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1979-07-01 - Orange Coast Pilot
-.... ~· ......... "' ... ----.. __ .... ,__.... ....... '-__ . -.... ---··---~·-~ ..... . .. _ -. -.. -------------,. SIJNDAY. I 'VOL n. N0 •• 111, 7 SKTK>N5, 100 ~Ae86 O•ANO£ COUNTY, CALl.-ORNIA SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1979 TH I 9'TY·FIVE Cl!NTS County Hazy on Sinog Alert Response BJ n&D 8CllOE•EKL __ ._.., ............ Tbe atate'1 Alr Qualit y Manaaemeot District l1n't kid dlA1 wbeo it tella Orange Coun ty'a laraeat firms lo reduce employee driviq by es percent r Sucb a drutlc reduction in eommuter traffic to and from { the comt1'• aao largest firms wH ordered lMt TbW"Sday and · Friday • second staee smog I ' lert.a were u1sued In the '8dulh out atJr baa1n, encompaumg Orange, Los Angeles. Rivert1ide und San Bernardino counties. It is estimated tbat about SO ~rcent of the firms complied with the forced Teductlon in driving on Tbuniday. By Friday, lhal percentage had increased to 7~ percent. And air quality management officials predicted that the com- pllanc~ figure will be even higher if further second sU.ie alerts are called this week. "It's a matter of educating the l'Omp a n1 es and their employees," said Allen Danzig, a supervisory inspector at the district's Anaheim office. "We're asking for people to . coope r a t e, t o be a good neighbor. ritle to work with someone else, and help lower air pollution .. Under current regulations. the district can call first. second or third stage smog a lerts . depend mg on levels of pollutants ex - pected to be found in the air basin. First stage alerts are called routinely. During those periods, the air is considered unhealthful to sensitive people. Motorists TAEASURE·SEEKER ROGER MIKLOS, IN GOLD CUMMERBUNO, SHOWS OFF HIS HEAVILY PROTECTED VAN Black B~aoty Van h as h o rsepower and all the trimmings By STEVE MITCHELL 01 ti"' Dally Pilot Si.ft .James Bond would be green with envy. But to Roger Miklos, a Laguna Beach treasllre hunt.er. his $58,000 super-equipped GMC van is just a means or transportation. It's wheels to get him to and from the bank and vafious museums with gold doubloons, trinkets from sun· ken Spanish galleons and artifacts he's collected during 18 years of treasure hunting off Florida's coastline. Vou can't buy a vaR like Roger's right off the lot In fact, it's takeo the personable scuba diver five years just to get his 1974 GMC in shape. Consider the opUons: -Automatic transmission with seven forward shifts -13 radios, ranging from ship to shore, t.o a 40· channcl citizen band. -Two mobile telephones A sink. bed, cassette and eight-track lape dech. t•olor Lelevision and, of course, air conditioning. But what's really unique about Roger Miklos' van is that <See VAN·TASTI{', Pal(<' i\'.11 are urged to voluntarily reduce driving. In second stage alerts. reduc- tions in driving are mandatory. Any firm employing more than 100 persons on a given shift or having more than 50 fleet automobiles must comply with the 65 percent reduction rUfe Industries that pump out pollutants from their s mokestacks must cut back During a third -stage alert, there is general agreement that large firms would shut down. This level has never been pre- dicted nor issued, however A second stage prediction for Thursday ~as issued at 11 a .m. Wednesday, but what Danzig termed "communications prob· lem s" res u lted i n onl y < ee MOG, PageA2) Kid n apped T hree Years Executive Exits J tingle CARACAS. Venezuela I AP> American businessman William F Niehous. kidnapped by leftist terror ists 31;2 years ago and given up for dead by many here, was found alive in the Venezuelan jungle Saturday. authorities reported. The 48-year-old Toledo, Ohio, marr was rescued after a gun· battle Friday between a police patrol and his guerrilla captors on a secluded ranch south of the Orin oco River 350 miles southeast of Car acas. lnterior Minister Rafael Montes de Oca said. Jt was reported that a two· man patrol. looking for rustlers. stumbled upon the handcuffed Niehous in a ranch shack, bul then he was somehow lost again in the wilderness. Montes de Oca did not say precisely where or how he was found Saturday Police said the bearded ktd· nap victim was later t aken by authorities to the city of Ciudad Bolivar. 50 miles east of the ranch. In Wa shington . the State Department said a U.S. Em· bassy official. John J . Crowley J r .. flew to Ciudad Bolivar W1th representatives of Neihous·s ' firm. Owe ns-Illinois. a nd made a positive identification of him Niehous. who was manager or the company's Ve nezue la n operations, is in good physic.ii condition and will get a merucal examination and any treatment needed in Ciudad Bolivar. where he was spending the ni g ht. St ate Depa rtment spokeswoman Sae Pittma n said She said he would be flown to Caracas todav. ln Ciudad Bolivar, poli <'e I See RESCUE, PageA2> APWt ...... 10 BEFORE. AFTER ORDEAL Executive Wllllam Nlehous ~ ~Fireworks B lamed Brown Asks Diablo H alt r --• !In '(Oslin Bla ze \ . Illegal firewo~ks were to , blame for a blaze that did · $60,000 damage to a Tustin-area ! four-plex Saturday night. •, Investigators said a bottle· ~rocket that landed on the roof ig· . Dited and quickly spread names ~ along the top of the apartments. Daily Pilot P rice 1nm:-ea8e8 T oday Home delivery price for the Dally Pilot increases fro m $3.50 to $3. 75 per montbeffectivetoday. Prices of single copies eold at eoln boxes or over tbe counter are increased 10 15 ceota daily, and to 35 ceDt8 Sunday· At •· 75" per month, the Dally Pilot home delivery price remains among the lowest lor seven-day newapapera in Southern CallforDla. Your Dally Pilot car- rier. who II an tndepen· deat merchant, will re· allM • Increase in profll for bis or· her services to 10" at the new price. Contlnula1 major cost iDcNeHS in all aspect.I of ......_production and dlltllluliOn, 1ucb •• • 15 percnt increase In the co.& Of newsprint, make Uda 1M11111 neceuary. Orange County Fire Depart· ment Capt. Russ Jones· team saved the other three units at 15911 Myrlie Ave., although there was some s moke and water damage. Chuck Murphy, fire informa· lion officer. said .the Joss involv· ing the structure owned by the John D. Cbacanos, of Santa Ana, could have reached. $140,000 if uncontrolled. Firemen throughout the coun· ty have warned that fireworks around the Fourth or July are a frequent cause of naming roof· tops . No one was injured in the blaze battled by 26 firemen who rushed to the 8 p.m. alarm, one of several reported Saturday evening. Investigators were still prob· ing the cause or a minor brushfire that erupted at Sad· dleback Motorcycle Park, but was quickly extinguished by firemen Crom a nearby county station. Juveniles were being qoee. tloned by Hunttbeton Beach police following a small fire that burned up the. bluff side of the Santa Ana River toward Costa Mesa near Vi ctoria a nd Brookhurst streets., No immediate determination w a• made as to whether lbe brush fire tbat ate ita way up \he hill near a new condomlnlum complex was intentional or p erhaps touc hed off by youngsters using fl.reworks. ... \ . . Delly ~I ... Sl.tft ...... ._•le £•••fe• Two girls among scores of young Highland Dancers, many. from Orange County, showed their skills Saturday in opening ceremonies of the 47th Annual Highland Gathering and Scottis)v Games at L<tng Beacti. Some 30 countians compel· ed in piping, drumming and dancing or athletic events in what has become the largest ethnic festival on the West Coasi ·over the years. •• Big 'No-nu ke' Cro wds At tract G o vernor SAN LUIS OBISPO <AP) - More than 20,000 people poured into an open field near here Saturday to hear the DiablQ Can· yon nuclear power plant lam- basted by folksingers. nuclear power opponents and the gov- ernor of California. "We just feel great," said Randy Bernard of the Abalone Al l iance. a coalition of CalifomJa anti-nuclear groups that sponsored the raUy. "This is the largest rally ever again.st Oiablo Canyon. It marks a com· plete turnaround in this county." The San Luis Obispo County s heriff's department eetimated 20,000 to 25,000 persons were at the rally, with more arriving. A pro-nuclear picnic on the beach opposite the plant 15 miles southwest of here attracted about 100 persons, said California Highway Patrol dis· patcher Sandra Yelbert. Outside the anU-JlUClear rally site at the Nattqnal Guard's Camp San Luis, latecomers waited lo ·traffic backed up for as much a s six miles on Highway 1. At the site, a carnival atmosphere prevai,ed, with kites, Frisbees and hun· dre ds or helium-filled balloons dotting sunny•kies. Bernard c redited the huge turnout for attracting Gov. Ed· mund G. Brown Jr .• who has all but announced bis inlenGon to seek \he lBeo Oemocratlc pres- idential nominaUoo. "We <the Abalooe Alliance) have been trytna to aet a meet· ing with him 1ince January and \ we haven't gotten a response." Bernard said. The crowd r esponded e n· thusiastically to Brown's brief remarks. '"No on Diablo Can- yon! .. he yelled. "No more nukes!" they roared. Earlie•-. at a news conference, Brown said he would do aH he c ould to prevent the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission from granting a n operating permit to the nearly completed Sl.4 billion plant. ONE MORE T I ME -Worn imported car parts are likely to wind up in an Irvine firm ·s fac· tories where they are cleaned, rebuilt and resold for anotber go at the road. Page Cl. PRINCIPLED MAN -You f\nd a lot of the other kind In Hollywood, but actor Wayne Rogers, a wealthy business con· sultant in hJs own right, turned down a role in a $2S million mov· ie to play one that holds up a mirror to the life of a man ln mid die age crisis for a TV m in\aeries. Read Rogers· thoughts on Page 88. WEAR 'N TEAil? Fastpaced Southern Callfomlans will want to see whal football hero O .J . Simpson and couturiere Rµth Robbins bave •·r think Pacific Gas & Elec- tric Co. <owner of the plant) has consistently underestimated the problem s assoc iate d with nuclear power. The people of California would be better served by the NRC ... denying the license for Diablo Canyon,·· he said. Brown described the rally as "an impressive display of con- <'ern in the county. I think it's <Se~ NUKE, Page A2) designed for active and seden lary sports fans. Page 85. FESTIVE SEASON -Music. drama and dance fill the landscape in Europe as the Con· tlnent begins its sunny summer season of fes UNals. Where they'll be and what to:urists wUJ see outlined on Page A9. Allll L8Mtn e7 It~.,_, Q Movi.t ... 1t ••II-• Ct-4 NeU.UI -M Cellfenll• Al Or•• Ctwlllt Alt a.•M*i 01·2• ltHI .,..._ CH CtlMu-0... .. Cl ltl<lll"'"""" M (ftu--a10 1'91'.t\-a1-4 0.•tti ..UC• Alt ....,,,..,_. aJ.4 ~...... At ~ ... ,. .......... "-M-7 TH*° A• •1111t111il • Ut ... ,. .... !Mr •• '"..... "'' ..,J=:r-,,....,, Cl ........ • e1 ........ ., DAIL 'f ~II.OT HCTIOflS '· • .. .. lkaftdey, July , • '"' Korea Talks llinted ~ . . ) President Also Presse s /or Rig hts l&OUL,, lout.la Korea (AP) - • Pl'Uldmt Jlmm1 Carter and louts. ltcnu Pnlldeat P...tt C.u.nt·* have .. reed to pro-,_. tble&-way talkl wltb MCll'tb Kor.a that mlaht lead to l-.en· la1 ttnaloaa on tb• Korean pnlnaula, lt wu ltamed early today. The propoaal for three-way talk» wa• oxpeoled to be ln· eluded ln a jolnt communique at tht end ol Carter'• visit here Monday. North Korea in the latt few daya Indicated ll mlaht .be will· lilt to qaae ln talks with South Korean repl"eientatlvea follow· lna talk.a with repreaeotaUvee ol the United St.ales. Sloce the l9S3 armistice that ended the Korn.n ~ct, I.be North bu refUMd &o Ind.ad• lhe south tn oeaoUa· Uoa1 almed at a permanent peac:e tnat.y. Uowevs, k wu not cletr how Lbe Nri Koteanl would react to the new proposal for three· way t.a1b.. Park uaerted Saturday nhtht, In an exchange of dinner w1tsh1 wl\h Carter, that the North Kor•ans are "implacably purau· Ing ~lr military buildup." But Park all<> uld the ttovurn meol will "'keep our doora open" for waya to resolve ~lrtert'nl'H with the North and lt> eventually reunite the country. Saturday Carter roaf(lrmed · tho U.S. mlllt..ary commitment to South Korea, and dut'lal"\l4J th11t Somoza OUt? But Only If R e h It; Lo~t~ MANAGUA, Nicaragua <AP) --President Anutaaio Somoza will not res ign until bis nallooal guar d crushes the guerrilla up- rising and unless the United States promises massive aid to r ebuild the country wheh the war Is over, according to a high· level government source. The source also s aid Somoza's m.ililary leaders forecast at Qeast three more months of war with the Sandinista rebels. Another attempt by the em· battled Nicaraguan president to call an extraordinary sessioo of his Congress failed Saturday morning. Only a handful of the 70 members of the Chamber of Deputies and 30 senators showed up at the Intercontinental Hotel, scheduled site of the gathering. Th'e hotel is near Somoza's fortified bunker headquarters. A similar call earlier in the weE!k al!O failed for lack of a quorum 'Many of the legislators · are 1>elieved to have left the country ' to escape the fighting or to have gone into hiding ~s a precaution against abduction by guerrillas. The government source, who-• asked not to be identified, said Somoza believes that if he re- signs while the guerrillas still pose a military threa t to Nicaragua the national guard would ~rumble, a communist government would emerge and Uiere would be dozens of execu· tions. ·'The president realizes that his presence will be an obstacle to reconstructing Nicaragua. So 4f'ront Pa~ A I NUKES .•• going to have an impact. They will be heard." b~ is h'lltn.: l11s ('nhlrwl un<t s o nt t' m ,. m h '' 1· R of I h 11 NkRraguan Clll\1.tr('S~ ·ttrnl lw Is wlllln.: 10 rc·~\~11 to ~1·t t I S rt• \'OllS\l'lll'ltml lh'hl....fut th1~ 1•01111 lrv. hut thnt h1• w1ln't do 1t' 1111111 lh0 t' fl~hti n.: i.tops." the• s1H11'1'1• f'nld In un mtt•n 'h'" 'rhc Unih'd St 1ll1'~ nml tlw olht'r nations or th11 tlr.:anlrntlun of American Stt1\('!\ h:t\'t' 1•Hlltt1I for Somoza to step down A Brmny B11gs HB-Policeme1i A Htmtington Beach jack rab· bit who would probably have preferred gnawing on a carrot is incarcerated today after al- legedly attacking a small child at the city's main library in Ceo· tral Park Saturday night. Jack will be held in quaran· tine at the Orange County Animal Shelter until it is de· termined if he might have rabies, which police rather doubt. .. "The kid ran and went to play with ooe of the local residents a nd it defended itself," Police Patrol Sgt. Ed McLaughlin said of the 6 p.m. incident involving one of the many resident rabbits on Talbert Avenue near Golden West Street. City Animal Control Officer Da ve Winkler took jlle long· eared culprit into cust~. which will probably amount to 10 days' observation. .The bitten youngster was not 'badly hurt, police said "Amtrlcans will continue to -.1tand 1boulder·to-1houlder" with ~ to prevent out.aide ag· area•lon. . But b challenged South Korea lo match It.a human riabta re· cord with its dramallc tconocnlc 1c:hlevcmt1nl8 ,~,... Page A I RESCUE ... dlr••ct.or Jortcu ~!la Chacin said NlllhOWI told him he had been held in the i;hat'k for 15 months and Wlltt not allowed even to go oulah.lu lit' 11atd Niehous report· t•d tw had been move<I several 11mefi befoni thal, but he did not know wh •rt• Tht• pilot or th"' he licopter lhut l>rou.:ht N1ehous to Ciudad ltollvar told Journalists the l\mt'ru·on bui.mcssman "cried a lot·· tlurml( the lr1p. Reporters who i.uw N1e hous arrive a l Cwdud Bolivar said he was ex· t n•mdy thm und had long hair ll tlll :H•VCra l duys growth Of tward. Sosn Chuc ln s nld. President l.111l! llcr,J:cru Cnmpins had 1:1vt•n orders that Nlehous was 11111 to make uny statements to th1• pn•ss. "111• will huvc to go lo court to t1•11tlfy In the milltnry trial of I ht• pt•rsons who have been l'lw r.:t•d" 10 the kidnapping, S11K11 Chncln said. I 11 Toledo. his wife, Donna, t1,hl n reporter her belief that h,•r husbond was a live had m•vt•r wavered. "I was sure it wou Id happen." she said or his ll'!h'Ul'. She sjlid she would be t'O mmg to Venezuela in the next duy or two. Niehous' captivity ranks as one of the longest for a kidnap victim in reeent years. He was abducted from bis Caracas home Feb. 27, 1976 by seven armed men. Several weeks later, a previously un· known group-oalling itself the Argimiro Gabaldon Revolu· lionary Command issued ransom demands in series of communiques. Oementean Dies After Cliff F all A 74-year-otd San Clemente m an sought Jor several days after he walked away from a convalescent home where he had just been committed was round dead Saturday at the base of a cliff nea r the hospital grounds. Harold Raymond apparently plunged over the precipice un· knowingly during his wandering or inte nded escape tfrom Capis trano-By-The-Sea Hospital authorities said. Down t o the Sea in Suits Doze ns of be~ buffs took on the s urf in the 29th Annual Huntington Beach Pier Swim Saturday, competing for trophies in the event that draws Olympic class swim · mers. Winners below from left.: Jim Mras. senior men's winner plus overall best time of 9 :39; Carol J ewel topped the womens masters group with a time of 13 :45, and Bud Belshe pinned down the mens master class in 12: 21 Anti-nuclear speakers were in· lerspersed with performances by sin gers Peter Yarrow. Graham Nash and Jackson Browne. Most of the enthusiastic crowd, overwhelmingly com· posed ot young people, sat on the ground in front of a temporary stage and a ~ge sound system. Others wandered through ex· hibils of alternative energy, s u c h as solar collectors. windmills and gasohol projects. Yards Burn In Rive r side By The Associated Pres8 A l,400·acre out·of ·control brush fire -one of several that plagued Southern California firefighters -burned into the corrals and backyards of several expensive homes and a trailer park in Riverside County on Saturday. Take Deep Breath, You Might Like It From P age A I SMO G ALERT H AZY. • • mediocre compliance by Orange County industry. For example. m a ny of Orange County's 320 largest firms either were not monitoring or did not pay attention to emergency radio broadcasts alerting them to T hursday's second stage alert. "From the employee&' stand- point, sure, it's a pain. another problem to contend with. But we·ve onl y had about a dozen calls from people who were bothered about it.·· Danzjg said. An assortment of orgaruza· tions set up booths to distribute literature and sell a variety of products from sort drinks to "radiation-free cantaloupes " I I ', ' .. For now, the main threat has passed," said George Tatum or the California Department of Forestry. But he addesl that the flames in Bedford Canyon. about eight miles south of Corona, were a dangertothe residences. You can breathe easier today, folks. A cooling trend that cracked up a n atmospheric inversion layer that created three days of s inus and eye-torturing smog throughout the Southl~nd is to continue. S pokes m e n for the U.S. Weather Service said we may ~xpect cooler temperatures at least through Monday., with highs into the m1d·70s and blankets of low clodas until mid· a rte moon. Lifeguards from Seal Beach to Lame Plane limps Back To Airport A crippled Nevada Airlines DC·3 twin engine transport plane that had reportedly been undergoing repairs for a week limped back to John Wayne Airport Saturday afternoon. after losing power in one engine. Bits and pieces of the vintage plane's engine housing plum· meted to the ground shortly after the 2:55 p.m. takeoff and It began losing hydraulic Ouid, ac- cording to spokesmen. "It's been sitting out here at Tallmantz Aviation for about a week," said Fireman Larry White, of the Orange County Fire Department I airport. crash station. · He said the plane waa pUoted back to a sale touchdown after the one engine cowling disinte- grated. The unidentified crew of three waa uninjured in the mis· hap. Th• twtn-en1med at~raft ii not bated at the county faaWty. nor does its operator, Nevtlda Alrllnt1, Oy ln and out al the bue recently renamed fOI' the late actor John Wayne. San Clemente reported well over 200,000 beach visitors due to the clear, dazzling day with soft breezes and cloud-fl ecked skies. Air temperature was logged nl 68 degrees and water at 68, with moderate surf and no really ma· jor rescues of s wimmers. Several medical aid calls oc· curred when people unac customed to too much sun su!· rered heal exhaustion, including several who bad been drinking. lifeguards and police said. Surprisingly, few problems were reported with fireworks. Lou Myers' field supervisor for Huntington and Bolsa Chka s tate beaches, however , a n· ticipates trouble. "I think it's the most ridiculous thing to sell fireworks right at the beach entrance when they are illegal on our beach and the city's beach." Crash Kills GG Cyclis t A Gardeo Grove motorcyclist Injured early Saturday wheQ his 1 bl~ careened off the D~er Rbad off·ramp from the San Diego Freeway in Santa Ana near the Irvine city limit died Saturday night. Coroner's depuUett ldentifted the vlcUm as Owen Ramage, 24, wboae pa'renta live In Lake Foreat. He was oot wearing a helmet and died of head injuries at San· ta Ana.T ustin Community Hospital, according to ln· veatlgators. F uneral services were pend· ing at Fairhaven Memorial Park Mortuary and Cemetery today. California Hl1bway Patrolmen said early today the a ccldent report indicated Ramaee was probably attempt- lnl to make the turn at H · ~aalve speed. Each of the firms is reqwred to monitor the frequency for the air quality bulletins and inform employees of what to do if a second stage alert is called. Danzig explained. .. A lot of employers were caught unaware. We had only (lne second stage alert last year. and none auring the winter months. When the message came through, either m anage. ment wasn't informed. or failed to inform the employees, .. Danzig said. That was on Wednesday. Air quality inspectors dispatched Thursday found widespread con· fus ion and poor compliance. Forty-five firms were checked Thursday; 20 where cited for various violations of the smog reduction regulations. Violations are misdemeanors, punishable by a $500 fine and/or six months in jail. On Friday, '36 firms were chec ked and only 13 cited, Danzig said. And some or the compliance data is impressive. At Fluor Corporation in Irvine. the normal d,ally influx of 4,200 cars was slashed to 1,795 by Friday, Danzig said. At Tbermco Products in Orange, the daily average of 137 cafS dropped to 36. At Santa Ana's Elpower Company, cars dropped from 96 to 18. • Some of the reduction, Danzig conceded, could be 'attributed to employees parking on s treets adjacent to work rather than ln company parking lots. Many employers chained orr lots and refused to allow cara carry· Int less than three persoo.s to park ln them, he noted. Yet, Damit said, the diatrtct's data indicates a cooperallve aplrit. Compani es a re anxious to comply with the regulations, Danzig said, because of the ··tremendous amount of cov; erage the media has given" the second stage alerts. ll"s embarassing for them if they're hauled into court," he said. Another factor contributing to new awareness of the ruJes is stepped·up enforce ment. Additional personnel were added to the Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties' staffs in 1977 at the time the driving reduction rules were in-. , slitut,e<i, Danzig said. t. SUNDAY • DAILY PILOT T"'f' °""~ (OMt 0.h• Ptto1, ••"' wtltcrt •\com.. Dl"""tl"'-""'l.h-1-Dfl ... 0<- Co•\I PuOll~C~v Srtoar•l•tdtlk>n'\~ OUbU\fW>Ct ~ throuQtl ~rlcN\' fOf' C~t• Mf\,lf H~-oort Bfotie:f'I M\,l'fttff'lqfon &f>«f'll~ lo\1n VAlff"'f' lrvrN" l~flNCh 5oulh (ot\:C A ~1~1# tf"Q . .,,....t fdiUOn ., pVf>U\l'fidS.hHd.tV\MIO Wf'd•¥' Tiw-Pf'U'll(f08f CMf)HVHnq Ol•nt IS •1 llO Wt\t 8•¥~fr'M Coiti.,..,_w (~hfornl•t~ lh M"iN Wffd p,~,•dftn~ d""1 "~··"""' JM9 tt C•lit1' V· • p,..,.<"'"l "'"'d c,.,...,.it' M.ln4'Qt'' ~OlftUKtHtl Edilor T-\AM- <;W...,Qt'IQ Eolfor (Mel-s-ci.tv•c111 ... Teteplto11e{71 4)~1 Cletaffled Advertlalng 8U-5fn ~•-!>!lnClt- UMIOO .,._ .....,,,Or•-Co""'Y°""""""'I,.. MC>-1220 \ . • -· ... ----.,.. -.... - Su,._.July 1, UJ79 OAIL.Y PILOT A3 'Peacock' Preens for New Sea Du.tWs . . . Dana Skipper ~as Whale of a ~ale 8 7 LlnlOND aft.ADA JL • oi .............. 'Wb•tber cbaatna Rualao wbalen ln the Paclftc or Dl"Oblna the OCMn c:Mpt.ba for otf twds. 2l·Year-old Caplatrano Beach !\kipper Owen ltd~arda baa pro vtm he la eeawortl\y. v' Edward• anchored hi• family owned 1'4·foOt converted m ln weepe r "Peacock" In Dana Point Harbor laal WMk with his summer crew U.at ln cludea two younaer brothers Peacock and ill aeven·member crew &o probe the deplhl arolmd the Ch annel lllandt off the Southern Callrornla Coast in search of Ullely areas where aubmarlno driWng could lurn up petroleum. Edwards, who aaid the probes usually take a week. believes the need for sh.lpa like the Peacock will lncreue due lo oil com· panles' expanding search for petroleum off So uthe rn California. The Edwards' family owns another converted mlnesweeper called the "~be" and hires it out hke the Peacock. · Wearlna a ''S.ve tb~Whales" T -shlrt. the 1976 San Clemente Hi1b School gr.,ctuate rel-lN with pride the five-week adven lure last July and Augus t when the Peacock w as hired b) Greenpeace. the group dedicat ed to saving aru mal!. 'PEACOCK' SKIPPER " Edwards supervised the re- modehn~ of the Peacock and converted the 1956 minesweeper mt9 a roomy er.aft that accom- modates 22 passengers easily. The Peacock was used as d mother ship for six h.Jgh·speed rubber ra h s w ith three-man c rews who tried to prevent R.ussian hunters from harpoon ing sperm whales be tween California and•Hawaii. The youag skipper said he sighted dozens of Russian ships but the whalers usually stayed about 300 miles from the pursu- ing Peacock. <>wen Edwards act.mg cook. said the Ru:.!>1an!> began usmg high-pressure hose:. to spray the Greenpeace mem bers this year Edwards said he does not know if the Peacock will again be hired out to track foreign whalers. Bis sisters, 'Elizabeth, another San C le m e nte Hig h School graduate, and Cynthia. a Sad- dleback College teacher, and the mother or the family aided m the remodeling of the Peacock that look "seven days a week for one year," Edwards said. National attention was focused on the Greenpeace whale pre· servationists as they rode their 12-foot craft s . known a s "Zodiacs.·• between the har· pooners and the seagoing mam mals. The ship, purchased in 1976 bv t he Edwards' father Edward, a Los Angeles County F1 r c Department offici~. was await· m g its next assignment in Dana Point Friday. The s kipper's 17-year-old brotl· 1r Pa ul Edwards. a San Clemente Hig h School senior Lhls year . rewtred the Pea"COCk's electrical syste m throughout the ship. Edwards said the h~rpoon:. us'!aa.ly sail ed qver the Green- peace members/and struck their marks. The young Edwards. who ran varsity middle distance track events in high school j ust three years ago, said the Peacock has been hired out regularly since 1t was rell}odeled in 1977 for use as a seismic research vessel. Paul and Alan Edwards, a 15·year·old San Clemente High sophomore, are spending their summer vacation on board as crew members. Chirlena Montanye, a Peacock deckhand, wheel watcher and Seis mic experts. contracted by oil companies, hire the Chirlena Montanye, 21. of Washington. Matt Dean. 22. of Arizona, and Dale Dallon. the s hip's enJ!ineer, round out the Peacock crew. FAY IVAN BLOOD TAKES PRIDE IN ASSEMBLING 20-MULE TEAM BORAX STAGE MODELS Ex-singing Cowboy Makes Coaches, Recalls Prairie Life, Personalities By ARfJruR R. VINSEL ~ Ille O.lly Pll9t St.lff Country.wes tern entertainer. poet and onetime singing cowboy F.1. Blood. 77, lives alone in Westminster, a John Wayne-style man. smiled on by history but overlooked by fame. He can still play t wo harmonicas at once although he must rub his Ups with olive oil, for his blood pressure medicine makes them dry. · He's been a luxury chauffeur, a showman, a sheepherder, and a range-rider whose horse. Old Tom, saved his life from rattlesnakes more than once while mending fence in Wyoming. Framed m e m entoes on the a m ber- varnished Canadian beaverboard walls of hls trailer tell the stories as surely as his voice. ••J have never been still ... I have always wanted to learn, learn, learn," says Fay Ivan Blood, a man wbo knew showman Buffalo Bill Cody. "I always bad a SO-cent Marine Harmonica in my back pocket," says Blood, who bas lived 22 years at th& Sunset Trailer Park, 6822 Westminster Ave., which will be leveled next spring for an office building. He's known rakes, rambling men. good dogs. good horses. celebrities and unknowns he acknowledges as good men and women, because Blood bas been a seat-of-the-pants psycbologisl since boyhood. He has slept under the stars with 1,000 s heep massed nearby, cared for by only God, two good sheepdogs named -believe it or not. he'll swear. Tom and JeM")'-and himsell. Ite's slept ln Grand Central Station in New York for a week while begging for an a udition wttb MaJ. Bowes' Amateur Hour on Radio Sta- tJon KOA, which finally launched bis career in 1928 as a aingina cowboy. ' Blood savored his long-gone fame, but one small episode stands out today in bis mind and in one of his many poems. He remembers giving a touk,b, l>flUte solo performance In bis ornate cowboy outfit when be starred on WBSO in Boston, for a bedridden 9-year.old boy who wouldn't live to hear his next weekly program . "Tell 'the cowboy• I loved his stories and aon11 IO very much . . . , · · the weak child wblapered to hit father near the end, and that 1Ucka out in Blood'• mind. ' I Faint strains of harmonica and the strum of a now-54-year·old guitar emanate from Blood's trailer almost every day, when he isn't making intricate hand-painted models of 20-mule team Borax wagons. His miniattlte collection a lso includes circus wagons. s tlgecoacbes and cattle corral l~youts well-remembered from his past before -his taJents led to that modem miracle. radio. He recently presented one or his 20·mule team Borax wagon mode~ to State. As· semblyman Chet Wray CD-Garden Grove> for his listening to senior citizen trailer paik resi· dents' problems. And his work is a lso dis played at the Knot.l's Berry Farm Museum, whlle he takes pride in the fact tbe late John Wayne owned and admired one of his wagon models for several years.' Blood presented it to Wayne's daughter. Mrs. Melinda Munoz in 1970, when John Wayne Theater at Knoll's Berry Farm was dedicated. · The one old cowboy would have preferred to hand it personally to the other. but Wayne was then on location in Mexico, fittingly s hooting a film. "The Cowboys." "J was put in The Farm and Trade School in ·Massachusetts when I was 9. tt•s not a re- formatory. Mother was a woman in business and shejustdidn 'tcare about raising children. "When J came out, I was just an errand boy .. $5 a week board, room and laundry, lS·cenl lunches and nickel carfare ," Blood sa,Ys. fetching a visitor kewater on an 85-degree af. ternoon. At 10 he got a glimpse of Buffalo Bill Cody and actually worked for his circus for all of a rew hours. Blood recalls landing a job dr iving a miniature circus wagon pulled by two goats and he was tn his glory, until his mother collared a conalable a nd came hunting her missing juvenile. . Worst of all, be hadn 't eaten for 12 hours end waa Just beaded for the mess wagon on bis foreman's orders when nabbed by Ma and the law. But be did get to meet the great buffalo· hunter and show business entrepreneur par ex· cellence . "Oh. he was a 1oocMooking man," he re- (Sff COWBOV, Pap AS> • ~---.., SURVEY SHIP PEACOCK SHOWN AT ANCHOR OFF ENTRANCE TO DANA POINT HARBOR Rea1ing After a Summer Stint of Chasing Ru1Slan Whalera tor Greenpeace What started out as a family recreation idea. has turned into a money.mak ing venture. Edwards said. "My father bought the fi rst ship for the family to use as recreation." said the young skip- per whose parents brought their five c hildren to Capistrano Beach nine years ago The Peacock's captain says he would like to make his lif(' at sea and increase the familv neet in t-he future · But as for now. he keeps ha:-. hatches battened and 1s. rc•ady lo weigh anchor for the Pcacoek ~ next assignment .. We could leavt• tomorrow Edwards said " F ront Page A I V AN-T ASTIC •.• Jl1s registered a:. an armored vehicle. It's not everyone who can ride around in an armored t•ar. And woe to the poor soul who tries lo break mlo tht• shiny black vclucle . For one thing, thats a closed c1rcu1t telev1s1on camera atop the roof. equipped w1 ~a laser heat-seeking device .. Once the camera 1s a t1vated. 1l automatically scan:-. ~60 degrees around the va ," the bearded diver said ... But 1t. freezes when It tocks onto an exceptional amount of bod~ heat·· Jn::.-tant candid camt:ra. • If the camer<.i doesn't. sc-.rre off the woo.Id-be bureJar . the sirens and lights will For. crowded onto tbe roof along with the camera an· three transaston zed pol.tee Sll'ens <hi-lo, wall and yelp. 1 rotating red Laghtc;, and !)potUgbts that can light up the de :.ert noor in the middle of the night. So 1f one has a hankering to tanker with the vetuch:. ht· would be treated to his own ::.ound and hght show. 'Then lht::re 's no d1:.crl'pancy with the police as to who .... a~ where and what .... a:.," Miklos grin!>. The high-intens ity lights serve another purpose. Miklos says If he's being pursued by treasure pirates on the highway c.tt night, ht• n m flip on the lights, manuaU:,. train tbe camera to the rt.>ar, ~nd photograph tus pursuer:. Eat yoor ht>art out 007 But even that's not enough for the seeurity·cansc1ou:-. l reasun~·~ker. There's a pN.'SSW'~ p!at.e on tbe roof -Just in case so meone ever makes it that far -and if someone cuts the wires tolbeoutside batteries. there's another set inside. Miklos says he's drawn a lot of attention while potting more than 70.000 mBcs on the unique van. "I've been stopped 37 times bet.ween here and Florida because of the red lights." he said. And the impressive-looldag vehicle has prompted an accident oc two as motonsts he passes turn to stare Mi.lcJos will be off to Florida agam Ul a few weeks in an a ttempt to puU $393 million 1.0 gold and silver from an old Spanish gallebn. He's already folald the wreck, and now he's just wait· ing for some good weather before he takes off. At six and a half miles per gallon, is the intrep1rl treasure bt.mter worried about the gas crunch? .. Hell no." h~ s ays, jabbing a finger toward the van 1 • ve got 80 gallons of fuel on that thing.'· So if you're a CB operator. and you see Miklos on lht· road in his black beauty. give him a call. His handlL· 1s •· /\rmored Tonka Toy,·· Good Budd:- W I NNI NG C OMB/NATIO NS Fo r the Oraflg<' <..ou.11ty sports m '"' ou,. cool att,J lighl·Wl!ighl Jf>Orl s b1).1s i11affa,.,.a1 of ,.;ch colors ................... 20. 011,. diJ 1i11ctly s t ylcd R omano pattls of 11 _-v , u·ove" p ol7e1 I I!,. • ' features IOlll!•On ·lo"e ~ ·. texturing a111I /rontie,. \:'"~ ~ poc lcel s .................... 42.5 0\\' Prom Cb11 m pion co'1tes • •. OU ,.Hl!U'l!S t11rrit'11/, ' pufec I f o r Spring 11t1J Summer, a feather · weight u·n ve11 Polyes lupa11f a i•a i I ab/ I! i 11 s e r•e 11 colors ....................... J1.0IJ Truly u•,,rniflg combinations for tlu coming s eas "" 9A?!~.~~k!,, co. /()()(}RN.Jin/ Strttttf NO¥th • Plt11t1 Nttu'f><1'fl Nttwpnrt th•th, C11. (714) 9H· 1900 • '1 .. - .. " Sunday • .kily 1, 1111 Wffkly rev;ew of Orange Coast tughltghts H untinqton Bt•.ic. h Lock those rascals up ? • Former mayor end clly policeman Ron Patllnson. furious, Is seeking criminal charges against four colleagues accuses of violating the city's charter and an ordmance Council memt>ers Ruth Bailey, Bob Mandie. Ruth F1nle) and John Thomas voted against City Administrator 8 Belsito's recommendation to hire Newport Beact\ .c m munily Development Director Richard Hogan for city JOb. Instead , the majority appointed Huntington B ach's own acting director of Development Services Depa tment Jim Palin pecmanently to the job. Belsito bec~me angry at their choice. Meanwhile. back at the ranch, Councilman T homas. a 6·fCvt·J. 230-pound trucking and crane company operator given to good -deeds In donating his crane'i. services: four·letter words. and what he calls Oilfield Lee tures to pollce and city offit'ials, is backing recall of City Attorney Gail Hutton. Thomas was convicted last year or misdemeanor vandalism for using his crane to remove a couple of sheds belonging to an oilfield equipment s upply firm that shared his operations lot. Hutton defeated former city attorney Don Bonfa. who had fired now-former deputy city attorney John O'Connor after an aJlegetl office brawl. then re-hired O'Connor. Then she re-fired him. Undercover police were summoned to fiddle with files in the office when O'Connor came to clean out his desk because there were rumbles he car ried a gun. Stay tuned. The council meets again Monday night. liiji.tj Lion Country not roaring with pleasure A plan announced last November for a coalition of businessm en to buy mon ey-troub l ed Lion Coun try Safari for $4 .2 million abruptly fell .through this week, stun· ning management of the 317-acre wildJife preserve park. Irvine Company of· ficials declined to approve sale of the tourist attrac· tion on land the company owns . officially. However. park r ange rs recen tly went on s trike to protest .alleged mistreatment and poor housing of the park "i. animals. The U.S. Depart· ment of Agriculture a nd the California Department of Fish and Game are also engaged in a continumg investigation or those rangers' charges and have verified some of ttiem .. Cost cl M t•\,1 SB ch~ef survives near-drowning Seal Beach Police Chief Ed Ci bbarelli, 36, California's youngest police chief on appointment in 1974, remains in critical but improving condition at UC Irvine Medical Center lollowing a Wednesday swimming pool accident at his home. The handsome former Newport Beach police lieutenant and several colleagues went for a s wim and after Ci bbarelli suddenly vanished, he was discovered on the bottom of the pool. Officials at UCIMC are continuing tests to determine if a cardiac seizure ~-. ... ! .. ,.' . ..; ·,,.. . >' . ·4 .. c1 aa•111au.1 prompted the near-drowning. Ooh! Ugh! /ck! Yuck! Sheriff's deputies and city police who visited a vanished man's apartment to arrest him Monday night dido 't have to swear off their afler·shift cocktail or glass of beer after all. Those really were 60·some snakes. including 40 deadly rat· tie rs and 200 rats and mice they encountered inside. Plus four boa constrictors more than 6-feet long. All they wanted to do was arrest their man for a routine warrant charging failure to appear in court on a traffic violation citation. Talk about opening up a can of worms ... .. ... Rationing Gains v Gas Supp~es · Pinching East a~ 1)e Aaeocla&ed Pre .. " senUment l• aweUlna for a na- tionwide 8fla0lin r&tlonina rlan. but work on any plan wil not bttln untU Congreu returns from Its July Fourth recess, a period In whl c b many Amerlc.ns race "Stay·al-bome." hollduy:. because of empty fuel t~nki> DE8PITE the hoped for de- livery of new July aJlooations. gasoline was expected to be in extremely tight supply, especial· ly tn lhe Northeast, through the Independence Day holiday Wed· nesday ··Rely on anything but the uuto. Don 't drive this weekend." Hijack Try Halted By Jet's Crew MIAMI tAP> A bottlt!· wielding Cuban exile tried un- s u cc ess f u 11 y to h1J ack an Eas tern Airlines Jumbo Jet Saturday. screaming in Spanish that he wanted to return home "to join the revolution," the FBI said The man. identified by the F B 1 as I goberlo Gonzalez Sanchez. 46. of Rio Piedras. ( __ B_R_IE_Fs_J Puerto Rico. was s ubdued by c rewme n and passengers aboard the Miami-bound jet. The Lockheed L -1011 jet, Flight 932 from San Juan. Puerto Rico. landed on schedule at Miami International Air port at 12 :22 p.m. There were no re- ports of injuries among the 293 passengers and 13 crew. said New York Gov. Hugh Carey as vacationers in many stat.es were warned lo drive no farther than half a tank or gasoline could take them. Tourism was reported sharply down in some spots. In a front-page editorial Satur· day, the New York Post called <>n President Carter to impose rationing. "Uncertainty aboul prospects for the rest of the summer and apprehension over fuel shortages next winter have createq a spre ading mood of panic and frustration," the P9st said. Also Saturday, the U.S. Con· ference of Mayors urged the federal government to consider special allocations for cities . IN A SURVEY of 50 large cities and 50 s maller com munities. the conference foun.d gas station lines in 47 cities, odd even sales in 26 cities and lower s upply allocations in 95 cities They asked that federal of fic1als consider giving mayors of major cities control over a por tion of fXisting state set-asid es. the 5 percent of a st .. tc 's supply allocated for use al the gov ernor's discretion. Rationing ·'should be con sidered. . . Maybe we ought to ~o back and look al it more s eriously, · Deputy ..Energy Secretary J ohn O'Leary said Friday in predicting long ga:. Ii~ stretching into the fall. Democratic House and Senate leaders say the national politici;I climate is right... for quick ap prov al or a rationing plan. A HOUSE subcommittee on energy and power has scheduled sessions on a proposal for standby rationing for July 11. accqrding to congressional sources who asked not to be identified. Congress began its lO·day holiday break Friday and is to return July 9. Pennsylvania touris m officials said bookings in the Dutch Coun- try were off and few visitors were expected at Gettysburg Battlefield over the holiday. Wlnd11'Hurt 2 And although "they're s till DEER PARK. La. <AP> -Al standing in line to see Jndepen- least two people were injured <Jene~ Hall" j n Philadelphia. and an undetermined number park superiolendcnt Hobart of others were missing today Cawood said the number of vis· ----.------· ... '"" .-.~ --- NATIONAL I INTERNATIONAL I WEATHER - ,.. . . ·~-1 ........ CROWN TAKEN AWAY Ex-queen Debbie Shook Queen Out, Replacement Gets Crown RALEIGH IAP > Miss North Carolina for 1979 was named Saturday night to succeed Debbie Shook. wh o smashed h er rhinestone·studded crown to the floor: when told her throne was being taken away from her. T HE NEW Miss North Carolina 1s Monta Anne Maki. 22. who was entered as Miss Hickory. Miss Shook disposed of her cro~ Friday night at :vtemorial Auditorium. s lamming the bejeweled uara to the floor and kick· 1ng it ·apart and onto tenter stage. B·u·t pageant -o f(i cl.a ls said new ones are ordered each year. s o a supply wa& on hand Saturday night for the finals T HE INCIDENT came moments after North Carolina Jaycee officials told Miss Shook that her services as Miss North Carolina 1978 were no longer wanted The firing, JUSt befort! preliminary events were held Friday night, came after Miss Shook told a re · porter that she had not re· ceived all the prizes pro· mised to her and that her reign had been riddled with financial difficulties. Kreps Htisband Stable DURHAM, N.C. (AP) -The huat>and of U.S. Commerce Secretar y J uanita Krepa re· m alned Jn st able condltioa Saturday. and doctors said they were optimistic about h i• chances following surW}' for a self-Inflicted gunshot wound i.D the head. Cllfton H. Kreps Jr:: 59, a bus iness professo r at the University of N o r t h Carolina. un- derw e nt a three-hour operation after he was round by his son lying on the floor of his study ID the Kre ps ' home Friday night. l(ltEPS Mrs Kreps fle w 1n frol'JI Washington and remained at the hospital during her husband's operation. She went to the family's home early Saturday and refused to talk to reporters_ Hospita l s pokesman Bill Green said Kreps' condition was stabll', and that doctors expect ed him to remain so at least un· til today Kr eps h ad ifeen under p!.ychrntric treatment at• N .C Memorial Hospital ID Chapd Hill. and was home on a one·day l!:av<• at tht• t1mc he was shot. Food Supply '-Adequate' WASHINGTON <AP) -Sup. plies of fresh food for Fourth °' July celebrations have been moving lo r etail outlets on schedule and should be adequate des pite the strike by indepen· dent tru cke r s. se n ior Agriculture De partment of . fi cials say. "We are finding shipping ~ blems m some SPots and some delays, but gene rally e noug .. rood is moving from the fields mto retail markets right now." Deputy Secretary Jim William6 said in a statement issued Satur - day, The Agriculture Department normally monitors food mo~ ments year-round. but has ex- panded the vigil because of the • strike and other transportatioD problems, Williams said after tomado·like winds ripped itors at the historic site fell 15 through a group of about 150 at a percent to 20 percent in June. J fi shing derby on Old River, a ------------------------------------------ c utoff loop of the Mississippi River. Oft to Cairo WASHINGTON tAP> - Ambassador Robert Strauss is tra ve ling to Cair'o to take per sonal command of the Carter ·administration's effort to ~eep the Middle East peace process moving. PLOS .-.-k" A rms BEIRUT (A P 1 Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was plan· ning an urgent trip to Moscow lo seek stepped-up arms shipments for his guerrillas, who are com· mg under increasing Israeli air attacks in southern Lebanon, re· liable sources s aid Saturday. \'if-fN T arget BALI <AP> -The Association of Southeast · Asian Nations declared Saturday that Vietnam t. is responsible for the flood of Vietnamese refugees and should play the "dec1s1vc" role in solv· ing the problem lnte r e•f R b h1g WASHINGTON !AP> Start· ing today, millions of Americans will be able to get higher\ in· terest rates on savings accoUhts. but financial experts say this won't necessarily ins ulate a family's savings from inflation. Name Your Game ... StorgisWhipping Nation We've GotYourTeam! . - The teams of 15 Orange Coast area high schools a nd three communit y colleges get personal attention a nd coverage from the Daily Pilot sports staff. Not just scores, but stories and pictures whenever and whe rever 11.s.s .... ,.. O•ar 1"41 O...otn 4lf>d UM Plelns. Miid tem.,.rellwet -. tor.cest over tM All•nllc Coett, Ille Ohio Valley, and lower Mtcnloen, with cooler tem. .,.ratu,.s I" Moflt-. tne nortllern Roolu, the G<'eal 6esln ~ pert ot Celllorttl•. TM rest Of tllt nation wes .. ..-<ltd to be werm. • c ... , ....... Allleny An(llOrtOO All ell le lklllm«e llolN 94"tofl ll'OWl'llVll .. luffeto Qlrtstn SC ~'ftMt Clllc"° Gl"'lnnatl e .. ,,.1-0.1 l't Wtll o.,.ver Oetf"Oit n~ 0 HI Lt 11 M .... .. 10 •• 10 14 SS 15 M ., 14 IO M .. 1t u )t " s• 71 •t ,. " 1~. " .. M .. Fa1tbm.~ Honolulu HouitOfl 11\d •POii' IC•n'• C•IV LHVe~> LOSAnQelh Mla1'11 Mlh•~uk"' Mpls·SI P N4UllY•ll• Ne•Orlns New Yoo, Oki•. C•tv Pllll«l'plli• Pll0j0n1• Pit1$burqll Pt11n<1,0r~ St I.OU" S.11 1..•ll• S.n 01~90 S.n Fran Seattle wa..,lnQtOft 09'lr rllet Oell.-.ry 10 ., IS lb " 81 11 bl u \I '°' a• es b' 11 11 IO 60 IS St 84 61 94 ,. 11 .. " 10 .. l;I llS t7 n u &1 SI .. ~ " ,. IO 6' .. S? ., S4 es 10 ltehs•lttcl Mn"Clff't'·~"ci"Y 11 you dO "01 f\avt\ vou• OGOll' Dv ~ 30 o m c•" IJ<I tort r 0"' ""'° VOU' C:OOy "'111 ot 091,.,..to \,31uia,.., ""° ~·• 11 vou ao no1 'PC" .. l\r~ ~,, ("()()) b,. Q " "' Ctiltf ~1tc.»f' 1 t t m .tnr1 r'O!Jf ~()()y Wlf't l;Jie Ottllll•fflft the news breaks. - Daily Pilot sportswrite rs and photographers are at the games to bring you detailed first -hand r eports and pictures. Our wire service reports the a·ction of college and professional athletic contests across the nation. Added to a ll of this are the reports of other local high school and college sports, from wrestling to women 's athletics. Name your game -we cover your team -in ,the sports pages of the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 I ---------- \ r .. . . ... != .· . -· ~ !l ~ .. ;; .. . •' ·: ~: -----------.. -------· -------·--·-. ·-· -,.. -------------~ I ' New Voyager Aimed To Answer Mysteries 9ASAD&NA tAP) -The VOJ•ter l .,,.cetblp daultd E•rlhlinl• lul March when it soared pul Jup1~r. revealln1 an tner.a!bly complex and n'\,Yltlr1ina world or c:ok>rful, cbutblnc cJouda and atr ana~ moona. Now a &later shlp l n artna \he &Jent planet. ud acltn· Uata ~ope Voyaacr 2'it t'lo!\c «'nCCManteron July 9 wlll provide 1 few 'lt~clu.1 to riddloa thf'y fOUl'd four monLha ago. THE nasT VOV AGER, now sallil\I otl toward dJat.ant Saturn, provided rtchly detailed and orten beauUtuJ plcturcu~ of Jup,lter. • I expected Voya1er would hn"'C a maJor acienUnc re turn, butt really didn 'l appredate that we would be seeioa ao m!lnY thinp fort.ht" '1f'1lt time." !iald Edward Stone, proJeC't scientist for the $50() mllhon m1ss1on '"It was so overwhelm ing how many new things we wett learning earh da). for day after day after ctay " ~xclted scientists at the Jt>t Propulsion L'boratory marveled nearly constaally at some unexperted a nd dramatic discovery. from a moon fuJI of volcanoes to a rorky ring around the planet. It Will be a very tough act to follow. Stone conreded Voyager I ··was s ur h a lar~e s tep in our understanding th.at we can't duplicate it ll 'l>JUSt impossible," he said · But he s aid the serond Voyager should come up walh some surprises of its own It will be the first look at parts of Ganymede and CaJlisto, t wt moons as big a s planets. Both are about SO percent ice. Stone said Ganymede's acy s urface shows crar k5 or faults ''just Uke an earthquake fault herein California.·· That could mean , he said. that billions of years 1:1go soml' •.mknown force moved great s heets of ice about over a deep layer of icy water. much as the continental plates of Earth ·s surfacedrifton a subsurface h1ye rof partly molten rock. • I VOYAGER 2 ALSO WILi, take the first close look ~t the \ •• Al'Wl1'9 ... IO MONTAGE SHOWS SATURN, 4 MOONS Voyager II Seeks More Information on A ll dcrl>tand1ng of these systems we'relooking at.·· • Smith and Stone' agreed that Voyager 1 ·s most spec l•1rular discovt'ry was the volcanoes of lo, one of Jupiter's 13 moons. Scn•n..,activc volcanoes were found , some·spew1og umbrella-shaped plumes more lhan 150 m iles above lhc moon 's surfaC"e Sunci.y, July 1. 1979 DAILY PILOT AS Big B~ar Key In Quake Wave BIG ,aEAR <AP> -Tbe fourth earthquake in three days rumbled through Southern California ear· ly Saturday. and scientists uid there was no way to tell whether more were in store. "We can only know generally that there is strain building up along those faults." said Dennis Meredith, a spokesman for California In stitute of Technology. THE SHOCKS all emanated from this bucolic mountain resort 90 miles east of Los Angeles. The two latest tremors hit just before and just after midnight Friday, Meredith said. ne. at 11 57 p .m . Friday. reg 1stered 3.4 on the Richter scale . The other. at 12 04 a .m . Saturday. measured 4.5. he said. The most powerful of the four quakes, however. was the second. which struck Friday as most peo. pie were making thetr way home from work. The quake registered 4.8 on Caliech's Richter scale; se1smologi1ll' with the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo., measured itatS.1. THE JOLT broke windows and mlrrors and jiggled office desks. dishes. homes and restaurants ove r a 200-mi le area from northern San Bernardino County to the Mexican border. More than 60 Big Bear resi· dents called the San-Bernardino County sheriff's office with re- ports that their dwellings were s haken or damaged. In the office. falling acoustic tiles narrowly m 1ssed worke rs. ' The San Bernardino Mountains are a patchwork of small earth- quake faults and have been the s ite of freque nt s mall temblors, as wl!ll as several maJor ones. ac- <.'Ordang to tht: U.S. Geologicar Survey Angel Dust Makers Heading for Desert moon Europa. Voyager I pictures of Europa showed long. dark streaks which. Stone said, might prove to be cracks in the surface cracks fi:ve times as wide as the Grand Canyon a nd up to 1.000 miles Ion~. UNTIL THE DRAMATIC Voyager pirtures, Earth wal> tht! only celestial body known to be volcanically art1ve. BAKERSFIELD I AP l A n ~el Dust ~s are spilhn~ ovt•r the Tehachapi Mountains into rural Kern County from Southern California and <.'reating a problem for law enforrement agencies here 'It ust'ct to be that we would get one or two PCP sales cast:s every coupl e of months." said Wilson "Now we're handling at least that many every week " Bradford Smith, who heads the Voyager 1 photograpy team. said: "I will be s urprised if we're not surprised <by Voyager 2). Just consider the surprises Uuit came out of Voyager 1. which is reall y an indication of mir really poor un- The National Aeronautics and Space Administrauon said Voyager 2's night plan has been altered so the s hip's two high-resolution cameras will take a seven-hour sequence of time-lapse pictures -essentially a movie -of lo l> volcanoes. The problem as more than a local one. Almost all of the PCP made here is reta iled m the Los Angeles area. San Diego and the Bay Area There a re t.•ven soml' 1nd1cat10ns 1t ends up on the I::asl Coast and in \an:.id<J . Deputy Dastrat·t Attorne} Kiri.. Walson said But both men admit that for every lab that's bust ed. there an· probably several others. ·Tm sure we're not even mal- ang a dent ," said Grt!en. Firms Top Contributors SACRAMENTO <APl Top contributor!> to legisla tin• can- didates in 1978 were corporallunl>, real E>state agents. doctors. den lists, teachers , bankt·r~. retailers and organized labor tn thal order. CommC1n Cause said Saturday. In 1976. labor contributions ranked higher, but that year un· ions spent e lot of money fight- ing Proposition 13. said Walter Zelman. executive director of the citizens' lobby. He said Common Cause sur- vey showed that in 1978 big s pecial interest contributors 1 gave significantly more money ( __ ~T._'AT._'E _J to Republicans rather than Democrats. and to challengers rather than incumbents Glider Cra•laes BISHOP <AP> -A 26-year·old Seattle man was killed wh en his han ~ glider slammed into an _8.500-foot-high clifCside during a Fourth of July wee kend meet in the White Mountains. authorities said Saturday. Bradl<.'Y J. t.affaw apparently lost control of his hang glider after encountering unexpected lurbulen<.'e :.it Spark Plug Mine. a popular ghc1t·r spot a bout 30 miles northt:'ast of here S kater11 Banned SAN FRANCISCO <AP I - You can't roller skate in a buf- falo herd. s ongwriter Roger Miller wrote -or on the Golden Gate Bridge, either. Directors of the bridge district outlawed s kating a nd s kate boarding Friday on the bridge. S 11115 SIMOll AllD JUDE 115 CLUB HUllTlllGTOll BEAGI Featuring flREWORKS BOllAllD,.) :;"~~~PPy 'I'"~ L.A. RAMS STARS CODY JONES .. LAR~Y BROOKS . JIM YOUNGBLOOD JULY4 I· 2 PM • SI .00 eff urtfflcete .. ...,.,. 1J11t wftlt _, S5.H ,_.ca... GARF'lELD • July I 3 • 4 PM JULY 2 6-7 PM , RAY MALAVASI , ~ Will draw winnin.g Ticket July 4 • 4 PM • 7·11 .,.. wttt. .. , pwchase Bl'RGER lll!VG DELICIOl'S ISi"\1 DOLLAR ~,J II ,.,...,,::.:=~= .. ~~=;~,::._,"' 'Pl • "'U 01-!"fit CO\Jl'OOB •• 4999 '"~CIOllllGAll lNllHUllA•fO fO ONtOO\.~"" W0"''"°' 'ooo ., ltVfltCJl,. <•~·•rt.•4u".-~' ~...,,. 1U11'1t• .,.,.u· ••10• ......,,__. .. ""' ... ,,......,.... t.-fO• , frtQ1 fllOHVMHfOWtiilO'ft• Cl'•l•h-."0 --""""'~,.,,. o.~ .......... ll!lv'-9 .. "" ·-·~~!",....'' . t .l•IN6 IM COUPON & IXCHAMtH FOR ..... lt"600UA• . Parklag Lot S/W ~oner Garfield & lrookhunt, H•ffecJton leach r ---- Border Pla11 Halts Aliens T IJUANA <APl Mexican IS THF. pas t I<! month'> sheriff's deputies have captured three phent'~cladtne labs. rol lectang 30 or more pounds of the material with an e'>timated street value of $8-10 million. That is many times more than was confiscated in the county in the prior eight years. said Sgt. David Green. a narcoti<.'s in· vestigator for the sheriff's de· partment. PCP WAS mventcd 1n 1927 and began to be u sed as an anesthct1r m the early s1xtw:.. but th l' u n pr<' d 1 <'t ab It> an 1J .:;omt't1mes violent behavior ol those who were ,:!1ven the drug ... oon It'd to al!> discontinuation lur an~1htn~ but expenment<il and vetermary use. authorities. pleased with re suits of their Tajuana crar kdown on illegal aliens a nd green card forgers. plan to expand the ant1- crime drive eastward to Tecate and Mexi<.'ali. The leg1!.la ture acted la!>I St'l>l>IOn to makl· at 1l lei.:al to possess somt' of the (•hemu.:ab needed to make the drug. Baja California Gov. Roberto de la Madrid said the two cities are earmarked for "carbon copies" of the campaign initial· ed in Tijuana last week. The governor s aid the ex- pans ion was a necessa r y followup step to head off a n up- S\1< ing m activity in Tecatc and Ml!x icali. Not only have arrests for manufacturing incre ased, but the number of persons prosecut· ed for possession of large quan- t1t1es have skyrocketed . Wa l:,,on said "You go out in the desert and you· re out lht.•re a couple of days. there's a big stink one day and you pull up roots and you'rl! )!o ne." said Wilson. "ln an urban area. the police would be dow n on you if they drove down _ the same street where your lab 1s located because of the awful s mell that goe~ with manufa1· luring · TWO WEEKS ONLY -FREE SPINAL CHECK-UP & SCOLIOSIS SCREENING Westcliff Chiropractic Offices 1s sponsoring a Spinal Check-up and Scoliosis Screening program as a public service. This service w1lf include consultat ion. examination. and a report of findings. CONSULTATION Our coosullahon is designed to determine whether vour cond1llon falls w1lh1n rne realm ol our care Based uoon the cesutts ol lhe consuttallon the doctor will make aooroonatE' recommendations regarding X-ray~. examination treatment or referral 10 another doctor X-RAYS Nol all patients need 10 be x-rayed. but many freouently do Our x·ravs are d1lleren1 than the usual medical x·rays X-rays may be likened to roadmaps. allowing us to see structural departures from normal A nominal fee for X- rays will be charged 11 in· d1cated " REPORT OF FINDINGS Aller the doctor nae:: corrPlalt>d vour findings based upon ltlf' history. e.11Cam1na11on and .11<·ray" 11 reoulfedl you will receive a reoort of ltndings. and anv recommendations 1nd1cdted oy your spinal cond111on EXAMINATION: We utilize multiple forms ol modern exam1nat1 on procedures including spinal range of motion s tudies. weight balance tests. postural pva1uat1on. muscle strength . and other spec1a l 1z e c:I c h1ro prac11 c d1agno st1 c orocedures WARNING SIGNS OF SPINAL MISALIGNMENTS • Recurring Headaches •Pain Between Shoulders • Diuiness. Blurre.d Vision • Numbness In Hands & Arms • Neck. Shoulder & Arm Pain • Low Back & Leg Pain • Loss of Steep • Difficult Breathing •Numbness in Legs & Feet If you suffer from any of these warning signs call immediately to prevent possible .advancing complications. This Free Spinal Check-up and Scoliosis Screening program is available as a public service for the next two weeks . by appointment. pl~ase. FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 645-5300 WHtclff CW. opracHc Office 2043 Wntclff Dr .. s.lte I 01 Mewporthacll \ • , i •• 11 , - "\ I . l ·. . ' •• , w . , - __________ ..,_,.... ---Edltorial Pg•e••••••••s•u•n•dtl•y•,•Ju•1•y•1.•1•m•••····••••R•ot>e••"•N•.•W•eed••'•P•ub•'•1s•hl•r••TholN•••1•K•••v•111•e•d•tt•or• Use Initiative , . . Cnrlail Spend.in g , Howard Jar'\#11 and Paul Gann. falhen or Callromla 's now-f amoua PropoelUon 13, have patted thelr own backs to the POhtt. of soreness for effecUvely reducing properly taxes throqbout the state. They're sUll unhappy. Both complaln that the real ?tetaaae ol Proposition 13 was lo cut go\lernmenl .spend- 11\1 -and many local 1ovemment agencies have devoted too much effort lo findLna alternative fundina 1ourc~ ln stead of P&r1n1. their budaeu . ·Many of them have boon relying on stote bail.out funds. a source that. unrortunately. may soon run dry leading to the conclusion thot we will ha\'e lo do without many services we now consider es!fential Still. there is evidence that innbvatJon could supplant tax dollars in man)' government al operations n may be our county, municipal and ~<'hool administrators are do ing more ha ndwringing than thtnking ubout how to operate with less money. Consider our court ::iystem, one of the most expenbl\'l' items in our county budget. In El Cajon , a remarkably simple program 1s reduc- ing costs and speeding trials The plan allows El CaJon Municipal Court judges. uPon consent of all parties. to hear most m a tters that would have gone to the San Diego Supe rior Court. It costs less to try a case In the lower court sy::.tem and some additional benefits s howed up as well after the rive-year test plan bad been in operation one year The El Cajon plan reduced the s uperior court workload. saved one s uperior court JUt~e -year . d ecreased puQlic defender costs. reduced proce!:.::.mg time for superior c'burt felony trials and substantially lowered the number of preliminary hearings. Considering the fact that 100 percent of the Judges. defense and prosecution attorneys who participated agreed the due-process rights had not been jeopardized . it certainly is worth considering on a statewide basis. Even more innovative -radical, it might be called - nre proposals from a Berkeley study for chopping costs of one of our most expensive public services, fire and police protection. The privately financed study by the Institute for Local Self-Government s uggests that: -Police and firemen be required to enlist for stints. much like a military service. -Cities take over fire insurance indemnity within the ir boundaries. -Firemen use their non-emer gency time for safety ins pections . They· would be summoned by electronic beeper wh~n a fi re occurs. -Civil ians be hired for many of the fu nctions now being performed by highly trained officers Such reforms would run mto opposition. of course.. Public uni ons will object and insurance companies a ren't likely to abandon their fields graciously. But the institute has some C'Ompclling arguments that the plans would v.ork and the'.) mos t certainly would save money. With public safet y consuming 3S to 40 percent of most local budgets , it's a n a rea rape for spending reform. The real move for such money-saving ideas should come from within the government agencies the mselves much Like the city of Irvine's inC'reased use of c1v1l1ans in· stead of uniformed ::.worn police officer!> on many func· lions. Local offidals had better start gi\·lng these ideas and others like them earnest consideration. Proposition 13 is not going lo go away. Funding: Curves Ahead An effort to pry m ore u range County highway con· ~truction funds out of the state is inching along in Sacramento. but the main stumbling bloc ks lie ahead. County Supervisor Ralph Clark initiated the move to form a separate CalTrans district for the county. which now splits District 7 funds with Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Under present CalTrans plans. Orange County would receive $29 million over the next four years. That's 1.6 percent of state hi ghwa y allocations . Los Angeles County would get the lion's s hare. 2S.9 percent. a nd 3.1 percent would go to Ventura County. But Orange County would gain at least SSS million un dl•r a bill calling for formation of a separate CalTran:, d istrict. It is carried by Sen . John Briggs of Fullerton. Given the county's population growth. the present al- location by no means matches the county's gasoline tax contribution to s tate highway funds. . There 's no debating that point and the Senate Trans portation Committee has cleared Briggs' bill. But unfortunately there's little chance that Los Angeles would care to part with any of its highway money to help Orange County. so some stiff opposition is likely to sur· face in the Assembly. In an effort to sidestep this roadblock, Briggs pro· poses amending his bill to provide that new Orange Coun- ty funds be taken from the state's $400 million highway s urplus instead of from Los Angeles' share. That would involve persuading CalTrans to loosen its tight hold on its pursestrings -and that might take a real miracle. • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dai ly Piiot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s invited. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321 Boyd/ Blonde Brides Odds run 64 to 36 a young bachelor north or the Mason- Dear Gloo1n y Gus Ripe tomatoes can't b e ( o u n d I n supermarkets and they're plowing 'em un· der In King C ity becaute or the trucker's s\rlke. Let'1 all grow our own and put the whole 1an1 out of buai-neaa. ARV \ Dixon line will marry a . blonde. Such W3S the report or a Chicago statistician. Our Love and War ma n has no explanation for It. Blondes don't outnum bcr brunettes, on the contrary. Blondes must marry oftener. if the find i ng is true . Do the blondes among your acquain- tances record more multiple marriages? Q. "Who coined the phrase 'lunatic fringe' to describe the campus radicals of lhe '801t?" A. lt turned up muc h earUer than that, Rir. Teddy RooHvelt used It to descr ibe a faction ln bla own party as the lunatlc fringe. Q. "In the criminal jargon, what's an 'Iron head'? ' A. Somebody atnlnl a Ule \tence. I .. .-.. --.... -----· .. ----- T RB Front W aahii.gton MX Mobile Missile's. Monstrous I t.houeht Carter's ap~cb to Congre11 on SALT ll Wit& one ot the beat he bas ever made, all uct?pt for one thtng the bluckm&U be has agr~ to p11y the hawka to try t.o get tho treaty rnllfled ... the $30·bll1'on MX inob1I~ ln~rconunental balllstic nwsi.1le. Thi11 Is a monster. 'rhc story on the mobile MX ~ 111mple. 1t began 190 years ago with the Founding fathers. 'l'ht'y wrote the two·tbirds St'ndte ratification treaty re- qu1n•ment into the ConstitutJon Jnd the world now looks on in in- r ri'clulity ui. Carte r pays the 111 ll't' "111\T UNOE RSTANDING, n ·scr vat1unl) and/or· amend nwnt;> mu~t be affixed to SALT I I to ~et lh • nece~!>ary 67 Senate '"ayei.'''' Brezhnev g rimly wJrned ul Vienna that a ny t h.rnge m the Jr!aty may pro- d u c t' · • g r a v e -a n d e v e n dangerous consequences." What does that mean? President Carter sought to <'tr C'umvent hawks by giving them the MX superm1sslle in ad- vance· ll wilt be landbas ed. in t ren ches, and the Russians won 't be able to knock it out bee a user they will never know precise y where 1t 1s It is Mra1ght out of sc1enrc fiction. Let's s a y the treut y hus passed. with or without amend mcnts. and that the MX m1ss1lc complex 1!) authorized. There will be 200 of these as tonishing weapons, ea~ pack· in g t he e xplos i ve po er o f enough TNT to fill a t am of freight cars a hundred or so miles long. EACH MISSILE will be pl aced on a movable launche r pulled 'ove r a 20·mile underg round trac k . Th a t ·~ 4,000 m iles, equivalent to .1 r a ilway from C'Oast to coas t. The trench area will be about a twentieth of ~• mile wide. the trench ~•II be SA'r' MX M~i~& ! . "h3rdened." that 1s. concrete re inforced. or a l least that's how tt'!-t vis ualized ' The original conception is tha t ti will cost SJO bi llion but even • rPasonable e xpectation 1s that it will cost more. some say twice that or thrice that L"nder one version there will be <1,000 1denllcal uf\ilerground s ilos from which the a wful weapon can pop out like a de· mon from hell. That ought to ~:1t1sfy even the mos t anxious m ilitants THAT JSN'T <tit, though It wouldn't do to put the 20·m1le M X subway Imel) close enough together for a Russian ICBM to krw r k out s1>veral al u lime No, the• v ~hould bl· a m 1 lc apart. perhaps 1n pa rallel. Thal will take up <A lot of room Of(! 01' ! MX MiSSiL£! One environmental esti mate is 1ha t it Wlll take 3,000 to 4,000 l>quare miles. For comparison. Con n ecticut is 5,000 square miles. Nobody has got this far yet in loca ting the MX comple;c. but r sug~est one of two ways to han- dle 1t. THERE'S A SPO.T where four slates meet in the West -Utah. Colorado, Ari zona and New Mexico :-1 'St>i;;r;e:oi. .. ;,,.·~ .. ~ ~ there and conscript 1,000 square miles from each s tate. Owners could still graze cattle or raise cactus between the rows Maybe they could make a 5lst s tale of it and send two senators lo Was hington. The other way would be to al lol'ate thl' MX we upons area!> around the country with fitting awards lo those states \td>OM senators voted ror the ldea."Tbe present owners wouldn't mind leaving if they were tactfully re· minded that the site of the oew supe r-weapons wouJd probably be the first target of Russia in nuclear war. AS I SAID at the start , l thought President Carter's s peech last week , two hours after arriving from Vienna. was one or the best he's made. Millions o f Ame ri cans a nal)'.zed him in almost. clinical detail as he appeared on TV. H e talked of the "twilight peace" that the .nuclear bomb has brought -two world wars before Hiroshima, oo major war in the 34 years since. SALT 11. he s aid. "is the most detailed. far.reaching, compre hensive treaty in the history of arms control." He painted the consequences of rejection: he did not over-sell the treaty; he said that it. is the negotiation process that is im· portanl as well as the new pro· visions: it is not "a favor we arc doing for the Soviet Union. It is a deliberate, calcula ted move we are makmg as a matter of self-interest. .. " There was only one reference to the MX in Carter's speech. He a r gued ambiguously that its "verifiable mobile deployment s ystem will enhance stability' .. by curtailing Russia's c hance or "a successful first strike." l think Carter has paid too high a ransom for the treaty. It • c ~ou.n..i~r.p~~~v~.~t;JJ; defeat in g . Once m o r e technology bounds ahead even as diplomacy takes a tentative ~tep toward peace. TRU 1s a Longstanding Washington b.ulinc Tl's author c urrently is Richard .Strout of the Chrishan Science Momtor Richard R ee,·cs ~~~~~~'~~~~ "-.. W Jrkers Fear Their Value's Shrinking PHILADELPlllA -ln<lepen dent truckers were usmg their bi g r igs t o blor k g a so line terminals and servi ce stations around here las t wel;!k. and John Morris was watching 1t <ill with wondrous, biller ani?e r. .. If we did what they're do· 1ng ... Morris said. :£s he watched the indt>pcn dents p1ckt-t 1n g o n th e nii::htly new~. .. I'd be 111 J<•il right now." Morris 1s the business :.igc n t o f Loca l 115 of th e Inte rn <i t 1 o n a I Brothe rhood of T eam s te rs . which had absolutely nothing to do with the demonstrations. Not that most of us unde rs tood that Jane Pauley on NBC's "To- day " show was authoritatively talking about ''the trucke rs' strike. or whatever it is ... ··It's not a strike and they're no t lahor." Morris fumed. "They 'r e empl oy ers. bus i. nessmen. Bul they're going to stop union truckers and every - body else until they get what they want. i\nd they'll get what they want because the laws arc on their side." ~1 0rrJS S race IS part Of the i.:1.•m•r :.il f ru~tr<1t1on of American org:.in1w d labor Much of the public may see unions as all ·powerful and the c a use of in flation. but pro · fcssionals like Morris see more than 20 ~car~ of decline a nd kno\\ thini.:~ a r<.• going to get '' urse hcforc the~ gct better I think." he s<ud. "tha t 1f lhl· corporations wanted to finish us off they l'Ould d e) it But wtiy ~houl<I thl'y'' Things are going finl' fo r them an<l the y'\'c ci lways got the uruons to blame for their own sere~ ups · THE TEAMST ERS arc n'l do· ing that bad -$10.30 an hour plus tremendous increases rn benefits over the las t 10 years - but Morris thinks they 're the ex- ct>ption rather than the rule. What he focuses on 1s dedine pumping mi llions of dollars and m an·hours into the election of Jimmy Carter. then finding out he really does think like a small· business man ; being powerless to do anything about federal and state laws that really would put Teamsters behind bars if they did what the inde pendents did: watc hing the Un ited Mine Workers having to agree that eve n safety hazards are not rea- son enough to walk ore the job; Wicks ".\aturally, the fi~l thin~ 1 ou m'f.od f . .; a truck goi11!! in tlit• dirt•ction you wi:.h w 1:0 ... hating what he sees as the anti· labor bias of the press and un ion·busting by the Wasbington Pos t and union·cr ippling in· t1m1dation by The New York Times and Washington Star. Mor ris, o f cours e , is not without bias himself. His job, he s ays . is to get "the lion's share" for his 2.600 members. Period. But he does ha ve a point · American la bor is in s t eep decline and its impotence in shaping the politics of 1980 is an indication of that. . Independence of Declaration? DAVIS -"We lawyers cannot write plain English." These are the opening words of an article in the lates t volume of the California Law IU?v1ew. They were written by Richard C. Wydick. acting dean and professor in the School of Law at UC Davis. AFTER C ITI NG sever al his toric criticisms of lawyer's written language, dat· ing back to 1596. Wydick repeats current ex- amples or tortured sentence structure. He also offers s uggestions on how to write the same material in straightforward English. Setting the stage for the 37 pages that follow, Wydick quotes an earlier critic who decided that most lawyers use a writing style that has four outstanding characteristics. ll is "(l) wordy, (2) unclear, (3) pompous a nd (4) dull." "The popular press," Wydick writes , "castigates lawyers for the 'frustration, out· rage. or despair' a consumer feels when try- ing to puzzle through an insurance policy or instal!ment loan agreement. "PRESIDENT CAllTEll has ordered that new regulations of the federal executive agencies must be ·written In plain EngliRh' that ls 'understandable to those who must comply with them." Wydlck notes. Among the tips Wydlck orrers in his arti· cle, "Plan English for Lawyers," are: -Omit surplus words by eliminating the need for "glue" words Uke "a, by. was and the" aod by reworking the sentence; i.e., ''A - t rial by jury was requested by the defen- da nt" to ''The defendant r equested a jury trial" -giving the same message in sh orter space. -USE FAMILIAR, concrete words such as ·•probably" for "in all likelihood," "higher than you expected" for "in excess of your expectation" and "defendant's la wyer" in place of "counsel retai~ on behalf of the several parties. defendant" to cut verbiage . -Use short s entences. An example is the citation of a single sente nce section of the California Penal Code C631a) which contains 242 words and no fewer than 18 separate thoughts. -Use base words and the active voice. Don 't write "Please make a statement of why you are interposing an objection to the question.·• That really translates to ''Please state why you object to the question." -Arrange your words with care. avoid- ing such gaffes as "The defendant was ar- rested for loitering under a Uttle used st~te statute.·• -Avoid language quirks, such as the "elegant variation." This is illustrated by the strained attempt to avoid using the same word twice ln one sentence. It leads to such a sentence as ''The first case was settled for S2,000, and the Rttond piece of Utlgation was disposed or out of court for S3,000 while the price of the amicable accord reached in the third suit was $S,OOO." The reader is left to ponder the dltf erence between case, piece of UtJgat.lon and suit. fl t• think s it's been going on s ine~ the 1950s. Labor . he says, h ~1 s never recovered from the tc·le\'ls ed McCle llan r a cke b hearings and the Taft-Hartley Act. · Peopre think w e 're all gangsters:· he s 31d. ··and we 1us l can't do a nything about Ta fl -llartl c~·s 1n1unct1ons ag:£1n~t seeondary picketing ' Wh at the independent truckers :ire doing and getting away with s hutting down companies they don"t work for would be con· s1clered secondar y picketing if the uruon did it. And Morris pro- bably would be in Jail. "The worker today 1s scared."' he s:lld. "fle's scared of losing his JOb. He's scared that the rompany will move out to the South or lo Asia. He 's scared of ~etling sick. He's afraid because the world is running too fast for a fa mily to deal with it by taJk- mg on the front porch or around the dinner table. HE KNOWS that companies tha t once would h ave been satisfied "'ilh a 6 percent profit now want 25 and 30 percent and tbey're going to get it no matter what th~y have to do." They should be scared I pe rsonally believe Morris is right about that fe3r -and anyone working for a n expand- ing corporation s hould be afraid th::il workers have a bout the same value as a small shipment of bolts And organized labor is not go· ing to be able to help that much because it has failed politically. T UE POLITICAL fa ilure was the inability to expand the move- ment beyond a dozen of the SO states. Even when labor pro- bably had the real support or a majority of Americans, Its vol· ing strength was concentrated in the Northeast. the cities of the Midwest , and California, Oregon nnd Washington on the West Coast It was beaten down, political- ly. by the South and Southwest, by a lot of the press a nd by the s mall tuwns and the U.S. Senate. You can't win in the Senate with 38 stat~. no matter bow small, voting against you. Now, the workers of the world united are losing membership because many workers are anti- u n i on themse lves, partly because of outr ageous public employee strikes around the country, or are scared· 'bf the real employment consequences of organlz.ing. T he movement Is led by old m en whose hearts are in the right place, but wbose minds are in the 1940s. So. organiled labor is faclq a national election in wbtdl, In J ohn Morris 's bitter words : "We're stuck with a president we dislike very, very murb - and the aJtemallve ls worse." I 'I I .. J ••• • ., .. ,., .... ~ . .. ~·. c ·' ~: ..... I,;• •• I ' .. ... ,,.. '· •I -...... .. ~ f To write the Dally Piiot /Box IS60, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Ora nge Coast Oa11v Piiot J. r• ore !!!'.l"..! __ n ___ o __ n _______ Su•nd8v••' J•uty-t.•1•9,. __________ To-ca•1•1 '.".• •o•a•lly-Pl.1o•t•n•1•.M-2·.•3•2•1 -----A-7 Dr. Cluarlee Bell :~axpayers Revolt-With a Bang or a W~imper? . Or. CllllD1n .... u 0 ~of r.= ftNllC• ol Col Stole Remember wben lbe Callfwala lupayers re\lolulioa came to aa ex,pl~ve tUmu with puaace ol Pn19. JS b)' a 2 to l majority! Cbeen ol Joy from the 1&.at.t'1 overburdeMd property taxpayers drowned-out the moaa and croana rroco aov· ernm•t emp&oyeei and pubU c ofncial.a JlfoM - OHNSO N bAtLYPJLOT Yet a year lat.er. both Prop U Hpport.en and ogponeoLI are rnaatnted, uncertato. and/or coormed about wb1t hu h1p- peaed, ITS 8VPPOaTE& fee l f'l'Uatrated and cbeat.ed th~ir n volutJon appeara to have ~n more ol a whimper than 11 bang To be sure. evet')' llaomeowner's property tuea were substantial· ly cut. 8ut the hoped tor and ex ~cled maulve roU bark an 1ov ernment prowrams llOd expen- d Hur es al mpl y hBs nol happe-ned. OpJl()nen'L. who predict~ dire re•ulli. iare <'O nfused. The ex· l)t<'led ero nomi<' disast er. maulvc.> unemploy ment, a nd troglc pro.eram cuts in vital services have al8o not happened. In fact, because of the state's rn autve 19?8 $S blJllon budget surplus. lhc 1979 Prop. 13 rev enue lott:>es were la r gely replaced As state treasurer Jen e Unruh recently remarked. mo11t effects of Prop. 13 have been "masked." AND 8ECAUS£ there are over 6,500 units or loca l govern· ment In California. the remain· ing effects have been largefy dist-0rted and obscured. The state's 1.044 school dis· tricts lost a total or $2.8 billion in property tax revenue this year . but the state handed over some $2 billion out of its s urplus. Thal. -- plus other sources or revenue. meant that the s tate's schools suffered only a 3 percent budget cut . California's 414 cities. seldom dependent on the properly tax, made up their lost r evenues from the state bail-out and in· creased fees. Th eir a nnual budgets actually went up by an average of a lmost 4 percent. this yea r. CALIFORNIA'S SS county governments lost almost 80 ~r· cent of their property tax rev· e n ues !$1.4 billion) but the s tate bail·out and increased fees made up the difference. In fact, the ir budgets went up by an average or 10 percent this year Of course, these figures must be adjusted for an annual 1.5 percent population increase and J 10 percent inflation fa ctor After making such adjustments. the appar ent c ounty budget growth of 10 percent becomes, in fact. a per-capita cut of 2 per. cent. So California 's counties are s pending fewer real dollars on each resident this year than las t. Similar ad1ustmt•nts reveal that c1t1es are spending less per res1 d~ a~out 7 percent Schoorfigu~djustcd for the decline 1n £-nrollmenl µlu!-inflo t ion. reveal a t·ut per ~tudcnt or a bout 15 ~cent M E ANWlllLE. an Sacra men to. Gov Jerry Brown, Speaker L eo McCa rth y, d n d th~ Republkan minority an · f1 J:(ht m g over how local government should be permanently re~c ucd from the WTath of Prop 13 Hav ing kept the wolf from the door la:.t year wi th a massive $4 b1 1l1on bail·Out, what will the ·~tale do ltus vear walh a much :.mailer surplus to work with? Estimates of this year·-. sur plus..-put 1l at ahout S2 7 billion Clearly. future bail·out dollar'> mus t <'Orn e from the s tate·., regular lax rt'\ cnut:!'> Howard J arvis ~nd Paul Gann. the authors of Prop. 13 are angry and frustrated. Each has started a new initiative de· signed to limit government tax- es and expenditures. Gann':; "Spirit of 13" initiative would limit government spending in- c reases to those justified by population growth and inflation. JARVIS. WHO a ssured us all on TV last year that Prop. 13 would mean only a 9 percent cut appears to be disappointed that he was essentially correct. Seeking greater cuts in gov..: ernment spending, he is now preparing an initiative to reduce slate lax revenues. Known as ..Jarvis J r.," the measure would cut California's personal income tax by half Thus. while Gann's "Spirit of l3" would put a ceiling on the government's budget, "Jarvis J r "•would cut the floor out from beneath it. Gann's initiative wall probably appear on the ballot this November in a special elet- t1on . "J arvis Jr . " if at qualifies. would be on next year's ballot. . w lllLE SOME e lected or l1 c 1a l s ;,and m o:.t publi c employees will attack these nt:w an1tiat1ves as "d1:.astrous'" lh1:.· n·lat1ve1y mild effects of ProtJ 13 "111 t•ncour:i(!c most voters lo tl151.'0unt i.uch predictions and ~UPJ>Ort thC' new propo~ah ll IS d(•ar lh<it the effects Of Prop 13 have bE'C'n "masked" by, last year·s budget :-.urplu-. This year the l'ffl·<·l~ will again bt.> m asked b.} ~'' h a revt-nuc surplu.c; and a s1gn1f1 l·ant redU<·· t 1on in stall' sp1•nd1 n~ But m lhl•,th1 rrl Yl'ar. with l'~ ~entwlly no surplus. and with :.late sales l<ix rcvenut·~ r£'<.ltkc1t by at least lwo lu lllon dvll <1r'. lhl' ruU t'ffrr ls 1)1 l'rop 1:i \.\Ill n•rtamly bt: fell The pro1H:rty tax r c\1olution imposed by Pn1p 13 ha:. not bt>en a failur1· 11 ~•mply will t'<lk~ lime for 11 to tak~ effect Clowns Help Us Get the Most Mileage Between Youth and Age By WILLIAM HARVEY William Harvey as a rem.dent o/ Co&1a Meaa. Lisa was definitely the center of attention. She is a clown. Sh e even applied for a d mission into Ba rnum a nd Baileys Clown School, but found that circus clowning was not to her liking. No privacy. cr amped quarters. constant travel. and repeating the s ame rouVRe day recite before t.ht? class. At the party, her s hyness evaporated. she loved the kids, and they !overt her. There's nothing too unusual a bout a pair of shoes that cost $85: Lots of shoes imported from Italy cost at least that much. During the week. s he's a service r e presentative for a public utility, but on the weekends. she's a clown. What's unusual about these particular shoes is the fact that they are about 18 inches long. eight inches wide. are red and white, ~dare made in Cmcago It au started when she was a lillle girl. On Hallowee n, there was never any q uestion how she wanted to dress up. He r mother got out the zinc oxide, and some lips tick, and Lisa became a clown after day f Lisa fr·els that clowns ~long in there w1lh Santa. magic. and unicomii. AJl children need hap· p y memories to carry into adulthood with them. and s he feels that by being a clown. she c<1 n s upply som e o f these mt>mories Then one day a friend who knew of Lisa's avocation as ked her to entertain ;,it a C'hll<J's bi rthda y party. She becamC' ··Tinker." and a m•w C'arcer was born EVEN MORE unusual, these shoes are worn by a very pretty young lady. aged 21. named Lisa Donnelly. We first met al a ne ighbor's party , celebrating their daughter 's sixth birthday EVEN WHEN she grew too old to go trick or treating. her interest in clowning remained. She read books on clowning. She attended seminars THAT F IRST party was de· finitely nol a piece or t·ake for Lisa . In school. she had been so shy that she had been unable to She told m e a lot about her cra ft. f'or ins tance. c lown~ never show any skin at all. Jf they have short s leeves. they have long gloves. Any s kin not t•ovcred by costume is covered by makeup. Have We Shrugged Too Often? By JAN A. YOUNG Jan Young is o re.rident of Newporl Beach Dear Ayn Rand: When you WTote •• AUas Shrugged" in 1957, you suggested fictionally that America, as a free and democratic country, was on its way down and out. You used the leaders of two com- panies, Rearden Steel and Taggart Transcoot.ineotal Railroad, as your pro- ctagonists, who struggled valiantly bul vainly against the United St.at.es govern- ment and its terrifying power. VOVll CRYSTAL ball 22 years ago was all too clear, at leaat to you. Some 1979 examples are as follows: One: Our "leaders" tell us there is a shortage of gasoline for our cars and trucks. They also told us this in 19?4. We were skeptical then . We are downright disbelieving now. Two. A nuclear plant called Three Mile lsland bu had a "slight" accident. The word sligbt bas begun to loot Uke a definite understatement u news of further problems at otber nuclear sites, quietly seeps out.. possibly accompanied by more than a "slight" amouat of radiation? Tll&EE: A aECENT Supreme Court decision says that the ·11t.ate of mlod'' of a joumallat la subject to lllv•tlaaUoa In a libel suit• Thi• extends the process of the abrid(lDellt of the Flrat ~t. wb1cb bu.already been ~ to al· low police to rumma1e throqb re· port.en' notet and ruu, aod to exdude tbe pnu bi maQ1 inataneea from tbe courtroom where a lrtal It taJdnl place. Tile Supreme Court alao aays that once lt autborlles eledronio.. buQtni. • ... autborfttes may secretly break into a home or office to install the device! POUR: THE railroad tracks across our country, like those of your Taggart Transcontinental Railroad, are wearing out. Why isn't the non-fictibo version of Rearden steel being used to replace them? Is it that, as in "Atlas Shrugged," the product is too good, too lona·luting or too inexpensive? When you wrote your book, you were not Just predicllng, you were observing our future And today, we have more govemment doing less at greater and great.er coet. both in dollars and in human freedoms . In England Marnret Thatcher w1s elected by a populace who wanta the terrible tide of aoclallam tw-ned back. ,.ln,Calilornla, a small outcry asaJ.ntt the cancerous erowth ol government was • made in the form of Proposition 13. IS rr ENOUGH! Can the forward mar ch towards total government con· trot be s topped? Is there a hidden city somewhere in the United States, as you suggested, 'Where a Hank Rearden, a Dagny Tag· gart, and a group o r rugged in· dlvldualist.s who risked the capital and \ook the chances to help develop rree enterprise ln this country, have banded together •t. try to reverse the terrible downhill run'°'lnto the bottomlesa pit or the wel!are state? Waa it already too late in 1957? ts it too late now! Have we shrugged our s houlders once too often and let freedom and democracy sUp off our Atlas lnto the unreachable beyond? Or ls there still a ch4nce? OnlY i.tme will tell. Though It :. pretty hard to categorize clowns, the re arc three basic classes. There arc the Pierrot clowns, who 1 always thought or as formal. with tht• ver y baggy cos tumt>s . white faces. and only red and black as other makeup colors. Their makeup is rt.'ferred to as "neat fact'. .. and they havt: s mall regular features rather than the cartoon-likf' ma keup or the next class. A!!u~tl'. or Jof'~ clowns. These :.in, lh(' do~n~ that ~ou normally sec an the circus. All clowns can trace thc•1r roots back to the court JC:~ll'r. but these two classes ~ccm 111 have originated an Franct'. THE THIRD class 1f1rat1on 1-. the c harac ter down "h1ch originated an America Usually dressed as hoboes or tr:imps. they are epitomized by the late Emmett Kelle~ SomE> clowns hke to remain mute, and some clowns like to talk dunn~ lhl' act. Traditionally. a <"lown must n o t cop y ano ther c lown ·-. ma keup. A down may changt- costumes. but must not chanJ?t- make up rad.Jcall y. Mos t clowns 1 an eluding Lisa> take several . ~-=--=-=-years to :arrive at whiil 1s tlw bl·St fan• for lh~m Ont· thin~ that "urpriM~d ml' I'> that Wldcr the makeup and ro:.· tume of on(' out of rave clown:.. )OU will rand a lady. In the!.C days or nccclerah-.1 l·hddhood. and children who arc "1se beyonct their yea rs, wt· need all of the magic we can ~ct Thanks to the downs, it seem., as 1f we· will always have a good· ly supply. Number Three"s Unlucky Life, Line Tangled Clem Portman resides an San Clemente. By CLEM PORTMAN Tt has been said that most people die in bed . The t heory being that. when you are lowered to horizontal and lulled to sl~P. that's when your vulnerability rises to its peak. WeU, that's one theory but l don't believe it. Jt has been proved lo m e beyond any doubt that you die 97 per- cent of the time when you a re vertical. wide awake. and third in line at the superm arket check-out counter. ONL V 1N THIS position are you defenseless . The woman first in line has selected among her purchases a lit · tie-known brand of pickled artichokes which bears no pn<'e mark. The C'hecker sends the bag.boy off lo verify the price. . While awaiting his retum, you have the choice or either reading the entire front page of the National En· quirer or making m enta l estim ates of the probable damage to the right-front door of your car which you squeezed into a too-tight parking space. Eventually, the bag-boy returns and the woman writes out a check, but she has forgotten her driver's license. The manager is summoned for an OK but does not respond. SECOND IN UNE, the mother with two children loses one of them: screams, "Where's Willie?", and slaps the other who drops his ice-cream cone on your shoe. Customer No. 4. whom you bad beaten to the third spot, seizes this opportunity to deal you the coup de grace. Wllh a cleverly timed shove, hia over-loaded cJrt belts you in the rear as you lean rorward, on balance, sbakin1 the 1ce·cream from your foot. You sprawl on the floor. Ultimately, as you exit the 1ton. an observer ml1hl conclude tbat you are still allvt. There is no truth to this. You have been welcomed Into the fraternity of the w1lklng dead . ' ~ ' I l I .1 - 6und1y • .W'Y t . 1971 Yanks Fight On In Fast Lanes; Gas Lanes By JO HARING ~wTIW Auec:N-.. ~..-1 Oo this Fourth of July, let 1t not be said that the American spirit Is dead. Jt just isn't so THERE AR E THOSE still willing to make a left turn dur· ing rush hour or commit their bodies to t hose things they believe in -life, liberty and the <p ursuit of anything marked 40 percent off. ·E very day brings countless· small acts or heroism -the bus driver hauling 40 pre-schoolers on a field trip; the shopper fear· lessly confronting a raging com- puter-; the express lane checker standing fi r m in the face of an over-loaded grocery cart: the second base umpire refusing to capitulate to an irate Little League mother. The spirit has not gone out of A m eric a ns . It has m e rely changed directions. THERE ARE still those who will not be intimidated by a 1040 fo rm or a childproof aspirin bot· tie, just ·as there are those who will fight for their right to a parking place or space a t a ~as pump w e·ve heard all the doom· sa yers. Those who insist that we h ave bec ome a nation or a utomatons, reduced to Zl P and Area Codes . afraid to le ap before we look. hesitating and losmg. Such is not the case. Just look at the numoor of Americans who routinely fold, spindle and mutilate, not l o m ention re- freezing after thawing or ignor· in~ instructions to Open Other End. Just because there no longer is a need to fend off hostile Jn<lians and wild animals and British spies doesn't mean that we don't have our battles to fight. Just because we no longer have to travel by covered wagon doesn't make the Interstate any more bearable. And just because we no longer have to cultivate and forage for our own food doesn't make our s uffe ring at the s upermarket meat counter any less. JOHN ADAM S took on the British army a nd John Paul Jones took on the British navy. But what. after all , did they know of the IRS, Weight· Watchers. Hollywood Squares, Little L ea gue a nd Ce lf!brity Sweepstakes? There are some things that might have boggled the minds and hearts of even the most fer· vent Revolutionary patriots. As ian flu. Russian nu. Swine flu, and the Scarsdale Diet among them. Those who daily travel from the sublime to the ridiculous at 20 mph. not counting stalls at the toll booth, have a s harpened a wareness of what The Good Fight is all about. TH ESE ARE THE ON ES who understand tha t s uccessfully negotiating the Road of Life de· pends a s much on ou t · maneuvering pot -holes. over- loaded 18-wheelers, speed bumps and radar guns as on surviving flood, fire and famine. Suffice to say, anyone who claims that we Americans have lost our fight just hasn't been in rush hour traffic lately. Alaskan lnco01e Highest , WASHINGTON <AP) ment Bureau of . Anchorage, Alas_ka, Economic Analysis, and w 1th a P ~ r ·ca P 1 ta their percentage above personal income o f national average: $11 .430. ranked first Anchorage $11430 63 among the nation's 268 percent: B0rld gep~rt standard metropolitan Stam ford -N orwa I k . statistical areas in 1977, Danbury, Conn .. $9,676, the Commerce Depart· 38 percent: Reno. Nev .. mentreports. , $9,368, 33·p e rcent ; $8 .614, 23 perc e nt : Detroit, $8,535, 21 per- cent. C lose Only , Counts ••. . in hpnd grenades. horseshoes a nd tailgating . Paul Sheets of Huntington Beach checks out the personalized license plate on his vehicle whach hasn't been hit y t•t . So somebody mus t be heeding the warning and staying the proper dis tance ,1µa rt m trafftt' COWBOY ••• <From Page A3> mimsces. remarking on Cody's ruddy pin k com· plexion. compared to the faces of most 19th CentuO' w~ern men; .leathery roadmaps of Jives marked by whiskers. whiskey, fists. grime and time. "Then I saw this ad in the paper for a ranch hand. 'Not Necessarily Experienced · l got 1t. for $40 a month. with chuck hall and chuck wagon privileges." Blood continues. "OH. IT WAS wonderful. Great big steaks and all kinds of dried fruit," he says of his airy home on the range 60 years ago. Old Tom cost him $15, with a saddle thrown in for an additional 10-spot and they depended on each other from the first time they met. ··He brought me home twice when I was lost. And he kept me from being bitten by d iamondback rattlesnakes several times." Blood will tell you. "Once. one struck my chaps . but his fangs glanced off." THE SNAKES would cuddle up in the cool shadows of posts while he wa!> riding on his rounds mending fenc('. "Tom would hit me in the back with his nose. I'd say : 'Tom. I don't want to play.· ancl then I'd hear the r attle. I don't know whether he c.•ould s mell them or what ... " The old cowpoke loves to talk .. But he has an Asbestos Lung condition from wartime and peacetime Navy yard duty a:. a ci"Vilian worker and hardening of the leg arteries that limit his walking. BLOOD ALREADY had a damaged heart from a seve re case in the Great Influenza E pidemic of 1917 and the heart attack he suf· rered in 1960 left1lim <lisabled. - So he turned to the model-making -a 20· mule Borax team runs about $30 -anp to re- pairing s mall household appliances to s upple· ment his income and occupy his hours. He hates the long row of medicine bottles and vials or pills that line his kitchen counter like Lillie soldiers arrayed agamsl aging and physical ailments. BLOOD AND MOST of the neighboring 62 trailer occupants who he says range in age from 65to94.sharethatfactof life. The old cowhand who once prided himself on his yodeling ability when he was heard on the first 50-watt ra<lio stations in the land takes out his twin harmonicas. He cautions it won't sound as well as it did 60 years ago. • ~ "It takes a fot of wind to blow these reeds. especially when you haven't got a lot of air because of Asbestos Lung." AND TIIEN THE tiny trailer is filled with ''You Are My Sunshine·· an4 the years melt off the 1 calendar to a time when li(e was simpler and the air was plentiful and clean. 'Tm an honest man," the old man says ea rnestly ... God's been good to me and you've done me a world of good sitting here with me to· day." And one recalls the line out of his poem about his toughest performance ... "Tell the cowboy I loved ha& 31ones and &ong& •.... A_n c horage s p er Midland, Texas, $9,307, capita personal income 32 percent: Washington, was 63 percent above D .C . a nd s uburbs the national ,average of $9,306, 32 percent; Sa~ $7,026. Fra n cisco-0 a k I and T h e t o P 1 0 $9,260, 32 percent· Sa~ metropolit an areas in ~ose. Calif., $8,sJ2, 23 J977 per-capita personal percent; Newark, N.J , income, as ranked by $8,632, 23 p e rce nt : the Commerce Depart· Nassau-Suffolk, N.Y .• Cooper "Nick " Lewter Ora nge County's (714) 661 ·7035 DONALD B. THORNTON, M.D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF INTERN~L MEDICINE PULMONARY DISEASE & ALLERGY HOURS BY APPOINTMENT 3553 CAMINO MIRA COSTA SUJTEC SAN CLEMnm:. CAL. 92672 .. j ... Most Celeb rat ed lfypnot her ap ist, Announces the Opening of New, Modern Offices and Facilities at Mariners Medical Plaza 355 Placentia, Suite 205, Newport Beach !next to Hoag Memorial! Phone: 645-9740 FULL MUMAN r.omtTIAL I Specializing in •Athletics • Migraines/Tension • Weight Control • Smoking • Moritul/SexlJ81 •Study Hab1is • Stress Related Disorders COOPER LEWTER HYPNOSIS CENTER M.D. Supervised OONBOY I HOLIDAY -~ GRANO OPENING! . 44MISS P ICKLE AR TS" A Uoiqut-Boutiqu.- ,.. ~SS54 ltt4HAUOl IU D. SUNDAY. J ULY I , I 2 to 8 p.m. COSTAMISA 22402 0 ... 1 Prado. Dana Point • Sp;ra1 $l1ceo for easy serving • Honey 'n Spice Glaze •Cooked 30 hours t{ .,. . (I • l\lat1onw1de shipping se rvice H lP. 0 ll~lllOl · · · • Full service Delicatessen WI' •Sandwiches to go . l\~ey · 01d world Cheese Shop Bu~d uu·~H·ll s ul Qo111111rL_;U ~11r ... ~0t1 rto11·1 /1ove tor~ ORDER NOW FOR JULY 4Ttf l ~~~ ~Jr ( 1 HQ!\_ey 3700 l . COAST HWY~ C-• ~Mor PHOHI 61l·9000 11'11~ .~a~/. 24601 RAYMOHD WAY .t fl TORO RD., EL TORO, PHOHI 137·ll22 19069 llACH I LVD . .tGARRILD, HUHTIHGTOH IUCH, 'HOHi 141-1575 llri..._ Also Anaheim. Orange Rancho Mirage La Habra. San Diego North Hollywooo ... 253off our custom draperies. Including fabric, lining, labor and Installation. I I I I •' I I I ----..___~---~1_ . s'avc a big 25°0 on bcJu!ol11I anlique satin and coordinated sheer custom draperies Our expert arlisans will aueno to cvcrv detail In the making of your draperros. They'll make• • sure things are done 10 your spec1flca11ons. Lining, labor and installation are also"' big 25°1> off. So. 11 your windows n11u<l covering. give the JCPcnney custom decorators a call Shop at home conveniently with our custom decorators. For cirapones. carpeting. slipcovers. reupholstery. shut1e1s. shades, blind~ and other home lurn1sh1ngs, give your .nearest JCPonney custom decorator a call 253off louver drapes! Fashronable louver drapes to 101 in the hghl. res1oo;1 lhO dust Norseloss draws111ng ano rotarong art1on Choose from our Px<lus•ve C'ollectoon !~~<1.P~r.1!.l~l. Sile prfco~ 1ff1ct1111 Sunday, July 1 ltlrout h Sund1y, July 29. ARCADIA (113) «5·t•s• HUHftNOTON 9UCH (114) "'·1111 PALM SPlllNQ8 (114) 32M&t1 CANOGA PARK ('1l) IU·:M60 l AGUHA HILLS (114) s•t·1l'OO PUUfflHllLI (21l)M6-IM1 CARSON 12131 Ul·2900 l AllfWOOO (21ll ll4·1000 RIYERSIOE (114) .. J.3ot0 CUllllRCllY 'Oil HILLS (1•l)lto·lfft MOHTC1.AIR (714)6'1·ll11 IAHIEllNAilOIN0(114) .... 518 OOWNlY(2U)Mt 4$41 NEWPORTHACH(1141t<M·Ull TH0UHHOOAlll(IOl)4t7-8'11 FUlllf'ITON (714) t1 t~lO HORTHRIOGl (21)) IU ·I... TOllllANCI (213) '7t .. &11 O~INOAll OAUElllA (21312ecl·t100 MALL M ORAl'IOI ('141 ttt·t100 1 WltT COYIHA (2U) MO·l111 HAWTHOllHEPUIA IU 5'4·023t ORAHOl 'fHICITY' 11 IJ4•1600 WHIT 000 IU Mf.2St1 ) ( \. I i t I LOf(l)Olf CAP> -&'°"'*'' 1um ... 11 a i.u ... ol t..tinta. From DIDbufalt to Spoleto. millloaa or local• and an estimated 10 mm on tourtau dnu:nd Ob three doMa m.- f"tJvalt and hundred• of tnlnor out the Barrel. · ind a Robert auras YuUval In ">'reah1re, Sco&lud. ly 110r1Jltd con~rt partlet. COm· merclal t'nwttatnm,nta put on with the principal obJ•ct of tempUnt ut to pour money lnto tht local hotela and shops ... You can pay sue for an o~ra Mat •t Sa11bur1 or '2 ror a aeat 011t of· 1£jht of the tnaae at 8aneuth. liOlt1-Uvall '°5e money. Th• Baropeab Cultural Ctnt•r •llmat.et that Utkcit ulh covt-r Oftly 30 to 40 pettent of the COflls But for local Monomles It's a •>'mphony for cHh ~•l1h1n roa POLLOWBltS of bi•· name mu1uclan1. the feaUvala are like a pro 1olr or tennla tour. Ir 'you ml11 Berlin Phllbarmonk condut'tor Herbert von KartJan at Sulzburg you can catch him at Luceme or Berlin. The summer lllnerary o( the Boston Sym. phonr':J S~IJi Ozawa Includes Par w, Tokyo. Salzburg , Lu1·erne. Montreux. Brussels, Gh1•nt. Berlin and Edinburgh. -OOH ,l • A 'l'Ot1a or th• tourist au1de1 tum up f•tinll for pa.lnUn1. f.upp•lry, 1ardenln•. Latvtan olk 1ln1lna. and chamber mualci. Ther.'1 a Brass Band Featlval at Koltn. Caechollovalcla, lo hOftOr Fru- tlaek Kmocll, who wrote ··RoU .. fi etUvaJa are .-ot ao mucb ti•· daanl manllettaUons of culture." aald a columnlat an Brltain'a Guardian neW1paper. "111s ac~.al For the young and obscure. fr1Jt1v•d11 offer a chance to earn mon~y and recognition. The t-;uropean Cultural Cente r t:sl1 m a tes that the festival season provides work for 50.000 c1rlJsls ltitly's S~leto re11tival pro· nded a stage for Henry Miller's (1rst play and gave cellist iac- q uc ltnc du Pre her first big break Among the 300 groups at the · · F'ringe" festival that coex· ,.. Europe 's festivals will attract an .,. I estimated 10 million this SLJmmer to see both established and up-and-coming stars of music, dance and theater. Of course, local economies 'Niii ring to the tune of tounsts · spending spree. Mixed Review for Buck By S~N DELAPLANE ST. IVES, Cornwall -•·Fis herman·s Cottage is situated in the old part of St. J ves. the picturesque fishing port on the west coast of Cornwall. An 18th century terraced cottage in painted granite rubble on .three storeys under a slate roof . . S70.000 <U.S.) freehold." A drive a round England uncovers dozens of antique buildings for sale. Some ready to move into. Some -at cheaper prices -that will require your skills as a carpenter, plumber. brick layer. Patience and T .L.C Anyway, it's fun window shopping for ··a fine Georgian house under a hipped slate roof near Plymouth " ·•IJerc come the cheaJMs'· Sales are through the Department of Environment. And you can buy a 16th cen· tury .. r edundant church." A 17th century jail <remodeled fo r nicer people). Or 935 acres of estate with a manor house de- signed for a noble Lord. IRELAND HAS A snare of stone castle ruins. Though they may look impossible, go over 'and see what the Tourist Board has • reconstructed at Castle Bunratty and Cas- tle Knappogu~. <Near Shannon. They have medieval dinners each night.) At Castle Ballylee near Galway, W.B. Yeats wrote -and must have near froze to death for it was ice-cold a couple of weeks ago At the top of the second stairway, a sign says: "Jackdaw nesting. Please do not disturb.•• Servo TlfM5'Ntt•I Your 0-1011 StDr9 '"'"'"'YOU< ArHI COSTA MISA642• 17S3 IW~eM .i1n1°" v1uo49s-o401 1"21C-~r- ' • A.... • .) NEW IUSINESIMEN Contact the DAIL V MOT toJ tntonuuon ,. .. , ... ttte oountr re41utrement• for utlnt 1 Plclftloue .... '""' ........ MMS21 OT.332 And s ure e nough , there was a twiggy nest on the stone ledge. And the jackdaw s tuck her head out and gave me a s tern look "Jt's something like a crow only s maller. said the girl a t the library downstairs ... And it has a softer caw.caw call." Most hotels and restaurants in Ireland and England take credit cards. VISA 1s pref erred in Ireland now because of the long post office strike. ..We can take a VISA charge directly to the bank and get the money. Ame rica n Express clears through London. They send the charges O\'e r by courier . It takes quite awhile before we collect. .. ALL OVER EUROPE , tourist shopkeepers will surprise you by offering to take your PERSONAL check. In the ex- act amount of what you buy. <They'll want to see your passport -or some other iden- tification.) I've never asked them to take a check. They suggested it. Saves them the com- mission they pay on credit card charges - usuallY 7 percent. And that's quite a saving for a«mall risk .. When money begins to go up and down, this lovely credit comes to a screeching halt. Shopkeepers want to be paid in local curre ncy. If they do take U.S. dollars, they give you about $2 less on the SlOO. HOTELS ALWAYS TAKE a Sl to S2 bite, no matter now steady the dollar may be. rt's the hotelier s' edge. A nudge they found could be put on uncertain money after World War IL It was so profitable, why stop it? Never change money in hotels! And never pay your bills with travel checks! You can pay with credit cards. They pay hotels only what the bank rate is for that day. And that's what they'll charge you. If you pay with local cash money in a tourist shop, ask for a discount. (Especially true in France and Italy. They've marked up the 7 percent. And often 10 percent more so they can drop that much ·more in case you 're balky about the price.) ~UMMER SHOE SALE begins Mon., July 2 Slloes tr.. w "CJlll• stock. Large HlecHo. of colon, styles, sizes. 512-53'1 -• Slllday, July 1, 1979 DAIL y PILOT A fl.: - ' town becomes a 1t11e, with art 11t.1 with £d1nburgh.-la bound lo be an avant-aarde name or two that one day will~ popular. THE VENICE Bi~nnale , wblch tuna from Aug. 25 through Sept. 4, has been controversial In the past. The 1977 edition, de· voted lo lectures aod artiaUc works of East .European dissi· denll, became the focus of a bit· ter East-West diplomatic wrangle an6 was denounced In the Soviet press as "petrified or ballet and dance', 57 theatrical. 30 symphony and chamber music, has a R\lllian accent thi11 year. cornmemorat· ing the *h anniversary of the death of the ballet impresario Serge~ Diaghilev with dances. a play and a costume exhibit. exhibits lining the street& and c hamber mualc fillin1 the , planaa. There are ballets, con· certs, operas, plays and folk dancd. rot." · The Germans are enthusiastic festival-goers, U napplng up ab9ut 75 percent of the Bayreuth tickets nearly a year in advance. Big spenders from Germany are welcomed at the-Salzburg Festival, but some Austrians complain that they've been priced out of their own party. The Edinburgh Festival. Aug. 19 lo Sept. 8, claims to be the least expensive of Europe'!. biit· time festivals. with top tickets al $25 and many as low as SI 50 Edtnburgh '!. extravaganza. with 16 OP'!t~ performances. 21 ~dinburgh's so·called Fringe Festival, an informal gathering of groups and troupes that come at their own invitation. baa out· grown the original. .. THE FRINGE is the biggest festival in the world. Last year we had 5,000 performances. and it will be at leas t as big thjs year." says a spokesman for the Fringe organization The Spoleto Festival also 1~ d 1berately interna.U.Onal. Fo ded in 1958 by co'fnposer Gian arlo Menotti, it became in 1977 e Festival of Two Worlds. s pl1 between th e It a lian 1eval hill town and eston. SC 2-Speaker AM/FM Headset Radio by Archer• • Comfortable Private Listening • Fingertip Controls • lightweight • Padded Earcushlons Seal Out Noise Ideal entertainment while iogging. h1king,,or a1 ballgames-watch as you listen! Rich ' dual-sound speakers Adjustable padded headband. Hidden an· tennas. Battery extra. 12-112. 1995 Reg. 29.95 . AM/FM Digital Clock Radio Chronomat1c11o-116 By Realistic Wakes you to AM FM or buzzer. Easy-to-read clock d191ts. Sleep switch for up to 3 hours 61 music before 1t automatically shuts off Snooze switch for extra rest 1n the morning Earphone jack. Walnut grain finish. 12-1s10. The atmoapbere is tradiUonal- ly free and easy. THE SUMMER'S great opera round starts witb Munich, July 8-Aug. 3, where the piece de re· sistance is a new arrangement of "Die Meistersinger." The heavyweight schedule, with prices to match. continues 1n Bayreuth, July 25-Aug. 8. Pierre BouJez is to direct a con- trovers ial updated version of ··Der Ring des Nibelungen." SALZBURG weighs in July 26 with Von KaraJan conducting a new version of Verdi's "Aida" and follows up with Karl Boehm and Richard Strauss 's ··Ariadne auf Naxos .. two days later. Until A UR 26 the town IS the center of Austrsa·i. cultural .life and its traffic Jams ( HilH(1/ If MO.\ I\ Tl JHt ::.1 Po ble AM Radio/Phono I AM Bike Radio with Horn Archer Road Patrol· PORTIPLAYOll By Reall1tlc 21 .~ ~~ 34.95 Detachabae "Ladybug" Cover KiJa love it! 2-speed phono has built-in 45-RPM spindle. Rotary tuning/volume controls on radio. Rugged molded case an~ handle. Plays on AC or battery. Battery extra. 12.11n 1488 Reg. 17.95 Listen while you ride! Fits any handlebar, removes easily for off-bike use. Pushbutton electronic horn, out-front 3" safety reflec- tor. Batteries extra. 12-113 MOST STORES OPEN JULY 4th Most nems _ .. ____ ._al also available at R11d10 Shacll Dealers Look tor 1h11 sign 1n vour MIHION VllJO n1• M<i....-... l'tlwr. LAOUNA eiACM ~ .... ".clflc ~ H-.. SAN CLaMaNTI H4 le.. II Ce..-. ltHI NIWl'OltT MACM lM W, C.... Mwy. IMer!Mn Miit ,_.,., LAOUNA NIOUllL >OU2 Cr""' Va ... y ~ .. HUNTINOJ'ON elACM . .. ,._ .... IM1A4-A"4 1u11c;ihborhood .. _____ .. SANJUAN I CA,.llTltANO A DMSION OF TANDY CORPORATION UHi CeM-~lr- PAICES MAV VARV AT INDIVIDUAL STORES • ----·--------......--- . !· . . :~ ~ .· ,,. ~ ~ .. . r COUNTY I OBITUARIES MarchHeitds PUBLIC NOTICE WANTED .. JM ll MllC-.S jJICftTIOUtl8USI••• •Miil ITA111.*llT UU.~OI T.,. , .. ....,, ___ .,. ooi110 04DST9 1Mit111 .. , •: T IUMMIMCI> $1(AHSAWOlllMS,tolltt-Dr. ,7 l.07 H..,.11,..... 8te<I\, CA ~ • 1a111ey C . ......,_, 9'J2 l(r~ ~~~~~~~~!!~~Or . H""41 ...... a..ct\,CA '1 ... .: lo!' J. 511~, t42 K,_ Or • Given Salute ".a.11v-p11 l"VP H""1l,.-IMdl.CA--Th e Or ange County ·seven days a week. Call .-~· """' T111, IMltlMu 1, cOftcJ11ctec1 llY • Cha pter or the Ma rch or 83S·S381 for details from CLASSIFIED ADS ""''•1 ~P ._..., c. A""'IOll Dim es feted a number of Suzanne Murphy &42·N78 ,,,1, ·~ was 111e11 w1t" ..,. people for their services ------------------........ ----1Cou11tY C•••ll of Of.,. .. "°""'"' on this rear at its annual J- 1 • tm . """" m eeting a week ago. ..... T Pubt1"'9d °'M191 eo." o.i1.,, Pu°' S ingled out for top II 'lft.. J11,..10• "· J•.J111, i. m• 11w.,. honors was Fred Keros. ch airman or the county Tropic.ii fish • Fresh • M;arine unit and a key :i,ure in Aqu.uium Supplies the "Superwalk · fund· ~lal June 27. 1979 . July 3, 1979 • raising event. Scatophagua argue: $4.99 Goofl N...tghfJors If you IJVe In north Cosa Mesa and have a m e di cal e m ~rge n cy, a ny or th ese paramedics may ·come to your r escue un der a joint San ta Ana-Costa' Mesa a~ree m ent bcginmn~ today Scaling the deal w-tth a h~mdshake a re <from ldu Eld.en o.llY l'I ... 'Ulff ,,_ .. Sm ytht·. Sun\a An a ; Ron Wa tson and J tm lli~gm~. Co::,tu Mesa. and Will Wright . Sant.i 1\n.1 C'u:,ta ~1esaru; should still call 1 ht>11 o\HI 1·1t \ ~ em er gency telephone nu m h..r 1 5-1~ 11111 for help. though Candidates Tell Costs Ashbrook Spent Most But Lost SC Election By RAVMOND ESTRADA Jr. Of 1"9 D•lly PllOI St•ll Even though r etired Muto dea l ~r James Ashbrook outspent t he record 36 candidates who ~ought three seats in the April 24 San Clemente t"Ouncil election. a ll he had to show ror his costly 11n~uccessru1 bid was $3.592 in debts. $1,56 l in services to his unsuccessful campaign. Third on the fu ndraising list was engineer Charles Brent who spent $4,945 in his losing bid . Ne w Councilm an Richard Ahlman. the e1ty's forme r planning chief. spend more money than any or the three newly elected coun- cil rnemb('rs Ahlman s pent Sl.934 or·thc $2,289 he collcctcd THE CHAIRMAN'S award for the year went to a 25-year veteran of M a r c h of Dimes ac- tivities, Grace O'Brien who led the Westminste r campaign. Orange County radio s tation KEZY won an ··o rder of the Battered I frequent the lndo·Paciflc Region along the coasts. I have an emerald greer1 dlsco1d shaped body stippled with ebOny spots, ex· tr em ely beautiful, and sociable. I am for the discr im inating aquarist. Drop by and ex· amine me at Aquatic Tropicals. I ~on -sa e under the name "Green Scat" for only S4. 99. -See You G.S. 1510 W. Baker• Costa Mesa - 549-1391 •Corner Harbor & Baker ·-- Boot" award for its nine----- }ears of co-sponsors hip of the annual walks and a s pecia l t han ks for their promotional er fo rt s. Jack -in-the -Box restaurants collected a similar award for their participation. • • • It isn't necessary to wait for events Like the Superwalk. A num ber of .. c ou nty a gencies a nd g ro ups n e ed helpin g hands year-round . FREEDOM FIREWORKS Good Only When 9reHnted At The Fireworks St•ndtf8Ponsored By Combined Cherttles COSTA MESA SANTA ANA TUSTIN PUBLIC NOTICE r tCTITIOOS I USIMIElS NAME STAftMClfT The tot1owl1>9 perso•u •re do1110 tlui1 ... U '". JWA ENTEAPlllSE$, 312'2 P•wo H09.1I, Sen J,.... C.ophlr-. CA t2'7i J olln W•yne Ausll, 3tm P-• N()9lll, SMI J.,.11 (.llpltlr-. CA •7'1) 8•11'1' Jene Au•ll. 3tm Pueo N09••. s.... J ..... C.oplstr-. CA tnH Tiii\ blltlnen 1' conducted by 4 vener•I P¥tne<""IO 8etty J-Aus" This ll•l-1 w.H Ille<! wit!> •~ County Cler• of Of•"08 Cou•otY on Mo u .•• ,. ,.11)34j PuDllSfle<I 0-•l>Ot Co•sl O•••Y Piiot Ju"~ 10 11. 1•. July 1. 1~19 2~• 1• P UBLIC NOTICE "tC.TITIOVS I USINEU NAME STA'f'EM!NT I ~P lofto#t"O .,.,..'°" 1i do11•g Ou\I M\~,., TOOL & DI £ ~f O A E llbO Monroe, At. ~I• ~\.I. ~111ornlot '1•11 Ro~rt A1<11mot>d , 747• Cndn· llclttr. A"-.n C•l1lorn1• 9791)4 Tht\ btNM'\\ I\ (on<kK\eO .,., 0"1 '" dt¥'10'-htt Aooen llk rtmonc1 T h1\ i.talement "''" flle<J wllll t!w County c1u~ of Ounoe County on Jun• 1'. 