HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-28 - Orange Coast Pilot......... -.. . ........ ... • • • • . • .. • • • ........ -... •«it• • " , ...... "':-~-----:........ _____ ----------------~...----·-----.. _oast--an letE'lig~ EzpiJnsion Bi THURSDAY A FT RNOON , JUNE 1'8, 1919 •r~s Newport .Protest VOi II ltO 11• • '9 ( f 101t\ >t "•Ol \ II ' • • • . . N eWport Seeks Oil Judge Ouster . 0°"lJ bJ.PU1t<fl PllOID "NEARLY DROWNS Police Chief Cibbarelli &al 8 eacl1 Police Ch ief' Nearly Drou'1is Seal Ht•a('h ( 'hwf of l'11l11·i· ,.:11 C1bba n•llr wa~ an 1·r1111 ;_d 1·011111 lion today at lJ( · Irvin.-M 1·tlll ill Centt-r artc·r rll'arly <l r11wn111i.: 111 the ba('k.vard "w1111m111~ 11001 ;11 hi!> Cosl<.1 Mt's<J tiornt· Wt·d111•' day. authont1ei. !>:11d Cost<i M1•sa v11l11·1· "a11J < 'tli bart'lli, who bc1·amc 0111• 11[ thf• slate's young<'!-.l pol11·1· d11('fs when ht' wus a11po1nkd in 1:11t1 al the age or ;w, was huving ;1 small party with ft1llow offictr~ when he s<Jnk whlll· swimming at about 7 11 m Officers vulled <.;1hh<m •l11 from the pool and calb:tJ 11arnmcdk~. polit·e said. They ~aid cause of the accident wusn 't known f.Jol ice said Ci bba re Ila w<i s pla ced on a heart tun~ rm.1chinc at UCJMC <1nd that 1l might he several tlays bcfort· the extent or his anjuncs 1s known Prior lo becoming Seal Uearh poh('e chief. Cibburc lli worked for seven ycurs <1S a Newport Beach police officer Among Lhc J>Cl!-.1lions he held there were community relations officer, p1ttrol scr~cant. Juvenile detective and, after being ap pointed licutcna11l 111 1972. adju . Lant lo lht> chief. I C8r Crat!the8 Party / CHICAGO <A l'> A mother ·ol six chHdrtm was killed and teight persons seriously injurect ~hen a car plowed through an l~promptu st reet party in a •iouth 5'de neighborhood, police I' H id . Ofriceni said three black men were turned away from the 1~•rty ln the white Bridgt:port neighborhood Wednesday night, tbcn returned and ran their car -down the st.reel at high speed In- to 20 to 30 people who were li1tentn1 to a small band and dancing. The car bowled J)(."''''e o ver "just like tenpina." • Jet Us e Increase Pushed u~ JOANNE Rt:\'~01 .n:-; Of U\e-0.tilr PtlOt \l4ft An Air California 1·xcl.'11ll\'•• s:ud Wednesday dNnar11I fw ~tr :-.1·n·11·l' at .John W:.tylll' l\tql{1r1 1·1111111 push th•· numlwr 11f d;uh 1·11111 rnt•n·1al wt f11 gh1 !> frtJtn 411111 mort· than 10() Fr1·d I );t\·1.., lh•· ;11rltn1·" 'ir·1· p1 1·..,11lt'nl 11( r11;_,rk1·t111g. 111.11!1· tlw t•stinHtlt· <hlring llw ('1v1I 1\1·r11naul11·s Board h1•:1r111g •111 .1 ppli l''1l 1om. for r1111tt•!> IH·1 w1•1·11 t ht· ornngt· <'1111111 y a11 f1l'ld :11111 ,\rt z11na Tlll' tearing 11p1·111·7i wMin1·' tl:t\ morning al I ht' f111 r111·1 Hu vv11•w S1·h1H1I 111 ~a n1a 1\11;1 ll1•1 gltt... l\l1ou1 ;!ft n ·.,1tl1•111 ., 11! N1•"' 1j11rl lk;1c·h 1t•:-.l 1f11'd th:1l 1111' l"US ll1tg jl'l '>('fVll'I' ;I[ 1111' .11 rp1111 1·ri·at1·1l 1nt111t•ra 1111 · 111w ,. ;111d :11r 1101111111111 Th i· r1·s 1d1•n1 " """""'' t ...... 111lHJ11\ "'a" 1n t1 ·11111111·ol II\ .11 r1·raft n111 s 1· told ;iii 1n1111-.Lr:Jll\l' l;iy, 111cJi.:1· ,.1 .111~ \\ h1t1ng Lh1•\ don 1 ..... 11.t .111 \ nHir1• r11u l1·"' aw11rd1·d 111 tit• ;u r1)ort lx·«·au:.c· lh;1t \.\ uuld 111 .. ,., 11ahly m(·an 11111n· d;1al v 1"1 di• Jl:.t rtun·s Dci v1s. wh11 lt·s1if11·!1d11r1111•11i1 ;1fternoon :-.i•:,s11111. w.1:-. a-.ki·ol 11\ llugh Curf111 , "lt·w11111 I ll1·a1'11 · a s~1 sl <J lll n1 y alt111111•\ 111 l's I I rn at l' h (I w rn ;111 '\' fl I ,, Ii I . would tw produt·1·d a1 th1· ;111 p1111 tf 11 were µo l-.s11Jl.t-t11 1111·1·1 11 ... <Set> i\IRPORT. t'a141· i\:!1 Ne wport M a 11 Pe ris h es in Cr ash at UCI A 26·year·nld Newport 1Jcal'11 man was killed while his older brother walked away unan1urcd from a single-car traffic ace•· dent Wednesday evening near UC Irvine. Killed in the 6 : 15 p.m roll over crash was Barry DavuJ Curtis, ofl941 Port Cardiff Pl<i('e Police investigators said Curtii, was driving his mother's car southbound on Universit y IJrfve near MacArthur Boulevard when the vehicle went out or control and rolled from the roadway. Curtis, who had been eJeclt.>d from the car, was killed when the vehicle came lo rest on lOJ> or him. llis brother. Lowell. 29. also of the Ne wport Beach addrcs~. c limbed OUI Of the C'ar after II stopped rolling, poli ce said Police issued a Sigalert follow- ing the accident due lo trafftc t1eups on the busy thoroughfare Investigators said they were told that the CurtlR brolhcri. rt" cenlly had moved t.o Newport neac·h from Oregon O••'' Ptfot ~1.11t .,fto to ·YI 1·1111,..,., 111 < >1 .1ng1• < '1H111t ' E111pl11\ t't'" \~"1 w1:1 t1w1 pn1t1·~1 1·c111n1' " l;itt·~l pa~ ii i I 1·1 d11r 11ig 111111 lt1·on p11 ·kt·l 111 g "l'~:-.11m \\ 1·d111·..,d;I\ 1111t:-.1d1· 1·111m1 ' I tall of Ad 111 1111"1r;tl11111 111 S ant ;1 An;1 A:-.~ol't<JI 1011 1111 •111lwr~ ~;1 y llW.\ \o\>;tnl I~ l>l'l'f'l'nl p~1~ ltll .. 1· ( '1111111' " lat1·~t uf'flor ·~ aboul Ii p1 ·r 1·1·111 t\1>0111 1110 1·our1 t' t·mµlo)ct·~ <lt·rn 1111..,t r;l11·d \\\·dtw"da.' 1·h;rnt111 g "tt <'h tlt tn g~ ;1~ 'O nl y l0 k ph:111 t:-. w11r k for p t•oi 1111 h Gas Gouging Charged Offici a l R ecomme 1uls Go ·ven im e nl Ratio1iin~ W ASlll N<;TON ! I\ I' I Pr<.'"'' dc.·n l Carll-r's (•h11·r inflatwn f1 ghkrs lm1ay a tc·uscd many 1wsohm· distrahulors or engaging rn alh•gal Jlrl('C gouginr,: and rl'commenlll•d that the ~ovem mcnt t·ons1der rationing gasolrnc Alfred E Ka hn. chairman or the pres1dc•nt 's Council on Wage :.i nd Pritc Sta hi lily. also predict c.•d lhal mainly bc•c·uusc.• of today's hil( 1n1·rcase in foreign oil prat t•s, 1nflutaon "w1U be bumping al lh<' do11hlc ·tl1 gil le vel for the rest of this year." On gasoline prices, Burry Bosworth. director of the roun· d i. told the llousc Government 0 11eralions consumer s ubcom- m ittcc lhal "on the has1s of na- tional data from the.• Consumer Price Index und th<' Producer· P rice Index. r1:tu1l gasoline prarc.•s arc .:01ng u11 far mon• rapidly lhan l'un be JUi.llfl(.'() by refining <'Ost.<;." Said Kahn ·•t suspect as u private c1h zcn that there ure widespread v1olatwns at lhe re llu I lt•v1•I " 1 lklakll 'tones. l\M. 1\21 I ' I >m· lcg111malt• •mlutmn ~11 th1 · ··nt·rgy problt•n1 would h1• man dutorv r:1l1on1ng lll llw gai.ohnc OPEC HIKE: FOUR CENTS AT PUMP-A.4 11 um pi-. s a 1 d Kahn · · 11 1 s somc•th111 g thut ought not lo lw rc1cclt.'CI " out or ha nd . he suad SPECIA L PU!A SECTION TODAY Old.fashioned integrity and modem shopping t'nmc together in today'!'! Daily Pilot. South Coast Plazu's many de parlment and spe('1alty s tores d is play mcrcha nchsc today in· the South Coast Plaza Catalogue, a 20-pa~e s pecial magazin<' followtn( th_. formal of an old Scar:. calaloJ:UC Don't miss the values ann quality offcrt:d in thc Annu&I South Coust Pluza Catalo~t1e m today's Daily P1lol ,--------------------~ 'WC' rcall.> ought to t'ons1d1·r r;i lton1ng ·· Tht· llous1· rCJl'l·kd ;.1 plan earhc•r this year that would havt· g1 ll t'n lhc· p rc~ult.·nl .... tandby aut hor1t~ to ration gusohne 'I ft•c l that when thc 1'm e n can rwople gl'I mad c·nough ubout having to w111t m hnc and that is the 1nev1lahle C'onsequence of price controls thc.•y will lK' prc1><1rcd lo ~o lo a '>:Vsl<•m that limits l'Ons ump lion." Kahn said The council monitors gasoline prices al the refinery level to sec if inc reases arc in line with Ca rter's anti-infl ation prit'e s tandards The Energy Department hus Lhc 1ob or monitoring crudf> <111 prac·c increases under e1~ht year-old petroleum price con· trots Bos wor th sa id the pr1('CS c hargt'd by many of the nation's sm a II refiners are increasing "far more rapidly thun can be 1ustifle<I by" ancreu~ei, in rrudc oil prit'es 1Stt PRICK Pa~.-/\21 Co11flict Oairne d By City I 111· l•·tl1·1 .ti d1 I I II . '""·. ,1·111 d11lt·!I 111 ftll• 1111 , .. .,..Jr HI U1 .. 11'11 ... fight .1g.11n-,1 111f..,h1J1 • 11al fl•;1~1 ·'> I" a flll llH'I 111 J l'IJlll IJ,lfl.\ ,ffl flf/)1'\ I I'"' Pllf 1 1·1J; 1/I 1111:1h d1a1 i.:1·ll lod.1\ ('11 \ \11111'11«•\ ))1•11111 , (I ;\1•11 '·"" th.ot .o .,,.,,,,,.;11 1· l11•;1n 111• ""·" 111 ,,.. 111'111 Ill 1. ...... ;\l l J!•·I ·· I '1•d1·1 :ii 111...,1111·1 C1111t I 111 .111 l'I 11111 I•> d1~qu.1bJ ~ .Judi..c .\ 1\11 tfl I '\\ I J.11tk .I 111!1•1• ll.1111< \.\ 1·d11 1·~··J." lw ;.irtl tlt1· 1 II\ · ;1r~u111 1·11l i-111 11,.., at I • • 111 p h I 11 ;'!'I .1 rt·' I 1 \•Ju lJJJlli.;..:' ..1.uur.LJrtLL1 •:.i.r. _____ __ 1•1 lt;tll 1111' ,,ii•· 111 11rl<l111n· 1111 ,,.,,..,, . ..., 'l'hat •,,df· I'. '•' h1 ·dul1·!1 1•11 fo'11da\ 11101111111· 111 l.110, \11~·1·1··' I 1111111· I l.111k "';,... •·>. p1•1·11 ·ol 111 11tl1• 111'11111· tlw111111 th;ol n '>11.1111 111 ~· 11rd1·t (I :"l.t•ll ,,lfol lt11y, P\ I'[ lh;-11 II v. ...... lt-.11111·t1 rh.11 .luol i.:.•· 11.1111< 11111 I' "''I \1•tJ ,f'> ,f ;l.tff I tlllll."'' flfl 11111•111 tlll' fllLIJtll 11tl I lllll J1.1lllt"'"\ 111•1 I 1•d I• 1 hid 1111 llw 11 ;i..,1 .. wlu• It 1111 1111!1 111111 11':11 t Jfl' I •olll '°'11l .. lt1t· 1111 1·1· 111111• 1111111 1111 f\ • \\ 1111rt 11 •. ·" It I) l\1·11 ,,1111 .l111fg1· 11 ;1111.. It· fllll l~·lf(\ '1111 1'1'1;1111 .... ~ltll'k 111 lh.1 1 l'lllllll<tll V 11 1· -,;11tl 1111' h•·an11 J! w1ntlol Ill' 111 tl1•11•11111111· ti !110 .... 1· fl'fllll I ~ v. 1·r1· tr111• If '"· h1• ""d .I 111Jg1· ll;111k 'h1111ld ho · d1 s q11al1f11 ·d I r11111 tlu· 1".1:-.1· l l 'Nl'd :-.;11d 111• 1·xp1 ·1·1:-L111· llt•part1111·111 ol 1111' lr1l1·rt11r w1111·t 1,,. n·~tr;11111 ·d fr11111 ;11·1·e1H1ng lmb Frida) 111orn111g Hut hl' ;1b11 "''JICI 11 ·~ ~till lllo.l'f v tlw 1·1ty t't>1tlll win ll"' l11d lo hi.I\.~· I ht• four lral'l:-. dl'letc•d from lltl' .,., 11• ht•1·ausc I h1· l1•aM•:-. won l lw cs. .. · l ,t:Ast:s. rag1· 1\2) Oran;.;~ c·o··~· t::: .-L ~ 0 ..... "••atlu•r l'al<·hy lalt· 111gh1 u11d 1•<1rly morning low l'loutb 1war llw 1·1wst 11tht•r w1st• fair wit h hn7.y s unsh111t' anct "onw h1~h do11dt111•s:-. Lows lona~ht 111 fl<)s II 1g hs Fr11t11y nt111r 70 al bcaf'111·"' 111 90 inland I NSIDE TODA\' U o lp/1 Naaer. consu m'f> r OrllJOCOft'. I.~ ('Clllrny for a onc·clay nationwide con- .~umcr boycott to protest gooernmenrs /oi/ure to halt mf lo lion Storu Page AJ6 Al v ... rwn10 ........ lrm•8-• L.M .... •••Hlft• c.111 ...... Cl•UlhM Cemlo Creuwertt 0.•ltl ........ 11111 .. 1.1~ ... 1 ........ -...... ,, ... " .... (_ ..... ~ AU IRtff"'•-as A'"'L•"*n CJ 'MllM• A• Mewlet ... , ......... _ AS ......... ...... CS.U 0••"99c-ty A II h Me Pw'9f All S-h C4 Slet • M•rti .. , A .. r , ....... ... e.• , ....... . Cl J We•lll•r C> Werltt ...... ' •• CJ A• •• .. 1U At ., .,., ., .. ..., ... A4 .. _ --------- AJ iWl. V PltO T S Refugee I make Doubled TOKYO l AI» Prl'i.ldn11 Carter announced today th~ United Slates wUI admit l~CWXJ lndoc:hineae refua~ • montr1 double lh~ <'Urr•nl lt•vol ui. tw and otht"r U<'onom 11· ., urn n11 t paert1d p1m !Ji t'Allt'«t for un 111..:c111 Unl h'<f N1atlon!I runft'rc•n<·t· on tht• prohh•m 1'he acU<w1 on rt.'fu.i< 1·i. wa~ ttw ft• .. t con rrett• r n ult or lht• "' 1•11 nadltm nwc•11n.i lhul "'ll" plt'lllrt'if II~ 11111\111._ lll"Jld .. t·ompromJw un 1L\ No 1 .1aend11 111·111 1•1wr1o1~ \lll<'l l\'1111 1111111.11, "ho 11\k1 ·tl 11111 II• lie• 111t•1111f1t•el t·,11rn.1l4'1f JAPAN SUMMIT SECURIT'f '80GOLJNG'-A12 , ' -' . ,, . ,,., ' . . Mis~ing Girl Hunt Wi(lens By JEaav CLAUSEN , OI • D-41Y Pl ... Mollff It has been eisht dttya since 12-year-old Robin Christine Samaoe and her borrowed yellow bicycle d iaappeared from the streets of Huntington Beach. Early this week, police who la unched a sear ch for the miss 1ng youngster notc1I thul eut·h day s he is missing increases the possibility of foul play Today, Detective Hon J e nkins --...--~ted he JX!rsonully does 1101 believe the girl lt·ft homl' uf her own free will ''We'd sure llke to talk to that guy," J enkins Kaid. "And we'd sure like to find that bicycle." And invesU1atora are not rul· ing out a possible tie between the Oxnard-Malibu kidnappilla. Jenkins said. f 'ro• Pa.-Al LEASES. • • CJ"' ~inlt'<I for :JO d uy!>, g1 ving t.hc· city l11nc to pur~ue its c ase. Wc1tnei.day, the state Landi. th~ a1l1ltt 100 11I mfl11 of rduj(1•1•-. w<>u414 t"tl:\t 1111 artdM ftM ml1111t11 11 Vl'.ff on top 11( t1111111111ullt1\• or S~!>ll 1111lltu11 'BEFORE ~ND AfIER' PICTUR£S S,HOW EFFECTS OF-UPEAIMENTAL OAUG CAPl'OPRiL• Ri>dney 8rHfleld Wtth Kidney DI••••• at 9, Playing Beaeball end Growing at 10 "Sl}e~nd ht!r molhf'r Mf• Vflry close. n Jenkin~ .... lid ·sh ... woulrl ha ve,, at least c:.i ll1·tl :.inti -.:.i11I. 'lfey. don't worry about n1c I'm okay." Comrn1i.bion IO!ll its bid to huve th<' sale h <Jltcd when a federal Juda.:" in Washinl-{ton D.C. s e:tid lhl•rc· w11s 1nsuffteient cause in I he· <;lall''s tase to block the sale I 11 :idd1t1tnl to th1• ti s ar t11111 1111· oth1·r 'u1111111t 1m1 l1t•11mn1 1111t Olli\ ( .ti l1•d '"' .1 '' N I IHI lt-11·11 1·1• on 1 l'111 g1•1·-.. l11rl ;tl-.•1 )ll1·dg1•(I lo '''t .i -.1d1• 11u1rt· 111111\t'\ l11r rd11•I ;111cJ rcbl!lllcm ent d 11111, :11111 .1d1111l mor1· refu~et:!> New Drug Saves Boy-J enkins head~ UJI a ..ix rnan Huntington BNt<·h J•tJltt·t· t1·a m :1ss1~n<.'<1 full-t1m1• to r11111tn ..: lht· youngster, dt·S<·nlwct hy I rll'ncb a~ a pretty. 1Jloml1· w 1s p of .1 girl Thi· s l:.itt·':-case was based on 11 ll <·I! f•d 1rwqu1li1•s rn the pro 1·1·1lurt· liy wh1C'h lea~es e:trt· ·'"' :tl'dt·d .. Huma1i Skeleton' Now Healthy Youngster That s eare lt took two 1n vcstigators to O xnarrl Tur~sd:.iy to question und clear J -.us1x:c·1 J enkins s a id '1'111• '-lllt l'Ja1111t•d tht· JJrllCt;S~ 1 t•!Wll s 111 an mudt•q uatt: fmau 1·1al rt·lurn lo ltw puhlH· This 1s bu~u·allv wltut wt· ...,111ght . '111w lJ S offit'ial !->Uld !-./\ N 111 }•;<;(J I i\ P I A tl111· ( ·.11 lt•r i.:i1d 1,i u s t&tcm f•nl l•1r !'I dl't1·nn11w111111 111ay l1<1vt• W1• •·a11 and ...-. 111 w111 k tnl(t!lh1•1 ,,1v1•1l 1111 Ide• 11( :.s !l·Yl'i.l r old hoy 111 f111d l11inioi. and J"l" for In v. lw l)'·l1r·\ 1'11 111 lhl' Chn!>ln1<1!> d11d111ws1· rl'fugct.':,, " -.p1 ril '' ./-. 'Ollfl'('!) i.:ud the u N St~ OIUlllhs ill-{O. n o1ln1•y 11H•1•1111g \\f1uld be 1·1111ven.-d 111 Br:rsfll'ltl wai-; 11 hurhan J>kclt•t•m <:1·111•\ a d11nni.: 1111' lh1rd wt•t·k 111 · \\1th lttll1• dti•lll't· fo1 !'>1trv1val .Jul\ Wt•1J.:IH111: 1, . .,, t han ·Ill l"111rub, Tht.·v -.;1111 llwv h11111·1l that llH· 1111· S:111l1·1· l!!1\ v..a-. lln ng fmm 11u·rc ·:.ist'll 1111111lwr 11( 11•f11J!t•t'' .1fll'r •·fft·t 1-. 111 .1 r.1r1· k11tn1 •\ l'uuld n ·a('li ll11· I '111l1·d Stall'-. i,, d1-.1·a -.1· wht•n l>t \\ illtu1n H n1·xt month C. ri -.w11ltl t1•l1•J1ht1111·d a n1a1111 Tlw t·x;wt l1n11ng r ... 111w1·rt.1111 d111 i.: 111.11111f;11·111n·r (111 ,, ll11 rd h11l C'arll'r ~;1111 hi· w;,.. 111ak111g J lr11\t• 111 J1l1-.11l f111 an 1"<JH'flllll'll 1111t· \Till c·11n11111lmc·n1 tJI rlrug IJ S !'>llllrt.·t·~ ~<i1d a n arl S1111·1· th1 •n Hodnt•) s \\C'tJ!hl 1111n..,trat1on em1~s;.iry m<'l with h:is doubll·ll Jntl lh1· on1·e lrlC'ak Vll'lnamt·si· repr<!St•11tat1v1•-; in fut1111· I!> hr IJ!hl again. Gn~v.old N~w York ('1tv at Cartcr'nhrM'"--'Yttttf1---- 111111 lwfon· I It~· 11r1·-.1dt·n1 f11 •w l11 I n It• r r 11 pt 1 n g an <1 ( f 11· 1· Tok yo J:i-.1 Wf•f'kt·nrl Chn::.tm:ib party iJl E. n Sc1UJ l)l1 'Wind/ all ·Prof its' Tax Flayed by GOP W /\Slll:'\'C;To"I; (/\I' 1 llou~t· l<1 ·11ul1lll'ans -.h arJJh :11la1·k1·d th1 · pr11po:-1•d v.11111f:1ll prr1f11 -. t<tx •on dt•1·unlrullt·d d11mt·-.l1c w I prit·c·s lod:iy, c<ilhng II <t new tax on th1.· Arncrinan pPoph· thul will dr~t·ourag1.• lllt· SC'arc·h for ml But l>nt11wrat1t· lt·adt·N> 1lt· fr11<lc·tf th1· lax hill. 'i:ty111g 1t 1!'> fll'l'(ft•<) ((1 rtTl:trlll l>lllll\' t1f lJll' h1IJ11111 0. llf 1)1,IJ,t1 '. Ill hlj'./Jt I pr11f1ls 111.11tlw1111111n1p;111rl''i \A.Ill I' ;1I11 wlwn tl11rr1 1 .. ,1 I(' I II I pr 11'1", fl ',t· In Jo. •JI Id l1•v1+. Ne1 ,v York tWill Host IJemncrats \\'/\SJIJ N<;·10" 11\1'1 N1·w Yv l'k. C1ty, where Jtmmy Carter won hrs fir!\l p rf's 1dt·nl1al nominatum lhrt•1· y•·tir~ agr1, wa~ selt!Ch'fJ today a!'> host <>( the l!l1i11 Ol'mnt-r:.itic National C.:onvt:n lion. New York wu ' an 1•t.1 \V win ner. gathering i:1 vote!'> on the· firs l ballot hy th<· '>ttt> si·lt·t·t1r111 l'Ommattt·l· l>clro1t was ;.i d1!> lunt sc•·ond wrth thrl'I! vr1tl'!'t und Philadelphia gnt two . Tht.' convcnt11m ,.., 1·xpt«·l<'d t11 t·ost the city ln ·asury cahout $7 million, 111duding fr,,,. use of MadiMin Sc11wn· G:.irdr·n for the con vention ht.tll , a lte·'rations t11 tlw butl<1111g. fn·e bus rule~ for de legates a nd 11lh1·r st·,vi<·cs But the 1·1ly fathers, who won lhC' 1976 t:onv•·nt111n 1111 thf' plc~J that the nation 's h1~gcst <'ity needed the boost lo help 1t out of <t financial crisis, t•xpcct the 198<1 m<:"ctmli( to bring an ut l<'asl $:JO million in hus aness ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ••• '•''""'l" ,,~·•c• .. 11,1·.1r1 .. ,1n .-'1••t1 ,, '"••I Ht •11 • ,,,. ' IH,.,. hr•fhrthl fno., > I ·•' f I JI hoNtl tt•1 f;.f'I/ •.-1 •tolllf• ,-11 ,,,,.. ~·· l"1tlf1\t1• Cl MIJ•l•t 1t.1 ''*'' f loft•• IC.1 t '"'"'*' I#•'" h • #f•"' l\t ;u' t•u ·11"''0· h fh.,. t t """ '''" V"th y ,,.,.,.. t tlt•llwtltt"'' \ln1tttf1-..'t A '•'I'' •• 'f•f)f.,.f1.tl ti•·" ttfll•t1•ht11 •,.-11trf1,.,\ tl'lll .. ,,,ff,_,. It .. f 'It 1 lfl U ,...,ff41\P\lt!.l1 ftlftAI I ftl t W'l "Ill \. t,.i,~fft"tf (t,.tl11MP"" ( 1t.tf'l•n1411(jf'1-.... ,, ...... ~'" •ftf-••t ··~ f.>!jt)!t'"""' ••c• • '"'"'' Vu• l'••~•f.,."t1t•f1(,,,.no , .. 1M•'''r' •~•"'•"' thrwll l •J1f<I• ,,..,n., & ""'"'~,.. Mtti,~a•ntJ f "'''" Gh4tl"' H l.e•\ N•t"frd,. to tt A\\1 .. tltnt MMMQ1nq 1 tfiln"\ OfllCH ,..,, "'M"''" 'til'.l w ... ,1 n~ ... '•''"~, '1t 1+1n~ t~~ .. , h ''"1t C,i"1~.,, .. •.lrrt1tl 1•~;ut1ht;1on II• "'',.. tlAH 11"~ tt f)l)t.1'~'"' o Telephone (714)642-4321 CIH1llled Ad•ertlllng '42·54171 f tOf'H S.-f\ ( l•rTWnt• 411-MOO I Lh111k 1•\'1•n 1111·mla·r 11,f ('oni.:r ,...,:-.1 11 .... n·1·1·1111·1l hon u ri·ds 11C ldl"r" and hundrc1Js ur 1·;.ills from pcnplc wa11l1ng more !:<JSolsnc," Hep. Dell.I(' rt Latta. ft-Ohm. declar ed as de hall' o~ned today on the tux .. f '1on 't think unyone hus written lkmanding mrire t axi•!-> " l.:sll;J ;rnd 1Jlh1·r lt1•1JUbl11·a11 t·1111 g rl'~'>mt·n 1•1101 pl <.t tnt'd llliJ I lflt• Jlflljlfl'>''" l(JX WIJIJ )fl dtS 1·11ur:ig1• tlw searl'h f1>r n1·w 1111 .11111 ill'1l1.1lh lt·<11I to tni·rt·iJ~t·d l; S <lt·rx·nrl~'Tlrt""Urrfnrc~n orl Th" ,.., rmt• m11r•· l'arlt•r 111 s p 1 rl'd lax lllC'rt·:.i'>c 1111 I ht: d.ru1·LJJ.:WLll!.'.'.Wh:. · · s;.u.d HcJJ. Bud Shus ter. It l'a., ehairman rJf th1· Hcpuhlic;.in l'olicy Co111m1l t•·t· lll'p J\I U llrn:.in . IJ <>ri·. d1:11rman of lht.' lluusi· W<1y~ and Me•ans Comrn1lt1·t-. dis ;.s~n'l·d 'T l11s 1::. not a tax ''° th1· Amt•rtt·an 11eople ," he '>:JIU · It will not aflrl rmc d1m1: lo lht· t'U!->l of 1wlrolt:urn " l)llman als11 ~aid tht· mc·rcu!'>f' 111 foreign 011 JJrl<:l':-. unnounct·d t111J~1 y 1n Gcncvu undcr~cort·tl th•· need for thl' tax ltetuust• Utt• l11k t· 1n worl<I prt•·c!'> ...-. al l pus h up tl1·1·ontrnlletJ lJ S flll prwt~ hy lit II ions of doll;.i rs The <le hall' e<imc u day artcr 'J'n•u!->ury l>c.·1>artnic11l offll't<ils a1·knowledged that they have in 1·n·used hy ne a rly 50 pen·c11t lh1·1r c slrn1a l1· of µro~~ 1111 1·11r11 pany r('vt•11111's thal will n ·-.ult from d1.:t·ontrol Treasury o ff1 t'i:.sls say the l'l)ffi JHIOH.'S will rt•ap an :.idtl1 t1011H I $!'4 b1llinn 11v1•r f1 vr· y1·ar:-., t·om pan·d lo the ir t·arl11·1 ('Sl1mafo. putting the ts rld1t1onal gross rcv1•n ur·s at $65 lullton lwtwecn 19Hll <tnrl l!J>YI lic<:uu~c 11( dt.•contrril. * • * •·ro,,. Pagp A I PRICE .. • One prolJll'm. h1· conceded. 1s that some com1>1rn1cs a rc buying n•rincd gasoline on the world's uncontrolled "spot" markeL'i ut prices so high they would huve to t hurge $1 75 a gallon at the pump. K e:thn and Bosworth said the re is little the government can do about halting inflation until the nation reduces its relia nce on imported oil, which accounts for about half of daily U.S. con· s umption. "We cannot a(forfl to continue to import crude oil as we have o r it's going to drive us into bankruptcy," Bosworth said. While it will be dimcull to write a gasoline rationing plan that is completely (air . he said, "standing in a gas line is one form ol rationing but It's ine · qullable as·hell." l!f'-~~~·~r~~~~-<i:.~~~~~~~~~~~~-A~~~~~~~- :snd Sons 111 1h1· f1rn1 ·.., l'rtn<·Pton offlc:t•\, c;11 -.1.1.11Jd frnally J.!illrlf'() 1wrn11ss11111 111 u"· tht· drug Cav· I opn I Tlw "il1:-la1H·t· h:.id bcC'n llS('(f lo l r1·11I l11gh hJood prcs:-.urc rr1 adult~ hut 11t·v1·r h<11I been t nc·d 111 •·hllcln·n l!11dn1·~., 1·11nd1t1n11 . 1·11m p1111111l1·d ·11\ :; nmaw:.sy rrwl1 i.: 11:1111 h\ pt•rtc·n<.11111 . wa~ t-rltlC';,11 IJ 1-. IA ,c-, ol '>Jll'C'l;tl l';l\t•, :1l1tJ lh1· ph.ir111,11·1·111 u·;JI 1"<1111pany g;1\C tlt1• i,:11 ahl'<1d 1111•11• d11ln I '>1'1'111 an\ v..1 \ llf• l'llllllJ ltt'k ll, •.,1111 (; fl'>WtJJcl J·:v1·n l1rn1• ht· !>t·1·nwd to I a k1· :1 "l"JI f11 rv. a n l, ~om1·th1n~· h.q1p1•111•1i and hi· i.:•11 wor~e · Hud111·~ !'> 111 d1-;il IH•gi.fn :.s'i C'hns tm:is 1~m. wh1 •11 his h1·;Jlth f:tl1t·11·d Wlwl wa-. f1r -;t 1.,rn :..1d1•n•d ;1 -.1m11l1· all1•rgy turn<.:d out 111 lw a k1dnt·v d1 .,11rcl1·r 1•;dlt·d tlf'11111h·t11· 11i·1·r1111· ~.\11 dt 111111-. 1·:111~1· i1 11k1111w11 , A :-.1·1'111u~ drsnnlf'r. thr 111 -;c-:i:..1· !>Cl!LU:> tu gu ·µ.1.ay lJ1-tt:-1+-1rv ,..... 11h v:-.1('1an!-> v.11h 1111• n1·c•fl 1111n ·:11 l.1d111 ·_\ f.!;J,.lttr1 · :111d <111t·1111J 'I l1t·r1 ti 1!'> 11111.(d tit a t ...-. lt:1 l1 ·\ 1·r 1·;rn~.1 ·1I tl11• c1 .... 1·;1.,1· v.tll tl1:-•.ip;il1· a11d 1l1t "'"" >wtll h1·1d 1l:-.1•1f Bui 1!1111111·\ 1~ ;11111111i.: Ill 1w1 l 'rum Pag«> 1\ I AIRPORT. • • 1'<1u111 v clt'mand Ill' 'n·phcd lhl' numh1:r v.ouhl lit' h('l\A.l'Cll lWIJ <llld lhft.'t' llnl!'" lh•· 1·111nrnt•ri·1al Jl'l 111wr;1t 111n-. :11 th•· airport 1111w Jlul h1· ,1n·'"'" that ph\\ll':tl :end t·11vrr1111 nw11lal 1•1111,t r:1111ls would 111 t·VtUl Ulat 'I h1· 1·xt·1·11t1v1• told 011' IH';1nng I h;tl ht!'> 1·:-.l111i;it1• " ltas1·tl 1111 :1 \ :1rtls t11 k dt·vd<1p<·d It) /\1r C;,,I 111 a11;tly1.ing rww m;1rkcls h v "" l ng-:-;tatl,fit~ffom Los J\ngclc.-. l ntt•rnal1onal Airp<1rt "On <t markc·t hy markN basis. Wl''ve found that 20 JJ<·r n :nl of till' LJ\X tr:-J Hw 1!'> ()rangt• ( '011 nty d1·mand." he s a11J Tht• hl'arsng, wh1C'h wa-. t·x 11t·c·l1.:d lo cone· Jude today. 1~ )l<Jrl c1f the ('J\B'., cn v1ronm1·nt<Jl a-. ~t·s..,m1·nl 11( lh1• 1m1wc·t 11( the f1 v1· J\n111n;.i a pplwat11m!> Tht· ('I\ H !'>t:.iH h<1s l!>SU('<.I lht' ;q1pl11·:st111ns a d1.·c·lar:st11rn <1( nl•gal1vt• l'nv1ronnwnt <1 l 1m11;1C't. a ftnll1ng d1spull'd hy Newport llt•:H'h Th<1t ncg:.strve· d1·1'1:.irul1on 1•nuld l~'<1Vt·rlurn1·d hy Wh1llng(1r lJy thd'AB. In ;idd1lr<m . tlw CAB ~l ;tff 1-. r1·<·0 11111H.>nrl1ng I hat t hr· htiard c·omptlt• an t·nv1n111mc·ntal tm · pa('I 'tatt·ment ft1r all pcndrng rout I' :.ipplsC'i:1l1ons involving lht· 1·1111nty a1q.wir1 C'1ty und c·otmty nHt<'11:sl-; say 1l '' n·d undunl. to 1ss111· l h1· /\n1.1111a :.ippl11·al 111n~ <J rwgalt vl' tJ1·f'lara ti1111 tlll lht· 1111c htsnd and in<:ludc llwm 111 un EIS on lht· oth1.:r. Whiling is cxp<'f'lcd to forward I 1·-.11 mony. wnt11•n C'v1denrc unr1 111-. f1111h11J.:!'> lo tlw ('J\11 lalt·r l ilt!-> '11m11wr Woman Dies After Irvine Pool Rescue A Frt'Sno Slate University stu dt'nl who was re1.cued from the bottom of an Irvine communaly pool Tul'sday <lied Wednesday tv1·ning al Tus trn Community flospital T he drowning victim, Nca Ran l.N'. 2fi, of 29 M ariposa St . Irvine. had lam al the bottom of the Deerwood Community As - sociation pool for m ore than 10 m inutes before she was rcscut•d and rt•vlved by Oran ge County Paramc.'<lics. 'rhe incident occurr ed Just 20 minutes after the lifeguard al the pool had le ft for the day. ac cordinJ( to Irvine Police. A coroner 's ofrscc s pokesman saud the woman .had been a stu· d ent at the Fres no campus and was apparently staying with a friend at the Mariposa Street ad· dreaa. t <:cnt 1if tht· pat1(·11ts who arc left with a re:-.ulucsl proble m blood prt·s-.urt· ~o h1~:h <Jn d un mant.t gl·:ilJll· 11 1:-coni.rdere d rnal1g11<tnl J\t t1m1·-.. his blood pr1·s~urc· r1H lo.d('(f to n•ad1ng-. t1( 2<!11 nw·r 11;0 /\I ll111w It•\ l'I'. th" l1rn111 1·.111 111· dam:1g1·tl 11111·1· Hrlfln1•\ \\ ,1 11111111 ror ,1 (t•V. lto11r._ dn;J .111111fw1 111111· 111· \A.ii.., 111 ,1 1·1,ma I 111 .1 "·" <11111·1 tl1111:" v..1·n· tri•·d. liu1 l!od111 \ • 1 •111111111111 1•ri·w v.1ir,1· ;1 II d h I ' \\ I' I g It I cl I fl I• r1 (• d •l.1111·•·11111<,I \ ( '11111pl11•;1t 11111-. fllll h1 rn 10 111 t1·1"'"" •·a11 • 11111·1· lm1t·!> and ii rnm :1 1·;it1<;N1 r1 nm:1P,'P lt1 fit " -.1·1;1111 111·n1· Ill'> ldt 111111 wa~ 11:11 aly11·d "H11t J{rlflrw v h i11l th1'i IH·lt"f lh.ot '>•11rwthrr11 · ~:•1trd v.;" 1:11111g f(/ h;1pp1·11 . (;11-.Y.11ld -.;11d Thf' 1';ip1<111r 1I :J11l \'1·d a 1·1111plt· tla\l!i t1flcr<:hn..-1mas-rrml. will1 ll. ·,)11\1, fl'l'(I\ l 'f \ 11r111,(->tl ·cuar<~ i~~corl 1"rucks Hauli11g //uel B~ Thf' J\!lsociated Prei..., 'l;.11 11111al 1;uanls rn1·11 :Jrrn•·d "'''" lt:l\•1111'1 (l\t•d rifl1· ... , .... , 11'1 .. 11 t .1111.. tr11c·lr -. fr •im 11 11 t1•1 m111.tl , 111 ~1Jrlh C':c r11l111a to dH \ ,1 , llllhlHIHlf'lll ll.111l1 •r "< If• "'""<'d 1111·k1·t 1ng .II .1 lart:•· 1,.r rr1111;d 111 ,\l.1b.c111 :1 ·r r 111·k1·1" 111 Io wa :ind T1·n 11•''-:0.l'I' li1•g:1n n ·t11rn111 g 111 w11rk \\ L:.tl.n1..·.:..~ J1l. .Ma.10 t:. UCI Ve!!> t a111p<·ll 11111 at a Nal111nal Guard ,, r 1'11 lll v 111 1\ I I g u-. t ii l 1 > aw u 11 r;ov .111<;1·1111 llrc·nn:in·., n·lurn from a 11wc·t111i.: 111 Canada Th1•11· w1•n • r1·11,.1.1. 1•d 1n1·t1lt'nt -. or v11tl1•111 ·t', v..1111 lirt-liomli-. and s n11H·r sh1111ttn)!\ a 11n1·d ;1t tn,,.k., 011 Lh c ru;.id . ·1 hou~an1b 11( n<11b \H·rt· tlu nipt·d We·1ln1·!>dH} on In l1·r~I alt• 5, orw 11( (' <il1f11rn1a ·., hu:-11·s t t nu·k route·-.. IJut lh1•\ '' 1·n· q111t'kl~ d 1•;11wd up an<I l1n• d,1111 :ig 1.· v.a,.. rt·purtt·cl to ht· rn1111mal REFLECTING YOUR INNER BEAUTY <>ic n ard off1e1uh arc 111 vcs tigating a k idnapping th:il h<is "similurit1cs" t11 1h1· llu111 1ngton Beach case. J e nk1m. saul An ll·year o ld g irl d1 !->ap pt-;1 rc·d lhcr(· on .I un<· 17 Th;.it girl. -.e·xually m11lt•\lt·1I and b<tdly hl'alt·n. w;.i:-. ftiuntl 1111 l'On!-><:IOU\ lhl' n1·xl din 1,.,, ·' h1kt·r 111 :.i 1•:.iny"n n1·ur M alsli11 She has rc ma11wd 111 ,, t•11111.1 t·v1•r ~rnre. Jt·nk111., sa11l I I u n l 1 n J.! l o n II t· .J 1 II 1 n v<-s t1galtJr'> <1lso ""'kt·d 1nt11 lht r1 c·ath t•a rly th1-. w1·"k •1f ;,111 11 y(·ur old Wt~stm1nstcr girl Counll :-.tranJ,!lt·tl m·;.ir homt.' -1::ULIWw. dcwct1vc..., ;.in• ruling out a tie hf'I w1·1·n that c·a,•· and I h1· llu11t1ng11111 B1·ad1 111:-.ap 1w:.ir:in<·1'. .Jt-nktn!-> -.a11I But ltw11 -.1·:nd1 1-. 1·1111t1111111w for 1111· .l1·11d1·1. • u.1 I\ ll.111 I'll 111 :i11 v.1lh ;1 l'.i1Cllt.:.ra v. liu ri· J!.UCJ 1'!11\' ;.!_l?Jlrr1al'h1·tl H•>Wn ;,ind .1 i.:11 lfr11·nrl M ll11ntrn1'1nn St:i11· llt-:wll .Jun•· :111 rn lh•• • l.tlt•tl h11p1 11f l<1 k111).! llwll 11111 111•" l•rr ht plt111 n~rapll\ 1·1:1-.· l..ito·r _;11 ,1!,11111 ·: I 1 p 111 1<1111111 lt'fl lio·r l tr II 1 w11tl 11•1 1 • .tfl••r lwr 1l.1\ .ti lhr lu .11 It I lo• 111 .. 1111 -.:1111 1<1111111 o1•.t..•·ll 111 bor '""" 11 •·1 \•·11"11" Ill p1·1 •I '>1h"11111 1111 \.It· 111 I .111'.• I. f•·,1rt·d It" v..11ul1 I 111 l.11 • 1111 .1 l1.dl1·1 l'la-.:- Hohin·., t·111np.1111un dt· 1 rtlwrl tlt1• rnan v.1th ;, 1 ;rnwr:.i ''' 1"1111 • .1111 .. 1. • .r11·1 H11li 111 t11 ·II• p1-.11 .11111 ,\ 1 lrlrljlf •' 11 1· dr ''"' tr1l 11( lho· t o1rr11•r .trrt.111 li.1 111 •I l1•l 1•\t'>r•d ,lfl tf p1ild1 ll1d II ""...., '-J•a111·r• 11ir 1111~ h•111t "1111 llu r 11 ( '.dtf11rr11.1 S11 for .f'"rnk;rr;-~'"'fll1hrl" h.1\1• rt•1·1•1\1•d ;il11111t 1 ·,~, 1,,IJ 111 11· ... pun~1· 1•1 !111• 1·111rq11 .. 1l1 !11.1"' 111g All ,,f Iii ~h-tt r.--fw1n;- t«1l al11g111•<l. .Jt-11k111:-:,;ud h111 ,, (;1r It;"" 11111 rc·-.ultc·d 111 f111tl11 11 llw liead1 roving l JllH'r:.un.111 ·· 1 \l' found 11111 11111· tl1111~ '-;11!1 .lt·nkin:-Th1•1" v.1 ·11· ,, 1111 "' 111·11 pl1· d11v.11 l ht ,,. 1.11 lht l1t '.lf'l1 1 v.1lh 1·:.irn1·r.i:-,\pp.111'11 1 h .1 1111 of l.!11\" apprn.lf'h \•11111~ 1•11 t.. lor phuto' .11111 "'lllt tit• 'l lll'"(lllll '''" v. .tlll 111 111 .• 111odt·I ". Hight IHI\\ .Jt·11h1n-. -..1111 d1 lt•1·ll\e'' an· 1kd11 :111•d 111 t11 11l11w till· v. ould bt· 11h11t11~r~1ph1·1 Maift Ston 2224 ... .,... ll•d. Newport leoch 6'5·7174 StonJ JfOl/2 M.tM An. ...... "-cl 673·712' ,,.._c,. .. c .... erl ....... , ..... ~ to ....... , ... ~ Tht· 1·a ,l' f1lt·d hy N1·w11or1 ll1 ·u1•h •~ hast•d on all"l!"d v11>la 111111-. of th1· Natuin:sl Environ 11H·1llal l'r1111 ·rt111n Al'l Th<· ('JI~ 1·11ntC'lld!-> lh:1t th•· Cll vir11nn11·nt.tl 1m11;wt ri•Jlf>rt 1ir1· par1•d for tht' '>:.Ill' ,.., rnv;1lid h!•l',111\f• 11 111111111·11 lh1· n·11111rt·d .111 q 11.tl1t \ c.t.1ntl;1n h anti 111•1 ,1 11-.1· Ill 1111' 1·;1!',t' "' 1111' r1111r II ;11 I 1111·11• h,1\.1• lll't'll \11li-.1• 111w111 d11"11w.1rrl n •vl\11111-. in tl11• ··1·-.t11n.1t1•tl .111111unt 11f 1111 a nd g:.i:- 111 lh1· Ir.wt• n :'\1·tl -.:i11l thal lht· e·h:.dlt•ng1· 111 .I 111 1~1· l l:iuk anti I Ill' latenc!'t~. 111 1111· '11 \ ' f'fl1trb. prohahly 1111-.111 that 1111· :11·t·c11tanc·t· of lo .1 s t· h11 h li v 1h1· Interior l>1•p;11111w11t will .~o "ahca~-__ _ -.t•ht•1llll1 •tl . J 1 .., 11111• 111 I hose· ~11 ual1on~ y, l11•r 1• v.1· 1·11uld 11..,1· lht· IJalllt· .11111\.\111 lh1• v.ar ' tit• -.a id I d1111 1 tl1111k llw 1Jq1artm1•11t 111 I ht· l111t-1111r w;rnh l•J :;1x:od tltr•·1· 111 lt111r v1•a r' 111 t.'f_l_\lrt .ill)<l 111"11 rind 11111 lh1 · lc·a~1· S<tll.!S wd J '1 :1' 1· 111 lw 111,·:d1tl;Jl"1I I 1111 1 .1 " 1-. .1 1•ood 11111• a11d 11 • 11~ • ..J . q,,., II lw w1l111\a,: 11, 1 ....... ,tit• v..1111 ,,., .111tl I •'rllll\'1 11111 •· 1 .. 11r Ir .wh lit · ;11l1lt·d 'rru(·kers •'ir~J 011 II \l\l·:llS FI !-:I.I> I I\ I'> T~t>. 111 • ~ '-11•11111111• 11w1d1·11 h I hat 111,1\ I" Ir J.1l1•ol Ill tlw 11 ,1 111111 \\1111 111111-.r•r "lrtkt· hJ\" lw1·11 1 t flttl It ti to•.l'fllll:llt lt1 l;1w Cll 1•111••·1111·111 111111· .. r ~. 111 Kt>rr1 I t tt 11 ti \ ~11111,.11111· f1n·d .1 ... 1111l fri1111 Tht· ll t~'ll\\.i. ,JX 11 \l'flJ.I!'>\ 1111 Ill 11 1•1a11· .1 "Jo.t·.,t 11f lwrt: !>hurUy l•l'l lll I H p Ill Wt•flrlf'sday <JI a rr:-r M nr t r.ntrrr 1 nn~1 tn t·n-~,,-----.:.9 ( .,Jf\ \llt1111d · flli, :JJi, 11( ll~H·1 1•ntJ~ 11 .. 11•hh l\1 ·r11 ('11un1 v Sheriff'., d1 p11l11·-. .,,11tl 111· l:..1.t.1·r l\llUi;t•tl., •• h 11 I I 1 I f 11 .t' 111 It 1 s I r a 11 l' r \11 1111tl'.ttll ' .1111 'h.,rll\ ,1ft1 ·1 I "'" to<lay ;, 11 '" ~ 11111hh111111tl "" ll1gliv.a\ !J!J 11• 11 1111 'l.irnlr 1111 1!11;11l 11v1•rpa~-. \\ ·' ··li•1I 111 1111· r.ullator. tht· ll1i:hv..1\ J•.11111f 1•·1111rt1·d l.:1 v1111 .In 1 ph Ir •11 llt'.tfll\• /\rv111 !'>lJHI It• ,,1v. ,, 11;1-.h 11f ~1111f1 rc· from .111111 ltu· •1\• r pa ·,, and ft·lt lh1• 111 t htl ht • l11wk Men, Women tlnd Boy's Clothing The Finest Selection Available OFF s1-1ore I -l ~'~~~~~~~~~~i.._~~~~ . -- ............... --. ••• ••Olt • -----.. · ..... . ·-.. Orange Uo&st . D IT"I O N • VOL. 72, NO. 179, •SECTIONS, 56 PAGES O RANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA -------.. ,...- ' ) T .. ay'• Cl•l•• 1 -~"11-L S&eek• ~...._; __.,,_ THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1979 N f TEN CENTS~ ·County Pollutant Violators Ticketed ' BULLETIN ~ 9'•1• 11111101 alf'ru .,-., trMk'Wd for Inland portions of Or~ Cauaty •'rldu. ucorcl •1 to a ... ~mt'nl rf'l.-a nd "*' ly ,.... ·~ntOOll by lhl" South CoHt A.Ir Quality Managf'mC"nl Dt111m&. ----'-'---------- 9 y FaEDEal('K S('llOt~MUll Ot ,._ 0•1ly 111 .. 1 \t.11 As i.k1t.-s tur1lt'd from h.:ht tJlut· lo a duJI ru~I "'ha te '>ldlt· 1111 qurilll\ 1n'>p1•1'll>1 '> ""'''l>I thruu~h tlr;i11.:1· l "1111111) t1••l •L 11r ktot1ng •• I I t' ~ I' " \ I II I ,, I u r .. u r " 1·or11t "'' 11~1· '""'!:: .i ll·J l t111lluth111 11•llu1·11011 111h·-. l'1 t·l11r1111,11 \ 11·-.u ll-. 111111n11t·rl "'Hit•"''" t•atl ..... , l'H •ll d for I ht• 11•.:u l1tfltlll"'t 111·1•111 d111~ 111 Allt·u l >.l!ltl~ :>UJJ .. 1.!.L~.l.:1lJL\~' Ir (II lhl' A1H1h1•1m offH·•· 11( thl" South ( '11,1-.t /\11 <Ju a hi v M araagt!ment I 11,1111•1 \\ h t•lf I -.,1•11 11111 'IJ~I' '>rlll•~ ,11..r1 •~ •~sut·d. auto ~miss1oni. 11111 ~1 bt· 1·urt a tled . it!> mus t l1•v1•b nf p11ll11tunts assul!d hy -.1at11111a1) !><iUrC'eS s uc·h as fut• 1111 ...... 111 < ·o~tJ Ml'i><.1 Soundcast Im· ... ruundrv ........ ~ cited Cor IU. al lt•gcd f~;ilurc lO ab(.llC traffH' g~1H,'Qlll·d hy l!mployees d riving lo work an emissions proaucef rrom LlS metal cast1n~ a ct1v1t1c~ Uanz1g .,aid 1-:.ii.•h \ 111l:.it1on 1~ a m1!>dt· meanor offens<'. punished by a $500 fine a nd/or s ix month~ in Jail The sccond·stagc alt·rt wa~ 11> -;uc d at II a m Wednesd&y duf' to a thit•k temperature 1nver<;1on that has hten1lly placed a lid over the South Cocast air ha'>m Area!> <1lon(! t he 1mmcd1C1tc nrn-BTe-gemn 11-y-not 1tUet..4ed- h y the high smog levt•ls hcC'au!w ~e<.1 brPczt•s drive ;.11 r pollutant' t1J 1nlarnl an·o'> Newport Seeks Ouster .. . A bout 300 fl rms in Orange spokesman. employees cut down County are required to have driving by 49 percent. Only 385 "'second s tage episode plans" cars arrived at the company's detailing hoy.i they will reduce parkinJ( lot today. compared to air pollution when ale rts are is· the normal 780. the s pokesman ~ucd said. Generally. firms having more Danzig sa id smog levels in than 100 employees ar e r equired Oran ge C:ounl)' g en erally arl' Lo t e duce commute r -r e lated lowe r than those found in other -f)<tHt.ttta&-oy~>'fH~en-1.-----· e South Coast bas in A t P 11l'i f1 c M u tu a I L ife ,...;orthem portions o e coun y I nsu ranee Company . Newport ~cnerally have the highest s mog Hf'<JC h . acco rding t o Cl tSf.t.SMOG.Page A21 Jtirport Service ---or ·Oil Lease Arbiter Debated By JOANNE REYNOLDS 0t 1M O•llY ~ ... 51.tt 17 0.11ly Ptlot Photo tty fl1(1'4ird ICOf'hlfr IRVINE POLICE TALK WITH SURVIVOR OF MacARTHUR BOULEVARD ACCIDENT Lowell Curtis (in hat) Walked Away; Brother, Barry, Was Killed -Newport Nabs-Crash-Kills-Man; Suspect.in J e · h ·u . . d Kitbiap Death rot er ninJni:-e- A ma n arrcstt:d b~ Newport Beach police today h as he ·n identified <JS a n eseaf)cd Mon tana murderer convit·ll'r1 an thl' kidnapping and stabb1n~ death of an 8.3-ycar·old woman ;HT• putee. He ld an city Jail bccauM· uf ;J weird c·omc1dcncl'. wa~ lht• rna11 1dc nliflt'd by µo liC'c ~•:-. Brurl William lluttins.:cr . 22 Thomas M McKittrit k. clcpu t y county a ttorn ey in Gn·;11 falls. Mont., sa id Hullinger wa~ ronvicted of the Hl?fi !>LC1hh1ng de ath and kidnappm~ However . he said the Montana Suorc me Court has upheld Hut tinger's move to withdraw has guilty plea and a n ew trial is pending. McKittric k s aid Hullinger escaped rrom Warm Springs State Hospital. where he was be· <See MURDER. Page AZ) Or~:_{j _.~~asl \\·eatller Patch y late night and early morning low clouds near the coast othe rwise fair with hazy s unshine and some high cloudiness. Lows tonight in 60s. Highs Friday near 70 at beaches to 90 inland. INSIDE TOD,\ Y Rolph Nader, consumer advocate. ia colmrg for o one·dOJI nationwide con· 1umer bo11cott to protest gouernmmfl failure to halt mflatton. StOf'll Page A 16 l•tl•x .. a •• .. , .. A4 •• 17 .... ., .. .... A4 .. " 21l·)car·old Nl·wport Be<Jch man \\J' ktllerl whale ha!> oldt:r hrtillH.:r w;Hkl:'d ilWi.1} UnHIJUl'C!d fro111 ;,i ~111glc·t·ar lr<J fr11· at•t·1 tlt-111 Wcdnl'~day 1·v1•01ng near l'C l n1nc Killed 1n th<.: Ii 1:; p.m roll .llVf'r c-ra-.h w;,i~ B<1rrv Dciv ul Curtis.of l!J4l l'or1 C<t rcl1ff Pla<·t' Pohce invc~llgatnr<, '><.ltd Curt1~ v. us driving h1i, m1>lht·r·, 1·a r -;outhbound ''" U n1 v1·r~1l v IJra\'t' n1•ar Mat'i\rthu r Boult·\ a rrl when lh1: vch1cll· v.1•nt out or cont r11I <irHI rolled Crom t he ro:1clw:H * * ( 'urt1~. wh<1 had ht'.t'n CJCl't•·d from tht· t·~·r . wa~ killed ~hc11 th(• vt•h1l'lt· 1·;1 rnc tu n·:-.t on t11p of him ll1s brothl•r , l.ow(•ll. 29. also ••f the Newport Bt·;i\'11 alldrt·:-.-. t.'11mb('(I ''lit t)f lht· ("iJI" af1t·1 II -;topped rolling . poll c1· <,a1d Poht·e 1s~ut·d a S1ga ll-rl fol111v. 1ng ttw a1..-1tl1•n1 ch11· lf1 tr;.ifr11 'le Up!-. on th(' hU!ot\ th11r1>UJ!hf;irt• Jn Vt•!>l ig:ator~ •,md t ht•y 'A 1•n · told lh..it the Curll-. hrotht.'r' r•· 1·cnt I~ had rn o1..c•d lo :'lie'' port 1!1•;11•h fmm I >rc•J,!011 • • .. Rmh of Accidents Kills 1, Hurts 7 In a seven-hour period e nding early thjs morning, there were four tnJU ry accident s on the streets in and a round Newport Beach, inc ludin g one o n th e I r vinc city lane that claa me<f a life liarry O:w1d Curtis. 26 . or 1941 Port Card1fr Place thed after the G· ts p.m ac<·1dent al University Driv e and Ma c Arthur Boulevard The other three accidents on Ne wport Beac h streets injured a total of seven people, two of whom remained hospitalized to· day. Two of the drivers involved will be facing felony cbar1es of drunken driving, police said. At 9 p.m .. two teen·age girls were injured when they wer e <struc k by a car driven by Dan Lee Lossen. 21, or 810 W. Balboa Bl vet . The girls. Kris G aard, 13 or Oranl(e a nd Chris tina Te rrazas. IS. of Villa Park were crossin~ Balboa at 18th Street when lhe mishap occurred. Miss Gaard was treated and released from Hoag Me morial Hos pital. Mlss Terraias re- malnt.>d In I.he bo.<ipital today. but was listed in good condition -A ~li_JU!d in..good cond.itio the hos pital is Margaret Jessie James. 52, of Santa Ana who was inJured in a collis ion with a police patrol c ar at 10 p.m Police said the collis ion at Ford and J a mboree roads oc t urred as Mrs James mudt.· a left turn into the path of th1: patrol car o ri ven by Offi<·cr Doug Parmentier Parmentier and has partner~ Officer Paul Pe rrin, were treat ed and released from Hoag Mrs . James faces charges of <See CRASHES, Page A2> SPECIAL PUZ4 SECTION TODAY Old-fashioned integrity and modem shopping come together in today's Daily Pilot South Coast Plaza's many de- partment and s pectnlty stores display me rchandise today 1n the South Coa s t Pla7.a C:atalo~ue , a 20·paf(e s pecia l magatlne· following till' format of an olci Sea rs catalo~ue Don't miss the values ano quality offered in the Annual South Coast Piasa Catalogue in today 's Daily Pi1ot. Judge's Ties Probed· The ·1 ~·d1•ru 1 cl I :-l i II' I n id g • :-..<·h(•dull'd to rul•· 011 1\:1•\\ J)OM Ht· a c h·, fi ght ·• l!<il rh t 11fhh11rc· ml le<tst•:. 1:-. ;1 f11r11H·r 1111 1 orn pan~ a1111rn1•\. :'1:1•1A port 1·11 v nf f1 t·1u ls chargt'd tcid:1\ 1·,,, i\ttorn1·\ IJ1•11n1 11 '\•·II ..,,11d that :1 :-.1·11.11.111· hP<lrllll! v.<1:-. I 11 h1• h<•lll 111 l.11 ..., /\ 11 ~•·!('' 1-'t•dl'ral 1>1<.trwt ( 'o url 111 ;m ef fort to 1ll~qualif) .l11tl i.,1· /\ 1\n d r4'v. lla11k \\' 1•dm· ... cl.1\ .I 11d1!1• II ;111k hc·a rrl t lw t'll\.., :!1 ~'111 111'111 ' Ill II., .11 IPmph to gt•t ,1 n·.,tr a1111n~ 11rcl1 ·1 l11 halt th1• '>JI•· of 'lff'>h111·1· 1111 h·.i· c·.., Thal :-,111 '' M.h1·1!1Jlt·d 111 1 Frada.\ m11r11 111g 111 l.o-. ' \ 111!' '"' f 11d1'l' I l:i11k \\ ·'" l'\lll'f ll'tl '" 11111• liduri· lll•·n 11n that re:.Lr:11n 111.., ord1·r II \1•11 -.,11d. 1111\\1 \l'f thal 11 \\ '" k.1rr11·tl th.it .Jw!i:1· ll~111i.. on1·c ..,1·n1·t! ,1!-. ,, ... t.tfl 1·•111n ... 1·I for one lll I ht m :q11r 11111·011q1..in1t"• ,., Jil·1·t 1·(.f Ill IJ1d Oil lhl• lt>~1"i.''-v.hll'h 11w lu l' four Tr :11'1 jl1<;10Ut~11it'\hr th1 l't: 11111!· hn111 off "\1•'"' pw 1 B1•Jch I) !'; l'al ''\ti d .f\11 h~t · k(b II k I t• port(•!ll.' -.till l'•'tJJn;-. ;-.lc wk 111 '''·'' ('CJOlpilll\ I h ;-.;11d tht· lw.11 in:.• v.1iuld 111 (ft ddt•l'lllllll' tf I Ito-.•· 11·p11rl , v.er1· trait· If ~1. 111• .,,1111 .lud).!1 II.auk ... 111011 11! Iii· d1 -.q11al1f11·d I r111n the· t <•:-.t• O ":\l·1l .... 11d tw 1·\p1•1 t-. 111 .. lk p.1 rln11•111 of t h1• 11111"11111 \\IHI 1 h1· r1::-.tr;.iinl·1l 1111111 .... , 1·1111111 ti1<I :-. Frula \ n1111 1111i~ 1\111 lw a·hn ""d 11 ,. ... 1111 hk..f.,. fht• (JI\ l"fl llltl \\ lfl lh hlcl 10 h J\ I th1· four t ratl:-. dl'l1·t1·cl fr11111 tlw <~·•·OIL, P ai.:1· A:!J AP Wlr.,..,o WHO NEEDS GAS? .John llopkins docsn ·1 c·~re that Wednesday was an odd day for gas line!'.> Ht> ust>s h1~ ow n e n ergy Lo p ro py t htmself the 15 blocks lo nts 1ob at the electric company office• in Philadt'lph1 ;1 0 •1h P•tot \t•H PM1d NEARLY DROWNS Police Chief Gibbarelli .Top Cop Escapes Dro·wni11g "•·.11 H1·:11•h l"h1d •11 l'ullu · Et! ('1h hart·lll v.a:-1n l·ra1 11·i:tl com.II 111111 f.(Xlcn at UC Irvan\:' Medical r ·1·i11t•r dflt'r m-.1rl~ dr1Jwn1nJ( 1n Ill• h;wk~anl 'v.1mm1ng l)OOI <1 1 hi ., ( 'o:-t:i .\1t·-.a honH· WNlrlt' .. cl:"' :author1t11·~ -.aid r'·11,l:1 \t1·-.a polan· '"''d C1h l),1r••ll1 who IJl'1·,1rnc• ()O(.' 11r thl' 't :111• ~ \f111ngt·'t pnl ll'l' 1·h1t·f~ \\ h1·n ht· w11-. ,q1poan1cd an 1:174 al t ht• J~1· of :lit "'a-. ha \Inµ a -.111;dl p;,irt' "'1th frllo"' off1t·(.'r:-. 'A twn ht• -.;ink whlll• :-.w1mmmg a t J ~111ut 7 pm 11rr.1·1·r-pull1•t! C1ht11.1 rell1 from th•• pool and 1·:illt•d 111Jr<1mc<h t.:!-- p11l 11·1• ~aid Tht·y ~;w1 thl' r nusf' 01 I h1• .u·c1rll'nl wa-.n ·1 known 1'11111·" ,;111! ('1hharell1 v.r1-. pl 1n·d .. n a h1 •;ir1 lung ma1•h1n1· .ii I 1')\J(' Jnrl that 11 m ight hi· ,, . \ '., .1 I t!;i \ ... h1•fr1n· I ht• l'X I l•nt •If hi-. 1111w 11•; 1-. knov.n l•r t11r l•> tw r umin).! !-wa l lh·ach 1111111 ,. 1 h1t•f C1hharf'lh "'"rk1•d I.ii ""''t•n ~ 1•..ir:-. <t~ .1 Nc•wport 1 1~·;1 1·h ptllin• u rru•t•r \ 111cmg lhl· posit"'"' h1• held th1•11• '-'t'n' t·ommun1t v relation~ 1111 tc ·l'r putrol ser~~·ant. JU\Cntll' 1kfl·t•ta v1• and. after be ing <JP· 11111 1111•11 l11·11tcn <inl 1n l!fl2, ar1JU 1.1111 lo th1· 1•hll'I An Air California e xec utive sa id Wc•dnesday dem a nd for air ~l·rv at•c a t John Wayne Airport <·ould push the number of daily rom m ercia l jct fli1<:hts from 40 to m<irt-than 100 Frt'd Davis. the a1rl1ne1> v1c1· pn·~1dcnt or m arke ting. m<.1t1c th1.· estimate during th1: C1vtl At-rnn~ut 1cs Bo<trd hcann~ on amilu·~taon~ for route~ hct"ecn th1· <>range C'lUnty <.11r h eld flllfl Anton.a The heann~ 1n>cnt•d Wedru.:~ c1 a,· morning <i t t hl' former· Ba~vicw School ut. !ianla Ana .. h.·i~l.... About 20-rcs.u1cn~ of '.':l·wport Bea ch test1f1ed that lht• 1·xi s t1n g Jet i-crv1cc at the .11rpor1 <·rt·atNI 1ntolcr ahle no1M! a nrt a 1 r pollution ·1 h t' r l' :-. 1 ct • · n b w h ,, s l" tt·~t1 m11ny wa s inte rrupted by a 1r1·raft no1 !'>t' t o lci ad m1 n1strat1ve la\\ JUdge Frank Whiting they don·t w ant <Jn) rnort• rnutes awarded to the :11rpr1r1 tx·l·aus1· that wnulrt in 1·\ 11ahl\ mean niorc· d<.111~ Jct <k pa rtun·~ l>~l\'l!-t. who tt.•s t1r1ed during tht· :iflt'rnoon ~ess1011. wa~ a:.ked b.' 11 111.:h Cofran. :"liev.1>ort Beach'-. ,1',.1 ;-. l <1111 1· 1 I ' a ti Qr n e y to ··-.t1malt• how many fl1 µhl ' 1:0:1·t• AIRPO RT . Pa ~t· \:!I Air Raids DeJe1u1e-a, T J.:I. AV I\' hrat•I <AP1 P r 1 m t' M an 1 -; t" r M i· n «H ' h c rn fl1·i.: an llKfo~ d<•ft>n<krl hrael ' air raids ag:11n-.1 l'ale'lt1n1:111 gui·rrall<.1:-. an <,oult1 Prn l.1·han11n :and n'JC'l'tl.'d Amc•rwan f'rtt1c 1s m 111 <'n ls ral'11 attaek Wt•rlne~d<Jv that turil!'d anto an air hattlt• with Syrian warphtn(•s . ls rot•I radio n•1>0rtcd. Kl'~in ~aid lsral'I ·~ horn l)an~ of f'alest1 nian 1msir1ons a n1J the downing of Synan plane~ w<J:-. a ll•g1 t1mate :H·t · bv ls rnl'I• r11rt·t:s <i('ltng "'for lhe ;akc uf thl' 11:1111rnal dcfen~c <i nd lht· ~Clfol\ 111 our n;ition's 1·1t111·ni-. · tht· 1 :ul 10 n·1>or1l'1t Gas Distributors Accused of GoUging • WASIUNGT<1N IAPI -Pres1· dent Carte r 's c hief inflation fig h ters today accused many atasoline distributor:. of engal(ing 1n illegal price gouging a nd l'f't'Olll nwndt•d that the govern nient t·on~1dcr rotaonin~ gasoline 1\ lfr1:d E Kahn, d1a1rman of th•· prcs1dc11t'~ Counl'il on Wa j'o!e and Pru·t· St obi lit~. abo predil'l 1·t! that mainl y beC'ause of tocla.' ·s hag increasl' in foreign n il prices, inflation "'will be bum pin~ at the double·digit lc•v"I for lhc r est of this year." O n gasoline prices, Barry Bosworth. director of the coun· cil. told the House Government Operations consume r s ubcom- mittee that "on the basis or na· L1ona l data from the Cons umer Price Inde x and the Producer P rice Index . r et ail gasoline prices arc going up far more r apidly than can be justified by rcfintn~ costs ·· Said Kahn "I s us pect as a rrivatt.• citi7.en that there are widespread violations at the re · tail lcvd .. 1 Related stories. A8. 21 I One legil1mak s olution to the l'ner~y proble m would be m~n· rfator v rationinJ! at the l!asohne pumps . s aid Kahn "It is c;omf'thinl! tha t ought not to be rl'11•1·tcd" out of hand. h1• !'laid ··w e really ought to con sider ra · t1oning " The flouse re1ected a plan earlie r this year that would have g 1 vt•n the president s tandby authority to ration gasoline OPEC HIKE: FOUR CENTS AT PUMP-A4 ··1 feel that wh e n thl· Am e r iean p eo ple t.te l mad e noul!h about havin~ to wait 1n : line-and that is the inevitable 1 consequence of price controls- they will be pre pared to go to a · syste m that limits consump· • lion," Kahn s aid. The council monitors gasoline ~ prices at the refinery level to see 1. if increases are In line with • C arter's antl·inflation prict> • standards. The Energy Department has ': the job of monitoring crude 011 £ pric e in creasei; under eight I yl!ar-old petroleum price col' 1 trols More New8 Today More Harbor Area ne w" :1ri pears today on Page I\ 19 ____ __,,_ --------------------- O.••·~· ... --T APP£0 FOR BOARD SEAT Colfetle Dlatr1ct'1 Olaon (Jlso1i Ne,,., Tnutee Oti Board Hy MU'tl/\t:I. f>/\SKt:VICH Ot ,,.. o.u, Poot \t•ff 1>11·k Ols 1111 , ;1 4fl year old 1; .11 dt•11 (;ri1v 1• r1•"11cft.11t , wa"> '''1••1'14:cl Wc•1lrlt''>lla \ lu fill a vu • .1111 '>111111111 th•· ( '11l.&1>t ('11mm u111 I\ ('ollt·~1· IJ1 str11·1 llo;,r tl uf Tr us t1•(•s lfp was ">1•lp1·11•tl fr11111 :1 fll'ld 111 s 1·vcn Wt-st Or<in~c ('ounly n •s1 ch'nts who applied for the va t<an cy c n ·at.t.'if by the rcMl(ni.taon ,,f 18-year board member Worth Kee ne t·arhcr ttus year · Oboo will s crv" the re m iunck!r o r Keene 's unexpired term, then fact' c:lcl'l11111 111 Nove m bf•r Uc will not be lasted on the hullol as <in m1·umbcnt Obun "ran 011 one day 's noti<'e' <.ij(•Hni.t K1·cnc· an l'J77, f1111~hm~ 4.000 volt::. l>e htmJ the now relired in1·umher1l ·In making tht"1 r s1•l1•1·twn al <t nu·ctrng in (;ost;1 Mcs <t , l rustc 1·.., s<11d th1·y wen· 1m11n•sM·d 1,y Ols1m 's hu!'l1111•ss h111'kJiroun1I ~ and the htc l that the: <:ardcn .__ _ __,,(,,.__,' r,_,o:-:v e a r" a has 111: v c r bet:ll rcpre;1·ntc <I cir1 the <'ollt.•ge board l)ls1m. a nianai:.:cr fo r lhc \o'e llow t"r<'aJ.:ht !',ysl<'ms , h ,,.., :.•• r v1·<1 ;1!> a d arc:t' t1H o f th(! 01 a11ge County Sa nitation 1>1:-. r r1t'ls fur 1•1J.!hl year ... I le· told lrustC'es rn a puhlac an lervaew tha t ha:-. cx1Jerac nce 111 lahor 11t•J.!11t1at1on:. with lhc Tcam s l1•rs I Jnwn ha~ prcparNJ 111111 f11r :-.1m1l:1r nt•J.!11t1atao11i. with dal>tnf'l c mJJluyc<:l> Olson, who i:, married itnd ha-. two dllldr1·11. s uul he w;1-. sur pn.,1·<l hv 111~ :-.1·l1·1·t11in It t'illll•• 011 ;J :1 fl vcih· IJ~ lru..,t•·•·l> H1wrll l'I 1· ... 11lt·11t 1>1111 itoff was :1IJse11t Will Skylal• • ~all Oil l J .S. ~ ._ __ __..'.As" lli GTCJN c /\ P i A :,p ;11·t· <1gt·n1•\ 11ffl<·111I s a ys th:1I 1f Sk vlah ap1w:.ir"> llkc·ly t11 fa ll on d1•nst•ly po1H1lalt'll 1·11untn1·s. 11 ., 1·11ur :-.1· niay ht· d1:111g1·1I. 1·v1·11 1( that rrwans a1111111g 11 toward the· ti n1tt-d St ale·:-. I! al'liartl <; S1111th , clir«t·lor of lh<' Skylah rt· t·ralrv l•1~k fon·c. tolcl the l111use· :.ulJt'111nm1U1·e on i.1wt·c· :,c:u:n1·1·~ ap1llat·<1tum:. Weclnt·silay that ,m all1•napt to ma11e uvN Skylah into :molhc•r pa th will he made at the last mo· menl af ll <ipJX•ar:-. the• d ehri:. ~uu lll ... 1ww1·r u vt-r i.outhe rn 1·.urotH~ and lncl1J. for e•xamph· -#'ro• Pa,,.-11 I SMOG ••. le·"1·b, h•· atld<:ll 'hll' :11r quulat y :..111 aly:.t, J im B1rak11s, ;it1nliul1·1I part 11f the s anog ;Jlert to the• J.!;1s11l11lf' t•n sas. II c· .. a 1 d :. m "j.( <·on l r o 111 n Jt f'atalytir conve rters have bc><'n ruine d t1y moturh.ts who put ll'adc•d fu<'l s in unlt•:.uted ·only vchadc:> ;rntl h y pe rsons who hav<' delibnatc1y tampered with I he· e·onverkrs OAANOECOAST N DAILY PILOT I pW •H•"QI '""'"'ft• f t f•1U')t "'°'''" .. ,,,.ft If fl , ••••• ,.,, to#\'-'t• '•'\f>uhil\.,..dh.1,..1,,.., • f I' f .. t•f"IOMl·•ff lof• fut( 't ",,,,,., .. t, rft1I '"'' lfo f Uhl1• ht 1J ,,.,ltvf .. \ II f MU,,. f t 1fti111 t tfJI (1. 14 ,,.,., l'l •t•..-f•"'' t\t HI h 1fftf Ill' I• ft,,.,,, f .... , '"'ft 11•11 .. , fl•••• I """''" u .. _. ft '"vi"' f """'' A lt•lfh rt ttt'"•tltft f •·t t .. tt h ht of\.-i11t·91'' Utf\ •v,,•tf'tt\ '"' fJ'UWICi·••1o1llJ11\ho"Ulll-"'' "'' ,, W•"""''tt1•t CV;ht"'*-.,. f 1t hl'tfh1•'11/l_J, ............. Pt•\I,,_,,,, -l'ld Pvt)t1\Nr JKl II C...lot "''" "'"' "~"'' •f'Wl (.,f'.inl ''" ,.,_.,"", '"""•' ...... l rtltOt t"tme\ A MV,..,..."9' M;en~u1~ f tll!u- ~., •• , M L..e•\ '9tf'-'t41,. H•ll A\',i'''"'' -..,.n;u.)HVJ I rftllf4' Office• t , '' ~' " ltltW• 'II 1t'.l1ool I •. , •• ,.,11 .. ,, Ii ... ,,,1,•--1•• ,., ..... •• '"'''' tf•tl• HI •t• h 'lff.1'1 f~ t+ I'! h· lh I• •I telepllOI"• (714)14.?·4321 CIH•"l•d Adverll""1 .. 2-!1Ut . .. . . "' .. ---. ·-.. .. .. . ~ . -. --· ._.. --·-~..-:-···· -... ..-..... 11tur1MiJ.x Junu 28 111111 U..t•• f~er.t1•er• College Prexy Defends Plan • fty WIU.IAM ltOfHif. OI..,. 0•11f l'lle4 "-" SuddleibMrk <:oll•·tt•"" hoaml prt•8id4•nt den1 .. c1 toda.v that u n t>w fortl.i11 "' udf'nt quot. 1>11te n1 wu11 de 1.cnt'd to lhnlt f'nrollmf'ftt of ln m1ua "ludenlli an I he ..da"t rH'I Th•• rww i.yHtA'nt . Mpprovt-d by tr·u11l~~ Uu11 wt'f!k, limit. '°"''ti" 1>lUdt>11l <'nrollment lo one ~r r e nl ol UH.' l'OllC6't' " lol 1tl 11tudent popul•llon A11 11dd1tao1ual hmatla tao11 n -s tr w~ :-.tu1lt'nt1>1 fr11111 Mil.)' 11rw fort'11(n • 11u11lrv 111 HI 1wrl't:nt of tht• fon•11-tn Mutl.-nt tJ<lfJulu t 11111 T lll'rt· urt· 39 &H.·11v1t· 1111 ... 11d•11H the• 1·ollt-~t· on. I 1 amun i.tud1·11t · \ l lld P. l!.I 11\t:r tht· 1111111 of 20 al lo .. a·d wu1cLUit: JU'W !>)'hl t:llL 'It .., Ju~t a 1·1110!·1d~nn:, Hou r J t 'trnlfru..i11 Hu b (•rt I. l'r11·1· !'..ud Th~·rt· was no 111t1·11 lion whuu.ot:vcr lo t•ontrol Ira t11an student enrollment " Pru~e 1nsisled Monday's 1acl100 w11s designed to provide It "Jtood mix" o f students from m any rountn~s ''The CXJ.l('flCnt'C: Of lhOSt: whu m11r11t.11r this pro~ram suy it 's ~oe1tf nut to h uvc too ~real a IHllJUlatwn from aaoy one cuun 11·y ," he s1t11I. l'1lln~ report:. fro m lhl' Nat\onal Assot·111Uoo of t-'orl'ag n Student Affa ir .. "tr tht·re's too many from one c·ountry they te nd lo s lick Wllh (·ach other a nd don 't ~el to mingle m American society," he s aad. Los Alamitos Out as Site 11,or Airport Tia· I.us Alamitos Arm 1·c1 F <tr<'1'" H1•sl'rv1· Ct·nte·r and r11r ;d Bt·ll Cany1in wne droppc .. -..J W1·d1wsday fro m ;, !b l o f sil•·s l>C'lng consaden·d Fly a rcg1ontil ~nvc rnmcnt e·omm1ttee for a 111•w ma111r ;urport Th'i· Soult.wrn C alifornia As· '>C11'1 a t11111 or Gov1·rnrncnts' ava:i 1111n 1·•J1nm1 ttt· .. m e ntaiJn t:<I \ :i nous safc·t y f :.w t or:-. lJS reasons f•ir t·l1m111atang lht .. lwo MIA'S as 11•~~le loc:<1taon:-. for a new re· i.:11ma l airport The J.o~. /\lamato ~ s ate . hOW<'vcr . what·h as surroundc..-d by ~al BcaC'h, nossmoor. IH.. Alam1lJJs. Cypress and Gardc;n li rove. s lJll as being con111dered ~.y !'levt•r<JI <agcnl'll'S as a pos!'.1 Iii .. lol'at wn for a ne w 11rav<a t1· .Jir1·raft f1t·llf 1'h~ re11lril'tlon affe<"t."t 'only 77 t1lu1.lcnls who 1Atwnd c l1aaaet1 al lhl' 11i1ttrkt'f two campu118 on furelwn student vlnN. 'l"orelp natlonal8 who have lmmlaraled to th" Untt(l(f State11, auch a11 Vletna"'~ refute~. would not I>\' uffwt(..>d The 8 tuel\'nl pOJ>ulallon lnl'lud\'11 Ji lr1rnlfln"· n in e Juvant."tt~. ''"" Llbyuni.. three t'iH'h from V1·1wwt·lu and Chile and OOl' s tudl•nt from c»th of 13 olht·r l.'OUOlflt'" A 1·11ll1·•w offu·aal i.1a1d tht- lu1 .;•· num~r of !ltudcnlt1 oo Ira n1un v11111:. 1:-. allrabutwhlc to lhut t•ouotry i. v11(on1ui. llltrt1cipat1on 111 Hw tore1"n ">luckrll pro~rum. Hut sumt· oHat•udN ;,nd foreaf('n :.tudenls !l.tt UH: Jlli.IVf us vustly II I "it' r 1111111ut11r v · 1 lh111k tht• n •al 11>">Uf' as prcJ u<.l1t•,., .. M11·hat•I Murkowatz. of th,· c ampu..,· Lt•,u rn1n2 As ... 1stanc·1• l'ro.:ram, s uul "Quotw:, .uc a lway:, su<'h an u.ily lhang. "It':. now u pOlil-y that foreign -.tudt•nts 1.1nm'l welcome here." Markowitz t'laarncd many in 1-ot l'lll'IOr"> 111 llw 1·111l1•gt• C'11nfus1· 1111r111 gra11t n •1>uh•nt1' who hav1· li1111.:11a1o:1• pr11l1le•1111> wath th11s1· ~ho a ll1•111l 11n -.tutfrnl visas I le• 111s l">ls that fore1g11 1>tu dt•nls wencrully s peak t:nghsh ;i-. well a .. many Amc rtrans. Hut bourd president PraC'e said Monday ·.., a{'liun al:-.11 involved u 11 grad Ing al' ad e m i c ,. n l r y i.t andar<S,; ·for the tfa s lrict' .. fore1gnstudenlpopulallon ··Experience has taught us that tht• value or a C'ommunity e·ollr~1· t-ducataon t·an only be i.:lt·,tnt'rl tf th1· i.tudcnl hai. <1 ri·a ... nnahle· l'Ommand of the l:JnJ.!u a i.:1.·. · l'r11·•· 1'aad 'I he· 1ww pol11·y 1nl'luclt-:-. pro \ 11"1on:-. th al upg r ud e the m111111 1um allowublc: -;con · on a ,, • ..,, 'If Englao;h ;1s a forea~n l:111i.:11ai.:t· A t•ollegl• spokesm<in ind1 cak1I that 24 or llw 77 foreign s tude nts arc ··not s u ccee ding a c adcm1cally ... T hal m eans· lht·y wall be plaeed on ucademit· probation for not maintaining at leas t a "C" average m cours~ undertake n The spoke.man noted that on- ly l to 2 percent or the college·i. re g ul ar :.tudcnb are o n ac·adcmat· pruhatwn al uny lame. ·suspect Held In Hit-Run Injury Crash A man was arrested Wf'dnc~ day taftcr <•llCJ.!Cdly injuring a ,fr,rij~ fkf>a11 O•tly ~11411 ..._, ¥•• OIL LEASE SITES Cro~~ h<Jlched ~quarc~ arc offshore drilling sales for which leases are to be sold Friday in Los. Angeles by the federal government. Black square~ alr-ct.&dy. ht.&vc tx.-en leased. Fro• Pap ;I I OIL ... s ale t)(·c·uuse lhc: leasci. won't be awardt.'(f for 30 days, ~ivang the <·aty t1mt· to pursue· its Ca!'.•· Wt'llrll'sday. lllf' sl at1· I.and:-. C'omm1ss 111n lfJst 111> 11111 to huv1· tlH' ., .. ,.. halt1•cl wh1·11 a h·rl<:ral JU1lge· 1n Was h111gt11n V ( · :-.a~tl then· was ms uH1t·11·nt c ause an the s late's c as1· to hlock the s;,lc The sl<Jll' 's c ast-wa~ basc..'<1 on allf·gt·d 1ncqu1l1t·s an the pro c•t•durr• by whic h le a :.e·s arc :.iwarck-<I Tht· s uit C'laamc..'<1 the pro<:C:..\ res ults m an initdequatc fanan· c1al return to the pubhc The ca~e filed by Newport Heach is bust.'<! on a lleged violet· tions of the National Environ· m ental Protc<'llon Act The t·1ty contend~ th<al the en v.i ronmc·ntal 1 mpaad rt!J!Ort pfc pared fo r tht• sal•· b invalid because at 'omitted the rM1u1red a ir quality s tandards and heC'a use an tht· ('<isc of the four tracts. ther e have ~Jf'f'n s ub:\e '1Ut!nt downward re visions m the e stimated amount or 011-tmd ~iAi. in the tracL<;. O'Neil said that the challenge to Judge!' llauk and the lat.ene.s of the c ity's effor L.:; probably m e an that lhl' a1·rc•ptam·c 9f ·leas e hids b y th1· Inte rio r Department wall go ahead <is schedutcd. "ll 's one of those :.ituataons where we could lrmc the l1ultlc a nd win the war." he s1tid. ··1 don·t thrnk the De partment of the Interior wants lo spend three or fQur years in court and the n find out the· lease sale~ will ha Vl' 1<1 ht.· 1n\ alulale·tl · •( >ur <·aM· as a g1XJ(I on•• :.end at ·.., llkt-ly llwy 'll IJ<· walling t11 n1·got1at•· wath u:. an<I n·m11v•· thos1· four lra1·ts ," ht· 1t1l<le1l Pair Seized In Newport Car Strippin~ Two Westmins ter youths wc r1· Jallt'<I Wt.·dnL·srfay na ght <.tfte r a Newport lkac h polu·c 11H1<·t!r al le gedly found the m n ·movang er.~m~ parts fro m a t•ar parkNI in a s c•rv1('(' s tatio n at :Wth Street and Nc:wport Boulevard OH1cer Gary Traina arr<!!'>t1-.I M ll'hael Allen Jlumphn·y and C raig Allen Harran~ton . bt1lh lk, on suspicion of grand lhcft. The officer was summonc..'Cf to Richard Perlin's Union Oal Sta· t aon about 11 p m hy e mploy<'<.~ of nearby Malarkey's Iris h l'uh who said they hct•amt· curious about two m en workan g on a 1·ar al the statmn Dc-causl' the stataon was C'lost-d at lht: tarn~· Th1·y l'<i lle d l'crl1n and he 1•a ll1·d poh 1.·e f 'ro• PaflP A I . MURDER ... in~ held for observ<ttro n Newport Reach vol1<·t· '>:11<1 t Jf fa l'er Gary Bruton arrcs lt•d Hut tange r Wc:.-dnesday aftc:r s lf1p11ani.: him for questaonang an lht· MOO hlock of Wr-st (.;o;ist Highway l'o licc s a id · llullangt•r gJve· Bruton a phony n<.1mc a nd agc:. but a s trange co1nc·1rten1·1• tripped tum up There really io; a m<tn of that namt· and agP who l1v•·'> 1n !"o;.1r1t:1 Har ti:cr:1. ;1Jl11 canf11rt 11n.11i ·I\. ft 11 llutt111gt•r he· ha-. sc·v1·r..il 111111111 v. .1rr ant:. 11uts land 111g aga111 .1 him Wc:dncsd;1y 's <1t'llon leave s · I wo ~1oss1lil•· O rangt• County ... 1ta·s for a future r e gional .111 port an tht· SC/\<; comm1tt.ee's •·v1·s El To ro Maram: <.:orps Aar Statum amt Chino llllb. 11 re• g nan t N c.· w p o-r+-_,..-J+,...,.-t-tr------------- w<i m :rn wh<'n ha s crar ~truck f 'ro• Pagr ,1 I lluttangt•r v.;i:. l1011k1·cl •11c rh•>' •' ~.1-i:.ran~---- llowevn the h1rthcl.11t• tw had fabracate<I wa:. f1111• cfay.., r1H .ind . unrlt·r qu1·:.t10111n~. h1· .J1frn1ttc·d his I raw icltonl 11 v ,\ SCA(; l'hmmattce r c pnrl s.c.ud~irpocL luL:.aU:.d m the Los Alarr11los <1rt·a wuultl have a s evere m ·gat1 vt• 1napa1•t " on ... urroundang a1rspue· .. hecauM· the a ppruad1 (1vcr the• 01·t·:in wou Id u inflal'I wrt h <1ppro<1d1 lo .J11hn Wayne. Lo11g H1•u l·h and Fullt·rton /\1r1>•>rts . Thi· l111·al111n 11r Hell C.:11nyon, 111·ar the· 's;.int;1 /\n<i Mountain foothills an ~mlh Oran~•· Coun t y . would J1ff•M:nt land an~ a nd ta k f'llff prt1hl1·m s for th1· <11rhnt.~. tht• co mmattec report .SH 111 Takeofft. and la ndings would h;iv(' lo lw on thr· wt·sl si<le am1 I a 1 I wands would r e nder lh1· a 1 r JH1rt unus u hie· <1n ~<ime ufl1•r 11111111 ... • * * f ·,..,,,. Pa9.-11 I AIRPOR"f. • • wo uld be produced at lhc u1rport if it were J)Ofisiblc t.o m eet the l'OUnty dl'mand. lie replied the number would be be twee n two and three timc..-s the c·ommercial jet operataon.'I at the uirport now Hut hl' stressed thal physical and environmental C'onslrninL'I would prevent that. The excrutave told the hearanj( th<it has cstamall' 1s h<1sed on a y ardstick dcvelo11e1I by Air Cal an an::ilyzin~ new markets by us ang s lallst1<·i. from Los An~elcs lnkrnataonal A1q10rt _ · "On a marke t by m a rket ba:.as. we 've found that 20 1>er· <·c nt of the LAX traffic is Oranl(c County demand," he said. The hearing, which was ex· peeled lo conclude today. is part of the CAB's environmental H · sessmenl or the impact or the five Arizona applicallona. The CAR staff has l1111ued the a 11pllcations a dcclarittion or nt•l(utivc environmental Impact, 11 findinK disputed by Newport Ht01H'h T hul m·rtata ve declwnallon f·uuld ~•ivcrturned by Whlllngor ny the CA ft In add1t1on. the CAB staff 1:. recommcndang that the board compile an environmental Im pact 1ttat.cmcnt for all pend1nlC route applications involving the county ain>Ort. hns lie lc•d officers on a 70 mal(•·per hour chase through the: Lb J c. k..c.L o1 ..L a s t a M cs a · :, Fairview !toad traHw before he was f'aplured. pohcc ulleg1:d . PnlaC't· said Michael Gilbert l>emt·r:-.. W . of Anahe im re 11 1a1nl''' an city J:iil today an lieu of $5,UOO bail on s usp1 c1on of f<"lon y hat and run a nd d r iving unrtn the influ(•ncf' of drugs P ohc(· saad De m e rs was ar rl's tt•d aflc:'r a sm all blue pickup truc·k struck the rear of a c ar cl r 1 v1•n by Lorraine Teissere !"o m1th, 29, or Nf'wporl fieaC'h , who 1s seven a nd a half monlhs pre g nant ' Mrs Smith. who romplaincd 11f ..,tomal'h p ains following the 2 I.I m ac·cadent at Santa baht-1 I\ v1·1111<• and New port Ho ulcv;ird. wus treHtt.'d by a private phys1 c1<1n Pohcl' s aid the fetus re portc dly was unharme d and Mr ... Smalh wasn 'l hospitalized. Mrs . Smith's car was thrust into the rear of a car driven by Linda Carol Koch, 36. of Santa Ana, police !laid. The second drive r was reportc:.>dly not in· ju red. The pickup truck s ped away n o rthbound on Newport n oulcvard following the accl· dent. police said. l .t J ohn R1•gan. who was drav ing an unmarked police car on Bak er Strct•t and heard about the a ccide nt on his radio. s potted a blue lruC'k wh1zw1l( through a n intersect ion Lie utenant Regan s aid h e bec ame s uspicious when h e noticed that the truck 's front end was bashed in. He said he pursued the truck northbound on fo,airview Road at 70 miles per hour, weaving in and out of traffic . The driver of the truck didn't upp(•ar to noticc• that he was be· lllJ< <'hast•d. He gan s1.11d Tlw 11oh('C helicopter finally forn•rl lhc:· trur k lo 'itop near Cire t•nv1lle Street Ill S1tnla Ana. Rf'J(an s<tld . and lh1• driver was arrcstf.'d lie said a man and womllll in I he truck who reportedly had Just accepted • ride appeared Aomewhat shaken by the Intl· dent. • • CRASHES .. felony drunkc.·n driving an con nt·ct1on with the inc·1dent Tht• sanw 1·harg1·s an· pending a gam st Liane Manogul.'. ~I. ••f 131 2 St.·acrt.-s t Oriv1•, C'orona 1lc l Mar. follo wing an l:H'Cldt.·nt :ti J ·JS a m toduy l'oh ce 1'31<1 M 1ss M anogue was rlnvani: westbounrt on 1-:a st Coast Highway nf'ar Camt-o fflghland~ when her car we nt out or rontrol an<i flipped over REFLECTING YOUR INNER BEAUTY r·•~t C.onductt·d I.A ~ v .. ;C;/\S ci\l'r 'lh•· -;t•vc·nth annoarne·N! uncle·r~r c11111tl n111'11 ·ar l•·st o r 1h1· v1·.11 .. 1 wcapons ·r f'latN1 -;hot w ith a yaf'ld of up ,,, 150.000 t11n1' or TNT. was ('()n<1u1·tt·rl today ,11 tht· Nc:vada 1'1•:-.1 Sr i•'. th1· Department of fo:n erg, ara nounrc.-d M•Ston JZZ4= 11Ycl. .... ... .. ' 5.7174 • • StonZ Zl01/J M.-A••· .... I ..... 67J.7126 to ...... ,, ..... , t ... w Cr• C_.HI , ..... ,, .. ..., Guards Escort Tankers By Tlte Aatoela~ Preas National Guardsmtm armed with bayonet·fixed rirJe. e&<.'Ort.· ud tank truck s from oil terminals in North Carolina let day as independent haulers re- sum ed plcketinK at a large tnrnlnal in Alabama. Truc ke rs in IOwa and Te'n · nc1>set> began l'eturninJ< to work Wt'dn~sday a:. Marne drivers caanpt!d out a l a National Guard Armory an /\ugui.ta to await Ciuv J<r..c!Jh Brennan's returQ fro m 1.1 m1·c11ng 111 Canada. There were i coewcd mc uients 11f v 111lt·11e·1., with r1n:hombs and ... n1 1"'r ">h1111t1ngs aamt·d a t trucks on th1· marl Thousands of na1lt wf>n• l111mpcd Wednesday on In· lc r:.lutc !>-} one of California's hus iei;t truck routes. but they wnt· quat•kly df'aned up and tll'e _ rl11ma~c wa:-. repcirtcd to be manamal S hoL"> from hagh powered rifles wen..· rared at two trucks on U.S :IOI n e;ir C.:edltcm. Md .. and one dr1v-c·r ~uffn ed superficia l woutarls. Thre·1· trueks were hrt.-d 11ppr1 1n wulc·ly "11·atlt•r1•d ;1n·u~ of I\ laliama W1·dnt•sday night Jnd earl v 1111f;ay, llut 1111 on1· wa'o hurt And 11:.11 ... w1·r1· i.r·atlcn·tl <1 lo11 g 1ntn -.t at1· highways 8J ancJ 77 1n North <'arolana Food 'ol111·k .., gene•rall y re; rn a 1 n 1· If ,, ti '' q u a I 1• a I ">Upe·rmark•·h an l111· M1<lw1·i.t am! .. ::ast . hut ~rOf'f'r<; prrdacted ha g lwr pr 11·1·s ;incl ">h•lrtagc::-. w1th1n 1lay"> S<>me m eat and poultry whoh•sah•rs an New York l'lo:.ed l'arly dut· to rt!duc<.-d s up- plac"> ( l'hol11 , I' age A5 I I ntl•·rH·nd1·n t ilr1 vcr s havt• lll'l'll 1111 ">lflkt• for lhrt•(• WC.'C!kS In 11r11tt•">I •1f high d11•s1•I fuel rmcc:s. th,.. ~,~, 1111111 .,,,..,.,, hmtt 11nd 1.1. c·11~ht l11111t... that Vdry from ..,tat l' lo ..,, al c· U111ly t'tlOI )fAlt ~to ~h•··!ll t•rf#fJfl rrd :'\1·\\.f111 r1 l'.raf'h ~•·l'n·l ;al'\ ~1 1111w:1 'Jldrrn .. •11 wc<.Jr~ h<.Jrrl Ii :1 I I ti ;1 n t I (' I JI a I I 0 n (J f Sk v l:ah'•, df'n-Hs« S ht• als o h:a .... :1 hut l1111 th ;it reads . '('hl<'k•·ll 1.tlllt· W:J!-o Ht~ht .. ~ht· \\Cll J..!'-o Ill ;1 )iJW offt<'l' Men, Women dnd Boy'\ Ctothinq rh•' Fane\t Selettion A11i\1lable , , ___ .____. ~-·---l ----------------=--·------------...i:-r-..:-.----~-------------... ........... -......... 'lC.&..lC._=---=----.--: -c ---=-r · 1 _ · _ ·--------- . . .. ._.-...... --... ·-· . ..._ ...... •• ' QAIL V Pll.OT ff !'!!ur!d!x· June 28, 1979 ~Seniors Squeezed~ Affordable Housing Unavailable? By &OBE&T B.\&KEll Ot ... o.lly f'll-4 ..... fs~ean1 that senior citizens are bein g squeezed out of thtiir homes In Oran i;cc County were 1~xpreslied Wednesday ut a heur IOI( eondut•tt>d by the Culifomfa Department of AJCinJ,t Cr iticism ulso was lodJCcd that rticre has tw<'n no Areal im provcment m s ervices to the i•ldcrly "despite incr ease!> m bJWndini.c over the years " Art Palmer. an officer with lhc Sa n C lemente Senior t;1t12cns organization, told t>f f1 c1ab al the Santa Ana Semor ('1t1:tcn!'> Center thcst 750,000 !)t-nion. li ve• in Oranf(e 0 1unty social services and i-;enior center programs. Other objectives include im- p rovements in houi-;lng, a redu<·· lion in transportation coKts and through ombuds mun and legal wnustance programs. Sharley Cohen. director of lhc transportation. lun ches and <•ouni.eling program m P range County. compl<Jincd to tht· of ftc1als that !sh<~ had to cut back on mcalb to the t:lderly bt:t'aui-.t~ Oxnard Tie-i11? of money reductions She claimed that C111Jforrua ta being p e nalized because I'\ hadn't spent available money from prevloua years. She said other slaLes which spent their money are to rnce1ve additional allocations. It was Mrs . Cohe n who <'flarged that the re has been no .ircat improvement in services despite incn 1ased spendin.: ovl't the yeari. "And mr)ht t>f them <trc m a M alt' of d1!>ln·!'>s hccausc there 1s =------~IT5Uctrttung a1'3ffnntahh: hots8• M l'nl lwr-. 111 Ornn.,;l· County £ntµloyc cs i\s:-.ur wt 1011 prott·st county 's latest pay of h1kt· County':-. l<ttc!>t o fft:r is ubout 6 pt.'r· n ·nt About 100 t·uunty employees dcm ons t rnlcd Wl·d n(·s d;1 v . chanting s uc h th111 gs a s "Only t·lcph<.1nl s work fo r peanut:-. · I 1· r <111 n n g I u nc hNrn PH' k cti ng ~css ion Wt•dnt·Mluy outsulc t ounty fla il of Ad minis tration in Sunlu Ana Association 1111·mtX'r!'I ~i.I Y thl'Y want l2 µcrcent pay ~-----------~--------~ Strangled Girl, 11, Buried .I ulit· l\l1·yl·r. thl• 11 yc<Jr old W1·s lmin-.1t•r girl who w11s :-.I ran).!lt•ll 111 fh·ath T1wMlay nl!ar h't·r h11n11· was hurt('il tnda·y The Jt(•\ William II U1•ll 11( th•· l·'frst Southt·rn Hu 11tis t ('h11n·h of Fountain Valley of f.a ·i<tlt.'fl al funernl stirv1ces held at W(•stm1nst..r Memorial Park. .Juli'" who JUSl Mmplcted fifth Jerad(• al .John I.and School in Westminster . is s urvived by her Jlart•nb. C'arl anrl Vir~inia Mt·yc•r and brothers J ohn ;md .Jt'ffrcv l'oh~·e ~auJ they arc conlmu ang an 1nvcsl1gul111n into the murder 'l'reaty Violated WASlllNGTON IAl'I Thl' ·soviet 1;11100 n ·portcdly ha s violated ;1 !">-year hid a~reemcnt with the Un 1l<·d Slate!) hy ~cltmii off a 200 kiloton undcq~round n111·lt·•ir tt•!-.1. ;wcording to a ~uhh:-.tlt'4i rf'f)Orl. A lr..:.1ty lhal flever has,.·omc into fort·t: legal· ly limits the two nations to tests of no more than 150 kiloton~. Co.µncilman Eyes Criminal Charges Uy STt:Vt: MAKHl.I·. Of -D•oly ~olel ~ .. II f'1111nc'ilman Ron Palt1n.,on :-.ays ht"s going to ask_ lhl' dis trit't attorney tu file c:ri rn1n:1I <'hargt•S agalfl!'\l four tif h1 i-. ('IJllll l'il collcaguei-. · l'<ittinson d::um ~ th1·y v1olah·rl a city urdlnance and -lhc ( ~ity ChartN when they namN1 th(·1r own man to head up a nt•w C'it y dt·partment. "It doesn'l lak« a ICJ(al wizard to sec that what they did was 11 l<>gal. I'm going to as k the di!> trict attorney to prosecute." Whut "they" did council m e mbers John Thomas. Ruth Hailey. Hob Mandie a nd Ruth FmC'ly ~as rc1cct the city :ul m 1n1:-.trat11r'i-. eh111c·c for :. new department hc·ad and name J11 n Palin mslNHI -Palin. who was <it'ling plan n in~ di rcl'tnr. took over the remi-. of tlw l>e·vcl<1pml'nt Serv1t·cs l>t·partmt•nt a (tt·r la!->l Mcmdc.y cvt'ning·~ volt: ~it y Adm1n1 s trator Hud B•·ls1to had re1·ommended lh:Jt N<>wport i te-at-h Community Ot'velopment Oircctor Hichard I logan get the job. l';itlinson claims the City ( 'hartl'r i-.talt•:-. t h;1t 11 1s th•· dUl\ 11( the t•1t y adm1n1!>trat11r to at~ p11111t ancl th11t 1111· c•11111w1I <-IHl 1111ly ap11n1 v1· 111 v1111• i1;1 '4 n th• rt'l't1m m1:111la111111 T hi· angry 1·c11mc·ilman <1ls11 1·la1rni-. h1i-. f1•ll11w c'1Jun1·1I mt:rn hl·1·s a11pr1111t.:d an •irdmam·t· lai-.1 January which scL law Lor now llw d1·vdopmcnt l.l•rv1t·cs po~• llun must be fillet!. I h· says the ordinanC'C s tates th<it Hel:-tito m u!'.t makt' the apr.1ointmenl. "f don't want to wait for lhl· t•1ly attorney to c·omc· up with au opinion or anything like th<JI. IL"!> black and white and I thmk the di s trict attornl'Y will pros 1•c-11ll'. "!->a id l'all1nson l':rllin:-.on planru-cl to 1-(11 tti lht: rl1s tril·t attorm·y th •~ afternoon C 1 t ~ 1\ ltorncy Ga ii II utl11n . who ha!-. 1ntJ1<.'att·tl '>hl'. tc>ci. hf•llt·vt~ thl· vufr l'on~lltutcrl a c·harh·r v111lat111n. ha!> not pr1 · pan•rt a h·i:al up1n1on ·yt'I · Mandi<· an<I Mri-. B:ult•y, l11>th :.upporter~ of l'ahn m tht· pa-.1. r la1m they'll ask for ;rnotlw1 lega l opinion if Mr!'>. llutt11n rules Monday's vote was invirhcl Mrs . Builey s ays that thl' Californi<i LcaJ:uc of Cities could render such a le gal opinion U.S. Opens Gates Wider TOKYO 1Al'1 l'rcs1denl ('a rtt'r annt1unrcd today the L:n1ted States will admit 14,000 I ndol·hincse refugL-cs a month <loublc the c urrent level as he :incl other economic !'.umm1t participants called for an urgent lln1tcd Nations conference on 1 ht· problt•m The action on rt'fugc•1•:-. was tht f1 r!'>t c·orH·n•tt• rt·i-.ull of th1· !'.t'Vl'll nation mc·(·tin i.: that w;;i~ 111c·tur('(l .,., mc1v1ng tr.1ward a -<·om prom 1st: un 1li-. No t agenda 1lc·m. crll'rgy 1\mcrican officials. who asked not t.o be identified. estimated the ;,rldilional influx of refugees would co~t un uddcd $150 million a year. on top of c urrent ouUuys of S250 million. Jn addition to the U.S action, the otht·r summit part1 c1JJanb not only t'lfllcd fnr a U.N. con fc rcncc <Jn rcfuge t•i-., but al~o JAPAN SUMMIT SECURITY 'BOGGLING'-At2 pledged to set <1s11le m on · monc·y for reln•f and r esettle ment cf forts und admit more refugee!'.. "This 1s b:is 1cally what w1· sought." one II S. oHtcial said. Cart..r s aid in a s tatement, "We can and will work together to find homes and jobs for In dochinese refugees.·· U.S . sources said the U N. <Jaurrla Olfirials Appeal meelrn~ would oc convened 111 Geneva durm.: the third wc1·k 111 July. They said they hoped that the in<·reascd number of refugee:. l'OUld reach the United State~ l1y ne xt month The cx<ict liming is unct>rtilin. but Carter :.u1d he was m<tkmg a one-vear commitment U.S. M)U r <'l'S s aid an a<l m inistrntion t>missary ml't with Vietnamese re prescntat1vt·s in New York City al Curler's <lirc·1• t ion before lhc president f11 ·w tu Tokyo las t weekend. They said they hoped Vi etnam would participate in the con fercnce. Refugees Need a Hand Hy KATHY Cl .ANCY Of Ille 0••1• ~I ... Sl•ll lndochmesc refugees continue to arrivt· 111 Oran~<: Coun'-Y at the rah' of :soo r1cr month, and their nt•l•d for H helping hand from l'Ount y n ·side nts is a s stron~ today a s it was with the initial influx m 1975. Th<Jt wai. the word delivered at a press conference Thursday called by officials or the Roman Catholic Diocese of Or ange. Beatrice Hetr ick. director of Resettlement a nd S upportive Servi ce for the diocese's Catholic Community Agencies, said. "They need a lot of sup· port, not only emotional support in knowing someone cares about them but finamciul support as well. "If you consider that If you were in lheir _,,1ace. taken lO another country and ael down In a c ulture that you don't un· derstand wtth a lanauaae you don't understand, you would like to think that someone would help." she continued " M r11 . Hetric k 'is agency ha111 ht>lped rc!-.etlle about huH O r ange County 's arnvin~ ref ugecs durin~ tht> pust four years And ut wcs cnt. she !>aad , thert• 1s a need for volunteer s rwmsori-. families willing to provide everything from he lping ref ugees establish homes a nd job!. to th~ willing lO provide emo tional support. Jn addition, she continue d. there is a need for volWlleer physicians to offer medical care, a11 well as ciUuns willlna to help the newcomers learn English either on a one·lO·one basis or hr group sessions. The agency also is looking for donations of household 1oods a nd appliances, along wllh those willing to provide transportaUon and s umme r recr eation ac Uvllies for refugee childre n Mrs. Hetrick said. William Erlchon. executive direct.or of Catholic Community A1enciefi, said. "We want the help of the people of Orange County to welcome these ref uicee people Into the OnOJCt' County community Our meal people ne<.-d to be compassionate and supportive " At present . an esll matc1I 21,000 lndochincs<' rt!fu~ecs ar•· hvln6.t m Oran.ee l.;ounly The additionul :IOO reru~ecs ur _riving monthly, Mrs . Hetrick said, involve primarily those coming to jom already-sctll<.'<i family members. Between January a nd Muy, the Catholic agency, alon g with International Rescue Committee and Church World Stirvlce were responsible for resetUlng 1,091 refugees In Orange County a lone. accor din g to agency figures. Mr". Hetrick al~o noted the number of new unvals muy in· c reHe berause the federal gov e rnment ill conside ring raising refugee quot as tu e ase the plight of the so-called "boat peo· pie" refuge<'s in Indochina ThOfle willinl( to as!lls t in reset tlemenl. either hy donations of time . doll ars or household l(oods. may phon e Mr s lll'tr1rk 's Hal'nc-y at 541 ·449fl Ill~ Pa lmt·r. whn al:-.11 1s an offlr cr with the Orangt· ()1unty llousrn~ Advi!'.ory (;;11um·1l. s aid the con - Vl•rs ion nf a1><.1rt ml•nl!\ 1nt11 con dom1n1umi-. runtrtliutl·s to lht· 1h s t rt·~~ " T ht· st' n 1 n r c· 1 t 1 "· c 11 i-. JH 1 · \'til nl•rabl1· ;111d frail and lhl'rl' 1s no plal'c to go bcl'aUM! tif l<1w 'acant·v levl•ls ,' ht: :-.1.11tl Palm.t·r also urgt·d that 1·on I rols he put rin rei-.a It· prt{'1·~ t11 11rcvl'nl 11r11·1"'. fr11111 bc 1n l{ drt\1•n up throu~h s pt·c·ul.JllOn lie !'>a1cl n ·ntal s uh~1d1c.-. tt1 senior t·1ttze11:-. arc nct•ded A man who 1<1c nt1f1cil himself .1!> A I Aarp:-. '>a11J rn11l11lt• home~ 1·an o ffl·r an :.ill1·r11 at1v1· for senior c1Uz1·n :-. lie rl cl·lared. howe vl'r, that la nil f11r m11bil1· ho rn <• park., ,.., -.t·t.1n·1· :.nit rt•nb c·;1n Ill' (·xort>1ta111 llo • :1pp1·alc·d lo lh1• '>Lile• 11( f11·1;ah '" '•llJIJlllll d 1:1111!1" .. Ill ll'~1:-.l;i111111, f.(11H 11g .1111! l.111d U'>•' 110111·11·., tn 111.1!-.1· 1111111-t•<-1rk ... :.iv:.iilable \V1 ·d111 ·scla) ., tw;11111 1!, 111 :-i:.111.1 i\na wai-. tllC' fourth lo lw nin cllwt1•rl lhrough1111I th•• :-.l:1lo' IHf1 t 1als an· i-.1•c•ktng.,·111111111 ·11I on a J!J7!J·KO plan Lu rn ak1· rnc.11• l'ffl'ct1vt• use of llm1\,cd mo11c~ rur till' benefit 11f 11ld1·r c·1t1i1•1l!> Tht-.Y :-.a1<l they 111h•11d t11 olo this hy t•onsolula ling nutnt11Jn Hunt Widens Hy Jl::RRY Cl~A USl::!'li 01 -D•il• ~ilet Stolft It has bct·n eight days s10<·•· 12 year old Hoh1n Ch r1 s tin1· S a m s o r· a n rt h (' r ti o r ro w l' ii ycllow hwyl'lt! d1sa pp1·;J n •d rroni the street!> of lluntin~ton HhJl'h Early this w.-c:•k. µohct: who launl'ht'C1 <• Sl:.'arch for the miss mg youngs ter nolcd that ca r h d<.iy <>h1• I!'. m1ss1n ~ 1ncrca M:s thl· p11i-.s1hility of foul pla) Tufl <J y. fkU.·t·t1 v1· Ho n J 1·nk in-. 1ncl 1<·at~od hl' ~>ersoni.lll y 1l1ws nut twl w vl' thl' girl l<·fl honw of h•·r o v. n ( n •t• wi II Shi • antJ ht•r r11r1l111·r an· \o·rv 1 l•>'I'. ·· J1·nkini-. 'o :Jlcl 'She· w1rnlcl ha\ 1· .1t lo·;,-.1 1·;tl lo·rl :i11d "·"" ll1 ·v, d1111't Y.•1rr) ;tl11111t 1111· I 111 Ilk·" J 1·nk1ns lll':1<h up .1 -.1x man '·· Oxn<1rd off 1 1·~.ul i-. <1tt• 1n · vcst1g:.it1ng ;1 k11ln t1 pp1ng lh.1t ha" "stmilar1l11·~ · tu lh1· lfunt · m~ton Beat·h t'<tM'. .ll-nk111s .,;11t1 An 11 y1·ar•1ld J.!11'1 <11...,,q, 1wared tlu:rc · 1111 .June• 17 Thal girl, wxually m111t· ... tl'lf and hadly lx·atA·n. wa.., fou111l 1111 1·ons c·111u:-. the· m·xt d0:i v l1v a h1k1·r 111 a 1·anyon m·ar M~lll1~J Sht· h:1!'> n •m:11nt•d m iJ c·oma 1·v1·r '>tri1·c· .lt-nkm:.. '-illd. I I u n t 1 n g t o 11 B t ' :1 c· h 1 n \1•:-.11gator., :tlsu look••rl mto lh•· d1·atl1 "arly th1i-. w1·1·k •>f ;_1n 11 \•·:.ir olil W1·-.trn111.,11·r girl fw1111l .,, r ;111gl1 ·ol rll'a r h111111· j.·,., 111•'4 dc•lf'c•l1\1·•. ;1r1· 11111111• l>IJI ,I l1t• l11•t Wl'l'll I f1;1t I :1:,1· ,11111 I h•· IJ1111l 111J!\on 111':11 h d1,,q, pt:.J ranc ·c . .I c•uk111~ ~a 111. llu11 1111gt11n lh':11·h p1.l11·1· lca111 a ~!o>lj.!Ol'll full t1m1· 111 r1nd111g th•· H11I th1·11 !\1':1 1 I'll I!'\ 1·c111t111111111• \1tu ng;,u:r,-m··1'1·i'ilii7Cf 1~ r'ii'rF*--l•1F--lhtt .,1.,.oth>J~ 1.: .. ui:.J., li.;u1_. .... 1. ,1., a prl'\l\i till.rid•· Y.ISI• 11f ,, 111:1n with :i 1•arn1·ra wh11 ,,. g ll I purt1•dh apµro:H·hed H11h111 . and Th-a l st'<tN•h tOfJk l'i\.O in iJ i..:1 rlfn1:nt.I al J ltmt1n).!l•111 St all' v1 •-.t1g:.itor~ to Oxnard Tui·i-.<l<t.Y llc•a 1·11 .111111• <!()Ill th•· -.la lc·cl ho1w t11 qui·:.lum and c li·;ir J .... u~pcl't of laking lh<·ir Jllt'lun·:-. fr11 h1-, .h·nk1n~ s;i1ol phutt>gr<it>hY l'la.,..., Save 15°/o summer SALE Un Tiu.: Followinq Heritage Co/lee tions .. . \\'ondcrli1 I f i1r11it u re t( >r \·our ho111~. \\'ck·o111c sa,·ing~ t(,r your hudgc L •• f tt . It ,, . ·---. I I ... ~ I f I ' -~- Drexel:':U Heritage j -~J I -r I .. . II I • ' ' I· ~·, ft ti t , I I f 'J • t 'II fl\' I ' , .. t • • il •l I I It ' • I jt I , ' ! ,,. ' t !1 Id t. It l1 I\''" i 1t• • t tlJ' I o oil ol /11 ' I 11 I t• • I 11 " "" 111 ,1 11111111 1(\l)llllltl!tfl)lt lit• j l(l.-ft 1 11 ~1 ro~;ttt• .1ndncr,t '''''ll r •11i I'• 11. Vwotltl I,.... I Jki.•' I ii t t1 i. I I j ~ WS4 Wulf Sy'ttcm:, Your Favo11te Dcs1Qne1 Woll Be Happy To Assist You • Bnttany •Dynasty • Grant Tour Ill • Sketch Book Save 20?/o _On E nt1r(' L me Of HcnfilgL' Sofas and ChaJrs Save 15 °/o On F-ollowmg Drexel Collections • Chartwell •Consensus • Francesca 11 • Tourame Ill • 18th Century Classics • W S 4 Wall Systems •Et Cetera Save 15°/o On Entlfe Line Of Drexel Sofas And Chairs H.J.GARRETf fll~NIJU~E t•111 JI I ,-.101;"'1 •1\111 Hll lll lJl!l11,N! ... .,, o,.., M-, Tiloon & Jon l •f\ 221 S HAHOR IL VO. COSTA MESA 646·027S ~., • .._ __________ _..=~-=--::---------· --r--it~~---....... ---::---~-..,.---.,..--. ..,_.:-:::_-:-.-~.:-::--=-=-==.~::..~r~-~~-.. ·~--..... ~~--------.. •----...---...... ,--_-·-_-·--=_--~--......-aoe-p-,-J I tNATION J WORLD • .... , '>~easting OPEC llike: 4' at Pu~~ THE NA•t: 18 THE GAMJ:: All rlahl. )'OU aun tann". vftf'ran bHC'h buml\ ot thla t>Ml of all po.alblt1 t"'OHl•. her-. I• your qula for ton•&ht 1"4-nUfy lht1 foUowlr1ai lcwaUons a'°'11 thft Otan.r• r c,.,t -n.cu••r• n..-84*"1"1 ........ dw •••• C'-f' ,....y T~h-fl -.-....·~Point nw "'• w ~II c·,.....k Colorful n•m«-t.. 11 i,:h1" llu1 for i.hort t11nertt Ill ovr t·oai.tal Nil•Ofl. ,umt· .. r ttw-. .. ~·(~ m1acht hf-tough 111 ht\·a te ~au...-M)tn" 111tm ei1 hMvt' c·h•necrd nvc.-r the year -. "<•nwt1111 .. N thu. wa~ 11111111 In an (•tfo rt lo 11dd 1J1~ruty SAUi. \'. IN T l .. : pnWt')>' 111 hoo:.hn~ d1~nit y. wt: hen t· lui.I .1 lot uf rolor. h lio.lory .uid 11 •11ll1tor1 ·1 111 c 'un Ut•iu·h 111 llw 1111111111.-ton lkac·h M~ctor 1i. J 1·11:.1· 111 point Thi.., long Mauhe They II Changt-Namt• to "Tht• Natwrud l"1wlhf!rrd f'her )>t-rancl, during lht' Ucprt:S!'>1un und even later . was cl favorite camping ~pol for hums.. hobos an1I drifters It got littered with old t in cani-That':. how 1l Jtot thP n;.ime Tod:.iy. howc•ver . lht> plac·e has d11(nity Somt· JlC'llJI•• now c:all 1l Bolsa Ch1ra Stale Ht>ach ft 'i-s till Tin Cun Hcac h in this corner. '.fhoosc.nd St1·1>s 1s lo<:at1•d l>t'low th•· hlurr ... 1n South Lul(una. You J.lt'l lheor1· by taking 243 :.t•'IJ' tlown 'fhl'y ~•·1·m hkc "I ,000 on th•· way hack up One of th(!:.C day" :-,(1m1• idior will try to re namt· the p l<1r1· 243 Stcf>l> Beach for the· !>akt• o( <J('('Urtll')' ;mcl lhU!> kill off a le>t Of South l.a~umdoc·al col11r llOLE-IN-TIU:-r•:Nc•. Be•;H"h ~1 n:,mNI tweau:.1· lh;Jl ·, how ou •ot tu 1l thrflug h a holt-in lhl' h·n1·f:' /\la!>, tht:n.: i!> now J c·ampa11(n undt·r way to rt.'·namt' 1l C'a111stra no lit-ac·h llo hum Slc·1·1>y 1::. JUSt :.horl fhr Slt·1•11y lh1ll•1w rn th1· heart. of J'.ai::una He•:wh I rn w:11t1ns.: for lh•· <,lJv;_,nt wl111 wa11t:-. t11 n · 11;1m1· 11 Wrch• 1\w:1kf· ll1•;Jl'h fo r th<' "al..1· of 1·n111111 ur11t v \CW•t \'OlJ S t:S l•t:t'T THAT ·1 ~tr1·•·t H1·:wh 111 ~:1n C'lt·nwnlf· m 1Rhl k1..'f.'µ 1ti-na m1· Thi· :-.1 r :ind 1 ... l11,·:111•tl 11rr Tr:1fol~a r I.ant· an<I nuhody 1·an n ·runnh1•r 1h.1t < '1111.110 -. l'<11nt ;.it th•· )>outh•·rly 1•clJ.:l' e1f S<in Cl•·nwntc 1~ pr11l1.1hl}' :1 lu-.t n;,imc ll was namt·d <ifl•·r llam1llon II Chll<111, who owned the propr!rty ahove. That plal'e later bec .. m e lt1ch ard Nixon ·~ W(!Sl£•m Whllf· flow-,1· No tt·ll1ng wh<tl 1l w1ll l>t.·1·omc no"' Tht> Ri g W, or ('flUr'>l', I!> H&lboa' .... 1nfamow. Wed~·· T hn 'II pla y h11hfon ·vN 11irnning with th:1t he·ac:h n aow J\11tl 1111 d11...,1·r ..... wf• hav•· S;,i lt Crt'Pk , llw famt·d .... urf1ng lw.11·h l11•twc('n Thr•·l· J\ri·h Ba y and Ouna Pmnt Who 1•un lurgc·t tlw l'lc.r11111 <·ry of y~...,1t·ry1:ar wh•·n cl<•v1•l11111n1·11t thre·:11<·n1·d lht• pl;11·•· It w:i!'> Save Sa lt C'ri·•·k · NOW (;ov •:RNM •:NT h: ... n· name·tl ,, N1g ut·I lh•:wh l'a rk The· 1·am1mlJ.(n wuultl hav1· l~·t."n a l'l•·ar f'I rloripo had lht· -.l11ga11 IH·•·11 ""1·11lorh•!>:-. a:. ·~avt: N1J.(u,·I Whr·n 11 1·nm1•-. to t·~an_g!_n • ht•ue h na m1·,'l.. W!: !>ctllLlu --mrhad<w:1nl wlwn w•· l ink w1"rt· ~omg flirwanl Boy, 2, Slain By Playmat~, 4. IH< II)( ;J•: I 'I> l('J I 09 n I AP 1 /\ :!.year ulcl l>'•Y !'> (t111J.( on ht.., 11111lh1·r h l;ep w:1-. r· ta lly !>hlll hy ,, 1 y•·ar old p la a lt· with a tif•lll'l g un. authc tlll'!> ..... wt. .IP:-.u:-. l'ad rlll'll at St Vrn ('t: 11·al Ccutcr on W1·dn .. -.d av ;il11111t 11111· hf1ur I le· wa-. -.hot wh1 11· h1 .... molhc·r \.\ J -. v1:-.1trng at t h'· hom•· 11f ~11J.(ut•I T or rci-, ~I. J\ '1·y•·ar old d11 hi . wh•> aulhonl1f's did not 1il•·nl1fy . f1rf!fi a sh11l that Mruck 1 h1· :! year-o ld in the c•ht·:.l GENEVA. Swltaerlancl' IAP> -The OPEC oU cartel an· noun* UM bitae"t pr~ lncreue tn five JHn today, rallln1 t·rudf" oU prtcee to between tll and SD.50'a barfel. The boolt {a t!X· 1>ected to udd tour centa a &•lion to tbe COit ot 1uoline ud beatin1 oil In the United Stat.es. Tht l3 nationa of the OrganluUon ot Pettoleum Expottin1 Countrlea •&rffd on a multilevel prjcin& ayat.em. The baae price wn ralled to Sl8 from Sl4.SS a baml, a hike of 24 percent. But mumben cam\add 11urchar1es of u much u S2 a ~I aa market <'ondltionA permit. for lncreues of up to 31 percent. t <'J\N Kt:t:I' A SU.:ltlff nH,~T ME rN. ' \ \l I'.. \ll llltt-:.'>.-. -------------------- l'lt11-.: t-: ---------------------- RPa~y for Teddy \ll'w llamp~hire Dem ocrats <Jre c1rc ulatmg l<Jp(:I pins tn a qu11'l wntc,1n c·ampa1gn for Sen. Edward Kennt.-dy for their purty ·~ pres idential nomrnat1on. Searchers Locate 3 Missing in Cave WJ\YN ESVll.LE. Mo 1/\1'1 Thrc1· ftN1plf' \\e•n · re-.e·u1·d alt1·r Sll•·11ding :1'1~ clays w 1thQUl light 11r,food in a <·;iv1• whN•· tllf·y gc)I 111 .... 1 •>vl'r lh1· w1·c kf!nd. aulhont11·-. smd "W1• tna<le a lot of m 1s tak,. ...... !\ard Army Sgt K,1.:nnc th Sek'"·' :!:! ,,.., he w;c, lctl from 1nd1an CaJ>1c on Wt:dncs d<ty. Tl .. : ('AVF. WAS C..:LOSt;D :-.cvt•rnl yeur:-. ;,igo as a toun::.t attnw 111111 Autho nt1ci. !>aH1 It on pnvalc pro(Wrty rl(Y.o.ted with "no trt:::.pa~n 1n~ s ign-. A 1>r>t•lunker te am from lhl' Un1vcrs 1ly nf M1...,MJ un a t Holl:1 rc:.1•uc..'<J tho two ilol't bt-onltrd Wood ~oldif'r'> a nd the Wlff• Of Onf• Of llwm from tht• cavt· n e;,ir this 1·t·11trnl M1ss()un ,.ommun1ly S1·kola w;i-. pullt·c1 frnm the· lloltom _of ;_1 10·foot J>lt, whe n • he· h:rrl f:rllrn wh1h' t r ying lf1 f<·lri1•Vf' the-n nly rf'm:.iin1ng work1M' fl.1 ... hh).!hl 1111' gri1u11 hacf Ill-wa:-. tr1·aterl for cuts anc1 n •h-ai.t•fl lrc1rn lh•· h11-.p1l:il at th•· Arm y IJa!\1· HIS ('OMPANIONS, SP•:c ~ Sl!•v(' Ml'fl01Jd1J, ;w, 111111 111-. Wlff' l.)nn. ::!it abr1 w1•1•· n ·l•·a!'>•·d afte·r t n •atm1·nt ut thr> h11...,p11iJI l<t')>l'tH'rb i-:1111 lht· art·tt wtwn· th•· Mt•rn1do!> wu1l1·cl for hwµ Wa!'> .1 hout I hn·t· fret high ~ Mn1·a<10 )><Ji1 I lht· thrc·i· had lwcomf! los t a nd wundt>red <iro und tor u bout two hours before U1c y lo!>l their liJ:hl. Mr .... Mc:n ·ado !>a&d the group •~ntcred lht· <'a Vl' al noon ~c.tur cfav :ind "wt• figured we'd lri• out al f1>ur " While w<.11tm g for help . t he'.Y · talk1·cl a little and '>le·pt d lr1l,' ..,he !>iJld Manned ~pace S l1,,l Delayetl W /\SJllN(;TON I A I' i The f 11 hl-1-a1:1ndunt,•·of /\ mt:nr-a 's-ff<'W- 111 a n nc-<l !>pa(•eshq1, the 'ihctlllc. 1-. twmg clclaycd s cvnal munthi., ""'' h only a 50 SO chunrc· 1t f'an gt•l off tlu• ground hy rn·xl .July, 1 ht• hc.-ad of the sµacc a genl'y n · po rlt:d to<luy The Nutmnal /\eron<J11t.1f·S ancJ Spac•· Adminis tration h<i tl h4·cn working 111wa r1t a Nov. !I l;111nch ll:1tl!, hut fur !'>l'Vf•ral wl'1•ki-of f1<·1:1b hav1· :-.;ml 1l would have! to h•· p111 uff uni II l!JK(I 1Jc•1·au!>l' of 1<"1 ·hnwal and ma1111f;,i1·turing 111 ullle·rn:. Severe Storms Expected Tlwnders/wwers Activity Widespread 'f'r•p .. raf ur .. • r h wnctttr\f'W>Wf!r'\o ., .. , .. tt'''"' tt\t trom th• mid M 1\\i"-.1t1u 1 v.-.H••v lhrouqf> ""' 0..... V..tl•Y II) In~ I0-1 Gt••• L•tte\ \4. •• tt .. ,tt,. tn"n O.-r\IW)w"''' ...,.., .. ()fl"(J•• tNS 1tlnnQ tnit {,uU of ,... • .,n .wt ( M tlllfiA' IM'\h "' Le ~(. Atbttny lfO ... Alt>uuu.ro"' 101 .... Atl41ntt1t e1 "" /fl ••• ON TOP OP TllAT. tbe maximum ~ce wu M at ID~•per b arrel. aDowtna fOf' the UMMd dllfereailala for l!alaber.quallty oil. The hi.,_t price currently t. •1.a1 for hl&b·1rach Llb1aa oll. The benchmark pnce ol Sll la fOf' tbe type of oU known u Ara· b lan li&ht crude. The new price1 take effect July l and are to &Mt until the end of the year. · Saudi Arabia, which had held out for a low price. Qatar and the United Arab Emirates wlll be the only countries actually char11.n& Sll a barrel, Saudi OU lliniater Ahmed Zaki Yamanl \old a ne wa conference. . V AMANI, WHO DESCaJBED It u "a sll&btly confualng sy11tem ." ~uud mot1t•other Of EC natlona would cbar1e between 121 and S22 a barrel. Observers said such nationt u Ni&erla, Al1eria a nd Libya. which produce OPEC'• ~l oll, would probably ael their price at the 123.50 ceilin1 . OPEC member!\ are now committed to the $23.50 ceiUn1. Yaman.i s aid. "For the time being, it's a commitment. but for bow long it will hold that depends on you u a conaumer ... About one·thlrd of U.S. oil comes from the OPEC countries, and Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar account for one·third of that. Three other big export.en to the United States -Nigeria, Venezuela a nd Indonesia -account for about 40 percent of Amertca°' OPEC 1mpo~. BECAUSE Of' THE LAG in the transportat.ion system. Ame rican cons umers are not expected to feel the direct effects or the new boosts until late s umme r . E('onomis L-> say the higher OPEC pric~ will worsen US. infla· t1on. hc:1ghtt·n th<: possibility of a sen ou" recession o.nd, in the worcts of om-. make r ecent increases 1n fuel 011. utility and gasolin~ prices "st.'Cm q uite modest " rn compara!>on 15 TerrOrists Slain In-Syria Executions DAMASCUS. Syria t AP I Prr!>1dent lfa.<>san Assad's govern· m•·nt han~1·d M tnrnri...,t~ :.ind ex,·cuted anothn on': by fmn~ -.qu<td ;1l d:1wr1 loday 1n :. t•rat·kdown on the right-wing Mos le m l~rotht·rhood 'fh•· f'X('('Ulmn..., 1'ame h·->s than ;,i rtay c.rt .. r Syn a n a nd ls rcwh ,..,., rlu1•h-<I in th•• !>.kit>.., ov•·r wuth1·rn l.f'hanon in lh•· .J1r:.l c.crral 1 <11 11 L~11 l.11·t 1.111·1·n th1· ~w11 n al1oni-!'>tn1·1• 1!174. J\n lsr;u_•li Jo:mba,,...,y of ft l't:il tr1 W;,ishangt1in d c.1m1-<J A!\:.a<I unlea!>hc.:d his ~1r forct to ill\ t·rt atlt·ntwn ;,it h11mt' from a grow1ns.: t'ha llt-n~•· to h 1' rule RADIO DAMASCUS Si\10 J\s...,ad commutr-<1 tht: death )>(!fl· li•n1·c s or lhn-.· othN tcrn1r1l>b who <'oopt:rated with authonllc!>, Jnd twoothe·rs w1·n· :.e•nt1·n('1..'IJ to priMln term s . ~ynan 11fftc1ab -.aid the 20 m1·n wt:rf' r es1><Jns11>l<-for a wav<· nr h<1m l1111gs and a .... !\a...,-..natmn!> in the past few month!> aim ed al the n1111orrly J\l11 w1t1· Mosle m i-f'l·I. of which A Sl>lld IS a m embf!r. t-on·1gn o tJSnv1•r.; esllmat('('J thPr" w('rc· abou t so 1nC'1d~nL-; Tiii' 1111tl<iw•·d M11s lcm Hriithcrhood 1:. m c.df' up of Sunni ~1'1)>l1•11,..., tt1•· rQJJllnty :it:t:l in Syria and I.he rc:.t uf the J\ruh world ,\S.-,AU'!-1 GOVfo:K NM•:N'f :1nn11lrnc<•d ;i 1·r;wkllo wn on the· 1\1 e1tlw1 h11111I .eflt·r gu111 n1 ·n ra11J1 ·tl ca !'lV rlJrl n11hlar} t ra1111ng c•·nlt•r 111 th\· 1111rth1·rn c 11 > e.J! /\h·p1.i<1 11n Jurlf' 11 .. ktlh•el 4k e·aelc-b ;rntl "'111n1lt·d :11 M•1 ... 1111 th•· l·:1!11·t:-. w••ri• /\l.1w 1t•"• 1'111• g11v1·rnrn(•nl :11·1·uM·tl h r1 ... 1. f•;gypl <.111d tll•• lJ111tt·<l S l<it•"• 11f 1n:-.1li!at1ng lht· ulla1·k Info• rn1·d Mlurt·e ..., ..,aid lht' 1:overnmf'nl r OlHHkd up al> many a-. ~00 me·rnheor-. 11( the Brothe rhood and hab put them •in trr:1l Thi· ri:-.1ni! Ud•· of ri~hl wing Sunr11 vu1lt·t1(·1· 1!'> eor1!»1d1•rt•d th•· 1110:-.t :.t.·noul> domt•)>lal' cha lh:ngt· tu t h•· 4\J year old J\!>s<td s m ce h•· 11111k pow1·r in •• m 1hory <·ou11 rwa rly nine ytan . al(o. Hut d1plomattt• ....uun·1·..., -.a ' h1 ..., •1v1•rthrow I'> unl1k1•ly lwc·a ubC h•· I!> in firm control of lhl' a rmv and t h•· 111te ll1 gnw1· -.c·rvt1·1·:-. Atl,.nhf" C..1t1 ti'9lt1mott• I~ llo•IOn I~ 8r0Wtn\v111e q. t-\uffal11 ·~ " .,. )J ..,, !>tr Mt\ WMt! Qf"nt'tAllV t 1 .. ,., t• om tM P oKltk (M \t tit Uw• rnnf1n .. nf.tt 01•ldfli ottrM' trwo r.u11 t <M\t ''"'r' 41\d o., .. , •~ mid #WI '°"'" A1t111ntu (..OA\t \IAI,.\ It """' ... , ..... •fit tn tw mild ou ou9h '"" ( 11tt•1ltrh•\, ,,.... ,.,,,. .. th AU"nf1i ( ''"'' ''"'"',.,'Mt 01'•'' ""' iowm f 1tfJAI I,.._,_, rt-Qtc;r, I IVtwtiif1r1• \rn\i(>H•b•y Co-owner Jim GarrPtt n·cu.ts thf> Daily Pilot and rclaxc!{ on a sofa from H .J . <;arrrtt Furniture of Co~tu M esa . l l\•' ••U'l "~ h• ( tn(1fm1th ~o " ('!••~inn<! k l •I •• U~llA\ fllf I Wt>' II> ••• /l f.>f'ln"'*' ~I .,.. ,,,.,,,,., •\ Ml II hnu\H;n "<I 18 lndHtfl,.~h\ ~J '" t<•n'''' C.•l'fl ~· ... "" I It\ Vt•Q't\ ti) ~· t 1ltt• At-• 1111 "" M tunpl"l1' "' 10 ... ..,,_, ~ .. Mlh#AV~ .... h• ~· ff} ,.u,,..,. H1t\t\•11U" ~· •• N••O'"'""' .. &<; I t•\110 LMtt•\ft"f Nf'• York H •1 ()t ,....,_City Ill " 1.0\ ""11"'"" M erywillf> ~· ~· 61 II Moftl••o Pl>tl-ltllM• "' •I Neeell~ P-1• "• 90 o .... ...., l•tlhtMl•Qll ~1 '° P .. oR- N ttno ~. 0 RM Bluff '•t lO\U\ II II \.011 ._..,•Cily ~ .. lf•--Clfy .... _ , ...... to ,. !Mill- W•\ftlnqlllfl ,. ... s...~ s... Fr...,. mo CAl.1""9 .. IA ~1•8-• "' La ~. SIOOlon ,.,..,.,,u'4if .., 10 f f>eom4I 111•1'"' 111 ., ll•• ... Benlow G•l•lln" ~ ...... Ml.wy ............ 'I 1., •. ,., I I I I •~ •• I ' I• t ,,, J ' •t t ,. ,,,,. ....... (1'1,,,. •• .., Fl Cenirn "·--e...-l • ""-"" lonti e .... Monro••• MIWll'l-0'> Ntwpor I lle<tc" NorthtldQtt °"'"''° P•lm ')Ort- tf 1• I 1• t '1 1ftf lf II f ' •t1 ·U' H 1 '"''' fl ' 11,4 tJ'f f 1 'n ,lit ,.,. ' ., • tf"t , •• ,,, ' •• , ,,.. 4Jt ll.tth J Pe-" S<tll ftet .... d llW) S...G•llf"'t r.-Jo~ '9flte An• '-•Crw ~.--.. .. ""'' T.-.v .. •n n '° ,,, ... II)) ,, .,, 116 ~ \' ... w Ill ., •• 'll ~I SI 'i'I •• ~ u •) u ., II) ., )I I\ \' ~ ... \) .,. ,, 0 )) Ill II " " II) II IOJ .. .. \I l\ ., 1()4 )• q1 II II "" 101 •l 101 •) 110 I) 101 ., '°' 6J IOI •• n " ., ., ,, )1 II .. -:l~ flAH AMUllC.AN ,.,..,..ko ...... f)Of1 (, ..... l•l•• Kl ... t'°" MOntqoS.y M•l•C..., MHk OCtly Merlci. -tfffeY Howv 111.,c:~lp,t hlnldecl V•tMtUI "' u fl'<• •) II " ll .... •1 ~· ., • II .. ,. 11 \I .41 ., ll •• n ,, 10 ., .. 'O fl .. " 11.S. s ...... r,, ro1 ri~ *'° tw.11 w.,,. rtoorrfl'fl ""'"'" or hot l'"m•••••fur.,, •••• ltJl ••t ~"' I '"m(~IUtt"\ t.IOft!' tJ1twt\ tAnq~ h tlm u dfi'or,...., ··•t '""" ,, .. MMn~ ft'1nn to 'f/dttQt~,., ... tllyUM'!, (.AIU Coa•f al w .. atlarr t -.u l~y ••lh n111r \Vn-.hu'w *'d fl+Qh t, ll)v<tl"'""'' l •Qtlt '"" •ttlll• wtnd\ re•' n1r"Q \ptoflh ot """'' to I\ Iii Mh Ou' •ft•r noon Yt-.tU • r•tt A.411#•\0f r •n ouW• ••'•" ""1-n ""'"' C-hon....., ~ Nit~·\ 1\1-C.0.•l•l I_. ... .,,..,,• -no 11om 60 lo h!Qh 13 1n1-...... .-.. e .... , llltllnQ • hlqll> «I wllh ..,... ee •l IOINy. Co.\194 -.._,.MU'IJ Wiii IMt •1 s-.. M ... ._Tlde• TMUltSOAY !141ton4 ltlW ~ 18 p "' J t .,..<Olldhl<;lll 110.pm 41 !>un 11-i tt• m ,.,.h• O'lpm 11111-""" ' n • m • "''\ II 01 om !i11rl Rrpert on tfw. Pt*jf'\. ,., \ttWmy Wt'1tth•1 1~., 'urf Avfttl/l/0#' n-i9f'I Ht t•t M•• """'"d fo1~v•••I athlu ,., ... ,of tn-""""' h••Qht '" ,,.,., P~r Htd in 1\411101\ ~( °"'" A \ewttre thundiPt \tMm •Aft n ""' A.. M.e•. ,.., In ttftMt ,.,,., tftd•Y '°' \CWtM>A\IHH /mn" I , •0 trftOr•\-..A •fHt 1 ef\tr•t K•"''" \.Atl11tM6n1r • 1 tt \how•r\ tH thv~''"O*•'' ..,.,,. N••D'Jft Uut'l41,,.on J to ~II••-.! O""f Ml''°"''· I lofllM and \a l\ Ut"90 <..-y I II lht north1t•" 1'1a111• ""d """' 'low•ll AW"•• ,..,Of>l •n '""' ~•• "'ur,,.,.. Mu'"-1n10 "°' ,,.., 11 N~w 1mvm ,...,... •n ,..I O•ffl< llon E11<1t•nd a.,., fi"-•· Dir \l>Owet\ Md ,_,.,,,,m, 411\0 '""'• t 1 'w 1941 e<r .. IM ~.,..,., Pl•ln• wllh SMiie ~ 1 w h•ll .. pertell 111 \Olllh•••fer11 '"-"""""""""'9ft 1 W N-e.-. T--· ,__ Wf'I 01e9DC-y I l W Ill .. I,_ -"'Ht .. rll (~t419 0 111 .... fW ,., ... ., Qr ..... Ill• t!!!IM.,I ..... ....__...... ~!"'"ln_.,•:w-Mld-11, L -I • -·•·*·-- Advertiser Lauds 15 Successful Years of Daily Pilot Service Dear Daily Pilot. A bout 15 years ago, we de· cided to place the majority of our advertising with the Daily Pilot. We simply fe lt this was the mos t efficient way of r e · aching.local customers. We especially are pleased with your coverage of local ne ws and events. I think this is why our c ustomers read the Daily Pilot and. of course. our advertisements. ·--' I also would like to thank .Jim Riley pe rsonally for the professional way he handles our account. We appreciate the many services he and the Daily Pilot provide us. Yours Truly. .Jim Garrett, co-owner 11 . J . Garrett Furniture. Costa Mesa DAILY PILOT , t CALIFORNIA Revenge Not Held lnl)eath LO$ AN(iELES <APl Thto rta11ct>e of 28 yeu old Stevt• C'on1er, hot fatally by ont ol tho s heriff's dt'putle heo ha'1 f'IUntmonf'd to tM aid of an elder ly bt-atlna vlt'l1m. say& sht• tlOf'ln 't WAnl N"Vf'nlf' ··1 havt" no half',·· uld Sand Srhlmmt"I ··t don't want rt• ·, 1•111w 1111111110' m1tkc• mlslllkf'' It f'I JU."it vt•r lrMRll' 1h111 l don I have Slt> «' anymur.-bf'tau'lt' ul that ml'llake " ('ONGER WAS B U Kn;o WNln<'sday following t:'motmnul ~··rv1 c·t•-. 1'l Rrn-e lhll~ Memorrnl Chopl'11n Wh ltt1t·r In his eulogy the Rev. llarry fo'clmly uriwct more than 100 mourners lo "love thy neighbor love one anolht-r even be w1lhng to die for ont· another.·· Conger hud s potted 63-yenr oltl .I at·k Gonor lymg unl'Ons r1ous an Ow rtriveway or th~ motel nt'Xt to the W<>sl Hollywood bungalow 1 ... and• Mt~!'> Sc·hamnwl h:.id ~h a red for a year and a half H f~ HELPED GONOR hack to has mote l room u nd ;,b11 t c• lf•phoned ;rnthorilir•s with a 1h•!>l'r1pllon of a mun he had s~n wa lkani.: aw<iy. Congt•r d1rf'ctcd th" f1r-;t two ilt>p utws who <.1rr1ved lo the su~ JW<'l Hut .Jimcrwz who hall <lrawn his gun after hearin~ a r'•port which staled incor n •c lly t hat the suspect h<td a firearm a rrived with a scrond group anfl s hot the unarmed Conge r in th1· rw t k 11s tw ~·merged s uddenly I n11n a n ;,ikovt' Bird Reveals ·Leaks' Tore .. 4'upreme Court S A;'\; FHANCIS('IJ t A l't C.t11fornia Ct111•f .lu!>lltT H11·,1· J\11 d . d('11y1nl.! m 1M·onciu<'t tn oni· of th1· Suprt·tn{' Court (';J !>t'!> un th-I tn VC!>lil.!~1t1011, lc<,t1f1N1 thl' :-.l;tlc Su1>n·me Court IJ!>t yt·.ir w:1-. ·tom b y :.usp1C1C1n <Jnd .ill f(•('llll.: Sht< -tout th" Comm1ss10n on._ .J11rlll'i;il flertormunc<' Wednes •l.1 y that h:aks of p1:1pt-rs and ot lit·r mformat111n from the high 1·1111rl J!bt so l>~1d 'lute last year th .i t the traditionally ~•·rt·nc· 1•1111rt ht·1·a m<' infl·1·tprf with a ":vl d .. 'arthy-typc mentality .. .. P 1-:orr.1-: Hl-:fil\N to wonder ahoul ..-vcryunc eli.t·," ~he luhl l111• t·nmm1ss1on in t h e un JHt:ct:dC'nlcd 1>ublac probe of n11·dia charf(es the court de 11 l.Jt'rat<'IY delayed the f1hn~ of some sensillvc dec1s1on!'t to pn1 t1•(•t her confirmation vote la~l l'iov. 7. She narrowly won. Al one point, s he s:1id. her low Cll'rk ain·d iJ SUSJJICIOn that another JUSlJce may havr• w1:1nl etl to bold ~P the Fox vs. Lo!'. An~eles "liRhted aos~" opinwn until afler the election. Sh e said all the j us l1cci- agr eed on the pos ting o f a memora ndum to the entire court staff in which the ''breach of eonfadentiallty" was dc nounc<.'CI with thl' .threat that violation could result in disciplinary ac tum aneluding prosecution un~er the state criminal ~latutes. 3Held In Theft Of Checks 'l1«1ss i 11 g 'I '•• n1 a f ftf-S . -.. ..... • .... 1 ... ,.... 1111· t:al<·1·d11 1111 n\\-.. oul Uwu:sanrl~Cof overripe tomatoe~ C:tt • ~· t\ 111~ ( '11 v p;rd< 1n~ houst' Wednesday .a s a result of lht: I ru.i<c·r..., -.ti 1k1· \I though tomatoes are s till being picked. lhc·11• :1n· "'' 1nwk~ to take the m to m arket. Robert \11·) 1·r, c·omp :in y pn·~iuc·nt : !>ays the strike is costing the '.\11·vt·r T o 111;1tu Comp<iny $120.000 a day. King City is <tl11111t Ifill 111d1 ·-. ...,outh of S<.1n Fram·1sco Firm Says DC-I Os To 'Return Soon' LOS ANGEL ES <AP> Mc Donnell Douglas Corp~ J>aid Wednesday it has am.wen•tl all questions raised by federal in· vf'sli~at.ors und exp1•cts it!) UC 10 jets to be allowed back into service soon Hut a fo'Prteral Aviation l\dministration spokesman said the .1 ~e>ni·y is no longer prNlact1ng when at~ anve~lagation will conclude. "All we can do as hopt'." s aid Al<'x G:1rv1s The FA,\ sus1H•nckd the DC 10 O(>f'r<tltn~ tert1f1cate ahout two wet!ks ago pendrng a n anvest1RatJOn <>f a crash of one or the ~11lt<bod1e<l Jt•ts in Ch1l'a~o that tla1mect 273 lt ve!>. B ill .fitpefa Ram Rrpla•·r•1-111 SACHA~ l•:"'ITI I I .I\ p I A nwa!>Urt· t11 flir1•t• thl' N<1l1onal f''Of1t 11.ill L••aguc 1nt11 11r·rm11ltn~ <1n11tht·r team lo m1>ve to l,r,s Angele~ '4 hPn thl' Hum-. 1r1ov1• r.ut has won state As~l'mhl y approval. "This 1s an f'ff11rt to rf"ilore ~nmf' 70(1 JObs when the Rams l1 •a\I' th•· C'11l1 o.;eum " A!> ( J " l' m IJ I y w o m a n T 1• rt·!>;, ,..,TATi' llUJ.!ht•s, a uthor of A H7R7. !>;wt bcfon· the volt' Wl'dne~ --d;Jy M" 1111g h1·~ 11·11r1•M•111s thl• p11rt111n of Los Angeles th:.il inrludf''\ t tit• ( 'olt~1•11111 , \.'\ h1<·h Wiii II<' Wit hOUt a prOfeSSIOnal fOOthall lC3m ;iftf'r tlw l!l'l~ -.t·aMin wht·n the H<irrt!:> rn<1vc lo Anaheim Sta<l1um 1n t >rnngt· C1Junly Breu n ~~'1or• o'ft Pafl Hik.-• SACHAM ENTO I AP l A ~!>emlll y Speaker. Leo McCarthy -.:r ~·s Gov. t•;dmund Hrnwn .Jr hus moved too slowly on stalt· dn plbyce '{lay <ind 1!> vlu yin~ flir "JH/bUdty with 'ttis th cul pro. 110::.al. McCarthy. D ~un Franc1~l·c1. reaffirmed hi!> !-.upport Wt'<inf'-. •l:Jy for an override of Brown·:-. expe1·tcd V4>lO of a s tate employf•c• 11<1v rn1~t· hill. <tnd ~aid lhf' Dcmnc:ratu gov•;rnor waited too Ion~ to inc· rl':.i::.c his orrer ltJ thr· 230.000 :.t<1le workers. Mayor .e.tr.-k11 lo ·"'f.r l.au-11ul1 SAN FHAN<"f~CO I Al11 !-.an Francisco Mayor Diane Ft'tn· stem ;,as hd th1· California ~uprcm1· Court Wednesday to throw out a SS m1 lhon slafl<ll'r !>Ult <1ga1n~t hn schcdulctl lo go to trial Monday She also as ker! that the trial h<· delayf•d. The !>Ull W<J!> r11t •rl f)y Jowph Mu7.ola. he:.id or Plum bers Union l.ucal 38, 1n 1!17fi whl'n Mr!). f''ean~lcan w:.is a S11n franc1!'.c11 !>Upcrvasor. SACRAMENTO (AP I Cov Edmund Brr>wn Jr. said W<:dne!> day h1• w11nt!> tht· L1·~1s lall1r(· to senr1 him a longterm post l'ropos1tion 13 finun<'c bill for locul governments, rather than another one-time l>;11loul. But. the Democr atic i::ovcrnor said, any longter m stale aid bill for C'ities. C'Ounlies und sC'hools s hould contuin some kind or "safely valvl'" for the stale an case a recession cuts deeply into stale revenues. Hrown did not specify what kind of prov1s1on that should be, nor did he put a spc:c1f1c dolla r ltm1t on the bill he would sign. SAN OIF.GO cAP1 l 'wo Camp -Pendleton Mari nes and a Navy h os pltalman are In f«'deral custody in San Diego on c harges of stealing more than Sl38,000 in government payroll checks. Announcing New : T he three were ar· ralgned Tuesday and ore being held In lieu or J25,000 bond each. Officials said more ar· n sts a re expected soon ln the case. A safe containing 457 ,:hecks and 190 blank armed forces klenliflca· t1on cards was taken from the Oceanside marine bue last Thurs- day, aald Larry Hess, •ct1n1 agent in c harge of the San Diego Secret 5-rvlee olflce. PHOTO.GRAY EXTRA ™ lenses Need one pair of glasses to wear all day long? The new tense from Corning is what you're looking for. From a light gray tint to dark gray In less'ttian 60·seconds. Ava ilable in single vision and bifocal form. No matter what your needs in eyewear, price or style, we are here to supply the best for you and your eyes at the right price. THE WHOLE WORKS startin9 di U4.SO. <Frames, lenses, & case>. ..WE WAHT YOU TO LOOK IETTll FOR LESS" ) ~J PTll:AL ~Al:TIJRY"" 250 E. 17• Strwt • Costa Mno • t ..... Sq. 64Z·46l0 • w ... ~ t-5:30 s ... 9.3 --·. ·~-. .,.,..., June •. 1979 DAIL y PJLOT A• Ahorti n Jlattle Looms \ Senate, A88embly Split on $16 Billion Budget 1979 CARS and TRUCKS I ~. ALL MAKES! 833-0555 AsJc For Our LUSE SPECIALIST ot HOWARD Chevrolet ''I .. t I " t 1 'i • • two questions -eutlln1 the toel by S200 mJllion or more, and de- ciding whether to make the bill anothe r one-year bailout or at· tempt to make lhe df1t.ribut.ion formula permanent. Like the budget, lhe bailout measure . by Assembly man L{'roy Greene, D·Carmicbael, w11uld take effect with the new fi!>ca l year beginning Sunday. But chance!l or final action ty then ure close to zero. The possibility or a long delay on the budge t was r aised Wednesday by Assemblywoman Leona E~eland. 0 -Morgan Jilli, who told the conference commit· tee she Wll.l> "walling to give up my August vacation plans" to f1J!ht restrictions on a bortion funding. THE ASSEMBLY budget Ws ycur includes the $25 million proposed by Gov. Edmund II ro wn Jr . for un r estricted <Jltortion funding, but the Senat{' Jtlo~ted lan~uc.ge that limit:-. rundang to cases m which the woman's life is threatened llowcver. Sen. David Roberti, :1 hoa rier ,,f tht• Senate anta - a hort ion fnr1·t•s, s1t 1d m11r<· ltlwntl l:.angua~I! similar lo last vt-ar'o.; Wi.IS a "Startmg point for diacuuion" or the abortion Is· JUe. The Los Angeles Democrat noted that anti-abortion fottejl are 1t.roncer this year ln both houaes and aaid it would be "in- con1ruoua" and "totally unac- ceptable" for the conference committee lo propose less restrictive lan1ua1e this year. The conference cornmittee heard from a p a r ade o f legislators Wednesday, most of them asking for more money for one project or another. Much of the testimony, however, con- cerned abortion money. Asse mblywo m a n Jean Moorhead, R·Sacrament.o, told the all-male committee, ··No man can truly understand the 1 fec>lln"s asi.oclated with pre- gnuncy and abortion." Speui~ of the bailout bill for cities, counliCf> and school dis· t ricts, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. said hf• wants the Legislature to ~l'nd ham a long-term ball rather than another one-time b1t1lout. After meeting with the Senate Oe mocratlc Caucu~. Rrown saif:I he has "h<'i:n supportive of :.i lon~·tcrm meusur" with a safety valve i n the e ve nt of som e economic downturn. SPECTACULAR SUMMER SALE Sale becjins Friday. June 29th G5 a special .... y. to• our cashMnen we would like yo. to SA VE 20°/o & MORE 13" COLC)R on all our regular merchandise• •sorry, doH not apply to special orders Sale encb-Juty 28tt. 01:-c1allsl:. in oo;iutv tor bath & boudoir elizabeth duke, ltd. i• towtll co.at ,.. ... c"t• -•• 17141 540-2577 • 2 5 .. DICICJO"al •Table~I •Ideal For Large look*l•es • I 000/o Solid State RecJ. '629 .. Sale s499oo JA: s29900 1211 11ac• & WWte saaoo • I 000/o Solld State ------__ .__...,,._...,. .. ""'--. --~ ........... ,.~ ..... ~ ------~ .......... ,..~--:---..--------, ...... _-..,c --, ' • L ' • -----••• ---: :_ r ··. • .. . ------. -. . ,,, .... -... ~.r --.. - .... ., -----, . -~ -_._..,._.... .... . . .. -........ . ... .. ... ........ ··~-,,,,..,..., .. -----'~~ ---.. --.... -...:... ... ~ Oran9& Coaf>I Oi.t1ly Pilot Thu•adav June 28 1979 • Barbdra l<re1b1ch /Ed1tori•I P~ Editor Editorial Page ----------------------------------------Agreement Seems Impossible Dream On pupcr, lht> 1Jlan proPos••d by Newport Ht.•1u·h ('II) Counc·1lmun Ray Wilhams soundi. like.· u warmer 111· wu11l1> ull thl' warrioa f acuons m Nt1w(><>rl Bcat·h to put lluw11 their Wl'upons a nd form a united front lo pu:-.h for fu11d111g <'c>unty. l ate and federal of Uw nwcl proJt'<'l 1> 011 which evt•1 on<.• 1s in agre •mN1I tht> bottom hnl' of Wllbami-' propos ul 11. wt· hon· lt1 :ajlrcl' not tu dh••~rc>•"' or tht cstHnttt ·u $40 m1Jho n m •e•clt•d from -.ou1 l'l'' (1Utc;1d•· lht• c·1l ) 1\ llt'Vl'I ..:<Hill{ tn muh·ra .. 111.t• lt't-o l hl•nw lhllt ., twt•n .. ou11dcd lJcl1111·, 1lth11ui.:h t111 .., murkt-CllW of lht• f1r1>I ltrnt'I> ll h l1\ t·n ml' ft 0 111 '>fllllt'Ulll' utht•r than 1•ount•1I 11w111lw1 ' J twkll' llt·atl1t·r i.Hld 1>1111 Mdnna' A~"''' huH· a~1t•t•d 'All h Mr-. lh·ulht·r ;.uul Mt 11111 1' \\ l ' a~rt.'t.' "'1th \.V1ll1um~. nit·'~ N\'wporl lk ud1 I l'')tdt•nh e.·,rn ,hip h1dn•1111j.( ,tmon~ tht·m 'WI\ .... ,, 11o thlliH 1-, ,.:111n g 111 h :11111•·11 to th1· 1·11' 1>1 n·e·t~ l'Xt'l'fll ltll'' Y.111 ht•r1111w rnon· du~~t·cl 'Allh c•ar' l '11turtum1ll'I}, lt1t· 1 <·al"l11111 lo Willl~m~' pl•rn Ii ~ 111.., t·ounl·tl <·ollt·uglJl'' d0t·,n·1 l)(1<ft-Wt'll for tl:, luturt• A.., :-.non 11:-. ht•'<J h rought ll up, Mr' Jl1•uthl·r got 111t o .1 q u..i1 rl'I with Ma or P:iul Hy1·koft i.l llU t'uu11l·tlniu11 l'a ul I ll11n Oll'I lt <'OUfll'll rtlt:flllJcl'\ l':.tll 'I (jlllt ri gh t ing , It d <Jt 'l>ll I M't'ffi hkl'l.v ttwt <Jll .~Ollt' ch•· \\all lw 1n~p1r ·cl to l;1y .i!-.aclt· d11f c n ·nt·t•:o. .uid work fo1 u t'<1m111u11 ..:ood Skate Safety Allcmpting to !">Olvc l'Vt·r y prohlem h y r r c alang nl'w r('Slnct1ve laws h a 1> bcc11 u11 over worked !->YSlc m 1n .;:' :Ncwp<Jrt Hcach . . It ca ppcCJrcl1 lh:JI wa~ going to bt· tht.• n·m1·d ~ e mployed to r<•:,olvc the controvers y over rollc r ~kut111 g on Balboa Is la nd ft"'ortunatclv. !->kale renta l shoµ owners. l.'Ommun1Lv members and ·the police department talked <:oune 1l mt.·11 rnto t rying ~m cxpc·rim enl known a s Operation Safe Sk.111· bcf ore· ;mother ordina n ce goes on lo city books . We agree w ith those involved that any timC' th1· peo p ie concerned c an work lo~cth~r a t so lv ing a pro blem. 1t s hould provide CJ fur more s atisfactory s olution lh<in rt· <:ours c t o yet another city regulation. For now. OpC'ralion Safe Skate is in cffcoc t only 11n Bttlho~ -h;ICind. The initial respons e ind1calt:s Lhal ii ..,, :-.t·rving it:-. puqm~c · through cduration <ind enforc:c rm:11t of t•x1sting law:. to pro m ote safe skating a nd tu ~tt•t•r s katl'r·s <1way from ureas heavily trC:Avc lcd lJy pcdcs lnan:-. Of c·our!'ie . there's s till a lot of summN left. Thl· rl':1I 1 c·ffretivcnC'ss or the pro~ram (•a n 't bc :fudged on 1u~l tht· firs t thrc<:• wt·l'ks that 1t h<Js bt:(;:n in effe<:l. If 11 do(•' 1·on tmut' to he• a s w ·<·ess. Opcr~ition Safe Skate should b1· t.·\ pan<INl from Balhoa lslanrt to include a11the an·:..i-of tlw t •1l y lhetl et tlr;wl ~k Cl l l'ri.. It m <1 kt·'> m•>re st·n~t· llwn 11111 t111 g an11tht·r la w 1111 llw ho11k:-. Tune to DUJnp Recall Organ1zt•r s of :1 rC'c·a ll campa1 ~n etg a1m.t t hn·t· :'-i(·wport·M<.·:-.a sc:hool tru!-.IL·1·i. :-.aul th1i, wc·ek they v.011 t g1vt· up. •Vf'll though they m1:0.M'<I t ht:1r firs t de adline Thal was .111111· ::![). thr ltist <hil t.• to s ubmit ->1g11a1un·-. to t'<ill an l·l1·t·l11>11 that would <:U1 n1·1d t· with thl' ;\;ov1•mlw 1 g1·nt·ral d N ·t1on lloldtng hoth 1•lt·1·t1ons togc·thvr would <:o~I m 1wh l1·si. th:rn ~· s pet:ial e le<.·11011. a:, bac kers of lht· drtvt· h :1v1· pointed out llowt·v<:r . lht• pl'l1tlon <.lrivc t an Jcg ::i lly <·o n I 111ue until (kt. 11. The IC:tw require s 12,000 s ignatun..:!:> and 0 11 ly ;1ho11I 1,000 had been collected this week /\ key point as that in N''vcmber four of lhc seven lruslc·c· sc·atswm -ncl>c ore c vo e rs I >nn: a ma.1ority of the board ha:-. IH·t·n e lcd t·d whetl1<.•I' c·ompos t.·d of <'UtTent members ()r new on t·~ !ht· n ·1·all ag :.iin!:>l Ult: otht:r lhre<i' lru!.th•s i!',.l.X..~l 1y to lw ;J ck:.id 1 !-.~111'. Ht·~1df•nh ol lht• 1'cwp1irt·'.\1<•1>;1 d1 s trlC'I \.lo ill h;1vl· I IH·1r C'l1:1t1tT an No v t.•mhe r l11 s a y what rcprt•!-.c11l;.i l11111 l11t.:\ w;1111 1111 UH· M·hool hoard. /\11y <'Ont·crnc cl tlltzens who ft·c·I :-.lrnng l) about th•· out1·01111· mdudin,:! the rec·;,ill org an11.ers would hl· v.l'll a<J\.1:,c·d to fol'U!'. lhc·1r l'florh 1m :'-:o\l:mher ;.ind 1111t t rv lo s 11h11·1·t llw taxp;1~t·1·., 111 .in t•\pe n:-.1vt· and 1111 llt'l"t'"".11 ' •,1wc·1:tl 1·11·1·111111 • Opinion' t:xpr1;',,:,1;d in th•· "IJ•H,t· dl>Clvc: are lho:.e o l Ille Uoil y f-11101 Othr·r v1(:ws 1!xp11;:.s11d on 1111•, p.ige arc? those o f lhcir author!> .incl art•'>h fll•&dl:r comme nt 1:. 1nv11ed Address The OJ1ly Pilot ~ O Box l!>bO Costa M<:sa. CA 926?b Pho ne (714) 642-43? 1 Boyd/ Rented Wives Hy I.. M. ROVD /\ l'ltcnt asks 1f /\mc.:ric·:rn lnrlian men in any tnhc ever loam·d out their w1vt·s as th1· E!>kimo:-. rcport1·dly on1·1• chd Don't know ahuul loaned 11':-. a 11 h1 s tori l'al f a d lhat Chcrokt•c Indian hravc·:-. ont·c· customarily renlt'd w1 vc::-. ror th<' st•ason l<'or the w mtc.:r . mo:-.tly For the :-.ummer: too. . but at dis counts then Our Love and War man 1s in vcst1gal1n+( rc<.·t•nt rescurch that seems td prove thul only l>•·ur Gloon1y Gu~ It 's l ike R ussia n roulette trying lo make a le ft tum onto Cam pu11 o f( Bristol during rush hour when lwo lane11 of h eavy traffic are screaming off UJe new freeway trying to get il n to the right hand lane11. SCARED STIFF onl' bride. in 19 ~ot·s hornt! tu mother w; the rc:.ult of a ri ght with the groom. (l .. If :di my tu•artl g rowth V11·r1• 1'o nr1111•d l o t1rt t• wh1 :-.k1·r . how lr111 g wo11l1l 11 gl't 111 Zit hrw r:-. ., .. A J-'1fly fret . ;1('<·0rtl1ng lo a r a zorhlalft· makt·r ':-. rt• :-.carr·h. hul th;1t '!> hard 111 hclwve <.I '"When a Cilfll' hull l1 uf Calo and a hon r1i.:ht. l>f1lh us ually d1t· That 's what you :-.;iid. lll)w tlo you knuw''" /\ From the s keletal r•· mains round by tht• :.tu,frnL'> of s u ch malll'fs C~. "What c·olor hu1r 1:-. most res1s l<ml to 1wrox1d1· bleach'!" /\. Natural rt'<l Th at .Japanese wuw rnllctl sake, unlike olht:r winc•s , ~ best when fresh 0111 of tht· fermentation ch am b..r:-. You no douhl know a fc:w Wl)men who rnn 't t ook Not JU11t don't like to But rnn'l. What'R mo8l upt to cousc lhb ha ndicap, I'm told , is their tn· ability to tush~ the diffe rence in s ubtle flavors Only about seven out.of e very 10 women a re saJd lo lnhcril the dom1 nant gene that gives the m a fine HMiUvity to tastes . To. thtl others, most flavor!I just don't reglsttT. N it·holnM Von Holl rnan l , J . Will SALT Meet League Fftte? Tht• u11tll11 pluyvd lht' lilut• l>u1111lw Wult1 . the v1dl.'o d1:-. 11111) t•1I ltos ulynn rubl>er·ncckm1~ Au1>t rlu11 tn11·t~1u1· while• lhc an II " ll II t' I' r N v II I ,. \' cl 0 v c r II •llll l(fllll'\l'I und prognos is or l.etm 111 llrl•1.h1w v 's u rtent:s . Th1•11 111 u tnt••· the SIKnmg wus nvrr. nnrl Mr C'artcr was hom1• 111 r I tJ II I 11 f l "<tll t.{rt•':-. "" , h 11 I 1· 11 I I 111 11111 lat 1:1• fn1 111 111 J ' I h1111 ~h ht• II ... 111 uni<. 111 th1· \\ J -. ll t• I II I i:nn ,. fr .11 I on "' So w.1111 l llf Ill 111111 111.llllhlll~ pl t• '\I'll\ I ' .... J'> ht· lJI th1· I IJ'tru111 11( 1h1• lli1us1· rif Ht•p1 t''>l'llt;Jt1 v1 .. , ah.ti h1· lookt·tl ll k1• :-,(11111•1111t· \\ho ii 11•·1·11 I ;11111111:-. 111111: ag11 11 11,11111• 11111 1111111• 11•:tl11.:il>l1 · 1111 tl1•• llf"I 111 llH' tOllJ.:IH' ,1 f>llf1U la1 ,111g1·1 wh•1:-.t· h<11ll.1th Mt1111 :111rl 1'1111 om 1· lidd h;111d ., lo Hu1h Mailbox V(l ll ce . Pt1rry Como . V i c· Oum one The tmporlan cc he ut . tlll'hed to thu; SALT II speech was apparcnl from the e vidence of hill havln~ read it through in advance, something ht· seld<un docs l\l leust then· were fewer than m1ool rf'llt1phH·NJ f'mphascs . ulthoui::h Uw l'ffort tc1 t•xplain ttw lfungt•rs or our '"nookiar age · .;1·l·med lo:-.1 1m St·nutor S1·1M1J1 .l a<·ki.11n .incl ll1t• 11tl11•r m1·mlM·1 -. 111 holt1 t•<t1 l1t·' wh•1 a~rt·1· with I h ,. It I ti I I II I· II ll lllJ• h 11· ~ IJ1•rn 111·t al lhat tlw tr,..Jty 1:-. up 111•.1.,t•1111•11I of .1 H u~'>Hlll lwar wh11 v.11111111 111• ha ppv w11h;, rt·w tn11ll .11lll ,, h:11111l11I of lwr rt(''> 'I'll•: IU:l\SON 1111 ., tn·aty 1-. in "' rn1wh t1 1111hlr-1:-. lhal lhui.e who ,11t· .11:.11m.1 11 k11r1w why th<•y 11• :1J::11 n,1 11 wlult• lh11'.1· 1N)111 un · l11r 11 d•111 I k1111w why llwy an· 1111 1t '111•· .11111' 111 •• :drt•atl) T V ''.ii 11111 11111•111111.: '"" n 111g with I hl'tll llll l':lllH"I .i tl1'>pl11v' •1f 111111 11• I ..... 11 t ,, ~ ". .., Ii" w 111}1 America's tecmti·ween ie rockets up againi>t the Soviet 's Monst<ir Mothers. Speakinl( in favor •Jf th e treaty arc m e n like St•c rctary of State Cyrus Vante who wear their personalities likt· o ld !(ray twee<I coats with ru~hm ~lc•:ves. T H•: DEHATt: wi ll ~tart 111 1•urncst &.1ftc:r ttw July '1th c:o11 g rc:-.s1onal reces:-. with hearings before the Scnatc Foreign Hcl11 t 1 on s C " mm 1tt1• 1•. w h 11 -. ,. l'h~11rman, lhl' puffy , pn:-.~11; prt·t·1se Frank Churt•h of Idaho. 1:-. :i II pro tn·aly. That m uk«:, him thff~n~nt from llc·nry ';Jl>11t Lodgt• Sr of M<1ssa1"hu:-.ells . wh11 ..t1 u1rt•cl lht• samc t•o mm1tlt•1· rlu r1nR thC' 1!119 l.11<.1gue 11f Nu lions tn·aty right lo which th1· !'-,/\LT de ba te ha:-l>t'en <:om part•<!, partly bt·t·au1>1• W1M>1lruw Wiison. llk1· Jimmy C'artc:r. 111 .,,~led not :i Jhl nor .i t1ltl<· 11f 1111· d111"um.-r1t':-. l;mgu:i i.:c might lw «h11ng1·<1 Voll-11 up or V•1t1· 11 d11w n flod Wilson aeccpted chang~s. l' h a n ~ c s w h i c h t h e o l h e r s1grrnlories would have agreed to, lhe treaty would have been. rulified. But Wilson was irra· t 1o n a ll y unbe nding while C:urtcr's reasons for r eslstjng 1111y l.'t1angc <tre not owing lo a r>• 1dcful s tuhbornness but ht•t·ausf' uny rt•working will un- ~t1t•k thc• '1-.::.il Wll.SON WAS :-.hr1t down liN· a u:-.i• tw lll•gotiated the treaty l•l·r-;on;11ly and alonc. without Ht·publ1can t·on:-.ultalion. and did ... o 111 such 't•c·rct that the term s w1•n •n '1 known until tht' Chicago Tri l1unt• s loh· the text and publ1~ht'd 1t This president has al'lt'<J t>nt1wly d1fft:rent1y. The cloc·umc.•nt is n't a s urprise burst 111g out of the doset 1Ls maJOr 11rovt!-.111ns huvt! hee11 known for months Nor 1:-. there anylhm~ •':O.IH'<'1ully hig l) l>cmoc ratit· uhuul 1t S/\l.T II was begun hy ont· Hcpubht·&.1n µr<'sidcnt. <'<tr r11·d forwarrl hv anot.hcr, and i:-. 1•nclnrS\'fl hy iht· 1ntcrnat1onal l1ankrng a11d .;llwk .111hhing c:ll' llWOI:-. 1n flll''(;()I' If W1b1111 hall tra<I ('arlt•r's l:11·1 and rn1xlt·sl v . I IH· Lc:.igu1• woulll ha ve• hl•t•n ral1f1l'll. hut 1f Cartn had W1l:-.1111 ·, 1·x1·1t ing oraWr}. hr s 1·11111marnl of lhc• rht·tor t•:..J•f 111:-.p1rat111n . h1' :itultt y lo m<.1 k1· 1h1· 'tarrw-.1 11k·:i li:-.m (·1m1·rclt• 111 111 1·n ' 1r11aginat11m~. S/\l.T 11 w<iultl tw trrt'""'1hl1· Unhap11tl) 1111r d•·.ir. \\ n uklt•lf thin nl·ckt·cl r :1t h1·r th:1n n •tl 1tl'1°kN I .Jimmy. l.11·k-. 11111 'tut11 r1· hut llw ap I""" a1w1• of '>latur1· Tll I·: STRt\Tf·;c; V ul th1· 1rrt·•· 1111t ilahl1•' ·"lilt' -.c•n:.il11rs who 11·11 1111" l1 ghl agam:-.t the Lt•aguc v.1·1·1· <·;tll•·d . wa-. lf1·lu v W1b1in 11•tu1:11ct.I ln itn Eun1p1• lo a 11n.1- l.•'<11~1w t•lt •t'LOL:.tlc WJlll"h. l1k tt l11d .i\ ' 1110 Std .'I' t·l1·1·111rat1·. \\ ;..., 111 f;1\•ll of lh1 · g1·n1·ral 1<h·;1 li11 1 111111 1111 tlw part1n 1lars .'l'hc: 11 r•·t•1111nl..t1l1·' lwlif'\ 1·tl th;.11 1( I 111•1 h:itl 11m1· t11 r<'arh lhc• 1·111111· 11 \ 1 l11 ·v t'11 11 ld ch:tngc· puhl11· -,1·111 11111•111 'I h1 · ...:11111· f11r t11da~ :-. 11 1 tT 111wrlahlt"' -.11 th;1t 1f ttw .1d 1111111 ... 11 .1111111 I :tll 01 J.:t•I 1.llrfi• .t11•111 •Jltll'lo.h 1t worr 't gel 1.1l 1ltr":1ll1111 ·" .di Wayne Deserves More Suitable Tribute '1'11 1111· l•;d1t11r /\lth1111 1:h .1111111 W<1yrw m.ttk .i \;i l11 :1hl1· 1·1111tnhut111n t11 th•· A1111·111·.1n 111111v 11• rndu:-.lr) . ....,,. 11·1·1 llw tt·n;1111 111 1~ of f>ran1•1· ('1111111 .v A1r1111rt wa:-. :1 1·11n1pll'lc' Iv 111;1 ppniprn1t1· g<·s t1ir1· In a l11ghly 1·rnotio11al t1m1•, w1Lh rtlmos t 1111 f)llhlw -debate-. - t hi' (lr.1n1•1· ( 't1111ll v B11;ird nr S11pt·n1:-.c1r-. 111:1d1• :i d1·1·1:-.111n lhl'> 1·11u11ly will ha v1· 111 l1 v1• w1lh fo r 111;inv y1·11r., tr1 1·1111H• Ari• w1• 111 r••11am1• p11 lll 11" f;H·llll11•1-1•:11h l1rn t• a flll plll:11· fH'l 'ilHt d 11•, .. S1 1111l a r gt·-.t u n ·:-. w1·11· m:id1· th11t11glr11111 llw 1·1111111 \ :i f11·r llw 1ft-ath 11f .l•1hn K1•11111·d~ In tlw 11·;.r.., th:1I h.t\" followr·rl . n1anv 10111n111n1111· ... h av1• 1·111111· 111 1,.1:1 •·I I tw h.1:-.l 1 n1·~:-. of 1111·11· d1· n -.11111·, .111tl h:1\ 1· r••1 ••1 •.t·d 1111·11 .wt 11111• \Vt ;"k Ill.ti 1111 ' 11•·,1111 1• 111 !hi' 11 1.111 111· <'11 1111 !\ H11.t1 d •if :-,llfll'I \I ,111 , 111 I l'l llll'>llf<•fl•d ;11 111 ;t 111111" '111t;il.lt• I 1 d111l1· Ill ,J11h11 \V,1\ fl•• lw f1111wl '-i l "S/\N I,: <:H/\FF Al.IC'E 11 /\llN K/\ltt-:N Mii.i.EH < 'Hl~TI N A STllEt-:TEH S I 'S/\N STHOM 'lt•u· .,.,,., l ,tJHfl To th1· t-:<111111 So H II W1 b or1 . < Ma11tw x. .J11 n1• l!J1. ·· Ch;1v111i.:1 f'l():-.t•ly 11h:-.1·r v1·rl th1· flora and l&.1un a from the dt·c·k of m y lmat rc .. b l111th q11al1fw<I a111I 1·11111 1wllt•d lo 'lll':tk •Hit on I ht• ph~hl 11f tht• ~oat:-. 1111 S:m ('lt•nw11lt• t...1:11111 Wt•ll, 11 would 1>••t•m 111 mt• lhal ~1wh :1 -.1 all ·m cnl 1:-. a <·onlrarlw t 11111 111 1 .. r111' and rt·pn·:-.cnti:. on Iv a g11t·li·\·1·I a v1·r:-.11m to lht• N fl v y ~. prupo:-.t·d plan for d1•a I in1: w11h 1111· :-.1luttt11>n J-":11r 1·n1111gh , hut tht· s 1t11ali11n with th1· dcf'r whifoh 111hu tut a grou11 11f islunds in San l'ahlo Bay m ight indicatt• that LCI leave the goats of San Clt·mPnll' Is land to their own devices is not tht! w:iy lo go. I am not suggesting that th'• Navy's r l:1n he 1·arr ied out Co11s1dcnng that tit<' Navy us c s Sa n Clcmcnlf' Island for a sht:ll· in1~ runi:w I find it difficult to hclrcv(• thnt they arc truly con· (•c•rned about th<' damage a nock of gouts m1J:?hl ht' doing to the island'~ ecology What I am SU~· gl'slinl-! 1s !hilt decisions con- cernln~ tht• goals' fate should be m :\de by thosf' whose training anCJ rxp.-rl1•nce qualify them . I am als o suJ{~cstinl( that onyonf' who voices a view on lhl' 8 UhJect s hould d o so f rom sonwlhmi:t mort• crl'dihlr than Lhl' rm;., colored pers pecllvt-I.hut l1·1Hf'. 111 111· l•ll l'l'fld•·11·d V. It• II th111J''-.111 \ 11·\\t•d 1111111 Ill" •I Jl1 II\ d1Tk'o 11f"t1lll' t1V.ll l1r1.il I Ill IHll ·,111 1• \\ lt1 1"1i I '. V..111 ,,. .111 :.11111'11 .1 11 q11.t1l t•1l1<11·lo. •11 .• ol1•1·kd1.11r 11.i t111.d1·,1 IP Ill I·: l<'l I I'-. \1\I '" ,4\upporl ('01111~·11 '/ 11 1111• l·:111111r 11 ,., , :11·1· t11d1 ·1·d 111 ·rind .• pol1t 11·ta11 w h11 lr a 11 -.l:ifl-·, lr1 :-. t• •• Ill II .11 ,. II I' I II'" I •• I •·. I II I II h·J!1:-.l.ll l\•• .... 111111 .tf lt•I 1•11•1111111 In .\ 1•\.\ 11111 t 1\1.,, ,. h "'·· .. ,.. lf1f"fllf),lll0 Ill li,1\ lll j' I '"l"ll•rl ,I 1•11111p of 1w•'1il• 111 t•lll I 'ti\ ("11t111 1 ti \d\11 li.1\ • rl11111 111 I I h.d \ 111.q11t 1I \ 111 "-•·\\ f•lll I 11•'.Wh I t"·t!11•11I I 1111 t• Ir> 1·l1 11 .1 1 1111111 d dt•d11 .tl t•!I 111 pl.111111·d f1l l1f'r'·'' 1.1llit•r llr:t11 t111 • •111t111ll1·d r r•mth I 1111• fo 111"1 1 fll'lllll'o t" •1111 l"l1•1·l1•d llllllltll llll'llrfl•I :I ll' 1111\\ ....... lo.111~· '"!'·" 111••l h11d'. '" pl.tlllll fl j' (111 I• "flllll"lhl,. J'lll\\lft 1 r1n lr11ll1111• 11 :tlltt 11 111111111: 111111111111 11• 11·t 11111 .. 1· .-11 S111q11\ •.t;ll f'rl . lh•·\ :11<· .. 111l1·:1u11 1111: t11 p l"l''>t•f"\'1• 1111" IA ;1\ t1( llff' flllW I'll 11•,Vt•d Ii\ a ll 111 ti'. 11 1111 I !''Ill,. 111'1 I ' 1-'0lt Tiii ~ 1·11111 1111 11111·111 111 lh1•11•,11lt•!lgt•d g11;1h lho·v ;1rt· lw 111g 1•11r1:-.I :111ll y 11111 11 lia'.l •·d and h:tr:t:-.-..·d II\ .-.ul'lr -.t•lf 111l•·rt·'1 g11111w· : .... 1111 • 1, \ "'l' ( '0111 11:111' llw ;-.;1•wp11r l Ar 1•;1 Ch:t 11ilwr r1f ( 'oru 1111•r 1·1· and I '\ l'I'\' liu1hlf'I dt•\ .-111111•1 111 I h•• .t 11•a Wht•r 1· .11·1· th•· 1•11 1·1•-. of 11t1• 1"1111•.111111·111, \lohfl \'(llt•tl r111 llll!'> f"OUlll0tl I ll:!Vf' \\I' ht·<·onw ,, :-.ll1·n1 rnaJ0111 v·• "J1111o 1' th•· ttnw t•1 :-.111·;1k up .1111! g1vl· thti. f1n1· 1·11un1·1I thc· -.upport llwv <k w 1 v1· fo1 1-.11 n mi.: out lht· nw ntlalf' wt· g11v1· lht•m al tl11· po ll-. 1 n:u:~ 1.1·:v1 ~:-.11:-- Mllslnlorfftaf Ion To lht• Editor You p11hllstw1l a ll'l ll•r on .I unc• 7' rull of llll:O.lllformal 1011 ahulll tlw Corona clr·I Mar rrs ickntial slan<larrls :-.urvt•y Thi· :111lh11r w1 thhr·ltl h 1:-. 1111m1-. a s th1· II Il l hors (I( fllll SOll p1•n lt•lt('r-. u:-.uall y rl11 On1• :-.1mpl1· phon1· c·all I•; ttw numlrt·r h1>ll'rl on tht· q111·:-.t 11111n:11 r1· 1·r1ul<I h11 v1· <'l eurt·tl up all h1:-. t·onc·ern:o. If ht· had ui.kt·tl. h1 · w1 •IJ Id h u vt• h<'cn told I Tlw hallo!-. lf•l urrwil lry prop rrl v uwrwr:-. will h1· "'(lttrah•cl rrom 11111.,,. 1 t•l11rn1•1I hy re•!! i...lf'rt•d \1111·"· an1I th1• t~o 11• :-ult 1> ~Ill 111· n·port~li i.t·11arntt• ly II Y.111 lit• valuahlt• for all of 11:-. lo >11•1• whal rl1ffrrt•111•t•!'i lht•rt• :111• h1•1 w(•t•11 1111• I w11 .ir1111pl. :! 'Thi· il.1:-.l11•<t hnt• sh11wl1ut Uw 111.1\111111111 hllll •• IHI 1111111 d 11 \ 1 \I'.! llJI' I.IV. d111" 11•l l1•1•I 1111 l/f 11•tl111 l11111 11·•11111 •·d l1\ tl w ••111·11 11.11 t' 1111111111 I lw t.111 h 1• 1· ,., l1,1<·t.. :11; l•·•·t 11 •1111 11 ... 1111111 I'' 11111'1 I ~ l11w 11•11 1111' n1 111111111r111,1 ·111 (1.,•I Ill.ii \l•llf v. r1t1·1 ,,· .. -.11tnt·d ·c I 1111 n11l :11111111 tlr •il 1h1111•, FiTt \ 1·nl\t·t 11··1·111111' ;1., liad a~. th,.\ 1 ;11; 111· I p11wl:11111 ll ' If \ 1111 think wh;d v.t• h:t v•· t' 11.Jol v. :11 1 1ill 1t gl'I :-. -.11111.1.or-.1·' •I Thi• 1 \ pw.tl 1111 w11 Ir :1 :!:1:! "'I"·"'' f<•1•I tlf t.uild.tl1l1• :tri •,1 1.1. ·'' i•t\•'ll ;1' .tll 1·~:t 111pl•'. aho .1 f.1rj'1'I 1111 11( :c 0011 'q11a1 •• f1 •Pl flllf 1111" l'hll•f plll flll .. I' <11 f 111' 1:\ .1111pl1·' -...;.-.. t11 rll11•.lr.iH· th .. 1111 111111.1 ;11111 1 t.1 ,.,. ' 111.dl1·r ,., .1111pl•· .. \\llh .... 1111111· ;111l l11111•1lt \\•'I•' uwlutl•·tl f111 111:11 fl'" I"'" •, t\I '"" h hf tlr1• l;1,t 1\111 l'l.111 111 11 1• ("11n11111·,,1011 111,.t·l rnt•· pl.111 ... h;1\ ,. h1•1•11 ... u1i11iil [•·ti ,,,, 11.\11 '1111\ huild1111" ~1•1f hf'I \\,t' rt al lupp1•d 'lrw w ..... 2:1 f1·1·l l11ph 1111,. v. a' :~1 1 · l1•1•l l111:lr 11111 h 1•1111lrl l•·1::d h h:i vc• h1•••11 2'1 f1·•·l l11 g h Tt11• pr 11 pt 1:-.t•d :-.la11da rtl t'-2!. 11•1•1 < l1•a rly n · ... p1111.,1hk :irl'l1111 ·1·1, <111 ll(lf f1·1·l lh1:-.1:-. .1h,11r d 1\l.l.A!\< IH:l-:1\ .~ka I•• .-..,1u1 lfJH T o I hc• t-:t11t111 /\ prohlt·m that 1•x 1:-.t1> now a111I ·•ll lll':rr .. lo lw on tlw 1111·r1•:tst• a :-. 1lw ... umnwr month:-. t•om1· al11r11: 1 ... rollc·r.;kal 1n g Th•· 1n1·x 1wnt•n1"t·cl -.k;11t'r h;t:-. lw1·11r1w a 111.1J11r :-.aff:ty ha1.a1 d 111 N1•w(lort lll'a<'h I tt11nk th" 11rohl1·m rw ecb 1mmecl1at1• att1•nt11111 111 1· ns u rr t h1· l'OJllY nwnt . -.ar1 •l \ a nti wt•lfan• of n ·:-.11l1•nt:-. 11 1111 v" tlor' I\ l'O~'ilBLt: ..,olut1on 11111:111 lw 111 lrn·11~l' skalt'r.; in ti: .... il'alh 1 hc• ... amt• wa y wt• l11·t•11:-.t• aut11moh1ll' clnvc•rs In r1ri lt•r ''' oht a1n a hn•nst'. on•· mu:-.t pa:-.:-. 1·1·r1 a1n 11-sts of ,.;kill :.t•t up h th<· 1·1t y Whrn th•· lll'r:-.on pa:-..;e:-.. tht·y Wiii fl'('l'IVt' a llnnst'. pt·rhap:-. :tlonJt with u <l•'"ll!ll:tlt'll I-s hirt s a y ing ··1 p.t!'>!'>t'd 1 · · or somelhm~ to thot dfrr t Th<'Sl' I shirts ('011111 ht• worn whc1wvcr skating , so that polln·mcn could imme<liatl'IY c·1lt' unliccnsccl s katers If a pNsnn has a shirt. hut b :-.kuting dang t•rous I y . t hl' poll \·emt•n r ould h:tv~ lhe Power lo ('1tt• lht.• ... kuh·r Hs they. would u hu·yC'lc or <'Hr for tht• skutcr too 1~ :i mov 1ng vt-hick In the event that J 11crson d1w' not pass the test. for a minimum kl' he could take u cour~c or ft•rt•d by ltw ('1ly on rollcn1kat in~ If fundinR would hl' u pruh "'m. rwrhafl!<> th1• rour scs coul~ "Oc oHernd hv :-ouch 1:tn orj.lamz._ 11••11 .1 Thi· fl.d lJ11J ,k,il t• 1"0111 p.1111 Th" 1·1111r...,· 11ff•·nnJ.! 1·1111ld .d'.11 It,. :111 :11l vantag1· 111 pr11111111t111: llwrr 1111:-.1111·:-.-. 'I Ii •· '1111111 " p a -.11m1· rd roll••r..,k:tl iog 1·1111111 1·ri·at1· m<iny ha1arrl.., rn th!' futurl" l'crsonal I~· I f1·l·I 11 s WJJLll1wb1k aruLL would hat1 · lo .,..,. 1t <·l1minat .. 1l \.Vhalt •v1•r tlw -.olulllm. I frt·I ti 'hnultl hc• .11·l1 •cl u11011 now to •·11 .. 111 1· .1 hap11 v ·r1111l :-.<.1fe s um 1111·r 111r 1'Vl'r\11n1• M /\It Y fiR/\IJY lppall .. d "I 11 I h1· l·:lf11 11r I v. :i :1pp:ill1 ·1t. h\ lhc· frnnl fl•ll't' -.11111 .11111 l't• lun· in your .I 111w .'I• '''Ill' "'hwh n •v1·uff'll "llfwl \""I T homa-. II dt·y 1>ulJlll' I\ 1•1.11,101: 1·11t1 \•1c·1t-<1 c·rook1•d p11l11111:111 l(.dplt l>wrlrH·h Thi:-. t"l'r I ;1 1111\ I :11'>1''> ljlll':-0111111!'> i.th<lllt -...11 111·11 "'" II dl'1 ·:-. ur11l1·r:-.t&.1nlf 111.e 111 tlw 1111:-.I that th1• voter., l'l:tt '•' rn ttw p1·•11>lt· ttwy c•lt•t l to o l f11•1• Tlw Jllr\' fou11rl I hat R&.1lph I )11•drid1 k1111w111 gly v1ol<1led that 111,..1. anti tw :-.houltl t•t•rtainly h .1 "1· h1•1•n a I low1•tl Io resign without <·omm1·111 hy his peer:-.. to rel1n• 11110 llH• ignominy hrnught ahoul hy his :wlions, ff S 11p1•rv1s11r H1lt.•y W(;lnlt'll to wis h :\1 r llll'rlrwh wt'll that t•ould und ,ho11lrl ha vt• ht'f•n <lont.• 111 flrl V:tlc• 'l'llt\NK (iOOON•:ss lht• TIN- ~ 'l 'I' onhnam·1· 1s now m dft'ct 1111 < )ra11J.!1• ( ·ount y supervisor:-.. wh wh \\ 111 hopt•fully mak1· the: ...,111:1111111 wh11·h l1•rl lo Mr 1>11•tlr wh ' t·1111 1d111n It·:-.~ IJkl'I) I l1111o 1·11·1 ... 1111·1· Supt·r v1s11r Hilt•) 11pp11.;l'd Tl N<'ll I'. rr(us inJ{ 111 :ll"k 1111wkdJ.!1• 1 lw p roblem ev ,.11v1rn1· 1·l:-.1· t•ould <;t't' 111 tht.• areu of p11lltwal 1·11ntnhul 111ns and subse qu1•nt 1·11111111'1 of 1ntc·resl, wt• .ii-::1111 "'''' a 1>t11m·t• on his purl th:11 ,111111111 ht· 1111at'l'C1ll able to !Ill' v111t•rs of Orangt• County. S11p..rv1sM Hiley seem~ to ~ ckn11111stralm~ morf' :rnd more.• that his st and11nb for 1·onducl or 1>11hl11· 11fficittlN <trf> inap- propr1ah· On lhal. hus1s it would Ill' approprrntc• for the voters of Or·anJ.:(' County lo make this 1 .. r 111 in offil't' t11:-. lust. ('lflJCK STF.GMF.IR C ·ommon C11u11c Co·coordinator ototh Conj.!rcss 1onul Dist. • /.l'llf r., 1rom n.•oiumr are t.IH!lcome th" rl!/hl tn c:olMkrue lellera to /II ~pon• 11r l'hm1naltt hbt'I ta rettrved. /.i•llf r.11 n/ :wWJ ~rci• or leas weU ~ <Jlt'•.lh pt'f'/f'rnire All lerter~ mMaf rnr llulf-dfl"Ofurf' and mothftfl ad- drr1111 hul nome.11 1nay ~ wtthht-ld Oft rt'Ql'f'.d 1/ 1111ftelf!1ll reolOft la ap. port"nt Pcwtru unll not bf' publu~ j ----------------------= ---------.. .-~!?.~ .. ,. __ ...,....,.__..,.._.., ...... .......,.~-----.---..,,_....._..-~.,._ ..,..._-.,, ..--.-r ~·~.;...-• .--::---,--·i ·· .-~~ -...,..,.......,._.,....,.._.._......_...!. L ' --_ -• • • -" -• • ----::. r . -. . . . I • • •I ..... . . . . 1 " MORE OPINION ~y. Jun41 28. 1919 DAILY PILOT .41 Rowland Evana/Robert Novak ,, - Settlements Unsettle U.S.-Israel Relations -- WAS H IN.GTON Wh f'n hrael 'a Prime M 1nlbtl'r M t nacbem Be11n I H bt•d uut a1aln1t national secur ity ud v'aer Zblcniew 8nt'11n11k1 . h" wu DOt only reachlna a new low in I 1eru11r1taon of U ~ l sn ... 