 1>rocluc•tm11
1-;am h1 waArs. fl1•x. hrs.
1.11(; 004 3J.1ij
lklh Hums lk st :n t'n:.h1on ls lund
Apply hewn :1.~ pm
I lotd llousekccpe r /\:.11l.
Apply M a r y . S.1n
('h•mcntc 11111 , I:.!~ W.
Presently the Villuge Inn m l.uguna Beach 1s s txik·
•ni quaUri~td
u mrorms provided
Ltlt)lch 4t4-t43'
Car nl'C. P rr . Top S
Gingham Girl 64S·5123
Houst<clcaning Rl rls
nl!e ded l l'I work for
Jame.'• a...MCty Ann'•-
Par1-t1~. hrs 11rt• Tue·
Pn 8-2. 64H l!OO
111111-.• .. 1t-.111••1 ,.,.,,nt,.•l
W11111lhr11\1••• I 1'1111·
SI h1 l•,tll •.1t 11.111 ola.\-.
.• 11 "Ill
Household h~lp .
Top salary f.~r
responsible 1n-
~·1 11rul h1111w 1111 I. \
••ou11l1• S 1n.1ll n •!111lcnn ·
•111 I ho· "' ,111'1 i 11 :\;
I .11tu11.1 llour:-. fl1·x 1 h h•
lh·.ol\11 111-. & l11•11t•f1h
('all :-\1111" """l'ktla\'
<!1:1 171, .!:!.1!1 & wt•t•k1·11;1,
i l l 1!~11K:IX
:vt.11 11ro· lrtdv 1-· 1t Xlnl
v.111 l. I! 1·1111rl "" ht.'111
!-;1 II•: Ila \'v11·w 1 '1111val•·.,
,.,.,., ll11 ,1111a l iu :.~.
'l11un11 I ':"11 Mi! :1:~1;,
I l111l'•·k~TI" •r w .111 I,. ti L I\ .. 111
l t\>tl °'t'k.•-.'\H't \'UOk
1<1111111. h11.11 cl l(J i-.a l:11 "
1,12 ~lllt
I li11l"'k1·•·111111•
l.111t•11 111 .. 1w1·11 I'"' '"'
N1•14p11r1 111 .. 11 h 1 ·11111
Xl111 w11rk 111i.: 1•nv1r1.11
111" 111 111 I 1 11 1-: u JI
!'>p.1111~11 .. :11J!h"h .1 m11 .. 1
('.di t11rappt 1'1~1 :.CMlll •·~I
II 11 II <," k I ',. JI t' I t•'
111·n 1·111· .. t1, 111111 n111J!l> 11n
h . 1\1 I' Turi lt·n w k
()rio•111 .t1 1111·11•1 rcol
Kl:l :~i:t
I l<1l~,t·l..t·•·111n 1: 1'11n1•r 1111
N1·wp1111 lk.,.,.h t'luh. Ii!
M11h11~h1 111 1ia111 Will
tram Xl111 IM ·n1·r11:. Call
lor .1ppl li4~1 :i!MMI t•>.l f1~I
l'art tim e & full 1tm1·
IM1Ml 111n-. a";,iluhll' at
lrvmc Com pa ny uµ1&rl
111t•nl 1·1m1plt·)(e:-. (;lc:i11
mg mot.kl:., dubhoUSt-:, t.
IJtlCll a rcai.. t :xtcllenl
h1.·m•r1t.-; for full lime . A11
ply at
1071 <.:amd bat:k
N1·wp1rt Hc :it'h 644·90111
lmmed . o pe ninRs for
ru1p1Jflo;1bl1'. ma ture M·ll
s t a r t 1• r w h o c o rr...
mun1catt•s e asily with
<lthcni. Salc K expcn ence
a plw; but not rtiqw-red
Will train. Must have hll•
typinl( slu 1111.
lnsur1uK't' wou•s
M-.n1 m um 2 y r :-..
€allfornia Workers Com ·
pensalion experience ad·
j1.mting & /or unalyztn·I(
Xlnl co ooncrlts int•I.
dental. education, incen
live 11avlng11, fh:1t1blc
work hours. auto Ina. ai ~IUvc H laries.
f''or an appt. or •pply in •
peraon lo : Personnel.
714 N76-1'1Jt or 91&-77•
<A 11ubsid iary o( Con·
Uftd'l\al Insurance Com·
4MI MHArtW 8""41,. • Newport 8H Cll. Calif.
!r.l880 ... li:.O,E.
. '
··~··w-----...•PNLiiiiilii•" .... "...;;;;L.;O•T----:-~--·----.::•::•::.:'.:"'.:.:'cJe::irt..:J::"':ne:?.:alr:i,_;•~•~rt!.. ~~~ ..... ?!.~! ~~~ ..... ?!.~! J~~~ ..... ?!!4! ~~~ ..... !!.~! ~~= .. ._!!!! !'!!~.'.:.-.... ~~.'.!--..
-11 II _... 11 M "-W..e.4~___.7..,.1~ H i--" ·······~··.!!!,·~ ~ ---·············· -~.... ~ ""'' ~ a...1a1 S.t'y /Ne wErt f.11cellent ureer op· BlfJAIJ-E•BlmM llZOCJRAOINtoday•1 W.Med • bri~ ._.. . U8SD • &.l•tl.m)'OU(Ol'a..w BHtlll. ReaJOH bla PAltT·JIM£ a ul•l•nt ~yfwcr .. uve6 _,__ ,..aerunderOeneu10I· w rlll It d 1'd I UftJOQATORS -... DDea 10W ----.... w__._ • ......a, mtnur typln1. l&aowled1eable tn · nc. ..!..... " .. 1-!...,.~ ... u! ... · w,.--1,__,., ~----~ ... -· • ____._ ........ a_, h 1 •~t Gal Friday type who la lnduatrioul, tn· -.. .__ .. --· -~w Mllljobolfer1oua11 a.w,.romc..Xantelrllla -·-.Utl'-MMI ........ ua .. ,\ rea 91wo 41 f8~·off1·,.e • ruracvi1e11eatlal. BettBµ)'fl, /Barsalna. .. ~ ---u.... ·~~~~~~~· man111em.,nt b.ck novative, t.actlul, and who baa a aenae "' ' ""' fl, ... -. • ,....,... S.l•ty °'""' r • ti9ftlle cleric.I wocil in· Blli'J' APPUANC£S ......... ., H~plia9' can ....... ~ ln>UDd.forolflcek>c1ted or humor. You 'll need t.o have the overload cld . t'rlendl y Ofc•. s.&.6Servl~ -.-. "I• --'t 1«un· PAIJ JIM£ ln '-1 f:" °' N•wport ' usual abllttles in shorthand, typlng Maun, non amoker ()t'e· ...., _.ll ~·=-:::,a:.t,!!! UNIUAID :~nit:;: ~ •a!eaa!; and moderate flllr..c and record keep· _ =-·~·~--c:!· ~~~~~~~~ arc.. IMay Qill Ot!lk Small b11y bu r h EYDINSS ""'.full M rvlce olfi('(' in~. You'll maintain our corporate --sec--111--.~ JU«Ln.H.B. l . w~dlvSJmdJIJ • ._D,:!!"._11 .. ~ ....,..-.tut t-..nuinuun uqwr .. it Adulla wieh outatand1na. w11h 11 h111h volume minutes and.record as well u handlt " °""'' .. .. -... •. _,
----"•lb1u prn1nula .tu•ctlvt! JM'111Qfl11hu .... putunt1i.I Gent!rou1 my personal business requirement.a ~cBk.-rnd 1'n*t, "'411\, tde did•· lllte new. Brand new
lll114ct...... m n~ ~ ft\joy woraunai wuh ...wry•~, •. of the l)_ro.. ~uch 38 making travel arrangements. Fast tcrowtna Newport I t¥in. Mature, l'\lll or part Ward'• Cook Ma11c 30" .......... pr hr, full -kJdli Clvt!r 21 Stort rit ril.11 ~·or cunlld~ntl11I In· Ot!ach firm. Great ~'-Whne~Nftpott •flH, ~or etec: -ru~-; l'\e\'er ---1 U:ll»or 1• tr u l,.,. A na~r UVl: IN/CHILD CA Rf:. s.uo tit·r hvur l'hon" h'l"V\cw rllll ur loCod r• managinf( and recordinte traveling ex· ltil. ali6ry & worldna Info. c1111~1ou. 11»6. Tra11h compactor
..._......U•I C.ll l*-1y,1•1olJHatit'\1 •002 1 to:~1 2so . sumrLo kC!dhlllltcialty, pcnses,etc. cmdiUOM. w/lllmofltacueutbas. lllt.UPM 96l~'I08 rm• t.h f(k-i.1 for .. tu tU-:i'Wt:t:N 4 011:. uo 11~002 lr virl\• Blvd.. lrvb,.,rersonnelAaency Typist• grneral offic(). ~::;.t().wr4M.~·U81
-dmt Of airandrna Nr l'M Tuirt1n. l 'u ltf tt2tlHO . One personal note : I'm a non fll'l\Oker 4tltt:11'th,COl'ltaMesa fo\JU time wummcr part
taterior Do•an~r will ti on H ll rn 4 :. 0 , Alla for.,.... !'>t4 zn:1 who would prefer working with a non Sww224 &t2·l470 timelall. Ml>-4474. 1 .. u.on lg capacity m eal In
handkl l!Oflk• typ1n• Ir 'l»llUll t A.iu1Al t "•fJ1Vrt ufllt" k ~~., I rruc·rowavf' oven. lnc·I .._. worla Jltu•t hnc-·• , lt,1t't)ptwn111l typmw & smo t!r. w.UPref'dPart·U""'Op· cook book• mlrro ~ t••P Mon to'tl ~. 11pply Tht· tnn 111 t:mv•>)•·• 11horthuml. ll i.:ht r1Jarii; !'ic<"urlty Guard : Tem portunlt~ In Nav1tl browner. $360 cuh. ~opm ~7 7\IJ31 :;:,~u~~~~1·: 1:.u1·1·.·11111tt PAl<TV ('UN!llll.T \NT ~ ~: J ,, I• e n In I( Our offices a rc in Fashion Island in r.:.~~:t•·"~.'!lm~~~it·:: ~~~=fi~:: r:nd N·~~!i :tc.1M __ Ul6 __ . ______ _ ·~Or)' 1'1ot"t'r 1' Couulcr Vt'fMMl , •. 11111\' --- -Newport Beach : The hours needed Uniform p r ovided . Retiervc~·l.$M Kefrig ·~·cuftfl"Ol>trrl•t'.
w wort& Sund11y" M&.ullA-"fUJI\('\• 11\<111 '"' ~ ;::~~~..,~:/ n J'1'1Y ::O:!;, l<t•t·1•111 11in1 .. 1 •'1 Yl'''t would be 8:JOAM to S:OOPM Mon.Fri. l.u.:U11u lk:h ur'1a. H·Spm --~~ • .,<·unc l SHO. SS2·S349
tn ll'VYk' an-11 K••tlr"''" unit 1tP' '"'mpln "'' · M ' l'h•111t• t•i.:1~·ncr11•1• rc ·•1 <Occasional flexibility needed). J( you Mon f'ti 1'J4 H.171. Warttttls wanlud, cxpcr, ~·""' -•~-.. N ~,, .,-,,.3 !"13i'-·~ ... , 1 1 l'-1>w•• :lo:lw••ro. till· Ilk ---In both food & c0t·ktulh1. •~vu... u ""P n•·• --· " """' ...... t•ux ull & 1rn1 l t"'" 1 .. "' cnJ·oy a full day'."' Ulork and "'njoy II h 2 13 )»• 6.,8~ w kpi.:. m.11 ur,· l•l'r'•1ll ·• "' "' S.·1·urrly <;;1tr <iuard ffetwern 10·4. Irvine i<AJIVU\ator Refni;:c::rator,
nl(ht h and dr. $1~0 .
'15142119 ~~~ " 1" M~ Mun 1•,.,,., :~.~~~Ill'> 11~,:>~>~::~ .. t~:.~'! :-.111.ill c v ~ 11 h i.:ovd being <Jppreciated for it. Please drop <A J'(_'f'm pot11t10n, d<ty shin.. lm'ltCntry c.;lub, 1000 t:
JU>IUun. dnwn. ······llJtt' Wiii bo• .ut'•'Vl• .. I JI 111· .:ruwlh llCl l•'llllt.ol & res ume to: Box #545. C/O'The Daily pnvate f'f)fT'lmumty, Un· Olutltwy,N.R.644·~ -
INYESTMEMT ~.q~~.i•::,;:•.t' :·~~~1:1~ n....t11il1•l1·ph.Hl" ~·n11 t' :::i~~~t~~~· '1 1'1•·u!><' . Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Ca. ~m:J~;~v'~";! .~·g~i~~ WantPd pott1·n •. lliKh Wankel to buy rcui;. ~1.111 t-\1 ~ ~11 IOI :-. !' ... 111.. .... !' ... 111.1 !.12626. "1K w.n w•a~ MWil be 11k1lled pnc:t.<l i.ldc·by side, fnit.l
lWWll(I: <:ounty'r. MUJ\I
(l(\'b\llUl>W. IU VC.!lllllc.nl
<lf11'\l "'1th um1 11J 1.·i. ,,r
V'l°f' 161 m1lhun. ha1t J
lc.w u11t•n1n"1> f o r
qu.allf1t!d 1>roft'1<!>1un11li.
'*ho hdH ' vro• e n l~·ir
.1l11lity rn rt•31 l'"'""' M'llini< he.mu·,, or 111\t''I
fllHll rrvvt•r1y. •Jr "'ho
hot\I' Wl l'X('l°lit-11t 1>,1h'i.
b11d1.:round 1n ot ht•r
frdd:., ltut w 1th ,,
knowk.'t.li.:t• uf rt•a l t•:.l:Jlt•
.:aw.<d \h~h lht•1r OWll
mvcstmcnti; Wt• orrn
Wl> l>lf ft of wc•ll ;1p1x11nl
•d:.t.•rru 1in v11lt·11rtH'l'l> rn
th•· Orun~l' C'o uu l y
l\Jrport arCLI or N1·~·pc1rl
fWarh t 'Ull 11·1·h11lt'al lV
supp(Jrt s1.·r v t l't·!>. 1· x
1·cllent 1nvt·i.tmt·11I ... nrl
lilollt-s tritmml( <111d .1 c•nm
m1:..-.1un splJt 11f 6.'>'. to
100'4· Sut'C1":>l>ful apph
cunts will bt• ahlc tu :iul1
J>tant1atc l <t ,,t Yl·.1r':-.
curn1ni.:i. 1n clln•:-01> 11f sro.IUJ <ind ii t'(llllfl\ll
rncnl to e<1rn •~11·t· th:.I
in th\· rM'lCt I:! ni•mllt' 111
11rrl.·r 10 m1111l <1 111 th1·ir
.J.'>."1t'1<1t1110 wrlh 1111r 111
""·1 u .. t'l>tt•lflli.I (11( ,,,11 ... or -r~ Aoyt1m1• frot:. r1·fnl(.fr.tr 17 21 l'U
\t "I N I ..... \ N ( .. r ..... ul 11\Jl•Jf """'''"'ah.• SICUIITT OFftCHS ----ft •. Pvl ply &4¥·111 ~
prt''™"''rtl 11rn1l1-.I l ull rax OPEi. flUrWf) t IHTI Pdlll' \.'. -""" lim1· 40hr W••t•k WANYID D•IVR l'\'l~IWknds
wtt.i ~ CUf ·~ "" (OIU O~r . '"" • ,.,,.,.hor1t• ..... 1 .• ,, lull) pa11I ht'.1llh ll"I & LV:'ll part Uffil' & Sl'rt.~·n pnntang produf' l'tw'"'· lw 1•.ir r•'f1wr1:1f SUMDAY OMLY vi'·~. "'P<l''' & .:•·•hr JI ·l1'~'"''1'11111i1 "''"" • "0 '' pk)! 1>.111J v.11·:.i 111111 , full trm1• A1ck.-s all i.hiflli u on manJ"t'r wanted IJmform furn J'lant '" To d4illvt>r r>1uly Pr lot LIJtt c nc~h~r<".!!~~vy di~
m1.1m\, pn·ft·r ""'" h.1111>. ,. J 1 •' lll "'"'k ""'''h t'llut.1111111.tl '''IOlllur"c'· l't•rl NI\ s>r<>i:ram M1.111thav,·cicp MO !lllO lrvuw C rll HJ..1;U.(I, a.:xt blntlt"'I to r;trnt•" l<i' 'f wall \'r · ....... i '111"
s.J..ry "uhJ''"' tu ··xv-·r ...... ,•kt•mh I ' 11 111i.: ;1J 11lt•11t 1\pplll'.111b mui.t Good b•·nf'f1t '· l:i!>:i --Hll 11U1n~ V<tn or'lurl.!t' ,t;, tl~n ISl751 4!J;!2:!1f; ..
l '.111 m !\.\~'iii •Zl'J l "'pm 1 •·q u• 1 •·•I i-;' h,1\1• 1y1m1~ ,.,.,,. d1·un. Suµt>nor A\'1• N B SCTRY jGetL Ofc -t.lfln w:il.(on dnd u i:ood
1" r-1t•iu·, pri·f ··r '''11 1'' rl\·t•t ·•Plll'ar1•m·l· "' •:notl 11WN t:t: L11(hl l> 11in~ 1tn \In~ n•rord I 1hon1·
tJvi·r .... r •111r ,.1,,H ,1r1·
ab,I) h•'l·ns('{l to :-..it rt•a l
,, ~ l a I 1• I I m I I •· fl
a.ia rtner:.11111 :-.1·1•urJ11,.~.
lolrld we ar1· ;.111 l\'t• rn 1h·
11ulopflll.·nt anti :-..w1dwu
l'l1•:L~' l'Olll:H1 J\1 1> f'lll
l';uk111 • .,.m11l lN•11l l'l.1• •
J.'rl1111 ·rH lrw •. 11 '1!•!.! 1!1:!11
ur 111111 llu :i II !-i i
i\1!\\ r•irt lk· .wll . c • • .i If
J;,n1torial Xu 1ll'rv1i-ur
Men & womt•n Mu:-.\
ho.vc ~uOd w11rl< rc•·•Jrd
~ LIPllt'LlfLlllC'l'. G1JOd
pay & frin.ic t1cnd1t;.
JANl'l'O Hl/\I. llt:l.I'
WANTt:;O Western Guun
llm Maintt'fl~nrt> (.'()rr1
ha!. opcnlll).~ for rt•hulJk
J.icupl1• rn our l'leuruni.:
~n. D<tY & nri:ht :,h1fl;.
1\l)()vc· m1mmum ~;J.:<• Lu
'1.rrl. ras>tll act v a fl <'1•
11lmt <:<ill t..31.(f/23 !JI wn
1$.&. l.l;.ro AJtt-rnuon~ &
f'\'I~ l';11l ti7J '1356
.Jan itor 0 /\irphrl
IC..>p<tir f:t1·1 hi y rn n c1.'tl uf
;> g g rt">" I v ~· J ii Ill I I.I I'
liruform f u ri11:, h(-<I < ; ood
1·m1Jloye1• bt·nH11 !> M '"
-1100 lit-urhnafl. 11:1741
North Al flJOct W WY , S A !~272il .•
Jub Op1111rt unrl y
l'r>i1k f'ubl~lll'r '" lt1ok
ing for •'rt•<t l•''" rn
tllvtduul who 1~ l'li pahlt•
•A ~Jcuig on m·w inl..r•·'t
Ma111\l-nJn1•1• f11r•·11k111 h •
wtrl "'•th l 111.1 n t'r1· ...
t '.:.tm ""''d4•11t1JI g,11 c1,11
I 11 i.: M u ll I "I' .. ,.
pcncn<'•~I _.._, $11110 11111
LluyJ':i Nur'>c l y 6.
l.11nd:.1·d111· 1·11 ~lr<.'!1
Nc•w1rnr1 Ill\ d , t ~
t.tff '/.a4 I
Ma11it1•11,11u·t• ,\1;rn from
3'1111 t11 tovm M nn I h ru
Fri S:J 7~> :-.larl111i.:
Unl\'1•r.;1ty 1\thll'\11· c 'lull
7f,2 7!A6
l.<1rl:1"il I nl1·r11al1on .tl
Company 0W11l·d f1gurt•
1>;11l1n for w11men '" 1111w
tunni.: (•ir 11i:11111i.:,.rn1·n1
fl(JI• 1IIO11 M II" I h ;1 ' I '
hur k1:r1Jund tn 1·1tht 1
lt11i.1n1· ... ,,, lf·arh1n1! 11r
•hn~1 l>Jlc·' ~:.1.., v t
•·•1mm1'""'"· 1 ""''""" I r 11 lfll n i.: pr rn r 111• 11
Tri·rrll·ml11us ~mwth •111
fl 'I r I 11 11 I I y I I II I \
<1 u a I 1 I • 1· ii . 111 J t u r c•
m1mf.,1 11 ..... 1 1·.>11 f,.r 111
l••rvu• ... ,,,.k r11r .1 .. ''"" ll1lhard, ~1;1 !rL:J ·,,,71
Ml\NH'trllt Sl Th••,,•·
w11olllll' lw .ind .... h11 1•r"
f1·r 111 l1t· ;ij!lf ••ntpltl. 6.
""illll to '~'C't,illl• 111 lli1•
. Juht'll•· M..rg la11 1q1·1h.,;1
t. 1•~h;·1111·-.. 1·.1H ~,111 •1,:,.
l,l111l1tli / II• .\•11JI"''
Ufl'LI W1• .... 1Jltr.1111
(;1111cl tljljlll ll Ulll l ,>
r1ho.,..1111rt Ut·.wlr ~.1!1111
1;.w iH711
Mature woman fur '·"'''
1n bc<tuty su1111ly, M"
l>IOl'l V 1t'jn ;1 fl•.;, :S fl\-:,
Hu1ntrc..-:-.1>111~: •1r h•·.1111 y
i.upply t•i..pt·r1t·111·1·
nt'l't':-.Mtry. 54!J 1!1;711
Mt'l·harul,' Tr .. ml't' 111 "'t /Y
fl'llJrntJrn rri;11 hin··ry i11
J tlh1·shc mnli: 11l.111t
I~ M•lflr11\1,1 ,\,t•:..; ii
~1·rl 1(':.o l Frt1nl ur'r11:,.
lh't'1•pllonc,.,t C11r liu:,y
I )rtl)(,J>t'{IH· 1,ffr<••· M l''
IS :i. \· w 1>• >r I ' IS.-;, di
llcncf•l~ _ Sal;iry 111w11
l'l,•a 11 c 1 <.ill M,,,
Kni.l1·nst·n 1;.M !1:J011
l.l'l'·lll, saoo per ......... k
J)lu;., r•111m & hoarrf 1i1-11
~)Ill or 121314ZK t>UI
lftl( <-hallt.'fll(l'l> You ""'II ----------•
feCl'I Vl'. t'ffUUlly Lll trar
\IVl' !>lJ I Jr)' t l'IJm
mt!>!tton. t;x1~rienn· 1i.
not nt.'<'C2>S"dry but helpful
. rn 1>tlck..:roo11d <if dtrt>•·t
ma1L side:, n ·cruilml(.
·organizin g i.cm1nur"
Generally f(ood I' I<. f or
rcstfter IOfo WOlc 'Uox
tlltilf, N'e"port Ucut·h.
We ..ct M• foe-.: t.11~..i~ M•ilt• & l-'t·rri:il1·
I f y '' u r f .1 1· " h :. :,
rhur:tcler. 1:-. hi.eh
fa. ... tuuo or luub likt: th1·
wrt 0Cl(l door ('all for ;m
appo1ntml·nt ror ••
Jll'Th(IOHI mlcn1cw Yl>u
could be mo<klinl.! a!t
t:arly ab next' wc•c·k ! So --------•'mm!' don't tK-s1t<1lc. 1·<111 now. wndllcaeuig . ask for lhncl
.. 714 1631·~~ ••c• Llllo,....s New York We:-.1
Uolque retail nursery Modeling /\l(cilt'Y nt.1!ds outgoing r>coplc ms w h NH
for full time Lundsrapc ----· J•6t-S•t•. --· Laborcr11. Jo:xpcnc.ncc
Piease apply in person, Mon thru trri .
DU San Joaquin
,, Hilla Road
a>M 640-*4
Nood cxpencneC!d M<:x·
1can food cook or prc•p
person. Apply 1-:1 Ci)yOlc
Cafe. San <.1cmcntc -------· Nunies
Openings fo r expn
n&nes aides. l>ay shift &
aftetnoon ahlft . .Classes
avail for lnexpel". Apply
tlaphip Conv. Center
486 F1agsh1p Rd.. Npt.
SECRET ARY Nur!K'S LYH • ==:. £:~~~~ ()penangs part-lime night ~ Real PlaUite " Mag n cMy " full tf m w after·
exp helllf&al. Salary open. noon ahift. Xlnt. atartlnR
'1144tD-1'00. ••l•I')'. " bene .. Apply ---------• t1apNp Conv. Center,
LEGAIJSl:CRETARV a 1'1ughip Rd .. Np\.
1.-nt new field. Aulat ~ buyer of women ·a•--'-------'---
cladliini chain. Per"8-..,.SIS AIDIS =pay, ftt.>nerOua And Orderlies lo give
t on purch•ae•. 11.C to tM elderl)' pa. ~calls. IJeU. N.A. Cert. claMes
• BACK !JTREET for training. All shlfb
feminine atUre a va 11. A p p I y -14 45 es. eStreet. TtJnaao a.penor.N.u.
wrll tlJlll 1\1,Jll\ 1"111 lc·l1•phcJ(IO• \1011'•' 1'11ntal'l RMORLVH & bookkt'l'l'ln i: r ur SECURITY 1;42 tJ21 <J n<I a .. k for
J>UllY 1A·11,•f11 :. hill I ir1h· J11/\1111, 711lllli:!1~m \\'Ith 2 ::i 3 yri. ron\ lns uranre 1 (l I'. c.fr 10 MAJtRIOn HO-. flurry Sc1•ll·y cir flun c.r p..1.rf.ll1111 .•l,1y&.•ftc•r t1e».p 1•x!)l•r To ~urk ror C M GfO ·~ WillJa~. •
11111111 •'\1 •·11 1111: 1-l11 1t ' 1<'•·c·,•1111 1111 1,.1 1T•p1 ,t m1.'tilf'<tl Ifi ll !."r\l<'"' $ 1 ;.la.rl • W1•:in•i.c't•krnl.!a·ri·bablt· L',Ql'/\I. , .. ' '' IA.-fll.'fiL, (;<111 St1·11lianw k fl I r tt varl.1l•h· l'li•,,,,. 1 .oll lllulUll', 111,.,,,,,.,11 f,ir Xl1tt. puy +-~oicl ~·ork ;itt;.t..').!HHC r•·Nin tr1 wor •·xrh 1· Ol•l•ollTt:NIT\'
M•JO thru 1'~1 !1 1.1 1:.!:111 w1,•k •·llll work 111 hu;.)' in11. •·o fld & 11,.111.. htJUr-. l.;iw •·nfor,..·m1·11l t:Ml'l.l>Yt:ll
t: O Jo: d1\1•1 . ..if11•d ,,1 fw.-1.11111 .)<11( 5alil SECRET AllY "r i.c•t•urity 1·x11t·nt·nr1•
"'It• ('oc11mu111t11 i\;.Mil'. fa~t IJ!ll'l'tl firm rc•<illrn·i. hd1Aul t:nJoy u11c11I !'lo W ""'1 EXTRA KlllY VACUUMS J 'n~11i;in 1141• 1 nl1>r l'h11'1
17 l.-..111k111i.: f111 •·.111a1Jt.·
l•t•r.-.1111 .dJl1• ltJ .... •II I\
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'Ulll'l"\1"1111 tr lhl>o h
)>111. 1·.111 .>Ill :11.>11 .1:.\.. ft1r
l.ilf'1k1n g r .. r l'•Jn111:111\
.... 111·n · 111u ,·;1n hulltl ,,
1·un ... ·r '' Wt• w11ulcl hk·· •••
1.olk 111 \lllJ I '•m11111:,1Jll~
111·111 llllW ilt't••·pl 11H: .1 p
pht':tltUO!> (ttr p,1,.,lt• lJJI
1\pply I '•<fin''"' 1·r l•~~I
l'l.tt'\•n\ 1.1 I \1 'I h i.II "
l'rrnt l..1)11ut l '1;r .,.111
N1"1•tl1•1I ft.1 ~·'"'' p.w1·1I
1111·.tl ltrlll ... ,,, 111·1 !'.1·11cl
r .. ,.11111\' (11 l .. tj..'U ll.1
M:mag1·11wnt :1::0 I ; l••rr
111•yrt•. Sll' :< Lil !l~t.~ol
·l!~I liSliH --
With •"'M'lltl1h & 11 ....... 1
11L''"""''''" ,.,·pr I·'''' ti
01111\ I ' :-.0111.11 •·ti l1<1.t1 :-.
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dll ·ll••l
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1 , .. 1 fr 1 ,. fl cl I y ;1 t t •·ntl'r \ 11·w a\m111>11h1·r"
Wll r k 111 i: ( u fl d It I " fl ' (. II J -·!I II r I n1111o ph1·r1· ''•1111 11.111, l '•.o,t,1 .\11'"" !.:X:!1:i:s:1 w .1 •·:i11 •J J
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l<l·:t·l':l'l'llJ'\'IS'l TYl'h'I
t .1r1···r ••11111 1 .... 1th rn
lt•rn:1l11M1.ll , " Stmw ,.,
111•r 1e•111·t· r .. 11111 r •·tl
Frlt'ndly ,11 rnr1:.11lwr•·
l!.\t 1·11 • 11 lw111 f11 ,
ll\1111· (',.II \1 1e1tl'
~•II• ltO I
ll·~·t·IJll .. 111•1 (1 11111 olt· .. k.
l•·aut) ,,,i.111. 11•1 t' 111111•.
g ... , 1•li•1•11· , .. ,. , .• 1 ""'
""' .\pplv lto li1 ·rl I(... T.1ylur 1~u; 71 :17
J<l'A 'l':l'l'll l~IST c1t·,.1i.:n
r1rrn 11l lli.-.h. fun f1llt'll ,,f
ru I":'> h.t., It '"IK'r ""''" 11~· 1'1·r.,1111 rnu ... 1 11•· •. ,
1''111•111 ,.,j "" l•h•ll)•'" ....
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K :" 111 '.1 :111 \It li1·111·(11 ,
p.11tf :r.:1 .• J~'ll
Chmtaifta CClf'ffn 7
'.''l' llt't•f II l:•r:-.1111 ~ h•1 1-.
1ntt·r1.;1>t•"I 111 J ll uulr m 1l
,tj 1n1111n.· i\ 111:r1-•m wh•1
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,.1 11n1hlt·111 ,,,,h 1·r. "h•1
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tho· 11l1ll1ty t•1 put lhint:'
1)110 j1J.111l l'ni.:J1 ,,h
( 11111•)11• d1·1.(rt'<' rt ·•1u1n·d
/\JI 111 <>II .1 V•·rY ;.u11t·n•ir 1, v · & "'-'"h·th111'l! .. 1 .111
11~J1\1tlu:111,.,1 c ':ill Mr111
ti ,. ~ ,. f I ,. r :1 ,\ ~I
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*nttary I
Nt'f(l M•lf ;.t.ort•·r for jlllJ
WlUl IOL' 11' \ dnl'ly I ,•11111
l)'VIJll! & ,,honh.111tl re·
•1uin'll ~mi.· pc•f\1,nnd "''"k lr\ln1· lndu.,trial c ·,,m11li·" A t-; t• n•J.1' '"
lrwb t '.,
:i-111 11;:CJ 1-: () ...
:-w ... ·ri-t"r" f•1r r1·.ol ,.,l.•l•·
•ll'V1•l111J•'I l.,1J.!ll fl .t
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r.in.:1· t'<Jll \fr.. 1:nf
( 1tll 1\.1~) :!3-~I
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:J t1 m In I ... I r .• 11 v •. &
mattw111 ... t11•;il .. ~Ill-.
lhn:irnw w11rk1ng 1·11
\ 1n111m\'11l $hi,!1Ut Y. r11t·
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Tr:.111l .... in .11lh•·~n1•
mnf i.i 11lafll 1;,:17
.\f1.1n PJ\ 1.1 1\ \ .-.\ II
:-.nark ll.1 r ~u 1wn l'>•ir,
nr:.tur•· 1wr,1111. ;, "·»
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IO :111 :, l'rH .11• ilut.