191~ """~ PuDll\""'1 0rdn9" C,O.,~I Odil~ P1101. July t. ~.I), n 1919 IHI ,~ P UBLIC NOTICE flCTITtDUS I USINESS NAME ST•TEMENT 1' ,,~ toUowmq Pf''°" '' 00•"9 bu"• n~h .tt. The 36 council candidates set a new state n ·1:ord for t he mos t hop~fuls s eeking a municipal office. Their campaign s pendin g re · ports were relcaS\?d F r iday from the City Clerk"s Office Carol Carb on, a planning com missioner who was fired Thursday after a dispute with three council mc mber.s. spent $1,737 in he r un- successful bid for a council seat. THE LAGUN/\ Nigue l YMCA needs an assist with typing. filing a nd other office chores dur· ing the week. Call Cand) Clark at 831·9622 for de· tails. llOf!EIH JONES PLUM B tNC. ---------------------·~ \•• Blut• O<tvr C.o..ta Mn• THE SPECIAL election was called after the J an. 23 recall of ousted feuding council mem- bers Willi a m Wa lker. Donna Wilkinson and Howard Mushett. SHE AND BRENT were backed by1 de· veloper-paid telephone callers t}oping to con- vince residents to vote against an advisory ballot measure regarding city purchase of 2,600 acres of open land 'for $26 m illion. The m easure lost 3,473 to 941 N e wp o rt V i l l a Healthcare. a home for the elderly. needs people to s pread a Uttle cheer through vis its. m usic and d ram a presenta · lions or parties. Call Debb"i e Hud s o n a t IH2·5683 for in'formalion. As hbrook spent a total of $6,727 to win 966 votes and finished fourth in a list o( 25 hopefuls :;eek ing to complete the one-year te rms of Walkl'r and Mrs. Wilkinson. Next on the list or top 7undraisers was new Councilman Edward Kalsched who etmassed Sl.735 while winning election Santa Ana 01' Red Cross chapter has a number of openings for people 14 \'ea rs or older . Canteen aides. clerical. fi rst aid, media helpers. phone, trans portation and ot he r s po t s a r e cu r r e n tly open Activities go on Food industry e xecutive Roy Hurlbut. who finished set'ond a mong 11 hopefuls l or Mushclt "s three-year spot. also placed second in the list of top r11nd raiscrs with S5.2Rl in funds and ~l'f"Vi('t'S . Mayor Pro Tern Myrtis Wagner. not re· 1·a lled 1n the Jan. 23 contest. gave $1 ,305 of her nw n money to support Kalsched, new Coun· rilwoman Karoline Koestt!r and recently ap- p01nt{'d Pl:mning Com missioner Bill Mecham \\ho lost his J\pri ... 24 election biel for the fivt:'· rm·mht•r City Council H U RLBUT R E PORTE,D that Uni vcr s<J I Business Form::.. a Santa Ana firm. d()nutt-d -----.-- VEACH IH•OOll l'fillNC.t!> VEACH '"'"''""' .,. (O\t rt Mlfri\d, (d «t ndttY"P Of K t:-n lul~Y P•\-..d •WdV on JUIW' 18 19/Q di lrW d9t' of 83 Mr\ VHCll l«•ve\ d \On Jo.-v .. a<" ot Co\td MP\t\.. C• d ddUQlller M'9ry F W~ll> ol Hd""'" L<1nd•"9, C... •• 2 l>r0111tr'I> Cllll Lion OarQ~• OI 0<11~. C• dncl Albt'rl L1CH\ bcttOt•t nf VMt NW \ c.~ . \l"lf'> 1\ ••so 'U''"vt"O by ~ oranckl"ltlOrf'n "'"" ~ '1'ttt1f..qr'91"0C.n1ldrf'n Mrs v .. a cri dnd f\.,., nu,DndncJ \l4rtro tf\t Acr 9'f'y Compc:tny '" Sdnt• An.a 1n 1910 on WP\1 .on \t Ounn9 World W•r 11 th.-., n1ovf'O l~tr OU~ne\\ to 101 Main ..,, hctlMd Our 1nQ l"f W•r lhicy dQd•n mo\H'O l~tr bU\tnt>'\ to 1f)7 Nfwont1 H•vd f""n atler Mr VPctCh \ Qd\\1nQ IP'l•·v ~ov .. O IP'IP bu• 1nr\' tu 11111 ,.,. ....... flO, t t-\IVO wn•( n '" no""' run 0 ¥ tw·• \.On ond O"llOntpr '" trtw JDf' ,tn(t Aoy v .... ,cn (,r.iv• '•dt" ~rv1, "',.,,,If Ot" n._.ld "" MonOd• July ' ,.,.di 10 00 AM At f d•'ndv•~" Wm(l(•dl Par~. Sdnta Al"~ woln RP~ Rnht'fl !>l'll'P!>HO l)f \l'lt f '""' Cnurcn Dy ltl• SP~ ol Nr wpart R,.ttcn oU1ft1tllriQ Fr,cnd~ wno w1\h to l'~Y ll'l•ir •~'IH'<t\ may c~H •1 Sm1ll'I & tutl'l•I• Wpqc1111 Cl'llloel, 4?7 [ 11111 !>I.. Co'1a Me\11 C<l on SuncMv lrom q 00 AM 10 ~ 00 PM. Sm1lf'I & lull'llll MorlUd•Y dl~CIOt~. 6~888 Neptune Society. CllEMAllO.. BUlllAL AT !>EA 24 110 646-7431 C .. lfM frH portfotlo Ct "' 191o, SMITH £TUTHILL MOaTUAIY WfSTCll~ CH.Arn Mortuary • C1ematton!> Flower Shop 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-4888 rtHCE•OTHHS SMITH'S MOaTUAIY 627 Main St HuntmQton~ch 536-6539 . --PllK.f4 LY COlOMIAL FVMHAL HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave. Westminster 893-3525 PAC..CYllW MIMOtUAL , 1#.S: Ceneterv Moftuarv Chapel . 3ciOO Pacific View Onve Newoort Beach 644-2700 McCC>ttMK:IC MOlTUAlllS L.aciuna Beach •9'HM15 L.aouna Hills 76&-0933 San JUM Capistrano "96-1n s MtllOI LAWM-MT. OUYI Mortuerv • Cameterv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa .~5554 W.TJ•l.OH NWA&.HOMI 848-2A2A Cost• Mesa 673-9450 ~llOADW•T ..OITUAaT 110 8'cMldway CoataM ... 842·~t60 • ( Pilot Logbook ) Lido Footlights . Will be Dim . ' Without E~ie Painter's Grin By TO)! TITt;S Of llW D•tlf P1101 St.ott .. Commumty theater, as practiced b1an· ntfa lly on Lido Isle. won't be quite Lhe same anymore. Elsie Painter is gone, Elsie. who died at 60 of cancer in Hoag Memorial Hospital T hursday, was a woman of m an y intere s ts d uring her 20 years in Newport Beac h. She was a Realto wh o on ce wa s h o n o r e d as t h e Newport Ha rbo r - Costa Mesa Board of Realtor's' associate of t he year. s h e served on the board o f the Lido Is le Wom en's Club. and s he wa s active in c iv i c and c ha rity work. ELSIE PAINTER But it was as an actress with the Lido Isle Players that I'll re· member her. having eppeared on stage with he r on two occas ions and c ritiqued her performan.ces in a half' dozen other shows She always left an impression. even in the s m allest role. The first time we performed together. in "Strange Bedfeilows" i11 1966. Elsie had the plum cameo of Tillie Sparker, a San Fran- cisco bawdy house operator in the Gay '90s. I was attempting, in m y late ~. to play an elderly mayor. SHE BROUGHT the house down night after night with her backslapping style and her infectious laugh -and lhe warmth she displayed in that. part was as much Elsie Painter as Tillie Sparker . Sbe wu that type Kemp Gets Japan Trip Steve Kemp of Irvine is the recipient or a two· week, all-expense paid trip to Jal'an. His essay, "Why I Want to Go to Japan," woo the scholarship to pay for the trip. He will experience staying wlth a Japanese fa nilly , sightseeing trips and an Interview on Japanese televlslon. of a gal -miscast without a smLle on her face. She was typecas t · as a real es tate saleswoman <a little Lido in joke) in ··The Gazebo, .. then landed her most important ' role in ''The Curious Savage ... Our review of that show included this passage: "Elsie Painter as the WlOOW who takes a teddy bear to bed because she's too old to have a lover a nd 'too Castidlous to sleep with a cat,' gives an intensive and thoughtful performance." ON TO SMALL parts in "Ladles or the J ury," "Witness far the Prosecution" and ··or. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Finally, two yea rs ago. Elsie gave what was to be her farewe\I performance as one of the two lethal aunts in .. Arsenic and Ofd Lace," a show In which I was fortunate enough to be involved. · I was J onathan. the eyil nephew with the sca rred face who terrorizes the old ladies 1 marvelously played by Elsie and Nathalie Michaud). \,\ 1_ The only . trouble was that on openinl"" mght I tiad come down with.stomach flu and was h ardly capable of terrorizing anyone ex- cept myself. I was terrified of embarrassing m yself all ove r-the clubhouse floor. BUT WHILE I ·tiptoed weak-kneed through the part., Elsie and Nathalie turned io some convincing portrayals of frightened aunties :-. even though either of them could have knocked me over with a finger on that occasi6n. It's going to take a while lo get used to the fact that Elsie Painter. one of my favorite people in community theater, won't be under those Lido Isle lights any more. She's going to be sorely miss.ed. Enjoy the 4th ot July at LAKE PERRIS IE HAYE OUR OR 6A$ PJJIPS! Gas paranteed for your trip ho•• 1VJ Hrs. rrom L.A .• I Hr. from Orange County, IV. H,... from San 01t9Q. Fl"11ng 11 Liiie Perris. water sltllf'lt• swimming, clubtlouM. conwnlence store. full hootl-upS. oame room. lent sites, 1Ja$0tlne, pr()Cllne, Ice. Cl\1bs welcome. The scholars hip wa s given by the National Language S c hool o f Japan, which with the EF Institute for Culture Excbanae sponsors this procra.m annually. EllT HWY. It at PURI$ BUD. EllT 1-15 It .... EJPIESSIAY Porris, California 714-857-2233 Yes ••• We are the Best c..tlolorn,.. '2U7 A-n L J~. 111'16 ~ .. B•utt O•tve, Cost.o ~. C:.lltom,.. ml/ '~"~I\ conouc1eo OY..,, rn dlYIO ... I ~L .-S f111~ \i.l-1 .... flted .. ,.,. n.e County C.ler-·of Or-oe County on J11M 14, t91't. ,.t1""1 P\11111\,,.,., Or._ (.OHi D•llY Piiot, J~tl.H-Julyt,t,191't 11111' PUBLIC NOTICE FICTl'TIOVS IUSINESS HAME STATEME N'T T hf' tolkh•1nq Of't \Ot'\ 1\ 001n9 Du~· IV\\#\ l>AO f l£1lH C.USTO Ol ll l ~f llV •Cf . 11•81 Jonlan A••· 11•4 If'••"_., (AWll~ YUyn• EO..O<d .... d'IOn 11•81 Jordilln A W'fl ::: f A, tr•1n it, (A cn'll~ Ou\ bu\""""•\ <-~<ted b 't .ain •n 0•7>0-' .. _..,._ f HuO~ Tt't1,; \faf,.""'9nt Wdi. fltt"d •ltl'I 1''1' County C•<r-01 0•..,,91! Count t o~ "".t• ti 19JQ F llS2 .. P11bh._ °'-"91' Co•\t O•llt Piie» JVM tO. tl,1•,Julyl,\9i 21~1• PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOllS eUSHflESS ..,._ STATIEMEIO Th• -"9 ~-IS dOOft9 bu» rte"'\\.\ CtiE E~ECAttE Sff.CIALTIE'> 110 .. t woon v n"' Or • N~wport Bt •C'fl. C & 91611iO ~ .. E S<on. lOJ.A Ft•nlnt, Coron.oMi -.CAmU T "''' tMl'StneU •\ cOftduet~ bY ctf" f ........... dlv><1 u••Sondr., E Scon You 've seen hand blown erva · IOI kunpe llke this on sol• In dept. storea tor 69.96 ·Yow can buy ours tor 59.95 •·-Iii-•... t •• -••. SAVE UP TO 400/o ... -i. '" tf "' lJllCHT l......_ llllr II t. Stt 10 '·Sta 11 5 , ... ,la "'WHltrl ll:U.- CHllTOS · AlltSIA 11111 Slit~ st. MOITIIRIDGE 113U Nll'Aefl St. MO. HOLL YWOOO 1220& SW•at Way llWTillCTOM BEACH 72S2 Hl111tr SU DltGO 1313 ....... J-r.••""· (11a) -.twa M l ....V ....... let (21)) .., • ...,, ...... Ji.~, .. (2ta) ,.. __ ......... 1 .... (7'4) 8a·lm -·---l-( 7'4) 1'7't·817t Tllo\ U•l_.,I •h toled •lln I"' COufllY Cltrk OI Or•n')e C.ounl• .;n Junt t "~ "•••Ill Put>h\tn Or•~ (o..J\t Oau. Puot June 10. tl,U,Jutv •. t'179 7•"0·'" P UBLIC NOTICE ,ICT1T10VS.IUSl"EU • "AME STATEMENT flit tollowlftO -\Oft b d01ft9 OU" ~t,·\· - STVOIO II Ptt<>OUCTl~S. JI• H . COHI Hi9'1W•Y, l~vn• 9~•0•, lf0<nl• t'JUt Lln<l,ot J. ,.,_, ,.._., 8drllelt, HUnllnq!Ofl 8H<"-~lfomt.t ,,.., Th•\ l>U\W.!.\ I\ condu<ted 0'1' .., In vfcN.11. Ll"CI• J. Fr- T his SI•-"'" flied Woll'I ..... Cou11ty Cl.,.._ ot Orllll9! Coun1y 0" JuM U,1919. Funn P\IOh\l>ed Or ... ~I 0~1'1' Ptlol. June 11,24-July 1,1, "~ ~19 PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOCJS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT f11e lollO•kWI ~rso11 .s doiftg bus•· fleU d\ MEOICAL-0£NTAL P AAACTICE MANAGEM EN T, 1104' Anow1'ud U M , El Toro.. Cellforn1• 92630 S.rftard s.notrs. 71041 Arrow•1uo L•M, El Toro, c:.ii111on11a92f>l0 Tiii\ l>u!.•M\S I\ <Ofldueted b'I' •11 1n dlYIOIHI. llefNrd~rs TltlS $1M,,..,...t WH lflied w it!\ tflC' Cou11f'( Clef11 of Of•"9t COllftlY on June 11. ""· ,.,,...,. Pu.il\l>ed 0r""91t Cont Dail'!' Piiot. JUM H, 1UllCI Jiiiy t, 8, 1'7t 2,,._79 PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSffllES.S MAM& STATIEMaMT Tiie tollowlfl9 ,..._ i. d04ft9 ti.isl-• llOSH" "AOMC'O TAUCl(IHG, 16112 '"0" Golt1•rd Strffl, H11nctflgtoft Beu ,,, C•litorni• m&J De..,.11 Arte11 FrO<ft<tef'll, 1U7 , Aoc•mOflt Ann11e, Wutml11ster, C• lllorNe .,.., Tllf\ llllSIMU Is c...-UCted lly e<1 In dlvld11tl. Oefw>ls .. ,,.,,, .,,__.. T11ls ST•-wes filed wrtf'I IM CollfttY Ctef11 ot 0r•"9e Collnty on J-14·""· """" P111141111ed °""'9t CMst Delly Pilot, Jllfte 11,14....iJlll'I' '··· "" 229t-1t PUBUC NOTICE l'ICTlnoul IWSINIHS NAMS STAftM&•T Tll• loll-ff!O pen o11 IS d Otfl(I t>4.!$111ets es: WEIUUH-EOWAltOS HEWf'OttT 9 1!ACH1 -W. CNM ttwy., ~ Butf'I. Ullfonll•'*> 0 A A Ele,tro11fu, lflt ., e C•lltomle corpor8tl0n, Q W. Coest ttwy., H~ IMcll, Cel....,,le ~ Tiiis ~ '' cOl'ldllcted by • <0<· -•tlofl. G&Al!~.1~-· AIM AMtnoft v~~ Tllf' ~ wet flied wit" Ille Collflty Cle1'11 Of O.e1111t COW!ty on n-tt,1m. """" ~lltltl'lled Of.,,.. C..1t O•lly "'llot • July I, .. IJ, U, "" tnt.1't i •.. The -city of· Liglii' ·. · recall,s Hemingu:ay / PARIS <AP> -A fisherman from Sun Valley, Idaho, who was lucky enough to have · lived in Paris as a young man, had come back and be went to a shop near the Arc de Triomphe to look at tackle for catching trout. He bought so many flies be had to give the owner what he had always called "plastic money." "HEMINGWAY," THE OWNER said, look· ing at the credit card. "Any relation to the writer?" .. • 'Tm bis first son," J ack Hemingway s aid. ·•ver} pleased to meet you." the owner said. "I'm Sasha Tolstoy, grandson of Leo." John Hadley Nicanor Hemingway told this and oU'ler stories of his famous family on a re- cent evening over pastis and olives at one of his father's favorite cares. La Closerie des Lilas, right around the corner from where Ernest and Hadley had lived with the little boy they called Bumby. That was in the early 192<>s, before "The Sun Also Rises" and "A Farewell To Arms," before the infamous boxing sessions and literary catfights . before the divorces, "The Old Man and The Sea" and the Nobel Prize, and it was long before the suicide of 1961. LA CLOSERIE IS TERRIBLY chic and ex· pensive now, not the .humble neighborhood brasserie Jack Hemingway says it used lo be. Inside the bar is a little gold plaque that says Hemingway used to drink there . ,Jack Hemingway is 55 .now. and no one ~ ,.,.... ,., c a II s hi m Bumby #' anymore. The oldest ' of Papa's sons lives ' quietly with his wife .... in Idaho. Their eldest "' , daughter Joan. the "literary one" they ca ll Muffet, is a u-bmtier:t novelist. Margaux is a famous cover gi rl and ac · tress. The youngest is M a·riel, stunning at 17 with wh at h er father says "is som e t h in g ve r y special." Her father was taking he r to t he . · fesli\',al at Can.nes. for the showing of AP P1>oto h e r { i r s t f i I m • -HEMINGWAY "M anhattan". But first there was Paris. Jack Hemingway. with a big barrel chest and a mustache·Jike his father's. is reminiscing just a few steps away from the Luxembourg Gardens where his father -before his stories started selling -used to grab pigeons · for dinner , hiding them under Bumby 's baby blanket so the gendarmes couldn't see. Around the corner on Boulevard Arago his father used to play tennis with thE! l><>et Ezra Pound , and j u s t d o wn t he Boul eva r d Mootparnasse is the Jockey Club, where his father had .fllet the reigniqg .queen of dance, Josephine •Baker. · ••wE DANCED NONSTOP for the rest of the nigtft," Hemingway wrote in "A Moveable Feast ." "She never took off her.fur coat. Wasn'l un~· 1 the joint closed she told me s he b ad no ing on underneath." Jack Hemingway laughed. "Dad told me af· te ards it was true, she really didn't." (J'ne point that he said wasn't quite accurate in many of the Hemingway biographies con· . I cerns the little song his father had taught hjm so that be wouldn't get lost. "DiX bis Avenue des Gobelins. that's where my Bumby lives," Jack recalled the song. "But we didn't live there. That was where my nurse lived with her husband, in case I got home and Qobody was there. · "My mother was a fine woman," he s ays, referring lo Hadley whom Hemin gway divorced and who died iast January at age 89. "But it couldn't have worked. Dad was such a macho guy and she was eight years older and becoming matronly,. . . "FRANKLY I ·NEVER seriously read my father's books 'Until after be died. Up to then, there bad been no point. Jack Hemingway has read them all now, and he has j?iven up a life as a fisheries com- missioner to write about fishing. He is also 01rit· mg bis first novel. ·- •• LE.AIM TO PLAY FQRTHE FUM OF IT! 6WEEK ADULT PIAMO & ORfiAM -CLASS PROGRAM - llGIMMIMCi JULY 12111 ONLY $12.95 C·ALL 644-8930 Hmu:DCNMI o...-& "-C1 .. 1r , 2114 I. Coott .. ..,,.,_, · C.111 Dtl Mtr. CA. . '- • ; I. WElLS FARGO PAYS THE HIGHEST INTEREST 10U CAN GET ON A SHORT·TIRM BANK DEPOSIT~ With Wells Fargo's 26-week, $10,000- minimum Treasury Certificates, yo ur high interes t rate is guaranteed for the full term of the Certificate. You won't find a higher yield at any other bank. And you won't find WeJls Fargo service anywhere else. 2. ALL 1HE ADVANTAGES OF A BANK- PLUS MAXIMUM INTEREST. Consider your convenience. You ca n purchase Treas ury Certificates at any Wells Fargo offtce. There are 360 throughout California. Wh erever you are, there's one nea r you. And at Wells Fa rgo , you can do all yo ur.banking business in on e stop. At any office. You sqve tim e. Your tim e is· worth a lot. 3. AT WELLS FARGO, 10U CAN INVEST AllY AMOUNT OF $10,000 OR MORE. There are no rules limiting invest ments to · multiples of $5,000. So any amount you have over $10,000 can be ea rnin g significant interest for you in a Well s Fargo Treasury Certific ate . 4. A WElLS FARGO PERSONAL BANKER™ · CAii HELP 10U GET~ BEl·IER RAB. If you ask, your Wells Fargo Personal Ban ker can watc h the int erest rates for you from week to week. Each Monday he or she finds out what the rate will be on Thursday. lf the interest rates are going to go up , you may want to wait until Thursday to invest. If they're going to be dow~ you'll probably want to in vest right away. Wh en you decide: your Personal Banker can draw up the paperwork for you, so all you oo is come in and sign. For this extra se rvi ce. just ask for a Well s Fargo Personal Banker. You never pay a fee for Wells Fargo Treasury Certificates or the se rvices of · " your Personal Banker. .. •• I , I \ 5. 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It's part of our_ long-standing commitment to se rious save rs. 7. WELLS FARGO'S SERIOUS SAVING TRADmON. We've been helping people save money since the days of stagecoac hes and strongboxc\. There's 127 years of exp erience behind every Well s Fargo Savings Plan. Of course, Federal l:1w requires substantial interest penalty in event or early withdrawal from Wells Fargo Treasury Certificates and other high-interes t sav..i-ngs plans. Also, Federal regulations prohibit compounding of interest on Treasury Certificates. M. rnoer r (I IC I ... -..... ----·1 ... ,_. .. ~ .... ,) --... ...-...-.-....... .._.._ . ..,.__..........--...-~ ........ ., . . . . .. . .. .. _ ...... . \ ' .. · ThU Weekend Only .At .... . . ,,. awer . .. ' . .. We Must Sell OUr Company Demonstrators ·Now ••. 0 75 TO CHOOSE FROM! .. Giant ·Savings on Rivieras,_ Jaguars, Electras, Regals, LeSahres, Skylarks And Opels --.. ,_ ~ -r- Here Are Just A Few Examples: SAVE OVER '2,000 Retail Discounted Sale/lrice '78 Jaguar XJS -----8 24,475-----S3~000-----S21~47~· (055715BW) '79 Riviera-.------8 14,833 s2~IOO SJ2.73~ - (112221) 7 '79 ~~!ale Wagon--------8 l l ,292-----S2~000 ------S9~29:? " '79 Electra Park Avenue--8 l l,649 -----s2~200------s9~449 142 1489) SAVE ·OVER 'I,400 , Retail Discounted Sale /!rice. '79 !£~abre Sport Coupe--s9,597-----S J.678---.. ----8 7.91~· '79 Regal 8 9,563 s 1.400 sg._f 63 . . . • i137492) · ·Full Faetorv Warrantv. ~. Easv Terms ... Piek Yours Out Toda~~r .. .. .. .. Our price include8 everything e~cepl tax, lice nse and a 820 documentary f et>. Bf,g Car, Srnall Car - We Need Your Trade8! Open 'Till 9 P.M. Mon.-Sat. · , fh-nnge C•n1nty's Yes ... Ope n Every Sunday 'Till 5 P.M. ... ~. · ::if HuicK Denier 3 blocks South of the HARBOR BL VD /SAN DIEGO FREEWAY • San Diego freeway A division of Bouer M otors. 979 2 !!!00 2925 HARBOR Bl VD., aJSTA MESA Opel -Jaguar· T~1umph-MG • d AU makes, models and colors . . Classified Auto Advertising - ,. DAILY PILOT in the 642-5678 \ ........ ---. - t .. •Erma Dombeck . 1 Windward Passage ·i Gets A.way in Lead By ALMON LOCK.ABEY O.ilyll'i .......... Wn .... • SAN PEDRO -The largest fleet in the history of the 73· year-old Transpac race from ,Los Angeles to Honolulu got away at 1 o'clock Si\turday on a crowded s tarting line and )leaded into an equally crowded !;pectator neet that ringed the ~tarting area wes t of Point Fermin. • • It appeared that most of the hippers in the 80·boa t fleet favored the leeward end or the line where Christine and Siete moved out front ahead of the . others. But there was some question as to whether the two boats were over the starting line \!arly. 'If a boat jumps the start· ing gun and does not return to restart it is penalized at the end of the race. FIRST YACHT ACROSS the ~ine officially, according to judges on the committee boat at the windward end of the line, was the .78-foot Windward Passage, a former elapsed time winner a nd forme r record· holder r•..,.111Ce•e•••• Len Miller, who resigned Ibis position as UC Irvine track and field coach this 1prina to enter private busi· nesa, bad a change of heart this weekend when he ac· cepted th' head track coaching job at Arizona State University. \ Right on Passage's stern were the 37-foot Cottont.ajl, owned by UC Irvine and skippered by Newport Beach's Dick Ettinger. ·and the SG-foot sloop Cash Mer. Wind at the start was about 10 knots from the west but s howed promise of filling in and blowing 16-18 as the fleet tacked toward the west end of Catalina Island. firs t and only m ark of the 2,225-mile course. The a ll.female crew on the Cal-40, Concubine got off t.o a somewhat r agged start. The boat was towed to the starting tine b y a power boat which missed the starting area entirely in the jumbled spectator fleet. Five minutes before the start Concubine was s till under tow and headed back to the starting line where she bad to thread her way throqgb the starting fleet. THE BEAT TO THE WEST end of. Catalina u s ually separates the leaders from the also-rans. There they are met by another large spectator fleet or island cruisers. The r~ce fleet was expected to start parading past the west end about 4:30, but there was no word from the spectator fleet as to who was first around. After passing the west end, the racers start seeking their best course to Diamond Head on the Island of Oahu. This depends on the position of the often vagrant Pacific lngh, a dead air high pressure system that must be avoided at all <;osts. Late reports were that the Pacific High bad been moving down from the north, indicating that the Transpac racers would be heading s outh of the Rhumbline as quickly as possi· ble. THE RACE is being escorted this year by a U.S. Navy destroyer tender, Prarie, which is heading to Honolulu on a training cruise. Transpac officials aboard the Prarie will be sending back dai- ly position report.a by the Mllltary Affairs Radio Service and monltq•d by mainland amateur raato stations in Newport Beach and in Honolulu. Five of the big Class A yachts are ln ~ race for line honors <first to finish) and a new · elapted tlm• record. The front· runners will be Drifter, Merlin, C hristine, Raet i m e and Windward Paesae.e. Elapsed CSee TRANSPAC, Pag~ 83) 80 YfCHTS ACROSS THE LEEWARD END OF THE STARTING LINE IN THE 2,22S·MILE TRANSPAC RACE SATURDAY . MARK O'MEARA ,, O'Meara ""> Wins State GoH Title PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (AP> Mark O'Meara o f Mission Viejo made long birdie putts on the 2·1st and 23rd holes or play, virtually clinching the match, and beat favored Lennie Cle· ments of Poway, 8 and, 7, in S atu rd ay's final s of the California am ateur golf cham· pionship. It was one or the most one· sided final matches in the his· tory of the 68-year·old State Am. O'Meara won the first three holes. going par-birdie-par; and was never less than three-up in the match scheduled for 36 boles on the Pebble Beach course. O'Meara, a senior at Long Beach State, was five·up after 18• holes. Clements, a San Diego State golfer intending to tum pro this fall, cul O'Meara's lead to four.up by winning the second hole of the afternoon round with a birdie four. Two holes later, O'Meara went to six·up with a JS.foot birdie putt from just off the back of the green. The 2t.year·old golfer was one under par on the 11 holes played in the afternoon,· going seven.up with a par on the ninth and endjng the match at Pebble's 11th hole with another winning par. Clements, who played in the U.S. Open early tb1s month, wu the State Am medallst;an honor he won with a 18 tn the final qualifying round.' On Saturday, he showed an 82 on his scorecard in the morning, then settled down -too late -to play t90- over golf In the af'ternoon. f . McEnr~.e Has E8rly Exit Tim Gullikson Scores Big Wimbledo11 Upset WIM BLEDON . England ! AP J -Tim Gullikson scored the biggest upset of the firs t week at Wimbledon Saturday when he put out second· seeded John McEnroe 6·4, 6·2. 6·4 to reach the last eight of the men's singles. Gulllkson, the rlght·handed member of a sel of tennis·playtng twins;'is seeded only 15th. THE MATCH WAS Pl.AYED on Wimbledon's No. 2 court -nickna med the "seeds' graveyard" because so far three seeds had gone out there in ·previous rounds. McEnroe. never noted for his composure under strain. was visibly upset throughout the match by the noise from the stands. Gullikson was In command right from the start, and in the third set had a <'Ouple of early service breaks for a 4·0 lead. In the ninth game McEnroe, trailing 3·5, saved two m atch Points one w1thanace -togo4·5. Then in the next gC1 me Gullikson once more had a couple of match points. One of those McEnroe manai;!ed to salvage. but on the other he dumped a forehand in the net to give away the mateh Gullakson got a rousing chee"r from the crowd packed round the t:ourt. IN OTHER ACTION SATURDAY , Jimmy Connors also made the quarterfinal round, easily de- feating Britain's Mark Cox 6·2, 6·1, 6·1. It was Connors' best win in the tournament thus far. The 17,000 fans on the center court were subdued as Cox, the only British survivor of the men's early rounds. was hustled out. The \\omen's singles went according to plaa ISee McENROE, Page 8 !) u---TRACY AUSTIN ADVANCIS TO QUARTEA,.NAL MATCH WITH BILLIE JEAN KINO. , I . Sunday. July t 191'1 SUPER SPORT I TRACK I TE~NIS . ·voting M·akes )Classic an All-star Farce •;"'--llw, • ... If'• ...,, ....... *1l/or'MOtJW ..i IOIMtfnw• SWft ....._ 11·1., ~ Non ......... ,_.., Sport.·· Y0ta, ,.. ~ . ...,.~to~. Wt woAt U lo • ., _./wt#« fC* lo ,..., u tr ta I« u to product · i..-,,,.. .. ,.., __. .. .c~ S--. • ow DaUv PUol'• .,.,.,.,..... ' • OK. Bqwle. The Joke la o"Yer. I mean, how Iona cu you IWP6cSl7 IO °" leu.tnc the p.ople of the DI• Uoa vote fOf' tbe anaual Alktar teams? Ha¥W't the players 1utrered Ions enou1h ~ Weren't the AJ).ata.rs dfflpeci to reward thoae ln· dlvlduall that bave had rood fif"lt halves of lhe MUOD! TH& cvaaENT SBT\JP, wber~ the peop'e select the teams. ll an out·aod-oul '•rce. The • players are UPtet. the manaaen are upset. even --som,rd~ ownen •J"e&'l \Oo p\MMd. ~OU know who h hur1.s in the Iona run" "!, The e. lhat'I who. ' .na don't know who's playing weJI or who's PEOPLE ARE S WAVED by what they hear, what they read and what they·re told. And lt's become obvious. Bowle, that you 're nothing more than a puppet of the people Maybe the N{lUonal League All·stars wouldn't be so dominating H the AL could choose a representative club lo olay against them. As It stands today four of the lop five AL bat· ters will not be in the 'llartlng lineup at Seattle Ju· ly 17. In the NL the same figures apply. This Is ludicrous-if not down right idiotic. Why have an All-star game at all If it s going to be represented in this fashion? Wl,ly don't you Just swallow that enormous ego of yours. Bowie. admit that you·re wrong, and re· turn the game back lo the ones who know best-the managers and players? At this rate, the next thing you 'll have the peo. pie voting for are the playoffs and -vor1d stfrles. Then we wouldn't h" ve lo have a season at all ! A re Waivers Necessa .,,., Are waiven always necessary lnvt>l"'og a trade! Tbanb, Mike Blake. Costa Meta Baseball waivers are frequenlly asked on pl~yers whom clu~s have no Intention of IJ'lovlng, Mike. Often the waiver system rs sort of an inquiry process to determine interest 'n a particular plner by another club. Betwe~m the June l~ trad· ing deadline and the end 'lf the regular season, player transactions cannot be made unless waivers are obtained on the players involved in the deal. THE PROCESS WORKS Tl08 WAY : A team desiring to determine interest in a player may place the player 's raame on the league waiver list. After five days, all claims are relayed to the team requesting • waivers, That team then has 48 hours to either hOno .. the claim or', -as 1n lhe ease of Reggie Jackson withdraw the player's name. hot durina the course of a season. Tbev arer'1 educated 90u1h to make a (au assessrrt>nl o Jud.meat. • TeU me Bowle.· as our beloved baseb~I' c-on missioner, how do you rationalize Carlton Fi.;k h0 mg the Amer1c1ul League's top vote ·getter at ""'<'her when he doesn't eveo have enough at ba•i; ro ool'flfy among the batting leaders? What are waivers? With all the publicity s ur· rounding Reggie Jackson lately I just can't un · derstand why the Yankees don't just trade him. Once a player'<; name has been withdrawn from league w~vers he may not be returned to the league waiver list for 30 days. The process can be repeate~ as many times as a team wishes. If a team wishes 1.0 move a player to another lea~ue. it I See 'iUPER 'iPORT. Page 84) .. A Capsule Report From the World of Sports Relief Pitcher G'o es Down With a S wing and a H it From AP Dispatebes ___ bullpen ace of the Seattle Mariners who picked up MILWAUKEE --Pitcher Shane Rawley, • his 10th save o( the season in a 3·2 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers Friday night. underwent sur· gery Saturday to repair a broken bone in his pitching hand. Rawley, a native or nearby Racine, was injured after the game when he and two teammates stopped at a tavern in the Town of Caledonia. The pitcher said be was hurt while trying to break up a fight in the tavern parking'lot. Randy Adamack, public relations director for Seattle, said some other m en were "hassling" Rawley's father and brother outside the tavern and the pitcher intervened and "took a swing at a guy." He said the team will not penalize Rawley because "he did .,..hat he had to do." Rawley said that after Friday's game he and teammates Rick Honeycutt and Mike Parrott had stopped at lhe tavern north of Racine. "I just went into this bar for about 10 minutes and then I think my sister came in from outside and she was crying," he said. "She said there was a fight or something. I don't re member. I think somebody hit me in the back of the head " He said he went out to the parking lot area with the idea {>f br~aking up the fight. · ' "I got hit from behind end I guess I turned around and hit somebody and I don 'l remember," he said. Rawley said the next thing he knew. Honeycuu was dri~· ing him to the hospital. Caledonia police said about 20 persons were involved in the fracas, but there were no arrests. r------Quaff-of tu Doy -------. .J Reacting bitterly to being traded, Pedro Borbon had this to say about h is for~~r-team and its general manager: "I h ave no res~r the Cincinnati Re<ls. They put me down. Cheap team. I play for free for eight years. Tell Dick Wagner to keep his mouth shut before I break his face." \'oz B elt 8 399th Co ref-r ffomf-r Boston's Carl Yastrzemski smashed his 399th • career home run in the ninth inning to give the Red Sox a 3·2 victory over the New York Yankees in American League action Saturday ... Roy Sm alley drove in five runs with a single. double and his 14th homer of the year as Minnesota exploded £or a 16·4 rout of the Chicago White Sox ... Al Oliver's bases·loaded infield single in the ninth inning lifted Texas to its eighth straight win. a 4·3 verdict over Oakland ... Jim Norris went 4-for-4 with a run batted in and Andre Thornton hit a homer for Cleveland's winning run in a 4·2 decision over Detroit . . . Ken Singleton hit his 17th homer of the season a nd Mike Flanagan hurled a six·hitter to lead Baltimore to a 2·0 ·~n over Toronto . . . Gorman Thomas two.run homer keyed a five-run first·inning, and PauJ Molitor and Sixto Lezcano also homered tor Milwaukee m an 8·1 win over Seattle . . In the National League, Tom Seaver YASTaHMSKI pitched a lwo·hitter for his 225th major league victory and Cincinnati cracke<I a scoreless tie with two runs in the ninth inning for a 2·0 victory over San Francisco ... Joel Yoaagblood and Lee MazzUll cracke<I two·run homers and Sc.eve llendenoa hit a two·run triple in the 11th inning as the New York Mets defeated the Chicago Cubs, 9·8. in a wild game at Wrigley Field .•. Greg Gross raced home from second base when Larry Bowa knocked the ball out of shortstop Garry Templeton'• hands on a double play attempt in the 10th inning and Greg Lmlnsld followed with an RBI single to give Philadelphia a 6-4 win over St. Louis ... J. R. &lcbanl shut out the Padres on three hits and struck out six to run bia league leading total to 132 as the streaking Houston Aatros defeated San Diego, 3-0 .•. Two-run homers by Larry Pan;bh and &odaey ScoU along with Andre Dawaoo's solo shot powered Montreal past Pittsburgh, S·3 . -------•••e b•ll Todq------ On this date in baseball in 1920: Hall of Fame pitcher Walter Johnson threw the year's only no-hit game as the Washington Senators re- gistered a 1-9 triumph over the Boston Red Sox at Fenway Park. On thla date in 1919: Boston Braves shortstop Rabbit Maranville became the 'int major leaguer ever to bit two inside-the-park bome run.a in one game. • Ecu,, A119e l tt'I•• K lad e r9•rle11 Euy Anael, ridden by BUb Ra t, captured tbe • "50,000 Kinder1arten F uturity at Loi Alamlto. Satunlay nliht"' retumln1 $19.40, fl.20 and $$.40. Hiid 11 ... 1 .. waa 1econd wblle Pie lo Tbe Sky, one ot tM favorttet, wu third •.• Valdes, ttddea by LafllS PlllC11. tc0red an euy victory tn the NC.500 Silver &cnlll Handicap at Hollywood Pa.rt • . • Vile Allw.ferm• ot Uae U..u.d S&atM became ttie new world mlddlewelaht boxing cbam.,._ by ICOlini a 1pUt dectalon ov* ArrenUaa '1 8 •10 Clrn &D Monte Carlo ..• Danell Wal&rtj set a torrid ttg,514 ~hour pace u I.be Grand NaUoaal atock car driven .-:-pnetlce at Daytona Beach for the July ' f'lrecracker Sco tt Sec9-_nd COghlan Gets Win But Not Rec~rd ~ PHILADELPHIA (A P > -Eamonn Coghlan of Ireland awakened Saturday morning, walked outside. checked the weather and decided this was a day for winning, not a world "ecord He was right. The one·lime Villanova runner ran the fastest mile of the year Saturday in beating U.S. national champion Steve Scott to the tape in the feature race of the Meet of Champions at Franklin Field. COGHLAN, WHO RAN fourth In the 1976 Olympics. was never worse than third in the star·studde<I field. He overtook 5cott at the ., Lop of the stretch and kicked to a five.yard victory in 3 · 52.9. Scott, s UC Irvine grad, ran the distance in 3:53.4, also better than the previous best time of 1979. Former Pr1nceto" runner Craig Mas back. recently returned from Oxford in England where he studie<I ror a doctorate. finished third ii 3:54.7. anc' John Walker -holder of the world record of 3:49.4 -wa~ 'ourfr in 3:55.0. " always hope for a worlc' record, but when t woke up this mornm,: and realized how humid and windy it would be, I Just wante<i to win." Coghlan said after his triumph over the artificial surfac/ "rM VERY PLEASED with my time. especially when you consider what the wind was like on the backstretch." Coghlan noted. Walker said that when he went for the lead he reali zed that he wasn't strong enough. "You must r emember that guys in the United Slates are run· ning a lot faster than any Europeans," Walker said, 1nd1cat1n g that Americans were ahead now in training. He didn't mention that Coghlan wa~ from Ireland. It was the second defeat for Walker in the United States m two weeks. THE PREVIOUS BEST mile time this year was 3:53.7. set by Sydney Maree in his native Soult-Africa. A touch of irony was adde<I to the meet when Maree sat in the stands and watched the "'ace from which he wa~ banned under in · ternational amateur rules. The International Amateur Athletic Federation has banned all athletes from competm~ against South Africans because of that nation's racial policie~ Maree withdrew from the race this wee~ because of the pressu.-eofthe politics involved. In the mile. Coghlan's split limes were 57.4 for the quarter. ' l :58 5 at the half, 2:57.6 after three quarters for hi s winning 3:52.9 Sc(llt's splits were !>7.6, 1:58.6, 2:57.4 ant' his finish o( 3:53.4. Masbacl.. was cloct..ed in 57.9, 1 :59.0, 2:58.6 and a finishing 3:54 .7. THE ONLY ' ACCEPTED world record brol..en during the meet ~as in the women's mile. when 20·year·olc' Mary Decker o( Color ado won the event in 4: 23.5. Decl..er. who holds indoor world records in the 880 and 1.000 ) a 1 ds, defeated Francie Larrieu of the Pacific Coast Club who was unbeaten this year and held lhe American mile record of 4: 28.2 Larrieu finished in 4 :27.6, f9J)Qwed by J ani Merrill of the Age Group AA in 4:28.3 and Julie lf"rown of the Los Angeles Naturite Track Club in 4:37.5. The ex.isling women's record of 4 · 23.8 was set by Na tali a Maracescu of Romania. but Miss Maracescu ha~ a time pending of 4; 22.1, set last January in New Zealand. • APWI........., MA KING A MOVE -Eamonn Co~hlan of Ireland kicks past lrvine ·s Steve Scott to win tht! celebrated mile race in Philadelphia's l\l eet of Cha mpions Saturday. Coghlan finisheo in 3:52 9. a 1979 world bes t, while Scott was c;econd in 3: 53..l ~---~---~---~-~-~~~-~-~-~~~-~~~ F ront P a g e B J McEN ROE . • • and the top eight see<ls gained the quarterfinals. Martina Navratilova, the de· fending champion, survived a tough duel with South African Greer Ste\ens, 7-6, 6·7, 6·3, and will meet Australia's Dianne Fromholtz in the quarters. The other quarterfi.nals pair Chris Evert Lloyd with Australian Wendy Turnbull. Tracy Austin against Billie'Jean King, and Virginia Wade of Bri· lain against Evonne Goolagong Cawley of Australia. IT WAS T H E LOSE R , Stevens, her leg heavily strapped, who drew a :standing ovation from the packe<I crowd that watched her dra~c b&t· tle against Navratilova. Stevens ?2, r om Plete rmariuburg at1li has a slight limp from a knef' opera· lion that nearA) ena~d he r career aast year. But sbe orave· ly babied out the maccb despite being in obvious pain ln Jle final set. The b1onde Stevens ni.t.n., wickea forehand drivc1t 1ed 4·l' In the fin" set md sqllt.i.det ea a. sec point before NauattuA a took the tiebreaker 8·6 Earlier Chrt1 E\ert ...lO)C! an .. BllUe Jean King both quiClllY dispatched thelr opponenta Lloyd hJt her way Hrent · paat Laura Dupont of Uh t Uru1.eG Statea 6-2, 6-1 Kin1, 3S and •ix Jme-. .he Wimbledon 1ln&lea cn.mpton, defeated Hana Mandukova, the risln1 17·YHr-old Caecb &tar. 6-4, 6-3. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE West Division Houston Cincinnati San Francisco San Diego Dodgers Atlanta W L Pct. GB 49 31 .613 41 36 .532 6~ 38 39 .494 91.11 35 46 .432 14'h 33 46 .418 151.11 31 46 403 161h East Olvlsion Montreal 43 27 .614 Pittsburgh 37 34 .521 6~ Philadelphia 39 36 .520 61.11 Chicago 35 33 .515 7 St. Louis 36 34 .514 7 New York 30 39 435 121h wlvf'Ur'• o- •t1•n•• I,~· 4, I 10 Inning" New Yon 9, Ctll<ll901 I11 tnnlngsl Mon1r .. 1 s. PftUburQh l Ctnctnnell 1. s.n Fr•ncti.co O Phll-•Pfll• •• SI 1.0UIS . 110 '""'"0•1 HOV51on ), ~ Olf'llO 0 T.._, .• o_ t.11a11t. IP. Nlti.ro• 101 •l~n IR~•f.11 New ""'-IF•l<OM l·S •nd H•u•m•n ().)) ., (lllooo IHoluman S.• -M<OIOlflen , .. , MontrMI IS<MU~ J·I en<I Grlmst.y S 0 •I Plll~bur(lf> t<Andel&rl• 64 •I'll AOl>ln~ ~41 Pllll•OllPlll• IUr<ll. s •ncl Aulll~ ... 1·'1 ., SI 1.ou1110enn1 H•nd S<llulll •·JI . Cln<IM.tll 11.•Con 8 2 •nel Mosk•u •-ll •IS... Fr•n<l><O IBlu.' 6 •n<I Curlis l ·•I Ho111ton INl4Ht14Mltl l-41 ., S.I\ Oiaoo IJone• .,, AMERICAN LEAGl:E West Division Texas Angels Kansas City Minnesota Chicago Seattle Oakland W L P ct. GB 44 33 ,57l 44 35 .557 l 42 35 .545 2 39 34 .534 3 33 43 .434 10·~ 34 45 430 ll 22 57 .278 23 East Division Baltimore 53 24 .688 Boston 47 27 .635 411-, Milwaukee 44 33 .571 9 New York 41 36 532 12 Detroit 35 37 .486 15~ Cleveland 34 41 .453 18 Toronto 24 56 300 30\i:z S.1-V's S~oret A~l>t, Kel\W> (II'(~ Boston), N..., Yor-1 Clt..-«IM'd t , Oet•oit 1 Mlnl\HOI• ,._ (lltc.oqo • Balllmol"f 1, Toronto o MllwauUt I . S.ellle 1 ftUI 4,().t-lenc:I ) T.._1'1G•lftH An9ef• 1Rvan 9-Sl et K•n>u Coty 1Sphllorll 4 ~ltvt1ancl l&•rktr 0 1, al OtlrO•I \MOff0\~-4\ Toronto 11.emancy11c l·SI di B•ll•more IP•I-• l·Jl Boston tE<Ur>HIV l ·JI •I Nu• York IHU<ll ... I SI Clllc•oo t&errlOs 7.31 ., MlnMs.oll IHmnll J·~.111. 18'1\n111er 34) •I M•IW.OMllH I Trever& S·~ell.llnd IMcC.lty HI •I TOH IM•lleO Ml 1977 FORD PINTO STATION WAGON V·6. automa11c. air cond . white ex tenor. red interior (997UZJ) ~3700 \_ JDHBSDB l SDK Llncoln-M•rcury ( 540-5630 2628 Herbor Blvd. Coat• M••• I __________ ...._ .... ---···-· ! , l ~ I ,, BASEBALL /GOLF /SOCCER Today's TV , BJ llOWA&DL. llANDY ................ FoHowlng ,,.. the ~tor IPO"tl tvenb on teltvl1lon 1oday. ~Unga ire: I 1 " 1 txctUent, " / " worth watc hing, • ~ t1lr; /~It . 11 •.m., Ch•nMt 4 ./ ./ ./ TaNNIS: ~mbledOn Aftu•twt: Dick EnbffV, Bud Colllns. Oonold Dell, Bllllt JMn Kl~. • E1rly round matches In the world's otdett ttnn1i tourna ment, teped at Wimbledon, Engl~ Oettndlng chitmplOf'I\ ere BJOl'f\ 8or9 and Martina Navretllo111. 11 :30 e.m .• Channet 5 IASEIALL: Ange ls at Kansas City Announcers: Don Ory!iodale and Ron Fairly The Kansas City Royals will be try1no to Sdlv~ti onl' oame of tM $§rJes today when tn.y send Poul Sph1torfU'Mt fO the mound aoalnst the Anoels' Nolan Ryan !9 Sl. Atter 10s· Ing three straight at home to the Royals, the Angel'> have taken the first two games 1n Kansas t1ty (t 1 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ GOLF: Memphis Classic. Announcers: Pat Summerall, Jack Whitaker', Ben Wright, Rick Barry and Ken Venturi. Brad Bryant of Amarlllo, Texas tired a four-under-par round of 68 to take the lead by one stoke 1n the Danny Thomas Memphis Classic. Tom Kite carded a 69 during the third round to grM> second place as second-round leader Jack Newtnn slipped to a 76 Friday. , .. OTHER TELEVISION 9:30a.m. (11 ) -THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL. 10 a.m. (2) AUTO RACING Satellite coverage of the French Grand Prix with same·day coverage from Dijon, France. Mario And~ti is the-Qe,tending champion-. 11 :JO a.m. (2) -PAN AMERICAN GAMES -Opening ceremonies in the Pan American Games, the l"llPSt important amateur athletic competition in the Western Hemisphe re this year from San Ju<Ha Puerto Rico. Leading entrants are pro- filed by Di~k Stockton, Jack Whitaker, Gary Bender. 1 p.m . (4) -TENNIS Manuel Orantes vs. Pe te r Fleming in a WCT Tournament of Champions match, taped at Dorado, Puerto Rico. 2 :30 p .m . (7) 1978 LOS AN GEL ES RAMS HIGHLIGHTS "Six Shooters in the West" chronicles the Los Angeles Rams' 1978 season-one in which the club cap. tured a record sixth straight division title. 3 p.m. (7l RACERS --; The Champion Spark Plug Radial Challenge is featured. Curt Gowdy narrates. 3:30 p.m. (7) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS The U.S women's gymnastics team trials, ta ped at Salt Lake City. Jim Lampley and Cathy Rigby Mason report. Also, sprint car racing, taped at Terre Haute, Ind. Keith Jackson, Chris Economaki report. .l 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD James Scott ( 14-0-1 I mee ts Vonzell Johnson < 18-1) in a scheduled li ght· heavyweight bout taped at Rahway, N.J . state prison, Marv Albert and Ken Norton are at ringside. Also, the Irish Sweeps Derby, taped at Dublin. 5.p.m. (52 ) -AMERICAN RACEWAY -With Tom Malone. 6:30 p.m. 150) -BASICALLY BASEBALL. 7 p.m. (50) PRO SOCCER. (52) -HORSE RACING Today at Hollywood Park. ' 10 p.m. (50) -COLLEGE WRESTLING Lehigh vs. Iowa State, taped at Ames, Iowa. RADIO Baseball Angels at Kansas City, 11 25 a .m., KMPC (710); Atlanta at Dodgers, 12:40 p.m ., KABC (790). Pan American Games, 7:25 a .m. and 3:50 p.m., KNX C1070l. Yacht Racing 'transpac Race,3and8p.m., KLAC 1570). .(The Daily Pilot is not responsible for late changes.) Kite Seeond Bryant Up by One In Memphis Golf MEMPHIS, Te nn. <AP> Brad Bryant, a Texan who has been having mixed luck on the professional golf tour. fired a four-under-par 68 Saturday to grab the third round lead in the Danny Thomas M e mphis Classic. . Bryant's 54-hole total of 209 gave him a one-stroke edge over Tom Kite, who carded a 69 Saturday at the 7,249-yard {;olonial Country Club. Peter Jacobsen. Jim Simons. Wally Armstrong. Cesar Sanudo and Road Show Is Flop for Surf SpeciaUothe Dally Pilot HOUSTON-If the California Surf is to remain a legitimate division t itle contender . it's going to have to learn how to win soccer games on the road. T he Surf dropped a 2· l North American Soccer League de· cision to the Houston Hurricane he re Saturday nigh t. leaving it with a 3·7 record away from home with three more road games on t ap before it plays at Anaheim Stadium again. More importantly. the Surf wasted an excellent opportunity to gain ground on San Diego in the American Conference West. San Diego. which lost, 2·1, to Toronto Friday, leads the division with a 9· 11 record and 84 points California , S.12. bas 74 points. Gerry Ingram a nd Ma rk Lindsay seem to be doing their best to sn ap a losing streak on the road that has now reached five. Ingram tied the game at 60: 50 on a header that gave him $even goals on lhe year. Lindsay bad an assist forthefifthgamelnarow. Houston, which leads the American Conference Central .tth 1 14·5 record , got on the s coreboard when Walter Scbubertb scored unassisted at 34 :35. The wlnnlnc coal came at 71: 19 wben Dale RueseU took a P ll$S from Rubal Moral• and fired a bullettrom15ya.rdtaway. A c rowd of 5,045 at the Altrodome looked on. Larry Ziegler were hunched at 211. SECOND-ROUND LEADER Jack Newton o r A us tralla s lumped to 76 for 214, while de· fending champion Andy Bean stayed in striking distance with a 68-213. T h e best round of the day belonged to Rod Curl. who had a 67 to run his total to 21 2. Rryant, 24 , who Joined the tour last year, had four birdies for the day and seemed unaffected by wet fairways and high winds which produced less than satis· fying scores for some of the ear- ly leaders. .. Bryant. whose bes~ fmish this vear was a tte for fourth in the Bing Crosby Open, missed the cut in nine of his 18 tournament entries this year. He qualified for the Danny Thomas with a two-under·par 70 .Monday. Bryant, who lists Bible study- ing, hunting and fishing as hob· bies. said his golf game had im· proved recently. "It seems I am playing a pro· fessional game instead of a high school or college' game,'' he said. explaining t h at he was driving better and becoming more aggressive in his play. Tripp Wins USAC Race D}J QUOIN. Ill. <AP) -Ron "S p.:epy" Tripp of Costa Mesa made his move on the 48th lap and won the SO-mile Un ited States Auto Club midget feature race at the DuQuoin State Fair· grounds Saturday. Tripp, one of the nine t.op na· tional midget drivers who en· tered the race, started seventh in a field of 28 which included such top names as Johnny Parsons, Pancho Carter, Mel Kenyon and Rich Vo1ler. Ele ven car s finished the race. Tripp bad problem s In his qualifying heat , but moved Into fourth place early In the race a nd b attled it out to the end with • Ktn Shraede r of ~t Louis . who finished second Dodgers Plummet Deeper LOS ANGl!:l..ES <AP > Pln<'h·hitter Charllo Spikes t ingled home Barry Bonnell to brttttk • 4-4 he in the top of the 10th lonlnK a s the Atlanta Orave11 defeated Los An.:eles 7-4 SaturdKy night. h anding the Dodt&urs their fifth straight loss. After the Dodgers rallied to t1e the game in the bottom of the ninth, Bonnell led off the 10th with u pinch double off loser T~rry Forste r. 1-1. He scored on S1}tkes' pinch &tng-le end the Bruves followed with two more runs. on run scoring s ingles by Glenn Hubbard a n d Gene Garber. Garber. 4-9. earned the victory 1n relief of Buddy Solomon. THE DODGE RS taed the game aga i nst Garbe r when Bill Russell opened the ninth with a s ingle and R eggie Sm·ith followed with a double. Steve Garvey's s mg le through the m1<idle tied the score 4·4. Solomon pitched the first eight innings for Atlanta. ~1ving up only two hits and retmng the final 19 Dodgers he faced in or der. Solomon. who walked two arid struck out five. left for ::. pinch hitter in the top of thl· ninth. Jeff Burroughs s lammed two ho m e runs and Bob Horne• added a roundtrippe r for Atlanta. Putts Fall As Rankin ~.July 1, 1979 DAILY PILOT IQ AP W1rep1MJl0 KC'S DARRELL PORTER FALLS ON ANGELS' DON BAYLOR AFTER DROPPING BALL. Angels Power Past KC KJ\NSA~ CITY. Mo !AP > Bobby Grich and \\ 1ll1e Aikens hit home runs and Joe Rudi drove 1n two runs with <t checked·swing single to lead the California Angels lo an 8·5 victory Saturday night O\'l'r Kansas City Ho~als Marter Rich Gale seemed overpower ing the fi rst thrcl' innings, striking out s ix a nd al. luwing just tJnc smglc before the Angels broke through for two runs in the fourth a nd four in the Paschall leading off. went to third on Scott ' th rowing t>rrnr on Aikens· 1nf1eld single and scon ·cl on Rud1 's s1ngll' Larry Harlow's ground b;ill scored A1kcns · to g1 ve lht• Angeb an 8-J ll•iJd Ol1:. and Porter hit 1·onseC'Ut1vc s1ngll"• leacf111g off tht· Kansas C1t} s<·venth and scored on Al Cowens· sm gle Sets ·Mark ..... fifth The two tcums wrap uµ tht• '>l·rtcs toduy v.1tl1 the g ame..,.telev1scd back lo Southern Callrorn1a ,1l 11 JO this morning onr hannel 5 DEARBORN. Mich. <APl Judy Rankin tied a single-round mark of nine birdies Saturday on her way lo a course-record 65 and a fi ve-shot lead going into today's final round of a Ladies Professional Golfe rs Association tournament. Rankin , who went into Saturday's action three s hots behind second·round leader Oeb bie Austin. played a s kil)ful com bi nation of s hots from the rough , sand and soggy fairways for her seven-under-par round She takes a 208 into todav's play, eight s hots under par. · AIKENS' TWO-R UN HOM ER an the fourth brought the Angels to within one run at 3·2, then Grich led off the fifth with his 17th home run. Two outs later, Don Baylor singled and Aikens walked. Brian Downmg singled home Baylor. Rudi, hitting JUSl .217, made it 6-3 with his two-run single. Darrell Porter and Amos Olis each hit solo homl' runs off Don Aase. 7-6. who esc aped bases IT WILL BF. Nolan Ryan 19·5> pitching for the Angels agains t the Royals' Paul Spltltorff l9·5>. -Last weekend in Anaheim Stadium . the Royals s v.e pt three games from the Angels. California 1::. attempting to return the favor in Kansas Cily. The Angels remained a game out of first plat f• 1n the American Leag ue West standings as Texas defeated Oakland. 4-3. loaded Jam s in the first and the fifth and was re· ---------------------lievl'd after the Royals scored two runs m the seventh. The game was played before the biggest crowd ever to see a baseball game in Kansas City. 41,451 Otis' two-out opposite field hom e run gave Kan!-ias City a l ·O lead in the first inning. In the third. Porter'-; 10th homer. George Scott's triple and Pete LaCock ·s RB I single gave the Royals a 3·0 advantage. OON BAYLOR reached base on a fielders choice> in the second and scored ahead of Aikens' home run. Dial-a· TaDe® EYE CARE INFO~MATION Pl f.:i:,( R(OUEST TAP( RY NllArflf H l 1 V1s100 C um1n111on & Prutripllon £2 811001 Conlul l1nu 1 U £vu19hl Au1or1G - onnoker 1I01oqy U No hn1 81locai lenses r~ C1uu s 01 BlioOnts\ -C11111c11 E6 C1usu ol 8hndnen -Gt1utoma E 1 Tour ChtlOs lyes & AUO"''l 18 Soh ConlJtl L1nsu THE 17-YEAR VETERAN needed only 23 ·putts in s hatter- 1 ng both the mens' and womens· records at the Dearborn Countrv Club course firing five birdie:<; on the front nine for a 32 and four on the hackside for a 33. '41111 Both teams scored two in the seventh. Dan 'Fo rd was hit by a pitch from reliever Dan Austin. who carded a 73, was alone at th ree-unde r -par 213. Amy Alcott, who shot the day's second-best round al 68, joined defending champion Sandra Post and rookie Beth Daniel in third at 214. two shots under par. · 'l JUSt had a golden touch with the putter today." Rankin said. "Fortunately, I made the right s hots to get the putts that counted. Today, I'll just let the law of averages take care of the putts -if I have any luck left ·· Johnson, Dunn Win at OCIR Hank Johnson of Maryville. Wash. posted a 6.19 second run at 232.00 miles per hour lo c:ap ture top fuel honors at the Super Shops s ummer drag racing meet at Orange County Inte rnational Raceway Saturday nig ht before 15.780. Jim Dunn of La Mirada with a 7.81 C 116.95 mph ) run captured the funny car division with Dan De Vita of Oakland the pro gas winner at 9.76 seconds . Bob Correll leaped 310 feet on his kitecycle and Fred Goeske of Chicago was the rocket winner with a 5.78 second run at 243.00 mph. Les Shockley of Anaheim had a 6.34 run at 260 mph in his jet while Doug Rose ran 6.38 at 263 mph for second place. Fro• Page BJ TRANSPAC .. time record for the cour5e is 8 days, 11 hours and 45 minutes set by Merlin in 1977. Merlin is being skippered this yea r by Al easel or Balboa Yacht CJub, Newport Beach. OTHER ORANGE COAS T area boats entered in the race include Aleta with Warren Han· cock or Newport as s kipper . High Ro ler <William Powe.r. Newport). Native Son <Peter •Wilson , Ne wport), Russian Wood (Nick Alexande r, Laguna Beach), Sirocco (Mic ha el Michel, Newport ), Z ig Zag <John Zl.nsmeyer, Newport) and Wllllwaw <Charle1' Ander$on. Newport). • POR SCH E924 THE LIMITED EDITION SEBi\ING 79. ONLY 1292 AVAILABLE. LEASE A LEGEND Why leosP on a<dino•y cor when you con lease o ne w 1'119 PORSCHE J The Porsche 924 h s dPs•qned ro carry on 1h ... P0<s .,., l•od1t1on of w1nninci A trodar;on rhor spcms ) I year~ and ;ncludes ovPr 400 mo10< roc1nq v1crorie~ It s also designed for •he proct1col11y o f todoy Its un•que rear tronsoxle provides 111rruolly perfect S0.50 we1qh1 distnbutaon beiween f rent and rear-for balanced rood hoHnq and bmkinq. Ire, oerodynomtC design 1s aesthetically p leos1nq-ond proctteol. Best of all, even with option~ easmq a Q24 is Sl.Xprisinqly a ffordable. So v1s11 your Porsche+Audi dealer and •est dnve a l1v1ng legend SEBRING 79 FtA TURES INCLUDE: REMOVABLE SUNROOF. SPECIAL !\ACING STRIPE. FOG LIGHTS. ELECTRIC OUTSIDE MIRRORS. STABILIZER BAi\S. LIGHT ALLOY WHERS. 3-WAY S~Kffi SYSTEM. 5 SP. OR AUTOMATIC T;;:ANS. 445 Ef.ST COAST HIWA Y NEWPORT BEf.CH OPEN SUNOA YS I 0-5 673-0900 ·Eor tlle-Reco d .... °" c........ Wl'-.11 o.a ... •t.• •r• .. a I I I Of'ld1 ... '-••'"'·· fl...C.tt .. , ... 4 I I I Jttl °''"cl ll'wl ... c ,_,,,,., k04t. •• l.0C.C1i.• Well\01\, Pfo fl Wllllt, ,_ ........ ~ a•'• J., 1 . '. ' a 0 1 I I I I 0 I 0 I I I 0 I 0 • 0 0' • 0 0 0 .. ¥'W.• ""Oft",. Oowlllfti. ~ ltliCll," "•''°"" 0 J ~M'"·" a'•• , . ' . . ", . I I t I • 0' • 4 0 1 I • 0 0 0 f0461• • • u , r••••• ll t iO • k-•··--.. C•lllornl• 000 UO 1GO I IC•llH~ Cll' 101 000 to0 , a J A-.-11, \uU OP Colltw"4o I l.01 Celltvnllt t, ICOftHI Ctr, t J9 Wll'611, koll. Hit -<>ti• !ti. Pone• 1101 Allitll• I 141, 0.k ll 111' ColHenolo '" " It le llt IO ADM IW, 1•1 • U S ' f 1 Ult«~ ) I 0 0 I I ...... o,, G41e H .• H I • t PoKMll 4 J 1 1 I AOM l«ect Wff 0.llft• II\ 11\t Mftnlll. HllP-•y Po•Cl .. 11 IFOtOI S -l.oRotlle Ill T-2 41 A •1,U I ANOIU iiw.1tt.OI' .. " .... •• r .. ,., ral Ml HOlflPlon s 0 , 0 0 400 Co••• ... lS .. I ,. lU Downing U I ., ,, I .. J)I Thon ,. 2 • 0 • JJJ G•lch , .. 0 .. 11 )1 .l13 L•n,tord HJ .. 101 10 •0 .JU Al-•n• '" l8 lA 14 SI ,.. Boior l01 u .. 14 ., .290 Fora 111 .. ,, t 37 .216 Miiier 170 ,. •• ,. .171 Oononue 10 • 11 10 .24] Rudi Its " ., 3S .111 R•llenmuno .. s 10 I • 111 Oe•ll JI ) • 0 1 '1b Horio• "• II lJ 0 • I'll! Comp•nen• '"° ,. J I 0 10 194 Anoe rs.on J8 1 ~ 7 IJ1 H11mp11rey ., 7 I 0 0 .0)9 To tot\ 2,t.t .,. 1S4 n •11'1 782 f'll<hlnt 111 " .. .. .., .... Clur •S•' H 40 ., .. , 2.IS Run 11)41 1 IS 48 ,,. 9 s 1 9} ..... 1111, 118 •9 •l •• 3 •' Fro .. t C>1l'I 91 40 37 5 . • \1 B•rr 1' ,. 18 19 3 • •.• I Tot>ono )t ' ., " 33 S·4 ... 8•rfow JS •• IS 18 1·1 s 40 Kn•PP )2'> ~ 21 ,, J.7 S.8 Eoo' .. 19 s J 0.0 • 40 LaRocne 411') S3 71 11 2·• ·~ Bolllno .., 1 0 0 0-0 •• 00 Tota" 101 114 lOI 43' U ·JS • J4 Reel Ses l, T •11hH? 010 000 001 3 I I ork 001 000 010-1 S 0 Stonl•Y ond Montoomery, Tlont ona Mun•on w St•ntty, • s L Tian!, •·J ,_.R Bolton, Yo\lrttms-1 ll•I. A-S0,2S3 '"'•'" •. T1te,. i (l•••lond 021 000 010-4 11 I Oelroll 000 010 100-7 • O Clyd•, Spollner I 11, Mono• t 71 <tna H•).,.Y. YounQ, Hiiier 01 and P.urlsh. w Clyde, Hl. L Youno. I I HR Clevel•no. T!10rnton 1111. A 21,104 Orioles t. 81 ... Jo'' o Toronto 000 000 000 O • t Batt.mc>rP 100 001 00• 1 • 1 r Uno.,rwooa and CeroM, Fl.ondgM .sno OtmP\h w F ldM0•'"· 10 s. l T Un o"rwooo, 2· 11 HR Balllmort, SlnQltton 11 II A 19,810 T••n• It, Whit• soa • Cllot dCjO 000 001 003 ' 11 l M1nne'IOI• 012 611 11" lo 1' 1 Farmer Hinton UI, S<n11eler ISi •nd "l•"°"oGny; Zat>n Ba<,11' "I &nd Wy- W Z•lln. I I L Farm••. 1 3 HR c 111cit110. JOllnson •••. M•nne\Oto. !.rn.s110 110 A 11, 91' .,_nl,M•toftfflt S..atttt 000 000 001 I • 0 Mllwau~H SOO 101 Oh 8 II O MOntao"' o ... ,,.N I II 0.-0~r t II """ Sltn\Of\ Hoo .ina c ~ W -HH\ ~) L • Montaou•. • l HR' Su111e, M•ytr I Ill, Motwau~H. MOlllOI I St T hQm3' t191 l.tlcano 191 A 11 951 11•-n4,A'il Oa~land 001 1110 100 3 8 O T~ .. \ 000 700 011 • I I Hamilton, H~ave•to u 1. L.tnolord Ill Toda Ill and E•soan, J Jonn•on, oCern 111 ano Roberts, Sunot>erq fll w ICern, 10·1 L TOCld, 1·S A 77,43'1 HATIONAl. l.EAOUE ...... 7, Oocl9t:• 4 AllanUt l.H A""I" iii r 11 bl a b r II bi Rov•ter. lb 6 o o o Loi>e,, 7b s o o o Mllhw$, rl s 0 7 I RuHell, •S s I I 0 Oll1ce, cl 3 0 0 0 R.Smlll\, rr • 7 I 0 Bonnell. p11 I I I O Garve,, lb • O 1 3 Ho•ner, lb S I 7 1 C•y, lb 3 O 0 o eu,,ghS, ti 7 3 2 2 Baur. II • o o o "lc>lan, c 3 o O O Tllomu, •I 7 I 0 0 Spl~ts. ph I 0 I I Oale\, c 1 0 0 0 eeneooo, c o o o o Jo\nua, Pf'I t o o o Huobro. 211 s 1 t 1 Yu gor. c 0 o O o Frio, u 4 I 2 0 Mot•, ph I 0 0 0 Solomon, p I o O O For\ter, p O 0 0 0 Pocoro, Ph I O O O Lewllyn, p 0 0 O 0 G41•ber. p I 0 I ' Sutton, p 1 0 I I Thmin, pi. 1 O O O Palletln, p o O o o Fergu•n, c 1 o o O f otah ll I 17 I Totals JS • S • Sc:W•llYIMill .. All.inta 000 ?00 110 l I LO\ AnQ"I~ 110 000 001 0 • E Froti. LOB Atlanto o, Los A~ltt S 7B R SmHh, llontw>ll HR 14orner 1111 8urrouot>s 2, ltl SB R Smith, Thoma\ s Sooomon1 All•lll• Solomon Garber !W, • 91 LOIA .... IK Sutton Pallerson Forster <L. M · ui;~•~r;ouler. t IP H It £11 88 SO 97211S 131111 a • • • I 0 0 0 'lo) • 3 J • ., 0 0 0 J.01 A 3',7(>0 4 1 0 0 , ' 0 0 1-.otS,f'lratft) Monlr .. t ooo t02 200-s • o Plll~gl\ 200 000 001 -3 8 0 SonderlOll, Soso <7J, Frym•n ,., ano ·C•rter; Btyi.wn, Joc:kson 17>, Robtrb Ill encl Ott. W-SencletWll, ~. L 81yl4twn, S-1 HRs-MontrHt, O•wson <10, Perrish 171,S<ott121.A U,116.S. ltMs 2, Gla11ts I Cincinnati 000 000 002-2 • o San Fren<iKO 000 000 000-0 2 0 Seaver ano Cotrell; Monteflnco, Minton C/J, Wlllllon 191 -Sodek. W-SHYer, •s L-Whltion, 2-4. A· 29,Sll. Meh t,C•1 Ne• von 001 001 010 o.-o u o Cl\ICll90 010 101 000 0~1 17 0 Swen, Hassl@r tll, TwoCCMll 101. Munay Clll, GI'"" nu ...o Steart>s, Reutcl\tl, Sul· ter Ill, T1dtow 1101. Moore 1111 •no Foote. w -TwlkNll, w. L-TIOrow, :H . HRS· Mow voni. INullK, m, YOUftQl>looo 1111. Olluoo. Kiflll"M cm. Vall (3), A-ll,Jtt, """"' .. c.......... • """.... 010 oao 00> 2-t 11 1 SI. koul• 000 004 000 0-4 U t C¥110ft, &nlMlw i.1. ReM Cll McGraw (IO) and Mee.er-, R~ (7): FUIOMm, Frazier Ctl, Schultz OOl Mid SwllMr, w- R ted, 6•J , L Frozler, 0.1. MRs- Pflll.O.lllflle. Scflmldl cn1, L111int111 m. u1111r m. A-a.M. ...,...,, ........ Houston 000 021 000-1 I O son Diego oot 000 000-0 J O Rkhllrd end Aal!Cly; Sfllrlty, OWchlnko Ct > end Ttnoce. W-IUCMrd, 1·1, L-Sflitlty, 34.HR· Howton,Codeno(S),A 20,154. MdMl.L'I TOI' HN 11 ....... , ... 1.Mt, AMllltlCAN LIAOUI ••• It " ~" t2 '" "' 10. .an »USMS7 .M ., ,. u ..... ,.. .. .," .. 7S t1t 41 t4 .Mt ...... ., .M n • ., * .nt n • .. • .-" ,,. 11 ., .m " .. ,. 11 .m S..t• R e,.ord Mary Decker ran a 4 :23.5 mile in Philade lphia's Meet of Champions to set an American rec ord SaturdaY:-Decker, of the city of Orange, a ttends Colorado University. Home Nuns Lynn. So!.ton. '" tnom"'· M1lwtlukee, 1t Rice. Boston, II; Slnoteton, B<'lttlmore. ti Grtc ~. Collfornl•, 17. R ... s 8att..i In • LYnn. Bo\ ton, 6l 11a,1or, Catllornl•, u , Bocllle, S..altlj.>, )&, Smallt'Y, MlnM\Old SI T11omas, Mllw"""""'· !le f'1tclll119 17 Ot<l1I011\l ICe•n. Texas. 10-1 Zalln, Mon,,.,wt•. 1 t Stal>flOuS@, Boltlmore ,.., CIHr, C•llfornl" l ·J; Jonn, ~•w York. 1 i .J. Ecker slt'f. BMCon, 1·3 0 Mart"\t'l Ballo'"f•a, 10-4 Mc Cally, Oakland s 7 NATIO"IAL LEAGUE G A8 R H Pel Br0< k, St. LOUIS )• 171 11 •7 J4I H•nartclt. Sc. LOU•S 10 7•o 39 .. 3'S Mazt1lll N•w York 10 1M ., l'I .137 Fost••. C1nc1n,..11 69 7..0 43 81 33} Wonltetd, San Ott'go 80 ~ u 91 318 Ro~. Pnll-ll)l\1d lb l"S 41 ~ 32) TPmPleton, St Lou•s bl> 1ao '3 ~• JI) oe Hrn1tna1, St Lou1> 11 286 •S 9J Jn s.mmons, SllOUI\ •7 721 •• II l~I Hornet, Atlanta •2 161 22 SJ 317 Hom•"""' tC 1n9man, Cti1CdOO 11 Sc hm1a'11 Pll1lac!elpnla, 13 Fo>l•r. t:lnt•nna11, 10 8 Robtn\On, P11tst>urQn, IS, Simmons. SI Louis. 18, L~. l.o• A...,.19', II, R'"" 8•tted In • Fo\ttr. Cmc1nndt•. b~. IC1n9mdn. (n•~oo. bl Wlntorla, San 011•qo Sb Clark SM Francisco, S3, Simmon,, St Louos S2 P1tc~1n9 II Oecls1on1l l~itCOS\, C1nc1nnat1 8 1 J Nt,•krc-Hou~too, 11·3, S Martinez !>I Lou" o I l(npo~.u.·r. Sdn Franu~t 01 r, 1 A,,du1t1t Hou,ton. ~ t C.r1m~1ey M onl,t!dl fJ .4 Rud, Pn11aoe1pn1a.l> l MEMPHIS GOl.FCl.ASSIC Cial ~,,,,....,, T•n" t Braa Bryant Tom oClte Pet•r JOC.OO!>ffl Jim Simons Wally Arm>lron9 Cewr Sanuoo ROd Curt (,II MOrCjdn C.rah<im M.o"n La" y Ziegler Andy Bean L•rrv Neown Gary Ptay~r Gibby C.1ll>f'ro Jac k Ren""' George Jonn>on J ac k "lewton Gitry KO<h Oa11e Hiii 8<11 tCra11..-1 P•ler Oo\torllu1s Victor Regataoo Mark Haye\ 800 Byman J .C. Snead Don Pooley Parker Moore f om Purtur Mike S.Cllr~r BoobyW-1ns Bruce L•et1•t ScoltStmp~ Ed F•ort Maril McCum~r Jell Mllc""ll r-ranll 8Nrd M o,.res t'ial•hlltv Stan Lt• RuCalO-tt John SchrOl!dttr JoM Manaltey Hale lrwi1> Bruce Oevlln Calvin PMI• 800 Sllear•r Frank Con""r Tom Jenlil~ Sorry Joeckel P•I McGowan Joell Sommers Gooro• Burns O.A. Weibrlno Orville Mood, Jim Whit• 80bM8M Al Golbo<'Qer ROI\ Streck Jerry Pate C.rl!Oft WllUe Alan Teple Mike McCullough Semmy RKllels Mlllere~ Dove Stoc~llton Tommy McGinnis Butch Baird Terry OleN Marie Lye Allen M Ul@r Steve VH1a10 David Egpr Oona Qutgley Tim Simpson l(ermlt ZMlty Pat l.1nawv l>O 17 &8 209 11.10.6•-110 11 II b9 111 10·11·6• 711 &O 69 ll 211 n 6'-11-211 IO·H·•I 111 17 11 bO 71? 17 10 10 112 11·10 11 11? It 14 b8 713 11-11 10 ?13 oQ 1s.10 ,,, IJ 10·11 214 1•·6'1-11 ·1U 10·10·1• ,,. 10 u 76 214 611-1 .. 11-21S 11·6111 -21S 10·13·11-llS 71 111l·21S 69 13 13 11) 11-10·14-?IS /qt IS-2a 6• 10 16 71S 12 IS o9· 216 JI 1•·6• ?lb ,. n 10 ''" ,. n.10 116 14 11 II ?lo 11 11 n 110 171711 ,,. ,, 10 n 110 •I IS 14 1lb 16 II 10 111 14·17·11 111 11 1•·12 211 IS.10-11-111 15-"9·13-111 12·1113-111 10·13·1•-211 1•.n.n-211 ll·IS 11 218 11·1•·11-118 72-1J.ll-211 IJ.IH)-219 68-1 .. 74-219 71·1J.7•-211 61·7'·1S-211 10-11-1.._11. 73-6'1-76-211 12·7S-17-l1' 73-74-72-21' 12·7:>.74-21' 71-74-74-210 11.n .1s-11t 10-74-7.S-219 11 .... ·19-219 74·7J.7l-220 7(>.71-7)-220 69-1•n-220 7~71·7.S-220 ,,.,,.7.._220 13-11·1'-120 14.13 1•-n1 10 11-1•-n t 1•·11·11>-711 , 1• 71·76-n1 10-11 IS-212 1s.12 1s.-2n 1s.n1s-222 IJ.1 .. 1~221 13-10-1'-tn 11.1s-n-221 1>-1 .. 1.._m I.ADY STltOM'I O .. •N <ot DN,.,,,, Ml<ll l JUdyRonkln 12-ll•S-lOI Debbie Auslln ft9·11·7J-2U Sendro Posa 70.ll-11-114 Amy Alcott l~ll·ftl-114 8tlh O•lllet 11.n .11-2u VlcJil Feroon l:l-6'-1l-2U Kot!ly M<Mutt..i 11·7H2-21' Sendre Polmtr 71-7).70-21' S.rboro 8orro. a9-7..,t-11• S.llY LttUe 13-70.IJ-21• Pel BrOclley n .1 .. 11-211 0 .H. Wlllle 11·1•·10-211 Ja11t 8 1etock 7•72,..-217 kt'Nro Nlo-• 7H0.7S-211 Susie ltrnlng 10-1 .. 74-Jll Jon Ferrorls 71-1).12-Jll """'" o.y., 71-7"7•~211 lutMO'CAMor 7MHt-1tt .... ~"" 71-73-74-211 Jo AM Doti 14-11-73-211 Oftlllt MMM1 70.7) 12-21t I 111¥1• hrtOl«Clf'll 7J.IS-11-21t Holll• llecy 11.1•n-1" Joy(e Kormf~I 12-74-7)-21' ltl.ly King 71.n .10-21t Jo Allfl Wotl\MI TH 1·72-21t ll•thY Menlfl 17*11-flt WIMeUDOM ....,., ......... -·• ,_... R9foiM llllflte • JIMl!I' c:..Mwt Ott Mor~ CoM .. 2, 6·1, 6 I, 11111 \ca111on dtt 8••d C••••ll • •. t'4, • I I '· Pal °"~ "' Boll Luu .... 1 t, • •· • •. 1 •. Adn ono P•n•ll• °'' Uncl'I' ""',., I·•. •·l. I •• Roocoa TM!' ""' 0.1 J-l.ul• Ctetc •I, 1·6, t·4, .. ,, lltj)<n Oor9 oet 811on Tu<M• •·A. •·1, •·•. I, Tom OU tr def Gtno Movor l·t , 5·1. • •. • • Tim Oulllk-. .Ut John McEnroe .. 4. • I • 4 ·-·· ..... ,, .......... ""'' .. M•r11n.t M•vr •fllov• o.t GrHr Steven' I • • I • J E •OOn• Gool•QOOno Cawley Ollt. ••Illy '"'°"'' I•. • I • I Wonav Turnbull O•I ~ .... Atld • ) • • • • 014nn• r 1oml\Oll1 def S..11y Slo•• I 6 I • C"''• L.,,,1 t..Jovo Cllll. L.a"'• 0-~ W , t·I tliH1t Jt•n K lt"llQ °"' ti•f'\• M•Mhkov• 6 .. t ) v ir9rn14 W-(Jet O.bOI• Je ••n• 6 t • I c •• , , AU>lln -V1r91n1• RuLlCI .. 1. •• HOllTH AME ltlCAN SOCCER LEAGUE HaOontl GOftltr"'<• Ea1tern Dlvt••M w L GF GA tlP PU Co\ mos .. • .. ,. •1 170 Whl\lnQlon 13 6 '3 2b l8 110 loronto 10 10 Jl 39 J1 qi Rocneslt• a 9 73 ]I 2J II Ceotral Olvl1I011 MIMd\016 u s 4• 79 ., 1)1 'ulSd 9 • l8 l<> .JO 'I() 0dlld\ 10 9 1~ 11 28 &! A llano a j 13 30 •o 2b Sl> WHllrfl Olvtslo• V11ncovver 12 • 3• 71 33 IOS LO\ AnQ~IP\ II I 311 JI l• 100 ~t!dUI~ 8 10 JI 20 ~~ /) Poru .. no I 11 ]I H 11 Amerk ..i COlll•...,ca EHIHn OivotlOll r alflPd 8~y " 6 " 26 36 HO f Of'lldu04"rdctl\.• II 11 .. l • l8 10• N•w EnQIMd 0 17 78 JS 7S /Q Pl\1ladelptl1d I 11 3J JS 3J /) c ... trt l Ol•lslon ~ou\tnn 1• s ll> lt J] Ill Cll1C •110 10 • 39 3• JS •> Oetro11 9 II l8 32 29 83 M emon•\ s ,. 7J 39 21 51 Weitern Oiv111on )~1n 01r90 9 " ]) J1 JO 8-' C.tlttOtt"·' 8 17 28 JS 2o ,. Edmonton ~ IS 7J ., 73 SJ !»an Jo-.f' • 14 76 JO 7S •9 NOTE S•• Potnts. ctwardPO fo,. ot victory ttnd on~ bonu\ 001nt ~r 90.1 "''"' .t maJt· 1mum Qt ""~per oamr o1011SI0111, C•tllor••• I Sllollb,H•l.,s Co lolorn•• 7 11 18 ~iou\ton 10 tS-2S Sa•H JOktf\1 <Cat1torn1al o, Hammond IHOU\lonl 10 Fouls Cahforn•a I•, Hou.ion I) Otlsio.s Calllorn1a 10, Houston 2 '°'""' "oe ~ \ C .ti 1torn1d s. Houston 8. Storino Houston, Scnubertn 1unass 1 J• J), Callforn1a, L1nd•av 1a.-1s1 Sullnlloll, L 1n<1sa y 1 60 SO, Houston, RusM>ll I"""' Moralt'o 71 to A )9H l.OS ALAMITOS S•tunt.>y's Rn .. nt lltth Of n-<Mtt qu .. rterllOI .. mMtiogl Ftr'IJ tCf' OH Jt!'dddldl'I tFrey> 100. I 10 l 1'I! OH L1m11s Brue,. 1 t..1pndml ft 20 o 00. 3 00 By ACCiaim I Ward I 2 40 S2 ••d(la <2 101 Pd<d ~I ..O S7 exalla 110-11 ""'" U9 oo OH Oo>Mln•at '>"'<ones HK,. Wdnt .. C:.O «Cardolttl 4 bO 2 00. 7 20 F1,..1po,,,.n1 1MyleS1 1 00, 2.70 SPO•l•no P.io ITr•d\ure 7 80 Tn<tCI , .. ,. Tip Your Hal IMylt'SI JS 40, 17 •O. b 40 TJjU<l<\a Ooo tClert\W'I. oo. 2 80 l\•<1•••1 1 Pf.11'1f'rl 3 40 ... ourtn r«• Be There Edrly «Brooliat • •O .• 70 3 40. Wl\111tes OM ICarao1a1 tJ 10 I 00 l\oOb•• Pini. No..._. 1 T•easu1el a ao u "'""" 11111 paid s 12• oo F '"" fdCt-Oup., \ Patt•rn tCreao~r • 18 80, o .0, ,oo. F-r.,•c n Force 1car<101rll S 00, • 00 Bound Pa\\Pm 1 Myl•" J 00 S1~1n r.-c;~ flultertty Kos-1Car<101al 5 80, l 00. l 70, c;,.,..,,c Cr.arm I Aaa" 1 7 00, 1 40. Up Front Llndd IWMdl HlO ,, •••eta 12·91 P<l•d S7o 80 SPvenon r.>e• Easy A"<;>el IHuntl 10 40, 110, s •O. Rl'<J M•d\ie' I Hd'll . 80, J.•o. Pi;, In one Skr 1Cardo1al • •O E l11M n rdct 0 1Ck1e \ Ott Bar I Frey) 10 10, O 00, 4 00, GeorQ•d Burdick 1P...,-.,.,r1 I 00, 6 00, Born Dancer !Llpllaml 2 OO.S2 e•· OCl<I 18 41 P<l•d \184 80 Nlntll """ TwMk 1w .. r<1I 18 00, 110. S •O IC"\11 1(11• IMltcnelll 8 •O. 9.00, (,o L•m•I\ Go <AOa1rl •.00 S1 esacta 11 SI P<l•O \10• •O Alltnd<Vl<e II 7•7 HOl.l.YWOOO PARK $.\Cur .. ,·, Results l tOlh of 71-40 ll'loro119llbr~d mtth"9l ftt\I -'(P 8-tn~P' Jonn fMcHa,.Quf't ) 20, J 10 '•0 Leal \ Tr<'•P"''-' ICll"dntdrl ) 70 3 00 Oa• For Sa1t1nQ McC•rtono l •0 Secof\CJ tdCP f"told Mr-F~u' •McCArront I 00, 3 ..0 2 40 Jit<tyn !>m1Cn c Ro"''"'' l ..O. 1 •O. Ollffn' 8Mn<'r IMCHar9 ... 1 3 00 S7 Oa1ty Ooubl<' !7 11Pdld111 00 Thlld race ICey Account (M<C•"ont 10 oo. • 40, loo Gay R•PC>lt < O.tall<>us"'Y<'l • 00, 7 •O. StarlliQht <P1ncar l 1 .o. Fourth race Cr11wda dy 1Volen1u•la l I oO, S 00, 3.:ZO, L• Ta Ta (McCarronl UO, s •O. Royal COUM•I (ROHIU) 1.60. u OUlt>elle ti.el polost?Y. Fiith r11ce Curr~oll CMeno) 11.40, 33.70, 17 «I, Arc-Aml>O tMc<:arronl 8.20, •.ftO: Gimleroom I Plnc•yl 3.00. Shtlh rKI ldHI ~IC.Chanoe IRodrlouerl 11 .20, 9 .20, ~.20· Frenc h Mousse !Vatenruelel 7.llO, 4.00, Gran!• Su.rte !Pin. cty) 2.40. '5 E•octa 12·3) peld '2"6.00. Seventh ra<e Mal• !Oolal\OuU•Yel S.20, •.OO. 3.80; Prt111inci• IM<H•rouel S.20, •.IO; Ruled By Speed IMene) 9.20. U Exacto IJ.11 Pilid J1t.OO. El911th ra<e-Vaklez 1Plncav1 3.ftO 2.ftO, 2.10: Pole Poslllon IC.stoned•> 4.00, 2.20, 8H11's Eeo .. IM<H•rouel 1.20. "linlh roce-"llce Honor IPlncayl t.llO, S.40, 3 ftO; Hice Honor <McC..rronl t .00," :zo. Jiii's O•&am IOI"'""' s.oo u Euc1a 11·21 ""'" n :zo.so Altenoance 28,S98 Misc. WEEICEND TltANSACTIOHS 8ASE8ALL AtMtko11u...,_ "I EW YORK YANKEES-Rttollecl Brl"'1 Ooyte, lntlekler, trom Columbu1 of Che In. •trn•llOMI Lu9ue, Pieced Jom B.allie. p1tc11er Ott II• 2HMy d i\ObteG list. Ptoced Mickey Riven, oullieloer, on the sup· p1tmen1a1 ts-doydlwbltd11s1 SEATTl.E MARINERS-Placed 'hane Rowley, pllcller. on Ille dlsabled llst. Recelled Reno, Stein, p1tc11er ltom SPOii one ot the Pac Ille Coast LHg11e NetltMll.Htllt PITTSBURGH PlllATES-<>Pll-d O.lt 8erre, intlt'IO.r, to Pol'llano ot <ho Pacific Cofll l.ellQue, fl00T8ALL c.HIClll ~--·"Lt ..... TORONTO ARGOHAUTS-AcQulred Cr•lo L•llCJell. t!Qht end, from IN Winnipeg Blue Bom11ert In e•chonoe tor Wat11< Howerd, tltlll eno. Signed Ed Tllomu, ~lc ker·delen1111e llao. R•ltHtd 8011 Stnter, *'''"',... toc:kle. cou.•o• ARIZONA STATE UNl\ll!RSITY-1'1DINCJ I.on Miiier trecll C09(9'. ..... -.. ·-.... • FOR 'THE RECORD I TE~NIS, CR~ o.u, Pllol Pll<llO by Almon Loe Utley THE ALL-FEMALE CONCUBINE CREW STRUGGLES WITH SAIL UNDER TOW TO START LINE. OCC Crew Draws Cat r At Henley Special to lhf' Daily Pilot READING'. Engla nd -While his oar!:>rnc•n \\C•n· n•ll•hr<1ttn1L Dave Grunt \\al> JUSttfi:.ibly up st'l with lhe fi rst round draws for this wee k's prcs t1 g1ous Henley Rt'gatta For the th1 rd lime in a row. his Oran~e "oa !:>t College crew 1s pitted against a fe llow American shell ··1 'm in absolut1• disbelief I can't l>C'licvc-al." C rant SiJld after OCC found out 1t will facl' the Cal Rerkclc·~· 1untor vars1t~ eight \\hen il opens cnmpct1t10n in the Lad~ s Challl·nge Plate Di v1s1on Thur!:>lla) mm ning, NOBOOY TllAT nows for OCC's crack crew set-med to be in a eomplaining mood Satur· day. howe ver Not only dtd the Pira lel> win the S<'n tor "B " d1v1s1on of tht.· Rt•ading TO\rn Regalla. tlwy M·cmcd to be pleased with the draw. The reason " OCC ha s already beaten the Cal crew this year. scoring a three-length victory al the San Diego Classtc. A repeat Thursday at Henle~. which runs four da~ s, wou ld give OCC the inside Ian(' toward the title, Grant says "If we r~10 gl'l past Cal, we can make it to the ft nu ls," says Grant, whose trcw is Just one of 32 in its division. Part of the optimism stems from the fact that Thursday's winner will probably b(' pitted agai~st the Lady Mar garet Boal Club' of London the following day. And OCC proved it can beal that crew Saturday al Reading. IN THE F IRST of four races, OCC rowed to a J 3.4 boat leni;nh vi ctory over Lady ~t argaret. churning the 800·meler ('Ourse in 2 17 In its second ract'. it won by two·thirds of a le ngth in 2.11 over Kent School of Connecticut. the senior "C" division winner In th e final . OCC bea t Peterhouse Roat Club of London by a boat length in2: 15. In an exhibition race. OCC placed second in tht' Invitation Challenge eight. Yale, the senior .. A " divis ion winner and an American powerhouse. won in . 2: 06, just one second and a litlle more than a meter in front of OCC. Reading University, row· ing in the familiar Thames River waters, was third in 2:11. Wimbledon Flap Mom Irate Over Wro~g Exposure PIEDMONT. Calif IA P 1 Egee Siegel doesn 't appreciate millions of people ogling a t twr daughter coming oul of her ten ms dress. Or think it i!:> in good taste. "I think the press has shown incredibly poor taste the way they've exploited my daughter," steamed Mrs. Siegel after seeing a revealing picture of ht-r daughter Linda tompl't1ng at \\'1mbledon. "AS A MOTHER. J think thl' press could find something ml')rt' important to write about than this x-rated stuff " l::1ghteen·ycar·old Linda exc1l erl London's Fleet Street and much of the world's press b~ breaking a strap on her braless. low-cut dress while losinR. .to B11l1 e J ean King Wedm•!:>d:.S\ The broken s trap exposed ht·r left breast mometanh . J rond1 t ion SC\'eral tablo~d ph11tr1 graphers froze fOrC\'er v. llh t he1 r qwck shuttC'rs After lhe pictures appeared on the front pages of tht· loc:al papers, they we re tran~mtlted world wide by the wire !:>en•1ce~. .. He r outfi t con formed tn Wimbledon's dress codes \\'hat happened was simply an a1·<·1 dent," Mrs. Siegel said · It cou ld ha ve h ap p e ned to anybody. But some local paper., d1dn 't even have the decency lo g ive an explanation of the inc1· dent when the stor y broke. They JU!>l ran the picture w1lh so me ludic rous caption. "WHAT BOTHERS ME is lhat all this fuss detracts from Lin· rla 's tennis She ·s an outst anding player She won the 12 and 16 l'iat1onal!. and has represented our country HH tennis ac- t•o mphshments us ually rate one hnr tn thl' papers. The press has no ~en~e of proportion." Mrs. Sit•gal said Linda had t•a llt•cl homP following the m otc h and talkl'cl to sisters about the ~tra p bn•ak1 ng 'She sa1<l she> was e mb:ir- -rassed it broke and that the Lon- clnn press "on't leave lier alone <1boul 1t." Mrs. Siegal said. In London. her daughter was quoted as saying s he was not lrig htened t o v.ear the dress again "I Sl'PPOSE IT IS a bit dar· 1 ng .. s hl' told a repor ter. Betause I don't "ear a bra. tht·r" 'A as alwa,\s the chante that somt>th1ng might happen. It happt•nt•<l. lo.I> what ') I wasn t awa re that I had ..,hown too much " :'\ t•ws papC'r'> "'ho..,e photo· g rn phcrs m 1sscd p1 ctu res of he r popping out of the dr ess flocked to her hotel. reportedly request· io g a repeat pe rformance or that she J)'ose topless. She refused. Front Page-82 SUPER SPORT. • • must o btain m ajor leagu<' waivers. The same process 1s followed but it may be done only once . The second time a player appears on the m aJor league waiver hst. the waiver request 1s irrevocable and claims must be honored. st arting with that of the team lowest inthestandings. a rr anged with c lubs who otherwise might be expected to claim a player passing on h.im in order to a llow his team to make .1 trade Jn exchange for pass· 1ng. the club would receive a favor in the future from the club s<'eking waivers. With a top player like J ackson, however, it might be difficult to arrange The refore. a top player whose -.that kind of a~rcem ent because name is placed on waivers and several clubs would likely claim then withdrawn is safe from htm. \.. trade within his league for 30 Whew! T hat's a rfloutbful. days . But often the waiver claim Doesn t anybody have a question s ignals the st.art of trade negotia· a bil easier ·! lions. The only way a trade Super Sport wonts to hear from could be completed after tJxf" you. Drop him a line clo Super season. however. is if walvJrs Sport. sp<irts department, Daily ~re obtained. Sometimes a Pilot, 33-0 w. Bay St .. Costa Mesa. gentlemen's agreement can be Ca 92626 INVESTMENT VEHIQ.E 60 MOS. NEXT TO NOTHING DOWN SENSIBLE PAYMENTS Gas Saver Car Show See all. the gas saver models dally thru July 3 at Hunglngton Center mall • free' •05 Fwy and ~each Blvd . H B FINANCING • . $/Jotlight Bea.ms On Sports Togs \ • Y6u play tennis. go sailing, jog to the bearh You travel, give barbet'ues, walth baseball aasnes from a choice seat. It's our active, sporty Southern CaliJornl• life style. And JOU dress the part. Warm-up sulta, crisp tennis whit.es, easy care Mparates. They're part of a new, sporty group de 1lped by Ruth Robbins, who bu teamed with O.J. Slmpeon to produce colorful playtime out· ft ta. 0 .J . Simpson Activeware for men and boys and a fall line of Ruth Robbl.n& Sportsware for womeo were unveiled at a ballpark bash and faehionabow atAnaheim Stadium. Models ran. danced and leaped over suit cases in a fast-paced display of kicky togs. Upbeat colors like jade, orange, cherry. jamoca and deep red are made up in corduroy , Oupon~ slicker and poly-cotton blends. Elastic shirring, zip-out hoods, zippered pockets and reversibles are featured. The O.J. Simpson Collection, a full line or sportswear, focuses on functional designs. O.J . 's involvement with Ruth Robbins Sportsware is .more than a celebrity endorse· ment, according to Ms. Robbins. "We wort together on every design and the results are comfortable garments for everybody from tennis pros to disco roller skaters, rac· ·quetball players to joggers and cyclists to tournament Frisbee participants," she says. But she makes it clear that you don't have to nm 10 miles a day to wear clothes from the collections. "With p layers and kibitzers alike wanting to be fashionable yet practical, it's only natural that tennis and joggin~ts will emerge as the new suburban uniform,• ys. -arcia Forsberg I / \ \ \ " . Ruth Robbins and O.J. Simpson were on hand at fashion show to introduce new sportswear lines. Featuritlfl. • • • J - Clockwise, from left: short tennis skirt, slack suit with jacket, slicker pants outfit, casual summer suit, soft jogging set. < . SUndly, July 1, 1979 DAILY PILOT •5' .... ' / ·~ i .. ··" '· f . ---·- Are Lines Driving Motorists Into Panic? Most of us have been spending a lot of time in lines.lately. .. We've been waiting patienUy to buy gas, to purchase groceries and to even park our car at tbebeadl. we•re crowded like caWe and pushed and shoved and made to conform to a apace. Sometimes it feels lite we've bard1y enough air to breathe. With our lack of room and the feellq of powerJeuneu, comes summer beat producJ.q abort tempera and sometimes a dose of paranoiL I experienced such a dose the other night. ova NBWSPAPE• IS expandlna 't• facllitl• and. while coastructioll ti under way we are abort of parktn1 spaces. Employees have been uked to park where they will - wblcb 1enerally means the street. Tbe other monal.Da I parted my wanton 1U..er Alfa Romeo oa tbe ttrMt about a ball block from the Mllbborbood Ml'Ylce station on the corner. ID the eftldftl u I was preparing to leave, ~ .··~ a woman in a late.model car with its headlights on pulled up directly behind my Alfa pinning me between her and another vehicle parted in front. Her motor sWI running, she sat Inside her car and looted at me with a glare that could kill a moequlto. I. with my key in the ianition and unable to move, didn't know quite what to do. AS THE SECONDS licked by and she d.Jdn 't move. I belan bavlns strange and fri.&btenin& video Oubbacka of television murder mysteries where the villain pins the hero's c:ar down and then comes over to finish the job. Bam! Bam! When the ominous woman who had trapped me opened her door and started moving slowly toward me, my heart fell directly into my big toe. So this is it, I thought. I couldn't figure out what I was being fingered for. Or why it was bad enough to rub me out. My car payments were being made. I hadn't seen. an old boyfriend of questionable character for more than two years. I wasn't in· volved with anyooe's husband. I was just an average, slightly nutty, mid· die-class person living in bland Sewer Beach with my husband and two children. As she slithered closer. I expected , at any .. moment, to see the cold steel glint of a eun. Her right arm wu resting auspiciously on some sort of a black bag. By UU. time in a panic, I tried to decide what to do. ' SBOtJLD I &eaBAMf It was dark and everyonebad aonebome. Noone would bear me. Should I wail .for her to get directly in front of the car door before shoving it open, kn ocking her off balance and running for my life? Her car motor was still running. She was prepared for a quick get-away. I could see the hit woman's eyes as she approac.bed with the menacing blac:t bag pointing directly at me. She was smiling -flendiahly. I waited for my We to n u b before me -as some say it does -when the Big Moment comes. Notbingfiashed. . As she moved d.Jrectly in front of the door, I grabbed the handle. With my other band, I held on to my purse -the only weapon around. I WAITED FOR her to make a move. Suddenly the strange woman with long black hair said: "Is &his a gu line?" Stifling a laugh of r~lief and feeling guilty for my paranoia, J replied it was not. "Thank God," ebe said. "I'm so tired ol waiting iD lines." . With that she got back into her car and drove away. I reminded myaeU not to wateb to much television. Sunday. Juty 1. 111' W~dlngs/~gagements Mrs. Chase Mrs. Crandal Ch ase-Massey Melinda Massey and Stephen Chase ex- changed wedding vows In the garden of the br ide's parents' home, Newport Beach. The bride, daughter or Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Maaaey Jr., graduated from Corona del Mar High School. T he bridegroom' SOD or Mrs Annice Hawkins of Glendale, Is employed by TRW Systems, Los Angeles. T he couple will make their home in Glen- dale after a wedding trip to Northern California and Nevada. W olf-Bersch Leigh Bersch and Dana WoU exchanged wedding vows in the First Christian Church. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Bersch of Costa Mesa, graduated from Estancia High School and attends Orange Coast College. T he bridegroom , son of Mr . a nd Mrs . Joseph Wolf Jr. of Costa Mesa,. graduated from Estancia High School and attends Orange Coast College. . The couple wall make their home in Costa Mesa. Cran dal-McM u I l~n The Monte Carlo Room courtyard of the Newporter Inn, Newport Beach, was lhe setting for the wedding of Terri McMu llen and Gregory Crandal. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Robert Guggenheim of Linda Isle. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Crandal of Houston, attended Newport Harbor High School and Orange Coast College. He is president of Sea Group Inc., Irvine. , The couple will make their home in Newport Beach after a wedding trip to the Bahamas Saunders-M cCarthy Kathleen McCarthy and Dr. J ames Saun· ders exchanged wedding vows in the Dahlgren Chapel. Washington, D.C. The bride. dau~hter of Mr. a nd Mrs. Vin· • rent McCarthy of Providence, R. I.. graduatec1 ·magna cum laude from .Georget9wn Univer5ity School f Nursing where she was a member or Sigma beta Tau. national honor society for nurs in . Th bridegroom, son of Mr and Mrs. Ken- ne aunders of Huntington Harbour. gradual· e cum laude from the Georgetown School or Dentistry where he was mem ber of Omicron Kappa Ups ilon . nation-al denta l honor fraterruty. The couple will make their home in Orange County Cornett-Lee Immanuel Lutheran Church in Orange was the setting for the wedding of Margaret Lee and ~~rt ~rn~. · The bride, daughter of Mr. Charles Lee of Santa Barbar a. graduated from Cal Poly Pomona and is employed by The Broadway. The bridegroom, son of Mr. a nd Mrs. George Cornett of Buena Park, graduated from Cy press College. He is employed by Hyster Co. The couple will m ake their home in Yorba Linda after a wedding trip lo Victoria, B.C. Scholle-Teag ue Linda Frish Teague and Wilham Scholle ex- changed wedding vows at the home of the bride· groom 's parents, Corona del Mar. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Gerald Frish of Escalon. .., Miss Whitlock Miss Farrer Tht' bridcMrOOOI . !>00 or Mr aod Mrs W1lh"8m&holl~. 14rudualedCrom PoJllona College and is reseurchd1rector for the Scholle Corp. The couple will make their home 10 Newport Beach after a wedding trip to Australia Wtlllams-Black Mary Black and James Williams exchanged wedding vow~ 1n Immaculate Conception Church. Morn!>. Jll The bride. daughter of Mr and ~rs August Black of Morns, Ill graduated from Northern Arizona University. f''lagstafL The bridegroom. son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Jam~s Williams of Cosht Mesa . 1:1radualed from Estan- cia High School and North e rn Arizona University The couple will make their home 1n flagstaff after a wedding trip lo Cctlifornia. Anderson-Bourgeois Mr. and Mrs . Pete Anderson of Newport Beach have announced the engagement or their daughter, J a mie Anderson. to Geoffrey Bourgeois. The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar High School a nd UC San Francisco. She 1s a dental hygienist _,,,_.,,,,_, The future bridegroom. son of Mr and Mrs Harry Bourgeois of Co!>ta Me!>a. graduated from Corona del Mar Hi gh School and attended Orange Coast College and Santa Barbara City College. Re 1s in the construction industry. A September wedding is planned in St. An drew's Church. Newport Beach. Whitlock-Fulton Mrs. E. "Darien\? Whillock or Mission Vi<ejo has announced the engagement of he r daughter.'\ Barbara Whitlock·, lo David Fulton. The bride -elect graduated from Cal Poly Pomona. The future bridegroom, son of Mrs . Beverly Maggialino and David Fulton, graduated from Cal Slate Fullerton An Augus t wedding 1s planned in St. James Episcopal Church: Newport Beach Hoover-Emerson Mr and Mrs . f'red Hoover of Westminster have announced t he e ng agement or their daughter, Joqa Hoover. to Keith Emerson of Redlands The bnde-eleC't graduated from Cal State Long Beach. The future bridegroom. son of Mr and Mrs Gordon Kimbrough of Tustin, graduated from Foothill High School and UCI. An October wedding 1s planned Farrer-An ton in 1 Dr. and Mrs. John Fa rrer of Newport Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter, Susan Farrer. to David Antonini. · The bride-elect graduated from Newport Harbor lligh School anu UCLA where s he was Your Haircut Should Look as Good After Five Days as it Does After Five Minutes. And 11 will when you come to Command Per1orm- ance We shampoo, cut and blow dry your hair with prec1s1on Precision haircutting keeps your hair looking great long after you've had 1t done .. because the hair is cut in harmony with the way 1t grows. And 1 because it's cut to fall into place naturally, you don't have to keep fussing with it. . It costs just sixteen dollars for gals or guys. No appointments necessary. We also otter perma- nent waves. coloring. frosting and conditioning. Make your next haircut a precision haircut. and you worn hate yourself the morning after. W9ct3 l Commapd Perionnanee C ~..,,,. t07't"4mf.nt iftltfllfl"WM!Of\6J Sfw.,..--.. c.,•n S O~•N •V•NtNOlt _,..OAYS Ct A.M ... ~.M. DAILY /tA.M. ·• ~.M. SAT.I SANTA ANA -1232 E. 11tft ST. (l.W. Cot. Of 11th 6Otencl)147 .. 711 COSTA MISA • MllA vuoe C8NTIR 2701 tWHIOft aLVD. (A.-a AdelM) MCM1U Mr. and M rs. Williams affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta. She was a National Charily League debutante in 1970 and is now employed by Wall Street Realty, San Juan Capistrano. T he future bridegroom, son of Mrs. Martin An tonini of Solvay, N Y .. and the late Mr. Martin Anton ini, gr aduated from LeMoyne College, Syracuse, N . Y and St. Mary's University School of Law, San Antonio. An Augus t wedding is planned Gibbs-Fratt Mr and Mrs. Ray Gibbs of Corona del Mar hav.t-! announced the engagement of their daughter . Ann Gibbs. lo Charles Fralt. · The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar Hi gh School and attended Hawaii School fo r Girls and Or ange Coast College. She was a Harbor Key dcbutante a nd is a legal secretary with the Paul Kennedy Jr. Law Firm. The future bridegroom, son of Mrs . Winston Severson of Corona del Mar and Charles Fratt Ill of Orlando. graduated from Corona del Mar High School and attended Valencia College in Orlando. An August wcrl<l1n ~ 1s planned 1n Plymouth Congregal.Jonal Churc h, NcwJ>()rt Beach .-.,,,;--.. 50th Annive rsa ry Mr and l\1 n. I lt•nrv Shull. nal1ve!> of Mon tan a. were honored at· a luncheon celebrallng their 50th weddmg ann1ver.,ary The Schulls reside in the Orange West Con valescenl Hospital, Uucna Park Mrs. Schull will celebrate her 90th birthday July 3 and her hus band celebrated hi s 87th birthday during April. . Their three children are Mrs. Helen Cline of Harbo,r City, Mrs . Evelyn van Gelder of Placen tia and George Shull of Costa Mesa. They also have 11 grandchildre n a nd II g r eat· grandchildren 50th Annive rsary Daniel unc1 Murgart•l ,\ra of Newport Beach n :lebnilt•d their 50th "'t·dding <.inniversary at a µarty g1\Cn for tht·m by their children at the home of Mr <ind Mr!. l.ou1~ Amt'n of Corona del M ar Miss Anderson. M r. Bourgeois Miss Gibbs • Wedding and engagt'· meru an110uncemenu rim on Sunday in the Dai /If Pilot Forms are avadah/P at all Daily Pilot of/ices fJr b11 C'allinq the f"eature<: Department. 642-4321 T11 auo1d d1sappo111r ment. prospect we bnd»., are rt•rmnded to haue their weddinq stones. with " blade-arid white glos.~y nf the lmde or of the coupll', lu the 1'"eatures lkparl nw11t ur1e week bt'/ore t ht> u1eddmq Mr. and Mrs. Ara The Ara:-. W(:rt· murnc•d 1n St Brcnoan s Catholic: Chun·h Lol. Angele:.. wh1•rc they lived all their married life until moving to Newport Beach during 1975 They have four thll<lrcn Ur. Charles Ara. Mri.. Louis Amen. Mis:. Man Ara aod ~t r-, Wi lham While They also have.13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren It makes Cents to shop with money-saving food coupons f .rom the Daily Pilot. St a rt savi ng today . Ca ll 642-4321 a nd ask ou r ci r c ulation department for home delivery. Coupon Savings -one more reason people all along the Orange Coast value the 642-4321 .. - -· -------~---------..... ---··· -·-··----..... _ -... -----.. ·-----__ ._. -. --·--... ----·-.. -s=:a•a·------ .. -~LANDERS I ERMA BOMBECK I HOROSCOPE Sunday, July t , 1979 .. ' DAILY PILOT •i lto_ommate Generates Hysteria ~lJBUC NOTICE PtJBUC N.9'TIC£ "ICTITIOUI •UllN•M P ICTtnOUI •UllMllU MAMlllTAT ..... NT NAMalTATIM9MT T ... foll-U.. lie•'°"• .. ,. 001110 Tiie I0110wl119 --" OOlno llUtl· 0\1$11\H\ ~ nen H A C MEOICAlSEftVICESAGlN OElllllE'S TYPING, l/OU·A My eon. t.M 1cltool teacher. bu Jut beC\ID a nlalloaiblp l haw. klrla drMdecl. ffe ha a l'OOmaiate. N~ I would keep llletal. but I feel 1tron1l1 lt ud pointed out t.bet tit.II la my bowe ad I have certain rulel ~ O..e lh1nJ:~ countered wtt.h h1a \IMt.&.I locic. ··u IL bothC!ra you, Just keep lb• door doMd.." I • limt wla.b we were ta1ldlta &boat a atrl. "Killer .. 11 a rour.root kin& anue that ho boutht tor bis dau to "keep tM kida from watcblna UM clod." T'hat'a llke daUn.t Dracula to aet YoUr mlnd off your low blood pressure problem. Wbeo t.C'bool tmded, he amqgled tt lnto hla room t.blnkinl lt would never be Cllacovered un · der the clutter. Knowing I was upsel about the "arrange· me.at" (I thrHlmed to Jump otr the sink Into tbe 'dilpoler> ho made out ¥ list of Kilter·s ~· deemlns virtuu. Dom not UH IH· Doel not bark au nlabl. Dool not. amell or abed on the sofa. 01.acour-.u door·to·door salesmen no. not anore. Doel not &et r.tclc and need expensave an· tlbloucs. Does not need hcens<' to Leave the yard. llas no weml sex habits No messy bowls or Jars or cans al reeding hme. In retaliation. I mude a list or Killer's im· perfect.Iona : Discourages breathing by your mother. Grosses everyone out by ~•Ung a live mouse, then crawling into a bowl or water for a couple of days. Generates hysteria whenever he walks into a room. Is immodest about tuklng orr skin in public. •·[8 that all you can thJnk of?" asked my son. "No. I've got one more. A snake as a room· mate is the fastest way I know to make a boy homeless." A snaJ<e doesn't even have the 171annef-s to wave goodbye when he leaves a house. . CV, tftl '"'111 8'1 .... S1ree1. s.i.i. PIMll"'" UM. H1111tlnot0<i 9M<tt, A .... C.alllwNe'2106 C.ll'°'llle.,.., A·C ~I $ervk .,, In<, It 0•11111• Allll Oepln, IJOU·A Celllor111e t .,pot•llOfll, tit/ NO•'" Pln•fl•lf'I '--• H11111f119ton Be.at,., 8t1\IOI Str .. t. ~ AM. C•lllorlll• C.alllOtl\ ... .,..., "1110. T"t' ~to C-1Alcl 11, •11 II\· r..1, ~,.,\" cOftduoed 11, a <Ot· dMo ... 1 .. -•tiOll. °"4lle AM 0.tMn A C E#Pl.OYM(NT '"'' \W...,_t •• fl-with t11e SERVICES, INC. COlllllY C"'11 of Dref\99 CDllnlY Ofl R""'CMlllo. J-1. 1m ......,...t lllf.,. Tiii\ llM-t w.s Iii.ct •1111 If¥ "111111,Nd ~M\Ot Coe\t 0.lly Pllol Countt Cl•t'll ol Ofatitt COlllltV on JI,,,. 10, 11, 14, J11ly 1. lt7' HOl·1• June I, lt/9, ----.. 11.,,. Put>ll"*' 0r....,. Co•nt Delly Piiot June•0, 11.14,Julyl, "" 120>-1' PUBUC NOTICE ..ICTITIOUS IUSINESS PUBLJC NOTICE Ll!GAL HO'TICE l"OVNTAIN VAi.LE Y SCHOCK. DISTRICT ~.O. IUISlt ,.~HI Va lley, CA tt7• AtQ~\I for bl~ llft 1urn1•llUllJ •flG NAME STATllMENT ln\lallltlQ C.tpelotlQ, Tiie, Trim <,trip\, l ne to11ow1n9 pe.-. '' doing bu\I· Bew, Bid 80-t nei.\T.t'E a K I( TC LIE N ,7,1 8ldopen1noci..te anc1111ne.July l2. "I• YA I I .., • , "".J 00 P.M C.dtclen G<ow Bt•O • G•rden Grove, GowtmlnQ Board C•l•tom •d G....,.M. Hatdy Mar9<1re1 S..n.-1, 1001S 0...11 Ct Oepuly ~rlnlel\Oenl FOUnl•tn V•llt'Y. C•ltll:lmla ~'Gt , Pi1bh\/leel Or41n91 Coe\I Oe1ly Pilot Tiii\ b<N,.u ,, ('Ondu(lltd lly en 1n June u. JUiy 1• 1,,. 2'°7·>• To Teens: Is Drinking Worth Risk? Ol•ldull Maf9<t~I Slllll~ I Tllo\ \ .. ttmt<\I ,.._ l•l•d w1lh Ille Count• Cletlr ot Or•niae Co11nly on June 19, 1'19 jJll1fl4 Publl\l'!Pd OrM><Jr Coest D•llv P1IOI, July I, I, IS,?J, "" 2US.7' PUBLIC NOTICE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE STATE OFCALll<ORNIA SOUTH OllAHGE COUNTY JUDICIAL OISTRICT DEAR ANN LANDERS· Act.'Ordin• to Tbe Jlllnois Church AcUon on Alcohollc Problea13, alcohol is the No. 1 caUBe ol death amoa.g persons from lS to 24 years of age. Here are the • facts : In 1976 (latest official figures) lD the 15-to.24 age group there were 46,081 deaths. The leading ca uses of death were accidents. murder, suicide, cancer and heart disease, in that order. But actually, ~cohol caused most ot the ac· ddenta and murders as well as a third of the suiddes. llere'a the breakdown: Caue()f • Beat.la Accidents: Motor vehicle Drowning Other Murder Suicide TOTAL .cancer Heart Disease ~-h ... .a --Ji: a< ]& ~" • ca.. 16,650 -""> 60 2,090 69 S,516 -SO s.ma -8' \4.1•1 a .s 34.101 a 2,6S9 .some 1,072 ( HorOseope MONDAY.IULY2 1: BySYDNEYOllAlla lo 11>.C :I 0 .u t->< • >. ~= 9,990 1,442 2,788 4.~ 3,2161 23.2SS ( '!) ] \' ARIES (Mar. 2l·Apr. 19): Finlsb rather lhan begin -get views on record. then listen. observe. lean, compile data for "future on· slaught. •• Yoo get news which Yindlcates views. You will aoon have opportmtlty. to reach more persons lD additional tenttories. TAU.VS . .(Apr• 20-MQ 20): You mate COD• tact which aids lD easing wort load. Accent on practical issues. getting to heart of matters, dealing with Leo and Aquarius natlftS. One who has your best lntemts at foref.rutt will provide valuable information concerning nutrition. GElllNI (May 21·June 20): Good Moon aspect coincides now with creativity. getti.Dg to he.art of matters, expressing feelings.. Follow through on bunch. Learn tbroagb teaclllng pro- cess. Cancer, Leo. Aquarius persons figure pro- m inenUy. CANCER (June 21..July 22): What seemed a • trap boomerangs in your faYOr. You•u bave rea· s on to celebrate. Gemini, Saglttarius ~raooa figure prominently. Horbom expand, social life accelerates. You feel mote secure. You're on solid base! LEO (July 23·Aug. 22) · Short trip on agen· da. Relative, temporarily .. confined.•• sings the blues. Be sympathetic, but refuse to become in· extricably involved. Another Leo, a Scorpio and an Aquarian figure lo scenario. An idea can be s ubmitted to employer or publisher -profit re- s ults. • VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept . 22): Hold ti~ht-some- one i s planning to .. relieve' you or valuables. Accent on personal possessions, money. valuables, special payments and collec· tioos. Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius natives play slgnfi<:jlnt roles. LIBllA (Sept. 23-0d. 22): Make adjustme.nt / in domestic area -remodel, decorate, listen to lament of family member. Cycle high-you're a winner and your number is 6. Take Initiative, stress originality. independence. Trust your own judgment. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): U di.84:reet, you make financial gain. Key ls to avoid brooding, worryin.g. Perfect techniques; clear away debris of self-deception. You could visit hospital. A clandestine m eeting may be spotlighted. SAGITl'AIUUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Press forward -you win friends and away opinions. RelaUonabip intenslfles. You'll have more respons:lbillty -also have mote money and love. Cancer, Capricorn persons figure pro. minenUy. A wish is fulfilled. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·Jan. 19): Finish what you start. Protect reputation, business lo· terests. Take nothing ror granted. Let go of "security blanket." It is time to take cold plunge inlo future. You get credit for recent ef. forts. AQVAIUUS <J an. 20-Feb. 13): Accent on new start which insures success for long.range project. What seemed a "loet cause" acts as if a phoenix, rising from its own ashes -revived, vital. Yes, you will be going places! Be confl· dent. PISCES (Feb. lS.Mar. 20): Follow instincts, give full reln to intuitive lntellecl. Follow through -you do have grip on truth. Stop ra· lionalizing. Your own aubconscioua has answers. Know lt and don't fear your "powers." A•• Laadn-s HOPEFUL DEAR HOPEFUL: In lbe Lelle.r to lbe Epbesiam it says everything iD heaveo or eartb shall find U.s rolllllme nt in Christ. So -you cu tell yoa.r son, .. Yes ..... DEAR ANN LANDERS· We have two daughters; ooe 1s 18, the other 16. 1 have always maintained good communication with my girls and we've discussed sex on many occasions. I do not believe in sex without marriage and You can see that alcohol killed over 23,255 they led me to behevc they agreed. The 18·year· or America's youth in one year. This is over half old fell quite strongly about remaining a virgin of all deaths in tbjs age group. -R.M . OF until marriage -even though she'd been dating CHICAGO a young man steadily for a year. ... DEAR R.M.: Tbuk you for the flf1ltt8. I'm Three montl\..5 ago l was shocked to learn eot a ataUs&Jclan and can't vouch for them, but I that the 18·year-old is having sex with her hope all &eea·agers who read this will ask boyfriend. My feelings or disappointment and themselves, .. Is gettlng bombed worth Lbe risks anger run very deep . involved!.. Although I s till don't approve of her DEAR ANN: It's obvious you have never behavior, I'm trying .10 maintain the s ame rela· llnown anyone with an authentic case of tionship with her that ex 1st~ before. telepbonitis. My husband and I have done our best to br· Your comment that he wants .. to be put in ing up our daughters with values and morals, touch with what's h appening" is pure rubbish. but it appears we have been failures. l am - He wants DO s uch thing. H E ARTS I C K A N 0 L 0 0 K I N G F 0 R He ls enchanted by the sound or bis own CONSOLATION voice and bas no Interest lo listening. DEAR H AND L : I hope yoo realize the • I realize the telephonabolic is lonely, but trouble you are having ls with you.rseU a.od not I'm a busy woman and don't wish lo serve as a wltb your daughter. She bas chosen the way she substitute for therapy. wants to go. Accept it and st~y orr the subject. I've said, "I must run now. I'll talk to you I do ool reel that you have falle.d as parents later." (The monologue goes on.) I've also tried because your 18-year-old daughter dido'& sne this one. "I'm expecting an important call and her vl.rginity for the wedding night. Had she must release the line.•• Result? Anger and been able lo do so, bravo -but she didn't -so hostility. • don•t try co saw sawdust. rm afraid there is 0 0 way to get away Crom My position on high school sex is negative. th t.e.1.....,.,_.. t b rt r being bl ... · as It always bas been. Today. however, young e .,,,.......... pes 8 0 0 so unt i.uat 1L .....,.pie mature earlier pbvsically. Add the pre· may end the frieads.b.ip. ..--' PUBLIC NOTICE ,.ICTtTtOVS IUSINE\S NAME STATEMENT Tnt> tollow1no per)On~. Mt ao1n9 b'\l?i.1n•\S tt~ lAU C IC A L AN TR Y AOVERftStNCi, 81J1 Pewtu t OI D""'· Hunlll'!Qton Beecll, C•lllorn•o 9164b E•• La..ck, 9137 P~wtuCVI Orivt, Hunt11191on Buen. C•t11orn11 •U•b Jonethan Latlfry. 1132 Pawlu<hl Otin, Hl#ltlnvton lleat!I, Cat1torn1e '1••• r h• \ bys;l\t\• i~ cond11<1ed by " Q'nttat Pllrlnet~"•P Ev•Lauo 3010 Cttwft '"lloy ~•f'tlwO La_.,.,,...,. Calllotnla P LAINTIFF ANN LISTER Dl:FE N D A .. 1 . P ... UL M C HRI S TIANSE N, SH E R ID A N t(fll V O'MARA ana DOES I tllrougl<i 10. •nch~\lVfl' SUMMONS CASEHUMIElt lftlt NOTICE! You MVt -....... The cwrt ma, llKIO. lg.tfMI .,.., wlt,.out our l>ellWI llotd unieu you •UPDnd w1fhln lO day• Rud the lntctrm•llo" l>elow AVISOI Utled II• tlcto o .... 1IHl•d0. El TrllMMal _.. IM<ldir contra Ud. tlft ,.,..,.,.,. a m-.,. Ud. '"90"· da defttro ct. :IO din . Lu la l111orm•· c1onq11e w- 1 TO THF OFFENDANT A CIVIi comp1.11nl M \ DHn Ill"<! t>y Ille pl.Ion· 1111 ao••n~1 wou lhlt Sle-1 WiH lltlld wllh I~ County ci.rtr. of Oren99 Covnt, on a . II YOU wish to O•f~nd '"" ''""' l~l#\u11. you must, w1ttun 30 days •fh~r June u , 197'. PubHslled 0rilftQf' C~~I 061lr P1lol tno\ wmrnon~ t\ Y'tVf'd on you. f"c June 11, 2'.ndJuly t 1. 1m 2?91·7' ~~~~~~~'., <;>;:•:hdl' ";'~:!,';,:.•~:di~~'·~ ~UBUC NOTICE J11SllCt C_,, you "'""' tole w11n lh" t o1ii1rt A wr1rtt-fl\ pMaoedU"M) or t~s.e dn o••I plea0•"9 lo b" t'ftlt>•,.d In '"" -----------OOCkPll VIII~\ you 00 SO, V"Our dt!leull ,.ICTITIOUS •USINESS ,.,., ot "'"~ uoort 8'IOl•<.tllon 01,111e NAME STATEMENT pl•tnttll. •nd lh1\ cOU<1 m<1y PftlN d Th• follOwl~ pertons ••• doing l~MI a<lo'lfl•I you lor tht ret••I O• OVsorltS\ •' matl4ed •n t7lt' corno•••nl. wh•<ll could 'C E W P 0 A T E A S T •null'" o;tm1\l\mllfll 01 ... _._Iii• .ru~ A PAATME NTS. 1.00 FtvlfttdQt. ol mon.v or-nyor olhtt rrl1~1 '" Sau -. C-• tlM7 r.to 4JOO ~ltd lnt'>e•Dm91••nl '""'P"' o ...... No 100, N~wporl D 11.,.. Wlsll • .... tM •Cl-t<~ 01 Bt'.C: "· Ca11..,,.111a '1"60 '• 111_,, '" 1111.l m•llH', YDll •floulO R'"-W, ~ • .-ttS 8rucP " H ~ .. a..t ,, .. , wnlleoi Cr~ent. ....,_.. 8Ncft, C.al~ ,._ .. ,11 • ...,,,,..ykfll••11t1,,.e 92~ OATED DK-rlS. 1ql8 W.tyne Flotl<ln. 49 South Portol• Jotmt"'> 8 Hdtto South l..&Qllna. C.altrom111 <min c ''" Tllo\ b""'~' ,, <onduCled D•. 8yC..M1lltr. qetMf ... Plf'tnllnfllO °'11ut y Ru•'ltllW.Cers-nt•• MARYi" 0.-YEll Tiiis 11•1-t w.n hi.a wllh Ir... UU o..-Dn•• County Cler' of Or•nge COUtllY on S•ule p Ju~79. tqN • trvlfle, C..J....,.,, '111\ Fll7tSS Att-o.)er' "'41nl1ll Put>h~ OrdflOt' CN\t Oaily PllOI Publ.-, °'""""' COil\f Dd1ly 1'11u1. July I, 8, I~, n. t•l'I 2S~/q June 11, lOnd J11ly 1, 8. 1919 ))q) 7q P\JBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE I bate to sound like 8 cynic. Ann, but the ssure of advertising, movies. and TV, and you best solution ls to be brutally frank and let the baveuoverloadedcircaltlnasex-orien&edsoc:le· FICTITIOUSIUSINESS SUPEAIOtlCOUltTOFTHE bi all ty. Twenty.five years ago, I would have called NAM£nATEMENT suT10,.caul'011N1A,.oR c Pl I where they may. -FREE AT LAST clan-TM foll-11>9 oersons ... do1no THECOUNTYO,.ORANGE DEAit PREE: Tb .... for yoar oplnioD. but you _..teratramp,butaottoday. oui.n~u •~: NO.A•1-.S tllere --....._.more ham·-wa,• to e_._acate r=======~===::iii~----------0\1 8UENAVISTA,1714ASllYCNM',Clr· H OTtCE OF HEARING OF --....., <I A••• RUFFELL'S <le,lrvint,CA'17I• PET ITIDffFOR~ltOBATEOFWILL yHl'8elf from dMlse ao.ely, .....etie peeple. R . R. Wllcoa. Inc IGeMt•t A .. 0 FOil LETIEllS TESTAM6H· 'J'lllak 1..--... .a-P•rtn•r. • C.alltornla Ce>rpot•llOftl, TARY ANO FOii AUTHORltATtOOf · IUlnlltl:'r,vcar. UPHOLSTERY 1nos..~c1n1e.1rv1ne,CA .,114 To ADMtNtUER UNDER THE DEAR ANN: We are fundamentalists and A~ 5utt M<Curo,, 'v.,_~,,. tNOEPENDENT AOM1N1STRATtoN believe the Bible Is the word of God. Still we do w.... T•W.t PartMrl, l11MSltypeAClr<te.tf"'-. OF ES TATU ACT IPR08ATE CODE CA '1114 U I ET SE01 not know bow to answer when our sou asks us if .... Ifft JOWOll .,.1o 1Gf'Mr•• P,.,,,..,,, E•tdt• o• 011v1D 1 s11c. .. ~ ..... hlspetcatwboCiied l<>«tweekwillbeinbeaven 1922Harb0r81vd. 1099S....-.-.HlllUM<f.Hewiiort D A VI D THEODORE SACH '> -Costa Mesa -548· 1156 ik'.-c"· CA 91..c> o.cu~ --w~~h:e~n~~h~e~g~e~~~=th~e:r=e~·~C~a~n=·~y~o~u~l=e.~l=l~u=s~?~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1111~ ~~·I•<~~~ .. ~·. NOTICE ~HEREBY GIVEN •• ~t•I ~o HOWARD G SACHS llM 111!!0 l<i~••·n • YOU ARE INVITED TO ATJ'END A BRIDAL SHOW AND EXHIBIT Presented Bl_:_ THE WEDDING SHOWCASE AT SOUTilCOAST PLAZA HOTEL 666 Anton Blvd. <Bristol at San Diego Frw- On Sunday JuJx a. 1m DOORS OPEN AT 12 NOON FOR VlEWING EXHIBITS FRE E ADMISSION .. A DAY OF ROMANCE l-:XCITI NG DOOR PRIZES FOR ATTENDING BRIDES AT EACH PERFORMANCE FIRST SHOW STARTS AT I 00 PM • SECOND SHOW 0 STARTS AT 4 00 PM FREE ADMISSION FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 714 5'9-2781 OR 6.10-1232 YOUR HOSTS ARE THE WEDDlNG SHOWCASE Mon Amie Brldall and Formal1, Cotta Mesa U..1821 Jl'lqenau c..rny • Frielldl, Oraqe .... Alea'• Formal Wear. Inc., Fallertoa llf.1112 Rea Me"-1 Ordle1tru. S....A.u-.ml Carl Valnte HK Geld. :::rc1 Beacll ... NI! COatt Plua Hotel. C.... Meta S.!111 • Creative Ca1.e1, Orange 833-IQO Dodson Photography. Anaheim '30-1232 Gatewa7 to Travel. lrvlae SSJ-1111 Party 8111ar, · OraaF.e 53Z·Z5%3 Paid 1 Flowen. F11Der1oa 7.._J JoWpt>An<Jtlo oellUOll tor ~e Of Woll ano '"' ""' ~I--~ ft-wllh •~ -<•Of Ufl"t'\ T•\lamMl¥Y 10 1 C-tY Cle<1r. °'UK Anvtles Cout\ly on pellllOftH -tor Au1norl1atl<)n 10 A•• JuM 7. 1910 m1nnter ""°"' Ille 1~n1 A·• ..... .~Or '~-1 "'··rv"1:~ "''""'""ion of E\lalK An IPr<'b.11• r vtllt,...., -......., ,,_. 1~ C-S41 e1 W<!). t!!lffH>fX IO Wlll<h '"lie 10. "· 24. Ju,., I, 1•" 2101-14 meOe '°" turt~ e>aMl<Ulotn. """ " '' IM time end 111«• of llearlnQ ll'le '""" PUBUC NOTICE ""~ bffll ~ '°' July 2•. 1979, al l!I ? -----------"m. In tilt' t__, Of ~IWlrln" sunRtO'I COUit,. 0 ,. ntE No l of -d cout1, at 100 C••o< c~"''" STATE OJ'CAL.,ORMIA FOR ~;;71~~I, in Ille City ot S.ont" A•o • THE CIOUMTY 0,.0llAMGl D•lfd J-?Q. t91' NOTICE~·:-i::e~RI N G 0'" l~A Bt..,.tll, PE TITt()H ~ PRDeATE OjJ WILL County C•Wk ANO FOii LETIERS TESTAMEH· HIGGS, FLETCHER & MACK T.llRY ANO FOR AUTHORIZATtOM llOO H-Tow .. TO ADMINISTER UHOER THE t7lr..OWo INDEPENDENT AOMINlnRATIO .. a .. D••to. c• '1IOI OF ESTATES ACT IPROIATE CODE Tel: HUI l:i..lSSI 5'1 ET SEO!. All-tY~ tor P-'ll•o•otr NOTICE IS HE REBY GIVE N 11\at Put>ll~r.ea Orotnq. COcl\I Clo•ly "'''~' JOHN C. Millar l\otS llled het?ln a Pt'll July 1. 1, 8. 1q •9 1'1~ '" hon lot PrDD.'11~ of Woll °'"a tor t\• PUBLJC NOTICE \ll<lftU ol UIC.f\ f~l~OfY IO IN' pellllone<' M>d for A11IMf'11o1111on IO Ad· 1----------- mlnl\ler ...-r IM l~OMlt Ad NO'TICE TO CONTRACTORS mono\lr•llon of E\l .. C" Act IProlMt• CALll"G FOR 110~ COCIP S9t ~-).rele~ .. IO-·<llt\ SCHOOL OISTRICT FOUN1A IN made for tur111tt partl<ul•r\, -1"'11 VALLEY llf MENTARY lhf'll~-ota<f'of M<l•ltlqtM\<111'\f' 8100EADLINE 7000CI•><• 1 r II~\ Ottn Se110' Jutv 11. 141'. <ll 10 00 Of ttw-11111oayn1 July.1~1q • m . tn I~ <0<.1rl•oom of Oep.ttt"""'t PLACE OF 810 RECE IPI O"'"' 1 No. lot w1d court. dt 100 C•vte Centet"" Admlf'U\ttdt•v~ Ofl1t.f''-Numa .. , Jr\• Drove Wl'\t, 1n C7>e Cit' ol Sent• AN , LIQllt"O..Y' Lan~. l'ountaon V<l "'' Cdlllorn1ol C•hlotn.a 9111.(1 D•ledJunP1F,IOlq PROJEC I IOE N l1l-ICAl lt"• ltt A 8tMIC... "AME PARTIAL Of MOlll ION 01 County C•••• BlDCi u .. rr 0 ... , .. m ... , (I ""'°"' CLARKE. LEARY & MOONEY Eltmfftl¥'t !>fh<K>I. •II!>~ S..nM vn,.1 F 8tlllltY ~'•Jr. F0<>nlaln V<•V. C"hlntl\• .. q1104 4601 L•ftUn l11mllY<I.. PLACE PLANS ARF ON F II E 0•• Horth HoUywood,. CA., .. , 1r•<t AOmtf\l\1fdh Vf' Otf1 .... M1d In•• o• Ttl U IJI 7•._JtOO h<es ol ll'o(" At<llllt(I, t.ARMl(HAE.l Mlcwntnfor Pwtlt~ KEMP. ARCHITECTS 1~10 Ln• ~ .... 1 • Pubh~IW!d Ot~ C.0..51 Dally P1lol, Pl.c~. LO> Angel,, ca111orn1o11 'i00.1" July I. 7 IL 1919 u1•,. NOTICE IS HEPE8V l.IVEN lhal th~ •bOvf' f\ame<I Sr MM 0•\lroll OI PUBLIC NOTICE. Orenge Countv. C&l1IMn1A, ~ct1nq O• and lhrOUQh •l\ C,ov•rn1no Bodrd herelnall tr •~ltrte<1 to~-SUPElltOltCOUllTO,TH~ "DISTRICT". w111 tt<elve up 10. bul STATE 0,. CAU,.ORNIA "0" ft()t lelff theft lhe Rbo•P·Sloll .. d ''"'~ THE COUNTY 0,. ORANGE \Hltd bid~ for'"" ... Wdrcl of d <Olll•a'1 No. A·l-70 tor Ille &bO•t DtOj•CI H 0 T t CE 0 F H E A It I HG 0,. Bia• ~Mii bt' r<•<•••r<I in Int pl"(", P£TITIOff FOlt PROBATE 0 .. Will ldenllllfd "t>o•o. an<I \hall be OPflllld ANO l'Olt l ETIERS TEST"IMU•· and publl<lv rt•d .. 1ouo al Ille abo••· TAllY. st•ted llmeena D•ol<t ' Estat~ of RICHARD H PAR IC ER, Thete wlll bt' a '2S 00 doPOSll rt- Otcosto. Qulr..S lor """set of bl<I do<um4!nls IP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN f"'11 ouarat\t~ llM! relutn tn 0000 cond1tlolt LENORE C. CREtNL/IW lie\ lo~ w1tll•n ll•t a,,n aHer lhe bid -nlnil """'" ~ pelilloo 1or Prob.tie ot Wiii aa1~ "- •ncl lor ls-e OI Lttttr\ Te\I.,.,..., E 4<" b•d mu\I confotm •nO ~ ldfy 10 IM ~hliOnt• ••ltr.nc(' 10 •r.oon~1•• lo Ill!' tonl•a<t OO<u~nts Wl\1(11 ,, ""'°'" lor lurtr...r oerllculM\ E•l n t>1CI '"~" br <!C<omC>ctni'a .ond tnat Ii.@ """' ""° pl..ct or !learonq tht 't(Urlly ''''""" tn In the conlr• • 1ne ume ,,., oe;>I\ "''tor July 11. t'1~ do<umen" and by the l11t ot pr~ •• 10 00 ., m . •n '"" < 011rl•oom or 'ub<on1t.c:1on ..: ~r1menl No l ol Y•d tnurt, el 100 TM DISTRICT rto.rtvts IN ••OM le,. C•••< c ... tw Or••~ Wnl '"Ille City 01 ••lecl enyor dll b•O\Ot towd1,.. •nv '"' Sant• A.M,CtM1torn1.t r•ou••rlt•.,\. or 1ntorm•lll1@s •n tln D•ttd June 27 t'14 lllds or tn '"" t110Cl1f>9. tL lee A. er .... t h, T"• Ol!>TR•CT ~ ollf•lntd lro~. C-tyC~r• Ille OtrttfO' 01 IN 0.0.-tmtnf ot 1,,r. WILLIAM YACIOeOUI, JR d11ttrl•I Rttl•tion.l Ille generol prevail!, .... ASSOCIATES Ing ••t• ot per Ol•m w•oe• In '"" M Neorpwt ~Orin locellly In •11•<11 1'11\ _.., •s 10 bel ,...,_ s.t• • oertormtcJ ror •a<h """ or IYP<! c(' Newpef't IMdl, CA ft* wotlmen ,_ to U•<ul• Ille l~ T91: (1U I '*"111 ltect. fll<tM tetM Mf on II~ <ti I~ A ....... •f' .... : ""'4tti-r OISTRtCT Offi<t loottd al Num,,_ Put>llsllAIO Orenoe C.0.H O.lty Piiot, One Lt911111ou'• Lene, Fount•1t( July t. 7, a. 197' u:io." V•llev, Celllotn••· COC>lts mo0y DI' o"' t•IMd on ,..qu9SI " copy of Ille~ PlJllUC NOTICE 111u.tM1111« llO\tl'd at lot> silt Tiit ~no \Clledule of 11tr diem -----------w~1 It t>.ned Uf>011 a wor-lno <tav Of .. ICTIT10U$ •USrNESS t fOfll Ill houn file r111t lor hOllOay ... It: IYATlt:MENT 11\d O•tt11~ wor-~Mii I><" al IU•I '"• to11ow1no per\On1 MO 001110 ""'' •n00.W..11a11. DUtlMU H 11 thell be mendatory uPon lllt CON• "OBl!.RTSt. HOBBS KIT BOATS. TRACTOR to wllOm Ille conlrll<I Is 1'11 Wts"lltt Dtl•t!. Newpot1 BH<ll, 1w1tctllcl, And upon Any sub<onlraclor C.lllOrnla '2tltO 11ndtf him, 10 IMIV nat leu llwltf' ti'K' ROll«t'I Br..ct GooO\On. l'Cll Y•<nt H id 'llt(lli.d tAIO to All wor~m•n c:.tmlll•. NewDOn Btecll. Celltomlt employ'KI t>y tneM In ,,,. ewet ullon ol '2..0 .._ IM t onlr.c:I. SICl"'Y Gtlbetl 1-., Jiil M011n· NO ~ ml'I' wltl\dfew 111• blO tor : 1tl11 View Dr•••, LIQuftl Beien, • 11trlod ol tl•IY tto• d•Y' •lier ,,,. , Cet llOtnle n.51 dett WI f'Ot llw Ol*llllO DI bid\. • '"'' Du\IMI~ " <Olld V<led bY • A peyt'tWJlll ~ •M . P"'10rmen<•. ttnerel Potr1ners:lllP llOftO WIN 0t ,_Ired P<lor 10 Uft<U• Sidney G "-' 11111 ot lht <9Mretl T,,. peymen1 oono T"'\ .... t-• .... , llllO wllll ,,.. ...... Cle In .... '°'"' Ml lortll In tilt Co11My c .. , .. ot Or11199 COIHllV on conlt•t t 00<11tNnt1 June tt, ""' o.v.<lll119 9oerO fll trOr Oy P11t>ll\l'le<I Or-Coor\! 0111, ~1101 P11bll\Nd Or-or CM•I Oetlv PllO'-"• J11ly 1, I , I), n, ,.,. U tt 1t Jiii' 1, I,""' t •t l 1• -- ~ ' . .. ·-··-~· .......... • DAILY PILOT Sund1y. July t , 1179 'M-A S-H' ~pout Man of Principle Wealthy Wayne Rogers Refu'les $25 Million Movie for Tnu3-to-Life TV .. ,. r: .. LOS ANGELES <A•» Wayne Rocera, th~ actdr who left th bat TV erles ··M·A S.tl · without a lt'<'<>nd thouKht. has made another movf' pome ml&ht qu~~Uon . ~ rejected a movie role to atar In 8 new TV m1ntsenes. "I lW'lled down a thutricaJ him lo do W 11 ," he say1 or "Top of th<' IUll, .. an frwin Shaw s tory t.tuat wlll ulr us ti four·hour mlnlsertes In early UIM. "I found thi~ 1·haraC'ter more In· ltireating. The the11tr1r11l h im . was • hug«>, monislrou.s picture. but not Iona on charec~." He'll :star wllb Adnt'nne l\arbeau, El k<' Sommer, Mf'l l''t•rr~r Sonny Dono. Guy Lockwood encl Puulu Prenu:.s a bil( n1t1nt' cual mude po&stble by thl' producllon'!i big bud1tet. AnlJ thul l~ made. pouable. hy 1he somewhat n•vqlut1onurv naturt' or Operauon Prime 1'inw, u <·oulttiun formed to buy origlndl progrummm~ for mdcpt.>ndenl i.tallons INOIVIDUALL \', tht.-95 or i.o slallon~ belonging to OPT "ouldn'l ha\.'e the C1nanc1al muscle to buy tht' minai.t'n ei.. but colltc·llvel.> they do TogNhl'r lht'~ 1·.m bu~ shows as e). pensive m. those on the nelworb. The four-hour Airth Control Pioneer Eyed HOLLYWOOD 1 AP l Ronnie Franklin :-.lars as a pwnct'r in lhl' women's movement in th f' CBS m o v H' · 'I' h c ll em ark a b I e M r :-. San~cr ' ~Its!-. Franklin ~ho regul<irl:-<1ppears a' nn Romanc1 on ·one• Day al <1 Time." plays :\ta rgarl•I Sangt·r who rslabhshed lhe firs t birth cont rol t·ltn1c· 1n tht· l'niled Slates a nd was brought lo lna l undt•r the New York obscenity laws of the Lime V1rg1l Vogel will dared Crom a screenplay by Blanche Jla nahs " C AND EROTIC!· 11 Laur<l Antonelli <Wjferrlistres~ r I SUB-TITLES PORT j • ti' r , ,, ...... ( .• • t• \.1 p • ' • 't , • 1 ··------=--i U A CINEMA MAll MESA SUNDAY MATINEE 2:00 P.M. IF YOU FORGOT WHAT TERROR WAS LIKE ... IT'S BACK The Origin"/ .JAWS ' \ 1' • " o.l I' ~ • ~ 1 \ ~1 f\ \~. t Ir• I' ,, o' f t 141 1' I I ,' ,11 • t ,.\I ST AOIUM ORIYl·IN ,, ,, 1~ bJ<) &170 UA CINEMA Or,1 1q1• I 1 I • • • EDWARDS' rouNTAIN VAlll y #2 WARNER DRIYE·IH H ;n1.11111on BedL n 847 · 3a91 ' Jn' Jr, V.J 1~-1 , L.- WINNER s ~C~~.EMY AWARDSl BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR •BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR I •·«~' 111 llUN UC•Ma!!\11~~ lDWARDS' CINEMA WEST CIHl ODME Wes1m1ns1e1 892·4493 Orange 634·25!>3 STADIUM DRIWE·IN Orange 639·8770 UA CINEMA Costa Mesa 540·0594 m mu1cn <'O:!t. 11boul S4 mUl.aon each. The l' ~crlt" gtv~ the staUoru. lht1 leverage tht>v nf't'd to l'Ompelt.' with lht' n('tworks for rat· • 1n111 8111 city st11Uon• thut In the past could only dchvt•r coou~h 1111dlt'nce to char(le $200 for a 30 tweond <'om11wr1·1ol could get $.S.000. This 111 not Show'i. fmll original story ror tclevlalon "Rl(ll MAN. roOK MAN" that ~came I ht' flr11t s m·1·1•11s(ul A mtmc 11n mrniser ies on ADC Umtt• VN1t'11 ul(o um.I :.1.