11 relations but w.a i1howlnl( why lhe State Oepar1menl ' hop•· h•r • touell Una toward 1 .. 1 iwl 111a.., ~ doomtd. Tht prtmt• man1:-.1<·r ' 14rllth waA lnn .1r rt"'tl by Br11•i ln:-.k1 , ~t tt t t>rnc-nt ovt•r C llS 's ' ' fo' ll r c: I h t• Na t i o n ' a d U, t'llrlll'I JI r ll 1 ~ 1 n i: I s r a l' I 1 u r t l\1:.l:, ll\lllh t o r 1• ' 1· r .... 1 • Ht• t:: I r.L OL1k1 t'stabh:-.h111.i .1 n e w 11 1' 1 t I l· mt'nt on th1• \\l -.t II .11th 1111 prlme ·nunistl'r rl''Jlor1<11·1l "'1tl1 .1 handwritlt•n :o.lult·mi·nt, 111 hulh He brew and Engh:,h , d111111but1·ct to the prl'S:. Wtthnut riu1111111• lirzezan:\kr . he acru" d ('""'' Sydney Harri8 ctent \nrltr'11 rlJ:hl h1rn~for<·l.:n r10llCy m un of IUlll lh'UIO "llWlh' m ent" und d t·1·11t•1l 'th1· 1·vll 1m th 11( lht• t'rll'nlll"I of our J>t'O ,,,.. . . T HAT t:NK Ma:u tht• St ith' I It· I> u' I 1111•" t 111 w ii II h In lo! ton lfrl(lll Ill 'tt\1111-( th11I IAll)t}O(Jy who 11'1 ai;:111ru1t M1tth•mt•nt!. 111 un II ~1·111 1 tll'," 11111' h t);lt 11H11·1ul ,._.1d \ • t llt'l(lfl' 11u11 k t1 ·~.it·r 1111 11 w10,1k1·rwd C 0ft1 kr 111·urb h1 :-. rt· ,. h·1·t 1111t -,howdown 111 uy doom '-. I' \ I l'l ol I \ 0 r St J t t' ( ')• r \I'> \ '"'' ,. , l'lr11rh. 111 ,u .. 1· th1:-. 11:. t 11111 's /\r.1h ull1 u111···' throu~h u t11u~h1·1 l11w with hr 1wl lmlct'd, \ 11111··· 'il'l'nl' t·C'llp:-.t•tl by tht.' \'!l"lh 11111n · pollt1t·ullv ;i tturwcJ \1 1tl 1·u.,t tr uuhl1·sh11<1l1·1 H11h1·rl ~l r ,11..,, \ t11wr prdrr«< lJ J!l'l tough l ' ~ 1111111' I Ii-. <11 .:111111·111 Ii) :-.uym1: l111lt1111~· 1111' l ~ ..... r."t lu:-.tn g 1 111111 ul O\l'I h i ,Jt'll pol1lll'UI ul' lt 1111 ., 111 th1• M11h:.i .... 1 111l1•r ('am1> 11,t \ Id ') o•I, t11 UcJVhlll'I' till• 111•.11·1· pt •H't''" lwvond the • p..i1 .ti.-Ei•yµ11 .•11 I .1.1l'11 ln·a t\ t°Jll•'I t11u :-.I l'llllVlll('C Amcrlcu'11 Arah rriends Saudi i\rahlu,.,J or<lun und Kuwait lhut the US., not Israel, ai. in c·ontrol or cvt·nts Va nct• has conMdcrcd scver&I wuyl' to p«•rsu:.idc Regan lhitt the lJ S will not lt'l lsntcl dlclitLc r 1d H;ulously narrow limits o n 1•rom11>1•d uutonomy for 1.3 million West Bank and Guza Arubs One would be to reduce Ii.rad'!> ann1111I u1d fro m the US Co r t' a c h n t· w :. c L l I c m c n t. /\notht•r c :.i lh for a Carter :>11cerh describing w hy pressun· <111 lsrut>I i1' <•si.cntial to keep the lJ S fr om los ing the 01 1 b<i llgamt- POUTl('AI. AIDES 1n th1• Whi te HouH• h<1ve othe r in· tl·11· .... t-. Ju .... 1 h o me from the . \'1enna sumin11. they confront a 11 thoM· c.Jang1•rou:-.ly low Cur ter 11urn tx .. rc, 111 llll' l!llSCJ prl':-.11l1•ntial ·pnlls To tak1• on IHacl publicly \H111ld furth<.•r aherw lc the chrlly Jl'I.\ 11'h \Oll' So, lhl' Whitt' tluul>e men argue that the newly 1nstulh .. '(J ·\ m bas:-.udor Strau!><; !>houl<J he J.!LVCJJ i.omc time . The la~t thing Whe11 'Loyalty' Corrupts I.II\ :111 \ 1-. a :-.trtllt ~I' :11111 :-.llpp1·r) \.\W d Whal you an· lo~al to d1·1w111t .... 011 1Ahal \1111 identify with, and lhi:o. 11' wht·ro · the wh.1111• par:1 dox cnmcs tn Me n who an· n ·cru1ted to he loyal to· ~1n 1<lea h1·c-om l'. instf•;ul, more loval to 1·:wh olhl'r. oft1·n at the e~1wnsl' of I hi' ION t We St'l' thi:-. parndox ~•l 1t :-. <:lc arl'st and most dangcrou:-. in military and p ar a m 1 I. 1 t .a r } group:-. !-.ueh a 1' a p ul11·1· f II t I' l' So Id r 1· r :-. su i l orl> and marint•!> an· --r~c r u1-te 14 ~11 be loyal !Ji the n ;i t io n . hut after u time th1·y IJ£•g11t 111 pl a1•1· their own lirant h of :-.lrv11 1• above this ~cnl'nl' loyulty All tht' w ay ur th<' lir11· to th1· comman11tn g 11H11·1·r.... 1•:ll'lr nf t hf'1'e hr;u1ch1·-. 11f ""'' '11 •· •,111• poses 1t1wlf lo IJ1· th•· 11111.,t 1111 porta nt t·lem t•nl in thr n atmn ..., dcfc~nsl'. <Jntl th11:-. 1t r:rl 11>1t:rlt11·..., . -·- . . . "~-.... .... ........ ..... II!-. f1l'rn · !'0111pl'tll1111t "'1th lhl' 11tlwr llranl'hl'" T llfo:R E IS NO thought 11f dt!-> loya lty to tht· t o u ntry us a whole·. hut tllC' pr<1<·tic·<JI rf':-.ulb ur s uch 1nCti.:htmg urc• too often a wcak<'n 1ng of our 1nlt'grntNl (·:1pah1ltty and a squandering of m1·n. m•IOC) and materiel to tnn!->olulatl' e;ll'h t•mprn'. IL ts t·wn mum dramat1c-111ly 1'1dc·nt ;Onl)ng lht• lan.:c· urhan po l11·l· f11 ri·1·"· /\ pol11·e rn tin 1 PJlrt'"''lll:-. tht• 1·1v1I :irm nf lhr 1111111n11n1t\ h1· 1:-. hrn·d t11 give 1111' t 11111·1{..., !ht· ht•:-.t . farn·:-.1 :111d 100:-.t honl':-.l IHw 1·11 f11rn·mt·nt thar he <'<In Bu t. tn l'llY i1ft1·r 1·1ty, lht• police 1nvarialJly dt:mon~tr•rtc th<·ir loyalty to c·ach ot her and tr> the "organ ization" over thc>1 r ll•gal commitmt·nt to the l'Um- m unity When they do not ac-· t1vel y con s p i re t o hide the t ransgrcssions of their fellow oC- f t<·c·r s, they connive in mass d e· • 1·pl11m looking thl' othl.'r way ,, tw11 lhl'tr rnate:-. urc on the t .tk•· J•;i1I 11( th1· prohlem IS the l.1• t that .ill 111 u:-. have grown-t.11' taught that 1t 1:-. :-.Heaky b1Hl clt:SJJll'ahlc 1<1 tattlc-lalc on "iOmc one 1•ls1· Tht· kuls in cla:-.s wh" run:-. to the leacht·r to point out who threw tht• e rnser 1s con- de m ncd a nd s h u nnl'd hy his C'lasl>mates. and should be. But we t·arry ovN this proper ;1ttitU111· into improper areas of bt•h uv1or. /\ policeman 'Who :-.te als. or a:-.saults s usppc·ts. or I t1k-cs brihc•s, h as forfeite<l the loyally of h is l'Ollt·ai.:w·:. and ha:-. rl'ally h<'lraytd tht· reaM>n the "nrganrz:llinn" "'a:-formed in I ht· f 1 rsl pl <H'l' Tll E l ~FOR)I ER 1:-. <l•·...,p1st'd 1·' 1·n l.\hCrt'. and lwraust· 11f th1:-. u n I\ 1• r 1' :ti d 1" a ppr Cl b <J t 1 on. gn·<·cl ;ind d1s hont·z..t und hrula l mrn t :ikc· acl v::i ntagc of \h<:1r positrons. knowing thul the ethos of the group 'Wiii protect them fro m d1sclo:-.urc unct d1bm1~sul Only when we unrlNstaml the Cull dimensions of "loyalty" cun We Sl'parutc the Sli,::ma Of tale 111';1 ring from the c·s<;e·ntwl task of rOol rng Ollt {'Orrupt ron In group>. that s uhn·rt th•· \Cf) prmrrples for which lhl'y wcrl' form(·<l ------- l-''dCPenney " f ,. ... .. .... >~Presents / ... ; ·-:. Artist ' M-. G1lp111 will tw 1n our store Frr . Sri t & Sun June 29. 30. July 1 Fri. & Sat. Hours I I am to 3 pm Sunday 12 to 4 pm, to personally ~1qn for you full color & charcoill ri~product1ons o f l11s most recent works You will enioy his trur. lo lilt~ rend1 t1ons of wild Ille (kitte ns t oo. boat & wharf) scenAs A very personal grft for any oc· casron . The o ri g ina l pa1nt1n g o f th ese reproductions are also available. -. .... '"""' ••. 11•1111 1·., • Prl1trf" T.~VCPenney ~FASHION ISl.AND ~ NEWPORT CENTER wan t~ by Struuss. a cureful mt>diator. 1:-. !>udden U S. pres· 1mre on lic~in and his hurd-llnc colleague. agric ulture maruster Ariel Sharon The coun:-.el for d elay seems likely to win the d eb&t e Uut de · lay 1s bc.>1ng Ubed hy lsral'I to !->lr<'nglhcn 1t1' politic al musch· in the US at Jimmy C.:artcr ·:-. l'XPl'llM' Month1> ag11, when Carter uc ce ptcd th1· long h (·ld U S legal l'dict th<1t ./C'w1:-.h s1·ttl,·mentll Wl'rl' "1 lll'ga I" and I in the prcsr dent 's word!->) "an obstacle to pl·<J Cl'.·· 11·a d crs a n t h e /\m C'rtran .h•w1s h community 11,::rced with him T op U.S. of fic1uls dealing \\1th the M1dca!-.t bl'llcve fl(•g111 , ... 1'Ubtly changrni:: that opuwin ..... w1n).!1ng 1nflu1·n li<tl .Jlow1 s h Jo·:1d1•r:-. ht·rt· ;1ro1111d to lht· ;1nt1 t'artt•r 1111....itt<Jtl I\ (..',\St: Ill p11111J 1 .... thf· h1gtih r ,. gar <.I l' cl . ' ,. r .> m 11d1: r al 1· Thl'od<ir<' H :\1an11. tha1rman of the· Conft.renc·t' of Pn·1'1dcnts of M <tJllf .frw1 .... h Organ1zal111n-. M ann last week emerged from two long <:t11 .... 1·d door s1·:-.:-.1ons with Begin in J erusale m andkal· mg a ch<1ngc of heart. Carwr, he said. would sooner or later shirt his position about the .. illegali- ty " or se ttlements an d embrace lh('m Munn wao., joined by another J ewish ll·udl·r w ith 1mpecc1&ble <' r (' d c n 1 r <1 f 1' JI o w a rd M S qu a dron . !'reside nt or the American J <.·wish Congress. lie blamed the C:irtcr adminislrn· t 1 o o I or · · c rt• u t 1 n J.! a n u n · n1·1·t· .... sary c:au se of frictio n bet wcrn t he lJ S. (Ind Israel" by 1ns 1st1nl( t.h<.tl , unde r antc rna- t1 onal law, settlem e nts are ii· legal This .... uio .t t•s ts th e longe r Carter and Vance postpone a g1•t tough policy w1tt\ l!-.rael. lh.e harclrr rt will ht· to l'ilrry thul polH'Y wit h tlw /\mcru·an J 1,wi<;h t·ommu111l \ and tt:. fnt·nd:-. und .tll w :-. 111 ( '11ngn ·:-.:-. That h1•lp:-. 1·xpl;1 1n tlw Vant•t· lu it· that ;i sw11t·h 111 t :... 11<111<-y ...., nt:cdcd Jll)\,\o M U<'h OIJJl•c·11v1• 1·v11fr1H't• 1:, Ill' 1ng u~t·tl h} th1• hard l1n1• .id 'or a lt·:-.. 1n1·l uc1rn~ h1·1iihtene <l l s r.11·!1 a1·11r1n:-. rn no rthf·rn • Lebanon. Secret d iplomatic re· ports now claim that Israel bu taken e ffective control of parts of southern Lebanon by shrewd use of Its Lebanese-C hristian clients. •'ROM BEGJN•s governm ent comes the m ost c o m pelling evidence or a ll. In the face of confide nt Egy ptian statements that I srael i n deed can be hrou~h t aro un d to true autonomy for the Palestinians. Sha ron on June IS declared. "We c a n not u n d er a n y ci r c ums tances reach Un · d e r s tanding w i t h t h e /\mt•ricuns" on the West Bank. T o turn /\merican s entiment ag a ins t Carter 1tnd toward B'·gin. Sharon is Huying that ('arkr rt·ully wants a Palestin· 1an 'llalt• on lhl' West Bank . lhat 1s palpahly untrue·. If th1• µn·s1dPnt deluys a hard· lint· polt1·y now. as !>to:t:m s proba· till'. ht• 1s 1Juy1n..: l'S<'alating de· m ;,i nds 1n th1· Culurc. P r ime M 1 n1 ~kr lfr~1n , a man who knows exuctly whe re he s tan d:-., m:1kPs t~al <·h•11r • We'we aot bar9ains TOU'd newer expect to find in a Hardware Store: 'I I \ Ill I l.ATf:X fl .AT WMl fJNISll OUR BEST I,/ 11\\ il('f: I /1( I. t 11 \ 1m1:w: & 'rlf W {'()/.OH' Gloss -latex House & Trim f •f, •t • '' I' lutf 'II 1,, I #o ,. •' ,, t t ·'', r' • 1 u r. '*''' , •. ~ • • hJ1 .1I I 1 f''''" ,,,.,, ,., ' •·•"·~ •• t, ;/J ''"'·• ,, ,, .... r~1 /-799 . / J GAL. ;:__ ~V'lr- SAT·N·ttU E FLAT LATEX ' I , I I ~ t I ' I ', ff I I ! '''".,, 1' [)Pf>p c r,lf)r I ,I 11 1 "' ti I r OUR VERY FINE ST ~--=--f'C ~ ~'"I ,,- ~:tlST -" ~ .\<'nl11 ~tlf·~ I louse.· 1':11~ ~I '-~--=--,...., • • {.ooo ~ .. ~'"'''Wf ., .. RE SISTS WEATHER SMOG1 llLISTERING an~A INS . ' !weber. T 111 11111 .t r;o n111" • 11ln rnvPrc-11 r '")}o:r·r .,, J\n11·'1' it 1.11vl's you y• ,, H m· '"' v w • .r lh h• •r,1u'o• · • II " 1J11111 I 11•1t• ,, • II lll'lfc; lon,,1•r •II C:t1•1~" m r1 rr• • Ir l':OC>k'l l>f'ollr>r • II r ''"I"' '"'""" l\nrj 11 'oiJVI•<, \f(JIJ tll• no '{ 111 Jiit~ lonq run 11 I /; t I II '//.'I . 111 f. \ .\/: l// /,'J.it'' MARVELUSTRE SEMI-GLOSS )~999 ~y I , t I f O• , I 111 • Pfl'lt fJh>'·'• I r >11 II r r !_l_.LJ_~u-IJ,C.l- 1'1 1 ti 1r-t11 1 f '•. , r• r)1 r f qr• .,,·11" , , , ; f)"''t• , 'Ir or · lo(Jhlly I I ?f 9 I YARD WORK MADE EASIER WEED EATER ~., CLIPPIE U inch cur • You v1· o,c•·n 11 on TV you II tnv1• 1t • Cuts with ll<;h1ng hne no bladtis satf'' • Cuts around lrN·'. ;_1lonq "•dCwRtk .... c>vc rywh{'r<• S"'oby JM ............. 24.88 II" llack ............... 49. 98 II" Color .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . 56. 98 22111" llock .............. 59. 98 221/:t" Color .............. 68. 98 WE CARRY FULL LINE OF WEIER .ACCESSORIES OPEN SUNDAYS CORONA OU. MAH, :1107 t : ('OAST lllGtn\'AV / IKll.OMt:Tt:R SOUTll ot• MaC'ARTlll'R !ahoutfihl~ki.1 673_2IOO C1•own TrueYalue More than you expect in a • Hardware Store ... ---------------l -.. . ·------.. ----:-..z-r · ... --.·--·-I -.. .-_ .. ., '• _.., -""..,_ ~~""' • ~ ----~ .... ..,..,.......r-w=-r~ ..,.....,,...,___......._.., ___.. -:---~----------,,.......----------•1"9""----1--.•·:... . _________ -_-----= I l ' ' t 1 ,, l ' • lhu~. Jun• 21. 1t1v NATION The Count Play,. Framed by iJ glowing trumpet of ;m un 1dl·ntif1cd mu s 1t 1an , County Ba .;1l' 1u ·rtorm..., ~•t ltll' p1:.ino at New York'!> ( 'arneg it· Jl;tll .1:-. 1nirt of the Newport J aZl Fl·-;t1 val 1111:, wt·ck Odd-Even Plan Spread • By The t\1>MK"ia~ P rt>!>!> lleic 1:.. a ll:,l o f when · odrt-cven f:a:.ollnc: ra tion rni:; ·~ 111 t'fft·1·t or pl:rnnc:d and tht· rli1lwy towa rd out-Of·btatc vehicle!>. I ftclatc.'Cl -.tory , I' ag e J\21 I ('t\l.Jt•oRN IA In c:frt·C'l IO l\ljjlllCda. Contr;, World Not Beady Yet? Woman UJ8es Out in BUI, for 'Kong' Rgle Nr;W YOf K r APl An· tolnette h• ri 111 ic lhou1ht the world Wa.\ rt1t.dy for a h1m1Ale Kin• Kon" wh"o ahe donntld an •pe coetume w apply for M s um. mer 1ot> that callt--.1 for "extrit· &entle m_,n" table W •land "HUffi· rt'l4'r he"Mt tn ikhy. h 1ury MMrb " M anur.••0'1•11t w Jnt e d t wo p~nonis to pla)' Kon1i1 1tt the c1uart4'r·m.lle·hi,;ch t;mparti Stat .. t\"1ltllnic . wht•rc the tdant u1w ft>ll to 111 .. dt•11th in lhe 193.'J ftlm l'lai;im·. "Klnl: Kon.: " TIU. SlJMM t;K KONGS will v.nrk on i.lkrnutc wet>kday'> twt wt-en 10 u m anti 4 fl m und .-11r•1 $50 u tluy for distributtn~ !Ju lloom; <1nrl .. not ~clling t~ty .. /\bout 150 p1·ri.on!> rilled out u11J.1hl•.it101U>, hut only ~ !>howed up 11111> Wc\•k \• ocmonstrat.c th•11 · aJ.lt' hkt•" dwrJ1'lt-n :.lH'!> r.h llt·rnnl(. i;s .i•<J:. th•-only \\Ort ,1n r.t., fll'rnng .J M mhall<tn ( 1 111 m1.n11, C 'nll1·~l' '>l u llcnt ..i11cl dur.t·1,. JllnllJl'd , g rounc<f i.nct JH111111kit hPr t'he!>l scv«rul l1mt • tu '>UfVl\1· lo l11•1·11rn1· on" 111 11 t 11\r<•t• f111uli!-.l'> !Wl~EK1' TINKt:R ' , .. l•rt' •,11l1·nt a111: ,.:i.·n t•ral rrun.J •'l'I ul ttw b111lrl111g <.1nd 11nP ,,f tlw twu 1udgt!:., a~kt·d M.. llc rnnJ;! what she lhou&ht of Km& Kooe being a woman. "ll 'a l i m e lor il," s h e r l!i(>OUded. Outside, an full gorilla cos· tume, s~ talked with severa l rhildren and gave oul ba lloons. Shi: appearec! very ne rvous. "You we re ver y good," Tinker $13.9 Billion Bil/A Cleared WASll JNGTON IAP) l.l'gislataon allocating Sl.5 ballJon ''' keep U.S. promises to lsr11cl and E~ypt durlliJ{ Mideast pt:an• negotia tions h11s cleared bolt: huuse:; of Congn .-ss. Uul the money for the two <'Ountrw~ I!> containt-d in su1> plcmt·ntal ap11ropn a t1ons t>1lls pass•·<! by the Senate un1l lll1u!'.f' 1n t11ffrrmir total amounb. The two <'all'h a ll bilb. pniv11I 1ni: morwy for new pro1e1·ts ;as w1•ll as for fe<ll-r al a g<.n1:1c:.. run 111ng short o( c·11 ~h. must tx• r1·r orH'ilt'fl 1nlo ,, '>rngh· '>111·nd1n1: rr 1•a-.11r1· told Ma. Herrin& an sayina she waa eliminated. I b h ··vov SHOULD KEEP in iewe s y iosep touc h beca use I'm s ure we'll be SoulhCo.et Plaz.•. 3333 Brlatol, eo. ........ ...._. able to u!Je you befor e the ~of ~~~~~!!~~=~===~!!!!!!!!!!~ th-~t summer,·' he told her . The two "apes" hired were Ron Soffer , 28, 1tn out-of-work com ic, a nd Richard Albers, 25, of New York. In sem1rinal competition. the eandidatcs a uditioned wearing o nly the ape h ead . The ir techniques varied -DON JAY Ofo' Ma nhattan tried Jumping a.round a nd sing. mg ''I Love New York " to '!el the JOb. Jim Collin<-. <i SJ a te n Island h1 l!I H IJOOI student, wore a New York Ranger~ h'J<'kcy s h trt to s tand out. Richard Merton, a s tudent a t th" Univ.-rs 1ly of l"lorid:.i . !>aid h1· "was d gt·nllc l"tng K1mg" in hopes Of 1:.tnlflflJ( tht• JOb. Gle nn Graver, l!l, a s tudent ;1l N<·w York Un1vt•rs1ty, thought weunng th(• head und r unnmg 111t11 lh1• laf111·-. rtHJll\ IO :l\l~iJrf' th1• 111·1 1111ant:-. would d1, th1· t rwk It d1d11 I .. - 11111 •. •• ··www==- KILL NAILS ... Warm weather .. wiU bring ttndilb and slugs to your gdrden . "'Tha t's It" is t hv safest snail bait we r ecomm end for use dround c h ildre n d nd p(!l!>t. fl, "I' I .,,,,,,• • 1~111 ',)I/Al '-,,u, .l•11H1111n ,., ~1.11 1\rtJ 111 • .,,.,,, •1, tt•'"' :1 • •1 ttrn·fl prn Cos t:r, T..os J\ngclt·1>. M.irrn. Monlt·rt';. Oran~t·. H1vt•rMdt', San Ht•rna rd11l11, San l>u·go, San Fran t:l!:lt·11, San M::.~1 . -.."i-a11t11 (;Iara, Santa-(;Ymi:. Sonoma anrt V<'nturiJ 1·11unt11·-. Out of :.lat1· vl'1111'11·:, l'Xl'IOJ>l 'l ·--. ('ONNt:<'TIC 'l.T :-,tut1·w11lt· r<Jt111n1n14 o ut of .... ult· vc::hrclc:, IOU!:ll t:OITIJJIY Ot:l.J\WJ\R E Slal1·w1<lc: r<il1onrng lwgrn!:I Fnclay. oul·Of·:,latc vch1C'le:. mu:,l rom 11ly t 'l.OKllM M <,!_n1lal'l[y odcl c:vcn rnl1onin~ in Jlri1war<l IJ;11h-. l11•1 nund11 , ll1tbhor<iugh. 1•1111·11:.:, .11111 Sa r :1-.11l<1 "1t1ml1<·'> voluntary prri 1•r;1111 ... 111 M.1rl111 l'.!1 111 lll·;wh. l'olk <i 111l Churli1ll(• c·vu11t1c:, 1J11t eil ... 1:1t 1:_vd11l'h·1> l!t'rll'ndly 1·xt·mpt MAR Vl.i\!'il> ~talt·w111t· r<ill<lllrnl.{ 11ul-ol :.lat1· H·lt11 l4·:, 1•x1·111 11t cx1·1·pt thos1· from V1rgrn111 <ind thl' 1>1 st n4•t 11f t'olurnl11a __ Nt-;W J .t;Jlfil::l:'. .51.a1c.wJd4:-l'~lu~in~, oltt·uf-1---- .,t<Jll' vchidi:i-. rnu:,I t omply NEW VOKK In dfcl'l 111 N1·w Yflrk C ity , Wc:i-tchc.~lc:r. H1wklanrl, S uffolk and Na1>1>au roun t1c1>, out of ~late v1·hidc:, mu!>l com11l y f>t :NNSVL VJ\NIJ\ Slatew11l1· rntroning w;i.., lo lwg1n lod<ty. out 111 :-.Lall' veh wlc:-. mu!>l c·ornp ly KHOO•: ISl.J\N U In 1·ffcl'l in four towns that hordl'r Connel'f 1<·ut Wl·:-.tcrl v, Charlc:.town. ft1t·hmo11d, llopkinton out of 1>h1tt· veh1t'lc!-. mu!>I 1•on1 ply Tt~XJ\S In <'fft·1·t 1n Dalla:,, T;.rrunt and ll arri5 c·11111llH·i .. wa -. to h cg1n toduy 111 M o ntgom cry. t 'urt ISl:r11l . llnuori;., t:th:., ;.nd Colhn count1 t·i.. out of·i>L<.tl•· v1·hwlc:. cxc:mpt VIRG INIA In dfcl'I in Fu1rfax, Arlington. Loudoun cind Pnnt·t· William t·ounlle:-.; the l'it1e5 of Alexundria, Falls Churrh, t 'ii1rlax, Mana!>!>a:. <.tnd Metni:Js:-.a :. l!.;Jrk Out o f st;et1· v1·h1!'1c!-. l'Xt·tn11t ·~x 1:c1>t tho~c from nt•1ghhoring :.lalt'!> VISTRl{'T O f" ('O L UMJUJ\ fo:nt1 rc du.trwt . uut-of-sta tc vch1l'lc:> cxt:111pt, t·x1·1·11t tt111s1: frnm Virg infa anrt M<irylun1I Henley Guilty Of SeX Slayings COHPUS Cll HISTI, T1·xu:-. (/\l'l Elmer W dy ne I knlcy ha~ hcen conv11·t1•d (11r a -.cr1md time of 1>1x munlns 1·urr11'll out a:. 1rnrt "'a ehill 111~ st•ru:s of 2fi homos<·xual tort1ws and slayinJ(!> 10 llousllln in the curly 19711s T he 1>ume J ury thut returned the Ku1 lty ve rdicts Wednc!>day then recommended thut MI MLIY lle nlcy, 23. se r ve six concur · rent Ille terms in pr ison. St.ale District Judge Noah Ke nnedy will r eview the case be for e formally senlenclng He nley. No date for sentencing has bl.-en RCl. Henley was convicted of the ~amc crimes al a 1974 tr ial an Sun Antonio, but that vcrdirt was overturned on uppeal .I uror!'> deliber ated two hours und 20 minutes before retu rning the second conv1c · lion . ~ As the verd ict w as r ead, Henley gazed al the jurors and aho~ no e motion. Judges generally accept the sentence r ecom · mendation of Texas Juries. The penally for first· -.,ee murder can ranae from flv• to • years or If• iD priloa. HeDleJ canaot be ....._ced to death ._ ... &be ataW lutd no valid caplt.al punl•hment law Ji tbe Um•"8 w as cbaraed. , FREC •.• fascinat ing pho to collection of Jupiter /\n ext r <'\Ordinary color porttolio o f \/oy,1gcr I photog~<lphy i!> your .tb!>olutcly free. Stop by <lny o ffk of u • S<1vingc; ttnd ,,..,I< fo r your frcl' lur>it.<>r portfo lio ... t:ight '>tunning color phow~·.1.i·rhc.. <.·.1ch full y c·xpl,111wcl .1n" foldt ·1dt·">t1tb111~~ 1l1t· 111c 1<'d1blt· m1-...,1011 o f Vuy.i,\~1·1 I I k ·rt · ,.., lllct'>'>IV<.: jup1ll'I. tll1· ~1t•o11 -I{ ·cl '>PO I. iT1c rlly">l l'I iOuo;, m OOl I':> I ht: bt ''>I o f ovt·r I 9.000 p ho togr,1ph-. tr.111.,mi tted by the N/\SA !>p.lcecr(1ft from 400 million mile!> ,,w,1y. These p ortfo lios ,ire offered on " first come. first served basis while the su11ply 1.1sts. Ont to,, r,,mily. !')lease. no m.,il o rders C\Ccept ~c1. Compare. Mutual offer s " difference: FREE AT : EARN HIGH INTEREST 4 Ye.u-rlus Account ($100 m 1n1mum ) LHn'> int<.·rc'>r compounded dc1il}l 6 Month M o ney Mctrket Account (">I 0 .000 m in11rn1111 ) l11t<.·1 e~t '"'no t compounded on thi-, .t((Ou11t AVOID TH£ SUBSTANTIAL WITHDRAWAL PENALTY 111 l.t'>t nl 1·1111 ·1.11,1 ·11 y 11• • 1>111 ">.iv111g'> Lo.in,. You c...111l~o11 ow11p l<> 1JO' ., ol your .,,,win~~'> certifi - c.it<.: b.ll,rncc .i11cl 1>.1y only 1 ·:o mor · intere!>t th<ln the .iccount prt'')(.'11tly e.1rns. r"y interest only on the .1mount borrowc.:d -no penalties. Ac.counts insur ed by,, sovernmcnt agency. • MUTUAL SAVINGS • f I .t llN I OUAL llOIJSINv ll NOi n llN l f.IUAl Ol'POHl UNll YI MPLOYLH Downtown Sant• AN: 631 North M,J1nt 54l'l7111 Fountain V1tlloy• l fl){)() M,1qnohil St 19f>:l H'l!)h Corona dol M1Jr 2667 East Coast Highway/67!:>·5010 Capistrano· San Ctemonto•: !:>/O Camrnn d11 l~JriillJ/493·!:>6t> t '< 11~·11 '..i111111.1y~ 9AM·1 PM -----. , . \ . •• . , ORANGE COUNTY I POLITCS ~CI Hosts GOP Parley ". Student Meeting Bill Pmsed by Assembly 810. C. HtJ8TING8 .Tiiie ............... UlDoU Coaare.sman John An deree ud San Die10 Mayor Pete Wiison wlll l ead thf} Calfornla Republican Lt-•gue's Ltacoln Conferen cu th 1A •Mllend at UC Irvine. Tae confer ence getll und.-.r way Friday •v"'lnic and run1' Uuoqh ftOUtl Sunday Ou ot the acheiduled po.kt·~ 11 tl.S. Sen John Chafee 11( R bote laland Tte I~ <'onf"rc.-nC'C part11 1 r.an• will be Ullkln& about how, n1. urban and t>conomi<' d•• vtlO?ment, cducaUon, Mnd the ••P•n•lon of the Rt>publlr 11n Parb· T•e Callfornlli Republar :rn Le1t1ue as a non 11roht <:01 1 --¥01~..-.Tmll) • • • IESPITE Tl .. : ohJ1•1•t1on., 11 Newport Betu•h Ht•p11hl1 1·111 Marian Bcr~t'Mm. tht· 1b~Mfil •tr has approvt...! a 11111 thul w1111lt pennll student nwrr1l>1·r' of c·u111 m w11ty C'Olll'~(' b.>Jt 11., to ollt 1111 DAVE CORDOVA WITH SEN. S. I. HAYAKAWA Coeat Youth Spending Summer In WHhlngton c IOHed m<>t:•lmg& Thl' ball. AH 1!>5 1 hy ,\, sen: blyman John V11sconee1J11.,, D·S&n Jose, gene rally would u11 g r ade the s t a tus of s tudt·11t m enbers. but s till wouldn't g1 vl' then a vote. II went lo the .,tale &>n,111· Motday & a 42·33 volt·. A1st=mblywoman Hcrg1·Mm, ·• forn er teacher an<I school hoar cl m enber. pr otested that thf' 11111 woud let students uttcncJ "dr~ 1 "''1<111' uf 1·11nf1dt·nt111 I person· •••I m u llt•r' u ud t•ollcC't1ve 11.ir)' U llllrlg hlf ,Jg('I y SCS!>IOrt.S." ' • • • UAVJ•: CORDOVA of Newport f\l',H'h •~ working this summer 111 till· Wa!>hlnt:ton I> C office of 11 S ~11 S I Hayukuwa as a IPJ.:lhluttve 1nll'rn C'11nlov~J. wno this foll will be ,1 H'lllllf!-ill USC.:. lb ~I JOUrnalJSm 111aJor The 1976 Coron a dcl Mar ll1g h School gradu11 t<• 1s the son of Fred and Hl•tty Cordova. /_ -------- , j • • • U.S. SEN. ALAN Crans ton says he supports the strate~1c arm s limita t ion agreement (SA l.T II) with the Soviet Un ion. The California Democrat adds that. as majority whip in lhe ~nute. he will work as hard &!> he possibly can to <1ssur e rat1f1cat1on uf the trcat.v signed by Prcs1d1·nt Carter earlier lh1s month in Vienna. • • • ''THE OPF.RATION or an AS· !Wm blyworn:rn 's O ffi ce" will be J uhc Froeber~·s topic Thursday ""hl•n !>h{' addr<'sses the C05ta M1•0h ::t R f·ruh l ican Women, F1·tlt·rat1•cl Thl' 1.11dc· lo ""''·mhlvw1>m un Maria11 lkrgt·,;";\>. It N 1·wp1>rt lk:u·h. will s 111':1k d11r1ng a 7 :iO 11 m · mc·el m i.: at th1· hom1• of T t• rt·sa H ~w1t1 . 270!> Card 11\41.J l>n \'('. Cm.tu M L•Sa A II 1ntl·rc~t •·cl fkpubhl':Jll \\-OrlWn an· 1n \ 1tcd. CPR Program Brings "Dead' Back to Life Your <:ar batll'ry is dead. With a j u mper cable and a borrowed ('a r . your car ('an rf'l'ci vc lh1· hoo~l tl nPc-d~ to g1·t .,ta rted anci e na ble it to run 011 1t:. (Jwn pow<'r. This as an nnaloi::y 11( how a pcr:-on who 1~ 'C'lin1rally cl<'<id ' t·:rn haw• hi ~ h<'ar t ;incl ,..,r sup· ply '>U"ta1ned and lw brought h a <' k l o I 1 f 1· w i t h ntrd1npulmo11ary ri·'>u.,l'1tat1on, t•xpl<11ns Huss 1.og:dho, :1 com· muntl'al10ns 1:ni.:rn1•1·r a l Pac 1f1 c l\hJtu<tl Jnsuranf'l' C:om p;rny tn Nt•wport Hc•ach Logalbo 1s ont· of n11w voJJ!n__ ~~~::;_;~'-----'----'--------7", t>t• r (' f' R inst ru<'t (H'c,. who ha~ It /ti u.~ t Be Lr,1,~ Holh Timmy, 2, ~nd Lo11t', 5, find tht· new Or<t nge Coun Iv fo'<Jir t•hu·kt.•11 very h.a ggablc. The bo\.'>, ~Oil'> of Mr .rnd ~rs. L<:\.\l lS M<:Farhnd. ol W«'>lmin!>tcr , agn•e th<il t he· chit ken nc·cds a na~. J\nyor11· whu IHJS a srigg('Slion l11r 1 he nmc is invilcd ti Sl'nrl 1l 'Hl a pu!>t c;ml to thl' <1rn ngc Count y Fair, fu1Jli c1t \. Ot•pt.. 88 F:m Urive , < 'o!'it a M c!>a, 9Gfi2G. The Cll<'kcn t'• off ering a $100 reward fur the mo:-.t appropriate1amc 1au~hl o ve r 5,llOO p!'opl•· \Pl< through a program offr.rrcl :1l l'.1 t·1f11• Mutu ... 1 It takes six to 1•1ghl hour~ to 1•n m ple te of c 1111 r~1· C'I a"" . ., u rt• offerc·d Ill I wu Pvcn1ng 'l''>'>lons, Mnndav' and Wed· 111·~dtty<.,. ;rncl Tu•·'>dit)S a nd Thursdays An a ll tl:r v ~•''>'Ion is 11ffft·rt1I on Saturday a11d Sun cl:r ·' For mr1r•· 1nfcirm:rl1t1n 1 all fi'10 3232. ck. SUPERMARKO OF HOllY GOODS PLASTIC MODEL GIANT SELECTION ENTIRE STOCK FAMOUS BRANDS •AIRPLANES AMT, ENTREX, •MILITARY MONOGRAM, • SHIPS •· CARS REVELL, MINICRAR & TRUCKS • SPACE & TESTORS OUR. REGULAR DISCOUNT PRICE I lgbbvShack CMHGl n Ster• H11n: _.,. • .... ,~ ....... 10 -9 -... , ..... S.•w-. ......... 10 -6 VllAM ()~ $~ ... /() -$ &UlllOIMCI (Aft\ FOUNTAIN VALlEY 18410 IANDllll'J c1•cu, JOUNTAIN VAlllY, CA 9'701 (114) 963·9111 -lA HABRA 1401 SOU TH llfACH I LVD , lA HAIRA. CA 90631 1714) 994.512112131941-2S74 Also stores in -- llVaSmE" EICllO Thur9dly, June 28, 1\j79 DAIL V PtLOT ..... starts Friday at9:30 a.m. many limited quantities ... not all sizes may be avaitabte in each group1ng ... colors and sfYles limrted to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! these items availabre in our . . ' Huntington Beach StOre women's sportswear NOW ot1 -SSY VESTS . . . . . . 98c .t2 JUNIOR TEE SHfRTS. . . .. . . . . 1.98 51 ltlSSY TANK TOPS . . . . . .. 1.98 eo•SSYTEEStMTS .. . 1.98 •JUNK>APANTTOPS . . 2.98 4eJUNtOATAMCTOPS 1.98 52 LONG SLEEVE TEE SHIRTS . 2.98 102 PULL ON POL VESTER PANTS . 2.98 90 MISSY BLOUSES .. 3.98 142JUNIOASHORTS . 3.98 153JUNIORnESHtRTS 3.98 43MISSYYESTS . . . 3.98 124MISSYTEESHtATS . . . . .. 3.98 144JUNIOR PAHTTOPS . . . . . 4.98 42 JUNIOR PANTS . . . . . . . .. • • ... 4.98 32FUUAGUAETEESHIATS .... .... . . 1.98 SIFUUFIOURETOPS .. . . . 2.98 21fUU..RGUREPANT 2.98 4211SSESPANTTOPS 6.98 59COORDINATES . 3.98 135JUNIORPANTTOPS 6.98 lingerie, loungewear NOW·· 120HALFSUPS . . . 2.98 59 FULL SUPS . 3.98 89 BIKIMS AND BRtEFS . . . 88c 11 llOOYSUfTS .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. Z9a- 54 CONmOL PANTY . . .. . • ........ 1.98 22 GIRDLES . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.98 21 DUSTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 3.98 32SHORTCOTTOHTERRYLOUNOERS .... 4.98 25LONGCOT/POLYTEAAYLOUNGERS . 6.98 101LONGHOSTESSGC>YtNS .. . . . 6.98 74LONGNIGHTGOWNS... . . . .. 4.98 women's accessories NOW 162~ECESCOSTUMEJEW£LAY 17HANDBAGS 72HANOBAGS 93 DISCO BAGS 47WALLETS 85BELTS . nSCARYES 24LEOTAROS 28 PAIR VINYL SHOES 31 PAIR BEACH SANDALS .. SIPAJRCANYASSHOES .. 51 DECORATEDtWACOMBS . 23 HANOBAGS . .. .. .. . . .. 18c .. 98c .. 3.98 . 1.'8 .. 98c . 48c 1.'8 . 3.98 1.98 3.98 6.98 ..28c 6.98 infants and toddlers NOW 39 DIAPER SETS ANO JUMPSUITS 6 NURSERY I.AMPS . . . . . . . . . . 62TOOOlER GIRl8 PANTS ........ . .•... 2.98 .. 9.98 . 2.98 savings for girls NOW 118LITTLEGIALSPANTS...... . 1.'8 59 LITTLE GIRLS SKJATS ... ~ . • . . . .... 2.98 24 LITTLE GIRLS KNIT PANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.98 62 LITTLE GIRLS TOPS .. .. . .. .. . ...... 1 •• 21 llO OIRLI DRESSES . . . . . . . . .. . . ....... 5.98 22llOOIRUPANTSETS ................. 6.98 21 llOOIRUJUWSUrTS .................. 3.• 17 llO OIRUIKllTI . . . . ................. 3 •• 111 llOGIRUPANTS ...................... 3.• 23 llOOIRU IHOATS ..................... 1 •• 2S llO OltUTOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ · ... 4lc 238llOGIALI TOPS .. .. .. .. .. . . .......... 1 .. 301 TEESHIRTS . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . 1 •• savings for boys NOW 21 LITTLE IOYSJEANS .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. 2.91 48 LITTLE IOYllW!ATIHIATS . .. . . .. . ... 1.• UBOYIOMll PANTS . . .. . .. . . ......... 1 •• 117IOYIJUHI .......................... 2.• IOIOYKNfTWfl ........................ lie 18IOYl....,...MU8 ................. 1.M 221 IOYI IOCK8 ........................... 4lc 111IOYIJIWILRY ........................ 2lc savings for men NOW 128 8. SLV. KNIT SHIRTS. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 2.98 42 SLEEP SHIRTS . . . . . . • .. . .. •.... 2.91. 17 S. SLY. DRESS SHIRTS .. . . . ........... 1.91 44S.SLV.QUIANASHIRTS ..............•.• 5.91 91 LSLV. DRESS SHIRTS .....•.... • ........ 4 •• 55 S. SLY. LEISURE SHIRTS. . . . . . . .. 2.91 54 S, SLY. GAUZE SHIRTS 4.91 32 S. SLY. INTERLOCK SHIRTS . . .. ' . . . • 4.98 37 S. SLY. SPORTSHIRTS . . . . . ........ 6.98 32 L SLY. ACETAJE SHIRTS .~ ..• _ •......... 2.91 90 L SLY. LEISURE SHIRTS ............. 7.98 38 L. SLY. SPORTSHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.91 34 FAMOUS MAKER VESTS .. . . . ........ 48c 70FAMOUSMAKERBUSHPANTS .•....•... 10.91 1SFAMOUSMAKERSLACKS .............. 5.91 180 DRESS SLACKS . . . . . . _ ......... 9.98 25 KNIT SHIRTS . . . . . • • . • . . ... , .... 5.98 53PLEATE&slACKS 8.98 J2 CASUAL VESTS . 9.91 savings on shoes NOW 300 WOMENS SANDALS 5.97 1SOWOMENSFLATSANDALS . 2.97 120 MENS AND BOYS SPORT SHOES . . . 2.00 yardage, notions NOW 281 VOS PLACEMAT QUILT BIAS .............. 3c 61 VOS BROADCLOTH • .. . . .• . . .. ........ lie 86 YOS BEDFORD CORD . . . • .. . . . . . .. .. lie 108 VOS PASTEL QIANA . .. . . . • . • • .. •. 98c 103 VOS DISCO SA TIN .. . . . • .. . • lie 266 VOS HOPSACK PRINTS/SOLID ..• _. . . . . 1.'8 78 VELOUR ANIMAL CUT ·OUTS . . . . . . . . . . 1.48 5t VDS1>01TE . . .. .. .. . . . ...... ~--.. ---+-- 76 VOS DUSTY GINGHAMS ................. 1.48 102 VOS BROADCLOTH JAGUARDS . . . . , 1.• 174 YDSIHOtANGAUZE . 1.48 31 YDSSfLKYSATINS . . 2.48 89 VOS FANCY POLY KNITS 2.'8 32YDSCHEHILLE... . . . . . .. . . • • . 2.48 140SKEJNSCARONOMBREVARN ... • .. 98c 179 PKGS PAE-CUT RUG VARN . . . 2lc 49L.ATCHHOOKRUGCAHVAS . .. 3.'8 45LATCHHOOKRUGCANVAS 1.48 68LATCHHOOKRUGKITS 3.'8 savings for the homtr · . NOW 79 NOVEL TY COFFEE MUGS . . .. • .......... 1.48 16TWINELECTAICBLANKETS .......... 15.• 89 JUVENILE PAINT SHEETS. . . . . . .....•• 3.91 261JUVENtt.EPRINTCASES . . ......... 1 .. 14WOYEHSPAEAOS .. . . ............. 12.11 166SHEERPANELS .............. 1 •• 11 BATHROOM TANK SETS . . . . . . . 2.91 117 ASSORTED PERCALE SHEETS . • . . . . 1.91 140ESfGNER~LLOWSHAMS • . . ..... 2.48 19 READY ·MADE DRAPES .. . .. .. .... 2.• 11 SNUG SACKS ........... ~ .. . . .... S.• 7 TWIN EYELET LOOK COMFORTERS ...... 22.11 242 KITCHEN CURTAINS .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . • 1.21 savings on fine jewelry NOW llDENT.BRACELETS . . . .................. I.II 12 WOMENS ALITA WATCHES . . .. .. . . ... 11.• 11 WOMEHICARAVEUE WATCHES . . . . . 11.• savings on toys NOW S3 TENTE BUILDING SETS . . ..•. 1.91-7.M 11 CtWIPIONCVCLES.. . . .. . . ............ I.II 7 PLAV'N MAKE KITCHEHS .•.............•• l.M 17ALVINARDVMKTOYI .................. 1.M 3311!TALMAN ..........................• 21o 120 SLmE WITH WORMS .... , .............. .2lc 9811 ADAMS AVENUE, HUNTINGTON BEACH -963-9731 ' -. ____ ...,._ ""'-.,,. _,., .......... ~w. ---------------.-----~--.:~--------------------------------------,_ ---'~ -. --.__ f .. • l .. ·-..... -I . ----. -.. ------- E ~ i I j -• T .. --·---,.,,. ----.. ---.... --·-----. . Ward & Harrington Stores are nOV\ Builders' basics Plywoe~ '' .1 hii<,•r 1nnr• 1 ":ii r1I mf)•,: 1'111111•'1'1 <.1nd du ti <'•ll'"' Ir•• I' c.l!.. U·" lh1:.. ~.1n'dr:d :..hop plywr1qf'l tr,r r .1t11nr·1• .a IJld /hf)U',1; I table 1r1r1 t11m<lrr·rJ·, "' 1t11nrr •1' 1 K'1 3/, SANDED SHOP PLYWOOD, Reg 21 9<J Give patio furniture a facelift Oon·11011ho nvumnq dampnoss and summer sun domoqo your pu110 turn11uro. Booullly and prolecl II with th•:.. ~.tain. Effoct1vr on dock::., too. LU.$Y 10 apply and ctoon up. Gallon. 42!J!l-Uno LATE.X REDWOOD STAIN, Reg. 5.99 4.88 COSTA MESA 1275 Bristol, 556-1500 Open Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 9. Sat. 8 to 6. Sun. 9 to 6. ,, } Trim, edge or mow Thi'. ::.1nr1to to11I onr·~ Jll lnruo. "''" · b<JJutitul ru:.ull:. 11 ~ do:.1qn<:cJ lor c.i'.iy. onr· h.,ncJr;cJ ll!.r; w.1'101.;t ''" 1,x1<Jn:.10n Gord Hun•, up I > M) minute:. tncludO?; b:ittory r.h;irgP1. oxlr;i cords. Mridet :re g:io:>-1 CORDLESS ORASSWHIP, .....-----.., 1~,-~'', Don't simmer this summer O<i comlortoblo with a 20" 2-spood w1ndow or floor tun paworOd by o Quiel woothor- proloclod motor. It givoa concontra10<1 air llow. So wtio caros how hot tho woalhOf oolr.? Modol a2on . BOX FAN, non. 24.99 GARDEN GROIE ' j 'i I no1 Garden Grove Blvd:: ~7-9571 or 893-6523 .,.. Open Mon. thrl.f Fri. 9 to 9. Sat. 8 to 6. Sun. 9 to 6. I did it myself! Home for wayward tools This <;turdy box will koep them 1n one placo So you II find exactly what you want, when you want it. Includes 2 cantilever trays wtth 15 compartments. Ught and easy to cdrry. Made in U.S A. Model ::20560 TROPHY PLASTIC TOOL BOX. Hcg. 9 99 4.98 FULLERTON 301 So. State College, 870-0050 Open Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 to 9. Sat. 8 to 6. Sun. 9 to 6. --------· --- ,. ~ \ \ ' .. 1 .. A five year bright idea I hCS(' bulbs last !) years under f'lormal usage anrJ 1hoy come in 25. 40, 60, 75 or 100 wall SILOS. wi th an 1ns1de frost to give a soft ' nn-glarn light !.i YEAR LIGHT BULBS, ~~og 29c ' Put plenty of sparkle in your summer Cool, delicious soft drinks are just the ticket. FIS far as summer refreshments are concerned so pick up your favorite from these top '1~~~~~~~bJ brands, all economically priced. Choose I from Diet or Regular Pepsi. Pepsi Light , Mountain Dew. Hires Root Beer or Aspen. All in convenient 6 packs. '/OUR CHOICE SOFT DRINKS, 1.29 sa'vor the flavor 1 .~ wh•,I•· meal-. with ;i d,.l,c1011c, ou• Joor 11•.1• A I 'll>tl n•·"d is a rnr.<1 <1r•'I anrt u Wcti1:r':.. k• !ti•• w.1n ~'2\'.· · d1amul• r qr.II 1u:..1 nrool .Jh•n 1•11pn ;1•,h c,;1tchcr. 1mrv·ln1n flrn!.h , ?'J h•fJh In blll<..k 11nly HCi1dv ''· ,,. ·.1•mt>h Modol ftQK710 WEBER CHARCOAi KETTL[ A<·'l 7~ 11 • 48.88 Very worthwhile wood WJnt value and QUilllty tn th<J lumber you buy? You'll lino plon11 ol •i'>es for those voluc-oacked Hemlock I ir? x 4 's Whethf'I ti's a work&hop oro)oct or home rvmodchn9. 001 'cm ririht now. 2..c4x8', HEMLOCK FIR 2 x 4's, Rog. 1.39 88c , )NIE CENTERS 189-,.,..,... June 21.ttwu Jutv 10 -()pen July ~th. 9 to 6 ' .. ~ Piii! DOUILU na lllDIBM to help make America grow . The great clutter cutter Sho•I,. "l l ,, 1 1•' •.r1o1•.' t,1 .au'l .. t;1k11-:; ldwr rnow• ,., <tr1111 ,,, , "'" '" tnt.: ..,ay? Put lhom on 1 woJlhMrir•r I •1Jlvo1n1!r·'1 ·.1et.:l '.:l11•rJ G11t;l1· roo' Cotun1al I .I ,.. '·'·' .•,1r. Y1ll1fe mold1nr1 •in fr.re '>I,.,,.., '' J•Jtw. /·1 ,,,.,, .m.i1•· 1•tl•.r11 r tj1nlt!rl~ .• A. t1't' /,/11rr D17•'h I' t!c;de:I =Cl< ,,.. I 10' x 9' GREENORIAR S TORAGE SltED Rt."J. t4J JJ 93.88--_ _, __ <.~ m=-.t'""" ~-;:d~:;:==D=rmT~"" 1 rr D 10 Double vision Co1er one wall of a small room w11h mirror 1110~ and seo now 11 sooms to double 1n size. Or uso thorn to design a un•Que. l)ltllmrng visual accent l 2" x 12· t1lo'.> l.1odel ::102 CLEAR MIRROR TILE, Reg. 89c 48c ASI( FOR OEL!Vf.~Y INFOIWA T ION • 1 . • .. ( l ) ... -·:·y ..;1....,,,,,.,.,...........------· .... __ ... _,..,.;.., •. ,..,_ ... -~ -~-.... --. -----, -.. ~ -------,,,, .; .., ... --, ---......... ., --........ '"• ' .... ·--~ ....... " ..... ·-... .,: ·-• -.. -• --.... .. II> #-• :.. ... --.. • --l . -: ---;: ~ --·-------. -- -"':'.::. F::.:_ --.. -. . -I -. . . . ·: . ----, ~--_ -_ ~ ----~ . ~ ' --------·------------·-----_,.------------. . ~·. . . . . . . . . .r ·--·-.. -... .. . . .. 2 OM.YPILOT lh11rld4ty, JuM 28. t979 WORLD/NATION Summit Security Suffocating, _,,, __ ........,,,___-+.'!!!""' Japanese Fear ol Terrorist Incidents StiOe Delegation Learning to lt'aii c; rownup:-. ;ire not the onJy ones affected by the long lines c_·autied by thtl gas shortage. Rebecca Mann. 5, and lu·r C'lassmates with "even" gas pla tes on their 1 n ryC'lcs, hud to line up for some make-believe gasoline · IJdor<'' they could pedal a round the Children 's <:n·~nhnuM' 1n · Jlouston. Carefully avoiding R ebecca'!\ •·xa:-.perutcd look is harried "attendant" Matthew Zaal. !1 Children 'Pawns' In Nicaragua War SO ~ERSET , N . .J . (/\l'J -Th1·1r p1cturt·l> are t :iped to t ht· 11•fn!if'rJ1lor door. /\ room ll'I waitinl! for them. filled with toys and dt1tl1l':. Hut S1·011 m11I t\ril'llV t.o~•·v ;1ri· trupp1·1l 1nw<1r-tnm N1r arnr.un, un .ihlt· 111 l1·m1· 1h1 •1r 11:111 \·1· l:1n<I lfl rn1·1·l their <tdoplJ\'C p;,ircnb whci .rt •· 1r v111 g l1;111t1c·allv ll1 frt·•· 1twm Hill :11111 l';rl l.<il>t'\' ri·1·1·1v1·tl p11 l11H·~ ,,r 11 ... :1 v1·:.ir olcl girl .11icl lwr fi w1·1·k 11ltl hrolh1·r t wh rrHinth~ :.ig11 and Wl'rt' n ·;u1y for thr1r M'h1'flult·d ~·rnval 111 th1· I ' S I wo wt·ck '> ai~o HUT FHillTIN<i lwtw1·1•n the· i.:o ve r n rn t·n t or I ' r1•" 'de n t ,\nast a!\11> S 11mo1a Jncl San d1n1sla g1wrillal'I in llw C•·ntrnl ,\ 1nen1·an 11.1t111n ~hut clown n<t· 111Jnal 11H11"C'" :1n<I trapp1·rl th1• · d 11ldrl'11 111 ttw (·a111tal llf·r•ir1· I tll'l r Vll't:t.., I 1111ld IW prtWl'!->!'>1"11 'll'i;. .1 (':111·h l~ ~1tuallon W1• 1·an 't ).!t•I llwrrt out bt•1·aul'tt· lh1•y m.;....---'--...J.J..L:-..uuLA1m·ncau nllu,;ns. hill 1111·y ('an 'l get N 1(·ao1g11an p;1<,s p<1rl'> h1·1·:111l't1• all I ht· 0Hi1 ·1·l't h:lVe r lo,.C'ft rlnwn " Lnst•y "ia11L J\noth1·r nrnplc . Hobert :-inti K .1thlt•l•n llofrman or Clark. have :11lopll'd a 21h ·year -0ht hoy rrom N1 e;1ra..:ua and are unable 111 free ht m ... ! T llt:IR /\l>O .. TION pro1·1°l>'> ha .., bc·c·n nnnvh·11•d 1•xt1•pt for 0111• 111t't"t' of va1)(·r. wh1 <"h mu~l ··omt· from orflc1als of a small lown ouL..,1de Manu~u·a. Uul the 11H1 c4!!> an· dosed and J O!'lf'ph Louis Hoffman is trapped. A ll thrcC' c h ildren ar<' s ht!ll1·N'd at the lnter-Amt>n<·;,n 1\doptwn Inst itute in Manai.:ua, which arrangC'd the 1Jdopti1111<, The C'h1ldren arc believed to tw s ari., saul Losf'y Visas t·o uld be arruni.:•~d 111 ~ anai.:ua a t the /\mc rscan c·on -.ulalt'. but the Stall' Dl'partm1·nt told Lost•y it cannot order them pro<·t·M•l«l until the co~ula...!£._ «ontacLs Wui;hington. he said. "THEY SAID THAT 1f lht• consulate calls them ror advirt·. they will tell him to process the visas. But..they won't c'<•ll h1rn from the counsul dir1·rtly , · · •~>M'Y said By RANK coaMISll .___. ........... TOKYO -JapaneH fear of terrorltt lncldenla ia ao all· pervadin1 here, with bead• of 1wven 1ovemment.a 1atheriq at the .,conomlc summit meeting, that security la nearly tuffoc•l· IJU: One Secret Serv1ce agent who <'lune In advance of President <.:ttrter's arrival found dealing with the security more than he '·ould handle. /\ t the end of a long, often· frustr•Unl day, Lbe agent cut loose at his hotel, grabblnl • fir<: utingub her and spraylng those within range. The errant bodyguard was "h 1 pped homo a lm4s t im· J UST I.AST WEEK, the 10· \ l' ;_ir -o ld daughte r or an A 111<-r1 c u n who lives h ere l ' ro!>scd the street (rom he r home to buy a loaf of bread for ltt•r mother. /\ J apanese policeman 111tc r cc pt e d her and gave polite but firm order s that ~he• not venture onto the streets iilon<: again unUI Carte r a nd <·ompany have le ft t o wn. Pa rents of American children attending school h ere wer e sent IMtcrs instructing them to never lt'l their youngsters out or the house without an adult escort 1lunng the Carter visit. The authorities a re worried a hout terro ris t kidnappings .11 rn c d at disrupting the s ummit TllF. AMERICAN delegation • ., -;tayin~ a l th e ultra fa~hwnalJlt· Okura l f<1kl . a1·rol'ls tht• l>trt·1·t from thl• IJ S 1-:mhal'll'IY <"Ompound where thr· C'a rfrrs <in· st<.iysng Thi• hol(·I has two buildings ;11111 Whit«· llous1· planners want cd to lod~t· Carter's travding prci;s rorps in the same buildmg Lhut houses a sprawling pn:s!'> tenter. No way, said .J ap11n1•!>C se<:urr t y offlc·ials. Mcmhcrs of th1: /\ m c ritan dJ lcRation... .ar · w :.lallNI in that huil<ling and t"::IO · 1111( ht• CXJ><>'il'd (11 l ht· ri:-."k 'i pOl'IP<I 11 v ~ha r 1 n g t· It• va t or l't and hallwayl't with mcmticn. 11( the 11r1·:-.:-. Prison Term Under Study OAKLl\NO IAP) -/\ dct·1sion nn wh ether to ~end Wendy Yo~h1 m ura, Patric ia He<.1rst 's on<· t1 m1· fug1t1vc tompanion, to prison has hl·1·n delayed /\ftn tw11r111g :irgum<'nts from pr11s1·1·utors and deft.n-;r a t torm•ys on W('dnc:-.day, /\l&imeda <'ou nt y Supe rior Court .J udgc ..M u11n_ l'ulich_c.ontin.u.c.cLunu 'l'ut•sday u hearing on whether to .-.end Ms. Yoshimura to prison fo r up to 15 years on a 21h year. old weapons and e xplosives nin- vi<·tion or place h er on probu· t1on M-i. YOl\himura rem:.11ns free• on $.'>O .000 ball. ~ Smart shoppers don 't i drive miles, walk for ever ~ through parked cars ~ ~ and endure impersonal service - i they shop Westclifl Plaza -"i and find what they need .. i ·1 ~ ~ I I ~ . I I ~ l ·~~. w~ ~ ~· ~ tsJ..lli6• M»ot .wDI~ • FND.~na • teJ•W4 ~ °""'t.lH · tNJCrJ fl ~---' This poled a 1peclal problem for WhllA! Jlouae preAll 11ecret.ary Jody Powell, who u1ually meet.I privately In hit tulle with American repor1A!r1 durtn1 In· ternatJonal meetlnga. Packing h il1 h11u 11. Powell moved to the bulldln1t u1111ned to the press conlinl(cnt. Very complicated loliltltal arran,.menta had to be worbd out to elrcumveat Jap .... e •ecunty. Powell quickly diacovered that th e 1core1 of Japanese plainclotheamen who are om· nlpreaent at the hotel would nol permit reporters to vialt the lJ S. apoketman's auite. TaEA8URV KF.CltF.TARV W. Mlc hHI UlumtJnlh•I raced a similar dilemma. fl.-wanted to invite r t-p(>rt1·u1 who specialize in ec·onomu· nrra1n1 to join him for a drink in his H.uitc . aEPOaTEUCONRON'l'SD with the mlnd·bolll1n_1,JetUl'tt_y have compared not. and de· c ided they have never ... n anythfDI like it before. • STATICE • LAMTAHA •CAPE HOHEYSUCICLE Yellow&~ Ga98¢- 16' to 20' TAU INST AMT SHADE s9000 • HEW ZEAL.AHO CHRISTMAS TIH • PODOCARrtlS •JACARAHDA 24 .. IOX EVERGREEN SHADE TREES 15 GAL. SIZE SJ595 • MTro.uM • IRAZJUAH PEf'Pal •ACACIA s5900 Buy Bulk . And SA.VE!·· •PEAT MOSS • IUIJ( RIDWOOO MULCH • TOHS OF GOLF COUISE FIRTIUZB FOil LA WHS 9-lity Dhcomb GalCmK SJ 50 • YEROHICA • fUGEHIA COMPACTA • CAPE HOMEYSUCICU Tt41ew&o.._,. Cl~ Wam()ler -licensed AQr. Pm Control Advisor ,., .. ci. .. • ~-°"'RE E-Z KA ... LATEX FLAT ENAMEL JS Co6ofs. wt111e WEATHERALL · ACRYLIC LATEX HOUSE PAINT fl11 f1. luw ,h,•11n f uH \f'°l '"°''''"" 'N• tJthurinq "" "''w t~1rf1rur ~•111h •1uho•t !.,~, 01y1110 IW.4.. 1 11e BHulllul B1111e'" 9.97Gal .. Celcws, wllft• E~ KARf1'"1 LATEX RAT INTERIOR PAINT MOllt st•'lll. O•HMI •nd 011m,. ru\I wash 11w11v ~fl loolo II Ideal ·~ "II w•lls, wooctwQfk CZ 9.9l~. .. c.&an. wtliw MARVELUSTREilll LATEX SEMI-GLOSS Ou•eble, ~~bll· '"" 1sn 1e111ils aream, 11101•· t11rt. l<ltel tor kitchen, bett1 lftCI ell ~rt. E 49¢ 60-YD. ROLL MASKING TAPE.. Al l'll'11• "" I,() vii 11111' 11 ,. I ,, C,<)< 1' "' H9• : ,,, s 1 :>9 44 Colon. wh11e SAT·N-HUE " FLAT INTERIOR LATEX SAT·N-111/f LATU!!!, WAU rm.,.. H1yh·h1d1"q· fHi" 1Hit1 Wd&hlble flfll'\h lut w .111 • on<J re11tnqs Covt1•~ mo-.1 ~ul1d0tt 1n Of'lfl GOllC P .... , . SOLID COLOR STAIN I.Ate• stein en!lenc;ea ""' 111111u111 of rouoh wood, t>o11u11l101 smooth wood. Wlltle, 22 CX>lof'I. 1.S ~ -.............. --STOllHOUIS ...__...._ .. , W.N.S..IM /. lm!"'" __________________ ................ ~--======---...-----......... _.. ......................... "c:~e:~~ ..... ~-~-~-~--~ ---------_,,,_ -.. ____.::;.,_ -- ,.,,. ,. NATION I WORLD Taping May Snare 'Y or re Ripper LONDON <AV> For four years the Yorllahlre Ripper has stalked the 1rimy lndu1trlal town& of nort.hem England, leaving the mutllat· # cd bodJe1 ot 11 murdtm:d women. nlne or them prostitutes. Now poUce think a h•Ptl recording purportedly from the killer m ay lead them lo bJ m "I Mt! you are having no ltn'k utchlq me." a..ld the: haunt mac man's volre on the ca1oiett~ rN•elved by Gt.-OrKe Oldfield, tht• as111staant t'h1.-r Nu1 .. tablc fur Wt'11t Yorkshire who lb lcad111t,: lht• nlltnhunt ''I H AVE T iit: grcutci.t rupcd for you, (;eorge. Uut. Lord , y uu u 1 t• no n eur cr calciuug nw now thu.n four ytlur:. ugo whtm I lurlt-<I " from Sunderland, an Industrial town n ear Newca s tle o n ~ngland's northeast coast, and detectives said the handwriting on the envelope matched that in three letters received in the past 15 m onths from Sunderland blgnct.I "Jack the Ripper ." They said the letters, which had not bet:n made public, contained details of the crimes that only the kt.lier could know. .. Al'Wl ....... to KIUER SUSPECT Composite Drewing rw&.vN.oT Ala Road Orp1-•s. . . PHILADELPWA <AP> -Three orphaned fawoa -tbeir,.,.... killed by cara on a four-l ane road ln Fairmount Perk -have ..._ r etumlna daily lo the 1ruay curve wbere I.bey lut 1aw &MU mother. The young deer, 4 lo 8 weeks old, have been alptecl IO flWlueetly that one return lo lbe 1pot wu --· ·· ·--=-~ ·· recorded by a local television lie lost," said Capt. Charla crew. L ydon of the Fairmount Parle "It's the laat place they saw police. "It's on a frtn1e area-,,, the doe," ~aid state Game the park close lo the bipway. Protector Rich Skublsh. "It's Our concern ia they are loin& to part of their pri>leetion not lo get hit.· move on." THE FAWNS disappeared tn the wooded area. however, when Skubish and three deputies hunt· ed them with tranquilizer darts this week in an attempt to save them from their parents' fate. T he fawns were spotted on the curve again the next day. · The four-point , 140-pound buck "So far. no one's had any luck. It's a hilly area and they're small and can scamper off," Lydon said , explaining that ef· forts by the University of Penn- sylvania and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelly to Animals to catch the fawns bad also failed. -r--I ,......, 1 Ex -Columbia P1cturt•:. pn·:-.1 Oldfield rt'ct:t ved the tape, ht11t1n.: three mlnutci. and J8 't'l'omls, in the m ail on June 18 un roa <'ast il Co fhe-nauon- th1 i. week , aloi1~ with polite number1> lo be t·ullt'd 1f a nyone rN·o~ntzt-d the vo1t•c Dialect experts said the thlck. nor.th·of·En~Jand accent on the tape w.as cJuu:a.<;,.t~rist1c Qf Sun- du l and. Oldfield said that be<'ause all the murders took µl ace in Yorkshire or L f:ln · C'a~hire. he believed the m an lived and worked there, aod his Newl'Ustle accent sh,,uld "slick out like a sore thumb." 'Newcastle' Cases ln Longtleacb was~t.ruck by...!_ car and killed Skub1 sh said he hopes to last weel<frytng tocross-rtre-a~~~e'fawns 'With darbr----' r oad The fawns· mother. a containing a quick-acting mus-WA SlllNC:TON 11\l'I -I\ highly ronte1gious. cxotit· d1sea:.e t:Jllcd Newcustlt' has been found Jn <I nrwk of imported birds m L ong Heul'h, the A gric ulture lJepi:trtment sCJys lOO·pound doe. was killed al the de r elaxant and then remove curve just 100 yards away a few them from the park. days later ' dent David lkgclmun ha:, been re muvt•d from p rohC:1 tio n b y u 1udgc 111 l.o:- Angeles who reduc·1•d un<I dis missed t11 :-. grand lhl·fl charges • Bcgt.•l m un , whu .had plt:aded no ('Onlt:~t to s tealing $40.000 from tht• ('Omp<my, ~uys ··m y (.'O ntn lion is now ('UmplHt· f't1l1t't• 'aid thl''I' l'llUlll lllll b~: po:-1L1vc thl' ret·ord111i.; Wi:I' nol J ho;u, but Olcl!1dd :.iud he 1:-. cun 14tnt'l'd . II c·11 nH.' from lhl· prl' '>Cnt da t·ounlC'rpart (If thc man 01• l'r l·:wght who :.h1~h1·tl ,11 h·a't ~IX l.011cl1111 pr11,t1tut ., to tll',tlh In 1888 T iit.: CASSETTE wa:-. mwlt:d "l'M NOT QUITE sure when l will strike again, but 1t will de ftnitl'ly be som etime this year, maybe September or October, l'Vt•n sooner if I gel the time." -:.md the rc.>eordmg Customs Scr vttl' offtC'1C1ls said the bird~ m<.1y ha\'l.' ht:en import t•d tlkg :.1ll y, l ht· <1cpartmcnt ~:.i1d The I~ 1><::. nf bird~. thc1r lnc:.it10r1' and 11wnt•r s were not lflM')O,t'<I The buck. doe and tht three fawns apparently moved down the wooded trails of Fairmount Park along Wissah1ckon Creek and C'ro~sed lht• p;irk dnv1• ahout a week ago "EVIDENTl.Y WITHOUT lht• bur k lo guide th(·m. they're a lit The :.tale game official estimated there are between 100 ond 200 d eer i n t h e city. "There's no natur al pr edators or hunter:-. so automobiles take their place," Skubish said, ad· ding th;it 13 deer last year and e1i;ht so far thlb year have been ktlll'd by t;ar s in Philadelphia .. . • ~ . .. .. .. · • "' ~ ... . , .... . . . ,. .. .. r. • .. ... · ,. .... • Boy "Catch~s' '"f rain TOKYO <A l» A 6·yc:ur-old boy stood on a step less than two inches wide on the outside of a moving train and travc lt.>d l'/4 miles before he was discovered safe, u railway official said. ~t"n;1c~ Ttf'N' St•rh "' f c>vr Ooor t C.•11 'StMe Nl"i:.U~\1 Your Art-4 > Tomonori Yamashita, a k indergarten boy, was on a mountain station platform when he saw the train's doors being closed with his mother inside. H e jumped on t he tiny footboard and grabbed hold of bars alongside with his arms fully outstretched. <.O~I• MC\A642-17S3 t\l• ,,. •• ...,. 8hd M•~~'°" v1l Jo49S-0401 lHll CMrloM C-•H -t\411'1 0 Frw .it A.-•r ..-~. , Tbe train sped up to 37 miles an hour, went through a mountain tunnel and over two bridges befo~ lhe boy was discoven"<i dunng a star ch by his mother and other passengers - DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642•5678 ~ * .t pre-4th-of-July*• TG professional pen sets quality FaberCastell pens in case with "l<eyholes" for ku<;pinq hotders in Hygro Caps include~ draw1nq un1b . barrels. cone extractor, 1orn1 adapter . ink bottle. manual 4 pen set (00. O t. 2J reg 34 75 SALE 17.37 7 pen aet (000. 00, 0, 1, 2. 2.5, 3) reg 59 75 SALE 29.88 9penset(000.00.0, 1,2.2 5.3.4,5) reg 74.50 SALE 37.25 selected wood picture frames warm. rich wood frames -choose from our entire stock of frames with-out 9'as• -in various designs. finishes. moldings. liners. store m., have choice of sizes from 5" 7" to big 18X2'\"· 'Rtxnlnstruments TMOIS, take along size di..-, and 1111~ calculator • compact. 6.7''x3.4"1<1.B" size • fits Inside anacne case • ....... ......., clean, ribbonless printer • 4 key memol'y, % key reg. 89.95 .. ve 14.H SAUM." many, many more clem1lnce values ••we aO-IOllMt on selected gifts, gMm. stationery. olice supply and art maleriel items. ••• •• •• ..:IJ ..... ;.-.. .. all glassware, sets stock up on glasses for summer parties. f;im1ly get togethors special assort· ment ol selected styles, all kites in stock catch a summer breeLe -or decorate a wall all kites. plain or fancy. assorted designs. sizes traveler's back· gammon set designed for taking along. Magna Touch magnetic board. playing pieces won't slide out of place. 30 non-mar pieces. dice. doubling cube. fabnc lined dice cup, instructions. in handsome vinyl case. 9''x 6~a"x11/a". reg. 10.00 SAU .... quanlbes limited to stock In !lore. setec:ticx'I varies store-by-store. sale prices apply hough .My 4. ill 545.Q431 Puente ... Mell •••• CowlM , ......... Pt ... DelAMOF....._ .. ete Now, more than ever .•. • gat ens beats· • moneym eb Compare Ci11zcm, ~vmg!I \A.Ith .1ny h.ink or -.Jvmµ'> a\.-.OCtJllon C111h·n' offer' you the highc~l tnll!rC\I 1>0 tn'urcd \<.l\10).('> allllwcd hv 1,,,, • ,\m.J mtcn.·\t on checking fund,. Pit" 1hc \.tl11ahlc ..crv1<:l'' •>t 1hc I .inuh hnam.:1.tl Sy,tcm: II y0u'rr not t.'l'l I •ll.1.! .di 1111 .... n 1mc ll> <.'1111cn' 11 '(! '· ~ 11ull he maktn).! thc m11\I 111 t·,·cn <lnll.11 \1111 t·arn .\n<l "'u t'olll bani.. •1tl 1ho1t ' Highest interest allowed by law on insured savings. < 11 .. 11111\l-. <"11 11l·n, fl·"' thl' '"!!"n' 11111.:11..''' available (lfl r-..m11111h. ')ltUMKI "'·•rll'\ M.irh·1 l ·cn1lit:i.tll'' ,\nd 11• •II C 1111.1:11' ha'> elt111111t1tt!d thl' ;:./,fJftll 111111111111111 <in all lllhcr l't:rlll 1t::1tc' 111 dq .,. '"'' 111dud1nµ the lll'W -t·vt:ar Mcml'\ M.111..ct L~ ~nd a (t111er1' r·t"'" ~·I.. now earn~)' ·" ..... 1111.:her 1 h:tn am h:tnl.. can P·" .'.-111111d;1\ 11 \ \\ l'>l.T .ind l.,,,1,·1 I h.111 l'VCr to h :J\l' .1 llllll'O\ "-''Ill).:' l'llllll~·li·r hd p \\Ill '>l'l lip J "1\lnt~' JX•lCl .1111 1 hat comhinl'' th1.· maximum 1.111..·, and 11111,1 ldx-1 al ll'I m' ,t\':tilahk ... :1 1m 1µram IU\I I Whl 1111 .t 11111 i11d1\ldu,1I 111.·cd' 5-1/4% interest with Citizen s "Check Your Interest" P lan . C°lll/ell\ hdfl' \Oii 11J,tl..I.' l h1.· 11111'1 111 th1.· rtll•lll \ \1111 '·'" a11d lhl..' m1mey \1111 1p<.·mf With ( 1t1tt'll' ( hn:I.. )••lll lntcrl''>l " Plan. \our t.:hl..'<.'k111g l11nd' 1111" 1.•:1rn ...,, .... lllll'll''I l..'umpounckcl cl:11lv. ~' C\l.'11illl'11111nL'\ \llll ll\C tu p.n bilh and make n 1utinl..' purcha\C:-. ,,., 11 I..' hard tnr ynu up ''' the 1111 Jn1l.'llt \OU write your chccl..s. And ~1tt1 pm no mnnthl\ 11r pcr-chl.'ck char!!l''· Enioy maximum 1111 1..'rcst with 11nl'·-.1op ');I\ ing' :.inti cht:l..'kmg pkm 1..'0n· \'L'flicncc. A\k U.'> for <•II the tlc1a1k The exclusive Family Financial System~~ C1ti1.cn-. l·:tmily Fin:mc1:tl "i\ ''l'm•• m.11.t.:' mrn1t:\. ,aH'' m• me,. m.JO:tl!I.'' mun~v for \11t1. l'1111,·11, I .111111\ hn.111l·1:il h •l l' cash:; "nrl..l111ok hdJh l..eL'P \11111 111< 1111hh h11d1•1.•t 11n ta rgl.'I. < )ur q11:111l·rh h 11.111l·1;1I < I\ 1 ·1 '"'" ~lalt:nll'lll \1tllln1art11.'' tlw o11'tl\ll\ ln1 l'.11.. h 11f \11Ur \a\111~\ it<.:1..'llllllh. ,\11.d ( 111/\'ll\ Income Tax Service 1 dit:\l'' <1 l:1 \lth~ "' "" tion hy preparing ~11ur ledcral .ind ,l,tl \' individual returns for a nom111:1I kc. ( ·, 1111· pare 'our package of special service' w11 h any other financiaJ institution's. T hen tum IO )llttr Wisc Financial Friend for high interest ... cxccpt1(1nal convcniencc ... and a whole lot more! 0Ellec11~c July ht ~Ill f<'l(Ul•IKlft• rcquuc J \uh.,an11.1I '"'"'"' l'<'""lty 1.,r urly '*llh<Jrmwul' fn,m term ._t.'<.•ounl'a... ••\1.1Ul m1nrmum I>•'-~•< 11·•1uucd • Wh~S ~[""~~i· ~. AN O LOAN A SSOCOATOON that's whoo' NEWPORT BEACH: 3300 West Coast Highway near Newport Blvd.. 63 l ·9205. .... :··._::::~ .. ::.··::.·-_._ .. _·-.--_·---~--... # ·-·.:.. . -. . ... -. ~ --•.::_:.:.. ~ -...... -,.: -----=----·-··-·· . . --. :---, ---' ........ --~ . ' ------.. ' ---·---------- --------- ( t , .. &1 fJ4 DAll.Y PILOT T hun.d•v June 28. 11711 . . 1tlilllon Ski Weddi WASHINGTON (Al» -The number ol unm arrl~ couples Uvlna to1ether, has morf' lhan doublf!d in lest th•n • de1c;1dtJ . arrounUnll! for •hout t 1 mllllM't U .S huus1•hold\, tht• Ct•nsu"' Bureau uys M f'anwh tlc. m ore than 20 pt'rt't•nt ur all hou seholds hav" onlv a 1un.:l4' m11mtw-r 11"' inrrf'Hlntl numh .. r' of vnun1· r• rf't1r orl1•nt 1•d /\ mt-rlc·""' po11t1""'" morriaa 11 c('o1 <J1fttc 10 ,1 111• 111 bllrt'.lll n·1~01 I THt : at:PORT 01'\i Mant • .i Sti.tui. Mnd L1v1na /\rrani:•• own ts .. alMl d1,rl,'\f.•''' n 1 nnunu In.: m1·rc-a1w 111 th•· nurn twr of d1VOrt'(":-nncl pn'Ctll'lt•d th.it h•lf flf thf' 1•h1ldrt•11 horn todln 111111 .. ,11·nct a i-1.in1r11·unl part or lh1•11 h vt'' hv1n~ 111 1th.; i.in.:lt• fllHl'OI ,,, .,, 't"'''' 1•1111 111'11 1• u1.111 • * one Amerk •n household In fi ve con .5.I ted of sum_,one llvlnM 1tlont>. the at'udy uld. Tot11I houlf('hold• In lhe country num t.Mtrt-d *-"t' than 71\ million Mo11t ol lht· ..;rowth In 11intelt1 person t.omu1holdit lnvoh•t!d l1t'C1 pie u~r Mli:t' :lb. the• rnpon iuml. add an" thlll "ma~ r•·fl•••·t 11n In • n·11~inl( <1e1<1rf' a 1111111~ yo11ni: 11d11lti. to &N •k advunr1•d t•du1·u taon •nd 1•ur.,t·r~ htifQn· mur I 111.C_. " I N 19711. 1'tlt. l t'IJtlrt Mlltl, 17 I' l I l \'II t o f l h l' II I.I l I 0 0 '> houwhold:. l't111:.u1tt·d of u Mntelt- 1nc11vldual II > 19711, thut hull .irov. n to 22 11l·n ·1·nt ·1 h 1• h u r t' u u <I •· f 1 n l' .., t1 h ou.,t'l'ullll :.J!\ .1 P•'f'>'lll or ~rou1• o l p1•011l1· "'in•~ l11~1·lht·r 1n .J huu<,l .!IJJrtl11l·11t ''' o th1·r l1C1u' JU~ Utul • • Sixty two pe rct'nt ot thest· 1lntle-pen1on households were muintulnt'<.I by wom1:n. rdthoul(h llirwe 1970 the prop<>rtlon or m1:n llvln(C alone ha i. grown inon· rupldly thun thut for women, Uw (;{m1Ju11 Uurouu l'Ulll THE INCR EASE 1n unmar ril'd l'Ouplc:s hvl n~ tol(t•thcr hu)> bct•n even nH1rP 1 m1nessl vc. UJI t 17 perrent In t070. tht• burl'l.tu s 1t1d. lhf'rt• wt•r<' 52:J.OOO 'llll'h h1>u11ehold\ The nunibt-r grew to I 1 million lui>t yl'ur T h r l' 1• f o u r t h c; o r t h c 1-. 1· hOU:>ChOld'i C'OnSl'ilC'fl '.oh•ly or t v.11 p a rtnl'r 'l , while ttH· r" m .11 nd t-r had oni: o r rn11r1· 1'11 II <1 rt· n I 1 \ 1 n g w i th l he m \ 11111tH! un ni .11 r 11·d 1·1111 pl1·• t Ill' I t'J111rt '>llld '<'\l'fi 1111 1 11( Ill werl umkr d l.!l' 1·, • * Hispanics Fare Poorly WASlllN<:TON 1/\11) I 1t.:h1·1 11m•111pl11v 1111•111 r::ih·~,, low1•r 111comc~ .111d rt•l.1tl\1' \11uth <'h1Jr:Jl· IC'fllC lhl· Spanl\h Orli!IO p11pul.1l1t•ll ITI lhl' l nllt•d S~tc ... <Jccorrl111g to a new l'c.:n:-.u ... Uurl'uu r1·purt --'fht• '11111\ l't•f '>llll . ''' ~Ji.1111 lo Ori~'ltl Ill ltw l 'rlllt·tl Stal•'' •.11111111 .11 '"" 1111 1 h.11 .11 11·11 .111 '• 111 thl)> popul.1111111 .1-. 11( .,1.11 1'11 l1l 1H T iit: M 1:1>1 \ '\ I '\( 0 .'1 t 1111 111 J•,1111• l.111111!1·' "'.J'.'. n ·porh-11 ..... SI I 11111 1 .. 11111.11 • d \\1th ·' 11w1h.1n of Slli.:100 f111 n11n Sp;1111 11 f.1111111 1· W1t111n I ht· 11 1 .. JIJflll h fllllJI 111• d1.1n 1111111111•'> rangc•1I fruni .r '""' 11( ~ 0011 1 .. 1 1•1,..rto ltrl'.111' lo a l11i::h of S14.:mo f11r f'uh:.in' Tht• Ulll'rnpllH fO(•fll 1.111· l11r u .... p;1nt1· ... 14 ..... ahout 10 1wn ·1·111 . Mlh,tant rallv h1 ,.:lwr th:a11 llw 7 pl'rt'l•nt lur lht• p11p11l.1l111n .t)> ,1 \.\IHll•· rARTl<Tl.ARI.\' NOTIC 't.i\fH.t .. th1· n ·port i-.a y:-.. 1 .. th1· low numhf'r of SpHn"h 11rl1-'.1n 1wr,1111'> in profr,:-.111n;il and 11•1 h1111 ;ti •w1·11pal11111-. Whilt' Iii JH't 1'1'111 11( \rr w111 an' ;1r1• v.•irkrn ~ 111 llH'i->t' 11111 ... lltl' r.Jli' (111 I l1-.p.1 n11·' '' "" 11nh k 1wr l't•rll l11·r•.1111., 111 s 1,an1 -.l1 u rt~111 111 1 lw l'n1t1·d Sl;it "' h.1\1 ' 11111 \l'I 11•;r1 I ,dtlw1·d111 ,11 111n;.I ;it f;1111 1111 •n1 lt·\t·I 111 111111 Spa11 1·,IJ 1wr•.1111., I tw rt p111 I 1·11r111n1wd O'\l.Y 11 l 'f<:Hc t:!\T CW Tiit : Spani...h origin 111·r"m' .1j.!1·tl :.!5 :.111d t)Vt·r had l'Ufllplf'l f•rl four '<•a,., of trri~lt '1·hool. 1·11111part•cl ~1th fi'I 1wn·l·nl of I h1 · 11011 Span1'>h f>f1Plll:1 L11111111 tlwl ;i ~e gr11up Tht• !-.pani'h 1•op11IM11111 tlw n ·1•ort .11ld1·tl, 1·1111 ·~tin ..... ltf'.1\ \ 1'11111 1•111 r.tl11•11 or \111111~ fi•·r ·"'"· "'1lh :-orne 42 1>4'rt 1•nt 11111l1·r ·'l'I' lrl lh 111rnpan'><JO. 110 ly JO 1wr<·t·nt 11( t ht· n;1t111n ' 1·11t1r1· populat11m 1-. under IH I • Thl· nll'rll .in .1 g1• 1111 "r""""" p1·r ... 11n., 111 tlw Un1lt'<I Stall''> i... :!;• 1·11m1 .. 111·d with 30 for lh1· 11\ 1·r all popul:.il11m 1!111 th1·11· v.l·n· w1d1· cf1frt·ren1 , . ., 1n mNl1:in ag1• for varic1u:-. Sp:-inish group., r:.1111.:ing from 21 for Mcx1l'an'> :ind l'ul'rtO H1c<:in'> l•• :n f11r l'1tliJl1'- FltTY-!\'.I N E Pt;RC'F:NT OF T iit: nat i<Jn ., 12 m 111 ron 111. pan1f's :irr-M f•x1cans . <tceording l•i the hur1·a11 . whrl1· l'Ut'rlu Rwam. makr-up 15 peri·1·n1 1if th;1t pop11lal 11111, C1•ntral ;1nrl South Amn1can~ 7 per n·nt and Cubans 6 pntcnt Tlw rest i~ d1 vadcd ;.irn ong oth1•r ll1:.p:111w groups . p(·rrPnl . N1·w York t:t pt·rt'('nt. Araton<J , (()lor ado .11111 Nt·w Mt•\ H'" H p1·r('Pnt .111d !111· r i·ni<itn!kr ;in· 111" 111 hti11•tl a111u111l 1lw 11:11 ""' --------''~0'·h1· brrgt·~ ~hare of Hr.spam~-rn thn>C1'ltmtr t r c·all .. Cali fornia home . with 311 percent of ~he nat111r1·., Sf1anish population living in that state T l!Xo S has :!2 Church Backs Handicapped l!'i Ol/\NA l'Ol.I"> 1J\f'1 Ttw :..truggl1: l11 'l'l·urc full righl:-. for h;.nll1«a11J>''" Jil·r:..11 11" rll's1·nbcd a .. "the· lat1•'t hl~rnt1on movcm1~11l · ha)> been ••ndorsrcl h) d1·l1·~:1tc·., ,,, thl· 12th J!•·111·ral '>yno<l of tht• Unit NI Chun·h of Chn .. t. r .. We must be r on1·c•rn1•d with ridding <1ur ... or11· ly of not only r:.ic1 .. m anrl :-.cx1i:.m but or handll':.J P· 1:-.m ." s aicl Betty Knapp. a ''"re bra I palsy v1 r t1m :.ind prcs1drnt of M :.11nstream. :in oq~anizat1on workini.: with clisahlccl p•·rs1m" through t hureh1:::. in thl' New York City <trl·a SHE SAID T llE CHURCH must take ;1 new look al lhl.'Ology "1n k rrn!> or d1sahlcd persons , in ll'rm:,, of how we look al the human body. /\nnther }jfl•:1 1s the whole• <1ut•stlon of h<·:.iling. wha t 1s hcahn~ anti the rot" of hl•tihng. wht<·h m ;.i in·hnc c hurches havt• nollookcd al. .. The dclci.:atc•s l'n1ll•d tht:tr mef•ting 1n In d1anap11lis Convt·nti .. 11 C J C<'ntPr lh1s week with the REUC/ON re:,,o lut1on as king the c hurch to include the han- cl1cappf'rl m all its af rirmativc action pro· gram s. Among othe r resolullons were measures urging: -Appointment or a full·time affirmative action officer in the church und support for programs to "fcrrret out inequitable a nd d1scrimmatory patterns and to take action toellmlnatethem." -"FULi. FREEDOM OF choice for the persons concerned" in making decisions regarding pregnancy, statinl( that "abortion may sometimes be considered.·· --Repudiation of tht• uctivilics or the Ku Klux Klan -An international boycott of Nestle Co. pro· ducts because of lls promotion of infant formula in Third World countries. The syncxl said use of the Nestle formula "11upplants the• s ure r breast ·feedlng and lta misuse can caus1• malnutrition and infant death." Douglas Grone r. a Nestle s pokesman. said later the company wa s .. d1~appo1ntcd" that the !\ynod "hos chosen hoy<'Oll over constructive dialogue." I NOTING THAT youn g people urc cooUnuina.Jo poslpoM ma&r· rlu1~1:. the report uid that as of l07H1 nearly ha ir of tht women a((ea 20 to 24 hMd never married. Th111 is un inrr eaKc o f more ttuin two thirds 11anc4' 1960 l>elay of f1 nt m11rrlul(f' wu11 i.l!'O m11icnt l'cl u rnonl( W()mt:n nteed 25 t11211 'l'ht· lmruuu '>11111 Urnl 1.1111·" l !J ., II • l h •• m t· d I •• n ii j.( I• t1 r Amt-r1c11n11 ut lhf•1r fl n 1t mur ri:.iK•' hu1. 10<'r,·a111·1l l1y •1111• v•·ur . tu 24 2 yc·uri, for men nnd 21 JI f11r women The rt•port ull'!o n11t1•1J thi.t 1n 1978 lh(•fl• Wf•fl• If m iJlllHl fumalif:h m u1nt11incd hy 11 womun not living with ;1 hu'llJ:end. 11 44 .• p1•rrt·nt ~IJIO SUlC•· l!l'fll ThN•· '.A.t•rt· I r. m11l111n f:11n1li1 ... rrwin 1:11nr·d b} rrH'fl "''' l1 v1nl( with w1v•'' in 19711. hur.-•au nfr11 1:11 ... !'llJ icl U I, A(' K t A M II. I t. ~ m a ir. ta 1 ncd bv 1A<Hn1·11 1111· rr·a~1'fl 1.~. pt·rc-t·nt 'nurinH 1l11· 1·11(hl y1·:1r P"rtlJd, lh•· rl'porl .,l:it1·\. whil•· "mnn~ wh1tt•)> lh1· i:rowth wa .. :11; fH'rl'Cnl. Fon of .Jopo·n UetalJS(' or this i;rowth In (HJI• part·nt ramtli~s. th . huri•;111 <'~lamatcd I.hat' nearly half th•· rhildre n born today will "l"'nd a ta rgf' portion of thP1r ll v1·'> hdorr :ige JR in s in~lt· p;.in·nt ram ill"" !\my < 'art1·r ad.1usts a .Japanese fan pr esented to h er in Sh1mo<l;,.s, .J apan. Wednesday. Amy <JttcnCJcd a "town m(·,·ting" :ol Shtmoda Muldh· S ehool where h er father. f'n·:-.1d1·nt f'<Jr l1 ·r . an!-iwt·n ·d c·1t1zcns' questions ig!-ier rates. requirements. Nine fresh ways ·. to tnake your • savings grow. , ,, , .... , r.r-1cr1 nr 11l rl1nn111 .. •tt '" h•t tf11t••'''""''""1\• h11 r.11·lotr '11 1~•111 .1a.1 11 11:.1l1.111j 1.•t I 1111 11 .111.I •l.1t1,.:. l'r •r 11 ,. I ·• \• llh 111 '• ''""'' 1 1 "1111 lo \"111llO1111 r.1!i•r.,,qh :,r.', l'.1"h .... I.. '·'""I!' A'""' r 1. 1 • 111 ),, 1 \l1111m .. 11il• ol 11i., 'I,· I·' .\ ,. II • h II 1 •.. , ... 1 1111. ,.. , 1•11111~ 111 1 .. 1.1 • .i, I'" I • , .. 11t\'rl . . i '•'; 1)l).(),o\ (.11l1fl1.1l1' 11.11 '\••1,I "' "'" 11 \ t1r \' tlft •"'" \\ I I I 1111 111111111 .1, I I ' /\I .... , .. 1,. di\ I• Ill'" I "''' I• , • •lllJh '"''" .t. t .1. , ... 1.I ,,,,.-,, ,, (,':'. t)n, \1.,1r( .rrit1<.111 I),, I,""''\ 11"' rl,. "'"'' '''''"'·'~' ~1111111111111 ,1 I •. .,: I \ 1f' ·, I lrl I'll: I,, f'tl °'"'• 1l lt lfll '·'· ,, I I 1\1 ll l1 1h ,, I l. I 'I •. "" , .. I I 1111 I •I ' I o • t' ~.u.uL.d.wl.J \ l'M l 1m l11:,1U:.: --lli.LUtu....w l~wu. ~I ~ t\ullilll.JU'------------9. ,, tr•" ii 1. 1 1 ''" ,, · . ' .. '"'' • •. r·•t" .• ,, :1 .J ,l.11h. r 11.l 1111111 • .i, .._. ii :•; h 111r \ •. 1rl,·rt ll1 •. 111 \11111111••1r1l .1 1111• 1"" •ll\' •\.,r.o111 1111 .1lh 1 '" ,,,.d f11 t, r·· r .... • ''l'"Hr1 I· I 1 ~ I "! ,111trl t i\ I .. 11r ''"or I n""un l , r11f1.,111 1\ 1r'''11,• ,, I • •t 1111 11 rl1 l11 •lo 1 1111"11 1111, It .1 I 11, II• I 111 l '• I•, • ltl\ t 1•1 ,\ ~ If "'I d1 I 11f , 7 '•'; 't1\ \1·.trC e·rt ltt\.ltt' ~ 1t1 ,t \ 1 ,,, .. t\t t •' h 1 111'''111' Ii~. ,,,if\., 111 .• · I ~ 111 .111111111 ,( I . 11 ~ 11 ·\.,, .. ,,,.11 111\ 11 •·• '· 1 Jr'"' r .. 1 'I ,,,,.,f,.l.l..1h I I I ,, • 1•, rl ~'. l10,:h1\1.1r {,rrlli..111 \\1111111· .1., r •I ' \11 1 11 ''" il\I•'""' Ir 1 " 1 l• •lllJ'• ·1111 I• Id h I' 11 I 1•1 1J11 rl\ "" ~1.•nlh ~l1•n•' ~l.1rl...:1 C, rr1l11 .•I• ' •" r 1• 111\1 111•il ""·•II '"'"' 1' 11, , 1111~ 111.: 1h, 111 111 ,.,,11 f..rr,r \\I\'"' irn d11 I ' • I " 1. I• , I 111. "" lo 1• 1. • 1 1111, \11111r1111111 l• I 11 ·I,'.\ l.111 ·' ...... , , . n1 • n t r \'-.,,, _,,. 1 f, l\t1t, •u,,." uni,,'"''"" ,, •. , 1·11 ti .... "' 111·"·I 1 oil " th 1111111·• 11.I'I\"'~'11 11ll\•1•1n o! ,, ! I\ \\. II .t1· ,, ·•1 1·1111 .. r11. I ll• "''' "'·"' "\ lflC l''"t:' 1111 I• I Htlll \11 Ill! I •ti l~I •Ill 1•l 1t1 11111 ' 11 • "'"' 111•1 .I 1·· ,, "''' I •r ... uh '·""'''' II\ ,f i '·I' ti "\.I\• ! h ""' ll'il•. I d ' fll\111rll. I llll lfll•'fl •I fr. 111\ rl 11' I •I II h..t,l 11111 rl l)ll.lflt'I' I rt.I I 111 I II\• 1111 \ I 1•1711 H1mPERIAL sAv1nos ANO LOAN AS50CIAI ION .\ J;1~illg' l 'fl/11' pl:t11~ h:app1·11. --·--- r ' ' . £ l . I ' • 1· .. . ~.June 28. 1971 DAILY PILOT A •• ------ ANGELS FLIGHT AND WILDJt'JRE COOJtDINATES 1/3 OFJt' Stuck!> and ( 'oordinatc·s in poly ~ah hru:-.h cotton, & corduroy -.tyll'!-. Selected s tyles in selected stores . '• SLACKS l«·g. $:!11.00-$~~.r.11 NOW $7.99·$15.99 ALL COORDINATES 1/3 OFF LEVI'S MOVIN ON JEANS 1/3 OFF Choo~t· from <'orduroy and ul ht:r assorted fa:-.hion stylt:s (:.t:· lectecl !.lylt!-in !-C•lc·clf'd !-I Ort·:-.) Reg $18.00-$U.50 NOW $11.99·SI 4.99 LEVI'S FOR MEN JEANS J/30FF f;reat stvlt·s in ch:.imbray, <'orduroy and bru!>h !>alctm fabrics. (Hurry, M-lc·Ctl'd :-.tyli·:-. in ~l'lf'l:ted s torl's) Heg $18.00-$~0.oo NOW Sl2.99·$13.49 -SHORTS-SUMMER SPECIAL WILD WEST BRUSH COTTON WALK SHORTS ON SALE Class ic I 00'" colt.on summer :-;horL-.. Comfortable cargo pockets -great price, jui;t in time for SummN. HegSl4 NOWONLYS9.99 PANATELASLACKSAND COORDINATES I /a OFF . HNtlher poplin. oxf11rd dnl h and a:-.sorled other styles and tohrics. Hurry, M·lt·l'lt·tl :-.tyh·:-. in :-.clf'Ctl'd stor<"s! Heg $~0.00-$:.!7.oo NOW $12.99·$17.99 BOLT/0 .P./OF'FSHORJ<; SHORT & LONG i;LEEVE KNIT SH.IRTS 1/3 OFF ( '11llar plac-ht !-hirtl-in a widt: a:-.-.ortment of stripes a nd :-.crccn prints. He~. $lti.OO-$:.!:U>o NOW 59.99·$14.99 LEVJ'S/KENNINGT'ONlM""~ - WOVEN SHIRTS I /3 OFF C real assortment of lo ng sleeve jean s hirL<> and long and s hort slet!ve fAsbiun i-.tylei.. ' Heg $16.fJU-$22.fiO ! .NOW $10.99-$14.99 BRITTAN IA SHIRT SALE 1/3 OFF Chom;e from a widt.> al-lsortmcnt of Jong & short slcc·ve fashion knit a nd wov1·n style>.. Crc·Rl ~hi rt !.<Nings! Heg$14.00-$W.OO NOW $4.99·$12.99 GENO/E.M.S./WILD WEST DRESS SHIRTS I /:J OFF C real as-;orlmenl of 'iolids. ·jacquard:-.. plaids and :.tripe :-.tyles. Hc:g $19.0U-$~7.ou NOW SI l.99·$17.99 FAMOUS MAKER . SPORT AND DRESS SOCKS NOW Sl.24·Sl.39 . . . SHOES , .Just for you. from o ur selection of family footwear! Come in for grt•at sAvi ngs of UI> to aO"n on assorted men't; and women·s ~1yles -ffamous brands like: FREEMAN, MOR· GAN q UJNN, C HEROKEF., SBICCA, and many m ore!) Se- lt:C'ted 1:1Lyles and colors in selected stores. L LEVI'S FOR BOYS FASHION JEANS 1/3 OFF ·Lot.." of i,tyles in canvas, corduroy and denim style!i. Heg $14.00-$17.00 NOW SS.99-$10.99 SHORTS -SUMMER SPECIAL LEVI'S FOR BOYS CORD WALK SHORTS ON SALE Cla88ic, cotton favorites -perfect for Summer, Stock up now! Reg $10.50-$11.W NOW S6.99·S7.99 BOLT /0 .P./OFFSHORE/ LEFT BANK SHORT & LONG SLEEVE KNIT SHIRTS 1/3 OFF. OutMundin~ assortment of stripe:;, bCreen prinL .... and fabhion terry and rih knit styles. (Sclcclt:d !>lyle!> in i.clectcd stores) Ht:g l12.00·Sl5.00 NOW S7.99·S9.99 OFf'SHORE/SURFLINE SHORT SLEEVE WOVEN HAWAIIAN SHIRTS Popular summer shirU!, reduced just in time! Selected i,tyle1> in selected stores. NOW 19.99 Hcg $15.00 SALE ON HAWAIIAN PRINT SHORTS AND TOPS C hoose from adorable Hawaiian print ::-.hort.:; & top:. fro m your favorite brands like: 0.1'. for Gob and Nohea. Reg $8.00-$24.00 NOW S5.99·Sl5.99 KNIT & WOVEN TOPS REDUCED We've got a great a:.sorlmcnt of knit & woven lops in a wide variety of styk'S and fabrics. Reg $8.00-$1 8.00r NOW $3.99-SI 1.99 / Reg $20:00-$30.oo--NOW-15.99-S t-9;99- F ASHl ON PANTS ON SALE Great saving8 on fashion pants in an asi:;ortment of blylei,. fabric~ and colors. Reg $18.00-$30.00 NOW NOW ONLY $4.99-$19.99 SKIRTS FOR LESS "Feel feminine, wear a skirt," at our prices. you can afford to! Choo11e from an a<1sortment of prinL-; a nd sulids, including Damo1kin wrap skirts . Heg $12.00-$:10.00 NOW $8.99-$19.99 SA VE ON SOLID & PRINT SHIRTS Solid saving!'.! in aH80rt.ed print.." and solids. Reg $20.00-$28.00 NOW S7.99·Sl8.99 SHORT SA VIN GS Save on summer short.8 from famouH makers you love like Happy Legt1. Ardee, Pentimento and Rose Hips. Reg $8.00-$22.00 NOW $3.91·$14.99 SA VE ON GALS JEANS Save while you pick and choot1e on jeamt in assorted fabrics and styles. Reg $18.00-$26.00 NOW SI0.99·$14.99 SAVINGS FOR LITTLE GIRLS Save money on jeans, shorllt, and darlin_g_ to~Jor little girh .. Reg $5.00-$18.00 NOW S2.99·SI0.99 .. .-. Hours: Daily 10-9:30, Sat 10-7, Sun 10-6 OP ... 'NC ra-. ~'V JN • I ' • Xf'Jit AND ANAHEIM! ORANG£ 789 S Tustin Ave. Tu stin a t tlie Gorden Grove fwy. 7141639-1791 SANT}. ANA 3430 S Bristol Ave. 114.mi/e north of South Coast Plaza. 7141957-8100 MISSION VIEJO 25252 Mcintyre; Son Diego fwy. La Paz exit. 7141586-6100 WESTMINSTER 15412 Goldenwest St. next to Golden West College. 7141898-5541 HUNnNGTON IEACH IOI I Adams Ave. Broolchurst & Adams. 7141964-3323 P"ASADENA 3660 £Foothill Blvd. Rosemead & foothill. 2131578-1692 TORRANCE 22724 HQwthorf)e Blvd. south of Del Amo Fashion Square. 2131373-7394 SHERMAN OAKS 4520 Van Nuys Blvd. next to Hughes Markel. 2131783-2511 N01'THRIDGE 19320 Norc.Jholl St; Tampa & Nordhoff. across from Northridge Plaza. 2131993-7097 CERRITOSIART£SIA 18600 Gridley SI. a cross from Los Cerritos Center. 2131924-8883 t; ) - • .Jl • ·--. --:----•. ---_,.•--.::---------#-•••-.•'-•._: -r -.I .,J_,J _...._A .. A_> __ .,._~ll(·· .. --4•4"".t• •• • ...... ,._._•._• .... 4_ .·.·--,. -..:. --A " -"t ----~-=----.. L ---_-_.· ------------7-=-..r~· ... ·~ .·: :----... : -..... ---··· ······-·~· -.. -.. ~ ._ 1 .. ---~ -........ ~ ..... .J ---------.. ., -----·------------- - -----"---· ·-----·. ·-·· ~··------.....,·-···..-··- -~· DAILY Pt&.OT . NATION B.uying_ B~cott-Eyed-- N00erJurges Protest of Failure on lnfaltion On A Cwar Da". • • It h•a:-. ht•1·n Miid lliat on a dc~r d<.1y 111 New York < '1ty "y ou <-cm s<.-c fort:ver HeautJful wt·attll'r Ira the 81g 1'owu 1n1-, WCl'k .Vtl•lclt•d lht:-. nrnlti-f al'eted w111duw · r •·111 ' 111111 111 '>il'W York 's Plaza Hotel. m1r- l IJl l d 111 Iii,. ;dl 1:l.t..,.., ~trudur£• uf the \ \ 1111 Hw ld1 11~: on \\'1•-..1 !i7tlt S treet. WASHINGTON <AP> - Con s ume r advocate Ralph Nader has called for a one·day n ationwide consumer boycott ' this fall to protest the .,1overn· rnent 's failure lo ha lt ·galloping inflaUon. "There's a Umll to which con- sumers can be puRhed," Nader told a newly orJ(anized coalition calling llself Cons umers Op- posed l o Infl a ti on in the Necessities. IN A l .. ·PAGE agenda. the t•oahtion, comprised o f some 70 cons umer , labor , church and ~enior c:1t1zcn groups. claimed W<'dncsday that inflation can be c ut by ~ percent 1n the next 18 m o nths by r<•1mr>0~ang oil price controls. plac ing a cap on hospitaJ costs. subsidizing con s ume r food bills and lowering mortgage ratei.. The t-oahtion unveiled its plan a t the first of a ~l'ries of na· t1 onw1de "tcac·h·1n s" that it~ leaders hope will paralh .. 1 th(; ,,:r assrool.s protes ts bg1.11n~t th•· ( CONSUMER J Vietnam War of the late 1980s. But Atrred E . Kahn. the Carter administratio n 's chief antl-infiation fighter. told the teach-in that three o f ll~ rour proposals could be a "recipe for more inflation." CONTROLLING OIL prices. subsuliziog food bills and drop. ping interest rall's would boost demand for these produC'l'i, sa1d Kahn. chairman or the Council on Wage and Price Stability If s upply c·annot be inc reased fast enou~h . he said. their prirt·., will rise even furthn The anti infl atwn coallt1'm r ailed for "bold nt·w solution~" lo inflation that go h<·yond wage- pnrc g uide lines. highn mlcrcs l ratc1> :md a halanccd budget. i; W eher Decision Wins Plaudits ... IT SAID TUE a n li·inflat1on battlt.' must font., 1ns h·ad on ~<1 I loping P"''''~ 1,f nt"<'!'SS1tle!>, food , !'n<·rf.!). hriu-.1n1! an<I rncc11 C'a l e;.ir(' th:1t 1·ompri~1: two thirds ·Of a family's hud1owt and are rislllg al an annual rate t·x· ceeding 17 percent !.WAS lll N C;TON <AP) dra:an17.<'d l<1bor ~nil <'lvll righti. Jtroups weln >m t.«1 th1· U s !tu pr l' m •· ('ou r t d •· l' is 1 on \Y,ednt"Sday upholding tht! right ot employt·r~ to UM: quota!. th alve blat·ks and mt'mbf'f~-o1 other rat·r<1I minorities a !1ft up tbe job l<icldn Albt-rt Z<Jck. a ~pokesman for * * • l hl' 1\ I· I <"10. 1·<.1 llcd !ht• d••1'1'>11111 ..• l11g \ ll 1111 } •• "IT IS t;XA(ll .\' Ille 1111• 1t1tin 1"t· t 1111k all ;ilong th.11 . .r f1rm .Jt1 vl' ;1c t w n µroi,:n1111 "> a11· q u1 t e k g.ti " Zal·k ~a id Tlw t·ourt rult·rt . ;, :! th.11 (•m µloyt·r~ 111a.v s oml'l1 m1·-. "''. rUl'l:tl quot ;,,~ In on 111(' JOii Jlfll * * * Kaiser Official Hails Court Ruling OAKLAND <Al') Katst.•r Aluminum l-'re11irlcnt ('<>rnf'll Ma1f'r c..a ys tw 1 ~ "d1•lighlt·d" with lhf' ll.S. Supn·m1· Court d1·1·1"1•111 111 1111· Weber <'aSt'. c..:iy1ng it puts the rci.pon1>1hil1ty of <Jfr1rm:1 11v1· :111 1•111 1111 lht• s houl<h-r., 11( hu~mcs~. "W•· :trc· rl1 ·l1ght1•d with th<' Supreme C1111rt dt.·1 1"'''" 1 hat 11ph1·ld 1 ~II' IPgality 111 th1· pri1i.:ram we hml 1n l.ou1~1.111a 111 hnng 1N<1m1•n and m inorit11•..., 1n111 the· (·r ;tfh rr~c1f'~ !\1 .1wr 111111 ;, Jlrt'"' c·r111 fcn•nt·1· \h<tlrw~d.1' .. IT'S Rt:t;~ A l.Ol'>f,, tnugh, t-Xpcn :-ivt· trattlr hul ~·· v.1'1"1· c·onf 1dt·n1 w1· v. 11u ltl w 111 ,, rod f>lf'3SL1f that v.1· lf HI V.111 Ill" ,aid. llllW Ill tJ.l\t \1tlt111l.il \ f•l llJ:t.tffl , fin 1401111·n .111tf 1111111111111 -. 'Ill·· 111h ... \\rll 11111\ I 111111• 1( Iii• \11!1111 I .1ry I" •1g1 .11r1 ~;.id ( ,1I,1 • JI I• II I ,\...,If•• from J.!!\'1111· :tlllrm:rt1 \" ,11 111111 ,1 fifl . 'rf ,11• I ',,Id I lit If• 1•r·a 111 -; llt•...,11-:rwlf to hPlp blaC'k v.od.i·r ... 1mpr11v1· tlwir skilb . 'I 111· l uurt .,,ml Hn;m F Weher . v. ho ,., whit<', wa'\ not ~ victim of lllq~,d rac-1al l1w' when hf'• wa' •·i.rlwft·d from 'iUl'h a proi:r arn 111 J!r/ I ;1t 1111· K.11-.i·r J\luminurn I<. C"ht•m11•,d C o plant 1n (;1.lllll'f('\, l .. 1 l n "'''"' Or h•ans, whtn· hf• was v. .irtin~: \I.1 th hr"> •• 1111r11••) ff)r the .i, 1 1-.i11n. \l.'1·l1t·1 .... 11d h•· w.1-; chs- ·'l•JI011111·d ;d I II•· out1·11m'· hut v.•luld ~11 h:wk 111 work at 7 am. t•ul.r v llE ~A ll> llt; did 11111 lh1nk h1 . 1 111 ploh·r w1111ld ha ve •Ill)' lt•cl· 1111·, :q•:11n ..;1 mi· hN·:iuse of the l.1 v.-..111 111 l.<1111"v1lle, Kv . wh<'re tht· !\ utwnal A.!>);OCl J lll•ll fu1 tlw /\d ".tll<'t't111•11I of f'11lur •·If l'•·opll· 1, hollfmi· II <; ·10111 :11.nual r1111"' '' 1111n !It lrjdllllfl "'"'~.., 111 .. r 11.d flj'fil ~ ~'fllofjl I I'( lllh l 11 111'\ 1111 ...... 11f th« ('lllll I .., 111l1nl! "vin i1,..al1• 11n f<i 1t h ' .11111 m :11<1·,, 1 •1111 n1q n ., •• n-.i· l'h1lip I< t\urland a t:n l\ 1·1·1 I \ of ( ·11 w;.1gn authority 'Jll nm ·,•i11111•111.rl I.iv., ~;iul h1· V.J ~ di~. :q1111 11111t·d 1,.,, lh•· tl1•11...,•in l it· 1 .11l1·tl 11 .1 "'"'" 111 vonc1 l'qual1 I\ ,,,,., •• 11d, f(;I('(• I 1·l ~dlllfl" .111• 11111 l''llllJ' l•• lw •'i1'.'oo1·tf t,, tlw d 1•1 1"11111 On Capitol Hill . Sen. W1ll1 am Rolh, R·Del.. call<'d 1t ":t mow 1n th<' rlg hl dirt•clion" <Jntf on1 · th a t giv<'s "freedom in th•· ,, rr v <i l'' 5• ·t·tor to sol vt> a pro hlc·rn without l{Ovc·rnml'nl in ll'rft'n ·ni·l· " Economist Gar Alpt'rov1tz. :-i coalition orgamlcr. to ld approx. 1ma tcl) 2.000 t(-;•1'11 in part1n panlJ> that th1· pnt't", 11f lht'M• 1wt·C'~~1t1cs ar(> rtl>tnJ:! more lhan twice as fa1>t al> tht: rate CJf a ll olhC'r pro<lut·t., Elll'n tlaa'> of FRI• SAT• SUM June 29-30 July I GAS SAVING SPECIAL* 25% OFF AMY FOOD ITEM TO ANYONE WHO-WALKS. RIDES A llKE, ROLLER SKA TES OR ARRIVES THREE-OR-MORE-TO-A-CAR DAtt;Y DRA-WIHG ALL THREE DAYS FOlt A PAIR OF NutrlUon lnatllute said that If rood prices continue to riH at their current pace, a pound of 1round beef would cost f7.58 by 1981anda1allon ol milk $3.96. THE COAUTION said ill con- cerns were hi1hlighted with this week 'a Labor Department re- port that the Consumer Price Index rose 1.1 percent Jn May. hrin1ing the annual inflatio n rutt> to 13.4 percent. Alperovitz said that even wage and price controls would n'•t beat back skyrockt·ting 1nnalion u nless th•• go vc rnmt•nt "hallengf'd thf' o il J>Mfl11,·1ng c·artel and U S. rorpornt10ni. that c-nn trol energy <.ind food. Mexicans Volt~ Due on Chamber M f:XICO CITY IAf-'I Thrf'r' lll'wly ;1uthonzed parlfoR, m r lwl- 1n 1~ lhl• Communist s. will lit· ;1111'1ng M'Vf'n on the ballot Sun- day when MC'x1cr1ns pH·k a nt·w and cxpancfrd 'lOO ·mt·mtwr Chamher of Ot·put1c·s. 0 f'sp1tt• high inflation itntl 1111 Pmploymf'nt ;inrl a w11fr , v1\1hlr· i,:ap tw-twt•f'n M<.,<1t'0 °l> r ll'h &nrJ poor, an:.ily.,I ~ h1·ri· ~'·nn<ill v :ii,:rN• that the• m·w JJllrl1P"> P'•">•· I 1 l l l I' I h r f• ;Jl I 11 I h •• w r• 11 I' n t r 1• n c h 1· rt H .-v o I u I 1 fl n a r v lnc;t1tultona l Party. wt11r h h a .... dr1m1natNI th•· p11h tll':il lif1· ''' th1~ N1untry of 64 m11l11,n r,.·111>11• for h<ilf a 1·1mturv M al('r -;aul I ht• ll1·«1-.1f1r1 111f':1nl th;it volunt.11" :olf11 n1.lll\t' .11 11on pn,g r :1111)l .,.,,., ,. lq•.JI .id ling "Hul 1·q11u l lv 1mJ111rt:1111 " wh at 1't1111p.111w .. 1111w do ,,t,c,uf lh.114 c1f.'e1~11111 lo pr11 v11l1· rn•1r1 · 10b.s o.md 111or1· 1Jj1porl 111111 v f11r WOtnen ~ind mlllfifllJI':, ]JLaL.S • 1""'" v.111 t.ik" pri· 11r1 1111 •11111 p :11111•, 1Ji.11 ti ...... l111 ·tl '"Ill ~t1tu1 .. ;1ffirm.itn ,. ,,, 111111 1•111 gram ~ rml} to I;.-• 1111!•1111 1111 !I 11. la w .,1111'.'oo and l'<rnl l1t I 1111· d1 m.i111h "Wt-; l\H LONG t;H h.n• 111 11 .. 1·:111 g ht in tht.• trap v. h•·r ,.,,, 1( y(Ju c1i<1n 't havl' :i Jir<w r :1111 \1111 1·ould bl' SUl'd by th1~ j~f'IHIJI. ·'''" tr)77) a on<' you rnu d IH· .1 11 ·d u,y unotht·r g roup, .. ht· ..... 11d I.• u11.irl) W ;d(•n t~1H1w11·:r . l.1 v. ',., f11r tt11· l'nti ... h-A rrn 111 :111 ( •HfJJ'I •0 •"' 1.tld "Ot t< J'OSITIO]'; h11s alw<ty., h• 1·11 I h,JI IA.l' lwlH·\ 1• Jn :1f f1rrn:ll1\1• al"ll•tn, hul v.1· l>l'lt<•v•· 11 ~ho11l it· bf' ~v:rr1"3tr1C' tn • 111 11101ii11·~. not «t·rl atn .,elt·l"I l'I <llJJlb HANG-TEN ROLLER SKATES Stt Actrus Victoria HaH In SkathtCJ DHt0Mtrati01t1 JV•I 1111 OU1 ""' <.ertlllC•lfl you Qt!t ,...,.,,., ,,JI, 01 ., """or tneH XL· 100 , ,,10• hn...,1@• inn '""(1 n t, RC A aloru,i .. 11n proof Of puirnu ., Your "" B•w rv (MOO•I A012~) ..,,,, 0.. anlpped dlrectty to your ho"'* A llo w 11 • ....... lo< d&llve1y O!f1tt 900d J une 2ll in1u Avov•t !>. 1979 l ftom lrrw . ~·J>ERllAl•s ,I l\M making :1 d W.lfengl' of a M>rl ." M a1er :-.aid · D'· I am. l arn pl1·a~l:d to 1~.~111 · th)! ch:.illt•ni,:t·. T he e 1111rl dl·· d.~d volunlarv program:-a re legJ9l. Mu1t·r ~:i id Kai1>f•r ''"'"'' 11, rarr~ the <'IJSt' to thC' h igh 11111r1 <:v•·n t.hou~h . · If we h:J d d 111p111·d 1t W•· wr1uld h :l\'t• hct'n h••r0<:~. · Wh.1t 1:rrl'v1·., ""is lh•· 1·111ir1 · ... 111d1f l•·1 ••11 1 •· ''' 11lh1·,. 1:r1111p-. h • •· 1111·... Iii .11· k " a nd 111 :-. · pa11w'.'oo .Jus l llt'l'au~1· ynu·r1· v. h111 ., 11t:1t dr11•s n 't m"an vou·v .. h:.id 11 n1:1d c 111 the Jlu ::.l ~oo year:. 111 Am1·nr:1 " " 2300 Horttor ll•d. ot WilSOll Cotto Mu o 646-4155 •This is ow way to ... protn0te ttw conMr•aHon of qcttollM. "Thl'n' will I.I(' J(n•a l µrcssurc .. M ;Jny or our c oll1•:1).!UC'b Ill hus int:i.s wou l d huH: h1·•·11 happy." C.C. CDLE BATHROOM FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES only 1 st Quality Products Visit C. C. Cole for an your plumbinCJ needs from faucet washer to bathtubs. OPEN DAil Y 1-6 SAT. 9.5 SUM. I 0-S • Commercial • Residential • Remodel • Maintenance c.c.-CCLE PLUMBING & HEATING OPEN 7 DAYS A Wllll 2280 NEWPORT Bl. COSTA MESA 645-1161 • 557-1807 . , OPLN JU LY '1th OPEN JULY 4th Have a Colorful at Home Summer • • • If vou're like most people you'll be spending more time a t hom<> ... Make it Pnjovc.tble by working in your garden. Reme mber tha t Roger's Gdrdem. offer~ you the best sPIPction dnd highest quality plants at a true value. Of' Tlf ·~ ~•"':I). ·,n ~\, 'l; ~~ .if/;;,<.~~-;_ FUCHSIA ~ Marigold~ !,,4l~~ ;r1.~ ,:-!} 1 BASKETS ~-dnd y ~~~.¥ i~ ·. ::-: ... " Petunias 1 · · · · ' . . . :. (-:;·-:.?:·.C> in 4" pots We have over .68 variet1e~ of th•~ ~j,.;:,i...W-NOW 69c popular and unique flowerin9 p~ant ~µ.'!:'·~-r~··,, i~ almost endl~ss color ~omb1~a· -~>.1 • •••••• • •• ,· Hi·•iult.Hlv ~" h o ns. They will bloom in par11a l --,,,.,,,.-..: "' It• ltiHt ft ~'I ;,,:;; .A'1.<" sun through late fall. Create your own Hanging Basket ... Sphagnum Moss 1400 c u. in. Wire Basket 14"'"wall or round ••• ,._,) ·1\' GARDENING ~ .._CJ ,-.-j ~ . S ' r I '• ' • ' >1 ~· { I ~ ..... t ' • • SEMINAR , ,., 1,1 • , .. . Di . , , ... r' '.. " , ,. . .,,>,' • '-' .. ,. ,4\\Jr;,. I Mc:1kv ~.-rdening ,, f ,,milv proje' I Allend Hoger's GdrdPnS informative Gc:1rd,•nin9 ~minclf~ on han!}ing b<-'skc>t con'Struc lion af 11 AM, I PM. c:1nd :l PM ~.111 J111tt111111 lhll" HcJ. itl MMArlhur Ulvcl., N''""~"' H•··•• h, (7Mt b40·ftHIHI 0f)('n Orlily 9am lo f>pm-Flori"t 640·f>774 BIG SAVINGS NOW! ------.. --------------- .d . -,..... .•.. ,. llYSTOHI XI 180 -. NYLON AND LEA-ntER JOGGEll1S ~!!!!ml -------AMEL\ A,....Cl·I CAMERA-- SHOE SKATES J111n Ht .. fl'l\ W~ .I •I t/V t ,,.. C l.t~'' .11h1•t111 '>lylt'r1 • hn1 ~k.llf"<. ir flflllr r It Voll l>lul. 1, I uOull -- Sizes 2-12 CHRIS EVERT To lnnk Ilk" ;i pro wh1I" y r111 pluy QPI 1n1·..,e Chn.., lvc~rt Conver ... ~ ... nnn<, in whclf• w ith contrasltnQ tnm r"'""- '>· 10 L1m1lad to slack on hand 51188 MOUNTAIN ~e~C~REST BACK PACK Mo unlPcl nyl!ln tm 11 onr:J n;i1Jt11·d 'ilrao nn a n :ilum1ni1m lramP w11n ii ""O•H·•tt• poC.kPI'. ThP 10 101 wr•1qt11 '" JH CJI' Reg. 23.99 COLEMAN I 0 GAL. POL YLITE COOLER r no• • O"r.1:il c:r.t01er ha<; a snap lalc.n 11n ii h1nqM1 hd tough l'nough lr1 •,11 •Ill Wiii\ "" P.w.y \() CIP.lln plaSl•C lonror :inr1 nll pla•,11r drain OnP Y"<ir hmtlPd w.11ranty Reg. 20.99 COLEMAN SLEEPINI BAI IT'S EASY TO IHO, For vacations or ,1 night o ut m lhl'? backyard th 1'> 4 lb. Col e man sleeping bag with t00% aluminum 11ppe r and "9 cords for· roll up storage will keep you snug Reg. 19.99 le«J. 169.'9 5129" l)S-24 s I"' FllM 6 pak 12 OL PEPSI R._.orDiet Convr•n,..n1 o.:ic~" 1 , lot 1n r:onlt·r , Hatio..at Siln~ HOMEMAKER SET 50 p c:-·,ta1nlc-.,~. .l•·•·I V'rvor:r• fl)r 8 1 0( ·.td1n 1"", ·,1,.,..1 m1.1111ri bow l'. 'i PL w 11,JCI"" '>nOr1n "''' ·.tl .. ~ ~~ 1, • .. I • I ·-. LADIES SUMMER GOWNS Re«J. l .97 lrewtwood floor PILLOWS •eci· '"·" ... , l • , .. ('·t ;- 00 STAR WARS ACTION Fl&URI R-.,2.46 lSMM WI• AIMJI• Re«J. 49.'9 JELLY W.tch'1~ J.tty i1t a i•· Welch's· C"altAPE .J(llY a, 1 pc. Hea•yweiqht AMNMlfft COOKWAR BIKINI BRIEFS Girt'• & WomH's I 0 pair to pail •~CJ. 4.99 I ...... IBSPlt!ADS Tw-.M.9wff ...tl*J 20%off R.cJ. rrtc~ of 17.'9 to J0.99 TRICYCLE .... ···" 510- == .) South Coast Plaza 1111 lrhhl • costa Meta • s4 .. sz2 Time '•yment end leyewty "'"' Awtlllble OPIH W.. ttn M . I 0 to t , ...... s.t. I 0 to 6:JO P.M. ...t S.. 11 to I ,.a ... t 10 Electronic Ftash Use' 100 or 400ASA Film 521 88 STAR .. f'ST TUNA Requlw or Lit~ 6 1/J oL D •·lo• 1r"\11 111 .11mrnnr !>alc1r:l" Fin~ Cft'omic TEA POT Sur~r•'·'" y11ur .. umm"'' Qll l",I ~tlh ,,,, rrtrll or. .nor •· 11 1 "' " ll0 r.1 1 p:'!llr:rri Ir .1 n'it I'; r.oJP bq. 6.'9 '~ Many Styles and Sizes 50%.11 Reqular Price ~;, ~ UNFINISHED f/°1,: ---FURlllTIR I . ' 1_..diH t: 50 ° 'o off TANK TOPS /C R-.,Priuof 4.19 to' J.69 ......;,.~ T-SHIRTS s5•s IUY WITM tO•flDHCI! SATISFACTIOtt CUHHTHI! Regular Price ~,JIP l1m1lf'c1 l•o •,Irie I< <>II hun<J BAR STOOLS Nolack SJOO With aack sir Adiustable f • .11 • -• • ------• .. . . -.... . ~ ·~ ., ~-.,,,, ......... >~.,.,,_. ... , .......... , ...... 4 •• • L • -• • • • • • • • • • • • -• -• --•• -·--~::: r : -~ . . . :-. -j ---. .... ---' ................... ~ . ' -----· .~-. . -1 ------·---·--------------- 6)• I .. You m1 ~understood me when I )O•d I'm I MISS HACH · AtlT".,uAtt' s MA~All~E' ~ SSCRrP'Ji ON ~UVICE ~ > AlrT~tAfr, '' TMl«I A ~ATl~IC.AI.. MA6At.1Nf FOrc OOCTOC§? ·-. -.,,.,... -· --.. --... ---... --.. ---....... -..... . --~ \ ' I / PEANUTS ~ry1ng to k eep rn y w eight down,.. L t=-~~~---~~~--JI~.!:::::======.:=--=== • iUPERHEROES by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta SHOE by Jeff MacNelly ORABBLE ~£'#, OAO, WO\JLO ~OU L.IKf 'fO 60 Wl'fM PAf~tt:I( ANO ME: "I'?) l. t0"1 l--ANO 7 r---:~-. .---· -_.-/ DR. SMOCK <) 1'l1~1·~ 11-4( 01C. f'A~K W«CVC ~OU 01(>1\1 € '10U~ o.~ 1'iH~OLlC.l-l A.NO LOO\( Ar-AL.L 1'1,.1(' Wll .. O At41MALS Rl>AMtNC, Afl.OLlf.,10 ~ -LQ-V c.-2s 0 LIMITED t ~ .;, .. ' . . ~~ \ r ~ ~~ by Kevin Fagan , ~e:A~, 6.11"' WC LA N {,(f IN~~ • ~AL{-' {>R,1<£ r by George Lemont · /j XPRE:S~~· 1' LANE '-._ Tr-- I THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane GORDO by Gus Arriola ,..,..., .. nrr.. ...... ,. • .. ,...,. .... .. "If I pull this string will it foll apart?" DENNIS THE MENACE • ~ r J _ 1 _fl ,t ' •• . , ·' :· .. ::: . . '••1':.::....,--~ ·~ 1J1 think I J«*REALtalqh,5aJ 'kdd it'!' L JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS IN THE 5HO!n TIME HE'!> 6EEN HERE, f.4E'5 MAOE COMIN6 TO WORIC FUN! by Harold Le Doux by Tom K. Ryan ~E:Y'RE SfAGIN& AN r---------,...-._, C::ME3Al.MA1HON IN t70D6£ CITY 10 RA 1se FlJNl7S 10 CURE INSOMNIA AiVONG-1DE fAG6fRS . ~ ,,.,;!ff -..--.;~---"-I ~~~,, NANCY 1 HAVE A FEELING T H AT AUNT FRITZ! STE AMED OPEN MY LETTER FROM SLUGGO v ---- .... • • •t -'P' NANCY, PLEASE BRING ME THE LETTER OPE NER ' , t I • \ .. ( I .' ~ -~ -. .. by Ernie Bushmiller .' • A .t. l ~ .. _ .. ,.. ' -.. -.-. : .. : . ...... ~ .. • -. --.. -----_r · -. -: . . . .. TODAY'S CROSSWORD-PUZZLE Ar,l~(J',' ~ A1.1 • ·"' I t H ,~,: ''•t At '" H• ,, : ' I ''t II f1h ~ I • VJuuJ• d ~f tf 1t i J r I 1 ' i .,,, #•,,,,.,ti• , 1J11 t ' •• ,,,I, t J' I 1 j /.I '1 f , 1 • •; ~ /,. I fl I ~I II ~ •'' 01 -,,, J • "•'h• lb 011•" "'" ,. bl I"" • I JI •nt •~J••nt tll 1 / N'•'': ,,. r,,.H h•1tt1 11 r 1{11 11 #fl•. I '1 fj J. f I I • I r.1•111nr1 , ...., ~. , , , ,, i<~ r ,,, ,,111 • Ill,,,,,,,, tfUtnt'tl /t ti ,, ti ti' 1 J VJh•l•·t.1• /4 fJ1'1 ,1·fT I nttt•·d U (.,1~,,n 29 A :,hdl\Hllj 31 (.,up' 3~ &c.r1uul <1u• 37 COtnlJl'l111fl 39 [ • hdu~ fl:ll 4() f U/I 4? 111,mo .. - lidnflt' ,. Noun ~ulf•• '~ P1·p1tt - 41 Rac:•:d th•• l•OQllll• '9 I •me .11,i,1 'I ( flt ;1 tiOt1m 'l 11• •• '.ljtllll .' t~ ll1t~•Jl•t r,.11, l W•J1'1t•1 1 TrJfmt·t'\tt,f ') Q1t11fP0;'> (,tit b Gd•I ...... . I Whopo, II Eni.111•· 9 f utn•!>h qun -.. 10--r1nrfl tt Man•,'"' .. "·'"''' ' • t/j f( IJ f I 11 ;fl f i /l'tf!lf ,11• /,, ~J'11•1,<J,1y '• ~'Hiii•· ', t •' J I ii~ I 1 I •Hit ' ., •1J 1,1 I In ••111t1 1),-td 71 ""' ,., (~1Vf• (Jll 21> lnq1t'lh 1.11y ?II Art L.,11" 10 0.11111•:111~1: i.' f f\ft1r·. l ~ f~11h•tt;fH i h'-:~. 14 (rtllnt .. 1r. A·:"'' ,, ·, .. ·····' J , f H' I 1h01t1 ••• , .. 411 I .1n1.1·,1 ~1 ~ma11 .,,,,,, ~' -ti• 1•!1l1 .,., f'.Jrltllt:ll V H11d 11 .. nu•, 11'1 lhtt;w•, '1'1 l 11.1111 .. bO M-1'.'. bl v.1q•ttn1 63 P1u:. •Jr John "'1 Hart d m1·.il lil!M,1lt··, ~·i w .. 4e1 ..... ------------·----. ·. J I • -: .. .. --. 1 ·_-_-_'_··:-_--··- --------- LOCAL She Wins Triple Crow~ &-Newport, Fair Queen JV_ow MUs Costa Mesa By IACIUE HYlllAN .................... When tt come• lo local beauty tODl.esta, SwJle Rubio ol CcMlta Meaa Ma won the Triple Crown The former Mh" Ne wport Beath ( lt77l wlll rf'llnqulsh he r crown 1n July a• Miu Oranae County l"alr. a Utle 11h_. won • yt'ar ago But It won't hur t too mur h. hc r uuae lht f1rat weekt-nd an June she wu s~lecttld t.o be M1g11 CoKl• ll•H for 1979 For anyone who'" r ounun1. M 111 Rubio ha!i cnttired 1~ beau· ty conteists In th.-pulit ;!•,.., ycurs 11nd WOD l2 trophlt'K 811S nNllHt:U amvnc the top 12 coateetanla out of tl8 ln 1t'17 for 11111 Callfo rnla Uolv•rM. In 1971. th• WH • ln· •Ult to both the MIH CaJlfomJ1t and Maki ol CaUfornla P•&eanb The Ne wport Harbor Hl1h SC'hOOI ;,od OrMllNl' ('oa.1>l ('olh:~c a.traliui.t t . wh v wv rk 1o 4.1 , 1llhouette artist at Oumeyland, h ull h•r ~ye Olf & <'!Heer rn modelln.: THE GMNDDAUGHTEa of · a beauty contestant -he r 1randmother was a princess in the queen's court at the Lewis County Fair in Washington 40 years qo -Miss Rubio defends such paaeants. "Sometimes we do a•t people who stereot)'pe u1, but it's a 1ood opportunity for young girts to develoP. poiae and s elf· c:ODfldence. • Mlaa Rubio said. "I've met a lot of &lrll at con- teata who've become friends. and it's opened up a lot of doors for me," she said. "There are a few pageants that give the rest of them a bad name. that may be fixed. l don 'l t.bink I 'vc been in a ny of them." Depot Dog A Fixture At Station ---"lU»tu~I IUll 1,1i:.J U' to~ •nd ~=--­n c m ing not to take the results personally and not to 1et dls· coura1ed. she added. BOZEMAN. Mont t At'> - •·our di.yit a week. only mlnules befort-lhe pauen1er trains ar· rive . Duke lrob Into the r a1lw1y s tation. tail a wa.i It 's nar k time H c i; t r c1 I I :. a "' 11 n lo( t h 1.: pass e n t: c r s . & t· r t· pt:. :. o m c frie ndly gr~lin~s und snml' pct ting, then headl> for the damn~ car and ba rks for lht• ht.1ndout that has become has tlUl' lN THE -PA!;T four yoari., Duke has become a fa xtun · ut the s tation . almo!>t alwayl> wait mg regardless of the weather To the Amtrak crew:. he ai. "Uw Bozeman Beagle " The din.in& cars alwll)!> huvc " tidbit for him. "lie always shows up jufit a few minutes before the tram ar- rives." said a womun baagage handler al the station. "HE KNOWS WHICH way the train is heading. too. When it's going west. he always trots right to that end or the line and waits" DulJe 's owne r . Ma r y L(·t· Turner, says 1l was Ouke'i. in te regl in ~pie that drew him to the slatiof'I, not far from his home . Then he disc·overcd that dining cars have both people and --lood"' and he has been a .fail.hful train greeter ever s ince. "He knows the schedule better than 1 do." Ms. Turner su1d. DUKE ALSO knows the dif ference between freight trams, which have no dining cars. t.1nd passenger trai ns . whi<'h 11o He doesn 'l greet freights The 9-yca r ·old bc·a~I<: was !>OmethjnA of a hobo an ha~ early days and may have pcrfe<'lt.'<l has bumming techniques on ex c ursaons around town "tic J u s t travel ed . Mi. Turner said "lie had a coll ar with his name on It and peopl1· v.·oulrt find ha m and bring him homl'" Three in /tf e110 for me It ·" not that hard wor k ." Miu Rubio-said an Jn interview an the condominium i.hc shurtii. with her mother. J111c Rubio "I ('AN F t:EI. comforlitblt' 1n front of ~"()11lc m11dvll11~ anti I Lrul~ t'llJOY it," she said . noting thut i.hc i. model~ ut such i.pols .i ::. Tiffan y's c l ub a nd the Nt·w ~urll·r Inn an Ne wp(1rt Ucal'h Sht•'ll also b\> feutureli 10 11 (~hum layout in &o upcomlnK 1fful' o f "R urqul'lbaJ I I I lu:.lrated " • fo'ortunatt.>ly. M ll>l> It u b111 .... 11 rJ. :.he'::. a good modehn~ ht·a ~hl · fi ve ft'et 6 1 ~ 1n1·ht•s and doesn't have to work hard lo ::.tay ul 108 poundi. And the 21 -year-0ld suad she'' f ully aware of so m e of lht· dangers a model run~ anlo She-. us ually accompanied on usi.agn m e nls b y u J.{i rlfrae nd o r chaperone "A LOT O•' TIMES a l pageants we got approat h1'(J hy s uppoaed t.altmt. Mli(ents Mnd men who claim they'll sponsor y<iu 111 d ifferent thjngs. so you havt· to hf' t·arcfuJ ... Mi ss Ru bw i.aatl Such "talent scouts" art· ri· ferred to the pageant da rnctur . she said. M lss Rubio. whu m<ived lo Ne wport Beach from Florld11 ttve -yew-F-ago -and lo Costa Mesa a year and -a· ha ir a~o. plans to continue her salhouellc work at Disneyland while she pursues her modeling ambitions SHE SAID SHE became in· terc:>led through ht·r fa ther . who Pact Rejected PEKING (AP> Chana re Jerled a V1etnamel>c proposal to d ay for a te mpo ra r y non a gg ress ion ag reement. suyan~ the measure has h<1d no ~u b !-.t.itnce ·and f&ile(J to il<:al with the basic Iss ues far ing the two communist neighbor!> Board Holds Off On Unused Schools The future of the sates of three clo~cd elementary schooll> an Col>t <1 Mesa remam unccrt¥1n MS Newport·Mesit trustees &ccepled a com - mittee report but slopped s hort or adopting the group's recomm<:n<la tions this week. Trustees a pproved the hiring of an appraiser to deter mine fuar m a rket vulue rents for Mesa Ve rde, Victoria and Monte Vasta schools. Al laaue Is whether trust~i­ wall go lo bid. giving any In - terested pubUc or private group the f'l&hl lo s e e k a lease. Trustees would retain the rlght to reject any ofter for what they consider an unaullable use . As a result, the committee re- c ommended that all three schooll be leased to public agen· c ies. FOR MESA VERDE School, ll s ug1eated Fairview State Hospital. with poealble subleases to Prince or Peace Lutheran St·hool 11r l ht• O ra n~•· Co<1:.I YMCA For Monte V1i.l<1 Srhool. 1t n· ~o m me nde d a lca:.c t11 t ht· Orange County D<:partml'nt of Education. And for Vi ctoria School. a lease to Fairview with a s uh· lease to th~ YMCA was s uggest ed . with second choice a le ase lo lhe city of Costa Mesa with u YMCA sublease. may be re· t ained for district use. possibly for special education. The subject will be on the board's July 10 agenda , when the appraisal may be completed. WatehD•eks Montana's Qua.ck.en in Peril BROADVIEW, Mont. (AP> -The state Highway Department hu wamlnl alp for almOlt uy roaftway hazard. But what it can't flDd to fill the bl11, so to speak. is one thatsays "Duck Croulna." Highway ofncial1 and 1be state Department of Fish. Wildlife and Parks are tryiq to decide juat wbal kind of .it si1n ml&ht heJp keep motor11ta from clobberin1 baby duoks trying to cross stale Hiabway 3 near here. A LARGE RUNOFF LA.KE HAS formed along the highway, and about 200,000 ducks hav, called it home They produced thousands of off1prln1 Utia eprin1 and cars and trucks are runnin.c down tbe ducklln11 In lar1e tnou1h numben to alarm local residents. Fish. Wlldllfe and Parks spolleaman Clint Bishop aayll it isn't his department's business to erect such sians . And the HlghwJy Department says It baa no aucb •l•n•. Hlahway Departm~nt spokesman Bill Woolaton, al· lowed. "ll'a unique. . .a new situation." But he said the department la working on the problem to keep drivers from turning the fuzzy lltUe critters into so much duck soup. -~------------~----i...-----------------­.... Def!Yll'ttllltltf ..... REIGNING BEAUTY MeM'a Suale Rubio unlll two years ago was owner- ltssee of the urt conce11sions for 01sney. He still lives ln Florida. At 17, Miss Rubio studied for three months to learn how to cul out profiles free-hand. Since lht·n . !-.he's wor ked al Dis · n1·Y laml for five summers and hl·;·11m1• :.o interested she collect· l'd :.alhouettci. 40 or 50 years old. At major state p1geanta, Miss Rubio said. P'arllcapants re hearse for 16 l-0 18 hours a duy and are usua lly exhausted at the end. "The b1c night. you f<:el that something should come back to you." she said . "It's disa ppoint· ing when you lo~e. Uut nev<:r giv<: up. "YOU'D Gt:T t\ d1ffcrc·nl wan ner with each group of Jud~e:. I've known girls I won over and la ter they won over me " ..... . . . : . ; .. • '. M 1 i.~ Hu bao a lso c o llec ts i.i lho ut·ttes s he 's made of c•c lt<h r il af's ;,it D is neyl a nd . Among tht•m arc Red Skelton 1 "tit' knt·w all a bout silhouettes. whlrh impressed me"L Patricia \:t·al. Har k Nelson and his fami- ly. J ammie· Wa lker. soap opera i-.tar Rill tfoys and an Arabian pr1nt'l'. Turki U('n Saud Mass Rubio. who rc:.cmble:-. actresses Ma ren J ensen and Jaclyn Smith, said she doesn't plan lo pursue an actan i: c<trecr although she know:. t clev1:.1on places a greut emphasis on looks. ,. .. W~• "But who know::..,.. :.he :.aid "I've had a call to do a sm all pa rt in a TV moval·. I'm thanJung about It ." CARTER AND FAN -P re!l1dcnt C~rkr~hug~ Chiharu ' \';.a mada . ;J 17-ycar-o ld high ~t·hool ~tudcnr a fter s he told lht· pr~adent ~hl' rt:ad and aclm1rcd h1~ book. "Why Not , t h t· H1·~t ·• ·• T ht· prc..,ad cnt •~ 111 .J ;.a pan fo r an cconom1 c · 1·on r t.'l\:nr·t' Mesa City Hall Gets Facelift V1s1lor:. tu Costa Mesa City H u n thb nutum n may find the mselves !'.tumbling into scaf. fo lding and tripping over wor kmen. bul it ·s a ll for a good caust-, city officials say. The first three floors of the f1 ve·slory structure .itt 77 Fair Urive will bl' remodeled to make t·ity depar1 mt.·nls easier to find. ('ut ma1ntc nt.1nce costs and brtll(htl'n u11 thl' place. change .an some city functions, <rnd an improved ap~arance. "The city Invested un awful lot of money In this building when th<:y fi rst constructed it and I think at would be a s hame to let it run down." Roeder added. II<' !-.aJd the original carpcti. will be replaced and other de :.ign changes will try to :.often the building's llharp itngles and make il more inviting ALLAN ROEDER. assistant MOllt: DURABl.•: and t:ai.y to the r 1ty manager , said the top care materials wall be u!,ed an an t" o floor:. of the 12· year .old effort to cul m aintenance c<r..ll> budding we re n·modeled five or and l>ave ener~y Roeder i-.t.11d sax yt·ar~ ago In add1t1on. several depart He saad the facelHt for lhe bot· ments will be shifted and somt· tom thn.-c floors is expected t.o com bined lo make thing:. e1ts1er cost $360,000 and should be com· lo find 11lelc by the end of the year "ll';i really ha rd lo find Uungs ''In ull c a ndor . for a te'W around here," Roeder s.itld. "A months there wlll be some tncon· lot of trus is keyed u ound whitt \"Cnierrce-to the-publtc-:-main:ty--can we do to give beUer-1ux-e~ lhis full," Hoedersaid. to the pubUc ." fl oor. wh1·r1· thl' 11l~1nn111~ and nu1ld1n~ :r&fely -off1t•t::... win J1t- ('Om banr rt Thi· goal. f<m·dt.•r '>CJH I. '" to t·ut re,l la1>t· hy ga van g a ppht'a nt:. 11m· !>J>Ol whl'rt' th<:y t·an ohtaan all Ol't'es::.;ctry p<:rmit<. and 1n rorm alaon ;iboul hu1ld1 ng:- 1\ notht::r <·on::.1dcratwn lha" one for :-.<1frt~ 1i. to mun: tht rat~"s-prantang equapmenl from tht· third floor to t h~ 'a1·<1111 first .noor offa t·c·:. formcrl} ot· ('upatt.'<l hy the Me:.a Con::.ohdat t.·d Watl'r Ua!>tract. now loeotcd 1n its own ::.eparal<' building In tht• lar~l rtoor fanan1·c 1h· p<1rlmenl. a nt•w <lt''ll.!n .... 111 1·rl'alt· mun · t·ountt-r i.1Htc1· and 1·ai-.1er <1<·c·t·:.i. to wcirkl·r' who .-. 'LH' husanes:. and other ht•cn::.t:s 0 411¥ P1101 ~l•tt P ... lo HE SAID THE remodeling w1 II serv1· two purposes -a ONE Of' THE most nolaceable changes will be on the second On rh t• third floor . H<1ct.lc1 -.aa cl. l'hange:-. i.houlil aid lh1· puhht m-f1nrl1~ tht• right pl11N• Ill tht· lt•l:-.llf(• l>£•r Vll'l'l> dt•p:ir1 lll l'll l t1> :-.ag n up fnr r•·1·r1·:1t1on.d .1f ll\'llll'!) .Hid ;!t:l l)J f'I-. lll l lJl lllJ 1:on. SOME INCONVENIENCE' City Aide Roeder Smog Control Exchange Pka Goes to Judge I.OS ANG f'~T.i':S I/\ P I -A re· <111l·st lo extend a JO.ye ar-old or· 1h:r proh1b1ting fo ur major auto com panics from e xch1mglng ln· form al ion on pollution control t·quapmt•nt has hcen taken under submission by a feder.itl judge. U.S. Dis trict Judge Jesse Curlis. who had been asked by the U.S. J ustice Department t.o extend the order for another 10 yea rs. did not Indicate when he would Issue a ruling Tll r. ORDER conlaans two HI -year renewable provisions . One forbids the exchange of · r<>stricti vc" data on the de· \'e lopmcnt of emission control llevart•s such as catalytic con· \'t•rtcrs. Tht· other bars the companies from issui nt; joint s t atements c11sc ussing their ability to meet fede ral safety or e mission stan· dards T he ruling will a fre ct A m e ri c an Motor s Corp., <iencral Motors Corp .. Ford Motor Co .• Chrysler Corp. and the Automobile Manufacturen Association -known aa the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers /\ssodation. THE roua COMPANIES bad consented to the order ln Qc. tober 1969 as part of the setUe- m en t of a n a nli ·lrus l s uit brought 1tl(1tins l them by the government.· J udg~ Curtis grented the ex- te ns ions last month but then va cated the detlsion when the MVMA n o t e d tbal r ir cumstances had chan1ed since L969. He said it also would make ll difficult for the companies to compete with foreign car manufacturers who are not un· der auch realricUoaa. Learn Something New. Everyday. From complete news of your community to reports of world events, you'll find words and pictures to make life more interesting. Keep learning. Enjoy the informative DAILY PILOT 642-4321 _, . , ........... ~ . . ..... .;. \. ,., ' ' ... .. ... . . .... -·----. -.. ---··-· . . --... ---' ......... ~ .. ,.._.,,,,., ==--*,. ----··---------. r .. -.. . . 1 ------. -~------------------- Th\IAdey, June H , tt7't ~~re Wayne, fric1eford Eoo -- j~OJ Star Era? .... 8 1 801 THOMAS ,_ ................. EDITOR S NOTE Tlw>moa ~' bet>tt eownny lle>UtfUJOOd jOt JS fHrt ll•r~ lw kaU• o "'<"""'lo r•/lf!C'I : oe tM ,,..,,.,,., c~ sr""' followmq "'' r•<'•"' puu • *"'101 huomotJW(11Clnfl HOLLYWOOD Marv f'j<'kford. th1• u on w1llt'fl Amt-n<'l•M !"wN•lht>art, rtl(>'>I ur<'t'Mjful ~her ·tr slle-nl film" John Wa)nc> thfo h·•·l J1tw1-d M1m Or the! Wt>llt , ll>O(Cl'bl litStlnJ( Ntar Of lht• "UUllll era . Tht' pa11Mn.i Within 10 1111)'' or tWtJ 'u1·h '"Kt'O dia ry figun• e,•nwd to '"~" h1i.ton<'t1I ml'l.O ine Whau hni. h1tpJ)t'ned to thE> i.tu 'Ysh·m th•l Pa<'krord .md W.1Hw ,•p1lom1te<f' Ii. 11 d1•itd" If AU, who k111_,.111 ·• \\Ill 11 ...... ,, rt'VIVl'. M y 1'<ltlor ""u11tt•tl th•• am i.wt:r to th••M· umJ n· ----......... ·-----· ·-----··---. . -...... -.. ---p -.,. .. - ----... --... .-.............. ' HOL:LYWOOO June 28 throygh Ju!Y_ 3 at American Savif19§. ••• -c •: i---~mt'f'd '1 Uf"'i I tRmt 11 1·lnt n Klhg ffoll y ~ 11m1--it--~ tlt-111·\· I 111h'n •··~ 1•11 'Cllllt'Onl' whfJ hu., '>l1t•111 1 .. ) \'<If'> 'lull} 111.: lht' 111'1 llUlHlll 11f 111111 \ ""'ICltl sturdom M\i.t•lr ~ f)o you M'l ' li PCl'tlll s 1..:mhl'IHI ('\' Ill I ht· dt•Jlh,of Mun l't<'kford and John W11ync " A. Sl(iNlflt'AN('.;'! P E RHAPS. Ali.o '>url nc::.i. Hoth ~t·n· talcnh'd f&r ti<' ond what tht·ar co111.1·mp11rury c·ril1t•::. would admit Hoth w(.•rt• i.t1mulal1 n~ pt>ri.onahllc!> wh(• wt·n · 111y!> to 1n tcrv1t•w Hoth cxh1b1tcd u f1en·c luyulty Lo th1·1r fellow workt>rs and to the film 111du:-.t ry Q Wall Wt' t-ver M'C th1•1r like:-. .11o(r11n " A P'rohably not. Both wt·rc 1:11 gn thun llrf• Mary was the fit•rh:ct hcrotnt'. l>uk,· wa"> th1• td('al hero llero11·!> arc not 1n i.lylc t1xl a> Mo!>t of th1· s tari. t-nJOY l>t-m~ s roall<·r than hft· Q \'nu M•u11d ltk(· .1 11111:-. ... h:ll'k A Sorrv Nt•>:l (jlH':-.l lOtl l) I ' 1 h 1· ' I .1 r :-.v:-.l1·m 1lt·arl ' . A ll;1roll y ! '1t11'1dt ll1t· l11t•ra111n· a l lht· rhc·1·km1I -.t:oncl of your l0<0 l.ll groc·t·n :-.Ion· Q WhiJl 1:-. y our J}(JIOL~ A Th ;ft I ht• i\mcr11·l.l11 1w11pll-·,till want :-.tar' 'fht·~· '4:Jnl lo n ·;id ;1ho111 lh1•m and lo M'I' ;11111 Ill ht-:H lh1·m WAYNE APPho•o St ar~ today llrt' r r<•alt·d not only 111 movie:-. hut 1n l••l1•v1!-.1on rtll'k 11111 "'" :-.1J11rl:-. l1l1·ratun" 11olil '"~• 1•1,••n IO+'fHH ll+'-Tht-"!-.I or ">V,lt-rrt-rn tht" fll 111 1nllu:-.1 ry " 111,1 rl1 ·ad, hut 1l I!'> ;ill11.1g (J Why'' flow did 1l 1~t·l lh:il w;ty' A. T iit: lllSTORH'i\I. Rt.i\~O:\~ ;1ri· 111>\ 11111"> .. fl•lll tlll' l'.1211, tlir1111gh 11t1· 1~11 , 11111\ "'' \l.1 ·n · 111 t-: m;i:-.~. 1·111t'rt;w11111•11I A hq~ '>l11d111 rt·l1·a.,t·d ;1 111·w rr 111\ 11· 1·\ 1·rv o,1,1 •1•k. ~>i! ,, v1•;or It l'lould !Afford to kl'l')J 100 11a111p .11•t1H " u1111t•r ('tJnlr.11·1. ~\'t•r <h· \ 1•l111J111g nt•w "''"" T 1•l1·\ 10,111n 1to ... tr1n 1·<1 lhl' r1111\ 11· ~···•nv h 1il111 Tht• Ing '>llHllfl .,, •. ,,.,,. 1 rt1rnhl<·tl 1111111.11 I h:-.h 111:-. :qq11•a1·1·d 'I Ill' 1·111 11 11o•lll l''> 1111w 11·lt·a :-.1· I ~ Jtl fl•alun•:-. :1 y1·:.1 <) Wh at h;,., th1· ,,,,,.,. 111 11t1· -.up11h ,,r :-.1:11 ..,·· I\ St•\f•rf'IV 11 11111 • •I II 111 1111" 11ld rla\ .... '\1(;,\.1 1·1111ltl ta kt• :1 li;1 r1·f1t41I 111.,1111\ lr11111 '\111 lh l'art1ltna. Jl"'l' h<·r m 1'111·1•..,.•1 ;1k1· 11ul1lw1I v 11·;11 h tlf'r h11w 10 al'!. 1-;J:-.t h1•r oppw.11 1· ('!;irk I ;;t11lt• ;ind oth1•r t•i.1.1 hlto,h1·tl ,, :Of •, Afl1·r "''\I'll \o'l'.11 '> ,\v;, c;:1rdno·1 "·I!> •• ">lar !'hat k mil of ;i hut 111111>" 1m1;1:,..,:-.1hlt·1 ud a v () f){1c:-.r1 I l1·lt·v1..,1011 1·11nlrtbutt· relm i.lar:-.' i\. J\ F E W. ST EVf. M('(~(;f:f:i..;, C lint F::i :-.1w1)()(l, 111·rha1>:-. John 'l'ravolla, althou~h the rc '>Ulti. arr·n'I in ~I'! Hut T V J>'111ularity rfo1·:-.n I ,J11 l1rnwtll'allv lr :11 1..,1111111• lo fil11" <llht·rw1:-.1· t-.dtl B:v rn1·:-. would lit' a lni.: :-.I ;or () If !-.l11d10.., 1111tf U·lt•v1•.11111 d1in I 1·n ·all' :-.t;1r"> h11w .Jrt' tht·v lior11 '• A <lft1·n It\ ,, h:qip\ .t1·11rl1·111 ••f 1 .1..,t11w l11,.,11n lloffm .rn 111 'I tit· C.t<1d11o1l1· ...,~ lvc:-.l•·r ~t .dlon1• 1r1 How k.\ 'I r a v11l t :1 111 !'i11lurday N1i.:h t F1•v1·r (j Hut whal l1 a111wn:-. tlw11 " A l'r11l1lt·m •, l.H .. .., t• on :-. 1111· r ~ t a 11 on ,. "Hod.y N1nv1111·1·:-. ti1111 l h :1 t h ,. I .., Ill II I t I l :1l 1•1111·tl ;i nti h•· rt'" nit·~ I• I S T I I•· W rt I l''. d I rt'l'l '> ;11111 :-.tar:-. 111 l';orad1:-.1· Al lt•v." Holh ;on · bomh!-. His <·art•t'f' 1:-. 111 t r11uhl1" then ht-rl'lurn:--Lu h1:- roots with "ltocky II · fl I!> well clone . hut whal docs he do for an en t'Ol'C '.' Q What 1:. your point '> A Thal 1n!>lanl PICKFORD !.tars f;lt'c 111:-.lanl pro· blt-m!> Not only Station'· Artn cm·ounte rang PM· hlc m :-. with "Straight Tune" and "Agatha." JloH· man l'ndcd up ~u1ng lhl' 1:om1>any he CQ·foundcd, F1r!>t Art1:-.t:-. i\nrl Travolta. tJfl1 •r "Saturday Night 1-'t·vc r" tJnd "(;rea:-.1., .. fl1·s ePntl1•d 111 tht· p1ti. with "Mo 111 cnl by Morn1·nt." l•·rrrH·d by :-.omt• 1·r1t1l'S "llou1 by flour ··· <) An• lh<' :-.111<1111i. 1011 hrrik1· L11 11t-v1.:lop nt•w /\. ARE VOU KIUUING'! Tl .. :V'RF. making mon• money than M a y1•r and Cohn ever dre11mf!d or Trouble 1!>, most of them ctre owned by con- 1-:lom crates that siphon off the m ovie profits for othe r purposes. Q. You m ake it sound as if the star system -in lilm s. not the scandal sheets -is really dead . A. Not dead. Just badly in need of resuscila- llon. • Q. In cloi;ing. do you have anything furthe r to say ctbout Mary P ickford a nd John WMyne? A. Yes. I'll mass them. Peg Leg Saves Li/ e MACON. Ga. CAP> 11.D. Carden '1gures bis wooden leg probably i.avcd his lire when he was bitten by a rab14 r accoon. The coon sank Its teeth into the phony nesh. "That's probably lhe only thing that saved mt!," Carden said. His son killed the animal with lt shotgun blast as It chewed<"' the a rUllcial limb. .... Based on the current discount rate for U.S. Treasury Bills, Federal Regulations now al!ow us to pay more than commercial banks on 6-month (26 weeks) Money Market Accounts. No one pays more on insured savings! . -ANNUALILf:D EFFECTIVE. RATE' ANNUAL RATl b -m on1h (26 week) C Jrtificate, $10.000 minim um deposit' N o fees. no extra charges. l t .. 1\111111 11 .. ' I I 'I· 1111 .. l!o1r1• J" !1.1'.•"' •II• ll'lll\11',1011'111 .111.' ,,,.. nu.nil.',,,'"''" flrlll• ,.,,,1 .u1tl ,,.,,.,,. I •• ,, ·1 l11h d.11, '•'"" duo• I•.,,.,,,, V• '" I I 11t "" .i , .. • I I• • ,.,, ''I" .11 11.. 1, 111• .1,•l 1 '' ·111'"''' h .1 '"I ',,, 1111· 1,,.,, .11,i, H.ll l<o1•· .11 "1• 11111. I ""' ,,, •· .,,,1 11:. on' fl• n•1r P''rm P 1 ttj>' 1111d1t"4 r '''' •• t t 1 l ""'''" ' ,t .1.u11i.1: ''" u ; lk'rt.11t 1 f. 1 • .arl, :.A''''"·'"'" ,r American's NEW low-balance Certificate Accounts and 5112°/o Passbook Account, effective July 1st. "~~:·~'.~·· _8.33:: 1 1 8.06 ::_-1.19 :·:; 6~98'::: 6.12:·: ·5~?~·.l s:.§.~··: ";:~:1t' g ·. T Yia ·. 1 7117."· 63,4 ·.. 6 %·· 53/.a"" 5 % -. 1-----1-. --· -1 • ---• -,-1 " , . I .. ~: .. -. . .. .. ······ .. ,. ' .. , • Ill •••• •'• "' ' •• , •• , ' NEW 4-year Treasury Account-$100 minimum. Thi' l'lrrind n1·w .11 < nunl 1•,;i1110, ,, 'lllM11n11•wl inl<•rco,f r.1lt• 111 the tmw nl 1'>\lll' for llw lull 'I ~"'"' lt•rm 11ml 1r1tl'rt"ol ·~ 1 umpo11nd1,rl dwlv '1 lw rrtlt\ '>l'I mrnltltlv h v tlw I J ..., l11·.1· 11n1. ,, h,, ..... d rm"" rlVl'l•l!jl' V•l'ld ,,, 'I-year ln·..i,111v ~1·1 un111•., h•·,, I":, I 1•d1•1.1I rt•quldllon., rcq1ure <1 6 mflnth mle rcsl J11'1lo1lty ,, If I .,,, ,'I Wll hd1 r1w.1I I (f, ., llW .J11ly , ..,, ~ Safe, strong and friendly :9 l~~I ~ Assets over $8 Billion 'Y' .. Convenient offices serving Southern and Northern California, Including: COSTA MESA/SANTA ANA 3929 S. Bristol at Sunflower (714) 979-9800 LAGUNA HILLS 24085 El Toro Road :it Paseo de Valencia 770-2816 .-.,.., ... -___...., --- Celebrating our94th year ------.,.. -------- ~ATION I CALIFORNIA or Kid Fun A g roup of students from a det y t'are l"t•nll-r In Trf'nton, N .r , help break grouncl for 11 $6 rn1ll1nn t•dut'al1ona l a m uH·nH·111 park lll l.ungho rn t:, P a N.q TH·tl '!->l'>-<Hn•· Pl11<'t-1~ark ," 11 will . ··-.. -..... .. ,...,....... f1 ·aturc 00 outdoor play activities when it opl·ns m·xt s ummer It I:~ a joint projeet or ('h1ld.n•n ':, Television Works hop and Busch (; u r<h •n:-. Renter ( Benefits Pondered SACRAMENTO (AP> Unable to d ecid e between rival tax relief meaaures for renters, the California Senute ad· vanced both to the Aa· sembly. The bills were SB114 by Sen. Bob Wllaon, D· La Mesa, and 58251 by Sen. Mitton Marks, R· San P'l"anclsco. BOTH WOULD raise the S37 stale income lax credit now given lo rem· lt~rs . Wilson '.s bill would boost lhe c redit lo a fl at $100, givln~ rente rs an additional $63. Marks wouJd ici ve the renter 4S percent. .,of UM. rent pllld each Ma r ch, with a minimum of $87 and a maximum of $200. -.. • p •••• ·-·--· ·--... ~··-___ ...__ .. -............ .,,------... ~~ Dfl~~ GOURMET MARKET (Market Street ) TOP QUALITY 'MEATS Delaney's features prime or top choice beer. iti;tl'tl to (.lerfet·tlon for itt lcllSt 40 days l'l<:uae don't hesitate w ask I.he • meat rm·n t.o cut any meat item to ordtir: .......... ,,... 1 49 &Ml Back IUbll . . .. .. . . . . • lb. ....... c. ..... f'hur k Patti~ tt • 16 90 , ... .-. ....... _.,... ........... ..,., . ® Ottr ft•• th .. ~•d) 1 69 Mu t I.oaf • lb. F.xtra Special From Of>laney's t;xwnsive Wine Cellar f'A RM F R ES H PRODUCE 1>..!:1n•·~ ' h<ind picked ml'lrn1n.:· fn· ... h prudu1·" dept. fc;iturt·i. ,_._"...... 19C tlo.eydew Mt'lunli . . lb. ~~ ... ~e .... 1110 fMWf 69e l.u«e Mugoi. . . . . ea. ·-· ,.,.,.. Greea Brwcoli 39e lb. u.1 .... \ " .... ('hallljlltl(IW 1.98 ea. DEi.ANEY BROS. t 'fSH Ott•H'f ~._.th• m .. .,14. ••..-d ,,_,........_, M ,.,.,.. ft1f '"""•n flt'!ah •It hf'Ml fru,Hl w>•IOi•f• f"oot.ttl .. h'1MI) fr..,.t 1,y..o • ,.,. t4tn• ut u,,. i.bf_U ~)' l.11.UA..iL ll••llf-..r-..i Lob11tn ... 4 t ... Al. t'r•• Ha•11U ,,.,...,,_ Mahl Mahl ... 3.59 1.09 lb. FROM OUR DELI SUPPORTE RS SAY the bills w o uld he lp m a ke up for inflation and for the ract th at man v re nte rs did n ot --------------'>it..Jrt· in Proposition 13 IJPl;iqr-v .. ha;. a grc;it M:lc1:t1on or ht•.il Jntl l"tl lornb Ill lh!' Och Dt·pl July Gasoline Outlook Tight Across Nation NEW YORK <AP> <iasolint: s uµ plies arc hkely Lo r emain llght 111 Ju ly , reports from ref mt-rs md1cate, e ve n though Mobil 0 11 Corp 1s boost· m g Ith l(asohnc output a tut Mobil :-.aid nt•xl rnunth .., gu:-.olin•· sh1pmt•nls Wilt ht-97 l>l'rl'l'nl of la~I Jul;.-'' lc\leb Thu .. month, Mo l1ll :-. t.!a~uline 'al•·~ ;11n1111nll·d ''' !f~. p1·1 1·ent of lbt: )!;,~Oline 11 hllllJllCd Ill .lum· 1978 B lfT T HA T 'J7 p1·r1·1·11t r1 t.!111t· '\hr1nks 1·<111 ::.11ll•r 1tl1l y uft1·r ;,I lowann•s an· ma<h-undf'r federal rulc b for bl ot111n:-. in high-g rowth a rl"a~. for ;igr1r ultural c ustome rs a nd hardship t·ascs :.ind fur state JO r r eason for the <'Ompuny 's s hortage. The refine ry , wruch hits 9 percent of the c•ompany'S domt.~llC refinin g capacit y. w a s severe ly damuged JO a r1rc last year. und I~ running at one tt11 rd its norm al rn11· CONOC'O Si\10 Tll F. rf'f111•·rv lb not I') J11·1·ft-d 111 lw rt·~ltl/ l'd to (ull llJll'f•I t 11111 until th1· rr11dtlh· of l!l!IO Graduate •\ a rt· .11 K a r k <i I I (:I • o ::.11 ~hkr of Ed ward <i nd M ari <in K tsrk<illa o r Dana J>o 111 l , w a .. l(raduatc.-d w1lh hono rs from UC H1 w!rs1dl' l<tx ~•wing:-. la:-.t yl'ar Mark!> 1J<•knowl<·dg1·fl that h1:-. hill would pro. v 1de mon: to hi g h · 1n com4• n ·nlt·r:-.. hut ~aid 11 would ab11 g1v1• more lo lo w and m iddle · income n :ntn:-. pay i n~ more than $4!10 a month r ent. Ht•f'f & K11lr1t•\ l'lo· 1 79 """ .... ~ . • •·a Oi>en Daily 9·6 • Closed Sunday 2920 New.port Blvd., Ne wport Beach 67:1·5520 hesAirwest to Houston. -----"MiL.;.umJo" rus.~rvc~. The t·11111pa11,> .1b 11 :-.u1tl 1t formcrl v h<1uJ.!ht some of 11:-. gli:-.011111· or1 th(: niwn m arkc.·t for n·s ul<:. If 1t wen· .. to 1010 tht• b11l11Jng' for St'Urt:C ga~uline ~upµl11·s Conuc.:o 's n<·twns "would drive prit t·s l"Vt·n h1 gli1·r and do nothing to increns e overall s upµly." a s okcsm p n smd~ _..:.._ ' ' ' ~ Aftl.!r prov1din~ for tht'S(' sµec·utl categories. Mobil :.aid 1t <sctually wou h1 havt• R2 percent or last July 's s uppli t·~ <1vallahl1· fo r gen e r a l c us tonwrs. up from this m onth's .. ind1varluul" <1llon1twn of 80 pt.-rcent Mohil. in •t 11n•r1a rcd s tah·mcnl. ::.<t1d th•· f1·ol 1·rol rt·g u l 11 L111n o., "although \\•II 1nt1·11t1o rH·d. :1r1: «t ll·ai.t 11a rlh 11·~1111rv .. 1hlt· for urlo<•ll a reas l14.·111g hurrl•·n1·d with a .i ... prop11rt11111at1· .. 1t:1n· 11f ttw 1"11rn ·11l j!a~olln1· ~hort agt·~ Conoco said a st<'p up of hcutmg 01 I and d iesel ful'I p r<>d ut·t1on abo h1ts c ut into its ga1mhnc output. Hut Mobil spokesm a n J ohn Flint said his com pany is boosting producllon of both gasoline and other fut:ls becaus e "t h e re's mor e c rude oil avi.lllablc." I N WARREN, PA .. 1 ·n1lt'(I Hefin· inr.: Co . sla~h<•cl J,!a:-.1111111· und hcutrng «•II for thl· \l<t·~lt·rn ~···nn:-.~ lv;in1a and ~··~tern Nt·w York markt·h Nf1w. a •.p11k1·~man ~c.1111. the l·11rr111a11y 1:-. •h· l1vt·n11J.! IJOI.} 1;011.t100 gallon~ a Ila) CONTI Nt:NTAI~ 011. Co (('1111111 111 ll••JXJrt.o.; from rivP o lh•·r ml com s aid 1to., rcf1nt•rl(·~ an· runn111g :11 100 rwn11·:-. in r(•c·Pnl c1a:-o.; :-.h11w lhl·lr ~up pcrc•·nt ,,f available c<1puc1ty ... liut 11 phes of gasoline will IJt· .. , much as will tw ahlc to :-.u11p ly only Kl ri•·n ·c·nl 19 11nccnt ht:lnw l:t~t .lulv's leve l.-. or lhf' .:asoh nc It sold in .July 1971S All<tntlc R1('hf1(•ld t"o . hOWf'VN . Conoc·11 pn ·clic·h·d its gus olin•· :-.alt·... plan!'> to set July's 11ll<wal11111 al 97 t hroul(h lht· c·nd of I hr~ yVi1 r will lw pt•rn·nt of lht' pri·v1m1~ y1 .. 1r·~ s hip· J.hou.L 85 .ucrccnL oL.Lho~ · in .llf18"!>-!Dcnl!>- !'>t!t·ur11l h alf P111hl••in.., :sl C<mcwo's lJt·livt•i n •f11lt'ry 1·1111111111,. to ht· ;1 ma R e moval a Surprise To MU8e um Director. SAN DI F.G 0 I I\ Pl Hen ry <; Gardiner ::.a y:-. ht• rcs1gn(.'<f a fte r l<J y .. a rb a!'> director of the San Diego Museum uf /\rt al the trustee~· dt: m and. t.•alhng 1l "a l11tal c;urprisf· ., A sµokt·~man :...a11l. ''We a n : look mg for a dirrNcnt kind of person' 111 ticitd up a c·arnpu1gn for $111 m 1ll11m 1r1 t-ndowmf•nts Steven L Brc7.1.11 . ai..s1:-.l ~10t 11111·1· to r , w01s narncd a clmg d1rct·wr In Ol'der to facilitate our d e s1qn studio for fall ctrraval!>, w e ar e r ed uc.inq 20·60% items of exciting home de· cor. These include: One·Of·•·k1nd Olis, pri nts, etchinqs, and fr•med de· signer pectures. Numet"OUI. name brand chairs, 1e1191es •nd In pairs. Sofas and loveseab in custom fabrics. Lamps and decor•tlve ac- ceuorlH. Special orders •Hll•bfe In many cHes. We ·cordially Invite you to this once·a ·year special wle where a design barqain may await you. Police Cruisers Health Hazards? BRISTOL , (;11n n I I\ P ) /\ntc nnus o n Hris tol po l1ct• c ru1:-.c r i. e mit dangerou.o., rad1<.tllon a nd :-.houJd 1>4·ar highly v1s 1ble red warnuig~ or poss1· ble hcallh ... hazard:..., :-.<i y:-. the i.tat.e Dcpartml'nt or He alth S.·rvu·cs The <lepartmcnt ~:11d test~ al~o found lhat r ad1 11t111n t·m11t1·d from H r 1 ~1 0 1 ·~ 150 m1·i.:.1h1·rt1. p o llct· w;ilk11·-talk1t'S ur1· l,;1r•·ly within r4'dernl limits ALL SALES FINAL Dlc;k Metteer Polly Dodds Hitchcock Morgen A.S.1.D. Hollywood ..,, ._,. l •I '' •.• •t "! ' ... Loa Angelos • International '"''-w •·1 (. At I '11H l .1~1•W•1Vf Pl.Ni•·•·· v ' ~', I " , :I I lntorcontment.Jl {\JIJ " 111 r Get the convenience of neighborhood airports. And save 30%, too. Every coach seat. Every flight. No restrictions. The lowest nnrestricted fare available. Yes, Hughes Airwest continues to take the hassle out of flying to Houst-on hom the Los Ange le s area. Because you can leave nght horn your own neighborhood airport, Orange County. And arriving in Houston ts just as easy. Because you land at close-in Hobby Airport, 1ust 7 miles h orn downtown. 30% off to Houston (Hobby). Evury coac h Sf'at Evury flight No 1<·s tJ1c-t10 11•, Thi· 0 11Jy direct servtcc Leave Orange Cowtty 7:15a.m. 12:10 noon 4:45a.m. I Sc:heduleulfectJve July t. I Arrive Houston (Hobby) l :10 p.m. one·stop 6:05 p.m. one-stop 11 :00 p. m. one-stop Leave Houston (Hobby) 9· 15 a.m. l:55p.m. 6:45p.m. Arnve Orange County I l l 2 d.m . one stop 3:57 p.m. one·stop 8:54 p.m . one·stop Just call a Travel A gent, your Corporate TrtJVBI Arranger, or Hughes Auwest dt (714) 540·2060. ··-···~ . ~ . .---. . . . . . . . • J • -. • --... >-.• -- . . . . . ~ .. ---.... -.... ..... -..,....,,,,. ...... 1 -- . .. ._ " ... ---;-_-_ I . --. -' ------.. ·-----~ -- ·-·--· -. -... ..,.., ... -.... , ...... -.. _.. ............ ~·. • ...... _._ .. _ .......... • .ua. ONLY PM.OT . .,een Drinking Opposed 72"/c in Poll Rejeci Loweriiig Age LinUts SAN YRANCISCO I AP1 IS u m aric111 IN•ttt than 2 1. lht.· C1ahfom1a 11ublt<' C>lll"'~··i. low.inna ot lh stall' s drmk1n1 t1tl" rrom 21 to UI, .ecordlna to the C1ltlornha Poll In a May door to door 11urvt>)'. the rndcpc nt1Mt poll found 72 pcn·l·nt of aduJt.ai intcr vl.-wed d lup pt'Ovtid of 11Uo wlnK 18 ye•r ~ld11 the ratiht lo r::;hflse Uquor , while 28 percC!nt •pprovtid of thu POLutTEa Mf:aVIN P. t'lt:LO b1tid th" f\aurflli ~rt'H('nt u turnllhout in puhlk •U1h11lt· low•rd UM> drink In-11.:t> Ill' u uf thut wh1lt• th n • w11i. nuve1 u m aJr111h tn fi.vor of lo1Ao t•r1n~ th• 11.:t• lo IR in <'•llfornto publu· i-uppur1 for 1 h1 • 11h· .. h<1tl 1¥111\•1•'1 u11 I 1 111 II ''(;ol a prnlilt'm 1'11<" "111, ''' /'fll l>urm /'ul u 1JI cw rttd IU/Jf' •I• II 11111 /111 • 111 '' 1 t ·, •mil ,,. I 11111 111114 ,,. .-tJ lo st>ltlt' 1111•11u1t1<•:t w •l••I • 1 •111wr1I urwl 1111.\1111 .~ \11111 ~r qw11t10fls 111 Put t 11m11 \t Y11u1 .\1·1 .,,. 1• t 1rw111• Cocut J)a1fy l't/111 /'II ''"' /~I l 'mt11 Mn•• f'A 92626 A.'i llUlllll It 111 f ·' 11., /lfl.\Ml•k u 111 /.,• 11111>111t•r1•tl but plwrwd 1r111111111 "' /, llN' 11111 1111 l1ul1m1 t/11· readc•r ·'full 1ui1111 111/111., . 1111d 1111 11wo,1. 1111111 , • 1111.1•1• numl1t•r 1 umu•I /,. , • '" ''''' •.it I lw • •/1111111 ,,,,,,,.." d•H lg t'.ll'l'IH ,')llrtd1P/\ s.far To.l· ('r .. dir luc·rc•nn•d l>t:i\H 1'1\ I' I lh11ught lht' t.1 x ('11·cl1t w1.1:-. Ill pert•t•nt ror 111.,lJlllll~ .1 :-.olar l'lll'l g , ~)!'>h-111 , hut some fni•mb '·'~ 1t ha!> h1·t·11 in1·1 cu~('(1 l '1111 _y1111 tell me ho~ mu.·h l hc c·rt·1l1t 1:-. 1111w '' I. C . Newport Efcuch Tbt> lO pt·rc· .. nt tax c·rf'clit wai. incrt>ast-d lo SS perct-nl h) i.lalt· law I AR 15SR) It allo wi. tu pa~er~ lo earn fo rwarcl unuM·cl JlOrtion!'I of thr t•redit to fulun· '1·ar... until uwcl. ancl p .. rm it" buildt>r' and d1•\l•l11111 " IA.ho 111,11111 !'>Olar f•q uip m f'nl lo lakf' tlw 1·11·cll l. ll .. 1..,11 d1•1·r .. .,.., •• ., lh1· ahw nf bondi. that lh1· ('11 h rornia P11ll11lion ('onlrol Flnanl'in.: Authorit ' rHa\o j..,..,t,.. to rin;i nt'l' Ct'rlatn <1nlipollut1on t..c1lllit·-. raom $ZOO million tu $1fi0 million. Girb 'l 'cd••• 011 It. it •·lu•11 ('hor••" .Pl::AH J'i\T r·,,. 1111t11·1·d,. Int of 11•!"'11 ;1i.:•· J.!trb s hopping for wh;d ;1ppl'a1-. 111 tH· "'l:!•·kly family food i,upplit•!, b lh1!> 1>1111ll· k1nt.I of a tr end or JUSt f'('culiurtt1 m y rll'1ghl)orliood.i' ' K. T .. Cosl<.t Mci.:.t Thi!> is not at all trnr·o mmon, hai.cd on a survf'y of I ,eet t4"M1 a~r -girt-. arroo;s· th<' country by 1h1• Am4'rkan (;irl 1< .. ., .. ar<:h t•am•I. It :-.howi, that 64.5 '!er ct>nt of l1·1·11 ag•· ~1rl-. .,hop for litmil)' food , ., l1ltlf' mort: lh:.1n ha lf wc·n · a<·rompanic·d hy thf'i r molht'ri. on ltw1r 0111'l n ·c1·nt i,hop1iin~ trip, but Z6 p t'rt·e nt i.hopvc"tl :elem.- Thf' i,urv••) :el"'' ..,ho~, lhat a-. man} a.,,~ pn Cf'nl of tf·•·n a~1· ~irl.., l'llfJk for thr fam il) and for tbc m i..•lv1•i, ;.in llVl'r al(I' 11( :J.:J tim ..... pt•r Ytf'1•k Main dibht''> w1·n · m o.,l rr .. t1u1·nth pn •pa rrd I IL P«''<'t'nl). Ytilh cl1·....,1·rt... f11ll111Ao 1r1~ i:JO fJl'rt'c•n t 1, ;i nd bandwichc•1> C:!7 fll'rt·1-ot l it nl1 :-.;.il;icS.. t 11! µt•rt'rnll nt'Xl. .~1onmf,r ·1·;,,,,. for II r i11 ,,,.,.;,.,, l>t-:i\ll l ''\T \•111 ll1ld 1A h1·1• I<• ~~1 ;i brn1k lf't n n .1 clnp irn~al 1011 • '• 11·111 ..,, ~ 1·ra l 1n11nlh~ .1go < 'ould \1111 n ·1w ;1t 1111~ 111r111 ni.1111111 • "Jo1A t h :11 ""' we:.itht•r ,.., ht•rt• ll ., ~111r11·1 t1111g I wa111 lo lriok rn l<i t< 0 .. Co!>ta Mt•!,a \lou c·an r1·t1ut-!>l lhf' l nivn..,ity of California 1t>aflf'l, "Urip lrri~11tion for lh1· Hume Garden and pt•r1·c•n1 111 1tn1 to 49 percent in 1 ~74 "f ht· r1·1Kirt r •rl.,et.s M sh•rp reversal or t.hal lrt•nd." Fltild u ld now yo~'re grilling with gas! Charmglow• portable propane gas barbeque w1tn heavy-duty construction makes you everyone's favorite outdoor chefl And ll's so easy 10 use and clean that you'll love cooking! Extra strong wheel assembly and handle Included Model #1030 Reg 169 95 95 tank Htnl .. , ••• , • , • , • , , • , •• 29.95 cooldn' good with propane C n11 1mglow portablf> _,ropane barbeque leti. you cook w11h controlleo ne1tt OUl!ild81 Wllh C881 11on grate #3235 Reg J.49 95 95 a natural wonder lt-'-~___,..,..~.~~h~~~ti'vt"~C...-~----~-. .... ~ Natural gas oarbeque w1tn p atio ba se b-y Charmgtow • S tr ong . qualtty cons tr uctton 101 pe1manen1 tnstallallon Moe1el #3000 R 329 95 26995 tenition offk.. a t 77'1· 7050. h a1>y·to·follow dirt>c · Uonh for in11111 llln~ a comph•h· <trip ir dgation ~y11l4'm in our l(ardf'n or \<trd are included ~ith ...... t,.. •.•.•.• 21.1& ..,. ...... . ' ·- double you bbq pleasure Doublo cast •ron n1oecr> w1tn 1noeponl'.lu n1 8dju811ng """''' nrotl& wooo handles and t>aae R 7 9 J.1-1 ..... standing ovation AT YOUR SERVICE /-CALIFORNIA ( ~~ogno v OA Sale Pnca Good ----- Thru Ju.ty J, 1979 ~ f'r voq 1pt 1 ,~oc,o.1or , ,. c..1~·, (,JI -HI() J.'11''' 'ltr ,Jr> c.1f1• .,;ULjC4.t_ m t;nrrr.r• ·,n Ah ~dlt.; 'l!'" .., ...;u..,.1• .. , L.. ..,. YL -' H<HlO Or standing 1nnovat1on OelUJ1e 14' x14 hlbacnl o,, a steno 101 ees•e< grllttng Removable tega '"'" 'fl'l" ,,,., wt1nou1. d11ngorous tuels Jus\ p1ug n sate e1ectr1c <,11t11or. and c:oa1s 11• tr 1eaoy 1n minute& R 14 95 A 4a1 m 911 ~ --249 ample diagnmi. lilnd phttlo~nph..,, ----- Party Pun(•h ".-Pd• f ' ro•I" f ;dgP O~i\HP/\T l pl;.i11to..,1·1\• 11111w hat aparty l 'm giv ing m early .July I vc· IH·•·n lr)(Jklllg cvf•ry whcrt' for 111h11111a l11111 :ih11ul h o w l o • (r1,i,t ' ;i 11u n t·h howl hut h av1·11 I had a 11y luc:k C:.tn you hnd o ut how llJ do th1..,·• 1-; ~ 1 luntington BeaC'h lkat 1 "10t whilr with t la hlebpoon of watf'r: • Use it to bru1>h a hand a hout 111>.z incht'.., wicif' on tht> outsidt> rim of " punrh howl. !-iprinklf' a 1>h t'f'I ol waxf'd papn with gr 11nulale<I i.u14ar and roll thf' .-dge of th•• pun<·h howl in ttH> 'ul(a r lo fro:-.t. Lf'l f.ht> buwl 1thrnd lit room ll·m1w raturt' a buul 20 minutes; lh1·n roll in -.ul(ar onc:e· al(»in. Makf' !'>Urf' the bowl can dry for :.1l l1·ai.l thrt+ or four hour" Jlrt'· ferably ovnnil(hl hf'fort· filling with punch. &fund Slfnr? fa•• In I R .'i DEAR Rt:Aot:KS: AVS h a!'> r f'C f'i Vf'd a number uf lette rs from r eader" a sklng bow long• tbey sbou.ld wall C hefore contacting IRS about a refand delay. The ans wer is JO weeks. IRS sa ys the lsHint of r efund c hecks can be delaved for a variety of reasons, fluch H math errors, illegible e n· tries and the omission of e ntries, the U.'ie of forms otlter than thf' standard IRS form11, lost or s tolen dtecks and undt>liverable check.ti because taxpaye rs "'•ve moved and lf'fl no forwarding addresi. with the post office. If a tax payf'r's namf" or Social Security num tH>r dlfff'rs from lht' prior year's 'ide nlifyinl( information, or if W·Z form-. or othe r '!Upporlinl( docume nt.., arr ml..,1tlng, work on returns will ~ balled. IRS l ax t•xaminer i. must lhen correspond ..-Ith tupayf'ri. and re quest lbe nreded ite ms or Jorms in orde r lo nrlfy Information on lbe re lurnb and con&lnue thf'lr procrliSlnA. Tiie flnit thing tupayers should do, if no re · tuad check has been re ceived during the 18-wee'- proceahac period, 111 to ult • local IRS office. Eacb office will ffff!arch the problem Hd give 1peclllc iutrudions , dependhl« apoe the reasoa for del•Y· Each time there 111 c:oatact with l&S, the &a11payer sbouJd be prepared lo provide the ••me aad addrea as they •ppeared on the tu retana, tlle adul name and •ddress If different from dlMe •the tax form, the Social Secarlty number (or numbers for a Joint return) and the type of fotm rued. Tile IRS h1 ff'qUlrcd to mail yoar refund ctleck 9ot l•ter than 45 days afte r the due dale of the re· turn or 45 days after It IN fll<.-d. If a return ifl errhr· free •nd lhe refund dPadllne Is not mf'l, Interest at the rate of I percent swr yf'ar, computed from the due d•&e until t"he dale-the lnJllal chf"ck Is Issued , will be IDcluded ln the tu refund. The blterest requirement does not apply II I.lie clel•Y ts dtle lo tup•ye r error. lntere11t Is not paid " ~llecU that are ••Uvera~. kHJt or !ltolet1; 1 ~l•eemeet chet k 11 l11111ed In 111tch case11 for the u•e amoat as 1H ortglH.I. ~ 1'-· .... hotw.._ and aave1 Dependable, el- flctenl OH weter hN tera Giese-lined tank1, rapid hot w eter r e covery systems end hlgh-lemp shut-offs 20...gellon. reg 99 95 94~ ..._,,...11us .. -.ee ............. ts .... . ................ , .. .. SANTA ANA l 5on Diego f1wy -. -. ,. .. '• . f . ' J' I \. I .....--.. I ...__, picnic llghtwelght rnttrmos• polyuremana p1cn11 1ug Holds one gallon or cold beverage lor your 1"lr111y crow Reg 5 99 2'' , .. ' ........ ···--.. --- ~, ' ; ~ ~1~' ) homemade to taste great Nothing tasrea llke norrum11de ice c11tam & 11, not 11e1d to make with 1n1:. 4 qt electric. lrttezer 1F007 A Reg 19 99 1311 f111t11tlcllly ........... Olldden Spred Houae Paint goes on eeally, drlea rut end the •en•ltS wlll tmpr,.~s your entire ne1ghbo. • hood Reg 14 49 8!9 .......__ caps off to you Sport cap with lamoui. 111!>11 o r emblem ~ucn " 1n1ern1111onat Harvesrer 111r Assorted co101:. 99!u ----......----. . . ---: _-_ r . -_ . I . -----... ... --- tiki party lights- c..,mp1 .. 10 l 11111 01oct<1c: :.o• wtlh bulb5 tHlO C01IJ:. USO •1d1J01:. .. nrt outdoor:. For ci.11110~ prt110 ono pool:. R~ b!l8 319 . -. Glidden'• exterior Spred Latex Oloss house & 1r1m paint 1oe11t for 1111 exterior woods Reg 14 89 9!9 --.. ~ -- -..... _#, ......... ...,,.,.....-_. ... 1 --_._ ---·-------- f J .. . ,,. . ,. .. .. . . ~ . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... -·" , . .