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b npl•1; .. r
Swrl Days
Worir hettinqi
t:11rn h1.:li ... a i.:1·-. (•·
j.'hl1·rot11! "•l••r -l'.q
lta ... ·.t 1111 prrnl lll' l 11111
I.I'\' !Iii-I :13.'0I
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Nc·v.io0~tr N•·w' & C11.,t.1
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rna.dt.·b. '
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pan v ri·nl.1b 'ton· l·oll 1•---------• ••r I' 1110.· 'Pl'•\' :m:·~·
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\ J II "} 'I 11 11 11 .1 ' -;:,1 11:J.:Ji
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nu-l ,lllfh • .di Ii·• .1111••
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r1eltl '"'" l•1 ;":-.r:-.1
11uhh::.ht·r & ••rm• n .. Jt,. ••
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1111!'-l1r· rl'MJITit• {I.. 1•11
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N lf'.rhif.O
N1'\!d 114·r:,on "'1\h <i< • n
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pi·ru•nt't· 111 hyd rafl~11·
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~l(l "/1;:~1 ·I'. I ) }'.
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l<1•rl'pt1rm1:.t 'l'yp,.,1
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.... ,11 h:l\'I' fa,.1 .u'l'ural•·
l,Yl lllll!. front 11rf111• .1p
, ... ,., . .,, ..... & .1l11ltl\ •• ,
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•ir•rn m••nt 1',ill l'.d
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lkinka I .. •.:1111.1 111•.wlt
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l•1r 11'11l'I f•ir :-•'ft'l'11111J.!
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l•·w•h Ch1h •lpm 12 m1•l
niJ(hl (';,fl fttr ;1ppt
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l~taurant /\.'M:,L MnJ(r
l!Ahr C 'orf•'t.' Shup. l'it1t1
Va1·;ct11111 C.:ookml( 1·x1K·r
,.,.,.. A1111ly T.1> l•ir:, H1•:.t.
llt·clh1ll & s" ....... y.
'l'u ... 1111 S.·1· lh1n , W !>., 7 to
1: It t: ,\ T II I'
l'OHTL1 NIT'i' F O H
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b\lt~ ·101' Ill ILl-\HS
'tl'!-.T IH: (I\ El< IH
S,\U.S 1-::<I' t .ltl 1-:'it 't-:
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0111;,\:-; I\ 1-: 't' JH >,\I< IJ
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HtXJL;J HJ-:n t '\LI. /\T
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II JE'IT 11t ~ 7;)02
fur ""<·lu,.,1n· r h1l1ln•n ·:-.
:,lore So c '11t1:,l l'l:11a
1-~'<(Jt.'nt·m·t· l'"M'nl1.ll. Lt•
rtfol(Willl. f>l!J g~,
!':11\1.l'~l'EHSON full ltnll'
p 111' I I I .. n Ill r c l II II
hard~·:.ore i.lor,·. Nu Sun d<t>~ or t•H•nin.:!> ii W
Wnli(ht < 'o I~ Hor h1•,tt•r
St t' ~
'I rarnce for up..irtttle1l
plurnb1n l.( proclur t :.
!'>ho~ruu m Exr . op
portun1ty fur r.1 r ecr
mindt·d indl\·iduul in
i.:row1ni:: i.m11ll firm .
Salary & fnnlo(l• l1t•rw(1ts
:.'711 II t: <.:tJJi.I 11 .... y
Ca II tr1 !> -tSJO
A. .. k f1>r l'cter St-h11r
S;1l1·:-.per so n · Y <1 r ht S ·
W<tt crfrnnt (Jffirt·. N U
li75-5J!() ---------
)'~'(1111 Oflfll \ (or 'harp hi
r·~r ~ .. ·y ~ ''<lllt .. kill . lu
\lol)rk 1n l'l•n i.:1·111 • .t ~ 111
""'' 1< t ... r. ,. ..... , .. ~1,
rn<lt'll <c Int '"'' Ii. 111•1•1 \
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~'<'r"I Jl'Y ti ) p1 ... t
lmmt'JrJll' 0 111•n 1111•
Srnill t•ft• I ;wt i-k ilb
No sh<1rth;1111I l .. cgun.1
llt•urli 1 ';oll 7tlli mt 1
S c• r r 1· I a r y I o r
hi1mt.•1~'Tll'r!> ,1!-"ll :\ 1111
ofrH'•.· skrlb, huvkk1.·1·Jl)n.i
•111t•ral11r t..11-:1111.1 ll1•h
A r • · a H ~. ~I • 111 ,.. r 1
•l!•I ~171
Matllrt• IYl>'"t HC}wpm
/\tlorncy c I l' 1\1rp11rt
!17s.«!n mr l Sun.
s l':n11-:TAHY' 1tt.t ·1-:1•
TltJJlj IST N··~ 1111rt 1\11
1·t·rt1:-.111i: /\.ini.•> n ..... ,,,
fl'!r~on for front t11•"k
f)Os1t 1on •I dJ)' ~11rk
wel'k Xlnt t yprn~ &
.inmlllHr n-qwn-d Of
fu·c 1•xrwr prt'frrn•d
C11l Kathy (~W :io!AJ
StX.'Hl':TAHY. part llrn1·
for II U ronstr. co. J.1ex1.
Irle hr... l mmr.I. !>l:irt.
Good ...._'\'Y skill:. re1(d
~~I IJuhcl.
Tl-:,\l'llEll \1111111 ''''" flll~lh.t\o.ll \ lh1t1•
~!i t';,'
T~.A.('ff~.11 l•r .. ~. II
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t.\2 IHI I
t I
Td1·11ho111· !'.1lh'll 11I
l..ut:k} )uU' V.c h.I\• :t
,,.,,_.,11n.i:, d. 11 ~ not • ,ft,·o
w1• ''"" ,, I .. 1 .. 1rh one 't1h1'llur f111w l.\11Ultl HJll
hkc· t11 1'.1ro .1ny .... 1i,·r"
fmm s:i ~~I 9 i. llr .1mJ ,1111
-.p1·rul ;tit d.I) :ll lht
l~·11eh '• Thi· hr-:, .1r1· ~u11
lltru T hur :-. ~ •. 111!111111
'l'h•·r•·' no :-,.lltn)! 1n
\ o I \ ,. d & n" ,. x 1•
m ·>'1•:-.,.;.1r.} : .. "J ·11)X)I • .rt
lpm as k for S.11·
T 1-: I. t-: I' fl 1 l ."I ~;
~ 11.1\'ITC>ltS . l cl) wk.
511M -~l'M. 110 :-.t'll, 1111 t·x
1•·r &!••! 11111 1 IHmu~
:,1:1 :ii··~
!'lj, • .,..,.p.1pt·r :,ub:. Y1111r
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S.'tlJ & up t'•1mm ..... k
fa1) prt·f OH·r 21 r ll
/\c~~pupcr Ent HJ.5_.>l!J.!
t l<13PM Only
Ti·lt· Salc~·llP to ~ Jlt.•r hr
t' l&p/l pt.>s . Wk1la)"
0.11 aft lpm. 5JJ.i.Jl 1.
Te lex Ope1"<1 to r /Ma1l
Cleric for wholcsulc• tour
Co N 11.1).IS·!JllO(), 01am·
•·•••·•········••······ 8005 •.•••••................
~,\.'Ii\' ITF~t s t WI' I\ f-.
&..;TAT .. : H :wn.lr'I'
A l<T o II.I 1-.1 'T ". ,\ '\
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Fl 'l<~ITl i llE , 1-.'l l '
l'llON ~; FOlt INFO "
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1 Ant111111· t'11J1r ... (.'1r1·.1
IX70 IHHIJ ltl1•11l ll':il 51:•:,
rii~ ~i2:1, :!l:J 71:1 t 11 ,
Ant1qu1·' M.11\" .. 1(,.,
Mahog roll lop .i •. ,~ I
uak l1t•nl .,.,~11f 1'11.11r"
EH-i. l!M ~-·
~1t ~n. Jun1· 4!3 ~I Fr .. 1·
a1lm1:-1>1Un llun1111 i.:ru11
('I r M ,1 I I I 11 ,
1-'ri•t•W:.O)' lllt•llC h Jill ti
1\ntJ11114• ll11 h) 1>1111 llui.:I!~
Wit'k1 •r ('m·a l!Alll $11•1
li4-I 11.(13
SunJunl'21. IOA M 11'M
i1aJ N1·~ 1•1rt Ill\ If (' .. ,
Trunk c ; .. ,.1 ( ··mrl
~ ~11 l1·,.:-
li4Z .alClr.I
I :t-. 1l1•f111 l'J 1 fl II Wlljf,
If~•' ltl'\4 'ii t I 1,1 .. >it1:1 i
ll•lrt •~ -.,,.,,r·. • ullt,11•1\
\Ahl lttl"ll• ·· 111·•'/<'I It 1
.... ~.. l,111· "''"" I 'I. I .•••. , t•.
t.1. II\\ llttl••"••·•
Ii\,.... old ,,,,, .1tl•·
.~1 i •1:s:!/
c ll1l1•r rl'l n v1·r.11<1~
'A .. rkmi.: ~;:,
1,1:! ~iKI:.! l'ili ( 1•1•11 1·1 .
8015 •••••.•.....•.•..•.•...
~·1>lli ll
Sh11rat11n l\nahl'I m
1'<11 1fl-.i·1,1m1 tr•·kd" tl1·
r.ut... ""nh" Al.EA. Uui.
111:~1 .I t-;1•rr11 1I . Tt•ic,.,,
licyclM 8020 .......................
"''h~1n11. girb ·1.11 Ch11.
'lirli.: f,1y lk llW ~l.1
•·t:! :144!f I HH llo 11.11 1 ,
\\';i~. I'll, 111·.1r 1•11r111·f
Tu.,tm & :!hi
ltl SfWt••I l .. 1111•·" ('1·n
1unu11. h.1rilh ,., t·r u:.i~l.
~lnl 1'11011 Slit ~.U. 7f>f1I
S.·hw11111 Ill 'l1tl, "UJll'I'
1.-"f'uflr , ll~I 1 111 t·~lru:,
1; Ill()" 11ltl s.ir111 rrrm
1rn !rl'i:I •·\'
S1tl'l'c·i.:,ful brok1•r:1g t•
r1rrn h;rs irnmc1li:11t·
1111tmmi.:); for 1·111nm1•n ·r.1l
anti 1ndui1trral ;.a lP:.
Ile~ Wllh the flill•1w
" -Sal~ Pcr:-.-011 nt:w s :i1I
St'\'r1.'l111Y Npt lkh. rul
1..">lutc dcvcloflt!r. Xlnl
:.lull'> r1.qwh.-d. Send re·
sume'to Shiaw It Tulhot,
i.U1 Avocado l\vu., Slt'.
z:J>, Npl. Hrh. 9266(1
So Wi-sl flunk, Lai.:un.1
lkur h Urunch luokihg
for full lime t•Jep 'd
tc•llcrs. Please call JQan
(iorl.' or fJhylh:; a.:vani;,
Wl'l'll lllSTOl<Y
lnlaul. Jlt•arl J••wt•I hox
from Chrn.1 Six :.mall
1·u11 s. w /Ira~ f r11111
<rl-•rmuny l1lus111• !lull
l''ll(hh'r. rwt••b rep;11r .
from t'lunu 1Wl>l. only . ~~9441 __ (_
f*>Y .., Ill :.1wf h1~e. \l11l
t'UlltJ. ~Ill
Cahf. H. t: l .wcn:.c
(:Clllef(c Ocgrw
Minimum 2 Yri. 1-uc·
<'<..'"'-'lfuJ real c·i.tott· i.ul1.·"
cxpcricnt·c ((;omm'I &
lnduslri itl). w •. 0 rr er a s t r 0 n J!
pos1l1vc cnvironml•nt for
i.u ccessful pl'r:;on<tl
~ m comm 'I and m·
dU!ltrhaJ real et1tale sule11.
leasing and mvestmcnti.
in Orange and San Diel(o UJC.nueS. t•or further tn·
form.lion COi)~l'l : c:.por•....., IAc.
Ul5i52 MacArthur Jllvd,
ste 210, Jrvinc. (;~flt.
912715 or call 714 /975-088H
Opti nlng In well
efll,jblilhcd Irvine firm.
Training, 1111si11tancc,
generous commlHlon
schedule. Call D11wn or
l't:f<H Y'S l'IZZJ\
N(tW hm11,.: for I' f l' op1·11.
1rii.::;. n1i.:tih & wknd'
ldc•<tl i.upplrr"'•ntJI 111
c•omc. Mu!>I I.JI· lH yrs &
uvt•r /\pply in pcr!>on,
M· f . Zpm !!pm
Zl(lfl1 0rn t'ront NU
m :1.1:J1i6
ft~S\f)Urant l.al(una
Jtee<·h K Q( C managl'r
as!>1stant. hos•c.·ss. a.
(_.'OOk. t 'Ull or I' /f . Wiii
train. 4!M·IM Ill
Rt.<twl Sale:-.
1.-guna fkh. & CM. I'' It.
pit Grcal salary. bonw;,
benc:f1ta for riRht women.
Pentonable. honetlt, de·
pend.able. Mr. Edwards
4'7·1018. ...............
Oepartment 1upervl11lon
& trainlnJC. • Should be
MQ(ld 1t uld a. have u
creative fl air w I tine merchandiau. Diaplay &
metthandi.llnl are in our
trainlna protir•m. Ex.
Nial)' + bonua. Pleue
call the Red Balloon.
714-t4f.0011 or 146-3024 torappt.. ·
Lookin1 for a home of
)'OW own 1 YOU' II find
many horMI advmu..d
f(W Hie In CIHllfled t1¥9YcMJ.
bout sal1.<t1. t:xpN. pr1!·
krrcd. l''Ull·trmt· Call
71•1 /b"73-6400.
Salt~ penion W<tnlt.-d ug-~re11ive, full & pitrt time.
·Will train. Good co.
OOoofits. Apply in pt'rson
:J1l1 S. Bns tol,C.M'.
SAlei .. YOUMfi MIM ..
l111d•1fw..-. .............. --,,.. ........ ....... . ............ ....,
t1 =·=~ t17·1 llO
Secnt.ry jlKpt.
Lite tramc " plea:s .. nt
11urTow1<hnl(s for !HJM' II
1111gwne publ111htnl( co.
Shorthand ski 1111 r.iq.
M1rumum S yrs. exper.
S..lary commt!nsurate.
lnuood. ()flt'ninl(. l'hone
for mo rn ~n& 11ppt.
~~4. Bring rt.'SUme.
Sec RF.tlelM 114.400
RE /Sh l2lO 114. 400
Admln Aai11t, ape.ale
Span&ab a mu&t Ul.000
Gen off c export $1.S,200
Rerept type IO IMIOO
Get! offc,brilbt JlO,flOO
Appointment Only
Employen Pay All t'ees
Ua Reinders Agency
GO Bltth, blab '64
Newport Beadt, UUtllO
Tow Truck Dnvcrs cx-
per'd. Top pay. Appty
G&W Towing; HOU
<JltM Way, C.M. 642·12.S2
Tr..ane., po eJtperienct•
noce111ary'. Ma nufitcturc or optical componenb.
6:30AM·3:30VM. 2 Setts.
per mo overtime. S3 ~
hr IACated CM. 646-020fi
Travel Agent
t:xpe tl enced agent
needed in saie of vaca·
lion tr.vtel includinR cna1et1 & intem11llonal
s1tlH. Salary co m ·
menaurate w /ex per. Qualined only ne.!d app.
ly. 807·2700
Old Iron :11·r1·~snrw:4
llcurt bark In• ac•am
t'tul1rs. Maplt• t'Ommud1'
& lov81Cat 644-ti601 121 J
Sta r boa r d, C dM (Harbor View lfilli.l
,.,5.;1c;r ~.
~ ....... 8030 •••••••••••••••••••••••
\11 v1tar Sl'rlt•i. I 70·210
Mm·ro Zoom len::. w 1ar1·.
Mlnolln mount ti31-S2'J:;
V:&Shlt'a SJ.It "'Ht w/J..7
lcm, :t moii otd. bke new,
nrt.I $27!1.!IS !>ell 1200.
~ -----· AnllqlJ\• J<1p11n1•!-t' hanit CGh IOlS
rarvcd love :1cut & 2 hand ••••••••••••••••••••••• carved <tltar or lamp stwldanfi..673·1!'"" Pair or beaut while In· ------dour krtwns. box Crain~.
Bedroom St!l, clrl•:-.11t•r & ~' armoin:. mirrored m.tlw ------bl ~ S.am....""t!kttkns. Chuc. J't. _'::!!._:__~_~; Ch~1mp. l'ed f1[>, *"'me" 10 8 0 _ _!_;44.9SJG_. ---
'•••••••••••••••••••••• l't•rs111n kitten~. t hamp
FREIGHT OAMA<if~O iored. ('t'A rei:i8t.-red.
ilOl'POINT SAl.F:. 3.'QI xho.t: ~ '125. & u_p •. ~·1966_ W. Warner nr lfurbor. TUT~ s.nt.aAnaa.:..W19·~' 0ota 1040
~to 3rd grade teacher CA91-t t•AIU •••••••••••••••••••••••
wanted p /lime durinte Wshr /Ury rll / Hetri l(ll. Ir.Ney Collie· mlxt.'Cf pup-SICllTAIT summer. Retlponslbilile11 wmilingornotM'1·IU:l3 pK!c. fl'~ wkll old. SJ5.
Needed for 1umnwr on· includt.'-1. Tutorlnl$ 2. -~~· __ : __ ==. •JWefetnd Buchina. 3. Fuauuna. 0£/Pe nneya wu11ht-r . AKC t'em1tle Siberian
w aoW~M.SHIO SlOO /wk. Tea cbera ~r lelec:1. M111n.,v up Husky. 1 yr old SI~. •~won. Hu. cndlllUala req. For in· Uons. Liu than 2 yn; old f1lUlll8'
• • -•-i t tervMw call day1 Mr. New ..,, will aell ~Ir -ii'ilriii'~o~ Maullewa ~3. Mn for saoo . 681.11041 1 A-K-'<;_'_G_o-ld_ti_n_R_e_t_ri_e -ve-r
l.aleaomellUNrvaJuable? .-.""'~' .. &.... 7»18,evee~ &IW491. mal e . 4 yra , xlnl Plea! an ad lia our Loll ,.., • -11'""-• __,. ~ and P'ound columnt. NNport•act. ...,.,,o Jni•l ~udla •lll•rlttvol 11o?hbfe paaiAJet•am.--i
n..t'awtlerepeoplelool& "niD: llM ~ .• Effl. ~ A dryu with A~ Malamute
...., Oicw've found aa i.u. ceM.ottaniaed • ...Uable. u.d. a yn. cM. Oood • ""'*'· '11&;
.._.ohaiue. 1 ... -~ ~11142·9111 Partll'\aUt.laM.114-lOOI. l'llJlld.•J111 M. .U.NH817 _
. .. -. , ... ~ --.. -_._ .. ._,,._...... .
..._ • .h.!Na.1111 OM.YMT CJI
-·--,-------------~--------~~!!!!!!II.. ~~~~.~~ ~ ere's How You Can Use ·• .. U COtl'LEN!Etil OFFICE$!'
OurP•mousDtme·A·Lints our famous' CD' . TO SERVE YOU -~ OE AOL' NE · .• , ..... ,,._ • ., now. MY SI,, c M
• .... IM•_, MMlthellt ..... cetrect ceah • ..... ., ......... ,.,...._., 1 ,..... Allbr•n<hoffl<n
• NelNelN"-,,.._..,,..,.., DIME A LINES • LAGUNAelACH t1 .. Gte•u••Y•••· ........... ,~............ - -• • COSTA MESA now ..... ,
• I-" ... •v•l M --~-"" "° M•M • MUNTINOTON etACH 17'71 eHcfl elltd . ... , ... • SADOLlaACK 'I ALLEY 2'201 Latte& M •• L-..fte ""4•
TWO \v.in ma\treue9~WO<J0 tahitilan)plal TWO han&ln~ h1nlpe1, 8tVF.U:l> t.-d((r rriir NAll1't(:AI. i.lt!itr de RI NO('lJl.AttS. 7ll35 ANTIQUE hlflfW }UJCll TWO rhr o m•· rrms 20 rn <'h 'Stln it r ay PANASONIC t1lt1cltic
1 ad boa •Pri n1•. tihl«'IW\al floor h11np f'nt:lll4'd In dt>rotalor ro r 3ll 4 tn <' h Us 1•ora1or und work1_nJ; ror 118. In likfl flCW ~SIU Iron t>r11rk1•\11 14 mch $1.0. llam11\er S1·hwinn tclrl• b ike ~nell 11harpentr l'f
d t a• an pe r • '20 SlMl • lnu.-'°' U\l!lit.l .. ~ Tw@ Rt'. u l I"' I "In r . :tk'·JIO I0:1iit•nwnlte l'Ondltlon ((•ost '"' I'S RrUtih $.'\ Sllvt•r ti u b I t r u I I s 4 S20 J(; Penney 20 In 631 032G •.a1>1 Oalaun 2'0Z u r lronlnll board• 14 dri.w1•r d r•wll4ir l20 rub~rdot•k wh~ISS 6:Jl .u:J24 howl11 So!tl Skr bind C:htldrt'ns C'lnlhlni.t t·h i;:\rls t11k•• Sl 5 ---------
___ ___... -Dat.auo MIO, » e11r h each l';l\'t•tn~ 1ttil1111 Ooubh• llt'tl. firm. 1·ic Vint111:w and antu1ue lngli SIO Ant111uc truy 111.tl!i. H 12 . 251 S2 Oook5 25c·IS t:lc.ctnc MA P1.•; roekcr S3'1
THREE w oodt'n u .. avy r ubbrriu•d •dM•'r. uln111wt new rl'lh•ut t·ood1tioo Si!~ tq1s modt•li-$3$35 OflYER. i·h·t·trrc $3!'i 110 A,-1othl1«11ry bot Adultdoth1n1t2~·S5 r oot1111ll .cam e U Kenmore washer
lranM wtndoWll, td\, r a n , a 11 • 1 1 Sl5 l''iw 1u11t11 1tod "'run\.i <ind t-.11 !Wli. 2'1"40 11H'h m11tor11.td 'l'wo 111e<'t·s (Jr w111· tlc·11 SI SIO Buttc•r Rei t·nt 11u11t•rh11rk Shower t urtaln rods parts II SlO Pu1r or
fout • 50 Jdl'f looc m•llr~11t'tl for r uml/ <int• LH>W•t•r, l'l1J1mc'4J •"'it'l" S~ •;tt'ctr1c l'l·lit'lm motor i1111ll'r flow i.:lusi. In metal 111 l's H $[) <,a rdt· n h 110 k " 2 !l ,. 1· Ill h nl'w $2 1•arh Swing · h l~hhu1·k van Mllilb
P 50 tll51' fooC ~ Inti f7 n ch l'olt•rnun and r>n·,.M1I SI t'uch hlr"11wl $lj tk•Qutlfu l $3:> Ohl Nuv11l l>0ard fruml'K, 4!15 foot. S:J5 fil(urto $10 :it•>nl' w mrt l'u t d t-s 2~1· l•J S I rn~ 'loor11 S36 puir S:tll F.I~ ht ·foo t CaebOhly-~8184 tw11burn..r 1:u11ollnt (>n •• wull'l ht«I $4 whll1•for·m11l or wt•1t 11ll( t utlaJ>i; $21! 1\11 Cll<'h. !f531 llluc kfln. <lumc $6 Anll1fu" t·uch fium ci. 25<·$1 <.:1.1 hlnc t lot•kil 50t· art1(H•1u l Si1•r r 11 Tiftis <•nt' .~,0•14 •ll'l\'f' fnr r1tn11Hn l( Ma 1l b1o" '2 Two 111111( d11·111• i.w•9KIO 111,t•b fJI 11t111111 1111>c ll U Ne.ir l\llunla tool1·u11<>SlO l<:nl(IKh •Two 1lrui)t!i> f<J1 !lhd t'lrl'11tonc 70 1~ Steel S<'ol<•hptnc tnw Stu
V•f 'Y 'ioud t~1r •d • • ttt lnfh1lahh' Miu • l)l~wntt•r luhh'll SI Sl !I t;i.11u11t.11\' nt•w t•hum . hloc.:ks, pulley,. ,Jn d ti u 11 h a r Ii s tonl• p lu nll·r· $20 111.: door S:I l'l:IH <.:•in lw lt1•1t tirci. Siii Sh..cl (' H l'o w c•r d t•11k
belted UT SI U •~,,, l llf40J1wk1•t IM tl111 n1ryf'I 1•hu1r SI llf11>1 l1•111:1h .:n·y , 1111d t.11klt• $2 $25 !)61j6110 l t1$lllt1t11rs $2 $:\ t11wntul Av1• l 'nstt1 bt·lk1l \niroyal 7015 rn1kt• S7 Other(' H
nrM'7l+lt G....-r•I dhr1 11 t 5 c;110\I :.ou plu1>\11 I''''" 2 ru:.t .uni l11 ~1·11tfrr M .>h O.:an y lMit>tl l\UUINt.mudurwSl5 Ornutc 1ronfr.11ne1>$S Mtsa 10 HW1l11on l sl1•,.l beltcdUn•11 S750 p u rls from Sl ·SI:>.
Vt'r)' aaid lr~*'6 Sl • d r 1q 1t• r I 1• ,. s 1 11 ull'ht'i. '"'"' $4 One• flow1•n'\I <'h tffun uvt'r ""u1rrh1ltl 'lt·xt 1mt $.'15 0 1 d U 0 11,. r w 111111 l' a ch S :i 11 n .: I u i. s <':t<·h Atlai. 1 plv 70 l:J ;J II H i K 111 Y hr o o k
•11C8' UnelO•llli6lll Woodton lr•mrd n111 .. 1rnm1·I •i.11 h h1111 111 !l\,1\1n with lt11l' fl' l.urgl' i.1•lct·lwn boat typi•wri\l'r 525 Hoy's round 1ht'l!hl' oox SS 20 f"()Cfl' «xt1·ns 11)n SIU W1m1ton <;fl() 15 C:t1s111 Mt•Sa f>4097W
Oth&ll• C h a mpio n ro r• v.ith 111•\f'lt'd $.I Uni• 1•111.11l\t•I n11tM.1tnr1• 11tyl(' dr1·11" f1ttrn11 i. vrnta11c :ind ·c1othrn~. ''"'' 14 to lh W1111d1•11 h1p<1·s . l addN S:JO L 11r1:1· $4 S7 F1sh1n11 poh• .1fh'r91\M
(ourply alt tubek&tl t:l1t 111t $~11 Sa!'I v.u'h ht11tlll $(1 l>m• lllll'Ul l~!> l\\K11ha1: rnodl.'111 25c $15 l11111kcl~ $'1 $5 C'ar hutkNllot•astcri.Sl5 w1thr1·l•l$.'\1•,11h F.x , -
J .:welr" ..
t'omrit••h • l't1l11r111d "'''" r tan!. .. rut tvrl1·t .. ,~ .. ru•t 1>lu1•' Jilt.I f.('wmor f1<ltll1· hl111•k 1'1ir 25' $.I G 1 rl !I r r a~ 1· SI ri I :! t I lkin•v rluty wrrni:..r 1cll1·nt .:olf c utt $15 UMHtU.1.1.1\. outdoor ~nd ,...:'. ..
,.!.t • ·h ram1•r:.i •?:10 ~Ith S:S Wo1kl11·11d1 tJIJI«' l)f11•n :. S20 ~l·H·n '1 2 fir."' ~h1•1•t '1'(1l>llhikll K 25 l S:I S tu rh•1a11I W .1}. $1'i <'uuch SJ'i "'loor J.awn st'l'th•r$5 ~ml hl'ltvy 1ilai1tw,i1turrl• Or ap"~": 3&in~e111 fl11s h 1111tl l J"t' St:. ~1 th 11111• tlr u .. •·• tll'lt1·1 ll•11th'" 1111d .. rnthts Sao Vur ll'I \ 11 er:; iiu·~ 5 11' ti. l'or•1n.1 f11·I .\1 .1r l.11011~ S5 Oox sprrng l'lll' "l'Ut wit h win·
mhn•lla i.lu111I ll I I I 11 11 2 •' h h h c· I (' kl k • 1 , .. .., .., 1 , I•'· •• SHI flc..,kalc·~. "111· :>, 1 11 .1 r Ii 11 r V 1 .. " and m,1ttrt1oS S"IJ I k t •• "k ;urt SllJ t'.H'h 64fi 5'JIJ? wMk!. a inctw. '°"". ' IH•in m.: .. 11111 ti I !I\ l'<:J:! llll' .... ••{ • a It l'lll> ,,,, 1110 ., ' h • J .> $111 ~al I h11a r d $20 • ~ I h ~ 1111> .. ~· n l l' I .. /\ ~aut1ful bellJC! Hkl• 111r turt.•'\ $.'; S:.'\1 ... lllJll SI 'I J.ltl1•:Mi.tll 1mh1• ... S!. ult ~tJn(I $1 Anl1 .... u .. hi:hh SJ $15 17 Surflxmrd $111 .. :lt•A. ll11m1· ... 1 • l'W II u~ IUflk!t S5 $3 $~ Bl.id. Jcnl1llAUY 1nl1 S:l'i Whit\
n"w 12~ • pan .. 1 i:l1o1>1>,n.•nu111t 1·111n,1 $1 4'1)1'h.,IJ}rlu111SI. ~Ul '-!Kil l J rtuo 1n4:h J•rr WW I h 1 ------\:1rd.vadSI Y1&1'd TV wh1ll•'IVI:~ [hs hC'I\ w1r kf'r oll.m"inu t :1
"\"'< SlSl\1 w11t "' $1 h \I 111.1•th1·111I l··nl\rr1 t ru clol i'''rYl'I s.5 TW<J 1il.Jt1.•"IJ'"""" ·1·•11tl S .. l.um t1M r $5 1 k k " ..