•t the trend in mo- tion, wui. h1-. l1r11t In "To11 of lit\' 11111 , · ltu~t·ri. plays a man so M'ar ""I h.v 1111dlllt' 1·rl'.1 i. thut he quats his job, lt'U\ll'll h1!1 Wlft• IUld fltrtS With death in fast cars .ind on Utl' bolii.lcd runs al the Olympic trials al La.kc l'lac1d Tltc i.c11ci. will Jtr "l the Lime of tht' Wanl<'r 01) n1p11·:-. 'It"• not <ltrt!l'th a utob1ograph1cal. .. says pro<i11n•r 1'l'rr\ ht·e~Jll of the. Fellows·Keegan <'11 'hut Sh..iw htt'> '>Jiii ht•:.. hke a lot or writers "lw wnll' front J'l'r.,onJI l>xper1cn1.·t.> I expect a llttll· b1L 11f 1l '' Sh,1" ,111d lhl· rt·i.t comes from l111•n1b "Wt: KNt:~ l'.1!>1111~ lht' lc.td wets going lo be tough, .. Kt·1:gun -..ay:, "lit•'!> m uln10:..L t•n•r y M·t•nt: He's 38 to 44. Waynt> \H I:-. ont• of lhl' fev. IK'OPle we lhoughl of. Ht>'s ~ot lht• dynam1l·:-. and thl' energy for that rolt· .. Rogcri. !>l't':-. 111 lht• eharacter an element of i.t'lf -hate \ "llt:'O OPTED for m1ddlt• clasb values and n ht• throws lht•m ovl'r I don't think lh1s rat•tt•r n ·u ltlt'll hi'':-. flirting with death. I 1·oult1n·1 µlay l11m that wu~ ··If I playt•d h 1 rn that way there 'd be no pl<H't' lo go \'nu·ct have· somt• psycholog1c:al d1 ama tit•:-. com1ll'llt•ll to do these things That ;abo n i:rlo.1•:-. 1t 1hffH·ult 111 pla~ You don·L have ,J 1•ltl"a r haw of d1•µartun· Tl11i. gU) doei.n·t kno~ "hat ht· \\ant:-. · Hoger:-., on lht• othl·r hand. knowi. "hat he \\Jot:-. Ile \\:.tlhd out of ··M·A·S·H." and has nC'\t'r looked bac·k. "Do I havt.-any regret!. leav· ing th<' s hO\\ ., I'd have reg ret:-. af I hadn't lefl · · Asi.ume had i.la)ed .............. I wouldn't ..... o-............ .,. •' ~,,, ,_,._l ,,. • ..,. • 634 7SS3 BOBSLEDDING IN MINISERIES Wayne Rogers Returns _to TV 4P PMto have been able to do this l wouldn't have been able to do ·o nce in P an!:>' for Frank G1lrov I wouldn't havC' been able to do 'It Happened One Christmas· with Mc.1rlo Thomas . I wouldn't be able to do the play J want to do Lbas summer." Hogers has abo pursu1..'d his :-.1deline as a lrns 1 ness consultant lo ~ut'h :,tars as Jame'> Caan and P{•tc r t-'alk On(· venture as 500 acres pl<inl"d 1n g rapl':-. n11v. hl·mg sol<.I to wineries I l'Jll makt• .Ill tlw mon1 y I want rn bu!-.1 rws,., hl' :-.:.i~:-. I \C 111:\cr had trouble making money flul I v.ould llt:H'r g1v1: up acting bt•(·aus<> of lh1· Jt·:-.th<:ltl :-.al1sfact1on I can't qunk of the limes 1 'vc lurn1:d down money to do someltun~ 1 ('ared about People a sk me why I turned down a $25 m llhon him to do 'Top of thl· lhll,' a telev1s1on picture l found lhe character more mleresting and the sen pl better wntten \. . '"'" ,. ,.. . .. .. . . United Artists R . . ' " --' , .. TV PERSONALITY .. -. , ......... ~~ ................... ~-3~~P~'11•1m'•Li"! .. ~-~· .. ~ NtON'fWtM9'"' ~~~ .... 2400 11.ae • a1ae • .. .. ......... , .. . _._.,...---,.,-...,--.•a. ........ O..C--1' .. lu-' •t--AUIN1•1 113/))t 9St0 1'1..a ... et.ooea.OO I l .. M ,...,. ....., ·-,.....,, ...... _, ........ _,_ 113/Slt 9SIO ...... ,., ........ Ur)JI 9~ \ ...... . I ...... . ._.. l .... "-" 496-t2S3 ..... .......... -...-.. 7 MOONIAJWI ''°' , ... e J1M e 1.eo e l •M I 11- ..,.. ___ M ,.O,HICY '"°' n ... ti_....._ .. .,. a ,_. """.., .... ,.-.,.. ....... _.. NIOHTWINGCN I 12141 e J tO e •••J 1-. ·-. llcOO P"9fAU .. u. .......... "THE IH·U WS" l'GI WOOO'f AL.lift MMAHHATTAH" WWDAYS-1 '' & ~00 ~T/...,,._l_J:4'-lkl1P·JO. .. IS "HA.Ir IPGI MU.ST WAI.Tl" PACIFIC THEATRES ORWE..fN SWAP MEETS ~ YOUR IUClll -IHJIO n4I OAT Ar HAMOA Bl.VD. ONVE' .. 6 OAANQE ~IV£ IN I Alt TO J N IATVN>AY & SUIC>A'I' ~ ,AMJtQ IUNO.AYI AT,.,.,.,... ITAOIUll ..... ~ .... ""-• ........ , ,.,. ... .,~ THI MUPPET MOVIE 101 ,\Iii WllDHNlSS FAMll Y 11101 .,, .. .,..,., ..... ,..,. DAWN OF THl DEAD "UJ DIVll W rTHIN Hll1a1 <1'ri·~-SU"IMAN 1•01 flUJ IAIUHlLA . .,... ...... ~ ........... ,.0,HfCY 1"1 flUJ NIGHTMAlf IN ISlOOD111 ..-. , ... , .............. O' .... .. THI MAIN IVlHT 1"1> 'lUJ HIHK'S J0811>01 -.. ,.... ,....., .... • • ....,.o......i THI MAIN £VINT (P'Ol flU~ lllNK'S JOll!l'Ol • .,. .......... t .,.. .... ' PIOPHECY ll'OI l'lUS IXOICIST 11: THI HllfTIC (I ) -.. ,~ . , .... "''" THI IN-LAW5!"91 l'lUI fl4f OUTUW JOSfY WAUS (NI ................ .. ~ . . . It'• 9'•Y to~·~• le~ words ~10'wortc .. "1:1~u: C•el '42·567&. t: ; __ :;::~a;.;1.?J 1ma1t·11 FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ----- l ' . __ ........ -~ ---~··---- f I ?FUm critic looks at Duke, Coop, .Barbra and 'Rocky' 81'ANLEY &AtJFFMANN ..................... - Then ll no auch lhinl u an American mm 1t1t., There are •·rench 1tar1, Italian and Japaneee and lndlan stars. all of whom can bavo Ml ca~rs wll)tout one dram of appeal ou\Jlde tbelr own countrtes. But no one has ever become and remalned • atar In the Untled States wll.hout lnteroaUonal appeal, tfollywood has a lways depended on the forelsn market for a good part of Its receipts nowadaya that part is expected to be~ percent Naturally. In virtually every ftlm-&oing country ln the world. Amer1can pktures are a major part of film experience. SO WHEN WE LOOK ¥l one or our stars - of course all lhis Is rals~ by lb~ death of Jobn Wayne -it's lnteresUng to Imagine bow the rest of the ~orld may have seen hlm or her. Remember one proviso voices are usually dubbed ln most countries Allow for a different, but probably opposite voice tn ~ach of a number of different countries, and what did ,..Wayne signify? The American continent. I think. The huge, endlessly potential continent. Gary Cooper had as much of the (in the best sense) legendary American character. but his body and walk could have been those of. say. a Scotsman. Nol Wayne. He was our continent. • ~ WAYNE WAS DIFFERENT from Cooper in a nother way. Wayne sometimes played eccen· tric characters, obsessed. mean. devious. un· forgiving. Cooper was a kind of lanky Yankee saint. Wayne had much oI Cooper's saintliness. in a more rugged version, but he also had some darkness. "Let me explain something that happened in my career ... I have never tried to play the pure hero. . . In every picture ·that I've done 1 ·ve tried to have some human weakness and admit those human weaknesses." Wayne once said. "The gangster picture came out and they were making the hero out of thugs. They drove everybod}' out of the Westerns except me. and they kept making Westerns with me because my character was not too straight. .. Nobody seems to realize. speaking of an anti-hero. I was playing L~ughton's part in 'Mutiny on the Boun- ty' in ·Red River.' It's just the story of 'Mutiny on the Bounty ' put into a Western." StiU this represents his image of himself. AND IT SEEMS reasonable to infer that this is how the world outside saw him: im· mense. easy. honest. generous with soppiness. strong, self·reliant. taciturnly violent. and nf'ver more violent -never bl acker -than in defense of his ideas or property and propriety No one film star can epitomize a country. especially suC'h a vast heterogeneous one as ours. Wayne evidently, howcvRr. represented one way that the rest of the world wanted lo think of America. Apparently Barbra Streisand can do what "'ALIEN' is El cori(er, a walloper, a rouser,,. a screecher and a ton of fun!' Gene Shallt, NBC·TV A L I E N (ii\. CAN THESE FAMOUS FACES PORTRAY AMERICA ACCURATELY ON WORLD'S SCREENS? Fiim Stars Gary Cooper, Ryan O'Neal, Barbra Streisand, Sylve1ter Stallone she like!>, and what she likes is "The Main Event." l won 't li s t the authors of the screenplay or the director because it seems ob· vious that every aspect of this gem has the Streisand touch. STREISAND IS A TOP perfume manu!ac· turer whose business manager embezzles her into bankruptcy. She is left with no asset except the contract of a prize-fighter acquired as a lax loss. Now the fighter is her only way to make a living. and she stirs him into action. <The fighter 1s Ryan O'Neal, who to me will always be Ryan Oatmeal>. I've never been a Streisand zealot, but it's always been possible to see her talents. as such. especially smgmg. Here she doesn't sing, except once on the soundtrack. and her professionalism has ne\'er been worse displayed. ON THE OTHER HAND, other two hands. two big hands. there's Sylve&ter StaUone. His "Rocky II" 1s a real boxing picture -well. a "real" Ont'. And unlike "Godfather II" or lhe new "Butch and Sundance," it's a genuine se- quel. It begins with the end of the firs t "Rocky" .and takes Rocky on through a match <with his girl > and a re-match (with the world cham- pion>. Stallone is a multi-gifted star, but he's also a m ovie -loving agreeable nut, The first .. Rocky." which he wrote and starred in but didn't direct. was a 1930s film updated. Then he did all three Jobs for "F. l.S.T.," which was a "NOT ONLY AS GOOD AS THE FIRST 'BOTCH AND SCINDANCE,' BUT BEITER." lllCHAllO CREl'11ER. Cffl'IOIJOllun .... ( BU'l'CB s. su1wcm.: HELD OVER! MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "THE MAIN EVENT'" (PG), "MOON RAKER" (PG> "ROCKY II " (PGl "LOST AND FOUND" (PG) "NIGHT WING"1PGl "DEER HUNTER" (R) STRn1um 6scReen 6 )9 ~7860 DRIVE-In "BUTCH & SUNDANCE" "THE DUCHESS & THE OIRTWATER FOX" (PG .Ut•ll• Nnr StadtU"' "BLOODLINE" (R) "LOOKING FOR MR. GOODBAR" ,. ''THE IN-LAWS" (PG} "WHO IS KILLING THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE?" "PLAYERS" "HEAVEN CAN WAIT' (PG) "JAWS" "THE CAR" (PG) .. THE DEER HUNTER" (R) "THE BOYS IN OOMPANY c· Al.L DIUVa·INI Ol'U( 6:JO,.M .... HT\T c111,. """' u ,.,.. u111et1 • KIOdie "l•l1ro11nd no-less.good fabrication about the labor move· ment. and "Paradise Alley." Now he'_s done alL three jobs again for "Rocky 11." and I think it's better than its dad. 1 STALLONE IS at least equally taking. Talia Shire's mousiness is much better exploited, and Burt Young's brother-in·law is less gross in size and performance. Stallone knows a lot about tear-jerking - the hospital bedside scenes after his wife's con· fi nement. the jogging fighter bemg followed through the Philadelphia streets by a growing mob of children. the blessing by the priest from his window JUSt before the fight Stallone 's basic gift is an unembarrassed. joyful grasp of the fals 1t1es of deliberate film fi ction. It's hard to resist a man with such a gift ~or pleasant falsifying who so clearly enjoys us· mg 1t. 't our prr~rn is [CQll!'~led at o SJ>ECJAL TRIBUTE:; TO TllE LATE JOHN WAYNE 'O Ix' ht!/d 01 the PllllT Tllt::ATRt:. CORU\A m.t. ,\IAR l\l'drw.~dCJI/. lilt' t:1yhl•'t'Tllli ol J1;l11. 1979 A Specml Scrr1ming CimwH•rrwrotinQ the Fortwth Anniversary of h1.~ /ir.\f rmportonl /11111. ··STAGECOACH" ~C>C/Af, llOl'R Ii .'II) tn 7 311 fl M Admis.~wn $/() 00 ro Amcncon Concl'r Socw111. n C t'nil L1m1ted Seating Reservations TheFIRST Certified Crazy Person's Cqmedy. PE'l"ER FALK . (!Pl:.=.:-;= ALAN ARKIN PETER FALK· AlAN ARKIN In An ARTHUR HIU.ER FUm "TiiE CN-IAWS" Music by JOHN MORRIS • Executive Procluc:er ALAN ARJON ~by ANDREW BERGMAN Produced by AR1ltUR HDJ.ER and W1UJAM SACKHEIM ·---~-·---........ .,...__ ··-~------·-· <;jl\" \RIO(Jl\~l'I l \I. R \ !\' rfr'\fl I I ThJI ''IH ll Cl"•• II I ~· (R) e Innocent DAILY PILOT .. TM LIM 9etwMn Lowe And o .. ttt la The 9toodMfte Sidney 8Mkt0n'• "BLOODLINE" ALL STAR CAST Mon .• ,rt. 1:11, 1:30, 10:30 ht/hn. 1:45, 4:00, 1:11, 1:30, 10:30 Cllnt Eutwood "ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ'' (PG) Plu5"THE LAST WAVE" CLINT EASTWOOD "ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ" (PG> OAILY-1:15. 3·30, 6:00. 8:15. 10:30 WOODY ALLEN DIANI KEA TON DAILY t :OO, 4:00, •:oo, 1:00, 10:00 P UR,ALK . ALAN ARKIN "THE IN-LAWS" (PO) "'"' "LOST AND FOUND .. .. f ;.,_-.. -...... ~. 'I l I -.. -. -..... ' ~auk Stars Shine ' , ~tFilm critie looks at Duke, Coop, .Barbra and 'Rocky' STANLEY llA\JFFMANN ........ ,.,.,~ There la no auch lhlna u an American film alar. Tber• are lo"nnch atar&, ltallao and Japane1e and Indian stan. all of whom can have fUlJ carters wllhout one dram of appeal outalde tbelr owo rountrles. But no ooe has ever become and ~malned a tar lo tbe United States without International appeal. • · , Hollywood has alwaya-depended on the forelgn market for a aood part of Its receJpts nowadays lhal pa~ Is expected to be ~percent -N"aturallY. tn virtU'11Y ~very filrn·&Olna-counU'l' in the world. Amerlran pktures are a major part ol film experience. 80 WHEN WE LOOK at one of our stars of course all lhls is r aised by the death of John Wayne -it's Interesting -to imagine bow the rest of lhe world m ay have seen him or her. Remember one proviso voices are usually dubbed in most countries. Allow for a different, but probably opposite voice in earh of a number of different countries, and what did Wayne signify? The Am4rican continent, I think. The huge. endlessly potential continent. Gary Cooper had as much of the (in the best sense) legendary American character, but his body and walk could have been those of. say, a Scotsman. Not Wayne. He was our continent --WAYNE WAS DIFFERENT from Cooper in another way. Wayne sometimes played eccen· tric chararters , obsessed. mean, devious. un· forgiving. Cooper was a kind of lanky Yankee saint. Wayne had much of Cooper's saintliness, in a more rugged version. but he also had some darkness. "Let me explain something that happened in m y career ... I have never tried to play the pure hero ... In every picture ·that I've done 1 've tried to have some human weakness and admit those human weaknesses." Wayne once said. ·•The gangster picture came out and they were making the hero out of thugs. They drove everybo<h out of the Westerns except me, and they kept making Westerns with me because my character was not too straight. .. Nobody seems lO realize. speaking of an anl.J-hero, I was playing Laughton's part in 'Mutiny on the Boun· ty' m 'Red Rive r.' It's just the story of 'Mutiny on the Bounty' put into a Western." Still this represents his image of himself. AND IT SEEMS reasona ble to infer that this is how the world outside saw him : im· mense. easy. honest. gene~s with soppincss. s trong. self.reliant . taciturnly violent. and never more violent -never blacker -than tn defense of his ideas of property and propriety No one film star can epitomize a country. especially such a vast heterogeneous one as ours. Wayne evidently , however , represented one way that the rest of the world wanted to think of America. Apparently Barbra Streisand can do what "'ALIEN' is a corker, a walloper, a rouser, a screecher and a ton of fun." Gene Shalit, NBC·TV A L I E N [4i). CAN THESE FAMOUS FACES PORTRAY AMERICA ACCURATELY ON WORLD'S SCREENS? Fiim Stars Gary Cooper, Ryan O'Neal, Barbra Strelaand, Sylve1ter Stallone she likes. and what she likes 1s "The Main Event." I won't lis t the authors of the screenplay or the dire<jpr because it•seems ob· vious that every aspect of this gem has the Streisand touch. STREISAND IS A TOP perfume manufac· lurer whose business manager embezzles her into bankruptcy. She is left with no asset except the contract of a prize.fighter acquired as a tax • loss. Now the fighter is her only way to make a living. and she s tirs him into action. <The fighter is Ryan O'Neal, who to me will always be RyanOatmeal). I've never been a Streisand zealot, but it's always been possible to see her talents, as such. especially singing. Here s he doesn't sing, except once on the soundtrack. and her professionalism has never been worse displayed. ON THE OTHER HAND, other two hands. two big hands. the re's Sylvester Stallone. Hi s "Rocky II" is a real boxing picture -well, a "real" On(.•. And unlike "Godfather II" or the new .. Butr h and Sundance." it':, a genuine se· quel. It hcgms with the end of the first "Rocky" .and takes Rocky on through a match lwilh his ~irl I and a re-match (with the world cham- pion ) Stallone is a multi-gifted star. but he's also a movie-loving agreeable nut. The firs t "Rocky." which he wrote and starred in but didn't direct, was a 1930s film updated. Then he did all three jobs for "F.l.S.T.," which was a t "NOT ONLY AS GOOD AS THE FIRST 'BUTCH AND SUNDANCE,' BUT BETIER." RICHARD OREl'llER, CoefT'Opollun ' .. ~ r ·· 1uTc1 s-auxwcm ·. I , T H E EARLY DAYS . ;,..) 4,. z r--wm®' tt Jl HELD OVER! c:1nename ~ scAeen 634 2553 c comPLEX Crupm•n Ave "S•nU An• Freew•v MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "THE MAIN EVENT" (PG) "MOON RAKER " IPG> • "ROCKY II" CPGI "LOST AND FOUND" (PG) "NIGHT WING" <PG> "DEER HUNTER" (R) STAn1um i:scAeen 6 3 9 -7860 C DRIVE·ln "BUTCH & SUNDANCE .. "THE DUCHESS & THE OIRTWATER FOX" PO I ~ ......... . StadtUm "BLOODLINE" (R) "LOOKING. FOR MR. GOODBAR" "THE IN·LAWS" CPO) 'WHO IS KILLING THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE?" ' "PLAYERS" "HEAVEN CAN WAIT.' (PG) "JAWS" ''THE CAR" (PG) "THE DEER HUNTER" (R) "THE BOYS IN coMPANY C' ALL O"IVl·INS ONN 6:HP.M. ... tn\J Clll .. Un .. r 12 f'ree UnltU * t<ledi. .-ianround f no-less-good fabrication about the labor move- ment. and "Paradise Alley." Now he's done a ll three jobs again for "Rocky II." and I think it's better than Its dad. STALLONE JS at least equally taking. Talia Shire 's mousiness is much better exploited. and Burt Young's brother·in·law is less-gross in size a nd performance. Stallone knows a lot about tear-jerking - the hospital bedside scene~ after hi s wife's con- fine ment, the jogging fi ghter being followed through the Philadelphia streets by a growmg mob of children . the blessing by the priest from his window just before lhe fight Stallone·s basic gift is an unembarrassed. Joyful s;rasp of the fals1t1es of deliberate film fiction. It's hard to resist a.man with such a gift for pleasant falsifying who so clearly enJoys us· ing it. ) n11r prt'~t'nl.'" is reque~ted ar a SPECIA L TRIBUTE TO TllE LATE JOHN WAYNE to be he.Id at tile POUT Tll£ATRt:. CC>RllYA m.1, \IAR \\ l'dn1•Mloy. tilt• 1-:19/ill't•nth ol Jul'J 1979 :I Special Screening C11111'11emuro11no the Fortieth Annit·ersary al ht.\/''·'' important Jrlm "STAGECOACH " .~(X::/Al. 1101 "R Ii 311 lo 7 31) I ' .\1 Adm1.mon Siii 00 10 American Cancer Sncwltf. (} C I 'nit Limited Sealing Reservalions 613·9837 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'l!l!!lES!'!"'!!!'!;THE:-c -2 -mr---;-. ~~ TheFIRST Certified Crazy Person's Comedy. PETER FALK jPGlNlllml UllllQ IUm1ff a:J .-....... -_ . ......, ... PETER FALK ·ALAN ARKIN In An ARTHUR HD..LER FDm -niE lN-tAWS" Music by JOHN MORRIS· EMcutlw Productr A1AN ARKIN Wrtaim by ANDREW BERGMAN .Produced by ARTHUR HILLER .Mt WILUAM SAO<HEIM Tlte LIM htwHn LOft And Oeetlt It The ltloOdtlM Sidney Sheldon'• "BLOODLINE" ALL STAR CAST Mon.·Fl'I. 1:11, l:JO, 10!30 latlh"· 1:46, 4:00, 1:15, 1:30, 10:30 Plus "THE PRISONER Plus .. ' OF ZENDA HANNOVER STREET~' ~~-.-~~~+-~~~~~--~----if H.. A CUl'll EHtwood i:"•"M' , r, "ESCAPE FROM :;~........ ; ALCATRAZ" (PG> Maude" ... · ~4 ..... ''llll<(J~fll 1 .,. (R) Ii ...,. t.•Uf'P ~IC"' I W •EIMAN "o ~'' l ~~~'t ' .............. .. , ..... , .. . • .. '········ 0 ,,, Pt us e Innoeent Plua "THE LAST WAVE" "'The China Synarome" CLINT EASTWOOD "ES~APE FROM ALCATRAZ" tPG> WOODY ALLEN ~bDil Plus "SEMI· TOUGH" WOODY ALLEN DIAN& KIA TON DAILY 1:00, 4:00, 1:00, 1:00,t~ Pl!T!lt 'ALK - ALANAltKIN "THE IN-LAWS" (PO) PLUS .. LOST AND FOUND" --........ __ ~.__.,,.........,_ __ ~-----·,,--· ..... ,,... ·--..... ··-.. . ... .. ... . .p .......... , •40 ....... .~ ....... \. • BAOA04NAY /THEATEA I 'Calc.utta~ Now 10, Cast Always Looks Olil:er NEW YORK (AP) -HAN to believe it, but ;1019! C<uttal'' la 10 yean old. It.a play•n 1Ull ''°°' sex. 1UU almulate tl met 1Ull do ball•ta 1n tM b-.ff. Hard to bellev. It's t.M •HM •lat• mualcal Uult bowM lD JUM 1M8 ln a bl ... ot cwit.roveny, l*blidl.1 and boos from crltict, one who up and decland that It "1lve1 PomGI'•~ a bad name." But tbert'I no uproar DOW. It ... lta blrtMay· autt bualnea wtthout haal at UM ....... , Edlaon Theater. where lt opeqed Na Broedwu revlval ln lr'JI after a.n ati.ence of "urb twr .YMl'I· Ff'8'1' PaODt)CllD for S2li0,000, lt .... earned about MO million to date. pl~ huce, Den· mark. Sweden, Gffm1Jl1, Spa1D and AuatraUa, re· cently opened In Mnlco aod 1W1 NDI ln Loadon, accord.inc to Norman Kean, the huU.1, hearty pro- .. He revived It on Broadway and was Ill first general manager when tt opened ort·B"oadway. It moved ur.town to the l ,OOO·aeat Bela.eco In lint. Hts ntroduction to "Ob! Calcutta!" came in an odd way -a 3 a.m. call from London, from HllJard Elkins, producer of the or iginal, co- producer of the revival. AP Plloto was hastily summoned, worked bis magic and the show resumed a few days lat.er -with a thin piece or gauze separating the sexual almulat.ors. The troupe played 119 cities in all, be adds, but la wyers had t.o go to court to clear their way in 19 hamlets, and obscenity arrests occurred ln three towns, including Los Angeles. KEAN BLAMES those woes on publicity· seeking officials. "and I'm not saying t.hia an· tagonistically. It's a fact." It made no matter to the forces of law and or- der that the show's seriou!i1and silly routines, done by rive women and four men, came from respect· ed, recognized writers Tynan had sought. Among the contributors: satirist-cartOQrust Jules Feiffer: John Lennon; poet Lenore Kandel and Sam Shepard, winner of this year's Pulitzer Prize for hts .. Buried Chll~ HOWEVER, IT'S TRUE that the show, con- sidered by some a musical-theater breakthrough with its strong content and its unashamed fore and aft views of lhe human pelt, was designed lo titillate. "Yes," Kean says. "I think titillating is a good word." EUUNS' MARCHING ORDERS were : "Get down to the courthouse immediately and see what the problems are with moving nudes on the stage." Moving nudes was banned ln London then. I THINK 'TITILLATING' IS A GOOD WORD,' EXULTS SHOW PRODUCER NORMAN KEAN Kean blames an annual December attendance drop on winter chills : "I think people don't want to see a show with nudity then because they're self· conscious. They think they're cold. And Christmas week is very bad.·· Kean consulted "a few cops and Judges" -not at 3 a.m .. of course -upon learning the query in· volved a bold erotic revue "devised " by Kenneth Tynan, Ute· London drama critic and man of lm· port and consequence in British dramatic matters. to close us. There never was a threat of closing in New York." "' He reported back to London that moveable nudes here posed no legal problem, not even an in· the-skin spoof or serious sex research by a team or Masters and Johnson. Not so a few months later, he adds. when a touring "Oh! Calcutta!" troupe·played San Fran- cisco. Poli'Ce in that traditionally liberal city ar· raved, saw and arrested. The Masters a nd Johnson l'J!. LATER WAS inspected. as was all of the show , by delegates from the vi'ce squad and dis· trict attorney's office. There was no trouble. In fact. the inspectors were quite nice. Kean says. ·:Tbey liked the theater very much. They wanted the theater lo happen. They were not there en MATINEES DAILY All s~ats u .oo Hn 2:30 P·"'- • ucEPT-"MUPPET MOVIE" For Info Cd! 534-FREE -.~ SHE LIVES. 12:00-4:15-1:30 foul Plat rnontf{f The monsler movie 11·2·4-W-10 2:10-6:20.10:35 NOW PlAYING allH 'LAZA lDWAllDI CllllMA C:OTlll MAlllOll IUD. DRIVE-IN 11111<1 ~29·!1339 Costa Mesa 979·4141 S~n1a Ana ~3• 121• OllAllGE Mill fDWAllOS' c•MA WUT Of•llOI 637 ·0.1~0 Westm1ns1er 89?·4493 675·3570 , . . ~.: ... ,.J~..i 'f._WPOflT ltAt H. t AUr S..·TMt.-.My t, 2, l Warnw lecrtty 0'HEAYEHCAN WAIT'IPGJ s .... 1:2S.5;30.t:35 MOii., T•s. 9:35 Clte•yChose- Golch HaWll "FOUL PLAY" s-. ]:25 .. 7:30 M Tws. 7:10 "WHkllldtr ••• " " t Keeps you on top of the e ntertalnment scene, Fridays In the DAILY PILOT More Entertaining Than Humanly Possible! ...,IR I F W GRr\1)1-~•Kl MARTI~<., Tl\Rf,l H !'!•"''"'A JIM t It i\....0:-.. PROr~ •I I 111\ 'THI:. MllPP! I Mt )Vil fw<Ull\V J'ml11t<' MAITTIN ...,lAR< ,f tl f'o .. I •• 'I• )1\1111 \-..t)\ W11n~n l"I llRRV IUllU1 .l1\CKBl'R'"''I'·· ,, 11.._ l.\\ll"lflo\\\ll\ \\., • .rNLi.roho.~JI Wlll..IAM'>d'lCIKli\\\r\...,CltlfH .. r• t .-rho P·\l.llllNf.H "''-'rsn.t It .. • ~1upp.1 P...xwnw1•JIM HI l\!'l()'lj. rRA\K 07 · II RR\ \I I-.. 1\ ·Rt tl•\k(I ti· \I· I~\\~ I IN l / · (.o "'>""Ml U IARU . .., DUR:-1\t, 11 1 '""fl\ 11 '-'' I ·er '1"'<1JllJo>..,,~.,,..f.[)(.AR&RC,£1'<·MU.TO'\Rl-.RH ·'~I I f\flltOI\...,,' '.!hCllJ 'R\ IO\ll•dl 1-.1 l tUOn<.Qlnll·B061101'! ·MAlll.11'\ltv\ll'\·t \l .. •I r\'.l ·t !ll!<•-..11 ·~II\~\\ !:>fl VI MARTIN· l<ICHN<ll l'R\OR ·TEI D 'r\\ \I J\.., 1 >H'-' )\ \\! 111 I '\t U \\ 11 I ~\'I" 1 _, ..... 0 'G G88Al AUOllNCfS . ,. .. " ..... ·~-=· (l)!O<Utm.,o] • •'ll1tf•t1•-·"'' ... Ah, the comfo ,, of hOrile I s poor proved to be the ca use of the bust "CALIFORNIA HAD A law, no sktn·on-skin <in volving close encounters of the public kind), but we didn't know that." he sighs. IF THE CAST did the whole shebang wearing nothing but clothes, what would happen to the au - dience? He says San Francicso lawyer Melvin Belli "Oh. I don't think there would be one," is what Kean said. THE TICKET SHACK Co11url1·St1orh· ThHlrr 24 hr. lltfo Li11r 71 4·645-•51 I l'hoftr Ordrr\ 71 4-645-89'0 TDDATrs CllSSll BD PUZZLE All Ctftf'k " un•Vf'f'Ut A~1fhfl4'lf'' DfUXNtS ou.aranrees he"-•~•' "LOST & FOUND" (PG) WALT DISNEY'S (G) "101 DALMATIANS" "THE DEER HUNTER " (R) "LOVE AT FIRST BITE" (PG) OPEN DAILY ' 12:30 . . ) BREA PLAZA Brea 529·5339 PLITT CITY CENTER Orange 634·9282 SOUTH COAST Costa Mesa 546-2711 II CROSS t lru< ._, e,.,, rurr• I l,O"f <'·JI lJ SIOr•P•·~ur'-' r tJ Afr c..111 1rt,• 20 lb-.l•n c n .. 1 d l~·r 21 lt>'i'i1•n 22 Sr no<•' I • 23 F1a111 r 25 Grrn<Juiq (()0111 21 lnar.w .... lljlll ?9 C.it1 , ,,, 11 31 A1J;I ,. 111 J~Fum• ~ ;-1 '·" ,, 1llf"'• ~Q 5., I: :. J'1J • .lb ,. lfl ~ t rt !~ •e 1Q l Ii 1l CI •' _, t JI 0" QU ,, I. (lf •#!..~H•n 42 Mcint mcc)~uff'" J4 F11>nc.n "" (IP ~5 A1tencl1rot; 47 Tuck • r• •' J6 Stdlf Aot,1 ~Switrn 52 811cl 55 Rc~ernbll• ~6 That Fr · 59 Knead. Obs 61 Chari again 63 Man's name 65 Stnp or SluO 67 A1t Comll torm liq Alnc;in 11v••• 71 R1qn1-n.i1•0 PO '2 P1u1a1 ,•no rng 74 01scoun1 77 Fork 11ne 79 Ooctnne 111 S1au tread 84 Pres101ng sp1111 h'> Snou1c11·• Wlilf''i ~l LOvt<O 01 .. -, o'.l Hnne nt f t.:-i;'-,.trd Ge h·"· C " t. lurrn 1~ H"na1. Clo ( QO -.n .JO,.• Qd H.,,dlonQ C:VO Jt" > 99 "10111<llorl <ht! 1r1 Crr1· •, ·r3 ()0q tirr•• J Hib Cobdll 1 'T" ro1 tr • C.ro ...., •O'l ,,.,1,,,, n , .. , ,, ~r 1=,r.-,1 t• t Jft\ :• J',(..'' 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Concludeo t93 Turi DOWN 1 Ec.cen1111. whet>I• • B1o••t:.i n.-:.n •• J Under 4 Love 2 words 5 Siberian river Ii C1s1ern l Short 1acket 8 Pass on ., rao1e1ano ' Curr<:nt 11 01s1ress call 1? -Cassin• 1) Asian rano 14 Barqarn 11vt-nt 1 S Paid nottc.e 16 Ermrne. i: g 11 Moslem 1eacner 18 Acl of orev· ·nQ t9 P11n1 style ?J Wt•CI ~.-i:..re11y /6 Hin.du god 18 Co.1ucas1dn 1,..nquaqt· 10 H1>bft'W h•I· ,.., U Luc.lo.y !'umber 35 Wor~ hdrO 37 Sdpid!ly 40 Absolv" 43 A11s11mty Ab t<t:•~PGJk•• Jll Jump~, •l\I V1<1tc.htu1 '1 SlnrrTH'd 53 Co11eld1111e ~J H• Im pr" !>{> Wll" -.r·rv 57 Rf•luto· 60 M1htary qrnup 62 i,1s.1qn1 bJ Cur« 66 l"roi:r p1an1 68 Govt! 10 Rarseo, 7l Min1Slf'f 7'> P1,rpo'isve n J i<'udrv S: I~ Kind IJO wooch Qli"" 82 Ei1sh 83 Highways 86 Passe 88 Con11nen• llObr !jQ lnti:rweavl:'' •!3 01>oares qs Snetve 97 BtackOO<HO ~ Ctdy house 100 Truman ~. t111tnp1acc 102 Grow•riQ out 104 Sutt.in ~or· Clr'f 105 ooaa., JOI! A IOUSt' 111 Wh1h• 113 Of c11av• 115 Ret>u1tC1 117 Cnen11r;a1 end1nq 119 Heater 111 G111 s name 122 Orscourag.: 124 Dnlaware c11y 126 Over;ict 128 Glides 1J1 Mort: seni,1- llle 134 Un1IAd. 2 words 136 Choice qr<Jup 11'l Compa% pt lJl 01C)t<1ph 142 Sodnr~I'\ drll- 1 t• ldJ a .. qan t ·lb Gr•?Ck plal· fcirms 1a7 Eych~e 1.:q Ditch I'll Oltl card Q<1fllCS l'iJ F.rlhtcr 1!>6 Snap pla111 15':1 Kind ol wilVt! lb2 Green !>11cldt~ '64 Larn11<, 166 P1ctc>ntJ 1Sfl So be 111 109 Neck pan 171 Western dl1 .. ,;nee 172 .llr.ib1.,n quit HJ r" o,,, 11• G.-rnt 111 Ardll rob1 11q Swr1o•sn tJ•!>· lrrC I 181 Ptowl'd l1elcl Hl•l Cl'•ne:,e m11r l.~11 Frulll>dll BUENA PARK DRIYE·IN Buena Park 821 ·4070 SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS There'• no piece like home to enjoy ell the comfor1• of • subscription to the D•lly Piiot. After ell. wh•t could be co.z.t•r then the convenience end Hvlng1 over .b~ylng It et the newaatend? for •• little •• $3.50 • month, you cen heve th• Dally Piiot rtght at your doorstep Heh day. And wtt•t'• even better 11 that the Deity Piiot amve1 juat wh•n you have time to reed -.. elcday evenfft~kend mornlng1. s o go ehe9d. Enjoy all the comtoft1 of home delivery of the Dally Piiot. To begtn lmmedlat• home deftvefJ, call 142·4321. Ot tuet fl ll In the coupon .eMt mall to: Oran.. Coatt Deity Pttot, ctrculatiOn DetJt., P.O. Box 15IO, Costa Mesa, CA. 92111. 642-4321 DAILY PILOT >. .,, CV~ -~ 0 GI • > t: ti oo ·e if 0 >-" -ti 'i £0 >-i 0 ... C II II .? Si .: . =e uo :.. I:. ----.-------~ ., s 0 a: 41 c 0 .&:. ~ ti "C • i5 i i = • • " I e ... c: u >-.. ~ .=: g ! z c CJ fl) ........ ...__._~-··• ......... ,. • ~IN D&X: •8uslness •Consumer •Real Estate •Stocks , DAil Y PILOT _ ~ You I Your Moneg ____ ~il RehUilde~ Tops at IIDports By THOM LECOQ °' -O.llY -.~ Tt\lnaa appear backwards at fin1t In the f ac · tory at 17152 Daimler Sl.. Jrvlnu In a laraie. fenced ar41a out back. a crew is buay unbollln&. dlu•aembllng and sorting P•rll, 1etUnf then> clean and ready tor the machines up 1 ront. . . That ·s because the worke rs are rebuilding fore11in automotive parl!:i. ..-uE COMPANY, EUllOPt:AN Pa~ts Ex- thange, Inc., <EPE> is lhe largest n~wlderot Imported car parts In the U S. accordmg to an industry journal . . tts network of di!;tnbutton points also col· lects used parts from repair shops across the U s , forwarding them lo Irvine <or to a sister plant 10 Virginia> so the usable portions can be salvaged, rebuilt ~nd resold for 60 to 70 percent qf the cost of new. W1lltam 0 'Connor. general manager of European Parts Exchange of Irvin~. likes management. engineering aspect of company that rebuilds brakes, pumps and other vital parts for imported autos. The plant also orders new components and builds others to Cit out the clutches, water and rue l pumps, cylinde r s, generators ~nd starters ... a huge array of rebuilt parts for 60s CJl rs through current models, according_ lo \\'a llace J . O'Connor, vice president and general manager. "OF COU RSE WE ALSO have an ob· solescence program -who needs parts for a '47 Morris Minor?" But even with a continual weeding out, the number of items produced by EPE is awesome, filling bin after bin with components and finished parts. EPE was founded in 1952 by Bjarne Qvale, its president. It was an offshoot of another fami- ly enterprise, British Auto Parts, intended to re- build the few parts he had trouble getting. . Britis h Auto Parts later merged with BA P /GEON with Qvale going along in the deal. But later. he decided to retire and shed hi s BAP/GEON holdings. HE f'OUNO HIMSELF WITH a floundering EPE and decided to become active again. By 1957, he had signed an agreement with Volkswagen of America to supply all its rebuilt d utches and brake s hoes -a relationship s till in effect. Th~ company s tarted in San Francisco. e"entually moved to Gardena and then. about seven years ago, moved to Irvine. Pump gets close measurement in EPE's quality control lab O'Connor said the company is heading toward a more•tively future as Americans find foreign cars offh g-enerally hlgher mileage than domestic models .", AND. HE ADDED. IMPORTED cars are more likely to have conventional transmissions Laws Provide Protection Consum.er Covered By PAT DUNN Ofllle DallY 1'119' lr.t•lf Jim bought a new car and re- ceived a written manufacturer's warranty. The car turned out to be a real lemon and was in the shop at least once a week during the rirst year. Even though it was under warranty, Jim had to pay for some repairs a nd several towing charges. The de· aler wasn't able to correct all the problems . Wh~n the c;ar quit running three times 10 one week, Jim decided he'd had it. He hired a lawyer and sued dealer and manufacturer. claiming they had not lived up to the warranty. Jim's lawsuit was based on the federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. He"won and the court ordered the seller and the manufacturer to pay his court costs and attorney's fees as well as repair and towing expenses. THIS JS one way people can help themselves under one of eight consumer protection laws enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. Most state and federal con- sumer protection agencies re· ceive many complaints concern- ing the law~ they enforce but have limited resources 'to sue v iolators . Agency action .generally is done on behalf of the public and Is limited to viola- lions whlch affect a significant number of people An individual complaint. while providing valuable in formation, may not be resolved by federal agency action WHAT THEN? The buyer can file an individual lawsuit against manufac ture r s, sellers. creditors, or others that violate federal laws designed to protect the consumer. If you win such a case, the court may order the defendant to pay damages, plus attorney fees and court costs. In fact, most of the following eight laws require reasonable attorney's fees be awarded if you win. T he Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act helps you if a company doesn't live up to promises to make good on defects during the warranty period. It may protect you if the product doesn't perform as it should, if you get a "lemon" and repeated attempts to remedy the problem are un- successful, or for any other legitimate problem during the warranty period. You may sue for money losses and other re- 11ef. THE EQUAL Credit Op portunity Act prohibits dis crim ination against you in any aspect of a credit transaction on the basis of sex, marital status, race, color, age. national origin, or religion. It also prohibits dis- crimlnation because you receive public assistance income or have exercised your rights un- der the Consumer Protection Act <which includes the laws listed here, except for the Magnuson-Moss WUTanty and Hobby Protection Acta). Those suing may obtain, out-of-pocket expenses, punitive damages, and Injunctions. 1 Tbe Tnrth in Lending Act re- quires creditors give consumers a clearly written statement of total credit costs so they can compare terms. In the case of a credit card, revolving charge a nd overdraft checking ac- counts, periodic statements de· <SeeP&Ol'E<.TION, Pa,ea> with clutches. a major EPt:roduct Many foreign cars Include provisioh for re- building, something American designers think less about. "Of course." he added. "the manufacturers deny It, but there is planned obsolescence." Engineering plays a big role in EPE's pro- ducts. Some late model cars must have certain replacement~arts made from scratch since no used "cor~· c worn or broken parts) are availa· ble. QUALITY CONTROL ALSO gets attention. said O'Connor. "Tes ting in the aftermarket 1s probably better than with original equipment manufacturers <OEM ) since we don't know what's in tl)e unit. .and we know it was defec· tive." Part of the reason for testing is the warran- ty requirement. If something is wrong, the firm provides a new part plus the cost of reinstalla- tion, an expensive proposition 1f many parts break. The quality control section is also charged with measuring the dimensions of hundreds of samples. original parts supplied by manufac- turers. Rebuilt units must not only duplicate the original's vital dimensions, but also .. clutch pressures and other performance characteristics must be closely matched. O'CONNOR SAID LONG supply lines Crom Europe help make EPE parts more desirabl~ And . demand for parts in creases as import sales go up. "Last month. for the first llme. foreign car registrations 10 California were more than 50 percent. That used lQ be 35 to 40 percent. The -:Oan1;na"l -averdge-JS near 22 percent <are foreign ), but I belie've that will eventually be 30 percent." O'Connor thinks that in the fu ture. harder to-get resources w1 II make many more in - dustries turn to rebuild10g to k~p thmgs run- ning. THE PARTS EPE PRODUCES may be ~uropean. but its style ts strictly apple pie , The Company European Parts Exchange, Inc .. has its headquarters at 17152 Daimler St., Irvine. a 2-building 88.000-square-foot factory where parts a re rebuilt for a variety of imported automobiles. A 106,000-square-foot plant in Virginia also performs re building. Sales figures unavailable. . . The privately held corporation .s principals are Bjarne Qvale. presi- dent. and two partners. Peter Knowles of California a nd Mijndert Pon of Holland. William O'Connor is general manager in Irvine. ' "In Europe, the original manufacturer 1s ofte n the rebuilder. In the U.S. there are con- siderably more rebuilders than manufacturers . "It's far more sophisticated than it used to. be -though there are still a lot of Mom and Pop operations -but there's a lot more engineering and the quality standards are bet· ter." O'Connor expl ained that differences in stan· dacds must also take into account the dif· ferences between, sciy , a Volkswagen and a Mercedes. lie added. applying engineering and management to hold pr ices down is a challenge. ··The price has to be less than new .. it's the old law of supply and demand.·· THE F1RM OPERATES A dozen tJ .S. dis- tribution points w1lh a fl eet of trucks to earl parts from plant to storage sites. But its system ends there Parts are sold to •ocal and regional distributors for resale to ge:rrages and s upply houses for a growing number of people who re· pair their own cars With more and more foreign car owners and a tightening economy making ever,Y rep~ir doll ar count. EPE·s backwarj appearmg, dis- assembly-first approach will probably keep the r1rm driving forward. Jim Geer Manages Digital Equipment Mini Retail Store. Giant Eyes Little Goy Digital Store Caters to Small Business The butche r . baker and candlestick maker may soon have more in common than a children's poem. They all may be keeping tabs on pork chops, flour or beeswax with mini com- puters. TO BE SURE, the largest meat processors, baking con - glomerates and glfl specialists who make candles already have computers bumming In back rooms. uslng bits and bytes to keep track of the complexities.of their businesses. Digital Eqwp- ment Corp. personnel have already sold a number of large computers to those companies; now they'd like to ~ut their $9,oOo to $13,000 minis in the hands of small buslnesses. What better way, they decided, than to open a store where potential customers can come in, "kick the tires" and learn boyt easily the units operate. And', added Jim Geer, the store's manager. help overcome many people s technical "fears." FOR INSTANCE, programs that tell computers how to organize information, have been buJlt so that operators just answer a set of questions (a ·•menu") asked by the computer. then fill ln a few blanks. "A secretary can learn to do accounllng or payroll ln about 18 hours,·• 11ld Geer. And there are doien1 or other pro1rtm1 deslp~ for accounts receivable, payable. and invoic· ing.and inventory with hundreds more that can be adapted for other jobs. But keeping it simple Is important so the. baker can tell right away how much flour he's used. has or needs. GEER SAID he's also supplied units to lawyers for storing pre written paragraphs ("boiler plate") that are dropped into every will. brief or other docu- ment. He adds that_two companies also offer access lo large memol')'. banks for legal case re- search. An attorney looking for a previous judgment favoring a present client used to plow through thick volumes. Now punched key words provide a printout. For The Computer Store 's opening a week ago, even the caterer looked over units in the showroom and wondered how be could use them to reduce '901lage. ""NOW" SAID Geer. "he sticks his head lnto a refrigerator and yells, 'Hey Charlie, how man)' Crozencrabsdowehave'' ·• Geer said SO or so people have drifted lnto the store each day, many from englneeriog depart- ments of local firms, but mott are owners of small businesses who want to see the coods. A Shaltlee dealer came in to find out lf the system could be used to draw up prospective buyer lists. POLITICIANS u s e that capability to send out "personal letters" to selected constituents. Salesmen use a similar program to keep track of calls, prospects and followup actions. Geer said system costs look high at first, but a butcher may pay a CPA $500 per month for bookkeeping, something a com - puter can do in jig time. "U you s ave hiring o ne employee, you've saved the cost in a y~ar.'' Paying for a small model with • screen, keyboard. a pair of disk • memories and a printet isn't 1 much different than financing a , car. Digital has arrangements for three, four and five-year ! financing at about 13.4 pe~t ! interest. Leases are also possi-• ble. ' A CLASSROOM provides ; t raining for buyers or staff. It ls J also used to show how easily and -. quickly any buyer can learn to 1 use the machines. ' All of which helps cut throuah t the fear many have. ~ "Computers are really very j dumb things ... a glorified Id· dlng machine which uses In· 1 formation put lo with a little typewriter. The difference ia ' that iDltead of bavlnl 300 ledcw ~ cards, you have only one noippy f d11k to store," wbi<lb micht save space tor more pork chops. f'locai' or beeswax. j I r . ....... .. . --... ·--·--_____ ,... ______ ......... __ ..,. ....... ,_... . .. ... ..... ~ ·····--··~ L Estate \ .ltfallltag.-•• DEAa BOB: I have heard t.hal Ui cer· taln hoatq de.elopmntl of condoe, YiUaa and co-op apartmea\I \hat were comp1etcld many yeara qo, t.bat all•r termlnaUon of t.ho 40·)'Hr mortca,aes. t.he ult.a mlaht 10 back to t.be ori1lnal de- velope1'. \\'ould Ulla apply to just co.ope or oeadoeT PlNM clarity. Mr. V.S Did Ila. V.8.: .. ,.,. U1wertq y"r ....U-, let'• ......... &M dlfhnltff betwfll!ll. M ............. ceeperaUH PROTECTIVE LAWS COVER BUYER. ,.... • • ,,.,._,.,.en l~lUna your transacllona al!o 't'Ull 'JC! prov1ded l'OlJ CAN aue U you are not itven 1 n requlred credit lo fotmaUoo Ol ll it la not pr:ovlded In iu prope.r form. You mey be awarded actual dam1.celj, plus lwlce I.he amount of any nnance charie (but no leas than $100 or more Uuln $1,000). The Fair Credit Bllllna Act provlck--A for prompt handling of bllUna di.pules over open end.or revolvlna t"Darae account.a. You can sue a creditor for f•Uure to ackoo~ledge or resolve a billing error wtth.ln set Limu Umlts tlf ~ou ·ve noU!ted them or the error tn writing within 80 dll.Yli aftt:r the fm .. t bill In qutsllon wa~ malled) " .. ··~sue a debt collector for caJling • llterature, stickers. or advertise· men ts l. to mark the items wlth the calendar year In whlch they were manufact~red. Imitation coins, tokens, paper money or commemorative medals n)ust be marked "copy." If you re· celve an lmltatJon Instead of an a uthentic item and it's not marked properly you may file suit for damages and seek an in· Junction to stop the marketer. . Most businesses obey the law and de al fairly with their customers. However, if you are a vlctlm of an unethical business • and the matter seems to be cov· ered by one of these eight laws, disc uss a possible private lawsuit with a lawyer. If you think you qualify for their help, ·contact the nearest Legal Aid or neighborhood legal service office BUSINESS I REAL ESTATE SEMINAR OUT Of STATE PROPERTY WHAT IS nt1 NOfllT POTINTIA&.7 11 rT NACTICW Out ·of·State Real Es tate lnveatment offeu dyna mic opportunity. warn of the potential In Low Down Payment.a, Poeltlve Caab Flow, and Rapidly Jncreaalng Prices Elsewhere. Undentand the potential in various areas of lhe country. Whether you are a first time Investor or an experienced Exchanger, THJS S EMJNAR IS A MUST Reservations Required. CAU. JIOl HSHVATIOMI 17141 IJS.0141 APARTMENT INVf.STMENT REALTY Doonc.ntw l 300 Dove St. Suite 200 Newport leac" TUES. 7:00 P.M. apartme•t. TM IMlyer ol a ClM4lt 1Ml1• Ute alrapaee Wldllll ldl •••rm•&, • wlllcb be caa se& u bMllTNul -.rtaa1e Jut 11 If •e were bQa., • alaile-famUy beae. Coado IMlyen ablo -. •• teaut la com- •• eo..,..ra of Ute ee•plex'1 apace 8'are4 by all &M eoeclo oween. aacla •~ hallway1, ll'OWtds, eleva&en, ancl strac· tu re. U ' SUCCESSFUL, you may recover the :.ame d~,Plag~s described under the Truth in Lending Act. Also, a c reditor who doesn't follow the proc:.edure Joses the right to collect up to~ or the disputed amount, even 1£ your employer. neighbors. or anyone else to teH them that you owe money. You also can take legal action if a debt collector calls you repeatedly at work or ii illegal action is threatened. for advice. Otherwise, the Bar------ Association's Lawyer Referral ..-------------------,,. Service may suggest a lawyer who can handle consumer cases. • Cooperathe apartme•t bayera, however, buy sbare1 la a co-op cerporadoa •blcb owu tbe bDlldtng. Eld bQer 1ets a rl&bt to occupy a 1peelflc apartmeet as a &eaant of the co-op corpontloll. Tltere Is one mailer mort1a1e on t.be etltlre eo-op complex and part of each owner's monthly 9a~meat goes coward mortgage payments. At resale ttme, problems can d&\'elop for &be seller lf be baa a big equity la bis eo-op share malt because Individual mortgages aren't available. However, many leaders make loans co co-op buyers on the security or the co-op shares. . Tax deduction benefits for CODdo and CO· op owners are virtually the same. But there are a few condo and co-op complexes built on leased land wheTe title IO the en· tire complex reverls IO the landowner at the end of the land lease. Before you bay a condo or co-op u.nU, find out if it Is on leased land and what will happen at the end of the lease term. What'• a Pocket Listbag? DEAR BOB:· We are trying to find a house large enough for our family or seven. One Realtor showed us an old, run· down house with six bedrooms. It was~ig enough, but in such bad shape we decided not to buy. The agent said it really wasn't listed for sale bul was a "poc:ket listing." What does that mean? Rodney A. DEAR RODNEY: A pocket listing is a property which the agent knows is for sale but on which be has no written exclusive Usting. In other words, It is an o~n listing on which &be agent earns no sales com· m issloa anless be finds a buyer before another agent or the seller does. Pocket tiatings usually Involve properties· which the owner ls not especially anx:ious to sell unless be can ge• a very high price. · Partners Dbagr~ on Sak DEAR BOB: Three years ago we en- tered into a partnership to buy some land. The idea was to hold it for a few years and then sell at a profit. The others don't want .to sell even though we have received a very good offer. Js there any way to force them to sell? Vern M. DEAR VERN: See your attorney. It may be possible to have the land parti· tioned. That means the court will physical· ly divide the land so you can sell your por- tion and the others can keep theirs. If the property cannot fairly be partlll9ned, then a court can order the bulldlng sold and ~roceeds divided among partners. Send real estate questions to Robert J . Bruss. P.O. Box 6710, San Fr~ncisco, Calif. 94101. there was no error. The Fair Gredit Reporting Act gives you ri~hts relating to con· sumer reporting a gencies, in· eluding credit bureaus and firms which furnis h ins ura nce or employment reports. You have the right to be told what's in your file <except for medical in· formation). You calf te ll the agencies you question the ac· curacy or completeness or in· formation in their fil es. The agencies must rein vestigate the disputed informa· lion and r e move wh a t is inaccurate or can't be verified. The Act also requires the agen· cies to take steps to ins ure the accuracy of information it re· ports. INFORMATION mo re than seven years old cannot be reported, and after October 1979 the reporting period will be re· duced from 14 to 10 years for bankruptcy. Consumer reports may be furnished only to those who intend to use them for a business transaction with you. You can sue consumer reporting agencies and users or consumer reports who violate the act , and may recover actual damages (plus punitive damages if you can prove the violation was inten- tional>. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act prol)lbits debt col· lectors from harassing you when trying to collect debts, or from using abusive, deceptive, or un· fair collection practices. The Jaw applies even though you owe REMEMBER, lhi'S law covers only debt coll-ector s -not creditors . This law permits you to recover actual damages as well as additional damages up to $1,000. Unlike the other seven laws. however. you may be forced to pay the debt collector's legal fees if you sue in bad faith or to harass. The Consumer Leasing Act re· quires companies that lease pe r sona l property <c ars , furniture. appliances, etc.) to tell you the cost and terms or leases. If all required informa· lion is not included or...;s not in the proper form. you can sue for the s ame damages described un· der the Truth in Lending Act. THE HOBBY Protection Act requires selle rs of imitation political items <buttons, poster~ IF POSSOSLE. find a private attorney who is willing to accept whatever fee lhe~judge awards as the entire fee for representing you. Some lawyers may not be willing to accept your case un· less you agree to pay a set fee for their 'representation -and that fee may be m9re than the court awards. Be sure to get a full explanation of what it could cost you to go to court. Whether you sue or not, report any sus pected violation to the Federal Trade Commission. By doing so, yeu may help identify a business requiring FTC action to protect others. For further information. write the Federal Trade Com· mission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C. 20580. .. Pass Muster? Car Inspection Required H you have plans lo sell a car soon. don't forget that under new Jaws. you must have it inspected for proper pollution control equipment operation before the sale is final. Two centers offer the lcsL'>. one in Garden Grove. the other in Laguna Ni~uel. Hours arc from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mondays and 8 to 4 :30 Tut'sday through Friday. According to officials of the Vehicle Inspection Program. there is about a 15 minute wait for the testing. A fee of $11 is col lected when car title is transferred. not when the test is made. Take along pink slip or other documents to 7~1 Orangewood Ave .. Garden Grove or to 23022 '(a Cadena Drive, Laguna Niguel. money. For examp~. y~o~u~c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATION'S OIL USE FUELISH R ece nt f edera l s tatis tics on oil con- s umption prov i de something of a shock. Americans annua lly consume 8.3 tons or oil each. Only Canadians exceded that by using 8. 72 tons. The nation closest to U.S. figures was West Germany at 4.25 tons. .------.r T·BiU+l/2% SJ0,000 Minimum, 6 m onth Investment Certilicotes. 9.864% Annual Yield• 9.500% Annual Rate Witty Will Passed on By Writer When people finally realize they can't take it with them and start get· ling ready to dje, they often make strange, if not weird, provisions for the disposition of their life's accumulations. Now Earn More M~um ln9Wtment certilicate ii $10,000 Of mOfe for a term ol 6 month& Raw subject to c:hcmge at ma1Urity. EYC.\n on early withdrawL you never oam 1-than 64X.. Rate quoted l.s valid June 28 thru July 4. Rate changes w"'kly. Subje<:t to a vailability. A WITl'Y collection of Jasl wills and testa· menu has been as· sembled by Robert S. Menchin in "Where There's a Will" as a suc· With First Thrift's New Money Market Investment Certificates T BILL 1.1. 01 SIOOOO • + /2 lO c!,~.~~:: WE PAY YOU Yz% MORE ...•.. "Effec:tiY9 annual yield CI95\llDH that pr\ncipal and Interest were to be Invested for one 'f'101 at the annual l'a1e. Annual rote ii subject to change at renewal IT.-uy billl CINI .old at dllcount. therefore. m;tual spread ii allghtly 1-than 1/,%.) 3 $10.000 minimum ONE YEAR Investment Certificate. lnterest paid monthly by check or iJ placed ina 61'2% passbook account and left for one year annual yield inCTeases to 9.79°.4 ,. cessor to his first book, ''The Last Caprice.'' than the rate (expressed on a discount basis) se t by the U S. Treasury 8111 Monday Auction Rates change weekly. Interest pard on maturity and It 1s not com· pounded on this account 3 SSOOO minimum SIX MONTH Investment Certificate. interest paid monthly by check or iJ placed in a 6~z"lo passbook account and left for one·year annual yield increases to 8. 76%. For eome mysterious rea son, William Shakespeare left bis wife his "second best bed." 'lbere's no lndica· lion as to who got the best one. J an11 Joplln wanted no eorrow at ber parting -she left $2,500 I or par· tylna by her friends. And novelist Ian Flem· lDJ left Sl.400 to each of tbree frieadl with the stipulation that they 1pend it on some ex· tra•••ance. ONE OP the most beautifully written wills wu Jett by Joh.a B. Kel· ly of Pblladelpbla, father ot Grace Kelly, prtnc-ot Moaaco. IL ls .nu.a wttll burnor In a 1tr•l•bUorward style, -.mcsa11e1a1 ... Tben there was Howard Hu1h11, who left a fortune estimat.ed at ta.I bWioD and, ao far u hu been determined, DO will. 9!1:2o/c 510000 12 month 0 c~1t1hca1r INTEREST PAID MONTHLY. A check ror S79 17 wlll be sent to..,.ou or 11 credited In a 6'\ passbook account and lett for one year annual yield 1s a big 9. 76'1!.. . 9o/c ~000 )2 mo!lth cttrtllcate INTEREST PAID MONTHLY. A check for $37.50 Wiii be aent to you or If credited In a 6% pasabo<>k account and left for one year annual yleld Is a big 9.2sqr,. All certificates subject to avattablllly. Interest reduced to 6% on certificates tr early wl\lldrawal. Call any 01 our 10 convenlentty located ortleet for complete lntonna· tlon. Let ........ .._ """ "'" Nvy• '820 W Ii.""'¥ OIYO J !O Wllll lWltrl ..... f>it• Vlft NUV' 01 442,11e;i ~~-'° ~· &SOO ,....... CllY a......... I.Ml •oc~ 11166 E Lri Ti-8MS 14717 H•w~ 11 C ~long &..oc'1 llhlCI ;97 ~· 873-41» •26-~ ........... 0.-., ,,__ ................. •2M '""' &l 73'0 C 'io-• 1ll w C.... St 1t!OT 1Hc'1 Ol'fO :iot-324t ll1·2tM ~·)f .. , Meo ~-To c:.torM "-' Onll' FirstThri tcf Anierica ................. ~llUlfR9 ............ ... 3 E:arly withdtuwal ln~rnt penalties on all int"eStment certI.lkcrtes. but you n"9r earn less than 64.11.. DAILY INTEREST PASSBOOK AccounL Interest paid day.in, day·out, compounded and credited quarterly No minimum. No penalty for withdrawal. Annual yield &.66%. THRIFT BY MAIL, TOO! We pay postage both waya. Complete infonnallon fw'aished upon request. s..tng Cal1fcrnSam for O'fW a qua:rW of a century. Statewide olftc:. with a.eta a.. S13S,000,000.00 w ~ 1IWT &.l04'l ASl(Ol1(lN • Avoi/obJe to Cali./omJo R#ldent.I only -~-·-·---·· $50,000 to ~500,000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS • lntere•t only peVWMftt• • w-1i1v co•alta••t9 · • 48·hour teleplaone quote• • lnco•• • Co••ttci•I •R-ldendal • N-tlal\I t.a4189• • Sltort tent loan•. 6 ..ontli• to 3 vqre • So•thsm CaJUora&a property e•pli.ula Conract our lo•n Information Hrwlce •or ~,1ur f1ni'nnn9 ni?ed:. • Dellos. fel(OS • Irvine. Cohforn10 • M 1am1. Flondo (714) 759-1515 AMERICAN HOME MOATQAGE 230 Newpan Center Drive Oes•gn Pla1a Newport Beach. Ca111orn1a 92660 • Southfield Michigan I -- - - ~"Don't tn11est ~Witt'loutUa •. " 1 First National I Monetary Corporation I ~'919d CommodllV froang AcHsOf. CRC I 4000 Town Center. 15th Floor I Southfield. Michigan 48075 I Nome ------------ I Addr0$S ----------- • C ity Stole Zip ------ I I I 1 Residence Ph~e<->-----I Busrneu Phone C->·------1 ICM-7t I -----__ ,,,..._ ' . . : ~ ... .. ... ... '• '• ... ... '• ... "' "' ·~ ... .. .. ... I .,, l. .. .... .. ... ,,.. ' l ... , .. ... . ... ... :·· .. ... . . , 'I ··)~. ... -... .... -+.. . '• -.. . ,.._ _,,, . ... • 1lol. : ~ ~"' t "li -... .. " .. "' '""I.I. ~ " . " -''-~ " ... ~ u • t • 't .. • . • • I • , .... NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE W ek' and Year' High, Low , Clo • _ _. ___ ____ DAILY PILOT , .. 1 1 ,. "' 1 1' 1 J'- ·~ ~ "'°' ., .... ~ '· ... , ·ftRICAN SToCKlxCBANGE Week's and Year's High, Low, Clo&e .... ·----...... -_..,..._ __ ·--.--·-~ ... _.._ _____ -•,,..• • .,,,.-... ,...._. ... ,,_..re~~ • I ' Our team tells • i you everything 2 you want to ; ' know about r ~your team. ,Ewery day. j In the ' l ~ I , . I • Sunday, July 1, hl19 01\U. y PILOT Cl ·1 What BeeeMl•n? Credits Lauded Soutliem California Seen Ea!»pi1ig Builders Back Southern California, boll\ered by 1 1trooa economy, will HCl~tbe brunt ol a couwner and hcMa re- ce11loa p.-edlcted by the 1\1 Ol\'a ecoaombtl for liter tht year ud the flrtt hall ol lMO but t.htre will be 1 ripple effect ln the Job lndua&.ry, Jobn ft. Dundee. a leadlna corporate ln· '1Hlmeni anal)•lll, uld af\tr atudytn1 the raulu or • recent corJ)Orate boulna rePor1. Dundee, executive vlce prt!Sldenl of John G . Rinaldo F'lnancl1I Corpora\loo and dlnctor of American Home Mortiaae CorJ)Ora lion of Newport Beach. emphulud that the expected mlld rec•sak>n wlll have very little arfec:t loully beHust lbe Southland is reapin.i the benefit~ of.a ltnlaC economy. one wtdcb ts u.n ' Ith the rest of the n1Uon. Ounce County, for example. has one of the lowest unemployment rates a nd bl8best per capita lncome averages ln the cowtlry. he added. I BVT, DUNDEE warned 1f a re· cession does occur a s predicted. I there wiU be a ripple effect locally in the availability of jobs in the ligbt in· 1 dustry field due to the Southland's thriving economy. The corporate financial report warned that housing would decline gradually as the nation's economy headed into a recession later this year. The report listed the nation's major economic problems as: • Consumers who a re overex- tended and saddled with huge debts. • Double-digit inflation and sky· rocketing interest rates. • A buildup or inventories and a d.ecli"!e in money for mortgage fmancang. • Wage price st andards which have not worked. fueling inflation and lhe threa! of a recession SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S big· gest fight is st.ill finding land to de· velop and providing homes which people can afford to buy without two household incomes," Dundee s aid. -"Even though we have a strong economy, inflation bas resulted in a softening in the housing market especially in Orange County, wher~ homes in the upper price range have already passed the $78,000 mark." "This is frightening when you think ~ that the average price of a new home by the year 2000 could be $1.5 million because of high interest rates and runa way prices." "Orange County is also being crip· Realty Lectur~ Series Offered At Coast College A two-part lecture series that ex· amines the ins.and outs of real estate purchasing will be ofCered at Orange Coast College this summer. Titled "How to Buy and Sell Real Estate:· the series meets on Wed· nesdays. July 11 and18, from 7:30·9: 30 p. m. in OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116. SERIES TICKETS. priced at $4. are available in the OCC Ticket Of· flee, located in the college's Ad· ministration Building. The ofri ce is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to4 :30 p.m. Tickets for the individ4al lectures sell for $2.50. Series and individual tickets will also be sold al the door on a s pace available basis \ T HE SERIES lecturer is Richard ( Hart. a specialist in business sales and investments with Walker and Lee Real Estate. Hart is an expert on business site selection a nd business opportunities. He was appointed c hairman of the Orange County Na- tional Alliance of Businessmen by former President Gerald Ford. and serves as chairman of the Orange County Chamber of Commerce. The first lecture covers "How lo BOy." and the second \s titled "How to Sell." For information about the series, phone 556-5880. pled by ao-iroWlb r•atr,cUooa. rlalna land prtca, and lncreaeed aovem· ment rqu.lationl •• lo where and wbat cu be built," Du.odee Polnled out. ''Tbb cuta abarply Into tM boUJ· tn1 altuauon. forclnc youna famlUe out Qf lht bome buyln• acene." RE SAID THtllF. haa been a merked •lowdown ln the reaaJe of home• during the last 24 montha, re· sulllnc In an lncreaaed need for •f· fordable homes. a demand which Is enormoua ln Calltomla. The ~orporete report uld thal houstna start.I forecast nationally ror 1979 ranae from a low or about l s mtlhon to a high of 1 8 mllllon, with most of lhe fort:casl s running betweer, 6 and I 7 mtlUon units Housing starts tA>taled 2 million unit~ ~n;~~rth'eu;!°,!~977 and 1978, accord S plit Level Luxury Despite predirt1ons from govern ) m~nt housing forecasters that a rwo levels of comfort are presented 1n the Drentwood. one of tht· sb1llow decline in bouslng would be mO!>t p<>pular floor plans al Woodbridge Arborlake in Irvine . The "good for the economy" without be· two-bedroom. 21 :.?·bath residence includes a master suite with sit· ing barmful to the consumer , Dundee b warned that no recession, regardless __ l_in_g_•_r_oo_n_1_a_n_d __ a_I_c_o_n..:.)'_··------- how nuld, ts good for the economy. "ANY RECESSION only adds fut: I to the a lread y critical housing s hortage and eventua lly results in higher rents and less ell\ploymenl," he warned. "Although the consumer in Southern California would not be directly affected by a shaJlow re- cession, the bottom line effect would" be an increase. in rents and f\artber s hortages of available rental units." Dundee stressed thal although Southern California residents are en- joying a carefree way of life despite the gasoline s hortage, the economy, even though strong, is in a slowdown. Prime interest rates are high which discourages borrowing and keeps funds normally in circulation out of the market, curbing the a vailability of more jobs and cons umer purchas- ing power. New Law Aiding Vet~ Go\' Edmund G. Drown Jr ha~ signed into law a bill which will help low and moderate income veterans to purchase homes now based on future income e)(pectations . T he bill. AB 3. authored by As s~mbly man ee..ter Chacon, D-San Diego, makes two major changes rn the Cal· Vet loan program. Under the new law, certain veter ans at income levels below the standard require· ments may now qualify for a Cal-Vet loan. which carries an interest rate of 5.6 percent. r m t'nt s This wi II allow veterans to purchase at today's prices based on tomor row's earnings before inflation prices homl's out of their reach " Tll E SECO!IJO MAJOR change to the loan program redefines the dt:· ftnition of "immediate family " One of the Cal Vet loan program's stipulation!> 1s ocl'upancy of the homC' b~ the \'Clcran or a member of the \'eleran·s immediate family. Miso.; Days said that prior to the enactment of the leg1slat1on. 1mmed1ate family 1.1. ~is broadly ddincd to include ('h1lcln·n 1.1.1thoul regard to their dt· pt•ndcnt M<ttus Cndl·r the new lci1.1. children <1rc defined to mean depen lll'nl duldren Push to Solar WASHINGTON President Carter's proposal to provide tax credits and other incentives to en· courage use of solar energy systems in homes and commercial buildings has been endorsed by N on· dal S. Gravlee. president of the National Associa· lion of Home Builders "As fossil fuels become more and more ex pensive and as the shortages become more and more acute, we are going lo have to explore every possible e ner gy alternative Including solar energy," Gravlce said "THE RECENT ENERGY crunch has reem· phasi2ed the need for improved energy-~fficlent housing." he said . "Home builders already are ap. -plying 'Such energy.saving techniques as heat pumps and improved insulation in walls. roofs. doors and windows. and some are offering solar :-ystems." A 1978 surve.> of 12,000 builders who construct ed 140,000 homes disrlosed. for example. that 20 perrent or homes built in 1977 employed heat pumps. compared with only 4 percent in 1973 . The s urvey also found d ramatic increases in the use of insulation with higher n ratings G ravlee said that strong government support, combined with an equal commitment by manufac- turers. could yield sig'n ificant utilization of exist - ing solar technology and spur development or new techndlogy lo bring down solar energy costs l'NDER THE NEW PROPOSAL. President Carter call ed for th<' creation of a national solC1r bank which would . among other things, provide in- . terest subsidies for owners and builders of home!:> <rnd l'ommerc 1al structures who install solar pm en t. In add it ion, the plan calls for a tax t'rertit of up to $2.000 for new homes built using passive solar designs and applications. Speaking to an industry group recently. G rC1vlee urged manufactur('rs to form an energy brain trust to explore other energy source~ including solar energ.> :-.ystcm!> "Ry working together." he said. "I am c:onf1 dent that manufacturer::. of solar equi pment. heat 1ng and coolin{! cQu1pment. WiilCr heaters, ap· phances. \.\Jndo"':-. door., and 1n~ulat1on can sureh hring the future of :-.olar cnerg~ a few years closer The challenge 1s t<i take cost-effective solar t.-merg) out of thl· no; .. ilm 11f .,c\ence fiction and m<ike 11 rcaltt) ·· Newport Co11dos Set The analyst said housing starts will remain strong for the next couple or months before tapering off, while ln· flation would probably peak io July before declining gradually and bot· toming out in 1981 in the 6.7 percent range. He said inflation pro6ably could not go any lower because so much of today's inflation has been "institutionalized." CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT of Veterans Affairs Director. Virginia Mae Days. expla ined what that change means to the veteran. "Thi:. la w a llows the Depa r tment to. postpone. for up to five years. pay menl on the balance of the loan principle if certain criteria are met .. No longt:'r will a \ cleran bt-ablf· 1•1 finance. through Cal·Vcl, a homt• tor <1n .1dull t hild \\ho ha~ no llullcr !lousing Cnrporatl<in has announced \.\ .1 rt1mt' military sl'n l tl' This pl;:im. to develop a 4:'! unsl luxur~ condominium pro· c·hangt.• w1 II rl·tnforr<' tht· leg1slat1vt· 1cet called Sandc·~1sllc on A vot·ado A venue just south "Eligible Californii veteran!> at 1ntt.>nl of the program to assist tht· of Pac1f1c· Coast ll1 gh\.\ ;1y 1n Newport Beach. Sales low and m oderate income levels wurtimt· v\'tcran and the veteran... arc expected to begin 1n September. with firs t move DUNDEE SAID THE only answer need only have sufficient income to tkpcndents. ·· M1:-s Day:-said ins anticipated for Decc•mbcr to the housing problem is Americans cover the cost of taxes. insurance.· The on~ and two bedroom condominiums will are going to have to realize that the and interest payments if there 1:-. Thi:. change will not aff~ct apphca· be offored 1n seven floor plans. with up to 1.500square American dream of affordable de· evidence that the veteran's earning uons whi t h \\<ere 1n µroccs:. prior to lel't ofliving s pa(·c. and w1 IJreature one tot wo bath~. tacbed single family housing has de-power will incr ease to make the thl' law's enatlmt·nl on Friday. Junt' The project w1ll 1nclude :.i swimming pool. pavill1on . teriorated due to high interest rates t ransition to fully amortized pay 15. 1979 entry guard station. and other common amenities. andmushroomingproduclionandde-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ velopable land prices. "Single family attached homes are the house of the future," he said. "People have got to think in terms of clusters and.. high density areas because or the cost factor. As soon as the individual. the counties, and the various planning agencies realize and support the cluster-high density theory, only then can the American ho us ing manufacturer produce homes which people can afford." Dundee s-aid many people have found an edge to beat inflation by placing their investment funds Into areas that benefit from these high in· terest times such as real estate trust deeds. • "THIS IS AN inflation-beating system." he said. "Trust deeds are becoming very lucrative for invest· ing purposes because they offer a sound security base, attractive yields, and a steady stream of in· come. More than $2 billion was in· vested by California residents into trust deeds in 1978." Dundee stated that m ortgage firms like American Home will play a key rol e in the Southland's econorny through 1979 and lhe 1980's becAuse they offer investors a more diverse base of high yield fund accounts. This includes pensions, profit sharing Keogh plans, and insurance com'. panies. He said one would expect the ma- jor decline in housing demand and starts to be in states with restrictive usury ceilings, like California, but the corporate report pointed out facts from non-usury ceiling s tales, as well as from those with ceilings. An impressive blend of tradition and innovation. Tu rtle Rock Highlands GMden H ome<.; t~ a refrc~hinh neighborhood o f single family attached 2, 3 and ·4 bed- room h omes featuring all wood ex terior~ and handsomL' interiors. with character and crJflsmnnship in l'\ i..•ry dct.itl inside and out. H ere you will dbcovl'r a pri\',1 te rccreJlion center with a pool a nd spa for exercbc C1nd relaxJtion clnJ landscaped trails winding throughout the Vill<1gt• p1..·rfl'cl for jogginf; or a leisurely walk. Come visit Turtle Rock Highlclnd~ GardL·n Homl'~ Jnd discover excellence in the tradition of th1..· prl'!--lif_iuu-. Village of Turtle Rock.. Available now: $152,900 and up Bren Com pany (714) 955-224 5 Phase III Now Open SANTA ANA FRWY z l't1 .. •1'lll'\ll\1 4/1~/7ll -..1f.,,11.,11rrtn1'•ll l"ntu,n1 111 1h1, J.111 111,1\ '"'ull 111 un .t\ .1ll,1b1ht\ t•I '"''''."'.tit J'fl« lt''"'' 1 l<•nh .. 1, 11\" ·""" '·'''"" .. urr••rl<'.I t-v .111 r""J,·nl• m.1111 1.11n .. 1h, •lllJltl\ "' 1111111111 I' l.1<il•l11'• \,~ ""r • .r, • rq •1<· "Ill.Ill\ l h \I J1 IJl l' .,. , ., hnJO\tn ~ J\ .11IJbl, ut• ,d,, ,,.J um1. ..ut-1, 1 t h~ l t.\\ r ' •l•tltC\ .... ,,.,,1111 1111 •• 1nPuJt r•·J\-l'JllJ~·· r.Jh .. • THE VILLAGE OF TURTLE ROCK la lHE IRVINE COIVIFW\IY ·. .. r l ' l I . •j ·. .............. , ........ , .... u.1, ... flL I ........-Uaat ,... eu NYe ••e tu ............ ,.. .. )Mr ...... ·" ,.. bey ........ Mele. wi.at .,. &a. ........ ~·· ... ••• ,... ta .,., .. un ...,.,., W..at abMl CM Ull ••ea I IMU'Nd fWaa .. •'Y lilleue aad c.nAq ll nady ,., Hie! C.• .. H9allaa\M Rada NorrnaJJy, taxpay rs who Mill their horn~ for i. substuUal profit fa<"e a heavy tu load. but thl• burden can be avoided. U you buy another home ti1at COll!t u much or more U\an the sales price of the old OM, within a Spt'Cl,led time, the pront from the sale ill not Included ln your taublt-lncomt• UauaJly, the new bou. ~must be bout1ht &J1d t1<· cupled within a \>frlod of 18 mooth.\ from the dah• • escrow closed on your 11resent home. Lon11«'1 periods uro ~rmlttt"d rur servtcf'mcn on uctlve du \y fm4 when buildlnl( t• nt'w home This tux d<'h·r men• appllt!S only to tht' :.ale of a honw which " tbe °family's main ~ldf'nce When figuring the umou11l uf gain for "hu·h tax may be postP<>ned. yov may dedu<'t markf'tin~ and fix·UP upense~ 1f lhi:y Wt're uccomph1.hed within 90 days prior to the ~ale, and paid for nc1 later than 30 days uflt:r the sale Check with )0111 accountant or the I RS on details 1r thts maller a( fects you. lt couJd be well worth your while EDITOR'S NOTE · l<andaJl McCardle ia pre.ndent ot the Real Estaters·: he is aUo an authot. lecturer and in structor. Send YQUr comments and questions to Rondy McCardLe. clothe Dady Pilot. Posl 0ff1':e Box 1560. Custu Me&a, CA 92626. ~ Moving Up In Real Estate ....i BERNARD SMITH JR. has been named prcs1 dent of Broadmoor Homes, aecording to Walter S Bannister, executive vice pres ident of Genstar Limited, parent com pany of the home bu1ldin~ firm Smith brings more than 29 years experien<'e in virtually every aspect of the building industry to the helm of Rroadmoor Home!>. He joined Broadmoor from US Home. l llino1s Communities Division. Prior to his move to Denver, Smith was preside nt of ttle McCarthy Company of Southern California Smith is a nat1 ve Calif or nian, born in Los Angeles He attended Los Angeles Stat~ College, where he majored in sM1T1< architectural dt's1gn Smith cur rently reside~ in Laguna Niguel with his wife, Lin Ja. and pursues inte rests in skiing. ~olf an<l painting PIOL RANDAZZO has been appo1rhcd director of franchise sales for Century 21 Real Estcitt· Corporation. He will retain his current duties a!> director of sales and management development in lbe Marketing Services Division. Randazzo joined Century 21 1n 1976 as a marketing consultant in Rochester. N Y He held various staff positions in the New York region before joinmg the international headquarters staff in March of this year. He and his wife, Uonm.1, have a son. Anthony. ROBERT DE ALMEIDA, .i <·<>-founder Hnd pnneipal of the Planning Center, h:.ts bet:n <tppoint e rl to the Special Comm1tt<·e on Land Development of the National J\ssoe1at10n of Home Builder!> t NAHB) by the asso1·iat1on's president. Vondal S. Grav le<'. De J\lmc1da, a Y.<'ll·known ;.idvocate in the areas of land use legislation. solar energy and af· fordable housing. will serve on the committee which rcvwws and makes poliey recommenda· lions on national and major state legislation. rules and re· gulat1ons pertaining to land use. The committee meets severa l times a year at different loca· tions throughout the country. The NAHB is the major r e presentative of the housing industry in this country and in eludes more than 75,000 ~embers oe AL.,MEDIA WILLIAM T. WOOD has been na med district m anager of commercial·industrial sales for F'irst American Tille Insurance Compan y 's Orange County Title Division. Prior to joining First American. Wood was m the public relations department of a Los Angeles title company. His professional experience also in eludes ser ving as marketing supervisor for a microfilm products manufacturer, selling supervisor for a local branch of a nationwide de· partment s tore and seaman in the U.S. Navy Wood and his wife, Sharon, live in Huntington Beach with their two chlidren, Kristi. 11 and Billy, 7 MICHAEL A. MOHLER has joined the Mayer Group as vice president, land acquisition. Prior to joining the group, Mohler was presi· dent, residential development for Cadillac Fairview. He also was project director for Irvine Pacific Development Compan y, the • homebuilding division of The Irvine Company, involved with the communities of Harbor Ridge in Newport Beach and Woodbridge in Irvine. Mqhler holds a B.S. degree •from the University of _...._.,. California at Berkeley and cur· MOM LU rently lives in Irvine. SllABON LEE RICHEY. has joined the real estate firm of Donald M. Bird Associates. Miss Richey was most recently pro· c) coordinator for J. R. Hanoy Construction Com pany, Inc. Prior to that she was sales and market ing director fol' Fashion Lane Homes, as well as purchasing secretary for both Broadmoor Homes and Signal Landmark. She ls a member of the Sales and Marketing Council of Orange County. • Viejo Home Sales Soar IS THBI AM~ MIW THAT CAM II OFfHED IM THI WAY OF A llALISTATICAIB7 New Mallorca, Galicia Projects Prove Popular YESUI! New hom •ale~ 1t Mission Viejo Company proJecU. con· Unu •d 1\ a h a t pee~ last w fl~ k on d • 1_ t w o new nel1hborhoods ~ MaJlon·u condomlnluma and 70 tilnl(l • famUy homes 111 thr Oullew ~r•~• wt•rr ofter.-d on Tl! 'l' r \' uliofUI l'ht' Mullorrn opcnantc attra('l· t>d 362 prospt.•t•llvt.t buyl•ri; who partl('lpult•d 111 ..io 1n1paart,J_111 drawl"" ror l'l llt• 11ni1 trto<lel ~clt'eUon. All :!!J or tht> l1.1xury <'Ondomlnlunis wert• rv1>~rvl'<.1 , at prit•n r11nJ;lll~ from $12:>,000 to SJ98,000 Mllt11 (W M.'\Ll.OK(,'A'S ~ult• "'Ut'l't'SI> tllt• !1t::1l IOt'I' •mt!nl of t ht' :111» h111n1· JH oJt•t·t wlH1·h Li11~0 Joi11s SF • nunar On Relocation RepreM·ntut ivl'S of Lingo Real Estalt• 1wrtt1·11u1kd in <1 ret•cnt re· al t:'statt• t'lhH'.1tional seminal s ixmsorcd Liv IU:LOllnter·Citv Ht·lot'al11111 St•rv1ce - Sanllru Khadra. advcrlls mg .rnd n•lot•ut1on coordinator, was 111 ;.itLt•ndan1·t' ut the one·dav "l'mmar wh11·h was held at the A1rpo11 Marnia J lot1•I near San Frant•1 ... 1•0 The M'""'wn w11s h<•ld for R 1':1.0 memtwr n·al t•sUlle firms 111 Callfor111li . ~lt-vuda and Arizona. It is part of a wries of s u c h sc mrnar~ tu ht· hC'ld throughout the llnilt•il St<ttes thts ~('ar. Th1.· -;cm1niar dealt with all uspP<'lS of rt•al estate advertising, µuhli t· relut1on::. and :-.a les promotion. Lm~o Hc..•al Esl<1t1• •~ onto of 1.200 rNll t•stale firm' <.H-ross the natwn that hulrt memht>rsh~p 1n HELO St>rnng mor1• th.rn 111.000 communat1es. RELO members provide people with the r eal estalC' -;erv1t·es n(•cdcd when ..,elhn~ a horn<.' in one c:ommuni· t~ and or bu~ mg in another in ;1dd1tion to all nLhn !()(•al reol <'Slate st•rvwt•s I V..Y COSTA MESA opened In mld·May, was a com- plete aell-out within an hour -ls u\trlbuted to the project's lake· oriented location, accordin1 to Grant Sulllven, dlrector or m urkuting for Mission VteJo t'Ompimy. l;ocaled on lhe west shore of the 124 acre Lake Mh1sion Viejo, Mn llorc.·a offers It residents th~ amenitles characteristic o( u Mediterranean resort, h • said , Including a private t>tiaeh, swimming pools and wet nnd dry boat storage, as well as automatic membership in the Luke Mission Viejo Association with full privileges a l the n·crealional Juke. Monthly as· -;oe1alion dues at the private lakl'. wh1eh offers its members ,,ulrng, f1shmg, s wimming and pt('nt<'kmg , are $7.50 per m onth A n11thcr ne1 ghborhood of M ullorca 1s currently scheduled tu be offt>red in July, according to Sullivan DURING A SEPARAT•E draw- ing for Mission VieJo Company's <ialic1a senes. 50 of the 70 homes offered we re reserved at prices ·ranging from $109,500 to Sl63,0UO IL was the first neighbOrhood uf the series. Mission Viejo Com pany's newest s ingle family pro ll'('t Due to considerable ad· v:rnce interest, the homes were placed on the market ahead of the grand opening. which 1s stheduled later this year. Galt<' ta homes. s ituated on prime ttills1de lots in northern M 1ssion Vie Jo. also offer their L1uvers a comfartablc, lake· orientt'd l ifestyle, noted Sulln•an ... Homes in the firs t m•1ghborhood are within easy ";ilk1ng distance of Lake Mis· sron Viejo," he said. "and. as re· s1dents of Mission Viejo, buyers .wtomalleally become members <1f the lake association, with run .it•t·css to all the r ecreational Jmcnitie. 1t offers." GALICIA, INTRODUCING CJ new look arch1lccturally for Mis· s1 on Viejo. has a more trad1· t1onal design. Ft!atures include <Jormn and French windows :rnd t:.'Xler10rs e laborately tic· Villa Arbour 1s nearly sold out. so now is your l~st chance cented with stone, brick or wood detailing . These executive homes are available lo five floor plans rang. tog from 1,753 to 3,024 square feet. Oallcia oHers five two· story and s ingte.Jevel models. with three or four bedrooms and two or three baths. Only 20 or the homes are cur· rently available. Pros pective huye rs wishing further information about the Mallorca or Galicia homes may visit the sales offices. which are open daily from 10 a .m . to 6 p.m . Tilt: MAU,ORCA model com plex. with four tastefully de- corated models, 1s l<1tattd at 22602 I.a l'u\•lllu. M lss1on VieJo Th t• G a I 1 t' 1 CJ 1 o (or m at JO n <'<.'nlcr 1s l0<·nt<'<l ut :taG02 Aht·io Parkway, Mission V1t•Jo Both muy bt• rc•tH·hed by t&k 1n g lhe Ali na P~1rkwa y <'Xlt from th•' San Diego 1-'rcewuy. traveling cast on i\ltc1a Escrow Meet Set for July In Santa Ana Tht' Independent E scrow L1Cl"'Asees of California will sponsor an ex<'hange seminar for reaJ estate brokers and sales µeoplc July 13 a\ the Saddleback Inn, 1660 East First Street. San· ta Ana. The seminar offers six hours of credit under the Department o f Real Estate Continuing Edu<'ation Program. Price of the seminar is $50.00. in<'Juding lunch It begins at 8.30 a.m with re - ~1stration and ends at 4 311 pm. Richard Grover. Vl<'C president of Grover Escrow Corporation. will moderate the panel of ex· change specialists Reservat.Jons may be made by sending reservation chc<'ks to t h e E sc row In s titute of California. dba Independent Escrow Licensees. P o Box l0398. Santa J\na. Ci\ 9271 J. Telephone 835-0156 An opportunlly to tearn. grow. and prosper m the exciting and dynamic freld ol REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS 1 Th1s highly soph1s1tcated marketing technique 1s overlooked by most of the real estate commun11y, and vet 1t provides a much needed service to PfOSpechve cllents interesled m acquiring 1mmed1a1e resulls in the sale ol their p.operues II you possess a real estate license have a creditable sales background. and are interested 1n eicpanding your latents 1n a new direchon with unltm1ted potenltal -call " HA.TI<>tfWIDE A.UCTl<>tf COMPA.HY Newport Beach c 7141 957-0045 Melvtn A Giller Real Estate Bro4<et ~l ~state ly R~aftor IUD Mii.Utt El.A Shonc:rnt Rfflty Moving Expense Tax Deductions Prwr 111 J<J7() yl)ur mt1\" h11u ... 1• hunting ex· moving t!Kl'Wn..,4· lilK <h· 1wn ........ "' v.•·11 ..... lt·m· ductioo v...i" lim1lt•d 11, 111er.1n· 11\ing 1 l\lll'nse~ tll1• <:o ... t of tr.insvc1rt1nc 101 IJI• l•1 311 dJ)'t .11 your \lllUr hou~d\ulct i.:<1101h n•·v. l•wJll'lo i1nd famtl~ 11 ;,n.,port,, ·1 ""'" t,.•n1•C1h JPPl.V to tion l""''" l•1r th .. 11111'' lh• .,,.If •·mplo~"rl a" well 11nt'luding ll111d Jlld tr,iJ1 ·" ··mplt1\l•'i..., In <>rdt-r Lo IOJ!J .,u:il1fv for th" movm!? L1ltlc..· li\ llllli• •1th• r ··~11· n'' 1'!1·<.1urt111n. thP 1·icp1:0!>I.'~ uf mak111g 1ti1· 11•J"'" fnr the mc1\1• must move v.t•n· alidto(1 1<1 th•· lw " Jllh • h11ngl' ancl lhc de>duct1blt• t-llp•·n"c lt~t n1·w 1111.1 :-1lf· mu.'t ht:' at Now the\ hJ\'t' hi•t 11 lt·a~t 35 mil• .... 1v.Jy l1b1•ralt1P0d , .... ,.n mnr• v.llh the lll<'Kl 1·urre·n1 ,,,, n•form uJ>(1lllf'" I lo n · 1 h '' \.\ ' I h 1• n t• w t• ' L :>cnrl'l>m.11 d n ·.11h You 1•,1n d1•rl1Jtt up ln S:l.04~\ Im th1 t'•>'l •>I r•· .rl 1·~tJl\' (•nmmh:.111n mnrl ,.:J c •· l ll't" ... 11,I '""'IJr 11t·m' 1ncurrl'<l 111 hu\ 1ng •>r -.t•lhnlo! \Our honw or ..,(.tt hni.: ~1 lea::-t Ill thh s.10011 lotal 11n1• h.ilf •nr 1111 t11 -:.l.5'Hll 111;1\ lw n1•1lu1 t•·<I for ,., ri•·nw-. int11rr1•1l for pn \\ h dt•\t>I \Ullf reo,tl 1·•t.tl1• nt-rtl' C'Jll u' Wt> h,w1• .di th1• toot-. and l'XJH·rl 1-..• tn handt1• vour r 1•:11 \''-l.•l" 1ran-.:wt1ons "" .tllv Pl11-. Wt' orfl;'r tht' ur11q 1w .1•h .mt ;i ~l'l> nf t ht• 11 t I I n n v. I rl " t-: R A n..tv.ork .irh .inl,1J!t'::- t h.11 , . .,,, '"" nothing ··~tr.1 <:1\1• u-. J cull 1111fa\ w .... n· h1•r .. to h1 Ip' t-H \ !-oh .. r1·1·n·-,1 ll"Jlt v j 11 . K.lh ;.;.7'1 ;! 11 ~·12 :.17 r; Models Now For Sale ( B ri ttanywoods) TOWNHOME living in Eastside Costa Mesa one block from the Newport Beach City Limits to visit these terrific new townhomes! Roommates can share the down payment costs dnd begin building that important equity ba::.e. The floorplans are superbly designed for comfortable living. for housemates. small families. or friends. So, share the payments or go it alone-Villa Arbour is the perfect place to begin the life you want. The Highest Quality Features for Your Home: • Hu qt• 1wo Car Gard<Jl' • Sp.:1e1ou!. Bedroom • f:..ci!>y·Care Ct:rcJ1111c with Direct Acccs<, Suite<. Tile m Kitchen .ind to Houw • Gas ~angt> and Showt:r • Decorc1tor Quality Double Ov~n with •Air Co11di11on111q Plush Wall to Wrill Cont111uou~ Clean1nq P1eparatio11 Cilrpehng Lower Ov~n •Textured ACOU!>h( •Handsome Brick • 01shwasher. Drsposdl Ceilings Fireplace with Co1\ ,ind Luminous Ce1hnq •Washer i!nd Drve1 Hearth • Breakla~t Nook Hook-up-. • Vaulted Ceilinq I in some plans) •Gas Outlet for Patio <lnd Wet Bar • Popular Greenhouw Bar-B-Que (in some plan~) Window Priced from Only $76,990 k> ft'•Kh V1ll,1 Arbour tdkc Pac1l1c- C0c1~I I f1qhwdy lo Nl·wport Ulvd Go north 011 Nt•w1)0f1 Blv1l h"l I Ith Slrt·1·I lh1•11 l1•h ,,., Dth <,trt->1•1 ll11e,• block!> to M.ip11· J 11d tht· ho!Tlt''> 1\11<1. 11 \1•)11r,.101111114 110111 th,· ":>1111 I )1t'ClO het>wdy, tdke the New~ ~ '''l'Wdv ln Nt>wprnl Blvd . the" go ... uuth to 19th Street. Turn right on 19th d11<1 yo three block) to M.lple Soles Otf1ce 0 11 11 am. to S:JO .m. Closed Thursday. • "' ..... "' ~·, tlf~. REAL BRICK. wood burning fireplaces: french·Engllsh architecture: two and three bedrooms: split level and two· story: cathedral ceilings: mod· ern kitchens with eye· level microwaves: enclosed two-and three·car garages: greenhouse wlndows and skylights. Yesterday and today - In one setting on your own land. Pool.jacuul. recreation room. tennis court tool Close to Newport's .. Back Bay". schools. golf courses. restaurants and shopping. , 1own~om1~ 1 Developed by Woodtree Dev. Co. Models o~n from II am to 5 pm ft:fqj 2450 Santa Ana. Costa Mua ' u.W•OOfll ~ss-uno I . ~ f • . ... .. t t . . . . .. . . ' .. ... REAL.ESTATE Families Shrink Elildfe11 County Homes Tripling ACCODING TO AGID, in ad· dition to the dramatic demo· erapbic changes in the Southern California market, in Orange County the prohibitive c~ of produdng traditional detached famUy homes on large lots has forced the family to stay where it is. Ix()' a resale home or leav-e town. He says, .. We are begin- ning to see an exodus of young peop le to Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego coun- cblac:t... are le.av1ni, the din.)'· anc d.iYOfte r•t.e. YOW\& 1inctea. a nd &be number o f youn1 co-.ple1 p oatponlna bavln1 children or decid.ia, never to do 10 IN 117t, FAMILlES with children represented 71 percent of the aboppers and adult-only households claimed Just 22 per cl'nt. By 19'1~. that raUo w•S SOISO, and today it ls 40/80. If you look at the number of what ls commoaly t.bou1ht of aa the truly trad1Uooa1 households - workl.ng husband, homemaking wife, 2 .2 children -the ~t a t i&tic11 'are even m o r ei dramatic. lo 1970, they repreaented 60 percent or the ma.rket, now less lhan 10 per· cent. • ··Another way t~ understand what's happening is that the traditional family of two parents and two children ·moved here from Los Angeles in lbe early '60s," said Agid. ''Now, IS to 20 years later, Mom and Dad live alone; their son is a sltigle IBM salesman, and their daughter, the accountant, has married an architect and the two are in no apparant hurry to make Mom a grandmother. From one trad.i· tional household, you now have three adult households." i.tek•~ » <'hanae ln lifestyle. Such buyers are lariely lirnored by other bU.lldera. said Acid. · • Butldera golnc after the ahrlnkfna nine percent of family move up buyers h ave more courage than l do," Agld warned. •· A.ftd so do their len· derat" lroolcalJy, two out of tJiree of the howslng typea demanded b)' the market -shelter and s pecia lty products -are ex- tremt'\y difficult to produce becau~ of obstacles imposed by government and sometimes lending institutions. "FIRST·TIME BUYERS, eapecialJy singles and couples, are ready to purchase a 500· square foot attached home built 20 to the acre." s aid Agid. ·'They under stand that they need to get s tarted in the homebuying game and rigbt now they can't do it -at least not in Orange County. ··Shelte r-orie nted buyers represent as much as 20 percent of the market. Only con· dominium conversions. all of which have been financially sue· cessful, are addressing lbis · c ritical n eed . Government eliminates the possibility of fair· market, afforda ble housing either overtly through elitist zoning, or coverUy through re· quirements and delays that add many thousands of dollars to the prtce of lbe homes . :: ties." ! Contributing to the cost of ~-famUy housing a.re general infia· According to Agid, Orange County is becoming a very tough place to operate as a builder. Pointing to personal experience. Agid said, "The Mayer Group is now building or planning more than 40 new communities from Pismo Beach to San Diego, none in Orange County. The firm sold the only piece of property it ac· quired here." • 'Govemm«m\.·~ubsidi~~si. prQ·" g rams are o n ly a pa-rlial answer,·· Agid ins ists. "The Mayer Group has a government· assisted housing division, Mayer Environmental Housing, that is anticipating opportunities in Orange County, However, such programs will not be able to de· liver the quantity required. In "ddilion, all subsidy plans, in· e luding tbe curr ent Orange County o rdinance requiring builders to s ubsidize one-fourth of their communities with lower cost housing, inevitably serve to increase the gap between the es t ab lis hed a nd the un· established. to shut·off mobility and crealj! economic n eo· feudalism. 'A fair-market, tree enterprise solution is both man· datory and feasible." '• tion. the sbrin.ting supply of buildable land under controlled growth policies and, mos t significantly, the cost of time-- consuming government process· ing, said Agid. Agid explained the rising number of adult households in terms of mature families whose AGID ADVISED builders to concentrate on three markets: shelter housing for the firsl·time buyer; luxury housing for the s uper-rich and exiled Shahs: and what be termed "specially" housing that stimulates a desire to move among specific buyers N ew Harbor Ridge Homes Set to Open t Letters have been mailed by Irvine Pacific, home building division of the Irvine Company, to more than 1,000 home shoppers on an interest list for the Phase 111 opening or the luxurious homes and home sites at Harbor Ridge. Located on a gate-guarded hillside in Newport Beach, the community of Harbor Ridge has proved a success in Orang~ County's luxury housing market since its opening in June, 1978. Such a success. according to Jack Custer, Harbor Ridge sales manager, that many people erroneously assume that Harbor Ridge is sold out. "EVERY DAY PEOPLE-COME in saying they know all the homes and homesites are sold but they would like to look at the models if we don't mind," explained Custer. "They really look sur- prised when I tell them Phase Ill will open soon and that we will be building for two more years." At Harbor Ridge Estates, 21 single family attached homes are being offered in the third phase. Priced from $350,000 to $575,000, the two to four bedroom homes provide between 2,360 and 3,800 square feet of well designed living space. The 20 luxury townhomes currently being offered at Harbor Ridge Crest provide 1,880 to 2,970 square feet and are priced from $265,000 to $395,000. Both Harbor Ridge Crest and Harbor Ridge Estates homes feature condominium ownership. ALSO AV AILALBLE IN phase III are 23 custom bomesltes, priced from $250,000 to $550,000 and range in size from 8,500 square feet to over one·bal! acre. Custer estimates that some of the custom homes now being planned will be valued at $1 million to $3 million upon completion. The sales office and model complexes are open daily frohl IO a .m . until 5 p.m. To reach the models from the San Diego freeway, go west on MacArthur Boulevard, left on San Joaquin Hills Road to Spyglass Hill Road, turn left and follow to the Harbor Ridge en· trance gate. ' AGID P OI NTED out that small, attached homes can be highly attractive. ".Many of the nation's most talented architects are eager to demonstrate lheJr ability to meet the challenge or producing s m a lle r units at highe r densities if only the public and officials will realize the need and the responsibility to proVide housing for the next generation.·· Specialty housing is often di!· ficull to produce because il is in· novative. Cities and lending in· stitutions alike tend to rosist change. Considering the trends, Agid s hared lbe Mayer Group's over· all strategy for the eighties. ··wE ARE STRIVING to create better planned com· munities and homes; smaller homes and higher densities. We intend to identify unsupplied and undersuppllea segments of the market and appeal lo them ln every way possible, We are selecting parcels of land that of. fer us the ability to provide a wide variety of specialty pro- ducts and we expect to make quick shifts in our product packages. Most of all, we are pl&l!_f!lng ahead. 'Parkdale c;yjJJage RIVERSID E 3 Bedrooms • 2Y2 Baths from $ SS,950 Unheard of low prices -great tcrms ... and all the feature'! are included! Imagine, wall-to-wall carpet, draperies, complete built-In ~itchen, even air condi· tionlng, garage door ooener and fenced rear yard! A park like selling of walkways, lawns, green areas and pool.• Enjoy the preview prices, the once·in·a·llre· time terms ... 1he advantage of home owner~hip. •t''""" ""'1111~ by t"""-n .. nl\•W11141-"'•"°'•n•llnk"""''11"',,...,._ 1b1t., s,i... Otl1< ~ T•ke the Riverside Freeway north /tHI 11j)~f th<> lncllo (P,,lm SptlnS J tum-<>fl 10 Columbia f ollow Columbl• ovf'r 1/11• I lrttWl'f to Cl.trlt Sfreet and rl~hl lo th(' modt'/ ll(lnle\ 0(1en 10:00 untl/ dusk. ~VELQDHENT CO.,'TNC. @ -ro••. tOl.l#fltr lf(MO •OJIA~ C.a.LIOll#IA ,,.. ' • ~ ,,M tNG&AOOM / UOll CQVttSt /' ' I ... -, . . ~.July 1, 1979 DAIL v PtLOT C7 11'1e NepCuN SOctety ohe.,. a 9'mpte and dlgnlnect cremetJon MMe. wtttt dl•Hmlnetlon at Ha, de· aert, or mount•lna. Your Social Securlly and Veterena Admlnletratlon benefit• may apply toward• our cremetton HrvlCH. Por lmmeclet• need, or fr•• portfollo, ult or writ•. Tiie Nep t ane Soelet y 2400 W. Coaat Highway tffwport Beach. Ca., t2M3 CEM. 646 7431 24 HOUA "*'s-... ~A. • SERVICE _,_ ------~, ••"• 17,.on ... c.•v• ... S-d FrH Pom o110 10. I ,.,. ·-•·ea . t0m 11,..,1.- l NAME. noi ... ,-.....,.,111-- 1 tot bei .. i. 00....• ~ I ~ESS----••-••rt1et•.C:. .n101.~ ..... I 1ot0, ""--"· CITY __ STATE _ l •ACM.fe,ca .. n1•1t"1~ ---~ r l"O ·•. ~·:1· : ~ \ • • ~ J lj ... ..(m:-·. • " ; -' . .' -1J;-(· ~ . ,_~ THE CHOICEST . VIE\N HOMES· IN DANA POINT Casa Dana -1ust eight stunning con- dominium homes set on one o f the best ocean view sites m Dana Point The homes have exciting multi-level plans. with cathedral ce11tngs. two-story- h 19 h f ireplaces. and romantic rooftop sundecks. where you're surrounded by expanstffi"of sea and s ky. And there are an incredible number of luxury appomtments. ' ORDER YOURS NOW • 1000 . BEAUTIFUL STICK -ON LABELS STYLISH TYPE ON GOOD QUALITY WHITE GUMMED PAPER • PERSONALIZED •EASY TO USE • FOR YOU OR A FRIEND Visit Casa Dana today. Dramatic homes with great views can't last forever. r---------------------, I F '' '" rr"s coupon chp and mail"'''" SI 75 1 25 poslago 10 I Special Preview Prices! 1 Pilot Printing. Label 01v. From $145,000 (71 4) 496-3003 • (714) 640-9250 I Post Office Box 1560 • 330 W Bay St r Costa Mesa. Cat1forn1a 92626 I 11.,..--.:.-......:~_..;;;:::;;.....JI I I I I I "' I I I Be Sure to Use Your Z1ocode I I I I L---------------------~ @§§§@}§[fl)§ PILOT PRINTING By the sea, hY.: the s.ea, liy the beautiful sea. Jasmine C reek has ocean-clo'c two bedroom Newport Beach homl''· That, and quiet, private living '' whal Jasmine C'reck is all ahou1. You know il's special from th<' moment you drive up to the 24-hour altem.led entrance. Righi now we've got a numhcr ol select 1wo-bedroom homes. two plans. each with two eleva11011'. Aside from 1wo hedroom~. each plan has two balhs. a !>ludy or den. fireplace. wet har. spac1ou' .. ~ .( . T ... ...... ·---'it' r .J ~1tchcn with hrt:akfast noo~. tiled entry .• ind IMmal dmmg room 1 hnc\ ,, clunhou'e w11h thre1.. pooh ,1n!.l n1ght·h~h1e,1 1cnn1-. court' A fJcl 'heel n11 IJcil111c' mdudtng Ai.,o.:-1:i11on Jlt~c~~- rncnh 1, ava1l.1hlc -" . " . r ..... ' 1 Located one mile from New port Center, Jasmine Creek reprc\cn\\ an enviable mode of living for the fortunate few Come ~mplc the Sf)Cc1.1I jrnb1cnce of JJ\mmc Creek , --, , ..... l'I. .... . h-J l..r, -I -.• ......... ,,\ .... q· .. :{ ! ••( ..... ,. " ' T ~ ' .. . . , .. -· •llt• ... 'lAN .a "LAN ·l JASMINI CAii~ In the Village o( Harbor View Outm1ndl1t1 connndouJ ftttandnR. Homes from $201,9!0 M. J. Brock & Sons. Inc.· Phone (71.J) 640-.J020 •• I 8und1v. Jul'; 1. 1171 Realtors F earftil ·Over Gas Pinch WASHINGTON -11M rM1 -.tale lnduatr)' ta buvl17 dtpeDdeo\ on th• aulol'l)oblle &Dd a 1uol1M 1queae -olWI have a Hvere lmpact on bous· in1 aal-.. a aurvey ol more t.bu 1,000 memben ol tbe NaUonal AuoclaUon ol Reattora dlleloled. Many reapondeot.I to the aurvey described tbelr car u their second oftlce. and any cur\allment of caaollne suwU• or alteration in the dellvery a11tem woWd affect them. Jome saldin a "d.laaa~" manner. THE SUaVEY partlclpanta ln· eluded ~era and salea penoonel. repreaeritin1 urban, auburban and rural market areaa. There "'as no ap· preclable difference in the level of dependence on the automobile among the respondents. The survey indicated that brokers drive an average of nearly 24,000 miles a year while sales associates average slightly more than 21,000 miles annually. These fiiures. ac· cording to the American Automobile Association, represent more than double the miles driven (10,000) by the average licensed driver in the United States. Automobile size also is important to the Realtor, who must sometimes take entire families from house lo house. Nearly three-fourths of the sales associates and two-thirds or the brokers said they could not r e· a_listically switch to a s maller car. SUllVEY FIGUllES a lso con· firmed that weekends are the busiest for brokers ~nd salespeople. The pat· tern dominates the industry simply because business must be conducted when homebuyers have free time to go house hunting, survey respondents said. Sat\U"(lay, Sunday and Monda)' are the daya of beavleat drlvlq, the poll 1bowed. lo fact.. Juat 30 percent of the brokers and 2S percent of the uleapenona listed a day other than these u the daya In which a m1tjor share ol busineaa drivlnt is done. Part.lcJpanta were provided wlth a llat of seven opUona propoeed to con- serve 1uollne and a11kt!d t.o com· mtint. Overall. they indicated that each of the seven wouJd have i measurable effect on their ability lo conduct business . OF ALL THE options presented, Sunday closing of service stations was viewed as the least disruptive, while direct rationing with non· transferable coupons and weekend closing (noon Friday to midnight Sunday ) were conside red as measures that would be catastrophic to the industry. Both brokers and salespeople were asked, "lf the gasoline supply were reduced by 20 percent, what impact would this have on yd'Ur real estate sales performance and income?" Most of the respondents -47 percent of the brokers and S3 percent of the sales associates -said it would have a substantial impact. When asked what a 30 per~nl re- duction would do, more than 80 per- cent made reference to "disastrous." ONE RESPONDENT'S comment may have summed ~ the feelings of many: "Residential real estate must be s hown to re6Ult in a sale, no gas -no s ale." Spacious Design This is the ~ntryway of the Royal Muirfield. one of four designs offered at Broadmoor Homes' view.oriented El Niguel Heights community. A two-story entrance introduces the 2,670-square-foot. four-bedroom home. Prices start from $181,500. Forest Homes Sold On Orange Gi:ove Brock Homes Lake Forest is sold out. The 99 one.and two-story single-family detached homes we re built on land that was originally a ranch and orange grove. Five acres of the orange grove with approx- imately two hundred trees were preserved by M.J. Brock & Sons for the homeowners use. The gro~e is maintained through the homeowners association and residents may pick the oranges from the up· per grove as they choose. •• ········--·-¥ •• -•• -... .,,. ... ········-····-····--·----...... ..._ REAL ESTATE FoxfJoro Befglats =1 Homes View Past Recalling the New England Coast of generations past, a joint venture effort between Howard Mark and Company and the Anden Group has captured the essence of early America in a new collection ol 1ux· urlous Laguna Niguel homes, Fox· boro Heights. More than 3,000 peopte viewed the models last weekend during the of. ficial g rand opening at Foxboro Heights, which consists of 77 ex· eculive styled homes. With prices ranging from $193,000 to $285,000. these s pacious homes provide between 2,516 and 3,500 square feel of well designed living space. IN CORPORATING MANY architectural details not found in other conte mporary homes. those at Foxboro Heights feature such out· standing design appointments as htp and gable roofs. dor mers, upstairs verandahs, wooden balustrades, twin breasted chimneys and oak handraHs with volutes. Other features of the two· s tor >. four-bedroom . three·bath homes include two fireplaces m every home, parlours, wet bars with brass footrails, open well staircases, wooden French doors, formal dining rooms and raised panel anterior doors. Located in the hills of Laguna Niguel, adjacent to El Niguel Coun- try Club and less than two miles from the blue Pacific, Foxboro Heights offers a selection of four floor plans in 12 exterior elevations. Skylights and crerestory windows are used and sunlit carrels and bedroom window seats in many or the homes create an atmosphere for solitude. Every home is clad with painted, beveled shipla p, roughcast. and elaborate m asonry. Appurtenances include oak faced kitchen cabinetry, master baths with whirlpool tubs. custom light fixtures. brass door furniture. s moke detection systems a nd a utomatic garage door openers . A homeowner's aasociatioo, to which every resident be lon1a1 landscapes aod maintains all com· mon areas. THE BEDFORD HOUS~fealures a bay windowed sunroom oft the draw. ing room and an upstairs gallery and balcony. The Gracemont House is highlighted by a staircase with danc· ing steps, arched entries to dining room and window seats in upstairs bed rooms. An octagonal light in the drawing room and coffe red cellin g in the ballroom are the focal points of the Bridgeport House. A greenhouse win- dow adds to the kitchen of the Ashley House. The model homes are open for public viewing daHy from 10 a.m. un· tsl 6 p.m. To reach the s ales office from the San Diego Freeway. exit south on Crown Valley Parkway to Clubhouse Dri ve, go le ft on Clubhouse Drive to Glen Abbey and turn left; turn left again at Augusta and continue north to the Foxboro Heights office at 30875 Rivera Place. Irvine Pacific .. 'Nugget' Win~r For the second consecutive year, l rvsne Pacific. homebuilding division of the Irvine Company, has won the top Gold Nugget Award for Attached Home of the Year at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference. This year's winning entry was the two·story. three-bedroom, Casablan· ca m odel in Irvin e Pacific's townhomes at Harbor Ridge Crest in Newport Beach. Designed by Corbin· Yamafu ji a nd Pa rtne r s . the Casablanca features an indoor bridge to the upper-level . which overlooks the dining room and atrium. Bonds Weapon Against Slump WASHING TON -By permitting the use of tax exempt r evenue bonds to finance single-family housing, Congress could help dampen the effects or an approaching recession for thousands or moderate income families who are searching for homes, an officer of the National Association or Home Builders believes. Sea Country Herman J . Smith. vice president-treasurer of the 117,000.member NAHB, warned the Senate Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs that many of the condltions that precipitated the hous- ing collapee of 197f.75 are surfacing again, includ· ing the strong outflow of funds from mortgage lending institutions. Savings institutions lost a record $2.6 million during April, causing many tn· stitutiona to curtail their mortgage lending opera· tions "IF THE TllEND CON'nNUES, as we believe • it will, mortgage finance from thrift institutions - at any price -will not be available," said Smith. NAHB is forecasting at least a 20 percent decline in housing starts this year, thereby causing a loss of more then $2 billion in federal tax revenues. The subcommittee Is holding bearings on legislation that would restrict the types of housing that would be eligible for the below-market mortgage interest rate financing made available under the tax exempt revenue bonds sold by slates and local communities. With the price of a typical new home now run- ning over $60,000, the lower financing costs pro- vided by the revenue bonds constitute about the only way thousands of moderate income families .can still purchase a home, Smith said. This financ· ing technique ls particularly helpful for first time buyers with incomes between $16,000 and $25,000 who are presently priced out of the market. SMrl'll POINTED OUT that the estimated federal tax revenue loss for each $1 billion or new tax exempt revenue bonds is more than offset by the additional tax revenue generated by new hous· ing construction. He s aid each $1 billion in new housing construction generates 37,000 man years of work, about $592 million in wages, $62.5 million in federal personal income taxes, $34.6 million in federal corporate income taxes, $8.5 million ln state income taxes, and $21.6 million in local real est.ate taxes. Furthermore, the revenue bonds are an em. cient way of subsidizing moderate income home buyers because the program can be implemented without costly and delaying government regula- tions and red t.a~ that hamper other federal hom- ing programs, be said. · Smith also challenged the prevailing economic wisdom of using housing as a tool lo restrain infia· tion. "While slowing housing production may moderate inflationary pressures momentarily, in the long run such measures will merely ex· acerbate inflation," be said. SIOTll CALLED THE S~P cyclical flue· luatioaa in housing construction one of the fun· ' damental causes of rising bouaing prices. "During periods of alack construction, plants and equipment Idle; the capacity for manufactur· in& material.I and componenta Uled in housing con- 1\ructlon are underutlllaed; and conatrucUon •o,rken are not employed," be said. "During perlodl of bllb eoaatruction acU9lty, workers de· mand blabel' ••I• to prcMde reuooable annual lncom• <eomiderinl periodl ol unemploJJDent); returm oa plat and eqal.pmaK muat be blaher to make up for lcml9 dw1q idle pertodl; and the de- mand for reeoaree1 .ea in bouslq ll lncreued 1harply, l'8IUltlq In b1Per land prices, hil.ber material prtc. aDd b1aMr ~ ratet." Smtt!l c.ceded that aome natrletlou may have to be pl8Ced on tbe .. of tbele boadl but added that thole Umltl aboaJd be Ht at tbe ~tale rather tb8n federal l••el. "We WMllcl favor alJowr. iq a lt&e to Mt eltlaer IDeolDe llmlta or parclaaH price lbntta'' u..t an ftaltlle .... to take Into aeeomt 1oca1· haqetq Hltl and to reaeb famlllel wbo are uaabl• to quallf1 for C01aHDUonal ~ IDOl'tllll ftn=rlq, ... Nl4. " \\ hl'll \Oll buv cl hllllll', \OU ,11\u buy .1 \.'.OllllllUlltl\. II', lhl' l·ommunitv mcm· than the home lhdl. \\Ill CilU\C lhc ho111c 111 1111.:rca\C in. 'aluc N dc(rl'ohl.' 111 I he yl·ar' ahc:•tl. lkforc you buy a homl' anyrlal·c. l·o11,itkr .. :ardulh 1111.• atlvan1age1, ol a home in the Se.a Country of Laguna N1gud. II i'i um:rowtled am.I un..:ongc<,tcd. Though only 12 1111b ~yond Newron. i1 i'> a world away in qual11 y o l lilc. You'll probably never M:c a 1rartk jam in l.nguna Nigud. There j., a mile-and·a·half of un,roilctl head11..". anti u hu' 111 1al.e children 10 1hc bcm:h all \Ummc1. All ol I .<1guna "-1gud '' \.'.ookd anti I rc-.henc.'d by itvadjact'lll')' to 1hc ~·1:a11. II b naturally beautiful here, wirh gentk valley .... high "111111ni1 ... • .1111..I 1olhll):! pl.llCJU~ ()\1.:1 llil· \ll('.111 11 ,, '" qllll'f Ill '''·Ill'\ 111.11 \llU lJll lr1.:.ir <I 1111.'JUO\\ 1.111' LI 4UJI ll'f 1111k J\\ J~. II ''" ... porh ('l<l1atl1,l', """ .1 fllf\,llC 18·1mlc i.:1111 1..11ur'c Jilli plf\,tlc t..:nrn' dub. In <1tld111011. 1h1.:11· .uc m..:r ~'O an<" 111 p.1r'-'· \\llh bo.11111g• .rnd t"hrne 1111 1lllf I.th". pl.1~111c 11dd'. .111tl public rcnn" \.ourh. I ag.una Nigud "cleganr. Honll'' lw the 'ii:<•. 10 rhe vulk'y. or on 1 hl' ... umm11., ~angc I n1m $~0.(.ICX1 t .. , S..tOO.(X.)(1. \\ hy n<ll karn 1hc "hoh: .,10ry of um.:rcmdl·J, um:l1mmo11 I J!-'UIH.I l\1gud. Corn ... · 1n the l .1i.:u11.1 1\.1!-'tx:I lntnrm.1111111 (.i.:111cr 1hi, V.Cl'"cnd. I-or a l11rll.' mm._• ummt: \ou'll f111J .t 1111 111orc Ii v111~. • • •Utl.tlltll" l111u11 •. ·J h• ht\~ hoJt-. Lake Park Foothill Patio Homes The VIiias Rolll ng HI lls Available 110 \\- Singlc·family J c1a..:hcd homcc; 2 bedroomc; plu' den tu 4 bedrooms $104,90010 $109.900 (714) 831·2553 Prices effective as of 5/29179 Homes subject to prior sate. I • i\'ailable 11ow- A1ta..:hcd family home' < ~bedrooms 10 4 Oedroom' \94,200 to $118.CXX) (714) 495·5261 Models For &lie To reach the Laauna Nrgutl Information Center, take the San D\cgo Freeway 10 Crown Valley Park\\ay and turn riaht one.quarter milt'. For more information, call (7 14) 830.SOSO. A vailablc now- Dl'tachcd 2 bc:droom' plus den to 3 bedroom' plu:i den $149,000 to $225,000 (714) 661·0662 Models For Sale A vailable now- Execuli\C 'enl'' ''ngll' fam ily de1acht'l\ 3 & 4 bedroom home:' Sl48,900 to $205,000 (714) 831-99!0 \ The Sea Country of Laguna Niguel ......... ' .macna /.irvine· r NEWPORT IEACH PROPERTY l ST TtMf ON THE MARlfll Great homP' Grt-111 rond1t100• Cr1•a1 neighborhood 3 BRs & rnnv dt>n . hardwood noor~ t llt'W C'llrpt•I Only $157,000 ftt· Burbar.i Aune 642·R23S. OPtr.N SL'!\ I ~'; ~I 1736 llJGllLANO f)k IT 541 lfGc.ANYON W>r1va('y! Family rm w1wet bar ha~ arC'l'!IS lo S BH" + ma1d'5 rm separate mni.ter suite w l fplr Oram a\1 c living & d1nin.: rros w 1rathedral cciljngs. 3-rar garagt-$439,000. OPEN Slll'\. l ·S P.M. •7 CJlEJlRY lllLLS IT-5~1 BEAUTlftJL BAYCREST Quality built by Ivun Wrlls on qu1l't "lrl't·t in prc·st1g1ou), nt'tl!hborhooc:I I lg DH" 4 bathl. f:Jm1ly rm kncht•n -+ pool. i.pa & hUl!l' yard' S339.000. Bob Owens 64211235 OP t:~ Sl'~ I 5 I' ~1 tl!OS c;LENwoou 1T-S61 1 ST TIME OFFERED! Ba)i<hor~ Jewel on lg corner lot w •sunny pm:at c 9at10 Charming Country Frl'nch couple home w /room to expand. SJS0.000. Dona Ch1<'hesler 642·8235. OP EN SUN. H P. M. 2502 VISTA DR. 1 T-57 J BIG CANYON -VIEW! Newly offered -outstand ing expanded Plan I situated on LARGE co_rner lot. Beoutifully upgraded ! 5 BRs · cozy study w tfplc:. bar & w ine r-m · dining r m . 4 fpks · used brick terr aces. A MUST SEE : S64S.OOO. Lynne Val<'nttne 644-6200. OPEN SUN. J·S P .M. 11 Rl'RNl~G TREE. IT-581 ELEGANT BRICX FRONT HOME flo\ rr Short'!\. :Jr<'a Singllo.stury beaul,\ v. 3 ttRs 'I~ ma<.tt•r ~wtl'I rl1·n 14 fpk & V.<'l har formal dining 1rc1n J?nll 1•n<'ln<wd entr\ p:il11J I" rl';tr \ .trcl v. c;p;,c1· for 111101 &> 1·;.ih:inJ Rt·d11r1•rl to $325.1100 ft•t• f) ll,1lrl1·rm;in C S«h\\1'1 c•k1·r1 fi42 "2~ OPE:'\ M '!\ 2 5 P )I 121~ \11\Hl:'\EHS OH •T-591 NEW OFFERING -EASTBlUFF P <'rfe!'I for c·omfortable family hfe: 4 BRs · family rm . fully fenced yard · quiet lol'ation. short walk to schools. shopping, parks & tennis. .,'riced ril'!hl for q uick s:ilc & owne r will assist in financing. Sl72.SOO. Lar ry Oyt•r f-42·11235. OPEN SUN. 1-4 P.M. 2224 AR ALIA. 1T -601 flEXIBlf RNAJ«:ING Fam ily orl<'ntcd hom e on oversize lot w 1180' bay & hght view. Ideal floor plan w 14 BRi;. 31':' baths. lg. family rm, formal dining +-pool. ~1>a & 3-c~r ~:ir S~fi5.000 rnd land I\ Ir llartll•y fi,12·11235. IT-Iii 1 ELEGANCE & CHARM :'\ow 1ust S:l29.!iOO incl Jund' Quick occupancy possible & ownc•r wall :1'\~1sl 1n financ1n~ Formal lt\'lnR d1n1n~ rm!-rtow to I~ h1 J!h ·cc 1l1n~t·d family rm v. c·xpo!ioed bt·:im!'> . perfecl for ent<'rtaining: 1 BR~ v. v1ev.!'> Lar~· Dyer 642·8235 OPEN SC'.'\. 1·5 <If• M 1219 SA:'\TIAGO. DOVl-.:R SllOH !:;S. • T-621 BIG CANYON 4 UH. fam1I~ rm homt> w .io· pool & spa. Remodelt-d & re3dy for you OPEN SUN 1·4 JO P i\I #J9 ROYAL ST. GEORGE. IT·63l OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. •1968 SAN BRUNO. BLUFFS. Sl24.SOO. •1070 P ESCADOR . DOVE R SHORES. S33S.OOO. •2670 WAVERLY. BAYSHORES $325,000. •'JOI ALDER P L, EASTBLUFF $178.500. •l~ COMMODORE. BAYCREST. $219.000. •1903 YACHT MARIA. SEAVIEW. $269.500. •2025 E. BALBOA BLVD. BALBOA PENIN. $540.000 COUNTRY GENTUMEN'S ESTATE C'har m1ng 5 BR Southern GC'orgi3n Colonial llome ... Beaullfully ~andscaped w /lg. trees. rolling lawn + pool, stablei; 114 horses). .;.euei>t \:ollaBc & room for tennis court. Harriet PC'r ry 64-2·8235. 1 T·64 l THE VERY BEST From. locatior:i to the black free.form pool will be found m th1J1 prestigious JJ1g Canyon 4 BR retiidcnce. Gated garden entry • security of U·hr. guard-gated com munity. S.S85.000 fee. Jeri Hunt 642·823S. IT-6SI YOU DESERVE THE BEST Surround your.ielf w /quaUty & rein Conv. locaUon • schools s hopping & tepnis w\lhin walking distance . Enjoy 4 BRs & dining r~ a-a lg. 1ow dlaint. yard In Eastblurr. $195.000. Coby Ward &U-8235. •T·66> ' . • EXCEPTIONAL VIEW Ultra-oontemporary Newport Hdghts 3 BR + den .. 3 bath home overlcddng Harbor & Oeean. Lg. room11 • storage . drama + privacy & 2 BR 1uest uni\. too• $428,000 fee. Martha Macnab 642-8235. 'T-61> PRESTIGIOUS llG CANYON Liv~ in a nei«hborlood wJcelebriUes & compan)' presldeats. t>Pluxe 2 BR + ~ home w/lovely golf course view. Lg. outdoor d eck ror entertaining. Many special features. For tbe m ost dlscrlmlnaUng' m7.SOO Paula Bailey 642·8235. 'T·88> · EXQUSIYE IAYflONT Approx 7~· oo the .-winy slde of Lido laland. Mngle tevel bome wtwlde expanse of water view. Pier A al\o. llM0.000. Jean Dales "2·82a5. fT.ee> 642-8235 90 I Dowr Drtw Newport leach .. rea tg FINER PROPERTIES NEWPORT BEACH PROPERTY BEAUTY AT ITS BEST! formt>r modt>I' lhJ?hlv upgradl"d 2 BR C'anyon Crest condomm1um Tll'ar romn' Ponl & ll•nn1 ... Family rm formal din1n11 hbrao .JdJ to ma:.lt·r llK SlH!l.!iOO !'l.indll' 1''1x 644 ·6200 1T-7t 1 BA YFRONT DUPl.f X -SANDY BEAtH HJlhna 1-.land F:lq;.int 2 -.tory Frl'nc h Contemporary v.· bn•:tthtaking nl·w~ nf Bay & boating Both units w 3 BRs & almost counllt-ss custom fl·uturl'S. Prof. desij.?ned & drroralt'<i Sl.085.000 incl land. fo'll'xiblc fm:incing av;.111 IJ1l'k lfaldt•rman 642·8235 • T-721 PANORAMIC VIEW ... To Palos Vc•rdC's f'rntnsula ! This likt• ne" 2 IlR + drn 1'<1nlurl<l'l modt'I f1.•a\un•s sof\h1-.t1catcd de"tRn "' 1nnt•r 1·11urt & w1dt• l'Xpan''-'' of '<lldmg ,.:l..1~:-. V:.111lll'd rt•1ltnl!' :1dcl "'""' IClll'-lll''' lo dram:i11t It\ mi: & dmmi.: rm-. S2\l'J,5\JO l.yn1w \' .1ll'lll 11H' Ii 14 &21MJ 1 T 131 CAPE COD CHARMER Lovdy 2 l:H! + ckn condominium in the V1ll..11?c of Jlarbnr V1t'w Knoll End unit forml'r modt>I v. man) special dt:corating ft•alurec; On park " Opt•n rolling hill vu·v.-. l ·blk lo 'hopprng center SJ69.900 &. you own lhl' land J l·annc Newman 642·8235. 'T· 741 "PRETIY AS A PICTURE" ln Harbor View Knoll. 2 BH + dl'n spht·l<>vel '.liewrastle model condominium w 'pl:lnk flooring & dccorator papers Comm pool. tennis &spa. Sl74.m fl'l' Sandtc Fi>. 644·6200. IT 751 OAKCREST ~u~p1•ntll'd ovrr Btl! (',11"nn 1t•>lf 1·our~l' & lak" w "Uht.1nrlin11 \W \\!-' :? ~nac·inu' llH.., "''I h:1r 11•11' :>-1-.1r 1·0111m pn11f 'fl·',\ 11•11111' 1·our1 Sl!J!l.5tl!I Paula HJ1h•\ ·~I:! !