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1979-07-03 - Orange Coast Pilot
' I l lie Kiiied Moscone, ltlilk II ' A p Wl ....... te GETS SEVEN YEARS SF Slayer White Terror Real T ·shirts Urge For 'Murders' Exeeution of That Weren'~· Georgia Killer DAILY PILOT ua es tri e * * * 15c * * * TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 3, 1979 VOL. 11. HO. 1M, J SECTIONS, n PAGES ' APWl,.,...io PUSHING FOR MORE EXECUTIONS IN FLORIDA Bobby Culverson, Bruce Mann, Charles Owens In Shirts ' J I T-shirts Demand I Killer's Execution I ATLANTA <AP) -A Georgia : .disc jockey and two.friends are ; selUng T-shirts ~gmg the ex- ecution of a convicted murderer w ho once said bis ambition was to klll 1.000 people. The T-shirts. which carry an artist's drawing of Georgia's electric chair, ask death for Carl · Isaacs Jr., convicted or murder in the shootings or six members I or the Ned Alday family in 1973. 1 .. Busbee, Fry Isaacs," one I style, in black lettering, urges Any profits from sale or the Georgia shirts, which cost $5, will go to charity, disc jockey Charlie Owens said Monday, a dding that he hoped to s ell eno ugh to "go to Atlanta and present Busbee with a shirt." "Her e w e are n e ar Tallahassee, where Bob Graham, the new CFloridal gov- ernor. has done something. Our governor . . is not doing a nything," Owens s aid in a telephone inte rview from bis <See T·SIUllTS, Page AZ> • aym Two Killings White's Term: New Daily Pilot Price in Effect Home delivery price ror the Daily Pilot went from $3.50 to $3.75 per month ef· fective· Sunday, July 1, 1979. 7-plus SAN F'RANCISCO <AP > Dan White. whose voluntary m anslaughter conv1 ctaon in the killings o f Mayo r George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk set off a riot at City Hall, was sentenced today to seven years and eight months in prison the maximum a llowed by law. White will be eligible for parole in about fi ve years . The m1rumum sentence that S uperior Court Judge Walter C alcagno could have imposed would havC' been four-years As Calcagno passed sentence on an expressionless White, a minor demonstration was taking place outside the Hall of Justice About 20 people carried signs critical or t he police de part ment 's hand Ung of the case. The judge said that because of the seriousness of the crime, he was giving White the maximum te rm allowable by law. Before the sente nce was handed down. White's lawyer. Douglas Schmidt, told the judge he had sent a "letter of mitiga- tion." The contents of the letter were not disclosed. but Calcagno then said he found that White was not eligible for probation. Schmidt also asked that White be given special protection in prison , s ince as a former poli c e man h e co uld fac e reprisals from other inmates. The judge ruled that White would be allowed 218 days for time served in jail since he sur· rendered after the killings Nov. 27. The s tate Community Release Years Board could cut a l. much as Ont' third from the term 1f White 1s l.'Vc nt ually considered for parole White was scatl'd at the de· fensc table. nanked by hb al· lorneys, Schmidt and Stephen She rr. behind a bullet-proof glass. Wh1tt>'s wife, Mary Ann . s at in the courtroom with several fnends. She did not reg· 1stcr any reaction to the sentence The 92-seat courtroom w<1s filled . with about hair the seats taken b y r eporters <1 nd courtroom artists White wall be transferred to the statc prison · · reccpt ion·· CSee WHITE. Page r\2) Price of single <'Opies sold al coin boxes or over th e counter were in · c·reased to 15 cents dad~, and to 3.5 cents S unday. Al $.1.75 per month, tht Da&lv Pilot home dclrven prrce remains among the lowl's t f or ~C\Cn d a\ nn., s papcrs 1n Southern California Your Dari\ Pilot C'ar· r ll'r. who 1~ ·an mdept>n fil'lll merl'hanl, will rl'- .d17.l' an increa~e in proht for his or h(•r St·rvree~ to :-ou at lhl• m•w prtCl' Continuanf! major cost mcreascs in all aspect!> of news paper production <i nd dbtrrbuhon. 'uch as a 15 11t•rccnt im·n:•1Sc 1n the c·o~t of nC'ws prmt, make lh1~ mcreas(' necessary Police Dog Killed; Office rs Walk Out NAPA CAP) -Napa police of ficers s t aged <1 "blue flu" walkout when the alleged killer or their ton(' and beloved pohcc dog was freed without bail. Vern, the 31t<i-ycar-old, four legged pride of the department was stabbed in the line of duty Saturday after atlemptin~ to drag a vandalism suspect from an apartment closet. Yem died Sunday. Harry Reese. 21. of Napa. was a rrested a nd c h arged with several counts of assault and at· tempted murder of a policeman. He was not charged with Vern's death. though officers said they saw the slaying. Held on Sl0.000 bail over the weekend. Reese was released on his recognizance Monday by a Napa County Municipal Court judge Almos t immediate ly a fter Reese walked out the door. l 1 Napa policemen walked ofr the JOb. "We a ll became violently ill a nd unable to work." said of. ftcer Vince DeGiulio upon hear- CSee DOG, Page A2> • I Georg)a Gov. George Busbee. ••First Spen k e link, Now i tsaacs," proclaims the other, its red letters a reference to con- 1 v\cted murd e r e r John Spenkelink, formerly of Buena P ark, whose execution May 25 in Florid.I prompted a Jacksonville pe>Uce softball team to sell team Terror Real for Mom, Daughter I to sell T-shlrta reading "l Down, 133 to Go" -a reference to the n umber or inmates on Florid• 's Death Row -to raise money to a ttend a toU.rDament. ~eStacbUp LOS AL'roS (AP) -Tom of 1arba1• conUnued lo 10 un· coUeeted on the San Franciaco penlnaula today ln J.be •lrike by work•n of lbe Loi Altos OarbaleCo. r LAKE ELSINORE. Calif. <AP) -It began with with gun. fire In the night and J he piercing shout: "Don't shoot him in the head !.. Peggy Hunter grabbed her 12-year-old daughter, and they fled for their Uves. For two weeks, autborittes said , they ran th rough the forest . U ving off berries and roots, •leeptni in dirty blankets, keeping a step ahead of the men they were sure had kllled 10 of their fellow campers, including Mrs . Hunter's husband and son .. The terror was real : the murden never happened. 1"'e reared pursuers with dogs were search crews sent out to look for the mother and girl. be lieved to have been kidnapped. And what about the s hots and blood-curdling cry? Merely the killing of a raccoon so it could be tested for rabies. Riverside County Sheriff's deputies s aid Monday. Sunday morning. the pair emerged from the Cleveland Na· tional Forest. dressed In tatters, exhausted and hungry. They beaded home to recover from an ordeal authorities related this W IV' On June 16. a cam per at a Seventh-day Adventist youth camp was bitten by a raccoon, a nd camp offic ials shot the animal. Mrs . Hunter . 34. and he r daughter . Jennifer. we r e awakened by the shot. They also h ea rd someone say : "Don't shoot him ln the head" and the sound or fi reworks being set off in the area. It sounded like mass murder, 'the woman and he r daushter thought. Mrs . Hunter bit a hole tn the rear of the tent. al\d s he and ,, Jennife r . both c lad only in nightgowns. fled into the forest a bout 40 miles southeast or Los Angeles. For two weeks they ran. ter· rtrled that the killers were on t heir trail. They ate berries and yucca roots and ke pt warm at night by covering themselves witll dirt. Meanwhile. search teams in mount$ garb combed the area. rearing \be mother and daughte~ had been kidnapped. perh•P6 by a rowdy motorcycle gang that had been bothe r i ng other <See PAil, Page A2) ow Tremors Felt Today By The l\si.ociated Press 1\ busy Wf'Ck for Cali forn1ci 1·.Hthquakcs continued today. with Lhree small tremors rum bl1n~ throul'!h the San F'ranc1sco and Santa B:irbara areas -two a lmost simultaneously rm lht· '\1Xth straight day of earth move m1•nts an tht' s tale. :\ quakr measuring 3 O on lhl' R1 (•hter sc<1lc Jiggled San Fran tt~l'O at fi 30 a.m ., and at 6:03 :.r m. a temblor re1'(istering 3.2 QUI\ ered m Santa Barbara Se1smolo~1st Kate Hutton at Caltech an Pas aden:i said s he behevt!s the 'l 1multane1ty was a coincidence ·1 think they're too far apart to be related." s he :.aid "Earth quake~ of that s ize arc common e nough that s uch a coincidence 1s not surprising.'' The Santa Barbara quake was followed by a nother Jolt at 6:35 .• m . which measured 3.4. Both ~entered a male south of Santa Barbara an the Santa Barbar:i Channel. "They Cseismologasts) are not nl'Ccssarily classifying them as <See QUAKES. Page A2) O ra n~-Coasc <::::. 7"7 ~ \l'ealh e r Late night and morning low clouds but mostly sun· ny Wednesday afternoon . Lows toni g ht 58 to 62. Highs Wednesd ay in upper 60s at beaches to m id·70s inland. I NSIDE T ODA l' Catalina's Zane Grey Pueblo Hotel. originaUy the home of We.,tem aaa419r Zane Grey. is one of the few hotet:s in the world without room numbers /111tead. each room bears the tatle of one of Grey's book!. See F'eaturing, Page CJ. Al 'fhr S.Nk • ... Miii.~~ Erme...,._11. CJ '""'*--.will CJ .. L..M.ae.,.. A• MHlff ... ,. ... , ..... .... , C.ll19mi• AJ Clanlt'-1 c .. ,. C-IU as c ......... as O.•• ..... Q ... "en.' ..... ,.. •111!tf'tal--.... 1tutwr1 .. Cl·! M...C: ... Cl 1 ........ 1..-.,. Mlttw .. ir:--. ... ............... Or .... c-c., ,,. .... ~ F~J ... .,.,. flle•l.n Wtdl« . ., ..... _ ... ~ .. A4 At ., ., ... •1 .. . .... A4 A4 . ' ' \'efo Override11 A happy Sen. Alfred Alquist . D San .Jose (left>. and As· semblymun Wadie Deddeh. D·C'hula Vista. cong ratulatt> each other aflC'r winning an override of Govt-rnor Brown's veto of pay raise!> for 230,000 s tate employee~ <St ory Page.> AS) Huntington Marches In Holiday Parade Huntington Beach's annual Fourth of Ju!1 parade on the e ndangered list earlier this year will travel cit v stn·ets for the J 51h t~me W~dnesday, thanks to the help of <'it1tens The parade. b1 lied a!> the na t10n 's largest such event on the F'ourth. gets under way at 10 a m with participants forming up :it Main Street and Orange Avenue The estimJl<'d 3,000 part1 t·1 pants. in<'luding those in I J marching bC:tnds and other~ on 14 floats, will move up Main to a dis ba nding point at Yorktown Avenue. The parac.Je will last about two hours Une of the ch g nital'ies 1n the parade will Ill' t ax crusader Howard .Jarvi!.. whose 1•HorLc; on behalf of Propo'!1t1on 1:1 nearly :,pelled Lht> ernt of the• Jluntington Be~ ch extra\ a~;1111 a The city <'<11J11l·1l eliminated th.-$20,000 it l.ickcd in for the parade in 197R because of finan· c1al cutbacks Tht.> ball wa~ dropped on the city's Spe~ial Events Board m F,.bruary and its membe rs Garriso11 Overru11 MANAGUA, Nicara~ua IAP> The Sandinista guerrillas overran another n ational guard garrison, in Matagalpa, and the government's offensive to retake Mas aya appeared lo be only a probing operatioo·so far. T he rebels cleared out the gar rason in Matagalpa , 55 miles northeast of Managua, after con· trolling th~ cit} for nearly a month and keeping the govern- ment troops pinned down in their barracks . The rebe ls' Radio Sandino sa id five guardsmen were killed, a num ber of others were cap- tured arid a large cache of weapons was taken DOG ••. ing of Reese's rell·a~l'. He would not say whl·n or if of ricers would come back to work. The six o!ficers due an at mid· night Monday did not come to work, officials repqrted. DeGiulio s aid a me morial service was planne d for Vem, a German Shepherd-huskie mixed breed. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT '""''-'·~CoH1 0..1., Poot w11"whte"'''~ D+f'..cftt'Mt ...... ~\ •\Ptilbtt\ohfoCtD~l,.,,,.()t~ (o.t\I PwDU"""'O(OfftC»'-Y S...,.ret.-td•ltort\Mfll PV«Hlt~ ~. tf'W'OUQh '••O..'t' f0t (OU.t M4o'<', H.-1 -1\, H""'"""°" _,, ,_ ta11'1 ~ .... ,, lfYHW \...,...,... lk>Hh ~·th (OA\4 A ,1notfl r.-Q~f'id1t.,.l\0Ub'l~\.11"''°""'•nd ~Y\ .,... Of ... t .. t PUOll~f'Uf"Q Q4,wtt I\ ttt lN "It••• 8•" ~"""" t O\l_.Mfl."' ( •lttMrutit•,..>t .... ,, ... ... p,~ ...... ...i ....... ..... , ... , II Cwlot Yf(• P, •''°'"' •M C,..""1 #tt M.l\it.,, """""'•'" ... '' eon or l-•AM~ ,__.""""' Edo!Ot CMrlnM.L-Ill(-~ IUll ~,,.,,~, MiiMU'U'IQ EdttOit\ Telephone (714)8U~21 Cle11ltled Adwerttt111g M2·M71 ,,,.,,...,.c,._ 4IMIOO raised nearly $26,000 to keep this y~ar's pa rade arloat Much of the money has come in small Sl a nd $2 d onatio ns from 1n d1viduals. The larftcst....d.onetion . SS.000, came from the Hunt rngton Reach Company. Other promine nt figures in Wednesday's parade will be grand marshal Harry "Cap" S he ue a nd hono r a r y grand marshal Pa t Sallman, whose late hus band. Lawrence. wal> former chairman of the s pecial t•venL'> c'ommiltet• The usual contrng<'nt of city counril members and local area congrc'ssmen and assl'mblyml'n w 111 b t• v 1s 1 b I e to par ad t' wafrhl'r~ :.ilong the route. C 1 t y l' o u n c 1 I w o m a n R u th Finlt•v "ill travel in a solar powt.'red elect rica I vehidC' fl olly Sue Calkin. Miss Ora nge ('ounty World. and Donna fl oglt•. C<.1ltfon11 a Junior M1:-.s , will rid(• an d es1gnated auto:. as w 111 auto dt•alcr Cal Worthing ton and wh .1 tever "Dog Spot" he choost-l> for Independence Day City officials a re predicting a crowd of between 50,000 and 100,000 people will watc h it all, lower than past years becau~e the Fourth falls on Wednesday ins tead of a weekend {his year Firework!> fans can see <i p~ rotechnics d1 l>play at 7 30 p m Wednesday at Huntmgton B<'ach High School's dthlet1c field . A trick motorcycle crew will entertaan the crowd before sun· set. Adm1s~1on 1s $3 fo r c.irtults, $2 for kids From Pogf> ,, I PAIR ... campers. But to Mrs . Hunte r , the res cuers were purs uers and shP wasn 't about to stop unless she saw a police uniform, Riverside Cou nt y D e put y Ralph Woodworth explained Monday "She thought they w ere searching for the last s urvivors o f t his mass murd er She thought that only she a nd her c.J a ughter h a d s urvived ,'' Woodworth said. After several days of hiding, Mr s ll unter bega n to hallucinate, he said. and would r un away whenever she or her daui:ehter saw someone. .I l•nnafor "tried to keep her motht·r rational," Woodworth said. "She ke pt quoting things from the Bible." The mothe r a nd child were nearly naked when a passing motorist picked them up Sun- day. They went home, suffering m ental and physical fatigue and weight loss, but othe rwise in good condition , a uthorit ies said. The family was not available for comment. No License For Vendor, 11 ROSELAND. N .J . <AP> - Roseland officiaJs say 11-year- old Billy Halllwell does not need a vending license to peddle cor. fee and packaged goods to motorists waiting in gasoline lines. Borough attorney Ralph Conte said no license was needed "In view of the age of the applicant and the nature of the temporary conditions under which the sales actlvilf will continue and based o n a realistic interpretaU~ of the word 'bualness'." The rulln1 came ln answer to a complaint lod1ed b y luncheonette owner Barrie Werfel who lllld Bllly'a colftt was selll.ng for a nickel Jett t.ban his own. I Mesa, OC Fair Battle ( By JACKIF. HYMAN Of ... o.u, ...... ttett Th~ Coetu Mesa City Council un an1mou:sly o rdtired the city ait· torncy Monduy lO "initiate ap· propriutc legal action ·· against the Oran&l' County Fair after its board mt•mbcr11 refused to formally 11ubmlt their m aaler plan to lhc city. "The t1uunllct has been picked up," City Attorney Robert C~m pa g n a said arte r the action cllmuxed several years of dis- pull' betwe e n the two gov- ••rntnt'ntal agencies over the mastPr plim lie said he will have to re· • •n•a r ch the appltl·able laws lwfort' determining · ho·w best to t·Jrry out the couru.•1l's directive Tht• council two weeks ago sent a letter to the Fair Board as king compliance with t•1ty pro- redu res Board members at thl'lr June 2 1 meeting declined -- ,..,.... PatJeAJ QUAKES .•. aftershocks from tbe Goleta quake last year, whlcb m eaaurfld 5~" said Caltech spokesman DeMia Me~t.b. ·'It could be an aftershock phenomenon." added Ma. Hut- ton. "It might not be." San ta Barba ra earthquake watcher A.E. Banks. who b11s three s mall seis m ographica l machines in his basement, said he was s itting for breakfast when the quakes occurred. "l felt the table j ar just ooe little bink," he said. The r e were no r e ports of damage. A reading of less than 3.5 on lhe Richter scale is con- s Ide r ed a m inor quake tha t norma lly caus es little or no damage. The San Francisco quake 300 miles north of Sant a Barbara was centered near Fremont o" the east side of the bay. acc0rd ang to the UC Berkeley Seismo- graphic Station UC officials said the temblor was "W1dely felt. .. to comply S d • • f Members of lhC' Fair Board -OL"e Ill ~ 11119 «.~ formally the state 32nd District Agricultural Association board of directors -have said that, because they are a state agency, they aren 't requare d to g1, throug h formal city procedures. The San F rancisco quake of 1906 was estim ated to have been the eqwvalent of an 8.3 on the Richter scalt· The Santa Barbara and San Franc1:-.co quakes came afler fivt• days or temblors had r cittled sparsely populated Southern California desert and mountain areas Fair Board m e mber Clint floose. who a tte nded Mondc.ty's meetang. said his group con· linues to be willing to s ubmit its pla ns for the major redevelop. ment to the city informally Council members. however, pointed out that s uch govern- ment agencies as the U.S. Postal Service. the California Depart- m ent of Motor Vehicles and f'a1rv1ew State Hospital have William F Niehous and his wife. Donna. lau~h at a r e- portt•r's question during a pn•sft confcren~e at their Toledo. Ohio. homl'. Niehous wa~ res<'u~d accidentally by Vt>nczuelan police over lhC' wc-t•k1•nd whtlL· l<)l>ktng for c_at lle rustle rs Guerrillas h<.1tl lll'ld ham l'apt1ve for J 112 ~ year:-; ~~~~~~~~~~ Term Suspended In Shooting of Mate Two minor tern bl ors, recordea 45 manules apart Monday , were l' l' n t <' r c d a b o u t l 1 m 1 I (' s northwest of the desert resurt of Borrego Springs in San Diego County and measured 3.7 arid 3 6 r£'specl1 vely o n the Ri cht1·r '>l'i.l le The fi rst struck at 4 51 a m .. th~ seeond al 5 42 a.m '><lld Caltech se1sm olog1sts complied with all s tandard city NEW BRUNS WI CK .NJ procedures for their building CAP > A woman, convicted of a rmed. in the s hooting of her husband. John, on Oct. 19. 1977, a fter the two argued He sur v1 ved lhe shooting. Local off1c1als :.aid lhe latest quakes, however, went virtually unnotice d and c aused n o damage or injunes in lhe com· n1unity, about 90 miles northeast of San Oae~o Rangers al the An tu-Borrego Desert Stale Park said they fe lt only a s light tre mor projects. shooting her husband fi ve time!> "We 've been talking about this after he threatened to throw for 26 years !since the city in-boiling water on her when sht' corporated>." said Councilman refused to cook for him. ha-. Gibbs testified at his wtft' s trial and maintaind he was kid· ding whe n he threate ned to throw boiling water on his wife. and that he was boiling th<- Dom Rac1t1 "What we're asking been gn·t•n a s u:.~dt·d st:-n· the fairgrounds to do is what the tence federal government does, the Superior Court Judgt• Alan A s tate does. the county doe~. an~ ~ockoff on Monday ordered fi ve thC' city of Costa Mesa, believe '~ea rs of probation . mental or not. ap~ars before itself." health counseling and a five-to ' water to remove feathers from ducks he had shot. From Page Al Council m e mbe r s s tressed tO-vear susJ>ended sentence for their concerns about traffic and Buiesa Gibbs. 45, a schcx1I bus Mrs. Gibbs got C:t .22-cali ber a utomatic handgun from her bedroom and pulled 11 from hl•r WHITE ... noi se problems from the new de-driver. . Vf.'lopmcnl. She was convicted in May of h1>Usecoat pock('! when Gahll'! l'l'fll l'r 1n Va<'avallt .. :rnrl li.ltt'r to reached for the pot of water. A:.· 1•1th N Sc.tn Quentin or Solt·dad, "•s l a nt M1dd lt•:-.l'x Co unt y whac·h have• "IH'l'l,d :-P1·11on., ProsecutorL;:iwrencP Westsa1d .... ht•rt• ht• can be '>t·gregatt·lf Pro1ecls s ingled out were the attempted <1s:.;rnll and hattcry 8 ,000·SC'a t <1m1>hithcater on :.ind J ssault .ind b<illt•ry whilt· v. hi ch construction ii, expected to begm later thi& month, and a i>roposed motel at the corner of Convi· C ll. OJI Newport Boulevard <inct Fair Dri ve Gibbs was s hot thrC't' time:-; 1n from tht• gent.•ra l prison µopufa . the left a rm. once in the left side taon and protected from inmatr and once in the abdomen. Mrs reprisals Gibbs telephoned police Wh1te·was convicted May 21 uf Co un c i l woman Norma Co l\.Q • kl He rtzog said she IS also con mes DIC y ccrned because the re has been The judge reminded her Mon· voluntary mans laughter for both day that sb e was "not an isolat· killings after six dayi, of jury de· ed woman living in a cave or a la bC'rations The pane l could s hack" a nd should have asked ha ve <'Onv1cted him of ftrsl no formal commitment by the f:u rgrounds to make offsite im proveme nts such as s torm drains and s treet projects "I don't think the st ate or the fair board is trying to duck their/ r el> pon:.i bi Ii ty." res ponded !loose. pointing out that. in con- Jllntt1on with its new equestrian cl.'nt e r . the f air has ju st la n d scaped an a r ea a long Newport Boulevard even though 1t was1 't required. The fairg r o u nds. localed directly across Fair Drive from Cily llall. is s urrounded by the city although it is sta te property. f "'rom Pag~ A I T-SHIRTS ... home an Bainbridge, a few miles from the Alday hom e near the F'lorida line. Ned Alday. his three sons and his brother were s hot to death as they s howed up during a burgla ry of a mobile hom e . When a daughter-in-law, Mary Alday, arrived, s he was raped and shot to death. Isaacs. Wayne Carl Coleman and Geor ge Dungee , a lJ of Maryland, were convicted. The convictions and death sentences have been under appeal since they were handed down in 1974. ln a 1975 series of prison in terviews, Isaacs. then 22,. said he had no regrets about the deaths of a family th at neighbors described as hard-working and God-fearing. "I'd like to get out and kill more of them, .. he said. "They represent the type of society I don't like. I didn't know them. had never seen the m before May 14 but I didn't like t hem . Work· ing people don't do a damn thing for me." Isaacs once boasted that gun- man John Dillinge r killed 16. people before he was slain in 1934 in Chicago. "l kllled 15 myself and I ain't near as old as Dillinger was." Owens said that if Isaacs' sen· te nce was reduced lo life in prison, he would be eligible for parole soon. More Plane Noi~e Due From El Toro Officials at tbe Marine Corps Air Stat.Ion El Toto are predict· Ing increased jet noise during the evening hours beginning Thursday nJght. · Base' oflicials sa id landing pracUces will result In Increased noise betwee n 8 and 11 p.m. Thursday, FMday, Monday and Tuesday. lN DIANAPOLIS I AP> 11 for help if a senous problem ex degree murder , which carries a took a Jury less than a minute: to iste d al home . maximum penalty of death <'Onv1ct a24yl•arold man uftht• ·1n the cour..e of the tnal. I Mi lk was the c ity's f1r-.t ;ittempted rapt• of a I02·year old !.aw a woman who was indeed avowed homosexual supervisor. woman. court offtc1ab said provoked at such lime in her hfe and the anno uncem C'nt or th~· Judge John W. Tranber~ of when ~he was isolated," Rockoff vC'rd1ct on thi> lesser charg1: Supe rior Court set July 31 to !>CO s aid. touched off the worst n oting in tence Georgl' Lee Cowans of In San F'ranc1sco history dianapolis. who f'..lte!> 20 year:. 111 "It was an isolated incident Thousands of people, mosl of prison and one you could neve r repeat tht'm homosexual, marched to Jury foreman Stephen A. Oun-again." he said. "( believe you Cit.v Hall. and in the ensuing can c;a1d be asked the panel tf a have a genuine concern for your vio lence. th<' glass doors to the Secret ballot was needed. The 11 c hildre n. Pris on would do b 'Id ' h d d n nothing but destroy the beliefs o. f ui rng wcrt smas e · a oze Othe r J·urors said it was not, pol1"e ca..., set afi re and hun vour children 's love for their .. "' · · Duncan said lie then asked if . dreds or people inJured. anyone wanted to discuss the mother " The disturbance led the polic1• evidence. Again the an~wer wa:. The judge added that J ohn office rs' assoc1at1on to vote no no. and he asked for a show of Gibbs had asked the court to confictenre m Chief Charles Gain hands. he said give her a suspended sentence because of what it considered le h d b r th because he was concerned about The jury a ecn out o t· , ruent handling of the .:!_ote~ ~c~o~u~r~t~roo~m~f~o~u~r~m~in~u~t~e~!.~~~~.--'.h~1~s~c~h~i~ldr~. ~e~n~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' With Rol ex, diamonds are right on time. 'f ROLZZ SLAVIC K'S Fine Jewelers Since 1917 The d1stinct1vt.• 18 karat yellow ~old Rolex Oa) Dale with matching hidden clas1> bra('clet A llnadornl·d. $5,250.00 B. With diamond dial, $5,925.00 C With diamond bezel and diamond dial. $9,075.00. Or ad<! to your own 18 karat gold Day-Da te a diamond betel for S3.150.00: or a diamond dial for $675 00: or both for S3.825.00 Fashion Island, Newport Center . Newport Beach I <71 4) 644·1380 :i Other Location& We1nmins1er Moll. Lugun u Hill!! Mall. Or11n11e. Ct>rrtl(JS Also Greater Los Anaelea / San Dlegu / Lu Ve~~ 11 1 ll'latt• I '"..,. af !lilo\11~-l ton .. lltffl 0•1'&• 111•• fll A~tMI g,,._ I • at tr 17 - Orange Coast EDIT ION Tod ay's Closin g N.Y. Stoe!kH VOL. 72, NO. 114, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1979 N Fl FTEEN CENTS, works By MICHAEL P.\SKEVICH ot•o ... -. ... "~ ··1 bandied all types of ~x f plosivea ln Vietnam I f tbougbl I could h a n dle , fireworks. " t Charles Samuel Duke, JU, I talked haltingly and painfully to· day of bis nightmarish everung in HunUngton Beach last Satur day. He was "just over at a rnend's. * * * Fireworks Ange~ 10/ficers I Frustrated Newport Beach ,fire inv estigator s f o und -themselves today with another l fireworks-caused blaze lo probe. "I can't tell you how bad these 1 illegal fireworks. are," said in· t vestigator Jim Upton. l Upton and invel>tigator Jim Topping are looking for the J youths responsible for touching off two fires since Friday 1 The most recent fire caust!d an estimated $500 damage to the roof of a home at 2612 Vista Drive in Bayshores. Friday's fire did about $300 dam age to the roof or a home at 1509 Anita Lane in the Mariners a rea. In both cases . the in- ' vestigators say they'r e con- vinced the fires were started by bottle rockets that landed on the dry roofs. The teen-agers responsible for setting off those rockets prob· ably live in the s urrounding neighborhoods. but Upton said he's had litUe cooperation from residents in locating the youths responsible. ·'When l take fireworks away from some kid e verybody says • I'm a big ogre," an angry Upton i said. ..Maybe when it's their l roof that's on fire, they'll pay a little more attention." The two fires under investiga- ·tion we re the results or use of fireworks banned by state law. In addition, t h e C ity of Newport Beach has a law pro- hibiting use of the fire works dubbed "s afe and sane " that are ; sold in other cities in Orange County. l Police and fire officials say 1 they will a rrest a nyone they find 1 in possession of fire works t banned by state law and they , will issue c itations to people I with the safe and sane variety of • fireworks. • Police Chief Pete G ross said J that because of the dry weather r conditions. his m en will a rrest l• a nyone using the state approved fireworks in a hazardous man· • ner ~ ' ~Fire Probed i ~At M o rtuary : Newport Beach arson in· 1 vesligators continued today to probe a fire that broke out Mon· day morning in the offices of Pacific View Mortuary. The fire did an estimated $700 to carpeting and furniture before it was doused by firemen. Investigator Jim Topping said : today the fire is of s uspicious t or~gin. ~he said be is s till uncer· l tam as to its cause ( ~ Scuba Gea r Tak e n ' In Newport Beach • A Newport Be ach resident : who returned from a scuba div· ing trip to Catalina on Monday, reported the theft or $2,200 worth of divinl equipment a few hours later. Kenneth Layton of 5001 River Ave. told police the diving kear was Jocked inside bis car parked In front ot b1a home. Police said the vehicle's wind wing was forced open. Two Safe in Crash VlC'roRVILLE (AP) -Both occup&ata of an F4·E Phantom jet flJbter that craahed Ju.t after takeoff at Georce Air Foree B••• ejected and paradullild. safely to tbe around. 1'1M1 _.. klentlfted as bl Lt. Howard 8 . Ruth and Capt. OIMD a. Mcc.aell. house." gelttnll rt:ady lo gu tu the movh.'8 with hlit turncee and hl'r family Passinj{ the t1mt· by hghlln~ .1 few hrework:s st..'i.'m~ llkc fun .. I ht It and backed orr al least "O feel, said Duke ·All o( a sudden I was hll in the eye It knocked nw back about 15 feet and wht•n I got up I relt blood pourmg out of my eyt• " Duk e r e m c mbttr s th e :-.t«>rchmg ago11y and the frantic 1'1dt· 'o Pac ifica Community llos 1J1tal where he was "tm 111t•1l1atdy scrub~d down and. oµl:'ratl'd on by µhys1c1an:; M 1c•hucl and Oumel Sig band The eye surgeons removed a wad of the pr0Ject1le which had bored through Duke ·s right l'~ ('lid ·Tht-Y Sl'em to think I won't set.' out ·of 1t ..iga 1 n · Familiar F eathe r s Osprey lounges atop Newport. Harbor's fa med os prey platform. Balboa bird watchers say the sea- going hawk took up residence on the platform this week. It isn't known if it is the same osprey who created a stir last year when it buill a nest atop the foremast of a schooner moored in the harbor. When the .boat's owner wanted to move his vessel. the s pecial pla tform was erected. but the osprey lost in- terest in the project a nd , at the time. went elsewhere Nix o n Expected To Visit S h ah M EXICO CITY <AP> -A U.S. Embassy source says former President Nixon is expected to vis it Sha h Mohammed Reza Pahlavi this week al the heavily guarded Mexican villa his former ally is occupying. "It is true that we think he 1s comi ng. but we don 't know when," the source said Monday night. "We are read y to help out in any way we can with logistics or whatever, but so far there have been no official requests for any kind of assistance. "In all likelihood, given what Coas tal Cities we know. we C'an expect Nixon to visit the s hah later this w<'e k." said the source, who asked not to be identified. "We don't kn0\11 when he is go· ing to co.me. if indeed. he is go in~ to come at all, .. he added. Nixon's aide in San Clemente. Col. Jack Brennan. was not av ail able for comment. ln Washington, State Depart· m e nt s pokes man Thomas Reston s aid he knew nothing about a trip to Mexito by the former president. More surgery is possible. Duke. r ecuperating at ha s home in Lakewood, isn't s ure if he'll get his job back as a warehouseman for a metals firm He'll be laid up and his eye bapdaged for at least "three or four months " ' Even with the aid or patnkill ing medication, when he blinks his good eye. "It feels hke my head IS coming orr." Sunlight hurts. but he says he doesn't fee l like going outside these days anyway. The experience has taught him that anything can happen with fireworks, legal or not "You just don't know about anything that's explosive Any aond of fireworks have gun powder in them, .. said Duke. who doesn't want to discuss the type of device that causc.'<i has blindness unlJI insurance mat ters are worked out He "chewed out" his 14-year1 old nephew Monday when he s aw htm firing orr bottle rockets. and wishes parents would take all firework~ away from their kids '·M y fire work ~ dC1 ys arc ovt•r," said Duke. "I guess I h<1d to get hurt to gro"' up. "I still have ont> eye left to se<: with and I'll be taking extra care of that one.' Killed M oscone-,-M ilk White Sentenced: 7 Years, 8 Months SAN 1-'RA N<.'JSCO (A P l ()Jn Wh1 ll', who~e voluntary manslaughter conv1cl1on 1n tht.• k1ll1ngs of Ma)or Gcorgt· M o~cone and Supervisor Har vey Milk st'l off a n ot at Clly Hall. \\..ts sentenced today to seven 'c·;Hs and t•1ght months 1n pn~on tht.• maximum allowed by la~ \\'hill' will bl· (·lig1ble for parole in about f1 vt• years. Tht• minimum scntence that Superior Court J ud~t.' Walter C<i lcagno could have 1mpo!>ed would have twen four years As Calca~no 1n1sscd sentence on ;m expressionless White. a minor demonstration was taking place outside the llall or Justice t\ bout 20 people carried sign~ critical or the police depart ·ment's handling or the case. The demonstrators chanted "lie got away with murder." The Judge said that because of the :-enousness of the rrime. he• "'&s giving White lhl.' maximum term allowable by law. Before the sentence was Jader Tak es ~ad Position In Transpac The corrected time lead m thl' Transpar yacht race today moved into the Class A fleet with J adcr. an 80-foot ketch from Delaware, taking over fi rst in Class A and fl eet. Jader was 649 miles from the start Second in class was Windward Passage, 658 miles from Lo!> Angeles. Elapsed time positions were not reported by noon today. so the re was no word on the pos t· t1on:-of Drifter . Me rltn. and Ragtime. the e l apsed-time leaders Monday Class B leader on corrected ti m e was High Role r. skippered b y Bill Powe r of Newpo rt Harbor Yacht Club The Class C leader was Dakar, Bill Goodley. Del Rey Yacht Club. and leading class D was Scepter For earlier s tory, see Page 84. Ferraro Re-e lected LOS ANGELES CAP> -John Ferraro h as been re·elected president of the City Council for a second two.year term. -. handed down. Wh1lE'.., lawyer. Douglas Schmidt. told the judg1• he had sent a ·'letter of m1t1ga lion." The contents of the letter wen· not disclosed. but Cak:tJ{no then ~aid h1· round thal Wh1ll "'as not e!Jg1bk for probation Sl'hmidt abo asked lhiil Wh.alt> be given special protection 1n priso n . s ince a !> a ftJrmt-r p o I 1 c e m a n h e <' o u I d r a c c· reprisals from other inmates The Judge· ruled that Wh1 t1· .... ould be allowC'd 2 18 day!> for t1mt.' serv('d tn Jail sinci• he sur rC'ndered aftt•r lht! killings ~O\ 27 The state Com munity Hcl<:ast· Board could ('Ut as much a~ 01w third from lhe tt-rm 1f White 1~ eventuall y con s ide r ed for parole Peter Frisch. publisher of thP largest gay news paper in lhl· countrv. The Advocate ~aid "The most significant thing 1'<1 say IS that. as publis her Of tht· AdvoC'ate. it's frh~htenin~ to mt· that a man (jke Dan Whtk can bl out in the street m five year!>. I wouldn't want to mPPt him " 3Roll T oday • AP W•r• pt\ot • GETS SEVEN YEARS SF Slayer White Quakes Shake State S ix t h D ay in Row By Tht> Associatrd Pr.-ss A busy wt.'ek for Califorr11 ;1 t•arthquakes continued loda}, with three small tremor~ rum· bhng thro~h the San Francisco and Santa Barbara area~ two almost simultaneously on thf' sixth straight day of earth move- ments in the s tate. A quake measuring 3 O on the Richter scale Jiggled San Fran l'isco at 6:30 a .m .. a nd at 6·0J a.m . a temblor registering 3 2 quivC'red in Santa Barbara Seismologist Kate Hutton at Caltech in Pasadena ~aid s ht• believes the simultaneity was a coincidence. "I think they're too far apart to be related." s he said . "Earth· quakes of that s ize are common enough that such a coincidence is not surprising." Tne Santa Barbara quake was followed by anothe r jolt at 6 :35 a.m .• which measured 3.4. Both centered a mile south of Santa Barbara in the Santa Barbara Channel. hl· \.\ J 'i -.1tling for bn·.ikfa,t wtu.'n thl' quake~ Ol'l'UITt.'d. "I felt lht tabl<-Jar JU~t ont' llttk bink," h(• ..,aid. Thl·rl' Y.erc nu reports of d:.i m a~e. A rcadtn~ of less than 3 5 on the R1chtl'r scalt· 1s con· -.1d t.'red ;a minor quake that normal!) Cd Use:-ltltlc or mi damaet' . Tht' San F'ranc1sco quake 300 miles north of Santa Rarbara "as C'enlered near Fremont on t hl• east side of the bay. ac<'ord· 1ng to the UC Berkele) Se1smo graphic St;itton L'C off1c1al!> l> .. td the temblor wa~ "W1dely felt.·· The San Fram·t~CO quake or 1906 was e!>tamated lo h\lve been the equivalent of an 8.3 on tht.' Richter scale. Or:njj ,:ast W eath e r Fourth Celebrations Set ''They (seismologists) are not necessarily classifying them as aftershocks from t he Goleta quake las t year . whi c h m e asured 5," said Caltf'c h spokesman Dennis Meredith . "It could be an aftershock phenomenon," added Ms. Hut· ton. "It might not be.·• Lute night and morning low c louds but mostly sun- ny Wednesday afternoon. Lows tonight 58 to 62. Highs Wednesday in upper 60s at beaches to mid-70s. tnland. Fourth of July cele brations - m any featuring fireworks dis· plays -· are scheduled in several Orange Coast cities Wednesday. Here's a rundown of celebra· lions open to the public: COSTA MESA: The American ~egion is sponsoring a 9 p.m. fireworks show at the Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, preceded by bands and other entertainment beginning at 2p.m. Advance ticket.a at Ticketron are $3 for adult.a, $2 for children and $12.50 per family. At tbe sate, the price ls SS for adu.lta. $3 for children and $1S per lamily. HUNTINGTON BEACH: This year's parade, with an expected 3,000 participanta, 14 noat.s and 11 bands. will kick oil al 10 un, and run for two hours from Orange to Yorktown avenues on Main Street. Fireworks will be featured, beginning between 7:30 and 8 p.m ., at the Huntington Beach High School stadium, 1905 Main St . Cost is $3 for adults and $2 for children. LAGUNA NIGUEL: Family fun will begin at 11 a .m . at e rown Valley Community Park wnn a treasure hunt, pie eating and races. Bands will also play all day, with a parachute exhibi- tion and fireworks scheduled at 8:30 p.m. Admission ls free. NEWPO R T 8EACR : Mariners Community Associa· lion wlll bold a parade and ptc· nic at 10 a.m. at Mariners Park. The Balboa Improvement As· sociation will s ponsor a free fireworks show al 9 p.m. a t the Balboa Pier. Newport Dunes Aquatic Parle. near }t;ast Coast Highway and Jamboree Road . will o ffer fireworks al 9 p.m . Admission is $1 per person. SAN CLEMENTE: The Lions Club will host a barbecue from noon to s p.m. at 100 Avenida Seville. Veterans of Foreign Wars will send up fireworks at the clty pier at duak. Admission is free. SAN JUAN CAPIST RANO. Games and races, including a pie toss and eventa for chlldren. will be held rrom 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m . in a, field on Del Obispo between Ortea• W1hway and cam\no Capistrano. Food. soft drlnksandbeerwlll be sold. '• ------.o:ae:: Santa Ba rba r a earthqu,ke watcher A.E . Banks, who has three s mall seismogr aphical machines in his basement. said 'Pooh' Gone; Kids Unhappy There is a group or unhappy pre -schoolers in Newport Beach today who'd like to have Winnie. the·Poob retumed to them. The huge s tuffed animal, which weighed 25 pounds, was stolen Monday from the yard of the Eastbluff Pre School, 2601 Vista deJ Oro. ~bool officials estima~ the bear'• monetary value at $~. Pooh's small fans would eraue that he's Invaluable . -- INSIDE TODJ\Y Catalina's Zane C rey Pueblo Hotel. onginolly the home of Weatern author Zane Grey, is one of the few hotels an the world without room numbers. Instead, each room bears the title of one of Cre11's books. See Featuring, Page Cl . lntlex r 8""' County j ~ns Coat Yew Yoie. H ere's how Oranae County's leaislall\•e del· eaaOoa vot•d MoQday wlMa tM LecWatu... over· rode Gov Edmund G Brown Jr.'• nto of SB tl to alve ll.alO eJDployeo1 1 pereeet pay ral1e1 re\J'OlcUv-e to lul Oc l. cSee atory, Paae A&.) t n the s t•te Senate , wher e the ~ wu 28 S to overnde, Democrat Paul Carpenter of Garden Grove and Republican John Brias of Fullerton voted with the m"orf ty. Republican John SchmiU ol Newport lkacb voled agains t ove rriding the governor's veto. In the Assembly. the vote waa 59-lS to ovemdt D e moc ra ts Denn is Managers of Huntington Beach. Richa rd Robinson of Santa Ana and Chet Wray of Garden Grove aU voted with the major ity. R e publican Marian Be rgeson o f Newpo rt Beach voted against the override. R e p u bli c ans R oss Johnson of Fullerton Mnd Bruce Nestande of Orange didn't vote. 7 Colleges Boosted by Newport Fund Grants of about $1 million to each of seven independent col- leges in California have been an- nounced by the Harry G. Steele Foundation of Newport Beach. T he grants, a fo undation spokesman said, will be added to l he unrestricted endowment funds of Pomona College, Scripps College, Claremont Men's College, Ha rvey Mudd College and Pitzer College of the Claremont Colleges group;· Oc- cidental College in Los Angeles. and Mills College in Oakland. "The foundation has. in the past. made scholarship gra nts to these colleges. This year , it was concluded that unrestricted en- dowment was essential because oJ the present and future dif. flcult times the independent col- leges face," the foundation spokesman said Ex-teacher Dori Cave Succmnhs Funeral ser vices will be con- ducted Friday in Newport Beach for retired teacher Dori Cave who died Saturday. A resident of the Ha rbor Area since 1964 , Mrs. Cave taught Spanish at Kaiser Middle School in Co(lta Mesa until her retire· ment m 1977. She was a member o ( the Na- tional Education Association and the Retired Teachers' As- sociation of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Mrs Cave leaves her son, Larry LaPrade, or Phoenrx; daughters Annebelle Cave, Lin· da Taggart and Lore Hedden of Seattle, and Trude Howard or Salt Lake City; father Fred Red- mon of Yakima , Wa s h ., brothers, Fred Redmon, Jr. of Newport Beach and Nelson Red· mon of Portland, and seven grandchildren. · Services will be conducted at 2 p.m . at St. James Episcopal Church, 3209 Via Lido Pickets Limited LOS ANGELES (AP> -Strik- i ng workers at Ceda rs-Sinai Medical Center we re ordered to limit their pickets at the facility following a confrontation which one police offker s aid "hinged on being a riot.·' ORANOECOAST H DAILY PILOT llw Or-toe\ID.ilr P11o1.wn~-1<~1 .. ..,. 0-""' -... ~ .... """'''"" '"'"'Or-(N\I P'""l\Nftt(-1'. 5*oet•l•~lt1.,.,,.,. °"CMt•MO -.. U..°"91' FrllN• 1 .. CAl\I• M•M . N•-1 l!Hcft. l'liHlll"910ft llUCftlF- 1a11\ Va t .. y, INlftt. uoi-9 .. Cl\tiotill\ ( .. >I o\ "_'..._•NlllOll••-•-•!>.tv_n_ ~ .. , ... I>' .... __ ,,, ............ "., J.)O W.11 & .. st'"' (°''" ~··· c •tt•O<N• "'" • T Hunters Spark Terror LAKE ELSINORE. CalU (AP> It be~an w\lh wllh 1un fire ln ~ nl t ud &M plercln1 lhoul "Dao ahoot him ln lhe bead!" Peto Hunter 1n1bbed tler U·JHr-old dautcbter. and the>• Oed for their Uvet1 For two week8. authonltea; said . they ran throu1h the foreat. 1l vln1 off berries and roocs. slf'epln1 1n dJ rty blankets. lleep1111 a step ahead of the men they were au~ had k\Ued 10 of thetr fellow campers, lncluotng Mn Hunter 's husband and son T he terror was r e al , the murden never happened. The feared pursuers with dogs were search crews sent out to look for the mother and girl, believed to have been kidnapped And what about the shots and blood-curdling cry? Merely the killing of a raccoon so it could be tes ted fo r rabies, Riverside County Sheriff's deputies said Monday. Sunday morning, the patr emerged from the Cleveland Na· lional Forest. dressed In tatters. e xhausted and hung ry. They headed home to recover from an orde al author1t1es re lated this way· On June 16. a campt'r al a Seventh-day Advcntis l youth camp was b1tt<>n by a raccoon, a nd camp offic ials shot the animal. Mrs . Hunter, 34. and her da u g h ter , J enni fe r , were a wakened by the shot. )hey also he ard someone say: "Don't shoot him in the head " and the sound or fireworks being set off in the area. It sounded like mass murder. the woman and he r daughter thought. Mrs. Hunter bit a hole in the rear of the tent, and she and J ennifer , both c lad only in nightgowns, fled into the foret-;t about 40 miles southeast of Lo~ Angeles. But to Mrs Hunter. the rescuers we re pursuers and she wasn't about to stop unless she saw a police uniform, Riverside Co unt y D e put y R a lph Woodworth explained Monday. ··S he tho ug h t they we re searching for the last survivors of this m ass murde r. She thought that only she and her d a ughte r had s urvive d ." Woodworth said. After several days of hiding, Mrs. Hunt er b e g a n t o hallucinate, he said . and would run away whenever she or her daughter saw someone. Jennifer "tried to keep her m othe r rational,.. Woodworth sa id. ''She kept quoting things from the Bible.·· The mother and child were nearly naked when a passing motorist picked them up Sun- day. They went home, suffering mental and physical fatigue and weight loss, but otherwise in good condition, authorities said. The family was not available for comment. Mrs. Buell's Fmal Rites Set Monday Me morial ser vices will be con- ducted Monday in Corona del Mar for long-time resident Delight Buell, 75, who died last Friday Mrs. Buell was one of four Corona del Mar women injured in a two-car collision June 22 on P acific Coast Highway at the en- trance to Irvine Center. One w.oman, Gilda Peralta, 32, was recently released from South Coast Medical Center. Two others. Tally Coslow, 71, and Helen McCoy, 80, . both re- main at Hoag Memorial Hospital where they are re- covering. Mra. Buell and her husband, Floyd, first moved to Corona del Mar from Glendale in ltM9. She was active in a variety of com- munity organizatloos, including the Assistance League, the Friends of the Library, the Ebell Club, and the Friends of OASIS. I n addition, s he and her husband were members of the Irvine Coast Country Club and the Newmort Lawn Bowlln1 As- sociation. Mrs. Buell served as a voluo· teer at Hoag Memorial Hoepltal and she was a member ot the women's groups at both the Newpo r t Ce n ter U n ited Methodist Church and the Com- munity CoPfregattonal Church lo Coron' de Mar. Sbe la survived by her husband; a daughter, Patricia Speyers; a aon, Douglas Buell; a bro t h er, Jaclt Tate ; 10 grandchildren and two 1reat· 1randcbJld.nm. Servteea wUl be conducted at 11 a .m . at Community Con1S>•tatlonal Church, 811 H•llolrOJHl Ave ., CoroH del Mar. Tbe family bat IUfltated mftlorlal coatrtbutloaa to Hoq Memorial lbpttal or to tbe AA· •l1tanee Lea1.ae of N••Port Beacth. SUCCUMBS AT 60 Ex-Truatee Mttehell County Leader Succumbs Cl ay N. Mitche ll, for mer member or the California Board or Education and champion or conservative causes in Orange County, is dead at the age of 68 Mr Mitchell . who lived in South Laguna with his wife Helen for 30 years, died Satur day at the Veteran's Hospital in Sepulveda after a len~thy ill· ness The former food broker and investment counselor was acj.jve in education, having served on the Orange County Board or Education for eight years befor being appointed by then·Gov Ronald Reag an to the sta te board of education in 1970. He was a member or the South Laguna Sanitary District for 12 years. quitting after the district merged with the South Coast County Water District last year And he was a member of the· Re tired Officers' Associa tion, the Capistrano Va lley Baptist Church a nd Phi Kappa P s i fra te rnity. During his years in South Laguna, the outspoken former Ar my Air Force officer made headlines with a variety of causes. ranging from his anger over education policies to h.is er forts to keep the Santa Ana and San Diego Freeways from merg ing near the Marine Corps air station at El Toro. Mr. Mitchell graduated from UCLA in 1933 where he majored in economics. He joined the Air Force prior to World War II and was on a committee tha t select- ed locations for'lnilitary air sla· lions. That panel was instrumental in selecting the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro and what is now J ohn Wayne Airport as military airstrips prior to World War 11 The former intelligence officer left the Army Air Force on a physical disability and became active in h.is local PT A, later re- ceiving an appointment to the county board of educ ation in 1962. He was named to the state boa rd in 1970 by Governor Reagan, but quit four years later alter often being on the los- ing end or 9-1 votes, saying he did not approve or the gov- ernor's education programs and terming other Reagan appoint· ments as "political." As early as 1954, the activist worked with a group in Santa Barbara to keep oil drillin2 plat- forms from the ocean. He reasoned that the plat- forms would make it difficult to detect enemy s ubmarines. He later objecied to location or the Santa An a and San Diego freeways, saying the juncture of the two freeway routes would hinder rn.Uitary flights out or El Toro. New Daily Pilot Price in Ef feel Home delivery price for the Daily Pilot went from $8.SO to $3.75 per month ef- fective Sunday. July t , 1979. Price of single copies sold at coin boxes or over the c ount e r we re in· creased to 15 ce nts daily, and to 35 cents Sunday. At $3.7!5 per month, the Dally Pilot home delivery price remains among the lowest for seven -day newspapers in Southern California. Your Dally Pilot car· rler, who is an indepen· dent merchant, will re allze an increaae in profit for his or her services to you at tbe new price. ConUnulng major cos t lncreaees In all 11pect.s ol newspaper produetlon and dJatrlbutton, such as a IS perunt Increase in the coat of neW1print, make thla lncreasc necessary. •I ______ ...,...,......._. __ -...