Draperw t ylt! rur ,, .,. 't'I'\ 1\\1 II\ '' II I' I \ l' I I' I ' l' -.1.1mpt. l"ll' I fl I ~ u f " ·• u " ' !°>I • r 111• JUI lilt· $:$."t ICIH'klll~ l"•r
.1 ·• h t I I .,> t I S $,"< ~t ,.11 •. •ii'' l llfk ' '"In I><. rl "hcl'li. S2 IOI: \J()l1rl> <\Ki.Ket 1111 h 51· 5 !'i1x foot wooct ., u t lillrut. no-r...t blUt.' lll••vl•IOr < ,.,. • "111 lllJI urw.,... kd,.•JOIJ tjUt' 1ullt•I 1·hurn IU ,,., ,, u • u I' I 1 k S '"''" '''fl'IA1\IW •'" r11•1 SH~':{'( l.0111 iart.l• "IU " ~ II I I I I I ·' S I ,1n1I "I "~· f1'-t1n ~·1 'n '>ll"f'I 11 l' lfi 'J 5 '·"It ~iir I'\ 'lcP l:JdtJn Ill I.I 1 •·I " wellow _ .... "rH n ... m II fltf • • .. 11.J v J 0 I 0 II HI\ I ' r I 011111~. 1oaru I .. "~" " .. f • l\ufnrn.1111 spr n .. ,., .. L,tllf' l .. 1••u11a lk-;11 h
.I ...... .. ... ~ 17 R .. r .. ·r I I Ir h 1111.•ct~ u11d (1sl1 n"l'-. :Jxtl IMll hl .. I\\ dul\ t.ill1:n. ""' Wt•t·k S t nnf 111n1• l f\1111' .. .. foy• 5(' I I ~llc h i.upt•r i.C'QPl' '\fl.'11 i.J \.>111r2 ... · wo tk1w1•o1 11111 cut e r ,, ... , 1 111 SI' 1•1._ $111 /\S it I '~ 1'•11•'. ·lolrtf11~. l .. , h h l t 1 1 1 1 I k ,,1,. •1.. f\ii\itlU"' s h iii· IA 1101 ·• 1 1• ·> • ,., "t•fl• nu1>111l111 111,.11 ,,, s .11 urcl.rv Onl, , 1 h 1 1 1
Pillo ..... II"" n•·w $1 &IH ' .... t l !> .. l'.11' " UWt'I 1al I I( lei.... ,cf'lf l.lltl'l)i l U{' "' .. ".. .. • ~ .11 10• ~o .. '""'" -.. "' t H Suri :-.1n•1•t ( ,,... .. ,
">Ill fi l2 .J2:J-, 14 17 --------
e .. ,. ... R M .. roiim IS turnt abh· "1th Joor, ~7 1 ,i.214 '• 111 $:15 l .. 1i:unu " pottt•n frlll!r'> lf)Ob S2 SI~ d•rrtn. S'i SHI ,Jim II 1\11\1' 111hlwr r.111 •'" ~n di · \h'!>:11.11i1wi11 \l .111n1·1 ... l1r1\l' '51 ('llEV\ 111 1ku11 I
clockb. bc11ullful $:! " 1· IA ll t• 1• I' ~ 2" . ( h , . ., s;, ( .11• h Two 11h t1dl· '>t•lfll•w.m · rui.t vi :11rn·~·ll··l(~ .... ,1.,111l 1ll ·ff' 1',·,1,1l1•l··l· L' I (\ I It S'I' ,._.,. I .J 111 1• '•'WIM111 h1·111·h I ro>nl r1•ntll'f" S20 '1!11 II ,. ,1 "' h ,, ' I I ' .. IA 1 I 1 "·"" Slll ( "'"' C:.il h C l .. l ht !. :-urfh•JJlll J /tr l •'I• m..tut 1:.1r111:1·i.lwlv«1> l(lllll , M r\ll't• lor I:! .. ~ 'I :i '111 s1:1 .... , .. SK~111•w 1;:11 11:1i!f, v $Ill 1 1 lh•·\~ lm11al.1 fm111 women• aa nd uirlh • llrrt1·r '' uot 2h ll1 1nt h1•" $1 1•:11h pl11,.i.1•r "l'f'Vlfll: ell~ m.1kl'r' t l.111111.., Sri 1>1111111<· 11.1 111111•1 211 111c •'\1S . r111111 1,1m 1 h111 '"l"•IA• I rot .1r\ ., " I I 11 Siii 1 h 1
" Jllllljlf•r :S:!f> Srx lug S 11 Ill 11111111·r hrn'" panlb. lOJHi. b lo uim1>, J• urnmum tut t•t J111• 11aui.:11hyt.l•· • (llr hl·~. ~•11 "l'll M•pa1.1t1• I a 11d l!l'11t 1 ,11111 "11·" 1'111lt1'"" llouw 5..l'i 12 1111 11 ltJlll hl'ail 111 10111 rrmi. $.'i l'.llh t \I" llr 1 111:~ .11111 •
awt:aLl.-rs. J(OOd rondi l on t r .11 to r11 w 111·1 I S I F 1 ' , h I u ,. .1~ M•rvll't'~ fur "'" f11r I\ r n1 ' 1 1 , I d If o~lcll 11u111 hho" t ,111 ~ 1 11 ti 111 ,. \ 111 h .rl,. Si" lul( Vi '°''' 11 m~ $.'i S t 1 ·•ton 1•11)!.11w S l '1 a ritt '"'~' l'r plutti·r ...
Uo n SOr·SI t!ollcl•tori,, h :i r r 11w $1 ri i\ tr1·:. nctuguh~ch· rt'l c vt11111 $:!:! • .wh S1•1 v1111: d1i. t " I 1· p t1 1111 l' ~ S :1 • v•·tl('~lul l"l 11111.., ,11111 .,111 r SI '> !'ilium 111 10 . , .idi ~It 177., E 11g1• r 11 ,, 111 • .. 11 Ii
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ltem•SC IJ Wi.lt•rbt•d I:; mm f I ,fl 1111111l th.11r $71'.•l'h hl'h, I:! 1111•11• SIH ll111nL•slr.mtl "t.1111 l1 '' 1111flt• ~.Ill l'\111""' rn q rnll;il s:sfi S••t ---_ 1Alll•••b ~~I 1'17HHl7!1
"" ~l $I ~ /\olii1u•
m;,tlretii>."d<>ublt•oc w r :1ng1•fmlll•1 111 111 LIU Two t.rbh IJmp" SZ C111111111:wut1· l2 lu11 .dt11h•1I ~.•ll<·y 1-l1Jv1 kill'• t.11n11 with fl•kll tmn lqt tu1t"S:t 'llH ... s i t""' "•'•XJI t ruok r.111111 S2r1 ,;,,11 "
01111 <."'°'"'' WUl>h
$30 Elect ric uddin g $.15 s u1wr Ii l111t111 1'1.n ·h 0111· m t·d111111• l'lntrf\' 1•11Hl't' pol S'l5 1141 W1 i.t 1:.111 .,ilk ... h.uh· s1•1 Tuhl•• ll :onl( 111111 1111111111 Bri<li.w~torll', luh 111 Ii.ill f11 1'.1(11 1'11111 ll<•rln s:!H Old 1
ma c h l n l' natio n a l rnov1c t'l>lll•rn .1111.I rahrnf•I with mirror $10 ll.ill.1111 ",tll ("o,,1.1M1•,,11,llf'lw1•1•n t.1mp,.,s;1,1111I S.I Ni•w l)r.1tkl'I S I S •·t 1.t uoil ruhhl'r ti2ll h.ills:!fh•1·11t•h l'l,ml l<ii·ll .inil ll.rrl on
good condition 2264 uulorn11t11• 11ro11·1 tur 2Ux30 1111 h $;\ Swrvl I I .1 m I' ~I f; 11 1.11 k I' I 11 1 1• 11 t r ,, ,, 11 II wlull 11.ini.:rn1: 1,in1p I urlv. 11: 111111 lul!' $2 •lit<1 1117'1 1ni: 1111ti. 111111 h.ri.kt•h
.rnwil fnut I.Kiwi si;
· D" Maril« St ()(f S'.15 1·<11 Ir M11 v 1t r.!rt'l'll c llurr $JS pl.1~111 i..ili11I • >.l 1.1 !\11111111\1 • f><\)j Ill t~ S7 t•oiih ti~hl Iii< I St•t ol 1, lotn lui:i. S:! l~1 SH U•n1l>l1• 1·~ l..•rr.:• '"l'Pl'I' lrirrt
Wilson ni•xt lo Joun M'rt•1•n Siii !'-.f•h w11111 1>1v 11J1nl{ dn11r with l.irj.l•• t111wl 1111111•1rn S.1tuflf,I\ .,ntl Sumi.iv I tun• 11, ~ S2 r,.111 1,·1 1 11111. Al.l Ml!'il '~I 1tr.ift 1t•11s11101101\-~11v. $15 h ci1.1.•I Si\ ·,ii Vml .•i.t•·
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,,1 u Stini:r.1)..,'tlrn1 hl1lkt• 11irv .. 1lr1o1ls~J1.~1t15 111 "' $'11\111111111• h.111d :illtrlO l'i•t •alc• 11 ,111 .,111 ht•,.r'o""" ,, 1 .. 11 h l 1\••IC1'1tpol,pru1ll'r tcnil a nfiqui• h
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' t•t1 S i ii Yt·llu " ShtlO 111d11·~ 1hv1d11l ~·t a,.M·i.Sl2s"l Sm.111 I llA IC '11"''' ltkt•llf'v. 111g11111 11,,111·1 ,111111111• 1l1t t k S,i;, 1'1\•.t,JI li11hl lixlur•• S'1Slll lrxlun·' SI SI• llr .ci. ..
R OUNUoukc·off1•1•t.1 m 11 t 1c1•ro i.i. Tu l f w1thfou1 rr.oOll'!t $5 ..... r l11•rw.1r1 S:!ll l'.Hh l'111k•h'111 '' 111.•lhllll' ~1 ·. ~l \t , 1h.1111lcl11•1 .. s:t.,1.11h •1t 'HlllHI~ .. :!O :!!'i l't111I fl11tl r.!f l.1110 '111111 111.inll•r S:I
btc lal Two2t1t•rNJ wht·i·I" for 20111th ILft.inrrnm1·1I !\Wlvl'I rot1i.wr11· S<!!'o 1hri·1• <;1t•••11•ll.•p•i. 111 1.1. f'••l I' .. t1 t1 111 r.: l',1t1h1.1.111k k1111• ll.1' l..ik•· ''"1o 111 t'h•\ll1l1 1"h1•1·l-.Slll ll•·1'' l r r i•pl .•••
oak t:nd tables wrth h1k1• $30 tor h11th f ha1r$l (1m\l•rt.1hl1· .1an1lp111nl1•ll lctnll" SIH IC•1I 1·11 111 • l::!x'J m 11 11111,. ~:·•i \\,ti I ''"'"I''''•'" .1•, Fl\•' li.,h1r11! lttdl'' 1.1.ith ll.1th11M1111 .. 1111. )Ill '1'1''1'11 S'l llr.
"' •
drawers $1!> 1•:11·h M t•d1um 1lu t'k f1•1•1 d1,1d1nl( 1l1111r w rt h .vllh l1r:•"" :! hur SIH I l1hl\ i.t.mtl s.'1 llo· 111111.., ::,I 1 .. 11 lo 1 .. 111 t.11111• l.11111" S:I'• \!rt• he 1111~1 :1111 "•'"' !'-.I 11111.ud 1•1111111••11 1.11 ihr11n" si,,, llr.i" hri
T ools 2.'>C to S2 Smull i.w1m frn~ $7 F•ilthni: \ ,1rvi·l1 rio1b ~ 2211 ,.1 ,1111. ~·~•· s111 1.,wh l 'l11hl' l.1l1k ~·, ;\t 1.1. 111, nrlc 1 1 1-.I•·• 11 11 \1 .ik...,h.r '"'"''' 1111 Ii 111 S 11 rr.1 I rouf IH 1h " ...,,,. gt,,..,... tfour, .!', 11111~ .... , :Siii 11111·•·
d eltk $11 U n u b l ti t.1b lt• p.1d r11r 11tnrng E ld1·n Ave . ('""'ii B1111k:., ,6.jfilllfUC <>Oii ffJIJll•J JI IA• In s·1 k1111C'sh:irp•'lll'I' .1:ii1 1 11111•• In "'" k•·I ""''" :!Oii :11.fJ "'"'' 2!1 l'.11 h 'l!!f• .... 11.t \ IH~I ~·111"·11!•' "'~111••1
derker walnut e nd· ro 11m tattle· SS :'tt 1·"'a P h<m•·5'Ul!'il1'1 oth1•rSJ$2:, Y.ln·lltll' ll :ontl 1111 '''' s;, 1•111 ,1 l!tllJ it11 11111,. t..,., ... 111111 1·n ·1·11 111 '·"lo lh ·l'I' "1"1 f'11.,t.1 \1 ..... 1 '1IK '1'1fl1t "'' 1 ,.,,
t able s5 Oish cll . fln 1thk11 m1·tal1h•tl'f h .inll mi ,,.r s 1 Tr.1\lr ... , 1•11h ·'' 1 .1 .. ,,.1111 ,. '""""'" 1•11•1111 ,, ,,11.i 11•11111 ~111 l!J l\111t111t.l1l1•>0· · • .1n!llt· h11hJ• 1 ... SI
g las!lf'l>. ai.htru)" JOI· tor .. 1th 1•:ir11h <in1·!. N CAt,;t;Jo;m111IPl tr.J111 Wrnul!hl ,,1111 """' ti"""' .q1.11l111111! • \\lfh ,1..,111..., •11111 1,,1.., 111 ~,.,, :i.1 ,1, ....,111 ell 111~ '"'"" unit Jro1111l:-.l 1~1-11<!\ltlt ll.Jlt ti ft l't''l l11.1"'\~··fll1 1r1111
t oSl .. ac h7~1U'M rc"$25 51!1 Alh•1 l\\t'. i:••ar Pn~1n1·~ .. c.rri.. ,.,,.n1•1 ,1.111 t11.1.rth v.11-.h1·1s1:.1,1•,1.>Ci 1 1 ~1 .,11 ~.1 111 ...,1111•111, !li1tplt'.•lm.cplo•l.•lil•· I I r .1pr1 SIS ·.i •11111 h 11111111l1•1l p111 '''1 "111
111" '·'"
<'Ordi. ~S<'-SI t'lH h N,·,,.pw1 1w .. 11•h Nt'.rr \llbl(I how.1·-.~11 S.'\ tr.)'>1.tl l"llll' lh'IJ>•I l'\ll \ h,cl-.toll' 11,,11,, 1, \lcll.i .tll •, SIH'lli.I:! t.crl ·111 T1 .11lt1 l11l1h tl••lol111 111 . .-. .... 11111
Dollh'IU .... mrnrt1·triri·~ tlarl1•·r ll1 .. h•lh•1• I 51H '>'11~1 *IC ... 1 h \\l-IH 1111 7 1111h '""' 11 11 1111 7>< '1 111 .111.1 111 ,,.,,..1 .. , ,1, t "Il l"'' n, , v ... •' > . .. I 1-.t•\o\ S\•t1tn ,,,.,, ~· 1.11h 111.i 1•11 ..... I'" f lllJ" l'lf'f'll If 1)()1 n Ir • l
h ' fr s tur I fl "f\:0.1 f ,. I ., I 11 I' I I ~. ' .. l' ' I • UI \I II I h I • """'' ...:. I. ti I!•' 111 ..... IOf' $10 \'ll<' d rcu •• 1 r.ry ·• o·r ., l'Olt'l'f\111.": ... 1t•r1·11 tr.iv Sil t-.l1•i'l r11 ~11n \1 ,1 1(11•1\11\ '' 101 d l1•mh ~I '~I ~I ',11 ~1~. ,l'•1t.i. ,111tl I'·'""' 11111.cr •I S:-1 !"..11"·"1!"" 111"1,!JH•; ' ltl crlo 11 'lo•• t n1 l.111
<l<>s"SJ5 Ch11ct '~rl••"k •mly In th•· rc•<Jr on w r lh ~1 11 0 ,1 s.15 tlU• 1111\ Sit 111 .. 11111111 \',...,., ~l.o "'''' 11• ~I Sl.1 ..;,,, '"'"'' 111 $.I 1,1.!'i71l '
an d "h a ir s:. lhC'ull1·y. l'I 1 lh I$"' S.I l'.r}"t.1l11•11l1!1 Siii 1'111"'111 :>:t'i ~lot'flllll: 1w.1t•11 111 111, i11o S'• ,\\I S,1t11~~l,1 \ .111d < ll'-.'~'I .iri•I 111111 ,11 IH Vrnt :'IJ"•'
S tet•lh"'S" p.1t1h 1.1hh·. • ;J)'t• n WI I>·" ... i l '•t' I ··ti ( 11111·1 I I) ll 11·11~" :s.'t 1•11 • • .!:ti I 1·~-I I ' r •
' l'lltrll' S I'• .. ~ .. I IN K f Hll I< I J)j 1n1•h ri·1·I muw1·r 1 • u llfll'lll.1l lw111111•" ~·II ..,11111 11\ ..... lh ,111j.!•' '/\I ( 11.1111•1111! .. 11d1n)!. ~!~I I "'"'I ... :! .. 1111. "
form1<'a tor,s10 Toy~. • f•ni•rng , , "' th 1 7.!li H1,,.. ~v'" J.mw llAN l!'-.11<1111•1,,,,1, 11.111 \\11t11 11 h1 11t111 \\1• 111•,t.1 ''""·' •1•1111 -. 111v111 1111h -,,., 1 , h•·-t ~ .. • ... ,. ki·r
' "'" ll''
uamt•s IOt• SI Other w rth 1111sl i., s.3". I" r WI 1:r.1si. < ,tl\' I~ r 111'.cl h, 111·,11 7th .11111 " "-" • ""111· l"•I.:''" S t .1:1 fur~1turt· 5••3• 19111 Jl•ln llotlll'I Mt.:J52'1 $35 j!IJ 1111h g1rb blkl· 't ,,, " .. 11·~·1 ~.1tht•\o\ .i ...... ,.1 •• 1 .. , 111111 lt11\ll .... l .. ll j!I 111-:1·1111 :1· It\ Ifill 1•.111 11111111111 i'"7H II l.111111 .lllJllll\ l.11hl1•1 1•1\1 1111h1 .......... g.tj!I a.,... $2!1 s..,1 ... ,.1•h1ltl1;ir l llrt\ w•'·"" " t'.1d\S:j11 ''"-''""lrd1• 11 .hl1•11.1.I S! \t1 1•1ltl :.!'. 1 .. 111h 111 ''"' ,.,1 l\1k• 1.11 1, l1>1 l.11tt l..1·1 'l" 11 .... 1. 1 .. , .. 1,.<1 l'L•"' I
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M esa f.'1 11 112 7 .. :n1 v1 lo11••tli;i s:s:-i lrr1 y 11f· $25 T.rblt l (lf'j!t1ll1thh . \\Ill !11• 'tor .... r1t•11 ·~· 1-'•·h·• 1 .. 111\ !)1111•" I.ti.It• ~1l,;·.1.V:".1~. ·~;,','," 1"~':1 l'.fff l•I l11111.t1111111dl .111 1'1.1.11 ,1111111111· t.1 .. t11•111I IMll Sift \.111
ll e h1n1I H1·th1·I ::;1.,1rs w.11 .. h1•r .1~ r• lamp S iii c hrlfl,, 11 ,11 ~ 111 .. 11••1 ,111t .. in1111 rnrnlol h111tl1 \1 1 S.I c•111l 1.1hl••' '1,111ol :..I'• "·'1t"h1' Sl'• IJ1 l111I ''" l.111111 .. ~I! •.id1 l.11•1• 1111,11111.i l11t111
Towni.. Sl2 fll.11k hOOkl·,1i,1' wa141111Slll C't11hli.t11 S .. 'W I Nt' ' S:1H 'l h111,,litl1 l11\i ( l.11101 \11 '1 1 h.111 I I) II I I ' "II k111n1 111111..1• '·'"''''·' ft111 '1li 'I 11111 1l1•11•n•1r '-I,'
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< ,.. I \o\OIKl'll 1.111o 1• ~·• '1"111111,1\111 •• ~·, 1>p111ttl pltpJ1t l ,;! 111 111 l1 ,.t1I ' '' • \\\ l '1•11tl1•1 ~ ~.'1 '•"'·'11 "
wood, work ~ S:!f1 U1·1•k1 r w111Kl 1 ull1•1 I;, orrr 1111•1" 11•11 SI'• lllltai hr 1111 ,.,1,11111 11111\11 1 ·'""''•1 1•1•1111 ..,, "'"' ( 11 1 11 So l' ·1n h .,_ 111 wl1•1 \111l.11,t1•1•otl1'<' Stunda rd to1ll't with $7 .. :di.:1•r $7 Uhuhlt ~·',rn7~•m,1l_1• l lll!l!·•ltt• s:; "•ll v 111 1•1 ,. 11•11" S:~i l<,11.1 1!111111 1•1 11p1111 l.11111111 :S•• ''1''''11'"'' • ,, '1 •ill ~'iW1 llw11l -s;t11 llwl~• \1111 u r11$il '~1 Sd1••t111n111
:..mk. i·x1 l'lh•nt <•mfh lt111Rll'r S:. "'12 ltl'lll ... 1.1 "I )li:A U.cl w.111· s1 I 111•\1•1 lf'\ll'V.••1 .11111 '1'11111 I .1111111 I 111• ''"""' ~ .. 1 "I " \pf r.I •I""'' 1.1 711 S.!'• \l.11! ulrl c11111><.•r a nti t>ra·"'
S''ll II I I I -.1•1 ,,f 111111 "lfl !'-.h.1", i"l' 'VI•'' 1.11, 'I I ' II l'.ll\\fll1l1 If 111 111µ v.h1 •·I" .11111 11r1•' $2'1 '"'
s 1nk11 Ille a 111t.•1•1· day <.:lllLIJttt-:NS1!11•o1l sw h.111"•111" • ., W11m•n · ni.1llr1·"' S I'• l ou1 i.11p1l 1,1k1 ... s l '""" I' II II I '' It I I·: 1111•11•, 11 c1··,",111r Kt1t 271•1 '"IStri t:1•rm.1n ~1l v1•1 lion $2ri 1 w11 whrl•· Aft1·r N1111n S.ctur ---1 U!\f II Slfl ~l.ll i .mw "' "1\ "ti .1111 • 11111 11 1 I f11 1 1·i.11n g u1 s h1·r~
Kin by vac uum at ----ini:sl'l $20 l'l11ypN1 I " "' "' I ., u•r .11n1l ti.11111 'I·'"'" I 11 111 mi t l "" "'' s:1 ' \ 11"" ' '' ' I l n V .1 I l1•v I'-··~ 11 Gormun 1>1t<:hcr .. from
lacllments S2 Large USED lumht•r txH m SS 11 r g h 1· h a 1 r . t· olhinl! 2!11.· SI i; ai.s 1 u(li·t• mvgi. 111 '° Stl I l.111• 111111• S:I ( 'h1l1I" 1l1•r""'.-1 111 111 ·'' 111 w $ l'i 5411 1111117 'I wn luwn 'h.ur ... S:t II. ttwullnt'f• llob•I SM
pictures SI apiece. ch es. 4.114 ineheli, one c hromt· $111 Potty b ah Y boll l1·s S2 r o r On<'hun1lrctl hunk" '• i "'<I plil\ ,., S2 fill ' " " ii • ' ' " " " I '• " F y II 01. 1-; '·'" I l'·•t h 12 10111 l11lll111g """'" ' "'"lo:' I ·,,.
L evis , <'Ords, ~l)l)lf flx81nrht•s h y 20 ff•t·t I' h a Ir S:I To11t111 r s a 11 Tr11tn ,.,, .,,. SI l'•ll,..r 11111 11 i11ll1,u k. 'JI 11 t 1 II !1 I. r. "'·' Id I O.l.'t. It .it I 1'1•1 II ll ""me t ""ml "ll't• l.1111!1•1 S'• I .. c II"' .. ,111d11111 .,1,1
"o ndilioft , .. _J ""Sl various 11 n "th s 1:.11t•s $\1"11h llr lwst l .. >nll'~ SZ c,,,.,.11 , .ol'li 1111 "I "'' 11 11.,11.il ,,..,11·1 •t•h1•"I ''"" h••\,11!•>11 \o\,1lr1111 .._, ... ... o "' f I h I ' "' I ~1.111h 1 I T,u·k •Iii t I ti I I 111 ·"' 11 111~ 111rd11 i. .......... Si ii $:J 5 h oHt•r ri4f>.:ir.r.1 il)rll~ t•Hlf •I "1t·w11•1 t I ll1 •·h .!!i t \.1d1 1·1 .. 11 ... :. 11.N'l'IVt J..111t.l\U1~··e Ill!! ~·'"1 '"1 I 11' pa 1r.Assorted """"s 1•ac· ,\l::irm rlc>rlc... S!rr
11 11
.•• ,.
... ,. ,... h.1mmr>1 SI ~I VA<." olc·ndi.-u ,S22 ',ll",11 1i 111111-.1 ... 11 11111kt· ftrrf•
25r $j Oown s ltJt:pm1 fo46 :J!I~ (Jl.f) 11n ul.Jf s.1w SJ() I.ad} S1 h11 k """' ,. ""'"'· """" "" ,.:11 l' ltc h h .11111 1.11111"' "" t.111111 SI •~II tlkl. 1.,1rlf1•11 ""~' I .I ti• i 11 a1'1'""'"· '""""
ba,:? ~Two laml!~-. • -1)11 ~•I ~"" h I "'''" "'"''" l1l•1ll'"' I!·" .11111 1'11·11111 1111 \' I h11ro•I ""t r •"'"' SS earh Set of d u.ht·' G H !!:AT hwork~?,f ~~IA c II~' ~n•JIJUI" uthl·, "'f'' L.'' ,1 r t1' u r ,•· r" SI ~. 1 ·1,\ I x.'A• It ..... .,, ho•I\ ii r ' ,..., • .., "hi 1 ,. "II .... 'II ' chi• • "111111! r< tJ I. r. ,\ \\ t\ \ ~ .! '• ""1 ''' ::,•I• •:1 ":"'••I!•,· m .1k••1 SI· 11-11 W. 151 h
'3 l'okl•r (;h111ll 501 . ~n.:m',1',1nl'...,.I ,,11 c v ~ u1,.c 1111 •ir "'' ''" ""t'., p.1r1 .. 10111 ., \\Ill rl11111" i .,111.111 1 11111 ""'" ~:-!>'t'• l"or l\11ghl m•ll '"' "'"I• • "''\••1 Camp hght SI T..-o a nd clt.rn ~11ft1 !11.:d 11l.111t1•rS21J"'lut1·5J'1111.ri.l f'r111\f'r .11111 ,11111.1.,. gl."' ~·1 :!•1 1,,111 ,.,..,1i ...... 11,1,, l .. cr s·• t.ilil•·tullilllJ• ,.,.,111•1i,1t·~1.'i 1-.i,.:hl ...,.,111 11 \ tl1·.1tl h•1ll "'
1· .... 1., \11•1o .1.
!!lcrtn1• i.m.111 f101 k,, $.1S rhonc fj4., 02:J1 ·r l'I hntl tel m11 r11i.1 11114' rn.1ll h111g I Ill! " I s·. I '17:! I )t.-1~ ... l'h 11111111 h '\ 111 I ff" I 1111 $I ,11 r I .. ... ... I' I 11 It. .• II" I •11.. ..11rnl1f• 11.1 .11111 I •• I " ... ' ,. I I ll '" I .. , ... ,. I' l.11 •·n l 1.1
$l 5') Old T~uk clock S30 tJu1kM·l lo1k $HI Four 1lr.1,.1·1 ""odt•11 1.1..ij!•Ht ttill!.•I" \\Ith ! .!IH 1-; \\i h 1111 :-it ohllllll•\ , :--.,1111 .,1.,11 ,1 111 l'.ulll " F.1u11•t.., .inti •.tl \1'' .111d l\l ull1 "' •·•
•r:-TV{ ,...., n~-i t: ~ NJ S r .<J QJU:.l. ·1:t1 rN•-f•Hll .. lain(••I drw.1wr '*H> l.11r1:•·1 r lrr1nr "'rm1<rv. S<:!'i 1 s.1t111 tl.i \ 11111 s1111 Ill .I • " Tlir , ,. " .r 1 '""' 1" ,11111 1 ,,11111,... !;flt-' ~' I V .llllf•nn;, ·•"
11 ll1'1~1 :0..11 uni a\.
..., r ays .., now · Wll ~11n "C:hflll!>lt' l(la!>it S-l7 Otl l.1m11 tr u •$.' 11 11111 11 t r ' 1~1 !'-.m.111 l'll•1t111 .111t1"'11111l.I\ :tlt••rlll ing.ball c a se $J 50 I Evert" model . used • 1"1 r g J "'" ' 1 •11 111 m1n·1 •11 I •I·•' 11•1•11 la111p ~IC! 1 .. 11 1••· :!f,, I "11 v. 11 h1 t flow ~n_. urrow $2 • ., .. 3 $20 F our ru11t S2 ll S rntit.:i. .• wtlh "a 1111·Slf1 ,.•l•tHO'l l tlnuld1• 11111111 .,.,.111 '"111lircr11 S~ 0111'11 h1·.11t·1 '"''Ir l.111 s:1:i11 i:7 l'1\MFJt11 lir.1k•·
0 " p ·on ct•...., 67 2400 a lum mum ladder $1. t irt•s H !ix t5 •·"1 1 .. 11'11 • /\NT I t 1 I t !'-.11 1• ,. ol 1-.11•1 I n1 .11 I"'""'' to ~ Abstract wall el~k --· I < ,,, .. ,k l.111q1 S I '111 ll11101'1 " SI 25 l1111llh 11111 111 t11 rn1•1I S iii
< l h:rorulnrm1rror$IO S i x Ol.l fl l lf~r .1fl ,/\l)f t .S ,;hot:s l'~H <.>111•1•11 ~11111•1•1 • l•'l••tll'i • kol • 11 ,.0 1111•• S I 'S:! l•'11 11 r batl<'fV S.1 Gla~11es. 1500 V W c·asc. t runk. To Y slt•a m . l!O g ini. I I '"1 k s) S'l'i l\1 1ir1 ~ :!'11 S.1 I .. 1!11\" I 1111 h1•s w .1 sllf'r . "or!.' $Vi I· f 11 I \ " • ~ u" h1• .1111 tiurrlf'r g,,., "'"\I' "ii Ii 'I' .. " 1. 714 ~ I'• r .1111.d
du;h cs 5l"St Wood h t>flds $35 S1x tui.: 5211 tit> lrmn i.t•I mul•iri \'i It· I'·'''" ~111., I.! II lor SI 5:I f I' H~ll llll'dl111.1,l••1 $1'• '\111.1. 11ll•11,1h '11 S:. F11t1r11 _1, l'I 111h•-. l)•MMI, S'• 1·.wh
hall ·tr<'<' $4 704 Chcvrolt•l short IJl11ek Sltl o\xH tr;Jin 1.ihli• SI SJ!i Twih• 111111 \l•'ll" 11,1111,., l.ir i.:i '·'· .11111 w.tlt lltt111tlt1• 11rnn.1nl"' f, v,1111 ... ~\;~11 1111j ":;1~11111:~::.' '"" (l11 vrul11 """"'' (d;o11dMt·nro~. <.:oro~a 135
llc.uls $:l'i ~!i $10 Ni.:1111i.:1•tr.11n:-.ot lll111·k .11111 whrll' IV Si!S'• \ 11 11.11!• Sl !'>ll 11 ll N/1.,\1 l,'1 '1 /\I. :::·.~~~'"'J,1,,1.~1111,1.::1 ;•:· ,'1';:1~1 11:::·,1:'11 :::'1 1''s"~' !•111f.!l,1.1ndl• i111,.,1 p111 1
1'1!• v'twix•i ..,,r:':.r,~111 ~~
c ur nftcr 9Ao•1 i.:11 on .n1u.1num l:tnk with '"" l.l\l•Ut .. 211 s 1., •1,7 1~111 •1 ,111 .. S.! •1u 111,,.,1;,.1,, ~·,1 w1u11c h1 11 1111 1 1 ilh .. , 1 " 1 h 644 718.l $Jr, 1)7'1 i.l.'J9 "' ' ' "' I ' 'I hl1 l.11111' $1. \ 1111.1)'1 l 11•1h ,11111 h .1p lv. 11 1· '1'
11 "" i.: . .-. IA '1 '1 I I I r . , l .. iuln•t ',J;irw/\vril" wh1•1•l «1v1•r:-.SH1 111111 1>1-.11·;o.."1•~l 1111~ .1p11r1t\11111l"I' :·,·1 ,111tl 1l.1""' :111lu1l11\' •,, 1111 Jlf t.:ht1 .. 11I h 1·1lt•1 ",.,, ," .111_'.''',· !lf V•r
HANG·G l.11> .. :h $35 OSCll.1,0SCCll'I', S:!5 fr:imtd 1;11sl1 r Sl'1 W1 M u~t.ini: :o,pmn1 1~ 11.111 l111ok' '!ri• '1111 111111 s;, '""It lllol 111 1.! ,11111 ~pot li i.:h h h1111I"•'" 'i1 1!"11 l1tld S1•"1'l l l1Cl11\\ ''c'' . .!fl1W11 ::::·~...,11:'111'.1'11• r•:r,·~~;:
Black anct white T V Trt11h·r h rt r h $5 llr.H .. i. ship~ 1111rth11h · $2f) I IH'h 'liii Must.en !! 1' 11 I lHI' 11 .• ni t ~ ..... u .... 1'''"' '1
'11 '' SI s:io '.'l/1•1111 h1 •f'f .... ,,:11 .11111.1 .11111 ~ •. ,, 5, si. '11 "1111 I 1" .• '• ltll 1r~lll
S 35. l lx l !'> Dune l.am11s)5 C 'orcl111l ~f'I SZ5 Thr t·<' trld r c·14ul.tr $111 '""h :!'ii SI tl'•l<l'\lff·1Si!ll ,\lnl'od hit11tpt1 $<'• ll.1lloMt11l.11111111>1 11111•1• f',clt\ lt.-111 M•·'·1
Uuggy rim s $1 0 $1 0 .. ;nt1-Lablt·11 $1 5 l.111101:1• pl:iti·i. $:J~ill ll1•min1:t 11n ""'"\ 11111b i!lli 1\1.ut.im• rlllk liki• 11"w l'o 1hrl1hn~•1n 111 .... 111• W I 1.''I !-.I If ('1111.tlllY.:N~ 1ll1th•l>
Th •• ,.....,. d b " h I"' h JO $10 t':IC'h s i..111 1lrill •• •.nr\.1t1h• $1'1 Y.1 .. hic .1 I 11rll ~Ill .I• \Al II\ M l lfl31 °"'... ~ ... 'lllllC'" tiff ' 11.1•1) rt!t! '""' WI c ru •:3 (' Tli'I C8 ,. " .... "" lilt l'l>;ll "I''" s~ ('It\ lt r II k• 1 .... ' ( IHI her belti.n~ SIO fo'1vl' 'I C>yi. 101 $:1 S11!n .1I Orrcnt<1I throw Sa I> f)l.H wllh nu"h $:'1'1 :!'11 S I ('nh :.1111 I $1 t'RflC'I-\ 'If ol ~.1;1111 l.1rn11 ' • ' < , '"" '/ ~Al\llt '""" ,11\fl
111rh .1r,:1• I 111 IZ.