- ., - •N-Sl_D_E_:·-St_K_U ___ ·T_··_h_i•ion----mcim------~--------------------S __ f!Or.ts • 8u1lnn1 • E nt..ulnment ,, fhurMJlay. Ju"-2&. I 919 DAIL V PILOT # Has flange rs Psyclwd By Ryan ARLlNG1'0N , Tt•oi. 1 i\P1 "'o r tlw Texas Ran~f'ri.. Oi.cter Cam bit• •·ouldn t ha Vt• r 11u"ht f1 rt1 at a lwttc•r 11nw With T .. ~ .. ~ '"" k••) 'IUJIJll'r' un thl' lwn<'h, ti11 111hlt' k11lud H tlllt(t'r oppot1'"t1ti. li!Nl wt'i"k •nd kt•pt tht• fl an · ~om~ Wc•dneschH J g lA I n I No I it 11 It a n . t h t• Amt'rH'lHI l.1•11.:1w ·, 'l rikt•out kin • , umble ""gletl an d run Hl lht' first 1rn1l s mu .. h1·d .1 t wo run homt•r 111 tht• third a s tht:' Han~"r' dt'ft•<ttt•d Caltforn1a 4-:!. and knockt·d the An~eb out of th<' Wt's krn 01 vii.ion lead 111 the Amcrn·an l.t·agut· SEVEN L>A \'S t•a rl1 t'r, tht· Rangc•rs lost to ('a h furn1u 111 Anaheim to fall 51 ~ i.iamei. off the Angels' ~1at't' Hut since th~n. with Gambit! hitting at a 680 1> a 1· e . Tl' x a Ii has won r 1 v e _s t raight and Cuhforf\ia ha!l lost s ax straight Stl'VC Cornt·r. 7 Ii, a llowt•d only four hit.. in out ·du(.'ling Hyan. ~ 5. The wm <tllOwl'C1 Tcxa:. and Kansas Caty to movt· onl' perecn tage poml ahcad of Cuhfornia. which had bet·n rn f1r:.t since -June 4. "Yo u gt't mon• psyched up. patching agamli t Nolan Ryan. The California An~els in first p lace, t hut i,ii.yche:. you. And 28.000 fans. that h<·lps loo." saict Comer. who matc·hed Ryan by striking out six and walking six GAMBLF. WAS "up" too "When you know Nolan 1~ go 1ng to ht.: p1t1:hm g. you do try lo -gl·t your rest. You be aw<Jrt•, l1l't'Hllli(' _vou know h<• 1s going to throw tht• ball hard," said Garn blc. Somebody pointed oul to Garn .Ole that Te::xas· s urge in lhe past week came wi th Al Oliver out of the lineup with an injury and •R ichie Zis k on the b e n ch bee a us(.' of a ballin~ ~lump. ··When we need somebody to pick the team up. it's important 1.ha t we've ~ot somebody to do it." said Gamhl(.', who raised hili M~aliOn ;n,eragc· to 4 lft with Wednesday·:. performa nce. Hyan walked him. once intcn- t1onall y, htli last two lame!> up "I DON'T feel any pressure lo ISee ANGEi~~. PaJ(t R:n ,,allout" Faslaion the Bubble Bui-s~ for Angels? AP W1repMto .-~ ... Celehrafing? .,. . ., ....... TEXAS' BUMP WILLS STEALS SECOND AS JIM ANDERSON AWAITS THROW. Wh1t l'_, lferzog . m<t n ager or thl' Ameri<:an League Wes t dt•lc•ndinJ.! C'hamp1on Kan~a~ City Royals. talks with re- portt·rs in his dressin g room after the ir 10 3 victory over t ht· < ><Jkl~rnd A ·s moved them into a t ie for first platl' ll l·r mg, oll\111u~I ~ l'latt·d. s hrugged 1t off saying. ··i t ·~ 1011 <·arl;.' t11 \-\orr,v about wh<;rc you are in the s t and- 1 fl ),! .. Saille Old Tune--Dodgers ·Lose LOS ANGELES lAl' 1 ll was a m o nth ago when C inc1nnul1's H1 t k Auerbach was a central f1gurl' in a bench-clearing hrawl between the Heil:. and the Los Angeles Dodger!.. Auerbach contended it was less than sporting when the Dodge rs' Oe1ve I.opes hit a 3-0 pitch for a home run whc·n the Reds were already losing 14-2 Al lht• tam c•. Los Angeles M anagcr Tom Lasorda said, "He 's m ad lx:c<iusc thcy don 't let .150 hitters swing 3-0 .. Wednesday night a t Dodger Stadium /\uerbach. filling in for third ua~cman Hay Knight, stroked three double:. 111 lead a 14-hit Reds attaC'k as C.:im·innat1 buried the Uodgers !J 1 ang L'>H> mun~ 111 lhc c11.tltlh ;1~;,1n s1 Da vc Pattl'rlion " m\ h<il. · i.aul Norman , who dcfoated "llF. Ct\S SAY AtL he wanL'> to say ... Aucrbad1 anrl J1,hnrl\ Ben('h e ach drove Ill thn•t• run~.<ts the Httb h<indcd l.os AngC'les its fifth lo!.!'. an !>IX outinR .... lo drop tht! DodgNs mtc1 fifth place 1n lhc National Lcagut· We:.t for the first 11mP th11i \t·ar t\\o p0·n·1·11tagt· J>Olllh twh1nd thl· San l>1<•go l'<1<lre' thl• Dodger!'> on May 26th. :1·1. "My con t rol was good. I was around the plate all night. und I liked my fast ball tomght. .. AUt·rbath sm<I of Lasorda . "It's Cl thrill to C'ome hack hl·re and play well against \otar former teammates. but it's not pc rsona I ·' ~ Auerbach's ha!>t'S·loaded double. his lhtr<J t"o basl' hit of the night. provttled lhc kl·' 1n the Hcds' four-run fifth 1n 111ng .Jot· Morga11 launched 1t with a homt• run, 111:-. fourth. off loscr Jerry I< 1•11:-.-.. no" 2 7 Tht• lfrd:-. Fn«I :'l;ormJn held I .11' .'\ngt·lt's to "x hit-.. hoo-.t1ng his rct'ltrrl 111 ·I 7 The Uotlgt·r..., s<·on·cl :m unei:lrnt•1l run 111 lht· 1•1ghth 111 lihwk the· shutnut Heggie Smith slapped a single in the ninth but for some strange reason tried to :.tt•al 'il'{'Ond b<isc with the Do<l~cr:-. hchan1I by 1·1ght run~ A s urprised Hen<·h rt•t'O\erc:d tn t1m1.· to throw him out. Bui Sm 1th wa!> e1cc·tcd from the game when h1· argued lht• t•all with Umpire Ent· <;n·g . Tll E REUS C'll/\SED Heus~ an 1nn1ng l;llPr. -.c·onng thn·c murl' run:. and add "AN\' TIMI. \'Ol I .tll 111·<.11 th1·•,1· IW.V!'-t\4'11 ltolt'" Ill .1 111" 11 s ,1 fl'.Jlhe1 Ill Hc·gg1c' ma<f ••t mt· from ;m rn r1 dcnl la:-.1 \•t•a r 1n l\thinla." C;rcR :.oa11i ,.,._,,.... .. ,, Surfs Tide Has Turned Califoniia 1anies Ro1vdies, 2-1, iii Overtime . By ERNIE C/\STll.1.0 Of,._ D~ly Ptfel ~1•11 Early in the s<>ason. wull:h1ng the California Surf rn ~·<·t1on meant watching a lot of Surf 1n al'tion To coin an old phra!>l'. 11 11 wusri't for bad lu1·k. l hl· soc·c·c·r tt·am would havl' had no luck al <Ill Luc kily. thl' t1d<: ha:. 1·hangl·d and so have the hreaks . Tht· shots that used to hit the front of the goaLpost arc now hitting lht· ba ck of t he net. Tht· mixed t horus of boos that used to greet the players as they walked off the field have been replaced h_v standing ovatio ns . And. most 1mportanlly, the Ws a rc rcpla1' ing the Ls in the stanuings "WF.'Vt: HAD a lot of thing~ go against us . It's lime lhintts went our way," Coach Peter Wall·sur- mised afte r the Surf tamed the Tampa Bay Rowdies, 2·1. in over lime al Anaheim Stadium Wed nesday night. To I r11h 11 nd1·r-.tand lh1· Surf'.., 1'11a11g1· 111 111nu111· t'11n-.1rler lht· p I 1 I! h 1 n t ,\ 11 d ) M <' H r 111 c 'l'h1011i,:h th1• f1r -,l 18 gamf''-of tlw w a:-.<m . lhl' t-:nglt~h defl·n11t·r h:1d tlw ).!rand tol;d or z1·r11 gnab \\ 1•1hw.,d:n . ho· 1!111 I" 11. though Ill' °" ;,-, an ... th111 g h11 1 haµp,v with 1l1t· fir .... t 11111' Thal s bt.·1::..u .... <· ~k Bride mat! \ t•rll'nlly kicked the ball past his ''" n i:!o~dH'. bre<iking up a score less d1•;u.Jlul'k IT\ the• 67th mmute. But "1th a littlt' mon· than three m1null':-n·nwming. he headed a 1w ~s from Slcvt• Moyers pas l Tamp~• Ba,\-·._ Winston DuUosc to :-end tht· gamt• mtu overtime. AN H ONCE PAST regulat10t1. 1he Surf really goes into a Jekyll and llydc routine . When Moyers S('O rcd on a pass from Dave Huson 3:32 into the sudden-death 1·xtra session. at marked the fifth time lht• Surf pulled out a vie· tory 1n overtime Vilas Staggered WIMBLEDON. England <Al'> Tim Wilkison. a 19-year·old Am e rican. ups et Guillermo Vilas, the sixth seed . 5-7. 6-2. 6-1. 7-6 today to reach the third round of the Wimbledon tennis championships. Gilles Morelton of France top- pled anothe r seed . Manuel Or antes of Spain, 7·6. 3-6, 7·6, 3-6. 6-1. That meant seven of the 16 seeds in the men's singles had been eliminated by the second round. In addition, Bjorn Borg, the defending champion, was nurs- ing a thigh Injury and said he might nol be fit to play Han\ Prlster. the big -serv ing American, In the third round Friday. ached th(.' thi rd round by defeat· mg Phil Dent or y\ustralia 6·4, 7 6. 6-3, Pecci is the young man who has stormed through the European grass and c lay season. felling be tter rated players and makmg it to the fi nals of the French Open early this month and the Queen's Club tournament two weeks aJto. Wilkison. the United States' 41st ranked player, from Shelby, N.C. threw himself about the court and retrieved impossible looking shots against Vilas. The American led 5·3· in ·the first set, but Vilas cam e back to win that one. The ArgenUne star's service was below par and Wilkison ran away with the next two sets. :"or ball for a team t hul 1s 8-11 overall ;,1ml :l-1 !'>tnc.:c McBride rd urnt.•d toth1· lincu1' • Artcr th al firs t on•'. I wu~ up 1n their h11 lf of the fJcld lhl' re .... i of I ht· gamt.'. t ry mg to ~core a i:oal," said Md~ncll·. "It wu~n'I .i 't•ry gooc l fn•ling . I c.:an kll vou that. Hut it's not 1mport.<Jnt JS long as Wl' keep wanning ·· All's Wt'll that ends wtll. or 1·oursc>, t•s pct'r<Jlly s tnt'<' the Surf no longf'r 1~ ringing up goo:.<· t•ggs on the scoreboard "THIS IS a big break for u~., .,aid Wall. "This could be th1• turning point of the season Wha t 's har,pcnang is we're start mg to score a lot of goals no"' Two goals s hould win most gam es t hc way our cle fcnsl' plays a nd 1r we <·an maintain our Sl'oring drive. we 're going to be right in there .. Shut out fi ve of its first JI games. the S urf ha s n 't been blanked in its last eight. During that span. the team has account ed for 17 of 1L5 27 season goals And then there 's the overtimt• factor. wruch seem s to occur in streaks, Four Jlamcs into the season. the Surf was 1-3 and spinning its wh eels . The n ca m e three s traight overtime g a m es and three str aight wins. Afterwards came seven losses in eight out- ings that left the club 5-10 at the season 's ha lf-way point and seemingly heading for an early vacation. And then. another overtime stre ak that has thrust the team back Into the playorr picture, Three of the Surf's last four games have gone into an extra pe riod. Not surprisingly, it is also 3·1 In that span. Overall, the Surf is 5·2 in overtime games t3-0 In those played at the Big AJ compared to a 3·9 mark in reg· ylatlon90·m inuteencounters. And how does the coach feel ubout all this? Linda Seigel caused a stir at the Wimbledon tennis championships Wednes- day when she fell out of her low-cut teMis dress. Eighteen-year-old Seigel bent for a low shot and. a mid gas1>5 from the crowds at court two. bounced out of the top. She said later . "I don't wear a bra with this dress." She was beaten by Rilli e Jean King 6· l . 6·3 Jimmy Connors, one of the top contenders for Borg's title. moved into the third round but took almost three ho urs to master Marty RiesBen 7-6. 6·3, 7-6. 6·0. Victor Pecci of Paraiuay re· In the fourth Vilas led 5·2, but Wilkison came back to force a tiebreaker and the n won it 7-3. Ir Borg withdraws it could h(.'lp Brian Gottfried. who is seeded to meet the champion m thl' quart.er·hnals .. When we go into OT. 1 ,don't have to worry ," said Wall. Which raised another impor· tant trivia quest.ion : does the Surf pay by the hour? "We'd be rich if we were, .. Wall replied . . • J • .. --------. . . -... . . . . . . . .. .. '-..... -·L ---. ----: -:..; . -... ... . . -. -. -----., ........................... ,. _ --·---~----. .......... ---.. ------·-------· --· --..---------------- ... -DM.YptLOT ... A Cepaule Report from th• World ot Sport• Unhappy 'Yankee' Retir'~~ After Being Benc he(i f ·ro• AP Dlapa&dte• J ACKSON TOWNSUI Jl. NJ Tw11lv1• y1•ar old oulfif'lder Jf'lfrf'y tfo w•r<ttn has retired from a t h .. Yankf'ttll artN bf>ln6' ~nched ~UU5l' his m o tht"r rf'f ust-d to work ol Uw Llttll' Lc •l(u • C'ont"easlon At antt l.OC'al b)I&"'' rt'quln • flllrf'ntc; to don•tv fo ur huu" W(11 k dunner th.-M'101on tu h•116'u1· 11~rnl11Jnli Othe r w1"· lht·11 c h1ldr .. n m ay '°"" th1• 1 IRht to play "Thi' Junk tht-y :.di 1,n·t l(<Mxl for r h llcln ·n '\ulll Jd frey'11o mother. t-'lon·nc t· t111 .. u1Clt>n, uf her n :fu.,ul 111 "'111 k ul the stand Hut Lud l>f't'Asc1u11lt· lfl("MI lt-til-!111' ptl''llllt•n\ 'Uld M r.. ttow ard~n never o bJ('C'tl'<1 to 11ny ~p1•1·1fw food 111 Hu--.tund wh1t•h twlls hnt dOl(li , httmhurwt:r~. 1·1u-.. -. .. -.11·111. 'u mlw11·h1·' fr~nrh fries a nd 1·1u1tl~ "'Sht-think i.ht•!t too ROO•I to work 111 tht· '>luntJ '>Uld DePa!lquale "She bUld "lht· waotNI lo 1..-11t1 ump1 r\• I ,,,kt·d he r wh a t s he knt•w about bat-t·t>ull rult·' u111I 1'h1· •.1111! 'nothing.· I said '<'om e down, put on t he t.·qu111nw11l urn I w ... ·11 put you ~tund the pla te ' She nev1·1 ,.,twwt·d " DePuqu1tle i.1tid tho league huled to lwn('h J cffn·y, bul "I don't think Wt>'rc l11•1ng unn:u!><in11bl<: to 11~.k 1>1m :nb. hi work the con ce11i.1un i.ta n<l one night 1n the e11t1rc -.t-ui.un " ------qieo1,. of lhP Dag ------. Kansas <'1t y pitcher Rkh Galf', uftc r be111g knor kNl o ut of the box hy the S<"allle M 1mne.r~"I was stJpcr an th e first mnm~ In tht• sc<·ond I <-roded to p arts a nd 1n the Uu rd I complc l('ly d1::.ap~tm>d " lloyab MorP i1110 TiP for f 'f rJff Pete La('o«k and Al ('o"t>ns d rove in t hrc<· runs :tp1t.:1·c· ""' Kan!t:t!-. ('it) po1111dcd Oakland, 10 3, a for its fifth l\tr:11~ht \'ll'tory 'l'hl· win ul!.u movf'<I Kans as City into u f1rl\t plan: t ic with Tcxah an the Ame rat.·an f..f·a~uc Wci.t . Baltimore rode the four hit pttt'hing or J im P "lmn to a 3 I VIC'tory over Cleveland for tht· O r ioles' 18th vac·tor y in their lust 20 g ;1mt·•i . B utch Hobson s n apped a ninth 1nn1n~ tic wath a o ne-0u t double anrl Roc;ton beat IMro11, 3 1 Be n O~Uvle hit h1!t t:lth anr1 14th horn•· run '> r1f the· year a nd f;o rm an Thoma'> ;il<;o ho mN«d , p<1wt"r1ng M ilwa11k1·1· to a !I k w111 1.•v1·r M1nn1•v11;,i Kt>n K rav•·l' 1A.<.tlk1·rl ftupp<·rt Jon1•!t with th1· li:1:-.1·:-. l11u1h·d to fo rt'I' an tht· w111 ninl! run 1n 1111' h()lf•11n of tlw 111nlh "" St'ill 111· 11i11p1•d lh l.' ('h1 r·a g o Whitt· Sox, '1 :i -Da v~ K ingm a n , J e rry M arlin and p1trhn Mikt• Kr ukow 1.lui.:g<•<I hnm1• 1 un" :111tl d1 •1v1· 111 1w11 run~ r-u1·h to 1 .. at1 :i 17 hit :ii!ilt k ""hwh c;irru·d thl· ('l11t«H:11 u c.0<11 ( '11hs lo an 11 1 victo ry ovt!r Phtla1h:lph1a S t Lo111" rigt.t h;indc r Silvio Ma rtinu tol\\•·d llll' th11 cl o nt•·h1lln nf h" c·arN·r . p1lt'hing tlw C'ordtnah lo a::; CJ v1('t1iry ovt·r Mont rt·ul Wlllit> Mon tan n anti St.-ve llc·nderi.on ra pped 1·un!'.1·1·ut1v1· ho11u· r un:-. tr1 lr-a<1 '-' ftvt· run ninth inning r;,illy that gav(• lht· N<'w York Mf'l:-. a 12 'J triumph ovt•r P1tt~lwrgh. l'tn('h hitter Kurt Bevacqua dn·w a buses loadNI walk in the ninth 1nnmg off ~hit Nlrkrn to -;end homP the win ,. nini.: run and San OH' go pos ted ;,i ;> I \ t\'l(lf) river I\ tlanl<i 1n the r1 rst g;u nl' of a <louhlchcarlN 111 ttw n1gluc·1Jp G lenn lluh har~d lm r"I two d uuhlt:i. aml r1rovc-111 lhrt·e run'> tfJ leud f\Uan ta to a !'1 <! w111 ov.-r S<tn U1<:gu Willlt> McCovey''i run M'O rang ,.,1ng l1• 1·r;wk1•d .• :1 :1 lit'. and 1h1· ~an Frnn1·1~rr1 C1anh :-.t·on·d l\IX n111 ,., 111 I ht• •·whth 111nn1n~· t" 11\ 1·rtak1· I lt1u ... 111n, 1; :i 0;1kland I\·,., 11wn"r ('h arlf·" F inl1>y w:111t·. u f1•tli-ral 1·11u r t to rl1sm1:-." ;in SI I ~ llllllmn '>Ult Whll'll ..i.11ms h l• f:11 l1•rl to ··n ·a ""!fwhly " pr111rn1t(· :Jtt1·111larw1· ;ot '"" ''"'m .., b:1 ... 1·!i;tll i.:;,1111•"• T lw H:tll111aon· I >r1<1l•·h, wh•i'lia\'1· n1.Jt lJct-11 '>Urt• wtt1•rt• th1 ·~ Y.111 lw 11>0'\ltng nt·xt y1•ar. ••rt• "laying <it ~kmflriHI Stadium <JI lc·ul\t lhmugh th•· l!IM ~l'<'Ji.'1n , <Jtrnrrhn~ to tht> r------B a•rba II Today------. <Jn U11,., clah .. 1n hai.drnll 1n l'JIO .Joe Tinker or th1· Ch1l'ago Cubs i.et a muJor lf·aguc r t.:rord , hlll<T t11·d , IJy '11·;illng h11rrn: tWl<'l' 111 lhe s urnc gam(' Today's B irthd:Jy" Colorful l\nwri<·an Leagul' ump1n: Hon Luc urno 1s 42 Cuhfom1a l\ngl'li. outf ... l<lc·r Don Baylor 1i. :io Mun tn·al ,.;xpo,., l\hort''''P C hn s Sp1·11·r I'> l'J ll11us ton l\:.t r11,., relief a ce Jot· Sam l11to as ~7 Gas Saver Car Show See all tho oas saver mode ls daily thru July 3 at Hung1ngton Center mall • free' 405 Fwy and Beach Blvd . H B & BOB McLAREN'S BMW, INC. 1979BMW733 FYllT~~':,f~",':,11..-i -$346 :,~ .................. '"°""' ~ eftd -· C.., ve11111 ef PJ,Jl2.• ~ '1100 00 •-c- tlet1 •"" reme1n1119 vetw of 1u ••. 20. 1171 BMW 5211 FllllY Fa torv I~. C~. •unlOO) s22s ·:r. •. 11 ......... .., ... .......,_ _,... _,. -· Cep value ef ttt• eftl< 11* DO rlldu<llen .. "'._......,. ............ . eo• McLA(tEN'S BMW llON ... 8dt81¥d. uttebr• (IMf. No.of I .A. Frwy.) ' 'OlltHlll ~ ~If; VO\.llSW"(Jt '< ......... .. AP Wor..-o PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR J\nd v H1•;1n. d1·f <·nchn~ c·hamp1on of the MC!mph1s Cla~~ir golf tourn;Hr11·nt , g1vc:s former prl·sHh·nt t;cr::il<I Foi d "''m" adv w1· on how to play a putt on the ~ccond g reen d uring pl;,i~ 111 t ht· pro am . . Tiii' I 'r11lc"I S1:111•:. ~'"''' 11,fr1 lt11• l';iri /\1111·111 a11 • C:am1•:, ,,.., ,1 lll'avy favon l1• with ('u li;J 1·«111·• to·cl \1, pr<>v i<k th<: t11111~lwi.l opp11! ti 1(.111 'I I:•· < ;;11111", · t :11 t S11nd :t.\ w11h 11111rl' than :1,:;1io .11h ll·t.o~. 1·•11111••·11111• 1rt San .Juan, 1'111·1 111 lu1·11 , 1'1)tln1 y M aH't". v.1-;ir 11 d 11" 1111· rinlHlf''> 111v111\ ··ii 11:1•, fc 11111rl ""' .... 111t11111 "' li1 I,,,.,, 11\'t 1 ·~1 ;ol :1111w :iran1·1· m '-.. 1111rcl.iy..., ,\l.11.mf11 l'11t !\1 1h• ,1t I 1:.11k l111 t'tl'ld M :.11·1· •.1111 p h Y.tlhtfr.,•.11 'I h•· ·11th t ~. ('1rt·111t('o11r1 of i\ppt·:il' ll1·n11·d" r1·q11t·'.l l11 1..tw ar h•w~·v JJlayt•r Dal•· -'11-<'ourl', c·hull1·n~:·· of :111 .1rl11tr;i111111 ,1w:11 cl 1t..i1 ~t·nt him f1C1111 tlw IJl'ln11L H1·d \.\-111i··, lo th1· l.11 1\n~··I• · Kan~!'. l\•·n tuc·ky 1>1·rll) :incl l'1 ••akr11·'"' "'111111'1 ~p1·1 Lacu lar HttJ ti;,, 111·1·11 f1tt1·1J v.1111 " ,,,,., 1:11 ... 11.,,. l•1 pr111!·!"1 1111· h()(1f th:.it .,..,, •. pundun•ll h \ :1 '>~iii l \ J>lll lht· dav 11f th•· 11 •·1 monl ~lakl·s World hl';I\ )Wl'l <'hl 1'11:inqu1m ~11ham miHI All, pn·p;1r1111• lor :1 .Julv 11 1•1, hi 111111111 1·ll.l11l11t11111 l11•1ll ugaln!tt 1>1•11 \c·r llr11nr·r1 tl1 f<·ns l'.1' l't:cl I. II• t\11;,do, :-;c\• 11<i footb all 1•la'"'I I'> 1J111n1• 111 tw.it 1111 and w;11 111·•I J\l1ull11 Ii··•· · <1UI lur ld•1tttl f Oll•>w1nq ,.,, llct• •ndl';, '.fllJ(I" ••v1•r11•, •HI I• I• VI' 11111 lnd.,y ~dlcnq'. ,1r1 • .. , . c i<r 1·1l1 ·1\I . . wr1r ll1wo1 I•11111q •. 1,,., . furg i ·I 11. (BJ 5:30 p.m., Cha nne l 5 ./ ./ ../ ./ BASEBA LL: Anqr·I<. ill Tl'..<<t'•· Announct!i'Y Don Or y ... clrllc· .. nt.J Ron Fairly The Anqf·lc, w ill send Jun flarr l'.l 1) In lhf' mound 1on1qht ,1q<l1ll'>I r f'r<l'J'>Oll J!•nkrrt'> t I <I J of tt1r• RanqN'• in 1hl• linc'll C]ilme of lhC' Y!rlt:~ Ill T t!Xth. Th•· Wf'Pkl•nd '>•:r1{!'> Ill Kc'ln '>d'> City, oogtn· n1nri FnUily nigh t, w111 br-l•·ll'r,1•,1 live on Chann{!I S O THER TELEVISION Horv· R.1cmg Today Cit Hollywood Park, I Pm • Ch<1nncl R ADIO B,1•.ctMll AnqPlc; at Te.1rt'>. '> 30 pm, KMP<" Cl10), Ctn· <1nnd t1.1I DodgN'>, 7 2~ p 1n . KABC t 7qo1 -----· -······~·· GIRLS' SPORTS /BASKETBALL 801t'A .. L MAN•t' CdM Girls o ·ominated By HOWAllD L. HANDY OI .. Detly ""', .... Oran1e Coast arH hl1h schools and Junior colleges h•ve com· pleted another qut.atandln& year or tilrls •thletic achievement.a. Perhas» the-lop aucceu at.ory on the hi&h school leve l lA that of the Corona de l Mar Sea Kimes. who captured three C IF cham· pion ab.ipe ln one year. a feat no othe r school has accomplished. CdM won the 4·A cr own In both volleyba ll a nd b•dmint.on and the 3 ·A UUe in te nnis . A quick c heck of the record books indicates this is a fin t In the C IF-three tille11 in one year The aucceain tory doesn't stop at CdM , however San Clemente won the 2·A tennis Utle and was runnerup in .cymnastics ; Irvine High captured the 3·A gymnas tac11 lllle . Edison was the 4·A c ross country champion ; and Marina won the 4·A softball title. Individually, E d ison fresh man Andre a Krlkorn won the 4·A cr oss country ch a mpions hip. Quite an Impressive year for area high srhools with seve rat others re aching the quarter and i.emaf mals of various s ports ! • • • • GOLDEN-WEST H AD a n ou L'ltandang year with the gym~ nasties and softball teams annex1n~ st a te> chump1on:r;h1J)!'i and the basketbaU squad winning 30 games agaanl\t no defeaLc;. Anothe r slate t1Ue might h ave been in the oHang 1f a i.tate playoff had been an vogue. But Northern California !>chools had a differe nt time sc hedule for the ir season, thus e h minut ang astale tournament. One of the t.op ind ividuals at <iWC was frehhman tennis player Ka lie Bird who compiled a 30·6 rt·('ord an the No I singles spot for the state th1rd ·place finis hers Bm l was -;1·1·ond in the individua l com petition in the stale a nd lost 1n the semi!'. an doubles ··I think the coach ing here tit polde n West d id u lot for m e th ii. year," Bird s ays of he r mentor. Che r ie Kay "I a lso <lid a lot of running and we played in a lot more tou rn1tme nts than I have ever played in befo r e," th e Ma r ina ff1gh ~radu:Jlf' s ay,., She belon gs to the Landborg Hac·quct Cluh in lfuntinJ.,!lon Beach and plays in m ost of the 1umor ll1urnamt·nt!'. 1n Southern Cuhfornia when s he isn 't occ upied al Golden We'>I • • • WlTH TRE SUCCESS STORY t,c;in~ written cHt'h yc;ir by Orange Coa st are u girls team~. 1t 1s 'mall wonder that mor e and more girls are s howing up on the coll1•g1all· front. It has been a ban ner year for girls tll p1rk ur• i.t holur~h1ph. with m ost of the top name pla yr•r; mnvmg on to Junio r college or collt.:gc l'Ompe lttion next yt'.:ar Those who feel the g1r b · prnJ!ram" hav<• not advance<! are h11l · in~ bt.-h1nd a closet door l\nd further mru1J1b will t>.~ m actc 1n the future wh1('h could lead lfl u ,.,ur1·1.:i.hful pro ''''crnlwn on i.cvenil fro nts · While lht' mters r hool romp1·t1t1nn undf'r th<' Cl, .. banner 1s ne w lo th(· Southc-rn Callforn1a an ... th1:-. dN·ad1 ., hlll\kt>thall. fu:ld ho<•kf'y and othPr :-.port!> havf· lw1·n 111 vogu1· 1n th•· m 1dwcM for a numht·r o f )•':tr'> C11m1.w1 1t11.1· ~:1 r h ha'>k•·\lrnll with ·,1:itt··1<1UrM1lll<:nt!:. an<I othc·r I\ P•" •if n 111qwt1tm11 !lat•·' h<ll'k lo lh1· 1!1211'" 1n th•· m illwt•l\I "'11•1<1 h•wki·\ .,1,,, W>''" ll:11·k t11 lhoi.1· """'" :md in;inv of th •· lii1sk..thall 1•.11111•!> "'''rt' pl;iyl-fl a:-. prc·llm1n a111·-.-111 th1 · hov..., gam1·s V 311hrt1arcb Land One ~ou thNn C<d1fo r n1:1 C'1>ll1·g1· r1 Id n . t f I j.! II r I• I 0 I' r1 m JI I• t 1• :tf!a:n '>I th•· So11thlan<l trn ... kl'lll;ill 1111v. l'rs 1n lhf• lo,· al rf•r·ru1t1nJ! .... ar this )'•ar and 1l 1J1dn t Th(· \' :i nguarri'> d11l. hr1w1·v1·r , h1nrl •1111' (')(r·rollrnt "Ill ()f 'latP pro "l't't'I that v.11u lrl m:ik•· :111~ 1 0<11·h d 1 ool 111•" l'aul ll11hrnann ,, r. r. :.:1 0 p1111ncf f o rw.1rrl lr11nt St1 pht·n...,111 l1 1 ~:1t ~d111t1 I 111 !\l1dlli!illl v.ho w;1,., J (11 l'>l ll•:u n 1\11 -s tatt• !-.l'l<·<·t11111 hy l~;t h win· :-.l·r v1ce,., I\ thret:·s porl uthlf·t1., Hohman avernged 19 5 point.-.. I 1.5 rcbOunds etnd ara emit:~ rankf"<l tn the lop 20 of h1i. <"lass. So how did ht· w ind up at tiny sec·· S imple . lits ('O<ir h . l'aul Miller. 1s a g raduate of the Cos t a Mesa Christian ('Ollci.:e · ·'When you 'rt.· as hmall a1'. w1· a re a nd are t·ompPting <1ga1nl\L the biggies. soml'lhmg hkt: th1i. t·1·rla1nl y hel p s.·· '>a )!t SC(' Coach Ed Moriarty "We 're los 1ng our who le front Ia n•· ,.,n Hohmann ought to be ubh· to :.l£•p right an a nd pla y for us · ------ ,. .... ~r- Da \°<' Thnmpson . an All- Sun!'il'l L<:agul' and All ·CH ' ltn('bac·k'\r with a 3.8 g pa :ind hound for ll<.1rvard. 1~ the · \\-11tru·r of the s ixth an· 11 u ii I .John c; ust A t h lctil' S..twlar'\h1p . ::i s~oo grant I " 1 l' x <' l' I I 1: n <· l' 1 n t h c <"la ~:-.roo m a nd on tht· :ti h I 1·t H' f ll' Id. Thompson \.\ ;,... a mai nst ay for the !\<•wport Ha rbor ti1 gh lt·am Baseball Standings 18711 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach • 842-2000 BUY OR LEASE TODAY! • --_...,.. ..... _ ............ ---..... --. '~ . .-..__....., ....._ 'i\M,.:RICJ\N 1.•:M;tj l-: Wf·~t Olvlsion W I. P ct. GB Kan:-.a:-C'tt v '11 :i:1 !:'J!>I 'l'e x , .. .., i\11 g1•IN M1 n111 •"o la Ch1r:1g<1 St: a ti It· Oaklund '11 :1:1 ;,; .... 42 :M 55:! ;17 :1:1 :;29 2 :12 11 438 R11i :1~1 1:1 '134 9 :!2 ;.,1 <!fl9 20 •:a ,.,l Ulvl11lon Ball1m on· 50 2:1 685 Bo~ton 4;, 21) fi34 '1 M ilw.rnkl·(· 42 32 New York 40 34 Detroit :i3 36 C levclanr1 32 40 Toronto :!4 52 WM_,...,., Jtore\ '"•if\4 -~h 1 uo,ton J ()Plff)•t t M ll...,.1tui.,..,.1 Mtn,,,.'W"Jttt._ Ii•"'"'' ( .• ., .,, ,,,.. .. t1tntf ) \fl4'1tlr • (~it t11UO J f ,n1., 011n•, \• ,,~lut,.O feid•t •' O•m"' .568 81,..l .541 IO 'h .478 15 '14'1 1711'2 316 27'n Aftt•h fRMr 1 i "'' ft'•l'I" ( 1 .. n•1n' I • n M ll#Aultr•• 1•,1,.1110 I )I 4'~ MlntW"V)t• ,(.,0411 & 1,1 r hH4W tUA1Hnytufl n \ ~· itl t.,f'.tltlf:l f PA,,n lt ) ,, t4 .. w Vmli. 1 John tt J• ,., t o,onto CMn<Htt t 0).f'I < ievPlf.nd 1w 1..,. ~ \J ttf Ul\tt•mor,. t 0 MttrUf'\el tO lo. n Lio\ I On 1 Mtn•n) )I ~· ll•h oll I llolllnqh•m • •1. n n , NATIONJ\L Lt:i\GlJ •: West Dlvl11lon w ·~ Hous ton 16 31 C int'inna l1 39 35 San f'ran('ISCO :17 37 S a n Dtef(O 34 '11t Do dg('rs 33 '13 29 '15 I\ ti ant~ East Division Montreal 42 26 Pittsburgh 36 32 Ch ica~o 35 32 St. LOUIS 3.5 32 Philadelphia 37 35 New York 28 39 ~·t 'k9ft\ {_tn(lrtf'Mtl •. ~ t Chot•QO II. Pflol-lf)fwot • N~• Yor• II. Pltt'bu"~"' t,I l!IU" ). Monlr~el 0 '>otn 0 -1 1, A!11tnl• I \ S•n f tM'Kl\.4...0 t HOU\1°") T••f'tO-n P ct . J97 527 .500 .4:16 134 392 fil8 .529 .522 .522 .514 418 GB 5112 71,.,_ l2'1:t 121•"1 151 ~ fi fj•.-l 6'1'l 7 13"4l (.ol'{ln,..lo I H.,.,,.) JI •I ~" I Hooton I., n All•nttil f Bttll Ol•r • J ,. .r ~·" O tf"Ql'f f ,. ... \r'f'IU'\W'f'I J..et Hou\ton (W1Uf.tM\ 1 l • 4!1f ~•" Fr4nc1\C'O I Curll\ l JI N~w Yor-lllOC.I J ll •I Pllhb11rqh t HOl><n.on \O.n On11~\c-..ltd 1977 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON v fi .iulom.1lrr "" rono wh1h1 OlllOflO• rnd 1n101101 (997UZJI s3700 .. JDBISDlf & SDI SALESPHSOM OF THE MONTH-#AT SHIA '• /~ '..__" ................ ~-..L -..~,--~ .............. • • I • -·-- Llncoln-Mercu!Y 2626 Harbor Blvd. Co1ta Meaa 540-5630 .. ' -·i•.-.. ................. ,-.--. ---------·--.. -·--1-:-________ 1 • I I I ' . . .. ..... . .. . . . . . . GOLF/RACQUETBALL · lhndily, June 28, 1979 DAU. Y PILOT Ila ,.,...._ .. Kemper Opea Returas ANGELS BUBBLE. • • The second annual Women's Mesa Verde CC stnce 1770. He Ca poni Youns and Chato fill the role ol 1eaclin1 lhe team ritht now. I'm Just coin& up there, tryina to do what I can do 'When you're in a aroove. you aee the ball IOOd .. • hope thls one laata and fMta and latlJI " Carney Lansford '11 first·mrung homer &He Callforni• • 1 O lc•d. But Bump Wlll8 sln,ltod , n1uvt!d up on Ryan's wild plc-koff throw and st•ornd on Oamhl«-'11 s111glt' to lie the aamc In the bot tom of the lnnln" Gamble's homer. twhand Dud dy Utill'i-walk macl.-It l I In Uu• Hogan E11ter At OCC .. Mun) llt\t:1111 w111111•1 11f tth· nut11mul 111Jo111 1,11•t1udhull tour11un11·11t ht'ld two w~ki. 11~0. 111 I h ,. f u \'II ra l t.' at I h I ... wcekt·nc1':. · :-.1xU\ <1r-llludl N ut1on al Outdoor Thrt:c wull nu.•quctbull l'lrnm p 1o n s h1ps ut Oru11~c Coast Cullc~c The l ourne " ~ <' h t.· 1.I u I t.· ti I" r 1 cl a y t hrou g h Sunday 011 OCC':-. 1:1 mllcloor c·ou rl:-. Play will run l1orn 7 a m to9 1-> m on Fr11la" <1nd Saturday and ln1m ti ;; m to 5 p m on Su11 da y HOGAN, who IJv(':-. in ~u n l>11·go, f in1:-.ht'<I :-.1·eonrl 1n fast year ':-. n<.i t 11111al outdoor tourna ment :1l <HT II<-w u:-. h t· a t 1· n h " f> a v c y Hlt•d:-.111• of ~Jn 1>1cgo 1n llW finl!f:-., 2 1 4!11, 16 21, 11 9 /\n11th1·r 1nH·rn:it.1on:1I 1ncl11or d1arnp will . .,ib11 lit· f1·a l11rc·1l lh1 ~. w1·l'kf'11tl ;,i..,-Kari·n W ;d1011, who · \\ 011 1 tw worn1·11 ' 1r11l11or ..,111 g ll•:-. 1·row11 l wo Wt'1·k )'. ;q,:o, will lw 1·1ir11111•11ni.: 111 lht• wom1•n ':-. /\ douhlc:. division 'I' h I' OI I' II ' :-. t 1 p (' fl doublt•s d 1v1:-.111n 1:-. c•x • · t>tl lo provicl · plenty of t-x<·1tcrnc11t , loo 01-:t't:NOING l'hamp:-. Hic k Ho we n <.1 nd Hill Chadwick of Santa Ana arf.' bar k thi" yf.'a r anrl will probalily he pu~h1·ll h v H I<• ch 111• a n cl h 1 .., f <1011 hi<'!> purtnl'r Bohhy ~t1wk1·r of San U1c·go I )('(' 1·0:11·h1·.., B11li W I' t ., ,. I u n d H a r r v \\'all;11·1· ;i re• al~n 1·xp(•1·1 •·cl 111 t)(' tlouhh·:-. 1·011 h ·ri dc·r-; ThPV won the-na t1111w I ou1door 1·rown in l!rr~. ;,11(1ag;11n1n 1!177 ('11mrjcL1l111n will h1· h..tcl 1n Ltll' rrll'n ·.., 11p1·11 ... 1t1g l1·:.. 111.en doulll1·:-., H thi rd. and Hrum Oow11inJc'" RH! sln1lc cut the lc1ad lo 3 2 m the fourth. 8llly Sarnpl~ w•lkcd an tht• sixth and r•recl homt' on Joh11 Grubb's double off the le ftftclct w111l for Tcxwi' othe r run Kemper Open golf toumamenl has served u president "ol the H11uchi In a five-way sudden· at Mesa Verde Country Club In c lub and on the board .of death playorf on the second•· Coat• Mesa will be held llarcb directors. He was a California tra hole. • 24 throuah 30 accordinl to an an· Hicbway Patrolman ror 15 years Announcement.a of Ole PW'le nouncement thla week by newly before moving into the contract· and poeslble television coveraae appointed general c hairman· ing bu1'.iness, of the tournament will be made Paul Zangger. Another change made by the a~ they are flnall&ed. Zangger served on the ex · sponsoring Kemper Insurance "The first Women's Ke mper eculive committee for the first Companies finds Don Ruhter Open had one of the slrongesl to urnitment this year and taking over as tourname nt fi elds on the tour this year," stepped un to the job when Jim director after serving as an as· Zanager s!lid. "We're planning Poteet resigned to devote more sistant last year under executive on strengthening that rleld even time to his duties as pret1ident of director Billy Booe. further for the 1980 tournament." the Mesa Verde Club. In the firs t to'aTlfament, Tournitment offices al 1525 Ca lifurn1u Munat(c r J1111 fo'r e.cosi mt•t with 1111' pl11y1·r' uft er tlw uu111t•, k1•1•p111 14 th1 doon lot•kt-<t for ;t.r, n11nutt•s, th1·n dt"d1trt..'d his pluycr'i orr h m 1U. lo I he prc11i; tit• 1·ulll·d 1111' 1111•1•l111•: "1wr1mnul" timl 11•fu:u•1I tu ti" ('Uli8 It Zangger Is a gene ral contrac· JoAnne Carner defeated Nancy Mesa Verde Drive East are open OSCARGA~M~B=-=L~E=--~~~~to~r--=a~n~d~h~a~s:.....::be...:.;:.en:..:_;a;__:,m.;.;..:..em:.:..:.....be:..;_r_o_r~-L=o~p~e~z~,-=-Ja=n:.:..:.....S~t~e~p~h~e~ns~o~n~.~Do--n_n_a~-th_e_._Y~e-a_r_·_a_r_o~u~nd~.~~~~~ 7 • THIS MAY BE Ti-IE FINEST BEER UNAVAILABLE TODAY. Ill •I ll 1'1 1 \ 11111 . IL l .illf 1111 .• 11 .. I 1\1 111 .... 11• 1111.I ( dd,11111.1.1·· ''J'I• .111 ,1•.l 11 1 'l11I 1 l •11 I , i11.-,111, Il l \\\', Il l I 1.th 1· ... I 11 I\ .II\ I\ •.• I\\. 1)111 111 111.111\ \ .l '-t' . , 111 11· -..·111 11 •I\ I S ii I .11 l\ I\ 111 \ · .... I. I I 11 I 1." L I 11 \ . I 11 ' \ \ \ I I 'I I " I 11 1 I I 11 • \\ I I I •1 I f ' • t f I 11 l I • I' I. II I 1 I• •• I \I 11 I 1 ' I 'II I I . ! I II I I 1111 I I II I I ' I \ I I• .1. """ 11 \J,, I t II I I " 'I I 11 l 11 f I l\ f • I 1 • .. ' I 11 11 I !. I ; ·, I I 'I ' I I I I , I\ l f ,, , !111 ;1 ,, I ,, 1''' I I I I• 1 Ii. .. 1 I j, '· • 11 'I''. I fl\\ I ,I I f 11 1111\ .I '•I \ ,I I• I rl1 "' ii II' 1\11.! IJllll .tlhl llf1 llll11l f 11 11 I 11 !1 "111'!. l1 '1jlllll . "" .. 111 l 11f \\ 111111 111111 111 11 1 \ l f( \I l 1.111 I '" 1 I l I 11111 11()!11 l.\I ~ \<<I \l \I \\. I ii 111 l I l.1 \ .. ti l • I II I I 111111 I I ... fl I 11 l I 111 I '· I l I\ . \\ I • ,1, I ' •l 11 \\; 11\ I II .1. I h I I 11 I ·! . I \ I I' "' I 1 11111 .\111111\.ll '"'' \\1 111 11 1111 IJI., L.I l l11JJI \\ltil 1111 11 \1111d11 I Ill.Ill\\ I I• I"" 11 I~ 111~ I 111 11 \ I I " I ' " I I . ( I 11 I I ., 111 ,111.1 11 l•tll I 1. Ill I 11 r .. I ..... 11 1 11\1 I tll I ll.Ill \ l>111tl I l1l l•1ff1 111!01 \' I . •I ' ' I \ I I 11 . I I 11 I 111 \ • 11 ,, . • I I 1, I' I I ti I I I. I JI \111 I I 1 I 1: I I 11 I I I J-.(1 1111• I 'ii.I "I" I I \ I I 11 I I 11 l •.1,l11J.l111111 ,.,.,,l f.1 l111•l.,11 111 1 11.11 ' 1!11 l i tll I '111 1111l1 I' 11 I'"' i \\.I -.1 l.1~1 1·l 11.l1 fl 1.l 111 1111 I d111d. 11. Ill \. I 1!1t J., I .I .111111 11 ... I If'\ 1 llll\ ,dl lll·~ Ill I 1l I\ I II 111 .111. \\t II I I I\• ,I l 111fl,!11 11 • ii 1. I I 1 I ' I • j, 'I . II! I ,,,,I , ,j,I. ' \ jl 11111.1 . 111 111 \1• \1 11 lff•I 1l11 111 I I •1111 I 111...:. \\ • " I ii I . I • 'I 1 ii I I II I . rl 11· 1111 \\111. 111: 1111 d11 I I " 111111·11 ti 11 111 111.11,l1>1 l'l<I \Il l \l l '·.<,h'l 1>1 1 ' I I l1 111 1 \\, 11 il11i.I 111 :\ "' I\ 1\0 11 1.1,!1 f1 .. 11. ' 11I1 1I1° ti I I I I I I ' -c1rm~1~-~~--t-~~~~-r-~ 111 1I11 • I[: l I "ii I •1 I I ; ' 11 I 11 '!. 1il. 1 111111 \\. :>i ng lt·s, M'ntor i-.ing lcs , "11rnt·11 '<; u i-.1ngl1·i-.. /\ 1ln11hlcs. Bdo11hl1•s, :in1l a J1t111or d1v1-;1on f11r hov:-. an<l girh 17 y 1•:Jr"> of ;.ig1• anll 11111lpr i\clm1:-.'olon 1s frt·1· untl hf1•,1 f'111·r ... Wiii ht• M•I llJI l o a 1·1·11mr11•11la11• lhf' 1·1ow1I Swimmers Comp~tc At Pier lf this 1s the last w<·1·k of .Junl', It mu:-t IH· o 1· e a 11 s w 1 rn m 1 n g ~f'(l)'.1111 The 2!1th annual Hunt in~ton Beach 111<·r :-.w1m will lit• c·ond11c·ted Sulur fl ay. w1lh holh lt>am ;ind ind 1v1dua l c·c11r11wt.l\.1un . Th.-apprux 1mall•ly~a lf. m Ile t·vent stML'I at !) a m for :-eniori. < lfi·24 J and m as ters Th e Juniors rtH·c at 9 :m I\ wc·ck fro m Satu r· day, the Newport Ucach ptn to pier swim will b<· c·onduc t ed . Approx imalely two miles in lt!n li!lh, lhat race will be contt•s tcd between the Hal hoa a nd Newport liCJJch piers. Oiv1sions a re agam Junior, senior and mastNs More than JOO swim mers arc expected for the lluntingl.on Beac h swim, which in previous years has drawn Olym· pie-class athletes from throughout California. The senior men's re· col'd is held by Graham White o f Australia , whilc Susie Atwood ow n s th e se nior wome n's mark and Jack Baba hoff r eteins the junior men's standard. Records were set last year by Diane Grander In the junior women's d lviaion and by Carol ,111,l 1111·111111111 [l\t I 11 I\'. I I" I\\ I 11 I ,, I I If I 11 I I 'I • \I l I I rl11 "' 111 fl \ Ill '!11l•1 111 I I 11, 11 I: I I i f 1 It I , • J • I 111 11 \\ I 11 I. "I 11 ll 1 • ii II l• I . 11 • I I I ,, 1 ll ·d1l1 1 .. 1 11 11 \ 111 II \ "' I 11 tll\ • •. "" \ 1l ·.t 1 .i.,1111111 h11 11 1111 1.11 !-.il•h "Ill '' 11111 l l.1\111 l f tl tlll'. 11 .1.1111 . \\1 l1f ll1 \1 \1111 1\dl l11 11 l 1!11 • 11111 1111 11 111 1, •I lt1 1111 t )1 1 '...'.Ill I \\ I 11 \\I II ii l . Ill\ I I 1 II 1 I t "I \ \ 11 l I ll l.1 1 Ii. I\ 1 · 111 If H .11 111 I 11 • l '."' ~ l 1 II ~.\ I I\ ) '· I I ~t ) .\ I 11 11 . I 1. \1.., I l »I 1 I I \\ '1. I I ii l , 11 I I I 1 I I . I\ I . I \ I I l I II I 1 .. I l 1. I' I 1 I h1 I I. I l 1 ( I I I .\ I )I ' I 111 11 I 11 \I 11 I 1 \ I 1 \\', 11111.111 1'., 1111 \\Ill•' [111 11 1111111 ' \111 I I I\ I I \ I • 11 " I ) I I 11. ll I . I 1 I 1 • 1 I h I 1 I 1 I I I • l I 11 I I •1 111!1 lllllil .1· .Ill\ 111111•' I'"' .l\,lil.d 1l1· I ll . \ l l )I' I I l • I I I )\ I. I \ \\ I . 11.11 111 I I 11 I I\ I II \. \\'1111h.11.I". 1111\.1 1. 1~1 ... 1.·1\1 .. d111 1111 . I \\I \ l1 I "I •I I 1 •. \'' I I I 11 Ill 1111 I \\ 111. !1 I .I. ! I 1 .. 1, I I I 11 1\ .... I \ I I \ I 1 II I • I I Ii I fl\\ I I I I " 111. ll l II • · , II h I ·11 H 111 l\ \ 11 h •I 1 ii l l 11 I \ I 1 • 1111 1~· .l 11111 ... 1 111 .111,I I I 11 ... 11 1 • .111 •, I I 1 I I I I 11 I 1 J '1 ·I \ I I I I 11 Ill'\· ... \\Ill 11111,1111 11111 \1 .! 1 !111 !111 l'I "1· 11ill11111.1 11 1 l11 ~;l1 "'' I \ I 111 II I ll l. I • I l I II I I I I I ' I •ti I ' 1i1 1h l \\\.ll1 'l1 ,\111ln1ll\\l1111 II . 1hi.-. fl I ll.I\ l lfl[ l11 · j 'l lllllllh'lllh l'l.l\·l.',I. l\111 "' 111 \'' ,·,111 I•• l.11 ,I I k 1 II \.'s . I\ , I ii \I 1 • • 111.1 kv l1 v1 1111.·111 11 1111111111 111 .1 ·1•111.rl ''l'l'I hl \'\\l 'l j ''\ 11111 l1111111l11 , l 11 tll\ \V,·111lu1 ,I, 11 1 ii 11 11iii1 , , 111111 '· ll 11 ... j'lt.'lllll llll h1'1.'I' "·'" 111 11 -.11l .l111 1l11·1111l 1 111.·. h111 \\,\'\ lll'tf1 ,11l 11 ·11\11l l1 11 \11. \\',·111h.mJ-.. 'lw' 1.d •1111 .1 .11i.I 1111 ll•I . I 111 n ~111·1 I •lw 1 liv·.1 .ll 11111111 -... 11111 I 1r1 " "1'1\·1.il h n ·1 "lll1 l1 111-.p11·c,l 11. 1\1 1 !11 ... 1'(1111 1, lllll 1'11 1!1· ...... 11111.tl pi.11! 1111.·111 111lll u -.. 1li.11 1IH 1111i.l111 1 \\,Is l'\l 1'1'( 11 111,11.1\111 \\\' \\l'I\ ,l'\(llll1 ... l11.·l l l1~ 1!11 11 .111 1rn1 ln1111 rn11111 ... 1111111r·.\\IH11 I lc-111 \ ·, ".1' I 11 -.1 <>I krcl l ln1 .... 111. llynu .1p1'rn 1.111 1p1.tl11 \, \\1· h, 11111 · \'1111\\1ll l11h.l 1t .11d1l· ... l1111" .il11·11 1.ll l\l t1 1 tl1l· hn·1.., \\lll,11 l111l ·,111 1v 1111.11k11 -..ht·hc-. f rn111 111w l'lhl 111 rl11 · ,11111\11\ 1 ll l h\.' od ll'I'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---'~~~ /\ /111111 ,,,,, 11,,...,,., v· Tlw n1i1,. Wr111ltard Rrt-w111fol Comp1111y wus onr of '"" '"'' '""'~"''I! ,..,,,,h/"hnwfll~ 1n Am1•rrcw. uncl" t/H• IJ/dc:u cont1n uuu~ly t1/l«'l8t••d /u,.w•·ry Wf'-•t 11( tll<' M1'ls1s~1pp1 H1v1·r l-11u11t/1•d in /H~ll hy Gt•rnwn lllll~tur luew1•r I l1·nry Wcinhard, the l>rew,.,y:, 11nfl.tnol luc11t1on w11s nP11r ,...,. Vancouver m the Orel!.?" Tnritory I fNiry'!. bt'>•r c·n1oyed an fllJrly an<l OVl'fwll1•/minR.f10PUlt1rity om11n/1, th•· c11w1/rymt>n /l,Brri.qoncd Ill the fort. 11.'I well llS with tltc Jog. 1t•·rs, tmpp•·r"I. onrl otlwr p1uncor settlers of t/1t'l fllf'lf A nt'wspepcr. of the p eriod describi;d the bcl•r as "unsurpe:J.•cd t1y any other nt1t1vo protlurr of its kind" . W1tl1 ~11ccr.'lS C8mr: expan!Jion, and 111 1863 Mr. Weinhard movtld hl/J brewery to its prnsent loco1Jon Ill Portlt111d. Stn~l' that t1mo fine beor /w~ b•!•'n /ut>wrd u~1111J the premium hop.~ 1ind barleys grown in the North..,,.,,, and pure, frosh water from tho Ctt,carle mountain range. - Tiii: Bl.I I / \\' I: I ~ I I ,\ I ~ I ) g H E \VE H Y 0 F P 0 RT L A N D . 0 R E C 0 N • • Jewel in the master 1~ .. ======================================::::::i=::::;::;;;;;;;;::::;;1;:::;;:111111;11!1:11;:111!11:;;:s::;;ti~=-=-Si!!!~~~!!m:ll!l!!I~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~:__~ women's class. • 1; '\ . ~ .... _.,...,. ---......... L •'lo • .., • .,. r •• ·-~·-----···'···-·-··------. ----: ".:.. I ·. --. -' . ---·--- --- . .. . . -· ---..... ,, t"""""' _ • ..,.__.,._ .. " 1 . - ----- -..--..lao ------------- I I I DAILY PILOT ~ . . • • •M•••C•lf lt•ov• ·~· ._.., (61•-· , ..... ...... ~ .. , .... t'4•rln• 't • u o 11 ...., • ._, 1ft j •n\tf U lit> I I I • ·-K ctU 1ib t U•~ II "•"""' "" .-t••n' '" ()uw f'IUl\I Av(J1 U •••• " to t A·tf\tt 4 I t 0 i 0" 0 t G II I fJ It • u 4) .. ... ,..ult •' .-•\;•"'•'' tn '·" ,..,"' .'t~ '•"'Pt• it •• ,u .... , ' .. , .. ' l I I I t t I I') ) I I I • f I II •ft I I 1 t t•N • V t I ·~ . . • '" 'ft ,. ' .. " '"•· •'. \,. ,, .... "•. u • ....... . \llfl ..... , ''"··· ,, •• " "j"'' llQ " ' 'it ' ,,. n"'"""' •l"nt'lf' .. ' ' ......... . 1W tt • t lllf ltl )Cl A rll ,..,.. Qt ..... J ....... ,.. t . It......... AA.I '"'' "''' t •••'U" AAltf~ 1 .. rk1 tt t •f~ P•111 ..... u ,,.n., .... t w ••uOH I I I I .... , ,,. • • ...... ' .......... "' ,,.,,,..,! f A, ,, " , ... ,.,,.,' .,, NOt•h '0 A ~ I I• ., ' M t lf• f ""'I I • I M vt1j '''-I .,.;•J"~•t th1tfn U•...J)• f•,. • ,.,..., ... ,,f)y J \ t M ,, I••' 1 I •IW r ''~'I H I f.1-''W •I A II •1 t W-0 \O• l f l'i-f'' \ I H• \'·•'• 1''\J ""' U1/ f i• 1111 I •ii•• -·• f tlH "I "•l•t'1h t I U "f ,.Ill to• i~, 11 IHtft4 t N•• I l t•l .. r 'lwtl olllll t•;tt t 1 f1 >fl ',I ••oh I ti I •I • ••• , (H ,,, •• , •••• ".' /. I " Md ~ 111._,, IJO 1 t fl fll'• (.n l1J...,•·tl I •fl t h\•1111• •,. 'U" '"'' • " '"i t t 1t I M o11•11.11f 11 ,,,,., N'''''I•' 1 .. ,,,1,,,1,,, VI I ,lift""• I! .. '1 I ',1 1 Ult• 11 t ;II~ M d w 11u•• • f ~111.,10 I '1.41 I f\1 00,1" llH l~1111u ,,,1,, /\d,101 t 1 A lH 1,111 MAttMt\ 4 W"•h' \Ot ) f 'I•• ·•'I'' htt11 f1hll U t(J I If ',1•.,p11 '1'1 • 111 (l(Jt .. I I 0 ~,,..,., 1tHfj M,,, ,, •. ,.1,1.tljt " (ft JOll•• M<>.11l•••11u Ui k .t#rillt"t fl d!WJ {O,t W '1i "...J"J• I b l ~ '·"' t l't f1 A It I flt J<AllOl ... l llAC.U l ( tnt .,.."•~'~d\ 'f, Oodq~r~ ~' ._,.,"" -b I ft IJ1 l nured•V Jun• 28, 1978 c.,, ..... • AtW•• I tMv'' •n •M t • I \-tl • ',.,.. !'4 u I(&~ 000 DI\• 'if I 111 • 01\t n H .. vn •• '""''1t11ttt ••' utf~ .... ·-, N•,•v M m h;o I, tJ N«t...-• f •Ad U 1ll W M lnf41f\ t U t tH •Utt I I .... tit,...\4WI I ...,_., i\I Ji. II )4) Ht()H \I HOOl AlL (tp; I A l'h'te t••M "•• fltt•r••. ""'._.. '' #lllWn '"'" t <¥' '·••• .. " •••1·~• • t t .. ~f'd't Ua•••• Mtt-r•'''" t It ti I t• t ht I\ IVf.tl'41fl .. f'\k,;o()r It t• ft tf hflH•tO., I t 1l11t111. •~, 'I 1 l lllrtt'\l f\Ul••, .. \JtohlA \t ~I th •• , ..... ct ''"""'(Ill"-. ,,, )U .. ,.,,, t•~·•\• ,.,, .. ,, • tf~ <••11~ .u •Al.,,, .. '\', ll• <1• I WI ., '!\•••Oh t ••• nt•u 1""' Crl••-.•••" f ,,.... .h .. ,, •"'. ¥ .. ~ I '" &t r ., f,. t. I .,. 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I \ I S. • ), John ~" 0.1 J-HIQ .. t•• • I. \ I. • 4, I ~. flr..c.• MMI'°" Ool l'rllf ll ... hn1nQ I 4, 4 4 ..... • 4, c;....e M•V•• d411 011ny p,.,.,.. I ...... ) ••• , • JOltMI Kt1•• Ori Jen Norb<ol-•I •) •I, An4"" P•I ""'" d<lf Wl1> OOwc>•w•ll • l • • • 0: Ooo l "tt d""f Ntf'¥00 "i'<•t• • O. • J. t f v _, '"' ~ No.M\ O.f ,,., IL \ttw1•no • l .••. I ) 't'j\• t UI\ Chuc Mt At'llOft•O 11/oJNJI • t, & J ., • Jortt'I Mr "'-"'OI> o.t hu\t•t Moltr•m ._.,. • >. I & •I, 01orn IJDtQ !lttl Vljay Amtlltttl 1 • ~ • 4 • I • • l fltt•n Cottlr-.d ct.I leH ttUt O#t•·• I •• '-• • "· ~r• Co• Mf ff•l•i I "'Ol 'V • • 4 •. • l. I• Ove IJ•nv1.o11 o.• < ntt• • .,4',h•t I\ 4 1 oft • 1, • • rnm t,ullt~'On t ..... AMr~ •• , M•V'"' & I 4 4 • 4 IYf•n A h .... fff.Jrrrt ~f lf•th / (r1o1nlh•r<ll • J. I .. \ I ' I It ) ~ntt f Mt f*' Or t N~lll "'•tn1,e1 • I'• ••.It. WOf'nt""'\.etOf'ld tfotitftlll \tlMll•\ (\t U I ',ffJJI" f'ld ( f\I I\ (J ,~ .. II • , 6 I fi••1;;01t M..•t \1•·fo11t , ..... 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I 1 Ah ;• • I t • uf1• ti , l t ~ •. l• 4 (Jt\ I 1n· 101 111 •1 I ,, f\n•1• I" 4 11\ W\11••tt1 '' t\ I I "'"''~ (1t1lfro/ I t1\t1' ff-w;111o1\ ttl.1 M t1t•f·•"l 41 Ctnf1nl'\.t1h IP H ll l.M Bft \0 • 'h , •. ,,, ..,, • ' l.O\ ~ nQP-1.,.... rl1•u I ,J I 11.1111 t '"' .. '"'" f I lo J_. t wll'\ tt p.,,,, .. ,, • '., 11t1 11.,.... ll lt fi l I ,,, I • ·, ( I t! .1q 11 JI t '/11 (• ,• II I , ., ,, I • '""''. ,,, I .,, I I 11 t /.1 i., ti l I,., .. • , •• N t I• "' ,, .. ,., ,. ' ..... , ... , .. ',,,,, I ••t11 I I tt fl I I• 'tt•f I I" 111 I" I ' I 1'1'1,t t l 1h I, • I ,p N , I• '1 o'j .f" ' ~"'"'" fh••\te>f' l,1,.J• t If H ,.. 1 /I I ll l I 1ul l oH1•1••'1otl• I I \I ti '" '''• •4• ,. 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(, ,, I I"'~ Iii 1111 ~ 1i1Wt \I• Al) 't I •ot f •I t I l,t ~ f . 1,( .p• f• .. •t-oUf• ' /0 4 tf, I •it ,Aflw' •I t UI •' t I I •'I' t f /fl ,,, ,.,,,,,, ,, ,,,•f111/•• ,, f , 1 r ,, f I I I , •i II I r ~, •I I 11 '' I '' t .. ,. -Nil "'''I ' M • I ''"'•'ii''' ~ "'~. ti •ll•tl I .1•11t !111 I ( ,.,_,, '1111~ 1, I ~1to••,l1 • II! t•11,•wl I JI I tlt I •II l 1fi 111, 11 'h111+ 1<• •"''' f 111• f 'N J M I ,,11•1h111 \ I (,,,_.I fu I I ft, II Penalties Mar Aztec Victory HAI.I.AS Ci\11 1 W;ill(·r W;Ji,.:11t·1 ~ II\ t'I t1nw i.:o:.il off an :1~~1st hy .Johann ('ruyH i.tave l.o.., A ng('f1·-; a J l North A m '' r 1 c· a 11 So ,. t' 1· r Lcal-(uc \'1t·tory Wcdru.:s· d<.rv ovt:r Dallas Wil1 l.1ppen ... ;ic·e(Junt t'tl for hoth IJ ;tlla ~ lalht·~ .. while the A zlt·t~ st·orPd t wi1•t· on venally k u·ks 'l'tll' l!aml· was not f1H' tht· fuint hc·arlcd. with Lo~ Ani.:t·l<·s r :1<'kini.: up :!H fouls to the· Tornado's 27 Both tt-ums played one man ~hort after Tornado 1lefrnd<•r Steve Pecher and /\zlt•c fo rwa rd Hub<'rt S-meet-it were e1cr tcd on red cards at 40: 32 followenl( a scurne that ended with each knockc-d out of action. 1.1.•o Van Veen a nd C ru y rr not c h ed t he pcnaltv SC'orcs for Lo!! /\nJ{<'l«·s • Th<' d1nt•hc r from Wa~m·r wus 4.19 into overtime • 1 I I •1 I Ml' h• 1• • H.H • 11111 d I IYJ WORLD FAMOUS GRANDMASTER TO DEMONSTRATE JUNE 30 & JULY 1 Gusti1l!.011 Linc.ol111 Mf'tr.ury ol 16800 f!oach Btvd . Hunt- ington Beach. La . will ~po11!>01 <1 very spec111I mar1101 art!. demonstration on SJ1urday, June 30. at 11 00 AM and Sunday. July 1st. at 11 00 AM. The pubhc is invited to attend froo of char~w aod witness one ol ttlc wrirld s highest ranking Grandmasters demonstrate his worl<.Hdmous ·Kr (internal powers1 in thi! main :.howroom of Gustafson Dr R. Sacharnosk1 Sokl'. President of JKI International which is one of the world s largest accredited ledcraliOns ol some 100.000-plus members, will personally demonstrate with his staff instructors 1n K1 They will ~how the ab1hty to accept full-power blows and kicks to nil areas of lhe body lrom any martial artist or spectator This is the demo that Dr Sacharnosk1 has given lor ABC Wide World of Sports. for NBC and CBS National telev1- s1on, 10< motion pictures. throughout the United States. Great Britain and Europe, for major martial arts magazines. tor Long Beach Karate lnlls • to name but a few prestigious events. Meet him 1n person. who has starred in 3 ma1or motion pictutes. and who is now 1n the process of beginning five (5) more major motion pictures with his partner. Ed Parker Dr. Sacharnoski has been placed in the Black Belt Hall of Fame twice, and has rece.ved hOOOfs too numerous 10 mention Be sure lo attend lh1s once-in-a·Hletlme demo He will be glad lo talk with you an d answer any/all questions 'HOME Of T .. V•ING' GUSTAPSON Los Ange1"--" raised iU record to 11·6. while Dallas fell to 10-8. -_llalUCI ILYI.. MT.UO. IUCI 842-1144 17H113 :: r "--....... -.-~ ------ $11<· A IP 1J tub•·h·\\ whltl•W<:lll plus ':.1 6) f'·d I • la1 P"'I 111 .. Sale ends June 30th ******************* , , .. • ' J• fl I " •I 1-1e ' I I~ '•l r/H 14 (,,7fl .1 H7P Ill I r J" (,/8 1~ HJFI 11, • ) 18 l'J '" .. • llt <i ,1: :r .. 'I" 4 IOI rr·r1 I r laJ •, ., 'if, .. SALE Pc:.>ICE p,~, '""' r '' 'c ,. j , 4101 ~ 95 80 )1 6l .'/' '1' 41or ~1 0780 ~HP ~ ,,, ';' 4tors131 80 S? 10 ~ H~ •. ' .. 4tor~1 39 60 ~2 22 I' ~·> '1'-J 41orS143 80 ~? 38 "",:1 ' 'J' 4torS159 80 ~2 f)1 ,. j ! 'I'" 4to r S11980 51 n j df 'JC) I\ ror S147 80 S? 44 . 11'1 'I' 4101$167 80 '.,2th di 'I' 4 f{ll s 1 / 1 80 ~:> 91 ' 1,• I J d ror S175 80 S:.!96 , ' ,.. ,, . '" SPECIAL BRAKE OVERHAUL ...,~~.~, VSR All Weather ~~' Steel Radial For cars with front disc/ · rear brakes systems tn'\l,Jll 01'.<.. f'.iCtl' - ltntnfl\ 2 Hcbu1lc:f whf'l"I cylrnrt1•'" 3 Rf"~url;icro mtor" & rh11rn . 4 PAck front whPl'I bl'iH 1119" 5 ln<;tnll n("w lmnr 011 .. 1· 1• ',l'l)f<, R lnst;:ill rPlwn & hrJlrl down <;0<1nq'l 7 BIAAd 3 flush MaSlf'r CyhndN 8 Inspect brokA hosPc, 9 Inspect Ma..'\ter Cylinc1N<o 10 Add fluid 11 necossarv 11 Road Test s7599 Motl U.S. Oltd fonlp cart VISA ' \ =. VALUE PRICED• $ 34 ~/~t<• ~·~ .. •1,, .... ,_, ""'' '"w'111 r .. uu' s' "JCJ • .,,t f . lo• lh P C1>n,,rol VSP tt:!otu113~ great all W"'am ... , 1roc11on. 1wo 'uboer insulated \IP.,1 bt•ll\ a ~moo1h ricing Polyester corCJ boClv and 1t1m whitewall styling larger sizes comparably pricedt WHITEWALL RETREADS '78 SERIES ALL SIZES SJ995 ••• lnclitde1 Install & latC11Ke Ho Trade lteq. RAIN CHECt<· Should our supply of some sl1es or lines run short during this evttnl, we will honor any orders placed now tor tuture delivery ot the advertised price. TIRE COAST GENERAL TIRE Ge ... ,,,, ,.,9 s10 • ., p••c .. , 2855 Harbor ll•d., Costa Mesa, Callfomia 0110 cr•ou lermt PtOOuc• 0¥0llOOllllV ono Pt'°"' mov 5 4 0 5 7 I 0 VOi V QI llltlf!Pfllld8 1H • deol•u d ltPICIV'"Q lh• ~OftlQn ' • Sooner or tater,y0\/11 own <.?enerals ------............ -.-...~~...,...---~-----~···· .... --.. · . --~ ~ -... ---~ . -.. _ ........ ,. ... 1 ---- ·~ -... .. ------- I I I "l • J - BOATING Transpac Tops Off Calendar Top interest in yachting this wt•t·kcnd will focus on the ocean between Pt. i''ermin arnd Pt. Vif ente west or Lo s Angeles llarbor where 80 crack sailing yachls will ~el the s tarling ~·gna t ror the biennial 2.225·mile nice to Honolulu. fl is the lurgesl starting fleet '" the 73 year history or the famed downwind classic and will feature u half dozen of the fastest monohull yachts in ex- is tence seeking li ne honors I first lo ftn1sh> and a ne w c l<Jpscd tame record And speaking of <:la psed lime, a flt>l'l o f N•t a m 1t rans a nd trimarans will ubo 'il art a race to Hono lulu in a n cnllrely ~epa ratc cvt'nt Thuraoay, June 28. 1979 DAILY PILOT •• A L1"0N LOCK A BY Amateurism Takes Fall Yachting competition has always been clas8ed as a n amateur 11port -no co mmc rc1alism, thank you. with heavy e mphuis on the word :·rorinthian .. which W_ebster defines as : •·Amateur 7 applied especially to a yacht race~ Mn all\illeur yachtsman; a gentleman amateur In sp~specially boxil1l).,.horse racing and cricket." Many yac h organiz<Alions -in particular, the Transpacific Yat'ht Club. s nsor, of the Los Angeles to Honolulu race -have turned down trophies that smacked of any kind or commercialism. Comes now the country's most aus tere yachting organization, the Uni led 5tatcs Yacht llactnl: Union, governing body of all yacht r acing short oflhc inlC'rn<1t1onal competition, with lhti announcement that it has reachc<.I tJO agree me nt with Michclob. the nation's largest brewer. to sponsor most of the ( WELCOME J top regattas in the U S. _ The announcement was O RD made JOtntly by H)Chard S AB Jf La tham. prestdl'nt of CSY HU . and J oseph E Martino. M l<'hclob 11rm1ud muna~..r fur the Anheuser· Bus<·h Urewrng Co ~oulht·rn <'ahforn1a Y<Jt·hting ~~.....,"""'!~r=-==-----:-====.,......,-=~=---a~m<'ltnl1rnn l.'31end31'- ROTH SPOK•:sMf:~ tr1lc1 a prf'SS <'Onff>rcnr" at thf' New York Yacht <.:tub that tht· spo11 ... 111 "'""·•lot• l·t·ment was thf' first \Uch pact 1n ·t'iws tor." of to P' fl r ~ht "'"hn~ TRANSPAC HOPEFUL CHRISTINE IS MUCH HEAVIER THAN THE UL TRA·LIGHTS. Neither Fish Nor Fowl Cliristi11e Lil Class b y H e rse lj. With a ll the l e.ilk uhout lJLDlh C ultra -light displa<'e m1 •nt hotiL<, 1 and their bids ror h nc honors 1n .the Los An~clcs to Honolu lu rare. the M·fOOl sloop Chris tin(· ont· of tht• favnrd C'f " ne ither fish nor fowl T h t• m ;1 II <1 ~~ a n y h u I I ,. d spt·cdsll'r. o w nl'fl anti sk 11•1w1·1·d hy Fred l'rc1ss. Man n<.i dcl He:.~. weighs ahout 70,000 pou11fl.., re m a rk ably lighl for lwr ti\ Pr:ill length hut 1 ... a hrnrt 1 ~.oon oounds li ghkr than W1nrtw;ml Pass&.agc, unf)th<' r f u voril t• The true ULDHs Dn ftn , Merlin and Ragtime -all wt•1g h nearly 50.000 pounds less tha n Christine and have terrific s urf- .II/ti N I E.,,EC ing ahilitil'" in a downwind rnrl' \hristim"s dwn1•(•s hinge on hf•r lnngf'r watc·rltnc· le11 gth and llu: ;11n.011n t of !-.a ll s h<· t•an :-.vr1:ad A lot ·also tl t•pemh 1111 tlw t v1x· of wan•b anrl st'<•" 1·n r·ou n t t·1 t:d l 'n<kr r1 "1..t11111· l'11 nd111111h ( w 1nds ali1•<J n1 i, ( '111 1~1 1111• w1•11ld have a n 1.HI\ aut;.i gc ti\ 1·1 1 h~· thn·<' t 'L f>lb \.\.h 11·h w1111 fd lu• r 1· c · f " d cl o \.\. n u n d 1 • r t I 1 t ·.., .. ron<11taons T he• :-.trong r C':u·h1 ng wind" would i.l l!>o fa vor Wind wc.i r<I 1'<1ssage. but agai n. Christi ne has her bf-a t on wa ll'rltnc lenJ,!th one of the mc<Jsures of speed Christine will carry a c rew of Fresh Water Fishing Ideal Manv frnut angl1•rs ;.in • g111ng to ht: hP!Hlin}:: for th•· high t•nunt rv 1h1s wl'l'l(c:n<I t11 ... rwn<I llit'ir vah1 1()novH'"ll1I' 4th of .Jul y f1..,l11ng SlrC'all1 ..,, l'l\'C'r"> and l::tk•·S throU J.:hOUI our S1t•rra r-.c·\ :ioa mounta111., 1-'i!>htnJ.! 1·omlttinn.., a rt· n 1rn·nll) 11lc .. il with :.ill wal('r ... f11lly :-.to1•k1'<l hy lh-11;1rlml.·nl vf F1:.h i:lnd Gc.i rn c 1>crsonnf'I an unttc·1put1on of anglt-rs 11nd lhl'i r fam1lll'S who will start C1r rivi 11g 111 «am11 grounds,..., 1:a 1 ly c.i~ f''nda y a ftcrno<>n Thl'rc 1:-. no r1rot1l1·m with gas in any of the resort area ... that I hc.iv1• l'hr·('kNI out and that c·o vc:rs all nHIJOr resort are;.i ~ from Hll\ Bc:ur L:.tkc to th1· Oregon b'Jrder. The onlv thm i.: that might he l'1t k1 ng 1s a J.!O()d plaer-111 put one ~ H \' . hut po<,..,1hl y with (..___'_J 1_11_~,_Jo_u_1i_'; __ J lhl· mid·\.\.l'c·k 4th of .lu Iv r·l'lt'11rat 111n. c·rc1wrl<; ~ 111 not lw ;,,, l:1ri:e "'" HI I hi· 11:1..,t Cro\.\.li'V Lake ha:-. .,1owl'tl rlo~n a bit dut· tn "'ar rn wat<:'r and <1lgac growth, hut f1:-.hing for Sacramento pcreh and nice stt.l·cl h rown 1rrn11 1.., goocl The· ">l re:.i m s that ft•ed C'rnwlt•)- a re doing good for ">rn11ll plunk d rnmbow:-.. with angl..r!> fmclmi.: :-.almon (•gg~ and w1>rm<; hi i;hly prndurt1 ve JUN t-: I.AK 1-: 1.1nd th<' Loop ~hould provide cxC'c l IPnt angling for thost• e mploying a boat on these !>mailer alpint· lakes. This popular a rea is fully stock<'d and there ar c many trophy ra in bows in .June. Gull and ~ilvcr lakes-, with C rant providing the hcsl big brown trout action. Jtusb Crl·t·k will be slow d uf' to hc<1vy angling pressure with most anglers coming off this popular creek with onl y a fc-w planted rainbows. Floating cheese bail and small trolled lures seem lo be the best enticers in this area. A little farther north, Bridgeport and the Twin Lakes area will be hea vil y populated this coming week, due to the fact that the h1g browns come out of these lakes . There a re not a lot of bt i! trophy fi sh taken here, but enough arc hooked to m ake 1t a bri~hl spot in the Sierra for trophy trout anglers. MOST SUCCESSFUL ;inglcrs who hook hrowns in t'X cess or six pounds troll Rapala-lype lures to e ntice the night fl'cding browns from the depths of these lakes durtng daylight hours. • Those anglers who prefer lo fi sh riv.ers, the west and east forks of the Walker s hould be good for browns and planted rainbows, the Carson. good for bows. Truckee ex- cellent for bows and browns in areas where rafts are not allowed. and the Pit River should be in prime condition for browns averaging about 12 inches. All rivers arc now running at normal depths and have good waler conditions despite recent s torms. MANY FISHERMEN will be backpacking into the back country of the Sierras and will find most all lakes and trails open. Brook. rainbow and golden trout will await anglers at these higher e levation lakes, and mes are the order or the day for cons istent angling. On the west side of the sierra. most or the rivers will be on the.,warm side and fishing should be slow. althouflh good waler conditions exist. In these highly accessible rivers, close to many cities, fishing is going to be rough for any angler who plans on trying to come up with a limit. Lakes reached via pack stations and trail heads on the western slopes should provide excellent rainbow trout lishlJl& desplle expcct.edcrowds--- - . . -... ••• • 4 '--: .. ; - l :i. lH'C'Ording to Preiss Mo:-.t or thf'm arc· vclt·r;.i n Tra11..,pa1 :-a 1 lor.., C'll r1:-.t inc· w:1-; d•·s1g ne<I c.ind hualt for th1· 1:177 Tr;1ns pa1• 11111 ..,hl' \.\.:t'; not q111t1· f1111..,l11·tl 111 11 1111' S11H·1· 1111•11 ... 111• ha'. 11••1•11 f1r:-.t to f1n10..,lt 111 tli1• l.•1s Ar1t'.1 If•:-. I I I \J ;1/,ll i .tfl I ,l('I• :I J ,()fjl/ 111!11· do1111w1111l .1ff:iu a nd llw San Fran1·10..,1·11 to N1•wp11c't BPad1 ( '1;;10.,I ;ii I ;11 I' ;1 :1~.U 1111 f1•1 Tl1 ~· :.!.:!:!!'> r11ilt• T1 ar!">pa1 \.\.ill lt1· 1111· 11111).!!'">l r:H'l' fo r l'b.r1:-.t 11w :1 nd lw1 l'ft•v. h11t 1t i:-. tlH· rac(• tor wh1 l'h sh1• wu!> conceived Pn·1ss hu1lt the boat m a va cant lot nt·xt door to his us1·d 1·c.i r business in Los Angeles taking nearly two yc;,.irs on the proJ•·ct Baja Currc 11t s Hurt Catcl1~s SPA lll'EN/\ V ISTA. 111\.IA SUH MEX F1shtn..! 1n tlw fahlt•d s .. a 11f Corlr·1 o.,lowc·tl down thP. wl'l•k due• lo .1 !'hang•• tn C'Urrt•nl" wh1t·h hrO~IJ'h t l'OOI off t'nlor green w;iter into tlH· ;J rt·a l 'nor to th1:-. 1·11n<1111r>0 f1•.h 1n g w:.is Px1•1·1lc11l for m;1rl111 . TOOS trrfr dt "l'XlttH >tl tci'-thS6ttet1 ... m a ll anti h1~ g;mw fish II h <'XJ><:Cted lh:.it f1shrng wi ll rt'rn:.itn .,low throu~h llw rt• maindl'r of this W(•(•k, l>ul by th•· first of J uly fishing for a ll gam•· fi s h found in the ~·wa of Cortez should bt· w1tlc on<·n Hoos k r f1 s h and dolphin ;,in· ju~t bcgrnmng lo show up m gn·alt'r numh<'rs c.ind there· :in· pll•nty of m;irhn in th<' wall'r Mos t marlin nnrhc·s h:nc bc•en m ad f' h} those :.rnglers trnlhnl! m ..i r l1 n Jtgs <the n C'w ly in lrodut·NI Sc•vf'nstr::in<I ('lone in n ;:1 t1 \'C la.11 t f 1~h 1·r1lor~ 1. whl11· other anglc·rs a rc· 11..,ing live hJ1t and fl\l'r.., lloo:o;ters c.irc being raught 110 I rol )(·d ll\'I' m11lll•t 11ff l'unt :1 Art•na an<I J·:I 1<11won c.i nd :-how ;1 movl'm•·nt in 1111• 1l1rt"·t111n 11f th•· T una ll olc JUS l a hovc S PA Bucn:.i Vista :-.ornt· 75 mile'> :-.outh of I .11 Pa:r. Dolphin :irt• hilling fl j'crs and JIJ.:S equally well a nd lhc big tuna . found 11 nd1·r b rcr•7.1ng ~1·hools of porpOl!'iC, a re hillrn~ sm a I lr•r Ji~:s F1 shin1: 111 July 'ihould he good in t he ~·a of Corlt·z. from lhc Cap<' right up to I .a Pa7.. M o~t resorts will bf-closing for th1! season come the fir5t of August a nd wall not rcopt·n for big game f1shin1=: until the fir~l part of S1·p -·tcmbcr ~ Oun ni: .July there arr us ually lots of :-,;111f1\h 1n lhC'•w wat~r .... :.i ncl :.in mc11c·at1on of fish a lready ht'tng lhf'rl'. IS ~ix nl lSS"d strikl'S on !>ails llu~ pa!>t Mond;_iy by 11111· s vort fisht•r only •, mi 11· fJff th<' beach. Flares Suspect Many fl a rrs a nd s moke s i~n a ls on the m a rk et for recreational boats arc useless in an emergency. act'ordang to a Coas t Gua rd study. The study sa id some emergen cy devices bear <'om pl icatcd an st ructions that. arc ofte n printed in sm nll lyJ>(' and cannot he read at night. La beling 1s misleading or non exis tf'nl on some devices, the study said. citing a recent test showing that boaters look more than two minutes lo send up sl~nals wllen at s oUliJnave laleen - 40 scconds . . ,, .. ' . . .. Los Angelt!S-IAlng Beach T HANS P A C IFIC YA C HT (' L l! B I. o s A n ~ 1• I c ~ t o llonolulu ra1 I.'. ~ta rts Saturday, I p m OC EA N HA C l NG CATA.M AHAN A SS<J 'I ATl<JN M ullihull Uonolul u rnt C', starts St.i tu rday. I JI Jll A LA M ITOS B A Y Y ACH T CLUB Fourth of .luly H1·ga1 la. S;1turdu\. Su11d;" Santa Monka Ha'' W I :'.J I J .I 1\ M ~1 1..: H S ' A ( ' 11 I ('I.UH l\1 ar 1n;.i d1·I Hr•) !11 ~an I> 1 t' go r ;1 !' ,. 1 Io H I' II H t" '\ll)H/\ llH('/\ 1 1:1rl "iat1111la} '-\O l T) I C'll.\~·1 ('l)ltl:\Tl11/\:-.: \ \t'llT C'l.l'H l.,1dw-; at ttw ll<'lm rat·c 11'1J HF1 SuntlJ} San Oil'J.:O SOt;T llWl'.:ST EH N YAC'll'I Cl.l' B Ftn1 '>h M <irtna dcl He) lo ~:rn Du:go rucl' Sundu:t S \:"' Dlr.<;o :>.AVY SAlf.l'\C: C'LI B lr11l1·p1•11cl1·111·1· IJ,1\ Hl·gull:.i 1 l ;ti :!.i ('JL.rl1no :!7 , '1 o r ).!.111 ·~n S;rntan..i ~o. :i o ;., ":1t•11tl.i ' :....u11d .1\ <'Ol<fl'\ \J)ll' \('11'1 < I.I H 1'•111 lO\\lf•\ \It flltll r;if l<1•1•,rll.t \\ "dn1•,d.1 ... lul\ 1 "lorlh .1n1f lnlan1I p ()',I )'\ \ \. \ I . I. I• \ ..... \ II . I ;\.(; \".:-Of II I \'I JI t'\ <'l.1•,• r ;wr ~. ~,;1t11rd.1' S,\"\T/\ B\l<l\\H1\ 'r \('In ( 1.l' U ~)1\ ~TA ll AH IL\I( /\ SA 11.1 "\C: I' I. I' II St• 111a11.1 :-.; :wt1t·a . ~aturdav, SllndJ \ S/\:'\Ti\ B/\HBJ\H\ Y1\Cll1 1·1.t· 11 V:ill' Tn1phy rJ<''" \\'1·rln<':.<1ay . .July '1 W ESTI./\ I\ E Y ACllT <' l.l 'B F1n•trJ<'k<'r Ht•gatta. S:Jtur d.1:. "This arranf!1·1r1 ·nt ..,houhl pruv1· b<'ncfrr1al to thf' sa iling com- m unity by m<T1·c.i...,ng th1· l1·v1•l 11f ">11pport Hvaal a blt· to important re- 1:..it las thHHJ).!hout llw 1 ountrv ... ..,au I I.al ham "The: USY HL ha~ workt·d w1lh M 1t'h1·loh 1n the· vast on a n 1:vc nt - hy P\'t·nt hac.;1s wat t. 1•xt n·mcl y ... m t •·s!>ful n •:-.ult!>, :.ind we welcome the brand s furthN 1m·o1 q •nH·nt ... Latham <1d1h'd "Wc"rP c·xl n ·1nl'ly pl1·i1sc<I to have rc<11·hNI th .... ugrc'cmcnt with tJSYHl.'." -;;.IHI M;1rl1 n<1 "Sail ing 1s a sport that 111 volvco; more lhan lflO.lll)O p .. r..,1111.., ttir 011J.:h11ut UH· country Through ~upporling l'SY Hl i :wt1\'ll1t"., v.t• will lit• lwl p1ng lo i mpr<1v1· tht• :-.port for all part11·1p:rnt:-. · 1-..; J\IH>ITIO'\ 111 ~·11\•·1111ni.: .di 1.w111 i.: 1 1~ rrwrnht·r f'luh..,. l S Y l<l ' ;1h1i puhl1»hr·" 1.11 11n· 11111 .... , •,p11n:-.1ir ... ,, \.\. ldf· varil'I v of 11.tl11111;il d 1.11111111111..,h1f>' .ortcl 11;11111111• 11n1~r ;1 m •., ... 11p1·n ·1.,c·.., 111·1·a11 1.11 1ng 1atini.:r 111<'.., .11111 prm 11lt•:-. l'J(fll'rl r<111· 1·omrn1ltc(• ... for c:hurrl 11111n-.h1p r•·~·altj:-. .\111'>l \,11 ht l'luh..,, '"' \.\.c•ll J ..., and 1v1tlua1 ... ari· nicmtwr:-. nl l S \ HI· \J1 ·111lw1..,l11 p ha , lr iplt·tl 11, .ilmo"t l:J .(l'HJ in th,. va:-.t f1\·1· \ l'.11 ... . 1\ )Jl gl' rull tlml' ..,taff work!-. Ill lh1· C~Y HU W«ttf'rfront hca•I quarttr:-. dt 'it'w111111 . ft.I More than 60 ffif'iJsurers, raee 111 Jnagc•r, and c·oucht·"> !>ervt· part tlmt: an all parts 11f th · L'. .S. ,\ 1·1'<1nlrng to the Jnnou.nccmcnt. MIC h1·loh \.\. tll prov1tle direct .11pp11rt l11 thl· follo1.1. 1nJ.! r<·i::attas arouncl th1· 1·oun1rv this Y"<lr : f lll, :'\OltTJI \\ti lt f('\~ ~1111 11111 <'h.1rn11111n h 1r1 111 S~n\~~·~ J'r "'' 1·'11 .111111• Hi :1 1 '1111 'Ir 1n ... p;11;. r:•11• l.11\111~'. Jun• :111, Th" .I '!1 I al\<' f mt,n o 111 t~1d ( h:tmp1•:n• l11p .ti l-a1rh.1\'1·n !\ Y .f11t v lh "·'Ii /\111 1r1• 111 0 11.i rJ••r ·1 <1•1 f h.irr 11111r1• l11p'. al '\tar111 a 1"1 I<•" .1111\ 11 ~o tlw I •, \\111 .. 1 1 '-1111 I• :111ot l)11u!.l1 11.milt·tl 1 11,llllj 1•111.:111• al [t,. Ill' 11'1 ' \ .l 11h :• 1 :•H !h, ld.1 l.1·w1, l\1ult1 ( l.1 ,.., l11\ll.il11111.il H1 • .i11o1 f111 I 'll' ·i11 It• li1h< tlf•.tl :'\••\q111rt, It I ,.111 I. :·7 T h" ".1.i 1 ti 1\n,• 111 .. ,. 'I hr ' 1 l)11.r1 ti r 'l 1111 I h;11np1<1nsh1p :it ( liw.11111 .1 111\ II 1h1 1,111 lo /\111 11 • Ilic· .I :!·I \\'11rld I 'har11 p10ns h1p ill -'"\.\.li••ll , HI ,\111: 1 !fl. lft .. I 'l 'l;itdt-... H-twm ~ ('h;;n-1-p1on:>J.....,_..... ___ _. Ed,•:11 ''"'11 '.\! . ...,., ,A11' !'I I, Ttw ,\d;1111 s Curi 1 '' • •1111•11 n.il 11111al d1a rnpwnsh1p l, Monterey. i\ Ill-! IH 2J 1 h1 '\01 th \ 11 1•·11• .111 .11111 \\ orld One Ton Cham p1onsh1p ut ~t'"'l>'Jrt, HI , Au g Iii :!I, 1111· IJ ~ Singlehanded Chump1onsh1p &.al l'<in tan<J . \\1:-1·. Au14 :J t l!I 11t1· \J ~ Sa1hng Champ1onsh1 ps al ~T arhl1·h1·;11l. \l a~.., ~w pl 1:.: 11;, a nd lhc YachltnJ:: Magazme- ~1 11 hcluh()111· '>f A Kind t:omµ<:ut1on at Stc.i mford. Conn .. Sept. 25·28. Up ll.1 llx1.1 \ .11 ht 1 111ti., < ,1,\, r 11.1 < ''i' 1 •·1 .a'.1. .• 111.tldl I (Jl'lrt~ .... l'fll' II 111•; II •'" • .rt. I I •111 L• II Ii \.IC ht f'lt1h ' f.11111•cJ ( l•f 11', 11111.il f'1,p ti.i., i..1 "" n fr1111 1 .1 .,,, ..,., fl1 •·I 11f I•· 111 in 1!1 1111 ti, 11• •• 11.., 11w<•pli•111 111 .1 11al1•111al 1·,,111 lli.rl t h1 , . r •.i. I .ilt r.H t :•l.l!Jjll'I, .11ld I lt'V. lt<11ri 1111 111111•• l'~t l]H ( '0,1• I a-. v.1'11 J.., 'I c·\,p, 'l'hC" 1:1i\1•rn<1r , <'1rr1 • lt"dul r<I .Ji•I\ , ~ '' for 111111111 · .. •111>1" 11nd1•1 '" \ .. ,.1 .., 111 11•• 'I 111 \ t-<1• ~ ..,1•111•o.; wr ll ht .,;11 l1·d 111 !-.;111l;1r1.1 t'lf «l111•f1' \1 tl h • .11 It 1·rr-w rnt-<'1111!! ,.,.,., v 11111•·1 111 .1 l"'o bo.il n 1.11di'~ r .. I• 'I' Spark Plugs l'en1111lc\ .. Clear Silicone Rubber ..-~ Adhesive C} sealant 1~! Fram @Jll~ Electric Fuel Pump ~~~1895 Oil Filter r;-::;-/, 'r·r n,;1 J:R11at j for 1m p ortPO c:i"' · P~l7. 16 96G0.2A2S, 229 PH281l9. 2850 2856. PH 2870A Now ontv t~fl - ) Harmonic Balancer . Puller 10~~ Disc "' IANCO Wiper Blade Refills I •'r llr>C"O or Tr1co 15 lh or IA 1nm1 111 mo~r us c.irs Brake Pads 1nr m.mv r.M rnrn cnrv~IN 11rno111 1•, a 70 I ~R 10 llJR. 101 'lll~, /Q,1,p 70] IP 7 t AOt;i 17 SAP //'lR .~.~ South Coast Auto Supply 688 West Baker (at Bristol ), (714) 545-8408 United Auto Parts 2902 W. Coast Highway, (714 ) 646-1647 · Most stont otMtt 1 day• a wHll • c .. HM locotf°"•...cr•lllill••• ....... .. -·--'··· ---. ----: :_;·· ·. ------··------........... -.-~ l ____ -. --------.. ----------- --· --· ------------------ • I T I l .. .. -. "' .... • ,,, .. --• -----.... -.. ., -"' • 9 ••• -·-_ ..... -.,. ......... --_. ....... "'"' -~ .. ~---·-.,. --...,. ... ,....,...., ........... --·----- .. OAtL V ltllOT Business County Firms Report .tftc-rodaf a IC,..,,.".,"• IC .. ,. TarfH-11 Krpur•• Kr,.ord M IC'M:•dula Cnrp 1 r' int• h t•:-1 ''IJCfflt'll r1•1•ord r1•v1•nu1·~ of $24 14711 oou tor ttw l1111 11 11u111 t••t 1·nck1l M ay :n. «11mp.1r1•1I with Sl!f,1111,1100 for ttw llk1• quart£•r u VN H u.ir>- T u1 lw·ll lh'~r' Southt·rn Cuhforn1a resale d1 v11>1011 pos l1•1t 1111Jr•• lhun S74 m1ll1on 111 sid es for /\µ111 , h11•11k111f.l a 1·11111p1111y record. Thl' :.:1 off11·1· S 11uth1•1 n Citlifornia ne twork en· r n mpn!''il"I th•· l.11~ t\n~t:l t:-i., Orani.tt!, Si.n n .. 111ur1llno. H1vl'rt•1<lt: und San Oic~o 1·ount1es Nl't mrnmr "n' SI, I !.lt,llOll for tit•• qullrl"' t'OOlflflrl'rf wrth St 17H,OOO Im tt11· ltk1· 11uurt1·1 nf lht• llrt•Vlt)U-. \ l'llt Pn-111.-y .-.har.-,.ahu N<>t 11wotn1• l'l'f 'l hllrf' \.\,1-. 'lit <·1·111~ nn 2,2Rll ,IJIMI ,I\ l'fll j!t' ll UOl t1 t•f or I rim moll 111111 l'U lt\1111111 t'lll"' il1•nt 'hon •-. 11ut,ta111llrll'. 1·111111111rNI "1th :,:i 1·1•1\l~ 1111 2.?.i:l.1100 II\1•1 ,q:1• 1111111lw•r 11( 1·11111nio11 un!I rommon 1'<1 111\11l1•n1 ,h1111•-. 11ut,t1tn<llnl( 11t th•· Ilk•· t11n1• of lht> 1111•\ 11111-. \1•u 1 Thi• l'rt·1>l1•y ( '11111pa n1ci., NcwPQrl Ueach , re· 11111 l••tl Jflt·t t.n 1•.1r111ngs 1Jf $2,fU4.168 . or 95 cents .1 'h urt· 11n I <'\'{'OU!'' of s:J0.997,8 12 for lhe firs t 1111.1111•1 1·11111·11 /\pnl :w 1'111' 1·11111111111•' w11h 1•umtnJ;!'. of $2,373,053, or I'• 11·11t-. 1111 11•v1•11u1•' of $3 1,413,696 for the s imila r l'•'I 111d 111 l.1 .. t \\',II Thi• q uurtt-1 ... 'h111m 1·nh "''''' lw•lo w 1•x111°l'l11 I"'"" pr11u 1p,llh h•·• "'"' nr d1 1,,,' of 111rn 11<1n1·111 •h·ll\1•1 11•' .11111 01 1111 p1111!111t11111 11111·r11111111111 1 .111 ,1·1l h\ l h 1·r1·111111.1 1111111 ·to .. 1.111 lh1 """I""' !>.1111 \' 1·1 .11••· ... 11,1n ·-. 11uhtandini.: for the q uarte r "1 11• .''I~.' 11~11 n 1111 p .111·1l With <!,943,709 lai.l year 1111 1·11111' 111 L11rnprcnt:lb1\c CiJ rc Cor1> illJ l'l 11\1•.t .1 :: !111 I .. 1111·1. .. µIl l for ">hart•holckr'i of nn o-- l'lw '1;1·w11111 t lk.11·h 1·11n1µany·, d ereclo ri. al~o ollll hul l/l'd a rir .. t quart(•r rl1 v1clcnrl or 4 <:ent" IW\ ,11111· /\u).! ~:l to i.harc holth.:r'i or rcrord July :11 Hfff l B .. ghu Bratu·h I ;.-. f .......... ,fl Ua11k of Am1·r11·a hus begun construction of an 11 v rn l' 1nd11s 1r 1a l branc h a t the corne r of M111·Arlllur f\oull'vll rd und Newp ort Pla c e , I\ 1·w port fl(·at'h CAL GEM 0 ••••• \ ...... , ..... uaoa11\fo~" \u1n ,., co\t•w•'• •• .,......_..,..11••n• oto• 'l'lll' prl'M'llt fat•tllly al MllO I>ovc St , Newport l l l':id1 , \\tll inm ·t· 1 1~~ n cl'Lil..5.~1lho.n structure l~J4•Hf"'1 (·fen 1191•11 \ OHlf• $50.000 to $500.000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS '.\1 1·t'11·1·n, St r.ih.1 11 1\1h 1·rt1~1ng, ln1·. :\e\\ptirl fl t·.01 h. 11:1-. d 1,1ng1•d 11:-. n ;1nw to ,\1 <'Crt.'<.:r~ 1 l'al'lrll' ch 1·111 ... L·r~. l11r • Int•••" ool f1<i"\ffl'""" • w ... 111y rom •illWf'nls Sanclra l\111g Ur;1x ton /\dvt•rt10.,m i; & l'uhll1· H1·latu1n .... 1111· • N t•\\ port B1 •ach a nd Enc·1111t;ii., ha ... 1•h:.111gNl 1t~ nam1· l o Kini.: llope & Assoctall's • 4'6·hour 1 .. 1 .. phoo• • M o nchly funding,. quot•• • lnCC>M .. • Co•m .. rd 11I • H••idenlwl • '>hort l•rm loan•. 1, mo nlh• 10 3 Y"'"'' • Soulh.,n <Alilo rnia t>rtlPf'rlY •111ph•ai• The ni·w nanH' n o(IN·t:-. lht• a~so1·1ation with th1• a ~enc:y 11f llt·nry J ·11ank " llnpn u-; c re al1 \·1· d 1r 1·«t11 r :111d a ~ a l'u rporal L· o ffi c e r <t ntl i.har<•holtl1•r Thi• :tJ.!t•n1·v ~p1·r1a lt 1.<:!'. m m (·rchand1!'.1ng and mark•·tmg fur n ·a l •·!'.ta t 1· :.11.·1·mrn1 ... lrritu• ('o.~t·U~ f,tutd S;d1· 11! :w :11·n ·'i 111 lh1· l n ·1nl' Jndu'it rtal C11mpl1•x /\1rp11rl to 1ti n·1· f1 r111~ for <i tc1tal valu1· nl S~> !I mlil1on li;i,, 111·1'11 :11111111111<'l•d hv the lrv1n1~ Cn .., (•111111111·n·e;tl 111cl 11o.;t real cl 1 v,...11111 · Two nl l h1· ... a le ·~. wt·n· m :idt• 111 .J a panese r1rm o., 1·\p:cnthni,: 1111•11 p n ·:-t·11t l:H·11t111·~ 111 tllf' «11111pl1•\ H 11·1111 El1·1'11 n o11· 1111rt·h1t.,1·1! k M ll·tt1·r .. "tlt-<t i lht• 11111r-.c·c·l111t111f l<•·dhill .1/HI Wai JIC'I a \l'llUI'!\ r111 1w:1rlv ~I 11111111111 Tiu· ..,..,.i.nd .J,q 1:1111·•.•· 111 111 '" .\1l·ll·•1 Sal1•., Inc· ,, ... uti ... 111!:11 \ of \lli \ :\1 11-.11111 ... 111 t-:h·•·trll', \\hwh p11 1 d1;1~l'll .1 I ~ a1·11· r ad "l'fH·cJ '.'>Ile nc:..r lkdh1ll a11d <::irn1·g a· a\•·ru 1t•:,, :on ~Jll.1.100 lr<in-.af"l10n /\ Ill fi a t n · p;.erc·c·I :it lll'cl htll <rrnl Hell a \ L·11u1·!> "'a !> ... ol<l lo Tarnut'l1·r 11 ;i m1lton a ... a hut Id t11-!lu1t f11r t '.\JI J ll~lllll f;H'tlll lt':-. r11r Jo:o1·11m Gasolwl Use Set SAC 'I{ \:\I !·:;\;TO '1\ )'I T·Bill+ 1/2% Two hundred '>lilt•· 1·:tr' \.\C·n · 111 !'.l:1r t g1·t ung <!(JO proof l'lha nol 111 l h«1r i.::1~oltrH' 111 an 1·x 11<.-n nwnl In n ·du1·1· the · d £:4.U:.ntlcn.c.c___o.u_foLCU!Jl sru:ooo Mnmrrmtr.flrrrcmttrlnvestrnent Certincutes. ,9.864% Annual Yield· 9.500% Annual Rate otl · Thl' C<thforn1a Uc•parl m 1· n l o f <: t ' n c: r a I S1•rv1c(•s said the first s h1pnwnl of <:lha nol a r ri v<'d thl!> wC'l·k from th1· Ce nrgia l'at'lflf' Co rp 111 Bellengham. WL1sh The gasohol. whic h !S )(J pcr«<•nt t·lha nol :mrl !JO p c n ·t•nl gas ohnr-, wa., lo ~o into tht· firs t r ar'> tod;Jy in Saeramcnto 1-:H nlually a ll 17~()1111 -.talc C'ars arc to gel it M•nunum 1nve-;1mr•nl c;,.11d1c-01" as SIU.000 or more for a to~rm ot 6 month!. Rato ~uhtcel to cho 1190 at mo111111y. £.vC'n on 1'(1J'l·f w othdtuwl. you nC"vor •-cun Joo;o, tho n s•;,,. Rote quoted L'> volod Juno 28 thru July 4. Rut .. c;hong<'S wcckJy. Sub1ec110 ovmlaboloty. S TIU A ,.OILEM CHILDHOOD IMMUHIIA TIOH CUocllvo a nnual y1old o o,sumc .. lhal p nncapol and interest were to oo 1nvestoo tor one yf'(IJ' a l tho a nnuol ro le. Annunl rah• '" ... uh~-cl 10 ch.,ngc a t r1:newol. (TrCOJ.ury hollo, mr· ...aid a t dL'ICOunL 1hcroloro. m.luul .,prt,'<Jd "',11gh1ly lt_.,;s than •,,• •. 1 3 $10.000 m inimum ONE YEAR Investment Certificate. lnlr·r••.I pr11d 111untltly !1y th• 'l It 0 1 II plucNI 111" 6' 7., i ~• hu1r '"'' 1111111 .111d lo ·ll lc11 flf\•• '/'"'' 111n11.,I •111 ·lrl uwr''""' •, tc. 9.79% $5000 minimum SIX MONTH Investment Certificate. lnl<'rf'~;I p.11d monthly by ch<-ck ur ii pl<1cPd en" 01 • , p.1ssboolr .ir.cuunl .ind left ftir c 1111 • Y"•H o111n11t1l yu·ld 1nCWt1'.t'S lo 8. 76%. Early withdrawal m lel'l'St P"naltr,.s on oll mvMlm,.nt cer11f1cates. but you never O(l7TI leu than 6° ... DAILY INTEREST PASSBOOK Account. lntprr•c;t 1><11d rl.iy 1n, cl.1y oul, r nmpoundr·d .ind r·rr>d11cd qu<1 rlc>rly No minimum N11 f>Pll•ilty fur w1lhrl r.1Wctl A111111o1I y1,.lrl 6.66%. THRIFT BY MAIL, TOOi We 1><1y posldCJ<> bolh wuys Complole 1nl0tm<il1on furnished uron roquost Serving Californians for over a quarter of a century. Statewide offices with assets over S135.000.000.00 -'MSB<N TH1FT & LOO A$0C""10N Coeta Met!O. 270 East 17th Strool. CA C114l 6f~31~3 I ong Boach. 4501 PaclUc Coast Highway. CA (213) 498·3301 A voilobl" ''' Co/i/om10 RPs1Jent~ 011/y .. By Terry Grant. R. Ph. /\II hour.:h gn•at ... 1 ndt"• h :ov •· lw o•n m a cl •· 111 r I ~· h I In J.! I' h I I rl h <1 t1 d ell n•· ... -.P.., t h•· JJr<•l1lt·m -. ;1rt· ... 1111 mu1·h with u.., h 1·1· a "''' t 110 m ;111 y r hilcl r1·n h av1· not y1·1 11 .... n 1mmun11.l'd ;ig;11nc;1 l h 1• '> l' v l' 11 m 11 ' I I r1111hl<·\nmr• 111..,1•;1"{'' Thr'"' art• mra~ll'"· poho. r u h 1· I I a . m u m p .... d1phl lw n a. 1w rtu.....,1-. anti tl'lanu" Whv tak1· ,, 1·ha 111·1"' l mmun11a l111n 1.., t':O 'Y l>un'I w1· nv.1• 111 1·arh :ind ,. v 1· 1 v ,. h 1 I d a 11 11ppurlun1t v lo hVl' th1•1r It v1·s pro t1·t·1t·d ar.:atn~I I hl''l' c.J1,pa ... P-. ., VOtJH J>OC:Tt>I! C:/\~ l'llON E lJS whc·n vnu need a mrdiclnc. Pick up y n uMr1·~rr1pt1on er shnppin~ nc•atby. or we w1 II d<'liYl'r prnmplly w1thnul extr:e ch~1rJ::l' fl. ,::r e;d many JH'op lc• t·ntru~L us wit h Lhc 1r prt'!H'ription~ Muy we l'nm pouocl your ... " ,AH UDO PHAIMACY ~Del•"J lSI ....,.....Md Mewporlleech 642·15IO DAll.¥-IUlOL CLASSIFIED ADS 642•5878 TOPLESS CARS PROVE LUCRATIVE BUSINESS Chuck Hiii's Autos Sell For Up to $17,SOQ Each Profits Off the Top Convertible Conversiotis Make Money SA N JOSE t APJ The r11I ~hortage ha~ liro ught i.:loorn to m a n v b i g <' a r cl t-:.1 I <: r ~ . h u t Charics Ifill j u~l g rin!'. a s he k(•t•ps s<•ll111g 111~ 14 n1pg . $17,SOO • l'U~lotn built tonv1·r tel1l1·i. 11111 C'akr~ to a '>m all but I'll thus 1ast11· g r1111p of mo1or1 ... 1•, "hn Wl'nl 111111 1no11r n111J,!' 111 l'l'/I; ""hl·rt tht• lao.,I l.11 111n huelt \ m (• r 11' a II I' 1111 \ l ' I l I h I•· •• l'ad1 ll;.11· Eldrirado. rolll'tl off lhl· a'st•mbl ~· l11w Hagtop l11 Y(;r.., hat! to "1u 1·1·1 1• 111lr1 ,, -.rn<.>11 1111 rn h1 •r o l 1-;uro1wan o.,por h 1 ;ir-. 11 thl'\ want l'd w 1nll in the ir li;11r .rnd ~un 1n tlll'1r fa1·1·.., Ul'T 1111.1., 10, wh11 ., ... '°' hl· h :.... lovt:d 1·11n v(·rtl hi<·., "'°I'" h•· \\ .1-. a ho v 1n .1-:1 (';11n p11 ·1 1•xa 'i d1·1·i1\1'<l t11 rc·tr'INI V thr-sit crnt 11111 11 1· H·g :.i n c·11n \1•rl1111: n•·" l 'a rn :i ro Z :!H:. :i11d l'•1n\1,1• 1"1r t·l11nt... 111 l,q,ti ·~·' "Pl1•11d •11 :tl)fl O.,il\'-!11· •,1•11 -. I•\ l'I \ 11111' Ii• n 111 111akl' ~ "'We're :.cl ling run, boy ." 'iay~ 11 111 . presid ent or /\rr1t·r11·an ('lout. the San Jos1 .. trnscd 1hi. tributor of the high powt'n·d <·on vert1hleo:; II<' s ays ht· s11ld llH t'il ro., toil Oal1 ;1-. dl';tl1•r la..,l wt•f'k w ith a singll' lt•l1·pho111• 1·a ll 11111 ' 1·ar\ are !>lfl('ll} lt11 th ~· \\t•ll fWl'!t•d 011 1\ 17:-, h:I\ I • h1·1·1t i11,1d1· thl'> )t'.11 Ill ,, f'111I S an il<ll'. Mtr li f,.11·Loq. a nti evf'f\ one has be1·n 'ul1l ft1r ;1h1111.l Sl7.5110 Th<i t '" ;1ho u1 S>i 11110 rn11r•· tha n o.,t11·k1·1 11111 • 111 mo-.l "a'('' Ttlf-, P EOl'l.E ~II() l>u\ 11<1 n11t :-.1•1•m to ht· w11r r11•rl :.il1ri11 t th1· g;10,o l1111· 'ihort a g1'. or c·m liar rai.s<'d thul thl·1r l'ar'> nm~u n11· tu1·l 1n J.l mpg gul p:- 1 rn 1101 :-.ull1·reng a11 ' •·n1·rg\ l'f'l"I'> lw c«tll'-•' 1 ·m ~1'11111~ 1·1111 \1•rl1 hl1·... .a1tl 11 11 1 rwrl'lll'rf 1111 1 t11· h11•1l'I 111 .1 ... 111ri \ F 1r1·b1 rd 1.1 a.n '> L\.ru_ It .., "t'\. r11rna rw 1· 'h •·r Tiu~ ( '.outtl•J•· ~A SD l1 .. t1nq\ t, f II I' 5~" I • I ' A t • t rt• ''\II••...,,,,,, I \t t• f I,, 'I • ' •.• 1.1 , , .... , ...... , '4··· I' 11 ., •• •I .. JJ I I , •.• I••••' .. , A t• ,,, ''''' rM '"' •. ,,.. •• , 11.,, ',,,. lh Jif .oh# f' .\. .... )U\f t of If/Ill I I f f ot if/ I I I ·' ' .. " ,. , ... ,, I ' . ,., 'I' II', • ., •• ,, wind tn your hu1r .. hey , m<tn, it's lht· California drt·arn .. 11111 onkrs llil' ba!>ll' 1:ar. con1- pkte with hardlop, .from th~· {;1·n1•ral Mot<ir'i fac·tory or from rll·alt·r ... :.irounrl tht· 1·0untr) Th (' v :1 r t· I r 11 1· k c <I t o t h P 'l 1 ~h-1~an f;w tur'). whl'rt' lh1· l•1p "IH'l'h·tl ol f a nd :1 .,,,ft 111)1 . w :1tl1· 11 om lltt• ...:11111• .... 11 l1"111tt1 us <·d Ii\ :\11· t t'l'll l·~ Bt•11 1. I or 1 b 1'111• \t•rl1blc>:-.. 1~ in~talled T ht• 1 ;,r.., a bo art· Mrenl!Lhcncd w1Lll ~U! pound.., of o.,lt'•·I hr.Ji 111 i• II t: SA VS II t: pl<in'> lo ma kl· 01111 of th1· t'<1f'i n1·xt _\ear Orw of h1:-. 1·u:-.tom1·n •• J c<t n ll<1pk111 .... :1 hwal ~•H·1<tl 1 te who 1~ ,11 ound fill o.,;,1\.., 'hi' ''""''" tooling .1r1111111! 111 lw r :1rd11· \\hlll' Tran~ /\Ill 1'111\\l'fl 11!!1• II " a hH' kwk lo rlrt ,•· :111d h•· o.,1·1·n 111 ,111· ..,;11cl 1\11 1 11 •, ltar cl 11111 lo J~llll 11 lp~ Ofld DoU'llS fV, t.'4(• U~Wf4 . I • ,,. N 01SofY Ar• ,,,, ,,. .. ,,....,,n 1 h'\I h ,,,. ''• '""'' "• t ouott' ''" • 10fJ "''''' 1rtl' lfl'4f 1'1tY• 1~1•11 1(1 "• ,,, t *'"I,,.,,,..,,"" 1t1·t.f r •·'I p•, , r • •>• h ... , •• , ,, f••'" • ·• ..,,,,, ·• J.t l I ·' I• I fl I ,,., I••'' ·•' AIM ', • 4 r , ""'' . ,, .. II • I . •'• ,, . ... ,, ... ., '"' ,,,, .. , •t i) t *"'""' fr,'lfltUQ f)t•ktW )I #llr t1H /,n111 n N "' • 11 •~·,,.rt J.l.1l 1k ,. I • t IJ •• t I f•thMt t ) ,, b1•• 1'h ,,. , JI • 1119 t 11 " ,, ·' ,, '"'"' •'' f.11;nl t t/ C t t At"'' f; I "• 1'11•1 r, 'I ;'1 ' •• ~ /d1 •I /, y. , l•N• 1'1' I "" ,,,, 1.1. '''"" f1f\f\1 If h fH1l,t fl f•t h11r II f'l.••w1,, II ·,.,. ,, 11',' .1 ,, f •• , .. 11" ,, I t. 1 11 I I • lij,. I Hh •I ,'/ It t h f4 I +"I' , • I •ti\ .1h;• I t 111111 • /I ,. '''"" fl I I /A I ~ti J •I t•, I•, • lh,1HIH I , , ' Ji ' . ,, • I 'I I . ' ... ' ,. lfJ~ , ·• ( ... ... ' " .. ' ' ,, 111 ,, ,,, ' '' • I !:·:·:: .. .' ,,, 110 1 I L · .. 'I ! ' ',.,,. .. ~ " .. •' I I •• .. ' I ., ... I' v fll< I ltl f '" ,. '1t M1f/1 ,I " ,.1 I I 1'~ I "'' "" "'''' ,. h 111! I n 111 ' I 1, • '1 I .. .. ' ,, '-''J••I "'' .u ••1 I·•• t·nlttffl "•'hi• ,,, •~ •1,11 ft f• ,.,_ ... I tho S)lt .,,, I 1f"1•t, ft• I l • 11wt "rtt·•f • I f,1•1 1u •• U P'i ''•"'' It I I I 1 .1 . ' ".' , ... " t I, 1 t ' • ,11 UI-I ,,,,I • '1r1t • fl ~ ;I • .. "' I /v f' H; I I ,,,,.,, fl 11 I I I ,,•tttl , Pt 1f 11 1 1 N11jl•'1 ,, '"' f h .rt',,,• !'\Hf,•~ I h.1111t( ,, l\1H1t1Ht I .. I f •'•'• l t ,,, 1 11 l>/tt.• I• tlt1• ''" M •l..11.uty .. ,, '• ,,. 4 1 • t' ,, "· M•Hl•d M ulllf1 11l..UJ'-'4 .,,.""""'"'"' hd'ilt"' q h.,.,.,11 r IM 1f\M• t\t•l'h,H• h• 1/1 ,.,. h1tJflf 0 H1ttJ1,f;O Uitl(fH hO ttttlJ.-' HrJn.1n1.1 fut.n~ • .. f tNfl1fll hu •r1• • Hui ~· t ' rtutr'h;f!, (1•IWl'1"' f .,,,, ••JH t ttP\"'' t ,..,,., .. ,.,, ,,,,..t fl In 11 I' t ,,,,..-., ..... '"' •• J ll ,,,,.,, I 1ft lJtA t •t11HU t ,.,, ~ Jl ,,,,.,.," <oluV1•ot ( omtH• 'ml\hr r rn._, I, I t uor-.111 I 1 ! , 'f~"I f 101mt t ,,,. ,"i_ ..... "~".....­'~ I•• f tfU)•.lt "' • 1/ ' t, HlfJ11 q ;4: H). 'tN r,f Ill "1., ,., ' ,,, ~ ,,, 11', It t 1r,.t1t•n1 IPtt It' I '1W 1t•I Jj 1 j I ,.,, .. lfl , . ...., 1 f 11Hn1r1t• 71." fr,rn~'o • t I I •.i•+•t I .,, ,, (,, t#lf ·' ,, ,, ,, ~· ·11 , '"• ,,,,.,' ' h Ir• I; ,,,,,,,.,,.. \ .. r,, ,. ,J,(t, I tt Pint t I "" / •f1<rf 111 It .. • .... ,o ... , .... j '"• II• ~ 1•ro11 ,,, ,, . ·~··--..... ,, ,. ,, ,, ••·t• ttt,, \IJ IV 1 11• "1'11 4. • ......... , ••• .. , .. )'I JI I // 1k ... ';' I I " ll IJ II f t ., "" .. ,.,..,., It ,, /U ... .,.,,., tmtt4•, I tutr.11.uJ lnto>lt '' 1nu1 f ,,, lolu\tl, 1nHtw•.f, '~ •I " u............_.,u,....,....,,,_~_. ,,,,. ' I~'' ....._. ...... ~·~·~·'--~-.J.-.-.:C'-+<J.' ~11 1'1 . /(t tl •IA .. " II 11 • 14 ,., ,, /\ I' / . . " ,, ,, ,, "' ,. .. ,, ',, II l l 17 l\ ... .. t, ,, IO• It ,., . , , t I ,, ,, I It I Mn•r1' .. 1cJ ,.,,,,jl>J1•• Mtt)lf·~ .v .• u ,., M1 IH• ,,,,,,,, 11 M 1u11 P1 M 111r1fl1 ,.,,.,_,.,,. IM •I r ftil M n'f IUh • A/11• ,,, "" ,, ,, '• ,, .. , ,,,..,,,,, I•·" " 1;:.: " ,, ,, ' I ,,.., •• , '·"' ,, ". ,,,,. """" HI t •r I I,, 11'•·111 4 ~ ' A ·H • • 4 ""' "~ • \/ ••• '' ,i1 I I R ' '"'"'''' , .. 14 ~ 1'" l'•••M f \f ot 1 P• 1\,1f HI I ''•' !1 ,. I • ·" ii (•u1•1 •H • "''~••''" •,,,,,,,,, "'""'''""' ,. \ " I . . , I /t l•r111,,,, • t h1 ,11tl•111 ,., tll• , .. 11 • I • ,\ . , \ I ~ . \ \.4!iif) tf1 .4!iim11mnry ''·'"' I l•f A fl ""'flt .. ' ,. J' I , •• Iv " ..,, h i ~./ f ...... ,,.,, •• , I,,. I.,,.,,,., '... ·''' ,, . ·• I I ~ ... A I• ' ""' ·'""' t /\(ll•Utft ''·"· ., t• II '' . ''• , ... ' .. ., • •;,,11 I •~"'"• r11'1 A • 1•11 t 1.,, I ' f 1 a '· A l•,11; t' • I f, t•:;:··.~·· ~~ ::; f "' :; • ~ f,AJ , • ' .. , ' • • ' • ftj I t 1'4-• ,.•; .1 4 I II •I 11 19 ' 11 I • t •' I <1, I•• • h '1 • I I tot• 1'1 11 t I A• i•t I I I lfll)1tltt , ''"'''JI• M 11htl OfU '#lfftH•j . ,,,., .. ,, .. 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L HYfl f • •;•,v ' ••Ill\ .t J.' 4 1 1 l l1tt1 Al>h-•tl N 1•w W iit 11 IO Nl S;,tfut tfy f uit<J'> Nf W V()n.,r 1/\PI f\ull'~ 11<4~14 10 r.11•Hrt HJ/I# 111 r '''"""''" I 111 fllOl ""''"' / fl H JM Nwwr r,t IJ Cf() Nl l ftnm1 <;.)", 0,1 f .,,.. to1tow1ny 'lllt• r """o "M q ti-~ 1 , m H<. 11 ,I) t1 It I '"' ,.,,. , ,;, ~-H Hn•1 fth H> ,.., 11 Al> PJ•·w t ••1• 'f JI fH f-rau'v '* '1>0 ' v. 1.u1on,,\u()CJl1t••l h'f (),.,.,, 1~ 1 ·~f14la1.111 .. t f uncJ•. u •• rf f",lh lltfU '"l Ch" r11 11 1&ttc.. N11 1tt1l..e 11*> "fl '""'~'' ,,,,. f!4H th•• ,-4 ~•h"l(MI Jh•i1•·• Mttri1r• 11_u.t1,,,1 l'ln I Ir /fj.t 81' H.Jfl t1., II ti tH 11111)11• tfl' l It f411tt11H.1 ij~ '#M1: lfll,.1 111• t) U4 nt1on ,,. i,.., ""'" , .. w . " .. ' In ti ,., 11 ,. 'l t..ft 11 f) • tll'lf• 1111 11 , .. 1J '"' l u'"''' '" u .. , ,,.,,, .... 1 14 II NI I ',1•1 .... ,,,(f 'UflfJ• 0fldl••r\ ,,,, •"" "f "'' '"~I ,,, \I """" M I ,., '" ... 1tll1c1 ft I ..:1 NI I Hll'1 IU '1/ 11 \0 "'""'''''' ... , ... "'1 /Htl 'th .. 101 NI Jtl .. 11•1•11•,,,1 w,..1t P1 fl,f ntJ 111111 11 "l!MM 1 w1 r~t tt1 M tnf\llH'~ lhHtU -.11 ·, ~i b/fJfm•11.1 lllt Jl"h '"is>l~h.,t)~ Nl '" .. ,.. \Pl ut1ti .. • ( (, Int fll , 1q "0 ; 1ptn It()"' u"' IUA H1,, 11 \1 IJ .~. M ••-t M• I ()J Nl 0 th W m I'> q4 NI \.-Ht•rt .. t (1rOUP t t.Ylt1 h~Vf.' bo•t•f\ ( '.t'I fhM I 00 NI I • I r•• 1, '' fH t•_,1 f 1t(Juµ M11l11 <t \.4 '0 "l fJUJI• ""' 1m;•t t ct Al1•• 1 } ~\ J !JO .,ul'1 IN,.I •""'"' t -ii• J ,... 1 tw) 'H ll', (.vt l '1 Nl f,rw l,, \ '" b 'I\ It ... '•OV °' ltJ Ht /\ OM)~'' II It> I i'* H11l 1n I 14 M 07 "'''"""' '" bOt>Qhl (t•t,t(f t(YJ f-il '1U1•lify ftflup intlJ" JAll A l\M1t"'•"""~·t1(1) lh 'tl<J ""IJ/414'•• (.um \ 1f/lfl1M:" • ""'""' "1"' "'hH, f nt "it·, \IQ/ t/'il /\qrt. '11,1 NI tr•t '" 1101 •t l'f ,,,,.o W4t, Qr. •••Ho\ 'l .W ~''" c.,....,th e>11 1001 l h.UQ•'I Wtod rt1 H1Vtl 11 /1 11 \I Uht\~·1 A 11 U l ft Pi,\;\ 1 J" IMl• It fi \tj 10"1 M11nrt 100 NI 1Hl't to~ 11 I& t;~ ~u lwp '""''' r 111~1"1blt '"'"' di} tH '"'""·"'f •e>q ""'"'' '''°''" Orun 1lOO J\u,,,,.,f J 111)1 1111 •<,l .. d .4 \1 4 ~ r h•l\" (,t lk>" f \h O\'-I 00 Nt tntu "f 1 00 Nl ln1 m 14 1b t\ \H '-Ii'"• I U \8 t\ q] t uth Htl ,._,\I Nt At 0tn ,._ )I '11 NI •un<J ,. /f I l• <nrithJ H OI "H tnt tf".-,t &-<1 88 &tt/'t M .. ,, l •MnU I• .. ,,.. Qt,/ ,. ... fwnt. f, -&M'S NL A.luh.t''" IJ/t N I '''•nt 4 0\ t,41 ()ly ff'lil 100 N l tnv f,u1CI lfJtq PH M lf 10 .. \ 11 1/ /\IM UH 11.)q f wn( tnc ft•I Nl •IC>l'M r t1 11 Nl 'th'4rt• IO J 99 ()\Inv U 1q lf'lv lncJH l 1" NI M lf· O le> 100Q tirtt• '1 4H 11 \., U~AA '•' /\ ll"lnl 10 '1(111 ~1 '>1,..11 ~9• 1\11 l•IJ Int l•lfl tll 1n.11,,, ••••01 MIC• l4 Hl~Jlt)I( '>•t 1914 10llO 'l •O NLU!>A/\ 1111 Am tr1tt1n f unch (nu Otr t)OO tH MttQ ... f •Ob\ N t lrlV"\fOr\ (,fQtH) M CO tO •l ll 71 PAt Mll M "'W 10 ~ 1 t) \ (f N I A l1~1 8 1\ • I) t n•m r O I 00 8 JI Mun 00 < ~q Ill t 0'> f«J \... ~ ~· Ml II I\ 0~ lo 1l P~nn <,q I \b NI IJnl A«u •/fl N( llimr p q C)f) 'i qo f t>h·n1f\I r ufV1\ J •UH l'i q3 Nl I 0\ ( ,,, \no ''' M f ft 14 &-4 I\ /If p,.nn M u 6 t\ N L Ut111 M ot 9 )\ NI A Mufi 10 4q 1'4t> \ .. n \ .. , ~~~I) th Yid 1'4] Nl 10~ {.d )Q /'fJ M.Mh '-' .. l 'IQf} fJhil1t ·~'fl/ Un• C.-,h 100 t..f An < .. ttl I 1A I 01 f u"ft q U HJ •• l f M•.n ~JO Nl t(•\ nd-\'ff f 11 Mt t• '"' I 0\ Pno-t ttp ~ 81 If ~ Union \vr (,,p Rond I) 14 I\ 01 C1twth \ 11 \ ~Q flt1t1tn 10 ,,4 NI Mull ~ fH • "' Mt M I(() N I Pt'lo-o f d fi 11 If) tO lho.u1 p 04 tt )II ( \h Mq 1 00 Ul ln1 ,,.,, 8 CM 1J 8J '-rfll,..m \ 61 r•t I ttt'; t ·,I ~ flH M"'"'' H U) N l ''•IQt 1m '"'P N ti In" 6 ~ 1 H f d '"" IOt l f)t.. Optn 10b111(;.#i fhqft Qijl Ul '"' f ~ "'" .,., Mtt1t1ll lV1Mh l>ilq to Ull tlll It r .ii ... 14 7~ ,.,., (,rw th 81& tOl '"' MQ 14H l\O T,.•ntt 7))} NI •,1,.1 11 IMlt\/O tlll '''"" lll(J ll 4b Ml\Q( t Q() 4 t0 Uoln1 t t,~OW tntom ",.. 8 fiiCI (t)lu '·'" UI lA ,,, I .,.,,,,., 1,.l "''!9. ~ ...... I 8 81 ~ .... 'AlHI I\'" 1\ t,} M••Q tn lit qq q (,Q Un1f11fj .. unch IC• 18/ l!IM"J (w11n l\f\ ~ t()I, lt'f'"" \111 Nt 1.u P y It\ t.: tQ f Qu lh1 lf M) 10~ f'tt.1n ... •1t •-una Ari m 6 81 /.t\ t4 p,.,, f>'fi ltt. (with CIJ ,., 1~J ltlf1U I •h\ Nl lnw ll1u,h 11H It C. ••1 In• lf "1A 1nO• l yfi(I ti\nt 11\) £\ond ~l'i 1 41 W'th Mt fJ M I)(; ( 11•·n 11 fH1 "fi'J .... ,, In• •Hh I 4'; NI I lt•I ,, 111 /fj ,.., M uf\1 ~ II j' "' 11 tm 10 1}11 "OJ Con '·' .,, I)/ 10.., tAUl"'f '-"'"'""°'''' (()mp I t1 ti ti 8 /ft f '' lnv"''hif' Ivy f t1 '01 NI *'fl A ,t I IA) N I t1t.11l lnw IJ hi Nl (on tnr 9 JI U) 11 r ,.o ott l lJ r11oc.0n,0,,, l\'40 ""'' f1no A11u~Jtt;H JP'·'" H)I-'""'' t..pl v ... 1 14 48 ~1u1t•t1urH• 1191.117QQ 1n.._on1 q ~10 " (,_"" ,,,,, ,,, \H Con\., • ., fi8/ 1())\ (H.itf1 IHI 8 \.o fdllU... ''"' NI M 10 AM \~J 111\ P!i~•nd lJO-, 14 // M utu 'i47 q81 f ntq1 '1 I~ I Ui { l}fl-t1 It, ft-.. Nl C1rwlh ff l)t 811 •nhf'I t-iAn•~ • Mn,m tt 100 tU p.,,,.. f un<h \r1f'ln b If.I I O ti1 Ytd 1t IO I/ \1. (onl M vt un11v,ltl 1n11Jm H t t 8 ~If Rtmd 1/ \\ 14fl\l'I MON Y I "1 \If 10 01 ftt tlfln II fl NI VdnQ f)t,V I J1 l11r t (1 I> /t; I,~· ( -.1ltt ,.,.. 11 fl 1/ •,~~ 0111n ti M I u r.1w lh -. -.1 .• f~ M\O f t1 u 'tit N:' ln1,1-nt ~ ~ NI UM C)w, 1 ~ N l Mun H 1J AA J\ 01 (It y f .-n 11 10 u "' 1,hH • H tl1 & I 1\111,.n K \t 11 1\ M,n lt••n ~ J.4 h.i 11 N f "' 1) ~? Nl lv.,1vr 1 1ne f o fnl Rt t /\t 11 76 Olt (.1•of\ It() Nl f \tM ll A 8 81f Nt r ,u t-1 IJtll 1)11 M ii l rt 1 84 H.01 N ..,tor11 101il N' v •• 1 Lin ~lit3 101J V•,,h t"\070 11 lJtt lncm t OO Nt ffMll fu 41 NI Jo tin\ln 1118 Nl Mir'·"' •tl>O ''' '"'•"'' 1000 NI lncnrn )OfJ 6 1t (m \t9t , •• ' .. o .. triwlHr (1fOUP , ,. 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"''°"° J:n " • °" Nl µ,1 t ~ fJJ t•l '-· (.r u , .. t) \6 ( \h Mq •o (0 NI \tP t.tr.. 10 °' 10 /0 w.,, '"' • fl-• NI 100 Fd I 61) N L (,o::,11' 11 1o417 \< (, r l•ffl 11 8\ NLj l •• In •I~ NL N•ui...t q•" 0.-•m S< IK!Of'r \h>oft!f>\ WC>Oll '>lruth!'" .. 2,0<1 ]:..~D ,• ~ NL ln<o,m, H! •' 10~ ~·t~p ",. NL I •• " I\ JI 16 I) I "'II• .. .. H t I (om ... 10 se "l 1J#V•q }4 ,. NI u •• --~ v• I fT ,l)t' ".. • UL .a'> 71 ~ .... II 01 IJ..G.l C.u•Jll n ,. Nl fll\.Oltl u 0 NI Neuw t ~ ru. llond\I~ \I• & >0 C,lnt• 'ft t t G•~ ~' 11 O!o HI I "I ( •P 10 00 N C I thly ~ 0 "ii nU Ftf 1610 Rf Pon• 10 )~ NL BO\I Fnd '., 10 SI r Oil '" )4 \0 NI '"~dl\I\ I m NI '""""' !><oyl•' M A11hl 7 ., NC M M• II 1Q O• NI N I No ll)MI /Jull . 8foM C.o t d\n (,d • •• NI G•lh Ind n Ml tfl l.•1111 1J .. Nl ••• ,," 1J II HI MM~ • 11 Nl ,, •• ,. '""'QI'' . . ' ......... ... .. ----·----··-· .............. ·~ -'---~--.-..---·~-......._.... • .,.. -,-. ~ __,_ w :c-c _o . ':'· ::--.. < w:c: ZWSC w cac oa Si D C::-'::r'-..• _ .. - ·---... --· -_,, - --· -- STOCKS I BUSINESS Thur day's Clu¥i1114 Pril·•·-. NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS A f I I ... t , •• AfH ..... , ,,, .. '"A.' I ..... II An A • •t 1111 • A-' I f l1t . ""~ , .,, AtHI tf t JI\ I A Uf J ~·· i , ,\f',. {I It 1 ~ llttt •I' l t I • ""' ,, 1 /iJ Pl Am{ 1l I "'-, f\ 4,( 1f ~ I • I I ( "' t1 ' ' . I t .,,, Mii,. ~" J •fl ii\t .,. ' A , I I~ 1 "' ,,,., r. 1 11 , I /•t ••• I 'JA '" .. ,., .. "' '• .. , I r t C ... I I I u ln1'\t l'•t II U t A M I MfJ I flt I\ M•1h I J I l\"•lll ) 'r II I u • A',.l f I O 6'.Ht 1 ' I" /! •' r.o ""''fl Iii. If /. I ~~ti t I l'.l \I A h, I I it • "' • '" .Ir / 14 1' 1v. f I r \ I fl' 4 .I•• At l I t • t• rtNl • Al r f r t &-1 111 .ltJh t-1 1 µ1 '" • 4/~. AW11t1W., f'tf h 4'f 11lt•t t AW •I ll' ' 4' / I l") 11 /WA' I ' 1 I\ /110 1 /. r • '"' I ~ t t I~ wir.. AH ., ¥rt; ••• , ,,., I •\•Ir \'ti) I ,,, j' /•' t,. 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''··· •' I I /I ',. ' , .. )"'" I, \ f fl t , I ,, f ' 11 ,,, i ! :, 1•.: f /I~ 4 I 14 It ,,,,., ., ,,,..,,., /At ... •11 l · Ir t 1t t pl I 1 • f ' c ''" , f)lt t1 t n 1 1 J J ft ~I,,, t. ,,,, 1 )flt ,, ,, I I • ., I• 11 ~I ,, .... It If' t•j ; ·., 'I ' ,; '~ 't I ,, t '(lot , '" •I ' I I ,. " ,, , ,, "' "" , 'I I I • f 1 •th .,._,I I f t 1 1 II t ,, u I • ,, I M • N I t 11 u \ I Hi "-\... ... ,,,, '• '' . "''' ' ,,. ,, l'i /lj I \t 4' .,..., "' ,, . .. ' I •• '' 111 /I ,, ,, • • 1) • "' 'I I I' 1• '" I •,, I .. , ... • , ... , .. .... ,, ' .. ' '"', ' . ,, : , 41 !! ; : : ~ I I lt l It .. ',,,,.' '• •ln1tt11I " I o U .I •I I I ' ' II I ' I\ . I I ,, " I I I t1 111 " '· I 1, '' ,., __ l A I ' 10 l'i /I f fl .,. '1 r• ,,. I \I ,,,, ... ' / 11!• '"' I ii I u f </u11,. '" f ' . "' H •41 ,, A f t I I I " ,., </ I ~ I I •et I 11 f I " ' ' ••I I -"' t I ' if 11 I t i I/ ' .. ·~ t c ' ~ ; • I ti f ' •1 .,, • 1f I 1 1 I •• I I t • ./IJltf HJl1 ' I ' "•' ,,,,,. ,.,., I " , . .. . ., w w " ' " I I I ..... .. .. . .. J0'· .• 11 ..... . . , ... '. II,,. I t ., "·· ' -.... ----=---· fh\Klday. June 28 1979 N DAILY PILOT 87 T~Plan Babysitting Cost Aids in 2 Ways By SYLVIA POllTt:ll ,, ....... _C-1 An important change in the lax law opens up a new break for lamilaes walh baby!ttlltng costs St arting m 1979, lax credits are allowed for payments t o grandparenlK ·for babys1tt1og while the chlldren's parents are al work If lhe grandparents are not def)t!ndents . the c hild care r red1t goes up to $800. THE DOLLARS SPENT ON BABVSl'M'ING 00 dou hie duty Money paid lo help !>upport retired parents also c·an qualify for the child-care rrc'11t PaymcnL'i for baby's1tlinR m ust be reasonable, not m excess of the going rate for babys1llcrs in a given area The law s ays taxpayers gel the rred 1t for what they pay a babysitter to look after a < hlld youn~er than 15 while both ~pou:ws work . or while uo • W(Jrks Aind Lhe other at tends sC'hool For onf' 1 hllil th1 l'ff'dll I~ ~ !Jt'rtelll of ttw f rrsl $2,(}()(J spent l' u r lw (} or mu r l! thildrt'n. lh<' < rcd1t I'> 20 1)1•n t'lll of $4 000 FROM Tll•~ Money's Worth g rLinll1rnrcnts ' µ0111l of v 1t:w , the babys1tt1ng money 111<1 v hi· tax-free IOC'omc And ;.dthoui:,:h the paymenti; arc < on~1dt'rt•d earnings, So< 1.11 S4•1 unly rcc1p1cnls e:trc al- lowt·lf 111 earn $4 ,51.10 1n 197!J w1t h11ul lo~1ng hencf1ls The b.Jhys1lling p.1 y rn1·nh .m · hass le -free To begin .... 11 h. there 1 ~ 1111 Sm 1.11 S1<ur1ly t.1x ThNc 1s no w1thhold- llH' 1f tlt1 gr.111dpar('f1h d1d11 t ow1 1n1·11rnc t.1x 1n 1978 :rnd d1111 l c x p 1 t l to ow1· <tll\ t.1ll tn 1:r1·11 'I lt•·~1· po1nb should l>t' I h1•1 k11<f 1111\\ ~oplt who 1 1 ... 1111 th• tr l•·lf • nh ,1, dto111•ndt·nt• '>hould 111 1,111(111 'lh1 1h1ld1 .111 J•lldlll llh ro11ldg1v1• I' I .1111IJI,11 1111 '• 11 H II I ' I Ii, If I ~ l I )I )11 t II f' I I 1', , 1111 (J nt I I, iJ t h 11 r 111 1\ 1• rfu1 • tlw l.1x 11.l\t'I" 111111111111111111 t•1 ,, • ..,, th.in 11.1H I h 1 11 'UPP"' l 111 ..,1111 Ill• d1 jl• 1td1 111 \!It tlUI 111111 II Jiii-H\U\'~l'JTI'\(, l'A\'~t.:-OT~ .tr<· ~m<tll tht• 1r.1d•· <ifl •1f llw ~I 01111 d1·111•n1lt·n1°} <11 due Lion for l h1· 1·h1hl • .ir " 11 .. t111 111.1\ 111• .1n h 1J,!h~·r t.1x1•.., Bul p1•11plt· \\h11 ' l;,i 1111 lht·11· p.1n nl ~ <t~ rlcrwnd cnh ma~ 1o1.1111l 11ir Y.llh l"''' 1.1x hr1 ,,1,.., 1( th•· child c ,1n · P<Hmc11b 111i..h l lu· J.!r.1111lp.111 111'. 11v1 r 1h1 SI ll<HI gr•1'>~ 1n1·omc: mark 1t111 111• 1,1\jl.1\1 1 ·,1tll pro"1f11 .. , rn111t· lhiJll ~lillf th1·1r ~up _JHll f I•. I h'1·\ 1·•·t ,, • h1ld 1 .t ri • 1 .. 11t1 '.Ill•,. th1•\ •.int 1 l ... 1m il••jl .. n<l•'OI " ''''""' 111111 ... f11r I lt•·11 p·1r•·nh :11111 SXIJO ,., :i h<'f t \ 1 11 d1I r ~1 I' AIHHl'IO:\, 1\'\\ \lt UIC. l\L • xp• ""''" lht•\ Jiu\ 1•11 1 t .1111 lp.11 ••11l'i 111.i\ 1f prnpr 1 I\ ho1111!11:d <.111d IJ<H kcd tJ\ • 1111, 11 .. t1 1111 °1 k ... 111 11111. r Jl""'f lit' 1·n1 .. rcd •m their n 111rn-; for ,, higt~Pr ml"dl! :ii f':qwn'••' d1•d111 111111 Tn < lc;1111 I•·''' Iii'<"" 1111 <111.d di 11111d1111 , t.1x11o1 \,.r• h.iv• lo 11111 v 1dt· 1111 t • 1t.,111II 111 llH tr o1qq111r1 I Ills ll\ ;, llf'V. I'" hr 1'.1k I h.11 ,., g 1·n1 I dh n11I k n1, .... ll I It• 11rt11· 111 i. .. 1 •11111 ........ r .... r 11 ,., 1111 .... '' JI \lnJ11 111•' llrl'11k E1ier~y Issues Lead 1Uotlt-'rttlt' I 11crPase '-EW "rtll(h r i\1'1 lh1· '>lt1l'k m.irkt l JIOSl t:d ,, 11111tl 1•r.11t· g .1111 11111.1\ Y.1lli • n• fl!Y 1•,!\111·.., '><'lltng lite pa<:t· 1..11n1 1.., l<'d '"'' r II\ 1111111· 11t.111 ,1 ~I nt.HJ.!111 tm Nt'"' '\ 111 k Stot•k I'.'' h.1111!• I ht• """' 111111·" 1\1 r .1111· 111 Ill 111d11,1r1.1I ., r11.,1· :! 'i<! 111 >I U II I I lw <Ir ~:.11111.1111111 n l P< 11111111111 1'.xport1ng Counlrtc'> < 011< lwl1111~ it., 1111•1·1111 g 111 I :1 111 v.1 '>•·l 1,1 h.1 ... 1· pnu: of $11:S a Ii.err LI Y.1th .dlo\\ .1111 t .., (111 pr11 •1.., ol up$:.:! I ';II for s11mc of Ill•' '''I' i-:r ud1·.., 111 1111 fr~/\ fr 11 .111111u11l_r_11_._.., ____ _ ..... ., •• 1,:,. ....... ... . ti;p•Uligl11 • I I . t t •• ., ' '"" ,, , .. ,,,.. 11 ,, ' I • it.11 ,, I, t •• f t I tr11• 11 ,, i •• "'' '1t. , ,. N il 111 I t I .. ' , , I 1 ~I ,, t I , ""' 1 I I .. ,., 1•1 1 1 1• ' ,. ,,,.., , ... 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""'<> PrlC•• 1i11~ J, r,ft \\ Q() l •HJf'fh..__od llfbflt liftd QOld \lllJI Oll\l>ll'I ~y1nbob f1 Nt w ywfttl'I fuw u Nr w 1t•tt1 •v n1Qh 1,,_tnlt'\\ ot~fW•t..r ntttt'(t ''""''of d1v1den<h "' r _.,tt'h.iAI d1\bt11 \f m11nh hd\f*d <>" IN!: ltt\t ''u11Hlt ''' t.H \f1f'l11 """uftl t1t-tl•r•hon SIHt< 1nl nt f'•ff" d1v1dt nth or p.tym.,n1, not df>\IQnAlf!d '" 1f\qu'M tttt 1Cknhh~·d tf\ lhl IOtto•lnQ 100IMl1 \ ,,;t :• '31 :.~i:t1°' t'1 ;1'~~?d8~,~~"~~~.~':oot'" g~~ ::~=~ ';, ~~o'".f,'e~t~~ '~1::.~ 01f ~~~'~. ~r,, ~;:," ,:~;.~:~~~·:;~ :::= :·,'.~~~~~.~ ~~,:~: ~~~~~ ·.~·~-~:.~ ~l N~~~~~~ O:v~!1': • .rr-:.¥r::;::c;n r;!:''~ \lht ., 1ri f)t• trdrnq '' month\, e\tlm.fed ' "" "'"""(JI'\,.'!' ttt1114'tlf~ Of ... d1\tttbvtt0f' ''"'t' • • '"~,,_,,..net (~ .... I tQM\ • E. dH,lclrl-nd ,.ml " 11.. 1n tutl t ""'"\ 1n full , 01 ( ,.,.,., ..,..., W,.,,,... d1\tributf'd wf W,,.,., 1,,u• <t •• tN1lh ...,,.,.,.-nh •• WfthOut ••" •nh •(}t\ l , 01,h •buhon ,.. r r;t h ft ·~ ()fl(fl> n • ,. \t00J ., • mw1t1ol• Of P:' \l\ttfc .. _.,,,.f\O\ Mtt¥t0 by ~~~~~ t:F,;;;.:. 11 month •Aff\lnQ\ hQUf~ • 1 -·--------------- ~-.... -OM.YPILOT b tOn• Mu•• I()' •I• .. "·•· ~ •d '"'"""•"I ,., ,.,....,.,., ttYfll Qt'a'l1 r.--.. ,.tl/ '"'-' , ...... ....w ........ I I• U(ll-a In lof91Ql• ''""' I•- • 0W."fASV '-h_,..t f._4;tfl\"",..... h ..... v ""''V" ""' t f!I • IOUCATIOMA1 ~ t CMNIW8 i Aaci.we I» CNOO CMiH:RA ILOVI LUCY ~11\.1\'1 ..,>C'ir().i...-,l•My ~11.1•• 'I><,• llMto<• .., .. 8:) ~AA* QA IA l l C"°'8-Wff8 . . . r nu1tdey, June 11 tG1t . . -~ ...... . Television • t O\lf\O '°'...,.._ If Y to • •r v• -..u• • h1r~1tomuw...,,...,., ........ ,.""'• ''"''' All•• 111" Hilt OflO Ille MC111u110 • M<>Vlf • • '"" (.()()1 o .... I tQflll Uotld't ~ell, Ovl1ble W1tlaM ,,_ f ... tnQ .,~ ~ •I•• .... ,1 • yflvt\(I Qltl ,.,.,,. l'P "' ... 1 .. r;11an .. muwal '-"'-(~ 11ra I • WAONllL / L£HAEA Mf'Of'l '11) Hf!M'8 TO YOU" HEAt.TH I "" Al llv l!Wl P loOfll I JO 0 COtffOY THEA TEA r w u V''""O Nhffwn (fJtmriM l'qut"n•tt1, f '-'''ii Wuyn•tJ NfiO ,t,Hf "'' If\ fil1,f~llft ,, ... "O~U '""' .... /, tV)tf\(IHlttt 1,,,,,, o" \.ttUI tutJ • 111 11 tt If• 11, tJll tJhtHI th .. Hh 0 110 AHOIE 14.ftMt It fnw d.,y .. tJt ..... ""' 01• •tty hh' ''' ,, .. , r tF n Atl(ll•• "••1y·. ft fr "'" ''""tt ,,uJ O~•·;n. wnuu i.ll&.t wu1tuC1 \ tt>~t\ tJI Htf~ 't;lh,..t 'h<''' "'' TUBE TOPPERS KTLA e 5:30 -Angels Baseball. The Angels wind up their series with the Texas Rangers in lhlt> first of fo~r con· sccutlve telecasts. NBC 8 8 :30 -Comedy Theater. A compu~er error sends two women !Carol Wayne and Donna fo'onterelto) to heaven in this.pilot for a news.cries. KlfJ 1PJ 11 :00 "H ouse o f Strangers Edward G. Rohinson stars Uh an uni;c rupulous banker w h o manipulates his four ~ons in lh1i. 1949 movie drama. fll) FIHOHORH ',pn1t.... t •t't1dH'\f. 1n ~CJtlltnt1 "l f lf•'1hotn t,On1 mvruty flMp J>'rtnl~ g•OY. 1n •1p1U• f1f IOI U..-nt•fll ¥tirU,tU1tt1 ~ TH(HAR~ MAKER ----~1-----.l&r~ A pc,,1r ,t1t ,,f ~''lttt f4•td ftll-< ... l1V1ldr• o l t·~.,.,,J ·.1<.hCJtd'.. "n() (JU1t:tr dUthurt "'· 1_8111 '''°""':t ~rm11•'f m~t•urr"'"''· I ·~\I• f Hn l ~,..._ ·•,. I~ • fo\.t..,_tfl .. fim M tUf•OM•'' '°"I ~== UC:NfW8 I f I "°"'EM S WllO 9UI M6l UOH OOl. l AA ~A .. lft\I( I\ Q .. 1, .. ffJlht<tl ~ i H•tt ht•I p11r1t 0 1 IUt• ••I.-•H "'"' \.•hfl •• ,. ,,,, '"' '·•" ,. ..,.r,11 t1 tu• t11tt1 fh:t Ht 11}1•111 Q) 8ANfOAO ANO 80N I ' I ~ " I ' ti h .. I .,, I ~ I 1!111 1Yr ..... t ,,,..,,,,t f11t1·. h 11 tit 1i•I 11 I fll "'''' .... It , •• ,I I t11tJ• r I o I ,,, ''11 •trrrt~ 7,-.-.. •'II f h t11 I f 'It A OI •• ,, ... ~· 'J'' . , ., .. ,, 0'*9!+" ,,, ~~ h i••• ····-P• .. ,, ffi) NEWl>CHE(;K • 11111 11ll1V I, I' ED 28 TONIGHT .... , 8 00 8 8 HAWAll fWE·O ,,.t f11fr1tf Ht••' I• ,,,,, .. ,I • t • ·h·ni , / r i ,,,r, ,. ,, h t l;y1,••P f....,ll t1•ol)t•lh'111•1 11,111fJ' ... ,01t4 f•1• 1•,fdt11I, I I l1f';lfll ,lft(j /f1Uf•fl •t i''I , jt••,ft1) 1h t ..... ,' A,.,,''" tlll Nh •'" I' I I f1t• •J lJ•.Jhl ttu1,1H II 'I 88 BEAU rv lil!()V. 10 MAf0 10AMI 0 MOiii!: I 1 ' ~, • t 1 t I ' I J 1•1 0 THEIHNOCENrANO lHE OAMNEO II 00 f) 8 TllF WAI l()Nb ,, ' J • '"'.,,I ,, I 7•30 t) t 2!>,000 PY RA MIU l l1/.1t11 ,, ('hannf•I I .bl i119• 8 Kf jJ I If.II'.) I 1, /\11q1·I· 0 !<MIC 11HH.i I •1. /\1111'-I' 0 K II A (l111l) L• 1·. A1111•·I•·. fJ KAOC JV IAll(.) 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'"" " .... .,.,,,,, .. , ' I ',t•• ,_.,,, ~ 1•1 ljt lt1 Ut.11 "''"'"' 111 1·;1 I l1tUHfl' 041 Q MOVIE •• w,,..1 t o-Ar ''""'"'' ' ! 1 I • 1 • 11 I ( I 1It•,11#! o ~ " I I 1 I ·n .. t I lf•t I .1f, If· •• • I lfHt•t l f'.ill •'•JI )Oii 0 QUINCY IJ•11tU f • U'oll-f~ t tn1• •11 1·••'•••111/ .1111tt•Hlt11I tJu.tlh 11t •• ,,,,1, • ••' th11u1 I'•''' '11 •lll'f'tl l otl,1••1f f1f1"!1(UJ•1 fH, 0 101 BARNEY M llLER H11tO•l/ I'• ''"'lihtl w llh 111 N llt """p;,11 ft•, tJulnf 1'~11 •S•··tl ..,,u, , 11 10•,111,, t.1 t1•• U•f lto1·• lf+l1I ""J h •utJ1•1tf 1111 '" tt1Uf111 t1;11tt lftt 0) MER\/ OAIFFIN '11~-.1 .. 1,,,. ,,..,.,.,._.,. r ..... .., ,.,"" f ,. '' '" ., ,, f• "f. 11.,, ,, • ' "'"';"If' .,, ,, .. ,,., •. , ,.. ~ • .. I .,, , •. , ' ,, • II ,, ,. • I 141·' • ,, ,,,, • r "''''' "" 'l"ft•fflt• ( 1'1111 •tflll f I ; l•(•l l(•fj ii' P ·, ol Jlll)'f' ft ,,.,, •• ~ ,. '·"'•' f)tJf ,. , ••• ,, • fo.ttllftf ff' olf f 11 I Jf 1.1 j I·~ 00 NEWS o ri o 20 120 '1) HIOH r GALLERY •,, nu U 111 '• f ,,, lflf,,,, "''''j. "'" .f lf ,, .... t1U<flll t~J U 1u l ff•• tJl1t , • f I 1l1lllolilf II.it• ·I lt,1 .... ~ EB NEWflCHECK 10300) G) NEWS Snyder Eyes 'Prime Time' Hit Hy 1•t:'ft'.lt J ttt>Yt· It 1,l l'i i\Nl ;f·.1.10:~ <A l'• 'I I lf1111 I 1n.1\< 1• 11 111 1111 ... 'I 1111·\ 1111· • 'I fJlll ',11\ 1!1 I It , 1·11th· .,;1111 •if • 1•rim1· .,.,,,,,. 111 "''" 111 ai.:.111111• \••11111r•· I w i ll i:•• ·•"·" F r11111 1111' /'.1·!1 .-.1·11 r ;ti 1111:.., I'"" p.111\ ··11m .. :-. lll"W'o th.11 lllitV ,,.. 1•·1···1v•·lf Wi th 1111XPll 1·n 1nt 1n 11 " "\•1d1·r '\Il l f11t1 rn;1lt).I 1·11l1•rla11w1 wdl • . .i \ \I lt•;p,I 1111 .1Y.l11l1· ··r,o Ml'l Tt-.~.·· T iit. 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I 1110 llol II \ ,Jlld .J ,11 k 11-00 l)IJfJl8 10 NEWS 0 MAltE ME l.AUOH 0 MOVIE • • 6 tH1v .. \• (Jf •,,ffdnfJtt'' f 1'J4(H I t1w ''" (J J°.411tHJ'\'\()O 11H\1t '' ••·•fw•"HO /4r111n't<•hCJ4;lf"' h1tn.,••• PT1Jn1(»•1t.ttfl•. 111•. h1r..u 'urt:. tt.1 t11 ,. '"'"''' ... ultl!.oh ••nfh f.'tu' J 0) 8EO'TIME STORIES (D BENNY Hill SHOW h••nn1 ,.1,110.1;11• ''•' 1 t. (• "'''•'. ''"' ,•I I ' ,,. 111• 1·' i •.• ,. ,,, f" NPU t Ht I I "'"'I 11 I I'''' lht••' l1iii.1 1 , 11• • 11 I ,,.,u .. ,, ''"'" ,, ,,, 0 l OHIOHl ••'"' '" I It , ' •••• I t/, ~I , ,, I) Ol(.I( \/AN (Hl(f J11 C f11111 ,,., .. •I•' "' {f H, I' ,1t+lh111 '"""' 11 II .; 'I ""''" t r ,, '' 0 IQ !,IAk::IKY & HIJTCH 111 .. , .. Pt I' I 1 11 ,, ' .... J.1 • I I I' ffi !Hf (i0,<081tu W ([) (JI 1 '>Mlll'il 8 '>IJIH lf<ff •-----....,,......,.<I t'Jl lf'ITT"Tll f.'tr:rrl" nf tttr'iTTJ1lll'll~1TilTIT1·tli(';ilPlf 111 Tiw '11: l :1n7r-.1111nrl 11 :1 1•1 klmo. la11i IJ;wl\ ;1111! '>t11i l111g :i~ 111 l"r\1t·w1·d .lutf \' ll lurn•'. w1111•1 11 ( • l11ld11·11 .., liook' lh:1t fl';itun· llw1111·" ""'It ,,.., 111.1)>.f11r hat11111 .11111 wl'I d11·a 111•. i th.it t11w-.11 I :.11111111 l1k1· u r1.,1J,1llf11·1I ""'' \01111 ).! v.,11111an 1111J11t1111' 1h1wn 11!1· "''''""'"' • , • .., .... 1•1111'o1tl1 •1' ttw ... t111Wf lll.' 11( W•·•·k1·1u l 111 lllt• lir1·:1k I)( tlw IM 1ir11111· l1ni1· 11n11•1 .1111 •, Ill 1111' ...,,.,,11•111l11•r A pr1.I :.•···· 1t11 W1•1 k 1•11cl f1n1 ... h1•1l .in 1ng lor 1111J), No 1111 v.1111 .1 17 IH'I c·•·nl :.h :1ri· 111 I h1• .tlldll'lll't· i\ 11111111. I hf' ·how ... l h :11 v.1·n · 1 .1(1 ti h11•1t .. 1 w1•11• ltw l or~l'lt :il1l1· • i\11111 11 11· \Ill ;111 iJ i\ mt·n1·.m <;1rJ,,. <'II'. .. FIVt •. HH H, T llttt:t;, t w11. r1111· I lwn. 11n · ... 111' W1· r t• 111111 .i 1·•1rrl m1·n ·1al Zflw11• wow. :11n I lh.r l 111.1j..'11" II ... 11n1· of lh11.,1· '>I'll 1·011-..·1111i-. .tu111•, ~ou 'd h ;1v•· lli1111i.:li1 I Pl•·v 1 ... 1•111 1•111 11111 111 11'. "'"l1·r11 l w•1 dt·t-:1dt•:-. .1).!11 --...,. IF YOU FORGOT WHAT TERROR WAS LIKE ... IT'S BACK MOVIE RATINGS 1111' ()r1gm11/ ,,,,.,tu "'" ,,...,. '"''"'• , ...... "'' ,, ..... ,. .... ,, ,, ..... , ·' '\1·1111 .. 1 -.1•g111 .. 111 Y.,1.., tld1 v1·n ·1I ..... 11h 111,. 1·11·;111 harll .. iti:•· th:il fill M 1n11t1·•, 11 1~111.11 I\ :wh11·v1· .... t.111 1h1 ~ ma\ tw )IP.I .1 i11 :11t1·1 111 ~.ll.rk111g 1111 • k111k)\ 11111 i\11d ~1t\1k1 ti ..... 1111' w lt11l1• -.11m1111·1 11, "" lh .11 commentaries , DAILY PILOT aws ,... ............. ,,,_-1 ........ ,,,,., .... , ... ,, Ii I A 11 All._, r ff I ...... , •• 1 ,11tiU>J-.. ,.... "LOST & FOUND" (PG) :,.:,,. :i. ~ r i • '1 ;··\ 1 ·• ' r ~ IPGl -~wiu --~:0..o.J9 rn-,.;i Al• .Ar1I • lliflt!'' 'f fl ~ .,,.,11nl1• U1_,,.._,_,,. 01 J r ~1t'tti U• to• t ~4• r. • '"''·•'I, .. , WALTDISNEY'S (G) "101 DALMATIANS" I ) I' I 1 I I , I I ' ' ' 'j \\ ~·I.ii•' 11 li•·I 111 11p1·1 .il1\1 .. 1• 1111111 I (1•;1111 I I Ill. t..111tf ((1.!11 rl 11 .i• li1d tl t 11•· pl111• •111 \111•11 111111 ~•111 ,II X '\II 1111 \ fi( .. ( ·11.111111'1 •• [!!] "' ·"' " f'.1•••·• A•J.,' ,,.,, •'I •to ~,...,,, ....... ,.,l .it t lll;~t••••, "THE DEER HUNTER" (R) 1:t•1'll~f,;Til:M CllllOOMf 71 $I AOIUM Olliff Ill • ''';''"" t,;4 ,, t Ul CIMMUUtl W•·.lr'~ll'.li t h'-1~ '1 .4• I DWAllDS' •llJO •7 P/. •I ••V"I k lDWuot' fOUIUAIW YAU If •1 f wt·t.;1"V"' 1;1! t'f ~· /l'J •ot11 I \,t.1111 l'AClllC•!> Hl·WAY lt 0111•1 Ill v.. ..:..l!rlll"-tw ~i' .c.. ?~)~1 f.f\!JW:~1~ {;/ Ca1ni110 (~,tnlV'I J/,""'"" l,'l(J I l 'JAMINIJ Ill Al llJ',111/ f.A 'l:>lilill Mlllltll CHAM,AME lllUllCM $9.75 l'l~l ~I NT •, ES: {Tf4f 838-9822 ..... YlltMIS •GOOO FOOO •AM'lE 'AlllCING ~OOPS (714) 131-6735 ~A•1• 1• P1t11 01• t , I j I I f .. ~I 1 • to I '•I 1e ..... W,lt ... , • 91 I -e .... •II•· ... .llY•ISlllW lltlA ,LAZA SCKITM COAIT Brea ~29·~33q COS Id Mest1 ~4b ?11 1 STADIUM INllH·lfl Orange 639-8770 ·_-;«:--' UA CllKMAI Wehlm1nste1 89..l·O~b BREA PLAZA PUTT CITY CENTER Brea 529·5339 Orange 634 ·9282 ·---'SOUTH COAST BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN Costa Mesa 546·?711 Buena Park 821 ·4070 TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS ln,.,•IM tlllo• contrOI of • gel!P'I' t .. YI""' end plMI to t•• o-the..,,.,.., .. M:>ANMl ta;OO. 1WUIKT ZONE "The 8••1n C...1., Al WlltpO!et • A'-'NO HfTCMC)()()t( ~· "M•••ll• Maaon. Mov141 $1111•· A -an ~ lllat .,.. ,_.,... tti. ~ ................ _ • Ql'T IMAIWT ~·· ... rnt m-KA()S'~ pl1n1 10 h•ll too t Oac:.t K ienlilll. bul O•ea .... Illa '·"' nn •IH• .... v 10 CONlFIOl fD 21 TONIOt4T • 12:06 9 CU LAT( MOVIE • • Mc;Clovd lhu COHI· •adtl (..,!ti•• Cilll"' I 10141 O t•nn1\ W ftl11J•Jr Jnhn o .. n • .,, A duc;u1y sn''"" not111& Mi.Cloud It ac1< ()own J n1nd .. ,u d 4y c.*1t11t1 12.30 0 MOVIE * •' w .. , t 1Vt$ AQ•J•n ll<l'.\41 l ttJOllf M.oor n Annn ,.-,,,"' Ua8'Jd 11r1 , l'lt)•l'I 11/ I flO !t)l,ltlV II l1t.1':~•an prn.,.. ... .,.,_.., ... ~ u,,_, ....OrtrOn'I of"'"""'' bt ..... 111 lntud .,,._,,, ,.ft,J1I ,.1th ,., \1mpl., OfttUutfll U•rl ft "' H) min 1 Q) MOVIE •• I on ... M inutt• fn ''"" ( 1\j',}1 Ann IJlyln J.i11t1•H t M•I' hum A .vtCJr t'H ttOt•f'1f .-tfl,11 • h lt1ftU(Jt • fOt•H •ll ·, tr1m.u1t •· with • , 11;11i,,,, ttu1lf"Ht flu .,..,,.••nn VJ.tr f. G) MOVIF * • ~'lufHf II ,,, ''" ''f fl ,,,ft11 f.~ 1 1111 JI IU J 1ir,,11 f t·• ,,, 1• ''I '" tl tt•I: I I' t.fl tlfOI t ,,,,, , I I , ,, f I 1 •' ,,,,,, .... II • •""'''°"i9'rti l1,jlt.t"1 Nh• I ,I f;l 1f .. 11.r 1,11 1 I••• ....,,,, Nfo 1• ,.,,,,, '' I·• I 8 MOVIE f"' •• I I' I h • 11•1 1 f I I •''' I 11••••1111 ,,, "•,I !' 111 1•1 I 1•11• 1.111 r1••f•• l1 I 1'11 • h• 111Jt 1111 t '' 31 0 IQ MAH~41X -.~1,ro • r 11 1wJ f ( 1 h I -., •" l.1J ,, It . ur I •'t, •.• ,;Jitl 1 '• ,.. " • •• , •••• ,,, ••• ,. Jtl 1000 TOMORROW L • ,, .I $ ~ J t I H .,;_ '....,...._,1.._l JI " I • I lo '1 I' /JI t, t• '- • MAVIM* ~ "M111eflal U.-IG*" • DaOAWTT 0-tBetryC-····---t:41 lllOVll • • ''> •• r "• un1101v Oe•Mn" l 1931) AOf\eld Col,.,e n, f •'I' W•ay I :.,, HO NIWI MOVll • • ·College To Ler" Cl9' I) AIMIW 81m. JOfWI Moll• i:.oe MOYtl • •'It "W•* A C•ooeuwt Mlle.. ( 19•81 lou1., HitY*Wd Def>"'• 0'1(~ t:••~ * * 'The Gol08<! Mllwlo. I Hl'i?I RnoM• Flem1nu '>IH•hnq Huydftn • NEWS 3·~8 NEWS 3.46 8 DICt< VAN OVKE W h1IA ht~ w1fr tt. J wt.e'I b11ot1y .-.c..<.•tc11,. r•o1->, .. ,.,, t~f1nn to m (Jy1, '" 1-t't •• huu.,..qu .. ~t 4:00 6 STEVE EOWARD6 0 MOVlf • • • • f t-W• t14t1H l iJmp ~¥ti> I 1 O..• boqamr t1m "'Y HrtfH••y Q) MOVlf • ,, ~lth•n '•·"''''''"" , t ,, .. •"''• f l't 11 '•) f t)OO HtHJ;•Uft Hot fn'ltH)ll 4 1&Q MOVIE • (..1.1u11i t /41 I t.rl•t 1 1•1J~1 hJlflh t ••he\ v.,,"i ... ...... f 'riday·,. llayl itnf• H1u·i••11 llfTI HNOON 17000 .. • Ir" I 11 •I C1111 I r ,,.,, ,, 6 •t1!1 , I'''"., 11 flho I• t 111• ! H t1 I ii' 11 °''I f , 11 1··-'1 1111• I I I I lf i I 'f I •! I I ' I ( 1 I I ' I• 'll •I; f+ I ttl I lh U, •I ''·' I I ,., ,, "', 11•11 fl,,, .q; ''"''' t 1·1," ,. "t• /\ •1·t1;1t1••• I I H 11 lo I fh 111 f• ,,, 11 , •••• 1,;,., I (I 'l'lf ftt J 00 10 •• tt • I ' ~· ... •• fl • t I . I J..=,s.Q u f e lh.o.14t,J1 lifM i' I•, I 'I ' Mi{-,rrc1111~ ~l~or>i•· 0 f KN 8( A Sf>et~~· · ....___.. I l•.1111wl I IA ill "" .1 \ •111111 I '1•11111 • 0)J" r 1.d I " I· d \, • I· "111 .. 1 \, ' ll 1 11 I II 1 ·I " II ii \ 11 "11 I II .. tl.1 \ .(111\ .ti : 'II JI 111 IJll I\'\ fl( \ \lo 111 •Ill \111,.111 "''"I I• II '"' ,,,, \ •·I h t I ' I •• 111 f.11111 v.•11 ~.1•1 1.11lwr If, .i1f111n lo 111 ·1 .111t1 11• 1 1111 111:.J h I• I .11 """ 11111I J1• I I' \I I l'I , . ..., I· \'111.\' 11111\1· 111.n f1• Iii 111 f I• Iii I: 11111 h.11 \I' I 111 f1 .11\1·• I 111 1 t..11 d "'" ~ 111 I.Ill 1 I l..1 .ti\\ r lu·• 11 \I I\ fll•tl• t 11 >1 "l f.1 f ""II I di\ 11 1.11.t1 .. f l.11111 •I '"'"' I•""''' 111.11 11°1 •• 111t.1111l11· ""'"''" 1 •111 11!••1 ''"' 11111•1.1111 111 ... 1,1 1111 1111 . .t.t . l••I '"" ,, Ii' ··ti llr1• d,I\ 111 11 .. 1 o11• l•'.d1111f )•,,,.,.,..111•fit1 ,,.,. I , 1111111 I ollllf' .llld ... ,!I'll p11fl4 t• l l111J 111111 I 1.d ""'k', '.di 1111 ·'" Ill\•··'"'-"'"'' l'.111111.1 111.t h1·1 r.11twr 1111v. f.11, ·' , t111r1 h· ,, 1111• '" ,,, 1., 111111" ·...,,.,.n.,.r 111. \ '.111 _11~.!....J.!!· 21•i:~.tl t. ··iiiltlri~ llt•1•rl ... f' \f 'l.ITr\ l\:'\O\\~ 111 li•·r 1.11h1•1 • 1111• .. 111...,h 11•· 1 11111111 ''' th•· 1,,,, .ind 111 lh1· 1,.n ·., 111\ ,. f11r h1 , l.1lh1•1 11 111 '"lll •·hnv. ·.h .. m1.1 .. 1 11111\ 1111 ,. ti,.. .11l1IHH1l11·<, 111.11 '"" ,. nllll • l(ll j11JrlJlll lha11 111 1·-.t .\ k PG lllll ruu H"'" •11•1 •,' ,.-~ ' ......... , ...... -·~ ....... ,. ... , ...... ,. ... ,. NOW PlAYING IOWAllOS' CllllMl Clllftll HAlllOll flt rO Oll"t ·IN t 1 ,,.., I .!'t 11 11 I' 1.1 l· ' , l/L\ --o91111CMD'IT fOWIMOS. CllllMA WIS1 '/,1 tn •' t1· '4·1 t4 • The ARST Certified Crazy Person's Comedy. PETER ALAN FALK :m~1~~ A~KIN (!I;}~~ -----·-· -~ -- ---T . --· .. -------- . ,. . ' .. ' • . ' ' < J ~ ' ' • : h • "- AND EROTIC!' I Marcello Mdstroli\nni $U8-TITLES SUNDAY MATINEE 2·00 PM. IOWAllOS ClfltfU WISI CllOOOMI V.•· • t I ( llAOIUM DAIWf.IM II• 1• '•' t.J'• ij/ Ill ........ ....... ... 994 :1400 . ..... . I ,;1998!>0_ t•eol•··· .. ••• 1~ a.11 4010 ............. .... .,.~ S21·2223 \ ........ 1 ... ., ,_ )11101 H l1 ., .................. ..,... J~~J"' 1.-,a,11. .. ...... _, ........ _ .. THI W.UWl(MI "• MOUSI CAUi (N! ... '"° llO OOlf CMll -'°" .... ALllHCt> ,,,__,_ .. _ ......... , _ __,_ l~"'!!!"!,_1 ----1 .. • .,.. MONSnt MOWll"" HOPHICTINI 1>.»>1-.-...-.. ••••••• ......... eAMI Of DIAlM l9l -UP IN IMOell C91 ,..,..., .. u '"""" ....... "lHE IH·l.A WS .. IP'GI "HAI•" tf'GI _,_,_ .... SAl•Mlt0-ll•J0·146.-11l6. .. ,H ..,_ ~ . .,.. ........ ntl MAIN MNr 1N1 ... .... 'llOltNt ---------4• -r-... ---.-._-... ................... ...... ,,_ U>lr AN ,._POVl9CNt 1•1m1 ,.,, MOUA CAW" ............... ·-11110 1 N J! .., ................ ...... MWI ... ... IVIL ............. ............................. 'INI MAIN IVDft' tNt ... _.. ..... - I ~ Playhouse Returns SadJJ,eback, San Clemente Also Opening . T t\e ll untl n ((lOl1 lse.ch rtayhOUlle ffi()Vl'I\ ba<'k lnto the 11potll1thl after u lonK hiatus F'ri· day llld°il. ~hannt< Ila opemng wee\.-nd with th" S1tddtebac:k ~urnnwr Slo<'k 'ompany and taCt~~r u .w~k't. dellAY) the S.n Clt>mcnt .. Co1111nu111t y Thcaltir. T hre .. y .. ur"I 11flur Its o ld Burn lhcutcr wu!'I torn down I 11 111.i k1· 1 00111 tor com mt>rcwl 111• \' 1• l111111w11t . t111· It unltni.tton lk.ll'h .:1111111 uu•'!'I hlll'k on th•· lm.1rrh 111:.t 1l 1·10'>!'1 lht• -.trcc•l '' '"" thul -.111· 14 Ith th<!, <·o mt-Jy B1w111i.:. lllw111u " M cunwhllc. ~.11 l 1ll1·ba1·I. 111trMSuc cs lhl' "''""'HI 1t h()w of its <iu mmcr , ,. J '"" • .. l.u v." u nd I he Sun 1 'h·10f'11tt~ playhou~c rings up lhc 111r1 .1111 on The M 1111 Whu Came Iv l>111m·1." both gettmg under way t.mui.:hl PHii. dt'HAaaos 1:-. directing the Huntington l>how . which reitturt·l:i J1·rry 8t·nr11.:r and J oe Rllkt·' as a pair of bachelors with three airline stewardesses p11pp1ni.: 1n ~ind out of tlwir apartment Thl· lrio wi ll be playt•d b~ Lima Campbell, Karol M c\~111 .rnd Melin da T y le r ( a l U · r n a t 1 n I{ with Patric 1 a Corbt·tt >. while B(•ltie Mucllt•n· berg completes lhl' cast aw thl' matt.I ··n0i•1ng, Rol'UJJ.: · will b<· pn· !'lt•nt1·d Fr1<l<.1ys and Saturdays at 11 :30 for '>IX wt•t'k1•nds 1r1 Suite 39 fl ~ttua ] ot the Sca clllr Shopping Center, Main Street at Yorktown I\ venue. Huntington Beach. Reservations 847 ·4465 Murray Sch1sgal 's three· churactcr farce•. ··1.uv," bows in ton11<hl at Saddlc back College undt·r the direction or Dria n Do n oghue Steve Nevil a nd J uncl Lazeru:. arc featured. "LUV" WIJ.L BE presented nightly (except Mondays> for the next lwo weeks. through Ju· Iv 8. with an 8 p.m . curtain in the Fine Arts 'rkeater on the Mission VieJo campus. Reserva· lions 8.11·7414 . · Opening tonight arter postpon· in!!: for a week is "The Man Who Cam e to Dinner" a t the San Clemente Community Theater . 202 Aven1da Cabrillo. San Clemente Don Rhoades plays lhl' leading rolt• in the comedy. which is being directed by Mer· nt Grimm and 'J)lays Thursd:.ys through Saturdays ~l 8 :3'; until July 21. Res('r vations 492·0465. TWO COMMUNITY theciter productions c lose out their res µc c:t1vc l'nga$.tcment~ with final performances Friday and S 11t11rday nig hts They ure "Ladies .i Ule Alamo" by the Irvine Community Theater and "Idiot's Del.iaht" at the Costa Mesa Civic Pl•yhouae. Ben Juul directs "Alamo" at the University High School .theater with Valerie Mc ilroy, Susan O'CoMell and Jane Nigh Davidson ~eading the casL Cur· taln ls 8 p.m wlth reservations etl 754-3639 or 754·3642. Les Reed and Mary Sulli van ar e featured in "Idiot 's DeJi~ht" under the direction or Pali Tam· be llint at the Civic Playhouse on the Oran~e County Fa1r~rounds. Curtain 1s 8 .30 ; r eservations 754·5159. .~OUR PROFESSIONAL pro· ductions continue their stints on loral s tages. illl p('rforming nightly except Monday 'l'h«:y ar l' "Spokesong" <1l Sou th Coast Repertory. 655 S Town Center Drive. C osta Mcs d 1957·4033) -··Camelot" at Sc·basllan':-; Wt•s t Dinne r Playhou:-.c, 140 A. ven1d a Pico. San Cle mente (492 9950) -.. Fiddler on the Hoof" at th e H a rl e quin 0 1nn 1.:r Playhous e. 3503 S. Harhor ttlvd . Jus t north o f Co-.ta M es a <979·5511). .. The Mu~ir Mun .. :it the-El Camino Caban•t Theater, 690 1::1 Ccimano Reul. Tustin CM:l8·[17:l5). THE LINE BflWEEN LOVE AND DEATH IS THE BLOODLINE. c1nename 6 scAEEn cn .. um.1n Ave &. ~.ent .. An.- F rf',.iw .. v \I IJlll Y Ill'< ~\.\II \ MK'ICllll 1~1\11 HI llffl N.\ (.V7ARA \l~)'l Pllll 111'\ 'ilC,\1111 LllJJilfl STARTS TOMORROW BREA PLAZA EDWARDS' NEWPORT CINEMA I: • .i • ."I 111.1'1 Newport Beach 644 ·07GO UA CINEMAS STADIUM ORIYE·IN Westmin'>lt:• 8'J'.\ O'Jl\b Orange 639·8770 So . Coast ,,.,.,,6 "" 3410 811stOI I rH Pl •>•••O "THE MU"ET MOVIE" ,,., .... 4 .10 •• , . ...,_ •HO DISCOUNTS All McGrew '?UYHS" 1,GI 110 ·J ... I l\.J.J .. t 0 ~ wlR flltcl YOU! "PttOf'HICY" Cf'GI 11·1~·· 634 2553 c:omPLEX MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "THE MAIN EVEN'T . IPGJ "JAWS" PG • ''LOST ANO FOUND" I PGI "THE CHAMP" f PQl K•U:ll• Ne•r St•dtum ·au TCH & SUNDANCE "THE DUCHESS & THE OIRTWATER FOX fPCl "JAWS THE CAR ' IPG' 'THE IN·LAVVS IPGl 'WHO IS KILLING Tl tE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE? "THE DEER HUNTER " (Al "THE BOYS IN COMPANY C" At.I. DA IVC·I"'!> O PC:,.. 6:l0, ..M. NIGHTL T Cluld Under t z f°rf!~Unle\\ • KtOd•" Ploqround I • OAIL Y \ 00, 3 \S, 6 00, fltS.1030 Plu• HANNOVER ~TREET" Cllnl EHtWOOO ··ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ" IPG> FTF.R ~rU.t:R!I> e ~THI': - ·Pl\JSON #;" OF .... ~~~~ ... . . .. Plu'I "HAIR" MATINEES OAIL V "'' c•1A•r~· \V'•"""·' •OOo •o•u~ ~ !POI llLM f\/H l!IUIN~ "''"'... THE . j ... , DUHAW.. I' ::~·.~ .. EXORClST·\ THE -/' ~ .... "GR~ASE" CHA (jl \-.{ \klll(1''''''' I \,I II \''''""'' .ll ,,1111( (I'\!., 111 The (AJ ITTnoeent '·~"'\ ~).~~ "' .... , ... •k..oo t,,t •t ... , ...... lu• .. THE LAST WAVE" ·•• O•., Pfua "The Chon• Syndrome" CLIN T EASTWOOD "ESCAPE FROM A LCATRAZ" 1Pc1 DAil. V l I~. 3 30. 6 00 8 15 lO 30 BUTCH & SUIWCE TOfi!.~, ~,.,.,,.,,, THE PRISONER Of ZENDA ~ AcadPmy Aw.otdii> 8P ~I P1ciu1P 8P'll D1tec1or lllt IX .HI 1~1 DEER IAJ [ )f NU ,{) HUNTE PETE" ,ALI( ALAN A .. KIN "THE ~., t:)O, 3:30. (PG) IJAllV 2:15. 4:11, l :tl, 1;11, 10:16 S:U , 1:00, 10:00 4 •• • -• • .. ~ ~ ~ • : ----... ---• -· .. ~ t ._ .......... ·~.,.,,..-..,-~ 41!.t!"'-1~~ ~ ----------· ... ·-··------------··-........... L . ·----·------·-------- .... .-... ,,,. ... .,, -... -.. ., -............... ., ,. .,....., .................. ···"•'--'«_. ......... -----~ -• .,,1..,•···-·.., _.,_.._._ ...... . ENTERTAINMENT I MISCELLANY etor O-w:ereo•es DISliltlllty; Tries to Help. Others .. NBW VORK (AP> -Ac\Or cy Keach 1eta .ome ml•hly ~noa.i letter from hts rana. "Tbey want to know a ll about 'IDY operation.." uys Keach~ Broadwa)"a 11t.ar 1che 11wr in th • thriller "~athtrap " Keach has undtiraone four ~•Uoftlt for ci.-1\ lip, • 11111 fl.urlng facial uffllctioo olttln coupled with• more 11 v"re con ditlbn. cleft palatt' Rau,d as the l'tl05l C'ommon birth Mfttts o( the ht••d and .. ,. .. , ...... t. NO COVER-UP Stacy Keach Pottery 14,actor·y ~.,owid YOHKTOWN , V;J CA I' I E x 1·a val<1n. havt-uneartht•d n ·m a 1n:-. of a <·olonwl pottery fo1· to r y th at op~ra l c d het w een 1720 a nd 1745 and ~>rod uc·t•d work com · · p-a rahl<' to that '1on<' by the ht>l>l potll'rs wurk IOJ.: d11 r1n~ lht· l.ame t11n1· in Eu r<iJlt' neck retioot. the twin arrucUons <'•ll for man y o perallon.- re1rhln1 Into adulthood V1ctJm11 rf'quir~ sur1ery to rebuild the µalM&.e, or roof of lhe moulh. the upp.-r ltp a nd nose. plus ti• ten111v.-dental work and speech t herapy ·'I nev••r ~•IM'rle,.eed lhe kind or t ea1HrU( that kid• with cleft 11alMU'8 &t>t. Tht• afOlctlon l1n'l f1unlll ar to th., vubllc. aalUt00Mh voe out of 700 lnlllJ\l ll Ii. burn with 11," Haya Kt-uth - · · tllltorkall y . Infants born thh1 w•y were thouahl to be lnatru· m ent1 or the devil. They ~,.. put lo ck'ath or shunned. Today. they ruay feel lUu: •oclal out- l'litlt ." Kea<'h underwent 11ur1ery al 6 month11 . l. 2 and 4 yeart of •••· to }oln the upper Up Mrea v.;hlch w111 spilt. or cleft · · t remember lhe anaesthetic either -the amull ol It was horrlfytnc I ldenUfy that with bo1pltah1." uys Keach , who 11port1 a moustache that all but covers hJ11car. "The moualache lan't a cover· up," he says. "You can't hide the-condlUon. You have t.o deal with It all your life. There's no way t.o avoid other people's r~· acUona." Born ln Savannah, Ga .. Keach grew up In C1tlllornll, where an agent once told him , "You've MOL to lix your lace It you want to eet lnto lht: movit:t>." "I dldn'l let that st.op me." Keach saya. He 1tudled al UC Berkeley. the Yale School or Drama 1tnd the London Academy of Dramatic and Muah~-Art .. Ilia roletJ have ranged from u much·acclalmcd Hamlet for New York's Public Theater to » "redneck narc" ' In the movie. "Up in Smoke .. " He also starrt:.od in the short-II ved tele vis ion series, "Caribe." Keach has become a ctive u a spokesman for the American ANNOUNCING Cleft Palate Educational Foun· d1tlon. He ftlma public service advertisement.a t.o help increase public i.warenes1 of the Utlle· rerocniaed btrlh derect. • ( £1'•1. W 1' Tt;RS ) , COVERS SACRAMENTO In the DAILY PILOT --. I\ I ~ v1·ar 1•xt·ava1111n of Lht: ~a't.e. fuUtnt:t.:d lJy a $124.000 grant from th1· ,"l/al1onal Park S(•rvrc·c . turnc·d up a niult1l111k of shards of :-.ll 1nt·w;11 \' liowb , c·up~. clrs h1·-. and ot he· r hou:-.1·w:1 fl':. --TWO Kii.NS, prot•·<· t 1v1·..,l r 11 1·t111 ''" <• \\Ill ks ho p and -.1orag1· huiltlrng-; w1•11· found I h•· fal'10r\ h.HI lurm·d out hug1· numlwr .., 11f plal cl>, <'r<1<·k i., m ilk pan !., 1·hamlwr pols , an1l ... 1o v1• Ille·~. 1·xravalor., ., .. I If "It h:ul 111 lw ;_i l;,rr~1· ti ,, (' r a I I IJ n . ... ;J I d . o rrnan ll.1rk.1 . a n an th ropol11~y pr11f1·~·"'" ;11 I ht· ( '11ll1•g1· 111 \\ 111 t:Hll and MJn The !>en111d IJOtll·r ·~ kiln unt'OVl·n·d ;11 1111' :-.1lt'. li_itr~a .,:.1111..._ ,., 111w of the moi:.l c·11111plt·t1· 1:vet found, a nd I ht: t·n t1 re pottery factory proh <Jb ly w<1s Llw large.,t 1n colonial Am<:rica. "H r ci:tllY wa!> a v1·ry b u l> y p I a ('(' . " II a r k :1 !>Clid Who1·v1·r 'Uflf'rvr:-.,·11 I he busy put tt-ry f<t t loq Wi.ll> "v(•ry good " and ap11a r1 ·ntl} w;1 .., t h1· l'mcr~ang 11at1•1n .., f11 '>I l. I on t• w a 1 1 • p 11ll1 • r . Ii 1 'ia11t Travt~I 11ruls In State SACRAM ENTO t I\ I' I -Travel on <.:alifornla'l> st ate h1ghw:ty :-.y!>l cm was 12 pert·c•nt 111wn 111 May Lhan in April, the s t ale Tra ns portalro n Dep artment s a id. It':. us ually 3 p<:rcenl higher The May traffic w11~ down J0.5 per cent from May t97R, lhC' first llnw that had happe ned in any month l>1ncc• .Junl' 1974, after lht• Arab oil embargo. THIS MA V , wit h gHolinc again in s hori supply; w eetlen d ln.ffie was down 25.2 percent from Mav 197R, while weekday traffic was down 6percent. The overall decrease was 7.7 percent in the San Francisco Bay area •and 12.5 percent in the Los Angeles area. The Transportation Department monitor" traffic at 22 locations throughout th~ s late. Graduate~ Ma rk Tornow .. of Costa M t:sa receive d a bac helor or Science ~rec-and a L\llheran teacher diploma rrom Concordia College. In 41. • .., ...... NPh • SPECIAL INCENTIVES FROM FORD TO ITS DEALERS MAKE LOWER PRICES POSSIBLE. This may be a one-time opportunity to buy the Thunderbird you 've always wanted at a price even more affordable than before. But hurry! The excellent model selection at your Ford Dealer will never be better. lake a test drive in the Thunderbird of your choice today. ELEGANCE COMES FULLY EQUIPPED. The elegant Thunderbird has Pacesetting style with its dramatic wrapover roof and a high level of standard equipment, such as front power disc brakes, power steering, automatic transmission, 5.8 liter V-8, full wheel covers. electr~c clock, steel-belted radials, left-hand remote control mirror, AM radio (may be de- leted for credit), wide, bright bodyside mold- ings. and more. CALIFORNIANS WILL APPRECIATE TOWN LANDAU'S BIG 27.5-GALLON FUEL TANK, UNSURPASSED IN ITS CLASS. This big tank is standard equipment on Town Landau and Heritage models and optional on other Thunderbirds. LIMITED TIME. OFFER ENDS JULY 10. , ThunJt'rhird Town Landau TRAD1TIONALLY Jllf,I J RESALE VALU E ... UP TO $700 MORE THAN I T~ NEAREST SALES COMPETITOR. In California over the past two years, Thunder- bird has retained a higher resale value than any other mid-size specialty car. And a compara- bly equipped 1978 Thunderbird is worth $700 more than its nearest sales competitor.· 'Based on 1978. l!J79 NADA Gu1dnbook Acla1I P rice (Juno. t979 P ac1hc Soulhwost (d1t1on1 ,1nd R L Polk & Co. ctass1flca11ons EXTENDED SERVICE PLA N. Consult your Ford Dealer for full details and the plan's attractive price. Btlyor lease at your f9rd Dealer no~ THUNDERBIRD . ------~-------' -: _-.. ..... ---. . -· :-------- .. \\ ( .. -et.SIDE : •Erma Bombeck •Horoscope J?eaturig_. _ •• ____ c, J •Ann 'Landers • tr Explorers ta ste heat lh RHKl~OTO Of ...... O•••• ,.,._. ~WH 11111"111~ up ll<1mh' tt·11nn11 1·<1r' urwrt. 1111tl h~h110.: bull1l111 ~ .mil 111 u'h fin·' wrrt' lu!tk' o.., :.1.:111:11 to l:!."I t-. \pl. or t'I' d~t'f> 14 llH uu~h 21 ~"'' 1• Mt lh-r . t h .11r llh lli uf lht• \Ir dn~t· Coun ty .. '1r1• l:-:1'ph1ri11~ 1\ch ''or., .... 01•1iftwn. ex pla trl\'ll lht' l U!ook' ..... 1!\' .. 1gnt-d to~·\ t" lht: M'OUh hu111b u11 hrt· t 1 u111111g T iu' I!\ "ht•11• lh1•\ 1.111110 t\1•1ytl1111.: th1•\ lt>arn 111 lht• dc.t!o>HCH•.t~1 . ~ tll<:r nutc:. TIU: 125 •·1K t: St;R\'I('•; l-.x1ilortr.., 111(·IU1l ing I:.! \\Ullh·n 1111<11·rwc11I tht· fl\t' dtt}':. of 111 tcn'I\ 1• 11 <1111111..: .d I h•· ~HIOUJI ( '11 1lforn1a 1•1n· A1·Hd1·r11) ht•ld at l·.I ·1111 u M<ir1111· C'orp:. /\tr :-.tu tion l':!\IJIPrt·1 p11!-h~ ..,p·onsnn ·d lh111ugh Hoy Srolll!oo ol /\11wri1·.1, <•r1· at ti ... h cd lo fin· :.lttlton' throui.:hnut tlw 11 ..1111111 . g1\1ng )OUlh:. a lu:.lt! of the rt-:.iltl1t·!'> r1f ftrl''1ght1ng before deciding on U ftrt' !'>t.'rVll'I' 1'<111'1'1 · It g1 v1·:. th1·111 tilt· o pp(Jrl unit y lo l1;uk 1nt11 the ftrd1~hllng p1ogrum .11111 1·h1·1·k 11 out ~htl1· !ootlll tn M'hool,' Millt·r S<1Y'> • "IT'S KINU OF A ~mH~-IN for gctt111.: htrf'd." ~:.i vs St1·vl' lluu .. otlt·r. Oriinge F1rl' Oepartment 1n:.pt·rt11r ISf>e t 'IRt:. P:igf' Cll Explorers get a lesson m. how to pry apart autos to reach v1ct1ms. Bey Ya'll, Search Goes·on I\ Juk chox in one <'Orner und a pool table an the otht•r. Neon bet•r si~ns, polish s ausuge e1nd pickled f'ggs, u hartcnder wearing blue eye shadow and ple nty of country and western music. All the essential ingredicnL-; for the perfect cowboy beer joinL Other ingredients: real cowboyi> wearing Stetsons and leather boots. No hard liquor. just beer and Annie Green Springs Peach Creek or Plum Hollow Wine. And a mahogany bar and restroom doors that read: "Ladles" and "Genta." • SINCE I FIRST spelled out my hunger for a real cowboy bar. I've received a mountain or su11estions about where such a place may be fo&to<l locally ~ Pally Newton of Laguna Hilla swears ~.June 2-8 tl>ff) OAll.V fttLOT ... Jim Dahl uses pneum at ic scissors to cut through metal car roof = Daily Pilot Photos by Gary Ambrose Teamwork is p art of fife trainmg at the propane burn fac1l1ty at Irvine Lake facility at Irvine Lake. there's no pl an• ltk1· lhc Swallows Inn an San Juan Cap!!'>! rano She· also hkcs the Swizzle Stick in ffunt1n~ton Beach . Many other readers also thank the Swallow:-. Inn is the bes t plal'e 1n OranJ:e County for at mosphere or country music. A Corona <lei Mar resident, J .H .. who also likes the Swizzle Stick. recommended two Costa Mesa bars: Mustang Rimch and the Kings Inn . I received one vote for Cook's Corners m Mojeska Canyon and a generous lnvmmon to buy me a drink from Dennis Cooney of the Crystal Saloon In Costa Mesa. rrs ~n offer I don't intend to refuse. SEVERi\I~ READF.RS insisted there aren't any "real" cowhoy bars in Orange County. 'l One Costa Mesa man sugl'ested I go lo the LM1ghorn in Pat al(onia. A,rii. or to Lake Wohlford above Escondido Votes we re cast for the Bonanza Bar 1n (See ROMO, Page CJ> .. , ~'Bombshell' Marries Mamie Van Doren takes fourth husband Hy Ot:NNIS Md.F.1.1.AN Of llW O•ily ~ii .. SI~ Blonde bombshe ll Marni<• Van Dorf'n s a~' its re1tssurtnl! to know that hl'r new husband · ,s c·omfortable with her sex :.ymbol image and 1!:. familiar with show business "He does n 't care about those thing,," s he sa1ct of her nude poses in magazines ancl mov· .. JI~ runs a lot deeper thun that .. The 46·year·old actress, who rose to movw fame durin~ the 1950s, was discussing her mar· riage Tuesday to 34·ycar·old Thomas Dixon or Newport Hcach. lie manages The Federated Group, a stereo company in Westminster. Dixon was an actor and writer when M 1ss Van Doren, a lon"·limc Newport Beach rest· dent. met him In Florida during 1974 while they were touring in a stage play. "We've been to~cther ever since." said Miss Van Doren during an interview the day before their marria~e. "We decided to tie the knot " The wedding in Superior Court. Santa Ana. was the fourth for Miss Van Doren She wa' given In marriage ~)' her 23·ycar old '\on, Perry Anthony tier parents. who hve an Palm Springs, were present for the brief ceremony an Judge Everett Dickey's chambers. The newl yweds will hvc in the recently .completed house above Miss Van Doren's Can· nery Village antique s hop. "Mamie Van Doren's Private Collection." ··1rs like a little castle,'' said Miss Van Doren, who often waits on customers in the store below ''I like lo be there mecti~people. By living upstairs it's so easy lo come wn." Miss Van Doren recently ppeared In seg- ments of "Vegas" and "Fantasy Island" and will tour in Texas al the end of summer. She said she'll be doing an English farce. "two and Two Makes Sex." "That's S·E·X." she noted. "I'm enjoying life a little more than I used to," she said, adding she hopes'lhe play runs on· ly Rix weeks. <See 'BOMBSHEl,L, r Pate CZ) . . . . . -. ,,., _., , _. . ~-· .. ·----------· ...... .,.,. ___ , ____ ... -------·--·····" --·--.L ·---~---·_-.----·----:::_;..:__·_'--,_ 1 -------------·------------------ ····-•• 'lit•• ....... -....... ····-................. -' ... ,,,. .. -... ······-··1.·_,,. .. .,,, .............................. .. ..... ~ ..... ~·'to"._ ........ .,. ,,,,. .,. --fl""• .............. . .Q OM. Y PILOT ThUl'9day, June 2t. 1111 Boroseope FalD.A V. JlJNE Zt By SVDNF.V OMAaa AAllDj( MU('b 21 Aprll 191 t:mphHl& Oflflt• pendt'nt.8, C'hanl(.-is , wt1\len matt r\al. 11hott trlllll, relattv .. With · ·~aM>C'lal' · t'omplalnu •nd n•·ws TAUaUH ( t\1ml 20 MM)' 2CJ ) OJH"n lln~r. or ('()mmuni<'11t1on :r1om cont Ml a dish•n''"' "want" )'OU " Arlf'!i. Libra, ('aprlrorn JWfllOni. (111urf' prom1n.~nt1) f'~1nll\h ralhn lhtrn 1n1tu1tf· proJt'<'b Gt:MJNI 1 Ma) 21 J uof' 2'11 <ic•t W twart ul m attt•ra .) ou h io f' r1.cht to know wht•rf' ou land. lAo, Aquarius J>f'f'SOO!I n1urf' In SC'enano ('ANC't:a 1Junf 2 1 July 22> I.If' low, play walUna 1amt, <'hH k 1.-.iat n1hu. ~rmlulooi. Tearh and le>arn teivt• full plaiy lo lntutlllvt' 110wer1 Aue nt on puhllr rt"!iponM'll Lt:O IJuJy 23-Aug 22 I Mont•y t•omCJt. from !>OUrt'tl t'ontSldt,,'\"d "drif!d U\' .. Arl .. 11, Lihr ff In dlvlduM.ls (lgurt> pro m1nt>nl y C:ood nt'ws dut' 11-,--=""'0ntf'mintt pubficjfion . rlb tr1hutlon. di~pl11y , added rec-ol(rution v••Go (AUK 23 Sept ~I ('~cit' h1~h koow ll. t11k~ advantagt-of 1t Stnvt-to bt-111 rlaht place at ('ruclal mornt"nt Memht!r or <ip poaite aex cares and will s how It D•oly I'll_. I'-rt L.w ... , ... ~OPE (From Pate CU ··1 know I'll want to come home to my new husband " Allhoul(h many people <t!lsume that the ac tre,11i with the 36·22·3.5 figure holds som e sort of matrimonial record. she s iud shts'a been mar· ncd only twice before . Iler first hu11ba nd was bancUeader Ray An· lhon y , whom she married '1uring lhe l~. Then Hhti was married during lhe 19fi()s to the now-deceMsed baseball player Lee Meyers . She doesn 'l count her 1974 marriage to milllonalre busines11man R-OIH McCllntook . It. wus nnnulled.aflc r eight weeks, s he said. She claims she 's nothing like the seven· t1mt·i. m1trried Zsa 1.iia Gabor ··she rnarncd mos t of her m en ... noted Mis!. V :.in l>oren I Just sort of wc·nt with them " That mcludl'S hl'r most celebrated romann with basebull 11J :.iyer Ho Belui!.ky lo whf)m ~h•• wall t•n!!aJ.{cd during the 'fi(k Tht• nc·wly wed Mr a nd Mrs . 01xon plan to take a honcymoon·vacallon la ter in thl! summe r before she J{!Ws lo Te xas . ~ "We haven't thought a hout where we're go inli(." Miss Van Doren s1tul "Wt•'ll J:(o to sortll' warm i'>l<Jntl " LIBaA ISepL 23 Oct 22> Follow throu~h '"teaching progrMm." You learn 11ometh1ng worthwhl It: by 1t\lend1ng cl1t b~. i>emi n IH Canrer, Aquarius natives figure prominently Judge Everett Dickey offers congratulations to Thomas Dixon and his new bnde. Mame Van Doren1--as her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Olander look on. 8 ONE HOUR TENNIS LESSONS '12.50 SCOaPIO (()('t 23·NOv. 21). Joy replitCt'li #:loom fnends. hopes, wishes, socrnl acti vity ~ dominate Elements of timing, luck <•rt· featured. ·~.·summer Seminars Offered0 Costa Mesa Tennis Club 557-0211 8AG11TARIUS <Nov. 22·0t:r 2J > T11h a s t a nd s li c k t o "hard ne w11 .'" 1.l.'a \·f· speculative vt!ntures for another lJme. Aquanu~ presenL'> idea which d eserves your r on111dern lion CAPRICORN I Dec. 22-Jan. 19 J: Encourage c·hange, variety; express reelin~s. Member of opposite sex plays prominent role Publish, ad· \'e rtise. open lines of com municaUon. AQUARIUS <Jan. 20·Feb. 18). SPollight on <Jssets controlled by others. Review situation. /\void co-signing -your personal security ,.hould grab firs t consideration. PISCES <Fe b. 19-March 20). Go s low be positive, concerning quotes, me anings, ::.our~t·s. legal 1mpliC'ations . Another Pis<'es and a Virgo could pl;.1 y lffiJJOrlanl r ole::.. /\void ~t·lf I\ \ IJrH'I)' <if s um mc•r ·•S t ' Kt' I N(; II A . -.