------...... ------· Steiger .Wife Bet Runner? LOS ANGELES CAPl -A luror arose today during the Rod Stei1er divorce trial when the whlte·baired actor commented that his wife, a racetrack buff, used to ''run bets" for other peo- ple. "Do you mean to say she was a bookie?" asked Mrs. Stelger's attorney, Harold Rhoden. "No," Steiger said. "But sbe told me she ran bets for other bettors, and if they won she got a couple of hundred dollars." Rboden, who called Steiger as a hostile witness. objected veheme ntly a s Steige r 's at - torney tried to slop the line or questioning. "This man bas indicated this woman was making money as a bookie or by som e i llegal m eans," Rhoden shouted. At that point, Steiger asked to explain further. ··1 want it understood that I was proud of my wife's a bility with horses." he said. speaking in the rapid. c li pped tones familiar lo moviegoers. "I de- pended on it. When we went to the Kentucky Derby I was very proud that she picked the first l wo winning horses. "l don't mean to imply in any way that it was dirty or illegal," he went on ... I see nothing wrong with a lady running bets." E a r l ie r. Sherry St e ige r testified the actor waited until their wedding invitations had been sent before telling her to s ign a prenuptial agreement waiving her rights to any of his property or earnings. "lie said we both had lo sign such an agreement. Otherwise there would be no marriage." Mrs. Steiger said. "I knew J had to sign, or I wouldn't get ma r- ried." Superior Court Judge Har ry Shafer asked Mrs Steiger · .. And that was very important to yo u -getting married?" .. Yes,·· Mrs Steiger said firmlv. Burglar Gets Costly Ring Newport Beach police a r e seeking the thief who stole a s uitcase contafoing a 48-carat topaz ring valued at $12,000. T he s uitcase was re por ted s tolen Monday by San Diego County resident Mary Ann Rec- tor who was vis iting friends in Newport Beach. She t.old police the s uitcase was in the back seat or her car , parked 1n the 500 bloc k of Riverside Avenue when she saw it last. Outpatie nt Clinics Oosed on Holiday Outpatient clinics at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange will be closed J uly 4, in ob- servance or Independence Day. T h e me di ca l center ·s e mergency depa rtment wi ll operate on its normal 24·hour schedule. Board c111 .. 1 ,. .. w1,._...10 Roberta Weintraub. an out· spoken foe or forced school busing, beam s after being e lerted president of the Lo Angeles Board of Education. T he vote was una nim ous on the fourth ballot OC Fair~ Wuncil Battle By JACKI E HYMAN ()! ,,.. O~lly Pll•I St•lt The Costa Mesa City Council unanimously ordered the city at torney Monday to "initiate .:1p propriate legal action" against the Orange County Fair after its board members reJused to formally submit their master plan to the city ·'The gauntlet has been picked up, .. City Attorney Robert Cam p agna said afte r the ac11nn climaxed several years of d1l> pule between the two go\ ernmental agencies o e r tht· master plan lie said he will have to n·· search the applica ble la w' before determtning how bc.;t to carry out the council's d1reC'll\I' The council two "eeks e1i.:o sent a letter to thl' Fair Boartl asking compllam·t• with cit~ pro cedures Board me mb1·r~ at their June 21 mc·ctin,g declined to comply Members of the Fair Board formally the state 32nd D1stnn Agricultural Assoc1allon OOilrd of directors have said that because Lhey are a s tate agency , they a ren't r equired to go through formal city procedures fair Board member Clint Hoose, who attended Monday's meeting. said his group Mn tinues to be willing to submit 1ts plans for the maJor redevelop· ment to the cit y informally Council ml•mberi.. however. pointed out that such govt'rn ment ;ig€'nci<'<; a~ lhl' U S Postal Service. the C;i hforn1 a Depart ment of Motor Vt:'h1cl es and Fairview State Hospital have complied Wlth all -;tandarrt city procedures for their building proJect.s. "We've been talking about this for 26 years 1since the city in corporated)." said Councilman Dom Raciti. "What we 're asking the [airgrounds to do is what the federal government docs. the state does. the county does. and the city of Costa Mesa. believe 1t or not, appears before itself " 'Fourth' Parade Readied Huntington Beach ·s annual Fourth of July parade -on the e ndangered list earUer thls year will traveJ city streets for the 15th time Wednesday. thanks to the help of citizens. The parade, billed as the na- tion's largest s uch evenl on the Fourth, gets under way at 10 a.m . with participants forming up at Main Street and Orange Avenue. The estimated 3.000 partici pants, inc luding those in JI march.ing bands and others on 14 n oaL'i, will move up Main to a dis ba nding point at Yorktown A venue The par ade will last about two hours . One of the dignitaries in the pa r ade will be l<1 x c rusader Howard Jarvis, whose e fforts cm behalf of P roposition 13 nearly spelled the end of the Huntington Beach extravaganza. The city council e liminated the $20,000 1t kickf'd in for tht• parade in 1978 because of rinun c1al cutbacks. The ball was dropped on th•· rny·s Special Events Board 1n f'ebrua r y and its member!> raised n<'arly $26,000 to keep th i~ Year's pan1de afloat Much or the money ha!> ('O mt• 1n l>mall $1 an'd' Sl d or.:.ilwn!> from in d1viduab The larJ{e!>t donall{Jn , $5 ,000. c<1mt' from the Hunt ington Beach Company Cats Killed In Irvine W1ulo Blaze T14o 1·a t s wl•rc killed and S3i 000 1n dJmage was c•ausPd by a f ire th.it ragt•d through :Jn ln me cundom1mum this mom IOJ:! fhl· i :.15 J m f1rt· <1t 14521 <h JI HoJd \.\,:.is rau!>erl h} .i fault v t o ast~r. ,1 ct·Q rd10~ let Mark 1fuwk1ns. a county fire dt· part ment spokesman r Ort\ rl\I' ftrt•nwn were dh pJtc•hed lo the two dlJrm (111· that broke out about 15 minut1•s afte r occupants of the con dom1n 1um le ft fo r work , Ha wkins said The blaze wa:- controlled in about 20 minutes. Tenants or the residence wen· identified as Jim and Gall Fure v A third tenant, Cindy Gud~er. was aw41y in Sacramcn to, Hawkins said The two dead cats were found sn an upstaJrs room A third cut and a do~ were s aved b v firemen. Hawkins said · "Jt was quite a scene 20 fi remen in fuU protective geur try ing to catch the dog, " Hawkins reported Hawkins said the re was about S30.000 damage Lo the structure and $7,000 lo its contents. Two other con dom inium s in the thrae·unil complex were not af. fected by the fire. H a wk ans said a breakfas t snack had been placed in the toaster, but did not pop up and was apparently forgotten by the work-bound residents . With Rolex, diamonds are right on ti me. • l\OLElt SLAVIC K'S fine Jewelrrs Since 1917 Tht' d1st1nct1ve 18 karat ycllo" gold Rolex Day· Date with matching hidde n clasp bracelet. A. Unadorned. $5,250.00 B With diamond dial. $5.925.00 C. With diamond bezel and d iamond dial. $9.075.00. Or add to your own 18 karnl gold Day. Outc a d ia mond bezel for S3, 150 00. or a diamond dial for $675.00, or both for S3,825 00 Fashion Island. Newport Center, Newport Beach I <'714 > 6'4·1380 3 Other Locations. Wcstmln11tl'r M111ll. Laguna Hills M•ll. Orange, Ctmtos Also Oreuter Los Angeles I S•n Dirgo I Lai Veaas UM -et••YIC'' t "911V_..i rllaf1t .i .. tr /\-• ~. \7\llA Mulrr CUtet Mtm~ F'lne JtWflltn Gwld --. ,. ... "'-' ... ' - Orange Coast Jurors O.tlY ...... SUtf f'tloto These are the Orange Coast's represen- tatives on the 1979-80 Orange County Grand Jury, along with jury foreman Benton Be- jach of Santa Ana. In front row <from left > a re Sam Feldman of Seal Beach, Leonor Ha mmond of San Juan Capistrano, Derald Hunt of Costa Mesa and Kathleen Cum- mings of Laguna Beach. In back row <from left> are James M cCo rmi c k of Wes tminster. Foreman Bejach. J a m es Dick of Fountain Valley and James M . Keefe of Huntington Beach. New jury was s worn in Monday. County Alcoholis~ High "Jury Report Cites Drinking Problems By ROBERT BARKER Of ti. 0.11' ...... St•H Orange Counlians o n the whole are a bunch or pretty h eavy drinkers. according to findings of the 1978-79 Grand Jury Nearly 10 percent of the coun· ty's adult population has drink· 1ng problems and alcoholism pervades all segments of socie· ty. the Grand .Jury report notes. About 135,000 in4iividuals are termed either alcoholic abusive (using alcohol lo support daily activities) or alcoholic <addicted and experiencing s erious hfe disruption). Using information supphed by various county agencies. the re- port alleges that alcohol abuse affects 9. 7 percent of the adult population and is a problem in e ve r y area o f the count y bec ause of e conomi c and cultural factors. -The east-central are a of the county, the Grand Jury notes. contains the hi2hest number of transients and indigents , the o ldest hous i ng and a g reat number of aging hotels. The north county and north coast r egions are he avily populated with intact families striving to maintain economic ~ecurity and upward mobility. according to the report. The south coast boast-; af- f I u en t neighborhoods. the highest number of single parent heads-of households and a heavy concentration of older people. among whom alcoholism is often more pre .. ·a lent t han in any other group, the report said. To alleviate the condition, the Grand Jury recommends that a public detoxification program and center be re-established. Jurors said this also was rec- om mende d by the pre vious jury but that "it has not dis· cerned a ny si g~ificant im- plementation by th~ Board of Supervisors." T he Grand Jury also urges that the J ames A. Musick sher iff's honor farm and a now- closed juvenile detention facility be considered for possible sites. Education about alcoholism also should begin at the elemen· tary school level, lhe jury says. The Grand Jury expresses op- timism that alcohoHsm can be reduced through public and Judge Declares No Bias Orange County Superior Court Judge RJcbard Beacom bu de- nied be bolds any bias toward rape suspect Glen Howard Hutcherson and Insists he can preside fairly over Hutcherson's third trial. Beacom filed a court affidavit in response to a challenge made by Hut.cherson's attorney, Terry G Hes, alleging the judge is prejudiced toward his client. In his reply, Beacom lashed out repeatedly at what be called ··prejudicial misconduct" by Giles during Hutchersoo's re- cent rape retrial and said it was that purported misconduct which prompted him to order a third trial. "I didn't rule a gainst Mr Hutcherson." Beacom wrote, "nor am I prejudiced against him because of antipathy for Mr. Giles. .. 1 hold no anlipathy toward Mr. Hutcherson. nor the merits of his case. but only toward what I perceive to be Mr. Giles' pro. ~ fessional misconduct." the judge wrote. The rape trial of the 46-year· old Whittier aerospace worker drew national attention 1n Ma rch when ;m othe r judg e. Ma son Fenton. overturned a jury's guilty verdict and ordered a second trial. At the time Fenton said he didn't believe the s tor y told from the witness stand by the alleged rape victim. Cathe rine Hardin. 21 His decision 1mmed1ately was a ttacked by women'i, groups who labeled the Judge "sexist traditional." The jury in Hu tc h e rson ·~ s e cond trial. conduc ted by Beacom. deadlocke d 11·1 tn f av or of acquitt a l a nd P rosecutor Dan Bnc.-e asked Beacom to dismiss the charges Beacom refused and criticized Giles for his presentation of the defense in the case. accusing him of violating rul es o r evidence by bringin~ in allega lions about Ms . lla rdin's past sexual activity. /\s a result. Giles i;ought to have Beacom disqualified from presiding over the third trial, ac- cusing the judge of having "a fixed anticipatory Judgment as to the defendant's guilt " Now. a supe rior court Judge wi ll be appointed lo determine whether Beacom should preside over the third rape trial. The trial had been scheduJed to begin neJCt week. but may ht! delayed because of the judicial cha llenge. Hiker Re cued SAN DIEGO <AP> A 24· year.old h.iker has been rescued from the Laguna Mountains. after surviving a 70·fOOt fall that left him stranded 40 hours in near-freezing temperatures two nights. authorities said. David Kleinfeld. a graduate student at UC San Diego, was re~cucd Monday. T~. July 3, 1979 DAILY PILOT 43 Penalty Issue Secret Co1irt Lists Denied By KATHY CLANCY 04 the Delly ...... StaH South Orange County Municipal Court Judge John Griffin denied a public defender's allegation today that his court keeps secret lists of defendants to be meted out "un· usually harsh or severe sentences.·· Judge GMffin accused the public defende r who leveled the charges in an Orange County Superior Court affidavit last week of "mixing apples and oranges." What the so-called "list" ls, Griffin said. is a n a lert sent by him in the past to Laguna Beach police so they won't release repeated offenders. who fail to show up m court, without fi rst requiring them to post bail. AND THE REMAINDER of tbe controversy. Griffm contended, stems from Judges ' notations placed in the court files of repeat offenders. Griffin insis ts the notes aren·t public records . The controversy arose when public defender John Bovee obtained a court order Friday Crom Superior Court Judge Ted Millard pertaining Lo the Judges ' notes and tht: so-called "list." MilJard ordered south county court Judges and clerks not to "remove. erase. alter. sever or destroy any part or portion of any court file" on any defendant represented by the public defender. Attached to Bovee's request were the names of threc defendants. Craig Caswell. James Mcintire and Lant Vrendenburg. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS show that both Caswell and Mcintire a re transients arrested on misdemeanor C'harges by Laguna Beach police. While no supporting information was inc.-luded on Vrendenburg , Caswell had been arrested on a charl!c or unlawfully sleeping, while Mclntirf' had been charged with drinking in public and possession or marijuana The Judge's purported notes. submitted to Millard. in· <:ludt:d : -A NOTATION on Caswell's hie which read . "Don't deal fo r less than 30 d ays ' This Cdefendanll dealt out three cases before a visiting Judge for time served also a Laguna Beach reg <regular)." -NOTES ON MclNTJRE'S file. that say. "Give name to LBPD <Laguna Beach Police Department) for the 'list'." and ''Please clobber if 'G' <guilty). .. Griffin insisted such notations are not public docu· me nts but simply are ways the Judges keep track of repeat offenders so they can be dealt with accordingly. By the "clobber" notation. for example, Griffin said he meant the defendant shouJd be i::1ven a stiffer penalty 1r found guilty because he had tK>en in court on a s tmtlar of- fense before. had been warned not to rept«1l the offcnM· and had been given a lesser fin e. "I DON'T BE LIEVE in rcvolvtn i.t·door 1us t1ce." lhe Judge continued. "l make those notes bec<1use I want to make sure that whatever JUd ge sees this person. they get what they warrant " Bovee. however. in his court documentation. con- tended the exjstence of such note~ "may have materially affected the dispos ition and sentences of the cases " "Such notations have raised an inferencl' that there has existed or does ex 1st a special lli>l or b~b of certain de· fendants." he continued. HE~ ALLEGED he has been denied access to tht> records and s aid judges and clerk~ have "indi cated that they intend to remove from such files any and all s uch: notes." Millard said today the intention of his order was to s ay. "Hey. it is part of the court hie. You chose to make it part of the file. Now leave it there " He contended that 1f JUdgt's · note:. appear tn the file they are part of the pubhc record. "JUDGE MILLARD IS a b!-.olut(•I) wrung." Griffin replied. "The issue that will ht· eventually decided in this wi ll have to do with wha t 1s J public doc ument and what 1~ not." Griffin said hf' would seek legal ciction of his own "lo vacate this ridiculous doC'ument " private programs to the extent ----------------------------------------- that funding and client fees wilJ A"WI ........ • PUSHING FOR MORE EXECUTIONS IN FLORIDA Bobby Culverson, Bruce Menn, Cherie• OwenalnShlrta T-shirts Demand Killer's Execution ATLANTA (AP) -A Georgia disc jockey and two friends are selling T-shirts urging the ex- ecution of a convicted murderer who once said his ambition was to kill 1,000 people. The T-shirts, which carry an artist's drawing of Georgia's electric chair, ask death ror Carl lsaacs Jr., convicted of murder in the shootings of s ix members of the Ned Alday family in 1973. "Busbee, Fry Isaacs," one style, in black lettering, urges Georgia Gov. George Busbee. "First Spenkeliok, Now llaacs," proclaims the other, its red letten a reference to con- v l ct e d murderer John Spenkelink, formerly of Buena Park, Whose execution Me.y 25 in Florida prompted• Jacksonville police softball team to aeU team to sell T-shirts reading "l Down, J33 to Go" -a reference to the numb:er or lnmates on Florida's Death Row -to raise money to attend a tournament. Any pro(ita from sale or the Georgia 1hlrt.a, wblcb coat SS. will ao to cbartty, dlac jockey Charlie Oweu Hld Mondayi addlnJ that be hoped to 1el eDOUIJb to "IO to Atlanta and pnseot Balbee wtt.b a 1birt." "Here we are near Tallabe11ee, wbere Bob OrU... t.be new <nortda> aov-enor, bM dime 101Detbiat-Our governor . . is not doing anything,'' Owens said in a telephone inte rview from bis home in Bainbridge, a few miles from the Alday home near the F lorida line. Ned Alday, his three sons and his brother were shot to death as they s howed up during a burglary of a mobile home . When a daughter-in-law. Mary Alday s arrived, she was raped and sliot to death. Isaacs, Wayne Carl Coleman and George Dungee, all of Ma ryland, were convicted. The convictions and death sentences h ave been under appeal since they were banded down in 1974. In a 1975 series of prison in· terviews, Isaacs, then 22, said he had no regrets about the deaths or a family that neighbors described as bard-working and God-fearing. "I'd like to get out and kill more of them," be said. "They represent the type of society I don't like. I didn't know them, had never seen them before May 14, but I didn't like them. Work· ing people doo't do a damn thing for me." Isaacs once boasted that gun· man John Dillinger kllled 16 people before he was slain in l~ in Q.lca10. "I killed JJ mr~ll and I ain't near •old • Dillin1er was." permit I The Grand Jury report cited s tati s t ics to point out the m a gnitude of alco hol-related problems. It said there are about 1.179 drunk driving arrests monthly and tbat 49.5 pe rcent of the serious auto accidents are alcohol related. Alcohol abuse was reported to be a factor in 30 percent of the county's suicides. 64 percent of homicides and 39 percent of ra pes. Plea Entered In County Slaying Case Murder suspect Tom Barley. Sl, pleaded innocent and i.nno · cent by reason of insanity today at bis arraignment in Orange County Superior Court. Judge Richard Beacom ap· pointed two psychiatrists. Dr. Seawright Anderson and Dr. Ernest Klatte. to examine Barley, a former Daily Pilot re- porter. He: was ordered t.o appear in a pretrial bearing Aug. 3 before Judge Mason Fenton and his j ury trial was set for Oct. IS. also before Judge Fent.on. Barley wa s arrested on murder charges May 26 after his 46-year-old wife, Catherine, was stabbed to death in a Santa Ana shopplna center. He bad been placed on proba- tion ln March after pleading no contest to assault with a deadly weapon in connection with a knife attack on bis wire last December. Barley ia belng held in Orange County Jail in lieu of $2:50,000 bail. " . i i ~ustralia. Stubbies has sold more pants and shorts than there are people -~ million. Now they're in the U.S.A., specially designed for the active lifesty le. lf you like comfort and informa lity. you'll like Stubbies. The elastic-back styling makes it easy to fit mo~t everyone, including Storekeepers Tosh and Jill. 1028 Irvine, Newport Bedch. Cd~fomtcl. Phone 642-7061 .. LISC Tunctay, July :s, 1m ·~ ~ - ....... (I Te• M .... •hle Playing Percentag FEAllLt.:88 t'OUa TU FOa BCA.STS Here we a.re. polHd on the brlnk of our Independence Day holiday and eve rybody tn the predlcUnc bualnesa la offe rlni proa noatk aUOMonovertlme . The Fourth of July weather la belna prflllcted H low m orning cloud with • sulll\)' afternoon alone the coasUine You an left wondertn1 about those low mornlnl( cloud . Thty we~ p~lcted for today a lso ~e mom &na clouds aot so low that t h~y foll com pletely down. Wrong Thinkers m i1ht s uggest thiat It w•::. raining Seldom do <:louds get mucb lowtr than th1tl The forecasten1, however. said we were 1n w 'II.Cather trough and the t rouah will go a way for the Fourth Maybe it'll JUSt wash aw11y THERE IS ALSO 1t lot of Fourth or July pred1ctmg re la live to how m uch gasoline you wilJ find 11vailable tomor row I lere, on the fuel front. the experts play the perrcn This Eagle as Here Just Because He is o Really Neat Eagle tages game. For exctmple. in our coastal area, they allege .there is an 80.8 percent chance you'll find a gas station open That is. if the 13.4 percent of undecided station ope rators decide to open Jf they decide lo stay closed. your chance::. are only 67.4 percent. E ven if they all stay open. my chances would be to pull into the 19.2 percent s ta- tion t hat is chained s h ut. There would then be a 100 percent c hance I'd blow steam out of my ears. ff YOU R EALLV LOVE those percentage games on the Fourth or July. you can play it right a Joni'(, thus · There's a 100 percent chance if you try going to the bank tomorrow. you'll find it closed. Despite the long-standing fi reworks ban. there's a !}9 9 pcrc<'nl chance lhctt yo u'll see a lot or it in the air over Nl'wport Bc<1('h -ff YOU TRV DRIVING through Laguna Beach . there 's an 87.4 percent cha nce you'll sit through four s ignal changes before you make it past the Coast Highway-Forest Avenuemtersection There's a 74 .3 pe rcent chance of a right er upting at Huntington Beach Pier In San Cle me nte, the odds ar e 100 to 0 that some ~erv1 cemen will be arrested for drunken public brawlmg with the 89 9 perce nt chance 1t slarted in a s aloon. A II that aside. J • m going to wish you a 100 percent chance for a happy. s afe and sane holiday. Old Dome Bare No Me morabilia j 'or Wayne WINTERSET, 'Iowa <AP> John Wayne was born here in 1907 and spent the first six years of his h fe in Winte rset. But a visitor would be hard pressed to find any sign of the late film star. Jwie Kaser. president of the Madison County His torical Society. acknowledged t hat when the society's museum ope ns in the fall, ther e will be no memo~abilia to note the town's most famous resi· dent The society plans to replace the marker outside Wayne's birthplace, "but that's about the size of it." s he said. • CARSON CITY. Nt!v <AP) - Go\ Robert t..lst has bured futurn ahJpmenu to a nuclear wHh: dump near Beatty after a truck 1arrlved thurc Inking rudloactive mater ial. The truck was br lnjlna waste from ll nucl"ar reactor owned by Coni umer Power Company in C'obert. Mich. The vehicle Is be· Ina he ld at Beatty until the ar n v MI of u Departme n t o r 'rranspc>rtation Inspection crew. T he truck has not been opened. UPON ARRIVAL a t Beatty. N uclt'ttr Engineering Co.. Inc officials measured 45 miltirems E1ul Viewed 111 Protest By Trztckers 8 ) Tbt' AKt.odatc-d PrcHi. Tht• nut1011wltflo lrutkt•rs' pro lt•sl "~hnulct tw ovt•r !ihortly ." :iuys lht• lntt•rl'ltuh' Commcr<·t· t'o111 1111:-sw11, hut u spokesmu11 for lht• str1k1n.: lndepe ndt•nt drl vt•rs suys thut while the shut dtiwn muy hnvt• wo und down, it 1s not fi nis hed Tht' violence that has marked the strik<' throughout its three Wt•eks appeared to be continu ing. w ith a drive r s hot and wounded and two truck rigs hit by gunfire along Interstate 10 in Alabama Monday night. ALABAMA TROOPERS s1t1d the driver of a pickup tr uck tow· mg a trailer was shot in the arm by a sniper. Eddie Skinner of Boulder . Colo .. was hospitalized at Gulfport. Miss. Skinner's wife. who was t raveling with him . was not injured. Lt. Roy Smith said the pickup truck a nd trailer "could have been mistaken for a tractor· trailer Crom a distance." No one was injured in t he at- tacks on the two tractor -trailer trucks. said Smith. He said the dr ivers of the big rigs told of. ficers they thought the shots were fi red from another vehicle M EANWHJLE, convoys con ve rge d Mo nd ay o n the Massachusetts Stat eho.use and Chicago's Loop. In Tennessee. however. troopers ended a week of 12-hour days protecting ship· ments of food and fuel supplies during the worst of the often· violent strike The me mbers of Michigan's Independent Truckers Associa· lion voted to stay off the job. And a s wes t ern Mo n tana truckers e nded the ir three.week- long shutdown. drivers in the easte rn pa rt of the state vowed lo continue the protest. wtuch has been aimed a t high fuel prices and short supplies. the 55 m ph speed limit a nd weight regul ations that vary from state to state . Shipments of food a nd goods continue to show "substantia l improvement," said an ICC re· port. ''THE FACTS ARE -whether they admit it or not -the truckers are going back to work." said ice· spokesman Doug Baldwin. who added that the numbe r of regional offi ces mentioning violence in their reports was down substan· iiallv Showers Pelt Nation Continued Wet Weather Forecast Te,,.perat ure• "' Lo .. ,, A1bu av,. •• ., A mair1t10 ., 72 A tlanltJ •J 1' e.i11lmort IQ O·l B•rmnoham ., •• ·" 81\marcK ., u .01 801\e Jo •9 80\ton 91 ., 11 Brown\v1llf" Q) 18 8ut1e10 68 SI> Cnrlsln SC 93 II Cht!yennt" 81 SJ cn1c•QO lo to Clntonna11 81 s• Ctenland II SJ Oat Ft Wiii •a IS O..nver 'IO s. O..troll ,. S1 M•l~nrt n d Honolulu "' IJ Houston ., 19 lnd'ePoll\ u S9 Je<U 'v111e •s I• l(a.,•s C•t1 ,, IS L•s veoes '" .. L1llle Roo •l IS LOS A1>99I~ 11 .0 Loulsvlllt a. 61 Mempt11s .,. 90 Mo•ml 89 11 Mltw•uk .. IJ SI MPl\·SI P .. " H•t11v1lle IS 10 N••Orlns 9S n New York ,. ., Okie. Ctly •l n OnNn. IS 7l Orlendo .. IS ~llad'Pfl•• , . .. PllOenl• IOS ,. Pltt\l>u ron .. J• PUend, 0.e II .. ·°' Reno es ~ Otlllr ...... OetivWJ .......... ti Mondilt'i I tkj•y II ¥UU ftQ nv• F\itvft vuu• l>!IOW ~ ~ .IO O m C •" O"IO'ft I (t f'llt ti~ YV4JI (()(Py w1tt tJt: "~kwftftkl ""'V'l1>V tJnO 1'<m1111 II V(>" 00 f'OI t~fhW ~ ~ OV V .a M '--All! r•tqrt• t t • m tntt ¥Out COO\t w.et °'' CJPl•~t4rtitd ~, ........ M., ~Or-Countv '"".' U J·O ll "'Oft-..~ tn~..,, ... n .... 1~""' .... IJJt !,Oon C-c.-., .. ,,,.,9...,~ ..... .>...,. ......... D..,. ,.. ..... :$0,/ll'l I'"'"~. LO'l•N~ 4tMeM femper•turf"') W~n \'Ape{ It'd 10 ~ mild tro""' tht• 1owt:'r Gredt La11.e\ tlnd uoprr Ohio \la11ev into '"" Norlh Allantic Col'I st11h!'\. d\ <Nrtl '" o~"' thf' northern Roclut~. much ot ttie PIAf r"cHI rl'Q10n dnd thP PiJtlflC northwf\I Si!d\.On"bl~ warrn·tO hot wt&lhtr w1U torcc"\t d< ro'\\ the rP\f Ol tllPMllon e ttr ty morn1nQ •~mperdtur.-\ around Ill<' na11on ranQt'd lrom 3~ Cltor~C\ 111 l(dli\Pl'il. Mont . to s. o~oru\ al Fun Worth, Te.••. dnd Phoenu' California T ht N•Uonal Weattw.r Serw1ce p,,._ P dtct~ \lightly ••rmeir, ~unny -'ftt>r C trt w "OOns '" Soulhftrn Caftlornid tttrouol't ~ --...:.:_ tn. Fourth ••t~r fate-n1Qt1t and morn. \,,.o .. ,.•\ \to•10.oo•• Occt"'d"d tnQ low cloud\ burn olt aIIIIIll ---::: Pr~01Ct"<I Mllday h1Qhs ran~d ---------------N-OA;;,;A;,.uo.l;,.D;;,;•,;;.•'_. .. ...;<~---~~"_,1• t t Om I he u PO~ r 10 ~ t n th~ St Louis SI P·T•,,.,.,. Sall Leke S.n 01990 S.1'1 Frtl'I Stetlle Tutu WHIUl'lgtotl 116 7S .06 'IO ,, u 6J 72 .. 66 S3 .. ,, ,. 16 11 69 CALll'O..MIA BtUrslletd Blslloe> 81ytllt Fre1no Monttrey Nt~IH O.klt nel $ecrem.11to $111'1 Frtl'ICIKll Sent• &«Mr• Stockton Tbermel ae,..tow Bio 8Hr Catalln• Et Cel'llfO H'WMd•lurtlenl! Lk Arrow!IMcl ~ ...... Ne...,-tlMcll N~ Ol>t ... I• ~··"'~ ~eMIMN S.tll .. rNl'dll'lt ~owi.. $el'IJ~ S.nt•AM S.llt• Crv• S.nte M¥ .. !>trnl Ml u .. ,. " 6J • m 103 10 ., ,. U S1 103 11 6' SS llO S3 66 SJ ,. s. a. u 100 ., 97 63 .. 44 ,, " .. ,. 70 _, ., so •• 60 ., ., 7J ,. ,. ,. IOI 76 .. tO .... .. '1 tJ ~ » .. ., ,. 6J u .. ,. •' f'AMAMe .. ICAN A<•Pvlto 'IO IS 70 Cullec.,., •~ Freepart '4 IS 01 G...oa••l.,a .. u 04 Henl'I• 'IO 7S .04 telnoilon 90 11 Mol'ltego 8•¥ 90 7S 70 "'-Hllen .. 11 Mealco Cllv 11 SI Merlde '7 I) I 00 Monttrr•v •1 IJ Nn w u 90 7S .01 h9u<19•1oe ll .. n Trinidad 116 11 I 8• Ver •crur 90 I• Showers •ncl tllunden"°"""' !NII· ea Ille Miion'• mlcttt<llotl IOC141y •nel more wet -ll•r •e. l0<tc•1t tor other PMt•ol tM <ountrv. Sllowera Al'IO occeslorttl lllurt *"lorma -• rtp0f1ecl unv tocl•y fro"' AleNm• to Wls<on•lt1 •no e<tOH ,,.. Pl•ll'll f t'Qtn Ille D•-otas tllfouell Ult To es ~I• $(ettered showen ano 111111'1 dtl'110rm• alto 1111 from Monltrt• tltrtvt ll Ht• Me•l<O. Tiie tnul'I dtrtlWfnl "'9d\KtCI ltt••y rains ana 011tty wl!IClt, '"'"I"' Jci mPlt •• lllNt "' ... o.llMM "'"'9" ..,. Ullllldtl"lllowtt'• ... ,. et .. ~ ....... "" "9rtl1 Atlentk Ctell e t1d •••r t1ort11•rl'I Ne• ............ ,. ....... w.. __ wH 01 .. ~·-trvm lllt Mlt t lu l• Veit.., 41<,..,. Ille nortti-rn •l'ld unlrtl Pl•lt1• llHOuOll 111• ltoUlu t<ld-r W..n!fl9t0fl 11•1• I m~tropohlan tt~as 10 106 ,,., •~lower M~rh Coa•f al W ~adt~r MO\lly t loudy today wrtn oc CH IOl\81 -lnkl"\ but. ""llKIPCI IO r lear trus at"rnoon ... a \lay sunny tomorrow Light v•roa1>1" world \ nooht and morn11'\9"°""100.y MMt tomof'fow Cw1i.1 temc>er•tur.s ••no•no from !be nlQll Of " aown 10 60 ,,.,,..,d t.m l"rttur9' Climl>lno to 1• with a low 60 tod•Y TUESDAY S.COl'ld low 17 33 ... m 1 ~ S.Cond 11Jgl'I S JO pm • 8 Sun rl~ s ., am '\~h 8 oe D m Moon rllM'\ 2 ~ p.m . >els t 11 .. m §11rf Rqort Fo,..c .. 1••Ila10 tOl'll01'11 H•IOlll 11'11"1 • si.rlOd In se<ona• A11t M91 ..... A ... Maa Dir I l tt I 1 W I 1 11 t 1 SW .1 4 11 1 J s t • It 1 l W tum• S.tllaMOl'lk• N-llOft Hunll"Olon Oullooll IO< W.c!M\Cl•y "'"' (h•not or radioa ctivity a round the t r uc k. Or. J oh n Carr. state health otflcer, had s a id a n a veraae chest X·ray exp()Ses a person to about that a mount. T he truck carried cobalt 58. cobalt 60, cesium 137 and cesium 13'. low·level radJoactive wastes Lust s aid were "c rud from clean· ing out a nuclear reactor ." List said Mo nday tha t the tru cker. R ober t V e n a ble. noticed the truck was leaking at s tops he m ade in Las Vegas and Lathrop Wells. u .s. DEPA RTMENT o r Energy infor ma tio n officer /tli(•key Greefer Dave Jackson said monitorinJ cr ews from DOE and the En· vironme ntal Protection A1ency were dispatched to the gas 11u - lion in Las Vegas where the truck stopped', but could find oo radioactivity in the area. List said tentative results ot testing at the Lathrop Wells stop also turned up no conta mination. In an unrelated inc ident Mon- day nig ht. a busy section of railroad track was closed near San Fra ncisco Bay in California when a tanker car began drip· pmg highly toxic Diethyla n'tine. Britain's Queen Mother Elll<ibeth s mtles as s he 1s greet cd by Mickey Mouse during her visit to Toronto for Dominion Oay Cl!lc brataons mark mg Canada·~ I 12th birth d;Jy. $1.5 Million Art LONDON (A I' 1 1\ portrait of a young s ailor by Henri Matisse sold m London today fur a new world auction price fo r a 20th century painting. ··Le Je une Marin·· was sold to an anonymous buye r at Christie 's for 720.000 pounds. or Sl,576.800 al a conversion rate of S2 19 to the pound. The pr<.'v1ou::. record auction price for a 20th century picture was Sl.550.000 paid at Sotheby Parke Bernet in New York in 1968 for Renoir's "Lt• Pont des Arts .. NATION I WORLD a chenucal used an pesticides and solvents. T H E TANKER was deuched from the rest of the Southern Pacific tram while fire officials and rail employees worked to fix a leaky valve. T he che mical. which can cause lung and skin 1rr itatioru» up to 200 feet away, dripped for three hours. ln closing the Nevada dump site. List said ''I'm not in busi· n ess to m a ke the Nuclear Regula tory Commission ha p· py." He added. "Now at least we are assured these ve hicles are not going to be converging on southern Nevada " Appeal Set On Marital Rape Issue SALEM. Mas::. 1 AI» An al· tor ney says he wants to appeal a Judge's precedent-setting ruling that would allow his m ale client to be prosecuted ror allegedly ra ping his wire "I haven •t discussed this with m y rhent yet." attorney Ra lph Barbagallo or Lctwrcnce s aid Monda) '"But m y reel.mg is J think it 1:--\.\Orth r('v1ewing the ruhns:: m a higher court before "'E' ... ubJect all parties lo a drawn-o ut trial ·· ESSl-..:X COt;NT\' 01:-.l rict At lorney Kevin Burke reported :\tond a~ that .Judgl· .John Irwin hal-ruled J a mes K Chretien or II ;n erh1ll cctn be prosecuted rm I'"' o tountl-of allegedly re:tping h1~ \.\1 fe last 1-'ebrua ry The rape complaint was filed b~ Ca rme lina C hr e tien . a molht•r nf two children. Her hu~hand wa:-. md1 cted by an Es· 'c' County grand jury in March. Barbagallo ::.ought d1sm1s::.a t of tht: chctrgcs and argued dur - ing a S upt:nor Court hearing m .J lllll' that a hu:-.band c:annot bt· pro:--c>cut<.'d undl'r statt· law fu r r .1pang t11s w1h• 8 l1RK E SAID I mm ~ ruling, ..i llowmg the indictment to stand. wus the fi rst such interpretation of the s tate's rape law. At the t1 me or the a lleged rctpe, the Chretiens we re in the process of getting ct divorce. But I rwm 's ruhng. Burke said, was apart from any legal proceed· mgs m probate cou rt Carrier Family Earns and Learns Greg Cole. 17. receives a watch from Daily Pilot circulation manager Morton Nielsen upon retire· ment from four years delivering the Daily Pilot. Mall To: Orange Coast Dail)' Pilot P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mt sa California 92626 Yes ' I'd li ke to find out more about bt•ing a Daily P ilot new!'paix.•r curritl'. Samr \ddrtt!>!> Phoneo C'll) -----------------------~-------- A whole family has e arned . learn ed and g rown up wi th the Daily Pilot in Corona d el Mar . All m e mbers of the Cole fa mily have de- li vered the Daily Pilot. The fo ur Cole sons - J eff. 19, Greg, 17, Tom, 16 and Tim. 10 -a lt have gaine d valuabl e bus iness s kills whil e earning money dealing with peop le as Da il v Pilot carriers. E\·en Mr . and Mrs. Robert Cole have de- live.red the Daily Pilot whe n the sons we ren't a ble to. Greg recently r etired . lea ving hi s r o ute in Harbor View homes to brother Tim. He saved $600 in fo ur years de- livering the Daily Pilot. If you would li ke to earn and learn deliver· ing the Daily Pilot. call the circulation depart- ment at 642-4321 or mail the coupon to Daily Pilot Circulation, P.O. Box 1560, Cost a Mesa. CA 92626. ' DAILY PILOT 642-4321 ----------------------------- T~. July 3, 1979 OAIL.V PILOT AS. Brown's Pay Veto OveITidden legisla ture Flays Governor for 'Political Opportunism' Contained LOS ANOSLD (AP) -Bx· h au1te d and IUDbYrned flNlltlUn contalnM tM lut ol four tirH loday tbal bue bJHkeaed IOn>e 4,000 aCIW ol Soulbun CallfOl"IUa bruab &Dd thnber. Some 175 fireftabt.en batUed the 2.330-acrti rlre ln the flllCed Providence Mouatalna, 10 miles northuat ol Su 8e.rnarcllno. which wu apparent11 iplted by a spark from a camplir.. Dl'·J• Bearf•• B•l•ed LOS ANGELES <AP) -A heart.na on whether tbe naUoo's DC·lO Jetliners should remain grounde d has been halted midway and will be reconvened next week in Waahhlcton D.C. by order or the National Tranaportation Safety Board. McDonnell Douglas. the maker of the DC·lO that crashed May 2S in the nation's worst air ( ___ ST._:4_TE_J &saster, sought the hearing to appeal a June 6 order by the Federal Aviation Administration that grounded all DC·lOs. Bradlq ff 011or~d PUSAN, Korea <AP) -Los Angeles Mayor Thomas Bradley received an honorary doctorate .in law from Pusan National University in a ceremony here today The American m ayor came here Monday for a three-day goodwill visit at the invitation of M ayor Choi Sok-Won of this South Korean port city which has a sisterhood relationship with Los An~eles. BILL MAKES BALLOT Sen. Alen Aobbtna SACHAMt~NTO IAPI Oe· nounring Gov Edmund Brown Jr for political opp0rtu.nh1m, the California Le•l•lature overrode hit veto ol 7 percent retroactive pay r•lteA for 220.000 state employees. ll huppcnc.'<1 Monday. and was lhe accood time in Brown's '4 V. year tenure that his veto bas b e~n overridden -the first was on the death penalty -and th., hl"ll lime in mode m history thal 11 California governor bas been overridden twice 'the Senute und Assembly volt's temporarily ease the threat of a state employee .. trike School Bus ing Bill Goes to the Voters SACRAMENTO (AP> -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., saying "Let the people make their choice," has signed a bill scheduling a s tatewide election for Nov. 6 on school busing and a government s pending limit. At a news conference in h1l> reception room Monday, the Democratic governor said he made his decision, which comes at the end of months of legislative wrangling, after consulting black leaders "I CAME TO THE CONCLUSION it is a very prudent course to put this matter behind us," Brown said, adding that the majori· ty of the black leaders he consulted urged him to sign SB217 by Sen. Alan Robbins. D·Van Nuys. "They don't like Robbins They don't like that measure. but they certainly think it is very appropriate to put it to a vote." Brown said. Brown. a busing opponent. predicted that the final answer on forced school busing will come from the courts anyway, "in due course " THE SPENDING LIMIT to be on the ballot is sponsored by Proposition 13 co-author Paul Gann. That measure ties govern· ment spending growth to inflation plus a population factor. There will also be a veterans property exemption measure on the Nov. 6 ballot. BUT nlE STRIKE question is nol settlM because Brown hint· ed that be may cut all or part of 'the $207 million coet of the raises from the pending 1979·80 state budget, which could trigger another override or• walkout. "I've laid out a pay proposal I think is fair, and I'm J(olnR to stick to It," Brown told reporters a few minutes afte r the Legislature overrode his veto. ·'What I've done is right. It is fair to the workers and fair to the taxpayers." BUT LEADE R S o f both parties read political motives in· to Brown's veto. falling the floor debates with the sort of harsh criticism of the Democratic gov· ernor wh..ich is becoming com· monplace in the Legislature. "We have to deal fairly with the people we employ and not use them as a political football," said Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy of San Francisco, Democratic leader of the lower house. ''What we are voting on is an issue that is being grandstanded by the ,governor or California ." said Assemblyman Paul Priolo of Malibu. forme r GOP floor leader. "\'OU KNOW J E RRY Brown," Priolo continued "He 's the guy who puts his finger to the wind and gets in front of 1t. Jerry Brown is taking advan· tage of the mood out there among voters. J erry Brown will never become president if we h ave the courage to stand up and tell Jerry Brown where to go." In the upper house. Sen. Ralph Dills. 0 -Gardena. said Brown would "go blick to New J ersey and New Hampshire and New York and tell people how much money he's saved. He doesn't tell them out of whose hides he':-. saved it." THE OVERRIDE votes were UNHAPPY GOVERNOR Brown Mull• Overrtde 28·6 in the Senate. where 27 votes were needed, and 59· 15 in the Assembly. where 54 votes were needed Al together. 59 Democrats and 28 Republicans vo t e d to override . Eigh t Democrats and 13 RepubHcans voted to sustain his veto William Craib, president of the 80.000 -me mber California State Employee Association . said if Brown takes the $207 million for retroactive pity out or proposed 15 percent raises in the 1979·80 budget, a strike s till "i~ a possibility." "But at this time. there 1s no s trike threat to the people of California." Craib added THE BUDGET IS expected to go to Brown late this week or next week, so another override fi ght could be mounted within a Wt'e k. Before the Legislature voted. Brown said it was hJI "presem intention" to veto the $207 m I Ilion cost of retroactive checks out of proposed 1979-80 pay raiaes. But he refused to repeat that threat after the vote. saying only that be would be looking for "a number of places to blue-line the budget," including pay raises . THE OVERRlDE was only the fourth of a California governor since World War II, and it made Brown the firs t governor in modern California history to bE! ove rridden twice by the Legislature Gov Earl Warren had one veto overndden in three terms, and Gov. Ronald Reagan had one io two terms. Brown's father . Gov. Pat Brown. and Gov. Goodwin Knight both had perfect records or s ustaining every veto. Brown has oHered a S502 million. 16 percent pay package that offers 8 percent immediate· ly and another 8 percent next J an. 1. IN ADDITION to the 7 perrent retroact 1vt' ra i se. lh e Legislature has put $622 million in the p('nding state budget to raise thl' uverage e mployee's ba!>e pay a total of 15 percenl Although the average state worker's base pay would end up s lightly h1~her under Brown':. plan. the Legislature 's plan. sponsored by CSEA. would give the average employee $1,500 more be<.'ause of the retroactiv«- pay and earHer starting dates on the higher salary levels . Lead.mg oppos1t1on lo t he over ride, Sen. John Holmdahl. u. Castro Valley, said retroactive raises "do not deal with reah ~Y." and that the pay raises. coupled with other s pending bills. point to a deficit of $i50 million to $1.5 billion next year The proposed constitutional amendment on busing, also by Robbins. is aimed at stopping Los Angeles' school busing program by limiting busing court orders to cases of deliberate segregation. * * * ,..--~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohio Forced Busing Rule May Affect LA LOS ANGELES <AP> -Busing op- ponents here expressed dis appoint· me nt and s urprise at the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling upholding distr1ctwide mandatory busing in two Ohio cities where school segregation was caused by living patterns. not of· segr egation occurred spontaneously in res ponse to housing patterns. That had been the federal court trend. ficial action. · "l am flabbergas ted," said Richard Ferraro, one or t he antibus· ing members of the Los Angeles school board. ''At some point. we are going to have to determine whether the people will speak for themselves or a s mall number of justices are above the people '' T H E DECI S I ON approved plans that reassigned outside their neighborhoods 42,000 Columbus stu· dents and 18,000 s tudents in Dayton. Opponents of a m andatory busing plan in the Los Angeles school dis· trict had looked with hope to the Supreme Court's expected ruling, because they felt the court would rule mandatory bus in g was inap- propriate in distric t s where That federal trend bad prompted State Seo. Alan Robbins , D·North Hollywood. to sponsor a state con· stitutional amendment to be voted on Nov. 6, that would require slate judges to follow the fed eral rule. BUT THOMAS Bartman. attorney for Bust.op. said Monday the de· cisions would "m a ke it much harder" to stop widespread busing in Los Angeles. should the local case ever come before the U.S. Supreme Court. Arthur Goldberg, an attorney for IntegraJjon Project, which is backing a metropolitan plan that wo11ld in· elude other school districts in a man· datory plan to achieve desegregation in Los Angeles. said: "This is a state· ment by the Supreme Court that they're not going to limit local judges in their decisions on integration. They said segregation in the North is still se~regation." GOURMET MARK ET (Market Str eet) We al Delaney's Gourmet Market <Markel Street) would like to thank ...... everyone ror their tremendous respor\'se to our ad in the Daily Pilot .. just great! We al Delaney's Market Stl'fft again offer you the following · ·TOP QUALITY MEATS Delaney's features prime or Lop choice beef. aged to perfection for . at least 40 days. Also featuring Spring Lamb. Eastern Pork and fresh local Zacky farm• Poultry. F&f'IH•'lllY" ...... 1.98 i parerlbl ... .. .-&M J 4" 1.49 '°"" Roatt ' .. "•'"" .. c-tCa 2.29 Pork Cbopt. .. ····· .... 111• II• I .......... 1.98 Pork CMpl .... • .. Fa ESH PRODUCE o.w ~.,..,. ... ,... •. w1u1 ... •1~nrt1 ht IWt M IM ...... 1111""""" ••r\el lO llMd• .ic--~...-.. t.1'::;';:~ ...•.. 15C ~ __ ., .... .... lb. lb. lb. lb. WINE CELLAR F'rom Delaney's ex-tensive Wine Cellar, we ·re o ff ering Delaney's own prtvale· label wine, Vln rose· or chablis. only tic for a run fifth. ~~':'..:. .............. 