'" , ....... ,.. ..w ... 111•r,.,
"h111 ' pl IV f'loth1•'1
i.:rrb. hov:-.11111111fo11h
lo" y .... r .. :SI s~ S.JIUI
d .rv 11 12 ( .1sh 1111lv
:! 1111 K 1111•.., I' l.11· 1"
N1·w11urt llf'.ll'h M1111
11.1' I hrnul!h ... r111."
. 1ftl'r'1l'M
a allon .... s can SI ""ne r "tcir $7 u. ('iirn S tt·•·I Wuk wrth rrn" Twin arr h11rni. S!"i <'hr1i.l11111 i. df 1111 ,, IMll $.'; "·"' ~ 1 .,,1 li rn.•l•• 11111 ~r·1111' 11
'\" ·:
1 s2
111111•,. 11111 "lw1 h J s2:, .. ,.,u .,, u "'' " ,0 S I I 1111· 'kill••t S:! •111 ~ (,,1nl1•11 1h•m "' .11 SI f'tllh ~1lllll~ll
e ia c h M ot<i r c Y rl to m g cofft..'t.'llOI. SIO ('ut a n II 1·1mk '"''' k $I• P o l.irrnil % wt th lrl(hl 1 '"11 ~ ' 1 '1 u n ·'' Sr:ir' o•h 1 t 111 1 111 It 1· 111 ,,..., 11111111• 11 "'" f'l W 111111 ~11 SI 'I r '" h ·
ddl t Slo "t fit h I .... •c c· ff n I' I •1 I \Im w :r f ffil'lt•r .md tllM' Sl'1 a 111I S11111l.1v l 'dl pa (' ire ., lltn· m 0 .....-r.., .o f•f' ... pol ~~~I i\11 I 11 ...... 1 1.1n1p ~I:! ··~Ml w.111 •• 1 II .. r, fl I s I 111 >X 1-:~ 111 .!(Ml II· oh .1111
lessste<'l s inkSS Gi.s hbl4' $211 271H S.m Ot·rn ikir $4 S.rlllln tliilh-y four 11111. S211 C',ihrrllo St ''""1'1 S:!'i 1'11111, r,111 :!f, 211111!11 .ill l!l.1"" '"l ll1·1Jspn.11t... St 1'.11h 111.1,,111 "'·'I' 111 hox
s tove lltl Humperf'IC· J.ueai.. I.a nt'. l'11i.l.1 vogurl makt'r Sfl I 'Iii'> W .i 11 .ll 1' !\I i·~·• ll•11h .111 d ,. "'' l·•t.:f' lhoocl l.11111• SI'• !'-.1•1 nl1·1I 1'.rn1ll1•' 'i'lt llulov ,..,,1,. S!• .11111111
tension for <.:hevrol\'t Mes a Salivday an1l l :11h 11ht 1·n ·rl l>:cn l;.t5fl:lt7 ONE a l111nrnnm p.1110 SI $1'1 ll••t•r "''I:'~. {Ill larlll l.11H1•r n S:I 1'.ll h Art1f111.tl trt l'!t I h.111 s~ ,,r,111r.:1·
Pi c kup S!I S kill S unduy ii.h f•h .11 r S:JO Ot STF:Ht~O n ·i·i•ivi·r s:J'> 111 vi•f 111,.1 ~ SllJ Fr\t• ~1dlfl11 w.111·1 l 'nlt·r11.111 1!.1 i.1t l1111· S'1 <.olf 1!.1l11i.twi. S2 pl.,...111 rlt1""1 11lan
portable tools wrlh -\oman $IO Sle d SM S iit·uki·r:. S:'lf ltru~' c., ... h t>nh ll'1li:J7M J,111tli·' '10t• Ah.1l•me l:•ntt·rn S:I \f'n .11111 fo IP.11nark1·t 1t1·m " t1•r' "''h 1r.1\-. $!'• •
("HS(' • New AMll"M uoon 1•xlcno r 32<:JC79 r. a r ~ 1· g r l' I' n •rnd1ron!. s:ci: l'11rt.1 '>ht•lli. I '11 i':lt'( I fl(' ljll l' i:t •• s ... 1111 l11m11 ~., 'ilk H1·1·hm•r 1·h.11 1 Mio r,1••1
r a dio ror truck SIO fct•t $12 l:h1ldb hf~ d1.1m11rul chip and potty t.!'> C:11lh'<:t11111 SCHWINN girb h•kl', 11\l'll!\ .5 :i111I $1'1 ''" Vf'f\ oltl "h ll'S .~5 '.\kns l l11lh•"
M a"ne utility pump juck et Ol'W s7 Ell'I'· drp !\Cl SJ so (ut 11hot o rr:1m l'' s:1 Fl.11r l..ulv (')(('1·111·111 ft ll< k ('1lll i.1nhri. ~o<ll i.111111 IH•lll71' .1n1•hnr 5t S.1 14:i;1 Uf',111\lllt•
SIO Wood bookrase tnr kmfe Sil l'hilds cryslill Daisy putlcrn n II (I k II I 0 I s I s 15 1>1•1111'.1111r 1.-.u "'" II 1rn11ml 'l 1.1.>11 1111111 Ir ~ h I I 11n \,.rt 1·11 I n l'l .1 r ,. I Off ('1111••1!\' V\\ F1•mfl'r.. Siii .11111
StO Typewrller 1n x l olhi•s IJ IH'k S2 lull gohlt•ts S.'lea r h S111·1•afh K.1111F1.1m a rid ,,11 ,1 ~ 1 111 , p1111 h lun11·1n $:!5 11.v .. 1(.'11!!t.1M1·"·' SW VW llrru 1lt11ir'
"'ase SIO Ca•st•llc Dome hmrtlryl'r $111 S i x Arthur S.1lrn N1~h\s t a n 1t S7 door 1'111i.1•1 Sol 1>1111r f '7t , t "'.1111 ·• c·111111 l•r .·rn" $'"1''.lf'h VW.•1r 111n .. ·' Tr VtrSI' rods $2 Pk C' l' I ' H:1ybcrry 1•1101111· r101• ' Ix I I lllt • ,~. l'.11' I •7 u .. " ' • playe r $1 5 f'1~hl a • oc rm.rn i't .11 n i·si, "' t tt storii. 2'11• t .. 1111 f\nll 1111 F11r1I rinii. :1:1~ Irr.ii." h.rn1.:1ni.: h 11r oNt-. bruwo lwm hNI ilit111n111i: iornpr~,..,lr
trac" t apcii sar'each ~or~t'1r~mt•i.I fiOch· $2 llF!t•t·I fruit knhrvtl•sl $-11 SJ~Vl'I~:.;;:;:: l~·'t;1 t~1~:· i1u1• !:·'" ,.,,,1tJ1•r111 1: Al v.1 l .. 1111• 'Iii.la r11.1n1· l,1rn11 Sil /\nl1 t'llVl'r ~ Orw y1•llow $20 VW tnwti11r $1~
M e n s Hhlrl8 11nd • y { 11' I :. .xpcni;IV(' s I' Cl mm an(I hc.1lt•r s::ir. Ml'"·' '""' ..... ,, ()ff qu•· ~u ll f1x t11 rf'S lWlll hl·d 111\'\'I $7 Mil 177!)
IOc 50<· l>oul>I" ""d •A S1>11I r pl t u SI l.11J:l(,11!l' SI $5 U1i. ' '" ' 11 II k ... ------swc11ten125f SI l.11wn ' "' ""'' ' e '1 1·~ · hes !flt• SI W.iffli• 1 .. Hll{·s s m.111 n ylon s.1nt.1 /\nu .11111 211111 S2 $'1 V1nt.1111· 11•11111'> 111' ammur '"" trlmmer $2 Adult e x· h eadhourd S<t S2 50 O ld t-:n ~li!lh wt1rk 1•11,1ts SI c sw h Stri·•l 1111111 Jlootl ltght-. o n ,· ~ull m oun t ltAC>I UM t1p111•1I 1111:
e r clsor SI$ T e nnis ~ames, toys 25c: 7ric p1tth«r with wheut irnn SI C•nnrcs l:ii l'o l y i•st f'r flri·s~. l ll rnf h .ill .. l.•iss 1t.,,fl() o;wrVl'I hos1· hold..r S2 l(IC' switches $1 r•:rch
Chairs $9 7"0• W <I • s·• L n ltc-Mnls 50t SJ Shop W I "' ·1· k ti I tt SI h rac ket s:i Haby round .. ·• 1>s1i::n .,, a r.,e 1 a rt S:!fi SC'h uol i:n ·al i.tvll' lnr sum T O H.1h\' 1n1· 1·11h:-, ~ ntti-SHI L u i gt· .. 11 puir s I b1111ts St urn 111 ons 1•11r
walker IZ. Baby Oceanfront. N1·~pnrt Tl'ak s 11l11d b<1wl mi.'r Sh Nc·w llrrtthi•r s prrngt1m1· yellow S I'• r;trikrni: 101111.1 hllf•k .rnd $.1 Om· flr1·111tu•1• C'lrr ull brl'Hkt•rs 12V
clothes l!St·50c. Crib Beach. t nt·ur Sanlu $2 50 Saturduy only d\•!lk S25 TV stand~ ntill'k Mx 11) .. 111 1111! 1·111•h mulln i.l>1·~ S:.!O t'l•>t k 511, Vi•i y .ull r grat•· $[1 Ont• 15foot I :, II. .11 'iO• I' a 1 h
!lheeh W e. P.addte Ana Rive!:_) 94 Take Dear Street ~·.1~.:;;~rwlluh1•,,r11•1r.:a•rhhl hoard Sil Nu(•1uh1tt1•t 1·111·h Aqu.rnum" SJO quc wioui:hl iron h11s1· $:1 Two l.1hh• n:11 ~11411
pad1 25c Tennla ball• GAS cans, ri ve gallons on West side of South men ls SJO Wlwds ror from Tn '''"""II• sn , .. 11 Ir /\ 1111 •' r' um ilouhlc• lll''I St!"> Vin lamp!\ SI an11 S2 c >rw - - --
20c Coffee mugs lOc $5 each Wa lloven Coa s t Vtla t<r.ie. i:o (.;h(•vy •1aton truck $.5 Orffl 1.1hll' 1.1m 11 SI ~t.11111 SIU ;,57 :.!lli5 lllJ(t' 111 rrwh clrnlni: rt•••11rt1 11l11y c·r t wo t<:~:fo;~~~1>~~>\:,~
each. Mltttbina ..18tes el-t""". ••c"~ .. condi·· on e bloc k North o r Nt·w 1·1·r.1rn11 t1k 1t1• 2r1 lh V11ss 11r l'l.11 1'. titbit• 10 .. $1!• Furty's "111•11kns SIO Cloltll's "'" .... "• ... ""' s nflowe r th"n w,. t Uuskc·tball h1H111 $'1 • M 1 ,,. .. 1 f T .1hlf's11w SJ.L ('h<'st
l l IS1 I l!\1 tlrapc•i., •larl.
)!r• 1 n l11w1I ."1l1<1u•
-..111n, 1•xu•ll1•nt t•omh·
t ron . tol.11 wrdt h lJ:I,
lt•ng th '">7 for S2:l
l..1w11mowC'r, S 11tm t
Sf •111 IJUSh ty pe, hke
111•w S2f1 54H •11W.1
U l'ltlCillT Sanllarn·
vm·uum Siii Sewin~
m .1C'h10l'. pQrtable
\'IN•\tll' with atla1r h
nwnls und t'usc. a11 1s
SI!. Ch1lll'!I chro mti
t.1hlt• and 2 c hmrll,
<'Xl $15 Voulh ~hulr
rn1111l1• $14 Antique
rtoor l11m1> $14 Table
lamp S4 "'1ve li~ht 2Sc. As htravs IOc. lion 1 20 01111 .u • " ~s t1t('h Ftrt•str11·11 .1 (ost u . 1•s 11 11i 011y m ~lu l rol li•rsku lf' ,,1 .. tri.:<• 1.-Jtslo•11S5 .,
L h
' on Wakeham to thir d Ml'lal wut1•r run x --w -... 1 1 of dr,1w1•ri; $111
.anc eon set $3. tele phoncts $7.50 each streel on le ft 9lfl S 2 II$ I 5 Turk_. Y /\rt1f1c111I l'h1l.1111h•11 :l s I' t:fo:U •rrb. lllk<' c•t111e 16. t.u r~e 7Ull :wt huu .inc . l'ost,1 l'orreluin s1nk11, t orM
PyrexpiedlahSI Tea Danis h -m o d e rn Hollow Rrook. CO!iht rof1Sl <'r s:> l..1d1cs tlroo SJ Hrll'f1.1!'w S5 $20 1;111 f\t u11~ $J •wattdt•('trw s11tnSt5 l\1Ps11 Sl!'>SJb Doors SIOs:tU
k e ttle SI. Corn· ch1dr. 20 year s old Mesa C'lothln~ 7 14 for l',iir ml'lis "1'P 00 each. t;olC ba'4 s:i. Ant ic1uc• ouk luhlc IN1'ERESTl.N(; uld Used lumber U-SIO
lll1warecoffeepotts $20 Snow lobo1u~a11 SOc·SS Sii~ 5 fnrmul cunv•!I rosuHI s hot'll Thr•·C' llruw1•r nri:hl· liamp '" i\ntu1ut• furn1turf'·dressC'r . 273 F: l!O'h SI ,Cost a
Deep cast Iron pan SS. $7.50. 548-4109 NF.AR new Qucen·s11e $25 M2 5"54 1953 Mo $!f nt•w 2tl!rl Wall.u C', stand $10 011 ai.conal hru!I~ n.itur~I g,as ta vanity 1930 vintn~e Mcst.1
Siil .rames ti each h<'d spnng only S3S pie, C08ta MCiilJ <.:osta "!_t-su~ 2_f~~ I a h I c• s $ 2 . SI !1 bl~· l ump $20 Twer:· S 15 , tar~•· round -----
Two m a t ('hlnJ' NEW 2 4 fo o l Monday lhrouJih t'n C R F. l> EN z 11 <:lnsswar•· 25c $2 tys Rnd.:1• lum11 kl m etul tahlt'. pedl'stul TENT l11r1tt•. liuhl
bookca1u111 SS Rulf a luminum extension day 001.,. 673 1202 1 sideboard I or t•nd Pots and puns 251 SI AntrQut• hnll rixtun•. bast'. J.Cood fo r patio wt"rRhl. hlut• n y lon
rake Sl50 Two table ladd e r S35 . New ---HANGIN G l o mps tublesftw0>Slll l•llrh ('lothinJt 2fH SIO o rr.:1n.1I i:luss shadl' $20. small hondmadl' !111R luut OllOr. 7 fool
clotlu SI each . le•the r hnesm c nMAYTAGwasher$.1S ruhy ii t aKsl S IS Be fore IO Jll. urtcr Tools Sfh SI Two $_18 Kil:I W 15th St . di•skSS twotwmbcd t a ll 1:15 Vu<·u u m ,
J(ef'CMM!IM! lamp t l.50 climbing tool cit $3S T able t enn111 $7 .SO. •;old m etal J'ict urc <tf'M 00 Sunduv 3211 foldlnu C'hairs 52 50 t: M . .' II t• l w 1••• n fram('s s.s t•tlf'h dm Seu rs Kenmore 125
,rarne.2$cMacram Ne w m etal flake. lleavyfrumedmlrror fra m es ss t•urh l'o insctli a Ave , i•uc h Putiofurnrtun• Plar1n t 111 .i nd rniitahlt'.Ol'f-dl\work 01rt.-ct11rs 1·hu1n1 SIZ
rope 1250 90x81 Inch m o to r cy c le h e lme t 26>t33 inc h e11 Sl2 . Melul picture c;,lll Coronactt•I Mar SJ s5 H a r H "<~ui• Monrov111> 54M 11135 Sl!'i 58S2 ttacicod a each H1cycle child
roll·U, ataecSe $5. Four ~ 184·4087 Three-s he lf c abl11ct Iron or l.lncoln und -----s moker SIO TV stood Saturday 111111 Sunday or . Hun l i n ~ t 0 n c· a rr 1 e r n ew S :t .
pacllaces ol needle· 201130x33 tnchet high W h ' t $7 .. 0 WASllER • ., o rt 10AM W" he h rM1 I -'nt.newl2·SS.f!1et·HUP'fl'EYJt lnchten· $10 14·foOl p iece 1111 ontJ o n .~ • ..,5 ryer SI MI llan11lni;i h11ht .!!-!!... _ 14t'llC'h ISprtnJ?duh• 1 r r ar
< hundcht•r S9 l'ort·h
h Rhl. new. white S4 Guitar~cx<:cllcnt. Sli.,.._
U1rd c.tR<.' S7. CoffCC! •
tublt', mahogany, $.'\
Aluminum l'lin g l t>
foldini,: t·ot $4. Sun
h1•am hairdryt'r S2
t.aruc round rl!lhbowl
13 Iron Mrtddle SI
N,.w ctrupt"ries. :J pt
411" x ,.. ... white, all
$12 1>1'Ul)(.'8. 2 panels.
loo11t> w eave beige,
92" x 9'!" ttO. Drape&,
frk teecreem mallet, speed $IO. 28-lnc h ten· shaped drtltwood 112. each T w o h a nd $35. (iood workinl( fix ture $5 ('rnll-11 S A M SONI Tf. n uto W ,. !\Im I n s 11· r I bar~Uf' tf75 nt•w1
M•tll ... Governor •peed S20. Engli1h 6-foot imn •un·clrcle made quill cyellow. i•undilion 4950274 SI 12 Ea1wl $5 C.1111 truvcl. 21 11 1 :cxt1•~. 1194·0336 ~~~:·~ct~ ~~~·rr::~:
St.. Co•l• Meu. three-&p eed 110. SS 3 -root blah whlTtc.:freen1t)hfor11"1o·u11 tonk S8 Mel ul trunk with m 11k1• up euse CRIB*"', dlnett•• llCt vc•r" u l)od $20 .
Sat•ri'ay Onl)'. On1lnal0Hpalnlln~. c1rcularbirdca1eS5 or ... nw P w .63 Rukk aluminum S3~0. M o tort'yC'lt• S I ~ ril'n11 ('oolc r ...,, ·'" .... 17. rrovlnclal du a l Decorallnt llema llham 13Seach . Melul block V8 e ni;:lne $3.S 1111rts ll·S5 W u h $3 ,60 .. o ur n1•w SI!>, rodcer $21: dHk l>rl"1tt1'r . thrf't
portrait $30. '&3 $l·S5.&46·l029 bedfr1mc for Full or 540_5727 hoar'1 ~ :11411 Rruy drap..ry panels 3 SHI , Saturday...,and drawe ri1 with ro ld
T&NNt8 raquet Buick all aluminum Twin 17 50. Small --I.one. (;1111t11 Me11a yud~ h'n11. antique Sunday 2lt Ve nice down desk and cub·
Prince model 4~ v.a en1lne • 1ood PORTABl"E TV, good plng-fjna t1hle S9. TENNIS raquel , ne w , 55fl 0477 113\in S:! nnrh fo'lve U. Huntlnicton Oeac-h byhOleA 115 Radial
... ._ -. -.......... tkapeSIS 540·5'1ft. eound •nd pidure S m a I blu('k and Yam11h11 flberjlla11s. y1rd8 ol antlqut• H11t111 c Yorktown/ Hunt Urti11. t6S·l!i mounted,
---·"' .....,, blicll and while, 12· whlte TVlnaoodcon· lmp.irl1t l aut $3~ VW Fltieruluss rroot f rS!i ay rd 6460620 ln1ttonSO on VWfour·holcrlm11
VACUUM c1 .. aer. WA8HD -ta. l>r)'er Inch 1.ftilth ~ 17. dlUon ta. Deck chalt 873·2490 hood . flt 'fl8 thrnuah 0 8 922 each. lA.'83 for all
&leetrolua, •II at· ... l>Ultwuber *35. tnch RCA tzS. e.lnch 110. Typewriter a.u '72forl20 645-3803 u INC H portahle DIVINO wetsuit . lour.875·2Cn2
ucbm•nU, uo. Powermowu SH. ward• 135 12·inch Antique oak chair ROU ND·top birdcage S CU BA l k u s hl11ck a nd while. medium. S25 top o .._....... Sdter ... GldOllne RCA SIS Paperbtlt'k t35 Pbon1raph tH It P . Two 610 15 tlrchA. T wenty ·t"hno u aa'nd w o r k 11 ll 0 o d bo ttom Short John G TILES 8"118", from ,..~. •· Color TV book• tSc each. Calh l '20. Floor-to-celllna deep trt>ad SS e•c OllM • It 0 M szsc anl11tt•r varuum O'Ntll 115.Bat'kpack Italy beautiful un·
t t 11 Ill o a 1 ~ •· Vet"Uum onl)'. Saturday and chro me rac k . with One tMIO 1& wide.track StO ~11M!ffi vh ll. • "omplcte SJ8 ruab· l20 larllf. 1' Rotary u.u1l cktlllfd, no lea• uuu•luloa._ elHnet tH. Tlt'i't SUnday. M0·2'704. 1belva ror towel• or tir e $3. Two V. W. · ll ·vo •.io .. ,. mowt'r. llkt' ne w mower m Wt•bl anld than ID 1t 1 time led Ill lid ....,..,. .. w .. t -Sl, C&l• 1'tants a 9aturday, r •ms H•tn~lt .. f tff• ~robe ~th ~d 16. tt Elecn tl" brnom H . Stttfboard •H. U~ unt. 141..0U
, • .,.. Cel IU"UO. 111 .. 1 . llf Placeutl• WOOOSN w1rdro Sundo. Monday hole.P eadt.Ane rlO w i t '\"h dvl eo s1 2 Afte r 10 ·30AM M o torcycle parta Huntln1to n Beach
AH,_........ Ave. tu....... IMHl31. AM plea1e. '41·3880 ~vob~<'~ 1 ~e~9.1~w &4& tm SZ·$10 6'S·7al after 10am
2 pllOCll. green , 80"
wide 11 "2" long, all
S S C ur\a ln s.
(it)('rj!las~. 3 pair 42"
tr 81 ". •II SS. C ur·
laln11, 2 t>alr rurnect
nylon 42" x II". 1111
SA Twin spread, blue
11nd white flowered
$5. Twin ahHta II
eac h . Blank e t,
Pendletdn wool, pink.
40" ...... t.ed'9'
c lothet, M2. Zk•SL
M•n'A 1hlrt1, 1•'11•· 2k·l2 Mee'• . penta.
33" " :D" 50c.13. 231() Co&.... Drive, Col&a Meaa, •ll•r U,
• • ...
.,u 1u~ti(IARO ·10
'T "' o b·r 11 i. ., l\ "' 11 11
I II Ill J)" • :i !) l' " I' h
t n.rllsh hl.l110pulntl'<f
r h 11 mher i>Ol U~
tJNmun btot•r 11t~ln w rnOlffi:•f 111J luin li
~ L111r1t~ 01111 I 1111111\le
S!l~ An th1ue i.dq•r
t'n1r av~d i.~•p~l~h
•U O " l bonk S I t~nwlli.h i·hin11 1t•1pol
I ) Sill 11l11 i." ur1.tl
111 h ·,·r ('(Mlio.twr-i S7 ~)
t:tehc'\I .:lo" 1·11•11111
1111 r th'r $1 AO S11\1·r
l•'"'"I Loi. SI~ ,\nt1 ~111• brl4M• llllnt'r "
1.1nw ~ ~HJ t-n·n1 h
wl""" unJ Y.oool .... n
IOll. \I ,1y $3~ 1'hrl'1'
1'111>1>•'1 t :n111i11h h\1111
Ill.. t111rn.-$3!1 t'lll h
I-' I \t' 1J.1 ILl.liUL.: U
1 1111lo. 11· 11wulth s 1 "Ml
'"" h l'>H1h11' of lH td
1·11rH•d oul uf l't1·1
h I.I r n S I O ~I •• n '
"'nh·h~ 12 ~1(1 Mc•rl
llllot '81\•'1 111111(1 111'
I ,1(IJ \'ll!'ll' ~lf} ~Leri
1111! i.11\1•1 lll'lloill' \'II
i:r.11 .. d tu 111•1•lt•t Slfl
\ 1111qu .. •·na.:1." 1·11
,1t•rl1111: ·'"' • r 1 .. "
.!ii ..,terl1111o: 'llH·1
.. ml 1noth1·1 111 111'.1rl
twit hu1·kl .. Siii l111q
11 llol ~llhf I Ill'' :llJ
I 'ohhll IJlu1• a111'1 11oltf
\11'i.1· $'/ ~l•·rl1ni.!
:.ilv~:r i.alt ;md p1·111•1·r
., h u k e 1 s SS· 1• a 1'11
Cril lcl'l•Jr !JI.JI"'
ltoclo. wells .ind 111.in 1
11111n• s2c,.s:15 1< .. 111
I n ,,: I () n l ' I I' ,. I I I I
I) 11<-·~nt1·r Siii /\nit
If UC t•lc<•I rll" r11111n
h1•11tl•r Sil <:r ... ·n
rn11r hinc Sf> l·'1~h1·1 ,
11 r I ('\' u r n I .. h I' •I
rllhOUS(' $20 T11lll··
l11m 1> $20 ftotary
lawnmow1•r SIO ('<1f
fcl' ma e h 1n 1· $5
t:lt•vt•n q uarl7. h1Kh
IRIC'n!11ly l 11:ht~ f•1r
t1•11nas 1·11urt •ir p ork
Ill)( lot $35 ro1·h
l'lothc:; 2.XUSj .\1 unv
t11ys ond 1>l11 fft'd
;inimals 5<k··Sl5 Th1r
Iv ~ullon :.uxil111ry
ga s lank fur 1>01li:i-
'an or ·mini 11w1nr
hum•· SJ.'> Him!. for
f)Ud J.!I' \j lll $If/ t'.IC'h
,, •• ll } ,, I ti I'• 1 I ll ...
°Ill•· .1•1 Lar).!1• hoi. 111
11111 I S :,la1111" ~I ll
\ll·d.d-.. t•1k•·m., hut
I "11 :-,1 ll rJ Ii a If J.! , .. ,
SI s;, Sterhni.: -.11,,•1
r1<11>k 1n r111 i.:!. 1•n
• J,!rnvc'tl Siii 1-'uur fool
noun.-i.eenl 11.:ht f11c
1ure. ncw Sl5 Vikin.:
' dccorato r meta l S l!<'ulpturc wull 11l;i
r1u1•. o rlcinal s:1s
1<1·m 111gton Ill kt•y 1111
!'l1 ng m:H'hrn .. 510
L;,mp lalill', n1·t·1l!. to
rcf1n1!.h Siil !'-.11\·n
111Jd u.:r Sl.5 • ..Sil v .. r
l> I' t\ I n J.! 111 -. h $ JI)
~J t urtlay ;111d !'-.1111
""' 2!11)11 llirlltnl ,.,.,, .... ('tpjl,1 M•'!.U I I
likwks w1·11l 1if II.JI I~,,
•1fl llakt•r I
!I· ... ,,,>'f wnrk'twnr
Y.llh l14u 1h'a"'1'rs .11HI
~h1·I\.~<; 520 21,x!1 •1
f11•1t 111.> "'•1011 S ti
~i.!I '1fo11t µly"111Jd S4
:-.mull J'irwh ply"'OOll s :! l' u 1· h M 11-. t a n i.:
"'111'1'1 ('0\1('11-Sil •·lll h
!-.1x 1:11nl'h l1rt·~ SllJ
f11r :111 Lar1:e Sill' trn•
1•h.1111i. S5 Tt11rt ,
g :.111111 (jrum .. s:1 ~1i1
•·11d1. :iot.111 Clc•\1•l<111•l
c '11,.la !\11•!.a . !17!+ ti(ill'J
l'Ht:con A!\1 ff!\t 11·
t•e1v1•r s t1•r1•11 SI ~
/\ M I t' .M !-iW o1 111
l~M(' solid :.tall' S!l
St1·re11 pho111·, hl:.l\'k
A !\t 1,.. M ra cl 111
H t·c1ll s ltc· Sii. S1~
.p1·ak1•r:; 6x9 $2 c:ll'h
::1:10 lxwlors C1rd1•
II (). C.:•1::.la M1·i,u
ANT I Q E ltlll
14nutlt•ft tno t anll
1Jlt'11ll1k••r11 11.101 •ht.111
12~ VaMt•t) 1uit .. 111<1
wnod(ln ho'""· tru11Jo1
.. nd 1•h1•11t• S2 136 rur1 l'3 top tr ullk ...... -
()11k chf«t llS Man'
antiqr.w and \.lnt111w
1·holn. l <t 111 U O
II r n II It• "' II h 111(. n I
tltl i.~H'<'l ofhr 1· orm
r hn1r St ~ M 11~1<1H'
•I I " ,. II I I ti ll II k
1lr01('tU1ll Slfl St•lld
~ 11MI JI 11in11 b•· n • h
Quf't•n Ann If'~" 11 II
\ llllJIJt' 111 1111 h 1111111.
ti" O '' t1 r .,. i-" <I I U Iii
with foirl 'lnko•r ~
l\f11~I> I\ lllh11I' $.\ $lh
~llJI ,. d1 urn 'IJOtJ s:i
\\'oot1t•n 1 l11ri11t1I J..l ~
~..1.A .u·u.t t 'l.;rin.t
flt>tlr'?>tm1<.t » ( 11"•"1
t-r 1·1H h m n1k t.1 .,"
trum~·t $.~ ,\ntlljU•·
lJ1•1 ,., •• ,1 ..... 1. ..:1.1 .. ~
m1rtnr 1 1~1~ lntht·' ",ii nut f1 .11111· ~f• t rift
111 c..:ucr lllll'l ul .11111
hlHp ~ l-"1l11;h1111d
1•111nt1•1.l t1•rrl'1'•1ll1•
'"""' ;,111 I "'1•1\1 I " ,. h , • I •• \\ \\ I I
""' ltl t.!l1tht• $11 H .. 1
I.ti\ fll ,11(01/lfW l,Hk
1:1 .\nllt1111· 1 .11 1w11
It'' 10111 dw'I $111
\'1d1111.111 111 1 fkOJ)!.4'
·'"" -.t!uul s1 :. C1l1I 'ulld 11a k llt1r11n l.1
1111• 1lt•i<k S2!i I :ar.:1•
"'h'l'1l•11l •1( Ulllilll<'
ul(! f.11 111 t1111h ,11111
lllt•l.d 1 IHll.1lrlP l1'
"''" h11 .. k1·1... 11111~ ru1lk .11111 •111 1·:111:-
:1U1·. 'SI :! \'I 11 I 11 ).! I'
\\ oml 1 at11nd r11ll1fli.
$ 5 S ~I~ < • r o i. I 1· ~
<'allwllral S27 t-:arly
oak l r:rml·tl
l';11·h1•11ko 1:.1rrw SI!