~·m1nar:. u ncl <·la!-ses ~:/\II ," /\ two unit ,1n· nuw bem.: offt•rcd by ('our~c g1 v1n~ ~tuclt'nts 1•11' a I colleges :rnd or th!' oprortunity to surf g .m1 zalion~. t he i s land ~ o f Oahu , Ka u ai und Malll, from R c~i s trat1on f o r M o nd 11 y, /\ug . 20 ('1)11s tlint' Community through Monday, St·pt ('ollegc'11 ~ummcr lee· J, is offer1•d hy Orange t u r c s e r i es a n d Coast Collegt•. f''or in· wl)rkshop pro~ram, in· form <Jtion, <.'all 556-569:1. d ud i n g <J n t i que and ~ '<l<·N~pt1on • !'lassie car restoration, Urt F~xtf'ns1on ofh:rs ~:iilin~ and sm~lcs ac····o anct•s With an<1 tivitit·::.. ha~ twgun f'or \~1thoul Partner~ fo~. thc 111formation on n .•gblra· Class rOOO\ Tl'ad1cr. In· 11on. c·<ill 91).1 0811 duding folk , :-.quarc anrl _ --_ _ __ p11p ulur no p:.i r tn1·r Announcing a summer Prog_ram ForTeensr I ,1 ' t' ~ , .• , t 1111 t •1 t, 11r 't'f '''°' ,,, .... " ~ Jl'"f'ftNJM f, ,,,ti • hfltt ,,i .. t 1r••\:,...1•ff/f,.,.l"!M ,, "'" futl I' k<tttl ft• J .,.w.,• .._. ,, 111 n, .. h I u ...-, 1IN t 41f'•~• ul I •lotl"t,f•f f J,t ,,. .. 11 f"l~I '~t, f 1f,f if lu11111'\1\ •hV/lrilftt· •1'1 t(",.#tv•11o11 «,.j.1."' 1 ,. ----dancing from I to '1 11 m Monrtay through Friday in the• f)anc·t• Studio . Hoom 120 a l Un Thrc·t· q uarter units of cr<!d1t will b•· g iven. F or rn formation. rail R:i:I 7 1 ~ ORANGE -COUNTY 547-8228 TRl\VEL St:MINl\RS, r 1n r l11d 1ng film ~ n f Rr:J1.1I. lhl' Nl·lht•rland!-. and lh(• l'h1ltpp1ne.,, will Ul' h cl1I from 1U lo 11 :\() a m . Tuf•sdays, through J uly , al th<' lluntml?,ton llt'ach Seniors lkt"fl'<l lion Cente r, 1706 Oran~e Avf.!. Spori'><.11 <I hy the llun t1 n g t o n Bea c h C1n d Brookhur~t /\da m:-. r1f ft n '"" of C.:01.1~t Ft.-<le ra I Saving.,, n·pn·!-.•·11lat1vt·5. f r o m 1 n I 1· r n a I 1 on a I :iirl tn•·~ .... 111 abo rl1:.•·u ~ • .., tra vc·I 11pp11rt11111111". S i'.l I HI g I .., 11 1111I1· d R1·g1..,t Pr al t 'riast nf f1 t·t·~. 7;,;,2 Jo:d111g1·1 1\ v•· 11r l9K!1:1 llr<1okh11r'ol An· .. ffunlington nc:.actf. Swimming, .irt<. ~ntJ C'r;1fh. mu!-.IC' thl·r 11p). qu1N garrw:. and nut<l1111r a f' I I \ t I I l' ~ r 11 r () r<:1 ll gt• County h<Jnd u appt:d will h(· hf'ld dunng lh1· Th1r<I Annua l H <J y of llnpC' Summt·r Sun..,l'I l'n 1 gram frorn 7 to 9 30 p m T u t' s d a ) ., a n d T h u r ~ d a yr-. . .J u I v I fl lhrou~h t\111.. ~ ;.ii ln•· l• t·hatnlitatwn !nsl1tule of Ornnge. 1,aVt•l<J <i nd Tu :-t1n hou lt·v ard :-., Orangt· Tflf. PROGRi\". ... µnn -.o ri·fl h.\ Ha \ 11r WEARE DIFFERENT! ()1Jr mr.,rh1nrf1'.•' 1<; f\llm·""Y 1•.1n<Jm;idr-· l vPn 11111 nfht•r 1tf'm•, .irr· 111 1,,1•11· ""'' navr• "''"1qnr·n ., """P f'J' wrJm•·o wn<•111 yr,11 1a11 1111v H• 111" 0 1•111• u .. m .. r111 lllmr1 ;r. (,111 f•)I Y•111llfl'.l••f', 0 111111'1111' 111 rn· .5 n.1v•· I 1 I & Orr•• . .,m.11<<-r .111 1n r111•• ',h•m l/'/I• r;.1n ( ob (.11 1•1m C.'1lfl1 A (),. ,oor· m rt'.t 1t•·m'. 1n 1 r IH l\r;fJ II will lJ•! ()II( f)ll1.1·,1111· ,,, •·rv•· yr,1,• \\..~} ~ Mar11 Ann & JPanne lfop•· whll'h "'''rk-. .... ,111 369 E. 17th Street r 111· d1<;:il>l1·1I :ind I h•• •· • •• •: • 1 ' I In Wl'<.tporl ~ciu.iri· 1 1nip;11r•·d 11 , rlr•n"· ''"''' "' Costa Mesa •S45·0924 ;, 1 c <1 h v J u n tJ "' c n l ;, l ,__ ___ '·_· _' _" _• _11_·_· -------------' tir .. :1kdown, 111•1•11., \r1lu11 11·"1 ~ .ind .,,,m1· p .1111 pu,..irion:. <•f" •>ll"ll H"~•..,tr:ir 11111 d1·:idl11w 1<. J ul\' Ii 1°111 1nf11rrn.1 lmn, 1·onl:H'I l>l'l1IJ1 llill at H32 11.~I eudd41tea We will be closed I 6 1-l·f lr•ffte. An. Co,lo Mno • 6l1-1241 r----~-----------, l Clip thi'i and save! .ftth19l••s Cal.-ndar I I I I I I I I I I 13riJ1g t]1is a<I \vitl1 )'<>tt <.u1c1 SavclO'XJ on U11)7 pirrchasc at tlTC s1-orc( s) 1 isled })C}O\Y June 28 thru July l ,I,,,,..,, tfio• I ••11111 I I 11 or t•v1·ry '").' ,,, \20 fir mun• m.11!.· llt'IWl't'O l11n1· "Ill .ind luly n ..... , .... ,11 d11n.111• \I ~ 1h1: Mu~cul.Jr l)y~trnphy l\~\Ofl.1l1on Y1111 • .1n It• Ip II\ t11ll1ll 11111 plo·d,.,,. I HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER L __ ~OO_!!a~~l~/~~d~ ~c~~ ___ _. • LeeDS ow OUALICAAFT SHOIE STORES Clearance Handbag Groups al great reductions Save $1 extra with any two sale shoes ,md/or bags. /11/IJ//llL' fl.JI•' fl 111 l•o.' I•• •' /,u • / 11 MJ ,101 Cli.irge • v, i FASHION ISLAND • &u.no Por~ Ce"ter Co.110 M••o, South Coo11 Plaza • Hunllngloll Center • loVUl'G Hlll1 Moll • Moll of Otonge Oroftfl•• The City P'loro South • We,tfl'in\ler Molt PAR•:NTS WITHOUT PARTNERS: Thi· Wt•st <Jrangt· County :ind the I I u n t 1 n V. t o n H f• a <· h Chapt..r ;ire having :.i .. U<1t1ng (;:.imc" night rm Frid;1y .. Junc 29. In· f ormat ion . I rma , 5 J 7..: 0 O ~ i <> r J a..1u:.., 971·2136 B i\ C II E I. 0 R S ' N ' BAC lfEl.OR ETT ES : Beginning square dance lessons will begin dunng t he first of J uly. In· •formation: 997·4518. WHEEL OF •'RIENDSlllP: A n t!w singles organization for p e rson s over 45. In· fo rmation: 9!>2·2804 or 698-8742. BAl~BOA SKI CLUB: For information about s umme r activities, <.'a ll Wayne Hoover. 645-7979. SINGL•:s DANCES: Miss Angie give::. free rlanc ing lessons al the Ame rican Legion Hall, 143 L e mon , Orange. beginning 11t 7:30 p.m . cHry Tuesday. S At'ARI S INGLF.S : Fo r Information about upC'oming ud1v1t 1l·~. 1·all fiJI 4375 SINGLE EXPERIENCE: Singlc·s from 25 to !iO are invited lo parlit•1 pulc in <J<'· t 1vi t ics al thf• S l'lf Center in Oranl!e In for rn u ti on : 997 · 0000. ORANGE COl\ST 81NGl~ES: SinRle~ over 39 arc invited to a no ho11t dinne r and dance in Irvine on Saturda y, June 23. Information: 645· 1726. TRAVEL FOR SINGLES: Marcia and Bob Davidson are offer- ing a seminar on rela- RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTllY Wlll'9 ,.w ... ...... 1922 H.,ttor 81vd. Cos .. Me.a -Ml· 1156 D4.ILY PU.OT -·cLASSIFllD ADS 842•1878 t1011s hips iuHI ~mgh·~ in Lak!' T ;1ho1· t)V1·r lh1· .Ju ly 4th hol11l11} lnforrna I ion !>111 :>270 I J you haul' un 11n11 /or lhi: SmgU!.~ Calt!ndar. s1·™1 1/ to Cheryl Uorrw, f 'eature Oepar men . Dally 1 n , P 0 nor 15fJlJ, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Include your name, address and phone numbf'r ThR Single., Calen- dar runs every Thursd(iy. I I <:Mlyille Dal y PltOtre•lly tells you what's new In your local community ... 9'/err day POLO ... By Brown Jordan Dining Chair Lounge C hair Ottoman l1f1Uj;it.}I Adjustable Chaise Lounge 5 piece Dining Group (42" Table/4 Dining Chairs} Collector Bronze, Pewter, Nautical brass, Limited Edition Lithos, Oak & Wood decorator items, and Collectables. Antiqn•. Gift•. Goltuy e~ 4 '1tu.t REG $ 80.00 84.00 62.00 249.00 $517.00 SALE $ 59.00 62.00 45.00 179.00 $379.00 Designer Don Colby intended the Polo group to be of value from the standpoint of cost and utility. Designed with a look that offers a broader potential of use, not just an outdoor group but a group that would work indoors as well. The Polo frames are clean contemporary lines made of welded tubular aluminum with a baked enamel fini sh. seating is an open weave polyester mesh. Extremely comfortable and very attrac tive. ~an J01Q11in HUli.Rd. •I MKA.thur Blvd... Newpon U1•1K"h. l 7 l•U M0.5HOO Ot141n Oiulv 1)40l lo bpo1 ..... -... -·--~ ... ..... __ . .......,.. ____ _ __ .. ____ ...................... --.... -----------··----·-···--..... _ ., _____ ..,.. __ ..,... ___ .. ' ------l --. ----: :. r . ·_ . .. ---------· --- . .. L ERMA BOMBECK I ANN LANO&R ~ ••• Fire O 'rom Pa1e ('I) Explorerl'i meet wel'kly and ar e dnllctJ in hrc re~ul._uo~ ·a nd procooures 1tnd becom ramlh1tr with flrcequlpmf'nt Acade m y p~u t1l•lp~nts re<'u1vt• lwo unit~ t1f ('rf'dlt at kM•1tl N)llf'ttes Mnd tHKh i.('hooU. In i.dd1Uon to 10<·111 i!:XJllOtt'r ,, sc·1>ul" from /\ r I ' 0 n ii • s u n R a f l& cl . n I v c r id d l' • s u j\ Ucrnardrno a nd Lm, An.it'h'!t JHtr11 c·1pak d 111 lh1· IH'adf'm~ Calh-d ra1tN~ dunn.c Ul'nch.-m y w1•(•k .1lw t:x plor l'l"'ll 1•lf'<'l<-<I Lou II 1trd1n of ltw Tu"t111 ";" 1Jl(,rt•1 J•ro11 ra m. ·to;'( plurn Chief IRVIN•; L.AK•:·~ cu••:N ~·•:A~ 14'1'11' lht· t r 1111111.i .:round for f;t'I 'l't1•11drn1ot l1ru'h (111· .... Ill> t'IUWh h•arnNI 111 J.n .. ho't' u11h1ll Jll•I l'\11 "' t•b f t'llk' Ttw l:.ik1• 111 ... ., "'m. th1• 'It•· ,,, liqu1fwd I''" $10111' .:11\ 14 ,,.., "'t'I ,1hl,111 Jiii! I ,111\•I' ,111\ ,1111 I'll 11n1h•r 11 lo~ 11( "'.111 1 111 ·.11111 111( th•· •··1' 1,111•. \ .1 I\ •• rnw1t ""Ith ... 111·1 1.d 1 .. .,1 ... 1111 lud111jl lh• Ja-. .. ,,, l .tft· I h\ •Ir .111111 .. ,.,, .•• ,i •. r I I 111 Uldf '''"'"',inti pn1·11m11111 , t11 ... 1·I'. M1ll1·1 'u'' • .. .t.·h 1111 t.' up .lh.iut •• 111111 11 1 ,., .1111111.111111• JUIOlllDllo f l ''l'll""' ( 'ac1P\S -1rnmPl1 "'"I hmi.: uttd ~.,., .. 1 ~HIH: JlJ11111 t•\plt1,I\ ,.. 111 1 l 11d 111g jll JH· l1111 1d1 n.1 puli11 11111l11t11\ I Ill 1-.1 .111 .. ,1111111\llcJl lll\1 "\\ t: Hl.t" l I' Ol 111 .1 h11 111 11111 "''' th1•r1• M1ll1·1 ,,I\' I h1' "·"Jiu flr,I ,11 .ada '"' "t\111a11I 1111111 I• ht· flllh '' I .. u.ilh ""'' g1·1 o1 llr11k1·11Int 111 1111~1·1 I 1t1· v.1111u·n 1111111·11 thi-11 1.11 ... 1 ... 1. ''' "'"n .ii 1h1· <11 ••l ll-111\. ,11·1·11rd1rt).: lo :\111111 Tlwr1.· '~ 1·1 t• 11<1 p 111t.lt-11 .... 'I ho·\ :>I ,I\ •·d 111 ,,., •• 1rJl1 li.111 .111-. ... \1·1\ rri.11 1111· ltw' "'''" 111 ... 1 ..... v.111~1 "' •• , ,., , t1rnh ,.1, •. \llh1111gh I ll\• ,1 \1'1.11~1· llrdq.(1111•1 I"'.!.'/~'"''. o ld 14h1•11 l1111·d . 1•1111 111.1111'• ('1111 111 \ ... plt111 1 h.111· ti1·1·n h111·d ·" p 1·111l.1111'11l l111•f1 ~t111·1 .. '.1111 • th1• .w.1d1•111 \ lt1• .iold•·d ••• Bo mo I t'roni l'<tg1· ( 11 Tron:i tht· l·:x1·1ta111•1· ('lull 1n 1!1·all\ !\11·1· .11111 lhl· Ship Kwk1n· Inn Ill Wtn\l·rhav1•11 Thi• Jlrohlt·rn w11h th1·M· ,,,._:g1·,t111n' "that I h<1v1· trouhlt· t1·ll111g n11rth from 'outh and I rl'<il Iv nt'\\'f lt· .. nwd to n ·ad ;1 map <1r f11ll11w d1 rc1 111 Hi... Th11'. I ..,,.riou .. lv tloulit I'll 1·v1·r lw ll111n ~: .111\ :.;11111 Kwk111 111 W1nl1·rh.l\1•11 Wh1•11 llw f111.d \Ult'. 1.\-t·n · lallwd lh•· ~"' allt1"'' 11111 111 S:111 .I 11;.n • .11111· 1111l 1-lw v. inn1·1 :-Oi\Tl Hf)\\' '\IC.In . I tlr ili':•1·1I 10\ lt'IUI' l :illt !lt'llt•r l1.dl l11 !ho 11111111· 11( lht· ::>'4JJlUV.!\ Thi· IJ;1r Jh1111i..:ti 1111 • .i1·tl 111 1111• h1'-111111· Old ( ·a ,a 1; . ., 1·1:1 \doh•• lo111lu·d "'t'th 1·111111).!h Th" 1111·11 :-.l.111d111g o1I llw r :11 1 11( lh1· 111ulH11-!iJll \ hur \\I'll' 111.wlt11 ,11111-. "'":11111J.! l:ill '->11•1-.om .., 11r 11111 , I II• t 11111 t .Ip'. .11111 1·11\• h1n· l11K1l v 1111·1 ,. v. ·'" pl1·nl ' of l1:1l'k.,l1111111n ).! .11111 han g,1vt·r" h1·111i..: 1·ur1·1l. and llt<· lad~ h<.1rt1•11<l1•1 \o\U' Wt·ari11g l1l1w I'}(' !>h;11lt1v. Thl' ;11 r w1J i. (1lll·rl with th1· w;irrn v1untl' 11f .lohn·('o11h·1· wa1hng Hlioul lmt· .111d '"'" 1111 lh1 · 1.q w d1·1·k t-:mnivlou lt;orri:-"'a ' wa rming up Hag '"'" t·11v. 1>11•. , v. •·rt• gnnritnf,! !\-1 ;11 llior" 1 1gart:l11· lwtl:-. 1nt11 ''' t'r '>ll•' w;1:-.l1 bov. I' .ind 111u111·hi11g 11n YM('I\ l111l l•·r t11ff1·,. 111·:11111t•. S1,a.:n ... 11r111 la11111•d 1111· turf H111Jl-11 'I llo• 1\ m1·rlC'a11 Spot I I m 11111 a 1·flw l111\ I 1u•.1 f1111nd 1111'. h .11 Id 1 allw1 lw .II 1111,...,,ng " 1'.11M·n.ill.1 \lo \ .\ 111111111 \ .111 11 V.•"11•111 t..111d 11l.1\1•d 11111"11' tli:ot ...,,,., 1111l l11n .11111 I •if 1·1,1/\ ;ar11 J t'IJV. lio\' .11111 l'llV.1'11 ).., \\ • II' "'''111111111 ,1fl1lllltl lt11• flq11r Id,•• at ,HI 111 IHol'd•l\4 11 Thurldey. June 28. t979 DAIL V PILOT C3 Pooling Her Talents Wht•f\ l'm n·1n\'11rll1tltid , I w11ot to com..: hork In th111 w11rlcf 1111 o m other who doesn't d r1 vr I hB''t' ntltN f with :1nnlt' b1tlt'rnesfol lh•t moth t•r11 who 1h1n 't dri vt• h:n •t• umc to Jllllnt sun .... ,, k mt 1•nut~. h11k f' h r l!itd i.nd write sym p h111111•1; ot 11nly lh11t, thev u n · fully dressed by nine 111 tlu• 11111111111.;, huvt: a 1.kt·11 brom:c tan by Mi.y :!fl llllll lllllllt'hOW lll'l'ffi llt llt,r t"lflt-1•11 \'l·Ur~ or t'ltf )100lb doe' 11omclhinlol to ,I 14 lllllllll l'f Mi\Kl:;S tlt;ll a lltllt· -.trun~c t'or exam pit· I n 111'1 'll 11l .1 d1111r a 11cl llcl1 ratt:ly c ro:.i:. nay 1,.,,, Jt Uw ,111ldt•1> l1k1· 11llwr womt n · l tht 1111·1 1v1·l ~ Ill ) 11).(ht fool t•x k nds 1n un .11·1•d1•ro1t111 1111,tlllJll 1111<1 rc111u11" thf•rc until I ... 1.11111 up ''"' I 111111111111• a lot !'hut,.,,,,,,., fr1J111 'iJlt'111ll11g \t·ur::. on lh(• t1'11•11h<m\' tr \ Ill).( tu f 1i.:u11· CJUt thlJt 1( M <.iry I"'"' ' l11,...l11111d ).,"Cit'' 111 the dol'lor .., 0H1<·c cm \\ ••1h1e..,.i,,, ... 1w w 111 h tH'l' to hundlt· lhl' baby up 11111 1,rk.-111 111 tu wurk urul Lr1ult· w1lh M1trtha ""'' '' h.l\111g a ,.,..,, n .·rno\cd 01\ Tit .. ; OTllt:K llAS l>. 1f l'1•t1•r rf'ullv 1 • 'l~•wll t11 111t•.1..,lt· .... lhal nil'l:HI!> he 14 til 11"1• th1·111 '" "1•<1111·,da\ and tul:J who alr c a1.h ''" h,1111:1•11 "1th t'h;il'l•;th' lit·r·u uM· Charlott~ 111 I 1111111111 ... 1.111111 1-: lllw (•ttr. not Charlottcl """11 Id lt.1\1· In 11 .1o11• "Ith M unt'I hcl·au:.t• 'tll' 11,,, th•· 1 •t11Vl'1 llhli· wl\h the to11 lhal 1~ '>lt11·k 11u l ti 1. lw1 It.JI! ~1pp11111lmc11l tlay 1Shc t.ibo ,111 I d11 \t 011 1,1111\ rl<t\'> ' PROBABLY THE MOST disconcerting hazard of being a "listed parent" in M car pool 1s tha t inte llectually, I have become staainanl My vocabular y at the mome nt is down to Jour basic sentences: "Fill ll up with regular." "Lock the door." "Kee p your feet on the floor" <Jnd ··Didn't you go before you left home''" The other night al a pamy I was i.tanding a lo ne holding m y handbag in front or m e like a ~leering wheel whe n a handsome man itp· pro 1.1 c hcd m e and said. "You look hke you could u~l' a drink. What' II it be·· .. I handc.:d him my She ll card and sa id , "f'ill 1l up with rt·~u!ar .. lft' laught-d and i.tc~rcd me to wa<p the k1ll'hen wht-rc t he bar v. ai. i.et u". --· ~l~a~b<tWC<ll~ keep your fee l on the floor." lie looked around nervously "Listen." he 'aid ... , JU'l rcrnt•mbcrc.-d I have som e un f inisht•d busincs:-. to attend lo. Would you exl'ui.c me. p lea:-.l'''" "D tdn't you i:o before you left home'•" I :.napped If Ha lph .':adl·r d<1ci.n t rc1·all m e.: :.oon. 1l ma) bctool;ik Cookies Not That Important 111·:,\H \"\\; 1 .. \:--,.11 .. :HS I a111 :1 g ro('1·n . 11 l-.1·1 1111 '111111 • d.11 111g lih ;, """' ;rnd 111.., rt: l ,1f olo•tl "1111'111111 Ill l o l1l1\ g n111'1'11'' \\ l11i1 • lltt• 111;,11 11111·' lht• 'h"l'JllOJ.!, ltH' ho\ 1·111111•' 1111·1 .ind tri•·.., 111 lwlp ,;id, ~:r111'1'rtt'' l k """""' V.1 ·11 ·•Ill! k1111\\.., pri·lt ~ lllUI It !)<1w Lo '>iJt·k 11111 Ill' t.11i.:' lho• rq:11l :11 .... wlo.1·r' l111 · e hcrk1·r' :.1 111 '"1111' of th1• 1'11 "'1111111•1 •1 I .;1"1 Thur ... d:1' lt1 • "'"' • .Jl'king f•ir th1i. old I.1th Shi· gul 111:td .ii ht (II lwt :iu't· hl' p 11l Liit· 1·n 1 •k II''. 011 tltt• ll11\ 111m I w 1•11\ 11\\'r and '>alll I d • Ir .1111•1• r 111· ... t uff .1111u111I I d1rl11 1 "' ;•fll lh•· hm • f1 '1'ltt1/"· 111 J'•·I \iurt \\ 111'11 I 1 .1111t·d 1111 · old l:11h •, lic,,, of g111l'l'r1t·' t11 Iii·· • .11 lw .11d '1 lw .1111 ,. •,ll1111lol11'l .dlow lo.ol f v.11 .. Ill lllt pl.II'•' I d11l11 I t•·pl> l,1·1•:111"' I d1d11 I krio" wll:i l I•• ·" •\II• r ",111h I ".1 .... 11rl 11f w.li:11111·d 1111 11111 lwltH' :sl•l1· 111 (11111 1111• 1 t~lil V.t1rth ( ;111 \IHI 111'111 ""' •••·I 1111 111 \1 I 111w • \\ 1~11 I \\ l·.I< fo, t..; ,, \ lfT 1·: II H f .. \f( F Hll '1,I>: \'u11'v1· J.!Ot a h 1·;H l hi;.: •·rt•Hl~lt (11 mab.l· UIJ fo r ,)Ollr iOJIJilil.) to (foll th•· .. , ighl" 11.11rib. I'll t.1k1· \ottr kine! an\ cl:l\ i11 th1 \4 1•1· I. . . . '\1·~1 tinw 'a). "l.<tok , lady, th'· 1."'4tr 11'1111" " a liltl•· rl'la rdt•cl hut h•· \.\ant~ lo (1•(•1 ll!>t•ful. 'lllJ ou~hl lo a1lmin· him ln..,lt•acl or fincJlnic fault. 1•1-.1J1k like· that nt•t·d 1·n1·oura~cmt·nt. nut 1·rili1 ..,m," 111':1\I< AS:'\ 1.AN l >f':HS I ha\'•· f11rT11w1·d "1llt 1nt1·1 , . ..,, llto· t'<intr11Vl'r'' 111 "'"" r11lurno :11111111 wlu·ri• lo 11w1·l 1111:111lw r'> 11f llw •1ppo...all· "'' ,,., :r 1·11llt-1w 11r11f•''""r I frequ1·11lly l111d "" !><.l'lf f.:I \ ing .11l v11·1· lo g rn1lu;1\t• 'tudt•nt' on A1111 Landers lhi... t111>1{' J\ flow •if m y 11hi.crv<1l11Jn:-. m<iy 01· 11f \ alUt• t11) l)U ( ! J On(; rnu~t lit' r11mf11rl:tl1l1· v.1lh one :-. '>t·lf 111 or 1k r tu lw l'ornf1irlulilc with 11tllf'r'> Thu~. O.J p1•r ,•111 "ho ;1hh11r.., s m glt·.., li<ir<, -.h•111l<I nol ._:1 1 "l'llUl lll~ Ill !>Udl ;1 11l<H'l' ;\11 m:11t1•r h llW mall~ .. 11g ililt•' al,. :in111111I II 11 "'""I 11.11rh ,\ 11.IJflli•fl "ho hal''" porh ... 1r,1uld11 t 1:11 111 h;ill g'wfr11·.., ''' Hlt·t•I nwn !-.h~1l1 m1·1;,I 1''-'llfJll· 1.1. h11.<,1• 111t.1c·1 \':O.U.. .111• 111•1 tlif' ... :im1· ,,... h1 r.., (:!I ( ',1111pu._ ,II 11\'ll II'' ,oro• ,1 ~l10tl '''lllllg fl1I .._ L""lltrfg :irqn~tl'rl 'ltrr-"i<HTlt"" ~, •• .., f11r IHI 1 • ;o I Joor 11 . ., . 1111,..,• • 1 J 1 tl.., ;111 d I 1 l 11 ; • r 11 · • • :!1 If t>tJ:-.:-.11Jlc. ~t:l 1m :i '•1rn1111ll1·1· lw1·om•· 1n ,111\1'(l 111 l1 •arn111g r11't'U'>'>1111\~ I In•· 11.111 lw 11111n· 1·1ir11f11r1 a hlt· w1 n 1 a n1·w a l'quuintant·t· 1f lt111h an· 1411rktnl! t11wa r1t '' mutual guill In th" "<t) 1h1·y 1·an 't:.irl 1111t a~ frwnd.., 1tn1t il d1:•·1wr 11·l.1t 11111~11111 ean 1ltov1·!1111 naturally II II H . f .(I YOJ.t\ l '.~I VE HS ITY. ('fl!( 'A(;O l)t;AR H.11.H.: Thank i. for lbf' input from a e ad,·mia. Tht-word' :.trt• :.t little· difft'rt-nl, hut th4• ffi l'IOO.)' j, lhP 'llfhl'. -, ' I HAVE A Bl.AST in tube tops. straw hats. belts. 1ewelry and tun holiday accessories from fiJr'dwe//j BIDTIQUE ---3467 Via Lido Newport Beach 673-4510 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS . 642 -5678 . :~ IESTYOUI •. HIADUPOM . OUI SHOULDHSt Y <1 11 r p r e I I v h d • r 1 -; -.ome1h111q soecial to u' Wf' II c ul ..,hampno & r.et 'lr •.tylf' YOU( h illl Wllh loving ~.kill a no .irt1•.try Atc:n FPill1mna • M an1 cu1P., •Pl'01curP"> •[ APPrt W1q Srvting .ind Colotonq "-"\ t NII ~'llA U >U• ·-HA• C-"OOOM MATTHEWS 95 Fash ion I sland Newport OUR ONLY coats • dresses • pants • skirts • sweaters MATTHEWS a ll sales final II w ;,... g ra•al Bu t llt .. 11• w :1'> 1H1 p1kt·lit1'( ,,,. p1111I t,o lili· .111tl I h1 li,1 1 ,.,lfl hard l1111111 r ~-----.mkl-n I fi1li1-11 rrttffkv 1+11 ••f -f'l~'kl~'-••1H!" '" 1)1)11:-h ... a11,,1g 1· ;111y wh••r1· Recipes to add dining pleasure while subt raciing calories. Wednesday in the 'I h1• M•an ·h 1·11nt 111ut•' f/"1rJ;l£!J Semi-Annual SHOE UP TO Yl OFF and MOREi . -- • JOYCE • AMALFI • MIRAMONTE • SESTO MEUCCI • FAMOLARE AND OTHERS • FLORSHEIM • BALLY AND OTHERS WOMEN'S ESPADRILLES 1/3 OFF SELECTED STYLES • BROKE;N SIZES !~wt•~ #54 FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH (714) 64~4223 #27 MAIN STREET, ALHAMBRA (213) 282-5678 ·-Al l SALfS FINAL ... . . • • . • -• _... 4 _, ""' • ,., ~" /...------L ----_..,...._._....,.._ . Mid-Summer Clearance Sale This is our big event of the year ... Store-Wide Clearance on Ore£ses. Suits. Kntls, Coats, Gowns and Pant Surts. Starts T odaJ June 28th Slrp 0111 ol 1011r r1r Jll(f 11110 P.>tr1r1.1 ' F1ee Pa1t1111Q on Rew Mon. ttwu. Set. 9:30 .. :00 PM 1401 NORTH MAIN STREET SANTA ANA e 543·9449 .,_ Cllerte ---....... • CLEARANCE Sale OFF ON !;J'Rl!IG 1\11/J .. LJi.11 II· I' J·/\:;111o u .. Starts Fri., June 29 1!> FASHION ISLAND NlWl'OHT UlACH (i44 4411 v MliNY f\FDUCTTONS ON Spring & Summer Footwear. SliVING::J PHOf.1.1 /A 1/2 OFF . /-S -reg. pnce !!!! - • ....... t -----:;_;··_ -_ -- lanz shoe salon . -----·· _....,... 1 ----------------------·-- ·--····· ···--·--.. "' ~· -··--..... . . . . . . .. . . .. . .... -~ ..... . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . . .. ,,,. .. . . . ........ . ...... , . DAILY PILOT r hv••d•v Ju nu Je 1919 OBITUARIES • ._ QUEENIE 1 c I ' I r u•UC' NOTICt; NO,.t f O• e U\.• , .... ., •• I~ ... , ~..,U C( I ""'' ..... lltl •• , ..... 11 10 '"• (nOllO•\ or .. ANCY {,A1t1t1•0ll tll" Nl"N(.Y '• C't ltt t .. \("tNI 't •'"'•ftw ..... ""'•'"""' ... ,." ,, 410 O•••" Av..,we. l"""" II••<" ( Oulllr "' 0..,. \l•I• Of (•lllO•n>o tlwl • .,.... l•ell.,•• •• .-.1 lu • tt'adt' lo Kue. I•''"''• and l·t•O •.•• , ,,. ''""' ...... ,, __ ... '"''* """ •<1<1'•u " U1 Y l'l.c• l•IN,.. ll••<" l Wllh oo Or•nue \l•t• OI ( •• ,,Gt,... \•ltl .,._,,, •• ~., .... '" 9'1""'"' •• Alt •4'.,•••t., 1 fVtiCUut• •ftd tu 11,, •, ut t"•' ptant UUtji •w••I\••• • ""*'' •' ,..,..,. Y ' (,,. .. n '<~ 6ftO I<>< •••'1 •• ..0 OU•/\ ""n"* ~•QvN II•••~ tounty Of O••"U. ''"" o• f •••t11trtl• 1 h• I.ult ,,.,,,, .. , ••II llf' • on\um '" •h d 11n Of 11tH•t th• t/th 0•Y Of July '~' • ,.., 10 fJO .,. ,.,, •• ttO o,••n ,. .. thw• I •J••"• th1at h Counl 't of I • ... ..,. \t•i• uf ( .ettr91 f\ • ....... ,. ""'"'H Nutu • 01 < '•""' M•' tH t1hl# tt '''"~ ~, • .._,. tt'ti JJ) <( .; ... l •VVI'• U•111t.n '_.11f(ltn1• .,.,, "' '"-••\I •)fl.I vi'\ ""'""rt 1. '••m\ tn•, .,_ t 1~1 >uh l,t, l'ff~ • • '•• • u-....-;o tu tn.111 f1,.n\fftftt>\ flll t U\Ult '\ t1 """' 1#wJ 40•tf t'\WI~ UW O l•f ,,fllfl\ffW'fjl ••• ,,.. .,,, ... P,. I MO l ••tM n ....... tfl ,_.,~ PVBUC NOTICE PVBLJC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE ---------. .. " ... a ttBUt a11r1a1011 COU8T OP fMI \f&TI CW CALlf'OllNIA "Oa t "' couen Y ~ OttAlltOI In tru1 M •Ue1 ef th• I \l•tt Of t.Vtilll~MC)(INI O.o ... d "'O l •Cl I\"' NlllV (,1vt .. lo t r.-i"'i llllofl ... c l101m• •9••MI .... \aid ffeedtnt to t1• w •d c. l•im\ •" t"'t OlllU ...... (IAf" of .... .OIO•Me+d <OV•I ~ W; ..,_ .... ,,. IO , ... IHI , .. ,.,11,,.,d .t ,,.. ott•u of 1 Nf.0 r Wt lllfl I W('lllll F & A .. ()t li'ION 100 \II I'"""', \ullo IJ 10 L°' Anool•• {a 'l()Ott who<" '""•' 0 1110 I\ lllo plMe Of ..,, ........ Illa llfl .,.,.,9,...11 In •II """""" ""••ft•t19 to \•hi t\•••• \\K flt c •••"" w fth tf\• ,,.. ... ,.,, ._..._, "'"'' .. ,,,.,. o• " •• ,.,., ... , ••CH•'-••O w lOUI'\ tout m onth\ ., .. , Uw '"'' S>Uttfl(•l•Ot\ ot t"1\ "QU(ft Uoled IUM 1\ 1~1~ MllOlltO ( INI • 'f'<W'f'•• Of,,_*''" ol••ld.,.O.nl Wl lt•t..I a ANDl •ION r"•lO ' Wt W•Lll 1•\e ·-" h it• lltt I.HA ....... CA•ll h i UIU 6U-lllt AnetN f 1W laec&llt11 PuCh\hf'd Ot~ Coeit O••'• •'•lot lunr 11 July \ II 19, t'1• IO J I'• •tn 1T10Ut •UM .. IH a1v1attoa eOUNTY NAMI STATIMINT aUf'l8108 COUH l llo IOllow1n11 "'\Clfl' ••• Oo.,111 _,........,_. ........ "' .. " o .... Qt P•OJICY YWtl ... YV L J O , llt" 81--*;.,CA••t Mlttlloll -111 lrvlfW {A.,,,. tU"f!g•tt • ~UI·-H A-ti, 101) ~li••IMI (,_ ~ .... Mf\\I., Viejo, (A ttt't C-....... tUtlt He"r t Wei-,._, IV1 Glt M {tOU eem.rel"llll\' WAYNtl l OtlYt L~ N ..... 1 (A t'ttll ltOet .. \OH, M 0 , IM • • c.tllWl'll• f et0¥9 J ICv .... JUI\ ·-C.•P, ~WAYNE L ltOllNSOH Pta<o 1......-Miii\, (A '16U M 0 , •n l<odlv1cluAI Mt t Wrl I fl<tt 11110ll, '4f l>o 8 •etld C t 0 H Oo fend • n I\ J AN I (.£ ll••d , • JGJ. \# ••rN-, GA .,JjO 1to e1N50"', e11 lftcl1v-•• • ..-d oocs Tt11\ .,...,,.. .. " <Ofl ... t l•O llY • I IMouef\\,-i..tive llmlltd_,,...""" NOTICll 'f• ...... .._ .... T1la i.u, ...... " .,_.. ,..,.. .... , --....... , .... ... '"" •i.•-· .... llltel """ I ... y-............ -.. , .. ,..,..... co .... ty Cl••• of O••"O" (OVftty 0" ...... ...,.. ...... !MwM ..... Juno 11 ,.,. -· ,llt.U AVllOI Vt-lie •* -· ... -Pulltl\-Or.not UM\t O•lty P1104 II ,,, ............. --, .. , .. v• Juo• JI )I July), t) lt1' tilt 1...-1. • -.,_VII ••- nu ,. .. ,...,. • • ,.., LN •• 1 ......... P UBLIC NOTICE fllCTlttOU' eu " .. f H NAMI U AYEl•ll .. Y Th,. tooow1nq °''"°" '' cto•no t>u\• fl@\\., (.HUI.I('> f!ARBEA \MOP 01', l1t1<1 \t,.el, NowPO•I U•"'h (A •1MO (f'\Attll>'t O w"'n AU\\etl fl (I Pa\410, I 11Jo P••~ ~twporl lluo 1 C.A Y1Ul ( .......... t TO TM[ Ofr£ .. OANY A "•II tomo•••n• "•' betW'l tiled t>' thf' p•••n Uff •0•1"\t yow PUBLIC NOTICE p ICTITIOUI au ..... " N ..... STAYIMlllT Tiit lotl_.,.,. .. ,_ •• ...... ltvtl " ..... OAIUllH''' O•l tC .. S, t ... J \!., ....... LA., .............. 9"<11, CA ..... •11111 o..i.ne ..-.,..1,,, ''°'' $1M ....... l ... Mui:• ........ II.CA ..... ftil1 ~ ... u "<~IN.., .,. "' dlv•du•I •111110 Merw111 f M• •1<11-1 ••• file• wllll Ille CouAI, Clerk Of 0. ..... Cov111r .,. JION s. Hit ,,, ... , Publl>-Or ... t ... >t Ot flf Plt4", ,.,,,. '·" "· "· "" >tU -l t PUBLIC NOTICE "'CTIYfOU' eult .. IH .. AMI \TAYIMIWT ff\• t .. tOWtftt .. ,toft t\ 00.1'\Q bV\• n• \\ t\\ P A A • •,tor t\U'"1I Nf ., ... ( f .. J f It ,,., T •"•" A•• . """' lllQl0" ll•a<ll CA.,..,, ... ,..,,,., 8vt< f'tlA t""'"'tm•M \ ,110 M.otn \I \v•t-110 ~ .... 11n9 to11 ll••t" <.• ., ... t h1\ OU'•" .. ,.,. •\ t ondu< tfld b f • 9en••41 p.itrtnH \h1p '--·-'hi\ \t•• .. ment w•\ IHed •ltf'I lrU! PUBLIC NOTICE ~-~-----~~---P ICTITIOUI M#M .. alt llAMI tYAYl ... MT , ............. jlllt.olt I\ dOlnt ""'' M U••• I' •O,fHIONAL. •Pa 1 NI( l E II H 8YICI!, *' Cler, 1e, Wllllll"9141ft ••e<ll, c;.llf .,.. Cllaflft Melvlft Hiii 1 .. 1 Cler, • e, """'1.,....auc11. um.,... f lll• ~' h ,_ ... IJY •" '" ..... ~. C-le\M Hiii , ..... ....,....,., -·~ l•led ..,,, .. , .... C.01111ty ,,.,. Of Orftf\911 ,_,y Oft J-·· '"" ,llU/t P11bl"-Ot~ C.O.•I Oellr Piiot )-,, U, JI, 11, lt1' J IJO It P UBLIC NOTl<:E PICTITIOUI eu1t NU• NAME UATa MINY r ""' to110•1no p,.r\Of"'\ .,,. du1no bW\lnfl" ~\ C.OOOWIN AUIOMOJIVl l'IH HetbOt 81wd . C.~tA ¥e\4t C.•lllorn1• .,.,, M.,ltn No4t f' rO•I 14' """~Ir Ot I ( O"i•A M t1"iJt (•llforn•+t 4'1•11 t tttl ~llhttm f..ro\t t•lt f u\lrn •ft I Cll'\l~M•w t.01110.n•••l~,1 O •rfttn• A nt\ J.t to\t, )49 Uno \tref"'f (O'\I,. """'• (. Allfntn1,• '''" "'t' knt1 ... ' 111111 1 t ut. 11 "' l'UBUC NOTICE f PH\ bU\I,.\\ t\ f Of\01.it lt d Dt 4•" '" "'"''du•t • ti 'JOU wi\I'\ to M••nd tf\•\ •••\U•t ;ow t'f\u\t •IUun lO CS.y\ •ft•' lftt\ \~f'ftmOft' 1\ ....-¥e0 Oft fOW fll .. •Ith '"'' t o wtt "" •'1""" o•~•dlnQ •h '"\PO"\~ IO "'"' c omOl•lnt •If ,. Jwshc.• C wr1 you """'' lilt •*'" 1h .. tour I A #f'ttY." P'•Hlf'M1 o• t •V\11> .. " OtAf pfe.:tlrw,a lo ~ •nt•••d '" thf> dot ••O Uni•\\ you dO \O t W ' O•'•ult •Ill ~ ,.nt .. red YOO" .. PP''' •1104" o• tn1t Ol••f\1tft Af\d '"" (Ov~f tnav f'P'lt~r ,. t\otdom ... "t ...,,,..,,you tot ,~ ... t •lt•t d .. m~oed '" """t ompt11tftt -wturft roatn r•,uft 1n Q.tttn1\"rnrnt of w-tqti' t .. -.•"fl (al m ont., or pr~rtt or otn., '"""' •• qw•\t•O ,,.. 1,.. • urn~•1ne t ovnt 1 r lrn of 01 •"9e (ounh on Ji.,ne \ 1•1• r "'' bu\•nfl'\\ 1\ tondut tt d by ,. CJ•"""'"' OMtnrr,h1p ,..,.""' Fro\t '" v ....... . OUMOtoT A .. "iAMAlll" Ou~)" I ,.,,.,._,I ut .• n ,..,.n c .. ntt.nt; c. P•\Wd ••• , \4'\ JWf'i• )• ttl't •t It hV .tfl "'-'\VUAI "0' n l ft \,C)O••n.. W •\f\H\QI•" • \ht1 fOO••O l'U ~ lv•n ( •lh\lt M f\ l • fftJh • I • ~t., ('A tn llil • ""''"' ""'' P\v~O•t\O W11f1.,-n 8e\10.~ n•r t\11\CMnlJ \"9 t\ W'"'"° t>Y t \()ti\ t "'-tl'tQ M ....,.m•.O (• MMt #!Qf\n ut L• •Nie) A• •/Ulht 1 C"1,llQAI•• ,,,., n..•" '°fumu t lJfo\r rt Uul ,(,t 1n1)\ C• t .. ,,h• ,.,.hurnr,. Wllllitrn\ nl t• .. •~wJ~\., 1 ,, Cu tu .. tt<rwi-n _,, '"'''" M ,.., 1 t • -.--~;:;;,.\ Al •f'\ of All• l uni.a r~ 4•00 tt•tt•• AU..M" u• Ut,u , .... 1.~ ( • .. nn & Qf <'f!Ot h 11or""' .enu I "''"' or•ont nl10t,.n .... , •• , ., .,..,,_ "~ht u•t W~n• VM t >un• II hl'f "' l UC) f M 11t If\_. f"fey f 41ffi1I• ~ .. f\ ( ... ,.,,Hit Mo''""'• ( .,,.fh•I 4'1111111 '" •n~,.11•• \lttC"'ttn\ ~,111t of ttw• '"" ( ff''fh nt• t;t•1\f>¥ICt tM'! (hut1 ,_ o't;' ••1iti'J p,., • 1t rf\1lv \1tu C.lfl,,.WOflfl> /r.AtJ' huH, ,,,, • 1 fh'"i 1hJtUlif't•tv \ht-II~# HILO•f YH IA(t< fl()N HtLOHI Ht ,. ,,~J .. ul 111 UdltliO,. h lftnd C.• tJ.1..,'\ol"t"I ,.., •• t 4>11 '",,.. 1\ 1~/Q; kot rt J,.nunr y II lfl')• m \ O\ A n(lf11f!"\ (" Cwrv 1<1fln o v h 1\ ,.,,, J,.en n1tu(IOtt;, '-'"'l ;i1,t1 ,;i l 11w l!Jlt ... n,.. And H ~·l!Qi)ti>f\ lH;t<JrH1Q .. (;I Hut1t1nQ1on r-w."'" (,. 4 °"'"'' I••• t t•>n H 110.-,..t n h ot \Ant .. "" 1 C• l•M Attj •ttl('Jlt•lh nf '""''·• ""ff (A J• ,,,,.., M 1oll, Hild,, th 111 Hf'tlho11 1 \I find. C• ~ Jonn t o,,., Hodr•t" ut t-ittlbo,. hl•f"d (.. Qt_.n(J\,tY\ JMhu., ''-~" Oodot1oqit p...tt11>nh l lun Anc:J 'f th ... 1 HllOfeth 6t"l0 DfOth .. , "·· n""' l • 11 Utld'"'" ut A.tl001' hlttna t J M"'"0' 11111 ,,.tv11 ,. '#Ill b,. fW>lrt •Jn f u ""' Jutv • l~h ,,, It 00 AM •t 11 Al H' n Al'I ttnd All A nQ .. I\ f P•'' n1141I c n•J" '' 1n N• • .,,;r,_,,, Ur ,, h ti.\ In 111 '1 nf "'t••H\ "'""'''•"• • Ot)fnflut ,,, ,,.,,. t 11.-rn .. n• 1r1 .,,, >ono N A 1•11 ltt ti,_,, h ( l'fll• f t~( l A "'•H tf1f 'V•t #Ill N l1tftJ1H i flh lt1t HU II M IC ltAi I ' H U I f H •l•tt r,t1 M#>...,. '• 1•, .rnn*"''"' 1•• I' 1 111 'u1' .1t <1t"'1 t, nl\ ,...,., l/11 tr1h , n I 11'11 I ••1;11 "',,, .. ,,,.Nu '"' , , fl,. 10flfl I ",11/ftflf"lf' I) l f\61f I t I ( t t f.J • t 1 .. 11r .I '' 0 ftt I I 1t1 ' I W •I t .. tf' r•lO .. 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I h (J •I' f I I H t A flfi> futf1 ~~ fl 111 •t •1 "'I ;1, IM ,.1 I 1 ,,., "'" C 111~ 111 ( '"'' ft "'" M t . , tl\.1 If •t ttlt,.f'nu r.t ( .. ,. t I• I. 1j1r1 I' f ., .. , " .. t tfttl ''"" I.Jot •• f l•off fO tl Ht• 1fh t \t t ~ I ot t ... ,,,,,., M111t111•, PACAC# (.A I Al 1U(J M µA /.t'. f • •l• flt t1' r''"'" ~. 'w4 'o1 ... .,,..._,.<J ,,,., ,., ,,,, ,.,, .. I\ tlfl 'I h t wn ..-'•11 t tt11 011 \hJ"• O ohUI f.lr,ff'tUlttltl nt ~,, -'JJo11n "' ..u tt •,. tor ~ 'f' "'' t uh•, •I • '' • "''" ;r IWl'IO on '.-,tu•drtt ti I (,Jj l•M 11 # tt\(1(9htn H,_lt <11 l'"l1.10111"n \ W ilfU \\I\ 1111 {""YOO f>11wtt e IJ\I" Mt<•,1 I,, #tit~ \/,,.ttv1n St M1-.11'"1'"'" •ttftf 1rt1tn,, . l\f()fflt>"'" n1 ••<t•f)l r l ,,.,n M•" '1'• 11 ~,.,.., tl1uf,-,f I urrtO Mt1'tiu11 ., tJu• ,,, \ "14f1 \~\A \PEtlOlt t Av t N<, ',t•t < H.JJI " , •t., t <1f AO•fH "' (,. 11 ' y '' •llflttt't on Jvn,. /I f't/. fff t• '"' "fl..,I If h'f ft1• Wif" t U111lu in \i111 ' '''' 1tl'WI I \.I h• Jt t tf•llJ rl.-.l hit ltf ltJtHt'"ll (,. 1t11(J 111111"1'1 ~( tfjt ut f ii· •f n M1\ ..... ,,I I ••• I• I n .itt l"'n' ..,Ut 1 to t fi t '> '" l1H•h C tP"ft10"IO (" iH.-1 a"ru11 • W 11 , r.111111 •t Ot1¥wtt M 11.\lfu• 1 I u1w11111 "',vu 1 "- •OO '"''"'"\Ir nt di < ,,,.. .,, 1J ' h• t t ,..,,., ,..m,.,,.,., IJ111v1r•,1t1 lilt M•' '"'' t•111tbor t 1tillllln IN1vf'\t 01 '' M iu t 1 11., ,,, n""'"' of ttt•nlt<i" n,,, "' •,tfJ \\'•• SMITH & TUTHILL MOITUAIY WHTCLlff CHAPll Mortudl'f •Cremation:. f lo wer Shop 4?7 r 17th St C.,o:.1;:i Me'>.t t>46 4888 ..... CIUOTHHS SMTH'S MOnUAIY 627 Main St HvnllnQlon Beac..h !>36-6!>39 rtlllfAMILY COLONIAL FUMHAL HOMI 7801 Bols a AvP • Wostmon:.tar 893·3525 PACIAC ••w MIMOllALPAH Cemetol'f Mortuorv Chapel 3500 Pac1t1c VIOW DrtvO Newport 81.rnctl 644 2700 MeCOIMla MOITUAallS LaQuna Beach 494 9415 La<11.ma Htllt> 768·0933 San Juen Ce111st1e110 495-1776 HAMOl U~MT. OLIYI Monuarv • Ceme1ory CremtlOf'V .. 1625 G11ler Ave . Cotta Mesa 5'0-555' IALTl-lmMIOM N•ALHOMI 646-2424 Costa Mo• 673-9450 -.i. llOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Co.t• Meu 642·9150 • !9 • Deatlu Elsewhere 1•1 '\/ ... \\ \'OHi\ T ht•u1lort• ~1 Ht•r ,tc•m , .1 11·t1 r t·ll 1•t111 11r 111 'I ltt· "'''" 'i ork 111111·" 1111rl .1 hi ght~ ll'){J IUt•tl .1ut h11rt l \ 011 lh1· U'>l' of t ho E11g l1"h l .11 1.:u 11g1" tl11·d of 1.111111 WPd11t·-.d,I\ .11 1111• .q:l' 111 '/I N t-... :l>tl ,\M \I..-.· 1 ,\fl I ('h 111rl1•' II Tay lor , rt·ttn•d <11>1>11>t.afil I'll h hsh1 r 111 Tht• llo"tl1ll (;lotu" tlwd W1•tl111'!'.rlU\ .1 1 (.IO\'l'I Mt 11111r1.1I I IO!'.ptl.il :rlle l' ;,i ~udcl1•11 t llm·~s He wa1> IQ t•l Kl.I(' NOTll't: •ll Tl flOU\ llU\1 .. EU .. AMt \tAl i!Mf "'l 1, 1..,111,,,., .. v p .. , t(Hl\ •'-oo•no 11 .,, ' •' 6 t ••' I tfti '-tit I·-th II tf;'f t ht t I ( (O\IH M •,,. C A •1•11 ..... ,,, I ti-Wt u I ~··IJ O H 0 11 ""'"' /'I .,, \ tiM' tt .. 4't ft f I\ /ftJIWCatj t lt1t'f+•I Y M•H•ff1•1\U-t\11 Vol-. A •• t 11111 Ut -~ h I A ft~ ,. '••'"' ,,, ,, I 1tl ,,,.,u .. ''"jlf I• I'"'' l'f H I II I '"it t Mt1 r un ii M I 1lfltrW ... w ,, tllttJ .. lh '"' 11eu• ot l)r,.nf~ Cvunl••V•• I II~ ,, ',,,I, •· t11 '"' tt ,., tnf;. ' ut\t Clttll ;i V1ltn '"• '" lu'• 11 •~ t i/~• t'l tu.IC' NO'fl<. tJ f lCTtTIOU~ I U)l .. E\\ .. AME \JAT£Ml: .. T l11lhJW•OQ i:Mfl \Of\ j\ Oo1n(J ''"' .. 1 A ' 1,u1or-. 10 <,1•1 1.1 "' l\t1f1 t Hit ft1A fl0 N MA~I""'\ l•!~ M u 11t11w htr~ (~Id M t•\11 t A 4/tU .,,_ J ti' •,1v>w 1•00 Mf"1tdt;w ti• t11 ~ ... '"""'"'·• r•'nfj'lf, t 11 \ t;u•una •> • uo01.tt t. tJ "'" _,,. 1n "•111 ' .. (.1,, .. '"' 0 I h•\ \l~l'"ft"ml founf'f r 1.-..• 'J' Jvn~ ot 191' Au\..-lt fltU htt!d #Utt ,,,.._ o ,AnQr C~unt , on t •-w .. ,,CYITIOU' aUSINfn NAll'l \YAYEMENT f h'1 tvlklw1nQ pirrwn 1 OO•"'J bw\f I'! tlJM nt"\\ •\ Publt\ht" °"""~""' ((IA I 11, .. ,, ~IH1t b It ·-.......... ow ••••<• •• I Ou•HAO .. \/All f { 1'11 Y!>lf Al Jun• ll, 11, '"'~ \ •1 ·~·· !Oft l•/IPY ML(Jl(.AL (.LINlt INC •• •ttttllOY "' ""' "'•"•• ,.., ·-•• J lb~ ,.. .. t• .....,.,.._,Y tie '"•' YMI' •rttt•ft ''''""'•• tt •"Y "'•Y .. Utff efll H"'• IJ•otO -· 10, "11 t"f"t• WttH\f, A"' F oun1.1n Volh y c " '""" < h111fltt\ A tk»nN>tl AA 0 In• )H V 1•t011o11 \u•h ttt (O\l41Mf'!\lt (A<f)fJ// I h1\ hu\tt\f \\ ., f Jfldut tea t>v "' t u• IJOt dl•Ori t ''*"'""'A 80fl'1elt M C> tttt f n,,l,.\A 8onf'W'tt M O r "'' +ltttt "'"''' *"' f,,,.,, w 1H1 tn• 1 '""'n'' '-'•'" ut Oranfj• f o,,n,, •1•t Jwo• n 11'1., W ~•trl<• 0'11-Jr AllotA•Y •llA• Ml N M•lt1 SI , S11lto 1001 \•nl• A"" CA t110t ..,yl)li\riecJ (>f •l'Vf l <M\t lJA Ir ...,,,,,, lw11 1"1 Jw,; II 11 1111 ,. , , , t•t 'Bl.I(' NOT IC 't: H tJI .. \UPE•oOtlCOUNT Of f Hr HATE OF CAllFOllHIA FON THf COUNIY OF 0 1111 .. C#l Ho A 100611 PUBLIC NOTl(;t; ()on,.IOP \wll••<tft (Ir•• ,tC.TITtOUS 8USIH IS\ \ONIH~~::~~~::\~~OHG "'AMl UA'T'(ME"'T 'h• f0Uow1n9 Ci .. , \Oft\ ..... nO•ftQ '" A ... ~cu CH N•w,..ri h Mll, CA ., ... h4 l/lfl .... ,. f)u~1n•\\ "• '"" l<IMll'INlll Mfl"I '"°'' I .I( ~1/UH .. t t ttl~ h Mf,., ~.,,,.,d,.n ( ,,.,,., (,. '"f?ijt ) Joi"! w f'1•""' t1W.t bitt • '~''" C.1"""'"" r "'""" t A,.,, •0 lonn I ,,..,_., (1\ lf•\11 t t I v"f\tr I • • ount1t1n ¥ .. 111 I t A l#U~ T "''' bu\•,,,.\, '' '~nnor 1, 1t nv ,. '4' ,,, , .. , .,.,.,,n,.,•t r ,,,,,w ...... f f11, 1f•tt' ""'hf 'fit '' f•I• ti <(!ti 0 1 Int- i 1vn1, f '"''" 1,r fl'""'I• f11vntt t;n h tti• lit '"' f"ublr·1~ Ot<!ln(lr 'o"'t ti~ •, J" 1)1 1ynt1 II ltf Jul;' •) '''~ P UBLJC NOTl<.:t: , ICTI flOU\ au\o .. f \\ "'AME \Tllfl.Mt:NT 'h• ft>llO••i'\() C)rt•rJn \ ,.,, ttv\1n,-,\\ 4\ ,,,,,, f-ltl14• ~•f ... •( I ••()f Ol.. .. '4••'•·41 1 f 1hl l"f) f1t H f t ,11 '""' ) t I~ lulv \ l I 11TQ I J61I1 l'l fBl.IC NOTl<'t f t(llTICJU\ llU\IHf \\ HAME '!of l"l f'MCNI I 1'~ ft,11 f#lttf) I-' f I n I "'t~ftll l;u\ , t '"' U t W l•O kl fl1MMIJf1t f 1f •, 1HJO f'JHJr1ut fl,_,,..\ 'tel' th•·I .! ._ f <uo1n t1 .. n """"" ( _.htQ#n1,. 0/¢.fJ l\M•• ' 1n,,,.., •• '"'"''.i1 ~' tH,Uttrul f '' 1 .. '" ._.v#\l,nq11,~ h f A'" ( ""''''"''"' Y1t1"1 P ll .... Pv11tunt11 Ou .110L "°4'1 u.11 • r 11c;J lvftt I If JI It lt1' ,,,..,, Pl'Bl.I(' NOTl<:t: '°' JITIOU\ e U\IN (\\ NAM[ \rAJf Ml .. T 'l\t" totlO••ftQ CM"f\On\ •• ,,. OO•l'IQ rh.i\11'11,.,., .. (,AM I (fJM l 1AN'f (,,.,,,, ,.,.,._,.,,, ,.n MM•rt•twi t 'WMft•'"'' L t•'4t .f'nflllt ..tf'I I ttl.tf'\ttJtl t,f"f ¥1f ,, .f\ t '°''" N r •(}'1tt triff"t #QOtl r\,.4 rh I •''''''""' fY/,.41.) fl u httt~ o ,1m10 1'\ 1111\0 r,,,,, •o·•oo•t ,., .. wpott Rrtt«" l •hto'"'"' '•1•M> f•.,t•t MA.,.•n •\~fll'; t u • H"•OO•t '•"'•(;Cl•' ft,.Mn ( 1tl1tr 1n10 t)W,(J '"''" IMwnlL'-• ,,,.,.,,..,,, w.u hlt'd "'"'""''"'Count~< 1 .. ril 01 Ou11•v•• c OU" It on lun..-11. '''(j f "''0\ S1u bh\hfo0 0r"""'Gr t i)i"t\I .,,.,, r t>1h1t Jun,. tt )t '" .iano 1u1,. \ 1ff1fi 11'• , , P URI.If' NOTICE l'ICTITIOU~ IU\INE\\ "'AM( \TAT£MIE .. Y 1 ",.. to1tow1nq o•t\On\ ,.,. hW\tft"'' "' fHI r.01nrt111011 " ro1 • J UAf '\ tlH W,.~tqiff Or" .. Nr wl:Nut .,,.,., P\ ( .. 1ito1n1'4 II)~' lf"~n t Wtl11t t~.9'N M t Ni.11 I ,.,,._,.,,,, \t J Ou'11 t 1•1 V•ltr, l •Htorn•A lf1/f14 A•'"• 0.-I *'!Jl "I/• l\IM M l M11I f t'l1\ ny 1n• ,\ 1\ , Onth.tt t•tf t)v #t ,_., h l')t n •.t I 0 •1,,f 1t 1n v •••• , ')• nr ••I pitrtn,,.t\1\10 t.. AlltOtn1.,.1'i1/08 u,, •-... ,<1 CJ.,..m.on t "' ''"'"fnf'nt •o\ fdf1>'1 ••th IP\,. Q,.n.,,,., ,,..,,n,_,v 11u ''•""'' '''''° •' ()'''"•• 'r vnt, t10 NoD1rt 1 wn1h H1l11 •1 I 11'• ''" 't''"""'''' ,., t1l1tt I tt6t l• t ··~"'' (I••• •JI tJ•11n•1• c ... ,,,, Pu(t f 11 ,, •tt t ,,,1 I (;,.,,., t•1lol j'*' • II tlfl41 #f "' ,,, 11••·•· .. ,, Jun,.•• /1 /1 ,."ti '""''\ 1111'• H t)>• Pt;BU<: NOTICl: , ... ,10 Pul>fl\""""' C.tt '"',.. t m f U t 11 J-1 I u Jun~ " 11 Ji;""" lvly ' 19/•, )) 11 Iii P URI.If' NOT IC't; flCllTtO<J\ ltu\I ... \\ .. AME HAHMF "'t '"· •1 ti '"""''"''""'• 'n ' t1 ,.,, , Jiu "' ' .. , fAfl(J11'rl • (1f .J I I 11r M l If J l t fl I If'\ fV 'f/'1 t ,If\ IAl,,.,.M n1 w t• t1I• •t 111irllf\ \flt" 1n ty t '"'' '1 • f (11 '"''' r ttu~t f '''' .. O fl C E Of H f A lll "'C O f P£Tlfl0H FOii PN08AfL OF WllL AHO fOlt LIETTl.lt\ ll)lAMF .. TAMY A .. 0 FON AUTHOllllATIOH 10 AOMl..,ISTEll UHDE ll fHl o~f PENOENT AOMtNISHIATIO"' OF E\TATE\At T fJU 11 I •.t ft t t •1u1t1 l 'Jt ,., ",.f1ti' I H,."' t r ~ n 1.J/J In., ,..,.,,.,.,.....nt 'l"\ ro .. a ••th IPM- t r.uM, fl11n ,. ~.inti' <o""'' <.t" t>nmt' Pro0rnt O,.vr lr1omr "'' Iv"., 111 l'HQ ( tl'"P•"' \Qt \v0"'"0" """"""''-',.. It)()(: (4y •II ., 1tt11 1~1 Ail>' f I It• t n f A Creativity Lectures At College h• I I ,,,, ~' ,,.,. 111d)lt"il"""l't (Jt tM .. f 1 I t IJt'tlt' J11IOt fuft• Jtii lvl't \ II h I IJ• "'"' I" P UBLIC NOTl('t : • lttft tJf fl ·~..,,r V J(I". 11 ti I .. Oli#O 41\ fl ~\1 l V (.0 1 IOil 11 11 I If \\It V f AAf~tf n l>••,.'i •tf t40 f l([ I\ •ti •'•''' c,1v1 N ,,..,,, t,LOUr,1 t4 l tJ I hot\ t1h-O n. '"'" t '"'"'"•" ,,,, JI•, .. , .. , t H ttl MH1 ,, I t I It I r f I \t '''"' 0 1 II f .,,,,,, ft,t .4ut™ 11/nt11)f1 111/\rl•H1"•'"1 u'Hl1' H1• t. ft t10/ '"'>• 1 • "'"' M A1t111 "' tt 11 , ,t I • t ,,, \UPEfitlOlt (OUAT t)f fH( At • 11 l111f "• tr¥fll fl . IUHt1• l11f \tAt E-0 ,. <.Al-IFO•flrrl1A ,Oil '"'"'', (1o11•t11 flt1f '""th •' 1h• t II fHt..C0UNTYOFOAANC£. •"tt1 j1lrit 1f f,.o'"''I ""' ,.,.,, tt' N0 A1~' '"'" o l t1,,J..1,111,1, 1l ll1 • 111 1\ IJ.fjf t>f lt•t ,lltf ' IJll H O flCC O • HC•t;i 1N G O f , • .,.,"•"'•" •111,11 tu ,,,, t ll'.111\0I \ "ill !i1•111f1•ftd !PfltTtO .. FOll P llQ_llATl OF Wtll ••I '"''""',,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,, tt l Or1111f.!t' ('ot<t'<I i'nlh·~·r ~=~/~~DL ~i,',~~~.~~~T~~:''T"o ~;,,1\;.': 1"' 1-•l t 111 ~u••W l\Jw Ill ( '(1S1 :t \11' .... I •(IM I "' I\ II It u "' 0 f II l Hf IHIHJI"'" .1. llh 'I 1 I ,, I I t NO~ t>E .. OE.HI AOM1"'1~r"a1 10"' 1 11 ,. 111,1 ,.1,. I t•u (t\\.•ft '' O f,,..\f AffS A(f ff1unt1 fh•~ (' r (• ,1 I I\ t ' J, 1f1• f Ii o I 1•1• qi I AlllU> I I 1111 I• " .. APP GRO\~MA .. ~ MA N~H • A11t1/\ 1 l t/Aht f1 • ,, 1111 u o • 1100 Un1te0c .. 1itorn111 I,,. .,,A I ' l /ldH , •• r 0 11• ••'· 8.tnll-ftldq I lf1I JJ ,,..,,. 1-.r'l 101 W lt\frtfr.81'1"0 f• / I IC I I 1 ut ~•f t• t 1,t I t " lt\.,I lo\ Anq•IP\ CA "'-011 '' 1 f t1I •,1 H1I '' '' ,~ 11110 n, 11 "' ,. fet UUI 471 Mtl W ,,,,.,I N y, M 11111 tt -t I (Ji,, lh • M 11rtn"'' 111 f\ ,,, t r 1'.,/,IOJ'il , fJI\ ''"''' .. •~ I '1,u J\I( I•" 111 /'\ft '" ,,,, tJ~ ... U11t.rl N M t M1••" ,,, ............ • 1 ., .. ,, ... " lft t ,,.,,,, f t If'" ,, i;1 ""''' f •Juut, JtJll ~ t ,, , I thll f•>tl •1•" 1• • t t 1 , '1'\0t 1· JWhl JI Jt h d • • ' \ti f l'l HI.I< !'OTIC t: l'o< "uotJ~ au~o"'f \\ NAME \fA!tMl .. f 'I I ,,.,. , ,,,. fill ,,. , J I 1 , I .. t 11 I f t f4 A t ' ff I II llf /;, jljt.;1, l1tt~·. A/h 1 f I I , r1 Jnll1 f f /\ 1/J,.. h1.1t ti•• c,. 1t rt Utt" /.111 I • ,, t -tlft I tll• • (A ftl~ f I t11 HI I 1fl11u 11 11 I , II •111 11 , " ' I t;11n ' I' I I ( I> II I I' I f ... I I II Thrtr'>ll.o\ "· .1 11h '• .11111 12 fnmi 7 l0 11 .Ill p111 111 Ot I "1> V11w J\rh llall I IU AU•rMf\ tor ... UieMt C,1 '''-' (h 1h;o ~ •• ,It.'!'> ll< k1•1!'. J•r!I I II :11 $t\, :tr1 .o\ .111 :11111 ff) tho• (I('(' l11•k o•I 11fr11 1• '1'11·k1•1' 1111 1ndl\ 1d11.rl 11·1 t 111 , • .., .11 t $2 ;~J ~wru•-. lt•t t ur1·r t'> 1>1 ( I .t ll 111· I· •• I I ' ' •• 111 I' 11 1 h I I 11 f I I 1 I ,\ 1111·1·11 .111 , • ..,\ ( li•i llll.!11'.il '''111.llll}rl """ prt•'>I 1fr11I uf t.11et 11ll\ I l-.11 ( 1•f11 f)I (', ,1 IJ1'1111Vll1I /II t llll'oUllllll! f1111I 111 hu ... I 1.1~:. .m'-' m .1n:11>((•111i-nt f.'or rnf1>1 m :1t11111 11h•111c 551; 5~1 ffu Vl HLI(' NOT H t. r ot. t I !IOU\ 1111\l"'f \\ .. AMI \IAa M""'' r11lllJW fl t tt•H .f1tt\ ,,1 tU'''"' '\1f1\ f 1\1 If h f4'61/\ M HI I $11;t ( I /\1••oft A..-.. f t)',t .. ~• • (Aftll J't IJ tVI J f Mv'ottt 1! U J'>IH /t It ,,,.I 1••,lh1' l fl ltl"IH •• If•• ' ., .... , ... , .. Ht tofJ• "-t\1tt A1• f u lu t h ,,,.-_I 1 .. 11., f• I•'• t 11t it f ,11WJ tt"fhCUtl'1 P11f)fl\~ tt or .. n#, ( •M I c ... ,, • I Th ,,,, .... I,., ,., . ••I .... " ". ti " ft .1'1•01n•• I•• 11 ... 1 ,, __ ,,. unc1• r lhf;} ,,,.., .. ,, .. rw"""'' Att•n1n•'" ttt 11,n ''' f • t ,,,., /it I '"''' '' ntr tn ~hu Ii 1\ m 1(11 '"' t 111111, ,,.,,,,, 11 '' •'•I th 11 U11 "''" Jun• 7tt l't Jut ,\ 11/t >ttl lfrf t ,,.1r1t1 t It t• r1f '''""r'' ( 1ul\\t 0"' PUBLIC NOTIC f: •"fl t f I t f fl' fflUf'J ft\! "" f+ J'I •\ 1,.0 '' t • • J•••t ti t 1J;1 11 ltl UJ 1 u• HOftCE INVITU~G fU OS , It • , '''••" '1 1Ji t 11Hlm•flt r.11 t ~iOTl(f l't Hf UI U<I {,l\/f N tr.it 111 lltf ,,,, 11 lliil f I I I II t f Jt !Yf' ftu fjt;1ttfl 111 ffiJl\h f \ •ti Hh (t);t'' Ii• I "' , •• j ,, .,1 ••• ,,I Afld {11m111u111t t l 11ll1 ..... 111~1,. ,,,, ,,, ··~ .. , .1 t•.•, . l111h I .ti'• ,, i ti , • I I /... ft f • /\ 14 ~ • t 111 11 1 ••• P( rt II r TOIHOY •••' f U" \t • .. u11t t \ .. nt .. AnA (.A '1101 ,.,. ''"' , ... '"' A tlO• *'"Y h.lf f>e tiU04'1l't l'i..lllt 1t•-.I fJt tfl't' I '"' I It I I # I I 11 lo•• )ill '' 1r11 I ,,, t 111 JU, 1, l•flBl.U NOT H t. ,,, "" 11 t f IC Tl TIO\I~ l!U\I .. ( \\ .. AMf \IATEMl .. 1 '''' "4f w1•rJr' r J\flr, '•• ""'"'" h •'1 t 1r t t M• , • l A •lf>ll r ,,,, r r;• l ' • 1•tQ ,. f "''' ,, ""' ''t'll'•' ,,,,,,.. I'>"'· t'••wp1o t h1 11) 1 1 1., M• ""' r A t;l)•ll f h i\,. I I•\' 1 ;ntlu( It •t t•'f llf f ''""' I•• ,,,, I ..,,, f O• I t 1,1'1(1 ( fltt f 111 "'" 1f11 Hf t.1trft\tt1I W•t f1lnl N•ltt tn- 1 u ti t fJt t1IHf• f •1u1tlf t11" ("uni f t '"' ''" t #ftll • •• '" ..,, 1\1 tf tl1•h '-'IJ tu J" n1 M'''"' •v lot, 1 t ", ••I"'' 1•10 nn•1n•1 hr111 ,,, 1ut / '•••11 ,,,,,, I 11• f'lh Cl ,., I J/0 l\'11111• I\# .. (•;'I t M i ,., t rtllh1r111t• ftl #fh• h I nu • urt 111•1 "' I •1• l'lllth I; ,,,,.. n 0 U1 t .. ,,,.,, 1 r f1• rn1 '' t f Qu1pm1 n' 1 t Ir '"'11 (f1~'.I ( l1fl•V't Alt t.111\ .,,, tn rr 1n •H • 1H11•nt• •ltt~ ,,_ .. tu rf I oun In ltu(11on\ u1tl l unm Tf'M .. ~"0 ~1fH n l1t),, tllfhH f. tfl fflflf Oh fd• Ant1 l"t'M V r.11 4 f Uf'rt IU ftl• f,tf111t ot ft •• 1::.urtf\.1\•f'l') l\f)l•flt ,,, \111d \I ~I ,,,.,,,,,, l '' h btd()tt' •n •• t \Uf1rthf w•lh h•\ h 1'1" t 4 \n1,., , "'1 • •• 1111 .... , 'n .. t .. , Ot h 1Utt .. , \ fJf;n/1 ,.,,,,. f11tV1tblP 10 th4" oH1• t ,,, ti.., ( ~\f { f1mn-1vntly Co1t•o- 01\t1 11 1 ho,trd of ft u• t .... ._ •n 1tn d M•u.1nt n.,1 1,..\\ '""" flVt" pt""""' t ) ) nt th .. \um "4n "' o ou<tt ttnt,. .. thM '"_. tl•dd• , wltl flntt-r into 1N> pu1pa\f'd ( r;nlt 11• t 1f thf' ~tn4" 1\ d •ttrdrrl!!d to him In ,,.... ~.,..f\1 ot f.t1tut-•o e-ntf"r ff'I to \U' n tonltttt t tf'I~ l)f'O<.e"'<I\. nt ttwio f hfl IP wot bf! fOf telt'Vt Ot tn I,,,.. c. AW Of 0 t>Ond tht' full 'Ytl1 '""'""' •ill bf' turttlltO '" "''" '4"""' th\h u t H o bKtdftt rn•y •lthdtA1111f •u, b1t1 Int •urH 18 l 171f f 11110 ••1,ftlt• f\f ti f1t .ttolf.t ( I 1 (1 til # I fff t l\ln• )I I~ lul ~ •, 11 t •If; / lt • I' Pl'IU.H ' l'liOTICt: OltAHGl COU NTY \UPElllOll COIJ!ll 100 CIYt< Cr nt" Or WHt \•nu An• CA '1/0t \UMMON~ C•\P Hum bfor >t O't U f 111 mHt W/\Y"H I AQl1tf4•,fJfo' M 0 trH fJt-ltf~dtnt ~APU(I f.t lt()ttJr4\l,t4 oifld f}(j ( \ J ll'Ut,1U")P\ \i tt\I IU\IVfl -worrc£1 'V'OU f'l•v• •" tt1t·d r.11i .. cewrt m•y cte<iff •t••"'' yow "'"'o"t , .................. ""'"' yoy '""""" wlt .. lft )I lll4y\ tt••d IM tl'\f•tm,H tOA .. 1 •• AVl~I Utl ...... ••d• ••m•nd .. o fl Tri ........ --de<ldlr O ftft• Uf \IA ....... 11<1•. ~ .... \Joi •• _ .. ....... ,,. -.... , LH I• lnl••m• , .......... _ I "' fl1C-o r rrNOANf A """ (f')mJ>l1t•nl htt\ bt+n fllf'ld DY 1rw pld"' llff • .,.,,,,, y<>u '111 U I h r •CY••f lt'".it' n r A ~1ti4J 1 I h I I 1• •t HI I ,• 1HI I ,, ,, •li t M ' r h •f•t fluhl•"t--<I ()r ttfllll' < '•"'"' 0••1, P llM 1u1\,.. 1' '1111 Jul•\ 11 11t111 ". I Ill I Pt 1ftl.lf' NOTI(' t ' t tt.!ITIOIJ\ llU\1 .. l\\ HAM[ H Ai l.MC. .. , '1llln""1n' I"'' fl t l'tf fllj l1u I C I •1A t•t 1 I t• f h ~ I tt ,,_ t ~ .. , •t• I I I .. t ' I A 1, • t ,,,., t " • I ( " ti J II• t ,. C 'I '~ *, tu wwr 1 J w ..... r. L..A-J/4AJ.. ,, •• ••II • II/I,, I t'. 'T . fl'. .. , .. , " I oht•• •H t I ;ni t f I tlti ,t 1.,, .. '" '". 0 'I f t tfi ff I .... • 1, ... I .. ',,.. ,1 1 i twty 11 ,, ~ ' ... 1 r.,,. l~11t~\t/~o/t •• If I rl'BLIC NOTll 't: I I • 'tt flllOU\ BU\t .. f\~ "'AM( H AICM(Nf 111,,1nt ' .. ~ -·•'''" f r r "'' tt ', ,,,,_, I I f) tlt1lt #rl.1tt1~ll Nl1'1•ft lt#HU (Jt.t;7)t • 111.f '''"'' U AC,.~ II •11 J 1ttt '' M ,,,, Vu 'J t Jl #/' '' H 11 1 r' VI 11 ,;11t /1t1, '' t h 11 l , ,1 t "Qun., N i;u• I f A"''-'" h 1•t I t . r tH •fth , , .. '· ,,. ftn t;u ,,, , .. r h '"'' n.,. n t # 1 •111 tJ t1t1tn tn• t ;,nf t (l t t ''''"'~(•'"I..••• ~··Tr-'1h- Punt \hit"'' ()r.11\fJr r 1.-.t\f CIA • • r •ltu iuru Jt 1'9 hJlr \ 1) '''' • 1\1 , • Pl 'RI.IC l'iOTl('t . I"' 6 U\1n1 • I ICTITIOU\ llU\l .. f \\ HAM£ \fATIMto .. I •1 ,.., t 1 t4 '• t '•., t •, f M I '' t PP f tt•f Wfl f , 1/,,,1 "••I\• IH •t1 ru\t"" f A .,.,,.M ..,rt()lolt f (l'\l.1'!f "" lt>'tl/ ~,., 1\.U Or 1v• M1\.\10f\ V11•1f (.A ~n,•1 W 1i11Mt'\ /OQQ, 1U l t t •ldlun" (11 b••\11 .. n ( OO\ln 11 I 0,, ( J ,. r •"•G•tu• 1orwr,.110~ ).d i) I 1nQ '.I LonQ b••tn CA (IQ6t)b !n o ''" 1a• • fl H11!"tl1llon t:} 1 1tut • 1,1• LI• I #• ....... "°. t .,,., •• " ' ,. .,,~ r h • ''u''" .. '' •\ • onout l,.,J "" • I t f .. , .. , ,, t,.. n I ff J 1 tn~ t f'1&.I" ''• r .. • t '-l 1 r "•'-'''ro ,.,, •n .. n " 1n '"' f 1t I,; f • , • t 1 , .. .. ,. , " .. ., f 1tH V~"t ()' "'fl•Jr I 1-4 \t C >"JI, I ltJI J~··•/'f !Vf .. .. ' . . ,,, , .. Pl IH .U l\OTI( t: f l(f l l lOU\ I U'\tHf.\\ NAMl \t A f(MI .. , ••~tJ I ,' '· . I ''l I t tt1,•1t1• '• I 19111 t II t t 0 410'<.tJ I ,,.,. ... t .... , ! t f h ,. ·'• l flt ...... , ',. .... -,. 1 f11111 N I I,,, 11 1; .. ,.,,, . ,, I t tt •ll ' • I If-It;'• Pt HI.I( :'l:OTI( t. •H l •t lOU!>MU\lfrr« \.~ NAMf ''"'" M t-N r I .. I q N llu '' I\ ,,t,, I I t,. fllpft1f! fl I I '' 111 ,,,. I rt I •, t ........ , ,. "' f I\ t/t l I I "' 111 I 1"' ~ , • • ' t. II 1 11 1141 1 t •1 • ' .. ,, I "u' I r.qrr.,.. • ,._.., ,.. f A ,,,.,.,, \" t \ f th I H t f f(,t I , ~ 11 L. I t I 41 tf'I t I• n t r,1;to fl I~• I ' t fl •0 ·~ N tit• I l Wo"'1 ,., M~t(\ t 11vr I r 1' •fl H 11 h f A tf1•tfll t ,,, • f f 'r • ,. f •• t A '•' t t M tf • , ,, ~· • , '.II -..~ ' ,, ,. d "' , ••• t "''"'' 11 ' , • f\ •• ; •• I • ,, 1 1,.11 11 t,, • " .. t 1f• I .... ; 1t•, I H 1H I ... .. " . t ,.," ti I li;l l f t I H •)I 'I Pl'HLI(' l'OTIC't : " . 11wrt , ..... , .. f I I• ,, ,, f olf H•f'\' f't 1 t11 '"'I' 11 A I ,,,,. .. I l J 11/a.)A . ' I• h o•l"'•t f ' ,,... JI j 1 I .. I'• .. ' . " Pl HI.I( 'IOT IC'• "' ' .... .. offer ro c"r r11 I Ok\ frrtO A tOOO"• \UPffltOll(OUltf OJ 1111 H •H Of c a u r o 11"''" •OH rHl COIJ .. !Y O~OH llNv• n t ru M 111 .. f 11 lfl• I I ii• ,,,, , " I l. ' l•I ,,,. C-11 I ' .. •I ~ "fl"n'!TfV "llVI f'j'Tr,'Tf1 1T1f1 1 f .. .,..,,_""} t t\ut11 •4) 1111 I UH 1111f I•• •1(ftflOU\8U~Urlf(\~ / thul ltt •h ,..,1 1 t 11ft1 111 1111 1"J1 • 111 ... AMI \fAt •Ml.H f If• h t • •ft. 11t t• 11 S 01111 h t t Ip• f I 1 ... lf J ,,. I 1 I t f'lt (jtflit.\f "11 lf'lllO't I I ff\t Ullof11 r \1 11 1 fl 11 U I f U\lfl,.. .. I "", ~· '40fU ~' w C• Atf(1f t ti t Hf ~· t 1 I ANNt U 1 ih,_•, M fl t.i\ A. t; l\t-H1t I (I JJOt W•l1h1t• r-,,.11tu '°'"I.,..,.., J)f)I HHN •tHjh1" t•tv" ,,,,,,, \fi 1 I n• A *'fl• t,.., ht U ti I A,, ... , I .. 11•11n, #IJ tl ,.,tu f1I111• f oft1 t '' ~ 111•• I , ... • f l ' ..... i A.,,,•; f ,,,, 1'1 • "' fl'> •flu I,,.. I t • ~ A ''1t. /I "'• Ill I t f II IHI of f#\ tfll .,, r 111 11t 111 111 ttl11fh f f11 1t1111u111I1 1 11 I i It ff I\ I I •• ,, ~ II lh1 n• , , \ ,, • • ,.,,. n• , ~ "' , I f11 ~ •• t u• i II •f t'ltrtl #tffth ,..,,,, 4111t n111 I o If ~'1ntf'I ,,,,., ti•• t t f c1ulll 11 11n 1)t '"' 'I t11t1tJ,... ~"" '"' 1 r1 fil""' u •n 1 '"''' nri1 '• "''"'' f)•1 ..,, ,,, , ' t ,,,,.,' .. t•1 ... '•''• ,,,.,, t1 '"" ,, ';J M A• ••• I ,, ti ''" .. ,. ,, N il I t.; ... ,. ,,,,. ,., .. If I n1 llu\011 , 1• c ond•H ~,.,, t1' 'H n• t Al '''" tr• r • n.,, I i J' • ,. HI• " ~1"100 ot torty ti"'° ,.." o"v, "'''t't '"~ dillt.-,,., for trw 1 C')I n1rt<1 lhf rl-<frf • It "°" w1\h to d,.f,.nd tf\1\ ld'•\utl yek.I mv\t w11hll"ll JO """' nftrr th•\ \ummDn\ 1\ \ft'.,,,.,, on vou, r11t11 w ith thl\ tout I • wn tt"" pl•4'd•no tn , e\OOn\11> tn t nr f ompl•lnl 'tt " Ju\t•c'"' (.ovfl yC>u mu'\t fllr w tlh U\f' rou rt ft w1 111 .. n ple•d•no Ot l ttu\r ttn otl'\t f>t~Adlno to tw •nl,.r•O '" '"'" ft04.1t.et 1 Unit"\\ ff)v do \O vou• d,.tauU ••ti .,... ,."'"'"ct upion -tc>c>lu AhOtt ot' Ow pl1t•nt1U .,,,.., th•\ t QU'' nM., ,."'"' •• 1•1'1t'"''"nt ttQ"1n•t f tru fo1 '""' , .. 11,.t d,. '""'ltl .. d 1n lhf l Of1'PI"•"' w tt1( h tOUhJ ,, \1111 1n °"''""'hmP•1I of wit~\ 1,,111no 1,f mom .., 01 C>'OP"'h <>too, .. , '""""' , .. '•v--'\tf'd 1n thfo t omo1"1nt f If' M 1\.\1('6'\ \1, .. 10 ( f4 91•1\ h•lly ll1.1llnn 18)17 (H I V•ll• Or ••• 0 •1tl'\OI"' (A 'nW f h t\ \IAflllTle nt .., t I I• o1 ( 'JUf\f I (. ... ,. t11 l ,I II J• t '""nft) t1ofi ,-1t l•H P vt)l•\,_..,J (),,u ,,, ( 11 ''' IJ • , •t•h•f '""' J,. lwlt ) t I I~ ti.ti' ,, ''"I)* .• ti•'" lu•"lfl 'f M11ttt'' ti u It 1 1f(tll'lfflif nt ft~\ fth 1 ••Ill Ott t 1,u nt, ( ,,.,., '-'' (J,,,.n..,.. f n11nt r ''"' h lfll JI ,.,,,. , '1111' t'1ff1H I" ft l/t If\<;' ( ut•t l1 •1lt 1•1 ftf Jun• '" 1111 f '; '' l'f I•/• J•JI ,, P UBU<.: NOTH't; l'ICTITIOU~ BUSI Hf S'> NAM[ SlATE MfHf I tu tQBOWinQ Ot '''Jn t\ ,9 "''I tt t tif'\\ "' ti f 0 ., U ' 0 f• I IN f ( JI N f\ f ftttOlt 4110 h 1" t I Su•t"' t#O N .. '#1\'t• t t tl•rdftl (A 12t...t.(j Jnmt A t ,iJ h fJ'' h 1 4 Mf'l"d"w\~ I W1t'f 1tv1n• (A 'f/lt\ f nt\ bu'\tf"tllt\\ t c tt1td uc lttO t 1 t h •' Olt'ld1Jt1tl Jltmf'\ A < ,,,.-,or1r n l ht\ \ldten"Menl Wtt\ tilf'fJ ft1tn II t (.ouf\h ''"'"' or O• ""~ Count I ,,n Junti H 1.i• F 111461 I 1;l1lt ht ti fH u ; 'ft• I ,, 11l y l11lltt Tht 04'Mt'1 ot frullt .. \ ,,.v·rv,., thl' 1 ,,0 ,.. 1 ~ • 11 t , t ,1, C>• •v•••oe ot tt-;•, tlrtq ""' ~"*• ... 11 h1tt .... ,.. O• to •rt•v~ "'' t If I I 'llllf•t ltlP\ IU m tnrm1tlll1f'' '" ,,..., U•O Uf In thtt liH1 P UHi.iC NOTU't : fltTITIOU~ llU~INE\\ NAMIE UAJl:MIE .. f 1 "'" fo1tow 1no p .. r\on\; ,, • ltu\il'lf'\' o\ C./4 L YPS0 P AHft4 f '''· ,, ,.4'ltt net\fue> f)f') ',. • f.#1fl• I"'• Ht '#l)Ort flr1111h1 (A "'"'''It ,_.,,y •• .,,_.,., M) ·~ ,. ftrn• I '",. ff• #f)Otl Bf-Mn t A f'/'11'i/J )O\rph & Id" Mflf1• ' ... ttvt;;, ttO ', '.w,,t"lt (Jnvf' LllfHJ h•,,.t rt <I• ~1) W ftf111m A H i r t •l t M f'H'\1H1h lt 1y )o l 1tqUt'd f A '111tll r n1\ bu\tt'\~\\ t\ 'onnui 1 .. 0 hv ~• Q• ntttAI .,.,,,_""'" Jerrv p,.,.,,. ., M.ln•vmo .,,., rn .. , NORMAN I WI" I V1h ~tty f\o••d Of r ru''""'' f-11hh\f'w'<t 0 , •W\Qf" (OO\I 0411¥ 1•1lnt funr 7~ nnd Jul., 'I l 'il'f 1A Ill ,,. P UBLIC NOTICt: ,.ICTITIOUi 8 U$1NE\' HAM! STAYEME"'f h If fOU •b flt to '"' 1'-t .. dwt( • et •l'l •ttorMy "' tflM• m•tt•r you 1M4itllf 4o 1• ,,..,,....tft \0 th41t YttUf ., .... ,. r•111Ml""" 11 •r\Y. m•y N tU•d ~Um. O"led MM 11 O•I• W1!11 trn I ~t JOhn t '"'"' 1 r ,,,..,1, M 1 .,,,.. , '" "'"''• \0 .. £ N\HINE A AltM~f"O"'c; f tu tnuo,.,,.,,, ~''°"' .,. do1no bu" ",.,. •••• \SO Nt •..,, C.etlt•r O•h• a ·.' ur f\•N C. PflU tiU(. IO PI f N•w.-ort I••<" CA t)..0 IN (. 1~fllt NfHtlfQo<I ,,..,,tt,,. lr•itu" Tel t l14J •40-0,)1 ( 1thff11nM"'Jll'1 Altor"•Y tor Pl .. 1fttlff h H •I ( f '• f I J f 1; t N 1, P1tntl\F\rU ()f'.tnt"' ( tM\t [1A11., t11h1I IN\11 \IMl .. T'> "" l'•llt .. or•"IOd l JuM)I 11 lu••\ ,, ttl~ '""''"'' lt'lflnf' (4111frHnttt'i111\ IH& I' fn1\ 1111\lf'le\\ h 'r.f'l(Ju1 t11t1 fl'( If f0t pou1llf10 11•11<•\tlltll•tl<I PURI.IC NOTICE (1o11 vl\ t (h4rnb,.t hn t 1)11 ()1,.nt,_w1r • R04t0 \o:tntot ,.,., .. (A ~110~ 1 "'" l1u\1n .. \\ '' 1 11nftut '' •t lu ' q..-n .. , ,.1 ''"' ttw"r~.l\1p l•f)f .. , I l 0\M f n1 t "'' \I tit fnf'nl Wit\ flt• O ""''" "~' (CJunt, ftH I' Of Ot11tl'Q• t 011n1, 1 I' '""'lit'"'' ••ufJt ht"f'I (l"'"'I'" (OA\I ""'•If J"1IOt JUO"' 71 /fl f11t1 \ 11 l+f,4f HU IQ Pll81.1(' NOTlt 't: f It Tl TIOUi BUSINI U "'"ME SJAT EMl NY f P\r fOllQt1r1t'l1J (1.,.r \O"\ ,.,, f111111u bU\f,,,.\, .. \ A (Al(.I A \1 /lM( t Pf 't 0 1 111 t r)PMfNf COlllll PA .. Y /Ole 011••1 \lr ... 1 NttwPotl llt•<ll, CA 91060 \t,.MM 8to •n & A'\O<••'•' In• HhJ I• Pt.:81.1(' NOTIC't. CP •111 "CTI TIOU\ l!U\I .. ( \\ NAME HATtME"'f f h • tu11ow1nq "', ,,n, ,., • tlu•• , bU\•~\'o~\ P~C I I f' lOl1t ' \u\"91\ ._,,,,,~, \•"'•An• ( 1' •llOA P,u •dtft (Qu•(ll"• nt ctn Of\10 • V' oor ... hon f ,., .. Du\•nr• \ •\ t nnn1tc h (1 fl• i>0tdt1on "'" • ••n l f't1J•pm1 ,,, (U'f•U•tn'f Alh t l t 1ft (n,.,1m"~1 ttfu t1t,.10 . ,,. '' • ,,,,, .. ,.,. "' • "' • h""(J ...,,.,, ,,,, (Ou"'• 'lf"H 1 t OtltnQf"" (Oo,,t • iHI l un• 11 1~1• lt••-L ..... _EM AUetn•f •f U w .. 0 .l It t W 0 AHGl LU MYllt\ & O'A .. GIELO AUefMY• •I L•• JIU Wlltllttr lllwd •uuu• '°' l•t ,._.., Ca 00010 PuOlt'-f'v'tt O t 1tr\Uf 1 1'4 t ft""' •1,1111 J\in• u 7t 18,.rtrt Juir ' '''' ,,,,() '"' P UBLIC NOTU't ; l'ICYITIOU~ llU\t .. ES'> NAME ~fA HMlo .. f f .,.,. tnlln••no '", ''". ,..,, iloo•v tlv\•n"\' A\ PRO I I </EU -.v 11 N ,11 11•, Av• nu~ '!\y1I,.. l}J ttunl1nu1oh 111 1( n •16•~ iv An" l .. Mott tQl9\li t ... ,,.,..Utt'*~ A ,, .. nu~ '()l;f\la•n V11tl1 • f 11l•lutm1t l /IOft It oelh"t JQint> 11).)0 I~ ,.,M C 11 t If • l'»untd1n v_.11 ..... c 4 lllt)ff\1oit 47/ott f "•' Ou\11\1 " '' t ondu( 11 d fJ't " Qt Ill I o\I Q11trlftf'lt 'h It >u•nn I .-Mntl fn1\ \WtetnM1t Wtt\ 111,.0 w1tf'I tf'wo C t1unty (lttta c;,f <>••tn'Jf'i lount1 On 1un• 7, 1'1' "lltl• F llH M PuDll5'*' °'""ti'' (M\I On•lf lltlol Publi•hed 0...-04' C.o•" DAllY 1•1101 l f\1\ \fAtttnenf w"' f1l,.O •Ifft tfi'WI ( ou111, Cit<• OI O•~no--(Ounly 00\ Jun• ,0 "19 CAl'•lnA1<AiO.t.H OltANOl C.OU NJY SIJ•E ltlO• CO UEY llO Civic C-Dr W••t S•M• A.,. CA nlll SUMMON\ • C .. 11tor n ... cm pnt .. 1.on 101t. <.>u"'' 'ttr"'M N,.wpOr-t lt,.tt< h (A ~l'\&ij I MA(IP Or•rlvpmtjnf H14 • o 110 1 l 11111 SI ~It IOI l Ytll" CAttt9 f n1i.. ''''" •m nl """"' 1,11 iJ wtt '1 th• C.ounty ( ,,.,. u1 Ot .. u~ 'nufilv Ufl lu"" 11, July) 11 oq t•1' , .. , I Julle 11 11. Juty) 11, 197• P UBUC NOTICE CP '1M NOTICE TO Clt£01 TOlt\ 0 1' •uLll f ltANSFEll IS.u 6101 6101 U ( C I N o t 1t fl t\ h•t-bv O•••n t•1 tnfJ r rr-dttOt \ o f ttl ( l t1Ft M.I NU t• I r ltl'l\l~f (,t • Wt\u'\if 1)4.J\lh• \\ tt(Jnt f't\' t•• lOH EI '""'"'0 r •IY ul ( ()''" M•\A County of O"m~ !:tt1t1,. 01 C•tuu1n111 lnolft .. bulk ''•"''"' fl AMut tn bf" m~M 11) 10'>1" I 111\ Al"Pl•A<,All ""' (,f)N I A l 0 f>HI I 00 t ' 1tt\l11f .,, ' #htJ\~ hu\.,tf'\\ M1drt '' I' U 1Q 1..,4111lh M .itin .,,,,..,, A11"'""""' 4A I t 1ty •JI \,.nlA AM (~lf•tt ot "'""u-'\tAtti •1t <-ttllfotn.• th., prooe•ty tu tv. .,,,,,,,,.trrd ., dt\t' rlbed •n ~~t•I "'' Alt \tO<• •t' ttftdfl, flith.tr•\ f'Clutprrlf•n1 And ~f'W)'1 wlll Of lftal I l\'iT FOOO llu\ln•\\ ~no .. n ... CltlAPPES ll(~IAUltilNI •NI lot••~ •• t()H £I r •mlno C 111 01 (O\I" Mft•• C.Ounly o• Or •nQe, l>l•I• of Cellf0<nl• Th• bulk fr.n\fflt wilt r~ <Of"l\um m•lt<I o<1 or •ti•• lf'I' ,.111 O•r nt Ju ly1 ,.,. •I 10 00 d m •I <.rllOVl A f'iCAOW COltPOA.t.TIO"i, wflow ...i dft \\ I\ 111111'1 ltvlM Olvd , t u\ltn, C.elllOflll• fl1•t llW llO\I d•I" 10# lmno \lelm\ '" •~ "\ot.tUW tett,,,.,o to Ntttun " July II ,.,,. SO •••••"•-to in .. ,,.,,,,., .. , •II ,,.,.,,,.., n"'"'' •no •lt<lf •n~• uwo l>Y ltle TtMl\lerO# lor llW PUI 11\fM ,_..,. ••• \llll!llE OIOl~lf Jun" r. t•I• l<M l UI\ O .. tt" .. n (,on,.10 ""'klo ,,.,,,,,., .. , OllOYl.11 UCllOW 'o•roo•A T ION ,.., ,, ....... . '""··~· etc,.. ... .,, ... ,,. Pullll~ Or""Ot l °"'' u .. 11, P11n1 Jun• H •~l'I 111v• P UBLIC NOTICE , ICTITIOUS llUSINE\S .. AME H AYlME .. T f "" to 11ow1nQ PtH\On\ ,...,,.. d f1tnQ bU\ln•\\ A' f l .,iEn fAr 10 1> t "'"°' '•nl• f>A vl" r o•mt'"" v,.11 .. t < ... ut<1•n1 .. 'IHOlt Man1t1d P'att MO'''' 1n10 flot tf)th•lllff,.HJ. '(Mtnhtln VAllt v ( 1th'()'"'" Olll't Uft..-n Mt H~" Ut10 ttuttfln•l'l(M1 I uuul,.m Vttlll', ( 1thfl)t n1,.. 'f1/01t l t11\ hu\HU .. \\ '' rnnt111r fl"'<J l;'f" O"'""t.-.1 '"'''"'"'''''" Rnru.l(J tfo•I Mot••' ''"' ,,,.,",.,,..."' ""'' ,.,,.o """" 1n .. Courtlt l.I~•-ell Ornno• ( nunty 011 lun• 17 M,. ,11 .. M Pubh•N><I 0.MIQ'" (o.>\I O•llw Pllol June u , 11, 1l•nct July ), t'1• 7'11 I~ PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTIYtOUS euttN•U NAMI STATIMINY T llt lolto.1119 per\Oft h <10ln9 bti\I M \\ ., (II BlUH '> TRAV£l SERVlt C 111 (tl\I lllllfl Tr11vel S.1vke (Jl 1119 C,.enyon frntl S.rw1u , ltlO W Aeclon do ll••<h l!lvd (iar!Mn•, Colllor11I• '°1fl fit .-:,,.,,., .. , Int' A (Allfotnl .. fOt 11o••llon 1&10 w Rot1c,nt111 llu•t lll•d (.Ar()tn" c .011101n1• '01fl 1111\ b<l\ll'>ft\ I\ (ondu<lrd by" tu• f)Orellol'I C-onO 111• t "'' \let...,..nl ,..,, ttl~'1 w1111 '"" r ovntr ti••~ or Of"nll" (.oonly on Jvnt 11, tt1' '"..,, t'ullll\fwoll Otitr>Qf' (0.0\1 CJ•llY PllOI Jun• I•, II 11 ""(I lUIY ~ ·~IQ ,,,. , • IUU M~ Ar-erwll , Suoto 0 \ ,,.,,,. c e111.,111en1u Flt/)11 (•h f1')fnu1 (OtPOrttunn tit "'4 )If\ ~····· """'.""' (.I\ •ll/l '"'' btJ\•nfJ\\ '' ~ondut't"" n, • ,,..,, OOt•l10n h 'fl•l 111 llM Publl\fW'oO O.ttn., t f\'1\f o, •. ,., •'•lot Jwn,.11, tu••\ t1 tfl '"' ~I•...,• ll•-n& c ... Nu-• ft " 1• PIA1nllll WAVNI I NOlll N~QN Publl\hr-d 0r4AOI Cot1t\I OAH't Pttol1 M 0 Int P1tn\iOI\ l>lt1n 4tnd f ru\t U'f A\\Ot 1.itt•\ ln.t Junr 11, 11 J uly \ 11 It/~ w .. ,,, .. I Ro1>1n\Oft ,,.,,,.. Pnohp A "'""'"' Pr~"°""' P UBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE 1JI\,. 0•'~""""' JAN•C• .. ltOfllH\0.. !Ill\ \IAl•menl '"I" "'"" ...... , ... .tnd nor<,1tntouqn" 11\(IU\hlP' (owolY r,,., .. ot O'""~ Count" on NOTl(f' You M •• ..... .-T )un~ ·~ ,.,~ It,,, .. <et1rl mar de<I .. -111\I , ... wtl-1 ,,,11._ SUl'lltlOlt COUltl OF r Ht , ................... _ .. " , ... '" Pul>lt\....., °'""<I' C'O.•t 11 ..... P ••M ''"'' M CAt..,,OaNIA ,o . '''""o'" •u"NIE\\ •11111• .... , ...... "'" , .. , ...... 11 Ju,,..,, ,. lu•• I II ,.,, JN( t OUNY'f 0' O•ANG( NAMI •T.t.Yl.ME NT ..... llll I• Na A llMll Tho 111t1<>wl"ll """on " Ot.oinQ l>u" AVl~I U•t ... 11• ...... flltllll•ll• N O f tCE OP "£A•t N G 0 ' n•"'" ll ,,, _ _..._,..,,<..,tr• u• PllBI NOT ( f •lTITtOW ,oa ••O•An 0' Will H•C '-""' o r1"1l , 1Ht i•H ,,11 • .,111.Ml••m-• ... u• , .. _ .I(' I ': ANO 'o • t..IETY t •i TE\TAMI"' lltHfl \uotr I h••PO•I fl"" n 0• O nlto .. .10 ... , t..H I• l"l••m• YA•Y AllD ,0. AUTHOlttlATION CatlloonoA"1MO cto1141u1 "'"' •• ,.., JO AOMINISTl.lt UNOIE• TH ( Jnnn Ru'""'' f'Oltll 1{)111 l!ln(j\fn .. t I r<i 11!1 I JI I I NnA .. I " • •••I NOJtt l TOCltE O"O•\ INDEl'INOINT AOMINl•Y•ATtON ,,,,,.( •• ,.,,,.. (aUto1n~ •• ,,,, t(Unf'.'hlltlfUP'IA,l)rfltn f11f't1 by lh,.pt"1n MO,.,., o,,,,.,,,ACf f hl\Dt#\tf'W\\t\(Oft(klt teobr .. ,•11 hfl1tQ1ttn\t t•N \Ufl"t •1o•cou••o,, .. l .. ,, .... "'JOUN WA•N• '"'V po1 .. 11011 • fl you •mh to r1•1•nd tn•\ l•w\uil \TA fl O• (ALIP08NIA ,0. '"°"" •\ MAlll()N Mt(HAll MOii (hrl\ll"',,, Potrn fDU mu\I w•1n1n IO OIOY\ ..... Int• J .. IE COUNTY OP' OltANOf 111\0 H °" ... ..., fhl\ \tattmflnt ••\ llltd will\ ttw> ,uminon" 1\ \#t•r tJ on you to• """'' fn I"'• MAtt•r ot tf'lr f \titt~ ul frrtOJlt l. 1!. HE.A(8Y G•VCH IMt (ounl• <•••• 01 O••-<-ouno, on '"'' cou•I ....... 11.n P•••<l•nci I l'JIA .. Cl'>J U HCOlH o ....... d M l (H Al l ""''"O MV WA YN L !u"• •1 '"'' 'll•M• Puh11\nf'o(j ()f'-.n~ (OA\f 0 tlly f.l1lut Junr ti )!, >t IOI\() /vly \, 191• 1l$J 1• In• PUBLIC NOTICt: l'l(JITIOU\ eUSINlU NAMl STAJ[Ml. .. f l1u"n• '' tf\ hll I \ I Pl"MI Wl)RI(~ Hfl•• n ttl<1f1 M1f1Wotf ' .1, t.•'''''' nm •1•')' W•••• .. m J•• • ttn tlm Af\ U\1 Am• lfti """"""'m ( '41+t'ltl'oA ~"'°' t t C"1nrtA Jnt t'" t fo trm11111 1 1\~ Amrhijll Attt11,~tfUtl ( Alilr"Untft 14/"'I# O•••d\111t l •\_1nfJtt ) Jt \I fthfltHolt\ t "' ''"'""'• ut ""'''' fth•tt W'•lh tn,-, C..oun1._ Llt•., u.I O'"°''' C..ouuh on tun,. t) , .. ,~ , 1t•tt• Jv,.• 10 19/~ •••POMO lo Ille 1ompl•tnl 111 HOlt<o I\ M<ob9 QIW.,, IC l r\jlllO" I OUt\ J0M .. '>0 H AHO JOI< .. '> fttl> Ju\l1t,. <ourt YO&.J mu\t tll" wllh tf'W hevlno t1Aim\ 4tO•tn\t thfl ,.10 det • WAIUtfH "•' flt.,..,.,.,,_• Pf!llll°" Pvo11 .. n"'(J <Jritn•~ \. ..,,..,, t11w 1 fl11ot Publlv.tl C>t...-~ o.i1.,_ PllOC rovrt • ,.-,rn111 i>•••llTilO hr "'"'' ., c!Wn1 To "'" q,1d rt•1m~ 111 tlf, omn o tor P tob.14• of WTll ...., liit ,, ...... u 01 Jun• t1 11 n ~"" 1u1,. \ ,.,. 11\\ "' JuM1f,)I JulyS 12,,.,. >JI• 1' Ot •I P"MltnQ In 0. •nl•,.d in I tllr clfr• or Ille •IO#ewod rOU•I Of lo lolltt\ THl.omrnl•t9 •t1d t o• Oothll UnlO\\ you dO Ml your l)rl•ul pt•\•tll -to ............. ._0 •I Ille Avl-llM-lo -·"'"" -· '"" I will bt •"'"' .. .._ ""'"'' ""°" 011 olfltt of JAM£\ A i.MITt<, tJO w .. 1 ,,,.,.,..,_ AOml111•t•MIOft OI E•l•I•• PUBLIC NOTIC' t: PUBLIC NOTICE pla ll'lllfl, -'"" tovrl m•• •nlu Vin• Sl•ffll P 0 1101 tl1, ltf'dll,,... A<I, r•lflrmt• to w111<11 ;, m-IOI ----llldoment -ln\I rou to• tllo rthfll ci. Colllo•n•• t't111 f •I•""°"" /'J) JJU turtllf!• p.ortltu••' -111•1'""11- ,.CTITtoUI euStNIH m•nff<I '" ,,,. <-4•1nl, whltll, 011 •ll•<fl lltll•• olfll • •• ,,,. Pl•te of h tl ..-d pl•• or 11u r1no I"" •-• 11•• NAMa ITATIMaNT rnull '" 9'1'"'..,._,,, ot w-•. •••• ,_.,\ 01 IM -•\lllfl"I '"ell m•n•" bHll •ti tor July tO ltlt, •' 10 00" m Tll• lollowl"9 e>e•\O"' lft oorno ol mO/\o Of ,.._•IY or otM• ,.,,., ,, po•l•'"'"9 to t.aid ••••t• Sutll <l•lm t 111 '"" counroom ol °""'',.,."'' .. o J ""''"'" '" QUfl\ltd In llWt <Ot'nf>I••"' """ Ill~ -t\\aff •°"'""" mu\I bt or ••IO <Oll'1, •I ,. Covlt c. ...... n ... ., M l SA MOfl L. •H N ..... ""'' II ",. ........ to -tM ... I<. 111•0 or"''"""'" .. , •IO• .. •ld •1111111 Wo\&, ill tlle C•I• o• Soni• A"• 111•0 , N•-1 .. etll, C..ollf0t111.on .. l H • ._...,Wt -••. -• lou• m°"'"' •II••'"" ltt\1 pvllllt•llofl (.e11101"'" \•O Wt l Clltl, •I\ H .. ••POtt M .. ,.,......, ...... ,_ wrot OI tl11\ n<>llt • O•lrO J..,. I' ,.,. 81•0 H•WC>Ot1 .... h, (.olllornt.o t1 ... J ,._.. ... H ilflY, Mey M lllM 011 ""'° 0 .oltd JYM 0 , ,.,. I f ( A AAA .. CH Swo I In°"''· 41\ N Newpntl lllwll O•l•d ,,,.~ )J ,.,. Wlft\IQ• ~ .... ' Int Din J• (A)unty l.1 ... N"Wf)Orl 6"Kll Celllotllloltt .. l Wtlll-l \I Jnfln (I•" f'. u <ulO• OI llW> W•ll LOIB ANO LO.I flll' bu"""" I\ <(ltldvtlt d "' • f\1041•M luo,,.,r,Ooll"'' 04 ••ld0..._,,I tTfli-POllO C . llUll .. ANO llfllt••• _,,,.,\hit> so ........ , ... & A .. •n•OMG 'AMII A "'''" ... ., ••• '· OA•• ~""°"W.ttlwlt I• .. ..,,.,. c-tp DrlH , A AttWlltY et Uw 0.. Wltllllft ..... , ...... , .. •Tiii\ \let-#9' fllod •1111 !tit New,... llM<fl, CA tt... tM •••I VIiie ,..... 'L .. A ....... (A •II C01H1trC.ltf'-OIOf11111t Cou11tyOt1Jllfle h t, 11141 ... t• r O •••Wt '" llUl.,...I• P'ICYIYIOUi BUSI NE n NAMESfAYI MI NT l rw fOUow1no Pttr "°" t\ tkl1ny ou•111 n•u A' YYT RlAO t \IAll l"iVESJMFMT\ 111., 0. ,.~ II•••'" l •,,. """""9111'1 """' n I A ~1~40 Yu•n Yu•n r '"' >, ,., 01 _,,.,. Ut••lt l•rw t'1HnftnQIOu Utt1u.h (.A .,. .. f hi\ ~f\l"°ft\"\ t\ 'Of\fJV't fP''1 by •n In a1wu:tu•I .,....,.. Yu•n '-•' '"'' ''•'""""' '""' '""1 ••rn '"" (Oulllf ~lor• oo Or•n(lf> (@uni~ on ,., ... ,. ''" f'IOUI Pvtttl-Or ... CO..•I O•llY P1104 Tell ,..... AftWM• ltP ... IMen 70 ,.,. A"9rM• fw r..111t111 ........ CA tt'1• lltlH ....... Publl•lltd O..mcit CCM\I O•lfy Piiot, /llM 11 ,. J•llf) ,, ,.,. •ublli .... 0.•• <-ir.•' 0•11• 1'1101 P11l)ll ..... °' ..... Co>••• JuM\)1,M,Jltlf\,11 "" IJl• I• IJJI I June u H H lflCIJ"''' i.10 Ut> I• J-Jl,U,M,te1' Pt1'111 l'ul>lltl\tcl Ot-Co.t•I O""' 111101 Oet~ flllM l11ne 1t tno Juh ~ 11 " tti• Urt I• UM It \,._··-·----------.... ~-· ~ ... --· .. _ ._ :..: :.-_· -----··-- ... Tlvldly. June 28. 1979 DAILY PILOT PU.UC NOTICE tllN•tOtt COU•T O• TMf nAT.CH'CAUPCMt•rA •O• TM• coue.T\' Of'O•A1tOa e.GA ..... PITITION l'O• AM o•o•• D r•ICTIMO CONVf 'l'U ICI OP ••A~ ....... , .. .Jlf lftt M•ll•• of II\• &. 11•1• o t W ILLI A¥ JOM .. Cl l L A ,.0 , O.tn -P•tt110"., Alle UIU\ NI Cl I LANO ., .... , 11\•I t P•hh.,.t 4\ t~ • .,,, vto• o• '"- w 111 el Wll.UAM JOUN 'l-l..UlcHI> O•<••\•d, •·"V (J•eO Ou Jenu•r• '' .. ,, J At ttw tlmf' of h1\ °"""" (Nt • O.nt IWtid l•tl• ., to •n Uf'Gtv1it.e ~ f\ell lt1l•rt•I,, •lohCf •lltl"I\• ... Jltf t&N II <'L t ~iu•O •n ,.,. , .. , o•-••• Ot.Ofl-.... IO• lnf ti 1n fuu1• t "' A•«ft "•-'" M•191'h A.dUIUOP\ A\ \'MtWtt Oft • t-nft• l1Wt"$1 ,.,..__ "' -I .._ U Miu•"•"""-""' M~ •~ trwt fttttf • M ,,. .. l .... nt" M .. Of°" 04 "*'n \l• •ft9f' " Wf" h C•ll•flit"•• l ft"IAN A t l r l •I'll Cl ,.._•••"•ti .. • t •U•O ( t•~' t I•'"" .. tw •""''•Cl li '"'°""••-'•.,.ft\• f'if..-.. ty •M ,_,~ • t•1m o It•....,." wpiut '"• ffttt•••"• ftlkl tn ,...,"'""""'' vf t•lti AN IAN H ( l I & 4HO ..,., "' to "'' t.,el.,,•• W ft. l tA~ J.0.•H 't f t A ... ll •'~I -"4d "'"' '"•' ,.. ••"'•d •• • ...,, , n.-u _. ....... ·• ..... i •• ..,., ...... '•0"'" ... ._.," .... _,""""' ( ~'-· . •"''"". •"" '"•' .... ~....n,.. '"""',,.. •• , thM'1.I ~ntQ brt.n.,._.,, .net f"U•0.'1 I.,_. rn ....... , t•N,T •~ .. --tt•tt• ~tl1 ''• tv'O t\ ... ,._.. tf\111U I"• .,. ....,,1,t \('-•" f\1n1 .,.. rt•••• .... , rw-.,"'..,' "'' u•• '~ ~~~:• :;.::; •:•·;:_ ~;o:';:~'; :,:t ~ 1------....., ..... -r.m;..n~ touTrf"f'PtfY fW Jc•"' "•"" twtttw• .. "1..-r11 lft•l I f\• tu •flt a , 10 t ,., ', • ''''•'"''' "" 1n• rnuo•, t .. 11 fh• l1nw n,,. f11•tJ t ,.en.I fhu " PUBLIC NOTICt; ...... ''""'°"' •uw•• u ..... " ......... , , ft• ...... , ..... , .. ,., .,. 0••"9 Du\tfte\\ 4" 1'1 t M t •A l() l!A 't A ~ ~C.IAI~ lOl l.~ .. ,, L- ll•e< II Celllotrw• .,.II )l•P"ef' ( ·~ l"o•not• P I u,,..., ttl\ !IOI* Cl<"'• Ht•PO•I II• .. " ( •UfOlt\la ._,..,, L •• C. ~ 00r1"• a t•••• '" { "''' ••O 0••• ' •vwn• ••••" <.e111~11·•m" t ,, ..... ( 'l.N. ( "'"' '•"'"' "" l tn•'••d 0•• l •Qvn• M•••" ( •lttornt• .,,\t fl\I\ bu\t.,•\\ 1\ •vf"lftiu.I•" o,. • CJ't"e'f •t U.•en.Hl\t" ,..,.,._. I I ,,,_r • fth \~t•f;ltftj •• , fll•(f ..... ,1 llU~ ( ftuM f ( l•tti ut 0' •n\f• ( Cl\fllllt1 un Juf\• ft '"' '""" l.tyDll\.,..., (~ M"<I" C IM\I fl••l t 1-'U ul h1f"• t4i It ff •.uU h1h ~ t'fn II .. l"f PUBLH' NOTlt't: 'fAf8MfMf 0 r WttMOllAWAL , llOM .......... "'"OP• •• , ... o U .. N ll Pl(flflOU' 8 U'11 .. " .. AMI ft tJ llUt' NOTIC't: PlJ8U(; NOTICE ,IC11TlOU\ au"MIH "Cftt lOU\ aUatM8H 1t.AM41 UATIM41Mf MAMS UAfllM8MT I lie IOUO•lllt ,.,..,.., ••• <1•111• Ill• IOllowlft(I ••WI' I\ 00.llt IMI•• h\H'UI \\ M f'lt\\ ·~ (,(;' \ttOI"• 01 l.AOVlllA I« THI' Ml()WI \T (0HHl'( .. 10 H ••eedwe,, l.,.._.. fl•~" t .. •IUt /401 I ell>erl, •wile t , H1.,lf1t•ute11 011f" Otlf*t. Ht'> Cl f111u11to ....... <.AttMI Oe11e ill'ou.t, CA.,.,. ( erl (dw••d l,.1»111~ "> Atl\O, J e <'l,11 Je He•••I" t•OI fllew..,,,l...._.11,C.A "1 .. ) (tlelllle, .......... lleMh r .. t/4)I 1111\ OlnllleU I\ (-le<l llf ell Ill• R•w ' "•"°"•" •.Ol ( .tt.tlln• O'-••Ov•• l .,,.,,. 11-11. (A 9101 t MI I LO«lfl•• f "h bV•t,..\\ t\ ttHHhnl•f If • f._I\ \fe f•n\ltftt ,.., riled •lff\ tfW 11m1t•ll ,..rlnet\lllt> C:OWAl-<.It•• ot O••nee c-ntf ..,. C:,vf II 0 111\(jl• J""• 11. t•tt '"'' \14l•ment ... , med •1111 1M 1'11'10 I ow11t• 1 I••• ut Oren.,.. lfl\11\tf ""' t•vOtl•"-0 ()i.,,QP (o••t O•ll'f Piiot, J .. n. '· It!• ,.,_. JW ... It, >I, twlY \, II, Hit ""1111•-t 0.-l'..ue•I 0.11, Pilot Jwn• I ti JI It 1t1• P llBl.lt" NOTIC'F. P IC t 1T10U• a u •t1tl U ,._,, .,,.,.""' ... ' 1 tu• f4"\o.u"' ._,,., \oQll '' dCWf'oQ ttw\• "•\\ ., hlNl•U W I !1 1JtLl)L li \ (OH ( f t•I\ •-l ll•tO..e Ut•d t\ttlt)(~ .. \ •lff(>fhl .. .,, ... l0,.••0 I (•-•• 1900 t ll•IO<MI h i •U u.u_cw ,,...,<>' "'* ,, .. , PUBLIC NOTICE PIC.flflOU\ au "MIU MAM•UAH M .. •f ,.,. fOHV#tnQ ""'"'" I\ Ootno b\l\f ne \\ ., MAO() .. '> f,Al.L£MV, t0 t 0• All•m\ A•• ~ul'llll\qton DU<ll, ,. •1' .. Mu,,.., Mooort ""'°"'''""· 11UI Hron•""''''· .._."nl1"'QfOO 0••<"· (A .,_ f hi\ tw~lnt\\" c:ondutl•d by M\ .,. .,.,.0 .... 1 M II AMO<'Y\~f" t "'' ''•'~' .,., f1te-d wtth tfW {Q\inlt t.terk ot Or•"~''°""'• on lune I) "" Fii•"' ""OI•\""" 0t""9" C..0.\1 Oelly Potol, lu11• 11 i1, July S, •I. tt/t 7360,. PUBUC NOTICE PIC'TITIOU\ •utiMaH NAManATU ..... , r tt• toHow•ne "''°"' ••• do1"0 bu\U\e\\ a\ tOE AI. lllU(l(tNC:,, JOH! llen 0011, """""'-••""· C•lllOt"t• .,... Ft•"* ,._,. ... ,.,..,... 10111 11 ... uoll, M..ml.,.tOft ... ,., C•llfot"I• •ie- (1\••oot'I•""' "····-· 10llll """ f' roft, Mwntineton •••'"· C•ltror"I• n ... '"'' ~·· ,, , ___ .,., ....... (ll•lduel ,.,..,,. p ..... ,""' T111• \l•l-n1 ••• lll•d .,,,.., the Couftly Cle•ll ot Orenu. County on J11M II, "" "" .... Pullll\-Or..,~ CO.II O•lty Pltol, Julte 14, II. H -July ,, ttlt '114-/t PVBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOU• aUllNIH NAMI STATIMINT '"" IOll-•"9 --I\ dOi"Q IMIW M \\ 4'\ RCCPEAllON"l R£HTAL5, 101 rr•nlll f°'t Av~ • Ht1nt1nqton 6e•U'f. (Allforn1• 9'•• MlllOtl Moore IOI r<Mlklorl .... HuntlnqH>n 8'-e<". (ehton11• ,, .. , H H\ buVl'Mr\\ '' r~teo b~ •" tn dlYld\l•I M•lfGnMOote fh1\ \t••~n• ••\ 11\f!d WUh '"'° C.ou"'' <.I••-ol Or,.nQ• Counly 0" Ju11• )0. t~I~ Ou l• L O'arY•" ttll Meyer 1"1•• Cott~-· CA fl6U Pubfl\,_ °'""<I" Cod\I 0 •1ty Piiot, Jvn~ 11 I' July ;, II. 19!• P VBLIC NOTICE A·U /14 \UPflltOtl COUllT OF I Hl ST•tE OFCALtf'OAHIA f'OH fHE COUNT Y OF OR ... NGl No.• 1oon1 PlJBUC NOTICE u1taa10. COU•T OP (Al.IPOllMIA o•....-couMTY 1•c1v1ccaNTa• o•rv• wan UMTA AMA, CALIPOllMl4 ttrtl P L A IN T t"F /Yl A XJ/. "ROI'! A rt IS, • c.etlfot111e <orp0re 110 .. OIFEHOAHT\ CO•A M C"ltll PAllll '"LACE tNVE\fMEHTS. IN(, • CaU ternt• <.orpol'a uori. l Iii. OANIEL, MOOEUO OELStE, "'AO M IH tSf•AfOlt OF ESf•TE or 110\A 0El$t10. •••·~A OEl.SIE, \FANION C.lf'I' IMP•OV~M~NT COM P •HY, PHii.iP 0 (1.SIE. AHAfOStO OELSIE. HEMIT fA A(O\fA f'RAHK OEL'>tE, r AEO 0£1.\1£, -•II 01 ... • 119'~'" ~n '"o"'n, <1elm111;9 •ny rtQM. l•lle. •\tat• U9", Of \ftt•r-•\t '"the r•A\ PfO• Ptrt~ O..\<tl!Mtd 1n P•••nl•ll'\ rom Pl•lnt •no DOE'> , . ''"""9" \, '" <lu\t .. SUMMON\ CUI NUM•E a 211 .. 1 .. OTICEI v .. M•• ............ Tiit •-t -f M ..... IMI fW •lllleul HW ........... -· yw re~ ........... , .. ·--...... _ .... ... _ u t<kl ••\ft to ~~ tlv •Cht1t• ot M' •tto1n .. , 1n tht\ m•U•r, vou \IM>UlO 00 \O ptomot tr \O '""' 1ot1r wrlH •n '•-"OOl'l\.fJ. It .n.v. mAY °" filed on t•m• AVIM>' U• ... M \I .. ....,,.,.._ El lrl-1 _.. -~ ,.,.,,. U• t iA ·-~·· • - -U<I ,_ •• .,..,,,. * • dlu . '-•• •• ..,,.,.,.. <I.,._..._ ~' U"fld dfY• "°'*' •l•r "' con~10 or "" ,.DOQ.ao ,." .,, .. ,.,unlo. 0-'"~'"' f\.t(tH lf) tl'llnPdl•l•mentt: 0~ f!\t• ''\•"er11. \U 1~114 -\C.rtt4'. '' """ •IQUf"4 , ~ ._.,,., t'"Q•\1t.td• • f1~mPO <ornpl•1111 ""' _,. ltled bv '"" P•••n titt •Q•in\t you If you w 1\ft to o-•e"4 '"•\ ••~u•t you rn'"' w•tt\•n JO dlfY\ .. tter th•\ '\lil'nm<>n\ 1\ \etv .. o on "°"· fit~ "''" tht\ COUi l " Wf'1rt~ tt\Pof't\• ft) tf\f'.' t~d1nl Uni~\ you dO \<; VOUf <Mi6\,+I\ 'fiin'' bP .. f\tt.re<I on .\0 pllc.a11on of thfil' Oht•nfltt, ""°th•\ tou" mtty ent,.,. d t~nt •Qd•n\t you 101 thf' ,,.l1f'f (trf'Wnde<I in th~ comc>t•1n1 wf'uc t't 'OUld t1•\vH 1n QArn1\tln'W'nf of •t.tQe\, ••M •"Q Of f'nfH'W'!V 0' Pt<~rh or ntntor ,.,.,,t, r•Q\le\tt-<J 1n tht" tom ()ltttnf O•t~cl Jun. I~ 1q1q I ,...A Ur,tt\f l'\ flMf Uy El""''" WM<L °'"'"''' FllEl.0\, FEMfll A FIEtfll\f Elfll 1-wu...,,..e1•d , \ .. ,,. , .. , I.•• ........... ,. -10 ht .,~-· '-'uf>ll\f'Wt1'J Ot.t"(I" c t;.1•,f Omh P 1l()l lunr >a ,.nrJ h;f~ \ t1 IQ 111/'I 1•111~ BLIC NOTICt: , ... ., .. NOTICIE TO CllE Pl TOI!\ OF BUI.It f llANSF( H 1~, '101 4101 U C C I ""'~'''' 1\ n .. ,,.o, O• .., .. ,. ttt ,,,, ',. .. rt1tOI' 1,t IJt."11£ ~ (.J WACU ()~ t t "n'''"'"' •~'\" bu\1n"''' ,.on, ... ,, '' 8~~\ • (tJffl(llOn IJOulf:~dHI, (..it f ,,, P1ttM'r\f10nl '~'"'" f l ,,. Anu_.,,.. )f+i\1 l'\I f <'thf/'IU'h" tf\ .. t., flul• f1 .. n11ot,.1 I\ ttf)#'lUf ft t ... fn.t'1t ft', f irtfrtf 'l'l<t11' '• • tt n o ,. "'I rt ,.. n• k •• " <,. fJ ,, 1, f '.u i•, ,,., •• \ .,.,,,, ... t1u•.1,....\' ... 1101'" \ H•'I)' '1Al1r+H-,.,. hr1v1 C#"'Hit h'"''" ttu 11••1t~'''I' ''' ,..,. I• tn .. ,, .. ,,,.,, f1p'+j f1{1oof2 lfl tr nf>f.11 I /~fl ,ff)t I> 1,f 11 •U• •••11.;I"'• ••ttu•C>'"""' .inn '•<>ml ~111 ·Jf tnoJ! (Jt If f '"'""' 1 t1y• Ith Ito\ t n11wn 11\ tlt 1NA _. t t-AN••)' ,..nil £(,ot .. t.ms ....i ..JJJ J _..\.t llln \Jr¥#I I·•• vf ( O\l,1 M, ...... I t.Ju•Hv ,,, ()1.,1~· .. , .. ,,. ,,, I (tllt"lff\t~ f n1 h11t• h tHl\f• I ,,.,,lj f,1111 t 'lfl'+U'' "'••t• •I uf+ '; ""''' 1nr t it'• fl••y 1 t '11!1 Hil'I 111 t11 (() ,. ff\ "' W #i.f ... fn M 1i1t1.;.tl t '''1'1"11 f')tf'll•1tit..,, A\t..,"f1QH ,A,rC)1U1 nu· .. \1·U •htJ:,.,. ,,ddJ •"" "" UlOU 1 a •.t 111n \tr_., ,..,,,,. (J 1u.,t1n < """''""' 1 h itt th• l1t'\f i1+1tr• for t111,HJ 1 '"'''°' ,n tt.•· 11v rv• ",..,,,.,,,..o ,,. "'''"'" ... tt1•f I~ I~/~ \O f .. f 1t\ I\ ._..,,_.n I 1 lh1 '"•ln\f,.,,.,..\ .111 OV\•f..,.,\ '°'••fYl,.~ ... , ... , ••Orlr"'''''"\ u \.-.Cf r11 lt'wt fr.1"'·''"''' ,,.,, tf\• U 1•t t hr,... '' ,.,~. oHt '•••"II lJ•l"'O ll,lll't,. )4 I II• ,,_.t11t JlrMln •,,,,,,.,. It _.,.,h.•n'.1'1.,u #1 \T(llN M UfU"I. (\(P O W! C.OAP 11100 ("'t it• \9'•t l \u•tt D fu\ftn, (A t1MD ( u row He t) )1'0t A J-•1,t;l•\hl..,J f)f ,1n•11 / ,,,, ' f '·" t •''''•' luno 18 11/'; "'' h I PtlKLI(' NOTIC'•~ I CP '7H OF llUltt l llAN\FEA ,...._, OI01 4101 UC C t H OftCf OF HE •lllNG OF PETITION FOii Pll08ATE OF WILi. AHO FOii LlcTflell\ TE H ... MEN ~ltV ANO '°" •Ol l<OATtAtlON TO A OMtNISTl:ll UNl>E ll TH E INOEill'ENPENl "PMIHl~f AATION OF ESUlU ACl NOTIC( TO CA(OtTOll\ r f~Of•'''-'' n,.,..::-o., !Hv('n tu 1,,, - r , ,.,, 1 IOr•, 111 14 f I I ti '1 I Ar I P UBl.IC NOTICE l•"' p,_,,..,,, • c..1110."1• <O• I PVBLIC NOTICE pot •hon, 1•\ 8•._,, Sh t et, Co\t& l'ICTITIOUS •UllN•U J""•••.CA~ NAMI! STATl!Ml!MT fht\ """-''I\ tondU(l&d bye tor 1 tu~ toOow•ftt Pfl"\On " 0 0tn9 bv\t por•l•oft " .. "' .o l."'* Prooen.,.'\ . ORANGE COUHf .. WOM MI 1ec.•J-1n>,S«refarr t ARM, ll\\ "'-•t, CO.I• -... '"I\ 11 .. _, we• ltleO wit" II\• '" •1~1' !County Cte•' of 0•-C-ty on M•Y O•vld lll{""'d Rtyft04d\, •t 811Hl ll, ltlt t•t .,.,,,.. CA '1114 '1Ht7t ri. .. .....;,,.,., "<-U(l•d 11, •" '" Pwb1l\""<I Ot""Ot' CtM\I Oelly Ptlol. d•v•Ou•• June 1, 144 11, 11. ltlt O•vld ll•yt>Old\ Tht\ •l•le"""'I ••• ltled will\ ,..,. Co1111ty Cterll ot Ore~ Cou"'" Otl J\I ... s. ltlt, PUBLIC NOTICF. '"""' Pvbll\-Or .... (IN" Dell, Piiot, <----- JUll• 1. 14, "· "· .. ,. -..• ,,, "CTnlOUI •~Niii MAM« ITATEMIMT T lie loll-1119 pentlft• 41rt oet"9 .... 1 ...... , PUBLIC NOTICE C.OlllUIRIC, «Ml M«.Am111r Blvd., - ---Suite 700,.....,..,,. l'IN<ll, CA. nt60 PICTITIOU\ 8UllMIEH ll-r1 W. Bell, Gell. PIH11M" 40 ..,.,... UAT•MINT O<ampo Or .. P«llk Pell•-•. CA l 11• tollow1119 "'''°"' ••• 001110 90271 """,.." ~ E k •ltll Owwl•, Gltfl. Par1Mt', " 8EROl.INA IMPOAT, 1111 !>all ..... w.v.eer-... 11Mr,CA, A111e1rn• o.., _,,._ IN«"· c.a mn ffl44 '"" bonlNU It <-u<IH It'( • H•l9' Hoff,.._, 1111 Ato.tron llmllecl-1Mrtl\lp Dr , Hut1ll""Ot1 8H <ll, '" .,.... I:. lltllho..tl\ M•rtt11 Moffmellll, ti/I Alllel•Ot\ 0..-et Per1Mr O•.,'tlw1111"910118M<h.e•.,,_ Tiii• "-·~ ,. .. ., "'"",... Thi\ b\NM" l\ tOll<lu<leG lty ell lft G-ty C ... nc. of l.oo ,.,.._..,, (OUftty Oft ......... 1 J-$, "" Htltool Hoff,,._ IOMN I . ptMNllW, alO. l llh \la-••• "'"" will\ Ille IOMllt I . NMNI ... , A Pnf. cw,. Co""" C"''' of Or•"Oe ,_,, tb .... C........ Drt,.. ~11nen.1m L"A......,~..,. "" .... ""'" ,.....,,_Or .... C.0.•I Oolly Piiot P.,..t,,_. o.-.. C•M Oellf Plt.i, ,_ 1'. JUlf j, II, It, lt/t ---_ 1~!,I J-1, U, 11, 19, 1'1• 111"1'1 .. SUPE•lott COU•T 0 " lHE Sf A fl CW CALl"otlMIA '0• THI COUNTY OF ORANOI NO.A·t~ MO TICl 0 " MI A•tN9 01' Plflfl()lt F0tt P•OaATI 0, Wll.L AMO l'O• llfTl ll\ TIUAMIE M· TA•Y AltO ,0. AUTMORllATIOfll fO ADMllUSTE• UMDI• THIE IMOIPl.MDl!Nf ADMIMIU •ATION OF I UATH ACT .,.otlATI CODE ltl IT \EQI. E\lel• of RUTM ll 1.UHORl"G .ou AUTM OEAHAOINE CLAYfOH ..... RUTH 8EANAOINE MO()M~OU\E •11• AUTH BCANAOIH E LUH OAIHG, Oettewd NOTICE IS HEIU ll'I' GtVEH ,,,., CMARLE!i D I.ANCY NS lltl'd "''~t" • 1)9tltlort tw ..,~., OI Wiii Alld lor 1u11•11u of u tter\ ,.,,_lll••v to Ille 1>1llllct11er MM! lor Aulflor116ltOt1 10 Adl'lll"ISl4lf "'*'Ille l~I Ad ml11l\lr .. lofl of l!•lele• Atl I P•ot>.tl~ c-"'et-•· •lli•••ll<• lo"''"'"" "'-'°' ""1Mf _ .. ( ....... ...0 ..... ,,.. time ....i pl.Ce of llf•r '"11 tr. ~• lie• been WI tor JUiy II, 1•7', •I 10 00 a m , Ill !fie c-l•OOf'll of 0.tN<l,..."I No l of Mtld court, •• 100 Ctv1< Cenl@r Orin w"· Ill ""' '"' OI S...I• ..... Cettf0<114.t O.tlH ,_ U , 1'1t L" A 0"'"'"· C-yCterll 011•11tO, os•••No a WAl fHI R '--........... ". , ................ . ....... .-allllelllc•,CA .... I A" ...... .,. ............... . Plltll•Md Or-Co•nl O•lly "•tot, lll"'I 11, 7'..., JuJ'f 4, jt~ ).4UJ• l f \l~tr QI Mllllc,l\kl t OOMOIHV t(A t(,t-tth . U••,••A\lld NftTICf I\ t!fl>lUY t.tl/f N 1h.,1 f ••OMA\ •• fiVNt• •A htt\ t1•• t1 fW'fPlft ,, """'''Hf(\ .. ,.. •·••ltMt• 111 W ill Anf1 f()t '"'''"''' ,.,.,,,.mt•flf"t" .• n(t 1111 A"ttt•1r11•thr..n ,,. Att,.,,,n,•.I• 1 unn• 1 ttk 1no .. ,~ .. nl'flont Attnun1\h 1ttlon ot f ,,,,,,., Ar t. ft"h '"'"'' ''' w h 11 h '' '"'",,.. tn1 "'"'""'' ,...,.,,,t.-ul"''• ... no """ '"" 111n. .,no "''''' ut ™""''™'I tnr ,,.,"._. ftot\ h-• n \• t ltir h.t., tO t~/if ·•' It) 00 "'' m •n '""' t '>ut1'0fJ'no1 l>f'•f .. ,,,m,.hl ~4n l ot , ... a ' yyrt ,., IOCfC •••t ( ,.,.,,. CJ1 '"'" P A'' M AN ' • r. t1..1n t\I ., '' ftdtt\h•rr;r "°'""''""'' Ov•.uu•\\ o1fhH•''"' 1• :~~' ~'"':"nu:,~;~:~ fl~ :'~u~' ~t.,n~.'~·~: I t "htorn,,. tP'l;tl • bv•• ''•tf'•,t,., '•tl;t·ol I t(.,, ,,.. mo~ t f1 Vt(., tl A VAtlN A •. •,. • ",ti tf ff 4 t fi # \ f f 1• fl '• ff I I' I #,Hl\t f)U\lfV''' •trJf1rt••,, I '"" Wf"o.t U tt Ir. 'J,trr .. t I 1t. 11f t11H rftlr ( '' • ( rt11n •~"' l n\ A~I•·\ ''dt• o• ( ;111tmn11t 1 #,..\I. 1n .,.,_. (.1IY f)f -., ... nt.1 An .. C•tt•O,,UtJ t ,.,,./\ H1o•rn-h. {nvr\ty l._ n '""" tltOf,eJly lo t•• h11f\\f1•r1nl OP\f, 10,.,, '" QI,..,, ...... , /\ll ''"'. '" ''",,,. t11tu'"'' ...,,.u•prn .. nt "''"' ~ N1•t '•'th.it n,.....,,.,., rtttt ou,.n. '' 111,..-,,..,. •I\ UN•OtJI NI l fll f r l>Af I \ ~no l(Jot ,., .. a "' J8l A w~,, '''"Su..-• 1 < '"' n• ( o'tA """'°\A (Nnh o• Qt~ C..td\r ,,, (_ ttl1fOtn1., ff\,. f>Ult ft,.n\I,., t11t1ll ,,.... tl\n \\.1fn "'"'~don tit ,.u~, t,..,. t/t t'I "''•. t lul\I l•tt 111t Ill IWJ ·• m flf p,,_,,.\ .. ~n.11 t .,, ,,.., y,..,,. .... •"'O, .. ""n'"''' ,., f4)1 t H f u\tin A .,,.nu.. '-,,.nf,1 Ii,,,. l dtltorn1,. fn,•t ,,,._. 111\t d,.t .. •o" t.i1n<a 1 1.,.,,,, 1t'I •~ -..t ,,,.., ,,.,,.,.,,.,, 10 n .. , .... n I\ Jtil't 16 l't/Q "" ... Pullll\-Or-CCM•I O••IY Piiot OONAl.0 A ~c•m•PLE R >ol E , .. .,_ ll•d • .......... c..111 ....... , 10• h i .. ,__, ... 1101 AUorft•f IOI Pf'ti1~r PybU• fvo<t OortnQI" ( o.-\t Ud1h f•1ll)f Jun•111,1-4.,no J'-flf 4 t<t1il /4\4 ,. ""-PUOll\Nld Ou""" CoeM D•lly Piiot, Juno 14, 71, Jt •'WI J•I• ), tt lt 7141 1t PUBLIC NOTICF. MOTICE TOC••OlfOa\ \UPl•IOtt cOU•T 01' THIE \TA fl 0" CAl.IPO•NIA l'O• THI COUNTY 01' O•AMOE !tO. A·flllt f\1111~ or (HtYO UJtHA llA, O•ct•\•d NOTICE IS H(MfllY GtVfN to tn• < ••dllO" of Ille eOOv• "'""'°""<•dent \o fctr '" ... ~nt)t1111n to t~ ,,,.n,t•o""" ••ti l>u\1fW'\\ nt'm•\ ""<t "ddr,.\w'I> ........ a ov m.-',.,."''"'f')' .,.., '"'" ''"" ,,,,,.,. ;f'1tt \ "'" 'AME U-'tf'O Jun .. '11 IQIV \111•1,.A Vttt}n't fr,.n\h•r-.,,. P ll OF£SSION•L SE AVIClS ltJI M. T~\lt1A~ ....... Sent• Aft•.C•tlft t C•u ow No lfOIAl·Mf le SC II 0 W P uOl•\tw>d Of;,no--C.0.1~1 Od 1-. P110, Jun• )8, lij/Q 1•11 /Q P UBLIC NOTICE '9CTtflOUS aUSl!tEU NAME STATI M£MT fn,. tolfow1nQ l)tlr\On\ .. ,.,_. OO•l'Q f'M.f\•n•\\ _., W"'LCOTf A\S()(t"'IE'> \0\ t•h PAr••Af ~\t. ~1tr '*00, Q t4M'C)f' (A •1 ... H •"'0" J w .. u on. I• E nto r,.. Court H•wl>')f1 8~.w h. CA 91 .. J Mt11ur11 .. L ~ou •1 Ro,,.1 St (if'DI Qfl! Ro"'d ,.. .. ..,port 9~A< n (A "1M>O t "'' bu\•"~'' t\ condM< ,,.0 b' "' Qf'nf'r•t CMttMrVup ffaMC)f't I Wt:)U(>n t "'' ""'~"' ,.,., ftt,.rt •rth ,,.... Count1 (.lpr~ 01 Or111nor Covnt. on tune 1\, ttl• "'Y"' P u blt\tw-d C>ttnOP C.OJ\t O•••• P1tl)I lu"f' II. Jut•~. 17, ••. tt1' ,.., ,. J-11, ?I, Juty \,II, 1919 tM t •U "''°"" h•vmq 'l•1m' 11t0•'"'t ?lSI·" Ille ••Id Cle<tdent ••• ttqwireo 10 •II• PUBLIC NOTICE ::::':;,~~"'..,'':. ~~.~':.,1r:'.."':r!':~~ PUBLIC NOTICE ltlled court, or lo prt..,.nl lhem, wit --------_ --------,,. .... u.wr~ •out llef\, lo "" "" PICTITIOUS8USIM•H l'ICTITIOUS austNIU • MAMI UATEMENT T nt 1ooow1no i-uon '' 00.11Q lluM· ntu ., P G AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE'. & REPAIR OF OA I T ISH .. H O EUROPEAN C•RS, 16H Nt•oorl Blwd • Co.t• -.... C.111o<111• t,.11 P•l•r JOftn G••t oolH, 1110 S•" I."' n LI\ • Co\le Me\•, C••lfo•11•• .,.,. f hi\ bu\HW\\ •\ tondYtfft.d b¥' !ltf\ ,,_ dl\l'tOu•I Por-• JOllll G•e<~ H11\ ~1 .. ._n! ••• lltect with llW (®"'' (l<!rll of Ot-(OUlllJ Otl M•y "· ,.,. dtr\IOntd •• '"" 1 .... o ll1c• or MAMl STATEM•NT TOSHIRO "IRAtOE. P 0. tklo JOO~ t h• IOllOW1"9 p.r'M>t1' e1t dOltlQ G.<l•IMI""• G.tlllOf'"'• ..,.,, wt11c ll t\ fftt OW\l"e" t\ pt•o ot l>lltltWIH ollllt u~1J10....ci 111 nL 1H11EUM£NTS, U Ol w ... m •t••n -l•I""'' 10 , ..... ,. •• 0 ~~·"' ant, NtWOO(I fl•ot". CA tl...i '••d d•ctO.nt, w1thtn tour month • 11\t • • (..thfotn•• U>tPG#• ellt• lllt "'" p111>11c•tfO" ol lht n, 00) w O<u "t'o"'· NewpOrl 11011<• 11•••"· c• .,,.1 Oeletl IMy t 1•1' '"" b'"""'"" <-I~ Dt •to• II..-H UJ1"•IA pOultOtl A41m<"Ol•Ahl< ol I~• T .. I.. lllt E\lelO OllhP 1-...,s L.,. _ .......... o.t..-• "'~"""' TOSMtltO"IRAIDI '"'' \t•t-t '"'"' tttfld w•lft ,,... I'. 0 . ••• .. , (0111111 Ciera of O••"oP '"""" "" o • ..-•. ~ .... , Ju ... I), "" Tel: UUlatt .... ,_ "'"4H "'" ... , ·-·-~ ..... P ,.lttl"'°'tl ()t-C<>•l\I O••ff P1•01 Juno It J"'• I 11 tt 101• .. .. bll\-o. • .,.. '""'' OA1ty P1to1 ,..,.11,...., °'-, .. ,, 0 .11, l'ttol Mo )I~ J""" f 14, II, "" 70U·1' J-14 11, 11-Jwl ) It,. J1't I .... _ . " -----..-· ISTATI 5 Rc1rm . fantasli<· bonus room. formal dining room. Sl 58.000 ASSUMAIU :i Bdrm. l hath. fa mily room SR2.500 645-9161 1763 Oran11e Coate M~u ASSUMAILE LOAM _._.,c. .. A d•tr:ti thcllU check ttMir od\ daily C9Mf report er- "" i,,.,.diat~ty. T~ DAILY rlLOT aswn.' 11_.ty for ttw fint in· cornet inserlion only. "'''um•· I hl· !I' : V 1\ 10;111 Ulll!w.~~··,LL.1.uu..~.w:J:U-~~--t• t111::1ut\ l>wnt·r -.1ll 1·arr11 HousH for Sate .......•............... 1002 ••••.•..•..••••........ POOL PLEASURE l'111tl /I. 11,11 ltt l:iw tt .~ tr•~.., •·xt r.1 l.t rc1· 111.1 .,,,., lll'll rt111 rn . '"I"' I U I• J~r ;1 tt.·~, ~ t•w p .t 1111 1'01r1wh. l1ull lll'1 111111 k 1·11un1 ,. r -. iii n o "',,' fl1i 1r. t '••11trnlh 111< .1l1·tl Ill .... , •• 1 \lt ... t 11 111 ~ S>tt; (U 1 r111 I lt1' I 111 1lt •W•ttl 11r1'.t 111 11111111 I 1 II 1.i.! l ~l~l _.k QUAIL p_ p~~~~~- 10,... fiJ I 10 ,,M I Please Don't ~te-The Kids li1vc Lh~111 r11<1fll IJ1 rim 111 t/1(' h! llr:TUtll Ill h1;hl f., I h••·I"\ .• 111 hulll" "'ti h .1 n1ft y 1;1111 1111 • ••t "'" 1111 .\ ,, lt.11 11111 pnc 1· I :110•1 1111 .1111111 l . .I I •1;•1 ,,171 ·~·"' ALLSTATE REALTORS I 1111. Ir I• .11 ti : llH ' l<.1 Ii~ .. , ........ , t111d " ,.,, •••t \ 11111• \\'"I ll 11.t"' l.111 II I 1·1.1 1·1:11 Wanninqton :!hr .:t;.1 h11 n1•· t n /' trpit' :-.01 th ""' 11 l11'1 't1 11\.-1 111 j111 \ 'I :i,x.' 11\KI ~hf I Otttto II I II( 1•11 U ~1.1-•1 '"•' 1:r,·11 .11•1 )nu d•UI I fH '•1tl ,1 ~'IHI t•r 1lr :1\\ t.1-i "'""ll '"" 1t1 ....... 111 .11 J Ill '"" ').11 II l'll11t \l.,1t1l \tl•.'l ,dl1t•1W fr1:.! :J,7M lan.:1· :!ml Lu hd11 rin.11H'1· /\b11 111 li'nnit Vi\ tnm,., t-\Jll 1mt•t· $1i7,UOO. Call 751 :ll!JI c;;sELECT tPROPERTIES ••••••••••••••••• f!l·;rnt1tul :• fltlr111 1·1111ilu 1111 flt•' 1:•111 1·11111•-.1· .... r1 Utlll. 111 .111}' 11µgr.1do.:.~ IJIU!.h >A htl1· l'.tt 111·111111 µ.1rq1wl 11i,11n111:. 0111· '""· f't)ll11tlllllll \ l1!11tl • l'nc 1'(1 lu w ll .11 "i l:.!1;,tK.tU 1•11 1:111:1• '('1t.,rn;1•., .•Cl •••••••••••••••• OCEAHVIEW S69,s·oo l(.1t•• (f4'f',trt Vlt'~ th11Jlt•\ 1111 h11 .111 ti .! hl111 k,., I r•1tn th•· IH·.11 ll .111,1 "''"" I all nuw ht•lllr• • II ' µ1111•· :,..,-,:!JHI C:::SEL ECT I P'ROPERTlES GOl.F COURSE VU ( :n•at B.1• k fl,1' lt1• .11 11111 'Jlu' t,.t .. '• ltt••tt•"'"' h""" fl',tlllri", ,1 h111··· l.tr1tol\ tlllllltl! I'll 1 ,1tltltl I• flt lot _ •·U•JUJ•l1 lt)J \ ftlll ponl f 1 Iii•· 1• .. 111·11 t11r llt• 111 · l.1fl1t l\ .11111 th• JJlllT I 111111 ,11 :iot IX ~11~1 FULLER UAL TV 546-0814. < ·n1111111!.s111n ( 't•llt//llt VA BUYERS It 11111 11~1 k1 · '' ""' '"" \IHI lf\.f \ ~lll.dlf\ I•• U\\11 \ftlfl 11\\U h11r111 ' I.•>"- I jo t ..... 11 ' I ~1an' '" ':tltHt,t• ~I I, I tl'-'ll"" \ nt1 ltu" I" tl1oll' ( '.tll '\ ....... Talk to Red Corpf't We li\ten! 754-1202 "·II "''th ,., \:-0. I· · It ,,, Hl<l·.1.,/.1" I ·1,,,-.tl ll'll \1 h t. I.' .i1;7'( ELEGANT CUSTOM BAYFRONT An eirdiKin r.iict.ttu ON THE WATER with ~ diqnity and edlllcated CJOod ta\te. Special i"'ported attd a1ttique featurft qroc:e ~ entire fOelf' Mdroom, 4 1h bath reside11ce. Stain.d qlau windows & Frl'ftCh doon in ~ fCN'lflGI dininq roo"'; rare car•ed finplac:e "'ontle in the fa"'ily room; plus a handsome ttudy. Separate fnOSter suite with ih own ti•inq room and balcOfly. Lu1ury in e•ery respect best ct.scribes this hOtM. loot slip incluct.d ond YOU OWN THE LAND . Shown by appointmut to qualified buyers. S 1.470,000. Call Gil Foerster WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. 'I i1, W < ''" 1l l1ql11'"' ;\,·" 1" 111n'""11 631-1400 SffK & ff ND• ISLANDS IN PO L YNlSIA S w 0 A A H B C R [ A T l S T A [ K X C C L I C 0 P C E R L [ P l C 0 P I 0 A T A N U W H L 0 0 Y P R Y A T H l E B E V N 8 A U A N ~ A H l C X £ H G 0 I 0 T C T Y l A W A W M E 0 0 I T A 0 Y 0 H A 0 L E N A 0 N R H 1 0 0 S C I L A [ E A N 0 Y R 1 R P E R A K D M U M N V E W T L 0 l M I A Y K Y E N Z A K 0 Z J L K K A C T Y A W N 0 l A A N I W ( R H L E K C H W 0 N T P A l H M E N I S E W I A P A X U S N E R T L E C I C S Y N E S I A T L I A H J R J 0 E T N G l M 1 E l H N E A A H X V N H U E A H A E N E A Y K C E A R N M T A 0 0 R N E t N H t l11t11uc11om H1~n wordt below •tll>9ar lonw11d, beck· • WNd, up, down CH dl..,,...ly. Fino •ldl 8nd boJt It In •• Bounty Hewtli111 Lina !"- Ctllton Kermtclt( Midw9v ., Chatham New Z.-111d Ptiotnlr ~ Cooll T okllw f'ou im h ... , t:lllct TOllll Tomo11ow Fol'Tftl of Go ... m1n111t ., ' \ I ... I I . ... . " ........... . ··--·-....... ---------. ..,,,.,,..... ····· ····~ ...... ,.,.., ........... • Cl DAil Y PILOT lhurld1y, June 2t. tll79 He.et .... We ........... s. ........ Fer s. ...... Fer s. .......... 191 ...... _ ....................................... . N1 '" .... S. 3..._..,_W. _._,.. 100 .... ,.. IOOJ ....................... ··········•············ WA'lm .. OMT SJJl .000 .Almost n~w. 3 bedrm. 2\.'l b11lh, fa mily rm. dining rm , d e n . Brick patio. balcony. flreflace. Amenitie s lncld pool. jacuzz • volleyball , s~l llng , prlvMte beach 4' MUCH MORE! llACH DUPLll 1172.IH Stl'PI to the beach from owner 's front unet 3 Bedrms + tort. Jl'lrcplacc- O~cks & paUo, s ha ke roof. OCIAN YllW- COIONA Dll MAI (:or~t·ous t)(' 'On ttnd n myvn fl ll~t' lot w1tti l'lh H'IOUS homt• anct .11rv'k11 c•ht•n 1\111 ,~1,·t· f m •pl111•1; J ftedrm'>. farwh & rm Pulu>o tnci Of'Ck 1'001. · Vlt'W<, 1.11-tht 'i I O llt' tltllll\j,( WOODIWIDGI SIZt.500 Ow11t•r I r a n forn·d Ortl' yN1r homt• wurranl> p:11cl hy ~l'llc·r 2 Bt•<lrm and clt•n. vuul1t•tl wooct 1·1·1!111~'· wrl tHH . dt·1·o rut 11 r "Jtlt0 11 \ 1•r111 .:' 1'11\ ,llt· tlt•t·k ('1•111 ral '.1t·1111111 '-.l'l f 1·11·,111111~ t•Vt•11 & 11111d1 mm t1 -673-8550 - __ ,__ THE REAL ESTATERS ASSUME 8'.'i0 o LH. Q.ASSY CONDO U l'CI 1!11'' 111.111 1\11~•· 111 ho~. hko• 111·w !' ... 111'1 llll:ly 1·arry ~1111 I 1111·1· 111 ,, l1fot1m1• I~· l1>l t.7.1 11.11.1 A~ l'nn unly 11> lh1 ... ""I"'" h u v w :1hr • ,I l11fl (f INl lll l•JI l'\f I ,f hllrm·.i ·1 ..... 1d11tl\ tl1 II I I otl I' rl "' N ol I U I ,el 1 "I.or 1 11'111111 I 1 p l1 II. ,, ">lhl l lrll: \,1111i1·ol '1·11111~· /\ ('. ,, I I I• II I ' I I ' I h11rnaclll 11·1 ~ .... 111·1 "rll h 1 I 11 I 111 .1 fl• 1· ( l 11 I\ s.i ,,u1 1\11 1111-. '•1'1 ••• r,11 EXECUTIVE ALLSTATE REALTORS 4 •«-oom 2 Story Swl't:ptn~ cln\1· l1 lo· 1·11 try. rormnl l1v1 n~: :1nol d1run.: rm St'p larn1h rm lJni'k fph'. IJfl\ .11• flhrary St•C'l111h·d rn:o '.I l'f -'Ullt-Jll•I rl'ln•at w11h "u nrlo·o·k 2 l'.d 111 -. 1'r:11h·r ;11·1·1·"' Own1·1 "11l 'ht•l11 ri11:m 1·1• Ouf\l•---------SJ:l2.0'10 L i ll lu r .ill EASTSIOE 8EAUTY j '•' ·1111 tf,. ll1wk I l1~:hl.111d IJJl.U1'1u n 1t ... , :t U1. 01<·11. !'.ttell t:\• ld 1"l\l1· l p I! r J 111: 11 I 1-. I< '•I S Hr11k1:f 7~,;· I d~I 'llw 11111.\ hit I•• lirn11" h .1., IJ1l! \Jr(J. ltUfl 11 1•1•1. JIHl l•1 " 111\(J :! IM1111. I '· lwlh l 1r1·fll .1t•· hudl111'o 411111111•• 1•111 .11••· h .1rrl.-11o tl 1111101 ' ,\ !>-II "' I·: llWH' <1111•. ~ ~--1(1 ( ':111 ~.11; •1111 ~·· . otEANAIRE COATS& WALLACE RB>UCED!! REAL ESTATE , INC. Dt•ltu,1• d1111I•·\ i\ :· ----------lwlf1t"' , I< .ilk ln lit•1>l ho• ,11 h l¢t I I u ., I' t 11 IHCOME PROPERTY'? r1•.,l a 11r .1 nl 'o 1•11· HERE IT IS! $1'f.! 1111111 :J bcod . .!. b.1lh hou~c I 'I .I ~ 1w11 <! lw <lro"m JIJ,1rl rn•·rll" flW!\ ... I( V. 11 I I AllllV l'A l'Jo.ll' Balboa Boy Prop. Realtors ... 675-7060 . II \I I: II \ I °'\I. \ '\ 11 Ill-, \I I \ t •• i ~1 tt0 W~ Won For YOU! H1•nt.1I-. !-..111-. l1r111wrt v i\t ~ 1111 DIAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES -------~~~~-.Lll!,J.,13 macnab I irvine real ty BIG CANYON C LASSIC f·:xparrch-d l>1•.111 vilh· 11h·al 1·c1upl« homt· fll'I f \•t·L lor 1·11tt·rt:11nrng M :1g 111 f1t·t·n l v. r .i p .;1r 11u11d v 1l' w w1J11111 I & spa l11 ll1 :1 rrl rm w /f :1n l <1Sl1t· h:ir amPn1t11·s J,!al orl'! S a n d1t• Fix f;M.fi:!UO. <S-117 1 COUMTRY SETTIHG Cust om 5 HH honw :1h<>vt· the flay 111 Duvt·1 Shun ·s w vh·w t>f N pi. s k ylint·. Courly<J nt <·ntr:rn<:c• lg sparkling p O<J I '•l'J>. :-.lucl10 rm w /privalc hath form :d dining 1 h rkfst rm lg. f:1m1 ly rm w t fl)lt· & b<ir. $:um.ooo l1·a s dwl<.l. B:.irhara J\ 111u· li42 8::!:J5. ( S-118 > CAMEO SHORES Beal the hC'at ! W;tlk to unc of the 3 priv<.1te b eaches from this beautiful 4 BR/f a mily r m ho m e on the Canyon. Hoom for pool. Close to schools & shopping. S277.500. Donna Gudsha ll 644·6200. CS-119) 6"2·823S 901 Dover Drew- 6"4·6200 Harbor V iew Center Irvine di CampU., Valley Center 752·1414 G A'ZER'11 "• ---'--9,.---lh 11 'II 1111 I ''----.----t ·-,, ...... ,....,. • .c •8YtDf1M t8ff~ll .. ...... ,,, ... _ .. .a., ... ·-'0"11(1191t" "t .-ntlf P"'~"':"':''-t :t~:°"' 14 llHl,..IAW ,,."'"*'"'-ft "••·"""' •Ill.< ... •• •1• I( I• .. I y •• ,,,,., IH• #•tf~M 1'\U-~·· P'~t!:!J"-1 ~"'~ • "'" .... ...... 11®G<-onol ~-j .-.. ·------> .• -- ,,,..,._ .JJ .. U'°" J•fNtltl'tl J-. '• ... J/ •~•nit. "'""' .. , ... <!)()! ..... "~ •IC1i1•tto•'• ., • .-. ••• if 4•l •••'''• ~:,.i·:· ....•••................ ···········~··········· ......•.••............•...............................••••••••••••.... HMN1 .... We .._ .. ,For S. ., .. ,.. 1ooi .... ,.. 1002 •••rel 1002 C.W .. Mer I OZ2 C....MIM 1014 • ···················•·•· ····•·•··········•••··· ...................••.. ...•................... .•..................... ....................... .. ............... , .... . ........ IOOJ ........ IOOJr-----------------------DUPLEX f'ORSALE •••••• •• •• •• •• •• ••••••. • • •• • • • ••••• ••••••••••• 2 2 Bdrm unlta. So. ot lhe REAL ESTATE IN lWO DAYS ttwy, t10Ae to school~. llSTAMD ~(® lmc h r ll y llAL ISTATI IXCllLIMCI StNCI lt4t OllGINAL ILUffS /\ c•hokt• a rcu : 'II 1rk l1111:. t''\l>l11Hh0d "l.INl>A " Plan. .. 1 11 ~:1 •· l•-.v1·I . ~ lwd 1•110111.., & d t>n, pl"opt•rly 1:-. t:xt·1·µ110 11a llv :.ha rp & ,1v11tluhlt• tor q111t•k P"''i''""'" Thi!! 1s .111 1'1111 111111 11\ t•r l1111 k1n ~ luvf'ly ~· n ·1 ·11 h• ·II $I 1:1 !>IHI 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811 \\-' l·:sJ.EY N TAYLOR CO H.E A l.TOHS ...,i m :t• HM NIGUEL SHORES OCUHNONT ErtJOY lttt· :-.ouncb of ltl<.' ..,urf 50 ft. IH·lnw 111 ;111 111\'t•-;tmt·nt lhcrt ha s .d w,I\' •.11 1 """"l'<I a lJ olhc·r fol"ms of ir1 v 1·..,l 1m•11t 11(•(•;111f1 "nl properly ! l.uxury homl' with p nvatP steps t o c·11111111u111t v IH'al'l1 l'ool •"-' n·cn ·alwn 1·t·11l t·1 l'fo..,t·d J.!;tk t·o111111lUlt..l.Y ~4 BH~ 1111 111.d d 111111 g rm . 'tu<ly & hug" n·c·n ·:i l 11 111 r111 .I ;11·11111 & hit en fi:-.h • t q ll ;u· 111111 $!Ii~>. 1100 WESLEY N . TAYLOR CO., REALTORS . 21 I I San Joaquin Hills Road NEWPORT CEMTER. H .B. 644-49 I 0 BEACH TOWNHOUSE!!! .lll'-l m rnut•·-. ""'·I' r, .. ,,, -.111L.,h1nv "·"'" .1 nd • 1 • 111 11 .111q ui lt t \ Sp.tt'lotu l!th Ill ... d111111~ fll'•fll. '1111 .,f)l/j\ kl\l'f\l•ll, I It .:.11,f ,\ ... ,.,,·,, .. ,, 0 111\ '"·'.'~"' I .11! t..l.1 0:~1:1 ... ,1~•-.:. .. -4 ••• .-.... l.H'lE.ST.FOR RETIREMENT t111.1ht, , u ... 111111 1.111 I\ :1 It :• l''lt 111 dupt, ' :1 Ir.ill! 1·.11 h •\ 1·h:1r m1•r l ...,. 1111 \ld11f• uff 011"', l;111·r h\,. Ill 11111' "'lllt• :\o•v.put I '~"" h 1 lrl111 k I r11 rn ,,. ..... h ~:11;.-, 1100 EAST SIDE CM DUPLEX ·n ,1•0 T 11la l v.all1·ol pno,.11 \ 1 1•111·•,l nl I 11'<"• I Ill< ti. .11·h ·'"~·•11111' Sili>i 1~111 lo.in F:ern Hm ~ 111 -.11 V.trll' Ofl•'ll'• tu ·lo.o, 0,1<·1< .111111111 l-r11111.d !111111., \o\.111 lu "',tlf f 1111 , Ii• ollll'• V.dlo.11 <;.,nt,.11 I ol• h .,.;,I)" 11[ 1•l;i I di• r1t11I Htth.11 (41 • I,_., ,\ 1 .... ( .111 hkl 71-1 •11 •• 111~.·· l'•'<•lltt• who n1"1"ll l'1'<1fll" 'that ., "'h"t 111° IJ.\11 .Y I'll .Ct !' ~EHVIC'I-. I JI 10-.< .. I <11< \' 1'-all 11bo111 1 Q.EAN BEACH HOME :.! IS.lrm n 11 1 ... "lt'I" lo h.1y & ht•,11 /I 1 -.h11r>1>1t11! ,\.~ktnl!, 1 1.!.,,~l!I JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 ~42 ,500 It• t I'• dot•dt11· w11t1 11~ 1l11h 11111111 111 I 1111 I .1tl11 I'• Ill"" 11t.1 Ii" .rl '"II l ltlud; I " I h1• Ira\ 1~11111 f., ' Ir.1th'. \ I I .. ,,, ~. I ' ... I\ ,, .. j Ill 111"'"""''''1 11p:111• \ \ I• , '"" h' 11 • t. ·r I.'"•' I rt1• 111 f •• LUSKIN 7Harbo r Vi ew Homt'S "l•\1111 "1 I \\ I I I 1 I fl I I \ , I I • II·"" 11 1-'•· • .111 11·11 I ''"\\l'r ht·d-..l tl 1•1 k -.. I l'f l1•c'l lrH ' 1•111,J • ~ ,,., erl.J.;.1u~ I' I lflll' In< .1 I 1n 11 , I 1•,111 \' fir 11111\ I 111111 "h 11 w 11 h v ,f J1JH1lllf 1111 Ill If \lrll r .. rnrl n •:H11111' I h1· hllh ..11h 1n ('l11•,-.,f11 .. I '''" II' .......... lflf! ·' l11t "' llt'W\)' 1111ft!111,tl 11111 .1~ v.1 II a~.'""''' 1•1 •.,1t huy ... "BEST DUPLEX IN NEWPORT" (lw nt·r w ill l 111 ;11H 't.' lt11:-. love ly d11pl1 ·x <I bloek fr11m llt'al'h ! al i1 r ;ih· w1 ·1l 1>1·l<>W m;:i rk<:t. E <1ch immac·ulatf' unit hns :1 ht>ciroom s a n d 2 h ;1 I h .., A t r 11 I y r a r t oppo rtunity for an.1nvt·s tor . $2:15,000 r A. COl.DWIU. IAMIB CO. 644-9060 216' SAN JOAQUIN HILLS AD. IN NEWPORT CENTE .. Spyqlcns Hill HCNMowurs We at Corporalt' Plaza Realty would like lo tha nk the homeowners of Spyglass lli ll for having the rnnfidencc in listing lhC'ir homes with us. We have lis t C'c:t o r sold lhe followinR properties since January of this year : 18 Morro Bay 31 Rodcga Bay 15 Goleta Point 7 Monterey Circle 27 Point Loma 53 Camhria 39 Cambria 17 Point Lomu 41 Camhria 4 Mission Ray T h a nk you ag'1 in for C'alling us . Fred a nd J oan Good CORPOIATI P.LAXA REALn H. CA&JfOIMA C7 I 41 la.Jtll' __________ .............. . - FOR JUST .. 5 pub tr shop!. $179,000 Ask for Sara M arvin, .... 675.~. 17$-4i000 •+xATIOM It la lbe order of tbe day in tbia 3 8dnD delllbL. ~: Sell cleaol.ng oven, wax free noors. formal d i nln1 rm, 2 pabol 6 many exft'u. , .................... eftd ...................................... eftd futt· damanee11 ot Real l1tate lew, flftence, •w.,•al, 1aaaltoft, "'9U..mattc1, Hcrow, tttte lneuraMe, and ,...., br one of Calfomla'1 moat llnowt.dgeMle Pfacdaoner. 9nd lk.lllad lectUf.,., A ClOfftPlate OOWM In TWO DAYll llpeclatly dalffMd ONE WHKlND OOUfM eval'"'9 eadu ... ~ throup JDS hmlnaii, .,_,"9 • br1nd new 210 P9ta 1yll1tMl1. A rere opportunity to teem or review Reel bteta wtth an H~ profeMlonal. Thie lncnctlhty compect and lnformettve 11 hour, TWO DAY 11111oft 11 offered thl1 wHtl, Seturdly and Sunday. et Th• Regl•"Y Hotel, 1llOO MecAl'ttlur Blvd., In lrvlne (ac«>H from John Wayne Alrpott>. Re9l1ter In perlCHt at 1:00 a.m. Saturdeya or cell now for ADVANCE REllERVATION I free COURSE OUTLINE. ENROLLMENT LIMITED RJ LOT FOR SALt: So. ol llwy w /ocean view llM-lOIOday11, 644~ weekend OPBIHOUSI 3 Br. I BA. corner K 2 lot Plans complel.t:d for 2nd umt, n.,w c pl8. drpi., r oof , ceilin.:11 . 700 Mar~uerltc, Sat /Sun 11 ·ooam ·S :OOpm $149,500. 644.92£0 CAU.MOW iii 'l9Z1 Bri8tol, CM JDS Seminars, Corona def Mar ~~ ••••••• !~~~ Mesa Verde. assume g<i} c;1 t'lt; owe i:>K 2nd. 2. sty 4 Hr 211. Ua, den etr, SWl.100 La <.:asa . Agt. Hill 1131 1257 (714) 644-1094, (714) 644-6869 , _____ _ OM THE COURSE. MEAR THE COURTS Anrt ju.st $126,C)(J(J ! In popular Hanrho San .}Qaquin. on the golf course a nd nc·ar th<· tourts of lhc frvint· Harcpwl Club. J\ 2 be d room town horn<: that's sunny, spu<:1ous un<l in viting Make·~ you pn i11d ! and ul Jll:-.1 $126,000, 1L t·ould m<Jkl· you S. U,._l()IJr I ff )MI \ RF At TOHS'. f1''1 t.OOll 2443 l;.1~1 Co.11! H ••1l1Nol'( (,orr.r1.1 ti• I M,1r llG CAHYON c;olf c·o11r:-.1• VIC·W fro m s p ;IC"HHI'> !) Hf<. I h:1 lr adilinnal hom1·, lg« fa mil n w m. pool. p <·u zz1. S7~1>.000 LIDO ISLE Cuslo m Lrad11wna l :i BB hnmf• c1n p ri ml' l'orrwr lot. 1-'rc·c·ltov.m g floor pl a n :t ncl st ein m 1n1 li<i ~· \'11·v.· $3:!!i. 0()0 AVALON Wd l ('IHl'ilrtl<'ft·d . :l BIL I 11;1 (I.I k fl11111·. p ;i r t 1;tl h :io.,1 ·11wtil 1111111 1•11· fo1111rl.t1 11111 I• l:ih a r 1•:1 C.l:!IJ.'li1il I , 1· BAYFROHT S t ·\t'I :ii l111P l1:1v l r 11n t lw 1111 -. "II Ii JIH'I: N ... ti p ON WATER PRIVATE ISLE kt·a11t1ru11 y lll·1·ur:.r"'' "pntlt• of owrlt'r">htp ' :• M11ry homt• with )'uut BEACH HIDEAWAY f':>t.11•11 1111 II :-0 1•"'p11rl 11 r l' ,1 w /., p •' 1 I ,1 1· 11 I ,, r \ ll'W ~p.11·111u-. •11w n llArtn-. "'" r·lv 11 .. 1 .. r .tl•"' ( •llV l.1 111!11; 11~1111 6 loJr l!o .uh 1111 l.t t .111 • .11 ~H..!,l••I hl.o , 1.' I fl\'TI hoat .. 1111 W.1rmth v.111"b a111l 1·x-1···Jrl 11111.il 1J1'<·11r thniu~h•1ut lh1 .• l t.11 m h1111w v. nh fw ni.tl 111111 111• r m Sf1:11 11111 . rn ,1 -.. ' • r .. u 1 1 •· It ;, " I 11 t' I' t ,1,. ,. ,\ 11 t h ,. .m M·m lu-... f.,r lh•· 11111 l q 1wht v f;11111ly •·no,·111111 111'·111 ~,,:, (~111 1111111111-, lar1ll Ontu~ 'lI ~J-H _-21 ~-MIJ~HLllY J(l /\l l "l \11 -H tlli•.11.111111 r '·'' r,1<11 WMtcliff Realty 4 BR-like New! PRIVATE I 0°/o $79,900 l-)nruw1m: ~. h x• r unit E.:i.'L"1d1·. I ·,~-.l.1 ~h·1>.1 C.:all <'r,11~. H 1-•• \1.\X 1;:11 I 2fili ·I lio•1lrn1 :-, .....•. lrJWI ~ I'·''"'' .llL .. , ~,., '.)1)11 \ \ F 11 A 11 11r1'11 ,1 , • • 11 " ' c;1,1111 lio,111~ r111 ll11rk I JI I•' I m 1n ,. ti 1 :o l • , • .,.. .... ~ ""m ~"'"'' 1t·r 111-.' C '.ill 7~' ti("I n~•hl 11''" 1 • Ouph·x · Mu<;lS.-11' 1:!:!12m1St.N II 2 1 :l l"I furn. SIH.1,o<IO Hyowrwr. l:!l:J 1111 111:i;, . '. tE DEDBGB ILllRS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICF SPECTACULAR SPYGLASS Lovc~ly Viv(• Bedroom Mo<IC'I With N i ght Lig hts View. Profcs~1onally L:tnds capcd . Pool , Spa, Saun a . Entr y Lends To Large Living Hoom & Form<Jl Dinin g. Modern K1khcn. Downstairs Gamt• Hoom . C;tll For J\ppointmcnt To lnspe C't. s.525.000. Suhmit Offers . ,,,., 631 -1800 111 DOVER DRIVE Big Canyon GoH Course View l...tft.I MW tow .... -MIY OCCHI to pool med tacaD -t...f• cowh. • 311•11••2 ... cORVlf'f ... • Aircan•wd • 31/J ... .,..., .......... •DW..._ . c....-... .....,.,kltchett • 91Mlllty "'Pflh/ w .. co•lritMJt • c .......... .,.;._..., • Ott. cmto. _.ties s• by owwer uo.1102 Or your agent-Courtesy to brokers' IHltffc price for 4fllcll .. SJH.000 ... -.... --,.._ ...... -" Han.or View Hils Nt·w ltstin.:-twst buy avatlablr•' 1,.Jjdrm-.. lar~c ma.5lcr !.W Le. bnc~ rin:pl<JC'c m family room . :i 1·ar gar;igc Tht.'i .., a Carmel model and you own the land' ll '-; Im m:ll'ulall· a nti v;irant :-;.,. this outst;Jrtdml! •>f fc·nn~ 642-5200 NEWPORT HTS. TRIPLEX Twn 2 hdrm, I I htlrm ""' l"••I. J.><i rktnl! fur 1, rJ ,.... t:n ·al r .. 111,il h4' t11ry , tov. rn.111111 11 .1111·• 1•ru11111h lkll.l>IKI ln1 I l.111tl' lii;J :.J;.J l,J.! 22:,:J ,.,\ t associated IAOkEAS-AEALTO•S 202!. W lolboa •Tl·JUI • • • Robert Borroclough I 866 Prtcairn Or. Co\ta Mt>ia '\ 11 1,111 th ....... mn• 1 "' 2 frtt tidcet booll!> ;:.t.1 ••1 '·""' I lot l<NOTT'S BERRY FARM I 11111~ITTf 1T.JTIT\-l'Th I 11 .._,,,, Ill.I ~ lf, I l.uHI• d ''" • .11lau)' t.L' .H.;>-< • '' "/! • • • 4° o COMMISSION~ WHY PAY 6°oCOMM.? l'f'11f1-...~lll0<1( oJ).!I Ill lfrll \llltnl' I OtJ I "'r\111 -. IMl."1 "'111 ~di •1r J ·• I \llU en pu n ·h • .-.1111.1 """ IKmW for uni•. 1 ~ •H " • 111 '·"" 111 11 • I J ll •r;:, I 1:11, ;\1.,'1 Balboa I slond 1006 ···•···••··•··•••······ TOP DRAWER I >''"'r 111'"' ll uttl•' -.1th th1· warmth 111 ..,..,tt~I fo. hri. k 111 lh1• 11p1•nrwv. 111 l'l:L...... ( or•'.ll flJl',lll'lll I\ rnnrht inn P.tt I ,\· 7r'S'k i rrr l·.ilo·«n \rlllkoo,·11 It Ontu~ '1t_:. ~-I ~ ··21 . ~wport Center 640.5357 Balx>o P~inwla I 007 ..•••..•....•....•..... BAY AVE. DUPLEX "T'v.11 t:!I r utt· 2 Hllrtn 1111 11 l 'r11 l'tl r1 "hi ,It ~l.l.'l,101 co w r P11111•..:1n, ... ~ 1,~ I '>I to TRIPLEX l'HIM t•: I ,0<',\1'10 :--1 11·,. an 11ltl11· l\1·••J1 II 111 to·rer 1t11wn :1nll h 111 Ill .1 tll'W d upll'X <'a II 1111 111 formal11111 , MEL FUCHS PAVILION REALTOR 675-8120 Corona .. Mar I 022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca mco 111 J.?hlu nil 1hr. complclly n ·mod••lt'(I Hy owno·r. $1 7!J.000 l'rtn t:llJUb only 7:~ ll!I05 Hn·athlakmR l'anoram11· ~hr VICW or Npl llart1<1r. OC'ean. l'oa .... t & Ila} ruJ?hl hl?hL-. rrom 1•vt·rv mom. Sl<'pt. 10 bto;ll'h & paric. Perfl'rtly appoint 1'(! lhrou~houl $7J0.000 r.11 45fiO. 67:1 011111 JASMINE CREEK Pinn 111. ocl·an \'U. 1ro .JIL-.mane Crt't!k l>r ;\gt. 95&:1'154. IUILDBS INVESTORS 2 Bdrm. larli(t• hwldablt· H 2 lot . $7!),900 <:1111 :w;.Sllfj() for morl' dt.-ta1b ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS Work Saver Condo A1lra('l1 v1• <! hMir1111m t'1111lt1 with dm111~ ar••a !>l.l·µ -.avml{ k1ll'l1t·11 with hwllms, c·arpt·I 1111: anti dra1)4c·s thruoul ('11rn mumty puol, p;1t111 ,1n"'· automat1t• "'"ink li·r" Slill .1100. UK fl C.111 !:;10 IT.!O TARBIU.. -· OWNER'S ANXIOUS!' Own1·r hJ" p11 r1·h . .-.1·1I IK'" IM1m1• amt r•o;ul~ 11. 11111v1• 'I hi'> lrl\ t'I \ I J\!l r m :1 ti .Ith h 111111· f,.,,tun · ~u11!11•1·k utf lh1 HI ol I l' I 11 ti I Ill • l1rt•J1l,11 I' . I u.-.111111 IJulft , .. ,, ,111ol )·" U/11 "' 11-.1·11 ""' k d1·1 k1111• ~t.11111 .ill •1lft•r. I '.Ill ~Ill .MJ l•1r II•"' 111111 ~HERITAGE REALTORS Creative Financinq :-..1111111 1111 1111 " 11111,1 ,,,,, 111 I rt ' "''·''II l••lt•••lll 11 ••• , J1l.111 .... tit. drh nr lnl ,.,wn-d 1111111• 11 ••• It,,, t It, I +l,tt ,. ltt ~A o .1f'J"'I .ond p .11111 l)llWI Lul 11' ··" II u.:i.: IJ~1 l. 111 '"'•1<• ni-.11 r ,,11 -· UNIQUE COMBINATION LOCATION, DESIGH & VALUE \J11I 1h.,1 'fk •l 1,rl 11·1 1111 • 1~ .1 Ito\ IOt.!l\I 1 ,1 11••1 1111 '"'""' '>t1111'I .. 11 I\ 1 t t..d tlll .ti I lrltllr I Ill' lllli i"' I-,; I 11'/f REDUCED!!! .\lit c!l1.1 ~,, .. ,,, \0·1110· I ln111•· 1111 1''11 n1•1 1111 I< \' -.1111ap•· Will (',111\ 1•1 "' 111111 , '.1 lllHI •Ill I'.\ I Mii"' ,'\~k lllJ ~) 11,,:~~I 1•..:1 i•.::u FOR MEMORABLE DAY S THRUOUT THE YEAR l<on\111111 "' " "' 'ill\ ·,..i,. t...r11n11 r ',11..!111 1 Iv ···\•11111 ""''' 1..1111 1~1111111 ;t ) nt "' r•Jiorn t• 1 "" 1\J1 .rn i.11111.., I 11111 '\ II '.11 11•· lion I ti•"'' ~1..'1 :.l!J I CEDAR GLEN I >t-.tm1"1 I\'<·,' .111.t .I lw'llromn 1·ond11m 111111111 I 111111 )'.II ,:ti.~' :.!'.'..'•\ t-:hh-11 !\\I' • ( (\I l·I:! l1i'H MOOELSHOW FOR SALE "BRITT AHYWOODS" N l' VII L o "" n h n nt l' :-. • ~:11st:.1d1• {'11~1.1 M ,.,.1 24!>0 S11nla /\u a /\1 1· 641j..0061or 955 l!IW ASSUMABLE !! ~ bcuut •\ llr 2 ha home ha:. $59.1100 a!. :.umahh• loan. lmm.11· rond S96,500 So. Calif. Realty 546-5605 Mt!Sa V.-rde Jlir, 2ha , low dowTI. &'-'>Umilhh! SfrA,()00 loan 9 :;·~ No qualtrymg an .!llll. &&&-n:i 1 ttV OWNto~k :tRr, l~lta + dt-n nvnl0<>km~ hlrt c o vered bric k frplc. patJo. cu.rus u-~.-:! m1 w hl·h. :1 hlk~ from fwy S41,!XX) ()pt·n h.'l' Sat 9 a. 201 Susannah Pl . f.46 !f1t;1; 4HOUSES WESTSIDE ()ily $22.'>.000 O /W 1<;. WORLDR.E. 556-7777 Me.a Vnrt1•" hr, 2 ha. li;:I' lot $MfJ,(J(Jll CJwrll'r, i\g t 1:,1 :Jtli+i i'rlni.• J-: Slfll' l111•alllin, l'X' 1·1•fl family f'Xl'l'Ull\ t• l\11m1• 1•1,.11. 1!111•.,l hrnh1· ~ w1·I ltar. II! r .. •lwo•r l IJm r m, 1 llr , ~ 11.o. :· l r p lr ' , m a 11 v p lu "'·•lure·-. f>I li~•.IMlll C':e 11 1 1•111ury :n ,\111·11;1·.1 ··.:11.0.:i h >< -.;.lo· t.v 11v.1wr. lw.,rul 1 llH, nv.n"r w t 1·ar rv :!ntl c ;n .11 lr1a 11 :.e~-.u11111l11111 1:..1 157k !WOW· VA TERMS! ('u,l um I 11111 r.11·t11r ·., hum•" o1 ltd 1 n" I u-.h .11n1111h. t'lll• 1 l.11ftllll'lll 1101!111,., ... , ••• 1 ld 11ll! 1111111 l.utL'' "'111• r .1n ,1 ~··•· 111 lo·IW\<'1 \o\,. "'Ill qu,1hf\. \lt11 u\1·1 th•· 111111111 t ',di f)t;t\A ..... ~~ 1J.ol1tl ( I ' 11I11 11V 11\.\> '\ l·.lt ":.,111 .1.,. frn,• :!.II •1 •'I Ir llo ;1~ ·I~•. l>IC, flt< If! I.II It ; '·" 11 , u•l 111 , ul d1 .. 11 1111 \1.1111 flt•t ' I I I 'II Ill•' I 11 •I II \ ~ ~I I 'I •11111 :, •I Ii Ii 'J ., :! O'\I .... VI kflfl-. BEST LOCATION ( 1111\l'll lo Ill l lo l'\I J \ll\lfll!. •Ill •tUH'I 111•1• ht11"I -.1 rf't•I 111 ~··v. fl<lrl llt111hh 1·t111•11 :1 l\IC ,• I•• ,•I r}rlr • h•1• p.11111 ~ n11" \.1rd t1 ... 1 ... r I• .... 111 .•r• • ,\ tu.1 \ f1n,1ru •• .11 j '' ' I ' I . , I II (~Arlt f ,tl1t f,\ 'U1f•,' It's Beautiful for Sole By Owner You Save .ll1r Jh:r f.111 11111.li p l•· .l\t !-.iJ L11J .,l I 'l,11.1. q •lll'I 11•·11:hl•1rtll1111I 1°11111 111t. nnf v S 1111 111111. ·T • .111111 d11wn, l,1!..1 1., .. r I'\ 1111• :,lfi ·l.>IX 1111 ·•l'Jtl CHARMING Sir /FR "'"" 1011·. h1t1111·, 11:1• l1ll 1111hl;11ul1111! v,rl111•, 1111·.1 111111 fv • 111111 J-'l,.\rhlo• I 111.1111 lfll' v. II• 1 1p1.11tl o, 1111: 111 \. \,11 1·•11h·•I t ',ol l ov. rH·t tli'I ! ... tt. thX.1 THE 81.:ST 111 11111:111.rl 1\1 v.porl I 10•11•111 .. I ra11 1 h1 • 1111 1"" 1111< -1 fh·n h11m1• "' "' "·'''~1 .. 11 ,, .,1111'1 -.t r1·..i 1 l1t •• Ito a ll -.111111111111• l~1t'J.!1• 1111 '""'' "' J·I' mu1 h m o r1· -.k 111 1: ~1::11u1 1',\Ll.T flll1\\ Dennis Ricketts, Rltr 851-0424 ASSUMABLE!! 'll11" t11 ... 111lllul 4 Br, 21t:i h1in11• ha' $~1!1 111111 a~ :.u1n.ihl1· ltJ~lll. l mnia1· mntl gJt i.500 Oprn Sun 1·5 3121 RooseYeft Way. So. Calif. Realty 546-5605 SPACIOUS I\ hcauty with 5 Ult. 3 Ila. to:Z 1.:are yanJ, npphn~ n.rt•k v..1terfall $1 :!1).t"lO Malw offrr ' Huth L<1unc l\k r fii\li 43HO S©\lJ1llA-LG£trs .. Thof lntri9uin9 W orcJ Gome with a Chuckle t -4 ~. Cl .. 'I' - O\'tltf>''n~ '"'""''' nf tt'-to ·~ ul trf"V'"-lil.o.tJ Wbo!d\ t"' ( low •u tn.t m lovt ..,.,.,,,~ wr,.fh Sp~Efs~11?J!m . I· S 0 RR A Y \. beautiful view. $[,(JOO op· • r I' I I I tion. Agenl, 640-~ . _ . . . Mwit sell this week 3 Br + studio oceanside of hwy, UY"k down, $190,000. Ls~ opt. pos.'11ble. Ownr/Agt. Pnn only. 497 .2292 ...........,,a-.-: lttl l I( _.ll~ Mc COl1MACk Rf a._.. Homt + Refttaf INclt SicM Of Hwy. 4 Adrms + .iuest apl with fulJ kitchen : also. :1 spacious l·bdrm . apt over dbl 11arage. Submit clfers. Pnce slashed to sm.ooo "' 4t4-7a51 .... I RE MB E I ' I r I I . I ~-..,,,~..-..1ll'9'f L...,.. 1 l-G.,. 1 --1j ~ Ttie dllleronc e between • • • • ~· vootf\ Ind m11ur1ty: 11 17, love .___..___._ __ .L......J • 11111n10 11c•t•ng Al 70. It's .... -.. I TOTH E P I ..._....-, ....--, ......-, -.-.,,__.,_..... O ..,I·•• •I• .~ ... ~le oo>0••d • • • • • • r If I ,., 'tft , .. ,.. f'f" \\fl~ WtJll'd ..__.___, __ ...... __ ~ .,, ti''"""'" .. I ~' ''"'' '"" , t,.r.1\IW A t~tNl N\JMllUIO I' 1111:11' i i lll P\ IN ~ARI\ I I I I I I I I C._..flc..._5100 • J ---~---r~ ·_-_-._-_-. j • ---------------·----- I NnaHFwS. ...... Few s-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• _,..., 1026 .,..,.. 1026 .............................................. blQ.UO SOUTH LAGUNA HOMES WITH Fl.All! -r.,. IMdrootlt cott_,. ~ tM tH -"" ........ .., .. Sl29.500 -Tllrff Arc.h loy hOtN wttt. 2 ~ ...... ...t ._.. t.ec_kywd. i I H , 700 -low.r flw.tt Arch 1.., ....._ wlttt l bedroo.. .cf oc•• •l•w. i 1os.ooo 499-455 I SOUTH LAGUNA 493-1112 495-1720 Dana 'olnt 497-lll 1 LaCJUlta •~ach l OCJll'"I ......... 644-7020 H~wport leach 1024 ~-IOU ••••••·······•··•······ MESA DEL MAR tl\1 '.!l111 ,h.1l.1·1111I \, 'Wt1<• l11" llll 111 \I Ill '1111.1111 "'rll I " 1 .. 1 111 \l'l''' l>.i\ 111 1~111 •1 1:111 : .. ,h "'·"'' 81 .,010 AS SUM. LN. 4 kdrr11, :! h.1 11'.« .1111 horrw /,.11 .. ,1 I< \ , 1 \ 11\JHJJhlt> \lr1t ll .,,,, lo( ll1\1~l0l1·nt I t ll\1"1111"111 to 1111 •, 1\11 . )!• '"~' .511U i>I Dano Point 1026 .•••••.•....•.......... MARIHITA Spt-1•1u 111l.1r hilll o p homt-i. 2012 ,l,'1M; !'>ti It l10bC th Munua :-.1 1~.1 IW & Calle J.;1 1'1 ""·' Vera. SIG."• <NIU lo ~;,~o.000 83 I JS.IU. 4!1:J 1001; U I.Ir OCEAM/HARBOR VU araod llt"W ilu1.t ~ ).. Vaullt-<I 1· .. 1lrni:.., frpk~ 2Hr. 2hu l'<t :1 1•ar.11!••:-. $1111.CU!O. Ju,111, A i.:t• 49fHl4!n INVESTORS DELIGHT /\ " u ,\ I. \\ ,\ .. :-. II t-;;.. T t: 11 I I' I 1·' 111 heal'h 11rH·1i1 •·ti ,.,,,n m11111L) ( 1,, .1 lo ,laop 11111j.! M ;1n11 .1. lu·:..1 he·,., 11:'111. Y SW!J I~"' LOCJWMI Villoge R.E 497-1761 VACANT HOW! i'\Jll "'T :.! llH ,·11111!11 llurhor \'ll'W Sl ll .\1011 Ag\ 7 14-4!17 .JW9 focuttaift VaUey 1034 ••.•.•••••••........... Open Daily 1-4. 16670 Silk Trt!e :!'II, 1hr :Ilia, Ir!.' [ 1111 rrn w 1.,.1·I lnr \tu•\• ~1u1m1I 1~ ol l"r1111 Ir•• & h1·rr11 'l 11 111111 -.:n 1nr~1 ~n<jon Bcacl'I I 04C NEW I ISTl 1.;r.• 1 "h:1rn11111' "I! .r 1 I l'I I 1111. 11111} '~1.:11~1 1,;· I I \1-1 VETERANS You ,·;in ltm , tttl:~1111•l1 .. 1 .. ry 1.1\:'\J)\l ,\ll h "' 111·" 1 rt•'" 1\ p.11n1 ~llllUtO !!'•I.! ll,11nl1111I hr (~ti!''"' 11•'1 .11!1 l I 11 1 lttu. ;,;r; :!Ci I 111 !~<!\Ilk IM ~och G iant Red.! Th•· l.1r1, ..... l s, .1"'11111 llH•th-1 I llH I •'•·11 ... loa .~ltl(r ''I It l.ol 1 111 111 h "''"' r..it "' I'""" !\ .>117 101 \ ,\ 1<-11u• It 1-. 1'1 1.IP!'>'>l<m,11. !h..t>t:rn TOT.All Y ELEGANT &oaut1ful •I h1trm lt111111· :ltUI !''I Cl of lll'<Ur\ II\ mg w 11,xJ11 1·11•.l•m 1 1"111 & ~p.1 . d t'I "' .11 111 drf'am h•111ll' '"" .111 ti 11 pnmt• :1r«.1 <'.ill '''' appt 10.,1•1· S"fJ\t{ HE \I. ES I \T t·; •. ,, •tl•·~ HEAR COOL PACIFIC Super duplf!x. 011lv I ye<irs old. (;r l!ut •1w1wr• Ulllt Sl55.(MIO l'fl!B\?fllt;Mt1 962·4471mm54s-s10J 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COUNTRY LIVING Is Location l~·.1!~1ft?~~~~?1·111I w ul 111 pnn11· 1,,. .1111111 I 11 111.tl 111111 n ~ I toll Ill llr1·I• J \'1 Ill lllJ.,ll'I 111111'1\111) J l\IJ flYlll~ 11111111 1 IH·I :o. kil t h,•n 11111 I. 11.1! i11 ( '111111)H1111t \ 11<1111 • lulohou:.t· t.-11111~ • 1111 rh 'II ·• SH!I !.1111) Ill-. I< l ';r I h 5!l M!> I TAABIU.. -.-oon. ltuu ho S an ,Jo.1<11Un i 11r d1•11 .'lo.1 . Ir" le • II VI l~llll". ;tll 11n ~ulf C'Olll~l' 1-.nJ"' '11·w I rorn m""' r o11m., I' too I & J J 1· 1 :11.;~w1 t>m 1~m TERRIFIC TURTLEROCK J i.r.l :-.tt•11e. to pool <incl knnJ::. plus a 11ualrty re o,ul1·ntJ;1 I en,. 1 run mt>nt \Y1·1l pl.inn••cl I hdrm 110 1111• "'II h "\"l•:.tr<Jtt· rn.1 ... 11·r ,.,u111·, famil> th1111 ;1rul "'"'n k111·h1·n. 1h111n~ navm unit pn 1 ;ill· l.1n1b1·:.11.-d h:ll"k ~ :inl &· 1•:1110 i\ "'arm 111wn f1·..t lrll! Ihm riul I hrs hom1· "'"" h11!h n ·ilrnl!S an1l atnum ~1'15.1,i(lt) - \\ \II IU 110""1 ~II J>11 " a ..... R(AL (<lfAfE t. JI· M()( I •W O OOnlllDGE 1-:XTH,\V J\\.i\NZ1\ • I ~,Bdrm :I Ba . Ill:-.( "A Y OI~ m1t1c pool • llt'<I hit llr:inll ni·w ~l k!i .11 00 1142 0 11 2 . 1;11 Wl7 t 1t1\1·r,,1t v l'.1r k D•·:ine h 1111. 1•, 111 I :1 BH I I< ·' t • 11 I< 1 11 I m f ofl v. 11 .111!"111111 ll1111r111i.;. 'll>\r .11111 I· '<I 1•11 t111n al r111a111·11u! ·"·"' l'nn I q1.1l c t!OI \ r.~.~ :t72K. 1.11 '11~~11;1:.lo. l•ir 11111 1 \\ •«Hlh c 1tl 1'l' 1· ,, m•kn rr~•h•I h111111· lll-1111t1ful :1 1 •. 11m..i•..:.JJ:.i./\.1C.2000± ·,q II uwrn•f l\ppl only. 'l.11 h1 t•kt'I !> ~I t:t,7!>11. r.,~ 07·;0 WOODBRIDGE :llllt 2 lralh T 11w11h•1UM"- ,\ l' 1 n1 :1 n v 11 th 1• r 1·11~11rn c111Ls · Sltl!l,500 •1;u 111111 111M1 1;.r1:1:1 h<Jml' .., \II 11'. t:TH t.t. T" ohm I'. J Ill! & v._.m l<m, (Jp.•n ll<•U'-l" I :, !'lat ~un j'lj lr.·1n1• Ctr Dr Ldt cin ~mokelrl't'. hk r !JI;(} SJ80 ENJOY Outdoor Entertaining.. 111 llus lrl'l1Ut1lul yard '-'llh «0H ·n·1I pallo. fire· pit . .:u-1 BU(> anr1 1·xtra hl!lllinl! I lldrrnJ... + lam rm Sorrw1tu Muell'! 111 Th\• llJ11 l'h Only SU.-7,tU.I Laipa•och 1041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• &net aid lay Lot i;nrlll:w HoltH\ ,or S ... HMH\ For s• 'Thur~y. June 28. 1979 DAIL V PILOT Ct. ······················· ..................................................................... . ..... ..... I 041 M..-Ylefo I 06 7 Mlwport •ach I 06' n.Hft I Oto 0..-lnl lsbrh Olhtt' IHI kt• Oltwr IHI •t• · . ....................... . ................................................................................................................. ,. ........................ _, ,.. ... av SO SAU oa UASI ..... ..._, '--Pr.,.rty 2000 IMltlllMlll. ...,._ •.• * ....,......,. * TMolls-ftOOl· VIEW Oun 3 br 2 b11 homl' on ,_. S. 11 00 •••••••••••••••••••••• • ..._. J400 • <kean 11lcle ol hwy, le~1_1l ..._bltL09tt 3Sl'A('IOlJS llOMi':t..' l'Ofnn~rcl~I lot w/Kood ... •••••••••••••••••••• JOUIUMtTS.C.M. llct,!""yarrett•h.1btl1uh Tllkt• llVl'I luw 111h•n 111t l.o«nll'd in N('wJ>ort parkmic 14111 N\iw•wirt By owner. IOX40 with Near new. 3 Br owneri. Nt•.,ti. paanl mt nor 1 t' k111n., MA low t111 7': 111 '" r cabana 9x30 l'nrl'd for 1114-I 'ror hon . & tcn<t>t No m·w 10:1111·~·11> ti..•ut•h :J lk•1lrc1e1111~. 21 •, ,,.vd l'i.'iO lllO ll•aSl' ur QUl<'k !.ale> seooo 64-0 ~ unit. 2 ba. rrpl. 2 C:ll f:':.':~ti iiurr)' 1 0:11,, Noqu.-hf)'rng Nol'rt:illt hitths l.uv1Kh mast..r ~.cn>~11le.Ownt>r1 Hkr orfJ3l 3474 ~.J.28r,2ba,untts 11~ 900 ' dwdu; Takl' ovn ••x 1.,l lll'df\lOln w1n1t with bu th wt'C.kd.llYtl 9·5. 544 0614 ------TSL lnvs tmts M2-1603 Ml • R It 41M 0731 u"ijl l>AYllll.'lll:. 2 3 '' ~ bf a II ti rt· l r l' 111 w rt 11 WE DlfY YOU a&X60 lkodix K('i.:al ~ Okier tn pix on dbl lot . i.:rt MIOfl 4'M Y hom1'fl 11vo1l11hle ,.,,_.J>lai·i· l.rvmw room 8 1t, 2 ba ~star park No ~11•1 r11•t pl11 . WI tl111r To ftnd ··noth•>r ('U~tom tax shltr $17~.000/ofr Wtt llt•IHt'll r11r hom1.1. L.*Por-ettAttoC. w II • \l". • • u ~ .. pt:,'l'I Orrhaldr<'n ~3.11110 1(11.nJcn lmrN<' 2 hr, 1 77ft 306 lrhrury . fum1ly ruo1r1 . home that ri.n match 1111-111601 Nt•wlllnll. 11 B ~/11.n H40 11n~ __ ba. drAtniblr anon, 4blk1' v-6 clr1111111 room l'r1 vu t1~ iquc d es ign o f thri. •121 Call a-.'l . Cynthia. Nfi.:AR (',()MPl.l>:TIOlll Imm lwh 436 Ai:11tt• M Mlwpoirt leoch I 069 w~:ll'\I :nt? ~pht h•vl'I. r::~ ::: ~~eJl~~~ S37 22'71 2'587 Eldt>n Ave. CM • •••••••••••••••••••••• FOii.EASE New 2 bedroom 2 bath home. M1u1on Lakes Country Cl uh (ioU tenms.poot Bc;auurully landscaped, no marn- lcnancc yard . 91110Clubhoust' Rd. Oeiiert Hot Spnnas 213·378·2572 SWllDUPH : .. ·~~>:'.1t ... ·;:,:Jll.~ l'nnr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ::O~ fr~1:11 t• x c ,. u t I\ t• room SIJJ)(.•rhly d1·s111nt'tl 2~1 NEWLAND. Sr1 17G ~~~ 3Sl2!rBhomeaJ. Lrll'T roof u, ...... .. ........ ..,,to ...... '."'" kt< h" 'th ... ' kf t DR , ,,.. d 0 '"""' r rf'nt· s o :.cc l\tt;;,:1~':' '";';.:,~:::nal a~~ t~a~~~n~rt~ v1~.S.,.. ~y the~~11 ~.:~l~,~~· call9'79-5099 <Mofeo.ty hnllfl«tn)lava1lable and deckrn~s. l.1 vinJl spoc'l.J\.,'l RyowrwrOanaP<11nl rropertr 2550 DUPLD Wulk to 1>1•1tl'l1, 2 lur~·· 3 II 11 r m u n 1 t !. w 1 I h frll'l>litn• anll hullt111'I Gn·<1t w111h·r .,u1n1111·1 1n1•um .. 1m1t•nl11tl t·'i·1· Mrnµh • Cull fur .111111 54() 11~1 M.J. lrock & S0tt1 Inc. room and mai.trr s wlt Pn de ot <lwncrs h111 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714-640-4020 are :.urrounded hy wall~ Aa90l)t for S• 1200 piex. $2:1."i,WO eiu·h on up , ________ _ 1<1-:t-l>Mt lit'. I I \ ll1ll111p l)<·\ .. l111w1 ' I ,1ar111111~ Nl•w I .. •1:1111.i I ·on.tu " 01·1-.111 V1\'l4 I hl.k IJ\ II :!.:1. lill1111 11:! I ' I' I , .. , ~ ·'' 1.111 u' l lly uwrwr I Ill< :?' . 11,1 h ~ ruo111:-.. fri•ll' 1"1t111 IWW bhdkt' I IHI! \ llll 1•111111 $1KS,UUO 1'11 11 l"tf>Jh onl> 4!+4 3!132 Causey & Conipany SUPER SUMMEA HOME Small. but C'O t )I . 2 lit'<iroom l>l'ean '•l·w ""L taJ,:•'. walk to pn vutt• bt•Ul'h. &fJ,5()() • 11°'1 S<1 \.oa:-t ll114 JY in V11la~1· 1-",ur LAGUl'i\ HEACll 497-2457 LarpaHilk 1050 ..••••................. 2 ha . l_~t): I' :1l111. pnvary. tow.nhumc.. A-:. :.umubk lua o . fly uwrll'r $71,000. 511(;.~ 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Niguel Realty • SWEBING VIEWS from thL" twsl buy 4 BK farruly home on lri:: r11r ner lot Pn C'('cl t o !>d I now. SI 10.001. 493-9494 495-5220 496-2413 830-5050 Take Over -v• HERITAGE . . REALTORS NEWPORT HGTS nus hrddt•n lwuul v l'I on cil·Jd l'nll '>l :! 'II) ~ llr :1 B.1 ... mt IK'l'Jll \II""' 11111 JIH'Ulll lot-. of • "<lr•I > Mu. ... t '>1'1' lo ap~>n·• L•I• Sia.'l,Ouu. Owner ""'II 11..tp flO<.IJll'l' A PRE:HIG€ /-+--I HOMES :«J,J W (,"oa-.t II"'\. ;\"I\ 645-6646 LIDO ISLE Ext·1-vt1on1il 41Jr. l!ba on 141d" :-.t Lu M lot. ( n ·nr h th•1~ & ht-.1m 1· .. 1n111: ... Utru (oUl. hard,.ovd Ill'.., formal l>I<. lj.! !:>•1 1,.11111 u s , · d h r 1 1· I,, t t' I' I • C"ompll'h'I) r1·m11d..!1 d llv o ... n1·r :> tr.11.111111 ti7:1 IW:!I EA')T II Ll ' I-1-'S L1' 1 rn t lol ·lhr. :!' c•h:r, nr :'\I! T ,. n n " :-. " 1111 CI u Ii. ·shoJ>S, ... c-1.b s11 1.;,1111 711 li·1'1 >l1X7ur<i-M :!II:! UDO WATERFRONT ()UU.lillldlllg \I\'"', pr \ I 1101:·k fly owm·r I 11 It .I li;1 Sl ,31!0 mo. 11n r11 q 1:tl:. •inly fi7~ <!:.71 NEWPORT HEIGHTS llcdUt'ecl II> S1 t<J,000. m:1 :!231S (,b.'dll & IJuy Vtt•"' llumt' 41>1 . :11ia. ~t·t lJJr. 2 «ar ~arai:e SI .~~mo lea~e Oflllllfl t,.15 !>il5:J :!lilt l>t!,1ut.v 1 !1:111 sq· .1earug1: w1111· :1·· n ·1lrni.:. :.tr":;.,c1I lur 2 ~l•1n l:;H ·n thmt.: r1•m1.11l\'ll·~I -. N I h :0. 422 l-"ulfort o n fi \S G r. 1131 2313 Oµcn Sat Sun THE BLUFFS Jli·Julrful s111t.:ll• stl)f\. lu).(h l.1e•arn l"1•1I . :1 liorm , 1•nt.I unit. l.111d.1 l'l;in \ ~JutV ..at $1t.i:J,l.ICAI 11;\."Tl!\li~ & ("() H !-:,\I.T l Ht:-. 6411-5~.i;O ~sl Bll'f in Shores 11) (hr. 111•1 :-,. µl '-iho11 '' J Br pool. 11· 11n1-; <'rt $10:1.'~IO . ('11111 h '"\ 111 llkr; ' :.411 JH.>I FfXER UPPER :1 lllt :!ha. frplt-, ·,h,tl,1• n111I. "''"'d ""' r t\• ... 11111 .. ~1·, \" \ In •11 SIOO,W J ·'" In ""-:. Sl2't.;,w CUSTOM CHARMER Sh11111h• ""'' '>ll.11.1· r1t•1I. :1 llH !!h.1, I rpk I 1·, r ~::ir I :,11•11-.1\ • 11111 1.1tl lllJ.', $1f,!t !~>II ()\\'I ' :'ml '-;11 u th I 111 d • r I< I. "C! ,.z_,, NEWPORT HEIGHTS BY OWNER A VERY SPECIAL lll\'liJHT r ., , d1· r PE:HINSULA POINT :1 Ht II I 11 .. 1.11 ti S Be-drooms p.1r.•tl1 .• 11. , •" ,,, '· 111 Onl)I ..! .H ';11 ., uld "II 11 1, .•• I. I II ti \\ I 11 ''"'' I \ h'.1tun·~t1111111111wrn11 .111 .. 111 ,1,i 1 .1 11·, t1 111 . •. 1114·nl1un u1 tlt:latl mdu1J l••11h . ti• 1 1111 1 t • "· t in!! ;1 i.:m1rm<-1 kt1rhP11 • 1~ ... 1 :-.111•d \Jiil ~"111 " IJ;ikim) 1:.11n1• r11111n .1ml """''' Ii 1 • ·• , 1 .. 1111• . ;, ::.um1111ou,_ 1µ11 .111· "'"'"' ltul I.r t Ot'•·1l . jlt('Ulll rn I.... 111.1:.LLI ... 11 111 ,. ll" .: I' .• 11 t n I' b:ith. not J""' ,, ltalh t11h ~l-i.t~MI Pr 111 m 11.\' I·:\• ' W ) l' I :o. S tt I t d 11 .• I,, 1.12 l'Mr:! 1·a b11ll'b thru nut :11111 mU<·h mon• If v1111 1,1, .1111 .. Thl· 1'01111" .11111 1 .111 C'flre.1dt·r $.l:i!l.11110 1t1r t 111 IU-:~:ff. Lht·n CJll 644-7211 By Owner SI 29,500 :1 hr 2 ha Li.! l.1111 r111 <;n·ot l111•a t11111 IV d1•1·111 :\fllSl ~··1 • ,\''II 111•' 111:111 l'nn onlv' 1~1:1 1i•:n LINDA ISLE 1-. I I's:. ;t n I I II <; I " m W.1tl'rl ronr :-Op;r 1·111w uur t.1.·"' 1 .1! lwdr.11 1·1 I lrll! :1111 , .111,1, I ,11 II I I I \• "''' lo.11 . 111-..11 ·.u111 "lrt11r' 1'•1111.tl 1'11 l1 .. ,1~f,1 I 1111 \\,dot \H " 1111111 llo11,I fllt l'.it" lrlkl•d \ l 1'111 °\ • 11µ 1111 Ml \ .11 lit &. 11,1. .-.1 illS .... • ~'19"....,· ~..Jl'!J!->~~ A lhcrt P11-.<,e-l J l{l· d I\ ( 11 or i:la!>s I hat OP l'O tn ••••••••••••••••••••••• to 15,0UO s q II lots IHVISTMBfT IUY 111ghl lights ttnd .,.,.,.,.JI IUILD 40 UNITS Owner will hnunr•· on ini.: v i ew of unu" 2 ACRES l'ootrac1 with mrn1mum $45,000 ~.Ot.ltl. Toi> toc:.ition m Indio /\II $7!S.000 1lown Will ;ll· 3 Bdrm. I'• Im. 2 t•ar i:ar RUMARREALTY uUlitrt·~ avail Pr11 1• <'nmmo<lah• t•:o<«han~·· home on ,., u1•r1· Cull 558-7977 $I 2 5 . o et u () w n ,, r ~13411 Ch1·ltJm Way i\pl 1; t· o Fr e Y It 1-: lly owner. 2 11 fl. 11.n 21 , h,1 fplt'. 15()0 !'>'I ft l).!l' \rd $!'J.OOO ('a II H11n . 117(~*1:.J. 7JI OO!IO Ohr Real &tote •...••................. 1 1-40. ....................... PRICE SLASHED /\JtXlOU.-. ownt!r musl S1•1l now -:!l\'i:! ll il1t·re~l. !!rill "" Mx~O 1•nrlo~ed 1~1rt·h :; MJr Anaheim l'••l l'.1r k Hcdun•tl tu S/h,CX~I :\take uffer l•• 11,1\ I I ,f 1Jb37 77 I Mabt~ Homt Store 956·4500 .\101111.t;JJ0\1 I·::-. flt> I lJ-.k<I 11n« :! hdr111 (" \1 }:1 1 1111i1 0 11c ;1 l•ln11 II H $.'Jl,,01,111 \ ·•r.J11t 1\dult ('all ('ei1lun :i 1 c;111tJ {A).L'>l ll<':tllor!'>. ~lli J 11,x BE RRST! S 16,500! "'"' tht' l:!'..'lll 'l.c•w \l•,.HI "t\i 1•)1,IJJllll•1 :, ,1 .. r p.1rl- :-;., i' ...t'.l f lram•1· c ·rnml 1· lrnni:tt·ulul•· the 11oui llt '-' 1·µt~. J:z 1',llt' )ti .llN h~t<'<l ISi If;)( 1,: I Mobile Homt' Store 956-4500 OCEANFRONT '\;1·" lt11HI•'' p VI 1'11111 lllllrUl '. ~f lw JI fl••, "I h t .,.., uni \ ut. h•t 11111 1 II\ I 111111 ':!.1.·11111 , I l 1 ·1 ·1>11 .. SOMOOHfOR SO LITTLE I• 11\r,1111 lu1 ,1h'd I )f ,IJIL I ( 1111 11 1 ·~ T'k :!TI1 .• 1 I 'n ... 11~'" bt~• " .1tl1J,.tJ 1<10\ rm Goi>ll • 11b IJ rµ .... :11!1 d1·11 .... 1Jrtl11·11 liv rm .!llJ Ow n1·r l•-.1~ 111 .1: -.t.111 · l'n1• .. t1 to ...,.11 l .1~\ <If ~:I :U•1 I ~u;;jt-~ \ I Mobile Home Store 956-4500 11,11111 11 Wo• ,1 "I~"" IHll 111 1 l>,1 f 11 I I Ill I ol 111111 r ·cl \\I HI tit t lo. ,•I' ti• ....... , 111111 I .q1 I'•· I(.~(. I In I 111 '111 t:c h •,l,,t1· •• 1 .111 :.:hr, lp1 l1 ~I 1 1 '" I . ..1. ........ 1, .. LIDO PENIN. 7M :01 :n:!O 0 . I> I' l!Jti I O!J7 or 714 11 2A~0141 4!Jti·5275 , _________ _ 12 Ar~ SU7.500pott·nl1.11 111dustnal lOnan.: Wdl :-1:11 or tukt• pa11m•r l'nn 11nly Owner !SS I O:ltili 1300 ...............••••••.• G Urut!'> 10 Ii t1mc-; i:rno;s 12•: down. 22.!l&I yil) l!f~S i\ssum1· fm<Jnr 111~ valut'Cl at ~•.000. pm 1·tl ul ~4.J.000 i"1·ar Bt·a•·h I n \ l' ., t 1 ~ ,, I ,. 11 • • 14 21:1 ~ 100. 7M ~75 ~JO 1\j..'\ •och Properly 1350 ••.......•..•..••••.... On San f'll'm('nt" lk•.irh Mnl11lt-llomi-. :lhr. 2h11 ~1,IJtJ) Furn 49fi l~O lluWMn Properly 1400 ··················~···· !'.mJll llo ut1qu1-. '"'" 111 L:11!U1ta 0!'> bus11·~1 ~•reel' Un1rp11· 1·11~1 rn llll. ti• enh:mn• your ::.J)\·1·1,.lt v Wom .. n·., w1·ur. lk·.H It "'t:Jr. CJn~m;il, Eh· u .. 111 l tnh· l•ir tlw ~·«•~"" Ila\!' m111 .. ·1I & r-.111 '1 h .111 Ull" ~7:11111 ~ l'I LO• k a:r. l:!-11 bl:! r.11 Conwnerciot Properly 1600 •...•..........•.•••••• '-"I' I .1• < I 11,1 . ..! 111111 . 1111 Clld '\;,·1,1,p11 rt flhtl ,.;1:l1l .,,., r~1•, 17'17 . Shopping Center I .If t I. rt .q1or • 1·1 f , I 17 ti II h.1.11111 "I ' l.t lt11 •1fU1• H, 1 t ,.,,.,, IH1I I.,,, ,. "' llJllJ I lhl \I 1 1111' ,.11 ..-i.•--·-..---.-:s..-. r ~~ Albert P~sdl R ealt;~ < n 8Jl OOV(R °" Na. oJt·SlS, 1800 .•............••••••••. UNITS-UNITS! Bargain Time! \11 .... \IJI l'l l \ JI tH I 'llf< , l11h h\ n l\ ,,. •• , •• , d 1r h • l,uu111r \ r.,_.tu \'\I I I· \il"\11 Ill I \ 11• IO I I ~• .ul \I•" t llH .... ., Ill( p l Hif• tff t1AU1·f \ ... ,, MUST SELL! fliJ.t bcUC'h 7 l 'n1I bul ld ml!. :t ... ktn~ S:l!l~1.000 SCOTIREALTY 536-7533 $.S.',O.'W i\t Iii X ~rllM\. J ST~:,\t. In w~unJ lk•,r«h. Owrwr 1 A.:1•nt 4\J<t 22-tl; COSTA MESA 4HOUSES l';inta:.t11• rent.al J)ru 111·rt1l·' 1n h1r::h .Jllllr"•·l:•l 1111! an•a Only S!:!:• LIC~I l)Wl" WORLDR.E 556-7777 MESA DELMAR FOUR-PLEX l>nm1· uonh Cu'>lJ ~k~.• ,, 11-.1 I til I'>( " 1 I It :1 IJt.-'l.Jrutllll' ;! 11(.•drcHllll' ,\ I "" I ltt!l roum un1L . t;rt':tl IO\'e::.l lf"l•·Ol F!.-.>.1 hie t1•rm..,, "1111 I 1:1 ,1 .it 111ll y ::i ll1.J , 1011 l'.111 f>.11} :J(lji; 65 STUDIO APTS I 1-.11.11111• 1 r • "' "' 'f "' ·'" ,uu "' II 1..1 \ ...... 1 •• , 1 • 11. .. n ,, · .• , , ,. .. 1\.uJ I\ Jfl J,_,,,~' "'''"''" lfot . \.I \II 11111 'ol I .. .i '~" lt..jVESTORSI I /IV!. f U .I tlUV..lt !t \\Ii-,. 11 ••1 l f1.;,t. 1f It It I r.th• h1\\ ur Ill I•· .t~ t\ 1• ',,,11 n .. " · ., 1hr11 "'"''mi 1l .... ··r ... 111\ 1• 1111.in•·,. 1r. Htlr •p1 .. f,tl l\ \\h i ll :1v:11hhl•· lh•·'" .. ..i1 t.1-.1 lt1·1!1 .1i•1 \1111r 11<11111· "''" l>.11 l lllh. ""'. ';.l.1 '1 l'rl f (,o .ti l. I ti • CHEAPIE f 1t1Jtplo' '•' d l• r I ••I., I •11 I >'II \ t.U1 .. " ~. BY OWNER . " ' ,1 ] \\1 t .! I~ '1· IU"' •• ••II I I 111 rr-l' I I I' I,,, . CMofStat~ rropet"ty 2' oo ••••••••••••••••••••••• C<H .OHAOO !o>t·•·n1 l· wooded µroa.>crt Y lit S3!!11 I :H', I' I' I 7 14 t ~Him Re-' Estate &chancJe 2800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .\11•,a \"1·r1t« I lid r m !S,',ll <U t cqwly Ex..t1anj.!1• l11r ll i-; or.,., 7!\I '.Jl~i 2900 .•...•..•......•••..... I'll huy <in.v pru1.wrty. :tny l'IJ!ld111on T•11> '"'"" ~lt11 h11C.l11h' i1:1 1:t:1 :t.'!I:! ........•..•........... Houws Fumis~d ···············~······· Newport lt'ach 3 169 •...................... 2:}1 \'ta L 1d11 'l.111d 1111 ~ t; •• p I •. I ~ ' I t " :!W .!TIJ •l.,17 21.1 •1:w Cl'.J:'.I• ~s U~umishe-d .•.............•....... 3202 ....................... BUDGET RENTS ">,J\t ).!._t, t IU1tt1 II:-•" \pl , \ 'l I''• I I 11 1 !:\!I .. 1111 kid lff'h 111111,, -~~. (S;1d 1 Ill rl '"' 111"" S'.l'1 ll11 I"'' I .11·111111 ~7°1 ,1111 l.11J. '·'"' :~1 1 .~.hr ~"'' ·•l'l'li" 111 It '\~~· •he ~ 111· t11·• p.111 .. '~··lllf lo.1•1 ... poql -.n, ti 1 l111h p•·h i-.11 ::,i;;J,,IJI k11t-. p1•t-.l11111,,1 557-0825 ll011•1•l111d•1 .... l.1t•·"1ll• ,. ,, ·'"' •t 1--:'Ti'.1 I t ....... .. r .. ,... $l.'ill 11111 ,,.,1,, tnr """ h !~i:! l·li I Corona del Mor 3222 .......•............•.. 1111• II fl1,'hl.11ttl l bl I "llljll• ti I• llllHl.-1• d w,, ,. .. ,..,,,lift, ' lit ~1 1\,1 W , hll lllb. II( 1 ... ,. I: th I •' li!" •. ~1 m .. \t!Ulh 1111)11'!-. 1,: t >'Iii)' .11, 1. • 1111 ()1 It I .Jl\\"11 I ""' lltt 'ft I I 1111 1111 .... •"\ ' pl ' I\ I • . :-.111. 111 111 '"".X Iii { l,,.t I '"" 11• ;•111 111;1 '"" 1'111 tqo • '-'.1.i' 1\d l1 1111 "" 8l/40/o Loan CUSTOM 8JJOOVlRDR Ne e:11-s2s, 1 I YEAR OLD \11 ..... \ I 1 ll 11 I' 1. I :\ I ·' I I ti 1. • • I I " I I , ,...,hi\ I'·"'''' ii ' .., ' r1•n1.d \p1 ri c·1,11111 I' :in~ l'hmff 111• • ..,...., "I' ....h ... ·t •• -; l JI. t llf '" t I I ,.., 1 lodd ••I t" I I ,. hi I ,1 ( • di " "'" ,.,,, F.x«t·llt"-n-l-2-tw-d-room __ B!._G CANYON townhomt: with 11n·an ~J S.1 Fl • ;, lltl11w v 11•w. U1n1ni:: a rt•a . 5':· IJ:illl~ .. I ··:or i .1r frreplarl". stt·ri !'>3 \ ing J.iw at•·tl 1111 1 111 ti••'·" kltr h c n Communrt\ 1,1,ith vu·"" 111 J.'olf1·11111 "' pool, ::.pa. dubh1>uw 2 & mtn'> Vor p11 \ ,1 I•· p;it111s , !'>prinklt•r ., showing of th" 11,.,11111• l'r1-sl&g111u~ <illull 1·111n ("(10l:tt·1 llan ll1hh• mun1ty tkx1hh: tt·rin:. ROGERS REALTY $12!1.SOO. BK ll. Ca II 675·23 I I 4£ ll.64 -· A.uumabt. Loan f'airway El Ni guel Jhr. Si234JX.O. Custom He<tlty 77(}'J777 GAnGUARDEO NIGUEL SHORES AsMIPllllW. Loan A roomy upi:rad1-.1 ap pmx 1000 sq fi on fr1• land Stmncd ~lass win 1lows and an 11 f1!'>tacrJ.. pt.'Ck at th1· P<ir1f1(' l'LllS fahulous rl'l'r1•at111n facil1t1eJ.. and ao c·a~}' walk to pnvate beach ANO a fabulous assuma ble $140,000 at 9 '"2": loan. Pr1Cf .. <d right at $192,000. 644-7211 FOR MORE INt'O. /Jn NIGEL nAILl Y & ASSOCIATES ...._.och 104' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Peninsula Unrlt·r ,.,,n:.t ru1 t11•11 Wt1lk lo th1· m·1·an ': hlk J Ur :I Bu . "1'l l1:.1r , <1\'1•r l>tOO ~II ft . (".tll llkr ITT5-Sl:ltl !'lo1•wp11rl :-.horl·:-. 1111011 SL!.llOOd 1411 T IJ I' S5(i1m11 1~11; K'ii:! FANTASTIC FINANCING ! 4 l!flrm. fJm rm lt.1rllor \!11"1,1, II i°li l'"' 'pl ~! Bt>aul 11u1l'l ""•·•·l, 111 park !'>«hi. I""'' $111; '"w' 114(> 14'111 3 Br 2 flu ISlul ls rnmlu I lvl. pool. nr ::.h1111p1n::. h'nms o;rhools I~~' lttH1 firm Pnnonly 67!1 ~I :! lihifs •lhr. 212ha . larn rrn frplr. pvt g;mkn patw 26M Vista dt·I Oro. N II 644· 17S7 $12'J.5'JO SACRIFICE ! 3 Bdrm home w 20:\ 10 pnol +Jal' Xlnt r·tJnrl & loc Only s1i1.~1 BIGCAHYON CONDOS. IJ11\':t1I 1)7:1 4:)13 /\1(1. OPEN H OUSE RU/SAT/SUH l ·SPM l!Kll l't:lll..\ luff \"' a 111'! ( lro l:lt\I \l"I I \'l 1: ll1ol1•1•• l'l:t11 )q•hl .ind ,!If\' .I Ill< \lo t•\t I'll• I 11,11 "' m ·c·1'111ot-1n i' 11.·1· 11111 d ;.:rnhtt I'm< d to .,,.II ~1m ~11~1 640-6259 'fo/l/JflJI R E A/L rr Y San Clemente 1076 •••.........