49C -. ... ...,..._._ 39C s:'p;r .. .. .. .. .. .1. 98 lb.· A•M ..... •••·········· ... • .,.,......... 39111t Clter17,...•&oet . . . ~ ...._ • .,.,_, 3•1 L1r1e £soluu. . . • • . . . . I~ , . And that Krt>at Delancy rlam chowder . toke your plc·k, tither New En•land or Boston style, only 8tc for a lull pint . \ An immigi:ant must pass a test like this to become a U.S. citizen. To become a naturalizl.'U U.S. c il izcn, you mu~t pa~~ <rn t..:xamination with question~ ~imilar to lhl.'~l' Ironically. we ~xp.cct other lo learn the pnnc1ph!s of our government and study our histor y. Yet we often t·akt..: these things for granted. Cilizenship carries responsibilities-not unh for the naturalized American but also for t hl· native-born. Thc~c responsibilities in\'olvc both an unders tanding an<l active participation in our political process. It has been said that the greatest threat to our democracy come~ nut from a foreign powi:r but our own a pathy. Note: Out:~tlons askt:d by the Immigration & Naturaliution Examiner vary according to individual circumstance!>. The questions noted above arc l'xamplcs only. Presented as a public service b\ First Federal Savi¥ ANO LOAN ASSOCIA rtON OF SANTA MONICA Costa Mesa Office Baker Near Harbor Can you? t . What is the significance of the star~ and s tripes on the American flag? 2. How many aml.'ndml.'nts have bt:l'n m<idt." 10 the U.S. Constitution? J. Who usually preside!> ovc1 r he.· United Slate~ Senate? 4. Cann naturali1.cd nl11.cn bt..:come Prl.'sidcnt of the United Stare~.' 5. What is an ex pns1 factn bw? llll!J nl ! ISUO ) s n .141 .\q e;il!q!4rucl '''ill.fl op 11.(atw 4:l!4" MCI "UV ·p;ill!WWO:l ll;'IXl <;IJt.j XU:IJJO ,"llll .J:llj8 ;l<;U;>JjO UP .tnf ,\q11t1."lcf .141 '>,"l~Ue4."' 'P !4"" auo .,, Mr.I tlJ.'11/ JSod XiJ UV ·~ ·;i.1!JJO ·s·n .ia41n ,\lte pf04 Ut?.l U."17 ·ll!:l p.17!11lJn1r.u r 'J;}l\."IMOH 'SU·"l'l!l!) Woq·.ll\!lt?U ·~ 1c;nw 1u.1p1S.J..ld·.l:>!f\ puc IU.lP!Sa.ld .l4.l 'ON .• ""P!S;).Jd <llCU.JS 31.fl JO J.lodllliJI cud lU;)p1S"-'<f <'llfl 'UOSt?."l.J J;.'ll{JO .<uc JOj JU;l<;qr. '>!.JO' IU<lp1S"-'<f 'S'n <:e 1:>e 01 uodn pa11e;, <;t IU3P!":\.ld·~!A ;,4 1 11.14M ·s~1e1s p•mun a41 lfl 1 t1.lp1S;1Jd ·;"l.llf\ ·"'4l. •£ l! IU.Jt..JS·AI UiM\J, ;.'llfl ·~ ll!M ,,lU;'>Wpuawy 'l48!lt lenb:f .. "41 ''i~Od ll JI 'X! ·o\lUl>MJ. 't ·c;.11e1c; (I 1uu18µ0 .l41 1uasaida.1 s<1dµ1s .iitJ. ·s;muc; 05 JU;ltald ·lit I 1 u.l'i.Ud~lJ <;JWUI .J\4J. 'I WaMSNV Editorial Page ...................................................................... TuNd•y. July 3. 1979 Robert N Weed IPubli\htr Bar~ra 1<re1b1ct11Ed1torl•I Pa.Qe Editor Gov . Moonbe a m Dazzles U s Ag ain Gov. Brown bum bled? J""Jl Brotoft1 Jn a manner of apeaklna. >'"· Gov. Moonbeam knuckled under to the Abalcae Alliance and aave lhem censorablp and edUl.q riahta over a speech he delivered last Saturday ln an uncharactertltic performance. Brown conced«l when the antJ.nuclear frOUP told him he couldn't deliver the speeah unless they reviewed it first. 1be Abalone Alliance had gatbered a crowd or 25.000 near San Luis ObiaPo to protest ol>e'lliM oft.he new Daablo Canyon nuclear power plant Allfance Ieadera apparently felt this gave t.hem control over what v.•as sa1d and the patroni2.ed Brown Cell in line. They pronounced at a gooJ speech, uq~ed Brown lo toughen up a few Un~s about how he would fight licensing the plunt and he went on stage to vow his support for th"ir fight. That would be a strange conees.sion for any govemot to make, but it is even more puzlllng t•on1i1derulg tho normal arrogance of hrown. He's not known for accept ing suggestions on anythlng. let alone demands on his conduct and words. Since he has moved aw11y from his small is·beautuul concept -an obvious concession to his presu1cnhal bid Brown has nudged up to business interests und SPoken out for stimulating the economy und (•reatmg Jobs. Now he's flopped again and. once mon:. puzill•d cvl·n the most dedicated Brown-watchers Unf ortunateJy, hke the other protesters. he has of fered no words of wisdom on reasonable altemullvt! power sources. Nor has he offered any Jeadt.•rship in dl'veloping thol>e sources. Tighest P inch of All Orange County·s senior citizens are facing many pro· blerns brought on by the misfortune of growing old m tim es of skyrocketing inflation. .. In many cases. elderly shut-ins require outside help for meals. medical service, transportation and visita- tions But those who are mobile and can fend for themselves don't find things easy either. They. along with tnany people all ages. say they are seriously concerned by high housing costs and shortages of homes in their price ran!!e. Spokesmen for the elderly say that mobile home parks should be a good alternative source of housing but that a lack of park sites and what they term exorbitant rent charges are real problems Seniors also say they are threatened by a trend toward con\'ersion of apartments into condominiums. Jt is their contention that they can't attord to buy their apartments a nd there aren't many other places to live because of low tounty vacancy rates. · lt 1s a complex issue. but ways should be found to permit the l'lderly to hve out the remaining years Qf their lives in dignity. And one of I he areas that all levels of government s hould zero 1n on ts to seek to make 1t possible for them lo afford to live in their own homrl>. NotNOx,Not Again. • • The new vehicle smog inspection program that's been plagwng sellers of used cars in the South Coast Air Basin came within a hair of being scrapped by state legislators last week. No doubt the fact that the state has a $10 million con· tract to install and operate the 17 inspection stations run by Hamilton Test Systems innuenced the decision to give it a further chance. The program. which replaced the system under which used cars were inspected at s tate·authorized service stations, had come under heavy fire from in· dividuals. and especially used car dealers, who com- plained about long waits and gas.consuming return trips 1f vehicles failed ins pection. To fuel the fire. a test by the state Air Resources Bourd r evealed that too many defects were not bemg de· tectcd. AU this inspired legislation to kill the program. But although that failed to pass, it may have good results. Operators of the program have promised improved train· mg of ins pectors. more thorough inspections and more staff lo s peed up waiting lines. In li ght of the recent smog attacks, il's hurd to com- plain about any effort lo reduce pollution. One can only hope this costly endeavor does not turn out to be a re. petiton of the late. but unlamented NOx f iai,t·o • · · Opinions expressed 1n the space above aro tho·~: ot th11 Datly Pilot Other views expressed on this pago are those ol lhetr crnthora and artists. Reader comment 1s 1nv1ted Address Tho Daily Piiot. PO Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone {7t4) 642·4321 Boyd I Wooden Indians B1L.M'. BOYD Any Seasoned Citizen will tell you there used to be countless wooden Indians standing guard at clgar store doorways nationwide. Most are remembered a s fierce-looking chiefs in feathered headdress. In fact. however. most weren't . Four out of five were squaws. Dear Gloomy Gu Al $11 billion a year. Carter's "Department of Energy" bas to be one of tho bt&gest ta.x· payer rip-offs of the last centwy. O.U.11. Whal you and I call boxing matches look a ltllle dif· ferent than the ring fights of Thailand. There. no holds are barred. Kicks, knee jabsh elbew clips, wbatevu. Curious thing about tboee vicious fights Is they:re ex· eculed with a background of classical music. Sir, do you label your wife wlth a pet name? ll's report· eel that Ronald Reagan re· fers to his wUe Nancy as .. Mommy." A bullfrog tends to bolds Its croaking note longer whenever a jet plane passes overhead .• Q. "How do you account for lbe feet that the baste t•mbourlne, which haen't been improved on ln the last 2,000 years, remains a populer musical Instru- ment?" A. tt•s not the bulc tnatnt· mt!nt, It's the baste in· alnlmflDUillt. Tbe alrl wbo ptay1 It ataan't been lm- PtO¥ed cm ta the lut 2,000 yun. tltber. non - Korea Poses 'Rights' Problem W ASHfNOTON -Durlnt bis • tallrl wU.h South Korean Preti· d nt Pari Chuna Hee. Jimmy Carter wu Ln the embarra.aalng po1ltloa ot trying to force a little ~••rd lor baalc human nahb on • repreaslve regime that aalnad power and holda onto It matnly throuah U s. military and economic support. Aa hu huppt!ned so often in the p&Kl , lht' United State:s finds lliielf With pathcll<·ully little Ill fluen<'e ov~r dtctatonaJ al lle:s who arc.• co n :>•d~r ed bulwarks of uoll ·l'Om · muna ~m Like.· J18rent::. of a spoiled brat who threatens to hold hJS Paul Harv~y breatb tJll he ge~ his way, the United S~t.es must eventually cave in to prevent our client die· tators from giving way to com- m unist takeovers. TO PUT as good a face on the situation as possible, the United States generally turns a blind eye to the more unsavory features or the authoritarian governments it supports. In the case of Gen. Park. this isn't easy. In past columns, we have told how the South Korean govern- ment bas attempted political as- sassinations, committed burglaries. kidnapped and ter- roriied opponents throughout the world and tried to buy U.S. legislators and government of- ficials. These criminal and reck- less activities, carried out in the s acred n ame o·f anti · communism. renect a regime that Is as repressive as many in the communist world. The legal basis of Park's autocratic power is the conatiw· tJon approved in a national ref· erendum in 1972. Ostensibly paaaed to present a facade ol na· tlonal unity for reunification talks with North Korea, the con· stitullon concentrates enormous power In the president. The re· unification negotiations have not gotten off. bot the authoritarian constitution"remains. "SOUTH KOREA is basically an appointed government." a State Department official told our associate Frank Washington. That's understating the situa- tion. The 1972 constitution gives President Park the a uthority to appoint one-third of the 231 members of the National As- ALLOW M£ TO DlR~CT YOUR ATTENTION TO SOM£ REGRITTABJE (YIT VERY NEG~SSARXJPRlCE 1NCREAS£S ON 'roNlGITT~ MEtf\L '· sembly, as well as all the Of· ficers and administrators or South Korea's nine provinces. In case the non -appointed legislaton deeide to probe the ac~ions of Park's personally ap- pointed exeeutlves. the constitu- tion has a proteeUve loophole: Government officials are Im· mune from testifying before the National Assembly. Not content with the powers given him under the constitu- tion. Gen. Park reinforces bis one-man rule with a raft of ··emergency decrees" that pro· tect tum from any challenge to his authority . The mos t repressive of these as Emergen· cy Measure No . 9. The infamous No. 9 makes it a crime to criticize either the con· slitulion or the emergency decree or the government, out· laws media reports of such criticis m and bans unsanctioned student political activity. A SECRET Central In· telligence Agency r eport we have seen notes that even this wasn't enough to calm Park's fear of opposition. He followed up No 9 w1th a whole series of what the C i t'\ described as "ha rsh measures to put a stop to poht1cal dissent and reinforce security precautions." These measures included organizing students into quas i military units. C'ensoring all ~ntertain ment media and forming a na t1onal defense corps composed of males between 17 and 50. .. Park has taken the initiative almost <·ompletely away from his pohtaral opp<>nents," the CIA rl'ported. 'Christi an activism has bftn suppressed . . The government 1s said to be con· .,1derang harsher tactics such a. ... holdan~ public tr1ab of d1 ss1dent ~tudl'nts Clnd Calhol1r prwsts." Park'<: d1ctaton:il rulf' has got· ten lltlll' play an th~ American Prt'l>'>. hut .l1mmy Carter ha'> h;.1tl J pt .. nt1ful ~upply o( in rurmat 1nn from the C I A , Whethl'r hl v.111 hr1ng 1t out 1n th<' oix·n 11r choos1' t11 sweep 1t under thl· rug remains to he ~ee n Where Is the Hon or o f Our F o unders? Each Fourth of July. at leas t. we re-examine our nation's foun dataon and find 1t, was sound but •. Our comcrston<' DcC'larat1on of Independence from foreign domination ha s s inc e been diluted by half a hun- dred "dec- 1 a rations of depen dencc" on our own govern· mcnt S 0 It IS refreshing to reflect on tho:.c do 1t yourself patr iots who a::.kl·d nothing for nothing. T II E SI G N •: R S o f l h a t Declaration plt'(!gcd tht•ir bvcs. their fortunes a11d their sacred honor. Many lost thPir lives a nd most lo~t their fortune::. but none lost his honor . Mailbox What is honor') My adm1rallon for Gen. Mark Clark dalt•:-. bar k over three \~ars and many v1s1t5 1n our respective homes. In an era when there is such a dearth or giants. when poLitacal- ly we are up to our ankles in pygmies. who better than Mark Clark holds to the principles that once gwded our nation and have always guided his professional and personal life? t'\s commandant of the Citadel he founded the Honor Code. In the wake of new exposes of pickpockets in public office. l asked Gen. Clark .. What is honor"" GEN. MARK CLARK says. 'Honor 1s the capacity to control the instinctive selfishness that lurks in all of us. lt as the tough r a se-hardene(i ability to put morality ahead of expediency. duty ahead of deviousness - and lo do il instinctively and every lim<'. llonor a lso means pride in excellence -of every kind: especially excellence of performance• .. However history has X rayc<.I the la ves of our nation's founder.., fo cusing on imperfections. the consensu.-: of his torians has to bi' that Lhose were rare times in lhl' a ffairs of men when we ha<i greatness lo spare Where did our ances tors get this morality and setrlessne!>s and pride in pt•rf orm ancP ., Where did they get this sens<' of honor which characterized them '! Gen. Clark believes they got 1t f(t)m their parents. from their churches. from their teachers and from their political leaders. Their earliest learning separat· ed rightness a nd wrongness. They grew up knowing at 1s wrong 10 cheat, to lie. to steal. THEY GREW UP knowing that laws are made lo be obeyed or <'han~<'d or mended but n<'vcr broken. They malured into pos1llon!> of leadership ::..L1ll k11o'A 1ng theM· lhings. Tod~1y /\m er11•a ns a re so St;lr\'t'U for C'Xamples Of publ1<· stature that they will deify a cowboy movie actor Congres~ v. ill mant a special medal for "John \\.';iyne, American." Who l'lse. 1s there" Gen. Clark says there is :;o much latent nobility 1n us. that A meracans are starved for a leader of honor . that anyone wanting election to office does not need to promise special favors for s pecial groups : he does not need to promise spoon· feeding for the lazy. and he does not need to promise to give anybody something for nothing He needs only to promise "honor" and "excellence ·· It would be thrilling lo have a chance to tes t that premise Coast Conunission Conunentary Inaccurate To the Editor: Your June 2 Comment Page provided a bit of interesting but inaccurate reading . Chuck Tbomaa1 distorted account or the Coastal Commission's work. While basically wrong in many of its points and viewpoints. it was well-written and somewhat entertaining. The most serious factual inac· curacy fell al the close of Mr Thomas' story. where he quotes me as "envisioning" an agency two-thirds our current size, even after all local coastal plans have been prepared. No ; he got his numbers inverted. After 1981 or 1982, I expect that the com· mission's staff and budget should be somewhere around OH·fhfrd of present levels. Beyond a continuing active role \n offshore oil development, most of our work will revolve around the secondary tasks of monitoring local protection or the coast, approving amend· menta to local plans and bearing appeals to local decisions - clearly a dimlnished role from the current situaUon. Dep e ndin g o n one's philosophical bent, the com- mtaslon is indeed "fair game" for criticism on many front.a. But our record of budgetary fruullty and fiscal manage. ment is not such an area. The Legislative Analyst. the Depart- ment of Finance. the staffs of both Senate and Assembly fiscal committees. the Assembly Of· fi ce of Research and the Joint Legislative Audit Team have all found our performance in the area of financial restraint and fiscal respons ibiLity to be impec· cable. Here, Mr. Thomas· in· nuendo is absolutely mis placed. There are many more things that one could say in response to Thomas' largely fictional ac· count of what's going on at the Coastal Commission. His state- ments regarding the preparation of Local Coastal Plans. and the percentage or appeals from en- vironmental organizations are untrue and refleet a strong bias. Recent action In the Legislature sui>ports the commiss1on's con- tention that responsible in· dividuals recognize the self· interest behind most attempts lo erode the Coastal Act. I look forward to reading other we II ·written account$ on the Commission representing dif· ferent viewpoints. MICHAEL L. FISCHER Executive Director California Coastal Commission A lrpe r t N••• To the Editor: Wayne'• protege decla~s. "We 'd never get anything done if we put everything to a vote." One thing we will get done come next election is get him out of public office. In the meantime let the cillzens of Orange County ( t ) re· fer now and forever to our airport as it is, the Orange Coun- ty Airport, and (2) write to your lawmakers <?) to have the name or the Orange County Airport re- instated with no possible change ever to be made except by vote of the people. K.E .FORD A l e olaol ProfJle•• To the Editor: There recently was an article in the Pilot stating that OranRe County was giving up alcohol diversionpy 'Programs because of a loss of revenue. It was my belief that the Legislature. 18 months ago, forced the slate to gave up these programs for the benefit or in· surance companies so they could ha ve a r ecord of "drunk drivers." We have an alcoholic in the family who was helped by one of these programs. His life. as well as the life o! some innocent motorist who couJd have been bia victim, wu saved. Isn't that •"at the laws wert made to protect -people'• _., IJv~i;. not revenue'' R.NADEL Fair Ezelta119r To the Editor The county Board of Supervisors has seen fit to change the name of tht! Orange County Airport. Fair is fair Let's all get together and change the names o f the supt!rvisors. MARION CARLEY \'A P elir•1 To the Editor: Recently. my uncle who is a veteran, became critically ill and was hospitalized in Hoag Hospital. We then tried to place him in the veteran's hospital in Long Beach only to be told his doctor would have to play golf with a doctor on the VA hospilal staf( ror this transfer to be possi- ble. I think this "policy .. should be investigated for the protection or all veterans who deserve to have lhe1 r nghts preserved T JONES • Tiie O•llY Jl'l ... ftk_<_ ........ ,_ tal'y ....... ......,., ~ ........ .._. -., ·~ ................... c-. .... . CA '2"'6. ~ c~ fw , ... c .... .......................... _ ...... .. ........ ~._ ... .._ ..... .. .......... _, ................. .... clre_...t• .. Timday. July 3. 1979 DAILY PILOT A 7 .. ,-=-No CrUde, No Food I Popular Theory Has Some Holes ., La.. A.uerl•tM rr... "No tt\.lde. No food." That'• the theme of a popuJar IODI and tt I• I th m• that ap peala to many auolln ·•l&rved moton.ta. The theory aoet Uke t.hla Why should -.e 11ve the oll·producin~ countries ow·coat rood when they keep booltlna the prlc. or petrolewn? . THE TllEOav SOUNDS good, but U'a got tome holes. • In 1978, the Uolttd Stat~ ex ported about $2.S billlon worth o( agricultural product.a to the 13 n ations that make up lht.• Orgaruutioo of Petroleum Ex porting Countries . That ~presented Jess than 10 percent of ou r total agricultural exports last year. With two small exceptions. those exports were not in the form of aid. The grains and other farm products were sold -at regular market prices th rough regular commercial c h annels. They brought in money badly needed to help our balance of trade. Even the exceptions did not in· volve the countries which most Americans thin k of when they talk about OPEC. They involved Indonesia and Ecuador. Neither is in the Middle East; neither as an Arab state. WHY DON'T WE simply raise the price of food every time the orEC rountncs ra111<' the prkt· of oil,. Aaa1n. there are -everul prob le ma DoubUna the prl<'t: of whut. for example. might force the oil pro duclng countnei. lo pay m ore. but at would also boost food ball!, for Ame rlcanrons umer And. uid JE'rry llnni.:•· (If lht· l 1 $ Departmt.·nt or A.;ru•ulllirt'. the Urult' Stites doe11 not pro dU<'t' f'nough or thl' world ~ wheat to allow us lo ritlbc thl' pri<'t unilaterally. IN 19716·71. for example. wor hi wh eat produc tion was 437 million tons . l ' S produ<'twn was 49 m1lhon ton1>, o r u httlt· m or e than 10 per cent o·r lht· total OPEC an contra:,t pru duces 36 percent of the world'~ 011 The tdea of '"getting ev1:n with OPEC by denying food seem s to be a popular onl', however . Bange s aid h e re ceived several calls from people asking why we didn 't hull our food shipments lo thl' 011 pro· ducers. '"Cheaper Crude or No Mor(· Food" is the name of a t·ountry and western song. Bo Weaver. u Trenton. N.J ., disc Jockey, drt:'w cheers from listeners when hl• lot'ked himself in a ~turho al WTTM and played the song n· peatedly for 10 hours . SOME AUTHORITIES s aid the song may have helped touch off a series o f violent -·Spaee 'Heroes' demonstr..1t1ons an Levlttown. l'ct . Jl'rosi. tho Delaware RL»er- frOlll T rl'OWn Some pco plt.•, meanwhile. want to ~wll the 011 producing tountnl's more food, not less. Allon (;mot. the president or I h,• J\n11:ral'1tn Farm Bureau l·'l•dt•rnt1on. ~ays he 1s planning u trip to Libya m &n effort to 'wa11 "food for ('rude " Grant ~a11l llw Libyans ··are interested an .lt!rll'Ullural and dairy and poultrv produt't1on ... They lh1nk tht•v l'an gel what they want l>y going directly to the !armers · OUR BIGGEST agricultural tu:.tomer <.1moag the OPEC na- tions last year was Iran. wtucb purchased $493 m1ll1on worth. Vt•nezul•la was the second· b 1~gest buyer -$387 million worth. Other OPEC countries and the amount of agricultural exports we sold them are: Indonesia, $317 m1lho n ; Saudi Arabia, $315 m11l1on; Nigeria. $300 m 1 Ilion . Algeria, $143 million: Iraq. $139 million : Ecuador. $81 million.: United Arab Emirates. $30.9 million : Kuwait. $21 million: Libya, $12.9 million; Qater, $5.4 million. and Gabon, $1 1 million The Indonesia total included S6 million or direct aid and $100 mlll 1on 1n food s hipments purchased at a discount. The Etuador t otal include d $2 mallaon 10 direct aid. Invita tion Snu bbed. TOKYO <A P 1 North Korea C:Onnnissaries' Funding Rapped WASHINGTON <AP> The American tax· payers will spend over $700 million during the next fasl'al year to run military exchanges and com· m iss araes where goods art• sold at discounted prices. Rep. Les Aspin says. "I don't think it's lh(• JOb of the federal govern· mrnt to bl' in the business of s ubs1d1z1ng supermarkets and department stores," said As pin, 1 a frequent critic of the Pentagon Aspin said the budget for the 1980 fi scal year contains subs1d1es 1nclud1ng $336.2 mllhon to pay salaries or 25,000 employees at commissaries and Sl52 million to cover costs of transporting mcrc·h:md1se to ovt>rs<'a s commissaries and ex· <'hangcs The other $220 million 1s 1n indirect cost:., Aspm said. Skylab Fall Could Cost MANILA, Philipiines <AP) -A provmcial newspaper colum nisl advised reade~o take solace in knowing that 1r they are hat by the falling U.S. Skylab they will go down in history as space agl' heroes. DAILY PILOT 1odav rebuffed an invitation by Pre~1dent Carter a nd South Korean President Pa rk Chung-[ Pilot J Candid commentaries. ht.·c fo r reunification talks. say· ing "the United States has no _ Logbook right to inter vene 10 our coun· ...._----.....,...-.,.........,...__. try's domestic .affairs .. exclusively in the ' Jose N. Fermill of the Courier , Dagupan City north of Manih1 . said a "consoling factor" is that the United States would pay "huge dollar indemnities to whoever is hit by the de bris." He a lso recommended that wilJs be written "before it is too late ... The space station 's expected breakup and plunge to earth in mid-July has caused widespread apprehension in the Philippines Another columnist wrote that American technology wasn't what it was supposed lo be or Washington would just send up a nuclear missile to blow the wayward s tation out of the s tratosphere. President Ferdinand E . Ma rcos we nt on na tionwide tc.·lev1~1on to appeal for calm. Marijuana Smuggling Declines in Tucs·on TUCSON. Ariz <AP) -Smuggling in the one·lime ··marijuana capital" of the nation has fallen dramatically, officials say, partly because ever more soph1sticated I\ mcrican users have lost their taste for simple Mex- ican grades. "Now everything is Colombian, or from Hawaii,'' says Make Cochran, deputy director of the Arizona Drug Control District. "LET'S CALL IT a fad or social phenomenon among people who are disposed to do those things ... Cochran said. "Whether you're a dealer or a user. after you· ve tried it. you 're dis- posed to look for a bigger and better product .. Cochran compared the pattern to that experienced several years ago by the U.S. wine industry, when nov· ice wine taste rs graduated from sweet wines to drier and more ex· pensive products of the vine. Today, Cochran said. Colombia is the Napa Valley of the marijuana in- dustry, and the big·lime smugglers have moved to the shores of Florida, Georgia. Louisiana and Texas. "WE LOOK AT Tucson more as a community of users now instead of a sm uggling enclave." he said. In years past. legis lators and law enforcement officials alike dubbed the city the U.S. "marijuana capital.'' Marijuana s muggling has been "pretty slow for a good 18 months," Cochran said. In the year from July t . 1976. to June 30. 1977 . Arizona narcotics agents confiscated 42,0{)() pounds or marijuana. But in the following year , only 3.200 pounds was rounded up. Arizona's catch then rose again in t ne last six months of lasl year, with 3.300 pounds being confiscated I N COMPARIS ON, Florid a authorities "don't think they've even done a day's work unless they con· fiscate 40.000 pounds," Cochran said. The Central Arizona Regiona l Narcotics Enforcem e nt Un it IO· vestigated fewer than a dozen cases las t year, infiltrated s ix drug rings and made 49 arrests. \.' ~ -=-u. .................... .. -=; · !~ ·silverwoods FOURTH OF JULY WEAmER BUM ED Su••~F11a Three boys, wearing self·designed bamboo· lik e rush bats to protect themset¥es from the bright summe r s un, search the waters of a litUe lake near Bremen. West Germany for fi sh. WASHINGTON (AP> Reci pes to aad di ning pleasure while subtracHng calories. Wednesday C h a ng es an th e weather often affec t people 's be havior and health far more than is generally re a lazed . a c. cording to a researc h scienllst inte rviewed an the U S. News & World Report.. in the DAILY PILOT fn-ll~RACTIC . ~~I-a-Tape Please Request Tape By Number .••• 01 Bactl Pain 02 Whiplash 03 Arthritis 04 Heedec:hea 05 Why Chlrdpractlc? 06 Nert, Shoulder. Arm Pain 07 low Back & leg Pain 08 Nervousness & Tension Tape Center 645-1701 24 Hours Courtesy of Dr. David W. Gibson - Cool cotton sweater Palm Beach 4-piece suit. .. ,. S111ng knit summer-weight swealer 1n 100% cool comfortable. 1extured collon. Looks great worn ..i~ ashlrl next tosk1n Na1ura1 19.90 Reg. 25.00 Slacks of textured polyester. linen blend w1in pre·f1n1shed bolloms Reg· 24 00 11.90 Shown here. oniv 1wo 01 many ways 10 wi'ar lh1s vcrs011o1.• suit warOrot>e There'& a solid cotor blazer d p,11r ot match1nq <,lack~ ,, PJ" 01 conl\aSltng slacks and a ves1 lhal s rt•Vt%1hh.• Texlu•!!O POlytl!'.tt•r •n solids ana pla1os Assorted colors o.1nd ~·10~ 187.90 Reg 195 00 No1 ,;tt cOIOr) dno~1lCt> 1n Jil )fO•u) IU DAIL. Y PLOT TUftday. July 3. 1171 CONSUMER I NATION Boone to Pay $5,000 for Ad Claims .; :WASH I NGTON l AP l - Slnser Pat Boone bu aareed to c6ntrtbute to a f\u'ld se( up for rtaUtullon lo con1umen who u~ an acne J>NpJraUon t.Mt he et\doned, lbe 1ovemmat u11. : Boone -ould eoot.rlbuta up to q ,ooo to the fund but ccmwnen c.uld not colled mor. I.bu dte s~o coet o1 the sw•paratJon. J :BOONE APPSA&ID IN l4;1evlalon commercials and p1int adve.rt.laementa touUnt Ac n•·SlaUn. But lhe l'"'ederal Trade Commilljoe hJd lhe advertilln1 clal1n1 could not be aubttan Uated. The c.. Ubly will have an •mp acl on ulebrily endorae· meat of J)rOducu for blab feta. nae rrc HJ'• celebrttln, WI• Ul• compaoiea that piece the ads, muat verif)' l.he aa vert.Ltln1 claim• before lbey ao on the air or into )lrint. fnd\11\ry tources have said the Boone cue could make aome s how·bual neaa and sports ~raonallUea relucl•M to en· !\Cl up to handle the money. A THAT DOCTOR . ATIDA H dorae·aom products. series or news paper advertise· Karr of Beverly Hills, president ments would inform consumers or Karr Preventative Medical TH£ CONSENT aereement, where and how to make thelr Products Inc .. agreed to announced Su nd a Y. was claims. eatabli8b a $175.000 restitution ne10Uated between FTC al fund for customers who paid lorneya and lawyers for the In one advertisement, Boone aboat $10 per bottle. About maker ol Acne·Statln and its ad· said , ''With four daughters, 800,000 bottles have been sold. vertl1i.n1 agency. It requlres ap· we· ve trled the leading acne proval or the FTC com · med~calions at our house, and The advertising agency, Na· mlulonera before becoming nolhmg ever seemed to work UD· tlonal Media Group Inc., agreed final tll our girls met a Beverly Hills to establish a similar fund of U the commtsaloners approve doctor and got some real help $60,000. lhl' arranaement an interest-through a product she developed While Boone d id not sign tri eger his o wn financ ial responsibility. He agreed lut year to reimburse consumers if the companies lost the cue or a consent order became final. THE FTC SA.ID lhat under a formula established by last year's agreement, Boone would have to pay up to $5,000. The arguments do not include an acknowledgement by ell.her company or Boone that the ad· vertising was false or that any bearing trust account would be called 'Acne-Stalin."' either agreement, they would ~wr~~~~~~~!!!i .1f .. ~.':!ATING QUEENIE New Propu1n law was broken. W...Wat.,.HHli9f Asb F e St.Lt<.217•SI estos •rm St•Vl<tTl-~••(YIN<Ooor ., cc•n Ski'• HHreSI YINr ....... COSTAMESA642• 17$3 Raps Snwking ' .... g;M_·~:;,;;~:;i;·~-~.;,,;~.'°..;:~~-1~;;,;.·~-~: ... ~ ...... 1 .. • .. ------ HOME OWMERS DENVER (AP) -The Jobns·ManvUJe Corp .. <'I ling a link between asbestos and lung cancer. sa ys it will began a modified no-smoking program at its corporate headquarters. Although the headquarters houses only ad· ministrative oflices. many employees working there have been exposed lo asbestos dust during past years of employment. The firm manufactures insulation products. Under the program. the firm will prohibit smoking in elevator s. restrooms. conference rooms and other areas and will offer a program to help smokers kick the habit. •• RABBITT INS .' st.ct 1957 1914H.Aa10l ILVD. COSTA MESA ~554 or 835-3437 ·. C•ll 642-5678. PUBLIC AUCTION FINE. HANDWOVEN ORIENTAL RUGS & CARPETS Wl HAVE RELEASED FROM OUR WAREHOUS£ A LARGE SELECTION OF RUOS AND CARPETS TO RAISE CASH FOR PAYM£NTS DUE OVERSEAS SHIPf>ERS. INCLUDED WILL BE BEAUTIFUL HANOMADE ORIENTAL CARPETS AND RUGS FROM 8 OF THE WORLD'S LEADING RUG WEAVING CAPITALS· PERSIA, RUSSIA, CHI NA, INDIA, TURKEY. AFGHANISTAN. ROMANIA, AND PAKISTAN. SIZES VARY FROM 2'ic3' TO 12'119' AND SOME PALACE SIZES CATALOGUED AND SOLD BY TltE PIECl: THURSOA V, JULY 5th AUCTION 8 P.M. PREVIEW 7 P.M'. •..ct-H. Taibel --213 • 995-1323 HOLIDAY INN 25205 LA PAZ AO. LAGUNA HILLS A A ... A '"' Ltquod••o•' '"'"'' C'"" I Ch.00 ":Three indictments for windfall profits Father would ~ve been so proud of me'" The firm said evidence has s hown that smokers exposed to excessive amounts of asbestos have 92 limes the risk of developing lung cancer as other smokers Put a few words to work for ou. •lloneless' Label Poultry Researched WASHI NGTON <AP> --An Agriculture Department panel of scientists has concluded after a two· year study that "boneless poultry" is generally safe, but recommended several c hanges in handling and labeling the products. Mechanically deboned poultry, for example, has double the cholesterol level or hand·deboned poultry. the scientists said. and consumers need to know t hat ••BONELESS POULTJly•• is bow federal regulations now describe meat left a fte r machines s trip poultry carcasses of tissue, skin and fat, picking up bits or bone in the pro- cess The same panel worked on prob- le ms s ome regulators saw with mechanically deboned red meats and cleared it for public consumption last year after setting minimums and maximums for several <'omponents. Mechanically deboned poultry has been on the market 14 years. It can be found in such products as turkey hotdogs, chicken bologna and poultry rolls CURRENT RULES ON keeping poultry wholesome. unadulterated ....._.,re Po•'• f:eebd DEAR PAT: I have an old Flex· Seal stainless steel pressure cooker which needs a new lid or a repair of the old one. 1 can't find anyone who can help me out on this. The name on t he cookbook is Vischer Products Co. of Chicago, but my letter sent there was returned. K. K., Huntington Beach Yoar pressare cooker was manafactared prior to Hobart Corporatloa'• acqalaltloa ol Vladae.r. Hobart reports ibat parts for &bis .• preasan cooker, except for safety pl•gs aad removable pieces, are no longer awallable, aad repaln c~ be made o• Flex·Seal pressare cooken. It looks like yoa llave no other reeeane Uwa &o bay uo&ller. • llfto11rsr Opeta DEAR PAT: Commercial banks seem quick to extract a charge when their customers make errors l.hat cause checks to be returned or paid against insufficient funds. What can the customer do when the banks don 't perform, s u c h as when mater ials are lost, accounts are credited incorrectly or bank atate- ments are delivered weeks late? L.M .. San Clemente A Callfonlla Bukl•• l>epartmnt spolle1maa ad•lse1 tackll•• Heh problem.a wtU. the baak mua•er la· lUally. If &he baak take• DO correetl•e Htloa aad you cu prove U.atlt wu at faaltl• u accva&e traaaactioaortbat tt pro.tcled euremety poortenke, Ute ... t mo.e II ap IO JOU. If die baU II 1&a&e cUrtered, preeemt ,.. eom· plal•t .. die Slate ....... Deprt. •••t,..... s. c. ........ , ..... ........... or ..... CW) 111-Mn. ., ....... 11 ........ , ..... . eeatad .......... " ........... ., N•..._. ..... ,lllCaWenla8&.,S.. Pnaeleff HIN, •r ...... ('11)' ... INI. and accurately labeled require that not more than I percent of the mechanically deboned poultry con- tain bone. No specifi c label identification is required. as it is for red meat res· idues obtained the same way But, the panel said, more recent .. scientific research bas added con· s iderably to our knowledge of the ef- fects of various substances on nutri· ti on and toxicology·' and 1t decided reviews were in order. WHILE FARM E R S DON'T I necessarily benefit with hi~her prices for their birds, the meat industry de· fends the process and products as a safe way lo give consumers more meal and protein for their money than hand·debon.ing allows. Most of the recommended changes 1 were presented as necessary to a~· sure the health or babies and young children or persons who are unusual- ly sensitive to calcium or cholesterol. ••Booe particles in M PD will not present and health hazard beeause of size or hardness, provided that ... size is controlled," the panel , s aid, advising more work on the I methods of extracting bits a nd monitoring tht> results ··Got o p!"C>!Um• TM!t wnre lo Pol Dunn Pol Ifill cut rftf topr. ~thng llw OftllOtra Giid ochmi ll<MI nttd to &Olvr meqwtse1 '" goutt11~ OJld bto.trMu MoU llOS'' qwia_, to Pol Dv1111. Al Your ~ Orange Coolt Dmly Pilaf. P.O Sor 15'0. tooo Muo. CA 92626 . .A. "'GllV lftltt1 °' pc>Nable wUI ~ -ftl. but phonftl ""ll'lnl!I or le...,, not mcludmg rlle rtodn's full-. odd~u and bwmtu holiri' phone m.tmbercannoc ~~ftl TIAI column opptan dal.- lll er:cq;t S-'aN• .. F~er Retain• Cold DEAR PAT: During the last hot spell there we re wa rnings about possible power failures if people didn't cut down on their use of elec· tricity. Whenever I near these warn· ings I wonder bow long my upright freezer could keep food safe if the electricity did go off. L.S., Fountain Valley A fqJJy ldaded freeter uually will stay Cold t!lllOllgb &o keep foods fro1en for two days If the door la not opened. Food In a baU·filled freeaer may not stay froiea more &ban one day. Plac. Ing 25 poaodt ol dry Ice ID the frees.er soeta after &be power la off should keep tbe temperatare below freezing for two or tbJ'ee days ID a loaded cabinet. Place tbe dry lee on cardboard on &op of paekages, and I doa 't °Opell &be freezer acata except to pat ln more dry Ice or te remove it wben power b rettored. ~ Plrlu Bllfl~r DEAR PAT : Can I sell my mobilebome to anyone I wish without the permiSsion or the owner of the mobilehome park? I'd a lso like lo know if the owner would ttave to ac· cept t.be new owner u a pa tenant. I've heard conflicting stories. S.T., Costa Mesa Yoa can aell your moMlellome to whomever you wl1b proYlded the buyer II 10meooe wbo bu a la11fory of good teaancles aad woald be able to meet tbe carreat rain of the mobllebome park. Vou, a1 tbe pres- ent owner, mu1t notify tbe park owaer of yoar Intent to sell aader tbete CODdltloaa, Hd the parti owaer may llOt rNtrlet the H ie to a third peflOll • Tiie part& OWMr lla1 to aeeept Ute •• owaer aleu lie cu._ taiat per ... .,.... M lacapable of ....-. ID• lite ltaitl Nia H eata~ l• •nu...• U &lie R1er ~u a,,.... lllstory of bed tauclff . " ...... ___ .,.... ___ _ Help lighten the electric load. If you do the heavy house- wor k in the morning. here,s what you·11 be doing. The bak ing. The dishwashing. The laundry. And the vacuumingp But you '11 be doing some- thing else, too. Something that ·s very important. By giving your electr ic appliances the afternoon off, you,11 be helping to lighten the load from noon to 6 p.n1. That's when homes, stores, of fices and factories turn on air conditioners to beat the afternoon heat. Gi~e your appliances the afternoon off. Then Edison can put off building expensive new power plants. And you ·11 help keep your electric ....,-.E bills down. .::J:j._ Southern California Edison ~COUNTY T'*CMy. July 3. 1979 DAIL y PILOT A. Bomb PIOt Brings Tenn Thanks to new Federal rulings as of July 1st, 1979 ' Swpect in Briggs Cme Gets 3 Years ALL ACCOUNTS LOS ANGBLES <AP> -A man aulhotiUn tMtlleve to be the leader ol the revolut1oner\ • Pratrie f'lre Oraanumc Committee hu bffn Mn· a.need to U>t'M yean ln prtlon on felony char1n st.mmJna from a plot to bomb \he Fullerton office ol alate Sen. John Brl1p Clll)'ton Van Lydearat, 13. already has aerv~ 19 months in jall, and could be ell1tble for parolc trom state pr1aon In Novembf.r Van Lydearaf. a d~coratcd combal veteran ot World W11r 11. pleaded no «>ntest June a to charaes Qt conal)lracy to pos eH ue trucU ve dev1cea and tb•lr ln&redltnls. and possb8100 of aucb devk witb the intent Lo injure people or damaae pro~r '¥· The charats carry u m•ndat.ory prison sen· t.tace. Van Lydegraf s1i11d tn • statement read to tie court. "I have now bet.-n In Jail for t t., y~ars with no trial. essentia lly for dangerou~ thoughh and pollUcal associations. Thi!>, after an arrest wh1t•h can accurately be called a staged and fixed 1>rc ventative arrest "What my 40-year FBI file shows 1s that the reason I am now here has little to do with whatever happened in 1977." he added. "Hem·e. tbe compulsion for m y present plea or no contest. .. In. handing down Van Lydegraf's sentence. Supenor Court Judge Juhus A Leetham said he would have released the defe ndant on probation 1f possible. Van Lydegrat and four others were arrested Nov. 19, 1977. just hours before they allegedly planned to set off a bomb outside Briggs' office The four codefendants pleaded guilty in the case tut De<:ember. J udith Emily Bissell . 34. Thomas Michae l Justesen. 28. Les lie Ann Mullin. 34, and Marc Curtis Perry. 30. each were sentenced to three years in state prison. ( Pilot I _ Logbook ) EIRSubject To Blooming By JACKIE HYMAN Of -O.lly Pl ... Slaff After covering numerous meetings at which discussions centered on environmental impact reports for highways. office build· ings. etc .. I've come to the conclusion that such studies could also be of use in day-to· day circumstances. I HAVEAmodestexample here. Enviromental Impact Report, prepared by Wilson, Lopez, White Wilson, Lopez, While Feather & Fong. Subject: Placing ol two <2> hangine African violet plants in liv· iog room side window. Results of shadow s tudy : Subjects cas t shadow on television sets. This is not expected to pose a problem as resi· dents don 't watch TV dur· HYMA" ing the day, and the sun doesn't shine at night Cref: Genesis, Chapt. 1. pars'. 4 and 5). EFFECT ON neighbors: Partially blocks view of residents walk ing a round in their un· de rwear at night. T his is considered a benefit. Air pollution: With plants in place, win- dow cannot be opened. As residents frequent· Jy burn food in adjacent kitchen, this could be a hazard. Re commended ban on flower blockage of other side windows. Noise pollution: Permanently close wm· dow will cut effect of residents' opera collect· ion on neighbors. Considered a benefit. VISUAL IMPACT: Droopy gray-green leaves are visually unsightly. However, ap· plicant declares plant has railed to emit blooms elsewhere in residenee and may do so here. Such result would constitute mitigating measure. Recommendation: Issue conditional use permit, s ubject to plants' blooming. Exercise Plan Set The Arthritis Foundation is sponsoring a recreational water exercise program for Orange County residents with arthritis at the Anaheim FamtlyYMCA, 1515 W. North St. The program will be conduct ed Wednesdays a nd Fridays at 2 p .m . from July 11toAug.3 in an in· door . heated pool. The cost is $10 for YMCA mem- bers and $15 for non-members. 1714) 957-0207 lleqalre 158,990 Ftnanclng for Movie. "The Hunting Sea ... " lo be filmed entirely In Orange County, a'8rt.IAI JuJy II, 1179. • The first monies from the fllms gross is pald to the Investor prior tQ.anyone else involved in the film 's production. • Investor receives partial ownership of film. • Generous 1979 tax write off, • tnvMtor exercises payout control of fttftdl i. commlb for film. • A t2 mllllon dollar gross Is expected from domestic, foreign Ind Canadian distribution atono with Pav TV , Network and syndicated TV. • An Emmy award wtnnlnt Him pro-d1tctloe comp1ny flH committed tttelr~ & tecltnkal crew. .__ OI lM .._,Of ...., TV, Ille Mtln...,.... iftWtlfY '-• ,,.,.... .... _.. -.V lw • -eM ~eftKM ...,., Of fffl-lllm\, Tlllt •I• •1111 Ille huelleblt Otm•ncl Of 11 .. vltlOfl 16111111119 up er1y ....... _. lllme IO 1111 ... "9Wr eNlnl '-" Of TV ONlfMl'"I"' -• .,..,1 ..... ,...,.... w.lllftt *-~·· na •rdt s. .. BN1. tt N..,.rt lleetla, Ca. tZMt ( L •• llOYO ) IN'°"lll In IM DAILY PILOT --,. tn addlUon tA> the plot a1aJnat Brial(s, pro· 1 cuton aald I.he five def ndanta plannt-d to kill police olf1e:~l'1 end bomb Lht> car driv ·n by a Judge prealdina over lhc lnlll ot two Amerll'UO Indian ac· Uvl1t.1 latt•r acqu1llt)d ot murder t h1art:t>1> Grants Given To UCI Four UC Irvine alumnu and three professors bave rcn·lved graph1 rrom the Fulbright-Hays Program fur the 1979 80 ,u·:irlem1c year Award 1t-\•1p1tmls arc Ltnda Ledford-Miller of Santa Ana. u 197!1 graduate of UC.:I. Or Joseph Lambert. of Laguna Ni guel. professor o f philosophy . Dr. Gilbert Geis of South Laguna. pro· fessor of social ecology, and Or Raul Fernandez of Laguna Beach, associate professor of com· parative culture The FuJbright·Hays Program provides funds for Amf'rican scholars Lo travel abroad to conduct research and teach in their areas of expertise. The p urpose of the program 1s to enable the U.S. gov· ernment to inc rease mutual unders tanding between the people of the U.S. and the people of other countries. MS. LEDFORD-MILLER, WHO received a bachelor's degree with a maJOr in English at UCl. is a graduate student in comparative literature at Pennsylvania Stale University. She will travel lo South America to research transnationalism in liter ature. Or Lambert. a member of the UCI faculty s ince 1967, will lecture on "Being and Predica· Ho n," a topic in philosophical logic. at the University of Salzburg, Auslria. He also will de- liver lectures at the College de France. P aris, on ··Free Logic and Definite Oescnpt1ons. ·· a phase of logt(' in which he has done pioneering work. Or. Geis. who Joined the UC I faculty in 1972, is a s oc1olog1sl who s pecializes m t he study of criminology lie will conduct research on the cross -cultural aspects of the criminal offense of rap(' at the University of Sydney, Australia. Or Fernandez. a member of the UCI faculty since 1969. will conduct research on industrializa· t1on and lecture on economics at the Colegio de Mexico in Mexico City. He has publis h ed numerous articles in three main areas of research, .. The Economics of Drug Addiction." "'Economic Processes on the U.S.-Mexican Border .. and "lm periallsm. Socialis m and Economic Backwardnes::. in Lalin America ... get a big break at J Laguna Feileral Savings I Ask about our new high-earning 4-year certificates. Rates on these new four-year cert1f1cates of deposit are iust 1% less than the rates on four-year government securities as determined each month by the Treasury Departm ent. Certificates ma y be purchased for as little as $100 and interest is compounded dally. A penalty of six months' interest is incurred by premature withdrawals Passbook accounts now pay 5'12% per annum. Interest on these convenient. 1tex1ble accounts has been raised from 5'1•% to 5 '/.o%. compounded dai ly tor an even higher yield Accounts may be opened for as little as SS 00 w11h no penally tor withdrawals You can now open term certif- icates for a reduced minimum. No longer do you need S 1000 to open a high-earning certificate account at Laguna Federal A m1n1mum $100 deposit will open a term account. with interest ra nging upwards from 6' 0o to 8% tor terms from one 10 eight years Interest is compounded daily. and penalties for early withdrawals have been reduced on new term cert1f1cates T-Topper certificates-top choice for short term. Minimum $10.000 deposit. matures al end of 182 days Call in for rate. which changes each week Penalty tor early withdrawals Ll~una7~g~ Ar.fD LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ BALBOA BRANCH 800 Eal Btlboe 81¥<1 . B.itioa. CA 92661 T4!1 673·3701 HOM£ OFFICE 260 Oc11an Ave . Laguna Beacn '· l"~ /'. .