I .;1 r1:1• 1·11111·1 I 111n of
,1nl 11-1u1· unrl 'lnlu1ow
"al1·:-S:! S.I~ \IUrl\
''"'" and t \I"'" 11f 11111
I alll lrlln "k11l1'11o , ltUh
.• n rl cl u 1 1· h 111 1· 11 '
SI $11 H-1:1 \\1·,I 1:1111
SI I ····I <'11"' ·' M ,., ...
11\·t~l'l'l'll 1·1:11·1·1111,1
a n IJ \I 11 n 1 '' ,. 1 :1
._I r .... h :1 ,, II Q I !I ~I
S:it urd:1~ ,tllcl ~u11tl.1\
.oft..,. Ill
El .t-:t~t ltll ro1ni.:1· S:.>11
1\ I•·" I 1111•11! '"'~ r .111i•1· ~<!ll ll1111 Iii·· 111 ii
,, .11111· ~1;. f .. l;! !!•itt:1
llfl l.l,,.Y .1.1111 I 1111
SJll ll1tll1·1· 1.1•1K
V1rel111d ll~I hhl ,,,,1,
_:w \' w 1 .1p11J 1 t"'' •11 I
• •111I1·1 S I II \' \\'
~ Q IJ 11 r I' h ;1 I' k Ii V
.:~rwrolor $10 VW
Hui( 6V 1t1·n1•rulor s.'1.
VW l!iUtl 1n l ak1·
m11n1fohl S.'> VW f1111r
luc wtJl•l'li. 5.'.. 1'.11h.
A USllO ll1•1Jl1•\' :Jl/(t(/
JU!!>k~ l'(llll~1lcl••
I"" ht•;rrl !II'!!. :inl'I t1lll' '""I "''I Sl!tJ /\ U!'t 1111 11 , .• 1 I,. v ',. r \ 1,.1•
r11.tnu:1I ~1:1 1;.i;, ;,(~111
f(11t.I. A \\/\\ lw<I. Pl<o
I 1 a "1111' s:t·. ~11111 11~
.> 1tcil-lo\\.!J.Um1<1 outfit
Sl5 t'h1ldH·n-. t J ll
t.1111 1ulil1· .1n11 1~ .. ,
, h;111 :-S2~ ~l!J :!filij
SANYO 1·;1r • .1i.i..-tt1·
S:!!> T~t·11t y t hr ....
1·h 11 11nel t • II Sl!~1
/11r1h l1k1· "''"' llarn
"'"' i.h:.11h·"· '"'"' $3 '""'h !'>111..r J•·"'··lry
S i ii s:1~. l '11h lur
l' Id n I -. 111 1· $ :1
11!111 li-1'jll 11r 5.°Jli 1<10:1
INl>J/\N ty1w 111·..,~n
W () \' l' 11 I W I 11
l11•1ls pn·a1t. ni1>11tly
r "11 s h u 11t·1> $ 7
IMli 05f>5 aft1·r I Oum
IH'NKS. lOf1 a nd hot·
tom S2!> elll'h . &I T t1r
qui• 1-°hl(hl I rum; SJ(}.
lwm b<•ils $25, H·19
1n!.ulat111n 25t· i,q. ft .
!I ~ 11 r f li•111 rtl SI r. .
ches l freezcr, needs l.AR<:t-: while hassock work Sl~1. TN·umsuh
Sii' r)oubl\• k1t1•hcn mow{?r en.:1nl' $tu ; s ink $5 Mt•dlr1111• rullaway hed S:IO :
<'a 1" net S7 I' u ti 0 tadil'S wcl!mil. ulmOllt Banana lounge r hnlr rww S3S ~2 llt.tzurrt. S2 T iered flowe r :.tand $1. Occorators _ We111m.i nsler MM· 111111
lurtte lamp $25. l'utlo 1-·1n:t: form1cu to11 ~lid ing scrcun door 1•hro me tw sc tublc ;
SIO. Tether bull SI T ahiti d ance cORtume
Velvet vanity b1mr h $ 2 5 : C h 11 r I e s
c hair SIO. Old II I\ lkauvais pulnllnKs.
electric mixn works 1 wo a t $25 cu1•h .
$3. 176 <.:c ul l'lucc Norclco shaver with
642·Slf72. c 11 s e $6 • G 111 e tt c
THREE Poruable TV's
17" color $30. 17 ..
Black/White 12!1; 12"
ltlack /Whlto sis. o il
need &0me work . ~
h .p. outboard mot.or.
Commander. needs •
we ld 13(1; 1923 Kodak
127 camera n at fold.
ne w condition Sl2:
three p. leces l\litgage
SS each; cauelle re · to rder SS : three
wrou&hl iro n bar
stools SJO; erutmea.
adJuatable SZ: •ntl·
que "T" 1141'1, draft·
lntc ~ each: bumper
blh rack SI: very un·
Jque aervinc tray
with stand. tum of
century era S:ZO: bean
ba1 12: knlek·kaack1 ll·t&: new Oat1un radlo H . All day
SalurU)'. No Snday,
232• Enaland, lbml·
ln1ten Beac hi.. two blockl wat of neada on Yortl.Own ......
VW 8quart1Htck rear fend•rt tao pair :
bum"H SH pair :
el1ht clranr dreeaer
llO; 11lNboard ~.
• -J -
11moke ularm . ne w
$6. Custlt!lle n -rordt'r
AC or batte r y $6:
rolary electrlc Juicer
$3.50; drape> traverse
rods S2 ea<·h ; larae
dra pes S3 pair ; aood small AM /FM table
radio $1.~; 1peakera
Sl ·U : mal(n e ll c
s ho wer t•\lrtaln $3;
l(ood s ue de leather
coat ~; fritmed mlr·
ror 14"x50". "2.~; re·
cord chan•er deck a.1.
162·8373 anytime
LAWN mowera K.O.L
r eel without catcher
'36; K.O.l .. catch~r
SJO; r ot11ry with
catcher sao: rear
throw reel without
C•lcher $30. Saturday and Sunday 982·40&1
IOOH atendinit fan
'25 : Underwood
typewriter, elite l)'.Pt!
'25 ~ furniture dolly
SJO: men'• c&oUtl.n1.
me<Uum 91 Heh: 1ur·
fboard UO . 141
Ma1plt, 1'ount•ln
640 4Nll. -
(. \.' ST 0 M m 1 d l'
dr111w11, nrw tlO p1lr
ho)" 311" l>l(•ych1, Uk~
O ll W 1 20 , l.i qjl•
k ltt hvn 1 •bit• <'h111n .
lrnf fl ~ rrr n rtl
l•la tr r1t<lfo F~.
o t 11 o f me n .
~OfTlf'll .. r lot hH II
.-•1•h . tolM ral)lu '2.
11wt11I ll'fHllllll bo11rtl
S2 :.o. 11\"1"'' Iron t:).
1n11~t1·r S3. 1•1;r lm11n .1·
111rnl" ~ t rtl)t!tl ~·
.. 111'11 . l..r111· h•11 th"r
"Ultl'U"" ~. tlotl'll <11
r11nnln11 tur .. fl )(I,
~u11ht•um Ml:\111.111kr
S2 ~· IJI h•l l llM'. Ill'"'
I .1 c • 11 ' h t 1 n J \
~.:\I.I ;i:\.~i /\1h1111u .11111
lh •IJl'll
L' \\ IJ Ei UJ..u:.k. AUtl.
\\ h111• I\".., SI~ "'" h
,.,. kt•t 't•I Si'-'
h r11111 llJ1,11 I. lUjJI.!
<l•·• k "'"'' '"'' 'mull 'l'•·1tk1·r' 5111 '"'" 'J I I\. llllJll••I rJdlll
JllJ T \' I l'l>Ulf l>liok ..
;'jo• S:! l'Jl'h li11w 111.(111
1111 """" 110,11 Ill'\\
'It J Ill 1'1111 lo. I ,111111
$ 1 1\1 .1 I k I •' ll
c· .• , .... 1\1\l' "'''' hafi:•
11:111111111 $."' Hum Ii
ti.•nd1 .:11111lt·r $JIJ.
Loni: tta11i.!l'I '· U .111
ll'llllll, :. fl Iii. l"'fl l'"'
11r llll'lllrt' luli.· ... s1:1
••a<'ll Hot:! 1111:!
ntt 'TC11 1-:s • 1 ~.1i.
'1'" 1• sr). l\1t .... 1a111-:
l.1lli).!ht11 $10 w •. ,,
111 1:hou ... ,• .. 1 .... 1 ri1·
"' 1•11 $15. 1·urr"'1 $10
''''''' huo-.t $10. f1111r Ill 11nl· Mlltlfl OJllllllal
1 .1~1· $111, l:l Ftml
wh 1•1·I $~.. 111•w IHI\
floor Ill•· $11) rahl11t
hutl'h Sl:i. liuthrn11111
... 111k ~· j.!lllllt'.1 111j.!
1·a j!1• S.:I, i!ll /lond.t
l ' \ h ·' "'' l'I fH':' S2•1
fn1 "'""' 1·11unt1•r t••I•' s:1 1·111·h .J•···i1 "'h•·•·h
1~1,'..l, Siii 1·111'11 IW\\
,11;0 F111 tJ 111st1111" s:1;.,
I'll\ .. hu:-1• 11/i . s1:1.
I hrt111lt' l11t'k 1111 I 'ho•\ .V
14ht·l'l1' ~10 1·1t<h . ·11
1-oiril Iii ~ lwe·I with
"Ilk "'h111•1o11I••\\ .ill rin· U5 l111k1·r' ra1·k
SI 5 H-1:! :~112
\t 1-::-.::-. 10 '11'"1"' l11k•·.
11 .. ,.,c,. ""' k s1:. nwn ...
:J ""''l•ll, ll1·1·1t.. 14flr k
S I :1. Ii ·, 11 ' I S
111 ,1,.i~. ;, l11i: l 'h•''Y S:';,
1•.11r :'.:J11 ><:11:!
1,7 \' \\ fr tllll h•ntll•r:.
S 15 e a• h, 'c;7 l>our-. s:lO 1·ach . I l':Jr hood"
$1(1 $20. ·f.!1 front f1·n
d crs $l!i cnrh . 40 h 11
•·n ~ln1• r>a rts SI $25,
VW \tJ l'hl'VV wh1•1•I
alfa1111·rs $.'1 •·adi. 111r
't11wk'I SIO 11:1ir. 411
h p • ISllU ht•a1lni-.
$"1:i $25 1500 ht•al1:r 11.,,, . ., SI:! 1·:ir h . ·1;7
1•111 l1t·r r 1·:1r tir:tk1·
II r um:. S I :1 1·a1·h
c:11l11o:h h un•I t11r11
:. u ).! n ,, I i-. S :1 S I !i
!1:11.i IJJ I:! • --; F.W Shm Jim ''"· •'rt'lt>l)r s:J.5 1'11rtable
1'V :.Lund SJ Wrnui.:ht
1run han1unit lamp
$20 Oi..ter u•t: nui.he r
attueh , nt·w $7.!iO.
l.1ulles i!ulf dubs SJ
l'a c·h <.:tirl\ llS a""Tllni.t
and llllJC" $;.!II Thn-e
\ll'r pla11tw f•1onlJIO
Jllll fJUlllp Sl5 f,(JH•l>
l.1 m I'" unit "h11dt-....
11nl' pair SIU and $20. t-: n d t a b I c s $ 7
llai.i.O<'kl't SJ and $1
l>uul twin ~d frum•'!.
an1l heudt.H1a rd Sa5.
L1 vln~· room t:ha1r
SJS 011 JIOlllttni.:s $j
and ~'· l'holo spot
lil(hl s:; (lld lamri
rhtmnl•ys SI coth.
l\rt111 ulum1num casc-1
$7.50 l'ir ture frllmes
$1 to S35 Hugle beads
SI pur pound, 100
pounds. Pottery clay
$4pcr box. l''inng ron·
es I Sc c·ach Golf
shoc11 s1u> o1 7, pink
and whlt1· S5 <.:oromt
dc l Mar fWJ.77115
VISll ES. 11orl(C.'OUS 44!
piece n crkly·housc
s t one wur c. yellow
und black, Wied twice
SJS. Also bt'.,ttutlful
h a n d · d 1• co r a t c d
Ete rn t.t l!.ton c 44
plcrc1.1. cr c1m1 with
.: r c t• n r 1 m $ 3 0 .
675·2'5tl --------TWO Rorklnl( horsl'!.
11 7 cuch . llockr y
c qulpmtint $2 $25
Scwlnl( much.inc S2S.
Scwlnu mu c hint:
cabinet rzs. Collu.• ta.
blc SIO . Cork SIO
(.;hord oq~an S2S.
Childs blk.e scat 15.
Box ol ch.Ilda clothes,
sliet1 l·3. SI~. Wicke r
c hair S6. llorkey
.came ~. t'crlilizcr
11preader $5. Double
btld triune SIO. Out
door l l l(hta SS .
Aqu 1 r i um S 25 .
Aquarium stand #5.
Aquarium equipment
SlO. Wtndow 4Jt8 lei!\ sas. Bl• Dint R•mt-ss. Oamee and toys
•1·$5. Wet ault S25.
Patao umbrc ll11 SlS.
~ llONOA motorcy·
cle cha11l1 U,.
J1;n1lne w . Wheel•
and tilft Ill. Spare
fi rta 915. Pool tat>ie
5. Two un eeata a. Mac wheela tlO.
Lawn 1wtn1 flO .
llfoot wood boel •. --uc:tl70:
ll.\1'UROA\' 1md Sun
1l a y. M vu Vcrilt•
3LU 11.arbodea. Tv.o
.nd tablt-8 ao each
Lunp1 U •11ch .
JllDJor ckllht.i 11·$5
Lar1•r a.liH *"t.:i
B rlr hn•c tOc ·lt Book• i0c·$5. Jew•lry
)O C ·U R ecofd
Album11 )('·12
UI KE curh:r. baby
bike lllt'lll , twin nwtul
ti.t lllt•' f 2 cueh
tH4 "905
It t: l' 0 N 0 IT I 0 :'<4 t-: I>
11vm butt 11m<"hlnt·x.
l1kt> 1'11-w $35 each .• o 8663
t-'C>ll H VOfill·r t"' In lx-•t
S;J(J l:ooct ktld lt'll (.I
1111• wnh lc·:1r anrl fol1r
I hJ"" S5 111~ d11).!
h II u .. l' s 5 ~1 1• l ,, I
'tor J Cl' f'JIJ1net. 1<1 ... .ir
(ur Kilru"c ur ~1ld1~n
S I 1'"'11 n1•w ho lo
.dhumi. SI J> 1·~1'11
Mu ~.111n1• rar k ~>ll<·
I . 11 ru p I ,. I C' .1 rl u 11
~Uhll•S 50l' i\ U'tl n
('OOP('r t:!!i.'i 111~1111"
.• not rin~... llkt• 11••v.
~HI \1 1•11-. t·l11lh•·"
!',fJc SI ~frl.d riwk1111t
l,1wn 1•h.11r S I :!.1
\'l,1-;:;1<' ro.-k Jl11l mil
.d li11111 .. :!51' ...... h
Foot !Jail lllt• T1.>i1I lilt)(
5t11· llulttw r gro1n1
11wt~ for pwk Uf1 I nwk J.!·" Lank,; Slit• '"ll'h
1111-c 11f wat1•r 1•1Jl11r,
.inti 'UPl>llt'' ;,111
l11fl;if.1l1k ... lldrt1l1 I
n..:"' SI St1turd.1y t 111
I\. H :1 ;•J;t:, Elcl1·11 • 1.
('11'\l ,1 ~,,.,;i
TWI > IS<1r:.i'll ~1 1 I l u~
"''hcf'b 1111<.I r 1111i. •• ii~·•
1·1111 ti .. uM-.1 ,,,1 vw· ....
1•11r.d 1•1111<l1l111n 111
•·.11't1 ~17 !W!I;
11 I It II It Y E I< $ :1
I\ 11rh1·n d1.11r.-. $1 ~~·
<'1d(1·1· 1,11,i,. S:J fin
I' holol'up y 111.1 I'll llw
Sf1. l'ortulJl1• 1·l1·rt1 11·
slt>' ,. $7. X Hay tuh•·
$1~ Cumµ 1>l•I\'" S:1
/\!>~a ) furnar .. S:!•)
I' ~f r Ot·\'1·lo1wr .101!
11 x •· r S I 511 11 u a r I
H crr.rrl 111 u Yl'r S,
:!IHli <'oll .. l.!1· ,\,,.
I 11 :. I a !\f , . .., .1
t 7 M )~Ji; JiR:?
llt\H l.EY l>.1\1 th1111
1 ir.1·1· 111•1t11 r •·, 1·11·
n .. •·11:.. 111"1on, 1111>l•1n
nnits ond 1•u1I S:!.'> 111
""Ill 1>dt M'J>Jriltl'I~
.t l' l 1e nnc-."s 12:lP•·
m '"11J1kt', run Ii ~ll•Jd
hut no chatn and Lur
tn ~S 1n front wh1·1•I s.i:. <.:oil aftn Ill (/lJ
A ~f ' f>.W-OOOH ----ST A I N Lt-:ss !.lt••·I
~ll \'t•r.,,..un·• ! d n1i.v
(I o w .. r 11.J I t ,. r 11 ·1
i.1·n .,.,. fur 1·11~1>1 SllJ
\n::-;·s "k' lll)()h. ~ 1111
1·arr1 .. r, !'.II•' 1::. 1·n~t
$1;() !°'tt•W. ~t·ll (qr $1~
~H 311"1
I. I TT I. ~; 1. t.• a 1! u ,.
J1:1~1·hJ ll f'J tclH•r -.
m ;1sk SIO H;1wlt1ll!'
1 twst proh ·dor $10
W1b1m In! guurd), Sl1
5' ll).041ill.
l'/\lli/\SON I<' :.t1•r1••1
1.o1th /\~/t M r;11l1•1
$:!!. lful11truil s ...
llonkras1· S:. OoutJI•·
h ca clhoarcl S:l ;,11
1lf.'l·11rrt pla)cr ~ !°J(I.
(' Jn n1 11ler~ $2 ~'''· Hlcndn $2.~I. AS!.Orl
r•tl ~amc·s 151• 75t·
c~111 6:11.:.'249
CR I ll wo•1d fl n 1 ~h
frurne. like new SJJ.
('r ib g11,ltrt•i.fi untl
"prmg:.. ri!rely u~o·tl
$35. lli.e Wheel SJ
Stroller $.1 1971 Port
Lauren t. Newr><>r t
flcach. 64().(547. Min
1·00 l'M.
$1.77 per DAY
1bat'i1 ALL you pay
for II
~day ad
Sell uny iwm • com
blnotion of ttema few 1'7$
or leu with a Pe nny
l'IMher Ad. I Urwa for 2
toNMl(Ylive day11. F.11ch
addklonal Une •• ~ for Ule2dap. Charl(e It!
Noromrnt'ttlll ida.
t·or more 1nrormetton
and t.o piece your ltd c•ll
C:f" DAIL V PILOT Sa\lirday, June 23. 1979 ...s-. '°'' .... 7 ·-... ••••••••••••••••••••••• H••··-·············· .. 1040 ....... 1050 ..... w. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1015
Germ. Bbep. llmo. old ~I Ii . 1 room low w C»urh Ir 1TUJtchmll love· ,..,m, Xlal u.ui>'-· -van .,.~,. -i ...a....m> l.ILJDMkoflor. Papen 1.rt ~ 1140 1831 uOOC'. reclvtuuu rra "· 1700 Pal•u CM :MC) 4Wn · pWowil revenlble Mila, ·
U... A .. o AKC lc mi•ll!, ~·11\. c:ol. tbl. 900. I YIS. STOIACH. amoa. ll25. ~tf'f Loelmc atoragt-111>1tt·t
M2·llt2 Walnut 11nll'1\lt' du1inte Have t.o Mill •·vcrythmi
IJlac k roum ,,.,. w chm• t lo.d, t\lrn1ture, iwme 11nti
Af&hana, Akt:. t»hl1• ' 1·h11ir11 $450 qUl!ll, b icyC'les. bulldini.t
MOVING! Oara1e &lu •
fin .. bide. oddl·n-enda. ~lll Jonc11port Ln. HR
uu"'*tau,.t 1Bannrn111
Jwa@ 22 "23 •·aa.3 ....
~c jewelry, 1creena,
twd1>. 11c0\111t1c. rock.
roollnfJ. lavatory. htn.
hrimcr. clothc11, mhw.
54ll 1009
m 1u1k pl1tt1num 1111p1>. ~IUit'I nwwn1al.tl ~ c~mcol u\ill "*'· adu.tt 11wh1. point· f"r. lob of ~ood j unk. V u rd 111 lt'. d u h.u.
etfJ.W1>Pt!dlicretl.C'ham11 3 km . a ll o r p u r t C h eap rr iCl'I k1trheowa~re, twdd1n1t •
.U.S. V~ry r~1AJMW1ublu. PARGAJN' Af110 ster~-o! t\"l&t&n g...4 4.39_:«3. CurtlllAll, tum, lawn (urn.
Mut uJ.!.:.._ 646 ·1160.L.. -AA~PM Ml · nu'Tt.on. C~lu Mt•IHI. lfalllllem11 , cloth In ti.
54IJ.0813. $U.8993 . . Nr. Ha rbor " V1Noria. cn b. la~ps." m lilc. 1)11"
<iO&d M>fa • 'ove 1eal , 642·47~ n~ Sul/Sun ~5 20IM GoldM Retriever, [>VJ mo . velvet. SJ..50. z 1old velve,t Monrovl1t, t:M. 645·8 2 uk1. trtuned. ull !lhots. G W.341t2 chnt. l30 .-a . 2 l.e t1·1mpg, or11.ce Sale. June 2l!. 23 . ~. ------13(1 c11. Dinimc tbl & 6 34. ;ipphunc·cK. di11h1 ·11. "'"'° y., 1045 t hrK. & t·hina cabinet. fum1tun•. urea ru).(, &
•••••••••••••• •• • •• • •• • mi. Creden&il, 125, t:ml m u c· h m o r 1• I :c
QU pupp1t'!I , 10 wkK old,
.~good hornl'
~·ZOOI ----.. ·rel! maf(11z1nt'1>, o n
~rh l2ll)O (J.:cun Hlv1I.
<.:dM Help youn.••lf --------
lbl. ~. a bur i.toola. SJO U.oc:kwren, WOOdhrldUt•
e11 646-531G. Gublt:K, Irvan\!
Sobdm11pl~d111ingtblw1tl YAIU> SAl.t;, S at/Sun
ladder b11t k chrs. ~[> furn & h Ptt-hld ~1wdi.
wtuk ba4Y l.1t."<l w /mat Qii..h only ~ill UJl>b :-,1
t rt·1> !> $4! 5 M u p I l· u ... t.a Mei,a, 101\M
SAT ONl. Y ! l'!trved front
Wk'l, 22·· tu,,ch. Hf · tic ..
1•p, 74" loo~ i';(i Wlck\lr
l·hr s:uo. rAu 36" ll011t.on
t'..rn 150 M1 H 420
I r.·hotrop1·, C.:d M.
........ , .. ,
h<om your *U.... cant.
lmd -cll'd 1ar tacli t.t.s pl• ooe apan. We return parm11aeotly
aealed ataradive ta~ ils
atrap. meetln& •lrlln~
l.D. req~f'l"fMftU. Pre-vn lollll 6 theft! Yor 1t
penionali~ tas f'nr lOIM!
wallpaper. ti.bric ur
"Olly· Glo" p111pur ' w~
wW back • trim your
lallJ. Or-try twu t:•rdtl
beck ID back.
4/Staaa tl.60eM.
8~t.qa Sl.5h!i.
10 or mon! Sl.40 ua .
SaJe8 Tax lnt'ludtid
Draw your own or 11t•nd
name. ltddn'Kti, phom· &
we'IJ nwke OfW card per
~. Add '/:it f'MCh
Send ~k or money or
• !
t\•uut healthy 1; wk o ld
1t1tt4.'n.'I to ~Ol.>ll h1111w-.
m ty Cul1:!!i1"~S7S
lh\d1rnl'lt ro1.:k1•r $50 ll40-~!U! <;aru~c· Suh•. Sal :1 ~. :!
S(J(a t11.'\ll't. <l••,k lumr.ot..
t;;A!Ut"h -t'75. tovM>"l'"'!ll .... -..r .. nd...-t--nf"l ni:-fhrtITT ·~. :i tile~.
!\11.,,u dcl Mur ~aru~c sulc
Su t !I 5, S un !)·12.
t 111thrn1ot. furn , 1;urtahlt•
~IH1~1. l11kc, lawn mowt'r
& 1,hwr. n1ll1·r i.k .. tt·i..
1->11\·cr .... un" 111111k st.oh·. mr 2RTTl.J-S:illi:-i\v1•
1•.o. Hox 1!'.00
~. tmmboo1 dlulr $311. ht.)I*.-., 1•l1 l ll \t\lh St
Spllytld blnricl 1-'1•rn I kW lo
1o11..i homl· w Jt'h1hln•11
All i.hots H42 1755
d11wtt1· $1 7!i. 1 .. mµ-.. N 11
c~-rmun Sho rthair Mui•'.
f''t1t:ndl>. Tru111L'tl !\ ce1b
Yard ~L 11745 l'M
KJtll'ns Ii' z w1•1•k:-
nAt• Swlla /\11.1
:rm 11 :."J
KJtlt.'fl.' :, ~ht . l! hlk ·"' 111Jlt'. 7 wk:. 1:11ool 11111111·
11nlv plt'ti:-•· • ~~ •lJ7X
li:JI :15 1:1
Cliltton Smith
16 II RHf Vl•w C ir .
Ytou an• lht• w1n11o•1 of
two frH tichh
! tt3 Ull valu•· t. I 11
.lun1·22n<l lhru Jul~ 1111
T11·k1·ts 11i:. v t,.• 1'1:1111w1I
"' t·allrng vt2 ,,1;111 .. ,,
• • •
/\il•ll':iltfr l\11t1•11' 1•1 vo•t<I
h11in1• 11111\ ,J,1111'1 Ill
.I crnd !Jt;:I . ti 11:1
l1t·;1ut 111.111· ..;lru1•dwr1'<
l1h.111de Slll'pl11·r1I n11x Ill
fl•J !'1/1 .. iJ.., l11h 411 llJ\ I
l!N KH:11
l'h .. · :tyr 11ltl \1 w lt1 1
:-.. ... 11-. ,,,,. ,,.,1 .... 1 .. 1, .. r
"••fll ii.· lit·•~"' .tl t1·11tl1111 r.c; ~nt;!
Vr•·•· l 'at:. & I\ 11 '"".
l'"l~IMI& !\11\
~,au .1-: ..! ,
l'h.,. 111 J.!•I h11nw 1o "'k ••Id
M K1t11·11. h.111 h i """" 0 1 II Sot• :-..1.1 1~ 17
Pup p1 c s. I ~1. I t'.
shorth11ir•"I l'l1t11·~. l1<1m
0t1 l•:askr 1;.1.1 1:1:-1
8050 ••..•.•••.•............
CA'i"ll rAin
1'\I':.., l'101•k1>, flll bl' w 50:ll
Vt•ry o ld lt1Vt"•l'lll,
1wt."11~ l't'(·ov•·nni!
f7~1 ~.~1 II 177
2 'l'wl11 t..c-ds 1·111npl, tn r•lt·
dn .... :..·r ~ 1m1rr11r lit 1111 ..
'>lw11J. w:.ihrnl t.11111111! t1r
~"ffil' UJI , I IJlu1• 11.rui.:
1 hair-.. 1.11)1 .. l,tmv-.
1lrdf11ni.: IJrtl At 1·l1air
lin1wn .l1111l;i11 11at111 t.ihle
&A d1a1r". $!7!1
m~. I.Yi.fill
°"OVl!\l(i ~Al.I': l.<1\l'IY
furn 1·111!1•1•111111 1'1101 t ,,
111 .. t ...... I .... , !17!11~·,>i'J
l\.11lJ<1u•• 111l;t11l n1.1h•l)':111\
flt'Jlr>lo•~llllt' I ht•,I, IJrl).!
l1r .1i."'', 1·1,. .1 I XlllJ .
11~1ld1111~ lll'l1jl lo•u( lflrl
Ill).! th!. llll1h11).!,lll)' 111l.11cl
Sh1·r.1t11n o·ardtlil
I 'nf1-.1 1•111111 ~~ax ;u,rr
l'·atlwr d1.111 .... SIJ 1 ... 111
lwtl "' 1. $1.,. 111.q1I •
1 ...... 11 .. 1 S!CI 1ir . :1111.J"•'I
•lro .... :--r S!:J. 111.q1k 1 ''"
~1lt• S:!.'.1 A •1ll11·r 1t .. 111'
~·Z! !1 l l•1
Ju:-.1 ""'"'" t•1 •111.ollo-r IM1UM' ,.,,,., \ th111i; 11111 ... 1 i.:•• < ·0111'11., h.11 r'. t;1lih·"
l,1ffil"' At lllU1•f1 111111 •
~IOI\' lllJ \l~I ~Ill
'1a~1h .... ~·r1•1 .1n ·"' "1•1 .. 111;"tJll ••• ,, .... 11olhl••ll
:-tl)lt• :\1111 '"'"' ~ ..... 1.-a.r, t1;-;:r
!-.111 h1tl1· ·' 11 .. 11 I lttl ·" I'll\ ,., '9.f.· t.1 .... 11 I• I I ~\:. .. ,
l'nn ... 1 .. 11·11 ~ •• 1 '""
'~""I ~11. ,!;1-1
S11 .. ·rJ1·r .,,.f.t ;!n•,•n l1lw•
~tuh• 111,1111. f.in,·n Ong
1~t ~ N.k111i.: Sl:!a •
Mus t ""II lh1:. wknt.I.
1~w H1;1:Jt
W,1l11ut .,,.,•rd.1nal <.l":-k
icl111 1·vrnl !i):,
for i.:<.I UM"ll furn, .ir111• c '.11J(;J111 :.. 1,..,, $7,, \ 11uth
fllll-i.. & tlr TV '~ !1r.7 lil:J;J h1~J i-.111• ( il;i,,., "1irn1·1 I .1
"''. St•i ~;:.:! :c1:i.1
**I BUY** (io ... 1 u.w.I t'\irn1I un· &
i\f1t1han4lt'~--OI< I will
:.cll 1,,.st:1.1 . for You
646-1616 Ir lll-9625
Cret'fl illltiq Ut.· hufl1·l·ha!>
bL'\!n used a" i.ll'r••o 1·t1M'
uf'drci;ser. n · "'1d1•, :!T'
ht, 21" 111.-c·ri su:, ur 11Ht·r
fiM). 7049
Green h1~h t1.H'k •11·
1•us 1una l 1·h :11 r w 1•1t ·
t.omun MS 640 7(U!I
Gt: upnght fn,.·1..r, o l11w
1,ut ~oo<11e. sn. /\b11
Gulbrunst•n piano up ·
nl(hl. ruccly mo<lt·rn11.t·il.
x.tnt Nind $.5.5C.I or l~·i.t 111
for. S.S 1-61121
He1tutiful l(OOd lol'Lt:d 1·h1na
Ciibtflct 12.50 f.1kt• Ol'W 2
ocrasional 1·h a1rs SMJ
each. 644-5700.
MOVING. Mus t s ell at
gre11l 1111:11>. lle aul . .:um1•
L.bh: 411" and n<'wly un
h o l . c hr !., l ov o·l y
lbomasville Yt'lvd h1i;h
btK·k chr. hand nuuh• k'
mu.inaf1cent l'rt•d1•n1u.
comer detsk & 2 mek1n..:
<·hrs. t.;ves 64-t !!007 ur
631·2309 -----l'win/Doublt• hl'dfr11mt·
$10. Gold touch SIJO 1700
l'alau Pl. <.:M. ~ 4927 ----HEDECORATIN<; S/\t.t:
l. o \I I s X V I s t y I c
arnl<'h!U r. I .u wi.on i.of a •
r h r151 ls l'offel' l h l
7~·0U2. -------Aul.hen Uc llatrh Tabh"
8ras11. Sl95.
Avocado velvet :o1ofo, xlnl
rond $115. Gokl aofl4 $75
Ho llywood bed ind.
bolaters & rovn, hkti
new SJ..50. Z end tables SU
e• or2for 125. 51191 Wood·
boro Or, HU 846·5154
~FA, chr. t-nit tublcs.
lamp. In good rond. re1t11.