\:!J.1 •T '" , CUSTOM HOME Country-hkr <;£'lt111~ w dl·rk O\'t•rlookin.£ O<'•·an \'IC'\\ in ('aml·n Shore!>' 3 BHs ~ h:ilh~ · hUl!l' family rm . 'Parklmg pool A:'\() ~IOHE! ~.000 incl. land. Jt<tn Dale-. 6-l2·R235 1T·771 THE FINEST .•. Materials & appointm ents enhance this custom 4 BR. Himlty rm home in Seaview · · o g:ite.guarded comm. Quality thruoul ... amenltit~ incl. 2 rplcs. wet bar. <;pa. rren('h doorc;, molding!>. paneling + finished f!_a rage w/sep laundry rm. Flexible f1nancinA 5365.000. Lynne Valent me 644-6200. IT-71< 1 LIDO ISLE ON LG. LOT! Dramatir' I hgh cc1llngs .• 1.~· hug!' rr111mc; • Contl'mpor;irv <.tyk 111 arcommc>dnll' vour .irt trrasun'" & furn(lun· J BR <.,u11c~ familv rm Av. :.ird· Winn1111! .1r!'h111•cturl• "' hit in!> & nrirl h & south rnurh·:ird pal10'> 5615.000 fll''C llnanc1nj! (',1lh\ ~<'hv.rlC'k1·rl fi42-R235 <T -7°9 • CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTY tRVINE TERRACE!. Outstandlng 3 BR res. situated on extra-lg . corner lot troom for pool) w tlovely landscapin~ & ocean view! Rem odeled & redecorated w /new cpl. window coverings, wallpapers. skylights & many other features. S47S.OOO. Lynne Valentine 644-6200. OPEN SUN l·S P.M 1801 TAHUNA TERRACE. rT-8th SPYGlASS RIDGE Ocean view from th1c; 2-story 4 BR C'xecutl\'(' hom e on extra lg. lot w privacy • Courtyard entry wtfountain -spacious fam1lv r m . formal dining w1 \'IC'W -2 fplco; · all bl•:iutifull\i decorotC'd. SJ35.000 Lorr3inl' l!ennit• 752-Ml 1 OPF.N St 'N. 1·5 ·P.M 1607 llARBOR CREST CIR. rT-Rl 1 LIGHT & BRIGHT Like new condltion +-cheerful colors in this lovely J BR, htmily rm home on very p rlv11le corner lot. $259,000 fee. Rosemary Myers 644·6200. OP EN SUN. l·S ?.M. 1218 KEEL. 11.V. HILLS. <T·82l ,. OPEN SUN. 1-5 P.M. •3514 CATAMARAN. H.V. HrLLS. $212.500 f~. •16 ROCKY POINT. SPYGLAs.5. S.1.200.000 ree. FANTASTIC VIEW -SPYGlASS Char m & eleg~e! Quality Country-style s BR home w tlnvtting Uvlng rm. formal dlnlng rm. country kitchen. comforta ble famlJy rm vi/wet bar & custom cablnetry. FabuJous Oeean & Bay view + pool, spa & tA?rrace! $750,0001 Lynne Valentine 644-6200. t T-83> CHARMER! Z BR cottage surrounded by mature t~. lawn &c room Lo build ! Lot·and·Onl'-half below Hwy. S279.SOO fee. Ma rtha Mocnub 64.3·8235. IT·84l PANORAMIC SPYCilASS VIEW • stngte st«}' home w /3500 sq. n.. or living area. s 8Rs. fam ily rm + m aster suite wJview of Ocean. Bay & night llgbts. SStS.000. Helen Wood 644·6200. <T-85> VIEW -LOCATION • CUSTOM DESIGN Sopbltltlcat.ed custom buJlt bosne. Oriented to a couple who enjoya entertaining & totel priv&e)'. Many a m enities & custom fea\uree • sparkling pool. $288,D . Belle Cbue Lee W -•""" tT-86> 644-6200 1644 San Miguel Dr. HCll bor Vlew-Centw • • IRVINE PROPERTY TURTlE A9'K 1flGHLANDS B1•aut1ful air cond home featuring luxun + t•on' <'lllence · Uhl door 1 ntn to ~unk1·n h\lng rm v. fpk + French door-. to .eardc•n 1iff lorm.11 d1n111g rm St·p. lam1I~ rm ..,., v.l'l bar mJ,,ll'r 'Itel•· v. \'~1ultt'fl l'l•11tng muc·h. mut•h mon" S215.000 Ov.nPr "111 ('ilrr\' 2nrl Tru ... 1 Dt•ed Lorramt' Hl:'nntl' 752·14\\ 0PI'::-.; :-;l ;\ l ·6 I' \I 115 !'ll ':'\lll'l!ST cT ><71 TURnE ROCK Ohl d oor cmtr~ lc3di> ln th•~ lovc•ly. II! -I DR home w '"PlH:Jtl'" fam1lv rm & formal d1mn~ rm :'l<t•v. I~ dt·coratt•d fr....,h pamt rl'ad~ for vou & Ol41H·r mott\:tl('d' ,Jl'ST '1 15 91111' f,orrJtnl' Renn1t.> 752 1411 ()Pf':\ Sl'\ l 5 P ~1. llf752 SAGl:\.\Y. •T AA1 TURTLE ROCK GARDEN HOME' 1 Ill! 1f1•,1 th1•r l'l.1n \\' .1lnum c·ntrv 'k\h~h1-. r11 llt "'"'rt ii,, ~l'llt'llHI' 11-.1• of ~1;i,, l l1·Pk 11ff m.1-.1 Pr "1111 ,. l'11\ ,., •·•I I' 1t I" " lln·r1n1-' 1 ·omrn 1111111 & hght1•1l lt•nn1.., .;:IH!-1 .)00 l.nrr.11nc J!,.111111· 7;,;t l 111 Ol'J-:\' SL';\ I l'I I' :>1 17 l!Al\iHl\\ f1\LL~ ,·~ ><:H ''GET AWAY FROM IT All" ... To the country·lik1: ~l'lltni.: of !\:orthwood 2 Rll + den ,ur conct homt• " l iivi~h use of warm v.ooiJo;, mirror & lt-::idcd 1!13'-' 111,1.!hfv upl!rndt'ti · bt•nul landl'capl'rf Corner lo<'at1on nt'ar comm pool &. lenn1-. SI 16.!KlO llolly \larka., 644·6200 1T 901 VIEW THE NIGHT LIGHTS ... F rnm htl!h in lh1· htllc; nf Turtl.-Ro<:k ' Lu1<unnu ... !'llncfomtnl1tm ottc•rtn).! 101.d i:r1•l•nh1•lt prt\Jt''· 2 mJ ... ll'r 'Ullt·' rl• "ll!Ol'f ·~Jll 1·11\1·r111c. r1·ntr.il .ur It ~t·h mnrt· '171 '"111 \l.11Jl'l111L· I'"' i~1 ' I II I 1 'I I • ONE Of TODAY'S BEST BUYS "•ni.'I• f,1m1h llr11,11fm11ttr \\ 1hl\\111td l'l.111 ·1 IHI 1hn111L' r11 • fllll1•cl 1·1•1\ln~-. I~ \.Jrfl .1ir111m '<I I.' lllHt \ l't' .., .. 11 ... 011ti12-l-12:$5 'T 'll t "GET IN THE SWIM" - I • rt. 0 1nrn 11 On1· or lht' 'crv ft•"' f:..,lJtt• lfome' 10 V. oodhrtrlRl' v. tl' OW' PRIVATE pool & ... pa• Wao;hin~ton ~todrl · 2 «tor\ :I RRo;· rf1•n family rm: form:il dminl! p(•r'ect tor rn~t·rta1nin~ · Pnvar~·. too' :--:at..111(' BanJaann 752·14t4 •T·931 EXPANSIVE, NOT EXPENSIVE! Full~· upgr:tdC'd. ;,tr·cond homr for the· fom1lv w ~oorl l:i'<IC' f''nrm;,I bvmi: & d1mn,:? :1r<·a'. j?ourml'\ k1tchl'n :tdJO•ntn1o1 f..1m11\ rm v. ffllc & ~·d h,1r m:i ... t1•r '-Utlc• 14 Hnm..1n 111.-. balh · 2 .1dd I UH~ .\I) f"r 11nh -.1:J1 51MI' \ml.1 llr.11l-.hJ11o 752 1111 • T ~11 • COST A MESA PROPERTY LOCATION + PRICE = GREAT INVESTMENT! In lhl'< :1 rm . IJmtly rm Colh.'IH' P ark home· "\l'iJ( J<..,I JllO '"''"' '" nut fn.,..h p.11n1 Uon't m1-.<. lh1 ... at O:"\LY S96.500 \I.mun rn11l'll i52 1~11. OPE:--: ~L·~ 12·4 P ~I 293 WAKEfo'OREST 1T !15 NEWPORT RIVIERA ExCl'Pttonal 3 RR . 21z bath end un1l condom1n1um tn t-;;i«h1rfc• c·c,..11 :\k:.J lkh~htful pJllo. Excellent cond1t1on ;\i.-.oc 111<'1 P<Kll . t1•11n1' :,aunu & :.pa. S89.500 frc Martha Macnab 642·8235. rT 96• NEWLY REDUCED! Own<'r wanlc; In mov<'' Bl·aut1fully rt•modeled 3 RH fam1lv rm. dinm~ rm homl• on big Int' Great cul-de-sac Inca lion 100' Tht" E:is1i.1d1• charmt•r v.on 'tJtas t at Sl 17,900'' Jeanne !l'<•v. man 642·R23S cT-971 SPECTACULAR Hill TOP VIEW ..• Of (k 1•:tn & loH·I~ 'UO!'.cts from this 2·stor v. 4 BR homl:' 1n .1 un111111• n1•1ghhorhood 1-;nJO' all lh1· am1•n1ti~ of hvmJ? c-IO!-<' to th•' l 'rC',1n ~ :-<t·11o port Llc:ich . StS!l 900 Let' lll'nkel 752·1414 •T 9H1 SERENE & TRANQUIL . Loftv lrl'<'' sh:idt• th1i. 5 BR J b.ath '.\le!-a \'1•rdr hOrnt' 011 .1 qu1l'I Hn·l'l 2 frplc-' 111 h\ ing rm & f:im1ly rm v. h1rh h;1-. \It'! har & hll '" book<':J~l''-Rt•:iut1 ful land~cu pmJ! :'\ow 5179.900' .tnht) Granath 6~2·8235. IT ·fiYI EASTSIDf COSTA MESA Lg. R :? lot v. :? BR ~h'\ltll'red colla~e. P1tradtnJ! nl'u1hborhooct Dnw by 1967 Church Sl. Appl only. Now S92.SOO! Cathy Schwe1rkc1t 642-8235. IT·IOOl UPPER BAY AREAi Lg. living r m & dining a rea ·lg master suite w/deck . 2 add 'I SR~. private y:ird w cover ed patio. All beautifully decoral<'d . rondominium lt vlng at ih fin<>st' Con\'ement to brach & fwY!' too: S92,900 Lorrainl' lkn111c 752-1414. !T·lOI > • LAGUNA BEACH PROPERTY • SPLENDOR IN THE HILLS M:ignihrl'nt.h11ls1dc mansion overlookinit Ocean. mtnc; & city h~-tit~. 5395.000. This French Provlncrnl. completely custom home can be piJrchosed w/all thc eitceptional furni11h1ng;• L01s Miiier 642·823S. IT·I02l OCEAN YEW P rivate gate ... beach •.. beac h club . . tennis .• and MORE! Mona~h Bay rt!S. offering e very amenlly~ 2 muter suites • formal d ining · 2nd fplc In Jg. fa mily rm w/gardea courtyard view. ~.000. J . Hunt/B. Owens 642-8235. IT·103> 752-1414 4545 Campus Dr. c...,.v.,center i --- unnel \'ision Santa Fe mail c lerk travels on his bike through a tunnel under the main rail yard in San Bernardino. The tunnel connerts the car repair and locomotive rebuilding shops with the main ternunal building. 'Smaller Piece of Pie' Lo~r Standards Needed to Figlit Inflation : WASIDNGTON <AP) -Living $landards of Americans must decline if inflation is to be con- trolled, says the government's top. inflation fighter. Does that 01ean tin shacks. soup and bread lines? : No. and it may not even mean civi ng ·up a vao.at1on to a faraway place, if that's what an individual wants. says one of· ficial. But it probably will mean adjustments in living for most people, he adds. • "THERE IS GOING to be a smaller piece of pie for every· t>ody ... says Pel<'r Emerson. ''It's not to say we'll all be Uvirtg m shacks, or that sort of thing. But we cannot be as voracious consumers as we huve been." Emerson is a key aide to Alfred Kahn, President Carter's chief adviser on inflation. Kahn has said Am~ricans face lower living standards as the price for controlling inflation. ·'The s um total of the de· mands we are placing on this economy of ours . . somehow a dds up to more than the economy is capable or s upply- ing." he said. "There is no way ol avoiding a decline in our average standard of l.Jvmg ... • ;uE SAID IT IS impossible 'Ulen beef and 01 l a re in short s\)pply for Americans to con· Qpue to have as much as before. QO matter how much they are will ing to pay. Hous ing is another example of demand out· l)acing supply. and prices rising. 'Tbat is the process by which U.vln g standards are eroded. A C.mily forced by shortages or !Jlgh prices lo switch from steak "~amburger has a lower eating •ndard. One forced to stay ~e on a weekend because it 4n 't afford or get gas has a ~er recreation standard. ~~-any fam i I ies a 1 ready !ered home thermostats in ter and are using air condi- ners less because of the rlage and high cost of ~rgy, resulting in a lower 4'mfort standard • . OWEVER, KAHN 'S pre- ~ption that lower living Stan· 4'"fds are necessary to cure the ~trent inflationary sickness ~n 't won widespread endorse-~t from Olher economists. =•Treasury Secretar y W. chael Blumenthal is one who agrees, at least in part. "I deD't think there's any reason to !IJr that there will be a declin- ijfa standard of living for a few :tears," .he said, although he *powledged they won't grow ~rapidly as before. ~ar Alperovitz or the National nter for Eco nomi c rnatives said, "A very large _ ber of things can be done d!lli before asking people to take er cuts in their standard of g. . . . We could control a chunk or inflation by put- controls back on energy ~es." ~ .. : JACK CA RLSON, c hief f!opomist of the U.S. Chamber 4if Commerce, said Kahn's state- .. nt showed the Carter ad· tiblistration "bas given up on e reform of the government cies that are causing lntla- ." He said coaUy regulatlons E excessive government din& are at the heart ol the lem. erican Uvtn1 standard.I ap. p mat.ely doubled lo the 1950s an 19608. Many famUles went from one car to two; a summer cottage was no tonger Just for the wealthy I and g1d1etf from electric toothbrushes to tape decks were accumulated with fren1y. But so far ln th• '701, there hu been very lltU4! f aJD in the Stan• dard ot Uvtna, and It bu even faJter"M at t111M9. -. Commerce Department f AP Wlrel'f'OIO LOWER YOUR STANDARDS Inflation Fighter Kahn figures showed that after adjust- ing for inflation and taxes, the buying power of earnings and salaries declined 0.3 percent m 1978, the first decline in four years. WEEKLY EARNINGS were down 2.6 percent in this April. the sharpest monthly drop in the 15 years the government has kept such figures. They were off 4 6 percent for the 12-monlh period ending in April And noting that consumer spending is down 3.5 percent this year. Blumenthal said, "Quite clearly . . . consumers do not have the money left to maintain the purchases they otherwise would because they are spending more on energy." Each dollar hike in the price of a barrel of foreign oil drains $4 .billion from the United States, which becomes lost purchasing power lo Americans. ONE WAY TO MAKE up for the loss would be to produce more. expanding the nation's total wealth. But lhls hasn't hap- pened. Productivity, rising at 3 per- cent annually not so many years ago. scarc-ely increased last year and dropped early this year. The government hopes busi- ness Investment will boost pro- ductivity, but mnation and the threat of recession are making busmcssmen cautious about in- vcstmg. "IT IS CLEAR that unless we can increase productivity, which also requires bringing inflation under control. then we could not expect the standard of Jiving to risP the way it has in the '50s and the '60s," Blumenthal said. Rarry Bosworth, director or the Council on Wage and Price Stability, noted that worker compensation from wages and benefits has gone up at a rate of 10 percent in recent months but the cost of producing goods, call ed unit labor costs. was up 11 percent. ·'The problem is that there is no growth in productivity in this country," he said. Bosworth and Kahn have been trying to persuade unions to curb wage demands. even if it means falUng behind the rate of inflation. Thoug h this would m ean a temporary loss of purchasing power, it is the price that must be paid to control in· nation. they argue. "We will pay it one way or another." Kahn says, or face continuing inflation. now at an annual rate of 14 percent, the worst in years. Pollution Attacked In Alpine County SOUTH LAKE TAHOE <AP) -The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board has launched efforts to end a major water pollution problem caused by sulfuric acid leaking from ·the old Leviathan Mine. The panel voted unanimously to adopt findings or a $26,000 report it commissioned on the problem. The report suggests spending up to $2.2 million to cap the pollu· lion and c l ean adjacent stretches of creeks and a river . BILL DA VIS, environmental Denture Ad Claims Get FTC Scrutiny WASHINGT ON t AP) - Makers of denture adhes ives have been warned not to claim that their products let denture wearers eat apples or corn-on- the-cob unless they can back it with evidence. The Federal Trade Com- mlsalon has sent letters to major manufacturers of denture cleansers and adhesives detail· Ing wbat the agency will con· sider unfair and deceptive ad dalms for their products. Tbe letters are based on a 1977 Cate acainat Block Drug. Co., Inc., maker of Pollgrlp adhesive and Polldent cleanser, said Mark A. Heller of the FTC stair. Companlea sent the letter are Warn~r-Lambert, Colgate-P al moli ve, Johnson a nd Joll1110nt .• !Uchard1oo·Jil•rrell and Norcmr·Tbayer. specialist with the board. said a search would start immediately for s late, federal. local or private funds t.o help with the clean-up project at the 245-acre mine site in Alpine County. .. From here on out is where the work begins and we try to solve the problem,'' he added after the board decided lo in- clude the report in its plan for protecting water .. in the North Lahontan Basin. The old mine has been a ma· JOr source of pollution since the mid-19505. Davls has said sul- furic acid emuent oozing from the mine at the rate or about two gallons per minute is so strong that it h86 literally eaten away the soles ~fboots. THE EFFLUENT FLOWS in· to Leviathan Creek which in turn feeds Bryant Creek. From there, it runs into the east fork of the Carson River. A holding pond at the mine site broke tn the 1980s, causing a slug of the effluent to pour Into the stream system. Major fish kills were reported over a 10- mile s tretch of the creeks and another 10-mlle stretch of the river. There have been report.a that cattle on part of the Brooks Park ranch which takes water from the stream system have died. Ve1etation is nearly non- exlatent lo the actual mine area. • • . . . . NATION Nose Co~nters Prepare . National Census in 1980 a $1 Billion Project W ASIDNGTON <AP) -The preatea are whirring at three priot.lng/lanu around the coun- try, .an work will continue through November, turning out the 164 fllillion questionnaires to be used in next year's census. To enumerate America, a pro· ject centered on Census Day next ·March 29, it will take 85 tons of lnk. 35,00o workers and enough paper to stretch around the world twice. THE 1980 CENSUS will be ~uite cJifferent from the first na- llonal bead count in 1790, but the questions or privacy and cost that came up then are still with us today. .And while tbe original purposes of the census -appor· tioning taxes and congressmen -are also still with us, the work of the census covers a lot more territory now and ls much more complex. Local governments use the figures to decide where to put schools and fire stations, health care planners need the numbers to set up emergency programs and locate hospitals, and private businesses use the figures lo target direct·mail plans, select labor pools and to decide where to build new drive -in restaurants. MOST OF THE complaints Funds Unnecessary? U.S. Disaster Aid Pro-gram Due Study WASHINGTON <AP) -Long-term federal aid may not be essen· tial for communities like Yuba City, Calif .. if they are hit by natural disasters. says a new study. The report, released by the National Science Foundation, indicates such communities suffer few lasting economic effects and that the social reaction to disaster can even be positive St udiPd for the report were Topeka. Kan • hit by a tornado in 1966; Galveston, Texas. which suffered hurricane and flood . damage in 1961 ; Conway. Ark .. struck by a tornado in 1965, and Yuba City, flooded in 1955. RESEA R C HERS FROM Northwestern University pro- duced the report after studying the effect of disasters on four communities. the social effects of disasters .. tend to be positive rather lhan negative ... THE RESEARCHER S analyzed business activity and other information about the communities for the lO·year periods before and after each disaster . The National Science Founda- tion is an independent, federally· chartered agency that promotes scientific research. generated so far have centered on the antic~ated $1 bUllon cost of the eeosus; $4 for each American, compared with $1 a head in 197t. ''Given the uses to which the census wlO be put, I think it's probably worth that kind of money,'· Census Director Vmcent Barabba 1aid recently. Ofrlcials estimate that in 1970 about 2 percent or the white population and 7.7 percent of the nation's blacks were not count- ed. Barabba said he hopes new counting methods will help, but conceded the undercount cannot be eliminated completely. IT IS IN THE interest of every American lo be counted. Barab- ba said. because distribution of federal money is based on census statistics. • This year. the bureau is launching a special Minority Statistics Program to help over- come the undercount problem among blacks and othe r minorities. Also of major importance is the post-census congressional redis tribution; a sweepstakes that promises gains for the Sun Belt or southern s tates and losses for older industrial s tates. Law limits the House of Representatives to 435 mem- bers, so some seals a re moved from one state to another when the population shifts. ADVANCE ESTIMATES in- dicate that the stales of New York and Ohio will lose two con- gressmen and Illinois could lose as many as four. M1ch1gan. Pen- nsylvania and South Dakota pro- bably will lose one each. Expected to gain two seats are Texas, California and Florida and those gaining one apiece could be Arizona. Oregon. Ten- nessee. Utah and Washingtoo. Economic: ··recoveries could be mea::.ured in weeks or months rather than in terms of years." said researcher Robert Lmeberry A disastC'r ·s lonj:! term economic effects are "not very important. .. he added TV Tax Flayed RE SUGGESTED THE federal government might want to reconsider its long·term dis· aster aid program, comparing costs and bel'fefits Low.cost, subsidized loans to affected bu si n esses and homeowners m ake up much of the federal government's long. running response to such events. Rather than long -ter m economic help, Lineberry said , 1m mediate short-run assistance is the key After that. the long· run wiU take cue of itself. he concluded. ECONOMIC RECOVERY follow1og disasters seems lo be fairly rapid. he said. adding that in some cases it can even lead to a boom, such as for contractors. The study. deals with com· munilies as a whole and not a disaster's effect on individuals. But. Lineberry said. a disaster "d oesn •t see m to have the destructive social effect people think it has ." He said that in the six months after a disaster, there seem to be fewer divorces and fewer crimes against people. Most of Honda Corp. Hit ORLANDO. Fla. CAP> -A federal Jury has ordered Honda Corp. to pay $6 million in damages to a Florida m an critically inJured while dr1v1og one of the Japanese automaker's cars seven years ago. The six-member Jury ruled that the 1971 llonda AN 600. a model no longer produced, was defective and that the company was negligent m its construe· ti on. Utah Residents Protest £evy ST. GEORGE. Utah (AP> -Viril Hardeman, who was blind, went to jail rather than pay the tax. Afton Lee's television set was con- fiscated and sold at auction after he refused to pay. Both were angry over Washington County's SIS annual television tax that has brought better television reception and resentment of county government to the 27.000 residents of this isolated southwestern corner of Utah. The county installed equip- ment lo boost the strength of the television signal brought some 300 miles from Salt Lake City. The reception is better. but a local resident has filed suit con- tending the county's $15 annual television tax 1s unconstitu- tional. WALTER T. MANN said he 1s trying to press a class·action suit to nullify the 23-year·old county tax. ·'The county is creating a debt out of thin air," he said . "It's never been voted on: there's no contract with the people. and we're going to put a stop to it.·· he said Monday. Mann isn't the only one who has objected to the tax. Hardeman "told them to stuff it." said his daughtec. Sue Russell. She said her father. who died in 1970. couldn't watch television but .. didn't think it <the tax> was right" and spent four weekends in jail. UNDER PRESSURE from Mann and other irate citizens. the Washington County Com· mi ss ion has revised its television ordinance to remove criminal sanctions. including Jail terms and criminal fines. s aid Commissioner Lyman Gubler. The county sends each re· sidence an annual bill for $15, Gubler said. If the res ident doesn't have a television, he can sign an affidavit and be exempt from lhe levy. "You 'll always find a few peo- ple who don't want to pay anything They're freeloaders." Gubler said "IT HAS NEVER paid its way with the money we ·ve re- ceived," he said of the system. which uses 38 translator stations to bring the TV signal trom SalL Lake City. , Last year. the county took in $90,000 in l<:lev 1s1on tax mont•y but s pent $1 l8.000 lo mamtain the system The s he riff took L ee 's television earlier tl11s year after he refused to pay the tax and the county pressed suit against him in small claims court. said County Attorney Paul Graf. Lee, of Virgin. Utah. could not be reached for comment. GRAF SAID THE county takes an average of one person a year to court. He said h~ knew of no others who had gone fo Jail. ·'The operation of this TV system is a good faith attempt to provide a service for this area that otherwise could not be had." he said. Other counties far from television markets bill residents or pay for translator systems out of property taxes, but Graf said that 's not as fair as taxing owners of television sets. 'Meet /tie at tlae Oa.U' A romantic camel named -what else - Valentino turns on t.be charm at the Utica Zoo when called upon to po1e tor a -----------------~~~ publicity picture promoting -are you ready? -Kamel Klue1 Day. Besrudaini the buaalazooworierJlll '1elder . ________ ...,__..... ____ ~ c • ANALYSIS Ce•ptalflll Plofl? \ Brown Shifts His Thinking ~ 8y T80NA • D. UAS ll' not uncommon l or pollUcaJ caridldatcs to shlft poslUon and evt>n try to allc.-r lh 1r ~lyle, Just before a campaign beams One wbo dld 1t was rormtr Stilt Attorney General Eve.lie J . Younaer, wh<> suddenly convert ed from a dedicated envlrQnment.allst to a cham pion ol deve lopment Interests JU5\ ~fore h•~ run for sovemot tn 1978. NOW IT SEEMS THAT GOV. Edmund c; Brown J r Is making ~1m1lar moves as lht' prt1Jt't°l ed midsummer ktcltoff for h1!t prn1d nual t'am patan nea.r5. The governor ha.~ Iona: snt:ert"d el many-racett-d long·rnngc plan~ tor solving maJvr problems. Rut ht• hus ~·t<n uttncked by Eu~tt•rn politicians for his la<'k of ~11<.·r1f1t• pro~rumi. to deal 't\ 1th lht' prohh·rn~ he :.u , S0l 1T HERN frequl·ntl~ point~ out t;AllfOKNli\ Su th•~ month tilt.• FOC lJ S gOvt'rnor l·ame up with ---------· tw.o.. long rang t< blut>prints for solving state problems. First wu:. a SI 8 billion plan to ex pand mass transit in Callfomrn, with the empha:.tl> on Southern California. Less than a week later <'ame a $500 m1lhon proposal for a "Renewable Re:-.ources Investment Fund" to save the s tate's h~hcric!., l>oil, llm· berlands and groundwater. Brown bristled when asked 1f hts new plans are the groundwork for nt1t1onal po~ittons to be used in his cxpeet.ed presidential campaign. "I PROPOSED MA NV Of' these ideas 1n J anuary 1978," be said. "But then Propos1l1on 13 passed and they had to be laid aside. Now I sec them as essential for the sur vival of California." Brown also has been cr it1c1ied heavily over the years for s upposedly creating a bad bus ine ss climate in Californi::i. even though employ· ment and 1n('ome have both ex- panded <luring his 41'~ years us governor. Brown himself can do Little to dis pel those claims, other than appointing stale officials friendly to business interests .. -J Some of his recent appom- e1towN tees appear to be making ef. forb to m~n<l tences that wcrl' damaged during Hrown·s first four years in office MOST NOTABLE A~IONG THEM are the three men he namt!d in ,January to the state Pubhc Utilities Commission. Utilities had complained for three years of the "terrible regulatory climate" fostered by Brown's initial PUC appointees. as they allowed few general rate increases and held down the ones they did allow. But that has apparently changed. In a case in· d1catin1? a policy shift. the PUC granted a large rate increase to the state's No. 3 power company, San Diego Gas & Electric. The commissioners also raised the allowable rate of return on SDG&E's rapital investment to 14.5 pcrrcnt. compared with the 8.8 percent that had been allowed four years ClgO. The CQfflmission C:1l so decided to force con- sumcri> to pay a large purt or the S90 million SDG&E lost while pursuing its futile plan to build a Sundcsert nuelcar power plunt tn the desert near Blythe TWO OF T HE NEW COMMISSIONERS were "reluctant" to grant all lhi~. but they went along anyway. "The action represents a :o.igniCicant improve- ment of the state's regulatory climate," said SDG&E president Robert Morns. previously one of the vocal critics of the slate's regulatory agencies. If Brown's appointees ('an please Morris. few other business interests can remain hostile for long TAKEN SEPARATELY. BROWN'S sudden penchant for long-range progr::ims and his appoin· tees' sudden affinity for business interests would be important changes. . Together. they contribute to a picture of a can- didate whose thinking is shifung as he prepares for his next m ajor political step. Fast Hypnotist Gets Legal Info VISALIA CAP) -A deputy eounty counsel he re says h e is th e fas test hypnotist in town a nd can hypnotize a person faster than they can shake his ha®. Dwight Nelsen , 32, h ypnotis t reduce the pain of a titUe girl dying of a brain tumor. He began laking classes after seeing a news paper ad and has complete'd about 300 hours of instruction. who has worked for the ----------Tulare County Counsel's office for a year, ls a lso a registered hypnotist. AND WHIL E h e hasn 't used the skill with legal matters since he got here, Nelsen said it came in handy in his private practice in Los Angeles. It was e ffective in calming clients and ex· tractlng useful informa- tion, be said. But now Nelsen co•· fines h1a bypootism to parties o r as aD icebreaker when meet• l111 new people. Aside from using It to make frtenda, Nelsen also uses h1a talents to help othen overcome aome of tbelr problems. HE 8AY8 hypnosis can help people a top smokln&t control their wei1bt. Improve their confidence and me mory, and aet rid of aomo oer.oue b.ablt.s. N•lMa became in· t«MUd ID b1PQOlla ID ·11'11, Wilm be watebed a '" 11.S. Mothe r Teresa of Calcutta, known for he r work with the poor in India, is In Detroit to found h er second convent in the United States. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Sundly. July I, 1970 OAILV PILOT Th• Blggeat Marketplace on the Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad (642-5878 ) One Call Service Fast Credit Approval l ~.~~.~ ....... ~!.~.~ ....... ~::!.~~ ........ ~~!'! .......... !!~~,!:~~~!'! .......... !: • ....,... 1002 ~.. 1002 '"-ral 1002 . • ... EQUAL HOUSING OPPOATIJNITY ~'t Moffc•: All ~I ~talc udvcrtlst.'11 u1 Uub n1•wi.paiwr ii. 11ub )t'<'t t.o tJw ... edt'ral fo'air Hou 1>IOIC /\('( o( 19611 wtu<·h m11kc:> 11 1llci:al to .. 11lv1•rll'>l' "<1n y prl' fl·n•ol"l'. hm1tJl11Jn or tllbl0nmm.1l1on l.11.ti.l•d llD ful'\'. 1•11lor. rclli:1011. \l'\, tlf" n,1t11111al onjlin. or an 111tt·11l11m 111 m:ik1• Jll} ::.ud1 11rdcn·n1·1'. ll1111t<1 l.IU11. or d1:.1·n 11111\ulllJll " This nl·ws paJ>t'r will not kuowrnJ.!IY accept un) dU\"t'rllSIOJ.( (or real l!SUtlC whtt'h ll> Ul \ 101.i uon ofUw l.1w ···········•··••·•····· ....•...••.•.•....•.••• ···~··················· SHA.KllOOf ltiardwood noo111. 3 DR, 2 Hu, fireplace. patio, pool, H&.t-·. A·l rond.1)7,90(). HRHA.RIOIHI 3 Bft2 ua. qwet location $112.500. 2STottY Shll.k~ roof. 4 Bit, 21 ~ btl, Sl29.000. lASTILUFF Choice <'Omer locnt1on. :; BR. 3 Ba .. $.187,500. Roy Mc Car•. RJtr. 548-7729 TWO STORY A North Costa Mesa 4 Hdrm. huge recreation/ st.ora~e area. Adult oc rupied. with many xtrai. O"" SAT. Ir SUM. 1·5 SI 0 VIA LIDO MOii> Glamorous. near new bayfront hom e with slip for large boat. 5 &inns .. 3 frplcs .• view dining room. family room . r ec. room. $1.250,000 The Lawson Realty lsl.incJ, BCJch & B.iyfront Home~ Company 675-4562 3418 Via lido • Newport BcJch MEWPORT HTS .... macneb I Irvine realty EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW SHOWING Big Canyon expanded Deauville w /<i panorami c view fro m Cata lina t o Saddle bac k Mtn. fl ighty upgr ad ed -bill iard rm. family rm w/added rplc + cust~m tabinetrv & st ep-down bar housing radar range. refrig t frce?-cr _& clbhwasher. S6SO.OOO . Sandie Fix 6 l4-fi200. OPEN SUN. 1·5 P .M. trl llUE MONTREAUX. !T·104 ) 642·8235 901 Dover Drive 644-6200 H.irbor View Center lrVllle al (..tmpu~ V•lleV Ctnter 752-1414 .--------.-.------an upgrades. Nuw. W?.500. Call 546-4141 EMT SIDE SR&"ITALGARAGES .. art'a. older hac1t•n11J on R·2 lot, nll'C :.hadl·d patio. very llvablt<, 2 bdr m . home. future duplex? Sll.5.000. ERRORS: Ad•ertls.n + cute house on R2· double lot. Room to add. sholild che<k their ach $119.000. Ex<'lus1vc ~1th daily and report tt• Soothlandcrs 631·2l33 ran in.-diatefy. The D""•LY PILOT as··-s Reduced to S{'ll, Open """ _,,... Sat 1Sun 1 ·5. 2320 La Lin liability for the first In-da wrr 23rd St ). Back cOITKt·insH'tion only. _Cl_ass_·_ifl_ed_A-ds--64-2-.56-.78 Bay. fUlr. &12·2900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• General 1002 ......•................ EXTRA SPECIAL LIVING For an l'Xlrll s pN·1al tam1ly. Custom hwlt 1r1· level. bl•am c·eihngs 1n IJ~mg room. formal elm· tng bakony. ·I Bdrm. ~t·paratc fu n11 ly roum. Sl!Pt-;Jf L(; l'LJOL Al> pr<1.1scc.I ~30.(J()() Asking $229.CXX> OPt·.:;I/ Sl'N [),\ Y I j 2'.!l~l ll l::ATm; It L:\ C.ASSY COMDO ts Uus super buy w f.!br + a loft 1room ror extra bdrmsl. Tastefully de· ror atcd"' Natural t't.'<lar. cusrnm f rplc: & a soanng vaultNI Cl011Jnl! ,\ t', air purifier. h11m1d1l 1l•r. Seller v. 111 ht: Ip r In an(" l' () n I y 9J:l.5'.XI Mt now !l79 J:J70 ALLSTATE REALTORS NEAROCiAN 2 br tnwnhouse. ~.000. 961-4370, a>!t Pat or i:;d. Duplex· Must Sell! 122 42nd St. N. U. 2+3 Bd furn. $183.000 Hy ownrr. <213 M-t7 U-135 ---Classif1o.'d Ads an• the ari,'>wrr tn :.i surn·ssrul ~aragl· or yard sulr: ll"s a bl'lll'r way t(1 ll'll morl' J)l'OPk' $2 $75 all It tabs is a PENNY PINCHER AD Private 1nd1v1duals can now sell any item or combination or items totaling $75 or less with a 3 hne ad tor 2 c:on secut1ve days lor only $2 Ea c h add1t1ona1 hne is 60< lor the 2 days Charge your Penny Pincher Ad or use your Bankamerlcard or Masterchafge. No com- mercial ads accepted. c .. ..., ... .. rw••r •d ... pri11t o•Dnow! C• ... ....., ..... ,.,.., l :OOAM t. l:JOf'M fer ..... My .. ,.,... .... .. , """· .. ~.., s-tky't,.w. 642-5678 DAILY PILOT • 3 DELUXE TRIPLEXES Located togelh<'r. jus t one block from ttw ocean in Corona del Mar . Fully occupied. 2 bdrms. & 2 baths in earh unit. Gar ages . frplcs .. beamed ceilings -all the g$,·es. plus a terrific location ! S810. or a II l hr<•e . A ttrac ti vc fi nan ng :.ivailablc. LIKE TALL TREES? Beautifully decorated 3 bdrm. home in the Lake F orest a rea. You can move right in: n('w carpets. new wa l lpapt•r &-what a ya rd ! l\t agniriccnt trees. comple t ely private in the back. s prinklers front & rear. Large ~unroom . Owner has bought anothe r hom e & priced this one to sell at $99,500. LUXURY WITH A VIEW Spectacular J rvi ne Terr ace. 3 bdrm. horn (' with bay. jetty. peninsula & ocean \'iews . Defi'nitely a pride of owners hip s howplace. profess. decorated & immaculate. Beautifttl pri\'ale patio with healed pool & adjoining lanai with mosaic tiled floor. C('ntnil air conditioning, built-in security system & many othe r deluxe f calurcs. !\lust be se(•n lo be apprcC'iuted ~ $643.000 -Fee s imple. WHOA!!!!! Don't ride by this super investment opportunity in nearby Norco. For only $14.000 down. you can buy a lovely 4 bdrm. ran ch s tyle home on I -acr e with r oom for up to 10 ho rses. divided into two 1.'z acre lots. so th at you can build a second unit to r ent or sell. $121.500 Full price. HOME PROTECTION Pl.AM Did you know you can get a l·year home protection pla n when you buy thro ug h H a rbor R ealty? A plan ins uring you for one year against malfunc li on of the m ajor a pplia nces & home components in the home you buy. Just a nother r eason why m or e & more every day. we say. "let our experience work for you ... S@~4UlA-~£c!rSe Thal Intriguing Word Gome wffh a ChucUe ~ l>y CLAY L P'OUAN 9 11..,.,.,.,oe '"• 6 tCtO""bfed WOfdl be:OW IO "'°'" 6 ~ole WOtd\. P''"' 1-ne'' ot eocta H'I ,,, line of SQUOfOI 1 1 T 0 M S A C . 12 11 I I I GAPOOA ' I I I I LO ES UT I I I' I I ._f _...,.l;..A;...,rD __ I _A_R,.......,, It's tnt9'91tlno how dlf- L..[ __._I __....l'_.I ....LI_...!__,_ ~=' ~:,~~1·~~ --------. won $50,000 In • Sweep.- I B U C 0 N E 1 •t•kea. The first 'hlng he t--....,, ....... ,-,..-..-,--..J-t did was check to see If It "'--'---'--..1.--i.--1--1 would dlaquallfy him from ----------~ . r CO FR IL I 0 COt!'ole•~ ti.. chvcl.I. Q~ I 11 0 I I I .~ ~~"Y,!::.. ":.o~! :;;· ,.., ....... .-. .. -r r r r r r I' 1· 1· r· 1 I I I II I I I I I I • 67J..:.i6J ~-0715e\'e!. MEWPORT DUPLEX 4Up.2dnwn; fec~1mpk . ste~ lo best hcUl'h. ::.urn mcr/~1nl1·r n.:nl:ib. Abst'ntl't' (IWncr needs to St-II ~ $220. 000 biJ.J663 G73·8086 en·::. associated BR OK ER S-REALTORS 202~ W 6olboo 671·3661 Nl-:WPOHTWJ::ST 1 hr. I"• ba. walk 111 lhl· bl·ill'h. park, ltbr,irv t... i:radc :.1:hoob A-.surn1• S67 .fJllO bl ~IJJ .i ;!.1'1 1\j!t'nl OCH VU.PRIVATE J~rrunl' l°rl'l'k :. l'l.rn S32S.UOll fee O'-' I Owner a j!l, 1;111 11:.!7 ;iµµt MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITI ES SATURDAY & EVENING INTQtVIEWS StC>fe Manager Minimum Ill ye.r salary II IHll S 11,000. '"'•"'°"' ••oitntnce reQt.b<.O t Evening Manager S3.30/hr Night Manager $3.50/hr Part Time $3.25/hr. 'II~~ Il l 111-!110 21J.m ms ( 0 l II f 675-3411 ... . . ... • • h 111•"1 li f U •II 0 1( NOW 001 Of1AllS u ' ctrl1tUIL lftl!I ! 1 1CllJ lllilHI A SUMMER PLACE ,\nd v. intt·r loo On thL· v. ;.itcr in Nt•wporl ShorL'!>. 1 Udrm. s tnj:!le fomdy home with' terrific f1n <1nting terms. and only Sl79.!JOO 435 CAHAL ST. Of'EH SAT/SUM LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION -This 3 Bdrm condo has the bes t. Former model home. s teps from the shopptn~ center in Corona del Mar. Don't miss it! $182.000. IT'S A SPARKLER T 4 Bdrm Broadmoor in Turllcrock' with custom country decoratin~. an in vitin~ atrium. plus pa tio and garden. Full of c harm. $14!J.500 191 32 BIDDLE OPEN SAT /SUN CHOOSE YOUR OWM DECORATING-Just listed. largest .t Bdrm Lus k built new home on a great \'ie w lot 1n prestigious Turllcrock High lands. Butlders terms. $249.000 20 ILUFF VIEW OPEM SAT /SUM SWING YOUR HAMMOCK -In the big heautiful vard behind this 4 Bdrm Lusk built Eas tblurr home on a quiet cul de s ac. Near schools and shopping. And, you own the land. $243.500. 906 BELLIS OPEN. SUN TRAMSFERRED OWNER SAYS ··sELL" -This foxv 4 Bdrm del ached home has a s uper large assumablt> loan. below the prevailing rate . ll's loaded with goodies a nd ready to go! $155.000. 26 DEERWOOD EAST OPEN SUN SECURITY MIMDED -A 2 + den home in security gated J asmine Creek is a safe bet. Upgr aded carpe t s, custom drapes a nd Landscaped. draped. upgraded car pets. And a peek-a-boo view from the bay window. $225.000. # 12 JmY OPEN SUM. IT'S A IREE -To cool( up a storm in the gourmet kitchen of this 3 Bdrm c us tom home near schools, shopping. yet quietly nestled on a lovely Baycrest lot. $198,000. 1807 TRADEWIMDS Of'EH SAT /SUM A PEIFECT FAMILY HOME -Spacious. c ustom 4 Bdrm hom e with a big pool a nd plenty of yard too! A wonderful. gracious family home in beautiful Baycrest. $249,500. 1729 TERRAPIN OflEN SAT/SUN UHDA llU ~ . "ileteant CUilom w•terfront. pa~IOUI • arble w/cathedral ceUing . ~ Br 5 · a. famlly rm w l wet bar. malt sulle ~. /lrpjc, f~mal dlnln& rm. breaklasl ·~. waler vlcw rrom most rooms . • . filtered AI C'. Paer & sUp for so· yacht la bay boata. BEAUTIFUL HOME~IEVEI YU ............ MCriy ~ Cl mlty WI .. e ...... ef HC., ...... ....,. Decor.tw ceentl•et.d ,.......,. wftta l•r9• H•I.. roo• Hd dtlM1tt .,...: l" ... ldtdlMt .... .. ... ..... , ... ....,,...,... ....... _ .... ..... .......................... s.c....y syshtft. Tllrff total lMdr'OCHM with oplft patios to Mjoy th4t UftObstnichd VIEW of WATS wet llghtt. SlH.QOO ~EE KAREM KMOCHE UDO ISLE LIFESTYLE -3 ... wty ~ coHoMI.._ ttomes "°" prestigious Udo. W.ak to loyfrOftts, tHRis 01td prf•ote beochH. Speclol ••Hiti.s thruout Includes o MW plush :carp.t, MW pai1tt & window cO'teritN)s, Rew appliC111Ces, flreplocu; builf.ift chlM cobiHh & patios. Lowest Udo pricnl See A• KClftller & Helett 0,,..., 120 Vio Antlbes 2 bed. I bath Otte lent $210.000 2 bed. I bath .. per lnel $225,000 2 bed. 2 bo. townhous.. $254,500 3715 htlet Isle, CDM QUIET + PRIVACY WITH VIEW r leo1ttlful Montecito with 4 bed. and custom deslCJMd arMnities thrvout. Pride of ownenhlp In enry way. SM Gary Knoche S279.000. OPEN SUM. l·S ; I 42 I Kin9s Rood, N ••. • : SPECTACULAR VU-SUPER HOME ! Privacy and totalty new decor in/Otat. ' • . t \. r ' • • Loads of room to expren yowulf in this 2-story 4 bedroom, billiard room, den . Unq1tHtJouble VIEW. Su H•len O'Lecry & Austin DaynH S495,000. ...... TURTLEROCK BROAOMOOR - Plan 2 Just steps to pool and tetwtis plus a quality resldHtiol en•lronment. W•ll pla"ned 4 ldrm ho"'• witti seporat• Master ulte, family room Oftd op ... kltchtft, dlnin9 .room and pri•ate '-"dscaped backyard and patio. A warm OfMtt fftfing ffwu..out this tto.. with hl4Jh celllnqs and atrium. S 145,000. BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE BAYFRONT • Woodsy exterior and ••rs.tile floor pl• ltteluded In thi~ 4 b•droom hotM OM WA TH with your own pier and slip. A watff'froftt patio, plus family room, OPfll ldtchett and lnhrlor cowrtyard. In t~y's ,., WA TEtlFttONT market. . .a ''best buy." Ii $342,500 fH. ~ i !!!l~lD~O~oc~~~~A~!E forever I VIEW. OwMr wm HChOrt«Je this 3 or 4 i ~rOOM -.... for lilftits or co1NMrciel t property. SHH time to select yow colon 4 •"d decor Gild owner wlll 910 a ~ $40,000 d•corotln9 ollowuce. ' $895,000. I ~!!~~~!~,!~~!~~~.UE« C with wbdHd dicpfty Gftd edYcated 900d ' •••••· Special IMported apd anti•• I te•res C)l'OCe the etttlre fow bedroom. ' 4 1/2 bath fHldenct. Staln•d 9laH I ....... & Frtttch doors ... the fonMI dh•l•IJ rooM: rare caned fireplace . ~~~I• ht ::1tht '!~Hy rooM: pl~~~ ----• ..,.. .. e .......... wfttl ih OWR YhNJ room CMd balcOftY. Lil)rary In ••ery respect best describes this ........ loot tllp htctuded GIMI YOU OYtM THI LA.MD. Show1t .lay •ppol1ttMHt to qHllfltd betytrs. Sl.470,000. ~ PRIME PENINSULA DUPW A·I c ........ My ................ , •• c •• jefMrs. Wll ..... or offw ...._ ............ 000. . ' WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. ~3<> W CrM,I Hl!Jh"''" N\'\1.l~Ort Bt>.i<I'\. 611·1t00 LOTTEIY \\'hilt wt: should htl\ c tu ~who gtits to buy this J bedroom. 2 beth h1m1ly home on l.1 acre lul Of rered at on!) $W.99'J Cull 540-:&iG I 00 YARDS TO ICM Custom 3Br. P.Ba. opt•n beamed llvin~ rm w tfrplc . IA ram rm w f rplc & w<>I hnr Spacious l Br apt over :l car gafage. Lg dbl ~•tt• lot w/fruit trees. Space to relax. Financing next ble. ALLSTATE REALTORS E;icet·ut1\'c llomt·:. ~·0709 $52,900 &I_\!> J tov. nhomc uni~ I '~ yrs nt.'W. JTII)\ c Ill OO"'' Realty Nl'twork ~157 Ii 100 a LOT mtd a haH for LESS hm 3 Bdrm unit~ ,1\\,1ll your e<1rdul '""Pl'l'ltun on lurge 15· ln1 "11h private :;h;1dl·d 11•1 t10 !Pr mly $249.500 C:tl I 640·tllfi1 ~ VOGEL PACIFIC BY THE POOL '" v.hcrl' \11u'll ht· with ttus super ~haf1l h11thly upJZraded 4 lx'Clroom c·on do near th~ ht II:.. Ila~ 1l' ~ own patio & i'nt·lnsed garage ,\ real :.kal at o n I y $ K 5 . 0 0 0 l' :i I I 5-I0-3666 .· VETERANS!! Yow ell9ibllity is run- ning out! Don't wait a ninute morel Ffnd Otat how to buy today. 541°0425 lltr. $2 $75 PENNY PINCHER AD Pnvate 10d1v1dua1s can now sell any 11em or comb1nat1on ot 11ems 101allng S75 or less w1111 a 3 tone ad lor 2 c:onsecu11ve days tor only $2 Each add1t1ona1 ltne os 60< lor the 2 days Charge your Penny P10cher Ad or use your Bankamer1card or Mastercl1arge No com- mercial ads accepted. c .. ..., ...... lHr e4 ht prl11t OMDrr..t 642-5678 DAILY PILOT cf11~ BEST VALUES, OPEK TODAY l~PM BLUFFS IM'lttWPORT BEACH 290 I PERLA .. .Sh arf>.. tri-level 3 BR. w JJ v t p ;.1 l i o s o n l r c l' 1 i n e d f!l't.:L·nblt. .. buy it $16!J.500. 550 VISTA GRANDE .. 3 BR lri-levcl w loads of llallan tile. End unit. ovl'rlooks park .. buy 1t Sl74.900. UNIVERSITY PARK, IRVINE 4542 PIMYON TREE LANE ... 3 BR. loatil'cl '' upg1«1Clt·~ only 3 years n t·\\ .111· 1·111HI. & ;11r purifier for t•omfort lovl'I~· y:.ird ,,. spa you c-;.in cnJoY yt•,1r r1111ncl ... huy it $162.500 BLUFFS FOR LEASE 516 CAHCH4. ~ewport Bt><H.:h. . t B I{ . IJ.O n u s r 111 • f a m r m . m <J n y upgrach:s. l)nlurn. SU50 mu. yrly lsc. A\. ;ti I Aug. for information on any of the abo•e 640-6259 BEST IN BLUFFS 14RGAIN IEAUTY Large 2 BR. 2 h<1 .. fo rm cl111 . li v a r ea on l·level : eathcdral tc.•il-. . npw earp.ets : lovely !-.l'lting. ~om<.•' tt•\\' Ont~· ·162.500 O .. EM SUM. I ·5 2012 Vista Caudal ; END UNIT, I-LEVEL LINDA Absolute!~· beaul1l11ll~ upgrade.'<!. t·:x panded : Jll l'lurt·squt· grl'enbt·ll ":i l79.500 OPEt-1 SUM. I ·5 2148 Vista Dorado EMO UNIT SUPER E Vtl'\\. 2400 ~q. fl . 3 ~R . form. din . 21 ! ba .. 2nd frplc. in hugl' fam . rm. w "'el bar. lgc. encl. patio::,. S233.7>00 WITll LANO. E·PLAM Lovt·l~ hay view: pools ide H•Lting: 2100 sq. ft .. 3 BR. 21 :! ba .. form. ctin . l)rkfs l. area: huge fam . rm. Below market. S209.500. HELEN 8. DOWD REALTOR IMC. 644-0 I 34 List & luy With th~ Experts OPEN HOUSE SUND.A Y JULY I st 200 DIAMOND, BALBOA ISLAND Custom two story duplex. Main house h as 3 nedrooms. two baths. large livin~ room w cnthedral ceilings. fireplace. formal dining family room . modern kitchen. Corner lot. oversize gara({e. Apartment has 2 bed. 1 bath. Immaculate condition. Big Canyon Golf Course View lt...tfM MW towMOM• -fflY OCCffl to pool md fac:uul -t......_ cowh. • Jl1 .... orZplne .... ert.• • Alrcanfi••d • 2112 .... • ,...., .. ldtc ..... •DI..,.._. • c......ic tile ...try/ldtcheft • (l)ltCllty c.,..../welt co•_.. • e ....... ......,.;...,.. • 0 ...... clllloM .......... S• lty owwer '40-1102 Or your agent-COurtny to broker• · •""lflc flric• for -..k .-su•.ooo · -7! :.-. If .... -- LARGE GREEHIEL T & OCEAN VIEW The best value in Jasmine Creek ! S uperbly decorated. this bright. airy & theerful home w 1 two patios will win your heart. Situated on one of lhe best sites in Phase III Near -new popular "Bay Mi~t " model. This quiet bC'auliful area offers the best in living: tennis courts. pools, s pa & 2 1-hr. security gate. $250.000 COST A MIESA INCOME UNITS TWO DU .. LEXES~RGE LOT Each duplex contains two 2·bdrm. I ·bath sing le -level units. Near schools. ~hopping. eLC'. Rt'dUC'Cd pnce at only Sl95.000 for both bldgs. Call today' WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., Reatton 2 I I I Son Joaquin HiMs Rood NEWPORT IEACH, M.I . 644-4910 ~~~~~! .......... !?.~~!~~~!~~! .......... ~~.~~ Spy9lass Hill Homeowners We al Corporate Plaw Realty would like to thank thl· homeowners of Spyglass Hill for ha\'lnf.! the conf1denec 111 l1~L1ng the ir homes with us. Wl' havt· lt ~tt'<I or s old the following proptrtw:-. :-.Jnt'l' January of this ~ear 18 Morro Hti\' 15 Goleta Po.mt 27 Point Loma 39 CamhniJ 11 Cambria :1 I HodegC:J Bay i ;\lontere.v Circle s:1 C<Jmbna li Point Lo ma .i ~11s~1on Ba.\ Thank you ag;Jtn for t'i.Jllmg u~ Frt•d and Joan Good CORPORATE PLAZA REALTY MEWPORT IEACH. ·CALIFORNIA (7141 548-2953 ~~~~~! .......... ~?~~,~~~~! .......... !?.~~ macnab I trvlne realty BIG CANYON ,.RIVAC Y & SECURITY Terrific Pinehurst model Lownhome featuring 2 BRs + den: dining rm : wet har: fplc : private deck : 2-car garage. Close to comm. tennis. pool & spa. Sl&t.500. <T-31 > COMFORT AILE LIVING! E xpanded Dover model affording 2 masler BR suites! 10· ceilings in entry & living r m informa l den w wet bar. Air toncl . Loo! $280.000. <T 32> BORDEAUX TOWNHOME 3 BR r es. in serene a tmosphere - ~arden court & covered patio - dinin~ a rea + brkfst nook -wet bar -pvt. patio off master BR. $365,000. <T·33> HEW OFffRINGI Expanded Versailles w /4 'spacious BRs -gam e rm w /blt-in TV & refr il!. -den -formal dining rm. Many upgrades. $669.000. <T-35> LEASE WITH O,.TION! S tunnin~ Calif. contemporary c us tom ho me situa ted along the fairways. Spacious w formal living & dining rms. family rm + lg. game rm. 3 BRs (lg. master> + maid's rm. Pool. $775.000. CT-36) M4~HIFICEHT! New c ustom 5 BR. family r m "Country Englis h '· r es. built w I ev e ry attention to d etail & construction ! Over 5000 sq.ft. or luxury on private site overlooking 7th green w tfabu lous view from mos t rooms . $995.000 (back -up offe rs only). <T·37) - ~YNNE VALENTINE 644-6200 642..a23S 644 .. 200 tOt O.ver Drive Harbor Vi.w C~nter I rvlne et C•m~ V•lley Center 7S2·1'14 --...... ~-.... -............ " Generol t 002 Genet-at 1002 ..............................•...•........... BALBOA ISLAND VIEW-TREES-CHARM A Most Unusual Offwing. Jmt Off SoYth layfroftt Very lovely r e modeled 2 story 3 Bdrm home with g ue~t room PLUS a large 2 Bdrm Apt. Three car gar + t of£street parking s pace. Nice pall~ for outdoor living . All on an extr a wide lot. Please call to see. Lo11 lrec:hhf & Associates 6 75-33 31 22' MoriM AY, lalboo bid. Getterol 1002 General 1002 •.••.......•.....•...•......•...••..•.•.•.•••. CE 810111 BLllNS ca. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE 54 DRAKES I.A Y OPEN SUH 1-5 S1wclal'ular Spyglass. Lovely Fivl· Bedroom Model. Night Lights View. Profcss1onally Landscaped. Many Extra Features: Pool. Saun<1. Spa. Entry Leads To Lar ge Living Room & Formctl Dining. Modern Kitchen Game Room . Submit Offl'r~. 5525.000. 2443 VISTA HOBLEZA OPEN SUM 1-5 Blulfs Largest Single Story Thn•e RC'rlroom Plus F a mtlv Room. Pau1<1 Plan Cu~tom 'Features Thru-Out. Fast E sc·row. Assume First Tru~l Deed. Owner Will Carry Letri:!l' 2nd Tru-.l Deed. Prtl'C'. $196.500. lndudc!> Fee Land. Submit /\II Offrr~. 1615 IOHNIE DOOHE OPEN SUH 1·5 Gl'l'iH Three Bedroom Or T wo Bedroom Plus Den Home Jn Irvine Terrace With Oct'an & Bav VI EW. New Custom Carpl'l!-1. Re.modeled Kitc hen. You Own The L<1nd . S::!32.000 19211 BIDDLE OPEN SUM 1-5 One Of Turtle Rock ·s Best. Four Redroom Popular Plan 3. Lovely Ont' St or~. Large Li\'ing Room With Fireplae<.'. Excellent Floor Plan. Commun it v Pool. Tennis. Play g r o un d ~ Thi s l s A .. i\1 ust SC'l' ... Priced At $147 .000. I 0 RUE FONT .AIHEILEAU OPEN SUH 1-5 Hag Ca nyon Specia l Prime St•curlly In The Deane· Bui It Ho mes. Immaculate Dover Model. Two Bedrooms. Two Baths Plus Den. Hug e Ma s ter Suite. Decorated In Beige Tones. End U n it In Excelle nt Location . Perfeet Home For Small Family. $289.900. 8612 I.A YONME OPEN SUM 1·5 Huntington Beach Beauty. Great On e Story Four Bedroom Home In LaCues la Area. Corn er Lot Pl'ivacy . Professio n a ll y D ecorat e d . Plus h Ca rpets Thru-Out. Great Decor. Walled Yard Wt RV Access. Many Extras. Call For Appo intme nt. Only $119,700. WA TllROMT WITH DOCK Spectacular Family Home On The Water In Newport Beach. Three Bedrooms Plus Maid's Room . Large Family Room. Immaculate Condition. Huge Dock For Your Yacht. Call Now. $1,800,000. COIOMA DIL MAI Lowest Priced Condo On Fee Land In Canyon Crest. Three Bedrooms. Two Fireplaces. S undeck Ort Master Bedroom. Wet llar. Pool, Sauna & Tennis Courts . Near S hopping . GO_Qd Security. Private Community. Only 1169,900. ® ~ 631·1• II I "'D0""•11111'11• ..... - .. . ~ieh"911 lkit•r fM&IO{NfW tl(Q(lsw;{ COMRW'i • • OfllM HOUllS I ·I • OPIM ... DOYH SHOUS Wa ren, claa rmlna fa mily ho m e. ~ Bdrms. pla ntatlon &b utle.r , securit y ayst e m . Back Bay • ol&hl Upt view. Flex.Ible fananclng. ~.ooo Fee. SEE SUZIE EXLEY AT 1512 ANTIGUA WAY °'8e IN UMIYll.tnY PAIK Vaulted cellina , huge gourme t kitchen. 3 bedrooms ... loll ror $139,500 land ln<-luded. SEE CORA BALOIKOSKI AT 27 CYPRESS TREE OPIM IM DOY• SHOllS Al lost, l be perfect home with an outstandlng ocean. btty. mountain & rughl light view. LHr~l' livinA room & formal dinang room GourmN kitche n & separ"te family room 3 bedrooms & mttsl~r s u1tt• $632.500 SEE F H ANK SE ~F:S A1' 1330 GALAXY OR OPEN ON LIDO Mas ll'r SUllC:. plu~ 2 bedrooms & dl!n. custom kitch en. peg & t-!r oove floor s. cathedral ceilings. on a 45· Im Many <'Xtras Price . $410.0(10 SEE JANE M ITCHLER AT 218 VIA PALERMO OPEM tH llG CANYON On the golf course a love ly townhome with vie w . 2 bedrooms. den . 211:? baths. less than 2 years o ld a nd walking dis tance to Fashion Island. S222.500. SEE L UCY ROSE AT 48 SEA ISLAND OPEH JN DOVER SHORES Dramalic c ustom 2 story, 4 bedrooms. 3 bath, F R home. Sparkling pool & s pa for re laxation. Vau lted ceilings & Palos Ve rdes s tone enhance the e ntry hall & F a m ily r oo m. $330.000. SEE VODY NE L SON AT 10 0 1 HAMPSHIRE LANE OPEN IN TURTLEROCK HIGHLANDS L a r ge 3 bed r oom o n quiet c ul ·d e-sa c with upgrad es & la ndscaping s uperbly done. Koi pond, waterfall & built-in gas BBQ. plu s open s pectac ul ar view. $127.500. S EE CRAIG KI NDIG AT #5 CLEAR SPRINGS OPEN IN IA YSHORES on 68' of watrrfront. Exclus i\.'e 5 bedroom s. 4 baths. gourmet country kitchen . 3 fire pl<t C(•s a n d n greenh ouse. S69!l.OOO. SEE MARY llAR\'EY AT 2588 BAYSllOR ES OPEN IM JASMINE CREEk this outs t a nding 2 s tory. 3 BR : 2112 baths. balcony overlooking r ock r1 repla<"<': near PoOI & tennis courts. $255.000. SEE JOYCE OLSON AT 25 MAINSAIL DRIVE OPEN IN SEAVIEW Two·story PORT ROY AL with 4 bedrooms, 3 fuJl baths. good ~icw, 3 car garage, skylig hts plus "special project" room : on a c hoice corne r lot. $369.000. S EE GINNY ANDERSON AT 1921 YACHT CAMILLA OPEN ..... CORONA DEL MAR One of the few rem aining very original & charming homes in this area . Three b edroom s. three baths. a de n & a dining room . o;ituated on a rais ed corner lot onlv a block from the bNt<:h S254.7SO SEE CAROLYN CJ\RPE;\ITER AT 301 ORC llJD OPEN IN IAYSHORES Immaculate hom e. custom desig ne d throughout. with oak rtoors. Fre nc h doors. used brick : with the wa rmth and cha rm onlv Bavsho res offers. 3 bedroom s. d c 'n <.i i S 3 9 5 . O 0 O F e e . S E E ELE/\NOfl BOWIE AT 2581 VISTA J)H.IVY:.; OPEN IH BACK BAY Space. Privacy. Vis it me at this lovely 4 bedroom p onl horn(' Total seclus ion in a traditional '<'!ling. SEE EVAN CORKF:TT AT 2351 BAY FARM PL/\CE OPEN IH HARBOR VIEW HOMES L oveh:. well de corated Palermo t wo s~or.v. 4 bedroom home on fam1l v o ri e nt ed s treet . Professionally land scaped. S215 .000. SEE BARBARA ROUNTREE AT 1965 PORT CARDIFF SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN BAYCRES1 A cas ua l 2 s tory home in choice loc ation. 3 bed r oom s. 3 bath , l oft-famil y room . D r amati c fireplace. private yard with large patio. Price $225,000. . llG CANYON TOWNHOME An immaculate. light a nd airy 3 bedr oom "El Dorado'' pla n. Less t han 2 y r s. old with com munity pools. s pas and tennis courts. Walk t o s hopping. Assume existing low in teres t loan and owner wi ll con sid e r assisting f i nancing. $185,000. wtal UVIHG IS IASY- llG CAHYOM We s uggest you s hop and compare all the others with this 3 BR El Dora d o t ownho m e wi th lov e ly d ecor a tor acc.·en ts. Immaculate ly car e d for , ex relle nt v a lue at $193,500. 644·9060 . . .......,_,....,_~_ ... ....,.,,, •"" ·""' • ............ S4e ........ ,.,. '* ........ for s• HCMllH for 5* ~,!ylx 1 1979 DAILY PILOT •f . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ~ s. Hou Fo 5* Ho.let ...... s. ' •a111tll IOOZ •••rtll 1001 .... ,.. 1001 •••rtll ·100 ....... ~ ................ !!! ... ~ ............................. -.;;; •• ••••••• • ••••••••••••••• ••• ••• • • ••• • ••••••••••• •••• •••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••·~·~· G...,,.. I OOJ GaMr.. ~ ~~~ ~ ~!~~!:'! ••••••.•.• !!.~~ ........................................ ...... ,, ~ Beach Realty REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 LI DO ON 'fin: HA Y EnJO Y Newport to thl· fulles t in th1t. modern t•n ndominium with romplt•te S(·<·urlty & Quiet t.'levator ser vice The view thru tht· p1l·l11 n• "1ndows 1'> \.\Orth~ of ;111 m l painting The luxury of this 2 lll'droom. & clt'n honlt' will prnv1dt-.1 clatly 1nsp1ration . SSS0.000. Boat s lip ,1\ a1 lu1Jh.• IJO\' Ell Sfl(}f( l•:S ,\ l.u11h nu1·k prnp('rt' that (;'Vl'ryone has s een. Everyone hJ-. adnHfl'tl En•n 01H· ha.., "11n11•d HL'T until now. this offerin~ has 11t·vt:'r h<'<'n av111l uhlt· Tht' s prnwl111g housl· 1~ ~1tuC1 led on s paciou s ground~ with a pc•rmarw11l & unohs trudilhll· \'II.'''" Lavis h use of used brick. of Fn·n<·h door!'! & wrndcm·s & ... 11a1·1ng bt'amed ce1lrn~s. 4 Bedroom s . Form3 I d1 n1r1g roorn F:1m1ly room \rt•' nu thr onC' destined to own this classic'> t-.XC1':LLE:\T l.OC:t\TIO~ Hr.ind nt·\\ :! & 3 bedr oom c·ondomin1ums from "II l :.!,500. Plea:-.t· c·all 111r dct.11b * OPEN HOUSES * SPYGLASS Like nt>w 5 bedrooms. 3 baths ir8 Drake5 Bay Opl·n S un. 1 5 . . . • .. .$465.000 HARBOR RIDGE Ne\\ -t bedroom:-.. J' , bath~. \'tt''-' :: li Co\l•ntr~ < >1w n Sat Sun 1-5. . . . . ~-150.000 ' DOVER SHORES Buy\ ll'\\. (i bt·drooms 7> h:1tn ~ 15 IH C;.il<i\\' Opt.·n Sat 1 Stm I 5 . ~41 5.000 IA YCREST L<HJ.!<• ~ ard: ;; hrdrnoms :i hath.., pool !Xiii '-'<1ncfolwoo<1 Opt·n Sat Sun I 5 1)310.0fHI BLUFFS Ell•J?anl condo ~ lwclronn1" l.111111' 111111n 111 \ 1,la (;rand1· Opl'n Sun. t·S .,. CORONA DEL MAR Nl•<tt duplex. :J 1:31{ 2 1 • huths e..ieh tiJ 3 \1angolcl C>pt!n Sun. 1·5... ": . . .#' •• s:w.1.500 IA YCREST .t Bc·drooms. furm~1I dinrnl! room 1807 Toyon La1w Open Sat i Sun 1 ·S .......•. $239.500 WESTCLIFF 3 Bedroom::;. d ining room & pool l:JW ::-iu ...... ex Lant.• OpC'n Sat Sun I s. . . . . ~2 1 H.OOO IA YCREST :1 Bl'drooms. form;.d rlintnl! ro11rn :!111:>. l.C'l'" :ird Opl'n Sul Sun I 5 . CANYON CREST :1 Bt·clrooms & l;imll~ 111om = 1~1<'.1n\1111 lrt•st OtH'll S un I 5. '182.(JllO NEWPORT HEIGHTS J lk-<lroom:-cll·n .I l ii I :,!:11 ill!\' :11111111 ·1.1,\ t )Pl'n S un I ·5 ~17l.51HI . BLUFFS Single h.·"cl 2 he cl rvoms & dt·n :l~l I V1:-La l>or;1dn Uµl'n Snt 1Sun 1·5 ... ':>17:!.SOU COSTA MESA < ~asts 1dc I DuplL':\ 3 Hr ~ hJ l':wh nt>v. 1954 Chur<"h < >pt'n Sal Sun J .5 .... 112.soo 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE 1S9-os11 NEWPORT BEACH llG CAMYOM Golf course view from s pacious 5 BR. 4 ba . traditiona l h om e: lge. family r oom . pool. jacuzzi. $750.000 ·UDO ISLE OPE.... SUH. I ·S I 0 I vi). YELLA Custom traditio nal 3 BR home on pn me rornc11 lot F'reeflowing floo1 p I " n 2 n d :-l o r .v m 1 n 1 b a v ,. 1 e v. $325.000 AVALON Wt•ll constructed . 3 BR. 1 ba. oak floor . pa rtial ba~em en t. conc·rete foun dat1on. Flats area. 5120.000-Fee IAYFRONT St'.'veral fine bayfront home~ wilh p ie r & slip BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy~1dl' Or1vt.· N B 675 · 6161 YOU'VE ARRIVED AT BIG CANYON Exec utive fami ly home with 4 Bd r ms. 3 bath s, p layroo m . Spectacular view with custom pool and s p a . New paint. ca r pet and drap e r ies. Family k itche n and form a l dinin g r oom . Separate utility room . Ready for immediate possession. Tota l security h vmg. Y o u've a rr ived <Jl tt35 Ru e F'ontainl'bl<>au Open 12 to 5 Saturda~· a nd Sunduy High ly cus tomized .. bedroom. 4 bath . 2 family roo~s plus den. Exquisite pool and s pa on h uge lot an d gorgeous yar d. 3 car garage with ext raordin ary s ecurity system . Over 4500 squar e reet on one floor . Designed to show your furnis h in gs t o best advant age. Shown b y ap pointme nt only a nd offe r ed at $795.000. Yo u've arrived a t Big Canyon. I 640-5777 NEWPORT CE~TER Beauties in the Bluffs OPEN TODAY I TO S 2658 VIST.\ ORNJ\ O,.\ KI DS LOVE IT HF:RF.1 Wher e else m Newport can .' 011 fincl <1 I bcirm. 3 h:.ith. famil~ h11ml' tll ii prt·~ll i!(' rommun1ty <ii S lliS.500'1 Fr~1n SC"ott found it. ltsteci II &-•ilfrr~ \nu .1 granrl opportunlt~ to l'nJO)" lhC' J,!OOd lif1• .)It:) v l ~T .\ CH:\~DE r\tqU Jrl' ;rn l''C'<·pt1onal I stor y end un1l Linda \J octel 1n Tlw ntuff~ 3 Bdrms .. 2 hc1rh-.. N£·ar pool & walk to sh opping n•ntl'r P rtt·rcl right at S163.000. For all yow Whelan Real Estate CONGRATULATES RALPH UMIRIACO Top Lis te r & ~lost Tra nsactions for the m onth of May r~al ~state Meds, call Ralph, 540-3666 'Nltelc.,11 Real Esta t e Inc. 2 INDIAN WELLS HOMES OWNER WILL TRADE Both homes on golf course with pools . Professionally decor ated and s o l d furnis hed . Ow n e r wi ll exchange for u n its. comm'er cia l or . s ubmit! Also s u bmit low cash down ... owner will n e lp finance. M e mbe r s hi p to Indian Wells Country Club available. 2 Bed room. 2 b a th $195,000 2 Bedroom + Guest Room $185.000 WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. .!·I.~ V. Cn,,,1 • l~hl'"' '\1wpun.~\'tK h 631·1400 POOL PLEASURE Pool & patio, lawn & trees. extra large mas~r bedroom , s uper up· grades. New paint. carpets, butcher block counters & no-wax floors. Cenlrally localed m Costa Mesa. Only S86.000 for this 3 bedroom dream hom e . Ca ll 7:!i2-l920. ' 9UAIL PLACE NOPEITIES"' 10,. fit l :lO ,,M.t SAVE GAS Walk to shopping, many renters oow cons1dcno~ wallun~ c!Jstancei. before l.twy rent That should make tht:. we ll m ain tam...'d duplex t'' en more n·ntJble LOCJtcd 1n pnme neighborhood & the owner wil l tarry 11.nancmg. FU ll pncc only $12.S.OO>. Call 751-3191 t;::: S E L ECT I PROPERTIES EASTSIDE "Unusual" Supt•r l'Ull' J bcdrm. fam1l)I homt• w ith l'U1-111m O •'l«ll-. C..1lhl'(lrat rc1llnf.?, larl:l' 11rcplan'. ... unn} 1·u!-h1m k1trhcn. targt• lot. Jlk\ .tl'l'l'"i> H'\i µJrk1n1: Pnn'<i tn :.1·ll 1 Slrl ~ i\l1 "°"". !>-io 2313 If 4 •• 0 "• COSTA MESA S79,900 1 bedrooms or J & dt·n :? bJth. .... fireplacl'. : r:ir >(ara..:c & mul·h muri• Owtwr v.11! hl·l1> I 1110Jlll'l' d:..::.umablt• !11 -·; Ill.in llurry on th1i. '""' t '.ill J..t• :!l.W «;::SELECT I I PROPERTIES ABANDONED DESERTED FOR GOTT EM ll1k1• tu bl' al h J j!1.1nt tll:drm.'. :! b.1th Uinrnl! .1r1·"· IJmil~ roolll (1.,. n 1• r 11 ,. 'I' 1• 1 .1 l • ... 111900 \\11111\lo , ~23JJ ,.,..1., #. CLASSIFIED HOURS \th• r1 ,..,,.r ... n"'>.1\ r,t.u·• I h• II .1<1' fl\ '. It J'lllllh Ji< (1\, 1tl tn;, ~1111, 0' ''""''·" ""II I I Iii ,, l"tt1 U'-''" '°\,1tur'1.1\ 111'1 \\I~ ... , II~~" I nn \\ "·' ·~· t rl .... l.t\(.l '\,\II~'' II 111161;1,·nn•·' r• \.1j!un.i lfra< h l'JI "\\JI• ... \ fll)( ~ 11,\1 " ~~~I .:. l '.11 lt•1 ~'1 I .icun .. 11111 '1)\1 1.1111 ''>(ill 1111 Ill ' r\ tJ1'-d 111 •. :.u. l.'..'11 CL.ASSIFiEO OEAOLIHES lli".1111111' lt•r l'Uf'\ \\~Ill• 1 , .«i JJ nt 1 h· 11 , \ t. ,.,.,.,. puhhc •• ,,,., 1, t t"lt\ lt1r "u11c1.1 ft. \l•lt' II I\ .. tf t f If I It \\ ht ft ,,, .11ll1n1 1-..,,., ur•t" I.' llt••ll CLASSIFIED REGUL.4TIOH S ~ KUllll... \1h. 111 • I ,Htttltl I lh't k lht U' Ht ti.uh t.\ rt P••I I • r '"' 1mm .. 1111." I II I It \II \ I'll nT "''""1' ll,1hthl\ ror th• ••r""'t tfl t'(K"ft"''' 1n,1·n111n ""h ('\'loOn l.l,,\Tll l':o> ~h,•11 l\1lhnL! .111 .111 h1• •11n• 10 mJk1• ,i r••1 1•nJ 111 I ht• I\ 11 I. 'I \I tn H c1,1·n •<•u h' ,,, .. , Jtl \,tk11r ,t, n·<"'•·1r1 ot \''Ur r.1Mr·ll,1lmn Th" ~111 numho•r mu~I Ill· llrt ''"" 1.,1 h\ 1 h•· .ul\ 1•rl '"'' 1n <'•l:it'OI •t dl~llllh (",\:"\tT l.LATll 1' 011 ('llll llFl'TIO' tlF ,~.\\ \J) H~~<lll~ Ill''"\:(: ~ ,,.r, t "''rt 1 '"· .. •· "' loll nr n•n • 1 I,, n1"' ... 1 1h11I "·'' '"'"''" n11l1 t • ti hu\ "'' 1 ,u\not a•u.u ·'" ,., ,,. tit• ''' unt ti th, ,ut h.1"" i1JlP\'•''' ti '" th1• . ... ,., 111\lE ,\ t l!lf~ ,\11:- Th"<' ,l(i, .1rt' '' rtt llv f',"h tt'l ,Id\ ,1nt'I' hv n1;11I M .ii am onr of our nr Ion" :-00 phoor orrt.-r'> U•".1dltnf> 3 p m ~'ndav. CO!>ta Mc•.1 111 ""' & 12 noon al 1.111 hrul'lC'h of11r('!> rm: Ui\ILY I'll.OT N 'l'r\'t'• tht• r11·h1 tn I hl,~11\ (-dtl ft'l\'111 fir r,•tu,•· ,.,,, ·'"'•~r '"" m .. m .1n1l 1<11 h.111~•· II"-r,th,."" & rt'•!lll,tl1f)fh .,.,, hout pr14)r n1~11 ,. CLASSlftED MAIUHG ADOHSS r o tto~ •~iM ('o~ln M1·~11 ~ W• Work For YOU! Rental~ Sales Property Mgmt OtAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES 545.7573 4%COMMISMOM.I WHYPAY ·••· 60/o COMM.?-• ProlessJonal agent pro vidiog total scrvlce1> <MLS> wUI seU or a11i.ia;t you in purchasing ~our home for ooJy 4<'k. \ i' 2% ol sale pnee! all 97> ll36 Ail. Want Ad Results ~8 Pete Barrett presents REFLECTION OF FLORENCE ELEGANT HILLSIDE VILLA - Overlooking s pacious pool and' entertaining plaza. Custom home with all tht• formality of the ol world. a ll the conven iences of t he.; new. 1 Bdrms. dining room a nd large 2 stor y n·ntral a trium. Many <·olorful und unus ual features - your first opportunity to v iew this: v1t'w propcrl~'. 120 IChMJS Ptec:e. NB Opett SUR. 1-5: HARBOR VIEW HILLS CORONA DEL MAR -HEW LISTIH~ -A love ly hom e in <1 m ost d esir able ne ighbor hood. 4 Rdrms. 1nclud1ni:: large m astl'r ~u 1t1.· F eaturing a brick ft rl'pla<'l' in famtl v room. ~l'p ar.1L £• ltlllncln roo m: 3 r·ar garngl' and much more• r mmatulat<' and ,·ac·ant S25H.OOO 1nc·ludt·s lan<I )906 h .. et Isle Dr .. HI Open Sot/S..n l·S POOL TIME-HARBOR HIGHLANDS WHAT HICE HAPPINESS? For all tht!:-> J Bdrm. family room ho m e h a ~ t o o f f l' r , t h e p r 1 c r 1 ~ m a tchless • Rig back ~ a rd with m a tun· tree~. largl' s wimming pool. cool pat 10. warm f1n•pl;tt'l'. ~t'parat(• brl'akfa ~t room unct more' T a ke· t his opportuntl~' to !--L'e All tor Sltl!l,000 1521 Doroftty Ln .. NBO~n Sot/S..n 1 ·5 WIDE OPEN SPACES IN NEWPORT HALF ACRE IN IACK IAY \'1ew o I t h 1 • ha \ h 1 11 "' . ;1 n d t h I! mour1l;11n:-Ir.om rhl'> 4 Bdrm home 1111 nil 111-.... ;1t· Saft> h:I\ t•n for pl ;" 1rii..: 1·h1ldn·n pll·nt~ 111 Ct~t.:a f 111 µ:11m·-. hobhtt·s'. sports Sl'l' 1h1 , 1t1~tnnt h1111a· tod<1Y. ':i~i5.llUll. 25 1 O Vida loyo. NI Open Sat/S..n I ·5 GLAMOUR AND SOPHISTICATION~ WESTCLIFF -MEW UST,IMG LtJ.!hl f1l ll'nng thru sk~lt~hts. hq.!h opl·n heam~ 10v11e vol1 into t his :l Bd rm honH· \\1lh m·v. 0,ih i..11dw11 . i\d11l1 orc·uptt·d Thi-. olll'r~ :.ill lht· hl'''' 1500 Conn1toll, NB O~n Sun. 1-5 UNIVERSITY PARK Ill END UNIT, HIGHLY UPGRADED -.1 Bdrm:-.. 2• .. bath~. lovt1ly mastt•r ~u !l t' wll h firepla1'l'. Newly p<1tnlt•d .incl ciet·nrat ed. V:H·an t :llld l'l'ild~ In rno\ l' Ill 'I !!I !tOO POOL TIME-8AYCREST OUTDOOR EHTERT AIMING On the Im l·lv rl1·<·k w1L h ftn·n11 Load~ ol room in I ht.., 1 Bo rm home wi th tor m:.il dtn1n1-: ro<1m famil~ room ; ;inf! prol1·..,..,1on~I dark room ' S2tiU.llOO ll'l' 16 )) Smtio90. HI O pen Sat/Sun I ·S ENJOY SUMMER ALL YEAR NEWPORT SHORES Clo~l' to br;,it'h es. pool s. and t ennis . Enlargt•d :1 Bdrm fum11~· room i\-Fr:.ime SI 18.000 250 Cofton. HI Opett s .... I ·5 POOL TIME-WESTCLIFF LOW MAINTENANCE :l Bdrm homl' h':t\ l'~ ti mt• lo t'OJOY thl• ' pool "l':tl d.., a pin v.11h nl'\\ paint .11111 .ill H1 .11f\ 111 llltl\ I' fl '.!ht 111 Slli8500 1212Dover0r .. HI O~n s .... 1-S NEWPORT BEACH BEST BUY "INSTANT HOME" In Harbor Highlan<h. Wa lk to pla1..1 s hups,-:\l ~ri n t·r~ ~t hool and park. 3 Hdrms a nd fireplace. New w ater heater . furnace. coppe r plum bing . Newly paintt•d . lots of used br ick. I nstant!~ ~·crnrs fo r S I 15.000. BEACHFRONT CAPE COO ONE OWNER -COROHA DEL MAk ,\ Tr;ul1111 111al hnn)l• \\tth :! patios. poul. orarh librar·y und loll Q u~1l1 t ~ (•u s t o m crafts mans hip. <'offered ceilings. walk -i n fireplace . a r c hed doorways and dorm er windows. To see the variety of ·views. ca ll for a ppointment. $750.000. ASK US abotlt ow hw ••r..tr pr09 ... wMch co.en~ Ii Mien. Pete Barrett .r .... '" VA MDDowwf'oytntnt •4 br, cor lot 192.500 •3t:r. pool. IM>.500 •2 tit. cute. 8.950 •Stl'. fam rm. $84.900 •311'. Condo. S73.900 •4 tt. pool, $93.500 We )lave more. l~l us help yOU. VA, no down OR till: small down 546-2313 ... Q . ,, \ • "~ , ., "<• n,>• • THE REAL-1 ESTATERS 4JR.Uke New! S79,!IJO 4 Bednn. New carpe~ & pautt! Just $79.900! VA· .FHA purchase O_K ! G1aht living r m. Hnck fp l c lm m£'d1ate JX15$CSSIOO. Sop{'r terms! Call 752-1700 nght now! H ,\, 11, 'J • • '• t I I •, t [~-. PURSE-ANALITY Thi$ is thP home whit'h is pn~ to saw you $$'s. tocld w 1trus dehgbtfw Cam home in a p re· :.11gious area are 4 t.'<>m· rortable bdrm:.. ram rm, 2 ba & community tennis. ~today 979·5370 -.ALLSTATE REALTORS ----• : VA . BUYERS · If ! vou 1TUJke Sl400tmo. y~ may qualify to own Yelur own home! Low Dewn! Loans to Sl.00.000. I.ft us show you how to dtlil! Call Now! !'cAtoRedC~t ¥ielJdeft! 754-1202 ~ER-in-LAW ; QUARTERS A ~rfect mother 10-law home or whatever? 4 &fdrm. 2 bath home with add-un bedrm + den 1n M vat.e area. /\must M'C f<r only Slt2.000. Call ~!546-2313 ,)l'ft4 Sif I • t t • ' ,.., '• t THE REAL , ESTATERS I' WIU MOT LAST- DWLIX ' OCIAH aa115 3 Bdrm k 4 Bdrm. alt to all 11hops. 1 lock to the beach. aer lert ar ea. a "aell it". .500 675-3411 I ' HOU51S FOi SALi I _.OOM :.Os Via ~uela #12. Palin Grtn.a 642·8235 S7S.000 SUn/Mon 1·5 • • 4911 ashore. Newport S.ach 8T3· 7300 Sal/SUn 12·4 ................. 600~ Larkspur, CdM 831·1400 llU.000 Sunday 1·5 2-00M 3841 Gardenia Ave ... Long Beach 5otS·9'91 $85,.., S un l ·~ IS02 Vista Dr. <Bayshores> NB 6'12-8235 Sun. 1·4 386 Romona Way. Newport Heaaht~ 546-9521 Sat/Sun 1·5 ,8 Whitewater <TrtJrk Gln) Irv. 61~ S165.000 Sat/Sun I ·5 #77 Sea Island (8jg Cyn ) NB 675-8000 $219,SOO SatJSun 1·5 itO Pintlwood. Irvine R73-8SSO $129,500 Sun 1 5 9845 Verde Mar <Villa Pac> HB 645 0303 $83,900 Sat/SUn l ·S • * IJit, Lake Knoll <Woodbridge> Irv 752-1700 $147,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2071 Port Provence. Ne wport Sch 752 1700 $245,000 Sat/Sun l·S 506-35th St .• Newport Beach 646·7171 $163,500 Sun J·S 2 • ,.. °FAM RM ar DIN 10 Rue Fontainebleau <Big Cyn ) NB 631-1800 $289,900 Sunday 1·5 #12 Jetty CJasmn Creek> CdM 675-3411 $225,000 Sun. 1·5 1614 Santanella Terr .• CdM .673-8494 Sun. l ·S •861 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa 5'18·5155 Sunday l ·S •I* I Rue Montreaux <Big Cyn ) NB • 644-6200 · Sun. 1·5 231 Poppy, Corona del Ma r 675·5511 $360,000 Sunday 1·5 20.57 Pt. Bristol Cr. <HVH> NB 673-9479 $158.500 Sun l·S 1615 Bonnie Doone <Irv. T err.> NB 631·1800 $232.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 Lago Norte <Rancho San Joaquin > 9~ 1Z15 Sat/SUn l ·5 48 Sea Island Dr. <Big Cyn) NB 644-9060 $222,500 Sun. 1·5 2000 Pt. Cardiff <HVHms) NB 675-6000 $16.5.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2307 Port Lerwick. Newport Bch 752-1700 $161.500 Sat/Slln 1-5 710 Iris. Corona dc l Mar 644· 7211 $279,000 l IEDROOM Sun . 1·5 505 I rvin~ Ave., Newport Bch 631 -1266 $133,900 Sun 1-5 #32 Golden Star, Irvine ' 559·8451 $114.950 300 F lower St.. Cos ta Mesa Sun. 1-5 540-3666 $99.500 Sunday l ·5 216 Poppy <Old CdM > CdM 675-6000 $335,000 Sun. 1·5 2045 Pt Weybridge <HVHms > CdM 675-6000 S169.000 . Sun. 1·5 1224 Nottingha m <West cliff) NB 631-3444 5218.000 Sun. 1·5 2517 S. Maddock. Santa Ana 979.5370 ~un l ·5 250 San Jose Rd #60. Palm Spnngs ~42·8235 Sl24.500 Sun/Mon 1·5 9337 Maryland, Costa Mesa 645-0303 S98,950 Sun. 1·5 2320 La Linda , Newport Beach ~42-2900 $16.5.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2.581 Vista Dr. < Baysh ores >NB 644·9060 S395.000tfee Sun 1.;; 2502 W. Bor chard. Santa Ana 540·3666· $73.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 3360 Nevada Ave (Mesa Verde) CM 540·1720 $97,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2443 Vista Nobleza <Bluffs) N.B. 631-1800 $196.500 Sa l/Sun 1·5 26 Canyon Is la nd Or (Big Cyn twnhms > 644·4910 $219,500 Sat/Slln l ·S 101 Via Vella <Lido Isle> N.B. 675-6161 $325,000 Sun. 1-5 7628 Twinlear Trail. Ora nge 540-3666 $139.000 Sat/Slln 1·5 •1329Sussex <WestclifO N.B. 759·0811 $218.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2012 Leeward <Baycrest > Npt. Bch. 759-0811 $194.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 #2 Campana, Irvine 559-9470 $115.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2450 Fordham, Costa Mesa 546·2313 $94,000 S un 1·4 •1741Tustin,#13A,C.M. 646-325.5 $89,500 Sun. 1·5 24 1 Evening Canyon , CdM 631 -1266 $337.950-Fee Sa/Sun 1·5 4807 Surr ey (Cameo Hig hlands> NB 675-5511 $238,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 616 St. James. Cliffhaven, N.B. 646·7711 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2312 Redlands. Back Bay, N.B. 646-7711 $162,500 Sat/Sun l ·S 3508 Sandune. Corona del Mar 673-8550 $340,000 Sat/SUn l·S 508 Redlands <Newport Hghts) N.B. 642-8235 $159,500-Fee Sa/Sun 1-5 129 G. Street. Ne wport Beach 646-7171 $172.000 Sat/Sun l ·S 2804 Cliff, Newport Beach 646·7171 $299.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 1968 San Bruno <Bluffs> NB 642-8235 $124.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 321 Ave Cerritos <Bluffs) NB 642-8235 Sat/SUn 12·5 440 Prospect, Newport Beach 67s.&r70 $115.000 Sat/SUn 1·5 2116 Miramar, Newport Beach 675-6670 $425,000 Sat/SUn 1·5 l • ,.. ,.._. IM ar DIM 211• Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 67~ $750,000 Sat/SUn 12·5 1~2 lrvine Ave., Npt Beach 645~3809 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 17 Whitecap Dr .• J asm Crk, CdM 640-1127 S32S.()()().fee Sa/Sun 1·5 118 Vla Ithaca CLldo Is le> N.B. ~M562 $329,500 &m. 1-5 DIRECTORY t ..,._Al .............. ..... ............... ...., .. .,.. =~-=c~~ ~NOT WA)ff AM.,..._ .......... 1......., ... ...,1 • 2 ..... ·~ ..... ....v ............... ' ., .. .......................... _...,..... ...... 2574 Oxford Ln . I Coll Pk> CM 75•1 IHW $88,!JOO Sul/Sun l2·5 1800 Pt. W~sthourne (H~ Homes> N!.0.7000 $169,500 · Sun. 1·5 119 Via Mentone. Lido i sle. NB 673 ~ $425.000 Sat/St.In 1-5 tRRl Hoy<:t> Hd CUniv Pk) Irv fi7S ·6000 Slf>6.000 Sat/StJn 1·5 lKO? 'rradcwinds CRaycrst) NB 675·3411 $198.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 218 Via Palermo I Lido Isle> NB. 644-9060 $410.000·fo'ee Sun 1·5 515/549 lrvme RI (Nwpt Hgt) NB 675·6000 S215,()()() Sal Sun 1·5 510 Vin t.1do Souct. Npt Bch 675 27fi l $475.000 Sunday l ·5 J l Uo<kga Bay <Spygla~s> N 8 . 548·2953 $347.500 Sat!Stm 11·5 # l Point Sur (Spyglass) N. B 548·2953 $449,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 •4709 HHmpdt•n Rd. !Cameo S hrs> C'dM , 675-3411 $550.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 1500 SC'r<'nact<' Terr .. N. B. G73· 7300 Sal/Sun 1·5 201 Joanne, Newport Beach 673·9000 $139,500 Sun. 1·5 #H} Canyon Crest. N.B. . • 759-0811 $182.000 Sun~ 1·5 • l I 3 Ii G I t• n n t' a g I l· ~ < M a r 1 n u I finds >CM ../ . 645-7184 $129.950 SatrSun 1-5 1062 ValleJn (Mesa Woods> CM 557-4486 $99.950 Sun. 1·5 3001 Samoa l'I. I Mesa Verde> C.M 556-2660 $99.950 Sat/Sun 1·5 1300 Dover, NL•wport Beach 673-8.5SO $16!l.500 Sun 1·5 3000 Clay <Newport Heights) NB 759-0811 $172.500 Sun. 1 ·5 1700 Palau P laC't'. Costa Mesa 546-2313 SJ09.000 Sun t ·-1 952 Azalea, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $105,000 Sun. 1·4 30 931 Paularino. Costa Mesa · 546-2313 $117.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 34 Miners Trail. l rvin~ 559-8451 S 12!1.soo Sun. l ·5 29'1 Princeton <Coll Pk) CM 540·1720 ~189,900 Sun. 1·5 216 La Espcrnna t. San Clemente 496-7726 Sl24.500 Sunday 1·5 *' 183 Abbit' Way, Costa Mesa 851-0424 $129.000 Sun. 12· I 3169 Madeira I Mesa Verde) C.M. 673-8700 Sl18,500 Sunday 7-1 3117 ManistN.'. Costa Mesa 642-4210 S107.500 Sun l 4 205 Via Koron I Lido ls le l N. B. 673-8423 S4fi0.000 Sun 1 :i •2821 Pl'hblc Dr~ <Onp; HVH > NB 675-6000 S450,000 Sun. 1·5 1406 Wes tcliff Dr. CWs tclf >NB 675-6000 $169.500 Sun. J ·5 2300 Heather Ln. <C he rry Lk) NB 675-6000 SJ89.000 Sun. l ·5 285 Robinhood La .. Costa Mesa 631·1266 Fee la nd Sun 1·4 411 Lcnwood (Newport Hghts) N.B. 642-0762 S 124 .500 Sun 1 ·5 33672 Blue Lantern . D anH Point 496-8.535 Sl75.000 Sunday 12·5 1736 Highland Dr .. N.B. fi42·823!5 S157.000 Sun. J.5 1215 Mariners Or. ( R<tycrest) NB 642-8235 S325,000 Sun. 2-5 1218 Keel (HV Hills) CdM 644-6200 Sun. 1-5 5 Sun burst <Turtle Rock) f rv. 752·1414 $215.000 Sun. 1·6 293 Wakcfor est <College Park> C~t 752·1414 $96,500 Sun. 12·4 1500 Cornwall CWestcliff) NB 642·5200 $174.000 Sun. 1·5 • 1212 Dover Dr. <Wstclf) NB 642·5200 $168,500 Sun. 1·5 49 J asmine Creek Dr.<Jasmine Crk>NB 675-5511 $241,500 Sunday 1·5 • 2340 Bayside Dr .. Cd M 675·5511 $535,000 Sunday 1-5 618 Kings Place. Nl'wport Beach 673-1020 $170,000 Sunday 1·5 3620 Ocean Blvd (Qld CdM) CdM 675·6000 $525.000 Sun. 1·5 •22416Aliso Park Dr .. El Toro fi75-7512 Sunday 1·5 4 BEDROOM 24222 Ontario Ln .• Lake Forest 559-8451 $104.900 Sun. 1-5 8002 Joan Circle, La Palma 540-3666 $99.500 Sunday 1 ·5 2895 Velasco Ln., Mesa del Mar. CM 5~·9491 $99,500 Sun 1-5 2857 Clubhouse Rd.. Mesa Verde. CM 631-l266 $153.500 Sun 1·5 17 Rainbow Falls <Turtle Rock > Irv. 752-1414 $189,500 Sun. l ·S 4627 Cortla nd Dr .. CdM 675·2111 $192,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 •t083Visalia <Mesa Woods) CM 540·1720 $187,500 Sat1Sun 1·5 1514 Dover Dr. <Westcliff) N.B. $159,500 Sat/Sun 12 :30-4:30 9892 Frede rick (Brookhurst & Yorktown> R.B. 840-1040 $97.950 Sat1Sun 12·5 1174 Dorset Lane. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $92.500 . Sun 1·4 1721 Mira ma r. Bal Penm. N.B. 631·1400 $359.500 Sun. l ·S 22837 lslamcre. Lake Forest 631.1400 $229,500 Sat/Sun l·S 4 1R plus FAM RM w DEN 1607 HbrCrstCr5pyglsRdgCdM 752·1414 SJ35.000 Sun. 1·5 18752Saginaw (Turtle Rock > Itv. 752·1414 Sun. 1·5 28 10 Serang Pl.. Mesa Verde. CM 751·3696 $140.000 Sun 1·5 * 120 Kir 1!~ Pl (Cliffhavt•n1 NR 642·5200 S558.000 Sun 1·5 :woo Windward <Baycrestl N R 675-6000 $259.000 Sun. l 5 "36 Robinhood Pl . Costa Mesa ~ 642-8235 Slll.950 Sun 1 5 1805 G lenwood Ln <Baycrestl NB 642-8235 Sun. 1·5 2221 Aralw ( F:ustbluff I N B. 642-8235 Sl72.500 Sun. 1·5 1219 Santiago (Dover Shores> NB 642-8235 S329.500 Sun. l·S 21062 Shaw Ln. (Park Place> H.B . 536-4795 $129,000 Sat/Sun 1·7 19211 Biddle <Turllerock) Irv. 631·lfWO 5147 ,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •227 Sherwood Pl . Costa Mesa 642-0467 $165,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2351 Bay Farm Pl 'Back BayJ 644-9060 Sl72.500 Sun . 1-5 1729 Terrapin Way I Baycrest) NB 675-3411 $249,500 Sal/Sun l ·S :l715 Inlet Isle. Newport Beach 631·1400 $279.000 Sat/Sll.(11 ·5 19132 Biddle <Trtlrk His) Irv . 675-3411 Sl49.SOO Sat /Sun 1·5 435 Canal St 'Nwpt Shrs) NB 675-34 11 Sl79.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1806 Galaxy< Dover Shores I NB 640-1212 $550.000-fcc Sa/Sun 1·5 609 Donald Pl. I Nwpt Jlgts> NB · 675·6000 $251.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 620 Donald Pl< Nwpt llgt.<>> NB 675-6000 $245.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 1330 Galaxy Dr <Dover Shores> N.B. 644-9060 Sun. 1·5 1965 Pt. Cardiff I HV Homes> N.B. 644-9060 $215.000-Fee SuA>. l ·S rn Almund Tree< Univ Pk' Irv. 675-6000 Sl22.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2501 WindovC'r CH V Hills> CdM 631-3444 S29R.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 11 7 Via Quito 1 Lido Jsle1 N.B 673·9060 $490.000 Sun. J ·5 427 16th Place. Costa Mesa 646-4067 S139.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 2 O 2 2. Lt• m no s Dr ' Mc s ::i Verde>C.M. 631·1266 S159.500·fee Sat/Sun 1·5 2627 Alta Vista c Eastbluff> N B. fl75-5930 S247,500 Sun 2·5 *3077 Tyler Way. Costa Mesa 546-2313 S93.500 Sun 12·5 1095 Tulare. Costa Mesa 645·0303 $133,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 388 Gninada Wny. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $170,000 Sunday l ·4 •2200 Heather Ln .. Newport Bch 646-3255 $229.000 S un. 1-5 653 Cove. Co!'ta Mcs:l 646·3255 $87.500 Sun 1·5 * * 654 Via Lido Nord ( Lido Isl > NB 646-7711 $1,100,000 Sa/Sun 1·5 20 Bluff View <Trtlrk Hin ) Irv. 675-3411 S249,000 Sal tSun l ·5 •405 Cortes Circle. CdM 63 1-1266 $295.000-Fee Sa/Sun l·S 2016 Calvert. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $138.500 Sun 1·5 1070 Pescador c Dover Shores> NB 642·8235 $335.000 Sat/Su~ 1·5 2025 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa P e nm. 642-8235 $540.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •3514 Cat amaran <HV H ills> CdM 644·6200 $272.500 fee Sat/Sun 1·5 •1834 Commodore c Baycrest> N.B. 642-8235 Sat/Sun 1·5 2510 Vista Baya <Bk Bay> NB 642·5200 $275.000-fee S~t/Sun 1·5 S906 Inlse Isle ( HVHls> CdM 642-5200 $258,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 • 1633 Santiago< Baycrcst> NB 642-5200 $245,000-fee Sa/Sun 1·5 ••34 Ba lboa Coves, Newport Bch 631-1400 S342,500 . Sun 1·5 •358 Lourdes Ln .. Costa Mesa 646-4477 $86,900 Sunday 1 ·S 2807 Alta Vis ta Dr. c Eas tbluff) N.B. 640·4119 $189,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1032 Santiago Or .• Newport Bch 675-6670 $497,500 Sunday 1·5 13712 Ande le Way. Irvine 559-8451 SU9.500 Sun. 1·5 86 12 Bayonne (La Cuesta > Hunt 'g Bc h fi31 -t 800 $119.700 Sunday 1·5 241 La J olla <Nwpt Hgts) NB 675·6000 $229.900 Sun. l ·5 1846 Tradewinds <Baycrst) NB 675-6000 $240,000 Sun. 1-5 220 Marigold (Qld CdM > CdM 675-6000 $279,000 Sun. l ·S •4501 Gorham (Cam eo Shores> CdM 673-7040 $595.000·Fee Sun. l·S 828 Vi a LldoSoud. Npt Bc h .. S ... OOM •3044 Carob. Newport Beach 6•4·7020 $269,000 Sat/Sun l ·S 1072 Salvador St .. Costa Mesa sco.0201 Open Sat/Sun 14962. Piper Cir ., G reentree, Irv 640-~7 Stl2.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 #8 Drakes Bay <Spyglass> CdM 759-0811 $465.000 Sun. 1·5 2705 Starbird, Costa Mesa S46·2313 $210,000 Sun 1·4 2123 Hig hland Dr .. Newport Beach 675·2373 $149,900 Sun 1·5 •3681 Aquarius. Huntington Bch 646·7711 Sunday 1·5 5 aa p1u1 FAM RM or DEN 11 Burning Tree (Big Canyon> NB 644 -6200 $645,000 Sun. l ·5 • •209 Evening S t ar Ln<Oover Shrs>NB 642-823.5 Sun. 1·5 2040 Phala rope <Mesa Verde) C .M. 675 ·5511 $156.900 Sunday 12·4 6821 Auburn Or . flunt1n~ton Beach 545 ·94!)1 Sun J ·5 7 Cherry Hills (Big Canyon > N ~ 644-6200 $439.000 Sun. 1·5 54 Drakes Bay (Spyglass> N.B. 631·1800 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 19 Rippling Stream. Trtlrk. Irv. 955-2988 S245.000 ~ Sat/Sun 12·5 2737 Mendoza. Costa Mesa 546-0784 Sll9,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 223 Agate. Balboa Isla nd 675-6921 $395.000 Sat /Sun 12·5 76 Hillcrest ( Big Cyn > N. B. 675-2311 $920,000 Sunday 1-5 ••510Via Lido Nord <Lido lsll NB 675-4562 Sl .250.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 •20 Cypress Pt. (Rig Canyon> NB 631 -3444 $750,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1512 Anti~ua Way (Dovt!rShrs) NB 644-9060 $435,000-Fee Sa/Sun 1-5 #1 Deerwood. Big Cyn. N.R. 673-7300 Sunday l ·S 270R Cardinal (Mesa Ve rde) CM 546-5880 $149,750 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 1807 Sanda I wood (Ba ycrest > NB 759-0811 SJl0.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1806 Irvine. Baycrest. N .B. 646-7711 Sl49,700 Sat/Sun 1·5 16 Rocky Point CSpyglass 1 CdM 644-6200 St.200,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 7 Cherry Hills< Ri g Canyon> NB 644·6200 $439.000 Sun. 1·5 2507 Port Whitby . Newport Beach 631 ·14UO $240,000 Sunday 1·5 6 IEDROOM 1548 Galaxy <Dover Sh ores 1 1'i H. 759-0811 $4 15.000 Sal/Sun I ·5 6 IR plus FAM RM « DEN 411 Heliotrope·, CdM 673-5354 $369.500 S:..l/Sun l·S 934 Hl'lcna. Costa M e~a 546-2313 SI 17.000 Sat Sun 1·5 2805 Europa. Cos ta Mc!-ta 546-2313 St 14.900 Sun l ·5 •1590 lh1ker. Co..,t ~l Mc~a 546·2313 S9G.5UO Sat Sun l -4 2581 Vis ta Dr. (flays horC'.s > N R. 644 -9060 $395.000-Fec Sun 1·5 225 Via Qu1Lo. Lido Js lC'. N.B . 646-7711 Snl'Sun l 5 1801 Tahuna Tt>rr !Irv. Terr ) Cd~l 644·6200 $475.000 Snt /Sun 1 S. 2670 W<t\t•rlv CBay!'hores I NR 642-8235 · Sat, Sun 1·5 901 A lde r Pl c Easthluff > N.B. 642·8235 Sl 78.500 Sat/Sun l ·5 1903 Yacht M:iria <St·avtew> NB 644·6200 S269.500-fce Sat1Sun 1 5 608 J asmine. Corona del l\tar 675-SS U/5~9·6738 Sl85.000 •250 Colton <Nwpt S h r s l N. B 642·5200 Sll8.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 •1521 Dorothv L n <Hbr Hind > NB 642-5200 Si69.000 Sat/StJn I 5 1300 Dover Dr .. Newport Beach 752·1700 SJ69.500 Sun 1·5 2005 Yacht Vi~ilant . Ne wport Bch fiJl-1400 S355.000 Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 IEOROOM 189 V1rgmia Pl., Cos ta M~~a Sat/Sun 1·5 2 IR plus FAM RM « DEH 3226 Broad !)l., Nt•wport Bch 979.5099 Sat/Sun I ·5 2 IR & I IR 139 Albert Place. Costa Mesa 646-7171 SJ 10.000 Sun 1·5 2 IR & 2 IR 719 & 71 91·:? Fernleaf. CdM 67 3-8550 $194 .000 Sat /SI.In Hi 710 Iris. Corona del Mar 644 -7211 $279,000 l IEDltOOM Sunday 1·5 613 Mari~old. Corona del Ma r 759-0811 $249.500 Sun 1-5 1954 Church <Eastside > C.M. 759-0811 $172 .500 Sal/Sun 1·5 l IR pitt1 I IR 4000 River CW. Ne wporl I N.R 675-6000 $765.000 Sun. 1-S. l H plus FAM RM or DEM 415 Ha rding. Balboa Penm. NA 675-6775 Sl64.500 Sun 1·5 l U ... FAM IM or DEN AND IHCOMI & l U 604 Marigold . Corona de l Mar 673·7300 Sat/Sun 12·4 •1907 Glenwood •. Baycrest , N.B. 640-~7 $242,500 Sat/Sun l·S 673-8596 $565,000 Sun 1·5 26 Deerwood East <Deerfield> Irv 675·3411 $159.900 Sun 1·5 l U Ir l Ill ' 604 Marigold. Corona del Mar 1807 Toyon Lane (Baycrest> NB 759-Mll $239.500 Sat/Sun t -5 #17 Coventry <Harbor Ridge) N.B. 759·0811 $450.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1882 Kinglet. Costa Mesa 546·2313 $169.000 906 Bell is CEt B'luff > N.B . 675-:W 11 $243.500-f ee Sun l ·5 4806 Cortland <Ca meo Hinds> CdM 67S·6000 Sl 75.000 Sun. 1 ·5 1424 Seacrest < HVHls> CdM 675·6000 $2U,OOO Sun. l·S 640-6161 $249.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 . '"' *. w ........ . ••• w ........... ... -----~-.__ ~~ • • lltl! ........ s. ~ ............ .,.. ..... " .... ~ ........ s. Ho.te1FOf'S. ~.July1 .1m DAJLY Pl&..OT •••••• •• • .............. ••••••• ••• • •• •• •.• •• •• • • •••••.••..•••••••• ~... •••••••.••. .••. •••••••• ••••• •• ••••• ••••••••••• ~,;;;;;,i.:..;.;;.1....,;_~:::.:.::::.:::::::::~=~.:::.:~~:~::::· •-•• llOJ ••••• 'IOOJ .... ,.. 1002 .... ,.. IOOJ 01•r• IOOJ ..._.,,...,. .............................. , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ~ $f)(),()()() _._ ____ .... _. ... .__ ._._._, .. ___ IOO•J•ll SlJperrh~W'IA ~..,.-" is ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~l§'-' ~\.I t &1rao,J; ,. DAVIDSOM REALTY INVESTMENT onthehOuse . "'°' PRESENf S SALES • t n. n I WAIM. WOODSY 3 BR home. features Orange County's most '· f:JL'lf""a ~4C~ beama. llttplac~. lush ttard~n . sep. · ~Rr/A A t..V ~ft:1~~~ 1~9e5s::,e~} studio. Stes» lo bcac·h & tl'nnls c~. & . ~ V''l'lr.• over 1187 mlltion. tias a 1•••111S llllfT£ llJD M11WP ONLY 1139,500. OPEN SUN. 1·5, 201 ,i:~'1. .. : ·~'"";r.'~~ few openings for Ml - -...i , llUt.-JOANNE; N. 8 . -qualified professionals ... aod sumptuous Old World Cba.rm .~ ·• · who bave proven their Prevail thruout thee 3 new c_..1r •-LUI UIY AT THI l l ACH ... 3 BR . ability In real estate. ~ ex IRVINE LEASE sd.ling homes or lnvest· ~lone homtiJ & 1tardens. 8 Bdrms .• 3 balcony, fireplace. private patio, near s · Bd 2 B B R ment property. or who b lbs rl l ··"" IL 1. .. ... D t , $ 7., 0()() pactous 4 r .. 'h a., onus m., a , rep ace • wine ce ar, pottin.8 lcnn"' COUJ..., oo . 1 •» ·comm. pools. Includes· gardener & have an ex~llent ules room & much more in each. Would ussm· fees. S695/mo. Ask tor Tom background in other make a perfect "Family Compound... I AY .. ONT PINTHOUSI <,;undo 2 UR. fields, but wit h a On separate lots. .t.tk~ your pick at c11 n l n fl a rt> u s u 11 n y bu I con y . Baron =r1~~hi~~~s~~~ $350,000/$365.000 OR BOTH $700,000. panoramic vlew of hav & ocean Boal IRVINE investments . we offer Would rons1der lease or leasetof)tjon s lip avail $350,000 ~sq ft of well appoint· OPE.NSUN.1·5 STl ALTAVISTA '), Spacious 4 Bdr .. 2112 Ba .. w/a lr cond. edsemi-privateofficean ~ THI ACTION •IOUP Hillie tvkeornu:-k rk-olly. I nc. I 000 Mo. CM1t Hwy. 4t .. 7H I GRAND OPENING CONDOMINIUMS WES TC LIFF June 30, 1979 0 -5 p.m .> July l , 1979 1700 Westcliff Dr .. Newport Beach 1 & 2 Bedroom $79,000-$99,500 6 73-6640 642-8583 • .., tWt .....,, direct.., ..... ,.. tWs _.._," ,.. .. Mn•._. ..... Al ti. loc ...... t ll1hd ...... -dncM.4 .............. .,, ..,,,riMMJ ........ , .. tod9y'1 DAILY .... OT WANT.ADS. ,...._ ...... .,.. ~ fw .. ., ,.... - w..,M to lllt well l1lf--"-i1t tM1 cot.a eecli '"*'· s.tw•r .ct-..,,. CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE I BR &21R 1700 Wt•skliff Dr . N B. 673·6640'642-8583 Sal/Sun 1·5 2 BEDROOM 2554 Elden Ave <C('dar Glen l CM fl42·6734 S9J .500 Sal/Stm 10-5 •521 S. Lyon S treet. Santa Ana 675-3787 S64.500 Sat/SUn 1·5 57 Sea Is land Dr .. Newport Beach 9°7!J-5370 • Sal'SUn 1·5 104 Antibes. Lino. N.B. 631-1400 5210.000 .Sat/Sun 1·5 312.Sidney Ln-<Thurm ) C.M. 673-62 10 Sat/SUn 1·5 349 Aw .. <\doh<.• I PrC's fH s l San Cl . IU:!-307:! S8!5,000 Sun 10·4 2 BR plus FAM RM °" DEN 18 Sea Island Or. (Big Cyn >N B 644·9060 5222.500 Sun. 1-5 114 Vista Grande <The Bluffs> N B 759-0811 £259.500 Sun. 1·5 2211 Vista Dorado (The Bluffs > NB 759·081 l S172.500 SatlSUn 1-5 • l Viejo. Irvine 955·1998 S128.00IJ. Sat1SUn 1·5 3 BEDROOM 505 Vtsta Granrle <The Rluffs> NB 640-5560 $163.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 311 Alta Lane. Costa Mesa 548·5647 S89.SOO Sat1Sun 2·5 3939 A-McFadde n. Si..l nta Ana 546-2313 $73.900 Sun 1·5 4 BEDROOM 2658 Vista Ornada <The Bluffs> NB 640-5560 Sl65,500 Sat ·sun 1·5 11706 Bir<:hhark. Orange S40·3fi66 $85.700 Sat/Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUM FOR LEASE 2 I R pfvs FA M RM or DEM * •683 Lido P ark Dr. ~C-2. N.B. ~46·7711 Sat/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM 19 Woodland <Wdbrg ) Irvine 5.51·1688 $96,500 Sun 12·4 5135 Thorntree (Univ Pk), I rv. 640·1212 $96.000·fee Sat/Sun 1·5 57 Sea Island Dr., Npt Bch 759-1917 $174,950 4 IEDROOM Sun 12·5 #7 Barna Cl.. Newport Beach .. 559·8451 $144.900 Sun. 1·5 HOME & INCOME , FOR SALE Z llt & I 11 707.Goldenrod, CdM 675-3331 $179,000 Sunday l ·S l 11 ,...1-J II 2567 Elden <all new> C.M. 979.5099 Sat/Sun 1·5 PIMI UOO ISLE ftl<>PllTIIS +air putiCit!r, 3 car gar .. on Cul de tl\e Orange Co unty 1 A masterpiet~ ! 5 BR . 4 baths , Sac St. Irvine schools close. No assoc. Au'port area or Newport (I fees. $122.900. Ask for Tom Baron Beach. Full technical to.Oa ring beam Ct>il in st:,. fine lllC oors. andsupportservices.ex· prime i~I and Joc• ullon. M27 .500 cellent investment and 2 A t.U pl·rb l uxury resid e n ce COUNTRY CHARM salestrairunganda com· h hll t t -...a b L ' ' I It d Bra nd new on market. this prime mission split or 65'"< to 1g g 1 t..'u y ,. renc11 < oors. vau e 1oor;,., Successful applt- t·cihngs, fine wu lkoverings. war m propert y O·O·Z·e ·S with c harm. cants will be able to sub· den & giant formal dm rm $459,500 Hardwood floors. bay windo w, oak stant1 ate last yea r ·~ 3 A sprawling 4 BR entertainer's bar. etc. etc. 4 Bdr. hom e in choice earnings. in excess of h P 1 d t ·1 2 f 1 Mes a Ve rde location. See it Sunday S20.000 and a <'omm1t· ome. ane e amt Y rm.. rp cs . ment to earn twice that huge brick patio. comp. remodeled l ·S; 2857 Clubhouse Rd. Ask for Jackie in the next 12 months in As king $490,000. OPEN SUN 1·5. 117 llandleman. ordE'r 10 maintain their VIA QUITO assoc1auon with our of· GOOD ASSUMABLE LOAN flee. D 4 V I D S 0 N K E A L T Y l N C. "'~ r ...... "·"' t> .. i •• !· b:"3· 9060 PRESTIGIOUS ADDRESS H ~lax in a tranquil setting of Big Canyon . Adjoins golf course. Sl57.500. BALBOA ISLAND Near new duplex. Beautiful marriage of wood, bri<'k & g la ss in beach setting. INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL Priced r educed on 5 bed r oom s . Country atmosphere . Bearing fruit trees. large lot. 14962 Piper Circle. Irvine. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5. 8,000 SQUARE FEET Prime offi ce space. ideal for professional g roups . WOOOSTREAM Lowest priced 3 bedroom. 212 bath • home in this woodsy development. PRICE SLASHED n a ycrcst executive home . Free flowing for e nterta ining. Huge living r oom . family room . sparkling pool. Move in ready 5242.500. OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5, 1907 Glenwood. Newport Beach. SPACIOUS BEACH HOUSE C lean 3 Bdrm. 2 story w lrg dininl!. bltns. including m icrowave. dshwsr. frplc . e t r . Owner v e r y anxious. 511 5.000. OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5. IAY & OCEAN VIEW Wide s pectac ular p a noramic view. recently r edecorated 4 Bdrm. f amity rm + form al di ning. Air cond. bltns. wet b ar. etc $497.500. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5. BAYCREST 4 BR. huge formal dining. crpts. drps. bltns. frplc. Lrg heated pool. elec garage door opener. Vacant & ready to go. $210.000. CUSTOM DUPLEX C lose t o beac h . 3 bedroo m & 2 bedroom, bltns. pvt patios. frplc & big garage. Xtra lrg lot wt over 3600 sq ft.. includes ever ything. Offer your terms. $235.000. COMPLETELY REMODELED ON PENINSULA Italia n tile. c us tm glass, peg & grooved floors. Do yourself a fa vor . come see this w eekend . $425,000. OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5. JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 2919 Newport ll•d. ~onMr 30ffl G •• .,.. I 002 ICiftHH'Cll I 002 , •.•......•.................................... LUSK , EXCLUSIVE An impeccable Ver sailles in Big Can yon. Unsurpassed luxury. Corner location on a cul de sac. Truly one of t he fine homes in Newport Beach. $650,000. By appointment Sh · t 3 Bd 21 b Over 2-'J of our staff are a rp, new pam · r., 2 a.. also licensed to sf'll real Condo in Orange. <Nr. Town & estate 11m1ted Country Cntr). Comm. pool. jac. & partnership securilles rec. facil. Low price -$78,950. Ask for and we are acuve in de· Mary Donnell 631 ·1266 velopment and syndica· lJOO Pleaw contact Ml>. Pal VIEW Parkinson of Quail Placi: C at a 1 in a I 5 an C 1 em en t e Properties Inc .. ul ls land/Qlnyon vie w ! Pool. 2 private 752-19'20. or 14-00Quaal St . beaches. automatic garage door. all Newport Beach. t:a11r i..lpplian ccs inc luded . Lease option. 92660· Contract of Sale: Creative fina ncing. 4 Bdr. + loft. New carpet. $295.000. Open House Sat Stm 1·5: 405 Cortes C ircle. Corona del Mar. Call Tim Rhone FANTASTIC CANYON VIEW S horecliffs home w1 mini ocean .view. Finest Corona del Mar area. $337 ,950. Ope n House Sat/Sun 1·5: 241 Evening Canyon. Corona d cl !\tar. Call Tim Rhone. CUSTOM Onl' o( a kind One level. rambling ranch style -5.000 + sq.ft.. 5 Bdrs .. large family kitchen. pool +jac uzzi. Near gol f courst' o n b<.'outiful c ul-de-s ac. Call for appt J\sk for .J ackic llondleman. HIDDEN TWO STORY 4 Bdr. Republic Home_ Dramallr entry . J~ m aster s uite featuring double door entry + separate dressing a rea. Nicely mainta ined. Perfect for e nte rtai n i n g. A s k for J ackie ltandleman EXECUTIVE POOL HOMI tn prestige area near Mesa Verde Country Club. 4 Bdr. -Den-Forma l Dining. Upgraded Lh roughoul. L'a rge private rear yard w beautiful pool. Reduced $5 .000 for quick sale. Call Glen Hcllwa rth 631·1266 FASHION ISLAND DRESS SHOP Excellent lease. Call Curtis Hcrberts. Sr. 631·1266 CATALINA ISLAND HOME ~ Bdr. -Bi g LR. C·l location . Must trade. Submit. Call Curtis Herberts. Sr. 631 · 1266 CDM INCOME Cha rming 2 Bdr. front h ouse w I fi'replace: detached bachelor unit with 2 car gar. Conve nient to shopping & beach. $164.000. Call Hal :vtcCoy 642-1736 SHARP DELUXE TRIPLEX 2 Story large owner unit w/fit-eplace. s hake roof. 2 Bdr .. + office/den. <2> 2 Bdr. units all w 1dtning areas. DIW . GD. r a n ges. large garages . Assuma ble 1st at 9.6"~ owncr 'agent will carry a 20K 2nd T .D. wtfull price offe r . $174.000 Call Ital McCoy 642·1736 ANAHEIM Covington 4-Plex. Good location off 57 Freeway -near college & shopping. 1·3 Bd ; 3·2 Bd. $223,900. Ask for Roy Siemens. 2l4 E. 17Ht Strfff, Cotta Meta 631-1266 Nationwide Network of Indivadually Owner and Operated Real Estate Orrlces COMiNG SOON NATIONWIOE BEACH TOWNHOUSE!!! J~t rrunutes away from sun.-;hmy !land and on·an tranquility. Spac1ou .:; txlrrru.. d.tmn~ room. !tun ~hl.ny kit chen. eleJ?ant & spotlet.!> Only S83.900 Call 645-~3 FOREST E OLSON ,,,..c Atf A" rcuur1 IMVESTFOR RETIREM£HT QualHy l us lorn bw It :1 & 2 Hdrm duplt>x . :! hath~ t'al·h, /\ 1·harm~r l:~l' t•1r vmte off now. latl'r la n· an one <.1d1: Nt·wpnn Heach l block I rom ti.·•wh Sl65.000 £.ASTSIDE CM DUPLEX Could be condv!> S!lS.00> SPANISH HACIENDA HIDE-A· WA. Y Total walh•d pn~3l'' • forest or I rt'l'' I 111< Bearh \,~um•· SXX 1HIO loan FJm Hm t.. m'ir wmg opens lo sk~ v1rw atnum Formal chnini! Wall lo "'all (plr 11{'.am~ \\"t'lbclr Garden kal • h "'aJb nr izlass Ttlt: rool Hedoccd S.">.000 ,, ~lt'.al QJll bk r 7M·963·0902 OCEANFRONTS 2 BR house· SJ'ij.1>00' 2 & I OR rluplc,.; - S375.000' 2&2 ARdupll'\ SJ9S. ooo · .i & 3 BR dupll'' S.SS0.000' 4 &3 Dix dupli:x S79S.000' 6t2BR units Sl.50n,UOO : IAYFROHT 3 & 2 BR dupll·X 5425.000' NEWPORT BEACH :J &3 BRduph.•x $189.000' 4&2 BR duplex Reduced to $192,000' lolboo Bay Prop. Realton • 675-7060 . ISTAT 10% LUXURIOUS CUN DO Park ltke setllnJ?. new condo. 2B r . 21'2 Ba . IJZ.500. Open House Sat & &in l·S. 312 Sidney Ln, (Thurin) CM. WESTCLIFF HIGHLANDS Pride of ownersh ip, 381', 28a. lana i courtya rd. Pool. Exciting & am · maculate Beaut iful lancbcapmg. $149.950. OCEANFRONT Luxurious 38r. 2Aa with fireplace & all -glass pvt Guest apt. $S2S,OOO. HOME 1 lb.L<le lo beacll. Could be duplex. $210,000. SUt •• llMT ALS SUU available JONES REALTY INC rsr 1944> <™> 913.9210 I l001W • ..._lhd """°'1 9Mctl C.iitomle HMO ASSUMI 11/20/o LH. Excell~% loan. Modem bome. like new. Seller may carry 2nd. Once ln a lifetime. Be Jst. 67J..4l13 ¥· Ma ODly. LOVEt.Y MESA VERDE HORTH $97,000 An e legant Mesa Verde home features excellent floor plan with 3 b ed roo m s. furni s h ed country kitchen with dining room. Plus the kitchen. master bedroom and living. room surround a beautiful Atrium. New earth tone carpe ting. Pride of ownership! Call 540-1720 COLLEGE PARK IEAUTY $19,9do This lovely College Park home s hows beautifully. Features 3 be drooms. nice dining room, Mom lov ing kitchen co mplet e with ra nge /oven and eating a rea, large fireplace to snuggle up to. tile e ntry, c ustom walnut paneling, shutte rs a nd window cover1ngs. remodeled mas ter ba throom. Plus more! L ovely la rge yard with ga rden a r ea. 11 fruit trees a nd c· o v c r c c1 p a t i o a l I f o r y o u r enjoyment. ComP see. call 540·1720 GOOD A SSUMAILE LOAM $93,900 Submit all offers on this s uper clean contemporary style home now: Includes 3 bedrooms. gourmet k1lC"hcn completL· with a ll built-ins. large fi r e place. n ew carpeting, painted fres hl y 1n a nd o ul. lmm ac:ulate cond1l1on1ng. and plush carpeting. Conveniently located on fl Ulel t·ul·<le -sac ~treet. Plus a huge ba<'k yard with large trees in front a nd back Beautiful area in Costa M esa! Call now. !5-10-1720 IEAUTIRJL MESA VERDE S 159. 900 An extr e me ly upgr aded. newly remodelro executive home located dose to s c hoob. golf and tennis with a quie t sur rounding for your convenience. Has 4 bedrooms. den. dl'gant dining room. nice fa mily room for your enjoym ent. fully t.•qu ipp('d kitchen with range/oven :rnd rl1~hwi.1 .... ht>r . eat rnJ;! :.irea. <'OlY f1n•pltJCl' All l h1 s located on i..I pool -;ilc lot Colorful landsraping See tort ay! C::ill 540·li20 PRIDE OF Owto4ERSHIP! $78.500 \' t\. ,..H:\ Term..; on th1 .... pndt• of 11w n <•r .... h1p ran r h !'\tyle home F e atures 3 bedrooms. dl•luxc l..1tc h c n v.1t h built.tin s. ro1y f1replacl'. F reshly pointed thruout .a nd E lcct rr e ga r age open1·r . Located in ntl'l' quiet street'. Call ~79-2390 ELEGANT SAND POINTE WITH IDEAL LOCA TIOH $I 14,000 Come SN' this beautiful 2-story Sand Pointe home located on a eul rfC' sa<· convenientl v close to South Coas l Pla z a . H d!'\ 4 fam 1l v ht•drooms. big bonus room fo 0 r guests. lo' ely dining area. separate fi..lmily room . gourmet kil <"h e n ('Ompletcly furnished . ni cC' fireplace fo r your comfort and a nice yard with gas barbeque. Come see now• Won 't last. Call 540-1720 LO VELY NEWPORT BEACH! A beautiful upper Newport Bay townhome located on gree nbelt with s uper v i e w o f back b ay and mountains . Ide ally features 3 bedrooms or 2+den. wet bar with builtin refrigerator. cheerful bright kitc hen complete with all builtins. • tiled patio, lovely ba lcon y ofr mas ter bedroom and den. Pretty landscaping. Lu~ury at last! Call 540-1720 PRESTIGIOUS MESA WOOO $117,500 An ideal family h ome complete with pool and s pa just for your entertainment all located in lovely Mesa Woods. 2-stor y home includes 4 bedrooms. formal dining room. lu xu rio us kitc h e n with every built-in needed including an eating area. separ ate family room, wet bar with glass shelves. gorgeous fi r eplace. two patios and m u ch more! Come see. Call 540.1720 ' ... -·-· . ---~ .. --.. ,.,... ''I I \ ~"''' fUAUrf N<A•tm • 1 -t IALIOA ISi AM' -Beaut. remodeled 4 ,,..-.: Bll bayfront. new dock. Open today. ' 12S Grand Canal. $430.000. JA~ C--Owner wants offer ! Best 3 BR. Fam Rm on areenbelt. Oc~an view. Open today, 18 Skysall. ~ • ::~:!is HIU -t!_ 0 .~.,,Br •I I ., "" u-... .. CH 3 CU$lom ocean ' , view home . walk to beach . 120 '' Crescent Bay. $324.900. LtMDA llU -Elegant custom home. •, tc or~eous O•k & teak floo r ina & moldings. Room tor over 100· v(•ssel. ~2.100.000. -· Alaol YllW HILLS Jus t reduted S20.000 Newport's f int>st buy Owner 1s VC'r y unx1ous IJeaul. eustom1 w d Rroudmoor. 4 BR. F a m Rm. Ga mt- tim. occun view Opt•n today 2515 Sf ·~V1ndover $299,900 TUaTlaOCI Dra matic 4 BR. m a ny up~rades. view. roollt~nn1s. S207.000 -llG CANYON 1-:le garH 3 BH . s~parate dinin~ Golf <'our c view S215.000. RAf'fCHO SANTA FE Gorgcou:.. trn rd tn find 3.6 acre home !'ilte i ~ I . 1/,.1,·t1 .. 'H"111~-~( . ,;,.), ('('"'"' ./ln1/ l»/11t· li'll 1 -.'J~ !0 21.!5 .,.in JuJ4u111 ll1Us RJ 111 Nt'w purl ( l'nftor SPYGLASS SPECIALISTS .... ~ BEST IUY OM THIS HILL l · 3 bedrooms & f:.>r· · t\"ormal dining. • : e xl'ellent "~,. (\ \ \J n vie w. patio. front & re U ~ .. 1,500. Don't wait .: ·or you 'II bt. .,, r y. OPEM SAT & SUM I 1·5:31 IOOEGA IAY EXCITING OCEAN & HARBOR VIEWS Fa n taslll' location o n corne r atop I .Spyglass. 3 bedrooms & fa mily. formal dining. super sha rp condition . Priced lo sell at $449 .500. OPEN SAT & SUH 1-5: #I POIMT SUR THE UL Tl MA TE IN SPYGLASS Hf·sl uf all views. 7 bedrooms, den. <lin ing. f<J mily room . 41':! bath. pool; 1a1·uu i. cxttuisite ly dccorc:1ted. P e rfect ho rn <' for th (' discerning buye r . I ~4!Ui00. S hown b y a ppointme nt. c(~~~~;~~~0~'t:i~r;EALTY I 548-2953 I ?~ .......... ~?~~~~!'! ........•. !?~~ ! :Ill .. •:. I) ,, OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 LOCATION-VIEW-PRIVACY 204 Kinqs Plac~. Cliffha•en Your own mini est• with ~ rooms includinq 3 ~rooms lon• sttparate w /bath). di_ning room and lots of outdoor patio for comfortable entertdininci flow. Un11sually lcrge lot with room for expansion. $375,000. Owner will consider c:arryillCJ flnanc:incJ. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 COTTAGE CORNER--t:dM 600'1.z Larkspur CharmiftCJ 2 ~ cottage with shingles md w.,,..... lest priud hCMM ht terrific: location. $I I 5,000. SH Rodtet DicJcp. MAGNIACENT WATERFRONT ~vu Absoe.tefy f""'fect in nery way. ~·Mr. and Mn. Perfection and fOlltily Hn h~re." Woodsy exterior with kmtdscaped ftow..-s & grH•ry: plus '-¥ bakoey Gltd patio. Two story 4 beclroont 1NM1W witt. for•ol dlnt1t9. leautlfully coordlHttd •or tttr.out. Mnk• tu., staitted glan .ntry doors. custo• . wallco•eriRgs and window lnatntHh. tnc:llldn yow own boat slip llt a Yety pri•ate MttilMJ. $975,000 htdllchg '-cl. HOME NEAR BEACH Ow1ter ....,... ..... to Ml tllls c•a MifMJ 2 bdna + .. 9d tWOO. ...... .hast steps to beach 'LUS CUI ffy pool. t..Us -hniflc Miqhbon. $11 o.60o. ATTENTION PROFESSIONALS: ..,.., ... c..ewylMMM••"'"~ co•••rcJ.. strfft wl.. .._,, c_.., pool. ...,..1111c .................... ,. •• .1.: bird nlary md tatlNt. POSSlllLITllS: S•all Cl•b. Spa, Ma•e.I Offices. D""'9 $t..lo. Pm• ScltMI. .ec. ot1ete4 .. sno,ooo ...,. .,-ti •1 1'11 .......... BAl.BDA ISLD. POTENTIAL c.._ ... , > .._.z..eory ..._ ·wtt11 t..p ...... A4W ·e. w .W to 11111 'I ... .., .......... $245,000. •' ..... .,. ·--315 Manle Aw. e.bJ91sland 671-6900 , • HMsH Por S. McMdn For S. HiimMs f« S. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• of n~wporl REALTORS '71-U I I ... 1 IUallY: CWu ....... a. c ...... • ....... , .,... I IO ............... & ,,,,,.,. Mec .. 1; fttrH ~..... lto11te, uqJrhfr retwt.lllMd -H'• ,,...., •• • ,.C ... a ......... for .... ffUOW If • ..... Pric:M ritltt .. Ult,500. orlN SUNDAY l·I. 2)1 POPPY: Cor_. «Ml M9-: lust,..,, to .............. Mort w .... to ...... pott offlce. .._.. & rest.r..tt. Off ..... .. PerWutt tor 2 ,..,. ctn: t.o be*°4NM, fa•lly roo•, thtdy & 9arden roo"'. SfH1Clom .._. wttlt MHh prt•ecy. 0W1Mf" wlll hip fl1tHce. S360.000. OPIH SUNDAY 1·5. 49 JASMINE CltHK OltlVI: Coroea ct.I Mar; s.clud.d, prl•ate cCHNNMlty. lttl<je ahade trffs. pool. spo. TIMMIS; cloH to scltoob • ..,...eh, clturchH, f"Htmll mtb, In the hHrt of CCN"Ofto cMI M• Ut's gnat, I tin then tool Je• Cofe). A lo•efy three bedroouut ho111e -111aster 111lte with adjohtMg shldy. fireplace & mt OCNlt •iew bolcCMty. $241,500. OrEM SUHDAY l ·S. 2340 BAYSIDE DRIVl: Corona •I Mor: o most delightful split le•tl, custom built, c 01ttet11porary hCMM with beautiful IA Y VIEW. Three bedrooms, separate fdmHy room. fonnal dletllNJ rootft, bay •iew sitti1HJ r oom adioin i n9 mashr su i h ; indoor-outdoor llYiftCJ, Yfl'Y lonp 1wl0Mti1NJ pool & patio ona! interc0tw & s.cinity system. $535,000. OPEM SUNDAY l ·S. 2040 PHA.LAltOP~ MHa Vente: a very special offering ...-new paint, n~w landscaping, newly carpeted, big FIVE BEDROOMS, l baths, family room. Secure finauteinci of your choice. SI 56, 900. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5. 4 I 3 POIHSETIIA: Olde Corona del Mar: Thrff ~ ltottte, us~ brick fiNplace; ftardwood floors, connnifttt location; R·Z lot ready for additional unit. Just s 150,000. IN NEWPORT BEACH: The Bluffs, popular "E" Plmt. Three ~drooms, family room; open beonted ceiliftCJI, on wide qreeribelt. hulleat price. EXCLUSIVE llG CANYON: 1h acre estate; one of a kind, fin Hdrooms. 5 '12 baths, recreati0tt room with wet 1'r & fireploce, garden roo111 odioinin9 to potios & pool/spa area. Approximately 7000 square fut of JUtagnificent li•htg. in a JUtost sec:llllded .pri•• cotn1ttUnity o•erfooldng Big Canyott Golf Course. Caf1 for details & appointmertt. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 25 I 5 E. Coa1t Hwy .• Corona del Mor 675·5511 EXECUTIVE HOME 'N INCOME 4 Bedroom 2 Story Sweeping drive, tile en · try, formal living and dining rm. Sep. (am1Jy 2 s f'parate h se" on rm. Brick fplc, private F.asls1de C.M. corn('r lot. librazy. Secluded maste r Assume low interest loan suite and retreat with & owner may carry 2nd. s undeck . 2 Pati os. New lislinR. so hurry. 1t Trailer access. Owner won't last ! $14 4.900. will help fmance. Only 64&722\ !!!:u~~.~~1or all ('~ l·i ;iMI ~11· Lingo RulEst•n EARLY IWFFS COMDO Thls WgNy .. greclecl 2 ~ c:Olldo ls WMI for 111t11taln•1 aad IJNCIMS U•l•CJ. letterlw .,..,.., _.,.: ~ c.,.ts. wood floor. wet ber, h'.ct Hglllillg md ........... cw •lltCJ stelrwey. $ 169 ,000. OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUM I 0 5. FICT SUMMER EMTIRTAIMIMG TlrhS .... 11-.EeslMIH._., Ill••• f••t•re• o•tlte•cll•• •p1retlH wltll edr• l-,~ ............. -=r. ..... ,.e.4 1wl 'n I .. ,_ ... ..., ... wttlr ... .-... ,.. '-At SUt,000. OPIN HOUSI SAT •SUM l..a. • 644-7020 NEWPORT IEACH 499-4111· Sotllll L•1••• 497.3331 L•; •IHdl • 495.1720 L1; •M ..... 4tJ.lil2 ,_,..., . . •••u.e 1002 •....t tOOJ ..... ,..._. 1006 C.W .. W. 1022 C..W... 1024 ....................... .....•.........•••••.•• ....................... ..••................... . .••..•...•....••...•.. UNIOUE HOMES OPEN I ·S TODAY UNIQUE IN HAllOR VIEW ttOMES - Beaut. cor ne r lot. trees, shrubs. etc. 3 bdrm or 2 + den. fee. only S169.000. See Mary W o l d at 204 5 Port Wt'ybridge. UNIQUE IM UNIVPSITY PAltK -Deane ho m e. Cand lewood mod e l . pro f. ldscpc .. upg r ades. v iew, 3 bdrms. s 166.000. See Bob Hodges a t 4881 Royce Hoad . UMIOUE IN HARIOR VIEW HOMES - Monaco. 2 bdrm . den. corne r lot, vacant, $165.000 fee. See Dottie J ohnson a t 2000 P ort Cardiff. UNIQUE IN CAMEO HIGHLANDS -4 bdrm. 3 bath. single story: priva cy ~1bou ids. private b each a ccess. Sl75.000. Set• K;1y G lavas a t 4806 Cortland. UNIQUE IH HARBOR VIEW HILLS Lusk. 4 bdrm. lg<.· lot. Belvedere plan. $215.000. See Marian Ret!dy at 1424 Seacrest Dr. UNIQUE IH OLD CORONA DEl MAR -3 bdrm. immac. and solid. lge. rooms. nr Little Coron ~•. $335.000. See Berl Reedy at 216 Pop py. U)UQUE IH TURTLEROCK GLEN - f'resligwus townho m t'. 2 bdrm. 21 z hat hs. super b local ion and roma nt ic new~. onlv S105,000 Set• La r raine Shaw a t #8 Wh1tcwatt•r. UNIQUE IN OLD CORONA DEL MAR --3 bdrm on 40' n .2 lot. \ICil'<lnt. 2 lge hdrms. 2 f rplccs. 3 car garage. $229,900. Sec Mi(·hcllc• Syvers on a t 307 Jr is UNIQUE IN NEWPORT BEACH 2 n.:w custom hom es. both Unique! 3 bdrm~. 2 story. sun decks. m 1r rowaves. ctr. $215,000. Sec Maureen Heller :.it 545 & 549 Irvine in NewpOf"t Heights. UNIQUE IN WESTCLIFF S harp Sturtevant built 3 bdrm, 2400 sq. fl .. lge lot. very pr ivate a nd just $169.500 Sec Sharon Corzin at 1406 Westcliff Drive. UNIQUE IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS -2 new 2600 sq. ft. c ustom hom es. private cul de sac. eucalyptus trees and ~padous floor plans. Fro m $245.900. See Allan Helle r at 609 Donald Pl UH19UE IH llG CANTON -Gr eenbr ie r, 2 b drm . 180 v iew, e xquisite decor·. $219.500. Sec Bonnie Barrington a t #77 Sea Is land UNIQUE AIOVE THE HARIOR -4 bdrm. 3 ba th. ocean view, a pprox. 3000 sq. ft.. otaly $229,900. See Natalie Fogarty at 241 La Jolla. UNIQUE IN IAYCREST -4 bdrm ··cream puff". beaut. inside & out. priced at $240.000. See Pa m Gough a l 1846 Tradewinds. UNIQUE IH OLD COROHA DB. MAR--4 bdrm. ove rl o ok s the Jetty, ('Ontemporary outs ide. cozy inside. $279.000. See Ma rilyn Rousselot at 220 Marigold. UNIQUE IN BALIOA -Incr edible! Completely redone duplex C3 +1). pier and duck. s pa, saun a a nd Calif. con temp. decor , $765,000. See Kathie Shie lds at 4000 River. UNIQUE tH UNIVERSITY PAIK -4 bdrm. f am. home. upgrades, atrium for plants. classy at $122,500. See at 19 Almond Tree. UNIQUE IM HARIOR VIEW HIUS -3 bdrm guest, pool, stone frplcs, stained glass & tiles. grt view. $450,000 (fee). See Mary Ann Anderson at 2821 Pebble. 4 UNIQUE IN IAYCIEST -4 bdrms, 2 frplces. lge lot. great s treet, $259,000. See Sandy Orlowski at 2000 Windward. UNIQUE OH CHYRY LUI -3 bdrm, lge lot. 2 f rplces. cul de sac, nifty family location . $189,000. See Nancy Laux at 2300 Heather Lane, Newport Beach. U~IVUI: ti()Ml:S REALTORS• THE NICEST l'l!Ol'LE SELLING TME NEATEST HOMIS -CORONA on MAR, 111.-oo • CALL UI ~......,. llCJCAMYOM a Br, Roman Ba, Deaoe Monaco mdl &c ree laod (Of' $389,500. 2-UMITS ...W OffllllMG $27',00 Near No. Bay. 3 Bdrm ho u se wllh g u est room+a2 Bdr m apt. Lou Brechtel~ Assoc. 229 M.;.nne Ave. 8.C. '75-llJI PRICE REDUCED! IA YAlOMT DUPLEX Pier for two 50' ya chts. 4 Bdrm. 4 bath ea c h Sl.300.000 Submit all of fers Owner Anxious leach TieM Realty 673-6511 BEAMS & GLASS DUPLEX labMI llutd Lux Units Owft•r An1dotas. S369,000. OR SUB· MIT. leach Titnr Realty 673-6511 days I ·66 I 006-9 J tHS hland's Ne w Pa inted Lady custom V1cl.onan_ Sbr, 4ba 1ncld lg bonus rm w 'bath Dining rm W/Wct bar & oak floor. Mstr swte w /Sitting rm & balcony. stained & etched glass. autom atic garage dr. Select carpet no w . 223 Aga t e . Owner /Agt 675-6921. ~ rettinsulo 1001 .•.•...•.•.•.•......... JASMIHICll8C Plan -111 ,-oceeit vu. l J asmine Creek Or. A((t ~~. 11/io/oASSUM,.1.N. •liiirm. 2 ba, lge airy home. Zoned R2. Vt!ry bt.ildable. XJnt home or LEASl/°"10H investment. Conv~nient S I> y g I • 3 s 3 b d r m w all serv1cei.. 195.000. beautlluJ view l.'5000 op ,_7_5_H_I068 __ &Joo. Agent. 640-SS36 CUSTOM-BY OWN~:R Sprawling 2300 sq fl, 4br, ......._,iz.1>-HILLIE 21,.4d)a, FR, DR, In:< l.R. ~ Mc COflMACtl RE lrg v.acre end or cul-dt! • ..._,,al !lac lot. Many trees. Lrg "-'91..._ + ......, assu m e loan . Aiok IHcltSW.Of Hwy. St39,90 0 . 548 -895:! 4 Bdrms. + guest apt eves/wknd8. with Cull kitchen . a lso, a --------* _. * .. * spacious l·bdrm a pt over dbl. itarage Subm11 o<rers. Pncc slal\hcd H $229.000 494-7551 RI LOT FOR SALE So. of Hwy w /oc•• Yiew. 95S. I 0 S 0 days, 644-6593 weelcend POOL. TENNIS. J AC 2 yr new twnhse. 3Ur 21,.zBa. ram rm. wet har frptc. garajO?e, oswn SJl $1fe ,000. 640·~ OWO{'r OPEN HOUSE 3 Br, I BA. <'Orner l{ 2 lot Plans complNcd lor 2nd unit. new cpts. drps roo f . cell1n~.; 701 Mao:ueratc. Sat 1Sun 1 1 o oam ·5·00p m Sl49.500. 644 9260 SPYGLASS HILL H£ST vn:w Southport 5 Br. 11001 $750,000. Ai::t 752 O~ DUPLEX SU OFllWY 3Hr.2Rr& Jo:Ul'~l. lrnl VJ cant Agt ~rn 2.lli7 VET&lAMS MO DH! Over 100 VA apprvc1 homes an Orange Co. w/eas1er qualifying Brobr 751-6836 24 Hrs. Veterans Onl> It's leautif\d For Sale ly Owner You Son 3br. 3ba. fam rm, frpk. Nr ~ <.:oasl Plaza. qun•t llt.'t~hborbood Pnn<'1plc" only $1 I0.000. $22,000 down. toke over pymls 546-4MB for a ppl CHARMING Sir /FR Sp.ir1ou.-. homt•, lbc lot, ou~tandini;: value. loca lion & ronrl Fl1•ll.1hl..· fmantmi: v. no ttuJhh mi:. or VA J ttcptt.'<l Call !)46.07114. ~ady 1t1 mvvt• 1n. 3 hr IJ.• bu Mc..,a Vcrll1• Full ,·rp1 . all hltn:.. S,ll.500 :,.~1~ or 5'19·J.li~. Hy owner LOCATION! LOCATIO..,_ ! 41DRMFIXER Old(.'t1ron;Jdl'I MarhoU:-l' ~pol'IOU" 1-:a'-l\l\11· I -Pl'ftinwfa Pt. & tnl'Omt'. Wl'll Pnl.'•'d. Bdrm. z bath honw on on an ovcrs17.ec1 47' lot house 5 room~. !);1 , uttl trt't' hnt<il -;trl'l'l. ~l'W 1\pprox 1650 ~Q fl Onl~ 1 rm &•p. llal'lll'lur u1111 & 1 .. 111htllm· l'arJll:b, n1·v. lot fr om lhl" ht·arh ba, lri.: H Z lot ~1 ot k11t·hcn lin, new paint 111 StlS.000 Hwy Call E\C'lvn ~rr11th, !:!ldt• CALL QU ICK I li73 ~. Un1tt•d llrukt'f '> So. C<Mif. R~alty 644 721 I --• (..'harlT\lng hOtnl:. JUl>l r... 546-5605 645-691 (l modeled 3 Il l<. l 1Jc1. !I•, ~-~ ~ _ s • . ;i:.sumablc loan Lq: ~ ~ e ~ krtch .. m-.tr !>uttt" r11>k. THE BEST !'AM J a.-.mmc 1\\l' Opc·n 1n on ~1nal ~t'wl)orl BAY AVE. DUPLEX house Sun I 5. Owm·r, lk>1~hL<; tract Thi:. 1m Two (2l culc 2 Bdr m . un 559 fi73tl. 714 564 3'1:!3 rroc <IBr+dl'n he.mt• ·~ its. Priced n ght at $1115.~ -..tuatedona11u11•l stn •N S13S 000 1'11.ot>t• lo all ~hopping. I.!!•· COAST PROPERTIE!'> SUPER VIEW lot l'Olll & J••<' •• mm h 673-S·HO (h<'rlookinl! liJlboJ H;iv mort' '\i,km~ s1i~.oou --II. 1.l(·C'an . 1·harming honw l'.<Jll or t•oml' h v tod;n• ~~w 5 Br 3 ~.l. 111·c"'" on Uulphtn 'l 1·rr.11 ,. Oprnhouse Sun 12·4 \ tl'W $230.000 T 1·r11h \1aho).! pant'lh:d l1hnir~ 483 Abbi~ Way. CM rK'got1abk K.10 :121 1 v.1•l bJr, l'ntn lut1 h1 n .! Detns Ricketts. Rltr. TRIPLEX PRI M ~: LOCATION lt'!> as1 oldie. Kt"\'P 1t or ll'ar down .mil hu1 let .1 lll'W dupk;1. l 'all h11 "' lorma uon MEL FUCHS PAVILION REALTOR 675·8120 FREE l 8ocheloc" A.pt. When yyu buy th is Jbr <'Ottage. Both umts arc l'Ompletely remodckd m & out. Jbr ru.e dwnsta1rs. "' I~ backyard & :.I car IJarkmg Bacht·lor up .,t.ur-; w lg turt CO\C·rc•d mull! level deck. Lon H· ed nr Old Balboa £.ov.t•.,l pra n·-duplex on thl.' Perunsula AJ?t. 6i5801K. Open Sun t·5 415HardmJo: ----·---CoronacklMar 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Two !louses. 1'wo R·2 lots $320,000. Pnnc·1pals l'all 644-2212 Bkr. OPEN SUHDA Y 1.5 SPECTACULAR QUALITY DUPLEX An t>Xceptional custom bui lt home with vaulll-d wood beam t't•il1ng~. beauti ful s o lid oak c·a b1ne t s t h r u ·out. fireplaces in livmf'( rm and master bdrm. leaded glass wrndow s and ceramic lite Ja(•uzz1 in rrustcr bath PLUS a c h a rming 2 bdrm sepa rate rental with fllt'place and own patio deck. $?79,000. 710 Iris, CdM CAU64~72S I FOR INFORMATION mm Brcathtalting P anoram ic 4Mhr view of N pt. Harbor. Oceao. Coast & Ba) night lights from every room. Steps lo beach & pilrk. Perfectly appoint· ed throughout. $750,000 631-4500.~188 SHOUCllffS Jmmac. custom built ~ Bdrm+deo home. PY1 aster bdrm wing ha~ its own frplc & vie\o\ deck. PRIVATE FINANCING Asking $269,000 .,.... lk:btts. ltttr. 151.0424 7fl7 &OLDIMlOD MOMI& IMCOMI q...s..ycw, h! HH '· .I II\, ri·l 1111• rTI<'flL.., thmui:houl. 1-·\ l'" 851-0424 1>w :.:u1 Ov.nr t'\>-.'l ~...-......... Cameo Shores MOVIE STAR 'S MAMSIOM OPEN SU,_., 1-5 Spal'luU" ~ hdr111 , I l>:1lh. d1ntnl-' rm ii. •lo 11 hunw .... v.•'l:Plnl! (HI .111 v11_-v.!. lrom ""'·1•p1111nJI l'Ornt-r lol·a1111n llll!h l' c 1I1 n I!.,, h,. r ti w o u ct floors. mstr. -.wlt' v.1th frpk , :-w1mmm~ pool , fabulou.-. ()('(':.Ill \ ll'" ,,., ran·' $:>9:'>,VOO LJRll 111· cludt'<l 4501 GORHAM Ridt RHy 673-7040 LOCATION! VIEW! 1614 s.tonella T ~rr. Quiet& Pn\,1t1• &1v & <kt'Jn \'u•v. .. ::! ucfrm\,, d<'n :! lmlll . ., Open Sunu.i.> I :. ((i(1u111n <41 vlla i .IT:f'ujt,l''I k l-'.} f»i'-J-811.9~ • 2435 E. Coast Hwy • CdM Bellv Kerr Really SPACIOUS ,\ h•·aul \ "'1111 •HI<. :1 11,, E.Z I di I' \,If 11, l'I til'llll 1111·~ .,.,1l•·d.1ll ~l.!1.,llOO \1 •h• 11t11·r ' l<ulh L.rnr '' 111.,r 1;.u, 1.!XIJ OHEOFAKIND MESA DEL MAft HOME HY OWNl':R Luxunnu' 5Hr. 3&. formal tJ1n rm Huge yard & 2 pJt111•., hlln BHQ. tru1t tr'1°•"• f(A'({'Ollt, rf'moc11•hoel m &. out lltl!hly up~rad• rl ..ao-11.llll POOL HOME WESTSIDE ~I fldrrn. .! b.•th n1•v. • I•' rhn~ :>i~·J..t21 ~ 1!'H· 1ll1K1, J\i.'l MONTICELLO SEXY lull pi;Jn, 2 Ila, 1111•1 har. PIUV,\'fl-: pat111, 1llil ~~1r. PO O i. & CLVl\llOL'St-:. J ust 1. .... 