• ArJO•t•onal brancl\!•i; •n San Chlmt•r1te • Logun • H• Lagu,,.1 N19uet • Olivf.' Orange • La~" E:s1no1,. • Glt·N '" lOUAI HOUSING JnO ,om•ng ~oon '" 61·IM()nl Sno1c onO Murr l\;l.J LEN 0 ER .Get the Picture ••• at Half the Price W!atJHT /ta{ fTUDJO 5t1ELF ft XJ74/ AfffOX 74'' H x W W x 1r 0 '1 ~-la?" 5tlfLV5. IN 8/fJ.IJN, ALWO Cfi Bl-'fo/ Rtn &19') ,,42.ffi AU /ll:J15 l.!MITfD TO )OOf (JI HAND rfli'Jm'?f;JfB· (AR/t/fff. MM,~ fALfTTf.AO. i4 AN:Jlf fa~ CANVA TO 25 '' FOWf JDAff'ffJX 5Xl4X20" ffANO f/N()fff!J, 5fA~fD ~R£(Jfl5CO $93.88 Framed and Unframed Paintings Aaron Brothers searches the world for fine art that's affordable. That's been our success for over 30 years. And right now you can get framed and unfram~d paintings at 1/2 off the regular pnce Select from lots of landscapes. seal> of seascapes. scores of city scenes. loads ot still life and more. In a multitude of honzontal and vertical sizes. From a ~bte 4 x 5" to an impreSS1ve 30 x 40". On quality canvas. Choose from paintings already tastefully and professionally framed. Or pick an unframed painting. th~n pick a frame to fit from the tenific selt:!ctlon thdl Aaron Brothers Art Marts are famous for At the regular low price. So get the picture And get another and another. At 1/2 off you can get rw1ce as many1 (Except paintings by Blackman, Hoffman. Jansen and Vela.I Plus these 4th of July Specials: STAHTffl Oil SfT BY /fFJlfANOIT PIO/'f E.'ffh O!'fJIJ 12 TUll5 r 31fl0!1._ llN~ffDCJ~ THINNER, V5ttf), PAlfTTt 'MIXft(JlliART fl[Q 1065 /3.88 . ~ WtCIAL5 (JI }4L£ - 711RU TUt5!>1Y 61ANT rm1HVR FAN Afffl1A 4(J'h:RJ5) Rfi171f1 $4.88 A~ ARTcMRTr )lt. .EE CHN --r Ttf E 4Ttf Of :JJL'I.' \ · --I OfMPN(( ART5 TAFf j FfV/1'fflffiYPE' ; ~'5\1 fl~:.~ ~ I tl'IJ/?.) R!t; I £ . .1'> 25%0fF I••'° #•••It•' ' I• I t t• 11 t I••• •.a.•••••• •l>'l•"lltt t u •••• " •••••• t 11.,, •••.• ......... '... "f'tJ •••• ' t I •t I• t •o-~6••"' •i t U.., ~•••T••~P•u•••.,. '• ••••• _ ..... ..,,,,. _. ... ,.................. . .......... ,, ,,,,, '•'-••. -, "''"""' ......... ,,.,0"''' ., ... _,,, ......... v .... ~ •• , ->•··-··' • ....... i»•O<)...,.,.,.. o••~Ctit\i ~ ............ ,..,.. ..... ~,,., ..... ,,' Aaron Brothers Art Marts::~ • COSTA MESA 1714 Newport Blvd. • ORANGE 1812 E. Katella Ave::: LAGUNA BEACH 190 S. Coast Highway • SANTA ANA 1126 E. 17th. St. *EL TORO 2A350 Swartz Dr. • HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave. •oPENING SOON • .. ..• ,.. ... ~ •• _,.I ....... ,-,. '.. • l •• ..... ~ -~ . . ~-·---...... __ .. TO ILL rEDCO MEMBERS: s ' D Merchandise featured in the JuneJssue of the Fedco Reporter, "Vacation Jubilee" will be available at that time. Prices ettective July 5 thru 10 A~~y~o~r~~ey:~~~;~:;~th~~:~~ We ·feature · Canon Canon Canonet G-maL 1.7 Camera • 35mm Rangefinder Came.ra. • Shutter Speed Priority Automatic Exposure Control • Manual Control of Aperture Possible • Built-in Battery Checker. •Viewfinder Information Includes Aperture Scale, Exposure Indicator. Canon 514XL Movie Camera • 5X Zoom Ratio. • Super 8 XL Low Light Operation. •Automatic Exposure Mechanism. • Self-limer. Canon AE-1 35mm SLR Camera •Shutter Priority Automatic Exposure SLR. • Compact and Easy to Use. • Instant Response, Sens1t1ve Sihcon Exposure Metering •Accepts All Canon FD Lenses for AE Operation. • Easy to Read Viewfinder Information. Canon A35F 35mm Rangefinder Camera • Handy Pop-Up Flash. •Automatic Metering for Exposure Control. • Convenient Self Ttmer. • Bright Viewfinder • 40mm f2.8 Canon Lens. • 9FPS, 18FPS. Single Frame Filming Speeds. Membership Department Stores Hours: The La Cienega Store in Los Angeles, the San Bernardino and San Oiegn Stores Open 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Pasadena, Cerritos, Costa Mesa and Van Nuys Stores 12:00 •n to 9:00 p.m. All Stores Open Mon., Tue., Thur., and Fri. -. Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. SUndQl 10:00 I.I. ID 5:00 p.m. -All Stores Claled W•ldly. ······· ....... , ..... -.. . . . . ,. . -~ -., .. ·-..... .. . .. .. ... . -.. . - NATION Tlmdey, July 3. 1979 DAILY PILOT A J J 'I Million Shared Publisher Thanks Employees GRAND JUNCTION. Colo. <•P> -It beaa. a Cbriltmal boaua hudl down. .Ken Jobmon, publiaber ot the 30.000.ClN:ulatlon Grand JUQC· lion Dally Sentinel, la apUtU.., tl mllllon amon1 his lH emple>yeea. "U really blew me away," said Kat.by Jordan, a compoa!ns room worker tor nlne yean. "n w•a Uke that 'tV •bow, 'The IUlllonalre.' when the l"Y knocks. on your door and says, 'Kere'a a million dollara.· fl'• hard \o believe he'd 11lv• lb.at mue.b money awa)I.'' JOHNSON. 4t, CaEDITED employees with "helpine build a solld .,.....,..,.,, one tbat hu at leaat • decent reputaUon.'' He uld tbe ~ are belna paid to all people wbo were employed b.y tbe Dally SentJnel oo April 16. the day bet announced be wu ulllna the paper to Cox En terprlses Inc .. owner or the Atlanta ConatituUon and other n~wapapen. ''I'm lay1n1 some money on lbe troops.·· Johnson aald .. They are my friends , and they've been through good, bad and ot.berw&H. Ttua ia a chance lo do IOmethlnl For them In a meanloitul way. These are hef· tY chunks of money, not JUSl a gesture. AP wt,..,..... AMONG COUNTRY'S MOST POPULAR SPEAKERS ... Jeck Andera0n Dr. Joyce Brothera Popular Speakers Earn $7,500-plus WASHINGTON (AP) -What do columnist Jack Anderson. science fiction writer Isaac Asimov and ex·Secretary of State Henry Kissinger have in common? They are among the most popular paid speakers in the coun· try. according to the International Platform Association. Others in the top dozen are psychologist Joyce Brothers, former President Ford, radio commentator Paul Harvey, colum· nisl James J . Kilpatrick, con.sumer advocate Ralph Nader. colum· nist Carl Rowan, network television reporter Jessica Savitch, ad· vice columnist Abby Van Buren and network television reporter Mike Wallace. The top dozen generally earn $7,500 to $J.S.OOO a speech, accord· ing to an association statement. , "ALL l 'M REAU. y doina Is tryln1 lo ahuc with the ataff M>me of the proceeds of the aale ll'• a very positive way o f 1aay•n1 thanks . Some publlatwrs who sell their papers walk off without a backward &l"'nt'e ·· With the bonuses, Johnson uld. he was fulfilling a promise he made when he announced the aale, which waa effective June 1. • • J told them lbey knew l was crazy, or at least a bit eccentric, but 1 was going to do something 1 felt I should." HE DECUNED TO discuss how much Cox paid for the paper Johnson said the payments ranged from "two or three weeks pay" to severaJ thousand dollars. He said everyone on the s taff April 16, even if only for a week. would receive a bonus. Job.nsoo began calling in staf· fers individually Friday to thank them and pay the bonuses. He said he expects to complete the process this week. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS learned lbat employees basicaJ. ly were given $1.000 for each year of service to the paper. One worker pocketed a check for about $40,000. The only service to Denver from Orange Count~ Hughes Airwest. To many employees like Mrs . Jordan. the bonuses were a sur· prise. But staff writer Susan Conrad said she heard a rumor about the bonuses and told her editor. who promised to treat her to lunch if she was right. And 30% off coach when you buy your ticket 7 days u1 advance, stay over at least one Saturday rug ht, but no longer than 30 days. .. So I got a lunch out of it, too," she said. BONUSES ARE ALSO going to copy edit.or Rebecca Frank, who has been wilb lbe paper less than a year, and her reporter husband. George Orbanek. Leave Orange County 8:55a.m. 4:30p.m. Leave Denver 7:03 a.m. 3·50p.m . Arrive Denver l : I 0 p.m. one-stop 8:46 p.m . one-stop Arrive Orange County 9:24 a.m. one-stop 6{)7 p.m . one-stop "This man (Johnson) doesn't need to turn around and share Sl million with bis employees. but he's doing it. And he's sharing it with the working folks. and that amazes me in this day and age,'' s he said. Just call a Travel A gent, your Corporate Travel Arranger, or Hughes Airwest at (714 ) ~40·2060 Asked about other motives for the bonuS,-Ms. Frank said: "Ken inherited the newspaper, and that may be a part of it. He may want to share some of it." Johnson began as a copy carrier in 1949 and became publisher in June 197Q. He said he plans to stay with the Sen· tioel, which also bas a Sunday circulation of 40,000, at least through the 1980 election. ..... choose from an enormous selec- tion of men's and women's swim- wear in an array of s1yles, colors and sizes . we've everything you need for summer fun. for women: one and two piece swimsuits, cov- er-ups and accessories. for men: swimtrunks, cabana jackets and tank tops. 1/3 off. may we send? (714) 549-8300. south coast plaza, costa mesa; san diego freeway at bristol in ACTIVE SPORTS, LTD. . . ,. • .-.1-a .. r Ac tress Tlppi Hedren, volun. teer of •·Food for the Hun1ry International," described the re· fuaee pro blem t o d ay u s a "h o l oc11u t ." T~, July a. 1m CALIFOR NIA '300,000 a Year Willed to Pets R EDDING <AP > The local t111l dStephenJ<cnnedy,lawyerforthe famdythatranadrugstore humane Me>e iely haa b en left an humanti socie t y "I'm not sure "Her dog and cat are proVlded fo r ett mated '300.000 a year by ~ 74 whetht-r it's lawful or how the in the wd l. but they died before she year-old woman who loved doj(s ttnd sheriff's department would v1ew it ·· d1d ... he said . u ... and now lht aoclely has to de T he sheriff's animal control of She had made se veral contribu· cide how to uae the money hcer. Pet.e Lambert. said. "I feel we tions to the humane society iii recent One problem la thal Cina f''urth, adequately do this. but every little bit years. he added. •ho died in a convaleac_,nt hospital ht•lps •· He said the humane 89ciety IN THE will. Miss Furth left $3.2 J une 9, apecllted tn btir will that the would have to get the patrollers m illion in trust. with the interest t.o Hann Humane Society should set up r~rtifled by a Judge as humane of· hum ane society is supposed to use the money for Its animal shelter, which Kennedy said houses about 100 do&s and cats. Miss Furth had no close living re- latives, but HJlger said two second cousins once removed have told him they plan to contest the will oo the grounds that she was mentally incom· petent. a fu11·Ume putrol of two omcen lo licers. go to the humane society. Hilger look ror p('opl~· ahuMOil peti. and estimated the interest at $300,000 a D W livt"etnck THE LAWY ER for the estate, Fred year , tax.free egree OD lhlger of Eureka. said Miss Furth He said any amount the humane Jennirer Hollad ay of Newport THt: TASK ti. p.•rformed by the was "a somewhat eccentric lady" society can't use in any year will go Beach has graduated from Harvey Shasta County Sht-riff'r. Department who made he r money from timber to another humane organization or Mudd College in Claremont, obtain- "I think we'n• obl 1 ~ed to do land and investments She was the the Salvation Army. ing a bache lor or science degree tn ---------------;;;;;....;;=;;;.;;;__somt•ttung ... Ill the nu tu re o_r_a_._p_at_ro_l_. _l_as_t_s_· u_r_vi_vo_r_of_a _l_o_ng=-t_1m_e_a_re_a __ B_es_id_e_s_t_h_e _a_o_im_a l_p_at_ro_l_. _th_e_c_h_e_m_is_try-"--. -------- ) TUBE. TOPS The bore look 1' 1n-ond we hol4 II 1n tube lly1H. boil( & ·pinched .. Mode of qo•1. cotton & 10% ru~ f0t <001, comfortoble, llottering fit fashionable coloo• INFLATABLE WADING POOLS REG. 599 7.99 UMCHA1U VODKA 3'' QUAIT llG. 4.9' FOSTER GRANT SUNGLASSES REG. 3'' 5.00 Oelv•• \°'9 group of 11mi.,, • & plollte frame i!ylu l0t ~ 911'f1 & gol1 young & a'd. .,. _____ _ GALLON POLORON JUG SAU 299 PRICE SCORESBY SCOTCH 4c• 750.t llG. 5.59 ZERO-PAK REFRIGERANT REG.99c 1.49 MIUM WALIElt TEN HIGH BOURBON 4~!" SAU PllCI (' -~-,._-.. Cotton terry "ulh with moded rubber 1ole1 W11h loom podded 1nsOIH. u~rs S·M·l·Xl 1n your chooce of col0<1 with whole ''"PM 01\ploy yO\lr prec>0111 lom1ly photo\ 1n these handsome hardwood lromes "''"'" 9lo1l'~llooce of J 11ie1 ot dollars otl p 11ces ") • POlARIUND PRICE FANCY ~~CRAB MEAT ~~ ,~ 6-0Z. \;~I ~~~ .... ->~~) ~·-.... 49 t?Afj '•· ·~.::..~~· • 'Alu • .. '\•SJ, -_. Wfllle Stoc.h loitt ESOilRICA ORY SKIN LOTION with f RH SOAP •Monuloc111ref l llol11e Maintain\ o dewy nioo11neu ~ PHARMACY DEPT. SAVE with GENERIC: DRUGS! A ftl'lrk 4rv1 Is the d1e111lcel """ of 1 llrv1 soW ... , nriows llAND llnMI . • M ll Actt.,•IH,~H 11 th 1nuic H•• -l XA I' : nUNOl 11 ... •r•l!4 -•"4tt w~lc~ 6" .......... it ..W. If THiii IS A GINUIC latll· VAUNT Of YOUR l'RISCRll'· 1lOff AVAii.AiU, YOU MAT l l Alll TO SAVl UP TO SO% COMl'UlD WIT H IUTING TMl IUND NAME Of THl YIRJ SAMI DRUGI .. towgone .... ·---... -.. VOS ... , . ...... ~,·i~ t· I. Slll 11.st SUNsHINE Hl·HO · CRACKERS 16 oz. 69 Wll1le StoduU.11 WHEAT GERM Oil AND HONEY 15 OZ. SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER SALE PRICE 4s9 D-CON FOUR-GONE PACI OF 2 1•, oz cons FOUNTAIN VAWY WESTMfNSlB Magnolia at Tabrt ~Wllft1il.._ ot Goldlrl W"t ONE OF THE GREAT EVENTS OF THE YEAR FLAT oR F1n10TWIN Ooc1or» polyHler l collon blend 01> romontoc MOOe1to Gor de11 po!lern of muh1e01o< po11el& •REG. 6.49 fUll FLAT OI FITT£D ••••• 4" •REG. 9.49 QUHN FLAT OR FtmD ••••• 1" •REG. l VJ91UNG 9 FLAT OR FITTED ••••• 89 S.29 PACK OF 2 STANDARD CASES 359 S.99 PACK Of 2 KING SIZE CASES 4" SOLID COLOR IMPERIAL . BLANKETS If PERFECT WOULD SEU FOR 'JS 10 7" f ol\ twin and lull \1r~ beds llle sloghl irregulol'lt•t> ore l>ord •o spot and on no way afle< I look> or u'e FIBER fill BED PILLOWS REG. 4.39 20126'' 2 6'' STANDARD ······•·· Jo• REG. 4.99 20130" 2 7'' QUUN SIZE······ • • • FOR REG. 6.39 20136" 2 8 99 IUNG SIZE ••• • ••• • • • fOt f1be< l1lled llully & non allergenic. ~--------------------------......... ""11l" ..... \ ... ~,-, .... 22"x38" FLOURSACK DISH TOWELS '· R~~~:,.~!:-2. SJ 1y wo•en. obsor · f OR bent coiron ' ' . ... '""' I ~ , :;i " .,,. ~ .. •.• •.. . ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' )) ~ >-jJ I :... ~ ;~ \~ ,,. ' .. .,J~ .• I J tllru-.F I "MONACO hD I STRIPE" IATH TOWUS 2 $ 7 REG. 4.39 24142" FOi 2.89 FACE TOWELS J. $ 5 1.39 WASHCLOTHS u . SJ I -~. } "fCSTACJ" . CANN ~TH TOWELS · 2 7'' REG. 4. 99 25146" FOi SAU! 16126" TOWELS f~ 5tt ~~~~~~~~!~~ l 2'' ,... .......... , ""'" .... -----.- ~ ........... ,~· C)\JI~""""' .,...., "'""'" . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ~, ....... ., ... . lilillil ..... llillijiiillliiilliilliilll .. ;•;•~•~•'~ ... a.1•t•tt•·•·-.·.· .. 1 •.• ~'.: .. ·:.rr .. ·•,•o~.~.v.·.~-.lO•r .. -.·.· ..... ~ ... 1 .~~~~ ., ... All-star Credentialsj · Baylor's Healthy Bat Sinks A's j By DAVE CUNNINGHAM Of Hie D•llY ~ SLtff Don Baylor is a distant fifth in the balloting for American League All-Star outfielders, and Jim Fregosi doesn't think that's right. "With the kind of year Don's having, be de · serves to be a starter in the AU-Star game." the Angel manager says. "It's too bad. l think there's an a wfuJ lot of ballot-stuffing going on." FREGOSJ PRESUMABLY MEANT BOSTON, because the Red Sox' outfielders rank one-two· three in the outfield balloting <Fred Lynn. J im Rice and Carl Yastrzemski). Baylor went three-for-three, including a homer to left, and knocked in three runs as the Angels clobbered Oakland, 8·3, Monday night to open a JJ.game homestand on a bright note. It was the fourth straight victory for the Angels and kept the m in a virtual tie for first with Texas. But the Rangers also won Monday, and in the mystical world of numbers, California actually lost a pert'entage point in the standings. Baylor has driven m seven runs in his last two games and belted five homers m five days "He as officially out of his s lump," prod aimed Fregosi. "It was a rough month." admitted Baylor "When you hit .195 for J une and go 0 for 19 and O for-27 it can get kind or dcpres~1ng .. BA YLOK INCREASED HIS league-leading 1 R Bl total to 69 and improved his average to .289. He is also fourth in the league in doubles {19). fiftb._j in runs (57) and fourth in homers (17). Those are AU-Star stats and Baylor, who bas never played in tbe m id-summer exhibition, would J like to be rerogni2ed as an All·St.ar. f But be says fans vote for favorites, rather than 1 on statistics, and his June swoon hurt Baylor's 1 chances of making the starting lineup. "I think I've hit .215 career-wise in June. It's a bad month for me," Baylor says. "I was jumpin' 1 at the ball, movin • even before the ball left the / pitcher 's hand ." B ENCH-SITTER MERV RETTENMVND 1 pointed out Baylor's bad habit, and he's been on a tear ever since. Oakland took a brief lead on Tony Armas' solG homer in the third, but in the bottom or the inning the Angels cut loose for five runs. Run-scoring singles by Baylor and Dan Ford keyed the out- burs t. In the fourth innmg Baylor got another RBI single, and he blcisted his 17th homer of the season in the sixth. . Th~ beneficiary of Baylor's bat was Jim Barr. "'ho wasn't even sure he would be able to pitch. · l couldn't get loose cit aJI. I didn't have my <See ANGELS, Page 8 2) Tanner Also R e aches Semij.i1zals Connors, Borg AdvaDce WIMBLEDON, England I AP> .Jimmy Connors s urvived some anxious moments tod av and turned ba c k f e llo.,;,, American Bill Scanlon 6·2. 4·6, 7-6, 6·4 to join Bjorn Borg and Roscoe Tanner in the semifinal~ of the Wimbledon tennis cham paonship~. the eighth as a consolation i:ame whe n Borg made so m e an · t'onclus1ve returns But the S"ede. al 5·3 with rus own service to come, made no more mistakes. lie won 1l on the fi rst match point, when Okker dro\'e out. Gullikson was servmg almost as weir as Tanner but couldn'' match has crisp volleying. In the third set. he kept in the match right up to the 12th game. With the S<'Ore 6-6. 1l looked like a Tann er victory an th e tiebreaker , but Gullikson pulled 1tout7 3 JIMMY CONNORS FLASHES FANCY FOOTWORK IN WIN OVER BILL SCANLON. Connors. looking strangely ill at ease . was 10 danger of fallinl? behind two sl'ls to one. but the 22 -year-o ld Scanlon c;howed his inexperience by faltering al all the important momt'nts. ROSCOE TANNER rocked Tim GuJLikson on his wheels m th€'1r quarterfinal to win 6-1. 6·4, 6 7, 6·2 Gulbkson got in front when Tanner d ouble faulted then mad<• lht' '>et his own with a backhand that rolled along the top of the net and dropped dead on Tanner's side Yeager's Hot Hitting :Stops Skid • SAN DIEGO <AP) -Un the I verge or sinking into last place in their division. the Los Angeles Dodgers got some balling punch from an improbable source. t Catcher Steve Yeager, batting .159 in the midst of his worst big l eague year. whacked t wo homers and drove in five runs as the Dodgers a verted the Na- tional League West's cellar with a 6·3 victory over San Diego in 12 innings Monday night. "THIS MAV BE the best game o f my caree r ." said 1 Yeager. who a lso had a s ingle 1 and triple while blasting his l sixth and seventh home runs of I the season. J Coming off their worst June s ince 1936 -just seven victories in 27 games -the Dodgers ; s napped a s ix-game losing l s treak while opening a 13-game l . road trip. The victory put them within two percentage points of the fourth-place Padres, who I dropped their fourth game in a s row • "Maybe t his is a sign I can fmally do what I'm capable of doing," said Yeager. "I've had a bad mental at- titude. I've been swinging too l hard. When you're only rutting .150. you've got to get down," he said. Yeager's three-run. two-out smash off the P adres' fourth pitcher, Bob Owchinko, 3·5, e nded a bard-fought contest I J iu1•w1....,.... CONNORS' OP ENING SET :.('ore of 6·2 flattered him Scanlon, who has been a first round loser the two previ-ous times he had played here, failed to t'apitalize on his opponent's frequent errors al the net . Connors' ground strokes were unusualJy loose He took refu ge at the baseline. and from there managed to wear Scanlon down in the early stages. But in the second set Scanlon came alive with some superb passing shots to both wings Quickly he streaked to a 4·0 lead. then again fa lte red on crut'ial points and let Connors creep up to 4.5 In the next game Connon, saved one set point with a t•ross court forehand. but Scanlon im mediately J,tot his second chanct- with a finely judged lob that just clipped the basehn<' St•cinlon picked up the set when Connor~ punched a drive r r om th t• baseline soundly into the net -BJORN BORG. playing Likc- a three-time t'hampaon, took ;ust 67 minutes today to demolish Tom Okker of the Netherland~ 6·2. 6 l. 6·3 Borg, the imperturbablt> Swede who stands to bet'ome the first man in modern time to wan four Wimbledons in a row. met Okker in the semifinals last vear and won 6-4. 6·4. 6-4. This time. Okker, 35. stood no t'hance at all against Borg's speed. the pm point accuracy and the powerful ground strokes. Borg won the first two sets 1n 40 minutes . The Dutchman, always a Lough artist. played good tenrus in some of the rallies But Borg was always there at the end to pocket the point (See DODGE.RS, Page 83> CHRIS EVERT FOLLOWS SHOT IN QUARTERFINALS. In the third set. Okker stayed level for the firs t four games. but in the s ixth. Borg went ahead 4-2 Okker was allowed It Rains, Then Pours on Keough CdM. Product Having Miserable 1979 Pitching Season By JOHN SEVANO Of ... Dlllly ~·"" s .... In the puuling and complicated world of professional baseball, Matt Keough's cur· rent misfortune is just a speck in history. For tbe moment, though, it's bigger than life and twice aa magnified. K~ who almost one year ago to the day wu on top of the world, is now at the bottom with nowhere else to go but up. The Newport Beach naUve who prepped at Corona del Mar High has bad a miaera- ble first balf of 1979. He's 0.10 with a 5.32 ERA add tbe prospects don't loot to get mucb better u he's saddled with a team -the Oakland A's -dettinecl to fl.nlsb ln the cellar of the American League's Weit.em Dlvilloo for the aecond Ume in tbe last three years. ratJSTaAftNGt vov an. Eapeclally wbea you CCllWder hJs problems started rtpt after pitcb1n1 ln last year's All·star same. 5mee that memorable oecaaion KMUlb bu maaasecl but two wins, havtoe ..,... ils I.Mt !I ttarta without a wln. .. You would bave bad to aee it all to believe it," says Keough, retaining his sense of humor. Keough sat in front of bis slal.I in the vis· itor 's clubhouse at Anaheim Stadium Mon· day and reflected on bis string or bad luck. He talked about missed opportunities. breaks and what it would take to turn things around. "Things haven't gone well for me," he understated. "I can't believe what's bap· pened. It's too bard to believe. "IT WOULD BE llEAL EASY to get dis· couraged. But rather than die I just fight harder." Keougb's story ls not or a pitcher alrug- gllng to survive ln the majors. Although s uffering some misfortune, be does have credenUals -three years with the big club; 8-15 last season with a respectable 3.24 ERA; 197 innings pltched last season: a gOOd young arm wlth no history of. problems. So, you ask. what has been bis problem? Flnt, it's playing for a team where the owner doesn't care, the town doeln't care . . and (maybe because of the fi rst two rea sons> someoftheplayersdon't care. Keough scoffs at those theories. though, preferring to blame himself instead. "J really wasn't throwing well at the beginning of lbe year," he admits. "l just got off to a slow start. "Then I broke out or It by pitching a good game against Boston <losing 2·1). I felt good and thought 1 was in a groove. My next start was ln Baltimore and I got food poisoning there. I lost 12 pounds and I was weak all over again." KEOUGH'$ HEALTH has returned. but now it's a matter of him and the team play- ing well on the same night. Half h.ls losses this year have come after he's lert the game with a lead. All Keough will say is the bullpen isn't as strong as last year. "It's more or a challenge," he says. "l'm trying ... I'm still young." Keough t urns 24 today. although a season Uke this can age someone quickly "It's -a snow-balllnat effect," Keough (See KEOUGH. Pace 82) Not once 1n th(• matt'h did c; ull1hon m<1nage to collect T;rnner':. devastating ser vice. And only once did he pick up more than a couple of point~ m a Tanner service gamt' The fi rst two !>el s were all Tanner and took only 56 minutes as he served blisteringly and followed up with t'runch1ng volleys on G11llikson 's return. BUT T H E RE WA S n o Gulltkson comeback this time In the lhJrd game of the fourth set he did manage to get to deuce on Tanner·~ s ervice, but the following game Tanner broke aJ{ain, hC'IP<'d by a couple of over- h1t forehands from Gullikson. CORONA DEL MAR'S MATT KEOUGH. , OAllY PILOT Divi11g Win11ers De n ise Chris te nsen of Tucson and J anet Ely T horburn of Dallas display winning smiles aft er cap· luring gold and silver medals in the diving compel!· tion of the P an American Games in Puerto Ri co Monday Off Mound, Tommy John Feels Like a Marked Man NEWYORK (AP)-Tommy Johnbas beentak· Ii ing his lumps from his New York teammates during balling practice these days, then giving them out to the opposition when the game begins. J ohn was shagging rues in the outfield Saturday when be was struck on the right forearm by a batted ball. Monday night. before facing the Boston Red Sox, he was struck under the right ear by an errant throw while taping a televisioQ in· terview during batting practice. ··1 was talking," said John. "and the next thing J knew I was on the ground." J ohn got up and limited the Red Sox to fi ve hits and became the American League's fi rst 12-game winner as the Ya nkees beat Boston 7·2. "My ticad was going around and around," said John. t 2·3. who lied Houston's Joe Niekro for the major league lead in victories. ''But I was all right once the game started and I got a boost right off the bat when Ueggie made that spectacular play " Right fielder Reggie J ackson, who also homered, dove to catch Ri ck BurJeson's sinking tine drive leading off the con· test ·'What do you think would have happened if I had dropped it?" asked J ackson. "They'd have booed . 1f I don't catchit, l'm gonna getbooed " -----Quote of the Day------. For tho&e baseball fans who don't beUeve the Mon· treel Expos are for real, listen to Steve Rogers: "We're not contenders. We're the team others have to catch. If the other teams in the league don't realize it, they're kidding themselves and they're in trouble. We haven't come close to the consistency we're capable of.·· Rangers Cool Ott Orioles, 2·0 Baltimore, which had won 22 of its previous 25 Ii games, began a 12-game road trip by being blanked by Steve Comer of Texas, 2·0. Comer seal· tered seven hits while walking three and striking out three to keep the Rangers on top of the American League East ... Darrell Jackson and Mike Marshall combined on a six-hitter and Glen Adams drove in two runs with three hits as Ml.nnesota won its fourth straight, 7·0 over Seattle .•. Jim Norris snapped a 4-4 tie with a bases- loaded triple in the 11th inning and later scored on a sacrifice fly by Mike Hargrove as Cleveland beat Detroit, 8-4 .•• In the National League. Montreal won for the fifth time in its current seven-game road trip as Steve Rogers scattered eight bits and Ellis Valentine drove in two runs to pace a 5--0 victory over the Chi cago Cubs . . . Manny Trillo's first home run of the season. a three-run fourth inning shot , triggered the struggling Philade lphia coMu Phillies to a 6-2 victory over the New York Mets ... Tim Foll's second hit of the game, a single to right field. snapped a tie in the seventh inning and boosted the Pittsburgh Pirates to a 5-4 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals . Cleveland Manager Je ff Torborg told bis players he was resigning at the end of this season because the-club's front of· fice bas shown little public confidence in him . . . Former Detroit Tiger Manager Les Moss, fired June 12, joined the Chicago Cubs as a minor league pitching coach . . . Tom Seaver of the Cincinnati Reds was selected Player of the Week in the National League after winning two games on three hits last week ------Ba•elJaH Today ------ On this date in baseball in 1970: Clyde Wright of California spun a no-hitter as the Angels beat the Oakland A's 4-0 al Anaheim. On this date in 1966: AUanla Braves' pitcher Tony Cloninger tied a ma· Jor league record by smashing two grandslam homers again.st the San Francisco Giants. Today's Birthdays: CaWomla Angels pitcher Frank Tanana is 26. Former Minnesota Twins infielder Cesar Tovar is 39. ~...C AU.ecs Bot1• 011 Glrb'T11a•• A Muaacbuaett. Supreme Court struck down II a re1ulaUoo forbidding coed sports in state secon· dary IChooll, pavin1 the way for boys to play on tlrll' teams .•. Peter Greg of Jacksonville, Fla., defendina champlo~ led qualifiers for tonight's Paul Revere J!O.mlle stock car race at Daytona Beach with a 1.,..cl ~ 128.'nM miles an hour •.• Race officials say they ex· peet 11.000 runners for Wedneeday's Peachtree Road Race, d"ptt.e lntenae heat and humidity over the 6.2-mlle Atlanta road nm. Tel~1'1d••· Radio 4. TV: Tetml.1 -Wimbledon Hlabliahta, 11:30 p.m .. Channel aADIO: Pan American Games reports, 9:50 a .m. and 1:50 p.m., KNX (1070); Baseball -Dodgers at San Diego, 6:$5 p.m .. KABC ('190); Oakland al Angels, 7:25 p.m .. KMPC (710). Yacht Race -Tranapac Race, 3 end a p.m .. KLAC (570). ) f Tarkanian Will Stay AtUNLV LAS VEGAS. Nev CAPl - J erry Tarkaruan. considered a tu dlna candida te to replace J e-rry Wel\t as head coach of the rro fess lo na l Los Ange les ~alters , said Monday he wHI re· main ua heud coach at Nevada· Las Veg1ts. itt least for the time b<"lng. Tarkaru an. In a statement re· leaaed by the uru versity. said he wanted lo remain in Las Vegas to see his court light with the NCAA to a cooclusion. "I OWE IT TO my family and ull of the Las Vegas fans who have faithfully supported me to stay at UN LV until the NCAA ' m atter is resolved through the courts," the coach said in bis brief, three-paragraph state· m ent. Tarkaruan was considered a top candidate to replace Lakers Coa ch Jerry West, who has re· s igned after three seasons. Tarkanian. said to be the "winningest" coach in the COUD· try, has compiled a 143·32 record m six y<'ars at UNLV. But his te nure he re has bee n con· troversial. as it was at Long Beach State. HE RAS BEEN under fire from the NCAA for a lleged recruiting violations, both bere and in Southern California when he headed the Long Beach team. The case has provoked a court fight betwe<?n Ta rkanian and the university and was a major fac· tor in the congressional he~s last year on the assoc1auon s dealings with m ajor schools. In 1977 , the NCAA placed UNLV on probation and wanted Tarkanian suspended. But the coa ch fought the edict and ob- tained a court order blocking the suspension f'roin Page A I KEOUGH •.. s ays. ''When things go bad, ever· ything goes bad. And when things go good. everything goes good. "All this does is make me work harder. Things are always easier when you're winning, but I'll learn now and remember - a nd hopefully I won't have to learn again later." KEOUGH'S SPIRIT (if you can't tell) hasn't been dampened by his predicament. He points to .John Johnson. who was acquired by Texas with eight losses. and expounds on how we ll he's doing with his new ba ll club. "That's a compliment to our pitching staff,·· he'll tell you .. "because everybody on the staff has bis kind of numbers and bet· ter capabilities." He'll also tell you the stretch of bad luck can'tlaslforever ; that his fortunes have to change- sometime. "If I were to quit now what would It be Like for me in a World Series'?" he rationalizes. "All I can do is look in the mir· ror every morning and ask if I've given 100 percent. "I refuse to accept I'm a loser because I've never been one, nor will I ever be one." Keough 's next shot at break· ing his "loser" image will be Wednesday against the Angels and some 50 friends and rel· a tives will be there to cheer him on. Naturally nobody knows what the outcome of the game will be, although one thing's for certain. Keough won't quit ... because he doesn't know the meaning of the word. From Page A I ANGELS •.. rhythm and absolutely no break· ing ball." Barr said. "If eel a little lucky to get a win, considering the kind of stuff I had.·· FREGOSI BAD long reliever Mike Barlow warming up prior to the game, just in case Barr couldn't make the start. "l 've been struggling lately," admits Barr. who evened bis record at 4-4. "And you can't take the Oakland A's lightly just because they're in last place. Look what they did to Texas yesterday They scored 13 runs." * ANGIL NOTIS -tn OM wMk on Ille ro.cl, Ille A ' 11ave Pl•~ belOr• mon lent ,,.." trw,. ,..,... ... v••r •I toom.. Their 11o .... •11.nc!MK• ll!roli9ft 41 O•IH II h••t IJl,7'1 •.• l'orm•r ..... o .... C ... 111 h•s l\lt evet•Ot up to 116 but ,..., not ,,..,_ ov pleyll'Q for O.•lend. "I -·1 C.. wltll Ille A's ..... ya.,;• M VI Cl\alk, Who Will bee,,... 419tM •ll•t 1nlt M4110ft . Th• 810 A u orebcMln:I tUll loomt owt left Ii.kl, ""1 1n oorm9"1. n. wl•lllO 11.n """ c11w-1eo In preperellon fOt lb , •. mo~•• I•''"' llllt monlh. • mov• Mot.it.tea Dy tM •t•d1um ••-''°" '" th o••ce 11 • ttm ()()t#fy KOtt -d wlllCh tomt Of IM A"t -· pOtn9 lun •• "Loou h U • "''" t CllOOI \tOret>Mn:I to ....... Mid (CMKll Lff Weltl. ' I 1111~ IM'f -..0111 II -n tr-om "•'m ~" M lf •• .,,.. Of'ttM • Jee ltM! II tWlf>OlllO e llol Del lor lht flrtt I-tl\ls tHMn Hit 1-fer,leut 11trlo.-. lnclu09f • K rMml11t lint *1.-111.t1 ... .... IOOll ... MH Oii pltc ... r ..... Nwrtt "'" Norrtt IOtl _. l\lt ti.ti -010.,. WllKll ,.,.. '1ylllt Off llllt 1" e (llerli. l-CM100fl .) ··-----· PAN AM GAMES I BASKETBALL . ~ .,.~ TRACY CAULKINS FLOATS LIKE A BUTIERFLY EN ROUTE TO PAN-AM RECORD MONDAY. U.S. Off to Good Start New lmage!j Same Results i11 Pan-Am Games SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico <AP>-An unexpect· edly fiery and colorful American squad blitzed the competition and set the stage fo r a rout Monday 1n only the first day of activity in the VIII Pan· American Gamt.'S. American swimmers swept <111 seven gold medals up for grabs Monday and were solid favorites to do the same thing in today's six aquatic categories. Records were rewritten in ever y event. THE POTENT UNITED STATES men's a nd women's basketball teams-slaughtered their oppo· neats, and controversial men's coach Bo,bby Knight even managed an intemationaJ competition rarity -being ejected from the game. even though his team was leading by 35 points at the time . The U.S. medal haul of 20, including 10 golds. easily outdistanced everyone. with the Canadians. hopeful of beating the Cubans for second place overall in the Ga mes. next with 11 medals. Only two, however, were golds. The Cubans had a slow start. m fourth place- with only one gold . but their strongest sports are yet to commence play. Sixteen-year-old Tracy CauUtins led the swim · mers with two gold medals Monday, and goes for her third -in an attempt to garner fi ve overall here -today in the 100-meter breaststroke. THE SENSATION FROM NASHVILLE, Tenn .• ripped off four seconds from the record she bad set in morning heat races in the 200-meter individual medley, and then teamed with the 400-meter medley relay squad that knocked an in· credible nine seconds off the previous Games record. Other individual U.S. gold medal winners Monday in swimming were Ambrose "Rowdy" Gaines , Winter Park. Fla .. in the 200-meter freestyle; Steve Lundquist, Jonesboro, Ga .• in the 100-meter breaststroke; and Bob Jackson. San Jose. in the 100-meter backstroke. Games tn cd tor <1 nother gold today with the 400-metcr rrec~ly le rf'lay team. Ltnda Jezek, Los Altos. and Cynthia Woo<lht•ad, Rivers ide, or the v1ctoriow; 400-met~r relay team. were also back in art1on tod a~. ONE OF THE BJGGF.ST U PSETS Monday was newcomer Dl•n1 <.,e Chn~tenscn 's defeitt of veteran J anet Ely Thorburn. of Dallas. in the three-meter d1vtnl!. Ch r1~t<·n~l'n . of Tucson, 1s in her first internationa l <'C1m1X'l1 t 1on. Michele lkaulieu, Millbrae. Calif . collected .t gold in the solo '>)nchronized swimming The rest of the Amcnc<Jn ~old!> out of CJ tota l of 16 awarded in <111 compet1t1ons Monday - went to roller ~k atcr Ken Sutton, Muskegon. Mich .. in the 500 metc•r speed event, and the U.S. teams in the 100-kilometer cycling and air rifle The Amencan basketball squads. based on their first round performances, looked like s ure gold mcdaJisls too The women. IPd by Denis.e Curry's 27 p<nnts, stomped a Puerto Rico ~q uad. 124·69. that they had reared. T H E Mt;N LOOKED GEN ERALLY awesome m tht•tr 136 88 crustung of the Virgin Is lands -and ~o did their coach Knight was tossed out with his fourth technical fo ul or the sloppy game, In wh ich 71 personal fo uls were whistled. when hl· charged onto the court to cr iticize an offi cial and tht•n stayed there arguing. "He (the offi cial) took away a charging foul - he did," Knight msistcd. "They called 1t first then changed the call " Although the women do not play again until Friday. against a tough Canada team. the men will have to reorganize themselves quickl y for a stem test tonight against the aggressive Cuban fi ve, probably their strongest opposition in the round robin tourney. Another full day of competition was scheduled today in 13 of the 22 e vents Swimming a nd basket· ball promised again to be the highlights . Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE West Division W L Pct. GB Texas Angels Minnesota Kansas City Chicago Seattle Oakland 45 34 .570 46 35 .568 41 34 .547 2 42 36 .538 21h 33 44 .429 11 34 47 .420 12 23 58 .284 23 East Division Baltimore 54 25 .684 Boston 47 29 .618 5'~ Milwaukee 45 33 .577, 8"'2 New York 43 36 .544 11 Detroit 36 38 .486 15"'2 Cleveland 35 42 .455 18 Toronto 24 57 .296 31 _ ...... ,.,Scorn ·"···· •. 0.kl•tMl J '-fW Yo<k 1. ll<>stOt\ 1 (tevetllfld I. Oetrooi. 11 onn•nQ' Trees l, 8e1t1rnore 0 MtMOote 7. S.ellle 0 Only 9-s K neclulecl T...,-ao-0•••-IKlllOITIM'I Mt •I "-It (Frost S~l.n !><-•Ille C Per""1 .. J -0.Cker 0.11 et Mlfl. netot• IOoltz ... ...., Servfn o.n. 1. t·n K•"WS City C8'1$by J.SI ., Bolton CAet*o ~JI. " (Ille-(8e<rlo$ 7 JI •I ,._ ... ,_ IWIW Ml," Mllweull .. IC.IOw•ll I-SI •I New Yotll (City 1 JI. n Toronto C~e 1.01 et 0.lrott IBllllllQll!em I 41, n Betttrnore ISi-•)I et ft••' IJHtk•fl' .... , n NATIONAL LEAGUE Wesl Division W L Pct. GB Houston CinciMati San Francisco San Diego Dodgers Atlanta 50 31 .617 41 38 .519 8 40 39 .506 9 35 48 .422 16 34 47 .420 16 32 46 .410 161.h East Division Montreal 44 27 .620 P itts burgh 38 34 .528 6' 2 Chicago 37 34 521 7 St. Louis 38 35 .521 1 Philadelphia 40 38 .513 71"1 New York 30 42 417 w., MoncJ.Ay't S<or.-, D°""" •• ~ 0..QO l , 12 lnnt"9' Monl'1!•1 ~. CIMC-O Pl'HlttOf'totlta •~ Nt>• 'for' 1 PtltSOU~ \. SI Lou"• O"IY o•n .. 1<-lrd T9Cl•¥"1 O•"'H D.....-S IS<lfcltH• I •I .ti Sen o .. oo •Ow<"'nko 3 ... 1." Monlre .. ci.-1SI111 Ch•<-IKru•ow ~SI .. ... Yori< I t(oD•• l .JI •• Pl\ll•dtlpllt• l(llrltl.,.son 1•1." P tll•bu'Vll l~l•rl• M or BIDDY J.11 el SI l oul\(8 Fon<llUI.~ S•n Fr e t1chco IHe 11c111 S ll e t Attent• I 8 rtt10••• 1~J), n HOUSIOI> IWllll•m• >-JI •t Clnclnfletl c~ 4·7•, n JDHHSDH & SCH Lincoln-Mercury 2626 Harbor Blvd. Co1ta Me1a SM.ISP9SOM OF T .. MOMnf-ftAT SHIA 540-5630 ..... ____ _ 1977 MERCURY BOBCAT VILLAGER WAGON 4 cylinder 4 speed mag wheels AM/FM srereo (586TOOI '3895 ~O RACING I BASEBALL Ontario Sanction ·To CART ONTARIO lA P I The 19'79 California ~ will be conducted by Champ\on2'hlp Auto Rat'lnc Teams Inc .. It wua announCf'd Mon day by On tario Mo tor S p •edway man aaer R ay S martl& aod CART preaident U.R. Patrick The race. i.rheduled Sept. 2 at Ontario, has been conducted by the U.S. Auto Club 5lnce its In ceptlon in 1970. CART 1s a splinter group from USAC. hav ing split last fall o ve r d1f reren~ ol opinion on racing re gulationa. THE CALIFORNIA SM 1s one or three major distance races on the annual calendar for Indy cars, and it will m ark the first time CART has conducted a 500-miler "We believe our decision to go with CART 1s in the best interest of the r ace·as well as our fans at OMS." said Smart.is. "We owe it to them to provide the best field of cars and drivers available. a nd un de r pr ese n t circumstances, we don't think that is possible with USAC." The drivers aligne d with CART in the dispute include Al a nd Bobby Unser , 1979 Jndy 500 winner R ick Mears , Johnny Rutherford. Gordon J ohncock, Tom Sneva and Danny Ongais. A.J . Foyt, who has been openly c ritical of CA RT. is the best known driver in the USJ\C camp. S MA R TIS H AD BEE N med i atin~ between t he t wo g roups, trying to help end the dispuw and pave the way for all the lop trying d rivers to appear at the California 500. Alt hough the groups dad not ·reach any major agreement, Smarlls did convince CA RT officials to allow liSAC members to race on Sept. :? •·rom Pog~ ,, I DODGERS. • fi lled wtth t'Ontrovers1al plays. The ho ttest controversy set the Slag~ for Yeager 's game- winning blast. With one o ut , Ron Cey walked and Dusty Baker hit a s inking liner to left which J ay Johnstone appeared lo catch for the second out. But third base umpire Dick Stello ruled that Johnstone trapped the ball, put- ting runners on first and second and allowing Yeager lo bat one ~1:1t later "I CAUGHT IT. The re's no doubt about it," fumed Johnstone in lbe clubhouse after the game. "l had it in my glove." Ken Br ett, 2-1, th e fifth Dodger pitcher, got the victory, striking out Dave Winfield with the bases loaded in the 12th. He ended the game one out later by getting Johnstone to pop up tu second WINFIELD, WHO struck out three limes, put the Padres ahead 2-0 with his 17th homer. a two-run shot off Burt Hooton. Padre Manager Roger Craig was ejected by fi rst base umpire Dave Pallone in the 10th when he charged from the d ugout to protest a close call at first. Fans Flock ! To Majors I NEW YORK <AP) - A total of 2,134,297 fans attended major le ague baseb a ll gam es the week of Monday, June 25. through Sunday, July 1. selling an attendance record for a weekly 1 period. , The forme r high of 2,062,491 was set July 24·30, 1978. The attendance in the m ajor leagues lo date is up 781,962 from las t year 's tota l with the same number of games played T~y. July 3. 1979 DAILY PILOT ll:J Fan Killed in Parking Lot Detroit Incident Called Rare Case b y Police DETROIT CAP > -A Detroit Tiger base ball fan retunting to his car following Monday night's game was slabbed to death and robbed in a park· ing lot two bk>cks from Tiger Stadium, police said today T IM Pl\RRISH. 29, of suburban St. Clair Shores. was stabbed sever al times in the chest and robbed of $300, police said. Officers descri bed the mcident as a rare case of violence associated with a major sports event in the city. Poli ce who normally patrol the stadium area on game days s aid they could not recall the last tame such an incident took place during or after a baseball game Parrish. who attended !IO lo fiO games a year, left .his seat ln the ninth inning with the Cleveland· Detroit game tied at 4·4, friends told police. They said he knew many people at the stadium and did not think It unusual that he would lea ve his seal. BtrrTIIEV BECAME concerned when Parrish did not return when Cleveland won 8-4 afte r 11 in· niogs. Police said Parrish appa r ently left the stadium. stopped briefl y at a bar a block away, and was attacked a bout a block farther as be con- tinued toward a friend's car. His body was found at l1 :45 p.m .. about 15 minutes after the game ended, authorities said. Olyinpic 1Spending Have you ever pet a killer whalel Bala11ei119 A e t Rillie Je~n King returns shot on one leg during 6·4. 6-7, 6-2 q uarterfinal defeat by 16-yl'ar·old Tracy Austin at Wimbledon Monday. U.S. Takes Japan Series After Losing First Three TOKYO <AP> Derek T atsuno or the University of Hawaii fired a fi ve-bitter and a team or American college all stars cap- tured the eighth Japan-U.S. collegiate baseball World Series today with a 12-2 triumpb in the seventh and final game of the series. The Americans lost the first three games of the series and then came back with four straight victories to capture the championship IN TODAY'S FINAL game at Tokyo's Jingu ball park, the Americans rapped out 14 h its against six Japanese pitchers. The United Stales jumped in front. The United States struck for four r uns in the second inning, two of them scoring on a double by Hawaii's Curt Watanabe. Von Hayes of St. Mary's, Calif., and Bill Hainline of Gonzaga were on base when Watanabe delivered his hit. Watanabe advanced on Ve rn Ramie's grounder and after Ron Nomura walked, Tatsuno s ingled . scoring Wat anabe. J im Dunn's sacrifi ce fly scored Nomura with the fourth run of the inning. The Americans stretched their lead lo 5·0 in the top of the fourth on Dunn's run-scoring single to left. Akinobu Okada of Waseda blasted a two·run homer in the bot· tom of the fourth innin~. making the score 5-2 Oiallenge LOS ANGELES <AP > A c 1t1lens ' group Mon day laun ched a t·a mpa1gn to qualify an initiative fo r next Junt•'s hallot that would pro h1b1l the s pending o f pubhc funds on the 1984 Olympics. At a news confert:n<·e attended by Caty Con troller Ira Reine r, tht' No Olympic Tax Com m1ttee i.a1d 1t would need to gather 115.000 \'ahd s1gnaturei. to placl' t h l' m e at; u rt-on l h t• ballot. Asked 1f the ~roup ex· pccted any difficult) 1n 1 .1C hll'\'1ng It.., goal , Re1nl'r :-aid . "None wh 3l::.OC'\'t·r once ~ ou gl't outi.1dt· Cat y llall." lie added "Caty of· f1ci als have been assur. ' 1ng the publH' con-, t1nuously and forever that there will be no , burden. Yet the Olympic • agreement requires the { city to pay for cons truc- taon of facilities.·· Estimates of those costs. Rt•iner said, a lready havl.' risen from S33 million t o $141 million ~---- Or touched a smiling dolphin ? Now you can. After two years of careful planning, man and an imal can now meet in the world's largest feeding and petting pool. Sea World scienti s ts have brought together two friend ly killer whales-the first time in history you can actually feed and pet these magnificent mammals -plus a pilot whale and some very amiable dolphins for this un ique social gathering. Now all we need ... is you . ~1.. ·~ Come back and see us ~· SFA WORI D~ MIS5'0N BAY. SAN DIEGO The Americans extended tht>i r lead to 6·2 in the top of the sixth I on Dunn's hit which drove home Watanabe from se-cond. The visitors added four more runs in the seventh inning on five I • hits including a double by Hayes. U.S. COACH Les Murakami of the University of Hawaii said. "It was a close series. Japan apparently lost its strength an the last part. I believed we could win this year because this year's team is much better than last year 's " mnmaoma ~After an interruption of 58 years, lin happy to see people in California enjoying my great-grandfather's beer again~ In tl1L' C:1rl~· )'L'Jr~ 0( th1-.. (L'ntur~·· ship s arrived rcgularl~' ;H C:i lifo rni .1 docks loaded "1th bee r Ii-om H enn· \Vei n lurd '~ ~m:ill brcwcn · ;n Oregon. Prohibitin;, broughL .rn ;ibrupt end to those sh ip- men ts. ,1nd by the ti me Repeal ca me. one of t he state's fa,·or itc hccrs w;i. nothing more than ;1 d im but happy ... memorr But recentl y. H enry Wein- hanf s Pri vate Reserve began ._, to appear 111 sel ected t;wcrns. stores. and rest:i ur:ints . "H l'nn,.s:· as the beer 1 ~ I popul;uly known. 