•••••.•.... EXCHANGE OR SALE ,,.,.. 1lup lt•x. "'·"" 1 .. h1 .1d1 Sl>i'• :.uo '''" 1 r .111.,f•·r r ;1 h i·· 11 • luan 1 EH·~ 1·:.11 7:.1 1~7i 1 8AY & Bf.ACH REALTY 759-0B I I Smrta Ano 1080 ...........•.••........ $68,500 :?hr. C'ond11, I y1•:ir 111·" 1; E hlttn ktt t·ht•n. 1::1r l'<JOI, H" Nr Wurnn & 1:n'<'nv1lle 1;.12 11<1:'. 1088 ....................... R&n' FOR SUMMER? l)11.l1lt· ""''' :.! llr. 1 11.1 p >I lr....-a r h ~ I lt1l>ht1tl I ' ~,!It lltltr (MIH"I \;•t t.,,I II if :!111 . 111.1 m .1•1.11 .ulult !'JI I< t1>1 ('h ,1 111f1t"ll I • '"' '>.! I I 1111 ( \I ·, , .. •r..,·•. ~:u i.'.•• I\\ U1q1t·1. :1 !'.l.11 .1tlt1ll I•· paci.. :!l~1~1 . .! 111 • l:,1 lr\ rt I j .1111 (lit "I I •"llt~I po l I h. I UI lit I 11•11 •", I 1111. ' f11 lth1tll'I K'i :.1tv. X'J:! :!l:!.l <! Y1•:tr flltl, I IC.·tlr1H11ll , lull 'k1n1:il!. a"llllll' .ind •ht~I Sl l,%0 I.JI 'H71 •EXCITING• Newport lt'ach·l ido 11 l· a 11 I 1 ( u I I •1 i •· 1:11lll1•n"' , . ..,. ;!fir :!Ila ht11111• "11 t11n ".ii h 111p "" 1.tn•'•· 111 I .11111 ., I rn1·,L -.hupp1111• .11 ... 1 Sm.ti! l"'I ""lrornc ~hAreo Younr. /\dull 1'1't I ':1 rk Hi•aut1r111 spnc·i11us i1xt~. S1r,n at11ri · I lnmr w /'.! It! h1>tlronms + l!lla. I~ It v mi.: dining rm w w1•L smk N f.1m rm 1,1, c11dosl•tl JYirl'h. 2 :.tor:1s:.e ..,ht'lb & ~1ft v.all'r \"c·n rll'ltr'<•· 1l1KlllJ(i1 . lJ.. L.Lu.11..:. 1.11lJ1.. 111 ""111•r,h1p ' '\ .. \, 11.11111 , 1 , • ~' r '• • 1 t l • r , • t l.1rt•h!'.ll•"'' """' .. , .. ,. & 11·! 11 ,lff '""' • :-Ot1n11l.l1 r '' 11·111 ,,,,,· lhlfl \ I 1~1111 lfl h ,, tll!"'o' 111\o ,1 rr~·nt lt,11 .Jtll• , ill 11•11• I ~I,, .... OCEAN DUPLEXES :'\••"' .1 1~ .. truom hum••, I .tpl !'-1111111 ~ ( 1111,I r i.lli +11 1111 1'1.! I ;:1.1 '\'1·"' UI\ I )pll\. I:.! 111 11111,111 ~l :'\II 'I d " 11 I:! p.1110,, lplt • ll\\fl1 I !'7'• ~14.,,.. &ceUfl!t Term~ llnlv 15' do"ll ""'"' 1 "' 1 II l"lf r \ rl ,• f 1• r c '"" p~ mnt :!nit . Tl> nn t h,... Ol'.tl' lll'\4 I pit"\ 111 ~II llunlrn~'lllll u ... w h l'.trk 1'1:11·\'.lfll•A-12 7 llol ~ •• w 11 u p I l· x !-; \ :-. T llH,\Nt; I·: .IJp:1111•"' ll•a 14;m.l1•11, 111·ar •ch.I In 1111· 11;.1rk. /llpt l"Y· Loan a~ sumu bit· or 1 r:111!.l..r lit'" orw Your o pt So>\711m11 111 ·1~•mt· SI l!;.OltO tiv 11Wrwr 53<! <\Oll!J I "tr.ta 1\11•,.1 2· ~hr < orw l•W ll\I \d .... ~al'a~'I''> nt•wl v upi:r a<ll'll l'n 11 1·11l;cl; 11nl.v l~I:! !>li<~I 1 ~ •• u ltnn« I 1,I•, '\,\\I I• ·t urt. ;-,, 11 I•• I I ,.,,, ''l:...l!J IW>I \~'I -1 l 1'17 :1111~· 7 DUPLEXES/CM '"·II ~,, f ii,< I l·l.11 I '<11'1 t•11 \ •Ill • l'I I'~•>- "' f '"'ti• 111111 t '"'·' \11· .1 1, .., I ~I 1 ""' \I h t dt1\\ll 1• 1111 t·· I ' ... 1;,;,01111 Ito d \rn: l'ar1111 •1,l\q• mu• 1 "'II •·l! l~ol .• lod l.'1·< Lok for Sale 2200 •••.•.•...............• \1'111<0"\ I, IKNI ll,1rh•11 111\d .!l~I 1111111.1 ,1 Ill l..1 Jl.1l1r.1.' .111 :li'I .1tr1:1 SPYGLASS LOT 1 l '' I llllt Ill l1·t t'd I \lt-.111u11 ·I \ I II• It I .~ I \·11-.w LOT "'' .... ti-Ill -.; II t 11d.1\ l.111 11111 h"tl41•1·11 11H ll1•H• .t1.1l.1r lt''Hh.'fh'•'' ~";O tlt'i!' 1•t1 \ll"" l r11111\'d:'tl 11 It\ Ill" For mw " 111111. l"Jll Hun T.1ylur 1,111 '.t I~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS l'r111w l•1t'.1l1un. SI 111.("~' hi,f ~j,)( ~-· ,Jtl Ill. IJ ... ,_ 1:.'<~I IUILD 40 UNITS I HK -I 1111 11.11111. 1111 twt-. \,\, .. ~i.-c .. ..Jl.·1---·"' , ..... d l- S:n t 1\1.'1 1,.:1 ... r1.1 ~ta Mesa 3224 ...•.............•..••• 111nn:.-..1-1111 u 1-."·r 11r I 111 l 'n 11•.t 1111111 ~11 •• 111 ~1.'.1 l• 11111 \ ,,_., ,, j '.t I •• ' I· .1 fH1 11 'I.., 1111•,1 •• "'"' fv , ... 1 ~ \\• h HIJI\ ( '.d I j"d :1.,1 ... UI •(,'·(._"Ii) \••1 ll•i t. • 111 1\,\"tl·W \l•''·' tlllll l , .!lit .: hJ Iii .11ul 111·"' 1'1111do ::>-1.111 J\li.:r· X.~l :~1 . •<"l1·.1n :!lir «1111tl11 nr ~ .. ( l l'l.11.1 1'11111 ... ,. •• • ,,, f)<lrt ~IOll 'l.1• lll'l' X:CI x•r.1 \11 -....1 \··nit• .lhr .'IJ.1 l:lll'l' 1'111 ;•I 1)1h•., $.ol:1 flllt ~H I• h •.1~1 :~ tnl '''" I 111 l·11ml11 S.'>!'>11 mo. •lhl ' ... frµl1 .\\Jll 1111"' 1.11, .!I I"! 1;11,.lv ~ H1 1·110<111 w /111><11. i.::11 .S. •«llllllrt. pn v ynl. \I,-..,, \1•rtl4' ;1rt•J . 3 ;JI~ 1 1 S42."i r'-l•l x1.1tt 1 l!clr m. :1 b.1th l'<tmlo, prol 111·1·11r'1l, 1J11<1I & 1.11·u11.1 I\ I(!~ Cl 1-. ,1 .J lj 01 11 MS tiH!t!l nr 752 !If.fit; ,\l"pl 11.:hts 2 IJr 1 !1,1, NO l'~:'r.\ ;!17 & ~; """" l)1 ri ... 1 S3lf:i & s :1:!5 rii:I :!;!51; 11 l lol. :At " !:!:!1 • ..: !ill,,, fmm 111·1•.m. li•i••l. p11111,. :1 llr. 1·11 h,1, f1r .. pla1·1•, "" L1(.411t1a l11t·.1t1n11. I' I' .11:ill now l.1•J1M' 111 11111 <1~1 IH:.X lu 11111 l ':tll 1>'12 t:l!J.1 tiny,. HI:! l~'i7>l l'\'I'' lo the City Ovt'r '• :u•n · lot. 20 fruit anfl nul t n• .. :; 6ro sq ft ~anw room r>lu-. 5 bt.-drnoms und l11J1.1rv In thrS ;~Ml fl l>o jllll'h lU 0 " homt• On a quid 1·ul '1l· s <it and no ussrn•ialmn dues. llri;thly up~ra(ll'Cl and am enities loo numerous to m c nt10 11 here. Call for details. file~.~ llarkbay un':1 II} 01,1,m•r Hettt>r thun new :1 llr :1 Ua . rum1ly rm. cltnrng rm . ''• 11 e I 11 I • land.'!eaJ)l•d. sec luded un ax>' pnv dnve·way. 2<lil!.I Tustin J\vc. $1 69.500 668512 1·:v1rn Nut whl·n \011 1 an own lht:-l11'.111t't1ul :111r . 2H;i l mulo 1, t,lk 111 l•'•·un Fc.ilUl't'' "'"' h;1r li:1lnin~. I rpll'. dltl l!.11 ~11hm1t you t 1•rn1~ OW1 · B46-5502 lOCJUna Hills SJWcial Buy l\«1ul1ful ~ SI ar ,\dull I 'k ;:.1xfi0 ~1'.rl'rt''l :! ti.: Br. 21~. f.1m rm .,.1th .tll Ure xlra::. Only $2!l.~100 CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MOllLEHOME SALES lncomr Property 2000 ...................•.•. INVESTORS SPECIAL t:asts1dl' Tnpll-x n1•ar N<'wPort lleif\hl~ 1\ II lariie :? Bdrm unit:-rn xlnt rond. Near shopprn~ and c1ly park. l..oan is as s umabl e . J\s kln l! $147.500 C..11 540·1151 DANA POINT R· l Lln11h~l nwtal1lt• ~ h111• wall•r & Manna \'ll"l,I,' S7tl.OW 1\•rm:. ~tl;J.()l!O.!. AJ..'l NPwh p:unh'<l :1 Hr. I Ila. W Sidi' $450 mo /\gt h M) 717<1 •Cleon & QW•t• ~--HANCH Hf/\l TY ~h 1 7000 Turtle Reck Glen 5 Br. 3 Ba, LR. OR. FR •. vaulted clngs. J\ EK. 3 car gar . n111ny cu.-;t extras. rul de·s ar. romm pool & tenn1 :. l:J y n'wnt'r • S24S.OOO . Fur a ppl 955-2988. ---------- Oumcellor 5 Br + fa m rm. fixer-upper , Sl0.000 I.Dier market. Jim Scott. 81r1·"6T1. 17832 Gillman GRACIOUS SITTING 116 VllW from this 4 BR family home in Laguna Niguel. Tasteful decorating inc 1 udcs c ustom wallpapers, ha ndpainted tiles, & attractive built-ins. You 'll remember and rave about the multi-level covered patio with sweeping views and attractive nower beds. $184,750. A COLDWB.L IAt«M CO. 496-7222 831-0836 .......... .., .... a...-..... New duplex 3 br & 2 hr. Tudtn I 090 ovc.r 3000 sq rt. l hlk tu ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. S2:m,ooo. 548·61:11 WESTCLIFF Beaut. t>nlarged J HR home w 12 rrrepluces. fonrwl dmml( and family room, walk lo Sl·hool:.. shops. trum;p . flcdurcd to Sl7a.OOO ltulh LaUl'll' Rl tr. 64ti 4:ll(I l~mg for a ho me of your own? You"ll find many hom('S advcrt11<l'<1 for sale an Class ified ~ryday IO°lo DOWN IMO QUALIFYING J Ont.his cl~anl. custom J BR homt• with ~wt-eptnlo! ''11:w of mi:ht hl(hts 1<1 t ht' tl1'1°an Only l! yc•.1r:. old C4.'1lin~s anrl 1,1,.11ls an• d o n e 1n Hl•tlw c1n d llcau11ful Illes lhr110111 View rrom l'\ ny rlHllll Sormuod<'d hv homl'<; rn ttw $:!00,tnl 111 $1 .000,CMlll nmite. Pnc .. d S225.000 RUMAR REALTY SSt-7977 Z706 llarbor. Stt> 206 i\ 540-5937 ·1~1 Majc-stlc 10x4S l'"'cr- ythrni:: rlo~c hy C M. Adlt pk ,, couple ma from brh $9.llOOtorr Sp rent $1:10 1n<·lud(':. .:a:.t wtr tr.,,,h, P P 5411 1%7 11,v owner tO"x·lt• ""1th l'l1hunu !J x:lll' W11lk to bt:uch ~.oou l mmc<lmll' Jll"->;('SSton C..:a II 1146 ~o nr631 3474 l'rade your old sturf lor new goodies with a ~las111f1ed ad 642 ~i7A •><::".:. HERITAGE . t . REALTORS 7 U...ITS-C.M. Rr1111t new hutltltlll! 1-'lreplJl't"" xlnl lorn Ihm ~l.Invrnt:. r.42 lfi03 Ne-. l'Ol\.\lrut·tmn Oran1tc C'.o i1 units. Pnmc art•a Trade or sdl $77~.ooo. i\gl.. 714 -4!17 .:1()()9 2300 •SKYLINE Havelosell l heclrm.2vr ne w S k y I 1 11 1• • 0 n I y $14,950. Cull 631 ;H74 2 fldrm, lg 1• den. l'arpcts, laund rm. f'rt•shly paml - .-,.1 Sml fn rd yard. tr~s. ..:ar. water pd 1110 OOG~ M.'i()im<J. S700 movt.•s in. 2~59 B Ornn.ic. Oprn Slit, Sun 1·4 PM 900-~ 1-:ll'~anl new condo. C.M. 3 RR 3bit, nr ocean~ _..__....,_...1111111.._., ..... _... 1-'rpk. fnrd pullo area. 2 d•·<'ks . W D hookup. tras h 1•omp Pool. jul'. ll'nn1~ No l)('li. $700 mo. l~l' pr<'f 957 1234 dy!-& !lit! ltil :S evs /\ v 11 II now 2 year old . 1 Bedroom . full :;k1rtln1it. .1wn1111! 1tnll slwd SN,900 ll:ll 3474 Fly ownr r IOX <IO w11 h cabana 9x30 Pnt"l'<l l11r qiack sale.•~ 646·5820 ort;.11·3474 Npt lli..'ls an•a brund nl'W :l bdrm. 2 ha, dis hwasher. frplc tile, fned y d . dbl car g:ir . w 1opene.:_ $.550. 645 00611 _ s -----' I...-l _ --~ --- --::..::..r~. -. ... ... . -. --~~--... - ----9'j .. I• - -----------------------·-------------------- I _., I I • r9"-•r _ _, __ .;_.,. g DAILY PILOT Thurld1x Jun• 28, t07G ~ ...... u..... ......... """'"" ,._, ....... uoo OHlc.e ...... 4400 MMey .. "-"'' H1 11U.fM h'1• H111uU.htlll•• C1 .... l•t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C....M.te lll4 It ti ........ ll40 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................••............ , .......... . •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••,••••••••••• t.kLal•~ l4H ....................... . ..................... . OCIAMNOMT Beaut J br. 2 ht . (rplC'. 4! <' u r .i a r u ac t' F' u I I y rwiu.~ht<I Sil()() wk •mo 11q fl Jlwy vis· lbll1ly. l..1ti1u.n a . s ub park1nf(. New rarpt>t • drapes ii p;unl . ;ur c•ond P ri r ~ n t' IC o l I ii b II• . ~11116. SS7·~0 Prof olc 11pac{' -.v1111. '"•-------.. • O.l.tr Lsl U..nk Hldtt ISO $WIM6 I • C..MIM UZ4 "-'-It•• lJ41 r ............................................. . IAITMOI ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oht 3 Ur rondo. 1m t111 41 !ti )'. $47!> ~ ... ,, .. i\1111 4!13 4.')I <tMll, II<& 1.00 1111 llu11tmMtun llud1 h1lh11i1 WAIJ.Al't-:~T Al"ffi ~14!1 Wallucc· M Now rf'Ollllll 2 br. t h11. tnlJ No d••pot11t~ ft'(I d • I mu fr1'C n•nt 'htld •• No t••ti; {''4:. <H 11 l Br l n... 2 bll&.a from wi.tttr, no pl'li. l300 4!~ 19th St M2 OOM, ~36·8229 400 16th st I HK. I 1111 Av111l 71:1 ~'> MG 7001 'TSL Mamt 642 1003 <.;o mplelt•ly furn111lwd 11Q fl Low pncl' inr li. (OAMS J a 111111rt11 I. .. t· r u r 11 y & M.'f"Vll't'!t. tonf rm (!, ut1I <.:onv 11~1.1t1on :!:JO ,.; 17th ZMD TIUST DB SI. c M M4! !Y.M)(I LOAMS Cllfitomlr.ed to mef'l YOUR nt-eds R.LOIPT. ltraod new trt levd 'I br. 2 bl t.oWnhom1· f'rplr f91 "rOWllVt', l>k lq(hl dir<'l1 Pool. lerlnl•. 1 t.-f room 11)9~ mo Ua)" --~, t'Vl'tl fl4~ 9M!I M.,,11 t.k·I Miu • W 11111 !! l)jj fiam rm. ruu111, trw11 ) d. 2 t'llr j(11r nu 1•1'1~• 161Jll1m<1 l"l ft fitlll I lfr µ.Jill ~496..\ •: M Jo: R A I. I> Ii o\ V U <'P.AN .. 'kONT Oor"t>ou11 .,,, • ..., '" 1 lll'ac·h 4 lkh nl & l,u ..:•· ~· rm A.-a1I Juu•·. Jul} ft Au.iu11t ur vo y 1 I)' '*''"41H~All ""'"'. 4 hr . J 1111 I.ii• 1·n1 I Jllllt u 11 .. I 11 .. ru.i•• <lul1h o•n ft I"-'~ uk f10U mu Ul-.1 077" lh.uu11~t•111 11,.r1Jo1u1 • "" rlo 1111 lh1• \\·111 .. 1 "' lioul ,1111 "'1111 t ""olk lo 1111111'11 / hr :• hu Sit'/!\ 11<•r mu l hdrm hto Hdrii: "l"""· 1ww r 1111w1 . 11u111t . 11111!. IJlllll Wulk lei 1"h111r. AilultA. 1111 Vl'lli S:lO.'l/mo si:.o d1•1Jo1ol ('a II ~ 71111!1 l.lt!lww 2 br. 2 bu. l11llt'. unr. hulrooy N11·1· SJ!)() '1"71 l.1twrty !HIO 4407. lll.'l·~lll, 1147 ~ wt"t'kly rcnlolt.. l200 & up S a n C.: ll· m f' n I 1• Ut• IH ' h l' o m b .. r I< ll y • 4!14 4101 Nvt Ur h /\vull July ''n I y l. u r ~ 1• h 11 m • · C o m I' I t l t' I y I u r n $9<Hlm o K :1 I hy. /\ i,:t li16 7711 ur !WI OCl44 OFTICt; SPllCl' avu1l<1hl\· at 17117$ Death Ul v1l rwur Talbert 1n llunl ml(1on Ut·urh $SO per month Phone mt'ssagc· i.ervirr SIO per month. det.k $.'>per m oolh Ua1ty 1'1lot 0 H 1c1: l'hont' li42·4J21 cxl 27fi N1'..'Wf'OltT <.:t:Nn:u IA'!llW\ l'h11a IUXUl"lllU-" l'lflC'I'. 600 \II (\ SI.lb it•l f1~ mo f'.40 70:!0 SAMTIAGO IANK 4450 1 __ 1_1_,._1•.1.2.-s.z.o_o _ • • • .._ ...... IC.+a 710LW.P.-il Dr. M.wport•och IASTSIDl ,, m.11:.u:t :12:t:.- .., ....... , fvMlltlMd HUGl211 Sf15. mo t<ulK vk 71li!I lloll K48 J(#l I 1•rtk-~ IJr, J hl.I rm I 1J wl'I liar ~ lttl' •Ufd, nu tllW!I ·~I :tte;t. 'I l lU llrt• lht• Wlllllt'r qf 2 ..... tkti.tboc*' 1$1.1 llfl •••!lw1 \u ..•.................... :t llr. t1Nl. ~lllll lt'\'1·1 . lr11h'. 'kvltwht. f'Ou1111 y '>dlu•+:· 1111 1'111hln·11 or t•·t.' S.W>:J "II Y1> biltl·42tl2 t-:\ ,.., 1~1t1 u:...i:1 I AJvdy all adull, no pl'lli, I. 2. & 3 HR a11b. 13:!00 Y.t.J LOKcr. llB IWi Olll!t l1~vcly rum 2 llU. :! Ila, tlcn 1luplcx un11 N•·wly ck't·or'd , Jll.•rfr1·t Iv h1r11t l'ff al llullJWI 1'1•11111 f't l'>I t1m1· 11~ ~umrn1·1 n •n l<il (July 'l1·1" l r<11n 'Ullll /\vr11I J uly 1:, !"11·111 la WJ(1 m11 l nt1·n · .. t1·1I IJJrll•''> 1·.lll lw~1r1n1ni.: ~1on J un .. 2!i l1d11rt· !Jam & a fl1·r li11m 7 M ti7~ llH'.f.1 ll26 ......•...•....•...••.• Nt•'°' llh, h1tlt.11J 1 11111111 l'1tH11(,1ffih I 11,!'l.d \ ll I l ll't 11 1 h1 •111 1 rl • n .:11hu 1lhl 1(111 t.1111111 Ii.II ffill '" '" ' II jtl l1jb 1911M )2)4 •••.•.............•.•.. \ ,u ,1111 I ,,., h"llh' I Ille llllt"lh I •ii jlrl 111~ "' • I 'lll•l 1114 I J.,.., lo" h,,.,1 A I"" $1.01 111o1 \fl ··~· I ll I 1724 .......•........•...... ecMOn·s --<~__..;i~ CASI T AS '-11•> h1111 Ill I 11111111 •1tYFAaM Jutl4·~'111t1h1 11 J ut\ 1111 I'll ko1 n111 ~ h• 1 l.111110 •I h\ I lllUI~ lo4'' '11,711 I •I • • • '• lll I\ 11 111,.10, .,, ~I 111 .. A 111• Ito llo•I ,,11i. • \l.,11111 If 11 1111 I ' I " I" I I ,.,. "''' Mawporl leoc h 1269 ••.••••••..•••......... 1'1111 l(,H \111111 , llu 1A l• .•1111 '•'"'1•111 Ill ~ t·•.11 • \\j\ oh •"' I lo1 1h111h \ '"I' In 1•111.11•1' \)Ill• I r.111111•1\ II ulull "" I ,., '"I• I ... ~, ~'" 111~·1 U.,..Oleach 1748 :•lu 111,1 t111111,l1o•d 0. • ,lfl I 1 UUI I'• 11lhull ••' .1pl 'I I\ bo )lll~I I'll f,/ ~. tt.f"'90ft •oc:h )240 '\I I ~I• jo • \pl ,\ I "11"'' ••••••••••••••••••••••• "ni.d \ 1111 I(,"' ol 1.\(,1 ~.\ II~ \I 'II \111< ,, ... ~1 .. I II I Ille I ' t'l'Ul l\ I hrnth' .JI•",. 11 1111 11111:11111 11 ... 1 .... 11 111.111\ .-tr.1" $'/!~1 I ,Jll ~1 11.o lli&OtO:U 1 llllM l'~'d·'I Ill ""·=" I :1 11r I ltt l'IH 1•d 11 11111 SJ.1'1 l" •.;!.., I· 1wtl \ .11 ii ,\ ~.1 rJl-!I'' I .11111111 plt'.I'•' k l lf, & 111 I • "'-••tnun•• ( .Ill ..... , .! .• t.f, ,,, !ll:J ~rl I \1:1 1111 It·• "I'\\ 1·1 .. ~.1111 .! 1 .. di'""" • 1h·11 "11:.1:. ( I"·" ~ v.111 •Ill" honw "'"''Iii"' t,, 111 111·.•<"h l'r" ,,,, . .' • ·" l!·•r,11!" l"u lh 111 .1111 1.11m"1 vJnl 1\1lul1 '" 1.11·L.., ln•1wn· al ~.;•, t>Oh !'II r,,., 1; I I 1'N~1 1.1.11 !,J7 17th !-.I I Ille ;• lo.1 lpl• \llll "'"" '""I tllh 111t ~,7. x.u. i •tt,' ......,!'\ I Ill ~ 11.1 1•111 " 1111 :1 • .11 '11111 "I II 111• l•'l ' S1'•'1 ,...,\ P"· ~Ill h._'U i ti" I!(\ '•t:ll W.llkt1o l,.·.11h 1111 .111.1 t · ,, f i• .i f ,1 I' ' I~ .11 II" .ti~ ~; 11 . :-1 '" "~'''"Ill d••J) .,,,,, ••·•• ,11 \Ir l•i It• .i• Ii I 111 ' I\,, d1•r1 t1ll lt'1 -.,.py. HIJ' f Ill ll')1h l11d1A.ol ll1 1111 ...... 1 ....... ,, .. 11 , ....... ,,,.,,.,.,.,., \f l"-t' ~.:J,tru, 'H,,I ,,.,)\ :ll\1 :!ll.1 '" Iv.\ 1 ........ 1 olltl I' .11 .11'• .1111 I I • !.l!1:. "'" 11·1 11-1 / 11.:.i.11.11 '•11111 Onl\I :! lo·ll 11 1°\\ 1101 .!' "·• 1141111• 1 ...... 1 .. 1 .. h I 'I•"" 111 ,, 111 /'.. 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'"' fif A\ f '.IAll t I 'l 1 1\r, I· IC .1 11.1 1111111 I !~Miii flo•,1111111111 11llol Ill 1•-11 S:r.!.'1 l'h 1,11 :·1~17 \\;o,lrll fl ,110'.1 I Ill<, d 111 1111' "' f,111111\ 1111 Ill• 1 \ .11 tf \ \ .111 ., :·' I I' Ill t.." " 1•11111111 1,11, 1l1 I ••I 1,1:, -;~~j 1 1. , 0,111 I r 11111 :•t.t lt.1 lrpii' • 11'1 .ft"''' 1d1q• ''I' l .1• 'd•H ffl'' 1,1:• .II t:1 .i.1111t . 1 .. 1' I .. 1· I hl11tl ,.,~,1 I<· Ill q~ J. ..... ~~-,,. prr m-.1 II \, n · .. ,,. ,· ,,, , ..:er• \.\\I~ 1111111'\ I 11.1 ;11,,, '\v.111 "I" I'""'"' .... tllf,llf1f t Ull)IU jt4tOJ t-. l••ru11" ":tJ'i.1.; rtt•1 I.• 1,1,, .Lf/11 lllut I 1 u1111.. ·1 II I< ~It., ,,c,,,, ~,,,,, .,.., m .. 111.1 1 ... 1111-\~·1 BLUFFS BAYFRONT BEAUTY 1111 .!11.1 11,1\ '"'" 111ul dt·~ t1l .1h d 4 flUllU ,,.,111 111 ''.fl .IJ'•' \ \ .11J llt1\.\ s-,•r, "'''It .. . .111 • ,,,, '" .,., .. , >)''' 111111" "'""'' 111\ "" '111•'1 I 11°,Ht :i Jiii .: l.,1 •o c ,,r ,~.u l't1ol '" p•·f ~.:~1 \111 ,\l!l'lll 1,.111 w.:tJ Mawporl leach 17 6CI WE HAVE SUMMY RENTALS I \hl'\1, IU· ..... Elt \'\I'll l:"!-1 associated IAOl\ill:>-ltl!AL TORS lOl\ \Ill l•lboa '' 1 J U I "' \1 \1 I'll Ill-'\''I \ 1.:-. II\ 1111· v.1•,.k 1111v. ·" .111 \l"1 \\ ml•·r 1!1•111.tl~ 'l;,,f,'< \1"·1111.,., XI 1'11 I Jtl .. q1111·I , •.•• '" 11.11 t11•l101 Hldo•I j'••lll lo•lfl,111 Ill ti ltll S'..!X'J ,,, .,, • v,.,., (): 1•,u \ lfttlll lll•J1t I 1'111 ~ ... '.l',hlll I I 11 \lto11\ltl \ ' I I \ f I " II ' I .111., ! 'l.~•I L11.,111' I 1!1 \ 11 I'> tlll1.o ft llld ''~" :f.• t SUMM.E~ RENTALS DIAMOND ~1 REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES 645-7573 Apartment\ Unfurni\hed ....................... 3806 ................••..... llir I 11r11 1111l 11r11 "n•I • lo, 't1 I\ uuh "\11 i'.11 .t J'• "'"'' "''' .,,· .• '•.r1k l ""'"' "'' \ 11111111 l\.l\lllolll •1111 \;f1 I 1.llt 117• .. ! Balboa P~in\ulo 18 0 7 ....................... UDO COf.l-0~0---1....,, ml I ttr-l~h nr t-ir.wh • * * • P.H. Potrick 14151 J.tfrey Rd. lr•ltM You ,111• llh' -.mno•r of 2 fr'H Hck ... be*&' I Sl:I 00 \ iJIUt· l, tu KMOn'S IBRYFARM I 1111<' .!2111J th ru .I 111\ II h I 11 l.o•L' n~J ' 111: 1'1.11111••d II\ LJll.h11t t.-t:!,!>j,7)S, l'l>I • • • •1.1 11.. ···I 111 '"''···ii \/IUl'I \tf11ll'o 1111h 'Cl l'1·ti-'C~111111 t "'l' d 1•11 :,11 •OK:I '\'l';W I 11111 111 :! l1.1lh Wtlh p.11k111 1!. (; ,1.., I' .1111 ~l.M lllu l.'1:1 :! 11:1 2Jlr, l'r;ll<1, d11hwsh r, i.:ar pullo. $34~ mo W11lk lo tx·h 2llr 11 i Ila . trrik. i,:urui.:c SJ.SO m" !at.I :Jj21 0-11){1l1 J hr. :! hu 1lt•lux" T1·nni~. µool & .. µ.1 I mll1· l11 l11.•;wh sr...oo 1!4f, ~111 LorJuMleoch 3848 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'lll'lf'th 1·n1l. :!hr, :!t1:i f11'( ury dt•I . ti: 11•11 ,.,.,. ,..,.,,..p111g, "h1l" w,1lt·1 11~1 ... 1 \'h'..,.!. n ·o,111111.,1 l1lc" m:.llur•· atlull!., 11rll~ l!d1·n ·n1·1·.., r .. 111tt • 1•11 '" 1~·L,, on li-1· ~.!~1 11111 •~~1 ;,;,.,n :! llr. 11<·1·,111 \ ll'W, II•'" o·rpl & 11a1nt V1·rv 1 ''"'" • Mk.', :-.. 1~1 111111 or >l.'1;111:111 0C'l'anfronl I hr r11untl. S.1~:. 111 l'I :~l>O:j:!t , l:M t>1:11 ) t'ol r 11111 L:1i.:u11.1 111.·1·anrro111 1m' fl 1• ,, I' h ( I 'I h I n I' wt•l'kl\ '°'' W 1r11 1·r 1w11-... 4!;.1 :0111. SUMMER RENTALS !-.IJll 1\\ .11l.1l1I•· JONI:.$ HI.Al I Y I~. I \I 1'144• (714) 1173-6210 l 7001 W 11•11"'• Hl•tl P4f'l..-P'"-"' n.,.,, h C .-hh1rn•" 97'lt1tJ ., llr .1111,., ram.I) 1'11111 ,,1,.,, 111101 . 111•ar •,ltup 11111J1 nu l"'l" f,.I~ :!!.!O., -.;!11!1 I 111 111• ,. 'I 1111·1 l..agwtoHill\ 1850 Furn 1n'\ 11 "kf\:1 111~·:• .u 1•.1, \,tf (I flufl '1'H1k1•f ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' ·''''" Jul' \UJ'lt 1 I lt··f, I •''I " "'" '"'' .11 l11ll•.u11h l~t \1 1•t11I .,,._' p,t1.·1 I llrlr.1111·" '1'1.1 + 111ol '\111 hlllfl•'lll•I jfl•h I.Cl I· ll•llt .._I 1.1;• '11'1 I :1111 .'11.1 "" ""'""' 111111 11111· di· Im ltvti' '""'kl' 'lf", '•.;t 1 .. ,.,1 7 .• .! 71 At "lJl 111" :: Ill< I ll.1 .opl IX ,,_,, "''" 11·( ... n ••t •I "-•• p1•\ \' ,, 1 I 7 :! I 7'1 'r.rv11r ,tJ...'I :1:,:t I;'°.!~' I 1.11 ,.,. <! IMlrrn 11111,..r S!>i:, \\,111 .1111\ f>lllt (/1111'1 ~1111ltf1111' V. 1111 I,.. .11 II ii t ti I.ii.: 11111~ hu 1111• 11111·11111' 1•11\ 11.11" \11111111 "''" 111 '"'"'Ill 11.ilh fl 111 .11 f(1,,p "ll'' II\."" 11111\ ( ~111 ··~.1 :14•1 .ill '•1•111 ~wporl~och 3869 ...••.................. PARK NEWPORT 1\,1 I' ho• I 11 r .., t•I :• '~ ··h ' .. 1111-.1<1 ., ,," 11111111• ••. ~ rmn , Silt ill "11< 1·1.11 ul.1r 'I"' tut.ii f t'f I t•,1lltHt pr ftj'r .tlll o4.-·1.1l 11111j'l.1111 • , ... ,,. k 1•'11111' '""''" ,\I,, .......... .. hl.11111 .l:o111IMlll" ~_.,,,II .lu.1qU111 llllt... lt•1.o!f 17141 644-1 ?00 1.111tbt .1111111' 1i1 ... .t 1 .. r :• llr :: 11.1 ' .. 1.11.. • '.ot . 1!f1111 ... ••\l't ·1,, '" , ... , '"" ""'" '•1•111 lk·.t11t 1,1.,..:v, /\ 111 1 ,\I "I ~ :_i11;•11 1,,,, "''"' hdl1·111111 \\I• I I lolk ., I. \11•111! '""' '\1•"' 1•11 I 1\\" ~ I ldl. 1.1' ,.,If! "11111hul ll.1 ~1 1,:1111'1•1, '\f·,'w\1'1 /1(1 111 lf,11'1 , ~Ill 111.o .... ~.I lllU h i 1-.I ()llll'I 1 ""I 'I! Jt 11""1 I li.olllt .1dt1ll , fl'• I" I 1ut.:..•l111: •• lutlL\_l . .u1JutL ~:;-~1,1 ·r;1;~11 111 .'11\ 111 II 1., 11.11t l'I 1,11 01 .. ~ 1111 ',II o\ I UI 1 .If' Jt•f1 1trlP '·"·I \'WI 11 11 I J' "" fl, ll' l•I• .ii li•I •1111• I "\!:•' I, If, I llt' .! 111 II .1 11 I t • Ill 11•hl •• 111 .... 1 ,1\,111 .l11h I 111 I I,,, I H />I Il l 1~11 :.;,,,·, lUeSliBllU ... \\--.I 1!1 I 11.1 'I""' lv.olt111111 l·1pl• I• 11111 1 ... 1 ~'I'·• ,, 111 It ~, ... ' K.IJ, ''···· .")•·\\I\ , ... 11111 ii ,\t ' .•• , •• I•" I lld1111 I 1.,11)1 "' l"l 1•1 t •tU\t•tu .. 11t l•u ~s ... t ,. ... 1.11 11•" :s f 11( :• 11.1 111'1'' I 111111 fl ' d·~ k ,,.,,,I\ , '.11 .o ~'·"'' ., .. , ...... , .. ,, .. , I 1• Siio h11111•· I 111 1. li1f11l'.lw•I I 1111 I 1 •1HI 111 11 ~.Jt trltt 1'.X /X\ttt \• l~1ll ... 1 I l.11111 • .... 1th 11,, J ''ltlt 1 bd1 fll ,,..,..,, ttl \.\lllt .kill J11h ' i I '1'~~1 Vacotlon Rt'nfah 4250 I l•Hl\• 1111 11 Ill f11 I ti\ II' I, 1111• 11 !"~~, ull•I\. pr •pl .111• 1 :1 1• 111 ,Ii\ 1··~·1 II-1r llltll ( .ol I ACCOMMODA TIOt-1 STATION I \I\ I I \II' I I f{1 Ill I .. 111111 •'• lfOJlll• '""lid 111111 It""' 'I 'I • •• II t I I II ' I ' I f )I I( 'I\'• f • \,' •'. Ill I Jo llM II I II•» I 'l l I I • . JIU'°' IY161 541 -2355 I Rental\ to Short: 4300 .••...•••.•.•..•••.... , \lu'.lfl)' \ 1;111 d1 IM• ;I \ ••II ll\1111 ,, • .,,. l 11utt ttd1.tll. 111 •• 1'(1 I HOUSEMATES Kt.' 11 :1 I • 11 i..1 11 I u ti,u • 'I 11 11 ' .• ,,1 111 II ' ..... I Ut 11· ltt•""' 11ft ,1dtlflU&' lllfllll•I 11U h ~I •• , ;..' 1.xt l»n.• \l'W 1 ..... 11111111 I'·''"'" .1pl • 1u •I ~ .p.1 1\dull 1:u 'i! .. JJ 11• 11a.1I·· •• t.tf1 '" h•u1 11 IMi 111°1 , I~ •• tu •l11r J l~·tfro 1111 '\:'I\,, -..1111 .!l~·if11•1lll I I 11 •• ::;:.;i\ .1111.!•1.11d \\-,1\ I'll I·. I , \ II 1,1.,!-, .! 111 "'1:.01 1\dt1l l I""' II 1 ,., 1 .1111'" f 1,. d "I ,,,,. ,,,,.~.' t i., ,. '" :-.i ......... I Ill! I ·11 ·'·I I 1 ..... 11 '" 't11lol1 •·11 I .1 I ~t.~11 llH 1,1 utd11u ' ,., , \t-•,1ftt,; .. t, IJ•'I 1 ••I 1, 11, .111~1 ;\l'oll 1 .. ,fl h ..... d•111li' ~A11 • t 1 .. ,, , :,,,I t:!1r. •• "it1.1 r • ,, ,., .,.,., I ' 1 I I •, 1 \\ """ I ,, I I" 1 •• .\ \111•11 I ,.,_t 111• I I ,\ l.1 .1 1110 It''"' ,.,, 111tIiI1• p1..t it t1t1 I ""·11•1\.\ lfil• I ,ol lllool1• I .ofl Ml :Jr,11; ·"" 11111• 3242 I"''' 1 • .,1~1· l11x11r1011 '°' 1 "' '' 111' ) .. u lltl r 111 d 1• 11 I' titlll 11 1'1" 111 ~' • l'.1l t•1 W;1l••1 11!f -.:1•,11 llq• I ;i!J '"n I 11111! .. 'to. 1'1.1~,,' :!br ~h.t I 11ol1 \o\ o•I t. .• r ~. 1•11111 . jlU••~ '•I'" f.tk" II''" 1,111 1:•.1C1 1,111 ~.:1 t i Hno rtH11.1I• 'N.1ul1 d 111111 ll111111111'l 1t11 ll.11 h1o1u tH1U.,I' w 1 I lo ,,11 ii"' ~ ~1:1'9 11111 'I 111 .' lo.1 d 11I 11,J \ lfH ,fl 1'111 111 I If lr11111 l\,.,11 11 I Iulo :•1:t .• !t:' JI i l 3244 •••••.•.•.•........•.•• 'I ho· l.,1k1•' "" II \1111' " 1111 .11111·1111 10··, I I' i.:1 .111t~1 :! Ille i>.'1 ill Ill•• t!n 111n :t llr \\•k111~• .... 11 111 II 1 .. 1rrn IV 11.11 h v. 1111111.111 luh li.:1· r.1111 I Ill\\ 111111 H.1vfr,,11t .111ol 1111.11 • 111• 0111•11.,IH'tllll l.11l•t 1· .• 1 I, f)t"l\I' ~I ll•l lrllt don osen ref4lton ·• · l'fT llWI. ·;:11 II I I •I 1111 .I l1o1 :: I\ lt•11111 V.llfl j'll'ool \II\\ Ill )'.1l••lf •• , •• ,, .. t !'-M·.1\ ,,."' ., ,.,., ... I\ 1111•d ~I I lit1 \1 " 1,11 1111;1 1,,11 .H II •CONDO• Corona ~I Mor 38 2 2 ...................•••• l·'rn11t ol11pl1·x :" t.1 :.!11.1 ,,,.1, '''""' .. r "" \ ·" .,,1 1111d .I 111\ :.:,:•, I ,I ,\ l.o I • ,, l l I Ill ... " \1ll1JI ,.., 1.-·t tu :J (1,t .•1 llol ,lt.tlllt j1l.11 I J •• ,,,,, •• ~.,' . .r1 .••• ,·s .,.,,:, : .. f\U :.! l1,1 '''"•• '1•·v. ('ltl".IJ I ,lflll f lfll Ill 11·111~· fq1l1 .111111•·1 k •• ',If l'.11 • .. ~1 \111 \j 1'111 li7:1 )l;l!•I :•t :I'/ 1; 111.111 ;.·1· 1,:~, 11;~1 I " \,\1 ',\\'I '" •.1d•· 141111·1 :• lor :t/I ~,_•lf,11111 l'.1lt•1 '""' \ ~:11,,, '·' :1 .11,1111 t,1,, Xlf•1 I I• .111 :•111 ll .. 1 •111 q1111 I \11-..t \ 1'1 olo I Ill Iii-''" l.11• 1.,,,.11 J'.1r.q•1· .•:11 .• .... I I I 1 •• I I(• I .• l'ltl l'l,Mo ,fll I '1111 .!1»1 I 11111111 l"••I .'\I ..,., I" l 1·1 •• 1.1 ~l.~t DIAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES I.II "> l!-.1.1". 111" I 1<1 I'\ I :! lloln11 1·.11.d111.t \-1"" ~zj:, I"''.,.,, 1,:st :~:~u1 SmttoAno 1880 .••••.•.••........•..•. ...,,,,,, 111U!'lo ~ hr .1pl Ot v. f fpt •",I'\ .It It•• I t1 ''"""'' ~11~1 ,,,,, . .Kl •1111, •• 11 '· W~tmin\ter 3898 ....................... '.!11r. lh.1. a1•t 1A..dk1111• 11 .... 1;uw1· t•1 IHJi-7 ""'•111•1111' 'liwo· ;. rol 1-. l i1ll11•11 !W 10>17. 11<1>1 1:J1 I 111"J.."1 II• • I• I 1 ·" 1 .. v.111 I., l••I t •Ill 'I I.• 11 trl:! 111:~· 1111111 'Pl 111\ 1 .. ,,,,, 111 l11·,11h t·: 111 'I lo 111, 111111 ,,, '111• •11 I" I ''·I"'' I 'p1 n l rtl•lll••ttatf • t11lln 111 I 111 · ll.1 .q ot 11 ,, , • I .ill' I Ill\ \I ... ' ...... 1'1'11 I·• 111 It.or• 11 I,. "lo to. 1'11 \ 111 ,\ 11. S!.~I Ill" lid '"•'I ,,,111t 11 '"'Ill 111 •• I • \\ •• " I ,. " I MO f•'HF:I'; ltt-:NT ~)() :.0(1 ..,, n 111 r11·1· .. ,.him SM~1 1111'1 11111 77!1 W 19t.h ~l !">41> W iii ,.Jll'l'UllVt· 0Hll0l'' ,I\ .1tl Ill rufl M•r\' ul1' hlllS! :"1 <I (' :i1rp11rt H1•c·•·11t fl. 11ho1w ;in1o St r y ..,,. r \ . c·1111r rru. 1•11· l'h 1 :di ?:il Gtl\11 C1IM cllx 'Ill If·' 111 ti pd 1\<'. .111111l 11k1: I r )1'1:. :0 1 :-.111 .... n·11il m;, •tt1111 CENTER POINTE EXEC. SUITES J ... rn1.w1r1·•· & \11•n\1 lhu1 Hi.Iv W1111l11w' 1·11;,.,h < ... .,,.., 752-2737. ~1 '111 I I' IJff11•1· ·.ioro· I jll >. fl rJ" 1\ ( 0 17 °111 I 1~·:11 h II fl "'I' is.1;: :ti! II !\11•w11rn1 H1·;1H1 •111 k1ldt•·nllt li:llh li7'. •l'.11~ 11111 ~: .. 1 tol1llt-1 h••tl N l'W 11'11 I li.·;11 It 11111 .... ,\ti,. I ',\ •••·ul1 v•• •'"''' S trt d 1v•tl l1,t1 ,,1r111 . """ ·" :11l.1hl1• 1\ll ·•111•'1111 I• 1ndur"'t1 111 111•.111 lo ,,, In •• II I It t .. It I I I \1.1• ,\1111111 •••. l.1111!•01•. l.X I·,( 'I "II\ I j(C) \\ "I ,.,.' 1l 1•1 I I• 1 .1111 • '"" • ,, .. , .... 1 1111>1 • .. i:. •1,1 a,,,....,, II V"fllt tt• 11•11 11111 t1 t I '• I: , ••• fll ,., , ,o :.* Elle-cutivt' Suite~ 1"•11 ,.~A ,fdtJsltt1rJf(1 ll1f1 )"<(I J '" ... , 'o.lf J I ... I Ulf• 111 '\ •. .,.,,.,,, I • ••I• r 11 II• A .,fJ11 I lh ,,,,, It "' ,,. '"""IJ' A tfU•J· I I I 'l·u1d .t •I •·1 1 f• If P. I' ,.,,.," .. ,, IHI ,d,.1t1I IL!JI tlHl ~f Ill '"tr\ It jl • ',, . ..,..I flll 1l, J( I ' I j • fl• , II "11 . 111" ••••••••••••••••••••••• J.'1.or -1lorc· & 11H11·c• i.pa1•1• ;11 rcason11bll'. rut<'~ 500 to 5000 Sq Ft. M .. ~'ii\ V l':JUJ,.; UH l'Li\Zi\ l:.:!5 Ml~a V1•1 tit• fo:. (' M 545-4123 .'\1·w1•1rt M11111wr .., \>111<• M••h•rn :A1:' ~II rt ... 111r .... r 1ifl 11·1· 21.>:Jlt (. /\ ""' I.O W 11•111 :t1:1 177 7(Jllf 1.l'~l'S \1 /\KI'. \ I> I. 'I. l<U H11 llil .. "'I IC 1111'""'1 llwal11111 111 ll1mltn1•11111 111-.11 h I' I 1 .1 1• • ,, 11 I h 1· r \ I t. 1 1· , 11 1.' l~i f, •'" Ol:' ,~ kallu1,1 hl .. n•I .• n •·IA. 'I"''" Ill I 1.11 ,.,. l•H• 1 IM ,\J'.111 \, .111 11••" """ ''' ... ' "''' '''"kl 1,1 ll.111 •• 1 (II.ii ( ,, 1•111111• I •1111111 I 11.. ,;11111 "'" .,ix It.;,''''" • :1:! Lt I IHl~t II 111 I """1• 111 •1 lfl'r1\ 1111 1•·111 11 11'11 lo111I r,.1.oll 10 "111111 I d\I ~ail .Stll\ 111111 11 .. ,, \ h ;1111..1111 IClt 1 1,111 'dMMI Industrial Rental 4500 ••••••••••............. I .wtm.1 11111 • \ti 1 .,1M~1 'I " \I I 111111 II• "' ~;td11 \ t • .r I 11 • I r ••f t "" \1 •11111 .. 11 111 I 1~ • ,,,,,I l.1 h • ._~,, '• ,1 11'1»+. 'f It 11.dia t I I " ' I I It ,,. \ f 11 I • ., .. f I ~ Jdl ol 1 J._•I ltw t II I t1 t1 11 fl I I I., Jh1 I .u•J II I( \!,,"II ,\ . \ .t. ~EWPORT BEACH j .1 JI 'f ! I 1 f11 I \1-tii I fNEED fMONEY ~ • CltfDITHO PROILEM 2nd & 3rd TD l00tts 547.5402 /\rn.11~1·11 lo v Cocat ~ LOOM CASH FAST ;.1111 II-:1rrl hnml•nwn1•r lt1,.,1, 1,,,, lur .t rt\ 1111'1••"" 1·.i', 1•'1111'>, p: ... 1 .. , .. 111 1111 11r11ltl1·111 ('a 11 •••..,. '\n1ohh1: .. 111m llk1 955-1610 ',1111" I" :• f I Ill ti I< '" 1,,.,,.,,,11· c·1,,..,,, .... t tv 1.1k1 ""' l11\1·11lw \, r•· ••·H.dll•" 1111 Hui., ••x 11;11111 I 11lt.111k.dti1· 11111 •1••1·1.1fh ,,.11 .. :n 111111 !!1 1.ut \If''" 'y '\ \ll..\111 .1'. l.•1 t ,,,I .trl\ Jtlll JtO'i•1 \1 r IJ,11 "'·• • 't al .$ •• S. •••.•....•........••••. Sottter Mtq.. Co. \fl 1 \j" "I I• ii • I.ti• Ht.I l1t11 fat 1111' J't1'i Spec.iali1inq in 2nd TO~ 642-2 171 545-061 I ' \.\. 1111. tJ1 • 1,uul•·'t .>11d i.. ., ti I I II I 11 . I •I \1 t I II I 1r1 "' , fl fl If tJ ) I 1 'r ,, S.,\#-1 •1IJ11 I ,,,, d ,1~11 ,,, f 11 .. I I I • 1 I CASH FOR TD's "'~" . tlEW ll'IOU~Tl"<IAL Ut .. ITS f-O R LEASE I''' I •' I' Jt'. -·-•' ' ll • I I f \1u11• 111\1•111,I,1ld I 1, I ' •• " , I ~ ' I • I I J ' ' ~ , ' I ' • ' I 1111 ,, I , I I ... ii ·'' LE.ASE OR RENT "'.!.... • .11 ~"me "h l '"""'!'"''~~"IJ"'' ''~'-!~-45-'>0 t f'er .. onol1,c/-·--~Ho •1 11 t.l•I, '" I 1 "' ....................... I l o'I & Fo und l )'l.iltl ........ ,.., t If I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, ,, ,,.,,, "" ,.,. i' '11 " I I. \I· ~ I 5 100 l•+I 1ff tlffi t• \ JP1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ,, 11, ... 1 \• •• '• I CPITW"n ' hdt1 ~A•I t,11 ••· ~''' I ti' •1 \\ ' 11. I•' I ',. I' I ·' 'I I.tit • ,. ••• , 1 I ,_.. \\t,. ;. t) I I 1 , 1\ IJl1 l I Mf:DICAL SUITE f tlftlllld , , 4 "' ...... •I· I \I I I •• , • " \t . I<···""" .. "" I c ,, " 1;°; I 1, I I ,.,I Ill 11ftp f I i I 111 f11 , \ \ I I I I ... 1" t tit 11 t ,, .. ••-11,11 I 111 11 \ ' ' •''Allf •ft I t•tt1• I "" on ii t lff i t 111 • I Ii 11 If, • l•f 11 •ft t, i I 't ' I ' ,,,..,., ,,,,,,,,. ,, • I t 11 Hf 111 , ,, I J '.\J\1,1 11111•> I• Ill Ill• 1111•1 111 \\, lo l1ll ll•11ld .u,• .•u..w \'. "'-4-ti....4U ... - '\ II t. I., t. I •1 I \I 1 "''" 11 d ~IJI '°"I f'I •j./llllt• 11" I I II lfl I,.,,~ 11 ,, It -' \ \\ lfl 111\lol" 11:1111 I'• ••lo l'I " ... , rnt It I• I 11 I I I ,.ll1llllt1 Ot \\ tJ1 l•A •I ••• • IUI• ·Id· .;I l••I ltl I 11 1011.lf .. 1 ht4 11•• 111.Jll I(, Uf fl• l •11 .1 I'" l!fl II.:!., I\ 111-.1• 11 ' \ I 1 o; .\11.1l1o·rn1 ..,, • \I 1111111• lu11<-1 J..'.l"lllllf 11••11 I 1u11 •,!. • 'It tf '" t ;) .. ~· p.11 l..iu, \1111 l•1I I ~I'•, 11111 I' I t t '.I I ••• 1tfllllfll I • • I 111.. ~ t, \!. I " . , ... I 1•1 t .11-. •·I lo • > \\ • l I• I O • I ·' \11 I''' It r , •• tt 1, • .i ,1 1 fl\I 1• f 1fii'1111 I t1 J \1 l,11 I l1Jlll I 1 I '4tf I I \t 1 I• t1I• '•.•I NEEO[D IMMEOIATH Y .. ~ I , I ) II• ~ t t • .. ifl I 1t1f !11 I \ f I •Id Ii til1 t llJ f I \lo • ', t• 11 ••• ,,, ... t ''"'' '\1 ·t tJ ',, ... , I• Ill d I• I ''" "' I rt1 ti ... 1' \ j •, I fUHI I ... ,,, •• ·At.• t• ••• II I I. HI II' I' I' I I .1f,llfl I ofuldl• ff JI• t • I •lfl II I• I 111• I lfl tli I • PEN HY PINCHER ADS OtRY S2 .. 1>1 I " t,. 642-5678 t" , I • t 11 • • ii j 111 ft ,\ • ti• I• I '11.t' 'I· •·1•' I ~ ft • • • Jotr. H. Rt'td 7652 Garfield Ave. Hwrlinqton Beach \,,,, .1t• fht "'UHi• I 111 ). free ti clct't book~ f )I .Piii \ ...... I 'u t 11 ... 1· lu 'lllllf'ldl' '""" plllJ.: ·" •..• ~·~I '"" 1..:10;-f\.11111• ... { 11 I .1 fl >l:t:l>Olo.' I It.Jr 111 I lo.1lh 111 loo ,,, h 1·1 -1l, 1t·11111 ... ~'lf"I ""' tr'\:t X:CZ:I 1,111 I 1°:.t Costa Mesa 3824 ..•.......•••..••....•• 645·7573 ApartmPnts Fumi,hed or Unfwni,hed 3900 1 ... 111111111 ...... It h•1lll• '1~ l.1• 111 I" 11 f\.1 'l'I" 11~1 1.1: .. 1:•1 .. '~"" llld1• h ..... 1·1111 '""I\ •1111 l••ll,1111 I ,ill , 1,, I ••II f.11 ~ .. KHOTT'S BERRY FARM llrnnil 111·w 1" 1111 ... ;• II• I ' I 11:1 , ••• 1111 11111< Ill lll'W t 11111111 '1'111• f .. 1k1· w p1111I, '''""" J.11· {I. 111\lry 1:11•11 ).',;~ .. ,,,,,, 1111;k RENTALS I 1111. I h.1 2 llH.21111 2 UH. 21 , t.:1 :1llH,2 h11 :11111. 212 ha 2 UH. 2 ha ~7:1 S an ('l1·111n1l1· ~ .... , $71"1 ~•111 s..1:. :.1~1 'tS23 CAMPU5Dl·/RVINE lrvmc v mdo rur n •111 Udrm+lofl Air. 1111111. ll'Ml:t. S.'f70 :,;1!1 512(1 SpKtoc....,.Yu 1111 H1mt ho Sun .Jua11111n • i,'Olf co1.mw 2 hr. 2 Im c•ondo + den W/wl'l liar utr l Wush /1lrycr. alt•ov1• & 2 <'Ur t'nd i.:1ir111t1· Comm JK>OI. S700 m o lilt. lust & S200 1tt'c·ur JJays $47·Ja4~. f•vci. !lAf.4fl4fi l\vHt l .luly I Wulnut Sci 2 llr 2 llu. 1h•11, l(ur111tl', 1>110 1 f'A.'1 33.1615.'>9 7 309 4hr. 2hu. $0..'JO Nr park. :whl &. !'.lhoppm.: .tb7 3:173. ti4·0014 <.ift GRF:t:N cash for WIUT~ clephwnt:. with &1 Clei.s1f1t:d Ad c.1recz~s ....... •CONDO• :I It.ft Ill :.! Ital h, Ill 111•,11 It I '••II !1·1111"' 'S71Jll "'" l>'lo1 >l.'Q.'I 1,,111 I 'i . .I f,...,. J\;1 y,h1111", f'.Xl'lll!>l\P I '\I ( '11111111 w fll'l'l'!>'o '" Iv.ii ht\t•lv twlil'IH·'· :1111 ..,lutlv, ~Ila l111rnt· I '11f111 n 11r ,, .. r1 1111 n $!~111 11111 lrwld~ 1::1rd1·111·1 /I' ad So•pl I ltl2 M:,;,, 11 1111 :111" 11:.1 ·,.r1:11 111.l IFl"S. IX!/4h lj 11 :J lllt 1wnh.w •m 11:1· 1:ro· .. 111 ... 11 <Inly S7:-.0 /\' .11 I 7 I~ Huth l.1111ri ... :tl!I li41i 4:tt0 1276 .•••••••.....•......... New :t 'lurv rn·1·an '11•w :stir Sl'll.5 m11 7711 M:t:Cl 1280 ...........•........... :tllr. 211:i . 2 "'Y Twnh'>l', rrpk, /\(' Nr So (',,1 l'law $4G4 mo ci1:11 111;:1 :01<1 <'OZY 2Jlr how,,., oc•ar S11 <:o:i ~t l'la :r.a Call 7~1 ll007 W"INMlhr 3298 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOMF~"\ FOlt HF~NT 3 or 4 hr J•m·cd from SM.'! lo S.'>25. "'nrd yard & J(ur11gc11 . F~amlllf•:. pl1•11s r . kl!h & llcts welcome Ca II 004 2.r,(il) or 973-0971 Al(l, nu r1•1• Nc w1•r 11 pa1•1oui. 1·x ,.,, home. :mr + """· 2Ha , sunlwn II v rm w tf rp h'. rovert."CI patio. low m11111t yd, fwy <"lnlit', wlk 111 M'hlfl ., park. Cj UWI llrl'fl $62$ m o ll!IH :i7:i!I or .963 781U X'l 111\ l 'I '\'" \\ 111 • "" •.1d1·1 l 'hid S:l l , I 1 I l.t'>I bll~l dt·1· 111111 1 .. 11• h I 7 .. ;• II s II :1I1 Ill .• I I l;t:. lj~l:i:! ,,, :.:11, 1is:,7 LA MANCHA APTS I ~·riw. l ,:!&:J litl 1::11 11 .. n oljll!\ /\1hdl:. /l',hlA.111 , lohn'., 1'111'1 l!:t I, 1:;1:-. hhq I '1•11 <;ri., I'd 77>l S1·11t1 1 •1 1;-1:! '.ilrn. 1~1'.. :.ii 11 Z llr. I ha. t'l•b, 1lqi:-., 111. dOI!'> s:JIJ.'l 11111 1;-1:. 1:.2z l Bdrm:-., I 11.tlh ·•l'l i\tlult' $37'.. mu 1;11., p:wl 1142 ~17:1 IJol!l'ly I llr ~1111111111 11121; l'Um<lf'l;I \>1111•\ ,1ro"1 101-111.111, /\1!1•n1 Sharp, 1·lo«tn :! Ille. I h.1 l1lln.,, i! yr uhl 111h•x. W !.Hit· Kul:o. Ot<. no pl'l,, S:l51J 1;-1r1 747tl 1•v1·~ & wknd:-. Spa1·w11., :J l1r. I' / ll:o 11pt $3.'ifl Jo';muly ur11l l'1M1I & l'lay1iruund S11111lan1·1• W1-:.l Atll:i, 1!1Jfl Mup lt· 64l l!J51 bt'tWl'f'n I() & 2 l.1tc Jbr. 2ba. Nit' l111wd patio, carport. nr ()('(', no pets . 5395. 751 JIDO G11rdcn V111t11 Apt11 IJcaut . brand ne w I&:! Br. fri>k. litundry rm lmmed. orrupy S33S to M:!.5. 1'SLMgmt 6'12·9412 $475 3 llr. 2 hu. 2 <'u r ~arage, yard. WtO II U Qlll·I t•ul dt• !oll('. t-: 1.1rl1• 'l~I. M1Lml ti4 2 llill:I 2Br w jl:tr n .. w I ,,., .. Wtr 1,,f1;·11i 11:'11 I ~.,,.., 21'11i tr' l'l.11 1·nl111 ~Ml ~ 11' 1•1:111•1111,, -.;1111 De.Mi Point 3826 ....•...•.•.....•...... ~ llr, I lia, S:r.•1 11111 :1 llr ;11 , ha, ~1:1~. rfl•• l'vl 1•111 I p:il Ill /I. ~"" a J.:•' J.111~ 11( gra,.:, :i:l..'1:11 111111• I .. 111 lt·rn <l!Ni :1:w1 "" il!Hi :1:1'.'4 •>r 1!•, rN!7~1 Bo>1°h apt ulsl p.11ol $;'.:!,', fllll '"'' 11!12 How"Mci°" luch 3840 ....•.................. "illAltl'. hl·ac·h 1,2 & :1 BH. fl'lJk , d1:.hwi.hr, l(aral!•' & 1111t111~ N11 111•h !J~l Zl:.11. wk nils IMO li:llJli Seawind Village Nt·w 1&2 l;rlrm luxury adult apt~ m 14 plan~ Imm $4IXJ -+ po11b. l•·n m~. wah'rfll 11:.. p11n1b ' 1;1L' for 1·uok1ni: & h1•al 1111< 11an1 "'rum S1111 l >w1<11 "'rwy driv1· North 1111 lll·11t•h lCJ Mr· Fadd1·n tht:n Wl•sl on M1·F:111d1•11 to Sc•11w1n(I V 1lla1tt' m4>~3-M!lfl. •DElUXE• GARDEN APT. 21r,Adlllho..ty 31ioolJI <..:overed u r port pul10 itpl'I • HHQ'11 r l111e lo fwy11 & hchK wulk lo 11hopp1na .. I 71 I I Goldetlw-.t .. w .... 847-6064 .._..Mtf•Gr••d• .•.•...•...•.....••.... 1111-: 1-:Xl 'ITl:"I; PALM MESA APTS MINl ffESTONl "I l lC'll 11; ... 11. 111t;~ Ill! lr11m :ii<!;,:,& "I' /\dull:-. No po·h 1:,1;1 M1·~.a Ill 1:1 llllfa 1';,,..,1 flt f\.1·w1w11 I lll\ll 1 :Jam·:.pm :;1c; !11111•1 TRHS-TREES i\l>Ul.T i\l'i\HTMl-:NT~ Nl..,tll>il am1m1: lall 111n1·~ &rushmi,:~tn·am ... l'i\C.:ll"IC' WOOi>!-. !09·2140 4000 . ... , •.•............... Hoom w k1t r h1·m·t1•· $72 w1·1·k & lllJ 54.K !•7~5 ICm. 11vl l1a lh. m .1111r1• 1•inpl lady , hit• prl\. rd $1fi0 -+ Lai: lkh 1!~1 1:~11; ltm. P vt h.1th. $'1'.1 wk C 'h•;111 mH I un· :111 It . n1111 :-.m11kl·r . :i:11; 1:11 :!H. ~7 Ufi711 l•1·11 ~tl" II•'• d1·d I" lt.111 I 11'1111 1·111111" I ,fll \10111 I· ri .• 111 1• .. •tt I 11·111111· 1(1 "'11 11•111 lff hr I rl\1 hutL,i* ~:'OU Ult 1 dt• jl•l ~· •I I •• 11 " .• t ,. 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NU S7$0 Wk /\vall J111e 30th to July 14th, al'iO ~teJl!I lo hca1·h. 2 Hit. I ba. S2$0 wk /\vull thruout summt·r AILI 613-3663 SF:U. idle ite ms with a l>a1ly l'llOI. CIB!llllfll'd M l OffluR...tal 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TILVD. c M oHwt· 1op111·1· s:!ni 714 6.11 5fitl<t, 21:1 111\2 H:1117 EXlC. SUITES l1l4•al l0t·11t100 m·ar 0 C. • i\1rpt1rt &, (rw~' St•\l•I al urr11·1"'1 uvml rrom $2110 Ill) t 'omrlc·lt• 11h111w 1 m 1•rt1.i•• '1 .,,.,·r1•111 r1 a I !lf•rv1r1• Many t'Xll'i.ls 1 move• 111 all11wan•"' t'•11 rurt.twr 111(11, rull ll(·v 11 l ~J21111 1111111·"' t..1.1rlUH' ·" "•" hwn 11·111.11 ·""" 1.1 .. , \1.11.11110 '111 .. :1 t i.it. l1•1111101 .tf\ 1111111• -.p.11" ll\111•' ·1 ..... 1Ill\1 .. 1111 11 • ... 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'''f'tll1 I J ,111 '.tt 11 "i ~l.1J..1 I Ill lt11 \ ,111 •I'' I 1 "' -.1.1 M1•,,1 ,, I I . .tll II !If ANTIQUE SHOP 2 '1:1 J.a l.l\1·(11• I ,11111• I\ \'111.11!1• ~o'\\jMll l fll \'o 11 lurv \ .1lt1o· ~n 1w•1 11111 C1 1111d v flllr 1,;•, 1t11.i !"ll.11111·11 ,0 ......... ""'''" llll'lllt':.'> 1111 11.11 t...l.11111 llllltlfll' .. ,., .. \ I 1\\-11"1 .111,1:1 :L1!1:• I ,oll l'l11 1h l 1•11 • 111•11111 I.·',. II II ·' ' I I II. I l•,,.t.1lll1.,h1·d II \• .11 \II """'' ,,.,,.,. \1111 1'111'1111'1•· '11111 IM~I \It Jun It t 1:1, 11f,01 lt111l11111o· Xl11t II.II 1'1•1111 l111 al1•111 i\ll ,.1111k 1\ '" 11111· ... 1 ..... ·.0\1111 ·""'"··" IALIOA PEHIN. ROWER SHOP. l'nm1• llwal11111 flu• 1111' 1t·111ot· & "'"'"'",:~ ·1)111~ $:!0,fllttl ll11•11 1 "" jXU1Wlll\ MEL FUCHS PAVILION HALTOR t.7§-tl20 • lmntmrnt Opporiunity 5015 •................••...• ...... \11:.·· .111 Ill l11tlil\ '• 1111111·r "'""''''' \1, 1111 .11 "'•'" Jlllklll '"·' .. 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VnlfNll Wti1l1· 11111111 v •IPX Ii nlll'l , VIC'lllll Y Ill :'-11•"1"11 I W1•,.l , llun1 lllf:lllll l\o •lll'h I AMII .... llk1• ~.111k1\11I I .d i !111:1 '"~'" I A11>I Wl11I 1• 1111111• !'\ h" 11 lo 1 I fl llr•1okhu1 .,, M .1.: l\c'h 1•::· l!I:~· r;,·1111 N r 110111 1,..,1 I ',1h I •· . .111'11 •~ I 1•111\ 1•1•111.tl•·'· l 'l)~I ,11 p,1 l:W K1Ji>H MI 111 UI l'l l\ TNI) M wl111l• llUlll•' V11· /\ti.ml.• & M1111noh,1, II l1 lH1 4Wt ,. r I I I ) 0 •• ·r v~ 1~ or m :>!I vr •• 1S le le IR le II, Dr e· e· , .. b!I >Y ' I ....... Senk• .•.••••••.••........... Uwort•• IQJ IJ,;1111.1 Ul't' f11) 1\11100 l..t•1111 I I 1111n•• 11G :m~ l~'°'"' llUldt•hllt t. • tlllnl 11111 f'lllll'llll l lll NII 1ut•1tll11' KjJKL'rl .......•..............• "lhillllj •JI) & .. It 11111 I It •Ill I "'"' l11l1•hlt 111 t "'hi I IN-HI 11\111 ttlt •II 11 I It .... 111 111111111 h dlSI'. \1.: till $7 '~I 1"11' h 10 1 lol $.'1 I .11.t1· • l11n I" I 11•1"' I Iii ,. I Ill I I " I "" h o '""' k "" t II II• I .u 01111 l\•o._kt-,•11111.i. "'Ill 111t k 111 C-nt/COftCr•t• ... ''''" 11·t p,...,, I "Iii t, I ••••••••••••••••••••••• A I' <\ Ii I' II l\.•111. ,, (;.'41114 lttl UU"lllt'"" I• 11.., lftn1· l1111 l' .. ll I'''" 11111 St•t r 1·Lari1·, 11 1, 11ol.t ~· l~.J lt~~l \H .... Ht\' I ,, II• I jlfotl t''"""'" jH I ' I to! I 111111' Iii.I l ~;J .t I. 1 .. 1 llw llotn"1t111i.: 111 "" 11 .. 1111 du.)~ 11r I 11 ""lo:'' :!:•11\f ·~11 ··"'' ····················~·· t 11uu~1.1111111 lo\ .ti I ltlt•r ~ , ... .. . "• .... f • t.1 llt I HJ f' rt 11t , UI I olr• •'·•••It ,., I. I 4 •lfllf,1111 l t11t1 I• l• 111 t I \ 11U t f 1 I 111 ' • , •·1 . ,,, ,, Cottrocto r ••··•••················ lt11t> Ill "•I <I II I• di I • fltlldt 'I fft fl 'fflll •,tu,~1 I •I fl, I I , >.' :•1~1 I 0 1rpt·n1t·r 1''r•·•' 1-.... 1 ''" Bedncol ~I/A• JUlh ( .dJ 1\Jl.1f1 qr ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'l<tm 1•.\h KM!l 1-:J.h<"l lllt Ii\ 1'1111 ii C'I S'ltl \1 lnle·n111 I ':111,.•11111 llv ,Jav • 1,I<! K~r1 W!l.llt Arf,.. •l••kil IH•t• ··,11111 .dt' Ull l.111•• "1 ••~•II 11111 l.t D l:n:•,,\ 1,/ I II! ,'I ~dElectnc 1,..1 r~ l~I' ' K~ Cl.blom WCAXJ ft•111 l.....C, 111111'1> &. fc•111·1• I l'l>Ull I~....,, IWl 'l>.'11• ~OocM'...ct ~ •••··············•····· t 'otnpl1•tt· "t''," • & ""''' 1\ut111rwl1• ••111·1111 111 ... It I' IJ ol I I > JI I I I ,I 11 ~ ''(' 1117 t •..•..••.••...••.•.•.•. (••If tlt•fUU•~ I Jt'ol U UJI~ ,\ 1.11111 ' .q 11111• ... "' 1.'e 11 ... , 111 .,, ..... , ' •\I '" 111\\ 1·11 11 .. -.. •tt• l,aud ,t ·•I" '"·' u11 '·•••• • • ,.vi .. 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I 1X.l.! t 1!f,· \1,1-,, 11,,ulrru• IJu111p l 11• I. ··:, I'"' 11,,111 I 111· 111111 1111• ~.111 I 1:11 Robm's llounchHan1n11 ~.: for • thorou.chly n t''j' hoost· WI 007 Alll·ntwn r cul 1•11tat1•r ' !'4Jt'\'t.~s 111 11 happy clwnt Wt-!IJM"Cl&Ute Ill YIU'llO rn... <.;itll 'fht• MOJ1f>l'l11 l' I t• a n 1 n I( S c r v 1 1· l' !,~ZJ93 MRS Cl.t:AN make 11 1!1,.Jrn f111d1 • apl!-o hi.1ni... H1· r u vr a It ~> ~tl!J;fl~ f or t•K•'t•ll c n l 1· 111 h<1UM~'l'll·ttnin1ot Clcan111 g I 1nhm1lt.,J ~ti Jl:!li (<'ti.or I r pl ('l1•a 11 g 'lt•a111 'har111>0<1. wrnl1111o .... ,11 ·1!. fir wax 'g , gt•11 1•u\'g i.t-rv lt1•s/Comm H,.a.,on:il>lto S1 m 1111 7.\1 ~I t 'mr1pl..t•· h11U'l'\'ll';1n111J' hv clu}. 11.•kly, rn nlhl~ "'"' ll\o· "" av a il t l1Hhly 11 .. 11111•tf l'"r'"" nd Bontlt"I 'In' ~52 11111~. t'tl"w1 Clt•a111n~ St·n1t·t· '>I•" 1.1llv f11r I 'cl.\1 & Ill n·"tl1·111,.. 1;;;, l!~J'.I lh1u.,t•1·lt'.1nrnl!. e•x111·r j\ i.:1 .. 1 ,.,,,, .\lo ... t ;,r ... ,. Ti~t 1711:1 !'i11 1 f•mf C 11':111111~. "'t'lf ''°'I Ill L11 g un :1 1-:~ .. t·ll ri·h l'aut.1 4!H l:Pttl ,\hq· '> lluU"'t 11'.11111111 lh·:tv111ahlo· rl'li.1l1l1• A I•'" 1;1:1 J.:,:Vi11.11 ... \>ll l Xl11l llt1llM•l'J.•:1111111• .11 Ho.a I . I s. 111 v.·rnal•· 1;1.. K:nx ec eanntq 1 1,o1,.• p:t1•l<'.i"h ...................... · 1 \\ 1111 .1 10-. \I.I.) t 'I I' \' Xlnl h11u.-.i·11t·:111111i: cl•tll• 11111 SI':" t '.oll 1;1111•11.1111 l1y l.11ly w 1·~11 lk 1w111l.1 1;111 l-'11·1·1• ... 1 1;.1~.;,1:!'.1 1tl•.,11w11tr:111:-. w11 :11,:o • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~enced. n.•_,1,.1nt11hh· Bntkwork S mall 101>" penion. J(ood ri·f~ Will Nc·~M. CotitJ Mt•"u !. houoies1t 752 1564 lr\11/lt' t.7f>·:J l75 l'V(•'- Houl•T"'*n Sc<·unty & t arl' wlHh· you'rt· not lht•rc. S40 wk ly l<ully h<"d & rn:.ur1·1t f.4.$-lll:IC 112 INur-.ce •...••••••••...•....... Rot.rt'°" htwrmte• A.uociotfl, Inc . l•\111 vttlue tonh:ntll 1111 t1111111~1wnt•r-. «ovl'rn1~·· li75 fl51j<! ~SAVEWITH ~SAFECO Jcntori°' ···············•···•··· llffl('I-; 1'\'lJl 'ST lllAI. I( t-: ~ T ,\ I ' II i\ :-: 'I It.. 1111 ~1 E C' I. "· f\ ~ I :'\ I, lie•(, l.11 ll<in1l1•d 111 -. ~~Sllili .•...•..•..••....•..••• I· 11r•11wa11 l..111cl ,, ,, I"'' '1'111• "'11rk I ;111 I•• 11·1 J( .. , ... 1.11. Ill~ I ell ... O'\ .. , J . ., ....... , .. I """ .• ·•fJ• I flO'\o\ h•olll' I 1· I ,1 fltl 'Jlnnkh ,... 111 \I"•''" 1 111 Jtn•" 111 I<. IM1nd,..+ ;\'1111101 u ·' 11 XI tt! 111 >r.n~~ 1 ... 01 ( ~ 111•,l,.fl ' 'I \\ I ;o n •l ' 1 .o f' " '• 1 111-.11 \'l .,'\\11· l lr·· •1ld ''"" t •• 11 \II \ I ' Ill. 1,1,, 1,711.~1 I " 11.111•1 t 11/' Ir I .. Hid I ,1J1• I l,11d UIL' IJt'• l l.1t1il 1 ,q11 h\h ,n;h 1111\'k . !ll-OOt'. IJlo<'k 11.or k tile rtoon •• c·11nt·r 1•t1 JlllllOS. WJ lk t>. dr1 I• w,1y' l<'r1·1· "'' J olin IWi ISll'I All IYl>t'i. ul 1nu'IU11ry t1l<'l>. 1111111x... 1rnt111 t·o~ N~. hlk wulli. :>iSlf !l lW . ......•...........•••• Oralll!t• l'ty Truck1111: l-r1·1ght hllli.< mato•n ,Jb fum1t11n · C':1ll !1~1!'> :!t)f~\ Paintinq/P.rinq ········•,•········· .... 1·1·~n:m, 1'1\JNTl:'\t; Eiq >f ti 11 • .,,. J<.ot•·~ Fr l'•' !-., I I .ol I I ; t• fl o ~ 1•1~>11 l'wf IJ.tllllr11i: I.id (v 1111 f 1111o 1.1\•" Ho I , I I•• ,.,, ~.:11. o17jljl :,:11; o1:1H:1 l'a1n11111• I 'llT .. >. I '-'•-.11 htin1·,1. ''"'. ,.. "' •'I• l.11 11 11.11 • '•·I l•ll 1 111• l',11111 t\ "·"'P·•fl• I l)u.tl v. 111 k . """ 111 ho~ •-I ~lo·\•• ~17 l:!KI I 1111· • '' I '.111111n1• -..1 111 1fl'-l '" trh• ;c:~ •. ) .• !) .• ·' t ""· 11 .. h,111!'-.111111 1 \1 1'11 l'\I''""· fC•·it r.1t•·· Ff•·•·•·'I ~.,.. ·"°''' .. ,,.. •' I '.11111 ... \I 0·11 .. 1 llo "' '" I'll•• l'l•r•I ,f1ol1· f .. 1 I 111 ' ' ·" I " :: St._'SU'JI• xr. II 'I \11\11111• !'Y·ll \o\ 1lh .. \ ... 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S . 5360 1oh :.111 ln li l•\c'' ~ui er.,1c es Ht~WA l<U lllut· cft·111111 hnl'lea,...,., 111:-I .l rttll' :!11 t-: W l\:trht•<'. 1!1:, <!:llH '"'' !'>1111 ( ,, ... , , ... , \11111 1. ~. <irt···· .... 111 11111·111 .ol VlJIUl', 11.otl lt1·hmg1•tl lo gm 11d 111111tw 1 ~:,11 1 ,. .... anl wn K:m; I Jt.I ( 11111plt•1t• "'I 11f 1!1111 duh .. tlll l.11111 1,1,. •·.!I) lJ r I! t· n t I y n 1·" ti 1• •I IC.-wa nl & 110 t1111 ·:-111111~ u.,kt--.1 ti7:l <1:m1 Founel 1;1t1W i..rr1 I'.~ HallJ11:t 1:.1:11111 .•••.•.......•....•.... :\l.ol tll<'. ,.1 .. o1o1 .. 111.tll "" 1 .. 1 .. .,,. ,, I "' I"' \\I II "'' ;111~1 111111: ,,., •• ii ,,,, ~~UI 11. 111\ .111 =:1 1k • ,, 'I h" f l,111\ I '11111 I' 11 llo '' l.,1/j I 11• l.t \11 • .1 I 1 '(h..!1 ~y~nt& ft~parotion Schools & lm truction 7005 .......•............... .Jaulrnt• l).one•,.,..~1·11 ,.,.. (01r i\1lutr ... l"t111;., 11i .. t11 Ir 1.i:• 1•.KJ 71 00 l·,>llNU l.1! ('.d1e·o & S m ••••••••••••••••••••••• yt•llow & whl holll hot. At't'11lllll1nf.( Cl1·rk :H hr~ ta1lt'l'I. ~·72Hl JJl•r W(·t·k W1•t1 .. F'n Sat 1-'0UNO . Male !-.1a 111•'"' cat. v1t• l'omona & l'lth. roll:ir!Ot•o c·ollar T111a '9 :l ~92H'JI ---1"1.>UNll C l.um nr u\}•111l An11nal1. pu~kcd up by NII Antmul Cont rol, ne·w !,hclh.'I' Nt•wporl llllb Artrmal ll11s prtal :!!;70 San M1g111'I. NB 7f1H 1!111 5350 .....••...•...•........ tttJ..AXINl; MASSJ\<;1-: ~hJ11mt·K·l.1c Mwou·ur Oulcalj 9·9. 494 511 1 MICHELLE'S •o.tc.U• UAM·2AM 835 J'MU ,--- •FOXYLADY * olrrcALL ONLY •97%-1111• Pltl::GNANT? Cartnl(, J.,Ulfldcntlal couniielinJ? & 'rt.fern1I. Abortion. ud11r1· Oun & kt.~plng. AK:ARE ~7 2.'Ml:l '• VARIETY OUTCAU MODI::~ & &'iCOltTS Somdhln1t for f;vcryon l' ssa.2611 ~1!1fJ.'r77 \!" M>«r ACCOUNTING l11lt•rt·-.l111i.t pos r\11111 rt• 1•0111•1hrtl( EDI' n •1111r h r11·rH1111111i: to 11:1 V r11l1 I :o ~ •~. 1m 111,.r1) ti1xe•1,, 1.11111 ;1r<·e1ttnh 1.ayahlt· S.111w IY!lllll( or 1111e nu:il 1·h1•1•k'> ll.l'(1wn·i-:wc1 i: 1·xp . 111 ke•y l1y to1wh t:xt'\•111•111 l1t·lll'f11 ... r111'1t1 i.: cfr11t:1I f!l;111 1\pµly (J.·t Wll H 11 I :1. Nutum:ll ... tlut·at1•m 44111 lllrd 1 S t • N\•wport l1t•11d1 N r f )( • i\ 1 l"JHirl t:11II11 I l'llf.1111 l u II ti V cm11loyt•r A«ctJt Bkkpni:l Tf:Ml'OltAltY JC1•1(1skr today lo work on various ar·counlinl( & bookkc<'Pi!!,& a ssig n · me nls. Work clo~c t o your hl1mc J\rctl( d crki;, bookkeepers, ,111·cou n · tanu 1u•t.· nc'Ctk'<I l hruoul OranJ(e C:ounty Cnll u~ for 11\0f<' lnfor m1t\1on Robert lfutr'-i accowdeMpl. 23J3 No Oro ml w'li v •~. C'oldwell Hunkt•r Hkl.i • Sanl¥ Ann C714t ll5·410l l.t\0111 p o I • 1111 ·""I I \ I••' I"'' !'Y11111· I\ 1•1111' I• q11111·d 1-.i.t •. 11 .. 111 • ••Ill '""" li1·111 •1>1· l· "' Ill lt'f \ H'W , pJ1•1t~1t' 1'11ll 1·, r-.•11111• ll1lt11 ,. • ,,~ t G!I •• \I .,.,I ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT :1:~J W II:" '"'I I 1 "'"' \1 , ... 1 I 'I"·" f ll'l••l 1111111' ~.lnt1lt1'.t I \l.11111 Hu1 1•l.11 '". It .tllltt•' "'''' \.t•'•' p•·r ~011 V. t lt•t1fflflll h ,H ~''IUllfld h1·l1.t11J ..'.'H l·.,11·.t 1 ...... 1111.111o .... ,, Amwennq SerYice I'll '< """'"I"''. 1111 .• ll'lt·pl .. 1111' ,tll .. Wl'O 1 llj1 ·.-1\It1 t \fl• fl~ Ht t•d hi "'111 tr"'" I· 11 II 11111 .. ''' 11.11 I 111111' -.lufh ,1\ .111,1 11!.· I J,I\" ,ti 1,. 111111111 "11•111111~-. 111 pr •• , .. 1.11 ol ~h1-.1 111· .dole• J11 wor k v 1111t· 11o 1•••k1•111I, 'I \ 1•1n1: .L, \.\11111 '"'I"''' 11 \l.111 ~ e·11 lwnd1h ;11.11l.1l1I•· 1'11•1 .... 1• 1'1111 ,"w1ort ,. 11 l"a•.h11111 lslarill Hf•»• f~MI 17~11 ('1111 I ,1 :\1 1•' .1 .o I >' .t 1:?:1 I ll;li I» (I I'. i\f1phl'1l lwn~ 11ow lw1111~ I akt•11 f1Jr w.11· .. h 1111·~·" 11t•l1 v .. r y h e·l111•1 N••"' f11rn1t 1irt• "';11 t'f\1111""'1! anti lfl'h\"rv fr rm 1'111111" lur 1111111•1llltnt·11I lllA M 111 N1111n SI :t111111: w;q:•· s.'I 1•·r hr , i.:111~1 1edva ni· .. m1·11t l11r 1111· ri1•hl ,,..,....."' i;iir. 7'17'1 1\l'I M l\N1\<: l»lt Fnr ~'~' un1b 111 r,.,1,, Mf'lla 1-:"1w r'tl t•ouplt· W I (I' h k k p ~· I' '< If llus han<i m n1nt l'X p Cnll M2 507:1 or <Z l:l 1 fflU :&'ii A11btClftt s.,n ....... t Mm 2 years 1•ollci.:t· IV trade ~m.mcc r.row tnM c nmpuny S alary nel(oluthle at•t•ord ml{ to t•xpencnl'l'. Send resume o r <·on l a c l U l unn1• frnl.:l:rrn /\ul11 <:ar r1 c·r11 lll't'elt•ll 1<:vt.'!> I .agun11 Bc•adl & Dana l't. ureu l 'ull 'rh1· R.c•l(111ter a81 of MI ~II with 1<:/\.'i t: I 11 's a FIR": t:z I': t '\U!'l.'llhC'fl /\1ls Iii\<! ~,i, 7~ .. L I 'U Hw1oo< ll•d.. Co•to Mtt• ""•H 'lO).,. \40.H P llAll' ~l'l"I 1»11 11"•·11•·•1 11.111 111111• 111\1 llf1r111• ~11 t·.1-.1 II II \11111 F11 111 :~1 I ·.:1 :! • hrldr .. 11 ,,~,., Ill l<r 1:• 1'.,JI ''"'' "\..noh ··~ tll•l ll.1k1 " ,,,.,,,.., 11111111 "' 1.,1111 W1r1d..-I"' 1>1111uh '"''"' Ill I" I '""· .~ .. :1 I'. I ol h '>I I \1 1~111k11w CREDIT VERIFIER l'.~l•'n"n"'' pr .. .,.rri·tl 1111 ..... ('1 ,..,[;1 \11· ... :1 ""''I' I 1 <'Ill I 1:c• 11 I\ llll' I'" ltt'f lt•Ut't• tJrl I ttll'dHrlt•f ln,111-, "'II h l'lilld I\ 111111• .. ~ 111., 1111·:11.1• 1·all :\1 r 1111 .. 111• flr,.1• .. 1 al :.u. k:-,111 Catif F•~ral Savincp & loon :.'1110 ll.1rlw>r l\htl f 0t1!'>l.1 ~ ...... \11 fo:q11;d 1 lppor l urllt 1 J-:rn11t11y1·r TELLER lmnwrl1:1le· fu ll I 1111" hf•·n1111: 111 ou1 lwa11t 1ful Nt•v.11t11 I f\(·:1c•lt 11tr11 t' 1-;\p<'n l'l1t'•• " prt'l 1•rr1«I hul ii 110\J have• lil!hl lyp 1111• 'kill' lllHI V•ffi•' I ..... lllt'rlfll! t•iqWr'lt'Ol'I' WI' Wiil l'OO!'>lt.h-r trlltnlfll' llw "f1 J.:hl fH 'r,011· W1· 11Ht•r 1111 t>x1•t•ll1•111 'll :1 rt 1111! i.:1lt1ry a111I 1111hl.1111I 111i: ht·np(1b 11ll'IU1ll11i.: ... '1 1"1• parkml! • t 'n...: htalth 111~ur:ml'1• •t-'r1:t· dental rn:-.ur11n(·1· •l'aul can·er 11p1111n·I • •l'ror1t :.h11rin1i l~:t:Je call 'l'Ot.1. -Ylt~1'7 rur an IOlcr Vll'W UlllJOIOt l'Jll..:nl. FIDELITY FEDERAL S..iftgl md LOClft Aun (213H\31l 70'1 I An l·:.t1u11I C)p1)ly Ernply r fo'in<I whot you wunl tn 1>111\y 1'1101 t'l11siofll'1b TRAINEE l1l1.1l 1•"'''"" '''' 111.11111o 11t1h\ 11111,ol ;..., \o\ort. "' 1•·11 .. 111 e• 11••t'''''"'' W rll 11 :1111 '"" '" 11111:111· "' 1•:i•·k :q'•' ~·ut r\'"'"''"""'ll .. ""'"''"" ~I 17 1wr """' Jlhl ... , . ..., f'Jlt'lll t'lllplt1\ I I 1.11..r11 , '''''" ,,,, ........ II 11 . I :1 ,,,, llr ,\111•·111 .111 I '11rrc· ... 1•11111'·111·e· ~··hn11I . 1101 ll11 ..J1 '-.l r .... 1 N•·.,..111111 ll<·:wh • ;-.Jt.,11 II (' Aiq•1r1 I f'"fll:tl IJp 1•1nun1ty Em pli•) "r •Bl<KPR /SEC'Y 1we·1l1·1I f111 lur111l111• ·,t-•r·· '; ''"'t &.!•' n .. , .• 1 l .. ll'kl:r•111111I Ill ko•\ '" l•1t1t•h l'.:1l.1r1 1·0111 111e·11~11r.11 .. 11o "~I' ('a 11 '•"'Kl~-· 1111111-..1-.1'.f'.l'l·.H '''"' 1111 .1 d1!,lnhul•11 ••• II\ I"''" !. aq·o•'''"' ... .., 111 Ir 1111» Jl11ukk1·l'111111• It.. Jlfl11f1e'' ""' f' l lllH', I ,oll ~,Mi t11'/:l.111yt 111w M I· II BOOKKEEPER Pert Timt I 0-2:30 Yr 1·1q 1r I '11111p:o11) pll fnni:t-s l111,111t:d11al 11111 lllJr. rn•'(llnd. tl1~.ol11 h t ' hit-ms uran""· :? "'"''"' \ .w111 wn I >111 11·~ , ... I l11lls . a11!,w1•r vh1111t·:., t.1i. rr•port~. l'•'ll I.. pa~ roll l'lil•'n:-t· r1·1111r1:.. hrl1tn11 F.1~h1u11 t...l:incl •irrw ..... !'Y·111I rc·~umt· lo ll1"p11 • .t F111an\·1a l ~t·n·11 •'' Im· 1111 N1·wpor1 ( '••1111·1 111 ~It· 240. N1•w11or1 11o .. ,..i1 t'A!~ilill lluulo.J..1·1·1w1 ·":<''' ,11 1·mmtant. 1 1ty wk. '"'n" lf flllll! (;1t '1oi11ry & \.\urk e1K1tl :,.1!1 :t:llli llo u k k t• C' ftt' r I'' / l ' I n 1 Fount111n Va llt·y Cl'A Some t ypmJ: rl'qut rt·d Sulury rummt'n1>urnt1· w1lh cxper1cnl:{' C.:n 11 U64·Z714 IOOICICHPER F1C Lhru T.n Small rt" sldcnliul cunstrur tlon nrm Xlnl opportunity Olli for appt 1110': fr1·•· Mary llu·kll· Al!C'Ol'Y. li'll Newport c ,•nkr l>r N II 64() 2!120 lit.I:; ltny l.11nd11•!> Appl m per.wn l.c lh11rnl1, \ 11 N N1•wport Blvd . N B f;t.';r.11(1 ( ..... ,,, .. , I I· I~ 11 .. , .. 1111 I ltfl' , .... tfl.t ff• ftf ' \ f """II" I I \flpl. I. I ' ~htlti 111 \11 t»H r C~HIERS UTOTEM MARKETS i ~" 111111• 11"" ,,._,,of old • 1 ... 11111 11111• ·•' ,, I ,llil 11\tfl,ll'•'I '• loll ,;.111 f\ ·11 fl "'-tHl1 '\1f t'\J't'l l!•rlf I jlt I ....... 11 .1111 ~1 .11 1 '' 111 111 ... , ,,. .• hOllll \ti"''" ,.,., .... 1 ""'""'""''' , ... 111.111 .. .. ,,,.. 111 flll "H ft1fl lt1 '\.r ,f 1•·r ll•t111 II 1111.of 1 I wol I "' lltlll 1• 1111"1 111.1I11111 r.. 111 t••I \ ll'" I'" t11 II •If' ><;' .t I :111t111•1 ( ...... II \.of I• ' 1-IJ...'IUl,t 'll'lh t \lf t 't1t ,f Ill t .,11 711 .1.r. 111111 f';Jll.tl I lpltl•I J'.111pl"" I I 1 Wl'ld".I< t \II -.; I· I ll~ 11111\'l-.lt.._ (;,~••I 11111 Ill r;-1•11r1I ""'I'll • .rr 111111 1•~1·1111 .. t I'> I XXliH <111l11t ':1n· /(, d .11 • .11111 lwlp lnr I hri-.111rn ~' h11• 11 l•~J.'1 lln -1kh11r ,1 I \ CIVILEHG. OR DESIGNER 1-:'l rw • 11·11•·1·11 , "', "' 1nr111li.I 111·'.l:l"TUtVIJ i'I V ll. I·,,; 1111 111-.s11;,1-:11 .... rh• 1 .... I.. j!r11un•I 111 11111111• 111t1 I.. ,on•l •11 I.ind ,i,.,,.,,,pr11• 111 l'llJ.:llll't'f'Hlf.( \\ ;111lo•d 1111 1lt·.,1i:n & ""I"'' ''""n 1•.:.1l rt1n /\pph '" \1 1 l•\il'ntc·' at Hol~·11 111· 111 Wilham "'ru-i .~ ,.,.,,,, l•Mll <l1111rl !->I .':pt 111 II CIVILEMG. ESTIMATOR t-:x1w nl·nt•t•1t in1I" 11111 . .t ""antt.od 111 µn•jlur t• e "'' t' ~I I rn ;1 I t• :0. 11 I '11 It chv1s111f\:., 1mJu:.1r111I do · \t•lopmt•nt~. 1111 11 11 ,v-;tr m<; & In pr•rfo• rn ullhl) 111v1•st1ga t1nn, It.. •·:.ilrul.11t• t"o1rth t111.111 Ill rt'i. S111ll'rvr11 1o n ")( pem·nrc v1llll J\11111)' 111 Jlt!rson wtl h rl'Mllflt• I •1 Mr l'\w nlt·i. al lloh .. 11 ~tn. Wtllrnm Fru.,1 II. A~:.nl' 1 IU I (.Jua 1 I :--1 N1•w1•1tl 11o ..... 1. l'lt•n rnl. (;\•n1·rnl 11fr11·t prtN'c..o<lun·.... N II urt»• 37 '1 hr wk (; 111111 111.•nt'f 111< 7f14/ H!1;J:,. ----,.. ...... ·--· --· - I~• '\,. "l~•ll I• 111o1 111 111 ' II , I I •·I I I 11 I •• t ~~I l.q11 • .t "l'l'"" 1111 I 1 I• 1111•1• '', I \I I I l 111• \I \ 11 I 1111" I' 1, 111 I I I It I• \I II .tf 1.1 • 1.• 1 ,m "i •H .dt i u,i:I "'1tt1 t1,1•u •• f~ t1• I '"" 111 I ' 1•1 I .\ 1 r ii ( . ti, t i I \1 •'-' uat ''-''· I I •1, 111 11 II '"'' ... ' ''' ·' I ii IP I " \Oii "fltJld ti l \i 11 Jt,1'. ii , " 11 • ' I ii ' I \ ~ It 11\\I· 111 1'\\ COASTAL PERSONNEL AGENCY 540-6055 .'i:•1 I l,11 l1111 Ill I \I ·"I· \ 1 .. II I\ I• I I c . .ti .t111·1 h111lr ... ,q1p1 CLERK/TYPIS T !111111 .. h .. 1• n1w111111• lull 111111 ,;\I"" hr M ,111 111 ·, I '1111111• I 11111)' I \ pr II lo: 1,11. 11:.:X CLERK TYPIST 111111 '~I 11pm J.:•'11 11llw1 '<kill' ''""'' 111111•r'"" 1·:111.1•:11 1M 11 'ST tll r .. :•1111 Um o• SI '\i II \1·11 ... ,111111111 (' l\lr)M•ll c 'l1•1k ''I'"''"' """"' .>t l'llUlllllll' 11fl11 ,. 1; .... 1 .... P•H I Llflll ' I 11 lo'.11'11 " \,trll'f\ Id '"'' •kill, :,L'I il~lll Collator /Poclt.r TRAINEE l•IPal 1~•1>1111111lnr 111.1t11e •' ""'" 11111.ol Jl.u w11r~ 1·' l•'l1t'llt t• lll't'l'S~:Or\ ~Ill tra111 \ttU Ill IJ·H kai.:t• c •II n.,.,poncle•111·1• le·s~•Jll>-((,. 'llljllllt'lll ~I 17 fll 'I hr I ,.,,.,.i ll·nl e·m11t11 , ,.,. lw•11C'f11~ 1\pply 1:1:r.1 1<: W 1tr1H'f . ~.1nl.1 i\nJ t-:•1ua I 11111rnr 1u n 111 t·m11lttv1•r Comvunion for woman. 1·o m11lt•tt· Ii v1• 111. II It· 1i,k111: l11·1~t·t·n :~ 4:1 >,.... ult\ ~$11 Ill~'\ <\mlPllnl•ln (or lu<ly , 11un. lnlo( l'XIM'nl'IH'l' hdp(11l. hVI' 111 :, d11y wk: lm•t•ly hollll'. r>I/\ ll u. l.;i)(una lh' h HI 4 44 .i 7 I' h lllAM Hl'M I....... ·'' '"' I\. 111 ,, ,, "". ,, 1111 Ill 1•1 •I 111 lo ",,,.,, 1111i. Ill \ ~ 1 .. 1 l '1 f1•t.1, I •rt• I ' •1111 . I 1'1 r I I I\ 111.1 .. I 'I I'• 11.o1 1 ..... 111111 1"'111 r .' 'llol I 'II \pJll' 11• \M'I '1•11 DEUVERY T .V. DEPT. \11111 I·" ~I 111111 It• I "'I. \ .1ltd I .olll d1 I\ I I '" > • II' 11 I d 11 \ If. J. I ••• "'. \ I ' I • '""" Ill I• I "" .... I Ill f(Ht1,1 Jl.1tthLlf • 't,t1f lt.1ll•11 lll1ol t ',\I I• 11\"I \ 1· 111111• \ \1 \ I 1111o ' "11~• I" I lo\' ' I, I .1,•1111.t It. .1t It 1•11 111'>1 DEUVERY PERSON n,,•h'll fqr l 't.,.l a M••..,,, l'h,1r 111.1• \ 1\fll''"' t.1 le.-111•1 "'"' k 1>1:! 1111~. I ~ f•\l'I\ I' t J :~"'1•111 11\o\ II Ii ,111 \I " 11 I-I t '•"Ill• v.k11d' r1••( !\1•1 ·111• II' 111 "' 1 .1.ll CIH II 11111\1-.J<\ ,\ !->f tlfl\ \11 ·4 tt.lltU .ti J1.llj.!tllt •'I lfl 111111 11• .II l I I \1111'11 I \11IHI••1111 .il 'Jll.ol1I\ lo r I• f ,,,, 1l1··,1t I., \ li1t I ··111·1 II "'" l11ol 1111• Jlllol 11 ..,h ,UllH' .r&tl .t•:!:• ~1111 1 ~·,, >< .. DRIVERS \11 fl tll '4-Ufflt'fl :•.1 \ r ... UI 11lol1 I 1'1110\.\ llw • 11.1-.1 11111 '•'I 'SlKll .o \lt•o•k •11 fllllf• « ,, : ....... t .... l '• llH\.\ I .tit 17.llMI \1 1 llo•f I lllo1llll J• '111111.1111 \all••\ I"'" 1,J ~I J l••1 I.'"" II ~.IH flol ~.I .!'.I "I fl( I;'\ II '~ :\ ,. ,. •I J' t If. 1 I tt ·' '• I • le 111, .... 1\•111'>· >o>. t r;1111 !111 'I•'< 1.oll\ \1 11'1 h.111• ~'IMM I tl11\ll\)' ••••·urtl C'.11 1 t,1,1-:•11 l·:t.-.1 1111.111 , jt1lllll .. \1t1.e11 111.1°11 II• II II I \ 11 ·'I d ""rt.1·1 111•1••1 ·•l'l'h 11 .. 11 \1.111111111' : .. 1:, ll fl 1, I 111111 \1 11»1 h•· lk i'I. 1·-----------11•'.11 s. ... ll:1.r11lol t~11 I•. lilh ~I (. " lli•I 111t·11 tt\•·r 111 lw I \ I 11111·' 111 :-W ll&c' \I I '••rm 11 I :.:L'Jtr $.11•1 111n · 1;.11>:~1-1 11":.\1ll ~STIt 1\ Tll I<~ I' t ""'" ,1 .. r•''" \ •011 1 ,11 •»>. h I ~ ~.II ;,nh . ~;1 .,1 elail} W 1n~t r111 t 11e~'\J 1·ar n11,...t lie• rt lt.1 l1h'. '"'" ;,:;1 ~.11:11 llt-:~'l ,\I. ASST I< 111\. On lK1 I }t ,.,.1i.·r l .. u ll 111 1•.1n 11111t• ;'\t•" IJl•tt It. h 11.11•1:!1.a.1:1 Oa.T AL ORTHO MPtlin ll 1·m1·ri:1·11 1' rK,;t, l' \t·t· ~··•" 1 rt•c·• •p lJom~l . 11rthu t•Xf)l•r l'l'l• f'cl Xlnt oppur llc•a111 ar,.r. In int• ~Ml 0777 1\11 ti . 640· 42!l2 "'fllul l(yl(lt•ni!>I for N111 lkh offtc·1• W('(f • on l,> 1;+\ 1.IM1..-MM 2MMI> l>l'nlal S1·1·ri•t:.iry /mgt Tuke· rn~ JOit .111 ulc m 1o1r 111 IJJ•i.t 11ruc·t tt't' 111 O l ' l"mnnrt:tl 1•rrrtnj(1•rnl•11t11 8t ('nllc•rl um " l'r1 m1· rc•s11onio t)rl11y l'\ll 1<:1h11·al pr11d H'•• lor :1 l>r.. s1;)(KJ s.!WI rno plu ... b<'nt•llt'( C.111 K11thy j5,2 ~1.'lt ur h m1•i;M11(e 5rs.l ~. ES~ROW SECRETRARY Our ht•;111I rful ,.,,. p11rl llo•ar h Hllt\'t' hai. 1111 ,., o•e·ll .. nl 11111>urtun11 " f111 .• 1 ""'1 d urv ""'' h 1; ur 111111 t• mon th~ ,.,.,.r ..... ,., JJ P r I t• U t• t' Ht o:.jllllllllhlht11·' .... 111 Ill •d ud .. tl'l1•11h11n1• ,•11111 m11n1t·atiu 11 wtth 111 1 .. I llnlfl;lllll'l< ancJ lr,.:hl 11 n·1J111>11 1lut11·~ 'I') 111111• .,1 :\, "1181 n -.1111 n-.1 'J111" l"''ill•o11 11ll1•1' .> l11p ,1.1rl111g i-alur). J.:t11 11I urowth pol\·nt m l ·'"" uc1L,l11111l111g IH•ne·l 11' 111 rluchn~ •t'tt'\· lw allh m i.11r.111e•1" •1'h"t"dl•ntul 1ili<11ra11t·•· ·~h .. ·lla rk111g •l'n il11 ')han 11,.: l'ka!I(' (':tit for .ttl Ill )\•rVlt'W 11ppo111t llll'lll FIDELITY FEDERAL S..inlp Clftd Lo. Aun 642·4000, eicl in:J An l':t1uul Opply 1':111111~ r W1tnl i\tli. ( '1111 Mi! fr4i71i ' ---. ------- • 0 • r a 0 • 0 r I 0 • r I. .. I. .. 11 II " II :r II '.) fl 0 •• I •I . .. 10 •• "· ' t i. •• t !t - le le Ut le Ii. "' ur e e· l'· liS >Y ' Cl• DAIL y PIL01' ~~ ..... ?!~! ~~~ ..... !!.~!~ ~-?!~ ..... ?!.~ ••IXTIAS•• Needt!d! 81t player_. • KtrH for m aj mot1011 J11'1. tv lk'nl'S Ill PQllM t v ~~illlS Wl' r'U!t.'tl llOOPk' for Ori: <"n & J.A loc · s hoolln6(11 fhtina now• (;all '71" 1 ~ Ol2tJ t'Xl j4 Wo• h ijV{' l'U8ltod lu r · · ••ut Ure•"-' • '~ky II'. l.ov1• At 1-'rtit Rlh· ' Sm lo.'t' Wt• Nt\'t' flll..-1 u\ 1•r !IK Jvl)11, .. 'OUU( tntu UOI ~h )t' I ... llNOrY ' " t•mbl) Wan~•· Llttl•• or nu ,. \Vt' 1 It• n t' ,. N 11 I 1· , •• W1't-k ly I'll)' M .111 nrn. MOlllLL T1,.1rwy Sn'•ice I It\ INl-: 1~1 t.1.rt1l I\ ~1'1' -.~ IJl.'I 1-. 0 I-M ~ """·r.:1.1" I '•'r.<."11wl ""'"'h'I fur ' \ 10.m1hni: "vu ntfi: i.., .. 1 "I Ill ll.11\t'"'" 1,1 °'htfl "" 1•11\HI , ho111>•·r·, ~ • I ""lh'I . l flllt•I ' '\lrrl l'•I I & ho·111·r11, l't'lr11i:l.1,, II» !lltj ~IW ... AlOfflCI Perm i.nt•nl full 11m .. l"lllinn wt 11ro'km1t "'" l'U nr Oranl(t• l'vunh Arrrort M<tlur 1•. 1h·11t·11 ctu\>14• & 1h•H1il ur le'llh't.l SLantn11 $..~ l11r .n' hr wk 8J3 k'!I} GIMaALOfftCI r T buliy Ctlllta Mc u tif f1f'\• n'<1 dt•ta11t-O II•'""'" Tyl>U\I( lflYOtl't"'o fthrr.: ~ Wl'M . 10 k1•v l '"ll Vuiuc-6.'tt 11100 (~'Ol)rnl Of11r1• t.•1111111· 111 rlo ,..urw• l11o0t.kp i< Iv t yp 1rri;t lull & I' T 11r .. 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TYPIST Ptt•JJ.•rt· 1·u11r,•· 11t,•t•·t1.d lor 11n1111111: I 11111 ..... .i ... , 1111 hMI" 1·111 11•:-.11111111.•rn •' ,11111 \ ,lfltlli' 1'11•1 II ,ti ilul11·' • \J111 lw.1111 ""'"' Ill•' f~I t 11.pm .111 Ill .1l1• Iv :rn1l 1·111•1v 1ll'l .11I \pp II l•·l"'n x .111d 11 I :1. \n lh•1m ~1·h1111h. 1111 1 Jiu 1'11 :--t !':•'"'l"'rl 11o.,.,.1t 11 r I)(· 1\rrporl.. ..:1111.ol 11p 1•1rtunrly 1•mplrt1nr ,;..m·ral c ~rwl' PERSONNEL 1-.,q 1:1r11l1ni: 1·r1tw.ol 11111o1I frr111 ha:-. .111 11111·11111 ~ 1111 ;1 twr,.:hl 111tl" 1il 11 .. 1 "11 h ,tl1t1 \ t' ,I\ t'I ,ll!t' I 11•11 • ,ol ,l.rJI., .11111 1!•'11"1 .ti 111 I I''" "'••·n1·11•·" \\1·"'11111.1111 11111 Ill I ho· 1 .tr"F•ll" d· I'·• rl 111•' 11 1 t 1111 ,., 11111 11.ltwh 11wltJ1l1•... '.11 •• .u ... ~l.1\t' .11111 .. l'rl•·1.il 1111'!11' \pplrt .1111 """' , , I'•' ... 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It••• it .t t • ' • ·1t11jll t\. • '-,,1litf \ •• \ .. ,, 1 r .1 t1 ·• ti • .~ 1 , •• •• •1.1 •• 11 .XI·, INSIDE SALES lm1111•rl "I'' 11111 l •ol 1•--1•111 1hl1• 111.1\11• ,. di '1 •• , 'I I Y. h ., ' tt Ill 111111111'.tl•··· ....... 11 "'" h •~l11•r' :-0.11•"· • \f1t•ll1 II•• •I pltL' 11111 11111 ll'•jllllt ol \~111 11 :1111 \111 .1 li.1\• ltl• 1,1',,l'.IC\I 111>1 l'ltm•· W1Jl111g l•1lr.1111 l111d 11111 11~1n11111: lllll'ol J .io i\ rl1 11d11.tl "'''h 1•1•111 1• 11 111111•,t..rll .. -. --.. .,,_ -----"". -........ .,. -.... -.......... .. ..................... .,.,,.,,._.,,. ...... . • ..... _._ .................... ~~~~·~ ..... ~!.~~ !~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... ?!~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~ ..... ?!~ ~~~ ..... ~ U.AL SICllTAR'f MUISIS AIDIS Produrtfon Cont rol Clerk Receptionist/Typist . • -·-TMSales·UPto•perhi l'rt"•t11(1ou• Nw11t lk h And Ordt>rht'I! to give f'•m1ll•nty with mlilnu11I Phone expen e nct' req. SICllTAIY F lt6p/t P'>9· Wkdan • lr1wflrnut't•k1111t"rrtt1ry '!ff'--to the elderly pa ~ H1t1tem dest,... ~ 16Wpm, tite bk...-Slnlft 1dverUaln« ajetl· aattllllpm:m~ "' mm ~le.cal ~·llPt•r. tk'f\tx N /\ Cert cll11ii.es ble but not requlrt>d. kpg. m a turt' peuon. tY In Corona del Mar ... _.,_ 1~11t· 11:1 • M11a1r1.1rd for 1r1.1mm1C All Hh1rt11 Mu1<1 h(• aood with Small t•o w1lh a ood needil conct!med penon ·~ " 1-:x1··r l11·l11ful /\sk rur kVtltl /\pply 144 ~ h.iurt'h II profu:ll'nt with growth po t1•nt1;al • ln&erealin1 opportunity So West Bank. La1un .. M1mll11 tl40~00 Sui••nur N u <•d<l1na marh t h a n d benefits C M. Please for skilled Individual Beath Bra~c.h looklnl( 1·akul:ilor lty pcwnkr callOO 1593 bi~lJIO. fo r full tune t'KP~j I.IV!', IN 1'1111.U l'AIO :, ltu~' l & 1U I.I ll~k l''t 1111 ~ I.Ch l1h·11I l11r io.tu rlo·nt 11r gru111l111a N1 Ii"'•'' I j 'I 111 I :1 u I t~l tl'.!HI 1,1 V h I N l'ht , .. 111111 ""'I"'' , ·"" ''"'.,.. f111 1· I 1 1• 1 h • I .1 d y • (' M :>&H ;i:._IH!I LOTrERSOM llllllll'dl ll lt• OIJl'l1 111 ):. ·~·111111111·11t '""''l111n. fr 1111:•· l11·111"f11s 11\ Prl 11111• l oll !'>J ll'" Ma11:1f,!1•1 llLL YATfS VfWrORSCHE SAHJUAH CAPISTRANO 8 37-4800 I I " 11 \\ \I l'IC 1>:<.;~ I> 11r 1111• I•' t.1111.1111 111111.11·1 \lo I 111!1-'lll' 111'1 II\ 1C1-..1.1ur .1111 -.11,11.~Jll MACHINISTS I ol,I\ Ill hr "'' 1•k I I If t-,1( I 'IJI :O.TH I ~.:... •1111 '"'' 1· "' ' II \• "~ '1111111 I It \11 1i<1ll ,, "'"' .111111\ 1'11t• 11111 .11 I .. 11•1111.i 'II ' I'""'' II"'' l .. 1.:1111.1 l~'.11'11 \l.111111 11.1111'1' 111.111 ,.,, .1:. 111111 .1111 1•11111111•·\ rn < • :ti oA.' .1iri.I :! 1:11Hof! :IX~l l \I \I .' 1'1"°" \;-.;(I· jk'I llUllll'lll 11111111'11 11111 lu>w J11t1 1111 I~: 111\' 111m pl•·\ , ........... ,<. 1!•'111 1.tl 111.11111 I" 1·11•1 111111 l'"'I' ...,,ol,11 \ .... 11 .. 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' l,.., 1 •. \··I Hrl t I tit ~ ,\ , , rt 1 1 1 , 1 • • ' 11 , ' I ~ i 11 Phtlfll ' •. )1 •.,. ''''" t 'I >'\ :tt 1 \lo•• lt.11111 •'\fll'I '" 1\ •II•~• I lo ""'I. 111 11111·~ ll •J 11 \I 11 t ... 1 J I ~ t.l•, "''H" 111 I \l1U1 l-11 \lo·lt1.11 l fttlll o•lllt•• !di NURSES LYN/IN l.VN 1 3 Me1hrat111ns f'\1ll orpart l1mr· It N 11 7 ltehc·f r hnritr nur~: <:oocl s11lury ancl fr1111:e hc11l'(1t:-. Mo.·.,.1 Vi:rilt• (;11n vttlt·io.n·nt llllll111tal filil ('••nlt·r St. 0111la Mesu MM·~ NURSES AIDES :1·11 & 11·1 s hrrtio. E7' J11•ri1·n1·1·1l or 1n1•x Pl'rl•'lll'e<I ('1•rtlf1e1l lntutlllf.! prof,!n.im M1·i.11 V1·rd1• C11 nvalc!>('t•11l ll<ko1J1l;il fi61 l't•11l<'r St ( ·1,..ta Mr·'•' LYM .1 II ~h1 rt 5!I ht•tl r :w 1 Ir t' ,1, k I'·". an:-., II p:t ;cl llohrlJI' l'll·a:...i11l "'1J' k •~lllfhtu111 .... lli lwtl ,1,, '""' 1-.cn: 11 :11111·"' Ulm Jlue,.p 20!>~ Thunn. (' ~t l~I:! ~IJ'Y.'1 I ':•rt tunr· h1111k k1· .. 11t·r :! ;1 hr-"'k S.'i 111 l':x11 •I 11•111 '\1111tk1•r Wt·i.l -.11!1· I \1 ;~.1 1~17 l':or1 ... r··r1,11n. 111;1r11;i • '''I' 11rt·l··rn •d 11111 nol 11•q l·)1ll t11)11· i-1:11 w 1 'o.; ... 1 llwv :-.11 l'a n trm1· J;inrton.il . •·\ "' ('1111 pl1· ... p r o· I ti I II 111·1•-. liank' So t :11 .... 1 .1 I l' ·' c •• 11 :-. I ,. \ ,. :t:tl 11,;1 PART TIME EVENINGS .\d1111,. "'11h 11111:-.1.111ol111r .1111 .1111\t' p1·r..,.111,ol1l1" Y.fkt .... , .. \ ....... ~1111! "'lllt I.rib lht'I :!l ~l.11 l .ol :'I.I '•U I" r hour l'l111rw t. I.! I .1 ·•I I-.\ I .! . .to Ill·. IV. I' .... ' I 1111 , 1111 l'\1 Ask for Andr~a I .11u.111lppurt111111' J',11111111\ I f P~TE-UP ~SEMBLER \\1:h ,•I 1~.,,~, I \•'·'' •. , 1 ... 111·111 • ,,,, 11·1.111 1' llo·V. f1.q11 •r ... \I .. 11, nl I l•Jllp.111\ 111•111·111 \1/j)h 1 •• , ....... 11 :1 \,\1 .111d 1,1· \1 :"ll11111lav l h "••IS'h l''r 1d.,, ORANGE COAST J>AH. Y PILOT ,, I:! .~..11:• lU1\\ flt\ '•I I I• '·' ,,, ·' l.q11.tl ( lfll"'' I 111111. I 1111•h111•1 PBX OPER. Hot t• ran.it-y1•1trly -----lA!Uers. Plea1e call J<*n $791111SI10011 lH<OW N Rcrcptron1sl /T y p1st Lg Gott or .Ilia l::vani.. JOHU/\N1SANT/\ ANA ~velopmenl firm. F.xp SIClnAl'f 49'7·1n1 ams llulladay !179·0131 helpful ~wpm, Oppl 'y for aqvancem~nt. Nu· Fut pace import/export PHOFl':SSIONAI. rold West 7S2·596218Sl-08M ro. located In Newport mo Id c· 1J w 0 0 r1 h n ;.1 t Ueach. looldnl( for a n in· Tow Truck Onvers l'X· per'd Top pay. App(y n"w Tow1nic . H OH C»\ms Way. C.M. 642.12.')2 hU1hlt•n, wanl••tl ttef':. ll.e<'ept1orust for sales of· leWl(ent. ind1vldu11t for n-<i l mmcdiak t>mploy h<:e of l'Njor wholesalc secr etarial & r'cnral mc·nl Wr1t1., c & II nurser y . Compe t1t1 Yl' ~. Wltra1n. Xlnl t'n· Mumu'. 1053 17th Ave. salary, Cully paid heallh Vlrortmenl and benefits . Tow lnack driver exper Apply In l)t!rso n ztellS Ortetca Hl1<hway S.J .C. SIU t (' t;n '15002 pkl(., paid varat1on . Cull 759·9461, a sk fo r 1 11 ,ru7.. ' _ cducalion11I reimburse Mike QUALITY CONTltOL ment 1\pphcants must -------- Nl.-t'tJ pi•r:-.1rn with~· i•x haw typrni: 1•xp. clean. SECIET ARY 1~m>fln• Allmrn,.,trntiw 1i.•11l appcurcncc & ~oocl Req1.1re xlnt scrr1·tan a l. DAIMB txit·kf,!rournl helpful E>< tI·lephooe vortc· (;ontatl ad m 1 n 1s t r a t 1 v 1• & Wl' wish lo add a pro 1wri~nr1· rn hydra ul1t• JoAnn: 714~!*14!·0004 _ mathe m at 1r a I sk Ill:-. foss1onal. expcn enr t!d r11·ltl 1h•i.1rt•d n ol re· Dynamic work1nJ? <'n· lr81.11Cr to our staff. On~· llA'<·e11tronist for N II C l'/\ viron"""nt Slti',llOO. Wnti• who ha s exrv•rience ln •1t.11riod 1\Kenda\1:.lnd:. r tt t ...... ,.... 01 lrvrno· irm l-'QUJrt'' t•x1·1· l1·nt Ill l'onl1denrt· to tiox 2116. <:ondurtl.ll~ hvc tratnln~ :lll07H.'l'J E<> E typr:.t w phon•· •·x 1> Qironadc-I Mar Sl"!.!tlOns fnr foreman Sa.l;iry opc·n <.:all Elor:.1" M/F & super vis ors In It;\ l>l OLOC; Y HOSPITAL RADIOLOGY TRANSCRIBER hmttdlate os-ninq for eithef' a full timr or port timr Radioloqy Transcri ber. Ex · perienc:e is necessary. Monday throuqh Fri· day, l~l l:JOpm for Ml timt shl~. Wt of· ~ exc~llent beMfih. Pteoaw apply to: Personnel Offic~ SANTAANA TUSTIN COMMUNITY HOSPl{AL l 00 I H Tustin 'A.,e Scirito Ana, Ca 9 2705 ''-'IU:tl 1111111 \ o·mph I ,, ~ II l'..\I. I-~ l.\T " "\I 1-.:-. '1·"' 111111'" """' 1011111111• I· ' II " ,\ I II • ' " ii '·"•"•I• ••l•I•· 111·1·•l•·il 'I 011 I rnllllll'-"" Ill Ii.lid !'it llol f111 f fl• i\ p h1 tfP rl•J lfl 1 nn I 1dt'fH I I II u •• 't,. ~ ,, I .. 1,"IUl.t ft,. I' ti ~f,''' 111 IC l.i\ I . I • I \ r I I \ I· .,, I I '•••HI .. • lul 't1l lfl lfj • ,, JI! I ii ,j f t I• 1 "'t••• ''' ,1 " r••d•lli 1.1111 :0:11•1\ • • 1H '"· ... H f (, .al 1-. I ol • '•·"' ""~·II "'I I• I ", ,.., • rl I ',,,. 1111. '''" f 11n11tt• r• 1.d ,, , • ,,. •. ,,, ••• I fd I 'tiC ••• '/Ill• I I "'' ,,. . I '"'''"' 111·\I t·~l \11 :-. \f.J.'i \I \' \\ \,.I I-11 I-\I('\; I I' If I l.1 t '11\1 \11 ........ lt I' " I I I .. 11 11 '.ill",,, "111111\ lot t 1111 111 1, ., I 111d •1111 ""· "' .... I • ,If II 111, '· ~ 756-0C>ll , SECRETARY varu·d indui.lnal e n l~1·pt11.>n1:-.t fur arr l11t .. 1· .. :.Xlnt oppty for :-.harp, h1 virunmt·nt.' \ural firm. Front oHirc pwr Secy w/xlnt -,kills t•i ·•1Jp1·11 ranc·t• a mu:-.t work 1n 1·oni:1·n1al Npt ~r bu."int-:.:-. I~ trnmm~ .!iala.o' ..01.1!:.1 ..t:u.lLJ'arL tk h K t-: ofr Iii·~ ••xp ~1· o fft.r a dyn am11· Um<' 540 74l'l 54!1 :rm ~ net-11{'(1. xlnl .,al & 0~1p1 ;.-o:rnwth Pl>Q nu.ii f0t ad ---~ · for 11ual iruh\ (..';ill ·l.ila <!•••..itt·d pr1Jft•s .,.oo;.i1 tct-:CEl"l'IONIST TV l'IS1 833-l!OO'J Salary" at th1• top uf th1· pn\atc t·<1vntry duh For -indui.trv ralll(t' Thi-. anto·rvu·v. 1allfi4·1 ~10>1 St-1•rt·l ;H Y, t-:><,•1•1111v1• po sit ion ran 11uH•kty Type• 70wpm. clll'lalJhont· .:mw m rt-:.p11m.rh1h1y & lra ns1•ripl111n, .. hrthnd 1•11 m111i.::-. rur the n ght I< I': I N V E S T ('()l l;>-;SEl.011 :-;pl IWh tru:-.1 cll·•·•I r1rm ...... k:-. lfllilhfil'd l11·1·r1i.1•1• ,,, •·.1r n s:10 .01111 714 :15.'1 007:1 • J!.1..,L.1ur;1111 1\:-.!>r"l :\111gr :&lh1 C'orl<•t• Sh1111 l'a11J \'a1·;1\111n-l'<1'1kllll! ••Xpt"r 1w 1 1\11plv 'I :iylor., H1· ... t l«·•lhtl l & :-. 1\ "°"'' l'u:.1111 ~··· IC1111, W ~. l to I ll•-L.1ur:.111 l..\:al:11J l.,11h I•• [ll'o ....... 1 ... 1 .. ~ '"''"'""' twlpful. work "' f11111n IA'™"' _ nal •·><••1·ut111· Salary fl\Jl'n I.Ill J:Jl.i KX77 S1·1·r1·t ..ir} N1•wp11rl 1-ta•;u·h mon.:a~" hankmi: r1rm ha~ rmml'(J 111w runi: for ,, Jr ,,.1·n·1 an· Ito• qum,., 1 y1l1n~ ~Jwpm & ... tithd llllw1m1 l 'rior 1°1 (11·0· 11r .,,.,.,.,.t:1r1al ,.,.,,. I' It· a~ 1• 1n1111· at 1• •• ~ J1':ncn1·1· & carnm~ h1;. tory 111 f1r~1 reply /\I.I. n •filH'lt will IH.· trcah'CI m mnJ11lt..nt•1· EOI-: ltcJll~ l\rl =:1111. flatly l'rlol. I' 0 IS<"ill I Jfifl. l'v:.t.1 Mt."'·' I';, !l~tiZli 11t ... 1r1'tJ Xlnt 1·11 l>t•nd1l .... I•----------·1otl,1n 1·11mm1·11\u r.ol•· "' 1·'1' Coll p.·r'>l1nn1•l l111 ·•IJlll 1.1111~> 1-:()1'. 'l'r.1wl Ai:1·n1 ol •· ..,. 1 I -.:1 h r • S•·t·r,.t.1 n ll•i•1kk"''lll'r 1-: it I!'' rt •• n ,. • ti a I!•' 11 I n,,..,.,, .. 1 111 'alt-ol '·""' ltlHI 11,111•1 llll'IUd lll l' 1111•" "'k Y.t•tl ~Ull (',tll l':1rt llnlt (' \t .1r.·.1 l•il111 M•1t kdal• l11r •Ii· no·~thlt-hr, l'l<'.I'•' 1-.tll '.111 ... l!fl ·r1:i:1 1~11 :11~•1 SALES JOB HOW OPEN fUll-J'IME (, I( .. \ f II I' I' t > H I I :-. I I Y r Ct H I 1 I I !, 11 1 'I, \ \1 lilTllJI'" 1'~·1c~11" 11 1 l•1\1C:-. ICll' l>l ~l.l.\H" \11'">'1 fl r II\ 1.11 I ~ --..\I .I-.~ 1-•. \l'U<l" .. '1 1- 11 I. I I' I I I -.. 11 \I I l°l lCC. \ °' t-. r 'I l\111\ H IJ I· \ I' I· IC I I· "· I I'. IC H /I 11< .. I 1 I \I I \ I •> I I' t· II H l'\'11 .l<\H \.\ OAGAN EXCHANGE Ir.II-rt ...... 1.~ "~"' l<l'l.111 "'lrolo ,,ti•• ~.'11111• SKrriary /Recpt. l.111· 1r.off11· & 11h"''''"' 'IUTt1t.1nd1111!., l11r 'mall m.11!a11n1· 11uhl,.,hmg 1·0 :O.h11r 1h.1nd 'ktlh 1 •·11 M1111mum J y,... 1•\f~·· :0,,1l ,1h 1·rom1111·11\Ur.1l 1• lmmo'(I 1111t·n111i: l'horll' I ur nr '" n 111 i.: ,qq1 t 7a.! &n.-1 llnn11 n ·w1111 SECRET ARIES HO SHORTHAND .... \I ltjlt'll lll/'' l tt f ~1 ·1·1-.11 )llh~. :-, ...... "''' llt>ril h "" .11 11111-. ,.111 .. ti. ''''"" """"" "'111 11 ·"" '""'' l'1·r..11nnd 1\1•1·111·1 1XX .. I i lh l'1,..1.1 .\t..· .. 1 1,1:' I till S SECRET ARIES S !-.t·t HI' l.11ni,: II• Ii $f;1 IA~I lrll1·m.1l ,,11,., m.11 Ill<' p.1n Sl:!.1.lllU "1'\11"'' & mh·rn.111111111 I ,,.,,., ~.1 l.1 r1 1·11111 01.-ra ,u rat•• "' ,.,,,..r l)Uahfu'll onl) 11•·•·•1 JJ111 ly :r.'17 :nt•r 'ncl'('t\ flt<I Vl-.1< \ti\l~T ~11\:0. frir ... m 1·h1·m11";ol 1111)\ "' :!I .)r:-. min ag1· f.!d dn\mg n ·n 1rd. nc.11 '.1111K-;1r· 1\1111ly I I I'M ;\frHl Fri E I. \.to~Jrt' <'•J . 1:1~> (.'11m nw n 1.ol W;,' (. ;\I ~tlli :111:11 TUTORING :!nd I•• :1rrl ~(l'.111 .. lo·.1<'111 1 "'·•lilo·ol 11 11111•• rl11r1111'. ... 11111mt·r l<•"·l""•"Jf •tlll•" llH 111111· I 'I u1t1rt111• ' 111.,,, h111r .I Fun111111 'l •111 "'~ I • .11 h 1· 1 t'fl1lt•l\lt,ol• ro·q J-111• 111 li 'I \II'"' LJll U:t.).::t \lr:_ ----\1 ,11l ho•Y.-, ,,11, ;,:.,'1:1, \1 r 7:1.1 l1t:!J\ •• , , .... 1;7:, ><i~l TYPIST /OFF. CLK \\.,. h ,,,, 1m mo·rl 1a l• lllJl'fllrll! lt1r l!•l'l<l l \ IH~l lo .... r ~ 1n 111 •. 11r r11··· ~·rvrc "' 11••111 .1 I •111 r ;".IJl lkh C'IJflJllf:tlt• or '""' I Jul,. .... """' mduit.· •'''1'l 10 J' •n htll 1ft:1tl I 11 II m It :1 I' 1-i, U '' ···llC '.1ll 011•11 ,11 ~tll ... ,,. "'"" 1111\11"• 1111 l11 d1• I•"""' 1.1·1wr.1IClll11•· 1ttirw .111d ... ,11 11.1111 I•• 557-0825 1 11111" ,.,,, ... 111,rltll• •• u •• 1 ... 1111•·1 l11r I • l"f•h"ll" ·'l""'''nlll t'I \I• t \J 11• I I"• ,1l1!.· 111 \\111 k illllt' "'• • k 1•1111 I 1 111111• :1 • 1Apn1 t •·111111 .. o1 I·., pt•f lt•U• ,. 1•1 ••I •·I r •·ti tfl ... ,11 11.1111 \1.111 \ '""' I'"'" 1111 ... 1,1• l'11ll 111111' 111Ji.on111111 d.1 1 o\ d l1·1 11•11111 ,. '•'II Ill I 111 11 ,1\.1ll.tl1lo 1111 ,1 • I ill \1n11 111111 1•11 •I.I l.~111 1-. (I ~. "''' !"111111 I.di. "'"" I h"lll .I I 111 r 11111d11• t 't1r11 111,1111· ,;,Ji-, h1nr11• ITI.' llkll Ill "' Jv 11hl•·r '\!Ol ~1•1 "'~"' r11o1r •• 1 1'v l llllllll ;\•·"' l•1t..il1011. 111 11' I \1 1111 S t.11 1111• 11u•h.old\ ILq•11I .111\ "ltlll \ I• 1 Ill.I II 'I 17 II .11t \h \r1h ur t '"" 111• n ·1·p1 S1.1Al(1 ll\.:Lcf,lt I) pt· !Al. 'S:I bOO \ I' Ill-~111 fl>Cll \p11111111 nw111 C>11f\ 1'.111111••' l'r' I'." 1\1 I I',.,., I JI ICt•1n1to·r ... 1\)'1·n1 \ 11r.~1 lltr1 h. 1-.,1.111 1.1 '''"'l••t l l!.'.11'h t<:Ll Xl'l l "'"' hbt1.1lll •1111·1 .11111 fll'•''••tH.:Pt \\Hf h rtt•'4'JI 11•~1 .\t 1:t'lwr.ol .oll .1r111111d '''1"'11••111 I l•f••l .. 1 ••·ol .. , •. ,.,, •. I llW "'·" 111111· t!•'lll't ,11 111f It ' "'ti I\ '11111 l.\t I llo•fll ""I kllll' o 1111ol1 •1':-.·1 \I .I I· I< "I"'' 1.il11\ I lli...1.oll••I I• •I 1•;111~ • ol 1111 \1 ,. ti I ' I I ·' I ••1111111111 111 l•\pol .... 1'1'111'11'•" 11111"""'"'' 1f11l1111 ,11 11111 /(. I I 1•1111' ''"IL' .111tl lw1wl11 in "'" I. ii I ' I" II II I• II I I l°;,...l:r :"111•,,1 l.111111\ Lill l••tr"tl ""' ,.111 11 ,1111 "•11 1·1·••'' ''"'"' 11,111..111 il l 1.1I K.r11 I"'' ''"' 111111\11 .. 11 •. rl:Lt 11~111.11:•·1 (\ 111•111 Ji,,,.,. I :arl 1l11·h.11 1b "I \l 1k1• lluh l.111111111• ''""r"11 :--u111,:i11 1111 :111 .q11••llll 1t1••11t '"" x 1111 ....... r k 1111' -rnn1t ~!~111 ·t-:r,ir.rl·np-J.u.-.ua .11;u:. - ;111111 F11ll l11·111•f1\, 11.1111 l•irlunlly i·rrrplrt1't'I l1•11i,.11.1l11\•11 11t11 1111 11. '·••"oll 11111.., & hitlttl.t\' 1·.on·o•r 11•11", v11111 111 1 "'1th 1"11t11111 ,il I· 11 111 ~ .. n1 Jllh ofli·r \1111 111 L ... v lo 11·.11 h iJ 1' 1;1-;;o.;EHAl.OFfH'I-. d••1••nd1•111·1·. 1'1t''l1111· ,, .\111J11rt .111":.• (',111 l11r ft-i·lin ~· ol .11·1•11111111 1-.h .1ppl .111111.,,,.,1·.1r11 1111111:., , 111•·111 ~ •·1 m1•>1111c ..,,,;·1111 Ill S ~1 1\HKl':TI NC, ,, rly fro·•· t.111111, 1 11r 11 'lln"l 1111..,l11o1rl•l 1.oll.. x.:i.;1 1~1:~1 o·\t•r. 111111,. \Olol'k•·ol 11111 "'tlh ~ .• 11111•r•, l11,11r.11h 1· t.rt1llp llMl,1\ I .tll 1;1·111• l h ll.1rd~11> 111 l (1l•1w ral Ori 14'•' Or1l•·r l )l~k. lwav) 1ih.,1w ... '' 11 111,.:. r1hnJ.!. 1·1• 1;11•111 pl111111· 111;1nn•·r' ,.,.,, n 11.11 Sm.111 111fi: :--•• l:rn tl(•J.!11 ><..n W IXllr :-.1 l '\1 1;•-111'r.rl 1111 11 1· "''""' -.h.1rt• l!11I t11r rnlur111.ol ut f11·1• 'f 'prnJ,! 11•1p11 r•·rl ( :l:rtlrll'\ 11111., 'l..!'I \\ 11..iko·r I · \I :,11, 11:!1:! 1;;•no•r;1l I If ltr ,. :-.1n11ll 111111 •• "'''k1111• " 11 r1 I! h I o h ,. ,. r f tr I ""''r .:1·111• 1"'r'"" "'h" Irk"' v.11 11•1 \ 1'1 •1•,.11 1111111:-.I. 11h1111•'' & I) 11111 1! 1-:,..., pn•fo•rn•1I. ,.i1.11 ' 111~·11 C'.1lll11r,11•f•I 111\on 111 o1 :•i. ;,1!1 xro1~; C: l',N E H J\ I. 0 I" I• I (' .. : Tv111n1• t1i1 tiO N•·"' 11111'1 l\·nto·r. Xl11t h,·n..r1h , l11wly :-.urrourulml!:-. C:ol I Mr~ l>Utl11k 1;.1<1 HJ.t lil':NEl</\1.IWFICE •,m 11rflt•1•. 11a rt 11 m1· 1"111 lt•lephon1•. llt1• l\ 111·. 'om<' l11111k k ''"I" 11 i,: :1 mu ... t Co:-.ta M1·,,1 1;ll fUH! G&IERAL OFFICE Jnformul 1•nv1rrmm1•11l I-i v•· c:rrl Of'fr1·1· .Joh S.·c·unty Company l'aul Mt'IJtt'otl S700TOST/\HT 1m;m:H SAl./\lt v WITII F.Xl'l':Hlto:Nn: Will tram for :i vimt·ty of ac1.1v1t1cs t)C).3321 m Newport Sl.77 per DAY 'Jlrul ':s A LL you 1my for a 30d1ty ad 1n lhc 1·.1n1 :1 pa11I :111 m rl•· 10 :m> lf•·,1111.1111111 1,r """ 1'111111 I ' '""I '1111 •• \ .,1,1n '"'rr11111: I h:ol p.11rl tn p lr1 Ila"'·'" 11r \1"'" '' ttr v..ht•r••\t•r ' Typist 1( h·r~ & :--1 I Secr~tari~s '"' "' ftlll ~I I 1 J111,., :I\ .11 laltk """' 'I 1111 JI··~ :--1"·1•1.1111111111 Call/111 :i1111111nt1111·111 ltr funllt'r mr11rm;1l 1t111 557-0061 t,0~ o f fl ee • ~OJ overload l.t'flt·ral OH11·1· PURCHASING SECY lnl..r1•:-.1111g 1111:-.1111111 a1 our 011.ta Mr·:-.11 f1w1hl) V;in1.1us dut1~:-. 11w lud1111! ly1-11ng ant.I pr1x·1·~s111g 111 JJurrhu:-.t• 11rd1·r'. 1·11r n·:-.11c:>nrh·m·r . mnmla m ing hl£•s u( a rrnunl:-. ancl Vl'OOors Som1· 11un·h11:-. mg or :w c11unt111i: l\pply bclwc·n1·n II 11 , I 3. Na lJonal Edut·at111n C..:orv 4401 Um~h St NII (Nr OC A1rporl I l':C1ual Owty Emplyr GBBAL OFFICE Ocpcndul.Jlc, s1•1f starter w1111ted for con~enw I om• l(irl office. t:lertron1l'S firm. Typm~ 50·55wpm. /\ptitud1• wilh ri~urcs Salary open. Cull Mr. A. ~fol'ltppt. 5.'t-~ - General Office. Clcrki;. DAILY PILOT SERVICt DIRECTORY • Typists, Secretan cs. /\c ell( C 1'•rk 11 , Ree•·J•· lKlni!!L"l. Top pay. No ftt· Paid we<>kly MOllULl Taa.orary Senk• I R VIN .. ~ 152.. t;l;6fi iu,,,N 558·9021 lfL1.1Uf .tUt't• '''"'f•ll l I~"" Ir 1' .. r.,1111.ol f.1111 ... lrt \1•1·111 \ •·1 h 1111: l''f"'' 1 h•11• .11 ,,..r,1111 "' 111 ... 11r.111• ,. l1ki·111rl 1 .oil 1,i.; :fHh l111t·n••r I>•''"'" !-1••1 'r• • :... •• 1o ... 11. pro· • 111.1111 • • ~.11.tl \ /(. f h flllllt" •IHlt -..11110 1 ~I'll. l111rl 1\1'.ll It ,, I t .1 1 1L'l"m tlo·..,1•11 IV t.ol11 " ·' 111>11 111'111 , . .,,., k llll' ·'" .• I! 1: I , ..... I \ I' "' •• I I .... 1.ol1l1i.h1·d ,;.i, ... ,,,.,..,,.l (,t11alrlwtJ ;1pph1".1111 . "'di 1,.. a .,,,II .,t.1r11•1 w11h 11 pr11v1·n If.wk ro'l'l1rrl 1\11 plll'm11 :-.l11111ld ro •:-.1111111 1 W1lh 11''111111' l•I l\1 1.\ .• ~.:, l)fuly l'tl11I , I'll l~•ll l.11,11 ( ·~1 . ~·~>:!I· lnt1·r111r J>,·.,.gno•r "'rll hanrllr· .,11rn1• h p1111: & l1ook work Mu.,t 11.t\ •· 1l;_.,,1j.!nllll!, o•XJI :\l11n Fr~ ~1lary "I"'" ~.~,7 11,:11 .I 1\ N I T 0 H I \ I. II t-: I. I' WANTf';I) W1 ·:-.tPrn l 01111 l.11" M1110l1·11.1n1•,. ('111 p h;is t1JM•f1111g' frrr t l'haltlo• Jll~lplt• Ill llllf I lt•,tnllll! work f>a v & 111l!lll .. 11111:-.. 1\txiv1· m;nim11111 wai:•·111 ~tart . rap11I ;uh ;rnn • mn1t <.:a II 1;;11 07:!3 l1t 11. 11 >I & 1211m /\ll1·rn1111m, & l'Vl~ ('atl lii:l-•l:l~ili JEWELRY SALES F 1• m a I t• .1 1• "' ,. I r v D1·s1gnt·r 111•(•r1 i; ,. ~ p ii sah'lipcrson. f 11. w11rk1111i know led~,. 11f I ht• 111 dus try nt•1't!ssary lor m~r pt)R1twn. fo:l l'ita nt s alon 111 NU <:1111lat·1 Mr:; Mohr Mo n t-'r r G.ll-4,107. LAI ASSISTANT Work m t\•slrnl(, p;wkaj.! mg & h11nclhng 111 rood pn11lurt.o;. <:111111 malh up t1luck. ru11 tln11· nnlv Startin~ rak Sit 72 ll4'1 hr ('all Uan Snanlv, 21.l ~11 lliOll 1.l'X:At.St-: 'IC ET1\ I< V MEDICAL I.I\•' 111 , ~11~1 111•1 "'•·•·!. 11l1L-. I• ••Ill ..... It•,,,, ol I • I I I KIO l.jl,f 111 l.!l.l 1 l:!K1.1:11 Metal Polisher F fT 1':1q"'f11'fll'l'tl loi:\ ;1'_.x.1 \h1 ..,,,.,.r .. 1.1n T.11.1· 1111 jlllr ·°' 111o' llH'r 111 h•·'I 111.1• Ill ,. Ill II I 1"111.111 1·1.11 ,., r.rn1•••tn•·11i.. ill ""I I ,. • I 1 11 11 ' I ' r 1 111 •· t •· 111111 .i l11lrl\ 1'1 . t•I 1111 .ti p r.1• I 1•·•· I 111 ;1 I 11' ,.,l.1f~1 ~WMlll 11111 pl11, 111·11··1 II ' ( '.ol I I\·" h \ .:.:~ >(f..t• t•I I\ 111 .. ~"\,tJ~·· .. , 'XZ!.· MODELS Fr~e Photo Day ',,11 Ill :!l'\1 ;1l ~It I "" I \llla1•1• l<•·oo•n•• I r •"' 111111111 wlr .. n 1 •"l!"l t·n ·<I 11.1111 ~ 11 l ' T 11 (' 11 1\ S 'I \t o 111-:1.s Ml 11 ll':l.1 M ; SC'll( )(ii. So. 01.1:-.l I 'l.11:a \'tllaJ,!e. 7111 Mii ~1711 ~l111l1•I.-. We ..ct MW faces: M111M:-. M.11t• & l-'1·m.t11· I I v o II r f ;, o• o· h ,1 :-. I' h ,I( ,11• t I' r I'> h I J.! h 1 ..... h1•11i 11r li.111k' Irk" th1· i:1rl no·\l tluor t ':111 (11r .111 .11111111 1111111•111 f •1 r a 111•r..1111a l 111l1•r v11•"' You 1·11uhl hl' m 111l1·lrn1: a :. 1•l1rll '" fll•XI \Ot'l'k ' ~I don I ht•!>tlalt'. t·all ll•>W. IL'>k for lla1t'I 7M r..11 !il~•t N1·"" York w,.,, M1ocl«hn11 Ai:1•n1 ' K75 W llilhSt.NB Mnt1·I llo us1•kt•t•1a 'r:. ~.days/wk, 9 2.3f111111. S:I n 11 I')( II. $ :i, 2 5 l'>• p . Mf1 9'171 MUASEAIDE :t lo II, 11 In 7 lpl1 l-Unt'. ""P prcrct. <:11 pay Sm t•onv htlli p m (;M 549 30fil N"™-" LVH c lp·m11~:-. purt I rrnr· nri,:hl duty & full t1m1• aft1•r n<IOO ::.tuft Xlnt :-.111rt111i: :-.alnry & bcne Appl) .., ill(~lllp """' 1'1•1111•1. '1NI l'1:tsgh1p ltd . N pt lk•h L . -Personnel Clerk \A.,. h.111· ,111 llllmdll.11•· 011t·n t1t ~ for ,ift t•\ p .. 11 1·111···d ('l••rk 111 t>.H'\ll'IP:tll' Ill ·' \,trt• II .. r ·"'11!111111·11h on .. ur 1·111111 "~ "'' 11·l.rl 1•111 ll'.1111 TI1t· t"'"'''"" 11·•1 111 n'' •' 1·,.1f1•11l I ' 111111'. "rl!.trl1/.1 ll<tft;ol ,kill' .u1.t lit• .rhrh I\' Ill \0<11k "'''II \\llh I"'" 1111· ., " •111.al 1" ' .. 11 '111111111 II.I\ .. I :1 ''"'1' d ••n1 .ol 1•\111·111·111·1· 111 ,, h1L-.trl•'!'>' ..... u 1111• \ISi Data ('0111<1r.111011, .1 lr·:111ing ..11·1'1 ronu ·, ( 11111 p.111\ 11ff1•1' '''"''"'''" 1•1111110~1·1· h1·11d 1h ..... ,. .1pJ1111111111 .. 11 1 1•1111 1 a1·1 ~:t11·1·11 lla rl111:111 1711 1 :.1:11,1:!7 11r .1pph MSI Data Corporation :uo F1:-.1·ht·r A v1·n111· ()~II.I M1·,a. Ca !J:!li::!li t-~1u:1I Opportunity t·:mplonr M F PhotOCJ"apher 1•11<rrpc; R1\ f'l t t-:1< F r l'" I a n 1· 1• F 1 11 •• p11rlra11ur1• "'nrl hn•·f 111 ro I~·" 8.~ ( 'oro11a 111'1 Mllr !ll'l I.it 1 PLASTICS WORKERS 4 diq 40 hr Wffk 1\pply m J)l'r~on B>UR IMDUSTRIES INC. 2101 Dove St. N ll rRIM'TING Look1n1t ror 1·o mpan y when· you r an bur Id u c·a r1't.·r·1 We would hkc lo ta.Ill .to you, {;omJ!U~llO~ Ill-pt. now acrcplmit llJl · plirations for p118tt'·UP Apply l't'flnysaYl'r 1660 l'luccnl1;1, CM Thurs momml(s. l'rinl l.;1 y11ul 1'1•r i.on 11/{'l'llCd for fu :-.t p111•1•11 lorul hrm .fo:xp llt'<' S.·1111 r (' s u m r t •> I. a I: 11 n a Mallal!tmi•nt. 920 (~ lt·n neyrt•. Slt• X. Lii ~21;~.t «H-( ..... ~ 00 IT NOW ' •42-5671 t:.0.E M W Some t• 1wrrt1w 1· pr•· fc•rrc'(I N1•wpm1 ''1•ntt•r Sol•• f'rart101wrt(io.•nc·r:rl Jl"IU1 ll'\.' f~\4 rt!',tll f,lnvc i.omt•lhml>t tu sell" -- ( 1a.~llrfwd aclll do 1t we ll lP.'ant Ad Kl'l\ulli. &12 54;7X I 1t11·\f11'fl I\•' l.1rHI l"•ll'•'I ll'i 111· I I 'I• • I 'I •I •I ' ...... , I. • I 111'1 "'II "II\ "'' ', I 111 '1,.. 111 l 1111111' :.!••1111' \ ,k 1111 \1 t tl11v..11 d •r: .. , :1111;• l!l'.,\I. I'~._, I \'l'I·. :-..\LI':' I I fl " II I I) 1 I II II. ,. I I .... 1ahli-.l11 d Ir \ 111•· 111111 Tr.11111rt p . .,, ... 1"'' ·''"'' 1.!t'Ut'l t1tt t fJtllUl l"·•lttrl .. d 1t'll11I,• ('.d i IJ.111.11 11r I;• >13:1 >il~~I lll·:i\I. l'~o.;T ATI< Comm'l/lndstrl Salespenons ~u n l'"l 11l h r uk•·r.11•1• I 1, Ill ti .... 11111111-•l 1.1 l • • >1••n111~' t11r • u11ir11•·ro 1.ol .11111 1111111,1 r 1.ol .,af ,., p11r-111i... "'11 h llw 101111"' 1r11· 11u.1lrf 11 ·'' "'"' I .1111 II !-; I .11 1·11 • ( '0111·1•1· l>•'l'll'• \l1111111 u111 .: \, ._ .111 o , . ._,,1111 ro-.ol ,.,I.ti •' 'alt•., '''l"'n1•111 ,. •t '11111111 I ii. ln•l11 ... 1n,t1 1 V. ,. 11 II •. r .1 .. l r 11 11 I' 1111!'.ll l\'r• ""' 111t111111•11l I or 'Ul'l'o'''lll l P"r .. 1111.d i:rr1wlh 111 1·11m 111 I .11111 111 11u.-.tn:rl ro·:tl '''l:tl•• :-..1lt•:... h·a:-.ing :incl 1111 ,.:-.11111•111 ~ 111 0rani:r· ;11111 ~ .. 11 1>11·1·11 l '11unt11.,. h >r l11r1h1·r 111 rornw1lro11 n1111ad Corporate Realty Inc. llt.'{i:! M;i1•1\rth11r lllvd Sh· :!tu, lrv11w. ('a id !r~'7 1!>·11r 1·1111 7 1<1 11n :. fl!®< ICA·al l-xlat1• Sal•·:-. URMIMG ENOUGH INCOME? .• .111111 an 1•xn t 111,.: 1·ari•o•r w unit mrt,.rl 111 1·11 m •· IN)l\'lllt.11 I'll> urr11·1· rw .... 1:-''""ti or 1m·x1>'1l 1x·u11h• Trnin111i,: ~rot gram. lurt11m a:-.:-.1,.,1:1111•1·. full tim•· 1n11nug1·r l':1ll n~inai:1·r now ' for 1·1111 f 1111• 11 \I ,ii 111 \l• r \ II' II. 71t 770 fimO (-.-1wnma1m1m1 llt-ul 1-iltah' llrul i'l.t11l1.• Sulcs Toi) 1·11mmrssion .. :x pr•nt•nt•cd hurrl work m1~ prol1.,'l!s1onu.I ufCJc••· A#k for Mr l'us:.1•11 AllH·rl l~iwll IUt y Co r.:11 ~25:! ll 1· r 1• p 1 / 1. 1· 1: a I st• 1· y trnuM'\' Nl•wport &·uc h law 11H11·" N11 l1·1(t1l 1•xp or Sii 111·1• M ui.t t) Vt' t10 wpm 11r mort• ('1111 l .r11i-. 11 ~tu A M ~' :10 l'M 1•1()."900 l'l'()f>lr who n~'<l 1wn11t.· . 1 should ulw11yi. 1•h1•1•k l h1• Sen.&r<• llln;t1orv 1n lh1· l~.V rtLOT '-tit... JM•f ' t1lt "',Jfl' 1•fl d ~· I:••, l\• j1.1fl 111111 \\Ill 11 .11u , •'~"' , •• ti. u• f 11 \I•,. I \ I ti , ••• I ,. 11 •1.1111 ll.1111 ~I \'ll\Hl "'lltlr " --lU..__,_s_uo...tuLL_\l_ PART TIME S4-S6 PER HOUR \ l!f•··•' J11l1 1111 p ... ,plc \Oh11 lrk1·11o~•1JI•" (;u,rr:i11 t •••·~I , ,1 I ,it \ u r ,.,. nt m"'11111 I )(f,:r d1.1ri:·· "' o """'' 111 ""r 1 lwnt ' tl1·11l ~111n· n•"tr ~ 1111 • Flexible houn • Mo Exper. nttded • We train 1•, tf11r111:1nl'•' :-.1·n 11 • 213/281-8592 :--1\1. .. ;:-.1 ·1-:11 ~11\,, l u ll ''""" '''II 1irt•l1·r rt·1I. (':ill f11r· ·•Pl'l lla ~•·t l'I~ .._, .. 1 ~.l!I :107:1 ;-..rl1·,111·r '"" l 11 r 'lll•rt'"''';1r -..hn p l.tdo b l;md. full 111111· 117:11,:.!J(J '-11lr-:- 1•11 \'11sm1·111· ... h1rini: :-.al•~ ~1t'(1pl1· m I l I· ?M-6112 !1:!r1 SALESPERSON YACHTS Exi>1•rien ct• 111 ~ailing r•·<t Full t1ml' Kon a Mann<·675 1403 Sa lt·i.po.·r~on 't'a r hh· Waterlront OH11·1'.N U 67!>·5100 SALES SOLICITORS !-:am $4·Sl0 per hr rt• J?•Stcn nl! vult•r:-. C.il I now 964-lJ:ll SALlS/T. Y ,DEPT. 48111' Jl'('r Wl'l-k 1must b\.· able to work Sun Sala11 1'<.lfTlm w /t>XJWr. /\pvly m pi•rnon. Kl·rm Hmm. 4f'i(j6 Harbor Rlvd CM S/\LES-Wc na'CI an md1v I II l> (' 11 & l> C r Y I ('I' t-51.llbhshcd accounts for l.t'. We S(.>ek a d<.'J>t•nda hit'. pt.1rmane nt 1nd1v who nl'eds good l'atn· in.cs For micrv1ew rail ~7.!19911 Srreoen pnnUn.: produr· lion man:o:er wankd Must havr rxp ~11110 Sc11mstri·s~ ncedttd for ~1111 romp;iny t:xv pn· f'd r..11 4000/646·SllU6. ~n·tury for n•al 1•st:1h' dt•vt•lopt•r l.af,!uni. N1J(u\•I an•a $KOO 1900 ranl(•• Call Mr., t;nr hlh 49.'I 23-11 s,, 11·1.1n1·~ ~ ..... ; C1l 'II 1\ll I:\ l1 1tL1 \ • j.1..t.IJ<;l. untJc1 (.; l!JICJC..tJ (J1 lh •. £.0~ of f 1 c e • ~OJ o v erload -;,., rt'lary1r1••1•p11o n...,1. full 1 inw . l1·oni.tru<'l111n 11rit•nto·tl I l11r .1 ro'.tl 1•,IJlt' & 1 on,\rtll'l11111 f I r Ill -; .1 I ol r 'J ,. t' m mo·n ... u r ,1t1· .... ,,.,, rwr 1;.l(},11 l:! " •• "' I n I! ~1 ·' I' h I n ,. 1 't••r,1tor :--inl!lt-111·1·111 .. l"'"''·r m ,11 h1n1• 11111 "',, ,.,.,. 11 1;. 1.1)1,11 :-. "'Ill lkh C rll bt·t :1 ~'I'"' S t .dH1n1·1\ :-.1111 .. 1n C.ll'un.o tfrl ~1ar n1-.•1l' "' lll'rt••n1·1•1I 'alo-~ I .111 \ l'ull lllTI•' ~. <I.II ... ~Int wMkint.: •·ond ... 1-: ... 111·1·1al I~ t 1111· 1'11t•11tl'11• m~1 111111 SUMMER HELP Url!t'lll ly nr·o·tt.•cl la:- ll"!;Ullknanc'•' & llfl\'r .it 1un d1·pl 11( ll unt1 n i:t 11 n llt:ad1 1•11 y ..i-t11x1I ti" tnr'I SJ 75 pt•r hr apply ?:IS Mlh sl II H [~i !f:12!1 SWITCHIOARD OPaATOI Must bt• rc~p()n:-.rl>h· & c.k.'Jll•ndablt• A\all I for ITD\t :-.h1rt:-. C;ill for appt 00-751» S)~. Pro1!ramm1·r. u ...... 111 <.."' & m:1th. l!OOd pro l!r ammir11! .,kill'. • knowlt'<IJ!t' of IC. & l~o.;1 ri. n'Qll J\l .. o. knov. li'lll!t' uf ll"M on c·ybl•r 171t 175 t I> It c..: II II I ll M I II ·r,;;1Hatch . & th1·1r J CI. 1:-. n:'Qd $3ti0wk Taki• th" ad to rw11r1•st t-:mpk1y mt.'fll IA·wlopmt·nl 1>1·11t 00r<l2011i7 02"l Ad p:ud fOf' by t•mployt•r T l-:ACl-U:H M1lnh'i-svn must haw H A I rvm1· ~ 749-1 Tt:AClll-.:R·l'rt•11r h: 1''11, F.Ct: Teq'd. CM art'it. 642-0411. ""'" '"""'' 1;1 .. 111 f \ ,. 111 I' '"'ti I ~ !'I• Ill • l•.Xl'I 1!-.I It I·. ol•".1r .tlol1 I-'''' ll ••rr I 111• ltt' f It l'lc·:"'' • .111 \l.1r:"• 11;..r lit· .ii I Ti'l'iT<l1 I I :\pl ('Ill I' O t.111 1·~111 Tv111~1 ~ 1!•·1w 1·:o t ""'''' 1-\111 11111•· '11mm1·r p;1rt llllll' 1:111 X:H :i:~ol \o·L ... l'rd rl l'a1 I t11111• Up 1111 rlun11 .v I n N .1"' .i ~ 11,·:-o·r"· c;ooil l';JI f\t•1wf1 i.. ('a ll Nav.ol llt':'o('l"tr<i5:.! :C-.Zt \\1\ITHESSl'~"'W 1\ ITl::H~ F l1m1· t• 111111• Jl'>:-.lllon~ . JJ\I n1untn• duh 111 ll'n 11'"'"· l"·(uro · 11.\:\t art :!l'M.t.>11 ~11~1 \\.11tri•'M''• .11 Ortf,!m .11 l'l11a. <'f:!I li;1ll~1.1 llf\ol. "tm1·r ;.!:~nil S I. /'loll ,\l•I' I\ Ill p.•ri.011 \\:11lrt°!'~ t•n .... 1\1' duli t-:' IH.·r11• n1·1·tl wa rt r e,., l11r 1-'r11l:I\' lun1·h. Sal & Son hn·;;kfa:-.1 s:i.50hr plu.' t11~ (':ill II :10 to ::. Mon "'n li73 X"• I:, \\ANTEIJ S.1m1'Ctnt• tu ;1;. ~r:-.t 111 n ·s lnrat1on 11f ):ml1hom1• m CM. Sdl ... tarter. undL•r :! I OK. W1llrn t.: 10 lake 2 peoplt• l'all lll!li 1i2f~I or &UH16J.I aft >1PM Wanlt·d pnltc rs ll1f.!h waJ(r:o. MuJoit he :.k11leJ . ~tlHJS Anytime WAKTB> DRIYElt SUNDAY ONLY T11 d1•ll\•1·r Ua1ly P1lol bundJ~ lo 1·arners. Ht·· 111.1n.,, van or l:trl!C :-.ta Iron wai:on and a goud clnvm).( n·1·11rd . Pbunt· ll42 4321 ;1n1I a :-.k for 11..t rry S<'clcy o r Uon Wrlhams to:QlJAL Ol'POHTUNITV .. :MPl.OVl-:tt WAMTEXTIA Poa<ET MONEY? Work part-lJme for thl' Nt.'WlJC>rter News & CO!tta Mt•sn News. We ntitid dnv1'r s. folde r s, & ~(.'t1('ral office help. Call Tcena,icr 04..'('ded to care ~llL _ for1ot1rl'i ll& 11.t•Yt'S V1r lwcldcr tf'tttcr: 3 y rs CXJ>, t:n i.1.in/lla rbor 111. mu11 t w o rk from 646 7507 b I u c p r 1 n l 11 • h 1• T-1-: 1. 1-: p l l ,) N I': knowll'<tgeahte or weld SOIJClTOll 1•111m1• Sun ~ymbols. hi1th iitrenl(lh Thursday. s :.> 9 30 l'M st<..~15. shop proct.'Clurcs. min liupe rvlaion for Uln earn $400·1700 J>('r rrane mfier in Fountain mo. Will triun. mu.st bl' v 8 11 c y. T o p pa y re~pons1blc & able.· to 7:14-0337 follow U\Struct1ons . N U. --------- lll't'll 9M-3402 Seil 6dle items 642-5678 .,._, . --........ -. ~--· ... --.... ··-------........................... ------~ -_______ ... _. ______ , ______ .,. ______ .. .... ... _ --------... · ---------------~ p --• ---------------- 17 ' t ' ·-· ·- ~~~ ..... !!.~ !.~~.· ... ~ ...... ~~! !! .. !! .. ' .......... ~~~ ~.~ ...... ~~.~~ ~ .......... ~~!.~ ""9al-•1 IOI' ~.June 28. 1979 •·~··!·!·~·!·!·!·!··!·!·~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·· .... , ......... DAU. v PILOT C-1 I Wom•11 m a lur•. wl l h some nurJe uldti 1•x &lt't'frlet' Mu!!t have crir Mon tt\ru Sul fl 30A t•1 a.aoP Newport urt-11 •&:& WllTlll t~l"1<"ed 1n wrHlnv tralrurut llllt lo•n•I" ,. orlt b<111k1<. l'll'r i.I uc11t•, tJ amwr m.J nu&l1o t'I 1 •:xp11r1t•nr " 111 t.l't l p t i.nu11.i for au1lh1 11irw• 11 .11ru11.i w<iultl 1'1• lwl11(11I .a nol rn.Hlllal111 > Will l'Umilri1•r 11ro1"1 t 11r .)ulnlrljl uu1 ''"If .. , .. full lm .. · t·mpk)\ .... p I,...... I II I I ll 11 •• 1o.u11pk1 i. t •If } 111jl "'111 I. 4' i..al11r) rt• 111 .. 101 ' l"tW H1•ph \ti ,.,II lM1l" l'll1ic hi '"'' 1·.w n .. t .. M1· .. ,1 I "··~"-"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~I IK'll UlllltlUI'\ & (1n1' f't.1)f'Od ur lion 111 e1'1•:. /\ n tMjUl')O. ,.al nut 11rm11ir1•, Ok.,.ry tltop h·u( to1hli-. It ,. 11 r <1 fr 11111 :! 0 ·' M ,, ~ n a f 1 1 1· 11 l 1 M,1hoi:u11v l11•ppli•wh1t1• ... 1y l1• i.11l•·l11111rtl l'r 1\ct.111 :.tyl1· 111111 or,, M;1 !Jll' 11011ll'r lil•tl (.ill ~.;ilt>7 lOM't' c·o11t."t't•1r iwllan~ 1:.'iJ vr ul.t .. .nMl11,h t•l c·h1n11' "' cni;ra 1 ini;i. l!I'/ Hl"-1 /\ 11 I I tf U t•' <1 JI I t' I' I• 1~,1r1•1m "'' ""''" '.1n11 v two -,11 .. 1ntt•r l 11111k ... 1~11 ~1 IK AppliCllKft 80 I 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FIO:IC:llT l>J\MJ\1:1>.U l t<Tfl'(HNT SJ\t.... :l:l!lli W Wam1·r nr lla rbl1r, SunUI Ana !'1!1 ~14!1 ('/\Sil I'" II> Ws hr / l>ry r i. / lt1·fri ~", wurk1n1t 1Jr not :1~17 HIJ:J G t:1l'l'nn"v" w a,hc r . tlry1·r H·l1·1; I Many "I' l ml'\.'>. Lt'l-1> lhan :~ yri. olcl N1·w ~•1 1o1ll '"" p111r (or $:11111 1;1; I lill I H !(~1 5-~:1 llS .. :I> I< l·.FIC IC ; 1-:111\TI >HS Wa>oh1·1 " I >rv1·r-. l!t•»l Huy, /11:1111:1111" 111-:ST J\ 1'1'1.1 J\:-l('f';~ Salt-:1 & ~·rv11•1· S:W).it:l'll ~1:1ti O'J 11 J ~um II! t•a11a1·a1 y meal m I m1rruwave ov1•n. Ind .-nok hook & m II' r u hruwne•r S:JltO t ai.h ICIS 1 IKti lllPDIT 00.IY 176 I Newport .... c .......... t !i havin f;l an a uc·t ion Saturday & Sunduy , 12 5 f'rt·vlt•w 1'u t•11ct uy I hrougb F'rullty Thuuitandi-of lh•m i.. J t·wetry , anhqut•I'. por<"etnm. rrystal. ~otcJ. ch umc,nds & it ho wc·luws. Allc"f10Nt;rrns s r 11 1 N<:t-J c & w111n . 64l0 H tl NEWPOIT JEWELRY 17 6 I N•wp«t lbd. CottaMno '" h .l\lrt~ 1111 auc·t111n St1lu1tJ.n • & sun el d .v . I :! r, , • I I ' \ It'" T lll'' du th rough f"rtd;av Thou~:mcl'i of 1t11 nh .11 •\H'lr~ .• mtu1ut•" µon·d u111 , 1·1·v,l ~I J!olcl tl1.11noncb ~ :...h11w1·uw:... \I I Cit I;'« H H:> '.'>l' 10:\L I-IU. \\ill.ll!- '45·HfS 8040 FunWtur.. 8050 ••.•.•.•............... . ....••.•..•........... (i.·1111 !'lh"I' 11 rn11 nhJ '111v1111: 11111111 1·1,.n1111111; t-'1•111 \1111 qu • .J1t) l!O•" 1·h1•u11 M11..,1 1t,·11i' l'ap1•r. ,111 ~ "'10 ll•JI IUMltl $:~1 !>Iii IWii'() Ah th.111:0. Kt' ld.11 I.. Murt1h' tahl1· ~II J\11t111ut• lnu!lll 11lat1num pufJ:o.. 111.1i•h 1•1111 t11hli-5:15 1\,1:,o, mlull 111J1k , 11111111 1.u; !•1n .1ft 7 t<el, lo11 ,,..,1c~·1 •"' , lwrnp i.an><t Vt•ry. fi•11M11111l11t• Mu>o l »l'll 6•l t 1,11,ul) '>1>1 (A)l:J, ~YI!, K!f.1:1 1\1\1' 11•.c Coltl1•11 l<1·l 111·v1·r . 11 "''" h •111.11t• Mo11111; M "'' :-.C·ll 711 Hll~1 Vrt•1• ~nil , hllo. ru;ilt· 1>:11 h:.1111ntl 1; "' · lll,'<l~ lll'W hllllll' \\ t• 11' tnrt\ IOl! t ~~~·~· u:ot.t , M Uoh1•rmun l'mM h1·r 1·hamp lull',, I > r , t 'all fit.'1 t;;r7!1 free to You 8045 •.•...•.•......•....... f'IOl'•I hnm1· want1"1 for :• y r 11 I cl I r 1 :-. h !'1 1• I l t• 1 t't•m.ill' all !>h o l !> n, 1;: .. 1.t1ti·1 1, ''" • • • V.R. Solinqer 50 .. ~12 A•ocado An . Corona.eMar 'I ou an· th1· w111nt·r ot lWOfrffhcll~b ISl:t 0() \alUt I. t•1 KNOTT'S IERRYFARM • Jum· Z2ntl thru July '1th 'f'wkt·I!> may ht! c h111n1otl hy 1·:1!11111: li4~ :i67K. 1•xl 'Dl * •• ;i llt'11r1-tllm 11111 "' y ll· l't1n., 1vi.t r11lu1 . ll~l' ncw . S».Hl'Jll :.:.i 2111!/i .I t oUdl • j!11l1I & II\ 11('.11111, wrv 1:11 :.h,1111·, SI tlO !I '" .11A•·r ... l'"M'I IA '"' r rm :! 1111 1·''" 11d-,, s,_,u l·\l 71.Htj • 'ol• ·ll~Jll :! 11·llo\o\' duh 1 hr... $Ir. ,.,, W.1h1ul 111'111''>1.tl 1•1111 thl1• 21. 7 IN' llHH'tll' 't'I 5:!.'i hanK•n.: l:1mp SS 'J'"A n book1·as1· ha·:illlml $10, ms SltiO MOVJNI; ~Al.I-: 1037 W1l:"nn. I'M li:ll t>I?:! k .,.. ,1.1. 1-'11ltl f.:,(1 :! """ I 1111 C'l1.111 ~').Al H-tti Wlll ( 't1111•'1 ..... ,. It 11 .. .i IA •I •• 1111· Xi t..11 i. ,1111'.1)!1• 1·11111 11:1111111·111 S l!1 1•1:• >iiXk 11r • ~.:1 111.11 M1111111:. 11111,1 ,,11·"1 I" ,. .. 11h1l worn I dr1·""'" I.I 1 1•1111'. :trt 111, \"r) l''~KI t•111HI s.'"~I r>'Ui >i•~I~. 8055 ·····•·············••·· l;ara~1· i.ah• • \1irrort"I luhl1·s. roll away twtl. wood ta bl 1-. :. l1· rt·11 >1:£.11791 or 6J I J 1}1 ~. l~kto ne-w St•ttr!> 111'.J\'Y clu t'ltt:t: 1111: 1lt1J!h1111-.1· \tu\ln.: wai.h1·r, rlrv1•r. l'lwi.l, i.pa1·1· l\,1H·r lwcl , lt1'1-:..1·:tL'>, C'lt· r,Jli l::!(AI 71>1:1 ~·al <;ir II II 1v w .... h,., c~:-:11 '""' :!:1:1:, 1-:1tk11 "1" <:11-.1:1 1lrv1·r I n :11 <1'f.1 :•:111; M•-.a 1;.i:, 1:n 1 W,L,lw1 , K1 •11111•1n• "II"'' .Jb .i 11 1•y1 1,. 111"''"' ,;1 :1., lh"\1·1 i 1:10 llolh lc1<1k II. n rn ltk1• ,.;.w 111 .11111 11••1A 1'111 ~1· m1·n11 m.11(11• II. ~·1111t 11111110'· •• , ... ," 1•11•( SkATEIOARD RAMP 'M7 f71>15 1 •• 11g "" !'111111 l 11.ill ;tll1 t1lc11 • 1>1;, 11:::.:. 1:1A.VI' ~l>\'INCi Si\l.E \11111101•;., 1·11111·1·111.11 " I 11rn 'J'ON!'I uf '>nt I 1h1nt.:' F11 , Sal, !'11111 K ~lllfl 1;.1 I l:1k 'I 11·,. I .. uh" lrvm1• ti 'nrv 1':11k1 t tt II J..! t• • fl t* \ t• f U :-t• tJ Sl!l."1 ~"10 H71~1 .! tauuly ...,I( dnt.: 1•11·11 ..... 111 '"'" !'ll'llt•r lo l~l>IKI llll(J. d11th1·... ww1·lr \ Ui\tlAUt'!SAt.t: N1•w"un rf. b 'fll trlr. 1>ht'll11.1 11w11 n•iwer, "''"'" :111 Nuto&ll letl.C M M~~ <i11ra111• Sith.i 1i.111 S1111 ttufm<i l>r ·r urt lnodc. Irv ..... , ~111 J um• 21' JO. (I ~ Sh•rt'(J, b1kt'. i ka:., l\o.hliJ 1t11m1o, toyi. Silt & !-.u11 111:!0 I I. {I lo :1 f)u'lk. hook1'UHi'li<. 14un r1.1~1" unrn ru.: ... PH' IW"l"' & rno11• 4 Mun fl r u k 1•, lJ 0 I I I'll I k . Ir VIOi' ri,'),2 7101 Mov11111 out 111 'llUll..' hl1JUC11111 lua11kl'\11, t1Ull11d plu11ti., Lampi., 1·han clt>lll'r, 111111hu111·1•11 J11111· JflJUI)' I l fl~5 l'rl l'ntVl'Ol'I' NII fi.14 ~.l IH 1,Jr1Jl(1• !'.1111· Fr 11~.11 .J llllt' 2:11 h 30lll •J 1 ,\ r I I 'I ' W 1• ,o I 111 I'·, 111 o1 l 1 "111 c . ' up IJ 11 l'' 11 l.1 11 I ~ <1 p p I t ti fl 1• t' '> . l'lulhm~. tuyi.. ~am1:~ more Turli!! ltol'k lu ~.·rru Uoc·tt. thc11 lrh .IJ .... u 1 111 I ; 1-. 1'11" -.tuv1• tl.J\1•11111111, & l11lJ1t-"' rru..r i;ml rtvm~ l"M ~ "-1l :Jl~J )\tll.1rn1·v l.n I • 11>t.1 \k,,1 -.a1 !-.u n 111 ;1 1-:n 11 r1· l\wl111ld & 1l1•rn,. 1•1 ~l'ltl1· '"l.1lt· l'\11 n appl 11:l>I<! lt1llh1•;11t I '1 r 1111111 lkh I 11•,1111111! hllllW 1101 IQUI'' 111 1tmk 11ri.:.111 . .,1or.1)!1· l' ,J I) I 11 l' l :.. , h ad I' a tll'cl ,l·nur ht·' ,d rt·s111· r'. 11111o1· Nov. throu~h Jul) !llh H!jk.7wo__:_- Want a ~111111 huy, 1•nm1· 1111 h~ 11•.i l i:ara.: .. ~:!11· p111•, .. , !'.\l'rhn.: & 1u1q 1111~:-. l1r11c1•l1·I '. ~ 1w1 l..l .11·•·-. T1111-. 111 11•111111' )!11<Jdll''>. IJ'>Uhlt-;II; 11111a1111•11l.d 11111' 111 ''"''' f11n·rafl v.1111: l•J• 1..tnk,, L>1vt·1:. v.c11.tbttid1 ~ • olhl'r ar·1· Trt•:eMll 1·~ I\ 11.L'h frum :1 hom1·' •.l:!t1>- lu\••r AH· N H 1111111'1 of t;Jrrl nn W1·-.1 1·11•1 nt 1 h• '11a1111 .. 1 c • .ti .. 11111111·· 1':'1:1 1:~ !-..11 !'11111 till .. 11 ..... 111 :-..ti,. 'I V liN I It l'I n I' :!1:11 ll.1ll·1.:h :-.t. c' M !'11111 111 '1 :.Iii 7171 8060 •......•......••....... 1it•1111I l1al•11n11111 1 ·(/Ir I 1'h1trll , k \I' (1ltl '"I .o ltll' d1~.p had "x'"""" 11· I 1.HIH0j1 "'1•t1d ~ I \p nd1·1 t 'la11 .. 1'1.1111•lit"11 'I .Ii llJJ;• ll:ll'k h,I\' ,1ri•a ll11r"•"• l•1111d1~1 "'"•lh 11111:1• n il lllM •• r1 ·11.1 ;i,)Shrnn !.,c; :!",:tlJ 1-'r•·•· "·"' 111 l111r.,•· \lfll (11~1 ,>(,, 1•,11 1'. 5~1'/ '.llHI, .ilt ;1 ;,, 1·~1 c;,'flUt• rh1hJn•1i.' P'"'.\ 1 vr., .cl'l1ti11.: l!11JrlJ,.1I 111 l'<IM ~11 .. 11ad1b lJt k fli<I l<Xi:I Hom ehold Goods 806 5 .••.............•••.•.. fr 1i.:1da1ri• 1li:..hv.;1.,111 r ldlll I lflltl 1.1:, 1'111; 8070 .•.••...••...•......... l<t1l1·\ l'r•·-.idnll $1:!11() N1·w1t1111 .l1·w .. lry fi4~1 [>!,~t:. All .dumondi. & l(uld ~ht. lop 1·ui.h ~I hr h11U11w iil3 ~~·32.M2 1071 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1010 • •••••••••••••••••••••• LUGGAGE TAGS (mm your hwcm1·1111 r;arrt St..'IKI 11tw c·urd f11r 1•1u·h l!O( pltai. OfW 1'p:tr•• Wf' rl'Lur11 fit•r ma111·11t ly 'll'Ult'l.I allra l1 •v" ta.: & 'I I fijl, 1'1111'1111 1( IJtrltrll' I I> l'{"IU1rt·mr•nt11 f'r1· Vl'fll h111i. & lh1:ft ' for a IJ1•r..<Hl<1h11'<1 Utt.( 1•111•111"• v.-:1llp .qwr, f.il1r11 111 · l>ay CiltJ" µu1wr & 1A1• i.111 h11ek & tn m y1J11r Ul~'I tlr Irv I WU l'llrll'> h.ll'k t11 IH11·k 1•1111; .. ~ .... SI 1•a 11r ;11~ I ~ta.::. 51 G() 1•.i 1; !1t;1~' SI roiJ'"' lfl•lf ""''I' SI •lO '"' !><1 It:> .:Lu-lnc.lu.1 ci1 NI) t 'J\ IC I l" llr:1w )lllll IJWll tll "'' Jl•l 11;11rn· 11tldr1·~i.. ph11111 ~ IAl' II 1n;1 k•· 11111· I :11 d ,, •. , l.11( J\tl•l l.'o 1•:11 It ~·nd d11·<·k o r nvuwy or d1•r111 PILOT PRIHTIHG l' () lll•X l!MI SPRING a.URAHCE SALE All hhml . 11n ,:,It· 11111111 h •if .run1· /\."I' ":N ti-1:, 11!1:.1 CERAMICS lla11d11:1111l1•cl • ,., .o 11111 pl.t'llll''• II .Ill\ II I •I pl.111· .... m111 It'"'. """~' \h 41 ''H'I j,11 Ill ·•l1•r, ''" l't1l11r• clu111 .i.t ,._ ·"ou:.tJI•· • ''"l Mu. 1i,,. '• .. , ...... FAST S S PAIO 1·,1r111lu1 ,. i\111111 .illl'". I\' 63~625 I •960-6367 Ji.•nn••tt 111 .11U1u 1 v •11 1 I J1J11 I .I• ', S:lO•I It• , ltr:111d1 W ,11,.1 I""'" I 'u\ ,111-.;11"1 I .. 1 k• .:?>.r1 .1 Mil i.. rtl S l1•·•·h I 11 h11 t ~.1111·11 ~11111111•1 ~111 .. :t!, ! ... -!•!· • • • Jen-y W alton 2885 Fairview Rd. Coda Mesa Y11u 11r .. th1· "'111rw1 •11 2 frtt ticket boob 1$1'.i ()II\ al111·1 . l11 KHOTT'S BERRY FARM .Juni•i!:lml thru .Jull ·llh 'l'IC'kdi. ffill V 114• I l,llffit~I hv 1·alb111• ••12 ',J,7H, 1•\C DI. • • * Ewo111· l11•u11111 -'l u I ''" 1mpfl''>!>a\'1' '"' "' h•1U 't'h1d1l 111 111 .,l1•r.·t1 T V ... 1,• 11 1·111 -. ( 'all 1.111 '171111111 t11 1.111 I ;r.111 lo.fl' "'~ti I 1 ·l"1 I flflth & 1·l1·11 rw 1·orn1111111•111 •. I 1111,1•1 •l!lli :!.1JX .l•tlu1 W.1 v11•· I 1·11111' I lult ~ .11111h "'11'111111 I ,11111 ~1:,.1 ·1:11 11711 PLANT SALE SJIOW C/\M fo:l.l .11\ COLLt:CTIC>N 11t rontatMnl CJ and up thday ind Saturday Juiw23 .. U . IOAM 4P M Mil 7513 ~IGJAV/\ ROAD COSTA&IBSA t'or u le Nau l(ah yd t• t·halr 11, I.I · i.ctt 10011 1 Ca lon t• l(lli. 11tovc top. 5560075 Mov1n1: Sale :J rw itcc· taonul. hrnakf114't sl'I. 1•1t•c1 v1hrulor lwll. i.l11 nt liuurd , Rarme11l 11.1..:. '>WlCuflei>, ha·avy <Jut; n 1rcl, & m1 i.c 1 lt·rn ~ ::.JI IOC>.'J --------To v •. for i.wle Tecnul(n' "'"'"~ lrRl' accumula (11111 <1( Childhood t111r•,, liooks. d oll'\ . .:a mi·'· t~•'>) pnr 11" Thun. S.il Ill r. 21H Morn mi: C.111yrm tol. t:J~ Medical tq.iptMftt ~I0,000-('a!l"h rl'tuTnc;- i t•. nt·t 11r mon· .. lax :11tv11nl.1 1;1·' (:di '1r ~1111111 '":.1 :nil! •ir f11;.1 3;!l<& :111 vth plu~h \'111na rn1m I tlfl"'l $ltl ) d I rt•I! ~I) Yd > <'an 1n.,IJll !If~ 1 \if.J , :rl!I !J:r/ I 17 'ih•~·t-. ·I'/\ 1' 1111· m ir 1111 $:.!.',, 'h1·1·t S.~IO l.ik,·~ all 1:.i:11::n:J.r1;11 ;i;,~1; l'<111llal1"', 1tldr 1111ld r IA •·ttv•·r lt:ilh IV 1•11n·., S•-i ;,1.1 <!1;>1! llnu1.'""'" lncl••ir Shufll,. lll1anl l .1hlt· Xlnl 1•ornt S:1'> ~1 11:1:i W~wood Pott~ry I '1111•·•1 •ltlt· !.:1i. HJ;;.ox WllO n Tr>ll 1.s "r :i r .. I ·, ,1fh111..u1 I' · · .l•11rtlc·r l 'l.1n1·r 1o 11h 111111111 ,\. •.l.111•1 .,.,., 1•1,.1 '''''n \l1t1·1 '"'' "11 ti ...... SI.II '·1lh11 h.1n l h '"'1 11 ,., l'o\I"• 1,)11 '171,J 1111 )ti • • li•1 ~ 1•111 • .1r11• 1 1111• 111 i.l1 ~I Jh 1 1tl l«.-1 • .. 1111 1.1:1 :,·;:n 1~111• I 111111• r • hurn ~·1~1 :,;Ill I lfUlltl Ill' I ' llf,fl ""' ~I :• , I Ii r "111, A lloillJ'illlltl• dtrllltl'. ..J ~l.!11 "'''" .111l1qll" 1A llll• lit·,otl ,\· 111101 11 ... 11 ti ).,11 '"''I t,.:;1 8 0 8 1 .•..................•.. l(d 111•1 I "'"' IA''",. 11 I II IAlll ~.lllf' I 111llltlllfll l.uv. '.,..1 "'" 1111 k1111 (.Ill lffl. "/'i i 1 "" 1.:•1, Til'K IT!'l \\i\~'I t-:11 \\ ""' l•I l1UV :• I II k1·h ,,, th·· J,;11:1111:1 1':11: ... 111t •If th .. \111 ,11·1' 1(1 •• ,. • .,.,, l•I•· I 'Ii•;,.,,. t .111 l,11. ;111:• .1111.1 • \1 IMI Ylll tWl"l-:HAM:HVt<'f-• lrl th1· pul1h1 k11ov. v.rlh .111 .111 "',,,,. 11.11!-1'11111 ...... \11'1' 11111'11111 \ II I'"' I ' I V•111 .... lillh• ;.., ~l I' 1•·1 tl.o\ ,.,,, W..cd 11tl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cn~h ror used b1111k , Ue1a11 hitrdcov<·r~ only No lA!Xl boob. 970 87117 Wantt rl qui.lily m e ns l(k,p bike ~623tl 1013 ••••••••••••••••••••••• N<·w Sdmc:r 7 alto sax $1.~or 11(.'til olfl'r .ift r> XJnt l'ond 6:JJ·357!J Y.U:cTRIC GUITl\lt. t'endl'r St ra tora~ter w/hardshe ll cusc Ula1·k 'unlJuri.t lln111h $325 !lfl2·ft4ti6 l<oKers 5·p1· ~1·mriln1· drums. 2 l'a1sll' t·ym . i"J ld 1111 w/ha'" d r um ease k'><I 67:J. 75~1 Office Fumiturt & Eqii,...... 8085 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plain paper ropll'r '(Int cond. $1.500 tbcs l ofl..r <.:all 85l·OO!ll. Heµulll1e· llilmc Lilan - Mmolta 201 plain 11ar1·r t· o Jl 11• r It e rt u 1 I 11111 capabllllws 20 1·111111·' pt•r mmule Ta ke Mn l>ilYrTK.'flL-. $Hfl Jl('I 1110 Otll Kart'n 979 2.1:n 8087 .......•.•.......•..... l.ila.~;1 Api;o J\KC pupp11•' 11 wki. ulcJ . 1 m<tl1· & I (1·m:Jlf' J\lso paruk1·1'1l. whit•• Oov t'. M;illarrl flue kl1n..:s . J\raut·11n:r C 'hruk•·rL' 1'.I!> ;1,'ttil YOONG PARROT ll<1ut.1t· Y1:ll11w 11 ... Jd lf.11111 ftotl, \1·ry J.!1·ntl1· :'o1m 111~ lllU'il ~1·11 (',ti I .t fl liprn !,1!1 >1:~l!I PimlOS & OnJOns 8090 ......•.••..•..••...... "IJt'l'1;1I ~um"'''' r•·11l.tl .,,,,,. ~ m11 11.11 .. 11 111 >""' ht1m1· (1,1 SJ111111 ,ol UHl.\1111\1.I.1'11\ '' 1:.. 1:.1 11 :· 1 I l.1 n11nv111J \I :i I I I c ,111 IA 1 ....... h•· I Ii .>.Int 1•1111d, Xlr • .L'>' lllil'I 1!11. :w.i l'i\ICl.111< 1.1.111<1 .... Ill\ !-.liuwn,.,111 1 ""d 11111,1 ·"" 1,111 :?,If· Upright Piano 1~·-,t •1lf1·1 '•Iii '•11'1 ' .. 111.1h.1 \1::1·.' •Jll .1111· 'l J•• \1111 1,7 .. 1·11 I l\n.t!w "1•111• I I<• 1.,tl "lX.ill l'n• •· SX.~1 \11tq will 1•11ld tnm 1.1:• :.111 .. ~iq Goods 8094 ...•................... l ul1· m ·' 11 I'•,, I.. ti a 1· k 11 a 1· k . 1, I u " l'ol.1r~·11 .1rl1 mo1111fl\ h!.•·11111..: l1.1i.: I m•1 11111 ~..: .. -a '''"' • .,.,,., MIS C . DI V ING EQUIPMENT. Call 751 -8967 :-.1 ·111,\T\'h. XI. ~·1 t'1I;\11 J\•,k lt11 I J.111 H-111 I: l•o V.d 'llllh l.1tl11 '· I I•, I , • 'II•·~, ''"·•II tru·tl {tt m;otf !;11 J:1• HI rt\ 11111 .! ~j11 ............. ....... ~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• w tiao- '78 Scar1b 330 TS out •• .. •••••••••••• .. ••• .. dnves. ~ hnun1 I.aided• lift Tahill 45$0ldl jet ~ mph pil.li Stur"od on Like new MMD triuler Muat l't'lllbest of S.·_3802 ___ _ fl·r 731.a2161...._I 146-I 204Hworta l AllJI. for Jerry Pt!rluru. llMB UITTMAK :.i· c<abm crw1er . dleflt'I. J\ 11'. falh, bitll & fli.h t ra n ks . I' I a t h c I 1' ,. t winc·h. rull ranva11. liwlm ~le p . I a r Joli' r i 11 h1 n i.: 1•11ekp1t. last huult.'tl 1·7H l'nrt• or Sl!l,250 nogotil•· l>lc fnr q w ck 11alt>. P JI' . !~ Cla:..su· Ha y Boa t . IK' South C.:oa11l, IOOh p C; r.1y Munnc G7~Jl49/673 WJ2 1977 SldPtocll 2 1·. Fl yin g Hndi.:c. Volv11-P 1·11tu .. :qwpJ)t'd fur fl~hm~. wall'r sk11ni.:. aw~mi.: t\Jll summer & wmll'r 1·nvi·r' & curtams . t\Jlly m.11nt.11111·1I Less Ulrul._l4_0 hr.:. 645 15 78 :vlanm· Sw1111 M1•1•t "vt•ry !'.,ti u 111 a\' J I IC 1d1111· I )111·k., h11y, "'II, t rad a" m~. :11:11 711 II n11•1nnl( 111 Av.don I 111;-tJ <Ut fl truth· 1t11wn or huy <UI (1111t1·r 1~1:1 71i7:1 i'J' ('l11~~i1• l1:iy n111 i.1·r. m·w lhi.:I hull. lt•ak & br<J.,~. tlwi...r. 11111 f'l1V1·r1.. harcl 11111. pl.11.111• wrn f!<1w' 1~1;, 71:111 :l~i! fill/I look, Satl 9060 ...••..•...•.......•.•• -'·" 1'.)(1·aht1Ur '''"''1 Vl'rV 1 l1·:u1 :vfu,1 Sl'll 1,7:1 'U II 1-.nc '"" .'i II II \.II I• & m.1n} 1•\l 1 .1. SI 1 :11111 ·~i:. 1,1111 1·\ , . ., 1.1~ •. .i.77 l',lo l)o•lh .'' :;l)i'I !°'>Ill'"' """' ~l11l•· hull \1•ll11v. ti I' I k II.I' • I I .11 I \ l'n• "'I lt1r •JUI• k -..ii•· Siil 'U I I '.111 111111 1;1:, lOti!i or7'il >1:•111 "i.tl.. dw •• rt li11t ·'" "· 1Ah•·n · h •'• :ix' lla11., t l1n,11.111 ''"" •.111011 1 '" .~(!I (,I, \1·,-.1•1 lllay lw .. .:·11 .11 t n ~1..r1111·1 1'111 I• I•~· l'l.11 1•1111.1 1\\ • , ( \1 '• :•:1 lh111 7 'I 1 ... 1 .... ,., 11 x.1111 '" :.11111 :O.••.il"rl lout 111• l11m• "111 t, .. lt•·ltl "' I ' 1•1111•11l I I .ol 111111'" 111 ... ,11 U I h f q 11 , I :\'1 ti t I ft~ .._.It \l'\IH ~. ••• '(i J~; ,'lid -.1 l.•1111• H• ·" It •1111111:1 l.!1:11 U l K.t'/I 11111 niu't , ... o11•111111p.11111·tl ...... , ... h •II (',,..,,,,,., •, I h1•1•k rn .11111111111 111': 111 l11d I ho I ~ I• I t• ht· Jll.tll• p.11.1ht. l•t'l 1.1\1l•1 111 dolllllll V ('u !1.11.11)1" 111 11111 •Ith· Ill 1l:1j' tllolh'I r1...,•n 1•-. right lo 1 t•fu'" ·'"' or .i1111111, Ill I.I " \1\'!-.T 111111 I 11.11 111• I 111 "'II Ill\ ..... 111 1.111.1 ..:. <;,, .•• 1~1.ol /!.. •• l.1111 .1,111 •II .ti 11lh•r IA.I\ I '.oil 1111 I •1111111111•111 I 1 I II.< I 11 r I II 1· f Ill I " ., •• lit'& I J<.1:1 h'1'• C It\~ a, ~,,, '''·"' l.lk"ll"lo\ lll'W l t)I "' I l•IX'I &1l l7'. ~MPH. tO\'· r-r + trtr. 1ll acceuorie1. Ot¥orce H er ific:e. bl 8CIQOeMh. (7'4) -.a11 ur RM&er: um. 480 Ford w/jet dn ve, on trailer. ..... 97S·0879. --------,, 4111t ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• C +crs.S./ ... 9120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ()ibover 11hell, pa~ll~. for bmJ P.U. gd cond. Si:OO ---------'67 IX>O<a : Pop Top wan dow. lonl( vim w/xtrai.. 11f Pfi S, rel(. gu . )Cini. PIP~~. -----Wanted Micro Mini or muu \•amJ>Cr lo rent. 4·~ wk,;, Start.mg Mid July . 494..:_~...:_ ~J!':'' tl50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mo1wd Gar c lla m o<1l'I 0 '000.,',7 like nl'W, l ,l>OU nu lei. $2SO. <.:ost $000 . 1142.7007 'fifi Yamaha J05 Bearcat, Xlnl C.:ond, $350/bel>t Off1·r !>SI ·4!Mi6. l'Vei.. ·n KAW 1\.-;i\KI 350, 3 1•yl. XJ .NT CON D $650. :.4K 7015. l>IUT RIKfo:'\. Xlnl rond. M 1 for a11ylh1ni; of rom parahl<• value . tiJl l7~ , .,-21 ;1 :s.'l! 1~'117 I h1111l.1 C 'Sl2r1 ·7;, I '11tf1·1 "/IUJ m1 <i•J1.MI •·ont.I $1:!.o ~'IZ·il(ffli aft-"q>m Matot-Hotnrs, Sale/ lleftt/Storage • 160 ··········~············ ltt:!\T Luxury Mo t or h11m1· 2:!' 1'1.1l11mar "''"'l.t• 1, $2.50/wcck • ,. mi ~10 H.'iH.'> 111-:!'.T <!:I' t 'tltf';BJ\1.1. !'1 1-.1.I" I '()NT 1\ l N t-: ll HJ-:1\SllNJ\BU: 1_;.1:1 :!:!X:I 7lill0 1.ll>J\Y HJ\Mm.r.n 1 1 .. .,., /\, I 1111•1.t 1111 I h" 111.111 .di •·x tr:i-.. Jiit\ 1111, llllL'>I """ I',. 1;:11 1:!:11 ;,, l l<1ll1'I' 11111tor h11m1·. 1..r; l'l1·Jn ur11t. '>IP' 7 11•·w 1·111:. "·tth, r1·fng . 111.qw •. du.ii h ut an•· l.111k,, ~.:,IJCJ l h!ll 11ff1•r !~ l..Zl1·v•·.,1w1<nrls- -S500 UP FftOHT F 0 R y-o U R MOTOR HOME That :-. n~ht l>ah"i. I<\. lt.·nt;ils wall pay S:-,00 111 )'•JU upnn t"<JO:o.t1lnm1•nt 111 Vl)Ur '7H/'79 Ill 2'l' Min 1 or ~1 :1r motorhom1· 'fh1' 'A)ll ar1ply t11war<t-. your $1!)(1 ~'WI nn 111•r w1·1•k W1"n· •1\l:rtio11kt'd t hro .11rl1111..., l'lt'.l >I' l'lllll ,l\'l \I I '·"'"l'f D•'s RV RNfafs 714/559-4446 RfNT A MOTORHOME •\ .111 I '11m1lt'r t-'t11(1d;11rc r l'C'rt r1r y1'T I. 1 k " h r a 11 cl 11 1· w $17!>11.tt-,t offl·r !MIO •Ii!~:! 11111111 Xlnt r1m: ~ :1 yr' ll111L't·h•1l1l 111 .. n1-1•\1· 1"1 1 0 111 Cimnl ~71rT11~ ~~ 117\M 1n1 1,:.1:i1.·11 <Cn 1:11:! ·1,.,,m·l'l:.JM ., 1,,11 1111rn;tl1•11l .111cl ..:.;;..;.;.;;,mn:,.:n..:;;..:.;.:r,;:-r,..--+~'-:-f""-?:..>..J..W,,._,__,_, .... -i~"::.,7':1'-t-r.1tf""'";1tt .., • I 111- hf.l.llb $1; lti STll 1\ft••n101111 IV •·V··· 1i;;, :...-;•.:· t ... ''" .,, ~it11; ,,, .11 : :-.i.1111·1 •I• an~ 1•qt11p111·tl ' -~ lL..WJ !JI .. lll'i'IJ Ll.11.ul ..... I'\ I •tH ~·M 1n1 m11t11rh•1m1·' •2:"1 ;.;;· rn11111rh11m1·i. 1·'1 •~· tn:.urann ; 111-<n w·r;1t11r 2 d11<1r. l111l 111111 f1 1•1·11•r ll;1r v1·:..l 1:11ld X l 11t ''CJO<I $J 10 t.10 Htlll Air rnnchl 111111·1, >IOOllll'fll. 111 i.1>11 :J jJ1r-11 11111 '"'°' rol, d1-;•ori1l1tr I r1111t l•ullt:I $!1(1 <t!JZ 11r12 , VOl.KSCYt 'I. ... Ill i.1111 1-:ltlt· :IO" Mint 1·mHI Fa:.t. ht:hl w1·1,::ht ra<·1111: l.uke Sl!'iO !Jtill 511111 alt r11m M11•1111o.i\'•· 11v1·n c: & :.. :a )r.. ~111111 •·•md SlflO 11i1r. 11,13 Ill :0.1•1 ll1k1· llr.1n<1 n1·'A Mu~l •,t ·II 1 m m1·1I t'.1 II !f.'>l l!lll7 Wl11 r lvo11I J\ .,. <:1111111 l1orl\'r, winrtuw I.YI'•', U))c1t 10 hours ~1 z:, :1'18·51.'ll KITTENS Aft 5 :Ml, 1141; 1;:.Hl'I Free kittens t:.111 l"r" Kill• 11;. :, wk~. 1111:1totl lt111ll1• ~:i.:11ili ...... ..,. M.JIC k1llcn ltl 1:•111<1 ht,m .. ·1•7 wk .... hlk. l1lu1· ''>''" 1:.111 ti-1:. 1~71; '> m I , h I k , m ,, I •· f>:H'h,hu1nl . ' 1:u ~ · '""'1b m·w h11me We'11· 1111/\1111.:. :>5!J 11:111~ I• 11 1-.E Lah f"'I"' :1m1111tlL'11111 :.ui 10si J•'rt"f' • 1 !-.1aml'Sl' ll.1tt1·n:. lo 1ior.d hom1• :1:11;-~1:as f ra·1· k1tlt-11:. lo ~·1<HI honlt.· .• 673 31!1:111rt 5 licydn 8020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _Funliture ________ 8_0_5_0.1 &hwinn , garb "l.11' <.:hlk" $lmJt t11y. lk nw $75. f>ill! ~1449. 174lt l'<ina1ru WMy, NU: flt'Ur c•ornn Tutllul & 21st CYCLE&CO. Nl'W & U!ICd b 1k1·i.. !Jooflht. sold & trJdccj, 2470 Newport Blvd. 642 7910. C.irls S·sP h1kt'. :1lmosl lll'W SH5 G<1U 491 l day~. bi~fi874 CVCll l,,ekc new 24ln lil(ht w1·1~ht Jt•rls 10!\J)t"ed. $75 IM•st otrer. 646-4342. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ct\." II f> J\ Ill t 'tir wl wu'fl furn, 11nll· fJUt"&<'lr'JV'!l 957 lil:1:1 ** IBUY ** f'.oott us1-d t-urn1tur e & A11plian1·1•!1 OH I will :wll11rst;L1.Jbr You MASTBS AUCTION 646-1616 & 133-9625 <in."tlfl antique buffet.has been used 88 slcrt.'O case or drcMCr, 72" wide, 27" hi, 21" deep. 195 or offer . ~7049 . .. G r een high bac k oc. !)c·hwlnn 10 s peed 27 <'lllllon al c-h alr w /o t · Vanlty. Good rond1l1on. tormn M5 640-7049 Ollrt SIJiO. lake .,, Call ---·----- aflH 3::.> p.m. IW\.1!006 Casual living room, low lo r-~ 1035 floor , redwood fr11me, .,..--pillows reversible sofa ••••••••••••••••••••••• lovcscat, ruf. tbl. $300: Him11layan young, lovca 64.Y.1147 - b l e co mp a nion . Gorseoua color. llus. al lergic673-57tll -----0... 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wa lnut 1nllque dlnlnl( room~ w /china cl~el, tM blc, 4 c hairs . $450. ~9147 ------- Shettle, beautiful, 18 mo's 3 her stool chrs. Saddle old, fe male , s pnyed . vtnyl t"°lA!d backed seat ahotti. ~o t o lo vlnl(. wtchromepedeata l,$125: r eapon11lble hm. C1 ll MM112. Pam. M ·mt. ~ ;:;;;,;-d bl hrd ,----;lmo :H ~le PtlPll. AKC, c ha mp new, l60 2 i;lere<lll, $50 tine, 4 nw leA. each. 64(). 7~. ,. c.7oanytlm«' __ Hammary Fr. dei1k, a nti( Shett.1.-nwlc pup, t hem whl, .cold trim, $100 Din· JllOI' llMll shota fr eye cJC lnic 11et, c1ne bk c h rs •m lilllO 4510 Sl!(JO 546 7200 Knott'• offers you the time of your life with 135 d ifferent rides and attractions at one of the moat cen· terelly located fun parks In Sout h- ern Ca I ffornla. Save gaa and have fun et the aeme time et Knott'• Berry Farm during their July 4th celebra· tlon. WIN 2 TICKETS WORTH $13. .. .. our celebration and the "Wish YOU We re Here " Ice Spectacular runs dally throughout the summer. I t. '\IN I!-. 1\ :'\ \ llN .. :., llr:111<I 111•w 1\.\1 F ll1·11rl M.1, .. (l'f" f,Jfllll'I ( Wllll Ill l'•fllt •·-.t I S:!!1 "I I l;l/) !>71~1 rt-:NNl!'I H/I I.I.!-.-~t • 1\ll lt1,.ly c;n::JI lor 111·~·111 '"''"' or M·n int: pr ,1r1 ,,.,. S'~'> t.1k1"' .i 11 !Ifill ~1k 11 I'\ I " olfl fi!lnl ... url1n~ "a}ak, h1•ht h 1L ... 1I l'nnw !'1111tl 111 \ .... 11hl1· hlJ!h l '.dl I ,d "II I '' '·11"111 1111111 11 ~111\ 1·~11 .1'>. ').°Oii.iii •ii li...I 1111 >(II 1,11:r.1 I' 11 1111 :0.1•,11 r.111 .'.1 p11t11·,~1 on.1ll v m.1111 \.1111111 l ht''o•'I 111 l1<1:i11t 1c...Ji. U\lcJ llc.iJ. ~.ill•·v. .1 •.•. ,... .• 1'1 ... ,1ttl1· ."l.1·wp .. rl -. IIµ Will 1.1;1.i •("1 '"'' t'\''' I '.1 re 111·r,h II" '" .11 I 12 ... 1111111. N1·w11(1I t lk .11'h, 1 IJ WI l'<I UI t \ , S:JOll Ult I "''"' 111.1111 ti1 •"llllf' ~Ir I I tilllll >.I:• >1'41:1 Fri .. • rn1!.·:o. llJ(,0 ml 11er wk I wf'C•k min11num ).:125 ~ pt•r Wt•t•k O.'s RV R~ntal5. Irvan" S t' U••nvl'r 7 M '500 <f11fl '71 Tr.1v.-tl1· 2 1' m11t•11 h1Jn11· SlfiC:ont, .:<I t"lfld ~I01ofr 4911 zn·. afl 4 "7K !!J' t:x1·«UllVI" 111 m 1 >.lnl <'one.I. full u1•1·1·:.:.. I nr a kind 1111 , s:11 .ooo ~7 Hl!tl /4!)4 1237 cv1•1i. lt<ll, >11;:a I >1 1' .\t I l:iJ• ~1 ft.·-.1 ofl..r I :1k1·' !iOl.l"Cl.l 'fj."· W1 b1111 XJI. :l I rtHI~. I :u ~. wooeh ltk1· ll\'IA. ,:... S!{1ll ( .1 I I ~18 1u.:1ftt>r ~1l'M 11 l'•'f11•11111 w 't1 Ir t.1111 .. TraH.n, Tro•8 9170 ( ·1,1...,"u XIUI t nntl tlU ••••••••••••••••••••••• TY.Radio. HiA, Stett-0 8098 •..•.••................ ? Allt>t' Mof't.•I )!1 Vo11·1• uf lh1• Tlll'alt·r 'p1 .. 1k•·r,, IM ofr. afl '111M R1l7 ~11; Nice 2!>" 1.cnalh Color T V SI~ :! Yr Wurr Frt·1· IJ.•I &It 171'.!G 21" C'olor TV, $115 :! y r:. Warranty r,12 :;:1-10 S1"00 J V(' Sh·rPO sv .. 11•m . <tnui, xlnt l'Ofld . IU'J5 9711 7!H!I L9" RCA <'olor w /n •rnoti• lll'aut. p11'. S220 Nam·y ~ 1066, 644-tiJJJ c. Vl':. lo9h&MariM ~ ........ ••••••••••••••••••••••• G1Mral tOIO • •••••••••••••••••••••• • •• tt.Y.ylol&er ,, ...... , '"-You arc the winner of 2 fww tlcbt books <-$1-3.00·~"•hwl , to KMOTT'S •IYFAIM Jl.WM!22nd lhru J u ly 4th Tickets may be claimed by calling &42·5ti711. e xt. 272 ••• 1Alll' 11.. .1\lo• 1111I111 ~I.ill 1;;:, 'fl<l1 ,111 I /IJ wkn11 ... l>ay .,.11ll'r 1:1 l1w11 <:h1"l , 11111· rl1 •.11:11 r .11•1·r, ~1:111 ..o.1i 1n:>111fl••r 1,pm llt>l)ll' 1211 w it lra1 hni:. un ~1nl<ahl1·, xlnt t'tnltl 111· t'I ch l r ;1 1 I 1• r , $ !i Clo '1!H 1211 I '" :.'II tihll 0 /B, h1:11h-1I .... .-1·x1r;i.s J\1-;o l.11111 l·I 1;011ll t•11111f 675 ~1!1:1 ~· C'11luml.11a, r3l'l' flRl!•·cl SHJIJ 1 •. 111r \'r Z!i. 1!177 . .,tnk . :.loVt'. h1·a1l, .Y"C*r"· l rlr &O~~ - l..ir1•1-. fa-.l IK !l'l m 1·11·r C' •• t.i1T111ran w /trlr Xl11t 1vod 64li !J570 ?;)' Sc·hoc_•k So1lho1rit, n .. w n.:.:m.:. IWW ~1111~ 411 p nalr , t rlr. xlnt \'111111 UJCXl 7&1 !•15l! ~· Chpfll'I' 197~ ,.. /(; slnop. fully t'llUI pptod, SI 1,5011 !M6-:.l:IJ Slipa/ DocW t070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPS AVAll.AAI V AC Nt!WPort 6445·~1 Sil~ 11va11Hhle for charte r ~ck 11tu11tion». 631·1900 Npt. 8 C'h. 50ft MhfJ Ill pnvat.e home. f or power boat U1 exchanaie for U!ie 10 · Glu11par dlnah y 1_~_7_4_11_. _____ _ w/oars. xlnt C'()nd, S37S . ....._ ._... & 842-07. w ..,........ tolO to40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• 17' 1111aidc rb1rd I /0 , coth. UI' 1.ym1n. cll1531r 1nbcf, hull. lnten-eptor 1JW V8 murh nf'w mt'chanir11I en;nne. tandem whl trlr, done. S2 49S o r orrc r all 1.n aood s hape. a.s. 644 DIC> ~7431 If.' J\ra:.toc rat. :.d i c1111l:w1t'<I tra1lt·r. ~IP!I I Xlnl 1·ond 11116 On o lt-. c; M ~i-124H Ado Senice. Parts & Acussories t400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SERVICE DEPT. l)pl•n fi Oays J\ We ck Mon ... 'ta 7:30·5 .JO Saturday!' ·H.00·5:00 AHcn Chry1 . ..rty. 2929 llarbor Blvd <.:ost a Mc:.a 546-1934 ----•mSHAUTO ••All llcrb 's Garaat• l!mllarbor Rlvd. CM S4K 622ti New S nug to p Camper shl..'11, and tmte:d windowi. & l\'rt'cns. V11luc '$475 will Sl'll for $300. l<k1.1I for m mHrurlu.. esp. DaL'lu11 k1na·cabs. Call 557·525!1 a ft Sl'M. Diuly ask for lAllT)'. l'al1s for 'fl6 Old.'\ Cuti asi., ma n y n ew pa r l :. IM2-62J4dy&, 982·0562 eVt'l> ....................... JM PORT ANT NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS The price' o f Ite m:; advertlaed by vehic le deal~n1 In lht" vehich! r lM!l1Mled a d vc rlislnA mlumna doe8 not inc ludt> ..ny a ppllceble tue11. h cenae, trenllff'r rec11. nnance char1es. ft.'ell for lllr pollution control de vtce certinceUona or de· alt'r documentary pr~· paratJon char'f(tl\ unlt"tis otherwtu apeeltled b y the ed~l!!tt ___ .... ....-. .. , .. -r ·--. -.. ---- '·, ...... c1a ~""Lor Ml9'W911M tlto ....... a...orW ....................... ·················••···· tl2 ...................... It lsr Ha1t1 1'NI AUTOMOIU COMIULTAMT 'f"ut ~ ul .. xpeneMt 1•1 )'UW ar& Prov dina mQlllull•hoo a · In th f1rid" appr11blal8 to pru l1lonl OWIK'n. ,, ~ro.~· live bllyf'r & o I N V t: S T M p; N 1-1ut.111lflbt It'" II ta~''' u 11ror .. a111onal 1 u df' I t•r m1111• rt'ol I v u ha• 11<& !1!17 71!1<' J l87 A \1rw11y I , (\1,.ta Mr·~n ( .i I'~ f'1tn11'n I I~. 1111m1H t'\,1114 , *hl llll'flU•'I j)Ulfll • .,~n· lh• fh .It M l'C, I 114 I , I J,l?cfll D PAY TOP DOU.Aft lllirlGp _,c:.,.. lorel.in. +i a""'~ If ,..... car .. U lr• ~IHtl. .... nUT• "' •Or-..c--. 2112:) llarbocJll vd. C()h'T A M Jo};A f7f·JIOO Oan'tScll YourC'11r • cav• MOToas l 'AYSTOf' l>OLJ.AH hirt 1r.-o l l1wd lm1111rt" I ~II M Ike of IJ011 135-l 17 I l'\l j)llM ~ llt't'il" I h'oHt • "' trurk 1•t1 ( '\.\It 213 4()4 14~11 f•I l'tt .111\ t1un1 lhtt'll\ I 114'> \" 111ul111 f111.tl AHolOMto 9705 "''' ,.,..,.. r,, .. , IH ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 1n~·1 h1 ,1I \11," °"h'H' 1" S11y1l .. r :•_,\J ll111111! 'If.>/ OIJ/ Mii ,.1,.1 ) I U 11110 h1 I II 11 k ti/!l 111:l7 ll.i1 l llJJ .!/Ill 4~Drh.-, t SS ~1 ...•............••••••• rl!°>fJ~llt'I flt'W 1111' 11•11111 .:uorl 1untlll11111 "111111J.' tA2 3-W ~ • 4'-IJIMMY • '78GMC JIMMY STATION WAGON .1.: I l ti Ill ti,.:. v IL_ . 111t11111.Jl11· ·I wh1•l•I tlnvt•, ...--9707 t••"'"'r ,1 ... ·nn.: • nu .. 1· lt1\'k'\ 111 lt,.u·k H':t h llM11t• llollfll l S899~ * J.C. FORTUNE 1101111111· I; MI' .SIUll I'. Ii.I !'>iHll '' l\11J 1711 l~•~>K lfMIO .•••..••••..•.......... 74 II.IOI .... I d1 '\I'd \ I /\'I . ~41~1 1•12 :~1111 n1 11111 IX IX ·7:, l''ox .1ul u \ :\1 I· \1 t •II" d,.1•k. xlnt 1111111 ').I loll tilO '1:\:_)11 111 l'H l~l 1 .111 ~ :.i I ~11111 \ ru1:-" r , 1·11nrl S:l<!llO l.1kt~ !fl~, M77 IMW 9712 ••• !~. "'''l······················· llt•i.I u fr • ~.l Uo1hw l'11w•·r W..:n F~1r "1111111111111 $1~.1~. 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I'\ n :.:.14.,1111 !'> 1< 11111:11 '71CCt014.,p1l 1 lfll t:1IH 1 '711 l;J:_k·:..1A s H I UOh:! I C&owd Sunday' lM~H.lil\'11' llt·:l.IVf..IC\' LARGE SELECTION OF NEW 1979 l20i's 528i's \l .\O 1,:1:11 !-.1 1IMSTOCK 1 I .tll l•i<l.1\ w ... ti ... fll.t \ Ir.I\ 1· I Ital Ill•' !IWll• ti ll.\1W \11u .111• 1•1111-1111• •••• 831 -2040 495.4949 EucutiY~ 'Car 711 •,:101 I ·•111'1~1. '>Ullf•lltf. 11 ,Jlho I .ti I oy, I 11"" 111 1 I• 01wr;rl•·~. un r1 ~·11 1 tr f11..i • 1 • .. 1-1:u St4.-tt5 1 ( lltwr' To ('I""'''" CnY~r Moton ,,, & 11111.tlll.\ .1 \ f.I l"lll'V\ l.u\< l\l tk.ul•i, !-.Al\"I A A.'llA 11:111 II .t . h ··I I I I II I " .. 111· I . '77 llMW :llfll 111 ••• k "'1• Ir u..h··~·I· ,,,., ,.,, *'~·1:1:, t,,n 1utt•nor au '.,,.,1 1:•1 .:~1:1 '"'rt11 I ........ , 1.• /I, c I' I.\ /H .. :1 c ';1rn1mr/\ 1 •• -p-.;, ..,m ;tl I V k S:l 1,1111 '().'i lr,".J I 1:111 :,~,:, Viml l\llj.I 11 I l't'.1,,.yl ·.I.en I ra11' 1:1:, ~ ..... ol 1110 M.1ri.:1w rll•'. I 11\l :....11 !'>1111 lrl l :t:!IAI 9570 ....................... ·11, (1wvy l 'fll)ll'tllflll v .• n C'onvt•r!>1011 ~I .111d up l1t«•dro•11n Stove·, It'\' IU,Ol.U 11111 .. >-!~i·o•ll• 111 11111cht1•1111 \1 t1'ol ,,.,,. 1111 111 v 1 "'"1,1~. 11r, ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST !-..11t:i. :-.O·rv11" 1. ... 1· 1111• 'Roy Car•~r.lnc. ll11lb (111v1··· 11:\1 'A If.to .I ;1111 tw1r•·• · N1·wi,.1rt llt·.t• h 1.111 1.1.11 l-1X, l\lllk. d111f'll1• lhal Hlltkl'l> 111111 lk•d l\M , ... M .,,,.r .. o 1.q H· llu1·kd "cub. t'l.-. 1:11 1·•111tf l••••••••••-1 l\m!M'M:~ri1 1 $llli4t1 l'h 808 McLAREN 's lilf> 7417 12 Cht•vy window va11, $1!Jllil t;itij ~ 711 1-:c·onc.t1nt'. lullv •·w.tom11.t'fl w /bulol1lt•1t1p t-tti 1"27 ·~ t-:C:·1K1oh nl' V.cn vooc:J nmd. SHOO 4!1'J JZSO 75 Ch evy 1111\~ lw d ('u i;lom int. Stcrl·O. 54,W) m1. $.fi.'>()(). 4!1K 07 l a. ~IN lk'.H'll IUv1l L/\ llAHllA t[1 M1 Nu of S/\ 1-'wy 1 17141522-5 3ll Sunday hy l\tipl '76 HMW :>JOI SR.500or ufrcr 5.'>7 4 l:H. 64().9(:~1 '70 HMW 2011:.! Ill-ti-:(! ~ W..tecl 9590 w/ta.n mt. S.1000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675-62:'17 a ft lll'M ~ANTED!_ ~ _ 97JS L ut e m odel o yo l a s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~olvOfl. 1'1ck ~ps & V1rni.. 740tpn vi;, ~"-'auly.111 m1, C.11 l&S today. 22 ~pl(, m any xtra~ Mut1l sell 640-0944 '74 2800 cni.: F M l:qw 11111~~ ... ~-;.:s,j.,. .... , deck. Auto. rack & pinwn i;tecrin~. New l1rt·s & f ront end lls t urr S4l!Mll33 :;;;;;i;;;;;;:i:iii:iii::=.t~ .... ••me•!?.~~ F• Ad Action Call a lmly Pilit AD-VISOR &42-5&78 .. LAl~E SIUCTIOMOF AU.MOOILS SHOPlt COMPARfo~ BARWIC K DATSUN ! ' I' 8 l t I I 1 '> 4~ 1 l 1 7 '> '71\ 200SX. 1·lc11n. luw rrult~. ~ spd. MROO OOtl \M4!i • tno ••••••••••••••••••••••• •DATSUHS• Leps.ct ... OfAI._... BAUl; .l.£ASI NG I' AJtl'S SER V It' t: HUGI INYltfTOIY OI l 1S COSTA ME.SA DA T5UN 2'M~UA IWOR Ill.VU 540.6410 540-0J I J 1:1 .,,,1 .. 1111 :'to/. I u111h•d 111 ··~1·1•1it11111ul 111111lltt011 I WHlll 11111 ,\ \ t I~ Ill\\ llllh I .Ill 1111 oh l.llh .1, I llol 1>1 11U I' .1 "''·" h. , ·ll•I Ito 1111 I"' l't ll, )l '1U •*•UL ti fi.C J t,,t IUI I I 1i1 ~ t ,tlltltt I .. 111·11 1, ••• 1 I •11111 \1,11-.•• 11111 1 1,1 • 11 rt ... 11 •111 11.111 Ir•·~ L 1H .. 1 I 1111ol 11111111 I I \11111 I• l'I I\ 91 ' ~I 1<11 "VI '" 11 •• 1 ., .. "'11 ··' \\ .~,, t •• ,. II I II I II t • d • I.\ II I j.. .,.,., 11 I 1111 I'd XIII I 1 I 'XII/ ... II\ f•I ~I '!Ml I .111111 IPI .. 1,I \II ol 1'1.1 11111·\•,.. \.\l.11t1•. 11111.11 .. 1111 p11 k11p" II• 11 Ill ....... 11 \ ,, I· "I I< t I k l1IM l.o •I "'"'''/Iv 111.q" 11d IM•ll\ """' k ( •• ,., , \ '· ''~''"' i\ ''·"' ,,., '11 ••• .1llo I .111 \1 r I 11.ol 'Ull 'loll/ ,11 11 11 ,1 1.1 '\1 ... p.11111 'lh•"• '.1 111. '11 I • .,lljl•'I I l•'.111 1 ... 1o1.,1 I pol 111.11 "ht .Ill ••• , ,,, ••••. 111 ?'.II/, t" 111111'.lf' • J•l•I "" 1·1111d '·"' .... , .. ····. "~,; '•' \.\hfll ,,, 11 l' I • ~ f ""J ii '111/ ,r,.,, 1 .... 1, 1111d1l 1•111 --r.1-;;i;1~ ~ 9 723 ···············•••····· 111 ~ti1 .1 t•·d l.111 1Mlll 1111 .,l • ·~; 1 1,.~ I t»l 11 111 I\.,, l>O t 9725 I• I" \1111 \ 111111 .'I •~HI flll \I \\1 I \1 •,1•11 11 I t•I I .di M1t..1· .tltl'I •• 1'111 1.111 ~·11, ,1, 1 .. 1111 ••• lt.•l.t 111'1'. ·1"' • 11111•1' 11, ·~111 1111 I• .1tl1• I 1111 11111 . 111•1!- I~ I.\ '\..>1~1 1,1:, .~/ 111 '' • , 1, I 11 :0.. ..:rt I . 1 µd \\1 ~·M .~111111• 111.\1 1111 '!:.1~1 •.• ,• 111.1.1 .1•11 l1l1l!1 ....... 9721 .••..•.••••.......•.•.• BrandH~w '79 HONDA Cars MANY To Choose From! UMIVERSITY Oldu nobile Honda Con • G MC True le!> :x.'10 lt.1d~H Ill \II , Ill 'll~HI I I 11111" I .t I \ , ' 111 ' II t 1 ~ • 111111l 1111ttl1t 11111 S:'ll ~l ·I ,di l••I I "'" ,.111 1,;>;i:. 111 ll1111ol .1 I \I I IHll "' 11111' 111 .,,.,.. \\I t· \I '"''"' • ,,., , \111 1 1111111 M :,i11 1,11 l.'1.1..I 9730 .............••..•..... /'I X.1 I;> 1111m111 ..,...,,. wlll . M1d1 Ill••, 111·1.\ lhlllll ~ ... '1I1•'\' 1,1,:.110 1.1:1•1'1 1:1 1:1 X.lti ,I\ r ltlk :1:1K >.1111 I Ull(j ~171.WI 11:11 2'.t'.11. 973B .•..•...........•••.•.. 71 Maida. 111slon 1·ngrn1·. lll'W t1r··~. rww m i.tr c·yhnrl••r. $>C'.o Xi111 :J2'J3 ·73 HXl 1•ou1K' AM/FM, llllt l.tS lll'W l'fult'h, lift'!\, wal"r pump M11v111i.: mui.l !o<•r n r1<·e $1.250 51!1012:1 9740 ............................. '7!l :MO I> 5.000 m1h•!> wtulc w/bumhoo ml i.un r<Mif. IJl1.1upunkl am /fm 1·us11ctte. M1 rhd111:.. $111.:i(W}/ oHPr. 7511 !•1<111 '71 ~I., l11h1t<.TO IJrn W/2 I.of.Ii. Rc~t urrcr 646 1427 ·1~ zn;L. 4 spd. 52,0011 m1 Ht•g 111111/ 111·20 m11t.: Uolll Wpti. S48 2U67 1-972 2tOSI 4 Door '15, fully ,,.4ur ppcd, Jlrccn w/lun int. 1mmu1· t'ur l'nccdto:..d l C213<i 1H> ................... l:JOO W Coast llw y Nw11t l~·h ti42 1!76.1 '15 ;MOO HMM m 1. 11tr~ 2:)i(al la nk. IH•1t.:1•, $!1!"100 rid 1•ontf /\i>k for llowcly 4'.t> 17~1 ......... ..w ........... ..w •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .... t744 ¥ I •• t770 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ..,. MOit, lkl\p1. It ecm w/l(Uidr=~· ---'Tl MOB. Maroon , Ton· ~u rov.,r. wtrv whl1. AM/f M. icr u t cond MMIO/b'fll fl'IS"l•l -,... t710 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" flOlfscH1 tllSCOUPI :i fl!A-"-'<.I. 6 ''YI. t'fllClnt', Kun • >1 hor k li , 1o1llo v wht•cl11, 1unr u11f . ,, ,·r ('Of\d " '>lt!ft'll •·•ttht Yt•llow/lun 1nlt•r11ir Cljl~) OM..Y Sll,9 50 IC J l>J fll('rhl) & A'IMH' 752·2526 .II 1'01 " 111· t '.1 lirroll'I 111·""· "''"" 111·" lolJll\ 11~,toll~l.1~.i 1:,:r.1 111 l'•u .,, lw 'll:!E '>11111 •••1 .!.1 IM~I 1111 Jll .dlt1\' '1t•r1·11, 1111: ... 515 .•JUO 1:•. >«111 .. I I ' 11·1 I' h.. 'I I .. 1111•1 h ,,111 1'.olly p1•rf "1't 111.t u 111111 k I ,\ ~1 I'._,, 1'111 111 ... ltlr1 1111 :~t \11'1. I 'flCI \\fMlll .. lt'l'l lllj,! \\hi '·" 11lrn ,,1 ~·!•'Al f 11111 ,,,,,!'.•Ill 1o7.I :H1.X .• 1 I '111 ....... I UlllJ" I •111 • "IKI .tll lho· .... 1\ \1u~t :-W·ll 1 ...... 1 ( 1111·1 1•11 ..:::::o. "7:1 '(/.~I •l• '•11~ l-.111" 111111 I , ... 1 'fi'~l(I llf I\ I 1·11. :.111 .• Tl l111t111,t .u1•·l.J tuuu/• 111 • I .ol I 11 I 1 I,• Ill \\ St• ,ni 1•11 ~~II"' 7 1 I 'Iii 1 "" 'I ,II f'.1 11 \1 1111 \1111 I 111111 '11 l"~I 1,11 , ,.tu l 1!I I .,X:, ·~·11:\.'"1 11"1•11 11111·1 \I I"\ "'"', 1, 1·1• "' II.II ftl t.10 '•lttl 11 I 'I l ., I I) "II' 11\\ '" r t I• a 11 I•., 1 r " ':!.·m 111 '"' J!J ~u:-, C.J~!.1:~ .... , k ,\I 1111 I 111 , •••••• Oltl't •••• '" ·'l•IH f I'·''' ,1,, :n 1 1•11 1:1:1:1 1n S:i1ll \1111 "'' 1 11 1 .... .i ,•. 111 \11'1, fl I 1111 1,l,1 o.H:! 