1. ed? $73.!KXI. Bkr.6Jl ·::O~!'l1. CHARMfNG Pool home Comp. rcmodel'd U>ts ()( tile. wood, m i r ror!>, 1·,.,1m. :.turag1• Blt11 mn·nJWaw. J.!a:> BBQ & r t>fni: Klil W W1l-.11 n. ~ al55 A>-.rt. 0J>('n Sun I ~. 1 RH. '>1111?1•• .,ty, l 1lr roof, m'w lclfl><'l. 1r.1de ok Ownr a~'1. 771·1066. .,...Cda-Fra9a (.-Olle~e Park V!\ ronwn Listic·X·P-l·A t 1onal S500U below DociCMts market. Must sdl this 1'1u.c; hou.c;c we offer you wknd. 3 Br 2 Ba fam rm, today you would nl•vcr frplc, coH·red patio. frwl caU Jlroc1011::. • 11 's f11lt.>d trees. nu t•arpet/drapes· with warmth a n<J all the {paint. Ne;ir shoppmg, rest at least a do1en colle~c & bus I toes . doses. 4 bc<lrooms hCrt'. $88,000 r1rrn. 2S7<1 Oxford a game room thl•rl', a 1_Ln_._7_54_·l_lf1_9 ____ _ home tha t curbs clrroses and :i view that 2m 1?s your hear1 with love like a ctuld un·pre<'OCIOUS, ~SUME $62.000 Almost new Eastsidc. :t 673·1181 br w/buge master suite ---------• + 2 br guest house. Im· Cameo Highland 4br, maculate! Hurry, don't completly remodeled. By miss! Call 646-7434 owner, $179.000. Prin· Century2.1Gold Sta r cipals only. 7~9.o905. .,.._J_U_ST---=R-B>-. _$5_0_0_0_ 1024 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Ve rde Charmer 'Lovely 3 Bdrm l 'Ja ba. F'/R. f/p . Ht'aut y rd MEr .a. Vl!.DDE w /{rl't! Corm POOL . ~ El' l..arl'?e comer lot $110.000 . CUSTOM BARGAIN! Open house Sunday 12·5. VA TEAMS! 31.8S Berm uda Or. Grant, Oneof a kind 4 bdrm. too ~cnt!>40-5777 rrony ameruties to last. r-:.:..,-,"..._--V-.-1-U-Y_Efl_·_S __ The gourmet k itche n "'""' ,.. alone 1s worth the visit! 2 Br l ba. beamed ceil· Only $119,500. We will ings thru-0ut. Easy to qualiry you over the wld 3rd bdrm. Grant. pho n e • Call now I 1_~:::,._64G-Srn ______ _ 545-9491BKR BROADWAY. Oft Irvine NP1' Jn'S BUCCOLA Ave. 3 8 r i n $ 9 O ' s Olann.log 4br, lrg FR, 2 w/cbaracter! Exclusive. hpk, ma crpt, paanted In· 1_De_..;_vlr\_&_Co_._GG_6368 __ _ & out. $139.500. Owner. --------· A8ent 64M087. ~lel( 2 bdrm ea. l yr Oki. Open House Sat/SUn, l.S. 189 Virgin.la Pt MISADB.MAI QUIET CUL Di SAC Lovely 4 Bdrm home near park. $95.900 C.1184$-9161 ls33 Seacrest Orh·e Coroha del Mar Newpe>rt Beach C£tlifomla 92625 Olli 4'3·234& bet. 1\•S ~ foe appt to tee u;a ~w property. Cbarmln& 2 Bdrm home+a 2 Bdrm •Pt. B>tb have frplcs. Lovel) large patio w /many ni~ plantings. 2 garages and lawldr)' rm. Units well cared for. Centrall) located close to shoP· ping, schools, parks Sl19,00o. Owner financ· ~ Br«btel •Assoc. 21211larloe Ave. B.l. •71-lUI 4 Br. 2 ba, shake roor. "8· JWDe ~ lot. FHA loan. 'nmant wttl stay for ln· Yelt.ol'. David 8owte, .... •9850 nPt-N IWUS~ • IHAL IY / I 114) M4• lOIM, $4-'-6869 ... ,....,~ ..... .• H£RITAGE t< I I\ I I 1 •H.._ ~ .... v ........ ~t M•• Vffdto 3 bedroom hom with din m, Nam, f\llly equl f kitchen. beau t u 11trium. new eartbton carpeUQec. cxcdloot n pl.a 51.000. BKR. Cal S.0.173> ........ ~ Walker 1; leo Re&I flltate ONMSUM 1·5 41 I &..wood Dr. \'onven1ent to t-• 1·r ~thtnlt(, on qlllrl. 1r1•t• hfk'lf ~ll'ft'l in Nt•wpurt 11\"ICht:t s~cl Ion 3br. t!t>Q • 2 Crpll'$ • lie p~llo & ruce yard Owrwr It'&\ tnit un_•" 4f l'nltY flt\Ulll't' .Al I ll C.1 M 1tkc ullt'r $124.500 Owncr11~1i11 tl42-0762 .ANTl9UI IUffS Eaatsidt 2 B drm O.OPoW 1026 hardwOod floors. cov, ••••• ••••• •• •• • • • • • • • • • ceilings, R.2 lot w1l MMRtHITA plans rot second u111t S pectacular hdlt11p Large assumable loan homes 2012 3200 sq Ct 9'7.500. Call ~S880 CIOfie to Mannc1 Selva "·>-6!-HERITAGE REALTORS Col1gePn •-'Y Lovely College P ark bedroom home featunn dining room, complete!) furnished kitchen, larg hreplace, tile entry custom walnut paneling. Beautiful large yard wit garden, 11 rn.ut trtts an covered patio S89.900 BKR CaJ I 540-1720 TAABa.l -· REDUCED!!! Hd & Callt.> La Pn ma Vera. $165,000 LO $255.000. 831·3540, 49J.4006 Bldr. VACAMTHOW! 1-'\!ll see 2 BR condo. Ha rbor vacw Sl 11.000 Agt. 714-497·3009 WTOCEAN& WHITEWATER VU 2200 sq ft. hardwood floors & wet bar. :1 Bdrms. 2 ha, huge den. sm.ooo Open Sunday I 2·5 33672 llue Lantem Cofttoct Horm Phillips Westcoast Pacific 496-8535 831-2600 ~e2:n3co~:~~310~~.tt· BToro 1032 storage. Will Carry lsl ••••••••• •• •• •• ••• •• •• • 1044 ............. , ...•..•.• TUITUIOCtc CHAIMll ONLY Slot,0001! Lvb Campua View. l bdrm Kroedmoor Plan J. 2 pe1J06, lae m11tr bdrm. thn rm-+ e.u11~ 11rt·11 m kitcht-n Walk lo 11l'lwol" lbe'atl'd vn I \1ly nil Jl' ••<' 1lrret raat ~'llOI\ 7Si-l60l ~ Walker C l eu lk•I fllt•te ---Rune ho SMn Joaqwn 2br dt'O, 2ba. lrplt•. IHI pa~os. all on ~ulf coun.,t• t)\JOY view from mos t ro11m5 Pool & J111· $131,500. ~ 09'J7 HARDTOFIHD San CarlOti Townhoinc •ti Rancho San Joaqwn. 2 Bdrms & den. parQUl'I nuonn~ M dny ext ras Auracuv('ly pracecl ut $149,000. l'ran uni) 9S5-1Z7S WOOOIRIDGE New on m:lrkct, Broad moor Oukwood. 2 UH. den, 2 ba .. c'overed utnum & patio. Cul de sar 10<'. fo:xtl•nsivc up grades. As~umable loan $100.950 TURnEROCK POOL Only Glenncyre M<xkl by B·oadmoor in Thi· Glen , on murkcl 4 Bdrms .. ramily rm .• dtn Ing rm., 2 baths, 2 frplcs Central atnum. Xlnl dt• cor. Beautiful private pool & spa. Outstandtng value al $199,950 DAVID D. CARLSON REALTOR 833·9293 •W OODBR I UGt-: w/min. $25.000 dn. B\ EXTRAVAGANZA• Owner. Asking Sllti.sOO COUNTR'( RETREAT 4 _ 5 o d rm 3 n ,1 , S62-7620. Nestled among thick foliage and warmed by lilSC/\Y. Olympic 110111 CEDAR GLEN Dlst,inct1ve 2 and 3 hedroom condom am um~ from $91.500 2554 Elden /\\'e . C.'.\f. 642·6134 MOOR.SHOW r<>R SALE ''IAllTAHYWOODS'' New townhomes , Eastside Costa Mesa 2450 Santa Ana "' e 646-0061 or 9SS l!l20. REST AND n s1tcd lol Brand new thef.iteredsunlight.this Sll$5 .000_ ti ·l <!·O ll:!, romantic mvdel home radJat.es quality & prt•· G44·6687 stu~e. Th~ cxqwsatl' <k Umverslly Park t"'nhm,.., L'WCxh1b1ts lh(• amaganJ aiO() sq rt . .i Br 21:.: Ha, llOO and fin<' taSt<' or tlS l'Ompl upi:radetl, 11\• dC'corator. ~e 1nv1tc you <'orated & landsc:ipNI. t o exp<' r • t' n 1· e the Of r ma Jo r gr n bl t peaceful eleg11nce of this 551·5237. Opn Hse Fri fme home on Sunday .Ju. ~n. Jn Redwood Trt•c ly lSt from t tu ~ PM Ln Located at 22-116 l\hso ,,_ ______ _ P.ak Dr. This outstanrl· 'l\Jrtle RO<'k Glen 5 Br. :J ing prope11y 1s proudly Hr. LR. DR, FH, ''llUlll·d olfered by C'lngs; AEK, 2 car gar . Georg. Charfes Rlty. many cust extras. cul ' 675·7512 de-sac. comm. pool & t e nnis . By o wnt•r RB.AXATIOH . S!<l5.000. Open house ::i..at ll IS the order of the dav Fowttain Valley I 034 & Sun 12·5 or by appl. 19 in lJus 3 Bdrm delight ••••••••••••••• • • • •• • •• R' PP Ii n S:: S \ ream Features: SeLr clraninJ! 3 bdrm house w 1pool. ._~_2988 ______ _ oven. wax free floors Owner holds lst ~.apcrs $79,900 Walnut Square Hv formal dining r m, ' ;?O.OOO down. 10 ' int. owner. end w11t, 2 sty. ·2 pauos & many extras. SIOO.OOO F P. 963•8178 BR 2 Ba, Fam Rm. encl CALL NOW ~on ~ach I 040 gar. Pal.lo 552.4201 754·7800 ·-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• u . ----Mulh~ NEWLISTING' ruvers1ty Park. Deane . · home Pl:in "C". 3 BH. al Olarmmg 3Br. C ·~·!>, P\'l FR, sep 0 R , rnstm loll ~ W yrd, only $114.300 673-4313 w ,'hardwoocl flooring. ~glster Agt. $169.900. ~x crpt1onal ... VETERANS fanancan~ a' ail Pnn 29'Z7 Bristol, CM You ran buy 4 Bit sin~dc c1pals only 552·3728. ---------story LAN0.l\1Attl\.. 644-76S31:iskfor811ll Mesa Verde. as~umc ~1· .. GI 1st. OWC 251\ 2nd. 2 sty 4 Br 21 • 8'1, den l'l<' SI28.400. La Casa. Ai:.'t BaU. 831-1257 wmcw l'rpt& & paint. Woodbrirli;te Camden '$110.000. X942 Ha1nford model home: Beautiful 3 Dr Call owner /a gt. <.:yn bdrm. 21-:t ba. /\ <.:, 2000 t- th1a. Sl7·22'1l or !168·0838 sq n. Owner. ,\ppt onl\ By Owner. 4br. 3ba. fam cm. 2 frplc's. ~olf course ~r ... DE·L M ... R Sl79.500. Open Sat/Sun & ....... "' "' the 4th. 846·4ll2. U20ElCamino. Lge4 br, --------- 2 ba. sparkling pool ~ach Giant Red.! No brokers. S143,i511 552-0770 WOODBRIDGE JBR. 2 bath Townhou:.c i\•C+many o lhL·r custom opts." SlO!l.5110 U5.'>-1010or644-6593 home• Jacu:iz.i. earthtoncs The largest Seaw1nd throughout. llomc s how:. model! 4 BR+drn. 21 ~ pride of owncrsh1p ba. 2300 sq ft. Edison Drive-by and i:nll 01ant High. Now reduced 10 on ,_ _______ _ lor details ly SI 17.000 VA terms ~21. SURF REALTY 979-IOSO R.E. Professionals 963-8377 TOTALLY ELEGANT Beautiful 4 bdrm home. ml sq. ft. of luxury llv mg w /16x36 custom p00l & s pa , decorator 's dream home. Located in ________ _.. prime area. Call for ~HOUSE appl.tosee. SUMOAY 1·4 SfAR REAL ESTATE Acl'086 from park lovely ____ 754_·626_2 __ _ atrium home. 3 br, 2 ba, 2 ---------yrs new. Fn>lc. alarm YOUNG FAMILY system. $107,500. 3117 WANTED SAHJOAQUIN Golf course view Rancho condominium with 2 Bdrms and d en Upj!raded. especially ruce location for that special way of life $134.500 fee. 642-5200 Manis tee Or. near Paularino. C.M. 642·421 4 Bdrm 1!\14 balll. xlnt 1---------/\genl. Huntington Beach Joe. ___________ __.. Huge fenced lot, boat· Mesa Verde 3br. 2t>a. low door. Call tor appt. down. assumable SM. S14.500. loan 9.5%. No quaWyiog It nn----...... ~-tn.900. 646-1757. MOKETREE Twnhme. 3 BR & Fam Rm. Open House 1·5 Sat/Sun. N . Irvine Ctr Or. Left on Smoketree. bkr. 960-5580 BY OWNER·3Br. l~Ba. 962"4471 m~ 545·8'0 WOODBRIDGE +den overlooking btfl ---------Prescott Mdl 5Br. covered b rl ck (rp le. Beach walk. Luxury con· Bo r d e r s p a r k s . patio. citrus trees. 3 mi t do. 4br, 3ba, FR. 2200 sq· Beautifully landscaped bcli. 3 bJks from Cwy. Sl.35,000. Owner-Broker $195,000. 675-8184. Prin -.ooo. Open hse Sat 9·5. 53&-9987, only. a>1Suaannab Pl,646-9166 -'W-~-K-T_O_ll_A_C_H_t_ WOODBRIDGE 4 HOUSES Gorgeous & highly UP• -e.·TSI graded 3br . ram rm TOWNHOUSE "~ DE home. Beautiful sparkl· 2 Br 2 Ba. A/C. upgraded Only 1225,18)0/W IC. Ing, heated & filtered lhruout. $86.500. 551-ll>S& WOILDl..l. a>'x40' pool. Thousands LOVELY CONDO-In 556-7777 spent upgradin g this Woodbridge. Xlnt tor in· ------;.._---.t home. Room fo r RV, Mes. Verde 4 br. 2 ba. l1e $1.27.000 wlJJ trade. Lister Vl!lltmell\ or la\ home. lot. 1140,000. Owner. Agt. Re.ity, 714-530-7940. ~~Ba. $76.500. _7Sl_·31118.~--~--.....J1··-Eld.r-~a~sh_a_rp_4_b-r,-2b-a-.•------~-- Prime E.alde loceUoo. ex· Owner. 2·sty. f'11>lc. Xlnt. Cando 2br, view. $139,500. cell. family executive area. cond. near ocean. 13 Flores. Rancho San home Pool h ........ -...... r1 k Joaq\.in. Open Sat/Sun _ . , Jues! ouae """-· ..,,,950. r.-~e c • l·" ..... """9850. W/frlfl. bar. Ii redwood Brook.bunt• Yorktown, 1 __ .. __ .._=--_.. _____ _ fem rm. 4 Br, 2 Ba. 2 1«>-10.0. .-..... _ .. 2r 1 r I , ---------QUll,.moo,.,.carga.r. rp c. rp c 1, many plus EDISON Hl/PAR.K . 1 blk Ex~lualve. Save $4000 on featunis. llSS,000. Call 4br 1rg. FR •din closing cost. $15.000 "-JOwnerM2-owr wibt bch. ·o;. s.its:'~ down . S142.500. ~.5110. .._iiUe\)-owner.beauu 1·7.alOllZSbaw.53M795 ASSUMll'/J°lo l.H. BR.OWMrw/canylbd. Ulr CGDdo. ~OWJ\ Qaeay MW 1pac. 3 Br "Ol..t ma alt4Ul\pd.oo ...tn • .... r w/all a~IUet. Prtn on· '75MS'78 -arry. • ""' -------...1 .... Bkr.N •13 ly. BE lltl 873-4313 Agt. \ SAN MIGUEL in THE RANCH Ot'auurul "' bedroom 2 ·~ 3 beth hom~ on 1.1 cul-de•UC Ct•nll'11I a1t . no uaotlaUon fees. walk tu tennla oourt1 and park A1k1na only lllU,000 I ..... Hoenet For $• Hou1e) F.r S• SUndey. July 1. I 979 DAIL. Y PILOT • ,. ••••• •• e e •••••••••••• ••• ee O ee t 0 •oeeeeeeet~e I • •• LllJi-1tectt I 041 a..,.-lt.tt I 04I Hou.ff For S-. Hou1H For S-. tt.Mt llot' S-. •• • ................................................................................................................... :=============· ~luc.. 1048 &.e,.aleCKh 1041 t .. ssport•.t. • .., ..................................................................... ' HARHOR VlEW HOM ES Lingo Rul&un WQCAOM'T YO&I llA THEI UVI IM LAC.UNA? Lingo Rul&"lAlt 2 bdrm . d t1n 2 b11 , "Mcioaco" 1158.500-F EE. Open Sal/SUn 1·$. 2067 Port Bristol Circle. A&ent 673-9419 · SUrBDUPEI DUPUX 0-'"' ,1 Ii · TheM homet wlH ·be open Sultclay 1-5 LOWER THREE ARCH IA Y Walle to beach , 2 lw-gc :i Odrm units Wlth f1r~place and bwtt.1n~ Great winte r /11 urnmt•r income Potential. Jo~ee s ample. Cull for appt 540-1151 I: I ,[ : ', 1111 1 !000 WOODIRIDGE ~rott. 4hr, deo/Sbr Jbu Pnm1· lo«.1t1u11 nc1tr bt>u<'h dub Tt•nnu; cluh & poob wathtn w11lk1ni; tfultanee. extra wide lot on cul dc·Sllc llomt-hus frm DI{ . I-' R , l frph:~. au-. IM!<'W1l) sys /\II m U.'nUOI rmress111nally dt• -,1i;11,•1 & upgruded Outside mclud\•<; palm & rt'dwood <.k<.k u uto ., p ri n k It• r 'I s y' I •· 111 Mature pla1111n i: ~15,000. ~I 1706 ORANGETREE Outstandmi:: custom111•d Plan 4 patto home /\l~ena 551-4682 l'Vl' Penthouse Overlookm~ R .. ~1onal Park. lakt•. night bi:hts 'tl\ere IS ,1 Va:W from C'Vt'ry window ~ 2 Ad rm + de n. Sun Joaquin Model in ltanchu 81111 JoaQwn Many t'lllra~ 111 eluded CJll lor mun· 111 formation lf523 C.otPUSDt·/RV!1'E REDUCED $8,000 Lowest pnccd 1n horn!' an Turtlcrnck l11ghl;1ncl-. Lge comer lot. <'lu::.c lo JX>OI Onl~ Sl89.8tXI 91/4% Assumable Ln .hL~l l vc111 uld. +-hn<•k UBQ, fm•p1t. Ko1 pond. waterfall & 11n•11\lu111 corner lot Onl) Slw.;,ou ~~-..... 9evl11e ?2eattoei 752·2000 ---LacJ-a leach I 048 •··•···•·•·····•······· RICH&WARM /\ s tunnani: departure from the ordinarv Walk to beach rmm Lhfs North Laguna custom bua It 2 Bdrm 2 b:ilh homl·· Magruricent l'Oastal & l'I• ly hght 'll·w Gourmet lotchen. m.i~:.a vc h \mi: room with glowani:: \\<xxl noors. $275.000 d·on.oseil rotaltors 401 GI~ENNEYRt:: <197-4848 OPEN HOUSE l299SKYLINE OR , SAT SUN 1·5 3 Br 3 Ba + drn. 2700 Mf ft, pro(. rmdled. offl'rt·d at 5365.000 By Owner. --- CHARM con AGE Ideal starter home or wt.~kenrler; m PoPUlar Woods Covr. lh1s 2 bdrm home h;is 1nf1n1l l' puss1b1bl1e!>. S1J9 . .JOC1 SPECTACULAR .. '~ewi. of ocean & t•at v IJghts. onr c1f Laguna·'.; lovclv homes ""llh manv l>pecial IOUl'he:.. fruit tn'('S. nu"" lt·nced )anl !..€<' spoce 1mclt•r homt! offers 1ntrn•s11ni:? ,., pans1on p o tcnl1.1I. SM9.500 OCUHVIEW From the cxpansl\ c deck of .this 3 bdrm. home. could he yours to cnJOY. The ult11n1Jtl' m prhacy & seelu::.1on & qu11latv craf\sman~hap thruoul ~11.(XXJ ·T;tri~r ·~,,~M..'i1t,k,,. BEST OCEAN VIEW Mellow wood. skyhtcs. soft. earthlones create an amhiancc w1th11111 parallel in this vc•ry special Laguna home Virgin ia Cankar. Red Carpet R. E. 497-m7 ~ r~ H1lllt ~ Mt COAMACK Rt ~ With lncorM =.ooo. Walk to beach & enjoy a view of M aln Beach from your second sto(y. So. LCIClllM o..,e.a Woodsy, C\ia.rmlna & re al nlce. l·Bdrm. & &tr> stOOjo, 2 patios. 2 frpks & big renc~ yard. Jus1 listed. SlM,500. 4 IR. ,.....,""' 31/J lo. &g ocean view &. roorr for a pool. 2 d~ks & ; (rplc:s: ln Lower Tempi< Hills. Juat lia~. S:Z12.600 494-7551 today for yoear iMpectloL I 071 KA TIU.A I• Arch INdll Hfttlth Yo11r chance to II•• i" a prl•at• gat~*d comM111tlty hos arrind! Thl1 ch ......... 3 1Mdroot11. l Mitt hw °" a large lot wfttt oc ....... -ton.al dlflhtcJ ~HERITAGE REALTORS Co_... •I••• .-cl city lhJMt ........ , ntakt tW1 3 ~o• ...._ ....... ~ roota 11 priced to .... Y• c• -toJ tt. wlttl ct.er. .ct po.....W fw •.-•IOlt Wo a ......... M.. If •tired. Lo .. ly wood ct.ck 111rromded by ,._ ...... 9"d ............ Seller la ..tl•ated so ••t waff tO '" ll. J1Ht lthd .. s 165,500. prlnh beacJl. ..... I Cowb C9ICi COSI _..., r•creatiOft cetthr Hlat Oftly Thrff Arch loy can offH". 011ly $289,000. Coll Swift Torranc•. 465 MYES PLACE AboH Victoria ltace. 497.3331 LAGUNA IEACH LUXURIOUS llGCANYON TAKE OVER LOAM Take over s ubject In 9"11' : l'X!Slang loun. Lit 1· Thia perlect faMity hotM tftfoys be_..... oct• CMd CClllJOft •lewL A nry spacloa ruldlKt wi"' 3 ~ 21/2 baths, dtft, fo•lly room and •ck. l••t tMttg abotlt thla ho11ae 11 tt.e tfl1M: lo• CCl't tcnlfy M 011.mtd. $2 lt,000. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & atry townhouse near ,;..: pool, JaCUUI & tenn1:> By owner. 4 DH. 2', ba, LOIJMG Hills I 050 lrg rooms, frplc. pa tao. ••••••• •• •• ••• •• ••••••• Jui: to Fashion lslanu :i htlrm. 21 ~ bu. wt•l har frml dm. 2 spacious lrw i.heltered balconies. lg1· master suite w 1walk 111 C'losets. Only Sl85.00tl 759-1501 new s hllke rc1ol. xlnt l'ond $185.000. Pran- t1p:W. only. 494 3932. 497-3331 LAGUNA BEACH NIGUEL SHORES Private beach communi· ty Ocean view exccull\'(' home. 4 BR + ram rm. Formal din1n~ rm . ~.000. 499.4551 495-1720 South Laguna Lal)llltaN&cjHI 493-8812 644-7020 Dana Point Newport leach REGENT REAL TY 831·3114 or 496·9501 PORTER REALTY l<XX> N. COAST HWY 497-2468 3ARCH8AY Pnvatc commun1l~ "11 h all Liil' amenilil.!~ 111 this l'umfort:ible. l'harmang -l bdrm. J bath homl'. re· C'ently rcmoddc<l Coun try lutthen', bt:amed l'Cil· mgs. $398.500. Emerald T ~rrac~ Art t·olony charm . 1 bdrms. den. 3 li:ithi-. \ aullcd \\OOd l'Ctlings. swecpan~ orC'ao \'IC\\. large lot. $289.500 WOODS COVE Utns 1\bcl design. new r~dar &t gla~::. home nes tled in euca lyplus groH'. 2 l:klrm 21 ~ bath. den, luxunous home with superh <'raftsmnns hap lhruout Owner fmanc111v avail $282.000 PRIVACY PLUS flnely detailed home no street tr> s treet lot• 1n qwet area. 3 Bdrm. 3 bath. tlt!n. <itr1um en· trance & pool lklh"' market prke fur r,1sl sale. $195.000. Emermd T~rroce North Lagu042 Bdrm. 2 balh. deck. hd\\·d floor ... lplc. v1ewl> of t:;mcr1.1Jd Bay. S23S.OOO. OCEANFRONT Spanish archatt>rtun.' \\1th nn ,·air court yard cnll). 3 Bdrm den. :!'.: bath. 2 fplci. SSJS.ooo WILL EXCHANGE for indust rial / com mcrc1al or lncom1· pro pcny, a <I Bdrm. 2' ~ bath home an Monarch Ter· rat·e at S250.000 & ,, 3 Hdrm. 2 bath. lgt• 11\m~ rn}.. xtra lgc k ill'ht•n 111 Crown Point. al $239.5011 Well-cared for h ome. garden. lmmac 2 hr 1 ba. desirable area. lblks from bch. -l'.16 t\gJll' St. lly Owner $139.500 l'nnc only 494·2786 ------- THE BIG STEAL /\."ID YOU DON'T llA VE TO DE /\ THIEF' to Sc<' tht' value in this stnkmg contemporary h oml', located high ahove Lagun;i ·s famed R1' a era coastline on large lot With lush plantings. patio and 'iUn shaded courtyArd. SPRAWLING •I BOT! M .. 3 BA Tll FLOOR l'LAN with formal d1n1ng room. 1farruly room). foatun•s spacious hvtn~ room ap· nrux . 28 feet Ion g w/BEAMED CEILING /\NO CENT l-:R F1REPL/\CE OF PALOS VERpES STONE. Stcp- saver kitchen has bwlt an range, oven. dishwasher and laundry area. We think tlus better bw It home. ln move-in condi· tionisa ''REAL STEAL" at only $142,500 fvU Price SEE TODAY !!! GONE TOMORROW•' MISSIOH REALTY 98SS. Cst. Hwy. Laguna PhoM 494·0731 LGE VIEW DPLX All amenities. <'lose an location. $247.000. 5161515 Legi o n SL Owner f1n&Med. 497-4173 &iper house, s uper pr}ce, by o wn e r . bought another: 3 BR. den. 2 ba. ocean /can yon view. Sl.37,SOO. '94-4$91. LAGUNA CH.ARMY You must see this Im naculate. 2 BR. 2 BA cottage· on big R-2 lot Trees. extra ptrklnR. 1 1~ blocU to beach. 11 ·:c 1 wutntr! " ...... ...., 4tJ..t6'12 4040Ue•• OPEN HOUSE 12-4:30 Charmrn~ 2 Bdrm tu level home on lc1r)!t• beautifully lanthl·Jpl'd Jot. Covered P"' 111 & BBQ. Creal loc.ation. walking d1stancl.! to beac:h. :.hop:. anti d1urchl>:i PLt:S. I Bdrm guest house ~9 .000 6l8 SEAVtEW don osen rculturH · 497-4848 3 BR + Study Canyon View Charming two <;trary Mme an lovely n•i.1dt•n oal area adJacen\ to a \1asl i:reenbelt Creal vtew or tne canyon :ind rrom the ha Irony. thl· ore11 n heyontf J hedrooms 1ncluchnl! ,, huge master s wtt•. over· sited llvml.! room wath a corner f1replJc<'. separate for ma I dining room with a wall of m 1r rors. :!'~ baths NC\\ plush l'arpctml! 1hru11ul T"'o \ 1ew dN'k" Large lot with room for 1•1111 Offl>rcd at $199.500. i-·or full dt!lalls cull 714-731·3777 View. beautiful 2-story 2 br. plus den. Like new Causey & Company CO'nAGE BYTHESEA Co1 y two bed room . U('l':trl \leW, <l.,Jlk 10 Pfl\'Jle bt'a('h Xln 'l ll'rllb THRU LUXURY UHITS Oct•<1n Vil'" nl'.1r m:inn.:i Good inrun1l' Owrwr \\all .t:.~1:.t "'"h ranantlll~ EXECUTIVE HOME /\ ~autl.ful rC'trc.it hid· dl·n amon~ tht> \rt'l'S. )!real fur t•nlt·rtJrnan)!. pnvate gard,·11~. p:.it11>i- and dcl•ks Spt.•l'lat·ult•r oc:ean and tity \ ll'W!>. 11()11 So <.:oust 111" II' tn Village fair · LAGUNA BE/\Cll 497-2457 1050 •..•.•....•.•.•.••....• JUST REDUCED Sparklinf? pool & spa !>Ur rounded b\• conrr<'le & bnck cteckin~ at·c·cnt tht<, charmin)! 3 Bdrm, 2 balh nomC' Cttn 't last nt thl' rcdun.'<l pri <'<' of SH ;,oo !-'or details call. Gtil li t l or972·90tt CORNETTE REALTY $129,500. Own~r 1\J!t•nl. 1 __ ~och 4~·0520 -rs-104' ••••••••••••••••••••••• fllc~.~~~.~2~~ GOLF COURSE VIEW 2 bedroom. ~ bath condominium on the Eas t Nine. minutes to beach. ~hopping, and tennis. enjoy the good lifr. off cred at $90.000. MONARCH BAY TERR.ACE r·:nJOY a panoramic ocean and coastlinl' view from Uus custom built 3 bedroom and 2 bath upper terrace ho m e Thi s home i s dl'coratcd lh ru -out. wit h profession<il landscaping and low m aintenance. S315.000 DOUILE LOT HIGH OH A HILL Brand new custom home on large corner lot. Very light and open. Beamed ceilings. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. formal dining r oom . views. $189.500 A COlDWIU.IAHIH CO. 496-7222 831-0836 DOU'HIH HAL ISTATI C~AllM.BlAnCA-1 00<.l>Hll'I ll tac'.i'N~"':~:~.:· ,.ia UW n"" tna...c....:;r.~._. OPEN HSE SAT/SUH 1-4 25342 lar~nts 3400sq rt exee homl' .tBr. 3&, 2 frpks. Ii: fam rm w Wet bar. $151,500. Suh· 1111t your Let ms. Tierra Del Sol IUly 497 174-$ 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Niguel Realty .. TAKEOVER SI 00,000 LOAN! Sharp 4 BR. 21 ~ ba homC' Real Estate WESTCLlff &Jpcr sharp & clean •. 1 Bdrm and dlnini:: room on quiet s trct.'l nc.11 Dover Shores This 11u11l1 I) homl· 1i. only $17\1,Soo llcr1t<1gc Ex<:IU!>i\1· 1>hnne 540· 1151 f1Jr cit· la1ls. .HERITAGE REALTORS 111 La Veta area. Nt!utral 1---------1·rp1 'g, WOOdl•n fll)Ml\, lmt'l,v pool & "PJ Gn•.il l1nanc1ni.: lcalUrt!" $146.000. NIGUEL SHORES l11r beautiful bt•ut·h 11 v 1ni:. this out~tttndrni.: family hOffi(' ha ... :J HH formal dmm~ rm & f:im1 ly rm, 1deJI for l'nll'r laming (;Jlt' i.:u.1rd1·d com mun . Slli• .500 CALIF. MEWPORTHGTS Thas h1ddcn hC'auty •~ '"' dead end st i :.l~ 5 Rr .1 IJ.:.l. !-ml cx·l.!an \ 11.'W. full Swedt'ih ~Juna . hl i.: JlH'Ulll lot:, nr l'X(r.i' Mu,1 :.et• 111 .1pprt'l'•al<' S!:!.j lllJO O"-nt·r will hell' flnJllll' A PR EHIGE /'"--J--J : HOMES RANCHSTYLE Grac:1ously upgradl'll 1 l:W \\' l'1111~1 I I"-}'.:... t~ llR. :.prawhn~ homl 645-6646 LIDO ISLE w,famllv rm & c·nll'\ k1tch/C'ent<•r 1slan1I t'l>Ok mi: L~:atefi an roll'< h11l::. 0( '•>rth\ iew S1 2!>.WO t-:.'Cceptional <1hr. 2b:i un VALLEY CENTER wade St to St lot. frrnt't1 doun; & heam ce1ltn,.:,. COMMERCIAL. thru out, hardwood rlr~ GROVE turmal DK. li.t So pat111 ll.000 frwl trt•t• turnkt·\ 11i.1· d hr It k fr pt 1· operation. 78 acres in <:ompletely n•mrnll'lt•1t hoom ar~a. Just north ol l'l' ()" n<'r S-lliiJ.Vl"I San Dlt'J:O Tht• PQtt'llllJI li'i3·&1ZI as tremrndou:-.. Good -terms. ~30.UOO F.,\.."TRLUFl"S Lg crnr 493-94'4 495-5220 lot 41>r. 2' ~ha. nr .!\II T l•nn1s ~w 1m Clu l1. 496-2413 830-5050 s hops. srhls S172.SOll -----714-1;\.I !Sll!7 or 644 2442, Aswmoble Loan F:11rway El N1gul'I 3hr $!31.COJ rust(lm lkah} r.o !r.77 MonJrch Ba} Terra t l' <.pa('1ou.-. custom 3 bcirm l1<1rnl' Or<>:in & mt ' ....... ~ pvry. OfH'n house h) O\\ nt•r Su nil .1 v I ;, ~.000 32172 S.:.i J-.1.ind I >1 -196-8527 ---GRACIOUS S BR. on approx ..:~ al'r<' 1n ltn l" ly Woods C'n' t' a r•'J Aotarucal ~arden'i, 1\01 Ponds. waterfalls. rarc plants arl' t·ustom lJI 1•<l ror m.1x1mum ('nJll,\' mcnt This lovely i.l'l ting .uror<ls tlw pn' al') tu en· JOY 1h1s spal·1ou-. hom.-. wh11·h has l>C'Cn tastd ullv d1•t·or:1ted & upi:r:idcci $).i.5.000 L~o Villoq~ R.E. 497-1761 Mission Viejo 1067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 50 Assumabl~ Loons Take owr low 1ntl'r<''il loans as tow :l!; 7' , ln tcrc.<;t Nn Ol'W loun 1·11i.t:1 o quabfym..: No accht <:hC'Cks. T;ikc tl\'t•r t!X1sl ini.: p<iymcnls 2-3-4-5 l>r hom<_>l; a\'atlabll' Ldt• Forest Assoc.. 770-6306 ----STARTER HOME Assumobko Loon 3 Years new, neat as a LIDO ISLE Out~tJndina.: l u::.t m re· rnudel Prim.· l'11f1H!r In! ,1t111n. i.ll'l>S lll h1·.11·~ J Ur. 3ba 1len. hv r111 w ;wl't har . mass 1v•· hnck lrph' & lX"a111 et'al'i. Fr dnor~, pa m• w andnwi- c1 r .irca u~·n-. tn hnr l.. n.1110 Hnl!ht k111 h. :.Ill n11 hl\n.-. • 1111111.. ~II.I\'. m~t 1 "tllll' W b;tkrll\\ tfl t•oralur t:.ibri cc;,wall . "' I :.! ,\ ~ i. U rn I u ,1 11 s1;~ •. nou H" o" 111.11 ti/5--271>1 Open. h1iust ~11 I .; 510 \'1a L1du Sooo . N ll. By~r $129,S00 :i br. 2 bJ. 1..: fam rm Grc:il l<ll':lt1011 '"° l.ll'~•r Must st't' ,\s~umt• lo;in Pnn only: ti-15·'*137 . Mui.l sell our Lusk hOC\l\ in Eastblu/l I Ur21 ~ B.1. FR, new i:rpt. on 77'-~'· lot Asking Sl 6li.U011 Owner. i;.tO·tiOti4 ------ OCEANFRONT 3 llr + 2 Dr On h mJ.000. On\'t' by 1'U:I Seashore & call for appt CAHALFROHT 3 Br. 3 Ba, Npt Shol'l'~ Inc l. lane! & ma rl\ eustom features Opc11 house Sat 2·5. 335Canal IEACHHOUSE Npt Shores 2 n r + deti 111 move-in cond. 230 6lml St. Open house Sun 1-S. Hinlo Jor•i~ 1 pm! 3 Bdrms .• 2 baths & ' · C'OWltry katthl.!n 1->ost M9ifHI Rffffy U\~ loan s~.'1. bat of 642·1150 SSO,IXXl can be a~!>umt'tl ('• • •• for I point OAC. •-~---------~ RAMONA HOT 759--0226 Mewport ltoch I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2627 AL TA VISTA F&LAMDI! OP94 SUN. 2·5 Ideal family home an Eutbluff. across from the park. 4 Bdrms .• form1I dlnloj(, family rm . view o( the ll&ht.s. 1241.SOO. Newport Shores h om1· $12 ,000dwn 1'.0.J> $500m0. ~8772 WESTCLIFF. Just r1· duced. Sharp 4 Br. 21 • ba. $159.500. By OWOt•r Open Sat/Sun 12:30 let 4 :Kl. 1514 Dover Or. SACRIFICE ! 3 Bdrm home w fl~40 POOl+Jac. Xlnt. con4 & loc. Only $124,900. • llGCAMYOH CONDOS. 13 avail, 673-4313 Agt. LIDO ISL 4Br. 38a. 2 FrplcJ. :? awy. s l to st S11104>00 Prin only. 673-2289. • , Su"da~. Juty 1. um ~~! .~ .~ ....... . . e!!:.~ .. -· ~.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ ...... : ~~~ ... !~.~~ ™k ...... '"' ... 4,..llHdi 1069 ... .,..,..._... 10'9 Eut Blutr Oreat Vlu11r. ·~ ... ¥ ............ -··············· ••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••• 311' lo broker. •br. rm 3,.._. z~ ba. pool, ne" ~ l:laycntat. 8) Or.er. 842·0189 .~ ............... Owner. Npt Sh°"-'"· 3 p()Ol, tennis nt:. 03,900. "Courtesy h' Bkn;, •• 548-31151 AXlaUrPEl ' !J BR 2ba, frpk, i.h11kt- f'O()l. wood entr. Aisi.umtJ ~VA In. of 1100.000 No lil. fees. Sl.29.~ CUSTOM CHARMER , Sid.ogle extr. shake roof . a BR 2ba, frpk, 4 l'ar ~ar. Extensl\ e upgrad i.qg. $159.500 owe inti Southland e r s RI': 00·6220 or 631 ·2 133 ~ duplex J b:-& :! br over 3000 1>4 n. 1 bl.I< to -1>ay, $239,000 548·6731 3-STY OCF.AN FRONT . REDUCED SBS.000 UnsW'JlaSsed view. besl W. Newport art!d ,A!M-7212 Agt NEWPORT HEIGHTS BY OWNER tltVORCE forces sale ot 3 Br 2 Ba tropic a I pardd.ise. Raised deck in l>ack yard w 1f1repit. Ex· o\ic & r are palm s & fems. 40' elm tree. II! ·pool sized yard. Samt• .owner 17 y r., Hpme 11> t.Ou nd but kit nl'edi. t.ome upgrJd1n g SIS.),000. Pnn only! i':H·:. 642-1002 WESTCLIFF Heaul. enluri.:l·1l :J HU l'tumc v. 2 f1rl.'plJ <'t· . ., rormal d111111~ Jilt! l.1m1l~ mom. "'alk to .,th•>uh :.ho(k>. tran:.p H1·dut·1·1t w Sl75.IJOO Huth Laurw ·1utr. &16--1380 l,ido Isle 5(JO(r..4 • 5lia. 1 •'l r oom \\ p1•1d lJhJ.• ~K. 5.."0 \'ta I 11!1\ :o-ou;I OJJt!n hoU:-l' ~JI Sii n I ;, M.'t f;.tS·!~">O LIDO ISLE BY OWNt:;lt Cstm contemp<m1ry 2- o.,ty home on45' lol. f1cx1 blc-floor plan Ideal llir d!nlertammi:. Prnl rh· •orate<!. Sc c ur tt~ t1YSl.t:m. Own1•r mollvat ~'(!.Open Sat Sun I :l. 11'1 \'1a ;\ltontun<: (h,11r \hi 1;jJ 3.1:lH BY OWNER BLUFFS Ma,i.:n1f11·1·nL (; pl.i n . n.1tht.'dral twum r·l·1 hni.::.. ·~:.ly nurrorl°ll t•nlry. :1 M:p. BH swte:. 3 l:SA. den c nlrl va c uum. n1·"' l'atpct, new dcl'or. VJ 'faru. $198,000 2420 Vista Hobleza 644°4133 0,... Sunday I ·5 ~ Z:C1ous Lido Home e>p.nSun 1-5 Truly elegant 4 Br 4 Ba home on Ii: corner lot Gourmet kitchen w Jain breakfast rm. L1vmg rm ~./Wet bar opens onLo ~utlfull~ lund:.caped t1T1Ck patio Dt!n hu ~ frple & prh-. patio Sp,1U.!1ous m !>lr o.,u1tf' W·frplc includes His & lier bath ar<'11s, m tr rored wardrobes. & sun ken tub. Bay '1e w fr1Jm sun room Fr doors & shutters throughout tlm truly exceptional honw $565,000. 828 Via L1<10 Soud. Owne r finance bi3-8S96 ~DOPEHIHG BAYSHOIES BEAUTY 2411 .., ........... ~w&s11•.,1 -1 rM Bay\•1e w from up lain. TUe tloorh. wood & ~hullers add warmth and ch.arm to ttus spac1ou!\ home Thr''<' ulry be drooms plus guest r oom op~n i nl! t o potlo : 3 baths lh•n "'/booksht>lw~ & built tn arcs for T \ & music. Oet ~hl!ul patio. $398.000 CA ROL TATUM. 1\itt 494-0029 -------------BRING OFFERS F our tx•d1 oom..... a halh-. plus larJ,!c ho11u:, room or ~ut·~l QU.trl~·r:. 1 op lol'<H ton. 0 \\ 11cr ".rn h l o m ove $J4ij.~. lernita Eilertsen Realtor 675-2373 -------------$23,500 BIG CANYON That I!> all you nt'l'(f l11r .1 do\o\npaymMlt & cltJ»•nl! <'()St..,, As:.umt• IM ~ll<'r to lake 2nd. 2 Ur, WUO :.4 fl Lwnhus. Agt 759 l!ll7 LOYEl Y TOWN HOME aooe to lx>:tl'h & !>hop ping POOi Sile"' llh lllJ \ 1mum pnval!)'. Li ve 1h1· goot1 lift! In lht" :i lltlrm. :!1? bath well matnf ,111lr'd home .-\ ~usl tu St•,•! Call us forTur1hPrn1't.111 ... and appt to 111s1x·1·t ~ Chorfes Rlty. 675-7512 IMMACULATE! OPEN SUH. 1-5 PRIVATE EST A TE BIGCAMYOM ~too '4 IL 111 qu.11t1y Ttu' l'll,lt•m built horlll' 1<; aH11l.1hh· hy ;111pt univ t-'t:atun11~ 5 Hdr111;.. ~·' ~ baUi.o;+hhntl). 1.'1\el'l'I~•· roon\ & J ('J r g Jr m 1.ooo ('~ill Dan ll1hh for moll' 111furIJ.1.1t um 1111 Lhi:. e xl'llt:.I\<•• res11h•m l' Open HcMase Sun 1-5 76 Hillcrest. NB ROGERS REALTY 675-231 1 VERSAILLES l llc!rm . I hnth l'Onrlo . Sl7tl.l fnr upgrade:.. prl· slt~ow. compl;:x on I ht' bluffs iro.000 Alsu .! bdrm . 2 b;jLh 'l'unolo. "Oml' ocean \ 11.'\o\ S:t,IMKI tor up~rudt•s SL 11.uou. 1 lurrv w1111 1 last • 1224 NOTTINGHAM 'Tlu!> W1.>s td 1ff J hllrm hnmc 1s J h'>11l u tl·h llcaut1ful 1inlv w~1\ 111 1·:1.pn·s~ 11' l..11·:.:1· 1·on 11•1 llll \\1th '"'"' '" 111.111\ Ii.. ,tllll'111ll''' 'i!l>l tM,11 S1 ,. Jol\11 &©MM'iY 631-3444 SUPERB NEW Ciffhaven Listin9 61 8 Kings Place o~ Sunday 1-5 :1 licit m, 11•1· t a r11 1111 .,. I rp It 1111 1 .. ,1 ll f '<·duch•d lot • 1 .1r '.11 l'Jo r,1· 111 "I hr Mil,. 'Int lt1I 1'111l1lt t•n & IJl t-.. :-.I 111,IMMI "-'k lur \1.11 tl1 \' \l11q:..111 tiiil 1:-,0:1 ROGER BROWN LTD. 673-1020 THERE IS A BETTER WAY to M"ll )'OUr propt•rt \ 111 thl.' N<'wport Beach i\ri•.1 HALF MOON BAY Land & Dev. Co, Inc. Chester r S11llsburv 11 17141640-8755 LIDO ISLE ()pl•n Son I ,, 1 IH \ 1.1 lth .. 11 .> ll1g J • 'l"r), :1 Ill< t 15 fl lot Sl2!1.~tMI Mwnt m;, lilli~ GREENBELT BEAUTY HARBOR VU HOMES Real Estate SPACIOUS H.B. HOME SHARP!!!! OPEN SUN. I • 5 1800 Pt W estboume I m m a c· 11 I a t l' C ;i r tn l' I '\1odcl. :1 lxtrms . fum1l\ rm . on ;i 'uPl.'r t·orn"'r lot. n>Om fur pool l Blk to l'nmmun Jll>OI hkln!l SmJ.~IO ----+ ? I I I CONDO WITH SLIP On tJw hJ\ '\\ 11 h m l',in \ ll'°" ~uhl l'rr.1n••t1 n purkmi.:. pool. :>l01·ur1t\' hwld1n.i.: N11th1n~ hl.e 1t at only s;!I0,000 COHOOWITH OCEAHVU SpJl'IOU:. J b ed room . '\\alk to beaC'h. pool & lt'l\Ot!> Sl 19.!IOO CORPORA TE PLAZA REALTY 548·2953 PARK LIDO 2 Hr :! ba. s plit IC\ c•l ,·r•n· dti. Orll' of the h<>~t buvs 1n N1•w pn 1t lh•.11·h SIO:l.tU I on fee Land DUPLEX C'heaJJl.''it d upll'\ 111 Nt\\op11r1 Rt·at•h un ki::al i.ttl' H :! lul. Ltwall·cl 1n llMI hlul'k. Bldg nl•ed:. sonll' .,.,,rk. but thb «1111111 Ill' a real money m.ikcr fur the ri.ih t per.on '\:-king SI 71J.OOO ~111 l'at Stomcl. (l\\o'nl•r J\i.,'l.. 675-6775 SLEEP COOL SAFE l.<'ave all doors & wndws OPEN behind ornamcn· taJ iron ~nlls. lllgh on a lull w Calahna view. 3 Br 3 Ila & den. Lowest priced vtew prop in Npt Hgt.s. Asking $!45,000. BY OWNER Open Sat/Sun 1.5 :QI Holmwood 645 .. 3947 rn~ Sl89,&00 2807 Alt1t V111t11 l>r , Npt lich . 64tMll9, Open HO\li" l>un H ~~~~~~~~ Nio:WlJORT llt;IGHTS 41.11 l".l Modrn• lteduced w 11~.000 R73-2238 107' ••••••••••••••••••••••• IXCHAMCH OR SAU '111.'w duplt<it, w ialk lo IJt•1n·h Slllt.1.500 Nl'W tr am1fl.'frltltlti ll 1 .. 1 k)llll (!':VI' .. l'llll 75~ 1877 1 IAYlrHACH REALTY 759-011 t SUSCA'E COMDO J R d r 111 , :! b .1 1 .. 1111bl'UJlc<.I , .. prinkkd ,11 n u111, P<•t 1<1 u11i;nHh'll U\fu~>ttl t 'ltt~t> 111 :.hoµ l)Ulg, l'..1µu llcat h, l>Jna I IMIJu1 ~o:,.!JOO. Ownl.'r JIUIOl.l.'i llONTVLt.-:H & ASSOC 714 1675 4000 OPH HSE SUH I 05 l~·auuful 1 u:.tum bw It 3 UH, I '• IM f,1m11} ho me "' OIJl!ll bo.·Jrn t·e1hngs & l'OlV l'alu" Vl•rdi.>s :.tone f111il'. s 1i.1.5oo. 216 La 1.-; ~ p I.' r 11 n /, .1 • S ,1 n t1l•mt•nte VIEW REALTY 496-7726 SURF & SUN Walk lo tht: bt•ac'h or r<' IJJ< on thl' i.u11del'k ul this :! h1'llroom home. locatl•d tn No San Cll'mentL' Of fL'rl'll uL Sf!l;l.000. l' .ii I tilil l714 or972-!:klll CORNETTE REALTY CYPRUS SHORE Pvt. l!Uard~·d comm1.1n1 l~'. pr1vatl.' hea c h l~eaullful 2 :.Lory 3 Bdrm home. Rv (lwner. ('a 11 714 4~ l~58 o r 192-!1902 rorappt. Condo By 0Wlll'r. l'rt·~ Il l ~. 2 hr. I "~ lia . s s s.ouo 1orr . C all 711 192 3072 SmtJuon Captstrono I 0 7 8 ..............••..•.... l!t·~L tll'<il 1n to" n ! 2 hr I b a 1· n n cl 11 S 5 !I. :rn O t!l2·-1337 or -1'12 !/>Iii I Santo Ano I 080 ..........•......•.•..• S68.500 :.!hr. Condo. I yt"ar n..--.. (; 1-;. bh1n k1t1·hen. Gar. Poul. Ja<' Nr Warner & Gno;mv1llL· f;.\2·-1842 Suuth Coa:.t Shores larj.!C Jhr. + fom rm with a ('. m !Wt' are,1 ,\cro~:. from ~ C:.t l'lat;i SI 18.!110. U.tll litll Wtt'Sl'. St.ff lkul F,l;,rt1• tt :i l tllHH (II KJl lSIYl1 Elegant Sand Pointe Bt• " u t 1 f u I :! ' t '1 r ~ I bed room s :ind 1'011\1 l' h11mc with 111 ,i.: IJvn u:. mom 1hninl( room. fo m1 I\ rno m. k111 h1·11 .,. 1th b1oltm:. ftrl'plJl'e, n11'•· ~ <1r1I \qLh ~a:. lwrbL''tUI.' :bl ll 1100 l:JK IL Call !'>.I0-1720 -.. 1086 ..........•.....•...... lnvHtors D~am R~ed S4500 ;~br. ocean vu, approved plan for rm add1l1on. l.,i.: lot WJl k to hca t:h Sl~.500 Emeruld Reul!) 8J3.8917. ~~ach 1088 ....•...•...........•.. REKT FOR SUMMER? NEVER Nol -..hl•n you can own this bcuul1ful 3Br, 2B<t Con<lu. 1 ~ blk lo ut:uan. Fl•aturl'S wet IJar. btil<'ony. frplc, dhl gar. submit you trrms owe. 846-5502 crz@ww --Tustin 1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 100/o DOWM 1...0 QUALIFYING) On this elegant. custom 3 BR home with sweepin~ vrew of night Lig hts to the ocean. Only 2 years old. Ceilin~s and walls are done 1 n Red w ood . Oeaut1ful ttlcs thruout. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Oto ••••••••••••••••••••••• COUMTIYUVIN• Moet unique home '" n..u.. a bedroom. 2"1 ba&h. fa.mil¥ room. buae formal dirWll room w ith ' flreplacu. A CUJ\tom btilt adot>. ho me on Vr acre. Won't lut ¥1 suuoo. Call 540-3600. 0..-IHl•t• • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT N•w h<>meii. pvt com· munlty, 3 beaches. 24 hr ac<:urity, s ub·lcttinR OK. Fro m $29,900. (7141 a.3816 2br, Iba 1n 5-slar adult park. '68 Ch ampion 12x60 $21.500. C M . 752-0759, 999-2360. W.8' *•..... I 098 Acnogt for Sallt 1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Upl!n house Sal & Sun 7K32 23rcl St reet. 3br. l h bu. on Ir~ locd par k- like lot. fruit trees & gurden. VA/t"HA J<.:on v SN.6:i0. 8VOWNER 1:192-6158 Ohr a.al &tote ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PRICE SLASHED Aruuous owner must sell now. 24x52 Hillcr e s t . 1970. w /8x20 cnC'losed Porch. 5 Sta r Anahe im Pct Park ReduC'ed tu Slti,000. l\fake of for l o du)~ 1JBG37 77) Mobile Home Store 956-4500 BAYFRONT I Br1den/lgl! ca bana l'u110. frpk, 2 le,t:I~. Ol)l·n bea ms, new rrpl, bltn..,, xlnt loc. Mus t :.l'll l>nt'I.' n .. '<iu. to s.12.0001 ofr. b73-7~. Golden W<'s l 24x60 2 bdrm. 2 ua ra m rm (\&..,tom rl'<I woot.1 th•d. 5•Park. ~an Ju,1n I .q 1 t!Jti8337. LIOOPEMIN. PVT.BEACH Double wuk 2 h r. I It<• I 'l'tJr uld 2 du hf11111~L'" SJ() 000 () wnl'r I A ~t IJi J.·ll!ll On San (.'lcnwnll' l:Scal·h. Mo01lc Home: 3br. 2ba. ~.<XX>. l'\tm 496· 18"0 :! Year old. 1 lkt.lroom. full !>klnmg. uwntnl! und .,ht-d Sl4.950 63 l :~l'I I •EXCITING• H@wport ~och·Lido II l' ;~ u t ' I II I I 'I i Ii t;oldcnw1·:.l 2Br .!ll.1 honw w1Lh111 "',1lk1ng d1..; lJ nn· of Lrtlo' 1111<.•-.l sbopµmg •.trl.',1 Smull ""' welcome ~achArea Yowig Adult P1•t PJrk lleaul.Jful spac1ou:. z,1 xi>5 !'11g11all.trl' llonw '' '2 I~ l>t:druoms -+ 2Ba, II! It\ 1111t c.!Jrung rm w Wl't ,.1nk & fJrn rm w \•111·h1,i:tl rcirch. 2 i.torai.:1· .. 1w<1, ,\· -.i1ft \\ctll'r Vt•I \ rll'ltl\r' 1l'Klt1jji1 . . Loquna Hills Special Buy lt..•a11t1ful [1 St,1r \rtult Pk ~\tiO !'it'iH'rt!"f. .! II! llr. :!li:1 IJm rm "1th Jll the \lra:. Unly ~!tl.:i4KI CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MOBILE HOME SALES :?706 llarbor. Ste 20G·1\ 540-5937 '&1 Majestic 10x45 l'Vl'r· ythmJ? clos e by. C M. Atilt pk. a C'Ouplc m1 from lwh. ~.800/Clfr Sr> re nt SlJO tnC'ludes ,J:?a...-"tr tr:c.h. PP ~-1957 By owner. JOX·IO wit h cabana 9x:l0 P n r1•<1 fur qwck sale. ~. fi4ti·~>!<!O or ti31 3.17<\ Bv owner JO'x-111 \\tt h cabana 9'x30' Walk 10 heJC'h ~.()(JO lmmetltUll' ~.;esswn. Call 1;·16·58211 01'631-3-.171 24 Xf.O l:Jcntl1x Regul. 2 UH. 2 ba 5 s tJr pa rk :'\o peL'i or r htldren SS:J 000_ llJ60l Newland, II. II 11121. Call agt, Cynlhtu. 537-2271. 21851 NEWLAND. Sp .. 17fl. 2 BR 2 Ba + de n Drive by then call 64&·1380 tom- spect. Agt. PRJVA TE BEACH 1979 Hallmark. 24x52. 2 Br t Ba quilhty home. beaut upgrad<'d, ocean view, 645-4670 wkdys. 499-5138 eves & wknds. • 40 ACRES IY OWNER CB>ARCITY, UTAH $59.5 per acre, near c ity luruts.' Owner to clear, plow and plant. Rich soil. power. i'<l"5ds, w ater shares. Low down pay. ment. Call Sergio (8011 486-4846 or Darwin, 1801) 586-7334. PALM SPRINGS IOACRES g),000 cash. Raw spc<:. 673·2289 12 Acres-Potent111I M l Ind zorung m growing ind are a of Riv County. ~5.500 Enginet>rl"<I In· "es tments 1!51·03tltl 24 hrs 1300 .........•.......•..... 6 Umls to.ti times i::ros~ 11'; down. 22.Wts yrly ~·Assume hnan·1·m~. valuro at $269.000. pnC'l·d .11 St.t5.uoo ~l'<tr lk'a<'h I n \ ,. "t 1 g c1 1 ,. n 11 .,. :!L.1595 100. 711 lii5 S!IOIJ. M.'t Conwrerciol Properly 1600 •....•.•........•...•.• HEW DElUX MOTEL I 14UMIT Al·ross from D1snc~ lund 1Jcaul1fully appo tntt>rl . i.pac10~ room:.. pool. Jll 4U1..-..•n hrtl!>. turn!.,·~ re JUY t11 ~o tht!. "ummer ' Pnwd n~ht. onh :!5 • down Don'l m1:.:. th•'> Ul'll'' l\rok,•r e11<1p1•ra[l1111 Ill\ 1t1'<! 752 l~l~\I l QUAIL A p~~p~~~- '0s-i Tif 8:30 ,,M.I ~p Li: t: I lot :? unit" on Olcl '"w µurt Ill\ d St!'>!I.~ tNl.i l7Si Sftoppinq Center Or l'ty maJor t'l'rtlt•r 17 ·'l'rl-s 111!:1.00U ,,q ll txli::. lm•omc U\c r SS75.000. l'r11·c S0.000.0UU. \Ir. Pu:.:.dl A ;lii ~;~!.;~ Albert Pu sel I Keal L~ Co 833 OOVlR ~.N.11. 6Jl·S25'2 *MOTEL SITE* INVESTORS lx·1·,1n .1n•.1 l'oa,1 .it L n m m u p 11 r o \ ,. ti Ol·\elo1x·r -..111 h1.11l1I for mw!-tor or sell outnghl Prrn univ. Details: PO Ll()x Miti. i lunLmgton !Ml. Ca . 926-18 "gt Condominiums/Town- housM fM sole 1700 .•..................... 3Bdrm, 2 Batt. Prplc. dbl garal-!l' OPEN Sal/Sun 2 5 :111 Al.TA LANE Im M l hlock Sanw \na J\\'l' I SR'l.:>OO. o fft:>r RnlH n ~o n . Rro k ,•r , ~-~17 MAKE ME AN <WH I Can 't REf'llSE OPl-::"1 IL<iESJ\T SU:-.: I 5 :! SI} 2 Rr. bcuut ground. 1)111>1. 9j.l,500. 521 S L~ on St .:121. S.'\ lii5 :mq Owner 1 agent 1800 ••.••...•.............. UNITS-UNITS! Bargain Time! MF.SA DUPLF:X $11'1.000.2 BR'~. fpJC'.;, m .. 'Wly painted. f!llra.:ci., lawidry room. SANCLF.MENTE OPJ.X $11A.OOO. Ocean Vic•w JBR's + 2 BR pride of ownership O...-lffll•tete ~·Mllllt ... ... ~., •....•.•....•••...••..................•. °""""' --....... rty 2000 (Wiss. '100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cast.a Mesa 2·2br : Conv. loc. pvt yd», garaies. newly upg raded. Prm· c1pal& only MZ-~ IYOWNH East Coita Mes. llght.a Duplex. 2br. Jba, encl gar. Pvt yd /patio e a . Newly dee. Sl25.000. MC-11616 by appt. HEW,ORT HGTs 1 ___________ __ Al EA NEW Ll STING-2 separate bouses-1 com· pletely re modeled a nd the other ooe new. Both have 3 Bdrm and 2 baths +private patios. Ample perki.ng. $199,900. Dn ve by JOO 16th Place. then call 642-5200 _tt, 3226 Broad St. N. U. .Each unit has 2 II! Br 's & den, 2 xtra large p vt patios. 2 frplcs. 2'"2 ba. loads or wallpaper. Agt. !m-5009 C.M.DUPLEX Absolutely 1mmar an great rental area. On ve by 2196 Amencan A\C, Askin~ $108,000. Ag t. SJIS-4921 lnc:onr Property 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4X4= 16 For pndt: of ownership, ~hake roof 4·pll:'xes. eac h on a !>Cpar:tll' lot . each "'''h a 3 lledroom . 2 hatb u"'m·r ... unit + 1-..11 2 tx.'<lroom, :.! bJth + ,1 I h1•tlroom' O\\n<.'r will hl•tp t1nant'l' Wi ll l'X c·hange Ca 11 fur 11n a I) pmntnwnt. Qll«t:.t: LAHGE ~OL'G ll TO S E R \' F. , S :.t A I. L f:."\IOU(; II TO ('AH f. • sin MUST SEW Big beach 1 Unit build• lng, asking $395,000. SCOTT UAL TY 5lt.-75JJ DAIUMG DUPW Large & Roomy 3 &4 bedrooms ea. Owner most anxious. Submit an oHer Call tov1ew 738-8441 Wmdjarnmer Properties COSTA MESA 4HOUSES Fantastic re nta I pro· pert.ies 111 high a ppreciat· mg area. Only $225,000. owe. WORLDR.E 556-7777 CHEAP IE FQW'Jllex. Good for t ax relief. $143,900 Agen t 64()..5SJ6 Oceanfront 4-plex. Newly refurb. Sell or trade . ssro.ooo Agt. 714.497.3009 7 ourt.EXES /CM Near So. Co ast P laza . SS.000. Agent 549-4008 By Owner. 3 units. E Costa M~a G.S.I S14.500 }T. lo do"'n· lo int. F I' Sl5S,OUU Ot!>'>Oh 1n ~ p3rtner:.h1p, mu:.t sell &12·0515 lii3·1267 ·I pl~x Lr~ 31ir. 2' ~ha , uwner·c; unit + 3 lr1t 2hr. 2b3. I mt lrom on •an o n Hrookhur!.l S225.000. Owne r-Rrok1..·r 536 9!18i rrullJon 1n dosed <':.n ow ... , _________ _ la!>t vcar W1• ha\I· J lt-w openings Cln our s ale·. s taff for l)rnh:s,111na I!> c·omrruth-d t11111vt.'Sl m1•nt real l.,,LJt1• 75:.! 1920 j QUAIL A p~~p~~~¥ I~ Tit 1:)0 ,,M I C.M. TRIPLEX CIOSl' LO !>hopp1ni: . st•hools. <.'It $159.SOO Call for appt. to M'I:' IREN/Gold Key 546-9521 oslc fM Rita l ');BELi E\. .\HU; . ..................... . Sl'Y.USS LOT Abaolule_ly tbe BEST VlEW LOT for ule In N.B. today. Located between million dollar reelde1mm. 270 degree view from CdM to Irvine. Owner will CUT)' AITD w/29% down. For more Into, call Ron Taylor. 640-SW. DAMA POINT R·Z Unobstructable wbite water & Marina views. $'70.000. Terms. -~ i\f:l, BUILDER'S SAVE 1 YR. Ready to go in Laguna, Z700 sq. ft.. hom e , view. walk lo beach ; plans & permits incl. Agt, call Paul 497-4844 .SOXJ17.S Lot located 'I'! block from P.C..H. 15th Sl. in Huntington Beach. $1 10,000. C all Gene Nelson/Agt 964·1681 or eves SJS.. 743.1 OCUMRtOMT-CdM Ins piration + ! View from Palos Verdes to San aemente Island a nd all lhe grandeur of breaking w:..ves . beache s. Cat.a.I.Illa Island and sun !>Cts. Once-tn-a-ltfe time opportunity. Call fordetruls. • Barrett Rlty Registe r 642.5200 :nl' Harbor Blvd frontage m La Habra. nr Wh1llkr Bl\'d. G reat loC'at1on. ~.OOOsq ft. Agt . 979·S09!'1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 418 El Modena. Reduced to $105.000. 673-2238. Coastal Commission Approved Dana Pt R-1. j'!rcal area. mm from marina . Grad- m~ permits. hou~eplan,, C'Omplete pkg ready to build. $58,000. 493-2752 Wilson&We1ss R.I:: Mobile home I TrtrPrks 2300 • •••••••••••••••••••••• •SKYLINE llawtoscll l bedrm,2yr nt•w Skyline . Onl~ Sl4.950 Call 631·347-l 1 lPPO HTL'N IT\' H..trt·!) lllJl'' ·'" tn\1• ... 1 m.·nt uppL~ 'Ul h "" th•' 2 ~PJr old I 11.t•oroom . ;ippcar \ 2u.uou "" 11 t 11 full '>k1run~. ~·"' nini:: and Sh•Jpµrn~· t · ,.111,. r , l "" i-'h•t•~l-Sl•~•.9•50-b•.3•1 •~•7•1-• BRAND NEW HUNTINGTON BEACH · Twelve 4-Plexes One Duplex j!UJd lV ht• I rut•' ,I\ .111 •• l>h· l)ll .1 m11111 lio~1.J111r.: .11TJ11~1·m1•11t I'"' m.1n\ 1ld.11l ... 111r .1 ITh'rt .111 I ln ly :.4.'nuu~ 11l\ '''tnr" w Ith <JOility !ti l'lllM' l>y i 15·7!1 should 1nqu1re l'HIN ONl,Y PU;/\S f-'1 C.111 litll Hahn 549 4761l Bl';RWICK PROPERTIES I i14 ) 975 0121 Pnde of ownership unit~. n..-ar ll u ntln J!t On Harbour T"' '' •I pll'Xt'" an· ·1-'itill '>rt ft. lt•n J l ~bb<5 , _________ _ "I JI 1\ll un11 -; h,1\ 1• lm·plat·1•' l't .. h.1k1• rnot Htt\ 0111 cir ,ill Hu11tl1•r 1n pn"''"'' nf r:ttstnl.! pnl·•· ,11 th.1:-11m1., hut mu kl' .in otf1·1 Hutldt'r h.i' 111 d1ta\L•cl ht• ""I l.lkt• pa per hack. t'\t•han1a· 11r "'hall'\l'r Th.., 1:. .1 l)uu1I l'IJ t l' t•\tlt1 ,.,I \\.' !-'or r unhcr 1nforrtld t 11>n l' .ti I & "vrk through 0 111· •II our proflo:.:.iona l :.J It·:. swll 752·1920. j QUAIL Ap~~~s~¥ I~ Tll 1:)0 ,,M.I 10% Interest Acron:lm1t to the owner s t1ata. Lhc:.t> H units !.how a s l)t'nd.1hl1· Enc lo,.,l·d f!araflt'"· painted t,1:-t \l~ur & ha~ bakor11es. surnfl>rk & pool for happy ll'llanls this summl'r (}v. nt•r "'111 I ma nee .1t 10' • tnl<'rc"t 4 UHITS H.B. <JOt' mil,· fr11m ptt·t ""\ ··r ol \ Jt Jilt \ ,!It (f11-..11 S!l.).IW)I F I' "11111h 1;,1 rd1·1~t:rot11• ~1f}l•r rl·nf " I ,11·1•J II" n1·r fl nJnt lllJ.! :!tt • 1)11\\ 11 "-'li.'i.300 I· I' l'no l'rtth' u 11 I " ,1 i.: t I> 11 r 1 • I h \ .Johri~on !Ii:! !l:l(M I 6 uru~ m llunt lkh '111r~· area ~011<1 1n <'orr11• Own<'r will f 111an · re 20'~ dn or will con· .,,dc·r trad l' M1k•· K-IA·GIOO HOME + INt'OME 25fii Eld<'n A'"' CM i'olew Dix 3Ar ht'lml' t-!l ll<'W 2Rr 1nc•nrJH! Unth. ,\gl 979·509!} Outstanding Caito Mesa 3 houses. rm poss1 ble 4th. II! ~rounds. tre es. xlnt f1nanc•1n l! Ka y Mrsst·nszer 213/434 i!lW, 1::1 O o r a d l) HIL y. 213 426-593.S 74 Uts-Socramento Sl,250,000 C1ll RussC;irpcnter Owner Al!ent 6JJ.t).16f4 llXGROSS II\ ''"'n<'r lOXlll with 1 .11>.i.nJ 11\JO l'nn•d for qlJIC lo. ~all' S-AJOO t).lll !l>illl or t;J I ·~7'1 Mawwtain, Desert. ~ 2400 .............•.•....... FOR LEASE New 2 bedroom 2 bath home ~1t~:-1on l,akt•!'. ( 1i11ntrv ('lull (:0 11 - l<'nlll" p;Ktl ll.•a11f1fulh l.ind-.t .1µ1•11. 11u 111Jtn lt'1tt1nr~· \uni lfllllCtuhhotN' Hd l>..~n Hot Spn n~: :.!13<1111 2sn VISIT PALM SPRINGS OPEN SUH/MOH I .5 S75,000 Nl.'w l ·BR H 1v1cro gort1ens condo. Pooli.. s pa s. Cl<'. 405 V I,\ 1':SCUF.LA 1112. IT 105) 5124.500 New 3 BR tn 1'::.tados South. Mln & \alley views Furn1s h1•d. :!50 S,\N .JOSI': HD 11t;n. IT IOOl Tom Alhnson 642-8235 Out of Cottnty Property 25 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• INVESTMENT BUY $45,000 3 Bdrm. t=I• ba. 2 l.'ar l(ar homt! on 12 aere. Call Geo . Fr ey R .t-_: 714/1-2"5·014 I LARGE ENOUGH TO S E R V E . S M 1\ I, L ENOUG ll 1'0 CAHE. S67 million in closed escrows last year. Wt: have a rcw openm~s on our sales staff for a profession al comm11loo to mvestment real ~late. 752·1920. You could t'vcn ha \'t' J sl)lindahlt-on lht:. xlnt 5 plt-x invPs lml.'nt. Only S I 3 9 , H 5 0 , <.: r c a t 1 \' (' finanre i:. our ~pcl'lahty 1----------Qill now for full detarls ~9491 WHOA THAR PARDNER! MESA DELMAR ~ ~ME NWPT HGS ~ complelly redecorat Mm & out. Lovely patio garden. Oelux extras through out + 30'x30' 1arage. Everything in excellent cond. This pro- perty priced we ll below comparable o fferings Open House Sat/Sun. 422 Fullerton . 645·6456 . 631-2313. CHOtCEAREA Eatitbluff beauty newly offtm."<I. This ~real fmly home · 3 big bdrms. 3 ba, huge, fmly rm, l~e frml din. Private rear yrd for entertaining. Gracious Uvmg at its best. 7~·1501 Condt1. !-'or sa le rent or lease option Bayfront, 2 br. 2 ba, view, hoat slip avail. 63J-«>S9or 84S-6300 View from every room. 1----------Surrowidcd by hom es in MESA F'OURPLEX $155.000! 4 Units . pndl of ownership' New pi11nl new roof Pr o f . lanclscaped. New stove~ & refn~·s all units! J QUAIL . PLACE; PtlorstTIES"' 10,... Tll l :JO r .M.I FOUR-PLEX Prime north Costa Mes a u r ea 4 plex w it h 3 bedroom s. 2 bedrooms & two I bedroom units . Great inv<'slmenl. fo1 ex1 ble terms. won't last at only $163.soo. ca11 JfyOU have waited for ex- cepll<>nal value I& mis· sed it! This is it!>. Horse property with alm ost a full acre, appealing 4Br. 2Ba ho me . bonus fam rm. & util rm. e nC'losed bQckyd, delightful Welch Pony included Would you believe you can have all Lh1s with VA finuncinl{ avail ror only St 10.000. DeC'larc independence from rent & hassle of city laving Call immediately HARIORV•EW NE W LI STING ! Elega,nUy upgraded 3Br <Monaco). lmmac. thru- out. great loc, lovely yrd. FEE LAND. Won't last. Be 1st. Ca11 67J..4313 Agt. RTHGHTS DUC ED $7000. below rn:irket. home bat 2 br + 'dim. 2 be. lt'a ablngled, .._culate wtth loads or -..rm. Best ~ In lhe HeillU at $133,800. Call R•• Jamee. Aat ., Gl·la. a.I sreen. crbp white, ~arm woven woods -.., neat fc nice. A/C fl,. oa paUo comlortA· mtertalftment. All • more ID .,opular ..S mil Plnellunl model ti .. C,. &ownbomes. 0111 C1atbla, •at, •an. •• ' the S300.000 to $1.000,000 range. Priced $225.000. RUMAR REAL TY 558-7977 WE DEFY YOU For sale by owner Sun. open house 11-5:30, 1341 ~xLn r::-1"'•,.••••l WestcUlCs·lovely, very To f111d another custom home lha•, can ma tch un- ique design o f this custom 3 BR home w ith family room and game LOCATION, DESIGN &VALUI Ro mantic view o ( ~tallna & beyond. An amazin« 4 bdrm Newpo rt. valu e w /a sparkling pool & lge yrd. Only ~9.SOO. Hurry! stS-IGl ~ Walker r. lee Otst •Bay VleW Home. 4br, 3ba., wet bar. 2 car ....... Sl.-.00/ lu.ae opdcm.~. clean, 3 br. 2 ba .. Near ocean. s hopping, schools. $158.000. 642·343S BACK BAY room. Superbly designed kitchen with breakrast Mini View area that opens to view $86•900 and deckings. Living room and master suite Un lq,uc 4 Bed room are surrounded by walls BackBay condo. Huge of glass lhal open to ma.atcr suite. Separate night lights and sweep- family room overlooks Ing v iew o r ocean. garden patio ... Plua sa.ooo. private sundeck with ltUMAI ltEALn minivi w. Tennla. aauna, 111-7'77 jacuui. poot ... lota more. 1--------- 10% down. Call Key By owner. 2 BR, Ion. 2~ Realton. 84Mt77 Open be. fplc. 1500 sq.rt .• lfe ~ l·S 3S8 LoutdM )'fd, ... IOO. Call Ron, Ln. 0) mtao; 131-0790 NO FEE 24 HRS Rental Information Rent wilh option to buy Information. NO DOWN PAYMENT OR TAKE OVER PAYMENT in- formallon. Hundred's of Mobile Homes avaJlable In all areas. CGIMowll! Tll MOBILE HOME STORE MIARYOU Westminster 848·8895 Santa Ana 554· 7070 E. Ana.belm 956-4500 ~ ADab.. 856-lOtt I pnnkler system. too! Huny! Don't miss lhese invest· ment bargains, call no.,. 752-1700 ()NN JI( 0 •II S I UN ro ff# Nl('I ' TtfE-R-EAL1 E_~TATERS j OCEAN DU,UXES New 3 bedroom homes T apl. StOOis Conslr. ~14 or 492.1393 &a•..tTtnM Only J.5o/o down. Owner will c arry deferred pymnt 2nd TD. on thia near new t -pfex In So. Htalnaton Beach. Puf Piice.IDC842·1•1 1 UNITS-C.M. Beaut. ne w buildin i:: Fireplaces. xlnt location. TSL lnvmts 642·1603 FOUR UNITS-C.M. Near new. 3 Br owners unit, 2 ba, frpl, 2-car gar .. 3-2 Br. 2ba, units. TSL Invstmts 642·1603 By owner Dana PoinL Pride of Ownership 4. plex. $235,000 each on up ' to 15.000 sq . ft. lots . Owner will finance on contract with minimum $78,000 down. Will ac· rommodatc exchange . 33'.U Cheltam Way. Apt D. D .P . 496-1097 or 496-52'75. New conatrucllon Ore~ Co. 3' unit.a. Prime area. Trwle er aell. sm.ooo. Afl,. 1U-497-3008 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1• SQ.Fr. JND USTR1AL BUILDING • + 2 Bdrm ho use & jacuui. / Qill 84$-9161 IH'I ~j 11011\t ~thl I Y GENIE REALTY Ml81..Q876 2600 OLORAOO s cen l c wooded property a t $350/ac, PP. (7141 5li9-8077 HAWAII AM PROPRTllS: All lslanda-a ll prices- call local· ask for Roger 1164-3'25 LAHAINA. HAW All Larp 4 BR, 3 ba. pool boma. a Blkl. to beach. -·-· Oontact Hqward Scba&an-broktt 1.-...t~t.S ~~-~!~ ...... ~.~:~~ .... !!~~~~.~~~~ .... ~~:.~~~~ .... ~:!.~:~~.... ....................... Sunday.July I 1979 OAILY PILOT 8f f Oltf..... Coll9MeM :u2• ,.....v..-.y 323• LAlfl-ltecll 3241 ................. 3269 .-~•ach 3769 Ap.l•••hu.tw.. .,•lww•lau.fwa. Apert••••U...W... ,. 11 -tr 2600 ....................... •••••••• •• • •• ••• • • • •••• •••••••••••• •• • •••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••• ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• • • • ••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ··········~\· • ........... -......... llOM1'.~H'OR RENT l!:tn ·raid Da y alrnoat ~ean fronl upper 2br. CodaMHa 3124 eo.t.MHo 3124 ............ _.. ~t WAS .... TON 3 or 4 br Pnct'd from Adviul 't'~ll ' ~ ~anfront 2 Rtt. :l ba Seuhort Dr Month I)'. •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••~• ITA11 ~ lO ISZI. Fftcd yard & Hu1t•l8r' Our111r ' $426 t\lm &lureoptlo.lal Y r 1 Y · O w n e r · 2 Br. l ba. l atory. i hag, 2br. l.,.,ba: relurb11>hed. • o............... •,•racu )'amllt ~IC ft>nW.rm' Pool' uwau 'I\arncrAMOC 41M•ll71 714<673-9367 drps, patio. frpl, d tw. Quiet. Adults only,~No NOW _,. MN JUAN'"'' .... 0 P HI Kida &< pc la RDrrJM ES831 4W t'c'C a-ua.._ , .. 10 Lux"""' l er. view. sauna, beam clogs, far. Adll.8 . Peta ~o +sec ac:p. ~ wek'oule. c..11 .2$60cu ------....--"""' 6 -r $30.2650 £den. 11) 5tl·9683 ICIO'. ~It~. no baok" 9'1!21171 Act.Ml ••" --••• JJ40 ....................... 116CAMYOM t ttnni ~. pool S750 538-8406 --------YOJ(,4,N AFFORD Sandy travel beacbe ••••••••••••••••••••••• l..wcurlous 3br, :tb11. 1111111 LoVl'ly 4 BK In quiet n· fM0.2323 3 Bdrm. 2 ba 2286 Canyon QlltOln. Id.rm. l bM. OCEAN \l lP.W Mru .... z•,blt, drluxe ('Ofl"O lt'\'l'I wllh All' .ill lilt' icldcntlal llnl ll orrenn l( SUMMER EASTSIDE Or No 5. $400/rnu. NEWf!GRT BEACH f rplC!. OP•• b t u n r. Bl"'' ~ 2~bJI Immel pool, H Uil.ii. l'1<' 7 bllo I.A• lllf'•lltk'JS 6Jt l H8 i>t><·unty of o MUardert •Locked gar. w /lg stor IM0-4724 detta.ct:room. MNI tondo 50 Mar ~ 1v•ll t ru a.oo --1252 ii•tc s11~1 Mo an d . RENTALS •D/W,palio.lndry rm. ------Para; Newport IDdtc 11reollouH IS.'t-alf m«m Wllrnh L.91J1-H6pitl Cj" Aviul. Au•. 1 ~· 1 2 bdnn. 1 bu, 532a/mo, no r\ V\ew actlvtU., • ••••••••••••••••••••••• -""A.MONO -""""1a cabinet spa cc· t•hld , nu pets, gar & ctocetoHUon. s:ia>.ooo •OMii :ttw condo or s.> Newan ~ ft . ) Ult l'• wr Unlu on .colr t-our,l'. ~ Nc:wman 742"8235 ""'" •Gas heal. gas cookinl't IMtY fac. 548-6115 LUXURY APT LIVI NG W ...... Csl Plu1t P ool, !II\•. t'nlUVf' homt-nbm\'llun r.·fnl(, ,.,11hr lit yt ilbl 1 I REAL ESTATE gas hot water alHree Overlooking T he Waler -· .... ....,,n. 5400 No ,._., •· ,. JI bo 1 J 1 1.. ......... ENTERPRISES •Adults. oo pets 2 Br. 2 ba, pool. a dlt.s. no "cprtlttlllM:. ·-.-4 ~ .. n_nn 1u' ur m1tn)' car. Av••· u y •·,,,...,., 2 RdrmS3SO pets. $295. Call 673-0884 P.O. Boa n a. li'W'td•} 'Cll"M, '796 Coll Mtkt• mo Ifill! 4!U4d YOU'VE ARllVEO 2J'l3 Elden Ave.C M or646-7319 Enjoy S7SO.OOO spec . t.acular spa, 7 swimmmt: pools. 8 Ughted court~. 1JUles oC bike traila. p~ ting, shuCfleboards. Harbor . Wa~ln1t on Nt•.i. .1 1\1 .. )11rl11 S.">~lmf• Ml~tooll .,.._Vt.jo 3267 AT 645-7573 642-7605 IJ8250. C"utl~d c·u l l .t~t'11r,tri1k l\v111l111111o ll )M ~FOH IH:N1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 601LIDO 2 bdrm, patio. ('arprL. Um•ziw. t•~iH 11 :l•JI' 1 br l'nnod lrnm 0wns wct'l llo1111·' Ncwport'11 m o1>t tire> 144.'1 to "• t"n1•1l vu rd & :mr + ra1nll) nM11n' $17~> 11ugious high n se cundo 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 212 ACU.S UMOMS &.lperb )((1111 County lot· ~~ral' 11'c Rti.U u lull' Connt'<'\ l(lll 1714)~!19'14 VALLEY ('ENTER. 5 ll acna. 2.000 sq.ft .• 3 l\r -.!. Ba. M&f\Y ouu & P lllt>:< Quest ho use. pu11I & Jl <'UZZi, l-'amlly fr111 1 we 11 watt-r Tut .1 I sel'lus1on. $250.0-00 II) u wner. 7U ·7111Hi22.! 74!*-Jtt92 ltealfltate &~ 2800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Ver de 4 bdrm $50.ru> equity . t:xchan~l' for R. E. or ? ? 751 -3696. TRADE J>nme 0 C Propcrl~ for Auto Vacation Propert~ Orr.ct-rent St!n1Ct!S Call W.W. Juhn~un 834.1541i E. Qista Mesa 3br h ome 1.oned l'Omm. trade for nice Mt home. 548·4413. A<'res R-1 for excban~e Cent.er Rlaltolow prn·t· f lomes boom. Call M·l-' 3 toSpm Jon. 64.2-0212. -Real&tate WCMhd 2900 .............•......... I'll buy any property. :iny mn01t1on Top cash. <!·lhr holl.1n1: 213·435·3282 •....•..••............. Houses Evrnished ....... ~·~············· 3134 ...•.•..••..•.......... 3 b r Ho u se partl v IA"••lv .! llr • ondo" puul .-.u , ,t,, t J 11•11r1 pn ~ ' rd Mt"<U \'t'rd1• .ill't.1 J\ ... 1 .1 ~1'41\~1 J l~rm. J h.ilh wn.tu 11ml 1ll~vr d J.ioul !.. ).it u1 a 1\111~ llh. S'i5u 11111 :>as ~ ur 1S2 A>e> "lllO<l\t 11.ihh ~ hr I h.t. ;\II 1'1-..'1~ .!•'I & ~. 1-\noll. Mt t'l'l J>Jt>o> ~ ~.U~ b73 ~i ;{ Hr 11• liu f1rq1l ... •<!, J \,ul 1111\4 l.l·.i~l' m 1110 lu 1110 1";.Ill1~1;? \'.IJ<I II.th l..t:! ~71h'\I" '1~ h p.i11111'1l 'Hh W S.dt' ~;1U lllu 64b 7174 ·~ Qliet• 111.1 \~t ::! Bc1rm htt> rlt·n, 1 arµt"l::. lal.llld rm, frl.'~hl\ p1;1111t oo Sml tncd vurrl. tn·Ps. gur. WUl(!I' pd NI' 1)()1;s $450/mo, $700 movt>s 111 2659 U Oran~l'. 1)p1·11 Siil 'Sun I 4 PM !l6(J :r.1X!I t::l<'ganl m·w t ondu t • \I :1 BR :iti, •. JH Ot'l'olll f'"rplc. fnc·1I 1>al10 .1rl',1 2 flt>l'k:.. W U hookup tr:i.-.h 1·omµ Pool. jac-. tenn1~ N11 pNs ~00 n111 J.<:1.• prl'f !157 1:n.1 tlys ,'t !&! llihX~·1!'o ,\va1l m1" EAST SIDE Rrund rlt'w ln level :J hr, 2 tJa t11wnhoml" l"rpk, m1<0rOWi1\ l' :-.kyl1ghl, deck. Pool, tennis. n·1-. room. SWS mn, 646-42ti2 or64H·OU61 Mesa del Mar 4 lldrm. 2 bJ. ram rm. J)jt 111 lrll'd }d. 2 car J:.1r. 1111 l'<'h ~ mo ht ~ 1,,,, t lk pot;lt 9fi8Ml!lfi.'l Britt.in \ \\ 1111cl:o. 11 1·\\ twn.hm :1hr, ..!' ,h.i I 1pl1· :-.m fnt•cl ;II " p.1110 L'umm pool . l l'1111h , 1'1hl1.-. 9>-i~. mo "IO li7~1!t Mt~;i \ l'rtf1• I hr '! Ila , fam rm, l µ. wd liur . new 1·rpt:.. IJH' ~ J rt.I n11 pet:, ~5 1:;1 JWp funus h«1 w pool & vii 2 Br hou:.c w µJrai.:1· mainte n ance. $600. ha<'k y ar c1 :rn,;Ogle SJ5<J ~178 mo. 642·2464 -----Newpori Beoch 3 I 69 2 llr ho us~. I ncd "·' c·I\ ;··~:=·~:~~·;;;r:;.-~~>·r~ ;~~W~r:.'all.11 t· ~1:::1. 2b o pi e r & s l i p 213-Z10·4547. 213-934·0!1::!0 $75 mo + huuM·k(.·c111nl! ~pet·lat•ular ,.,,.,, ~n jt3lt· 55b-b.57ti ~ Unfvmished •••..••.•.....•.•...... 3202 .....•..••.•••.•.•..•.• BUDGET RENTS l::cunomy Sav(' i;:as + tJmC' IL-.c:. 1\pts Clg~ F Cnl ~ li<lch yard free 11111 S?il51 Br kids pool :1 llr h<•UM· 10:~5 W1bw1 F'nc<l hat·k vanl :!>ISO mu 1,.:1221~1. <11·an2 Hr. 111Jlurt· t111111I•· unh $1"141 • m.1n 111· 11 ............. 1h11tl11 11 Ill' p..i .•. i.: ,1••:r1 '<JI HJ,.'l" .! llr I H 1 1111 !IPh d1apt'" 11.11111 . g.1r:tJ?l' & Ii.: \.I'd $1°15 Curt 1.11 1:-1;1, .!111 l111u:-1" ~loo Notlul-!1' 1,15 \ 1dur111 ~.11, !t1u1 R •tr•~···' ,.11n11ltt'' ()pUootubuy' 1751114) wtt.h spectat•ular liay & "'"•"' k111, & 11~1' tU:N'l'IMf':Sti31 4~5 1-'t•t• ()('ean views On lht• w.•h'1>1111• <.ill lit~ l!'l0011r wat...r. l Bedrooms. J ff7~2:1r71 1\.,1 no lt·t· Mlwporl •Kh 3269 hat Ii~. T ot a l i:uartll•d ~ t"l~ll n1 :! h•-clroum t' dt-n $:'17~ ( 't'(JH1 & \4 10 11tM ho111t "'l\t' hl1wk11 lu lwac h l'rl\Ul ~ l.l'JI .:uru.:•· I u lh 111,1111 laml'\l vurd Atl11ll:. :\u Pl'IS loq1ure ul !1~7 tilth St m'l t 714 1000 t.:IJ I ••••••••••••••••••••••• "K"('unty \'ou·ve urn\l.."C.t , t't-:t:• Wt & C•lndu .11 601 Lido $1 7!>0 t>cr rt·nlJb V11lJ Ht>nl ub 111Ut1th 675 -1!11:! Hk1 Cote Really & lnve~l l'J\.'{r 111.t11"1·~J11r :!B,1 l pullO~. ::!'" l'al' 1!•11 wshr rlrv r rl'l 111! $l.5U mo <:!13 > &Jll 80:!1 640-5777 ;it7 lllh Sl I llH ;;:1,, b.1. J llr + 1' H J ha lll11fh SEA VIEW t-.:lt•g;.inL 4 BH. 3 lia l'l Hu) JI Model , i:rt':tl \'lt'W 24 hr "l'l' J;:tll'S, 1·omm. pool & ll•nn1s 'llUO :\1 o l.vn ll l' ltl~;)olOJ/631 ·34-14 • lplt., >illll l'UIH I )llld l'Ondu lk.•J.Ulllul ('CllHI Ill' 11 .. 1111 ~75 84ti 7\Nil µool il2.'> l'h 644 2t.o7 ............. I l\1 .!', l!.t hUllUb nu .I t .11 .111M1 "'I II 11t1 µt•lb -.1!Q ~.Vl'~ ~II hi!ll:l, ll~~4W ~:ll ~~t'h 4 Mr d h~, 2 c· a 1 g a r a .: 1• Ht·ach" 1ilk S650 1 Sl!lO move in dep. 962 5770 Ml 10 ht•u\·h. :J Hr 2 Ba, dun, uHice . :>l•w1ni: r m. frpk. hrd\\d firs thrunul, k'.111 r1::.h pond. i:ardcncr. H b1· 9 \.'iO m o !163-!l77K Cini~ ;! lt•fl lll'W :JIJI , <!' ·•b;1 h1111ll', btkt· tu 111 h l'ltt::.e lo :.l'l1h. & :.hoµ ptni; lligh 1111 •• hill Ort•lin hn•1.•1t• f rprl, p.11111 ltlt'rl ri·ur 'rtl Fm·1g\ sa1·111J.: ;111111 l'h.1.-.h t·rpt. d1'lh", ":11,·r & gardt·ner pd Ord~ $50mo. 846 Oti74. Dupll'X. 1112 ml le• <•1Ta n 2Hlt I ba, dmrng rm, lrpl<' $175. & :!BR I ha , t'\'lra lge rruJ btcr llH & l11rng r m. $47~1 <'.tll Larry or Gar) (' o:lti ti:IUO Supl'r 1H1ult cunno nr he<IC'h \.1 n n n<'rs t'ovt• .! bdrm 2 ha pool. JJl'U/11 -...11m,1 trnrll., & guard g.1tt· ~ mu I 1!13 !17'•7 l-.11·k B11ek & HelH>.' \ 'oml ·' :JBr 2Bu J.!!I I'. :)llHI El1•11 nl' k1td wn ~ 11< 17:J 1 11 1-Nfl Ml!:StiJI 4555 Ft•t• l'lcket F'l•n<·c Cotta~l'' <'-Omf.v2 Br! Patio' S<!R5 Tr~y area' (8424 I Rf:vflM ES631·455.'; F1·1· I Br.:! ha. cln. 1'111 dl• :.al'. "lk t o :.ehh & " \~1-..1mm<:trr l\1:tll S5:.!5 " grdn r 96J 2>\f!t, l242 ..............••••.••.• ll11n1 1n .:t o 11 ll a r hou1 huUSl' With 511' clni I.. :>l:.!IM> mo :1 Hr,<! h a. \lnl ha~ lot.1111111 at'r"'" I rom Ut• ,11 h 1 l 11 It :!13 !'192 :ll7i Irvine 3244 :I fir " k1ni:.s11l' m~lr hdt 111 & hath "' Homan lUh, lgl• f.1m rm w1frplc, 1·ftN' t11 compll'll' !'ohop ping ari•:i s."1'.iO mo. 1;;:102 N1mt'sC1r Call R:l:l·Rlll2 \~·can r'runl :.!111 I' :hJ . lrple erµh !1rJp1•., r<>Jn g Yrl} bl' :>100 mu fA2·344·3 Ykif~lo Avail Au..: I 4 Hr 21 ~ b:i Ol'wlv de ror 1-).p1t7. p~liu, 2 l"ar u r . No pe b . $1100 64().441:1() -nluffs rondo. 3 BR. 2·~ R~1 . pool. $700 m o t>'75·W.ll l 1U75 7413: IJoll te N?l BLUFFS BAYFRONT BEAUTY 3 br 2 ba. b;.1y Vll'W, prot decoralL'<I Comm pool. all )(aragc 1\ 1 ,11 I no\\ Si~~ mo lc~~l' 5-10 ~.505 ur !15.5·2199 New exclus 1 n• Big t'J nvon ho m l' for ll'tl"l'. s:fil.io sq.fl.. tJ bdrm. 51 ~ lia. M1n1m u m I y<'ar lease. $7000 per mo b l & last mo. + scl'linlv tic· posit. F'ma nt•ial ;l ak· ment T F.R Hi\ Flll:\I t\ RE1\l.TY !172 I IO:l Bl11fr,. 1ondu ltl\t•h. ""IX'' l'll'an .l fill . .! llJ :.: Car gar 1'1>01 '\ti flO'l~ 9150 Mu. r\J.!l'nl 1;.111 11mm 11\11 Mon;Jco. 2 bdrm. :! ba. dm. gurc.Jl'm·r . SG50 mo 645112'11! Panoramic oc1·a11 v1t•w, t'Xl'C to\4 nhoUM'. 3 BH. 2 12 ba, 2 cJr i.:nr. Ten rus. pool, sauna No pets S750 m o 9611 ·125 I . $1·.i833 * COMOO * 4 Bctrm. 1 liath. n r !Jciich Pool. lrnn1~ S700 mo &15-K.'t..'1 ti ll) 17 51 •CONDO* 3 Hdrm, 2 hath. or b~;n·h Pool. tennis. S700 mu t'A.5-8.123 ti·IO 1751 t ... c Hu~shorc:-. E\l'lll ... 11 l' Pvt Comm. w a1·tc~:. lo l\40 lovely be;;cht-s, :Jbr stud}. 2bJ home Cnfurn or pa n. furn. ~I mo lndds i.:ard1•nt•r A v:11l ~pt I f.t2 &155, 1f no an., 494·Z197 ---- HariMH' .Y ie w Hills Spar1ous 3 UH. fam rm tl1n111g rm. L gl' ',, rtl beautifully landsca1>t•1I ~ walled. Sl.000 Per mu Agent 64Q'..6500 NEWPORT TERRACE COM DOS 3 Ddr. zt~ S525/mo 3 &Ir 21 ~Ba. $550 11111 3 Bdr. 2~~ lia ~'> i:; 1111 • J lidr. 2''~' Ba . $'175 1 mo Cw Ocean \'tt.'" • 3 flclr 2' • B.1 ~ONI mu t I II erluoks l'ool 1 l.'h1ldrcn m:i ylJt.' µch 1111 lahOVt'I .! lxh .!' H.1 ~.1111 11111 t 'l11ldrt•n oktt' pt'IS ctl.,l\ t Jll John. Al!l n:ll l;!1t1, Sm Clenwinte 3276 •···•••••·•·•·•········ N1-w 2 story. oce~111 '1t'"" 3hr. 9125 mo. 77<H:12U Santa Ana 3280 ......••.•..•••••..•... COZY 2Hr hous~" ne;ir So Coast l'IJ/J l'.tll i:>I 8tlG7 Chl·ap! &Thal'.; :i Lid Sh<1wy2Br" GaraJ,!t•1 S:ll"I Kids JJCL'\1 1;ar' tf11J21 Hf':N'flMESl\31·4555 Fl·1• For Lca:.c. 2br, + de n. ,. famil~ rm Appl mdll lrnmat· cond. In So l'"L Pla za ,\n•;1 S/i25 m 11 Call 8 111 Wtl'W, Sl:1r Real E slale, 1:13t 8 188 o r 831·8191i. Westminster 3298 ....•...•.••.....•..... HOMES fo'OR RENT :J or I hr PnN·cl I rom $145 lu $.'i:.!.i. Fnc1I varcl It: J.! a r a g c:. F .1 rri 1 I 1 1• ' p lease. ki ds & p1•h welcome. C;ill 9&1 2560 ul' ~3-~I A~. no ft·t' Condominiums Unfurnished 3425 . ..................... . Di x 3 Br condo, palm. :! sty. S.175 Sant;l t\n.• 213 1451-4849. 1 M 149(1 111.1 lltmu~on lkach h11lt11p \'l('W. 4 br. 3 ba. If.!<' Ml'i patio. db l J.!Hl'UJ.!t.' Clulrlrun & pi:t:-; ok S7l)(I mo. flf>2-07iX. Plush l bd bach putl . C,Naet. pvt. 2ar, on bay nr IJch . S350 t mo Yr l y . b73-6336 eve!! . Laq~e 2br c hoice N n lucauon Steps 10 bch 673-9312 cwly rum lbr on 43rd Sl Includes parking. n •nl $375. no peLS. Broker Owner 551·100<>. TOTAL LIVING 1 Bedroom furnished Apartmen ts • Plu" 8eou1tlul Single. 6 2 Bedroom (furn 6 Unlu1n ) • All Ut1ht1es Prod • Sw1mm1n9. T.nnia. 81lhard• • l\ctiv1lu•f' l>11et101 ft•• Sundoy 8Nll<h • H .. alth Club> Scn.na, lacuna-. PLUS M UCH M ORC:• Oe.kwOC:"'· Garden Apartments New port Beach1North .100 It v1n .. JI lotnt l4J fi•1\·U' • New port Bea ch/Sourh I O!l ILth St Dover ot ILlf• 141 64. >II I Adults only no pers Models open da11v 9-7 ~nts Unfumished ........•....•••••..... General . 3802 •.......•..........•... AT LAST A llOM E RENT1\L SERVICE YOU ANO YOUR Jo'Hll::N DSCAi" FEEL AT HOM E WIT ll RENTIMES ,\ m e r 1 l' a · .., F 1 r ' t Complell' llnm1· Hcntal !-.l'n ll'l' Call 631-4555 Or Stop B) 1936 Harbor Bl lu•nl111ws Opl'n 7 Ua~' !•t'\.' Balboa Island 3806 . .........•.•.••....... lbr. fum unfurn Sndcl. Yrly uni) i\o ~araJ,!1• ilOO mo tl75·9:r78. Unique ro1.y I l>d1 m lk1yfronl :ipl. SIOO 6'Hl·071i:l 2 Br. 1 ba. cpt.s, drpi:;, no dogs. Ul5 mo 64S-7522 PlOtmo, 7111t·C W lllth. M7-4S79, Dena Point 1826 Bae~ from $369.SO/mo. 2 Bdrms. l bath aµt ••••••••••••••••••••••• AJ..so 1&2bdrm plans Adults S375. mo. t:a~ 2Br.2'hba 2story lownhouses p&d 642·5073 tux condo. fp, bar Lovi:ly l Br $300 mo. llf.2t Pomona Qwet area 838-8081. Agent Sharp. clean 2 BH . I ha , bltns. 2 yr old 4·plex. W i-1de Kids OK, nu l>l'b $350 G45·7479 evt-s & wknd.'> Spacious :1 hr. 11 ~ ba ·• l>I S350 F;imilv unit Pool ii. l'l,1yground Sundanl'I Wl'Sl Aµt.s. 1996 Mapk 1>12 1951 bet ween 10 & ::! Garden Vista Apt~ t~:aul l.Jr;md nc\4 I&: Br, frplc'. la undry 1 m lmmed U('l'UPY· $335 l< $t25 TI:il.. Mgml $175. J Ur. :! Ila, 2 ca1 ga.1 agc . yurd. W /IJ 11 -li Qwl'l l'Ul dl'·Sal.:. b .Sl(k TSL MJ.:ml 64<! 1w: .!Br " gJr. m·" ~ r11h W1r pd 636-1120 1.:,pm .!111; ·u· Plal·cnttJ SJt111 ~ II P lael'nltJ ~Ill 2 llt . .! bJ. "'°' '" rel n i.: V0QJ. _Matu re .1dlt~. !I• IA"t:, S\25. &IG :!<JU l N~W :I Bdrm. 2 billh w11l1 pa1l-.lnl! GJS l'Jtrl S\'i01mo. ti73·2113 2br. I' ~ba. rerurh1sh1•d t/wN. Adults only. :".• Pc·~ Sl5Qmo t ~ec d\·p :>II !lti8:J pool /spa 11496-2661 __ .:....__ Bach apt ulll paid 1225 mo. 661 1192 tt.ttitqon .. ach 3140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SllARP, beach 1.2 & 3 DR. frplc. dishwshr. ~aragc & pa110:; No p e t s . 900.::!l.''111 Seawind Village :--;i:w 1&2 bdrm luxury adult upts 1n 14 plans lrum $W0 + pools. lt-n· ru~. waterfalls ponds ' ca. .. for cookmJ,! & heal· 1111! p:i1d ,Fr o m San Diego 1-"rwy dn\·e North on Beach to Mc Fadden lhen West on Mr F'addi:'n to Se:aw1 nd V illage <714 11193·51911 *DELUXE* GARDEN APT. 2 Br. Adults Oftly 1 :i p1iu1... • Covered car Port pauo aµt:. .• U8 1,fs d o:.c lo fwys & bch.-. walk tu shopping. 171 I I Gokknwest atWonwr 847-6064 Hidinqt0tt Gr°"ado Elc.-c. kit<'h. pri v, palm:. & hal<'o nies, c rpts. dr aperi es. parking. elevator... Al t'ash1on Island. Jam bon•r & San Joaq u111 llills Rd For rcnllll information 714 /644-1900 2 Br. 2 ba <'Ondo. '2 blk L• bcad1. 2 car gar., :iut.1 opnr Bl>aut. bay view TSL Mgmt 642· 1600 NF.WPORT HEIGHTS Qwet, cool 2BR. pout pat10t>, adult:;. no pcl~ SES Mgr · 642·7340 New 3 R~ 3 ba spur lwnhome. t'rpk. tenm~ pool & spa Nr bch. $695 !146· 1676 Newly pamli'd & carpcleil I Bdrm. I bath w,pal1tl OJCwcrucnl loc $3501m11 631-1400 Large 3 bdrm. Xlnt lol'.1 lion Newport He 1ghlb ~9314 Lido shoppmg-qwl!l art"i.I 3br .2ba upper, i.:ar & sun dk $535 yrly 67!'1·11170 -------Lu.1'unous 2br condo 111 pr1~11i.:11>u-. 111~ Canyon /\JI !ht• lutri;t amc mlll':> 1ncl<1 suhti•rrane un secunly .1:arai;:,., lenn1' c t ~. v oo l ~. Ja e 3 llr <•PIS tamily com pl1·x . µool ni:ar s hop pm~· no pt.•ls &I:.' :!20!l ------- I llr lra1kr-SIQ~ • u111 '" 1IHhln•n1.r µt•b 1:11 F llilh SI 1~2 !11!!:1 -----m1t·rowJ1 e oven ctt· VI! Dl' n1'" :!hr :!ha. 1\\J1I lnr I \r b~· 58511 hhin<1 l!.ir palm. Nt'<tr mu l\11p..•h 213 92X·lll4 I Wr. IB:i , ~JU mu bl bl l'l>ls, ctrp~. lndQ 1·.1rix11·1 2111\ & I\ E llilh l'I .. ~I 1~152 'lit I 1wb .! II r I • , B J . 11 1 r l' ne1ghoorhuod. av;u l J uh I $4U5 54 li 18711 !ti tiJl 5567 .e&liBllU th1• lllh S3ll.'J K>lti l!l!ll I Br I 1~1 • .! lilks l rom "illl'f. no pt·h S:I()() 2:!5 l~h ... I >S-12·0355. 536·822!1 I 8'ock to Oceon 2 fir . 2 ba , lrpli". :! 1·;ir )!ara)!t• /\du Its only. no pc:Lo; ~ mu Ask for 011·konl~ 962 bl!'>-1 4UZ 16th St I BK. I ha \\'atl i :l S3ZS ~tj 7961 ;\t·w be.i llll I u I ,1pL~. 111>01 ~ ~PJ 11111.i..•L' l!J nl.·n IA11.l'l~ .ill adult nu tJt•h 1\tlulh I .!. & .I Ill< .1pl~. i.200 t-;11 IOJ,!t'I f 111 li-<lti Clt)l'J fla ('h1•l11r s.!hj I 111.·dnmn ,1.11, :.! llc·dnwim I 1 )\;1 r.· ;!,!..')() 'v ~IOJ,!U:t rd W ,I\ 5-t0·9621i . TIH:<~A H !.1-.:-. .!Hr\\ g;1r \clulh 1111 - 1lrr1-. r.1nJ.:t'. tn1 ti 1.11 l'.l\ul \\'att•r pd <;;1.;11 .! I J 7 · <; · • ll r ,, n ~ \ b3f, 11 ~~1 I :, ()\JH'l ~111~·11· I hr rlupl1·\. <''1>L'. n~. k1td1 , rrl :J.10 l·l11w1•r rl';ir 2Br 11 ·l\:1 . dsll\1:-.hr. g,1r . 11.11111. 5'11!'1 m11 \\.tlk tu hl·h l llr I',. 8;1 , 1111ll' garaf,!t' ::;J5l1 mu !ltill ~'i.21 I 'on<l11 ,I hr .! 11.1 tlt•lt"' I ('Mh. pool & spJ I CHI"' l•I fl•:ildl ~,l.llJ ~IJ ,!;I It• SC'l I Hr :?1 • HJ l0nn1t.11n \clla l'at·1111· SIP••· cl11i.-~Jr.II!•' l 111f•I' It'll r1i' 11 I n11l1• let t1l 1'ot1I bl2 7:.:J:~ l.ri.? :lhr .!'·•Lia. Fii. 1,irtl. I lnl I 1110\ tll't'.1 ;1 CHI flr11ukhursl q:_!, l.llXJ ISl.t-: ll,\'1' f l<ONT :! llclrm (',1tahna \'1e" 9ll5 l)\!r mu G3l 3230 E,\STllLU F F b l' t•on1l11 :tH ::!',I\ µa.1111, pool. cl11 "krnl t•vc'> i&:1 0980 Stn.; Hachelor Apt. 11 ~ b lks ll• on·un Avail no\\ S25<t mo bi5 b775 l~·au11lul IJrl!l' l br. frplt Bav Vie"'· Adult:. onh '.'lo°rl·t~ Sl50 673 )It 11 Sm Juan Capistrano 3878 .......•....•....•..•.. .\iF'W T"'11h!\1• f>OOI. walk 1t1h1:h :.:Br + <k n i\\',111 1mml'il (':ill l!1t;.t;0Ji Scinto Ana 3880 ................•...... Spacmus <! br .ipt. nc" l rµt. t'J") .tlC t·~~ 111 I~'~ SlllO mu :.Xl·Uiil, .JI h p,, 1l .. 1dl' t'tindo :! 11r 1' ll.1. clhl garal-(l'. S . Coa~1 l'la1.:1 areJ . Ifill !J7!l·55iO ~I H<tt h kids Pl'l" Si285 2Br kid:. f>t'h l!ar ~l0 2Br kids .ippli;.i1111·~ S32S 3Rr kids aµpham·1•., Sf7531Jr j!ar pool pc;1111 sim4Br kids pool SIO.'i4Br k1do; pct., ,:.11 C,ll.Ut'I :! 111 I h:i. l'r1l' 1!:1 r ll('W 1•pl µnt Sl V, jl\'I ~ c ti "\n pcL<,. I d1 Id uk S:l>l:i :.::.:11!4 If) I l'IJ1c11t IJ .• 1;,7~ '111 1·: l.1\1\ES llra 11d new l on do <! IHI rm 2 b.i !''l:!!l mo 213 131 ;JlllR All tipm BLUFFS. 1850 sq.ft . 3 IJR twnhse on l).!1' gr('e ntwlt Only S75<1 1\\a tl 7/l!l Ruth t.aur11.:, aJ.(l ~43i!O Coronodel Mar 3822 I >H1\NI; ETH !-: 1-: ('();\ nn ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'lt'an 21Jr. Ilia 1111 qu11•l l\1c•<,;i \ t•rdl• l'lll (Ii-'·" Enl'losl•ll ga ru itt• s.:n ;, rnu Isl ,. l:i~l )(pt .. 4\11 l\JJU a ft 5 ;~11. •l!llli' :l llr . .! b:1 tov.nhou~. t~:-11. l'luhh1111~t·. near ~·· l'ou:.l l'la1a S<lliO "'" 75'Hil20 557-0825 I h•m<'fi11der~·:-;IJlt· \\uh· STOP ARE YOU FED UP WITH IT ALL If yi;ur knurkles :in• raw from knockinl! If )our car 1s about out of gai- \'our nerve:. <ltl· .:ctlln.: frayctl i\nc.J you nt>cd lu move fasl CALL RENTIMES l!. START PACK ING 631 -4555 HOM E AND RENT AL APT S PECIALI STS Open 7 Days 9.7 Fl'<' Cap1trano Beach 321 8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Luxury run ocean \'le\4 condo. Dana Bluffs. :l bdrm. 21,2 bath. Pool s auna, Jac uui SiSO 493-0000 llc•;I\ 1•n I ';m \\ .111 ' t-1;,-.h~ ;!ArJU.i I.vi' ~1:,u Slo\1· lln•11l,11·• ' 11>11;1 l<E:O..Tl:\11 ::-.tk.11 ta'.i:1 h-1· S.tll'ly \'u11rl'111·111~111 l'1111 :!fir' Yartf ' S:l:.!.1 ll1tl!C g,11':1J.!1" 1,.111;p t< l·::-.hl'lM I-:~ fi31 ·'1:i:1.1 l-'•·1· S-<15 Mo :Wr, fnnl ~rl. '"·Ill 7 l!l 1\dll'i l ~l 1,.1 ::01.:,.J 't·1·11ntv. ~>Cl ('h•a11 111.I! 7!lb W. W1h.nn S('nd rt•ntal appht·alwn, 111 (1t1ss1f1cd Ad :i.i~. 1>:111\ P1IOl PO llo' 1:>00. Co.,t:t Mt-sa, CJ 92626 3 Br 2 Ba. dmmJ,! rm, n·1. rm. 2 ci1r .:arnl!e. rei n!<(, Sf.50 Avail .Julv I li42 95'1:! • ·------S395 2 BR I Ila + t?Bru~e Easts1de newlv dccorat ed & upgraded Non smoken.. 110 pets. lst + last + S!OO Sl'l' 64b·88ll. agent ·------ Corona def Mar Deni Point 3226 3222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·················-····· Cumeo Highla nd 4br, cumplelly remodeled. 9f75. 759.0905 Lovely 2br. Iba. d in rm. rrplc. SS50. Adlt cpl. n o duld or pet. Lse. lst. last + dep. 644).4999 2 Dr. 1 ba w /fi11rage lmmed. occupanc), 673-4948 3 BR. rrpl.1 patio, no pets. Wulk to sboi>& & beach. Sim. Agt.. 673·53.'W Newly remodeled 2 Br 2 Bl W/bll·ln dishwasher . Chamben1 oven etc. 2 blkS lO beach. Yrly lse ISSO mo. tat & la s t Muha. no peta. 875-5968 C....MIM JZZ• ....................... .EAS'l'SIDE.. 2 8.R. 1 Ba, rpic i*Jo, '400 mo. No peg.In.an POINT NIGUEL Private community, pool. tennis. walk to beach. n rnnd n<'w 4 bedrm, 21·, ha, fam rm . fenced yd. $700 mo REGENT REALTY 831·3l l4 or 496-9501 House for Lease Danarohtt Clean 3 t)r, 2 bo. sunken living rrn, for mal dining & f a m ll y r m , new landscaping. Kids & pets ok. ~ mo Ca ll 955-24 73 8amto~pm Mon-Fri. r:a..tw. Valley 1234 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vt1carrt extt home, 4' BR, plu.'h c~tl.01. ovcr - abied lot. Close to)choola & fwys. l600 mo. Agt. 962-4471 RENTALS I Bit, I ha . :r;:, :! BH. :.! ha f."11l41 .? HJ(.:!' IM "71HI :1 1\f( . .! h,1 '(.olJO !UH :11m. 2 1 11.1 ~ii!l 2 111< "ha ~175 ~~10 S.111Ul•rl11•n11• '+523 CAMPtlSD~·IRVll'IE •doculorVu on Hanchn San Jo:1t1uin golf l'OUrsl' 2 hr , :! bu t·ondo t d1•n w wH bar 1nC'I Wa~h dryl•r. alcov<· & 2 e.ir l'ncl guraJ,!c Comm. pool SiOO mo lsl. lc1st & S200 secur. Days 547-1345: eves 559 ~6. Ava il July l New view condo ,\ 1C. pool. Jae. l1•nn1~. 2br. 1 ba. St25 mo. 1137 · :JllG.1. Irvine c·ondo for n•nl. llxirm + loll Air Pool . lcrlntS. $370. 559·5120 :Jhr l•;xcc· tnwnhou~c W /f(Olf !'OUr Sl' Vil'\4 S 8 5 0 m o 640-1212 1640 tl883 New 3br, 2sly twnlc.c. c ul· de-sac. nu drp:., crpl. pool. nr pu rk $4 95 962·7462. Unlv<'nnty Park The Tcr race. 2Br, 2lia Cardiff Comm . pool. Close to everything. $.510. S.'il 2.140 ~a.och 3248 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yearly rentals MSO m o & IC). Reoaiasa.oce Mobile Home P r o p e rL&e 1 ~16 tc.. near new 3br. 2ba home, beaut ocean, Catalina views $67 .. 497-1037 ..,, IJIX) ISLE 3 RH h-.1 .. nr\l l11•ac·h 11.:nn1-. l rt" ('h1ldrl'n O h \\'111 fum1sh s1mo ll7:l· lfl57 Nrwport t'rl'<;I I Brlrm St•nkrn I.I( fr1>l. 1 ha OH. lam rm P1w>I & kn Ill!> Sl.50 &12 I :l71i l':Xer ccmclo Oltl Blurt-.., :1 BH. 3 ll:1. I abul11u~ itrnhlt Inc l'erft•1•t contl $'i:itl lse tl44-7:J15 NEWPORT CREST 2br. 2h.1 nt•w unit. I :-!Qt! . no pch $700 mn mo~ 541111 Bluffs. pool J,oveh 3 llH. ram rm . 'll'W. S Wiii M () Ag<•ntr.i.1 0134 Suprrh flluff, t•o r11l11 spar1ow; 4 BR. 3 ha 9nl Mo r .. 1.1 113:1 1\~1 TuplC'x. 2 br. I h11, patio. gar . nu cpl:.. noormJ.: & piJlnl 1\tllt:-. Nn n1'1!' Sl75 1\73 7315 Park l..idu lo" nhouse end urul by O\\ ncr 3 llr. 21 , ha. pool , l'lcc ~:i ragl' St 13,750. Mfi·Ol47 Slci:xo; ln the llc• 11 d1 • N.inny2Br! (;1m ll!«'' ~50 Kids /pets wl'lt·um e • !6123) RENTIM ES631·•1555 l"l•c 4Br. I' ~Ba . lse I yr $5l!5 mo. Shown 4 f.PM :l!U Undo Ave Clllh St l Newport 's Jo~in('sl 2 Ar . 21."lba. highly upl(raded c o nno l n <'lud e:. Cplsldrps. !'olOVe/refng, W1D. compnl10r. dws hr. frplc, lots or mirrors Pool. jar, sauna. 2 car gar 3 blks lo ocean $625t m o Wk nd 1cvc 7 l t I ~ ii 0 :I 3 ii 2, cl y s :n3/9(1)·1811 ILUffS I STORY "1 .. lnda" 3Br. 2ba. 1111 ne w d eco r S ll~O lal /laat •aee. l\g L 54G-ZHJ, ~-3828 Uni. 2 bdr Ounaolow Nr bch. $500 2 m0$ J uly l. Sept. l NB H llh l s 64$-0736 2hr. Iha. l cnn1~. puol .1rl ult., tWl· 3GAA ~nts Furnished .......•.••••••...•.••. Bolboo Peninsula 37 07 ····•··•••··•··•····••• Summ1•r rrntal, famil11· ... I hlk loo1·1-.1n or l)a\ :!ht Iba ~'ill \\1•t•k 1\\:111 .111 ly & 1\ut: r...t!l .. l:!li2 BaC'hl'lur apl h t bl 4 l'l<'amng ~5 vrlv ht• "2i~ mo lii5 Ol:l!12 Costa Mesa 3724 .•.••........•.•...•... SUSCASITAS SXXJ Furn lg I hr & I n •J! lir s:!75, l•nd g,1r ,\clulh no pct:-21 ltl N1•\\ porl HI => ll'I · 4 !Jii8 ~a Beach 3748 ..... ~ ..........•...... l.1\l;l'NA Bt::AC.:11 :'ll'l'H INN :\1rucl M'P . c·ol111 rv. ht•JLNI po11I l 11 I I 71 114!1 I 529·1 1Ul5 '\ 11 l'o;c,l ) l'A ~ f .rg \' 11.'W Sl url Ill S:l~ I lfl dd uul t>ltlt•r. nun s moker 1<11 771R OCt-:ANF'RONT P \'I lwh Arcommodall' I\ .11111'>. avail now S1 100 mo. 111' 1000 mo. yr l~l· 642· 11102 ----- L.ARGr-: VJF:W STUDIO $345 l nrludl'S ut1llllt"! Olde r n o n !o mOk l•r plca.sl' 494 7718 Newport .. och 37 69 ·············•········· WE HAVE SUMMER HHT ALS TAKINli RESERV A T l ON!-. associated ··· I AOKEllS llElll TOl!S lU/', 11¥ Oalb•·o •I • IU l SUM MER Kt;J\ITAl..S Bv tbeweek. now 11va1I AL~ Wtnter Rental• Nof~ Aiicnt 67$·8170 L.tdo, qweL pal10 bachelor, okler 11cntleman. uul ptl 128.5 lse. 6'75-3609 Fh>nl tlupll•x. :!' •br 2h:i rf1'IC.:, <:Olllhof llwy .l\;tll m1tl .lul~. s.525 l~l & la'l , Sl.'111 tin cl1·p 1\cl11lt ~ no llt.'lS 673·03.)!I :11lr, 2ha r1n·pl.111 • gJr;IJ!l'. :>"ii~. alt ~ m:1 l!1t:J:! 3hr, ::!hJ , Condo l'ool '' So Csl Pl:.11a S1!lo &15-'i57:l DIAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES 2 BR . :! h<1 .. sorm• \It'"' plu~h carpi:'h hit 1n ~ rdn~ .. frpl<' ~unclt'l'k, :! 2 Ill{. nt•w f\• <ll-c·ur 11. ,.,1,. J!,1r S:-1~,0 i\1o Agl'nl Jl.tlll•. 1!;1r , l.11111dry :'loo tii381~ 111·1,.. .... 111.111 c·h1hl 0" ~Uj :~lh-!1.lf10 1~1rJ?l'1 hr. frplc p1 t rool I t•mpl'c1 1>1:rson, Nu !'111 lcl •>I' pc•I ~ :l!IO Le a M' l>lt)..\~1. :! Hr I Ba lnwnht1UM'. 1>11111 clc•c·k. t•m-port. atlulh. nu µl'l :. t.c·H~l' S l511 fi7:1-Rt'Ol 673·0473 --- Costa Mesa 3824 ••···•···•·······•·•••· ::THA l'l.N. • Wtll <·on :;1dl•r I d1lcl. S:l 1 ~.. t rsl last 1SHIO dep. mm lo ht•h <752 H .Sha l1m.1rl Crlf..R!Yl2 or 53tt· 1~7 ME.SA VERDE hort1l' al mo~phere 2&3 h r di\ a(ltS. no pels. 546· 10~ UMAMCHAAPTS Larl!C. 1,2&3 bd .:ur<len apts. Ad ult~ U~hwhr. l>ltn.,, encl gur, g:n; bhq l'ool. Gas Pd. 778 Stoll l'I 642·5073. 645·5611 I.;! nt•\4 1·nndo .1 111 . .; ' h.1. 2 l'ocr )!ar 1. ll'"' U\l'r 111011 "'l It. 1.1;? 2'J71 El..l.I\ l'C 2 RH . 2 ll.t t" nh~·· 111 t.•1 n ft(• C .\1 lilt' & Ill I Ill m.1t 1•11ml 1\\ a ii "''" ' $17 ~. l';ll I I 7!"~ 70ti2 CH r;,\'l N ~:ll; 11II<rn11001> :!br. :!ha 11r OtT. """" 11111);, l'\'l'C'.' lhlll).!, "''l' It 110'-' "175 l'.Jll till• 1;:,; 7m .l;11nl•:-SI A1i1 (.' I hr hll n., h.tlt ''"' S:!i .; \clull~. 1111 lll'l:> !li!I 11111 'l:7tl Eld1•n Sil5t1 mo NEW 2Hr S 111d111 111111 w fq1h' Ii; 1•al10 11 •ll:t 1llx k111·hm. /\i,.'1 !17!1 :.c~l!J 2hr, 21Ju. nt'w l''lll'l. flrp:- nr So Cs! f>law Atlull!'> No I'd.-; $3tj5 962 95 1 It Mediterran~anVillage •Beamed ceilings. wood paneling •G rasscloth .wal !cover ing •Fireplaces . wet ba rs •Dishwashers, walk -in closets •Balconies. patios •Park-like landscaping •Swimming pools. j~CUZZl •Lighted tennis courts •M inutes to freeways & beaches I llOROOM lllHOOM&~ 2 8" -2 Ill TOWMHOUSt /\dulls Only Rurn . No l'el' Orfice Open Daily 9 to 6 G} 1114, 111.aozo . 2400 Harbor Blvd" Costa Mesa, Calif. :!ht 1lupll•\ Ne~ '"'fll•·h l,lln1•t rn..1turi· at.Ill., :"\o Westminster 3898 f"·t~ Kll Z85U. 536·3658 •••••••• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • llr ~ h,1. t'lll I µ;i t111, 11wl l!·•rJl!l' i\dult:- ~r.:, ··1,11;: Brnokhur~l '•.;!tl';.X111 1'.!t;11 1:1(! Xl;xl lmn\11· 1·u .. 111m t hr 1; hlk-. 111 lwh vuragt· r!'I n t.: lrt•t• l.iund n & m11r1· •\1~111 7 l!ti Stral!!hl or J.!•11 I II-: $'IOO !~).51 I:! Wnlk tn lw:1ch, hach hkt· nt•\\ 't 111 t' & rl'I ri c S!lll \111 111!'1 u11l 530 2i:-1•· ~111\511 i\Trtt.\l"TI\ t-: 2hr. :!h<t ff1Jlt. gJt Adult,, S:Htl Ask for M .1ek. 91i2 7iKIS 3844 ..........••••.•.•...•. Sll5 llninµt'I r1•1· I Hr t Iott A (', r 1'fr1µ. \\:t:o.h1•r ct rH•r "'"''· ll'n 111 :-. ,\dull. 1111 p l'l:- 8; 1.1· 3.1( r. Laquno Beach 3848 .•..••................. 2 llr O<'l'an vn•w. nl'W t•rµl & pa mt \'cr,1. C'lcan ' ~'I ~!l l ll«iorK:l.1·8917 Or1•anrronl I lir. ycH r ruuntl. S4!15 1nl'I ul tl r,_..Hl:l:!l , 494·1891 North c·rn1. 2hr, 2b~. lu:. un .q il I!! l<.'rrut•t•. panorJmll' ocean Vil'"· m ,, l ll r t· a d u I l :-. lll'ft•n•n<'l'~ No pelii L~as<' S650 mo 494·~7 LocJino Hiiis 3850 ••••••••••••••••••••••• La~ I hlls honw ofrennJ.? 111iv b11rh i1tud1o·dl.'n. or becl r m /b 11 t h r e n t a I ll.:'llp sn it I. ma le onl) Call 051 3221 ult 6prn Hewporlleoch 3869 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~mall but ror'V I HH. 1827 w U11ltK1.1 · No 3. nr bt'~Ch $3i5 Lt'd SI! l\va1I 00\4 Gl!H l66 ;? Hr, 2 ""· tlt•n rond<l t.01. t>ly Ntlt lkh 11rcu t'l11 to ocn w a Y1cw. Interior dt<'rl r s nl'llghl 1 No l'h il dren or pdli . tl75/mo. Call 640-S&ll. 2br. ll1.e. upl \\'a lking db t:int·1· 1t1 hui. 7 :.hup11ln)! °'lltl•' 'rrl 1-: G 1 lhcr1 !~ 11~7 ~ 1:11.i ----Apartments Furnished or Unfvmished 3900 ...•.••.....•.••....... Tiit-: f:Xl'ITIN(; PALM MESA APTS :\11Nt 'TF'$ TO :"'PT RCll H.H·h. 1&.2 rm I rum S<!.55 & up \rlulL<: 1'.o 1w1~ 1561 :\k:.a Or I~ Ulk~ l::asl or Nl'\4 110r1 Bht11 :>:im 5pm 5-iti !111<;11 NATURE LOVERS Adult oportmenh ""Hed omon<J toll, frq· C7'Clnt piMs & rushinq streams. •(;,m :.auna ~ • l•noi & ~pa!'o • W a I k c n 1• I o .!> I' t s •Tim,• !>a\'l'r l..1ll'hcns •,\ir 111n<l1twnmj! ·Ot.·111r;1tor Jt'l't'nl:. TI11s 1:. •1t1ltloor hi in{! Hl ti~ he~l'. PACIFIC WOODS tfiJ.iO llsrhor lllvll. i-· V 2 Mil~ No. of 405 Fry 839-2 140 2 bdrm I ba unfurn SJt)5 mo I lidrm f\Jl'n Sl70 mo ul1I paid Prd Mature. quie t adult!! f'u pt.'l. ... Co6lu Meso S48·768il ...---~- 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1<.oom w 1k1tchcnct\c $72 Wl'C k & up :>48·9755 ---Occ11nfro nl prh ·. r m , 11tpnr11te cnt r. no k11d1 prlv .. N?fnlt in rm. yrty Avail Ju ly I. D y>. 6.11·0436. /\11~ ror Bob. E\'el 00·37:11 Rm, priv a.. quiet, Ute privllelt.'S , re(s. Rec nri SUi.'i. 751·7908 • . ...__ ._ ...... _ _.._ .. ~...-.....;_ . ._._...,-._,...._ Suncllly. July t. 1m "' •+ : 4HO ....................... . ....... • 11mc1•at1 5100 '--n•· USO, HtlpW..e.d 7100 HelpW..t.d 7100 .._. 41M ......... 41H Cfll91iiiW 44qo (]-............................ -·--~············ C•nt ra l Co1U Men . 8"ora1• o.r wor kabop. _, aq I\ or hall. 20t aqua.nt root IMM768 "',...._ .... ty 1001 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ............................................. . • " .................... l ~bold help~ ca're for Ttula Shop. Xlnt ND elderly people. •FOXY LADY• OUTCALL ONt.. Y ACCOUNTANT/Wit ACCOUMTIM4t Pft•..U.. •wk MJP.to•aar2•a-.. _,Sq. n. Prim•*•· •t.,.. adlt. DOit-Ill ...... ldJ. M fPll. U. bl&W 2 frwY1 , will 1•olrtr, Ul·llH. ~ divide. l4* Buch 81. .,... Wutmln1ttr, call .:;;.;..;.;;;.;.;.. _____ -1haale 14, Nib room· _..or-.lllO ....,.. room • bllll In rm'-. .. ,.,., N.8. area QUI, NNr Buch. C.11 IJO.MJS day, 142·1410 Prof. olc. apace av11I In ~alU wtd)'t. ft9. Calif. lit Bank Bldrc 150 SI yr okt woman rt'ln<"ol liq. ft. Low priMt lMl1 Janitorial. seru rllv l«\lte411. conf l"fll 4< ulll Canv loNltlon 230 ~. 17111 Q. C.M 642-~ __ . __ MIWPOIT ll VO. (' M . olnct' &l)UCt' ~l!i 7141631·56M. ~13 /MtlZ 1111117 .__.._._ ... •oo lng frutn .:.t'\t w•nt.11 t<I fia ar__. ... llhr home or apt Noo 1'111,jc A <'ONlrUt' h~I :-.o l.ai;cun1t nrw hu1hl1111: •••••-•••••••••••••••• 1mokt1r. \'lUY KO•n•l Fontll:r haunt ot .movl1.1 T»Cll98. tp"eata. Pvt. Orun Potnt Ma.t fantutk vltiw of t\lm~to sbr 3 Hrdplx. L •It u n » . C u a t o m N11t lk h. $.1"3 + ulll fwnlture. Sips ~ ,\Siuli. ~ OUl3 only. S54>0 wci-k Jul)'. fl\•\lut-;H nn•11nrr11n1 ~; 499-4673 1,,...., 10 11hr ~· mo Complt!tt'ly lurrHi.ht•d t 'l'mP"'f'd 675 6611 ~y Nllllll6. ~00 & up Sa n C lt•m\•n l1• 8e111:hro mbl'f ll fl} 49Ml01 l"('H & Nl·wport UI \fl $r!!il> lnl'ld uttl. tlur11g1" pool ~2632_' -- ----" on .• u -f em NOffiffiJtl' "dlllt'<I Lovely furn. -0 • :-a w ~hare hou:.t' nr bt'Jl h den dupll'x wut N1•wl) 1-· • decor'd. perfeC'tly louit non. ~mok cr ·''" l'd at Ba I boa Pe nm Pt l:H(}.<iWS _ _ _ tsl umc ~ i.ummer n•n i:.rnployt.'d l'rol \I or I-' tal. Only ~t cp:. frum Condo $225 + Ul I sand. Avail J uly 15 Scpl h l las t dep P ool . 1.5. S2000 mo lnterc~lcd Jll<'U.Ut t>it).4780 part1e:. call beginntnl! ---- Mon June 25 befort' !lam Mother w 6 yr old boy \l Ill &aflertipA'l. 714 675 889'J !>hare her ·I br homl· ----w 1 an o t h c r m a I u r c Laguna, 01:,•anfronl pn\ woman w 'no C'h argc b l' a C' '1 . f I !< h I 11 !? Can haw br & bath of her wt'd..ly mo W1nl1•r own Mature woman tu fWll·~.4!l9·31HG he 111 hm durtng c\':. Li: 3 Ur h 0 m 1., 1u 11 ~ wtulc mother 1~ w11rk 01! fWTUShl'1:l. I m1 fr.1111 IJl'h 1ughl i.h1fl !fl!I :!12!1 !in50mo !Jtil:t :ix.w l'\'l'~ llmrt'l;.1le Ill ~hr 2 ~:r. :!' ~ --ha. Ju.x D:ina Pl «undo i\djat·ent lo l.11111· l'<t 1111· Q>rona llt!at•ht·~ :?hr. :.!h.1 \\t. frpb, p.11,il 'JJa. ,.:.ir & bar!. lmml:d oc1•t1p\ home. Ir)! ) d ~100 "k 5:J6-UJ l :J 67~ 1:1:11 C.all4!Jh 2tiill ____ _ e\~1wknd:.. ~s 3 BR. 3 b<J .. Ol~nfront. for eftt 4350 N.B. S750 Wk. 1\\ Jtl ••••••••••••••••••••••• J une 30th to J uly l llh . G:iragt• lor n·nt Lai.:~na also: ~le~ 1o._.l~:11·h. 2 lk!JC'h. S50 mo. {all BR.lba.S2SO "k 1\\i.lll L>.irhne 61d ·ll61 thruout i.ummer ,\gt 4\U 3R72 __ ~-3-_3663_ WA.'lfl'EO Gar.1J,!l' lU n•nl Balboi.t l~lanct ~1111 h llJ \ Ill East:.1dc C ~1 t-ur F'r<lnl I l.1drm 1n11onnf,! _:-11.iral{t• 631 92:>9 __ "1th :.luff .I uh tii:l l(!ltill 4400 Offic~ Rental ()C J-:i\:'\I FllO~T I.g t· ••••••••••••••••••••••• .tBH. ckn. J h,1. '.1 1 rph:-, :! ~ l~I ~fl II 11"' , ,.., pJlll~lill~~ i~1!l ll:!O thtlrly L;1g 11n.1: :.uh 'II B :.urnm•·r r\'1H.tl 1111 beath a\ :HI no" .! 1 hr apl:.. ViJ ~If~ ;, ~IOU "k tii5-~16. &I:! 11.!I \i<lf~t~•IJ:> Hav Vrl'" r1•r· r:J1°l'<1 tt\'l·r sand\ twn<'h .!Ur. :!Ila "'·"' .• Juh & \ugu~l H1·f 71'\1 <'all ti7J-1177U, .1n\11m1· ... di 1:u 1•r.!!i on>-1;, wx .. I. I u u I s l. E ' I' •• I funu~hl'CI 3Ur. :!ha. SH.oil Jul}. Sll:IOO AIJgU!>l 1\1-!l b7J..1020 BAYFRONT :1 1.Sdrm. 2 b..i. xlnl U:• fl>ua blancl I01'Jl1011 ~il)O "'l'l.'I. t»1 :1513 \1.lJly rJ,1al!. J\Jtf md .J.lmo:,l &:l0Jnfron1 :! UH. :!hJ t-;ml:rJlrl ll,1\ Tum~r \-.,111• 1!11 11 ii Vexation Rentals 4 2SO .••••.••...•........... llou:.t· for ren(. ll1g lk•ar Oly :-1~ Ii. lmt·1i:-lu111 ~ nJti.>I) pr qll (':d I after :J p m. 5-iH· I :111H J.ri,: B11! &•ar l';1htn -.fps 10. Walk to lak1• SHIU" k i\oo mo. & "knrb C.111 5"10-fi837 ACCOMMODATION STATION LAKE TAHOE f!.cnts condo~ & homt·:. comp I. furn t rum S3!J S01n1te 11(1,\T DOCKS. Gt\S & murh morl'1 Box 1141 l. ~ l.k Tahoe Ca tlS70l! 191615 41 -2355 llefttals to Shore 4300 •••..••.•......•.•..... Mo~mg·! /\void dl'll<l~tl:. &. cut Into~ l'XPt'n'l'' · Prorcs~1 on<ilh ~•n1·l· 1971. . HOUSEMATES 832·4134 ------ Newport Bch ~17 <! Ult 2 UA Util mcl. pool, tcnn1~ fl46.7947. ------- Female 2 bdrm homl· Non smoker. Clo!>c lo be<ich. No children. C;ill eves. 640-6645. ---------2 prof. men requ1r(' 3rd to :1hr 3 Br 2 Ba i.tpl. i.:aragc, Clll 7-7:30AM. 67J.ll65S lltVlNE. 4Br. Jba hou~c t.o share. Fem only. $275 1nd'g utll. 552-5919 Female needs same to share 2 bdrm 11 pt tn Cd M . ~1700 or Iv mcs~ai:c b~l Prof'. Fem share lg beach bse. P r iv Br & Ba. S2501mo. Rers. 960-SS80 Roommat e wante d . beautiful beach home. Npt. Lg Br. prlv Ba $400 mo. 6'2-9275 •Male/Female to sbr lrg 2br. 1 blk from br h. PNfer over 30. •$288. 8'1Ulll. 1'"-le non-smoker to shr N .B . h o m e . All amenities. $290. 644·2516; 951-1791 days. parking. :"<l'"' •',lflll'L rlr:11i..·' & p.11111 .. 11r 1•11nil I ' r 11· e n t' g 11 I 1 ;i Ir I " !>l!I I lllci. !'1:'>7 f~'j'O 1Wl"ICE ~rm.:t· a\utlahk ,ti l7Hi~1 l!n11•h llhd nl'ar T;ill11•r1 111 l lunt IOJ,.'llllt l~·.1t'h ~)II p1·r moot h l'hmw in1·-.~,;1gt• wr' r<'t· Slu J)\•r m11nlh. ll•'l'ok Si JX·r month u .. 111:- l'tlot or1 l('l' t•hune t..t! 1321 cxl :mi ~l'<'Ull\'e offices avail tn rufl M'rV OfC hldg :>, r 0 (' Jtl"JXlrt Hl'l'l'l>l 1t µhunt• .in-. !--l•1·\ ~1·1 ' ronf rm 1•1r l'b t .all 7J2 tilAA 01\t di\ -.u1 t1·:.. ulil ptl \l' ampl pl..g Fr $1!l.'l :nJ :-;11 bt• n·11d 675-li!iUO CENTER POIMTE EXEC. SUITES Jainbon~·& l\1'lc1\rth11r lklyW1ntlo":. l'l ti!>h Ca rpcl 752-2737 . SIOO L'P Orr11•1• stun• t•pti;, drp:., /\ l' li;JOI lwo;1ch. 11 B. I.st• a.ii 2>1.>-1 Nc"'pun &;1l·h ofr 11111 kll<'hl'O & bfllh 675 .. Hfl:! ON NEWPORT BAY • 350 to 200 0 Sq Ft •Pkash Suites •Marine Vie ws ·Wet Bar LIDOMARIMA VILLAGE 6 75-8662 t-:~tahlt:-.hcfl :"II"" porl &·J1°h I ull ~l'r' 11·c l'.\ l'l' U l I\ t· :. U 11 l' 3 In "" 1tlual orrin•s nu" avarlahll· All .1 nll'nll ll'~ 1nclulll1d 10 mun I h lo month rt•n1al Mar/\nhur al .Jamhon·l· EX.U:L'TIVI': HOW l'.lll' 7~12 7170 ----l'~lcganl offices • 1801 Nl:wpot1 Lil wt &'5·2111 ~i Sq F't s.!90 mo. 4001 B1rch-D. N B. /\gent, 541·5032 EJuw:uti•e Suites New add1t1on to swte 180. Full service exec. ~w tes tn NeWQ<>rt Center. 14 new offices in plush sur· round1ngs w /under· ground oss1i;ened park· mg Jo"rom S29S mo. Ask about our movc·tn al· lowance. Newport Regency Corp. 1714)644·7189 MB>ICAL SUITE Grotaid Or. Corona del Mar . S 650 M o . R e alon o m ics Corp. 675-6700 Law om ce or other pro- cessional orrlce. AVCO Fin ancial T o w er. Newport Center. Single om oes or 3 olflce suite. RecepUoo area, Xerox. law library. 95$.)tU or 67~2711. Ideal for bu11lrw1111 111 pl•• f('11111un8I m an 1.,11 .:•· cxnft"l'C'fll'l' room. 1h•lu\1· cllftl't' NlUll'll Wou111 1•1111 H 'rt to l')c)(1 llrl\ 1'1111 h ''> Parkin~ 1,...hm1t~ 111 lrul hi tnit Hent op.:11 Wuultl ('(IOSldl·r ownt•r'>h1p tor d1•pret·1at11111 1\1•\l 111 ltr.>t omr~ "~' II.;.!.) I\ msg Lf no itn"w 1738Anuht'lm Sl l ~t llH1ec. 1u1l1•t 1>.11 l..1111:. ground lluot \l11l h.>l" 11un ~ :.IJ II Sl'l.1 11111 tl7J.2.6.').I Lido Bldg. hu,, ..rt 11·11·n•' (l(f1c~ M.irllnit ul • 70 Jo"um rental J\-Jtl :1:1.'lil Via Lido. N H t.7:1 11~. Ot1· Bid~ 111· Lido 1:.IL· -1700 ,, w hti:hly ltll· rrovt'd pvt uf<·~. Xlnl lor at1om1•y CPA. f111Jn t•ial Irvine Ct•ll tl'r 11 11 \. ~:J100 l'nrnc Nl'"'ll4•rt llo.-.11·h ol frt'c clt•sk ~plH'<• 111111 w l'Op11·r Prl'I l'ortl r;1c tor or drufbmu 11 t•I' H 1 .. lirok~r. 3 ~pan·!. ,, 1 .11 I M5 3050ur1;..i:; ~.1:;~1 Allr:t<'t1H•HOO~ ~q II 111 llL'l' 'l'~l't• ,1nd 1'1111 fert·ncl' room lol'-'ll'tl HI new bwl1hn)! nL•:t r 0 L /\ 1 r p o r l & m J J '' r freeways 83-1168:! __ _ BEST DEAL IMNEWPORT !Only 3 !>p3tl'l> ll'fl' I You "'on·l find .1 hdt.-1 ratt' fnr rl1•lux1• 1111111• !ooJlUC"t' 10 ,tlf 111 '\t•W l'klr1 Beach' SpJfl• l'Jn~,.,.. r rom .itJO :-.q 11 l n J:.!tKhq fl c~m.wkr lhr· • • (. ,. n' t' r 0 I ;\ ,. " I'" I I 1"1no.1rn·1,1l ()l;>,(IWI •lmml·rl 1.111• I• 1 .. ,. "·'' 1\l'l:l'l\~ • \11l'lllJlll''1'.11d •:> l>;I\' J.1111l•11':1I :-01·r1 h1• l'ka ... ~· , .ill lor .1n ·•IJ p11u1lnwn1 xa:1 KHl :I and :i:-.k .i hout mu Sl'ECI \l,.ll'LY IL\Tl·.S fo.:.-cpo:.t'(i °"'OO<l llCJrn 1'1°11· mg. 1·h:irm & 1·h.irJ1'lt•r \va1I 1mmC'f1 s1;·l !)t•ILL\ olfltl'!>, ~Jllll' lol•' lion. avail Sl•µt hi 1\31·~2 OFACE SUITES ,\1 .,i kl' u U r l' \ l ' I' U I I \\' 't.Dll~ \'OU r Ol:W pn·-.llj:l' <1rldn~:-:\to1l1·rn 111(11 ,., 1 on I t'f'l' 111' ,. ruu m Jlt'I ~u na l t tl•tl ph11111• aOSWl'r!Oj.! ,11111 11111r1· From s;!l10 ,\~k J fl11u1 uur mu' l' 111 .1110" ;uu t' l J II ~·\ crly al 97!1.:!ltil 4450 ••......••••........... l-~1r !>lun· & ofrtt·t· ">P:•t'l' .Jl rl'ill>Onablt'. n:llt·~ 500 to 5000 Sq Ft. !\1ESA VERDE DH PLAZ1\ lfl25 :\lto:;a Vcrilt· E, l' ;\I S4S·4 I 2 3 Lr:I-S l\IAK E ,\ IH:AL 121'-.l to 1800 ~q fl in l!l l':tl IO<'Jtrnn in llunt1111!t1111 flt•:Jt'h l'll:.ll:i~ I ,1 I I (' h l' r ) I t; r l' l' 11 t :! t:H=>-10.fl:?:!i Ba I hoJ h. 1.1 net ., Ill " :.lore-. or I la r)!t• ... ll•n· llH \g<lll: •\1 ;111 n11\\ Ca ll to-.cc 1\)!l hi"i·K Iii! Harbor fllvd (' ~1 l'rim .. t·omm I 1111· s:rno mo f>18 I ISliOrt175·221:J 1.001 ~ fl. nf ChOl<'l' pr11 perty for rt·nt lits.th foot lrarftr l'ttunl. CctM A\arl Julv 10th Dun \' 1-'rankhn, Rlrr li40·7000 COMMEllCIAI. HET1\ll. Sl't\CI:: AV1\ILJ\l:ILI·; IMMEU. Costa ML>sa -7 Unit:. 1200. l3f.O. 207 :!:. q . fl Newport Bc;J(·h :!Unit:-. 1050, & 500 lo 3400 Mt fl Barrett Rily lkg1:.lcr 642·5840 ~----------Space for ofc. bus iness or hobby. $75 & up. Ea!>t sideC.M. 548·7249. Newport. Nr P.O. Modern 5'18 sq rt. stores of ofr ~E Avon. 213-477-7001 lftcMtrial Retttol 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna llills · 2 Adj. 5000 sq ft. M· I units. new bldg, A1C office. Fronts on Moulton n r L.ike Forest. Lse by own r 951-1808 HUNTIN~T N B~ACll 5,5.'K> sq ft i us trial /\/C bldg. Del e offices. 200 amp 3 base power . 2-12x12 ruck doors. 14' high foll celUng. Cncd yard. tlR. Martin & Assoc. 500 E. Dyer , SA, MS-8471 NEWPORT IE.ACH m> sq ft ind. 1000 sq n M/F share 38 r Tnh~e. nr SMALL omcc avail Im· office. no automotive or 8kblUlAdm1. Chld OK, med In West~Urr Build· riberglas . 645·3323 Sl85 mo. rtrs. 771-18111. ing.. 2043 WestcUrr Dr, ,_wttd)is_~-· ------ •mtev•, Cary N.B. 645·6101, Mr . MIWINDUSTltlAL Howard. &HTS POI LIASL lllle abare beach condo. as.a D01Hmoller, prof'I. · Umi .....,. am, late pm ' E. Balboa 8lvd. 400 To uoo IQ. rt .. 70t sq. ft. Priv. bat.b. ~ Ck-. Jo '°" 805 " 91 r~11. 1800 IQ ft with o1Dee.7M~. ... W--4 4600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reaponalble. worltlna wrllttr •etlt 1 o n e bt'droom co tt11rc~ 1n (~IRll del Mar or <.:011t11 Mtllta Qult'Ulc11" u:own Utt! Wnlt• ( 'luntrlt.ttl Ad JD. Oall)' l'llot, P O Uox l:idO. Co1>ta Ml'IU lCWfl ------1 DK htiw.t' or 11pl Musi huvt' IM11·k von1 .1111! gar & olluw rloi;~ Will µLI) s.:11111 11111 ll I'> Ot1Jtl or ~ Jtll~l l>ll\l' l lr111•11t ly 1\\'l'<I M l 11fJu1·t• Im t'hl11lll1~ht•d hu.,1111"11> Muu11111111 7t)Oft \ "'' :11,•11 MO.!tilil NEEDED IMMEOIATEL Y ... ~ lldt 111 hou-.1'. 1fu1)k\ ur UlJ>ll'\ lur :o.l1•.i1lt h "orl.. mi; moth1•1 ,\ 111'1 , '1 ohl d.1uiih1t•1 111 I· .i-.t t 11:.lJ '\lt'•J ' Ii ~JlllJ ,\11.1 I IA!IJ.:hb .11 t•a I.IP h• ~ij 1110 ;\l<t'tl ,.:uo1t 'n·d1t & r,·ntJI r .. r :-. ' I h ,1\ t· tht•m' I m Jll\11111-. 111 ltml .i hmt11• \\ hl'l l' tlll'n· ,11 c 11t• rt0 !ol It 1·1111n=- .1,.:.1tn~l ~ h1hln·n. pl1•J,,l' 1"11.'>11l1•r 111<• I'm .ill -tlnl ll'llJnl L'Jll ~·Iii ·1~. .IJ1·kll' ••...•.•.••..•.••....•. Business Opportunity 500 5 ..........•............ \ 11001\Kl·:t-l'l'\Jt, .\ T.\X l'll.\t'TI( I Wori.. fur '1111rwlt I rn lll<'lh,111· 1lflt'll.1rtu111t ~ 111 """ 'lllll ""11 rn11n11i1, h11uk k l'l' 111 n ,. ,\ I .1' ~l'I'\" 1• bu~111t•.,~ l .rl I J 1-. IJt-1 1. toll lrn• I WlO ;m 0000 area Joe. Top brands. m.2009 tGttt protll, low ovt1r· bead . SU .OOO+anv. a..t&'-d noo t'l').4313 At&. ~ue. Xlnt Ba.I Penn. k>catlon. All atock & fi x· tun:a. Lee avail. ~-0627 •••llww..t 0,,•riwWty 5015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sti.e Mw -. ad In ux.tuy '1< puper headed Medu:ul Equapment 964·5068 Short Term lntcrc~l Only Trw.t Dt!t·tl~ Coast t'a p1tal 955 0073 15°/o RETURN Invest 1n :!nd Tr11 ~1 lJt.'t'(b S'fANWEJ.t. l"l'\IA tll\L S1111·1· l~H .............._ ~ W Charll·~lon Jll\lt' l..is \'cgas. \ H'IHI:! • w211n:i J!l.111 Monrry to Loon 50 25 ....................... SWING LOANS & 2ND TRUST DES> LOAMS Cu:.tomtll'CI to mct•l YOUR net."<ls. R.E. DEPT. SANTIAGO BANK 714/832-5290 --------- fNEED /MONEY • CRB>ITNO PROBLEM 2nd & 3rd TD loans 547-5402 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5678 la.t or 1-'ound :i pl'l" Call A 111 m lJ I /\ l'o s I :; l o n <' c l.coi:t11'. 537 2273. no r('e ------ FOtJNU: Wh1l<' puppy Ul)X 11 11\0~ , Vtt•1n1ty or Nt•wporl W1·~1 . llunl 1n•iion til:adl Looks like S.11nov1·d l'11ll 'lll3 l&St> IAJtol Wh1h• 111al1• C:1·rm ~ h e 11 h •' 1 II . N r llmukh111 ... t 11\lJK Jlu111 lll'h!lt~ol!I~ ·~"' ('.1t~ I I .1111 0 & I ~··•) hin.111···· l 'l>\l Jfl'.J 75!1 K~ t.11HI1!1 FOL"\/() I UIO"ll "hilt• hunl1n1: 1hu.: < ·h.110 nil 1.11 JI Jlflt•lf \ti I k·.11 h ,I, '-'1,tll'I 1 • .>11 11 .. •>H .1lll•r !I l'\1 l."'l 11 11.v.hl lJug, V.1 .... 1d11f ·'""'· 0.1·.1n111: 11~l 1oll.11 .tth l11 liog1·\ 1.:JI :.~fl.I Vriunil 111 I 't•11t r;.i I f •ark >-null br11w11 lt-m,111· PUii· 11 ~ I :11 .I J ,1'1 I 1 (!to I . K>I:! ;,7i;x I·~ H '"d> 1111111.t llo•1111 I vpt• d • .,. I 111.il ,. I \ " "' '"\\l;111d ~ \1.11•111111.1 .•. ~~, .. )'l 11 '"' I 1.11111 Ill .1d11pl I .11 11,111• \1111n.1I 1 .111· t •'1111°1' \I\ 11.11111· ... \1.1,' >'II' , 111 ,1 fflll~ h,1111•d hi k i\rran~cd b) DI~ r H I H l' T II H 0 I' CoQJt Ho~ l oans l'OH I l ;>.;1111".:.. 111 1lw ---------- I ..iii 1111\"' luh of lo\l' 111 1:1\1• \J\ fl.fl I lll'ltll. ,Ill 11hl1·1 ll.11 h,h11111I "h"' q1ul'I & "''' t Our l•H•rn 111.ilt·-. 111d111h .1 hlt1ncl t ""·k.1111~·. 1111 hlk 11011 ol!t· f'o11111r 1.,il• r•ll\ l, 1· I Ill ,1 II !'>It l1 I I h .1 I r f't•llllt I ,\, :I'"''" It'd I 111 t• lllll1flll k1lh "' ,\ I J(-. \\,·n1·~• \1111· ;.i r.:11 ll Cl 1> \11 ..._ (, \I Ill l',\H 1:-. .1111•1 m.11 k.-t r:..1m Ull lo ~;111 \\wk I~. pJJ1. ttnw ..;;.111 1ull 11ml· ·" 1>1 ,..111b111 .. r o l tho• 11)1 .... I 11111l1l.1hl1 111•111 Ill I 111, •II I< I I. I. I II ' J>l)l.f .. \11 I \.IH'~'f II\ Hit \..;ll :-;1:.W fill \l"I·. Siil >1-.s. 111d1·p1·1Hknl I.' ni:i1111la•·t 1111'll 11-.111g 11 1·:..;nFX l'llt-:~fl l :\I 1.ININli . MONHCJI·: CASH FAST 2nd & 3rd hom1·11" 111·r t ".1 n :-. r .1~1 t 11 i· ;1 11 ' purpo~l·' 1-:Z ll'rm,.. p.1 .. 1 I""' t .11 \\Ill 1:1\ 11111111 1 •• Ir•" I , 11 • ' '"' ,'\IS t.l.1 I \l~I r.i,, ·~o I lTt~lll no prolol1·m l all J ,, .. 1 lil I I• 1 "' ~ Ill•• llVI\ ;\1111lolrL!.1lt1111 Ill.I I • ;, : 111,111 ~f"'I ' loll I• 111 955-1610 1.111 111.otl..1 lo.II p~:::! •·l I l':ix •• :'111111-\ !11 ..!II mil I{ I' Dl'\l·lop L'nn,tr•ll'l ,'I, lakl· 11111 In\ 1·11l11n 11· l'l'l\:Jhl1•!> fin Hu:-1•\ µ:ind \inb.1nkalil1• 11111 spc<.•1::i lty '>47 :"1i:r. I 11111 Bnan IJ)S'I t \I IJJ I ltrn h 111 H11111111·" :0-1I·'·'1·tl 1 I •1111 \.11 I ,tl'. 1'11 .1~1 · I ,Jfl I '.II I 1 .! l II I 11 II 11 ti IC1·1\ .1111 I;""' ( .11 I l'lltl\\ \\Ill \1 S llOCK .\ llSUllBEH!'>. fl EL I ,\ :'\I(' E W ,\ T t·: H I' l :\I I' s .\ I ,. II ,\ LT E H N ,\ l () It S ~'1 ,\flTEHS. \'01,T.\Gt: MONEY ,\Vt\ll.AllLI" l.n HEGL.Li\TOHS, l',Tl' t<O!>l, an) purµo~c :\11 ,\If Jl unhcJrfl of lo" ~··r~_r_a_H·95t_·35_~ __ t 'rnm1.1 111, hl,111.J .1fl'.1 ( t '\\ :U fl IH I ,JtH tt1 \ \t='• l•I;> l;f~ll d~' pnrt•:. 'lo prl'\ tt1u~ l'' Money Wanted 5030 IH"'>'I fu,. ... \l.111· fn -.h 1-..·nl•fH'f• net'(lt..•d .ind ~ou ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-tlt•r :..! • \ "' 11u lh-.. tf1111 I h,t\\' Ill 'di '011 15-500 0 \I• '\II \11 111 \\'""" I Jll lit 'lllJi•ltt•ll \\II h II 1 "·'I ' I I' .... '""r .,1.,1111111.. l11q -.t RETURM '\.rl 111.1 llll'lll lt•11n "1>1IMM1 -.n·un ii ~on&. fun)! 1 .. rm •·I 1111 ----- h\ r..t11n•IJl1k '"' 1·111111' h 'l:l'tlrl'(I f'h ,.,·1 :s.»1~ IJ 1'.l • "•···h "'" I• 111.il" t\ gu,1ra11ln'l l 1111\ 11.u I.. I 111·1.l't "I' 111wl I 11•111 h11il..t.11l-.r.ill "'"l!I Mort~s.Trust rnlur "'>hu1111111~ .11 t ,• COHI' 1011 Fltl-.t·: Deeds S035 '°'"ie 11·111•·1111· l'.!•"!11 ••..•.••.•....•.....•.. i'(AJ .(.(1 ,:1111 Sattier Mtg. Co. I 11111111 to "!I \ \1 1: I .. 1 •972-1131• PREGNANT? Carina. confidential cowuellng "' n!llerral. Abortk>o, adop-Uon"' keeping. i\PCARE Spirituat RHder UllSS. El CamJno ~al San Clemente; Fully be. For AppL •92· 7296 Physical massage by lic 'd rnas.'iellr technician. NB. Appl. 4·!1PM. 548·2817 a.ate , Laauna Beach electroaio mla needt as accouoUnt clert or boolclceeper ramWar with ac~tinr fUneUool to wort in ac- counts payable . Key punch ex11 extremely de· alrable. We offer x.lnt pay & benefrta. Facility ls in beautlCul Laruna Ca· nyon near beach. Call for appt. Personnel Dept. T e l o n lc Be r keley 71M!M-9t01... E.O. E . C AR EER OP - PORnJNJTY lD rapidly expandlna manulactur· inc firm. Immediate posjtion open requiring knowledge of general a c· d i met.bod.a, principals & practices. Gener a l ledger lhru trial balance. ccst accounting & ED~ exp destred but not re· Q\.ired. Exp in mrg. en· vlronment preferred . Good slolls reqwr-ed on 10 key & typewriter . Salary open. ,_ ................. . NONSMOKt;rt caJI Bonru Cor more Ill· formation. PDA lnrorporauon Costa Mesa 714·566-707:>. EOF: Accou.ntmg ACCOUNTING TEMPORAR-Y ASSIGNMENTS F'em. At1rar t1ve single m o m , under 30, on Ancstraurus cusp look· 1ng for the right Jn . Lelllgcnt. s mgle Man w / hl8 act together for real relationsh ip. Am tn · tercstcd in writing, pa.111t1n,.:, music·. read · l•---------Oran9• Cou•ty is loa.1iu9! .And so are we! in.:. rookm~. Utslory, a n d P -. )' 1· h 1 c I U F 0 p h t• n o m c n o n . • N 0 !-.attt n1 s m1 Onl y -.1 r a 1 )! h l a r r o w !>4' w f)l'nphcraJ \ISion need :rrply 11r you don l like 'olU\,t'l'> I dun 't "'ant \a I Wnk ,\£> :;.12. r o The lh111\ l'tlot. I' () Box l:it.<1: CO!>liJ Ml-:.J. C..ltr. ·~. Personal ~rvius 5 360 ....................... MJture. reliable man w,pa.'>sport. & ref!>. will 110 anything legal for SJ(X•I Hl:ply ad=278 c /o Tl11· Da1lv Pilot. P 0 . Rox l.'Jl.(I, Ccista Me,..ci. Ca \r.lli:.'7 Enploymrnt & Preparation . .••••••.•.•....•...•.. Schools & lmtnxtion 7005 ....................... FREE REAL ESTATE LESSON CAUSEY &CO. RealEstatt SCHOOL '\;nw .ir<'t-pt::. \'ISA & \1 \~ r ER r II ,\ HG i:: l'1 t•J>3J't' for SlJtl: 1-:.1Cc1 m 111 :. .• 1111 t.· ;,:, :!'i' hour~. ~1·h1'(IUh-<I .1l ~ uur <·On\l' 1111'111"' (',rll 1111°" Ill "h11lult· \uur FH EE In 1n.duc1or) 11';.Mlll ~ Causey & Company H~ .. \I. t.:ST,\Tl:: 111.1 :-.n ''11a:-1 H1w ay I .\Cit ':-.1\ Bl-:t\l'H 17 141494-8 057 ACCOUNTING CLERK CRB>IT OFflC E /\ full·ltml' J>OS1lton " available for atcuralc derk to as:-.tsl c redit mana1.!l·r 10 a hu~y newspaper office Dulle:. are vaned Should bt' a i:ood typi~l and operJll' tl l~kcy add1n~ ma chtnt• with slull. Crt.'<l ll 11r ol ftC'\! l'xpencnrc ti. dc!>trJ ble. Work m pll'a!>unl 1·n v1ronmcnt wllh s.:ood company benefit!> includ mg 2 weeks vacation alter one ye11r. company paid croup 1n:-.ura11<'l', credlt uruon, etc. Appl~ at: ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330W.BAY ST. COSTA MESA &:l°"'~l:n th•· huu 1' 111 llAM 51'~1 (':ill 1111 ·If• pomtmenl ph•JM' 642·4321 e xt 227 t-:qua l Uppurtuntl' Employ~r Ac<"Ollll Im It TEMPORARIES We Are Now In Your Neighborhood Earn Top Pay Whi~ W or lcinq Near Home BOOKKEEPERS ACCNTANT AfPCLERK A/R CLERK PAYRL CLERKS KEYPUNCH CRT OPER GENLOFC C.\Ll . Wf!'tt Thl·re are many Ol'" rirm-. mo\ 1ni: into the Orani:l' ('ounly e1r1-.1 br-ni:ing about an 111 trl'il:.tnl! demand for t!ll. • Pl'rtcnccd Accountins.t .ind Uata Procc~~•n i: pcM;Onn1·I CPA'S Auditors Tax AccCM1ntanb Cost Accountants Sr. Accountants Booklceepers Accowttinq Clerks Data Entry K /P Operator s 11 11111 Jn• 1101 .1v..1r1· 111 Lho· ho·n1'11h 111 "•ff~ mi: t1·mn11ran .gr\•· u ... ·' t·all or' 1:-011 u' .11 our lh'\\ lor.1l1on W1· "111 ht• 11a11 fl' Lo d1o;cu. ...... rt wtlh ~ uu Wt• an· hK0;11t·d Ill I ht• C lll.UWEl.I. 111\:'l:~J-,1! Hl 'I Ll>l:"'C; :..t.11Lt· :l:!OU ;!l:l1 ;\'11 Hr(1J1l~ -') !-.JOI.I \n.J 17141 8 35-4103 1-'r'l'" l'arkrnL! AC CTS PAYABLE l<'.\fll'r1t·n1°l·d "'"'"iunh p.l\.1bl" 1•1,.rk f111 h1 'Ir \Ulllllh' 11'.tl l''l.th• tJ1• , .. 1.,,,., ... , 11lfh<' In '111 fll 11 l '"n~l 1 Ill I 11111 •'' I"' I 11•111 • I• r "t ,. I I'• d f1t.1 l'HP \ I tlUI I'll '111 '11 "•11 t•d -··111nr I 11 o It'll' I l':O.I• lt'lll'I " 11• 1l..111r.: t.•r .1 111.1111 11·11.m• •' "lli>t •r>nt•·111f,.111 l'li.1:-<' ~t·ml rl•.,umt· tu 111.•t hcl To"'''"· titili \\ l!lt h ~I ('11,I J :\h0"J •rbi:!i • \1·rn~:S."il'::o. \l'TOHS •\II \:!•'"' \II I 'Pt'' • • 1111 I \.lh.'r '\1·1 1 • " \ \I Int 1·n "'" "" 11111 I lur • l11·11h h,t\' ""rl..1 If H111·k' I I I n1ldto ,'( I lh· ll<""I f .111\ In lh·1I '" f(nl11·r1 1 ... 11.111 \~ri ..:11•\ .. I Jou I rh·rmnl ~ '"11 h l 11,.. Ill .1 '\I ltd Ill!< t·IPll 'I l'rl 11 i.:111u~ ,\JI lyp;.•!> ol no,11 1·-.1.111· 111\1.::-lnwnb ,..rn1'I· l'.f.l!t Speciali1in9 in lt1111h!.1~ 11111 .lllli• l•I 1., fllk l11~h !o,1 llt I f\ i'> '<••I ,., l'"P 1':11 ;•;x; ,11 1 !·--~~-~-~-~~~ 752-6136 OH t 'O:\H. fl\ \Jl\ur11· 111tl·r1·,.l1·1J 111 • '11 )\ 11·:~ nr I .. i.: u •l ,, '\ I I! u l' I Vi•J,1blr,.h1·d X \t'JI " ,\II ,.\'ill' :>O'r\1 1'1"• :-.101 1'11t•11i1•lt• ~1110 (Hlll :\Ir .I 11l1 711 1'1:1 0~/4H I BALBOA PENIN. FlOWER SHOP. l•nm,· 1111.·11111111 1111~ lhc ll•a:.c ,,,._, tn\'l'rtlon 0111~ s~o 01111 <i "'"1 l o p IJl>rlUJ'lll) MEL FUCHS PAVILIOM REALTOR 675-8120 --------- t .1ri1..i ~ f11rn1111n · I It .111 1111: \\'1 II .,,, .11Jlt,lwcl rll ...,,JJI Clt'll)f'l\ll' I 1111 I. &. , qu11111it 11 I $10 0011 " ll·rm-. '''" l!l!l llllKI. l'\l'' l!.111 1.;01 TOOLS-R-US OVl':H 10.11110 <)l'Al.IT\' TOOi~..., 1\ I' DISCOCNT PIUt'l:;s A ~round floor oppo1tun1ty ,,, fcr1•d ror lhl' f1r..1 lrmc 111 th" arcOA II\ JO l'!>lahll~ht•d ~.in Ul\'IW liliM'd firm w11h 1•XJMlll1! 1·11mpanv st.Jr•·~ Orml' 111 411111 M'\' 1111r ~an l>t<•go slon·~ \'11u "'Ill :-.hl.ll'l' our t'l<1'rtl'm1•n1 SIOU.<XIO n\'l'tkd. F111;11H' tnft pci::,s1hle lo qu.1lrl ll'd apphcant.-.. II ,Yllll woultl like 10 own and Olll'ral l' a prcsttlo(tou:-. hu~1n('ss 1111 mJi an important 1wed rn voor rommunil v !'hone our 24 hour tnll free: number 1-800 327·!!191 ext 447 or write LO Mr R.tchard lircnt. Tool!> H · Us. 3525 Unl\'l'ri>tl.\' 1\,·1• • San DtC!!O. CJ\ 9210.I Woodwor'< Spt:t•1aflJ('S ror Otmit'MC3. nonM:.. l'hu1n stores. etc 645·6.'iJ!> or 5"8·3376 INVEST. OPPOR. Small investment will put you into a multi million $ Industry. Big growth In the next rew yrs. Investors will re· alize big profits in very short Utne. (Min Invest· me nt $25 ,000l Jim Charter will be lecturin" about his latest multi mllhon S Corp. tn his N.B. home t.he fm1l 2 wks In Aug. Investors don't wait! (Limlte<I > RSVP 631-2077 or ~·5454. Sell with EAS&l ll'aaBREEZE O.lfied Ade M2-5e78 2nd TDs 642-2171 5 45-061 I We hu\ d1i.n111ntl·d :!11d & :1 r 11 · T r u :-. l l> l' 1 • d " :v11n1mu m S.'10.000 714 !155 34;..1 CASH FOR TD 's Anwnean ;\Ion 5-17·11.11 lmmcdlalc C'.1s h Dt\ '''"I' fored<1:>url'. d1 673· I 1.10 MONEY WANTED I' I' lO ~tl l • l:i.(HMI :.!niJ T U 1>nPri11it· Cl L 11· :-1dl•nl1.1I firo1 .. ·rl' \\ 111 rlt~rounl 111 l a 11 ~I 1!134 Amowtcemrnts/ Penonals/ lost& Fc>Wtd •.........•............ 5 100 ••....••••............. PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 Sell any 1ll'm or cum b111a11on of item~ for $7:t or le:.:. w11h a Pt·nn) l'tnt'her Ad 3 bnl·~ fur :! coo~ecull\'C dJ}S EJrh .1dd11ional hnt• '' 00 fur Lht' 2 da) ~-Ch aria: •I ' No l'Ommcr1·1JI .uh For mort• 1nfl1rm.1t 11111 and to plurt• ~our Jll • .ii I 642·5678 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Mascot-Pagoda- Tousle-Radlal- Bounce--Frolic- FOOD STAM PS It's interesting how dif· ferent people react lo large sums or money. One guy won ~.000 In u Sqepttake1. The first lh1ng he did wa.a check to eee ii ti. woWd disqualify h im fr o m F OOD srAMPS. 1ipm l·'tll..;f) \l.tl1•l11fl11• Ill \1,11:111111" ,\ \tl,1111• 111 I l.trol Kil lillJO Fiil :-.it> 1:oldo•11 I .iii ~ i 11lfr1• tnl \ Iii" Irr\\ II ~.Id dlt" 1r111r ,\ l u-.1111. 1 .,, tii.I :'Hti. 11;:1 HhX:! Fowut f l.1rh111 ll1,:hl.1nd ... ,I I I' .I \1 fl I k Ir I' II 1>11h«1 man 1111\ 11111'11.' 1•1,H~'"'' Voor.d :-.1111 ht!.. I I >.1~ ,1 r1-.1 I .t'.1 h J ll1 !'>f.1 I l' I ~II. !ll l'l:i 111 K ll1°h.> I ~I "'IL' Tl l I 11111 Ill .111Ptll \'111111 l •·rn It• r111 :o.lwph..r d '111111,.: m.i I .. rt"ll I n,h ~·11 ••r 1111" I• m :-..1m11" tf \I ... "' ""~''' m.ill' 1•,., ,,,,n • .11 \1·"111111 lltlf , \nrm.11 l111-.111t .1l :!tilO !'>.111 \1J!!Ud. ;'\II iMI I'll I Sm "hilt' tan Ap:-.olp~o. Found l"n. I' o.11• l':-.1 I I\ l .. 11: fl 1!17 ::; 11 or It•, ir>.111 Lo:-l Mall· s.11no~t·•I. l'l q>p1•cl , lnlrtl' (.'all i~ill 12111 M 5:';:! 77~ I llcwurd .J;i11lrn1· Dam·o·l-~\l'l'l'ISl: for \1lulls F'lln & llc.illh r'H2·41illt S"1m IA•:-:-110::. tor all a~t·~ offlorl·d h} Ih-11 ('ru,~ •'~·rl "<llt•r ~afct} rn ~lnll0l11r ~tfi..593:J Jfl ti Leant Bartendin9 For info ~12 lllti2 Orc1ngc 01 P'rorei.~ional SC'hool or llarll·nd111)? £::;.tah I'~ :!IO ~ Uroad"' a~. S,\ 7 07 S f(t'f1,1hll0 l'llUl)k ~l·~ktnt.: m.m.tl!l'n1l'Ol 11f mull! 11n11 .ipl \'I( co~lJ \tt-:.<1 C 1 II I -l!J:! 8!>21i Fc1nall' l'Ompan1on lO Sr l'lllZCO. Lt 1-1.skkpg ~11; .1e•1nt1n!!1wr"1111it•I t1·m1111r.1r~· I Jfll 1 lo~•• lll\'ISIO'.\' ()1- ,\LTOL"'.llT \N1':-. t\SSOCl.\TFD l't-:llso:-;:-.; H . si::n v 1n::-. 1:--1 18662 MacArthur Bl SWte 425. Irvine accounting Easy JOb des ir<'li bv relra pefSonnel lrlt:. n:::.pon:.tble. edueal· temporary 1·d 1•Xpt'r'd a llriJC'll\'l' ~~~~~----~~ am1ahk woman Whal 1. &16-21191 "'' Jll "ant I Ltj!h pay. 1----------adv1sof') or l'QW\a knt 1 da "k. Ion!( luneh. good l>C'ndlls Wtth I mo vaca tmns Ca n lypc, do wm· i111ws! Lt'g1timall' offers ACCOUNTING SR. I' 0 Box 24-11. Laguna 5350 l~_s926.5:_~3-~---Personals ACCOUNTANT Emerson t:l~l'I rn• l'o . lndus lr1 a l Cnn1rob D1v1sion. ha:. Jn 1m mediate na'CI for a Sr J\crounlanl. 7100 •... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t-lelp w mwted HEl.o1\.XI '\IC: ~l.\S!'-11\\; 1-: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hnb.luml·~ l.w M11~M·ur AcCOWlllllg Clerk 24 hr~ Olltl·all !I ti. l!l·I SI 11 per WN!k. Weds F'rt Sat MICHELLE'S •~call • II.AM 21\ M 11:1:1 37 1!1 ~'t-k Bt Ga\ \1 ,ilt· l 'tHkr 21 1-r1en1l;h111' I ,1q· in· !o,h.trc• I nl l'r\•!>I !lli(I IA~i7 An• \OU lnll'rt''>ll•1l 111 1lll"l'lln~ .11Lr.11·11q• prnl lad). 4!f' I h,I\•· mun;. in lt•resl.!. llt•pl~ .111 i15l7. Dully Pt101. I' O I~" 1560. CostJ Mesa. Ctt ~. Needed round part, last seen with family of 2 al chJJds money for market. approx. loc. llorbor & l.9th. CM. Leave name & no. 1f not at home. 631-0326. Ask for Ruy. Lady set'k:'I rctln .. 'fi 1•au1· genUetTllln. 60'i. who en JOYS cumpcr t ra~l'I. Western ort. lndlnn country. goo<i food. l(ood times No aex 1e PLEASE . SC'nd re8PonSell LO Box 554, Dally Piiot. PO Bo x 1560. CM. 962lt!.2 549 0377 Mrs Myer ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK C:ond o p pt) ro r a quuhfted accounts paya blc C'lerk t.o work at our Newport corporate ore. r>roccssmg vendors in· voices ror payment is prime respons1bihly. Ab1llly to operate 10 key; l 2 yrs exper in com· pute rized payable systems desir able. Xlnl benefits. salary open. For a pp t please call Margo Hartle at ... AMCORD. INC. <NEWPORT CENTER> 640·1900 Accounting Chief AccCMmll..t Small computer exper helpful. lnt.ergrated. Inc. 1Sl02 Downe)' Ave, Para· mount. (213) 634..a330 Dulles wift bl• to :.ol \'(• to compkt1on non roulme problems with \'Cndor:.. analyze all accounts in the general lt.'<ll(el' and prepare ma nageml·nt analysis report:. i\ 1·111 tcge degree i!> prelt'rn-.1 wrt.h J.S yea~ relt1lctl t·ll. penenrc. We mvite you to consider Emerson Electric Co for your future. We offer an excellent opportunity for growth and an out.stand· ing beocrit and :sa lary package plus pleasant working con ditions. Please apply in person betwee n 9 :00/\M · tl :OOA M and I :OOPM·3:00PM. EMBSOH &ICTllCCO. 1Ddlll1rial ConlrOls Div. 3300SStandard St. Santa Ana, Ca 92707 Equal'Oppt)' Empl)'r m/f /h I l·.I I"\ ISU:" •I ',df :-0 \ ~1 "l1kl.11 • 1711 '1i:,1 :!:!.33 t•>et !I'· ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Ol<tod<'ll lklJrl mtnclt-d IJl'l'•lO t11 h,1ndlt• jlfOl'l'"'"' Ill)! 111 pun•h.i~e onli·r,. .rncl group 1n~ur.1nl'1• l'l.11m-. 111 bu:-' llrJll)!l' t'o ;111 a~l:n1·~ ~: \ 1Jt•n1·m·l· m mJ 1n1.11111n)! rl~'irrb -.t r11nl! I." ptn1! & ltltn)! ,i..111 .1 lllll'I l.11h 111 1111111" up . .J.!l'l'-'l .11 lllt.rt-ptlt·r<' 111 Ol'" oll 111· hhh: Xlnl hcnl'l 1li. I '.Ill \\r, llrN•k1• i5:!·h 111 PURCHASIMG SECRETARY nt'<'dl -d !kt a rl m 1 mlell p.·1~1 lo h.indll' prol'l·~~ 11\J.! of pureha't' ord1•r-. ,1nd ,::ruup 111:.uranl't' \'I.um-. m hu~y Orangl' L'o J(I ;q!t'fl1·~ I•:\ J)l'nl'Ol'l' Ill mJ 1111a111111~~ n •1:11nlo;, !oolrong I~ pm:.: ~ fdmi:: ~kill a mu,.1. I.ob 111 lullo\\ un i:rl'Jl .11 llklbl}lll'rt' 111 llt'W nffr1•1 hldi.c Xlnt lll'1ll'fits L'a II Mr-. Brl'1·kt• 752·ti 171 1\d' l.'rt1:.1n !! He prcsl'll t.111\l' N:it1onal Ycllo" l'a).!t'!> firm rl'<IUtrl:'s ex pt•r1en1•c11 tl'lephonl' i.alt~ personnel To hc1o:m wnrktnl( 1mmcd1ately Will train xlnt. work1ni: cond111ons & lop rom m.r~111un pa td Ca II for upµt Marion ltussdl. 71 1 5.19 334.t ADVERTISING PRODUCTION ARTIST .. The Dally Ptlot has an opening for a recent graduate or expenenced commercial artist. Full tim e, perma n en1 employment servicing our advertising s a le s st.arr. Emph a s is on layout, pasteup a~d t ype Spec$. Some typmg re· quired. Exc~Uent com· pany benefits. Jo'or In wrvicw. please <"all . l't'rsonnel Otricc 642·4321. ext.. 277 ORANGE COAST IWLYPILOT D>W. Bay St Colta MtH Equal ()pportw\lty Eml>IO)'er • I ' :'.{.: .l .. > ... ~ ... ' .. ~' ..... 1 .... 1 .. : .. ~ .. t .. T .. ~'- ' jll 4....._ '~ .. -, ... -....... .:;;:;;;; .............................. . "6eft lloee)'• Shampoo • teem c lu n Drl....,.•Partbtt lot Ookw bn1htAIMrs. wht •Repaln •Sealcoatta• <"P&l 10 mtn bltarh Clean •Lle. N 8 , C'lll SfrS !iv, dJn rm. hall SU Ava AilpMll...-rt. rm SUO. couch SlO. t"hr ta' -1-11 ._ • .__ a Ou.r f'ltm Pfi odor ---l)Jt "'pair. L5 YD ~11pr --••• .. •• ••••••••••• Dn WOtil m~.ilt H(•fll DI~ • 8aotn1pcy ~l 0101 :a1:.• u..a1 TJp\rul C:-../COKrete ~ 1WdeUnea, ac rountln1, con11ultln1t1 N.B. area 11 yra.m819'J ....................... ('\-mm! ,.wk of ell k1111ti. 1-h-c t 15 )'nt l''\l)t'I 1\1.'IOblock .. alla ~ 01~1 .,=~-••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ lt'rv1c.'<' & H lt"t Autom tllc op n 1or11 R '°pa Ir -. p .. r1 a I l y ....,. --------Ge•:ilnt .••..•.•...••.......... Ciardt-n1ni. c.'IN1n Ull'I & land1("tp1n1 t;t·or11•· niuUU ~1012 •Vl-:ttY UIW l'HIC't:~• oo hmd1tt'1t1.1t• m111nt (;ro,t;!l' )4~ 201 ~ Yound•l1oos. n•t 11lntnJ: l'l1·nn up,, Ttuul1n.: 01n11llllS.-.• ••••••••••••••••••••••• VACAN'r llS K APT HAUL CL~N REPAIR PAINT IJ)W CO.-,"'l' ~1101 GdfU.Mns •.••.....•.••.......... ~<'kl M11rL>on11ld,Ll'GA fW.nc.'hoSlin Jo11qwn lil'. pv\ b)' »J>l'I g;jl 1710 , .. dplmn ..•..•................. llJ\Nt>VMAN No Jnl1 loo '-m<111 Jolu1~ 00()!1 ~I •t.•K .... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MRS CLEAN m ake ll &lum. Bac h .. a pts . homes Def ~ or aft ~. )&9372 Cedar Crpt Clean 'g, isteam/t hiampoo. wndow w11h"J1, rir wux'g, gen d n"g serv. Res/Comm. lteasonitble Simon 751 ll!K>l 0>m1>lctc hou!>ec leanini.: by lluy. wkly, mnthly. A lso ll ve·•n:. J\atl. 11.igltly tra1m·d person· nel. Bonded In.-. 552·0105 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AobertMft lftMrW• Alsoclat", Inc. 1-uU vaJue contenl.8 o n homeowners coveru"e. 675·0562 ~SAVE WITH ~SAFKO ••••••••••••••••••••••• OFTICE. lNDUSTHIAL . r &lnd!y, July f. 1979 OAll.X PILOT 8 J3 • •••••••••••••••••••••• NRlla't/P ..... 119 • •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• OrangeCty Trucklng Ranbl price. int /ext. Ceramlc t.ile&marUte for l"'reight bldg matenala. Cualom qualit y. Free shower" tub uruts. Ph fumit.u,re. Call 955-2654 esl. Jack. 636-9453 m4*18 Residential & commercial T......w.g ' p ai ntin g Fr ee ••••••••••••••••••••••• PETERS PAINTING estimates. Rea. rates. Free Trial Leuon. C red. E xpr'd Reas Rates. 675-95611 teacher. exp. Reading, Free Est. Call G e ne math, French. Rs nbl 5112"°"58 P a perha nging. quality Local c alls r eturne d ---------•work o nly Call St.eve. 673-0013 Pro( palntm g. Exl & ml 494 777 1 dys , 494-6254 --------- Low rates. Refs Free eves. Typillg Servic• P..W.C,/P..,.t'") ••••••••••••••••••••••• csl 536-4780, 536·4383 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PAlllllng mter 1cxter I re · LP Office Services. ProL Painting . I NT I EXT , s/a pts. reas 10 yrs exper. typlll&. term papers. rl'· Neat. hones t. rcas. 12 _oan __ ~_o_220 ______ 1 s umes e t c . Lo u i :.c ~.will pick up 6detiver. Po.t yourG 1.. A.IP, AJR. P1R. liilnk rt· con. A1lo ptnOO•I btllis & bllok atat.ementa. ttrly rate. 5419-1967 .. alls. blo<'k:i, J1•l111i. l.-nd11t·up1nJil 1tn1111!d l.l("'d ~ ~13, S48 430!1 i>("f'lc.'lMI tl4~ ~J07 t.Ul'lJCllll'). h'ni 1n1: & 11.101 u1~ No Joh 1011 i.ml l'1JpJ Xlnl Houst'cll'a ntn1' ::it l 1trf b.11 1:.