1s made :it l h1.· on gi n;-il Port l.rnd brL'\\'t'IT. '-' I•· I\\,'""~', Pff":ot•d· m follow1 n~ Js closely Js possible the method ~ used bv ~Ir. \Vcinh,1rd him self. il1c cxtr.1 t imL ~1nd :ittcnt1011 these 111ethc.xb. require mean \H' can brc\\' onh--t\.X) b.1rrds at .1t1nw. I So. 111L'\'I t.1blv. H r nn· ~\\'i ll I ' ')Omctimr~ be 1n shon ~uppl~·· But \\'hen you find thr brcr :t\'ail - ahlc. \\'\.' ur~e vou to '-I try 1t. And \\'Coffer it to you \\'1th t he sa me pride H en ry had in t he beer vour gn:-at-grand-, '-'- fothrr might ha \'e l'l1JO~'L'd. al'C.]dc?~ ago. I I I I I' I I I / \\ I I ' I 1 \ W ( l ~ II I \\ I ' 1 1 , ' \I I' \ ' ' 1 1 I I' • l N I I \ ' I l \' N I I ; '"I ' Tu.actav July~. 1079 Angel, Dodger Schedules Aneeta on Radto kMPC (11 0) Dodgen on Radio kABC (780) A"gel1 on TV Oodgert on TV • 0•1'01.e• fV o ..... Channel 5 Chennel 11 Sunday -Monday Tuelday Wedne1day Thur1day Friday Saturday July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • -•lKC. ll l) Qial;nj ~ -1 J) ~Jt Alrels liO L'WlO ,1 AlllM h l~LWI .ti Allttts I «I • lJ ~ di Allflls. I JU (>IOles at A11ttb I At1'1tJ '*'"-I ....... atPJCtt$ I l1.1U1 P«llr• -HI P.lOlu· I ...,atbll')S 4J~ ....-S at l~oos 4 J~ I • 10 11 12 13 14 ()toles ii Ila* I ilblOO.tl .. ~ ~101dl ~ ., ltilloo di lllttb I'' 11911ltft i \H I~> d( Allsefs ~ht • Y~ at Allleb I •l•1rult~ IV J) ••••lat i.~ i ·~ ...,llt.lt:1.· r,, ...,.it Mtt II """1 al t't11ll1es ) o~ ....-i at Phillies. l J l ~ 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 Trieesat • I ¥StJr Sn Anpl$ JI ll f~ fl Mpb .ll \)llOl~s I JU • ~ a1 CJ101e~ ~ Jo (el S.4Mllel •....,al 1'1111~1!.S. IV b Chann .. '· 5 p m I w. Jt DMcers I I 'illS at ...._s l .XI lAIX>S a1 DMrets b 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ·•a1~ston II • at ltlSton .: J ••dt YJllkr ' •Aftreb .ill·"~"'t: .. Jiil"',, 1.i.'l't. Jt MPs I JO I~ 31 All(tts I ~at ~I ~b at IMlws I ti.I ~le. ,1 09dlc1s ' ,.,,., .11 OMcen ~Jl~IO ~ ·~ lllllrws ar Asrros. :> J:i -.n at Astros J .b 29 30 31 August 1 2 3 4 lll!WlSat Allllls.1 SUltle at ..... I jlJ ~Ille al Allftls I .JI.I ~!lit di An2tts • llllln ot A$tros. ) .i!> . lllfllrHl ~. ) lb ~ . . ., . AME •1CAN LEAGUE .............. > Oalo .. MI Cal ....... • •trlllll ••r,.b• Htndr•n. t i • O I O Groch, 7b S 7 ? o Cllatk. ?b • o I o L•nilrd. lb l 1 I O Gro-. Jb • O O 0 Ford, r I i 7 1 1 Nt wmn. ID • I I 1 Baylor, dll J 1 3 l Eulan. II • o 1 o Al-~i. lb J 0 0 ' HHlll, < 4 0 2 0 OownlnQ. < 1 0 0 I M.Eo wr.dh • 0 I 0 Ruell, II • 0 7 0 Arm•>. rl 4 7 7 1 H•rlO•. cl 4 0 0 0 Pt"IOIO, >S J 0 I I J Andln, Si 3 I 0 0 TOl•I\ Jl 3 10 l f ol•IS 31 I 10 I S<onty '"'""'' O•l lan<I 001 010 001 ) Ca•1101n1~ OOS ?01 00• 8 E Lomtor<I, OP 0.1<t•nc17, Calllom•• J L08-0...141fte! s, C•t1tom1a 1. 16 -c ,,.1w. P lcclolo, Grlcl\ HI! Armo ('1, buror (111, ,.,......,.11.1 o.-..... Morg•n t L,0.71 M No•ros M•nello Calllerlll• )t~ I ' I H It Elt II SO 8 I 1 . , 1 l I 0 1 I 1 0 0 0 8ur IW.H ) 10 J l 0 0 B••low I o o o o o Sarr polC...010 tnret b411er> 1n lllt n1nlh T 7.18A-31,~ ......... 1, Or!OIH 0 Hat11mort 000 000 000 0 I o Tua!t 070 000 00• -1 b 0 • O. Marl'""' arid S1tag9,, Oemp..,y 111 Comfl ancl ~ncll>t'IQ W Comtr 8 4 L 0 Mar11n11. 11).S A II.JS) Y ~nil .. > I R•d Soo 1 80\IOn 001 000 tOO 1 I I New Yori< 001 011 •O• I 11 1 F1n<h C.lmpDPll 1~1. Dr .. QO Ill 8ur9mr1tr «II dnO Alh·n~un John d'1d Mun\On W Jonn •7 I l r onl l> n 1 .. R, N,•w V0tk, luk'-On t) Scwnre1 tt .. )1 711 •••nl I. ""4tt11ef~ t ~•Ille 000 000 000 O t. ' M1n110.01a OOS 000 110 1 11 t Jon.,s. O.cU < U> •no CO•. D Ja<.,..,n M•r'11•11 191 .no wY-•· w O Jachon • 0 L JOMS, , .. A •·"' IM•.,.t t. Tt,.rt • ._1,.vel•ncl 110 000 100 O• 8 11 1 OflrO•I 000 .00 000 00 4 10 1 Pa .. 1on. 1N>n9f (I), Cru1 "> a11d At~· ""°"' PU~-. L-t II). Mllltr tlll .,,,., Pam\11 w Cnir I 6 L LOP•!l. 3 7 HR c.r~ .... ·-· Row110 (JI A ·10,'l'IO NATl~AL LEAGUE ~l6,P•wHJ LH A .... lel Saft DI•• •I> r II l>t •I> r 11 bl LOl>e!t, 7b l 0 1 0 Rtchard, t i S O 1 O RU\\ell, \\ 6 o 0 0 O Sm I Ill, \!t s I 1 o R Sm1lll, rl 6 0 I 0 O•Oe, lb S 0 I 0 I( B•ttl. P O O O O Wlnfleld, rt 6 1 2 2 Ciarvry, lb S 0 1 0 John$lon, II 4 O o o Cey.30 3 I 0 0 Ttl\cltf,( '0 0 0 Boer, II f> 1 3 O Brl119s, lb s 1 2 1 1os11ua, cl 3 O I O Almon, ?b 1 O O o O.TllOm\, cl 1 0 0 0 lurner, 1)11 1 O O o ve~er, c S 3 • S M11••· p o o o o Hooton. p 1 0 O 0 o Rnld>, ph 1 O o o Thm in, Ph I O I I Owclllnk. p o o o o Paller-$n, II 0 0 0 0 0 .ACCIU\I, p 1 0 0 0 Fors•••, P o o o o Btv•<Q, 1>11 1 o o o Mott. Pf\ 1 o o o Flnoe,.,p o o o O L~wllyn, P 0 0 0 0 F.Gn1lr, 7b 1 0 0 0 Fergu.,,, r1 1 o o o l ol••s « • 11 • T 01a1, 0)') S<.,.. •v 111 .. 1111• LO!t Anq.I~ 000 000 ?Ill ® 4 Son o,ego 000 002 001 000 J E 0 !>mttll 1. RuUtlt I 08 Los Anotln 11 S•n 0.eqo II lB Yeagtr HR Wlnt~!d '111, 'teaQet 1111, 8rlOQS I 11 SB 0 Smolll G•r••Y S-Hooton. "''..-. C.••vo, L-• JOhn•t one .............. Hooton Pallerson Forster Lew•otvn IC .Bretl (W,2 h S.rtD- 0 ACQut\10 Ftnq"" Mure Ow<ll1nko t L,l SI T-J ?S A-IUJS. IP • ., ' ll t H It Elt 11 SO ) t 1 ) I I I \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 ' l 0 0 J J ' 0 0 0 Eapot S, (111r) o Montrul 100 001 100 -I II I c~lcc190 • 000 ooo 000-0 a ? Roqers Mid C"rler; L•mp, Ttorow 171 Hernano..1 111 ano Foott w-Rooer). e s L -L•mp, S I A 11,t6-1 ~lllet•.-•tl Ntw YOr-200 000 000 7 6 ' Plllla<ICflll'•a 100 370 00• 6 10 0 Elli>, Allen Ill and Sle•rn•, EsplnoMI dncl Boone W E >PIRO••· I 1 L E Ill\. 0 I HR\ -Ne• VO<'k. Heontr (SI. Pttll-lllf>I•, TrlllO (II A 1'1,14.) Plr"'" S, CMdl,..lt • P1ltlboir011 701 100 100 ) 11 0 St Louh 000 004 000 • 11 0 o RoD1nso11, llomo hi. ll11~rl> 111, JtcUon "' ~ Ot•. s MArllnet, Krt0WIM Ill, M<E"-Y <'I .,,d KfMedy W RO"'O 4 J ' ICllOWI", 2 •.A lt.a07 • lllltln ,·u kt:O , !i ' •ll1ilcl1Hlhel!:. THlllDIASE I C.fUf~ 8tttt, l("n>ot> C •IV I •77 J•9 1 Gro•9 NO'ttoo. New Vo1-. 1 196.llij J C•t ... y UMMnl, C•hl•nola, ltl,'71. • Oun d\I 8•11. Tr.<a>, lH,Y48 S Oon M~"'"Y M tlweu~ee. 7S7,3el • Butch Mobwn, Bo•lon, '"·""I I Tooy HMrah c1 .. ,1dno lll,•SI. I . ~I 86n<IO, Mll wuuhff, 11) ") . OUTFIE LD I Fred Ltnn, Bo>lon, l,•••.•ol 1 Jom Ric•, B°'ton, t,147,9" ) C•rf va~tr1ems111.1 BO>lon, 1.070.~I • RtqQ•• J•n-.011. Ntw York, '°'·7'13. J . Don layl•r, Cellforn14, US,Sll • Amos 011\, K•n~• (lly, 6H,790 1 Booby Bonas. ClevelMl<I. S~. I~ 8 Sine Kfmp, OftrO•I, ••? llU • Al (Owf>n• K•"'"' Cttv. •8.,116 10 Ron LeFlnrr Ct troll, 4U.07' 11 Al Otl..,.r. Tnu, 401, '" U . I(•" Slnqleton, BalllmMe, 400,506 tl L•rry H1~te, M1twau1<ee, lit 111 U A!co Monn1nQ. CleWl41fte!, '48,13, llASEU LL'S TD~ TEN 18-on11Sa111•UI AMERICAN LEAGUE G Al ll H P<I Sm411tv M'"""'°'d IS 1t. S9 IOS 361 C•rew, (~II ...... •• ii IN JS '4 .JU O.wrt1"9. C..llfoml• 74 ,.. 41 '1 .Ml K•mp, ~f'Oll II 1o0 •$ '8 131 Bocllle, s..ame 16 21• •1 •• l31 G 8r~ll. l(•m•\ (lly 18 m 6J 10'1 l1! Mot11or, MilwdUktt n 1~ 46 •s .ns LHCd .... , Mllwav~... Ill 731 •0 IS JH Ad•m>. Ml~SO!d •3 180 19 S8 )71 Cowen,, K•m<r\ C11v H 719 J• 10 ll'O HOtrM Awrt\, Lynn, ~Ion, 10, TllO!n••· Mtl•dUltf 10 Rott, BO>IOI'. 18. Slnqlelon, 84lllmorl". II Grlcll, c.iilONll•, 11; laylor, C•lllornio, 11 AUftl~ln lnlOr, C..tllornla, ••: LVnn. Bo\!On ... Thom~\. Mllw~ulee, st. Sm4lley Min nuota SB, Boehl~. ~•Ult, SN Pltclllng ta De<l>lonii tt~rn, T~•as. I~ I, Zahn, Monnc-.01.,. I I John New Yortr.., U ·l Cl•tlr, Califorrt11, I 1 ~1 ... con, M1lwdu, ... 8 l Patmtt'r, B•1t1mor~ I ) Or.,oo. ~ton. 7 J Barrto> Ch•CaO~ 1J NATIONAL LEAGUE G A8 II H P<l &ro, • ~! LOU•\ '" 1~7 JO 66 ))) '"trndf •~ ~ St l_,u, I ))I J.8 81 JAJ MtUllllt, New V~ • IJ Ut> 41 en lll r O\ter. C int 1nn.tt. 11 7f)b 4) 88 331 T .. mpltlon, St Lou1\ 4' l01 •6 .. ll! Wtftll,.l<I Son Ooego 81 JOI> '5 .. l7• I( Ht>rMnott, SI Louis I• 2'1 H 'S )71 S•mmon•. SI. Louo> 62 771 41 11 )11 Ao\t, Phol-fllf>h• /8 l04 41 'II no Garvn. LO> A"9eff'l " Ji. 4J IOJ .JI) HomeRuM IC 1nqmo}n, Cl.,cago. 18 Sc nm10' Ph1f.tdetpn1• n. Fo\l•r, (1nc1nnat1, 19, a AObll'\\On, PtU>.OUrgf\, 18 Stmmor.s ~l LOUIS, 18, L~. LO> lt,,..H, It R.-ll•ttl'd In t<tn.grnM, Cr.1caoo, 6S Fo\t~r Cincu,n,M &S Wonhttd, San 01eoo, S6 '''"~ \., .. F r~n(IUO, SI. S•""'10!'$. St lOu•S, S? Pllclling II Oeci•;o,,•l J N1ettro, Houston 17 l . Llll•ll. St L°'"'· & 2. S Maril"''· St loui\,6-7; l\nt'Po•r, S11n Frano,co, 1.7, LaCM>. C1nc1n,,.h, 8 l. An au11r, Hou~ton, 9-~. Gr1ms1ey M ontrral fl.•. Re•d. Phllddtlpn,a, 6 J CALIFOltNIA COAST LEAGVE (•Qt• Proe>. 144, Marie C•len<lt'r • 11 S Bull<l·GrOw 141. Foruor Bro•. IJ• Lead!"' Sc-rl • ll Jim Mt Daniel ((Pl 7~ Pat ~rrfll tFB1 1'-8111 Cro• IMCI 7• 8111 Mallory IM(I 13 Tar•• Younq 1 BGt 10 M•r1<Wul•mever tF8t LOS ALAMITOS -nd.ly'tllHUlh 13"11o!12-Nte q,..rt•motH m .. lln•I f-orsl rau•-What Style 18rook•I •a.>o, W70, 11.?0; Ad<li<llv• fliphaml 4 •O. JOO. On WMta Chl<I< IPrtSlon) 11 00 U l:UCla (4" O<>•d \2•• 60 ~etond rKe O<ra11 Mermaid (Treuurtl & 00. J 20, 1 40, vdllenl C.hdroe IMltchalll J 60. l •0. SM~watt<IOll (Broolsl 2 60 Thord •11<.•-Third Wnl<ll I Fray I 4 00. 3 60 , •O. MIU TIPOli Jet ICIP.rl!t:>e) u 00, 1.00. W4ntft Girl ITrN\urtl 7 80 Fourth •au• R~w•ro T~ I fre«\vrtt 111() • 60, 3.IO; C.r•mpy Two IC•e•!Qarl I ?O. 9 00. 1(4nsai F.trnf I Bard I 1 I 80 \1 ro<1a (J" ll~ld i 9' 70 Flllh race-HOW• BeVO\I IW&rOI "00 I •O 4 70 Come W.tlth M<' Flv !Harl) 8 00 • 80, L·-~ A flflY Trip (L1on•m). 00 Si.th r;oc• Bamac!M I B100,\l 11 •0 '40 • 10. Heoumoore tTrMwrl"I ) •O ) 00 Midla nd R-1 1w.uo1 7 80 u E ••<I• "21 paid $94.80. S•venlll•K<!' Biii • Va1 .. n1 ..... IHafll I 00 ' 00, 3 80, Hu•lllnq HOU\f' tWar<ll 6 00. J 60 w .. 110 (lr~urfl4 oO EtQlllll -• ~ ,...., .,.rwttn (ll<1rgf'r~ Way tcru~rl I? oo, 11.10. 7 10 •"d Olamono 8ra(tt•I ILIPNml • 80, 7 80. s 20 T11mblln Tumllle-..d (H•rU • .O. U Eutl• 16·11 P•i4 112.S 00. S2 EU <I• (7 •> Pollld "°' 10. Nll'lll r-Of SNk• IC.rdo1al ).10, • 40. l Ml, RI""' IW.,.dl 17,60, • 60. Sc001 On Sallor IOoml-rl J 'II J7 E••tl• 110•1 p.ioldMt.00. Altend41nce 6.lff PO.ft MONEY LIEAOIEltS I TomWtltofl t L~lly WtdUn• ) P'llUy l6tl* • .t.ncty8Mfl s. u .. , ......... 6 L .. Trtvlno I 8r110 Uettke • Jerry P•t• 'Hutltrl~ 10 111111.,, tJ1/ .,. ,,.,,.,, tltJ,1" $1'4,Jl'O $111.otl l 17S,lll ,,,, .. ,. lU0,111 ,1 ... ia. \Ul,17) I I I McmJI l"'ins. ~JO a.plsat l111ns. II I~ Gi.lllS ar ~Ifs.. I JO ~ts at '-91s. I WIMILEDON Men'• Si"ll .. Ovarterltnals u1orn Borg d<ll Tom 01<1<er II i 11 I 6 J RO>M<' Tanner dfl Tim Gull•k-.on &·I .... o I 6 1 J•rnnlY Connor\ d<'f Biii Scan10<> • 7 • 6, I •.•• W..,_n's Tllinl llolfftd DO..ltlH B1t1te Jffn l(,no Marlln.t Nawatilov.t ~· O••n• Fromt>oll• 1\11.lri\e l(r~r 0~1 I(~• O•dn.t Froml>Ollll\Mrt~ K"'9f"f dtl Kdy Mt Oc1nltl No)r>C. y Vu'l)m. 0. •·' ~n'l Tlltrd A°"M Doul>IH 8ob C•rmlrhMI Brt"n Tf8Ch"' ""' S•nclv M•vtr·C.--ytr,deldult, Pet~r FIHT11nq Jolln MtEnr~ ~I Van W•nlhky~R•Urdo Vt•H I> J, •>, ._. Jolln S<tdr! Tim Wilkison def. Owe<i O.v•d<,On·JoPon Ntwcom~ 1-o 1 ), • ), Pavt l(ronk Cloll Ltt<N>t det Ctolt 0ry$dalt'-AOQf'r TMIOr • 7 •·7 6-' Ro\S C•~·Gfl>ll M.Hltr\ ""' Jan K-5· Toma\ Sm•d 6-• •I> I S I 6 Ort.in Golllrttd Raul Aamlrtt del COlln OIO!f'V Brad OrtWtll 6·7 6 l, •·• JOl>n Alton<ler Ph•I Oenl <ltl Tony Lo•d Jonn Lloyd •" 11 1. •·1. o • Boo Hewtll ....... MCM•llen dtl Fr.tnCi\CO Gontale> Jolldnl(flek1 6,6·2.• t>,l 6 o l DEIEPSEA FISHING NEWPORT ID•vey'sl 117 onqlt" 17\ n'htC.IUHfl. U7 blue btl\\ 1~1> \ftl1d l>d!l" 4 oarrac"°", 18 llO<l•lo 1 ye110.,.1a11 S7 ro<." <Od.' halollli1 DANA WHAR F 7)1 "nole" 17• 'Wnd b,.\\, '' bc>filto '1 nal1but 1 yf'l•ow1ai1 &O m~cltr~I PARADISE COVE 11• ""9'•" I• rctltCObd\'> 415roc.• cOd GOLETA 2• ~·•·s uo Itel >n•POI'• 68 rock to<I SANTA MO NICA 44 •n9ter~ 30\ macUrtl, S2 bOn•IO. n 100 b•\\, 17 Ul•CO D•». • ~ 1>an. 1 oarra< "°" a.,,. 1 J •n<1ltr> 100 .... ouel, • callco bass, 2 .....a l>d\\ OXNAllD Ill .inql<'r\ 110 mMlltrt 116 C~ltC.0 tM)-... SANTA IAlllARA 1l anqlP•S 112 r~ nap~r, 1 tonq cocl, Jt r0< k «><I, I halllllil 10 tdloCO bd\s. 114 •T-.Otr-1 LONG IEACH 10\lttfl'J Wll•rl) 11• Anqltr\ 180 rna<ktrtl 314 tallco ba\S. 1 ~•M l>a\s 3 n.ioh Dul, 10 roo cod !Belmont Ptffl S• anq•t~ 311 rocll tocl, I ~no O•\\, I. UlltO Da>~. to• maOe•fl, ' bOn•tO ' hdhbul VENTURA S8 a.>9ttr\ 17 cahco bah IU roe~ coo S AN ~EDRO (Ports O' Calll -'' •n9lrr!t. 15 rock Cod, J y•llowi.11, l!O macltertl. IS c•ll<o b.t•s. •S l>Ofllto. 2 bar racuda (U.. SU 31 anoltr-$" 48 callc., bo ... ?IS rnec1<eret, IS rock cocl. ISLANDIA -$1 an9lers. IS barracuda, ~8 callco t>an. 73 b0nl10. I sano bass. 1 lino too. 41 roe.It cod, S60 m•tktret SAN DIEGO -144 ""gter.-6S ling cocl, s wlllle !>Ila b<ts!t. ~3 uttco l>cl!ts, I b0<\110. 1 h•l•bul, 133 rotk cod. , barracuda, 1 ytllowtell AVILA IEACH IPort ~n L11isl S8 ~noter•· I 1 llnq cod, ll60 rock cod MALllU -61 •noters 110 ma<l•rtt, 1'7 rotk coo. 2• callco b.t•s. s h.io1t11<11, 1111\Q coo MORRO IAV (Vlrtil JI anottrs ~ling <Od, 7H rO(k coo SAN SIMEON )7 •not•rs SI hnQ coo no rock <ocl RE DON DO IOS anq~r> S2 b0n110. 4• ,.no .,.,, 18 macl<f•<'i s halllllil 790 rO(• (00 POllT HUENEME 16 •nole•\ 2•0 roe> l Od, 109 <all<.O .,.. .. OCEANSIDE ?OJ •n9tf'r> J6 ba• roe~•. 72 bOn•IO, 1U <&lllO 0.H. 0)$ 'W"' 0.\\, l h•tlbu1 t,ll4 ma<.k•rtl, J) rock tod SEAL IEACH 11 llnQltf\ 810 ro<k coa .ioo m •<k•r@I NOllTH AMERICAN SOCCER LEAGUE ,.,,.0,..,1 Conlt••nce Wtl\P\1nQtOO Toronto '1ocf'lr\ff"lr M1nn··~ol~ Tul1A 0•"•' Alt•nlu E 1tltrt1 OMtlen W L GF GA 8P Ph I~ • 44 JI OS I]) fl 6 •) 16 J8 lib 10 10 3) J4 37 .., H 10 1S 3~ 1S /J C•nlral Dlvhion I~ ~ .. q 10 38 IQ ~ 18 6 1l )I wu1t•n D1v1"on 1;i 6 J4 1' I 18 • tn l• 1• ., 1)1 JI J6 'Kl 11 78 88 ·-11 bJ •I JI l0) II l• !00 I• /I II Vttn(O\I..,.,.., l,,()\ 4nqt ti , Sullh• Por110110 1 " ll " Amtfl<•n CDftfnt-ftCf ,.. " l•"'O• tl•Y E.u1ern Ol•lllon " • '1 l'ort La-•Otlh- Nt• C:llQl..-<I Ph!oadel()l>oit 11 I 41. • 11 18 I 11 U lb Jo 170 1' 38 104 lS 75 /Q JS JJ I\ HO\/\ton {ll11a<10 D\>lroot Mtmpr'H\ (f'ltr•I Dowl\IOft " ' .l4 10 8 ~ 4 I l8 ' 14 ?J Wnltrn Ol•llltn JI "111 ~ JS 4S l7 70 8J JQ 17 H '>•n O!ego 9 II Jl JI JO 8• C•tll6r"10 I 11 1t J\ 26 " C omonton s a 23 •I 1l SJ S•n Jo\e • I• 1& 40 H •~ NOTE s,. l)Olntl •wer<lfd tor• v1clo,. .tM on~ t>Onu~ PO•nl ,,.,, oo•• wotn d n>J • lmum ot lll•N per 9•m<1. AMlltl(.AN SOCCI II LUQUE Cotuml>\A NY hQle\ Pt llnlVl•4Wll• NV .&POiio Cloel•nd New J,, .. , 41Ht-DIVl\I ... W L T GF OA IP l"I• ,o • t t' 11 21 ,, ' ) s " 1) 7• •• , ~ 1• 11 ,, ., ' 1• I• .. '° • " 1• ,. J~ >. 117701119 W"""'Dl•l•- Gelllornl• n 7 , •O " ~ 11~ l.t\ A~.. I • ) 1• U .. tO L•• V ... i 1 ~ ) 11 It U " S.tr•l'M<llO + I I t• 10 It q t Nll•n•ootl' 10 1 11 1• I• n NOtt "'"" P61~b •••rcltd 1or • w•n 1we tor • lie, --"°""' pelnl ,.,,. *K" 96'1KOrtclYO10 lllr"' Offl' per O<llM 'Misc. PAN AMERICAN GAME ~ ltOU.Elt SICATING Fln•I• Men• SOO mtltf' t ll•n Sullon Mu\•toon. Michl SI Or. 1 Curl" COO> 1 ~pol<&,,.,, Wit"' I ii 81 J Anna loo Vega •Aroenlln.11 S7 JI,• L111\ Lomb•n• !Colom O••I Sl ~. S. MiQut'I lnQlt\it\ IAr0tnt•n•I Hu. t> Ramon Gon1•••• 1Pu.,to Rico! H 38 1 En'1quf' Tnntded t Putrlo RtCOl )t 97 Womtn • S 000 mtt.,, 1 Cl•u<I•• RodrlQut't IArQHlllMI 11 O 07 1 Suwn Oooln I L1von1•. M•(ll I II I] 11 l Son•• f-r~1qt1ro fA.r9tnt1n41) '' •~ 18 • Lin Pele,.on •Tacoma W,o\\n 1 t t h h I E h tdb<'lh ~I V•lle I Putrlo R•CO' 17 JI Oii • J•n~• 810"m IP\J~IO R1COI •3 or 98 CYCLING f 00 "•IOmt>t .. r \ lr11m tr\ t" I Un1h>Q <tat"\ 1 !\ 1) n I Cvl><I I '" It> I• I r 6nd<I" I 1J It S• • Mo "< O 1 I I 10 lO , (ufomb1,. 1 1& 01 41 b Or~''' ;t )/ •• Ot < f\itr 1 11 )t 11 8 Vt·n~·/udirt l ,'8 1f )1 • P1>trlO RICO 1 JI •S 87 SWIMMING I 00 tJ"·;''' I l ull0Uu•'1' I J111u \UOI C•• 1 I OJ 87 t PAn Am rt•\ nrn• > w .nc ,,..1 ru11trton 1 o~ tt1 1 r,rrin1tm Sm+t~ (andlldl I 0~ I>& I R""''"P<I f(OIOmbtdl 06 00, ~ Wu11b<1<" 1 c.,n.w~ I 1 ~ 6• • S-.1nt1P~tf>'D.•n CM~••tt>J \ 06 n I l,."'w rotomb••I ' 07 S• • '><><II•-"' I VtM•u•I•) I 08 JS >OO tr•~· t (',(ii1No. I Al.ntM ._.,.""" r 11, I !. ' n 'Pan Am U•itotfJ I > l.tr .on I Jt'""" .-.d l \714 1 MacJruQ1l 1Auu1" I H )• 4 '>m1tn IC..,,"<!al s '"""'~' ( Putrto RICOI I Sl SI 6 $d#( n .. ,. I (dndO• I I S> ... , Mattioli 8'6111 ' ~· .~ IS OomflfMP Perul 1 HS• 100 b.l'" I Jat 'SOI\ """ JO\PI WI Ill> Pan Am rr<or<11 1 ArMlt\ I Br atoll SI IQ J P'"'" ICMlildbl SI 8', 8rll1 l Roovollf MO SI '18, S 0.rrOU! I Pu~llO R•tOI S1 90 b F ltmon\ ICanM!al S~ \? 1 Pon a ( ArCl"n hnal )• 86 Vrutli IMUICOI l 00 J1 WorMft 100 1nd0 I (Autliltn\ f N cJ\P\!ftll ... 1 1 f& II Pan Am rte or di 7 Carap1< t C•n.Oal I I~ )II 1 T ""'·<-cly rS..nld OojlbdrAI 1 70 ll I bav1l(d!Mdolll1 ?Ou s Hott• IM .. tC1>1 I " I)," PM·~ 1(0\1-4 R.1 al, 7b S• I Jun tO\ IArQt'flltncll 1 21 11 8 MtndlOld I ~• 1(01? J080 •00 mtOl~y rt•Ay 1 Un•lcO Sldlt\ 1 •• 1• Pan Am rf'(Oldl 7 C an,l(la • 20 16 J M• • 1(1) • 30 ~9 • ArC)f'ntlncl • Jt "' S Brtt111 1JS11 o Putr10R•C04 •J()b MEDAL STANDINGS (ounb y United Sidi<'' Gld St•r I MI hi 10 • 1(1 (Anttd11 Arqen11nc1 Cubd ' " 8ra11t Puerlo Fhto M,4'1CO Antill~' I 0 0 0 DASl\ETBALL M•n I 0 0 0 ArgenUM 81 Cdnoda II Un1led~Mll'\ 134 Virg•n l\ldr><I' ftl Pue•IO Rico IOJ. Dom RtOUOllC ~I 8r1u11 106 Pan11ma 101 8ASIEIALL llout>d R..,n Ellmln•lloft tla1><1md\ 11 Cotomb,. 1 SOCCEll 8r;u1t 1 (•IJ&tfllT'l4'1"' 0 OtVING Womt" \O,.nQb04'td t CtUl\ltn\t·n lu \0"1 •II 9~ l tnorovrn •D.111o1,1 11l •t I Nvu" ( .tnad .. •'1 '1 4 (uthbf'rl lM'~•''-'•• •Ot JI \ hon1ollt\ ICul>lll J~l •• VOLLEYIALL Men Cull~<"'' U ~I~ ll IS 10 111 to Putrlo A•CO <l~I Dom. Rtl>UOI•( •IP. 116 II 8 women CvbdOtf Ml'~•CO ••·16. IS·•.1sa. HI Br<11<I dl,•I Dom R~PllbHc 1S 6, IS IJ, IH SOFTIALL -" Canaoa '· P~,,.m~ O Un1l•O Stal~•. Virgin l,IOl'Ch 0 women United ~l~tM 1. can.a.a 0 9,1111! I Puerto AltoO SHOOTING Men ~ '"" Pl\lol llffml I C•n•O• 2,138, 1 Cuba 1 1:M. J Puerto Rico 7 1'7 4 Merlco 1.17•. S llrarll?.173. •US 7,0'l7 Air Ame lilldlvl<luall I Lorion ICtHl.O.l J3• 1 lanot rv SI JI~ J Kurl IC•n.Oal JIQ, ' [lltl IU '>I 114 S Terru.I l(ub.11 JI! • GrO\\ tu s I J14 SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING I t11urt~ ComPtlltlon I 8e•utoeu I U S I •9 8' ? Van<!t'bt•o 1 r anada• ••JO J Snelltv IVs I • 06 • Kry1k• !Cen.Oal •1 0\ \ hron 1 v S ' 46"" MONDAY \SPORTS TllANSACTIONS IASEIALL AmtrkO<ll Le._,,_ 80!> TON RED SO!I Pl•ctd Jorry R~mv -ono tMW'm•n, on lhe t~-4•Y o•, •bled '"I Re<allfd Allen RiPltY pilcllfr 1tom P•wtuO.el Ol lllt 1ntern•l10n•I l•AOW ......... ,Le ...... CHICAGO cues N•mf'd L•• MOJI • mo nor IH~ PHCh!l'IQ <Gt<" FOOT I A LL Nal'-4FeatUllLHtloa (IN(INNAfl BENGALS Slonff Ho•I• l(urn•c~, QUMO. NI<' Lowery. lt1<ker •no J•m~~ Wiiton, widf rec•t¥er NEW YORK GIANTS oo .. , ... a Re"°'t H•rrl>O!I, rUNtl"O be<ll. rrom Green Bn Mid Sit•• Broun•r<I, Punier 1rom B•lllmor•, lhrouQh w••••"· NEW YORI( JETS S•oneo Eric C1.n nll'IQh•m -8111 Oul•k, guerdl Jollflrly l vnn. cornerf>;o<k, SI•" Blinu , llMIMl<k•• MAr\h•ll 11err1'. <ltftr\\!Vt I•<"•· fld M CC. .. 11011. (tnttr, O•nny S•nd•" Quaritrwc~. •no P•ul Oruoy w1oe If t•tvttr ST LOUIS C.AROINALS SoQnto tloO YounQ. ~Id lhomat loll. ou•rlerlMtl •no 80b Rori ... do!l,.nstw •lld Moc.KEY H•l-M•O.t• l.e .. IH NE1't V0R1( ltA .. Gl!!ltS ltcquor•d 11111 Lo<ll41••· 1•11 wine, tr•lll IM Ce16 .. cM1 Ro<k1H l6r IN '""'' 10 H.,dY A"rl)nl QOtlll• COLI.IOI aeHTLIV co1.1.eoe Anno1111••d rPtlqn•llon of J•O ReoAll lootD.111 <6.K" FOR THE RECORD I BOATING Transpal! Ra~e ~Newport Yachts Leading Class B ' By ALMON LOCKABEV D•llY l'IMI ... ll"f Wrll~ Two Newport Beach yacht.s were holding the top s pots in Class B on corrected time in the 30th biennl•l Transpac race from Los Angeles to Honolulu today. High Roler, a Peterson-46 s loop owned and skippered by Bill Power, a Newport Harbor yacht, was the leader in Class 8 with 1.902 miles to go to Diamond Head. and Aleta, another Peterson-46 owned and skippered by Warren D. Hancock, NHYC, was second in the class with 1,907 miles remaining FOURTH IN THE CLASS was Russian Wood, a Shad Turner· des igned 41 foot sloop, skippered by Nick Al~xander, Laguna Be ach. Russian Wood had 1,913 miles to the finish hne. Despite a bad start, the Ca1 ·40 sloop Concubine, with an all- female crew. was s howing up well in the handicap standings with a firth place in Class C. The all·woman cre w, skippered by Terri Clapp, Long Beach, appeared to be handling the strong, squally northwest winds that blasted the fleet during the first two days . The strong winds have not deterred the s mall Class 0 boats which are holding down first and second place on corrected time in the 79-boal fleet. The leade r was Zeus, a Carter-39 sailed by Paul Miller, Marina del. Rey, showing 1,901 miles to go, with Regard- less, a Tartan-41 skippered by Robert B. Cole, San F rancisco. Third and fourth places in fleet are being held down by Windward Passage, the famed 72-foot sloop. under charter to Bob Franks and Dennis Riegler, San Diego: and Jader, an 80-foot Sparkman & Stephens ketch sailed by J ohn Galanis, Dover, Dela FIFTH PLACE IS BEING he ld down by the Class C yacht Dakar. a Peterson-43 campaigned by the veteran William Goodlf'y of Del Rey Yacht Club. But the major interest in the race is being captured by th1: big Class A yachts whose crews could care less about handicap honors as they fight a relentless battle fo r first to finish To no one's great surprise. the 69-foot ultra-lJ ghl displacement sloop Drifter . designed, owned a nd skippered by Long Beach Yacht Club's Harry Moloshco, began showing why she was rated the scratch boat by averaging a blistering 10.3 knots over the firs t 500 miles of the 2,250-mile course Even so. Drifter is not exactly running off and leaving tht: rest of the Class A speedsters. a ll of whom are averagmg s lightly under 10 knots through the lumpy seas CLOSEST TO DRIFTER on ~tonday was the 84-foot Christine. designed especially for first to ftru!>h m the Transpac by her owner Fred Preiss of Marina del Rey After sailing off on a southerly course the first day out . Christine has rea<'hed up to a mC1re northerly coursr a nd "'as runnin~ less than 20 m iles behind Drifter and loggmg an a\'ernge .,pc<.-d of 9 9!l knots The 65-foot ULDB Merlin. fir~t to finish 1,1, 1th a record breaking run of 8 days. 1 l hour'> Ctnd 45 mmutc'> 1n i97i. """'"only a half milt! be}lrnd Christ in(' and averaging 9 94 knot:-. Me rlin 1:. undl'r ch ilrter and being s kippered by Al Ca:...,1.·I . Rah1<1 C.:unn th1an YC Newport lk<tC'h And Wind...,ard Pas~llgc v..a, ... ull in tht· running for line honor!'.. :-.ailing al>out a mile behind M1·rhn ,1t .1n c1verc1ge speed of 9.!j knuls Pn::.saJ?c , 1nc1dcntall>, Ila.., bt!t:n ~ailing a course con !>Ider ably Lo the north of lht> othcr C.:lac;s A lt•ader~ There has be1·n no r eport r1f :.my !>ptnnaker work 1n the northwest winds Th1.· t11g rh1Jtl's :m~ t'X!WCted to !>larl blos~om1ng tlld<J) or tomorrow a~ tht: ll·1Jd1 •r-. ~ct antn the· north(>a~t trade!- "hid) could uush them .-.L !>peed" unto 20 knot~ Crusader Controllit,g .Multihulls The 53·root lnmaran Cru::.J<lcr was still leading two other <'n tries 1n t h e Occ·an Hac1nA C<i t am<1ran L os Angele!> 10 I lonolulu race today with 595 miles logged sine<' the s tart off Pt Fermin last Saturday <it I pm Crusader is owned by Mtkt• Ka ne of Newport Beach but b being co-skippe red by Dennis Burnett. Ken Mires. The btl.? tn had a 305 mile day's run from Sunday noon to Mo.nday noon in s trong northwest winds t-'reestyle logged <i 252-milc day's run for a total o f 450 mile~ since the start Star Trek "'a~ bringing up the rC'ar with 290 miles covered sm<:e the <,l<.1rt Fir~t mult1hull Lo be kno<.•ke<J out of the race because of gear failu re was Bob Ha nel's Double Bullet. She abandone d the race Sunday m orning. The 43-foot catamaran Allez Cat was out of the race Sunday afternoon when heavy seas s mashed a hole In her weather hull. The boat made it back lo San Diego despite tak· ing on water. Coach Settles In Porn Case KA NSAS CITY. Mo. (A P > /\ high school wrestling coach who was fired after being accused of showing pornographic films to his team members h as been a w arded St0,000 in an out -of court settlement Steve Ash had challenged the P a rk Hill School Board's de· clslon not to renew his contract but said Monday he agreed lo accept the payment in exchange for his resignation. T he settle ment was reached Saturday. "My resignation is not an ad· mission of the truthfulness of the a llegation against me, nor is il uny concession about my ability to <.'oach or teach," he said "My reslgnatton only lndlcates my desire to resolve this m atter without further Inconvenience to the board. the district's pstrons, the s tudent:>. my fu m ily a nd myself .. Ash learned 1n April tnat he would not be rehired because or ullegaUoos that h e s ho wed pornographic movies to mem· ber!! of bis varsit y wre~tllng team as a reward for their wrestling performances BOATING Swnmerwind First to S.D. SAN OJ F.GO Summe rwino, -.ki ppered b} Ric ha rd Meine. "'ac., the overall and Class A win· nl·r 1n thl' ;rnn ual Ma rina del Rt·~ to San IJ1to>1.?0 yacht race co -.pono;orcd by Wind1a mme rs Ya<·ht Club llnd Southwestern Yacht Club r1rst \UChl to finish lht: 104 milt• courc;<.• wa~ Victoria, sailed by Callendt.•r, I.A YC. with an t•lapsed time of 18 ho urs. 5( minutes a nd 02 seconds. The rat•e started Saturday at 11 a.m off Manna del Rey. Overall and Class fl winner in the Performance Handicap Rac- ing Fleet division was Hustler. a Cal-20 co-skippered by Mike a nd Leo George. King Harbor Yacht Club F'irst flccan Racing Ca u1m a r 11n A ssoc iation multihull lo finish was Roger MacGregor's 36-foot cat Elgh th Ol.ly Lido Isle YC. Handicap winner in the multihulls was lmi Loa. ski ppt•rcd by Vic Stern, Seal Beach Yacht Club t11t"ldl(4.40 "'"'"" .. '' tOA • 4).umtn1ttw11"111J 'OR B H'lt Fr~'" o .. n C••oo c eve •OR C t<ll I r•!I lloD 801C~r s wv C ""'RF A ' T l'Oftl'On Jann 01 ..... LBYC Pt<l>F B I Pr•nc. 01~1\ar<I Ntwbrt. 8CY( i'>IRF C I J•r,., JllQ, Jerr>r P1tllSOf' SM\'G PHAF 0 I Tw11.l,8 wi.o. .... nn,OYC PH RF E I P•cem•krr, John MeS .. nQ<'r l(HY( PHRF F I C~<o. o.~ Parlr~. A ... Yr PHRf G I TdlV•t,Oatt~-11.SFVSC PH RF H ' HU\11 .... Ml\f •no L.o Geo<oo l<HVC Junior Crown To Danielson Greg Danielson was the over· all series winner in the Sabot Class In Capisltaoo Bay Yacht Club's Junlor Serles which ended Saturday. Runner-up ln the Sabot Class wns Evan Malanosky. Third was Paul Whela.-. Winntr In the Lido·l4 Class was Ray Oautherty and second wu Brian Stamm. Winner in the Hobie 12 Class was Chns Mor it2 COMICS I CROSSWO~O MAllMADUK! by lrld Ancltnon FUNKY WINKER8EAN "Nope ... our baseball isn't down there." SUPERHEROES ~~ GCTC~& THe' FAW.IN& •wtNOON l'Vllt6HIR "· •• SHOE MOON MULLINS MISS PEACH 1'-A I' ICllPIN6 i lCAGK OF kOW LON6 Wl'ft MIR Xf tcAMP ~IL.L.Y? ~TI~, we MAViN',- NIN 1-Clte 17 °"Y', Y!l'..! by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta by Ferd & Tom Johnson l<ff PIT To YouRSeLF· • W.A IT FOR ME .' ~EVERY f.k>LE·IN·ONE J'LL Pf<Dtv11SE: MY .~ 1Ger1 ~OM1sro "EMMA WIFE A ROL.LS · p ,. EuRoPEAN 1R1P. RoYce ! ...__/ 14• ~ ~ ~ ! THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane GORDO .-----------------......... ''When tittle giris get bigger they all seem to wow out of shape like that." DENNIS THE MENACE ' TUMBLEWEEDS 1 Cffli:F (COMMJ:N'fS): 51Vl:N 10 f'AODIN& HIS PAR1, ANP RJm:Vt::R ft,AUN11N& ftlS H~PVRJ:SS IN f1A1HE'TlC AiTJ:MP"ffi 10 L.lf'51A6E Me. (M~O): COM~IN 10 Cl?NiRAL CA511NlT. °"' A,,,,.--.c;-.i SCRl8&E6 6CRl•8LI: ) 6CRl911Ui SCRl&&LE. NANCY AUNT F'RITZI SAYS WE SMOUL.D ACT L IKE LADIES AND PLAY DIGNIF=IED GAMES ORABBLE "O\J l(tJow, 1'~E RUU..'i 14AO 11" Wl'fl( 1 1t1 s GA~ <$1{~fAl.(, t.iltNQ'l 1. \.. ...,. 3 OR. SMOCK by Tom Batiuk ~ ~ 1' by Mell Lazarius 1'HE'< 'RC ~o,.. <ro111J6' 1"0 f'vS~ ME Affa1JN01 t'M t.lof" 60ltJCT 'TO PA~ 'fl40'Sl Ol.Jf U 6£0oJS ~l<E<> II t'M Jll')1" NOf" 60tl\IC, lo Su-< 6 lS ArJ-<M.OfU: 1 ISU... ME:, ANNA, DO YOU ' KNOW ANY vve:t.-1---ro -c:>o P OCi"'ORS VVHO D O N 'I" PR1 v e exPE:NSIVe: GE:RMAN CARS ? ,,.>------.. Tt.aday, July 3, 1979 PEANUTS I ~EEL KIND OF WOOZI/ ... I DON'T THINK I cAN PITCH AHif MORE ... , £ ~owe PROSABL I( SEEN MIT ON THE MEAD WITH TOO MAN~ Fl~ SALiS DAIL V PILOT •5 by Charles M. Schutz by Kevin Fagan 8'< 'fl.IE l.tJj.'{, l OVl.0 'IOI) l ~1~£ ME 'TO 1ME 0€r.1f1'Sf" 1'0 MO~R.ouJ ? by George Lemont NIELSEN by Jeff Millar & Jon Mci ntosh I ~VE. AN AffiJfNn..\uJr. AMfRKAA * ~ ; ~ c: j ~ . ~ ~ "' ; .. . .. ~ TH·THIS ISIJIT aALJ..ET )IE~s' IT'5 . ~OF $ftGJM.JY Pft.~IWFJ (AFL• 10) <--· ..,, • - by Gus Arriola ~~( .. ~I o O'-- by Harold Le Doux by Tom K. Ryan 11SUPPOR11N6' CASI INVEWI DRV''? ~~ by Ernie Bushmiller ............. ,...,,.. ...... _. TODAV'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Marauano s sleuin 5 Baby s word P• 10 Face par1s 14 Racetraci.. 15-b0a1d 16 Plenty Ar· tna1c 11 Set11es t9 Poruco 20 AC!m1Uance 21 Bank abbr 27 Spanisl'1 art· ·SI n Diadem 25 High rock 26 01s1an1 30 Prefix lor pOd 31 Feeis Jd Redeems 36 Go&s1p 38 Three It l9 Climbed Everest J words 42 One Ger ,3 Needs '' Overled 45 Scope •7 Lec;ial ma11e1 49 Jumole 50 Needlel1sh 51 Nuisances 53 Reach 55 Rad1a11on dosage 56 Corr()(leCI 61 Wag 62 Basic 64 Helper 65 Hereditary units ti6 Algerian poet 67 P1opaga1e<1 68 Trials 69 Puwe DOWN I Piu~ 2 Casi J 01p1omac~ 4 Swan genus S Hypccr1sy 6 Friend Fr 1 The OTs 2 words 8 Spans site 9 MelhOd AOOr to Bible read· ing ti Part oll C C 1'l tnte11or t 3 Ou1ck blow UNITED Feature Synd1~ate Monday·s Puzzle Solved . r • i •l• I • '10 .. • • ii t I s •• 0 I> I w I Oil • I ... • t 0 I s IS [ N I I •• ~ ( I 0 • I 0 I ' s I I ' I H I o ... ' IS I" • 11 I •1s '' •• 11 • -_,. II A ,_ -s ' I I I( H H 0 jj 0 s 1 ... o • s • u •• • ·--s !w • y s -1 ... • a D •• • s o I c f • u .. s l H ( • I s • • • •• ,_ --· $ I •• _, 0 c s I N ~ 0.!_ ..!..IE If 0 E 0 • ' I ••• •o lll1••llSIOO M •1 •vl1 1 • .. •••c "' 0 0 l R •S 0 • f S I L 0 S 5 18 Mesn 40 Pa111011r gc 24 Sco111sh •S.· " Cucler s cat land 4b Gd•t- 25 St:a b1•rt~ 48 51Jd1n 26 useful 1h111g 51 Mar11n1oue 27 Pnma -pea lo. 28 vanguard 52-Yat·~en Fr !>J Wound Z9 Kinsman cover Abtlr ~Couple 3t Old French 55 Mil unit coin 57 Prevenl 32 N Amencan 58 Poi source Indians ~'T1mept!11· 33 Forwards OC!S 35 Baster 60 Pl'1ys1cs unit 37 B1bhca1 man 63 Assembled Business Sale of Air Works for M11se1•m ay lllLTON •osaowrn .00 you own 7our bouae, in· cludlq tbt 1ud undern alb It• If ao. what would you thlnk ot Mallat tbe alr rt1bta above tt• by a buae aum or money You will aho need tho approval of local ~mm~tal authorlllf'A Money Tree H 'a a mark ot our b11h dYiUaaUoa that alr can t>. t0ld. JUJl t.be way land la. Aa '°"' as you ,,. not ualnc tht atr directly above your abo<M, you can ll it lo aomebody el&e. A II those condltJons are not likely to be In place anywht!re outaldt of bl1 cllle11 , where space hi at • premium and t.h«' only wa)' to ao Is up. Air rl1ht.11 are \1alu1blc in New York. Cbkaco and Ilona KonM your hOUS*" lit not in the middle of «rowded downtown Manhat· h•n OF COVaSE \'OU have to Ood tomeono who w•nt. to build on top ot you. And you have to be content with havlna your im mediate air apace vlol•ted or havtna YoW' dil~oteot ap~and Just how vialuablt• Is l'lt'!u from the 1utlt' anonoun<-ed a <'O\I· pie of Wffkli ago In New York The Museum or Modtirn Art agreed to s.,11 IU. u1r r1.:hL'I for S\7 million You probably won 't gt't that much for your itir. but Tiit: MUSEUM OF Modern Art t1filt' illustrates unother facet o f l·ontti mpo rary life in Am {•r1 t't1 how h1 s tor1cal landmlltks or cultural institu-,.- SEMINAR • our OF ST An PROPERTY 1 • I WHAT IS n41 ""°"' POTIMT\AL1 9' "'9ACTICAU I Oul ·Of·State Real Estate 1nvestmenl offers , dynamic opportunity. Learn of the potentJat in Low Down PayrMnts. Positive Cash Flow, and Rapidly 1 Increasing Prices Elsewhere Understand the 1 potential in various areas of the counlry Whelht'r 1 you att a first llme lnvestor or an experlenct'd Exchanger. THIS SEMINAR IS A M UST Reservations Required CAU FOil llSHYA no..s C11 41 IJMU O APARTMENT t INVESTMENT i •REALTY Doon <Anter 1300 Dove St. Suite 200 Newport Beach TUES. 7:00 P.M. _j $50,000 t o $500,000 INCOME PROPERTY~ •-...)yea 1 hw••• •Moedaly .......... • Sa.cwt ·-a-. 6eo9dletos ,,..... • 8o.ei.-. Calllonrie pwopeny CWJM..U OnldC! our •-" iaf~a ....,,ict lor your hnancm~ na-ds (714) 759-1515 AMERICAN HOME MORTllAOE 2JO Ne wport Center Onve "'" Oes.gn Plaza NtlWPOl1 6eacri. Cahfom111 <12660 I 2 Las Vegas HOtels Sold? LAS VEGAS. Ne v IAP) --Ramada Inns. Inc .. one of the nation's largest motel chains. says at bas reached an agreeme nt 10 prineiple to buy the Tropicana Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip. Al the same time, a Beverly Hills firm an· nounced Monday that it operates the Tropicana. was trying to buy the controlling interest in BUT THE proposed the Dunes ll?tel, · b~l purchase was contingent Dunes execu~1ves said on further negotiations they wo~ld fight what to purchase so percent they viewed a s a of the stock in tak~"'.er attempt. . Tropicana Enterprises Wa.lham Moran. vice Inc .. the "landlord" for president for corpor~te the hotel. affairs of the P~oenax-Major stockholders at based motel chain, an-the Tropicana were un- nounced the agreement available for comment to P'lrchase the agree-Monday. The hotel has ment to purchase the as-been hit in recent weeks s e ~ s of Hot e I C ~ n · by allegations contained qu1stador Inc., which in an FBI affidavit in ----------Kan sas City th at purported organized crime figures held behind-the-scenes con- trol of the club. In California. Capital Energy Corp. of Beverly Hills announced it had registered a statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington to make a tender offer for up to 51 percent or Dunes Hotels a nd Casinos Inc. Capital President Donald E . Liederman said the firm proposed to offer a convertible preferred issue to cur- rent Dunes shareholders in a transaction that would be worth about Sl2S million, based on Friday's closing quota- tions for both com- panies'stock. ......... -. . ..... _. .. ,,. tions can survive in a profitmak- ing world They can do it, 1f they're strategically located. by selling t.hear air and collecting money down through the ages on the use or that air. The Museum or Modem Art has been strapped for money for some time. It will rereive. up front, $17 million from a Chicago developer who will put up a 44 story residential building above the museum. ing wiU be big penthouses where the prices will start al $500,000 The building. which will carry the understated name "Museum Tower" wiU have 275 units. Figure an average price or about $350.000. and Shaw comes away with some $100 million by selling all the units. Are there 275 people in lhe world who can pay that kind or money for an apartment? You bet there are. especially foreign businessmen who need a place in New York to hang out. In addition. MOMA (as lhe museum is known in cultural circles) will derive annual in· come from city real estate taxes that will be channeled to 1t by an organization. Trust for Cultural Resources. set up to faeilitate such schemes. After 10 years MOMA should bt' collecting sometlung Like $2.7 million an- nually. With hotel rooms going for $80 to $100 a night, it might even be more economical for a large eorporation to buy a con- dominium for $350,000. Shaw ex· peels at least half of his sales 1n the new building to come from foreign buyers. ,.,.,.... HABIT STIFLED IT Poor Jefferaon Crisp Jeffersons L o c k ed in J7 aul t YOU MIGHT wonder who tn his right mind would pay $17 million for a chunk of air leven New York City air. wh1eh you can see>. Well. that depends again on where the air 1s and what will be done with 1t. In this case the buyer of the air righLc; is Charles JI. Shaw of Chicago <tnd he expeds to make money with his building. WA~l-llNGTON CAPl -Poor Thomas Jefferson. Does he deserve such a fate" · The structure to be erN'ted above the Museum of Modern Art will not be your ordinary apartment hous e. ll will do nothing to reli eve over·crowding in Harlem. It will not attract middle-income families back to the city. .Jefferson's likeness is on the once-ballyhooed. but now popularity. starved. S2 bill. When the S2 bill was reissued on April 13, 1976. lines of buyen; sought the new curre ncy at many banks . The Treasury Department predicted the note would replace half the Sl bills in circulation and s ave the Bureau of Engrav· mg and Printing as much as $7 million annually in printing costs. ' "HA.BIT," SAYS Daly. People were used to Sl bills . Retailers couldn't figure where to place $2 bills in their cash registers. Purchasers often discovered. with chagrin. that the dollar they thought they paid out was a $2 bill. This build.int? will be a con· dominium. which me ans . of course, that the unjts will be sold rather than rented And they will be sold at prices well above what the g reat maJority of homes in the Un1l<.'d States sell for. BACKING ITS projection. T reasury pnnted 525 million of the bills. Despite the setback . Treasury officials haven't given up hope the $2 bill will catch on. A STU DIO a pa rtm ent 1n Shaw's building -that's an apartment s ans bedroom -will be priced a httle under S200.000. T h ere may be s om e o ne - bedroom apartments. on lower floors, that will sell for $200,000. At the top of the 44 ·s tory build- Three years later. 300 million of them remain under expensive lock and key in Federal Reserve bank vaults across the country. "The demand for $2 bills 1s about the same a s for $1 00 bills ... says Peter Daly. assis- tant director of the bureau. That equals about 4 percent of all cur· rency in circulation. '·J ust becaus e we haven't. printed any new bills doesn't mean we've removed them from circulation." says Daly. Daly suggests the introduction Monday of the Susan B. Anthony Sl <'Oin may boost the fortunes of the $2 bill. U t.he new coin proves popular. it may replace the S1 bi ll, leaving the paper field open to the S2 bill. NE.W YORO: (AP1 Con PAP 'I>'-SI ... Tf><! tooow1119 h\I Cr.iwto t\ ,. " .. WIKt"1 Nin (fO\ Ir~ 11 I 11'• ~· ~Cu<IU Cuttr r"o 1'-t J'' !w•SoUt ()v~r 'Tiu• Counlf•r NASO Listinqs 1S~ 7&1 • Pt#l>r<PS') ,l,. 10 l St~rlSt JdmWP ti i:i.. a , P1niutfl ", 1 JO•' Str•w(I ~~7;.W 11"1 IS • P•on ... 1A 7l'• , ... 'WPf!rE I 'lo I Ptoii\11,... 1'. ] .. TIM£ 0C • ,:. I l\ l'p•uR'l~ l!wtsecns 10', 10·. Ir ·--~·,~~~~='. ( ''"'°" t & t l1V1 Jo\lo;nM 1111 18•"' Po~\·~ , .. . ' TMnp.;ta 11•· 18 NC # VORO: IAPI -TM fol towing h•I 0•1'1rM 10 11 l<•l\St pf IM Hf\ .. Pr09rp '• ... TN.wmP ., •l \l>QW\ '"" ~ '"" (.ounter tMUf";tn<e & tndust 01'0..\ 17 ... 11-'4 JIC:•lva r 1 1'1t Pt>SvN( 17'• ,, ... ,..,....,,, ,. JO S10<:IO ~ • .,.rMTt\ t~ """'~ qone "° •I stock~. OolM•I ,. 7• t<.•m•n 10 ... 210,, PurtS.n ll h , ..... fJOf'•t r ll'• U.\t the mo.i --'"" "'°"' tw..-ci on AE~ lnO Oe~tbA9 10 ..,,,. KmpAm t(µ. ,, .... PutOCaP 0 .. , TO\C<>Cp 1••.c.. "' ,..,, o< ,~ r~rot~\ ot volume AFAProt Oel ua( ]11 J )7\, .. K;ileGr" Ouf\IJN\\ l•IJ ~ Trn.c)<O ,, , "' Monc).tv AVM (p OetC.nT 11 13 S t• tt·I• R~nP• • ' IO Tro<.o Po ... , .,. Ho ~""'t•n tradu-.q Dt!to• '7 ¥..: inc:•· A<.cur•y Oettnt8 n •. n ... l<o~m )\..,, •\. Ra)'<tlm 17\.• ... .., Trttn()G r · • :::'.t:r.~! ~""i:!9' :,_";,~~ ~;~~ Ad01snW Oe-yEt ,,.. 1-"< Kell~v ?•11 u, R;oymno 2t ... .., ... T ywtoFcl u;, '" AOVRO~\ DI.Cry\ ,s ,. 1t•u let 1f>'• '11~ Re<9EQ .... , .. UnMtG•t • " 10 bod p ro<• -'"°"(,~5,..,., lftcl prlU AdYM1Cr Ot•nCru :n lJ 1(1rno;o11 U .. IS1 RO<>clE • 78'. ?ct U\ Surq 11·~ ti AluAl•11 Oo<vt .. t , .. ,., Koncitnl •71') " RoOC>MY J1\.7 3'' 1 us f,(~ t)~ ....... N&n¥ l .--• ("9' Pct AitGOll\C OolirC,n ·~ "'" l(n-V IP,. 14 .... Ao~on ... ) . UV•BSI\ 2l'-,.. J (•nNICl\t 11 • 7', UP 1T8 ~~r~!9 l>Of>ld\n 71 77 Kr•tos u ti Aou~ .,,_. tJ • UDP~nP u·. 111 1 truB.v..c . . .. UP 21 • Oo<tl\(r' ti'-II'• L..tl"tC~ln 11 71 ... Au~10" 1\ .. •s.~ "•tyi::;.... 1\µ.. ""'· ) Pyne.OS< ~ ... . I • UP ,, . 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OBMf 11•.000 : 1).)2' II )7 • '. 11 O..ntoM l'I , ... .. Ott I J ~lllUIB ~YJ §~'· He><llA• , .. , , PaostB t1"1 12 m1: FS( , .... -. Ott l .J l•rkJl Hy•llfnl 1) .. ,. ... t1~:~p ""' 1•v. Actvwncecl '-'•gunc:: , .. -.. Off f.J C-CD t\ol ,, tntr•ln<I .e\. ... ~ u ..... ,.,,., Or<ll......, .~~ s ' _, ., Off l.l CotuVent I 7 :~~~~~, 501,, SI"" PffrMI av. • Uncl\en9'<1 ~s,,.J& 7 .... -.. Oft l.J Com(IH ~,. I'> • .,, ,...,,.Ent IS"° t~ Total """"' J.~ Sp.,rt10 ,., .. Ott l .J CmtShr 11 ,l 11\IMtGs ""' uo,. P•trolll 48 .. New "•9fl• T•m~t \ , " Oft 1.3 (mwhl J<IV1 ;1 lnBkWs!t '"' 10 ,Ptttll-2•"'?2 .. ,New ~. l< ' Trnsmal , .... -.. Off 8.l MUTUAL FUN DS IN\IUrtNG C•om • 6.s Nl Fet!•r•teo Funos H•'1 Git\ 17 6'& NL' Oev GI ,,,.., 13 )I '41(1\ot• 11.. NL rnvttl I,. •. COMPANIES C'"Dll S 1 ll Hl Am lei• 180 8.3' H•'1 lev 11 CX. NL lncom l.07 3.ll,Nomur• t '1 • S Ullr• 17 II IJ.28 NEW V()fll( IAPl ~IVll\ Bullock· HI l<m ll 12 U.61 HIQll YIO ti 211 12.CM LYl!tef ... Bro Noru\I 13.l:I NL Sele<lll'cl Funos· -Tiie loOOWtlf9 QUO· Bull<k IJ.'6 1' 71 Mny M 1 00 NL Holdo Tr I 00 Nl Funo 10 '6 11."1 Nu...,en • '6 ''1 Am S"' •.'8 Hl latlon\, W!>Plled by Canon 8.15 •.41 MMM 1.00 NL Hor Man IS 5S I• 81 lncom 1.n •.SJ OmeQa 17 2• 12 ~ Spl Sits IJ.SS Nl t!te N•llonal Auocl OlvlO 7 llO J °' Optn 13.G< 13 OS INA HIV 11.)S IJ.3'1 Mny Mk I 00 NL One Wm IS 'IO Nl Sfonllnel GnNp •lion of St<url1les Monll\ 13 l< u Ill T • Fre 17.12 "IL ISi Group. Muni t .60 tO ·~·~ r:c1 Apo 3.61 J •I Outer\, Inc , •re "II WS 9 f'I 10.31 US Gvt '11 Nl Grwlll S.81 • '7. US Gov '"' 10.28 n 6./S 1. B•l<tn 1.3'1 8 oe Ille Ptl'es •t WfllCtl NY VI\ 1 .. 9'1 16.38 Fldellly Cif'ouo· lr><:om J .11 ; 1.-MH~hUMtt CO H Yid 23.1' 7•. Com S tl.11 17 '1 ttwse ~urltles CC. Fno 11.1' IU I A9res •.6s NL Trst Sh 17.0J 13.U Frffcl 8.u •.27 Inc Bos au • Grw111 •.n '·"· could twive tlettl\ CG lncm 181 1.0 Bona 1.1' Nl TrPa SI\ J.7S .. ln<leD •SS 10.u Monel too NL S.Q..O•a 7301 Nl SOid !Net a\set (\II AsM I 00 NL C&D•I 8114 Nl lnOustry H.J. MHs UNv•ll Qpll\ 12 ... 7; '9 Sentry IS.JO 16.~ v•lue) or bouohl Cap PrM t 00 NL Csn llw 1 oo Nl lntruD 1.00 Nl lncm un.tv•ll Sl>f!<I 1'.!il tS. TemD Inv t.00 NL lv•lue pl~ 'M!lPt Cent CC 1 00 NL (onllO 11 02 NL (nt ln"'t U 19 1 II M•U Flrwte.1 T1 Fre t 6' Nl Trns C•p 1.'1 1.11 chug•! M0rwJJtv Cnl Sit\ """v•ll Oly Inc I 00 NL Inv Gu10 10 7' NL MIT 10.71 ti 01 AIM 17.11 ll.z:J Trl\s Inv 9,1' 9.93 Sell lwy (It H1Yd ti IO 17 6l Dnny 10 'l'I • Inv Inell< 1 '1 Nl MIG • 71 10 01 Tl,... 11 '1 11 '1 Trn Eq 11,9' tl.Cli AGE Fd • SS • " CllArl Fcl II 11 ,. ,. EQ Inc 19 ,s Nl Inv Bo\ • •1 10. II M ID 1'.0t IS. I I OTC Se< 1•.n 20.t'I TuOr HO .... NL At e><n F n '6 NL CNse Gr Bos M•~I '° lt Nl nv1tS10<s G""'P MCO 10.'2 11.JJ P•t•m M 9,'1 10.n Twl\C Gt 6 .. 1 NL Alulure tl 6'& Nl Fund • 11 Ill Mui\ 8c1 9 41 Nl IOS 8c1 S 47 S 41 M FO IS OI 1 .. 16 ,.,,,.,. Sq 1 '6 Nl TwnC Inc 8.ll NL Alp/I• F n SI Nl Front • 93 S 3'I FI0.1 IS Ml NL IOS (Sii SOO NL M FB U 10 IS • ., Pell/\ Mu •ti NL USAA Gt 1 .. 1 Nl A Birll'IT 10 '° ti 'IO Slt•re 1,, I 'IS HI Yid I•" Nl IOS ~ I n I.ti MMB ''° , ., Ptllla • n •.09 us"'" Inc 10.U Nl AM•rlcMI Funot S~ct • " 1.. l l Mun •.JO Nl IOS ncll s IO •.lll MFH I jO 109 p-Cap • 80 ,., Uftf Accu ....... all A 8•1 I l< t 11 Chp Olf l 01 NL Putltn 10 6' Nl Mull I '1 9 10 MCM 1 00 Nl PllCMI\ Fcl 9 U 10.22 Unit Mui ...,.Y•tl Am<p I ... ,, Ctlflm Fd I u I 7S S,,tpm s l>S NL Prog J.SJ JM Mattler\ IT.OS Nl Plto<lm °"' Uni C.511 I 00 Nl A M111i 10.:D 11 %1 Cotonl•I Functs. Tllrlll tin Nl T •• E• .. ., 4 • Merrm Lynell "119 Fcl tJ 1'9 13.1'9 UnlOn Svc Grp: An Gii\ 1 tl 1 97 Safi Sec • " t IS Tr...o 2S 1) NL Stock 11.a 20 ,, Betl< 10 ... 11 c ~ ( J . "11 B•-ti cw 11.'IO Bond tl n 11 11$ Fund • S7 10 '° Fl,,.n<l•I Proo S.IKt • ., • SI (;lpit ''·" ,, ,, Maq In •01 ,_,, H•t 11\V .:., 1.3' C•lt Mil I.DO "'l Gr.,tlt S " S.. Oyne S '3 Nl V•r PY 1't I OS EQu lld t .S 10 OS """-' F-V CAI) 1'.11 1S.2' Fcl Inv 6" I 61 tncom I 11 I.. lnclust • 6S Nl Inv Aesn • 09 •.. HI Inc •.61 10 01 Fund 16 OS 1T SA Un tn< 11.6.S 12.Slt Grwttl I II I•• 0 Dln 10 60 ti st ln<om 1 n NL tstel ,., " 16... Mllftl t 11 9 11 II In< 10.0t 11.Q;J United Functs ln<om t 00 I I• T •• M9 U 0 IS JI Ft! lnft\ton Ivy Fcl 1.tn Nl illd A•t 1 00 NL PIMI Inv tl JI NL Accm 6.1' 1 o ICA T I I I~ Cotu Giii 11 2S Nl Bncl Ao I• .. 14.U J P Grtll 10 1• 11 61 Sc>l Val t .. t., Ptlgrt!t 11 ID U 'IO B-6.IO T •l N "9n • SI I II (with AB 9S I OJ Oh<D I 11 I.kl Janu• t'.11 HL Mk! AM ).,.:! 6 IS Pllfrncl t2 '1 U.11 Con Gr t SI tO .. W•ll Ml • '1 1.2' 1111 CO I Jt I jO Grwll\ 1.t1 I 11 JOltn H...coO Mntm'1 I OD HL Price Fwncb Gon Inc: U ' 10 10 tAmer C.-411 Comp Bel • .,, • " lncom 111 • .. B-11 6.7 "1S MONY F •.SJ 10 " c...-11.2D Nl ln<om •.u 10 " C•o 8cl I 71 'G< P Fcl I II I 80 ~" 6.'3 1 IS Grw11\ • SA 1 11 MS8 Fd •.1' Nl ln<om t SI NL Munl t.<S •A< C•p Gth • 6' S 11 Concord 16 OS NL Slo<k I.OS 1.80 BelMI 1..SJ 9 2' Ml.It 8ef't t.» 10.17 H Ere U.SJ Nl Sc1en 66' 1 31 Entrp 6 .. 1 28 Gnllnv t lS107S FstMllA ... Nl TuhU ... ISUMIFFd 1.-S 1.4' NHO<lt10. .. Nl V~ ._... 72• HI Yid II 14 U ff (on\t-4 G I• Nl FIMll DI 93 Nl JOlln\tn 22.16 NL MIF Giii .. w 4.tt Prl!M 10.00 N Utcl Svu 2.93 NL Inc Fd 6 16 • n ont Mui .... NL "" V•r 10 00 Nl ICem~r Functs Mult1•I Of ~ Ta ,,,. '11 NL Value Line Fo Mun B 73 ts U 1' vYIO Se 111' IJ.st u Wall 16 SO Nl lncm 10 20 10.ts Amer 10.• 11 jO Pro Fl.lltd U ll NL Val Lin 9,a 10.11 Tot Aet 1.SS I U try Cap tl.'3 11.SI Fncl Giii • t. •... Grow 9.13 t.• Grwth UO ;,J.s Pro Ill( 10.07 Nl ln<om S.t'I 6.11 Venlr 11..ll 7003 Oly Cull I 00 Nl Founder• c;,_ HI Vici 11.1' IJ,11 lncom •.01 ... Pn; St,. 10..M 11.S.S Lev ()( U.'2 16.lJ (Ml!• 1.5'1 ,,,. OlylMM 1 00 NL Grwth S.ll S.l.S Mlty M t.00 Nl h Fre 1U3 U.'1 Pvtll•m "-· Sot Sit •.••.• s Eql Gttl 1,, 1.45 Oelaw••• Group IMOM '2 ... ,. OS Mun B to.JO 10.11 Ul Slit •ll NL (:oftv 11 ., 12.'7 Vence $ANOEllS. Fcl "'"' 1.S1 1.11 Decal n.S'I I),. Mut•I t .IJ I.to Opll\ n ... IJ.14 •I Avla JO... Nl Oty ()v 100 NL Herbr t <0 10 77 Oelew 11 '1 12.IS Soe<t 12 JI 13.0 Summ 1'.02 IS.32 et Incl 12 » Nl tlll Eq ll.09 1'.JI lncom 12M 13.60 Peu ll6J 70 >.s Oelt h 1.:1 t.u l'renklln err-. Tet h 1.1s t.5'1 N•t S.Cutltlfl Oeoro 1l.IS 1'.l l 1nvut 7.2' r.'1 Provlo l 11 4,CX. Ta Fre 9 70 • &l Bro,.,n l I•' 05 Toi Ill 10 JI 11.n 8•tan t.SI 10.l2 Orwtll 10 " 11 9' Comm 7,47 1.1• '" GlllFcl I 16 1 n 0•11• s II •. o ONT( I ...... l(eystone F.-S. B-.. n ,,,. HI YIO "·" 19.11 ~I ID ... 12.00 ·A N•rltg I '1 .... Csll A\ 10.00 NL Grwtll •.U 6.IS Liq Tr t.00 NL Olvld •.JS , .. , Int om 1 Q 1.12 V<tft9u•rd Group: A lns&1nc1 'tO S.36 Olr Cap 2 '1 J 1• Utllt • 61 s.G< cus 81 1'.69 11."1 Orwtll s.n 6,11 1,.,,.,. l.l) 1.u lhlllr 1s..M I'll• ·" Invest 7.JI Nl booC• 81 n.n NL tncom I.ts 2 10 c .. s 82 11.'7 10.11 ..... 10 1.11 1.n OPlll 1),); u.se Ft 10• IJ... NL •A Inv Inc 11.. NL OodC• St IUI Nl US Gov 8,15 t.