~andlninc rm 1et. t a ble
IBx42 apx, le11f, 6 <'hr11.
buffet /mirror . S4 00
66Q57 aft 6/wknrl11
91.a~fer dlx reduct'r. qn
MJeeper aoCa. "'ril(ldalre,
I yr, SIS, recliner chr I
'Jr. me1ui ne t a ble .
Eureka vaccuum. 1ame
i.a.w/leaf1 4 chn, par· q• &op. Den. All xlnt
eand. -...a or 9io--.:t1
I' ad•=.velvet swivel dn.· top t'Olfoo, 2 end t 11 -plHt 11tand,
llapavox con 11tereo.
~-tit Mac Kenm
1'1. CM .
W11111l1•11 lfhl 1, .. 11 1·1
14' • S 1· .1 l V 1n .it I '..(
l1r1~c;1•r w 111.w n11rr111 tu
matt·h X Int , ... 011·
,{J(Jil1e>l ofr M il!· 71~
0Yal c l:1"' t••r. t,::; ( iulrt
lt•af :.ln111 1 alurh·l t!!•
f ~ill!j(j;1 1m!1
Kini! mu11n·1>:. & l1<1x :..pr
IOJ.(S. $.'i(I f\111~ l altll'I'
t1;•;11I IJ11:1nl. $2:1 ;! :-ohd
maph• cln':...'>l'r!. w /m1r
ror:.. SllJO !'l.11 1::-:,
t>Jl 51)4~
Km~ :-l n1mph•11• walt·r
t11.d. I yr old Mui.l i-.1·l' It•
:1ppn-.·1at•· s:;..r,o t;4:,.xor11
"~lhun 1\111•11 t11•uclt>0·u rd
k1m;:.s1.t1• SIZ-'i, Sni;1lt uph
hlodrm "hair ~., t 'r1•1wh
l'rov dri·i.i.clli.! lal>lt•
w Jfoltl d own ht•&-cted
mirror S200 642 43!RI
Vlnetk Nl'l. oran~e Jgr n
t•hrs S2~1 o1 trn r stools
orunl(c /gm ~ t·a llot
potnt d /wai.h•'.'J. yellow
front St!> f\73-~t~J ---~---
Ki n g SL. w alt·r hi•d
w,hcatt•r & hc11dho11nl
Xlnl mod S25ll 642·07'15
Mov1n~ Sal<'. Anllqut•i.,
pa t111 furn . frcc.tcr.
lahl~. t<imJ>K, 1.1\lds. Ilia
"4{. 645-0ftOO
..... Sale 1055 •••••••••••••••••••••••
<iAH S ALt; rt•fmc. lwn
mWT, furn. toy.s, dc<.·or &
tnl!IC 29111 Androi1 St. CM
nr ffukt-r Sal & Sun !I 11
_54!!.-~75 -
MovlnK /(i ur u j'!c Suh ·
D1n1nl( rm set, i;ofa.
deak. et<·. Sul !\lo 5. ~;
~cTr:,f'C. lrv1nt!
Garal(e S11k . Must :.ell
lmmed. Sul /Son. 2317
Eastbl~f Ur nr <.:OM hi
Evt!ry th1nl( mus t go!
Movlnic ! Too mtK•h to
liat. S.L/SUn. llunt. H<•h
S.t • sun 23. 2Ath, u
Mcadow!)Wed Way, Irv.
S r ub a t11nk 11,
washer/dryer , & t!I<'.
MIDW~T TRF.ASURES antlqut.' c ommode .
lilveor. tCil C•rt. nw pie 411
welnul furn. lnttireatln"
brie·•·brt1c. ·O ld Iron
1a.rcSen plecc11. TV:1 &
lamPll . 1211 Starboard
CdM Ulubor View
I llllll > 144·880 I
Giant 1ura1e u lt.' 3
hoWlea. l"'ree1e r . bike,
.,...,,. phone, antiq\1<'11.
phnto f'q't:SJJ. m1nry mhJ~
1145 Brey Ln. CM. It to 4.
t:~l'/\'I 1-; SA I.I-.
:J lfl W a l nut 'l:1•w1111r1
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forn1t ur ... !!•!If 'luh'
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llitllJUll li..IJ n<l Sa~ 10·1
\',int l'>alic> VW tc1w bar .
.1nl1qt..11· h1lu• .f>1Jr1•1•ta111.
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S I L V I-~ R S 1-: K V I <' E
·•1Nt: t'UHNI TUIU.: & ANTIQU•:s.1145.~1
A.It blllld::. on ,;1h• mon1h
;, June ASl'l':N 615 H!J.11
(' h 1 n e i. c (J Ii 1 ,. c; t '
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1'•"1 ('hJll•"· l'l.111 "'II -.tantlanl :-111· $20011
I .. \111\f .f· . ...,Al.,., N•·w ,un
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Jt'wfty 1070 ...................•.•.
l,1,1 111onll & Jc ~dr y
lki\1•r { 'hur lt•:. I' Clark
F•lf' Jl>l>t XJ:l. J353 l.'on
ti'7~5iiZ.I. :!13 7<1!1 '"' t:1
llandpa1t\k 1f l'1·rnm11· ....
pl:t11ut·~. n a t1 v1t y i-11,
plate:... 111u1·u m1 :..1·
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l For !-..ii•" Fr 1I!111 .11 t •
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$75,' ~··lluw 11111ll 1•u1wh
SlClll. Mal(na\ox slcn·;, ~onsolc . SIUO, lral'k
hl(ht.uuz. S!01 wht.~lhur
r""'· $111, Wch1•r ~ri ll.
21 1m 1~
1>11m1·!.l11· ro•fri ~ -fur
1'3'lTIJ>l·r Sp•'Hts Ya Ir
misr l'JffiP 1:e:oir \'IP :.-:1-:..,
<.lullon W.1y, 1..1~ 111 h
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!tt:i2 1.1; •. 1
Weddin).! I.Ire.-.,. SJ~. ,, .. "
$4W Hlkl-:-... J :.pd l.'h1•11
pt.'f' • .._., & SUn.irny , $.Joi
W'-1 ~uit, S40 lllu..• 'ch ..t
1'h r. ~ 833 l!,JI
;-,t;(,. I· yr new Cos I $kJIJ
Sell f11r f/:. firm AE .. 1
1.1mpr-. ell• Call tx·fvr,.
loam or .aft 7 pn1 .
:'llcwport Ht'a1·h Tl•nnl'>
t.1ub full foimlly mem ~rsh.1p. S'T.50. ~W·6ti87 11r
642 0112. --------. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lamper sht.•U. ~hort hec1.
No Srnultrn~ lil.1rht•r Shop siso 6ft hlrlc ;1 •~·11 rn11rh ~i4 Newp11n Ul\ll Urop S'T~ f.JI 29:11
to or ,1 p11t 541:1 ti4:1J
Hu:..I llJllt h. SJ:!:• U1n111,.i
~1·1. Sl5U H nll IJC of
ll;ih,rn m a rblt" $150.
H1k1'. SIU. l·hr. $1 0.
.~ ...
........ "1tip
$.UO /bl."lll offer
M7·7Ulfi lor info
lf"kl"'ll •(IM-•<lie•&•"'" •Iv I<> o.>
i httt.' bu~ine•• Of"I W'Ou' V*" buf it
loll••• b•I ol plenn~
I •i.. ~11 wl'lf IO ~wllel ll'>W tt
,1t>\I "''* mu..h 10 C""•i141 l1>1 l!Cll;h item
.a"'1 ""'" vOu 11,,_, r>tll.ll l•Qt oo ,,,...,. °"°°"' W'll ~-wfl..i yuv •• CPl11'9.ng
All<! 'tfl\111 """" lu 1111 el>i4! II.I "''~" Cl\1"99 ,.,. ... "°"' .. 1•1-"" ..... ~ ....
""' Sll-Nl<I "•·" kl et "' 1.11\e OOI••• '""~ •• ,., •n O•.ot!-M 01 coma
'"'"' vrov " *'"' 10 •0.•11iH 1011• .... ,., .... ,_, 1n11 """'° You oen o.> 11 •~"a •>Cl" O< ••O'" on ~· ""'ll"bOttt(XXI bvl ,OU II •1111 "
D"'°"' tr(/W(l ll\1111 ,,.., tO .-c>t.1 H '"" I ll .0 '" (.IH•~""1 wf\tCto l•Millltl ·-ll'\CI DICIC4I OI 'fO\lf a.tNI ru a l'IOtl ol oot•nNI ~·
--. __ ........
~--.. ,..... 9040 .... .. tOJO ...................... .
••••••••••••••••••••••• '11 Sc•r•b·330 TS out·
"-AO.p•a IOto ••••••••••••••••••••••• t&1•••-IHI '411 I •-IOIO tin In •--••••• .. ••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• -....~ IOll
• I IK' Cuual LR fura Heeau. C'lub equipment, •"••••••••••••••••••••
l!!urd!y· June 23. 1979 OAl\Y PK.OT Cff ..
.. ... , ........... w.1 ........... ..... •
GnNlt for •pt. Walnut, no ror M6e « tAk• ovtt AH
1tllllrf'IDll1f.-.O.DH141 --xlnt cOIMI. 8'11t·1»4V nr D0rr WANTEt>
Dump your 11tr• M>ll on 1.91.., m,
Hammoad Oraan lt·~
Lul!e 1 p e...&Jn r-".
111•parat~ rori&ohi. Xlnt
cutd Aft 4'30 8 ·5142
MAY MAIM dnvt1t, • huun. LoMded •
'"-trltdltlon1tl he.vy du· 6S mph p lwi. Storod on
ty, Uahtweli.:ht m1trin1· tr.Awr MWlt sell/btlst of
.._ '910 lfllfts..,.911 t 1 •o ....................... . I ....................... ....................... -~ ...... ---.-
Npt. Bc:b. 50f\ 1llp at GM<.: aJ' L.at.e •73 l'\illy T1 DOOel ~ w..,_..r 6 1aa
dryer SIOO t 10•
Di•mond F ront •lot rm~ll.116Tr•ln1wt
ft trM"ll 8 Color=" TV 90.MMOIQ
Wheel <'hair, hb m.• ...
l'ulmo-alclc. m~d1c1tl
t-ompr •9'i.or d y1;.
---4Wfll Ma-11164 ...,,.
11' Not a , 11ood "'111 d .
bl•d1 /whltr s un
V1·llow Rakf't ~ rark sro
Twin ULU'O hrcbpr1·1td
lll'W ~ ~ .:Ill~
"'or s.w Moll 1AW"> 1 ot
St :•. Slna"r ,1 • .,.11111
miwhlnr. dt''ill 111t1tl1•I.
~ .. ~
• • • ............
u..d bnclt ~ .,.,.h,
JllObricll1o1 ~IU77 ----,AST ll'AID
•<urnuur11 ApplJ•n<'eJI
Ben!W"tt ftndbury 01 1
'l...16> bk' •. GOO Ro
llraodt Wat-.,r l"olur
'l"'\(y1Am1tr11 La\u•'', CJ75
.. Ille rd 'tlt>f'l ll 111 Ito
<~1 :wmm11r • $ilt.~
fl:6.5516 J •
"11•1d1N: dn~ J.17~· I llitl
& \I'll .
IWt k )'Ard u .... to.1111 'n I u
n f.'t.. l'luod1ni.: ""~
lurn1111'" :!ti l(al
11quanum. 0pon·1·hn luun
rtry '"'-''"· S.-ara> II) Ila
Ktfrt1er11w w•ttled In
••·•l1a1 condiUon I.ow
l'\lll. wut P"' ll 1&p UI II
lflltl, '1'111, tJlfl DJ ....... .. ..._ ... IHl •••••••••••••••••••••••
VAMAltAll •llin.: acmtnr
W tiilrd lihrll t"IUil' )\.IJtl
t•vnd 1)1u · ri fl t'l' SI 7 !1
M1k1· IMU 3107 . ur
1144 tnoo
N\'W 'v•la1w·r f ull11 "'"
l f.IUl ur l11'!!l 11ff1•1 11(1 j
Xlnl rnnd 11:11 l.~'JU
Ldl" N,.w, )Wit tWled. tJ
yn okl. 11116.
6SI~ s, ........ 10t4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• c fl I .., m II n ,. c 16 k I
hw l·kp11 c ll , blu~
t'olarttuard m11rnm'J 'l~;IC b•IC I mo ol
1v .. 1t r timl>lnir stm<•11 . 1d 1,
....,,,.41 h11~eH1. tllCJ l'ull
LllllWUi IHHl.\1 1\ l\t't1 HIH·J7'1S
l lLl>ll\N ('VMUAl.l'> ----
~ ~~ WHf 77 Wouwn'-. 'ulw r "k 1
Office ......... & t.JitC.t. i.1tc 6. u:.~-d unc1·
l)&J tWt;«ll 44 ........ 1085 ••••••••••••••••••••••• T¥. a..io.
ttrf.Steno 1091
'"°""'IW To l:li() It P. 01.! fer nu1ne n e w p11rt 11 7Jl-tZl61..._I
A\Ahori'&ed lll11tr· Hn11lol 146-tZOOCwenl
l:ief'vl('ft, 1114 IW2·11$4 I Ask for Jerry 1•crkin s
S11ch11 W11nklt Holury
7 ~ur I nbo ard
Oimpl«c. ll11rhor Dody
Wutb. 2076 l'l11ccntm.
Msluloflcr ------Pt·r klns Dtcld' I it ~IU
~II' 2076 Plucen11a,
lfsrbor Body Worki.
M akt•offer -----
250 On Display
Adiln llat Bkrs
218Cat Hwy at Hwy 39
111.Sltinglon lkh "6·~UI
orivu home. Jl'or puwer · . · CUSTOM I IO boet ln ._._chup for WMI muataioed • up1raded. ~1417 New pain\, brMkC!I. Power W•1on wilh · radio. stereo. CB, Mich camper shell boot. V4S, IMh. s,.94 & Radiala. Slp11 6, runs oo 11UlomlUc. power 11toor W 9010 Rea au. Many exlrH. 1na. map with ovuli.
••••••••••••••••••••••• 84.000. John 0 . g .4424 l um&>
WAHl'F.D to rcnl for 1·2 dylt, '1eo.o&'J4 evefl. 16zt5
wks. by resp. f11m1ly. '14 Luy D au LBW muu. •J.C. fOIJUN£ power bo11t cap11blc of II •• ,.... k
pullin 1 water skien. Ne":~ .,,~:r ~~S PonUac·GMC 675-3636 pp m> K 11a. Santa. Anu
C110M8·1000 FIASt llaJll'tl Jct Ski Boal,
t•Jlccllent .conciil1on. lop
quality equapme nl. re lta·
hie *"2-2220
'74 Travctlt• 21' motor •-----homl•. Slf /Cool. gd cond Land Cruiser. ·sa. xl111
llSOO/ofr 4!18·2335 afl 4. rond. $3200. llu l ofr
---lakes. 9'1S-0.77 Wunl\'tl IJ'·I0° tltOKh y
J l't.!IJ m uny nmd1tinn.
IA').~, f.73·4700 U i1•k IHh. WI t060 ur Glenco Jet Ski Boat, nu Vacat1on1•t.-r ·min1. '70.
goud t'Ond, i1tcrco/ l.:li.
~ fi46.KI I 7
'Tl Ford 1-~150 4x4. lo m1 ·:.,
xlnt L'Ond. auto. PIS. l>Wr
disc. sliding rt.-ar Wiil
dOw. brus h i.:uurd. Nu
tala.lyt1t \'onvcrtcr·. uses
re.: fut:I . SSJ9S Mti·l;JS()
'rEAK fOt' i.111" list qunhly
Burmi , vt1nl'I y of thll'k
IM!bl>l'h. Wttlth.-. & lcn~th.'
Si 75 hd ft & up Cilll
C'rn1i.: at MS·S2'71 duyi.
F'or S.1lc lhl' f111lu w111i.:
•••••••••• .. ••••••••••• t'flg + eqwp SlJ001 bst
:fill f.:xcaJ1bur sloop very ulr M7·3b17
dt!an.Mu11t~·ll ---------
673-3441 -------Erw~ 27' O.ti VHF &
rnuny extrai; $15,llOO
li4.'>M70. CVt"l> 67~·5677
Te pa rt.tioll •••••••••••••••••••••••
tlZO •••••••••••••••••••••••
TNlerl. TNYel tl70 •••••••••••••••••••••••
HJ ' /\rist oc rut. sclr
t'Orltall)(-ci lrai lt•r, s ll)ll 4
Xlnl rnnll IKW Onole •
l: M ~-7~8
'76 <.:twvy •.>I' l.1ft·kll.
hclldcr. 1·hr s1lokc:.. 'I' 'I'
tm .. ~. s hl'll. h1u•h. c ·u IWYictorie.
Yoo •tt tM WUIJlfor tlf
twefrwtlc ....
\Sll.00 vulu1'). lu
ICMOTT'S •. ,, .. .,.
hit• ,...,,_, l'rt•w11 fr I.'\'
d"mr# '
l-4M.'m1ill J>r'Ul)'601: l"!llllf1
"I0 \1 1' 'l.u 'IO> t1r11 <'" ~lf.llll 1· M
, NT-S-C R F."F.1'1 T V
Su~r ptl1 u1 l! l'ni·crl fo1
qui r k '!O i l' $650
wkml l'\1> ~:.!I~
Manne hardwur" 1tcmi.,
2 l'J 1132 ~/S wmt•h1•s
aracn a v cf
Etd1dh 22 11389 Supt•r Slceper ci.111~.1r. Ills '65 l'OOd-wtntr hut . yt>lto~ ~vy, $225:---
cl"<·k l<u1:1· r·t•u rl y ~Hll17
UcW1c 1.whccl LCll! tra1l~r
w lh1tt h, s lJll' 5, stur'ai.:t•
k1t ch t•n u n11 , $400 002 !l(tll
H "--'" l_ II r __ r _ ---6.1H..12(Y.!, :'J4(;,fi008 t'VCS.
Junt: 22n1l thru J'uly 4th
'flrlwc ... nllt y b,. cla11n1•tl
hy c-allln~ ti4l ~\71S nl. ·.m .. • • •
11 ''u fl lllfflJf1ll•I r..t
I~~ llbruf\ r\,,k SI I ,
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Ii r o n x 1: s '. m 1 ' 1•
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)>lt.!f\>o1/TV. l'lc· 1t1·1r1;,
'fjlj vw. btkl.-S.
old furn, d ry1·r
~Wall.a<·"· CM
l!JW 's Vanity rlr1·:.M•r,
wxxl 1:oncl Sti~ 01a:1 II
llllm1lloo St. C.M 1111 ro·
ar154ll +~
Png/frccu·r. frn:-.Crf•·•-.
Sl2">. t;lc<'l dryc·r. $11~
Sallhual. t;h1JC>l 1;1 . SIOO
• J;atlillac.. "Qt .. lln. s.sso
li4&~. l;.tl 4447
<;r:ih htti: !.mall 1·lt·1·1 ronw
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u nlb(.-cl. 4!1K ~:II!
SllOW ('AM .. :I.I.IA
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J111w2:l&Z.l.1UAM 'll'M
!l<Mt 751.1
'l'oriqUallfYTloor 1111·1·1hnl!·
1lrnpcs. x tnt~ !.h••l•r s .
xlnl c·oncl St·:irs ga.,
llll<J ~:'! 7llOI
KJtdMm J\1tl1• d1:.hw;1i.hl'r-.
dnt-1·11ntl usf·•I. ~.o
~"'" sz tnallr1•S!. .,.., &
franw Sa'> 1>.11; HMI
J\1¥1111 Kini: )j Irk /\ \1 I ... ;\1
s1••:tkc•rs. ~ c·11p111•r ht•d
larni ... rl'a f s tll'll .,1111<11·1'.
nt•W :! C'llllfll'r h11j.(1•
f:imr., w 1·11n1ll1·ht1• 11111·
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11 :l>-:1 ".JJ M ..
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1>! l" .. rcl I 1-;11
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ty 1.31 4»t aft l l'M .
,.... Ir °"Jelt• I090 •••••••••••••••••••••••
11'k Weell's S,.Clal
All K.1wa1 Modd1> llOI
$.!ff(~ \!alue. n1•w Sl9'Jf1
Ac•u""' "'-"" ~u1h Cu.t\I l'r•'•
1st' 1121
Ftnl! Hnmhull C:om,1111•
Spind 1uunos, un ~ah-f11r
SllfJ5 up (ir;irnl 111.11111
s;1h·. s· , . "' !f _si.wc tal
:,l11p1111·1ll JUS( ar~H't•d
Ht-.:Alrrw uL :!.'.i c o1,u 11
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i.:raph. <! y r~ ohl 50!5\J
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'lh~h1i1l'S SJSU AK<if'HI-:
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1;:i1 l'>1s
l lm 1·ul1Jr ·1v 9)::; <! yrs
C111n11ll'l1• Sh·n·v I J 1111
KuOO mnd1l1on 'S75
25" ReA Color TV.
Sill 1;1:1 !/511:1
t:olor 'IV l!f ' f)l1rt ;1l>lt• lo\
h111tun c·ulo r . SAi . .111">11
t·ulor t!I" la hl" 11l•11J1·I.
x lnt p11•lur1•. ~Kit
S.l!J 75/a
1!117 l!I ,.,,f11r TV l)11a:.11r
>tint 1·MiJ w 1!.I amt. S.:1511
:J.'ll 7'17•t
loah & Morin• ... ,... ... ....•..•............•..
General 9010 .......................
turnbul'k li:s . va rlOll!.
i.1tl'S Tatk ~11 ni. l;t1ll
5'1U :S.MU ask r or J oh11
i\kr~·ury '"I I'
V1•'r;,• low hr::. $-!00
J•nt't'll fur qu11·k .,af1•
Slll,!lltl Cu II R1111 M:i 1oti!'
or7St li'.l>ll.
•:?1J' Cl.Jppcr Munnl!. '71
s loo ii XL/liT1 Xtra.,
Kalorc' $t5QO 7f>H ~no:t
1!118 Six Puc· ~m~r fur
llhort bed Jltckuv. sl~ti""
fj . l' ll U I II p l' d
w/~·\·erylhm.i L lkl' new.
tR<I OOl'l! $1600 or hc~I
ofr 6'16·-l~l
,.....,.,, Utffity 9110 ....••..•..•...........
Wl\NTt-:U 5x7 llttltlv
Tr.11 ll•r , 11r la r g 1•r
llcu1><111:1hh· & Ill l(Ot11I
loah. Powt-r 9040 C/l.L 4'!, 7 IJai.::,. 1ww llun lfl'ilfl U.IJ-<.1vcr 0J)\•nma1I l'<IOd1tw11 ~Jli :11;,i:,
·77 K·5 C b1•vy Hla7.l·r
loadt-tl. <!<!M mi. $;7011
'54. Willy:. l'rd<11J>. F11rrl Ii
1·yl, '1 whl rfr, d1r11m1·
wh l ,., r 1111 s i,:111111
Sl<!0 11hs1 ol r ti40.1ir,!13 a l'I
51'M •••••••••••••••••••••••Ila OH . '4 1n11urin i.: 1:yd JiJl"k::..11IJlbli.Man.> -WGSer\<k•.P.,..s
lH' l"tlil·r~las~ lwal & Sl!>.001 li7~. 71t\H Klras S87!> ~ ~1w1 & AccenoriH 9400 ·711 Toyol;1 LI.ti ~;du . n·1f
tf111ln 115 h11. E\•tnrutl1• 1 ~ u.. 91 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·fll·w. 111.1 m1h•aitl'. l.11;,i1lc1I ~,,., i; fi hp <.:hr.>:.lcr ~r l.11:hln111K U:.i~ S:11 .. r --.ud 1 ... s 40 ~I b7:1 itz.t!I
h II w lratfl·r· Sf4110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t!EaVIC"'DEPT. motor I 11 I ro 111g ":\:"' 11;n7 ~ If
tnulm· Over S1C,Ulw11rth "> Mutobc1•a 11c . d clu"• OpcntH>ays l\Wi·•·k
11r J!1.,11 . Vll F r;1tl111. llolttt· 11;fl lo\ trailt·r "''" mrJdcl. xlnt l'IHld . ;,1w Mon fo'rt 7 :111.,) :10
put.hftntlt•r, 1111· bl Sl~;tJll n t1 •t· .. :xtrn:. Sl.K511 rrull.~. n+5 \~·~22'.l 1\ ;\1 Sal unla\s 11 1•1 5 1111
1·a.o.;h \;1kci. a ll 5-10 117111 ~1'0 ll.Mi! &t<Vl.'S. Atlas Chrys.·Ply.
:i..'>1 15111 71l <;1mutl1 l .c1 m1 1-;xlrJ ~~ llarhur 111\J
l!I '"' Lym;ul 111h1111rd 11.1}
& hshm1: laund1. ~>()·, 111
lcn -st Xlnl c•1111d f'n \
i.luck, :'11111 llurl1t1r
fi40 11.:Jli ()r ·1:.1 I 32W
I~:; F.1nlai-v l~I' tr r hull
It~ Ill'. 11M<:. I 0 . 1; t•\I
<'hcvy. xlnl 1·u11d 1,,,.,.
hr.;. Trntlnl\' trlr $"1.lllJll
00 7171i
2::!' So·ar:i\. ( '111ltl\ t-.111111
:1.lr1l 1·111.111 \I.my XI r.1:.
Troj 11n r :•.1 t•'1l11•ri.!I.•"
~1>ttrl I 1:-ltO't i.:a 111·'
Vhcrth.-., 1•11d lwatJ , ''"'k
d1'\·b . ln111. ""'""''''" full ('11\'l'f & 1111111111 IHH
FREESTYLE fuel l ank Xlnl rnntl · C<~la :\11-:.a
CATAMARANS ~n;i tn:H;.i111 546°1934
\JEW & 1 ·s1-;n 1>1., ·•i:-~•
:!(Iii W !'11.1,,1 ""). !'\ II
IX Fl n~-.l11ni l "&t ' Ha•·
1ui.: Y;1d1l l'n •si·n1 Iv 111
I\ I l1nst•>l nm1I 1•1.,,(){111
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.,lrt·;ik hull ll1·l 11~1;
~01 ,,..,, 11ff1·r 7till 1:!:;:1
1.'J" ("~dt1lll" Pl,~. lt lo· llftt
xlnl 1•1111d n•t rrlr s.'11111
li7~. lf.JHI
9150 ........•.••...........
llr.11~1 tll'W 175t·1· 1-;11tlur11
ind Mllll wonh 11f 111·,tln
1•ar1...., ~l50 1;.\l "75~
111SYiuk1 c;sn.o
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752 i81i7
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·.,., bat k r ..... t & r:w k: 1111~1
mt ~!i ly..,~ 11fr IS-I:! tf.117
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F11u 1 l '·x~:-, 1·hr,,1111·
1'111"\1 ltc· rim~ ij,. fllllu ·•llS '4:. i.i:. 711.X .
:'-1·11. :--11111! l"I' I '.1111111·r
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;!1. '\'I 1'1'1\... \ ·""' ~Ii·' .,.,IJ ..,1·111 .. 1 ~11•1 1111·.tl I.tor
Jlll<ll 11111·1.~. ''"" I 1:1ls1111 "uu· •..• ,,~ '1:111 .~,7 ;,~);.•,
.tit ,11 '\1 I >.111\ ·"" 1111 f _,,.,.,
Ii I'\ f \111 ,h,,rl hlrwl,
'71i .J i·1'11 W :11:1111 tt1·r
lri;lfl\.'(I. xlnt 1·u11tJ. · B Et;
(;A". S>7!Jll 111 r lloi:! :w ;.1
·711 Font. -.lt11rtfw d /\ti\
t .1nki.. , ... m p1· r: s:1i o11
1 mo Ji15 mu ~ml 11>:i:J
•"s:! flo~f~i· ,.Hw .. r Wi.:n
Fu11· 1·or11l111rin · Sl~7~1
l>.10.1 l't' Shipyards
l~il 1:11:1 ht•I ij "
. 9560 ........................
/\ulnl]l.rll• lr.rrt' ,111 , ... fl" . ·,II(, !. h •• 11 u f .\ •
1fit•r •ll•~lllf1 I
ONLY SS795 .
HOWARD Ch~nol~t
•·· l)t1\1·llr(Juat1Sh
~EWl'OHT 11 1·:,\t 'H
833-0555 l'l~L MACHINE
II.at.an tl1g1la l 1l-p l.1y1·1,
11 '.f yr.:., Sl)50. 1;41t 1Hib1 ISli v.1rtb of """tl i.:ofcl
11ylo11 p th• c·aqwl ~I ,,..,.
Ac-"»~ trom
South C<H•I Pl.tu
751 1111 16' ROWING DORY
$/JO. U7:l 73'.1;,
110 . lan1l1·m trlr Sltarp '
S.17~1. llll :! I :1 7:!~1 71 !II
KJ!ll , 111\ f11' "'kd)s 11; lf1ol111· lo\ II ;11lt•1
SIO•l llt•'>I ,,Jlt-1 ·
;111-7~1 & 11.111 :cx:t7
'71i :-ipt1rt.,l1·1, 111,IMJIJ m I I
l)'#olll'I 111'"' ltr\·~. 1-.I
1i;11111 , ~"al & 1)4Jr" Ill'"
• ltro1m•· m ttv1111• 11111 .t
., .. 1 f :!!.IJll ti-.1 ttf r
~·;~~u w fhotl 1·11111111111: 111h r1· ,
1977FORD '
C '.:1rpt•I a ppmx 31111 'lt ft
hrrlfl.1.<' Lg mirror. i.:f,,,,,..
n i..,.·, old Ct'l'a Cola 1111
nlo(hl, iron i.:at1· .... ti4li 11117 ..
'ipcn;1l SYmm11r n ·11l.JI
!.<ilt· SIO n111 I l<l\ 1· 11 111
\t,ur hom1· for SJO LOI u I
751 til l
ltifl wooden row111.: •Inn
SJOO . l!fl ftl1t·r g l,,,,,
1hni.:hy. TPok lnm $2:>•1
Tl 11' l'u!.111111 "l>t'll ho"
l)l'(:IJ V Vul\11 I (I. lak1·
1111. 111 hr-. " rrlr :\111:.t
.,..IJ ~,7f~I 7;,•1 :11 l'.1
'711 llaw:111.111 ;tr, 1f.1\ H11ltnK lawnm11w1•r . 1·1·
ITIL'flt rn1x1.•r. d r!.hwai.lwr
d1'.~l frt't"/.t•r. all l(ln1f., uf
h,md lt•ib & lt"'' lt11)0'-.,
1·am11111g g1·ur. 1111 & l11h
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Slmi,:1 ay IJtkt• SW. ru!.l
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~l'1. I ;, 1-:;11 hut,1111 J!.1 ·.
1.111k Gi:!ct .\t ak1• 11H1·1
••I;! !17:!:1 11r H:l:I g,1:.!i
'l;11ll;ran~1·r1 lll'l(:/11 \!I;, * *' * I' I 111 '>t'1 •l f,IJ T 11 I' ii .
·rr:m-.1sl11r 1.1•,llt' l.1kc· Shre•• labcoclt •-·rkl,·v .Id . h11w t-:..11·rt1 ,~ • .,. li75 :1214 21 WUdflowt-r. r.ub . .,w rm ''''P ~ 1;111
i----.,.....-.------~lw:. ~·~~ht~. 11111'1 M:tl{h l\ahy ti rand SI ,;mo " Ka:. l.111kl.. /\ M , J-'1\1 11
1:1llafl 1; ' Youart·lhl·wumt·ror tr:id;. t.irp :j hr :.
1·ht.'('k.-,1 Mhc~
. , -.. .. W..ted , 1011 !lli2 fi!5!'> two free tic•ets tltlldem tra11l·r SJ:l.llOIJ
I J\HPto:T ( ON r ll 1\1 roH ....................... . """~"'' wull ru11 u11n i:hl i.:<111tl 111111" 55110 J\1111.