1111 11:1~ 11\ '79 PORSCHE TURBO I .1111 ••ll,111111t 11111111., It .11 •· 11~.11lal1lrl\ 1·.cll '-..ti•" \11.111.11'1'1 1111~~1 1 BILL YATES VW/PORSCHE SANJUAN CAPISTRANO 837-4800 1976 911 S Torqo !1 'Itel .tlr 1•111111 ,oll•I\ ""hb. 1111111 'ill\ 1·r"' hltll' int p -r 11 l'<I 111 ·, rr I!-.( ~1~1:1:11 Autol!ous ~rlin 1:11-1 W I ""'' llv. \ 1'.v.111 ll• lo 1.1:• 11 1f;:1 I '11r !ti I ,, >flfl I loll I 111' 1111 1.1111.d t 111 \ 1111 11111f'.11'•' ~ •. llMI ln l 1111 Afl 1,J!,\I 1tl.r!H ll Roik Roye~ 9756 f I 0~1 ll \UIHlfl (\ !'>!I !-.rlvl't I 'l1111d I 'l>l'I ·--I :111.'1 •llll 1:•iH )-,cl v1·r Sh11d11w 11 11 11 2olr c tt1n 1l'h•· ''I''' l'h•Hl" •11>1 . 1111111 tn5 Xli.C.I Toyota 9765 .....••...•............ 1!177 1'flV•1l.1 ('Ph1•a (;'f I Jfthiwk /\uloma I H'. arr c·und • AM 1 l"M ~l .. r1·•1 X tnn-k. l'Ul\IOm wh .. 1•I'\, ~hadow louvn • k11, • 111·0 rr'1U. & fl>w mr1 .. , l'n ply B;•:..I offo•r l 'all H-17 745'i t!ml Tovolll C1irolla S II ~. IJfthat·k. l\M Jl"M. 1:1.0110 mi. xlnl ~harw·, m11~1 :.1·11 S.1700 1;42 !t5!Jlt. 1lay:.. ~1~uft 6l 'M Tl (A•lw:1 1•x 1'tm1I loudt'd Mag whl~. MUST SELi. NOW ~l75 675 14111 n ~l'ft.'fl <:ornlla s 1•01rn : t;()Ul'fo; hk1• nt•W 2tiCJ00 mrlt!S $3600 4 !o)ld. limo\' &41>-:Qi6 '7f> Corolla St at Wi.tn. 4 11pd, nu Mich. radia l!;, rltliio. xlnt rond. S!IOO or tx:.1 640 2720 ---------,.._... 9767 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·111 T ri ump h S p11r1rc . l\'MffM Cas11ett~. xlnl 111.<ilde & out . S4().ll()!J6 aft. VW • H•Yln1 lrwbtt! tell· lnfl}'Ciur car~ Try wi Top dDli.t . P•ld ror or Not! ~ 1our car to Jim Marl no Vollu w 11a en , unu Bu ch Hlvd ., tlunl· ~on ··~·h . Atl_k ror l"ruk lhrino or Tom l\tkJJl l>t~I 1t111Jb1t '7~ tiM m1 ti.W>ry 16/C. Cl>tm pu nt JJu .l olh:r . t;vt:.ai. or wMds 71<1 /!>51·9'l33 6 REASONS TO IUY & SERVICE AT JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN ·I· SHVICI Off'T. orlM 'TIL t r .M. MOMOA YS ·-. ' ·2· ,.us otrr. o r1M 'TIL 9 ,,M. MOWOA YS & 'TIL 2 ,,M. cY'S---1 .3. SALH DlrT. orlM 7 DAYS A "'(HK .4. WI LIASI All MAICIS & MODELS, SrfCtALlllMG IM VW & Mt«CIOES llMl .5. WE HAVI OYH 100 r H OWMID ECOHOMY C AIS TO CHOOSE 'J.ltOM ·6· IMMIDIATl OlllVEa Y OM MOS f MODELS 1171 I H AC H ILVO HUMTIHG TOM IEACH 842-2000 711 1 •Ill\ 11111·· "' ..... '"" ,\\11-\1•.1 111\1111 ~1~~1 !~Ill • rl'J .1 fl o ill\ Wt 111111 11•1111•111' "I \ll'f, 11111 I •II ~"~•1 ,,., I 1111 t.11 I •-~X 1:J !'>UIJ< I llu,1! 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'72 f"fll ·rou v ('AMl'IO:IC WPs t phalt a I M M At <.:ON U Nol ... JX•1111y OH'f s:Ji50IW11M!t ,772 ....................... VOLVO EARLEIKE VOLVO l!lfili llarbor Hl1;1I t'l~TA M t-:SI\ 64~9J03 540-9467 OIAMGI COUHTY VOLVO 1-:XQ.,USIVt:LY VOi.VO Lal'J(eftt Volvo Ol•ulcr tn Orange County' BUY or Lt:i\.') t: DIRECT Mm~ 5PM. · 2025 S Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 '73 Trt6. SOM. $700 takP owr 1>11ymeols or s.:noo t'•thh t'hl·rry contl M u11l :.I'! I !n11 in1111 '1>'7 Volvo good n md. 494·47l6 ... - .. -------·--··-··---·._ .... _..,.. ____ .. ....... .... tlOO ...... U~d ...... UMd ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LoDW A-..1rn.~w C Mu ff ti C:. ottlt ttJZ 0..•1111 HH ~---~ ....................... . ............................................ . Gu nnr mod"!l ·.al '76 Se\'Ule. lo•d•d. &u ltnCNlftOLIT Hwa~oa Cenler M1ll miaeti, Divorce aacrilice. Clar&howct.111 Utru July lsUlD cub ~"" ,714> COIWlllT·TOP 3 . F r e e , 4 0 5 •311' W1lh l utomalH' trani. ll'reew•y l &•c h Bl Yd. Loaded • i. b1.111uly' H.B. '70 CDV. 1mm ac , in <421UWE> 11t on1ge, o w!JH hitd OHLY IUtt ..... Uled s t roke . $1500. T a ke . HOWAaDCe..,..._. •••••••• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ~ Dove ft Qua 1 I Stic AMC ttos ~ '' 17 NEWf.l()ltT Bl!:A(;fl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• I J J-0555 ·~ ltomt!t On•c. Owner 19Kml . Guod .Clf1> mJlt'UICt'. 6 ryl 12.:SOO 7Sb<Y159, 731 J2$4 AMC.: l'uccr •1111~ i.l a WMI(. Air. 1>lert.>t>. ra c•k . W.M m1. Pwr d•' Lrkl• II t• W I' v l I' I 1 714 4lH 77S4 '77 AMC rACEI l\1r Con<Jn 111n1ni.:. Su1JL•r vuluc C-14771 $3411 BARWICK DATSUN ~, , I , I r I ' I'• 1 ' I 1 /I• 8 3 I· I J7 S 49 ). 33 7 5 9910 .......••••............ Tl l.e Sulin_• l7m11i.: lllg:.I tttnk. u.w s r ei.: J,011111 l"OO GM IS~ .......,._ ....:--=--. 71i Elec'l r:1 l.Tll I ,i•Jtl"'' Stiver $3411(} MJk1· 1111 J1m54f1 $il<i:l d)' Cociloc 9915 . .•..•••••....•..•..... NABERS C!atltf !1:1 (1 @ Quality & Pnc~ 1.,\llC:~~-,·1 ~r.l.r.r 1111:-. I IV;.. f•;\\ IV I ·~1·,IJ l"\111(\'\l;r,1 IJl '\'I'' < 1\l>ll.I. \I \\LI '" 1'1<0'11'.I ~1 11 /'Ii l'I. \;.,~ 1\,,11l.tl1l1• 1111 \111 .l I ',11 , • ~County'\ ~Yill~ C enter • 1974 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE With l1,otl11 r 111\••1••d 1•,o('o "'I"' 111.1\' ' II. 1 .ol1n11li t '"'' :.!171\ II:>. 1 $3299 1975 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Wrth f~.1lhe1 _ l.q.11 I di ... , .. ··I ' ' Ill" I •11111 ••• l.ohMt•I• I 11111 11111 t•""''' 1 ~111111\ .111 1·111111 ~ ....... 11111.-. ' .1 1 \11-IV. ' $4599 • 1976 CADILLAC SEOAN DE VILLE .... 1llt 1111 I I~ 11.\ •'I • .11 11111 \111\I t•1111'1; tll 111 Iii. I ',1d1ll.11 I•'"'"' ,1 , I I I J(.f'll \ $4999 • 1976 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE .... 1111lo •,tlllo'I,I1111 I 11111 lJ11I i\ \I ,. \1 .. 1,·11 •• ,\ 11 ll,111.1.11>" lllolllht) $5999 • 1976 CADILLAC -SEVILLE l•.111tfoo1I l11p I tlr "'111•1•1 'Ill"' t 111'f1111I 11111 II\\ I ... 1,.. .\ \1 I· \1 .1. 11 •• "· l1.11k Iii 1 ..... 1111.\ llltl• 1)1Xll'l'l I $7999 • • 11.000 Mll.E.~1 • '71CAMAIO Z.21 V 8. automat ic. powe r r.l~nl(, rart 111r. power wrntlowi., lot·ks, hll'rPu ,.a.~t-1.lt'. cw.tom wheel:s t2f17UJ(JI I $61t5 * J.C. FORTUNE 1•unl1oc· GML' 21..0J I': bl, Santa Anu 1714 )~ l()Cj(J 1977 CAMARO LT lllm·k on li lu1·k S f1rnh·1 .11r c·oml , pwr '<ll·t·nni.: II. hr <I k I' l\ , ' l t• I "If /\1111·n( an r;11·111J.! wh'"'" & brand nt·w WI 111': l'f•1 Tr111· r .1tl1<d r.11 I 1ro·' lli!ll'll.:l' 1 ---s+1SO II J 0 ;1m1•r''" & A-.,01• 752-2526 \1.I. Ol1TICJI'\!-. 'i t; l'J m.1ru l.T . i.11\ ,., "" l1lul' I 11wnr $42011 1:.1 •t'ltfl I~ t '.11n .. 1rn .. 11111 1 1t .. 111. 1'I OW tn1. 1',I~) m~. x:rr."I CheYn*t 9920 .... , .......•• , ....... . FINAL 1978 CLEARANCE! lfU f ••fll,Jf0' 4 ,1 lU Ht'' \111111•· I .1rh1-. \1.1hh1h A '\11\,1-. 111 .... 11. l1•d111 u.m .... ' SAVE HOW!!! COHNILL CHlftOLET 2828 Harbor Kl\ 11 l'ClC'tlA Mt:.'\A 546-1200 • f'HETl'\o 1'1<1-.'il \-" • '11 MALIBU ClASSIC COUPE \ ~ 11UI0111'1I11 ltt>V. t I t•.,·nUl' I ,1,' t .u I ltt .A t JdlJI . J'I ,.,•J 111111· .• 11.,dt I· \ S4 19 5 * J.C. FORTUNE I '11111 1 11 I; \11 ~n• I I 1 "'•mt 1 \n 1 oi l 1.>l llH ' ,,,.,,. __ Solu •Mrot•c.,•l •o"IWJ IOe n9 M \f "'w • UWO C AI ~•hit\ ,..~COUMl'f 11 All•o CMltt On .. ,,...,. .... ,_._ ...... 01'~ 7 DA YS 4 wtU 768-7222 111 \l.1111111 Ill• ' ". i.,, .. d tr.au 1 If ,,,.,., h t "II :\111 I .,,.II , ,•o HI ti • • • G~Corey 11!15LAnn'i De. Laquna~och \'11u .1r•· I ho "'11111• 1 •11 2 frtt ticlc~t book\ 1~Ll•"l\,1l111:, 111 KNOTI'S BERJtY FARM ·10 Vetll-Ji:nl(lnc 1d11l l'ond. Uod y nt-..-d11 work $6000 ~411 ·96 1 7 or 642"6175 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •8DOWNOAC.: • SpK1411 Edltiolt 34 . 98 I m I I 1• '> , V II . 11utomalll'. Power •.h't•r 10.:. f uct :.11r . 1an1lr111. i.lt·rc'(}, 1·rwM·. ~phl "'al I llH5T IJt I 1 $3995 ""'\ * J.C. FORTUNE l'onl1at· <i M<' ml I-'. li.l.SanlJ l\nil 17 141~ IOIMI ·711 IJr><lJ!1· C'h ;rllt·n1~1·r. ()t,:W t:!,Ullllt.!., .Jlt:.WJ.l' new brukc~. X Int l'1111tJ. N1·1·di. 1>a1nl $1 ll)tl or ht~I &'Mi U7% fo:x1·1'll1·n1 1 ran,1111rl a 11u11 c·:cr' t;il 1Jo<11!,. l'o1la111 vx. JUto .• 11r. r.1111•1. IJl•WC·r fl & S Hum. WH11I .UMI :-.hu11hl lor quilo· J *Iulo• )'1'1' $3:.!:o 1~1:1 1'rll 9940 ··················~···· ' .. •P H IL LONG FORD .......... ,, .....• ~o-., ····-·· e1u_.. ·~l*I • .,,., ... _ • l'llH'f·. I' 1111.11 1' • '76 GRANADA. GHIA COUPE \ x .• 11111111 ~111', f11tl l"""''I 1.111 ·'" l.111tl.111 ,,,,, 1111 ,, .. ,,,, t.q ••· I .1(•1'111\ I Sl695 • 11 l•l 1HTl '\I l'uf1l1.i1 ,,._,11 ""I I t ..... 111 I '"·' ' I 111 l,'1\ "~ • 1 l'f11 l.l,IJIJrJJ I 1fll t l ti/ ,111 \\I I \1x11k ""•' •''''' tu t\ ••ttf .'I ,,.,.,"" '"-1''' to•.1.,1 1 :11.x 1·11 .. t>\ t •,ftl (tf\Jfl•J. I pd ' I 11111· '1111 '•11111 f,, 1111 \ \1 J .1d Ht dll II•• k , '\)\,•I I .ill ,oll l•jllll • 1f I.I\•• ....... ,~ f f .... ,, ,,, I I' it "' ,. \ ~ I' ' ) 1 f 1. \I, ,11 f,.\I , "'··' •1t I 111 l •lr 11111 11111 t11-.'1I .... .,111• ".,, h )..,,,~, ••• •!Kl•· \ lo. 1 .. 1 \I ,·1 ~ ............... "·' Ill I ,11 , 1 .. 1111 \\I I \I \lr1l ••111ol 1.,.1 •11~:1 J,, I-111 I I 1 • • "' 11111 ...... • •"'I" I' 1 r 1 t .t I I \ It 1,,1,.I l n•~l I hlllf1l1•111 ;&, .. H I ~" 11\t;I Maverick 9947 .........•......•.•..•. 1 I I'"' I • ·•l " t "'' '·-"'"'' ( 11 d1•1 '"'""'' ··~· \llll '\1 l~\I I .t .,." \\ I 't1V-t I '•·\.\ '111\ I r1A1I oll I\ 111 I 1111 1- tt~ftl r ,, .:..-1 rlX 1 ••~· 11111• :!:!nollh1u.l11f\ 1111 t 1d11·h 11~i \ It• , l.1111wol Mef'cury 9950 .......•..••...••....•. • 27.000 MILr.81 • T1 CUTI.ASS .....-:-: SWllt • COUPI V·8, a1uo m •l1c. power steer1nl(, ~IW4'r Wll· dows,._ lacL alt.. landJw.. t i lt . tf ler eo t a p e (7~HJCW> S4tt5 *J.C. FORTUNE Ponlla,··GMC DlO E. llil. S a.nlu Anoa 17141558 1000 '67 442 New tri.1111 & t1rci.. SIW'J/beHt orrer 751 K!HO '7!1 l~I Olc:bt 9" Htt.:cn1·) 4 <1 r Ml n . 11 u n rf . u II JlOWCr. 15K li4!'> 18214 a,, 6P Morwkndi. 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1971FORD rlNTO RUNAIOUT 1; eyl . aulumal1C'. p wr ~l1'\:nni; & h nrkei.. 1!1· lww •·xh·nor & 111t .. r111r a nd low, low milt·:. 17!1.!UZUI Sl758 THI ODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HAllllOR llLVO COSTA MESA 642 0010 1r, t•111t11 Wa gon •. 111111 llrt•-. l1k1· lll'W, lll'l'lh '"mt• w11rk . ~1111111 Clh 77t'ol Jof9''°"& Son LINCOLH-MERCUR Y s 1:.._·c·1.cl of th•· w •... 1-, • 1978 PINTO .... I I \I •• I ,. 'l ' ' I •1 I •llll •oOl,fl I• I .11 11•1 ~· l•.,1Lt·r 11•.11 H.l11 Sl450' :.>0i lJ,11l•11lll I \1 '•Ill ... :~. 11 I '1111111 1111.tlll 1111 'J 10 1 \11ol I ,1k1• II\ "I 1t·1\U11·111· .. ->i! H!t.tU 11 1•1111 .. !-.11r W.11: 11 .. 1 11lr l>.•'r'• •1.o'/ '1:!11:1 l.111 "' .111 X p111 ••111 :~I IX .1111111 1110111 Sl.11 "'n1 Ill ltltflltk 1 .. ,.1 l•)d \ I\ 1111 lllll'' IH· ,., ""' · ""' •• II. 9960 .•.......•...•.•....... 1975 PLYMOUTH fury Custom S-.bwbon ~· ,ti ~t ._I lit JU \\ .J, UI l111 •1U•tl1l1 tr.111 \,. !111 1 ~I.· '"" '"" 1111111111 '" lo Ill, I II " IUl1l-t '00,l•I' •u1t f11t- \ I • .t ul11111 1 I I• I'" 1 l.1Jh·.1t•· v.uulo'-' ~\ fhMu I•• k, l 'n1 1•11 ·-111 t,..fil\\ 1 111 111 · 1111 .. k llq!li uutt·.1~··· ~I "'f, pl1h. '.,,, 11•t I If l"t ' I .111"-11f I , .. I·' .111 I• ····•·II .11 l'I•" 11111 I 'ol"I 1111 \\ 11.o \ "'I • tj L I \1. '.. .. I t •• t I 1 ·11 • 111 .. 1 ••• n Ito I'' 1,1:' 1:t!t "" :•1r1 '75 fury C u!ttom Suburban Sta W qn \II ,.,,,,.,, I'~ I' I\ \\1 l'.\1, \I ol•"" i HU .... 111t111,1111111 \ ft 111 \ M • l • 1 I II ii.Ir mtlt.H'• 1•111 .,1 'Ill• 1•·111\\ llhto· l'.011~ ~I .!!1 t f'ltl \WI I t'f ,1 l rt•o I 111~ of ,'•" ( ,II, t._ ·1• • U ti I h•• 11,ollV "'J'lol11t' I.lit \\ l\,1 ,, • ...-;::; .. , • .. .... "' ' .1 fl ( 11• 11l ,1lt11ll l)o l•I , •.1:.! ·'"" 1'\l ''" , -, IV 111 I 'I' 111••11111 111 l_.111 \ ~ d I I ,, I 111 H 1977 CADILLAC B.DORAOO COUPE 11\ , all111p, 1,1:• ~ .. 11 , \I .... .... "' .• ~·'I II ' 11 ' II 11 \ "lllll'f•'•I \11 \\I l'~I 1.1111., I' II. I' °" ~1 .... 1 , 111•11 ., & 11111·11111 ·, I\ II 111.11111 ,11111•!1 lo\ f 11•1 I t Jlti\,'\I, I· I I II "\I\' :-., 1114., h.t11u . i\11 ,1\ •111 ,11 NEWEST ~·•~1 ·1111111 h• 111" 11111• \\< 11 h lt'.1 I h I' I ·,I "I ,. • 1 1.11110 1'1111!>1' 1'•11111111 A. <.:ahn11l..t 111p l:Jl:!ll )\,I 1 $7999 • 1978 CADILLAC SB>AN DE VILLE W1lh dual 1 0111l11rl p11w1·r :.1·ab. • rui..1• 1·0111 r11I v.m· wh1·d '"\'''"~lull \ 111 ... I "1111 11 c· cl I •I" I ~:rl'l~'i I $9399 • 1978 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE With 'tcrt·o l.1Jw 1 r111:..1· t•>11lrol & { '.ohnoolt•l 1•111 c 71C!l"/.W t $9499 • 1977 CADILLAC SEVILLE With lt':Jllwr, .. rur"· • un tr11I. 'll•r1·11 racl111 ii-Ii I nwk tUllt' «tl!:IH I•;{) I $9999 • ••• I 1.111:-p111I,1l 11111 I h1•\ \ '\o•W (111'' I I 'J.! l'•I' )!<•,\ 11H1•1 711 t1 r.1 1 ~•77 t/f \•ftt•\.\ ;6Ulli \t•f\ I t .... " ,, .. v. I II t . I & 111.11<.1 .. ., $11'1'1 'H~l t~lo • 1!17.1 \ "•'\' ( ',q11 Ii,. 11w111•r C'ar Arr 1•111Hl1 1 ll>flt•I. U't'~ I t'~lrl,11 Ill hi lt.~l I!••" • IZCJU •II ht•'l 11fft·r 71.H lkl:! ·711'l/11,.1111·yl,1111111.11 lull 1••~1·1 ;!II mp~ I 111h•1 wt111l1• ... 11t• h1H1k $:! IO(J :.111 :!-1:~1 ,1ft l'r •111111 :11 I ·11,., v .!10. rt.:,lurahh'. ru11' wl'l I l 'J 11 St;,r vt• ~.L', <1~ .. n 1:1 1'11111111• c'url11 Xlnt 1·111111 ~.f-.,000 m1 IJ111· uwn .. r s2:::i11 ,. '" ti7~1 ~X->41 Chryst.r ,925 .•........•....•.••.... SA(.;ltl FIC h ' CHRYSLY '77 l.IN('Ol.N l\H:lll l 'ICY l~111k wlrulo-.. ti•· p111·1 fJ f.,1\l.l-.H:0..111 1' IJ.111\' 1'11111 .1:111 \\ ll.1' RA y FlADEBOE "' t '\t ••I.! l'l.!I I• t ... I I.JM ·rn .N ~n:u<Tll \ ,. \1o.1n.1r.:•·l Iii IX i\11111 C '1•nt1·r 111 !-.llFw} l .. 1k,. l·'1,11·'I 1'\lf I I< Vl'lil'. Bl 0-7000 1;1 S Jtdlrl• 11111 . "..ti i.>1111'1! •.• , \. 1>111111~· "" \ """''' do• I) t '• l))j ,111 ··~ ...... :1 ·17 \forqw-. l'11lo11v l'.11 k Pontiac 996S ~ W 1,u.1flt•1t Int 1 01111 •••••••••••. ••• ••. •• • •• 111~· IJ\\111'1 $.l!lll<I ur 11:-t .~, I ~171!1:1 '77 (;r.11111 MJrq111:. l~1a1h·1l v. "I r • .., Xln1 1'111HI Nu \lrt•" llhJf'l11w1k whb1· S:.:1110 S c·llrn..: l>nt't' SillMMI tj.<M 1t:l:t7 99S2 •.••••...........•...•. 1'79 FORD MUSTANG COIRA nirrno 4 1·y1 • " :-J>t·"ct truns. 'unrnuf. 11 w r .,l t'l'rl fl ~ & b ra kt'!'>, l\M1FM !>lt'rl'fl, nw i?:-& bkt• fl(:W only JOOO mill·~ 11noo 1S1k l':r.-.,io1 $6958 THEODORE • Slr.• IJOWN I"''. . .. '77LEMANS SAFARI WAGON \II <1 1Jl111!1.tl ll' I>""''' .. 11 .. •n n1-t. f.wl Jlr. 11p lr1 "'nl:-. till , 1•r111:-1., r111·k r,tl lv1· wllt·•·I,, .. ,.,. radial:. (tl:t:i ·0~1 $3295 * J.C. FORTUNE l'•lfll lal' <;M . aJOo 1-: 1:-l. Santa /\11.1 .( 7 M I !""'>Ii HIOU ·1~. l'onlta<' 1.1• M an., SiM1rt1· l'1tUllt'. j!1111ll \"111111, :-1lvn · w1hlk 11111·1 I\ 11 ·. $22~>0 or li ~I oft .. r 4!17 137!1 • l>ON'T MISS T l llS' • COIDOIA I.out.led rnclud1nl( s un· ruui. slcr1.'Q. Cull puw · low mllt•ai.:t• M2!JH Y X l Wurrunt y av111lahl1• ROBINS • 3-LIMA.._ ___ - - • /I~ H.111,,.,. lllvt1 C "'''' /11\"'1 ')40 •Ill)() '76 Seville $8~00 fo'ully t'<jUI PIK'il Call Ev1·n111i.:~ SS2 45211 '76 f':L no C:ON v,.; UT. LOAU l':I>. 2 !1 M m1 , 8''lrcmi11l brn. s addle 1n t & top , $11.500/ront.idcr part trll<k-. p p 731 2200 ----· -'72Cpe dc Vile, good cond. $1700 or ht•sl 11fr Mui.I M'll 7~ UI~ $3995 JIMSLEMONS IMl'ORTS l!f7011A IUIOR Ill.VII <;OST I\ MES/\ 631 -1276 833-9300 · 7 1; N 1• w Y o r k l' r Hroui.:h.1m. l1i;11l1•11. in d tl'g sunrl s:t!lt.ICI or bsl of r 1i7S' ilAA!r ti 4 ( • h r y ' I l' r X I n I tr1uL'll1Ctrtal 11111 1· a r $..150 t;:tf 11172 9932 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7!1 V l·:T n : !'>llvn O)l\l•'r "'I. 11 M I ro1J1~1 c;.w 4111 f'' e11 ·7:1 v .. :'T"I'..: I' lop. 2 l•>IJe" $11100 ti7:1 IL'll<l FORD 2060 HARBO R llLVO COSTA MESA 642 · 0010 '?:t Mustani:-. n1•w :1112, auto. A I (". I' IS, $211011 tJ.12 64(6, 751 llli:l:l 'lifi Muston..:. 6!.1Km1 a uto Helt Ofrc·r IWI 11114 '67 Mull! l'onvcrl. Make orr,·r. 6734"~ 9955 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71l Olds Cut las!> So Ion f''u I ly powt•rt-d Cruis i: r11n1 Stnl'o 1\M 1f''M r a d111 xlnt 11>n<I S4 ,0lltJ 644 1477 '711 l.:utlai.i. Sulon. 1011 or hll('. xlnl 1•1mcl 11w l 1ww t ires, lo m 1, $2!1011 . ITT~t.'Vl'I> . -··. ' -- H.T.COUrE 11 ,7163 m rl,.:-. V x autumal1<'. 1111w1·r i.h'"I' 1111!, Cc.111 a1r, 1':11111)' .IJI 1'11• rnd, new llrci.. mon• <700J IOFI $2195 * J.C. f OR JUNE l'onlfai• G Ml' ~ f; Ii.I. Sant 11 Anu (7 M l S.W.1_000 l!f73Grnn l'n x. xlnl l'Und. I owner, $1!19!) MOH265 '7:J t-'ir1•h1 rd t :i. ll rl I own er. 111 m i. u 11cl1•r wnrr . fl C. P,S, $tilt110 .ltH' r>onrwlly 7~2.11:1t1 Mon t h cl)'!I ·75 Frrch1rd · Formul11 llood :.rno1>. rt•ar 1111111 h•1 . 1\1~. xlnt, bci.l 0Hc1 ~ 1586 ___ . _ _.. ---------.---- --- ---- --~OUTH COA-ST PLAZA ANN V\L CATALOG , . --~-~ ... --. . i.,..( -.. ,. 2 SOl1TH COAST PLAZA -Supplement to Coast LIFE June 27 1979 & Dailf Pilot June 28. 1919 * ---------------------------------------------Past Era Affects Plaza -stores ACCESSORIES ·------1~-----11 _So.u.t.h._Coast Plaza's stores are the product of another era. They com e from an era that witnessed e xtensive business · e xpansion -ough not re· moved from personal service ;md integrity. It was an era that gave birth to the concept of one·stop shop· pi.ng in an atl'll08ph~r~ desiened lo f ullill all shopping needs. South Coast Plaza, In the tradition of these early stores, continues lo provide the ul· timate in one·s top shopping. This Annuat South Coast PlazLCatalog_ re~ the_ era wnen the plaza idea was still young. Catalog design and typdaces follow those of early d'Cpartmcnt ~lore catalogs. . Shoppers will find !he catalog Shoppera relax in J>lozp,, •.. . . . . . ... a . hclp!ul gwdc lo-plaza shop· ping. In these days of urban con· fusion, South Coast Plaza st.ores retain a feeling of old-fashioned f riendllness . Among the shops that mailn· lain personal relationships with their customers are large de· partment stores, shoe shops. clothing st.ores and t_oy shops. Some of the 'shops participat· ing ln the catalog are The Gap, Toys International, Joyce Selby Shoes and May Company. Since the plaza's opening in Uie mld '605, th~ others have striven to make shoppers welcome . . . . . ,• It is hoped th:o1t .th1 ~ "t·atalog wi ll contr ibute ,to thi~ ···Hort and he lp 'to continue the friendly service st<Jrtcd i{l onothcr era. court at Soul h Coast Belts, sc arv•·~. c·aps. pins and oversized l·8hirts. Now <•I JAM ALTERATIONS Custom alterations for men ·anc:i women by master tailori~ · F1ttings guaranteed to please-ar.:z • House of Tailoring BEEF STIC·K 1D World fu mow .. -.ummcr sausage. Great for snndwiclws . ~nark s. horR d'oeuvree and by itse lf. Get youi·s at: Hickory Farms South Coast Plaza Men's • • SUITS • SPORT COATS Stzes 36 to so In Sh.orts, Regs, Longs ~ s1·i: ONL V • • • _ • • WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT REG. PRIC! - Supplerrenl to c.oa5t ur:E Jun1: 27. 1979 & Daily P11 01 June 28 1979 -SOUTH COAST PLA/A J S~erstrom family---- South Coast Plaz~ Began as Vision of Local Clan The Scgcrs lrom family first cn\'isioned South Coast Plaza Town Center in 1960. By the m id '60s, the owning fomily had opened South Coast Plaza mall. They now hu vc developed the 200-acr e commercial center to inc lude South Coast Plaza Village, South Coast Plaza Hote l, South Coast Re pertory Theatre a nd South Coast Plaza Financial Center as well as the m all. The entire develoJ>rn e.n1 h..a_s_ exceeded s<ales projections of the nationally-known real estate ma rk c ti n g a nd economic counselors La r ry S mit h and Company, a plaza s pokesman said. The co unselo rs predicte d South Coast Plaza mall would reach $135 m illion in s ales by 1980. This figure was reached in 1977, however . because or ag- gressive leasing efforts by the Gr1~ attract• auch ahop- ,,.,, 01 Pam~la Akin ro South Couf P,_., Scgers t rom fam il y, the spokesman said The Scgerstrom 's mall plan was to combine an "unusually high" number of kc>y depart· m ent specialty s tores under one roof. "We wanted to create a lineup o r t op·Of ·thc ·line s tores Un · d uplicated by a ny s hopping cente r in the n a tion ." the spokesman added. . Saks Fifth Avenue. May Com pany. I. Magnin. Bullock 's and Scar s will he among the "top·Of· thc ·li nc .. stores when the t wo mi ll ion-s quare .foot . fully enclosed shopping mall is com plete d. For c ustomer convenience, a $4 ·million, fi ve-leve l enclosed p a rkin g s truct ure h as been built. A glass e levator also helps traffic go to and from the mall and parking ~cas. But the mall is just part of th(' entire South Coast Plaw Town Center comple x. South Coas l Pl ~JZa Villagl' f ea t ure s a n open -a i r marketplace of 70 artisan s hops, boutiques and places to dine T he adjacent Sou th Coa:-.1 1'1<:11.a Fina ncial Center C'Onlalns a lmost two million square feet of offt c:c a nd <·o mmc rcia l space -New Freeway tlnk to S.outh Coast Plaza. Save miles and minutes. '.f\ f•• -------..... l' ~ '.11·.11(1~'"'' ~ Ill ~ ii u; llM f II'· I Sf\N 1 /\ f\t ;/\ COUNlllYC.tllll f'f•Cl~IC COAST HWY Follow the arrows to Corona de/ Mar Freeway and exit Bear St. T urn~ Lr I T HFrH A 1 UtitV[llSIT YOH. SOUTH · COAST PlAZA ., BIRKENSTOCK The now footwear that is heat and pre- ssure sensitive and molds to your foot . Available at: Capezio CHAIR Camp•.ugn (·h ... 1r from the Famtly Tree Collection and wmner of the furniture in· I dustry's "Lifostyle" award for young and ~ growing families. It is portahle for easy _ , moving in wearable beige canvas fabric . • , ~ Only $100 at: ~ / / The May Company V , ~~--~~~~~~--------~~~~~------~--­~~--~----------------------------------~--,~ ANVASBAGS Perfect for summer. Our ladies' can vas bags come in a splendid variety .of sizes -a~OIOFS. Avait...ble.-at: Joyce-Selby CAPEZIO DANCEWEAR We carry tnc complete line of Capezio leotards, tights and footwear for women a nd children. Available at : Capezio Ever Feel Like You Don't Fit In? IF YOU'VE Expert Tailoring & Alterations Alterations on Suede & Leather for Olen and women. AU Work Guarant~ed :¢/~~~~; loutll Coaet ,_.,.._.MO 1411 ......... ,. .......... ,. .............. , ... . CHEESE BALLS & LOGS Now is thf' 11mc of year to have some fun. Yo ur get -t o ~e ther will be really memorable with the tempting t~le of our -cheese oalls <rnd cheese Jogs. They're handmade. fresh and delicious. t. llickory Farms South Coast Plaza CHILDREN'S SHO~~~ ') We have a lar~e selection of shoes for ~~· children -all with our famous fi ve-way ~· . / '\. / fit. With our no -fault guarantee, you'll be _......,!f · : ~--=· , totally satisfi('d with our shoes. Available ... ~.(--y ,....,~ at : ~' '\'t ~-,,, , I '( ~ Thom McAn ~------· ~ BOEHM tho teouty ord endlontrnent of Nature. in pacefain. • • Rainbow Rose (blue. mauve, pink, red, tropicano, white or yellow) DftCt StlltQ DftVILIOn \ * 8upptemel\t to coast LIFE June 27, 1979 & Daily Piiot June 28. 1979 -SOUTH COAST PLA!-A· 5 CONYENIEN_CE=---- We offer shoppers the convenience of a variety of shops within a short walking distance of each other. Come to the convenient shop· ping center at: Sou_th Coast Plaza · ~--- COOKING TABLE Enjoy gourmet cooking preparation on this solid hardrock maple table with a covered . dr_.y sink. There is a knife holder and wire basket for convenient storage. op 0 r - with stainless steel professional cookware used by top international chefs. Table now for $500 at: The May Company CRYSTAL Baccar(.tl , Daum, Galway, Gorham, Hadeland, Hutschenreuther, J osiar, Kosta, Kusak, Lalique, Orrefors, Riedel, Saint Louis, Stuart, Val St. Lambert, Waterford. All available at · Pace Setter Pavilion VARIETY .. ORIGINALITY THE STORE FOR SOMETHING UNIQUE THE STORE FOR SOMETHING DtSTINCTIVE THE STORE FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT THE STORE FOR THE PERFECT GIFT f THE-STORE FOR ITEMS TO ACCENT YOUR HOME THE STORE THAT GIVES YOU THE QUALITY AND SERVICE THAT MAKES EVERY ITEM SOMETHING PROUD . TOOWNORPROUDTOGfVE SOUTH COAST PlAZ.A COSTA MESA &40-7771 MA8TIACHARGE·~SA DA NSK Stoneware , flatware, and stemware. First time ever on sale. Save 20 percent lo 30 percent. Now available at: Company's Coming .EXCELLENCE In a tantalizing strap.happy sandal on a wooden-heel that"s-chiseted to11ew-heights. Now at: Joyce-Selby . FINE CHINA Anys ley, Bcllcek, Bing & Grondahl, Ceralene. Coa!port. Hummers lcy. Haviland, Herend, Hutschenreuther, Minton, Pickard. Rosenthal. Roya) Albert, Royal Copenhagen, Ro yal Crown Derby, Hoyal Doulton, Royal Worcester. Schumann.-Spode, Wed~wood. Available at: Pace Setter Pavilion FURNITURE LAMPS HOME ACCESSORIES PICTURES GIFTS STATUARY MUSIC BOXES PLAQUES r---------------1 I I I I I I I I I I - DECORATOR LINE SAVINGS COUPON 10%DISCOUNT BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU FOR 10% DISCOUNT ON EVE8Y ITEM IN THE STORE INCLUDING SALE ITEMS. Good Only June 27 thru July 1, 1979 6 SOUTH COAS l PLAZA -"Supplement lo Coast LIFE June 27 1979 & Oa11y P1101 Jooe 28, l 9/!J * , New-Ma n line of sports wear for men, women and children in all colors and styles. Jeans and tops availa ble at: JAM FURNITURE Tables, chairs, bookcases, room divider a nd bunk beds. Now at : Decorator Line GAL'S SKIRTS Assorted styles m denim a nd other fabrics from s.i 99 to $5.99 at : .The Gap • capez10 SOUTH COAST PLAZA upper level • Costa Mesa (714) 540-2575' 'adjacent to the 1ewel court( GAL'S WOVEN TOPS -\... T~rrtflc ~\:ll't l to n ol ~al s hort sleeve solid and print top~ from S3 99 to $7 99 ~1t The Gap GIFTS Our store feature::. !)latuary, p aques ancf signs, reramin . and IJra!'>s A\'ailable a t : Decorator Line GUY'S DESIGNER PANTS F t 1 . S of I m1uon 1n assorted styles. Only $15.99 at · The Gap PARTY TRAYS \>nm quf'\f\ w.11 •ntov "•umtm ... l'k.I\ 4~1.,cuon 1lf ok· ., •"ti,.._ .• \~ ,,,_..,_,. 0tdie• vou• ..,..., •v •••'f 1-' h,>.., ~ In ..:l•_,,t South Coast Plaza 540-6991 o,-tWy 'II t ~Isla .. 'II 6 ,._., '-*f I Z·I umlCO 1.u1111 cam mus · * Suppferrent to coast LIFE Jurte 27, t979 & Daily Pilot June 28. 1g79 -SOUHi COAST PLAZA 7 ------------------------------------------------DBAGS We feature a larg~ sclc<:t1on of canvas, leather and vinyl bags. ~1any styies and colors available at fantastic savings now during our summer sale at : Chandler's HIGH FLYER Rubbe r .hand-wound toy airplane is by ,, Gunther·Zu~vogel of Germany. Now at: ·• ~......,__.-> Toys International HOSIERY A wide array of women's fashion panty hose and sport socks in styles and colors to suit you hest. Now al : Chandler's JOX See our brand ne w high performance run- ning shoes designed and built exclus ively for serious runners. Now at: Thom McAn ~ANGCHAMP J. S. Durand's fine c~ystaJ at reasonable prices, $5.75 each. Available at : · ~ Company's Coming Our master tailors will give you comple te saUaractioo with their expert leather and suede work. Now at: House·of Tailoring / ·~ ' • Thom Girl Sandals Summertime fun in Thom Girl Sandals by Thom M cAn. Genuine leather. uppers cradle your f ect in comfort. One style features our famous Exersole bottom. Both styles offer you the fa shion you want at a price you can afford. Only s 16.99 South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa 754-9992 ' ! I 50Uni COAST PLAZA-;-Supplement to Coast LIFE June 27. 1979 & Daily Pilot June 28, 1979 * LENOX Victor's LLADRO See our prize-winning Lladro sculpture selection at: . . i ""< t '·"" ~~ Victor's .... "'·-· _,, -....... NINA FASH.ION SHOES The new fall creations from Nina have· arrived The best way to keep in style. Now al: Capezio FRAN~ISCAN Sea Sculptures and Floral Sculptures FREE SERVING PIECES ~Ith Purchase• Mix or match you aew dbmerware from you moet ele1ant table to aa outdoor IHdfet. Choole-from Sea Scalptuet la aud dollar (pktared) eoaelle, fu abeU, aaut.llu1 tel vclala or la noral sculptures of delaUa, lotu, cameUa ana rote •PurchMe ,.s pc. pl.ce Mttlnos end receive frff •~dish. FM 1-5 pc. place settings,• completer set (13" platter, vtttt•bfe dish, suoer & creamer). FM 12·5 pc. place •ttlngs, 116" platter plus completer wt. VICTOR'S •CHINA• CRYSTAL• SILVER•. TweLeuUORI ~Atlantic Ave. South Coast Plaza Long Beech Shopping Ctr. •22-8901 ___y1•> ~2700 •r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•••••'•••• PICTURES We feature oil painting!), lithographs. prints and photos at : Decorator Line PRETTY BABY _A_m@_d_a Jane doll and accessories from England. Available at: 11' •• ',.,,.,.. ~ ,,.' .. . . . Toys International QUALITY Shoppers <:an count on fmdmg what they want in quality il<:ms from the reliable stores at: South Coast Plaza further reductions! ;· ~ . . .. ·' .., ~ half-yearly clearance Shoe§ale (handbags, too, at great savings!) orig. 14.99 to 17.99 8.98 orig. 18.99 to 21.99 10.98 · prig. 22. 99 and up 13.98 Additional $1 off~ h two clearance shoes and/ or bags! St>lt>cted groups In \li;mtf'd styles. Not nll sizes. Intermediate reductions have been taken. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 SOUTH BRISTOL• COSTA MESA .,.· r---.-.EFIT.TING Lost weight? Don't throw away your old clothes. We can redes1gn and refit your old wardrobe to give you the modern look. Nowllt: House of Tailoring ROCKWELL orham--w<>rmanJt~kweU-MerEat Plat is 10 and one-half inches and trl ed in 24 karat gold. This tribute to the great American artist is available at: Victor's ROMANCE All the romantic footwear you'll ever need for dramatic night moves is Selby's mule. • &Applement lo e<wst LIFE June 27, 1979 & OatlytP1lot June 28, 1979 -SOOTH COAST PLAZA 9 SILVER ----------- BucceUati, Christofle, Georg Jensen, Gorham, International, Kirk , Lunt, Old Newbury Crafters, Porter. Baluchard, Reed & Barton , Stieff, Towle, Tuttle, Wallace. All avallable at: Pace Setter Pavilion SIZZELINK ~ De licious smoked s ausage, great for outdoor cooking. An extra special treat for F1>t1rtlt-of -J~ eelebrations.-Uurq·, wblle supply lasts at: Hickory Farms South Coast Plaza $1 SPORT COATS . I Now at: t!fllll~==~ With the purchase of one sport coat at the regular price you can purchase a nother of equal or lesser value for only $1 at: Joyce·-Selby --Gentry Ltd. JAM <Jam> Tops bottoms: his hers: from ,fran~e •south coast pl_aza costa mesa• tel. (714) 540·6662 ~ ,-. .. . "' . . . ., -. .. . -.. .-_,. 10 SOUlli COAST PLAZA -Supplement to Coast LIFE June 27. 1979 & Dail~ Pilot June 28 19-,,;79;..... ______________________ , • $1 SPORT SHIRTS With th<' purcha~e of one sport shirt at the regular price you can purc·hase another of equal or lesser value for only $1 at : Gentry Ltd. STUFFED SHIRT Te nnis Bear by Basic Drown Bear of San F rancisco· is one of many stuffed anima ls to choose from at Toys Inte rnational $1 SUITS '-· Wi.th the purchas(' of one suit at the regular price you can purchase another of equal or lesser value for only $1 at : Gentry Ltd. A BESTSELLER The Book of Usts Game by AVAlDN till This rew gane Is based on a. bestsellec.11 includes fun ood thc:>ug)t provoking lfsfs such as: The«> v.os1 flm a all tirre tl.XJ7 ootects o\:iiting the earth {) sensatiOrd thefts 15 ferrous~ that hclJ:(>ened In a bcltt1llb 20 fcrroos hl(1l School Oopouls 9 breeds d d:>gs .Iha! bite the rrost {) ct>ctcn ~Med lo gef ONO/ \t.Alhrruder 1he 14 worst h.rnoo fecn • Plus rruch. rruch rroe Up to 4 pla,<ers ~e than 75Avdton Hill Gorres to choose from ...... -------- SWEATERS Pl'tcr l'us hhottom HJO pen:ent cotton. ·turtle and crew neck, all colors for mf!n and womc·n Now at· JAM TIN CANISTERS Add a touch of warmth with these t in canisters, reminiscent of the 1890s when great g randmothe r 's kitchen was the ~enter of-activity.' Only $10 for a setortour ma1~~ al: The May Company ULTRA-SOLE See our lOJ>-selling ultra -Sole, a hidden gore moc loe slip on, featuring a brace with side ornament. Only $32.99 at: Thom McAn Summer Clearance Sale Gal's ICftlt Tops: l•g. 'I J to 'I I . MOW 5 3'' to 5599 Gal's Pmth: Reci. '16 to '24 · MOW s9 99 Gal's O•eralh: lecJ. '24 lo '36 MOW '8'' Gur'• Pc.ts .ct Je•s: .... '16 lo '24 NOW 59'' to s 15'' • .,., SWtis: .... '14 lo 'I I MOW 58'' to s I I '' Hundreds of other Items for guys _and galsl Sale Ends Jufy I S....C.-Pllu ...................... 556-65.35 .,, ' ---·-- * Supplement 10 coas1 LIFE June 27 1979 & Daily Pilot June 28. 1979-SOUTH COAST PLAZA l 1 Standing under the dome in South Coast Plaza's Jewel Court is Pamela Akin. There'a a aale going on right now. A sale, Joyce-Selby Style. Our fine lelectiOn of exciting Joyce and Selby footwear ls on sale today. Footwear designed wtth you-the American woman-in mind. And a sale des)gned to save you plenty! Oon'tmiss this sensational aale-Joyte-Sefby Styte t joyce·selby shoes SO TH COAST PLAZA ~6-4791 VARIETY Tre mendous selections from s tores of many kinds make ont!·stop s hopping a reality at : South Coast Plaza WOLFORD LAMPS -tland bloWil ofl lamps _by Wolford Studios. Avail able in 9", 12", or 15'' sizes. Now at: Company's Coming WOMEN'S SHOF;S We feature fine quality women's fashion shoes in popul ar styles. Sec us now while our summer s ale is in progress. Now at : Chandler's The Nob Hill Collection ... / "773 BAY BOULEVARD'' Ceramic Replicas of Authentic San Francisco ----- • ' " ·. .. \2 SOUll1 COAS r PLAZA -Supplement to Coas·r LIFE June 27. 1979 & Daily Pilot June 28 1979 * / The new suits are \ kn~ted, belted and ready now. The 5'Jts VoU see: te1et\led, tweedy and beoutlf\Av shaped. pUled in at the waist with motcttno belts. Of o pot.(est8f/OCt"(#c blend that hotdl lta stn. ll.pel' shape Cuff nee'< n deMft ahodOw ~. V-neck n desef1 lhodOW berry. The new trcn-seoson colQfs. sizes 6· 14. Bv Venice Fl(Mtries. $13" mlues klit ctesses 184-ol stores o Ofdei bv phOne. co11 toll free 24 "°""· evervdov. 1 .t()().26a.cnoo ...... ,. ... t•• ••• .. , ••• ".> .; • ,.. . ·~,,. ..... t I ·Huntington Beach Fountain Valley . \. I D I TI O N Vour Hometow• Dally NewMpaper VOL. 12,.NO. 11q, •SECTIONS. S6 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSOAY,'JUNE 28, 1979 TEN CENTS County Pollutant Violators Ticketed OI t• 0.0.t .,,.., 'I.ti t By ··•t:Dt;RIC'K SC'tto•:M•:m 1>111111 H. "u1wrv1sory tnllpt!dOr ut I h1• A r111tw u11 o(hc.'t: of lht· South 1 ·,iu,1 Ai r' (l\H1hly M un a~enu:11I f)tr.ll 11'1 As :!Im~ lurnt•d from ll~ht hhll' to a dull rW!ly wht.U:. i.tutc d ll l CJ.Ullhty in .. 'JJ)e.'\•tur.. :-.wepi ttlrou~ti~ ----~~l.Odit¥1 lie-k~:Hl~ Mlltig~d v 111 l n l o i-' 11 1 sec:ond·st.ag.-s rrlol( ulcrl 1JUll ut11111 redut'lion rule" \\'111·11 :1 M'nmc.J !'lU~t· !>fllllK ;r •f I It\ l!\!\trRf. ntJlll PlfllSSIOiffi 11111 ,I ht• 1·11r l.i1l1•1I, •'-' 111U1>l lt<vt 11> of 11,1ltut.111ti-. 1s,u1•d by ,l,1(11111.if )' ''llHl't'h '>Udl Ith fuc- tor 11•s h.·gc d failure to abate traffic ltf"rll'l'alcd by employees driving lo wo rk and emissions produced fr11 m-1ts-.mctal <:asting activities. Oun.tit( s aid. E-ac trvmtatton-rs cr-misd - rne anor of~nse. punished by a $500 fine and/or six months in liill Preliminary rt!!'>Uh '> 1ndtl'Uf•·11 widesprei.d dii.r~~;:u d for th•· re~ulat1<>n~. u<·cordtng tu All1•11 In ('11,tti M•·'a !-.ounth'a:-.t lnr .1 f1111111ln , w.1~ 1•1tt•d fur 1\,.-. <.ii Thf' second·stage a lert was 1s 'i twd at 11 a .m . Wednesday due lO ~ ttm·k temperature inversion 'Summer o'f Dist•fJ11f.e11f. M ~mbers of Orange County E mployees Association protest county's ICJles t pay of. fer during luncheon .p1<·kcttng se~:-.ton Wedn~<>d<iy outside county Hall of Ad· ministration in Santa An<.1 . Association m embers !;ay thl'Y wa nt 12 pertent pay hike. County ·~ latest offer t s about 6 per- et'nt. Aboul 1!10 <:ounty t:mployees de tn· ,,ns trot<'d \V1•d tH:~da y . d1anting_ s u t h t hings Hs ··only el ephants work for peanuts." 17 _-.-~· ~rangled_ · Seal _Beach Chief _ : G.irl; 11, ,Buried i Julie Meyer. the· l I .Yl'ltr-old :wes tm1ns t.c r gr r l who wi1 ' JstranglHI to death Tuc•:-.day n1~;H i her home. was huricll today ~ The Hev. William II Bell of fthe F irs t S11ut h1•r11 Ba pt is t (Church of 1"<111nlatn V;:.Jh·y of ifit:iated al fune ral ~crvw1•-. h1•ld t at Wcstm11bll:r Memoria l l111rk \ .Julie, who 1us1 1•ornpl1·t•·d f1fl11 I gr adt· al .John I .and S.•h1w>I 111 !Westm1m;ter. ":-;urv1v1·d hv lwr I p a r c n t !> . Ca r I a 11 cJ V 1 r ~ 1111 ;1 l Meyer anti hrolhN:-. .John ;111tf (Jeffrey. 1 Police s aid they e1 rc 1•1rnt in11 ~ing an investigal1on 1ntn tJ11· r murder ~ {Skytrain to f 'ly? LONDON (AP) -Lake r 1.Airways said Wednesday night it t expects an imminent lifting of , I.he U .S. order grounding DC 10 airliners a nd rcsumpllon o f ~ Laker's Skytrain to the Unite d States by next week. Escapes Drowning St.·<11 Ucl.lch Chief of J>olwc Eel ('1hhi.1r·1·l11 wl.ls 111 c nl1cal cun1li t 1<111 l1Hll.ly ~Jt UC lr v1nt· Mecll<'al < 'l~nlcr <tftcr ne<trly drowning in thP hackyard s wrmmrng JIOOI al h1~ Cost;.r Mc~<• homl· Wl·dr11·' d:1y, authoril1c~ :-.<i id 1 ·11:-.t;1 M c~:i pol1t·.-~;11<1 Cali l1arl'lll , wlw twC'a nw mw 11f llw '>l;it1":-. .Y<1ung t·sl f)ol11·.-t'111d-. v. lll'n Ill' w;1s ;Jppo111t1·d an l!l7'1 al I 111• ;ig1• of '.Ill . w;1 ~ ha v111g a -.111 ;dl party with f1 •Jlow off1<·Nc.., v. lll'n tw :-.:tnk wh1lt· o,w1mr11111g ,,l a l111ul 71> m . Offw<·r:-. pullNI C1hha n·ll1 from tht' pool a nd <•alll!d puranicrlH·:- l'Olicc said Th1·y Si.ltd 1·<1us1· of thl' acc1dcnt wasn •t known. Police s aid C ibha n ·lli w1J1> placed on a heart lung machine ~t UCJMC and that 1l might be se veral days before the l·xt••nl of his injuries is known. Prior to hecommg Seal Bcac.'h polit·e chief, Cihbardlt worked for seven years <1s ;1 NPwporl lh:ach poliej• 11ff11·t•r Among ttw 1111s1t ro11~ ht· h1·11! tl1t·rc wen • t11mmu111ly rt'll.ltions 11H1t't'r, putnil :-.t·rgt.·11nt.Juvcn1h: ,1 + O.lly~llet Stafff'M .. NEARLY 'DROWNS PoUce Chief Clbberelll rlct1~cllv1.: and, after he m g <AP pointcrt lie utl:'nant in 1972. adju I ant to lhl' c hief • that has literally placed a lid ovl!r the South Coast air basin. Areas ·a long the immediate coast are generally not affected by the high s mog levels because . ea-breezeis drive-air potlutants to inland areas About 300 firms in Orange County are required to havt: "second stage episode plans" d etailing how they will reduce l.ltr pollution when a lerts arc 1s· sued. Generally, firms having more than 100 employees are required to r~duce commute r re lated pollution by 65 pe'rccnt. . At Pac ific Mutual Lafe Insurance Compuny, Newport R e a c h • a c e o r d 1 n g tn a spokesman, employees cut down driving by 49 percent. Only 385 cars arrived al the company':-. parkinj{ lot today. comp<irPd to Huntington Hassle the. .. normal 780; the s poke:;man said. Da nzig said s m og level::; in Oran ge County generally a re lowe r than those round in other are as of the South Coast be1sln. Northern portionis of the county ~cnerally have t he highest smog ll·vels. he added . On'-' 111r 4ual1ty l.lnalyst, Jim Brra kos, attr1hutect p art or the <Stt S~OG, f'ag1· A~> Pattinson Seeks Criniinal Charges By STEVE MARBLE Ol IM D•llY 1'1101 ~t.ef t ' Council man rfon P<.illinson !>l.IY:i he's going to us k the db t rirl l.ltlorncy 10 file t n min<il t•hargcs against four <>f h1~ coun- c·1I C'Oll t'agul!s l'altin:-,110 "1a1m~ th•~>' v1ol1Jtcd a 1·1t_v <1rd1r1:int·c and th1: Cit~ ( 'hartl'r wtu·n llwy n;im1·rl tht:rr own man lo ht•ad up il nl'"" tll~ ch•parlnwnt · 11 df>(•sn't l;rk(· a l('gal wit.ant to •we tlwl wh;1t tlwv did wtis ii l1·gul I'm g01ng to ·ask th1· l1 1~ tr·11·t altorrn•y l11 pr11s1•1•ult-· Whal "th1·y · dsd c11u111·t1 m1·mhcr.., .Juhn Thom<s:-., Huth Ha ih·y, Hob Mand1t· :rnd Huth ,..tn<'IY was rejl't·t the l'rty ad ministrator's choice for a new departmt•nt head and name Jim Palin ins tcuct. Palin. who was l.lrlmg pl<1n· ning direC'tor. took over lhe reins of the Oevclopment Services Department after lust Monday evening's vole. C it y Adminis tra t o r Bud Belsito had rec.'ommcnded that SAYS IT'S CRIMINA~ Councilman Pattinson WILL HE KEEP JOB? Council Appointee Palin N c w port H•·l.I•' h'•-Coo. nmrnrmrrrv---------------------------------• IJevclopm cnt Dirc·ctor Rit·harrl nrd1r1:.ini·1· '>lal•·' t h:rt l\loh 1t1• r-11:11·1 .. r v111l;ll11111. "''" 11111 1ir1 • llogan get the· JOh m u:-.L make the <AJJ11111n1 rrtt·nt p.11 l'd .1 h•gal 1>1111111111 ."'' Pattinson <'l arms t h l' C1l y ·I clon 1 want to IA.art f11r th•· ~1and14• :ind ;\,,_, Batl1·"· hcllli C'lll.l rlcr slate:-. that it b the dut;. c iV ;IHorrwy 111 c·nm1• up wi th ;;1 "11.JJJ.>llrt•·r'-r,r 1•m111 Tr1 ltl1· pa:,1 of tht' c1ly admrnrstrator to l.IP 11p1111011 or anything J1k,. th<Jt. w, 1 l:.1 1111 1111·' 'II <i :-.k l11r .111111111•1 point and lhl.lt lhe '·11un1·rl ean hlat•k and wh1h· ;mrl I lhank the• li•gal opinion ti \I 1" llitt1 u11 only approve or vote down the d1 -,tric t all<1 rnl'y will pros l11lt·:-. Mond:.i \'·, v11h · w :1~ 111\~illfl I -.. Mr:-.. l'.·11°l1•v ~,.,,, 111.·11 111•· r<•<·omm<'n< ;rtum. 1·1·11tt· · ... ;11<1 P:11l111s1m > ' ' Tht· a ngry <·oun<·rlman also I ':d1fon11a l.1•:11.!1H· o f ('11 11•.,, 11111111 1·la11ns hi:-. fl'llow (•oun<·tl mt·m Pa ttmson pl<.ann1•d t11 g11 to th1• r 1·11d1·r :-.ud1 :i l•·J.!.1111111111011 ht·r s approved an ordinl.lncc last d1sl i:1ct atl1>rrwy lh1s ufll·rn111m \'l1·anwhllc· l'..!111 la;,.., ..,1;ir11·d J;.inuarv which set law for how ('1t.v t\tt•>rt1•'Y <;ail llullon, 111 r111•rg1· 1111• •'tl\ pl;.inn111J.! .tnd th(' dc·~l'lopm('nl :-.cr vit'l':-. 111,.,1 who ha~ 111d11·:111•d ,,,,. lno l1111ld1n1• d1•p;1rtr111·11t~, l11 forr11 lion must Ix: filk<I lie ~ays th1· l)l'l1eve:-. llw v1111· 1·011 .. 111 utf'll ,, l II•' n1·1A 'llJll'I' d1·p:i r'I 1111•111 Gas Gougers Assailed WASlllN<;TON l API Prt..-s1- 1frnt Cl.lrtcr's chie f inflation ft f.!hlcrs today a ceused many i::asolinc distributors of engaging in illegal price gouging and recommended that the govern· · menl consider rationing gasoline. Alfred E. Kahn. c ha irman of the president's t:ouncil on Wage :md Price Stability, also predicl- £'d that mainl y bec ause of today's bi ~ incrcl.lse in foreign oi I prices. inflation "will be hum ping al the douhlc ·digit lt•vel for tht· r est of this year " On ~asol inc priC'cs . Ba rry Bosworth. director of lhe roun <·ti. told the llousl' (;ov<'rnmcnt Operl.lt1on:-. 1·un:-.um1·r :-.u hn1m- rn 1ttce thl.ll "on. the l1iJs1:-. of na· t1on al dall.I from the Consumt'r OPEC HIKE: FOUR CENTS AT PUMP-A4 Pric e Index and the Producer Pric e Index. re tail gasoline prices are going up far morP rapidly than l'an Ix! justified hy refining cosL'>." Said Kahn "I s us f!t.'l'l a:-. a priv;ilc cili7.t!l1 that lht•re an· w1desprl•ad viola lions al I h1· rt• I ail level ·· 1 Hclalt•d s l11r1t•:-., AX. i\21 t Om• lcg111111a11• :-.ol11t1 <>n to 1111' t•11t·nt~ prohlt·m w1111l<I Ill' 111:111 datorv ral1on1n~! at tht' gJ :-.olan1,· pump:.. ~aid K :1hn . ··it ,.., -.<1m<·th111J.! lhl.lt ought not lo tw n•jt•1·tcd" out of han<I. hl' sa id ·w(' really ought lo cunsuJcr rn 1wnm~" The House• rt>ject cd u 1Jlan •·artier this vcar t hat would hav1· J.!IVCn the "1>r esid c nl s t a ndhy :authority lo ration gas oluu.:. "l f (·e l that when lhP A m f'rican 111·111>l e J;:l't m a d t•n11ugh about having to wail 111 l11 u· uml thl.ll 1:-. llll' 1nt·v11ahh- •'1111:-i•qucnl·t· 11f pr·r('I' 1•1rntrols the'.\ will hl' prt•pa1 t•d lo go Ill :1 .., v 't <>m that Ir m 1 b N1 ns ump l 1•>11 ... Kahn s a1<I Wealher Patchy late night and early morning low c louds near the coast otherwise fair with hazy s unshine and some high cloudiness .. Lows tonight in 60s. Ht"gbs Friday near 70 al beaches to 90 inland. Dunt for Girl Spreads Tht• t·ouncil monill>rs ga s1)ltn1· Jll'H't's at the• refine ry lt-vd to M'" if 11H·reases l.lrt' 1n line wrth Carter's anti·tnflal1on pr11·1• :-.t;anda rds. Th<' Energy Ocpartment hi.I:-. the job of monitoring c rude oal price increases unde r eight- ycar-old petrole um pr1ee con trob. ' IN81DE TOD.4 W Ralph Nader. consumer adVO<"ate, i• calling /or a 011e·day nationwide con· 'aumer. boycott to prote~t governinent 'a fodure to halt""' Inf lotion. StoriJ Pagr A16. ...... .. C.t A6 ... , IM •• At 11 .,., ll .. .... ... Ae By JEllllY CLAUSEN Of .. DMIY Pl ... IUH It has been eight days since 12·year·old Robin Christine Samsoe and her borrowe d yellow bicycle disappeared from the streets or Huntington Beach. Early this week, police who launched a search ·ror the miss· ing youngster noted that each day she is missing increases the possibility of foul play. Today,. Detective Ro n Jenkins indicated he personally does not belie ve the girl le fl home of her own free will. "She and her mother ure ve ry close," Jenkins s a id . "She would huve' at le1111t called and said. 'Hey, don't worry about me. I'm okay." Jenkins beadl -up a six·man Huntington Beach police team assigned full·time to findin~ the yount(ster, descrtt)ed hy friend" as a pretLy, blonde wisp or a girl. That search took two in· vestigat.ors to Oxnard Tuesday to question and clear a suspect, Jenkins said. Oxnard officia'ls are in· ~ligating a kidnapping that has "similarities" to the Hunt· ington Beach case, Jenkins said. An 11 -year·old girl disap· peared the re on June 17. That girl, sexually molested and badly beaten. was round un· l'onscious the next day -Y a hiker in a canyon near MaUbu . She has remained in a coma ever since, Jenkins said . Huntington Beach i n · vesligat.ors a lso looked into th~ death early thia week of an 11 · 1ear·old Westmlnater girl found l'ltr&ngled near home. For now, detectivH are ruling out a. tie between that cHe and ' the Huntington Beach disap· pearance, Jenkins said. But their search is continuing for the slender, curly-haired man with a camera who re· portedly approached Robin and a girlfriend at Huntington State Beach June 20 In the staled hope of taking their pictures for his photography class. La ter, a t about 3: 15 p.m .. Robin left her girlfriend's house after her day at the beach. The friend said Robin asked to bor· row her yellow. JO ·speed Schwinn bicycle becau11e s he fe ared she would be late for a ballet clas11 . Robin 's companion described the man with a camera to pOlice arUsl1 after Robin 's ..disap· pearance. A composite drawin.c or the cameraman ha& been televised and publis he d in newspaper11 throuRhoul Southern California. So far. Jenkins said, police h ave received about 175 calls in response to the composite draw· ing. All of the calls are being catalogued. Jenkins said, but so far have not resulted in finding the beach-roving cameraman. "I've found out one thing." said Jenkins. "There we re a lot of people down there <al the beach> with came ras. Apparent· ly a lot of guys approach young girls for phQlOs and with the q uestion. 'You waot to be a ,piodel'?" . Right now, Jenkins suid, de- tectives are dedicated to finding the would·be photographer. "We 'd sure like to talk to that guy." Jenkln11 ~aid. "And we'd sure like to find that bicycle ." And investigators are not rul· <Sitt Glltl •• Pa~~ A2> SPECIAL PUZ4 SECTION TODAY O ld·fashioned Integrity and modem shopping come together in today's Daily Pilot. South Coast Plaza's many de- partment and sf)4'cialty s tores dis play m erchandiHe .today In • the South Coast Plar.a Catalogue. a 20·p11ge special m agaainc 1 following the format of an old 4 Sears cat nloJ(uc. O.on't miss the values ano quality offered in the Annu11I South Coa!il Plaza Catalogue in today's OaUy Pilot. o .... ,,, ... , .. ,. ~ .. N1•\\j10l l lk .Hh -.1·1 11•li1 f\ \\111111'.1 ( lld1111·11 \\ 1•;11 -. lt .11 ii t1 11 Ill ""'" 1p.tl1 11 11 •ii ...,1-, \I.d i • dt'llll d '°\ltt• ,d II li ,1• ... 1111111111 111 .11 11·.111 ( 1111 ht II I 111 It \\ ·'' I< ·~:lat "I H \\I H i.. 111 " l.1 " '" 111 I ~ 'i11~crp 1·in tin~ Ha-;sl•~ L•·acls 'ro Lawsuit /\ ll untan~ton fh-:u:h m an who 11•f11 .,t·fl t11 Or f1ng<'qirrnt1·d wh1•11 ttt• -.11111.:hl lo C':i!-.h a SIOO 1wr!-.011al 1·hec·k f1le·c1 u SI milhon lawi.u1t Wt·drH·:.'1ay in Oran.:(; County !:iup(;n<Jr Court In h1!-. !-.U rt, M 1k1· Tod'1 namt'I> .1:. <frft•r11l.111I!-. l h1• S1·1·ur1tv l'J1·1f1c' Nal1onul Hank 1n llunt 111i.:111n lk ;l('h <t!'o w1•ll a:. the· fl un 1111i.:11111 lk ,1t h l111ltl't' Dc11<1rt n11·11t J'ofld d a 1111:. rn 111-. 1·111npl aint t h :1 t h a n k m a n :1 I:( ~· r <; a r _..., llarkll11l11t 1·:.11:-.1•11 111111 t•1 114· ;1r 11",t1·d .i11d J.11 l1•1l ;tf l1·r a t·on I fllll l ,tlHHI ,1( th(· l11tllk T111ld .1ll1•i.:t·tl 111· 'illff1·rt·d 1111·11 l.11 .11111 JlllY!-.ll'UI 1n1u rwi. a111l Iha t h I!-. ,, I'd II ri 11 ,, n" l" <11> •• -..1h•!-.1na11 v.:r~. harn1ll'r1·d liy tlw i r<wrna l'tlU!>NI tiy hrs 11rrcr.t Thurt01r. Jyot H, 1979 GOP Hits Windfall w ASlllNGTON (Ar. -ttoutw Republltlrnll bht1 rJ>I )' Mthacktid t ht• 1>ropost•d "wind ht II rm1flt1"o" In 1t on dtl<'ont rnll1·d clomtii.lll' oi I JH i('t•11 t~xhay ,1·ulh111: 1t £t new tu x on tht> Amn1t'dll l>t'upl~ thMl will d1scuuri.1¢•• tlw s(•ur eh rw oil llu.t Ot·n1111·1 t1l11 lt•ud1•rs 111· r1•111Jt'd lht· I UA 111 11 , -.UVION It th t1•·1·11t-t1 111 r 1·1·IJ 1111 '>111111· CJf th1· 111111111" ol d11llu1 ., 111 111.:ht·r lfl'Oftl:. lh1tl l1W otl l'<JOIJ)tlf\lt'h Wiii .:u1n v. h1•n 1h111wh111· 01I 11r11•t1i. rlM· l•I ~Ill Id 11•\ 1·b I ttunk 1•v••r y 11H·m~r 1or , -.... ~fl'bb l h..i 1' I l'l't'IVt·tl hun 1l11•1h ul h-tt1·1., umJ l11111dredl> of 1 "'"' ''''"' l.K-.11Jlt· wantroli( 1t1•1t ,. j(tt.,1111111· ' Ht·p Ot:lbt:rt I ''"''• I< Clh111, 1h•1·lart'1I b " d t· l111t1· OJl('l\1·1J l111l1t~ 110 th~ tt.x I 11011 l H1111k olll)'Olll' hn-. Wrttlt:n "· 111 ;111111111• "'"''' t.t'tl'" . I .111 .1 .11111 11thC'1 Ht•pul1l1n111 1 Hllj.;;t ,., 11w11 111111111.Jlrll'd that l hl ttl•IJlll"'• ti lhX Wt>U ld di!. 1 our ,1i,:1· llw -..·an It for ru·w r11I ,11111 ,wl11,1ll\ lt•:etl tll tnl'rl'IJM~1 l ~ d1·11•·"tl1·111 1· 1111 fore•1g11111I ·1 111 ... 1:, 0111• 11111r1· l 'art1·r "''JI"'"' llJ)( 1111 11•a:.1• 1111 tht• A 1111•1 11 a11 l"'''l'lt'." l>n..i ftep llud St.11-.1t·r. H l'.1 . 1·ha1rman 11f 11,.. H•·1111hl11 a11 l'ol1t·\ ( '111111111t 1t I' 1!1•11 Al 1:11111 :111 , II 1111·, d 1.11rrnu11 111 th1• 111111-.1· Wa ~., a11tl Mt·u11 .. <'01n 1111ll1•1" dr1'. ~, .. ,.11 "This '" 11111 a t ;,ix on th1· A nw r11·:111 pt•opl•· " h1• •,a 1tl "II wtl l not .11ld 11111• d1 m1· t11 th•· l'l1sl of ~1etrult·um ' • Ullman abo i.:ud th<' 1n1·n ·11M· rn foreign oal price!> annt>u11n"<I today in G~ncva underi.cored thl· nL~I for the tax bec·au:.e lht· h1 kt• rn world prH'l'» will pu.-.h up d1·1·ontrollt'li lJ S ml µnee.-. by hllhons of do llars Thi· <lC'bat1• !'anu· <• day 1:1ftn Trc•asury D1•pi.1rl mt·nt oHrnab ,11·kn11wlt'llJ.!1·d that lht•y have· 1n 1·n·a.,1·d h~ n1·arly 51) 1wn·1·11t lht·ir t·::.t1m<it1· of ~mss 1111 com p:rny n ·v1·11ut·s thut will n ·i.ull I 1 urn rl1•c·1111t rol Tn•a1'.ur·y •Jff1 ('1uls s hy ttw n 1m ri<1nu ·., wi ll r1·ap an acJ1J1 l1<1n :.il SM 111111110 IJVt•r f1 vt· YNlfs, 1·111n p ar1•d t.11 th1·1r 1·arl11·r 1· ... 11111alt'. pull in~ the :.idd1taonul j.!I 11!\S rt'v1·nucs at $1;:; hllhon lll'lw1·1·n 191JO ;inti 1984 bccau::.e of 1lc1·11ntrol DfK•tttr 1• .. rsistPd New Drug -Credited In Saving 8oy, 9 . "l1\N 111 1-.C.O 11\111 A d111 1111 1l1l•·r 11111 1.11 11111 111,1v lt;1v1· .1 v1 11 tlw lilt• 111 .1 :1 "'"H •1ld l111v who lwlro•\ 1·tl 111 t h1• ('hr1:-.I m;1" '"'"' ...,,, 1111111 111 .. "'''" f1 1,iJ11•·v 1\1 ''"' wld w:1~. a 1111111.111 ~.k 1•l1 ·t1m \\1flt hlll1· d1a111·1· (1 11 !-.IJI v1val W1•11•l1111~ 11•!-.:. th;111 '111 1><111ntb . 1111' ~:11111•1· l>IJ\ W:t'. rf\,1111: fr11111 .Jlt1•1 1•llt·1·1 ... 111 .1 r a11• k11l111·v .. Ev1:rv t 1mi: h1· l>et·n11·d to I :iki: a si•·11 f1irward. !-.Omt'lh1ng It .1 n11•·1w 1I ;ond h1· gut w11r:.1· · l<11drwy '!-. 11r tl1•al lwg;in :it ( 'hrt~lnias 1!177, wh1·n h1 1'. he·u llh I ;d lt·rt·d Wha l wus f1rsl ('(>II '>lll•·n·tl ;i s11nple allergy lurn1·tl •1111 lo tJI' a k 1dn1·y d1i.orilt·r • .1 ll1·tl hc molyl ll' 11n•m1c ~yn d1 111111-. 1·au:-.e u11kr111w11 d1 -.1·:1•,1· v.h1·11 111 Wtlli.1111 It A •,1•n1111., d1s•irdl'r, tl11· tl1M·ui.t• 1;, 1• w11l1I l••t1·ph•1111·tl a 111111111 '>•·•·1111'. 111 ~o aw;Jy but leuvcs •1 1111: 111.111111.wtur 1·1 1111 a third ph'Y 't11·1:111-. with tht· m•1•1l t11 lrf'ltt 111111· to r•li ·.ul 1111 .111 1·>11wn1111·11 kuln•·v fod11n· and a nc·1n111 Tht·n Lil 111 u1! ~ rl tl> h111wd lhal whal•·vt·r 1·;1u. .. t'd ~1111'1· lh1·11 . l<od11•·v •, wt•t)!hl the• d 1'>1·;1w will cl1!>1'.1patl' cind the 11.1· d1111hl1·1I .mtl tlll' 11111•1· lil1·.1k IJfJdy wrll lieci l 1L-;1•IL 1111111 t• " lt1 IJ'ltt .111:1111 (,r 1•.w11ld '''" I 11 t • r r 111• I 1 11 1: ;, 11 •1 I I 11 1· I 111 l'tl111.1• p.11 IV ,I( ... I< ~1111hli .111r1 S.111s Ill 1111· rrrrn " l'nnn·ltm 11ff11·1•!-. c;r1i.w11l1I f1n;dly 1:a1nL'<J 11<:rrn1....,11rn lo""'' 1111• drug C;ip l•1pral Tltt• ~t1h!-.t ar,,.1· h;11J ht:cn llM•tl tll I rf•at hrg h ltl1>1>1I r1rCS1>Urt• 111 atlulti. liul 1wvcr hud been I ric11 1n 1·h1ltlrl'n H o dncy '!> ronditlop, e:om tJound<'d by ;i . r unuway mahg· n.int hypcrtcni;ton, was crrti(•al I Its was a ~f>l'('tal t•ase. und thi· 11harm:.11•t•utit·al company gavt• lhc f.!O·:tht•11d "Thc•re• d111 11'l M'11m a ny wuy 1111 1·ewlrl ll<'k 1l," s;utl <:n:.wol<I ORANGE COASJ ". DAILY PILOT I•·• f1• ·"•'1' t not I ltArt, t•,11 t .. ,, ... .,, , , '""' l1•N ''ft,. h•"" IJ" ''-ft, f ,,.,.,,..,,. f·t tfllf flr IAI; ''•• l l'wl,.•.ltt• ''""''°''' · .. , .. 1,1o.,,,1,.,.,,.,0 ., 1 ••Ii• "' .1 M;,, ... ,,., 1n •• _,. t ''",_,, '"" , , '"" N rt .. JO-'*t.Jlill h.r,..h tlWft.,_,lffl'I ,..,_..,, f "'JIPt t .. ,, Y4tlh· t h .ut\t I ""'.Jv'M ,.,,..., h ·~t .. t °""" I\ \•ntth I• 1!'f"'-'1Nf1ftU'\I' l1Ut1• "itvf1•,111ti,tf1lt ~t\of· 1"''""'••' ""' P' tl'W t~I l)o--jlfi'"'ntl tt1Aftf t I UO Wr\t ft lt'°.tfn1t I \/\I•~'-t Allftlffti .. 'ff'rt.~ ............. •1•· '''" l\f11•ot1 .... U(Jj,,.,, .. U <ttt W Ctlllf ... \ilH I l•tt 'H'tlt"t .. "(I(...,...,.,,, .. ,."' t ,._.,,.., ...... t (tllflt ·-·· .. ..._ Mtttn •II'""' t ~tUt '-"•''•'" "'"' •. ,....,_., ..... A ''''•"I ~".ftQl"Q l f"1\i_.-\ .............. w. ... , u ... "~" r ••t""'' • ttih1• Hvntht,,on Beectt ~ 11•1. """'' h '"'"'""!tfd M.t•h"U Atkfflll'~ P 0 htu f'WQ ¥)1 tft OffloH L1ttfll",. lft•• ,_ t 1-. t.1h ,..,,,.,,, t,,,. • .,1 (h\I• M• "" t f) W•\t f'-'f \Httl"t '•••pflOn• (7t41M2-4»1 CIHllfled Advertlliftt 142•9'71 ''"'n ,._,,,.,,Jttt~~,C~ttlit\ Mq-1220 ~~··v~~ !:!'".~:!.. '~ru~,:~::';~~~. m,.f,., or •dw••tu.-m•"" f'l•t•1n m., tw re••Off'tf•d ••l~vvt , ... , •• , ~""'"'""' •• \W tttOM ..._,,., ~~~.:;:...: ··.~~'!:::.,r.·~~· ,!,:;;.• tn~:: •1•r U It lftOftt"ty f)y M•1l U W MOflU"r Mihl•ty~hf\,jtflf"1ft• t t \;\""""'Ulf \ But ll•Nlnt•\ 1-.. .1111011~ 111 llf'I 1 t•nf 111 1h1· 11al11•11ls wh11 :in • 11•11 wrl h a n ·'>rdu<.el prolih·m hl1lf'HI ti r l' ., :-. u r 1 • ~ '> h 1 g h a n '1 u n manai.wahll' 11 1s 1·11n!.rdt•rcd mahgnunl At llm<..-s, ht!. blood pres::.un· rock ett.-d lo rcadtnJ(s of 220 over 160. Al those le vel!\, lhc brain t·an be damaged. Once Rodney was blind for a few hours and a nother time ht• wa:-; m a coma for a day. •·rfHfl Paflf" A I GIRL ... 111.: out :t pos!-.rbl(; trc hclw1•4:n till' Ox1111rd Mullbu k11lna1>pin.:. fl'nkms s aid "We can't pos itively s ay they ••rt' related but the r e a r e i.1milarit1l's we can't ignore," he :.ard. Some of those similarities In· e lude the girls ' age!l, the beach· area locations Mnd the times during the day that e.ch ol the girls vanished. Police still would like to talk to anyone who may have seen the m issing girl after she left he r friend's home at 14th end O live streets -r e porte d ly a board the yellow bicycle . Robin Is descrlhed as fi ve feet t all and MO pounds . She was wearint( a T -11hirt with the words "He re Comes Trouble" across the front. T h e Dwyer Midd le School e i1hth grader Is lhe younant of four children resldln1 with their d ivorced mothe r , Maryanne Fra~ler. Robin'• father, Robert, new to Hunt1n1ton Beach lul week from Lake Havuu City to be wiUt the family. . • o.tty 1'1191 ,, ... - TAPPED FOR BOARD SEAT College Olatrtct'a Olaon Olson New T~tee Ott Board Hy Ml<'llJ\t:J. l'ASKt:v1u1 Of ·~* o ••• , ...... \1•11 01t•k Ols on , a 'Ill y1·ar 11111 <iartl«11 1:rov1• re·•.i'1r,nt. wa -. ~1·l••1·11•tf W1 •tl11··~1 Ln to fill :1 v.1 1-.1111 "'"'' or1 tt11· < '11:1 ... t ''11111111 un1 Iv ('11ll1•g1· 1>1 -.tr 1t·t Hua1 d of l'I U~tt•t•!-. tit' was ~elc·t•t1'(f from :.i f11·ltl 11r sc Vl:'ll Wt'st Or :in Re· < '<>unt y rt•:-.1 dl'rats who uppl1t-d for lht· v<.ec·an l'~ 1·n ·:it1-.l hy tht· n·"'~""' "'" ,,r IH \ 1·ar lw1anl m.,mbl'r Wf>rlh Kl·1·ne carht·r th1!> ye1Jr. CI hon wi ll snve the· rernttt~r or t\1:cnc !> unt:'Xptrftl tt'.rm, lht:'n fa <·1• t•lc·1·t1on 1n Novemh<:r f11· Y. 111 not ht· hl>t1-<I rm lhl' ballot a!> .Jn uwuml.1t•11t <>l ~<1n ··r;cn 1111 Qn•· <l 11y 'i. n11tu·1•' ai.:;itn!-.t l\t·•·n1· 111 J~f/7 f111 1 !.htrl~ '1,IJOO \"(1!1•0, l!l·h111cl !lit• now 1 l'11n·d 1111·1111tlli·11t In rnaktn1~ th1 •1r 't1•l1 •1·t111r1 :it ;i 111••1•l in1: 111 ('11-.t:t M ••!-.:1, I rust1·1·-... »;11d lht>y v.1·n · 11111111•.,.,,.rJ l1y <ll "on ·., h11~1111•!-." l1:11"kgruu11d .end tlw fad tlt:tl Llw <;ard1·11 <: ron· ar1·:1 lt a-. 1w vt·r 111•1•11 n ·pr 1·:,1·11t1·tl 1111 I hi · <'t1 ll•·i.:1· hoard 01 ... 1111 , .1 1n.1nai:•·r for Un· Yl'llhw Freight ~y~l1·n1 1'., ha s !'o<",rv1·<l ai. a 1l1r1·t·tor •Jf th1· Oran~e· County Sanit<Jllon lJ1i. lrt<'I:. for PJJ:ht yr-a rs. fie tCJld trui.lt'i:l> in a puhl.Je an tcr vie w that hii. l'Xpcr1cncc in l;.i hor nc·golia tions with l h<' Teamste rs Umon hii l> prc part·d him for s imilar negoti&t1o n:. wrth dbtrll't l'mploy<~s. Obon. who 1s married and hai. two c·h1ldn·n. -.aari he wu:-. !>Ur prised hy his i.Plct•t 1011 • It c<ime on a :l 0 vote· hy lrui.lt:cs UoanJ l'n·~i·h·nt l>on llnff wa~ abM·nt Los Ala1nito~ Out as Site 11,or Airpo~~- Tht· Los /\lam itos Armed Force!'> Hl.'!-icrvc CcntN and rnra I Hf'll Can yon wen · dropp4·d. Wcdnebday from a h:;t of sites berng (·oni.idcrcd by a rl'gional gf1Vl'rnmt·nl t·om11111t1•1· fur a m·w major airport Tht· !:iouthnn Cali forn1 :1 As 'tOC'latlon or C:Ovt'rnmt·nt:-,' Cl Via 111111 1·1irnrn 1ll•·1· m1·ntinn1·c1 \'a riou ... ~af1•I v fol'tor., .,., n ·avm-. fr1r t·l11111nat lllJ'. tlll· I wo 'tilt·:-. a~ poSslhlt• ltll'al tfJll!'\ ror iJ nt'W rt· g1,,nal ;urJ>ort The L os Al a m i t O!> s ite. however. which 1s surrounded hy Seal ~ath, Ftos~moor. Lo!> /\lamitOI>, Cypress and Garden Ci rove. still is berng consider ed !;y several agencies a1> a posst· hie location for a new private ;urcrafl fi eld. Wednesday 's action leaves I wo possible O ra n ge County i.ile s for a fu t ure region a l a irport in the SCAG committee·~ t·ycs "-:1 Toro Marine Corp~ /\1r Station and Chino Hills /\ SC/\Ci eommattec re po rt ~aa<f an airport located in t he I .ns Alamito!> area would havl' a "St•vcrc nt·~uti vt• impact " on !>urroundrn~ airspac·c be<'l.IU!>I' the approach over the ocean would conflict with approach to J ohn Wayne, Lon~ Beach a nd t 'ullcrton Ai rport s. The location of Bell Canyon, near the ·Santa Ana Mountain foothills In South Orange Coun· ty. would present landing and takeoff problems for the airlines, the committee report said. Takeoffs and landings would have to be on the west side and tall wlnflti would re nder the 1urport unusable on some after- noons . Refugees Nixed KUALA LU MPUR, Malys1a <AP> -The Malaysian govern· m ent savs It has driven 14.457 Vietnamese refugees from It~ eHl coast in the pasl 10 days, and lndbneslan officials report 1ome 15,IQ). have landed on the i1land1 ol the Riau Archipelago,• southwest ol Sin1apore~ In the Patt two week1 . ' NB Wants al Lease ~1Ufll!e Out T ht• federal d1 i.tr1l'l Judice !U"h Nluled to rule on Nf'wport lh•IJ<'h '11 ri~hl uuuini.t 11frshorc 111 I lf'll11t•11 IN a fornwr r1i I com. 1rnny uttom ey, N<:w1>11rt cit y of. ri<'rn ls t harf(ed l°'fay. City Attorney Oonn111 O'Neil -.u111 th11t u scpuratf' hearln..e wu111 111 111· l11·lcl 1n l.11~. A11J(c l1·-; l-'1•d1·1111 Dalllnt•t Cf111rt 111 1Jn r•f fort to d1s<1uulafy Judge /\. An tl n•w llauk J u1l.c1· ffuuk Wt-.lne'iday heard th1: 1·11y·s urgumcnts 1n ats ut h·m11ti. '" i.:1·t a n·11tralnmg order · ro hall lht> '>ale of ofr1'horc 1111 h•uM'l> 'fhut sale• IS '>Ch<.'<.lult..-d f11 r Friday m o rnin f( in Lo:. A 11~1·h·-. .J uchw fhiuk wtis expected to rule hc·fore lhe11 on that restrain lllK orilt•r O 'Nt·1I ~aid. how1·vn, that 1t wa!-. l1•:rrn1·tl tha t .l 11rl~1· llauk om·•· M·rv1-d a!> tr s ta ff rounsel for one of th1· ma1or ni l t·11m pun1c~ 4'X 1wc lt'd to hul on the lt'llSe!> whl<'h an('lude four trac·ti. Ju i.I o uti.rde the t hrt•t• milt· hm 1t orr Ncw11c1rt ll1·al'h O 'N1·1l i.a1d .J uclgc llauk n· porh•dly Mill rl'tarn:-. i.toe k 111 that c11mpuny 111· -.:111! lht· l11·~1rrn1~ woultl h•· to th•t1·rmin1· 1f tho:-.•· n •port:-. wc·ri· true· If .,o, h" .,;111J . .lud~1· ll auk shou ld lw d1 :-.q uill1f1 e<l front thi· t aM· O 'N1·il :.:.11d tw 1·xp1·c·1:-. th•· Dt·purtmt·nt of th•· I 11tN1•ir won 't lw restrarncd from at·ccpt1ng brds .f"nday morning _ f. Hut he abo !'illltl 1l 's i.trll hkt•ly the city t•ould wm 1t:-. had lo hav1· the four tracti. dt:'lctL-d from th • s ale hel'aw.,l' the least·" won't tx·. UY> <.trdL-d ror 3() cl;J yi., J.:IVlng the t'll) l•ml· tu 1>u r-.u1· 11 i. ra-.e· Wt·dnto:-.day, th1· s tat•· l.<.enrl .. <"om 111.-.!>mn 1111'.t It!>· tm l 111 hav•· I he• :-.alt· h:Jll•·cl wh1·n a f4·dn;,I 111di.:1· tn W:ish1ng1<111 I> (' !.<Jiii lh1•rt• w;1., rn ... urr11·11·nt 1·;111\1• 111 Ill•· !'>l:rlt• "< ;,.,,. l•i l1l111•k tl11· .,al•· 'l ht· !.t:1t1· ~. t a1>1· wa:-. IJ:rM·ll 1111 ;ill•·g1•1l 1111•q111t11•!> 111 the· 11rr1 l'l'dllrt• II~' Y.ht1•h It•;,._, .. , •fl I :1 wardt·cl fill l..:itize11 Aul.s Arrest Oj"Suspect A ll11nt1nj(trin H1•a1 h man. v.ho !>.1w two SU!-iJ><•t·I!> rl1·1·ing fr11m a ll('l~h hcir !'> hllU!.1• W1·1h11·-.ri 11\ m1u ning v.1th ;111 ar 1•11•1.id r1f J.!()()(1-. rr-pnrlt·t11v h••l1w1I polw•· ll:th Ulll' or llll' IJuri.:l.iri. 1'11111·1· arre· ... l•·d :1 11, v1·ur 11ld hov :11 I ll I ~ ,, n1 ;ift•·r 1111· I> ll r 1; I.tr}' ..i L ~:S7 :! Jo "'"• 1 .. n.f1 llrl\ c· l h1• 111 ·1 ~hh11r p•d111• ""\. lr1ll11V.1•cl 1111· ~Ul>l•t·t·I -. 1•1 .1 111111\1• 11 1·,11 hr :-. .ind 11•111.111w tl I lwr ,. 1111 I ti 11rf11·t•r:-. ar11 vl'd 11111!1·1· 1.·111.r1.,t·a11•d ,, 1 .1d1t1 ,, i .1 pt· playe·r <Hid a 1111111 h•·I r1f •·n ·cl11 1·artl:. hl'l1t•vt·d t.1!-.1•111111111 lht• hOU!-.1'. a ut honll••!-i n •1mr1 -Tiu· nf•1ghhor WU!> ;i l1•r11•d 111 i lw hurglury wht·n h1· h1•anl .1 tlog h urkang, 1w1lat•t• :-.av l'olrc·1· ~ay he· saw two youth; runn1ni.: from the hou:-.l· • Tht• arn·!>t<'d youth wa.., n · h'a:wd lo his 1rnn·nL .. aft1·r bt·•nJ.' hook1·d A M·eon<I sui.pc•1·t also 1 ho~ht t11 ht• 11; ye:• r .. ,,r ug1· ,., lit•tng !'-f>ught REFLECTING YOUR INNER BEAUTY M•Stwe l)Mly ~I ... \1.-C - NEW PRINCIPAi,, Joan Skinner Huntington Principal' s Post Filled Joan Skrnncr , forme r l1•;Jl'hcr and si><•eial pro~ram!-. d1rN·Uir for th•· H untington fkath City rc lt'mt·ntary) Sdiool Dai.'trn·t , ha s bN·n nam1!<I prio1·1pa l 111 .J ac·k Clap1~ St·h11ol rn l tunlingt11n lfr al'h Mrs SktnnN . who wrll tak1· ove r the· ~ix:taal 1'<1u<'at1un fat•1l1 t Y Jul y I , r1•pl <11·1·" l>wu1n fJas hno, Who will 1·1111t1nue tu work for t hf' d1:-.1 rll't :1:-. d1rc1·tor of ·~pcraal progra ms !lupenntcn<frnl Larry Kemper a nnoum·1-d that lht· nt:'w pr111• 1·1pal will retJtn' h('r d .-.trwt 11f I I (' ,. r I' ... p IJ n ... I h I I 1 t I ,. •• .J .. C'OO rd1n;i t 11r fnr the• llll'IH:tlly ~1 ft1:'1m1nnri.11rngr;im ~1 r... Sk1nn•·r Jlll ll •·tl 1111· 111~ I ru-t a:-. a 11·.11 h1 ·1 ;.t .J11hn 1-:.1111·1 ~C'11 ool 1n l!tt;<! ~hr• l1H1k r111 th• r•tl t• ;,., M<;~ 111111 d111,111ir 111 1111:1 I\ i.;r •1d 1J.tl •• 'If ~.di 111 SI .1(1 n1 "'''"II v M ,,....., ~ r·-~k 111111·r l ',lfll•'tl t11·1' 111.1 ... t1·1 • d•·i:11•1 Ill 1'11 ·1111·111 ;,, \ 1·d111 .ti 1•111 "' ( ·" ~I .1h• Loni.: lk ,1\'11 C 'l:q111 :...c 111~,1 . Y.1111 ti ''·n•·•. I , •'i'llJ :>ll I l'IJl'lll'd ,JfltJ m1.1lt1 h.1nr11l·appt'CI y11unii.,t1•ri.. n1x•nt•lf in J!j7:l and op1·ratt·~ on J yt•u r Jround has t!> Mesa Bandit Takes a (:ab A bandit ~ho k1·pl J 1'Jh wmtTnJr OTIT~l•t.· lw l•T u p .• f'r•wk1•r B:111 k 1n 11•11 th I 11.,1.1 M1•.,,1 .11 .1h11111 10 ,, m t11d1J} anti th1·11 11n1d1· ht!\ gl'law:iy 111 tlw tax i l'ol11•1• '>aid t h1• 1 .di 1l11~1·r .... 1111 .ipp.1r1·11t lv didn't lr :tH· anv 11li-~1 wll:et his t·11~tr1mt•r w:1•. 1q1 to I hl'n drov1· th1· 111 all lo a re•s tauranl 111 <,1>11th S.1n ta Ana Thi· rnhhPr r1·1111rlNlly p.11d ht.., fan· lw·f•ir•· fl•·•· 1111-: poh1·1· !>a11l 'I lll'v -.:11'1 olh<"r tlr•I a il-.. 111 I It;. rrihlwn a l :1111111 Hr i-.tol !')I ' ~ 1~rl'll I \ 1•1 .n .11lal1l1• Stenz 2224 ... .,.... ... ~. 1 •1 ............... 615-7174 21 O'IJ w.rtM A••· ........... , ... _.Cr• c .... .,, !I •• ....... , ... ...., 673-712' . ....... ,......, Guards Escort Tankers · By Tiie Aaaoclated Preu National Guardsmen armed with bayonet·rixed rifles escort· l'd tank tru c k s f{o m oil terminals.. in North Carolina to· day as independent haulen re· s umed picketing at a large terminal in Alaba m a. • T ruc ke rs in Iowa and Ten· nes11ee began returning to work Wednesday as Maine drivers l'amped out at a National Guard Ar m ory in Au1eusta lo await Gov. Joseph Brennan's return fro!"' a meeting In Canada:-b-- 1 here were renewed incidents of violence. with firebombs and i.ntr>cr shootrngs aimed at trucks o n the road . Thou11ands of nails WPr<' dumped Wednesday on In· tns tatt· 5. one of California's hul>rcs t truck routes, but lbey w1•n • quic kly l'leant."d up a nd tire cl J m age was re ported to be minimal. ShoLo; from h1~h -powered ri~ W(•n• firud at two trucks on U.S. ;1111 n1·ar <.:et·ilton, Md .. and on-: d r 1 vn ~uffert•d s upe rfic ial wounds Thn·1· truck:-; we.r.e...fired 11111111 in widely s cattered areas of /\lahama Wednesday night a11rl early today, but. no one was hurt Arni naab w1·rc !>catlered alonj! antni.t<.1lt• hrj(hways 85 and '/7 111 North Carolina l-'011<1 s ltu·ks gene rally re · m .1 1 11 r· 11 a rl t• q u a t e a t .,u1wrmark1·ti-. rn the Midwest a11<1._ t :ai.1, hut gro<:ers predicted h, ..,.e r 11r11·ei. and s ho r tages within fla y~ Som(; meat and puutt ry wholt~alcri-. rn New York doiwrt eurly du1· lo r t'duced s up. pht·!> < l'ho111 Pagl' i\51 ln<l1·pcnrl•·nt dri vers have 1)1·1•n ()fl -.trtk1· ft>r three w~ks rn pr Ol•·'>I 11f high r111·sd fut•I pnc~. I he· ~~1 m111t '>p1·1·1I limit and v.1·11:h t l11m t~ thal vary from .,,,,,,. 111,.:,1:11•· c In W1•11r11·»tl:1y, V1 r1· President w .1111·1 ~1o111l:th· <t!-.kt·d indcpen tl1·1i1 tru1·k1•1.., to · j!ct thl:' coun 11 ' 11111v111g :11!a111 .. f·l1· wanu:<1 I II.ii llw .,t rik1• would so<1n 1la!-.rupt , It ,. II •• I I 0 II • ... ,. I' I) n 0 m y . '" '''"' "'" .... tf1· p : .... ~.~·..:•· ror·dnver!'> Y. 1111v.;11111'1!111rf'11irr1111 w11rk f 'ron• Pa~ ,, I ~MOG ... -.mo~ :Jlnt lf) th•• gasoline <'r1srs 11 1• l> <•Ill !.m ug -co ntro l tang 1 atalytrt· tonvnte rs ha ve bet:11 1 111 n1·1I by mutorrst s who put l1-.1il1·<I fu t·h 111 unlt'adcd·only '1·h11 It•!'\ J ntl hy 11c rsons who h.1\1• d • llho·r.il1·ly l<Jntpt:n .'<I wllh 111• ''""' r1 1 '" I lt•uJth Oirt·•~lor llndt•r Probe "1'"" 111..:1;11 h~1'1 T he d111 ·1 1•1( 111 l1t•:tlth !'\Cr Vll'CI> ut :-..111 ll11"'" St at•· 1s reported tn he 1111d1•1 111v1·-,111.:an11n for all1•g. I'd •rrl·i.;ulurrtrt•s m the care of hrs p.1111·ni... 111· de•otcs a ny im- pr'CJJ11 lt'l11·" ·1111· un1v1•rs11y !>ard it Wal> m.rk111g ;en 1n~urry, as e1rc stale· 111 •· ti tt' a I u u l h o r II r e !> , int 0 • •·ha 1 ~t'!-. made• by two physicians 111 n ·tl lly Ur Uav1<1 Ht'arman at lh•· 1·:1m1111s ('1•nt1•r -one who 11.1-. '>1111•1· 1 t'!'o1gn1·d ;Jnd the other y, ,.,, ........ f1 rt•1l .. Men, WOmff .ind Boy's Ctotht,.. The Finest Selection Av.ll•ble OFF Sl-IOfE • • CALIFORNIA Revenge Not Held In Death LOS AN<a;a..,;s l A 1• 1 1'h1• fl lrn<'t't' ()( 2H vt>1H o lc1 St«>vf• Con.i1•r. !'>hot fa tall by Ot'W ot 1 hf• 1>hcrlff'\ dt·pol 1M ht' hat1 '11mmorwd lo tht· 111d 11f 11t1 c-ldl'r I y ht• u ti n.: ' 1 l'l I 111 1.i1 )' s "tw 1h 11•>111 ·1 wnnl rt•\ t•nRt' I IHtVt' no halt'." 'uut Sandv S1•h1mnwl "l don I ~ant n· 't'll•'•· 1111111.11" makt' m1i.tak1•1> lt l'o 111'1 \t'I\ 11 ,llo;ll th.al I 110111 h 11V1' Sit' Vt' 1111\ lf)OI t• bet·it1J.'it• ,,, I hut m11>IUl..t' -81 t'rr\..,'1¢tt M ~Nii wrtti .. twnrr:s d1.·purtm1•n1 n •11n·-..·n I .111v1•i.. M111, N·t11 111 11wl 1>1t y' 'ht• .. 1111 tllM>s n 'l 1t11<lt·r'it tt111I how th•· 1111i.t11kt• thot took <'1111~l'r·.., ltf•• 1 oultl h1.1Vt' l~·ttn mad•· Thi• d11"ol 1·11·t .111111 rwv ·., nff11•1· "·" 111'~!1111 .111 Ill\ t''llRUl H•ll of Lill' .. 11110110.: tltt• ('OllOIV UllJrll "' "'lftt'I \1"111 ' hu•, 4'1111th <11>1/l'll 11 \!.11111 ., J th11rou~h pruht•, u11tl \.\ f·fl nt·.,.J,1 v Sh1•1 1 I I l'•·t•·r l'1td1t·.'o., l.1 1>tl1•ll nlH d t lioth hr :111d11•., of l'ount \ ~•>V•·rn1111·111 1111 lllt'ir ' C'ht·<.ip 1J4>l11n•.d 1'11111 1111'011> liuM·t11on 110 f<H'l1> (; 0 N fa: R W i\ S R tJ KI.: H WNlnc•s1hiy following 1•mot11111u l .'ot'rVIC'<'S :al ltost• 11111!> Memorial C'hapel in Wh1ll1t'r In his t·uloia . th1· Hev. llurry Fc lmly ur1~1·d more than 100 m uu rnPrs lo "lovt• thy ne1Rhbor lovt• one a nul hN t·ven be w1lhng to c11e for one unol hcr ... Conger h ad s potted r.:J.year·ohl l<H'k Conor lying unconsrwu~ 111 I hf• fl nveway or tht' mote l n(•X l n tl1t• Wes t llnllywood bung<ilow tit• ,ind M1 :-.1> SC'ht rnm c l h.HI ,hared for a year a nd u h<.ilf. tit-: llt:l.Pt.;i) GONOR h<lf'k 111 h 11> 'fl"llll t·I room :.ind ;d 1>0 ••·lcphuncd aulhoritll'S with a tfcM·riµl1011 uf u m<J n he h<Jd :-.1.-cn \\ :Jlk111g ;;iwa v Con~er dirctlerl tnt• fir1>t tw11 rl 1·p11l1t•s who a rrived lo the s u1> 1wc·1 U11t .J1m 1mcz who h:.i'I fl r<.iwn h11> gun <irtf:r ht·<inni.: .J n•p1irl wh1t•h ~lutc•d tnl'orn·1·tly 1 hat llw o;us11••l'I h<.td a f irc'1rm .1rr1v1·d with a .M:t•ond g ro uµ urnl ..,h111 I hi' unarm1·d Cuni:t·r in th1· rH·t'k a1> !w •·rnc•rged ~uddcnly f 111111 .in al1·r,vt• Bird Reveals ·J.A'<.ik.-,' Tore !j1q>r eme Cottrt '-\1\'-1-'l<A '-<'1!'->('ll t1\l1 1 (',Jl if(1J't1l:1 <'h1f'f J11:.l 11•f> fl (/.,.. J\1rrl d1•ny 111~ 1n1sc·onrltw l in''"" ~ lh+-~m·m · Court Ca!>.i!!) un t11•r rnvt•<;t11.;at 1on. 1t•.,t1fwd th1• ~.t alt· S upn ·1111· C'ourt la1>l y1•:ar v:a -. to m 'hy :-.uSJ)l('lf>n <rnd Ill fr1·l 111)! ~II•· tolfl th<· Com m1ss1on o n .l11tl111a l l'c·rform;,i nte Wcdnc-. tfay ttwt h·ak:-. 11f paper!> <Jn<J .. thl·r 111form<Jl1on from the high 1·1111tl J.{ot ,...,> b:1d lat1· l<.1st yc<.1r t lt at thl.' tr<id1t1onally screnc 1·11111 t IK·t·ami' tnfl'(·tcd wit h u Md'ar1hy t ypt• m<.•nlallty " .. ,. t:or1.•: Bt:GAN lo wnnth-r ;11)11111 1·v1·nom· <·be.,•· 1>hc· t11l rl tt11• <'Om m1 :-.1>1011 1n lh•· un prc·•'l·d cnlt•d 1>uhl11· pr o tw 111 1111·d1a c·h<.trgc:::-. l h<· 1·ourt di' l1lwratclv dt•l ayr·d the filin~ 11r "'""'' M·11:-,rl1 v(• d1·1·1s10ns to 1ir11 lt'('l ht·r c·onfirmalion vote w~t i'oov . 7 She narrowly won i\l 11nl' point, ~h(• :-.:11d, her law 1·lc r k airt'd :J :-.usptt tun thut <Another JUstic·c m ay lwve w;,int· 1·d to hold ,u p tl1t:! Fox vs. Lo.-. An~cl<.>S "lighted cros:-, ·• opu11on ur1t1I artcr the e le('tion. S h e s a id <.t ll the jus ttces <•g r eed on t h e posting or a mem orandum to the entire court 1>l<1ff tn which t he "hreach or t·onf1d cnli<.1lity" was d enounced with the Jhrcal tha t violatwh 1·ould result in d isciplinary a l' tum 111clurl111g µrosccution under lhl· :-talc 1:riminal sta tute!>. 3Held In Theft Of Checks ., • .# • 4' .. -\. ... ..,A • ~ ... ..... . " ... ., ri'•tssi11g '1-,ftmoiors ...... ",..., . .lc11 · S;tl1·1·d o tllrnw.., nut thousands of overripe tomatoes al .1 K111g <'1t v 1'<H'k 111g hou:-,<: Wed nesday e:.ts a result of the 1 n11·kt·1' :-.t nk<· l\lthough tom atoes a re still being picked, ll1t·n · :11'1• 1111 tru!'k:; to t a ke the m lo market. Hobert '.\>11·-.1·r . f'01t1pa11y pr<'s11h•nl. says the s trike 1s costing the \11·wr To111<llo Com p any Sll 0.000 a day. King City is .d111111 Hill 1111lt·s !->r>uth of San F r;;m ·1M·o. Firm Says DC-I Os To 'Return Soon' I.OS ANGEI.Jo~S (J\f>) Mc Donnell Douglas Corp. said W1••lnc•1><lay 1l ha'i answered all q uestions raised by federal in· vt•1>t1~ator1> ~ind ••xpec·L'> it~ l>C-111 jeL<> to be <Jllowed back into :-.t• r VI('(' SOCIO But <J Ft·f!Pral I\ v1att0n Adm inis t ration spokesman s <iid the .1gc>n1·v 11> no l11ng1·r prc<lwtin~ when its invest1gat1on will <:oncludc. · All we t·<.111 do 1s hope.,·· said /\lex Gar vis T tlf' l"/'\A .,us pn1d1·d lh1· IJC: 10 opernting <:ert1(1 cate a bout two wt•cb ;,igo µcndm~ ;,in mvcsll~<1tion or a c ras h or one of the '4-11l1·ho<lit·<I Jl'l1> 1n Chi<'<.tJ..!IJ that t'laimcd 273 Ii ve1> Bill .'iPrk11 Ram Rrplac-rm~11t !-.1\CHJ\ \<1 .. :'ITO I A 1· t A ffll 'it'-Urf' lo ron·e th1· National 1-"oot l1.ill l.1•,1g111· 1nlti 1,,.rm11tan~ ;11111th1·r lt:am I'> m ov1· to Los An~cle~ .,.. hc·n lh(· Ha m -. 11111vt1 111H h<t~ w1m stutc A~scm hly approv;tl , '"l'h1:-. 1:-0 a n c:ffurt lo rc~ton: :-,omc 700 jobs when t h<: Hams 11·:.i VI· 1111' Col11>f'Uffi ." J\~. ( J ... t· nr b I y w n m ;1 n 'I' <: r " :-. a ."'t"'f;fTf;' Hughes. author or AB787. s:ud lwfore the vote Wedncs --d<.1y . M1> "11 um1<•!' r ("flr<'Sl'nts-thepmtron of t.os-A-ngeles1tlat-includes 1hc· <'11ll1><~u111 . whwh wtll be wrthout a professional football team :iflt'r tht· W7!f '>ca1>11n when the Ra m s m ove to Anaheim Stadium in O range County. Brou·n •s1 .. u.·· an Pa,, H llu>• ~J\CRAM ENTO <AP> /'\~scmbly Si>eakc r Leo McCarthy -,~1ys (;uv f·~dmund Brown .Ir. hus movt'<I too s lowly on state f'111 pl11y1·c pay <ind 11> playing for publi(.'ity with his tax c ut pro· 11•11>a I ~frC;irlhy .• IJ San f rane1s1·0 . re<JHir mNI his supp<>rt Wednes d ay for a n 11vcrnd1· 11f Brown's t:xpccted veto of <J s tate employee 11av r ;ip .. 1• 11111 :1nll ... :11d tht• lkmrwrat1c: governor w<Ji ted too Jong to 111{·11•u1>e h1~ •1fft·r lo 1111' ~:10.1.100 '>1:.tlc workers. tt11,,or .-.f•Pk• to Ni.t• f ,ou·•uif ~AN l'ltJ\NCISC'O t AP > San Fr<inc1sco Mayor Diane l"em· -.11•111 askc<l lht• C'allforn1a Suprcrnt• <.:ourt Wec1ncsday to throw out a $~. rridlwn .'olandt·r s111l a~<.tin~I ht'r '>t'hertu lf'd to go to trial Mo nday. Sht• abo ask1•1'1 that the t rial l>t' delayed. The ~Ull was fi lNI hy Jf)seph Mazzola ' head or Plumbers Union l.rl<'al :Pi, 111 1 ~171i wht'n Mr..... 1-'cinstein wa1> H San Franc isco s uµC.'rv1sor Bnilaut ,.;,,,.,, .fialrty \lah•r S/\CR/'\Mf:NTO CAP>-Cov. Edmund Brown Jr. said Wednes- d ay he waiits the L<'gislaturc to send him a longter m post- Proposition 13 ftn an<·<' bill for local gove rnments , rathe r than a nothe r one limf' bailout. Uut. the Of'mocrat1r ~ovcmor said. <iny longterm s tate aid bill for <:ttics, counties a nd :-,c hools s hould contain some kind of "!>afet y vnlv''" for th(' s tutt: in <'a:w a recession cuts deeply into state revenues Brown did not ~pe1·1fy what kmd or provision that should be. n<1r tl1d ht' p ut a 1>1w c1f1t· dollar h m 1t on the hill he would s ign SAN DIEGO <AP) - Two Camp P endleton Ma rines a nd a Navy hos pitalman a r e in federal c ustody in San Oie go on c harges of s t ealing more th a n $138,000 in government payroll checks . AnnouncinCJ New The three were ar· ralgned Tuesday and a re being held in lie u of $25.000 bond ea ch . Officials said more a r· rest s a re exJ)t:cted soon In the C8llf' A safe c:ontaining 457 c hecks and 190 blank a rmed forces i41entiflca · t lon cards was take n f tom tite Oc-e-a n 1 hte marine bue lut Thurs· day. said Larry Heaa, •cting agent ln chu•e " the San Diego Sec ret Service offlce. PHOTOGRA Y EXTRA™ lenses Need one pair of glasses to wear a ll day long? The new len se from Cornl,. is wha t you're lootllng tor. From a ll9ht tray ttnt to darlc gray in less than 60 seconds. Available In slntl• vision and bifocal form. No matter what your needs in eyewNr, price or sty .. , we are here to supply the best for you and your eyes at the right price. THE WHOLE WORKS starting el l U4.50. <Frames, lenses, & case). "WI WANT YOU TO LOOI IEnll FOi LESS" ) JPTll:AL -FACTORY 250 I. 17• ..... c ........ • ···-s... 642-46JO • W ... dayi 9·5:30 s ... 9.3 . ' , Thurldey. June 28. 1979 DAILY PILOT A& Abortion Battle Looms ·Senate, Assembly .Split on $16 Billion Budget SA€RAMENTO <AP> -A two-house conference committee has begun work on the state budget , and already there is talk of a long battle over abortion funding that could leave the stale in a financial limbo. A ne w fiscal year starts Sun- d ay. but there ls little chance that by then the s tale will have a new budget giving the executive bra nch the power to pay bills. THERE ARF. 3M dirrerences hetween Senate and Assembly ver s ions of the budget, both of which total a bout $16 billion. This m eans it will probably be Monday before the two houses act on a compromise version or the fiscal 1979-80 s pending plan. And lbe issue· of state-funded a bortions for poor wom en , which d om tnate<l budJ.:e t conside ration last year. could further delay <i vote Lo send the budget to Gov. Bdmund Hrown Jr. Meanwhile on the other h1i.: spending m easure of 1!179, u separatt· l wo·hous e c•onft:!rcncc t' o m m 1 tl e c Ji I o d d e d <t h e u d I hroug h a seemingly t·ndless list if w1t11e~sPs on a $5 1 h1 tl1C1n IJll'>l l'ropos1t1Cin 13 aid bill for ltH':JI go,ernrnenl~ THAT COMMI TT•:t: ra(•1•d 1979 CAR and TRUCKS ALL MAKES! 833-0555 Ask For Our LE.lSE SPECIALIST at tf'OWARD CMvrolet NEWPORl 8£ A .... H two questions -cutting the cost by $200 million or more. and de- c:iding whe the r lo make the bill another one-year bailout or at· tempt to make the dis tribution formula permanent. Like the budget. the bailout measure. by A ssemblym an Leroy Greem-. D-Carmic hae l, would take errect with the· ne w• fi scal year beginning Sunday. But chances of final ac tion by then are close to ze ro. The possibility of a long delay o n the budge t was rais ed Wednesday by Assemblywoman Leona Egeland, D·Morgan HHI, who told the conference commit- tee-s he was "willing_to give up my August vucation plans" to fight reslricttons on abortion rundin1t . T HF. ASSEMBLY budge t this yc<tr include s the $25 million J>r oposed by Gov . E dmund Brown J r . for unre s tricte d a bo rtion fundin.:. but the Senate .1duplcd language thal hmats funding to c<.1ses tn which the v. om an ·~ life is th.rcatc nt·d llow1•ver, Sen. David Rohcrt1 , a lt«11lc·r or thl' Scrrnt<: anti· t.ihurtion forn ·s. :-.aid more libC'r:.tl la.ng uagt· :-.1m ilar lo last ycar'i. w:.ts a "starting paint for dil'lcuasion" of the abortion ia· s ue. The Los Angeles Democrat noted tha t anti·abortion forces are stronger this year in both hou11es and said il would be "In· congruous " and "totally una<'· ceptable" for the conference c ommittee lo propose less res trictive language this ye11r: The confere nc e committee h ea rd from a parade o r legis lators Wednesday, most or the m asking for more money for one project or anothe r. Much of the testimony, however, con· cerned abortion money. A sse mblywom a n J ean Moorhead. R-Sacramento, -told the all-male c ommittee. "No m a n can truly understand the feelings a ssoc1<1teir w.th pre - gnancy and a bortion." Spe aking of the bailout bill for cities, c:ounties and school dis- tricts, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr said he wants the L~g1sl ature to se nd him a long.te rm bill ntthc r than a nothe r o ne · time bailout. Arter meeting with thf' Scn <tlt· Dcmoc:rat1c Cauc·us, Brtiwn s aul lw has "lx'Crt s upport ive of a lone:-tcrm m e<iMire with u safety va lve in th<: t•Vf·nt o r som1· l'l'Ono m1c downturn. SPECTACULAR SUMMER SALE Sale beqins Friday, June 29th. as a ~iaf tftclllk JOU to all our easto.Mn w~ would Ii•~ JOU to SA VE 20°/o & MORE on all our regular merchandise* •1ony, dff1 not appfy to SpKial orders Sal• f'flds Juty 28HI elizabeth duke, ltd. i11 •-"' coo1t plaaa, coda iwoa 1714 ) 540-2577 • 2 5 •• Di090"af •Tai* Model •Ideal For LC1r¥ lookshehes • I 000/o Solid State R~ '62909 Sale 5499°0 ,3 .. --, COLOR s29900 1211 llock& WWt. SBSOO , _____ .._ ---... -------=--·-- • -------..,..-.r - •I t " Or .inqt' Cua~t Daily P 1101 Editorial Pilge .................. ._ .............................. ... ~hursoay. June 28. 1079 Robert N WudtPubll .. her Bolsa Annex Try COu(fllelp ity ' Th(' rt' h I\<' 1>f'e11 f r<'QU<'nt but unbun'cbSful ullco111ti, h~ the r1l~ of lluntm~ton Ht•iu·h to 1mnt· lhl' lJol:iu Chll·u wt•tl a nrti. that un• m unsnc•oq >0r.1kd ari·a ~urround1·d h~ t· t t ~ l11ru l!\ Tht• Cth l 'uu1w1I modt• nnt· mon• unMH't'ehi.lul u111wx :it1on hid lt1~t \H't'._ It""" n •Jt•ctt·d tn a •1 J \Ok At f1r:.t ~lnnt ,., th1• l\Oll<' 11tao11 i1pf1l•arctl to ht• Ill t11n1·d \ ~Pt'« I Ill Pttrn ~t' \'1111111' I 1:.k fon·t• '>tUd) Ill~ ful\11 I' pl.in11111~ '' 111 t h1· I'',,,,.,, of ~t·ttant: oll th•· ~rounct 11nLI l'll \ :IMllt'\,llh'll' .111• l\ll\,Hh•1t•d HI '>Ulllt' ('lrt'h •:. ,1\ ~111oth1·1 'lu111hl111~~ l•h-. ._ In thou~htful land U..,l, \l,il ttw l1J111h'" llt I lllll'I 1-:IVl' tt ppro\ al 111 unJt•I ror the.· Jll11t'\.1t11111 ti1 h1 '11hd, .1ml th1•n · a 11· rw J :.-,u1 UJH't''> I h,11 tht• 111 111"·1 t' ''" 111·1 \\ould ~o iilong "1th ,111nt•Jl,1t11>11 JIHl .n · .... u h 'tl\ I' :1111111~ .11 !hi' 11111\' But tlh1r1• .11"' "''1 '· ,11u11d .11 ~:u int·nb for th,· a nn1·\..1 I llH\ .tlll'111 111 -. l'h1 · 1111111\ 1111 1t1r .1t1·d .111•11 ••J1111-.1r-, llhl·h to 1·u n ll' an lu I h1• II~ ,ti 'Pllll' l'<lllll Ill I ht• f 111111 \' ••lld thl• l ,1lt·..,l Jl)lll'X.1 ltl'. h11I \l.t, Ill.oho 111 gl\l' tlt1• <II\ ,1 !->lll>ll~(1•1 \IJll'l' t1l lh1• 11' I 'pl,11111111~ l'lw l.11t•-.1 .1111w\.,1t 11111 1•ft o1 I d1w:. '>l't·111 111 rt·fH't''>t·11l .ti\ hn11t''l ,1t lt'111p1 111 pr\"'<·1'1· ,1!'1 mud) of the IJ11ll '" 1111,:-1hh· .111d ~.1\ 1• 1111· 1·11' .1111hont \ !'v,·r tb pl;111n1ng ~! 1?.~·,,.~~~<~lmcn ''"' wcl': :,truyt..·d from 1ht·1r rolt·:-. as 1·1\y de1·1s1on maker~ in i.I rni~ gutdcd utlt·mpt lo t><.'come ntv amagt• makt·r~ l\t 1s:-.ue was a thn:t··:.tory, glas:,.faeed building lo he hu1lt on Talbert Av,·mw with a vbu<.tl frontC1gc JUsl off tht· SC!n Diego FrN·w01y The plan wt.1~ approved by 01 narrow vote. On the 011 position end w1·n· 1·oun{'1lmcn Marv Adler and Ben Nielsen. who w<•rt• s lightly miffed that the dc,'e lopcr l'Ou ldn't guar011H1·1· th01t <t m:.ijor "c·orporall'" tcn;.int would ot'l'UPY a !->llh:-.t:rnl1al portion of the 104.000-:.qu:.irl· I oot r.. .. 1l1 t) Whal they hoth wanted wa:-. ~m·h a lt'nant to pro\'1d1· an 1dl·nt1fy ing :-.1g n CJn lht· hullding·s exterior. whaeh lht') ;.ippan:ntly ft·lt would 1 mpn.·~:-. pa:-.!'-.ang moton:,t :-. That·.., f111n !-.y n·<.1 soning and oub1c.Jc the gu1dcl1 m·~ ol I ht• 1·1ty C'h:Jrtt'I' Fortun~1td~· 1 ht· am a ge m;,ik l'r !-1 Wt'l'e overrult·d 111 ;_1 :1.2 vote Stirring Controversy ft. lcttl·r lo lhl' e ditor <m th1!) page from llrmtinglon Bt•aeh Mt•:ttlov. l;irk Airport C9 ehairman J ame~ Ev<1n:-. <1ec·t1~l':-. lh1 :-. n(•W'>f1 :1pt·1· of bl'ing ;i party lo the hara:-.!> ml'nt of the· hw:tl t11rp111'I Enllls t'la1m!'I tht· rll'v.~papl'r rnadt' rr<1nt 1><t i~1· lie;1dlim·~ 1111 .. n •JH>rt h.~ lhn·e manoritv mcmhcr!'I CJf h a~ 1·omm1ltt:(' who ht• lnlplit·:-. :trf• :1 nt1 illrport :H'tlVISlS I le al'>o a :-.k:-. lor m1ir1· bal:.tntc:d edltorial policy <:on ""ming :\11•<tclu~l <.1rk Airport Althoug h Enin~· ll'lte r ;,ind this rc:!>po n:-.<: ma) he !'>mall potato<::-. 111 the: general ~chemc: of thing~. E v an:. 1:. v. rnnl.! on a <·oupl(• ()f points and ~hou ld he set strcught. Tiu· "rront JWl-!l' twarllines " on the rcp_ort c-r1llc:al of t he a1qx1rt iH'tuallv w a:. a o ne c·olumn headline on Page 2 Tht..· f rt mt page t reat m1·nt of the c:ontrovers v con ('t·rni:d h1:-. aitic·1:-.m of· the author:-. of the report a nd ha~ & 4:-qu~t, foi: lh<'u: rom<.>-V1il from th~ (.JOmmt l::l~ We d o n 't bl•licve th1:. newspaper is out of balanc e in 1b handlini: of the controversial issue. f t has b ·c:n dearly l>latcd in these tolumns that ~m<.111 gcn er;al a viation <i1 rport!> s uc·h <is Meadowlark arc bi.Idly m·ccfrd in Southern California . Tht• airport 1~ hes<·I b.v many prohlcm:-. not o f it:-, own rnak 111J.! ;ind it s n1l 1<·~ ha ve· !Jl'en t mot1onal at time!) Tht• 1..,s ut· m·<·d :-. lht· palt(•nt·c· and undcr~tand1 ng <if all 1·onr 1·rru:d . f':van:-.' ll'll<•r may Jllu:-,lralt• 1ine of the re<1!:->0n.., ror the rtn·n1 t•onl n1v1 ·r:-.~· An dfl·1·l1ve diairm<.tn ~hr>ulrl k ec·p tirl opt·n rn111d to :d I l'>'>ll<.''i f':v an ... a ppa rentl v 1.H.:rc·1·1 vcs thing:. the· wa_y . lu· w:.int s t<J und ha s iJtlitudt· doc::.n 'l eu~t..· lh1· :-Olllli.tll<lll • Op1n1on~ oxpri;·,•, .. d in 1n1 · '>PJC.I..: <10o11c a1e tho:.c ol the Daily Pilot Other 1111•w:. •·xpri:'>~t.:d on 1111~ p.ige <1re lho~e ol thoor dUthor:, ;rnd arlt• l'l Rcnd1:r c.nmmcnt ,.., invited Address The 0<1oly Pilot po Box 1560. Coo,lil Mc'>.J CA 92626 Phone ( 71 4) 642·4321 · Boyd/Rented Wives By I.. M. BO'VD /\ d1cnl ash 1f /\m1•rlf'11n lnd1<1n mt•n in <tnY trihc t•vcr loaned out lh1•1r w1 vt·s :1!'1 th1· l!:s k 1 mos reporlN11y once dHI Jk :• 'l know about louned ll 's ~1n h1 st11r11·al fart lhat Cht•rokN: lmhan braV('S ont·r l'Ustomarily rcnlc<I wive~ for lh1• st·ason. f"or the• wm le r, m ostly For the s ummer. too. but at discounts then. Our Love a nd War man ii. in· Yi!Sllgatmg recent research that seem s lo prove lhat only o ne bride in 19 ~oes home lo mother as the rei.ult of a fight with the groom. D•·ar Gloon1y Gu"' Wh y d o n 't markets have two express lanes, one for lhe ones who de· cide they have to write a c heck after all and· another for tho~ or u R who can read the l'llgn and rigure "it r eally. m eans e xpres!'i lane? IRKED "'""''J CIH ,_ .. I, ••• , ... . "'"" ., ..... " .......... . _ ....... , ,..., ...... , .. .... _..,., ~ ,.., '" ,.. .. .. "-' ~·· 0.•lf ,., ... Therc was a lime in this 1· 11 u n l r y 's h 1 s tory w h l! n "bringing home the haeon" was synonymous with ' 'steal a pig." M l't1·orit1•s arc· n evt·r round Meteorilt•:. arc· nt•vt•r ";1t <' "If all my hear<I growl h w I' r I' l ' " II f I n c d l 0 II n t' whis krr. how long would 1t gel in 24 hours''" /\. Fifty feet, at'l'urding to a razorbladc maker 's re •.carch , but that's hard to beh cve. Q. "When a cape bull bur fulo and a lion fi ght. both usually die. That's what you s aid. How do you know?" A From the s ke letal re· mains found by the stude nts of sucb'matlers . 1'he s uicide rate is fur lower amonJ.t extremely fat people than among extre me· ly thin people. What's your stand on ana· g ra ms'! People who go In for s ame can become tairly cun· n1ng in finding surprising combinations. Fo r example : "A11lronome r" cun bt' r cu · ranged' to m a ke ··Moon sta rer." ''Tt'legraph .. twists into "areal h e lp." And "funer al" -you have to be odd to appreciate this one - can be turned into· "real fun." "Presb.Yterian" makeA -.. oostin praylr... •• , NicholuH Von Hoffman - Wille_ S~T ;M-eet L---engue Fate? 'I hl· J UdlO pl:.ivl·tl lhc Blue ll,111 u lw Wttltt 1111:4 vaclco c11s pl,n 1·11 H11s al}1111 ruhlit:r nt·ckin~ \1,...lt 1a11 IJ11111,1u1· wt11lc the an II ll u n I' I' r '> v ,, I (' l' 11 II v t• r iJ lflJ ~l1 1J'I' Ulltl fl rOl{ll(J :.t'> of l.l·on1d 1\11 ·1.h111•v '!-> arttoru:i.. T ht•11 111 a tri1·1:· lh<· si~ning was 11vi•1 uncl M1 Cartcr was home 111 f 1 tint t> I < '11n~U't'""· h1-. ~- ..., h 11 t ''""'". I too 1:11 ~·· 1111 ., \,; h I Ill u ... T .. v th11u ~h ht· d ~ .,-hNrnk 1n tlw V. ,1 ' IJ I ' I ti r "on·· r1 a11 "" "' !-111 ..... ,1111 J. Ill)! Ill I om m<intl1111• pc1· '' 11• 1· \\a' ht• ,1t I 111 1 •l'>l f'Ulll of 111 .. 111111"' of 1!1•111 '''''lllJtl\t'' lh,11 ltt• l11ul..1·d 11!-.1• C.lllrtl'l>IH' \\ h11 d lwc·n f:ir111111> lr>nl! •IJ!" .1 111nw 11111 qu11t· ri·:tl11at.l1· 011 1h1· t 111 1.r th•· t1111s.:111•, ,1 pt1pul:11 """!''' """"' hall.id' :\'11im ..i11tl 111111 111w1· l11·ld li.111d ... 111 Huth Mailhox Vallee. Perry Corno . V1t· J)amone Th e importance he at tachc d to this SALT II s peech wu11 apparent from lhc ev1dc ncf' of his h aving read it through an advance, somt•thing he seldom does . /\l least there were fewt•r tha n us ual misplaced emphasc:., although the effort Lo expluln the dangers of our "nook1ar c.gt:" seem ed lost on Scnutor Scoor .J ark son :.tnd lhl· olh(:r mt•mhers of IJoth pc.rl1Cl> who agrl'l' with the old ·ltn c ll umphrc y ~ITWctOJL t.hat the ut:tity J.!> ap· pca:.cment of iJ Hus!.1an 1.wur who will not hl· h:.itiPY "1th ;1 f1:w t rnut 1.md iJ hand I ul or l>t:r rles TllE Rt:ASOS !ht!-> trP:ttv ,., 111 "'' muc·h trriubk I!-> lh:11 th•i!>t' \.\h<J .1ri· ,1ga111'>I 11 k11•1" v. h)' lhl'' re ;1g;11ns1 11 v.hilP lh•i'>t' Y.h!i a1t· f111 11 cl1111 I knu" .... Ii\ tlw~ ;ire· l11r ti 'J'h<· anti., ..in· aln·;.itl v T V ... t:.ilwn hOPJJtnl:. L<11r)1ng w1lh th•·111 on 1•a1111 ra t11 ... pl:t\'> 11( Ill ll ti 1• I ..... Ir 1., \ .,, ., h lj v. In g Ame rica's leenic·wecnic rocketi. up against the Soviet's Monster Mothers. SJM:akmg m favor of the treaty arc• m e n l1k <· Secretary of State Cyrus VaMt.' who wear their personalitae:. ltkt· o ld gray twet:d coat.'> with raglan Sl('CVCS. Ttn: DEBATF. will s tart in t•arncsl after thl! July 4th con· gressional recess with hearings before lhc Senate Foreign Rel<.1 t 1on s Com m 1llec. who!->e cha1rmun. the puffy. r.>rtsstl y pn.~c 1 w 1''r-aAk.-Ct:wc~h--Of -Idaho. 1s all pro-treaty. That makes ht m different from llenry Ca hot Lodge Sr. of Massat•hu:.ells. w.ho 1·h<.11 n·d lhe i.<1mc 1·omm1tt1·1· 1lunng th1· 1!119 Lt'ague <>f l\a I ions Lrt•al} fight to which th•· '-./\L T <lc halt• ha-. h1.·1·n c·llm parcel p;.irtly h1·1·aus1· W111>1l row Wilson like .Jimrnv Carter tn '.J!>ll'<I 11ot :1 1ot rwr a t1tth: of the· rl<1<·11nwnt -. l;mi.:o<Jgt.· might Iii• t•hanJ,!•·d \'ot1· 1t Up Ill \lltt• II d11w11 ll acl Wili,on acccr>tcd C'hanges. <· h a 11 it l' :-. w h I t• h 1 h c o t h c r '>H(llator1cs would have agreed 10. thc treaty would have ~en 1 at1ficd Hut Wilson wa11 arra· tlonu ll y unbending whilt' Carter ·~ reasons fur res1slinJ;: a ny c hange arc nol owing to a µr1ddul !>t ubbo rnnesi. but hc<:au:.c any reworking will un· i.t1ck the cteal WILSON WAS s hot down because hc ncgot11.1ltd the treaty pcr!>Onally and alone . without Repubhran ronsuttatlon . '""'..-n---,......,...-1 :.o an ~u1•h 'iCt ret that the terms were11 1 known until the Ch1ca~o 'l'r1hu11t• 'l11l1· the lexr and puhll:.ht·.I 1t Tht:. pr('s11.Jent ha:-. :H'h'd 1·nt11 el\ d11fcrently The dol' u nH·nt 1:.r1 t a ... u rpnse hursl 1111.: out of 1tw c·lt>M't tb maJiir pt"''""":-. h,t\·1· hl·cn knoY.n for 11111111 h:-J'l,111 " 1111'1'1' a11ylh111g ,.,Jl•·t 1.tl l\ 1111.: I> 1>cmocrat11· :1h11ut 11 SALT 11 "J~ lit!J!Ull 11~ 11111• Ht·1111hl11·;ir1 11n·-.uh:nt . t:c.ir · r 1l·cl lorward hy an.oth1 ·r. and 1:-. 1·1Hl<11 ·,1,,I h.1 llw 111ll·1·11ult0nal hank 111i! <ind ... 11wk 1ohhinJ( cit· fllt'llh 10 lh•· C:lll' If W1b1m had lt :1d ('arttr'., l i.1t·t :inti 1111Hlc•st \ llw I .1·;1i.:ut• would h.1' ,. l11•1·n ratlf 11·cl 11111 11 Carter had W1b11n ., 1•xc·111ng orator .'). 111:-. 1•ornmund of I ht· rht'lonc <>f 1n!-.p1n1t1011 , h1!-> :1h1ltt y t11 mak1· I h1• 't :11111·~1 1tlPah-.m ron1·ret1· in nwn·-. 1n1.1g 1n:1rum:-., S/\LT II Y.11ulcl lw 1rr1·...i'.'>l1hh· t:nhupptl} 11111 1l1·.1r wrink ll-11 , thin nct·ked 1.111 ... 1 than tt·d rw•kl·d .J1mrn\ l.11 f. , 11•11 -.1.11111·1· hul the a1• 1w.1r .i~I ~1.11 1111· 1 ti I'. STHAT I:<. \' 111 the 1rr1·1· ""' 11.1111• .1 llw •·11,1lor'> .... 1111 11 d lh•· 111•1.I .11•.1111,t th•· l.P:1g111· ., I I• I .tll•·tl v..1•, 11t·l.1 \ \V11 .... ,,, It I 1t1111•tf f 111111 f•:w ttpt • t11 ,1 flrlt J.• .J j'lll I l••1 l•11,i11 Whtdl. ltkt• 11,11.1 11 1•1 '-i1\l.'I 1 lt-1·1orat•·. \\ :1• 11, I.I\ •H 11f 1 lw µ1•111·1 al i<Jt.:1 11111 11111\ 1111 lh•· I'·"'" ul ~1r.., Th•: 111 1•1 o1111 tlah1 1 .. , twlll'v1•d that ti J II•\ had lt lll" 111 11·:ll'h th1• 1•111111 11\ th1 •\ 1111Jfd l'i1;1n J.!I' puhl11· ,1·11111 11••nl Tiu· .... 11111• f111· l11<l;n • II 11•1 llfll 11.tl ll•"· '>fl t h:11 If lh1· o1 I! 111 1 11 I I I .1 I I 11 11 1.t ltl r1 :.111111 q1111 kl\ I ,If tf I' .ti 11111 ,11 ,11' t • .1 11 I I! t• I ti \.\1111 I ~·l'I Wayne Deserves More Suitable Tribute To lh1• Editor CJ11t 111 0\11 111111 t\ ti 111 p111 t 111 /\ltho111·h .J11hn Wa yrw mad•· a < .1l1f111111.i 11111\ ,11 li,1\ 1• 1 111111111 ..l.'.<.d~l · c u . .n.1.w.L11l111n l u.....lh.i! luu.r1~ lJUI ,,j ..J.lw :.LJ ·•llfl'HI,, Am1·rw;1n n111\ 11· 1ndu~trv WI' \\ 11h 1•1111t111I 111\.\1·1·. 11111\ 11, 11f f1•t•I tlu· n•11;1rnrng of <>'r~ni.:c· lltt•:-.1· 111wrat1· :!I hrnu" 1••·r If;,, ('ourH\ 1\1q111rl was ;1 c·;;"mplt-tc I· 111· 1•x:1111pl1· ( lra11 1•1· c '1111111 ' l\ 1n:ippr<1pfl'1lt• .,:esllJ.l't' i\11 port . 11111• 111 llt1• :• 111· .t h11•.11 ... 1 In a htghlv l'llHll1011 :d t1m1·. :11r11111 i... 111 llw \''"Id •·111•.•" with alrnr>sl ni> puhlii· dl'ti:1t.1•, d1rnn fl•llll Ill l.1 11 111 "' Ii 1:1 lht· 1>r :111 w1· <'111111t y B<iard ,,r :1111 ~1up1 •1v1-.111 '111 :1111· a dcc·1.,11111 th1.., t\1111lh1·r 1:11'1 1\1r Ir :oll11 1•. t·1111nt v wall lt:ne 111 l1v1· with 1111 111•1 dl \ 1·111tl111ll1•d I" ft'd1·r:1I ITI:lli\.. v1:.11'.., t11 1·1in 11• An• w1• lo ril l<'!•· :inlf 11•1'1d :111111·,., ·1 ""'•' n·narn•· 111111111· fo1 c·tl 1t1 1·.., t'aC'h r11l1·' plu.., 11, .. l.1\o\ id o1·ll l lnll' a IJ<Jl1llllJI' (H'l''.'>1111 lf11•,' Jil t''>t'r\ ;1111111 .tit• .1 If I It.ti I S11ntl;1r 1!''"1 111·1•., \~1 ·r1· 111a il1· 111•,.f11•tf al "":Ill :11111111 I" \dtir h l h10111~l11 1ol 1111· 1·111111t v ;1fl1·r th1· 1'11\l'I '> !I 11111111 111 .111JIW''Ill1111 cl1·ath 11f ,Johll K1•11111·11\ In 1111· s t.111 • \l'i.11 '> lh.11 h:1\t' f11ll <1w;·d , nian\ \\'lw11111111 .t\l,11111 p11wl.11111 t11 1·11m m11n1t 11 ., ha v1· 1·omP to 1111' I '1t\ 1 '1111111·11 .111d tlw 1•11lil1• 11·g r1·l tlw h.1'..tll1l''' 11f ttw 1r lfp th:ot ~k.1d•1v. l.11 I.. t" 1111,.1f1· 1·1,111no,; :inti huv1• ri·v1·rs l'<I llw11 th1 •\ :iri· n11·1 l'I} ·.l11rn 1111: llwir al'l 111n-. 11.:no1 :1111·1• ;111d 11f .. ,1·1 \ • lo 1,.. Wt· .1!->k lh.1l lh" i:1·-.111ri· hy lht· laugh1•tl 11111,,f 111\\11 llr an l!•' ('11un1~ H11ar1I 1d Hui lh1·11· 1i. 1111lh111g fu1111\ ~upcn 1,•ir:-. 1,.. n ·1:on:.1tll'n°tf <Jt11I :1houl lhl· h;tra•,..,11H·nf h1·1111• a mor•· -.u11 ahh· triliutc Lo .John ... ufftori·cl In Hw :11q111rl 11v.rwr-. Wayne ht.· found at llw hunds 111 an11 ,11rp11r1 .11 SUSAN l': <;H/\FF t1v1sh Al.ICt-: 11/\llN .. ·. Your n1• .... spap1•r lll'n11111·-. a K/\Hl-;N MILLt-:lt parl'r lo ll11s un111,1 h.ir.1-.-.11wlll C'lllSTIN/\ ST Jt1-:1<:T t-:H of lht· Nt·ri11 fa1111h wh• n 11 SlJSAN S'l'HOM 111ak1·s a fmnl 11:11:1· 1:..,1w 11ul tif To tht· tO:d 1t 11r In 11111:.I 1·1 tws. l h1· n111nll'1p:tl .a1rp1l 1 t 1~. 11111 1111!) art 1•s:-.i•nl1al link 111 11ur 111od1·n 1 1 r;11i...1111rlu l111n -;y:-.11•01 , 11 1i. 11s 1i:il l_v a S(lllrl'I' of l'llll ~.ld1·1 :tlil1· l'IVll' pr11h· Not :-.<1 111 llu11l1ngt1111 fh'u<·h Whal we· l11n l' 111 If untingt<m Bt'<Jl'h 1:-0 Mt•adowlark /\trp<irl, 11ri vatc·ly <1Wnl'd an1I opcratc·cl and struggling to survi v1· rn lh1· fat'c of tui.:h taxes anti <1nt1 a v1ution bws and har(l!'l~menl The City CounC'1I A• t·s grudg mg support to the a 1 rporl , bul th<' local nc·wspa1>crs make s port of 1l. /\nt1·:11rporl acl1visl'> gl'l front pagt.: coverage by 1:.MJ111~ s landerous reports 11hout th1· uirport owner~ 11nd thc 111lolN who use lht: u1rport PI case r c m t' m ht• r th u l Meadowlark Airport 1:. a wx 1wycr , not a tax calc!r , ypl it pro v1dcs net·rll'<I fucitlt1es (or flight tra1n1n)( and for IJu sin ess, rec r eation, and e m e r gen cy lra m1porlation. ll doesn't cosl the taxpayers a cent' Sure. if the taxpayers would pay lhf' hills. we could make some cl111nges . 14,or example, t he a nli·airporl group h us called for "24·hour controlled ope ration" ul Meadowlark. WE llA\'t: explained that a control tower would coi1t at lust $300,000 to build and the CMt to m an ll 24 hours a day would ex· l'ced SJ milhoo per year ,. lh1 • ..,our g1 apt·'> r1 ·11111 t 1,f lh1• :11111 alrfHll'I ra1·t11111 1\ final ftiC'l As pl'm'••tl IJ\ a11 1111lt•pt·ndi·nt 'lucl) c·•111d1w.f 1•d IJ" ;1 u111vc·rh1ty -.1111lt•n1 w11rk1n1! 1111 a M <1slt'r!'I f)1·1.:n ·1· prni.:rnrn. lht· \'as1 m;qonl\ of l111•;tl 1•11111•11•, a11p 1•1•1·1al1• a11tf !->tq 1p111 1 lh1• :11 rp111'1 Ill lh1· 11ani1• 111 th1 •s1• IH'OJlll'. I a 'k for :1 mor" lialanet•tl cd1l11nal p11l1t•y t·un r1•rn in~ Meadowlark A1rf1ort .JAM ES It EVANS Ch1:11rman Mcadowlurk Wmg Orang<' County 1'1lols /\ssoc1al1on Par1f.-fpafr To I ht• Erl1t11r N am,. W 1 l h c I cl I.I u n <· :! I . Mail box l mu kc:-. <.,nm<• va llrt 1.111mts Yes. Uo11!'11t1r C'luhs :tr•· formed to s upport th1• program 11f lhe1 r purtu·ulur t ho1c•c. mont·y ra1sc•d is intcndcd to ht.· ~11cnl 011 t·qu1pmenl . ell• . 111 cl1rcl'lly hl'nd1t their r t11lclr1•n, 11nd in volvemcnl lfl :<l'llool fHlhtu·s 1:-. not ind11ckcl 1r:i !ht· purpo:-.t•:. of lht• or iiant7.at 1011. . TH t; t'OM l'l .Al NT I howt•Vt'I'. thul u few rwoplt· l'nn make the decis ion to ~P•'lltl money without any of the ~1stf'rs bcm~ nske<I about It ranklf'll I am not myi.elf :1 mf'mher of uny Boostl'r <;luh. but h1.1v1• lwt•n in rontnct with m any over the• veor'>, and hl.\Yl' w <> r kt' d w 1th M h c r s 1 m 11 IH .iroups To my knowlcdJ:e. l'U<'h I)( I ht•st• 1s iwt UJl in -,uch 11 wny that a \Oh' of mcmhcr-. flrcs1•nt 1• 111•1 , ..... 11' 11, tf,., 111• """ lltl •llll' ',\Ill 111• 'I I Ill IJ •.a , . ._ 1111!~..JCC.-. uJ UICclUI~ ,ti I' k llU\\ 11 Mlfl .I\ ;i 1 l.dil1• I IJ lllt'nl l11•f, 1\lt"'lll I' d11I'' )1 1\ t• pt1\\ t'I 111 I ht• l••v. :\I \ '"1-!l-!I" t11m ~··1 11ff \llUI duff un11lt1 i• lh•· 'I\. Jlld 111 .1g 1h1· 11111 h11d\ ,,, t h1• r111·1·111w II 1·11ldd 1111 n int11 .111 1•\1·111111~ of q L11 l1· lf\•·J\ 111- 1 ., ...... ,1111 :111d 1111•11·"· lh1 · 1•h;1111 •· 111 · \\:I\ Ill)..! I lw 1111•ntl11·r -.hip lo llll t• ' t)\\'11 1•111111 ti l \I •'\\ 1111 ~.!111hl11·" .111· 111tl111111t ·d '1'111' 111:111 '" J..!l 'I" "' I!•',.,, l!I• wlt1·n .t ll1·11d.111•' , .... 1111 I'll! "" .. r """' II I' I.I JJ :-; I'll'" FllfW I> i" ma ~1••tl I 11 I ht· 1-:1111111 • \:-. .1 l'lt111~rt •11 ll u11 l1111.:tcm H1•.11·h I ..... 1s d1..,111.1\l·d lli h•,1rfl 1h1· ll1111tmi.:t1111 ll•·:H·h C';I\ C'11un 1·11 111.1\ ;1i.::11n :.!'' th1· rout•· 11f hlJ! I mw' p1Jhl11 .., anti run •1111' 11-.k of :1pprn11tini.: p1•11ph· to 1·11y \'11111m1's11111s anti hoard-. who ,,111 ow1· th('1r dt'l'l'>Wn making 11ptn inn:. 11111 lo tilt' 111·11plt· 111 lfunt1nglon H1•<J1•h. !Jut rathcr tu t lw t•11u11nl 1111·mh1•r who ap p111nll'll lh1•m lo a n1mm1:.:.10n nr h11:1rd II 1:. d:i1mc·d tlwt ~u1•h appo1nlnwnt:. will rl'flt·1·1 ftw philt>soph \ ro f th•• 1•11111H·1I 1111·ntht•r whn 111ak1•' th1• appi11n1 1111•111 111 pla111 EnJ,!l1 s h lh1' 1111•an.., that ttw bourtl or 1·11m m1ss11in rn1·mlwr will voll' lh1• '' :1 v I lw 1·ou1w1 I m•·m h1•1' warll h111'1 to Th1' \.\oultl Ill' :t clt"v t•lop 1111•111 and polilll':tl m11v1· that th1· < '11\ 111 Hunt 1ngton Bt·at•h 11t11·' not' need The fHt•l of the· matter I!' that 1111' 1·omm1ss11111s an1I IJ<ia rds 111 the City of llunl 1ni.:ton lkach <lo not havt> any f1n!!I dt.·t·1i.1on nrnking 1>0wc-r 1)r authont\' The llunl 111gl11n Bl'al'h (.'1ty (.'oun1·1I n1ak1•s the final rlt•c1sions und .1t't 1ons on matter:-that may l'O m c hcforc the boards and r om missions In rt'l't'llt years llw lluntmi.:ton 1 each City (;oun 1· 1 I h:1s 1nt1·rv1cw1•(1 pros r>crt1 v1· c·om m1ss1on und ho11r<I mcm lwrs. ancl tht·n endeavored to up point lht• moi;l 11uuliftl'd pcr:..om, lo tht· boards anrl ('omm1ss111ns DtJRIN(; rn v ll ~1·:ir' on th(· lluntmi;:ton nc'·twh 'c;at v {;ounc·ll an<f four yN1rs as muyor I •>ft1·n votc•d for 1>eopl1• who 1l1d not rl'fkct my particular pollllNtl 11h1lnso11hy I did so hecausf' I I hou ~ht t ht•y werr intc ll igt>nl 1·11 11.ens an(I w1•rt• lht• bf's t ciuntl(ie<t tor th<' <1uty Wt• do not 111'<'<1 puppf'l!-1 on bo<1rds an<I 1·ommisslons, we •WNI JIC.'oplt• who will g1v<' l ht~ ~'"' 3dv1t•c to lht.• citv roun<·1t. rutht•r thun 'c•nd forwnrrt 1df'11~ or rtcom nwndallons tl'rnl thl'y think coun •al llH'lllltt I \.\,1111 111 llt•:tt I "1111llf ll•11w ll1.1t lht· llu111 111 l11n U•~ll'-h ( '1h (;01111<·11 \UlW.u---- l .1!..1· .1 111111• ;111tf h,11 d 11,ol, JI lh1' Ill'\\ . 111·111·1·d11r1· l>H IHJt\Al.I> IJ !-illll'LEY ·1·.-r11 f)ri11king 'In th•· 1·:t111111 1 >11·· 1·q ·11111g tf11nni.:. •111r 1:1 ... 1 ltl';1J \\, \t• 111\ hu~liantl aJHI I l1111k .t v.alk .il1111g 1}11' hoanlwalk .111of 1111111 lh1· ll1111l 111~·lon B1•:lf'h (ll t'I \\.1 · ,If 1· .1 lllttftflt-.IJ.!t•lf t'llU 1o!·· '' 11h µr11\\11 1·l11 ldn·11 ..,1, km1" " 111111 1111 .11J11t1I 11·1·11 .1~:1•1 -.. anti 1111•11 l'\(ll'flllll'lll 1111: V. rt h l!l'l'I tfnnl..111).! \\' ,. t .11111· ·'" :1 \ I 111111 1111r 1·v1• 111111! v..111.. .1pp;&ll1•of .11 what "'' v.1l111·s-..1•1I th.II 111~:111 ·1 h1•re v.1•r1• l'I .11HI H 'l':tr 11lth :inf! olclc•r 100. dr1nk1nl! 1,..t·r On•· g irl t-turr 1ng lt1·t·r hottl1•.., in h1·r pur:..l'. hot ll1•.., ll1111w11 1111 th1· ..,and , hrok1·n 1111 llw 1·1·m,.nt and a J.!l'lh'I al row<11nt·!'I.., 1·v1·n ·wht•rt.• Th1·rt· w;.i., not .1 l:1v. • off1•·l'r au) \.\ht•ri· 111 :.1ght ' /\:-. we v.1·re h•av 111~ !ht• art•a we• :-.aw thrl'l' 1·nr' 1nv11lv1•rt 111 gl'lt1ng tnlo tht• purk1n~ hit wit hout paying al th1: loll g;11t• Ont· with 1·ar h~hts 'hin1ni.: 1111 1tw µroc·cdun· whalt' a 1·f111pl1• nf youn~ hoys wt•rc put ling boarcb 11v1·r the s ptkl's whtl1• 11t1· dl'IH'r of tlw 1·ar mt hcd h" \'1•h11'11• 11\'l•r tht• s111ke:-. and into lh1· parkmg 1111 /\gain. no om~ 111 .111 th111'1I \ 111 lw ~1·1·11 1 '~1 Sl 'RE all thosf' young p1~1 1111· 1·1111ldn'I lw arrcsl1 ·<I. bookl'd. 1·• 1· hul I tlunk ltll'1 r parl'nt:-. wouf(I 11ppn•1·t::i l 1• knowrng "'lwn· th1·y had"he<>n pic ked up anti wlwt tlw l'irc·ums tan<·c~ wt•r t' nt lhl' t1ml' they were takl•n into t us tody. I a m surl' non1· of thf'rn we're there with th<'1r parent.;' J1erm1ss1on Our bcuut1tul 1·1ty hearh ha:.. bccomt· an arena for Juvenile de hnqucnt:. Wt•' Vt' got to ~et our beach hat·k to a pluce for all our l'll llCns to t'nJO)' Tt•t'n a~<' ·11lcoh olis m 1s a s<•rious problem nationwide. hut 1r wt• 1111 work together, parent~ a long with la w officcr i-, a nd :-itart r1~ht hcrl' in Huntington Bl•ach , we cnn "l'l u precedent for t'lllf'S arross thl' nation . Good • t',lfl he 11:.. c·cml a it mus a s evil. ADELE DeVOI. • ,. l.11111•r11 from rt•adtr.• ore welcome Th1• riaht to condensr letll'rs to tit 11poc·1• or f'hm1nalr label as rttt~. l.t>llf'r~ of :JOO worct. or ll'U !DUI be pwt'n prf'ff'Tntel' AU ltrttrs ""'3t 1nclw infl"Olure aftd moalmg od· drf'U but '9ClrrMI mGJI be tlntfaMld Ol'l r .. que1I tJ ..,,,,c:Wnt ~ b ap- part'nt P~try will not be publuhed. -71. r MECO SWINGER I CHARCOAL GRILL Big 1 ~ better whe n you h ove d h e r d o f h u ngry peop le!> bredth1ng d o wn your n eck . Five cooking heights, o ver 4 !>q udrc feet o f cookin~ a red 88 •8802 SCOTTS ~, TURF BUILDER : ti· ~~ PLUS 2 · ,~ •. ! ~i~ 0 5~ so f'T. 0 _......, . .J G reat dry formula. f..d• over a longer period of time, pluli weeds • 111rt of weeds like the telephone book. • 4" AFRICAN .· .. , ·'. VIOLETS ~· II/• /' .lo. ,;,;j;,--. . "·~ .__._ ~~~ -aa_:A Aren°t they pretty A t.ender h ttle flower so don 't QO slamming the • t h ing a round in the trunk o n the way h ome !\ ·GOODWIN'S WINDOW CLEANER 22 oz Thui Hi the trigger sprayer so wh e n 1t ru n s out you ci.n sell the emp~y to the neighbor hood hid for " &quirt vun. OFFROAD IZ VOLT VEHICLE SUPERWINCB Compact. -ivha only 22 lbe .• for permanent front mountin9 on vehicl• for up to 4000 lbe ... i9ht. .... -·-·----T" ........ ,, .. -.... ___ _ ... ------.. -........ _____ _.,. _ _.._.,.... -.-.............. . '\ ' . 4 Thursday. June 28 1979 s DAILY PILOT A, .... ~ ... • MECO r I , SIN~1~~~~ER STRUCTO I ot o .. .c:tfon. It'a 2.--C.M ~ then it'• 14¢ a can. (Approa..) Aha, it'• ca .. price only, but •uch a price, you ahould get enough. Diet, too. SWINGER II PEDESTAL PORTABLE DOUBLE BURNERI .. I PROPA'NE PORTABLE I 37 CASE SMOKER GRILL WITH ROTISSERIE GAS GRILL PROPANE ~~k~iiT~~~~) Cast aluminum (hi h o). GAS GRJLL Jiit~ ' The qood n ews: you get d m o t or. '>pit. a nd two fork~. T he brtd news: the g r ill i~ T~~c::·.;~~~ ~~k~~~n~rZ~5 AJ,o ~-t~t .. lum111u1n but bu~g~r ___ £=-~:=;~ C • ,i,,:[•('· li I -I inch squa re s t eak s). :1~~:'.:s~:~!>o~~':::t~.~h;~~eth.. ~---• ALUM-I-LITE TABLES only l8 1u l8 11 (Tha t '!> bdd new~?) Come!:. with the 20 lb. LP <l1nner b.,11 C ome'> w!lh the GO • ___ , .. a·· 1297 t<ink lb LP c:yhnder ,_... .; 24 z4 · · ONE PIECE TABLE 88 --~-~ r' •1 810 WESTON LONG HANDLED GARDEN TOOLS C HOICE or SHOVEL. RAKE. HOF.. OR CULTIVATOR 6" BOSTON FERN OR MUM YOUR CHOICE J u"t 1n time for f'ern Day o r for M u mmy's Day (you really t h ou ght t here wiu one, you're .o g u llible ) GOODWIN'S _L EMON .. AMMONIA Wha t ~ats dmmon1a for cle .. n1n g. ....., and speed'> (A lave · In maid I Lemony !>ml'll I'• n1~,. ALLISON AIR COOL CUSHION I ~~z30" Air conditionin g 1s n ice. but 1t0to good to have a cu•hion that let. cool <t1r mow all around you. 88 #79 14 \ 36 .. z72" 3597 CENTER roLD TABLE ' B r1nq t hem oil 24 .. zGO" 1997 DROP LEAF TABLE in. we v" got can 30"z72" 2797 ,.Jum · 1 ·lite t .. bli> from DROP LEAr TABLE "7995 Ndtron .. 1 W h .. t " T here··, ;&'l of you'' Wrong house RED DEVIL PRODUCTS TUB & TlLI . ,; CAULK •040'i ... / ' INSTA NT TILE 111. ··~~-v CROUT •042'> f eATCH ·A·WALL -• L--'~,. VINYL SPACKLING PASTE ·o~.t '> 77c YOUR 512 OZ CHOICE KWIKSET BEL AIR POLISHED BRASS ENTRY LOCK SET 6 44 ;[~ •400DDL A good lex. k mdJt-111 tho USA Comoi; with two Meys ... rid very e.asy ·to · underst<tnd anstructton!> 6 FOOT lx6 DOG EAR FIR FENCE BOARDS BROWN TWEED INDOOR/OUTDOOR TURF CARPET 1; WIDTii Looki. lrko th .. t grass carpet and you con 1m,.g'1ne wh.~t the b rown. must look like Dead gra!>:.? FORTRESS DEADBOLT ~~.~~~ (;.. touqh. A:,I\ yo ur an,urdnc•• m.on .. bou1 J.,..,d hoJt, SlNCLI~ CY LIN OCR ) .... '-__,/ DOUB LC C YLINDCR 4!~01 6 97 . •DL202 SCANT 1/a " r---~-HARDBOARD 167 SO"alOO" We say the supply 1s limited, but you mw1t know we put 1n plenty to m a ke a rea l sale. No dea le r S<lles on anything 1n the .. d . however. 95'' Zx4 DOUG FIR STUDS The. ri9ht lenvt)l to ..... lot of cuttlfte ancl no wutie. •ot jun fcw JOU huiH•a. tM .h-AO•W who W... to ' do it~ ....... a...k too. 57· EA. , ~~·/J] COOL ATTIC / f''/ ! POwo·aooF ~ ~ . VEITILATORS \.J I "':: .. ~I SMALL 25" •1200 LARGE 29" (g1 = '1400 GABLE MOUNT 23" Super price•. p,.. • •1900 M•110n, but if it's a AUTOMA11C r-lly hot week you·,.. voin9 to love u,. SHUTl'ER 13" Limited quantttle• •2121 ,, I • . ~ -r .4.19 DAILY PILOT Tl'luttday. Jul\e 2-1 1979 HOLL YWOOO ·~----~-:-~--~~~======================:::;===========:::::=:=================; :~Were Wayne, ·. ·~Prekjord End June 28 through Ju!Y.. 3 at American Savi!lgs ... ,~Of Star Era? - ll1• BOii TtfOMIAS "·-.. --.wr-~ CJ/TOR 'S NOT' f; 1'homo1 haa f>urt C'OVf'rtrt{I floll11uood Jtw .'1.S 11rar.• llnf' hr lab• ll mom'"' to rf'/wcl ori lhf' rndu.tlry 1 r hanqmu ~,.,."" ft11lm.umg lhl' rf'rf'nt pou iny uf '"-'l rnov1t' yaarlh tlOl.l.YWOOI> Murv l'1<'kford . th<' iron '1W1llt•d Amt•r h'J '~Wt'<'th•·art . mn"t 'ur<•t·:-.i.ful bllilr ol :.llt•nt film" J 11hn \\1•H1t' th•· 't1·1·I Jt11.wd Mi.n ol tht• W{·,l. lonlo(l''I 111 .. lin~ .,t;u of 1h1• :.01111d eru Thi• pll~Mll>: \\llhlll IO 11!1\' "' l \\11 'lldl lt'~l'll d ur) h~1111•., "'•'fll1•tl to !'""''''" h1,lor 11 ul m1•1a11 ln~ \\hut hu' h J 1>1w111'\J 111 ttw 'thl .,,,tt-111 thut P11·k(11rd jll<I \\ ·" 1w • J_11torr1111·1f ' h 11 1h·h1f ' If "' -~ h11 loll1"I 11 ' \\ 1 II 11 "\ 1·t r 1·\ I\ 1· ' - M ' 1•!11 1111 \\:tnh•tl 1111 ''"'"''' 111 lh•·"' t11tcl 11• lu11•ll 11111•,111111' .11t11u1 ,1 d 1u11.:111.: l l11fl\\\11otl llt'Jll't' I 11111·1 \It'\\ ... 1 'lllll•'ttlll' "lilt 11 .. ., "l'l'lll 1., ,, ... r , '11111\1111.! lh• 111 ,llt ttllitll "' ll11ll\\\(ll•ll 1,111111111 ~" "'" 1.J 1>11 , 1111 -.1•1 ,111·11.JI "liolfllfll drH l' 111 ttw dl•,1th' or M ,11 \ l'u ~ f 111 II., nd .J11h11W,1'111· ' \ Sl(,Nffl<'1\~C.'t:• l>t.RHAI'~ l\h •i •,.1<1 n<''>'> Both wt·n · l<1ll'nt•·d far hl·y1111d whdt th1·1r contt•mpnr,1ry 1·nt11·~ \\ould adm1l floth ~\·rt· s 111nulallrlJ.: p1•r,1111ah111·~ "lltl wc·rt· Jl•Y" lo 111 IC'fVl('W Hoth 1•\h1l111t·tl a f11·rr·1· loy all ~· 111 -lhl'ir fellow w11rk1·r~ a nd to lht· rt11111ndu~lry (J. Wall we t·ver :-,t·t· their llk1·:. al-(am·• /\ l'rohahly nol Hoth w1•r1· l<trgl'r than hf,. M<.1 r y wa~ th1· 1H·dC'l'l hf'l1111w , f)uk1· ~as U11• 1d1•;1I hC'ro llero1t'l> an• not 111 ~.l ylt· today Mo~t of l111· stars e njoy heini.: :-.rrrnllt·r lhan hft. ·q \'011 ~ounrl l1k.-a llHI~~ h<lt'k /\ Sorr y N1·xt l!llt''' ""' Q I ~ I h 1· ~ l a r ~v~l<'m rl<'ad" · ,\ ll,1rdh Con~ull t hi' lllt·r:tt ur1· at t lw 1·hN·k11ut ~l and nf your lor al groc·1·r v 'ton· Q Wha l •~ :'lllllr jltll n I ., 1\ Th a I 1 h 1• /\mt·r1<·an 1wopl1• ~1111 ":rnt ~tar' Thl':'I ~ .rnt 10 rt·a<I :1h1111l th1·ni ;rntl to M't' :ind 111 lw;1r lh•·m WAYNE APP•o•o :-\tar -. tod:t\· a rt' 1·r1o;11!·d' lllll 0111\ Ill ll)lt\'11..... IHil 1n i 1·l1·v1 ... 11111 r 111·!-. 11111 •o11•, ~111:r1 .,, l1l •·rat11r1" p11l11 1t•o.; 1•\'1•11 n1t·rllnrw Ttw ·.1.1r '>\'q(•m 111 th" film 111du't n ,.., 11•il d1·11d, hut 11 1• :11lt11µ () Wh\" lluw dill 11 ~·!'1 th;!I \\,n '• \. T ii t: lllSTOHll'J\I. Ht.i\~O~S JI I ' 110\'IOll' From th1· l!J:!O.., tl1rn11i'.h lht• l!f.111,, m1,vH·:-. wt:n • T iii': ma~ ... 1·11t1·rt.11nm1·nt i\ lug .,1ud10-<1•lt.-11~~d·a nt·w mrivu· 1·v1·r v \\1•1•k . S:! ;i ye:..ir II <·ould afford to kt·l'p JOO 11;,nw ;11•tor'> un<Jcr (·1mtr:11 t. 1·v1·r Oto v..toping new uru". T 1·lcv1l>1on <le~lrovt•il th1· movu.· goang habit The bag ... tud1<1 ... ~ ... 1••111 1 rurnhl1·rt. 1·<>nlr:wt ta ... b d1 ... appt•.1rt•rf Thi· 1 l1llt jl.101t·' 11ow rt·l1•a'>t· 12 M fl•t1lurt·~ a v1·:ir <> Wh;;I ltm, "'" !111111· l<• lht· 'llf>fll y of .... t<sr-,·· 1\ S4·vn1·h l11n1t1·d 1t In tht· olrl ilay,, MGM I 1111ld takt· :i lr:1ri•fo•1I lr1·.111I \" rn.m '1:11rth ('a rolina. I"'"' lwr an 1·ht·•·..,.·•·1tkt' 1111lil11·11 " l•·•wh h•·r h11w to a1·1 1·:"1 h1·r ""'"''111• ('l;irk (;;ttil1· and •ilhl'r .. .,1ahl,..,h1·d ... 1:rr'- •\fl,.r M"v•'ll \1·:11 1\\:i <;anln1·r w;.i -, .i -.t:1r ..I.hat k md t1f a liuilt.J 11~1 I.!, Im ~1Ll.c. Loda Jo-<r l>•w~11 I 11•11•\ •~H111 1·11ntnhut•· flint 'ta r ... ·• i\. J\ Ft,\.~ . .., T t: V t-: M <.Ct l 1 t: t: N . C I 1 n t t-::i ... t wood. 1wrh.Jf•" .Jr1hn Tnw11lla, although th•· n: "lit~ art•n'l 111 ~1·1 llul T V f.H1pu l<Jnt y l!rit! ... n't .1111oma1w:ilh 1ra11..,,n111t· 111 film .... Olherw1'l' Edd 11 ,V rrH'~ would 111• a lug 'tar l) If 't111l1t1~ and 11·11•\ , ... ,.,,. !11111 1 1 rt·ate ... t:ir ... , how an· th1·v 1111111 .. A Oftt;n I>~ a happy :11·1·11l1·nt of t·<J:-.ting Du ... t1n lloHman HI 'Thi' c;radualt". ~ylvl•'llt'r St :ti lunt• 111 "ll111 k ~· ·1 r a volt a 111 "Saturda) :'llrght F1•\'t•r · Q Hut what happt•n ... thl·n·· t\ l'rnhl1·m~ I .l'I u~ <' n n ' HI•· r S I a 11on1• "ROC'k\. l'llllVllll'C!'> lum tha t 0 h1.· ..... multi · lalt.•nted . and h e rc w rilL"l> .. F. I S .T." lie \\file .... d1ret'l~ a n d :-.t ar:-. in "Paradise Al Icy " Both are bomb .... His carc·c r 1s in trouble, then h<' r eturn ... to his roots with "RoC'ky II." I t is well done, but what dOl'~ he do for an en· core ·1 Q Whal 1:. }Our point''. A T h :it in s tant PICKFORD s cars face instant pro· hlems. Not only Stallorw. Mt..r encounte ring pro· hlcms with "Straight T1m1·" und "AJ.{atha," HoH- man 1•ndc<I up ~u1ng the 1·ompany he co·foundcd, Fir~t Artists. And T ravolta. after "Saturday Night Feve r" and "GrN1sc." clt·scendcd to the pits with "Mo- ment by Moment." termed by some critics "flour by Hour."· Q Are the studios too broke to develop new s tars? A. ARE V<UJ. KIDDING? THEY'RE making more money than Mayer and Cohn ever dreamed of. Trouble is, moat of them are owned by con· glomerates that s iphon off the movie profits for other purposes. Q. You make it sound as if the star system -in lllms. notthescandal sheets -Is really dead. A. Not dead. Jus t badly in need <>f resuscita· hon. Q. In closing, do you have anything further lo s ay about Mary Pickford and John Wayne? A. Yes. I'll miss the m . Peg Leg Stives Li/ e MACON, Ga. <AP) 11.D. Carden figures his wooden leg probably saved has lift! when he was bitten by a rabid raccoon. The coon sank its teeth into the phony nesh. "That's probably the only thing that saved me," Carden said. lilt IOD kUled the animal with a shotgun blast aa tt cbewed on t.be artificial Umb. Based on the current discount rate for US. Treasury Bills, Federal Regul~tions now allow us to pay more than commercial banks on 6-month (26 weeks) Money Market Accounts. No one pays more on insured savings! Ill ANNUALIZED EFFECTIVE RATE. ANNUAL RATL 6-m onth (26-week) Certificate 1$l O,OOO minimum deposit, No fees. no extra charges. ' 0 I IH' /\llllll•lh/1•d f fl1'f llV•' H.lt•• I'> b.1~cl rm lt.'ll•VV,11111•11111111•1 "nlfllllh' ,.I t~11h pnlll [Ml Hid 11\h'lt">I f1ir J Jh(> ddl, 1,'l'dl nu,• 10 lu1p l,t.•.ir 1<0111•-. ·H•' '>llOJ• 11 I<• c hdngv .;a rh .... 6 mon1h r .... n..-w,11 b.1 ... ·d 011 1h1• lll'.1,u11, Hill H.11.• ,,, ''" llnh' I l'd>'T•JI 1o•qul,111Qo ' d•, 11111 rwrnw • •1mpr11111d111•1 ,,,11111:r ... ,1 dnd rcqum.:' d ~uh~11mlldl mtcrt.:~I p.'nohv Im '"'riv w1rl11h 1w.1I American's NEW low-balance Certificate Accounts and SY2°/o Passbook Account, effective July 1st. ·:.~~~ J!,33'.: s.o6:0 J.79i)~98'.:' 6.7 __ _2::: 5.921 5,§.5': Al<NIJl\l s~. 7:v ... 7'1'."· 63/". 611'.·. I 5 31 •• 5 11'. •• I llAll ~ /4 12 p 4 12 ' /4 /2 ------I '.''',·-.·~ '.,'., .. ·,.•, ,,1•• ~. •/II.'. ..,,,," ,. :;' .. ,~. ' ....... t" 11 •• ~ I .. ,. •11 • .. • "' , .... ,, • ,, 0 I ------. ' . ., .. , . . ' •" '.. . . • .,.,.,, .. ti I , .. 11, .. , t o• 'M 1 • • • u , . ..... 1• •'•' NEW 4-year Treasury Account-$100 minimum. , Thrs brand new account e<1rns d gu11rantecd 11111.'rl'sl rdll' .11 thl' tnnl' ol issue lor thl' full 4·ye.tr ll'rm . nnd interest '~ compo1mdt!d rlwlv Thi• rate. sel monthly by the U '::> Treru.ury. 1<, bawd on "n .iwrciye yield of 4·year Treasury Secunlle~ 1 ... ss I 'X •. federal regulahon~ require a 6 month interest penalty for early w11hdrawal. Effective July 1st I' Safe, strong and friendly tr l~~I ~ Assets over $8 Billion Convenient offices serving Southern and Northern California, Including: COSTA MESA/SANTA ANA 3929 S. Bristol at Sunflower ..("114) 979-9800 LAGUNA HILLS 24085 El Toro,Road at Paseo de Valencia 770-2816 I Celebrating our94th year '1 Irvine EOI TI ON VOL. 72, NO. 179, ~SECTIONS, S6 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ort Crush Seen • Flights Iner-ease 0•1ly Piiot PNto by Jt•(f\4rO Ko~ftlrr IRVINE POLICE TALK WITH SURVIVOR OF MacARTHUR BOULEVARD ACCIDENT Lowell Curtis (in het) Walked Away; Brother, Berry, Wes Kiiied Newporf Reside11fs Pollute1·s Cra~h ~H!s Maq; ____ Ticketed Brother Uninjured /\ 26·ye<ir·old NcwprJrl lll'<Jr•h ( u rl1i. v. Ito h<•U bl'cn cJCCtl'd m an W3S kiJlt!d While Ob Ohft•r frurn the (';Jr, Wet!', killed when ·brother walked a wa y unirlJUrt'd th(• vebk lc n 1me Lo rest on loJ) ! from a s ing le·car trnff 1r :ir·1·1 11f h 1 m ·I dent Wednesday evening m·,1r 111~ hrnthr·r. Lowell . 29. also of I' UC Irvine · I h1• Nl'wporl BeC:tt'h <tddre:,:,, Killed in th(· 6 15 11.m roll !'11mhc·<1 nut of lhl· r·u r after it 'over c ra!'>h wa s H<Jrry Uav1d "l'•PJ>l'CI rolling . polin• !'laid ____ •_C.:....urtis of 1941 f><u:.U:~w.liilRlA.i~·c.·--_._ ...... • 1w•· 1.,,,~.4-;~~-foHow 'Po ace investigato r!'. s <111l <.:urt1!'. 1n~ the :Jl'l011lt•nt rlul• lo traffit was driving his mother's car tll'llJI!-. un thl· liu!-.y thoruughfart· southbound on UnivPrsitv Driv1· l nvc·st1g<itors s:.iid thl!Y wt-re ne<1 r MacArthur B1111ft•va~d wh1·n 111111 I hat lht· < 'urt1s hrothcrs n · the vehicle went out of 1•1int rol ;mt! c·1·11tl.\ had n111vt'<I 111 'l:cv. port rolled from the r1w1lv. a, H1•al'h from < ln·~on Newport Raps Judge On Oil Firm Link The federal da::.lril't Judgl.! scheduled to rule on Newport Beach 's ri~hl against offshon · oil leases is a former oil t·11111 pany attorney. Newport t 1ty of fic aa ls charged todllv City Attorney Denna!'> ()'Neal said that a separate hellrmg wus to b e he ld in Lo!'> /\ngc ll'!'. Fede ral District Court in an <:f forl to disqualify .Judge A An dre w Hauk Wednesday Judge Hauk heard the cit y's arguments in its <il· te mpts to get a restraining order to ha lt the sale or oHshore oil leases. Thal s ale is sche<l.l'led Coast Weather for f'"rid<.a y morning in Lo!-. 1\nJ!clc•<., .Juflj.(e ll<111k wus cxpe<'letl lo r ul •before then on thot rcstr:.i1n ing or der. O'Neil ~a11l , howevn . that 1l was lcamc·c.I that Jurlgc llauk onc·e s<:rvcd CIS a s t<iff couns<:I fo r onl' of the m ujoruil companies ex pected to bid on the lease !'. whal·h inc I ude four trncts j ust outside th1· three mill' li mit off Newport Ucuth. O'Neil !'.aid .Judge lla uk re portcdly s till retmn~ stock an thut compuny lie s:.iid t.hc· hearing would he t o de termine if tho!-.e reporb were true If ~o. he !'>:.iad. Judge H<1uk s hould be dis qua lified from the cuse. O 'Neil ::.aid he expects the Department of the Inte rior won't be restrained from accepting bids Friday morning. But he also said it's still like ly <See OIL, Page AZ> In County By t'KEDt:RICK SCHOEMF.lfl. OI , .. O•ily Pilot )l•lf As s ka f?l> turned from light hlut• to a dull rusty white. s tole al r quality inspector'> s wC'pt through Or ;rng1· County today. t icketing al l ege d v i o l a t o r s or sceond-s l;ige sm ug <1 lcrl pollut111n rcducti(!DlJJlCA-__ -- --P reliminar.> r{'sull!-. 1nd1catf'<I widespread d1Hcga rd for lht• regulations. a t·t·ording to i\lh:n Danzig. s up1·rVl!'.llfY 111s 111·c·tor al the i\n:.tlll'irn •1ff11·1· of lhl· Sout h COa!-.l Air <Ju:d1l.' Ma11;.igemenl D1 s tral'I Whl•n <J ~l'f'OIHI !-.lag<~ '>m og aler t 1s 1:,s1wrl. aut~1!'.s1on:-. mu!'>t be c·urtailt·d . iJ!-1 mu!'.t lcvl'ls of poll11lant!'. l!'>!'>ued h.' !'.t:.it1nnury s11url'e!'. ..,11d1 as fd!· torie!'> In Costa Mc·sa. SoundcC1s t Inc a foundry. w<1s cited for its al le ~ed failun· to a hatc trafflC' generated hy cmployt·cs driving to work anti (•m1ssirm.., producer! from 1L<> metal t·a!'.l1ng act1vit1e!'., D<inz1g said Each v1ola t111n 1 ~ a m1s!k ml•<1nor offense. pun1!-.hed hy a SSOO fine <ind /or !'>IX month!-. in J a 1 l The second !'.lag(' al<'rt wa.., 1s s ued :.it 11 a. m Wednesday due to a thad c l<'m rw raturc inversion that ha!'> lilNally placed a lid ••vl'r the South Coast a ir hasin. /\rcas alon~ the 1mnHJtH alt- c·o<1st arc generally not :.iffectcd hy the high ::.mog levels becausl' sea breezes dri ve ;ur pollutant~ tojnland areas A bout 300 firm~ 1n Or angt' County arc requi red to have "second slagl' episode plans .. detailing how they will reduct· air po llution when alerts are is· sued. Generally. firms having more than 100 employees arc required to reduce commute r .re lated CSee SMOG, Page A2> Saddlebaek Hassle Citizens Protest Noise Hy JOAISNE REVNOl.DS Of uw o~u, P1to1 S••tt J\n Air Californ1..1 c·xccutl\c said Wednesday demand for wr !'.Crvu.·e a t John Wc.yn(· J\1 rp1Jrt could pus h the m1mh(·r of dally 1·om nwn·1:.il Jl'l fl ight... froni 40 to more lh:.in IUO ~·n·d U<1V1!'., tht: a1rlint·.., vw1.: presadt>r« of marketing math· lhl' 1·s llmat1: durin~ lhl· Civil ,\1.·ron..i ut1l'!'. floarrl h•·:.r111g 1111 <Jpph t•ot1on!> for rout•·., hN~·1·n1 the Orange Ctlunl y ;,.11r f11•ld ;m d 1\ ri lllll:t The hcaran~ openl'cl W1·1ln1•<., rl o.' morning :it lhC' for11w1 Bavv1C'w S1·h1111I 1r1 Sa11t;, /\o,, lleighL<> /\bout 20 rt•!-.1d1·11t~ 111 '\t•wport BPCl('h l<•..,t1f11·d I hat 1 h1• t·X1!>t1ng Jl'I <.,t•r\11'" ;ii 1111' ;nrport cr<:;.1l<'d mloft·r.11111• 11111•,1· ,rnd air pollull<111 T ht• rc ... 1d1·nt!> wh"''' test imony wa<., 1nt1·rrup11·rl i,, ..11rr·r :.i f t no1s 1· l 11 ltl ;,d m1111!'.trat1v1· law JUdl!l' Fra11k Wh1tini.: lh1•) don ·1 w;111t :111\ mun· rout•·!'> av.;1nl1·1I to tit•• airp11rt lit:l'CIUSl' th:1t v.011ltl Ill • ~...-rt::rt:J ry-rm:rn)l rn rirr· rl :i ii v ,..1 d 1 • partun•s Da' 1!>. who tcs11f11·rl 1l11nn).! 1111· . aftl·rnoon !'.l'S!'>llJfl . Wa!-. a ... kl'd 11, llugh Coffin. New1>0rt lkac·h ., ass is tant city :.iltorney. tn estimate how many fli ght... would he prudur·l·rl al th•· •.11rix1rt 1f 1l v.1·rt' p11s!-.1hl1· 10 m1·c1 lttt· 1·1111nty demand lie replied lht· nurnht·r ~1wld tw bC'lwt•en two und thre e· tim•·'> lhl· 1·c1mmt·n·w l Jl'l u1wrat1111l!'. at lht> uirpol'l-now But ht• st ~ert that physil':.il and en\"1ronml'ntal .tl!mi..tta.ml!> ~u 11.Lµrt! \:.4.' ll I lhil-l- Th t • l'Xl'<'C1l1VC' tfll rl th1· h<:<inng that h1!-. l'sl1mat1· 1 ... 11,1..,.·rl ''" :1 'anlsllc·k rll·v1•l11pt·d liv i\1r <':ti 111 ana lyzing n1•w 11wrk1·t!'. Ii) us 111 g !-.I at 1'il 1t·~ from l.11s ·\ n).!1•11 .... lnt1 ·rnat11111al A1q11ir1 't In a ni:11 k1•1 1,, rn;ir k1•1 h,tSI'>. ""'\"t' (1111nr1 th:1t :!II Jwr t ~1·1· \IHl'Oft'I . l'a j.!•· \:!1 Woman Dies After lrvi11e Pool Rescue I\ Fresno St.alt· lln1vers 1ty slu dt•nt who w;is rt'!'>l'lJl'cl from th1· bottom or an I n IOI' ('llfll n1unily pool Tuesday dll'rl Wt·dnt's day l'Vt•nani.: al T11sl111 <'ommunity tlosp1t;1I Thl' drowning' 11't1na Nl'a H<Jn Ll'l'. 26. of l!I Murq111sa St Irvine. h:.id l:.iin at the hottom of the Deerwood Community /\s ~11e 1at1t1n po<JI fo r mun• than JO m inute::. befon· !-.ht.· wa!'. rt:M'Ul'tL a nd revived hv Orangl' Count~ Pan1meclic::-. · · Thl' inc1d1·nl ocrurn·d 111st ~·o minutes <1ftcr the lifegua rd al the pool h<td left for lht• II :.iy. a1· cording to lrv1rw l'ohl'e A coront·r·:, orfil·c !'>pokes man s aid the woman had bcl'n a !.tu dent at the Fresno campus <1nd was apparently staying urith a friend at the Mariposa Street <1d dre::.s Patchy late night and early morning low clouds near the coast otherwise fair with h azy s uns h ine and some high cloudiness. Lows tonight in fiOs . H_ighs Friday near 70 at beaches to 90 inland. Foreign 'Quota' Deni,ed INSIDE T08~" Rolph Nader. co"1umer -odHCCltr. i• calU"g for o OH·dOJ HtiOJJtofifiCOli· rimer boJCOU to pr0Ce1t fON"trrllnt'11 failure to ltoU ntflattoft. BCOfl Pa,e AIS. ..... " CJ ~ .. ... ... ., ., .. ., .. ... M ... By WllJLIAM HODGE °' ... 0.11,""' ..... Sad.d._l~l>ac.k ColkLU J~~ard -presTctenl denied today that a n e w foreign student quota system was designed to limit enrollment or Iranian students in the district. The new system, approved by trus tees this week, llmiL'i foreign s tudent enrollment to one per· cent of the collel(e's total student population. An additional llmita· lion restricts students from any one foreign country to 10 percent ol the foreign student popula· tion. . There arc 39 people attending the college on Iranian student vlsas-19 over the limit of 20 al· . lowed under the new systelb. • nrf'"s 1iist a coincidence." Board Chairman Robert L. Price 1aid. "There was no inlen· tion what.soever to control Ira· nian student e nrollme nt." Price insisted Monday's action was designed to provide a "good mix·· of students from many countries. ''The experience of those who monitor this \program say it's good not to nave too areal a populaUon rrom any one coun try." he said, c iting reports from the National Association of l''ore ign Student Affairs. .. 'If there's too many from one country they t end to s tack with eac h other a nd don't get to m ingle ln Ame rican society," he said. The restriction affects only 77 students .)Vho attend classes at the district's two campuses on fore ign student vis as. Foreign nationals who have 1mm1Jtraled to the United States. s uch a~ · Vietnamese refugees. would not be affected. The s tudl'nt p o pul a tion inc ludes 39 lranianb , n in e J apanest>. five Libyans . three CSff QUOTA, Pa1~ A2> THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1979 , Your Ho•eC••• ·1 Dally New8pa.er ~ -1 TEN CENTS ~ ~ ' ) I f);1n1t":t11 '.\111rph' " resuJt-111 of l c· lr\'111t· ... \lcr<Jno t '011r1 k111rn.., a c·oCJI s lunt lhc~1· warm cfay:-, flt· ~llcles hns kl.\ """"' lht· :-lip <.111d ... 1111l-<.llld Lh~n s pl a-.ht's inlv it t u li 1111· lht-l'h11l111 i.: f1r1 ;.i l1 · Gas Distributors Accu~ed of· Gouging W /\Siil NG TON I/\ P I Prl'Sl d ent C<1 rlcr's c h1d infla tion fa ghll'rs toda y al'cuscd many iw sohne dist ributors of enl(aging in 11l egal price gouging a nd recomme nded that the l(Overn· me nt consider rationing gasoline Alfred E. Kahn. chairman of lhl• prl'sid<•nt ·.., ('ounc1I on W;igt· anc1 Prll'e Stat11hty. also prcdl{'l c rl l h at m a 111 h h l't' a u !> c u f 1od<.1y's h1i.: 111(·rcas<: in foreign oil prit•cs. inf1<1t1on "wi ll ht· hum pang at thl' doublt• digit ll'\'CI for lhl' rl'!'.I of lh1:-. vear On g asolanc pr1t·c~. Harry Bosworth. direrto.r o'f the coun c1l. told lhe House Government Operations cons umer s ubcom mitlee that "on the basis of na· tional data from the Cons umer Price Index and the Producer Price Index. retail gasoline prices are going up fa r mo re rapidly than can be justified by refining costs." Said Kahn. "I s us pect as a p rtvatt> citizen that the re are widespread violations al the re· t ail lev<'I .. <Rela ted stories. AS, /\21 I • One lcgttimate so lution to the energy problem would be man ctatorv rotloninit at the llasoline pum p!'> .. :..111 Kahn "ll as !'.Ometh111g that o ught not lo be reJel'ted" out of hand, he said. "We really ought to consider ra· tiuning." The lloust• reject ed a plan earlier this year that would have • 1(1v cn the p res ident s tandhy authontv to ration gasoline • I ·1 fl'<'I that when th t• i\ m c r 1 l' a 11 IH' o p I t• u c l m ;.1 II 1•11o ui.!h about havinl! tn wail 111 <S.•e l'RIC'K l'aJ(e o\2>' SPECIAL PUlA ~. •, s~?r:~h?.~ ~~~ ~d j mode m shopping come together I in today's OaUy Pilot. \ South Coast Plaza's many de· • partment and specialty i.tores j dis play merchandls~ today an ! the South Coast Plaza Cata'°"u~. a 20-pagt> ~p~cl u l m a•at.1r · following the format !>' afl olJ t Sears catalogue • l Don ·1 ma !I~ tht: v a 1ue " aflCl quality offered 1n th~ Annual South Coast Plaza C:llalo1ut an today's Dally Pilot. 0..1, ,., ... ,._ l>y L .. ~~ ... B11Ky Pla••r 011 If of Day f 'ro• Paflf# 1t I QUOTA" .. each from Vt•nezul'la onal ( ·h1l1· and Ont: 1>ludenl from cu1·h of 1:1 other countn<::. A colle~e 0Hi1·11.d i.u1d lht· darj(e nurnhcr of l'lturlenl:. on Ira n1an visas 1s allnhutablc to thul ':o unlry·s v1gorou:. part1c1pallcm 1n th e fore ign Rtuctcnl prngram But som(• offll'1ab ;Jnrt furc•rgn s t 11iJt'nh. i.<•t• I hi' tn11\w ai. vo:.l ly 111M.·rimmatory · 1 think lh•· rc·al 1i..,ue 1:. Jlrt'J 11<l 1t•t>," M u·hacl Ma rkuw1lz, 11( 1h1• <·:1mpu..,· l.1·arn1ng A' ..,,,.,1:1111'!-' Program :-.a11I "(~11111 1.1,., a rc ;alw:Jy:-. :.ut h a11 ugly th111g ·1t '11 now o poltc·y that forc1~n "' ucknt.J> a re n 'l welcome her<• " Markowitz da1mcct many 1n ~tn1<:U1rs at the 1·ullegc confui.c rnun1granl rf>st<fonls who havt' languaf.(e prohlt·ms with lh••sc who allt'nd on sl udl•nl vhrn!I II<: 1r1s1sls tha t for<•1gn i.lu •h·11ts gt·11n:ally speak f':nghslr .1s wdl ~s many Am<•rk<1n:. Hut board vn·s1dc nl Prtt•e s aid ~~ ""all50"lnV01Ned o l>R r adi ng <1 c a dc mi c t•n try ~tandatdK for the dl11tr1ct's foreignstudentpopulal1on. · · Expcnen<'e has tau ght ui. •hat lht> v<1luc of u community , nlll'J.tl' cctur al1on ran o nly t~ J!ICiJllCd If th(' ~tuifrnt ha!> a n·,1 ~«>n ahlc 1·11mma111J of t h e l.in~ullf.tl'." l'nr e !>a id T h l' new polity anc:ludcs im• v 1.,1o n:, that u p g r udc the m101mum ullowablt· M·orc• on a 1 t•i.t of Englt:-.h a :, a fort•1g n lullJ(U<lj(C New York Will Hosl Democrats WASJllNCTON <A l'I New York City, where Jimmy <.:artc:r won h 1s 11,rl>I pr ·s 1 d e nll a I nom ination thr et• year!> ugo. was se le ctt.Af"I today -.s hostJJf the J~ ncmo<'ral1c NaCional Conven· lion • New York was an easy wm ner, ~athenng 23 votes on the fmsl ballot by the site se lection ·comm itlt.>e. Detroit was a d1s- t1rnl second with three votes and Ph'1li1delphiu got two. The convention 1s expected to t o!>I the cily trea11ury about $7 1111 II u1n, tn1·I ud ing fra·t• ui.t• of M :11ll~on Sc11wn• Garrlcn for th•· 1·onv1·nt111n h<i ll, :Jllt-ratwn:. to th•· li111hltng , free hus rides for dcl1·gal.t·s and otber'tler~lcci,. But thl' l'llY fatht•rs. who won t ht-Hl7fi l'lln v1·nlion on I he pic a that the nation's b1i;gt·!-!l c 1ly nN:ded th•· boosl to help it out of a rinuncial c·rh1is, 1•xp1·1·t the t9HO rnN'\IO~ to bring in al lea11\ $.10 111 ii hon in busrncs:, O"AHOE COAST DAILY PILOT f~ f>rer.t~1 (~f f'¥1t'f ... lk)f tlttff'\ •f'tftt\t,l'O'f't f)f"9:G f .... H•tlJ'\•'ffl'\\ .,0w041,fWo(tbt l._.()t,,..,, '""'*' Pur.t•~"ff""(~., t.,,.,.,.,.,..,,,,t.""'•'' ttt.tbft\"•f Mit~•l' ,..,,~ .. r ••ff•t to• (6'te ......... h••Pofl ...,..,. " nvnltt ''Of' n .. .,,. t f•ff' ,.,, . ..,,.,,.,, f'•"'l" t ~il'°""hr"•ff'I "olh,u,ot 4 \IAUlf' I f Q:.U.w.f"'91fMllft I' f•yf"61d'W•'Cf '11thtf01'1\ ,., 1 •,,_,,0"''' 1.,.-P••t• .,,.. v1t,i1" ·•IQ Ulilt"t ''"'"Al W••I h•°" ,,,. . .., (W\f. Mt \ I f ~l1tA .. t1111 ,,., .. ....... ..... '''"''°'"~-ftoft~•""'"• l.tt •. ,..,., •• , ltl•f• '''"'''"'"'·~c,,,..,,.. .• ~-...~· '""''° ...... l 1t1l1't , ... ,,.., • Mvf1MMN ""-"•"'""' l "''°' (;!ltr .. •M L-111<-P IMH A\\t\fftnl M•l'l,.Ql'lq I ftllert ~''''fl~ ~ (~,:'r., '~~"~~~,..~=. "".,{,,.. o• •• .,,,,.,,.,.,,.,." ,...,,,,,. me; .,, •••fedwt •f ••thtvt lliiff( .. , tl'•tnuu 1et' ef <W'f''-"' ....... r~;:~~··.v,:lr~:r ..:.·~..::.