~ cus BA I. 13 ''" tn<om S 71 6-1 tu h tt.1' 73.<IO 1¥911 t.a NL " NtOlll 3 10 '·°' Oru Bur 10.tl NL C•Plt us «80 Cu• I(' 1 ., •. 'I lq lhv I 00 NL Vl•I• 1~ 1•.n Moro ...... NL. ,Amway I.SS t . IS Oreylua Grp Eqult ; IS ' •I C"s 10 US S., Stoo a.u 9.10 Voy.. 12.tl 1'.13 W $11<1 '4..f1 NL' A ()p!Eq ..... n u Drtyl UNlvilll Lq AUi t.00 NL C111 li 11.0S 1'.n tu E• 11.71 u. 1tet1111w U2 NL w ltrrn t19' NL A•• Houghton levo-UNV.01 l'ulldPk s,, S.2' '"' .. ~ .... HELll• ~ lteMrve 1.00 NL w ttono 11.-ML, FM B I CW 1.1' Liq At t.OO NL Fyncl In< °'1> Cui S JI S • Eq111t 1a.11 20.M u.,.,. S... Nl Wei •I 11.75 NL ln<om '" S.Of MM Ser 1 00 NL Comtn • 22 NL PiliM 3 s• ,,., Orwtfl 11.l'O n.n 19< Etlf ,. 1 Wei tll u• flll,,I SIOO 6 JO • " N Nine llMYIHI lmp.tc .-v•li l .. lllOIOll °'1> IMO"I ta.tt 14.1 119< Otlt 11.tS ,._ W.tl 10 I.ts lfL• IBLC Gt 12 M 14.CM Sot In< -v•ll lndTr 10.~ 10.'1 Cp ldr 12 SS tl.11 ll•t l!q U6.S 17 01 SIP~ C t.12 t. Wll MM t ... NLI B•M Inc t '1 NL t'u h UNvfll Pllol t se NL Lo Or 14 0. IS JI (\ti Mt tO.OD NL SI,. •Ill t.• 16. WMw tO.-N~ a .. s l!IV 10.0I NL Tllrd c 111\hali GT ,.IK 12 n NL . LH '" • SI Hl N•Ube'9" e.rm $( S.-: Vffl!I .. ,, 4 ~ llff< Gtll ,.., HL .. I 0111 , .. 10.2' Oett Oo u.n H L .. " 1U1 i.,71 E1trn , .. ,. NL Gem M tO..JO N W•ltSI 0 ..., 7.JI ,8-IK Hiii UO NL IE•IOfl'Howertl GE $&" 17.». .. Lite Ill\ 11.02 It.CM CW.rel "·'* HL ltt<Ofll lJJI N Weft1 Eq ,._. NL. 8ernr Group 8elan ''3 I 01 ~It Sec 10.«I Nl liq C. 10 OD HL Llbt'f "43 NL tnll ~ It.JI N Wit< tflC yt NLI 1 fcl • S7 NL f'ovn , " NL rAcllSft 1.00 NL Loomis s..,.., Menht 2.7' H Men " t0.01 N WMd ~· • I 1 fd UJ NL Crwttl 11.l) IMI II lftd ZJ,l'O NL Caplt IS... NL Parlfl IJ.. N MMI t.14 N dotV._ »-•• NL I 8m C. IOI IP f!lf"" Tr 1' S4 Hatnlltott Mui U.JI HL SclWI 10.to NL Spt(t D.D H Nevw •-» NL thftftlk S n 6 2' E "" h t 61 f HOA UO • ff Lord A-Ntw Wld 113 N Sec1HllY """-• PIM-lG,t NL I .... FM tM 10 f'elrflf 10.64 11 S1 Grwtl'I 111 I OD .lllfllld 1 TS I.It ..... Gt U Hl IOlld Ul' t NL Me ..... 11111 & 0leM Go. Frm 8G II 1' ti 0 ln<OM US NI. Bncl tit) IO SJ 11.St N...., lllC • 1 NL lqvty •a SI 1 .. 1 .. tllef' .. I j ... . STOCKS I BUSlNESS Tue Mlay'a Cloal..,. Pri e1 .. •I ' . NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ... r • Ouillotl--l-lr_\.,,lfw ... •Yo1' .-,.,,,_" ll•CllK l>llW -'°"..i Ottt04t-GlMl11 ... l•ttO<• •tt~•..., '-'"'.., -H••••• '"* .. ''-' Ol llfC '"Ill#• a .. 1e .. -'""'""' .. ..... .. . .. '·' ......,, •• ,.,,, ( # ... ''" • • I '· l~. July 3, t979 N DAILV PILOT , . Costs to Rise Agribwiness Blamed By SYLVIA PORTER Food prices will climb hlgher as far into the future as we can see. At times. the pace of rise will slow perceptibly and at times, It will speed up. · The basic reasons go beyond the cattle cycle. the mi'1- dlemen's take, crop failures abroad. etc THE FUNDAM ENTAL factor is that the (amity farm backbone of the Ame rican economy until we ll into the 20th century -has been ra pidly replaced by agribusiness. Huge organizations plant row upon row of identical crops in mlle afte r mile of fields. and thereby create a giant magnet for whatever pests feed upon those crops. Like a mound or chocolate on a city street attracting ants. these enormo us fields bring in hordes or insects to con· sume the crops . , Having upset the balance of nature. agribusint:,s turned years ago to a way to restore the balance while keeping the advantages of assembly·line farming. DDT. manufactured in quantity for World War JI delousing. wes use d until R ach e l C arson 's "Silent Spring" warned or the potentially catastrophic effects . The ban on DOT did not reduce the nation's appetite for bug killers Money's Worth Ins tead, more deadly. longcr·lasting varieties were de· velopl•d to fill the ~ap. A local ~arden store probably hac; t•nough chem1c:.il warfan· components to toxify a large ;o1rea :-.low we a re gettmg our f1r!>t ~limpse of the bill TllF. HONEYBEE. WlllCll POLLINATES many Yitai spN·tc~ of plants. 1s being dt•(·1matect Poisons are starting to sho"' uµ 1n startlin~ plal'l''>. in amounts that alarm the l'Xperts After lhl' l>10;\ln µI ant vxpl()s1on 1n Ital), wh1 <:h made a 'a~t Jrt•a un111h:ib1table ant.I crippled uncounted numbe rs c1f J.H'oplc. c·onc·l'rn starlet.I to mount A laws uit has bt-en hrought b~ the Natural Hesoun e!'> Dden:.t-Council to cum pel the l ' S F.nv1ronmi•nt:il Protct'l11JO Agenc} to live up to a tll•:.idline St'l by Congress rnr J pro~ram tCJ implement lht· Tox11· Substan<'c!. Control A<:t Thl' 1mµu et is fell on fom1 pril.'es A:. insect:. c al more 1·1 ops and 1·vt•r mon• soph1st1 l'atccl chemical we aponry 1s tlt•\·e lopt>d to blHsl the m into obltv1on. food costs will go uµ THE OBV IOLS SOLL'TIO:'<. TO this dllcmm<t 1:. probably out of rcat"h Ito"' t·<.1n f;1m1ly farmers be calle<.I bJt'k ' Ito"' t·an lnM:.'t'lS ht-1·ontrolled whPn thev continue to ;_1daµt tot•ul'h Ill''-' pmson" ,\ :.t•t·ond rl'asnn 1s t•us11•r tu fi gure out It take~ murc l'XJll'lbl\C' g.1s t1J run the· maC'h1n L·n t hat is the kc\ tu largl'·srah· :.igrtl'Ulturt· ,1nd l<J tr•ms pon the produce from tu rm to shirt· \\'t• mu ... t ~.H1· !ht· fl•v. rl'maintng tumtl) fu rms and pre'il'f\'L' '>lit h '1t<1l ··h·mt·nt' a ... th1· hon"'' bL·t· ('11111 •·ntr:itt· mort• 1111 rL''-f'<Jr<'h to de\ cloµ :.afc .JOO 1•ft1•1 tl\t' t1•t·h 11olo~1L·s to 1·untr<1I <k strur t1H· in:,cct:. :hs1'"" mor1• L'J rl'f ull) lht 1 m pl~mcntallnn of pot en t1alb du ngt'flJl1s tc·ehnulog1L'"> .ind 1IL·\·t:loo oµti(llls th:it will n·plat'l' the d~rngL·rous k l hn1quc'> Stocks Post Gai1is Here a1ul There NEW YORK <A(' 1 The stock market ro:,c :.Llghll.) today as trudcrs :.h<1'ol.·cd some cautious optimism over the t'ncrev s1tu:.1t1on The Dov. Jone!' a\•e ragl· of 30 1ndustr1al il>sues was up I 54 points to 835 58 Advanc1n~ 1:.sues held New York Stt)ck Exchange .~lo•·k" 111 Tht> .4ttp•Ulighl NEW VOAtC i AP) \ttlft• ; om Ot•(«" dnd nrl (t\it"Of' Of fl'\f' 1111,..n mo\t ~< h vf" Npw Vo111. Stoc~ E.H,,dn~ •\~Uf'i'\ ''•d•,.Q ndt•O"•l•v ftf mo'"f' \hctn St S,..,,.,,,, R•I \ll OQO S\• (MS.trsWI" ' •O'l IOO I' • M1Hn1\<-hfQ 7~ 100 101, • 1 (IT Frn4n<I 1111 400 SI' •• -. GullUtGCD ;@6 100 n Tt•aco Inc I,,.. 10/J 1•·. AmPr I & f loJ 000 SI • un01•(hl ' HS JOO J7 • Oerr•Co 13'1100 J• E .. on 1J1,)0/J SJ'• (;I( Ttcll 110 000 1Q • PhrllpsPel lO'I a0tJ ~'• ISM \ 1()@ 000 17,. Occ•oen1 Pot 701600 ll B~llvM•q ' l•I 10/J <1'• • 1 •. .. '· .. N EW VORi.. APl Sttlf!'\,4 pm pr1c,.. .. 1~t~~·rl~"rt"r;oc~• "'~ .~~,,;o"t .~~~';; ltaa1no n,.11nn~11v ,,, mor,.. thM\ 'f Rt'rt l!"lt A JOt 100 •t, • . ,..,. co1nr m1 11•.aoo 10•. ' GIBa\ Pel •~.<00 1;•, Gt"l'\I E . PIOf 04 JOO , Ho110•tM o) ~ 70'• "'"'YOtl Q ol.~ )I Oom~P,.lr f'J ' &1000 '''°' ff'••n1A1r S• Mk) to Rep~YCp e>i I< 700 1'' • A ,,,m.•r .. o Q )0 ~ 11 an g 5 ed)o!e over losers on the l»•1u•.101u•!f. I 1·.-ra9.-• N EW YOR" ~Pl ~·~di Oo w ~ r3c ... ns ,. ~ .• ill t' r It q • ll tno 10 1 '" I) Ull 0 ~,. '""'' ''•" \Jffl\ O) ~I' N!;W YORll IAP Aa.,on1 rd Or th,,..'1 Un\ftd*"Ot"" TOldt !\\"""'' N#'fll l'l•qh~ N~,,., I #II'' "EW Yl.)U~ A uorn' tinitl µ, f•-.. •OY\ drlV w.,,_., <1l)C) Montn aQO (,.IJr .llr)D r •O ,,.(t," 600 J1tn 1 to dat,. IQll lo Gate ,.,, 10 Q,)9" Prt•• rocsc1v f.ld .. ~I~ <)I I"? 1'01 Ht JS) '""& ·-1' .. :o N 'f ")f0( 111 )d i .. ~ ll o/O 00 n .o.o.ooi )4 b80 000 J) oso.ooo (10..-0 lo !SO 000 J "' 190 '"' l JO& lSO 000 11>~ '"'° 000 WHA f AME:• 0 •0 At)w(tnt .. O O~<lln~ Unt"•"\IN I Ol•I "'"°" N•• h•Qn~ Nt .. tow\ A P o NEW YORK IAPI Nt w Yor~ \1lver S4 S~4 PH.,. 100d\I daY 10) ISJ i&1 "' loll 141 87) .. , 13 I} • 11 EnQtlll•rO~•l•tr~ S•• Mbr1C•te<U8.IO'I ...................... __ .,.., -DAILY PILOT ru..day. July 3. 1979 Television TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS ' I ., I I \ l -•G .. , ...... MIM"6 ""'-~' • cw arm ow-.... !,.--.uoNDOUM ee1w1aOPMM .... ~ s~._..•.-:w"Y .... --.~-.0 Ml tie.. CGn~ IO .......... -tied .. ~ --~w. Ov•ll 11n9•1 Yetty o.,,. ~· • M MAH 19tAW8 .. 1 .. 5=~ OICKCAWTT 0-1; Mor•-Adler (Part:1~~1 • "'°"*' UHlvt.Ne 'L..nar Geology'' Cl)~ 0 ....VGIWflN ~ ~dC~C>at· IMI .• Gr9gOfy Htr-Mao.- llne Kahn Grave Hatter 7:001== HlWLVW£0 GAME AacHEWS (I) JOQR'S WllO Penny Ma rshall as Lavern\.' ha~ a n animat ed discussion with her late motht:r m u ecmNcry on toni ght '~ Laverne and Sh1rlt·y at 8.30 on Channe l 7 • ILOWLUCY 8) 8ANFOfU> AHO 80N Judy makes Advances t~d Grady to Wtn hos SUj)pOrt "' her sct>eme 10 'Tlatry Lamo<!I &;) 2tTOMOHT m INTAOOUCING BIOLOGY ··1>1an1 NulrrtlOn • 7;3() fJ CIRCUS Hosts Cal OoOd. Snet1sse Laun1nce D YOUNG PEoPLE'S SPECIAL "My Father. My Btotl>er And Me" A Mextcan- Amerocan girl tells the sto- ry ot her migrant farm .. or~et lather's devohon to fll'f' and ttm mentatty- retaroeo brOtller 0 OATIHOGAME 0 S 100.000 NAME THAT TUHE 0 TIC TAC DOUGH • TWE BRADY BUNCH CD AOAM-12 Mllltoy end Roeo cope w•ln the tack 01 hollday sp1r11 on thelf tou1 ot Outy m MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT m NEWSCHECK (j) THE GONG SHOW llOJ HOU.YWOOO SQUARES 8:00 i) (J) THE PAPER CHASE Ehzabl'th s challPn91nq QuH llOn 10 9 v1S•lll\Q Supremt1 Court 1uSllC•• Pmborrusses botn r•er cl84smates and P•otes~<'• Chonn*91 Lbt in911 f) KNXT (CBS) Los Angele'> 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angetcs D KTLA (Ind ) Los AngHles 0 KABC TV (ABC! Los Anqeh·, fl) KFMB (CBSI San D iego Q KHJ TV (Ind) L os AnqP.i<•'> t.!6°' KCST (ABC) San Diego G) t<TTV (Ind) Los Angelt>!' (!) KCOP TV (Ind I Los Anq"" fl!) KCE f· fV (PBS) Lo~ Anod•·~ m KOCE-TV (PBS) Hun11nqto n HP 1c:r. lo.1ng~114110 1AI 0 THE RUNAWAYS A tooo·ager 1>e1nQ Pff'~ 'ured by hos N•lt.Ob tn measure up 10 n1•. IJI" 0111 t'r brOfhet •S dt1vttn to lhe •"'Qtl ot a n61 YOUb b• ""~ oown D MOVIE •• " rnrl.JO! Gun~ F O• Te.as ( t9681 Nev1th; Brand. Peter Brown A 11>0 or Te.as Ranger-; 1'9hl tneor wfty lrom Of'le 11a1t to the next (? n111) 0 @) HAPPY DAYS Fonzie turns Rolph into a dashing rom&ntoc white Marton translOfmS Lea•ht'f Tuscadeto onto a tov~y lady tor a m<llta1y ball (RI B MOVIE • •'I ' Beach B911 I 196'j) E:dO Byrnes Chrrs Noel "aced WI'" lf!p()S~ess1on QI tneir 1ns1rumun10 tl cnllPQ" mus.cat grO<Jp po<;e~ ,1s g111s to ""'" tnA noct<ssary money 1n d mus1cJI c.ontest ( I hr 30 min I ID LAST Of' THE ORE.AT AMERICAN HEROES ol\ Tr •buto Tri John wa~n,. Cl) MOVIE • • •' 1 (..lin\ At BatJSI t t'lb4t R1rn.11n ol\tt••nnor ovg11 J.ck Hawtllnt A p•oloc;Ol·M•nded lrllltll nltleet ·~ to COQC*'· Mia With ret>ela In lltl Altl LAn naoon (II h<• I ID IWNINQ AT PON On Th• Cap1an•d•" Artnut Fledtaf and 11'141 hneton Popa 0<~1\ftlrt """"" a 4111 ot July petty ~onc.t1 on ,,... bank• 01 tn. Ch1111e8 RNer wtlll Mua.C by Sou... Hanoel "itrauu Ottenb.:n •nd 1c;n111kov•ky 1 1812 Ov~tur" 11c;companled Dy 11ow11t1t1• and lire· WOl~l ('°'I 6B ATTHE WHtTE HOV8E "'"""'.,'' ~ y,. <:ar1e1 '"° tnat• g.-1s are ent11< l••ood by Andres Segovia "*an ot c1autc:at gun arrais '" IM EHi Room OI tr'fl White House l '*J 0 (lJ} LAVERNE & 8HIALEV Shirley toot1$ lo "61P l"v· '" rlt! llCCOl)I the tact """ ,,.,, ,.,(),,_ "0680 by l&k '"II L "v~., ne to tne g• a•P •ne (Al 8) THE 000 COUPLE FAii>. os tormenteo wh•m roe 1.,orns that nos 1t•·w1tu t• d111tn9 tne brotnor ot Oscar s gortlt1end 9:00 f) ()) CBS MOVIE • • · Thaddeus Rose Ano E Odoe (19781 Johnny Casn June Carter Casn I wo no-account budO~ 1n " small Te.as tOwrt hnO thumst'lves in trouDle with 1nu 18"' ano tMtr girt· 111.,ndl 1>ec;ause ot thAor 1n1\b1hty to lace '"81tty (RI 0 EMERGENCY! While atten01ng a coriven tton on San F r&nc1sco pt11ameo1cs Gage ano C>ftSoto nelp a cnok1nq conven11oneer and cotm .1n ftnr&ve<S smpet 0 ®\ THREE'S COMPANY Ctirl~sy ataoOentallv .. 111s J11c\l'q ontrv 1n a 1Jak1n9 compe111o0n and 1110s •n .:ov..., ner m1stdkll Dy qub· s111u1tnq an •01>nhcat pa~1ry 11om a b"kti•\ •Al 8) MERV GRIFFIN Gunsts Fh:.ndrd Ch.,mhf't tnm Gr!l<JO"< H1n~s MdOu ""'' K.1hn Gr J19 Nt<ttlf'' M«lbe Monrt' m MASTERPIECE THEATRE 1 Clauo1u~ W tl1;t •,r ,11 WP 0. At,out Cl:lu,1•u". t 1ttud1U\ ,.., . 1t1\.•3P.d to on tint>f' plny~n\1 t~ •dint 'ol'lrn11 .... pl""' .. r., m 1dt1 to• h1 • marriagf' l 1v1a an~mpt~ 10 1n~ure l•h•HhJ~ ::,.ut. e~~•Ort tn '"" 1ht0"'' IRI 9:30 0 (10J TAXI TUBE TOPPERS KNBC It 7 30 -"My Father. My Brother and Me.·· The story or a migrant fa rm worker's devotion to his son and daughter is to}d by the daughter. K C ET 9 8 :00 "On the Es pl a nade " Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops celebrate the Fourth of July one day early on the banks of the Charles River. KCET@ 9.30 "The MMT Story." Documentary traces the construction of the multi pl t>-m1rror telegraph on Mt. Hopkins m Ari zona Alell arranges e bhnO oa1e IOt ftetne end .. CIUIZY pa~· senge• wno turns out 10 Off a US Congresbm11n (RI 0 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH "The Mytn 01 MAtflllQtt fD MIRROAS ON THE UNI\/ EASE rne MMT S•o•v Tne constr\.1Ct1on ot th<; mull•· pt., m1rro1 tt>te.Copu tl•Qh on Mt Hopkins on 1'0•Jthorn Arizona 1s oocumon100 tO:OO D D NEWS 0 ®J 13 QUEENS BLVD M1to1ed ieorn' somt<l""'ll bta1t11ng aoout tne hond some. m10ate-09t1<1 i:.ua• netJsmAn .shn 1!. hu~mo • 1omor-11c thng w11h (!) NIGHT GALLERY A F"a•I Of BIOM A 'iPv,ned suitor dfiCtdtt't tt1 gPt baei< al h•~ Qorllrr•1n<I l nl' l dSI lauH.I A D.Jld IY180 m.;n b<JI ... ,.,~ lhOI n1~ Wtlf' and dOCIOf OIA h.J•onQ '" atraor f1ll YIOOISH· THE MAME· LOSHN A tllbull' l'l Y10d1sh ''"' 11rn .,,pres,1ve IAngu•lll" lf\Jt tor centut1f;~ wtl~ fh(~ "'Otl>er tonqu1t ot mo'' ~ uropean Jft."N~ fPl'}fUI rnQ CJ.tv1d C,1A1nln:1q Ht•r~c.h,~I ti~rnaro· le-<• RC\!ih' ,tnl.J "1USI( o,, ,,, •. ,Ch 1'Y-1r111m fii) NEWSCHECK 10.30 0 1Yo MY BUDDY Tt'11' ptop11t~• r lAPC1CI f ()•,,I o f ii rtP•c'lllhO•llooO b·ll ,,nu Qnll tntwnt~ a fc\f I tn•• t m,mf.10n .H'O .t c1·upt11 1t11·111 ,"Id entt•r<. h•Qh 'u<.1t•I., mm MEWS fii) VOTERS' PIPELINE CO<Jnl'f &-<11 Ho•t J•"' (,.l(,\t, ... 11 oo e0 0 '! 10 NEWS 0 MAKE ME ~UGH ()MOVIE • • "Who Kiiied Mitty wnat s 'Et Name'" I HH 11 Rea Bunon• Allee Play· !otn A 1et11ed l>O•llr oec•des to oecome .i ~oeutn ahe< t~ mu1oat ot '4 streetwallle< '2 n1s I 8) 8£0TIME STORIES (!) BENNY HILL SHOW Benny.'" h15 West Country LMr&Ctflf, goy95 lhe 00!>1 .tOvlCfl that a ta1h111 cari ~e to ,,.s S'ln W OICI< CAVETT Guet.t Morltml'• AO•e' tpen :lot :n I 1·30 £) BARNABY JONES A pub I Sh1n1J I ;r.oon 'J•~ .. ,, 1•10ParO•l&l1 Wh..,.. ,, P"''<Cln he tlort.>d years l'<0•he1 to •K.CllPI " murOAI IJP lllreJfllnS In 8•P<lW n1m (Rt I) WIMBLEDON UPDATE Bud C.ollrn~ l"<l (J c • I r nbf'fQ l)IPS(•nr noqr •Qhl • nl t"ft 0 .. 11 •, u'"hvil tPS 1n f P"lt~ O,.•'SttQtf.U..1\ fPnf'11 rO<JrnomMI loo m London £r-gtdnd 0 DICK VAN OYKE fi<;D' frti!nOS,..IP ""'" Jtt"'f ,~ aimotJ1 OMtroveo " • tOw Ov01 J f'\t'49noor s t.t d t1 'l'~slawn 0 t~ .A8C MOVIE .. *. rronr., ,,,,. •• Jon f 1n< ti AtH:. McCnw ... " Ah '"'''"P muroP'*'' ~tr.in 11~ 1 \to,,..., ot #.~frt!n r,1 ID THE GONG SHOW (!) GET SMART COl~T ROI ma~l"S d j1<.1 11'¥tln K1n~ey K'tStr•n u .. t1ncl W'1lfJ '"' ..... ( "df'9t!' fl)t ,, I <.t of Pn t•m) c1qt"f'\t-=. a;) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 8 STAR TREK hA f nl~''1'•'-tt" ,JnrJ t-. , ... w d,.t th't'l1f•~nPd n;,1 "' QOmOlele l .... 1 rnlNiOn Of contacting a new g•llllY t ua Q TONGHT Ouett 11oe1 em Coeby Guuta: Olelt S"ewn. Do Way,,. Dyer, BIN 8.ioga 12:00 9 TWIUOWT ZOHI! Ed LlndMy "" an old r adlo. wfllCh only plcil • uo old rlldlo tlhowa • Al.FAE> HfTCHOOCIC PM8EHT8 ' Bull In A Chin& Sh<>O A quartet 01 el~ly women try to gain tile 1nenhon ot a llend:some detect1111 Cl) OETSMART Mu llas to ttg"t h11 way to tne attar 10 be on llmtt 10 Q!I manieO tfa} 2t TONIGHT 12".30 8 MOVIE *'• ··0emon Barber Ot Fleet Street ' P9361 Tod Sl1ugnte•. Eve Litter W&l~lleeled CUllOmets ol ;i ce<la1n b&rbe< shoe> ltno tnemsetves on f Of sorne- t ll1ng OeaOty (1 hr ; 75 min i 8) MOVIE • • • A Song To Remember I ·~~l Paut Muni, Co1net w11oe Cnop1n s heart breaks ov"' h•S love tor George Sllno Ille l:Ml8Ullf\JI rtOY6llS1 12 llrs) (!)MOVIE • • · Hatcllet For A Honeymoon f 19701 Ste- pnen ForSytN! Oagma1 l"~no& Newtywea 9ir15 .are murOered with ii sirve< hatcllet by a man wflo r~befs m<><& ol r11s past wnl'I each k1111rig 11 hr 30mlf'l t f[' MOVIE • • , Crrme Scnoo1 r 1QJ8) Humpnrey BOQ<1rt ()eB(l Eno K•O\ A wo•deo 'truqgte~ •o 1urn ft c.oou pt r,:iif0fma1ory 1nro 1ttP r"'1o h1hta tt0n C....,h ·t If Wd'", oe'ilQ"OO 10 bf> 1;> nrs , 12.40 f) C8S LATE MOVIE •• ', Th.P l l'QAMcJ OJ va1en11no 1197St F111no.o Ne10 Suzdrin.-Pt~ht<l!H t ~ ht& .ind mvtn r>r lht- t420!t s1•'""' ~ u_...~n Ujt "i c1omo1tz~ t-00 () MAVERICK l,,._M?nf'y M I" •• t 15 Q TOMORROW r,uP-Sh f11m d~'~ tl')t . D '" fr 'rarPI, dnO UPt•'-1'' h,1m&tr) Brolnt•' T,.t<I'' J(11 ,_. o1 ... 11.-.n1c It•"" hu • r 11 cJ f'IOrr(H mO .. >f 1IJI 1 •50 NEWS 1S51) NEWS 200 1) MOVIE •• Tn1• H ~•"<1 f t rfb• t tt. '\E:q fOJ '> ,._.,1r1r1 •,,po,, Gy"t A "'••' 1D1'u' In lf+"t.Hf) '1t)tt111'.t (lifQrH"l1J t..o("' I 1m..-ifl f: rt~tft 111 '" f " tr f' OUNy rnut<*ad. (1 hr., 25 min) Cl MOV1a *•*•;"TM Wey AMMld" ( 1944) Oevld NMHI, Stan· l4ly Hollow9~ .., GET""'-'"' The Smerta thin\\ that the Chief hat gone dllft w.,.,. ne """' r~ • b4Nu· 11tutwom•n • 2:t60 NfW8 2':30 • MOVIE • • 1;, Jenn1t11t" f 19!>31 Howatd Dull, Ida LuCMno Cl) NEWS a:M I HEWS 3:0I MOVIE • • '> "A S101en ltt\I" t 1146) Bene Oiav1&. Glenn F0<d 3:250 HEWS ~D MOVIE -. * "CrtlMS At Tho Oitr~ House" ( 19401 Too Slaughter 4:000 MOV1E • • 'Tile Balll.i Ot Neret- va ( t97 t) Yul Btynner, H8f0y Krug0< 0) MOVIE • Monster From The 5urt f 1963) Jon Hatt. Sue Casey Wedne•dapfs Boyt imt-·"ori*9• 10:00 0 • • • "It's A Bog Country t 1952) Gary C00()6r Janet Leogll. A '""es ot l'~ht SIQflOS '18CICI Qu11h1oes 1n l)OOl>te th~t lliive made Ame<rea great (I nr 30 mm ) 12:00 0 • • • • "Tne Omegans" I 1968) Keith L11•sen. 1ngt1d Pitt A wortd-<enowned nfl•" discovers tnat nos w1IP 1s n11v1nq an allair ana p•Ols to kill ner I t hr JO min) m •• l•qn1n1ng Bolt 1 t91i71 Al'tllony Eisley, Wand1sa Leigh Cape Ken- n"f.ly become, lhtl 1a1get ot s.ibOteurs ( 1 hr . 50 mint 3:00 YO • • • • ·Tne Brooge 011 TIW! R••O• Kw&1 (Po<l . 1 •9~71 W11t•am MOIOen 1\ "r Uu1nn~').$ Ounnq l/nJtld W (lr ti a 9 , hsh t ttr1ne1 ..tnd h•'· ni1:1r1 ,. ;" omo Pttn C'll d p11 ... on l,1tJ01 ~urnr, 'l°""\l IOtGOO DY tntt Jun.•n•1'4.• 10 nu114'1 tt '"1'" b' 1dUt 1 ' tt• JO _,.,,n I 3300 •• l .. rtnV-. T1't> • , nq SduCt" ~ I t'!!lbl t• Q!'t MRtfnwe Jo 1n ",,1vr f,;t1tl'nt1c ts o n Etuln t. '"'"••'~ dll ... f'\ lnrCt4$ plan- Q In d•'"'h!Qldl(' E.inn h lfltTWl I 'Natural' Dost May Replaee Carson MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE By PF.TER J . BOYER LOS ANGF.LES (AP) Johnn} Carson's 1mpcnd1ng abdiction of hi:. la te-night reifdom has s urfaced an entire population of heirs appa rent. Anyone "ho has ever cracked a JOke has been mentioned os Curson's replacement on "Tonight .. Rill Cosby, Robert Klein. Ma rtin Mull. Tom Snyder. J ames Schles· Teachers See 'Tube' As Kids' Motivator DETROIT <AP) -Teachers who a few years ago were bemoaning their pupils' infatuation with television's silly situation comedies and cartoons t hey count the nu m ber C')f c-om mercial minutes 1n an hour and write the number as a fraction are welcomin~ Mork and Ork and his \'ET ANOTHER mathematics e x· TV colleagues into their classrooms. e r c i s e pro c1 u c e d r es u 1 t s M s . ·'Television is a ver y strong Ma uerhan cites as evidence of the motivator.'' e xplained Caroltne need for teachers to confront rather Mauerhan. a fifth grade geacher in tha n ignore TV the Baltimore County, Md .. school When the c hildren were asked to district. "And the more s uccessful g raph the number of television sets we are in motivating them <stu-owned by each o r their families, dents), the more successful we are 1n some of the m r e ported they hatl teaching them... seven MS. MAUE RHAN, WHO is attend· No wonder then, Ms. Mauerhan tng the 17th a nnual meeting of the noted. that "When you say something National Education Assol'iation here. a bout TV, you ha ve all eyes and ears is one of a number of teachers acros~ on you. All of a sudden, you've got m· the country who have r ecently begun stant attention .. lo use television as just another tn BOTH PENNY Church. a third· structional tool, like films trips and grade teacher from J ackson, N.J .. textbooks. and Ms . Mauerhan stressed their Other t e ach ers are making belief that guiding youngs ter s television a subject of its own. Their through television viewing and hav· aims are to show children how TV ing them closely examine what is on often blurs the distinctions between the air Wlll encourage those ch1ldren fantasy and reality and how com· to be more selective TV viewers - mercials are des igned to sell a pro· e ven when they view for pleasure. d uct and are not meant as factual tid-and not for homework. bits. Miss Church was trained lo teach Ms. Ma uerhan's fifth graders study her television ''lileracy" course by the way Mork, an alien from outer the New Jersey Coalition for Better s pace in the program "Mork and TV Viewing, whose members include Mindy," misuses the Englis h the state education and bar associa· la ng uage:. they compare the way lions, the PTA and the American s chool is taught in the 1970s with the Medical Association. way it's taught In the pioneer days "We belie ve that television can be depicted in "Little House on the beneficial," shf' said. "It isn't all Prairie" and, as a math exercise, good , but It isn't all bad." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~- THE LINE 8£TWEEN LOVE ANO DEATH IS THE BlOOOUNf:.. mger. l hl' peanut man at Dodger S tadium all 1n the run nin g Nothing agatnsl <m y of these fellows 1espec-1ally the peanut manJ. lm t I'm bettint! on one Da vid Letterman. a gap-toothed comic from lndlana l 'D NEVER HEARD of the i!U) un t1l lJ~l Wl•ek. when he hosted J "Tonight" ~ho w du ring one of Carson's many absences lfe seeml'll right. somehow. already broken·in . :\1o!>t "Tonight" guest hosts. in · cludlnl! ~ome or the hest comics tn tht> bu'>tn<:ss . c:o llapsc a fter the monologue T hat's because the) an• com1ts. not talk show hosts Let terman was runny and relaxed during the opening bit. and <·arr1ed that c·omposure to the desk with him He's bri ght and quick · hb humor 1:. s u b tle. b ut not 1n vis1ble llis personality is M idwesl pleasant He 1s. li ke Carson. a natural THOUGH IDS RESUME 1s rather thin some guest shots, !>Orne eom edy writing. some failed pilots NBC signed Letterman to a two-ye;,sr exclusive tontracl a couple· of weeks ago. and this week t \\' <' d n c ~ d a ' th rough Frida~·, hl''s bae k o n ··To n iitht " I t seems a good l1ml· to talk to this gu~ li e :.ho w!> up late. wea ri ng a Ha w a iian s hirt li e or d l'rs a (' mineral watl'r. lie LETTERMAN says he jogs I didn't say h<' was perfect I l 1sn t exactly 1 good form for a young, relalilllA!-unknown comedian lo talk wilh~rter about the bus1· ness of taking over such a pos ition "IT WO ULD MAKE me really s ad if he were to leave the show," he s ays of Carson. ·'The only disappoint· ing thing about hosting the show is th at Carson isn't there. I would really miss him if he left. There would sud- denly be a void. You hale to see him go, and if he does. you realize there's no IA a) :-ou c·ould rcplal'e him It s not t'\'t•n something you tons1der. Okay Rut surc•ly something ts .ifoQt ' Yeah. I gt't lht' reeling that .,omt>thmg 1s happening I !>lccp a lot le~"· I "ake up tn the morrungs IAOr rit•d 1 ·m 1A orr1<~·d now. I knC')w :.omt'lh.tng is happening I'm JUSl not t crtain where it'" goin g to end .. LETTERMAN IS a fan of Carson's, a rtd. 1t ~cems ;i student. Lt'tterman on Car..,on · Jl <''s the bt>sl. hl· ., lht· defm1t1H' personality for that Hh1c-ll'. lfl·.., '~·ry smart. but what I think 1s mort• important than anyth1n1-: els<' If. !ht• 1wrsonality You li ke the guy. hl'., nut gonna steer you wrong ·Carson's your hip fr1cnrl . who ~ou So . Coast ,., ~·' .·1·1 l ••08rt\I01 l •tt ~~'""0 THE MUPPET MOVIE (GI U -74-64 10 ~s·'"O OlSCOUNn She will llnd you• PROPHECY (PG) 112~ 10 PLAYERS (PGI I 2·Q0.4 1 M .IO FOUL PLAY (PGI 1 IM»IO JI f,. #)Q .. ,_, •I l"V I f#ol'PQ\ •.) lt'l .nt.Yrn p.l'f"I' ... f()'\i , "" .,,,,,.,,,,,ry l1' "n"""' ('"()r'f#I'! ~"-"*""'""Io, /h{••I ~"'°'" ... , ........ .A ••• ,.,, "•· '-··· ,, ' Al Jff f'l 4 A,,_ I~)( ~ tt ti.I •'I t !~ l lM! '1 +I t-t V Ill °" l 1 llJ...-t ,. i ~I u11"A1''{)"1 n• a II y la ke You k 1 nd of \Hl 11 to sl't.• .. •••••••••• '-::=-:=---===----====-=-' how he goes. lhl'n ) ou ~a~. Yup. -tha t·~ n l!ht ' " r---:;:"""HYP=-=~N.-;-::O=:r:~-:-::--;:=--=--:=-::==-'X':!:-. -., An a!>tute appraisal I d :-.uggest 1t fits Letterman. ;,s.., w<•ll You ltke the guy Billy Graham· Films Segment Of 'Hee Haw' NASHVILLE. Tenn <AP> - E vangelist Billy Graham has found a new puJpit for his Gospel preachings "Hee Haw." the down-home com edy·variety televis ion program. David Ward . a pro g r a m spokesman. s aid Graham has viewed and approved the segment of lhe syn. dicated program in which he appears near the end. The prog r a m t e n t ati vely is scheduled to air Sept 29. Ward said The segment was taped June 21. before Graham beJ?an his crusade in Nashville In the segment, accordini: to Ward, Graham says. "Thl' Bible has humor and God has a sense of humor .. he has to have a sense or humor when he looks down here at some of us." Laura Antonelli -{',..,), !:-114"' NBC T\.' '' Marcello Mastroianni ~ifeillistres~ ~ -I PORT I · ,•• 1 r ··~. '" ... •1• •:" 4 " '' t .• , SUB· TITLES SUNDAY MATINEE 2:00 P.M. WINNER s A~~! ~~DSl I J . I I I lDWAllOS' CINEMA WlST CtlllDDMI Wr~.f"11f't\fe' 80,l .SJ'j ' t .. 1 I J: ua CINlMA J"• ~·· STADIUM Ol'IVE·lll Ot•"QI' b 19 A1ll NOW PLAYING UU "LIZA Stea 529·~339 UACfMMAI Wntm1nster 893·0S.6 £DWMDI' •lWPORT CINEMA Newpon Beach 644 ·0760 ITAOtUM•Yl·lll IAOM f ~shion N ewport Island Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR Orange 639·8770 f ,. ' . -.... -----------.... MOVIES I ENTE.RTAINMENT Arizona Focus: Money State Goea All Out for On-location Films PHOENIX, Arh. CAP > - .Producen oever know for au.re .-bet.Mr a mov .. abot on loc•lion l• 1o&al to make any money but dollar a1pa •tart duelq In tbt •)'e9 o1 loeal meJ"c:banta u IOOn u a fUm crew rolla lnto town. It took aoveromeot a while to realise what an immediate and dramaUc impact a movie can bave on a local ffODOmy, but in the put 1$ yean &be lectalaturea of 40 atatet have tel up otf\cea to lure the cam e ra s from Hollywood Three Signed For 'Cowboys' HOLLYWOOD <AP> -J erry Reed. Tom Selleek and Morgan F19lr child star in the CBS movie "G'he Concrete Cowboys," now in production. The movie, being filmed in and around Nas hville, will also feature appearances by country music stars Barbara Mandrell and Ray Stevens . It is about two young men who arrive in Nashville to search for a missing singer -a search which becomes in c reasingly dange rous a s they near the truth Singer Faces Death Charge ATLANTA <A P ) -Rock singer Nigel Olsson, whose "A Lillie Bit of Soap" is among the na tion's hit songs . h as been c h a r ged with v e h i c ular homicide in the death of a 58· year-old Atlanta man. The Fulton County P olice Department said Olsson was charged with failure to ~top at a s t o p s ign a nd v e hi c ul a r homicide afte r the accident which killed Charles Strain. TRI RAS a ESlll.T f:D In s ome hea lth y com 11ct1t 1un a mon1 the a i e nc 1t-". wh1d1 11nerally art as lla1son11 lind lr> to put producers In tou1•h with retallen who can provide Rood!! or urvlce1 nffdt'd by the film or Ila crew. Ari&ona enterHJ th" c-ompeu tlon ln 1971 and has hc:en no slouch in the rh airy umong the states, at'cordlng to William t: Macc allum. dlrt>ctor of the sttttt- Motlon Pict ure Dt>velopmcnt Of rice. "Often a script calls for a C<'r ta m location and the ~cenes CM only be shot there," M acCallum :.a id. "But If the film can be made anywhere Wt> fct>l \\l' have an advantage " FOR ONE THJNG. Ar izona 1s closer to Hollywood than any of the other competing states. and JS less expensive lo shoot in than California . The Screen Actors Guild, for example, reqwres that extras appearing in a production shot within a 300-mile radius of Los Angele& be paid $120 a day "We don't have that require- m ent here." Maccallum said. ··A producer ca n round up as many extras as he needs for on- ly $30 a day." IN ADDITION, Maccallum has published a fe w glossy brochures and put ads 10 movie trade publications to dispel the common misco n ception o f Arizona as a cow skull. cactus and sage-Uttered desert. P ublic r e la tio ns photos highlight metropolita n aspects of P hoenix and Tucson. Indian c ulture and the green wooded areas , c r yst a l la k e s a n d sn ow capped p eaks of many northern areas of the state In 1978, Ar izona productions included eight feature films. 13 te levision movif's of the week, pilots and series, 25 industrial films and docume ntaries. and more than 200 commer cials. 1nJ( ft1 ('hard C r t nna a n d t:ll.rnlwth Ashley. a nd ''Child Stealer. · wi th He1tu Bridges. hoth of whlth were shot mostly in lht· Pl\oc'tllx a rea M 1H·Callum 's ofhce. which has only vrw other i:ola ff er and a $1 15,000 buJKl'l for the fiscal )ear, t•host! the ldevis1on series 'Tht• Ore.con Triul" for a study on lht" t"l'Ono m1c effect of film produt>t1on on a region. DtlRING THE SUMM ER of 1977. total short run spending by the productJon company in the f"l agstuff trade area totaled $1,337.244, including almost $200,000 fo r hotels and motels. about $160.000 at eating and dnnkmg establishments . more than $313,000 for the use of local households, amost $38.000 for recrt:ation and a musement and more than $20.000 for hardware and build.mg mate ria ls. Total fi lm production com- pany spend10g 1n Arizona last year was est im a t e d a t $16 million. an increase of about $11 m illion O\.'er l9TI FOR THE MOST part. Mac· Callum said. film crews have been well-behaved and most of the time local chambers of com- merce are onl y loo ha ppy to welcome new product ions. Rut there have been excep· tions. mcluding incidences of un paid hotel ball:.. proverbia l "wild Hollywood parlaes," and one re- port that "some members of a crew were shoot10 g craps on a gra\.'cstonc in a cemetery ... MacCallum s:i1d "Tha l was n't <ippn ·c·iated " Singer Goes To Disco S tyle HOLLYWOOD tAP> -Barbra Streisand. who has m astered virtually every musical style. takes on a new one -disco - for the sound track of "The Mam Eve nt." She s tars in the film as a cos- meti cs m an ufactu r er who AP WI~ Hot lazz Among the top performers a t New York's 10-day annual Ne wport Ja~z Festival were John W. Bubbles. a bove. and Earl Kl ugh. Cannon in Comedy HOLLYWOOD (AP > -Dyan Cannon s tars an Pa ra mount "; "Coast lo Coasl · as a Beverly I h tis heiress who flees crosc; country wi~h a truck d river to escape her husband 's efforts lo ha ve her declared insane The fi lm 1s described as being m tht· tradition of the clussic comedic·-. of the 1930s ., .. T~. July 3. 1979 DAIL V PILOT •• Sum1ner Fare 'Gang' Entertains Kids By ROBERT OSBORNE n. .... 1.,_.~ For most kids. s ummer means swimming holes. packs of popsictes and at least one Disney caper at the Bijou. They're in luck this season with "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again." a sequel to Walt Disney productions' 1975 moneymaker with Tim Conway and Don Knotts again playing a pair of Inept outla ws in the Old Weal. It's a spunky cartoon <of the non·anlmat ed va riety> which should tickle the nippers and en· ( J tertain mom and pop as well. MOYIE REYJEW Good grosses seem a cinch . _ _ IT COMES AS no s urprise that the film has been neatly pro· du c e d <th a t 's a D isn ey tradema rk ). broadly directed and performed <a Disney ten· dency > and no more complicated than the tale of the lhree little kittens (the Disney planners ob· viously know their audience>. But a few extra assets exist in this programmer . a script <by Do n Taill loaded with plot TM£ APPLE OUM .. LINOOANO lllOESAOAIN p,o<h;ftr\ 0•,-•'10' Yrf'ttttOl•Y' C.1n~m•tUQr•P'I• M U\f( tl-Vl1i.t Hon M 1fl•' Tom Lttt<" \lol\C~nt M<EllMIY Don l•ol ~ '•nk PruUtpS e.-v a. ... Tttftfh<Oktr C•" Tom COtnodY. Oon ICllOtl\ Tom M.tt,....\On, ltt t'lnf'f" Md'"· Et)\\.cl D•vctlo,, J'C ~ [l4m Robtrt Pinr Horrv MOrQan. fh.1tn Butt•. Auar.-v fott" A1cM rO .._ S~ctttl"r.,. J<>"n (rawtOf'd (fttf C'l\mono Morqan Paull '>Iv C.tll••"'· CM>•'lf' C~•ndler A"'nnrf\Q I tf'f'Ml """"Utt'\ MPAAr•ll ... G t u rmoil and scene changes. jokes which don't over-strarn, neat action sequences a mid the clowning and a cast that knows how to deliver. Disney-style The only ttung massing as moppeL'> It's unus ual <but r efresh m g J for a Disney picture that there's no one an camera range who hasn't reached pubf:rty K NO'ITS AND CONWAY pick up where they left off 10 "The Apple Dumpling G an~" and 1m m ediately get innocently en volved in a bank heist . mistaken as the looters. a nd on the la m from a d e l erm 1 n c d s he riff na med Wooll y 8111 lfatchcock r Kenneth Ma r sJ who i,la lks them to the musical ~trams of "High Noon." Things continue to get bun~l~d when the boys gel trapped into m ilitary service at a fort run by Harry Morgan . who's tn trouble because someone is raiding his supply wagons. Tim Matheson is under suspicion oo tha t count, and he's s mitten with Morgan's daughter. Elyssa Dava los. who's engage d to the r e a l c ulprit <Robert Pine l. BEFORE TIDNGS GET sorted out . Knotts and Conway bum down the fort. get tangled with a dude na med Bag Mc <Jac k Elam l. do a can-can in drag and. ultimate ly. s nafu a major train robbery. All in a day·~ work. When the sun finally sets. they nde off into the sagebrush. pro bably heading towards a th i rd "Apple Dumpl in g .. chapter Knotts. as usual. 1s extremely funny. alway~ incorporating some tr uth into ha s comedy, even when sla pslickmg. Conway 1s less successful s10ce he over· plays lhe scht1 ck. leaving the 1 mpress1on he thanks he's far more hilan ous than he reall) 1s Doing les~ would have served him better 8l'T EVE RYONE ELSE 1., either comical. convincing or at tractive Much of the fllm10g was done on lol·a uon m Sonora ICaltf > a n d Ka n ab < t ah 1. and c mc mato~raphcr Frank Phillip., look advanta~c of the scenic op porturull~ Contributors nn both -,a de~ of the l·amera seem to have worked with enthusiasm. and there's no reason lo beh~ve reaction from i.ma ll ,frv a u· d1ences wtll be any different. Olsson , who was a drummer for seven year s with Elton John's band, was hospitalized in good condition after the acci· dent. AMONG THEM WAS the re· cently-released feature "Wanda Nevada," starring Peter Fonda and Brooke Shi elds. which was shot in Prescott, Ma rble Canyon Page and the Grand Canyon. becomes the m anager of a box· .---------------------- "NOT ONLY AS GOOD AS THE FIRST 'B<JTCH AND S<JNDANCE,• BUT BETTER." er. played by Ryan O'Neal. Others included "Fare In the Sky." a television movie featur- On the sound track her soar ing voca l st yle is wedded lo the po· tent dance rhythm of disco. NOW PLAYING WA ,WA EOWUOS' ClltlMA CDITUI MAlllOR l lYD ORIWH ll 8rN !129·!1339 Cosia Mesa 979·414 l "'"'J An• ot 1 • OllAllOE MALL EOWlllOS' Cllll MA wnr Or4nq~ b37 0140 Westm1ns1e< 8QZ 4493 MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "THE MAIN EVENT" (PG) "MOON RAKER " (PG) "ROCKY II " (PGl "LOST AND FOUND' (PG) "NIGHT WING " (PGl "BLOOOllNE" (A) "LOOKING FOR MR. GOOOBAR" "THE IN-LAWS" ( l "WHO 18 KILLING THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE?" {PG~ fl~v~r mmm~m ~c1~ ~ · ... ,_I ~ I 1:t•M=-!!YAl~t!J '·. \,. BREA PLAZA PLITT CITY CENTER Brea 529 ·5339 Orange 634·9282 SOUTH COAST BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN Costa Mesa 546·2711 Buena Park 821·4070 ....,... Lois Chiles Michael Lonsdale . o.. Richard Kiel .... Ccmne Clery ,_,.,Albert R.Broccoli -11tlewis Gilber ._....,.,Christopher Wood ...,..,John Bany l,.a.,Hal David ~~.,Ken Adam c......,,.._,Mlcilael G.Wdson --wu11am P. Cartridge ,_ .. _. ,1.__ __ _ If S lHE CANINE COMEDY CAPER OF THE CENTURY' ~Al.L6N DIANE KEATON MICHAtl MURPHY MARIEL Hf MING~AV MEl1YL STPEEP ~NEBYRNf: 'MANHATTAl\I GtCX-~ GEPSH'l/v'IN A JACK r.iot.UNS·CHARlfS H .101 H .. ,.,¥, w(X)ov ALLEN"" MARSHALL Rflt('KMAN WOOov µLL(N ''PLAYERS" ··HEAVEN CAN WAlr (pO) ....._,..,~ 1-1.1-~-. ,_\::1..,.-,.A._V"'" -.. ....... 11• CHARLES H .OFE r.'()f>ff)T l ·r."f rNt tJl G0000N WILLIS "JAWS" "THE CAR" (PO) "THI! DEER HUNTER" (R) _ ':,TH' BOYS IN COMPANY C" M.&. D•UYS.INI Of'S .. kJIP.M.NtMfnT Ctll .. u..-er 'I ,,.. U11lett • Kl9•1e ~\'tfOllft• ...... .,..... ..,,,.. "1 .. ,.,. ................ .._.. lllCHA•D G REN IE •. Co.,.,opolll•n r THE EARLY DAYS -...,.. ... ~ ..... ..-.-aP"G_..,... • .,._....- HELD OVER! The FIRST Certified Crazy Person's Comedy. f PETER ·FALK ALAN ARKIN . lal;'!=.:-o:; PETER FALJ< • i\lAN Am<IN In An ARTHUR Hill.ER Film -nu:. IN-lAWS" Music by JOHN MORRIS · Executtw Producer Al.AN ARKlN Writtft\ by ANDREW BERGMAN Produced by ARTHUR HtU.ER and WIWAM SAO<Hl:IM ... IWLV~OT , TUMCSav. Juiy 3. 1119 -..., ...... .,,..,,"------. • ..,.,._Moo ... ea•-"-.. ,_, AUIN111 U iMeJ.OOet.OOeltOO & IO:JO ..__ __ J 70MM o.l"r ·-,......,. ........ .-) ,,,~!'.::..!... ...._ ..., ••• ....._... ....... 007 1131~31·9~10 MOONUKHfl'Ol ,, ..... ,., t\h •MS' 879·98f>O ......... ,, tl\U1t•\I 879·98!">0 ......... , " ti lt•t• \I 879 98~0 \llMt••'" '*"'· ... ,, 821-4070 ltOO I J1H I ••OO e l 1JO & I 1100 .,. ................... . ,.O,HCCY 1..01 121JOl21~1)0 .. ,JOll1)0 I IOtlO .,,. .., .._ ,. -. "'° ...... h .,,.,.,, NIGtfTWINO fPO) l21•J I 2.tO I •t4J 1.00 • ltOO a 11100 Pf't:C f•LI "U." ....... ''THE IM·LAWS" "GI WOOOY•U .. "MAMHATTAM" -.D1U S-7;ll I t:ff S•f/~_.._,,_,._,.l .. 't:I\ "HAIR"lrGI "U.ST WAL TI" . .;. -.... "'"......;.., _...,. THI MU'"' MOVIE 101 PlUt WILDllNISS FAMILY 11101 . .., ... _.,, .... , ....... DAWN Of THI DlAD PlUI OIVIL wnHIN HH (I ) c1w1,..,...._ .. SUli"llMAN IN > PLUI HllAllLl.A "Ti..------"'-.. --· ,IO'"lcY (PO) 'LUI NtOHTMHI IN ILOOO I•> _..,,._.....,....,..._._.....,.....,.,...-, ........... o ... c.. -,_ ,.,_. ALllN('I tw .. ta 1.00 • 1 "°' ,.. -• (a..ry .... __ , ,."":., CUMf u.l1WOOO 11(»1 flOll Al.CATlil """ l"1 'AIMtll ALUY fN J J nM ""'4 '·"' .. ~ 1 atlCUM IS (N J J. mftVCXT .... MO¥ll (I) ,._.,.... ___ _..!!'.:..::•=-~ c.. ... " ....... ,_ .,....., ..... ,, ... .. ..•. ,... m.1·u2 .,,..., ..... ,.-.n.. ....... _.. NIOH1WINO IN> OAMI Of DIAfH(IJ IT• All Car..., or.,.,.....•,_ -.-i ......... ..... ......... -...-.. 7 " ""-MOC>MRAllU !PO) ..... , .... ,, STAI CUJH'1Nl -i....:.;r>3:...::4""'.e""28;,:;2_, (T_Nll ...... ........_ • .,_........, ................... ..,......,...... THI MAIN MNT"' ""'" ....... , '°''"' ................... -~ .. ------.... • • B••tlngtoa Pla11hoaue Up, Up and Away Out T he ablUlY lO lake • ralhor nonsenakal com· cdy Mnd turn It into I rull throttle farce turned out al aut"h a fn•ntlt· tempo that the atuaatahneu of the gcrlpl Ui uve1r,·om 11 " prlzt.'d a set to any com· munlty theott!r wroup Th~ Uunttni:ton lieach Playhouse. buc k ln pro c1u<'hon ufte r un oxltmdcd hlotus, takes such a step wt th "Boelna . l\oelrot." u play produced for the t'Y•' rather tJum lhc t'ur Its pace 1s Ila fortune D 11u; (' T 0 R p 1111. 0 e 8 A R ll 0 s h as 1ran11torml·d ll11s udapt1on of a n ltulian farce into a show whit·h. for the most pa rt. m olori> along !lmoothly ovt'f .. omu bumpy dialogue und slilted s1 tuauoos ll1 :. clil>l lolls ut a fever pitch, •O£ ... G •0£1NO ' A t;)mff~ bv M l •m •C"tt• •U..P14td br 8ewvrly (rou clfrKted DY P"ll Of ••"°' P'"""'"" 0• Hw r M oll\ P•tM!nlod h ..... ,. •IMI ~lut<MY> •I. JO '"•O"ljll Auv •by,,_. Hu<'lt"O'°" 8••<" l'l•yh<>u,. 1n Sult• JO of 1-.oc•1H Vt114tQ• \ht CJCJ1h4J (.•"'"' M•1n •• '\ ut•ICMnm HUl'ltl"'QtOn &r4Kh Aetcf'ttlil .. .,.,, .. , _, J•t..UUf'l!rtit J\ildltf\ 8orlh" fMl (.UY Htt'r 8•nNr ,. ~., ... Mohn<M ly•~· PjillrtCld Corbrl1 IC•rOI McC.111 L•.._ C•mpOell Solll• Muell..,ber9 ~omctimPs overplaying its hand but nearly always m aint:11n1ng the audience's interest. Thl' story 1s woven around a playboy living in Paras who conducts a three·pronged love life by l'Onsulting the airline schedules. His trio of fi an- t't·1·~ are all ),tcwardesses -American. French and Gt•rmnn who tou('h down alternately for tht'lr rl'!.pt:C'llvc layovers. Naturally, the three a re bound to get their wings crossed, and the inevitable occurs s hortly aftcr an old college buddy of the playboy arrives for an unannounced visit. 1'rom there on it's a llellzapoppan' t·ha rade over who goes in which room to keep lhe skies friendly. J ERRY B ENNER BRINGS a large m easure of 1mp1sh c harm to t h e r ole or the rogue , Intermission Tom Titus along with a splendid sense of timing as his com· phcations mount Hii; is a n exhausting assign· ment and he is more than up to the task. As his visiting pal. J oe RiUces appears to emulate the performance of J erry Lewis from the movie version. creating a character s hort on believability lJ•1t long on physical comedy. This goofiness wor"ks in his favor. except for bis stoop· shou ldered demeanor which. perhaps, is a step over the Line from farce lo burlesque. Neverlhe· less. it 1s a hila rious pf>rformance from a relative .. ly snexpen enced actor Of the three airline hostesses. the clear stand· out 1s Karol McGill as the French flygirl. Miss McG 111 oozes seductiveness in a flawless accent and her believability ratio 1s perhaps the highest of the cast MELINDA TYLER AS THE American stew 1~ effective. but somehow lacking m coovicUon a s well as appearing a bit young for the assignment. As the German , Lana Cam pbe ll is the most physical of the thre~ a nd wins some comedic points though her <'haracter 1s probably the mos t contrived in the script. Completing the cast as Bettie Muellenberg as a perenniall y grousing a nd highly opinionated maid lier di<1logui· st retc hes cred ibility, but Miss Muellenberg is skilled enough to carry it off and pick up her s hare of laughs "Boeing, Boeing" gets the Huntington Beach Playhouse ba<'k off thl' ground in its new te m - porary facility an the Seacliff Village Shoppping ('('nter. and it's a welcome return for the 15-year· old theater group The show plays through Aug. 4 \\-ith an 8 30 curtain Film Razes Norfolk Landmark NORFOLK. \'a IAP> Even tel C'V1s1on ~<'tor M 1ke Connors was sorrv to see lhe Ocean View Am useml'nl Park rollt>r ('Oaster blas ted Actual I\. pull<'d clown is the more apt dt•st•nptJ()n And whE•n 1t was all over. mon• than threc- lourths of tht' s tubborn ride was still standing 'TD KIND OF likt• to st•c the olct gal stay up,·· !'-.:11d Conners. who onn' starrl'd 1n the "Man· nix " telcv1s1on 11eries · Som<>thmg built that well and which has stayed up that long. maybe 1t shouldn't go down " But down the Hocket went, or at least enou gh to put the dramatic touch on a made-for tclcv1s1on mo,·ae called "Amuse ment Park.·· an which Connors stars with Martin Landau The prospect of 'ce1ng the Norfolk landmark 10 fl ames drew a cro1Ad of almost 1,000 "I TOOK YOUR mom on lhut roller coaster for our first date " o ne man told h1 i. p1gtaile<1 daughter · I saw th<.' pla<.'e born and I wanted to see 11 die." saui Louise Pnce. whp had not been to the park in 2:! y<.'ars .. It had 1ust gone downhill. I rE>mcmbcr the bag bands that used to pl:.iy here. In Hl32. for a dollar you could s pend a whole day hert-" F'lavtxn• Productions is mak ang the film for ADC for hroad east in the fall. The dcm1~e of the roller coaster and other rides is an integral p;irt of thc dis aster movie. FOR TWO DAYS. th<.' movie <.'ompany had been un able to budge the roller coaster. Twice. fla m es shot skyward but when they cleared. the ride still stood. ·'That thing absolutely has a life of its own," complained Wayne Beauchamp. special ef fe<'LS supervisor "ff it s tllyS up this time. I'll put a flag on 1t and leave it'." The crew used 65 gallons or ~asolinl' and half a case of dynamite to do the JOh But part ol tht' work was done by a 6lHon Catt•rp1llar tractor wired to the rol lcr <·oa.ster AFT ER A LOUD bang. a n orange ball of fire Jumped from underneath the ride and the tractor 11tarted pulling. The bulldozer o nly had to go about 100 feet · fantastic'" yelled executive producer J ohn Furia ··1t t•ouldn't h<1vc been better . It was worth at." Ac ross thl' street. the crowd l·heered F URIA SAID THE delay only cost about $2.000. "It fell perfectly our lens." McQueen a '"Hunter' HOLLYWOOD <AP > -Steve M<'Qucen, who played a n Old West bounty hunter in the 1950s TV series, "Wanted: Dead or Alive ... stars as a modern-day bounty hunter in P aramount's "Thl' Hunter " "LOST & FOUND" (PG) WALTDISNEY'S (G) "101 DALMATIANS" "'ALIEN ' is a cort<er, a walloper, a rouser, a screecher, and a ton of f un .. .if all movies were as thrilling ''THE DEER HUNTER" (R) ''LOVE AT FIRST BfTE" (PG) :. -O'EH DAILY ·, 12:30 ._ -·' U.A. CINEMA MALL Westminster 893 0546 MESA Cos1a Mes.i 646 ~02:i UACllllMAS Orange 634·391 I EDWARDS' FOUNTAIN VAllU 12 Fountain Valley 839· 1500 WARMHI DIUU-IM Huntington Beach 847·3591 STADIUM OlllYf·IN Orange 639·8770 ~ NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAILY PtLOT tor lnf0fm1tlon reoardln; th• county requiremen t • tor u elng • Fl'ctltlou • luelne .. N•me. &42--4321 EXT. 332 I would happily spend all of my time in the movies." Gene Shalil NBC·T\I TOM SIGOURNEY VERONICA HARRY DEAN SKERRITT WEAVER CARTWRIGHT STANTON JOHN HURT IAN HOLM ··n YAPHET KOTIO :! .... ,. E>CEC\JTIVE PAOOVCER RONALD SHUSETl PROOUCED ev GORDON CA~L DAVID Oil( A ·~" VW\LTER HILL OIRECTED BY RIOlEY scon STORY BY DAN 0 BANNON ..... RONALD SttUSEn SCREENP~Y BY DAN 0 BANNON MUSIC JERRY OOl.DSMITH PANAVISION• EASTMAN t<OOAI( COlOR0 PRINTS BY OE,_L;;.;U;...X.-E_• __ _ MOTfOff-.Ctu•• touHOfftAC't( A¥Al~A9\I OH"""' CUlfU'tt PO,l •tc°"os AHO,.,,,, I ·••o 1Hl .. Afttitl tt toO:i R _..,"'_,_...... f10MM'[J]IOCL81'.,..,( A&:\ ,.tt .... , fbil••• lllt .. ,.C'1n , ..... , .. , '(C '4'• •~t ._,+If, fM(fNfU'f't'-0ti llllll.J$1 • I HtA1Rt NOW SHOWING! . , I THEATER I ENTERTAINMENT .:.:~:.. c~ M 1tt-.ov ,,,.Mn \ .. . A L I E N Plus THE PRISONER OF ZENDA ::z: .... -~ !I "•"'9''"'0' , ...-. Ill."'* ... a:L. '41t'91rtoQ.U'\ M'"o d au e". ~ :;.~· ..... :l t''" tM ()"\!_'I I The . (RI Innocent PIU$"THE LAST WAVE" C LINT EASTWOOD ''ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ" tPOI D41LY-1 15 3 30. 6·00. 8 IS. 10 30 Th• Lin• 81tw911t Lov• Ano D••lh I• ,,,_ l100<1l111e Sidney Sheldon'• "BLOODLINE" ALL STAR CAST Plu~ HANNOVER STRCET Cl nt Easlwood "ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ .. IPG1 DAIL Y-1 :S l JC • 6 OC 8 :~ IC JO \Uf(IMA•• •·• t ..... ~·· ., ... ~~'I ~~?:! .. iii .. C •· Plu" · Thi! China Synorome • > Ac~Ol ,,..,, Av. u::.._ Be~I P•C!t,..rP B• '' O•u~c_ •er ~ 1 Ht r,I( O' RT DEER •R• Dl-l\A<C HUNTE .......... ll!illillllllll :;1· ~.~~m~~~~ .., ~ IAlllWM ....:::...--. -~~ OAtlY FOOTLOOSE 2·00• ..oo .