ISJ3.00valuc1. t11 7 f t 1 7 ~. l 11 11 I f
ha.-. mu wls h1•a\!v ltr11w1~ WANTfo:U ~x7 t 'tt111 \ KNOTI'S 71-t 1•10 i11111
11vllm vtu~h.~1cr1f11·1· · ~•·F . •J' -..r ~_.,_,
ac· :Wals h 1;1.1 ~.~di H<'ll"•"IJhlo· & rn goo•I
OM m'1d1• d•1or ... m xlnt
,. ti II ,, l n c• I u cl I II j.(
hardwur<· $!~11·;H'h 11r
rm kc ofle r. li7J·4:"1H'1
i.1.1ttd111uo ~1:Jli :i.>1:-.
E1>111 .. ·1ully l1<•11u11ru1
Mu~elll' St1t1ll'lil)'n l-.1I "'™ · SlWJ ti•H Klj;!l
llu1111r11111d M :1 llr~·;111
.Jurw22nd thru .Juh Ith l'll'kf't..~ may be d a 11111•tl
hy 1·alling fiit2·5t;711. ,.'st
;!12 . .. .
7'J Jla.,.J11a11 I!!' .. • ·Ifill
l"onl, J.tt'll/./t Jd. rltrurrw
Wt'I c•:1.h .1u ... t. 1.1 r p
la111fo·1n Ira 1 l1•r 7 h ,.,
ti.:!7 .1 'l l I 7~:! 1111 I l ,
71-1 1>'111 1701
~1·rdiand,...1• w ;1nt1·d
c;,,ttl lut111•.., :.f11irls w1•a r
&drt.">.'>l:S t,JI ;147:1
:!1111 <"1111rwr·lrrm n·c·I ----------
w ,1 .. ~1t1• 147 xlnl nmd .
X1ra."' 9i00 loah. McsiM :..11' !'iklpJ.H'k <>111•11 Xf111 ... ,...... 9030 nm111111: 1•1mrl ;\111sl M'll mow1i.r ~fl-C <ood con ti.
"iii 1!115 W AN'l' TO l'U-ftC1f /\S !:: ''00·34tll. -•••••• ... ••-••••••••• ,Tl<.-i l'h 117~ :u 11
ltotl St1•w;1rl e11111 1·rl
trfkt·h . ,.i11 um. M<ikc· or r .. r. !°)4f>.:tt.~
S(>\!c·n l1rkcls tu Laguna
llt·ac·h l1:11wanl of Th1·
Masters. ft..,nbL 5411-574!1
llOSTON 'M a ::.11n &
llmnhn. ":l)()f'ly . l'arl•1r
S1 Zl' r, 7 ' M ~1!15 I' I'
7 M t'All ~'-t:J.
Swan ,\1) ... Z1·111l It '>llJlt'r
n.1v1gat11r ll DF. li11.1t f11.
ltnKS. nt•W & USt·•I mr, 77-lli
WORTH $13.
Knott'• offer• you the time of
your lffe wtth 135 different rid•• and
•ttr•ction• •t one of the moat cen-
teraHy located fun park• in South-
ern Ca tlfornla. Save ga• and have
fun at the ••me time at Knott'• Berry
Farm during their July 4th celebra-
our cel•bratton •nd the "Wlah YOU
Were Here" Ice Spectacul•r run a
dally throughout the summer ..
The new Cloud 9 dlaco feetures
thit blggeat. brlght••t ltghta. sound
and dancing tor your aummer nights.
~''''~''''''~~ thro::::.::!:Ja~u':;:,: =~d1~';;~ ~~ ~
Phyth Diiier perform• nightly during ~ '{) ~
~ ~ ~ ~ 1===============:::~~ Look for your name and ~ ..._ addr••• In today•• ~
~ claal&fled Hctton. If fOU =:: :=: find It. c•ll 142·1171 ~xt. ~ ~ 272 •nd we'll •rr•nee for ~ · j;i ' you to pick up your tlcleet•~ I •JJ WI QI mt' o~roftU neaNet 7
Mu.,I s1•ll 1!1711 IH0 Hani.:1·r
ln hull. l:W h. µ Volvo
;,JI 1,0 , ~1 hr~ 1111111:11'
!ili7l.ll 11r lit·sl c1H1•r I·:,,.,
1:i:1 ~:.
:.w :-ik1JiJ.i••k ·n V ll Tr l r
, ,, II d ,. ,, "' I II I '
711 .WI llf.:1
'77 SktpJal'k l ll, l)Mt .
r;uho. 111 ltr~ !'w1 ml S>s:JffO
c•~·•>ll 7 or "15·!15[,!,
t°l<L'>Sll' Iii fl hay 1111,11, lj
HP .lohns11n. c·1ivn & a II
;11T1"los !J;Oll rm;.:1-1 11 11r
fi7:J. 7~:! A~k for l>on or
Your local dealer
17' to36'. Newpart. Ueuc h
24' SllPJACI '69
f.'oklintt s word plank &
pwr2100 M<.:, llStJal fuel
UHF r8dlo depth finde r
Adiln Blat Bkrs
21822Cmtst Hwy at~
H..-iUngton Uch S36·""91
am Thunderbird 231,..,·.
J233C, fully cqui pped, Jlkc nu, 3.'W) I tO. w tttlr, SI
hn,731-4332 ------Classic Bay Roat. 18'
South Coast, IOOhp Oray
Marine. make oHcr .
87S-3l41 /17HOIZ.
ZI' Unillile1 Sect. FD SS.
covers, Xlnt fam
C atalina bo at . llUOO/f1nn ...... 7433.
•Cat Enthusiosb •
~Ill tho· 111•w H1·vnnlil' :!I
1·.11.1111,•r.111 :--.1.111d<1rth
1111"1 111·,111 l,'.1111•\ " ,.
'"''· 1•m,ltt"ll1'. s .ttl'i o'<.
1tt•1n• ~hTI" 1 Fu I h'
I ra1h·r.1hh· C"a II 1111" lor
.1ppl ti4'1 ;j/1111; \\' 1;.1:.! .11111 l
:...-\lllYI' Bn .111 Th11111.1,.
~la11y •·Xtr.1s fo'.1:..l t ,, II
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1ltw k ..,,,, ... ,. 'I. 111 B1 h
1111111.la ~) 1.1:111:1::;•
:--.al1·. r l11:.1·d l11d ·'" , ...
"ht·r" 1:. ·7,, :ix I f;,11,
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llitrrl tn ~1prn S<'lll1·1I 11111
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S1111th l0 t1.1 !.I M .1rtn1· Stir',., or-.. :;1:1:! ~~ :!11tl
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:1n1111111I 10', 111 l11d
C'lw1•k 1:. 111 Ill' rn .1d1·
payahll' 111 Tra\!t'lt·r~ 111
1k•11u111 y (.'fl ll«l li!lll'f• or
11111 tlut· Ill day!.. Own1·r
rt~t'f\l•s rtKltl lo rtofUM'
• m y or a 11 IJid~
1:1 MANT A
l·)1JI sl.'l •11 ::.:uls.11ulhd.
~ t rlr ~:r.1 70fii
S/\NT/l.Ni\ :'.II
IJ kc lll'W. rll'w lrlr
Lido 14 Wt\h lra11t-r s1:.1111
Xlf\t COllll
673 77Ut.i
l.11111 f I t::t2>1.I . c1o<>1l 1·11111I.:.,
~1·1s ~;11 b , r111 rt1ri,:h
1·111rhn l. t rl r ·1 <!ll:i
tM 1!1Jll
l-:n1·~11rt :.!7' Sltp avarl.
!-ill11t·r 1'11•a11 & t•11u111rwl1 1
Slli,lm 1;.1~ li470J675 54i77
Balhoa :t/I w1lrl1
4 ::,;11!::. $\Mt.IC.I
•'l'wo flout Own1·r Must
~idl ' 40' <:nrdcn l>c!.i)tn
K1·!1·h S5J l</o fr .
7M-4!•l :t21i2, '1!1~•· 1710:1
~· F.ndti-on '77 llas xlnt
ll·asc h1Jt'k for tnx uclvnn·
taJ!cs & :;llr> Will sell for
rcaMlrlablt• mi1rk<>l rrir1•
or trudl' for qu:il motor
homt• tairplone. ti46·:.!835.
I.If SOL <'al 51500. 2S · cat s::woo A~k for Chris.
646-7174 ----IA..cr #l!M4. never raced.
2 lla!L'I. trlr. C'OVCr. S750.
"11 Otl 2·29, 1mmacul•te,
fo\111 rr'\lisc. SUp. •1.900.
Cal ao. excellent cond.
rmny extra. SllOO or bll
air .13t-00.111
71i YJrnaha Y/'2!'1111· •. xlnl
• 1mrl fk·sl •>rf•·t 11\ ,.,
SL.."\11 lil\.1 i'l'l l
J:1 I lo111la 7!J) :.111 .. ·r '>I~ 1r1
.. 111:111 1 ·"h l 1r111 !11~1 71f.!:! .
J 1t101J;,· 1r.111-1:m
(O\ITillj.(. $llC1:1
4!fl !lljll,
'7fi tlnnrla ('ll:!ilO, ;ii; 1-.
Si!UI io'1nc motor !'>40 ;>511:1
Ti Yi')!jl. lll'W 1)1"''· 111:-11111
IV mi.:.' l>&C l>tPl' & """
111 1-: & ,11111·i.,, s~r.;
t.lli 1317 M 1k1·
Ill l1011da !IU :.lr•·l'I h1lo.•·
7~• ::,sx 'l{llfi I
ll1111d.1 7~1lo; 71 Ht\. \fnl
1·11n1f S 1:L10 ,,ff 1• r :.111 IKl:J
M11Vlllj.(, llPISI ,,,.fl 70
llu:,ky ·IOU , IJ•'W -..·ng
,\talk .,rr.·r !'>jl,.1.>t77 :iw1
Hra> Ln. l'!'tl
'7ij Y:1m;1 h.1 DT11)11,
flr.1111f tll'W
~ilf.tii11,1f1 1·r I Ml
1!171 llultaeo :wu I·.~
1·t'llcn1 1·umh11•111 M11\
ini.:. will !.:H'nfl('l' Lea\•'
nanw& numhcrln5·J.M7
Motol' ....... Sale/
.... /StorCICJl" f 160 •••••••••••••••••••••••
HENT l.uxurv M•11or
hom1• 2 2' l'i1l 11mar
Sl1.'(.'i-... ll ~;,u /week '
>tm1 1;10.~
Ht:NT 23. Fl It to: BAI.I.
SEU" CONT/\I N fo:I>
IUJ\SON 1\ Bl .Jo: 1.;,1;, :!:!113
71 J\p1ltn m11111rh11m 1· :!7'
'"113" f)od~1· 1·ni.:. n~1f '""
rhLo;h, ;11r. 1·ust11111 ,.1t•1•r
1n~ sys1t·rn. I\ M FM '1 1·h
1·as~ .. Mu:,l M'•' to ·•fl
prec1atl'. $14.7511. ('all
<:ury ll.11 •IJC» aft a PM
'7ti M1\Y F l.OW I-: ft l !I'
Mm1 m11t11r h111111· 1:t1
1~ind. lt1•1i.1ss1·sst·1I ~lust
~t'll Sli41 0 . tJli I
714/li75 7·U7 ·----
-$500 Uft FIOHT
Th411's n11ht Uall'~ It V
Rentals will pay ~ ltt
you upon rons1unnwnt of
your "71t/'79 lK·22' Mm1 or z.:rr motomoma. 1'hls
will apply towards your
SJ»S91 n(·t per week
We're overhouk1•d thru
Please <'Onlatt Mr
•Van Campers
•18'·22' Mini
f)oee mllea -UICIO mi per
I week minimum ._.per week
0.'tlYI ....
trvtne -sr. Denver
-----.-a · Dodie molor home. •t:~t,./ 9070 ...., d9• unk. alps 7. new ..,1 ... a.. refr11. -................... dr•pea, dual butant
..-SAYAl.A•I 1.anb, W /bet ofrer.
YN: Newport..,__. •lllle¥.a/Wtrnda,
···1111111 111111111' r:1:1 111111:1
~fMSolt-. .........•..••........
I \11"1 ifrl ,\;\I
'\II I I <'I·: Tll .
I< 1-:,\ IJ .. ;11:--,\'\I 1
1\ll 1·:11'1 IS/o.IC~
lho· 1ir111 • t1l ll••llt'
.11h1·rl1:,1·1I I.\ \••1111 Ii·
uc:alt·r ... '111 tll1• \ 1•111 1 11
C'la~~1rwt1 a cl v"rt "'"•!.!
1uh111111:..1i.,. . .., 11•>1 Ill• li11"'
'"" .q ipl11•.1hll' t.I\•'' ,, .. ,,11.,~wn~ lc.c.:.._
f111.111t .. • h,11 ,_:, .... 1,.,., l11r
.11r 1111111111 .. n '•ml r11I ti•·
\If''" 1·un1f1t',Jl1t1f'' ut d1 ·
,ol1·1 fl,,. 11111• 111.H \ llf •
1i;1ral1•111 1 1t.1ri••·' uuft ·, •
nlltl•r ... 1 .. 1· 'fl•'f'llt>'d ,,,
UW .1<h1·n t'<'I
....... , •.....•.••• ~···
\~!\Jill' Tht,, om• ..., 111 I 1111·
1 u11,•our!"'tt ,·•1ntf11 ttlft
~\II I 1<1\ t' St P"''
N .. :Wf'f)f('I' 111·:1\I 'II
. 752-0900
ri:1 Mt: Tl> '1·1111" n 111
,.,.r1 Xln• t 111111 1,l IHH I
11ni,:in.1I 1111, r.111111 I'\ I
PlY 1;.i;, l:!.'11
1\ 1< .. :/\UiA._,S,\VJ-:I<''
'f.:1 11,u1111 .1.:u ruu ... ftk1•
.1 lop' Had111, lll';ilt·r. ,,, . .,.
l>;1l1t•rv :'111•1 1b mulfln lit
1>atnl S.tm \ ,111 T•I ·~Ill
~ T Ht111 Xlnl .... rut .!111f
""Ttt'r rn.111\ i.11.1 11art:-.. ~·' ~OJ ti1ii7
Sonl11•am 1\lp1111· li..'i Ntf.,
w•irk. H 1ra1 I. ... lt'r. w1ro•
whb, $>Ui K4H l1'11i7
'74 .. '11
I s1h1•r "''" huri.:11n1I.'' & fown kuth,·r tnlt•nor. I
rnmt\ltl r"tl w11h fawn
lt·a\hcr ml\'nor Mu:.l
tK1ll fiio:A<.:lt HI.VII
9530 •••••••••••••••••••••••
'111 2 !H l t: l( I' I' II I I v ,,
lo/m1l11~c xlnl. cond.
t\tll acc~~som.•:.. One uf
a klnd Interior Sll .000. 1•.r. Days '114 1957 Kl!ll.
4-...Drt•n tHO .......................
This 4-whet•l dlivc 1s
rari1l°to10! t801RTR).
Olwe A QuaU Sta.
IJJ.0111 .
V>l. IJlllt111111111· .11r 1·110'1
11wr, !.l1•1•r1111! lV fl" r
ht .1k" I 11;11 I l111,·1
ISlk 1•;11;1i'1 • '
S4l58 ~·
~000 HARBOR 8lVO
COSTA MfSA b4'.l 0010
S \t"l<IFWI-"'
w / Canijiir SMft
J .1k1· nt·\4 1mly Iii.OH•)
rru1,..., lt.t·alf\• 11w111·1l 1\
>:1•r\ 11•1•1f ." .11' I ,111 l l'
,,, .ut.thh· t l:1•.ft"'' ;:•
IC1•pf.11•1•rt11•111 \,il111• -..,~1111111 :--.a'1·n111•,. ... ,d1•
11 r I ,. ,. ti Ii •. f II... ( .. \\
h1 t IMll'Wlk
Mt>lll\lll\1111 HI.VU
I 'I IS'f \ '\1 l'::-01\
631.-1276 833-9300
.... I( I-:\ 'I\ :-0 "'1 I Ii I' 111111
1•flJ.!ll1t'" Ill 1:1 '-lllf I l w.,,·f
lr.111111 .: .I .u.lt· • llllH'll
111111al •ir • .1l""''r i-;,.rl\
·71r-. 1\ 1 .. 11 rPfrt g1·ra11ir
1r;11l1·r ~Im ''"
<! l:l 711 :.!11711
~•'> l-'11111> l'll 'l•d I '
I 'lfto:H I! YI 'C)\d >
1-'ttr Sah• 't;it l·:t I '.tllllllH 1
"lllf I' ~. I' JI \ 1·
Mai.::.. :.nrl. 11"" 11.11r11
tll'W h1 Jll•r1or111;1111·1· 1·11i.:
( ~tll uft :l, ~IH ·~HX
i•• l 'h1•\'\" 1, '• T loK
t h1•vv 1,.' ·1 , "r. lla1. lit•d
t.11 l)odgt'. :! T. I 111 t•..r l1
1<11 W Wth Sl tW1 lt.ut
'71; Oats u11 Kin~ Calt
~ 1·anif1t'r. 2ri,lllllJ 1111 .11 r "™"le...,. 1\ T I"'':.. 1·11':111,
$121•1 1>1-1 :..'7711
·n Uat:.un I\ 111~ 1 '.1 Ii :,
!.ptl 2!1,IJIU m1 c ·u:.cnrn
rnt tialtrtl'I ... t1111·k:.
/\tt11l'"M >llrk . ,1111 1·11n<I
$&ln). ( Jiii I ~ M77<1 afl
·75 Cht'V) I.II\/ w l';!lnlJl!r
sht'll.117<1 W I !II h
'111 ·' 1 T 1'1cku11 . 1• 1n.
f''S, dual tank..,. tiK m1.
t;4;, 57~
'ti.'> t'11r1I :111111 a 11·. sh•n •o.
nu lm.~ & hrak1•s Hun!>
good tu1 -t:ltl ·~n
·w Toy111 a l rut•k Sltf>,
loudt.'(I. w 1lh s h1•ll Ml
+lak\' ov1•r iiuy ml·nti. .
'70 Ctwvv, low miles. xlnl
eood i\1<;. P IS, P /U.
hit<·h. Sl1•vc 5'111·4202 ..,,. -'Tl OaLo;un pwkup Rt-d.
:UKm1. Mil~li. S3.WS .
1t4 /VB4 ·1Ml3 ,
'114 NTMS:l).
:78 Chev Cheyenne. 4X4,
loadt.od. uuto .. low mile.
S1 ,950. 846·2$8'1
'13 O.Uun PU, camper
am/fir\, 8 trek, ma11.
...... aJnt ..,.,, Ml·t670
'11 Chevy Luv : Shell.
lo9ded. lo ml. 9i000/beat . --· '11 °'8vy Blaser, auto. a---------A C . P S • P B • ''74 Ford Courter reblt
AM /FM/HH. ~ tlMU. FM 1-ll'eft,
JllllUeUUWIWMll. ruH tood. $2 ,UO.
IM$0. 213/430-6280 ...... .
6: .. OAllY PlLOT Saturday, Junt 2.3. 1979 Alltet. IM,ar'W ....... l ... rW :::. -~············-;;i·s ·.;;;~···········;;2·0 ......1.,arW ....... 1., • ..w ........ ,.rled ....... l•••rtM ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
._ tl70 ~~~ •••• !~!~ ~ .... ~~.~ .... ,.. ....................... . ..................... . -·•• .. •••••••••••••• WI Will IUY 9oiW 97 I 2
'7H ........ ,.._ .f740 Pa dlt 9710 T..... 9761 ..•..•••........•...... ....................... .. .................... .
DOGalYAMS ...................... . 1---..."Bflill\N .. NJr;W. ... D11d yaw DA UUM
Vu11 Valu 11 u11 h1 l'AJI) .. '(IR OH 1'01'
as.CUI A.II flM<'•'ff un<h'r TOf' OOUAI
GO.WI Ttu& WN.'kt'nd ot1 JOI TOP CAIS I)'' Offt•r explrl'I> tJ Ill 7U
--T 111711 111-1'11 111.\ll
ti\ f'INI. ION 10· .\\ H
1t• \ iw\' I '111111•111111• \ .111
t°Oll\l'l 'lllll .... l.11111 llfl
h ....... (111111 ~l•l\' " ,.
hu\ ... 1111., tl11wll• th.11
11111).1.~ 111111 1,. 11 \\I .. 1\1
'I 1• 1 1•11 I ,1th • II 1A1 t.. 1 I
't"1itl ' t l t \Hj t t•Hif,.
I n1I~ \l'"I • \lo!rhl l'h
1;1:. 1111 "
Ill l.t. .. li:·· I.Ill• \ II
I A.A W IC I( DA. T '>UM
8 11 111\491 ll l'>
L .. 1\1 fllOll!•l I 11\ 0\ ol •
\'11hu• )•11 .. i..Ul)la. & \ tlU'I
I 1ttl 1" 11 .. 1111
1••• ... ...-11 •• c ........ . ""•o •lo1 .. \40 ... ,
& I \I 11 H (')Al)WllY
\4 1'1 A llNll
835 3 171
fttl Utt• ... lift l M!Vltrfh MAI fM.._I
111allt.!"1!1,.1 1~·11.1"111.11 • n ~I l t•I !'\ II 1111 /11 1
-n4 ~II h twl ( lllll;Ultl
c&o.e-ct Sunday'
I ,111 I !'lo•ll 'our I' ,11
I' n ~ I 111 ' Ill 11.1./\ II
I .. 1 I lt•,1u I ,1•11 I 11 11•rn I
.... 11 M1k1 \II I 11011
835-J 171
'77 IMW 3201 ... ,,,, ,, .. ,,
1U1111 H 1d d t
1llH t I\
1111111111 II I
I '-'~'\I f' t
I ht Ul•lll
•\t·ti•H"•h•••, ltu111
••••••••••••••••••••••• .. .,, n 1 '"I t1p, llOKrn1 nt•w "74 .-oz. aood me<'h ('Ond. l!J.t MAZDA -
• L.1M1.U.1o1•" ~ ,...,.....,,,.tnr,--a. -·-· IC.I'\ \'t't-V t'll•lln $1 700 Ui(MI firm Nick or 1'11m 07 .,..$ c_.
1,.u <t-11.: 400-21.27/497·3743 !led w th • S Kpeed
71, 1 'uvn ~ 1•vl 11 uuu1111
1:111111 I llllll $:lJ11 0
\'I;.! :.1 10
'720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• * Z)s * DISCOUNTED
!-.11(11 ' & ( 'llM I' A It t-;
' I. 111 \ Ii'' ! ! I '"
81 1 11H49J.Jl75
LGr? S.!.dlon
Of All Moct.h
""I ~ U.i\.-.,INI :
1'\I< I'" S ~.llVIC~.
210l 2 + 2 COUPI
A11 lomul1c·. rn ltj(s .
l'a.~-tte. fin<' burgundy
wifh deluxe velour 111
Lcnur 1119 l lte.W 1
OHLY $7999
• lllt8 l>ovc· !-\1 n:1·t
N .. :Wl"Oll'r l\Jo:Ac;ll
•1114 -:n!J:I
'713IOZ L1:m 1. x tnt 1·und.
m1»>b1..~'. 9lOUO l~l!'i 2145
1r11111.. air cond • 11tert.-o
"aJloywtK-els t512 Ul61
...... ,ta ......
2l:l() Harbor HI . C M
A1Wmat1c:-. air conc1tticm·
1nl(, lc11s th.in 2:1.01111
m1l1•i. (~S2KLG I Wai.
~.on side
~ llurbor IUv1I
71i 2!Su Z l! In l ,. on II '74 RX4. fiO.IJOO mt. n •I!
Iii mll;1i.te 1l1·i.t 11lflo r .:a,. lo.11J1·c.I 1·l1·Jn
!Iii-I !'i731 ors.IX :10tili Sl7!JO offt'r li7:1 1 to2
75 l>:JL'>Ull ~IZ l I 2 i\11111
t r;iru., 1\ ('. $11~.lll C'a II
"7:1 ~ill.I
'71 M 111.1ht. IJl1>ton cnJ,!1111•
rww t in·'· no·w rn'lr
t•yl111d1·r. SH.'141 11;111.:~1:1
'78 Black <Ser 51361
'77 Blue ISer t.1541
·77 S.l /blu l~r :v72 I
'77 M 8m <Ser 83IY1 I
tlouse ol Imports. Int· .
ft862 Manchester Blvd .
Uoena l'ark 714/523-7250.
7141571>-7201, oo the S..nla
Ana .. h-eway
IJw'Aund)' w1lb Ian up
holstc ry. imw1·r w111
ck1ws. i-.1wt•r hrakl·~. air
l'llfldlllfHllnli:. l'flJIM' t'Ul'I
trol Hii.121.EJ I
'7!1 241J U :'l,IMJ(J 111111•'
wtulc w /lmml.lf111 rnl sun
nxil. Hlaupunkt 11m fm
t'a ~i.t·llt'. M1 e h (·l1 n '
Slk.5W oHt·r 75!J ~'°40
75 S1l vt•r 1g.,r 7111)51
"7ti Ma1Jh• t~r 1:1~1
'7ti Hl u1· t~r K<l ll 1
---... lt-tst 1 l.1'<'< 1 u111t""}l1TTl'twT
1,,.11111" .. / 11111' I t i I I •
:""' .tll4 1·1·.
1974 ALFA
RO ... l04Ili SAOOLHACk
Lt!¥ IM,Olttt
831-2040 49!>-4949
77 lllat•k l~·r ~11 1 1
llou"'· of Im JOlrt,.,. tr11· +-~~~~~~~~~~~11-:c"""'
'1111!'> \\ .... "' '" '" \I 1K h ud .!'.I.A.I \ • .111 :\1
Ill'" llUI 1111 l ''•I I•\ '"
1r '11""11rn nnn tr 'H 1
:'.\lfll I 1 ~111 S°llO~I \10111
h l >ll'l N ·•l 'l l " I
tl l I; \II I ill • I
1, , 'I ,11. ~>1•111
l.uth, I '••I l'l.'I
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1:1 I·"' d ...... , .. I \ .111 II II
'"'" 'I I' \ )\ ti. "''·'II' 1·1•'' t.111111·1 •w.1 1'1•1
1.t \ V. \ .111 I 11111 1111
l'IW1ll'I I ;1:,,.l'll•• plol\I I
.. ;1h1111•1 ... l!>l 1.~I "'·· 1'•1'
l:lJ:I D11cl1•1· \ ""
V.11. l ' !'-I' II
~r.r., J11111>ll '""I
I It ,lf1 .......
:>hhl , ... 11 ••I ~ ·1,:, l 111 I
1; I f• to I ii \1 ti lo, I fl 11 ~
(1)1.':1p 11ol """I. 'HJI .0.101,
1.x \'W \ .111 "''" 1·11'
''·"""' 11.11111 \'1111 .... ,, ~\_ ~h·rt·u l!f•!'.t ,j:M; ,',1t;
lX FOllU 1.111 11111 .1 111111·
1u1111r ,10 11 fu ll\
1~j111111••lf 'Xi.~I 114"1 111
11 -.70•1 m1 ••ii :121;0
1,' I h1·1 \ "mdu" \,,111
1,11. oXtlll
·~lllt•f~I 111:1\IW,l'llll l lK
1·111' \ 'I I' !'>, I 'I: 111111
lilP l11p ,,•,ol •. 11 \ I
11 ~1 f''\1 l•'ll'll ,. II I" I
1•d \1H lto·l111 I .1dt.of'.
:-:uo ... 1 .1.1
.x ''""'"'"'' 1111 11 l"I ''"111111 ,, ... l111l1l il• 1 .. ,.
1;11, 11.•,
Autos Wanted 9590 ••••...................
WI•. I' i\ \ Tc 11' t 1r 11 . I. \ II
tor tu11 wo•il ... ., .• lc1r1•1i·n
1!11m ..... 111·, ••I 1 l.1· '" 11
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I. 11•11 .... I., .. , \M I,,
ljt•W I ,uh,,t.._ IH 11tf, It flt
""'~ ,,f 1UI "'I '"' 111 ....
BMW 9712
\1 ,...., I 1.; 11 ..._,
1.-. S-TOCI<'
1 •• 111 .. 1.1\ "" ·" "'"· h ~1\ I' I h.11 pr•' "'' 11 1 •I
11\1\\' "011 .1 1• lo10 1l-.111 ,.,,.
83 1-2040 49 5.4949
,-; l:MV. .1;•111 1:1 ... I. .1 1111
t.111 lfll1•fl•ll Ill I "II"
""'';" '1 .1· "'Ill ,\ 11'\ I \
111 10 1 n.11.. I ,, · 11··•.t
t 111td1l t1•ll \111 I • • I 't I
1•11 I .tll t.t, 11. ,
'76 BMW 20 02
,\t1l1111 ~t111 '·11t11f11* \ ,,
f lffldll lfltll ll 'd If 1 I ,,,, , ' .,
111 .• II 111 ,. I I· I "' \"
831-2040 495-4949
r. 11\1 \\ "~1 1 ..,I '••I\ 1t11
~ "41tt'I I ' 101 ,.,.. 1U
111th•h .. , ..... jtil "th t l:\ ... \ ••
111 ..,,I/I I ,.I d I 'I d I oll
\J l "' • I
'1} 630 c'i
I ..,,,. "' 1'111 "• " '" ' lt•,1th1 I Ultt•t l11f lt·t ••11
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. t' f \ I • I " h \ ti
I 1\111\ 11 1
8) 1-2040 495-49,49
l\\1W .I(~ ':0-1. I' :'tM•hp
~mp, 111.i h1 .11111111 1
f ..-1.' I 1 :."~
K.At' 11.-.wh llh •I
I \ 11 \1111 \
.. \11 '" 111 "> \ I· ' 17 141522-5333
'-.tmd.f\ h1 1\1•1••
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n 1t1f. ~J,101 1111 111.!llHI
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m ,\111:1 .::,,. :-.. 1 .. 1. "!'
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I.II-I W I 11o"I 11" I
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lh ¥lo flt \4 II• "' 1111.d h
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t I lilll •I 1111 f lt dfl \..,
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t f I It\ ttf t t tf fft I
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,......, ~ AM l''.\I '"'rf'H &
••••••••••••••••••••••• t"'\;L'-"'l'th• l*n JJI \ 1 •1t•,t't'
Ii~ HOV t:I< A 11 n l'W rall afll'r !'l fJ m ~~IX °":'~'
Im~. rhlt 1•11.: j;'j;!;, 11"1 '7ti l '117 Xlnt 1•011'1. tu 1111
•lfr 1J4.111112 l'JIU• 1 •• ..,, .. rri·r
9760 ..............••.•.....
'7KU ... :AltANn:
NOW IN l'ltV(;tn:.-.s·
K'1H Oovt• SI r1•1•t
Nl':Wl'OICT llh:ACll
w.v •••••••••••••••••••••••
4 whc:'\'I dnvc. 11t1<'k 11h1n.
lo mtlH • roof rack. t32W8R)
H\:ll'fl'tNOTOH Ht:AL1 I
142·2000 .
714 Tr11111111h S 11111 111·
J\M t FM 14 Irk. lu.:1·.11!1
nwk. hrilti1 ''"" 1c l1111. ~1 :w :~
ValkswCICJeft 917 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••
'71i W1•s tphah:1 ('u n 11wr
w 1a1r AM /FM Xl11t
i'ltrlll $."1,!'ilHI li7~1 f1:l1)t1.
fil!'I 172.1
·11;, Bui(. r u11 i. µ11001
S14~ltl:>t'st otr H4ti·751ti
4·c1r. !'I spd, sunroof. tinl
cd J(l~'l. Alpme·wtit with
tan vmyl /cloth inl. Ar
nv'Ciltit~ 1MOO.,M2 G:W
8'tja Hut(. 11143 c1· N1•w
l ire~. brakes. SIOOO
fo"ind wfiat you wont In
U1uly l"ilut C.'hois1f1t•1b.