~~: :~~~ tt"' t t W ""'"tNy •• f'l"•tt '' \iO meMN_. ,.._, ___ ., .. _,.., <.i nd 5 yt•ar·ol tl~ f r itm lht• /\mt·n c,in Prl' S1·honl loeL1lt'd 111 l>to t·1·(1t'ld New Drug. Credited With Saving Boy, 9 SAN DIF:<iO <Al'> /\ do1· lor'' dl'11·rm1nall•111 m :ry ha v•· sa ved lht· hft. of a ~I year olri hoy who hdu·q •aJ 111 llw ( 'l1rt:-.lnw~ i.piril S ix mon th:-. :ag o Hotln1·v Brasfield was a human ::.kt•lelm1 with hlllt" <'hancc for ::.urv1 val W1·1J!h111g l1•i.., th:.111 '111 pourrd'> th1· S<1ntec hoy wa::. d yinJ,! from ;i ftt.or . 1·ff1•rl::. or a rar<~ k1dnt·y tl1:-t·ase when Dr Wilham H <; ri:. wold tclcphon1·d a maJor drug munufoet url'r for a ll11 rd t1mt' to plt•ad for an t·xpc rinw 11 tal drug. S1~· lht'rl , Hci<lrll'y'., wc1ght ha:-. douhlt•d anrl th•· oni·1· hlt·ak lutun· 1s hnghl &1g1un, <;n11woltl '>8111 I n le· r r u p I i n K a n o f f 1 1· " Chrnstmus party ;11 Jo; R Squ1bh a nd Son.~ in the firm's l'rtn<'clon t>fflces, Griswold finally gaincd permission to us e the drug Cetp · topril. ThC' s ubst1tn<:c had been u sed lo lreat high blood JJre::.i.un· m adult:. but never h;id ht:en tried in 1·hildr;·n Rodney's cont1it ion , t·om pounded hy a runaway mahJ.! nanl hypertension. wu::. cnt1<"<1I ,..ro .. Pa9P ,, I the city could win iL' bid t.o huvi· the four lrat'L<; deleted from the !>ale OOt'a usc the le a::.t·:-; wo n't tw ;iwarrlt'd for 30 rlays, g1vin~ the city time: to purs ue il:-. t·as1• Wednesday, tht' state I.ands Com mission lost its htct lo h1tvc. lhE' :.ale halted when a federa l JUdgt· 1n Washington L>.C. smd tht"rc was insufftc1ent <'HU."lc in thl' slate's c<1sc to blor k the sulc The s t ate's cast-wis11 hiss ed on alh.•ged inequities in the pro· <·cdurc by which leases arc <.1wurdcd The !>uil claimed the process r esults in an inadequate hnan· ciul return lo the public The case file d by Newport Beach is based on alleged viola tions of the National Environ· mental Protection Ac·t :fhC' C'ily conlenrls th11l tlw 1•n \'tronml'rtl<l l irnpal'l report pr1· 1>:trt•d for lh<· sal1· 1::. invalid bel'aWil' 1t omitted the r t'l1uired ai r quul1ty s tand a rds itnd bC'rausl· in th1• rasc of th•• four t rad~. lh1•r1· havt• hcPn !-.ub1w q ul'nl downwaril n•v1 Mon!> m th1· cstimatcrl amounl of 1~1 and ~ui. in lhl' tracts O 'N1·il s CJ11I that thl' 1·ha lleng1• lu .J urlgf' flauk <.1nd the l1tlenc!'.i- of the eity'i. efforts prnbahly m e an tha t the accC'plance of leasl' bids h y the Interior De partme nt will go a head as s r h l'dulcd. "H 's one of those situation" wherl' we could lose the battle and wm the wa r ," hf' said l11i. wa:-. a ::.rt'•·1al 1·ai.1" ;,and lh1• ph:1rmat·1·ut11·al company J.:it V<' 1 lw go alw:id 'Th1•rc· duJn't !>ecm any wa} ht· r ould ltl'lt 1t.' said Griswold · f':vrry t1m1· hf' 11•·emcd lo takt' a :-.tt·p forward. i-1tmething h<11Jp1'111-d <1n1I h•· ~Ill wurs l' " f-( od11t·v :. o r d••ul IH•gan at ('hrii.tma::. 1977, when h1 ... ht!alth f.tl t1·rt·d \\'h ut W<ll> rir:.l c1>n ::.1d c·n-<I a ...im11l1· alle rgy t um1·d n ut ti1 lw a k1clrw' d1sordt·r f':rll1•d lt1•11111ly t11· Ufl~lll lC !>YO (!r11 nw. 1-:.ws l' unknown. /\ st•riou::. f11s11rdcr, I he d1seast· M'''lllS l<> ~o aw<ay lJut leaves ph ys1t·1ani. w1\h lh1· n1•1·1! to lrPal k1dnt·y fallu11· and arl('m1<1 Th1·n 11 1~ hup1•rl that what1·vt·r caused th(' d1:.ea~1· will rt1 s:-.1p<1h: _and the bod y will heal 1l!\clf.- Bu\ H•.clnry is amon.: 10 J>('r- c·cnt of the p<1l1l'nL'> who are left with u rt.~1dual probh•m : blood pr e~:-.urc i.n h1 Mh a nd un munagt·uhl1· 11 •~ 1·ons idc rc:d malignant i\l t1m1·~. his hlood pn·ssun· rri1·kt•1t•d lt> rc;.11linJ!i. of 220 over ltiO Al I h<>~<' h·vcb. lh<' hr::11n 1·an tw dumagl·d Once Hodn<>y w a~ blind for a f1·w hour:. and .inoth1·r t1 mt: Ill' w-.:-. in :.a 1·nrnli ftJr u tlay Seal Beacli Police Chief· Nearly Dro1v1is Sea l Be at'h Chier of Police t:d < ·, hharl'll1 w;Ji. in l'rttu·al rond1 t 111n lo•la> at UC lrvtnl' Mt.'<11cal 1 ·1·nlcr aflt'r nea rly rlrowning ln 1111· h:lf'kya ril '>W1mm1ng pool itl '"" 'oi.la M<·!.a home Wcdnes· tl:a y . aJthorilles u 1d ('11i.ta MPi.a polll'I' :-.aul <'th· han·llt. who btocame one of th•· :-.tu le 'i. youngest po It c c chiefs when ht· was appointed in 1974 at t he al(c of 30, wa ::. h aving a s mall p arty with ff>llow officers whc:n ha· ~ank while swimming at a bout 7 p m . Officers pulled C1bbarelh from the pqol :rnd c·alled paramerlics. JlOli<:e ~aid They s aid cau!>e of the ac·c1rlent wa11n 't known Polit'c sairt Cibbarclli was placed on a he art·lunu marhine at tJ(;IMC and that it miRht h•• Hev«>ral days before the extent of his injunes I::. known l'rlor to becoming Seal Heach pol11·f' t·hief. C1bb11relli worked for s.-ven y('urs a:-. a Newport Be ac h polke officer. Among th • J>Ql\ltions h e held the re were community relations officer , patrol senteant. juvenile detec tive and. aflt•r being ap· po1ntt>d hc utcnunt in 1972, ad1u· tnnt lo the chief Peanut Vendor Gas Attendant Thanks Carter DOYLESTOWN, Pa. <AP> -Steve Gott.shall wasn't trying to sell more gas when he wore Arab- style headgear and distributed peanuts at his service station. Ile was just trying to l(ive wear y customers something to smile about. Got.tsha11 said some or his customers waited two 'hours to buy ga,;ollne. and he handed out peanuts a~ they reached the pumps his way of "thanking Mr. Carter for all this." ·'I'm just trying lo keep everybody happy·." said Gottshall. wh o raced people with little to smile about while wearing a blac k T-shirt on his head, tied with a narrow band. "I don 'l know how Ara bs dress like this -ll'i hot," he said. • WASJUNCTON (AP> -Houae Re publicans sharply i.ttacke d the proposed "windfall profits .. tu o n decontrolled dome11tlc 0 11 prices today, callini it u new tux on the Amencan people that will discourage the search for oil. flut Democratic leaders de· fended the tux bill, suyint.t ll Is nt•cd ed to reclaim some of the billions of do llar1> in highe r pr ofits that the otl t'ompanles will gain when domes tic 011 price!> n i.e to world le vels "I think every me mbt•r <of Congress> has receive d hun cfreds-of letters and hundretl'> or t 11ll::. from people want.Jn~ more j(asolrne." Hep Dclbert Latta . H Ohio. d ccl1:1red ai. <k bate opened tod<1y on the tax "I don't think <1nyone has wnll•·n dem anding more laxe:. .. Lalla and other Republican c·ongressmc n complained that the propo!>ed tax would dis courage lhc sc<1r ch for new oil a nd <1ctually lead to increas~d U.S. deoendence <m foreign oil. ·'This is o nt more Carte r· inspired lax inc·rea~c on the rru:r l<:.an people.'· s uid Repr Bud Shuster , H-Pa., chairmun of the Republican Policy Commit lt•t·. H e p . Al U llm a n , D ·O rc. eha irm;Jn o f tht• tlo u:.1· Way:. :int1 Means Committee. dis agn·t-d ''Thi~ 1s not a tax on lhc Ame rican pt.'OJJlt'." he s<11d "ft will not add one dim(.· to the cost 11( petrole um " Ullman abo !.aid the increase rn fore ign oil price:. announce<1 to day in Ge neva unrkrsc:ored the ntt>rt for the tax bct·au~c th•· hike in world prices will pu.o;h up fl1•conlrnlll-d U S otl pric<.~ by b1llioru. of doll<1r::. Thi· debate c·ame a day :iftt·r T n •1:1sury l>c purtmcnl ofrll'1al-. ai·knl)wlcd gt.-d that lht·y have 1n· 1•1 t·a ... 1·tf h} rwarly 50 pc:rn·nl their c:.t1m<1 tt· of gro:-.:, 'Jll (·um pa11 ~ 1\•v,·m1t·:-. lllat "'di rt·..,u ll r111111 tl1·t'1111lrol PHJCE. • • hnc anti that "' lh•· 1111·v1t;stil•· l'CHll>l'ljUcnn· t1f jlfll'I' 1'11111 r11ls lh1·v Wlll be preparct) lo J.:O l<t ,1 :-.ysll'm t ha t limits l'uns ump 1100 ." Kahn i.:u<I The counr1I monitor~ g asolin1· 1ir11·l's at the rc fincr v lt•v•·I lo:-.•·•· OPEC HIKE: FOUR CENTS AT PUMP-A4 1f 1111•rE'a !><•:o. arr· 1n ltn1· ~llh ('a r t1•r ':. anti 1nflal111 n p rt('I· .:-.l and<Jnb Ttrc P.m.•-rgy Department h.1:. the Joh of monitorm~ r rud" oil p rict· 111t·rc <.1~(·11 under t!1ghl yl·ur <>Id pdrolcum pric·t· l'On trols Bos worth s:1ir1 the pr1t·1·i. charged h} man} •>f ttw nat1f)n ·., :.m all n ·firll'r:> an· m r n!asing ''far mon· rapr<lly than 1·an lw 1us t ir1rll hy" inn1·11M·s 111 r ru<I<' 111 I prtt·t·i. Orw 11rnlil1·111 . h(· c·nn1·l'llt.'<1. 1i. that some t·ompunu•11 :ire buyin~~ rchnc•d ~asohn•· on tht· worltl':-. uncontrollL'<f "1>p11t · market-; al 11r1e·c11 so h1~h t ht'Y would httvt· Lo l'hargC! SI 75 a gallon :tl lht• pump REFLECTING YOUR INNER BEAUTY .ftlw'• Prf*pa rrd Newport BcaC'h sec retary Monic<J Oldmcn we a r s hard h at in ant 1c 1pat1on of Skylt:.1b's demise She a ls o h a s a button tha t r<0 <HI!-.. "Chicken Little Was Right " She works 1r1 a law offi<'(' Irvine Eatery Hit by Thug; $150 Taken Hof's Hut 111 l rvint· !'. l><1ui.(la\ l'laza w ai. r o bhcd of Sl !ill Wt•dnesf1 ay IJ y a m a n wh11 thn•all·m·d a l'fn k w11h a :J~,7 ma~num n ·volv1·r Al'C'ording lo polH'l" thr· man behev(.cf to tx-in h1::. m11l 2fi:-.. n 1 tercd lht' r1•!>laur a nl cat 'J 1 ~. p m . lo1t<:n '(I around th•· m1·11 ., rei.lroom for five m mulf·!'I. tll1·n a pproac·her1 th1• r ;,.,h11·1 rlr1·w th1• gun :111<1 dl'ma nrlt-d l11t· r•· 1·1·1 ph ,\(1,., lh•· n1ltl11·r ' rh• 111 .111 flt·o out lh•· fr11n1 111 ... 1 .1n11 r .111 throu J,ih th•· 11·11111'1 1·111111 :. lwh 111d lh•· 111·;11 It\ If,., ..... ,,\ 11111•·1 ... I Ill t\111~• 111 p<1l11 t 111\1" tl1'.lll1f 'I Ill' 111ltlw1 "'·' rl1 ",l'filll'd ,, lwllll' 'I)( l•·l'I I.ill Y.•·11'111111' I.Al lllllllltf•, Y.1111 111•111 111 'IWll h.111 :111d ,1 1111111,loll h" II" 11\.t "'' 11 1111' ,1 hl'l).!1' 'I •,hi 1 t V. II It fll,11 IHlll 1111w 111111 p.1n t ~ .ind 1.111 rlo-d ~"'"'' f 'rom Pag•• ,t I SMOG .. • pollut10n IJ) ti:.i 1wn u111 • 1\ t I' .. ,. I f I c M IJ I II " I I. I I • l n:-11 r:1n1 •· 11111 111.111' ;\ 1~v1111 II 1• ,, 1 h ,, ,. 1 11 r tJ 1 11 g I , 1 !'lfll>k1·::.m.1n. \'lfll'I" I , .... I Ill ''""' ,, <lrl\tnl! I>\ t!J 111•111•111 •rnh .IH.1 1 .1r ... <.1rn\1·tl •• 1 11.,. 1 •111q1.m\ park1nJ.: lot ll.ld.1 \ 1·1111111.11 1~1 ti, rhC' rflir~ I Fil· -:;p111. ,.,In .111 ... a td ll ant1~ -.aid ... m11~· lt·1 1·1' 111 Or<rngc ('1111 111 \ g1·nPr.d h ,111 low1.·r than 11111-.1· t111111rl, 111 1111w1 a11·:a~ <11 tlll' !°)(111lh C'11,1 •.1 l1.1:-.1n ,'\i11rth1 ·rn 1"11I11111 11f 11 1• ... 11111 \ i.:t·1wrall ~ ha 11 llu lt1 1-!li•· ... 1 ,1111w 11·1 1·1 .... lw .rfld •·tl l>lll' ~Ill q11.al11 \ .111.1h ... , .11111 Biraku::., :1llnliut\•d p:11 I 111 1111 ...,11og 11l1·r1 111 llw i•.1·,11l11w 1·1 1~1 11 1• .... 11d ... 1111!): t•fJlll I 1ill 111L 1·a1.r1,1w t'Oll\•·rl1·r' h,,, .. lw1·11 1 u1111·d hy m11 to rt'>h ~ h11 p ul lt·alll'd ftll'b 111 1111l1•a d1 ·d 1in lv \'1•h11'11•:-. a nd Ii) 111·r.,1111 """ hav•· dt•h herall•I lampc ri·ll w11h I h1· 1·1in,·1·rll·r., ..W.M9n "!~ ...... '6TW.-::-·• • Stenl ZIOl/1...--A••· ........... ..... c..-c ... .,1 ....... ,.. . ...., 67J0 7IU .. ...... ~..., .. SOviets Get Talk ~ OnsALT WASHINGTON h\P) Senate Oe m ocra1llc leader Robert C. Byrd flew to Moscow todaty lo tell the Russiana lhey w\11 have t.o expec\ the Senate to put lt.s »tamp -on lhe SALT II t~a~ • And R e publican ,jeader Howard H. Baker sayi he wtU adively oppose the strategic arms ag reemen t unless tht- White House a nd the Soviet Union i.11(nal a willingness to 1·ons Ider ·reasonable amend- ments .. · lieforf' his departure ror the Sov1-e-t t'ttp1tul . Bynt pleaded w11h 't:nator!I no\ to rush to judg· rrwnl on SALT fl <1nd to avoid t :akin~ h;,rdened pos1l1ons al lt·a:-.t u11t1 l th•· ronl'lu:-.1on of hcann~!>. i.cl to bcf(tn July 9. Many s upporters of the treaty t•xprcsst.'<1 regre t a l Baker 's con- t·lus 1on that the pact is fatally rtawed in its prese n t form bccau~ 1t unfairly provides the Soviet Union with "a substa.ntial slrateJ(•~ superior ity " But supporters :is well a.'I op· ponents JOIO<..-d in denounc ing dt!- m a nds b y Soviet l'·or c ign Minlstel' Andrf>f Cil'o myko that thf' Senate makP no 1·hanges in 1 he trculy whuL-;ocvc:r In a m·ws ('Onfl.'rcn l'c Wedne:.- day . Bakn s <11t1ht·1:-. not w1llin~ 111 work 111 1rnprnvt• <1nd rc.lify lhl• lrn:.itv "under Sov1et .thrcal~ 11( 'gru\\' ('fllll>l'lj UClll'CS0 If lht• S 1·n:alt· an<l lhl' Amcril·an J'\.'Ople . don"t kmH·kla· umh·r .. ~ 1 lh rd i.artl that whll•• 1n Mo..,.·ow ha• v.ould allt·m11t to 1m prt'"' 1111 1111' So v11•h the· t•1ml>t1tu 1111n.rl 1'<11•· 11( lh•· Sf'nat1· 1n th•· "'lll'•ldt·r.il 11111 or I n ·all•·'> tJ 111· SI\ I .T 'Ul'Jlfl rt1•r . who ,1 'ok1•cl 11•11 111 111• 1<l••nl 1fw<I. i.:ai<1 (;111111\ko ' 11·111.1rk ... h a \I• hc•en ~ 11l1·h 1 ••.,1•111t•fl .11111 .11 1• pr"vmg '111111l1•1 p111d11t'll\1• fo111r11 .1<11 ·h1111ldn I h1· 1 ;.il~ 111 1( al11111I wh . .i 1111• S1•11;1t•· ,,h1111hl '"' "" l11·.1lll''o 111 ;11d ,,,. ,,,, 11•111 I. lt.1 .11 1 11.1 ,..,, d fr ll h 1:r;11l1• • 1 11 , .mil "'" 1 t It ,. tl111 ", t th1111<. 111 lr1111l11 ~ "' I• 111 11111ul1 1 :.laul AIKPORT. • • 1·1•n 1 111 t h1• I./\ X tr.if! 1<· 1i. Orang•· 1 •11111ly 1h•manal , .. he ~aid. ·r hi· h1-.ir1 11g ""hll'h wai. l'x '"'' l•·ll l11111tll'l11tl1· 111t1 :1v, 1:. part "' 111\' <,\I\.., 1·11\1rammc ntal a~ ..,, • ..,..,.11 c11I ol lit,, 1mr1a <:t of the I 1 \ t' ,\1111111,J applll'al1on~ 1111 (.,,II .,1,,(( h.1i. l!'>'tUNI 1111 .1ppl11•:1111111· .• 1l1 ·1·l:ir :s l1 011 nf '"'~ ·""' 1·11\ 1r11nn1t·nt<J I 1mp1wr ,, f111tl111~ d1~1111l1 ·1l liy Nc~1111rl 1\1 • .. ' It ·1 h.JI n1 ·~til 1 vc· clt•clar<1t111n 11111llf ht'uvcrturncal hy Wh1lmgoc I" 1h1· I '/\H In :add1l111n . llw Cl\B :.taff " r"""lllllll'nding that the hoard 1 •1 11l pll1· .in 1•11 v1ronmcnta l 1m 1'·11·1 -.1.111 •nw 111 f11r :111 1wntJ1ni.: 1111111 appli 1·:r l11111-, 111vulv1r1i.: Ow I 1111111 \ :Oll'fl11 l I < 11' and 1·1111111 v 11H1r 1a ls say 11 " 1 • •lu111 l:1111 lo ·~~U{' I ht• Ariuina ·•l11ol11 .lf 11111·· ,, rwi.:1111\t' rftodara 1 to•• 1111 lilt' 11n".ll ar11I a nd m c:ludt· I h1·111 111 .111 EIS 1111 th•· olhef'. Wl11l1111! 1:. 1•xrwt'lf'fl to forw<.1rd 11• ... 111111111\ "'rtlh·n 1·v1d1•nl·•· aml 111~ l1nd1111:·, 111 llw t 'l\ll lalcrth1s '11111m1·r Men, Wemett and Boy's Ctothlng The finest S.lectlon Av•ll•l>le ---- OFF s11ore t , I CALIFORNIA Revenge Not Held In Death LOS AN(:-t:t .ES1 A f., The r 1arH'f'f' of 28·year·old Steve c·ongt"r, 11hot fatally by one of the> shrraff'~ depullt'~ ht" had .. ummot11'tl to tht' aut of an •'Ider ly be•atlnf( v ic tim ~)'!\ sht! 1lof'sn 't wttnt rt'veng~ · } ' l hav<' nu half'." said Sandy :-.d11 mnwl 'I tlnn t •a nt n· '1•11.:1• I lunia11 .. make> m1st1t k1•' It .. Jw.t Yl'r trn~1c that l don't h u' t! ~-.·vt' kfl more h<'<' 1i1UM' vf I ha.t mustukt' " KUT AtTt:& M•:F:TIN(; ~1th 'ht'r1ff!t dcparttntmt rt<prt'!I N\ 1.11 1vl·i.. MIM• S.·h1 mmd i.c.yi. 'ht· .. 1111 110\'tlll t undt•rstu111t how Uit• 111111takt• that took ('110.it-1 ·, 11r~· •·1111111h:I\1• bt-t•11 made 'l'lit' 111 .. t rtl'l attornt·v i. uffln· h ,1, t.._.j!Ull an 1nvt-1>l1.:at11111 uf lht• .. 1iuot111g, lht' l'11un1 \! Ht1d t d 11( :0.1111,•n ii.or'> ti.ts c111phai.12cd 1t ".ar1ll> u thorough prob\! .• ind Wcdnt-.. da y Sheriff l't·tt.'r l'llc·he'~ lui.hcd o ut al hoth hrnnd1ci. of t"ounty ~ovc:rnnrent tor thl·ar ··cficap polstu·.11 <·om nll'nll> h11l>t'tl un no fact:,. · {'ONG ER w AS a.u RU:o W1·d1w scta y following timotaonal -.l•rv u:cs <it Hose 1rn1s Memorial Chapel m Wh1tt1er. In hai. eulo~y. the Jfrv. Harry Felmly ur.:c<l rnore than 100 rpourners to "low· thy neighbor love one anolht·r even ht! w1llmg to die for one .tnother." Conger had s pottt..>d 63·year·olrl J <tt k Gonor lying unconsciou!-. m th•· driveway of the motel next 111 the West I lollywood bungalow tw and Miss Schamme l hart .. hared for a year ctnd a half. llE llf:LPED GONOR hark t11 n 1-. .mo t e l r oom and al ~o ~l'lt•phoned authorities with a d1·!'.Criptwn of a man he had seen walking away. Conger diretled the first two dl'put1cs who a rrived to the su:-. 1u·t"t. Uut Jimenez -who hall drawn ha !> gun a rLcr hf.'a ranJ,"! a 1'1•port which stated incorredly lh<Jt th<• sui.µcct had a firearm ;r rn Vt•d With a Second group &;ind '.'-hol the unarmed Conger in tht· 111·1·k a!'. hi' <·merged ~ud<lcnly Ir''"' .1n ;1lt·ovt• Bird Reveals '"Leaks' Tore ~upreme ·Cou.rl· !-.AN t"RANCIS('O t I\ l'I ":i lrforn1a Ch1c l .Jusllt·1· ft (>!'>e J\l rll. <h·nym1-: mist'onduct tn one r1f t lw ~upr<·mt· Court ral>ei. un '1"r mw!>t1gut1mr,-tertthf"d lht" :-.tall· Suprl'mt• Court la-.t yt·&;ir "a-. lnm \,y ~USPl('IOn and ill· l ••t·hn~ Siu· told the Commission on .l111l1 n al P<>rform:m cc Wcdnes· 1!;1y 'that ~e1:1ks of p<ipcrs und <•I ht•r information from the high •. ,,urt AOt so had late last year 1 h:it the tradilionally ~ercnc 1·ourt bf>came infected with a · M 1·Carthy·lypc me ntality." ··P•:OPLE BEGAN to wonder a lll>u L t.•veryonc c bc." she told t h1• 1·11 mm1ssion in th•· u n prt•l·<·1ll'nted µuhlic prohc of 111l·d1a char.gcs the court de II ht rately delayed the filing of some i.ensitive decisions to pro · tN·l her confirmation vole last Nov. 7. She narrowly won. l\l one point. she said. her law C'lc rk aired a s uspicion that another justice may have want t•d -to hold up the Fox vs . Los Angeles "Ughled cross'' opinion until afte r the election. S he s aid a ll the jus tices agr eed on the posting of a memorandum to the entire court '\tta ff in which the "breach or eonfidcnliality" was denounced with the threat that violatwn ··ould result in dis ciplinary ac· taon including prosecution under the slate criminal statutes. 3Held In Theft Of Checks .. . Im· Sal<·1·du t hrow~ uul t housanrts of overripe tomatoes at •• K 111~ ('1t ." µ:•l·k 111~ house Wednesday as a result of the t rul'kt·rs ~tnk<· A ltiwug h tomatoes a re s till being picked. th1·n · <1n· rto tnrrk-; to take them to market. Kobert !\fryn , timapan.v prt·sid<:nt, says the strike 1s costing the M"~l·r To1nato Compuny $120,000 a day, Kirig City is alm111 1m p1il<.·s ~outh of San Frcrntisco. Firm Says DC-I Os To ,-Return Soon' LOS ANGELES C i\.l'J McDonnell Dou~lal> Corp. :.u1d Wt•d m.~day 1t has <i n'\wernd all questions r aised by fede ral an· vt•s l1gators and expects 1ls Q.C·lO Jets to be allO'i"Cd back into s t·r v1l·e soon Hut &;i Fc<kral I\ viHl 1on Administration s pokesm an s aid the ,1g 1•111·y 1s no longt:r 1ncd1 ctmg when its mve stigatton wi ll conclude ·All Wl· rnn do as hor1"" !'>aid /\lex Garvis Th<· f-'AA :-.us p<'nded lht" DC· 10 operatm~ ccrt1f1calc about t v. o Wt'eks ~~dini.! ;in mvestii.?at ion of a c rash of one of the "11t1•ti<><l11-<I Jt'b in Cbwago that claimed 273 hvci.. Bill .~f»t>k• Ham H.-pla~·rrnrnf St\C'Hi\M ENT<) I I\ I' I /\ rn<'a !-.ure to fon•1• tlw Nationa l Foot. !>:1 ll League mlu JJl'rtn1tt 1rig another team to movl' lo Lo~ /\ngclc~ "'ht·n ttw Karns '°''vc (>Ill has won stale Assembly approval ''Th1 l> as ;m (.'ffo rt lo ri·i.tore some 700 JObs wh•·n lh<' Ham!'. (..._._.'f_l'A_TE __ J It-av <' the C'nlts t•um ." /\s :. c m b I y w um a n T 1· r 1• s :.i llug h ei.. a uthor of /\fl7R7, s::iid before the vole Wcdne!>· d ay ~.b Uul!b · r.1·11rc'>cnl'i th~tiQ.JLQLL~'i_A_n_gel~!i.Ulllt in ludcl> the Coh~wum . wha·h will be without a professiona l football team :1flt!r th<' 1979 Sl'a-..011 whe n the fh1ms move to Anaheim Stadium 1n Ornn~c County. Brou.·n •Sfou·' on Pay fflkP• SM'H/\MJ-:NTO <AP) Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy "<IYl> Gov. Edmund Brown .Jr . has moved loo s lowly on state t•mploycc pay <ind is playing for publicity with has tax c ut pro posal McCarthy. D·San Francisco. reaffirmed his support Wednes day for an ov(·rndc llf Bmwn's expec ted veto of a slate employee f><tV raise bill. <ind l><mf lh<' l>cmor ratic governor waited too long to mt·rca~t· hll> offt·r lo th•· lJ0.000 state workers 1tlaf1or Srrk11 to Nix Lbu-•ult Si\.N FRAN<.:rSCO C/\PJ-Ssan Francisco Mayor Diane f''ein· ~lc1n <iskC<l the Cuhfornia Supreme Court Wednesday to throw out a $5 million sl:mdt'r s uit against he r scheduled to go to trial Monday. She also asked lhut lhe trial be delayed. The suit was filed hy Joseph M<izzola. head of Plumbers Union Local 38. m l!l71l when Mrs. Feinstein wus a San f''rancisco i.upcrvisor. Ballo•t Eyr11 Safety \'alre SACRAMENTO CAP>-Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. said Wednes day he wants the Legislature to send him a longterm post· Proposition 13 finance bill for local governments. rathe r tha n &;inothe r one·limc bailout. Uul, the Democratic governor said. any lon~term state aid bill for c ities, counties and schools should contain some kind of "safet y valve" for lhP stutc m case a recession cuts deeply into stalc rnvcnues. Brown did not spcl'ify what kind of provision that s hould bt:. nor did he put a l>pecific dollar limit on the ball he would s ign SAN DIEGO <AP> - Two Camp Pendleton Marines and a Navy h ospilalman a re in federal custody in San Diego on charges of s t e aling more than $138.000 in ~ovemmenl payroll checks. Announcing New .. The three were ar· raigned Tuesday and are being held in lieu of $25,000 bond each. Otrlclala said more ar- rests are expecLed soon in the cue. A safe conta1ning 4S7 ch ecks and 190 blank armed forces i4entifica· tlon cards was laken ftom the Oceanside rnarine bue last Thura- <tay . Hid Larry Hess. actlrtR agent in charge CJf the San Diego Secret. ~rvlce office . PHOTOGRA Y EXTRA rM lenses Need one pair of glasses to wear all day long? The new tense from Corning is what you're lootllng tor. From a light gray tint to darll pay in less than 60 seconds. Available in slnt .. vision and bifocal form. No matter what your needs in eye wear, price or style, we are he re to supply the best tor you and your eyes at the r ioht price. THE WHOLE WORKS starting at S34.SO. ( Frames;1 enses, & case). "WI WAMT YOU TO LOOI llnll FOi LESS .. ) llPTll:AL Al:TIJRYA 250 I. 17"9 Stnet • c .... W... •II••• Sq. 642-4630 • W..W.ya t-1:30 S.t. 9.3 Thurldlly. June21. 1979 DAILY PILOT A• Abortion Battle Looms Senate, Assembly Split on $16 Billion Budget SACRAMENTO (AP > A t.wo·house conference committee has begun work on the s tate budget, and already there is Lalk or r long battle--oveY abortfan funding that could leave the state in a financial limbo. A new fiscal year s tarts Sun· ~ay , but there is little chance that by then the state will have :.i new budget giving the executive bran('h the power to pay bills. THERE AJlE 3lt differences bt"t ween Senate and Assembly vers ions or the hudget both $)( whl~h total about $1 6 billion. This means it will probably be Monday before the two houses act on u compromise version of the fiscal 1979·80 spending plan. And the issue of state·funded a bortions for 1>oor women. whieh dominalt..'<l budget consideration last year. could furthe r delay a vote to send the budget to Gov. Edmund Brown Jr Me:mwhilL-on the oth"r h1 g s pending meastire of W79. a se parall' t wo·hOUl>P <''>nferen<·•· <'Om m 1.ttee p lodded a head through a seemin~ly cndlf•ss l1'il .1f w1lm·si.t·1> on a $:) I litlhon post l'ropo'>1lrnn 1:1 aid bill for loc ~I govt•rnmenll> THAT COMMITT~EE f:u.:cd 1979 CARS I and TRUCKS e I ·ALL MAKES! 833-0555 Ask For Our LEASE SPECIALIST at HOWARD Chevrolet NfWPOH1 BEACH two questions -cutllnR the cost by $200 million or more, and de· c ading whether to make the blll another one.year bailout or al· rem l)rtl>lrnl1l'e""lb-e dtstrtbution formula permanent. Lake the budget, the bailout m e asure, by Assemblyman Le roy Greene, O·Carmichael. would lake effect with the n~w fis<·al year beginning Sunday. ttut chances or final action by the n are close to zero. The possibility of a long delay o n the budge t was raised Wednesday by Assemblywoman Leona Egeland, D·Morgan HUI , who told the conference commit- tee she was "willing to give up m y August vacation plans" to fi ght restrictions on abortion funding . Tiil: ASSEMBLY budget this yt•ar includes the $25 million pr<iposed by Gov. Edmund Url)w n J r . for unres tricted allurtion fundin~. but the Senate JdoptNI ldng ua1-:e that ijmati. funding to t•asc'\ in which the "0 ITl<.tn'l> l.Jfe IS threatened llowever, Sen. Da vid Roberti, a leader of the Se n ate anti· ah11rt1 on for ces, s aid more II tH'ral language similar to las\ y1•:ir·s was a "starting point ror discuuiorf' of the abortion ia- s ue. The Los An&eles Democrat noted that anti-abortion fOl'Cft are stl'Oftler this year in both houses and said ll would be "in- congruous" and "totally unac· ceptable .. for the conference committee to propose less restrictive language this·~ellr. The conference committee heard from a parade or leaislators Wednesday, most of them asking for more money for one project or another. Much or the testimony, however, con. cemed abortion money. A s semblywoman Jean Moorhead, R·Sacramento, told the alf.male committee, "No man can truly understand the feelings associated with pre· gnancy and abortion." Speaking of the bailout bill for cities. counties and school d is· tricts. Gov. Edmund Rrown Jr. s aid he wants the Legislature to send ham a lo ng·te rm bill rattM:r tha n another onc·lame bailput. After meeting with the Senate Democratic Caut us. Brown said ht' has "been supportive of a l<mg·tcrm mcasurf' with a safetv val ve an the e vent of som~ ecQnomic downturn. SPECTACULAR SUMMER SAlE Sale bec)ins Friday, June 29th' as a special ~,. to all our custotnen w~ would like JCMI to SA VE 20°/o & MORE on all our re9ular merchandise* ' 1ony. doH not apply to s~iolorden sat~ f'ftds July 28tti OP.Ctdli::lc; 1n bpau1v tor oain & ooua1>1r elizabeth duke, ltd. in MIUffl c04"t pleao. co1t• ...... 171 41540-2577 • 2 5" DICICJOftal •Ta-.M°*I •Ideal For~ loobllef•n •I 000/o Sold State Reci. '629'9 Sale 5499°0 I~· COLOR ,, ~ . s29900 1211 llacllA WMh SBSOO Orange Coa·.I Do1tv Pt101 Editorial ..... ~ ---------Ro-ber-1 N-Wee-d-Pub_ll,he-r-Thom_•_s l(-we11-1l t E-dltor ..- 1 U. ihursday. Jun• 28 1979 Barbara Kre1bi(t'l l Editorlat PaQe Editor .. ,. I , , I Expensive Errors . Rai~e Questions 1-----T~ H\"nt:s~c l'ark pool flUmp. tht' Her1ltt~e f>ark l t>cn <·.:nlcr cJoorl'. lht• Senior Clttil"n11' ·l·11te 1 fa n · ,prinkh>r sv,tcm. the lfor vurd Avenut· uthl1·ttt· p11rk 7 drn1na1.w ~ ·sh•m the h t .:ocio. on urnl un Wllut tht~:.,• nt•w puhltC' fut•tlllt~:. h avl' 10 l'ummun .11 t• llt·~1gn and or t·on:.t rul'linn <Id 1t·t<>m· 1c :-. thut tt•ft lU H ' r ,. pall Tiw ••0 11\b11w,1 rt•piur \Jill will CXtl't·cl $100,000 Tttkt• tht• pool for t·xampjt· A l'Ont1 ul'lor Jllist !>JJl'lll ~1.000 111 makt• 11 a fu11 5'1 mt•ti·1 ' l<inu II h.111 lit'l'll ~law l h\ om· uwh Now 11 t\U:. ht.•t•11 ll"c·uvert•cl ttw purn1n11 g :-\~I t•m WH~ tnC'Cll 1 l'l'tl V cl1·~t ~flt•d · Al lh1• lt't•11 1·1•11\t•r". lun1 tw1 u:.l·d II\ lht· rn.1~:.1 v1· dout '> ll.t' 'hrunk and 1·r :.11·k1•il T ht• <111or' mu'>l 111' t l·pl,11·l·ll \t \lh• s t·111ors ''t'lllt•r :in 1n :-.11 ffu·1t·11t 1111111 lll·t 111 llt• ,i,prin"lt!ri.. 'A-iih 111:.f ttllt-tl Mo1t· !H't• 111"t~tlt-tl Al ll u1 'tt • ~1 Purk lht· \\<tl t•t wun I dnun off lttt' trns l'lwll l u·lth ·*' 11 'huuld l"wld n •p.11r:. ;.11 t• <·ontt•rr1pl,1h·cl Tltt· t'tl \. uf c·ourM-. \\ 111 In to rt'l'll\ l'I ltw 111.,l 111 I ti,· \ .1r11111' ft·p«11r:-. I ro111 d\·Mgnt·r' .11111 c·o11trartor' But 1L 1~ Lht· ull1nwll' in 1rn11~ that. g1vt·11 tht· 11t·nu 11 rtnus f'C1"t-, ol tht· lit'\\ pHIJ(•c·t:-.. tht' <111HHllH ol L111w '1'•·111 un til1t·11· pl :.mnrng . dt•,1gn iJ nd l'Urt'>lrllC'l HHI .1 nd I 111' 11111lt1 tudl· of 111:.pl•t·lt<1ns . lht· p1utih.:11l'> Wt·n · ulllnH·d 111 m ·etlr ir1 llw f11 st pl.in · sat·ari Probe May Ht~lp Wh('n rnntH·ri. <i t u on c ou nt ry~~ran went <in .,, r1kt· s t•vt·ral wt·t·ks ago. the IJ'1rk ·~ mana~l'l's lrn.:d to pool• pqoh cmploycP tlu1ms Lhat <:in tm<i ls kl'pt a t tht· spr:.1\\'l1ng _game preser ve were rcc·e1 \'inl-! It·-,:-. thun '' :.ndarc1 t·:.i ,.,. The m :.magcrs su1d the rangers we n · 111tp1rk111g 111 :>omt'lhing of a rl'lul1 atory move IJcl·au:-.1· p iir'k 1Jffll'1;1b b)o(·kcd the rangl·r~ · atll'mpt \11 unionll.l'. The bsuc didn't <ht· in thl' <·rossf1 r<.· ht·lwt·l·n t h1 · rangers and ltw park':-. management Ft r~t I ht· :-.t ;111· De pa rtment of F1 :-.h c.and G<:im«.! c.ind. later. Lh t· l jn111·d States f>t•pr.J rlml·nl of J\grie ulture ~tl·p1wd 1n 10 1.:x;i111111t• c·ond1l1on:-. iJL tlw :u 7-:wn· dnvc.:.throug h animal park Tht·y foun<.I lh:J l the a nimals' house was nut "' 01 ch•r, J,!UV l' the· p urk thn·t· wt•c ks lo !-.haJlC thmg~ up , n· turnl'd a nd dtst'OVl'r<'<l lh:.tl whtlt• most of th<· l'<H·l1 e r prohlNn s h:_id lic·t•n (·orn·1·lt.'<I . new dcfit·1elll'll'!'> C '.'\l~.lt·d Tlus lt·d lo '>J1<'r11l <tl111n m soml' qua rtt·r:-. th;1t lhv p:i1 i.. w;1:-. 111 dan1wr of lo:-.ing 1b ltC"cllSl' and would lw ..,hlll down I SJ) ;111<1 p at k off in ab :1gn•t· :,11<.:h I!> nc1\ tlw 1·: .... t· 'I ho1\ po1111 a :-.1dt·. 11 ~e~:-. dt·;u· that n1nd1t 1o n ... at th<· l 111:1111·1alh ln1ulilt .. ·(I p:trk W<'l'l' allowl'd to dt'lt•n11r:1l1· Tlw wlr11I·· '"'-lll'. ii nothing ebt·, :-.lwuld rn:ikt· 1111' p;1rJ.. •, 111.111.1gt·t111·11I ;JW;1ri· th:tl lht· piirl-. I~ IH1I l'\l'lllpl f ror11 -.1·1ttl111 \ 111 -.11r111g r11111tr11i.JI lt•\'l'I-. of 1·;11 •· 1111 11 ;i II 1111 ;JI-. Sacl<lldi:wk C ·;,111·g1· 11tl11'1;1l' ;ind l)l);1nl 111t·111lw1 .., :111 pr<I\ t·d tn c·111H't·pt liJ:--1 \\t•ck l\\O novl'I plan~ d1·:.1gru·d 111 1>ro\ ult-mont·v a nd h11ilcl1 ng:-, lo the Y\JUng campu!-. 111 lltr' wak1..· of ti rn1111~111011 1:1 Firs t, 1rus lt·1·.., ;11.:rr·t'll to :-.ol1nt Ind~ for the· k ;1-,1ng of :.1.0 ac·n·:-. of J1rtnw. c·olll'g c· O\\ltt·rl ,. J:111cl 1111 :\tar g 111•rtl1..· l'a r kv.;1 _\ ad.1..ic·l'ltl 111 ;1 m •w !'!h1111p111g t·c1111pll·>.. Tht· l1·'>st·t· would IJt' :1 dt•\ cll>JJl'I" 111 t cn·~lt'CI 111 h11tld111g l'l11nrne·r1·1;il ..,, rttl'tun" on lh<' l:1nd ~t·1·1111d . 110.1rrl nwrnllt'r'> u:-.kcd lur prop11:-,a b I r1111 \ l'Om p;tn1\·~ lo hutld a s tude nt union hutld111~ 011 lht· '.\1'~ -.111n Vit-111 tampus. Tilt· ~I rul'l un·. wh11·h wr>uld 1nc ·l11d1· ;1 lm11ks t11n" eal l'l~rw iJJHI s t 11d1·n1 <.t!.:lJ\.:J.lJc!>~lJ&.H.:c. \"uulu w Tt~t·1fh;1c·k tu tht· e11lh:gt· En·nluall .v . hoth s truc.:lun·s. t hl' unto11 ;rnd a11yth111 g hutlt cm lht· Marg11crih.· land, wo uld hc1·onH· th<.· pr11pt•1'\.\ of the l'Ollt•).!l' tli!oill'l<'l St·h<1t1I offietals satd llw lw<1 propci:-.:.ib v.1:rc: :-.oug ht,,., a'-'<•.\ 111 ra1:-.1· mcml'y f111 th1· c·ollc•gt"s liutlding prog ram. w hwh :-.11fl1·n·rl a :-.1·1 l1:1('k w h1·11 Pro pt1s 1t wn 1:1 1'11111111;1\t·il l1w.tl fll'!llJl'l'I ' 1;1)\ '>ll!llH1rl f11r t ap1t<JI 1mpni\1•m1·nl s \\"hilt· tlw 1w11o n ol 1-!ti\ l'rnrnl·nl ;1g1·n1·1l·s 1·n g a g 111g 1n lhl· l'S!.tlt• l>11:-.in1·s' 1!-.11 ·1 ;1 p <a rl1C·1l1:11I\ pal;ilal1lt-11111· l'ropus 1t11111 1:1 h;1s pus lll'd -..<:boob :111<1 lcw al go,·t·1·n11 1t·11t:-. 1nt11 :111 1111t1·11ahh· po:-.it11111 :-i:irldlt:back ( '111lcg1· 1~ p<.1rt1n1l;Jrl.} tw rd hll l1l·1·1.1u~e 1t •~ 111 ;i J,!f'Clwl h :11·1o;J. 111 fad. its i.Jrt::a 1:-. <mt: ol thl· fa:,tt·'>l grow111g 111 th(• t ountrv. (; rowt h me 'irn:-. nion· l'nroll nit·nt An tnl'rt·t1 ~l' 1 n sl 11 dc ·n b 11H·:111~ n1111 l' room ts 11eets:-.an ;\l allt<m'> of dollur'> <Jl'l' n·qwn·d lo l1111ld 111on· ~p:1t·t· · \\'1t h lcw;tl r.1 x fund-; l:H·k ir11-! a nd th1· ~1:.1 1· ;q1pan·11th 11rn-..11l111i! 111 ~111111111·1 h111lding pr11gr:1111~ ul th1 · 1·11111n111111 I,\ 1·11llt·1.!f' lc ·H·I. S;.11ldl<-h;l<'k·~ 11n1qu t· propo'>ltl 1«i11ld hc1·c111u· :i p ;1lle1 11 lor other lol'al ugctll'I''" • Opinion•, ·~xptt.:!>S•:d tn lht.: ~pace .1bove a1c lhO!>c ot tlH· D.111y Pilot Olhcr Vll!W'> 1:xp1•!M,cd on ll11c, p.1gc are thosu ol 1he1r ..iuthor ~ uno dr11~t!> R1:.1d1:r comment 1s 1nv1h;d Address The Daily Pilot. P 0 Box 1!>60. Co:;ta Mcsd. CA 92626 Phone (7 14) 642·432 1 Boyd/Rented Wives H.v I •. M. IJOVD /\ r lu.·nt <.isk:-. 1r American Indian m<'n in any tribe ever loaned e1ut their wive~ a~ the Eskimos reportedly once did. Don't know about loaned It's Un h t::.lo rinJl fact l h a l Cherok<:t• Indian braves once c us tomarily rcntc<I wives for the ::.eu~on. J<'or lht.> wrnter. Ut•ar Gloomy Gu~ 11.'s l ike Russiu n roulette trying to make a left tum onto Campus off Bristol du ring rush hour when two lanes of h eavy t ra ff ic ar:e screaming off the new freeway try!ng to get I nto the right h and lanes . SCARED STlfo'f'. -\ mo:-.lly fo'or th1• :-.um mer. ton. hut ;it d1srounb then Our r..c1Vt' anrl War man I!) 1n vest 1f:atmg rt•ccnt rcscard1 that se<"ms to prove that onlv one bride an 19 ~ut·s home lo mother as tht• result of a fi ght with the groom. T hal .l u11u11e~c winl' cullt-<1 !'>akc. unlike othe r wtnc!). 1:. ll('st wh1•n fresh out or ttw rcrment:1t1on t•humhl•rs. You no doubt know n few women who can't ('OOk . Not JUSt don't like lo. Uut e·an't. Whal's most apl to cause th1:-. handicap, I'm told , is the ir in ability to taslc the diffore nte in s ubtle flavors. Only ubout seve n out or every 10 women ure said to Inherit the domi nant jten<' thut ~iv1•s lh<'m n fine sensitivity to tastes To. the others. mo~t fl avors JUSI don't register. <~. "If all my bcurrl growth were c onf i ned to o n t• whis ke r . how lcmi.t would 11 get in 24 houn1 '! · · A. Fifty feet. a ccord m g to a razorblade make r 's rt! l'lcarch, bul that's h•rd to belleve. N ie.-hola~ V 011 Horf man Will SALT Meet League Fate? 'I h1· uu1lio \>lu.yt!d Lbc Olt1t.: 11,11111h1· W111t1. llw video <Its · pl._1v1•d l\1)-.111\11111 rubher·l\ccking 1\11-.tflltH ha111qut• wh1ll' the an II " u II c I' I ... v u I(' l' J " v t· r a d1 .11.!11u..,.., untl pr11gno:.1 ~ or l.t·11111tl Bf'(•1,h11c.:v':. urtcrttl!) Tlwu 111 .1 t r11•1· ttw s1~n10 ~ wu:-. o\ 1•1 .inti '1 r c ·,Jrll'r w;1!'. homt· I " I , ''" t II I ( •111 j,!I ......... 111:-. ,)111 I 1•011.11 1 "" '·" 1·.t · r,,, h ' "' ·' " I h 111n:h h 1· cf .,111 uuk 111 1111' V. ,I '> h \• I II t I ""' ft .Ill llfl II ~II Y. Hiii 111 I.' I 11 l't1111 111.111d1111: "' '' •1111'(' ,,.,,,.., lw ,1t lht• r11..,lf'Ulll 111 th1 111111-.1· l1f l<t•f>l•'"l'nt;,itf\1•-. 1h .11 111 · t11okt•d l1k•· \11111t•or1•· • \\ h11 rl ht'l'll I am•111 ... lwq! ai.:u J llollTI<' 11111 ljlll((• rc•,il11;1IJl1° tlll tht· lrp 1d th•· 11111 ~111· •' 111111111:.1 "'"'l't'I \\IHi~t· liatl.1cl~ Mrirr1 and 0 l'op 11111•1• lwld h.1111h 111 Hu<l.\ Mailltox Vall ee. Pc r ~y <.:o m o , Vtt· Dam one ty T h e 1mportann: ht· al · lached to this Sl\J,'I' 11 s1~cc·h was apparent from the cv1dl'nt£• of his having read 1l through an advance, something he seldom does. l\t least thnc were fewer tha n usual misplaced l'rnphases, although the effort to l'Xplain lht! cl;.ini,tcrs of our nook1ar a~e" -.i•L·m c1l lo~I 1111 St·nalor S<•oop .lat'k'ion :rrlll tht· othl·r mc mh4•r:. 111 both p:irt11:-. who agn·1· with t h t· 11 I ti l 1 11 1· 11 u m JI h r e \ Uc mc"·1 al tl1<1I th•· lrt•;i h 1:. ap 1wa:-.1·nw111 of ,, I< ti:.-.i trn twar "'h11 will 11111 !Jt· h;1ppv with " f1•w 11 out a11cl <•handful ril bt·1111·:. T ilt-: KEJ\SON 1t11-. ln·;_1t v •'•in "<> mud1tr<111hh·1:. that th11~l' wh11 Jrl' a~iJIO'>l It knc\Y. Y.h \ tlw~ 11• <1i,:L1111:-.I tl \\lull-1lir1"' Y.!111 ,1ri· tor 1t d1in I k1111\\ \I.fl' t.111•\ :•f'I' f1J1 1t Thi• ;111t1~ ;11 r· ;tffh1llV 'IV :.lJll•lll h111111111g. c·:ul \1111! with lht•lfl ttrl I ,rfllt'l ol di >l1l :l\'1 llf 111 11 d 1· I v. .1 r ' '" , , h 11 \\ 1 11 1• America 's teen1e·weenie rocket!> up agai~ Soviet's Monster Mothers. Speakin~ in favor of t he treaty a r c• m e n like Secretary or State Cyrus Vanct: who wear their personalities hke old •'.ray tweed coats with r~lan ~lccves. T llE DEBATt: will !>tart tn •·arncst a(tt·r the July 4th con gn.·s.s 1onal rctcs~ with ncurings hcforc th<.· Scnall· f<'orcign Rcl<t t 1 o n ~ C o m m 1 t 1 1· •· • w h o~ l' t•ha 1rman. lht· puffy, 11n~~tly 11n·c·1sc Fr:mk Chur<:h of Idaho . t" a II pro·t rc<tty. That makes l11m <li ffl'n·nt from ll•·nry <.:<Jhot l.11tlgt· Sr of M assachusNls, who 1·ha1red thl• samt.· N1mm1ltt·1· tlurr11 g th(• IHI!) l.cagu(· of N;, t 111n:. tn·uly f1i!hl lo wh1<:h llfl' !'-./\ l.T d1:batc h a~ he1•n tom p:1rl'd. partly bc<.:a u~t· Woodrow Wilson . l1kc .Jimmy Ca rter. 10 "1sk d nc1t :1 Jc>l nor a tiltll' or the clot·uint.·nt ., languagl' m1 :.tht be c·h,ingl·cl Volt' 1t u11 11r v<1t1· 11 dov. II llad Wilson accepted changes. c.:h a n gcs whi c h the olhe r signatonci:. would huve agreed to. the treaty would have been ratified. But Wilson was irra- t1 0 n i.1 l l y unbc ndin~ whi le Carte r 's re asons for r esisting any c.·hange a re not owing to a J>r tdl'ful 'i tubbornn css hut twcausc any rcwork in~ will un- st1c·k the deal. WILSON "'"~ S tllll CJ(JWO hN· a use he• 11t•goliall'd tht! treaty 1wr~11nally anti alom:. without Hl•puhlican cons ultat1on. and did -;o 1n su<'h s1•c·rct that lht' terms V.l'l'f'1t'I k1111wn until the Chit•ago Trihun l' ''""' thl• t l':(I. anti puhlt~he<I ti Thi:. llrl'S1dcnt ha~ adt•ll t•1111n·I v f11fft •rcntly. Tht· do<·11111t·nt 1:-.11 'l a s urprise hurst 1 n I! out 111 I h1 · l'loM·t · its major prll\ •~mn~ have.· ht·t·n known for mont.11~. Ncir 1:. t ht· rt· ;rnything e''>JH'•·1ally Ing f) l>c mm•ratit· ;1hout 1t. S/\l.T II wus bt'gun by mll' He•puhl1 t·an 11 rc.·~1dcnl, c·ar· 11t•cl lorwarcl hy anothl'r, ~tnfl 1:-. ••111!11ro;C'tl hv th•· rntc•rnat1on;il h:111k mg an<I 'l<wk· 1ohb1ng cit· m•·na-. 11\ lh1• Clll' II W1!:-.11n 11 .rd h.111 (';irte•r's ta1·1 ;1111! n111<h·-.I \. 1 lw I .t'•HtU•· woutcl llJ\t' bl't-11 1·afllll'll, hut 1f (.;;irlt!r 11.111 W1ls1m' 1•x1·1llO).! orator\ ht .. ('11111mantl •ll t ht· rtwtorll' 11f 11i....p11 :at1on h1-. .1l11ti1 v ro m11kt· 1 tr1• ..,1,,.., "''' 11 l1•at1 -.111 l'<1nt•n•t1· 111 m .. 11 ·:1m:1~·11i:1t11111~. Sl\l.T II '-'1111111 h•· "11·"~lil1I•· linh;1 11111h "'" rl1•:11 WI trild(·tl. I htn-nt·c·k•·d r .11 h1•1 111:111 11·d rwc·k1•'1 .J1mm,._ I.rd . 11111 ..,1;1tur•• hut tilt' ;1p Jll'oll ,llll'I' e1f 'l.11\ll"t' T ll f'. STft,\TI·:(. \" 111 1 ht· trr•·•· tlflt 11.dtl• • " .1• Iii•• 'l'll:tliir-. v.hn 11 ti I li e• I 1;1111 .1~:.1111,1 tl11· Ll'OIJ.:IJt• ,\ 1•11 I ·""'" "',I cl•·l .1 \ W1 t-.1111 11·t11111t·d lr11111 l~11r111w to J pr11 1. .... , llt' "'' 1·1111 ,11 1• \,\ h11 h lt l<t• l11tl .1 \ ' "'" ~ 'l.'1 ,.,,.,.,"'.ti•· ",, 111 1,,, "' 11t 1111· :•1·rtt·1 al 11!1·,1 11111 11111\ •111 11•1· 11:11111 111.11 .., Th•· 111 l'l'Hllt lf.1ftf1 lit fft '\l•I) lff;tf 1( 111• \ l1.1d 111111 111 11·.wli Ill!' 1•r11111 Ir\ I Ii• \ I 11111'1 • ll.111 I!~' p11hh1 •·11111111•111 I'"' ·,.11111• l11r lotl,1 -. , 11I t'I11n1·d.d1l1 ·.., •1 fli;1f if lh1· .1d 1rr r111 11 .1l11t 11 1·,111 I :.>•·I r .1ttl11 .dl•trl quwl,I\ 11 \Hiii I i•t I 1.111111 .11 11111 ,1t .di Wayne D eserve!S More Suitable Tribute 'I 11 I ht· IO:tltl111 ,,11 111111 • 11 .1111!11 \\ :1 ,·111 • marl1•;, L llll:rlil" r 111111 1Jiut11i1 II Ull: .\lll!'l l\":111 lllfl\11' lrltflJ'l l'\, \\I' It'd I 111· r·1·11;1 rr1111 1• •11 I 11 :rn t:•· 1 '1111111.\ 'll'Jllll I \\ .r:-:r I IJll1f1l1·1t· I,\ 111appr111111:1t1· 1t1 .. ,11ir1• 111 .1 l11~·ll h 1·11111\11111a l tlf11(". \\Ith .tltl)li'il 1111 f1Uf1fl1· d1•l1;1tl'. If\•· 111 ,,. .. ,. ('1i1tlll \ H11:trd r1I !-.1r111 I'\ ''•Ill ""'""'' .. d1·1·1-.11111 lh" l'lltllll \ \\Ill li:t \C' IC1 ilV.t' \\ 1111 f-· 111 a11 ' '•-.11 -.. to 1 111111· 'r 1• '' ,. 1•1 n ·na1111· p11lth1· f.1C'il1t11·-. t·~11 h t1 n11· :1 pt1p11l.11 p1•1-.1111 tlw:-. • ~"\)\II ll:tl J\l'"l 11l'1•s V.1•1"1• lllcll lt• ll1111u~tl1tul th1· 1·1111111\ ;iftl'r llw 1k:rllr ol .J11h11 l\r•11111·cl '. 111 llw \t·:11 ' th:1t '""'' l11ll11w1·d m;t11' 1·on1rn 1111J111·~ haV\' 1·•1m1· 111 r1·t•r1·I !li t· t1;1..,t11w-. ... of lllt'tr tl1· l'hlllll.., ;11111 ll.i\(• H'\C'l 'ol'rf 1111'11 ... 111111, \\ 1· .i•,I, th.ii thP. 11 1 ·~t 1lr1· II\ 1111' ll r.111 111· ('1 111111 \ H11 .1rct td !-.,q11·r\ 1..,11,., lit · 11•11111•,1rl1·n•rl ;1111! " nwr , .... 1111.il1k t11h1111• 111 .l•ihn \\ii\ Ill • lw lt1tinrl SI '!-./\"' t·: <:l<M'I' i\f.11'1': 11/\llN "1\10-.N M II .u ; H t 'l<IS'l J:\,\ S'l'HJ-:ETt·:H !-.llS/\:'11 STIHIM I if•at• 'f 'oo f ,,Ollfl To I ht• fo:d1111r Su Hll Wil !->c)n, t M:ttlhr1x . .Jt111l' IH1 .. thav1ni.:1 c·lo:-.C'lv ohs...-ve•cl lht.· rl<tra <in<I founi1 from Ult' <h•rk of 111 v hoal. fl't•ls hoth 1111a lH1c1i and c·om pl'llt>d to speak out on ttw plight of th1· j.!nat:-. on San Cl1·mcntc ls lur11t W1•ll , 1l wou ld seem to me that ~urh u :-.I 11lt'men1 1s a contradH' I ion in te·rms and rl'prt•sents on ly a gut l(•vt•I avc·rs 111n to lht· Navy's J>roposcrt plan for dcul 1n g with tht• ~1luallon Fair 1·nough. h111 thl• s1t11at111n wilh tht· de·..r wh1c·h tnhalut a group or 1slancls 1n San f';1hlo Uay might tndtcalc lhat lo le:Jve the ).!oats of Sari C"l1•mc•ntt• lslund ln lht•tr own llt•Vi(·cs ts not Lhc w:1y LO f.lO. f am nul suggesting that the Navy's p lan be carrh:d out. Considering that the Navy ust:s San <.:lcrm·nlc Island for a shell· ing runi.:c I find il difficult to bl'licvc that they nre truly con· l'CTnl'd ahout the da mage a nock of goal'\ miJthl he doing lo the 1s l:1nd's ccolo.ey What I a m sug- ~cstini.: ts thal decii;ions con· 1·ernini.: tht.• .:oats' Cate should be mudc by thosf' whose training uncf <'X J1t•r1t•nc·l' qualify them. I am also s uu~cstln g that nnyonl' who voices a view on lhe s ubject s hould do so from somNhln~ mort• crcdihle than the rO:sl'·colorcd perspective I.hat ' • f1•11ch '" 111 1 r: trr•l•11d .\li•11 1111 11;• ... ·"I \ t• ..... ti If 11r11 1!11 lllf .ll.} ~..tit u1~ ,,.i.11 ... -!.u...11 I r1• 1111 I ... 111 t • \\ h 1 t h I lo t 'I ' • , t I .tr 11111i.t1I 'ftr.1;11 r 11 It~ t I ,, d1 •1 l,l'h.111 11:il11r .1:1,r 11111n.H I I I' \ \1 ... II "gu·1ul1 ! ')" 1111• l·.d1111t Tl11·ri · 1·111n1·, .1 l111w .\I" 11 .,,.,. "' lilt ,1f1·rrl 111.1111111 \ '"' 1d· !11o1 I lw h.1 li .1111 1111r1 •It \1 11111• ,tll l\l•tl 11111.1\' \\ 111 11· ... 1<1111)' .1 l1 ·ll1•r Ill 1111' IJ:11 1\ l'd111 \\lllfo 11 If\,., l .. r1·1;r1.1 111·,11 li 1·111 t 111111 1 tlr11 .111 .11111 !'-. !I r .111d 1 \1.11l1Jt1'\ ·' 11111· :·1 j 111 • t ·"1 q•.111 rl ·'"" l1l.1111 e·d ~l.111d.11 ii I !ti ( '1111q1.11t\ r.t ( ';tlrlcu 111,1 :111rl 111 111•1 01 1 '''"' t1.1rr11·-. l1rr l h1· l'IWI )' \ f11 ol1h Ill ,,.,,. h;1\l· lorl .1 \ 111 111 , v.1111111111 11 11 ..,.1 lt ~t acil 1 ;it •·rl .111.f dt 1111111 •.11 :1111\ t:i l ... 11···11 .... 111111• a11d th•r11.1g11)..1 • 11111 t1•·11d•o•, I ''" h11g \\ ..... h . I do11 t k1111Y. 111 \\lt11 h p11lltw.d oll1n• l'fl•I•· • ..,,,,. 111 and '" 1 111 r1•111h .1:-.p11111 i.: 11111 I \\t111ld hk1• It• 1·111·t1111 :q•1• h1r11 111 11·111111 lull 11111•· l•l hi-. :n·atl1•J111 c 111 ol1·~.:-.1•1n 111 gl'ograph' /\:. llw -.1111 ·..r s 1111 0111" l'I\ rl11.al1011 . a~ 1111.• h1•fl('. i.:o 11111 , !11· nt:I\ lw .tld1· 111 1 .1 11111\:llt/1• ht~. l'•)llll tl111l11111' ti • ll'> d1·1111:-.t• \\ .J l'l.l' M 1.l•:Y 1•ro-tcolnr Tn I.ht• 1•:c1tt11r I c•an·1 1111d1·r..,t ;1nd wh \ '1'111n ll ay<lt•n :incl his 11q~;m1·1.a1 111n op 1m~c the dcl'Onlrol of 111 I pnt·c:-. 'I' hey du1 m l o lw p ro solar t·t1ergy, hut the lo11g<·r w1· h:tV(• u c•1•tlinJ,C on oil pn1·cs. lht• longN 1t 'II be tx>fon• 1l pay~ to J.(o ~olar I 'm pro.sol<Jr :ind wus flt'l1ght.-d wh1·11 natural f!;1s. tht•n 1111 pr11·t·:. w1•r1• tlc•1·11111 r11llt•lf No 0111• •'llJ""' h1glwr pr11·t·s fo r a11vth111~ I 'nhk•· totHI. w1· do11 '1 ha\1• a nt·W 1•rop iii oil l'Vt•ry yt•ar. 11 ht•(•ornt·~ n11ir1• 111Hic·1111 an<t t'X lll'llS I VI. to""' r :1rt th••rt• 1:. a llt•c•h11111~ :.111111ly ancl :1 ni:.in~ lll'mand. M1 pru·c·~ mu:.t f'l!'>I'. To ~o sol:tr or not tn go solar 1s :in ccon1Jm ic· d t'1'1s11m llavmg t•hcap oil nva1lahlc mc_•rcly pro· l110g s lht• trans1t1on to ~olu r ut1hzat1 on EH ICI l K t-:HN .tlangl .. d Tfl thr F.clitor llow lUl' t111· l'clsl ()(f1t·t· l'lln rl'llins.: n1111 hint·~ worktng" /\ulhot :-. who ~t·11cl out man11st·r1pt :-. hy rtrst t•la~:-. lt!g al l'l'\Vt•lt151t.• ll'r ft1tl·pag~ Sl?.C·~ Utt• i:r11wm g wt·ar,\ of ht•artng from t•clt tor~ who, wht•n ftUe' l'lf'd, :-.av tht•y ncvt•r rcct•tvt•tf lht!m or the 111,tllll t I 1f1h liJ \ • ,,fr l'.ttl \ t11 "II I 1 I 111 11•' ti H-11 1-111 .. '-'1t l•·1 tt lllhor lnrr 111o1 11·. 111111 "'" r ,., tit• "''r" ,I 1111 ' h,1 \1 • nt ·' li ·;•.il l'll\f0l•1111 I Ii.it • 11111.i11wtf ,, t li1 ·r I, It "":1 r • I 111 1wd '" •111· I 10111 I h•· ~.1111.1 '"" t111 \\ ,11 d111,' ('I 111 1·1 t11r l.11 I. Hf f•I 11p1 I fill' l.1;•1• ,11111 111,t11J1l•••I ,ti 11111 ' I 1t•f 11 Ill' l'lwd. \\ .,., 1111 "'Ill' ( lttr lll.11111 C'l'lf!I" .11 t' 11111•11 'I 1 lh r1111r I tll,111 of I h 1 I k 'otll I .111 1 l111r -. lw "'"111•d l h•· 111.111 ' I 1111 • 1-.1)\\.,, llll '''"·l.1.\1, ('m•l I!' f 'f•n.d I 11 1111 l·:d11111 111 ""flflllrl 111 \lr .l11h11 (; \.\ •1f'lf -. lr•ltr •r • .lun•· 171 1·orw1•rn 1111: 1111' 1·11~1 or -.11ffr1111 I 11H1·r 1111, l11rlh1•1 111!11r111 ;t1 11111 S;rflr1111 , ... ,, ,111;ill f111Y..1·r11u! pl.1111 . l 'r111 •11 .., S.1111n-. In lh•· t •·nll'r ol t•;id1 1111\ p11rpk hlo:.:-.om ltwn· :ari• lhn•1• oran$!<' \'l'llow st1i.:n1:1~. 11r rilamc.·n l ~. ""ll11·h :ire· hand 1m·kt•c.J anrl kiln cfrH·d It takt•s hf•lwt•(•n '1 .0011 and ~>.11()0 ol' 1.hl'se• st1gm a~ to pr01 tuc·t· 111w oun1·t• of saffron Thi!'. at• c·nunts for lht• h1i::h 11r11·1· I n•c('nt ly ~111wrv1:-l'cl 1 hi· 1irc·p- a r at ion of an intt•rnational h~m q111•t for 1.:!00 pc11pl1 • Tht· t•ntn•t• 1·1111s1s tt'd or twc •f ;rncJ c hic-ken \';1k 1ton. ('hinest· 1wa ,pods wi th w alt:r C'lw:-.tnuts and saffron • r 11·(·. I 1n<·l11dl·rl 1n th1• rr <·•· I ta vonn~ lwo J OUrtl'I..' tin~ o( Spanis h saffron. wlu ch t'OSL-; ~ a ltn, or $88tl a pound, whole:-. ale It may interest your renders lo learn lhut two ountes or saf fron was sufficient to s<'ason lht• ru•t· for this m eal, but 1l rf' 11111n•d 2fl ).!a llon!'> of Saki . amonJt ot lwr 1ngrc•1h<•nts . lo m unnalt· lilt' hl'f•f :ind t•hu·kcn for the' \'.1k1 l(ll'I hrncht•lt<•:-. .JAMESW ('Onl.F: M ust('r Chef f 'nbl~ ('o•t• To I.ht• Editor '!'ht• I r vmt• Ctt y Counc·il rt• c·t•ntly tumcci down o request for ,, li7 1x·n·t·nt rak 1nc reusC' by C'om mumty Cabl<'v1smn W ••ync ll ll:rnscr, prci;1dt•nl of th1• c·at)le• c·ompnny . sat<l in a 1'11 111 nrt1dc• lhut the 1·ablc 11pn at111n p111d $60.000 to Jo:rnsl 110<1 Jo:rnst . tt nutmnal llt'<'t111nhn~ firm. to ,,,.,..,,11n· Ult' re•vorl JUSti l)'tng ~• rult' h1kt• Mr tlauM•r abo smd that lx'r ause the' 11) t·n •ai.t' was d<'nied Community <.'u hll'vision would now rcdu<·e lht• <1 u u Ii t y o ( cab I e t c I c v 1 :s w '' ~t· r\'t1'c T he City Council should be I 11rt1 llllJl!h If 1111 11111 t1t 'llll~ lfllJWlf II\ 1111 11111111111.t111r ••I .r 11.1111111.d -:H"·m1nnni: 11rm Tl11· '""i·111111-,.-i1.--- l1to1d 1h 1:11111111f 111 ,,..,k 111g l11r 1.11 1 """ 111·1111 •. 111 ""'''''''' llll 1.111· li1l.1 I .. ,, ...... I I I t•,111 '"'' r t•J1llf l .11111 11 \.\ :1" 11111 ll.11 1 I'\ • 1•pl 11 l.11l1 •d 111 t•\pl.1111 wfl, flit • 111 1 r 1•;1~e· v..r-. rt•·•·•l1·tl :1ruJ whc·11 · lli1• 11w11• 'v.w1ltl 111",pr·nt It I" 11111 11;11! llt:tl ('11rrH1t11111l \i < alil•·11~11111 \'""'''" s1:11.11110 ''" a · 11111·r l1n;rl 1't•f1111 I r'.1tl11·r !11<111 .11111• 1111 v.11 h .1 '''" ·,111111 f1~11rt·.., II · t1111 II.id 1,.., .111•,1• 1•\ 1·11tualh 1111 · '>1th:-.1·rtlft'r -. \\di ti.I\ 1· 111 pa~ I ti r 11 !-oll.\lltl'.\ J\I <:I S I .11);".~.s 'PfHllff~ff I II I h1· 1·:1111111 I "·"' app.dl1•d ''' tlw f111111 f1.1J'l' o,l11r \ :11111 flll'llll t ' 111 ,\llllf' .I 1111• :!II i....!>111· "'h wh l'I'\ 1·:tl1 ·rl -..11p1·t 'i-.111 '1'1111111w, It 1l1·v puhlw h tlf ;11;,111c 1'1111\ 1C'l1 •d c•r11ok1•tl poltt 11·1.111 lt.1tph 01t'cl r 1d1 Thi.., 1·1•rt .1111h 1 :rt:-.t•.., q11t•i-.1111n-; ah1111l S11p1·t \1,01 l<tlt'.\I -.. 11111lt·r~la11d 111 1! 111 lilt' lr'U!'>I th;11 1111· \oll•r:-. pl.11·1· 111 t h1· pcopl1· t ht'.\ clcd to 11llw1· Tht· 111ry founcl lh:11 Hulph I ht•tl r11•h knowrngl y v 11>t:1 t1·0 that tru..,1. ;mtf lw -;houlcl 1·ertuinlv h ;I\ I' ht•1•n a llOWl'cl 111 res1~r1 \\ 1lhout c·om nwnt tiy his peer::.. 11> r1•t1rt• into tht• ignominy hrnught ahout by his iJl'lions. If Su1>cr\'1s11r IWr~· wanlc<I to wish Mr r>u•clnc·h well that c·ou ld a nd -.h11ulcl ha Vt· ht•t•n 1lo nl' 10 flrl V Uh' T llANI\ (iOODN•:ss the T IN· < ·u I' unltnam·t· 1:-. now m t-ffct·I tor 1 >ranJ.(c County :-.upcrv1:.ors. whi<'11 will hopefully rnakt! tht• '' 111 al111n ""hlC'h lc'll to Mr l>11•flrll'h·~ l'On ac·tmn k ss likl'I\' llow,•\i•r. s tn<'t' St1pl'rv1sor Rtl~y oppO<;t'tl T l NC.:11 1'. rl'fustn~ lo .u•knowkd~t· th•· prohlcm l'V 1·r~ 011t•1•b.,· 1·1111lcl St't' in lht.> areu of J)Oh\1t·al 1·ontnhutions and sutmc· qUNll ('Orlflll'I of inlt'rl'~l. Wl' aga111 Sl'l' u stant•1• on his purl th.tl .;houhl he.: umwl·cplablc to lht• \IO\crs of Orange (;ounty. S111)crv1sor Rtlc>y seems to be dcmonstrut an~ morn and more that his standards ror conduct or publit• offi c 1uls are in ap· 11ropn~1tc. On that busts it "YOuld bl' approprlult• for the voters or Orun~e County to m MkC this lt•l'Ul 1n orri<'e his last. CllUCK STEGMEIR Common Cause Co·coordlnator 40th Congressional Dist. • T ~· O•tly , .... ••K-•• <•"'-M tN ~ ... , ··-,..., '--" .......... ....... .. ._, ..... , ................ ~ ...... . <.i. U6U l.-• <etllMW ...... ~•ti. ·-............ -_.. .... ,. ~· .. ... ~ -*"' -.... .--.... .. •MIMMWI_, ... _.. ....... ..... ~I"-''-"· 7 I ' t t Laguna/Sollth Coast Lo1 r 1u N' t ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA \'o•r Hometown •, .. Dally Newspapc•r THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1979 TEN CENTS f VOL. 72. NO. 11~. •SECT IONS. 5' P.AGES ! County Pollutant Violators Ticketed ., Fat:OEalC'K !o4C'HOt;i.u;m . OI • CMllt ...... "•t At 11llt1s tumt'<I frorn li>:ht hhlt' to aa dull r~t)' wh1h•. 'l11ll' .11r quality lnspt•c-tor' !l>wevt throu.:h Orana• ('oun t ' tods t 11·ht111.: elle&ed v lo l o t o r ' o f te('Ond·s tage s mo~ ttl.-rt poll11ttlltl reduction rule:. Prehmlnur) n " .. uh1. tnd11•ot1·ll w1desprea.d 111:.rn:ortl 1111 lh•· reaulaUOClb, u1T111 tlin~ to 11.·11 1>11 11 1,1~. ~up1•r v1M1ry 111i.1Jt•1·tor .il tlw t\11uhc1111 offkc of the South < '4111,..t Air (Juuhty M un111(1•rn1mt Ill'\ Th't Wlwn j i.N·ont.l 'lu~1· '"1111-: ,d,.r I I!> l'>,tll'lf tHllll t'lll ll>/>IUl\1> 11111'1 h~ l u n oilc•tl . u:-. m ui.t h·vt·h of 11011 111 11111 :. 11>,u•·d hy .f ,,, 11111.11' ,111111 e1> :.u1·h u' ftw tor rt• ... 111 I ••'>1:1 Mt·'o ~w111l1 ;1:-.t lm· J r 111111111 \' \\ii ), l'l\1•11 lor llh ;ii h·~1·d failure to 11ba tc traU.l· i.:cnernt4K.1 by employees drivin~ to work and em1i>sions produced from 1ti. metal casting act1v1ties . l>unz1g said t-:ach violutwn is a m isde 111e1inor o((ense. 11un1s he d by 11 S.500 fine and/or six monlhs in I~ ti The scrnnd·sluge alert w;,s is ""'ti ::it 11 a m Wednesday due 111 11 thick tcmµc raturc inversion that has literally pla~ed a hd over the South Coast air basin Areas along the immediutc coast are generally not aJrected by the high smog levels because sea b reezes drive air polluta nt:-. to inland are!as. About 300 firms an Oran~e Co unty are require d to have ..second tage episode plans detailing how they will reduce air pollution when alerts arc 11> sued Gene rally. firms ha ving mor e than 100 employees are required to r educe e,ommuter r cla tN1 pollution by 6.5 percent At P ac 1f1 c Mut u al l.1fc Insurance Compirny , Newport B i:a c h . a ccording t o J s pokesm<tn, em ploye es cul rlown driving by 4!1 percent Only 3K5 car:-. ar rived al the compa ny'i. park1ni.: lot t0<l::iv. eom pa red t11 the normal 780. the i.pokes man said Da nzig s aid s mog level!> 1n Oranee County gentirally are lowe r than those round 1n othe r a reas of the South Coast hasin Northern portions of the tounty ~enerally havl' the h1~htisl smog levels. he added . Ont: a ir qua li ty analyst. Jim H1n1kos. attributed µart of th~ l~e SMOG. Pal(f' /\21 Oil Judge Out? Newport Seeks Removal ;Beading for th.-SurfL As June m c.ik c!'> w ay for .July . lcmptraturc:-. climb c.tlong thu South CO;J!->l a nd the cool s urf j ust bt!yond Lhe warm sand!> hccomc!'> <Jn incre a s ingly popular a sset. The Main Hc a<·h m Laguna Uc<H:h 1:, cine o f tht• bU!->ll':-.1 :-.l rl'lthc~ of s und filled with btk1111 dad _vou11g wom e n u ltcrnaltoly broiling 1n the Mii\ and t oolinf.,! m the M:a PrO j e.__,__, Fight Pressed Laguna Of'j0i By STEVE MIT{;Ut.:.U . ----"'" OfiM C»1lf Pllet ~to1tl Continuin~ her ;,i q~ument th t an agreement between Lago u Beach and the forme r owners or ·Sycamore Hills is unconsr u tional. councilwo man S · ly Be llerue s aid today she w· nL.., the counc il · :ind ci tizen:-. to look into othe r altc rna li v1>s Citing rour paym enls m ade to R a ncho Palos Ve rde!'. Corp. la~\ year, the councilwoman sa 11J the cit.y is on sha ky lcgul grou11tl:-. • bec ause. "a munic!i>ality cannot I incur any debt greater than t h1• ~city's income for any yc;ir · And, she said. Laguna Beach 'cannot obligalf: general funtl 1 revenues l>eyond a yt.:ar. add mg ;·payments to t<a ncho to tJat1· would have to be in the «1l y':-. l general fund account by S;1tur .day ial Hits Sycamore Hills Role "Thc_poJ:'Jit ...uf ~>1~~t4~~~~-<tll~r'*':Y~ fF41m both ..,t·,s wn:-. r held las t monl h ;Jnd in "tics sit down a nd reform the .lurw by the counci l> was to find a original agrccmt:n1 "" thal 1t'-. way to solve tha t problem ·• d l'ttr lherc 1!'> no liahility on the But Cou11c tlm a n ll owarcl 1wrt of the «ity·s t:..xpayt•rs," ht· J>11wson s ard tht· city i!'. well on 'illd. · the way to :-.olv1nj,l the liming T lwt :igrc."<.·mcnl would ~et n11 prcd i1·:1mcnt t 1m(' limit on a due date to "Thi• 1·oun1·il With lhl' l•)(t•ep n ilO <'hO fnr a re m~1inin~ $5A t 11111 of Mr~ Uc I k r 111· ha :-. mill ion owt•d lhf' development t•CJm pa11y for th<' city's purcha sc• of 522 acres 1n Sv<.'amon• llilb "The consti t.ut1on<.1l requt rt.' m1mt that a city not 1nt·ur dc bl fur more lha11 a ye11r would not apply in a n op1•n ended, self llqu1rlat1n g purt ha:-.1· agret· mt·nt."' Dawr-.on i.a1d LB •Accordion Lady' Injured _ In Accident .. Thal wa:-. t he original intent or tht' council and the !-.<'lh•r ·· J\nd while Mrs. Uellcruc do,.:-. not t•ontcst the n<•cd to look into rcworkmg the 1Jr1g1rwl agrc•· mcnt with ltuncho. shl' :-.aid th1· (~ 1111.1,s. PaKe i\2) T h e fc tl l'ra l d1 :-.t r1<•t .. ·J OO~•· !'>cheduh.:d lo r uh· 1111 Newport lh.·;tch 's fight a gainst 11ffsh11r(' oil leai.e!'. 1:-. a former oil t•11111 µa n y attorney, Nl'wp<irt c:1ty 11( f1t•ials r harg1•d todil v C1ly Attorney 1>i·n111s O'N1·rl '11 1<1 that a Sl'parat1· hearing "'w I II ht• ht•ll'.I Ill l.11'> J\n g t•l1 •' ... t•!lcral l>1!'>1rtl·t C11uct in an ..r fort to d11>1111alif) .Juil g1· I\ 1\11 dn•w llauk .I u1t g1· l1;1uk W1 ·1l111· ... c111, h•·.11 d thq 1·rt~ .., ar g111111•11t :-. 111. rh .11 t1·111 pl:-. l o g1•1 L' rt·:-.tn11ning ordn lo hall lh1· 'alt: or riffshon· rnl ll·.1:-.t:.., Thul -.Hit· l)i -.dwllul1•d Gasoline Gouger~ ~sailed W J\SIUNCTON t I\ I' I l'rc...1 1l<•nt ('arter·s t hief 1nfl 1t1on fi ghl n i-.. today ;11Tu i.t•d m;my C i.l!>Oline dts tri butori. or Clll;:agmg 1n illci:ta l price gflugin ~ and re<'om mcndc>d that the govern m Pnt conMder ration in~ gasohrw Alfred t; l\.i.lh.n...i:huu mafUJf the pn•:-.111<'nl°s Courwll on Wagi· and Pri1·1• Stahiht~. al!'.<J pn•d1t·t t•d t hul m;un l) ht·t"<IU!>C of today·s big incrca:-..• in foreign oil pric•c:-.. 1n fl :H1u11 "will h•• bum ping at the tllJuhlc d 1g1t level for the rest o( th1.., vcar · U n g;1:-.oltr1 c JJrrn·:,·. Biirr~ Bo~ worth. rlr n ·c:tor or the cnun 1·tl , told the 11110:-.1' Govcrnmf'nt Operutions ton~umt•r :-.utw11111 m1ttt•e that on the ba:.1~ of na t ional d:.it:1 from the Con!>u1Twr P rice Im.lex anti lhl· ProducN Price Index . retail ~a!'.01 1111· 11r1ce!'. arc going up far mun· r:rpidly than c;;_tn tw )Usl1hL>d II\ ref ming cusl~ ·· Said t\iJh n 'I ~11~pc1·I a1> 11 privak t itw.1•n that there ar•· w1des prcwl violat111n:-. at thl· rt· 1:111 lcv(•I " 1 Helalt-11 'lltirit·' Ax ,\21 ' (S(o•· PRICt;. f'aJ;t' A2> Lagun:.i Jk ;1('h's fa mf'CJ :.tt"('Or tlmn h1dy 1s rcstinl.! <1t her h11m1· today :lftcr s h1.· allc~cdly ran ;i red li1<ht Wednesday and !>trurk a car driven by• 11 Su n Ju11n Capistra no man Saddlebaek Hassle lo r Fr11l<1y rn 1>r n 1n g 111 l.11' I\ ngeh·:. J udgt· l1<1uk wii:-. l'XJJcd1•rl lo rule IK·f11re lhl'11 on Lhiil n·-.trnm m g •>rd1.•r O 'Neil :-.a11t . lr11w1·vcr that 11 "'a1> lt'.•rru·ll lhal .J udg <· ll11uk 11n1·1· !'>l'l'Vl'tl a ... lt '>l111f eou11..,1·I fru 11111• uf lht· OlaJ•ir<11I ('11mpanrt'''''• perll•1l l11 hid 1)0 th1· ll·a:-.1•:-. whwh 1111 I 1111t· four tra1·t:-. 111:-.1 !11Jt ... 1rl1· th•· ft) li't' m 114' Ii 1111 I 11tf N cwporl B••:t!·h u N1·tl ,;1111 .I 11rlg1· If .wk 1 t· port•·cll \ -.1111 ret.11n ... ..,t11l'k 1r1 th.ii l'!lllljlill)\ 11 1· ..,,."~ tlw tw;1r1r1c w•1uld lh . " l•1. 1klt.:rn11nl· 11 lh111>1· n·1111ri • "l'rt· 1 nw If :-.o . ht· ..,,1111 .• li11lgt• 11.lllk 'houlfl hl· 111 ... 11ulllif1ccl 1r11111 UW<'il~t · (l•:';:t·ll ... ,r11I ht• ''\11•'1 1 ... \ht· llt·p;,r\nu•nf 111 rti .. l11teri111 "'''' 1 ht 1·1•s1r:11n1·1I fr.,m a1•c1·pl 111i.: hrrh Fn tl.1\ 11111r11111g H111 tw :.1..,., ..,;11d 1r .., '''II lil-.•·h 1111· I If \ l'Ollltl \lo Ill 1\ httl to h:1\ 1 lh• fo ur 11;11 Is !11'11•!(•11 r111111 lfp "·"" h1·1·:r111>1· ttw It·;,"''.., \.lour1 1 1,. """'d•·d for :m d,1\', i.t1v 1111-: th• 1·11 \ I llllt 111 11111 -.111" ti · '""'' \\ 1•1h11·,tl.1\ lh •· ... 1,1l1-I .;1111!. ( 11111111"'"'11' lo'I lh ~11<! Ill h;i\ t~ 1~·1· 011., l':tJ.:t· \.!I l J.S. \i ow~ Refugee_s TOKYU t i\l 'J J•rc:-.1den1 C:1r11·r ~111111111lllt •cl 11,,J.t\ lht· I 111 f1•d Sl;1t1·1> "'111 atl111rf 1 1,11<~1 I nd111·htnl'Sc r~I u~ee:-. J m()nth rloublc the 1·urri•nl lev.:I a:-h1• .1n<1 otht:r Ht«1n11 m 11· :-.u111n111 part 1C·1panL ... 1·allcd fu r .111 urge111 -l~Hl~•d ·. t-1111µ, .+'#IHt'l't'IH'~H-----­ lht• p n>lil<'lll 1 Bt•l;t11·1J -.t11n 1•a 1-·· D~uly Ptlot \t.tfl PMto ... 1u~·,., l•r.-pa r.-d ;\;t•'v\ purl Jkae li s cc~ret ;.ir ' \lon11·;1 Olrlnwn \.\(:ar ... hard h .1 I 1 11 ;i u l 1 l· 1 p J I 1 11 n o I Sky latf, de m1s1· Sh(• :.il~o h ~1 ~ u hutton lh <it n·:1r1 ... ·ch1t·kt·11 l.1ttl« w~, ... ll1gh1 Slw works 1n a lu" uff1n· 1\.l t Thl· .1(·11011 1111 1,.,111.!t'.,.., "'a:. 1111 fll'"f l'lllH'fl'lt 1•''1111 t1f lht• "''\I'll ll:tllllll 11l•••·t111g I hill .,.,., ... p11·t1ir1•tl ,,, tr1t1• 1 n~· t11w;11 rf ,, 1·1m1 Ill om1..,•· 011 11' 1'11 "'t•111fa 1t1·m . 1•n1·n.t~ 1\ 111 t•r1 t·an 11fl 1n;t1... wh11 ,,.,k.,tl 11111 lo lw 1tlt·nl rf11•d 1·,11111.ih·rJ JAPAN SUMMIT SECURITY 'BOGGLING'-A12 tlw :11l1llt11m:il influx 111 rdugt·t·:-. "'•1111<1 (1,..,1 a11 .ulcft•tf S1 ~11 m1ll11111 .1 ;.Par 11n top of t·urn•111 1111tla~ ... 111 'j;2!"1U n11II1on I 11 :1c1cl1t1011 lo Uw I ' ~ :rl'lro11 lilt· otlu·r -;1111111111 part1t·111~1nli. 11111 unly 1·all1·1l tor a l ' N t•tm ll'rl'lll'I ' 1111 ll'fllj.!1•(•:-,. hlJ I ;_1!:,11 plt"tlgc•tl lu l>CI ..... 1t11· lllOrt' 11\Ulll') fur r1•li l'f ,111rl n ·s .. ttl1•nH•nl cf lorh and ;ulrn11 mun· r<•ft11(cc1> , Payments m ade from th•· r1ty , treasury during lhf> 1977 7H fiscal .year inc lude $.1J7.rJOO from the open space fund: $t60,312 in in· 'terest from the itenera I fund. :the principal o n the loa n or Sl2,SOO, and Sl million re<·c1ved from the county for right of way ,on the proposed Sitn Joaquin ·Transportation Corridor through Sycamore Hills. California lhlo(hway Pat rol of fi ct•r J ack Kelso s 11icl J\nnutx:lk Marie MacJnncs, 73. wa:-. north bound on Pac ific Coasl llighwa y when her car alle~cdly ran tht• traffi c light .a t Wesley L>ra vc 1. South Laguna . Foreign 'Quota' Denied .. Thi ... IS hai.11-;tlh whal Wt· '>11111.tht. · uni·\' S off 11·1:.1l !.a11I 1·;1rt1•r sard rn a ,,;~tem(.'111 Wt· 1·a n anti wil l \\'.llrk logl'ltwr 111 ll1HI ho m1·!. .md Joh:-. for In tl1wh1n<'Sf' rcfu gt•t•:-. ·· l' S sou rt·cs :-.u 1d tht· ll !\ nwcl111g would he 1·onvt•nc..>d "' Geneva dur1ni: the lhtrd week in .Jul) "The debt was incurred dur· Ing fiscal 1977·78," s he said. "and should have ull been puid dfthatyur Orange Coast ' .Weather Patchy late night and early momjng low clouds near the coast otherwise fair with hazy sunshine and IOme high cloudiness. Lowa tonight In 60s. Highs Friday near 70 at beaches to 90 inland. IN81DE TO•~~ Ralpll Nader. conHmer advocate, i• colling /or a on•·da11 naUorawfde con· ••m•r bo11cou to protest "°",...,.,.' /ailure to 1toll *"llolfolt. storw ~ A 11. •••• Her car collided with a ca · driv e n b y l':d w ard All a n Hackett. !>.1. who wus turnin~ on to Coast Highway Uoth we re treated and released from South Coas t Medical Center. Mrs. Macinnes is known in the Art Colony for he r impromptu ac· cordlon concerts gi ven fre · quently outside s hops along Coast Highway in Laguna and along Main Beach Park. By WILLIAM HODGE Ol IM D•lly ~lret itafl Saddleback College 's board president denied today that a ne w fore ign s tude nt quota syste m was designed to limit enrollment of Iranian studenL'i in the district. The ne w system. approved by trustees this week, limits foreign s tudept enrollment lo one per· cent of the colleJ(e's total student populutaon An additional lim1ta hon r estricts students from a ny one fore1J(n country lo IO percl•nt of the foreign stude nt popula ti on Thc rl' i.lr(• 39 persons <1tte ndm1: the collCRl' on Iranian student visas 19 over the limit of 20 al lowed under th~ new system . .. H 's JUlit a co1nc 1dencc . · Board Chairman Robert L Price said "There was no inle n Coaster Defies Death Dynamite Fails to 'Kill' Park Ride for Movie NORFOLK, Va. CAP> -The Rocket is 80 years old and looks il, but the ancient rollercouter took two blasts or dynamite and ju s t stood there . If a rollercoaster can laugh, it did. Explosives experts working with the crew of an ABC television movie, "Amusement Park,•· tried twice Wedne11d1y to destroy The Rocket for the mov· ie'a bi& sce ne. They failed. On the second try, 3~ cases of dynamite -twice H much as for the first effort -were carefully planted in a hu1e. twisting tum ln t.he coaster. "It was the most we could use without lcnocldna out \h4" win I dows of the shopping centers around here.·· said Wayne Beauchamp. a .demolitions ex· pert wit.h 12 yean experience. who headedthateam. - The blast did knock out 25 nearby store windows. but the Rocket did not come crashing down as planned. Beauchamp said that a third attempt would be made today. with a cat~rpillar-type lractA:>r on hand to p1tll The Rocket down as the explosion occun. In each erfort Wednesday, after abouts of "at!tion." cameras rolled and giganUc ex· plo1tona ripped throu1h the wooden fumework, -sending ai r.-d firehaJI more than 100 fott \n , the air. The only visible effects the two explosions had on the abain done d roller coaste r . once the main attraetion a Ocean -Vie w Amusement Park. wcire a slight twist in tts rails and the blacken· inf' O( its wooden 8lfUCture. "She defied them. She stood the re and defied them ," ex claimed Ri c hard Mille r . sallsfacllon beaming from his face . MI lier. who owns anothtr beachfront amusement park In nearby Vir1inia Beach. had been associated with The Rocket and the now-defunc t Ocean View Amusement Park for years. YHfl! t • tum whaL-;oever to control lrJ 1111111 i.tudent enrollme nt · · Prtcl' insisted Mo nday's arlum was deM~ncd to w nv1de a "good m ix .. of s tude nt:-. fmm many countncs .. Thl' experwnN• of thost• who mnnitor this proJ(ra m s ay 11 ·.., ~ood no t Lo huve loo gr cut 11 population from a ny one coon try." he said . c iting r cporb from the National J\ssoc1al1011 or Foreign Student J\ffairi. .. If there's too many from one country lhcy le nd lo stick with e a ch othe r and don't ~et \o m in~lc m American society.·· tw said. The restriction affects only 77 stude ntll who atte nd classes at the distric t's two campuSf.'5 on foreign student visas. Foreign nationals who have immigrated to the United States. suc h as Vie tnumese refugees. would not be affected. Th e s tude nt p o pu latio n- includes 39 Iranian s. nine Japanese. five Libyans. three each from Vene zuela and Cblle and one student from each of 13 other countries A . college offlc1al !laid tht• large number of istudents on Ira nlan visas is attributable to lh111 country's vigorous participation in the foreign student program But some olflclah1 and foreign stude nts see the move as vat11tly discriminatory. tStt QUOTA. Paitti t\21 ' The') :-.a11I they h1)11e<1 that lht: 1n1·rcased numbe r or rl'fu~ce-. r·ould reach tht· Uru tccl St a le!> b\ nt·x\ month. · T he• 1•xact t11ning 1s unn :rtain. hut Carter s aid he was mukmi.: a one yea r commitment ll S sources su td a 11 ;111 m1n1!ltration emissary ml't with Vietnamese re prcscnlut1 vc:-. in New York City al Cartc•r'<; dire« lion before the IJfCSicfcnl rl 'W l<• Tokyo las\ weekend T hey said they hopcct Vietnam would participate in th<· "'"' fcrcncc !!iPECIAL PLAZA SELTLON WDAY_ l __ Old.fashion«Jd integrity arn'1 modem shopping comf' together in today's Daily Pilot. Sout.h Coast' Pina 's many de· pa rlment and Rpeclalty slor~ display merchandise today "' the South Coafllt. Plaza Catalogue. a 20-page special maguint' following the format of an old Seara catalogue. Oon·t m11111 tnc va1uet11 anc 1 quality offe red In the Annua~ South Coast Plaza Cataloaue i" today'll D•ilY Piiot .ti QAA.Y PILOf L/SC Soviets ·Get Talk - OnSALT WA S lfl NHTON I AP I S l' n a h· 0 •· m o c• t • t 1 r I e • ll ~ r Robert (' ByrtJ nt•w tv MOIC'(IW today to 1t•ll the Ru.s111an.1 th~) will hav.-W e11pecl t.hr !WnllCI to put lt.3 11t1mp on \he SAL1' II trut i\1H1 Hcpu hl l <'a n lettdC>r tlo"' uni It Ua k1·r "ilY'I hc• will ••·tl vt>ly uppmw lht tr•lt.i1c· urnui a.ii c•1•m .. 111 un i•·~• tt11• Wh1ltl lluus t· anti the St>vlt'I l'r11o n l1enul u '4 1l h n11nf'M 111. 1·on:111lt•r u.:~abJ~ .1uuc111J lllNll!> Ut"orc• h111 llt•vurtun.· tor lhl· Sovwt r u1ntiil fl> rd 1•lt·1uJt·1I '4 llh "'nttlur ' not to ru1>h to JUclj! nl\•11t 11t1 :0.1\1,T 11 111111 Lu 1tv1111I I .1k1n..: hue lll'nl'd l"•'-lllOfl'> 111 lc•ut-l unltl th1.• c.·uodu,11111 of lll't1rlll~11 , •. ,to t>t·.:111 .lulv !I M .HI~ '"l't>Ofl1·,., of 1111• 1 it•uh 1•x1>rt•,:wtl rt·~ret Ill ll<Jk er·., <·011 du:mm that th•· f)U l'l ls fi.ILlll\ flawc cl 111 its 11re:.t'11 t fo1111 bcruuae it unfairly preH•1d.-:. lht' !'><1vlt-l Union w1lh .. u suhi.tunl111l :.tralcglcsupcnorlty " Rut s11pportl'r1' u~ we ll a:-. "" .JIOIH'nt:-. Jurncd 111 tJ euuunc·111g tic· inan d ~ b y Sovt,·t i"o r.1•11t11 M1111~Ler l\nrln·1 (;rom yko that the S1•1H1fco make n1> chun~cs 1n tht.• treaty what1101•v«r In a nt·w:-c•onft·n·n(·l· W1•1l111· ... .Jay, Haker sa11t he 1:-. not w1llm1,! to work lo improve· anti rul1fy tht• tre1.1ty ··under Sovll'l lhrcah Of '~fl.IV(' l'llOSl'QU t•n(·C1'' I( lhc • S{•natc and lht' l\m1·r11·an IM'fJJJI•· don 'I knuckle unilt•r lt y rct !>a 1cl lhal while 1n Mu:-.c•ow he w11uld <i tkmpt to 1m pre:-.i. on ~he Soviet:-. lhc c:onsl1lu llOna l role ()( th1• ~n<ile 10 thc• 1·1msr<lcrntlun of lreatw<>. -<>nt· Sl\J.T :.uppurtcr. who ;.1:-.kc·d not lo he 1dcnt1f1ed . :-.:1111 <iromyko's rernark~ have bcn1 wult.·ly rc·wnlcd and l.lrc· 11rovinl.! <·ou ntt .. rpro<lu1'l1 Vt' · "(; romykn :-.h1mldn 'l IJI' 11tlk 111g about whal lhc• S1•na1 1:,hm1ld d11 1111 I n •atll''· h1· ..... ,,, •. ,..,,,,,. Page• A I (}lJ01'A .. ~ _ I than k the• rt•;il "'l>ll•· 1:-. pn·i 11clll"' Mfl'l!OH'I Mark11Wlll, of I h i· 1·a n1pu:-. · l.t•<irn111 J.! /h '1:-.I :rnee Proi.:r-.m, stud. "Quula1' ;1n· always l>tH·h an u~ly thin~ "lt'i. now a pt>la ty that forw~11 ... turlf'nl'> arl'n 't wf•lc-ome he•n• · Markow1t:t cl~imed rn:iny 1n struct.ors ~l the rollt:ge confuse immigrant resldentb who huvc l:in~ua~e problems with thos<• who atlt•nd on ~tudcnl visa:. lft> ini.isls that fort·1gn ~tu fil·nl:-l{t·ncrnlly 1'pt•uk ":nglbh ------.... r.:rnrtra:-. many-mml':tn1' fl ut hoard pn•:-.11lt·nt J•r11·c i.uul Monclay :-. :IC'l111n al:-.1> 111v1Jlv1·1I upRradtn.; <1 Ca<l e m i<' entry s tand:.crds ror the d1 :-.t r1c:l ':-. foreign student populatittn "Expe ricnf'c hus taught ui. that the v:1luc or a community ~·nllt•ge cduculwn cun only ht• s:lcuncct if lhc 11tudcnt hai. a reasonable <·ommand •>f the lanl(uage," Prirc said Tht.· ne w poli<' y inc luc.fri. wu v 1 s i o n s t h a l u p ~ r a d c l h 1· tuanunum allowahle i.c·orP on •• lc•:.I of 1-;ni(il ~h a~ <1 forc•11.:i1 lungua$!f•. I\ college SVokci-.m an and1c.·att·d that 24 of lhl' 77 forc1J!,n 1'lUth:llL'> a r c ··not :-.u ct.·ee d1n g ac· ad cm i f'u lly ." Th at mc·an~ \hey will he plarcd 1)n academic probation for nut mainlatnml( al lt·asl a "C" average 111 cuur:.c:. undertaken. The spokt:sman noted lhal cm 1y I lo 2 11erccnt or lht· collc~c•~ r t• ~ u I a r :-. t 11 d e n t :-. u r e on ;ccudcmic prol1ution al uny l1mt· Energy Studied Sl\N .JOSF. <AP) -Gov Ed· mund G. Brown Jr. cmcratcd Wcdnt.'sday from a privale . 9fl·minule mcctinJ( with a dul cgation of ChlneHc encr~y ex· perts in San Jose lo cull for the United States lo conse rve power ;md M.'Ck ne w energy sources. DAILY PILOT f "4 Or•n9f (.0Mt IM11., Pitot •II" WhK ft 1\ t°""' ,....,..... tfw ._W\ r'rfl""i' t\P.,">tt"'...,."' ,,_.,,,.,,.,,.. t •• ,, .,.Vf'41\llM,,.l0tnt)ltnf ~,...,.,,..,..ltltll\'<11"' ~bh\Nlf MoNt•.., 'twr,uQh t ud•'f to• < °''• #9W, H•WCWWl ....,.h th,,.IHWJIM Mf'M hlf °'"' ,,..,.y,.,. .. , h •1111ftll.I ~hot-c.f'tl~tftfr..,1 A ''~'" "4'"'""'' ..-(flt.on t\ pob'l\f\lltd \ 'tma·,. f\ """ -...1Nt·•f'\ ff'\! fJftN t~I r.ioflill,MniQ Pt•ht I\ •I l a:I ,..,, ""' \f"""'4 ,.,.,,. Mrw r .. 11tn.111.,. ,~,. ·-·-fllf"\tf't..ftl .. ,..,J l'tlbl1VW"• ,., ... c ... , Vu 1t ~••)•(jl"M 111'\d fJ4tw1tJt4M.tn.itttf • ,~., ...... ,,,, ... ,_, .. ---... ,,...IMq•"'llillOlw O..rtu M .._,., ••n~et•,, ,.. .. A\\1\lffAI M•n•Q•..,.Uftltif\ , .. .,... ... (1t4).....u1 ClaMlftM M,11 ......... MMl?t ~ ... ..._A .. D ....... "'9: . , ... , ...... ........ ··-~- ~··c :::. o::r:..c.r.r::..~:.~ ,,..(1er tr M'11HtlrM.t':\' M t•f(I\ ,.,,., W :::;~=::.:"'*' ,,.. •. ,.,,, .. ," .... r.:::,..~··,UJt•::r..r.t:.::.~~ ~~ ::,~.~ :.."'::.'=.; .n. =~.r. ,. _ .. ,. ( O.•h ~·-, ........... NEAAL Y DROWNS Polk:e Chief Clbbereltl ~<11 lleacli l,t>Lit·f> f~'liiej· Nearly Drowns ~l'11 I Ucuch C'lllf'f of l'oll c'C' F.d ('d1h ;.1r1·lh wics 1n 1·r 1111·1.cl con1h 111111 tod;n Ill (IC' lr\1tn1• Ml'dtt·lll Ct•fllt•1 alkr 111•arly llrowrun.: 111 llh· h1l<'kyi.1rd :-.w1mmang Jl(.>ol <tl 111~ ('o:-;1 u M1•i.a horn•• Wt.-.lne:-. cl;1v, :111th11nl11-. .. 1>aul <\1:-.ta Mc·~a pohc·t• "'illd ('1h burt:l11. whu bceiim•• one of the :-.t at 1·., vouni.:csl pohC'e Chll'h wht•n hc· w:is apporntetl in 1974 al thl' ugc• o f :111. was huvrng a ... m;dl purl) with ft•llow olficn:-. when hl' s unk while sw1mm111g ul i.hout 7 pm OHIC'crs P.ull<.'fl C1bburclh from thl• pool a nd called p<iramM.lirl>, pol11·1· :-.aid 1't)ey s1ud cUUM' of tht· :.i1·c1dt.'nl wasn·t known Polu·c-:-.;11rl C1hha rell1 wu i. 11lan·tl 1111 a ht-:1rl lung muchin1· al UC IM<' and that 1t might lw ~l'V•·ra l days IM!furc the extent or h1 :-. 111Jtir1t·:-. 1:-. known Prior lo becoming Seal Hf'llC'h polu·•· <'h1t·f. ('1hharcll1 work•·d f1ir :-.1·\1·11 ~l';1r1> ;,:-, a N1·wpor1 lk;id1 pol 11:,. 11ff1n·r Among the a>0s1t.ions he held then' Wl'r<: 1•01n mun1ly relation:-. oHil'f'r, patrol w rgcant, JU Vcnih.: cll•h·l·t1vt· ancl , aftt·r hean~ up 110111ll"I lwt1lPnanl 111 W72, udJu t a1\l. lo the l·h1cf IDLLS ... r 1ty s hould rf's car c h othe r alternatives. "Tht: intention of lhe council il> to lell Rancho we'll puy them bark with rt·venues d e rivc1I from the Ii.ind n.athcr thun oli tgatlng the gencrul fun . - .. Hut I w<1nt lo look into all th•· allf'rnalivt·s We 'r e talkinj.{ aboul $6 m illion a nd I d<>n 't t hink we s hould jump 1nl11 ~omclhing w1lhoul puhlit• input. "Their lthe rest of lhc coun c·11's > ententwn was lo finalize the agret-mcnl, then tell th•· public <tbout it. "That 's why I told the council I would go lo lht• p1:011h· if lh<•f r11<1n 't volt• for p11l>l11· m 1·eltn~:-. · Woman Pulled From Wreck After Crash Flrl'Oll'n wnrkl'<I nco;1rly un h11ur ,.;irly t1>1f;ay to fn·•· a ~ ycicr old S a11 la Ana woma n from th1· m:111glt·il wrcc kal(t' 1)f hl'r "'wit l'ar aflt·r she rcur 1:11(Jcod a s low moving tractor traile r in ~an Clem ente. 1:-.ahel Ramos ii. an J.tUurdf'd t•nr11l1t1on ul Mission Community llu~pital followin~ the 12 30 a rn <'rtt Sh on lnter!\tale ~ south or Ca m mo La11 Hamhlas. California lli"hw11y Patrol or fi rt-r Lupt• Lopez suld Mrli Ramos re 11r t•nded a tractor· trail<:r drivt•n hy l.1•t· WilliR, 48, or Anaheim. Wiiiis was lruvclinJt 11lowly with u large load of asphalt Ules, climhing a Kntde In the freeway Lopez said Willi!\ dragged the woman's crumpled rar nearly MO fc'<'t before he reall7.ed the truck had been 11truck from hehlnd firemen u:Jeft the Jaws ol life to fr<.oe Mrs fbmo!I from the wreckage. Dissatisfied Cwiomer? An unidentified mun ch.Uned the doors shut a. u ~ftn_CJeme.otc restaurant-Wednet1day morning in whal police believe may have been a diapule over service he had received there. Flrcmcn were called to lloaay Corner, 2320 S. El Camino Real, to cut a locked chain lhal pre· vented entry into the reatauranl at 10:20 a.m. An e mployee told police the man wit.h the chain loitered out· aide· the restaurant for a ahort Lime and then 11ccured the doors. The man fled In a blue compact aedan. ., ~ard Tle-la1 Missing Girl Br JERltV CLAUSEN 0t .. oe11,,..,...._ It haa been el1bt days al.nee l 2 year-old Robin Chrlatine / Snmsoe and her borrowe d yt•llvw bicycle disappeared from tlw stret!ls of llunlinglon Beach Harty Lhlll week, police who li.unl•hl'd a search for the miss· lnl( youngster noted that each cl11y :che 1s mi11aing increaseto the lK>8btbilily or rouJ play-. Today, Detective Ron Jenkini-. 1nd1t•utt-d he personully does nol hl'llt·vt: the ac1rl left home of her own fr~ will ·~ht: 1tnd ht>r mother are very l'loisc." J enkmi. s1.1id "She would huvl' at leasl called and s1111l , lll'Y. don'l worry «tbout me I 'm vkay " J cnk1ru; heads up a s ix-man Huntington Heal'h police team ass1~11(-d fuJI time lo fending the youn..:stcr, described hy friend:. as a pretty. blonde wisp of a g irl That st•arch look tw1> 1n vl•Sl1g;ators to Oxnard Tuc:.day l1) 1111cslion und ch:ur ... ::.usJJCC'l, .frnkins s aid. 0 x n a rd o ff it· 1 a I :-. a r c 1 n . v1•:-.t11.~ttling a k1dni.1ppcn g that ha:-. "s1mtlanl1cs" tu the llunl 1ni.:ton Ucuch <'<ts•'. J enkins sa11I An 1 l ·ycar o ld girl disap peurl'd Lhc:rc on 'June 17 That girl. sexually molcstl'd 1and badly bt!aten. was found un c.·1inM·111u::. lhf' next day by •• h1kc·r an a canyon nN1r M<tlibu She hus rcm<iined in a coma ever smre. J (•nkms s aid llunt1 ngton Bc at•h 1n f ·,..,,,. ra,,.. :t I OIL. . . th(• s11lt• httllC'd whe n a federal Jucl i.:•· 1.11 Wa:-.hmgton I>.(' s1.11d lht•rc• ~a:. 1n:-.uff1l·wnt 1·a11:-.e 111 1111' :-.latt•:-. 1·a:-.c lo hl11<:k the salt- Tlw :-.talc's case was ba~t-d on all1·1,!1·1I ine quities in the pro 1•1·tluri· h) wh11'11 le;cs cs arc .1w ;1rtl1•1I Thi• :suit 1·la11nt•d the J>rocesl> n·~ulti. an an ina dc<1uat c finan <·1:al rl'lum '"ht· pulJl11· Th(' 1·uM· fill't1 l1y N1•wporl l11·;1C'h 1i. h11sed on alleged viola l11111:-. or the· Nulional Environ rnc·nlCll l'roh•ction Act. The <'1ly contends lhat the en v1ronm1•ntal impact report prc· parNI for l ht• s ule i!> invalul lwrauM· 1t omitted the requirc:cl ;.1 i r Q u a I it y s t a n d a rd s <t n 11 bctausc 111 the case of the four tr:al'I:-.. lhc·n· hav1· h1·en sul)St· <JUc•nt <lownwarcl rn :1sioos in 1b1· _ <.·st 1m:ctt'd a mount or .oil and ~a1' Ill lhl' tr:ct'l ... O 'N<'1l stud Lhal lhe challeng(· to .I utlg<' Hauk ;ind the l<.1lcncs:-. of the nly ''i crfort'i prohahl mt•a n that the a cn•ptanc<' uf l1·as1• hilis hy the Interior fJepurtmcnt will go ahead a:-. scht·duh:fl "fl 's 1m1· of those situation:-. whe re we could lose the halllt· anrl win ttw war," he said "J don't think the Dc partmC'nl of th•· Jnlenor wants lr1 spc·nl1 thre•c or four years in <'our1 Clod thc•n find out the lease sulcs will h a v.-to tK' mvalidaled ·our 1·a11t· 1:. a ~ood on.-an1I ,, . ., l1kt'IY they'll bt-willing ti> nt•gnt1a t1• with us an•I n ·movc· I host' four tract~." he added. New 1.,ram Tab: 50Centsjor All Festivals G rumblinJ:s from s um mer fcsl1 vaH.t~rs prompled c.1 new fare sc·hcdule ror summer tram service lo the three art fe11tival~ out Lag-una Canyon Road The City Council approved a schedule this week that would see rcstival v1sllors boarding the rity tram for 50 cenl'>. allow- ing them lo catch rides lo all lhree festival !Illes. Paa11engcn1 In pre vious years had to plunk down 50 cents each time they climbed on the blue and whlte trams. and coun. cilmen u 1d reslivJJI gale at tendanl'I caught the brunt of the complaints Under the new fare schedule. c.1 person whO' puys 50 cents to nde lo one festival can chmb back on the bus with his ticket nnd ride to the other two rcsllvals. . - An ~\lt.l!I COBl $1 and frcqueril festival ~ can pay $10 ror a season ticket on the lram11. Boy8 Club Plans Indoor Soccer Indoor soccer sponsored by the Boys Club of l.a1una Beach JCCls under way In July, with ,al1nus-conUnuln1 until Friday. Coat for the Muon la .. for members and S7 for non· members and all ptayen re· telve a soccer T·ahlrt. For in· formaUon, call the Boy1 Club at 49'·~ ve11llgators alls<> looked rnto the death early this week of an l 1 • year-old Westminster 1 lrl found strangled near home. for now, detectives arc ruling out a lie between that c1tse 1.1nd the llunlinglon Heach dis1tp pearance. Jenkins said But their search is conUnuJn1e for the s lender. curly·halrt:d man with a camera who re portcdly approached Robin and a ~irlfnend a l llunllngt.on Stale Beach June 20 m the s tated hopt of taking the ir pictures for h11 .. 11h11lt11(raphy das:-. J.a t t'r . at about 3 15 pm . Robin lert her l(irlfm:nd's houw after her d uy al the beach 1'ht- fr1 enc1 s aid Hohin Ubkcd to hor ro w h er yt•ll11 w . 10 s pcec1 Schwinn bicycle hccaus e s he feared she would be h•lc for a • ballet ctass Robin's compunion dc11cribcd the man with a camera to police urtists afte r Robin's dlsap peitra ncc A composatc drawing of the cameram<1n h1ts'hecn lt>lev1st-d and 11ubl1 s h cd 1n newspapers lhroui:houl Southern California. So fnr. Jc·nkins s aid. polwt'. havt• re<·c•ivt·d uhout 175 call'i in n •s Jl<>nsc to the compo~1tc draw in~ I\ II or lht· f'&lls <trt: hew~ <'alalogu<.'tl. Jenkins :-.aid. but M> for havt• not rt-~ult~d an fmllin~ the bcach·rovrni.: {'um crumun "l'vt• found out om• thin~ ... i.a1 d .Jenkins "Thne wt-re a l<1t of Pl'OPh' down there t al th•: bt'a1·h I with t•amua:-.. Appurenl ly a lot of ~uys 111>proar h yc1ung ~eris for Jlholo:-. and with lhe qui•slt011 , 'You want to he u rnodt·I"•" Hight now, J cnk111~ :-.<11d , dt· lt•1·t 1v1·:-. <Jr<: 1fcd1e·alt•d to f1rnl1ng th1· would bl· 11hul.IJ~ruphn PIUCE .. • One lt•g1l1mat<· :-.oluW>n to ttw 1·n1•rgy µrohlc•rn w11ulc l hc· m an tlatorv r:et 111nin~ al I hf' l!asoluw p 111111,..., :-.:a11l Kahn "It ,., h11rn1·th1ng that ought 1101 to IJ\.' rf'JN·t<-<.I" out of lt;1ntl. lw :-.:111J OPEC HIKE: FOUR CENTS AT PUMP-A4 Wt• n·all~ 11ught tu t••m:-.1dcr ra flOntllg ' T he llouSl' rc11·1·tNt u r1h.in 1·:1rl11·r 1111 ... '"ar thict ~11uld tH.t\1• #~v..en H1t--0 f1r......,..11lt>nl !>litfld+~ :1111 hortly 111 r:ilwn l!<•'>ollm: 'I f••cl t h at when t h•· I\ n1 t: r 1t· ;1 n ,,.. u 11 I•· lo< el mu II c•n11ugh ahoot hav1nl! lo w:ut 1n ltn(' and lhal 1~ the mcv1tulilt· <'Oll SCl(lll't1C'1• or price COnlrob llwy will 1,.. 11n·pare<I lfl go to a sy:-.tcm that l1mtl ~ 1·1insump ti on," Kah11 :-.aid. Th.-rouncil monitors gasf>lin1· prir1·~ at lh1· rc·firn:ry lc·vPI tc1 :-.i·t· 1f 1n 1·n·as<·~ an· in lint· w1tli CarH•r', a nti 1nflatton prit·1· st11nd11rrls T ht• 1-;ner~y lkpartmt•nl ha:-. the JOb or mon1t11r111g aud1· 1111 1ir11·c inc·rc ahc1' under eight v1•a r ·ol1l p1•t rolcum 1>rit·c 1·on trots ·--------- REFLECTING YOUR INNER BEAUTY ..... , ....... a..j,...,.,, .. d Atlll1 MerC'h<Jnt . 2:1. du 11gli1t·r of et forme r Indian 1·r i<'k•·l•·1 IS 00<' of the• dan<•f•f '> ltl I /1" ninth l't.·!>ttval 111 A1 h •>f 111 d i a in London Marine Beaten In Clemente; 'lltree Sought I\ Manni· 't:at11111MI ;11 C••m11 PendlM•rn :ind l1vrni{ "' ~al'I ( 'ltmt:nlt• lolcl l>f1llC"1· hP wa<, :11 tat:kt.·d rll'ur h" hom .. l1v thn·•· otht-r Munne., wh11 l11·lti•v(! hc• was 111volH·d 1n l11k1ng <11 '> npl1nary :ll'l11m:-. a14a111'>l tlwm al lhP ha:-.i· Jame·~ l.;1"4.'>•111 . •if Ill.I f-.1 Orcent.c !'>t . ~:11d I h..-r hr1·1· :11 tai·kers k11·k1·d and litcJl l11m ~hurtly afLer 1 p m l.aws<m t11l<I 11oh<·1• l hc· rm·11 "1;11d lhf'y :1lt:H·k1•tl 111111 in fl• tal1at1un f11r pun1-.h11H·nt th"" had rel'e1ved ;1 1 llH· mll1l1trv l)a:-.e Lawson toll! lht•m 11 .. hatl 11<1thing to d•1 w111t 11 l '11l1t·1· h :1\ (' 1111 ""'·fl•·• h :11 1111·. 111111• li11t l..tV."1 1111 a1 tl hi· l1d1t•\•·!> lie• k11<1w-.. lht• n:,,nr· 11£ ''"" ul 1111· :t"l"l:tll.1n h l..114•,1111 w,,., ln •al!'(I f111 11n 11111>r1'fl r111:-1• Jnct other rn111111 httl 11:11nf11I 111 jllrtl"> '"Fourth' Felt.:> ~t i1-i Lagu11a Tht• HO\" C..:luli of l.;q~Ull<• lk:t<·h w1ll.h11ld a Fourth of .July pa rty a day ah1·a1l of t1m•" with rl'lav r;u-1·:-.. ~:ilt-r trnll11<111 11"' l1a[IJ-..,c·u1• Ifie T™1-'i\--1v-1~l-1e-~·~-cg-·1-n-al .I 1• 111 al lht• duh al I OK~ l.a~una L111y1111 Road and m<'mlwr' frurn 1; to IX y1o;1 rs Of agt.· ;en• 1nv1lcd ltl <tllt'n<l A 25·c·cnl h·<· covn' thl· twrh•· r ue and games. ;rnd thN1' w1ll lw prizes for thl' youn~:-.ll·r wl1111•111:-. I ht• most w<tlcrnwlon SMOG •.• :.m11g ;ll1·r1 l111111' g:1:-11lrrw 1•ri'1" II e 1' a t 11 :-. mo g 1· !J 111 r u II 1 11 g 1•alalytic· c·onvcrlt·r-. hav(· ti. ... ,. r 11 1n1•d II> rnnturi ... t:-. who 11111 l1•:1cl1•d fud~ 111 u11lt•;11frd 1111ly \ 1·h1des and hy pt•r1'on., who ha\c• dl'l1hcn1tt:I)' l:am11c1 1·d w1lh lht· converter:-. --.... Stwe 22~~~--· 6h.7174 ,..._c,..c..ur1 ....... ,......, • • Stw.l JI01/1....._A ... .......... 67>·712' ··~·,....., Ckmente Witlwut Planners? San Clemente may be without Ii five member city Plannin1 Com mi•ion during July. Council members are expecl t!d to beP, the process of filling thrl'e vacant Halli on the panel July ~ but there 111 no precedent for ttu: c.·ouncH to follow. C<1unnl mcml~rfi voted 3 to I Junt• ZI lo fire the planning pt11u-l111l.11 unl.,1111 they 11ubmitted thti1r H·111unatum11 by today. City Clerk Mu Rer1-11aict--nn---t1 1 1·1) I .C n 11 t1<1w1 wt! rt! re<'ei ved lhis 11111rn1116( /\tr f1 vr• J>lunning Com· 1111'1 '111111 rr11·ml.11·r:-. 111.1y they have 111•v1•r l1;11l any antentwn of re· l>ll(lllfl)( /\nil 1•11m m 1'>1>1on c hairman M •·I M11ri:an <cn1l 11anelis ts Art l'H1·rwn unft ( 'arol Carlson u y 1111· v w1 II 11«1 ppl v f 11r lheer pOsts 111 a 1•oritmu1n.: .-ffort to clear th"ar raarn1·-. .. rtn Councilwoman K .1111l1r1" K111·ic tt·r raised ques. wrn .. 11( •·mur:.il conflicts of in· lc·rt·'>I ' Mr.., K1)1''ilc:r also cla ims lher .. t:-0 a . 1ll'f1ant" 11tt1lude amonac th1· 1·•m1m1s:.11me rs toward ~he ('Ollrt t ll ('1111n1•d mcmbt.·rs alrcad v ha v1· rt•pla1•t•d t·ommissioner::. ./am ('ha:-.1· anrl Bill Greenwall wl111s1· tnm:-. of ofhce wer e to ex 111 r•· .I uni· :Jo But Mayor Pro Tc m Myrti:-. W:1gm•r -.ay!> she wanlc; to utl v1·rt 1:-." for n·s11knL-. to apply for tilt' vu<-;1111 posL-. a nd then in. 1 .. rv1 .. w tlw 11anel ho 1>e ful~ l1<'forc• lh(' l'C1 Unt·ll M r-. Cart:-.1111, one of the ou:-.t 1•11 p:1m·lli.ti., :-.<11d tod<.iy s h•'. M11r l,!a11 and Pet ersen plan to 1·1>r1fr11n1 th•· «oum·al J uly 5 to dt· 111:intl :c puhlt<' h1·anng that wall r 1·m11\f• 1111' '>harlow 11( allcl{1•1l 1·1111flH'h I hat hi.I:-. been cu:-.l 011 I 111• l'Olfllllll>Mllrtl'r :O. · Wc• a rt• ~orn g h1•forl' lh1• 1·1111n1·ll 11111· w;1y '" a no ther: . 'ICI I '1 ., I ........ 'II Gc1ne ~r aken ' ln Laguna /\ Laguna Bc•arh woman rt! '''"I 1·cl 1111· lcJs:-. of more than s:1.CJIJIJ an a11 t 111111· Jewelry anrt c•.tmcra •''1u1pmcnt from her , horneo Wcdnc:-.day C'.cnd;w1· l\;1\ IJuk•'. ~~ .. •• i.alt:!'> 11· p r1·-.t·111 .111 vi•. tol1l police ,11m1•crn1• cn11•r<'d her home thr11ul!h an 1111lot·k1•1t i.lic1111~ ,.1,,.,, floor . l;1k1n~ lhl' trn11 h'4·:-. -n "m .1 tw1l r"iiii"ill I< 1 p11rl1·d ... 1011·11 IA 1·rt· two 1 .11111·ra•, ancl th1· antiqu .. 1··~"'" 1·0111•1·111111 . inl.'l ucl ing 20 n1'<·k l:u·c· .... 10 hruc·clets, 211 nn~:-­ ;aud <111 anl1<11w wal1'11 SeniorH to Get Tax ~sistance l'rof)l'rty <end rental lax cU» ,1-;t:cn1·1• 1s av;.iilahle free to "'11101 1·1t1u•ns in Laguna lJcach lw g 1nn1ng July 5 1n council 1 h.r111ht•rs fmm 9 a m to noon. Tax t111s w1ll 1tlso he otrcred at lh1· ,;im1· t1m1· .July I!#, Aug. l •11111 l\ug Hi For rnore informa· t111n , 1·all tht· ('01111C'1I on Aging a l ,1117 i'MI Men, WOft'Mft anct loy'I ~t,.lnt The FIMtt S.tectlon Available Fun i11 thf• f ,rf•lh Dtlm<:an Murphv. ;r n .::-.1tlt:nl o l UC frvint"s Verano Court. kno w:-. a «uol !>lunt these warm days. He s lides hriskly dow n ltH· s lip anct :-.luk et nd tht.·n sµlashcs into a ruh for ttw r h1ll111g f111;ill' r 'Senio~ in ~a Sq~~ez0;~, Affordable Housing Said U naivailable By aOISERT BAAKEA Gt• Deity ..... ,..., i''ears lhat senior ciliiens 11re beln i;c s queezed o ut or their hom e11 in Onmf(e Co unty were u pressed Wednesday al a heur· ini.c c·onducttMJ by the California l>eJ>a rtme nt of Aging. Criticis m a lso was lodged lh<.tl there h u been no &real 1m provernent in service!l to the e lde rly "despite inc reases m s pending over the years ... Art Palmer. an officer with the S an C l e mente Senior CitizE>ns o q(an1zation. told of fi cials .al the Santa Ana Senior C itizens Cente r that 750.000 :$em ors live m Orange County · ··And most of them are in a s tale of distress because lhere 11> no s~ch thing as affordable how. 1ng Pa lmer. who a lso is a n officer with the Orange County Housing Advisory Council. said the <:on version of apartments into con Oaurela Offieiafs Appeal ugees Need a Hand By KATHY <.:LA NC\' OI ltle O.tllr l'llel Sl.ttf I ndoctunese refugees cont.muc to a rrive m Orange County al tht· rate of 300 per month. and their need for a h elping hand fr om c·ounty r esid ents is a :-. stron~ today as it wns wilh the ioitial influx in 1975. That was the word de livered at a press l'Onfercnc e Thursda y Riverside B~hFire Co11tai11ed Uy Tbt' A1>sociatt:d Pr~i.s ,\ :1,20!1 arre fire 1n tht: (;llm;_sn !lot Svnn.::-. :.irca or H1vcrsidl.' County waff Cully <·onta int•d iinll 70 Pl'r<'l'llt l'•>ntrollt.:11 t•1•foy. s<i1tl 'aliforn1a l>l.'µartm c nt 11f t-'or{·s try s p11kc:-.m<1n S tt•vc· Stu m p ·'This hu!'. tlt•co a hre<1k for u:-. with the Wl'alhcr cooling during the night :.incl thl· news wnt· ahlc to i.:ct <t hantll t.' on 1t." 'Slump s aid. "Tht• wind dit'd •town and they got in tht'rc uncl did !>OOH' w11rk on it " Tht• fire 1·ngulf<·d l•ight buil<I 1ngs Tuesday :.it tht• old Stlhol1a ( 'n11 ntry Cluh KS mile~ t·ast 11( Los i\ngt•les and fon·l'd cvacua I ion of 211 rn t•d ilat inn ).!roup m1•mbers f>am<tl-:l' w as estimat 1·'1 ;1t $500.000 ... i v l' m i n o r 1 n J u r 1 c :. l o r1rcf1ghlcrs h ave been rcj)Ortt·d :-.inrc lh<' hl:.i7.t' wa:-. d eliht•r;itcly :-.e t Tuesday, Stum1J said ca lled by 0Hi{'1:.ili. or the Hom:.in Catholic U1oc~:-.c of Orange Be:.itric(• Hetrick . d1 rector of R esettle me nt :ind Support1H Serv ice for thl· d1oce1'c·:-. Catholte Community /\gcnc1c-.. i.aid . "They need ;,i lot of :.up port . not only t·motional !-.upport ;n knowing soml'Onl· <·a re" about them bul flnanc-1<tl s upport a:. well "If you t or1:-.1tkr that 1f y11u Wl·rt· Ill th1·1r pl:tl'(', l<ik(·n lO a nother countr~ ;,ind -.ct down en a c u I tun: that you don't u n dl•rs tC:And wit h <.i l:rnguag<: y<w don 't umlcr-.tanll. vou would like to think th<1t :-.oin1,11n1· would hl'IJ)." :.ht• tcmttnut'CI M r:-. lktrir k ·.., agt:n<'y ha:-. ht• I JH' d r 1• s l'l ti 1· a b r1 u l ha If Orangl' ('(1un•) .., :1rn v1n~ rt•f ugel·:.· d uring t he µa:.t lriu r ~·car'> · And al prt•:-.t•nt. "ht· "a 11I. tht·r• 1.., a nl't'<l fur 'ul untl·t·r ..,r,.m..,or:-. famllu·:-. \\11l1ng tu vmvuh· 1•\ .. r} th111~ frnm hcl111ng rd ugtT!'. l·!'.la hh:-.h hum•·:. <ind Jolr . t11 tho:-." willing tu pr11v11l1· 1·rn11 1 wrw I -.upport I n ;11ld1t1011 . ..,11,. 1·11n tinu1•d the rt· 1s a nl•t•<t for 'olunl,·t•r !Jh ) :.u·wns to offer m1·rl1<·al 1·<in-. a :-. \\ t·ll a:. c·1tizen:-. wllltng l<J help lhc• n1·wt11m1·r:-. lt·arn f-:n g h:.h 1•1th<·r on a ont· t1,.r1n1• ba"1" o r 1r1 gn1111J sess ion:.. Thc• agl'IH') also is look1nl-( ftir 'Io n ;.it ions or howw hold g11<11t... and ~1ppli ann:s, aloni.: with l.hu:-.t• will1n~ to prov1<lc trnns)>Ortat1on and :-.u mmcr r t:crcal1on iil" t1\'ltte:-. for rdu~l't· t'hildn .:n Mr!\ Hetrick s aid \\'illt :.im F:ncks on. t·xt·cut1v1· c!1n·clor of CiitholH' Community J\ Kt·n 1:-1c:-.. :-.a1<I. .. Wt· want th1· he lp of lht' µc11pl1· o r 0rC:An).!t• Count) lo wl'lcom(· lhl'~•· rl'I u1H·I.' rH·upll.' into ttw Ontng•· C<1unt ~ c-ommun1ly. Our lot:al IJl'Uph· nt't'fJ to ht· ('OffiJ)CISSIOnull.' ;tnd support1 vt· 1\1 IHt·s c·nt . ;,n t·st1m<it1·1J 21.000 lndoch11w .,1· r..rugee:. an· II\ 1ng in Orang1· < 'ounl) Tht· addil1on<1I :100 rdugl·c:-. ;,r rl\ 1ng monthly. Mr!'. lletru·k sa id. 1n\·11lv1· primarily th11:-. .. c11m1ng to Jilin ;_s!n·a1ty :-.1·tth~t (;_smil) m•·mtx-r~ .. lii-tw ... ·n .J anu ~., \ :1n!I ~"" th•· Cattw h c· iJl.!1·111·) ,.!11111.: \\tlh lntc•rnatr<Jnal Rt·'>c·w· {'11mm11t1·1· an<I < "hurc·h W11rtrl St·n 1<·1· w1·r1 · n· ... 1111n~il1l1 f<1r n· ... •·lt lu1~ 1 .1~1 r,.(11J.!t't'" 111 llr;1n g 1· ("11un1' ;d11n1 • · :11·1•11rtl 1111! l•J .11.:1·111 ' f11.:11n•" '\1 r-. ll•·lndt '''"' 111111•11 1111 numh1·r 11f nt'\!. <•rri\ ·"" m :I\ 111 ('r t•;i:-.i· ht·(·;1u:-.1· th•· f1·1ft ·ral ~.,,, l'rnm1•nt ..., 1·ons1d1•rin1• r:11..,1111! r .. 111).!l't' '111111 ;1.., '" 1•;t..,•· 1111 IJli g ht 11f th•· .... , 1·;cllPd 11 .. ;rl Jtl'H pit• 'n·fug1·•·i.. 1n l1rrltwh1n;1 Tho:-.1· willing to a:-."l"l 111 n· ... •·t l lt·m c·nt . 1·1tlwr II\ clcinal11111•, 111 l 1m1·. dollar-. 11r hn11 ..,1•h1.tcf g 11r1 1l -. 111.1\ 11h1i 11•· Mr 11..r nrk .., .1j.!1·1w' .it ;,..11 ·l·t!tf • sumnier SALE domin1um~ contribut es lo the dtl'itreis>. ~·Th l' 1>c n1 or c 1t1ie ns are vulnerable and fra il and thert: 1s no phtct• to go because of low vacancy levels ... ht~ sa id Palml'r a lRO urged that t'On· trols be put on resale p rices to 1>revcnt pr1<·c s from he in~ driven up L.hrough s pc1·ulation llr sa id re nta l s ubs idies lo "l1n1or c·1t1zcn1> aw needed. A m an who 1rle nt1fied h1 m:-.t·lf ~ ..Al-Mirpi.-~~d mebtf . l'<•n offrr an altern;it1vc for "l·n1 or t:1llzcn:.. lie dcC'l;in•tl , how•·ve r. tha t la nd for mobile homt· p<irk!'. 11' sc:arce and re nts l'<•ll tw t•xorh1tan1 lit• <iJJJ)l:aled to lhc Mat•· 11f ra·1:ib lo ... uµpnrt rh<lll).!l'!'\ Ill lt·.:1:.lat1on. ton111~ a nd land uw polH'll''> 111 makl· mori· 1•:1rJ..:-. ,, ' a 1 I a lilt· Wl·dnl•Mtay ' h1·<1 r1n~ 111 !->;111t ;1r i\n;1 w:c!-lht• fourth lo l)t' t w1 thH·h •!l throughout tt,)1• :.tal•· Off1l·1ab cin· ~•·<·k ing 1«111ir1w11t on a 197!1·80 pl:.in to mak1· ,,,,,,... t•fft•ct1vt• use• of h1111lt·1I mon1•\ lo r tht• bt•rlt'fr l of <1ltl1·1· 1·1t 11.t·11~ Tht•y """' 1111•\ 1r1f\·nd II• d1 1 lhl:-. hy l'flfl:-.t1l11 l;ill11 g llUl rllllHI o;o<·ral :-.t·rv11·1·-. ;n1d "''111m· <·1·11t1 ·1 progr:c m:-. 0 I ht·r OIJjtT l l VI '" 1nl'l 11d1. 11 11 11r11v1•m1·nL'> in hoU!'.IOJ.:. a n •1t11. I 111n in I rafl!'.f)(1rt t.11 ion 1·0-.l~ a11d tll roul-!h 11mhu1l:-.ma11 ;111d 11·~· . .t ;1~•'>l 'o l illl('I' !JI O).!r:1111-. 'il11 rl1•\ c '11l11·n tlcr1·1·t11r 1,f t111 11.1 11-.1111r1,1111111 ll1111·h1 ... ,q,.f 1 •11111..,1·l111g pr11i:r.1n1 111 Or.1111, I •11rn1 ' 1·11mpl:1111•·tl 111 th1· 1.1 flt lal-. lh;1I '°'"'' f•,1fl Ill I Ill 11,11 ~ 1111 n11 .. c1-. 111 1111' •·ltl1·1 h 111·'"'""' 11{ fllfllh •\ 11·11\11·111111' :--h•· l'fa11111•t1 1h.i1 C.il1t•11111.1 1 111·111 .· 111·11:i t11.1•d 111·1 ,,., .. ,. 11 h.11t 11 I '°'fll'lll .1\ .11l.1 hl1• 11111111 ' . 1111111 Jll 1\11111'> \~·;11 .., ~ho · · .1111 olh•·c »lal•" .... 1111 It .p1·11I I h1•11 11111111·\ .i1 • lo 11•1·1·1 \ •· .1dd1111111.11 ;ill1 wa111111 · 11 ...,;, .. Mc ' < 1111•·11 ''"'' 1·h .11 ~·t•d lh:il lh••rt· h.1• 111·1·11 "" l'l'•'.11 llllJlrP\ l 'lli••rll 111 '.t'f'\'ll't·, lf1·.,p1t1 1114 I 1•;i.,1•d -.p1 •11cli11g U\ t•I t I 11 • \ • "' r· Sa ve 15°/o ()n 7 he Following Heritage Collections In San Bc rn<Jr dino County. l·ight brus h fires burned into one hig fire We dnesday. it was con· I roll~'<.! alter cha rri!'lg l.500 t.1crc:-. ;..._..-n.-~""-..----=...::.--"'---+--\:¥'7Tto1u1crtial funu urc or your 1011u.:. The blaze d estroyed a homc· . .,. • Bnttany •Dynasty !jl,ar "Found' By !!!;tude1its LOS ANGELES (/\I'> ,, pair Qf teen-age Uni vt:rs1ty of Utah s tude nts h avl' d1scovcrt:d a n ~xploding slar us ing a n or dtnary 35-millime le r l'Ome r<i b o d y a ttached to a :-.c h11o l telescope. Steve Wasscrbaech. 17, and ·•J erry J ohnson, 19, found the cx- plo d i ng star ins ide a tig ht c lus t er or s tars o rbiting the Milky Way. The ir find h as been ,·onr1rmed by Wilham Liller. a Harvard Univcr~ity ast rono mt:r :JI Mt flopkms Observato ry in J\ r11.ona W asscrbaech and Johnson photographed the cluste r known· as MJ on the nig ht of Mpy 31 but did not sec the exploding s tar or nova. Latin for "new star ," until last Saturday after seve ral weeks of analyzing the film. dozen outbuildings including h11J.! \\'cJCOIUC SU\·i11.o i~ f(>r .\'Ollf hud~. ,·l.·~. s heds with s ix sows inside. saitl ~ C¥pt. Darrell Alexande r of the S late Department of For estry ~ It burned bunkers a t a com plex housing three fireworks t'ompaoies, but he s aid there we re no explosions b ecause the fire never got ins ide. A 2 ,500-acre brus h fire briefly threatened a Navy rada r station on San Clemente Is land in Uic Pacific off San DieJ<o County S tump sa i d a fire in the Bautista Can yon, 90 miles east of Los Angeles, had been giveri a new estimate o f 600 a cre.., blackened, rathe r than the 1,000 ac res officials initially re ported T hal a rson-caused blaze w:ts t'Ontuine d by 417 fire fig hte rs We dnesday evening a nd ex tinguls hedloday,Stumpsaid. Five sm aller fires broke out t otaling nearly 500 acr es, inc lud 1ng one 200-acr c blaze near P e rris that d ~stroy ed two mobile homes. Slump said. , ' l r r '.,. ., , hi ... "" t t ~· I, J1•1" ... ·~ Drexel::U H~ritage I I : , t"• •I f..J,.sn ., '''" 't ,,, t1<1f P•' t i' J ' J, ,.,, w1•l1 · v.1111·!1 111 CJ" rm< l•vo: IJ1 1·11'1· ir rt H1 ·111.111• • t1111•1tw••<nll•,p•.1v 1111• .. 1v•11q 111 "Atf>~t.ir •1•.il l\no uw '·P• ·1.1.11 • i '"''''I Ol l•v1ng room fu111111.11o l11111111 11<xi111·. l )•"I 'L/()IT)!:. and occ-: .. ~ron.11 1 ,, , • with •dC:.tS 1,1• 1: tun,• I , •111 • • WS• Wall -SvstemEi • Grant Tour Ill • Sketch Book Save 20°10 On Entire Lmv Of 'Heotagc Sofas and Chairs Save 15°/o On Folfow1ng Drexel Collections • Chartwel/ • Consensus • Francesca 11 • Toura1ne Ill • 18th Century Classics • WS 4 Wall Systems •Et Cetera Save 15°10 On Ent1re Ltne Of Drexel Sofas And Chairs All Ii Ttalee• u Prarf ire Twelve.year.old Noelle Purcelli. a Thuraton Intermediate Hl&h School seventh grader, takes her horse over a hurdle at the Stonertd1e riding stables out Laiuna Canyon Road. The horse en· thusiast ia an intermediate rider and prac. tices long hours at the Laguna Beach stables where classes in horsemans hip and jumping ure taught. H.J.GARRETT fURNITU~E PAQ f (SSIONAL ' •~T ERICA OE SIONE~S 0,.. ...... "-". & ""· ..... 221S HAllOR ILVD. COSTA MIS.A 646·027S •• ""i ' A.f DAILY PILOl ..... ·:. Coa•Cing lhurldtv. Jun• 21, tt1't ~ .., ... "~'( To• ~~l M11rplthtt ,.Wl18t's in a Na01e? THF. NAMt: IS THt: GAME: All rl,Cht. you 1Hm tMn11Mi, ''•'tl'r~n tw•ftc'h humi. of lhlfi be11t of •II r10:0.11l hlt' ruuls, ht>re I' your quu for lclf'liRhl htt-ntlfv ltH· follo w10.: loruttONS 11lnn.c lhf" OranJ:f' ( 'n11"I\ TI• C'aa Bfoat h _....,. ThcMluad !"tf'P" Holfo·lD·thf' l'f'ftl'f" ~y TSlf'fft ('0U.on'11 Pnlnl nw-'"" w ~U ('rf"f'll l 'ulorlul fll1mt''· ri~hl Hut f111 'hort 11m1•,.. 111 our l'IHt'>llll rt•.:1o(l 'orru• of lh•·M' ph11 ,., r111wh1 lw lou~h tu li>t:att• l~"l'llLl'" '"mt' nitmt-., h.1vt' ('hMng~d Ovt'r the yt•uri. Somt•tin11·i. llil!\ wt1!\ donl' in 1111 t•ffort to &<ld dagn1ty SAUL\', I N T iit: p r111•1 ... s 11l lA.lf1::.ltn~ d1~nity, we huvt• loi.t d lot uC t olvr. ha:-. Lory .in1I trudltaon Tin <:an lkach an t ht· II untan~lrnl Uctu·h :.l·ttv• " 41 l'ttl)C in JM>•nl Thai. loni: Mat1lw Tllr't/ II ('/111n11r NnmP t11 'Ttll' Nuraorull ,. . .,athered 1"l1t1r stn.rn~: dur111J! lhe J>1·pre1>:0.111n and even later . wus a favonlc cam111ng :-.11ol for hum:-., hooos a nd drifter:-. It got littered with old 1 tn Nm!> Th:rt·., how al got lhe namt· 'foday, however, tht· ph11·1· hai, dignity. Some J>f'Oplc now <·all 1t ltulsi. (;h1 c·:.r Stuh· Hl'i.C'h It':-. s till Tan ('un lk:.i<·h an th1:-. 1·11rnt·r '.fhuusancl St1·ps 1s lo1·all'1I hdow lht· bluffs an South Laguna Y"u ~<·t thl'rr' hy t:ikin~ 24:J step:-. down. They ..,,.,.m l1k1· I ooo o n th•· way l1al'k uµ One of th••:-.t: day~ ...,11m1· 1d1nt will t rv lo n · n<trn•· the plan~ 2"3 St1·p~ Rt'Cll'h fnr lht· o;a kr • •1' "c:t un11·y ;111d thu-. kill off a l11t of South Lai.:un~• 111<·:.11 1·ohir 1101.f·: IN -Tttt:-fo'•:N('t: li1':1c-h got n;.rmed be<'au1>1· 11\al s h11w :mu 11.ot lo 1\ lhrnuRh a hole an the ft·nct· /\la:-.. ttwr<• as now u camµa1~n un1h·r wuy Lr> n ··naml'! al Capis trano ll.-;.id1 lf11 hum Sl1·l'll\ ,., Jta"'I '>l1ort hir Sl1'1•p v ll<1llr1w in th1· lwarl (If 1. .. ~u11.1 Hc•ad1 I ni ""~1111111( frn th1• -.a v<tnl wh11 w;Jnti. to rt• nam• 11 \\'1111· J\\.\.ak1· H .. ;wh f11r \lw ·.;1k1· of 1·11mm1m1\y \ 1}!11r \'Ot1 ~l s 1•t:C'T Ttli\T T ...,1r1•1•t llc·;ll'h in Sun C'lf·m1•nl1 · m11-(ht k1•1•p 1b rwme. Thr· strand 1s ln1·11t1·1l 11H Trnfalgar L:rn<· a11<I nohrnlv c·;m rr•nwmh•·r \hal ('nnnn ':-. Point al th1· s11ullll'rl} l'dgt· uf ~ ... ,. ('l• nwnt<:, 1~ prnl)ahly a lo!>t name. It was 11amf'd urt1·r llarn1ltc111 II C11ll<1n , wh1> owried th1• property <Jhovc That 11l;11'l' later became Rar h urd Nixon's Western Wh1lf' Hou.,(· No tt·l11111.: whut at will h..i'<1m1· now The Big W, of <·our :-.<', 1:-. Hitlbf>a 's infamow; W"rii;?•· 'fh1·.v 'II 111:.y hoh fort•v1·r pg1.wrmJ! wath lh<•l bt~at·h num1· ._---1---....---'/\T"-'n,...11"'.":f~or dusi.·r~., we hav1· ~all Creek, tht;, fa.m_!:d :.urf11~~ w;11· 1 lwr•••n Thrr·.., /\rr·h Uc.ty and l>anu Point Who n w lorg1•t U11· l'lanm1 1 ry ,,r y1•:0.lt·ry1•ar when <l1•v<'l11p1nf'l1l 11\1 t•:•tt>nt·<I the: plal'I II w:ts ·~avl· Sall Cn;1·k " NOW (;Ov•:1tNMt:NT ha' n · nam1·tJ 1t N1guf'I Jh:;Jl'h Purk 'I'll\• c·am1Jc.t1i:n woultl h•tvr· hf·c•n a clear cl fl OIJIJfl h;irl 1111' s loi.:1111 ht·1·11 .,,1 1•111f>rl1·:-.:. .1s "Sa v1• N 1gut:I " Whf'n 11 1•11ml'" to rhan~rn14 twal'h n a m e:-.. wc se1•m lo go harkwarcl wl11·n W(· think w1·'r•· J(Omg forward Hoy. 2, Slain· fly Playmate, 4 H IC ll>G f:l'OHT, C•1nn 1 /\Ji > /\ :! ,Vt'«Jr·ulfl hoy :-.1lt1ng on 111!-. m11th1•r 's ltip W<JI\ (atally shot l1y u 1 vi .. 1r-old pluym:.i11· with :1 1wlh:1 11un . authorilll'S -.aict. .Jl''>ll·' l';u.Jin cl11•tl :1l St Vin t•en l ~ ~h·d11·al C t•lllt'r ·on W1·dn1•'flav . ;d1•111t <int· hour I fr was :-.hot whale his motht•r ~:" v1~1llni: al th1· hom._. of M 1 g11l'I Turn:s, 63 A 4· yc<.rr -oltl c·h1ld. who a uthorities did not 1<1cnt1fy, fared u :.hot that str uc k the 2 ye a r-old 111 the ches t -~ rNATION I WORLD OPEC Hike: 4' at PuIDps Ctr.NF.VA. Sw,tzerland <Ar> -The OPEC o il cartel an· llOUnt'~ ib1 blt(t(CKl 1>rkf' incre8l'lt! ln five years today, raising c·rudc oil pr1ce:H tn between $18 and $23.50 a barrel. The booflt )sex· 1..-cted to .c:td four cen ta a aaJlon l.o the C'Oftt of ..1.uoUne and heatin& ull In I.he U nited state.. The l3 naUona of the OrganiaaUon ol Petroleum Exporting t 'ountriH agreed on a multiJev_,I prtcin• l'lyat.em . The baae price wu11 r•IMed to SIM from $14.~ a barrel, a h ike ol 24 percent. But rnt·mhcrt1 can add 11urc hargea of as much as $2 a barrel aa m arket ronctlt10N1 permit, for lncreueA of up t.o 31 percent. I ( '1\:>. I\ 1-:t.:P A Sf':c1n :1 LIJl ~·1 1\1 .. : 11' :"'.\'.\U;.-------------------- \OIHll:S.._, I'll• >Nr. --------------------- RPady for ~eddy ar;.,,,...,_,. New Jfamp:,hirc Oemocrats ar<' cirrulating l<i pt:I ptn)', tn <J qutC'l write-in c:a mµaign for Sen Edward Kcnnt:ll y for thc·ir p~a rty·~ prcs1dcnliCjl nomm<it1on. Searchers Locate 3 Missing • Ill Cave WJ\YNESVll.1.1·:. Mo IAJ'J Three peoplf' wPn, r~ruM:I aft1·r <\Pf'Oclin~ :J•,~ ctays without hgh\ 11r fc)Qd an a tt1Vt· whne thf•y go t lost ov(lr 1 h1· wl-ck1•n<I, a ulhoratif's s aid "W1· mall1· a lrit rif mistake s." s a1<1 Army Sgt Kenneth St!kolu . :.!;! a'> he· wa!> It-cl Crom Indian Co.av•· on Wednesday Tiit: f'AVF. WAS f'l~OSED M•veral ytars ago <1:-. a tr1un.-,\ altra1· t 1011 1'\uthoratw:. s;11<l 1l Qn private property posted wit h "nQ lrc~pa1-.:o. ini:" signs /\ .!»Jit•lunkn lfoam from Lht• lJnlVt.'r'iltY or M1":.c1un &I Holl;1 rt·s1•111•1f 11 ... t wr1 Fort l.(.'<'1nard Wood so1<11er~ and thc wire of orH· ''' lllt·rri from the 1·avc near this l'l'ntral Missouri commur11ty ~t·kula wa:-. 11ull1•r1 fr11m the lx1ltr>m of a 40 foot pat whn•• hi· h:HJ (1tllf-n wh1ft• lrV lrl~ to rclrlf•Vt' th1• only rt:ma1n1ni( WIJrklOJ! fl ,1.,ltl1ght Uu · g ruufl had fie wa~ tre;.rlt>tl for c·ut:-. and r l'lt·J :-.C'IJ fr11111 lh1• h11:-.p11al al llw /\rmy bu!>c· llJS ('OMPANIONS, SPf:f'. t S t(•V•' Me r cado. 20, and ha!> w1f., l.yn11 , :.'(>, ul:-.1> wcrr· rclf'l1!-.t!<t uftt:r treutmcnt al lhc· ho1>p1tal IC1·s1·u(•ro,; s:11d thl' an·a when· tllf' M1·n·:.id11~ wa1ll·rl for he lp wa:. about lhrl'f• feel high • Mncado ...,.1111 lht• thrt·•· ha•I hccoml' ·10:.t and wanden ·d around for ;.rhout tw11 hour:-. hcforr· th1•y lo:-.t their light Mr~. Mnca <fo s aad thP. group c•nttn·rt tht' c·avr :it n0t1n ~;i tur d uv and "we hgurf'd Wt>'d tw l1U I at rour .. While w<11t an a.t for hC'll, lh1•y "lalk"d a little ;ind ~)•·pt a 1111 . 'she s aad Manned Space Sl1ot U,elayed W/\SJflNGTON CJ\l'I The f1 r,1 launchin~ of /\mn1t·a 's nt'w r1111nn1·d spuccship, the !-ihuttlc, 1:0. hcmg d elayed severa l months, w1lh only a 50-50 cha nce 1t ri.n i.:1·1 off lhe ~round hy n ext .July, 1 ht• heart of the !>pace agf'ncy re- 1111rt1•d today. ThP National /\cro naut1e!-i <md S11at·e /\dminis trulion had heen working toward ;i Nov. 9 launr·h d a11., 11111 for :o.c•vt•r;1I Wf't:ks of. l11·1al:-. h:1v1• :.:11d 11 w11uld have to 1 ... 11ut 11rr 11nt1I 19;so hnau.....,e Qf 11·1·hnlf':tl an1I manufat·luring i>robll'm~ ----------- ON 'IOP 01' TRA'I', the maximum price wu set al $ZS.SO per barrel. a1Jowin1 for the u.ual differentials for hl&her..quaUty oil. The hl&hest price currently la '21.31 for hiih·1rade Ubyan oll. ~benchmark price ot Sii la for the type of oil known aa Ar•· bian Ugbt cnade. The ne w prices take effect July 1 and are to laat until the end or the year. Saf:ldi Arabia. which had held out for a low prtce, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates will be the only cou.ntrtes a ctually charging SL8 a barrel, Saudl Oil Mlniat.er Ahmed Zaki Yam•ni toJd a ne ws conference. VAMANJ, WHO DESCRIBED tt as "a sli1htly confusing s yste m ." said m ost other OPEC nations would charce between 121 a nd S22 a barre l Obtierven said suc h naltonA u Nlaerta. Alaeria and Ubya, whic h produce OPEC's best oil, would probably set the ir price at the $23.50 ceiling. . OP~@mbers ar now committed to-the m.~ettin.-; Yam aru said. "For the lime being, it's a commit ment but fo r how long ll will hold that de pends on you as ll conirnmer ... • About one-third o f U.S oil rom e11 from the OPEC countries and Saudi Arabia_. lhe U A~ und Qat.c.r »ccounl for one.th ird of lhat. Thr~ other bag expor_ters to the Uniled Slat.es -Nigeria, Venezuela a nd Indonesia -acco unt for about 40 pt:rcent of America's OPEC am ports. BECAUSE OF THE LAG tn ttfe trans portation syst~m . Ame rican cons ume rs a re not expected to feel the direct etrects of the ne w boosts until late summer . E conomisL5 s ay lhe highe r OPEC prices will worsen U S. mna- taon, he 1J(hten lhf• poss1b1lity of a serious recession and, m lhe words of one. m c.ke re<'ent increru.e:i; in fuel oil, utility and gasolmt J>rtCl'S "seem quit~ modes t " an compart!.on 15 Terrorists Slain . ... In Syria ExecutiOns O/\M/\SCUS, Syria I AP> -P re sident lfassa11 Assad 's govern- mt·nt han~f'd 14 terroris ts and f•xccutt>d anothe r one by firing s quad at dawn today in a crackdown on the n ghl-wang Moslem Broth erhood The execution:. c i.mc lt-ss than a day aflt!r Syn an :.and l!.raeh 1e t s due led 1n thl· :-.k1e1> ove r southern Le banon in the far-;t aericil c·om bat ht·tw1•t•n the two nation~ sancP 1974. An ls ratlt Emb<i!>SY or. fa t 1al an Wa sh1ni:tnn rlaamed Assad unleashed h" air force to d1vt•rt allc nt1on at homt.: from a ~rowini: challe nge lo h1 i. rule Ri\OIO Oi\Ml\SCUS SAID /\ssafl rommutNl tht· d•·ath t.4'n· tc•nc1·~ of thr<'1' nlh1·r lt•rr11n\t:. who f'OOpt•rntNl with «tuthon\lcs <.tnd two olht'" wt•rl' :-.t·nt .. n1°P<I to prison l••rm:o. S~nan fJffl C'aab ...,~1111 th1• 2'1 m1·n Wf·r•· re'>pon'>1bl1• for .1 w;1vt• "' born bin~:-and a:-.~a1>1>1nat1on.-. tn Ull' pas t fe w rn<inth::. aimt•I al the m 1nonl\ /\law1\1· Mn.,lcm :-.<•rt , of wh11•h A!'.~acl 1:. ~ mt-mbt·t . l"o rc·agn o~n-."rv1·r., l'Sl1m at1•d th1·r1· w1·n· <.rbout 511 an<'1d1·n1:> Tht· 11utl;1w•·<I Mo1>lcm Hroth1•rh1101I 1i. m tad•· up of ~un111 M1..,(1°rn!-.. th\• m :1J<irll} !.t·c·t an Syria a nd thf' rest of the· /\rali w11rld . ASSAD'S GOVfo:ltNMENT itnn•>UOPt>d a 1·rackdov.n on tht· Urotlll'rhood :1Hl'r ~un m ... n raadt.'<1 a Svra<1n malat ary tr:J1nang l't:nt1·r in lht• nort.twrn 1·1t y of Ale pµo nn Jurw Jfi, k1llf'd 48 tadf'l!> un•I wounut>d :r1 Mo:-.t or tht• <·arlets wen• Alawttt·<> Th{' govPrnmc·nt u<'1°us~ lsrnel. F:i:y pt a nd the United Stalt'!-. nr an:.la~atang th•· attm·k. lnformt'fl M')Urt'es ~aad the government rounded up as m <tny a:-200 m e mhc rs of the Brothe rhood und has p ul them on trial The n s1n1<: t 1<1<' of raghl-wan~ Sunni vao lcnc-4' is conside red the mos t M'rl<lus domestar l'h:.tll<:ng._. In th•· 49 year old [\:-.~ad !-.ance h,. 111r1k p<1w<•r 111 a m1laary coup n .. arly nant• yl'ar~ ugo "ftut d111lomatw 'ourres !-ay t11:0. 11v1·rthrow IS'tllllakl'ly h1·1·:w M· he 1!-i in firm c11ntl'ol or th(' <arm y a11<11h1~ antt·lhgenc·c· ~1·rv1 rt•:-. Severe Storms Expected Thunderslwwers Activity Widespread HI LO f'(p ........... ii. ....... illolo~ ... /\ft11Jflf """'"""'-Atl•nlA Altttnttt (..Uy h1otll1m0t .. f\o\ton fitowruvtlle Oullelo Chu •uo C1ntinonh (tf!Vt•\"ftO 0•11•' F0t1 WOl'ln o.-nvnr ~ O•lr'>tl MOU\IOf' lnd\"""1'(11" Ka ll\.,\C..tly ~o ~· 101 "'' '' ... 10 ... lb )I ,, "' •• 11 ,. t.o 0,,... 90 \I -· •1 u •1t /J ~I \A 0 "° J/ '° ,. u ., 8• t'I °" 111 Al I -l••"-l llll•Poo •8 '8 "' In .... . ' .,,., ' -•llpl>I\ Ml-I Mtl••w••• N11nhvtU., ---=== .... Of .. _ u \-4 °' 11'4 &• ~· &'I I\ •l E.,,,~ ... .. , ..... ,,0 l ainf •\tN' LO• A...,..1,,... Mar1-.111~ ........ o. Ollletoom•CllY Om•na .. 17 .. ., , .. , II Mont•••• Pflll ... llllfll• ~nl• .. , .. ,_ ... ,._ !>I l.wo\ !>att~f(llV '""" WHl\ln(l!Ofl '" llO ., "° .. ., •I II .... 'IO ,, ,. "' -d·~-0..01 .. no P•M>N- A..S 81ull ll•--C.11• ...... -o ~lln•' !>9ft 01- i..n ft-.IMo ~......... ~9-. --• HI lA ~, '>too•on •1 10 "''"'"•' Ill ., u-..,, .., ....... ..., . .. ...... .. y "' t..t-V '''') ... If "'"' t 'lo t "tWi rt• +' fWCM tr. "1 '(J 0 fY'I .,_., t>ttlVt• I r1 '" 1if"'' 'flN t-«Jy 'Mlt ot 04"V*'90 8et\IO., C..elln• [I C.nlrn tt·-...... -Lll Att-1111 L°"lh«h Mofw.,, •• MIWI'-' ... ...,.., .... " ...,..,._ Onleflll ....... .., .. ....... ""' i*Mnllftll !wtnO.tri.t ._,_ .......... --.c~ .......... ""'' , ..... " ..... )\ IO 91 M 10? ,. '¥1 .. 'f& )t ... \0 111 11 (II )l 'II \\ ..... ll " .., ,, (I) u n n •I \I " .., ~) n '1(1 " ., ,, Ill II ., \/ II) 1t 101 .. ., ,, " ., to. )• •1 II ll .., ,.,, •J 101 .) uo ,, '°' •J IOI U IOI 61 n n -., ,, ,, ~ •AM AMUllCAN A<apukO Froep«t G_,..lef"'• 1(1 ........ __ .. , M.,atlen Mol(e City •••O. _,.,,., H•\•4"1 h 911t11MIN ft1nldMI \lare(r11t "' Le .,. ., /1 .. 11 .. " .. " .. II .. ,., ,, )/ ., " 'l ti ,, 17 10 e2 .. t0 I~ ~ II Thvndttr\Mw•r' .,,,,,. to'"' a\I rrom "'• m•ct "'"'""PP• v,,,,,.,. ll>fou911 !IW' <>n10 V•llrY 10 lh" oo••t Gre e• l •ke\, \1 •tt-r .. <1 thu rt• '""'-~ -•e 11<1'd1t lf'd •l<ln<1 ,.,. Gulf ol Mufto""" '"""'n.o • O•\h S.eoe, ..,.. Ol'f'W'r•l•Y r~A' trom IM Pa<llk C:.0.0\I lo llW' tonlo~loOI OtVIClfl .tt.tO\ .. IPW GuU COt't\t ''"'"' .. ,..., O .. f tl'W' mtd MMt '°"'" AU .. ntlifli. C.OA\I ,, .. ,,._, It *''" fllll'Pf"" tflld kt br m ild lf'ltnuQf\ .,,,.. C.•ttOhOnl, tl'W N CH th AH .. nt1( ( Oft\I \1"41'\dnd ov .. r t,._. tow .. r f,r,.At I lt~t'\ f"'Qton r l~WN•tfl' V'lfvtnAbly w1trm <)' hUI l"mfltJr,.tur11-. Wl're tof~l,..,, r ,."'""'"''1f'111' betor,. dawn r An(tf'id from •• df-QtN\ At 4:Mfult !lilr M"''"• Monn, 10 91 ~ "' 81'1h<!!. (•Ill t-•or IO<My w11n h.ltY ''""''"'" ..,.d 111911 I IOudl ... \\ LIQM v•rt•l>I• ,.Ind\ l •,.\l\11\Q 'f»"d• OI •1(11>1 IO ·~ anoH '"" ""''· noofl. S""'ll ''"tt lldv1-y In Ouln ..... ,. ...,._,, Potn! c-epllon •nd ~HI<'*" i.1-(cMnlal 1-»t•lllf•\ •-'no''°"' .. lo h/Ofl IJ ,..,_, •-•tv• .. ' 1111( .... e Nql\ ~ Will\ tow ftt •l 11111•¥, Goe~lel ..._ -..ralut• w111 ee U . S~ ,,, .. ,.. Tldfta TMVa\DA't ~1on1110.. • ll p m 7 6 ~<<>n<I Nth U O.p tn 4 I \111111-\ ., "m . vl\l,O'IP tn MIM>n llMtt t ~) " tn • ••h II 01 pm Co-owner Jim Garrett reads the Daily Pilot and relaxes on a sofa from 11.J. Garrett Furniture o/ Costa Mesa. Advertiser Lauds 15 Successful Years of Daily Pilot Service Dear Da ily Pilot, A bout 15 years ago, we de- cided· to place the majority of our advertising with the Daily Pilot. We simply felt this was the most-erficient way or-r e- aching local customers. We especially ar~ pleased with your coverage of local news and events . I think this is why our customers read the Daily Pilot and, of course, our advertisements. I also would like to thank Jim Riley personally for the professional way he handles our account. We appreciate the many services he and the Daily Pilot provide us. Yours Truly, Jim Garrett, co-owner H .J. Garrett F.umiture, Costa Mesa DAILY PILOT . 642-5678 • CALIFORNIA Revenge Not Held In Death LOS AN(H';l.t;s <At'). The fl i.n<'t't' o f 2ll year o ld Steve Con9't't , shot fatally b y one of th.-11hcriH's d c putu',. he had '" m mot1t'd to lht• 11id of •n t•ldrr l y b•·ulH\I( \ll"lam, .Sa \s i.he •lo••11n 't w1rnt n •\ c•n.ce ' I have no hall',' i.1ud Sandy ~.· h 1 m nwl • · 1 t\nn \ ""~tnt rt' 't'rl)!t' 1111111.111' 11111k1• n11-it11lw:. II :-JU.'>I \'t•r 1r 1.1.:11· lhut I don I h .i Vl' Stt!vt· un)' llhJft' bc.'l01u1i.c o ( that m1s1ukt• " Bl'T A•7t:R ~U:•:TING ~ilh 'ht•rafr i. tkpurlnwnt rt•l)rt:M•n 1.ll1H "-. M1:.:. &·h1m m d 1>i1)'1> ,h,· ,ult dt>t.':.n 't undt·r 1>\,1n1t how tht· r111i;t._1kl· lhut tvok l'o11K•·r ':. lift· .eou hi hu Vl' ht•t'fl 111 u dt< Thl' 1hstl'ld utton w ·, offln h .JS l>f'>(llH 110 IOVl'!>l l~ll\l{)fl O( lht• 'h11ol1014, till' 1•1Junty Umu cl uf S11vt·rv1sor::. ha::. l'mphu!.11.ed 1t 1o1. ants a th11r11u~h "'"'* dnd w t'll llC ~dli y S h e r Irr f'l'll' r l'ltd lt•:.i. la :.ht•d out. dl ho\h hr dlH'hl'I> of l'OUnly .:11v1•rnmcnl lor lhl'rr "<:hcup poliLll'dl n 11n ITH'tl\S llai.c1I 11n n<1 fu\:l~ . . C o' NG t: ft WAS 8 U R I F. l> • W<'dnt:sduy followlnl! cmotionul -.1•r v1cc!> ut Rose Hills Memorial~ Ch<Jpel in Whittier. In his eulogy . 1he Hcv. llarry Fdmly ur)tcll more lh<Jn JOO m ourner:. to "lr1vc lhy nc1gh1Jor lov<: ont· unolht-r even t:H! willing to die for one another " <.;onAer hud s potte d 63· ye<.1r·oltl I ack Gonor lyrn~ ot.1n<'on:.ciou:. 1n he· rln v<'wav of the m otel next 10 ttw Wl'SI i lollvworni hungalow rw ~JO<J Ml ~!) S c·h1mmcl h<1tl .tw r t>d tor a year and a hulf 11 .. : ttt:LPEO GON<JJl bac•k to h a<; "'Tl o t C'I room ~nd al!-o • it:le phooPd autborilic!P-wilh a lle-.rnpt1on or a man hc had seen walking away. Cong1•r d1rl'rted th€' first 1 wo tl(•putu.·s who cirri ved l o the sus pl'l'I Uul J 1m l'nei who had drawn has ~un <•flc r h<'~aring a n •v11rt which stated inrorre<'llY I hut the !->USf>CCt h;id a fin•arm .trrl\ 1•d w1lh <t ~ccond J!MUP <ind •.hot tht· unarmC'd Congn 10 lhl' 11 .. c·k ;1s h•• •·mcr~cd ~ullrlcnly f r11111 :111 ~1ln1ve Bird R e ,veals '"'/Rahs' Tore 'l'ftssi11g 'l '""'atoes .Im· S:iil-1·dn 1hn1w:i out tl\ou~an<is of overripe tomat()(>::. at :1 K111 g t ·11 v p.1ck111g house Wcdnc·stlay as a r esult: of the t rtH'k<·r s stn kl' t\11 hough toma toes are s till be ing picked. I"'",. :art· 1111 1 rn1·ks t o ta ke them to market. ttoberl \1 1·\l·r . 1·11111p:111\ pn·sid<'rH. 5<Jys the s trike is costing the \11•\ 1·r 'I <1m:it11 Company $1;!U,llOO a da.). King City is .11111111 1110 n11l1·s soul h of San Frant·1sc·o Firm Sa s DC-10 To 'Return Soon' LOS AN<;F:LF:S <AP > Mc l>onne ll Douglas Corp said Wt•dnesduy i t h11s• :1nswn1·<1 IJll questions raised by federal in· \'t'sl1 1-(<1t11rs <incl t·x11c<'ls its DC·IO Jels to be allowed back into 'l·rv1t e soon But a FN lt·ral Av1:.it1on Adm1mstrat1on spokesman s aid the ,11.:r·nn is no l1111gt·r i.irt·1l1l't111g when its investiga tion will cvnclude. Al l Wt' t·<in dn 1s hopt'." :.;1i<f Alex G:irv1i. · T ht• fo'Ai\ !'>U!->pL·nrlt•d th1• l>C'·lf> openitmg <:ert1fwatc ahout two wl·~ks ago pending an mves t1gat1on or a crash of one or the w1dd11uht•tl Jl'l~ in Chata~o that d a imcd 273 live:.. Hill S1·.-I~" Ro~n Ht-plac·~m.-111 ~ CHAM l·:;..;·1 < > 11\ I' 1 1\ m1.·<J:.ur1• lu forct! the Ni.1l 1ona l t"uot J1;i II l.1·u~u1· m tr1 1w1 m11 tang ;inolh1·r team tu movt' to Lo1. Angele~ "-.' i ' when Lhc Ham~ mt1v1· out has won :-Late Assembly a pprov:tl .. ~1.1pren1e {...0Url "Thi::. 1s an c•frort ln n ·stor<' Mim e• 700 JOhs when the RHm-. lpa\'l' ttw C11l1s1•um ." /\s ~. /\N .. "'/\N'·l ~C:O </\l'I ( J !'>l'IOLl y w o mun 'f e r 1·sa .~ r n ~ '7 -.'--""' •• -'1'L.' llugh<•S, aut hor o f /\0787, <'<il tlorn1a Chll'f .Ju::.t1tc H.o!->~ .,, I 1:. ___ _,_ _ _,::.aid l>cW&:e-the-vot.e-Wednes I • ' . .c1..J.n...Oll.l:--'-~~~~~~~~~~----day .,f lht· Supreme <:ourl t·ast·~ un -\1' 1lul.!h1·' n •pri·,1·n1., the J)l)rtaon nf Los Angeles that includes lfc'r inv<·~t1gat1on . 1e:.taf1ed lhl' tl11· C"oliM•u1n, "'1111'/1 1o1. ill I><: w1th11ut ii professional football tc<im • t<it•• Supn•me <;our\ la:.t yccir aftt-r th1• 1979 s 1·;1.,1m 1o1. h1:n the H.n!> move to Anaheim Stadium in ~as tom "by :-.u~p1t·1on and All fi·t·hnl{ Ora11g1: County Sh e rold the Com mission on .lu llll'1:al l'crformanec Wcdnc:-.· <I av 'I hat IC'a k!-> hf JWpl!r::. a nti ''Lht•r 1nform<it1C1n fm rn the hil.lh niu rt got so had lat•· last year that the tra<hl1onally ~crenl! 1·11urt ht•c·amt.-1nfc<·t ed with a M d .:arthy.type mentality . -- "P EOPl"'E R F.GAN to wondc•r uh1111I ••vcryone <'hie," 'hi' \1>1<1 th•· 1·11mm1ss1on tn llw un pr1·1·1•d l'nled puhlil' 11rnhc o f nw<laa <.'ha rgl'S the court de hht-r<J tely delayed the (1hng or so nw ~cnsit1 ve dcc1s111ns lo pro- l<'t'I her c:onfirmation vote last Nov. 7. She narrowly won J\l one pomt, she :.aid, her law d t•r k a ired a sus pir1on that • m other justi ce may ha ve want· 1·d tu holct 11p the Fox vs. Los /\nJ?CIC's "lighted croi.s'' opinion until after the election. She said a ll the justices ag rPed on the pos ting of a mc•morandum to the e ntire court SI ~tff in whjch the "hrea'Ch or l'Onfidcnliahty" was denounced with the threat that violation t'Ould result in disciplinary ac- tion including prosec ution under the stute crim inal s tatutes 3Held In Theft Of Checks :-,A( llJ\Mt-:NT<> 1AP > A!->st'm bly Spc;Jkt::r Leo MrCurthy !'\,1yi. (iov. E<lmund Brown Jr h:-is moved Loo slowly on stute cmployl"'(: pa y and 1!> pluyin~ for vublic1ty with his tax cul pro po:-:ti l\ltCurthy . U-San F rancisco. reaffirmed his support Wednes· 1f~1 v for un ov..rrid1· of Brown's expected veto o( a stale employee 1wy n 11se hill , a nfl sa 11l lh1· l>t:m•1Nal ic· t{overnor wailed too long lo 1111'rt0a :-.1· ht!-> 11ff1·r to thc i:1u.oou !>late workers. Mayor . ..;PPk• ~o Nl.r l~au·•ull S/\N flt/\ N<'I SC'O 'AP> Sari Francisco Mayor Diane Fem- sll'1n asked th<' Calafornu1 Suprem<: Court Wednesday to throw out a $5 m 11l1on sl:mdcr suit al.la tnst hl'r M'hedulcd to go to trial Monday She al~o uskcd th<Jl the trwl lw delayed T h1· i.u1l Wa 'i f i ll'd hy .lcis<•ph M:17.zola, he ad or Plumbers Union l.ol'al :l$S. 10 1371l when Mrs. Fc·in:-tcin wai. a San Francisco s u1H·rv1:-.or . Bailout ,.;,,,.,. ... al Pl fl •·ah,,. S/\CR/\M F.NTO < /\ P > Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. said Wedne!>· day he wants the, Legislature to send him a longterm pos t- Proposilion 13 fina nce bill ·for l11ca) govern ments. rather than another one-time bailout. Uut. the Dl'mocrat1c governor i;aid, any longterm state aid bill for cities, t·ounlics and schools should conlain some kind of "safety valve" for the s tate in cuse u recession cuts deeply into stale revenues. Rrown did not specify what kind of prov1s ton that should be. nor did he put a ~pf'dfil' dollar lim1l on lhl! bill he would sign SAN DIEGO <AP> Two Camp Pendleton Anno•cing New 'Ma r ines and a Navy hospilalman are in federal custody in San Diego on c harges of st e a ling m o r e than $138,000 in government payroll checks. The three we re a r - raigned Tuesday and are being held in ileu of '25.000 bond each. O tricials said m ore ar· reAts are expected soon in the case. A safe containing 457 checks and 190 blank armed forces l4entiflca· lion car1ls was taken from the Oceanaide 1narlne NM Jut Thun· d ay, aaJd Lury Heu, 1cttn1 agent in charge of the San Dieao Secr et Sfrvh-e office. - I PHOTOGRA Y EXTRA™ lenses Need one pair ol glasses to wear all day long? The new tense from Corning Is what yoo're looklnQ for. From a light 9ray lint to dark gray in less lhan 60 seconds. Available In single vision and blfocal form. No matler what your needs In eyewear, price or style, we are here to supply the best for yoo_ and your eyes at the right price. THE WHOLE WORKS starting <'l U4.SO. (Fr ames, lenses, & -C-a5ek --· 2SOl.1711tSlrwt•CostaW...•l•t•~ 642-4630 • Wftltda;rs 9·5:30 S•. 9.3 "" -... ..... ·'· Thurtcllly, June 21. 1979 DAIL v PILOT AS Abortion Battle Looms Senate, Assembly Split on $16 Billion Budget . . SACRAMF.NTO CAP I I\ two-house conference committee has begun work on the s tale budget, and already lhere is talk of a long battle over abortion funding that could leave the state Jn a financial limbo. A new fiscal year starts Sun· day. but lhere is little chance that by then the state will have a new budget giving the exec utive branch the power to pay bills. two questions -cutting the coat di1>cuasion" of the abortion b · by $200 mill.Jon or more, and de· sue. ciding whether Co m ake the bill The Los. Angeles Democrat another one·year bailout or al· noted that anti-abortion forces tempt to make lhe distribution a re stronger lhis year in both formula permanent. houses and said it would be "m· Like the budget, the bailout congruous" and "totally unac· m e c.s ure, by Assemblyman ceptable·• ror the conference L e roy Grnene. 0 -C.:armichael. c ommittee t o propose less would take effect with the new restricllve language this year fi sca l year beginning Sunday. The confe re nce com mittee But chances of fin!ll action by heard from a parade or then are close to ze ro. le11tislators Wednesday. most or The possibility of a long delay them asking for more money for THERE Alli': 311 diHerences between Senate and Assembly versions or the budget, both or which total 1epouLSl6. billion on the budget was raised one proJect or another. Much of Wed~sdJU b.)'. Assembl.y.w.oman--th~ tflttmony. however ,::.!.;c'.!,o-;.'.n:!... --=--- Leona Egeland. D·Morgan Hill. cerned abortion money. nls means it will probably be Monday berore lhe two houses act on a compromise version of the fiscal 1979·80 spending plan. And the issue of state.funded t1bortions for poor women, which dom mated bud~el consideration last year. could further delay a vote to send the budget to Gov. Edmund Hrown Jr Meanwhile on the other h1~ s pending meas ure or 1979, a separate two-ho use <·onferenc<: l'Ommtllt•e plotltfrd a hea11 throu~h a seem1n#ll Y l'ndlcss list .1f w rlnt•!->st•s on a S!i I h11111111 post l'roµ"sat wn l:J <•1d hill for local ~ov{·rnmenl'> T H.\T COMMITT t:t-: lu<·1·fl 1979 CARS and TRUCKS r- ALL MAKES! 833-0555 I Ask For OUr LC.UC SPECIAUSJ 'at HOWARD Chevrolet who told lhe ~?n~e~ence ~o.mmil· As s t! m b I y woman J e u n tee she was w1lhng t<> give u)> Moorhead R·Sacramento lold ":IY August. vacation plans" l o the all·m~le comm ittee.' "No f1~h ~ restric tions on aborlJon man can truly understand the Cu nd1n"'. feelinKs associated with pre· T HF. t\S.'IEMBLV budg~t this gnancy and abortion." )'l'a r 1nclu<lcs the $25 million Speakm~ of the bailout bill for p ro posed b y Gov . Edmund cities. counties and s C'hool lh ::. fl r <>wn J r for unrestricted tricts, Gov. Edmund Rrown .Jr ubort1on (unding, but the Senate said he wants the Legislature to d d opled language that ltm1ts send tum a long.t erm bill ralhl'r fund rn1: to c<tses in which the than another ooe:llme bailout ~oman's life is threatened. After meeting with the Sencih: l lciwevcr . Sen. David Roberti. Ot>m ocratit• CaUt'U!'\, nrown Said a l<·:.Hh•r of the Sc·nalc anti· ht• has "b(><Jn !->Upp11!;11v<' IJ( a a h•H t1 011 fon ·1·:-.. said more lon~·.tcrm m1-.1sun! with a s<Jfctv lalwral langu:.ig1• !'>im rlar to l<Jst v ;,a l vc UI lht· t!Vt•nt of :.omi.: y1·ar·..,\ was a "starting point for economic downturn . SPECTACULAR SUMMER SALE Sale begins Friday, June 29th. as a special ... ,. to• our customers ~~tnr.--.. ...... >r-o~~--~---r- SA VE 20°/o & MORE on all our r&CJUlar merchandise .. •sorry.~snotapplyto ~ialor*n Sal~ fltds July 28th l•••c.1a1.w. ir1 beauty tor baltl & ooudotr elizabeth duke, ltd. ill •Mfh co .. t "9••· code _,. 17141540-2577 ,zs·· DiCICJOnat •Table Model •ldealForL~ lookshel•n • I 000/o Solid State Req. '629" Safe s499oo 13° COLOR s29900 12" llacll&Wllffe S8800 ... ,,. IJ~<: ~d% *-'~ • I .. Rotx·rt N W~l'd Publl\her rhoma~ Ket:v1l/Ed1fof •--·-------• 0.LJ.U.Wi Co.!'.I O.iJ!y l?.1lo~~ ·awno ·-..-:Dg1e __________ T•r-•1"•"•d•r•.v.•J•u•n•e•2•&•1•97•9•••••••••••H•a•rb•il•r•a•1<•r•"•'•"•''•"•'•f!•d•1•to•r•1a•1 •P•a•g•e•E•d•t•to•r•-.-.-- . I Pl&nni~ N~eds A Mix . of View~ , l 'IC'nwntt-t·uunr1 I nwmbt·rb ho vc OUl'>lt'd the (I\' • m t•rntw~ or tht• t ll 'i, Plunnrn~ C'om m 1~Mon uftcr th l· JWlll'la.:,t rduM•t.J to n~:,1~n "~ no lt'(t Ill u IJf t•\ lOU~ cd1ton1d . II p, tlOl Ull UMIU I for a l '11 Cm1r11 ·1I tu hrin~ u ll1fft·rt·nt ~l ull· of upprnntt•tl t·o 111 1111:-.1>mrwr:. o n hoard whrn a rw" t•lt•t'lt"rl m 11Jo l'lt v 1:11 t'I Vt.'~ Ill\ l h\• M '\'Ot.' Uur t ht• mu111wr 1 n "'tut'lt t hl' rww t'()ll rll'll 1no1o rit v h ro11.,:ht .Jhoul l'IHHl~I·' 1111 t h •· l'llllllll":O.ICJll W~S' ltW~\\Ultl ,11\cl 1·111h.1n ·•'""'~ h11 hoth ,.h·1·1t·d .U1d ,1pp<1111 h ·d o f I ll'lj li- 1.rtl It· 1·.1n lit• d<111t· ,1t t h 1)\ p11111t t11 1mpro\'t' thl' h ,1n l l t•t•l111).!:-. \h.1l h 1\1' ,11 1"'" (rum thl' t.·<1u11t·1I '!<> at'l1011 11-------,,..,.,, :nn, · rn· 111 ,~hmTI!l Jt 1 ·t· p 111 rr1 lr1t rTh i11 :;;-u,-n ,. 111 1 lt 1• 11111hh·111-. 1111•\ pt.•rt't'I\ t· 111 ltu• c·u11 crll m .1kt·up o f lht· 1·1t , ·..., thn'\' 1·on11n 1...,:-.1t111~ 111d \ ht· 1lut.· lt• ttw 111.11111l·r 111 .. , h·u·h th1· 111 ,.,1111h c·uu11t·ll ni.11i1n l \ «hflM' t lu-volunlct•t pu11d1:.t:-- It ll> not Wl'l' t U 1·huOM' 1.nh \'1111\ffllM\IOIH'I" \\!lo ~1 1-!ll'I' "1t h 1tw c·(1l111e·il 111,1J11rtl) un lhl· ''MJt·i. ltwt 1 cqu11 t· d1 :-. l'tl:-Ohlllll l'umrrll-. .... 11111 nwrnl>t·r'.'> :.hh uld r t:prt·:-.t·11t a w1cl1• ran~~,. ol pt·l'~l>t't'lt vt·h fro111 t ht· romn1 ur11lv a nd '"'' J Uhl lhu:.t· ol t l)l• tn ~IJOl ll.\' o f !ht• ('Jly ('OtHH'll T ht· <'o u 11c·il "11uld do wt·ll lo h\•h·<·I l01>111rn 1~:-.111nvr..., 1101 a~ lhc· pa11l'11:-I:-. h ;_1\'l' lx:c:n c·hnl><'n 1n Utt· pa:.t hut with .i ..,,.,....,.. 11( p1'<1\ uling 111or't• r1·p1 1·:.t·11 t;a l ron ft 1m1 I ht· lc1c ;d C'lll/.l'lll'Y Budge t Draws Crowd La~una Be a c h '1t y M:11w gc·r Vn:d Solomon l>iJIO he n ever s aw ~uch :.in 1 m prc:,:.n l' tu rnuut of lax pa yt:rl> fo r ._. budget hea ring And m ost o f Utt' nmmful of L<.1guna llcuch rt·:-.adtnt:-. s tayed for the• c.·nlirt· lhrcc·hour discussio n of tlw $8 :1 m i llion d0<·umc.·nt a :-. c.·ounctl mt•mbf'r s cut :-.11m1· :-.c·rvH·e:-. ;rnd took 11 15 pu:-1t1ons off the <:ity p<.1 yroll llut m«Jny of Uw ta x pay('fl> wt>r cn 'l t ht·n · with :-.uggc.·:-. t1ons on how lo rurlht•r C'lll t h e le an b ufl gcl The y Wl'l 1' thcr<~ tu lohhy tor pl'l pr<iJc·c·ts. addit ion a l ~crv 1c.·1·:. u11d to t'Ompla in :ilx111l :-.omt· prog ram :-. that wc•r c clt·INNI from the hudg C'l. Nol that ttw n · was mud1 that c·ould be <·ut 11111 Tht· a 1 >rovl'<I do 'Ullll'lll w ill .!.ct: a rcdu<'l&Oll tn.. h cmr. .... ~.-..~ ... 11et-t---• lift·guanl~ l1·wc r t•tl) <f?.ploy ct.·!> to ht-'IP c·1t 11.l'n:-. w ith m11 n 1t·1pa l prohll'ffi'>, a n d ._1 n·c1uc·t 1o n in e:1p1tal 1mpr1n1· 1111·nt µni1c·c·t~ I hat m a n y c1l1zen!> h t1V(' eom e lo cxpc'<·l Th:1t':-. the• w ;1\ thing s arc· g rnng to he in 1·1ty govt.·rn nwnl 111 the· afl\·rm:.tlh of Prop<1:-1t1o n t:L T ht· l axpa yc·r~ who 'it rung ly .~u p portc:d tht· budgt·t t1 gh1t·r11 ng nu•:t!-.111'•' l:a~l .J11nc: ~hou ld b1·ar in m1nff l h ;1t w h ile t1w 1r l'lllll 1'rl1t1\ ion :tl hudg1·t M.'SSIOns I!. 'iOUj.!hl and -.ugg1•l>l lllfll> .1n· w1·l1·111n1 " 11 ll> furth<:r <·ut~ in hud g1•ls t h at :11 I ' 111·1·d1 ·tl IHI\-\ 11111 plc-;1 ... '"' ll t,_•V. I)/' (•Xp:Jnt!l·d 11r11 ~ran1" f,wid-raising Pta·ns Sadcllc ha c·k C<1llt·g1· ofl1C01al:-. and hoard mt.·mht·r~ <.1p p ruvtd m <.:onn·pl liJ!')l wt·c·k two novel pla n:-. dt:s 1i.:ncd lo provuJc mon l'Y an<l hu1ld1ng-. lf> lh<' ~·mrng c·ampu:, m the wake of Propos 1t1on 1:t. l'in;t , t ru st<'<·s agreed to solatil hub tor thc· Jc;1!.1ng 11f 20 a •·rc·~ •Jf pru ne, <'Olll'gl' <1w m •d la11tl 1111 Mar g uc:nle Park wa y <JdJarcnt to a new s ho pping 1·11mph:x. -~~.:i • • wnulll b1· a dcYclup(!!'JJl_U:r<!SLecL.irL hu1lding com mer l'ial s t n 11'l11n·s <m t he land. S<.·l·<>nd . ho<-Jrcl nH:m twr!) :Jl>kcrj for pr o po:-.;d s I r11rn c·11 m p:.in w l> lo hu1lt.J a -.tu(h ·nt u111on bu ilding o n lhc ~1s l>ton V1t•10 c_•ampu~. T he st ruc·t urc. w hic:h wo uld inc ludl· a l1oo ks tore. eafrtt'ria and s t udent <.1<·t1 vit1t:!) !-.pal'l·. would lic · lc<i....c·<I hac·k to lht· eOlll'gt· l':ventu~dly, ho lh s trut·llH'<'!'), l he unron and anytlung lw llt on llw Maq.!111·ntt· l:1 nd would l>t·c·111lll' t lw p rop erly of I ht· <0o l lt:g 4' d ll>lnl't Sc_·h111>I c1l f1 t'1al~ :.;1111 tlw I wc1 prop11~als \\t•rc.· :.011ghl ~,.., a ""V lo r:t1l>C' mont•\ for lht c·ollt·J.!l'·s hullding progr;11n . wh1eh ... urt l'n ·d '-' ..., •. ti,~1C·k v.twn J'ropo-.1 t 11)n J:i f'hmanall'tl l<w:il prnp<·rty t,1x ... u pporl l•>r (';_a p1l:tl 1mprovt·rnPnh Wt11 h· lht• 1101 Hin of go\'crnm <·nt <ig1•n('u·:-. e ng a ging 1n llw t·st:it e hus 11ll':-.:-. is n 't a 1w rt1<·ularly p a lal,1hlc on'-'. f'ropos 1t1<m I ~~ ha s pu!-.IH.:<I st hoo ls a n d loc a l ~ovcrnmcnt:-. 1111 0 :111 11nt t·11ahlt· pos ition S~Hlcllcli;H'k C<1llt·g<· 1:-. parl 1C·ul;1rl_y hard h it h<:tau:.e 1l 1s in a gn,wtli ;1n·a. 111 f;_u·t . 1b :1re:.i ll> <Jrtt• of the f a slc:-.t g rowing 1n ttw c·1111nl r·v <:roW1h 111t·:111-. 1111,rc· c·nrc1llnw11t t\11 11wrt·a:.c.· 111 l>lll <l•·nts nu·an~ trlon· r11c1m •~ m·c·l·~~ary. Million~ of cloll:.i r~ :ire· rc·q1111·c_·d t.1) 1>11tld mon· spate~. .W~lh lornl t ;1.x fund s l1wk111g ~rnd thC' sla te :.i ppa rcmtly 11n w ll h11g 111 ~upporl hulld111~ program s at the tommun1 I y l'Oll••gt· l1 ·vl'I. Sadd h.:b;w k ':-. uniq u1: IH'OJIO!><J I ('OU Id ht·c·om1· a pallt·rn for othc·r l<w al agencie~. • Op1n1om. l!l(pro:.,:,c_:d in lhr> '>PdCt: .111ove are those ol the Oa1ty Pilot Oiiier v111w:. 1:xµrcs~ull on tlw, p.1ge are lhose of their autho rs and Hfl1:.1s Rcacwr comment 1':> 1nv1t cd Address The Oruly Pilot, P 0 UO>' 1560 C,u-.111 M•:'>oJ CA 9:>b:>6 Phone (7 14) 642·43~1 Boyd/Re11ted Wives Uy I,. M. ROVO f\ client asks if Amcricun lnd1:in men ii} a ny lrrbe ever loaned out t~ir wives a s the Es kimos reportedly o nco did Don't know a bout lnuned. lt'i. an ~i s tori c al f ut l that Cherokee lnd,110 br;i'ves one:(' O•·ur Gloonay Gu~ ----Why don 't ma rk e ts have two e xpress la nes . one ror the onct1 who d e · cidc they have to write a check after alt 1nd another for those of u11 who ca n re ad the sign a n d rigurc'"lt rcall~ means express lane? IRKED t'lll>lont11rr ly rc•ntc1I wives for the scason Vor lht: winkr . mostly Vor lh<.! summer , too, hul al chsl·ounts \h1•n. Our Love and Wa r man 1s in v(•stigalin~ recent research that s ee ms to 1irove that only one bride in 19 ~oes hom l' l•> m other as the result of a hi.1ht w1UithcJ(room . <l .. tr all m y b\•Hrd growth w e r e c o n fine•<! t o o n(' whisker, how Ion~ would 1t ge t In 21 hours"" A. Fifty fee t . Ut'l't>nhn~ lo u rawrhhuk m u kc.·r ·s r(• ·c arch. but that's h1trfl to tre ltevt'-. - You no d<1uht know a few women who c·an 'l rook Nol Just don't like to. But 1·un't What's most 11pt to c·1rnst• tho. hund1ca11. I'm told , is lhc1r In nb11it y to tn!\le the dirfc rc•ncc In subtle n avori>. Only about seven out of rvt'ry 10 wom'nn ure said to inhf•ril the doml na nl gene 1hat tclvus them :a fine-sensitivity to lMBlcs. To. the other!