• oo. FOX" 0 t oe. 10 oo ' ... --. PElER FALK ALAN ARKIN ''THE fN·LAWS ' (PG) 'LUS "LOST ANO FOUND ' r n •I ,, r 1. • ,, ,. .. tl ,, .. " " ... e d I. " .. • 11 11 • I . .. . I f I t t ' House Zane Built By OENN8 M~LELLAN °' , ... ..,, ...... ,, .. , Zane Grey. wt»se romantu· talei> of the Old West bate been devoured bv millions. spent t)e lasl 13 )~ll~ of ha~ life ll v1ng tn a sprawhng 110µ1 lndurn s tyle house perCJed high atop a rat• tus and chaparral-covered hall The adobe ho~e. whtr h was ron verted into a httel nearly 20 yea~ ago, is not in Aruona or New Mex1ro however. It's en Cat alina Island overlooking Avalon and tl!. sparkhnt: bay. For a man 'Abo loved hstung as much as he dtd writing Grey held -numerous deep sea fishing records Catalina was a logical place to bwld his home in 1926. Grey, in has romantic ::.lyle. ex plained the appeal or Catalina an ··what the Open "1eans to Me .·· room~ bt.•ari. lh€' lltlt> or one o( Gr~y !I h<>oks such ai. Purple Su.it>.' "Tht• V:1n1i.h1n~ i\mt•rH·an ,' ·Bla c k Mei.a · and ··Call of the Canyon A novel 1d,·a · gueblt. havt> been known to JOk~ A lot of them don't reithze at wab his res1dent•e. ' i.a1d M::. llolhday T he ma.1onty JUSt want to be away from the bustle of downtown and have a vie" ·· SHE SAID G E TS frequently a::.k questions. the most rommon beang, ··01d Zane Grey really la ve here?" The author lived an a number of homes including tabanh an Arizona and Ort-gon and a house an Altadena. before he dcl'tded to build his island sanctuary In kecptng With Grey's ideal or a place of rest. peal't' and sleep, none of the hotel's rooms which are divided by a long hallway leading to the author's living room-dining room have telephones or televisions. D•tl¥ Polol SI.ti! Photo Author Zane Grey·s sprawling adobe house was converted to a hotel 20 years ago. " ... IT IS AN environment that m eans encha ntment to me Sea and Mountain! Breei.e a nd roar of Surf' Music of Birds! Solitude and Tran- quility! A place for rest. dream. peace, sleep. I could write here and be at peace ... " ··vou·re her£' lo relax and enJ OY the view.· explain ed Ms . lloll1day, whose offi ce walls are adorned with a buffalo head and a color photograph of Grey pos rng with a 704-pound marlin. wall!' havt' bf't'n s tuc·C'ocd and paintt'd whit('. windows and rooms enlargl'd and bathroom:-addl'd. the hotel n· tarns mul'h of its original rust11· t•harm .1uthnr brought lrnm Tah111 durani: ;1 11:-.h1ng trip dn"' n ttw hall"' :J~ or .,land mg nt•xl to th!' I I l"l'plal't' Wow' Although it m ay sound like an overly enthusiastl(' chamber of commerce press release. the senti- m ents still hold true today Ms. Holliday bought the hotel from her parents. Bev and Frank Kelly. two years ago. The Kellys purchased the house tn 1960 and dad the renoval mg. M:-Holhdav said that when the house was bmit goat•-.; milk had been added to the mortar The Mrength of the m1xturt• "'a:-dul~ noted tH work men who enlarged :-Qmt' or thl· s mall wrndows. ~h<· .,aid It wa:-1n thl· ll\ mg room that Gn·~ dad has writing Ht• "'ould l-ott m h1:-f(lvoritc· <'hair "'1th a wnllnJ! boarrl proppNI Jl"ru:-.-. th~· l'ha11 arm:-.. and ~wn h1 :-. tall'., of 1h1· Old West in longhanrt :\1 ., llotl 1<1 a\ . whn I 1 Vt•s an th(· u P· ..,l:J1r!-room (;re\ had spccwlly buall tor h1mi.t•lf wa-. :1:-.kc<I 1f an) gut>..,t 1·\ 1·r n cnl111nt'tl :-.t·cing tbtt :.pcl'tt:r of /.Jn•· c;rt·' '"We get quite a few writers com· ing here. especaall y an the off season," saad owner Karen Holliday '"It's quiet so they can wnte, and looking al the sea is soothing ··it isn't a plas tic type of hotel " The Zane Gre) Pueblo 1s probably one of the few hotels m the Uruted States "athout 1 oom numbers Instead of numbers, each of the L7 Drugs, alcohol and truancy are among youths ' problems, says M imi Leverton. A SWIMMING POOL 1s located on what once was a dart patio d1 v1ding the a uthor's house and that of his brother, Romer C. Grey. And although the brown adobe The spac10u:-II\ mg roQm dtn1ng room 1s much the <;a me as 1t was 1n the old days. I \(' n•ad a h·v. nf his book:-. ..,dtd \h I )Ql11d.1) . Ill· .., \l'r\ !lf·..,,·ripll\ l' lit•:-. a ro111anl1c1 ... t Hut l>t1'11 ""' h1 '' rolt' -.n ht• Lould <1flo1d th1· l•l\tJr\ of fl:.h IOI: om l' 'l'an. -..hi· .,aid ··Th1i. ll:J..,t v. 1nl t'r on1· ... aid the ir room w;;.., h.wnlt•d ~111· ..,rni11 d "'h1•n J'>ked "'h11·h 111001 · 1 m ntll ).!01ng lll ll'll :-.hl· -.a1cl Tht'rt'·s a fireplaeP with a log man· tit'. a rough·hewn '>ak dnor and a l'('tl mg wath teak hl·<.tm~. wh1d1 1111· FOR THOSE \\ITH " hit of romanc·.-or 1mii_canat1on 11-. not d1f I 11·tlll on a m1Hmlit night to 1·onJun· up th1· ::.pml 111 Z<.tne Gr<·\ lurking · II 1· 1r.11·\ 1 hull I thl' t<Jp room s<1 he· C'ould gl'l av.ay fmm all the v1:-. 1tnr-. lo hi-. hn1h1' · -.h .. sa1rl. f:JUJ.:hl OI! . °'II h(• d ht• llJI lhf'rf' '-'Illa m1· nol v. 1th .m .. <Jn1• 1•1!'>1· ' Culture: We've Got It Who says Orangt• County'::. a (·ultural wasteland" After two recent ('vents hen· no on<> rould l'Ver acru::.c this area or being deprt\'C:d of the good things of hfe. . First, there was a preview of the latest paintings of J ack Raker. a nat1ve Texan who holds an advanced degree from Scripps College and has studied m Paras and Mexico Proceeds from the exh1b1t1on and party went to Children's Village USA. a home for battered children m Bea umont Bake r . who has painted in Eth1op1a. England. Indian. Malta, Russia and Kenya. nov. li ves in Santa Barba ra where he en1oys garden· ang and raising flowers Has paintmgs are bright and many include the blossoms from his yard Browsing among the art works were Fran 0\\ ens, the Jack Kellys, the Gay Thrashes and the Tom Rileys. ~ That evening ther<· wa~ :.i nf"w f"VPnt in th1.., ;irC'a and one that prom1i.c:. lo bccoml' o favoril<· :Jnnual affair The terrace of lhC' Fine Arts Village at UC Irvine was transformed into a miniature Tivoli r.ardcns with musrt·, good food and dancing t<1 end a day of mus1r sponsored by the v. omen·.., committees of the Orange Cou nty Phllharmonw Society Groups such as the Newport Woodwrno (~uintet. Pacific Strings. Tnnidad Steel Hand. Saddlebac·k Chorale' and Oversextette D1x1eland Rand performed throughout the day The <'\.en mg was C'rown<'d with thC' musrr of the Tomm~ Dorsey Orchestra Even 1f you don"t like to dance. you should circle the month of .June nt'xl year and watch for ;\f us1r F'e..,tl\ :.ii ·ao The h::.tcnmg 1:-. ea:-.' ~ Ther~·:-. gnang tQ be a party at Costa !\1t'~ .. P oli ce H eadquarl<'r~ tod ;i y . Member~ of the Costa Mc~a Junior Women·s Club will provide refreshments for the officers to thank II app~ni11gs By Jud1lh Olson them for "~uch good la\\ enforcement 1J1 our com muruty." Carol South. marketing and community re · Jauons director for Cannell-Heumann-Wood and Associates. Irvine. who also 1s president of the Dolphms. Women's D1v1s1on of the NewJ>()rt Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. has s tart· ed teaching handwratmg analy::.as ShP took a tool. at our handwriting an<l l'ame up wath thC' lollowmi.: report · Drrcl't and to the point. good laslt• in all thmg::.. f'mot1oni.tllv CJ b11 nf a p11ull-. mtu1t1\•'. ltterar~ ab1llly, f•n 1oy:-chattm~ '· From h<inrl"' rll111g ~1 :-. South l-oay:-. :-h•· l' .. 1n ,...,C'l'rtain J pt·1 son ... ~l'lt ('Onf1dt•ru·e. i;o;.il :-l'tttn).! ability. will powt•r . 1111t1at1v1· Of'CtSIV<'· nt':-!'. prick organ1wlional ability, honesty and dctcrmmat1on. If you c-orrPs pond with hl·r. ht•st tn send h('r a t ypewrittl'n nok 1f ,·ou havt· any sl'crets you "'ant to kl'l'P ~ After an <ill C'rnoon and evening of art and muSH' 1t v.a:. plca:-.Jnt to v.ander to South Coasl Reperlor~ Tht·atcr l.J::.l wct:k for an cx- traordmar~ part~ Wt• 1omed morl' than ;mu members and i::ut•i.t::. of tht· Gn.•atcr lrvme lndu::.traal League 1G IJl.1 lor \\llH .. ' and rhcl'sc at SCR a few re- m arks by tru:-tcc:-. :Jnd tht'ater personnel and then a v.ondcrful. flchghtful variety ::.hov. hy ~c R trouPl.'r!>. <See HAPPENINGS. Pagf' C2) Arresting the Proble11:1 Assessment and Treatment Services Center designed as diversion program for youthful offenders ~ i By CHERYL ROMO Of ... Delly l'lllt ..... Arrellting lbe problem, not the child is the driving pbil060J>hY behind the Assessment and Treatment Services Center <ATSC> located near John Wayne Airpott 1n Santa Ana Heights. county School Attendance Review Board. No walk-in counseling is available. BASJCAUY A DIVERSION PROGRAM. ATSC counselors see approximately 125 families each month and individual treatment ·is, on the average. about 13 weeks. l Founded in 1972 as a pilot project sponsored by the Or&llle County Probation Department. the center -which counsels youths between 7 and 11-,.ean old and lbelr parents -serves families in the Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine area. ATIC 18 TOTALLY SUPPOaTED by private contrlbut1on1 from community or- 1anlntJon1, foundatlon1, buainesses and in· dividu.J patrODI. Tb8 two profeaaJonal counaelors on the 1Wf • .,. contracted from th• county. Michael Jones, II.A .• 11 tbe staff peycholollat and Michael NlsHD, M.S., la a youth and family therap!at. They work u a team counHlln1 youtbl who Med U1letante and t.beir tamllie1. AU of the center's cbentl have been re· ferl'ld by local police or fire departments or the According to spokeswoman Mimi Leverton. the youths referred for counseling might have problems with drugs or alcohol or truancy or might have been picked up by the police depart· ment. for petty or grand theft. vandalism. burglary or anion. Parents must agree to participate in family counseling 1n order to be eligible. All treatment Is free-of·charge. Families m ay re-open their cases after completion of therapy ll another problem de· velope. AT THE ONS~T or counselini . each family member la given a battery of'cllqnostic tests to del~rmine lndlvtduaJ st.rengtbs and weaknesses. "The teats bring out a lot lbat. you can't cov- <See A&•E8TING, Pate C2> ' i Carol South teaches handwritin.g analysis to determine a person's traits. e n ' t I .. I· •I r • II .. •• ,, . II " I• e 0 '·· .. .. • ., ti • I. .. .. 1 .. Tuee.o.y. July 3. 1111111 ANN LANDERS I ERMA BOMBECK Grandmother Kept Track of 'Sins' ., '' I....-tell.ct oath• Clorioua Fourth of Ju. .. ~ "ly that 1 doa't remember ow-family reunion.a Tbe ..un du wovld sat.bet oe the bank of · 10m• oa.ur. Olt.M> river lo play baU, tat ud t aoeaiJ> (MlWWlrtl)' lD tbatordef'). OW' f am Uy ,.Hloe• were dllt'onUnued Y•&n • wbln we coWd DO -..,. ke.p track ot wbo w• •Ptakbaa to wbom •.• and why. It ..... track of raml\)I &lna .... year roud job Ud WU not taken U1hl1f Our 01"9Clt' wu -cranctmotber. wbo we cana11l\Ald ever)' other mlaute to find out wbo wu "ln favor" and wbowua'l ••• Happenings (f'loe• .. cu The pu~ of the everuo1. according lo Be.erly IUk•. OUL admlnlatraUve usistant. wu to olfu a aocial opportunity to members. GUL was oraanbed ei~t years ago to Im· prove bullnesa condiUooa ln the Irvine area. Representatives from both bualoesa and in· duatry belong. 8 1cllard Falle r , GllL pres ident, said the theater was an appropriate place for a party because •·we're both new and both have become significant forces in Orange County.·• Highlight of the evening was the 45-minute show put on by Joba David Keller. Teri Ralsoa, J ohn Elliagion, Martha McFarland and Richard Doyle (who is famous because of the Von's com· me rcial -he's the one who leaps out of the TV set .> They called themselves the "Wing It Productions." but obviously didn't wing it. It was a well-presented show -and a very funny one -especially the segment on the Frog and Peach restaurant. The party was hosted by Clock Construction Co .. Deepwater Chemical Co. and the Koll Co. Ralph and Dot Clock, who were entertain· mg her parents, Harry and Dorothy Gershenson rrom St. Louis. teased that they put on the party JUSt for the Gershensons, but it was opportune timing since they arrived the day before. SCR trustee Donald Christeson was excited because he had a new granddaughter, KelJy Ann Christeson, born the day before at Hoag Memorial Hospital to Jon and Cindy Christeson. <Her other grandparents are the Frank Tranes.> Other trustees and guests there were Howard Siegel, Valley ReWy, LucWe Kuhn, who poured wine, Kae Ewing, Betty Grable, Jack Hall, Tom Peckenpaugh, Donald Smallwood and Harriet Witmer. Also, Jim and Judy l\verett. Norm and Lou Ann Savaie and Tom and Lenell Chace. We enjoyed t1 •a :.ind .. hies:. you chips with Jackie Kazarian Ill h~r Way of Life center in Costa Me!>a. She certainly has a knack for in· spiring one to be as healthy and happy as possi· ble And she knows a fe w techniques for prepar· mg dellc1ous, nutritious food without a lot of work Corrine Malo, Huntington Beach bas been named Miss Salton Sea. She was chosen in an an· nua I contest there at Helen's Beach House • • Arresting (From Page Cl) er up and you can quickly get to the meat of the matter.'' s ays Mrs. Leverton. The biggest problem facing families today, she says, is a lack of communication which ca uses youngsters lo "act out" in a destrucli ve way to get attention. "I think people become busy. real busy, a nd more mothers are working. The.tim~ lo listen 1s often not there,·· s he says "ANOTHER PROBLEM is the family split· ting up. divorces. That kind of thing will tear a kid up." ChJldren also act destructively. she adds. when they are ha ving difficulty with school ad· justment and are under peer press ure. ··A lot of the children we do see are from ve ry well to do families and don't have the money problem that some (other children> do." she says These youths. Mrs. Leverton speculates. often seem to break the law "as more of a lark than anything e lse.·· Twice as m any boys as girls are referred lo ATSC for counseling and the average age of the youthful offenders is 14. Mrs. Leverton says that studies conducted by the Orange County Probation Department in· dicate that 90 percent of the j uveniles who have completed treatment al the center did not go on to become wards of the court and that 80 per- C'e nl of the juveniles had no further encounters with Jaw enforcement. We have over 68 vari- etJea of thi1 popular and unique ·flowering plant ln almost endlen color comblnaflon1 The~ wiU bloom In TMre waa no lluch thlni aa a family misde· mt!anor . a ll offenses were mortal sins, punlshablt' by "d.iath by lteooring." Somf of the more (>Opular rules of miscon duC'l that were notf'd at the reunion were • Enlcrtld anto a maxed marriuge. He was a De mocrat •Was heard to 11ay lutil ycu that Grandma's fru~d ctucken wa:J "pal~ " •Never 8ent a card at Chris tmas. •Never acted "right" since she dyed her hair •Went back after Bill's funeral and reclaimed her pot of Oowers •Never returned the p1epan she borrowed lS years ago •Stole-plcturu of "mother" out of her album when she thouMhl no one was lookanJt •Wu tipsy at Georganne's weddmg CThMt took In la people alone. l •Got a new car and was "bi~gity." •Named her baby 41fter a husband Grandma had divorced. •Visited for eight hours and didn't get so much as an apple or a drink of lemonade served. The list was never discarded. Each year, a few more names and c rimes were added until it- got to the point where if you said hello to your own mother , you'd get il from Grandma. The olderv get, the more I think back on those Fourth of" Julys by the river when we went swimming and the m ud squished between our toes and the crawdads moved under the dis· turbed muddy waler to a new hiding place ... the Haines family beat the Hudgels at softball 136-92 . . . and we spit seeds at one another while the watermelon ran down our elbows. But it bad to end After all. when someone accused Grandma of simonizing her car with lard lo save money . . what else could she do? Young Convict Worries About Your Home's Safe ty DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our home was burglarized last week. We lost a great many valuable items -family heirlooms, Jewelry and silver. Several years &JlO you ran a letter written by a convict who was serving time for a series of break.ms. He told people how they might pro- tect themselves against being burglarized. I read that article with interest. I should have tom it out a nd memorized it. It's too late for us. but I'm s ure it would help a great many people if you printed it again. Will you, please? -HEAijTSICK IN WIN- NETKA DEAR WIN: l'es, I will. Sad to say, the topic ls as relevant now as when it first ran seven years ago. Here It is: DEAR ANN LANDERS· As you can see from the letterhead, I am in jail in Indianapolis, Marion County. 1 am not asking for help. lam writing instead to offe r some help. As a person who has made a fortune in burglaries and robberies, I have some advice fo r your readers. Perhaps l can save them some trouble and money. People spend money on burglar alarms, pick-proof locks and watchdogs, but they en- courage break-ins by leaving open gar age doors that lead into the house. An experienced burglar knows how to deal with alarms a nd locks. A hunk of meat or a blast of mace will quiet the dog You might think it unbelievable. but 1 have ransacked many a nightstand while the owner slept less than one foot away. Burglars have discovered that the nightstand is a gold mine of wallets. credit cards. checkbooks. jewelry - and guns Once in the wee hours, 1 actually had to cr awl under a bed while the sleepy victim got up and went lo the bathroom. When he returned and resumed his snoring, I ripped the place off for a couple of watches. a handgun and $125 in cash. ~ One thing that worries a burglar is a light in . the bathroom. Most burglars do not wisb to risk a confrontation with a person coming out of the bathroom. If you want to discourage an in· trude r. keep the bathroom light on aU night and the bathroom door aJar. If you are not al home. the ploy stiU works -provided you remember to rumple up the bed so it will look as if som eone has beens leeping in it. The important thing to remember 1s this: if you are in bed and you hear a .stranger in the house. stay in bed. Pretend you are asleep. Don't try to be a hero. Most burglars travel in pairs these days, and they are us ually armed. H a confronlat.Jon does occur, keep cool Gltbratt7h(fvurth fWitli~ Spmkler And sparklers ... the best k ind ... ore found where we ore. Years of dtscriminatmg selections hove made us authorities on gemstones. Let us help you choose the nght one for you 111 a bracelet, rmg, earrings, or In a necklace. She'll get o BANG out of it. B.D. HOWES and SON FINE JEWELERS FOR FOUR GENERATIONS NlWPOU IUCH }412 Vt.i lido I 67'i-l7 31 A•• Laaclers Remember that about 75 percent of all break· ms today are by people who are bigh on drugs or pills They are desperate for money and will kill you if qiey have to. Don't argue or scream. Don't try t:o get to a button or a phone. The s mart thing to do 1s fake a faint and stay "un· conscious... Noth in~ you own IS worth getting killed for. The judge has already said I s hould spend from one to 10 years with the Indiana Depart- ment of corrections ror my misdeeds. From where I see 1t -al the age of 21 -the im· mediate future isn't too rosy I hope when I'm free I'll still be worried about your house. - SINCERELY. D.P.B .. CELLBLOCK 3·G DEAR D.P .B.: So do I . In the meantime, thank you for a mos t informative letter. 'DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am probably wasting 15 cents, bul I just had to speak up about the fellow who didn't say "God bless you" when his girlfriend sneezed. Maybe if the guy understood the back· ground of WHY people say "God bless you" he would do it. Many years ago a doctor told me t hat when a person sneezes his breath stops for a minute and the blessing is to ask the Lord to bring him back from the "near·dea\h" slate and help him breathe again so he may live. Have you ever heard of this? -J .G. <Age 81 ) DEAR J .G.: Yes, I have heard it -and several ot.ber folk tales connected with sneez- ing, but yours is the most logical. Thanks ror writlDg. "' DEAR ANN : Whal c an we do about grandparents who teach kids cockeyed values? We don't want our children to set the idea love can be bought. My in-laws aredoangjust that. Every time our two pre-school children give Gra ndpa or Grandma a kiss they get a quarter . A good hug may net the m an extra dime. My hus band and I have told them we don't like it, but they keep right on. What now? -Mayefield, Ky. DEAR MAY: It's your house and your kids. Take charge. Give the money back and tell them the game Is over. If you show them you mean business your wishes will prevaU. Why The Precision Haircut Might Be Right For You. If you hate the way your haircut disappears the day after, come to Command Performance where we specialize in the prec1:;lon haircut. Precision haircutting is our technique for cut· ting the hair In harmony with the way It grows. So. as it grows, it doesn't lose Its shape. And because the hair Is cut to fall naturally, you don't have to keep fussing wlth It. Usually a shake of the head does It. The precision haircut with shampoo and blow- dry costs just sixteen dollars for guys and gals. We also offer permanent waves, coloring, frosting and conditioning. No appointment is needed, just come in. And you'll see that precision Is right for you. M')c-0 -I Command Perlonnanee Horosc e WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 By SYDNEY OMAaa A&IP.8 (Mar. 21·Apr. 19 ): You gel facts"' figures concerning lea ses. rental s, purchases, ove r a ll budget. Confer with one close to you -especial- ly legal representative, par tn er or mat e . Cancer. Capri co rn nativ es figure i n scenario. TAUR US <Apr. 20· May 20); Go s low. lie low. avoid forcing is- sues. Gain greater m· s ight connected with l egal ri g ht s and permissions. Spotlight also on pub l ic i ty. c ooperat1 ve e fforts , marital status. GEMINI <May 21· June 20 > · Gam ms1ght by r eading T a urus message. Accent on be· ing specific. nailing down leads. following through. striving to 1m · prove work conditions . Keep medical-dental res- olutions. Make a n ally of proper nutri Lion • CANCER <June 21· July 22). Good Moon aspect coincides now with change. exciting prospects, speculation, intensified relationship. Member of opposite sex does care -and you·11 know it. Leo, Aquarius natives are m ptcture. Yes, the penod of "ren· ovation" will ht! good for you! LEO (July 23·Aug. 22>: Accent on practical affairs. basic material, security, concludrng a pro perty t ran:.act1on MaJOr move or domestic adjustment could be on agenda Taurus, Libra , Scorpio persons f1gu re prominently and i.o does the number 6. factor s emphasized. Older · 'vidual, cap•· ble or ulllng strings" 1s on y r side. Thla is power success Ume for you! SCOfCPIO <Oc t . 23· Nov 21): You could be m ajor f;articipant in s pecial estivities. Join in holld y spirit. Lunar cycl e 1:> s uc h tha t popularity increases. Reach tJ?yond apparent limitaliO'lS. You're due for special r ecognition you c•n build towards ultimat.egoal. SAGl'fl'ARIVS <Nov. 22·Dec. 11): Gain added knowle~e by reading Scorpio m essage . Be confide at. direct, in· depend ent and have faith in trocedure which 1s origuel and pioneer. mg m concept. You dis· cover that opposition w a s m e r e · · pa p er t iger." Member of OP· posite stx cares plenty a nd will prove it. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-J an. 19): You have choice between brooding or working through prob- le m s. You make con · t acts wtich can improve e motional and financial s ta bility. What seemed a "far away" wish is ac- tua lly rlose at hand. Know it and accept in· v1tallon to celebrate AQUA RI US <Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Doors of op· porturuty open wide - have courage, take in· 1t1allve and walk tall Social activity in · creases Gemini. Sagit· tar1us na tives figure prominently Give full p lay to intellectual C'Urios1ty. Most of your que ~t1ons will b t- ans wered PISCES <Feb. 19-Mar 20 I: A cce nt on breakthrough, ability to trun-;form apparent set· hal·k into vic tor y . Sl'orµw. Aquarius in· d1v1duals play key roles 1n :-l·enano. Emphasis u n l'ommun 1l'a t 1o n . l' d u l' tt t 1 o n a n d g a 1 n through written word. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22); Strive to coordinate i nformation avoid scatteMng efforts. At• cent on relatives. short trips. ideas which could become viable concepts. Pisces a nd anoth e r Virgo figure prominent ;;;:;;;;;;;;R;;;;U=f;;;;f;;;;E=L;;;;L;;;;';;;;S;;;;;;;;;;; ..... Jy. Avoid self-deception. LIBRA <Sept 23·oct. UPHOLSTERY 22): Accent on money. wtw.. Yo. w ... possessions. locat ing hS.d articles lost or stolen. 1922 Harbor Blvd. You handle adde d costaMesa -S48·11S6 responsibility -reward (~car~ :rHE SAVING PLACE PACKAGE INCLUDES· (1) Bx 10, (3) 5x7's, (15) Wallets. (4) Charms YOU PAY ONLY 45¢ DEPOSIT (Regularly 95¢) Balance Due Just $10.00 A Package that fills all your portrait needs with various poses and backgrounds. Full package orders only, at a special $10.45 pr1oe. A~ deposit reserves your pitekage; and when your portraits return, you simply pay the balance of $10.00. Receive complete satlsf actlon or your deposit cheerfully refunded. One sitting por subject only. the ahMM through late fall. lO\ l\NGI 11 \ ,..,\...01 NI\ '""'"' llAh.A~A ,~l~ \l'JtlN(,\ 11""'-"11 .,.,.," • ....,,.._..,,..a-w: .. coro I OPIN IVININOI & MC*OAYI I• A.M. .. 111',M OAll., Y / t A.M. .. P.M. M T.I SANTA ANA -1212 !. 1nh ST. I ··------· -----·· ........ -••••••.• ' *' •. (S.W. Cot. of 17th 6Grenet>147 .. nt COtTA M!SA • MESA V£ .. ~ C!HT!" 2701 HARBOR BLVD. ( ... rt.or a Ad1m1) M0-8163 ........... -. , ·······••1:1 r NATION I OBITUARIES Plate of the Day CA won -Chari Blllhop o1 Chau worth HY'I lb.a.a plate nts his Plat sport.a cu O..tlt No11,.,.. aATl.I t Wf\•f O w rv1et-;, Wlh be ~t t•t ·m , ' 8A R BARA JOAN llA TES, l0tm., d• • J uly • "" •I l PM •I 'I.I J•lf.,·• •OIOe'll OI c .. u -"' c . p., .... o £ P'" OO•• ( t\ul't:ll 110• ••• I Hin a••Y Oii July ,, lt7' •• 1"9 ~Of JI N~wl>'W1 ae.th (• 1ni,1m.nt wtol 0. \.M h wrvewied by ,_., "°" M K l\.4N' ., V•~lfY'WI ~MIO' •• , P•r~, l'••tfnfl Tf\Offt•\ 8at•\ ""O tlve~ ••Ut W•U'H~QIOn H•rr>ot l-••ft Mou"t or•nde•rent~ A:oy •"<I G•"·-···· Oh•• Morn •• ...,. ou ... tOt"t \6() \\\4 B•IO of C.t• ~. C• molll•" M " SANOEllSON Wltll•m P..-o .. Of CO.la Mt~ (• LUI!> E V.NOER~i'< '"'°' ,,, al l•IMr J-!.. Mlrdl'I" Of A"'41,,.1m °'"'" ...,. Sl>f•nCf\ C• lt11m'"' ot C•., s111 ... Judtlh Hojnuw Pt..,,ley ot C<>•I• Mn• C• tor X> "''""" ~n<l • Tusll11, C.., nleo L"""' ...o n•i>Mw n•llvt ot e.i.n. N•w Mu 1<0 P.-~o CNrtu ol T1n11n, C• .. oranomoth•"· d "A• on Junf' 1' 1•1• ~t tllf' •«!• 01 11 Gertnioe Hlf'dl .. o1 ~I• Me'*' C• Surv•••d Py 114lr "use.no J.-..., •\<I" Arral\9tfl'*'U HtOluM Soct•IY w1tn dY I £ Sanotf'\On. son Pllthll > '>~n burial at IN atr•on ot l •oun• NIQu•t C J J ll"LYNH grAnd\Ofl\ Pf\11•0 Jr Cllros •nd """' HARRY G. FLYNN, rf\10ent 111 S•11eertot> and brOlhf'r Fr•n• ')om CMt• Motta, C. P~wo ••••Gt> Junt mon• 01 (;tond.ot" Ca M•m o11J1 1•. 1'7•. So.ontiV9CI by I deuQPll.,, J•n• ..e•••U \ will bl" ~·o on '""'°"' Jutv M Flynn ot Et s.o..noo, C• 1 '°" J 1419 .. ) 00 PM .. , P•t1••t ,,, ... Jolln Ftynn ol Et ~unoo. C• n" Mom on.ii Pai~. Nt>wp0'1 Rracn C• mot!Mlr Mrs Miidred I Flynn o! Co\la w ill\ Rtv Rl(llMd R ... v.,, 0111c111ttn11 Mtsa , Ca , 1 bt'otMr John A Flynn 01 M f\ ~dntt.,r\on w a \ ., 0''"'.,.'" Hunti.ngtor. Seac". C• "-'nd l ~.s,1,,. ,•<teltlry tor Uw Fthl ~011on11t U&t\k Mary J-.n Fraser of Oaltas, Te•as nt B•l•n, N•• Mf"i•to pru>t to t Om1r-tA M•St. of Ghrt,t1An 8ur1af wilt bv lo C•llfOff'•• in 1941 SM wO,kt'O 1n ce1.0.-•tecl on Thur~•. July S, 1q19 at '"" C.o\I• Ml!w Rart~ 10t m.int v••• \ 11.00 •I St. Simon & Jude Callloltc before ""' ••'IOC•allon .. 1111 Nf'•DO•I CllUrctl, Huinclnglon a..ci., Ca with 8dll>O-' S<!••no> "nd LoM wHh P A 1nt~rment •t Alwtt slde Nation•• P••mer Upon r~trf'ment l O•\ Ano n..r Cemetery llell 8ra.dway Mortuary husP•no moW<I to ~n Mot Spr1nq,. dir..:IM~ ca •lie"'""' 11u>bend ot ~l vhr~ ''"' MITCHELL '""dt• Silf w•' "<ltvt •n II"' EA\lttn Cl.AV N. MtTOtEL.L. rHtdent 01 Siar of N4'w Mho<O ar>d C.atlfornt.1 o Soutll ~. Ca Pn~ •way nn P~'' mo1ron First MetPIOCl .. 1 Church S..turday J-30, 1•79 SurYOW<I by"" and o•n~r commun1tv or9.-n1td1ton• wile Helen A Mltcllell. ClaugllltH Jen Pactttc Votw MOrtuary dorecto". niter and "St\tttr Janet M1tch~U ot Gotela, ca. Hi: was a resident o• Or•l!Oe County lor lO Ytllrs MemorlM servkes wttl bf! lleld In "'' ~nlen at Student Cited hos -..e. In ,.._, ol 110...-s contr11111 llOl'IS ,,,.., c.. ..,._ to Ille ~P•Strano ll•ll•y Baptosl Churcll, S•n Ju•n CaPlstr-, Ca S,,_IOLE WALTER RUSSELL SPRIGLE. rr \1Genl ot ~ e..<11, Ca Pn...o aw•y on July I, lq19, '>urvovod Dy h1S w ilt! Dorothy C '>Prtole and 7 dauohters Patrtcta Conover o f Newport !Ha<ll, C•. and Meatller B•lter ot Ntw Yo••. a lso • Q•al'ldclllldfl!l'I, S..rvoc"s wlll ~ lletd on lut'Sday, July 3, 1qtq di 1 lO PM .11 ,,,_ B•tU SfrO<""O<l CCKl.t Me~ Chapel In tf'r~n• 0...WOOd Mrmortat Par'-Mt K •!.CO, Nt w Yorr.. 8.JHl 8f'rQ~tnn Funf'r-•I Home (:.o\1a Mfo\3 O•rf!-c to" 1>0 2424 TUNU "LI.. ~ BENllUL (; TUNSTALL IBENI age 61. r~sldent ot Sant11 'Ina C• Passe<! away on Sur>CU!v J uly I. 191q 1n t ne Me\a \/f!fd• Convatesc ent HO\p1tal Mr Tun\1811 lldd IW<Jr> • Flood (""trot S.-rv1wr OI Or,,nQf Covruy tot 20 year\ He '' su••••ed by 11os w1te Rel• son C Joe Tun\tall ol Wlldomar, Ca., d.wgrtter Joyce E ~et50n Of Hunllnqton ~•ell Ca .• 1 gr-llitclren, R-Y. p..,,., K•nnf'trt and Patricia Nelson all ot Hun11ngton Beacll. Ca, a nd Soni-'. Stacey and Stopllen Tu'""" Aft ot Fountain ~~~'::: v~cf,,.a;:\;A1~v~t~"o~1!'!,.~~s C.a , 7 l>rotllef\ f1<1n' dr>d CMmen l unstall bOlll ot CCKta Mt>'Ml. Ca J ,,,_ '""· R._ S111p1.,y ot C.O\ta Mt>.,., c ~ , lie• die Harville ol s.ln O•eQO, C• and Doris Barne\ ol nort~rn C•l1torno" l'rlenos -~ utt trqm 17 00 noon to q 00 PM on ~Sday. Juh 4, 1qrq "' Pierce Brol""" Smllll\ Mt1tluMy ,,;nert! tunerat W.f'¥tff''' w 11t ~ t.oo ducted on Tllur\day. Ju•Y j , 1q1q al 1 ·00 PM Wiii\ B•\l>Op S~nc.er Hatcll 01 MunhnQ1on Be..c11 4111 WMd. Cnur<h or Je\U\ Cllr•\I OI UlllU 0.Y Sa•nl•. ot lie 1a1lng tnlf'•m.nl .. 111 i... tn Good S~1tpMrd Crmfltf'O' P1f'fcf'." Rrouwrs :.m1ths" Mor!UMvdir•t1or\ ~J&-&~~ CAVE DORI REDMON CAllE, r•\><k'n1 ti! N~wpgrt S.acll, Ca P•'seo ,. .. .,, on Junt lO. 1979 Rt"~"' OI Ille SOUlll (N\I ar~a s.,'K .. t'M. A ff'clCh_..,r tor lllt' PoHI 13 yrM> 1n llM' N,wPOr"f·M>Sd S<:Plool O•\trl<I. Sii• W~\ .i mem""'r ol tn• Nallonat Eduut1on A\\ot1allon, Retlfed Tracll~r\ 'l~sot1at1on o• "4ewPOrt·W ""' S<llOOI Ol"rlct Pr.or 10 movlno 10 N-1 Bea'" sne w•• a re-s1oent ot Phoenla. At11on• A teacMr •1 Wiison Ett.,..flt•...., Scllool .n PllOen•• and K;mer 5<1-1, Cost• Mesa Siie w•\ Pa'I Pru1den1 o• P f'orn1,. Heard Mu\,ttum C,u 110 and qrctdualed Mdqna C..m Lit.-lrom 'Stantord Urnwr\1tv 'thie 1\. ~urv1vrO Oy I 50n Larry Lot Pr-o• Pll<)en••. Ariton•. 4 dtluqhlM\ L•r>da TaQQart dnd Lor~ H rcJl1Pr1 o t Set!itt ttt Washlnglon, Trude How.trd nt Sall La•~ C1t1, Utbll Md Aniwt...111' Cav• nl ')Ullle, Wd'\hlnq1on, I 9ritnd<h1tdren Pier l•tPltr Sl'nator Frtd c; RMmon o• va~oma, wu111no1on, 2 !><others Fr,.d Rl'Omon, Jr ol Nt'WPO<"I 8f'"ch. Ca Net'>On Redmon ot Por"ttand. Ore90n P'IHCE UOTHHS SMITH'S MOITUARY 627 Main St. Huntington Beach 536-6539 "8FAMtl.Y COlOMIAL"'"8Al HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave W8$tm1nster 893-3525 PAC~VllW MIMOllAl PAH Cerretery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pac1hc View Drive Newpart Beach 644-VOO McCOIMtCll MOITUARIES Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 76&-0933 San Juan C8p1strano 495-tn6 HAUOlt UWM-MT. OUYE MOl1uary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave , Cosl• Mes. 540-SSS4 -.a...OMIWAY MOftUARY 110 Btoedway COtt•Mes• 64N150 IMITM a TVTNU. MOITUMT WllTCL .. CHU& Mortuery • CrttNtlona FIOW!W Shop 4'Z7 E. 11th St COtla .... N ...... " Carr ie L. Miller o f Costa M esa has b een name d Lo the d e an's lis t a t B owdoin College in Bruns wic k , M aio e, for acad emic e xce lle nce . P UBLIC NOTICE SUPElltOttCOUAT OF OllANGE COUNTY 7M CJvl< C.te< Drove Wttl S<lma AN, Citllfflll.a 9t1tl PL AI NTI FF NEIL S I UART MORLEY DEFENDANT MICHAEL MARTI,_ Ct RL(Y. CMARLES C:.E ORGE LOO'HART "nd OOES I tnrou<jh 10 1rn. lu\lvf' SUMMONS CASE NUMIEll 1m:T14 NOTICEI Y.., uve _,, SllH, TM cown mat ••<I• "9.llftlf y.., wl- yovr .,..,,. -• ""'"' yo" r~ will1111 JO day._ llN4 Ille 1-INlllMI ........ AVISOI U-u •ICIO ff"'aM-. Et TrtlHtMI,..... eecl•I• <O•llr.l U•. •111 aw .. _l.a a ,....,.. _ ... Ult. rH-· d.a clo11tro de ll cliH. l.u I• lnlor,..,a. clo11q.,.sl- 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A 11v•I <omo•••nt ~ ~n hlN! b'f' th~ 01~1n 11tf 4'Q•1n\I YOU a tt you 'l'W1§.h 10 oetff\0 '"i' l<\,.\u•t ;ou mu\I .. 11non )I) d.tV~ •It,, 1n1\. ,ummon~ ·~ ~f'vf'd on vou. fllf' wllh lhl• cour1 a wrill•n l>ltild•nQ 1n re\PO"'' 10 IM comp1a1n1 t ti 1 Ju•llCf Court, you mu•I Ill• with Ille court a written Ptttadlno or tttu~f' d" OriJI pteadlnQ to ~ enltr~d 1n In~ doc•ttl Unl9•• you dO so, your default wlll "" tnt~rl'(I uoon ac>ptoc.lhon ot Ille e>Uttf'hlf. a.NI 1f\•!1. cour1 may ,.,.,,., • 1uOom•nt ao<1ln<t you ror Ille r~l•PI d~ mttndf'd"' the' Conlpla•nt. wn•c.n (OUl<S rt>4tuH 1n oam•VHT"f'n1 of W6qil'"S. 1~ .. ·~ ot tnO"'t''I cw proPfrtv nt other r.•het r~· Qut'•ll'd 1n Ille cornp4ainl. 11 II '°" W1\ll 10 ... Ir I"* HY k t ef •" •Uor...., '" lhh ma1t•r. '°" .-111 clo H pn'""tl' so lllill yo11r written "''°'"•·If MJ. ,,.,., i.. 111"' on 11 ..... DA TEO ~11ll,191~ Wiiiiam SI Johll, Ct~r11 By Natallf Full.,, Deputy WILLIAM ft. FllOEIEllG UHl~N-EUroll• C.pittr.a.,. lffclt, CA 92'1' hl· (7141-..111 AtlorMy tw· Plill11totl Publl•lled 0.-Coast Oa1ty Piiot Juty J. 10.11. 24, 191q 1no 19 PUBLIC NOTICE CP-tMS SUPElllOll COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOllHIA ,OR THE COUHTYOFORANGE "'·"·'-NOTICE OF HEAlllNG OF PETITION FO.. PROBATE OF Wll..L ANO FOii LET.1EllS TESTAMEH· TAllY. E\lflf OI HELEN N CL ARKIO, Oecfa-.d NOTICE IS HEREBY Gt\/EN IMI CYNTHl'I C CURRAN nas 111.,d llerfin a ~lotion !Of PrOo.llf or Wtll and tnr l•lt~f\ r~~•amen••r~ rt· l•rence to w!locll i. m•de for further pa•tlcutat\, ~no In.It tne Um• and place ol he.rlnv Ille wm• na• ~'" ~fl for J uly ti, tt79, •I 10 00 am In tht' courtroom of OePotr"l-nt NO Jot •••d court: at 100 Clvk C..nter Ortve Wost, 1n 111e City ot S;>nta Ana, Call torn ta. Oat•d JUM 28, 1~9 Ltt A. Br.,nch, CouftlV Cle rk HOllTOH a HOllTOH WOIC..Mtltd., Suitt 11> L~Ma Hiii•, CA •USJ T•I' 1714) ~JO Alt-"fwP9CillMff Pul>tt~rte<I Or ""Ge Coast Dally Piiot, July l , 4, 10 .. .,. 1S41·1q PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TOCllEOITOU OF •ULK TllANSFEll '*'· •tot-.101 u.c.c.1 Notice h hueby given to I"• Creditor• OI BAX TER·STEFAN, INC., a Ca t1 lor11oa Corpora tion db• SPAC£MAKER CO . Translerorlsl, wPlos. buslneu aooreu ll »n McFIKI oen Av• .• Hun11"91"" S.Mh. Coullty ot Or•n~. Sitt• of Calllornte, th•I a bulk cran"e' Is about 10 b• m•<I• to .MCCRAHEY CORPORATION. a C..lllornla Cot"Porallon, Transle•Hltl, wr.o,e 1>ut111eu aooreu 11 22'2 Kittery Circle, Hllnllnvton Beacll. C.tllOf"lll• tt•••. Co11n1y 01 O••l've, Stal• ot c.111om1 .. The P'-"'' It OKCrlbeO '" 991\eret H All Slocll '" traelt, fixtures. t4111lp-. ,.,. nl .-Id 990d Wiit ol lhet "'9et mel• 1 labrlc•tle11 but.lneu k'lowll u S .. ACUMl<Elt 00. elld 100111<1 et san Mt~ AY9nw, H11nt1ngton 9ttch, Olutity 01 Or•"99. St•t• or c.tllOfllle. "The llulk traruter "111 lie tontum m•lff on or toll•• the '"h Cl•Y of J11ty, !tit, •I I.• .. ,.. 11'1 Tiit Yount Al tO<lalH, llK., '100 H"'"'1 81vG ' Ho tOS, H._, 9"clt, C:.lllO<nl• t*J. Ce<lllty OI Ot"iftte, SUia Of Cat NO<'"'•· ~· f e r at k llOWl'I It th• TrantltfWttl, .. , """"-"""'" -e4ClrH-,,... try Tr.w1'+t,.,1t1 '°' lllt '"'•• , • .,. ta" ...... a r• S .. AC•MAK.,. CO , 10 W 16th t t•HI, .,..-.ort leaell, Covrtty 01 O••n ... SlMtOf C.llftl'nl•. o attdi Jw.n. tm MtCr-v CofJIOt'•llon IY William E M<Cra11ev ,,_..,.. f'lioll.,,.. o.. .... Goett 0.11, Pltet, Jiiiy '· ,,.,. J)4' ,. Job's Easy But Watch Offers JACKSONVllA.E . l''h' (API A wom1m can (ll"t on t'MY Job. Cuol fr.,.y found , but she'd better be 1Nary of ~omt• would bt> t.•mployers. M r i. t'rt'>'. uhsts t u nt clly fldllor of The J a c k aonvllk J r.1111 nul . took o ut a classified ad us a joke. uakln11 for u n t-'Y job w ith 1ood pay and br-ne flts •• f:ASY JOR F.ducuted, experienced w o man w unb v.haat mosl ~'()pie want. B high· payln(l job In u n udv1sory role. three days a w~ek with loni.i lunc h brt•ukl(, good ben e fits inc luding nnf' mnnth vucutton~ ancl 1t l>t'cr~t1try. Ooes not do w mdo w b Sl lftPIUSINGLV. s 1 .. : IU:('EIVED u number o f rt·:..1ionse•'i, rnuny of lh1·11l h ·g 1l1mlilt' JOb o ffers < hw man oflc n ·d Mrs t-'rey S500 a week to I ttkt• on a pubh<' rc·l;_1t1o n ' pO'>lllon with <ill inte rna- twnril truvt•I <'111 rompan) /\ 'k•'<J why ht' would JW > $500 to s omeon e who .i<l1Tlltlt'd lwtng lu..ty, IH· 1<1ld hE'r, "ll was a n tn · h •rt•:.ltng ud I 11t•t•d '"' 1•xtrov1.:rl and l t h ough t you jlll~hl h U\'t' s o m 1• JJlllt>nllul " Tht' rrlar1u~t·r of a morli¢age investment com 1•;1ny reg1o n lil offlc t• o ffered lo inte rview Mrs . Frey for a JOb runnin~ the o ffice dunng h.is a b sen ce and t ravelintt oftt·n to Tallahassee t o process liens . IT DIDN'T SOUNU LIKE AN easy job. s h e told him. t o whu:h he replied. "Nothin g's easy." Another o ffer was to c h eck o n a cha.in of laun- dnes periodically , but al o nly $150 a w e ek. The one tha t tempted M rs. Fre y was livin g in and ta k ing care o f a Jackson v ille estate while the o" n e r w <is in Europ e for a year. The o wner o r- f1>red a S<flary o f $19.500 for the year . b ut Mrs . Frt·y tkcaded hL·r n1..•ws papu JOb had m ore S t'l'Urtt Y ··six woml'll t·alled thinking I w as o ffering a high-pay ing JOb that re quired little w ork ," Mrs . f"rey said . ··S('V<'rnl m e n m a de o ffers that could gl'I them arrcs tt'd 1f reporter~ w e r e n ot bound by e thics to protect their sources ." For the Record Bird•• MISSION COMMUNITY HOSPITAL J ...... ttl• Mr aftd "'°'' l!oy l\onnot !.An Ju.tn Caol•trano. 0"1 Mr ana Mrs Of-Mu~ Sttour!. Mt~ "on lllt jO, bOy Mr ar>d M,.., M1c11•et Smy1n M1~ )ion y,~,o. qirl J .... '· tt7t M r ._tno Mrs c.~rdrd Hfl'•,,o, M1~s1'Jr\ \/1fjO, Qlll, JllM II. !tit M r and Mr\ M4Jr'-A~r\Cn Ml\ \•on "•tro. 9•'' Mr ar>d ""'' RObl'•I C,outo•llf' San Clemente bOv Mr dnd M r\ c;.ry l\.PY .Mt'lo,JC"l Vt~ 10. bOY '11CMrd To<t\.OM <I f h l 1l0f'f,, M 11rot lo, L•guna NIQU<'I. Qorl J ... e u , tu• M r .and M r\. Sttven Htft, ,M1\S10fl V1t 10. Q1rl Mr and Mrs JoPln l "pet San Clemente, bOy _,,,,.. IJ, 1'1' Mr and Mn.. Trl'l'tt 8*mtnl CCKla Mesa, boy Mr anCi Mr• Jottn C•rl. Miu .on Ille 10, girl Mr •'Id Mr\ ~I'"° Hess. Ml$$10n Vtt · tO, Q!f"I A\r af"d Mr\ AAliht Fd1• W 4rt h. M1s~1on V1r10, bOr J-1•. ,.,. Mr •nd Mrs Ron.tto Fee•r~. M1u1on v ... ,o boy Mt ono Mr~ °"""" Follgrrald. S.1n Ju11n C•P•\trMio, Qlrl. Mr 4nd Mt\ Of.nm~ Nt Wt ll. M IJ\U)n Vtt'JO. girl, Ju11e 11, ltlt Mr dnd Mrs J ason Vctugllt. D.tn~ Point bOy Ju,.. ti, Hl• Mr "lnd Mt\ Ht-•nr JUet M•\\•Of\ V1~10 Qltl J-··· ,.,. Mr d nd M" 8M1on !>anoorc'. MI\· \Ion Vtt fO, bOy JUll9to, ,.,. Mr anq Mr~ RolMld Fleury, M1SS1on V•e10. 01rt Mr and MI'S Anelre., Mil~. Ml\\lon lllejo. boY J-11, ,.,, Mr• and Nit\ Jonn Mon Ison, S"n Ju•n c.c><~trano. gort. Mr ar>d Mn.. Ger•ld Ou1nn. D.tna Pooni. Doy J-tJ. Hit Mr ano Mrs U!On1d T1nlu•1n, M1~ S•On llltlO. Qlrt DeaJhs Elsewhere SIENA. Italy CA P > I t a I i-a n s c u 1 p l o r Ludovico Consorti. 77. w h ose works m clud e the ornate bronze H oly Door o f S t . Pete r 's B asilica i n the Vatican , d ied Sun - day . RIVERSIDE (API - Big-ba nd e ra mus 1c 1a n Edgar Hayes. 77. the pian o and orga n player w h 0-1 c..d l h t> B I u e Rh y thm Band , di e d P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST"TEMENT T ht lollowlng l>l'f'>Or>\ M t 001tt9 bV\•~e's ct\ ARIO COMP UI E A '>VST EMS t App11~d P et.,deir lnfn rm..tt•on Otv~•opm<'"ll. 1q19~ o.t~p Merbor. Hun111,91on Buell, c..t. 911><!8 K<1lhtttn Lorr.,orw l'l<'nt-d•O. t'18) OnP Harbor. Hunllnqton Br acn, Ca •1••• Fr<inl< Rov ltwos 1q19s Ot~p H•rt>or. Hun11noton 6tac~. c .. '11~•• Tht\ DU\I~\\ •\ COl\OU(tf'd by • ltmlted 1Mr1ntf\n1p f(a'"'<""'" l e~n~'"'. Frank Roy l fl'WI, Thi\ SIAtem~n• Wit\ Ulrd w tth UW' Counly Clrrk 111 Oran<1,. Countv on Junt n. 1979. Ftt7514 PUbll•rted Or•nO" C°"<t O•••r Pllol June?~. Jutv J 10, ti, 1q10 )'31-1q PUBLIC NOTICE S UPElltOR COUllT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOllNIA FOA THIECOUNTVOFORANGE 700 Clvl< C.nlt• Orin Wot San\a An•, C.tllo•n•• P LAINTIFF MARIA lUCl\.A 1..URIEL MEREDETH (HRISTINE CUAIEl., .. rn1nor b't 4'n0 '"''ouotl f'M"r C:.uMd••" ad llttm P E TER M (UAIEL. ""°PETER M CURIE L DEFENDAN T ._lllAE N L E VERN CLARK .ond OOF') I tnrovor Thurs day an a local h ospital. The band was known for its r ecordin g o f H oagy Carmic h ael's "S t a rdust" in 1938. GLENDALE (AP> E ldin "Al" Onsgard, 68. who se rved as a p e r son a l pilot for Gen . George S. Patton Jr. during W orld War II, has b een kille d i n an auto mobile accident. P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CALLING FOR llOS OWN E R ARA TRA>4SPORTATION GROUP SCHOOi DISTRICT I RVI NE UNtl'tEO SCHOOl. OISTRICT OtD OEAOLINE 10 00 fl'd nck .l.m f POS T I ot 1~ 11th day ol July, !qi~ P L AC£ OF 8 10 R ECEI P T DIS TRI CT '10 MtNIST A'll lV E CENTER ?'141 Allon Avenut', Irvine Callforn1~ PROJEC T tDENTIFl(ATION N AME 8 1J S MAINTENANC E GARAGE SEWl:R P~ACE PL.ANS A~E ON FIL E 01)TRt CT l\O MINISTl!ATION CCNTER, ?'141 Alton Avenue Irvin~. Cdlfforn1r1 9'1114, Floyd E W•~"'"'· Stru<lur"t En91n~r. l8J'I fllrrll Str•t l, Nt wpor I B•at h C"lltorn1a q7660 Pl'lonf' • l,IAI S~&SSO NOTtcfE IS HEREBV C IVEN 1n.1 tnt "bOw narneo S<llOOt 0 1>tr1<1 ot O••no• C°"'11Y C..lltorn•• <Kh"9 by •nd 11\tOUQll lllO! OWNER. Woll r•<•••t uo to, iwt no• 1.it< 111nen tho •bow •••d time, "'"lf'CI blels tor Ille •w&rd ot contrM:I for Ille abOv" project Btd \Mil bf rece•vecl In the plat" ldfnltlit<:I "bO•e. -SMll "" -Md ar>d publltly re•d aloud al lhf al>OV' .i•teo 11ml! anO t>l-Kt T PIP.rt will bf a U S,00 dtPOSll rt ou•red tor t11<ll w t ot bid OO<u,,,.nll IO ou•r•ntf'e ·~ ritlurn •n 9000 condl110" w11n1n ~wn °""•Ill••'"" bid OOl!nlno date Each btd m .. \t coMorm and be re\pon~··~ to '"" c.ontr«t dO<.umenh Each bid \l\a11 C...#com1>o1n1~d b\o SUMMONS the securttr rtlHrftd'fo 11'1 the contr•ct CeMHw-Jt-44·11 CIOCumMI\, Mid bY 11\0! 1151 of pro~ed NOTICE' Yo ...... , bH" •u•d sub<onlrA(lor\ Tll• u wr1 mo ••clec a g•l11S1 yo11 Tiie OWNER rr"'rves Ille rlohl to willlo111 ,_ llelllt !turd unlH• you rt J•< t •nY or all bid\ or to w•i•e •nY re'""4 wtltll" lO d•y•. Aud the in· lrreoul•rltle!o or tnform1111ttrs 1n <1ny ,.,....,_ •-otds or 1n the blCIO•no AVtSO• Utttf "• ·~ cl•m• .... ado. Tnt OWNER II.IS Obtatr>td fr()m Ille El Tri-I-* dKl<llr conlr• Ud Oortctor ot II•• OtNrtmenl of In tin a11ci-ta II -M\ 11.W Ull. ,.....,,,. dU\fro•I Rel•llOn\ Ille oe""ral pr•••ll d.a ""''° ... ,. Illa. ....... 111to•m•· tno ••le ot Otr d1•m waoes tn , ... clell -,...,. •ocalih '" wlll(h '"'' ""°'" " lo ... 'TO THE DEFENOANT A 1ovol .,.rlotmed tnr H <h craft or ty.,. 01 c.omplA1nt f\..lt\ bf't n tit~ b'Y ,,._.,. Oid1n worllm "n ~ to tt•f'cutt tP\• <on 1111 eoa1n•t YOU tract f l"'W ra1ts <1rt on 111• "' Ille , a II you wl\h 10 <l•t•M '"'' DISTRICT'S olllce tocal"d •I 7'41 tew\u1t. you Mu\t, w1trun >o d'.1¥\ dft~f Alton Awnut, 1rv1"4J, CA '2714, CoPltS th!\ w"""°"' " ""'""° nn you, "'" may .,. 01>1a1net1 Otl rt0uest. A <Ol>Y 01 WllPI '"" t()Url • Wrtlt•n Olf'<1d1nQ 1n lhht r•IH \hail IW POSled •t llw IOb ••\ponse 10 lhe comotA1nt '" • •II• Ju~llte CO<;fl. •OU mvst lltp w•t" ltlf The tor900<1'1Q KhtOUle of per Clltm <-I • -•tt~n pleildtnq or <•uw •n ••Of\ I\ o.wci upon • won 1no day of orft plea<l•nQ 10 I><' t 11t•red •n ,,.. eio flt tfl "'°""-The rate lor notoday OO<Ull Unltt\ •OU oo \0. YOU• Ol'lautt •nd ov•rttnw work '""" be at 1 .. st will M enrH'9CI UPOn apptout1on o• Ille time ano ~ti ptflnllll, -thi. court m•v •"ltr • 11 lllall bt rnenoetory UPOl'I 11\e Con· 1""9mfflt aqtlMI vou tor the relott <ff· tractor to whom tr.. contract I\ "'•n<le<I In the comota•"'· wh1t11 coutd awarclo<I, a11e1 UllO<' •ny ioubcontrtKtor rnutt In 94'f"llltllmen1 01 w•~•. t•k1no unoer 111m, to 11ev not 1•$• th"" 111a ot m1111ey Or PfOOtrtY o• Ollltr rt lltl rt Hid •~lli.d r•I•\ to •II workmen quetttd '" lllt <oml>l~tnt •mPIOYIHI by tt1em tn trw u ecu11on or 0 II,.... ........ _, Ille H vlo •• ,,.. lOlltr<KI .,. attwMy lfl lltlt metlt<'.,.... ,...,.;. ~o blclOt• ,...Y w1111e1rew hh bid •or ,_ M ~ .. -I Y-.,,,_ • H•loel °'forty live 10 1 da" elltr ......... If a,.,,_, ........ ~,,,... .... <l•lt"" '°' ,,,. 00tftl"9 Of llld\ OATEO July 10 ttrt A o•v.....,. _, ano a pooHonnanc• WILLIAM I i1 JOIC4 bO<l4 Wiit bt rt<1111t'tel !><'lor lo n ot .. (hlO llort of I ... ~OMretl, TIM peyf'llefll bOnC1 lly Ht•DI H 0(L(C.£T """ .,. 11'1 tllt IOf"M WI IOfth HI 1,,. 0.0UIY <ontrt (l OOtumtnl\ ltU,.WITl AHO HUltWITI • Ar• tr ... _rl•llon Gn>uo , ..... ~ftAV ... W ByJeme\A AfnCll Of••, ~a.,... lllt e Prttkltnt r.1· i7l41 •••Jtt Olltf•llon• AllttMYt ltt Pl•ll'ltlfk W"l•r11 Ar•• Put>tl\~ Or-Cewt•I 0Aoly 0 1101 Pu ll1.1S11£D OrallQe (N \I Deity M•y lei, J -• IJ 10 ,.,, 7011 It Ptlj)I, July>. 10, lt/1 1>0 It Ti.mdey July 3 1979 DAILY PILOT PlJBLIC NOTICE &UPllll()ll COUii TO' THI lTAY801'CALtl'OaHIA f'Oa THICOUNTYO"O•ANGI HeA t.UI teOT tCI 0" HIAftlNO Ofl PITITION flOll PltOeATI 0" WIU. ANO "Oii L.ETTlllS THTAMl lt· TAa\' ANO f'Ott AUT"O•IZATION TO AOMtNllTlll UHDlll TH I INOa .. INO.NT AOMIHISTftATION OP UTATS& ACT l""OIATI COOi t'llTHOI • E\lal• ot BEUi.AH llo\ tG8ElllT. c.c •• -. ~OTtCE.._IS HEREBY Gii/EN IMI JEllOME ll EGBERT,.., lllMI twrelrt • pe1111011 lor Probat•OI w 111.,,., tor" W tn<t ol I.Aller\ TH\f..-IMV to II"' pehll-r -for AlllhOrtt•I-10 Ad Mll'll\let -1"9 11\0t~Otnl Ad ml~lll••lton Of E\l•I•• All IProP•I• C.,.. $ti el M!Cll, reterel'lo to wl\1(11" m•oe tor lur1Plt• Oolrtltul~r\ and that tht tlmt -place ol """""II the >oom• hO\ be,.,. 'let lot Julv 11 '"q at 10 00 • m , 1n '"" cou11roorn ol Otparlment NO ) OI ... d court, ., 100 CIVIC C•nler Or•vt-Wf'\t m th.-C •h ot S..nt• An• C•lltorn1• O•ttd JUI\• ?1 1'TQ LEEA BRANCH eoun.vCI•,. McOONALO, P UL.ASll E, HAllL.loN&COPPO lll M•rllft, WI• 1'0 1....,lfte, CA'2/U Alt••,..Y•I.,.· ".illionH P UBLIC NOTl<'E n" TlfMaHT 0, WITHDRAWAi. ,ltOMPA•TNl 11$HtfO OPlltATINGUNDEll fOICTITICMJilUilNIHHAMf T"• '"'-'()Q ~-ho •·•hdr•wn 6\ • O•"•'•' p•rlner troM 1"• H•l,..r>Np -••llno u~r ow 11c llllou• Ou•llleU n•mt ot ORANGE COUNTY AlllAllON •I t t~11 So Alrporl Wey Sant• An.. (4tlllornt• t'101 The tl(tltl~ bu,,.,.,. 11•me tt•te ment tor 1"9 j)drlNrWllO we• Ille<! on J•nuuy/, 1'7SllllNCountyo40t•"9" Tiie lull nt,... -•Od•eH OI Ille o-r~on wllhclr•w•l'Q It LAA AV l. SCHOONARO. •U E••I V.y SltHI, Coron•. Calllor"'• uorrvL SCl'IOOf\ard FtJml Publt•hed Or•nQe co .. 1 0•11• P1101 Jun•1•,Ju4yl, t0.11 1919 14:16 T' PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS aUSIHESS NAMI! STATEMENT l ,,~ tottow1no p.et\>On., •'" 001no l)U\IM\\ I \ FERNWOOO DEllELOPMENT CO M PAN Y JO?