•trt ~1hr. 1-·~1nale &t5-8238 REST A U R ANT & HOM E C L t-;AN ING . Refs L 1c/Bondcd1l ns . 5S2 5lfi6 ------- yrs exp L1c'd. DaH Ha ,,.,, 7221 964·11WS AU PAINTING Ran . .,..... · lnl. Paint & wallpai><•r Qual work, r eas. pr. Free est. Stl've. 547-428 l Neat 559·132SCompl fo'al.t, profes!>tonul work. Ext~ lnt$350 rsnbl rates. IBM s clcc-P 11c1f1 c l'o n c rl'll' Cun\µ11.'lt• roorrt1ll.' 1u ,...l your f o rm' S.J\ •' ~~ Gome on b\&t1ness t n Pti Have fun. Call Travehng Serret arae::., Bren da ~cw .... ~ ...................... . CllSTOM llOM t-~. JUOI RESUM~covcr lette rs , two ..... t'h' • i:t·n \'•>nlr professtonal prl':wnt 11· I Jc 3.'\3203 ~ ft.'l8fl lions. re830flablc rate:.. fast service . ,.93 1973 ct:.k l'u:.tum deck:. & ,,, t•r for Dee h~i. t:t•n ( onlrJt'lur ENVELOP t.:S -•:J7J~ _i..:\~h~il Ol4J slwfed or addr~ed. Btdrical 645-5221 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.obepaid cai.h Clant.•n l'.u ,. !'>1.mnkh.·1 n-j)ll1r. 11run .. ltl'l'l>. t'UI ll ,,It!. n·model i.:urJt•n11. llonw 1mp1 t•\ i·mt·nl, ------- ,•11 q wnt1), p.111111111:. flou\;(_-cleantn):, I d:iy wk 1-dscapinq ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 \I' 1• •q.1 ~51i 151 K 'µlwnlHnl! r1111 1~1 7ti7'.! prcfd. Yr:. t'Xi>t.'r. Good Europl'an Landsca pe r -~fs 549.4~ Top work. i":llr pnce. 151 212.H HauincJ ~'" J.:Jtltl"nt•• Sum IUt!L •••• ••• •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • lt•rltltttni:. p1 un1ng & <XX: Sl1.11lt•nl I r .. o lrut'k 1•leun up., 751 35!1'.I Trni.h. tr1·• tn111 O.in --642-~. Ci a r 1h · 11 1 n g • S 1• r v 1 r ,. Comp h'l l' 1-'r c 1· l' "l !t57 281n An:tttmt' Ju.111 Ydrcl 1T1Jtnle11 anl'l' 11 d1mµ jJuahty work .. t a n.•;ll>Onnhlt• pru•1: Ctm::. !1m 1<1!"lll llaul111g & dt'<JnlOI: I Ln c !lump t rut·k ~57 H:.'71 --Refs 646-4871 dy!> lt•vt:s. <icnt:r aJ hou!>t-Clt'ilntn).(, - own transportation, re· Japa nes t' 1.andsCdP<'r fl•rences. 962 0510. nl'w ho mes. rt' I a nc1 spnnklt•rs JU yr., 1•x 1)er. lo pnCt'. IH & bunik<l Noboru S31 ·81ti2 o r 8!17·2864! tlo nes t. dl•pen<lalllt' housekeeper nt.>C.'C:b Jobs. Xlnl rd':. & µri ce:. bll-»19. Cd M Clcanin~ Ser" HT Specially for COM & lit residents. 675-1909 Let Us ln:.tall .J N}';\\ Land.,capt' 0 1 Hf.JUVENATE Th{· Olrl Onl' Call An vllmit 64.S·b716Sl Lit• 113&141\l Babysitting in m y home. days, nr Orange /22nd. 631 ·536S Ul'.:CTRICIAN l•m·cd nghl free c~t1ma lc 1111 largeor ~malljou:-llomo· l'r1dl' ~ardt•n 1.,,. #33'725-l h7:1 OJ5!I d1•unuJ>l>. haul ..... .J} ~. I do It all i.k1plo.111t-r, c1umptruc k. g ra<k . h<1ul. l~ml·nt. asphdlt. tree re- movals ell' ~1 · 1257 ----1-'ast hauling. n•s Sl-t & up Yd & i:nr dnup:.. 1-l-ce bl. ( 7 M 1is.12 15!17 DANDY DUSTERS Wkly or l time :.erv. VACANTS. rentals our l>pec1a It l ~ ST EA M CARPET CLEANI 'G Uonded. Ins. l''rl'c Est. 552·4100. Res1d 1Com m ·1 Dc:.1 !,!n. planl1n~. sp rnklr~. & munt. &t!·O'J75 Sl'cretanal services. llDt "''OC"d processing quahl} ~rvices al uffo rdable pnces. 1 d ay scr n cc LUlda. ~-OOM> ----!OlOlilhni:: 5.~l 17titi Hubbard EJectri c t'"llt•1!1· ~tudt•nls bt•at all li4S·IIl71 M1kl·':-. 11:.iuling Dump TtUC'k ~5 pN load. Lilt• lllO\'ln).! ~IX 14!il ----Masonry ...•••...••......•••••. Fme ext Painting. St. hl· . ms.'Try me. 836-:>SSS 24 hr.i R1r hard Sinor EXCELL PAlNTING Rea~. rates. f'n ·t· e:.t ~-Z706 Exµr 'd Prum l::xte nors, &>at A II Pnc~. Proof J ob::. Las t 10 Ye ars Lt('= 363090 IJ97 -4424 An yt I mt' ------ Yo u r ll arbor Jrea patnl<'r. 1nt1t.>xt. P r of. quahly wo rk. Reason Llc /lns Est cheerfully gJ\<en Dave 586·8425 P ropt:r p r cpa r a t111n pnmc & paint Hd ., F'rt·c· t''>l 64fi 0110 I l c.1wrcn1·t• 645·11.17[) E \'l'' __ prtt'l''> Hut11l111).! -.11ol "t'1l1ng, dt';tn 111r... I rt•t• pn1111111:. lt.1ull11~ CJll .Jon. f1o'llt Mll~ J olurn<~vm an CU'> lu 111 l'llmm'i & rv:.td "ork .11 reJ~onilble rJlt"• Call Tnm O'Connt'll t¥1i 1:"1'.!I Housecleaninq ~ittinq llnt•kwork ~m .. 11 Jllh:. Int }':-Oc t :'>.t'"l•>n. !\hla '"''J ~ In mt· ti75 :1115 t'' ,., Ot·pt:nd.1hl1· H1•.1..,1mJIJle Fn•1• , • ..,, l'cdl J<1} ~IX til5!1 ...••........•......... Carpenter. F'rt:c t.:.st An~ sire jobs. Call Allan or Tony. 6't6·11649 ------- •REMODE LING • Kit.chl'ns. bltin closet!>. panclmg. CU!>lOm finii.h work. decks. fe nt'l'i>. skilled cra ftsmen. t'rrl' est1malf's. 645·5609 Lucky Cons truction \o No j o b t oo s m all , i::arage:o. ret r oom !>, pauos. red"'ood d<'c ks & ft:nring. Also oqds & ends. Lo r ate!' 9tiJ.J.14Ji ---- t-:lt•rl nri.10 II l' ~ l r a I 1· ~ • ht' .., l workman>.h l p Small Johs prPfcrrt•d ti75-H345. ..•••......•.•.......•. K&B custom "'oo<l fcnc· mi:. gales & r.•nc~ rrpa1 r. 640 ·IOOO '8..18 :IOJn WOOD. fentl·s. galt·i.. patios. rt>asooabl1:: mil':.. (~11847 4793. --·-----WANT ACTION" Class1fed Ad~ &12·567K ~al Servic~s .•..•••..•............. PROPERTY MAINT. ,\lier J ulv I: •. "i:.I Wl'!..lt•rn l"nll1•d Co . OJ)l'r ,Jh)r nf I 2 mot di.. ..., now t'\J>.imhnl! 1nll> lht• romme rc 1al domt·s ltl! markl'l Areas of m · tercst · Painting. ca11w n try, t tlc . p luri1h111 g t·a~l clea ning or 1n !>talla11on We would ltkt· the opportunity 10 bid on your work C.a II 5-13 i1201; from!l-·I . .................•.••. Want a Hl-:At.l.'t ! ·u :,\ "\ 11ous..:~ c .111 tiini.:h;im Girl. 1''rl•t• t•-.t 1i4:> 512:1 Robin';. ll11u~wrle:rn 1ng Sr\\' fnr J I h11rou)! hi~ clr;lll hou~•· ~o t~i Allcnl1on n•.il e!>talt·r' Succc:.~ 1s a happy rlwol We Spl'<'tahZC' m \'3c:ln c1es c.tll Thl.' M11ppt'ls Clcan1nn St•r\'lll' s.i&Z:W Hil\'l' somt'lhtn~ lo :.di~ l11:1SS1fa-d ad~ do 1t wl'll ..•••.....•.•....••.... House Tenders Sccunl\ & t.irc 1A htft: ~uti'rt• not 1h,·n· S.111 "'k ly. 1-\llly ht• d & 111~ur1:d ti>15·11tiUj C:! Reh a Ult• hou't'" l l t• r a\ailJbll' J uly & ,\ugu:.t I havl' n'krt•nn~. tall Soellen, ~lti 1111 lore fam1he:; an• gt•llmg the t·ampmg "bug" th1;. Yl'ar If you havt· ,1 campt>r that'::. nCll l!l'lltnl! US(.'(f, sl'll 1t now with :.i Cla:.s1f1t'<1 Ad Hm•k, ~lllnt'. hlrn•I. l411rk ltlt• l 111111·... 1'1111\'l l'lt' Jldlltl~, ".1tk-.. di I \ I' 14a)' Fro.-1' , . .,t .f11 hn K-l6 l~I ,\II l)Pl'' ol m,1:.<Jnn lilt-:-. p<1lt0». palm t'll\ ,.,..,, l>lk 'A alb !>-Iii VI ~I Bn t•k, hl1K·k.;.lumr.,,.,tun,-. w a 11 ~. p I a 1111· r " & µtlJ.Sll'I'!> Ll:l J 111· ti ,.,,n trdl'lnr do ll rtl!hl tor ~ou Rt•cJ;. pnct•d lloli 5-VI Z75.1, ~ !i!AJO Int E\I Dt·p1•1ulalill' Hea~una hit• Fn••· ,.,1 n.11 11111 ~.05111 Paint Your Castle ~'< 1ah11ng tn n•.,11h·n t1;il h11m1•;. Int 1-.,1 l'lt';i-.,· 1·ht·tk uur rt• ll'rt·nt•t·\ L11 :: .l20XK I (iuar In:.. t'rt:t• ~i-l 'I l·«I lfil :r.m Uclwct· mt 1·xl painting t'rh l.~lllll<Jl1::. L)lln ~I 73"~ I Plostw /R~ir tnc 645-4879. <.:all Fran . • •• • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wlnclow C-..ifHJ Neal patc hes & ll'xtun•s/ ••••••••••••••• ••• • • • • • Rtf:EEST. 893·1439 U>llege students, w indow --wastung. ReMd I More" Ho m e s. Add ll1on :.. Xlnt work. 642-544!1, R e s t u c t •l • n v l' r 645-7972 blockwall~ Low rate:. • -------- F'reecsl 58tHl:l!J2 u);lSl Wmdow Clt•amng --Prof window wa:-.h1ng at ~ r,.n bl r ah.'!>. H e(~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• &12 7893 Any plumbtnl!. \\ alt•r scrv. leak:.. b<ithrm encl. t•eram1c t tlC' H r..i:o . 832-2468 Plumbing n•pa1r. Spec. in remodehni:. copper n • ptpe 1-'ret' <':.l Top H:il Plumbtnl! 537 319-1 lndcpt•nt.l1·nt rlr::im rlt·an 1111: $.'> [111 u11 Hci.ulh guar i "'" !>18-4-IJlt t•lh '•II I ~ment ••..••.............••.. 1\partmt•nl & t'omnwno·.d l'r111>t'rt' \li.:mt t'11 . t '11mph·t" '"' \ it:CI llil1•• Roofinq •••••..............•••• H1•pa1r &. l(pr1111I 1\ll I~ I' 1·' .., h 1 o g I ,.:.. 1o<'k!>h.1k•·" 111mr11 t.1r .. h.,. l'"l :-r1 I 5!1:111 f-'111 .\\11.11 1-'md IA h ti \llU v. ,1nl Ill Dwl~ l'tlnt ('IJ.,..,1l1t·ll-. ------Sr C1t1zens expcnt·ncct.I Re:. wmd. night offll't' dearunA ava il Suppl SS. Mymn552-157tit9t>.1-7265 STOP!! Takt> time lo n •lax and ... hop al home. It'-. ~•mvh· "Ith Da i ly 1'1l ot l'l;i.,~1f1ed Ad:. i\1111 •I you h11Vl' sornl'lh111i.: tu 't'll. 1·.i 11 " fr1 t•nd I\ I 'f;i,,1(11•rt ,\ti \ ''"r ,ti t>I:! ~IX USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST RESULT" SERVICE DIRECTORY For Result Ser vice Call 642-5678 bt. 322 H~ Wated 7100 Help W anted 71 00 Help Wonted 7 1 00 Hdp Wonted 7 I 00 Help Wanted 71 00 Help Wanted 71 00 Help Wanted 7100 Hdp W anted 7 I 00 Help Want~d 7 I 00 •••••••.•••.•.•......•.•..•...................•..•.••.••••............••.....•...........•.••.....•••.•..•••.•••......•...............•........................................................................ Announcing the Newest Location of ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATED PERSONNEL SERVICE INC . In IRVINE 18662, MacArthur Blvd Suite 425 CALLUS 1\T 752-6136 PERSNLMGR To $25 000 Irvine 113120 COST ACCT To $18,000 Newport Beac h #3116 F/CBKKPRS T 01rl~ ~t!OO Newport Beach 113066 TAXSECYS To1}Je1~11DO A/PSUPERV To $13,200 N l!lg Bch #7003 PAYRL SUPERV T 01~l ~J!,00 AfPCLERK To $900/mo lrvtne 13112 JOO%FREE TO APPLICANT accowanes naodllled Answering Service l'BX u11t•rJtor:-. tur ,1 ll'kphon1• a n"q· r1 n ,i.: :.t•f\ ll't• t:XPl'rlt'lll'1·d or will 1n11n Full lllllt• or part time ~htfl;. a\atl.i hll• U:iv~. ,oflcrnoon \'\t•ntnl!~· or i::r:t\'(' ~:ml 'o1usl I'll' dhle 10 wnrk w mt> w1<t•kt•ncls T~ Jltnl! 3.'i wpm r('(jwn·d J\la11 y <'0 benefits a\ at la bit" PleaS4! l.'all Mon l"rt. F:i~h wn Is land .1rcJ I ioM 1-17'.J I ('u:..IJ '.\1 l's a dr1•.1 ti7J 1Ui6 t:: 0 I': APPLIANCE REPAIR To11 IJ.I', comp.oil\ l11·11t• 'olo:-t h.ivt· t•\ pr 1•11 Uf><11; 1\1>1>111.1111111'> nn" lw111 c. 1.1kt•n !or ".1n·h11t1-..l' 1h•ll\t'r) h1·l111•r :'l.t•" I 111·111tur1: ";1 rt f11111'>t n.L! .me! fll'l1' erv f1 rm f 'hnnl' lu1 Jl)l)Otnl nwnl ill.\:'\! tu J\<IJOn ~l;irt111g \\ .1j.!t• SI j't'I hr . J!tl'KI ,tth ,onl'o· lllt'nl rur lh1· r1gh1 ,,...,....,'" &Iii i 57!J ,\PT ;\11\Nt\(; t:;H l•'or .15 unit!> Ill ('11 .. t.1 \lt•s.1 Expt·r cl l'llllP h· W I I t' b k k JI I! l' \ 11 llu:.l>and ma1nt '''P Cull 642·5073 or 121.11 ~'>-3851 Assistant Superintendent B.\. .... hl~t; LOAN PACKAGER Duwrw,v Sa\ 1111!" & I .0.111 has an opl'n1n,:: 111 11 -; llw1t1n1.'lon I.Wach ol ftt'l' for an ind1\'1dual t•x pcn('nt·ed· m paekagin).! 1-llA VA & con,e nuon;il )(lafl...; Typing n'<1u1 rcll Xlnl working eont.l1t101w & bt•nl'f11s 1ncl ud 1ni.i: f>roftl s haring & paid j!ro11p 1n,.uran<'e · .,.,.r further 1nformut1un 1•00 I iH' I 1\1 r '.\I u r ti u (' k • i"1 9ll2 3345 1-;4u;il (Jp vor 1-;mpl~ r ------IJanJuog LOAM PROCESSOR 1-:Xl'EHJ £:'-I C F [) t;Vtl(I l)p111g ::-1.tll:. rt 4wn'tl CREDIT CHECK ER L-XJJ1-:1u ~~n.o Part I 11nc hghl I.\ pm~ rt· qwrl.'<I UNITE:D CALIFORNIA BAHi< 7902 Edml!t'r A\ c llu11l mglnn lk ;11·h IM7 2!itll 1-; () .. : lidnkmg SOUTHWEST BANK l.<tJ!una Hcal.'h branc·h. M1si.ton VtcJO Bron<'h l'I' qin re full lime Ll'l lt·r~ Plt·JSl' rall .Joan lion· l!1i' 1771 1-;01-: Mm 2 ) car:. <'Ollt•j.!t l\t Lr;ide el\Pt·ncncl' <:row· l•---------Uanlong 1ng c·ompany. S:.ilary rwi:ot1ablc a cl·or<l 1ng lo 1·xpent>nt'l'. Send rc:,umc or t·1111tat•l Drnnnl' (Y79-3376 Aulo (;arrir r-. nrcclcd. EVL'l>. Laguna lk'ach & Dariu Pt. area C..11 The Register. 581-4141 At.rrOMOTIVE LOAM SECY to SI I 00 &iiul new lrnnk 1n J scen lt' beach comm Local e d betw een n .'t>an$1de & S:m Dtl'RO. seek:. t•xpcr Lo:in ~t·cy SH or speed wnlmg pre· ferrc.'(1. Company w1l1tni: to help pa y movin i.: e x· pcnses. Fantastic ht'lll> Call: SALES CAREER Bauer Motors 1s in need CARRY f OX of two saJespel'Son!>. Ex· perienct: not necessury, AGENCY li<Jnl..tn).! TELLER I 'lov.11,•v Sil\.1111!'> & L<M n has ;rn upt•ntnl! 111 tb C<X'l<t '.\11·:..a branc h l11r lull time lC'llt-r Sa' tnl!'> & Loan or banking t•xµcr pref'd. Must be ablt• ll> work Sal Xlnt worktn).! cond. & benefits. includ 1ni.: profit ,.haring ancl paid group 1nsuran1·~· For furtht.•r informal 111n contact \lr f''lah erl~ 714 ·t>t2 7422 Equal Oppl) t::m~ll} r Bank.In~ New 1\l•counh Sl' (' lJ rt l \ I' al' Ir I I', ~ l .aguna :1\1'.I ;i;i2,1 U,\i...,,'KJNG LOAN PROCESSORS Columbia ~cJ\'tnJ(i. b,,... 1mmt'Cl1atc 01>Cntnl:'> tn tl" Anoh ... ·1m .Jd mm1str::il1vc off1r•·~ for Loan Proc·l':.t.e1r' "1th "' lea:.l tw1) \ l'a r:.. t'\ pt•rll•n t•t• .rnd I ) p111 g :.lulbof!>!> i.5"µm SR.LOAN PROCESSOR Reqwrl'' 1•x1wne1H't· m pl'OCe;Stn).( lll<J )Of ltt.J 11:-. 1..-nowled~t· t•I all phu'"" ofprocei..smlo(, and tyµ1n1: 55-6.5 wpm Kno"' lc<l)!o• nl l'Onstr11rt1on loon~ und rCCt'nl S&L C!\IH'fl~l1l'l.' preferrt>tl These· po-.1t 1011,. nH1•r ,.iooJ c arrt•r pott•n11.il l41lh a J(rowm~org:in11u uon. excellent salartt'"· and outs tanding h1•1wf1ls 1nl.'lud1n~ dental l'M cral{l' P ll•a::.t· call l'cr~onncl for an 1n tc1 \1e\\ apJ)Omtm1:nl but heres w hat 1:. .. -High School Ed 11l'ation 1616 E 4th Street Columbia SavinCJ5 (preferably 2 yrs. col· ScdaAno Ste 130 and Loan le~~il Groomed ALL JOIS FREE Association -Positive Attitude Cdl fOf' afttt hn oppt C714 > 776-7l01 -Ability To Learn _ Equal Op portunity -And m ost of a ll: a 1---------•I E mployer MW ,strong desire for an oul· BANKING ---------· standing career with a successful. enthusiastic & growing corporation . Top Company Bene tits Apply In Persoo ·~ #ll11~C~ 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA AtrrOMCYI'IVE AUTO MECHAMtC with claas·A V.LP. smog ~~·Contact General • r..Uml _yntyo lfU...._ ..... C....Nete ......... lt>.,. .... ,.., TELLERS TRY CN B AND SEE ! O'olB. lhe People Ba nk, is large enoug h to offer you prom o t io nal possibilities. sm all enough so you don't gel 10!!1. In the crowd. If you are an cx~enced pay- ing and receiving teller . we'd like to talk with you. Ctt.y National Bank of· rers an ex ceptional bmeflta package as well u attractive salaries . Call oul' Lido Vlllage Branch at (714) 815-9940 or <213> 48(). 72'1 ror an in· terview appotnt.meot. CNB 1H1 PIOPLI IAHK BANKJNG TELLER lmmedlatt? ru ll t t mt· opening in our beautiful Newport Beach ornrc Expcrienre 1s preferred, but tI you have h ghl typ· ing sk ills and som r cashtenng e xperience. we will consider training the "right person". We offer an excellent start· Ing saJary and outstand· Ing benefit& including: • }i'N,e parking • }i'N,e health loaurance •}i'N,e dental insurance •Paid career a pparel •Profit abarlng P1eaae call TOLL FREE ror an interview appoint· mem. BABYSITTER • needed imt·Ume my home. So. ~llJfta.IC. l:uttlB. Mon.Fri. 10:30 F.quaJ()pportwlily • 4:80. 2 children aps to Empk>yer M /F FIDELITY FIDERAL .~. • 12. Call "99/Wlmdl ·~~~~~~~~ l'-'91e11C1111•~-lllldJlllftl 10U want •mL •~ IDlilllTCeM'W .. do ---------•Make 10ur 1 bopptn11 k ..U -Call NOW. 8111 ....... fMt wtth Dalty _...by UllDc the DaJly .... PUotW@lAde. PUotCl ... tneclAda. -- .,...._..Lo..ANtll <lu >a&-mt An Equal Oppty &mplyr ---. 11.tnJ..ing ~it.I ASST BRANCH MGR 1-'ulkrtun S&I. h,,,, .in OJ)l'lltnl! 111 T>:tn.1 l'u111l ol ftt•c for ass1'>t.1111 1Jrand1 m.1na~cr "1th h"a'' S&L 01>4:r:.it111n and -.;" 1 n I! s l' x Jl t' r l' a I I 7M·871-t2M for .JIJpotnl lllt'nt. EOE Bartender. cxpl·rtcn('ecl Part lime. :1 lo 4 l>h1rts. n111 <1~1 0ti()(t C~HIERS UTOTEM MARKETS llpo;n1nf.!,, now ,, \ .11 l.1l1h· lor lull l tmt· ,,.,:-.ht.1111 man111:t·ri. on ~1111 1ot. :lnl :.lult. No t•xpt•nt'Ol'I' nt·1 W1• tra1n Sta rt S3 Ill to SI per hour ,\rlvanrt•ml'lll 1 ·1t·n1 .11 1,,.n .. r.ol 111ftc·• pr11tt·d11r1·:... \ II .111•.1 :1 ' I h I " k ( ; " 111 I 1 ... ·111'f11:.. 7;,2 K;:l.'l l l.EHICAL PURCHASING CLERK _ op1x1nuo1l \ f11r m.1 nJ.L!t' llcauly nt'" '>illon 11.111 mt•111 110...,t1011" lo N :;tt 1-:ntn 11•\ l'I cmplo) ment "I) hsl~ 14 llh l'ht•nldt• pt•r hour 11 qu.ohfwol 1"11r 1:. 1mmt-d1alcl)' 3, a1lc1hll' II B 5J6 75-t!I mnn· 1nlorma1 u11l ~ 111 \\ 11 h Pro I! rt•"" 1 ' 1• h'n'll'"' gu ll• -.tor .. >t:! .11 ma nul Jt·turt·r l'<J:-1l 1un I\ I. ,\ :'ol l' II ,\ H U :JOtlll:J l'nmn \',ill•,. 1nY1>h't•i. purd1.1 ... 1n l.! Ol'EHXrOH }I .• o & up l.1~~un.1 N1i.:ul'I . 1!1:1 t1?1:111 :\iHO "uppht'' .ind 111 ,, ,. p 1• n cl 1 n i.: "n t' ' or 1'.11 flll r;;r; 11011 dtKll·.., 1 t;!hl filing H l' 11t•n1 .ol 1 >r.mi.i,. < • .. 11n1' ... 11·.111111,.: l.llld 1lt•H•l11111•1 I' l1H1IW11' lor ,, 1<1·1· .. pt 10111-.1 '' !'it.•1·r(•ta1-.. 111 14or'-111 11u1 rt·.11 t''l.tlt• olltl I' tll \'.t•\4 ~rt l!t'.ll h lfr• "',, n·4., 1t11o1o pm. pl'""·•lll µh<JOt:' j)\.'r,.vn.1111' .\ 111 .. abtlt\\ l\I 14nrk \\1•11 "'llh ;1 ;.ak:. ... 1:.111 ~1·1•rl'l.1ry f)(1i.1tion "''I" li01o1o pm 1' p tnl!. f.!UC.lf..I t•11mrn11111l .ll1C111 ;.lull!> & J go11ll 111 ll1l3llH• f'lt'•I~• t ,Jll THE IRVIHE CO. 550 N<'\\ port l t•nu·r 111 ~l'Wport lll-.1\'h 1;.14 .I~ l.l Eftuiil I lpJ>I' 1'.mpl11' ··r (1 tkl\'\I < '""" ""r'-I• "II"" .in 111r ,, 1•11mp.111' "111•' .,, , . ., ,1h1)tll \'OU llOOl1"1i•1t1· "'trio. to p 11•" I .ill 1111 .1µ1x1111trn•·nt 557-0061 t.0~ o f flee · ~OJ overload •Q.Eak TYPISTS• pencnn• l'Jll fur ,\ppl }'~lllJI Op11or l'.111pl11,1·r ltUlrt''-h)!hl Uut al·1·ur.11t· l11•l K 12 Ut :1112 77111 Exl i----------•I typmt! W1· ofln on tht , _________ _ :);;1 ----julo tr,11mm.: .1~ v.dl ,, .. 1 .... 11hn).( Or.in~··· < ·rnm1 \ \llgr o·omp.in' ..,..,.km 11t•ft \ 1rt11.1h lor 1·!.orl. I\ l>hl pt1~1l1"1" \111 -..1 I \ I' " I ,, \\' I• \I 1u.,.µun;.1h1h11·-. 1111 lud .. It I q1111~· t ol11\t! l!• rwr .ii d1•n1 ,11 olu111• .. :! ~,., t'\ · Jl"r 111 t!,.,wr.ol 111t' pr. lo·rn~I \ppl' 111 p .. r.,on LIOUK.KEl-.1'1"1!. '''l't'r for a dt:.lrt hulur ul II\' part.-; & <tC'l'V :.unl''-\n ln ·uu·_ Aookkt•t•pin1:. &. phont"> F I' 11 nw. c .1 II ~~u;.rx;;3 anyt1m1· \1 F. x i BOOKKEEPER PcrtTi~ 10-2:30 I Yr expr Company pd lnnl!l'~ ho;.µ1t ;tl11iit11111. mJr. m~hral 1h.,ah1h1' life 111surann· :.: "1•t·I..~ \ .1ra11110 Dul,, • ., p.n 1>1lb. an::."'t'r phom·.,. tax rcporb. I'&!.. p.1yroll l'\J)l'O.'it: reJltll'l!-, hilhn.: F.i~htCtn bl.ind uffu't'' Send rt"lUffil' lo l lO'>JlllJ I 1-\nanctal ~'f\Wl'' Int 170 Newport Cl'llll'r Dr. ~t· <!40. Newpurl Uc<tc h. t ',\ !.12ti60 ---------- BOOKKEEPER Nl'W lrnne omr~ or Ad PH agen<'y set•kmg c•x· per bookkcep.:r lo handle AH AP. payroll & hill ing. Mus t be quuhf1e<t lo handle full bookkt•('ptng thru trail balance. ~nod beneflli.. /\!(ency rxpN preferred. Sf>nd rci.umt• & referenC'l'S 10 2151 Mu·hacl~on Dr Slc 135. ln1nt'. C.a. 92715 ---- BOOKKEEP E R rrvr1sT. exp lhru T B. for 1-;1 Toro CPA Ok l::xper only ap· ply, :.> hrs wk t' 1llme tax season. 830·9330 BOOKKEEPER F /C thru T.B. S mall re· side ntial ("Onstruc lion ftrm. Xlnl opportunity . CaU for appt. 100% free. Mary Hickle Agenry. 170 Newport Center Dr. NB 00-2920. .... -------- CAFETERIA HELP.San· la Ana. lrvme are a. f'u ll & P ttime days, also. wknd nights o nly . 1194-2331 (7141 CARPENTER -lo d o general carpentry work, this lndiv will do minor plant jobs as well as woodworking projects . Background should Incl cabinet. maltlng, formlca laminating & cust o m fWabing. Provide own tools. Irv. area. Call for employ!Jlef'lt applicaton at (2U) 2'o.6100. aak for Paulette. E .O.E. M t F C.ashler/Clerk. Dependa - ble. permanent, eves & wtcnds, F/r. Apply Git\ Shop. OC: Ai rpon: Sell wtth EA.SE ! lt'1a 8.REEZE O...s.n.d Adi M2·M78 •, l' 1· r 1 • I 1 ,. d ,\ 1 ti ,. ' 1111pnrt111111' for .11f\ .ono" llrct.-r h1•-. $1 hr ... 1.1rt n11•11t Thi~ 1i.,.,1ttt111 r• Hhr 11.1' :..h1fl 111r11·w 111h1 port-. tl1rl·1tl\ 111 ll•t' 11111• ~hilt 1n .. mall hl\111' l'Url·h·"'"I: :'\l a11.1g,·r IJl'lllt~ tn La~11n.1 l~'.ll'h •\pph 111 pt r-..1111 I u I lw li.inlt•n' 1:,11 t, h·nlh'\ 1 t' !'>l . 111.1111 lpm \11111 f"r1 I .mpll>' ,.,. lot nl'f it -. tn d11d1• PJHI tnt•t11 ... ol 1lo·n 1.il .incl 1111· 111:0111 .111n• (.lll-:l1'l·:-H-l '\H 'I· l.ll~ 1...·r,-c11t 11n1un Wt• olh•r ·' good ~lart1n11 ~ulun UIU\'1':1lS 1;1JOtl dm 111).! n·1'11rrl o•xt'l'll 1•;irn1ni: pnt1•nl 1.ll 11131®1>1 - C1lJl<1 rart'. nH h•>m" 111 Ml''•' Vl· ril ,. 111• I! Au~!tt.,l ;\1no· !"rt :1 m 11 c1lcl t ti jr vie! (\di ~~'>i 2.IW! CIVILEHG. OR DESIGNER Experience<! c .trl'l'r minded. Rl':GtSTl-:rtt::U C I V I L t.; :-< c; 0 H DESIGNER 1o1o tlh b:tt·k ground in publtt ~1>rk::. and or land devl'lopmt•nl engmecnng wanted fur design & s up•· n 1:.nry poc.1l1on. Apply lo Mr. F\Jenle~ al Robert Lktn. William t-'rost & 1\:.:..cw 1401 lJua1l St . Npt llr h CIVIL ENG. ESTIMATOR Expcmmced ind1 v1dual wanted lo pn•part• C(l$t es t ima t es o r ... uh d.tv1s1on:... tndus tnal dt•· ve l opm enl~. uttl1l y systems & to perform utility m vest1gal1ons & calculate rur t h qua n titles. Supe r v1s1o n ex · pcrience vital. Apply m person with resuml' lo Mr. F\Jentes at Robert Bein. William Frost & Assoc .. 1401 Qua ll St Newport Beach. Clerical Trainee Become a me m ber of our dynamic Newport Center F\nanctal firm . We havc an 1mmed1ate opening for a p ayr o ll c lerk. Payroll or acrounting ex· perience helpful. A.D.P . offers excellent working conditions, a cballengiftg environment • aood career & aalary pnigressioo. Pleue contact personnel or apply dally 8-6. A.D.P. PENSION SERVICES 110 Ntwiiort Center Dr. In N.B. 714 /844·4360 eid..111 Equal Oooortuni· ty P:mptoyer M i'f . LEAR SIEGLER TRAM SPORT DYNAMICS :11:11 W S4.0i.:l'r~t11m :-..u1lJ .\na. C<1 '12';"11:! 1'J1ual opp vmpl~ m ( h Clencal ENTRY LEVEL • $575• l>I.'\ l'lopmcnl nim pan' in Newport fleat·b nt.<ed~ a <'a rccr minded l'<'rson who has IL typing & l'nJO) phont• ronlact Good bcnef1L~ C1111 640-~47U ,\Mt.;RICA:°'i Career Agenn f>IO 'l.'"1X>rt Cc111a Dr N.U No 1-'el' Clem· a l If )'OU Wt'rl' :l film :.tar, yoo would hav(• l o pay an agent YOU NEVER llAVETO PAY COASTAL PERSON MEL AGENCY 540-6055 2790 Harbor 81 CM NEVER A f EE Call after hours appl O..ERICAL GREAT JOIS! GREAT PAY! WENEEO: 10.KEV CLERKS PBX OPERATORS TYPISTS S ECRETARIES Joln t.be teem ! Become a~ Pro£ea(onal 1 r........,servlc" IRVINE 752.-e6 tX>E M/F Want Ad Relp! 842·58'11 MATERIAL EXPE:DITER CLERK lmntt-<11.ilt u111·1111i.: • \ 1~1 -.. 1 n 1'111 • h ,, • n Ot•par1rn1•111111 11ur 1 .1111.i I) J!r11 ... 1ni.: .,,·1111 l'(IOdllt'IOI' t 1rm !'>111 l'l'SSIUI l'lrndulalt• "Ill 111· resµon.'>tblt• l11r I rat I.. m g purt•ha;.1· 11rd1•r .... 11111 to·lephont• ,.,µ,•clt111ll! Shoulrl hJ' t• lltl!h !:It h1k1I l>;n'kl!round & 11110<1 I) p 1ni.: -..ktfl,., l '1111·h.1~1nl! h!ll'l-gmuo<I lwlplul Wo· Mast~rs Specialties Ji.IO \l>1nrm 1.1 1 '\I I-, I) r ClERkfTYPIST 11111111•1•.•t•· 011..i1111 • full t1111t \Jo,11 I rt x 1111 .. , l'ftlllll' ldllll!. l\p111,.: 1,11; t.l:!X ClERt< TYPIST mm jlt v. 11m. l!•·n 11t I 1t·• ~lo..tlb. \µpl\ 111 Jk'l''Oll 1-;Ut .EH I~ I H ·:-irH 11 .. s :!1111 l)in c SI :"'\ IS .\l'r<Y.-.~ tr11m (. r \1rnnrt offt•r t!U..XI .,,,IJn fnni:1· 1----------h1:nd 11... "'II h 1111pnrl 11nt I\ t1)r• .Jrl'l r i.:r11"lh \p pl\ '" l't•r·.unnl'I Westem Diqital Corporation 3L:.!!i lkclhlll 1\ ""\'\I <t•or Rl'tlhtll&Bakl'r 1 (7 141557-3550 1Jcc;1grung Tl'l'hnolo)!) ForTht• F\Jturl' t:: U F: CLERK TYPIST Aw'e>P'iate skill~ re· qui~ Afply in person Clencal oppo-rtun-tlY ~... LEAR SIEGLER 11onw1dt· firm n ecdi. TR AH SP 0 RT clerk typi..t~ Pt·rm.1· DYNAMICS rlCnt. part time po:.1uoni. open Call Jamee Ttc·e. JIJI W. Segers trum \j,\l'. 1111 Mat•Art hur SanlaAna.C:a Hhd.NB m57837 Xlnt 1-:qua l o p p or tun1 1 ~ Co hend1t .... C.Hl'~r Employer m f ·h onenlcd C-0. EOE 1--------- 0..ERICAl. A H p1Umt' 12 15 hrs n wee k Typing pref 546·69()t; Trade vour old stuff for Ol'W ~ood 1ei. wit h a l:la.-..>;if1ed ad. t>-12-5678 sssssssssssssssssssssss ~ CLERIC AL -~ -= ~·' = : . Rt.\ol' TEMPORARIES = ~ -~ -= sssssssssssssssssss = = SWAP YOUR ABILITY = ~ POii A HAL FVTUH WITH SHHS - ._.W e o pe n door s fo r ynu t o c are er - -("ha llenglng Temporar~ Jobs, with all the - ._.g ood thing!' in life PAID VACATIONS. - ._.HEALT111NSURANC E all backed by our - ._. co m blncd 2S yea rs of experience . We deal _,. ._.In a ll clerical areas: _,. ~ Secretaries No SH Typists _,. -Data Entry Customer Service = =Customer Relations Acctg Clerks - -Personnel Clerks _,. -Many More Jobs !! = = JUST CALL: 17141 557-9760 = -4500 Campus Drlve _,. ._. NewPort Beach _,. -YICIU HISTOM ._. =DIAll C.UO DWM nc111 sssssssssssssssssssssss \ t ~.~~ •• , •• ?! ••• ~~~ ••••• ?!.~~ ~W ... .d 71001 ~_.pWoftted 7 10 H .. pWuted 71 00 Heip WHted 7 100 ·•····•······•····· ··•···•···•·········· .............................................. . DmATOR ,......, Mllit ..... Mfltr· JH/111 /. f IASI in Fa&h100 l.&land. Newport Bcarh, has an immedlate opflnlng for 11 Full Time Cus todian with hf ht rn a lntenant'e abll ille Compet1l ve CUSTOlAER SERVICE Ct ERK l1111n,'\.liul.i opl)Ortunll y for 11n 1ln(•r11 ul h : 1n tl.IV11lu1tl who 11 c1ctalled urH•ntoll 11nd <'nJo ,. 11o1rl1nl( with P\•oplc OS/MYf !H4S' DATA TEN Mlary and good ~nefilli. C•H 644·5070 INC. w .... ., ..... fw Mr. fl .... ~ 11 l 1111tuml.l1 ~urv1Cl' (.'l1.1rk you wlll be: In vol ~l'd 111 h e a vy •·li.-.t1111wr 1t·l,·11hon" con l 111•l , 11r111.1a r•ut1011 ul ljlJut11lll>l111 11nd tUillla. or •k•n. So•ll·cll·d 1.1ppll1•11nt will h.1w 1(1KKJ 1i1mllr11I ,,me,• 1tk1ll. lncluclina ac l'Ur <Ill' I\ tllnl(. i.pclltnl! W1'1 l(l llffiln\'r ~ R..cl 11111 Co.lie Mt"•I ~o:no WAKrTO GETAHEAD7 COUNT ON CONTINENTAL l-Ol~fVl'll\lll > 11nJ man t'Ot.t. M\•:tu 1u l'U lj33 2130 CONT ACT woatc l.1lu: ~e t;•m otra 11-...k'y I T an r~<'tttna WOfk lnte>n lcw:. b> ~Pill only ~7~ cootes DllJVMY DIUVHS Wt• h a v e Sl'\&r111 ---------· Imme'<! r1.trt 111111• 011Nt IOili Q\'111 rur lllil).:11.'N/\I\ t• 1nd1\lduuh1 whu lllkl· pnt11• tn lh1•1r work lw h II \ t• µ I t' II " lJ ll I penionalllll'll Mulil ht• Ill 41 over & i.l>ll· to work t'vt'Nn1t11 Start fro m s;1 to S3 25 per hell.Ir '' 11111> lltuly ul'll·r ~ P M Ml· N io:d''I l'ltl U 4 lll t: 17th <·u.w Mt>i.n r tlallt-n.i1n g JOb op ponwullt.'11 otr"nnll cum ~tlltv\.4 11alu rrc11 ond growth pt1lcnllMI < '11nw _ya al)d talk to our l't•r?>On nel Rep obout the folh1 .. U\A Oj)f'n mgi. SR. Cl.EtUCS PrU1.'Cb11tnit .1nll I il111i.: Good typin!( ,rnd eom m un1 cat1on-; !>k tlb General o rrrn·l· lrn i'k !(round prefi.'rrcd Vurw ty ()( dullci.. PREMIUM SERVICE Cl.ERK Knvwlc<!Ke ur account1nit on lnsura1wc rolll•tll(lll Must ~ a!>!>i.'rtlVl' with guull c1.1mmun1eu11un slulls TB.EPROCESSIMG D.AT.AEHTRY Ext•cllenl opportun11 v ror mchv1c1ual w11h t.' p 111!( expenencr w karn trrrrunal opcralaon and much more Arcurntc typanit skill-; nf 411 45 WPM a must. cxpcnl•ncc· u dl•fuule plu:. SUPERVISING M.AILCLERK Knv" ll~lgt.• 111 mu 11 .and suppl\ o p cra 11n.,, Sl!pl'r\'1!>01'~ I'' Pl'rlt'lll'I' .1 Pll.Ll>. POLICY TYPIST CONTRACT Administrator F.mt>rson F.h•1't rl 1· C'o hi&!> an 1m11)t'dtate iiJ>t'll 11~ lor .i Cum rucl r\d 11\11\.lblrawr \ nu ~ti I ,..11 -------- Cook 11o urk li\lltl ulah· da~s & nigh~. 11r1·r h1J.!h :-elloul ~1 udcnb \..,k 1111 Pt·H· biS l~• l'O ORUI N,\I U R~ 1.11 t rninii.ter m :tJur t·iiui I.I Youth Sen H'l' L'o X 1111 m l'lll or 11c 1 :. Th l. pnidlJ(•t:. bemi.: ::.old Jrl' ~ncf1l:. C f';T,\ t-;lta.: I '·I rc-q 9i(J7 mtl S t'llll'' unm ,•r ru1.1t 1 u " 1.1011o ,. r !172·0liltl 11y:.tl"nl!» that bnck up __ _ 1·omputer:. anc1 varaahl~ Counter !ol t rb . T I\ lroquency dr:ives for A<.; Burger . 211!1 Balhu.1 ~.rs. Duties will Ill· Blvd. rom cr 22nd 1>l NB vohc handhng sever al Apply in person orders slmultaneously -------- that are tn vanous stages 1----------or l'Ompletion. int'luding n•viewing und advising 1111 l.i1d terms und t"Onc1i· tums R1.•v1l·w1ng and l'll· 1t•n11i.: lll'W urdt•rs from 1·u!»l Omt•rs. ncgollat1ni.: ll•rm!-with 1·u~l11mt•r:-, µ u r s u 1 n i.: I' Cl n I r a 1· l <'hanges <iurmJ.! lht• Jul> an<I t•ntenng l0hanJ(e or tlvr.-lie\ tt'Y. mg and r11- u1g .my Ol'l·l·:.~ary lt•ga I or quastlt•!!;,i l dot·umcnls in c·onm•rt 111n w 1th tht• Joh Will also mcJudl' ad· Vbllllt other mtcrnal de- partment-; m tht• matters of L'llnl r:1cl cumphance. We offer un eXl't•llcnl lil'nd1t s and i.alarv ~1rk1tJ?<'. Wlth a plt'asant \\11rkrni.: t'n' 1ronnwnl. Plca!-1· i.uhm1t rc~umt• or applv direct EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. :roJS. Standar d St. Santa Ana. Ca ~2707 Equal Oppty Em pl) r m.f1h CREDIT CLERK l>v you r nJO) rros~tnJ.! en·ry "T" and dolllnJ.! l'\'l'I')' "I''~ Our 1•red ll dt•partmenl IS looking for a person who rnJo~' DETAIL ' Wf! would hkt• to rind so m ('()nt• who r .an lYJX' about SO wpm. ha:.,, good phonl' m:innf!r. an(! ~n·l lose thrni:s 1n l hl· filt<S If thr~ I!' )'OU. lt•t'., gl'l arquaint<'d Wc nrrer excellt•nt t•om pany bcncrrt:. wh1rh 111 <'lude one w11eks vat'allon after six months. l'lt•vt•n pard hohc1a)!>. an1I i.:ruup rnsuranrc begin:. u µon day or h1rt• Plt·ai.t· apply Ill J)l•rsun or eall our Personnel Ut•parlmc111 for apparntmt.•nt I 71-1 I 546-3.5.'>l RJght now wc art• look 111g for cxpcncntT d l YIJ•Sb j Ill r11l ~l'VC'ral uJX'nlOI-(!> tO t\llt' vanous 1n-.11rarwc ----------1 AM DOCUMENT OR puhl·.v lorm~ RLECLERK A Division of AM International In<' 2921 S. Da1ml"r St Wt• oHt'r 1111 t'llCclle:nt tl&lur> und li-!nd tl in d wrn.i 1•omp11n y pard tk'1ll11I. mt.'\.11c11l aod hf< 1n-.u r11nCl' 1-'nr 1n 11·n·11•11o 1·11ntu1·1 our En11.1lo> nlt'nt Ol'rlce LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS :JlJI WSegerstrom Sunla Ana. Ca E4Ulll upp i.'m ployca m1f1h DATA ENTRY CLERK Do )<>u cnJO> ta lk 1n~ with l'flmputcr!'>" We art look mg for soml·Ont' w 1lt l> ping and 10 kt•Y t'X µ·nl•nn• to cnlt'r data in l n " u r 1· o m p u t l' 1 S)Sll'ms l'rev1ous t.·x pcnen<'e •~ a hclp C:Oml Ill and Sl'C u.c; ! W1• ofr<'r exl·rll{'nt 1·11m pany b<'nehl:-"'htch tn cludeonl'""eeks varat1or art<'r sax months. elever puic1 hold ho1Jc1a}s anc group lll!-Urance b<>gim upon day or hire. Pleas1 npply m p<.'rson or l'al our Pcr:-onncl Depart mcnl tor uppvtnlmcnt '714 1 !">kl :JSSI AM DOCUMENT OR I\ D1v1s1on of AM lntcm uttonal. Inc ~..!I S Daamlr r St PO 0ox 10547 Santa Ana, Ca 92711 ~OOK t:Xpcn <'n<'l'<l on thl' line 494·0600 ---------Santa Ana. Ca !.1:!711 Equal Opportunity Employer M I F If )'OU think you m1Jthl CO cnJOY lhl' rntcrestinA OK c-~ 1 o f1elc1 or rnsurunce. ~I! ror ~m conv hosp m CM '-"lEua 1 pportuntl) DELIVBtY T.V. DEPT. Mon-Fri 30-40 hrs per wk V.ilid Calaf dnvrrs Ill' J!OOd dn vin~ record rt'q l\µply in person Kcrm Hama llardw are. 2G6t llarbor Blvd. C.M. ~•II t ram yc•u 1n 111 • Knld~ of sper diets ur 1~~~m~p~o~y~e~r~!\~1 ~1'~·~~ :.urt1n('C rt11ni: JHll l'CXlktnl( for SO+ perfd l - C'l1lUrl'::. t :ood t1t:i.:1nncri. :"H!J.3061. (.."'ustodlan 11ib ----------Live-an custo<iwn !-.oui:ht for Homc.'Owner~ t\ssor rn TRANSCRIBER l'a:it t'XIH'rten t•l\ l n tr .tnHrtb1n g nCl·dcd Will he working in our U..Ss Control & t:ngrnl'l'r· ll1A Dept t:xrcllcnt IYll mg skills reqwrt•d AUDIT CONTROL CLERIC Gooc1 lypm~ !>kills ;1nd abthlv LO rullow l)rl)· n .'llurc:. We o f fn cxn·llcnl benefits such :u., lk alth. Dental. 01sab1 hty Sa, mgs and a ,·,•ry plca:-ant worl11n~ {'nn ronml•nt Choot>c your own hour:. •COOK• Oppon un1ly exists for re· huble person to work as ;i Rrc·akfa.c;t Cook for on<' or our hotl'I rl•staurants full or pan lime Short ordc·r «<iok1111t expen en<'c pre· rt>rred. EnJOY xlnt com· 11an, bcncrits. apr ly r ('r.;onnel. 9am· 12 ntKlll. Mon·F'ri. MARRIOTT HOTEL 000 Newport Ccnler Dr Newport Beach Equal oppty empty M 1 F (,'()()KS. wanlcd all shirts. apply 1n ~ri-on Growm~ C:o ~ hc•n cfit s. M a f\arkr r's. 212 E. 17th St. CM Wrarcon 1'1l'X·Ttmt• We• Cuok wanll'd. The \'i<'lor arc located adJac..-nl to 11 u go I n n . L ai.: u n a l he 405 ci nd N t'" pnrl Oe.id1. f"reewa~ s /\pph an 4~-9177 J)l'rson or call P ERSONNEL Ot:;l'T 17141975-7724 17141975-7700 Ext 338' . ·""The Continental lneurance Companies 4l<il MacArthur Bl vd Newport Ucach Equal Opportunity Employer M IF Clerical Cook Waiter 1Mgr Must be cx p c r . 1n f a !>l breakfast Opportunity to .itrow w 1youn.1t com- pany 2633 W. Coast llwy. Npt Bch. 644-4788 DO Y OU OFFER A SERVICE? LA't the public know with an ad 1n the Dally Pilot Service D1~l'lory . It can rost you as little as Sl.77 Pl'r day. For mon• i n· formation and complete rates call 642·5678. JOIN THE FLUOR CLERICAL STAFF •TYPISTS Minimum I year 1yp1ng and general office experience and lypmg speed ot 50 WPM accurately Other duties include tr1mg ma11 d1stnbut1on people & telephone contact. • WORD PROCESSING TECHNICIANS Theae poalllon, require machine-oriented lndlvldual• who have at leasl 1 year ex· perlence on Mag Card II, Office Syetem I , High Speed Printer or almilar high •peed automatic lypewrlter. (Day and NIQht Shifts available) For an Interview call: loftnle Stocktofl Cerot Nordfr8" (114)111-2'2• it FLUOR FUJOll DGINURS A C0"911111CTO ... INC. iau..,.1t11110r. lntfte. a... mao • lrvme Must ~ n•!-pvnc,i ble. Ideal for rrutture tol l~e student or atlt\'l' n • tJred person on Pt'lhton Sufficient trmc :.ivaal 101 classes or o ther at• lln l1t•i.. Dut1c~ 111 l'lrl o pe n 1nl{ & c l os 1n).! l'lubho usr d atl\ ~ supervision or clubhoust• pool, & common ;in·a~ Lil e m a1nlcnanct• r1• quired. l nctd·s attruct1 ve apt. w ith free ultl & telephone. + S2011 . mo. siilary. Call Tom : td1.1y~1 644 ·1677 (nt gh l!>I 552-7910. Customer Engineer Mature T ECllNICl.\:-1 des1rl'd to fill ser' 1n Data Terminub for n.1 uon's larAest compull'r termi nal c·orp t;,p helpful will tram. full ('O. benefits & van. Call (2131538-4900. Electronics Ochvel') P lime A~1. L.A 1'1mc•s SlOO pcr wel'k wguna l~:~11·h IUH!49G. DE M 0 N S T R ,, T 0 R S I' l ime . ~t ores \Our arcu. t"'ra & Sal only S23 00 datly . W 11n:.truct. n('C-d ..-.1r . mu:-t be rclw bll'. rnll !>51-5031 DENT AL ASST. RDA 'Ortho. I yr c·x~r. Full 01 Part lime. Newport Uch. i l4·&12·6443 !NntaJ lln ienist for Npt •kh offtc·l· Wec1. only f»1·2'1M or !'>41!·2AAO. Dental 1\S!>lstiinl: Exp'd X ray h t·rn~c. Pi t ok. nonsmokl•r prl'r·d. Nwpt B<'h Lido :irca ll73-!l1M Ila\ e something to sell~ Cl~1f1ed ad:. do it well. CALIBRATION TECHNICIAN Englneertng Associate Excellent opportuMy 10 move up to our professional team at Lear Slt19l9f Energy Product•. We are an industry leader 1n the deve1opment and manu- facture ol commercial. government. and m1111ary energy related equipment. We currently seek a self starling lndlvldual with 3 years electronics experience In the calibration of mdus- tnallcalibratlon equipment A back- ground In troubleshoo1lng end repair is preferred, but not required. At L .. r St19ler Energy Product• you wall en1oy the stab1llty and security which is uncommon w11h1n the aero· space1col'(lpu1er 1nd11Str1es. and yet you will be working with a protesslonal stall. A current backlog of con1racts will ensure your part1 c1pa1 1on an our continued growth and expansion Our employees en10Y a generous benefits package which Is highhghled by comp~ald medical. dental and lite insuran (for employees and dependent•). 13 p 1d holidays Includes Chrlatmaa ahutdown. generoua retire· ment and much more. For Immediate consideration. please call or drop by o ur trvlne area location. ~ UAR S1£0 LEA. INC. ~· INIROV PRODUCTS DIVISION 2040 I . Oytr Aoad (At d Hiii 6 Dyer Aoedl Santa Ana. CA t 270S (11•) 540·3210 l>cnlul 'StcH•t aq niut Take my job u olc m111 In l!Ht pructtct• In 0 1 • J11naodal arranaementt 6 Collecllool4. Pr• m, r eapon1l blllty P\ t Ethical practice for • ors Sl500112000 mo pl)l~ benetlh Call K u t"\ 1\24331 or Iv meHOI(~ M.2-822$. D E N T A L lt J::C EP l'IONlS1' Qinaenlal 4c rt.'lipon1t1blt• Pt'rllOn for (ull ta m (' ~mploy ment. Nt•wv<>rt Dtt•dMltriCe SSl·6896. D&fT.AL/.ASSIST Beck otrlct'. Purl tlm1· w 'o>epc r . M on l h·r u Thurs. I :JO thru S JO Vh ~·~ or 631·3'130 Mon 1llurs. Denta l Assistant needed Oran~e a r ea. Unio n benefits. Salary open 633-7674 ask for Sherry or Carolyn Dental Re<'eptiorust . N II pr actice ·P ~ d)s w k Salary open 640· ll 22 DESl~HER Air cond. Ot.-s1gner with rrun1mum 3 yrs. com mert'1<1l e xper . X l n t benefits 1nr lu<ling pr ofit sharing. ~0·7622. Mon Fri. 8-S. DOCUMENT Cl.ERIC Ex cellent entry levc l posit ion w it h Or ant?c Coonty's lead111g land de veloper. Experience an computerized library ftl. i.ng, & retrieval systems bclpful. Duties will in elude document printing. riling & do111g plan n· :;carc!L Please apply al THE IRVIHE CO 5.50 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach 644·32'i3 J::qual oppty employl'r DRAFTING Employment Ap,ay •t Th IMploy•Nt & Tr•l•l"CJ C ........ Ill W-. ltNet, lluct•gtoa ltec"- THM ... CITA ~ '°'"''"'• ,, ..... ...., H ........... hectt resJdHcy, 11 _.of .... p••t 2d ~ ......ao~....t -.ct• a.c ... which ...eh ,...,.., 9llldel.L Library Tr-... U07 Per MOftftl Cieri& t SS49 Per MOftth Sft"flce Support Wort&..-I UOI Ptr Month Ciround1 Keeper $678 Per Month luUdf"9 Malnttftonce Wori&tf' S720 Ptr MOftttl Vector Control AIMI .... S 720 Per Month ln•etttory Control Traifttt $607 Ptr Month Small lusin•u Mochine Repair S 2. 90 P..-H.,..- S•"l~e Support Woriler II $640 P•r MOflftt ILClftdscap• Moh•tMClftUI Mechcmica H.tper $120 Pn MOftth Stock Cl•ril $678 Per Month Clttical TroinittcJ at $2.90 Per Hour Utility Maintenance S640 Per MOftttl Utility Aide $577 Per Montti CClerlcall ENGINEERS •Tl.ST •MICROWAVE SYSTEMS •STRUCTURES •DESIGN CHlCk ER ~t'll •DP SALIS• lmmt~1uu· pu.~1uon for 1J1ilun-:.cU 11Uu ter leu~: lu m an11j(cmcnl •l t:'11U tnble L 1({•, 3 yr!i i.alary + cumm. deMree 1 i.ult•s backl!round (.'ontuct (;rant Urb<•ll 835·8~~0 ext 37 J::OI:: M1F' For ,..,~ infonnatlo11 ~.-_--;.-; ______ _ about ffMtM poiJtlOftl cal: (7141549-791 I Ask fOf' tape # 3 I 8 24 hn. p.r day BRUNSWICK CORPORATION Defense DMsion 1333 Harbor Blvd. Costa Meso. Co 92626 ~ual Opporlun1l y Emplu)t•r ESCROW SECRETRARY ••EXTRAS•• Nooded ! Bit players & xtr a:. ror maJ motion pic1. tv sen es & JlOSS tv rommerr 1als We neoo l"-'OPll' Cur Or~ Co & 1.A lol' ~llootrngb Cll!>I in)( r)(1w' Call lil4 J S35-012U ('Xl 9'1 Wc havc l'aMt-d r II r ' ' f' :1 'I I H r {' a k ' ' "IWcky II ", "Love Al First Bite•· Sm fcl' WC' havt' filled over 5K Jobi.. ).!OlnR into our Sth yr R.ORIST Umqu.: rc1111I nurser) IW{'(J.-. c·n:attvC peopll' for lull & p.1rt 11m1• J>\;'f llla nt•nt pu:-1t 111 n:. .\1 u:. l h.H .. ci.pt·n1·11H· 111 rloral cll''ll!ll l-:M·cll1·11l op µunun11 ,, 111 w 111 k 111 "' prt-:-.lll!Jou-. w t lint; l't .. .i~t· apply 111 Pl'I ~1111 . \loo Lhru ~)'1 ROGER'S GARDENS Our be:iut1ru1 Newrnn Ucach oHtcE' ha~ .in l'' cellcnt opportumty for .1 st'l.'rt'larv with t' or mo1 c mon th ~ 1•scr o w t:i.. v 1• r 1 1• n 1, 1• 4:!301 Slln .Joaqwn Respons1b1ht1ei. wi ll 1n H.llh Roac1 t'lude tt>lt•phonl· •'nm '-c_o_M _____ •i40-·.594-·1 munac::itwn with 111 It• i- romp;m11·~ and h14h1 re· l'('pllun dUlll'' T) p111g 11( FOREMANM /F 3S~llm n·qwn·d 1 1. '· ,1 d 1 n 1: I 11 r n 1 I u r 1 • ·nu ... po:-llmn 01h·1 • 1<1p m.111ur.11·111rl'r ha!> au ... t.irl mg -.il.11 ' i.;11111! I 111>i•ntnl! lur .111 1ntl111'1u:d 14ro""tl1 p11t1·1111.d ,11111 1111 11ir,.1·1 fm1.,hm.t: ;rnil out:.tandin~ l1t·11l'1 1h 111 ,l11 pp111i.: t1~·i1.1 rtm1•n1' dutlmi.; 1 1-:,n ·l l;onl ... t1.1r} .11111 ·t-'r1•· IW.ilth 111-.ur.1n1 ,. I 1~:n4'!1h t '.111 ·~'r1 .. · 1kntal 111-.ur.11111 •l-'h'l' IJiJrl.1n1: •Profit .,hann1: Emen;oo Electric Co as seeking t he ro11ow 1ng l•ELECT--•R•O•N•l•C•S __ _ quaJiried individuul ENGINEER 1'11'.h• 1 .ill lnr .on 1n lt'n ti!~ JIJpm11111wnl llrll lk l<1Cld1·1 liM 1 •n•1 01:11 BroWTt Jon:lon Co. :!007 Ila ll11na' St n·1·1 !-.antJ And, C;i . !1;!7115 Draftsperson Requires al least one year eicpenence m (:;lee· tro/Mechanical Draft· ing. Position will be to prepiir e pa r ts I 1st. schematic and det a11l•d drawings. Will tram for engineering t'ha n ge coordin ator posilion Please in<!lµde samples oC your work. We offer excellent beneCils and salary in an atmospherf! that encourages advan· cement. Applicant hours are9:00AM-ll:OOAM and l.OOPM-3:00PM. EMERSON B.ECTalCCO. lndustnal Conlrols Div llXI S Standard St Santa Ana. Ca 92707 Equal Oppty Em ply m tf /h DR.AfTSMAM Mechanical Engineering firm near O.C. Airporl. Art'hitectural quality let· t ering de si r ed. Xlnl benefits including profit sharing. 540·7622. Mon· Fri. 8-S. DRIVERS Men or women 2S yrs or older. Know the coast cities. Net $180 a week or more. Or ange Coast Yellow Cab. 17300 Ml. H errmann , Foun t ain Valley. I No of SI at er b e t w n N ewho pe & Euclid I Electronic assembly pos1· t ion s o pen. N o exp necessary . Will train. $).10 per hr to start. Ca ll &IS-3632 for appl. ELECTRONICS TRAJNEE Young man to tram for position in electro - mechanical field. Must have good mechanical aptit ud e & s om e know l edge of e I t' t'· tronics. For interview appt. call ~0606 btwn 7·9 AM only. Interviews WINleH~ Tuesday· Thursday 9:00AM-1 I :00.AM ond I :OOPM·l :OOPM at Emerson Electric Co. Wc will be intc•n It'" mg for l hc ru11ow1ng post lions •Bectrician "A" •Experimtfttal Machinist •ShippinqClm "A" •Precision E/M Assembler "B" The following entry lcwl positions arc uv::i1labll• i.tar ting al S3 811 Pt•r hour •Machine Troinee •Material Cutter •Systems E/M As~mbly •Tramf~r Windff .Assembly •Tramformrr A.Hmbty ·W~ We have opcnmg:. on 1 hl· £1.rst alld second shift:. lor all enlry level posit tons W<' inv1le you to rons1der Emerson i-:tcctnc C:o. for your future. We offr r a romprr henst\(· bt·ncf1t and salary packa1H' plu,., a plcasanl worktni.: l'n ''ronmenl EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. lndustnal Control!> Dav :i:ms Standard St Santa Ana. Ca 9270i Equal oppty l'mp l~ r m f /h For Clai.!>thcd ,\cl 1\CT ION Call :i 0111ly Pllol A[).VIMlll 642 :Xi7H EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES LAGUNA SHORES Energetic Individuals needed to help market exc1tang new recreational producl licensed Real Estate Salespersons Office Managers Reservatilnists Hiring lmmedlatelyll Call Laguna Stiores 494-8521 R & D FIDELITY \n Equal Opp1>rtun11y Thi~ 1mml'lhalt• 01.1t•nmi: FEDER ~mplo)cr \1 i' _ r t• <1 11 1 r 1• ' 5 \I l ' .i r ., AL minimum H & D back· · F HEi': SaY!nCJS Clftd Loon Au n A......_ _ _.. · t SI 21( j!rounc1 l>ul tl'' ~ t 11 in 1142 4UOO. t•:i..t :a:1 • " .. C'n'1Stnq o d uck d1•v{'IOPIO!! :.t;1tt" An E<iu<tl Oppt \' Emplvr I (ft'nt•riJI ollll't' poi. tor 111 of thl· urt load h1:ar1ni: • Ill\ ~ .111\ 11t-i:r1•1· ""hn m att·nals. lll\l'!>l 1gal1on hk~ LU do pasll' up i!. 111 .n ullablt• m ateniJls ---------•1 l;1~11u1~&~um1•n1pvwn1 ;ind d evclopm cnl of 1ng Call l.1:.a . t!<»H2lSX fabl'll'al1on prlJl:c:-l>l''i ESTlMATOR j IA·nm-. & D«nnis Person and methods 1\ppllcant rwl St•rt'1e1• of 1 l untlninon should be :1 sd r-startcr Manufal-t unnf! Erw 1111'l'I 11i ..... 11 Hill..., lll·,11 11 cupable of takmg t·huri:c w 1th ">e ~ ,. r 1 1· n 1· ,. • HMI' Ernplo)1·r l':ntl und ansunn~ su(·ct·sslul eslabltsh111i: t'Vsh •• nil • · t'Omplellonofall tusks prtC'IO j;! ft,r 1>rt·l·1-.1on t .~.\,Ell \I. '•ft ·" rnartun1· shup pnwl lK'h rnrat•.: t) Jll'>I, lmokk1•1•p This outsla ndm~ op Must l.ll• <iblL• tu d1•\t•lop 1111.! t•>epcr. ::.Jlary 1·1101 porturuly orrers a h1ghl) dctallt•tl l ''l lOI Jlt"• 1d 111t•n ,.un111· w P><p ... compcllll\<' salary ll'\t·I :.mall IOJl hin .. tt ,,,111 l'11·lt·r m.11 111 • l.111\ and complete l'bmpany !!rt1und p..rt ~. p1u ... ,1, ..., c 1 I I r.. co 11 I 11 ' benefits mcludmg paid sembly IJbo1. out-.idc 71 1531 J:°~'-- mcdlcal. dental and Lafe prott'''l'" .11111 tuolln).! insurance for l'mployel'S Mrn1mum .! , .. J r' 1n and dl'IX'ndenls. For con -.1m11!..r 3c,.,1i.:nm1·n1 r1 ..i(lrr at ion c;ubm 11 n • qutr{'d lli•i:n·• .1 plu~ 11111 'uml' 1ncl11d1nJ? ~alan 1'0l n-qwn•tl h1-.wry to Personnl'I. LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS 3131 West St.•gC'rs1rom Santa Ana. <.:a 92iOll ~:C1ual Opportuml ) Employer m r 11 For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 Engineers We nlh•r 1111 ,.,, t'lli·111 ...alan 11'\l•I 11ut 'I amlmt.: lx'nefals 1nl'lud1ni.: vim pany p::11t1 mNl11 :ii an1I 1h·nt:il 1n <.11r.1n1 ,. 1or 1•mplo~ l'l''-.1n1I 11 .. 1 ... 11 cknL<., :.inn mon· F11r 1m mcd1.1tt• 1·(1n .. 11l1•rJI 1or1. eontart l'rr .. onrw l LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYMAMICS :n:11 w St·i.:l·r-trom :-..mt.1 An.a. l".1 !1:!";11.! l·:qual I )pp11rlun11 ) Fmplm t•r m I h You don I nt'l'll 1 L\ln 1 .. ··ctr;i\\ t .1~t • "'ht·n '"" pl art• an .1c1 Ill I hl' 1>.11 h l'llot W:int t\d'' C.111 no\' &t2 ~i~ QUALITY ASSURANCE ENGINEER Lear Slegler Energy Products Division . a wetl established mal'ulac1urer of precision valves and energy related equipment, offers you a chance 10 move on and up with o community leader This pos1t1on requires previous exper1· ence in 1n1erna1 aud1t 1ng, 0 .A proce· dure writing and training ot 0 A personnel. Good writing skills are essential, degree preterred but no1 requtred A s an industry leader we are able to provide the successt ul applicants generous salaries and an excellent fringe benelu s portfolio We offer comp1e1e company paid bene1t1s in· eluding medical and dental tor emp loy· ees and dependents. life insurance, 13 paid holidays. profit sharing and stock option and a generous retirement plan. Our1 consistent growth and expansion make L.S.I. a pleasant and secure career company. Please send resume or call: lft LEAR SIEQLER. INC. ~· ENERGY PRODUCTS DIVISION 20•0 £. Dyer Aoed (Rtd Hitt a Dyer Roedl Santa Ana. CA 9:1705 C714) 540·3210 llrnk 01i.•r::il111m. Asst Officer $14,400 ~:.,pandml! bank 1s opc11 1fh! :! n1·~ nrru 1·!>, lll'<'d' 1ntl11 "h11 h.1e. m:.:11~1! go.ii' l .111 lloli. 8'18 l.!X" OC'nn1s & l)\:nmc; l'cr:.1111 rwl St·n ll'l' 111 11uni1111.!I • •n 111.•;il'h. lt1lflX Kr:1th • lOll'; ~:mpl11v1•r l'a11! (it:1wr.1l .\l.unt.·nan11• 1-:xp1.-n1•111·t• prt'I. Tu,t 111 .trt•a >l:ll 'lllHI I l<t-:1· Claims Examiner ~ 11 m <' m c ti 1 1 .1 I t1•rmmolo~y IS tht.' l.1·-' l" tlll:> intn~u1ni.: pos' >.In• ro l'a II Bo h. >l·IX I :!H>I 1i.•nn1~ & l>t•nms l'l'r-.1111 rtt•I ~r\'IC'I' nr J IUnlill).:tl•ll l~·.1l·h. !tilt~ 114::.it'li • llJO'; Emplt1\'l'r I '.1111 --- I ; ~:.'II i':Rr\I. I Wt' I' 111111· mom1n1:'>. 11111-.t t' 1>1: ~ :.1ll·ll l .ill !li:t I 1 11 FJn:~. INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK You II l'OUnt h<'r••' X Int oPPlY aw;,i1ts shurp 11111· rn 'iu!X'nOr I'll Call 0 011 n.i. IWl· 12811. Uenni:. 1'<.: Oe nn 1~ l'c r i.on nt•I SC'r\'11"1' or I lunltnl:l 1111 Hc&rh. 161AA B1•ach • 100'1. Empluyl•r Pa 1d (itmeral Offtt'l' i-;xpen(•nn· prl'fl•rr1•d gt•n1•ral offi1·1• w1I h rom mun11•a11un "' lq11111: !>kill " t o ~11pp nr1 mana~l·r & r1eld fon·(· Uub tanrllnl! ('nvirnn nll'nl & x I n l work m.: ('Qltd F\Jll lwncf1ts. paicl \:ll'alwn:. & h11llc1,1y~ w11h Nal 11,n.1 I f 1rrri En:-y to rl'at·h, O 0 1\1r1><>rl urea Ca ll 1'01' wppt I D S MARK ETIN<; 1133.9450 1-'HJ'.:t-: Of<: TRAINEE ITl'AYSTO LEA R1 ' l,l :.kill-. & walhn.: to learn at11tudr nl·edt.'ll b~ th1c; Renrr<lu~ r o Cul I Marv. 848-1288 Dennis ~ [) c n n Is P l' r :. 11 n n e I Srr vac<' nf llunt m~ton !leach, 16168 &1H·h \ •l~ Employ<'~ GBBAL OFFICE "' PIT busy Costa Me!\a"l fire req. detailed pers~ 'T'yplng Invoices, film~. 50 WPM . 10 key Cal l Vlckle 631·0700 • I OPPOltTUMITY ) knocks of\ en wh<'n >Ji IN result·(etUna Ua1lf Pllot Closs1f1e<J Ad:o. ~ t reach the Oran&e Coo~ nrket. Phone 642·5678 l4J: --?!)Ji 4""25Z 3tt .. ~C"I "' '* rs ,, ,. ........... ., ..... ·- I , .. ,......_... ftOO MltpWwla• 7tot HetpW..eM 7190 tw,W.ted 7100 tw,W•t.d 7100 .............................................................................................................. ~.July 1, 1979 DAIL 'f PILOT IJ J 5 PRS!l ... ._._._._._ .. I llCY le 11 l,JOO Oulrdit llOYS TO EXE C SUITE! -..d .. JOf pluth at• )I J t II e efttNd hy Ulla ,....,,. ff. '" ti.aul. tota&loa. Call Mary, ...... o..Aa• Dee ........... Stnic:e ol ...,, .. OD 8eadl, lll• .a..dL •IMi EmpaoJw Paid 0.Hral OWce ()rder bilk. ... .., ........ typ- lq, fillq, •'c. Good .... .....,. ---=n· tW. Small mfa, s.Jal')' -.0. 831 W. lllh. St CM. General Office netida shU111&1 ror tatormal or. rice. 1'yplna reqwffit. Gladney Broe.. Q29 W Bii.ks. C. M. )46.02 l! Glmral Offie4J Small om~ 16N1ntc a *'righ t , cheerful , energetic pen on ""hu likes v=. Kect!P· Uomat. "typing Exp. pnfenecl. salary apen. Call ror appt. bl wn l().4:30.~. Gi98AL OFRCE PfTJME. Good typing ~lolls, non smoker. Nr. J ohn Wayn e Airport 54.S-7117 GBBALOFACE ferma ne nl full-time position w I 1trowing ins co. nr Orange County Airport. Mature. depen- dable & detail on ented. Starting $550 per mo for 31~htwk. 8J3..8450 GENERAL AIDEI $2.32 Per Hour Assist Bullding Safety Departme nt. F1l1n~. light typmg. Afternoons. 3 to 4 weeks. Great for .,..i king vacation money! Apply now . Contact Personnel Department. SECURITY UPTO M.10 MMOUI Mon-•"uam )t)m tm W Commonwi:allh ""lltrtCl'l, CA llon,..1,8·30""4 30 aJOWW11f1k•r, RanJl1 Sama AllA, CA WB.LSFAIGO Guard St>rvlrt'i. Oivudon ot Baker PrOl~loo Serv1ct" Equal opporturuty employer M /F GUARDS F\111 & part time All areas U nif o rm :. furnis hed Aites 21 or over flt>ll n.'<I "'dt·u m c. No expeni:nce nee \pp· ly Universal Protl'•'t wn Service. 1226 W 5th St.reel. Santa Ana. In wrv1ew hours 9-12 & 1 .i Moo thn.i FT!. HAIR Asststanl wanted . Offt·r· mg xJnt l'ducavon. Ca~I 751 ·5221. Gladys' flair l>es1gn. HELP! New rasl J?rOW· mg company w lx\nt pro· ducts n eeds rar eer m inded individual for very d1vers lf1cd secret.anal dullc·s X lnl "''Orkmg rorut1uon:.. t''< Pl'r n el'essary C:tl l Mi chele &15-l:S551 Hostess. mature. w I manaRemenl potE'ntwl IBill~~ffi ~ IB®ffi l•D•ror;-11N_J_fici_'-;.yB•i_·~-5-·.r::;.•~-~u_r_an-t. 11 t'olr unn Hotel (7141 754.5350 Equal Opp<>r Employc•r ta:NERALOF'F'ICE. typ· UJ~. bookkeepml(. reccpl. t:xper desired llrs, 94 JO. Small construc- t10n ro. biJ..1630 <;eneral COME WHERE THE ACTION IS THIS SUMMER Coll us now and choose yow OWll hours & location. We Med: Warehouse Workers Tra1.11ee Assemble rs Typ1~L'! ~retancs DINING ROOM SUPERVISOR Exc•1t1ni: p o!.1 11011 w/career p<>lent1al c•x1sls for a managrnent oncnl· l'<l person who hJs .i mini mum uf l )r n-staurant l'XPl·r to j111n our s pc t·1 al1 t y m.tauranl 1'h1s full time oppty offers xlnt com . pany benefits. Apply m person 9AM·Noon. Mon· i-r1. Perwnnel. Marriott Hotel OOONewport Center Dr. Newport Beach Equal Oppty Employer M IF' 'There 1~ NEVER 1\ FEt-:.1---------• !'-OCALL L'S today' VICTOR T~ary Service HI 556·8520 Orq 835-2622 , EOE M/F G&tERAL OFFICE Dependable. self-starter wanted for congenial one girl oHice. Electron1C's firm. Typ1.11R S0.55wpm. Aptitude With r1~ures Salary open. Call Mr. A. Oles for :ippt 557·6543 Grocery ' VONS GROCERY CO. Ha.s immediate openmgs mlhcir MEW COSTA MESA STORE for the followmg •CLERKS H ELPERS rrr perm positions. :'lt1n 16 y r s of a ge •EXPERr ENCF:D PRODUCE CL E RKS p rr perm. pos tilions. Min 1 yr exp. Apply in person ~y July 3-9-llAM .at 187 E. 17th St. Costa 'Mesa. Equa l Opportunl· tr Employer. M /F. Inspection II 0 l l' •DOOR ATTD •HOST/ESS Wt! are se<>kmfZ rehahh.'. peop le orie nted in · dhiduals to JOin the Mar· notl team EnJuY xlnl rompan) benefits mclu<I mg a free meal per !.h1fl. Apply 9arn·l 2 noon. Mon· 1'ues/ Thurll''ri 9am·l2 noon. Personnel MARRIOTT HOTEL 000 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach Equal Oppor Employer llOlcl SUPERVISOR ROOM SERVICE C)p{>ty with career potl'n tial exists for rl.'llabll' person w .s upe r visrJry :.kills. Some food o r restuaranl knldg pref'd F.nJOY oulslandtnA co bene fits . Apply !l:im· noon. Mon·i-'ri. Pl•rson· nel MARRIOTT HOTEL 000 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach Equal oppty emplr m tf Get GREEN cash lor WHITE e lcphanls with a Classified Ad Call 642·5678 PRECISION MECHANICAL INSPECTORS 2nd SNft Lear Siegler Energy Products Division Is a growing Orange County manufacturer of precision nuclear valves and equip- ment. We eeek an lndMdual to Inspect first article machined parta and equip- ment using standwd Inspection tech- nlquea and practtoea. Must be able to l"MCI end UM q lntetlng drawings. Wt offer a complete con;pany paid bentfltt peck.lg•, lnoludlng m9dlcal and llfe lntu~. Combined with our ooneflttnt growth and expan1lon. this mak.. L.8.1. a pl....,,t and HCure oer.r company. For prompt oon1lder. tlOn oonuict: ~LUA lllOllR. INC. .... INIEf•OV Pfte>DUCTS DIVISION ..0 L 0,., "°9d '"" HNI a OV.r Aoetl) lanta AN, Cl '210S {714t IMO-U10 MOTIL IAMMAAITIN ~the V1ll•&• Inn In i...\lll• Btach la aeult Ina quaWled. MAIDS Untb'ma provided 6t6SC..tHwy ....... 4'4-t43' newport ..... persomef agency --112·0SS1 Ji.mt bocaWMJ t.hu IUD ii tat Uoo'l roraot aboul )'Uut doul There'• an ''1tr1Un1i Job out t here • Uu11 may mak1• you • mllUonaJre LOAN lfPOITUNITY -l.OAH SICUTAIY 'l'1IMa 4S wpm and aood ckricil llEIU. required. &RICAN SAVINGS MaetUne Shop he lper & Help W ..ted 7100 Http W .ted 7100 d.rtver. Opportunity lo ••••••••• • • •• •••••••••• •••••••• • • ••••••••••••• learn m achhtlat trade . M«hanlc Require.a aome hcitvy The l!:l11 nore Publl<' lil'lin&. Jalro Engineer· Schools are accepting In g 2 7 IJ 9 2 C a m I n o apPlic1tlons for SCHOOL Caplstr1no. Lii Nlg. 8 Os M E c HAN I c . &n·2080. Sa11ry range $13.008 • 16.8'4 per ynr. Require& MEDICAL Uve in, 1200 per week plus room & board (714) MM161or(213)428-6431. MACHINISTS journeyma n le vel ex· 4-day 40-ht. week perycnce In 1bop work lo --------EDLER INDUSTRIES Include major diesel re • Medical %101DoveSt. N.8. pair. APPLICATION Trmscrt..ai-•1t1 AcroufromO.C. Airport DEADLINE: J uly 11. ,.,.._.. 1979. M & Part Tlll9 Help W..ted 1t00 ..............•......• , NVRSES •RH'S* •LVN'S* •AIDES• MAMY OP84lMGS AU.SHIFTS 2Ul3 Martin. frvlne U.11 for appooilQlunl llnuu 1ke t'per /C'o ok , I•--------• mature. L•v•• 111. rur ---------· t'l<k-rly l1dy 10 Co•la 7D> Edinger Av~. H\lntington Beach Mr Felix 848·2222 EOE M/F/H Ma;ds, apply The Inn at Laguna, 211 N. Coast Hwy, Lagwia Beach Apply Eblnore Public Schools 1201 We&t Grahllm Avenue R£9UlllEMEHTS * /0 wpm iypintc •Woridng knowledge of medical te rminology •Farrulianty with anatomy & phys iology Our wage/bene ritt- pcackage 1s lhe blghesl- come m. compare "nil llee! LAGUNA HILLS OFffCE 1111<'1111 Board. roo Ill & H lll')' 142 29111 Hou•ekopt"r 1..11iiun.1 ftrach &rl'a, Moo. W.-.1, f'tt. IHpm fh·h:r.-nt't'' roq 'd «> 2344 lk)UM'kc.wpcr I Att\•nl.l11nt ~ for t'ldt•rly luilll'" 3 l'bays wk. tnll.til $lt•t'll OV«, Engl apeakm~ ~ J th. y 493-59211 !Couse mother for l S t · !kll'Onty llH! in, f l. hun dl4' food b6dget, phrn meal b, manag"' .i employees. Salary. Own t ra n s . 673 ·1 ~1lti 21J.W ·581S. IHSIDESAUS lmmed. open1n~s for responsible. muturc self sla rle r who t'Olll munieates easily "llh others Sales cxpcnenl.'l· a pll.I.'> but not n •qtu red Will train Must have lilt' t)'J>lll~ ~k1lh. 557-0825 lru.tallcr of car sle n·oi. & molule phones (it'lll'ta I shop work. Some l'ltfl nl'<.'l'ssary.1)31.o:nu •fNS1'ALLl::H. SJ)('l·iahty ll\..,laJlt•r for hank 'aull. cqwpmenl Ew'd pn· ferrl'(! but Wiii train 714.751.11.100 ln,<;urantc Let I.I.'! train \OU (or J nt'\4 career. ~:. your pn• sent job offer you In· depcnden<'e, pn•sUgC'. a feehng of accomplish ment & economic secun ty? If not. you should talk with Farmer!> lnsuranl'l' Group today Call (jl'nl' Diiiard 848·5111 tn.-.ura nee :-..cwvort Bcu<'h l11·r:.1111al J..inri. lni. .\gl'Ol'). :.t·•·~ Ing l'Xllt'r t·lt·m-.1! Jll'l'Sllll "' 1n..,11r.111C'l' h~grnd. c .111 fiilti ~ ln.-;uram·i: Fi~ Cl~rtc We arc currently arn•pt ing applications fur F l perm Figure Clerk Must ha,·c 6-18 m os ore or •H" c t g exp, le ~1bl c hndwrt 'g, 10 key by touch, & It typinl? skills. Apply i n person to TRANSAMERICA Ins, ~ Bnstol. Cosla Mesa E.0 E. M1F' lnh•nor Des1i?n St•rv1cc!. Sale!> Represcnlal1' l'~ Salary & commission sw.uoo Newp\lrt Beach an·a , custom dcsi~n & fabn ca t1on firm 1s M:t•k ing an a1o!r l.'SSIVl'. \<l'll established sale·~ J>l•r::.on <,luahf1ed apphl·anl. will be a self starter with .1 proven track record. 1\ I) µbcant should n •spond with resume to Kox 55:>. l>.uly Ptlol, PO Box 1560. CM. 92626 INVESTMENT SALES Orange County''> m o:.t prestigious inves tment o(f1cc w1lh 1978 sales 11( over WT million, has u fe w open inp.s for quahf1ed professional::. who have proven their ability m real eslatc, sell.tnR home" or invest ment property. or "'ho ha\'e an excellent sales hackp.round 1n other fields. but w rth a k:tlowledi::e of rral estate J?aincd through lheir own investments. We offer OOX> sq ft of well a pp<>int- ed serru-privat.c offices 1n the Or a n ge Count y J\Jrport a rea of Newport Beach. F\111 technical & support ser vices. ex cellent invest ment and sales lraming and a com · mis.c;ion split or 65% lo t<Xn-. successful apph· cants will be able lo s ub- stant i ate las t year 's eam1ngs in excess of $20.000 and a commit· ment to eam twice that lo the next 12 months in order to maintain their as.wdation with our of· nee. Over ~ of our staff are also Ucensed to sell rea l estate limit e d partnership securities, and we are active in de· velopment and syndic&· tion. Please contact Ms. Pat Partdnsonof Quail Place Property Inc., at 752·1920 or 1400 Quall St.. Newport Beach. Calif. !DlllO. JIWILIYSALU F e m a l e J e welry Detlgne r n eeds exp'd ~. f /t, working knowled1e or the in · duatry neces11ry for mar position. Etegaat 11lon In NB. Contact Mu. Mohr Mon-Fri Gl-4807 • JUlt moved lnlo town! 1blo let 'acquainted wtl.h the OlaHllled Adil. n.rre tbe eaaleat way IO flDd Jmt aw Item• and ~fOUneed! QYPUHCHB ~ Newp<>rt Center Or Newpurt Beach Equal Oppor 1-:mply r m r LAIASSISTAHT Work 1.11 testing, packag· m~ & handling or food products. Good math ap. lllude, full ti me only. Start.In~ ralc $U2 per hr. Call Dan Snavely, 2JJ ~ 1600 -----Leqm~~tory Ml'dlum size law offi ce rra1 estatl'. busmcss & pn>batt• mai,: card skills prcferr(.'d OC Ai rpurt art':I. C.all J ean 752 1211 Ll•gal Secretary Adm1111:.trat i\c assis· tant. ext•cut1 ve SC('rl•tar~ nc;.'<led for speciuht.l'<i t man. l j:!1rl Jlubl1 c finance law offirc. Po:.1 11on rcqutrC'S excl.'llent typing & bookkl~pmg & ability to run officE'. Send resume or call. i-·. M Bro"'ll. 1600 DO\'!' St . SmlE' 110. N B .. 92660 or 752·9025. Position opl·n now & s ular y com · mensurate w1Lh 1.·x· penen_c_e_. _____ _ LEGAL SECRETARY l'resllg1ous Nwpl lk h IJw firm seeks secrl:'tary " nun 1 yr:. lel?ll l t·x~r. tv~ 85WPM. Mal( card ~~per hl'lpfuL i\sk fur Manlyn &IU-5650 LEGAL SECRETARY Some expe rience pre- fC'rred Newport Center. Sole Pract ioner /General practice. 644-5501 LOT PERSON Imme diate o p enin g, permanent position. fr . mge benefits/ overtime. Call Sales Ma nager BILL YATES YJWPORSCHE SAM JUAN CAPISTRANO 837·4800 GENERAL MACHINISTS 2IMI Shift lnatswick'• DefHH DtvisicM is In M.cl of ex p•r ien ced nudllai1h to ..... CllWI operate precisioft lolhes CllWI lftiBs ht o prototyp• shop ot· mosphere. MHt be able to rwod simple to ~· blwprifth ond haYe a lrnowle~ of basic Triqonometry and G.omttry. Mu1t haYe own tools. TMse positions offer: Manager . n ights, fo r pm.a parlor. Exper. rcq. Call 673-9322 r rom 8 to 4 & ask f Of' J ennil er. Manicurists: Male preC'd . must know all phases of manicunng. Fantasllc location with or w 10 clientele. 645-4693. Mani c uri s t · ex p e r . porce la in & a cr ylic pedicurist. Call 10·6. 675-6070 or 675-6077 Mature female. foll lime. day & eve hours Rion Ha rdware. 1024 lr\11ne Ave, Newpart Beach. AP· ply lD person. Abk for Dave. Mecharuc Journeymen ex· per . level on truch & conslructron equp Phone 557-8257.Mon· f'n. Lake Elsinore, ca . (714) 674-2114 An Equa l Op . por tunity /Aff1rmal1\le Acuoo,Employer Medical ass't ex penenced. Ortho pedic Surgeon. typmg. back or. f1 cl'. Non s mok e r 646-Sl.M. MEDICAL HOSPITAL RADIOLOGY TRANSCRIBER • Comp a " y pa i d _s_to_.i ______ _ ~diate openillCJ for either a full time or part timr Rodioloqy Transcriber. Ex - perience is necessary. Maftday t+tr~h Fri· day, l,.11:30pm for Ml tift shift. W~ of· fer HctHeftt benefits. ~apptyto: mtdical and lif~ in-Me<"han1c exper i.;:1s & surmte~. cliescl to work 1n truck s hop Xlnt salary &i6-09988to4Mon Jo'r1 ·~paid retirement. •2 Weeks vocation ofter I 0 months. •Di sco unts on lnnswick products. We are a people onente<i oq~an1 za t1on wh1c•h 1:-. conveniently located 2 blocks off the San D1e1:0 Freeway and offer ex cellent fnnge benefits. If you are interested in Brunswick and lhe above pos1uon. we would bke to hear from ,·ou Give us a t·all or dn)p by at your C'onven1cncc Monday thru F rida\' lH·lWc\•n 1 :x>AM·J·oot>~1 Judv Marlin (71.a.>54o-llo30 JJ33 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 BRUNSWICK CORP ~Division t:qual Opportunity Employer M 1 F What a Wonderful World of Shopping. ri~ht dl your fmgcr11p:. every· MC<"han1r Traml'l' to M'l & mainlam machint·rv in adhl'Sl\'C mnf)! pi;rnt 1537 MontoHa 1\\-t• 1' H 548-Sl.25 Mcch 101c•st-I Auto. llhr day Night lllff IL1ngr 35, Sl.131. to Sl.:l7G l'on· tart traru.portat1on ell-pl Saddlcbac•k Un1f1l'<l S 0. 586·123·1. 1-:xl . JOU Ckadhnc 1 fl 79 WantAcb Ca II &t2 567lJ Ptt"SOnn~I Of fie~ SANTAANA TUSTIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 1001 HTustin An Sc.Ito Ano, Ca 92705 Ec1ual oppt~ t:mplyr M F MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN "A" 1mmed1a1e opening 1or d Ma1n1enance Elec111c1an w11n 5 years 1ourneymar1 level e~perience A background 1n d manu· lacturmg environmenl is prole11eo In return for your valuable skills we Oller 1op competitive wages and an industry leading benefits package which includes medical and Ille insurance. 13 paid holidays including Christmas shutdown, cost of ll'l1ng raises, generous re11rement and much more For immediate cons1d· er at ion please contact ·~ LEAR SIEGLER INC .... ENERGY PRODUCTS DIVISION QO~O E. Oyer Road (Red Hilt & Oyer Roadl Sanla Ana. C A 92705 (714) 540-3210 l'l"plc who nt•cd 1'1·11ple d ay ! D a 1 I y I' I 1 o I Thal ·~ what lhl' ('la.o;s1fied Acls To plat•c DAILY PILOT your ad. call fi.12 SOiK and SER\1CE DIRECTORY let :i Classif1etj Ad·\'1:.or I~ all about! iJ~hc~·lp~yo~u~.~~~~~~u~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:~ PRECISION MACHIN ISTS TOP COMPETITIVE WAGES PLUS COMPLETE COMPANY PAID BENEFITS lmmed1a1e openings lor c <perirnc•·d Mach1n1~1~ '" ll't• 1011n"1no .11t·.1 TOOL ROOM MACHINISTS JIG-BORE SPECIALIST MACHINISTS 1st & 2nd Shills Reouucs e•per1ence 1n small 1'9 boll.' P & W K & T <.ome 119 g11nd r~11e11enrt• 11·11u1rPd Knowledne of Moore Jig Grinr1er TOOL MAKER 1'1 & :1ncl Sh111c; TOOL CUTTER & GRINDER I q & .'nf) <;h•ll PRODUCTION MACHINISTS GRINDER MACHINISTS 1s1 & 2nd Shill Internal and external grinding operator Limited e>eper1ence acceptable PROF ILE MACHINISTS 2nd Shill Knowledge of Hydroter and Wilson PROFILE MACHINISTS 2nd Shrlt N 1C machtnery cenrer 3 4 & 5 axis ENGI NE LATHE l<,I & 2nd & Jrd Sh1fl~ TURRET LATHE 1s1 & 2nd & 3rd Shilts OeVLIEG and JIG Mill LUCAS BORING MILL MACHINISTS ?nd & 3rd Shifts WE OFFER I Coat of living ou1rterly AllHI • Free Life and M1dlc11 Covtr1g1 1 Modtrn Cl11n FKllllln • 13 Plid Holld1y1 lncludn Chrlatmn Shutdown t Shllt Premiums • Paid V1c1tlon • Credit Union t 25 Year Record of Prolll1blllly Eniur11 Job St1blllty 1 Overtime Avall1blt On Most Shifts 1 Join our Industry 1eadln9 rum this week Call or apply 1n person I~ LEAR SIEGLER, INC. ~I ENERGY PRODUCTS DIVISION 2040 E. Dyer Rd. (Corner of Redhlll a Oyer Rd.I S1nt1 Ana. CA (714) 540-3210 VIiion ha m8dl UI what we are today Equal Os>~lty Eniploytr MIF/H Please call or visit our Personnel Office CHILDRENS HOSPITALOF ORANGE COUNTY CHOCTOWERS La Veta a t Pepper St. Orange. Ca 9'l668 Equal o pp e mployer m 1f /h Messenger. advertising agenC'y. Must h11ve l{ood 25255 Ca bot Road 1 Eldorado Bank Bldi,: I (114 )9S J.()355 GARDEN GROVE OFFICE (Rndgecreek Bus Prk 1 12Jl2 Valley View St•· :i (across the bndge1 (714)898-9237 1rNATIOMAL* NURSING SERVICES Temp employ ugt•iwv a step above a rei.:1i.try dnVJng re<•ord & valJd NO F'EF: EOE m r <.:a! h<• 556-0460. As k fo1 ._ _______ _ Jeannie. ------- Metal Polis~r F fT NURSIN G Expenenccd. 673·3580 Part L1m1· h\>e in ncl'<icd Some nur:-.mg i:xpcncnt'•· Mgt/scc:rl'tary Take mv nc'(-ded to tarl' for th"' Job as ok ·~Rr m bc;t run• lady m her \:orona practice m 0 (.' Fman rll:'I Mar homt• Tul'sll,I\ c1al arran)?l:'rncnh & l'ol !lam thru f''r1 t1.1m 1·a11 lt>ct1un ::. Pr i me rnr appt U l'JOll"- n•spon:.1htl1ty P \'I II EA I. T 11 1• 1\ H I t•lh1l'al l)n11·t11•1· for :1 I! l Dr.. SJ500 S20rk111h1 11tu .. i...s.1-:.n.v.1.c.r,.·s.·.75•2•1 • .1.i •:!-• bl·n,•f1t.. Call l\.1th' 5."121133!.1 or h m1•:,:.J~i· '---------· 5.'><!822.'i OFFICf·: L>ELl\ t:ll'\ MIN · 70 % MAX. -95% MO FEES Receptionist Realty $2,000. · lrviM, 540-2702 Modt·ls We nH'd ~w faces: !'\1odeb Millr· & 1-\•m.JI•· I r ' II II r I J I' ,. h ..... t•h,1.r.H'lt r 1, h1 •h 1a. ... t1111n 11r 111111-.;o. ll lw lh•· )!irl nt·xt duor l .t11 1.11 .111 ,q.>p111ntni1•fl l lur 1 µt.·~H1.1I 1ntl'f\ ll'\4 \ 1111 l'OUlll l>t• rn11dl•ll II~ ,1-. t•;'lfh' ·•~ n.·xt ",.,.~ ~ .. dvn ·1 h1•-.1t.itt• t-.dl 1111". .isk lor I IJ/d 714 6JI 5ti4MI Nt•\4 York"""'~' Modding Al!l'IH'Y 875 W 16th Sl. NH Motel N1izhtcterk 3 day<., wk 61'M tu I 301\ \1 SI hr vanou.;; dut11•!> 5-15 !I-ii I HURSE AIDE J lll II, II to ; pn 111111' t·~p prdd. l;rl 1)11 \ Sm mm ho:.p 1n l'\1.11'1 'IO•ol LVN ( lflt'l\lllj.!~ p.irl tlnlt' 111,.:111 dll1\ ,\ lull 111111· .Ill. I nom ,h11t '\lnr ,1,1111111: ~.ilan & h,•n1 \til•h M<1g,h1p t '011, l'1·11t1·1 ~~i .. ,.1.,ghq1 llil '111 lk·h NURSES AIDES Anrt Ord,·rh1•' to i.:1'' TIA.' tn 1lw (•ldnlv ''" lll'nL-. N 1\ Cl•rl da:."''' lc•r I ra1nmi.: 1\ll .. 11111 ·, .1 \ ,1 1 I /\ p p I ~ l I I ~. Supo.•n11r N II NURSES L VN /RH l.\':-0: i 3 \11:rl11'al1on-. l-\Jll11r 11~1rt t1ml· ll N 11 i lkl11•f l'ha1 .1.!l' nur.>l' (:ood ~JIJf\ ,11111 I nnl!l' lwncf1h \h·-.J \' rnh• Con' .1 It'~ o· 111 I loe-p1t<il 1itil Ci.'nll•r St. l'Qo.ta \k-.J ~ :i~ NURSES AIDES :l II & 11 7 ~h1fl~ E\· pcrtt•nr1·d 11r 1nl'x pcril'n ~1td l l•rl1t 1.:d trainlllg pru).!ram :'lk-..1 \'l:'rdc Con' .dt•:.1·,•111 Hospital tilil Cl•ntl'r St ((~ta Mes.1 ----- NW'S\'S LYN 3-ll shirt S9 bl'd f,1l•1hly, s1l·k pay. in~. l:l paicl Holidays Pkasant \\Ork cond1uons. 28 bt·d :.la t1on. EOF:. R.1 \ \ ll'W Conv llOl>p 2055 Thunn C.M &.12·3505 --- Se!J idle items 642·5678 Manufacturing llOY r 11m1· 111 .. 11 .11>111·.11 \Jiu! {",\ dn\1•r' 111 .v .:u ld clnv1n.: rt•1•11rrl \p ph in 1wr"1111 I 11 \I 1 •. ,ll'llt\~ .. 11 li•1h••11 ll.·111 Wilham r r11,l t. '"''" I 1 n I I/ u •• I I s I r I • ' '•'" µort ll.·.11 h r---------, I 11111 I I Spend Monday At The Beach & Tuesday At The Office I I I I I I I I I I I I 11r ''" 11,.\• 1 I '' h1•olul• ,, .. ,11-,, 1 11 I \ "" l\1·ltv h 1 ;1 I \ .1 r 1 1• I \ 11 t I .1"1~nm••nh. h111h I Inn~ & 'h11r1 I •·rm I /\ I I ,. ' f I• ' '" 111 I 111·1·rl•"' I •Typisb I • s~~tories I •Word Proc I •Acct Clrr"s I •Cl~rlu I I l'" I' I' ''·'Id I \,11;1111111 r•l1rr,tl I l.111111•" '"' • r 1 I 1, 1• ' l(LL~ ( .11f II I I I I I ""'' I I I "'·'' Ir 11•1 .,,1 C I 111 .tllt • l.11 111 I•• ... I 01 f S111I• '11'4 I I 1111111\ll l•lll 11 ... 11'11 '''II'' "'1f It I \\ f I) f I \I I ? •• l..11!1111.1 'I •111'1 1'.ll "" ' .!; bi l .ii~·· 1l11.11f 1-.qu:d 11pp111111111ty Empl"'• 1 \I I• J'JJt., J>t'r"un 111.lfln•• 1'\I' prt•ll•rretl h111 n .. 1 n ·q ~\Ill tmw .!1:11 \\ (·o.1~t ""'.>":-.I ll PART TIME EVENINGS 1\duJL-; w11h 11uhtand11l)! altra('tl\ •' f>cr~1>nJhlll'' who Cn.JOV \\<Ork1ng "II h k1tl'>. (.h,•r :!I Stan .1t SJ SO per hour Phun1· fl ·12·43ll Ext. 2:.11 RETW E EN 4 : 00·5. 1111 PM Ask for Andr.a Jo:qual Oprortumty l':mploycr METAL FINISHER Lear Siegler Energy Products D1v1s1on is currently seeking eMper1enced ind1v1d· uats as metal linrshers to work on nuclear parts. Heq1.11res the ab1hty 10 work trom machine drawings and able 10 work with m1crome1ers . These post11ons offer an excellen1 l'laQe, complete company paid benelHs pack- age, including medical and Ille Insur- ance. Combined with our consls1ent growth and eKpansion, this makes L.S.I. a pleasant and secure career company. For prompt consideration, please contact; ·~ LEAR SIEGLE.-. INC. .... ENEROY PRODUCTS DIVISION 2040 E. Dy•r Ro•d (Red Hiii a Dyer Road) S•nt1 Ane, CA 12705 (714) uo-:1210 \ ............... . ····-·· .... _, -, -··...-....... , .... DM.YPtlOT Sunder.Jul)' I , 1111 ..... w..w 1100 ....,w....., 7100 ~~~ ••••• ?!.~~!~~~ ..... ?!.~! ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..... ?!~~ ---...............•.......... , ................. . ........... '' ~w..w ·'' ~!.~.1.~ ..... ?~~ ~-Ml~.":fci IALISPllSON SblWoc ~t:0 9MT·····--·-·· ···············-..... ht Vec.doft.Cooailntttper. YACHTS SECRETARY tYrM'llllr Plirt Ume ~ bel» OUAUTY COMTM>L ~ ~r 0Ji: .._ Al>PIY T~lon Rest. EKperience 10 •lllng -UU.Ulrt~ RECEIVING ~':b1~.r!~l~11c: r! ---~~~t-· C:£E~;:~~ ;r,:;r:;.;.~ F-,u"::!~· =~~a!o~w!~{o ~~~1~·· Kooa ~:~afJ!~~ia~l~:~d'~i:!U:::US~~~~ ~~tta .eattcoupp( P/I' rnai..a.. PMkl~. l MriHH •• a.:dr.ullc ~ ...,.,42. Mw:aoT. •· SAUS IOIJCtroas of humor. You 'It need to have the CLERK Tead\er needed for arto"" Ptr. POlitJoft. Moo lbr11 held d-.lred aot re-~t '°" ulet ol· n.tluranl Salad L<ady &o Dm ... .$Jo per hr. re· usual abillUes ln s horthand, typing noon prescllool pl'Oflr•nt. Ai.,....... ,_jnd. A "-davil J.oda.. nc. d 1111Jot •holetale tou ••ladJ " ditpenM! tl1tertn1 •oten. Call and moderate flling and record keep. Your child rnay au.ea~ Co.lrYlne 1111rHey. Compel\Uve dnHt\11 H l hr b _now __ ...,._ma_____ in~. You'll maintain our corporate ~1_1~ck19'• c~=~ _r_.rcc..;..·..:.s.56-_'as __ 16 ___ _ a.'M& .. £.O.lit. ..a.ry, hlllY paid health n.1t.e11Wk Wed.sun. <.:all --------mmutes and record as well as handle "'" -.. • ........ , ST ... T ., pll1& •• peld vautlon . Jot. &«kda.l• ror \It-· s.i.:. 1 b i tookht:a for o• 1 .. . R I A L • W" ~Ko"' Munllofutl rtirnbun• aa11a.-.... __ my persooa us ness requirements ..,.0 ~ wfttt J.S ~ SALBlllAff '""• ---~un~ mu.al -5 such as making travel.arrangements. IAllNUP'IOLKCQM· u~ u p . clean. llTAl&.SALU · d rdi.ti tr Ii Hperienc• I• sltlp· TecMlcJan MJSllOH NIT. l·Eam ~t appeattnr " a&oud JIAM DA... SALES managing an reco g ave og ex-piftcJ/receh·-,. Mult uo)( to s1ootc b y ~ vom~ C-OnUact ftl .... SILOIS penses. etc. b. .._to operat• a ntllllU. Z•Flod C>Ul JoMn., 714•a.IOIM M.~llf't •eclll C'VVI"' .ct dri CALIBRATION TECHNICIAN wt\ynewO crarnbqSS1 -No d uperl t!nce d u..4&WOM&O One personal note : I 'm a non s moker fortdfft •• a hen Come la\t wlth llC.-OOHtST r 11 •ht o n or 1 c n t l' d NoHard~e who would pref er working wt th a non tnlck. Wll recein. un- th«'11> 3·0ur pro duc Fl\Jmcdor bu.y ll.K olc ~noo. 1-\111 & p1trt NoElperieoc:e Needed s moker. loed. • MCJl"99Gh in-t 1n..xp~n1lo land / udt U Typlna rtiQd t'or tlmu u pe nlol(~. C11ll Mu.tt>e2.&or0lder ~ ......,. .... ~ ~ r~k:'·&-4t,~:! =:.w l•uJl llarb .. l _:IKZ;.:;;.....:~:..;...;...______ Permenentemployment Our offices are in Fashion Island in pin -.d .... ,... .. t; 'Wh,y • ..,. .. ·n l!Ol ttw ooal RN twllcf· z days/wk for where AG£ as no la rt or. Newport Beach: The hours needed perform physic a I lhln&IOift«·' Aak fe>r Mr. REC to; PT I 0 HI> l': tt smllll luxlU')' facility l1l Aureulve individuals would be 8:30AM to S:OOPM Mon.Fri. c.-t of pacll9CJH: Engineering Associate lmmedlate opening wit h an l.ndustry leader here m Orange County. Sec our la rge a d under "~ectromC'S'" in today·~ classified or ca II Howud.~)tQZ Dl:SK ~tnl'tl(' Coll1· 1..agw,a Ueach. Apply m wfthadeslretoMtvllnc~. (Occasional flexibility needed). IC you i.atlff .cl iltspKt Pfl'U, t-xlnt lyptna. lrnt ~ to The Gantel\lf, Campany pajd medical Ii r · ~--~~.:,~~:: olc appear. busy dL~"'rok ~ Gk-n.iw,Ytti St .. l01tm· p.lan. enjoy a Cul.I dedayr's .wor1k androd ike :!''LI"-of " s:*'~e_.s PIXC>f9t. O~r'• for tch1pbontt .,.weriq IUVh.-e. Must be eblt-to work M>mt 1111eekends. Typloti 3 wpm Te(lulred ~x penence prt'rttrrcd o wtll train. II.any <'Om · pan,y benel1ta. l''ull Um or part tune. da.y Ii ~er· noon .evenin g sh1hli auilab.le. Please oll ,_... uuwv --......... tJ00-1*> PANC..'O . lpm Moo t-'r1 PersonallzedTraminA being apprecaat or at, p ease Pa -"''' tf ncet•C'U: f!icp'd 6 l oe xp 'd lrv.CA M0-07_31_. __ cr. ... •11:s HaYet.beabibtytowant resume to: Box #S45. c/O'The Dally _.. -& • dls-~ net"ded. Tov ~ """" l r-~ '~ pa1d. Send UCIPTIONIST Advertiamg Sales rep. to ....... peop e. Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa.Mesa, Ca. .,.... receivi.g re- name 4r pbooe no. ln l'On Newport Bearb To ~ ~for O.C. home im· u ~ interest you and 92626. ports.. fldence t o Box 2~6 . A newly t'rl.'atcd Pl)S1l1011 provem uol M aga :ttne . Yo'J want further detalli.. LEAR SIEGLER IMRGY PROOUC TS DI VI SI OH Mon. thru fo)" l. &O.E. L.aauoa 0e»cb926S2 tor brairht go·1iett1•1 Stra11~hl Commission contact : LES .. 'wrctn&Ung field to ~ m <gmcrousl "roup heallb. 8.EALF.STJ\.TESA • & yvu will receive ex· gus credit card. E xp. Opttnln ~ in w e ll ccllent benefits. l n· pro fesslon 3 ls o nly estoblished Irvine lirm tctfacewllb politicians & 4974464 Training, ass1sl am·c. handle phon es . Call generou11 rommiss1on 5\'l?-812:2. MrRtadot '7141540.5554 Ma. fri 9AM-SPM HARIOll LAWN ttte-..rlbl f'ark Mol'twy CostoMna sd\eduJe. Call Dawn or 100% Free to upphc~nt Le,lm-8000 ~ .. .....-... Stnke 4500 Campus. N 8 Open Monday Evening Until 7 p.m . Sales ATHLETICS Earn Sl25 a week part u nw guys & dolls 17 & older uet!ded to do P.R. work Cor top a mateur 1---------alhlctes. llelp us develop world class athletes. lf 2 yrs. or college & car. manager trainee pos1- \IOOS avaalabll•. $250/wk .. (Hourly wage/bonus). Working evcnLng hours. Call Mr. J ohnson at SALESfT.V. DEPT. 48hr. per week /must be able to work Sun. Salary romm. w /exper. /\pply in person, Kerm R11111i . 28i6Harbor Blvd. CM. ..:633-4=.:.._12::::_1. ______ Screen printing produe· SALES/DE LI VERY. H l ion manager wanted. you nt>cd a decent payin~ Mun have exp 54G-!HJO SECRETARY • respons1· ble typist for attorney in O.C . a irpo rt a r ea. a>wpm. !175-0077 a.nclud· ingwlmd.'>. SECRETARY We have an imml'd ()pen· i.ng for a Secy in our Cairns ~pt. Must have a>wpm SH. & 50wpm typ. Ing skills. Shollld have at leust 2 yrs ore exp. Exlnt benl offered. Apply in pers TRANSAMERICA Ins. 3420 Bristol. Cost~ Mesa. E.O.E. M/F. SECRETARY job up to S4·$6+ evs 5.!Jµm. l'all art l pm , Newport Center law fa.rm. lnt.elligencc. Rocxt slulls. & prior legal 1·~ Seamstress oe~ed ror perience required. Call sail company. Exp PN.' Ruth Brazer 759·3800 5,11..(l!l l fd 631-4660/646-5806. SECUTAJlY Newport Bt-ac-h To SHOO. This close -knit r irm need s y o ur diversified skills NOW. You will meet lots ol in· terest.u:lg people that pop in and out. If you have a fi~ aptitude . all the better. Great benefits . cru t 557-6122. 100% Free to applicant. ,., •••• s-;e. 4500 Campus. N.8 Opm Monday Evening Until 1 p.m SECRETARY If w.r.sted in the eove *°P by or give aCGlat: .NdyMcrifn llll Hcwbor llvd Costa Mesa, Ca 2040 E Oyer Road <Comer Redhill & Dyer) Santa Ana, CA 17141540.3210 Equal Oppty e mployr 92626 l~~~~~~~- C714J 546-8030 m1f/h BRUNSWICK Deftme DMdon Equal Opporturuty Employer M /F' St a tionery S t o r e in Qwona deJ Kar needs ex· penen ced sales lad y. fllll time S da.ys.xlnt ~roods. Especial· ly fine clientde. 67~1010 Teenaj?er needed to care for girls M & 11 . eves. Vic. .. :ns 1g n 1Jl a r bor tl1. 64&1507 TE LE PHON E SOLICITOR P /time S4m· Thursday. 5:30-9:30 PM. Qin cam $400.$700 Pl'I' mu Will train. mu~t 111· responsible & Jbh· In follow iru.t.ruct1ons. N B. area 955-3402 RECEPTIONIST bK:Utiwe S.arch flrm in ~wport leoch hos o,e•MJ for a Rect-p- tl onls t with 9ood phoM ~rsOftoflty & typing skllls. If you ~ lllce o ch..ce to wor1c In this Hc~inq envlronu.nt. pleose ,..... Ted Bavty or- GI en n Ohon at 644-9174. Sales Secret ary 1rerepllon 1st , SEAMSTR ESS. Sall mak· full t ame, 1com1truc-uon ing seamstn-ss nct'tlt.'tl oriented I for a ren I We are seeJung a wcU or· ._ _______ _ 1tanizcd , selC·d1recting 1nd1vidual who enjoys people contact to work ln busy office or a la~e shopping ceAter. Any ex· ~rience relating t o shopping center promo- lion or public relations 1s a 1M11S. Typing 60wJ>m, ~phone personality & flexibility a musL Please T £ L E 1• H 0 N "; SOLICITORS. 4 dy wl.. SPM.SPM. no sell, no ex· per. S200 mo + bonu:. 549-5045_. ____ _ Prinun~ PROOF R E ADF.R & Gent ore clerical pos avail at Dennis Printers. Xlnt benf. Profit !'ihanni:. 5.5 \Told <'0 in SA. Rt'·lor m "t,ag Hills. Call Tern !">t7 11_1_1 _____ _ Recept/Lc g a l Secy trainee. Newport Beach law office. No legal exp. f'roduct1on Control Clerk or Sil nee. Musl type 60 fam1lianty with manual wpm or more. Call Lois, Kardex System desira· I\· 30 AM ·S : 3 O PM . hlc tmt nut rcqwr ed -~--------~! Uil be !!Olld V. 1 l h r1..:ures & proficient with RECEPTIOHIST ANABOLIC, INC. l~l GlUette Avenue Irvine. Ca 9271'1 F.qual Opportunity Employer M If' R.E. lNDUSTRlAL IRasml! & sales lrvmC'-Santa Alla Ample lastings 1'1oor t1m1· Weekly draw paid lo qualified liccnS('cs. H.R. Marun & Assoc. 500 E. Dyer. S.A. 545-8411 ..irlding mar h /hand forde.s1gnfirmin l rvine. calculalor/lypewrih•r Frontomce appear:rnC'l'. RF. INVF.STMENT Ital t.> rang~ Yl' a r I y l'/\BX l'XIK'nt·m·c pref., COUNSf•;LOlt Npl Uch S7!!60·Sl 1000 RHOWN liletyping.833·3500. Tru-;l 'lt•1•1l firm seek-. .I OR DAN /SANTA /\NA Rel·eptionist /Typist Lg qualllll'il IH't'rlM~t· In earn 2ill2 S._~~laday 979·(1131 development firm. EXIJ. SJ ti . CJ II o + U t! n f P ROFESSIONAL rold helpful. SSwpm. Oppt'y _?Mf.f.>.'i 0073_. _____ 1 mctldl'd wood hoa t for ad"ancement. Np· R.E. Licensees hw Ide-rs wa nted. Hcf's West 152·5962/351·~ rt.'Q Immediate <'mvluy C Mlbl IX' wilhn~ lo le.am ment. Writ e:-c & B Re«>ptJon1sl forN.B. P/\ uncJ groww1thinnovativc Manne. I053 17th i\ve .. Qrm. Reqwrcs excellent SaJes&BuildingCo. Ca l)pis t w f pbon e exp. HALFMOONBAY Santa Cruz. · 95062· Salarv. open. Call Eloise. --'-..... Land & Oe•~lo~nt PURCHASING t 759-0C>ll. Chester F SalJsbury 11 SECRETARY Re<.-cpltrypisl. Cast . ac· 640-8755 needed. Detail minded curate for Dr's ore. 4 a r. ----- 1~rson to handle process· ternoons. & Sal A M. RESEARCHTECH mg of purchase ordt>rs Sala ry commens urate Work for a rapidl,y grow· and group insurance w/eicp. Non-smoker. Call in).l clin1L·al dio.:nostic clalms in busy Orange• _&48-__ 95_1_1.______ group us •nl! your fl" C a d agen cy l!:x !iearch laboratory ('ltp to 0 •. . · · · · RECEPTIONIST /I'YPl~a develop novel antibodies. penence m mallll~inm~ nrlvatecountry duh For ""-p W/t1ssu•• nultU"" &. records, strong typing & r · . · .,.... .. .. . ... riling skill a must. Lots of mtervtew cal1G44·5404· immunolo).l1c11I l cchni· Collow up. ~reat al· ---------ques prcf'd . RS an mosphere in new office biol~Y or chem istry re· bldg. Xlnt benefits. Call Toplaceyour message q'<I. Co offer s com - Mrs. Brecke 752·6171 before the pet i l 1 v c s a I :l r Y & ~encrous benefit pkg. Cadillacs to Go-Carts Whatever the Fad Roll 'em off the ma rkcl With a Classified Ad Call Now! 642--5678 readmR public. Send resume & salary phone history to 15l'IR Monrovia Daily Pilot Ave. NR 92663. Attn: Classified, 642-5678 Personnel. Sates Indus. Supplies T ooh & Hrdware NOWHIRl ... G Trainees ror s ales & rrona~ement. Salary + comm. Will tram. full compaoy benefits. 18 yrs & olde r . S tar t am· mediately. Sales Col 957-1150 8AM·5PM INTERIOR OE.51GN with interest in art or Int. d es i g n . Jo' u I I · I' T . $20.$25/hr. Will train. Call Ms. Bunk , 848·9378. _~_7pm~·------- SALES JOB ... OW OPEN FULL-TIME G R EAT OP- P O R 1' UN 1 TY F 0 R O UTGO I NG . A M · BlTIOUS PERSON T O EARN TOP DOLLARS. MUST RE OVEH 18. SALE.5 EXf>ERl ENCE ll ELPF U L ·SU M E ORG AN Kf:YBO/\R D EXPE Ht F:NC E REQUJRED. CALL AT ONCE 1-'0R INTERVlEW ORGAHEXCHAMGE D. JET'l' 714·586·7302 Saleslady p rr for exciting new rctu1l store. Must h ave ple a sant a p · pearance & personality. Some a ggressiveness great. Must be able lo work SaL Hrly pay + 5". comm . Please c all ErlJ.4865 bet. l G-5. Sales person wanted ag· itressive. part time. Will tram. G<IOd co. hcnefits. Apply in pi.>r sun 9am·llam. STANDARD SHOES :m7S. Bristol,C.M. SALESPERSON, rull time. exp. preferred. Call for appt Ba ker J>tywood. 549-3073 Sales PH Cosm et1c:r. h iring sales people in 0 .C. 714-642·9275. !lave somelhinl? you want to sell? Classified1ads do 1l well. 642·~8. ---- Programmer SENIOR PROGRAMMER ANALYST PRODUCT SALES MANAGER Cryogllic Valves Excellent opportunity for an e1<perlenced Programmer to move up 10 a malor Orange County manufacturer of pre- clalon control devices. We seett an lndMduaJ with 6 years eicpertence on A.N.S .• COBOL and RPG II Pf9f8fably In a manufacturing environment. Knowl· edge of IBM 370-0S sya1em1 la a must. In 9ddltlon to an excellent ealery and complete b9neflt1 pec:kege, we offer high. o.reer vlalbll ltY and growth oppor- tunity which la '**ed by our 2& year1 of continued profltablllty. For lmmedlll1e conalderatlon, pleaee cont.ct: Good opportunity lor a career lechnlcal profeealorial cryogenic aatea person. Ouallfled candidate will have BSME or equlvalent t ectlnical education •nd at least 5 years LNG. PPG Industry experience. Travellng required up to 50 per cent of the time. Effective communication ablllty. bOth written and oral la required. E1<callent salary and complete company paid benefits are avallable. Our standing aa an Industry leader provide• • maximum ol career growth and s atisfaction. For Immediate consideration pt .. ae .. nd resume, cell. or contoct: c xper prcf 'tl, Cal t-state & construction 67~0. firm . Sal ary l'Om · SECtlETARY mensuralC' w /ex pe r . ~5ll.2.. Fast pace import/exPort --------- co. located m Newport 1---------Beach. looking for ao in telligeot. individual fo r sec-retarial & clerical duties. W /train. Xlot en vi.roomenl a nd bcnef1ll> can 759·9461. ask for Mike SECRETARY Require xlnt seerctumll a d m i n i s l r u t 1 v t• & m athe matical s kills S SECRET ARJES $ RE/Lng Bch $15,600 Sa.lest Manne $12K Recept·lype $9,600 AIP·R.E. S12K G.0 .·Bngbt Sl 1.700 Appomtmcnl Only Employers Pay /\II ··('(?~ Liz Rewders A.g1•ncy 402() H1rch, Estab '&1 Newport Beach, 833-8100 apply at: THE IRYlME CO 550 Newport Center Or Newport.Be~cb 644·3343 Equal oppty employer Dynamic working t•n -Excellent vpportun11 y vi.ronment. $W.800. Wntc ~~ for ~rctary lo assist inconfideo~\o l:k>xt'Jli, SECRETARY lnsur .J ncc Mana Rcr, Corooade! Mar Learn the personnc•I Ocnera1 inSW<IJICC' agt'n business. Lots or people cy expe n e n c-e with Secrrtary I t'\Jfltact. Fanwsl1t' v.ork· k nowled~<' or bond s Need se1r starter for Job lngcood. Top salary help{uL Must be good or · with lots of variety. GOOd Irvine Personnel Agency J?aDiz,er & able lo com · typin~ & shorthand n.. 488 E 17th, Costa Mesa mumcate well, good typ- qwred. Some perS-Onncl Ste224 642·\470 in g. c a le u I at o r & work. Jrvine Jodustrial ~......--.~ shorthand or dictatini: Complex. A Kcnduv1s l~iiiiii;;..iiiiii..-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii equipment s kills r e· Inds.Co. SECRETt\RY quired. Please call 540-7639 ... E.O.F. THEIRVIHECO Secretary for real esUlte RECEPTIONIST/ S.SO Newport Center Dr deve loper . L at:uoa PERSONNEL Newport.Rear h 644·3243 NiRuel area. SSOO·SOOO SECRET ARY F,qual Oppty Employer STOCK CLERKS T ELErHON t:; OPERATOR IR ECEP · TIONI ST P a rt·t1m c evestwknds , xlnt s ur round1nJ.?s, good oppty for ni.:ht pcr:.on. CCIII Q)rne jom us for our Jlll' l\alh)' !°>51-1881 ext 7,, nk! If you Qualify fur Tro•~ USA ttus ~!lion you ""111 be £. lnW.. joming us J USl m l.Jme for ---------our rompany picnic.: in 18.IPHOHE July -SURVEY-OClf' ~te openinRs for mdlv1duals with 1·3 yea.rs experien<'e in clcl·· trorucs. Positions uwolve fihn~ kits an<1 handhni; tnve ntory control. .. 'or k II ft t' x IH' r1 t• n t' c would i.)f' helpful We orrer eicceil•"flt 1·.1m pany tx.'flCf1ts w h1<'h m elude one wreks 'aration Wter stx months. elevt·n paid holidays and J:mup msuran<'e beJ?in<> upuo day of hire. .AM No selling survey lO bu:-i De68 owner... Sta rt $4.0ll hr c M. ore. 54S.UH9 Toolmaker /Mal·h inist. 4.'XP or rt•tm .. .o<t, hte work rlcan <;hop. Pull or P fl l~1ll ~ 5435 al'l ti l'M. Tow tl"IX'k dn ver exper. J\µpl v in µc r-;on 2ti\ll!ll 0rtt'l!3 H.lghwa~ S.J I' Tow Tr IX'I< J)n ver" l'' po.•1 ·,1. Top pay i\ppf\ CJ,\W '1'0"'1n i.:. 7401$ Ohm~Wa).C M.642·l252 DOCUMEHTOR TRAIHER A DIV1S1on of Wi-W\.'ih to add a 11rn AM lntemat.Jon a l. Jnr. fcss1onal. expe r11·n• 1•11 2921 S. Daimler St trainer ro our staff. Ort\' P O. Box 105<1i who has expen enrt' 1 range. Cnll Mrs. Gr1f. fllb: 4~2344. SantaAna.CA.9'l7ll <UldLl<'ttn~ lwe train111~ Wl' have an t>XC1t 1n1.:. SF.CV /BKPR. F /P llml'. M~si.1ons for (oremJI' dual purpo:K> JOO In our R.E. Develop., rn CdM. Equal Oppor Emplyr MW & su~rvisor:. 111 SECRETARY for desiRO firm in Jrvme . Good typing skills, travel reservations. 2 yrs e x· pcricnce pref. !133·3.";()() Re~ional office It in· Sa!aty open.675~ Mif' varied 1ndu,lnal rt• eludes r cce1v1n g ~•11 i---------~~~~~~~~~~! V1rooment~ telephonl' call<; ;inil \is· : SECRET ARJES Ofi&.CALL Secretar y. Exeruli vc Type 70wpm. dktaphone traoscr i pt1on, shrthnd helpful. work w /finan cial executive. Salary open. HH. 536-8877 Secretary : Newport Beach mortgage banking firm has irnmed openjng for a jr s<.'cretary. RI' quires typing SOwpm & i;hlhd &)wpm. r nor of· rice or s<.'crctanal t'XP desired. Xlnl co benefits. salary commi:osura ll' w /<nep. can personnel for appL 640-4580 EOE. ltors, plus pruv11lin2 secretanal s upport to the Personnel ManaRer. Tl1t' job cillls for very ~ood typing, some transcrip· twn. good t e le phone tN·hnlques and general dcnca l s kills. The salary is S800 to $900. Come in and complete an uppllcaUon this week. HUM.AN. IMC. 450 Newport Center Dr Suite550 Newport Beach. Ca 92660 714 n 59-049t Equa l Oppor Emplyr mtr Secretary /Bookkeeper · I~~~~~~~~~ Part time. C.M art•a. l·---------1 fiexibJe hrs. Plellse call 631-3000. SECaET ARY· P fTi"'1t for sml cons truction <'O. t}cpr. in payroll, lite hk · kpg. Approx 20 hrs wk. 4944 284 SECRETARY· EXECUTIVE Executive search firm 1s loolong for a highly pro fessional exec uti ve secretary. Must posess rmtwily, ability lo or· ganb.e, set pnorlUcs & deal effectively with large client base. Good skills a must.word pro· cesalng u p helpful. Greatoppty for advance· ment. Contact Denise for further Information at 71~-849'.. E.O.E. LRK ASSOCIATES 16371 leoch II. H.I. Secretaries Typists WE OFFER OPPORTUNITIES! TOP PAY FOR YOUR SKILLS WE NEED· SICaET ARIES: SHORTHAND DICTAPHONE TYPISTS: CLERK STATISTICAL Pt'rmanent pl'rl time positions available il you hkc diversity, m('('tmR people, & the advantai:e o r working in all divisions or the com· pany. this is the job ror you.. Typing 60wpm, good telephone person ality Please complete appUca· lion for review at THE IRVIHE CO. 550 Newport Center Or Newport Beach 644·3243 Equal oppty employer Sec'y Newport Beach Experienced c ivil litiga . t1on sec'y with g ood skills lo work in branrh office of L.A. based law firm. Xlnt oppty for ad · vancement. Pleas a nt surroundings. Benefits . Ca ll for appt. (714 )955--0313. SEWING MACH OPY. Special mach opcr. exp. can rna«e S3.50 hr & up. S t eady work . C. M . 6'2-3472 Sewin g M ac hin e Operator: Single needle power mac h ine. top wages . 645·6060 Nwpt Bch. Call bet S.5pm. Sheet Met.al MAIMTB4AHCE st&TMETAL WOltKEtt Sl4,952·$l7,l-Per Yr Top Pay No Fee Sea alert /Recpt. Paid Weekly Fabricates. assembles, Lite traffic & pleasant rn inst alls and repair s. sunoundlngs for small ~ l~ !'!beet metal products. mag.u:ine publishing co. e .. -Excellent be nefits: Shorthand skill• r eq . I prime location. COot.act Minimum 5 yrs. eitper. Ptt1oDDe1 ()(face ror ap· Salary commensurate. Tc 11•' S«vices pticadon materials Job bnrned. opening. Phone r #Cf.JI, FlliQI deadline: ror morn i n l( a ppt. IRVINE 752-ee66 July 13.1179. 1~~~·~·~B~ri:n~g;rea~u~m~e;·-;t:;;;;~;;;;;;~;;:;~~I S e c r e t a r 'I t o r UNIVERSITY OF ~~Delly Ptlol ... llyt .... \'OOI wNt'9 MW lft ,.,W IOCel -nftl'-· _,, cSey j,Jlhl§n.Ji Our bwuness 1s traininit We o((cr a c1ynamH' growth potential for a rll' dicated profession;J I SaJary 1s at the top of Uw industry r ange. Thi,, pos 1t1on can qui ckl~ grow tn respons1b1hty & earninl!S for the right person. p li-ase indrc-a te ('JI. J>t•m•nl'l' & earning hi!> tory an first reply. 1\LI. replies will be lrealed in ronf1dcnce. F.OE. Hepl~· Ad '1510. Dally Pilot. f' O. Mox 1560, Cosl:.i Mesa. Ca 92626 SELL idle ttems with a Owly Pilot Class1f1ed Ac1 642 5678. 111111111111111 SATURDAY INTERVIEWS St cur11v Pacific Bank tl.1< 1mmed1ate opt'nonC'I"-tor e~ peropn~t<O t1101vtClv·i•:. 1n lhe OranQe Countv area lor e TELLERS 1Full & ParH1m111 Somt> Trd1nee pos11tons .1vil•IJbll• e NOTE TELLERS e NEW ACCOUNTS CLERKS • PROOF MACHINE OPERATORS e STATEMENT CLERKS e SECRETARIES Saturday. July 7ttl, 1979 8:30 afl'I to 4:30 pm ... LE.AA Sll!O&.IA. INC. ~· ENU.OY ..-.ODUCT,J DIVISION 2CMO I!. Dyar 9'0ed ... L!AB Sl~OL.!A. INC. ~· INEl'OY ,,_OOUCTS DIYtSION 2CMO E. CW.r 9'oad HolMo~ A..n. Xlnt.1 SICUTMY CALIFORNIA. lftV1N£ , ---a i..&na, n...i.k~P· PwlonneJ Department ""---UINa SIJQO ... M-"' 1.52AdmiDiatl'aUon Blda. Call for appointment (714) 558-2136 c:'. Hlfl i Dnr "oed) AN. CAN10I Cft•) 5404110 (Aad Hiii t. Dyer "oad) Sllftta Ana. CA ta?OI (7'•1 S'0-3a10 Lnc • mlSll computer B.eatafWut Ne•port ltv\De.CA92'117 tapna 8eb • rea B·S ne~ cftM. The r1ght Mon·Fr\. jtt.SS7l hand to -lJua y n e c . Alflrma Uve ActloC\ Secretarlu Po•l"on ~ .... LoU __.w ...... .avaUai,,e with Intern•· d • u.~t~.,.=:._... · Uonal company fo r I Aaftcy "'"'"""'• auu seem.at}'. Cont.act. Mr. • .&-1M.. v....._ a.a.~ lndua\lies, Slt ~ • ... \470 ~\O~. 714-644.-00 . .. '. _.......,_~- • .. IOlO rt...toY• 1041 ~mhn 1050 ~.Julyt,t979 DAILY PILOT ••z .....,. W. IOH 0...,. W. 1055 GcrOCJf W. 1055 Medtmty i071 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .••...••............... ···············'······· FREIGHT DAMAGr.O fn!c~p)'lOlloodhomo Oetu.xerorm1c¥dlncllcta llOTPOINT SAU; 33Cl8 751.9414 bk! + 6 l'halnt Allio cor· 'W Wanicr nr Harbor. ner China closet Sl~ SuLa Ana tnt-2t21 4nOI ln h a<!llt'r. net'd1 ~ CASll PAIO ~·t~l:J's:!eouonM __ o_rt;>l_c_la_b_l~-$40--A-n_l_lqu W1hr tDryt 1 /Ro rrl l(K. maiih end toble $3$ work.tnj or not 91$7 8133 K 11 It< n I , "' w II 8 • MS-lk73 alt 7 htulebc'dlen. Isl bh<Ktt, VETER.AMS ,,.. .... ,......... Aw ..... fw Moving M uny l(OOd furniture & h~hld items Sat 2606 V1i.111 .lM Oro, N.8 . ESI'ATESAU ; Antiques, collecllbles. furniture. booki.. m1:;l'. Dl Aero #1.2 finaer brake. NOkher n . Punch U w/puorh pck !ti, Ptxto .sz. Kick Shear dnU pre· sa. blind aaw n n. ~·2381 Mtc••··--IOIO ••••••••••••••••••••••• u~:.-c=::z Gl:/Penno• wuhH dr)'t'f' Cd«I Many op LlcXll la.a lh&n 2 :yn old Nrw lllOO, will adl p Ir for t300 f6~ 60411 CM-Mil. loV('uble ~ 8' IOla. •old S50. 2 swivel red dl11rs S50 Clgantic 4 d ay ga r age sale ! I lerschede grandfather clock. won 1st prize at Panama Pacific International exposition 1915. with beaut. claw reet & 9 tone bars. Orgasonic Baldwin Organ. Spode. Bis que. Cr ys tal. Silverware & m any. many antiques . Needlepoint pillows. round walnut c urio ca bine t . cameras. tape recorder. r are silver Chatelaine from E n g l and . ma n y pieces or Capodamonte. 8' heavily carved sofa. perfect condition . Comp~e set Royal Canton China dis hes. very old & rare. Complete set of Anchor Trade mark C hina rr om Norway. Many o ld paperweights. old china slippers, many decor china plates, Limoges & others. Antique jewelry, blue star s apphire circled in diamonds. pink sapphire with dia monds. watches, 31.t karat diamond tie tack. All sales final. no previews. July 4·5·6 & 7th from 9 to 4 d a ily. 226 Grand Canal. Lillie Balboa Isla nd. Corner Balboa Avenue & Gra nd Canal .on the Little Island side. Mon-Fr1.00·2ti86days. i.--------• .... se.-......... $6.HPw..._ ~C ....... Tat '._ . S4.IOPw"-' o ..... ...... u.oo, ... ..... ........ s .. .., S4.00 t. H .tl ,.,...._. IMpHtor. 9"" ... , ..... 1111•t l4.00,.,. tt--. llKtro.lu 'tdllik'-S5. I 7 to H .50 ,.,..._. Apply ot l•plo~•11t & Trol1tl119 Ad..wslratiOA of IHcta. Slt USED REl"RIG t;HA'fOH~ Wuhcr-.10ryl.lr1>. l\!1>t lJuyitJllrl(Utlll' Bl'~'T i\l'Pl.IANC't:S Salt-i; Iii Scn·11·1• Ml) "-'m ~'Mi Oil l \ IJttm I~ cupitl'lly m1·11I m I rrut"t<>w1tve m1•n Ind r ook book & m I l r u bro"*ner U llo n i :.h 8.'ll-4 I ll6 IORIY VACUUMS PRF.F: Lab pupa 846-e&IO 3moolhlnld )4IJ ~ Will ucrtflce a ntique queen h eadboard w /m~tl. ~. 8 fl gold tda *·(clean> 4 pc oak Ible & r h&U'S $40, 968·6196 «~·7~ Aoonbl~ Ycmale cnbco lutlc'n, 7 "a ~fl'h old, lO tt'iud horn_ . ~-3797 Ah1tfllk1tw'1 ktlh.'lli>. n(~<cl ht'lp. ra n 'I kt•u p ~l().Hl:l, 7!H 7~ti A{)(>llAnt.K hwuhlc lut ti·n11 10 w•·t'kK. Cd&t t;I0-71443 FIU:I': .uJ111 Jblt> k1th·n~. lun~ & 11hon h.11r m•t·d .:1w O.irn,· Ca ll ~Ill 3JGH. klTIEHS Otll 984 l4~i !-.rnill femalu dog, In·,· to 1900'1dnlsser. lge beveled mirror. $200 bes t ofr. 675-8436 aft. 6P M h'ageSale 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GARAGE SALE·Ncw s un rf. tent lrlr. shells. lawn mower, misc. 317 Nassau Rd. C.M. 54S·22SO fo1i;ir.1nll't'd r ebuilt 11ood h o m~ Ltk~' Garage sale • Mirrored tables, roll·away bed, ~ood t able . stert-o 836-8791 or 631 • l 045 mut.lcl'. 1 h1lctrt'n !>12·94~ _ S AT 1SUN 9 -4 3R4 Avocado , CM . Couch . $79 & UP Dolls. old/oew . Alex. baby c lothes. a nuqueb & mur h m ore . 10·4 sa11SUn. 2974 Crortdoo, C.M. 8060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hack bay a rea · llors~~ boardt.-'d with hmw nd· 101( a r e na. Sl!Omo . 5'~2536 Registered quarter horst'. 12 yrs. m ure (;entk. Sl.200/bst ofter 4!!3 2<.)06 ···••••·•·············· Twn matt & :.prnl! .... washer, s ml dryt>r, tuhlt• & chrs. '""'' lllO 7341 l.OPM SundJ> PAWN · SHOP 1926 Harbor. C . .:4. WE NEED MERCHANDISE'' JEWELRY DIAMONDS GOLD STERIWS ANTIQUES TV'S, RADfOS SCRAP GOLD FISHJNG GEAR CASSETTES ETC.ETC.ETC <2 Doors from Big l''t!lla·!'> Menswear> LIDO .ffwehy & Loan 64S-1641 M• Stnet, H..tftMJt• c .. "°"' 1714J 53'·2526 or 6lt-1554. Yot1 .... st briag DD•214. Nt-w & demo moot+• ,al .Jfonlnblc pnl'ei. l-h•1• ho)llll.! dt'tll0ru.lr111111n" ~ 8050 TV • M 1 s c f u r n . ••••••• ••••• •• •• • ••. •.. _hoos __ e_w_ar_es ______ r !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moving Sale. Refn g $300, kng sz bed set, dis hwasher $200. m1sr. 984 M.i!.ston Dr Apt 112. C.M. Sat Sun9·5 A.l'\ITIQU ES · Etc Ell' Sat/Sund:Jy 1201 Cb ff Dr. Newport Beach 631 -3230 Plant Sale Lemon tret". :.trawbcrry bllrrcl. h..tnl! tnR basket::.. muc h more 'l!i & up 132 E. 2bt ~l C M. ~~?: .......... !?!.~ LUGGAGE TAGS SOUTH COAST KlRIY 831-2855 _ Tr-uinees. no cxpcn<·nrr • necessary. Manufacture or optical component:. 6.=->AM·3.30PM. 2 Sat:. per mo overt1 me S3 ~' hr. Located CM. 646 0200 ARC WELDERS fT1.:1dam: d1s hwa1iht'r Xlnt t·ond I.Ii! Mlti HOUSEHOLD FURNlSHIHGS UworC'O ha:. forl·cd the .... 1k of my houM•hold rum1!>h1nl-!!> ,\II in as new l0 0 nd1t1on . ea rl y Anlt'nron color con:.olc, quality muplc d1n1ng room s et , b<'aut1 ru1 Queen Ann<' sofa. end tublc5, cofrce t a bles. i;tt·rco consult>. many other Items, t1nl1ques. ~ifas. Please call (7141 !r/'1 3'18!! at home or (<! 13 I ~l37 3130. t:xl. 213 JI ... ork Sat tS un 10·5. Entire hschold & items to settle e&ate. Furn. 11ppl. 11382 llillhead Cir, Hunt Br h. • TRAVEL AG !o;NT ex p e r iencl'd on l y Domestic & ln1ern'I Lagwia area 494-9741 TRAVEL AGT min. 2 yr:. e:'Cp. lntemat'I & cnu!>cs Ha rbor Travel 675· L311 Mtllie ---TRAVF.J.AG ENCY MGR II 8 Mu:.l quahry. 1-tt>od oppty No :.mok e . ~7146 -----J Woman mature. with Travel AAl'nL some nurs e a 1tle ex· Experit>n ced ug<'nt penence Must havecar n..'Cded 10 :.ale or Vitl'a · Moo. lhru Sal. 8 301\ lo t1on travel inc lud1ni:: 2.30P. Newport area. crwses & intc•rnal1ona l _645-__ 3953 __ . ------ :.C1le:.. Sa l a r y com ·---------• m ens uratc w /c:iqll'r. WRITER 8015 ........•...........•.. 8020 .....................•. Schwinn. i:lrls "L11' Chtk" sting ray. lk nw $75 642·3H9 1718 Uon;ltn • Wav NB near l'ornt·r 1\.b~&2is1 CYCLE&CO. e,.iuahf1cd only nl'l'<I a pp ly 957.27()() TRUCK DRIVJ.;Jt.MAl!'\T MAN ror :.m r hem1t·al nllA ro. 21 yrs min AJ:!e. gd dnv111g rcl'Onl. m·<•t ap~ar. Appl} I I\ l'M 'ilon·F'r1 EL Moor1• <'o , l:Jfi <:omrnt•rr1al Wa)'. l' M ;,4K-!ltl.1 I New & u:.ed b1 kt•::- Rt~ht. !>Olcl & lradcd 2-l 7 o N t: ~ po r l B I v d &'ICpcnenl'l'd tn wrilln~ ~·7!llO. trairung malcn al:.. work ------ TYPIST /OFF. CLK hOOk<;, Case StUdlCS. UkC'nl'W Z.lln hght IH'lj.!ht 1ramer manuals etc .:iris lOSp<'l'<i. $75. bc:.1 EXJJl'nen,·e 01n s t•rt 11t writing for aurl10 t~pe lrammg would be helpful but not mandatory offer. &lG-4342 Girls lltrfry 10 ~pct 2-1 mint cont1Jl1on $50. 536·9ro4 --------- Will roni.ider proJel'l or Sl'hw1nn 10-s pct•d 27" I Varsity. Good cond1t1on Wt• ha\ 1· ·;mm t•d 1.11 t• .IO•ntni.: our staff as J fu 1 Coi;t S\60, take S90 Call oµerung for good t~ p1.,t 10 Ltme cmployet· after 3. 30 p m 64U·tiO'J6 wo rk 1n th e Ofrr t'l' ~rviecs Oept at our PI ea s I' r n ,c· I u de ~,.as & Npl. Bch corporate of sample(s > of your work &,iipment 8030 f1c·e Dulie!> will inclu(it' & salary I fee history. ••••••••••••••••••••••• J-,:.1sllng in our mail F:O"~ Reply Ad 11~11 • Reslo r 4x5 c nla rJ?e r . r o o m . b a c k u p Daily Pilot . PO Box 1560· nt·~a11ve rarnl'r len:.. C'/\Sll PAID For ~d u:-1"'<1 furn. anti· CJU<.'S & cir TV's 95HH33 **I BUY** Good used Furntturl' & 1\ppltanrt's-OR I will :.ell or SELL for You MASTERS AUCTION 646-8686 & 833-9625 Gn.oen anl1qut;.' buflt!l·has ~n ust'<l a:. stereo l'a!>e or dn:'SM'r. 72 .. w1d1'. :!7 · h1. 21" deep. ~5 or ul rtr &10-7().19 ----- GrcE'n h 1~h bac k 111· ca:-.1on:i l l'h:.i1r w ot loman $15. 640·7o.19 (j,·nwnc 18th cc·nl lion· duras Mnho,:tany twin hc:d swle, dn•sscr, dr1·ss· 1ni: tbl heart·:.h:ipcd mir rur, 9·druwer l0 he:-.t. mtestand. $795 /best of· fer f>.11-4196 Rcfng, 2dr. coppcrlone. Kenmore . corner c up· board. maple 9·drawt>r dresse r . & woode n d 1n t·lle se t . 548 1627 &l2 0132 sw1tchboard op('rator. Cobia Mesa. CA 92626· $325. Call Mo. 548·9179. -mes,<;<'nger work. rt.-cep -Dcs1imcr sora. brand n<'w. troo & J:l•n<>ral all around DARKROOM. compl col· Emerald green & .,. ht .. oflll'e dutw.., c;0t,wl l\'J) Merchandiff or. B&W eqwp. P n rc·d pallt-rn. Must sell 1n1: ., ~ 1 11 ... & .., 11 ml' ••• •••••• •••••. • • ••••• • for qwck sail· 548·5356 67l).9747 t-\.J·o~t·rn~ cl1•,1rJhlt· ~ 8005 Cots 8035 I.\• ,. (I l· 111 h I' n 1· I 11., •••••••••• •• •••. 00 •• • • • ••••••••••••• •• ••. •• • • • SJ:JJ8i9 walnut d~.2971 ..,. ..... ~ ayan young, h 1\ e a t ll'll'1.,J1'-,l' t·lJll M ar~o ll.1r PUBLIC "'UCTIO.... Hi I l\tANY ITEMS OF FINF. b I c ro mp a 11 1 on ESTATF. JEWEL RY. Gorgrous Ct>lor Hus al· lk'\'t>nl'1ha11on ~ale. Oun· c·an Phyfe dminlo( rm la· Ii IC', () c· hrs. M X fl o. Yamaha t•yclc. l;.iwn mower, )!arnc table & <I c•hrs. ITl3 ny other items. Aft~. 675·7237 \mt·nrct Im· ~ t\IJl Cntr J f,IQ l!•HI h p1sl & )!l'IWT:il oil Ill' r\tll 11mt· summer µ.;rt tlrnt· fall X!M ;:.:~'ll \rt.'> l'ret 'd l'art·tir111· Dp· pu r I u n 1 t y I n Na v ;i I Ht•i-,•rvr <:nod 11:1), lknd1t:,. Call NJ\,ll ltl01>l'rl'l' 5.'i2 352'1 \\ \JTHl':SSES /W 1\ITER~ I•' lime P111me P<•'-111(10:-.. pvt l'OUnl ry 1•lult In h•r\1l''ol.S, bdore Ill\ M. ,1fl 2PM. 644·5404 \\J1trcsses. Jl Or11.?1n:al Plw t. <!121 ttalho.1 Blvtl, m~r 22nd St. NH. A1>1i ly m pcr..on. ART OBJECTS. AN· le!'J(1c6735781 TIQ UES . !'INF. FllltN ITURE. F.T C . PllO:-JF. FOR IN FO & nl{OCHUHE. 645 2200 Antique Baby Uoll Hug,::y. Wicker. Circa 1900. SlOO. f.14·1033 Himalayan kittens l' f \. RiradorntMins:; Chiu lln-.. 540-1700. DOCJS 8040 All Mapll' chnu1g rm thl. 4 •••••••• •••••••••••• ••• r hrs. good cond. $1 50. Af~hans. i\ I\ C, hla l'k 631-1973. Debbie musk platinum pups. ---- Must :.ell antiques & fine Also. adult malt•. ~mt fllmiture s ale. •ttl" round reproduction pieces. An· ed. top pt .. -d1J:rl't>. ('liamp <"01mtry d1n1111? tablt'. 2 Ltques: walnut armo1re . s ired. Vcrv reJsnnahle. 15" leavc·s. Sf75 2 urm <.:hen:v drop-leaf tC1ble. Mu~t :.ell 11 16 960!!. ch:i1rs .2:.1deC"ha1rs.up· R e pro: from 2o·s . 54!Hl61J;5458!193 holsll'rct1 & c.ml'd. blue Ma l!ntf1 Ct'nl 7·1-----~ whtl<'. SfiO eac h Mahogany Hepplewhite Shellie pups, AKC. chump ~fJt1·h1ng t1c·har k & i.ly l t! s ideboard . P r linc.4 males \:tlJnCl' J\.iill M' sul·rle Adam sty le mirrors. Ma 49J..7408anyltmt> ll•;ilh1·r sota Sf1S. 2 dut; pie pu~lt!r bed Call l'ha1ro;. hlul' & wh1tt' 5-1.'>-3967 to see Shellie male pup, t'hJm plaid $375 t'Jl'h &10· 1719 pion Imes s hots & eye ex· l\•it Sel ert 1on Oak am.96CJ·4510 F\Jnulure 1201 Clirf Or. Newport Beach. 631·3230 WANTED Somron<' to ,1-. ~1st 10 rcstornllon of yard 'home m CM . Self AKC Britt any SpJn1el pups. good hunters. 536-67112 '1aner. undl•r 21 OK. Kerosene lamp. Gone Wilhni:: to t Jkr 2 1woplr with the Wind style. S!OO M. Doberman Pmsrher. Call llAA·ll2&t or 1\16 81>:1-t 645-1679 Anl rque Glas:. w a ll C3b1ncl & matching b111 lt tn huffet Worth etbout S400. selling ror SIOO. Call 55<! li797 afl 3pm llftRPM ---------champ. lines, 1 yr. Call lnsh Belleek T ea Set. 12 _645-_637_9 _____ _ t• Wanted polt<'rs. l11f!h .. wag1.>S. Must be skilled. t f:i4S.81135. Anyt.1 me ----1 pcs. Shamrock weave, Chocol a te I.ab. lem. green mark. 5225/bsl ofr. papers. 7 mos. $200 Xlnt cond. 642·7628 962-6556 Sofa, II! <I cu:o.h1on:. grl'l'n. 5295. Oining thl & 6 l'hrs. $475 All xlnt cond. ~1·6377. ----------Penney·!'. flotation mat· tress. w /spcr. rrnmc & box spmgs· I wk old-sld dbl. $250. ~H037 • ~. WAHTfD DRIVER Antique 42" rd. pedesl3l Afghan pups /adults AKC f~ SUMDA Y ONLY lble, le af. Sl50. Xlnl. blk mst silv~r·olhor col· • 'f1) deliver Daily Pilot cond. S36·l632 ors reas. 997·9766 bundles lo carriers. He· Aflplmten 8010 $50orbcsloffer. Very lov· qwres van or larJtc sta · ••••••••••••••••••••••• able fem Iris h Setler t100 wagon a nd u good dnving record. Phone Washer. Kenmore. super spayed9mo.847·9665 642 4321 d k r dlx all~ycle model $135. . a n a s o r Dryer Sl30. Both look & POODLES. Re". 9 weeks. 6 lovely dining chrs , high back uphols. hkc new. Gold colored scroll king si hcadboord. unu:.ual. 493-2360. F\Jm, books. tools, ap· pl!anc~ & mrsr. 26611) Calle La~o. <;apo Sch. Sun \OAM. Super Garage Salt> Lamps. pictures, offit·r marh 1n l':-l HVI typewriter. ap11lr110l't':-. tools, dra pes. '11sht•-,, furn, nusr. SE'C ti all al 480 F: 19th St . t: M Slll 1Sun 9-4 Sat only 459 f: Flow1·r, CM. 8-5. Misc item:. fir waxer. rug:.hampooer Enure Hshld. Sl600 ~10\'IOg Sall'. Rl'I rri?. S300 Kng :,t bt>d ::-l'I dshwshr, S200. m1~t· !Ix.I Mission Or . C.M Sat,Sun 9-5. Yard Sale. Mov1n1ot mu:-.t sell Sat 10.2. Sun 10 I fITl Knowell Pl c; M &ITlRE HOUSEHOLD or rurrushings for ~ah· Owner movin,:: t>UI ol st ate'. Woodbrirlgt• Songsparrow . l r v 111t• Sat1Sunday 11-4. C.a r ag(' s al e; 196(; Wes tm1ns 1cr. Cos ta Mesa. Sal & Sun only. FANTASTIC GAR SA Li': Duncan Phyfe dtntn~ tbl & 6 c h airs, $•1 o O Beaulilul (!las:. w 1:.helf lamp. S75. 2 Lt>nn\ c rys t al d eca nte r s. perlcct. S«> ca l.r~ Wl)Od tbl. S75. Blk foll. collar $50. Much more' :\1JO\ new items. Sat Sun cmh. <AFT 9A:\1 IN ALl.l-.°V P L F. ,\ S 1': I 7 0 I G o I rt c n r o d . C d :\I fH-1-7110 . M0\1ng Sale 729 Crntc r St. C M . Sat i sun !I 5 EVERYTHING GOES' Sat Sun. RoWld Mohg Ol'· cas1onal tbl. 3 way 1ow1•r spkrs. & lots of m1M' IJl l l Pomsellw J\\e FountJm Valley. --'---------Garagt•SJk Sal. & Sun 348 Hamilton. C M Quabty \ alul'i>·Sun !lam Win~ chairs. h1dl'alx'fl, beds . t ype writer. cry.;tal. s urfboJrd. :.ports eqwp. toys hooh. hoy~.; dothe:.. bike. 2006 Commodor e. NB MIKI s .11-:w1-:1.1t'r' l-IK WllOl.1':SAU ; 2L315!17 ti&l6 --- All dia monds & i.:nl rl ~ht, lOIJ ('ash, ~ hr holhn<· 2 l3·.t3.'> ;j282 L'nlL,oal d1Jmond ('0Ckt<11I r.111t. 2 7K. upprJ1:-.1·d Jl 9;700. QI rt'rt•d Jl S3U00 I irm 541.!·5178 HOW TO DOA LITTLE BUSlllESS OllYOUR OWll ••• ... t\kt1"q .. 'ld•.ao•· , .. 1~. 1 ,.., • .,., '" o 1 hllk• DY .n~>~ ,,,, -.our •ft Oul r ld~C\ ol Dtl OI D'.1'"""'"'0 l 1fl. t~ ~Ju II ...,.~!'ti f:'> dPCtG•> •hf1f I wl .,,,11"1 • mu<.n ,,. _,, hQf• '"' ~..,,, ,,.,,,. •"'d lt'lt•n """' 11 n ..... , or1c.,, lou· .. ff'ltlt Pt·U['U• W1il "-r\O"' <Nn.AI V hi I~ '-"d'Qll'IQ o0trv1 vO•t o ,..,,,,.,. f :"\ bP able m m,11tr c:n3nq1• ' ' .111 ..,, u• LU\tcrr•'' ,·, 1n.o m ,.·.tl"I\ ""'"' .t'k111 0 tU•P !pT1t' I •f'lf'"' '"·'' n1n~ '"" ti j .. ,.,,,,,, "' "' (•J•f\·~ 1 ,....,.. -;f\1 II w,,nt tr Jd¥Prt10J V! •u• \ilt• ~·I tflldC-t m.,,, 1 1wn t'r.11 c.1n on,, .11n .\ '1~n t '0 · '"' v1 u-r ,, ... ,on00t~"1 ov• .,nu 11 ,.. '"' _. b•QO~' (l{t~O lr'ld"' 1n,1t • v('U II 111" .1n .H1 tn { "''.,..'•ed •n1cn h~u, lfiP flrnt-t JnrJ 01;1CP -if v1.u "Jialt' IC' J P\('"\I ot OOh"'nht1I DUY~'°' -,~,, '"~"'~'"'"!.I Q''' 1,1('1 f•ctrtv tf\ .. OlJV • f Vf"'''' ·•'• 1 Wh~n O'l'"OOh• t1•J\j c.tM''' • \.~J•dQ.,. '"\Ji-t• •n tla~\•'•PO H'l\'v . n,i-o ~dWt DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 642-56 78 ., \I·,, ........ WIN 2 TICKETS WORTH $13. ~ llarry Seeley or Oon " Wi n.m like new. Brand new 1 Apricot f. l Red Apricot illiams. Norgc m e nu-magic & f.&'B-0409 EQUAL --------OPPORTUNITY continuous clean elec. Fteeto You 8045 EMPLOYER range. n ever used ••••••••••••••••••••••• $195.540-8704 FREE KITTENS Antique bedroom furn : bed. a rmo1 re. mirror . mattress & boxsprings. SIOO. Lile ash dining rm tbl, 6 chairs. buf(cl, $300. !M)l.8178 our celebration and the "Wish YOU Were Here" Ice Spectacular runs dally throughout the summer. Knott's offers you the time o f your life with 135 different rides and attractions at one of the most cen~ terally located fun parks in South-ern California. Save gas and have The new Cloud 9 disco features , Warehouse person Able to .. ....a • -g •·Short hair. c1o IJ 10 .,.,..,. Bike. Brand new ..,..,., "" qua ty conlrol, ship· Must sell immed. Call all colors, 645·0255 ping, receiving. packing S51-196'7 & olher lite warehouse ---------2 Beautiful healthy k1l· dul1es. Permanent foll Washer & clec dryer. tens: lo good homes only, lune position w /excell. Good cond. Best offer. both males. l wht./1 working cond & benefits. ...,.... an >o.uht 6611\Q.,.., Please apply at Concept 51j6....,,,, e r lOam. gray,.. · .,,.,.., Media 2493 du8ridge For sale refrig & Hoover Sprayed Cockapoo. Loves Ave, l:rvlne. vacuum cleaner. Good everyone Well behaved. WBIHD ltlCIPT cond $40 each 64&-8059 New lie, etc . $40-0603. For busy R.E. ore In Refn g. Hotpoinl Adorable klUens. free to H. 8. For interview call top freezer '85· good home. Bllrbat846-0641 646-2094 673-3193 Wclder/Filter: 31n exp, m u s t work fr o m bluepri nt s, be knowledgeable of weld ~L~(lh at.renatb , Soop procedurea, m in aupervtalon tor crane mlaer \n Fountain Valley. Top pay . 'fM..<mT. 2 re frigerato r s . both 2 Blk kittens trained, 7 clean. both work g90(l. wb. love dogs $1.00 " $150. 'Oas dryer 644·6041 MS. w .. hing mach. $4S. 439 HamUt.on. CM. rear abop. MM48.5 Persian gry & m ixed Siamese. Both 1 yr Fe m . 540-5727 • Admiral 14 cu fl F /F rnEE: Photo developer niQia. ~· " photograph!(' paper 548-'8118 Norwegian Elk hound 1 ~ yra. all ahota, neutered. onl.Y Id borM 645-8090 Ouung rm set, md table. 2 leaves, 4 chairs. glass t.op, s:m. 640· 1130 $1200 Thomasville dining nn set for 1600. 8' Marge Carson sor a S350. 646-t4Z7 2 Twin beds, dbl d resser wlmirror & nlie stand. walnut dlqing or game tbl, 4 blue naug. chrs. tbl lamps, drafting brd & chr. 491M359. 8' SOFA·Velour, 4 tradi· llonal wing cbrJ·p\us h earth tone, round ~~.11 Wfet. lamp.I, kn1 POOo & malclWtt roytll blue set & more. ~·S988. Solid Walnut occ. tbls. Amer of Martint vllle. $17 ea. 552-0325. tun at the same time at Knott's Berry the biggest, brightest lights, sound Farm during their July 4th celebra-and dancing for your summer nights. through Wednesday July 4, 1979. ~ ~ Phyll .. Diiier perform• nl.htfy during ~ 'ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ -"? I===============~~~ Look for your name and ~ ~ addr••• I n today 's ~ cla111f1ed •ectlon. If you --. find It, cell 842·5678 Ext. :::: 272 and we'll arrange for :;;;:::; •lllllll .. lll•lllllllllill .. • you to pick up your tlck•t•~ at our office neareat you. from your hus mess rard Stond one t'oird for each tai:: plus one spare. Wt• return pe rmanent!) M•aJcd allrart1\'t lal! & Mrap. mt.-elln.: C11rhnt· I 0 reqwremenl!-. Pr.· vent lo:;s & the ft! For a pN'>Onahzed tllg cn<'IO::-t' WJllpaprr. fahrtc nr ··oay Clo" paper & 141· will bar k & l nm VthJr llll(S. Or try t.wo cartl:. h<ll'k to hark PRICl'.:S S? cu or 3 s; l 5 taits S1 liOr;.i 6 9 tags SI .50 l'<J II) or morl' Sl AO ...... Salt'S Tax I nl'lu1kcl NO CARD" l)raw )'OUr own or ~t·n<1 name. address. phonl' A. ~e'll make Ont-' cc1rd p1•r wi::. Add 25' earh ~-nd rheck or money or dcrtu PILOT PRINTING P 0 8ox 1560 l'<l>la MhJ. Ca !l:!t1::!h WANTED TOI' C/\SJI DOI.I.,\ I< I' \I I> F 0 R Y (I I I< J EWEl.H Y. WATC'll ES. 1\HT OBJ 1-:CTS. 1.01.U S 11. VE H SE R\' I C ~: ~'I NE l'Ul<NITllHI': & 1\ '[rJQUES. li4~ 2200 CERAMICS llanclpamt1<cl -r<'ram II''. vlaqucs. nall v1l) ~l'l . ri I at c:. . m u 1'11 m 1 ~ l' • 1tein-;. Al~o s pcl'ral or· dt-n. & colors <lonl' al n.• asonablc cost. M-16·~579 -------John Wllynl' Tenm::-Clul1 Farm h \t" m bl'r'h 111 S121Xl 7 3 J.117 41 Meodicol Equipmtnt .111.000 ca~h rl'lurn-.. ~l ncl-<tr moH• +-I;" .u·h.rnl<ll!t'' l•:t ll ~1 r Smrt h ~·~or !!t>.1-323 r Kn111.'>"' 1rl< Indoor Shu I flt' fbJrd Tahle. Xlnl rond ~ ~~~J_!.. - W~wood Pottery (.i)l!('f't1blc ~JI; 86:!8 Tl-:1\ N I S AN YON I':' llram1 n1'"" /\ 1\1 F I ft';11I '<t.1 ... l\·r· r~q111·l t won 111 t ont1·:.1 1. S~!l. 1-;vl•,,_ t>lO :t7HI l'ncnplt•t" 4 ·,.,..nwtolog .. K11, hkt.• Ill'"'" en•rythini.: \110 nl'l•ri t11 ::.t.1rt ht•aul-. "hi .1:;11 m;sk1• ul~ ...:.mi·~ 11--10 171Q Tr.ll'k ltt.?hh 1 dt•lu'\ light-. & U h.'t.'l ti( \\hill' lr.H'k $100 :.:,1 1(~11 ~t;J1rh 1nl! rlo11r & thl IJmi.t-nr "°'Ki. S.hl pr :-. ·th Thom.t., IS c1<11· 1 lot·k W1·,..tm1ns ll'r l:hrmt·~ SIOO t;I~ ltii'I l1ennt>lt BrJ<thurv oil • · F. vent r rl 1•' · . S 7 !i o Plt'JSSO 111 ho "Lt> D1· JeUnt'r... SI 13/l. Ncr mJ n ::. t· r 1 .: r J p h • · T h ,. llusl ler". S795 535·5.'>'.IJ Kt•l\·mator rl'fng XJnl 1•011d. S130 751-.\lX!) For Sale WtJOdl'O de~k 5>:3, $75. IUdc-a·bed. $40 IO:c;pd .. Sl5. 968-0032. GHOST'S WALK Bad men climbed lo jurl up there. <.:I RCULA R STA IRS Tomb s tono Ari z rnurl hous t' open 188<! Ornate cust iron. 645·39.tl En!? nnf!'"rt. H·VSl +·I ~•de Mones wht J?ld appr Sl~1 ~"9. &12 ""191 . <:ome t 16 " c utoff sa" ~ nt•w tires. itood cond1 t ion S97S. 63 l ·0317 or 673 5500 ·------Ua ckyard f!US kiln. 27 ru ft . xtra ftre bricks. frt"~· slandlnl? htr 26 gal aquarium. P orcelain laundry basin. Sears lO" table saw. Prcway frtil' standing (rpl, Lo priCt!l> 548-9219 CM lrvine Racquel Club fam1· ly members nip $800. Seller lo pay trans fer fees. ~l-6377. Sliver Serving Piece s. Trays, pllcbers, di:;hes. ..115. ssi-0325. Racquet Club of Irvin~ Family Membership MustseU. 644· 7406 EU. Idle Item• with a o.ilY PUot ClasslCled Ad. Sunc:t.r, Juty 1, 1171 ,:;.._.:_,.., - tl1 I uu IOIC .... &......._ IMh.W t060 --·············••!'• ••• .. ...................... . .. y --·-···················· Sale. C'loaed bid. u 11. ..... -~· ... , ... • 11.L ti '°IO ......... .,. .•. ffA!" -=-=·I~ ••-••••••••••••••••••• ~ •lllL 1loop CF r.odlac tnnallb1 a·. boll 11111 OL. VteMl •/:..!' t'1 Ir 1111 w~ and trUllOID tor -aacr,.\allnerC.i' w 0 • WI Olll·boud.llOO. .. D41 =~/:.~-.~, ....... ,. ........ ...,. t 1•111• It/ ... lo ..... a..)ed b&d lit ea.. fOJO ..._ w\11 be held at 'ID&TIWA.NT&J> -·••••••••••••••-•• Ji·•.O. 113 at olrle9 ol ,,_ k> -a l t lleb lo ~c/~rW.aa ID Soulll CoHl Marin... Lha ~ Pa anl ol )'rt tllQ). l>MiMll 6 1 o .... ., ... mm t; Ind t.he Mtd1111. R •ton• Nl'w lmtall. ...,.ar .. It Sl ~.:•ch tOIOS bM. ...... t.uJ 646-70U ~ teM0m ...... f'ibJ 1. 8id m1&1l aftWll._~ ••net ' be e«mnpanled W/C.Uh Cua ror uHd boots ae.n b.rdcoven on.I.)' No tat book.I m.1'11'1 ...., ··~-· IOIJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• la..tX:TRIC GUITAtt ~ender Strato~••lor w/1t.arGtbell cue. lili.a('k 1unbur1l fin11h. IJl~ 962-:6466 ~ ....... ; It toJO .. :::: .••.•...........• MAYMAIM 'nwit,..j1llonal heavy du- ty. IJMbht1f'iJCht marine ~ 1'o 1Ml llP. Oc- n ul no new part• AA&honud Ohilr Brlatol SeMte&. t'll4)892 8$41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• or nablere t btck In amount IO'Ai of bid a.ell 11 to be -'•d• pa~able lO Ttav11e.r1 In demn.lty Co. 8alanc<' ol bkl dUe 10 day• Own«"r .-..rv. rt1ht to r eruac ..,, or all btda. _ llt.:LV : ·MUST rind u partner or aell my San· tua 27. o,,,at boat .. a tantu\lc d"al .,1uu1r way. Call for eqwpmenl lll1 t ' furthor Info ~/MZ Ula ~Vt"li SANTANA20 Ltlce MW, new trlr 673-0tllt l'ac1fic Seacraft 4!5· professionally main· Wuqd Ml11ro Mt.I or ,. •• 'f'.Mcutlve: lo ml, mUd ~ lo real. •,~ idnt c:ond. full acceaa. 1 ..tea. 8l&ttlnl Mid JulJ. ol a kind Int. 131.000. ..,,., 1111-8191/*4-1237 evea. Lain "H . u '-'' H U· COM&lMd, Uled l•lct, -... Bltolr M0-7171 llOHT rooT CA H· OVER CAMPER t~OR SAU: PHONE. tTMll8 For r•nl : 20' mini motorhome. 1elt -cont. ILllO wk 8' mt 6'2·0IM8 Micro-Mini home t97ll Toyota 17 '. aelr con Ltuned, xlnt MPG, f1.77S ~ tkl lmdU.. tl40 '!1~bl&o: Cbiof\•m: ••••••••••••••••••••••• as deluxe cnot.oi' home, Ona n cene r a tor . OJTaU!moped.xlnlrond. Coleman r oof Mir. In& m.ma M P•nHonll' stereo/C B, •u1o Michelin rad1. Sl8.500. lfl3..3.W. 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• uua•ver Honda ST9o, fl()O/best offer. 63H 307 Tax Sheller. '78 22· 4· STAR. 6,800 mi. Extras. 10% ol coet tax credit. Pre rented for 6 wkii. 847-7511> -71 Four Star, sips 6, roof· 1174 llond# Xl.70 EnJuro, /cab, air, stereo t ape Uk.enew. ~ deck. cruise control. xlnt ~ <'Ond. 31M . $10,700. 7l KAWASAKl 3SO, 3 l'Y I. XLNT CONO S650. S41M015. 83341996 or 833-0607 '74 Travette ml.lli home. Many ex'lras. 498-233.'5 aft 4 . 't& ~an'lilha 175. fan\a!it1c d.111 bike. Xlnt eond. $400. --------- S40-4032 Trailers, Tnrtef 9170 G1blloo Guitar goCAJ t'ond Sl7~. Amplifier Mood cond. S200 atsu •tet't'O ..-make otter lfH~l ask for John 24' SllPJACK '69 Fo&dmg sword phullt, trlr 210 OMC. 115 ..:11.I rut1l, t:Mho & depth tUtder , ____ __. n.a.a( board ••••••••••••••••••••••• uuncu "''"""' In • DIRT BlKES. Xln\ <.'Ond. I I Sudel Amplifier $100 or best olfer. GOOd cond 972-2898 F»IDER Electne gwtar Action Boats Xlnt cond SIOO 68 21622CoastHwy at S9 GIBSON S.Q. m1ol conct Hw\Ungton Beach ""'/h ••d o•••· h~a ... __ ,_ ... _&a& __ ._..,, __ _ tremlo. SllOI>. 646-1929 Office,.,,..... & ........... 8015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HARRISON SEA RAY IOJJS OFFICE FURNITURE. Your local dealer teak inter. Head. gaJley. It). for anything or com· IS' gd trave tr r: 10' alum s leeps 5 P oss ible parable value. 6312782 boat 1 hp. mtr, stored Newport slip. 810·6461 or2llf.m.6207 Colo. Rvr Sl.000. 424·15th 974--0867 eves. "0 " H.B. Trailen. UHUty 9180 ---------'W Yamaha250cc twin. ---------1 Partnerships avail. 42' ._,. sloop, Newport Beach. street • ....,.,. JS.000 equity, $300/mo. 673-3668 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FUily main & equip. Mr. .77 SUzuJu RM!IO, suJ>()r Two wheel heavy duty Crooi.n,642-8903 clean. Make offer utility trailer. 4X6X4 50 box. New tires $450. tr Penguin w /trlr "l.lUlo 646-47 492·3761 Classic", xlnt <.'Ond, nu Honda CS125. '75. Untler --------- whls & axle on trlr. ssso. '1(XX) mi. Good cond. $42S. Auto Seniu, Ports 675-9747 aft 4 & wknds. M24C176 aft 2J>m. & Ace.stories 9400 Must sell desk. chairs. & 11' to 36'. Newport Beach tables. Pvt pty. 549'8349 631 _2547 Day sailer. JJ.foot Ghost. Nearly new office desk : ooe design r acer, $750. ----...................... . '67 Tnumph Bonneville. 