\, most flavor~ j ui.l don'trect~ Nirholai.. Von Hoffman m-SALT Meet League Fate?· ·1 h1• JU1l1r1 pl ay1•cl the Ul uc U.111 ub1• Wal Lt.. tht' v1tlco dis pl;I\ t·d H11l>11lynn ru bb ·r ·nf:cking 11l>l11un IMroqul' while the an 11 11 u rYt' t· r " v 11 I 1· c• d o v ,. r a ll llll.t ll lll'i lS a n ti pro ~n OS ls llf I .1•11111d Hi e•1.h1w v·.., urtcr ics 'l'ht•11 111 J lrlC'l' tht• 1-li¢010~ WIJ~ .,, 1•r Jnd Mr '<1rkr wa:. honw 111 fr1111t of t 1111.:1 t!l>\, Im, .. h1 1 l t•td l.11 11111 la1 g~ f111 hi -fl ...... lhoug h ht· d ''" ll llk 111 tlll' Vv ,\ ' h " I 11 I 1'1111\' ,, :111 1111 '" !-.11 "':111l lll g Ill 1'11111 111.1nt1111g ,,,,. :-.e'll l'l' \\<ll> Ill' al tlw 1 o-.lrum ol lhl· ll<111l>1' 111 H•·111 '''l'nt;ll1 \ , . ..., I h .ti Ill' l1111kl'fl I 1 k ,. "J11111 •11111· Y. ho 'tl IK•t•ll l.11111111•, 1•111~ :11:11. ·' 11.11111· 1111t 1111111· 110,1111.alih• 1111 tt.1• t 111 11f lht' l1111i.:u1', ,, 1111pula1 ... 111~:1 ·1 wh""' li.1ll.1d ..., M11111 ;_ind 1'1111 11ni·•· lll'ld h:111d:-. 111 · Hwlv /." Mai Ii.o x V a llee . P ~rry Com o , V ic Damone The i mpo rtan ce h e a t . tached to this SALT II s peech was apparent from the evidence of his havinJt r ead 1t through in <1dvance, somcthjn~ he s.eldom does. Al least then.· wt:rc fe we r than usua l m1splacctl 1•mphasc~ . al thoug h the effort lo •· x phun th•· dun~crs of our :·nook1ar <ii.:c" ...,ce m cd lost on ~ .. n:Jt1>r Sl'OOJI' .I uc·kson a nrl the: c1llwr m1·mbn'i <1f oot:k;titFl-t~l> whu--1t~ft-t' wtUt l h l' o Id I I II (' 11 u m II" r ,. v Uernot·rat th;.at the l rt•aty ll>t a1> tll'<tl>l'mt·nt uf u Hui.~111n ~war who wi ll nor lw h:i1111v with a few trout ~incl a hantJful of lwrnc:-. Tiii-: Rt;ASON t111:-. lrt•:Jly 1\ tn "J m m •h lru11 hlc• ll> that lhoM· wh(1 J !'I' :1i.:a1n:-.I 1l k now why U11·y·n · ;1g ains1 1t whrlc· thw.1· wh(> iJfl· lor 1l don't k1111w wh y tlwy a1 1· tor 1t Ttll' ;11111:-0.111· .dn·,uly T V -.1:1\11111 1\1111111111• l an \'lrll~ with thl·tn on 1·:1nwr.1 ""fll.1\\ 11f 111ri tlt·I 1,1, ar '''' •., ,h11 w 1 11 ~ Ame rfcaTTI!cl\tc·weenle r()('kct.. .... up against th~ Soviet's Monster Mothers . Spcuk1ng in favo r of lhc tre at y a r(• m e n l1 k1· Sl'crctary of Stutc: C.:yrus Vance.· who Wt'ar their J>t'rsonall\\Ps like old grny lw~ t.'Oltl~ with rttglun :o.IN•VCh Tllf; Ot:BAT•: \I/Ill s tart trt l'lH nel>l afte r tht· July 4\h con gn ·i.sw na l reet·ss wit h hearln~l> before th•· Scnak fo'ure1~n ft4ll<J 1on s-<.~mm1tt 4'4..1, whos e 1·h;11rman. tht• puffy. prissily l>'l'l'ISt' f''rank Cl1urc·h of l1lah11, •s a II pro-trc•:ity. ·rh:Jt makes h im <l1ffncnl from He nry <.:ahol l.oclgl' Sr of M<t~l>achust•lts, who t•ha1rl·d thl· samt· 1•11mm11te1' tl urin~ lht• 19l!J l.1·:.ii.:ut· of Na t11111 s tr1•<ily f1 ~hl lo wh11·h lh•· SA LT clt•hate· has lw 1·n t'llrfl purt·tl. partly twr au:-01· W1>1><Jrow Wils•m. ltk1· Jimm y C:1rltor, 1n -.1i.t•·d 1111l .1 Jiil 11111 a t 11ll1· <1f lhc· tlot· u m1·nl ·, lan~ua I!•· rn 1 ghl 1,,. 1·hanl!L''1 V11t1· 11 1111 111 \ult· 11 1l11w11 lladwih;on uc1·c·plcd <.>ha ngcs. t' ha n l.(l'!'I w h H' h th c o th e r s1.inutorws would ha vc agreed lo , the• treaty would huve been ratified But Wilson was irra· 1 1 o n a 11 y u n h 1· 11 11 l n g w h i I c ('art1•r'l> re•aMirls fo r r esisting any <'h<ingt• l.l.J'C• nol owing to a "r I ch · r u I s l u h "I) r" II e· )\ s bu l tw1·:nJ:-.c• an v 11•w11rk 111i.: will u11 ... 1 i<·k lht• clt•al W I. 'im WAS ~lu.JLJJ.o.w D --:-t• h1'1·aus•' ht• m•,::ot 1a t I'll thl' treaty 111·1·s1111a ll y a111I alflllt'. wilhout II 1·11ublu·:.ir1 1·1111sull u lion. i!Od rl HI "' in ...,u<·h 't·1·ri·I thal the· tcrmi. w1·rt·11 '1 k1111w11 u111 ti lhe Ch1caw> Tr1hu nt· o.;l n l1· ltw \Px t a nr1 publ1shetl 11 'l'h" prc·:.11l1·nt h:tl> :1l'l('(I t·ntmol,\ 11irf1·rc·nlly Tht· clon1m1·n1 1-.11·1 a surpnl>t' hurl>t 111 g 11111 of 1111' l'lrn.l'I llS m aj11r 111·11v1:-111ns ha v•• 111•1·11 kn11wn fur 11HH1l h:-. N111 tl> 1twn~yth1n~ •·'>111·r·11tll'r liq• II l frmuc:ratH· :ih11111 11 Sl\l.T II .... a ... lw~un h .' 11111• H1•p11hlw:111 fl' ''"d•·nt. l':11 · 11t'd t11r\\ .1r1I Ii\ :1n11th1·r" an<l • ..., •·n11t1r-;l'ff h\ th•· 11111•rn:11111nal '1:111k ing and •.llll'k 111lllm1g cl•· 1111·1\ll> 111 llk (;()I' II W1b1111 h.J<I ti.HI (':1rl1•r !'\ l:ll'I ,11111 llHH ll·'f\ lh1 · I .l':t~'llt' Wllllld 11,1\1• IH·1·11 1':1l1lwd 11111 ii eartt·r l1,1tl ~'""'" •, o•;o,.1·111111: •11'<1ll>f'\ 111' 1·11111m .1n1I 11f llw rh•·tnnt• nf ""fl"·'''"" t.1· :il11hl \ I•• mak1 • 1 lw -.1.11 ,.., . .,, 11l••.t11 -.111 1·11n1·r••I•· 111 nw11 ", 1111 aJ-!111a111111•. ~Al.T 11 \.\flllld lw 11 rc·-.,...11hl1· l 'nh<t p111 I ~ 11111 d1•.t1 v. 1111kl1 ·d th111 m·ek1·1I 1 .11h1•1 111.111 11·11 11•·1•k1·1I .lln1111\ l.11 k.... 11•11 •,t.11111 •· ""' llll' :1" 1w•1r .tr11·1· 11f .1.111111• 'f'fl t·.!-.Tll1\'f l".C• \' 111 1111· 11 1 "1 \.\ 1•11· 1 :lll•·tl v. o1 d•·l:1 \ W1ho11 11·1111 rwd 1111111 l'.111111w 1•1 a 11r11 l.1'.IJ'llf• 1•l1·1 1111.111 Y.111• h 11!.1 11111.1 , · 11111 '•\I I .. 1 .. 1 1111 .11 •· \\ .1 Ill l.1 \ttl 111 lf10 0•111•1.11 1d• ,1 11111 Ill//\"" Ill• 1•.111 11111.11 '. Th" 111•·111111 ii.do"' l11 ·lw\l·tl lh:ct 11 ,, ... , h.1ol 111111· 1 .. I t'.ll It l h•· 1·111111 If\ ()11'\ I 1111lif I lto1111•1• pUfif1t· ,., .. 11111·111 ·1111 .1 111•' lot f11ol.1\ '• 111 1·1 11111 tl.d1h . ,•1 I h:1I ii Ill" ol ti 11 11 1\ I I I .ti 111 II I •• II I I" I I .111111 ,1fl10fl q111d,I ti \\lfll I J I I I • ti ti I• "" "" ''I '" I Wayne Deserves · More Suitable Tribute ...:fit 11!.!.' .. ;.LJ.Ll!.il Alll1111ir•lt .f11hn Wavrw 111ud1· ;1 \al11ahk 1·11nlnli11\11111 to Ille · A rn 1•r11·~w rn1/\1•· 11111t1~1 rv. w1 • f1·1·I Utt· 1 1·11:11111111~ of < ir:cngc• < 11unt v /\1q1111 I .,.. a :-. a 1·111npll'l1· I,\ 111ap111·111111a1t· ~w...,tun· 111 :1 h1i.:hlv 1·nrnlwnal t1111c wll h .d mol>I no puhl lt' tlPl1<1f1· l h1· <i r:1111··· f'1t11 11l.v ll11ard 111 ~llllt'l'\'l ... 111'', 111:id1· :1 d t'l'll>lllfl 1111-. 1•1111111v will haH• t11 l1 v1· \\llh (111 111.111\ \1'.1t l> 111 1·1111w At•·"'' 111 l'l'llLllllt' pul11i1 f.11·1111 11• .... 1•;11'11 111111• a 1111pul;11· p1 ·r:o.1111 ti t•"•• S1111\1:1r )'l''>llll't", "''''' 111 a1lo- lh111ugh11111 1111· 1·1111n1 v .1f11·1 llw d1•a lh of .l•1h 11 K1•11n•·tl~ In th•· v1•ar:-111:11 11:1\i' f11llt1w1·cl , rn :111 \ 1·11111m11n1 111·, li:i v1· 111111 •· 111 1 n 11 •·I tlw ha-.t111"l>' 11f 1111•11 ii•· 1'1'1•111" ,llltl h;o VI' ll'Vl'l '>I'd f lt1•11 ,H I U1U', W1· .1:,k tli.11 1h1:. 1:1· ... ture hv th1 · <11 ,111 1•1· /'1111111 ' B11.1r d 11f !'>1q w1 \1:-111 ..., lw 11·1·1111 .,1d1·r1•d and :i mort· .. 111t:ilil1· 111hul1· to .l11l111 'rll11.v111· lw l111111d !-.I Sf\:-.0 I·: <:ltf\fo'I· A I.I(' 1-: llAllN t< A IU:N MI t.Lfo:H c f(J S'l'INA snu:1<:n ;H !-.IJSf\ N STROM ,.1 ............... , .. ,, To ltw Etl1l111 Su H II W ii \IHI. i M :11 lt111x. .Ju11t· 1!11 . · <hu ving1 d oht'I V •lhM•rv1·1I I h1• flor a :inti fauna from th•• t11·1·k of m y 110111 fc•c ls l)(llh q u:d1f1 ed anti c·om lll'llt•tf lo SJH.•:t k llUI 1111 lht• (1111.(hl 11f I tw goat:-. un Sun C h:mc·nll· lslun•I Wc·ll. 11 w11ulcl l>1•c·m 111 me lhut sm·h :t l>lal1•n11·nl rs a 1·011lr'1dlf' t wn in ll·rm' ;i nti rt·11n·l>t•nl..., em ly a l.(UI lt-w·I a v1·'°'111n to llw Navy's pro p•>M'<I pla11 for clc·:cl 1ng w1lh rh1• )\1tu:it111n F:11 r 1•1111111.(h, hut lht• s1l11Hl..11,n wrth tlw clN•r wh11·h inhuh1\ a .:r<11111 11( b lar11ls in S un l'a hlu Uay m1ghl 11ul1calc lhut to k avt! the J!OU ts of Sun <'l<•m1•nl1• ll>hind to the ir own tk Vll'el> 1:-0 not tht' WHY to go I am not suggcstin~ that the Na vy's pfon be: c·urried out c '11ns 11fortnJ! thul the Navy ust:s -Sun .(;le mont., l""<tAti (QI'..,._ Hhe»- i ng range• I find It difficult to hC'l1cve that lh<•y urc truly con ccrnc_·d ahout the ditmage a nock of JtoaL ... mii;:ht he doing to thf' is land's c~rotoi:y Whal I am SUI( ,:c>s tmg 1i. that d ecisions con ('~·rninit lht• ~ours' rate !iihould be· in ru1<• hy t hone whose trainlni;i und e xpcric·ncc qualify them. I Hm u lso SuHgesting that unyone ~ho vou•ct1 u vie w on the s ubJccl should d o s o from :wn-1cthlng rtwrc 1 r rcdiblt> th11n the ross. ~oloroo 11cr. pecllvc that I ' . \ \ .. .. _ U:JJ.J.:..-lu. I w..~ ·1~ ffl"-ll il~q-':'~1-.1It-<!1 lhtlll;\ <Ill' \'ll'V.t'll frlllll fh1• 1111 II\ ll1·1·k ... 11f 11111 ... 11v..11 1111:11 I Ill 11111 '.1111 ' 1,1,f111'h .... \I.Ill '.. .11 .11 1111'11:111 q11,11l1·11),,1k 01 ,, tl1 •1·k..t1.111 11.t1111 :11 ... 1 f(( JISl·:ll'I 'I l~AA< '- llogu·•ule: '1'11 lh1· t·:ll1t111 'l'lfl'rt• 1'111111'' ,1 I 11111· \\ 111·11 11111' 111 I h1· l>1h-nt 111.111 11'11 \ ti•·• 11!1•' 111.11 h•· h..i ' h,1d 1·1111111•11 :\I ' 11111• .1rrl\1°d lod:i \, \\l11l1 • 110,1111111: ,1 l1·tll·r 111 th•· 1>:111\ l'd111 v. 11111 ·11 Ir v l'X l.agull:i ll•'.ll'lt < ·11 \ <'111111 1·t111i.111 .11111 :... 11r.111tl 1 M.1111~" .111111· :!I • II•· ,,,•,11 10,111·11 .11111 l1l;1rn1·d ~1:1 11d.11 ti '111 ('1111111.111' ••f (';tlit11n11 :1 .11111 111111·1 1111 1·1ir11 J1:111 11·o; for llw 1·111·rin 11r11hl1 ·111•. .,..,. ha-.•· lfld.n 'l o hh \1,11r111111I 11n ... uh l>t :i n11 :1l •·d .11111 II•· rnon:-t r.1 flh ta l•,1· ;11 1·11 ,,11 H1th .11111 tlt'rt1:11~11g11· 111111u-11<l11:-. I , .. , ht IJ.! W ;i~,lt ' I d111l I l-1111\o\ I"._, hfl'h polllw.tl •11f11·1· "'""''"''I 1<1 :11111 I" 1'111 11•nt h .1:-.111n111· 11111 I y.1111ld 11k1· fl) l'fll'IHll :II!•' h1111 lo I 1'111111 fu ll I 11111· lo h1~ .11'atle•111 11· pr11f1·~'11111 111 g1•11graph.' A:-. I he· '"" "'I:-on 11111 t'l\'il 11.al11111, ;,, 1111' lq.:ht:-. i.:11 1111 1. h1· rn :n · 1,.. .11111 • 111 1.1 I 11in ;d11:1· h1:-. 1·11111nliul1tlnl> tn ll!'I d1·111 1s1• Pr••·•olor Tor lte • Et11111r I 1·1m '1 untl1·r .. 1:111d wh v Tom ll ayct.-n an<! Im. orl!a1111.11t'1on 1111 pos L' lht• dc1·ontrol of <11 I 111·11·c:s They C'la1m 111 Ill' r•rn sol ar 1•nt>r~y. hut the longc·r we• hav1• 11 •·c·rling on otl Prtl'•·:-.. the· longf•r It 'II bebefun•1t riays logOl>Olar I'm pro solar and wu:-.ckhghtc1l wlwn natural gal>. llwn 1111 pr11·1·:-. Wt' rt' <11 ·1•11111 r11ll1·tl No 111~1· 1•11111v:-. h1 gh('r pl'll't'l> for 1111v1l1111i.: llnhk1• 1'111111 , we• 1l11n ·1 hav1· " rww 1·rop ol 111 I t•v<•rv y(•ar II h1·1•umt·' more· d 1ff11·u1t' a iul 1·)( 1w·n" v•· lo c·x I r;ll'I lh(•rt.· 1s a 1k c•hning .. u1111ly uncl a rll>tni.t dc:ma ntl. '" pr11·1•:-. m11i.t rll>I' To !!"solar 11r 11111 111 go sol1tr ,..., un c1·otlom11· .t'1·1·1l>lllll llav111g t'hi'ap oil a va1lahl<· mt'rl'ly llro lnnl!!l lh1· I r.10:-11 1011 111 -;11lur 11 t1l irn111m Man9lt-d To the 1<.:c11to1 flow urc• llw l'oi.1 C)ff11•c· 1·:111 1•1•1t inJ( mnc·h111t1b w~rkinr." /\ 11 t h o r ~-w h 11 ~ t• n ti o 11 I rna1111:-.1·1111ts l1v llrl>I r lass lei.:111 I'll vt•IOIH' or f1111 l'lltgt.• l>IU'' llrl' J.(l'OWH\•t Wl'ttry of heunng from ••<lit or~ "ho wtw ri q ur r1111I , 'NY the" 111'\C'I lt'l'C'l\1'111 111•111 111 1111• 111:.t-it-rl..,.t>l q ,f.., l1r11<.,.. ,ol-t r-71d-+il•r ri-,_.,.,,rrrrn .. nr!r•ri lnr-nm tlPmJ'llrrp7'Tl- 11·1111111·ol II\ I lt1• 11111111111 :11111 ol ,, 11.1t 11111.tl 11111 1111• \Ull r I .1111 11111 111•1 ,11'1'1111111 1111' 111111 'f'lll' l'liUll< II 11J,11l \ lt1111• 11• \1•1 1•1• ll.1 \o\11rl. l1111d 11-. ,..111111111 111 .1l>KlllJ.! 1111 .1i'.1111 t.11·1 .111d l l~'.111 1' ... 'llflpllll I h,1 \ ,. 1•111 ,, l••i'.d 1•n\ 1·11111• I h1· 1 .11•• l11k1· 11 ·q1w .r I n ·;ul lllf' lh . .r 1·011ta1n1·d ,1 1 h•·• k II "'·' 1•·111.rl .inti 11 "'·'" 11111 li.111 1•\ 11•t11r111•cl '" •11•· l!ltlll lh .. s .1111,1 ' •. ,., 11 l;11l1·ol Ill' \fll .1111 v.h\ llw ·\11 :1 t111 ..... 1nl1111• ('1·1111·1 rw l.wl. 1111·11·.1,..1• w: ... ""''d1•d .111d wtwr•· 111 prnrwr 1111:.1.11•• """ 111 ;1n i.:l•·d 1111• 11111111'\ .... u11lollw •.1w111 ,., ••n•· 1·11tl 11 " ''"' 11.111 11i:11 c '1in1111111111\ 'l'h1· 1·h1·1 k ........ ""'"Ill.! ' :1hl1·\•1-.11111 .... : .... 11·tl ~1;11 ,1100 1111 ;, C111r rn.1011 -.t 11pt-. .irc· 11111·11 ·llp1·1 l11 1:d r1•11111 I 1 all\l'r lh:111 \\Ill 1h n1•111•l/i.111 ,, 1111·1·1. (',111 I .11111• up \\1111 a It•\.\ •,11l1d ltJ!llrt'' .111 fh<11 ' Ill' 'l1Jf1·tl lht• 111a11 II .., loo h:11I 111•1"'"''' 1•\1•11tu:1ll\ ;•l1n ::' , lh1· .uh ... e11lw1 " "111 """' 111 I'·" lo, I IV. ,\ II I> I 1 I\ I. I.I '\I ; I• II 1 I ('od lfl t 'f•a•I I•• lht· J<;t11111r In :-.uppo rl 11f Mr .J11hn I, W11nl s lt•t11·r 1.lun•· 17 J 1•11111•1•r11 1111: lhe· e·o:-1 of ,affr1111. I 11ffi ·1 lhtl> l url ht·r 111 f11r111a1111n Saffron '" a :-0111.d l (l.,...,,.,.ln).! pl ;111I . Cn11·u:-. Su lurt~ In lfll' • 1•1111•r o f 1·,11'11 l 1n\ purpl1• hl11:-.,11m lhc•n· ••rt· lhrt·e· urangc 'c•llow -.t 1i.:m :o". 11r flla m1•nll> "'b11·h ;1r1· h:1111r flll'k 1·d and kiln ti rwcl I l 1 ak\'l> tw1 .... t•c n 11.000 and ~).()00 of lhl'M' :-.Iii.: ma:-. t11 proch11·,. ,,,,,. 1111111·1· of .. a rrron Thi:-. ,,,. l'IHHll S for 1111' t11i.:h pr11·1· I l'l't't•nll} '11111 ·rv1:-.t•il 1111· prc·p arat1on 11f a11 1nli·rr1al111nal liu11 11111•1 for 1.21111 111·11111•· The· •·nl ri·1· 1·011:-1sh'tl ol 111•1•1 and 1'1111·k1•11 \' a k 1torr . C'h1rn•1>1· jll'a !Jmb with .,,.alt·r l'h1•s ln11 l:-. a nrl ,<1ffr1111 n 1·1• I 1n1·lt11frll 111 th•• r 11·1• fl aV<1nng lwo I 11 11111·1· ltns of Spanis h saffron, whu·h c·osts $~5 a tin, or $K8H a pounll. wholesale• II may lnlc•rt•sl your rc•:ccfcor:-. tu lc.·:1m that I wo ouru·•·l> of l>:tf fron was suffH'wnt 111 M'asnn lht· 1'1t:t' for th1l> m1•:il , hut 11 r1• <pll rl•cl 20 i.1alloni. of Saki. :imon1.: 11tht·r ini.:n ·ll1t·nt:-., 111 m11 nn111t· 'lh•· lwC'f uncl t'hll'kt·n for tht· Y 11k 1t11n hnll'lll'lt•·s .IAM f':S W <'OBl.E M us"•r < 'h1·f Caltlf-Ctul • '1'11 I ht· f:1lrtor 'l'h1· l n1n1· <'11\ ('011111'11 11· 1·t·ntl> 111rrwd clowi1 :i rc·1111t•i.I l11r ,, ti7 11(·r1·n11 r ult' 1n1·ri'UM' 11 I 'u11111111nil \ < 't1hl1•v1:.1on Wuynl' JC fl nusl'r, prt'i.uknl of I he· l':thlc• 1·11n1pany. '11111 1n 11 P i Int a rt 11'11• I h ~1I lht: ('ti hit• 111wrat1on pnul SfM>.OOO to f':1 n~I anil t:rnl>t, a natinnal :wc_·ountm~ firm . lo pr1•par1 · the• rt•t10rt JU~ll l'y1n.: 11 rntc hikf' Mr llOUl(t•r :ils11 ...,uld th~t h('(0 1t11st• Uw in 1·ri•:ist· wui. dr nicd ('om m11r111 v Cublc•v1s1on would now reduct' th'c q u u l1ty. or c.·u b le tclev11011 n 'll'r \'ICe •,Tile l'll.) Co1111 1·1I ~houlct 111',.. Sll1\Ht I!\ /\I 'Cl ST .10 ."\I•;!-. I ppallf•fl I 11 1111• f'.1111111 I "'·•~ .111p.illc·cl Ii~ l11c: tr11nt p.1g1· ,111n ,11111 p11·111r1· 111 ,\11111 .I 11111· :!II 1:0.:-1w wl111 •h n ·v1•alt·1I "111wn 1s1.1· Th1111111•, l11 l1·v p11l>lw I\ 111'.llSlll J.: l'tlll \ 11'1 t•tf l'l'OOk1•d p11l1t11·1.111 Hallth I 111·tf111'11 'l'hll> 1·•·11 .111il\ 1.11:-.1·, q111· .. l1•111:-al1t1111 """''"''""" Hil•'.\ :-. 1111d1·1·st:i11rl 111i.: 111 1111' tr 11s1 lli;11 1h1· vur'er' pl.11·1· 1n 1111' lll'llflle · 1lt1•\ 1'11•1·1 111 11tf11·1· Tlw llll'\ 1111111!1 that Halph ll11·clnd1 k1111w1 11glv v1ol:iled lhat 1111!'1 1. ;11111 "'' o.,111111111 l'l'l'llllllly ha' 1• 111•,.11 a ll11 we•tl 111 1·1·s1gn w11.l11111I 1·11n11111·rll h~1 111 ~ f1t:t•rs, 1 11 r "111 • · Ill I• 1 1 h t· 1 i.: no nun v h111111-:ht .11>0111 II\ his aC'l10ns . if ~llllt'l'\l:-111' 1(111•.\ wa11 lo·tl to wish \t 1 l>ll'tlnd1 Y.1·11 lh:cl e·ould and .. 1111u ld h;i\ 1• 111·1•11 tl o ru· 111 p I I\ ,1I 1 • TllAl'K tlCIOUl'lfo:SS lht• TI N ( 'IJ I' 111'tl111;1111't' IS llllY. Ill e•ff1•1·l 1111 < >ra11g1· < '1111111 ~ M1111~rv1so1·s. \\ hll'h '"" h111lt't11llv makt· lh1· .. 1111a l11111 ""'"'' l1·cl 111 Mr D1t·tlrrd1·, 1•1111\ 11·11110 11·...,l> likl'ly ll•1\.\•'\1•r . ""'''' S11p1•r v1sor lt1l1•v 1•11p11."·d T l1 ('I l', l't'ft11>10J.: In :cd <t1f1\\.l1•1lg1• 1111• p1'11hh•m CV l' I' V 11111' t •l!'\1' t'lll 1 ftl :-1'1' 1111 ht• Ul'CU ttf p()l 1t 11·a l n111tr1l1ut 1ons 01111 s ubse 1p11•11I l'tlllfli<'I of IOl t·n·st . W(' ag:11 11 'it't' a :-;l ani·1• un his purl I h.1 1 1>houhl lw 111la1·1·1•11tahlc to I he· 'ot•·r' ot 01 a11gt• ('ount y Sup1•1 \'"or Hile·~ :-.i·N11s to tw 1lt•111 1111sl rat 1111-: n1111·1• :11111 mon• 1ha1 111:-slantl;1reb for c·ond ucl of 11 11 11111· off i ,. 1 u 1 s 11 ,. 1· , ,. u 1, pl'llprialt• 011 thnl trn:-is 1t would he• ·•J11>ro111·111h· for 1111' volerl> of 0 1 :ini.:e· ('1111111 .' 111 m ake• th1~ ll'l'nl 111 11((11•1• h1:-. lal>I ('lllJ('K STJ.:C Mlo:IU Common {'u11M•C11 coo rchnul11r IOI h ( '011gfl':O.l>I0111JI Dist • , ... 0111y "llet .,.,.-., ,.,.. .... ,.e •flt c-· ,., ,,_ ,_., vne" ,....,., " .....__ I• 1•1 ........... '"" ...... '*· C.oie ...... CA ,,.,. L-n ( .. •llff'M .., , ..... u,_ ....... llllJt _____ ..__M•MfMt .. ..... ,.. .. .,. _, .... ...,_ -- ,,..1_... .... n•o .. •lttolMM I• ,~._ , ........ ._ .. • N.ATION I LOCAL .... ~.June 28. t919 use DAILY PILOT .4J•· .• Spilt Sisters Reuliite Three Find Each Otlwr; Three More Sought They are believed lo be living in Northwest Ohio. : CLEVELAND I AP> -Three sisters ol Che Young family have realized .halJ oLa. Uf&lona dream -lo meet each other . Finding their three other siater s can mltke the dream complete. --'fheir mother· diaa1)1>eared In 1118, the s..""'r------ f a mlly told the women. • ~ "' "When we were separated. we all tost half oC outseiv~_." Mrs. WhiletML~...filli<t, "There 's still The s iste r s, Sa.ndy Young. 20, KiUy Whitehouse. 22, and Roberta Aquino, 25, saw one another tJus week for the first time in 20 years. They had been separated and adopted by different ramllles when the Portage County WeUare Depart· ment look them away from their mother. MU. WJOTEHOVSE OF Cleveland made a aerioua effort to find out more about herself last Au1u1t when she and her husband, John. we nt lo a Kent newspaper to look for her birth a nnounc<"· menl. ~-Fi95 to-Ute J-lorttt~ County--wettare Department and the courthouse had been fruitless. "John round u birth announcement in an old papl'r which said a girl was born lo a Charles Your.~ in North Benton on April 2. 195"." Mrs. Wh1tchow.e said "SINCE IT WAS THE only girl bor n 1n Portage County al Robinson Memorial Ho::.p1lal on that dale, we assumed it was me." Whitehouse went back to the l'Ourthouse to ob· tain a copy of a 1956 mar riage Ucense for Charles Robert Young and h1.., lmdl' to~bc, a Miss Sloop Mr~ Wh1tchou:-.« del•lfff•1l to <·ontaC't a Philip Sloop. who wa:-. 11:-.tt·d in tht' Ra venna phone book. the miSslng link, which will never be filled unUI we hnd our other sisters and what hltppened to oull! mother and father.'.' • For the present. however. M rs. Whitehousq said the re<:ent reunion gave her "relier and peactt of mind." GRAND OPENING! . '-MISS PICKLE ARTS" ..A.-lloiq~ --- SUNOA¥. JULY I . 12 tu 8 p.m. 22402 0 .. 1 Prado. Dana Point .FOa THI PIOHSSIONA&. TOUCH: DECO INTERIORS IMTEIJOl PUMMIMG AMO CbMSUL TIMG c-..... Mtect'-ef ·~· • .,.. .. ,, c.,..t, ttoon..,. ...... t'rf. fw11ffw• .......... .ct accHMriH. V10,1t Ow Design S 1utJ10 Tlwn.· :-~rnng 111 ht · a 1110111.poh tourna- rnt:nt 1n Su11 .J u;rn ( ;11u..,1 • •"" .1 111) 11 .111d lht'Sl' hoy~ ">hould I•· , 1·arl\ Tht•\ \\-t'l'l' pl&J )lnJ.! ·tht 1>111 111:.,r g a111\' al ln~· Boy:-. 'lub 111 ;-,.,.n Clemcr.tc. From lc•ft to rig ht ;m · h •lt• Erro. 8; Orlando Delfin. l': Don lm gg:-. !J, and Tim Estrick. 10. "I WAS SllAKIN<:so when I ma;je that rail," ..,hl' s rud "I rell a:-. If I wcm· iust on tht' 1·dgl' or f1nd1ng m)M:lf. of ht·<·oming a wholt• pt!rson .. The man wa:-. hn unl'lt'. who µut he r in luur h "1th cin old friend 1)r h1:-. mother·:-. The wom<.1n l<1ld ~Ir:-. Wh1tt·hou..,1· lhal 1in1· )>l)>tl'r, Sandy Youn~, h V(·d in Kt•nt 21192 MCll'CjUerih Plcwy., Miuion Vi.io IS• D .. fwy. to A•ery. '9awy . .hnt 5-"' of Toyota.._.I 4'S·Ol0l 1)~0400· FOR BOYS & GIRLS AGES 6-18 Eagle 'Undomesticated' Thi· tw11 -..:-.t•·r ... ·rrw1 for 1h1• fir'i t t1m1· 1n 20 'l'ilr:-. the llt'ld <la) ""11EN sin: ort.:N •:o Tiit. door 1t v. a~ like Game Official Teaches Bird flou to ~'Survive Wl' had known f•ach othn for 11 long time Mr:-. Wh1tchou.w -;ai<l Miss YounJ! told her h ow sht could ~l'l in ll1ur h with the third s1:-.tcr , Mr~. Acqumo. who w ;1.., li v1ng in t:;clifor111a Mr... I\ 1·11u1n11 fh·w 111 Clt·H·I an11 1111 Sign Up June 30 & July 4 9 a.m.-2 p.m. C LAY. Pa i/\P l l11 ~h ;,l)Ovt• uw. /\rntsh l;rnd or hrown 1·~~:-. and h<im s oar:-. :1 halil 1•1.1g h•. IL'i fr1•1·dom s1•rv('fl up hy -----+~rrhe ~JR>U!f , , 1 110 :t I\ day passt•d /\nothn < >11 I h1· third tfay < 'harlif''~ c<tgl1· ,.,, workers in Harr1sbur~ 1•all lh1· h1rd "('hurht"~ Angel" :011• "11 rou ;.iy ;1 h ·r 1 ral'I h1~ att<•ntJnn /\nil, by darn. II ... orkN1 . Monday AT CROWN VALLEY COMMUHITY ft AR IC t·apt1ve bird and taught 1l to rear hum<ins and kill its prt•v lhut ;1 alt' two more Bui 11 wouhl nol l111wh 11ll' '"'""'" /\ Wt•f'k fl<l!'>'>l'tl I 1ir111•1 two our:-. att'r. en · "1•n• ~1x. not t•1g ht catrish. And lllt'V w1·n · s pli:-.h splashing Cran 111·alh ah111it a g iant orangt· I :d1111. whwh had bl•comc 1m 11.d1•1f 111 llw IJla:-.t..-hnt:r The thn·1· )>l~lc:r:-. were reunited th1:-. w1•1·k Fff \70 l'fl l'AllTICll'AMT ,H SISSION 2 s-S•U•Ofl• -., ...... ) , .... -""""'Of fl arnv1·d 111 lhl' :-.111111g frt•ni K<t11:-.u:.. 1·tmf1..,n 1ll'cl >Jfkr 11 ~;,.., 111">1'11\•t•rt'il 111 a /IHI Lh;il h ;ul 11111 o hlam(•cl lht• 1)(·rm1t r1·11u1n'il 110 cl1·r fr1lt•r<J l l;iw 10 hold .ti;1ld t•:t~ll'~ Ill l'<lpt1 111ly TH•:R i\IU: STll.I. T HRt:t: m1s:-.in~ ..,1..,1n~. J..iy Z l-2 7 • J..ty lO·A.,q. ) "llt: WAS WIJ.V 1·n11u g h 1111w 111 lw rclt·<1M•11." :-.auJ Stro1111ha r Murit· Linda. 21 C'an1l /\11n. 17. a11!J Kart-11 M:1n1· IH Ol'EH llEGISTUTION . ONC•: Bt.:•·oR•:. ~lrou11h1.1r a w;.t ll•rfowl managt!mt•nt a:-.:-.1.., lanl with th1· slate tiam1· C11rn ma:.:-.wn. made a tame crf•i:Jtun· wild. a red lalled h<1wk th<il a fo lc'onl'r had t1ted of Ttw gov 1•rnm1·nt :.isk1•d h1rn t11 Irv tt~a111 For llN1b. h(· 1~-.1·d a 111·11 l1111ll r1ir rlUl ... flnt't' g1·('!\t'. '.llJ cl1•:11l r.11n how trout t•1gh1 li vi• c·atfr ... h u h1:1sl'l1all h<Jl :tnlf a hc•:.i p ll( n:1 I ICllC'l' Slrouph:ir I)\ 1'!f, a h1~ 1r1 :111 111 hoot:-. with iJ Jolly laugh, -.alt ancl l>l'J)l>t•r h:11r :.ind ha11·I l'~•·"> Ill" works ;1t lht· M 1ddll· C rt·t·k WTfilTiTt• . an«.igeml•n ri·a ~ •. o<Ht ;t(·n·.., of nak hickory ron•-.1 rrlar:.h•·.., and llOnd!'> thal straddlt· th<• l.arlt'as tcr-Lebanon Cl)Un\y I lllt.' IT "AS I.ATE Man ·h that he ml•I tht· h1rd. fully grown at thrct· Vt'llrS w1lh ii l>l'Vt•n foot wingspan 11111 w1thou1 111,. wh1ll' hnttl an<I tall lh<1l will 1·omc lat1•r th1), yt·<ir or n1•i<I Slrour>har ho;1rtkll· up lhn•t• ..,ides uf tht· 1>en M 1 I he 1·;1g l1· <'Ould !'>l't' only the ),k) and .1 WPtKfrd area lo Hw :-.out h I It-· eul a :-.liding door in lhl· :-.ult• :-.11 Lh i•l wht-n ht• :-.ttwk1·1I lht• 11t·n w11h food . thl' 1•<1j!lt• would ~cc 11111 ~ h1:-. <Jrlll tit< ,,,, t a pond Iii 11wh1·:-. <IM·r1 ;1t lht• north t·nd 11r tht• JICn. l1m:tl •I with plas tic· anrl put 11 lhC' 1·a1 fish "THF f'IRST THIN'•· • • ('OUrse, wa~. fO gel h1m lo c<JI 1J1· ad f,sh." Strouphar su1d. So hi· 11ut in the trout: too. Then h e scared the eagle ... o mething awful. "Every . <0hance I got I snuck up with the baseball bat and !>l ammed il ;1giunst the side of the pen," he :.aid. "Didn't want him to feel settled." Buffalo Bom- A Rarity PAR I S <API -A Eur opean buffalo h as been born at a wildlife park near Paris, a rnrc event for the species that la.. nearly extinct. lie had ~t'Vl'rCrl all hum;m t11.::.. Hut he still hadn'I h·arned to kLll ..,omclrung lie couldn t hunt. :-.o wt· 1·ouldn 't let h1 m g 11 .. On l\pril Z?. :ilmo..,l a month <1 ft l' r I he c• a g I t· • .., :1 r r i va l . Strouph:1r not11·c-d tht· pond w11~ leaking. "I couJd scl· Hw 1·alf1s h r1•al "l'l I m yself." hl· n •1·a ll t!d "Tht· water was only <ihout si x 1n•·hl'S dt·1•p, and I thought now 1 ·rn JU!>I gom~ to let it drain a lrno..,l c1>m plct1>ly. and lht•n tho:-.e r1 ... 1t an · 1411ing to havt· lo rll1fJ ar11un1I in lh•·n · and ma\ Ill' lh:1I w ill <ii ''-!---~ ~ ~upUFli Night Closing Of SC's Pier lnn 1·a:-.C<f crime has pr11mplt«l San ('fc m c nl e C'1 t y (;Qunt ll ml·mbcrs to d o:-i· lht• city pier and bt:at•ht·s from m 11fniJ!ht to 1' am. Violator <; will n ·1·1·1\1• warn 111~· ' for-th•· rir~l Lwo Wt•t•k:-. of llW rlt•w l11·ad1 and 1u1•r 1'111:-.un•.., anti I ht·n 1•1t at111n:-. wil I ht· 1'-~Ul·d lo ;111 vorw (1111ntl t r 1·:-.11a..,._.n g lluri11~ lhl• prr•dawn h1111r: .. :-;ml 1111l ir•1: LI ('ra1g Stt•1•k l1·r !'-.l1 •1·klt•r ..,a1t.J rt·t·1•nl v;.i n nah:-.m imrt l h1•fb from 1h1• Jlll'f ;1 n•a. now 11111l<•r gomg n :novat1011 l/o,'l)f'k . hav1• r 1 ~1·11 )>harplv TIH· 11v .. r;ill c·nnw -.i·1·nc ha:-. 111 , ...... 1rw11 1111 th•· h1•:.Jl't1 r111 th1· pa:-.1 h·w }('Ur :-.. ht• -..a11I /\b it pruh1h1lcd on lh(· lw 1' due 111 lht· 1·1,um•11':-. <1c l1•111 :.ir .. fire::. oul.l>ult• ring:-. or 1·1111La1rw1 ... use of ~IM.s 1•11nla1nt.·r.., fr>r b<.•verages. s kutin ~ or un authoriz<'d vehicle r idang on th« pier and "hazardous" ::.port~ •m the st1nd.'i. • • • • I fdt n ·al happ) th~n." ..,,.,d Stroupl1'lir .. W1· frct-d his. "l1tw. I ht·ri I pul ;1 1·,1uplc of more live c·a tr1sh 1n. .ind over the next lhrce d in :-ht• killed six. We · knew tht•n 11 was timl• to tum him fr<•t· " When rc l1•:JSt'd M t1y 7. tht• l' a g I t' , 1 I :-. w i n A m u s <' I c :-. al rophwd hy l'Uplivily flt-W 150 y ards and l1tndcd It s~nl tht.· a fl l'rnoon in a lrt.:e . the n dis· ;1 J>Jll'<fft•tl "Tiit: S•:XT <1fternoon at four o 'f'lo<'k I saw him saalin~." sa11J >->trnu1rti:rr-"But tw wasn't v~ry l11 g ll I kru·w 11 wa:-. the :-.1tm c l11nl lw1·au:-.<· ht· hml molted two -Hfl..~f frathl."Y ' 111 b1s-tett-wtn and th1· g;ip wm. highly visible." A week l<tlcr <t game protector wott<.·d 1 h L· c<tgle ai;(<tin, this time mu1·h higher. Two days later a i.:roup of bird watchers w1tncs:-.cd something lh<tt really I 1l'k lt•d Stroupht1r -h1), bird had lakcn UIJ with another bald C<t~lC "B<1l h 11f them have been highly \ 1h1hl1• every day since I hrn. 111• :-.aul the other d<ty w~ \'t ' !L!>:-.cr'O,cd them t:tllchm g f1:-.h .. Golf <.:ourse Panel Applications Open I\ pph1·at1011s ar•· still being a<' 1·1·1111•cl from San Cl1·mcnle n·:-1 cl1•nl:-. who wish lo st>r vl' on the 1· 11 y ·-. advisory Municipal Golf t 'our..,<• Commiltl'c. The deadline ' • •hN: 1::-5 pm July 5 T • , 111;, r:•11g on the panel O<'· 1:1irf\'<l w~. r tormcr m e mber 1-:1l wt1rlf Kalsdie~ r<"iii<ned alter h1.., l\pril 24 election h. tl'ie City < '1>unt·1I For more information, r 1111 I al'I the city clerk a l 492·5101. Medical Records Bill OK'd SA CRAM ENT() t J\ I' 1 Patient), could sccur1> ('opies of their own medical n ·a·orcb undcr it mt-asurt· app rovt•<l h~ !ht• J\SSl'mhl) "Wt• c·an mak1· ~cr111u:-. 111road .., 1n l o un nt·ce ~sarv . rf>stl c.nd arm u n ·1>elit1o n of h-s ls hy adoptin~ this m t• t1 s u r 1· • • • s a 1 d A :-. · sem l>lymun H oward B e rman . author .or AB157 T llf: i\ SS E M 8 L V · ado11tcd the Los Angeles Oemocrat 's measure on a 41 ·32 vote. Berman·.., bill would r equire that patients. b t> s h o w n I h t• i r medical n •t·ords w1th1n fl\'1' days or a Wrlltt•n rt• qut•st '" tw prov tdc•d with copu·s ~ 1lh1n la d;1 y s of a written rt" qut•st Vlolnt1on '>r pro visions of the bill tould result in a $500 rmc. Patients re11u est1ng s u"h scrvl('f's or tht·ir doctors or from nwd1r::il r a<'i hties would havt.' lo pay for the clerical cos· ts. Derman said . DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS M2·5e78 The buffalo, whic h once roamed over m05t or Europe. rarely breeds In captivity and only 500 are known to exist out· sade of zoos and parks . Almost all or the wild oqes are ln Poland. T he calf was named Cunnrna Buffalo after a -eomie 1trip dtarader. 17.IYJ Cani11111 Cup1lfra1111. S111t1 _'IJ.I /.U)(lllUJ f.tj(llt'i, (i i IJ:r,;. That's right! You can now enpy all that Cable TV has to offer ... bright -clear -inter- ference-free pictures, plus all the extra channels. we carry for your viewing plea- sure. All this tor less because all Installation I Fuel Changed SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -Go1den Gate Bridie directors plan lo seek de1l1n proposals f o r t b e p a r t t ·n eonveralon of one of -catt - TODAY 831·32~2 G000 ONl V WHH!f CAlll rv ISAVAltMU \51 a flNM MONTH AfQUIWO -fees i'love-during our "Spring into Summer Special." If you have been hesitating for any reason, now ls the time to call. If you are already a Storer customer, that extra TV or FM can be added. their fuel·1u11llng Jet OfHll lxPlfllS b 29 10 '•rriea to cheaper diesel ~11!1!1!!11111------------~----. :opui96oD • • t ASK ABOUT OUR PREMIUM MOVIE SERVICE , SHOW TIME . ".--. . MOftdov H!fv Friday ol tM l'orio FIRECRA.CKER SPECIAL$ lllil' "SMOKEY JOE" SJ9'' \4'h" ketttt d11meter SJ· 100 -Bleck Por~lain finish, collapsible leg construct1on. per1ec1 for picnics or camping. OUR RIG. 29.99 .. SAVE s10.00 WIZARD CHARCOAL LIGHTER 77c OUI REG. 1.19 l'erlecl tor the boclryo1d aao. lgn11e, cool, 1rnrned1orcly. Con ven1en1 I-qi life PENN TENNIS BALLS OUR 91•G 2.59 SAVE 60• °"~ '" .,r,·~ -----. 240 BROADWAY LAGUNA BIACH 1 • VJSA• 497-4403 .... a...-.,.,. , OPIN \ .. .. • •,.. DNL Y PILOl fhutMtey, June 21. t919 ~j Were Wayne, j~Pickf ord End i--,-.~~ar.Eca? .· :L.,-lh BOB THOMAS ~ . .., ...... ,..,.,... .. , ... , ~ ()/TOH'S f. UT 1'.' T htm101 h<H IWf'n C'Otlf'n"y Uoll111tl(JOd lo" .1$ yc-111 * /lf>Tt ~ l<lk,.11 u mumf'nt l lJ rf'/lf't'I • on t/lr IMt~trv A r hmHJlfllJ ,l f'nt• /ol111u11n11 tfll' fl'('l'rlt J.'U H Oil/ O/ IUIO ffinl/14" f/kl'll 1101.1.) WllPl> Mal\ .. 11 kflml ttw 1r1111 Yd llt•d 1\1111'1 h '1I ' S\o\ 1•1•1111•,JI I mo'I "l('('f•,~ful 'lltil uf i.ll,•111 flln1' .l11h11 Y. ,I\ m· ttw 't1·1·I J·•"'•·1t Mun Of tlw Wt•'t 1.,n._,.!-1 1,,,11n1: 'tttt or 11t1• "11111d ~rJ . l'h1• p.1 .. .,111•• "'11 h11 1 IO Ila~' ul '"'" udi lt·•:•·n 1litr\ ft~Ufl'' "'•'111••11 111 po'"''' h"lllfll'lll 1111•1111 1111: Wh11I h:i:-. h h l•l•1·111•1l 111 th" ''"' '' '11·111 tltul l'11·k f11rc1 .1n1I W ,I\ 1w 1•p1t11m1 11·cr' h 1\ ch .. 111 ' ti .,,, v. h o k1lh'<l 1l • \\tit 11 l'' ,., 1 •'\I',.' \h l'<lltnr "'•utlt'll tl11 ·"""'''' lo ll1t ,<• <1nll ,,.. IJ t l'\I 11111•,111111' ,1h1111t ,1 , ht1n•:1111( 111111> "'""d lh-nt·1· I 11)\l•f\ u·w1•d :-.111111·ww "''"' 111" 'lwfll :1:1 ) 1•1.tr:o. 'tu1h 1ng lh1• lll'\1111111111 11f llolly-..-.11r11I :!larclurn M"'''" l) Po ·,1111 ",. "'IH-l I•" !\11(111C11·u111 ,. 111 1tu· <fraths nf M ;1r y 1'11 I. turd .H1cl .luh11 W d) flt''' A SIG!'rwlt'U'i\!'lC't :•• Pt.KHA .. ~ 1\h11 ,all nl''!'. IJ41th "'1·11· 1 • .t1•11tell f.11 l.lf•\111111 "'"·'' 1h1·tr contt·mporan 1-r1t11·, "'"ultl .id11111 Huth \o\1·n · st1mulut1ng 111·r-.011,t11111·s v.. hi. v..1·11· JO\' to 111 ll'rv11·w 0 H11th l'Xh1h11t•d it fll'l'l't' ,,,~Hit\ Ill lhl'll fcllflW work1•rs :in<l lo tht· (II ffl lll<IUsl r\ Q Wall v..t· 1•v._.r :-ct· llwtr llkl'~ agc.11n '• A Prohahly 11~~t Both w1·n · l:irs,:1•r than 1111• Mary w;Js tht· pt·rh •rl IH'rfl1m·. U11kc via' th1· 1!11·al hero llcrows arl' not 1n s tylt· W<lay Mo~t of lht· sl:tr:-. 1•11J<iy ht•trtg s m a llf'r tha n lih· _ ~ T · •. .4 tJ Y1111 'i.0111111 lrk1· ;1 • ....., • 11111!\'> h.ll'k /I. Sn r r y 1·>. I qu1 .. -.i 1on (/ I :-. I h 1· .., I a r :-.v,tt·m d c·:1<l'' · A Ila rrll v ('nn-.u 11 l h1· ltl..ra1ur1· al th•· ('h(•('kout !-.I anti c1f v1111r lnc•al grrwN·y s tnrt q What 1s ) our 11111 n t ., A T hat I h 1· Amcru·an 1JC'f111lc 'tr ll wa11t star:-. Tht') want ro rt•a1I aho11t llwm an<I 111 ""'' anfl to h1·ar lh1·m WAYNE "'"""°10 "ita rs lod:I\ an• 1·r,.:1H·tl 11111 onh tn m11v11·'· 11111 111 t1•l1·v1 :-.111n r111·k mu,11-, ,,11;rl!-. l 1t1~r:1 turt'. .. p11l1tw:-.. t'\t'll 1rr1·d11 1111• T hi• star -.y~t1·m 111 ihi· ftlm 1111h1'ln 1-. 11111 11,.:111 li11t 11 1s a1l1n,I( <J \\.h~' lluw 1111111 gl'I the.ti lo\l.J)' 1\. Tflt: lllSTOKl('i\I. ft fo:ASONS an· oliv111u-. From lht• l!l~o.., through 1111' 1!1411:-. m11\ w :-. wt·r t• Tll f<: 111a,.., 1·n1c•rl:111111ll'nl A h1g ... 1ud111 n·lr-a..,1-11 a '"'"" 1111n 11· 1·vc·n w1·1·k ~1l a v1·ar It. c·uulcJ uHflrd 11> kt·PJ) IOO na1111• at·IHr.., 11n1h·r 1·11111ral'l, 1•vc·r tit· v1'111p111g nt•w 11n1 s Tl'h·v1s 111n d1·slrn v1·tl lht• m11 vw ·g111 ng h;Jhtt Thi• 1111.! -.tud111 ,v..,ti·111 1 r11111lilt'll, <"1111lral't '1..,t., fll', apJH'drt'll 'I It(• 1'f1m11a 1111•' now rc·ll-<i...1· 12 lol fcatun·:-. a v1·<.Jr <> Wh;;t ha ..,""" d11111· 111 llw '>llJIJllY 11r :-.liir-." /\ Sev1·n·ly l11111t1'<I 11 In 1111• old <la y:-., M CM l'llllhl I ak1· a liart'f11ot lu·aul \ rrurn :'\11rth C arolin.u. 1111..,1· h1·r 111 ('h1•t"-.1·10:1k1• pul1l1c1ty. l 1«11 h h1•r how to ;wl •·a s l h1·r 11pf11h 1l1· C'l:1rk <;:1 l1lc :.inti olht·r _c.:i. t ;1 bl.Lllfo.:.tl ..'l I a r•. •-- 1\ fl er :-.1•vi•n ycur,, /\v:i (;;irrlnN Wa!-. u :-.tur That kmd of :i h111hlu111.., 11npo:-...,1h l<' today <J IJ11t·!'.n°t t1·l1•\ "wn 1•11111rihulr· film :-tar..,· ' A /\ ··•:w . .STEVE "tt('Ql't:t:N . C l int E :i:-.1w11oc.J . p1·rlt:.i11s .)1)1111 'I r:1volt<1. all hough lht' rt· sull:--;m •n'I In ~l·I 1\111 T V JMIJllll:irity 1101· ... n I automatw;ill.\ tr;111,m t1l1· lo l drns. Othcrw1 'it: Jo:drt Hyrn1·:0. \o\nuld Ix.· :t lllg 'laf Q If slmllo:--<.Jnd tch·, 1s1on don 't create :.t<•r". how arc they horn·• /\ Oftt>n hy a hap11~ ;11•1·11h·nl <>f 1"ast1ni.: U11!.l1n Jloffm;rn 111 "Thi· <;r:.r1u;il1'," Svlv1·sl1•r Stallont• 111 · H11«k) Tr av11ll.1 tn · S<iturdu) Nt~hl i"CVl'r .. (J . But wh<1t haµpen-. 1 h1·n" /\ l'robh·rns 1.1'1 u~ t· 11n "1rl1· r S 1 ;1 11on1· H11<'k) 1·om rnt't-'> h11n 1 It a t h 1· 1 ~ m u I l 1 t a I t• n l 1• <I , a n d h t· rewrrks "I'' I S 1' .. lt1· w r 1 tc:., dt rl'l 'ls and i.tars rn "1':.ir:.id1)>t: Al lt·y .. Bolh a re bomhs 111:-. c·an·cr I!. an trouhlc , then he rl'turn:-. to h1i. roots wilh "lloc ky II " ft as well dont•, but wh;cl dca•)> hr· do lor .1n 1•n 1:111 t•? Q . Whal 1:-. y11ur pom t ., /\ That 1n..,l;rnt PICKFORD :-tu r:o. fal'l' tn:o.Lan t pro blems. Not only Stallonl'. Aft('r cnl'ountering pro blems with "Straight Tame" uml "Agutha," Hoff. man endt.>d up s uing the M mpuny he to-founded, f'irs t Artists. And Travolta. after "Saturday Night Jo~cvcr" and "Grease," descended to the p1ti. with "Mo· m c nt hy Moment," termed by :-.om c cf1tics "Jlou1 by flour "· Q. Are the i.ludios too hrokc lo develop new sturs" A. ARE VOU KIDDING? TH•~V'R E making more money than M ayer nnd 'Cohn ever dre1tmed or. Trouble is. most of them are owned by con· glom erates t hat siphon off the movie profits for other purposes-. Q. You make it sound as if the star system in lllms. not the scandal s heets is really dead. A. Not. dead. Jost badly in need of resus cil1t· lion. Q. In closing, do you have anything further to say about Mary Pickford and John Wuyne? A. Yes. I'll miss them. --Peg-Leg &wesLije-- MAcoN. Ga. <AP> -H.D. Carden fi1ures hia wooden le1 probably uved bis li(e when be waa bitten by a rabid raccoon. The coon sank tu teeth lnto the phony nesh. ·'That's probably the only thint that saved me," Carden said. ma eon killed the animaJ wtlh • 1hot1uo blut as It chewed OCJ the arWtciaJ limb. HOLLYWOOD June 28 through Ju!Y_ 3 at American Savi~ ... ... Based on the current discount rate for U.S. Treasury Bills, Federal Regulations now allow us to pay more than commercial banks on 6-month (26 weeks) Money Market Accounts. No one pays more on insured savings! ANNUALIZED EFFECTIVE RATE' ANNUAL RATE 6 -month (26-week) C ertificate/$10,000 minimum deposit/No fees. no extra charges. ·I lw /\111111o1h1•··' I tf, • !·\.•' l<.1h' 1·, h."' d 11n r.·11 vc .. 1111.·111 .1111•1 "' ll1•1rlllh 111 h• •th pn11r p ,, .1111! inr.·r· .. , '''' .1 ~li/1 d.11, I,•'•" d11. r11 l1•.1p ..,, '" H.1r.· .... ,. 111 ,, , lo' 11.11111 ,,, llw 11 111•1111h '""''1-.•tl l ~t ... •tl •lit 111 .. ''"''~""' n.11 1<.11~ .ll II . lllth '"'"''"' ""1111.mnn•. n .. ""' pem"l • 11111p•11111d11 1•t • I 111l••r• .1 .i1td 1••q11111 1 ·,111i.,1o11111,1l 111r1 ·1o· .. 1 1i.•11,11!1, 1 .. , •"HIV w11tuh.1"' 11 American's NEW low-balance Certificate Accounts and SY2°/o Passbook Account, effective July 1st. A~~:',1~·1 8.33~B.06'~ :_7.79~·:: 'J_,.98\ 6.7_2_'.": :~.92~·. I 5.65"•; ,.~~~ ... l s·-1=% · , 1 %·· frJ.1.i·· 6 Y£· , 5%... 5 %·· --· -. ,..,... _ __. I .. ,, ' ",, • •i+ .•• ....... --~"'-"-!.of l,I • . ,, " • 'to ' j .. ~~·I' •f· ••• t • ..... _.. . ···--... ..... • ..... 1• t • ••1 I ...., I , I •4' 41 I '•* f'' t#fo I ,,_, o .. • •. • P"'' ... _.. ' ..... NE.W 4-year Treasury Account-$100 minimum. This brand new account earns a guaranteed interest ra1e at the ttme of ISl>ue for 1he lull 4-y~tir li>rm, and Interest is rnmpounded daily The rnle. sel monthly by rhro U S Tre,1sury. as based on an averdge ywld of 4-year Treasury Sccunt1e!> le~s 1 ·~·. Federal rcgulattons require .1 6 month Interest penalty for ecHly wllhdrawal. E:.ffechve July 1st. Safe, strong and friendly 91~~~~1 ~ Assets over $8 Billion Celebrating our94th year Convenient offices serving Southern and Northern California, including: C"OSTA MESA/SANTA ANA LAGUNA HILLS 3929 S. Bristol ,. 24085 El Toro Road at Sunflower at Paseo de Valencia (714) 979-9800 770-2816 ~ ' \ ' I , I I I .. .. . -... .. . ------ Orange Coast lP tr t O N "••r Re•et••• I Dally Ne•81ta ... r 1 OL. 12, NO. liq, 4 SECT IONS, S6 PAGES c TEN CENTS ~ 8y ··•t:Dt:aH'I( S('HO•:~o.m. I Ol 1 ... 0•1ly ,., ... ~·-· • A s skll"l'l 1ur1wd from ll~hl hhw lo u dull ru~t ~ h1l1· ,1u11• u11 uia hty 1oi.pN't1)r' '~ 1· 111 I h n1ui.:h 1--~wan~ -t'~mnt}-tcl<ta-y . tlt"~<'tmJ: a I I e a "' d v 1 11 I u t 11 r ' u t second 11\J!C '>mu.: ,1t.·r1 pollu11011 nduc t100 rult•:. Prelimmury rt•:.ulh 1ndH·ut1•il widespread ch:.n•~urd fo1 th• rt~ulatJOn:. al'c0ord111g to \llt•11 POilutant II.inn~:. :.111w 1 VIM,rv 1ni;pc(•tor al tlw i\1111 ti .. 1m offH.'l' of 1h1: South t 1111:.1 .\11 Q11ul1t M tlllt•i.:t!mt'nl I h 'I fll'l \\ hl'JJ .1 ~ 'l'On<.l '>lla.:t• :.mog .ill'rl " l'i:.Ul·d .111111 CIOl!lMOn:. 11111,1 lw 1•urlallcll. J' m u:.t h•\ ,.1, 11f 1iollut1tnh 1.,.,ued by ... 1,1\\t111a1' Milli t·t•:-. 'u~·h a:. htl' l••flt'' In ( 0)\IJ M1•!><1 ~urHfr..i:.t Im ,1 1111111111 \ ~"' 1•111 ii (or lb :e l lcged failure lo abate tr affic )(encratcd by employees driving lc> work and emissions produced Crom 11.S met11I cast.mg activ1t1es. Dani1~ said Each v1o tat1on 1s a m1sde m e anor offense. punished by a S500 fine and/or six m onths in J<tll The St!<'.Ond-stage a lert was 1s · 'ucd .1l 11 a m Wcdnc!.day dul' rn .1 tha•k tcmpcr<.tture •nvcr~1on Violators Ticketed that has lltcr:illy plac1•d :.i lid over the South Coast ;11 r basin Areas a lo11)! llw 1mnwd 1<.1t1· c·oast arc.• generally not afft'•·tctl by the high l'tmog IHd:-. bct..·au:.t· sea breezes drive air 1>0llut<.tnl:. tu inland urea~ About 300 firm:. 1n Oran~w County an• ret1u1recl LO hav1• ·-;ccond sta~c· <'111sodl' JJl<.1ns lh:tathnv, h<1" the \ will rl'llul'c· a 1 r pollut111n wht·n :tl1·11s an· I"> ">lll'd (;cnc.•rally. hrms having more than 100 e mployees are required to rt•dut..·r commutl'r rela te <.! 11ollut1on by li5 pt!n·ent I\ 1 P ;, "' r 1 c M u t u a I I. if e ln~urann· Compa ny, Ncwr><>rl B t..· a l' h . a r t' c. r d t n ~ l 11 a 'IJOkc!>man. cm ployec.·s cut down c1ri v1ng b_v 49 percent Only 38~ t :.tr'> arrived at the com pany i. pa rk ing !nl today. compared to ------------------ the normal 780. the spokesman !>a id. Oanz1J.t said sm OR levels m Orange County genernlly arc lower than those found in other a reas of the Soutt) Coast basin. Northern portions of the county ~eocrally have· tht· highest smog lc•Vt.'b . ht• added Ont• air quality analyst . Jim H1rako:.. a ttributed part of the ISee SMOG. P age A2> '-• Chief of Police Airport Service / ;Nearly Drowns Debated Ry JOi\NNt: Rt:YNOU>S 0t ,,,_ 0 .01lf P1IOI ~e.H i\11 /\1r (.;a hfr>rn1a execut1 v1· :.a 1<1 Wcdncsduy dcman1I for air M·r v1tl' al .John Way1w Airport 1·ould IJU~h lh~ number of daily ., 1 • ! 'NB Wants i • !Oil Lease ~uJge Out ' ~ T ht· ft·ckrul ''"' nl'l JUd)!1· 1st·heduled to rule· cm Nf•WJ">rl j Beach's f1~hl against <1H~hor1· toil leases 1s a formt;>r t11 I rnrn ,pa ny attorney. Nt•wporl l'tly of fl icials cha rged todav f City Attorney t>cnn1s o· Nc•il paid that a separut•· hearing wa!'> )o b e held in L o!-> /\ngl'lt's :,Federal District Court m 11n c f t o rt to disquulify Judge A An· drew Hauk. Wednt·sday .lud~1· llauk ht'~1rtl the c•1ty 's arJ.!umenti. 1n 1l~ ..ii ~mpts to get u rcstra1mn~ urrlc•r halt the sale of off:.hon · orl ases. That l>ale lh ~<·hc1lulc1I or f''rid<.1y mc1rn1n~ rn Lo-. &,'\11geles : .Judge lluuk wa~ e xrwl'lt·cl 111 ._ _ __:f.U<1&-De:fo1:#-th~.n on-Ul<li..rw.-1 r ;..1 n- in g order ; O'Neil hatd, howt·vt·r that 11 vrn s learned that .Judge lfo uk bncc ser ved <tl> a :-.taff 1•011n~d for one or the m ajor oil corn p:inw~ <·11 p ectcd to bid on lhl' IC<J ~cs wh11'11 Jnclude four tracts just out:-.11le thl' three mile limit 11ff Newport Be ach. O'Neil said .J uclgl' lluuk ri· portedly still r~1ns ~to<:k 111 that company lie said the hl'Uring wuulcl bt· to det ermine 1f th<>st· n·port:-. wcrt• true If s o. hl· :-a 111. .J ucll!l' Ha uk should b1· d1~qual1f1c1I from the casl· O 'Neil said he l'XIH'Ch th1· Department of the lntl'nor w1111 t be rc~lr atncd from atl'l'11tm~ bids Friday morni ng But he also :-aid it':-still hl<l'h the city could win ib b1rl lo havt· the four tracts dele ted from the sale because the lease:. won't tl(! awarded for 30 days. givm~ the city time to pursue its case Wednesday, the s tate Lands Commission lost its bid to have fSff OIL. Page i\2l More New~ Today · More Harbor Arca ne ws ap· pears today on Pu gt• A 19. • Oran:'14~~~~·~• < Weather Patchy lalp night and early morning low clouds near the coast otherwise rair with hazy sunshine and some high cloudiness. Lows tonight in 60s. Highs Friday near 70 at beaches to 90 inland. INMIDETODAY Rolph Nader. con1umer odvocate. i• colling Jor o one-doJI nationwi de con-' Hmer bo11coU to protest government's /oHure lo hell "9/latkM. SCory Page A 16 ••••• Al.,_ lenrl<• Ata flll•t"'lttle41 et ........ es a ... U"*" CJ .,.... ....... , ,........ .. . L,M. .... At *• .. t .. . ...._. M.l Mtll•lll P-. N CelHetlll• Al llelleAel..... A• ~ C ... t ~ ..... Clllllltr At Cetllk• "" ,.,.,, .. ~ ., ~ .......... .,., _.. .._.. C• Meca ...,_, 11 ............ ,.._,T......._ .. ....... 1 ... fllMttn ... ........ C:tol W.99ff A• ...,..... aWwN..._. •• 0.01lr Ptlol )t•tt l't>ot• NEARLY DROWNS Police Chief ClbbareHI Arrested Man -S~in--­ Mesa Heist <Inc of two m1·n :J r r<::-.ted in SJ,antun Wcdnc~day rnay be the hand1t who l'Sl'tl l>l·d w11h $2 ,000 from a Cr11ck1·r Bank rn C'1st u M1..·s<.1 lasl Fnd:.iy. poltc·l• sa11l to cla y ('ns1<1 ~J'S<• l>t•tt•(•\I v1· C1·rry 'rh11m11~011 ..,a11I th(• ntl'n an: be 1n~ ht·ld rn 1·onnecllon with th1· 1 n \'I'S l 1gat111n of l K hank roh hcnP:. m llrangt· C'ounl_\ 11 1· )\a1 cl on1· of lht· m•·n 111:1ll'lws th1· 1h·~1·r111t11in of l111• ('11)\ta ~l<:sa rol1ht..•r W1t1w:.s1·:. lu that rnt·1tlent "l'rt' unahl" lo <l1·'i\ ril1l' lht· dri v 1·r of lht gt..·l;1wav 1·ar Thompson !>aid th1· I wo su:. petb, ag<' 28 and :1i. w1•r1• ..ir rested in Stanton ciftt'r lhl'v Oed on fool from a roulinl' tram<: stop. Ile said one of the m en earned a toy gun and tha t they we re driving a car that had been stolen in Costa Me::;a the day of the robbery. However, the• 1..·a r was stolen in South Coast Plaza, Thompson noted. Tht' t'ar usccl m lhl' mh hcrv. also a stolen vt·h1 ('ll', wa~ rcl'overl'd al 2200 llarhor Blvd lie said lht• FBI i)\ allcmplmg lo est ablish a 11os111 v1· 1denlafll'a lion of thl' ml'n a nd will Ill' qu•·~ 11on m g w1lnl'sst•:-. Bandit Hits Mesa Bank, Flees in Cab A bandit who kept a cab wail· Ing outside held up a Crocker Bank in north Costa Mesa at about 10 a .m . today and escaped with an unknown a mount of cash, police said. Detective Gerry Thoropson said the cab driver . who didn't know what his customer was up to. then drove the man to a restaurant in south Santa Ana. The robber patd his $10 fare before departing. Tho mpson said. He said the bandit used a !lmall handgun to pe rs uade a telle r to hand ove r the money No injuries were reported The susped is described 8!1 a white mAle. about 30 years old. S feet 7 inches tall with a medium build and several days growth of beard Mes an • • t'omm(•n·1al 1<:l flight:> from 40 to ~ • n11irt.• I han 11.10 Listed as 'Critical' ' !'-•-;ti ll1·;11·h ( 'h11·f of 1'111 tlT Ed t '1bhan•ll1 wa:-. 111 1·nl wal ('1ind1 11011 trnl;w :11 I'(' I rv1111• :'Yh·dwal ('1·11ll'r aitt·r nt·arly 1ln1w111ng in t ill• l1tu•kyard ..,w1111111111g pool IJl ht:-( ·o~t ;1 M1•..,;1 horn•· Wt•dm:~ da~~-authorttll'!'i said Costa Mc·sa polu·t· !'ialll < '1h h:1rt•lh, who hccanll' on•' <1£ tht• :-.1 al<"s voungcs t pol1<'t.' <"hicfs when hl' 'wa~ a1>p1l1r1tcd in 197'1 at the a ge of :!O. was h avtng a s mall purty with ft:llow offitcr!> when he :;ank while sw1mm1ng al about 7 p.m Off11·1.·r~ pullNI C1hhar1•1l1 frnrn lhl· pool anll (-;.1llt·1l para in1·1l11 polu·t· :.aid Th1•y ha1d th1· 1·aw.1• hf thl' :Jl't'tdcnt wasn't kno"n Polin · ~;ml (ihharclll v.as plan·cl on <• h1·art lung m al·h1 nl' ,11 lTIM<' and thal 11 n1 1~hl ht· ..,,.,·l·ral day~ lwfor1 • 1 ht• t•Jih:ltl c1f hn> inrunei>rs-IC Jlnor to hct·om1ng S1·al Bl'ach polwe C'h1ef. C1hhari·ll1 work1 ·tl f1)r M!Vt'll y1.·ars ll'> a Nl•wport Ht.•a1·h poh1·1• <1ffir1·r i\ mong the pos1t111n:-. h« held l hrrl' Wl'rt' t'ornmun1ty rclalton~ off1t•1•r. pat m l scrgt•anl. JUV1.·nill' d1•tl•t·t1v1· :ind, aUl•r lie mg c.ip po1nl t'<I li1•11t1•nanl 111 1~17:!. ;111)1• t ant to llll' 1·h1d Suspect H e ld In Hit-Run injury Crasl1 I\ man wal'> a rrl'l'>tcd Wcdn1·:-. tlay a£ll'r ulh.•gc·dly anJunn~ a pre gnant New po rt fit· ad) woman when h1 ~ ('a r s tru1·1< herh. lie led offi cer~ on a 70 m1k·pcr-hour chase through the I h 1 t' k e t o f C o s l a M e s a . !-> Fa1rv1cw Hoad traffit' before he was captured , police a llc~cd. Police said Michael Gilbert J>c·mcr s, 29. of /\na hc1m re mained in city Jail tmh.1 y m lteu of $5.000 bail nn s.uspic1on llf fl'lony tut and run and driving under the influcnt·t• of drugs Police sa11I l>c-mcr~ was ar n•st ed after a sm<.ill hluc pn·1<1111 trut'k struck the rear of a ('(Ir drivc.•n bv J.orra1nt· Te1!>serr· Smith. 29·. of Ncw11orl Bt,:ach. who 1s seven and a ha lf month!-> preJ.(nant Mrs . Smith. who complained or stomach pains following the 2 p. m. accident at Santa. Isa he I Ave nue a nd Newport Boulevard. <See IDT-RUN, Page A2) ll;rrr11 "' :\l 111pl, ,1 •1 1d1·1tl 111 I'(' l n 1n1·' \'l'rann !'111111 krt••\\ ,, • r11d 11111t 11iv,1· \.\~r m d<J\s It(• s lide::-. lin ..,1..h dm\11 1111· lip .111d .... 11dl· <Jnd then spl<ishc~ into CJ 1 ul1 fu r tli1 · 1 l11ll111J., I 111 ·1h • Rationing Reco•tnended Gas · Gougers Assailed WASHINGTON IAP> -Presi· dent Carte r 's chief infla tion fighters today accused many usoline distributors of engagtng 1n ille gal price gouging and r ecommended that the Rovern mcnt consider rat ioning gasoline Alfred E. K ahn, chairman of the president's Council on Wage and Price StabUlly. also predict ed that mainly because or ' today'i; big Increase in foreign oil prices. inflation "wiJI be hum pin~ ul th(' dou hlt' ll1g1t level for llll.' rf'~t o ( th1:; ycMr " On l(asollne pr1t'c:1. llurry Roswor1h. director of l11t' coun <>I I. told the House Ciuvcrnmenl Oper ations C'Onsumcr -;uh<·om mitlee that "on the bas is of nu- tionul data from the Consumt•r Price Index and \he Produ«!r Price Index. r etail gasoh n1• prices arc golnR up far mori· rapidly than t•an be 1ust1fied by rennl nit costs " Said Kahn "I suspect as a private t•itlzen that the re arc widespread violations at the re tuil level .. <Re lated :stories, i\8 . i\2\ l One legitimate ~olutlon to the t•nergy problem would be man llatory rationing at the gasolin~ pu mps. s a id K a hn. "It is "omclhing that ought not to be rejet'ted" out of hand. he aatd ··we really ought to consider r1· t1oninf." " ~ PltlCE, Pap AU fo'rt"I 1>;1\ 1~ lht· arrlin1 ·~ v11·1 pr{':-.1dN1l 111 111a rk1•t 111g mJd1· th1 · t·~1101att• tlur111g lht· l '1v1I 1\1·r11na11t11·.., B•wrd hl'~•ring on .1ppli1·;it111rl'i l11r l'llttl1·' ht•IWl'l'fl 11\1· I 11',1111!•' I 'olllll \ .t1 r f1chl .11111 .\ rl '""'' Thi• h1o;1n111.: '>111'01•!1 Wt·l!n1·~ d .1 \ 111111· 111 II g , ti I h \ · f • 11' m I' I l\;1 \\II'" Sd lt111I 111 ~;1nta J\11;1 I 11'1 ghl.' 1\h11ttl lU rt•'ildtt11l)\ of :--1·" purl B1·;wh l1 ·..,ld11•ll that lhl' 1'~1 ~(111).: jl'I '('l'VH'I' ill lht• ;11rp11rt 1·r•·alt·d 111 111l1·r•1hlt· 1101st· .ind air 1ic1ll u111m Th i· r1·~11 l1•111 .., whuM· 11•-.111111111\ wa:-. 1ntt·rru11tl'Cf IH .11r1·r;.t1 1H11 -.1· t11td ad rn1 11 1s trat1ve l ;,i ~ 1uclµr• Frank \\'h1t ing tlwv rlon't wanl an\ morl' route~ awanlt!tl to th~· airport hecausc lh<.tl would 1n- l'Vl l a bly mean more daily jet df• pa rllirl'~ Ila\ 1:-., "hi• 1t·st1(1t·d 1lu r1n~ lhe .11tcrnoon ':-.t•ss1on. wa:. al>kcd hv II UAh Coffin. Newpor t Bea ch ·s J S Sl~tant c ity u ltorney. t o ,.~t1mate how many fli~h b would be.• produt·cd at the airport rf 11 w1·rt' po:-~1blt• 111 m eet lht• rnunt ,-ctcma nrf lie ·rt·pl1ed tht.• numhcr would ht• lw twt'l'l1 1wo .ind lhrt·•· ttml'-. llw 1•11mmt'n·1al Jl't 01wr atH>n!-> JI 11t1• a rrport now But h1• sl ress1·d lhat physwal and 1•nv1ronmen1al 1•011:-1 ra111ts wr1uld Jlrl'\ t·nt that Tl11· 1•xt•r11t1v1· told th1· hearing 1 h;11 h1!-> 1·:-.t1rn:1t1· 1:-. hasl'd on n \ :1rds11c·k d1•v .. l11pcrl hy /\ir ('al 111 t1naly1.ing n1•w markcb hy u:-. ing '1at1~tll's from l.o~ Angeles lnt1·rnational i\1rp1>rl 011 a m:1rk1•t It .\ marki:1 ha)\t:-0 W1·0 \'1• found ~al ltl pl'r IS1·•· AIRl'OKT. l':t ~t· i\21 Wan1i1ll! Give11 lit Costa ·Me sa Ori f"ireu1orks Fireworks wchl on s ale today In Costa Mesa. and the city 's fire marshal warned r esidents to !->tick to those sold lc~ally and labc lt'd as "safe and sane ." flle~al fi rewo rks . h e said, an• "ver~ vt>ry <lan ~cro11s . The in 1ury rutes an· vt•ry high." I n addition . Mars hal Russ lfrndcrson noted . possession or :-.OllH' 1ll<•J!a l f1rc•wnrks that c.ir1· 1·11n:-.1ch •rt•tl t'X p ln->I Vt!S I!> Cl fl•l1111\ l lt:nch·r so11 ""~~t·s t e d that pa n·nt)\ wh11 huy lhl' :;afc ancf -.a nt• f1rc.·works makl' s un· youn~cr children :.ire supcrvi!wd ;and thal oldc•r t•hildrcn handlt· tht•m properly lie a lso a11vised 1>a rcnls to keep a bucket of wate r handy for dousing sµarklct sticks, since one of the most common injuriei. with legal fireworks invol ves barefoot children stepping on smouldering s ticks. ----------------------\ SPECIAL PUZA SECTION TODAY ~ ,,, \ ' O Id -fashioned integrity and ~ modem shoppln~ come together-~ tn today's Dally Pilot. \ South Coast Plaza's m an)' de-. pa rtment and specialty st.ores ( d l"play merc:handise today in the South CoaAt Plaza Cataloiue.j a 20-page special -magaaine ,. followlng the format or an old I · Sears catalogue. ~ Don't mass the values 1no quality offered In the AMual South Coul Plaaa Catalorue in today'• Delly Pilot. o ............... -.. TAPPED FOR BOARD SEAT Cottege Ot1trtct'1 Olaon Olson Ne'"' T~tee On Board Hy MIC'HA•:1. PJ\SK•:Vl<'H Ot "'" 0 .. 11, ...... ~···~ U1 r k 01::.on . a· 46 Yt'IH ·old c; arden (irovc res ident, Wii s sl'lt•r lt'<I Wcdne!iday lo ri ll l:t" va - n ini..spot un t)w <'oast ('ommuni t} CollcKC U1:-.tric t Uoard of Trustt>es. lie was selected from a fi eld or seven West Oran,::e County res1- de nLc; who apphed for the vacan. cy created by the resignation of 18-year board m ember Worth Keene earlier lh1:-. year Olson will serve the remainder of Keene's unexpired te rm. then face election in Nr>vcmber lie will not be lis ted on the halfol all an incumbent Oil.on "ran on one d<J y ·~ notH't"' aj.u.11ns t KPt·rw in 1977. fln1sh1n~ 4.IJOO vot(•s hehind tht· now rellrcrl in1•bml>.mt In making their !.t·le1·t1on :.it a m•·1·tinJ.: in Ct1sta M e!-.a . trust('(•!-. sa1<1 they w.-n· 1mpn•ss1·d liy Obon ':-. hus1n t·lls h<i C'k~rhun1I and lht• fact l hat tht· (iarcfon (;ro ve art•a has n1·v1·r het·n fl'JHf's crlll'tl ''" the 1•1illcg1· board O lson, n mana~1·r for the "r't·llow Freight Syllt1·m i,, ha:-. served a:. u director of thl' Orcingc County Sanitation Dis· tricts for cighl years . He told trustees in a puhlic 1n· lcrv1ew th:.t h1:. l'xpenencc in labor n e1:otiat1dns wit h lht- Tcamsters Union ha!> prepared h im for s imil ar negot1 at1ons with ct.strict employc..•r·i. Olsor1, who 1!'. married and h<i!'. 1wo children. i>aict ht· was ~ur prised b} his M·l4"t'l1on ll 1·am1· 1111 ;1 :1 II \'OL1· by I r ust11c:-. HoarrJ a----Y-f'~ulent IJon--Hoff W'$ aT1:-icnl Will Sk ylab f,all on U.S .·! W/\Slll NGTON 1/\PJ I\ spat:c a,::cnt:y 0Htc1HI sayl> that 1f Skylab ap1><:ar!> li kely to fall on ch•ns <·l y populated countries, its t·uurse may he chan~<·d. even 1f that ml'ans a1mm ii it towurd the Un1tcc.l Stab·:-. H11·hard C Smith. director or tht· Skyla b rt· t·ntry l<ask fort;(•, told the Bou!>c :.uhcomm1ttee on :-.pac:c ~1cn1·1· anci :.ipphtations Wt·dncsch1y Lh;1t an a tl<·mpt Lo rn a11t·uvcr Sk)lalJ into ;rn<ither path will be made :.it thl· lai,t mo- m •·nl 1r 11 a1>111•;,ir.._ the •ll'hn:-. wuu Id :-.h11w1·r over i.outheru J-;urope <1nd lnd1<1, for 1·xample U.urch S uicide Victim Ide ntifie d A 2:1.ycar-old womun whose body was round in·thc buC'k seat of a parked c ar ut Culvary Chapel in Santu Amt Tuesday has been identified as Ocborah LaJoe1 of Garden Grove. The victim. who ril ed of un ap- p a rC'nl 1lru~ 11v1·ril11i,1:, 1s he heved to h11vc taken her own life. polil'e s aul OAANGECO~ DAILY PILOT ,,;It)'", ..... ,,.,'""''()"'''""'""' *''"'-.. .,~ l\t fjfft ~l'Wlodl"'"~'.,,.,, 1\~1~nw11W r)f~ , ....... VurA1"11~(0ff'1M"f '-'P"'"'"'"''~""'"' .. PUbll\f~"d ~"' l~tfty()l'I (,,,, • ., IOt (M t• ,_.'4 N•*""t f_w!IWh t1~hl\Q'tOI\ t\#M h I~ l•tft V411 .. , lf •fl,,.. I AQ\.n,.fW-Mh "°"'-•lh(O-\I A ,lnQffl' 1.-~tf""•ttt'"~ I'\ f'l'\fbtt'\-"""'d.,..tllrl'tA'r\<11"" W~•-n ,,_. O'',.. °""' puf>ft\N"O P'"'"' ''Al .UO Wfl\I n•t \ltto-rt CMt•Mil>U. ( 11tl1IOf1t141•a.i>t. .... ,,N ..... fltt\tO'l"l•'ldP~t~t , ... 11 , ..... V•(• p,, \.P"t •nd C-,.0~-' -...,.~, ,_ ..... , •..... t d1t.-.. TM4'M\ A M_._M ¥•1'41tf•~ l d'IU' C.tt•rlo M \.ff\ llttNfd,. '4411 ~\\l\.t4nt M1tft•QI""' I (lttlil\ Co1ta.MeH Ottlc:1 ..v.1 .. ,., .·~;:~~· ~·~ ~~:· :...,, .,It, .. Ottlce1 .. ~~~~"*.:.~" ·~~1'::~·~;~:.11 Tetettttone f1t•l'42.CUt CIH IMM AOY9rttllflt M>-M11 I Thy!!Sl•x. Jy"' n . 1!19 Newport Man Dies In Crash A 216 y.-ar old Nl'wport Beach m•n wt111 lttlt'1i wh1ll' hlll ol~r hrolher walked u~•Y uninjured from • sin.cit> l'IH tn1rtk IU'CI <Jent Wrdn.,,.,day ..-v1•nln11 no•r OC l r vtnt• Klllf-.1 In tlw fi l~ 11 m m il o vt•r t•r t111h wus lla r ry !>avid ( 'u rt 1s, of 1941 l'ort < '•1·d1U f'htrt· l'ullt·t· 111\ •"•t1.i111111 11 Shld l'urt111 was tln,1111.: his motht1r'l\ c ar .. o uthbou11d on llniver~ll y Drive near Mi.t·Arthur Uoukvard when 1 h1· , dw·l1· wt'nt uut of 1·onlrol and rollt·d frorn lh1· N1<1dway <'urt1 ... "'ho tt:ul l1et•n eJi>i·tc-d from tht< 1·ur wis:-. killed when 1 ht> vl'h1dt• 1·:.imc to rt:st on top of him lhb brotht•r, 1,o wt'll, 29, abo of the ·Newport IH!11 r h address , l'llmt>t'<l hut "f the c·ur after 1t '>lllJ>JH"d rolling. pohct' 11a1d Po ll t•t: 1:-.but'tl a SJgalert follow in~ tht: atT1dent due to trafhr t 1eu11s un the husy thorou~hfarc Investigators s aid they were wld th<tl the ('urt1s hrothcrs n· t t·ntly had m11v1•tl to Nt•wport ll1:a1·h frum Oregon f 'rom Pag.-,\ I OIL ... the sa le halted when 1t federal 1udge in Washington D C. said there was insufficie nt cause in the state's case to block the sale. The state's case was based on alleged inequities in the pro· c edur e by which leabes are :.iwa rcJed . The suit claimed the fH"OC<.~s r<:sults '" an 1n aclequatc rinan· 1•1;tl n ·tum to the public Thl· t·asc f ll1·d by Nt·wp1>rt llt•al·h ts baM·ll lln allc>.:ec.1 v111la tum:-. rif tht· NallrHlCl l Environ tn l·ntcil l'rotc•!'lwn A1·t The (·it v 1.:untt.'rtrls that the t·n , 1rn11mt·ntal impciet n ·1mrt pre pared for the !>ale 1i, invalid hec:iusc.' 1t omrtrcd thl' rcqu1rC'cJ air qu :1l1t y s t<Jndard!> :rnd twt ausl' in the t:<J!.l' of the four tra l'ls, thne have l)(!Cn sub:>~­ IJUent downward rcv1s1ons in the 1·bltmated amount or ml cind ,::all in the trncl!>. O'Neil sa id that the challenge to Judge Hauk and the lateness or I he city 's efforts probably me<Jn that the acrep.tant·e or l c a 5e bids li y the Interior Department will ~o ahead as -,chcduled. "It's on<' of those bituat1ons whne we could lose the battle <Jnd win the w0:sr ," he !.>:u d ··I don't think the Ocpartmc:nt or the lntcnor want!> to Spt:nd three or four yt:ars in court a nd -Ul~ U~ttt~~ wrll h<.tn to be invalidated. "Our ease 1s a good on<: and al'!> hkely they'll be willing to ncgolwlf· with U!> and re move those fflur lracL<>," he udcJctl f'ro,,. Page A I PRICE ... The House rc1ectcd a plan . earlie r thJs year that would havt- ,::i ven the prcs 1d<:nl 5tandby authority to ration gCJsohne • 1 fee l that when the A m e rt t:.• n r1 e op It· g <: t mad t·nou>-!h about having to wC11t in line and that t!> the inevitable t:On!>equence of pn<:e controls lhcy will ht! prepared to ~o to a !>y!>tt•m that limit:-. consump- t wn." Kahn said. The council monitors gasoline pritcs at the refinery le vel t-0 !>Cf> OPEC HIKE: FOUR CENTS AT PUMP-A4 if inc reases are in line with Carter's anti-inflat ion price sta ndards. The ~:nergy Ocpurtmcnt has lhe job or m onitoring r rude 011 pr1t·1· int·rc.isc s unde r eight ye ar-old pctrnleum pric.c con trob. Bos worth s aid the prices charged by many of the nation's ::.mall refine rs are increasing "far more rapidly than can be Justified by" increases in crude oil prices. One problem. he conceded, is that some compani~ are buying refined gasoline on the world 's uncontrolled "spot" markets at prices so high they would have to charge $1.75 a gallon al the pump. · Kahn and Bosworth said there is little the government can do about haltin~ inflation until the n"ation reduces its reliance on imported oil, which accounl8 for ahout half or dully U S. con sumotlon. "Wf' rannot afford lo continue to import crude oil as we have or ll's going lo dr ive U!\ int.o bankr uptcy," Bosworth said. While It will be dirrlcult to write a gasoline ratlonln& plan that is completely fair , he aald, "standing In a 1as line-. la one ror m ol r•Uonln& but It's lne- q uil•ble aa bell." .. . Guards Escort Tankers 9y TM Aaaecla&ed Presa • I Nationat Guardsme n armed with bayonet-fixed rifles es~ ed tan k truc k s fr o m oU lerminala in North Ca rolina CO.. day as independent haulel!& ~ s umed pic·ketln R at a tar ge- te rminal in Alabama. ' T r uckers in Iowa and Ten· nessee be((an relurnlng to work Wednesday as Maine d river• c11mped ool"1tl-a ~Natlonai ~ ..... rt-----. Armor y in Augusta to await Gov Joseph Rrtmnan's retUJ'll from a meeting in Canada. Lots ol Parking There were renewed incidenw or violence. wilh rirehembe anct- '>n1pcr shootings aimed at truck& on the roud. Thousands or nails wt·re dumped Wednesday on Jn. ll·rstatc 5, one of California's bu:-.1est truck routes, but UH:y we re· quickl y cll'ancd up and lire damC1ge was reported to be minimal . Ruda Salcedo smooths asphalt on the new parking lot at the Orange County Fair grounds adjacent to Newix>rt lloule vard rn Costa Mcsc.t . The lot. whit'h is <.·xpected to ht· Or><:n in t1 me fo r the July 13 start of th•~ ~ummer ':-. fo1r , includes an entranc·c "' Mc!>a U rive. It is part of lhe r edevelop mcnt of tht· fair gn)unds Foreign 'Quotas' Denied Shots from h11.(h-J10wered rines w1·n · f1n·d al rwo lrt1<"k1> on ll S :1111 rll'ar ('1·1•ll t1in. Mtl . a nd on1• dt 1v 1•r hufr1 •11•1! "UJH:rfieial wounds Thr<:1· lruc·b were rirerl upon in widely S('atlncd areai, nr Al:ibamu We dnes day· MIJ;:hl .in1I early t1Klay. hut no one was hurl Ami natl ... wert· sc·attcred .tl11111-: int1·rs l:ih• h1~hway~ 85 and 77 111 North l.'~rolm~1 Saddle back· Trustees OK Enrollme nt Limits By WILLIAM HODGE ot Ille O.Uy ~let St .. 1 Saddleback College 'l> board president dcn~d today that a n e w fore ign s t u dent quota sys tem was designed to hmit enrollment of I ran1an ~tudcnL'> 1n the d1~trwl The• nc•w '>Y:>h·m , o:ipproved hy I ru!'.tC'f-:O. lh1 ll we1:k , llm1Ls fon:1Kn sl urlc•nt 1•nrollm1·11t lo on1 • p..r ce nt of tht· <'<1lll•g1··.!> t11lal sturl1•nt POJ1Ul t1t10n /\n ;a<ld1t1unal hnnta ttf>n rt-hi rll'h Stud1·n ti, r rllm any one foreign l'Ount r_> 1 o If) 111:rn·nt of I he foreign ::-.tu<h.:nt Jl()pu la tlllfl Th<'r<' :in· 3!J 1w•1pl1· CJltenilTn-g thC' collt•gc on Iranian i,tudt:nt vis as 19 ovl•r t.h<: hm1t of 2tl al lvw1.·d undn the new system "It's ;ust a ·toincii'li:n<·e .' Huard Chairm t1n Ho bert L Price said "Th<!rc wcis no 111ten t1on whaLc:;oever to control Ira- nian s tudent C'nroll menl." P rice ins a::.tc<I Monday '::. actt1m was dcsignl'<I tt1 provHJt-i..I good mix " of s tudent!> from many countrtt·:. 'Thi' l'XIJl'fll'll('I• r1r I hll"'' whit 1n11n1t11r tin" proJ.(ram c,ay 1l'•. l{Oo<1 not to hCJ vt-ttrl> ~rcat <.t p11pul<.1t100 from any (JO<: cf>un try, h1• ... a11l nt ini: ri·w>rt-. from lhl' l'w:illonal A:-....iw1al1on 11' Fort·1gn StuclerH Mf<11r-, ·· u lht·n· ... lllO mJny from rm1· 1·1111n1 rv 1h1·\' t1 ·11<J ''' ·.111 lo: "'rth 1•,11·h 111111'1 ,11111 d1111 I 1'•·1 lt1 111111~11• 111A111t·r11·.1n '>•111••h lw .... Jld 'I hl· r1~t rwt111n ""'" '' •1fil \ i1 '' llllr•/lf°' \\ ltll ,ti !1·t1d I l.1-.'.I" ,1f 1111· ll l'>tr11 r •• tw11 1·.11n111J'>•·" '"' fon·1 ~11 '>lud1•11I Vl'•d" I-111 •·ign nat111n~b \.\.ho lt:1v1· IUllliU.:talctJ 111 -lh l· -l 111tt·rl S1ai1 •-.. ,u1·h ,,., Vi1·tnarth:'>1· r .. r u~~1·1 .. , w11uld rn1t be i.lffl't t1·d T Ii t· , I 1111 r• ll l p " p 11 I ,ti 11.r1 1n r l ucfr!> :1!1 lr;1111 .in -.. 111111 J<Joant·M" f1 v1· l.111_>.111:-. thrc·1· each frnm Vc111.:J.Ut:l•1 und Chi ll· and o ne stuc.Jronl rmm t:ach vr t:J olher c·ounlnc!) i\ ('olle~t· off1 c1<tl s aid lhe large number of student!> on Ira- ni an v1~:1.!> 1s attnhut:.ble LO that <"Ountry':. v1gorou:, p<1rt1ctJJ<tt1on in t h•· fon•1gn '>t1J1l1•nt f1riir~rarn Kul sr,mc offi1:1als a nll forc1~n <,ludf.'nL'I see the mov<: al> vastly ths C' rt minatory "I think lht· real •~sue Ill prt J udtc<:," ~IC'hi.ICI ~hrkf)WltZ. of t he ('ampus ' L1::a rn1ng /\!> '>l'>t<.1n<·•· J>rogn1m , \:.a1d "Qu<1la'> .i n · .tlw;."" "'wh an ugly thing It !-> nnw " polll'y that rl)r<·1gn ·.\ud1·nh :H «n \ v..1·1t-mn1· lw n· \1 ark•1w1l£ 'la1rn1·tl 111 .1n .. 111 ,1ru1 lf1r\ Jt 'l h1~5f· 1·1111rw.1 1,111rn1 i.!r,.nt ri·..,1!11·111 ·,r"' ho h,,, • l;111 g 11;1w· IJflJbl1·111 ... · w ith 11111•1' f"riritl '>l<11·k., l{encrally r e m ., 1 n 1• d a d e q u a t e a l -.upermarkl·tll in the Midwest .ind East. but ~r0<•e rs predicted h t>.: h1• 1 p r 11·1·" t1 111! s hortage!> "'1lh111 d."' S111n1· meal and 111•11ltr, 1.1.h11h·~alc•r:-. rn New York 1 ''"''" 1·.1rl ~ tlUl' 111 n ·<1ucc.-d sup.' 1111•" I l 'hollo 1':11•1· /\~ii t 'rom Pagt-·'I v. l\o ;tllf·nd 1111 .111d1•11l \ 1·~.t~ m~... •' •J-N· --- lit--tt·~t.-Ht:ll t<1n·1i::rr-.rn1 --.. '-~ • • ·• d1·11I <, i~enH.1 l h •lll'i.lk fo:rt i:ll"lt .a~ .,..<•11 ;,., rnany 1\rnl'r11 '"" But l>'1<.1rd pr1·'o1tl1·11t l'nn • ... a1<! .\tontl :1\ ., al'l1 011 :11'>11 1nvl)l\•·ll •J IJ g r .1rli11i.: ,1l·,1 d1 •m 11 •·n t r \ 'o t JIHJa r1h for t h1· d1 .lr1<t • fo ri•1i.:n ... 1udent popul;1t1on · l'.:xperic ncc h<.t . t.Ju l{ht u·. that the \'all-IE' 1,f d e11mmun1Ly t'•1llel':e educatJon ca n only be gleaned 1£ the .... tudtnl hd!°> " rcd :.OOdblc cumm,1n•J 11i lh1• l .in~u..i~e. Prtct' '>J td \\.1• lr1-.1t••ct f1\' ,, prs\'al<· phys1 • 1:111 1• .. 111·1· .,:11 d th•· rciu::-. r1· 11111 1,-df\ 1.1.;,., unl1t1rm1·d untl \.l r ';rn11h wa::-.11 t h11i.;p1tal17.f><l \I 1 '-.1111111 " 1·ar wa::-. thrust 111 111 ltw r1·o1 1 ol 1 1 ar rlrtven h' L1n tl,J 1 ·.11111 l\ot'h .. 16, of Sant~ 1\ll J . 1Jul1 cc si.11cJ . The seconrt tl r l\ 1·r was reportedly not m 1un •d Thi• r111•k up I ru1·k :-.pcd away 11 11rthl1•J U1l d o n New port it .. d1·\ 1rtl f11lltJ\.\ 111g the Clt'\'1- 1, 1. • I" •ho· .... au! Patient's Death fhl' nt:" pol,l , n1 l~d1'> ;1r•. \ 1 111 n., th , • : ; ,_ r J 1! 1 1 • , min.mum J ll•1"' .1t It -•r• •I J 1 • .,, 1,f ~n~11~t1 .~ ,,.11 l.rn~lJ.1).!t• I r John Br·gan. who was dnv 111 ~ .111 11nrn.1rkt'd poht•e car on H '"'' 1 '-rr1 1·l and h1•ard about "• ,,, • 111.·nt 11n h 1..., radH>. -Cause~ot Why an l0lckrly <:o~ta M c::.a nursing home patient died Tu1:~ day 1s l>ttll no t kno wn . a s pokeswoman for the Orange County Coroner 's office :-aid to dav. f'ro• Page A I AIRPORT ••. <'ent of the LAX lrafft<' is Or<tngf> County demand," he ~ci 1d The hearing, which wal> ex pct ll-d to roncludt-today. is· part of the CAH's env1ronmcnt<1I a:-.- lle~s ment of thf.' 1mp<Jel or lhc five Aruona apphr·ations The CAH :.t<1H has issued lht· apphcations a cicl'laration of ne gative env1 ronmenlul impact , a finding disput<.>d by Newport Beach. That negati ve d ec laration could bcoverturn<.-d by Whiting or oy the CA Ji. In addilion. the CAR staff is recommending that the board compile an environmental im pact state ment for all pending route applications involving the county airport • Caty and county officials say 1t ts rcdundunt to i::1suc the Arizona appliC'at1ons <• negative dcC'lara 'ion on the one hand a nd include the m in an EIS on the other Whilm~ is expected lo fnrwC1rt1 testimony, written 1.•vidence and h111 findings to the CA U late r this summer f'...,.PapAI SMOG ••• s mog alert to the gasoline crisis. He said s m og-controlli ng catalytlr conve rters have been r uined b.Y motorists who put leader! fuels In unleaded-only vchlrlcs and by persons who ha ve dehbc.•rate ly t umpe rcd with the c·onvcrtcrs. Refugee~ Wanted WASHINGTON t.APJ U.S churches and other groups are so wllllnw to help resettle the ln dochinesc "boat J>f'Oplc" that an official or • volunteer~ organ.iia- tlon !lays It is "s hort or re f- ugees" and called on the aov- c r n m en t t o double Its a c - ceptance or the Indochinese re- ru1ees to 14,000 a month from the pr~1ent 'I ,000 .. \ 1 nllq,1• "P"'•' '" 11' II 11 J 1• .'..!._i • U•'tl ...i.-LlU.C.-lJ.tJc.lo...-whu.tt-At~----t ----..inr.-1,"':"ifr-.....,...,_.r-;:,,f lfi t• 77 1nro·1~·n '>llltlo'111.. 'Ir 111..:h ,111 111tt·ts1·1•t111n nown The n·::.ull-'> 11r ;an Jt1l11fll>Y on the hod~ or W11l1am L ll..i1Jyl1111, KO . ar1·n 't availahl1• Yl'l. th<· sµokes\.\oman ~•11d ll <iby l1111 d11·tl a l B1·v1·rb Manc1r, 3'10 Vittoria SI. Polit •· at first l1s !t•d th•· dt'ath a-. ac.•t·11lt•n I .ti !-ii ranl-(ut.1111111 wlll'11 llah\'11111 w:1-. f11u11c.1 t in tl11· rl11or 1•n1anglt·d Ill l·anv:is l"l'"tra1nh ll!>••tl to lll' him lo the heel II 11 w t· v 1 • r , a • · o r 11 n 1 • 1 • ... "l111 k 1·~n1 :11l lal 1·r "a1 rJ that , llt'l':tti .... · or l\ahylon':-. h1stury or h<· :i r I all a1•k .._. 1111 1·11111· htM<1n-, 1·011 ld tw tl r:i1.1.n 111·11d1 ni.: th1· :tlltOJI!> (f'IWll'I REFLECTING YOUR INNER BEAUTY .1 r 1 • • r. 1 t .. i. • • • •• d 1 n • I 1 • 11 I • • 11.111 t H 1 • i.: J 11 ll .11 d h 1.· .11 11!1·11111 J lh 'I 11 1' m 1·.tr1 '•• • 111w ~11-.p11 111u , whc·n ht" llw\' "-Il l t'k pl.in·<1 "" ·" .11k m 10 1 11•1L·1 d lit.II tti l' t1 Lwk "front encl J1r11li.1t 111n for not O\Jlfl l..i1 ni111-.it 1, .,~ 1i,,,111•d 111 ,,.,,.,, ol (' J \l'I" ...... Ill l'tlUf'\I " II · ·.,11tl ht• pursut•d lhe truck 1111111-rtak•'n 1111r1 111~iu11tl 11n F :11n ... w Hoad <JI Tlw .,,,ok1· ... m ~111 rw t1•tl that "" ;11 111111•.., p1·r h11u1 . weaving in I\ I I<•:! p1•1 <'l'lll 11f llll' t'•Jlli•t-:1•' 111d olJI n f tr:1tr11· r 1·g ul :11 -;t 111ll•n t ..., .1r1· 1111 T h•• d n \l'I" qf tlw lf'llf'k didn't ,ll':lflf'mll' prohalinn .it ,lfl V t1m1· "fll """ lto 1111t 1n • Illar h1 • Wi.IS be· 1111• , h.t ... 1'11. He >.:an s:111I Stute n1e nts ()ut• SJ\C HAME NTO <A l'> C:d1fom1a's J>0hl1eal "'atchdo~ "a~., morr· lh<tn 20ll 0Hlt1als in I hl' "'al<' Depart mt·nl or Educ-a t1on ha ve fa tll0<I to file lht•1r t•on rlwt of-inter<':-! .,, J lt.'rnent:-. ,,, re· q111rt·rl l1v law ·1 ti1 • 1•1111·1· h1°l1<·11ph•r finall y 11'1I 1•d !111 · 11 IH'k ti> '>lOp nNtr ( i 1 1•1•m illc · SI rt'l't in Sant:• An a. H t•j.!.11) ... aul, anti 1111! driver WLIS .tl'r1·-.t1•ll I I• -..11tJ :1 nrnn :i nrl wo man 1n t ht· t 1111 I.. "'11•1 r1·rwrt(·dly had llh l .II i t•pfl'd ;1 nd1• <.tpf)(><Jrf'tJ """''"'lt.11 "hakc n hy the int•1 1 It· rl I MehtSton 2224 'M9wport ll•ct. .... ~ ..... 615-7174 Ston2 2101/i M.riM A•e. . ........ 673-7126 Men, Women .tnd Boy's Clothing The F lnost Selection 0 Aw•lleble l ... er Cr• CMll1rl ' ··""'' p.111. Ml? I 0 e.111.·t ''""deify .0 FF Sl-iOre·. • j ' CALIFORNIA Revenge Not Held in Death LOS t\Nt:f.l.F.S < t•1 1lw f1anc4't' ot Z8 year olrt Stev1• CClngt·r. 'lh1_it futally bv one of t ht• ~h..-rltr'-t 1h•put u•11 he h od Munmoot!d lO lht' uld of an cldt!r Iv bt-slln.t \ t<'ltm, says silt· t.lot•:sn 't wunt n•vt'OKl' "I hitv .. no h1th'," s aid Sandv !'i1·h1mnwl ··1 don't ~ant rt• 'l'O)!t' II um ah.; nutk•' mistake·:. It I( IU'l \ ('l'Y I ra.:11· thitl I don I uvt; . tt"vt• un mon· beC'atc.t> ,-;r that nusutkf' " RllT At·n;a Mt:t :T1Nc; with 'ht'nff'" 1.kpartm1•11t rt'pn•st-n 1;1t1vt's. M111s Sd1tm mt>I sit)'' 'h" s llll 001~11 I untk~taml how Uw m1stuke that tuuk ('11n~cr s llfo 1.·011l d huH· ~·1.•n m1t'11• Tht' dist n1.·t att<>rne ' offll'l' hal!. ht·~un ;111 inv1•,t1 ~atwn of tht· 'h<IOl 111~. lht• 1·111u\ly Board nf S11pPrv1~11rs h~s 1•111phJSIZt'fl 1t ":mt<> a thoroui:ih probe. nn1I W I' d n l' ' th Y S h C r I fr I' l'I f' r l'1ld1P'S la.s ht.·'1 OUI li t l11>th hrunt•ht'S or c·ounly .:ovt•rnrnent fo r their "chc[1p poht1<·al 1.·om m{•nts based on no fa<'ts .. "" }-11, "' ~ • .. .. "' ' .. ~ ... .. "· .., C 0 NG I': R WAS 8 U Rn; 0 Wednesday followini:t emotional M•rv1ccs at Rose Hills Memorn1I Chapel in Whittier. In his culo~y . the Rev. llarry Felmly urg1·d more than JOO mourners to "lovl' thy neighbor -love one another ....... , ... ,...,0 even be willing lo die for one another.'' Conger had spotted 63-year-011f Jack Gonor ly ing uncons(•1ou~ an the driveway of the motel next :o the Wl·st I lollywood bungalow n1• ;rnd M 1~:. S(·h1mm<'I harl ~hared for a year and a half. llE HELPED GONOR back to h1!> -motel r oom and .<Jl l!.O i clephoned authonllc!> with u description of a man he had sc.-en W(J lking away. _J (..'ongl'r d1recteif the first two c1l'put1~ wht> arrived to the !>U!>· pt'<'l. But J1men<'1. who hacl drawn his J!Un after ht·~rmg a rt>µort which slated anrnrrec·lly th;1t lhe susr>ecl had a firearm arri veil with a :sPt·ond group <tnd :-hut t lw unarmed Congt:r in lh1· n1·ck a.; tw •·merged '>udocnly irum an alcove Bird Reveals •Leaks ' Tore .Im· Sukf-<l<i I hni\\ ... out t hou~ands of overripe to matoes at ;1 K111 g ('it v paekrng house Wednesday as a result of the 1 f'll <'k(•r::-. ... tnk1· t\lthuugh tomatoes are s till being picked . I tu·n· art· 110 t ru<·ks to take them to market. Hobert ~ "~ t·r . 1·11mp;1ny prcs1d••nt. !>ays the str ike is costing the '.\l•·\1·r Tom:ilu Company $120,000 a day. King City is .t111111t 11~1 m llt·s south of San Fr;.inc·1sco ---------- Firm Says DC-I Os To 'Return Soon' LOS ANG El.ES (A Pl McDonnell Douglas Corp. said Wed nt>sday at has a nswered a ll questions raised by federal in· vt'::.l1gators and cX [ll'Cls 1l::. DC· 10 Jets to be a llowed back mto "l'rV l!'I' '>0011 But a FNh·rnl Aviation Admin1slrat1on spokesman s aid lhe .1J.!l'rH'Y 1l!. no loni.:er pred1<'t111g when iL<; investigation will conclude . · 1\ll we 1·<1n do 1s hope." said Alex Garvis. The t-'1\1\ su~pPrrrlC'd lhP l>C 10 operatin~ t-ertificalc a bout two °"'ecb ago J><!nctin·i:: an anvcst1gal1on of a crash of one of the "'1 rl(•l1otlll'<l jel!-> in Ch1n1go that da1m1·d 273 lives Bill .tr;t•t•k" Ram Rf»plac•rntf»ttl SACHA :\1 E'.':TO (A l'l A m1•~1,u rc to force the National 1-'oot h ;dl f,1·aguc mlt> pnm1ltm~ <1n•1ttwr team to move lo Lo!> Angele~ . Sup r1>n·•e Courl "hen thl' Hams move QUI h<J!> won stale ASSl'mhly approval. _ • ~ ., "This is <.in effort to n-:-;tor<• ~ome 700 JObs when the Hams ' ll•ttvf' thl' Coliseum ... As tb\:"tt~·To ,~~T-·( J -'~-bJy.w -0m -.n Tto~SV (';:11r;1rn1a Chid ..,.1us1w 1 <'. ttoM· .6-,TlfTE l~~i.:hes, author o f AB78~. Jl1rd dc:ny1n~ m1sron<lurl in on•· --!>aid before. the vote Wednes- •if th0 t> Suprt•m{' Court case~ un day . llo•r invrst1gat1r>n. tcst1fi l'd the ~ a c • uµl'l'ml' t'ourt l~ wa:-torn 'by :-.usp1c 1on and all· frehng. ~hc told the Commission on .l ud1l'1a l Pcrform;rncc Wednes- day that k aks or papers and other information from the high l'Ollrt got so bad la t«' last ypar 1 li;ll tht• traditiona lly s •·n·nl' c·ourt hccame infected with a .. M cCarthy·typc me ntality .. "l'EOPJ.E tn:GAN lo wundt·r .ihi.111 1•v1.·rvonl· cl~c." 'lhc· told 1111· c·11 mm1ss1on in th•· un prt'<'t'llc·nted pu blic µrobe uf mt:d1 a c harges the ('ourl d<' hberately delayf'd the f1hng of :-ome ~cnsitive decisions lo pro· tecl her confirmation vole last Nov. 7. She narrowly won At one point. she said , her law cle rk aired a s us picion that another justice may have want· cd to hold up the 1''<>x vs. Los Am~eles "lighted cross" opiruon until afte r the e lection. S h e said a ll the j ustices agr eed on the pos ting or a memorandum t.o the entire court staff in which the "breach o( confidentiality" was df!nounced with the J.hreat that violation <·oulct result in disciplinary ac· tton including prosecution under the stale criminal statutes. 3Held In Theft Of Checks Ms Hui:the!-> rcpre!->cnts the portion of Los Angeles tha't includes th.e Cokcum_ whJcll. w.Ul be. WJthout a. QrolessionaL!oolball team <.i fte r the 197H sea:mn when th<' Rams move to Anaheim Stadium in Orange County. Brou-n ·.~lctu·· ttn Pat1 H ikr• . SACRAMENTO </\Pl l\!>sembly Spe aker Leo McCarthy :-:...vs Gov. Ed mund Brown Jr. has moved too slowly on stale t•m ploycc puy a nti IS playtn(! (or r>ubli C1ly With his tax CUt pro- pos a l McCarthy. D·San l"rancisco. reaffirmed his support Wednes· <Jay tor an override" of Brown'!> t:X J>ecled veto of a state employee fwy raise bill. and !>a1tl lhc l>cmo1·ralw ~overnor waited loo long lo int n·a:.c has ofkr tc1 the 2;m.ooo s t<Jte workers /ffoyor s.-.-k11 fo "11.r l.aar•ulf S/\N Jo~RANCISCO <AP)-San Fr\lnc1sco Mayor Diane F'ein- 'lem a~ked the Califqrnia Supreme Court Wednesday to throw out a S.'l m illion s lander s uit ;igam~t her scheduled to go to trial Monday. Sht· a l::.o a:.kcd that the tnal tX! dclayf'd. The s uil was filed by Jr>seph Mazzola . head of Plumbers Union Loea l :~. in 197G when Mrs. Feinstein was a San Francisco superv1:.or. Bailout Ege11 Safeffl l'alvr SACRAM ENTO <AP>-Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. said Wednes- day he wants the Legislature lo send him a longterm post· · Proposition 13 finance bill for local governments, rather than another one· time bailout. But, lhe De mocratic governor said, any longterm state aid bill for cities, counties and schools should contain some kind of "safety valve" for the stale in case u recession cuts deeply into slate revenues. Hrown did not specify what kind of prov1!lion that should be, nor did he put a s pe<'ific dolJar limit on the bill he would sign. SAN DIEGO <AP) - Two Camp Pendleton Marines and a ~avy hoapilalihan are in federal custody in San Dieeo on charges or s tealing more than $138,000 in government payroll checks. Announcing New The three were ar· reigned Tuesday and are being held in lieu of •s.ooo bond each. .Officials said more Ir· ~sts are expected soon io the case. A sale containing 457 ~ecb and 190 blank •med fOftft klentiflca· tlon cards was taken f)'om lhe Oceanside rilarine bMe lut T'tlun· day. aald Larr)' He11, l(Clla& aaent In char1e of the San Dte10 Secret Service offl~. PHOTOGRA Y EXTRA™ lenses Need one pair of glasses to wear all day long? The new tense from Corning ls what you're l<><*ing for. From a lft"t gray tint to d•rk gr~y less than 60 se<onds. Avallabl n single vision and bHocat m. . No matter what your needs in eyewear, price or style, we are he re to supply the best for yoo and yoor eyes at the right price. THE WHOLE WORKS starting at $34.50. (Frames, lenses, & case). '"WI WANT YOU TO LOOIC lllTB FOi LESS .. )~=~~I~~) 210 L 17Rt Slr..t • c .... W... • 1•1r• S4f. 642;.(63d • W ... clays t-5:30 Sat. t-i • ThurDy. Ju,,. 21. 1979 DAILY PILOT .45 Abortion Battle Looms Senate, Assembly Split on $16 Billion Budget SACRAMENTO (AP> A two.house conference committee has begun work on the state budgt!t, and aJready there ls talk of a long buttle over abortion funding that could leave the s tate in a financial limbo. A new fiscal year starts Sun· day. but there is little chance that by then the state will have a new budget giving the executive branch t~e power to pay bills. THERE ARE 3" differences between Senate and Assembly versions or the budget, both of which total about $16 billion. This means it will probably be Monday before the two houses act on a compromise version of the fiscal 1979-80 spending plan. And the issue of state-funded abortions for poor women, wtuch dom inatcd bud~et consaderalaon last year . could further delay a vote to send the budget to Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Meanwhile on the other big spending meas ure of 1979, a separate two-hou~c conference c om millee plodded a head throu~h a seemm~ly endless ltst .Jf w1tnt·SH'S '"' a $!l I billion pos t Proposition 1;1 aid bill for lot· a I government.'> THAT COMMITTF:f. fa('cd 1979 CARS and TRUCKS ALL MAKES! 833-0555 Ask For Our lUSC Sl'£CIAUST at HOWARD Chevrolet '"""" I ,.,,.,.. t I ' • NEWPORT BEAC.H two qliestions -cutting the cosl by $200 million or more, and de · ciding whether to make the bill another one-year bailout or at- tempt t.o make the d istribution formula permanent. Like the budget, the bailout measure. by Assemblyman Leroy Greene. D-Carmlchael. would lake effect with the new fi sca l year beginning Sunday. But <.'hances of final action by then are close t.o zero. The possibility or a long delay o n the budget was raised Wednesday by Assemblywoman Leona Egeland, D-Morgan Hill, who told the conference commit- tee she was "willing to give up my August vacation plans" to fight restricfions on abortion funding. THE ASSEMBLY budget this yc<Jr .includes the $25 million p r o posed b y Gov. Edmund Rrown Jr for unrestricted abortion funding, but the Senate ;.idopted language that limits fu nding to cases in which the "'oman's life is threatened. l'f'owcver . Sen. David Roberti, a leader or the Senate anti- a hCJ rt1on forces. said more hberal l(Jnguage similar lo last ) ear's was a "starting point for discuasion" of the abortion ia- s ue . The Los Angeles Democrat noted that anti·abortion forces are stronger lhis year in both houses and said it would be "in- congruous" and "totally unac- ceptable" for the conference com m itle,e.. to propose less restric 1ve language this year. · The conference committee h ea rd fr o m a p a rade o f legislators Wednesday. most of them asking for more money for one project or another. Much or the testimony. however . con- cerned abortion money. A sse mbly woman Jean Moorhead. R-Sacramento, told the a ll·male committee. "No m a n can truly understand the fce l in~s associated with pre- ~nancy and abortion.·· Speakin~ of the bailout bill for c1t1es, counties and school dis· tncts. Gov. Edmund Brown .Jr. s aid he wants the Le~1slature to send him a lon~·term ball rather than another one·t1mt' bailout. Arter meeting with the Senate Ue mocrallc Caucus, Brown said he has "been supportive of a long·lerm measure wtlh a safetv valve in the event of som;: economic downturn . SPECTACULAR SUMMER SALE Sale beqins Friday. June 29th. as a special .. ,. to• ow-cmto-.en •1 would Hke yot1 to SA VE 20°/o & MORE on all our re«Jular merchandise• ·M>rrf. doei not app1, to spKialor*n s• Hd5' Ju1, 2attt elizabeth duke, ltd. In 5-"' coo1t plno, coda -.o 17141 540-2577 • 2 5 .. DiCICJOftCll •Ta_.Mockl •Ideal Fora... loolcshelYH • I 000/o Solid State R~. '629• Sale s499oo Jn : 1311 COLOR s29900 • I 000/o Solid State • Penonali1ecl Color • Wlftt AFT \ 1211 .... .. WWt. SBSOO ' Rot>n t N Weed •Publi\her TtlomH Keevll IE dttOI' € Orangf> Co J• .. t Oatly Pilo t Editorial Page ..................................................... fhureday Juno 28. 1979 Oarbara Krt-1b1c h f:d1ton al PaQl' Editor Gty Has Interest In Fair Planning Th'' Or.m~t· C'o unt\ fa1n:round., <ind Co ta M,•r--J en' ll;ill a n· th rt•t•t h Hl'I o:-:. Fa ir l)rivt' fro m l'lH:h otht·r .111d MHllt•t11nt·:. orw h a :. th,• urs.tt• to th H·k .ti. u rw <lrivt''> h~ Tht•) h t1\t•11't qurtt· tt'dt'ht•d thl' µ01nt of ... 11001 111~'. pcusuru:<I d.11 1"> J I t«1d 1 othl·t . hut thtn.::-du louk "111 l'IM)llll' Thl· 1:-M1t•. "" 11 · .. ht't'll fo1 ~ t•arr-., 1-. t'lrn1·t h w h 11 rr..:h1 lht• l'tly h .1:-to 111flut•11 n · 01 n1nt1 o l wha t h<a pp1·11:-. ,it tla1· f; 11 I'.: ru1111t b f':ur botu (I 11wmh1•1-. p111nl ''"' th 11 t h e·\ ,,, ,. J »l al1 · .11:,·111·y anc1 rl'Jll t .... 1.nt ,111ufc11 .rn •c· < 'm111t ' .; Tht• ('11 ~ t '0111wtl rwl1·' th.11 11t·H ·rt h t·l1·:. ... f.11r 11,ilf11 flow:. at•ni .. , 1·u,l.1 :\1 1·,.1 ''"'"" 1<111 11111 .,1· ... t11kt·'> ('11.,l.1 M1•:.;.i 1·a1 ... 11ul t.111 1·111t·1 Kl'll• It'' "llllll111111 ( '11-.t.1 \lt•'>.t poli n · .111d fll l'llh'll l.:"I \\t•t•k lh1 · < '1l' l 11111w1I rJto 111.111tlt·rl lh,it lht· lu11 ' mai.h'r pl.111 h1· ... 11 11111t1 11·d 1h111ugh 1111111.il 1 IL \ pl,1111111i.: pl'IH'l 'lh ll 1.'' Thi· l .111 1~1.11 d ... twoll. lh ht· • .111 '\o l1ng th.al \\Ill I.. h.i., ,1lt 1.·.1th ... 1 ~11 t1 •tl 1111 till· pl.111 ' ,,, .,, ph,l'>l'. 1111.·111 1>1.·1., 11 · 1w:11t•cl lh.11 lh1•\ II "tll111gh 111nt111111· tl1.,1·u.,.,111g prnhlt-111 :1rt·a ... \\It h lh1· r rl \ t.111 d1111 I pl.111 111 go through Litt• l'li111 11111).! ( '(11111111 ..... 11111 f11r .1ppn1\ ;ti 1'111.· ('ii\' ('111111('11 \\Ill tak1· till· 111alll·1· up :.11-::1111 .Jul.\:.! T hi· 1·11' 1·1·11 :11111\ hiJ:-, .,1111H· ll·g 1t1miJL1.· c·umpl:1111h .1hn u t th•· "''·' lllt' rn.1''''' pl.111 llJ., hl·1.·n ..... ~1·mhlt·d t-;.,p,•t·1all v d 111"111g I lw 1·11\ 11·0111tll'lllal 11npat'l rcp<Jrl prot· ,., ... l'it.\ l'Ollt'l'f'll'> \H·n · 1H·c·a ,11111a lly g lo:-,:-t·d 1n·1·r 111 a .,orru•wh;1t hig h h;indt·d m;111111·r /\1111 th1· c·1l.\ 1·1111ltl 111· downng hl n:.i ... t.\ :i hou l till• w ho ll' thing , w1thlu1ld111g f1rl' a nd polH·c s t·rvtt't'!-1 rn <1 11 hut th1.· m o:-,t <ltc• 1.·rnt·n.H:n t·w !-i, and 111 x ing IH1srn1•!-i:-, l1<·ensl':-. to vendor:.. \Vtlo lt·as{· fo 11 i.:r11u111 b fad ltlH.•s But lht! b1.·:..t ~1pprmu·h a l this late dal<: 1s Lo ht• prag rnut u: Th<1l JlO!-il lron. 11 !-it•t·m s . would bt• to th.'c1d e whu·h . 1t <Jn y. are a !-. ol lht· tna!-il 1·r plan a rc truly 1>hJt·<·t 111rw hit· ;111d focu s lht• nl ~ .., 1'1r1ul u n rl'mcd.\ ing them Paramedic Pact I .:i:-.1 wt·t·k. llw ('0-.1 :1 ~lt•!-iiJ ( '1Ly Co11 n 1·tl app11n 1.·tl iJ JOlllt p;11·a nw d w ag11 ·t·rn1·nt "1th S a nta .\na Thl· p:w t \.\h1<"11 I'> .iddt·d lo an iJll'l·:11h 1•'\t'>l tng f1rvf1g hling pl. . .111. ""'''" p;1n1mcd1 C''i from (•1th1·r 1·11~ 1<1 n·.,potHI :i~ lht· f1r-.t 11n1t r111 lht· "l'l'nt' if m·1·1·!-i:-.:1r~ 111 1·1·1 I illll 11:11·i.. nf 1·1tlwr 1·11 ~ It '.., nol 1111· 111 ·.,t :.i g rL'l'l'llt'nt ol 1h kind in t h1: 1 ·oi1111 ~ hut 11 ~ 1.·1·r1:1111I \ .1 '><"ll '>thlt· a nd t1ml'l\' o nc· Tlw ~1111 11 c"'11a~t l'luz<i ;1n·:J i:-. a 'rapidly g rowing 11111' t h;il :1 11 1 11w:-.1h n ·:1l l·11~ to oubtnp hot h l'ltlc ::.' t•nw1·g1.:11 n :-.c·n 11·1·!-i 1•:q 1a 1·11.' 111 1h1.· a n·;1 • · 1'001111 ).! ,., . .,111111·1.·-. 1 11~1 k1·.., 1l I\\ 11·1· a ... ltkl·l,v lhiJI lh1 • \'11'1 11 11 1d ;1 lllilJOI' .11·1·1d (•11t 11r !'\(•iz11n• Wi ii rt:<'l'I\ (• l lll nw rl1 :1t•· :11d "'''" 111J .1dcl1IH1nal <·o:-.1 lo 1;1x p :l\1.·r-. 1'111 t r~1111111~. '>:il.1n(·., 1·q111pnwnt or tin· ..,t ;it1011s .'\nd 1111,.,1 1 l''lldt·ni... will a gn ·1· th;it lltt· n11mlw1 11111· JH'tc 1nt~ nl J.!11\ 1•r11111t·111 '>h•11dd bt• t n •,av1· <.ind pn·-.t·I'\ 1· )1\ t''> and ·,1·1·111111 lo pr ('\ 1·111 111 1111111m11.t· scrwu:.. d1 ' ;tlH l1 l11.• ... ( >111..· n1,11 · 111 \\ .1rn1n g I n ;ill 1·irn1m:-.1an<"1·'>. :1n von1· call 1t1g ;1huul :111 1•1nerg1·nn within C'o~La Mcs;1 m11:-.t tdt·ph1111l' that 1·1l.\ :. o\\ n <·rru·rg<·n n '>Wtt<.·h boan .I Tlw C'o~ta '.lllt-!-.,1 d1 :-.p~1l <·h1 ·1 will <h-<.1ck wh11:h pa r :irnt•d w or fin· 111111 1:.. frt'l' a nd <"l<>s <''it to the :-.1.:cm· J\ 1~ll 1 u~m1~1 Ana <.·11ultLn.:!>ulU1La..lraJ.!Jf.: • U\ T~e to Dlllllp Recall Orgnniztr:-<1f u rt•1·a ll campa ign a g a in s t thn·l' N<·wport·Me!-iu· !-id mol tru:-.lct·s s <a id this Wf:.'C!k tht:y won't g i vt· up. t•vt·n th1111i.t h lht·y m issed their firs t d l.'adltnt· T h al wa ... .1 11111· ::!:i lht• l;i:-.t d ;1ti-to :..u b m 11 !-itg ni:1 lt1n·!-i to 1·all :1 11 1.·l1·1·111111 1 li ;it \v111dd C"11tnl'1d1· \\llh lltt· :--.;,1\l•t11 lw 1 J.!l·111·rnl 1•l1 ·1·11or1 I l1,ld111i.t 11111 h 1·11·1·11<111., l11gc•t h<·r w<iltlcl 1·11:-.I 11rnc h It·:-.., th a n :1 "Pt·t·1a l 1·h·1·l11111. ;1.., h;11.·kL'l'l> ril !11<· rl r1 \·c· tw\1· JIOl 111 ( ·d Ol 11 1111\.\('\l'I !ht• Jll '\111 1111 dt'l\I• l'illl lq~;ill.\ ('IHJ I 1n1tt· 11111 ti ( 11·1 11 Th•· la'' n·qutl'l'l> I t!.O(J(J .,1g 11alurcs ;111<1 uni \ a lx1u t 1.000 h;id IH ·1·11 1 ol ll·1·t 1.·<I th tl> wcl'k '.\ k,., p11111t '' l h:1t 111 '.\ic 1\1·rnh1·r tour 1Jf l11l' st'\'t•ll tru:..l1•t• '>l'<ils will lit· IH·fon· lht• vcil1·r, Onl·t· :1 1n:q 111'1l .' of 1111' l111;1rcl h~1., h<•(•n t!lc<"t <:d w hl'llwr 1·11rnpo:-.1·d of 1·1111 c·nl mt·rnh1·r., o r n1·w on(·.., tht· r l'<';ill :t ,l.!:.111:-.1 llw ullwr lhrt·l· lrusl<'l'S 1 ~ l1kt·I\· to 11~· :1 cl1.·a d ll>~u1· · Hl'l>Hknl !-1 111 I h<" :"\c•\l p<irl ·Mc~u tl1s tnt'l w ill h :1vc l ht·ir· 1·ha1l<'t' 111 '.\io vt·m lw r l<1 :.ay w h ul rcprescnl atw n lhl'.V w a n t on tht· ~c·hool hei:Jrcl An y '"m<·1·rm·d 1·1l1wn~ who feel strong !~ ahout t hl' o u kum c 111d11d 111g lht• n·t·all or ganizer s wou ld he wc:ll ~uh ll>t·cl lo frn·u:-. ttw 1r d furts on Novembe r .incl not try to s uhtl't'I lh1· t:1xp;1yl·rs to a n <.·x pt:nsivc: <rnd un nCl'C~:-.a 1 .v s pt0t'ial 1.·l1·1·l um • Opinion!> ultprC!>!>Ud 1n lhP '>P.JCll iJtJOve a re lhosu ot the Dady P ilot Othe r views uxprui.M:<J on th1!> 11o1gu are those ol their author:; find drt1!>ts Acrirtcr comrn<.:n t ''• invited A.d<J ress The Oatly Pilot. p O Bo)( 1560 Costa Mesa. GA 9:>62b Phone (/14) 642·4321 Boyd/Rented Wives By I .. M. BOYD A client asks 1r American Indian men in any t ribe ever.· loan~d out their wives as the Eskimos rcJ'()rtcdly once did O•·ar Gloon1y Gu~ ll'a like Hu s1>1 11n roulette tryjng to make a left tum onto Campus off Bristol during rus h ho ur when two lanes of h e avy traffi c are screaman1 off the new free way tryUig to gel lnto the right h and I ants . SCARED STlfo'F ' Don't know a bout lo:rncd It '!. a n h1 s to rt1·al ra d th ut Chc rokre Indian bra ves on1·1· <·us tomarily rented wives for th e sea!.on. l"o r the wink r , mostly. For the s umme r. too . but a l djscounls then. Our Love a nd War m an 1s in· vcstigating rccl'nt r esearch that seems to prove that only one bride in 19 goes hom e to mother as the result of a fiJ<ht with the groom. Q. "Ir all my beard growth w e r e c o nfin ed to one whisker . how long would it ge t in 24 hour~·•" /\. Fifty feet. al'cording to a r azorblade maker's re sear ch, but that's hartf '° believe . Q. "When ,. cape bull huf falo and a lion rt.cht. hoth uAually die. Thal's what you said. Howdoyouknow?" A. flrOm the aketnat re . mains found by the aludenu of such mitten. ' N it·holu~ Von Hoff man Will SALT Meet League· Fate? l'ht· .11111111 pla .,,,.ti 1111· Ulut· 11.11111111' W;it11 llw v111too 111!. 1•1.1\ ,.if 11u,.1h 1111 1 uhlit!r necking \11,111.111 l1.i111qLw whtlt• t hl' <all 11 It ll 11 1 1· I ' \ l 1 I I' 1· d fl Vt' I a ll1.1 1o:1111"' .111 tt pr11 g 1111:-.1., 11( l.1•11111cl B 11 •1.l11w~ ., <1 rU•rll'!. l'ht•11 111 ,1 t rtt"<' thl' '>tgnmg wa-, 11\ 1· 1 .11111 \1 r ( ·~1 rt1•r "a :-h1>me Ill 1111111 111 I ttlH!l l''S 111' .,h 11 I 1·1111,1 1 t Oii I .I 11!1" lor h I Ill ·' 111 .. 11 1 h ,.,. ti ·,Irr 11111. 111 1111' \\.t -.li lf Iii •11111 fr.111 "11 "' ........... 11 11 Ill!' Ill I 11111 V a I I c e . P e r r y (; 11 m o , V 1 t· Damone T h~ 1mpo rtan ct: h t: a t tached llJ this SALT II speech was apparent from tht: t:videncc of his havini< rc•ad 1t throul(h in adv unce. sorncth1n g he seldom dot·s . Al leas t then · Wllre fewer than us ual m1 splatcd crnphasc~. iJ llho ugh the effo rt lo explC1in the da ngers of our •·nnokiur agl'" l>l'l'mcrl lus t ''° S<•nutt1r St·oo!J -~t'kson ttfld th~ttther m uml>UrJ. of hoth 1•arllf'!. who a g rt•(' with I h t· o I <I I 1 n 1· 11 11 rn JI h r c )' 1>cm111·rut lhal tht· tn •.1t y lh :ip Jll':.l!.l'ITlent 111 ,1 f<U'>'>l<lrl '1l·~1 r Y.lto .... 111nol111.· hJl1fl \ Y. tlh :i f1·w ln •ut anll 11 hiJndful ,,f twrrn·!oo 111.11111111 • I'" T iit-: R .. :ASO~ th1:. tr1 •:il\ 1,, rn 't 111 ••\,,,.,It• .11 Iii• 1•1 ... 1111111 111 '" inud1truul11<·1' th;1t llll>'•l' Y.h•1 1111' l111u •. 111 1<1 ''"''•·11t.1ll\I", .ir1· ,1ga111:.I II krnm \\hV Iii••\ II' !h.d It" f1 111k1 ti l1 k1· llllH•ltlj( '.1 g ;1111:.I 11 Y.11111 • llHl'>I' "'"" ,11 1• \dlfl cl ft1 •1 II I .11111 II 111111• :11•11 . ~ ll 111111 I k l)flY. Y. II\ tht·~ :1 rt· 11 .11111• 11111 1111111• 11 .,i1 11.il1l 1• 1111 th1· 1t11 11 'l'tw :1nt1' JI•· .ilr 1 ·~1tlv T\' 1111 1•1 ttw ll111 L'111· ,, p111111l<1r ,1a111111 h11p111n1• 1•;irrv111f.! w111t '1111•1·1 \\h11"· h:tlt.11h -\hrnr :1i1ll 1 h1•rn 1111 1·am1•ra d1 .,pla \' of 1'1111 111111 • lwld h:1111h 111 ICu1h 1111111.-1 y,;1r t•I\' "hll Y.1 11~· Maill>e>x Ame rica's tccn1e weenie rockl·Li. up a gainst the Sovillt'!. Mon!.tcr Mother s. S1>1.·ukini: in favor of th t· t r t' at y ar c m c n I 1k 1· Set·rctary of Stale Cyrus Vam•t who w1·ar the ir pe rsonulitws likt· <1ld g ray tweed coa ts with raglan s leeves . THE DEBAT~: will !.lurt in earnest a fter thl' .July 4th con gr cssionul rl'C'CS!. with hearing!. l>~fore-H1e Senal~re1~n Re!it- t 1 o n s Co m m 1 t t 1• t· , w ho s t• t•hatrman, l ht• p ufry , 11rissily pri·,·1st· Frank C'h urc·h o lllah<1, 1:-a ll 11ro·tn·;.1ly Th<tt makes him d1 fft•r<m t from llenry Cahot l .ocJgt· Sr 1>f M a!.ha<"h usell!., whei 1 h:i 1rl'll tht· :-.u m1· <"omm1t11•1• <lurinr.: tht· l!ll9 Ll'agut· 11f Nii tuin:. ln·at) fight to wh11•h th1· !-.t\ I .'I dt·ht1t1· ha:. 111·1•0 n11n 11a n ·d , partly h1·1·auM· W11111l11m \\'ds1111 like .l 1111rny Carl•·r, 111 '1:-lc•d 11111 a Jill nor a llllll· 11f lht· 1h1 n 11n('nt ., lt1ngua1~" n111~ht tu· f'11anr.:t·tl \'1111· II llfl fll' \Oii · 11 d 11 y, II llucl Wrl Mm :11·1·1•11t<'d changes. <' h a n gt' s w h 1 r Ii t h e o th c r !lti.;nutorw!. would have ag reed lo, llw treaty would huvc hetin rat1f1ed. But Wilson was irra· l 1 o n a 11 y 11 n11e nd 111 g w h i I c C:artcr'o.; rt·asons for resisting any l'hungt• un· nut owing to a 11 r 1dP fu l i.t uhlrn r nn css but be<.·a ust· any rcwork1n~ will un r--l1t·k the deal w 1 um N w I\ s :r;h <rt-d-ow-n ht·t· <t US(· ht• nei.tot 1:..tt•tl the treC1ly 1wnmna ll un1l atom·. witho ut H1•p11blll'a11 c·1111s11 ltat1on, aml <l1d -.11 1n 'u1·h :.f•tTt'I I hat I ht• terms "1·r1.·n t kn11w11 until the Ch11•ugo T r 1 h 11 n l' , lt1I1 · l h l' t c x t <.i n d 1111 hh:.lll'fl 11 Tt11:. prc·:-.11ll'nt h<ts .11·1 l'll 1•nt 111•1\ cl1ff1·rc·nlly The do<"llrnl'nt 1:-11 I .1 '"rtirt:.i· hur:-t 1111.: 11111 11f th•· < h1'1·t rt!. muJ11r I""' 1:-1011' h;"'•· ti1·1·11 known for 1nonl h!. :'li111 1•, 1111·1 t· anything '''fll'l'l ~ilh h1 i.: I> 1>1·m111·rt1111· dhout ti SA LT II Y.:t:o. lit·l.(un I>\ 11111• l<t·pul1llf';rn pr1·,1tll'nt. 1·ar 111·d l111·warcl II\ a1111lht•r, :.mrl 1~ .. n1)111o.;1·1J 11\ \I"' 1nt1•rn;ill•m:!I h;1nk 111 g .1111! ''o"k 1obh1 ng !'It· 1111·111 ... Ill tilt' (;11 1• II Wil"111 had h;1d < ':1rl1·r ·~ t;wf and niu<lt•.,f \. I ht• 1.t•:t t.:llt• wo11lcl h:t\.t· lit·c·n 1 o1l1 l11 ·d. IHl l 11 ('arltor h;11I Wd:-1111 •, 1·,<·1t1r11• 11ruton . 111., 1·ornin;1111l 111 I h•· r h1·l11rw 11f 111!.p11.1 f11111 lw •. .t111i1 ,· l o muk1· lh1• '>I.II 1 w'l 1d1·ali"11 1·11111-r1•t1• 111 1n•·n .., 1111.11•111.1111111., S/\L'J' 11 \\11 1dtl lw 111 , ... ,..,11til1· I nhap1111\ 11111 llt'oll \\l'lllkl1 ·d lhtr1 lll'l'k1·tl 1.11 111·1 111.111 11·d rlt'1·k1•tl .l1m11 1\ l.11k . 11111 1.111111• l•ul tlw ·'1' I"'·" .1111 I' 111 ,1,11111 ,. flll.:o-TK \T t.C,\' 111 th1·1rn·c <tilt 1l.tl1I•· ·I ''"' ··11.1l11r-. """" " I• ti lh•· l1g hl .1~•a111•.1 tlw l.1·agl1t· \\"I•' • .1ll••d y, ,,. If • l.1 \ \\'rh1111 11·1111111·rl 1111111 l·:111111w to a 11111 I·'"• 1:111· 1·11 ·1 1111 .II•· "h11·l1 It!.• 1 n d .1 \ 11111 ..., \I I 1·l1·1·I 111.ti1 . 1\ ,1' Ill l.111y 111 lft1• 1:1•111•r;tl 1d1·;1 I 1111 l 111./\ "" t h1· p:11t11·111;11 , Tht· If 11•1 11111"d.tl1l1• lwlw\,.d lllal II 1111' """ 111111' 111 ''"''" lli1·'i·111111 ''" ,,.,., I'""" 111.111 111· l•IJl1l1t· •·11111111·111 'f'lw ,,11111· '"' l11d:11 " 11 11•• •111nl;tl1l1 ·.11 lhal II 1111' d d II I I II I I I ol I I If It 1 ,1 II I I' I I 1.t1 1l11 .111•111 •11111 l..f\ ti w1111 I ~··I I .111111 .>I 11111 .11 ,1 Jl Wayne Deserves More Suitable Tribute 'f<1 th1· t-:1111111 1\lll11111~h .John \\'a vnc· 111all1· :t \,il11.il1I•· 1·11111 11l111t 111n 111 lht• 1\ITil'llt'.lll 111•1\l•' llH(ll '>l l ~. Wt' f1 ·f'! lh•· r1·11.1mrn1• 1.f Or:inr.:t· ( '1111nt \' irp11rt w:1s a l'•1mpl<:t1 · h 111 ;1p111111111:t11· l'l'~l 11r1 · I 11 .1 h11tlil y 1•1110111111:il 111111', IAllh .ilrr11"I 1111 p1if1l11· dt'll;1t1 • 1111· (11:1111-.1· ('1111 111 \ 1!11.11d 11( S11p1.·1 \ '"''"" r1 1,1d1· :1 111·1·1..,11111 thh l'Olllll \ \\Ill !1;1\d· 111 fl\t' v.ilh f111' m ;111\ vi•:1r.., 111 1·111111• ,.\11· w1· 111 re11a'111'e p1dii11· 1 .... 11111•" 1•al'h I IOI•• o1 1111ptlla1 p1·1 .•111 dtt''> ., S1111 1l.11 J.'•·.111r1 .. , \\1·1 1· rn.111 ,. lli l'111111h1111t th1· 1•1111111 , ;,fl<·r llw d1•:11 h 111 .1111111 l\1·11111·11 ' In llw \ 1•:11 •. t h:il Ji;1 u l111l11y, 1•ll r11:m\ I'll Ill 11111 Ill l ll'o Ji a \ I' 1'>1 1111' 111 f t'j'I l'f 1111' fi,1 ,t llll'"'> r1I tl11•11 111• l'l'lllll' ,1 11tf lt,1\1• 11'\ t'I ">1°tf 1111'11 ,.,., lflll', \\',. .1·.I( th:tl H11" 1•1·.,l11n· It\ tlw ()1 ;1111•1· ('111111 1 \ 1111 ;11 d 11f Su111·1'1s111 • lw 11·1·1111-.1!11•1,.d aull ;i rn111 t' "111 . .til" I 11111111· lo .Jc1hn \\' .1 \ n,· lw f1111nd S I::-."" ,.: <;HA F r·· A l.H'I·: llA ll ~ I\ \Hl..:N M ILl..,EH ('Hl!'-t'I l:°'lfl. S'f'HEF:H :H SI 'Si\N STIW M ( ·.,,. f 1,, f ·••a" f To Lh t· l•:d1t (ll' In !-.lllJl1or1 11! Mr· .l 11 hn ( i W111'(l'i. ld l1•r t .J1m1· I I J 1·1111c·1·rn ing th1• 1·ost of ~.affr 1111, I 11ff<·r tl11s r11rt h1·r 111form ·11111n Saffron is :i s ma ll f111wl'r-r1g plant. ('roel•!. Sal u ri!oo In tl11· 1•1•nt1·r o f t'al'h l 111 v 1111rp l1• IJl11ss11111 tl11•n · an• th n·c· orang1· yt•llo w st 11~m:is , or fi l;1ml'nh . wh11·h ;m· hanrl 1m·k1•d and kiln dric•d II tukc·:. twtwe1·n 4.000 anti 5.000 of Lht'M' s l1g ma !. lo p r1Hlur1• om• o un1·t• of :.:Jffrnn This a<" counts for th1 · h igh pnr•' I rt'<'t>nt ly 'iUIH'r v1o.;1·d the prep arat111n 11f an mlernat 11>0a l han quct for 1,200 people T hi· 1:nlrrr cons isted of hc•1•f a nd 1•h1<'k<·n Yak1tor1 . Chtn<•s<· r11:11 podi.. with w al t•r 1·h1•sl nut!. and !.UHro n r1<·(•. I 1nrl•1d11d in thl' rwl' flu v orini~ l wo I oun1•t· tins 11f Spa nish s uffron . which costs $55 u ltn. or 1RBR a pound. whulesalt' ll may mtc•rt''>l your r eaders to le arn that two ounces or saf- fron w os sufficient to scuson the rice for tl1ill mcul, but It re· quired 2<1 gullons or Saki, a moni:t othe r lngrl'dicnts. to marinate I he bed anti chicken for the Yak I ton hrocht"ttes. JAMF.S W. CORl.F. M &Rlf'r Chef ,,,.,.,,,,d . To the Editor: I low are the Poist OHlco can· colllnlJ mnchlncs workl"g' >''' 1\ ll t h fl I '> Y. )1 fl !. I ' II ii II 111 111:i111"1'1'1flh 11\ f1r ... 1 1·1.c·,., l•·i•.11 I'll\ t•lOl >I' Iii Jl;il 11.tJ't' ... I/I''> ~ti I ' J'lflWll lC \\1';11 ,\ uf llt'a rtlll' llt>lll 1•1111111 ' wli11, Y.111•11 11111·111·d. •.;1,\ 1111•\ 111'\'l'I lt'l't'l\l'fl lh1•11I 111 ltl•• 111.11111 ... •·rtph IJ.I\ I' ·"' 1·.111\ '"''II 1·1·1111 rwd Hut 1h1· "1111·1 .111111111 111•• tll.tll\ l llllti~. llt'\••• -.,, ... , lh•1 \\t11k o1 j..'a111 f ha\\· ..,1•111 ,1 li•J•.tl l'll\"lop1 lh:t l 1•11nl:1111t·cl .1 1111·1·1.. II 11.i~ 11•l111111·d !ti 1111· 1111111 llH ~;i11l;i \11 :1 lnn1:1nl1111• 1•1·1111'1 1111 1:11 t.. 111 111·11111·1 p11:.la1•1• .11111 111 :111r•l1·d ... 11111• 1 ·nd 'I h1· l'f11·1 r.. ..., ·" 1111·. ,111r 11111 111.11111 ...,111•1' .111· .,f11·11 \1111 lh lllillf' lh.111 .1 1•l11·1 k (:in I .111 lhnr-. lw .. p.1r1·d tl1t· 111.111 I' I 1111• ' E f)\\' 1\ II I> I' A I .I.I:-\!: Pro·•olor Tul lw t-:r11tor I 1·:.n I 11ncl1·r:-.t.ind .... h \ '1'11rn ll;1yd1•11 and h 1 ~ 11r1:a1111:1t11111 11p Jllll>I' 1111' 1h•1•1111l rol of 1111 pr ll't"• Th1•v l'l a 1111 111 ht• pr 11 ""lar 1·1w1 g~, hul lht· l11ng1•r wt• h;l\1' ;1 n·tltng on 1111 111·1n·.,, lht· l1mg1•r 'I ' II ht'lwf1ir1· 11 flll y ... I 0 g11 '>Ol.ir J '111 pro !oool:ir and ....... ., d1 •lighl1•tl w lwn nal11 ral gas, tlwn orl pr11·1·!. \\l'l't• d1•1"1111tr11ll1·d N11 hnc• t•n111\s h1glwr prn·1·s for unyl h111g I f11lik1• f1111d, wt• clon 'I haw· :1n1·w1·r11p 11f 1111 t'\'(•rv v1·ar It h1·1·11m1·' rn111·1· th fr11•11 II and l'X Jll'OSI \ t• t II f •X l r ;i1•t . th1•r1• rs a d1 •1·hnmg .. upph a11d ;1 fl !.1ng dt•nia nd, '" 111·11·1·' 11111.,t ri:-1· 'l'o go solar or not to go -,11l1.1r 1 ... 1111 t•1•1morn1t• tl1·1•1sion !laving 1'111..·ap oil ava1lahh· ml'rt•ly pro l on~s the: trans 1t1on 111 solar 111ti11.a l ion t-:Jtf('ll K E HN \. 1ff•11· 'f'tto l .0119 T11 I hl' t-:1hl11r So R II Wt Ison. (Ma ilbox . .Ju111.• lfll ," (hav111g 1 <"loM·ly oh!.l'r ved thl' flora and Tuuna from thr clN•k of my hoat " ft:l'ls IH1th q11ahf1NI and <'Om pd lrd l1l speak uul on th1· 11light of lh1• goub on San Clemente Isl anti W('ll, 1t would :.i·t·m lo m1· thut . ur h a s t nlcmf'l1t 1:-. u c·...,nlrud1c· lion in te rms and r cprt•st·nts on ly H gut level 11 vers ion lo ttw Navy's propmwrf plun for dt·ul· an ~ with the s11ua lion. 1''11i r enOuJth. but the 1;1tuul1on with lht• deer which Inha bit a ~roup o f islnnds in S1tn Jlahlo liay m i~ht 1nd1r nlf' that to le ave th<' ~oat11 of Snn C'l<-mente l11land to lh<'ir o wn cfC'Vll'<'R Is not th~ way to J{O I am not s11l(l(l'Sling lh•t the Navy's pl1n h e carried out ('1111 .. 1<lt·nni• lho1 t 1111· '·'' \ "'' S:111 !'11 •1114·111 .. I• l.111d 11 11 ,, .1 ... 11 1111.. 1.111i•t• I 111111 II d1lfll'ul1 Iii lll'l 1t•\ .. 111.11 Iii••\ .11 1• 11111\ ""' 1·1·1111·11 .1boi11 lh•• 1f.1m.11•1· ;1 rl11H. of J.!<t.ih m1).!ht lw 1h1111~~ 111 Iii• 1 ... t.1nd '1·1•111111'' Whal I o1111 ..,111• 1:•·..,l 11q : I., I It .ti 111•1 I' 11111 , t •111 1•1·111111c 1111· 1:oah lal" .,f11111ld 111 111 ,1111• ll\ I h• '"I' \\ 111,...1• I I .1111in1• :111d 1°\.p;·n1•111·1· q11.d II \ I h t·fil I .1111 .1 h 11 .tlJ'l''"'''"I' tli.11 .tfl\11111' wh11 "'"''"• .1\1•·•\ 1111 tl1• '>lllq1·1·1 ·.l1111ild d11 ... , I 111111 "11111·111 11111 lllttl 1 ,.,. ... 11111• '"·"' 1111' 11 1-.1· 1·•il11n ·tl 1w1..,111·1·lt\I· 111:11 l•·rirh 111 llt' 1·111:1·111l1·11·tl Y.ht·11 th111 g., :1r1· \ lf'Y.1·d lr11111 1111' ""1 II\ d1•1 ·k-, 111 1ir11··, II\\ II lt11;1I I Ill 11111 ""rt' .... h1d1 '' .... or.;1· .111 .11 11H·h ;11 r qu.1rl•·rl1.11 I. "' .• flt'l'kdl.111 n;1lUI ;d 1't HOllf<.l{'I T I S1\J\C '~ l11a .. t•11rof•• To th1• t-:d1t11r I\ r1·<'l'llt 1>:11h 1'11111 urt1l'11· 1.)urw fiJ r1•g;1 rd111g t ht· N1·wrH1r1 St :i t 111n bar 111 Col> I a M 1•:-.a eon I a1111•d !-it'\ 1•ral 1na1·1·11 r a1·11·:. S1 111·1• the· rcpurkr 1·ovt·nng llw .. 1.,ry n1•11h1·r at lt'ntll'tl ttw l'lu11 111ng C'ornrniss um 111t•t•t1ni.: nor n·v11·wl'd f'l<1n111n)..( l>«11:irt.mt•nl n•1·11nls on this 1sstH'. r<·ltanc·t· w ;1.., pl:11·1·tl on .,1·1·1>1111 ha nd. lu·ars<1.v informal 111n Th" 1., lru Iv :in 1mf11rt1111al1• !.1l11at11111 . Tlw arlll'lt· 1111 I ht• N<•w p1irt SI :it 111n h~tr i.uggt•stt'd lhat th1· f•t anning ('omm rssmn tlt•nll'd n · 111·w;d o( lh1s fll'rm1 t !1111· to a liH'k of la111lst·a p111g and parkwg l11t stripin~ Th<' n•a!.110!. art• m 11 1·h m o re· t·omplex T h1·rt.· have bt.>cn hum1.•rous problt·mi. ahsol'i;.1tcd with lh1s har stn1·1• 1977 Thr onupancy of th1· har Y.~1:.. incrc:iscd, n ·quinng mon· parking th;m was a va1la hh· Ai. a result. the a11pht•anl rcqul'stc1I a nd was g rant t•cl a p arking vanance bas('(1 on <"ontl1lJons 1m po:.i•<t hy the Pl a nning Com m1i. ... 1on and prom1:..<::.. :igri•t·d tn h\' thl' applit·;int PARKING lot strq11n~ lo allow atlcf1lt11naf onsitc parking wui. only ont• such ('ondillo n A:.. u re• :.ult of nonl'ompliante, lht• 1·1tv ha !. r1•t·1•1vcd numt•ro u ... c·om plaint s frn m n<'arhy hu:-1 n<'ssnwn. The n · huvf• h<'<·n rx a m J> I 1· s o f <' 11 r s h I or k i n g d r i vcw uys und s idl'w tt l k s. dunrnJtc to renccs. und littcrini:1 of adjuccnl propertlt!.'i. Most st•riously , Nt•w1X>rt Sl11 tion docs nol hav1• u permit for public asse mbly af> rl'quircd hy th1.· Unlrorm F irf' Code Th<' pr r m 11 cannot he _issued sint'l' the ll('C'UJllUH'Y Sl'J)llr:tlion wij.hin the building doc:. not m f'ct the bulldlnJt code · • f'h•· ('11:-1.1 '11•,,1 f'lanninc on11 n1..,,11111 .Jnd .,t.iff •if t h1· n lv .1t11·mpll'cl 111 1·11111w1 :ill· with th1~ .1 ppl11'.111t t.111 "1th \'1•ry dl'>Jll 11111111 11 11• ........ 11 .. Th 1 • I), 11 I\ Pilot 1·11 \'t•n1g1· 111 I Ill' Jll 11hf1•111 'IH'l'l'•0tl1·d Ill o.;(•flS,J 111111.1111.1111• 1111· 1·twn1t·l1· a1tra1•1 1·11 111 ltw h.ir I 11l11rl1111atl'ly. 1111~. •.111 1•, • .,., \\ :1 .ti th•• I'\ 111·n :-.1• ol "' v 111 o11·\ .111d 111111pl1•11· n·port Ill)' l<l<'llfl.l<I> II C 'l\H~'I ENSl<:1' C lt.111'111.111 1 ·,"1.1 \11•.,a l'la nnr11g < '11111 n11,.,1•111 t ppall••d ·111 t li1· 1-:1111111 I \\ .1-. .1ppallt·d Ii\ lht• front ll.11!1' "''II \ .11111 Jlll'l 1111' Ill \'llllf l 111tt· :!Cl 1.,..,111· "hwh re v1•:il 1•1l "i11p1·n '"'" Th11111.1.., It ti•·\ puhh1· I' p i ;11:.111 g 1·1111\ "''"" c·rookt·tl 1111li t1n:i11 l!alph 1>11·tlr11•h. Tiu:. 1·t·rtarnl~ 1 al"'" q1w~t 111n~ aho11t S11111·n1.;111 Hilt·~·.., 11nil1·r.,l:in1f lllJ.! 11f lhl' I f'llSI I h ;1I I ht• VOll•r:. pla 1·1• 111 1111' l"'"fllt• lh1•\ dt·t·I to 11fr11·t• Tiii' 1ury found t hat Ha.lph 1>11·<1r11·h knowmgl} v111la1t•d that 1 ru.,l. and hi' ... t1011ld f'l •rtamly ha ,.,. h l'l'll ,11low1•d 111 rc.·sign wit h11ul 1·011 1n11•nt hs h1 ~ pt·l'r!.. 111 rt•11 r1• 1n1" tht• 1g nomcny hnlught :1ho111 by his ;IC'tions. If St1pt•n•1s•>r Htlt•\' w:1n11·d to w1.,h ~·t r l>wdr'll'h Wl·ll lha t 1•11u ld urtd ... 1i11 11lcl li a v1• 111•1•11 1111111 • 111 flrl\al1· T llANK c;ooUNl-:SS tht• Tl:"J < 'l' I' ord111an<·t· ti. now rn dft·l·t 1111 Ora n1!l' C'ounty Mlflt'rviM1r,. y, hll'h will hnpl'fullv ma kl' 1111• '1t uat1 1111 \\Ii 11'11 I 1•d t 11 Mr lltt"fln<·h ., rnnv11·111111 lt·ss likely I l11w1•\1·r. ''"<'•· Sup1:rv1sor lhk y 1111 p11s1•d T l Nl'l' I'. n •fusing to ;l(·k nowll'llJ.!t' llw pruhle m cv ,. ,.., ont• t•b t• t'tlllld :-1•1• Ill t he a re•• or po.hl1cal <·ontrth1111oni. and subsc (jlH.'Ol t'Onflicl Of Interest, Wl' agu111 st•(' a slant'\' on his purl thul shoulll b•· unuc'l'Cl'table lo t lw vokr:-. or f frangc County. S upcrv1sur lttl1•y scums to ~ demons! rnttn~ mo rt• and mor1..• l11111 his stundurdi; for t•onduc·t of puhl1 c· offit'i ul s urc inap pr·o prlak t>n I hol hui;1s it would lw appropr·1a1t• for th" voters of o rnn Jtt' ('ount y to mHke this ll•rm to offr<•t• hili lalil. CllU<.:K STEGMEIR Common (;;.111se c o .coordinator 40th (;on~ress1on1tl Dist • ,,_. O•llf t't ... --c--•N<-· ,.,, Ir-•..-rt I.~ ......... ........ •• •111....-,._ .......... ,,.., c ....... . (A UUt. Letlen Ctflti.rM lef .-.Ca• ,_ ................ _ ................ .. MltlfOt ... I""' .. _. •N --.... .. l"CIWef -_, .... _.. llt .,........ &tn•"''t.Mc." STOCKS /BUSINESS Tl,urKday,~ .NYSE 2 p.m. (EST) Pric .. t4 .. II A •C.r t h t ~ I\ • • AMI 11' I "' lt'-1rt •1111 • ~ !f~' AA4 IM I !"II lo • :~~ I . I ~ ~.~ 4 II J( \4) IQ ) I \I , 4 ot>H n I II UI )0 • :~:~ ' :: : '! ·~~' ..... '.... . ..... 4dl'f'¥f • t • •••"'-''''• --··~. 4"'"""' I Jt' ' •) I Alt .. •tt t0 tt'\ ll\ at , • •• , .... fl I ., • A.•.t@f'I• fl~ , • ' ... ~::~ ~r·. ~~ ,-;. ! , 41•~'\ I ~ ti. f t41 .,.,~ '" .. ,. ... " . Attwfn, I II \I I Atb'•1t -· •' Atb't-..1 t .v .. ~--»c..a. It~ flJ I tit I • Al1h4h tit• A41"11l I> ' A1tv t (111rJ .. Allt11A11 I\ AHQ &•f t •' t •teo• .J t • • ,.., Allgl 1 t I I Alllll 1 r I • I AllQPwrr I I• I .' d Alfltf'(1p \ I 8 t ... ::~~~ \•" N; '~ • :~ 611(1~0 Ml I I AllO'>lr I '>ij • '"' . .. ~ .. " . I '' ,, " " ,. l\ • I' ·~ . I\ • AU;'\(n ..., \ -., 1&•• ,\,Jlt l\u .. ,., ., • I\ AICJr .... , I•' t\ t , A tr UA ) t I \ It"" \ Aml~uq • IM 1 I I Am•• 11 "6oi 4J9'1. Amd• Cit l I •• ,,, A,,,rO'd t ~J ' ti JI • ~.,,,,, I i 1 I •• I Atro ~f /,,.I f U I ~.-.. 1 "J Jii 1().jf ..... AMtt\ t1f J I I~ I Atn/\H 41 I t11 I Amr\H w\ ''' !Ii /\A II ,,, ) ~ h ,,, • A h 11t 1 h8ttHh 1 AAffJ 'I I Afi1U ~I , I, Af••O I I I 41 AhO< I 1 Ill Am (+"n i "'' 1 A('''""' ' l'I l\(t-nlt ., A( t"" t ~ Am(), ff \I A U t I ti t11 I H> A('''""' • h I I II Arni .-o I fllCJ 1 141'"1 A t"" 11 f.!J b JI At tl\n )1 ~4 A(.r1( 'ti I U 1, 11 A r.,,01n , 1 • H~J '•' A(.1\n 111 I h1'1 4Q 4r1,, AH"rttl t ...,. Fl "IJ t.Jll, Amtifh\f t \ bl I J I A H ()m'" 1!-c)12 406 )I • .- AmH• \P *> ti tll J•"' Amlnv\I ~· 10 JJll II AMI l!/)10 ~I 1~' , AM MIJlr 1 1J} t • 11,,..,,~ '10 11 n\ •n' ASl.,.f-1 n ti(),, 11 -, 11 ,. , AStHIJ WH1ffl • t It ASt•nll 1 ei \f\t "-"• A\t,.r1f 11 ? ti I Am'""' '1 11 8 ~} •\ All \ I \JI\ \I ATTe>t • .,,t~>· /I TT pl If~ 11 A• All OI j IA ~ 4),,. AW41t flf I )"t t ll t I/ Am .. •1111 t " 11 Am.-•IJ A lf) "It t AH'\t I• ... IM f, .. • ,\rfifol I /'l I t I AM P I"' I' J Ut A n tft• O ,,., AUt(jl . I 1 A•1 ,.,,,, t ' ,, '""' I II I\• .... , ,., . I·• • '· .. ' ... .. '1111t.;" :·~ •1"'• "' ,, t h• ~V4t I ,O I I "' ,, " t ,, t .,, \ • fA ' It ~I ' I f\1M 1,,. "~"""'' I o I , .. f '" ,, • \..t1\t l ilf j •• ,., ' ,,. COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS Quu,•HOftt lrtrt\Wtll h .w.h \Oift,r..Nt1n-.Y1u \ M", .. \, P•(U1( Pow hO\I()" ,,.ho1••nd C,nc.1n~lt\\OO· •u "-'~'••M:l ••C'QttHttry lflC' N•twtr\•I •\WK 1et1onot ~"'•I••"~., .. ,, .. M '"''.,'"'' .. .. .. , ,, •' I ~ • • 14p ,, ,, t 41' I I• I/ u I• Ir• " . ... I• I•• Punishment Approved WASHINGTON IAP> -President Carter's Inflation advisers have agreed to punish major violators or the president's wage guldehnes. But the big club the administration had hoped lo use against violators ls turn- ing out to be a little stick, the of- ficials concede Administration sources s llid Wednesday that top lnOation fighters • decided to push ahead with plans to deny large federal contracts to com - panies lhat exceed the voluntary pay standard of 7 percent a year -22 s percent over three years The problem is that one violator currently being eyed doesn't have any large federal contraci., and it may be impractical lo deny contracts to another group-Of l)OS!tlbl e violators ·~· Thuradav June 28 t979 s OAlLV PILOT ., TIU Plan Babysitting Cost Aids in 2 Ways By SYLVIA PORTER I l'llUt .. s.-, .. _ .. ,, An important change m the tax law opens up a new break for f am1hes with babys1tt1ng cost:. Starting in 197!1. tax c redit:. are allowed for payments to gr andparents for babysi tting while the children's parents are at work If the grandparents arc not dependcnb the ch1ld ·carc crcthl goes up to $800 'THE 00Lt;ARS SPENT ON lfi\BVSJTTING DO d11u blc duty Money paid to help '>Upport retired parents also <'an qu<Jlify for the C'hald 1;:1r1·1 rt•d11 P:.iyrncnts for b<ibys1tt1ng must be r casonahlc, not In 1•xce:.:. of the goin~ rate for bahy..,.tter:. 1n a g1 ven <tre<t The law say:. t<txpayer s g N the t·redJt for what they pav a 1Jabys1ttcr to look after a child youn~e r than 15 wt11h: both :;poust•s work. nr wh1h· •me works and the other at tends s~ool f or ()n<.· c h11tl . lht• t: red1t 1:-. 20 pen ·l'nt of thl· f1r~l $2 00() :.pent f o r t w o o r rn '' r e children. lht• c n •d1l 1~ :m pl'ru·nt or S.1.HOI/ FRO~ Tiit: Money's Worth g11.1 ndporl'nt:-. point ,,r '11 w 1h1· 11.1 1)\ '1t11ng monc \ ma\ ltt· l01x frt·t· 1nrnmf' /\n<I IJlthou~h lht• p u) mcnt .. iJrt 1 •11l'>11h·1<'<I 1•a r111ng'>, Sci< 1:ll "it•i·unl\ 1<·1·11111.;nl!-> ,,ri ,al lov.. d t11 • .1111 S.I '11111 in 1!17'1 v.1th11ul lo..,1n~ b1 nt·f1 h 'I ht h.1h\,1l1 111J.: PiJ ~ 1111 111 '> .1rt h,,.,.,,, fri•1 '1'11 h1 gin 11 ltlr llH'rt •~ 1111 ~011,il S11 11111\ t.n ll1••r1 • I'> 1111 \•.ilhhold 1111• tl 1111 1•1.111tlp.111•111., d11l11 1 •11111• 1n111111•• t.1 ~ 1r1 l'f,H :Jlld t\1111 1 l'\111'11 lll llV.1 ,Jll\ I I \ Ill l'J,"'t l'h1 ,1 J>l•lllh '>h1111ltl h•· • 111 , ... <I "''" l '1•opl1 v.hri , l.11111 th•·•r p.111 1d d1·p111<J1:nt.., '>hou ld 111• , .11 .. f11I I ht• • 11111! • '"' p,r\ Ill • Ill '. \ 11 111 11 }!l\t 1•1.i11dpur1 111~ 1111111·. t h,1n SI 1,100 1n 1r10.., ,,,, nml' t'iJ<h or 111 .i\ rt1l111•1 lh1 l.1ll.p:.1\.1 r ... <'1111rrihul1011 ltJ 1, . .,.., !hJll h.1H I h1· II '>Upplll I llt•'>ult 1111 d1•1a·111f••nt \ 11t-du1 tto11 II-TIU. HAll\~ITTl~C f'AYM E:--;T') ;m · :.mall. the '1.1rl1 <i(I <1( th• I 0(/1) d•·pcndt:nt \ d1·dut·t1on ror th•· I hild 1 .H1· 1 rt'iJll 111.1\ 1111·:1n h1gh1·r t..ixt•'> llul p1·11pl1 \\h11 • l.11m th1·1r pttr1·n1• .1~ dl'pt ndt•nb m:J y '' tl'd 11p v.11/i tv.,, l.1 \ l1r1·;1k'> 1f th• 't11ltJ u 1rt· p,1\ rn•·nb 111r-.h 1111 )!f,t/ltlJt ,,, llh "'"' •h· ~J l,l(HI 1:r<i ... ., rnt<Hnt m urk 11111 1t11 l.l\JI·"' r 1111 1110\ 1d1 • lllor•· rh.111 It.di rt1••11 '"I' p111 I 11 I ht•\ l'•·I I ( h1ld I"'' I fl•tfil 11111 lh••\ , 111 I I 1.11111 d t pt 111!. 111 ' tit d111 111111 1111 llw11 \1.111 111 11111 SkOf l p , ,1 f\1 ( I\ I I 1 •tJ1t !:!I I'\ \IHHT H J;\. \ '\ \H.IH( \I. '''l'''ll'>t''> lht•\ I'•" '"' 1•r,1ndp.in·nt'> 01.i\ 1f 1•rr1pt:1 f\ h<HHl l•·tJ JOd lia1 kcd "' • Ill• Pll1·d I hr•t k'> Ill qlh1 I l•llHll "' I nit rt•d 'Ill tht II' ,, lll llh fir( .t l1t ~j.!1 I 1111 lf11 ,d t \Jll rt • tf11J111111111 f11 tl<J.1111 Jl•ll •'tlh •'-1J11•f!f1 ,if ,j, fJ' 11tJ1•11l l,t\1/:t',t I " ll,1\I' Ill JllO\ 11J1• 1111111• lh.111 t.;11f I lll'1r "'11'11111 I I h1'> I'. 1 Ill''' l .t•\ hr 1•.11\ th.it ,.., ~··111 1 .1J I\ 11111 k1111w11 Jf lf•l lfll\•f11f111 <11tl r I\.\ 1r1 11f tll'-IH11A \ •' rl \ll'd1c;1ir1 lfrt•11A 111 Sta••· -1axable Sales $113.5 Billion f,1;1o;.1hl1• -..ali·., 111 t ·.t1.r11rn1.1 1r1f.1l•·d ,, r• 1·11rd SI t : :i !11llum 111 l'l.~ "1lh fr1ur1h '11•·11 t1 ·1 ,,tit·'-1·\<'• t·d1n1• S:H ;i l11lhr>n F rn1 ·~1 I llr11111•nliurl! Jr " mi rnli1 r or lh1· St.111• B11,11 cl of l•.q11Jl11 1tlOI\ ~a id 111'/k t.1xahh• traO..,iJt lions were 11p 1·1 I pt•ru•nl O\(·r the prc•\lous )car, \\llh tht• !-.trongl''>I '>:J h s growth 01·1·urr111 g 111 llw fourth <1uarlt•r lnflat11m rne;i ... tirt·d h\ l hc• c.i11rorn 1.1 C1>n.,Um•·r Prtc1· lnde . i.l\'t.•rag('d R I P<'rl't•nr <l uring t:J7H. !-.•> th<1t th,. JCtual growth In s,1h·s \Olunw 1.·xpr1 ·sM'd 111 "on~lanl tJnlli.lrs wa~ fi rwr c ('nl f11r th<·) 1.•a1 ' C't>n'>lanl doll.tr" rt ff'r ... to thC' pun hiJ'>tng power 11( lh1· doll;.ir 1n term~ of 1b 1:177 ,,11111• 1111•l1m111.1t1 l ht• t11.,tor 11111) nr tnflultOO II\ lOmparrng :-.ale!> I 1~1-'l.i\TION (;i\IN•.D ~0;\1t.~1 lM tlurtn~ thl )t·ar 11nt1I 1t µ1.·.1ked 111 both S<."111t-ml.Jer anlf Ot'tobt>r .11 !I !> J>Cr tTnt higher than the :.amt• pcrr0<I in the pn·1·t.·ll1ng \'CJr, l>ronc11hur11-said • Prru·~ subs1dclf :-.li ~htlv 111 Novemh1·1 .i nd f>l'tl'mbcr but h,1H • .i< r ch:r.1tc1f :-01111 e lht·n Tht• :-.tale's CPI lcvt'lcd <Jff durrng the fourth c1uartcr hN •ausc property lax reductions r esulting from l'ropos1 lion 13 were included m lhe December index lk latl stores posted $76 4 hrlhon in 1'1xablc sales dur- ing 197H. up$8 9b1lhon or 13.l percent from 1977 After ad1ust· ment for 111nat1on , thl' r eal sales volume wus 5 pt·rcent higher than that for 1977 For the lhtrd 1·on scc11t1vc year . retailers fcatu1111i.: durabl1· goods ('(J,•·:I 'fL'/> o Uhl·orc·rl tho:-.e han· . . ,, '' r. ' cihng nundurablcs with ~ain:-. of \6 4 and \0 7. rcsp(.'('f 1 \(~ly Th e s tr o n ges t j.!rowth r ate throughout lhe year -16 2 pt'rcent-was r eg 1~tcred for thl' r:.itegory "all other outlets." consisting primarily of construt·t1on contr actors. manufacturers and wholesalers SAl.&"1 RY NF.W·CAR D•:At.ERS t otaled $\ l.7 billion during 1978. up 17 pl'rcent Over one m i llion new cars and 289.000 new trucks wer e register ed in 1978, up 5 5 percent ovt>r the previous year Sales and rcg1strat1ons were strongest m the spring quarter . following the pattern or 1976 and 1977 The taxable sales of the service station category (which includes many r efineries> wer e up 4.2 percent in 1978, for a total or nearly $9 l billion. This Increase came on top or sales figures lhal ballooned during the-1977 drought when hydroelectric plants burned fuel oil to replace lost water power Distributions of gasoline in California during the year totaled l 1.871 .500,000 gallons, up 4.9 percent from 197'7. The price or gasohnl' averaged 63 6 cents per gallon over the year. exclusive of sides taxes GASOUNE USAGE ADVANCED slightly more rapJd· l y than the number of veh1cles t>eeause the number dt licensed drivers In the state also increased by 2.9 percent.: Northern California and the mountain counUes led U., slate in regional growth with an nerage increase of 17 :I percent during 1978. Soul.hem California. with an tncrew of 13 S percent, edged out the San Francisco Bay Are,, which was up 13.2 percent. Trallin& were the Sall Joequift Valley and coashal counties, up 12.9 percent over the Pf'9· l'eding year • -OAI\.. V PILO l Television EWNHO uo•~l. • f GUftiQ thuOM tty ff> f•f-- ~ut • 1tv•f'.fl ftotrl trw ,..,,no.\ UI A t qen1hN l)PH\' TUBE TOPPERS c.om.. ·~ "' , •.• ,. KTl..A II 5 30 Angels Baseball. ~' .. •• ,~.:. ..wa -C.•MfY ..... , .. '•tHJut Att~ ,,,41 H1>1 Ono r '"' M o•n•no U) MOVIE The An~els wind up the ir series with the Tl•xas Ra ngers in lhi~ first of four con· ~eC:ut1vc lc~lccast~. ---·---- • rHI PAltt"'°°' 'AMILY • • I htt Cool o ...... 11•1tol1 1<1ono1 Mc()owan f ~··t1t1111 w .1tt.on A f111hnf) I I( lo •fttl 1t fl0 1\ VOUnQ (Jt'I h u rtl U&1 trJ •t<tluOll\n u ft;lnff"Hl t.Ul~f (• ,.,, I NBC ID 8:30 ComE!dy Theater A OtO '"" .... ,... ,,, ... nn. ""°'"'' ......... , ""'''~"1<· • tTM£TII OF SAN AU-NC4CO 1·ompulc r error sends two women 1Carol Wa yne and Donna Fontercttol to heaven 111 this pilot for 11 new scn c~ ~,tcUl* nlu"t •o, HIH • flt.ti<~ .. ,t "''*C m•t• I .t t 8JW)• h•1• Vo•<J (ltt'h 1tt• tn..- Ut ... •f"'-'•'1 f1Hi'''' f f f "' ~K-Hh~J f\1 f,Wt~'fl ti Ol) MACNEIL I CEHRER ~lEPORT KllJ O 11 00 ·u ouse of ... , 8i) OllflJt ~Y fD HERE'S TO YOUR llEALTH th•• A< ''" 1frnJ f'11t•••rU 8 30 0 COMEOY THEA TEA ',., ;<1t,t1t1 wt•'""'' t()tmn.t SI ranger:-. Edwurll <; Hobinson stars <• s ;.111 u n !'> <.: r 11 p 11 lo u ~ b (J n kc r who manipulate~ his four :-.on~ 111 this 1949 muv1t• clramu yo ... u.N,l!)u.o UU- C!) £0UCAflONJ.~ ~WMlffO • ca.8~6 I~ A8C~S uo I CANOIO CAM(l\A I LOVE lUCY ktt .._, .K.• t4"lt"''' 'u" , .... ' t t.A,.f ., ~~ .. ~· 8) nu..-OA5'CIA t Cf'()88.W1IS 10 MERV ORIHIH llnu~ropped • •U"'Qh l1m t "''"" ., 11 .n 11\ncJU • l •m ~ .. u ... n '°"I~=: A8CHEWS tf) JOKER"S WllO 8lJC MILLION OOLUVI l 'oll4l'll1Jll Hoh i\rho g,J!'>I bring:-. f{11h111 \\ 1111,1111:--h o 111t· 111 a pl.1~t 1c· t rH'>h tw~ .d11·1 tw •• tuund 1 unn111~ arrnll\cl 1n th1• 1111111· on Mork Jlld :\I 11111\ t<J111g ht .it H 1111 ,\ B< · C'trnnrll'I 7 MAN •,f11Yt' ... 0•.)h~""*'~·•1 t• • • Hu fr'I i11k1t 1(1 It 1 n '"'11f .,,,., .. ,,.,,, nt tth• t1t t1.••t wn1t,..n n .. ,.,.,, ,,,., ·•1 HI• • ' Q) SANFOHO ANO $ON W hHfl t t.1Hlf1lll L1Hlr\ ,,,, •• 1~ OltJt1t "Y••H•1111 • 11•rl ,I hf!ftlfl', 111 .. ,Ill..,_ llth 1 hl1W t t01t 11IUt; ,1\ 1• EE) '8 TONIOHT A ttt(1trn '•" w11ul II M • t 0 IN SEARCH Of' f1r; •m . A11tl "•~1n1rn 11t 0 THE GONG.SHOW 0 l lC JAC OOVQH (l) ADAM· 12 •••• , •• 1 •• l•\(111 jft f IOI I •1il....,•H1I 111 •t l,111 t 1u 11pl1 lf11 llu ,,,..., ft,1 11111\ ti I ''''''''""'' (f) NEWSCHECK. & S 1 98 BEAUT'!' SHOW 10 I.AA fCH GAME f;t• u J111ht tofu.1U 7·30 0 ' $26,000 PYRAt.AIO a 00 0 a. THE WALTONfi ('hannt-1 f,i#I i11g• I) ~ ri IJ 1( fl' ,it'' A11•1• 1, 0 KNU(. fl,fll 1 I 11, All•f,.'' 8 K II A 111111 / I o. IH1tj••lo fJ KAll(. IV (AUCJ lo. /1,. 1• to If , ~PJlll tCll'•l :,,,nu ... ,, .. CJ II.HJ II/ (ln1I I l < '; •\ri• I' '" 10 ~C">lfAtH .1 ' .1•lfl1·q m I\ rlV 1 lnll I l "" A11q• " Cl) KCOI• rv f ,,.,, 1L1 • 1 ... ., .• m KCl 1 l 'J 11'lh1 I •I /\"'I"'' m I\()( 1 1vw11 ., "ir••,, ,, 11 .. 1 •t 1'11111 I ;.;h ,, ,, ,,, , '·•'···· '*'I 41 t I +111111 11,,, ... ·' ii 0 COMEOY THrAIEn /, '" ,• 1 if o•,i ,1 I "u I I I ..... ,, I ,,,, ,,. ' q hi . 1• ''" 11• 1f1 I 1 111 I• 1 I jh' "1111111 w 1H 1 I ti • t 0 MOVlf • • t 1•1H(1•"llf t fl I t A 111.1• t .. • 1ftd t 1t1 IH t 1h 1 1111 ,t11•1 h I t ,,, ... , f ' ... , ,,, , •··~· I'• t.11rtlu1 t f N1•""' M•' • !t•1f1l11,, (lllf .lu , ,1 ,,,u I II 1t 111C1•n••1 Uu• If 110 '' t r. ·~J1,.111p•••I 1 tJ,1fu • r 1 I , .• f, fl•• 0 tO MORK. & MINDY IA•1I • f I ot / l••o1,t1I f I •• ,,. ""' c lt• ·'" ,,,, I' I' t.uu ·•'•If 111 ~llltN•fl•t:I, I 1111• •/.1 •-.I ,. ''''"'' .. • ,., .•• ,. '"''''''' ft Q MQVll • • 1 •••• r u 1. ' ... , t,. t' , •••. ,,, t '"''"•'' , •. ,, 1111 I, 1 " h•"'"' t .itr~I W.Jynfq ,,.,ho •'t"f~,-,,,.,,..,,,_._ f •" 1t1.-.H •1f ,, i •HHµut.,, , , , ,,.. ·,1 nt t1.11 li-It• ,, tf lt• t + U•1 rta<1t.J d H•t1 0 \0 ANGIE ~lhH .t fl•#f <1.J I'll. (1t fhH h~ ll•lf hi• t•f It) .. ttt n Ah111•~ Of)'. h ,t tht r>t.MAJ h'tJ t It • .,,.f11•u ,h1• """Jih •tj 1t1h• ,. ,.,,. '(Jfh•1• :;.h tJi,., , W THE 000 COUPLE ,,ot-. ,,. •• , ''' 1tth;1m ,,,.._., f1 tffllf ... I tftlltJfh tff#ilft1 "K''' ''''"'• ,,n ntn1"'W1')•• ;1htt1•,,.,,, ,,,,..,..,, ~lltl ,,,. •• W'lft ID NOVA ft1t hHt •t;~t ' fftH ft tt l •'1h •tU1,1I f1f hydH 'jl '1 •I' I i •·I• P''' "''''" 111•. 1 •i111Ht .t ID 'TUfWABOt.rr····- 1 , 1•1,,1• " 1 ,,,,._,, 1t I q ;. !11# •.. I •"'""''I I ... ldU•·f+ I ,11 ,1t+il• ,, .. It'' I 0 00 0 0 HAWAII FIVE-0 t.A1 (I Ut1•jt hli'". 1 ~Jfl'H'f f I •·l••t1huil , r.1t.1;d y ..... 11 I ''' N•~·11 1 h~ o t1du1 <1;1hl ''' I tlll) .,., IHJ f, f I '•l1ft11I I If ''''"•11•11 t1 •11•,, ' ••• ,, .... , ''•••; ·'·'''' Q 0111NCY · 'J.,1,., 1 • '' ,,.,i ' lfu ''' t•' ,, .. U't •ti I 1Ut•ftt,1 1S• .. 1lt1 1f ·I f H t •-# •If flflJt•I 11, 11 f, tll'f' 11 1'1 ,fht•f01ltj)I th f 0 10 8ARNEY MILLER h 1thl'f •1 ft·q111t1 t) w th fu, N ft <Nh 1h fl•'\ ,Jlth'(.. h (t• I .ji ,.,,,, ',, '" .U0(1•M.rr• J 'f •• , ·••J '"""'' ,, ., .,.,., ,, ,, ,, ,,t,,,,,. .• ,., 0) MERV OlilFFIN t 1'1•·· • f ., ( '•"• ,, ,,, ,-f u lt I'' '1 •H '· t+ ,Jn I I ., t fhl't'Hlr-1't ~ 8(ST Of FAt.AlllES flt .. (,n•,11 frr1t1"V fJ,1flh ',h t1111•n •,1f1u•. "'"' ,,,.,.,, ·.tr•ktt'' ¥wntlf~ Jrmo ''tJh•t ,. NI-''~:. d f.o I '~•.llJ tnt1ttJffft,1ft •t•tJ :.,.,,, •" l Jfnu,,_, c r *''' . th.-"(Jh•r1' ~"''°' C>hOtOQ'J"' t·• 9 30 0 1"10 CARTER COUNTRY (.,tu ... f 11' t ,. rJ"r.1t, .. ·M• Nflt ,1 c.111r••rt fhr~ 111•~fl•r"lq ''" ••• ,., ,,,.. fttl'>'· dtrt·~· ,,., f .,, .. , L1t111nd·~tt c.,, / "''" • ,,, .. , ,,.,,,,,,, .... , • ,, , .. , •• •' 11 f'. '1 ,,. IH • • EE) VIEWS OF ASIA h1'1•1ru···•·• t>n•J<t Inf,,.,., ff Ji l1n r1•Hq;I•• t••1t H llt•'• 0 fl '11'"". ,, . .,. , ... ,, I ? l,',',',I.'.''!: .. 111, I t .II rt!1 , oNll' ~(ttl 1•HH111 r11 '•U(i , 10 00 0 II BARNABY JONE& lh•Hv \1' •1t•', I' I l ' 1 111 H t•f111( .t1111f• !fl ·""',,,, 1• ••t1lt ''"'I'" fl\I '\Ht,•(!l•d •I'' 1 \I 1 f d•J 0 lHE lt;NQC(NT M HJ IHE OAt.INEO ... ,,.,,ti ti 1,ft~11 tlfl~I I I f.I h t• f ' ,. •"I,. fff•I I), tf 1J,,1 t •t 11 11,1 rVI·"'''' ' ·H ' ti IJ 1 • tl:r•otf•f,(J I'" t (1 \t1 "''If f f.j I f IJ 101' /I I' , ·•' IH ' , ' ,, ~ • I • , I I 00 NEWS 0 l9 20120 Q) HIGHT GALLERY ,1 nu0 tfl1tH1 't. :11 t,fJ~ I~ £1 II• lit ~f I '"''•" 1 1-111 Otff ltu 111 t • I ,,. I • ,,, .. {B NEWSCHEC~ !0-30 Q) Q) NEWS S"yder Eyes 'Prime Time' Hit Jh Vl':Tt-:K.:J. ROVEtC 1.11:-. ,\:\I: 1 .. 1.1 .. ~ 1A 11 1 If t tl11n t makt• 11 in 1111• ·,l1111'l1ir1· ''I u111 Stt~d•·r r1· 1·1•111 h .... 1111 11f ' f •r1011· '1'11111• h1., 111 •w •, n1:1g a 1.1rw \f•11t11 n • ·I v.111 go av..1' F ri1rn 1111' -...;, •• h 1•11 r;,l1ng., 1·11111p.irr \ 1·nm1·., "''"'' 111.1 1 111.1' lw r,., .... ,,.,, wllh ''lill ~1 :\l 'Tt .. ~ ... T IH. (II~ 111 ''" m .1 g:111r11· 1 h:11 tw1• ~·t·d irn 11al11111 r,.., lw1•11111 1111• ;, hie ,..., ••11111· ':r111•·1 f1111 ... t11•d 1·1i,:hllr "''t•r rlu• , . .,,., ...,. 11f tlw """''"' with .111 .1\ 1·r.1g1• 11 1w11 .. ·nl ~h:.11· 11f \ht· at11lw111·•· 'I n11· 1111· d1•h 11I ... 11 <·1·1·-. ... of l'rtrrt•· Trm1· '" '.11h11·1·t 111 q u;d 1fw:rl1111t 1l "';1. I Ill' fir .,l -.1·1•111•·111 1•1•rr wd .1 1111 I•• l1k1· 1'11111111 "''" \'1•.11°' l'r1r11P I trrr•· '' 111! ...,,,,d1•1 :11ul h1 ... 1!11 .. -.1 ..... 111 1111! :111111r1d twirrL: • L11111111111-... ,, . tlw\ d•1 :-rn)di·r ., l.11•· nri:h1. I 11m111111' '"""' 'I hn111~~h ll\I· h1,i1lrnp· •. ~11\lt1·1 \\;" .d1l1· lo g1\ •· "" a 11 .11 i:urr11•111 lwl\\1•1·11 S11 l-rc·dd11· l .. 1k1·r hr• 111 th•· IH ' Ill .,kvtr.1111-. .1;1111,.. l>u111rt· 11( th•· ·-EE) FINOHORN ,.,.p1t 1\•11 th\ •)•n•1 '" ,t,Ofl fntJ \ r lf'10fJ(J't r, I (jM UHH't'/ t).1•1\J lJl-t!H!o QfO""' 111 .(IU•• ot 1rvU-•rrw-·n1 wo::.nu t m THE HARPSICHORD MAl<ER h r;Jt:lt l tttll .,, l.11•tp1 kodt.lont· bu•l<1•·• OI ""'" ,1(n()f<J'i dndt1trl•-f'<h.tlf•••1 11r ldth t.l-f'lt"Y "ufb0 1tttS 1n-.1rum•l'f"I-, 11 oo UO o ra no NEWS 0 MAKE ME LAUGH 0 MOVIE H111W,,,•J f\,, '' .,, "'"'""·•; • t " "' • , ,. • ~' IJ ,1, 1 r • • r,. • • 'I ;I ,, t , , It. ' '"",. I '11 '' ••••I , P11 , I W BEO!IME STORIES @ BENNY HILL SHOW '''"'"' 111()!111,1 "" ' "' 11 H,, l•1HI 11'.IO O M'A'h.H H lo'W~t•41 ,,1 1\ I 11 l• !I\ 1· •1 I 110 ;YfU f •It t I •'••1t•jl f Ht·11 \•1 lt• I 1 11' I '"t' ,., •. , ··' ,, Q TONl0H1 tff , I , I 1, ••••••• "'. ,,,,,,,,. 0 OICK VAN CIYl<l: \ t lt t, '''" •'' 1• t 11 1 r •fl ., "••'1')'1 I "'' ~ 1 Aotf• I IU ~ 11 I ft '' t 0 10 SlAJt~K t A 1-ilJTCH , "r • "I 1(14 1 I • ~ f f , lt"t '' t I' t i Jt •J '.t i·, ' ID H•E OONO SHON (lJ or' S MARl ~ ~IARrAEtr: rntxl.'cl 1·m•1l111n... ~y nd1·1 '\'.fl( 1i'11.1rnt1lt~I 1·ntl'rt:11n1•1 w1ll .,:1v lar hl•h1111l ·1;11 :vt111 u11..... whu·h r:rt,.il ~" 5. and man\ 'l(•Wt•r., rn:r\ h:rv<· t11n1 ·d 111 11111 of 1·urro,1t v l\11l 11 \\ :1:-0 ;1n 1mpr11v1· mL·nl. anrl ha-. 1h1· ;1dv:rnt:1i:1· rif i.:<1ttw1111~• .~m ttrrs-";'Umm ,•-r h ll1• llH otl"'r Ot."lwork~ an· pl:r' 1111.: ri·run' ,\11 l1n.-.i•: ....... 1·11 J.!1·r ... /\.,...,,,.1:·t11in .ind • I\ t lt·a~l for .1wt11 It- 1-----s!ll v-tu:a:s-N1u :. ~II''-". "''~ •'rl'~ l'r 1m1· T11n1· S 11ncl:1v " h1·1 ;1u'c •1f 1·r1py rc t:hl t•r11t.l1·rn... 111 .1111• ct.' 1!1'11111 h1q ~11nr1a} anlf lln·"' r :111n~'> nurnh••r '> "'"" 111ngl~ ~upt·rrur 1•1 11111..,1• 1·a rn1•1l l1y 1t'i p11· 1k1·c~!"<or. W1•1°l..l'nd .. • Of fi~ p rt 011' I 1111t· l lt'I work ~h11w' r a\t'll t" ;\;t·1b1·n f11r lht· wc·1·k 1·nd1ng l;1!"<t Sun d~1y . "l'nm1· Ttrn1· ~un<lay' f1111:-tlt·I! ~~th, wtlh ,, l!l 1wr1·1·nt .,h ;1r1· 11f lllf' a11rl11•1w 1· If th<Jl dot·~n ·1 ... 11ur11l lrkt· unqualrfwd .,1,,. 1·1· ... :-.. con ... 1ct .. r llw ~h11w1ng •if "W1·t•k .. nrl · <>f lht· IM Jlrfnll' l1mt· )JfOJ.(r<J lll!"< rn lhl' S1•ptt·mtw r /\pre f "1·aM•n . ··w1·1·k1·nr1 ' finished au cng lorr11u:-. N11 t tO wrlh a 17 pt-rC't·nt s h;.ir1· of lhl' aurl11·n1·1· /\mong the 'ho w:. that w1•r1• 1 o1lt•cl h1g h1·r wn1· th<· for~ t• t t a h I'· · · /I t • ri t I' II'. /\ H 1 ', <i n rl "l\m1·nt'anC1rh. C HS Tiii' dt"IHH ... 1111w drr·w lw.1vdv •111 <.I ' I•· r:1t h1·r 1h;1n .. 1111~! .u w 1., n ·h 11111 1111 !'lnyd1·1 .J:-per:-nn:1ht" 1111d ,1ud111 1:11111nwk-. (1>1 rh look · l'1·rh;1p-. a-. ... 111111111: lhal w1"n · .di fa .,l'ln:r lt•d h ) !h i '> w1111d1•d11l It)\, 11'11·,·1'>11111. tlw h11 r111wr'1 1111• fr"' ~1·1·11nit-. l1·:rd 1111-! 111111,.,,m,, ... 11·111h "'''I" all <lt ·dw111t·fl 111 th1· 1o11~ht .rr1d •.c111nd 1,( ,, \OUng \l.11rn;1n 1·111rnt cn1: d11"''1 lh1· "''f'Clfilh ,,, th1· h11·;1I-, •'FIVE. HJCK, Tllllt;J·;, tv.11. 11rw T l\t.-n, prt·:-.1111 Wc•'rt· 1nt11 ,, <'IJrTlllll'r<'1al ZOWll'. W()V. iJtri't thut l/lal!I('' u· ... ont· 11( lhrn,1· ,,.If 1·on ... ,.1011 ..... ~uni'. y1111 'rl h;n 1· tht1ug hl tl'lt·v ,...11111 got 1111111f rt~ .,.,. ... 1 .. 111 t wo tlt."c act.-:-a)!11 I .a11gh•>rni-B11rnl •11 I h1· F•·de r;_il \' 1.1 t 111n \•l 1111/ll'>ll'Llt ""' .;1 .,.,-rh ... ai.:n·•·ff-.... i itl1 flun111• fluncw tit\ .t~n·t'd wclh l.akf'r <111tl Uo111I U1.111I tl1• .1J.!r• 1·tl \\llh IJ1111n1•. ,11111 ti ''"' • .ti ,.,.n li111 ... t•·r1111-. UI T THE ~tlO\\ drtJ h.1\1· 11., n11111wn h ( 'h11 -. Wallal'1· pi , . ..,..11t••d a11 inl••1t•.,11r11: .111111·1·1 from ('h11·.J1111 ,, h·1•11trnal1 •·ar I t'IJll'•"''":O.lll J.( t'IJnJ )l,HI\ a 1td .J,11•k l't·rl.111:-.. l:11d·h;11·k and ... mcl111~: ,..., ,., 1·r , 111 1 1 • r " , · w '· rl .I 11 d .v B I u m '" v. r r 1 , • 1 1 d 1 hdrln·11 ·:-. hook~. l h i.lt fl'Hl 11 n · lh1•1n1 •-. Mii '1 ,,.., 111a -.L11rl1:1l 11111 :rnd wd drt·:uri ... ~1·11lwr '>t·gmr•nl w: • .., dd1 vc·r1·d \~Ith tt11· 1'11·:1n hard l'dgt: th;1t "1;<1 M1nut1·.., r•· g ul;irh ;wh1t·v1•..,, hut th•'> m;1y ht• 1w.1 a m:i\lt•r of :-.hakmg t h1· k111k:-. 11111 /\nd Sn}llt•r ha:-th1· whol1· :-.umm 1•r l<1 d11 I h;tl .. If YOU FORGOT WHAT TERROR I WAS LIKE ... (Pilot -) Can~id \ Logbook commentaries. DAILY PILOT IT'S BACK Fhe Original_ MWS ••• ·-· ••• -... _ .. 1o •• ~ -·toO-•-- MOVIE RATINGS c xc tus rvety in the "LOST & FOUND" (PG) WALTDISNEY'S (G) "101 DALMATIANS" Jl fll\ll:t f1 1''1'11\\ l l.111· ... :11 lt1·1 Ill 11p1·1.1tl\ •· \ :11·1111111 1 l1·:i111·r ;1 ... 1111 .... 11:111<1 HolH·1 t 11 ;1\. h11lt1 ... f 111' Jillfg IHI ,\ni,:11• 11111 q• hi .ti H :~11 •111 \HI ' C 'h,111111 ·1 I NOW PLAYING CIM-71 LOWMIOS' WU SUOIUM OlllYl-111 tJ t!'ttJ• f t'f fJ//IJ "THE DEER HUNTER" (R) ·1~t•l'Jlum1:M PACtttt's llf·WAl >t OlllVI llf Oldngt! b.J4 7!.~3 t.IY,IJ Mu•"' b411 'll. ' u.a. a.u Mall 1owa11os· '1lJO •1 Wt"htmtn\H.'f 89' C1.>•tl Mt'.'.trn• V1••111"' tU ' ,,,,, lllWlllDl'fOWUlll'IMIU91 "'' ,J.-.~!'1',lt'I 1 q I ~ I 0001.11• v.irey H 1•1 I' IWI bOO I l l.AMINQ Rf AL. I USTIN CA 9?680 J>q[SENTS ...... , ... •9000 fOOO •AMfllE ,AllltlNG OROUPS (7t4)Ql.67Ja Ml ... H••Mlls ~I· --•lmll ........ --i11U111 •IA 'lAlA SOUTM COAIT Bre.t :,19 '>339 tos111 Me'4! :,.i& ') 111 ITU. •tn-.. Orat'tQt &39-8770 UACl•MU Westmrni.tet 893·0!>46 L BREA PLAZA PLITT CITY CENTER Brea 529·5339 Ora nge 634·9282 SOUTH COAST BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN Costa Mesa 546· n 11 Buena Park 821 ·4070 .... ~) ~ TONIGHT'S.LATEST LISTINGS 1nrn•'• ••• conrrot or • g8'••'f'll H ylum ancl ol.,, 10 •• ~. 0-I~ llOIYllfM M)ANHQ ti;OO U TWIUOHT ~ • fl>it 81.in <Aln1t1• Ar Wll'9C)lff" --~ PAUeHTS M•rl"O M••on. Mov .. '>••• A woman~ '"'II ~llfl <-lf!4 lllit movie SllH Marilla M11r.on Cl) OET SMART Mtl• 1.,arnr. or KAOS ~ u1.1n-. 10 ~ 111 100 tiPUt.u 't..tttnl1t;lf\ nut r.rDShU$ h1J) • ,.. on tho. W·•V to c,0~1lAOl ml 28TONIGHT 12:06 I) CBS LATE MOVIE G MAVWIC* "M.,..nai M~" • oecatCAwn 0-. Berty eon--t:401 • NIWI t!4' lllOYll * * '11 "The UnllOl'JI OMO!"_"_ 193J.l ~ "tOlman. Fay W••r 1:,, 2:001 N1W1 MOVIE • • Cort"Ot' l o Let" f 1114 fl Af&o;laor Stm. JOhn Moil& 2 101) MOVIE • • •, "W<Jll< A C.rooktld Mile ( 19481 Lt>Ult, H~yword. Ounms O'K116fe 2:30tD MOVIE • • lhl' G04den Ha""''' . . • • McC..IOIJ\l I ht1 CQll" "IO'l (..,1111•• C ,JpN ( 1()741 ""'f")mlfll<; -V1r.;i1111 r Jnh n Q...,nvtt• f4 Ch tr1uly Vh•11H h1·lci~ Mr CIO<J1l 11 11.k Oown • m otJ•tt" dd~ r."th• ro•,tl••t f t'l'>?I Rnond.. fr..m1n,..,__... __ -t;1e•l•ng Huyllon---- 12:30 8 MOVIE • • 1/olt• l 1 ••• Aq,11n I I l}J 4 l I t t1d11r l.ll.1t1 h i\nn.1 ..>h•n l1•t't"11 rift , f1tM of ll't' l ••f., Tr,1-.IQf A Hu":.~1&n Cl'•n<.•• 1Juh•~ '"'' '' .rtittfio--. ot non1t11.,. ''V n1·. 11 ft1t...O l(.)Vtt .trti11r w ith 1t ··i'"'"'--' fJVd\•1n1 • Jitl t t nr 1'J m101 OJ MOVIE • • On•• ""4J1nu1t ''' ,,,,,,,, 1 l1j'•·'> Ami Ul;ftt iu .. ,,,.,. M 1t1 h11m P. ,.,,,, •,, ... u.·rn, .ill u "' '"'''""'' . '''"'''''' •• ,.,.,.,., f .,., '" • j ;y1t1 ,,. fl 1• ''lt H •• r 1 h "'' t/I H 1 (!) MOVIE • • I ,f Jll'J t,I 11 I ,qi \ft /I 1 .,.,,, ~,111•,.;1+ Jr 111 I 11 1 t f\I ,, •• ,., ... 'I • I·'·••• .,.It ... 1• I 114: f t l/!fJI' l°'I i "lllt !1 • t 11 I' 1 •n h• II t t h II I 1•11·• ft!! f H ''' '1tttff1 I 11-1 \o , .. •ft 1lt 1 'I 8 MOlflF ft. I 1't 4 t •' J h ''' tH•• f I ti • 1~, I•''" , I ,,, .,, I I ·"'Ill t lft t• ,,,,,,,, •••• ,, '• I ,, 12 37 0 II) MANNfoiC , I II, , ' ,. f1 f. f f lf'/ff ,,. • ', '' It •• •J· ,.. fj ' •t, .1Jt t If 1• I •• 1 00 0 TOMORROW f ,. lo ,., jt, I .'"J tt I II Q) HEWS 3 408 NEWS 3 46 8 ~ VAN OYl(E Wh1l+t h•' wrlu 15 away llu•Hrv .i(;U>f>h J;oo " '""' · t.1tir,o ,,, rnov" tn as a h<>"'°'l QU"'i) 4:00 IJ STEVE EDWARDS 0 MOVIE • • • ,,.., lilU<J t-.p" '1<i'> II Oul< Boga•oo. J.,.,,. my H.v>w,.,, QI UOVI£ • , Whfln u dng4<1nd "'"' .. , I 1'1!>~1 Jonn ... ,,,, .. ,, .. f,t•.....ni.• ti 4 16 0 MOVIE C tttt"'' I• A• l ... 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