.......... rt.d ........ ,., .... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ff-1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
IJt(ht bhM! l'Xll•nor & on
ly a,aoo mil~ I l l!t:\131
ONLY szttt
• oc)\e S.re1·1
Nt:Wl-"()ttT Ul':A('lf
\'Vii' tl1n mg l f"\)llh h' ~·II
11~ )~•ur l'IU " Trv u~ l up
t\.lll111 Ptml 1111 111 °'lll•I
~1ut uur t .H 111 J1111
M. I Ill 0 \ ti I I.~"' •• I' I' II
Urlll ... •itrh lihcl llunl
111"''lt•l l'-.•11t•h ,, .. ''" t-~.mlt M_.nn11 ••r 1 .. 111
clloow fl"Offt1
II \' 1irry ltl It \lll1 I Ill 1 I."
l(UUrlllllt'<' \If '•dtl\
NO ttt;A.,ON \Ill.I'. m·n :tt II 1-:Ft ~Jo.II '
urrn u .. :At'tr u1 ' 11
lll'NTINtiTON IH. \I 11
842-2000 ' lllt.'M·I lt.1hh11 •• t.\1 1111
faC'lOI'}' a r \':11111 1•111111
11(•:-.l 11111 I ~ \ t' \If
wk1111' 7 l I ;1!1 I !I,~ I.I
'70 I~ '1·\lo 11,11111 ,\ 1111
l<un~ J.:OUd (i11.,1I 1111'•
lol!UI ( lfh'1 \ .1 II 1 IX 11:«.t
:tit 6
71 ~upi·r kuJ.:. n1·v. 1111·-
:.unn••f. AM FM H t 1 I..
ur;u1J.:t' S2:1-;o ~Mt l.\X7
·•· SfflYICf DIP'T. O,EH
'lll 9 ,.M. MOHD A YS
'AlltTS DEf'T. O,El'4
'Tll 9 f'.M. MONDAYS
& 'Tll 2 f'.M.
SAUS DE,T. O ,Et .. 7
.4. -
ECOfot<>MY CAlltS TO
'79 tt.Mbbll 081 4 dr dlx.
I> i.pd. 11t\1r\'(), met Jla.ml,
llK ml, ~ 417!1 4.at~
·w S.·1n1C't'O, 3"M . lll'W
lll'l''> ~:11111 £> I htl t h
\ 1'f'\ clean l>"T:I IMfi
9772 •••••••••••••••••••••••
AMDLLUtNG m t.tt.~F.AS u ... t.I\ 1-.rc \'
.. ;XPt-:UT:,
I~ 11&1 hur l\h 11
t 'OST I\ M t:."oA
646-9101 S40-'467
t-~\11 t '!'.1 \'l-1 ,'Vtll.\U
-~~on 11 Or·llh'T
mth.111"; I mml\'
Ill'\·.,, \,t-,•\." 1-
1111< H "I
2025 S M anchester-
Anaht::1111 750-2011
ti><\ 111~" ... .,. ~.111· $>«111111
1 ...... 1 11ffd
r,/'I .111.i
\lll'ol :-di 1:1 V11l\11 JUtu.
""' • llhr 'ol1·11•u -c lnl
1111111 •·l~Ol~>l 11r ... uri..
~..i:Jk.~ C:urv
•U1\11n·1· S11111·r Sal1• 7H
:•1;1 & :!tli!l' S i.11·1· t-.d
~1:!H ll1:!ti . !1:11; 11 :1.10 .
'f.J:I :!i'l~t
rd \,111\ 11 :O-.of11 C: I 1-.11
m1•1•ha111t'.el 1111~ p.rllll
~•··rt~1. nu 11r1·~ :!:11111>J.!
~·) 49'1 7112o1
Autos, Us~ ...... -.................. .
990 I ..........•...•........
1;1 t...1it·\y Impala. J,!n •al
l111tl~ J,!ood f11r low
mh•r... ~JI) or lw:-.t 1M1·r
tZt l '"d El' I >nr:ul11. 11t•w
lln.,.,, l'<t"Y <Ill J,!,I)> & 1111.
Sl>OI ur· IH".,I f;~ 11201 1•>.I
W~ Want Your D~ol
1 •1m1·1t1hl4' .rnlll, 11 .1w.
1.ul111 11:9117 :!'<111:11
I l<!X.Tl 9113.I II I< I
.... •. u .. d ....... u .. d •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
"TO c-o ttl7 tt20 •••••••••••••••••••••••
1'71 IUICll
Autun)tttl t'. p o w t<lr
sk<ennJt 6 b1 11\i._.,., Air
1'0fld , padckd top , wm•
wt.•I t'OVt'ra. Mlltl ilHk h
rn u 1 ~ L o 111 111 1 I .. ,
178:4\lt-'\I J W<111 11>400 1111
11111 ..
~Harbor lllv1I
t '(lt'i'f A M l':.'iA
• ''ru l((·eci.I lti·1.:1•, HM 1111
.I lllllfi, i\M '" M, .n µlu"h
111\. ~ <tlJ'J .\b'1,I
1'75 IUICk
:1-..·ul, 1>lu . ., :all tlt•llf\•' 111>
l1Hil'• I l'JVl I-.~ I WJ ,
s~. l}il ,., 1 ..
HOW $3555
l 'I )ST1\ M t-::-,1\
i!f IC1·.:.el I' ~ I' 11 ,111tu
lr11n.' \ I 1,111111 \ f,
CJ~ 1Jn \ c11 UM .I 111110.· ••
I.> lllplt t I\\ :!l 11111~ h"" \
I '111lr1 f,1.,1111 y "Jt 1 I\
7ID) l7l I 1J:>!l l'Ml
1:1 ltt•J.:tt l. .tll 1Jl1w1·r \ t·n
l'lt·...in. on1• 11wrwr
!11;1! ~.t:J!)
9915 .......•...............
Orange County's
Sdorodo C"9t~r
Al.I, O l'TI ONS '71i
\'1111\1.ro t.T , .. 11 v1·r
w 1111 ... ., 1 uw111 s.1:.mo
«H *707
11'70 ('arTI.Aro 4 '4pd. ll11r .. 1
~f\m.t l111ku1.t1'. 11r,M 11u
IJN'I! & bull. "Int I Ulllllllll
f'\.l(WI &J71i:i ~lti ~JH
9920 •••••••••••••••••••••••
AMAL 1978
uc1 C.im.1ro ... t'1q in1 (''·
Mu11h• L'111 lo!., M.ihhu'I t.
No\ ui. U1 .ii.Ill' 1 c1lu1
'K.,.11.u t.•r ti., d
I I~ I \ ~ 1-:~ \
:J, l(Jtl 1111!1·~. OJ tr t'OrttJ It 1011
111i.:. 1al111J. wh1lt• w .11 1 ...
1••"4•·r 'lt·t•r1ni.: p11w1 •r
111 ,, k , .... , gr i: .ti i.: .1 ..
~lj(J ll:.ir>Ut1r Ill\ d
al Fair. Co,,IJ i\lt· .. .,1
('()l 'l'I-: i\ul orn,1111·
pwr :.h~nng & ltr,11..1·,
plu.' 11n l't'on1irnH·,il I 1·1 I
n1~1111-. 1!J:l1Sl'N l w,,.,
~Q.r.,, on ~.ilc
:!r~1 lla 1 l1<1r 111\tl
COST,\ M Jo:~\
1971 CHIVaoLn
.. ; 1· ,, 11 o m y fl l' y I •
t111tomt1lu'. pwr slc,•r
1111(, u1r 1•mM.l & for t ht•
twdf(cl minded buyer'
OHLY $4395
HOWARD Chevrolet
Dovi: & Quail Slit
Nt-:Wl'OHT Ul!:A 'II
'71 MALllU
\'I(. autom;1t 11•. power
'llt.-c>nn~. fal'l ;11r. 11cw
ratl1ali-;. :111.5711 mile!>
1t~7HTA I
l'ontwc: GM<:
:.!Wll t:: IM. S:inta ArlJ
f7 14 l~l.SH 111011
. .
~ //!Jtr\ ·"~~~ , ..... .......,.~ I• •
Sol~,. Mr<ric:~·L.a•inq
l'Oe f N \f "tw & W\tD CAI YAL.Ut \
IN C>1.AM44: C (J\tN'f f I
21 Alfto c~ttt o,;,~ .,,._..,.c ...... "' ....
Ol"tH 7 DAYS A wtac
1'!) I tn µ;ti .1 . ,, hi 11
l1r a1.., .... '"'" 111 1 ,
1111 ~1.10. :11;:11~17,,
JI, .....
7 11\
·w \l.dtl111, nwd1v '\hll
,. ... 111 11.111 ... ,,. ~~lft ""'
4'1 r :\111 ,1 ""II ·, f1'.I ttl"i I
7H \11111 • I .11 111 \' ,, I 111•
\ht\ 1·111111 I ;11 111111'.1~•1•
\I.Ill\ \I r.1. I 1.I :11.x;,
........ UMd SIWrdey. June 23. 1979 DAILY PILOT f:I 1 ······················1 ~---'---;--~-=--~~-~~~~~~~;;;,;...;..;.::.;~...::1~ii;.11~~!:..~~ Qnulet ttJO ....._, UMd ...._, UMd ....._ UMd
••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
'64 Chevy Corvulr. rum; a,y.e.r 9'25 c:llryllw tt25 Cw,.... tf JZ
l(C1od s:t5() 1206 Delaware •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..!!·~· 536-3768 1979 CHRYSLER '73 C .. YSUlt tt71 C .. YIOUT
·w Klngswood WUl(OO. 32..'J NIWPOIT 4 DR. ..w YOllCH coavmt T-TOP
1-ng. NIL'i well. good n:1 l.oadai' VS. aulomatir . lllOUGHAM A utom • t I c l ran s ~ 640-0073. :r ~~'. ~w(c;n:L~::~f Immaculate cur with Loaded. a ooauty Ct .tlic * * * tJltw~t.foll vmylroof. i.:ood l(U malc1i1i.:1• mil es a r e rat: ht !
clt'c rear wind ow L o ade d . with low (llUWAF >.
ThM. Capertoft defros ter.• ws w r;i<l1al m ile age Mus \ :.e ll OHLY $10,998
233. Cypt"Ht Dr. 1.Jrt:1 & more' < 10474111 quickly HQWAcflO ~•rolet ~·ech $6895 Sl2t5. 640.0511 OoveliQua1ISls
You arc the winner of t:xpm •s 10 pm 6 ~ w 1979 (:HRYSLER NEWPORT Ht>:A<:ll
two tr.. Hclle-k C'"'IOIA IJJ.0555 (SJJOOvulucJ,lo VR AT LAS CHRYSLER \IH, aulomut1c:. 11wr.
..,kcnn~ & bruke~. bcoc:h
:-.t~al w1;irm rest. wsw
ri1t11al t ire:. & more'
f IOOW!i l
June 22nd thru July 4th
'Jkkets may be cl<11mt><I
by callJni: 04~·5678. t•xt
• * •
57 Ueluu· or 1,7 C:omcl. c;11
Lran.,,..Ortalwn $400 ca 111
751 1713
'7:1 £1 D mu1u. Like new.
every opt 111n M u:.l s1·1l
T () 11~ mnl~/hc~t ufr
VH. ;iu1omat1t'. pwr
:.lcenni.:. tinh:J i.:I":.'
pwr l1rak1: ... r:.id11>. t.111•·
~tn11e'l>. w~w rarl1:1 I llll''
& ffkirc' { H•;.5;!2 I
1-:xfJlrl'!> IU PAI I>~ l~I
f)114•11.));11I\ & Sun•la\
·1 ii 10 l':\1
~1;:~1 l1;1rlt1;1· l\lqJ
('o~la "1 1•.,;1
f'-1 Chr.-...lt·r I 1lr C:n .. rl
\•11111 "·•I! V.l\\'\'h ~fj;,
l'•I "i!X.,
()pt·n O:uly &Suml;iy
'ttl 10 f'M
'1!129 llarbor Hh ll
Cu:-.tu Ml•S:;
SJ\CIUl"IC t:•
C .. YSLER '77
Loadc·d indutlinJ.: ~•111
rw. :O.lt'rt:t:1. full IJ'(l'A'l'r &
low rn1 lcill(c t 4l11 l< Y X 1
Wart unly d vailablt·
l!ITO I tA FUlOH UL V f>
63 1-127 6 83J-9l00
VII. a uton1:1u e ;Jtr • 011d
P"i:r ,11•1•nni! & l.1 ;d,,.,..
'o(Jhl 1'"' r M'•ll & "'111
dh"4.., 1 rw ... 1• 1111 v. lwl'I
lc•;.Jlho·r \ \1 F~l . l<•r t •J H
tr:wl.. ""'I 111p & m111 1"
l•:xp1r•·' Ill pm 1, ltl i••
Cl11t•11 ll.1ll} I\ ~111111.11
111 111 I' :'11
:!'ll''t ll.1rll'tr Ill. rl
Exprrci. 10 pm fi ~ 7lf
0 1••n Daily & Sund:i v
'W lOJ'M ~j~l llarlMll' llh II
C11s111 M••,;1
Cowtinmtol 9930 ········-··············· I .im·oln ·1:1 ( ·1111t 1n1·11t.t1
( ir1t1<I 1•1md I "'" II q.:
l!'a ... si~111v.111•1>S<lfi 11:J2r,
77 \<l.11k V t'ar111•r
m1.oJ11,•·1·r"1 s1xi~1
;,i:! '1:1Xi
CJ932 . .•.....•..............
W11h a11t11m.11 11· lr.111.,
I 11.11\1•1\ & " 111 .. 1111 ~'
1 1:~1 ·w1 ...
ONLY S9298
HOWARD Chevr:olet
IJm t' ,.., (/Hall ~h
, ... Wf'(H!'I H1':1\t'll
·~ Stingray (.;ompl 11r11:.
~pd. 25(f\p, 3:t7c:1 Call lo
see 645-2145
'76 T Top, no uir. dcu11
!IG3 !>MO
711 Vc·tll' 1-:n J.:1111• xl111
L'Olld l:looy nL'l'<l:-. work si;oon 5 1H !lti l 7 or
1t12 n175
Couip-9'33 •••••••••••••••••••••••
With many . many o•xlr."
lit lt:'!>-s lhao 11.(JOll m1tr ... •
l i:t!VG NJ W <1:-. S7!"1!tt1 ""
... a ll·
:!!IC> l1:1rlM11' lllul
COST/\ M ~:Si\
II r u .'14 n t• x I ,. r 1 •• r
t\~ FM air 1·ontl1\11m
1r1~. 1111w1·r w1n1lo,\\:-..
automalll'. 1!Jl71'1\F 1
l•Hl~so~ & so~
Autos, H~w 9800 Au.tos • .Hew 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 ~······················'······················· •....••.•..•.•......... ,
I ,,,,;, \lt·-..;1
"• \,I ru.Jthl• 1 fl• 1·tl .
rrnnur """rl.. St 71MI 111f1•1
.'>l!I X.1';.', Auto•, New 9800
JI~ 111 t ul>c • l\lvd
( I ... ,,I 1\1( I '>JO tjl)tf
• Sl!l!l l>OW:" 0 ,\1 · "
1-'ull J><>w1•r . f;11'l air ,
h.:alhl·r. l':1hn11ld . :-.ten·o
la11t· no·w r.1d1Jl 'o
C2ttiM ~1 ~I I
l'ontiuc:·<; MC
~W f: Isl. S<inta Anu
1714 )~'W!· l'l()(I
lti S.•\illt· $H~)()ll Fully
ri Jim \•qu11>P\.·•I l-~~..l-~~~~-'111~r::-Jt#J,f.f-~-....,-rT?O~"""'"&'~--t~~t';rli. ~)vrnm~-. ~~~~·-Marina ---~.:.i 45:ai
PICl<UP Valkswagen · Sl299
4 SPl-:t-:1>
1:x vw m ·~ 1rn111o1• , 011o1.
I ' II I I 11b 11 I t X l 1 .1'
S2'1'1 ;,Ht !1:!11:1
'(iii llUJ.!. (;1Mlfl I t11HI. 111
mlJ,!C: CnJ.:llll', 1111 I 11111 IJ
hr.tkl'~. liat\l'ry ~1111111u1
SI Ill() ~·ou i;m xm;,
'68 VWBus
1.11; 711111
· 7 o II u j;! • " I 11 1 c· on ol
1\:\111-'J\I, X Irk 'olt•rt 11
:•1mpj.! SI !JIJ41 lit•'l t\., k
lor K ~1n•11 ur l).1 v1 tl
lj \!'1 21:Q11i7:1 :10lt"1
'7fi VW W 1·,lph .t11 .1
( ~1m11t·r l'up 'I 1111 ~ 1111
1111HI l mmJt' S~1'1011
Ii\!> 557X
'711 t'onv lllu•'. wl11t,. l•1fl
AM 11-'M II'••:-" !tK 1111
'-Ul!MI 1;,10 7:)-1~ aft :,
Iii Ol?W VW <.:am1wr:-. 111
:-.t.otk' Lari;(cst "'l(•t·t tun
in < >run)!e Count.,,' No n·
U&lflahlc offer rdu~ctl '
18111 BEACH Ut.VU
f~or Sale '66 VW Bu~.
Runs ~oocl. rbll \ransux·
le. radials. hs t orr
847-M.12 afternoons
'64 Hug, snrf. lluns xlnt.
545-560H. 549.38;15
'79 Conve rt. While on
white edition. $500 & as·
swne tse. 846-45.14
'Cl9 VW Camper: Ruhble·
lop, rcblt eng, c lean.
'73 Super Bui( Or 1t1nl(c.
Aut.omolic AM /FM. air.
1 t:!K':11l"l l"llxit l7l
\u111 I r;1n:-. .11r t trntl
I' 1u ...i ,. , r f!. 111 k '
• 1:11".! 1.,1 HU; I
.1 " p tJ r ,J ti I tr
1 l:K ll IFX1!1"111
'1 .. pd .•• m rm ~l•·ri·n
(l;Jlj17 MOWllC> r
Mini Motor Homr
1 ... ,.1 ;1m rm rJlllll, low
11111,.,, I 1~17 17 512WIUll
IHISJS Hcal'h lJlvd
llunl.JnJ,,'t un Hcac:h
540-0442•142· 7781
AMC 9905 •••••••••••••••••••••••
A HF:AJ.(;ASSAVf~R ! ! I
'r.2 Ramhll'r. 6 cyl. runs
ltkt• a top' lluclio. heater.
new ltattery. Nl"<.'<ls muf-
Ol•r & pamt. $400. Ca II
·75 Hornet Onl( Owner
l9Km l. (;ood gas
rruleagc. tl·c·yl. $2,300.
752-0759. 731 125'1 ----luid& 9910 ., ..............•..•...
1975 IUIQC
Many. man y extras.
!"l awless condition
thruout. <834Nt;V). Wus
$M95; on sale
2925 Harbor Blvd.
SKYLAllC COUPE CBM. 499·221t6. -30.000 origlnul miles,
'72 Bug Super Uct•tlc. Automatic, Air condi·
IJlOd cond ! New pa ant. tionlng, stereo, Ult stcec"
Sl.IOO /b esl offer inl.Superb. 18384) m9$. Mike SADDUIACIC
"11 Sciroc<!O • .l ow.er.
alnt. maga, AM /Jo'M •
.,.875-3142, 758-1881
. • '
IJl-2040 4tl-4t4t
'?ti .t::lt.lur:uJ11 . Supt;.r
l1>afll'tJ , rt')! )!II'" lll'W
1111~ lit hr;1k1• .... ~11.ttllJ ol
f1•r !').'~l a.'•lf1
'7G El.IHI l'flNVl-.l!T
I.() A IH: II ~!I~' in I
F'lrt·m1:-.1 brn. !.:iddl£• ml
& lop. $I l .5'")1C·•ms 11l1 ·r
µart l radr I' I' 7al ~21Mt
'Tl Cpc tic VIit• g•M>Cl twtrl.
$1700 or l>l'sl ofr. Mu ... t
~di 1r~• 111~1
'68 Wh1lt'/Hlk inl. full
pllWl'f, t\(', i\ M ... ~,.
\\1rc wht·d ('<>vcr~. n .. w
lop. paint. l1r\·~. Iran~.
tmg work SU I' EH CON
l>ITION $201,1(1 ~Ii 7~
Canaro 9917 ....••...••.•...•.....•
Thi.., 1:. a n •al beauty &
cv1·n h:r:-. a "hlut•
p r 1 n t t' 11 • ' e n J.: 1 n l'
<046VP B1
ONLY $6695
HOWARD Chewrol~t
lluvl' & Quail SL->
Nt-:Wl'OftT m :At:lf
Pow1•r windows. tilt
wh1•t•ls , powl'r locks,
l\M / .. 'M x lr at•k
:MAO lla.rbor Blvd
at fo'alr. Cost11 Mesa
Low mllcal(c, locully
owned & serviced. s um·
mer color. h kc new :
Warranty a vailable
(7211..'&). '79 Replacement
value tfll()O. Cleara nce
sale priced below low
'11-127' IJJ-9300
'11 Camaro air, !lterco.
Mint cond. SUl15. aft. 6
PM 11().8773
.. • q I
Alllet,U1ed ...... u •• c1 ('J8 DAILY PILOT 0 aturdaw, JulUI ""· 1019 ~ !.. ~, tc.4 ............ ,,~o ~= ......... ,,io ::.:·.··:·.·········,·,·s··s ...... UMd Mlol. UIH ...._, UM41 .....................................................................
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hrlo'A low hlueh .. ol.
llf70 llARUOH HI \ II
(.'tlb'TA M .. :!-. \
• MllOWN OA<' • ... S ... T 51.... rwl. pow..r window' /.c llurtellfKly with while m· •77 .......... I f77 .OID • .,. • '"' i;t•al, air c·umJ , wll•rt•o, _r-_.. LTD H COWi MOH, TUL WID i·nne & 1111 whet-I White !~~~~~;:E~~r 111
S,.CW ...._ ttoi. low m1h•11 l'l.US OVF.R ~ .. 'OHOS Wtn'<I vinyl lop ~ in
34 !:181 m 111• • V H luolul ii dn vei. Jlfl•lll ' 'l'0(..1UX>St-: "'HOM 11•rnir Vt• r y 1· 11.,111 OHL Y $469 5
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M 1 l''M ''••ro•u t 111 MOW-$4444 111r t'Uflll, rntl111. 11 .. 111..r, SAt:IUFl(;t:· N";Wt'OHT DEACll
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tlti.Vl Ufl I ---l<l t• Tht.'llt• uro• Ill V••rv ------Slft5 ~ th1rbor Hl vtJ ltWd n11·t·h11nll'ul 1 ond & MOHAICH GHIA
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u 1., 1.,1 ~""'" 11,, lf77.0•D hH Ul'flru~ tll00$Jl!Ott un h1U 1JS7S(jJ-:1 Wurrant\
ill I r !'l.\11 IOC~I MAH•DA COUPE 1h•r 1•urn•nl Wh11l1·,cilt .1v111liillll! '7!l n •vl111·1:'
OOOGI I 300 V AH '7 7
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Ulonll6111' l'owt't ..,lt•t•r h hM• rtook l''or 111ur1• 11\ m1•11t vulut• $70011 S111•1·1al
uoi.: & ht uk1·11 Aor < '11111.h fut 11111111111 & wht·n · tu 'tl'I' ~ah• pnrNl hl'low low
t111f1111•1. i..,.,. 111011 :!ll IMMI tlw 111 <'.111 llJw,1111111 IJluel.ooOk
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MOW-$4695 197'1HAIUlOH Ill.Vil
IAUll IUICI( /<I I.T U l.11acl1•1l "lnl (.;()!','TA ~H:SA
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t.tK,!I 1 II\ I
1:r.111111h1 <:t11:1 ,"Iii, w rv UMCOl.N-MERCURY
.:ood n 111tl lllk '" \l'I . \'Ui)l l.uµ. AM-h'M. A.~ ·~t·rnlofth1· ll:ay"
l'1S 'oJ li :!~!I I M un 1975COUGAR
1.lul11• 1 /\1r. AM FM !>t1•n'<1. t v. 111
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1•ond , lo mt loadl•d w x
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How Only Sl613
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paint S!!>IJO 1~1r1 1 l.11
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'(j (>ltl-.11101111. !-.11111 1·111··
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'71{'1Ul.1•..,!-.11p11 llH 'ofo
,,,. •• t •.11 ~';>t•I ut utft•f
··~1 .. 1111
Pinto 9957
1976 FORD
f ;.,... .,f\ 1n,1 \ •• •1UJ'Utf'
,111111111.1111 pv. 1 ... 1 .. t•n11
c\olov. tnilo" f l:!;!l!I ;1 1
\\,,, .,,~r.f,) .,,, "'·"··.
:!!Y.!.'1 I larlior 111\•d
C '( IST/\ MES/\
I I l'tnlll ~\ ,q•l1fl .l(lf11
lin· .. jJkt· 111•\\ 111·1·11..
6 cyl . automatic. pwr
sleenng " britkes. de
IWU! eJrten or &t mu•nur
11nd low. lo w m1 loi.
171tlU'lU I
2060 HARBOR Ill VD
CO!>TA M H A 642·0010
S 1 I v ,. r 1· x t c· r 1 11 r ,
autumal11·. AM r:odin.
h~·uln. i.:rcal m1h·ai.:1.,
1U6I UJ-:B1
ltNl~SO~ & so~
• llNCOl N · M f RCURY
'74 & •79
With ;iu(CJ tr:rn!> & .11r,
l11ackd 1
1>17 11 BEACll HI.VI>
1 IUN'l'INC:'I'< m HEA<.'.11
j;! 1'111111 llU lir.1!..1•..,
11111 t•I 1•1 .,,.11. $7."'41 11r.
I' .1 u I •• I :, tt 1, 7 1 ,.,., •• 'Nknth
7:{ 1l1111o1h1111I ( .IMtll I l'.111
1 .or. ~"Id '<•~'JAi i,,.,,
.. f~h, . .:•;:.bpi 7prr1
\ H •• 11111111'1.ll 11 ;11 r • 1111ol
l•Wt ... 11•1•nne,: & l11,1k1•>.
htl' l'.••I\" l'••i k. r .od 111 •\
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f II"'" I 1.1o1\ ~ ~111111.1\
lol Ill l•\t
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1975 Pl YMOUTH
Fury Cuttom
°"''',ti ~1.11 ltHI \.\ .11 1111
I< 110jlll'l I II 1 11 ·'II' \ 'I
t lf.t I' Lt ~ I 1111'" II I ll
'" 11111 ,,1 \ to "' I. If 11°
rr111t• t•itrtfrol ffHI ''''
\ f .111111111.1111 I'\\'
l,tth•.th \\ 1Utht¥. t\ 1jqqf
1111 i.. l'n11•11 ~•111 1,. 1 .. v.
111 ,,.. II •1 I I a. II I 1.
1111lt-.1J.!1' I .!:l.1 pl11 '""
1°••1 ,, I 11"• t.111k of ~"'"
(';on lio· "'I'll .11 'I h1• 11.olh
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f I"' . • \I I .. ' " I I',' I I
1'111 111 .11 llH) 1>1 pl
1,W IJ.!I. 1·ltt ;!Ill
VS. automatic. 11ir cond ..
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Expil't!tl 10 pm 6·34 7()
Open Dally & Sunduy
2929-Har<bor Klv•t
Co!>la ME"!>a
'75 Fury Custom
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All cxtrn:.. P IS. P I B.
AM t FM . A I<.'.. 1·l11<·k.
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VII. c•l c., t•lt' ll 1~h
1111ll·a1tt•. l'rll•t•d S94111
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111 .:i.lh (;un ~:.1•1•n ,JI lho•
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lil<! 6bi8 . .cxL 2JO
7:1 l'ly !I 1.1a:..., -.l.it 1011
wai.:un , mo l or n1·1·1h
wu1k ~I Jkt• u flt•f
1140 NllH
n ~,w :11 H •'"J.!
•1Wll\'r· $12.'>0
1~u; 7~1!17
Pontioc 9965 ...•.........••.•......
1978 PO..UIAC
,\11l11m.1111· tr .. 11:. .11r
1111111 . IJ11w1•r "'11~1l11w -..
I ill wl·11·•·I ,\ M l":\1 H
11.11·k wh1t1• m ,oi,:..,
I ;~•i\i t.l(; I
:!t>ill ll:orhor 11111,d
.1~ l·';11r. ('o~t;o M1·~.1
:.1!1 1:11"1
I I k I. II , ...... I " II ol I t 11111
I hr 11• 1111 1,,,.,., 1111 J.·, I
'"'"''I •Hl:!'I':\ I 1 \\ ,,
"{Ut.1, 1111 '"lo•
~f.!'.'11 l;1rli11r Ill\ of
l I ~·1 \ \1 E!-i \
~tllfl ~•t .111 ( qllif \ \1
I ,I . Pll 1 I( 11 dt "' 1I JI U
Three to Choo\~
~IXll 11,or!Mll' HI\ ol
.11 l"atr, < '"'"' M1•,,1
~•l!I •J:l/Mt
, , 1'111111 .11 Hn1111<·\ 1111·
ll.11d top 1·111111• :· ilr
1,,,tffr<I ~+4.~ i.+1 H.fll't
TaAMSAM S.-ia.I EdJUon. AM /FM
1 track. Mir condiUonioa,
29.900mi.letl <USWYCJ
at8I> llarbor Blvd.
al •·air. Ccll>la Men
MIH300 ---1
Sea l(rt.<en oxlenor , uir
1·ood1lwn1.11~. AM W M It
truck. 35.tJOO miles. doth
1nlc r1or. lilt wheel
1011\SO\ & SO\
ASTREW'""A~H o--
A I r ('I) IHI t t "' n I n j}.
aut.omalll' I ran». radio.
S:.t1·nf1n" 1573Sl't) 1
i11«J 11:.trhor lllv<l.
ill f:'J1r. C11~L1 Mti:.:..
~rl!l '1:01
'7•1 'J'rJ11!> AM, 1\M •FM
~11·r1"f1, aul11. \\hi "'ff"•111>
..,11r1 1111ly HK m1, \llll
, ·• 111<1 l!i:i ~mi
1111'1ud111i.: F11r 111u1 ,,,.
t~n·.1t S.·l•·•·l11111 '
ThrH to choow
:w~1 I l.11 I Hor Ill\ II
.11 l".t" f ·,,.,, ;, .\11•-..1
~.,., 1:11.10
7 1 ~ oll!lffl I" ~. · \ I ' .
,\ 'f Xll1t I 11111! I 111~'111.ol
IM 111 1 , 1:, Hlt:!X
ll,.1111111'-ll oi l<•I , '\,11111t
\f>llt 1'1 H*t •'
Four to choo!oe
\IX11 I l.irl"" llh ti
,11 I· .111 I·., .t.1 \11 ....
·,1•1 1:~"'
9974 ............••..••....•
7 ! \ •'l'.1 If .ol I lal1,11•I,
,,~ .. , •.• 11111· \\o11rl. u ..... l
•ilf1•1 1,111 II:!.' 11.1\
71 11 .. 1.·tih.11 k 11•hfl .... ,.
N1·w tr.on:. :{,CM1 ,;1~ 11:!:.o
I:! ( ;·1 I pol I 11 ·,f 111 ••l!t'.
\h1>ol ... ..i1 ,,7;,o
f11 .1 .r. 17
546-1934 Auto1, H~w 9800 .... 1111· \1,1111.. ~lllhll Autos, Hew 9800 Auto\, H~w 9800 ._,.«», H~w 9100
5 speed. r ad10 & tie a ter.
Low miles (376SMS)
CPI. D£ VILLE '75 Leather. •ape, loll ciu1se coo
1101. cabrlOHll lop, tufl powe1,
taclory a1r, low mileage
Leather covered seats, tape
player. .i;abriolet top.
Astro roof, stereo. radio,
8 lrack lape player, cruise
control (Ser.601476)
Ol.DS '79 Cuuass Supteme Sleteo 1adio,
powet windows. l~I --Only 149? 11111es 1 snwzv >
At l'aber·s Cadillac we off er you the finest selection of
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Rallye wheels, 1111 wheel.
stereo radio, buckel Mata
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LNlll4W. crulM control. AM/
FM llterllO • 8 trecll lllpe.
t014RK0f . ·
W11e wtleel covers, sphl powe• seals. AM/FM 5lereo 8 11ao Cruif9ff
Leal her. stereo radro,
cruise control, cabflole1
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Duet oomlort ~ • ...... cruise cor11rol, wore wffttfll coven, tuM 1t1nyt PedOecl lop
(!>4.3TZS I
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Split power seats. lull
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tl-==-11 --
t--·1425-11111 STlllT
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Leath«. cruise conlrol,
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FIU '11 PICllP
Mag wheels. stick allltt,
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dlo, low mffes. ( 443KXZ)