6.'iO ~C. Good running rond. SI 100 torr. Eves 714/547·6156. ask for Dar· ryl. SERVICE DEn. Walnut, veneer S95. ---------• s.57-0&54 afler6p_m. __ _ 551 · 4001 USED BOATS! Hobie l2ft self bailing, un· sinkable. xlnt. cond. tn· Open6Days A Week Mon.-Fr1 .. 7:30-5:30 Saturdays:8:00·5:00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8087 250 On Display . clds tralll'r. S500. '74 BMW R75/6. lo mi, 494-1231. .good condition $1700. Atlas Chrys . ..pfy. 2929Harbor Blvd. Action Boat Bkrs 21622Cst Hwy at Hwy 39 Hunllngton Bch 536-8891 Seaspray Cat. t raile r. 493-1900 sharp condition. $1250. Honda 7501<5 '74. 14K. Ex· 842-1333or 848·5454 tras. x.lnt cond. $1300/ofr. l.Jla<;a Apso AKC puppies 11 wks old, 1 male & I female. Also parakeets white Dove. Mallard ducklings, Ara ucona Quckens. 49:).2261 c-.... 22' c.olomb1a. race rigged, _________ 123· Uruflitc, .x.-u. FD s.5. s:llOO 548-1843. YOUNG PARROT cove r s . XI n t r a m Double Yellow Head Cu l a I 1 n a b o a t . Hand fed, very gentle. Sl2.SOO/Flrm. 963-7433· Moving must sell. Call aft 6pm. 549-8349. Cockapoo rcmale 6·8 weeks. real cute $25. Call evenings 839-9274 f'iGIOS & Orgafts 8090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 S.Jpiack 24', Flying Bridge, Volvo-Penta. Equipped for rishlng. water skiing. cruisinji!. FUii summer & winter covers & c urtains. FUily maintained. Less than 140 hrs. 645-1578 673-4430 Lancer 25. 1977, sink, stove. head, 1l'ebox. trlr &0/B. 968--5684 Must Sell ! '75 llonda XR-80. National winner. X1nt cond. SJOO. 751·5680 eves. S1.zukJ '78 DH 370. Like A __ m_e_r_i c_a_n_2_:l_: _X_L_N_T-.1 new. Ridden 4 ti mes. Head & galley. Outbd. Asking S950. 171·0458. Dock space N.8. $7500. Yamaha DT400E. must bi~. sell. Good <'ond. Make oC· 25' Schock Sailboat, new fer. 636-9433. Jigguig, new sail:.. 4llP '77 Yamaha 400, 250 mi, mtr, trlr, xlnt <'Ond x!ntcond1t1on $3500. 7611-9052 968·6155 Costa Mesa 546-1934 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS ANO ADVERTISERS The priC'e of item ~ advertised by vehicle dealers tn the vehicle classified advert1s1n~ columns <loes not include any applicable taxes. license. transfer fees, finance charges. fees for air pollution control de vice certifications or de· aler documenta ry pre parallon charges unless f'ARLOR Grand. ehQny. Manne Swap Meet every Showroom cond .• must Saturday at Riddle :-.ell. 640-2646 Docks buy, sell. trade. Upriaht Piano 675-9137 :n· Clipper 1975 F 1Ci sloop. fully eq1.11ppeJ, $11.500. 846-:roJ um Suzuki RM80 otherwise spec1ficct hy S.WO the advertiser. Bcstol'i'er. 640·9119 70 ft moonng in Avalon I . --need 40 ft. trade down or :x:hserre~. & Sons. model b\zy40footer.64S.7673 646-319'1 ~/ Mofol>Ho.i We/ Classics 9529 <, 11'5. «• ~rand . black ··bony. t; mo's old. hke new. only $.5!>50.00. Mike, 840-tm>. 14' Super Racer w tear r ack . Xlnt cond. 18' Lyman. classic inbd, Reasonable. 640-8210 much new mechanical ------ done . $2495 or o ffe r Naples Sabot <Holder>. Rent /SfCM ';;j,; f I 6 0 • •• • • •. • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19152 Citroen LIS, 1mmaC' 644·9260 Xlnt cond. New racing UpnJ!ht Plano. $!95. Good --sail ZOO / BO. 644-1612. <·ond Tuner M!l2 4091. Bay Cruiser '57 Chris ~-0051. Craft Rblt eng. foully UDO 14. Gd. cond. Also ----t ed S3900 Horizon 2S VHF radio. GRAND PIANO. Top re:; or OO·osSl 67S.5799 quality ins trument. -------- l'nced for qwck sale. 26 ' Cabin C ruiser : O'DAY 20. Slip av11tl 548·~ rl!Stored '78 w /40' moor· Many extras. Xlnt coml MEW TIUJC KLOAD R9lT AL PIANOS ~. next to public dock. $WOO. 675-3148. Balboa Island. $19.950. 16fl Hobie Cat w1tra1ler . Sl.600 lt75DODGE NEwroRTER MOTOttHOME Extra clean lhruout. Less t.han 50.000 miles. (IMSMlB) Was $7995; on sal.: NOW-$6995 BAUERIUICk 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979·2500 AVAIL Summer special $1995 mo. $50 delivers to home & tunes in home. With purchase option 751·1121 Classie 1957 22· Owens: 496·3400----• RENT L uxury Motor Compl restored, nu eng, '75 Bandit 17 : Cuddy hom e 22' Palomar. ~~/~S~~-$l6.5-00. cabin. 3hp motor. trlr + Sleeps ll $250 /wcek + au equip. Sharp: s.nso. &"rru. 640·858.S NEW KAW Al 5 ,9 .. -a;· Monterey. '7 J dsl SSK 551·2006. ·------ ------·RENT <!3' FIREBALL rood., wht lacquer paint, + spare parts, 38 MPG (714) !00-2496 '31 Ford Model A Cou~ Good running & l'Om plete. Rumble sc•1t -+ xtra parts. SSOOOtbest 847-4800 1950 De Soto. r~torablt.' t'Orldit1on, runs. S.SOOtmk offe.f".~ ------1964Sprint/Ford. I owner 2 dr hardtop, new pamt, brakes, power & air. 4 spd trans. Extra t1rl'S. Purrs like a kitten. $1050 549-0012 ------'55 Cad F1eetwood. Must sell this weekend. Dest 4MettDrh•ft tHO Trwb tHO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •u4JJMMY • 716MC JIMMY STATION WAGON 32.120 mll u . V·8 . a~lk. 4 wheel drive. power-1teortn1. c ruise. locks. hi b1ck 11cal1. more. {Olli» I Slt'5 * J.C. FORTUNE ' PoaUac·GMC 3XlC> E. lat, Santa Ana (714)$58-1000 . '73 Ford 4x4, good ooad.ltlon S351XL 5:!&-13'2 «J P/V Chevy, & camper. hu atove " refrt1. reblt ena. 11300/bc•l ofr m ae '72 Dod1• P .U .• , ne"W mot.of 4-whl dnve, Make oiler. 646-3796 '68 El Camino Xlnt. C-Ond. 548488 '77 El Camino: Blk/Whl. mags. s hell. stereo, SIJl)t!r clean. $4700/best. ~7 eves, '7S Luv, all extras. custom \C)hol. abell. Muat Sell! $IX)(). S36-02'73. 960-6266. '11 Blazer.AM/FM tape & CB. P tS. P/B, stick. '«& GMC. ~ T P.U. Rblt buckskin/white. $5500. eng & trans. Great work 49M366. truc k. $1500. 644·2677. 1974 :y4 T . Chev 4·wh I _644-_2AlSS ______ _ drive. 5921 Por Cir. lltJ. v.. 9570 lmmac. (•onditlon. ••••••••••••••••• •••••• Tndls 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 76 C .. VY J/4 TOH CAMPE:R SPECIAL Fiawless condJllon. auto. Lrans .. pwr. i;teering & bra kes. air C'ond .. tilt wheel. crwse contr ol & much more. CIP215131. Wu $5495; on sale MOW.$4995 IAUEtl IUICI< 2925 Harbor Blvcl. COSTA MESA 979·2500 1971 FORD I SO CUSTOM VAN Pcssibly one o! the nicest custom vans available. Has everything & m like· new condition. <459VCF) Was 18995: on sale · NOW-$8444 IAUE:R IUICI< 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSI'A MESA 979-2500 '76 Chevy Contempo Van Convers ion. St<ind up headroom. Stove. ice box. smk . dinette that makes utto bed. AM /FM 1977 1-'ord Couri er s tereo tape Bu<"ke t Dumptruck ConveNion·S scats. etc. Gd cond. speed trans .. AM /FM 1AnzBCM990> $6640. Ph stereo. duaJ rear wheels biS.7417 & set up to carry a load! --------- $4999. Ol.34332). Ea r le '75 Chevy long bed. Ike Toyota-Volvo. 1006 Custo m int. Ster eo. Harbor Blvd . Cost a S4,000mi.$SS00.498-0715. Mesa. 646·9303. "' rd s "65 rO uper Econohne 1978 CHEVROLET Van. Top cond. $1150. EL CAMINO .m.4l.59. Automatic, pwr. stec!r· 77 Dodge 30U Maxi 1ng,rur cond.&abcauty! Kar/,\/Van delux <'On· t400485l. ver.mm Xtra gas tank• ONLY $5795 awning. stereo. crwse HOWARD Ch~vrolet control Xlnt l"ond. ~. Dove & Quail Sts 640-&'JJ NEWPORT BEACll '72 Ford Econollne 100 83).0555 super van. A/C, panell· ing & carpetmg. looks & 1974 DATSUN runs Rood. S1900toffer. PtCKUP Ken.963·5738 4 speed, cassette & white 'EB <.:he\'Y van Refng & spokes with Terra tires. stovl'. ssso C486LSU>. 960 4481 ONLY $2999 t*WPORT DATSUN ·74 ·10 Ford Hubbll> top RRSDove Strert l'mµr \'<In. fully equip, NEWPORTBEACll rt.'g i(u:., AC.:. S3095 833-1300 831 2575 ·n ford ElOO w /camper S/\CRIFICF:' rnnvt.'rs1on. Many ex '78 DODGE tras S'lOOO 536 774ti Pla<UP •n .Furtl Van. ti 1-yl. (;cl w/Camptt Shell cond $975. St•c JI lHO Like new. only 16.000 Buena Vista. San CL rruJes. IOC'ally owned & servl\·rd, warranty available (439651 'T9 Replaccml·nt va lUl' $9000. Sacrlf1cl' ~a ll' p r iced below low bluebook. JIMSLEMONS IMPORTS 197011ARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 631·1276 833-9300 1978 ~• ton P U Scott.sdak int. New tire3 & brks. dn AM/FM, ~ trk. $5500 64..S-4743 '73 Ford 4X4, )(ood condition S350o 559·1342 '75 (,'hevy Luv. Mikado. s hl·ll . t•rpt. p;inel. wheels. sterro. $2995. 496-2949. 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WEl'AY TOP OOLLAH for top used cars.foreign domesucs or classic:.. If your car 1:. extra d eJn, bCC us f1 RST. ~ P ll110r~C~ 29''5 llarbor ~Ivel COSTA MESA 979-2500 Can't Sell Your Car" CREVIER MOTORS PAYS TOP DOLLAK For Clean Used Imports Call Mike or Don 835·317 I 3-2.R'TS BertramsS35Kup Walnut ~rand. Re~ular 2·:ll' TS Uertramt. $50Kup $6995. 1 Only $5295. 46'Cl\L.xtras $12KOK 751-1121 645·7533 IJkr (213) Lido 14. Xlnt cond. Mus t sell. Bst ofr. 637--0657 SELF CONTAI N ED. REASONABLE. 645·2283 <ifer. 644·9944 '78 1':1 Clmmo J\/C. p /s, WANTED! SportincJ Gooch 8094 M1-12:ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• '12 Unifllte Jli' S1><1rt f'1s· her Jmmac c•oml. S69K. Call for appt. s.i9-l122, ti7~. loots. Slips I Doch 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPS AVAILABLE YAC Newport 646·0551 --$500 UP FRONT FOR YOUR MOTOttHOME That's riRht -Dale's RV Rentals will pay SSOO to )'OU upon consignment of Co l e man Peak I backpack, bluP. Polarguard mummy sleeping bag l mo old. $5 ea. t>l5-97!1fi l>' Sea Ray 300 Spt brid~e Si~ available for charter YoU1' '78/'7918-22' Mini or twin mbd 2.'>5 Mere. Joel I leaseback situations 2:NO' m otorhome. T his Misc. DIVING Equip· Dl>C'ca radar. Konel fish 631·1900 I will apply towards your tntnt fll'lder. radio. heavy duty . . -S150-S280 net per week. • haller y l> y s t e m + 36 side. slip for .rent ln ~!~~verbookcd lhru ___ c.a_· 11751-8967 \'hurger. '77, 208 hrs. ronveruent Bayside Dr. .... TmN1SBALLS150+.All Mech perfect. needs cbannel,N.B.$7perboat lively. Great for beam. n.c. TOP+ $12,495. Call fl. 67S.5535, eves. ____ 1 Please cont a ct Mr " Llssner ners or serving practice. eves. 675-5535. Mooring available Im· l)de•i RV Retttals Sl5 takes all. 960·5844 DISTRESS SALE mediately for5 mos. Call evesaft6pm 2l3/995-121l 714/559°4446 24· Fiberglass Cabin Surfing Kayak. li~htly Cruiser . 1971. Head. ll94T AMOTORHOME ll"e\l. Prime <'Ond .. In AAl!cy, VHF. stereo. etc. ~Speed & •Van Campers ~ cr t:cilble high. Call Nl'edsworkonout-drive. Sid 9010 •18'·22'Mlni '53 Packard 4 dr. 80.UOO mi, $1250/offcr: 548-9597 9530 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "64 Manx Dune Bu~i,:y. 1385 VW motor. float tires. new r ims. hC', street legal. Xtr<is SCeve 957--0IJ2,540-5763 T\W seat Sandrall. many xtras. 11350/ofr. Must sell tlus wknd. 631 ·2149 anytime 1.912 Travelall, lo mileage. xlnt cond. air. P JS. P 18 , SlOOQ. P.P. 963-8149 4 WMtl Drins 9550 646-8614, 8PM /12PM . $4800 . 7 68 ·1 5 70 ••••••••••••••••••••••• motorhomes Best offer takes eves/wknds, 640·0840 l?'1b·-.. -b'--' I JO. cath. .Z.28' mot.orhomes S dys ........,., uu Fr Ins '73 Blazer. Auto. P . PB. 2 R U S !'\ E L L hull, Interceptor 289 VS 00 urance air, cass AM/FM stereo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SURFBOA~DS. 6'2" for 15'3" Boston Whaler. 70 engine, tandem wbl trlr, Free miles -IOSO mi per 32 gal tank, lo mi. S75,5'4"for~. 752-0308 hp Evinrude. Extras. 60 all in good shape. $3695. wk 714·661·6830 wknds. hrs. 642-5615. 536·2286 645-7431 1 week m1n1mum ~ wkd)'6. GOLF CLUBS, Wilson --------1325-$525 per week X31.9irons, 1·34-5wooda. Schock52S, nrnew, 197 '78 18tlTahlU'5501dsjel Dde'1RV R...tal1 •74 Blazer•x4. V·H. lilte new, sac. Sl.50. Call ~ /Nwpt slip, $12.500. Like new $4400 lrvlDe. SF. Denver lo mi, s ma ll . V·!I . S5.600. 955-0293. 498-5365 -' GMC '78. IT. Dooley Sierra classic. auto. air . PIS, P. 8 . lll. ('rwse. aux tanlts, Slerl'O, (; 8, $8300 734-5486 eves . '76 lg·bed Datsun P.U .. orig. owner. 20M. $3950 964-2ll9. 962·4657 Iv msg Ford 1964 ~. T. PU. 6 cyl .. stan trans. $795. See at 700 Mor gucnte, CdM. Sat !Sun 644 .926() 1.ate model Toyotas. Volvos. Pickups & Vans Call us today! i.Enrlr 1Jkr TOYOTA·YOLVO ""~lhtl c .. 1 ....... P'll\ '4•·tl0l w S40.t07 Pvt. party needs clean car. truck. etc. CASH. 21.J 404·1438 1979 Ford "• ton. brand new. $6200. A.ufm. lmporle-d 5334689 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------1~ 9701 '74 Toyota P U. 73M. Perfect X·('ept 2nd gcur. Slim/ bst ofr. 897·7694. '75 Chevy o/• ton. 4 spd Pickup, needs eng -work. but body sound. $2200/of· fer. (2121) Hawaiian Am. Co. 559-4272 or 834·0985 '65 Chevy Truck, ne w tires, needs a llltle work. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67SUNREAM gm NEEDS WORK 673-0314 1968 Ford Cortina. only 48,300 miles. Good gas saver.SS00.645·6174. Alfallonwo 9705 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 548-1395 after SPM. Newport 28 Spin /Atomic 548-3602 714/559-4446 213/596-4010 TV •-...m.-~ 4, beauty. Only $2. l,~. 18, ~. 1977 4-SO-F-rd-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.., ' -· Bay Boat M agb frnith, . er· • o ;,. tlR,Shno 1091 Century,seats6,S5.800. wl)d ve, on lrailer. $400. "97 ·3821. ALFA ROMEO SALES, SERVICE AMDLEASIMG '78 CLEARANCE NOW IN PROGRESS! •••-••••••••••••••••• RIDDLE YACHTS $2088, 97S-0879. - N'tee 25"1.enlt.bCo1orT.V. 813-913'7 496-0063 1978 18' tn·bUll, 130hp Sl2& Z Yr. Warr Free 1948 DITl'MAR 34• cabin Volvo, It blu int, many Del.'46:l1'86 crwser, diesel, A /P. ldraa, lohrs. 962-7068_ 21" Color TV, 195. 2 yrs. fat.II. ba.ii & fish tanks. Slqes' nat bottom, super Warranty. P\alh el~. winch, full c1eu, 45t Chev. bal & 642-5340 canvas, tWlm step. large blQep'inted V.drive + 19" RCA color W/re.mote. fis hing cockpit, last Xlraa 30bra on eng hauled 1·78. Price of never 'tn ult wtr, cstm BeaUl. pie. S220. Nancy. $19.250 newotlable for trlr ... 500. C.ll 516-9574. ~108l,MM333eves q\Aclsale. P/P9e8-8635. _...;.'...;. .. ___ ---- Sou.Y Jr color TV, l )'r , lotfl. Stwege t090 old, $400. Sony JBL 2> aaatc bay cnuer. "-••••• .. ••• .. •••••• Aoaeer at.ereo aystem ~ fbtl buU, t.ealc It BOATSTORAOE/NB __ • diesel, full covers. l.5to 18, boat blp d --• /8ony nta. bard top. plastic win-t3&tmo m.Gt Call M0-910'7 dowl. ~7430, 552-6101 ----· ---- l~old, 19" Sbarp color ............ e.-n f060 • Gd ...! be _,, ----II Jlrf ..... : ,..cture tu , _,, ••••••••••••• ••• •• •• ••• ••••••••••••• ••• • • • • •• • MM'14l. •£.callbur sloop very C ''"' S./ TAPE ·RF.CORDER dMn.MuatSell. llilt 9120 blld current mdl. 8734441. • .. -....... ••••••••• g•Uty, mint con • . SAIOT O.buwr abell, panelled, ced rJ!!.uJck I OJmp. •• ... for llDl P.U. Cd ccmd, 1URNT ' •• dlNCl . top 0 .. 545-7211M m1. likl.atl0.•54WIM OAaAOr. SALE ads ln --------• tllle Daily POot brtq hap. • PY rwuha. To place 10W' drawln• card, ptaoaa IO!mtodayl 'f7 DODGE Pap Tap win· dow, laaC ... • lxtru. .............. Xlal. PIP•m:z BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street N£WPORT BEACH 752-0900 '78 Spyder: 2SM, 32mpg, Sl0,000 /b est. Ri c k 675-9137 /Ba rt 833·2781 icaM. lt74AUA lOMIOGTY Extra clean at hu low miles. (Ser.038100). llACH IMPOl,TS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 7SZ.Oto0 '129pyder, new top. paint, iOOd condition. 30mp1. 6'2-3'23 '707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "74 lOOf.S 4 dr 1ed. A/C, A!f.G400. eozs10or-... ....... 1.,0..w ......._ , __ , • ..w ....................... ........................ . Alli f 707 c.t 971 s "'. •........•.•........... ·······················-· 'lH'ouuto. AM /FM tape 74Capri VII. beauty, lo roi •• : deck. xlnt rood. SUSO. 22 mpg, m a ny xtn1:1. ~ or 4i"4Zll alt. Musllell 640--0944 ~::n ---------'74 2800 eng FM tape ·72 Audi. ad put." car. deck. Auto. ruck & pinioo runs SSOO a n ytime. 1t.eerlng. New t ire• & 43f·ISth "D", H B front end. Ha t off('" -..w 971 i S49--0833 -~ ·•····"······•········· .,._ t11ll·· CREVIER IMMEDIATJ:: OELlVERY1 LARGE SELECTION OFMEW 1979 320i's 528i's ALSO 633CS1 's INST<>a! Olli today · We also may have that prl'·ownrd BMW you am lookmg ror• 831-2040 495.4949 bt<utl•• Car '78 s;IOi .i speed, s unr(>of, lc11thcr . a lloys. lo w mill'~! ······················"4·"" 1977DATSUN JOOSXCOUPE 5 a peed lrans., s tt>reo t a p e & air cood. (2l7S1.G ), OHLYS4495 HOWARD Chevrolet Oovc&Qua1I Sts NEWPORT REACll 133.0555 ·73 Datsun 240Z-LoatJcll. In exceptional cond1t1CJI\, condition & vt'ry lo~ rrules. C<tll for dclci1ls, - 5J6.7361. 1978DATSUN 200SXCOUPE Automalll' trans., air cond • s h:reo & on ly W.600 mlles. !830UV U I NowOnty $4913 Miracle Mcnda/Rettautt 21SO Harbor Bl.. C.i\1 . 645-5700 Operates on rcl:u lar jl:.~~~~~~~~~ fuel! 15443) 'Ill Oat.sWl pickup w Ii.hell. : > $14,99°! rn dash AM /FM 18 trk . 4 Ot.hcrs To Choo1>c bucket seats & ma~s. n<f<. Cre•lerMoton hody work. Capri Vii lst& Broadway motor & trans. 540·205h SANTA ANA/835 Jli l afler5PM. --------•IM W '78 320i 1977 DATSUN Low mlles. immaculate. 280Z COUPE fully equipped. M BZ Soper clean (•ar with ;, trade-In (622UJ 0 > :.peed trans. & rassclh' JIM SUMO ... S (6JlSDU>. IMPORTS OHL Y $7399 l970HARROR BLVD f'EWPORT DATSUN C~I A MESA 888 Dove Street _6_3_1·_127_6_1 _l3·9l00 Nt.'WPORT BEACH '76BMW 2002 Auton\Jt1c, Sunrit0I. 1\1r cond1tion1nR. Ster eo. pnl'ed l.Osell \I.Jc NO FU MAR 1 SADDLEIACI< Y ALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495.4949 otlAHGE COUNTY'S OLDEST !)ale:,.:-,en 1<.<t· Lea:-.llli; R.ov Carver,lnc. Roll-; ftu~l'l' BMW l54tlJJmbllr1•t• Newport 11< a c-h ti-1-0 1)4 4 I '76 BMW 530i Automatic. c;unrnof. atr c•ond.luomng. s tcrl'O .. l to choo;efrom <SilPQM 1 SADDLEBAO< VALLEY IMPORTS 831·2040 495 ... 949 BOB McLAREN 's K.'iON Beach Blvd. LI\ HABRA (5 :\11. No.ofSA F'wy) C7 I 4t 522-5333 Sunday by Appl. '77 BMW320i Auto trans .. sunroof. air ('OJld • s tereo t'assettc. immaculate thruout 1 11&1TJAI Several to ('hoose from SADDLHACK VALLEY IMPORTS 131-2040 495-4949 '75 2002 BMW, white w /bt•1ge, roof. :iir. AM /FM. xlnt. rond $6.200 dl t.'S t offer 492.2582 '77 630 csi 4 Speed. Polnns Sil ver. leather intenor . stereo c~te. maRs. Sold and se r viced by u s . (749UVR) SADDLHACI< VALLEY IMPORTS 131·2040 495.4949 12 BMW 3.0CS 82,000 miles mint cond. r P 673·1293 '70 BMW 2002. Beige w /\an Int. $3000 675-6257 af\ 6PM. The ultimate dra v1 ng maC'h ine . Late '77 630CSI 13M mi. xlnt 644-2J>17. 644. 26S5 '14 BMW 2002. new radials. AM/FM. very clean, $4900. 644-0444 7$ 3Clil one owner, excep. tionaJly clean,xlnt cond. Sl500 752·6204 wkdys, 951-31M3eves & wknds 18 BMW 320i·Ule blue. sn rf , A /C, d e l ux lter'eo/lape s)'B. 4 apd, Allo)'5 875-0681 •IMW '71 320f P'ully equipped. Im· rmculate. locally owned & serviced, M B1. trade· ln. (1'79SPH ) JIM SLIMOtilS 1-..0ITS i.tnOHARBOR BLVD 008TAlll:SA •l t-t 176 ., .. .,," 833-1300 741'.lZ 2t2 Super C'll·Jri. loaded 4 "-Pel mag "'hb air '19.1 S4f>.4 cvrs 1976DATSUH 610WAGON 1 s pt'cd. air l'Ot1d A,\I F~ sterco. roof rad, & u11I} 41 ,UOO mllc•:- 1~ti~OC1 ONLY $3599 NEWPORT DATSUN R8A Dove Strct.'t NEWPOHT HF:ACll 833·1 3 00 '71! ~Z. lo mllc.:i~l· '111•1 11.!b.'o l'ond S7750 ~ 41\l7 '772'lOZ 2~:! 20:'>1 m1 \l i\ \1 ~\I hron11'. l'lt.'J ll Si:OI hl:l-t~~;; A..tos, Imported ..•..........•.•.••.•.. ~s ~n1 9740 ••..•.••.•.•.•......••. *** RE-LEASE 0...f'r 27 Leasing & Financing ProcJrams A•oiloble. ~'sOMJust Riqht For y OU~ Mil '72 350 SL I lard lo fm<1 m1t1al m11ct1•l of 4.'iO ser1 e:.. Lo<"a llv flV.lll'(j & t.l!rviced, lo"' rrules. 1mmdculate t·on dJt1on. fully ('QUI PPl'tl Lease or purchJht.' !528EMU> M8Z '73 450SLC f1r..t of thr !'I passen.:1•1 Spt>rt COUPl'I>. (0('1.111~ ownt'd & serviced, full~ eqlD pped inclucl mg fat" Lor.• swtroof. luw mill's (400.JMEI MIZ'79 240 Ditt~I Executive car, new cur fat't o r y' warranty - (95610) MIZ'77 280£ LoC'ally o wn t!d & serv1l·ed, immac1Jlat<-. ~um m e r colo r . t. yr./12.000 mile warrnn ly. (21 lSQJ l MIZ '73280C 2 door hardtop, luxury coupe, locally owned & aervu~ed. low mileage. au-cond.. auto. trans .. stereo. (llllMYF> M1% '78 450 SL Showroom new. under • 12,000 miles. local car,•. new car factory warran- ty. le ather. alloys .:; leather. <42665> : JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS .. .· um>HARBOR BLVD COSTA MEmSA ., '31·127613).9300 *** ~¥1uw ... . .......... . ~ ... -... !?~ ,UMI -..:TIOMOf ,,:#'wa1a1 •<X*PAH i.'' ., .... • ' •• 1 '. li r-4 . '. •' . *~1'.MS* Ltiiil1l1 .... OfAlth•k SAJ..D..L&A.SJNG PAJlTS.aSRVIC£ ..... INV9ft'C>aY °' < 1._)'>J A M~'>A DA.f~UN ....... ,.rW ....... ,.,w ....... 1.,.w AlllM. ,_,,,w ...... 1.,orted Sundty.July 1, 1979 OAll.Y PtLOT .,. ...... .. . . ............. . ...... .. .. ............ ... ....... .. ........... . .................................. ······ ..... ----'----.--------------.-..--- .... '720 flit f7JI ..... 9127 ,,...... t1l0 .... 9738 A.fos. IM,trW ...... l:Rport.d ...... ....................... ....................... NOW AT -·················~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mn • •--t7 0 ,_u •-... 4 M1n:edw1 .._ 9740 , • I t11 DA TSUM 1917 .. AT .._Mew '79 71 JAGUAR XICI I t7t MAZDA llX7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• • •• IJIOC°'" 114 lftD9t ~D .._ C COMVIRTllLI s al*ld. aJr cond .• alloy • '79)1() Diii: SM mi. white • -· •Ir cond , only > -..... , ..... ue """'" ~ an Aoollodar'1 m with Vl2 w h•• '" • u n roo ( & 77 924 w /bo mboo Int onrl i'I~ 41.l'loO ml1ea la In °" and Io w m I I 1 1 MAMY miPM. aulOINIUC, !.wr. AM /f'M stereo w /a ulu. Sllve~ loaded:· $9500 8 I a u p u • n k i cellenl cond It I on t-3WR.D> ToCll•H• ........ , •lHrina. uar con . & r~ ve r se c ass e l lt•. o.b.o. or take over lease I\ M I f' M I (.' a s s • ta (8NBU). llACH IMPOITS la.JIVERSITY chrome ware wheels . <&~_OEL $8688 al '237/month .. Call Jim Michelma. $11.600/offer. Qiil.Y llfff .. Doveatrte& ...., We'v41 in vHled ovn ~w..,.., al54G-S423. '15-0040. ..,_ __, t="IW"nM' D ·-•,.... NEWPORT BICACH OW.•Ml9 S3.000 In reatorina the Mlrocl9 Uft.. 9742 I \ _, -· "''~ ...... C •MC mechank al side of thu Mnda/R.....et .._. SH THE •Do~Sl.rMl 111-0tOO _. • c.v.Aauperbi.nvestnu:nl 1966 Merce d es 250SE ••••••••••••••••••••••• I NEWPORTBEACH Trsb will .i ivt' h ou n of 21!iOHarborBl..C.M. coupe, sunroof. leather. .,,.._ lt7t I AU. MIW I IU.IJOO lt11MT U4 ,.._~!._Iara bor D!~ ••ouA p&cuure. (8311WMT>. 645-5700 x.lnt cond. $59-12$8 or ~-•~ MID'-ETs TOYOT• .... .....,_.-=-'""......., MOW SI J,ttt · · · ·' · · · · · ~ ext 218 ask for ...,,... • ~ I ,.. I 'T7 -.z t+I whllo S.p, '71 Mazda. PlSton engine. in stock for immedi te '1 C~•lal '7K u ond• (;VCC brn IAUH MOTORS new tares. ne w mslr Leanne. deli See a I 4 4 I "'ft.Pl·.....:~ lD..-wl._.~k>r'I" w/pln1lripe1 AMll"M 292SHarborBlvd. cyl.ander.$850.~3293 very! US before x -wU.hkJwmilea. (oa151) literoo c.as Xlnl cood. COSTA Mt;SA •1960 180A Runs Can-you buy I I "1la.GZ. MowCW, 12111 1uoo '44 «833 f1f·2500 '73 RX2 coupe AM/FM. ~c·~~10c)be8!~· ':!~~ TODAY!!! GnlO.Ooodt'Mdlllon ...._.. ------migs. new clutch. lires. ~ I and I ~ ......_,. It ·n Acount. Luad1...J, uulo, wuter pump. Movin g 83l·5162 __ •'Zs' .-,.-2005-X. dean, low 2~~=~J M btltilulfe~l~;.~~ 1978JAGUA.R =k:.acrafice. $l,2SO. ~~~l~yl~:U:,~~~-.,_,_.( 11 TOYOTA. I rmlea, hpd. SU). 641-1700 ...... 9730 XJ 12L 644-0352 ........ _..'o:;.;... CBJCA I 1v ~ &llC'\.m c.. ~ ••••••••••••••••••• •••• "-·----bed b th ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2Wl5 Harbor Blvd. ..-Z3mP1. l6.000 ml UCK:•• y e proml· • ~ ...,._. t1U -1 ... ~ •-t 1 JAGUARS nent motonng press as 1971300SEL 35, tobacco 7l~L.tobaccobmw/2 COSTA M ESA --~ _ , --·· ....... 111..... .. Th 1 i; in ode I w u s Mercedes Ihm 9740 I SUPRA I -••••••••••••••••• ea......,r "' · runa/ ook1> XJQ.s, XJ 12~ "possibly the besl rar In bm/cognac lthr inter. I.opt> Best offer 979 2500 L~~ ... 8!.~fj •a ~GTE 2+2: 1lt new l5lllO &U-296Hvt'!> &XJStoupe.. the world" Only 7.000 FM stereo. A /C, S-1,000 640·1427 • I IN STOCK! I _____ .._ __ __,,Sbelby CotJl'ap~rd.faat '16 l31S 2dr. li1t pd, Mu.L<'O&onevaalableror aules Virtua lly nt>w orag mi 's. P t>r fecl. 19722805E 4 Door '66MGR Jmmacins1dc &I IMMIDIATE '1'8 -.Z: MM ml. •h.ltrp, fardjable,..,.4M721S7 AM FM,3t~.46Mma. 1~atedellvel") Subslantialsavmgs from $10.950. 640-9936 9-5; 4 5.Cully..,,wpped,green o u t Spokl' whl'ch DBJVERY•. I 1._ sterf'O AC ~. 762· /~4-tl64!1 TlSTDIUVlOME 11newmodel (82661. t-:ves&wkn,ds497·1661. ~.. AM1FM cllS:>. Sl.8001of· I I "1 • • • i:naas. '18 308 GTS. ""1 ttan. 900 eves. MOW $19 995 wl\an mt, ammac cnr. f "A" °"ll • ~~1k1 na 16800 !'!;.~·000. dl4·01U'l ur TODAY!!! IAUERMOTORS Mrt'~ch.:ll~l~:e~:x~~c:O~: PnC:,.~<~3r~Rl erl.9'"""°"78MG.MIDGET 1· HAPPY I _.._, '78 1-'\atl3lS4·dt, ~-2925 HarborBlvd. 497.34-50 12 ;......, • ongmal. ll.lnl u'>CI\ ...,,.3668 . ~ N ""'h 642 6763 '73 Dataun 1200 f'ast~ck, ..,. •u.u·T auto. mags, lOK ml, y'1· COSTA MESA -----1300 W. Coast Hwy Only lJ,000 males on this I 800d cood. Low mileaa~. cond. red beuuty, blk int. -· v o.r 979 2500 '76 450 SL 28,000 m a. wpt ~ . little ri•cl ~POrl Ha r $1800.8&-919'7 24K , $19,500 . Eves '74 Fiat Xl/9: Must &II •-•·-.. · • Load~&nice.mustsell. '75 ~OD · lo.1M m1, xlra Very. vrry economical I CUSTOMBS I 1.QD.2200 M d s o ........ ._,__ 1961 2.4 one owner, m ost 957-2708. al k ... ~-and cxc1lm~ transporta· CHOOSE A CAR '73 HIZ: Must Sell New ant con · 295 •tl.v><Harbor Bl vcl. 25g ldll ·.,..,age, $9500. tion 127411 I• T M .. X E y I • 646-5939. '-""" xlnt rond throughoul. Cd con<l. Ask for Howdy HOW ~,.995 "' "' paint. mags. AC. Sharp. Alf 9725 C.'OSTA MESA ~.ooo rrult>s. by appt only '74 MERCEDES 4!6-li..!O ~ I TOYOTA MD/best. 830-8099 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "JO 124 Spydcr 1600C\'. 5 979-2500 conta<.1. Helmut 673 3750 2BOC · BAUER MOTORS I ·7*>z. Must sell -$4400/ •76X19 Roadster spd, looks & runs gn·al, or4!»-2220 Bw-gundy with lan up· 76 4!IO St:L. ~ilvcr i!rcy. ~Harbor Bh d. I I ~r -. 36.000 uctual mall's. 1 ~oo(p &Kant;.,,~05m738P.:. 73 XJ 12. lmmac wire KcswannGhia 9734 holst er )'. power win · looded.30.000M1 COST/\MF-<iA • 1· 960-4484 ,,.__. Ba .. Ama yellow, ..-uuv, r. en ......,.. whls. Mich. tares, nt.'w doY.'S. power bra kes, air 521.000. 1>44·73!5 979-2500 I I ~ v-•~ IUI. ••••eee ee e • e e e ea a ee • e e • ----= 37 MPG, $4100/ofler . '76128 3-pc Sports Coop.." paanl. Sacrifice $6500 "74 Glua: ~-'000/"Ast roncbllonmg,.cruise con· M.:-rced<.-<; 1970 S Classic. I '74 HORNET '74 : auto, xtras. new (164.JAJ> Hawauan Am. xlnl cond, 41,000 ma's. M.S-4743 "' "" trol <682LEJ>. amma1· rund. S5i00. MG8 9744 I HIOO/t.o. pymnts. Co. 55&-4272 or 834--0985 $2700. 548 5919 73 XJ6 slVT /blk. 53.000 mi. ·10 Ghia: $2850/best SADDLEBACK J>n\·1..>tl to ~ell. 645-3232. ••••••••••••••••••••••• A!.: 751·7!11 Xlntcond. Mak(' offer. Xlntcond 54.5·0253 VALLEY IMPORTS 1973 MGB GT I 6 Cyl. I .. ..~.~ ....... !~ ~ .... :."! ....... !~!~ ~ ... ~~."! ••••••• !~!~ 631·2396 ~!·.~:."! ....... !~!~ B31-2040 495.494s_ ~~-~~·.~:.": ••••••• !~!~ :':~~~~~~: 1~;;oc;~~e:,1:. I LIFTBACK I OML y $3599 I I .. Take the SOUTHERN SAVINGS ROUTE YOU ARE FREEWAY CLOSE TO 5 OUTSTANDING AUTO DEALERSHIPS 0 FIAT . ~ission MERCEDES BENZ VkZjo Imports ·1 Ill' l ltimntc SA.LES• SERVICE 28701 Marguerite SOUTHIYIM oaANCH COUNTY'S ® CHOWIMti AUTHOltZID DIALH PARTS • LEASING Parkway. SHOP & COMPARE OUR LOW LEASE RATES 0 BA RWICK DATSUf'.I MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS ; Mi ssion V•ep 714/831-1740 714/495-1700 Or_,. Co.ty's Most Modenl IMW Deder FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES, LEASING & SERVICE Good Selection of Excellent 1raoe-1n~ available • S .\DDl.t:H .\f "K ~·A1 .1.t:' 1~1 .. 0HTS 21402 MARGUERITE PKWY , MISSION VIEJO (1141 93 1.2040 ..... .. _.. . 9 e 0 0 • LAGUNA BEACH SOUTH COAST FORD SAIL CHEVROLET SADDLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS SHOP& COMPARE IN SOUTHERN I ORANGE COUNTY SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Find what you want •.• 0 > & ~ Buy it for less , CAPISTRANO BEACH DRIVE A LIITLE . i.. • .. • 0 • WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING THE ALL NEW SAIL CHEVROLET 900 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH 494-11 31 PRICE OF GAS GOT YOU DOWN? PLENTY OF GAS SAVERS LEFT FORD Ford Fiesta from 40 MPG Ford Pinto from 32 MPG We've been here 17 years -some locotµ>n -same owner -same good deals -coll or come in 494-8515 Lowest rotes on leasing SOUTH COAST FORD 303 BROADWAY, LAGUNA BEACH. 0 MIW&USID l's 100% AHAMCIHG O.A.C. WI WILL M&T Ol UAT AMY DIAL MAD US A DIAL WI CANT tmVSI . SAVE A LOT! BEACH IMPORTS A ir cond . power ~Dove Stret•t I steering & only 49 000 I :'ll':WPOHT RFAC"ll I miles• C605LKWI I 752-0900 I MILUCiE MAKER I Moc.· :.~~~::., lh<· : $ 2 49 9 ,• MGU ton\•crl1hll· than anv other convcrt1hle! I I ~-US before you buy • TODAY!!! : '76 PINTO I BM~) I SQUIRE I ......... ·-··· . I WAGON I .", ... ,......,...,.,_ .!(~Jl.trhor 111\d I I COST,\ ~I t;S.\ 11 OPl'll ·I" Ont1 979•2500 <;tf>rPn X mnr• 1 I I 1200PE:J1 ·1R Mc n~10M.8nc;. 1 ol'ILY I S)ROO h1•-.t oCfrr P P I ~u't't•ll 4!.IH lti07 ___ I $ 2599 I 1977 MGB I CONVERTIBLE I TIU'> <.-.Jr 1·oulci bt' un1QUl' wit h 1·u~lum p.illlt in op.ih..,n·nl i.1lvcr An ex· cdknl running roadster f1ll •·c.l "' factorv wire "'ilL"t.'I<, t763SEW I NOW $5495 BAUER MOTORS I e I : '75 GREMLIN : I 6 CYL. I I Au10 lrdn-. •o I l I ;,l5 llarbor lll\d I milt• X runo., l•k• nt•w' COSTA M F~'i,\ (306SPP) I 979.2500 I -------HUARY AT I ~,:~":~~~~"!"'' "'" : $1999 : 51..,. lhl• f.m1a.-.t11 M<;H L1m11<·d l::d11 w11' l'\ov. a \ .1 1 I J u I •' J t o u r shuv.rnom This sp<·cral M<:H v.1th 'l"'l'IJ.I hl:Hk p:11n1v.1irk v.1th 'llH·r <'ll'l<lm sin~!>. black & !-1h1·r ma g wheeh. lt•...it ht·r t'OH •r<•d ~1>0rls whl•t•I. I runt s poll1·r . 1·11~~1·tl•• o;t1·n'O. lu~ga1-:1· rctl"k & mme' &-com·· th1· proud ''"'""'r ol ,, uni qui'. hm1h.-d proc.Jucla un !'.pt>nM:ar SEE US MOW!!! BAUER MOTORS .!Yl5 ll<1 rbor Hh ii C~TJ\MESA 979-2500 , , '\!GB. lo m1 . J!OOd rnnd. 23 ~ i\1 PG . ~lu:-.t :.ell $4500 1 b e~t o fr 5.52 • 7 .17 •I I • I I I I '77 DATSUN I I 200 SX I I s ... pePd AM ' MI I "l<>rro mJct" II. mo1e• I I 1053SPHI I OHLT I : $4099 ! I • I I '77 PEUGEOT I I 604 SEDAN I I Auto trans power I I windows a11 cond & I Oprl 9746 stereo (572TOn ~1;·;;~~;~~;~·1;:·s;;.: I owcE '" • I tak~ me home. Robin I LIHTIMf ,.ICE I t·j.!)! nlut> 1H1; 1-1.1.'i 1 I ~~ ........... !?~~ I Sfi499 I '73 L Pantcr.t. mml cond. I S1500/tak1.· over pa~· • I ments. As k for J 1m I ·' I 96J.9f>36 or 752 19'.!0 '72 YW P~--9141 I I ······;~~;~~~·. ... . I BUG I I Great runner great I SALES, SERVICE I mileage. (461E0 Hl OVE:.~:~:~~~H'f I HUtutY AT I a:~~,~~:RTS I s2395 I 848 Dove Street I I NEWPORT BEACH I I 752-0900 ~.~ .......... !?.~~ I BILL I '71 911 T Coupe In S.~nal Orange. 5 speed, alloy wheels. ex· cellent condition thruout. ' <5821.JO> 1 ~~~ I MAXEY I I TOYOTA I I 18881 I '58 Porsche Cabriolet. l1BEACH BL! new. new. new. totalb' !l restol'ed.661-1539 I H..u.itaa Ml ·oo 31168. Xlot mech rood. I I ~s.ao MPG. 8-t orr. 847 8555 6611a.111.1wdya I · I '72 Tara•. A/C, tape, ex· ~C...M I cell cond, $10,500 . ~ fofllrlof.:i I MMl5o5 ~------ \, • I •• ......... ...w ...... l•p•rtH ........... ,.,w ........ ., • ..w ........... ,__. ....... ....... ••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -DM.VPM.OT Su ,--j;.-~iiN0~--1 I CHRISIMAS I I ·SALEI I ~.'.!!!.~...... !!'/.~ ........... !?~~ !!:'.~~ ........... !?.~~ !~~ ........... !?~~ ~ .......... !?~! !=:::r.~ ....... !?!.~ !~~ ............. .. l'I Jd;t t710 !IN'ro)'cta C.Uu C~· um Toyota Ceht a OT "75 Curoll1o1 f;tl\t, W,:n. 4 Mew lt7t Trt..... ·ee Fastback. Grc11t aa11 1975 VW •!.J " ::;_.................. Autom•Uc tranJ., alr l.lf\back You mu11t at 1111d, nu M1l'h r11dit1l11. SPITFlllS mi. dependable. go.od RAlllT • • ~.··roo1•te:reo,tpapett.rnab~~ leut look a~ th111" rnd10.11ln1mntl.S2100or tock, _... trans.SlOOO. ~ 5 ....... trans •-28,_, I MOMTtt-BiD I I , I I SPECIALS! I I 11·1 Chrf•hna• I E•ery Day I I At JI• Marino I I VolkswCIC)P! J I I ... · . I I-EXAMPLES-I ,70 911 T ~ In P ru R d with black trim. s a&iC('d. aJlur wbrda. eit~lfQftl <1>0d lion Mutt See <4530VC I "T11\irbo Car"''•· broo1.d m,•t a 111 r, II k i• n 1• w euoo .oo )()()() '78 °92411 Aut.OOlillt.lt'. 1ur 1•ond 1t 1u11 tn~. 11w1.n.1n1. only l:>,!111:.0 mJh'll tlc·1111t it ul nm1ll tJun (l~T'C i\1 s• i .ns ! '7.!.!!!J~!G !1 ... ~~.~,. ,~~.: .. ;,,:·,::; 1 1 s3M5 1 1 1 :·:j(Jo.:·.;::!.:l .. ~~t·lh dl-c·lc AC. nu tin· .... ,.:ohl. mu::.t M.'t' 111 ;111µrcc1.ik "UV rf' Y h... "'Orlf"°'" <'Ir ' ..... t1 u· hl"lt &I() 1720 111 s '°" 1mm"=1ate 494.5097 .. I"<"" • "''"" · with white Interior i;tret't\ w tcu11tom pulfll, - ---deJJvery! See US before miles. Grt'u t ~-i. St4llt tmNUE> E•rh• wirn bllskl•l wh1•uh•. u1r 11111 ('11m1111. 11ulo trun11. youbt4)' '72 VW eng. hear 11 run mileage' ll'li313) lk• Toyota Volvo. lOOtl rnncJ . pwr ~t . AM WM 1ur nm11JI rllbll ll~or TODAY!!! S32S TransmtSsLon SlZS Ot«. Y $2999 : Harbor Rl vd • t'o11t11 Mf'rro. auto tro ru• & un '""'' :i.52 :'!0111 499-2932 MEWPORT DATSUa..t M II.&<&& 9303 dl'r 11.000 milr11 $1\7~ • -------~ l lGSlll ) Jo:1i i lc Ill-•• '78 sn:, hfthk. AM1Jo'M ~~'I ·57 VW: Needll front-t!nd BDoveStreet · 1971TOYOTA ·r oyou Vol vo . 1111111 >1h•n •o, It Mr t11t UIU('. .. eb. M ~ woc1t. runs good. Make NEWPORT BEACH WAGON ll11rbor tUvrl • t 'o11la Zl,tXIUrm, ~7~ 64S U28H .. _ -·· d fer MS-9473 133-1300 4 "~ tr•nt . air ronil Mf'fla. fMS-~ ·77 (;(•h \'a lfltwk 1100<1 ... _._"&-.. t72 VW I VW . Having trouble set\. & t IC I r 11 .., h iA r II • rn1i", .1ut.o iclnl cond 2925 Harbor Blvd 1 tag .no Y"'',. car". Try us Top ~1 .. i.11v• "1' TOYOTA .. COST u r.s White, blue int. nl'w ~ ... """' l• .,. .. ...,") SUOI 1142 004 A,.. A doll~,. -Pa•d ror or Not • -..... S2 99 CB.ICA rad ial t1r f•,. $2495 ... • ~ Y f 979-2500 1170F'XZ I Bnng your car to Jun .-wroaTDATSUH .1 'P<'cd, u 1r c·ontl & 711 Coroll11 ~porl ('p1· ....... _..._~h-"-Ma rino Volkswaiten . '>lun~tu~ (9'.llUJAJ. : ... 1)11, /\t'. linlNI wind. --non Be h l d H l'llti0i)Yl·~r.,., -...LY ss·695 /\M 1 1"M 1e·a~11. JJdl\. 1976TRIUMPH J:wJW.CoastHw.Y 18711 ac B v .. Unl • Nt:Wl"OHT l\t-:M 'll """ ~mp1!. l1k1· ll\'W, $1~ TR-7 Nwpt Bch 642-6763 in~oo Beach . As k tor 133-13 00 HOWARDChe•rolet '•16 4w1 1-'runk Marino or Tena I 1117 f 11 \ 111 J t ' l'l 11· It l.11lh,11·k Sll\11•1 "'It h \i \ ti I' k I 11 I I' I' I ol f A1J\11n1,1tll 11.111-. .• H I 111mt , 111.1~:., & ,11•11•11 t.11~· $.:il:l\I t.!ll!ll<~t I 1-.urlo· lk1· lu\111,1 \'11ho. HllAI 1lJ1 lil11 \ll\ll , l ·.,,_l.J M1'l>.J 1,1t> !!Jo. I l!TIH l'molJ ('111011.1 ~H .1 IJlll>.11·k 1\ \I t-'\I 1!1 ooo nu \Int '>hJJ>l' musl -,di ~700 tJI.! \I.>' Hf d..1 \' !lbJ !IK!.3 .ill 1.1' ~I . IH'?M I fl\ 01.1 { urun,1 I J>r ~,I.in l\arJ t11 tmtl hi\ uf'\ l-<l1t11111 "'1lh H luur 1 n ll· ri o r • a u l 11 Ill .1 t 1 l' tr.in;. •• 11r l'und ~ Onw & Quuil Sh Nfo:Wl'OHT BEAl'll IJJ-0555 1!177 ToyoHt (.'('ll<'.1 <:T L.1Hbatk Automutll'. 111r c·ond . A M fo'M ,,11•rc·o K tral'k, 1·u11111111 wh1·1•h ~h.idow louvit· k1I. 1•111·0 m..1~ & lo" m1h•' l'n 111~ lk'>l 1111,·~ (';Ill IH7 7456 l!nl~ To)'ot.1 t:l'l1t·u t.uui.i1· .\utomJlH' tran .... ,111 u mJ . A ,\I 11' M . \Ill\ I rool & d mt'•' 1·dr SI l!rl 1381H Ul 1 E.111P lk1· Tu)ota \01\11. \111ili llarhor Hh d , ("1n.1.1 Mt.'Sa. &16·9303 ., Extra sharp. air cond.. a.assified Adi. 642·5678 Alkm maf(s. cassette & only ------ Tri.... 9767 1.3 .000 ong1na l miles. Autos, N•w 9800 Alltos, New 9800 •••••••••• •• •••••••••• • <887SLR > ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 TRIUMPH TR-6 Ttw. on1·0!. 111 cKn•llt·nt 1'1Jfl'lll111n l<IG.1WK 11 How Only S4788 Miracle Mmda/R"'"'" urhor Bl . (.' M 45.5700 I 977 TRIUMPH TR-7COUPE ONLY $4999 BUCH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Nt.:WPORT BEACH 752-0900 COHVERTllLE TR-7s NOW HERE! U>upes Also Ava1lahlc rur 1mmed1ate dell \ery • St.-e US before you t,u .. TODAY! Baur'°/'"'\ Mo1pn , STRADA SALE "tt'le new Italian won of art from FIAT" NOT STRIPPED bwt EQUIPPED 5 5peP.d OD trans . oodys1de moldgs st~I slyte wheeis raooar 11re-. rf'cton1no oucket ~at<> power asso<.t 11on1 d r<;c ora11e., c.ourlt1'>Y loqh1s visor mirro r 10 •103060° •8191 Prices start at I I SIS.500 497 133:! -:-.ll'rl'O s.tro9 1~1l1ZS 1 1977TOYOTA COUPE n,,., hlth· ('Jf ha!> l'\l'r ,lh111.: i.unr uor . dlr 1·11fl(I . .,lcrl'O ca:.i.cll<' & 5 tolA'<:d t r Jn' 167$TDll 1 MOW $6995 BAUER MOTORS 2'.flJ llurl1or Ill\ d C~i' /\ M !-:SA 979-2500 """' ....... •-··· .,..~,.,.,...... . ....,_ I I 1976 9 "s T0f'90 5 :.pd. air concl, ullo) •, '74 YW BUG.· whb.lom1.i.1IH•rw hlut.• 1nl P rlC'l•d l o :.di tSC.1393> I I Autohaus ~rlin 4 speed.radio t031NBl l l:lOOW l'oa,,l lfwy I I $2195 1· .:~~,~;i.p<l.rb1~'~1·:~:~ nu ratl1<tl t1rn •• \Int nult'llJ!l' s;,:ioo hi.I 111 r Aft 61' M. li75 !14 11 I I l.<6l 9~ N1·w yl'llo~ p:11nl. Ea rl.-Ike Toyola-Voho. l!lbti 11.1rbor llh ·tl • c~tJ l\1(.'S;J, 646 9303 '69 Toyoto. SI 000 -i~.l-1039 ·77 <.'OROLLt\. ::!dr. ·ts pd, :12nwi:.:. •dnt . oni: ownl'r. SOOI. 6-10.45511. 7i grt<t'n Cornll.1 Sl'OHTE ~ SPl'<.'d lran:-.. low m1h''> on this economy ,•,or 100STJ J> OMLY $2995 HOWARD Chevrolet D<WC' & Quail Sti. NEWPORT Bf:ACll 833-0555 ("(Jl'f'I-'. hkl' 11,•11 21.t>OO "78 l'l'h,·.1 .1ut11 ;11r. ;!.1h m1h-.: SIUlltl I i.µil Ht1~l· m1l1·,. l;a:-.:.t•n11m1l .ol !'>IO :nilj ~ 1;..w <l!!:~ 2925 Harbor Blvd. C~i'AMESA 979-2500 ---'73 TH6. 50M. $700 -take VolkswOCJeft ,1H•r payment:. or S3700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r:t'h Chl·rry tond M u~t '67 VW Bug good tond. i.dl 117!1 0788 Sl ,475 Make Offer 963·8815 'fo6 THIA Sport 115'. n·~t. ------ i•ni:.: llk1• "''"' hocl\ l!ll. ·7:1 hmJted t>d1tion Si.iort rnu;.l ,. .. 11 )l 'IJll oil r I>~ XJnl tond S2 .850 ~10 :nKJ Aft 5 t}..12-38C>4 u ro c"°°u ... o .. I '77 YW I rbll t·n~ out1>tand1ng Alltos, Hew 9800 Aldos, Hew 9800 Autos, M~w 9800 Autos, H~w t·c>Od i:.:n .. 1t gai. ,\t 1ll•,1,_:,· S!n)llor tws t ofr 6.16 2~~ I 7 PASS BUS I ~~I~~ ~~~~to;.:~· :l;~ I I fTUll'il/::t' S.'>500 646 2531.1 . ---I I ·Ii> Porsrh,· 5 i>P<"-'d. nl"-'<b ••• s54spe,ed rad,10 2605$ET• I, ;~2·.~;~~of~~~l·~-~ "7591~ !:>ll'rt'O IJj)l'. m.1gi., llJS!~gt• r:Jr k. ;11r. S5995. Pnv:th.• part) ffi:l I I tX I 1• '72!111 TTaq:.1 !"1,,1Kl. J1r. ~ M U: koru~. allu,s. SM!~ .• l'h I 72 KAR A ... :;i:~~T: l>IJ~J)l'll~lllll. GHIA I !~~a10~7~'tt8f ·IO!l fl " ;J II 1 -i~STari:w. gol~ mc·tallic. 4 'Pf'Pd rad io. o np o f a I 61.000 nu, Sl:J.000 nt•g. kind ClilSS1C' (3920\ ~3-11!1 l'VCS !!51Ml022 Uys I s3495 I ·oo:-;uper !JO cpc Hes1or:,a I I llfon rmplt d . ftC'cc1pti.. I I !why red. sunr·1. quick & JOmpg. I will :.H·rcpl I I r:;nbl ofr~ n o w In l p<irtu•s ma~ t•all fnr , I furtht·r dc·tails & .1pph Lu ''79 YW BUSES• ~~I r Kurr.i ,,t:h. I I '61 rodd"ll·r 1600 Hun:-. I & CAMPERS I ~~IJ.l$651l~i5 J302. I I "bl l'or~rh,· 9l.OO OH IH·:ST OFFt;H I Over I 4 to I "'93 3-1 16 I I Monni.:. mu ... l 1>d l Choose From l Porscht• !Ill 20. lo m1. I • I ~n·ul mpg , w ,bra 832·9tl90 an)'tlmt.: I All Priced I 19si<:·ouPl;-:ln;-rond I I C:aliformu C'ur Serious offe r s by appt o nly I ' s Ill I 67J.3750or '1_~~222~ I 0 e I "fB 9US. Xlnl IO out. Must I sell. too powerful for I wife. a sk 1n~ $lt200 , : 1974 & 1978 : :::::~;H:~:."" I 924 EXCALIBERSI I Custom eqwppcd.all thc I I f1~~~dmte~~~·v11~:J: II MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE II MBZJ~MdSL~~~fz> IMPORTS I I 1970 11ARBOR BLVD. COST A MES/\ 'Vans Vans Vans ·~~::813-':;:6 I I ················'······ r BRAND NEW 1978 1 -#10EALER1Nu.s.A. I I ROY I DODIE YA•S I JR{~~~!.[ ' 'ALL PRICED UNDER I ctosEo::,.vs I $ I '59 Silver Cloud l I I $19.ooo 985--4144 I 11-Soab~~~~ I I ·········~~~········· I NO REASONABLE I I OFFER REFUSED! I 5::5.l!:i.!~e I . I '7SCLEARANCE I ··. ON AMY CAR IH STOCK I NOW IN PROGR~!. AT OUR DEALERSHIP I ' --:::;;~::---I BEACH IMPORTS I .. ~ I ~~~CH I I 1s~ot00 ,....... 9762 I ...................... . /iiiiiiii:!!!!SEii::I' 172 ~ wgn, good cood. I 548-271.3 I I '78 f dr. front wbl drtve MEW 1979 COROLLA DELUX 2 DOOR I ull .. P!"Jv•PD''CI""'''"' ~""'••Pf•i•'l r11n .,,, ••J • • ••J11 1· '.n•• ,,.,..11•11no ('h)(,loll'I \.,. ... ,, l•IKV•C ,,.,,. ,. •I ... , •• , ~•1tt•• 11 •+"-l 9·•" JO '\t'"'\. tl"·•lvO 1,1(\ tt\ '•o ... "'1> r oi;t• c T f ) 1 '' 18 It.. .... r-['H• t t•1ftl OltJ 13• '--:f"'t'!C~ 4"',.,. -·~ '·"'J' ro9 H•• •b • rv •OD' •Ml ttM•t 't()()(. ~"-~ ~ c ,.,t'TW"f" t ',~pt ...,. ,,, .... ~ r •......... , "'v~ fl' .... rr "''"'. , .•• f1 F '"'' 0.·IP,,r"'1(ji~'~"'•, S~b4ft 14A 1979TOYOTA CELICA GT LIFTBACK ,Avt\l'"t'IK. fr;llY. l.;c.tory 3't C'Ol'd Wtf'P b3'QP1 •f'!Ao"lt-C"""' • ,,,,_,•"'l larQ..t bill"ld e<Jiu.atlltlf' & CtafOln t.SU:al re;v .,()ll'Jlti•',.. ..t''f"HP fdDE" tOC.-Pr ~ tn(UdH"llQ'S oelUl_, t)f" ""'''~· A f•ltW1r1ndOw '\t\;J08._,.t Demo t1RA4?-1397Jt.. C,oti Ot1 r 11•,(Jf<i ohJ•, hi• A hct1no,,r• 48 "'C'.'rf\ltl titM0<1n<"1 ;JY41lllt>U• t,, dp(jf()Vf';d C.tt"dlt J 1000.<tn"Nn 4.ft 001trrM'f'\I (II \1ffQ -'110ChJd••-.1,,. A lfC..1'11.t1 AnnuJI Pf11'C•,.,.,,iK>t 1,l h• 1> 68'11. tltitf!fJOOl>;J'l"'O"I 01<'0 -110 094 '>f> .A__ ALL HEW 1979 JOY OT A CELICA SUP THE CAR OF THE ·sos! t•i • ,,1, "'Ji-<4 l1,,101 1!lji~•t11· '•Vt* ~ .. "(f h,Jfl ... ,_. "'I Ill 1 "'41•'•' •"'''" A"-• f. P/. '.IPfJ.loJ 1u,.o wuni:J 11 u1 ...,~ .. r1 '" r '·''°'" .1nov1-'" ... ,noc ... s ·~~46..(il'.-1144 s23r,E?MO. ~ ' c, , S@QQO r-111 t;i, & lifr"f'\i-11~ 4to n"'Y'~~ trl"Jl"l·•""O I I \'t"'I ~ ,it"'O'...,,.,._.,. "'"'' 11r-JO ,.......,., Aff PJ~r'!'llPnt .. of \. t. ) ,..,.,.,,. •. ''' & ""•'<'I, A·•r1u..1l~·u.~-n1dQCf.rt•"' - 1 t ~ f I,~ "''"Of"hl'P'I nl~n<• .. 'f ~ ''0 ,.'4 NEW 1979 COROLLA DELUXE LIFTBACK ~v•tt t.att• '" , .. .A..,UP' t ' ",,_, ' • f •• '""" 't"\••n1~~t.J1;1•,1 • ,. 1o ,, • ,..t l _ 1,, 1,, ,~,. O•<ff•"'11 1'11 i i•• ) 1. I c ,, , ,. '-' l• '"" ••p '·•• ~ '"-' ll.._ •fl'CY ,,-, If 11 \\," I A \,, .. ~I '' • 4 A • tJ. L>-'·"'''...,.t'l•v,....., .. HEW 1978 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER H.T . ftt•· ,.,, na10l(\C· ,,_, 1 • o-·• • .1t1 '"'"''II., HJ~•· ,,...,., J'\i .IM •rl')fll 11• I·• ,.,,. n"n' tnl>r '", 11nq l.itC\t t()ll 0.)1 ._ • .cf •t,ttn-rJO+#I tP.tt tu 1,1•1 11'(1 "1110 A -.1~-.W l·•i IU J40 1'lOltC' 5 18~MO. C•'i" Pflat •-"''* ,,_..,., '"" & Ile•'" .. '' 4.t\ monlh t1"·•11.1 '~o itvaUU)tr on 600fOv•"d CIN11t S 1000 ftt"wrt •ft g.1y"'rrtl\ 11f t 119 30 1ndu*"' tu & "<-~"k' Annyo.11 aM'CN"lli'O", •If• -~1?941'11. OPl110<l!d~Y""'~•o11~• t10C'16ll•O I 18711 BEACH ILVD I =.~;.::~~r!;~~ HU • mot old. 6&50 m l by orig 1 11 i'i:iiOO a~~~~~~ II !~ ........... !?~~ •M ~""'-au... 12 Oellca ex eond loaded 1 I a... .... JULY 1• im Mat wbls. M\JST sELL NOW 1227~675-1401 --------------========= ..... ' l 1 • ~ 'f -~ AilllM. I• .W .... ., 1-.ortM ....... l•portld Awtot, IM....ted ....... UHd ._.,, UHd• Sullday, July 1, 1979 DAILY PILOT m J ...................... • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1;~~;.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~!!!P ......... !?.~' !.s:1!!'!!1!~... !'.'.! ~~ ....... !?!.! !.~ ............ !!!.~ ~ ............. !!!! ~ ............. !!.'.~ ~~·-~!:~ ............ ~~·.~!:~ ................ :.~!~!'. ......... .. .... • 'l2 vw. Good cond llOOO 'Tl VOLVO 144 AMC Pa<'er '78/9 •la. '71 Reac1d. e cyl. 22 mpa. lo Chrlrolet 992( Chnr•t 9920 Ch,..... 9925 6 llAIOMSTO IUY&lmYICI AT JIMMAllMO YOLISWA•IM • .J. ~19'T.ONM 1 . Mn•._ ... ' WIUAllAU ...._A WOOILl1 •ICIAlll9M. .. YW • a ... C81SWI . ·l-WIMAYl0¥11100 ... o~ ICOMOMY CAH TO CMOOSl .. OM + ...._..n ..... YOH MOST MODll.S '•Flx·ttBul. Coat.et PO Boa 2314, 117ao/8!STOFF!R ... ., Air, 1tereo. rack. whofeaale bl uebook ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ooeda parU N.a.-. 59-t• EVIS lB.IXXI mi. Pwr. elc Uke -~ PIMA&. 1978 • ~ ~~ •··•.:i .l?!H'i!{ ~ SACJUFICE' ~arter5:30 ...._. new . P v \ Pt y a.UAAMCE! {t'~t 'l'1 JT'~ a.Ysua '77 CAMPER 'lt YW, pop DllS8. •• .. •••••••••••~••••••• T\4-41M-T7:W. •7t I on Camuro~. C..pnce11 ·--.. . -a CC>aDOIA &op,ldntcond 8e1totter lt7t Duher SIOO tcaz4 ttOI 'Cl Rambler. --cyl, IH S«YHAWK MonteCarl06.MalJbuli 4 fl Loaded Including iiun· overSlOOO. PhtlStl...:127 Con11der older car ln ... •••••••••••••••••••• aaver. Runa1 like 16 lop. 5 Speed tran1mh1slon. Novas Drastlr rerlu<' 1 red. tereo. full pow1·r & --tnde 71418.l!.otCM Needl pa.Int & muffler. power steenng, lesi. lhan tloni' . \• low mileage. (429KYXI !~·!':.' ~t r~~::· V.,._ t71J DOTOATSUM ..oo 751-4840. :18i;u1et1. Slave money. SAVE MO W !!! .....-. -_.,..._ WatTanty available Ill JO $Jt · 14 tee.,•• ............. •••• • ••••• INVENTORY • "76 PIM)llr, bu everylhana. SADIK.HACK Selff•Sen6c••~ $3995 ~Id)-. VOi.VO ltDOIS a• mlleaae. 1mo1 VAU.IY 1 ... POITS ."Olne11t' JIM SLEMONS •1111 .... -.me,1..,._ 11600 or b ••~ -.aw,m-., ''73 VW Thing. lo m1 , fbral• top . roll b11r , 11tt'f'f'O, nu t 1"'11 12500 ~ 'tn \'W, Sl~. Reittottod. nt'*I reblt ~·· 33 MPG . 11.'l).21.Y)'J f'Vetl l'Wkndi IOI WfTMAW U 'f$ DllSILS All HHll Wl&LSOHAYI OVER 120 .. IW.4..0 UUO • co..varm.as • DASH9S • IAlllTS • SCllOCCOS • IUSSIS 5 .... ~. OH SAU THIS WEBEHD BOB WITHAM VOLKSWAGEN SALH.saYtcl AHDLIASIN6 OVF.RSf..AR Dto:LfV EH V EXP&RTS IAILl•I VOLYO lllee Harbor Blvd. <..'OST A M l!:SA 646-UOl 140.t4'7 o.AMCM COUMTY VOi.VO F~XCLUSJVU.Y VOLVO Laraest Volvo De11kr 111 Orange County! BUYorLE~E DIRECT ~, 2025 S Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 1974 Volvo 145 Wagon Automatic trans .• air cond • pwr steenng. lug Rage rac k & s te reo ~. 1606KR8). Earll· Ike Toyota· Volvo, 196ti Harbor Bl vd. Costa Mesa, 646-9303. ----- a.WOUT -LU ...,,... ..... tne c.u f;t.Uln IMPORTS ctft, -·'"'"""""" IJl•2040 495-4949 lllOIAHMCOUol'rf• llnO HARBOR BLVO W.W..tYewDHI '74 MATADOR ~Jooo ml. C••c 9915 21 .... c.-.won... COSTAM~J\ 7JL1u•MS t'lt:un, s h a[F p , gd ••••••••••••••••••••••• i.--c-.1r-631·1276833-9300 '"""" nllk\age Sl ,600 tor bt!st Of'IM 1 DAYS • WIH otr. takes 1t. 673·0200 1977 CADILLAC * PRE'ITY. PRETTY!• 768-7222 SllH Convertlbh1, 11uto, tranJ, radlo ( 13817 31811111 > •74 1210 SI Ht UB71103J KR 1 '7ZC .. VYLUV $14'9 WITH SHELL ( 136311· t6:l662 ) '76TOYOTA PICKUP $3299 4SPEED ( 13836-1018417> '76 GllAHA.DA $3499 Auto. lrans. air cond. Pwr s l cer & brks . < lllm·Ul RLG > day•. S48·4046 eve11 & COUPE DE VILLE •77 MALllU wlcnda. Wlute t red leather int CLASSIC C OUPE ••• '71 GREMLIN cpe. econ. 11l 1c k 6. Exce lle nt inectuuucal cond. $900. S48-Sl48 f\IUy factory equipped inc. pwr. dr. locks & spht seats. lilt. cruise. stereo tape & vinyl roof. t:xlra clean . 38.000 miles . V.S, automatrc, powe1 s!Alering, fact. air. ne~ radiab. 39.570 mlles 1657Rl'A> Woyne Charron 1406 Temple Hiiis Dr. 99 IO <478.WH>. $7500 $4195 Loquno&.ach You are th•· winner of 2 free ticket books (Sl3 00 \alul'l. lo kMOTT'S BERRY FARM ••••••••••••••••••••••• tt751UICK E'STATEWAGON Has all delu.xe opllons & less than S0.000 males . <U19VEE> Was $4.995; on sale NOW-$3995 IAUER I UICK 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979.2500 771UICK SICYLAAK COUPE 30,000 original miles. Automat!c. Air condi· tioning, stereo. till stL>er · mg, Superb. l8394 > H.J. Dameron & Assoc. 752-2526 '76 Seville. S8SOO 1-"u ll,)· eqwp)>ed. Call Everungs 552.4528 "72Cpedc V1Uc. xlnt cond Bestofr. Must sell 759-0154 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontrnc-GMC 20C() 1-: hl. Santa An4 <714 15~· IUOO ·tjij Cona1r, JUUi, good rond1t1on, SHOO h,.,1 otl1·r 673 1009 Jww 22ml thru J uh Ith Twkcts m..i v t,.. l'IJ1m<'<J by tatlmi.; i>.12 ~iii. l'>.l ZTl ••• 'tiMChev} .No' J. rc1Jll 1:n~. Tran~portJlrun Cht.>\ > Good 11rt' .... & bod~. Ne~ tires. rt-g gd:. Bes• m s1offcr &46-~49 offer 714 1639-ISii ---'76 Sevllll', loaded. lo '75 Monte t'arlo. lo m1 , "'*J Chev}. Julo. \'Cr) nules,01vorC'el.atn£11:c PIR.P S,;ur.xlnt cond. l'lt>dn . "''"' t1r(•-. & 1st $7500 cash ta kt~ ( 714 1 llkt.> nc"' 531 I 2AA brake .... 5X9~ !11;:1 1\9;:-, &3H6 '71 Bdol ado Cogpe. '67 Che\ die w sten•n (;ood tran,.,µortat1011 Ht-:.l ufrl•r take~ 5;,7 l'.IHS:I "bi licla1r .idr, I'S .• rntu, new b;1tte~. giJ trans. ~1oflcr 751·17Jli --- 9925 ............•.•........ ·i;1 l'hr\...,fpr \Int trun.~portatlon ra1 i:JSO 111:17:! ' 7 6 N t• w Y o r k t• r Brougham. loutlcc.l. Ill · clcl'g swu1' ~900 or b:.t orr &75·4!!03 9930 ..........•.......•.... 1971) Mark IV lo mllagl· I'. P. xlnt cond. ( Kold > 540-5586 '68 Lml·oln Xlnt cond 81.<n> m1. 2dr whl1blk MU!-.'T SELL' »J()010fr eT·'Sm ------eor.~ 9932 .•.••••................ 1977 CHEVROLET CORVETTE T-TOP With automatll' Iran' Loa~d & a h••aut'' <42.BUWE> ONLY $9298 HOWARD Chenotet Dow & Quail SLs. NEWPORT BEACH 833-0555 ·wv1-:TI1-: S11\1'r OYl>lt-rint, ll M 1.oadt'<.I 644·4147 1•v•·~ )1711 llACH II.YD ........ TOHllACH : 142-2000 7600 WUTMIMSTH AYL WIS TWINS TB 893-7551 • 638-7880 1975 Volvo 245 Wul(OO· Automatic trans .. a ir rond. & luggage ruck ~-<074NCT>. t:arlt• Ike Toyota-Volvo, 1966 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa. 646-9303. '77TO YOTA PICl<UP SR5 $4299 5spd, radio. (13831·1F81989) SADOUIACK VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495-49 49 Every conceivable xtra includani:: ti >A ay P"' r tape, l'fUll>c. l1:uthl'r. EJegant <:ar at $7400 of. fer. Must sell. !l!OORG ~ l Hawa11an Am . t:o. 5594272 or 834-0985 Autos, N•w 9800 Autos, New 9800 • '72 VW 411 wgn, auto, air, '76VWIUS $4599 4 s pd, am/fm stereo U.3617 14-0WBO> '72 Le Sa6re 17mpg ~al tank, uses reg. Lo/m1. 'Tl Coupe de V11l1•, hlk on 8)0.644-).528. blk, Mint C'ond. Moon roof, loaded Lo mi's, snm. 544.9511. 152·8011 '10\rwCrnpr,reblteng,20 radio. n ew tire s. M'PG, mus t s ell. Sl.700/firm 675-0666, DIO/best ofr. 644-1528 675-9663 '76 StaL Wgn 265DL 6-cyl, A IC. AM /FM stereo cass. P /B, PIS. rf rack. auto. xlnt C'Ond. SMSO. John. 675-1164. 963-7829 '71 jlus. rblt eng & trans, "65 VW: Needs some body _work __ . ______ _ ~ '68 Bug rblt eng, wk, runs ~d. ~d trans l975 Volvo 245 Wagon-~ 548-2585aft6. car. ~75. 63~-· __ Exceptionally clean. un· IS VW Scirocco. AM/FM '70VW der 33, 000 mi I es. tape. 4·spd. clean. new $1600. Must sell. aulomauc trans ... air tira.968-9354. $3995. 5'5-02S3 I cond .• pwr. steering, ----rack & stereo tape. $4799. '77TO YOTA Mini Motor Home $6399 4 spd. am/fm radio. low miles. U3747-512WRB> •DOT• DATSUN l883S Beacb Blvd. Hunungtoo Beach 540-0442•142-7781 '79 Dtesel Dasher. brand '67 Sqrbk. good running (917VXY>. Earle Ike new. 4dr. very dlx int. cond1t1on, rblt engml' & Toyota-Vol vo 1966 xtfatank.dlr.C2325>Call brakei.. nt>cds work. Harbor Blvd. Costa 714/496-4123 $500/ best offer. 644 2259 Mesa. 646-9303. I•-------- '76 Electra.,!. TD. Loaded". Silver. $3400. Make ofr. Jim 540-5423 d ys. 'ti> ELECJ'RA LIMITED, mint cond, orig owner . 644-0099 or 644-9399 '71 ELECTRA LTD WADED I OWNER :>48·3603 '10 Skylark. 1 owner. 2 dr hardtop. l'UU power & air, r adio. Xlnl cond. $1350. Ph 549-0012 f\nd what you want an Oailv Pilot Classifieds. 9100 AllhK, Hew 9100 Alltos. Hew 9800 .... Mew Autos. Mew 9800 Alltos. Mew •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . •. :· . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . ... =· . . . -. . -. --. . . .•. ... ~:. '=· .. :A -. .; .. ~: . : .. . . -. . . . . . . ~ .. . . . . . . . :· •:- . . . . .. . . . . .. ~:: • .. .. ... .... .... ::· .•. ·-=4 ... SUPER SALE! SUPER SAVlllGS! NOW IS THE TIME OF BUY YOUR DATSUN & IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR NEW DATSUN FROM .fill•ftlhfllfilt!A •1:\t;i•J: I YOU MAY .BE PAYING TOO MUCH!! CHECK YOUR CLOSEST DEALER LISTED HERE. GET THEIR PRICE IN WRITING. THEN COME SEE THE VOLUME DISCOUNT DATSUN DULER AlHAMBRA OUSUN AlllH[IM ~ATSUN HCAOll OllSON. lllC WAUY 1ucm DUSON INC ·IAlOWIN OAISUN C&NOCA OllSUN tOSTA MlSI Oa!SllN .., IAlSUll lllC tllAlltlC DAJSUll UlfiVlRSff Y OA TSUN ~ CHYt IATSllt WMEIATSllll ...... :::,•• '79 280ZX SPECMsLJ.PMJALE Ser. 109075. 133768, 137729, 134312 ~·9140 4-Auto Trans CouDeS Ser. 117905, 126997. 124664, 11?9o4 ~·9380 4-5 Sneed Coupes */Factory Air ~.130265. 1014$2. 113842, 137797 3-Auto~~pory Air l:::a '9892 11111Cl~61Hlllll 76TOYOTl 77TOYOTl ?I TOYOTA CEUCA calCA CE..ICA 5 ICld~ G. T. U!HleC:ll, AIC, 5 =·GT Cpe.. AIC, AM· hpcl.Qf~.AIC, AM·'M--:::C-....... -=·--AM·fM_I_,...... CO' I ( ' 1117TYVI ... 95 '5195 '5795 ?IMADl ?lllTSll ?lllTSll CllLC l lMt D111 DIL ...... •-...AJC.AM·All-.... ,... ................ ~----~~ ..... ~ .... ..,..,.~, ........... ' I I •3191 '4191 '3791 77111111 '7111ftll .. 8TA.WML ..... --. ... -.,..~ .... , ... (711RYZ) Aillo.er-.~ ,......._, ''995 '47 fOOIHlll OAISUN, INC. MOON OllSUN LONS ec&Cll O&TSllll OiCrcRIAl OUSUN. lllC . UNIVlRSAl CITY DATSUN. INC . llEWPORI OITSUll P&SAOCNA OUSUN - '78.Sev11le . l'Ully l~Wp, drk bm metallic, camel top, $12,000/t.o lcru.c. ,759.9501 73 Sed ille. nt>w Ure:. & batt. Lo JT\I • .:ood rood $2100. 83()..9330 •CA.Oil.UC '77 SEVILLE L oca lly ow n ed & serviced. fully l'QWPPCd MBZ tradt··in . 1m rntculate cond1t1on. low rru.l~e. beautiful color romblnation. Must See! JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS l970 1lARBOH BLVD. COST A M f';SA 631 -1276 833-9300 '71 Cad Coupe DcVlllc, s uper d ean. $950 . 846-8579, 114ti·60t5 CAmro 9917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 17,000 MILl:;S! • '71CAMARO Z..28 V·8. automal1t. J>ll"-t'r ::.t.cenng. hll1. Jtr. JX>~l·r Windows. lock~. :.tereo cassette, custom whL-cls (207UJQ) $689~ * J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac <:M<.: 2CXXl E bl. Sant<t t\na 1714 >S.51HOOO 1977 CAMARO LT Black on blaC'k . Spo1ll.'r . air cond., pwr. :.twnng & brakes, :-.ll•rl.'o , Amellcan racini.t whl't'ls & brand new WIDE Pro Trac radial GO l•l'l'l> . <681TCP>. 54750 R.J. Dameron & Assoc. 752-2526 SACRIFICE. •'77CAMAR0 Low mileage, loC'a lly owned & serviced, sum- mer color, like new! Warranty a va ilable . <72838>. '79 Replacement value $6900. Clearance sale priced below low bluebook. JIMSLEMONS IMPORTS 1970HARBORBLVD . COSTA MESA 631·1216 13J.t l00 78CAMAIO Eq u ippe d with automatic transmission, 311'cooditiomng, AM tFM ste r eo casse tt e . (422ULB> SADDLHACIC V ALLIY IMPORTS lll-2040 49S.494t 71 Camaro. lo mi's, xlnl oond. 754-7910 l9IB New tires. Very good condition. 559·1328 •74 Camaro LT· lmmac cond. full power. AC stereo. rally. bt11nze 38M mi, orig owner $3595. 951·28S7 . '77 LT. T·top 1lvr w Ired wt Int, hilly equip. 21. ()()( ml.'5100.M?·Mll. Clla n •t n zo ....................... 1m CbeY. Caprice. J owner car. Air condt ttoned, uses re1ular 01 hi·t.elt gas. $1200 or besl offer. 768-1812 , '61 Qwyy no. Ntorabl•. rum well. call Stave 564MJ --'11 Monte Carlo. Xlnt cond. ~5.000 m l, One owner. 12250 . PP . ..... 'ft O.prtce Eltat• Sta W111 : "· PB. crwH, 1LerM, fuel ecoaom1 ......... ...................................................................... 19 VERSAlllES 11.tlOfU\ tn...tn(,.ollQHI! l.O"'H f"u< "et "4"'1111" ituM -.n.-,.,. pl·"' 0'' .. '" • t,lfl>\li', Extended S' 4 0~~~TH ,,..11"1 ._..,...,... t.QV.-4\ """"" 1S.r t 6150llO ]1.0 warranty LOADED! ~~~~g. ~~·./·~,rn· UNDER IMVOICI~ Available On '761 t'.,....,...,. ,,.., mo ',495 All New Cars 9mt ht & OIW"11. iCQ lee s1 lotolol>ll<I S'l11151>71 '76 CHEVY 178 '71 DODGE WAGO .. Au10 •• ,,. ootfet tfteflnCJ & PINTO INPLOMAT OUtHI, AM FM IMf"l!W) 8 tree" A ... IFM • .., -·-rr·o II »ht •Kono ,.., oti.•Olutt , 001 n1111. ... ••nvt tOOf '''WM""*'•"~ reek (JOllSFV1 .,,.,..,. 1987UCM> HATCHIACIC ~ s2995 53895 · 1t. f Silver exterior. auto radio neater. Qrear '1 '77 CHEVY m • 1 ea g e car '77 PINTO HOVA (061UEB) WA GOH Air Cono Pow~ \f~M'•O Cle•t" Aoof f8Cll ,,.,,..,,.,,.o .ttUod cer t>iuift D4~ 18665001 e • 11>r10t ?OU ,.,,,,,. 41t..f0 s3450 PG••t tl•eung rH 1n1ar1or 5 3500 (M1UlJI 5 3695 •• erPll.OT . 8u~.Jutx 1,1111 I ... ,,,,:.... ,,,. v.. tl70 v.. t570 ......................................... ~···· ················~······ FACTORY LIDUIDATION THIS IS ft!!,!.!l!~!!!!J!.f!.~~R REALI OMC, ~). Al -.itpp 1d with cuetom lntetto,., fectory elr. tltt -..., ll0"9f .... , .• po .. r br•k••· v..e englne. chrome Ml,... a _lftl ... to.... w"h crul .. control. 19 SUIVUOI Clll CAI ·19 SHVfYOI rm CAI 19 SURVCYOR fOWN & COUNlRY ( ___..,._,. ·-. RETAIL PRICE WAS m,'90([ LIQUIDATION .PRICE . -~ (~lj ) I r ~ ( " J . \• '. DEALER COST WAS~ q ; NEVER BEFORE! NEVER AGAIN! ALSO RAISED ROOF SELF-CONTAINED MAXI VANS Factory air, cruise control, atereo AM/FM tape deck, V-8, power steer., tllt wheel, chrome bumpers & grllle, tollet, shower, furnace, hot water heater, refrigerator, stove & oven. Sleeps 4. .. 1!17!) SURVEYOR s c MAll.I VAN RETAIL PRICES WAS ~ ""1 1 _;· l_f<-~~ DEALER COST WAS .~ "'1-r .. -I I -4 LIQUIDATION ,.J_f:'.l....!{.._ ...)4 L~ Jj PRICE FINANCING AVAILABLE s12,500 SURVEYOR INDUSTRIES~ 15730 So. Figueroa St. Gardena, CA OPEN 7 DAYS 10 AM-5 PM 321-3956 '00 Corvelle l'Onvertahh• Hc11ut1ful 1 hrouwhoul $7~ b73 3U83 ·72 Whl C onv t•rt1hl1• w/hdlp, Ol'W l'O.:. fully louch·d $1:1000 I bs t of' 114> 7271'.4 9933 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1978MUCUJtY COUGARXR7 l.1kl' Ot'W 1•ond1t1on ~ ll'!>S thun I 1.000 mah•' 1\3:!VGN> Wus $7595. on :.iilc MOW-$6666 IAURIUICK :!!125 llarb(lr Al vd COST A M Jo:St\ 979-2500 Xll7 1973 I owner. 1''u ll IJOWt•r A ('. t\ M FM ~ll•rt.oo. ll·ath ml. \an) I top Xlnt t'•>nll Sl395 l'h ~li-0012 9935 .....••..•.•........... • 9l!I DOWN 0 1\l' • ~iaJ Edition 3 I , lt!S 1 m 1 It• :I. V ti • JUtomallc. p()Wl•r steer in~. f.icl ;Jlr, 1<111dau. ~ll'reo. <'ruJM', ~ph t :.cal 1~Dll1 $3995 *J.C. FORTUNE l'untHJl"<; MC :lOOO E. bl, Santa /\n:t ( 7 J.t I :;:,x H)OO '73 Uo<h~t· Ila rt, ti 1) I, rc·i.: i.:a .... SltiSU ur m.1 t..1• orrc1 H>lb-IJJ.19 Ford 9940 ••••.........••••.•...• ·~ ~·orc.J Wgn , good 1·1uHli lion . rnt'l h 'ouncl, ~IUJ bst orfl·r IS-I' :!71H '7 6 Gran T orhto ~ cir S4'<ian. lo m1. xlnt t'OOd t\1r l'll' f,!400 orrer 162SLX H11wa 11an Am Co 559-4272 or 834 ·098S • PIUCI-: IS HIGHT ' • '76«;UHADA GHIA COUPE V fl, automatic. full IJUWt:r. fact air. landuu 1op. tilt. ster eo lape l5K2PHK1 Sl695 * J.C: FORTUNE Pont1ac·GMC ~ !': lst. Santa Ana 4i 1415511-1000 78 Granada 4 door. (' holl'l' or :!, xlnl t·ond1 llOn S.100<1. t l6JQU!-;1 ll Jwa11an 1\m . Cu ~ .. m;i or 834-0985 SALE SALE SALE 2WEB<SOHLY ov1-;n 11 F<>Hns TOCllOOSr: f''HU~t All of thl''i<' cr:.r~ an· t ~177 <:ranacla 4 dr, All ha' l' air 1·ond. radio, ht·att•r. vinyl mH•nor, r<id1ali.. l'lr The.t• art• an V!"n' j.!•.11•1 mt·<·han1t·al l'oncl i>: <1ppt•aro1nt·1· W•· mu .. 1 ~II lht-..l' t•ar' & •lfl' ol l•·nnl! lht·m to the· publ1t· for appro\ 9!()() S1 ~JU un clt'r 1 urrt·nt Wholl·-.ulo· llluc• l!ook For mon· an l11rm:.il1on & wh1•n• to 'l't' tht·rn (.';ill Il a\\ a11an 1\m Cu :;;,9 ·127:! ur IUl lU!.'> 11; LTD ~p.1"' \\ J).!on I'S, PH. ;ur. ,\,\\ I-.\1 ,ti·r1·o. 1977 (;rotnad.1 Ghia. I cir mrn~ xtra~ I 'ntlt•r ;11i.UUO air 1\.\1 F.\1 8 trk <lo\ t· rru, Sl.i!Xli l>-14 tlX0-1 J!rl') in & out 21.000 m1 ~Jor~torr !J&H9G7 •7;1 Fnrd Sq111 rt· ""<1i.:nn Extra~. lo 1111 .\.\1 Fl\1 , Xlnl 1·oncl i;1:1 !llX~• 'i3 Ford \\ ,1gon \ H. loac.Jt'<.l . Ol'"-r.id1als lo"" rru . rcJ! 1w:. <..;d l'Ond ~ 644·162-1 '77 LTD II 4 Door \'•'f)' 1-!uort gas mtlt•agt·. .ill po,s1blt• t·xtra ~ ~:lHUO ofrer tJJ ll ' 11 J"" a 1 1 .1 n A m . Co ~t:.'72 or S:J.1 o<.J8.'i ---Super tond '67 1-'ord w~n ~ 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY ·5 NEWEST UNCOLN·MERCURY DEALERSHIP RAY FLADEIOE U.NCOLN·MERCURY I~ 18 Auto Center Dr SDf'wy·Lake Forest exit IRVINE 830.7000 SACRIFICE! MERCURY'78 MONARCH GHIA Lol'ally ow n ed & serviced. lmmac ulall' l'ond111on Low mile~. l!u tl.S7SCE> Warr<i nt) a\•ailablc. '79 r eplal'C ~nt value f7000 Spcl'IUI ... ale pnn>d below low bluebook JIMSlEMOHS IMPORTS 19701-lARBOR BLVD. COSTA MES/\ 631-1276 833-9300 -------- '77 Grand Marqu1~ Loadl·d ""1xtra!> Xlnt conc.J Nu tires Bluebook wh bC' S530U. S1• II 1 n i.: pn l'l' $1000 &-14 ·63:!'1 ---- 171 l'oW!a r. good c·ond. all oni.:mal. D).., !J7:J 1119. 552 ~~l·\e.. 77 .\1on.1rt·h G 111.1. t ·H ·n i.tr.1. no"" on I ull m.11nl ht'. p1·rl mcc:h ninc.J Bruwn •t.m ~.H!.15. ti)'> iOX MU(), 1•v,.,(j7:J 64!">1 'j!J Uh·wl l'utl."-. Sin "",1g110 Llrnugh.11n 1-'u II powt·r .• 11r l ru1 ..,1•. I' ...... 1L,, p\l pt.) stu . .!7:,, IMKbi3 73 To\\n L',1r Full\ l'(fWJI, flC\\ r;1d:.. li~l~I m1 , ~OI !it>3 ll 1 iH ~istanq 9952 •.•......•..••......••. 't>..') ~tU~lJO~ C:OO\ \X .iuto PS. nu JJJIOl !G!·5'»6 ~72 MoluhJna. HH 71 LTD· Auto. t\C. I'S. A (' p is p !JI , $650 PB. vt·ry lo m1, mu:.l sl'll 1~11;...1562 ·~; Muo;tang C-OnH·rt ~ THEODORE ROBINS FORD 20b0 HARBOR BlVO CO$TA Mf'>A b42 0010 1978 F o rd Mus tan g Fastbac k -Aut o m at 1c trans .• pwr. steering~ r a il ye wheels, a n o economical 4 cyl. engine $4399. (074TZE ). Ear le Ike Toyota·Volvo. 1966 - Harbor 81 vd.. Costa Mesa. 646-9303. OLDS'79 DELTA DIESEL 1976 FORD MUSTANG II GHIA. Auto m atil·. :ur cood .• pwr. st. & AM W M s te reo !! l r at·k . Like brand new' t421PC:FJ HowOnly $3488 Miracle Mcnda/Renoult 2150 Harbor RI . C: M . 645-5700 '&.;Mus tang, ti9Km1 auto liesl Offer 848·1014 'b7 Musl convert. Makeolrer 673-4430 ---- •75 Mustin~ II Z Vii, vinyl rf. AM /FM ~lereo, i.:ood tires. l:rcat l'Ond . Sl'.m1tr.;l ofr. G7:1·934X 'fiti,4 spd llearM•. 351 t·ni.:. Ot'W tnl. IJdlOl, llrl''> Sl:W >t99-t2A7 'f\.'i .\1ustan~ ~\I 1·ng ,\u111 lran'> SlWI !WU lJti..19 With custom 98 antenor mcludm~ moonroor. Lu' ury 4 door ::.t.'<lan. fullv t'Qu1ppetl, only 8,00o fTllles. new ear wurrunty. t3N69NJ '79 Ht•plact' m c nl vu lu1· Sl:i.500 CIParunn• !>Ult• µracl.'11 bt:Jow low blut>book JIMSlEMOHS IMPORTS l!flO llAHHOlt BLVIJ C:()},I A M ESt\ 631-1276 833-9301) 19760LDS OMassS..~ Burj!undy 1wh1ti:. \ I •> a d t ' cl b c a u t ~ ' G:!2l!RJo:A I ONLY $4695 HOWARD Chevrolet Dovl' & (~uall St!> N~"WPOHT llEACll 833-0555 'iuOld" l'ullJ:.' S.ilon l"u I I~ IXJ\\l'rt'fi (.'rui,,• com Sl<·n••J ,, \1 1-'\I r JOIV ,1n1 1·11n1I ::.:1,1100 t~ 1177 'tit> Mus tani.: !'1;1' .. ,..11• h '76 Cutia~' ~;tl11n, top 111 C) I Cln ~·'t ol r uvr Lint·. xlnl nmd 1111 I 111·\\ SIHOO ti75234!J 1.rt·'· lt1 1111 . :):!'.IUO 9955 bil-~11;1'\l'' . ..........•...•....... • :?7.tOJ ~ 11.t-:..._' • '17 CUTLASS SUPREME COUPE \ 1( JUtom11t1t'. po\\Pr !oolt•Pring. IJO\\t•r .... Ill dow~. f:.ol·t .111 larul;i11 11ll. ... tl'rt•o •·II"' IT~HKW1 S499 ~ * J.C. FORTUNE Ponllar·C ~1C :m:i 1-: Isl. &Jnt:.i 1\nJ (714 '5511 llJOO '';9 ~I Oltb 'IX lti·j.!<'llt ' I tlr "'" '11111 r .ii I powl'r "'" 1.1;; 111:!8 :.o It til'\l or" l,ntl-. 9957 ................•...... Jofwlson & Son UHCOU .. ·MERCURY ~,..., ••• 1oc1h.· w .. .i.. • 1978 PIMTO s I I v I' r t " l ,. r I 0 r automat1c . rdd1u ~ ht'iJU•r c l•1 l l1 F: fl) $3450 • ., ~15 t-;'TJ.5}JtH 1'1S, auto lnspN1.1ufft'r All makes, models and colors. -'ti6 LTD 4 cir run$ hut tiiJ.0993~r6.1 1·3075 1975 OLDS '7X Granada 1 cir. AC, ne(•ds sOmP work. S350 Cl ·r· d A t Ad t• . nn~l lop. llJ!hl blue 556-<.&tGA!>kforAI '68 l'OWl'r p s . /\/(.' OMEGASALOM ~ 1l.1rl w1r 1\1 . C: ~1 '>Ill ~11;;111 a SS} le U 0 Vef }S}Dg S\fil.XJ839·8illi --_ AM FM. \111)1 top. nt·\\ l'<>UJ>o' Shurp & loucll'<l' '75 Pinto Sqr W.1~· fhl Linc.oln 9945 tin· .... brake!> s hod.,.. Hlil.\1PS1 otr U,1\., 'lti 'f~ll ~.111 ... _ · f 6.3 I dr Fa1rlan1 ::.100 or ....................... po.tint & rt>bulit tran.., ONLY $2995 <lltHµm li<lh~iis I 11 l 1 l' I tJ 1 J l.,. .. t 1 J 't) • hto:.t offer !172 :!X!lll Xlnt c~·1 St'"'" <-1•1 l~JI • jl ,. f \ I 77 l.1nrnl11 Vcr::-..iilll'' • ...... u ·""' ""· ~ HOWARD Che.,rolet ·7~ Pml11 \\I F~I .11 ~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~!·!~~·!•!~~~-~·!·~·~·~1 ~11 ~rdCon1na bln "'go ~aul1f~ !'Ond l~adcd, 1bc f~l~l draw 111 I~· ~\P&Qu:.iilSl' \~1~. ~Hl1.1I 11rc .... n,·v~1 .., Huns oocl (;11(1(1 i.:a!oo In m 1 • S7 I ~U v fr . \\\•,t ,, O;Jllv ril<>l 'liEWPOHT llE,\l'lf dm!'n Sl:i<~' ·,;,:! l!l:!X rrulage. 'J G I~• X·llill • 1~;.1 .. 1~ L'la ..... ~1ru.'CI t\d 1;.t;(567H 833-0555 ·;.! 1·111111 t ·1,.,111 . run Autos, New '980o1Autos. Hew 9800,Autos, Hew 9800,Autos, Hew 9800 I Autos, Hew 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 :--ell. 0~'.~1:11~:;~ 111~1t11 ······················~······················· ••••••••••.....•....•...••••••••••........•....••...••....•..........••....••••.........•..••..•..•.•...•••.•••....•.•...•...•.••...•..... • VACATION ORANGE COUNTY'S CADILLAC HEADQUARTERS At Naber's Cadillac we off er you the finest selection of new fuel efficient Cadillacs in Orange County. These fine cai:s ~are specially priced and available for immediate delivery. 1979 Col4>e de Ville NABERS JIDO 111101 ILVI. COSTA MISA • s.tO-tllO ... DATSUN '78 llOWAGO .. Automahc AM/FM .. , ... ,eo ,., concl . pwr al&9'•no 8 cyt •-,,,,echon L•6t8 ,... condmort-on•y 1 / 000 ,.,.1.,. l39eW001 $''" CPE. DE VlllE '75 llll!Mt t-. 11n ~ con1t01. ~ '°"' 11111 ~ lacton. ..... 10W m11&-oe 15'41MOWI 545ft PONTIAC 76 G«AHD NIX R•tlye -.. I'" -· ste<90 '•0•0 buck.et ••••• •/Cett1et conoooe II 72RT 01 • s39" CPf. DE VIUE 76 LftlUUH Cfut•• contr(M AM/FM ""'eo a 81'*" 1-(074RKOI s59" SPECIALS FORD PKXUP 7 4 MERCURY '78 C Ou.ta &-CAMf'O COUGAR XU 4 10tt9d ltAn1mt~SfQt'I, f6<h0 4f\d A11ro rOOf '°''""""° ranwo 8 fflC'' ne.,.,, r...... •rue• "' 1n e.c>ellent l>l•Ye<. etuosecont•OI ISe< tlO••IClt cono11t0n IV138!>01 525" 56"5 SMUE76 CPf. DE VIUE 78 T"1 wlleel. ~ -· pldOed too SCll11 PM" _,_ A.Mfl'M Sf"'90 Sl•reo laoe cruts.e co f'ltro1 8 treck & IOw. IOW-1884Pl'OI cabnOlet IOI> (182TlW) 57999 594" RDORAD077 SEDAN DE VIUE 76 COUPE Sc>M -..... lull .,,.,.,. IOI> ... leetl>e<. --""""cont"'1 C---1307PRAI ceOtlOlel IOO 13 t :1RXJI s79" 54"9 SEDAN DE VIUE 78 DATSUN 78 O..•• comlofl --cruow STATIOH WAM>H conlfOI ---Juli Y.nyl Automattc 1t1ns • radt0. f\eetH. PH<1e<1toe>1~µs1 iuoo-oe ,.,.._ _., .., COl'O a only 1000 "''IU l•-• New• 1 H3YOU 59399 54999 IGS 11111 SRIET COSTA MISI Ml-tlOI CONTINENTAL '72 MAHIV t ~'~ one ha~ Jll ot t1',. ltncoln Iv• U''~' and lo w •ow m11e;11 1141HTll ~5 2599 SMUf'n l&•,_ cruo. "°""'°' -ea 111cl10. I 8 llK*! 1-t4&3AKOI $'"' FORD 78 PICKUP ~ID Mao ·-· •llCk t/llft low, tow ""'&• cs... em11 5499t MERCEDES 7• ZIO SIDAH ---ea1..i.o.10W ,,,. .... (4 431QCZ) 58999 ......... J ....................... . ,... ""I -....................... .. ~Of:a'~' cor m.im "" lmPLYMOUTM ..,c •.• ' .... I Selll 8'edoa Wqoe '1Wq..n6te t.raaa. V .a. Ont. ~lua. eml11loa1 eomnl QIM«n, LJR ,.. mote CODlt'Ol mlrrot"I, ·/.IC. autom•tl(', pwr lAlla&IA! wtndow II door locb. Prie«t 8800 lwluw !lluo ·e ook . H lwh ml~e. Sl,29) plus you gi't a f~ tank of teat Can be MM..'ft al The 01111> Ptlot. 330 W. i;.> SI . Costa Meaa .>r o 11 Ci r c ul utaori L>ept (IG4321, e1tt ~\0 ---'75 ""1 C•to. s.•n.staw .. tJI t:xlras, P /S, P 111 l\M/FM. A /C. :olOl It, emission control :srSlem. v.i.. et c t:lc . H q~h mileagf' h 1 ced sooo beic>w ~IU&! ~ $1 29., pl1a you get a frt>(.' t.i11k "ps. Can be seen JI the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay Sl .. c.osta Me!.a or call C1rculat1un Dept ., 642-5678, t.Xl. 210 'T.> & '76 Plymouths. 10 fury 4·dr s tati o n wagons . A 11 f u I l y equipped. Air, AM /FM radio, P /8 . P JS. Most colors & interiors. All •maintained ,.by fleet mechanics. All avail. at $500·$1000 below Blue Book wholesale price. Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St. CM. 642·4321. f1eel Manager ----"'IO Yellow Barracuda. I owner. xlnl cond Bes\ olr. 751-9718 . .. i3 Satellite. runs well. 15mpg city, 18mpg hwy. Some dents . $850. 962·6513. --------'73 Sta Wgn, 318 eng. I owner. good cond. Sl250 646-7597 Pontiac 9965 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1975 PONTIAC CUSTOM LEMANS Auto. trans .. pwr sll'Cr· ing & brakr!o. air eond .. a well maintained . 1 owner car . C55JN IM ) Was Sl:l9S: on sa It> NOW-$3333 BAUER BUICK 29'~ Harbor Bl-.cl. co:::;TJ\ M ESA 979-2500 • S99 DOWN OAC • '77LEMANS SAFARt WAGON V-8. automatic, power steering. fact nir. sphl seal!.. 1.Jll. <:rwM.', rat·k. r allye wheels, n ew radials. t035UOS> $3295 ;!:* J.C. FORTUNE ::: Ponllac·GMC •:· 2000 E. lsl. Santa Ana :i <71!!558~.ooo __ _ !: . 1977 PONTIAC !: GRAND PRIX !l>1ke-n e w condition :-0truoUl & l'l'lil ny l'Xlras. •J81ZI'XJ> Was SS9'JS; on :~e :: NOW-$4995 ::. BAUER BUICK ::. 2925 Harbor Blvd. :' C~'TA MESA :: 979-2500 ::. ooN·T MISS THIS! • ~~: ~;~~~~: ::C:1 .563 mill's. V 8 . •')utomal1c, pow<'r i>ll'l'r · :)ng. fact. air. candy .1 p :12le rt:'d. nt>w \ire~. mo re. •l766HDF> :: $2395 ~:.*J.C. FORTUNE :. Ponllac GMC : : 2000 f:. Isl. Santa Ana -; <714)558·1000 •,.- ' ~s Pontiac Le Mans :~rte Coupe, good cond, • iiilver w/blk in\er. A/C, :J2250 o r b sl orrcr. , : .c97. 1.379. :-:· l973Gran Prix. xlnt :=: cond, 1 o~_rJ $1995 . .,:. 64()..~ :'fb Fire bird Esprit 1 ~4\Vner, lo mi. under •lir¥T·· A/C, P /S, $0000. :~ ~nnelly 752·1730 .:~on· Fri dys . . ~-------· ~ Firebird Formula : •Jlood scoop, rear spoiler, :i(c. xlnl, best .offer. :•1586. ~ Trans Am: Bm/lan ;.lftt. 7M. PS, PB, PW. AC. ;,-M radio. S7999. 962·6213. ~ Pontiac, needs motor :~S200. -: 64S-9004 ~ PonUac Firebird. ~~~~;oo. )' •• bird 9970 ~ ................... . ~ T·Blrd. Rare, fully ~!.«!_•d . Continental =~ Ref. gas. flS-00. 1 9'74 -· ANNUAL WHEELIN'·DEALIN' WOWl-COME ON DO• NOW- vou WON'T BELIEVE IT 'TIL YOU SEE IT • PINTO'S •MUSTANGS • T-BIRDS · • FAIRMONTS • LTD'S • GRANADAS • TRUCKS • VANS !!' 1979 T-BIRD EXEC CAR LOADED -COME SEE! !Ser •57671 !Ser •42541 100% FlllAllClllG OH YOUR 9UICKL Y APPROVED ...CREDIT dad I I SOMETHING DIFFERENT! ln the DAILY PILOT . ,. I •• • ' BRAND NEW 1979 DODGE COLT ~. Fully factory equipped. 1600cc engine. fully reclining bucket seats. Adjustable steering column. Rear window defogger. (Ser. 6M21K92205190). Wow! All '78 Leftovers Now on Sale at s500 · NEW 1979 DODGE D-100 PICKUP ~ Below Dealer Invoice Costl s . E VERr llSEo Fully f8doty equipped, V8 engine. automatic transmt86ion. Black tinm s et & radial tires . (Se r '811AP9X178640). ·GET READY FOR YOUR SUMMER FUii ' Automst1c transmission. exterior sou nd control. saddle trim set. glass belted radials ( 14431 4) NEW 1979 SURFER YAN 127 in wheel base. VB engine. auto transmission. Radial tires. fully carpeted & paneling with port holes. ~Ser. 811AP9X163956). · 1 '112 PONTIAC " Auto .. ai r cond. Beautiful car. Silver color. (569FGW} PRICED TO SELL! 51395 . 1972 FORD VAN VB. auto .. air cond . mats. stereo. (2591 SM). PRICED TO SELL! · 1976 GRANADA GHIA Auto. trans .. air cond .. vinyl top. Excellent car (B59NPfi)). PRICED TO SELL! 1 '117 MONTE CARLO Air cond .. tilt. cruise. stereo. (643RXN). ~ PRICED TO SELL! .54495 PllltfO CAR ~ SILLou'•• ,,, Cruise. tilt, stereo. all power Gotd color. (723RTP). PRICED TO SELL! 1975 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Full power including air cond . vinyl t op . AM /FM s t ere o (049SWVJ PRICED TO SELL! 1 '116 GMC Y2 TON PICKUP - SIERRA GRANDE Camper shell. air cond .. auto. trans.. power steering & brakes. ( 1 0 30302) PRICED TO SELL! 53695 1'177 FOUR STAR MINI-MOTOR HOME Beautiful. low miles. (389TOJ) PRICED TO SELL! 59695 , 600t' EVENING, SIR .• WELCOME TO ™E FANCIEfT RESTAURANT tN TOWN~ ...... , .• , .... ,. LOCAL WANT ADS I, I \ \ OUR SPECIAL TON16~T IS 006 FOOP ... IT 15 SCOOPE" CAREFUL.L'f FROM THE CAN , PLOPPED LIGMTL'r' lNTO 11-{E Ol5H ~ ~ ANO srtAAEO V160ROUSL '( J INTO AN APt'ETtZlN6 OELl~T .•• '(OU'L.L MAVE TME 5PECtAL TI1EN, SIR? GOOC' ! '1'0U 'LL NOT SE SORR'(! / COME IN! COME IN! Slf AN'f'WMeRE! 1-1 WOUL.D ~OU CARE FOR A PRtNK SEFORE "1NNER? A SOWL OF WATel PERMAPS? FlNe! NANCY ~OVR WAt-ia WILL. SE WITH '{OU IN A MOMENf ... SLUGGO. THtS INFLATION W~AT'S IS AWFUL--- EVERYTHING-15 50 EXPENSIVE --- WRONG? RUN DOWN TO THE CORNER OF MAIN AND OAK STREET·· - THEY'RE GiVING SOMETHING AWAY FREE IT'S TOUGH TO BE BROKE--- IF TM t5 IS SVCl1 A FANC'<' PLACE I WM'-{ T~E PAPE~ NAPKIN 7 By Ernie Bushmifler WHAT CAN I DO TODAY THAT WON'T COST MONEY? -0 I I e 1'71 Untted F .. ture Syndicate, Inc. .. , -·4'• •• -• •• - . ~ •.••. "' .. • ... , .• . ............ ,.. .... .-• ---• • -... ••• r·.--...._ --•· -• -·-·•-·•-: ... .=:...:: ... -;;----~-..J.·~· ... ~----- WHO All& YOt.A INVITIN6i 1.0 YOU~ PAll'TY,, !~A? -.... . , 1-1 .~~EOOY1 . ~e~sY, N~MAN ,, ANO AL.AN. DENNIS THE MENACE BL.AT AL.L. THO~E ~U Y~ HATE YOU ! --.. "' . , G JFAGUYCAME GAUDPIN' iHl<OUGH HERE ON A HORSE )'el.LI tv ' IHAT1 WHAT \NOtJLD 'YOO SAY? ~l.JDGE AFTER 5AM DRIVER DIS5UADE6 BEN YOU TELL ABBEY THAT 1 APPRECIATE HER INVITING ME BACK ... BUT I FEEL NEEDED HERE! r:-:>--------: FROM 5TARTIN6 SOME 5AN5KR\E6 .FR AN CHISES, PATTY ~~,M'l~-4 L A5K5 HIM TO RETUR N .,....,..,..,.., TO SPE NCER FARMS WITH THEM! 5HE '& OVER ------ ~4 1 .,. ._ .. ___. ....... _ ....... _ ......... -.~····,,, ·-·-·. • ........ ___ ,. ... # • -_... •• • ... ,,. ,. •• -. [ 0 .. ! ... l • i -. -.. -, ~l~Hi. -IT'~ OOWNJCtGHT INCIDENTALLY, t 'M NOT INVITING vou . ~IL.L-Y TO E!Je N ICE TO PEOPL.£ WHO AL.~eAOY LIKE ME . ~K.AND ALL-iHE.~= YEA~~ .z:·ve ee.eN WA.;;; NG MY F=='AVO R~ ... . By Hank Ketcham Hi MP. • ~P-l-l-TELL-THEM· WILSON . ' TO G?iAf OFf: THE= BRITISH M Y LAWN APE COV\ IN' ,.._-- 9EE'? YOU CAN'T IGNORE A GUY ON HOl<SEE'ACft:, -.JOEY, IF YOU'RE NOT BU1 YOU MUST.' 001NG BACK, SHE'S GIVING YOU I CAN \VORI--. Hli:::L AND STILL GO TO SCHOOL.' BESIDES, YOU NEE D ME TO KEEP YOU our OF TR 0 UBL E ! r---.....,,,..-~~ TELL ABBEY! APPRECIATE EVERYTHING 5H£:? DONE FOR ME.' AND I REALLY LOVE YOU, SAM ... BUT I CAN'T ABANDON BEN IN A TIME OF NEED .' . . . ---.. --.. .. -... . . . ... ..... . . .... ---..--.._.... --. '.. . . . . . ' ___ ._. __ ------------· . ._. .. ._._.. __ __.. ___ ... -----. ----------· -............ .,,. . -·-... . e .. I I s n SOONER OR t...Al'E.R IN WEJR u FE I EVERl)()NE FACES 1fiE UlllMATE "TES/ t..IKE THIS H/6~ DIVE! WARNING! lHE .SLJRGEON GENERAL HA5 OE TE R /'f'W\JE D fHE HIGH DIVE C.AN BE. DAN6ER0U5 "Tb YOUR HEALTH ! A CHALLENGE IHAT MAKES 1fiEJR PALMS 5WEAi AND 1HEIR BLOOD RU~ CDLD ! A CHALLEN&E 1HAI FORCES 1fiEM 10 REAG4 BACK FOR lfiAT LAST OO~CE OF COORAGE AT 1fiEIR COMMAND ·' ' ..... 10 CALL UFON 1AAT IN~ER 5fRENGfH TO ... GANG/ WAY. ~MU'''llS / you kNOW ~ ... E'VERYTHIN~'s ~OT TO . OLD WENDELL ~BC NATURAL ... NO ADDlllVES ~E'S NEVER EATEN ,ANYTHING IJ1,AT WASN'T loo3 NATURAL AND HE:15 STILL GOING STRONG ATAGE203 ! . WHAT'D HE Do NOW? WHEETCHERM, 1 kNOW ... NO,ART JFICIAL COLORING ... )HE PORE FOOt> HIM, FANATIC ? LORD P. .. . --------------------·--------- DOCTOR SMOCK AN , A NURse ooes THe SAMf;. JOSI To ee peMURe ... f!~ ' .. HERE 5TAND5 IHE L.O~ElQ HIGH DIVER. R)l6ED AGAIN ST 111E ELEME.NTh ·' by Ferd Johnaon .. NATU~AL 1~,AT's ~1M ··· FIBERS ... NATURAL PROTEIN ... NATURAL INGREDIENTS GROWN IN NATU~AL SLJRROLJNDIN<:JS ... -- WELJ; Now:. THA-'i!S OVERDO.ING IT ,t:{_,. BI T~r .. By George Lemont SA.I YOUR HSAR-Y-001", e>ARRY MAN 1 l.-OW •1 SAY, SINCE! <$01,.._,, "TO RADIO DISPA"'f'CH I YOU FUNNY F;!AR-AA <$UYS ARe FAS~.' t - ~·'"MO b GUYS NEED ME TO PLAY SECOND BASE AND I'VE GOTTA ~X MY SKAT~AND 1 HAFTAGET .. T't.TM:SL::E:~E::E::CS by Tom K. Ryan ~~~------------===~~ u r---------------------...... ---i FROM IHE llPIS OF YOLJR FEL.L.OWIR.f~ES-~ IHE MURMUR OFIAL-~ 10LP 'ROLJNCJ UH,'115 N 161-fiFALL, LOISA L-UCK •.• 1.e.,YoUR fJASIC INVIAN -SOUNVS! MARMADUKE ® L~15 FtND A G<:x:>D 5A::7r -r o oSE6' 'f~€ FIRE.WORKS! 1----~-~iM..:::~---,~ MEN 15 ~ 11-i~ FIRE; IHE CROON OFA SQUAW ,~_::'·:,r:-HE:ARC/... i 10 HE:R PAPOOSE; IHE HUM OF -rH~ i N16-HI WINP IN 1HE LOf?GEPOLES .•• 16. ~ ~,.....---~-...._---------- . ~Rl~f: SCFUJ"EJLE St:RlfJJJI,..£: c :;:) ~ ~ " li'E.ilO 71+E POINT, LAV. ·,,. ..__ _____ ,, -------_......_....-.... -__ _,, --~---.........-------·----..... CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There are at least s111 differ· ences in drawing details between top •nd bottom panels. How quickly can you f1f'd them? Check answers with those below. . ·1~••u1P .. •t•M .. ·eui-1111 .. PftOI:> ., ·1......,tP ., •11•JC11Un •• ·~1ew111 1e11u•18 ., 'S*l>ll-•A lll<llUl MJJ. ·c 'llu1ttt1U II 119q IP9-e ·1 :-~UIO ~ ee ® -------by Hal Kaufman------- •oP•N INOt "Svwyft\lftt tMt b rMUy 91'Mt end IM9"rl1t9 11 cruted by the Individual _... un labor'"--·" Mid Albert llMteln. Al you'"· ttl• last word 11 missing. OUT OF SIGHT OUTOFMIHD? Select an auortment of ten ecos. devCH and troys -five red and five black -from a deek of ordinary play· Ing cards. Now. pro· pose a memory test. Place the cards In a row on a table. alter· nallng the reds and blacks. Invite friends • to observe the order of the cards for two min· utes. At the end of this time, turn the cards face down, and ask participants to list the sequence from left to right as accurately es poss Ible. It takes a super ef· fort to name more than four or five In order. Screm ... ed, ttte word's letten are MEROFED. What ts ttle word? •From a cer1aln sum, Doakes took away a third and put In $50. Next, he took away a fourth end put In S70. He then h4Hi SIJO. What was the orlglnal sum? '-'•1100 ..,.,. ~ --'11•u101..o ~ e Punduato these words to make tense, If you an: "If was but I uld not •nd." No f•lr pHlclft9. tMJOV " ,pUe, IOU .. 'PiH I • .'.I/IQ, .... II .. e rongue Teastl Sheridan Schott and Noah Knott shot It out. Knott wes shot and Schott was not so It was better to be Schott than Knott. Or was 1t? LET'S FACE ITI Our friends •bovo ... m to be ple•sed by wNtever It 11 they're feeing. Add lines to finish picture. HEAR YEI Add the following co1on tor •n •musing picture: 1 - Red. 2 -Lt. blue. 3 -Yellow. 4 -Lt. brown. S -Flesh tones. 6 - Dtt. ;reen. 7 -Ok. blue. I -81•ck. t -Lt. gray. 10 -Or'•n;e. . SPELLBINDER SCORE 10 points for using all the letters 1n the wbrd below to form two complete words OPERATOR .. -. . .. -- THEN score 1 points each for alt words of lour letters or more tound among the letters Try to score at least so po1nh. •1•; ·'°°cl .ue;&eu• •1q1"°d ... THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES by PASKO, TUSKA, CO LLITTA O NE: OF THE PRANKST~R~ HE:NCHM~N 15 ABCXJT TO A UNGE FROM A W IN POW ove~ LOOKING "THE S UPERMAN PAY PARA&>e ••. NIELSEN ' u;rnf PU6~tc f3R.OADCA?TIN6 '5V?ffM t? AT A lR~~ROA~, I I ;" Pt:/OR FE:L.LOW ! HE:'£, .JUST LeARNED THE H ARP WAY WHY THE=Y CAl..L HIS eoss THE PllANJ<STEK. WHIL..E" IN THE ONLOOKING CROWP .•• , A ~ET OF AMERltAH 1lJURISnR IJJ6GA6E,,,AND A SUBATOMIC PARllCL.~ ACC£1-~RATOR I /fl ••• f \ by _Jeff Millar and Jop Mcintosh ~,,OR W1iL rl ?t.EK TH£ Bfl.OADiR- BA?f APP&A~ OF rf 7 lOMME:RCIA~ cou~r"17Z' ' 'l~Dl15Ti<Y OB'%RVE.RS Pr<€Df Cf A C1JM. oMr?E ,,, / I J £0N6r~A"fut-A'fl~s, Wl-tAT 's WRON&, ORA66L.E? 'loLJ NEtL.t ~ov Wt"1 A6At~l Olt>N''f" PLA'4 V€~~ W€'\...\... -roOA'I t -~~--------~ I WONV£R l~ 11 lOlJL.0 "A\JE 'iOME1",·UNb "fO 00 W&1'"H ·nus 4iu.J£Ai'8ANO? GORDO SHOE trfe, l#OSIE S4M • PJ:CKINPA# FILM6f • . . . . . . . .•. I I .. 1' vf:. 601" A '-tEAOA~H€ C:-ot< SOME REASON. ...... •.• lOt-.!S\t>E~t"1& 'iOU'RE Suf'POS£0 -ro WC:AR l"\ ON 'IO\JR. WR\ s-r __ ,/ ,. By Gus Arriola ANO STAY our, • by MacNelly "' z; ~~ · &./ 1-IVJNe j I INIHE Tl<E;E5 THAT eoJ<DER T#E: Ol<IVJE-INf ____ .,._.__.. ...... ,_. July 1, 1979 DAILY PILOT - '/ THEffi YOURSELF Send tllll queslion ... 1 ,..kMI. lo "Ask." fam1ry Weekty(-G41 le•lllQ1tn Ave New 'l\Hk. N v 10022 We'Q pay,$~ IOI publtshed queshons SOii)!. we-c1111'1 aflSWe< 01hefS .FOR W. MICHAEL BLUMEN- THAL, Secretary of the Treasury With Inflation and taxes causing a loss In purchaalng power. ahouldn't U.S. bond buya'a by elMwhere? -Max Hlrschfelder. Centralia, W. e Savings bonds have unique advan· tages which make them attractive to savers. Savings bonds are widely avail· able in small denominations. They may be redeemed at any time after the initial holding period, at published prices, and thus are immune from market fluctua· lio ns. Such redemptions are without cos1 or penalty. The interest Income is exempt from state and local taxation, and Federal Income taxation of the interest on E-Bonds may be differed at the option of the hold- er. Because of these unique advantages, savings bonds cannot be readily compared with other securitie.s and savings forms. The attractiveness of the savings-bonds pro· grams has been aptly demonstrated by the progress of sales over the years. FOR AUDRA LINDLEY, star of ABC-TV's Threes Company Why do you wear nothing but caftans on the show? -Manha Nettleton, P\amo Beach. CaUf. e I viewed the character as a starry-eyed chorus glrl, who came out to Hollywood with dreams of performing In Busby Berkeley mm.\, saw those dreams fade away but slill keeps her tap shoes In the back of her closet -just in case Seemed to me that caftans and garish costume jewelry and a curly red wig would be the right costume for such a character. FOR JACK LA I.ANNE, physical-fitness authority How much good can a once-wttkly visit to a-gym accom· pllah, and can I improve the shape or the ugly parts of my body? -M. Donnelly, Alnt, Mich. e Once a week is certainly better than no time at all, but, of course. it will take much longer to achieve results -so don't get dlsGouraged If they're slow ln'forthcomlng. It is possible to reshdpe one's legs and arms or torso by eiterclslng, but a regular plan Is nee~ to produce what you want. Even if you can't follow a gym's plan, you should work out at .home. FOR PEGGY WJU.IAMS, clown with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Balley Circus. 11 there a trick to get • whole aecUon of a big •rena to .. ugh •t you, •nd what part or your job gives you the moet trouble? -B.W .. Mom.town. Tenn. e I spot a person In the audience who has a noisy, Infec- tious laugh and direct my act to him (or her). Such a person gets everyone around laughing too. As soon as I find one of these guys or gals, my routine Is a cinch. Toughest pa.r1 of my work Is changing costumes 14 times for every show. FOR THE .. ASK" EDITOR Pleue dear up these quatk>na about Gene Slmmona of KISS. How long Is his tongue? When h e uncurls U, It lftml to go on '°rever. What does KISS atand for? -Uaa Justis, Salll· bury. Md.: S. Coae, Dothan, W. e Gene swears his tongue Is 7 inches long ("slightly longer than the average wtuch. I be5eve. is about 4 or 51. He said he first discovered he had an inch or so on everyone else way back In school - the firs1 time· he stuck it out at his teacher ("All the kids In the class watched It come out and out in amazement, compared ii Gene Simmons: KISS and tell. with their own, and decided mine was much longer than theirs.") Gene, however. doubts that hell mako? the Guinness Book of Records with his tongue: "I'm willing to bet that there are others with longer ones, only they haven't bothered lo measure them, and theirs aren't on public View " The meaning of KISS? Why, everyone remembers a kiss! FOR NANCY ADDISON. star of ABC-lVs Ryan's Hope Pleaae upbiln how acting has given you an entirety new penonaltty. -G.V., Lafayette, La. • I was very shy and introverted. I had a terribly dlfficuh time being with strangers or going places on my own. Just knowing I was going to enter a room filled with people threw me into panic Acting changed all that. It has given me inner strength and a sense of'pride. Perhaps it would have come anyway, but much of the credit must go to acting. FOR ARNO SCHMIDT, head chef. Waldorl-Astoria Hotel What'a the worst thing that can happn to a chef? - H.M., Muncie, Ind. e What could be worse than knowing your guests aren't happy with what you've prepared? That heads the llst of nightmares. After that, there's a breakdown In kitchen equip- ment: missing one vital Ingredient of a recipe. The best equipment canl'lOt remedy fish not being fresh enough, hav- ing under· or overripe vegetables or fruit. , FOR LETITIA BALDRIGE, etiquette authority How do etiquette experts feel about gum-chewing? -Mn. A.T. Knight, Sulphur Springs. Tua. e Noisy gum-chewing Is visual poUutlon (a pretty girl, for example , with a contorted )aw loses her prettiness ~ry quickly). but It's also noise pollution. Who needs to have his ears assaulted with the pop, snap and crack of a no1sy chew· er? The "art of gum-chewing" Is at its most appropriate while driving a car, engaged In physic.al labor, watching or particl· patlng in sports. · PRO £1n ~·dm•n. attorney, Consumcn Union PRO Ano con CON Seu! B. ~. ~esident, Nat\onal Auoclatlon of Mutual S.vingt Banks Consumers are losing money left in savings accounts because of a Federal regulation called Regulation "Q." That regulation limits the amount of Interest that Federally-Insured banks and sav- ings and loan associations can pay on savtngs accounts to 5 percent and 51/• percent. These hmits are so far below tnf\atk>n rates that money left In sav· lngl .c:icounts ll diminishing In value daily. Regulatlon Q ls partial to the wealthy. People wtth more than $10,000 to Invest can eam Interest cloee to 10 percient, almoet double the rates paid on sevtngs accounll. Is this the role ol Gowmmcnt regulation -to make money from the J>OOf to pay the rich? Of courM noe. Regulation Q lhould be phased out. Should Saving• Bank lntereat Rates Be Raiaed? Savings banks would like nothing bet- ter than to pay higher rates, but they simply can't afford to at present. Their Income comes primarily from home mortgage loans. masc of which go • badt many years, when mortgage rates were much lower than they are today. Providing savings banks wtth varlable·rate moftgaga and more In· vestment Obl>lltty would help to bridge this Income gap. In addition. wt strongly favor tax relief for sawn. This would not onJy ralM the after-tax retum to deposlton but help fight lnf\ation. h would aho restore some balance to our present tax structure. whlth encourages bonowtng by aDowtng deducttons follnterest. yet offers no Incentive to save. ~ 1979 FAMILY WEE.KLY, INC., All tlqhll r•MMld like a tourist than one of Hollywood's mos1 notable wheeler-dealers According to Allen, the movie magic that makes a film such as Tb# Doy the World Ended possible is the result of modem technology. "The Improvement of the techniques and processes In pho- tography and the U5e of laboratory Inven- tions make spectacular effects possible," he says. "There must be 100 new tech- niques that were not used as recendy as five years ago." Despite the precdutions that are always taken, accidents have happened to cKtors in Allen's disaster movies Yet, he's managed to round up another star-stud· ded cast for this film . In addition to ' Newman and Bisset. the cast includes William Holden. Burgess Meredith, Emes1 Borgnine and Red Buttons. "Stars have a sense of adventure," the producer points out. "They're aware that no matter ~ how many precautions you take in a disas-e ter movie, something may go wrong. Yet, GI rve never had a star back out ol a role ~ because of the po56ible danger Involved." • ~ There's $80 million In insurance cover- Disaster monger Allen (center) with Paul Newman and Jacqueline Bisset, stars of hls latest epic, The Day the World Ended. age on the film, which .. hopefully, we'll never have to call on," says Allen. "But, when you deal with explosions and floods, you don't know how badly people could be hurt, or -God forbid - killed." FOR-UIWIN ALLEN, DISASTER IS A REEL PLEASURE By RenQ Olct0< leBlanc T he secluded HawallaTI beach was a perfect setting for a romantic In· terlude. The sun was warm, the clear water sparkled, sand stretched from the shore to a backdrop of black lava rocks. He opened a botde of wine for their pic- nic as she stretched languorously on the blanket. They chatted and smiled, a handsome couple obviously enjoying these moments together. Suddenly their eyes widened In shock as they gazed out Into the distance. The shock tumed to terror as they scrambled off the blanket and toward the he.llc:opter that had brought them lo this hideaway. A volcano has ju'*' exploded, spewing ftrebeDs Into the air. Would they make It to safety In time? The director called .. cut," and Paul Newman and Jacqueline Bisset prepared to do another take. The tcene would play oo the tcrecn for )ust a few moments In produoer Irwin ADen's upcoming disaster film, TM Dov the World £n<kd, which wlD be released next Easter. But. while the SO-member film crew froze In silence: director Jama Goldstone had the stars do the tcene over and over again. TM Dov IM World Enckd wtll provide movie-goers wtth a ~ of dlsa*n, including a volcanic eruption, an earthquake and a tidal wave. Such on-.aeen catastrophes have become the it trademark of produc:c bwtn Allen, who ~ Is often called "the master of disaster... • Hts sped<tes. terwd up to gllplng . i audienca, have lndod.d such cataclys-! mtc events es the monster wave that { trapped tcoreS ol people In the bowa. ol J Ren• Dlctor LcBlonc 1peclo/lac1 In 111rllln11 ' ~W>rl'V ond human tn..,.., Ilona R I •• ,AllM.YWllJ(LY,JWr I, •l'I an ocean liner in The-Poseidon Adven- ture and the traumas of those unfor- tunates stuck In a 133-story San Fran- cisco skyscraper In The Towering Inferno. He can also claim responsibility for the sJ)eclal effects on television's Voyage to the Bottom of the 51!4, Lost In Space, Land of the Glant.s and The Time Tunnel. On location for his newest movie, Allen sat several feet away from where the picnic sequence was being shot, re- laxlng under a beach umbrella and watching the scene slowly take shape. A burly, ftftylsh nu1n In sunglasses, a Hawaiian shirt and slacks, he looks more Ernest Borgnlne, Stello Stevens and Gene Hackman In The Poseidon Adventure. The movie's built-In dangers cought up with Borgnlne, who tore a ligament In a strenuous scene. In T owatng Inferno, Richard Chamber· ~,,.11:'8 }faming~ lo awing lo~. Actor William Holden shrugs off the possible danger. "I think everyone has been subjected to little accidents that hap- pen on the set. Most actors are reluctant to taDc about It. Why blame someone be- cause 40 thousand gallons ol water came down at one time Instead of 25 thou- sand?" he asks. "When you're doing an explosion or a fire you prepare for It," director James '-..Golchtone explains, "and pNparC the l)eople for II medculously becaute there's physk:al danger Involved -as well as the tremendous time Involved In doing a dis- aster IC«Oe a leC09d time." The movie'~ ~ltfmate d'9aster, the volcano exploslon, wtn.be a combination ol miniature, optk:al and lighting special effects, according to ttMt dir.ctor. "We are not going to lgnlt. a real volcano," he says, smlltfl9. "I would lf we could, but I don't think one It about to accommodate us." Thit II actra1 Jackie Bisset'• first dlsa.sMr ftlm. "Thee kinds of parts are not an actor's drqm by any means," the ad- mits. "lt'e very dlfflc:uJt to be good ln a pie- ture like this, because you have so bttle character build-up. It's hard to register when you're really basically one of a group. But, it's a big picture and one that l think will be good for my career." Actor Red Buttoru has no qualms about doing this movie despite an acd· dent that happened whUe he was working on Allen's The Poseidon Aduent:ure. "I slit .my foot open from my ankle to my knee on the Last day of shooting," he said. "I had to escape through a jagged hole In the boaL I miscalculated as I climbed through, and my leg was rtpped. They took me to the hospital, took care of It, and l came back and finished the scene. But I was bandaged up for most of that summer." Other stars have been ln)ured whUe working on Allen's films. Paul Newman burned his hands whUe trying to beat out the flames which were engulfing a ma!! In Towering Inferno. And In Poseidon, Ernest Borgnlne tore a ligament In his back whUe hauling a heavy rope. He was In great paln and had to be carried off In a stretcher. But, after treatment by a doctor, he was back to work the next day wearing a leather corset. And, although Steve McQueen wasn't Injured, he had a close call In Inferno when he momentarily lost his footing whUe clinging to a cable moved by a crane 60 feet ln the air. He hufig on desperately with his hands until he managed to get his footing again. According to Allen, most of his special effects are based on his nightmares. .., . continually dream and have the most horrifying dreams In the world," he says. For most people that would be a prob- lem, but Allen's managed to tum It into profit. "I try to dream up new and hysteri· cal special effects. I even keep a dictating ' machine at my night table so I won't for- get them," he says with a chuckle This former Hollywood reporter, talk· show host and hterary agent admits that he..belleves the reason his disaster movies are so ~uccessful Is becaU.se "There's something wrong with human nature. If there weren't, people wouldn't stop and gape at an automobile accident, nor would they gather around fires. "Groucho Marx once said, 'There's no sound as sweet as the crumbling of your fellow man.' That's not my phUosophy," he stresses. "But, apparently.-.!!,._must be In.le because people do seek out tragedy. And, how much more exciting It is to see it on a giant screen In the comfort of an easy chair in an a ir-cooled theater." AUen admits that he has "a strong·feel- lng such movies take the place of reality and let off steam. The films give people ·thrills they wouldn't normally have access to. The violence that occurs Is not man against man, but the result of nature or some mechanical apparatus." Making movies is a total gamble, Allen points out, but he's come up with a for- mula that he feels insures some measure of success. "You spend a lot of money, have a good script, the best stars available and go on location. as we're doing here In Hawali. This gives the public the mo· lion pictures they can't get on television And, basically, to be successful you must make It big, make it hystericall,Y exciting, . but maintain an air of believability." As far a.s his own life Is concerned, Allen says a bad cold is the worst dlsa5ter he's had in years. "All my disasters are in my pictures," he declares But he can't escape the occasional jokester who , In deference to his fame a.s "the master of disaster," o osses the street when fW1 he sees Allen coming. l&J PUT IT OVER PAINT OLYNIPTC ~ OVElCOl\T . j_ OiYNIPTC STAINEI Anaheim Ganahl Lumber Hawkln's Paint Rancho Hardware Costa Mesa ABC Lumber tiUAAANTt:EO WAl[R CLEAN UP · ORl(S FAS" fOR PAINTED WOOD HAA000ARO Sru<'CO MASONRY·· GAlvANllEO METAL El Toro Saddleback Lumber Laguna Beach Laguna Beach Lumber I ll;.'l<A•,1 ~) ~· [<; l lll on AN( liR.\"10' y,(\"( l\,,Tfll 1 lFAN 111' t'Rll '.'>' 'S' 1(1~ llllN! <;HA~f<; t. '.HINL;l f <, lfll\I •I ••1'~ La Habra Dickenson Lumber Orange Bayshore Lumber San Juan Ca pf strano Consolidated Supply Santa Ana Ace Hardware Colorama Paints Yardley Materials r ,. ,. . -· r ••• • ' ' ' .. ' , •• .. 19 ""'·flf'. l3 ll'f. nicM w. ,_a.--FTC Ri11111 MAY?I. • l WHY YOU ffiAY BE FIRED statement to be Included as part of your record. This statement can outline the dispute and give your position. Philip G . Benson of Colorado State University, who has done an Intensive analysis of The Privacy Act, believes that "nothing as global will-probably be passed for private·induSIJy employees. Private employees, however, are becoming very careful about passing on information from employees' records. They are pro· tecting themselves aga.inst possible legal difficulties and also demonsttatlng a growing sensitivity to the privacy rights of employees.'' -S.R. Redford """-ithout realizing it, you may be giving ""'your boss the strong Impression that you're no longer Interested In your job. Dr. Edward Roseman, president of a management consulting firm and author of Confronting Non-Promotability, ex· plains that any of the following actions can make your supervisors wonder whether you're worth keeping. f/lth· drawing: You've begun to behave as If you're not personally involved with your job or the company's goals. Maybe you've been passed over for a promotion or raise. In your feelings of rejection, you 're cutting yourself loose emotionaUy (Tom your whole job scene. Winding down: Uke "withdrawing," winding down ls often caused by the feeling you aren't receiving the job recognition and privileges that are coming to you. In your fruSIJation , you may be avoiding respon- sibility, not In Itta ting work and careful not to "give anything for nothing." Wander· l.ng: You're bored with your job assign· ments, and It shows. You do as UttJe as possible as quickly as possible. WalUng and warring: You may feel yow past, loyalty and services are unappreciated and that some "yes-men" with half your ability are getting rewards you deserve. That's your viewpoint. As your boss sees it, the waller has become a flrst<lass nuisance, a chronic complainer, discuss- ing aU kinds of petry and Imagined Injus- tices. And the person who ls conducting a private war has become. in the boss's opinion. a very undesirable employee who is ~neraUy uncooperative and skep- tical of authority. lf your reasons for behaving In any of these five ways are important enough, do yourself a favor and change jobs at your own fn/tj(JtJIJf!. But don't prolong the behavior and' give your boss a reason for forcing you out. You are protected by The Privacy Act of 1974 if you work for any United States Government agency. Attempts have been made in Congress to give you similar protection if you work for private Industry. Basically. the 1974 Act keeps Informa- tion you give to a United States agency from circulating freely. Unless you give your written consent, the 'lnfonnation may not be passed on. When Information Is pasted on, the agency must record the date, nature and purpose as weU as th~ name and addntss of the person! ob- tained the lnfonnation. Most Important, the agency h ogive you this Information If you request It. You must aho be allowed acc:ea to any per- sonal records about you. You, or the per· son of your choa, must be allowed to review what Is In your records, oopy any portion of It and request changes If you behw the lnfonnatk>n ls Inaccurate . When you aik for a change, the agency mutt ecknowledge receipt of your request within 10 working days. Thm It must dtw inaM the COIT«tk>n you asMd for or ..net you nonce of Nfusal . And It must td ~u why It It being refuted, toglrtMr ,_ .............. ~~.:: 'hOw 'ye,u a.n-hav. l1ic---matt.r·, •. Mia y \111111(1. 'I', Jft/lt '· .,. • 1 viewed and the name and business ad- . dress of the reviewing officer. If after review. it still refuses to accept changes, it must permit you to write a "concise" --.... WNrtpool ha made tt poe.-& yaut P1111clpatlng Whlrtpool dealer ¥1'l.!:illl•IW '°" IUbllantlal MVtnge on the m«Jor ~ ~ you've always wanted. Qua._ l,IY tppfl8ncM from Whlrtpool. ftlflt11r11CWL Get a reduced price on. our top.ot-the-llne Setva-Door""" model. Save on our popular EET201ZK model. Plus special uv- lngl On eefected models with the Ice m8ker kit. ........ Get •r Introductory ule prtce on our RFE3eOP rmnge. Ask abOut the .-vtnga on our AFE3380 and 'RFE3700 modell. GM a A boolt containing U?uen years of FA.MIL Y WEEKLY M JOBMANSHIP~ columns by S R Redford has just been pi b11shed by Mocmtllon enHtled: JOBMANSHIP, How To Get Ahelld by 'Psyching Out' Your Boss & Co·WOfkers. $6.95 HamHton-Beach Food Proceeaor at no extra charge when you· buy our exclusive Cook'N Countern~ range (RFE395P, RFE3550, RFE355P).• Laundry. Don't miss the savings on our LFA7800 washer and LFE7800 dryer. Dllh...,..,.. Save now on the SDF7800 por- table or SOU7001 undercounter model. Mlcrowa'9 °'9ft. You can even save on our popular REM7800 microwave oven. S.e your participating Whirlpool dealer IOon for hie eavfnge, pr1oea end models. . . • . BCG: A NEW WEAPON IN THE CANCER WAR By Isobel Sllden There Is still no cure for cancer, but scientists worklng towards that goal have discovered that a chemical originally used as a vaccine against tuberculosis IS proving a fonnidable ally in their fight against death. Donald L. Morton. M.D .. is world-re- nowned for htS research in cancer Now 44, he is a graduate of the University of California School of Medicine, and former head of the tumor immunology section at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md. Currently, Dr. Morten is chief of the divisions of general surgery and oncology at UCLA. Some of his achievements are regard· ed as miracles by his patients Dr Mor· ton. a native of Richwood, West Va . brushes aside this praise. With his team of 25 scientists, he has won many battles against cancer, but not the war. he mo~ms Or Morton. and the division wtl:b.he has headed since Its Inception in 1971. are best known for their work in the development and application of the 1m· munotherapy of cancer: that Is. the stimulilllon of a patient's immune responses to fight cancer cells He eKplains: "When I began eKperi- menting In the early 1960's, I found that with Immunization, mice and guinea pigs could prevent the growth of rumors In their bodies. lmmunotherapy Is like being given smallpox or typhoid shots: The pa- tient Is given a small dose. of the actual disease. and the body fights back. Any- thing foreign is recognized by the body. and it forms immune lymph cells that react with this foreign substance. When bacteria try to invade the body, they elicit antibodies." The substance that Dr. Morton uses is BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerln). a tuber- culosis genn from cattle, which was developed at the turn of the cenrury as a vaccine against tuberculosis It was originally used on doctors and nurses lo prevent their getting TB from their pa- tients. It is still used In many countries to· day. Side effects of BCG are relatively mild Dr. Monon was not successful with the first patient to whom he administered Im· munotherapy. The second. whom he treated in February, 1967. Is still "in tem- porary regression," he states. He will not claim the patient is cured of malignant melanoma nodule$ In the sklf\. With cau- tion typical of the medical profession. he cites statistics only In pm:entages nnd adds hasttly that BCG Is not a cure-all ror 8WfY cancer condition. "Research Is still going on, of cou!'M, and all th& figures are not In. I think we might say that 80 percent of melanoma pat»nts ere cured by surgery Where the mmnome has spread beyond surgk;al therapy, we can Induce regression in 25 ' percent, 1f the tumors have not spread If the rumors have spread to the liver, lung or brains. BCG may not help." Dr. Monon and his associates have successfully treated melanoma. lung, breast and colon cancer. bone and soft- 11ssue sarcomas (growths). For years. 11 has been standard pro cedure to amputate arms or legs if malig nant tumors were present m the bone or muscle. The new procedure now com bmes immunotherapy, chemotherapy and radiation prior to surgery, and only the tumor and surrounding tissue are removed. If the bone itself IS involved. a graft is done. • Often, patients with bone or muscle tumors have sarcomas -cancers arising from connective tissues -that spread to the lung This condition formerly resulted in the death of 80 percent of the patients ., -within two years. New developments have brought the figures down to 30- percent fatalities today In patients wrth early diagnosed lun2 cancer. BCG Is injected mto the tumor, and, two weeks later, the cancer ls surgically removed. The two weeks allow the body to set up its defenses and fight any possible spreading. "The ideal patient rs one who LS diagnosed while the tumor is stlll locali- zed If It has spread beyond the site, lm- munotherapy may wori< " Dr. Morton's tone and attitude are cautious. 8 reast cancer has been successfully treated with a combination of BCG, chemotherapy and a tumor cell vaccine. "When there Is a lump in the breast. the cells may have spread throughout the body. and we don't know where they are. Sometimes lmmunotherapy will stimulate lhe body's own lmmunhy 10 take them out," tbe doctor elaborates. The UCLA oncology staff is also con· ducting research using heal, as a tre.oit- menl for cancer ft has recently been recognized that tumors are much more sensitM to thermal injury than are nor- mal tissues. The staff has worked with the university's School of Engineering. and a highly sophisticated device has been built to deliver 122°F of heat to rumoB. Again exercising caution, Dr. Monon states. "This Is really new. We're only Into our third year of research. I would say there are about 18-percent regressions.'' UCLA , Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center In New Y or!< City and M.D. Anderson Hospital In Houston are the' major centers of lmmunotherapy, although there Is research ellewhere. By 1981, two lloors of the Jon11Mn Comprehenslw Cancer CenlieT at UCLA will house Its expanded dlV11k>n of surgical oncology, with actor o.ck Van Patten MM"9 .s honorary chairman-pf the fund-niltlng drive. Its goel Is $1,085, 155. The Grants and $pedal Events Committee acknowledga It II an Incredible ch.nenge, adding, "Mirada are INMt the 1urgk:al oncology dlvl-nlll lion ts aD aboutr _., --QUIPS & QUOTES-- l.ights. 9 ... "II(', 0 .8 mg. nicocinl; ~ 100's. 91111- "W'. 0 .9 mg. nicotn tw. Jllf cigemte by FTC mlltlod. WI~ 1 The Surgeon Gtntrll Hes Dtt1nnin1d Thlt Cigmtl SmoDng Is Oengnss ID Yow Hethh. GATHERING NO MOTH wi have a cedar closet For keeping furs and wool. In winter U's near empt)I, In summer, though, It's full. I like the sweet aroma Exucled by the cedar. The moth, howeuer, hates It, FrustTated as a feeder. Just why that hungry creature Finds cedar smell so bod No moth has euer told me, But 171 say this: I'm glad. -Richard Armour 0 v P-•IJI Geiniv telllcco na...ia a lew'tar'ciglntte...plas DMle Gift f,oapm. ,_,._ .. c, '6c.ll .... w ..... WllDOC..uurtl 'atl ... fttw ..... ~) By f ,.nk Baginski LITTLE EMILY "Aren't you supposed to be at violin practice this afternoon, Emily?'' We've discovered a good ex.ample of the Me Generation. A hen and a rooster were having a competitive conversation out by the barn. Said the hen: "Every time I cackle, an egg shows up." Replied the rooster: "That's nothing. Every time I say, 'cock-a -doodle-doo.' the sun comes up " -Lane Olingho use We just found out where the expression stagestruck came from: What happened when a pedestrian got In the way of Wells Fargo. -Sally Palmer Plane Truth Department: When you've found that at first you don't succeed, sky- diving Is a pastime you won't need. Lucille Boyce This month, Social Security ~ne/lts ore going up 9 percent -bringing them all the way up to Inadequate. -Robert Orben Kida Me Ille dltferentl}t Send orlgl"'' con-tribution• lo "Chlld," Famlly Weekly. 041 Lexl"gton Ave .. N.Y., N.Y. 10022. $1<1 If used-"004! returned. ntROUGH A CHU.D'S EYES 0.... Gnat Nedny and John. Thenk you -the 10 dollar btl1 you Mnt me tcw my btrth&.y. I got a ~with 250 dollu'I and wllh ~ lOyoupwme...dlgot.wn mon money lh8n I thought I would get. So I ralv wrote this a.ttlr to ... how you wen. And I wanted to Mk whm you an coming up. We low ..... you and "°"" up. p .S. If you wtr COUIM up dlll W.V, ...... low, ~ -Mn.N. Mn ~.N.J. tO • PMM. Y W1E1U. Y, ,.,.,, 1, "'9 .. ... -HOW TO KEEP A DISCUSSION S ome arguments seem to appear out of nowhere and leave eve?yone furious with nothing resolved. Here are some pointers to help you avoid those useless battles. FROm BECOffilNG A FIGHT By Shirley Sloon Fader Trap #J REFIGHTING THE PAST Does this sound familiar? Someone in your family (maybe you) says, "I did It be.cause yesterday you told me. . " The other person's voice starts rising in anger, "I never said any such thing .. " You: "I distinctly heard you tell me . " Other person: "Since when did you ever listen to what I say?" And you're off! Soon you'll both be shouting. not only about what was said yesterday but about things said last month and two years ago. It's often impossible for members of a family lo agree on the exact details of a past Incident, and this only llg9Javates the sltuallon. Recollections vary, and since there's no way to prove either slde's argu- ment, everyone ends up angry How, then, can yo u halt a cycle of "You Said" -"No, I Didn't" arguments? You stop them by refusing to be dragged Into arguing about the past. You say, "Look, the past Is gone. We can't do anything about II. Now is what we have to Trap #2 HEADS I LOSE, TAILS YOU WIN: THE DOUBLE-ffiESSAGE TRAP Double-message fights are pointless, says Dr. Kurman, because nothing c,,n ever be accomplished b}I them. In a double-message dilemma you appear to have two very different choices of behavior. But you really have no choice! Whichever behavior you pick, you're go- ing to be wrong. So why argue about It? For example, a husband may urge his wife to get a good-paying job to help with family expenses. Then, he may begin constantly telling her that her Income ls T tap #3 ml MD-READING Mind-reading, says Dr. Kurman, Is a good ex.ample of a communication mistake that leads to a variety of un- necessary family shouting matches. Peo- ple who depend on mind-reading manu· facture trouble for themselves In a number of ways, Frequently, family members believe that love will enable others to read their minds. "If you really loved me. you'd know ... " Is what people Imply or say aloud when someone doesn't bve up to en unapolcen expectation. How exactly love can turn average women end men Into c:lalrvoyants and mind-readers Is dlf- IA undermining his place In the family Fights erupt. If she doesn't help pay the bills, he says she's not Interested In the strain he's under. If she does bring In the money, he also says she's not Interested in the strain It puts him under. Dr. Kurman explains that people who chronically give off double messages are doing It unconsciously. They themselves are confused about the subject. If you at- tempt to show them that they are putting you In a predicament, they will often In· flcuh to understand. Often, people let mind-reading cheat them of all kinds of pleasant oppor- tunities. "Oh, no, he would never agree to our going;" or "I'd love to buy a boat but she wouldn't like It:" or "He'll be em· ~d If I do that,'' are typical In- stances of "mind-reading." In all these situations, the speaker ls re- jecting ple.aseru suggestioN without con- sidering either his or the other person's feelings. What makes the speaker so pOsJllve? Maybe the other person has grown, c.hanged his mind, or Is In a dlf· ferent modd. Instead of running your life Ttap #4 YOU NEVER TALK TO mE: THE "IMTEIACT10N OVERLOAD" ARGUffiEMT lntwactlon overload argurn4tnts are polndal because they are the result of a per90"'' cherllCMr. and there's nothing PftlOM) about them. Or. J<urman •x· plcllnt that just as ~ haw b\ilh·ln energy le\IU, to people have different ~ f°' "inbmdk>n" with ochm An lnetr9Ctlon OWt1oed ~t clWn ueed to IUr1 when a hutband carN home from wodt. Hll \rie wected him eagerly and trted to get him to ta•. TM twirdcr- she nwd, the shorter hls answers became as he retreated In front of the TV. Finally he'd shout, "I Just want to be left alone," and she'd yell. "You never talk to me." Nowedayt, when 10 mony famllkl! have two wortdng pertnen, dlelogue lt often rCYCl"led and she ftncb hmelf say- ing, "Pia.. can't I ever have a ftttlt qui.t dine to myMll'r' We all need 90fN lnm.c:tton with ~. br we fttl tente and dltAtltfted . deal with. Tell me, and I'll listen What Is It that you mean?'' Any lime you battle over what was said or done in the past you're trying to prove that you're "right" and the other person ls "wrong." Forcing the conversation to stay in the present means that you can con- centrate on what each person wants. Frequent arguments over trifles are often an indication of some deeper con· Oicts. The "trifles" become a way to air , but not solve, the buried anger. In many other Instances. family bickering is pointless and accidental. It's just a matter slst you are completely wrong. People b'apped In a continual round of double-messages often feel overwhelmed. The key point that they often do not see Is that they cannot win! All they know ls, .. Whichever way I tum I here ls a problem." You can free yourself from long-tenn (chronic) double mes.sages by taking your problem and figuring out alter- natives. Ask yourself what would happen If you acted In a certain way. If you realize that this solution won't work because someone you're emofionaUy close to will be crltk.al or angry, stop. Next, think out what would happen If you tried other and basing your dedslons on what you guess ls In the other person's mind, ask and make sure. Some mind-readers can be accused of making plans that Include others without mentioning It to those Involved. "Well, you should have known I was expecting to .. ". or "Why did you do It that way? You know I.. ", are the kind of responses that you'll get from this person The next time you fee l someone has le1 you down, review your own behavior. Did you ever clearly tell the other person what plan or goal you had In mind? Or did you take for granted that he Of she knew? How? Thro ugh mind-reading? Occasionally. someone may try to run The spouse who has been waiting alone at home for adult conversation Is feeling this hunger, But If you ~ up quantities ol your natural dDlly talk-quota at WOfk, you'll feel blologk:al pressure to be left In silence to "refuel." T alklng 1' not the only thing that oon· auma your energy supply. Rhythm It allo Involved. Put together a fast-taking chattetbox with a slow, dall~ lll)«akn and they11 both end up ethaUl1ed They're out of sync with t.ach oih.. By cOC\tratt. rhythm·matched tpeaic•m Qin go long pertodt with lltde effort. of people nol understanding how certain· talk-patterns -such as arguing over the past -can trap them We discussed some common talk-traps with Dr. Paula Kurman, a communk:a- tlon consultant and former professor of communlcology at Hunter College in New York City Dr Kurman, whose clients Include both Individuals and cor- porations, feels that once you understand how communication patterns operate, you can "clean up your language" and avoid them. Then. if there are no deeper conflicts Involved, the battles stop . solutions. If you realize the same person wUI be displeased no matter whk:h direc- tion you go in, then you are caught In a double-message trap The moment you realizethatyoucannotplea.sethatperson In thls particular matter, you have the problem half licked. Next, say to yourself. "Since It's Im- possible for me to please him I her about this, I might as well please myself." Then do so. Be prepared for the chronic dou· ble-message sender to keep you struggling in contmdictory directions. If you just re- ply, "This Is what I've decided te do about It," the battles will eventualJt be over. It takes two to fight. BOTH sides of a discussion. "You're doing that because you think ... " Is the standard llne in this kind of argument. The ~I danger In trying to run both sides of the discussion lies In the mlnd- reader deciding what the other person thinks -and then becoming furious about It. Most of us fell Into that trap every once In a while. When the mind-reading accwalk>ns are coming at you. you can handle It with, "You can't read my mind_ No one can. I am the only one who kno ws what I think. Now, let me tnke care of telling what I think. And you tell me what you think. That way we'll both have accurate f~ to go by." Couples who discover that one °' both of them must devote most of their fre. time to recovering from the day's talk· drain should consider e:hanglng to a worlc environment that betteT matcha their natural rhythm and lnterac:tlon supply. "Overall." says Dr Paula Kurman, "by concenlnltlng on the here end now. on what peopla say and do with one an· ocha. you can rNd and utc the pat· mns to avoid all kinda of mases, f1WI conflicts and problems " l&J ) HOmEmADE ICE CREAm - LICKETY-SPLIT By ffiatllyn Honsen This Fourth of July holiday, many Americans will be celebrating our na· tlon's independence right in their own backyards. What better time to revive homespun pleasures than by making your own ice cream and sherbet. Save 20~onour big new box · of soft,soft ·Q:tjp~· ~. (And put em all to good use!) 2()t Save 2& on our big newboX ~ CAPPUCCINO I CE CR.EAM I 'A cupe double-str~h collee or nprneo-blend coffee, cooled ~cup eugar 11a cup dark com syrup 2 tablespoons dark rum Ya tu.poon ground cinnamon 2 cups huvy a um 1. In medium bowl, stir together coffee, sugar, corn syrup, rum and cinnamon until sugar dissolves. 2. Stir m heavy cream. Freeze in 2-quart electric or hand-<:rank freezer following manufacturer's directions. Makes 2 quarts PLUM WONDERFUL ICE CREAM 6egg~ I Ya c:upe SU9&r 2 cupe light crum 1,4 tuspoon salt 2 cupe huvy crum 2 tuspoone 11anWa atract Plum PurH (recipe follow9) 1. Beat egg yolks slightly In top of a dou· ble boiler. Stir in sugar, light cream and salt . 2 . Place over simmering water and, stir- ring constantly. cook until custard coats a metal spoon. Cool and chill. 3. Stir in heavy cream, vanilla and plum puree. Pour Into an lce-<:ream fTeezer (I-gallon slR). Prepare lceaeam, follow· Ing freezer directions. Makes about 21/1 quarts PLUM PUREE 1 alp IU9&r 1 lb. fresh plum., quartered and pitted (•bout 6) 2 tableepootia lemon )Wee 1. Sprinkle sugar over plums in saucepan. 2. Let stand until sugar dissolves and Juices form , then bring to a boil and sim- mer until tender. 3. Puree In blender. Add lemon Juice. Cool and chill. Makes 2 cups EASY FROZEN YOGURT 4 c:ontMMn (8 oa. MCh) vlUllll.I cw Ya=-.r.::. .. ... alp ....... 1. In medium bowl, stir together yogurt, com syrup and sugar. 2 . Freae In 2-quart electric or hand· crank fttaer foUowtng manufacturer's directions. Malcu 2 quarts Editor'• Note : For fabulous sundae-style deuerts, top tndMdual Ml'Vlngl of fromn yogurt wtth • mbcture of slced peaches, str,Jwbmia, bfuebenies, bananas or plums. Finish wtlh a liberal sprtnklng of chopped walnuts, almonds or raisins. 11 • ~Al&.Y W&IU.Y, ~ 1, 1l'lt J • FRESH PLUM AND STRAWBERRY ICE l YJ it.. fr.ti plurm (.tM>ut 9) YJ CUI> -•er 2 cupe 1119ar l pint nr.wberries, hulled I tablespoon lemon juice Sweetened whipped ere.am Who&e atrewbcnia for garnJsh 1. Mix plums with water and sugar in saucepan. Bring to a boU; then simmer, covered, 10 minutes, or until plums are tender. 2. Cool enough to handle: re· move pits. Puree plums and juice in blender; pour into bowl and set aside. 3 . Puree strawberries in blender; combine strawberry and plum mixtures. Stir in lemon juice. 4. Taste and add more sugar, If desired. Pour into 8-inch pie plate: freeze. At serving time, garnish with whipped cream and a few fTesh strawberries. Makes 1 8-inch pie or Seu~/ ice Note: If pie Is to be stored for any length of time, cover with clear plastic freezer wrap or aluminum foil. FRESH BLUEBERRY ICE CREAM 1 envelope unSavored geladn 1 cup llUIAr 1 cup-ter 4 cupe blueberrln, rlnMd and drained 2 ~ heavy cream, whipped 1: Combine gelatin, sugar and water In large saucepan. Add blueberries and cook at a boil for 10 minutes. 2. Cool and fTeeze until mushy -partially frozen. Thm out of Tom~ pans and beat quickly, just until smooth. . S. Fold In the stiffly beaten whipped cream into the mix· ture! Tum into 2 freaer trays and freeze until firm. Maka 11/z quarts EASY FRESH LEMON lCECR.EAM I c..,. -..,, er.-or Mii -.dW 109....-l..W1 .. ma1 ...... llm0ft .... ~~ ...... ... I . ln &arvc bowl, combine aurn and aigar; ltlr until augar d-.olva. 2 . Blend in lemon peel and juice. Pour into a shallow pan, a freezing tray or 8 x 8-lnch pan. 3. Freeze until firm, about 4 hours. Makes about 3 cups Editor's Note: You can vary this recipe by substituting grated lime peel and lime juice, mak- ing Lime Ice Cream. MINTED TROPICAL SHERBET 2YJ Cup9 pineapple )uict 1h cup sugar YJ cup light corn syrup 2 tablnpoona creme de men the 2 cupe mlk 1. In medium bowl, stir togeth- er pineapple juice, sugar, com syrup and creme de menthe un- til sugar is dissolved. Stir In milk. 2. Freeze in 2-quart electric or hand-crank freezer following manufacturer's directions. Makes 2 quarts 1 cup mashed • peaches, plums, plnapple, llpftcoU or .,..,.ya 1 medium banana, -heel 4 tablapoont lemon Juke 4 tablapoom orange juice I cup aupr 1 cup light cream 1. Combine all ingredients in large bowl or food processor. Beat with electric mixer or pro- cess with mixing blade until well blended. 2. Pour Into fTeez:ing tray and freeze I hour or until partially frozen. Tum out Into bowl and beat lightly and quickly. 3 .. Pour mixture back Into freez- er tray and freeze until firm. Makes about 3-cups PEPPERMINT STICK ICE CREAM ~cup~ ~ cup llPt com.,. I t 111p il'OO vMllla atrect ~ ..... -l cupe huvy a- l cup llthf a.at ~ cup crwhed peppermint ~ 1. In medium bowl, stir togeth- er sugar, com syrup, vanilla and salt. 2. Add heavy and light aeam, stirring unt1• sugar dlMolva. s. "--In 2-quart •ledrtc Of hand-crank freaer followtng manufacturer'• dlrecttona. Maka 2 quan. . ·:..: \' Pond's Cream & Cocoa Butter Tropical Bathr• Beads tum your bath into an island paradise and leave your skin soft as aA island flower. Pond's Cream & Cocoa Butter Skin Softening Lotion has· the rich, natural goodness of cocoa butter plus creamy moisturizers to give you softer, younger-look- ing skin after a day in the sun or anytime. .r:-------- 1 .... "' .. -....... _ .... _ .... __ _ I .... _ ........ -,.. .. Save ::.=-.::.i:.r-=~= .... _,, ____ _ I ___ .........,_ e:"':'"'-"::.--==: ':' I ____ ........ I 25¢ :r::.:tl~i:e::: ~~-:J::=:J t:.::c.i::::--= I on~··o.m~eoco. e~~~~ I ~&O:Llotlonot ... ,._...=,_. 11o I 15 OIL "r...-&,.al Beth,. Beads ~:"'C"l: 't,,: = ~\ .. ...,.._,. •. ;:r-....... ...... I ~------- ' PCTM H 't S1"QRE COUPON _ .. a ____________ _,./ __ _ BUYING TOffiORROW'S ANTIQUES AT TODAY'S PRICES W hether you're a working woman or an fl active housewife, you might be In· terested in collecting masterpieces And, white Picassos and Renolrs are probably beyond your budget, chances are that an- tique and reproduction furniture are not Even If you eventually buy only a single piece. you'll have a wonderful time learning about period pieces. Although the prices on today's antique mari<et are skyroclceting. ii is still possible to • ~ &; / 3m .tar. _with Satis ·ng taste. i. '"'''' !! ~ c c • E c; • GI Newfrom Kent. IMPORTED HIGH-TASTE TOBACCOs. A special blend with lml>Of1ed tobaccos packs as much taste as POSSibfe up front, so that enough oOOd taste comes out the other end. IT TAKES YOU All THE WAY TO 3 MO. TAR, Willi TASTE ENOUGH TO STAY! ' .. EASY-DRAW FILTER. Special double filter allows a lree and easy draw never muffling the ~·~··\ 25 YEARS OF LOW TAR TECHNOLOGY. We called upen everything we've learned 1n 25 years of making America's leading low tars and put ii all together with recent taste technology The result? The lowest low tar with taste NEVER BEFORE HAS SO LITTLE TAR YIELDE.D SO MUCH TASTE. NewKentm Warning: The Surgeon General Has Oetermrned That Ctgarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Satisfying taste 3 mg. tar 3 llf. "lw," 0.4 ""'nicMe .w. Pff cigntt fly FTC Mdad. If you can't afford an antique slat-back chair, o reproduction might fit the bill find reasonably pnced furniture. particularly if you are interested in American-made pieces. However. If you've set your sights on a Chippendale highboy or a Hepplewhite chair, a well-made reproducti'>n will prob- ably be more affordable. Today. fine ex· amples of original "furniture are being reproduced accurately by manufacturers, both as reproductions, wh1cr are exaci copies of originals. and as adaptations. which copy 1he flavor ofl_he original but with varia· lions in size, fl~ or style A number of these reproductions are being produced by prestigious furniture maoufaclurers In cooperation with cultural institutions such as the National Trust for H istoric Preservation, the Wiiiiamsburg Colonial Foundation and va.rlous museums throughout the country. Fortunately. leamlng about period fur- niture can cost you nothing but your time There are hundreds of places .ihat exhibit fine, original masterpieces. Nearly all large cities and many towns have museums or hlstorical societies which proudly display an· tique furniture Start cultivating your new hobby at these museums by asking about particular pieces that strike your fancy Carry a notebook and jot down names, dates and places of origin as you go. This will help you when you want to do further research on a particular period. If seeing your favorite pe:rfod pieces In historical settings appeals lo you. there are a number of organlu11ons and publicattons you can tum to for Information. The American Association of Museums has com- plied The Officio/ MuN!um Directory which lists museums throughout the country. Or. If you're planning a traveling summer vaca- tion, you might want to consuh the Directory of Historical Socienu and Agencies In the United Stora and Canada, a listing pub- lished by the American Association for State and LOQll History. Both references are prob- ably available through your local library. There are a number of historic ho~ that contain famous collections of antique fur- niture and are open to the public. The Wlnterthur Museum. In Wlnterthur, Del.. Is an old du Poot family mansion which con- tains over 175 room Mtttngs o( period fur-n~ whk:h were made or wed In Amer- ica befween 1640 and 1840. Anoeher excellent source of lnfonnatlon Is the Nattona.1 Trust for Historic: Preservation. Th,ls group ma.ln- lalns 15 historic propcrttes which_,,. open to the public and fTa to members. The Trust also acts as a clearinghouse for • wide variety ol books. and, for Fa.mflJI WNk/v TQd8f1, a special lilt of ..-commended books on his· 14 a ltAMll'I' WUltl'I', Jllf't 1, "7t r This hardwood secretary will last I or generations as a family heirloom. toric furniture is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Na- tional Trust for Historic Preservation, 740 Jackson Place NW, Washington, D.C . 20006. Don't, however, Ignore your local museum. Depending on what part of the country you live In, you probably wtll be able to see original furniture from the early part of your area's history. At the restored Shaker Village In Hancock, N.Y., or at the Shel>ume Museum In Shelburne, Vt., for example, you'll see masterpieces In whole, re<reated homes. These displays can Inspire ways to use reproductions of yesterday's treasures In rooms designed for today. Since many museums have reproduction agree- ments with furniture manufacturers, ask whether any of the pieces you like are available commercially, and from whom. ~'l for~ that individual taste deter- mJnes what Is added to a personal home col- lection. Mu.ieums choose additions to their collectlons In much the same way that con- sumers should, so take a few tips from them on how to choose and care for collectib&es. Consider these questions: Does the piece ftt In, fU1 a gap or add a new dimension to the existing furniture? Then determine the quahty of the plec:e. This ls an lmpoltant part of any furniture· buying and Includes checking for sturdiness (tee If It rocks or m<>Ya when pushed). look- ing at the undersides of the drawers and the lag joints to determine that they are ftrm and are put togather either with dowel, tongue- ln:grooye, mortltc-and-tenon Of dovetail constructk>n: Tradlt>onal joints, such as mot:· tile and tenon, are of value, not only becau• they replk:ate the construction of a period pWc.c, but becaute they remain the mOlt elegant and durtible methods of joint- ing. But fOJ joints that arc not subject to a lot of straa, glues and modem machine methods have made doweWng a popular jointing IMthod among reproduction fur- nMure tnal'\ufacturen. rn any caM, make 1UN that the ptec. you are conslderlng ii not Jutt nailed or glued k>glther. Alla, make .. ,. ht the ftnteh COWft the attire p6ecc, •nd that ~ color It even aJld blendt well. When ct.king for qU11ltty. remember that most fine reproductions are made of hard- wood, and the material's quaUty charac- teristk:s are inhereot Therefore, quality con- siderations are centered on the actuai crafts- manship of the piece you are considering. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask. Any reputable furniture dealer will be glad to help, as will the people at the museum In which you first saw it. These experts love to share their knowledge. And once you get II home, how should you care for it? If it's hardwood, it's easy. Hardwood furniture will last for generations with only regular dusting and semiannual waxing. So be a collector_ Chances are, only you and your pocketbook will know that the pieces you've collected are not o~inals. You'll have yesterday's beauty and rnwt tomorrow's antiqee at today's prices. 111.J Discover the soft perm called Rave:Noamrnonia. No odor. No frizz. Women e~ are disoovering Ra~ Soft J>erm. the 00me perm that's truly different And right now, you can have your Rave, and save rmneifa:. Send in the CQUPOO below with the word from the front of the penn box. We11 send you a $1.00 refund pl.us another $LOO ooupon so you can save on your next Rave. WhatmakesRaYe sodi&rent? Rave is the soft~ ~t works with>ut anumnia. Without odor. Rave gives your hair body .without brittle~ full- ness without fri7.z. So gentle, it even / works on rolor-treatecf hair. t ~ Will Rave help me style? Yes. Now you can have your soft, bouncy rurls. Your full, simoth look. With Rave, your hair will , do wba~ want it to. Perhaps, 1 for the first time. So send in the ooupon below 3nd discover Rave today. · A Mail To: Rave Special Offer P.O. Bo11 2003N Jeffenoa City, MillOUli 65102 Send us this <X!'lPOfl with the word BaY.c from the front of the box. We11 send you a $1.00 refund l*s a $100 ooupoo so you can save on your next Rave. I Addi-eta---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 1 Qty Sta~ l.ipCode __ _ l ,._.... ncw •aen:~~ duoed .n1 nu.t rmnt I only in U.S.A.: QI where • bJ request. Offer ~·=·~ablt ot I llw; .s-h ,.., .. ...,.. ll:I> ol 1£; lnndelille. Othi eqlfts ~ 3L I llrit ll'lf Olffr ;« 111mr or addr1.; dlf tm. f'tease allow 6 to 8 weeta for CB1iflaR may Id bt inedlmriellly ~ ckti¥eiy. L---~~--~------------- • Fine furniture often has double- (ap (above) or slot dovetail joints. -- I I I I I I I It :J .. --........ Needlework Library ,,411-Siw QUILT FAVORITES Q-126 A timely collection ... Quilt Books Q-126, Q-125. Q-124-each has pattern pieces. directions for 20 pieced and appliqued quilts: Q-127-Full directions for 24 knit items. 79 Album-patterns for all types of Needlework, Gift Section. Bonus Coupon. Each book is $2.00 (includes postage and handling) Send orders to Family \Akekly Mdgazine PO Box 438. Dept A 48 Midtown Station. NY. NY IOOIR lk wrf' lo 1nclvdf' ""'"'' "'°'"" nddrf"u 1lp rodt nr.d butll r>um,,,., CNrut Y.flt Stolt •rtt<k<1t• odd'°'~• •a•} 79 Album ------~-. womEN WHO mADE AffiERICA GREAT: A HISTORY QUIZ By SuSQfl Duff • C elebradng a patriotic holi- day such as the Fourth of July usually means giving our forefathers their due credit. Too often, we torget that great women, as well as great men, played an important role in our history. This year, see how many Influential American wom· en you know about by ldentl· fying the ones described below. She\aid "no" to World Wor II. Her American chic QUESTIONS 1. She was orlglnally elected to the House of Representatives In 1917. becoming the first woman member of Congress. She returned to serve a second two-year term In 1941. On December 8th, 1941. the day after Pearl Harbor, Congress voted to moblJize the armed forces and enter World War IL If not for her dissenting ballot. the vote would have been unani· mousJy In favor of war Who was she? 2. ~m In ·Missouri In 1852, this legendary eccentric per- fonned riding stunts while riding the Pony Express through pert. lous Indian tenitory where most men didn't dare to travel. She was a crackerjack gambler who won enough money from rail· road barons to send her daughter to the best schools In the East. Wdd Bdl Hickock was her husband; who was she? 3. This woman managed the famHy farm while her husband attended to matters of state - the writing of our Constitution. In letters to her lawmaking spou5e, she warned him not to "put unlimited power Into the hands of the husbands. All men would be tyrants If they could." Who was this woman who want- ed the Equal Rights Amend· ment written Into law In the 18th century? •-In 1849, alone, traveling at night guided only by the North Star, a black woman escaped to freedom above the Mason- Dtxon line. Though the South· em authorltla put a high boun- ty on her head ($12,000. dead SUton DufJ Is a frulontt lllrlt.er 1.11«/l·verw:d In women'• hlst«y. won o British lord. or alive). she kept returning to the deep South to help other slaves flee to the North. Some 300 black Americans owed their freedom to her coura· geous efforts. Her name? 5. In a revealing series of ar- ticles written in 1902, a maga· zine journalist took on no less an adversary than John 0 . Rockefeller and his St.lndard Trust monopoly. Her writing in- spired public action which even· tuaOy broke up that oil mono- poly and, as one· of the first great Investigative reporters, she herself Inspired the coinage of a new journalistic tetm, "muckraker." Irate oil profiteers liked to call her "Miss Tarbarrel." What was her real name? 6. She was a gutsy Yankee lady who showed European society what fashion was aU about In a day when Continentals still sniffed haughtily at the very Idea of American chic. In 1873. a London journall.st wrote of her. "She could govern the world!" Instead, she had a snake tatooed on her wrist, married an English lord, and boN a son who became one of Britain's most famous statesmen. Who was she? 7. She first achieved renown as a newspaper reporter when she wrote articles which e)(J>05ed the 'tnhumane conditions of In- sane asylums. jails and sv.ieat- shops In articles which ap· pured In the New York World. But her name became a head· line Instead of a byline In 1889 when she challenged the fie. tlonal Phineas Fogg's record of drdlng the workl In 80 days. She did 11, In 72 days, 6 ho\ITI, 11 minutes, and 14 MCOnds, to be ex.act What was her name? 8. A natural orator even as a young girl, this woman was nicknamed "long Tongue" by the whalers in Nantucket where she grew up. She spent her adult life speaking out against religious dogma. slavery and the oppression of women In 1848. she helped organize the Seneca Falls, N.Y., convendon which launched the women's movement Who was tbis Quaker minister? 9. Her father, an opinionated Yankee polldcian. insisted she stay at home and do "woman's . work," but this young woman's spirit soared beyond the walls of her family's New England home. Only a few of the poems she wrote ln"lhe mld·l9th cen- tury were published during her lifetime; the prolific work found In her room aher her death, ' however, made her a famous poet. Some scholars claim she Is the greatest pOet in the history of the English language. Who was she? I 10. In the late 1600's, when most Purttans believed that their church should be the offldaJ re- bg\ous arm of the government and that the church's laws should be incorporated In Federal law, one lnteDectual spoke out against the c:olonlal h ierarchy. A Massachusetts woman who was called a trans- cendentalist, she proclaimed ttiat the separation of church al)!:! state was asential to religious freedom and democ- racy. She spent her later hfe north of New Y~ City near a tlvcl" •which has since been named aftwr her. What was her name? • --------ANSWERS-------- l.IOfUNJt"H auuv '01 UOluppt(J ~ .6 PoW wp&J:>n, •• ~ 9'PN ., lll'PJ"4:> twO.t9f' -.uu-r ·9 pqllt .l "Pl "S uvwqn,L ~9H 't IUIVpV~., c~r~wrvo> ~J•UO:) auer 0~11•N •g ""'-UOW wo.IJ ..... ~ u.o ·~H '"PIWH •lllKIUWf 'I ·. WHAT IS A 'FAKE' mUSICIOOK? ----~ ¥•!". ~". '!~·· ,.,,;--·- ..,,. U U1t• r ••, • •t,, ._ -.----.... ".'''••· -~ -.,... ,, ,.,.,.., ""' ~ -. 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It has lrish songs, folk songs, Italian songs, Hawaiian songs, great classical themes, sacred songs, rock n' roll songs, Christmas songs, movie songs, la tin songs. patriotic songs. walt7.es, marches, you name it! It is the one SQngbook meant to fill evety request. CHOCR FUU. OF Hm It has four pounds. almost 500 pages, of solid music ... with all the lyrics, melodies, and chord names. It contains a complete alphabetical listing plus a cross-feference listing by song category for the (mmediate location of any song. It ls handsomely spiral bound so that it lies perfectly flat on your music stand, and has a durable leatherette textured cover. It was built to last through years of use. z--._ (For Starters. It Has Over 1000 Songs In ltl) ITS THE ONE BOOK EVERY MUSICIAN, PROFESSIONAL OR AMAl'EUR, MUST OWN • ITS WHAi' PRO MUSICIANS CALL THE 818LE. Here are just some of the 1010 songs you get ... I Write The Songs • Feeling s • Alley Cat • Copacaban a Deep Purple •Paper Ro ses • Tomorrow (from "Annie · l Don·1 It Make My Brown Eyes Blue • Moon light Serenade Ju st The Way You Are • we ·11 Sing In The Sun shin e I Lett My Heart In San Franci sco • It ·s Impo ssible • Lau ra By The Tim e I Get To Phoenix .• We've Only Ju st Begun Blue Moon • Ro ses Are Red My Love • Don t Blame Me Bad Bad Leroy Brown • El Paso • You Made Me Love You Peg O' My Heart • Ki lling Me Sottly With His Song On A Clea r Day • Wh o Can I Turn To • Bouqu et 01 Roses Oklahoma • Bye Bye Love • Ruby • Some where My Love Don t Be Cru el • Over The Ril1nbo w • Unchained Melod y The Shado w Of Your Smile • If Eve r I Would Lea ve You Gett ing To Know You • My Blue Heaven · Toot Toot To otsie Gimme A Little Kiss • Blue Suede Shoes • G1g1 My Funn y Valentine • Wee kend rn New England My Favorite Th ings • Nobo dy Does It Bett er • Ebb Tide . ·- A MUSICIAll0S DAtAM COME TAVE Until recently, such books, If you could ftnd them, were sold "under the table.'' And musk:ians would pay as much as $100. But now we can legally bring you what those same musicians are calling the greatest fake book of them all ... The Legit Profuslonal Fake Book. 11 --;,;;0;;~;;:-~;:;:;:-m:~;2--- pteose rush me ffMJ Wtlt '"'-sloftol fog look with 1010 I songs. If I om not completely delighted. I will retum the MONt• IACR GUAAAflfft TOOi if you do not agree that this book ls everything we say It Is and more ... If vou are not completely thrilled and delighted for any reason whatsoever, stmply mum It to us within 30 days, (It will take you a Jull 30 days Just to get through It!), and we will send you a compl& refund. When you think of all this mustc.. 1010 great songs, at less than 3t a~. tong1 whk:h sell for up to $2. 00 each In stores, you realize what a great bargain this book ls for just $25. It Is a book which you wll U11 and cherish over and over again ln years to come, ~It'• pu1y time., or Ouistmas time, or Just by youf'5elf ttme at the piano. I 018"..,,IDMI Uyouare not amusldan yourself. don't you know'°"*" .. who would re.ally love to have thb book? k ls truly • gift for all MUOnS. I book within one month for a complete cosh refund. I (,...,) 0 I enclose check Of money Ofder for S25 plus Sli!. SO check dellYenJ charges. payable to Songbooks Unllmtt.ed. I one 0 pteose charge my aedtt cotd.' . ......&• O VISA • ~ 0 MASTEACHAAGE ....,~ ~~ -I _Ncw_rne __________ _ I I I I • = e. < ~ ... -· "' ., 3 ., :: - /' .·. Wlming: The SUflton Gentfll HIS Determined That Cignne Smoking rs Dangerous to Your Health. l.OW1¥&- Ladies! Get into fitness FOR SUZI QUATRO, in 5 easy niinutes a dav HAPPY DAYS ARE . LJ ' I ~ ,fL By Bruce Pollock I t had to be the most perfect situation· comedy casting In the history of televi· sion. There was Suzi Quatro, suddenly appearing as Leather Tuscadero. thal sweet little semi-tough rock 'n · roller, on an episode of Happy Days. Diehard fans of Detroit music might have thought they were caught in a time warp. Suzi looked no older than she did th~ day when she was slugging it out with Motor City heavieS like Mitch Ryder and his Detroit Wheels, 15 years ago "Everybody says, 'How'd you do It? How'd you act for the first time?' I said, 'Act? That's me!'" Suzi r~lls. Only a few times did she have to stop being Suzi: "I had to go bcK:k to being 18 In the show. I had to act like I was scared to go on stage That was acting. I've never been scared to go on stage In my life." When Suzi buzzed through New York City on a publicity tour to support her hit single, "Stumblln • In ," and her new album, If You Knew Suzi, II was a kind of homecoming. Aside from her occaslonal commutes to the set of Happy Days, she's lived In England since 1971. Her break ro Britain came after about seven years of rock 'n' roll hard luck here. "We had no success at all," she says of those Unhappy Days . "So when Mickey Most came to Detroit to produce a record by Jeff Beck, by hook or by aook we got him to see the group perfonT\..._He liked me. and asked If I wanted to come over to England and make an album. I said, 'Give me a second to pack."' Two years later, Suzi had her first hit, "Can the Can." Ir sold more than three million copies Internationally, but only went as far as number 56 on the Amert· can charts. "We never had a hit record or hit album here," she says. "which was frustrating, because we were so close. M During Swi's thrtt ·u.s. tours In 1974 and '75, her fens held Bt matches aloft to encouqtge encores after every show. "We were so dose. Suzi says again. "bu.t the record company wasn't right; we didn't get the airplay ... And that ts hustratlng when you'tt IO big~ elM. But now we've ftnally got a hit. .Now they won't say 'Sud woor anymore." Suzi "Who" start«! out In llfe os one of five children of Art Quatro, 11 part-time musician and General Motors employee. Our guarantee: you must be tr1mmer, stronger, more HERE AT LAST radiantly fit in just two weeks ... or you pay nothing! ~ Qualro 's big break In America come on Happy Days, playing a leathered-up rock 'n' roller, with Ron Howard {right). Growing up in Grosse Point, Michigan. she studied classical piano, sang in the choir and took dancing lessons. But the charm-school polish didn't take She got kicked out..J'f high school at 14. Like many of the boys in her generation, Suzi raced out to get her first guitar after seeing the Beatles on the Ed Su//iuan Show. "My friends and I started an all-girl band," recalls Quatro. "Since all the other Instruments were taken, I played bass. and, lo and behold, after aboul six months, I fell In love with it." Against an early-60's bcK:kdrop of Shelley Fabares and Lesley Gore -pin· up pop stars In party dresses and ballet shoes -Suzi lit out for rock 'n • roll's back streets In leather jeans Surpassing even the Crystals, Ronettes and Shangrl-las In her tough-girl stance, she went on to front an all-male band, adopting the es· sentially macho approach which charac· terized her sound until recently. "Elvis was my big hero," she remarks. "I also wanted to be Otis Redding." Which doesn't sound exbctly like something that Leather Tuscadero would say. 8\it that In no way diminishes the petfection of the casting. As $uzj tells ii: "They had that Leather T uscadero script for six or seven months. and they tested a lot of octresses But it's a hard part to play, because the girl has to be tough, and she has to be soft -and she has to be able to sing and be convincing. I guess when I walked in they decided I 16-'as the one." Not hurting Suzi's case was the fact that one of lhe women In casting saw a poster of Suzi on her daughter's wall, In the defiant pose that graced Roll· Ing Stone'.s cover In January 1975. Subsequently, Happy Days' creators expanded Suzi's part to make her a semi· regular member of the neJghborhood. and signed her to a 15-show contract However, H now ap~ars that she may noc fulfill her 15-show allotment, because Paramount ls writing a script for her. Meanwhile, she and the band wlll be touring here this summer. After that, Is It possible that ou.r comely expatriate may find It necessary. what with her newfound American success and the possi>lllty of a film career. to retum to hc'r notJvc lond to live? Suzi glances at Len Tuckey, her guitarist, 10ngwritlng partner and hullband of the last two yqn., and smiles. '1 could Uve In Amer· lea," 1huays, "but he's so fnglllh, 1111 the old man: he won't leave." IA" The female body contains some 600 muscles which can become weak and flabby when not exercised regularly. Excess fat around the muscles restricts movement, strength decreases, energy levels decline and we find ourselves looking tired, sitting more, being less active and feeling generally below PIV- Dieting can help you lose weight, but only exercise can tone-up flabby tissue. Increase your levels of strength, energy and vitality and give you back that glori- ous feeling of well-being which comes with being fit, trim and raring to go. Lady Bullworker provides a fast. easy and effective fitness training program for women which you can perform In your own home in just five minutes a day. The results you attain during the first two weeks alone must thrill and delight you or you pay nothing. Mail coupe . .oday to receive Free Booklet with complete details. No obligation, no salesman wlll visit. 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No. • . , ••••• f FOR FAMILY WEEKLY RFADFRS: SAW$1 1-0RDER YOUR FAMILY WEEKL V COOKBOOK TODAY- 1 1 Fill in and mail this coupon, along with your check or money order I payable to FAMILY WEEKLY for $10.95 -includes $1.00 to : cover postage and handling (New York State residents add ap- -plicable sales-tax) -to .. FAMILY WEEKLY Cookbook;-Box 5120 FDR Station, New York, N.Y. 10022 Amount enclosed$ ----------------- (Check o r money order; no c .o .d. 's, please) CHARGE IT: (check one) Exp. Date 0 BankAmericard/Visa Credit Card # Na..,. tplcaw pint) C11y !>IA•• 0 Master Charge · FAMILYWEEKLYS own cookbook ... edited by FAMILY WEEKLYS Food Edltor,Marllyn Hansen for only $9.95 ----~ In response to requests for a new cookbook based on recipes from our magazine, nationally known food authority Marilyn Hansen <'has edited 300 pages of Illustrated recipes organized to help you cook through the seasons. ~ Published by Times Books, a division QJ quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co. ,)nc .• "Cooking by the Calendar" Includes 12 beautiful color pages that can serve as a calendar. Please allow 3 to 5 weeks for delivery A GRANNY WITH AN EYE FOR CRlffiE, -§ • :I • s 'i! a.._... .... ,_ • 0. ~ Olga Walker, private eye. She keeps o cattle prod in lier car. By lotry Clinton Jr. We recently heard about a female pri· vate detective in Santa Clara. Calif. Intrigued, we dispatched our own under· cover agent, namely me. to bring back the facts. Here Is the report: Hunched up my coUar against the damp, walked toward a seedy Oat -topped building. It looked like a good setting for a private eye's office. lns1de. I was intercepted by a man. long aged by suspicion , who scanned me up and down as If he were a human Geiger counter. We stared at one another. Finally I broke the Ice, "I'm here to see Olga Walker." He shuffled off wordlessly. I took a well-worn seat and let my mind play wllh the name, imagining what Its owner would look hke. Olga Walker. Maybe a Mata Hari-type. My reverie was punctured by a plump woman with short gray hair, smiling as she approached. She ushered me Into her office -a hodgepodge of vtntage linoleum and dingy wallpaper. But she'd added a few personal touches. an Oriental rug, a vase of rosebuds I also spotted a desl<·top plaque reading "World's Greatest Grand· mother." I couldn't believe my eyes. "Now then, what can I do for you?" she asked. Pleasant. but businesslike. "I need some -ah -special help," I replied, not wanting to tip my hand°. "But firsa I'd like to know a httle about you How did a person llke you wind up In a business llke this?" "I started as an employee of the gentle· man who greeted you," she offered. "That was beck In 1974. He trained me and encouraged me to get my own II· cense. Now we share office space." "What did you do before that?" "Most recently. I was In real estate. I still keep my real-estate license. It's a good cover. K Hmm. Pretty shrewd I decided to prea on. "I nottee you call yourself AAA VJom· en De1ectiva. Do you only handle dama?" ~ "Oh, no, onaM of our c~nts are L.orrv Olnfon Jr. II o ,,_.,,,,_ writ~ 111ho ~Oii his tub>wcu 1111th o doah of whlm•JI JD• fAMtlYWUIU.Y,Mf 1, •11 women. but all my operatives are women. .. "Yeah? How many?" "There are five, all part·time. Some are college students, some housewives. One Is a freelance legal secretary. We find women are less obvious when tailing a sub,ect " "'What kinda cases do you handle?" "Marital problems mostly, and back· ground Investigations for employers or people planning to get manied -or even just 10 five together. We've also in · vestigated cases of employee pilferage. And once we wen I through a firm's gar· bage at 4:00 in the morning to find out Its supplies for a competitor." "Well, your kind of }ob can get sorta rough. Do you carry a gun?" "No, but I do take my dog Shadow along when I'm on surveillance. He's a German shepherd ITained as a protector. And I keep a cattle prod in my car " "A cattle prod?" Now I couldn't believe my ears. "Oh yes, although I've never really had to use h, just threaten someone with i1 once or twice," m y head was spinning. I took another tack . "How does your family feel about this llne of work? ' "Oh, they think It's fine . My husband sometimes goes along. And I used to take my oldest grandchUd along on ~llkeouts. He'd help me to pass the time." "How many cases have you blown, ma'am?" I asked bluntly. MWell, she said, Monce a woman retained us to check up on her husband. Sure enough. he wa.s cheating. When we brought back the evidence, she wanted us to keep him under survelllance. W. did, but we found she couldn't kffP her mouth shut. She kept confronting her husband with the evidence we'd bring her each week. Pretty soon he caught on, re<iognlttd our tall and shoe* us. Now," she asked, "how can I be o4 setvke to your "WeU." I stammered weakly, "I lost my wallet. Do yau think you could help me find It?" "lt11 probably tum up anyhow -rail wlthoutlhc cash," she replled. laA.I -====--~----------·----- HERECOffiES THE SUNBURN SO WATCH OUT BELOW - By Glorl Randall I n the summer, beaches all over Amer- ica are jammed with vacationers who bare their oiled bodies to the sun for hours to acquire a bronze finish. In the winter, everyone envies the men and women who return from the Ca.rib· bean sporting a healthy-looking and at- tractive tan. But evidence is piling up _that in the long run, a tan may be neither attractive velopment of skin cancer and that this condition· Is increasing. More than 300,000 'cases in· this country were re- ported last year. The culprit is ultraviolet rays that pass, without being seen or felt, through the skin and soft tissues. Many experts be- lieve that the rays are even more lethal than they once were because the use of rapid aircraft, aerosol sprays and ferti- lizers are destroying the ozone layer in the earth's upper atmosphere. In the past, this layer offered more protection against the sun. But skin cancer is not the only danger. The penetrating ultraviolet rays can also cause irritation below the skin's surface. They may alter molecules that carry "blueprints" for the manufacture of new cells, which may result in the production of cancer cells. In addition to increased risk of cancer, the sun may cause serious skin eruptions in sensitive persons. Sometimes a derma- titis, or skin breakout, will appear in per- sons who have used perfumes and co- lognes made with oil of berga0:.ot. And the ingestion of some drugs, followed by long periods in the sun, may cause ecze- ma in their users. Such drugs lndude the sulfas, tranquilir.eTs, antibiotics, barbitu- rates and salicylates. P~ns with the ill- ness, lupus erythematosus -a disease of the connective tissue that holds the body together -can have serious flare-ups • after even a short time in the sunshine. A t the least, too much sun may result in severe sunburn, which causes ex- cruciating pain and makes one feel faint, nauseous and sick to the stomach. Physiclanj say that much of the danger can be avoided if exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, which are most intense between 10 A.M. and 2 P .M .. are avoid· ed. They urge swimming, boating and sunbathing early in the morning or late In the afternoon. Bald men should wear ! hats at midday, and everyone should J wear nonporous clothing which shields them from the sun. Transparent shirts and ------------=---blouses offer little protection. nor healthy. While moderate amounts of sunshine can be healing and soothing, In- tense, extended doses can be damaging and destructive. For many years Dr. Frederick Urbach of Temple Unlverstty, who Is chairman of Its medical school's department of derma- tology and medical Ciirector of Its skin and cancer hOlpltal, has studied the effect of exposure to the sun on human skin . He MyS that the ~-rilJ:< Is the de- Gbf &ndoR .. 0 /reelonoe i.nfkr rpedatllng '" ""°"" topb. Even persons with darker complex· ions, who are at lower risk of developing skin cancer, should use sun-screening preparations that contain PABA (para- amtnoberuolc acid). lotions and creams containing baby oil and cocoa butter will soften the skin, but will not protect It. Persons who foDow these simple rules will not only decreate the rtsk of tkln prob- lems, but will have smoother, younger- k>oklng , more wrtnkJe-frec skin as they grow older. "Remcmbet," cauttons Dr. Urbach, "th• sun.goddestes In their 20's become ieathery·looklrig ladles In liRll thetr60's." ~· PNIM.. Y W111U. Y, Nit 1, 1911 • 11 r.-111!1---------------., ~ I FREE OFFER! I ~ : Two·(2) "Jesus F'U'St" Pins : ~ I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Cast Your Vote Right 1 : Now And Help Me : CL I I I 1 Do yqu approve of PORNOGRAPHIC and ob-0 Yes I I • scene classroom textbooks being used under D No I I the guise of sex education? I I 2 Do you approve of t he present laws legalizing D Yes I I •ABORTION-ON-DEMAND? D No I I I I 3 Do you approve of the growing trend towards D Yes I ' 1. • SEXand VIOLENCE replacing family-oriented 0 No I programs on television? I I I Name I I Address I · I Gfy I I State .LJp I I (Any contribution to this Campaign is I I tax deductible and deeply appreciated!) I I I I Send~~ I I entire ballot back to: I Dr. Jerry Falwell I Lynchburg.Virginia 24514 I I I I RETWUI THIS I ENTIRE BALLOT LIMMEDIATEL~ ----- Portrait Of Our Artist Jim McCloskey, the artist who painted our Fourth of July cover, first put paint· brush to palette on a dare from his wife. McCloskey had suggested that his wife, a commercial artist who uses mostly black and white for her sketches, begin paintil)9 primitives so she'd have an excl15e to use more color. When she retorted, "If you think It's so easy, why don't you try?" he. decided to do just that. During the two years he's been paint· Ing, McCloskey has had a number of shows. He's exhibited In New York's Gerald Komblau gallery, and he recently had a one-man show at the University of Maryland. This Is the first time, however, that he's done a cover exclusively for FAMILY WEEKl.Y McCloskey, who was originally a lawyer, now considers painting his pro· fesslon. "I really enjoy doing It," he says enthusiastically. "And while I think I do have a good idea of composition, believe It or not, this Is as good as I can do. I know nothing about art; my paintings are just fun things to do." And fun things to look at, as well. Up In The Trees During these long, lazy, hot July days, why don't you build a tree house? Yes, a tree house. Living up among the foliage would certainly be a soothing experience, and, If you've got doubts about your architectural abilities, David Stiles can put your mind at ease. Stiles, who's just writ· ten The Tree House Book, says he's ''been Interested In tree houses since I was a kid, and In doing raurch I found that nothing had 'been written on them. "Every town has lta shere of tree houtes," cxpi.Jns the author, "and It Is often the first big pro'"' a kid tackles. 5mee trees are 10 oddly shaped, there are no archllectural standards, and I saw a FAMll.l WEEKIY 1119 ,..,,,,,.,_ ........ ...-11H1 llMNRfle Morton Frri , 1111 .... v...-......, "*trlclk ... Unelley e11 ........ A1ttU eoo..., 1n .THE Aches And Pains Do men and women perceive pain differently? "Yes," says Dr. Ada Jacox, an associate dean in the school of nurs· Ing at the University of Colorado. Dr. Jacox, who has been studying "real pain experienced by real patients suffering from arthritis and cancer." found that In terms of rating the intensl· ty of pain, men and women appear to be slmllar. "However," she says "when we measured personality characterls1ks and Illness, we found that men and need for some helpful hints on building tree houses." Stlless hope is that both children and adults "will realize that building a tree house Is very simple and a fun thing for parents and kids to work on together." So, the next time you're contemplating the trees In your beckyard. just think: In those leafy boughs lies the beginnings of YoUr very own elevated empire. Hair Dryer Huards When the news broke that the dislnte· gration of asbestos Insulation I~ hair dJyers poses a potential health hazard for hair dryer users, the Consumer Products Safety Commission was Inundated with over one million requests for lnformallon. Consequently, the CPSC recently Issued Hair Dryers, a 20-page bulletin that lists a number of hair dryers manufacturers and the asbestos content of their models. For a free copy. write to the Consumer lnfor· m&tlon Center, Dept. 689-G, Pueblo. Colo. 81009. Motorcycle Safety As the price of QM soan. motorcycla are betx>mlng an attractiYe transpor1ation aJtcmetlve for many people. Howcwr, women Jeport pain differently." Jacox found that men are generally less willing to express pain. They ask for fewer pain medications than women, despite the fact that they are in no less pain. Dr Jacox believes that the out· standing reason for the discrepancy Is that "the way people express their pain is determined not only by the disease but by their cukure and their personality " Maybe "the strong. silent type" is an apt ~ ol the American man. riding a motorcycle Is much more com· plex than riding e bicycle, despite what many buyers think. Studies have shown that 25 percent of aU motorcycle ac· c'ldents Involve riders with less than six months of riding experience. Statistics such as these prompted the Motorcycle Safety Foundation to develop Its Motor· cycle Rider Course, a program designed to teach the novice rider everything he 01 she needs to know and do for safe, .en- joyable riding. Motorcycle rider courses are offered In nearly aU of the 50 states. For more Infor- mation about times and locations, contact the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, Dept. GB. 780 E8aidgc Landing Road. Un- thlcum, Md. 21090. Uf estyles College. Attending college in the 1979-80 academic year will cost American families an average of 9 per· cent more than in 1978· 79. reports the College Scholarship Service of the CoOege Board At publk four·year colleges, expenses will Increase to an average of $3.258 a year At private four-year colleges. expenses will aver· age $5,526 for students who live away from home However. financial aid funds will exceed $12.3 billion In 1979-80, so many eligible families stand a good chance of receiving the money they need Heehh. Americans received a record ~ 16.4 billion in benefits from health insurance companies during the first nine months of 1978, reports the Heahh Insurance Institute. This was an Increase of nearly 18 percent over the same period the year before. Redlo. Remember the old College Bowl quiz show that was broadcast back In the 50's? The show pitted students from colleges Kross the country In a battle of memory and wits as the moderator questioned each team and kept score of their answers. Starting this weekend, CBS radio is featuring the new College Bowl. with Art Fleming as the weekly show's host. Check local listings for the time in your area. BIRntDAVS (all Cancer). Sundey - Leslie Caron 48; Olivia de Havllland 63; Rod GUbert 38: Farley Granger 54; Jean Marsh 45; Delaney Bramlett 39. Mondey -Thurgood Marshall 71. Brock Pet~ 52: Luci Johnson Nugent 32: Dan Rowan 57 T~ -Tom Stoppard 42; Ken Russell 52: Stavros Niarchos 70. Wednadey -Nell Simon 52; Mitch Mlller 68: Ann Landers 61: Abigail Van Buren 61 . Thundlly -Julie Eisenhower 30. Frtd.y -Della Reese 47; Merv Grif· fin 54; Janet Leigh 52: James Wyeth 33: Bill Haley 52 S.turday -~re Chagall 92; Ringo Stan 39: Vince Edwards 51; Pierre Cardin 57. BIRntDAY PEOPl.E: Amt ........ Ringo Stwr Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined 'That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to·Your Health. • , . . ., Tht canopy btd ... Chipptndalt chesl ... and charming .. hoodtd" cradle. Indeed, fumishinp like these arc 10 be found not only at Mount Vernon, but throughout the Tidewater regjon which Gcorac Washington knew as surveyor, soldier and statesman. So, did Washington sleep here? Hardly ... because, for all iu pain-stakin1 detail, this selling is only 8 incho high! But a fittinJ demonstration, we think. of the "small wonden" which awut you as a member of The House of Miniatures TM Collectors Series. Jlsyoµr introduction to the legend-filled House of Miniatures T"Collectors Series Take this true-to-scale Chippendale Chest Kit . r~.!~!!~Y sj "!::~~~r!!.f~~~~~!: N othing is more rewarding and challenging than collecting historic miniature reproductions ... except perhaps making them YOURSELF-with our museum quality-Collectors Kits! Now you can start enjoying this fascinating cre- ative bobby with our Chippendale Chest Kit-yours at the introductory price of $1 .00 when you enroll in the Collectors Senca. As a ~mbcr, you will receive an elegant House of Miniaturau Kit each month. One month you'll receive the William and Mary Tall Clock ... the nellt i>crhaps, the Hepplewhite Table or the Queen Anne Candle Stand. All Kits ranae in price from $2.9.5 each to $8.9.5, plus shipping and handlin1, and salca tu where applicable. Each piece is an authentic reproduction, correct to the tinieat detail. The Kits are easy and fun to make, too. No spe- cial toola or skills arc needed. Our Kits are preci- sion-scaled, and cut to encl apecifications from fumilurc-quality hardwood. Fittinp and hardware of IOlid brass, finished to fit perfectly. Most piccea FBE~BONIJS if you act now/ PltOFEMIONAL-QUALITY FINLVDNG Krf Includes tialed alue. colooial hue 1talo. alar.c acaln, two kindl of 1ealcr, top coat fin ish, bnnb and sandp11pcrs. This Miniature Furniture FlnishJna kit Is youn. abto-luteJy Frtt. Mall coupon today! MlroS.t11ruT• Collutofl s,,1.1 have movable parts-just like the full-size originals. The full-size layout sheet and detailed, step-by-step instructions are included: all you add ii lovillf. care to create elegant, authentic miniatures that wiU dc- lilht you and amaze your friends. Send for your Chippendale Chest Kit now! We'll bill you just $1 .00 plus shipping and handling. and &ales tax where applicable. Mail to: .The House Of Miniaturcsu Collectors Series, 1400 Fruitridp Ave., Boll 1156, Terre Haute, Indiana 47812. aw·~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~....:......;;;._ .. ... ,_._a ....... , OYw D* ..!!!:·!l!..---~----~-------~'.!4!~ ,., . .. \(•n ••4( I < 1./) ~~ rv WEEI\ JULY I 1979 SUNDAY, JULY I 10:00 U t 11 1r Sports SptClll the rrenth Gran~ Pr .. hom f rancr 11:00 D 23 » Wimbledon Tennis larlr •ound CO•••a~· Iron• lt11• ~II England La.in I enn1s ~nd Croquet Ctub in W1mb1pdo11 England ll:JO O 8 12 l'an Ametrun C1mu I •v~ covP1.a,t JI lh• pt·11~. ceremon1e\ from San Ju~n Pu•rlo R1tQ ~long .. ~h ~ P''""' "' th• games and a 1!17~ ''"''" U Pio lluebaM Caltlorn1.i Anrrls di hons.I~ (,11y Royal\ t:OO 0 e 12 11 Memphis Coll l ••P lrndl round 'o ... ~~· '"'"' rn. Colonial Country Club in C~rdovJ ! tn1trS\P~ 3:30 D 3 10 ~ Wide World of Sporll US women\ Wn11d l eam Gymnastics 111al~ ( harnp1on~h1p 5p11nl Cdr R.acr from t•11r li~11I• fnrt 4:00 D Sj>ortsWorld Light hed•ywP1ghl l1~hl btrwe•n ldm~1 Srn11 and Voo1tll Johnson tram Rahway Stale P11~n N f lhP f11\h SwPPfl\ D•rbv from 1 he Cu11aRh Oubhn Ohio MONDAY, JULY 2 6:30 D 3 10 ~ Pro Butball learns to be AnMun"d B:oom The Reno Rodeo 11:30 D 23 39 Wrmbledon Tennis Hr&hh&hls Covera~e ol 1he dAY \ r~ffll~ TUESDAY, JULY 3 11:30 D 23 39 Wimbledon Tennis Hishlithts Se• storyltnf abo~• WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 ll:JO D 23 39 Wimbledon Tennis Hl&hlithts SPP s1orylmP ab11vr THURSDAY, JULY S ll:JO D 21 .39 W1111bltdon Tennis Hithhthts See slQryhne aMve FRIDAY, JULY 6 7:JO U Pro Baseball the Ba1t1mo1e 011oles at lhP Catrlnrn1a Angels ll:JO D 23 39 Wimbledon Tennis Hi&hhthll Set storvhnp abovP SATURDAY, JULY 7 l:JO D .Ii )t Wimbledon Tennis Live coverage ol lhe mens ~·ngles t1na1 taped coveragt of the womens s1n11les lrnal from Wtmbltdon England 2:00 U ft I1 Pan Ame11un Games 2:30 D ~ ff l'ro Blwblll P11tsbureh Puates 11 C1nl•nna1r Reds 3:00 U <m rtt l'ro Soccer the Ch1ca~o Sling al !he Oe11011 C •Prm •:OO u ([; tl CJ.Tl Sports S,.CllCU~I Bowling rre~no Open 4:30 O I 12 It' Western Open CoU 5:00 U CI <2J W"lde World of Si>orts 9':00 CD l'ro Soccer Mees vs San Diego 10:00 U l'ro S«ctr Cahfornra Suri al Mrmph1s Ro~ut\ SUNDAY, JULY I 7:00 CD "Ten Tiii Men" (wesl '51 Bur1 Lancaster Gilbert Roland 8:00 D ~~ 1,t ''Donner l'ns: Tiie Road to Surv1ul" (dra1 78 Robert fuller. Diane McBain Andrew P11ne, John Andmon Michael Callan 9:00 U (~) 10) ~I "The New Maverick" (we~l 78 fames Garner Jack ~elly, Charles Frank Sus.in Blanchard Susan Sullivan Woodrow Parlrey MONDAY, JULY 2 1:00 U '"'' "Ooublt Indemnity" (mys) 44 fred MacMu11~y O "8it1er Than Life" (d1a) ~f, James Mason Barba ra Ru~h Cl) 911\ "I Confess" (mys) ~J Montgomery Chit Anne Bailer 9".JO D "Who Is !he lll1<k Dalllil?" (mys) /~ Chern l1mbahst I• lvf1t Arnu Ronny Co• Macdonald C~tey Merctdts MtCamb11dgr TUESDAY, JULY 3 •~OO U ltl! "Tllfn Guns for T11as" 1wes) 68 Neville Brand Petri Brown O "leKh S..11" (mus) '6S [dd Byrnes Ch11s Noel Robtrt loRan Cl) Jll "Cvns ol 8'1HI" (dra) 64 latk Haw~1ns Mra r a11ow 9;00 U (f 1121111) "TNl!dtvs lltw I lddtt" (d•a) 18 Johnny Cash Bo Hopkins Diane Ladd June Carter Cuh lam" Hampton W[DllE.SDAT, JUL T 4 1:00 U fl 11 l (f1) "Ha.Iii" (d11) 66 lul1t Andtrws Ma• Von Sydow Rl(hard Hams Carroll 0 Connoi Cene Hadman Michael Consrantrnr &ii "Blttle HyMn" (dril ~7 Rock Hudson Martha Hyt1 Oan Ouryu a> "St11• fnpt" (m)") !>O Jane Wyman "4arlene 01tl11Ch THUltSOAY, JULY 5 8:00 II "Ru, tl1t Wild Wifld" (adv) 41 John Wayne Pau''"' Goddird II "l1le Mal ti SMU" (adv) 69 Wa1tr1 P1dceon Cuc B11tdfn Cl) "lllr• V' .... llt ,...,.. .. (tdv) ·~6 Cllarllon Heston Ann• Baller FRIDAY, IULT 6 too Cl "Dia(llOtii: Mvrw" (my$) · 16 Ch11srophtr lee ludy Gmon m tlfJ •a.t !tot r.r Mt" (com) ·~g Clark C.ble l1lh P~lmer 9:00 e lJ) OGl lltl .. _,,, Illa I tllt Tlth1 Ta,. llld" (com) 18 Suunnt Pleshelle. Don Meredith. lony Randall Harry M011an SATURDAY, IULT 7 S;OO D "•11n of lilt AIM" (1dv) ·~s Rod Ste11er, Charles Bronson m "Wlltt'• 1 Nk• Girl Uu Tou ... l" (Com) '11 Brenda V1«110 t:OO a CJ) 111) (ll) "Tiit 5'1'n Gallf" (wes) '14 lee Mamn. Gary G11mn. Ron llOw1rd, Cll11ht Maritn Smtih. Noth Beery D ti) QI) ''WlllN" (d11) '11 SllKtey lo Ftnney. Clctly TY$0n t:31 e .. .., .. (wtt)-Fttd W1lh1mson. lu11 Vea• Calvin Bartlell ...... I :1 ~ll ~Ell •Ji~ i I u 141CJEI•1'1 EM u ti I MORNING I 1 0:00 •· _________ _, 0 I The PrKt Is Rtp l -S:30-o Summer Stmeste1 O lntl1'41Stionaf Procrams 6:00 D 0 l(), features 3 The PTL Club D Knowtedce O Contempomy ltutth luurs; Peoplt 1 Fro I Summtr Semester m Unimsrty of Ille Air -6:30-0 Sunnyside ~3 Noe for Women Only O Pttsonaf ftnanu & Money Mwcement; Villa Aler re r II 0 !Uybrea• LA • 8J (39 fnstructronal Prorrams 0 Hum1n1ties I hrouch tilt Arts; Directions '" Community Cu t r II m Ntw loo Revue (E World of Hanna 1Urbe11 29 Aartculfure USA 7:00 D e 12 Morn1nc 0 .23 31 Today Show 0 700 Club 0 l3 10 29 Good Mornrnc Amtnu David Hartman hosts O Jhe froodes mm Cartoons W so futures -7:30- 0 Thert Is I Way mm c.rtOOllS ID Mist11 t1o1ers; Once Upon a Classi< Fr1 SO EltctrK Company 8:00 D 12 C.ptJ1n 11anc1roo lr Suftup Siii Oieto 0 The 'TL Club ID O> Cartoons ID futurts i)O IMtructior11I Pro111nis -8:30- • Gallery; '70's Woman I 11 GI Q) ClrtOOllS ID 124 features 9:00 O Alf '" the f 1m1ly; M111unt Thurs lootcs 1ncludt tht coasf to coast tr,Ouls tor tht ntw movtt Ha11 · lht economic and lttal status ot tht homtmaktr (R). what 1f means to bt upper clan and black (R). and gymnasttc~ for 1nlanls (R) G Ctr• $111rb 8 '2ll (JI rtlil Dor\llNe Show 8 AM Los Anplts (()cm All 111 tltt fa11111y QQ) lnll!Sldt •1 u.. l41CJ ., s.,tf!Mll @ lililtera.n • futvr .. Qt lllih o..,tas 5""' -9:30- • ..,.., [adpl Tllun n. ""' IMdl; lllrf lfts' ~Wtd B M Stir S.Cllts (!)l MllWI •rll!lllJ Afttlr -~ ..... lftYllllAltrr• (If) rutinn 0 ill 3t The llt• H11h Rollers 0 Voyap to the lottom ell tilt Sn 0 3 1101 29 ln erne & Shorley 0 lilid "'°'"'"' LA; Mowrt WPd See Oayllme Mov1H m My Thrtt Sons 12 l'hrl Donahue Show m 24 mru tum -10:30- 0 il3 39 Wlletl of fortune 0 3 10 29 $20.000 l'yr1m1d m 1111t Cul (E llanny & lllt P1oftssor EID Clawoom lnstrutlron so Protect Un1m~ 11 :00 0 Sttve Edwards Show 0 .23 3i Password Plus 0 Ttie Blc Y1lley O 3 1 29, Family feud a 12 The Tounc & the Restless 101 AU My Ch11drtn m Ghost & Ml'l. Mutr W Golnfr Pyle ffi [leclrK Company so lntroduc1nc Broloey -11:30- 0 e 12 Su rch for Tomorrow 0 .23 39 ~lywood Squun 0 ~ 29 Ryan's Hope 0 Body Buddies m 11e.s EID Dd C.nett Show so Fu tures A.FTERNOON 12:00 0 Youn1 & Ille RHtltss a 1.U Days ol Our lrves O Twiltcht z-0 (2t All My Clllldren l)~ 12 u News l'J m Mom: See Oavltmt Movies (ESu9frman m futures -12:30- D ($I U 2 As Ille World Turns 0 Dra&MI "IOl family feud O>Gtt S1111r1 EID Y111a for Heahh ED Mundo ~hrro n Days of Our Lms 1:00 U 123 TM Docton 0 1 Spy B !l l 01121 011t Lift to lift fll)featuru -1:30- 0 (f) IUl TM Cuidint u1ht II t21l Allot11t1 Wot~ ... ..., m Go!Mr ,.,.. lJ) TM Dodlln 2:00 a -. 0.1\as s... • CBI l2ll Gtlltf1I ~ ·lf--m Ufab, ., ... Q~ Lia, Tep ' , .. tDFNtwts .., .... QJ) AlleCllef Woltll -2:30-a LM _. lift; a.111N1au Tuts Features rnctude 11dt~ 1n a not air balloon • vis11 to a l•ad1ng 1n1m~ hosp1tdl lh• te\ull. ol ''" r·~ 4~~·~ l"'°<KM IMO ~of! ¥• ·w11a•d, f•C•lud•nf to~~ d~t1 1 101' 11n d ~team 1ocor11nl1v, w11• ~ vPar old May Ann G1llmdn 8 love of life, R1umatizz N•o m Andy Gttfl1lh 12 M•A•S•H (E h run 2• Human111es Throush tht Arts; Orsco Danc1ns 111 ED Los Hermanos Cora1t 3:00 OM ASH 0 Mtdtcll Center O 3 29 Tht Edee of N11ht 8 Mike Oou1ln Show 0 Grun Acres 10 Mcme: See Davl1m•· M11v1111 m n1nlslones 12 love of Lilt 23 ~rd Sharks 24 Over b sy ID futures -3:30- 0 Crou0W1b 3 My Three Sons 0 Dt111ll! 0 Movie S" Oayhmt Muvo~) 0 Mr favor ite Martian m m 29 c.rt0011s 12 The lldtts 23 All Stu Sttttts 2• Villi Alecre m Pmhempos 3t Dinah! . 4:00 0 Match Game 3 Adam.12, Merv C11ff1n ~·'" D lilary~yler Moort 0 The Sar ni m 29 ~rtoons 23 ~rol Burnett & Frttnds m 24 futures -4:30-0 Ntws J Merv C11ff1n Show I 11 • ul Mi.n D Boll Ntwhar1 Show 8 MA S H 10 ~rol Burnett ' r rttnds m Battle ot Ille Planets 12 29 Su M1llron S Man (E Krolft Super Stars 23 Mtrv Crtlftn Sllow ID M1$1tr Rotm g) Alt1andr1 so Hodeepod1e Lodae 5:00 D 0 0 8 10 Nt•s 0 Bo"anu 0 Gunsm~t m FJm1lr Alt'" m Batman 24 Mlfltt Roeers EID Futures 39 Bob lftwllut Sh°"' so Over bsy -S:J0- 3 News Mon only m Mayberry RFD 12 Tiie loh r's Wlld (E Holmes & Yoro .2~ Om luy ~1 m News 39 Mary Tyler Moort llLLIARD TAILES and OAK ~s399 FURNISHINGS Foxwood Inte riors, Ltd. 4040 Chandler Ave., Santa Ana • (714) 540-4624 VISA' , I· SUNDAY IULY I MOANING * Indicates an Advertisement 6:00 D Mark Wilson M111t Show U Mus1t & the Spohn Word U Daybreak LA e ut1n l'rollle O Youth & the Ii.sues m 81blt Answers (D Romper Room -6:30- 0 for Dur Times 3 Sacred Hurt D Sertnd1p1ty U hn Copeland Hour U [yew1tnus Los An1tln 8 ltt There bt lrchl O Davey & Goliath 110 Public Pulse m South by Northwest 12 Toda,·s Church 7:00 O Toda,·s RthlKlll 3 Voice ol Aart<ullurt 0 Tllll's Cat U It ls Wntttn e TV a Looks at ltarn1n1 0 Ca!Yary Chapel 10 DtrtdlOllS m Day ot Discovery 12 Old Time Gospel Hou1 (D Ernes1 Ansley Hour 23 This Is the Ute ID Yo11 tor HeaHh 29 Search tor Ancient Faith 39 Acnculture USA -7:30- O Bel1tt 3 Viii• Ateare D Tht Chm1ophm U Underdos U Campus Prolilt-V1twpo1nt on Nutrillon e lntern1honal Hour O Rn. Terry Colt Whtllaktr to Pmllul Chmt11n1ty .,., m World Tomorrow lll" 23 One, & Gohalh tli) Mrsltr Roatrs 29 World Evtngtll.sm 39 Sunday Mus 8:00 D 12 Sunday Morn1n1 0 This h !ht lift U Popeye U D1mtns1ons O let Cod Love You 10 Jerry Falwell Show .. l m 3 Jimmy Swauart Sho.._., (D Rt1 Humbard Show 23 Voice ol Acncullurt ID Sesame Street 29 D1y of Discovery W The PTl Club 39 Marlo's Maeic MO'iie l1hch1nt so Personal f1n1nu -8:30- 3 e Oily ol D1scO'itr) D On Campus U f!lf You, Black Womiln O Meet1n1 Timt al Calnry m fredenck K Prtet 23 II Is Wntten 29 Rei Humbard Show 39 Herald ol Truth 9:00 J Rt1 Humbard Show 0 Odys.sey U Villa Aleare 0 8 23 Oral Roberb 10 II Is W11tten m Don Sttwa1t [unathsm €9 S1lvta Pinal 39 Know Your Bible -9:30- 0 a 12 fut the 1u11on 0 39 Meet lht Prw U 11 Ct11ld1~n rv n1i~·.t11n O o .. , of D1scoverr 10 Spectrum m This Week 1n Buebill (D Old Time Gospel Hour 23 lns11hl 29 hmmy Swauart Sl!ow 10:00 0 8 12 Sports Sptt•il ,.~ • 1J't r •f'' ,._P 11 lh1 f ,,.,,, t· (>f t"i.1 r11i 'A• d • ftn1fl U111n '" \t 3 Hour ol Power D AI OM Wrth U hmlly film festival ft 1 • lfalhP1~ Th• Md1• U11 lh,.•· U 29 ~ids Art People foo 0 Hmld of Truth 10 School ol M1n1slrr m Movie: 1W "JUSf Around fht Corner" tenm1 I~ ~hul•i l r·mpl• IOdrl o.vl\ Bill ll11bl0\Qn 23 Ironside • 39 Newsctnttr Wee•ly so Ameuun Government -10:30- 3 10 Kids Art People Too O Hour of Power ID Calury Chapel €9 futbol Soccer 39 G1utut Sports leaends 11:00 O J3 39 Wimbledon Tennis TV WECK JULY t 1'179 ldrl• "•vno 1 im ·~~ 1"1m "'" All f "~la110 l J"'" I •nn1\ ind t;1oq1 '1 Uub "V11mbled 1n ln~tan11 O hmm~ Swauar1 Show (D Church 1n the Home a> 811 Blut Marble -11:30- 0 e 12 Pin Ame11can Games _, _ ... , 11 1"1 ,._, nJ1~,,,f1,l (Pit" -u .-f1 ,., u1 Jut1 J'1,.,fto k11u 11 ·"~ .-..tr' , pr,. .. " /t ut 011 y 1mr, lrtl] I 1i 1 li'Vl~ I'! U Pro 8nebal1C.d111nrn11 Anwe" ,11 l\AO\.j\ t II v H1 y~I U 3 29 Animals Animals O Reh11ous Townhall 10 Words •·Popp1n' m Dl.Kion Impossible a> Summe1 fwt AFTERNOON 12:00 O J 10 29 Issues & Answm O Search m hrzan 24 so Hurn1n1hes Throuch Arh tli) Sa1ah Vaughn in tonmt -12:30-u 3 29 D1mUons O Movie aw "forty Guns" ,.., 1 I BJ•~•• 516""'' k n,. l•S:•" !Id"• Su •vdn G,,,. Ba11y 10 Newsmaktrs m MO'itt 111 "Ma11 Brofhtrs at tllt Circus" 11nm I~ lh• Ma" fl•olhr•~ I,. A•tl•n ~PMy Rak•r 1:00 D 8 I~ Memphis Goll I 1v~ liMI 1011n1I 111v•1a~r finm Cnlnn1al f11unhv Ctut• (111dnva IPnn A WORD TO THE WISE - ...... There 1s a tendency lor many carpet stores to use strictly a warehouse concept One advantage is seeing carpeting 1n rolls rather than samples. Many disadvantages are evident -most operations of this type buy only 011.gOOds so that the customer only gets to see old parterns or carpets the mills couldn't sell to regular outlets Also this type of operation generally reels fhat e•perience 1s un1mportan1 and conseauently the salespeople know lillle or nothing about the prooucts Fin ally most will rarm out the 1nstallat1ons to the lowest bidder guaranteeing a paor 1nstallatton (Many of these installers ar~ contracting illegally without a state license I Al Atden·s we ma1nta1n a happy medium We carry a large inventory and the largest sample selection around We have experienced s111espeop1e. and our installers were trained bv us Finally we are a state ltcensed contractor ' DEN'S 16U rt.ACEHftA AVENUE COSTA MESA · 646·41ll • '46-USS :insiillitiiin: ·custom drap11ri11s• linoleum• wood floor I --ORANGE COUNTv-----.... -----..... CAR BUYERS GUIDE ~------AND SERVICE DIRECTORV-F BMW IOI Mel.ARENS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Wh1tt1er La Habra -5·22-5333 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -54~9100 DATSUN BARWICK DA TSUH 33375 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano 131-ll75-49J-ll75 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM UNCOLN-MEICURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -54~5630 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVHSOH, INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy Newport Beach -673-0900 llU VAN r<>ISCHl-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove 636-JJJJ CREVIER MOTORS 208 W 1st St .Santa Ana -835-3 171 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd C:Osta Mesa -546-1200 FORD PHIL LOMG FORD 43 Auto Center Drive lrvine-768-5888 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOalLE 2850 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa -54~9640 GUSTAFSON LINC OLM-MERCURY 16800 Beach Blvd .. Hunt. Beach -842-8844 VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARIHO VOLKSWAGEN 1871 t Beach Blvd . Hunt. Beach -142-2000 GARDa.GIOVE YOLKSWAGEM · 13731 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove 5l4-4100 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 SADDLEBACK BMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495.4949 SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Blvd Westminster -636-40 IO OLDSMOBILE UNIVERSITY OLDSMOllLE 2850 Harbor Blvd C:Osta Mesa -54~9640 TOYOTA BILL MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd Hunt Beach -847..aSS5 DAILY PILOT AUTHORIZED SALEB/SERVICE/SATIEIFACTIDN , ... 1 SUNDAY (Continued) Focus D World C"'m111onsh1p Tennis U Mo•ie: ll'lt "P1n1t Button" (com) 63 Mau11ce Chtvalter Michael Connors lleanor Par ktr J~n~ Mansheld ®J Salute to Al!lerla II) Martus Wtlby U 1t SporbWOllcl EID Wases of Con1reu a Journey lo AdJtnturf rn Bo1111t Hl1h1trhts1N"" -1:30- 3 l'ubhc Polley Forum fID NAACP' ConwtntlOll HlfhhfhtS 8 Motte: To bt AnllCKlnctd 2:00 D Aarttulture USA UBoNnu O Abllott & Costello l.fO, Mootit: "Well of Lon" 1arlv) · 70-lasstr Robe11 OonnPr 8111re Bennell Mary GrP~orv m Mr. M1100 II) Jolln Wayne Classics ~ The Shakt\j)eart Plays €D Meaico, MT1ia 1 Encutntro 1so Ameuun History -2:30-\.l.l louroey to Achenture CJ Sunday U !tams Hi(hltshts <Ill Morie: "How Swttf It Is!" 1com1 68-Debb•t Reynold~ Jamo Ga1ne1 P11ul l ynde Terry Thomas U World Champ10nsh1p T ennts 3:00 U It Ti•n All llln61 ~ W'Mlt World of Stunts 0 h1111ly film rest"'' folkr• lhe Sun · Glenn ford Anne Built lht hie ol Ben Hogan hom an amateur lo one ol 1011 s 111 ltme treats and ll1s s!latlerrnc automobtl, acc1den1 and coura&eous comeb;icll u bctn Ill Cl) Mowit: "Sam Wlli1by" (com) '69 Burl Reynolds, Clint Walker Ossie Oavrs. An11e Dtckmson 112\ Mowle: (PJ "Liii Sta11co1ch West" (wes) 57-hm Davis. lee Van Cleel. Mary Casile, Vtttor Jory 6l) A!Mriu Al1er Vletn1rn America and tis Pnhtical lnshlut1ons" lhr l1rst Ill a series ol lour conve•S<11tons moderated by D&ntel Scho11. which exan1nes the changes 1n Amer tean society as a 1tsull ol lht Vietnam War ''vichms · -3:30- 0 """"'~'" • (]J <It (8l Wldt World of Sports Coverage of the United States Womens Wo1ld lum Gymnut1cs t11als, and the Nat1on1I Champ tonshrp Spunt Car Race llom ltrrt Haute, Indiana -~Holl!ln • AM4llot Vtict ti) si-,r.. Ill Delllfllet IBl ....._: "Jellll hel *"'" (dra) '59-Robert Stac~. Macdonald Cm y M;i11sa Pavan, Clllrln C4burn 4 :00 U Tatullfft Howard Jar•tl and Stn lom H11den dtllalc rrnl contrOI and t.enant/landlo!d 1el1t1on\ D S,.rt1Wtfld Co•erace ol th hlM lletvpeichl bOut p11l1n1 limo Scott 1prnst Yon11ll Jolln$Oll from Rlnway St111 Pt1aon 1n New Je1so . 1nd Ille tnsh Sweeps Derby from The Cun~ 011blln, Ohio • : • "T• Nit" (•d•) '38-Cltrk Gable, Spancer T"ty, Myrna loy. llonet Barryman P•I II> lilo¥ie: "S-an" 75 Oocu menlary W1lltam Shaloer fD Wall $1reet Week so Pro1tct Universe -4:30- 0 Movie; "The MJ&rufKtlll lhitJ" , taOv) 'fi7 Robtll Wagner SPnta Berger Susan Saint Jamp• 8 Buck Roten n Adam·l2 ED Wul11ncton Week 1n Revrew· 5 :00 3 This Wttl rn lbseNll 0 St" Trel U 10 News 8 S11 Million S Man O lilo¥1f: "Doctor al Su" 1111m 1 ~6 011~ Bogarde lame~ RoC"l~n Jusl1cr Br1g1tle Bardo! 12 Tlus Is Your 81ble 13 Mtel the Press 14 Wrestkns fD Finns Line 291 Movtt: "' "A Blutprtnl for Murder" !mys) jJ Jean Peler~ lnseph CollPn Ca1v Merrill -5:30- D 3 !ltws U Great Adventure 12 D1rechons 23, Focus EVENING 6:00 0 D 6 n ~·News 1_ rorum 0 Mlwlf: (2hr) "Min's Fawonte Sport" (com l 64 Roe~ Hudson Paula P1en1ti.s. John McG1ver Ma11a Persclly !he author of a hi.h1ng book rs 101ctd by h1i. boss-to enter a ltshtng tournam,nt. althou&h hr has never hshed 1n his hie (\DI wrol l umett ' friends m Sit M~lion S Man 1 ~ Witness to Yesterday II> Movie: (211r) "Tiit flower tn His Moulh" (mys) 76-Jennil" 0 Neill. lames Mason Franco Nero A series ol 111ual murders 1n a small S1c111an town 1s t11egered bv the ar11val ot a beaul1lul young school teacher (lil CrotMlt's Victory Garden f1l) Mkhetl Jacbon Show !fOl Studio Set -6:30&.. (l_ Wild lli111clorn IJ News CoftttrtMe B Wi4t World al Mnrllure ®I TOWllllln Oii Allortion 1t}) ltulf ltouM ~focus illl Consu111tr $u"lwal Kit f2t1 Caftclid C.IM!a 7:00 u lU ~ Ml ....... D (2)) (8) TM w.Mtftul Wofid ff DltlllY (R) · Chart1e the lonesome Cousar • Par1 one ol two 111rts An orphaned coutar-adopted by a youns lorester O'O"es to be a trou blesome pet u the m1scll1eV011s cntter eipe11enus one calamity alter 1nother Ron Brown 8111n Russell Clt llord Peterson. l twt& Sample and Cd•ard C Moller star • al Tiii Htrfy 1"5 (R) "DeltcOon to Ptrad1sa" ConctutlOll David Gatts and fellow mtmbtll of tilt rock croup. Brod, 10tn the H1rdy b!olllers ln • plan timed al llelp1n1 a youna Ruuian Ian lllllo falls 1n ton wtlh an Amt11can aaent •nd dtfttll. • rec11• 011 l1ltal11 "rtnut ol Ch•na Host f'at Nersser talks to china totlecto•s and Cal1to1n1a e1pert~ drngn and valuP Pelt• flwvn James demons11ate• the (!ill ol making lme china t.O u Rw-Ctltbr~t.IOll CD Mont: (2hr) "lt!! Till Men" lwB) 'il Bu•I lanr ,!:l!~r G1lhr•I Rolano Jodi LH 1antP ~'''0" Mome !Pn leg1onna11e\ undtr1a~t d m1~1cn In sloo a 1!1H alla on 1 arl4 24 Old Trme rHldlu 's Contest EID The bpanm lh' lull Moon l ilunch l he hrs I · n a ""es ol t h1'P prng1am, prololm~ CMltmporarv ind .. rduals 1n lapan as 1npy mn •• be1 .. ten the ore~eor and p~~t fa Aun Hay Mu so Sotctr Madt tn Germany -7:30- 0 lefs Go lo lht !tacts 8:00 O 8 112 All in tht family 1R1 Archie 1ns1sls a new home ~nd not hot bt lound 101 S"phan1e but kind heanen £d1lh has othPt ideas D 23 ~g Tht Bts bent: Donnei Pm-The Road to Suf'ftOI cRl 12hl I Based on an actual 1nt1drnl dn Amrntan poonetr wage\ a dr\rPralP h~ht tn save tile ltves ol his t~m1ly trdoped in de~p moun1a1n snows as sta rva11on lorces lhem 1nll\ a r1101re worse lhao dralh Rubr•I r11ll•r Diane McBain And1ew Pronr lohn Ande1son Mtthael Callan And lohn Doucette s1a1 U Wild K111sclom U ~) 10 lt Saln1e I 1R1 Shell" five Ha11y tart\ aRa1nst time 10 lrl lo save Melan,, ~kip ,nd a hllle grrl who n a ,,suit ol ~n earlhQualle are 11ap0fd 1n a rapidly flooding bomb shell" 300 IW b'low the ground lRescheduledl 0 tt Is Written II> Sarn Yony J! Maste1'9itce Theatre: I, Claud1111 fD Andrts SeSo¥il II Ille W!lite House 1s6l Que P'asi, USA? -8:30- 0 <ll (jJl OM Day at a Time (R) Barbara's wor11es about how she can brush off Bob Morton her grnlle ever piesent adm11er, change abruptly whtn Bob and Ann cnmr u~ llitf'1 some unpopular all'' nal1v,s l!I Wild World ot Ant m1b O Our Htrlt11e. Our Hope 1\01 Womt11 tn Art 9:00 U lf'• tfi Alice (R) Ahce fttls she has to slop da1tn1 Tommy's PllftC1pal. ltm l ho1nton whe n lommy complains of be1ni 1a1red Jbout 11 by the kid~ at i,chool l!I ltollr of Pwtr • l2ll ...... : (Ziii) "Tiii "" Mntric•" (wts) 78 Jamts G•rner J"• "'''Y C"'rles frank Suun Bla11cll11d Sunn Sulhvan Woodrow Parfrey lhe leaendary Mavtl!Ck l>lo1hers ro1n IOICtS wtlh then handwme tOllStn 1n a htt whultn1 Adventu1t 1n~olv1ns an e•plosivt train robbef'f, 1 I01tune 1n stolen arms and t crooked double CfOSSIAI tUdSI •"""""" • Sl£CW. SHIMf C.'s W... & lhlk (ltw) P1rt II S.mmy Cahn. 1 sonpr1ter wllo Ills earned J3 Oscar nomlnttlons, tells tht tlOflH bth1nd l'Olllt of tht sonp Melly Garr•ll. P&ul ftthel and Martha 01n1ellc art his rue&ts • TV WEEI<. JUIV I 1979 a> Rea HumbJrd Show 24 Grut Perform1nct$ fD ~sterpie<t Theatre: I, Clludrus Whal Shdll We Do AbOul Claud1us1 1 wo h1s1011ans adme Claudius ro kf'P playing rhe 1d101 11 he wants to IM! ~ lont life I ov•a i.chemts lo ha•e Postumus d1wea1ted lo cf Pdt Ille l'h lo• l 1be11u· .ore, .\inn m MllSl</Sporh so The Lone Search -9:30- 0 8 12 The lellersons tRt l cu·~~ 1n\1~1· he d"O G!'Q•l~ ha•r l•llt" onto a rut unlol a turn nl lalt l1dn•.to1m1 lh'• ro~ton,i into th• ~r.lO r1IO dat• O The ~1n1 Is Comint m 100 Mtllones 10:00 0 8 12 MOSfs-llle Uwcrm 1R1 1.hr Pail Ill lhe lgyplrans ~If Pmpl 1n stand up under a se11es ol ~IARues while Moses 1n~1sls lhaf his Ptople be freed Burt Lancaster. Anlhuny Ou~vle and ln~11d I huhn O Prrr11e Time Sunday/Tom • Snyder, News M~1az1ne Show. live lntef'fiews U J l 3t Prime Time Sund1y lnm Sn1de1 host\ lh1s weekly news f)logram N•lh lack Pe1k1ns and Chris WalloKf as ptmc1pal reparltr~ U ~en Copeland Hour O Ernest Ansley Hour m Tht Ocld Cou,lt m Gos9tl Hour 24 Andres Sece1¥11 al lhe Whitt House ED All Cruturts Grul & Sm1ll so wm11tn1 -10:30- 11:00 0 u • \lt Nftl u (}1 ltO' Jt """ U l'acuetters 0 °'ti Rolltrts m Movie: "Ten Tall Mtn" (wesJ ~I Burt LAomter Gilbert Rol~nd. Jody lawranre l\1eron Moore llf 700 Club II> Illy of Discoftry cu Adam·l1 4-., rltldllofn fm Mttlins of Mindi -11:30- fJ Sports finalllllrnt of the Gamt m TN m thlb 1J 12)1 ()fl MtYlt: "S111u1t Mltlltidl n. lttl U.S. Air force· ld•a) 71 B11d Oou11I 01v1d Si>telbt11. f 11nk Converse l!l 1'DO~ 8 llews/lilowte: "A M1tttr tf 1- c111u" (dr•) '68 H•r''Y Mills Trevoi How11d S"'slt1 Kai>OOI T .... llt ..... Dfotld (lley (If) Mltlrit: "Crut 111111'1 WMllen" (d11) '71 -Dtan Jones. Ann Soth""· OenntS Wuver lohn McG1ver • Sdlell .. lllMtry 12:00 D ....._: "Oldwr IC S.." (toll'I) '56 Ouk Bo111de. 8r1s1tte Bardot • C...y .. C...,I Clwiltlell hlla • Tiii AiMtltta -1:30-• 11 .. 11: "t...,lracr t• K.111" (t!ia) '10-Witham Com•d. RObtrl Conrad, Btllnd• Montcomtr, MONDAY JULY 2 FOi lllO(nina 1nd dternoon hshnl'· pluse su DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Btlow, for pour co1mnttnce. lrt tht day's mowies. DAYTIME MOVIES 11:00 O '11 "Return of the rlr" 1sc1 lo) S9 Vonetnt P11ce 81ell Halsey Oav1d F r4nkh;im t•ihn s~uon Dan Sevmour flan1elle Oe MPll m IW "The Brrdat" ldra) 61 Volker Bohnet M1chut Hinz futz Wepper 3:00 , 10 ''The l!eluct1nt Heroes" (com) 71 Kfn Bmy lrrno lopez lorn Hullun Cameron M1lchell Ralph Mee ker Don Marshall. Warren Oates 1:30 U "Stu Maidens" Part I (SCI f1) 16 Chr1s1tane Kruger Judy Gee~un. Pierre B11te Gareth l hornas. Wilfred Grove Norman Watwocl. EVENING 6:00 D tfO n. 23 News D lI U l 8 l ~ New\ U •una Fu O Celebrity Ch1r1des m The P1rtrH11e Family. m Streets ol San fr1ncrsco ll' Al1 HistOly m Over Elsy 3t L.-Ali\ot S~ As M111 ltlliwn -6:30-• u (10' lH Pro Bmb1ll reams to be announced Ctoss-Wits 0 Candid Camm m 11..ov. lllcy fil Oic~ Cnett Show fl) El Clllpulin Colondo t.fl\ NIWS \0) l'rojed Unimse 7:00 DD@ Ntws D The NewfJwed Glmt D (() The Johr's Wild m Si• MMliolr S Min (!}) Miry Tyler Moore QJ Sa•-' $oll (8)Uh"b fll) 21 Toflitlrt Host Clete Robtrls reviews the Voyaltr mission updates Jupiter W•lch I ind p1ev1tws lup11tr Wilth II m l>ft!Mtk s.r1es ®l lltt~ liolDcJ -7:30- D TM IA.,,m D ttMMtr lllJllM • Tiit Dtllfle '--CD ....... rut TtM • Tk '" °"'" (J]) M lttwNrt SlloW 8)MMl·IZ QJJF.,...,F..i O ""'9Ctt Alltedo Conzaltt llosts thii new strtfS, 1>1oduced completely 1n Sp1111sll lon11hl's auest IS Socrates Cud1110 who hlndlti all prOblems concern1na 1mraratton and mas lot people w1sh1n1 lo trewel between Meiico and Amenta • lledlel/~tf ~ ==-C*IC.. 8 :00 fJ • 8 12 The White Shfdow 1R1 Thorpe must 'face lhe music both ltle•ally dnd logurdt1velv l'lhen he beg1n1 dating a g11I ol quest10nabte 1epu1a1oon and rne basketball team decodes IO lctunCh a mus•<i• cc11w D 23 3t little Hollse on t11t P11111t tRJ Bhnd lournev Part one u11 .. o P4•h Charles 1ngalls lr•PS to hnd a new locatron lor lhe schoc for lhr bhnd .. hilt flyon& In IPmpe1 Mrs Ol~son • p1e1ud•CP a2a1ns1 Walnul Grov~ sonly bl•t~ t1t1ien U Mo-ie aw (2hr) "Double Indemnity" 1mvs1 44 Barbara Stanl'l1Ck I red Mac Murra) ldwarrl G Robinson Pott Pr Hall : n onsur anc~ !Hltesma11 and an at\lact•ve .. o'rl.1n consp1rp lo kill hPr hu,band to lurlh'' ·:,pu 1elat11111sh1p and collPtt h1~ Jtc1de111 1nsu1ance O Movie: (2hr) "B1uer Than l.lfe" <dra1 ~6 lam•s Mason Ba•bara Rush Waif Pr Matthau R~hrrt ~1mon A drama focusing on how a sock man and h11 1llne11 aflem his lam1lv Jnd no .. cortisone thP ne .. oro~ r.10 bP •1lhe1 •lfetllve Or d1saStoQUS m SPECIAL Reno Rodeo 1 I h11 One 11f 1~· '"n~I prtsl1R1011\ ot the r.oo rodPUS s.inctooned by ti. Prules \1onal RQde" Co,.bcv, A\~Otrdlmn al Movie: JI! (2hr) "I Conte~" 1mys) ~J Montgomery Ciotl Anne EIA>ter Kar l Malden Brran Ahern~ Oollv Haas l hp plo111ng yarn ot a pr1es1 .. ho ~ldnds lnal lo• a murder HI' knol'I\ "ho the rral l1lltr os but·~ unaW lu rrvpaf horn becauSP ~I fhp ~ne111v ol confession ,, Mane C1111t m so 8tt1 Moyers' Jourrul ED Vrm"'/Est' Noelle rs Olaa 9:00 O e 12. M •a•s•H (Rl Bl pnc locally becomes the surrogate lather lo a Morran lamrly whrn the youne daughter setls medical assistance 101 her poeumon•a rodden lather 0 \23 3t The Oule (R) (1hrl Rober I Conrad stars as Duke Ramsey a once ranked m1ddlewe1Rhl bom l'lhnse loss lo a young ligh ter convinces him 1~ hanR up his gloves and become a private 1nve.slrgalor Red West and Larry Manellt also slar (D Merv Griffin Sllow Diel Cavel!. Ben Vmen. Hon• Coles llatherrne Ht.aly, rtoyd Ch1lolm .\ NelhP Cottle dancers trom the Broadway show o~nc1n and danGer 1s1nge1s lrom "BPst I 1llle Whorehouse 1n Te.as · are Mm s guests lomght 12_4 Mlsterp!ecc Tllutre: l'olclar• fI) Tour ell L'Alr & Biiiet Maaio A po11rart and performance 0: famed Canadian ballet d1ncers Oa•1d 1nd ~!Illa M111t Holmes, fl)~pet M~I SI '1t1t l'trltfNllCts -9:30-u ll l f WllR'lll Clll<t111Uh(Rt Herb's 111311tal problems hne led to a separaloOtl ltom Luc111, and he an1tc1patH a sw1n1rna bacllelOI hit bu t hos friends 11 the station. PWft••hy lenn1ttr. aren'I sutt they can 'ontend wrth a completely un~aclltd Hfrb Tartrk CU CllicD I tflt Mttt • lllwle: (tOM) "Wiie Is tflt IMC' o.1111ar· (m1s) ·1s Chem bn1b1lrst Jr . Lucie Ainu, Macdonald C..rey. ROllny Co•. r.tercedes McClmb11dtt. l.lnden Chiles. A los An&elu dette trwt trtt$ lo Mnravel lhe mySttfl' of who ~llltd • 22 mr old arrl, dubbtd 1ne B1ac• Dahlia ... nw 0001 •d~ found ma ~acant to! 111 I~ I 1 I 1;ld in llashbac~ this is J l•ur <l •ly nr .in unwt1•d "'U•de• 10 ~" Grrlf1n Show 29 News €9 Peudo de Amor 10:00 D 8 12 Lou Grant cR lh• '. altnn•ni: I 1•u fonds hom<Pfl JI dd "'lh hos old bo~~ I"• .rush ~"M' ~I a ·~•al ne .. spapPr aoour NP~• "t' J slur1 that could l•ar lh• f•I"' •OAll 3 29 Ro Humb1rd Speml U O ED News CD N1111t Gallery 24 Brit Moyers' Journal ffi Masterpiecr Thutre Poldar k I Rl In tho\ lor\I 'P'"'dP ol ,, I ii c dlld dflfr hdv•ng lou~hl 111 thr Am.o ".n R~voluhunarv 'lldl L•pl~in R1>)' l'Olda•• rrtum' homt 111 ''"'' h" house 1n d1srepa1r and tflf 1:111 np b•l1eved he was comin1' h"mr lo ma11v •ngag~rl 111 h11 11111\11• H11b1n flh\ sla•~ so Mar~ Curie -10:30- 10 The Price ls R11ht m a> News 11 :00 U U a 39 Nttn D ~ 10 12 23 News 0 Malt Mt uuah O Movte: "Callan" tmy1 I 1'1 [dward Woodward (111 J'11rflr ('111 Mohner Catherrne Schell m Bedhme SIOlttS m Benny Hill Show 24 Ameriu alttr Yttlnam ffi Did Cmtt SlloW ED Curro J1menu -ll:J0-0 11 Movies, The RocUord Fries/"! Nevtr Sang for My Father" 1d•1 0 C.•"• liat~man '-lflv~n U •u1 1~ [ 11rll• f'A1~un1 DorMhr 1oc•r·•1 f litabHh Hubb11d l u.• ddr rr ... 11 O 2J .lt W1mbltdoq TtM1l Hothhghtv Thf Ton11M Show O Old Van D1ke U 3 10 29 Potoee Story 8 Stu Tre~ m The r.on1 ShO'# a>Get Srurt 24 l1t1u, Y~aa & fou Ii) ~phooed ABC News 12:00. O T w1l1ch1 Zooe m All red Htlchcock Prtstnts fD 28 Tont&hl ED Mov1t1He!0 -12:30- U Draanet B Motte' "I, Monster" uo 111 , 1 f.h111toohrr l •P Pele• Cush1r11 IJ1~( ll~ven 1l1rh.11d Hu1ndal1 l1•1or1•• Mrnrtt Kt•oneth I W~rren a> MO'l1e· 1111 "Cun1ul ot Cnmt" drA r h~ ltdn 1'1Prrr Aumonl At11 f ,11101· h1r11d t dlltro I uol O~v1IA AlhPo'' llalbe' 1:00 0 23 J9 The Ton11hl Show 1C11nrl 1 Tomotro. U Old Van l)y~e 0 M11erid 2:00 D Movie "WIChrt1" ( .. W )) loPf 1JcC1•a y,,a Milts Lloyd thrdRt~ p,ttl Craves Wallace r Old m Gtt Smart ~ Angie's mother Theresa (Dons Roberts. I), and Brad's lather. Randall (John Randolph, r) meet again. clash again, make up again and then find themselves dating-much to lhe delight of Angie and Brad (Donna Pescow and Robert Hays. c). bvt to the horror ol Angie's sne>hb1sh s1ster·m-law Joyce -rn "Theresa s Date an episode ot ABC's hit comedy series. Angte , airrng Thursday al 8 30PM S<J PER BUYS AT THE S<J PER D0 /'11\Et RANGE COONTY'S LEASING SPECIALISTS ...... TUESDAY JULY 3 for moin1n1 and alternoon hsl1n1s. pluse stt DAYTIME PROGRAMS Btlow. for your conventtnct, Jrt the d1y's movies DA'rllM£ MOVIES 12·00 O "Tht last Band1I" 1 '''· N w hll• Ill If m "Sav11e P1mp1~· ~ '• f,I R 1b•<I t .-1 ,, t, llA1t11n l 00 10 "lhe Budge on the ll1wer Kw11" l'Arl t 111•~ 1 'ol 1~1ll1AM 4t•lfl••tl ~., t \i~Wlfh 3 30 0 'Siar M11dens, P111 11"1 'It ' 'II ( h•1 '"" ~·ur• • EVENING 6:00 fl 10 12 23 NeW"S J The Odd Couple 0 D e n New~ 0 Kuna Fu O Ctleb11ty Chmdts m Tht P•rt11d&e family Q) Streets ot Sin r11nmto 24 Humanities lhrou&h thr A1ts ED Ovt1 hsy 39 Maude 50 As Min Bthavu -6:30- J 39 News a Crou·W~s 0 c,ndtd Camfll 10 Mtrv Grtltrn Show m I Lowe lucy ED DIC~ Cnett Show 29 !he Joker's Wild ED Cnr1que Cl Pol1vo1 so Pro1tct Universe 7 :00 0 J 0 0 23 News 0 lht Newlywed G•mt 0 8 Tht lohr's Wild m Sta Million $ Min 12 Miry T ylfr Moore m Sanford ' Son 1• M1k1n1 II Counl m 28 Ton11hr A • ,,. I ... I ~ ') htt, nhn1,h ,. ( ti I I•[·'~' I l\.tltn Ill ~1111·11111 ~1111 fl• Al It t•l'\ '"'' ~"''' nl v~,A,•·• rnd h111rr,1• f(~f\l'lf' ~r· \f·nr1111' ill• 1~\' r~<>· "'"" >PtfP " rn ll't Bl11 .. 1!11•111 29 [mer1tncy Ont ED 01im1tic Seues so lntroduc1n1 81oloty -7:30-0 Cucus l Chico & the Min 0 Young People's Speml Mv I .111.,., M, Rr•1lh~1 .ind M• A M1•111 ~r Am1•11r.111 ¥"1 p••'fnl". lh•· <ln1 v nl tlPI 1mm1gr anl ldfll\ w~1 kr• l.1ih1 I \ OPVflloM ,,, hPI ~~d h••I 111rn1Ml1 11'1.llll•d b1C•lh•1 O The Datine Game D lhme That Tune e The Gone Show O TIC Tu Dou11t 10 23 Hollywood Squms t 1 Bob Newllu1 Show Q)Mam 12 24 A Scrum rn tht N11ht: Who Will Answer' ED l1bcNt11/leh1t1 Report lt News so Newsched 8:00 fl II 12 Tltt PIP'r Chase t RI J· • J .. .. . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' .. • If -- ltti ~ »k_-J:>.-3 ·~~~7 4rr~ ~~ 1l)J} Mrs John Doe 123 Main Street Anytown Anystate 12345 • • • • • • ACTUAL SIZE 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS STYLISH TYPE ONGOOO OUAllT'f WHITE GUMMED PAPER I h1dhM~ 11 •dn' liJllrr~rn,: 'lU•' I "1 I d lJ' \11p•lm~ '11u1f IU\11 r ,.h •1\11; l'1r1.. ,,,~\t,111 I~\. r1nvr\ ~n •mbd1r3~,mPnt I hnrl••IJ •nd th• m1 rrb1 · r "., .tud1 ~· 1IP O 23 39 Tht llun1wars "' R,,.jl; "E J.'r.1nl A lf'~l'•J: .. n '" • ,,., '•11 h1 ti t'd t11\f t I' •'"f'1 1r. cmutoroun ! hr\ ''" 1~ .1r.,.. 1\ 1•t\'"°' t ff'tt t~'e.F I 1 ~··,. u I 1• •~1 "' t I <lt ( I tf • ':•or 111 rd• R1 ,,e ~ufo-..• 0 Movie ti! (lht) "Three Guns lorluis" "' •• ~., , p,,,, P~1•1 81 'ltr ltu. ~11 ... nt11•t-I •n11' '•"J' lldnrr• ""' "•u 1 tll••• t,rM •ti;n' ~· ;nil m.n.11 • ~ 1u t 1n.1r 0 l 10 29 H•PPr Oars R' l/d11on f ,t•I) l1or1fl'nlhPr l~n/ P ·~~'" luons Ratrih '"" • ·l~\h•11~ "mdnfrc 1~d Mat'"" , 11 m·~1n1 t~ut ~ t•~ndntm< I P~lhPt 1 U\1.idPh1 1n1•1 a lnvel1 1ounr lad, 0 Movie (90m) "Buch 8111" 1nous1 &~ I del Byon~\ (ho\ No•I ~ rntl~Re m11Mral Rt011~ lt•M~ lcr Show bu~onr\\ t~m~ •) lh1PalenPd wolh 1eµos\rrnon of •h 1n\l1umP11I\ m SPECIAL The Lut ol tht Grut Ame11un Heroes A \Ptt 1dl I• 1~ule tn iuhn Wayn• W Movie. "' (2ht) "Guns ot 8'tu1" (dra) fl.I lack H.t .. kins Moa f dlfO"' A 81111\h rPK•mPnl bPCOmP< •mhM•led '" 1 nP,.I\ nd•1wntflinl wunlrv < ont1t11.1I 1holu1rnn 23 l• RuJ a;) 24 hentnt JI Pops Sprnal On lh• hplanarlr Arlhur I 1Pdl•• and th~ !lllslnn Pop~ OrrhP\lra I lll'i f11u1th nl lulv ronc,,t tor JOO 0110 o•ootr nn th• bank\ n1 Boston, Charle\ R1ve1 TV WEEK JULY 1 1979 ED Vrmn1 so Andru St1ov11 11 the While Houst -8:30- 0 3 10 29 umne & SlmltJ 1R1 A V1s1r 10 lh• CtmtWy In lh1s 'Ctl•al •o•~odr lavf•n• 1u1n\ mucn ab~ul •·•·n~ frnm Sn1rle1 a1d th•u l11•no .. ntn sh• r annol acc•pl rnr 1ae1 n•• morn,, 11 dtad Jnd •Pfu\f\ 10 wt~1t he• R•.t•t m lht Odd Couple E!> lr15 Chuon 9 :0 0 fl 8 12 Mowie· (lhr) '1hJd deus Rose & (dd1e" !Old I IX t hM, (a\h ti• Hno~•n\ Oranf t A·1d fun• I ~tie• ( a<h l~me, H1mplnn t. no l•tnunt hudd•P\ ~no~" '" fh•11 1urat lr•a\ lo~n a\ ,,. ' old ~1 yS •hn ain 1 · .. 01th ~ donoP1 lo nrobnd1 evPntuJllf hAvr to tac• 1pafllv to1 thrm\elve1 0 23 39 lmeraency: The C4n ven11on 1R1 t?h» WhtlP ~11Pnd1ng" param~rl•c~ convrolmn 111 S.tn Iran C•\lQ Gag• and DrSnto •1d a chokinR 11n •• n11onr1•1 •~\cue a .. orke1 who '' lrappPd h1ch atop a schooner' mA\I And r.Alm a \niper D 3 10 •29 Three's Comp1ny tR> lhe Ba•~ Off Ch11ssv acc1drn lallv Pal\ the pie far • w~s pnferong 10 ~ '>ldtPwode bah1nR coml)Phtonn and lhPn fltP\ 10 come• the $1lua1ton by 'ut>\fll11t1n~ A 11n~,, liom lhe baoer1 CD Mtrw Grtlftn Show llrchard Chamberlain MadPl1ne f\ahn C1a1R Ntlll•\ G"ROI v Hines and Mtlba Moorr RUe)I so MISlttptt<e Thulw I, Cl1ud1us -9:30- 0 J 10 29 Tut 1Rl £lame • PERSONALIZED • EASY TO USE • FOR YOU OR A FRIEND r.---------------------1 Foll'" th" ro11P"" 1 hp llH1 m.111 w•lh St 1~ • .7S pOSl<ll,je 101 1 Pilot Printing. Label Div I I Post Office Bo)( 1 560 • 330 W Bay St 1 I Costa Mesa. Cahforn1a 92626 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Be Sure to Use Your Zlpcode I I I I I I I L-----------------~---J and the ldme Duck Ale• leeh \ym pathy 1111 d lair who\ d rtal IO\~r with wom~n and a11dngp, J d.11~ Int the man .. 1111 [la1ne ... no latPI dr\Covers ht• dcllP tor lhP ev•n1ng 11 a US cong1essman 0 Myth of M111111e 24 The Mwoc1tts ED Mwrori on the Universe ED Peudo de AlllOr 10:00 OO~•s O 3 10 29 13 Queens Blvd A I h01oueh1~ MOC)prn M1I01 Pd Although hPJ hu\bdnd hds b•~n de.td l0t twn 1ta•'. M1ld1Pd 1tMr11 Patt' Camo1 teel\ ·~•Y guillv al>-Ool "'' 1oman11c 1nvolvPmtnl .. 1111 ,, ~nod look1n~ middle a~td llus1n~\\matt Cary Wrrght guem m Niaht G1llery ED 1iddish: The M1me·loshn so NeW$Ched -10:30- 0 J 10 29 Pilot Proiecl: My Bllddt Redd fqo \IMS 111 th1\ p1lnl ford POSsrblP ~ellPS f urlnt•t rJPlarlS lu bt c111nounu1i m (£)News H Boley, Okl1hom1. Af1we & W911 so Voter's Pipeline 11 :00 0 3 0 12 2'i Ne1n D e 10 23 n NtwS 0 MOe Me u uah 0 Mow1t: "Who Ktlltd M1tt Whit's 'trlllrnt?" <m~\. 11 RP~ l\11U11n\ AJ1ct Playlen Sylvia Mil•\ m Btdhme Stones (£) Benny Htll Show 24 Ballet H1sp1n1'° de unsina ED Did Cnttt Show ED u Hou de Senom y Stnores -11:30- 0 11 Mowtts: B1rn1by Jones/ "Tiie Ltaend of V1lt nt1no" 1dtAI '75-franco Nero D ~f 39 Wimbledon Tennis Hla!IW&llts!Tht T on11hl Show D Dick Van Dyke Show •B ("JI (10l llf Movie: "frenzy" (susp) Tl Jon Finch Ba11y IOS!Pt CI' Siu Trek m The Gona Show Cl) Get S1111rt P Lilias, Y1111 I You f1!) C,,ptiontd ABC Nein 12:00 D hrili&ht lont m Attred lfilcll4*k Presents f1!) 21 Toncht -12:30-0 Mo.Ms: Demon Barber ot fltel Street:· Hooded Terroi C11mts al lht Oark Hou\e. Numbtt Ont' If ) Mo.it: W "Crime School" (d11) 38-HumphrPy Boa1rt ID Mo¥its. A ~ne to Remtmb,, Jtnmft1, Monslt• hom lht Suri 11) Mowit: "Hllchll ,., ' Holltf· lllOOll" (llOI) 10 SftPh~ft f0<syth' . 1:00 D ~f ft The Tolllthl Sho• (Collcl I TOlllOfrow CJat.ttttic• 2:00 1J Mowlts. fht W•1 Aht8d." '!he Batlle 01 Herein" a> Gtt S1111rt ~ 3:00 8 Mo~: 1Wi "A Stol1n Lift" (dta) ·•~Belle Davis. Glenn I cud (WEDNESDAY I lULY 4 for mo1n1n1 and afternoon hsltnas. plmt see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Btlow, for your conwenttnce. a1t the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 10·00 O lllf "Ir's a B11 Country" 'rom1 ' G"r't (o(",(Hr •il"'f'~ l "'Ch f11t~c 8drt•"" rF 12·00 O "The Omegans" Ir bK KP1lh l arv n lni!11d IW m "lt&hlntn& Bolt" (tl11 l• An1h,.n1 { 1~lfy Wand• ~ 1, ;;1 J·OO 10 "The 81tdct on lht A,.,, Kwa1" C.rmrl lllt.! ~/ W11f1"m HoldPn ~IPI t.urnnr-\ 3'.30 0 "' "hf\~ •S the fjyrng Siuters" "t I• ~h Hu~n MAtln,.p '"~' I ;111111 EVENING 6:00 O 10 12 23 News J Tht Odd Couple 0 0 8 29 llt1•S D Kuna Fu O C.lebrtty Chmdes m Tiit P.trtrtd&t f1m1ly (£) Sftetb of ~n f11nc1sco 24 Art lfrstory ffi Plutonium: £1tmtnl of Rrsk 1 h" lln<um~nt~r~ "'~m•nf• I'• ~·o~ and (On\ DI "P·tndrn~ ·~t UV I plutnn1•rm A\ nu• lr.ir furl J9 M.tudt so A$ M.tn Beh.tves -6:30- 3 3t News e Cross.wits O Clnd1d Clmtr1 tO' Merv Gnlftn Shaw IDI LM Luer 29 The loh r's Wild ED Mt Secret111.t so Proj"I Uotverse 7:00 D 3 D 0 123 News O The Newl,-.ed Game 0 {8) The Jo•er's Wild m Si• MiNIOn S Min It Mary Tylt1 Moolt m SlnlOfd ' Son .2• ~1kin1 II COllnl fil) 11 T011l1ht Srven rnrnulr rrport on lup1tet Watch 29 £mt11e11C\.. Ont m 011m.tt1C Se1tts so lntrocfuc1na l!Oloo -7:30- 0 WorM WH II GI Di.try ti Ill Se1rcll Ot.~ II f.t111ily Fevd 8 TM Datll\1 Glime 8 Hollptlod S.111rtt ( U!lta!Nd Wor141 a Tic 11e o.."' ltO'I iU fallllly h!M ll fl lob Newbrt $/low O>Mlm·l2 i14l lllltt ~ dt l..tnsint fD M1cllti11lttw11 Rtport (Sfl ll ... P Contu!Mf S.l'Ylwal llit 8 :00 D l• I 2 11*\t: (3111) "Hftlli" (dial '66 lult« And1ews. M~\ Von Sydo111. 1!1ch11d H1r1 Is. C11roll O'Connor Gene Htekman. Ml\:lltel r I ft~fctllfi1H1 In " I 1 : ,._. ,,, 111n.tr1 J d h1 r ,.,,, o\ltr il;,,..,., ' Han 111 nhtl'"' '• t1~ o' • fldl'\~· 1ti• "~· ' ". '•·•!'] ,, •"'• ''"'d ,,,, o n lt L1ucn In • Q t 1i ~ • t· , "··~~· "11,.ri,,• f,'l 11t ,.•,1 ,, "l',.,a" Ab; t &. 11, ~~ 0t f. JI jfl I Q f'l1 ~ 1 l • ~"~ I 1 I • ~ • 0 SPECl-l The Elemenb ot lht Un~nown !ht Su ~'11' ,, • " I.it:• ' .. \ ,,. t· •I'- ' '1t' f • ! t t I ~ j t .. , • t 0 3 10 29 C11hl Is Cnough ,~ r~, r ·''" ,., ' ~ • ''· ,., .. 1; 1h: t • ,. ,, ~ I ,. t I ~ l •·1 II j ~lhd ·-! ,,,. ~·, t ,, I ' t, 1pP.h 11\'1 t od,11• O Moyie: (2hr) "B1lllt Hymn" I I•• ' Rn1 ~ If, n· n ....,,,, , • Hy1 • l.;11 flu111·0 fi.\11 [1Pt 11rt I t11 111' 1 •• I 1111n• lh·An H, • ,,. I 11,,r.,•t\ mmhtf • ~hn ,, W•!! Id l; ,111 I f-•Jlt'f!flfll ,_~ (t j•~1•rt( h10! f1 fl fr I ''•' ,i11.1l1f ~·d t11 f1.-1l1un1 h1' +li1l1P\ ID w1ol Burnrtt & frtends (£) Mo•it l2h1) "Staie f11&hl" tm,,, in l"nfl W,11~.111 \~.i,h· ,. n1rll1r~ llrrna•I 1'11lrt•nt Kif h.rr l I 1d1I A m~o ".p•r ,,,j I n11t111r·rm, If.• hu1~anll rl lhF "'"" 1n ~. 111\• tn ,t'fi Hu ltt1 •' '•·• O•' 'fllh J1\,111,, 'Jh .. mutft .. o r ,. • tltl, lh1• •U\OPrl 24 The Shakespeare Pl.ty1 ED Ene•n & Amwu s future lndustr, ED V1wr1n1 50 ·Tht Ar1 ol Bt1ng fully Hum.tn -8:30-m The Odd Couple ED fourth of July Spm1I ~·' lhP lmpossrblp Wat Arin• M .. h.or O·'u~f~\ ~'~" ~\ l11hn I ~111•11• •~ 1dPal"h1 ~fud,nl m ~ dr~ma ,,, thr I PVr•lttlrOOMV Pl a 9 :00 O 23 39 Poltce Story 1RI 1inr t A fhanre lo I 1ve O~v1d Cas~u1y Sldf\ as a IOOk•P COj• wM\P V.lullllul appear~nl • ~llow~ him 10 pusP a~ ~ h1~h •,hoot ~lud~nl \n ht r An btPA~ up a drug""~ OMr~ftn~ nn r ~mpu' V1nn• r dwdrds Glnttd 0f%lvPn Dane Cta1h Annp I orkh~11 .mo Dre Vl~ll~r~ also \la• O But 1nd Bn&httst • July 4th Speml! "FIREWORKS & LASER SPECTACULAR" 0 S~ECIAl Tiie 1979 foeworh Spect1<ullr Sun Chambm 1111s1s th•~ gill 4th nl lulv s0fc1a1 hum Kno11 s Berry farm 1"clud1nr htgl lt~hls from p~sl 41h 111 July hce .. 01~ \l)tc1als and~ lr1bul' lo lohn w,ynt 0 ~ 10' lJ Charltt'' ~ttll IRI An&tls in Wa1lint S1b11na Ktllv ~ncl KM b'a1n ~ hanlr< Stltdl 101 Bo~ltv who lu,,d by a bt1ul1lut woman brtaks awa, lcom lht An~'" to 'n1oy a 1oman11c lhn& I hat ~romts 1 dtath lrap G) MtlY Crtfftn Show Sh,llry Wrnltr~ le111 Hall C !ten fo1d J 1m Saund•r1 lark Andrt ion r.11niad Rtll h1lit Budd and Susan AmM Ell) ZI T ontllll ~ OIYl4 SuMlillld S. -9:30- &1) Oetlltlllr c.tr'• Tlmt llomb CDPtcadodtAllllH 10:00 OO mHews 0 J 10 29 VeeaS rR OF"" •: I "'~·r flt• !OJ HMIM l wnlPat ' f • ... • 1lt'!'\ .1 ~ '·" ' •'11 ,.,,. "'" Hu hi•t ·' , r .11 Jt'I J ~ ,. (J,. ~a,. l'" '"" y~ ; m ., q 1, ,.r.J ia... A:i """1·r~ ""h· j , .. , ,. ~,.,., •r .. n m N11nt G.tlltry ED Serptnl fruits 50 C ven1ne at Pops Special -10:30-m (£) lle•s H The But tor Most 11 :00 0 J 0 8 12 79 Hews O 10 23 J9 News O Make Me laugh 0 Mow1e "V111.t Mn " , 1m1 1.•i 111 A\l11t l11n~I' ~n l'l•"I•·" l'••trt 1.,1 or. K•PraJrr w.n1 m 8edl1me Stones (E) Benny Htll Show 24 Turnabout fl) Dttk Cavtll Sito• @!) la tndomablt -11:30- 0 11 Your Turn· lellm to CBS 0 n l9 Wimbledon Tennis Hr1hl11hls 'Tht T on11hl Shoa O OtCk Vin Oykt O 3 10 19 Police Woman 8 Siar Trek m The Gon& Show m Get Smart 24 l11tu. Yoa• & You ffi Do I look ltkt I Want lo Die' 12:00 0 11 Mcmts· Sw1tth1Kot1k O I w11t1ht lone ID Alfred H1tchcod P1esenls €D M0¥1t1News -12:30- 0 MO¥te "Stwentetn" (Com) 411 tao " fonpt r Bellv r1rld O 3 10 29 M1nn11 8 MC111te: ... Btll lrom Htll" (m1sl /0 V1veca l1ndtor~ Renaud VPilfV Allrtdo Ma~o Martbtl Marlrn m Mow11: llW "Clm1e ol lhe l11hl B1111de" tadv) 36 [riol Flyon (£) Movte: "Tomb ot the lmna Dud" tho•l t\J lo~n Ashley ED The Cousteau Odysser1 fluorowbons 1:00 fJ n 39 The Ton11ht Show 1Conrl ) lomorrow 0 M1Vt11(• 2 :00 0 Movie. • "Tom S1r,tr, Oelectm" td•a l .111 Donald D C:nnnor l\•lly Cook 0 Moine: ''Slntt Stno11" tdra) 10 Ron Harptr 01ant Mr8a1n m ee1 Smart fD Cnt rlf & •menu 's Fvtu11 llld11slry -2:30- 0 Mo.M!: "• Cit.tr 1fld P'ttstnt 0.111t1" (dra) &CJ Hal Hotb1~ CD Mowtt. .. "LHI P'Ollt" (wtsl SJ Biodtrd Crawford lohn Oeitk 3:00 f1!) Stronaer Ill.in tlM Sun 4:00 a Mowlt: \Ml "lit 'tm Hatt It" (1dv) 3~ 81uc;e ~bot Cl Mo.It "loft o4 T~r" Qut•M" (1dv) SJ-HPdy l1m111 THURSDAY JULY S For morninc and afternoon hsttncs, pletst stt DAYTIME PROGRAMS Below. for your convenience, ue the day's lllO'l1tS. DAYTIME MOVIES 17:00 O "' "The Outust" 1 .. rn '.>.l John Orie~ Joan Oav•\ ltm llav1s {Alht11nf Mcleod G) "Slrancm When Wt ,.eet" 1dr11 bO Ku~ Oourla~ k1m Nova~ Wall'' Mallhau 3:00 10 "The Crttn Berell" Pa11 I rd1ai bl! lohn WaynP David lans""" Jim HullM Aldo Ray f11l11t~ Wdyn, B1uc 1• wbol J:JO O "first Men '" lhe Moon" 1scd11 fi4 {dwa1d lvdd l 1011~1 IPlf11rs Ma11ha HyPr I EVENING 6:00 0 110 12 23 Ne111 3 The Odd ~uple Cl 0 a 29 Nt111 U Kunc fu O Celebrity Cllmdes m Tiit Putridce f1m1ly CE Strttts al Sin f1ant1sco 24 Hu""n1he:s Throueh the Arts fDOm Euy 19 M1ude so As Man k han s -6:30-~ 39 lftw1 6 Cross.Wrts O Callclid Camm ACROSS I from 11 distance 5 To argue (clue 10 puule answer) 9 Summer dnnk 10 Offering to needy 12 Make eyes at 15 Badness 18 Story 20 I smell -(2 wds ) 21 Symbol (abbr ) 22 Patricia - 24 To ration 25 On lop of 28 E1ectr1eat unit (ebbr ) 31 Mindy's' outerspKe frll!nd 32 fish ~ HapP1ness 36 f ruit 37 Picnte pest 39 Heelth resort 41 Tenn•$ Sii• 42 Rela•ned 10 Merv Guffin Show m I Lowe luq fD 01ck Cavttl Show 29 The Joker's Wild~ m £1 Chavo so Protect Un1vtrst 7:00 OD 3 O n Nein U Tiit Newlywed ~me O 8 Tiit Joh r's Wild m S11 Million S Man 12 Mary Tyler Moore m Sanford ' Son 24 Mak1ne It Count ED 21 Ton1cht Sevrn nm•ut~ 1epo1t on IUDllPI Watch 29 Emttcency One m Dram111c Senes so lntroduc1n1 B1oloey -7:30- 0 $25,000 Pyramid 3 Wild World ol Animals CJ In Surch Of... U The Datina Came 0 The Cone Show e Sl.98 llfauty Slio11 O Tit h e Douah 10 23 Maleh ~me 12 Bob Newharl Show Cl) Adam.11 2~ l1n11ht fD MKNttl/lchm Report 3t News so NtWlCltt<k 8:00 O e 12 The Wallons tRl lh11llfd and '•C•ltd Mary lllPn counls th, day~ btlo1e sht tan 101n htr husband Curl \lal1ontd 1n tt.iwa11 bul when r,arl Harbor IS bombed she an•1ously counls lht moments lo hea1 11 ht s al•ve DOWN 2 'All In tne .. ··' (CIUt' to punle answer) 3 Advertisement 4 lease 5 To confront 6 8u1ld1ng e•tens1on 7 Baseball ott1c1a1 8 Pick up 11 Eipens1ve 13 Precedes Veg"as 14 Mentions 16 ---point 17 West Coast plane term1n· al (abbr ) 19 Female country western voc1hst 23 The 8-1 26 Vo1t91e (abbr 1 27 Betongins to Ms Slezak 29 While dolphin or Of•ngut1n 30 E•pert 33 Flei\e. ball or mob1t. 35 Nulle -- .16 To b4nd wtth rope 38 New England stete ~ Phy11ca1 edue.tllon (ebbr ) Answer at end ol tfla S1Jturd1ty log P•12 CJ 23 39 Pro1ecl UFO lhr Allanhr Ou,tn Inc •dent I hF • '""' dlld Od\\Pnfe" ul •" 111 ta11 tin•• rPrt'f! m11lt1plp \1ghltn~ I I 111111~ >.Juc~r dnd alien bP1n~ "'"''• '" • lrdnsall,ntrl •V).dLI ""' ull I A1ne•1ca rd .. a•d W1olPt dO l (d''" Swaim v~1 lavne MP a J. ~· f'•I•• 81 ~•1 ~nd M()I., Am !t•d~m rwP ' U Mow1e. {2hr) "Reap the Wild Wind" 14d111 l Jrh• 'fta,r1P f'aulPll• GodO••ll )U\d HJt"~ •I I h• 'd•I •I 1d.-n•u1f\ dnO 1oni•n • ·II lht I l0 •1dd Kh 1~ !Rf fb!;\r O 3 10 29 Mork' Mindy 1k Moo~ kun< Awai Mn ~ I•.\•• Mindy) MU\e hfldll" h .. thin~ hf~ ~·llon~ '" "" "~I "I"" wrlilr HP ~ndl 111 1n ~ I 1i•nd1 11 V•1111 n~•OOua•IP•\ "'" bv I \11l1 • • pacrv UFO en1hus1ast O Mov1t· (2hr) "Tht Muk ol Sheba" \dd• 1 fi~ WaltP1 f'•drron f 111 Braeden lngr1 'itevt•n' Strplll't1 Young An anlhrnpol1R1c.1I IP~"' f1dvels to a dense At11c an 1un~t~ 1n srarrh ul m1ss1ng ~dfa11 mrml1~1~ And d p11cetess ~old slalur .i11d ••P ~nd.in~e1ed by p11n11l1v1· ll1besmen t1ra1 hr11111s 1e111fo1v and 1nl111•111• "'lh1n 1ne itrouo. m Ro Humb•rd: You Art loved CE Mot1t: (2hr) "Three Violenl Pt09le" \advl ~6 Charlton HPston Annp Bao le I F nrrrst f uc~Pr C.1lbtrt R11land lwu brolhPr\ ~nrt thP w1tf nt nne betome mvolvtd in lhe posl C1v1I Wai cnnllom ol ll~htine lhP ~1ovt s10nal eov"nm•nl on le•a' fD 14 Nova A program focusing on !he ti !i and its f11nd1n~ ol molf than OM m1lloon dollar~ a dav lor nuclta1 !us.ion 1esea1ch mvrw~na TV WEEK JULY 1 1979 so Here's lo Your Hulth -8:30-0 3 10 29 Angie 1R1 Whrn Anw mn1h~1 !nm~• <1nd B1ao s ••1h•1 RJndal ro~er ~gain 11 rook~ r.~~ <Na' 11nr11 nmftn1n~ happens ... ~ I• tJ•I 'ht 111 wlvw•d\ An~1f and !S•JJ bul pu~hPS ,n1ibb1 lnyte lo th~ b1or• I madne;; m La ~r•b1n• dt Ambrosio so Turnabout 9 :00 0 e 12 Ha11111 f1ve-O •R II ~.,, RP•Q ,ru"'' a a< 11n;t1uction 'vr or •n 1h1 m,sle1v 1n wh1(n <,1r" 'dv.1 Jnd instonrt dre m~lched lfJ111\I ~n .mp••ss1bf P r11me D 13 39 Quincy 1R1 Physician t~a1 lny)•l1 When a leenage g11I •t.,~ hnm a bolrhed abo111on p1do1m~d bi d drun'en dutlor Quon( v d1~r 011PI\ J consp11acy ol ,1lenr P amnng medical men 1s wc•l•rloni lh, gu1lly ~urgeon O 3 10 29 Barney Milter \R) !he Ho~tagr A v.1ld ey,d gunman forces Cdpl Mollri and hoS men to do t1mP '" lheu o .. o ldll in the company 11t 1 loonv vrn111lnq1m1 and his 11b\CPM dummy m Merv Griffin Show And1ea Mac A1dlr llPal Williams Annie Colden ten Ca11ous and R,1 Reed guest 14 Great Performances ED Goodbye Amenu 190m) lh1s rrrnaclmrnt ol lht hnal debale in ra1i1amPnl O!I fhP ISSUP OI Amer1Can 1nd•pend,nCf 1s covered 101 telev• s1on as a conr,mpomv evenl m Nocllts h~l~s so The Best of hm1hes -9:30- 0 3 10 2f" Carter Country (RJ Poo1 Bulleilly Chief Ruy Mobey Ntlh !>llme 1eluttanre lhlOws his mother 1010 lht slammP1 .. hen she and :.ome l11ends slagt a "' down st11~e at a nt,. tatl~ry s•le ED Pe<Ho cle Amor 10:00 O 8 12 Bun1br Jones (RJ Part one ol d 1wo pa11 episode Barnaby cunducls .i pu11hng 111u1der invest1 gallon thal fpad~ him lo the om1noll', .. orhings ot a powe1tol 1ehg1ous full O l3 3t Man Undercom (R~ Death I\ a Closr f nend loo OHow Oan Shay p0ses as a 1unk1P and beluend~ a O•lilul drug add1cl lo help hnd a no1011ou~ llan•. robber ~nown lo be holtd up 1n a sleMy 11.111 ol lo«n (ReS<.heduled) DO ED News U )I 10 29 20120 Q) Ni&ht Callery 2• Andres Se1ov11 11 the White House so Newsched -10:30-m Q) News ED Yhldbh, the M1me·Loshn so Masterpiece Theatre: Poldu• 11 :00 O 3 U 8 10 29 News D 12 .n 39 NtwS 0 llhh Mt uuah O Mom: "Brewster McCloud" ccom) 71 Bud Con M1rh~et Murphy Sally Ktllr1man m Bedtime Stones Q) Benn' Hill Show 12• Dancina Diw> m MoYie/News -Jl:J0- 0 12 Movies. M•A•S•H; McCloud D .23 it Wimbledon T ennrs Hiah1t111ti/Tllt lon11ht stiow O OiU Van Oy•e U 13l 10 29 StmlJ' Hutch t'iSbr lrek m Tiie Gone Show Q) Get S1111rt 124 Uli», Toe> ' You ED C.ptioned ABC News 12:00 O Twiliahl lone m Alfred Hitchcock Prtsents ED 21 Ton11ht -12:30-0 M0'1t: .. "In Dur Time" (d1a I 44 1111 l upino Paul Htnr e1d U I 3) 10\ (2t lihMll c.-i Mowie: "P'wlt ot ' Downfall Child" (dra) 1 I f aye OuMwar Rov Sc11t1dei Banv 1'11mus m Mowit: .. ''Thi! Romance of Rosey Ri4&t" (com) 41 ''"'' le1&h. Van lollnson 8) Mo.it: "Dur Dead Delil11t" (mys) Tl Aanes M001ehead fD Ole• Clvttt SIMIW 1:00 II tU' Ofl Tiit T on11ht Sllow (C.0nd ) TMOI .. D "-riO 2:00 II ....... : "The C--1141" (~dv) ·5-i Gvy MadrSOll, l•mts Wllrlmoie G MINI: "Shanctr 11 Sunrrst. "The MitlllY J11nalt" -2:30- • W..s/MtvlH: ·Stolen race .' "M•n Barf' • -..i.1: "Hl1hw1y 0111ne1. ·1ontar flit ff\ln1 from Vtnll$" FRIDAY I IUlY 6 roi mornrna and afternoon hst1n1s. pluse ue DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below. IOI Yo\I' conven"nce, are the d1fs 1110¥1ts. DAYTIME MOVIES 12:00 O 9111 "Ct1ll of fhe Wild" tadv) J) Clar k La hie 1.1 k Oa~w torPlld YQung Regmotd Ow"n Kalhtrtll~ OP M•llr m • "Paula" 1drJ )1 1w~t1d Y111111~ Alr1~nd1·1 ~"' \ ~Pnl Smith 3:00 10 "The Green Bettis" Concl !~rdl b loho Won' Oavrd ld111srn l1m Hurren AM Ra1 P•trick l'ldy11r 3.JO O "JourneJ lo the Far S•df of the Sun" 1~11 111 1,~ Rov lh1nr1P\ I ynn l 1111r1g 111 rt1Pll tom fM11c k Wyrn,11k EVENING 6:00 O 10 12 n News l lht Odd Couple O O 8 2t Nnrs O ~uni fu O Hollywood leen m The Partud&t family Q) Slreels ol San F1anc1sco 24 11111 Moyers' Journal ED <>m Easy 39 Maude -6:30- 3 39 News 8 Cross.w11s 10 Merv Griffin Show m I lwe luq tD Dd Cavett s"°" 29 Tht Joler's Wrtd ED Bitn Criada so Proiec1 U111vtrse 7:00 O 1 3 1 D U 2s News O The Newlywed Game O 1 e Tiit Joler's Wild m Si1 Millron S Man t 1 M•ry Tyttr Moore Q) Slnfoid & Son 24 Wasl11nrton Wee• 1n Review ED 78 Tonr1111 it Emer1ency OM fD 011m1IK Serres so lntrodllCln& 8foloc) .... -7:30- 0 Ne1t Step ltyt11d ~ f The Muppets D 0..nce ftnr O '10 BasHlll Ball1mn1r 01101,\ al Calrforn1a Angels O l10\ 1)3 Hol~ SQuarn 0 Tic TIC l>o\tfh 1 j 11 lob Newt11 rt s"°" Q) M.tm 12 12'1 Wal Strttt w .. • ED MIClhil/leflftl RePort " News JO Alllena Alter V'1ttftl111 8:00 It It l tU ~-11111 (lhr) An olf11:11I ol the People s llepublK of Clllna comu to Amt11<a to enhst his frrtnd Jameson s aHI rn cle111n1 ft1s n1me 1nd 1mmed11111, becomu a t•11et IOI death II IZ'1 \Jfl Oiff'r111t Str•llts (II) "lllolher·s La\1 V1s1r' 0111mmond·~ mother a con1erot1ve old (r andt dame. 11 11!oc•td when sh,, pays a T J Nf f I'> II It ' l 1 'HY t.·. ~_;,Y:. ~~ ;~ ~~t Idea Since ~~Shopping Carts Now you can do a week's shopping without forgetting a single item! Use pre-printed shopping lists prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING. r-., • ., ir.!. .. ) l11rnltl\H tn cortw•n6-nt l• .. -oi!P•d ,,t•" a•" I)\>"*'"\' p•u':' • "'"'""''Of'!~ -.... 10«~ ..... \ "'''t•!t . ,01A10\S 1oiA~1\'4l\ '1,..tJt•"'"u, l ... ~,~ wu .. ~ ,0 .,,"1ot\. 1~ Mtl•t•I• p11n1•a "•"'•· ptuo .odlllo., .. et1•c .. rou cen INI In pou••ett f~: ::.:-00"::11'."'111'::1':.:--• , I JI 1S .. 50 po ..... " ll•lldll"' 10 I Send Today To Become A Super Shopper I PMof Prtntlng Sh~ng U•I I I P.O. Bo• 1seo •• I SIG W. lay St I c..ta MeH, CatH. 1212t I I I ·~---------------1 I I ll'TlllEEl -------------1 l an... _______ .u,. ____ _. DAILY PILOT L ••••••••••••• .1 _________ .J , ... ,, FRIDAY (Continued) vi~1t to her !><ind' l ~llr•·u~te" th~ lw~ lad5 ne hd. ddo~ted 0 3 10 :l9 Ope11t1on Pethcoat lvlatle•, ol H,1no1 \\h~n A new cre,.m•n Pal ll 811~11 ,. 111' th• Sea l1ge1 and ruin\ o~t '' tt Japan~\• nol 111\t. Inf .re• ,(ti 1n su n di' up1rra• N111SP C1An "a '• IOtted 10 UV ~., ·•ddhr d<l•d l'redl• tr atrr lh•ll' 1· "" O Mo~w (lhr) ''D1aanos1s Murder" n10 /1 f.n1 I phe I•• Judi Ge•~un t I, h lun1 Ret~lty An -m1n1 At OH' h1ah I M11•t.\ 1111n11 .;•• dav onti r l1n1l 1.,, i.1tr m1ss111~ While Int o 11t,1 "~ 11 th1 Ol~lPS'. 11t I n1folf n~ I 1111\\11\1 O•i<un~ chP1~ llir dnc101 "'"'"' ~n anoo~mous tl(Jt• 111u"n~ him 111 murdering h•\ w1tr m C.rof Burnell & friends m M~1e: IM (2hr) "But Not for Me" W•mt '>9 Cra1~ C.abte L 1111 Palmp1 Lr• J Lobh Corlllll Ba~P• A Mav DeLembPr 1nmar1ce bel111••' ~ Bro;dw~y p1oducer and h1\ drtr~~\ 5~c1e1aiv devrrnp\ whe1•111 th1 ~11 half lhe man' .igr di!•\ the h~w1~ 24 Goodbye America fD 50 Wnhrnrton Week €DViv1111J -8:30- D 23 39 Hello, L111y 1 H 1 ;,, New ll•d When lwy red1n1 Rulhi. r unnapoy brcau1• ne 11 tnp ne .. ~1d in !.<hour ne suger\I' 'ht b11n~ he• tla11m41es 10 M 14d10 now but lhP plan baclhtf5 tRe <hPd1Md 0 3 10 29 Welcome Back, Kotter rRt Wa1h1nglnn 1 Cronp Washing lot ,,~~ dd••< • linm Vion1• l!a1b~11nn i.n•n Ii. b~• om•, .1 11.,, IQ a 1lrd1~ht ~ lud•nt who dmitt' hF "'~"" to lh~ng~ h1\ hi~ And bPlOmP 11101 jll\I Ilk~ h1• 1tt.11n man Bti0m B1111m m 1nstth1 Pally llu~• A\t1n \l~1~ 111 lh1\ \lo•y ol a w1lr who rnmr\ 111 fllr reah1al11m ltldl hPr hu\b~ntl hd' A d11nk1ng p1nblPm but <dll I ltHiv11111• him ot h11 add1tllon fD so Waif Street Week €D Eduuoo II 9:00 D 23 39 The Rockford fifes (RI 1 he Bait le A1 and 1t1e flpfodrn~ Cigar hm 1s armlPd 1n a 11olrn r ar filled with weapon~ c1nd berunir\ d flllwn •n a deadly game of 1lltgdl gun running lhal rs berng 1nvesl1galed lly lederal unde1cove1 ~ulho1111e1 O r 3J 10 2t Mom: (2hr) "Kate 8fiu & the Trder h pe ltid" \Com) 18 Sutann• Ptesh•ll• Don Muedrlh lonv Randall Ha11v Moraan Buraess IM1e~11h David Huddfeslon A turn ol lhr rtnlurv dele<l1ve (MS Pltshetlt) COt~ wtsl to UPlu" a gang ol outlaws IPd by a tharm1ng 1 t•as \lyle Robin Hood m Mm Crrtf111 Sllow B•ll Cosby Stacy Kuch. Sarah Jtssrld Par~tr Mfhcent M1rt1n Reid Shelton dnd Molfr PICOo cutst m lllasttrptt<t Thutrt: '· CfaudtU) \lO Now• -9:30- (J~ (Wtftilll II ,.,. $Pt(i.I a> PtcMo de AlllOI 10:00 9 ll t.) OllllJ (R) It s rrunrnn trmt IOI Bobby whtn ll1s l11end and former collect rdol. hyloi "Guuler" Bennet! (Riellard Kettonl. arrives 1n town and they d~ctde to renew lheu fl1tndsh1p by beco1111n1 pertm1 rn the constrvctron business ..... ,. __ .., D 2l 39 Edll1c C1pra Mysterits R1 Ano tfll Sf~ ~holl ti•v• Up H.i DfdO [OU!f dOld rnu~I Ill l~• l• • ·~ lugttnPr in ·n~ ou .. ,, ,, 1nd t•luahsl1. mu10,. vf a con11;,,,.,, ~1 fld,J •dmudl "'"', ha• ti .. ,,,,,. , ptJolt 4 d .p114n1 Aoait" Du~~ar, \IA• .hJ lhompwn 'alh•· !:Ir .. o. •nd An,~1 TotttP••" iUf\t 0 O f!) News m N11hl C1llery tD Andres Serov1a ~I tile White House so Vrews of Asia -10:30-m m Nrws 11 :00 0 3 0 10 29 Nein D a 12 23 39 News O Mike Me uuch O Movre: Pl ··cn1ldrrn of the Damned" 1ho11 f,4 1~11 Hend" Ai•n 8dd~I ll~1hd•d I P1111 m Bedtime Storru m Benny Hill Show 24 Another Voice fD Dick Cavett Show fl) M~1u1News -11 :30- 0 l2 Movies. The N11h1 Stalker I "One More Trme" tlDITll ?0 )dmmv Dav• If Pt1•1 l ,.,1010 lllhr1 Andmon Md11~1e Wugn1 D 23 39 Wimbledon Tennis H11hf1&htS1The Ton11h1 Show 0 Dd Vin Oyh Show 0 3 10 29 Soap 6 Star Trek m Tht Cone Show a>CttS1111r1 2• l1lru, Yo11 & You tD uplrontd ABC News 12:00 O lw1lr1hl Zone O 3 10 19 Baretta m Me Boa tDNov1 -12:30- 0 Movre. h "Torpedo B1y" lddvt b4 ldmP~ Ma~on L11f1 Pdlmp1 Gab11el, r ertell1 a Movie: "' "His Kind of Wom1n" (,Jrat ·r J Rob111I M11ch11111 Jane Russell Vincent P11rP I 1m 111111 m Movie: IW "The Wttewoll" !km l ~n Don M'gowan lover llnldtn. Slem1 Mar~h a> Movte: "A Bell from Hell" !lily~) 10 V1veca l 1ndl• is Rpnaud \lrrlrv All,,do Mayo Ma11bel Marhn 1:00 D <li 3t The Ton11h1 Show \Concf J lhe Mrdn11ht $pec111 0 lllowrt: "HusNllCls" tcoml /0 B'n Ca11a1a John Canavrles .,,,,, r ~lk Jenny kunmt 0 MIYtrr<k 10 Adam 12 2 :00 O lllowrt: "llle Clllllenws" ld•at 18 Oairen McGavm Aone Ba1ltr Sun Garrrson l!J Moviu: Wo to th~ S1a15 Tllal I •dy frum P(kinR m Mtv111: Bl1rk Sabb~lh Srandaf S~ut .., litt Sm.tit -2:30- • Mowles: 'Caftform•. "Buy Me !hat 1(1wn' CD Motlt: Jrf 1 "f.&c.ape lttm HtH Island" (adv) '65 M11k Stev~nt l"k Don11e1 SATURDAY JULY 1 MORNING 6:00 D Thal s Cat a Summer Semestei 0 Community reedb1tk m Umverstty of the Arr so As Man Behiwes -6:30- 0 Summer Semester D Bay City Rollers 0 Draenet a TV Clnsroom 0 Dmy & Goliath 10 Shorthand m Speak Out a> Infinity Factory fD Captroned ABC Hews 39 D11ectlons tn Commun1tr Cart 7:00 O Dusty's Treehouse D 23 39 Alvtn & lht Chipmun ks O B11 Blue Mubfe O 3 10 .29 Scooby Doo. Where u e You! O Hot Fudce Show m Ve1etable Soup .m Woman Rul lo Reel fD Yoe• for Hullh -7:30- 0 Mi11lo's M1c1C M~re Muhrne D 23 39 hntast1c four O PKesetters 0 3 10 2'9 F1n1filte O The lone Rangtr m "~ fClfces Q) Romper Room fD To bt Announ,ed 8 :00 O e 12 l'opere D 23 39 Buford and the Cafloprnc Ghost O M~le: "O.S.S. I I 7-Mruron lor 1 llrffer" (su~p) 66 f rtdft1tk Stallo1d Mytene OrmonRP11I O ' 3 101 29' Su11trlritnds O Roller Super Stars m Movie: 1M "Without love" (cuml ·4~ Kalhd11np llrpburn Sptnrn !racy Glo11a Grahamr ED Dtfusmc C1ncer's Time Bomb fl) lns11ht/Mow1t So The C10W1nt Yurs -8:30- D 23 31 Wimbledon Ttnnrs '"' cnvnagt ot thP mtn \ sinalP~ tm,ir lolln,.ed by lap,d (OmdK' OI th• womtn s singles lrnal lrom lhr All [naland l••n I tnnis ~n~ Crlli!utl Club rn Wimbledon I ngfand m Southern Cahfomi. m "°'' 9 :00 0 e U 0.. h11 Bllnnr/llO'd R11n11tr Show a Thrrllseelen m•• -9:30-u Mowie: "llrll • D111on" 11dv) 67 J1tk P111nt~. I trn1nd0 lam,u 8 {U <tOI \291 ScoMJ's All·Slars Cil lllotle: "Ott•·Man" (Kl 11) 1 I r1er Anceh. lltrw1n Malhews CD Voa "-1111 m Sulllllltf r.111 10:00 Cl) llMlt: "Mart t4 Ille hMp4e'' (~dll) 'SI ~Riettdo Montalban '' t.IEEI\ JJLY 1 1':.'r'- tD Once Upan 1 Claurc so Yocil With M1deltne -10:30-0 8 12 hrun/Super 1 0 3 10 29 B11foot & W1fdboy m Nuhv1fle MUSIC €9 M1 Eculdol 11:00 0 Dr11nel 0 3 10 29 The Pmk Panther O Thrrller m N1honal Ceo111phrc tD Best of Famrhes E!> MusKa Colomb1iln1 -11:30- 0 3 10 29 Amenun Bandstand m Oft Sm111 m luch1 ltbre AFTERNOON 12:00 O e Space Au dtmy 0 Voy11e lo lhe Bottom ol the Su O En t Side ll1ds m Soul T111n 12 811 Blue Marble a>hrun 2• Art Hrs1ory fD Conference on Otafness On tr~l~ 10 a Ba•n'1 fire [nvirunmenl 1~• Soullteasl RPg1ondl lnst1lulE on O~dlne\\ b11nRs na11onallv and 1nle1 "''" nalli •eno"n'd p'ople 1n areas I Pducat in •nd l'hab1htat1on nt ,,.~tn•\S I [p11ng1on ~MIUI l y so OtS11nrn1 Home tnttrron -12:30- 0 8 12 fat Albu t 3 V1fl1 Aleare 0 People 1 tO DISCO 10 29 Sha NI N1 1:00 0 8 12 Ark If 3 Toptc 0 Bl& Valley O Mowre: "Alfu Smith & Jones" (lOIO l 10 Prle Dur I Br11 Murphy Sus.111 Sdmt fames fa.I lfnll1mdn fo11~s1 luc kN lames Drurv 10 Animals Anim1ls m The Honeymoone11 Q) Mucus Welby 29 Solp f1etory O.sco m fulbol fnternaclQl\ll -1:30- 0 8 Salurdar Film futrn l (R) An1t'' and BtR lue P•ul So1vono ''"~ H BIR foe a lelephon, 110,mdn who ~'veloo~ ' l11tnd~h10 •1lh ' vounc Hrspan1c m121~n1 wn1k,1 AntPI 1Dad1 Ponerol 3 1979 llld1a111pohs 500 0 Abbott & Costello 10 Moflt: w "The Wofarell" 14d•I bl ldSSI' Jon PiOllO)I lunt lodhi11t Hu1h Reilly 1a lbltr's hlsllo, fD lllowlt: llt "Grut MYtnt uie" tadv) 'S' Ain' Sud!od0tll 2:00 0 < • 11t P•11 Allltrlc.tn ""* 3 l Cl•ttst s,o.ts lt1t11th ..... ...,. m1111a1o111111,...iblt a> Jolln Wape Clmla 1!41 Muc It CMnt (21)1Wllll 1Q1 ~S .. tclli111 -2~30- D 1,U IH) Pro lm~all Pitts bur&h P~atH ti Cincrnnth Reds O ~ Grnt Tums-Grut Yurs 3 :00 O h1111fy film Festin i Rodan Monsters use lrom the deoths ot the tarth spreading destruction & 1..3. 10) 129 l'ro Sotm l he Chtcago Sltng al the De1to11 Eti>•e~~ O Movie: "A11owllead" (west ~3 Chafllon Heston lack Palantr Kai• Jurado. B11~n Keith m Movie: "Adventures of Don Juan" (adv) 49 Errol flvnn V1veca Lindfors Alan tlale RaymnnJ Bu11 fD Gulen ha e> l'tllter Merudo -3:30- 24 Boler. Oklahoma: Ahn & Well fD Turnabout 4:00 O 8 t2 Sports Spectacular Cover age ol thr Prule~1onal Buwlm Assoc fmno Open Imm r resnn al Movie: "Mrster Moses" ((oml 65 Robert Mitchum Carroll Ba~er Ian Banner Ale.ander Knoa <.24 A Good 01uonance lilt 1 Man ID Puauo OJ Tele·Rev1rta Oepofl1n so lntroduc1n1 81oloo -4:30-0 t 12 Wutttn Open r.ott fD To bt A/mounted 5 :00 " l'eople's Corner O Star Trek O 3' 129 Wide World ot Sports O Movie: JW "The Tin Star" (wes) S7 Hfnry fon~a Anthony Perkins Nev11lp Brand (101 News • m Movie: "Three Godfathers" (adv) 49 lohn W•ynp Ward Bono Pedro Armenda111 24 Masttrprect Tht1t1t fD Star Soccer m S.Ndo loco loco -5:30- 0 World of Sllr11n l IJ""' l f J Bittle Jean K1n1 Show (101 Wide World of Sj>orts 112 H1ppenin1s EVaNING fS :OO D II 11 .23 31 llews U -..: (2'Mlr) "lkvada Smtih" • (wts) 66 Steve McQueen Karl Malden B111n Ke1lh Arthur Kennedy Su1anne Pleshelle Marlin landau Ral Vallone A young man 'l!hOst parents are IOrlu•td and killed by three gunmen. sets oul to a~enee lheu murder$ l12 """"' &) Mowit: (2111) "Misltr 11Mtr1J" (tom) ~~ Henry ronda lames <:aaney Jae~ Lemmon Nick Adams The misadventures or a US NAvy ur10 Shop du11n1 WOt Id W~r II and ols 211<1 Oii.ctr who lonas IOI comb•I ia'1 Pri1111 TIIM .. IDO,..MIM ., Aelwt 7 :00 O Tiit Price Is ll11hl 3 Emer1ency Ont Q $1 91 Buuty Show O Eynntness los An1etu ll Work1n1 People O Kitb 10 That's Hollywood m 12 29 39 The u w"ncr Wei~ Show 23 Name That Tune 24 Julia Child & Co fD 28 T on11hl so Austin City lJnuts -7:30- 0 Two on lhe Town Q 10 hm1ly feud O Match Gamt 8 Keen's People 23 The Muppels 2• Here's lo Your Health fD Foohteps .. 8:00 O a 12 The Bad News Burs 1R1 Coach Bullfrrna~er 111 01•speral• need nt J pitcher tor ht\ lt11<JVP• lun101 llogh Bt1•~ baseball team holes a t•v~ul Jnrt happ1t1 d"' ovP•~ an old l1rend with a ~·~M d•m I y~a• old Amanda Whnl11er II n 39 CH1Ps 1R1 CHP BMX l\fter hos \On·~ n1ur'd on~ moto•b•~t amdent Sgt G•lr•rr gels to ~no~ and wor~ w•lh some ot 1he ne•ehbO• hl)Od kod\ O 3 10 29 Balllestar GalJC Ilea (R) lake lh• CPles11a Wt"" Std•buc k enlists Apollos a•a '" 1rk1n dlin~ dn old llame lht11 ptrsonal n11~s1011 hecom•s emb1nlf Pd 1n ~ Ille O• ~e~th Struggle IOr control ol a ship ruled b~ Cummdndrr Kronus O Movit· (90m) "llun of fht Arrow" tadv) ~6 Rnd Str1Rer Charle\ Bron,on 811.1n Kttlh Ralph MeeVr Sarot~ Montori I oiled will! b•llero'n on ~· CunlPdt•ale 011vate 11>1n\ the ~1ou• nallnn \till l1gh1tne lhe US and dlter a battl' with .,h1le soldiers rr~l11t\ hr rnlly brlong~ to lhr US m Upstairs, Oownst11rs O~SllOU\ ol Chang' !he ~rm~I ot an altrar live Austri~n counlP\\ at ~awn Placr bring~ d thange at ~tmnsphere upsta11s lndted a 1ouch ol 1oman~r is on th, a11 a~ Richard Btllamv smiles tor th' hhl l1mr since the drath ol his "''' al Movie: (90m) "Wllat's a NtCt &1111.Jke You ... ''' tcom) II Brrnda Vacuro tao Warden V1nrrn1 Prrcr Roddy Mc()owall A poor gnl ltont lhr Bron• •S drawn into an elaborate utorltcn plot by rmpe1sona11n~ d rtfh SOC1al1lf .u lmpatto ID Mfftin1 of Minds Steve Alltn welcomes Volla11e llohn Hoyll Martin Luther King (l eon Askin) Gen florcn" N1aht1naatr t layM Meadows) an~PIMo (David 11(1()~~' m Bo~ de Mtaico so Cowlloy Cl.IUICS -8:30-0 e 12 Jvst frlfll4s (R) Susan ind Co11I on a mission lo obsrrve • 11val hulth club IOI thtu bo\S Mill d1scov~ thr club c.ters 10 • 1ay cllrntele •nd. spotflna I ronard Ihm dr1w lhe w1on1 conclusion .tbOut him e Sl'CCIAl W1nderlul Worl41 ol Mick B•ll 811by hosts this proc1am leatu11n1 1ntern1tlon11 mae1ci1ns Ptrlprm1n1 lrom Mternt tount11e1 1241S...l'T....,. 9 :00 O a 11 Movie (2hr) "The Spihs Gani'' l"'t\ J "' '-' ~·, • Gari Grorn•\ II ~ H~"'Ald ~" • Marl , ~n 1th Allhu1 Hunt1 ul' No~n ll~erv 11.,,,. •~•nJ~C 1ut1lY1il\ •mul~le lhetr nr10 a ntt~riuu~ !Jan• t11t•l rr f\UI d1S< ht'I 1111 f\ I unrr 1 l·Ji1t1vt' 1 It'\~ 1'11"tm11' U' '~11 ttw, hdd ldril,n•t•d O 23 39 Movie; (2hr) "W1lm1" '1r<1\ ~htrl• •; Ju f 1111u•, ( o ,,,, f t~o11 11' 111 fl•• nmt l11f '.•nr1 1 [I.. •I ~. ''h"" I " I• I h ii ' Al,1°1 ... ,,11 fh• l,J '~ .. ,,I I•,.,. 'I ,,., 'H'\'i'f 'PPOt•Y' _..t ··•1 I I hi ['h't\U.,; f1.•llllf\ Ill I L, lrl"•G ftlll rd\I N''I nl~ Ihm" Olyrf'l"• O Rei Humbard You Are lowed 0 3 10 29 The lovt ~t k Sll1fl ol Gn("• \ .1~11 n~ Vin,'" l'11(f IOdtt lllundpll I ~Jrl't ~1~M ltt~ !ldrba•a AnOPl\Pn m Pro Soccer A11~ ~ V\ \Jtl ''". 24 Austin City l1m1ts fD Summerlot Sr111· ov.• , Irv• summer les11val r1~rf111m~11u ,, m \•It• dcr ~\ lhl' lUUllllY IM•1 ~I •tio .. ledtu•P) 1.~or~~ Snt 11,r, lub•t Blak• M~11~n \ltl'~rttanJ "'~ l1•dOy W1lwn 1 ... h~n \\tlll lr~r faro PArl V•Pnna V~ so Sounds111e -9:30- 0 Movie: (90m) ··Joshua" rwP. Fred W1lhamson lstla VPRd f,ilv1n BartlPll Brfnd~ Vrnu\ losllud 'cl' uul tu lrMk tluwn lhP mPn .. no tJ1di.'d h1~ hnm1' And kdt.•111.,, f~m1tv W Nraht Gallerr 10:00 0 Pro Soccer C~t.11111111 "'"' di Memph•s Rogu~\ O l 10 29 fanluy Island fl• C.hO~lb•PakPr ''~'""r ~rn H1 "I and I hr Rorlhlta1 P111~ '""""~ tanet lt•gh m SpeakCur 2• Masterpme Theatre e> Bo11n1/M1 Duke Ch111lln so The Art of Bernt Fullr Hum1n 11:00 O 0 a 39 llews 0 10 II News 3 llews/Movit: '1ht 8uba11an & '"' Geisha" (dra) ~~ lnhn w~vn• £ okO Ando S~m latte So 'famamura O Sfcolid Crty TY lletworl 12 MowM!: "Otath Scrum" 1dral IS CIO<oS ltachman Art Cl1My Nancy Wal~er [d,.,,1rd "sner r • •Vff~ Jiil~ I I" 1! m lhe Goodin 23 Adam 12 14 Nou 29 Ted frills Show 50 Snul Previews -11:30 - 0 f'lews1Mov1e "Saoa"" 1011• ~ A• I, • t·1~11 """'' ~ t1 ,,,,, ~n~h fl.-r, O 23 39 Satu1day Night 1R1 H"' • lf•o•, , ,,,, t .,1r11111 hr "'It• '1'1\i ,II .ii ,i'hl t It!, ,•.lf• ftj d 1td tkl \i_f'lt lult->t.' I O Movie "ltltle Mu1ders" ""' , I 1,,. 11 l I 1 .1IJ u•t.ri rt~l t ~ I \ 11 I fll ft t1t11 ' I ... ,. 'll dd s Movie: "Thon Oarrnc Voung Men on Thtu launly Jalopies" .. b'' ' .. { 41 , \ 1~ .,, ... , t ,, • fh,1nu· ~ti~.., H 1n4( ,rw~ O Movie: "The House of Seven Corpsu·· ''' r • t11r11 l,111 •d•o• I t11 h-·" \J ~Ht ll111r ,.,.,.,. 10 Movie· "River ol Mystery" 11Jr~ • , , \1 r Mt1''1 "' u1Cf1 4,~"'' I om. od II R•••H m Movie 8llr "lhe Ph1ladelph1a Story" 1 ''" Joi I~"'"' ·!Pw,1•1 qjlo•""' Ho·~b"' I 1•1 (, trll al The Rool its fD r 411 ot £a1tes €D Movies 12:00 O Movie "" "ti Conquered the Wotld" t~(• 111 'lh Ppr,, <;r~-·~ B• •"''' 1:orlattd 29 Soap FUIOry 01$tO -12:30-m Movie: "Ooomwatch" I It,,, T: l~n Rdnnr·n Jod~ l1fP\11n fD Movie· "lo Pa11s With love" , nml ~'I Al•c Gu11111> H il~·'• Vff\111'\ VP11)1 II (;l.iY 1 ;\)0 O l9 Rod Concert -1:30- 0 Talhbout 1News 0 MovTes: SpollP ... t)\ "" w~ MPPI A~~·n 5,,,,,. r1h '"'' O Tilt Adventurers m Movies: l\1v "' 1111• I hr l1mP ltJvPlrt\ 2:00 O News Mow1t· "Danna Game" 1~d1 J 6>1 l lovd H11d~" M" hat! Anur J toJn BIAr ~rnan O Movies· llollmdn A11~ 'ioon lhP Da1 knf\\ m '""'· "' ·curw gf Nostra damus" l~orl ltrmon Rnbles , .. ,. TV WEEK JULY 1. 1979 Do You Suffer From Stereo-Headache? Heartache? W alletache? Then Get FAST FAST FAST RELIEF With Kenwood Hi-Speed Bectronics. Atlantic Music is pleased to be the FIRST to supply you with the cure: The Great, All-New Line of Kettwood RKei•ers. This month's AUDIO MCIC)CIZine fell in lo•e with the perfonnance of the new Ken woods. "While the FM tuner section of this receiver is quite impressive. the amplifier section really separates this receiver from others in its price and power class. In a word. it is superb!" "To our ears we could not distinguish between the tight. clean. and utterly transparent sound of some of the best separates we normally use for reference listening purposes and the sound of the KR-7050." Last month we pre•iewed the outstanding new aMps and t..ers. Now, come W. ... ... 1010 COME HEAR •.• ... Th• •allln are so CM1tlfmclllg llNllt w• ••ptct _. first .Wp•ewt to be sold ••ry qllidllr. IO clow't ...,. As always.. w•'re ....... to Mlp. Joe. John. Randy, Wally