& Ovdoi Srr•~I Newport S.4'<11 C•lltornt• 026li0 Ste•rn\ Brown A A\\Ol•dll'\ tn• • C•tltorno~ cO•DO• otlon, X>?& Ou<11t Stre et, Nt"WPOrt B ed<h, Cdl•for11i.l 'lll>l>O Pubtlshe<I 0ran9" c.o.i.t O••I• 1>1101 1 M•O Ot•e•oom~n1 Int , ,. June it. 17,Julyl IQ19 7•H·79 Calllornt• cnrPQr4'11on 11 I N )Ill PUBLIC NOTICE Street Reclt.and\, C.•lllOrl'•" ql)IJ l fH\ °'1\rnt\~ " ( onauc tf!d by itn un •"<o<POt•tf'd •\~ 1•teon ot~r t,,ctn d FICTITIOUS •USIN£SS p.ortner\l>Op NAME STATEMENT '>te•r~ Bro•n <Ind Tht totiowtnq llt"O"' ... OOll'IQ A•-•alft, Inc buSlMU ·~ Pllotlp A Sturn, ABUNDANT LIFC CHRISTIAN Prttldltnl f'ELLOWSHIP, 17581 Newland Strffl, This •1•1...,,..,1 wa• hied with IN' Huntington Beacll, c.t '2•4I County Clor~ ot O••l'Cle County on hi Auembl'/ Ot God Huntlnq1on Jur>e 21 • 1919. Buen (• C•lltorn1.t corporallonl fllliel 11S81 Newland Strut Hun1ono1on Pub!l!.llecl Orange Co.tst 0 .. 11y P1101 B.,tll, C• '21.11 ' J11nt n •nd July l 10 11 1010 H.J3 1q Th1\ bus1nes.s t\ <ondU<tf'd bV •<or por•hon ht A\..-mflty of GOd Hunt.nqton 8f'Mh R~• Alber! Ow•n Pa\fOr P UBLIC NOTICE l'tCTITIOUS I USINES!> NAME STATEMENT l t-u:~ •ouow•th~ ppr\on\ .tr~ Oo•no bu\1nt~._ "' Thi\ \ldt"mrnt Wit\ Hird w 1tn ow C.ounty C ,.,~ of 01 ~nQ~ Countv on ')&R !'>40U RANC~ MORSES ••> Flt11St Et Bo\aut Loauno Socn c .. 1,1orn"' June 1 ), 101q Pubh \lltd Or.>nQI' Co.i\I Ddllv P1101 "7&Sl Jun(' 19, 1b, Jutv l 10. 10 • 13,. 1q C,r~oo•• AIAn '>•MP'>OI\ I 111 ' - --Co•\I HH>hwn•. t •ownd lie,.," PUBLIC NOTICE c .. 11•orn1• '7U I \l\t1lll•m W.-loon AC>vll .o, EI Ros Qt..1~ LiiC)U"'a Bfo~cn C.•l1torni.t 47o)1 NOTICE TOCllEOITOllS Tllo\ OU\IM \\ " conoucteo DY 4 SUPERtOA COUllT OF THIE llmtted part""..-.~'P STATE OF CAI.I FOR NIA lfOlt W!Yl ROUll. THECOUNTYOFOM"NGE C,r1>QS1mp,,.,n HO ...... ,,, Thi\ \ldttl.,,...nl -~'\ t1ltd ..Wtfn tn- E\lbl~ ot IRIS t LI TCHENBEll County CtPr• of OronQe C.uwoh 111o •k• IRIS UTCHENBERG 0..CU"'<! Jun.-n , 19/q NOTICE I'> t1E.RE8V GIVEN to Ill~ t rr<lltors ot IN' abO•<' Mmed oeceoent Otttt dtl ~son~ h•v1nQ < t•tf'n\ •CJ!lrns,i lhi( Uld dea'ot'nt d'' ftQUftt'O 10 Iii,. lhtm. win' ttw nt'<r.urv WOUt~rs, 1n tht-Oft I'<«-ot ttw ck>tk ot th~ ttbow f"'n tltlf'd <.ourt or to or•"*'"' l"'tm w11n '""' n~<f's-wry •OU<her\. 10 tnr ~n d~r\19ned.il tho'o!llce ot RICHAl!O D l'INER, Anorr>Pydt Law. 11n 1 Irvin• Blvd . Tustin. ca1trorn1A q21>8(), WhlCPI '\ lh~ p4ac~ Of bUSHW~\ ot fhP un d~rstonf-<t tn •II m..uer\. Ofl'rt°'1n1n9 to Ille Ul6te Of \bid Oi'c-nt ... 11P11n tour m ontP\!. •ftet tM to'' pubhc. ,.-t1on at lhl\ noh<-~ 0 dled J-s .. ,. Al•n tie l1tcftPnbf'rq E.ct<utor ot t~ W11t ot l"" abOve natnfQ ~ roent GILES, CAl.UHAN & McCUNE RICHARDO. KtNER, 17'21 lrvifle etvd .• T11•ll11, catH. nwo T•I: ltlO *-4ln AllorMy fw P•tllioner Publlv-ed Ot.anoe Co'"' D"lly Pilot, Ju"" 12~ Ju~ l , 1•19 n t• 7q PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS HAM£ STATMENT Tll• fOllOW1"9 """'on I\ doon9 bu" ness as Fltlstt Pubt1shed Of&nqr· COA\I Oa1tv Po101 June 7• .,,., July J 10 If 1019 l•JA I~ PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS I USINESS NAME HATEMIENT Tf'I,. toUow1nQ Ot~"' cHfl C101nq OV\tn,.~\ 4~ N (WPO PT f P£"E"WA¥ HEAOOUAll r r RS INllESI M ENT 7087 M1c11e1.on °''""'· ';u1le llZ 1tv1n<> (at1forn1.t ~TU M,.,,." v JonP\ &I& At .,'" Coron.t Ck t MOr (•hf0tn•4 9-1t.H Atdn O.tvn.on 111 E me'-"'cJ 8.h Laqvn• 8t-~" Ca11torth<tJ '?&)t q OOt rt S Wf'u tt:. 1111 £m ... r4'1tl Bav l."O'""' A-acll C<llllorn•• ~~" J•rOIO R COi~. 29 Sli.ys.t1I, C0<on• Ott Mu (lllllorn10 William~ 401 EmPratd 601 La9uM BMtn, Collll)<n1., '11~)1 Ttu!a OuS•nt'S\ 1sconducte<Jb y W n.-r•t Partn~r\l\tp. Man tn V Jont>\ TM5o \t•left"lot'nt w~\ tHf'-0 w tU\ lhf' Covnly (Ito ot Or•nQ<' County on June I. 1uq Fllt711 Pul>ll>lled 0.""9<' Co.tot Oa11y Po101 Jun" n. 1•. ,. '""'J uly J , 197'1 110• 10 PUBLIC NOTICE ' PUBLIC: NOTlt •; PUBLI NOTICE . .,... ...... NOllCE TO CltEDITOlll '""•••Otl cou•T OF THE Ho A t•71 $TATe Of'CALl,_HIA fOOlt SUPElllOll (OUllTOI' THI THI COUNTYOfl O•ANGI STA fl OF CALl,O•HIA FOM NO. A0 t*'1 THI COUNTYOfOOaAHO. N O T ICE Of' HIAlllHO 01' In Ille M•tlt• OI '"' f~lfl• ot PETtTt()lil "Oii PllC>aATlf 0" WILL. MARTHA L I.ONG. o~ ...... d AH O FOii LlfTT&•s TllTA.MIN Notlo I• ""••11v Q•v•• 10 (ftOllO" TAllY AHO tl04t AUTNO•tZATIOtl "•••no <•aim~ aoaln<t ·~ ••ICI dfK• TO ADMINl$Tlfll UNOI• THI d•nt to lilt ••• ., <i••m• 1n 111• 01110 ot INOl.PINDINT AOMtHtsT•ATIOtl , ... t l•rk Of Ille •fOf• .... 14 court o• IO Ofl 1:$TATl ,AC"T. Or .. ent tr.em to Ille unOfr\IQned •1111• E\la!t! ot JOHN R M<CRUOEN, OlllU ot HOMER GOOl~C. •• ..,) Rll• O.ua~ Av•nu•. Su•t• X>S P 0 8o• 11'1 Hui\ NOTICE I~ t4f'AE8Y Gii/EN OWi lll\Qton P•rw ("lltornl• 'IO?U wPllLll DOROTHY P MtCRUOEH hal llll'd 1•11•• ollk e " tl\t' Pl<I<• or llll••l'IU~ ot 11ereon • polllltott t·or ProOlt• ol Wiii th• u nO.f"\iQ"""' '"'•It m•ltttr\ C)f't t111tln •nd tot Lent'' Te'\tement•t Y ...a fOf 11\Q to W •O t...S.4t~ ~uc.h c l••m \ ¥tlth 0'«' A ut"'Or l1•tto11 to Adm tnttter u"6tr tn.tt neteH•rv "°"'"'"' ,.,u\t be to1eo qr 1noepenc1M1 Admln1•tratlt!t> of E•••t .. Or•\•nted •i afortUflO Wlttli" tour Act r•terent t to •nkh '' m.oe tor montft\ athtt ttwJ t1r\t publl<•UOf\ ot turo,~r e>atU(Vl•r\, and tf'l•t tf'lf' t•M,. th" nottt• and P••ce ol hurlrtQ '"* wm• "'" D.:thid J~ 8, t~19 neen •el for July ti. 1914, at 10 00 • m J~~ ~ Lono 11• tllP counroom ot O&P<1rtment No ) E~tt<Ytur of ow W1H 01 ,..,o <ourt. at IOOCtvi( Cen•er Oriv~ ot W •O o .. lt~nl Wc\t. I n \hf' City o t S.dnl• .,,. HOMEll GOOING <.•l1torn•-' All•rn•y ., ~.. Oal•O JurM< ,, 1q7q UO> llllllA.,._ l .,..A 0••n,n s .. tte 2» County Cit<;. p 0 !lo• JM e v •TOH & GAULDIN """lln9ton Pa.-, CA tt7U Ert< L l wnon Put>l1\twoa OranQif' (..Uft'' C>~1h f.J11ot. 7U4 S Pitt'.., A11..-w Jutl\ 11.1• /tt4no July I 1019 2173·19 W~1ttt••.CA*°7 I Tel IJUI 6~t .. UBLIC NOTICE lflCTITIOUi I USINESS NAME STATEMENT th~ fOft0111W1nQ O•f\01'\\ ctrt" OOtnQ bu\1nr\.\o\ OUl!VEA MALCOI M & DALY OCH MatA"""r BOul••.,d. N~wj)Otl B~ach C•hlorn.a 'nM>) le\li~ N Oury,<1 II • Monarth B•¥ Soum L •ovn.o, c .. 111orn,0<>?•11 I hOm&\ II M"lrolm l SIO W 0<~.tn J<ront ""'lf'w port BttAt h (~lllO•no<t '11"61 (hctrlfll"i. 0 Oi'I¥ S?OI S,,.A\f)Or .. Nr"'tP0'1 A,.'it h C.dllfOrf!•ft ""'' Tn ... bu\1nP1\ ... cuAOu• ,_.o t>v d o .. nfotdl p3rtn~r\f'l1p UW>tntf\ Q M"IC OffT1 t t'I•\ \ldl...m.-nt ""'"' h lt"t1 w 1tn ,,,,. (ounr, <1~n 01 "'·'"'l' C '""'' on Jun.-9 t4"1 OU AT EA, MALCOLM, OAI. Y & \llTTI Attorn•vs ,. • ..._,._, 4)01 M•CArtr.ur Blvd P 0 Boal!IO Newport Boe~. c a ,,..,, AllOrnn• IO< P•lll•OMr Puoto~nM Ot.trl<I@ CO.O>I D•ll• Polot, JulV ? 1 q t9Jq 7•'7 1' PUBLIC NOTICE A·nat SUPERIOll COURT OF"TIIE STATE OF CAt..IFOANIA FOii THE cou•nY OF OltAHGE NO A·lqt!UI N O TICE O F H E AR I NG OF PETITION FOii PllOIATE OF WILL ANO FOR I.ETTERS TESTAME N· TARY AHO FOR AUTHOAIUTIOH TO ADMINISTER UNOE ll THE tNOE PENDENT ADMINISTRATION OF E~TATES ACT "'lat~ o• Vll~C:.I NIA c Fl!EY a, .. 111lfr,1 Nt A <.ELE~llN e FREV °'"'' .. ~ .... o NOllC l I~ Hf RFBV ~lllEN tn•r WllllAM R FAfY JR , h•" 111..0 nfl'r"'" " i-rirh in .,., Protwtt" ut W1lf 1tno tor ''\U'4MCt'" rit l t'flrr ' ft"SIAmf'n ldr Y an<• t11r Au lN,H•l<tf1on to Ad m'n1\tt•r ~mt>,•r O'i.• lndet'N'n<Jeot Afl m 1tt1\lrAt1tlfl ot I ,,~,.,.~ A• t. rfl'lfrftnr.1• l e. wr; , '' ' m-:to.-1qr to rtnt•r F 11•1lS UfH llf u••H" 1tt\O 1no1 Int" ••m .. CfJtQ P vbl•\,""'"O Or.1~ (~,, Oott•IW" p 1,0, Dl(tr ... tit '"""'•"41 lhr wm~ heh bt'~n "'' Junr I> 19 2~ dnd July J "'q 11"1. 111 tor Jwt y t I 19N di 10 00 -' m 1n tru P UBLIC NOTICF. OllAlfGE COUN TY ~UPIElllOR COURT 100 C'V•C c.,.. •• , OttVf W•tt S•,.l• A .... CA t U OI c 1u• I room 1 O• oa11~t ~o Jot \dtn 1ourc ~• 1 i11(1Y•C (t"nlt"r Or1vtt W~\I en tnt" (11, -1• '\.rtnt.t A11d t.."'1ttorn14 Oott'O Jut'•' l > 11o11q t ,. .. A At..ww., '°'mtv Cit',. DAVID A BAROSl.EY 11s•1 ''"'"' e•~d , C•I AIN T l f l <,t f;\/E N Sw•I• No IOll (.HFl1')IDPHE R ~f f T /fl 0 £ r rt•LIANT J0'>( l'H PHILLIP wr 61< <1no DOES I tnrouQn 10 1n t' '"'""'". SUlo<MONS CASE NUMIEll .!047 U Tuihn. C•hlor"1• •>MO Tel 1)1 >IO.I Atttrn1:y tor PithtfCll'lr r Pub l1\f1tiid Or1.tnqt Co~nl 00111; PH01 Ju1v 1 J " t~N 1)11 1-. Pl:BUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS MAME ST&TEMENT NOTICE • Vou h•n lle•n \UH Tht • COMtt m4y M<"td• <i1q.11n\t •Ow ••t"ovt rout Ofl'•nq ~•rd unlM \. ;ow t1\pond w1tf\1" JO d•ys. Ae•d •tt• •ntorm•hon b•tow Tn ... •OltQWtn~ µt·r1.tnn\ 1Ht! dornq f)u\tn .. \•, ,.. t i yt)u w 1\P'I t? ._.,,,_. rrw o1'1V•f:,. nt dn -ittorn,., n '"'' m .. 11t,.r 'f'>U \"o"''d dn \11 Ot"f'HnC>ll<t ~ lh-4'1 t OV' w rtt l .. n t p•oorp.1• tf otl"IY m 1tvbt ~1l•dOf"lt1m,.. AVt~O· U\leG h.& \tdo dfltm .. nCWdo Et tr1b111WI ~ d«ld•r centr .. Ud i t" tt"d••"<•• .a ~ Q1ri11" Ud rt\00" da Gtl\tro doe lO 01•\ Lf'• l.t lf\fotm4 fl(HI N(,'> ~I( 1~2 Auo"' Gard,,,C,rn¥11> CA.~c t J ,.. f fr .. nd"V 10181 q-unn•f\-Q "c;.r nQ-. t" H"r'l11t\(Jtf'.>n Q('illn (A ne.,. 1.11 11 P Wt ~drt 4)00 Pd r~ Nfl'wpart N11wO(H t ti•'d(n CA '176ei0 ct~~ ~u~l'~~IJ ''lt111l1if '' onv·10 01' Dov• (l'HMH• l01'4 Pf!"bbfl' ,, o" ..tfl'.K)·t'tfl '"" .. , ... ,_ ivnln O,.br,.,. F-O\f"'d•f"I v.1th" (A 97708 h'-'C. fllrtt') 1nmurt1t1t.tm• nt. dt "'''' Of'~:;~I ~~~::;:n.•,: l0'ldu<1~0 Dv ·• ::;;~~:d n~u;:,~:~~ .,;~~~:,t~ ti~'m~d~ JM k R w~ ' t O ,.._.E O E ff NO"-N r A '•v•I l n1\ ftlrlh'fnent w111, lltf'd with ,,.... com Old•f'll fld"' blk-n •""'" n.,. tn .. "'"',._ ~=:::~~ ~,;;:' of Otan~ Covn1~ o n 1tft •cio1n,1 .,~ II .,.°"' ""'''" to "~''"° thl\ 1.,....,,u1t lft\t~ '"'"' w ·ltt•n JO dt\f'\ llt""' Ou\ 'lumrno.n, ,._ ,.,.,.v,.O M -.ou 111,. w olf\ tn1 fOu'I ... ,.,. 't,.n rr ... OOf\Y to 1n .. compl ""' Uu11 "' tOU Jo w you• d.--(lu11 w •U t..-.-ntt·' •'1 nn "" Ol1t Atul" 01 tn1• plA1nl1U H'M'1 tn1 our t mo1 !"Ol•r ... t"'dqm. ''' 110 •'"'(' vnu •or In'· r.-1u·1 O••r'nrH.01'4 '" .,,.. nmu1~11H wruc " roulr) r,,.,ut, •f' qArn1'h,,.,1·rt o, F111l41 PYbl•\N"d Ordn~ t.ocl\1 Oat1v P 11ot Jun• 7• Jul, 1 10 11 totq 1•16 t~ p BLIC NOTICE MOTtCE OF INTENTIOlf MAN Y MAN S I O N S HOUSECLEANING SERI/ICES, JJO AO<ll" Str~~I. \ .ttjul\.i l1 ~a t" C.ototorn1a q?•S1 FICTtTIOUSBUSU~ESS ""'H~I " '"'~'". "' ,,,,,,,." '" LltOO• fl;,,, ~AME STATEMENT air+.,.,. 0 _... lttUu• ·I• •J " ,.._ •• ._,,,, TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC. BEllER~GES • h,. t "' wruvr1 11 Md't' (nnt .. , n C.uot Glltk >J~ AQdl• Strut Lagunit Bea<h. Cahlornon "?&SI Tn~ to1tow1n9 p~r "°"' dr~ ooir•Q ,.., .. ,nr bu\1nf':'\\tl\ ~l UOIOWEST SOU~Oi\ CJ•trtJ lu>rv.Hl t tl~Cif '>""'' t I • 1· \•.1dnt. .. ot t~ 111 en-... .tP u1 ... a •or tW•f•~,.. ., ~rPOY given tnctt In,. una~r,u1nrd propO\t>' tu \rll ttl O"f'~u Ql•y.-.'if'1f°"> ttf t~ Pf~t~C''>. de: ,c,••bfi'Ott"' tt'\llt\w\ T"t\ b"\1~.-., '' conouct~o b., tt sate prO()f'~tMs•uo llGHllN(i 7~1~) Mtfnfyrti L.aqun.t ... .) ,,,., ''' H•tl\, C~l1torn,.:t•1&)J 1 ... 0 C•rol Glic• lf'11S Sfc11~,,.,.,,nt Wrl~ fil,.d W •f" tr- (Ounty Ct•rk ot OrAn11e C0<>nty on June 11, n 1q. Daniel t MOhndt• 1\t1>1 (hdrt1n Ht' N.,ttth.-f-u11• 1 da Ori"" M l\\1on V u.•10 \..ttlt1orn11t AHOOE~~t~OALL ·~~I WArner Av,. Su11r tOt 1-iuntmqton Bf-.Ch: c~ '1t>AV '1•1~ . "'"Pll"" H Smtih, 7J'l01 w1nom111I' HARllllfGTOH L.in~ Laovna N19u~1 Ca111orn1a Q7•11 K•" E S'"'"""n Pvr\O-'nl ,,.. '"~"' tnf~tlon. tne un tJPr\1QnM 1 ~POtv1nQ to tt'\~ Ot!D,., 1 m t1nt ut .\lt oP\nl•\. 0Pvflirt'Q~ (-Of\trnt lt)r t \U('N'f'I \'.ti dfl .._.ltnholl< bt'Vt",4\lf" 1 ,, ,.n,•• nr I• t"f"l\t '\ • tor H~V· grfl' m., •• , 1,, •oHow Ft .. n7 PubllSPled Oranyt' C.oa•I Odlly P1iol, Jul't 12. 1~. ?•and Juty J, 19/q Thi\ bu\lf\f''\ I\ tonduU@d t>'I d ez•• ~•cArt"u' 8h d . (14'Mrat Pdrt,,..r\l\ip Sullt IOS 231~]9 P UBLIC NOTICE O"n Motin<1rl Newport Buell, CA •1..0 Thi\ \t,,t~\ w~\ Ule<1 with UW At10tnfy~ fOf Pf<11nttU Co nt C•Pr" ot Or.tn9f' County on Punl"nen Of .. ,,O"' (CM I ().u•v "·1t•t Ju~_.11. iqro Ju"• 11 10 /&..t"CS JUiy l 1010 "'11\ IO Pl •I \Jn,,,,.,. n1 rAI PUt,J LA f FICTITIOUS BUSINES~ NAME STATEMENT The IOll-"'9 per\On " dOt"IJ bu'°· ntss a\ ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF COSTA MESA. 7S38 NewPorl Blvd , Costa Mrsa, Catllorn1a '1616 F tllS.0 Pubto<ntd Ota nqe Co.t\I 0~11v "•IOI Jun~ 7t>M'CIJ utv J 10 ti t~1Q 101 '' PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS P UBLIC 1'0TICt: FICTITIOUS BU" MESS NAME STAlEMEMT Thi• •ri1111w1nQ r1,..t ,11n 1t r•1 0 01f'Ht ou.,.n.,,~_. ... (&t) lcNTfllPPtSf 100•1 M•• 1,,,.~1,..,,.., 01l1\'0 ,, .. n .. ,,., ''~''""'"' ,,.,., <ut"f>-th .,. ,,, , .......... ,,.lo·t \IOI !II lilY .. I 1'"Ht.-.f1 frt'I,,. t Punl1,~·o O,~,,,.... l ()olt't Ooit>/ P1101 July J ,..,,,. """' ro Wllllam E B"d~611. 0 11 M , Sll7 Har-t.um Ln . Irvine C..tllforn•tJ tf>1tS TfH!io buf.meu t) conout tt O by"" tn dl•lduat NAMC HATEMENT Th,. IOllOwttH) pl•r+,on-. 4'rf' t>us1n,.\\~u d O•nra ~~7i~o,rn1~'~·,.~:~ H un I """"'' 9,.4'f t\ Pl'Bl.I(' NOTICt: w E Bordsall T ht\ ·uate""""' wa( f1IPO w1tn tne Count'f Cini< ot Or.1nci• Covnty on Jun~•. 1979 F 11t11t 'Pubh\l\Hl °'''"Cl" (O<l\l O~llY Ptlot Jun• I?, 19 76 and July J "'o 71'17 '' PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOU~ BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The-tollow1no person 1\ OOtnq b u\1 nf'~\ d'li COG LAN IAN MAl'<U FA C Tu R I NC:. !OSI PiM Pnto .. Ave nu• Costa Mt"' C.thlornod ql&l& O<t••d Go<l•ano<tn. 111o111 .. .,icon. Mi\\lon ll•eto CalltornlA 'f"l&ot E A'> ANO ASSOCIATES ll\I 8o.trd••I• Ortvt-, No JO• ttunt1nqtvn B•a< n (<111tornod 971>4'1 EO t1t•rd A -,c,,m .. r l_., 4J\1 Bo•rOwal._ [)riv,-Nu ?01. Hun1,nqtvn e ... acn, Cal1torn1d t?~O Jdy 8 •alt 14Q?, Ovf'rli•nCI Ornn Letouna Httl\ c.111rorn1d q7c.sJ T n1\ 0\l)•n"'" ... rOf'lf1Urt••t1 Do; (.th '" .11v1dufll Cdward t. 'irh''"''' .. , Tf'h\ ''~ltmt'nt w"' ttt ... 0 w.1n '"' County C.lt t'-ot Oranu~ Lounlv o,, June I 191q """1• Publt\IW'G 0 '-'l'\OP '-°"'' Ot111tv P Int Jun• 1' "nd Jutv) 10 11 IOI• l•J) '" PUBLIC NOTICE l h •t' ,,. oN ( ')rtrhn 1')047 M~r r.m,H l rtv1 Hut•f nolt:,, Ut·,1t~ ( ., .. .,, .,.o1Q?6"'" rt ...., tf•1 lo.f f1all'llf \rt"' 1" f . .1 h~ F tCYtTIOUS BUSINESS MAMIE STATEMENT A"' • .ort1&,.Mh r.:t ·1tu,n•1•n n,., Qll"~:;,.. t ~,.~:; f'lt~\ 1 '°'n"' lr·cJ t°lf '' f H J V•RtEr.ATE O C·/loR OEN f h t l•JllO'#tnQ Ol'f "'" t\ dOHlQ Ou'\! t•o..v.ut1 I+ {Jitf'fn tn \Ot _ Rt iHJhh AVt'P'IUft Costa M1•,,1 ''°'" '\Ml••mH"ll w r1' f,lqf wlltl trw ~.ahlf}rn11t~f.11 r rtt,nh (lt•H nt Or""''' (Ou"'" ,n IV"'" I f-t11,,11•·tn Ann Pow ,.tl t Ot) ~ iv1Q ~l'puOI •• Avt•nur (,o\t d Mr~d . fl1'11) IC<lllh>rn••Qh/1 p ,,b,j•,hr'll O• 1nfJI' ('°"'"'' t.J,, 1y u ,101 1 f'1•·· nu,,n." •\ rl)novnPd ov an'" lunf" 11 Ht ),., ~nd JUI• I lON '1q3 11 O•vtOVdlEfltAOt._lti A Pow11U Pl 'RLIC NOTICE F ICTITIOUS BUSINESS MAME STATEMENT f ... 1 t.)1tow1nq P4''Vl" '' dtJ,nll bY\• T,,, '1-''"'rn..or1f .,,,..~ tiled w •IP\ Into rooM• (,.,.,. nt Or..tn0t Counl• on JUnf! 1 M 11 Fll .. tl Puo11"n"' 0,dn~ l.Od\1 Od•tY Puo1 Jun~ 11 i. 7& <1no Jul~ ) 191• 1118 10 nu~ bu\inec-,-. '' <ondu \ l"t1 bv an tn <l1¥10Udt A tl641 ""'' -'' David f ,oQldnodn "CTITIOUSIUSINIESS 1llvlNl f(}MM[Jlt IM A~E N P UBLIC NOTICE Th1\ \l.,tl"f'T'lol'nt wa .. lll•d w1tn thf> Count• Cler~ 04 Ora"O" C.0vnt• Otl JulV I. to1q NAME STAT EMENT CY lt()tl()<J,11t'>lr"''' NPwOOrl tt-.Ch Th~ tollowino 04'r'\On~ "rr do1nQ (Al1h ""M <1766<> bu\1n~\\a\ A..,,,.,, 1 t•1-tn-; 1\11 t ltft Drtvt• MOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF Al.C.OWOLIC BEllEAA GES Fll"71 Publl\netl OtAnoe Co.t\I O~ily PolOI BEAR eqANO R'ANCt-4 COM L4'QUtM " .. "~" c_,u1t(>n11.1 lf/6)1 PAMV TA ACT tOlll PROJECT 1\0 '"" bu\.1nt , .. '' 1,nou1 ltt-0 n ... rln '" July), 10, II 1•~ 7~J'I 7q N'wpart Crnter Ortvf' Su1tr M 100 01v•Ova1 b 15 ,. t o Whom It Mdv Concl'rn N~wPOr1 Bf'a<h. (dhfotn•• q'lo.60 Au\lln ' l r •"'Y P UBLIC NOTICE Beat 8rttna A~n<l"t CompAny '' t '"'•\ .. 11:11•-"0"wnt """'·" 111~11 .,,.,, '"'°' Svb1tt< 1 t•J ·~,u~n...t" Of tnt 1tctnw 6P 011~ ,,,, rtotu.~ 1-. n~rrby 91ven th•t th'" unO .. r'\l~nt'd prooo~~\ lo Sf'lt dltonot•t ~'-'"'dCJll"'S •1 •~ Pf't-m1Afl'\, Of'\(.r 1b{ld ''" IOtlOW\ in tne \Pcl(t CHU· vtde-rt tw•ow Ca lttotnl• llmltfltf Oc§r tn~r~h1p ?SO Coun1v (i~·r1t. o • l)r""'ft Cuuntv OM NOTICE •o CllEOITOR-.--Newp0rt Centtr Drive Su1tr M 100 lun~ n l•I' • • Newp0rt Beacll, Cati tor no~ q7~ Fl 11!.IO OF IULIC TllANS, E fl C:.reoorv L Mlr\Ch, ?S4 NewPorl ~Ubh•llt'd Dr.•nlJ" 1,0'"' 0<'1iy P1tol fS.c.. 6101 -"07 U.C.C I Center Orin, Suite M 100, Newp0rt JuM )& dnd tu•v-I •~ II '"" 7.169 10 NOTtC.E IS HE REBY C:.lllEN ' 8each,Calltorn1a'n~ c r~Ot1ors of tnf' w11n1" ndmf' Thi\ bu\lnton I\ conducted bv •• •t•n\t•r·or\ lh81 ., bullil transttir 1 11m 1ted o•rtner)htp about to be made on person.ii P.OC>frl BHr Brtno Rtncn Co htretn•lt~r dc'Krllleo Roc..rt o Hiii. T lie namts •nd bus1iwH address o Gefier•t P•rtner lhe lnt-trtn\ttror• •rt Tiii\ statement wa• ttteo w•tll lh~ CONTINENTAL WALL PANEL. Courtly Cler1< Of Oranoe CourTty on C•l•lornta t orpoullon. •nd C.O N Jun• I, 1979 TINENTALWALL PANEL MFG CO TUCICEll &IOOllTl a partnertll1p. Hll Re~arcn Ori••· ur.a,.Y f UCl(lll Huntlnoton Beach, Calltornt• u• H••-' C.l•r Drive Tiie n•me~ and busl"4'.-•ddr~s\ of Sull• BS the lnt&noeo transte••e Mt N•w,.f1 IN<ll, CA u~ P H 0 T 0 T E M P L A T E F1161J7 CO RPORATION, b C.111orn1• <OrPOra PubllSl\f<I Oritnoe Coast Daily Pilot t•On, 11? Norlll Bal<lw1n P•rk Blvd , Junt 17 It 1• •r>d July J 1979 721• 1• CllVOI lnclvstrv,CA•ll<o --·--· -' Th&I Ille P.oPetly ~r"llMnl ~•elo • d•io<rita.d tn ~Mr•• •~ m~nin•rv, •QUiOm~nt anG 1n .... ntory ~ I\ l0<o1t PUBLIC NOTICE td ill S171 Rt\04'rCll Ort•• Hunt ,. • .,7. 1n9ton Beecll, Cotllorrtl~ SU .. ElttOllCOUllTO,THE Tllr bu\I""" n<lmt> u>tO llY 1111> ~Id STATIOFCALIFOllNIA FO• lr•n,l•ror~ ot sata lt><a llnn IS CON THECOUHTYOl'OAANGIE TINENTAL WALL PANEL and CON .... ".t ..... TINENTAl.WALLPAl"EL MFC:. CO ~TICE OF HIEAll l NG 01' Tr••I Mild bulk tr.onlltr I• tnleneleel t PITITION FOii PllOIATE OF WILL be tonsumrnated •I lh<' OlllU 01 AHO "011 1.ITTlllS TESTAMl:N Plloto Temptt1t Cor-•tlon )17 N TAaY Batel•ll' p .. ~ 81Y<I. Clly ol '""""'Y Esl•I• ol WILLIAM EDWAR D Calttornlll .i14t on or •lltr July 20, ROGEllS,aU WILLl~M E ROGERS, 1t1' aUWILLl"IM~OGER!>.Dett .. e<I Tll• n.tnw and .oclc!rets ot Ille person NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN lhal with wllom ctalm • m•y lie flied o BETTE WENT,.., lllecl herein • pell Lawrence J V•nnl, M< Co19ar\ 11'0 lion 10< Pt-• ol Wiii ..0 tor LAlttr, 11e11111, !tO S L.os Robtn. s..11, t u huemtntary, '9f••t«t to which ts Pa.ta<l<!l'la, c;.i11tornl•, "IOI, and tllt "'aOt tor 1Uf"1"9r ~rlltul•rt, -llWtt IHI O•Y tor 1111no by •l'IY trt<lltOf tlleli tn. lime •net l>I«• of llearlnQ IN um• N July 1t , 197' . .m1u1 '' '"-but•~ has -11 M« I« Juty 11. ttrt et 10 oo d•Y IMl!o<"t ,,,. ~on•ummellon 0•1• a m , In !ht courtroom ol 0.1W1rlme111 \potlllff •llO¥f Nt l OI ..io <0Ur1, •t roo Civic C.nttf" So ler 4" IS ,_ 10 ,.IO 11'11 Ori.._ Wflt. In W.. City ol Santa Ant ,,.,,., ..... M IO lnlff'Otcl T, ... ,,.,.,, Calllo•nl• 11~ "'' ">llOW•nQ -•ton•I bu\IM• O•t..iJVMn 1•" ".mH,-.odate~toe\ wlllllll the lllrff LEE A ll~AN(H yu n l•tt ~SI ~ONE (-yC .. ,, Oetecl JIM'>e,. 101• Wl\.Ll"MG. H"'YTlfft PHOTO TEMPLATE Mtlatl .. _...$4. CORPORATION ... O.•••t• LAIWl'en(t J ll•rint ~ 9-11, Ce .... t Attorney tor Tel: 12111 -.1.a PN>10 Ttn-.Ot•tt Corl*MIOfl "111!11\"90 Or-°"''' !)ally Pltql JulJ J tt7' UH t ...,_.__ ........ ~. Att-ylor: ... .._r P11bll•lwd Or-Cou t O••tv lloto• J\1,,.1' 11 Jul•> 1tt• fUO I• P UBLIC' NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT l t\f' fvllOW1no 0t•rwn 1\ cto1nq b u,1 ,..,.,\ft'\ SPOTLESS (AR WASH •I& I '''" ~lr!''l'f Co~t..e Mt'\•t C1tl1forn1• 01611 Thoma' Waro J•w•tt .no R~mona Pl • Co\lti ~~1 (1tllforn1,. Q)6'1 Tftt\ blJ\tr\tt') 1\ t on<tu<tfd by "" '"' d1"1du111 fhOrnas Ward J,.w,.u l "t\ 'tt1l~""'-"f'I ""'°"'' t1lftd Wit" th~ Cnuntv Ct•" ot Ordn9 .. County on Jun~ I t•r> F11t '1$ Pub'"""° Ck•-. C1><1<1 Daily Potot, June 17 n 1• And July J 1q19 2 t•S t9 P UBLIC NOTICE Hl8S Brooir."-ur'I Avt , ~ountt111n Valttiv. Cctlltorn1,, Pun~uo1nt tu '"' h •"l~nltort, thil> un df'r<atQ"f'cJ '' 400t¥tno 10 tn~ D'f'·&Mtt m t "' of A1cono11c ~v"rctqor Control tor l\'\uanc t' ot "" .-lcohotn ~vt"r•~ l1<f'n\# tor 11\.t f\\ot\t to' the~ prfl M•'-"' "' rollO--\ o On S..t• Beer & Wine <Ron• fo10f' P.ublit.. Edl•nQ Pt«11t• ~rfl"C Furht h Appl1t.ant Publi\IW<I Or@n(lf Coa\I D~l•v PtlOI. June 76 and July > 10 191• 1•<& 1• PUBLIC NOTICE NEWPOllT·MESA UNI FIEO SCHOOL OISTlllCT NOTICE IHVtTtHG llOS NOTICE IS HEREBY (;11/EN .,.., the Bo•rd of Educ •llo n ol lh• NtwPOrl Me\o'I Unll1•d Scllooi Oll!tlCI 01 Or•n90 County, C~tllornt.t, wltfJt <•tn se•tt!d bid• up to 1 00 pm Of\ thr lflCTITIOUS BUSINESS 10111 00 ot July, t'7', et tile olllc,,e o! NAME STATEMENT ~•lcl SclloOI Ol"rlct. IO<eled •I ftlr Tll• lottowll'IQ ~''°'" Al" dOll'O Ptacenll• Avenue Co$1• MMa 111111nt\\ •• C•lllOrn•• Al Wlll<cll time H id bldt "'ti w E ') T E R N D E A L E R be l>Vbtl(ly OC>Mt'il -ruo lot INllESTMENTS OF CALIFORNIA cur STOCK PAPE ~ U OO Ad.,.,. Strttl !>volt :io. (Oji• Alt bids ar P lo ti. In accordMIO •hll Mt W, Celllorno<1 91t1t Condition•, ln,triKllOl'I~ an<! 5'1e<llk•· •l ROOIE R .. PLUM81NC:.. llont W~l(na•t-onllltlntM ofnc• INC la YlllOtnt• t orpOtallonl, '"°° o• ,,.. PurtM Jlno 0.0.rt ...... t ~ -...ci Aoam\ Strttl, Sutic JOt. '°''• Mow. Sth004 Dl•trlcl, Ill.SI Ptacenlla A,,...., c autornl• 0?•2& Costa Mew. Gallloml• mu Thi\ bu'I""' t\ tond .... ted by• to,,. Ho l>•Odfr mo with<!<-Ills bl4' iOt Po••llon • H•locl o1 lortv "'"' tlll den .... , tl" ROOTER " '"" O•I• ""'tor II'• _,no .... ,.., •• P LUMBING, IN( Tit• 8oare1 01 EducallOf'I of .... 81lly R L.esllt, Nt wPt>r"f MtM U'lllled S<llOtt OlttPk t """'°"'' ,...,.,..,., 11w •19'11 10 rtlttl .,,, Off 11111 Thi\ •1"1.,._I w•\ lll•CI with IN> IMC!>, Allcl Ml lleOua<lly UC»ot ftw County Clerk ot Or•np C.o..ntv "" I0-11 bid,~ to w•I,.. ..,,., lllfOt-11· Jun• 20. "" ty or 1r._.iar1tv In tnY bid re<.tl- l'tllUJ He-1-"' L•w Otftcf\ Vrtlllte !l<MOt Otatr1<;1 THOMAS WILLS of Ortlnot C.Ovmy, CA S..ttt t20 8y ~Ollly H•r.,.., l'hlltt. N.,.,,." ,._1al f'l•u C f M ,.. N••-1 C:.nwr Ot1ve l'llrcl\MlllQ Ot~l9r New,.f'11Mdi, CA '1-T•t (11•1 U..311/ f'uotl-0r..-.. Coan Oaity .,,.. ""t>"""" Or•-CNJI 0.lly "''°" lu,.. h J,;ty ). 10 t t "" t•JO It JuM t•..,,, July> lt1t ,.,._,. 1 The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad (642-5678] One Call Service Fast Credit Approval CLASSIFIED INDEX ~!.~~ ........ ~~=.~~ ........ ~-~~ ........ ~.~~ ........ ~~!.~.~ ....... ~!.~.~ ...... ~ ~:.~~ ...... . 01•NI IOOJ G1•r• 1002 G1•NI 1002 Ge•r• 1002 G~ 1002 GIMf'Gt 1002 G..,... 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , .... , .... Cit WAtn UHITS7 WIHAYI THIM!! •COSTAMISA• &42-5678 .USfltSAl( ·-·· """""' h l•"9 tt..flilliiiH '"'"""" .... ( ....... .,."" t&. ~" r..,...,,;.1\1., <""'•• M•"·• 1 ............. •• '°''' t UIUN ... A \,..Ht ' •""""•fW\•lft ..... ~ t, Inn l49wwll<.-<1> l.atc¥A• H1th !Mv ... , ...... 1 Mh.M•\ \fitlU ~":r:1n.. ~h ~· ,,,. .. ,.' ·~"""'•"'° "'·· .. ,,._. ... ., .... h 'yMJ11 ........ . v...oc ... -1 .... Mubohl l-.,.•!>ok IUl ($TATE "~--~ IOr ....... A.,..-t~M,IOIN .... ~.!!':1r...:n. ('"pmpfn\ l~' t n•tt1io ( ommrn ••I t'rt~ ''' l llndoftmuumtr. ~ .. 1 •. ~, ...... l "''' ~-1, t~tnbtt \fh\•(J ln-onw l'rupo•rh lnd~•n•t PrOpprh Loi',.,. ~I~ _.,.11..,.. lrlr l'r~' Mountn, Ol'M'rl. w .... ,., I 0.•flll•• ('O Pt up (Jul ol t'ounh l'<or• <tut ol''ilal•· Pn>p Hil'""""''·•~•rm"-.(fni\ ,,, Ht"~ll t:.\latt" t'4rh1i.n.cr w~ .. 1 l.,,,.,_. ~ 1n1f"d RfMTALS •~~ •urn1,twd tiuut«"'' "'"'"''twd ttvu'"""' '°'"'" ,,,, l nl f Oft(tom1rttum .. •·urn t~ON.lumin•um' I r\I • 1Mll""'°"''' .. urn f,,,..nht.U"t•' I nt '""*''t""'. Uf'ft l~''"'"' "'•' • t.u1 \pih I "tutt "f.e"' t'Uft'l:•tf I ftl Hu,,n1 ... Ht.11Jf'U6 ··"·"·' Oah h.M1111t h f*"' H•'J.,,.. .. ..,.....m.-., H• n4•1' \ .,. .. hOf"I Kt M .... k.-fW.t-. ,,, ....,,.,,. • ... r .. 111"" ftrf Kt nl ,,,,.,.t(.,,.4.,1 HU\I"""" th M•' l~lrt.tt Ht nt.I ...... ..,, ....... Mt'ftl~I' V. .. nt• rt "t"• ~·~-'" BUSINESS. INVEST· MOfl. FINANCE Ht,,i.,tf'lot·., .. t~,cvwt ku'A"""'' "',.llll"d ff1\f'"'""'"'' t~11VUtl \ ln\1 "1'11\nl ~ .. 11( .. t \l1~\ to l ,.i,,.n \to11\t•\. ~ tfth,f \1orttt.tu.!•'" ,,, " ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND \l1hl~fllttlKf'lf • .n •~·••l I ••·Al 'oh11 a .. 1 t I. •• .. 11111 l'•r""liOitl .... '11 f hi'' rr .. \•I SERVICES EMPLOYMENT & PREPARATION .... ~~,. '""""'"",., ....... \i\ .. fth-tl lh ft• V.11uJ•1I \I Ai .- M[Rt:HAN01S£ '"""fll't \vt1'tlolf'W I ,,,. ltt·h U'4\•"°" hU.+6-JfllL: ,, ..... ,, .t t 1m.1.,,a, t '4\ff .. mt ''' I;< , ..... . t , ... lh , .. .u .. "fhtlUft (1.tl .•••• '-'h Huir"' '''~"'' ttoKJ lott1•1 J• ..... ''" I ''' "''" ~ ''"''hm•''" \thl I il'8tft Utt 'h•• l'llalft IN\" .. Mt ii ''"'"'' 111n,t•u11\•·11I , .. ,,,,,. t>uu1 ~ t •1u11• )1 ..... J'1wtMt A fhWJn "w•11Jothtt \1ftl ~HI~' 'P'l(llhj.' ••• ,,id .. "'",.. kt ... 11tUt10lf h 1r ""''fll•I"" • )' kttJt'1tht 1"IHh BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT '~t'flt-r .. 1 tlf.J.th \l,m" ~·r'' • ttu.-"' ~ .,, 1n ... t 4fV• t• Li..,,,t, ,,..,_.\ r h;.,41 ... Ht+nt 'h.tfl• I ,.., .. h ....... 11 hJ•h "-11""' lW)t\ ti!J"l" '°'Yt"t d A '"I lk.ao.1h!'oiii"'4'Kf" TWAIMIRTATION .\nN..,n f •n u.. t--, '-th kt nt tlot .. ln• t•• \l'll>olfo llOm.-M411.0t • )rk" ~uotr .. \tu1ur .. ..,., '41• Ht nt rr .. ttt·r .. 1r., •• ''••kt~ l.hlth "utc.>-nt<t-'1~ AUTOMOBILE '" .,. ..... \U4"fVt"> ett1 "ti~ Ht"C-rt.•..11toft Vt. hu 1, " ~:~_~1·~:·1:·. ~·~·· 1till"-.it \¥ft.!'t Auto Lt•:. ... tnc A41lu. W*nh1I AUTOS, IMPORTED t.o••twt•I .\M" Hun.,·u \"'11 •''~'"' H1•.,1, ' ~'"'"' ~~· 0<1'3Vn ,.,, .. ,, .... .; ... lkln<I .. ..... ~"·' .J\."AM'tl fC.trtn.tOf1 l11h1" ... ,d., M.:r•t'•k-,. U.-01 Mu llta! """' P..oirt.; -... ~ .......... ". tlt"ft.twlt HIAI. KU)\T "'""" si. ... ........ , .. ~· .... \.wil.k•••.:ce , ..... ,. .,, ........... llTOS, NEW MTIS. USH • •u • ::~ EQUAL HOU!MNG :~ OPPORTUNITY lt•j. ::~: W ._. .• Motke: :::_: All iw.J~Ult~ 1.1d\<tjrlJ:.~ 1· • UJ ~ ne~p11pt>r ll> sub :'" · )«'t to the F~eral Fair '" • tlous1nti Act u r 1968 :: ::; wtllch makes 1t illegal to ..... a dvertise ··11ny pr e :,:.' fe:rence. hm1tatton. or :·t~ dlst'nnunallon based on race. color. rellg1on, sex. or naUOnal ongtn. or an :·;:; t.ntenlion to m ake any ''" such prererencc. ll m1ta· : ~:; IJOn. or dtScnminatJon. · · lhlfl :~:· 11\is newspaper will not 1•,., knowingly 11ccept any ~1~:: advertis ing for rt!lll .: ..... , .'11-'• .... 1 est.ale which is an viola· lion of Lhe law. ..'t1•11----------9;;:1-.................. , :,,rytl.I BllORS: AdYertisen ._... check their ads ..., .... report~ ron i:sssaclatety. The DAILY PILOT as.-1 • ••• ....... for ttw first .. ................ , 'lnplcx SITil,000 ()uplN, $ 110,000 'J'npl.->. ~.uoo ~ lJnlb SlW OOtl •HEWPOIT IEACH• l~lu srni,ooo Duplex $1117. !>00 •IUEHA PARI< • 2 0N A U>TSl:L'l,0011 CALLl-'OK MOIU: 646-7171 -·.. ; . !~IR<l EASTSIDE CHARMER TAKEOVER 7112°/o LOAN Enter thru dramat1t' alnum. E xposed heavy beams w/h1i.:h ct>illni.: make this 3 bdrm. 2 ba home a r eal winne r. Pro(ess1onally rt•· modeled & redecorat<.-d .• Take over subJl'l'l lo ex istin~ FllA loan. 759-1501 f:.xtraorJinal''J J!aguna Beach RAPTUROUS WHITE WATER VIEWS and s umptuous 4 0 1d World Charm pn•vull lhruoul these 2 new cedar & s to11c homes & gardens . 3 Bdrms .. 3 baths. fi replaces. wine cellar . potting room & muc h m or e in each. Would m u kt• a perfect "Family Compound." On separa te lots ... take your pick at $350.000/$365.000 OR BOTH $700.000. Would conside r lease or lease/option. OPEN SUN. l·S. 572 ALTA VISTA. ~~<MffJ.~ -"V-~ . •,. --· ... ,.,_.. ..... THE ACTION GROUP I lill ie McCornock ~3 lly. In c. I 000 Mo. Coast Hwy. 494.755 I ABANDONED DESERTED FORGOTIEN EASTS I DE A WIMMER IM WESTCLIFf C a t c h th ese number s: 4 ba g bedrooms: 3 fire places; 3 baths; 20x40 pool : 2600 sq. fl. s ingle story fl oor plan. Catch these features: 8U1lt·in BBQ; new drapes: one bedroom with e ntr y and b a th ; num e r o u s e nt e rt ai nm e nt p ossibilit ies: everyttung m immaculate cond1taon : the price is S279.500. Thal 's a winner in Westcliff ! U,_.l()UI: li()MI:§ REA L TORS', 675·6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar COMDO $87 ,500 Assumable loan, own<'r will ('art') 2nd ~::: CClrftd imeriion ORiy. '~'!( ._ ................ _ MOTHER·ift.lAW Bake lo beach·3 gia nt r-bl,'(irm,, 2 bath. Dining EM1'ERT AIMER Huge add-on family room with used brick fireplace & bar with refrigerator 1s the highlight of this warm home. The kitchen has nearly new built.ins & this owner is offenng VA terms. Fu II price is $92,500 Call us now. 751.Jl9L COMOO 92,500 Park llke setllllg, 2Br, 21.-zBa. LUXURIOUS VA BUYERS ~~ Ha.esforS. QUARTERS area. family r oom . !~.:~ -·••••••••••••••••••• A perfect mothe r·lll·law 0 w n er d es Pe r a l c toNF.S U you make $1400/mo. )'OU may qu~llfy to own your o wn home• Lo\\' Down! Loans to $100.000 Lrt ~ show you how to do 1l ' Call Now ! !\:: G•a1al 1002 home or wha tever " 4 $114.900. A et n o w, , . ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bedrm. 2 bath home with 546-2313 REALTY INC. t\t t'MO : •;; .. lders Clowotlt add-On bedrm + den m "1 ,, •,.,. ,, , •v11 ,, 1, ,, , ·~·· 2Condos available. 2 BR. private area. A must Set' [ ~ I I (714) 673·6Zl0 I u~ ~400 ea. Westminster =~~¥~·ocx:· .. ~Jll "" lt~ain;t I· .. -;::;;:Honlr=.,;;:·4;;:~=·=~=A=YrH==:; ! ~ etm1n1 t;::SELECT TalltoRedC~t W•Ushtt! 754-1202 1•11 ... ... ... .... o ... .i, tllfl,I ..... .... ... ,..,.,, •Ht ..... , . ..... , .... !o\11'4t1 .... 1 '""' "'"' ~'"· l\illll 'Hl.Jf~ jollijfl1 ... ,., ,.,., ..... ..... , ..... , ..• , . , .. , 11111 ... .,, ··•i'f• ··~· ..... , •tlfl ''·'" •11'1 .,.,_, ., ... .. ,,,. .,,,.. •tiJ11111 ..... CLASSIFtED ~ HOURS 1Vh.t•M1,••r't m,,, pl.u·1• lht•1r i11h lo• ll'l•·t>h•llh· H ,_.~, '"'"·':mp n• \1111111.1\ I hru Fnot." Mio r·uwm !'-'l,•lurd.,, ((~I\ \It::-.,\ It~~ II~. '~'" 11 .. .,.t:• _._,)C Ill '"''""' ht \! 11 I 1Hi.• 111·,1• It Ill\ ti ... su ·~·~· l.ACa:1'A IH.An t I 1Hfi C:l11nnt•\ n I .:;iiun .. ll.·a1 h 19-1 !l-11•· '1111111C'l11 "I\' 1ll1llr1•1 AO IUt• CLASSIFIED DUOLINES I t..,11ll1n•· lt11 • 1tlJ\ Ai I" II' " I ,,0 Ji 111 t hP cf I\ f••llJf'p ftUflfl~ ,It IUU t \ I I,~ IHI :-0110<f,I\ /!t .\11Jn fl·" ~ 111111111• ... ht 11 fl<·rir1hn1· •~ :0.Jlu rfl.I\ 1~ l'llW•I CLASSIFIED REGULATIONS Fii 111 llCS 1'11 vl'rl "''r' 'h<.otfl 1·h1,rk lllt'tr '''" d.111' & n·l)(ll'I 1•rrur' 1m m•'ll •;1l1•h · T it f 111\ll.V I'll OT a•'11m1·' lt.1l1tlt1v l11r lhr• ""I 111 11irn•1·t ..,,, 111•111 !1111' I 'l\N<"l·:l .l.i\TIO'~ Wlwn l11lht1!.! ,on .1#1 0.· ~urc:. tn mhk•· a n ·•·nrtl ut I h1• 1' II I ' l \I Iii': H J'l\••n \ou h\ \uur ,ut t ... etuir ...... rt·t t•tJH f•f \Our ,,,,.,,.11 .• 11 .. 11 rh1, ~111 111.1mhi•r nrn•I ht• r•r•·"'" 11-11 h\ llw .111\f•rl "''r on t':t"' "' .11h•11u1 ,. l'\"'~'.1.1.,\Tlll:" Ott ('CIHll ~I T I O'\ or :" ~ "' i\ f) H ~. H I H ~. Ill '\'\f'1; E''''"' """" " rn,111" In kill 11r • orr .. •·I ,, "' " J•I lhJl hJ' o.~·n nr<frr1·ll hut "''' 1·.tnnot cu.tr.tu '"' lo fl<! '" 110111 I h•• .ul h." ·''''""'rl'tl 1n lh1· PiifJ<•r 111\H. /\ I I'~ ·\ 11-. 11""-I• ·"" .on· 'I n 1 I'' '""h tfl ,ffh ,tnr•t• ll\ Ol.11l CM' ul an\ 0011 oJ nur ''' hi-.'' '+1(1 llflfllll' Clt(it•I' ll ••afl l1 n1• ;t I• m t''rul.1\ <'•1\1 .1 \lt .... 1 111 '""' & 14! noon .11 itll brarwh nll11·l'' T it .. : U/\11.Y I'll.OT n•wn•·' lh1· r111ht to l'la"11\. t'fhl. t'•'""" 11r r •' t u' • · u n ' n <1 ,. t' r ""'!Tll'nl . unr1 111 •·hanJ!•• "' r,11l" & rt·11ul.11 u1n' v.ithnot pnnr nnt11·1• CUSStFtlO MAIUHG ADOUSS 1• n tlo~ 1560 t '0..111 1'1 l·~.1 ~ Com mg MESA MANSION Stt!i:!l j?aled t'ourlyard adds lo ele~anl entry lo exqwsale cathedral C'e1I· ing llvmg room & for mal dirung Ma~s1ve ramlly room. fplc. gourmet with island bar ~ C1i!ant1l' bedrms with 3 full baths 3 Car garage. Elegant landseapm~. a must sc·e at $210.000. Cull now• 54&2313 ,: 1:: •II [® 1: ~· 11 . 1: ,;~ MEWPORT HTS ...• ... area; older hacienda on R-2 lot; 01re shadC'd patio, very livable. 2 bdrm. home, f utu r e duplex?. $115,000 673-3663 548·0715 evei. NEWPORT DUPLEX 4 Up. 2 down; fee sample; steps to besl beach; sum.' m er /winter r e n tals Absentee owner n<.•e<l!. to sell! $220 .000 673-3663 673-8086 eves associated BROKERS -AEAL TORS l OlS W 9olboo 6" J HI WILL MOT LAST- DUPLEX OCEAN IRHZES A J Bdrm & 4 Brlrm. walk to all ~ho1>s. l hlock lo the beach. Owne r ld t areu. s::1ys ":.<'11 at". S219.500 675·3411 ··-tao. ~.. °' ·-·-"°"' ...... .-.. ,. ..... ,, ., ... "°"-n-"~ "-~= ... "Do<t ,._ ·-.. .. _ :::. ... ... _ -~ ·-.. ~ .... _ """"-'"14• -~ , .. ,.. .. I . . .. Jc•n Aluandtt 1614W.lowa CostaMMG You are the winner or two free tick~ts CSlS.00 value>. lo Royal Lipiuan StatJioft Show T' PROPERTIES EA.STSIDE •• UllllSUCll •• Super cute 3 bed r m . family h om e with c u s tom d e tail s . Cathedral ceiling, la~e fireplace. sunny custom lcilchen, large Jot, alley access. RV p:irk1ni.:. Priced to sell ! $92.500. Act now! 54&2313 0 w H E R w I L L I;;.....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ CARRY IST AT 10% LUXURIOUS CONOO Park llkc Sellin~. m•w condo , 2llr, :n~B a. S12.500. I JONES REALTY INC 1\1.l'WO (714) 673·6210 I NEWPORT CREST AUr aL'l 1ve 2 Bdrm and dt'fl, 21,2 bath. Splat It·\ l'l. x lnl l o~·a t1 o n w it h pmacy and Vl(•w Take sflt'('ial note of 1n vt:sl· nwnt poll'nl1al .1l 01•w pnc-f' ol i ll8,S0o Ca ll !">1(;.414 l ~ al lhl• · l\NAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER July 14. ti p.m r»tr1 ''i '-* • / h"· ;..._, • ·• ; ' 2001 w S...C>oa &Yd ! ~:IM&Hil 1_Newiiotl __ a._ac11 __ ~ __ ·_92_6_60_ COATS&WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. (;alt 642·5678, l'Xt 272 lO cla.im yourll<'kcb *** VA MEW LISTING DOVER SHORES Ho Down Paymrnt Ct\TALJNJ\ ISLAND This lovely 4 bdrm. 2'~ •4br.corlot$92,500 Move to Ava lon an Sl.77 per DAY bath home is a stone's •36r, pool, $96.500 Aug~t and \'acal10o a ll throw away from the •2br. cute. $00,950 Yl'ar 4 Bdrm redwood That's ALL you pay for a water. It offe r s a •Sbr,ramrm,$84.900 home wllh view from spacious living room & •3br.Condo.$73.900 rmster bdrm and deck . JO day ad family room. as well as a *4 br. pool, $93,500 Extenor newly pamled . bright kitchen. There is a We have more. let us Call for details and ap- private s tudy off the help you. VA. no down po tntme nt to sec. • m the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY master suite for the ex· OR FHA sma II down. S1J9.000 . F II . · 54&231.3 ecutave. u price is (ll'f11. ,,, .., • , , •u<. • ., •• 642 5200 ·~~~i:ES [~ lfi<ll ~~~ UO IT NOW ' 642-5678 Mak e tho se goo d household items you're nol usmg available lo some other family by ad· vcrtlslllg them for sale m Class1!1ed. Call 642·5678 DO YOU OFFER A SERVICE'> Let the public know with an ad in the Daily Pilot Service Directory. ll can cost you as little as $1.77 per day. For more in· formal.ion and complete rates call 642·5678 . EXCLUSIVE IRYIME COVE Enjoy beach living a t its finest : striking conte mporary home jus t s teps f~om one of the finest sandy s wimming beaches on the coast. Dramatic white water view - extensive use of wood and glass. J Bdrms. li ving. family and game rooms. $995.000. r 644-9060 2111 SANJOAoutHHtU.SftO. IN NEWP0«T aNTER ~ '""---------------------------...,~ ~ S©\\~~-~£trs a That lnfri9uin9 Word Game with a Cltuclcle ------f41t•• 1>1 ClA' • rou.t.H ------0 ~#OHO"Ott ~neo c• t+te '°"' k''O~bi.eO ~CH ~ IOw •f'J tot,.., tour .,,,.nfe WO"(a I BU T S JM '. 1 1 I I I I I ~ I NY S l O I 1 I I 1~ I ' ., I I VlNEX I I I Is I "'.:. A 1ur~n IS I doctor I C• . . . . . . c:ustomed lo t1k1ng out Ion• r alls. appendl11e1 ind -. -BAC HO R I t--r-1 -lrr'~l,.._,l,__,I~ o ,.,,..() ......... t~ll< .... QU0'9d • • • • • bv ftlirl"IQ ~ the Mt ... "'i) '1'9!_d .__ __ __.._,___.__...~ "°" Oev•IOO I.om lftl> No ) tMtlo- r rrrrr1 I I I I I I I ~ AR1wen"' Cleulflc...._ noo ••••••••••••••••• ~gtster ~ Beautiful 2 Bdr m condo oo the !(Oil t'Ourse. end, ......... -...... _ unit, m an)· up i.:rades. plush whtl<' l'arpclin~. parquet rl oor1n.,:. m1r· rors. t'Ommun1ly PoOls. Priced to sell at Sl26,000 644-7:.>2. Thomas. agt. •••••••••••••••••• Lose somellung valuable" Place an ad in our Los t a nd Found colum ns. That's where people look when they've found a n item of value. macnab I irvine realty OME TO SEE! 4 BR~ -fa mily rm -~orgeous atrium w t bubblin ~ fountain - country Fre nch kitchen -fantastic 'landscaping -air cond. We could go on . . . this fabulous family home is a va ilable now & priced fairly al $172.500 -don't delay! Julie Van Wiercn 752·1414 . <T ·ll7) 642·823S 901 Dover Drive ~-6200 Harbor Vlell'I Center I rvlne a1 Campus Valley Centrr 7S2·1414 S111C & RNO' PARLIAMENT ARY TERMS C l P D E NIP A R L 1 AME N TA R Y S H A l T 0 P Q D 0 l R G B K N R A T A Q R E S P S U M A J 0 P E 0 P C J E 0 U T H E S H 0 C S U 0 M I N A H U R G 8 L A E R U R H L l B T R M 0 P M M 0 G L C D Z H U Y H 0 0 L E 1 L A 0 S EH E 8 t T J HT 0 MS N RUT W Cl O R A A R Y V 0 E Y X D E A U Y L R A H U l A T A F I A R H D A 0 T J 0 E L y O V A L 0 T 0 S E A l l I E R Y l M O J E E R 0 T l H l I A R Y T 8 A T U J O V D M A R T F T 0 0 S N Y E A D Y N A E 0 L E H 0 Y Y J H T A 0 K R T R 6 R T l M A H E A A I R R 0 W R 0 L E O t 0 A T T M t M R 0 l N P L E 1 A T rrmictlonl' HIOden-* bllowin::: ~. lleek•. ~. up, ck-, Of OltfoMHY. , eedl ~ llo• It In,~ Mjowftl D•l>tMtt 11 ... .. Ollltof'( Motion Q11oni111 .. ,.,,,,.. ~ =..· • ,.tof Ordtf Plltr9'ity AmlftdrMll1 DiWltll Rttlfy Untn"""9 C-t MlfOtttY T0111omiw: ,._ llG CAMYOM Golf course view from spacious S BR. 4 ba. traditiona l home ; lge. family r oom. pool. jacuzzi. $750.000 LIDO ISU Cus tom traditiona l 3 BR home OIY' prime <:Orner lot. Freenowing floor plan. 2nd s tory mini bay view. $325.000. A.VA.LOH We ll constructed. 3 BR. 1 ba. oak fl oor. partial bas ement, concrete foundation. Flats a r ea . $120.000-Fee. IAYFttOHT Several fine bayfront homes with pie r & slip BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR Joli Rnr1J•·011v1· NB t>7S 6161 \\ U:->LI ·_ 1 ~ TAYLOR CO. HEA l.TOHS SI lll'I' 1 H4H llG c.AMYOH TOWNHOME- FOa LEASE Corne r unit with fabulous golf course vie w. Beautifully furnis hed & prof. decorated. 3 Bdrms . d en. formal din. rm & 21h ba. Augusta model. Pool. tennis. gated security . S950 Mo. WESLEY M. TA YlOR CO., R..tton 2111 S-Jo• ... " Hilb Rood MEWPO«T CENTER, M.I . 644-49 I 0 PRIVATE 10°/o f'lnan<'lllg S F 1xf'r un1h fu,ts1d1., t.<r:-.la Mt'l>a Call Craig, Hf:• MI\ X 631 U!66 EXTRA SPECIAL LIVING For an l'Xlra i.pt·ea:tl famdy. Cw.tom bw lt tn lwcl. beam ce1bngs 10 I.I~ room. formal din· 1nR bal<'ony. '1 Rdrm, separate family room. SUPEK J.<; POOL Ap ~ed $230.000 Askin.,: $229.000 Zll POPPY · Corona dcl \far . Jlll>l slcpc; lo the bi•a(•h & a short wa lk lo :.hap., PQl'l orfacc. banks & rt..,taurant'\ Off street p;U'k.u\S: for l ~uest cars. '"o tK•d rooms, fa mily room. study & garden room. Spa cious home with mu\'h privacy OwTll'C' wtll help rananl'c s:Bl.000. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 675-5511 400£.tr .. FOR AU tMitCM'tt AIU$ ::::HORSE.:::::RANCH:::::: IYTHE.POOL is where you'll be with th.is super sharp htRhly upgraded 4 bedroom COO· do near the h1lll> Hai. 1t ·s own patio & enclosed garage. i\ r C'al s teal al onl y $1:1 5,000. L al l 54().3666 OCEANFttOHT Deluxe 6 unit bldg • all 2 bdrms .. 2 baths. ~Int swnmer/w1nter rl'ntals . Close to restaurants, ~ & town. $1.200.000 ~ lc6oa lay Prop. Redton • 675-7060. With lovely ranch style 4 bdrm. home & room for up lO 10 horses. l ·l\erc alreaJy divided into 2 parcels; out of town own<'r has pnt'ed to sell at $121.500 & will help hnancc. ESCAPE-TO- IOAHO! 5 acres rig ht on the Salmon River with 2 Bdrm mobile home. Only ~.500 BALB OI\ I SLANO REALTY 67Hl700 t!E IBDBIB ILlllS ca. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE OWMElt WILL FIMAMCE lll11 Hs Lancest SinRlt• S1ory Three Bedroom 1'111:. Fam1lv llomc P<1ul:i Plan. Custom Ft·:ilun~ Thru-Out Fa:.I f:serow. Assumt' First Trust Dt~d P r11·1•, St00.500. In cludes "'1•1• I.and. Suhm1l OHt•r ... 631 -1800 111 DOYB DRIVE BEAUTIFUL HOME-fOREYEI VU ''" ....... MC.tty geh4 Cl ... , wlffl • ..... of HC~•ll.. .....,. Decor.tor coordiHte IRtilt lor wltlt l•rg• IMIMJ roo• Hd ....... ....: go•,.. ldtdM. md H•llit c1"111~ ~ .......... ~H ........ ..... .,.,. ...,._..., .. _, ........ S.C.1tr .,. ..... """ ................ .,... ....... to ....., .......... er.tM YllW of WATB ........... SHS.000. .. ......... ,.. WATERFRONT HOMES lac. ~4:J6 W C'cld'' HK.)11\~111, NvwpC1r1 ~·.><"h 631·1400 ... 17 1 I r t . W~IMIMONT SJJl,111 AllDOll 81W. 3 bedrm. I~ bath. family rm, di.Dlat rm. den. Brlck pallo, balt;imll. firer.lace. Arnenitlet lnela ~I. jaeun • volleyball. ••llln1. privale beach• MUCH MOREi llACH DUPLll 1171.IOO Stepe to the beacb from owntt'1 front ul\Jl. 3 Bedrm1 + loft. Flreplace Deeb 6 pat.lo, shake root. OCIAM YllW- CoaOMA Dll. MAI Goraeoua ocean and canyon views. Hur lot wlU\ spat'lou.s home. LJJcht a n airy kit('b en. Massive s tone fireplace. 3 Bedrms. f amlly & dinlng rm. Pa~and deck. POOL WOODUI061 SI 2'.500 Owner transferred. One year home warranty pald by seller. 2 Bedrm and den, vaulted wood t'ellt.ngs, wet bar. decorator wallcoverings. Private deck. Central vacuum. Self cleaning oven & much more. 673-1550 : \---b / THE REAL I ~ESTATERS ••a.Mn! m,111 • Bl!dnn. New c.,,..1.1 • pal.nt! Jl.9t tn,llOOI VA .. HA purch1111 OK' GlAlll IMna rm Brick fpl~ &mmedlat• .,....on Superterma! Olll 76i 1700 riaM now! .,,., " 'If q • -' \ t. '~ •( t N ~~I I [WIN ....... .,.. .. 5-ltTltelhh Give them room to run in Ow t11. bcautlful, ltt:ht & dltlt!ry Sbr homt> wuh a rulty tam rm. t'Omer lot & a blargln pncc Good location. Call 979 5370 now. ALLSTATE REALTORS 40/o COMMISSION! WHY,AY 60/oCOMM.7 rrotet1aional agent pro· v1ding t otal services <MLS> will sell or assist YoU in purchasing your Lingo RIA.l&un YHY TOP OF SPYGLASS Hill .. ,... ..... lfll"'9d...... • ....... ..,.. wrtl e4on tllae '''••tll•r of tllh bro,e•·•tJl•tl Hf•te wltll I l•rt• ........... 1 ....... Mllll.. ........... p•••cllO ..... -.....t...nhMI ... , ..._ .,,._.,.... Harbor ...t Peclflc Ou• a., .:9Jt wltll fllchrl•t H9llah ........... . ................. . ,. ,._, 1-..a ................... .... ·-,...., c ....... MCStty .,. ... ... .......... la•.,•t1d th. A ....... for ..._ nd1 at s1.1so.ooo 497-3331 LAGUNA BEACH 499-4551 495-1720 SOtllla l.ocJlma La;asa Nltpel 493-8112 644-7020 Daaa Poilst Newport leocls BY OWNER ••••.••.............••• SPACIOUS A beauty with S BR, 3 Ba, EZ care yard. rippling rock waterfall. $126,000 . Make olfer ! Ruth Laune Bier. 646-4380 MONTICELLO T~. July 3. 1979 DAil Y PILOT a .• Hotn•I for S* HouHt for S• Holtws For 5* ;;;. ............... a~·~ ;;.; ............. io44 ;;:;.:•·•;;. .... 1iff·J ·······=················ ;;:~·;;~~~·;·~;:~:·: -..................... 1 '· model homie. Beaul1!ul 3 SWiil Dur& : bdrm. 2~ ba. A/C. 2000+ DUPUX SH.900 IQ t\ Owntt. Appt only. Walk to beach. 2 tarae l~ Charming redwood No broker&. $143,7SO. Bdrm uoUa wlthl model In Woodbridge 552.qno fireplace and builUos. ~ area ol lrvine w/a Wli· WOODIRID4 • Great winter/summer, uue combi.natlon of loo wm; lnrome potential. Fee~ tioo. dsesign & val~ Prescott Mdl SBr. almple. call for appt_ Thi.s home has u.olimtted 8 or d e r 1 p a r k 1 . s.G-lJSI possibilities & excep· Beautifully l&ndscaped. bonal financing. s.52·4477 $1.95,000. 67S-8184. l>riJ:i only. LA1g1111a •acla I 048 --$ .. HERITAGE . • REALTORS SEXY Joi\ plan. 2 Ba. wet bar. PRIVATE patio, dbl -g a r . p O o L & Rancho San Joaqwn 2br . O.UBHOUSE. Just List· den. 2ba. frplc . pvt ed! $73,900. Bkr 631·5556 patios. all on goll course. ••••••••••••••••••••••• * DUPLEX * WESTCUFF Ocean side of hwy, level Beaut. enlarged 3 BR lot. easy access lo beuch. home w 12 fireplaces. Needs paint, manor re · formal dirung and family pairs: ideal for home & room. walk to schools. income. Hurry. only shops. transp. Reduced $145,900 to $175.000 Ruth Laurie (]{ARMING Pool home . Comp. remodel '.:t. Lots or tile. wood. mirrors. cstm. storage . Bltn microwave, gas BBQ & refng. 861 W. Wilson 548-51.SS Agt. Open Sun. 1 5. FOR MIMORAILE DAYS THRUOUT THE YEAR and lhal special reeling ol a lovingly cared for hOme! Surpnsangly a 4 bdrm at a 3 bdrm price in an x lnt Cml y n e ighborhood. Only $99,900. Call now ' 545-~1 (~IWmiNl$Ml Er\)oy view from most rooms. Pool & jac. $131,SOO. 640-0997. VAANTl9UE $79.000 .Detalls that evoke the old caly~nter 1nlo this bomethat combllles anti- que e lements w i the modem in rugh fashion <Xfering huge ramblmg rms or entertamment nus seller is relocatuig, so use your VA eligib1li ty 552.4477 Misst0n Realty 494.0731 l-Rl.;tri.i.iii646-'4.380iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia By owner. 4 BR. 2"'2 ba, auFFS LEASES lrg rooms, frplc. patJo. UnfWTI. "X" plan J BR . new s hake roof. xlnt cond SJBS,000 Prin· S700 mo .. yrly lse. Avail c1palsonJy 494·3932 ___ 1 ~~-3 BR. Back Bay. ALMOST Vll!'W. Sl200 mo . yrly I~ OCEAHFllOHT ~~~ n~w BR. overlook:. Large R 3 lol with 2 I I I pool. S975 mo .• yr y sc. ocl'Jill View. uxury apts avail Sept +rommercaal unit One of a 1ond & bard to fand an 640.6259 Laguna Bea('h. Owners d/. .. ~ will finance. Askin.: ~ '//,;/'/~~'ti $550,00> JUSTLISTB>!! R E A LT Y Big ocean view. 4 bdrms 1---------+ fanuJy rm + recrea 1 home for only 4"4. Save ...,_--________ -• 2"h. oC sale pncel Call SUPER VIEW-JASMINE CREEK Gorgeous Plan 5 -split level, corner 3 BR & Fam Rm -2'h Baths - fantastic ocean view of Catalina. bay & nite lites. Custom private patios, upgraded carpets & drap es. wallpaper, comm. pools. tennis and s pas. surrounded w/beautiful trees and greenbelt. Guarded entry gate. Walking distance to shopping center. You own the land. $315.000. OWC -no points no P.P.P. own/agt. Call for Real Estat.e lion rm + ofrl('e + lar~e heal~ & faltered pool with spa. Lots of palm. dt.'<'ks & pnvalc dr1:u:.. Listed at $247,000 LUXURIOUS BIG CANYON TAKE OVER ~~~ ....... ~~-' 97S..1136Agt. ___ _;;...,--~~- OPEN llOUSETHE4TH Bay (ti;\ Ord~ eeach Reoltv IEAL fST ATE EXCELLENCE SINCE I 94t COSTA MESA (Eas tside). Choice condominiums. under construction by custom buildt!r. 2 & 3 Bedrooms. 2 & 21"2 baths. Starting at $112,500 -fee land Drive by 1631 Irvine, then call us for details 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811 No Waist Seam! 9139 1.20 t., 1ff"" i-1lf c...i" .... Romantic Afghan 7319 tx,Aett '8~ ••••• VETERANS NO DH! Over 100 VA apprvd homes In O r g . Co w/easier qualifying. .... 751-6136 :MHRS VeteransOnly. IEACH TOWNHOUSE!!! Just minutes away from sumhuay sand and ocean tranquility. Spac ious bdnns. duung room. sun· sluny lulchen. ele~anl & spotltts. Only $83.900. Call 64S-0303 FORESTE OLSON ASSUME 81/2% LH. Excel 81"1% loan. Modem home. like new. Seller may carry 2nd. Once m a lifetime. 8e lat. 673-4313 Agt. Prinonly. EXICUTIVE 4 ltdr'OOftt 2 Story Sweeping drive. tile en· try, formal living and dinlJlg rm. Sep. family nn Bnck fplc, pnvate library. Secluded master suite and retreat with sundeck . 2 Patios. Trailer acceas. Owner will help fU1ance. Only $132.000. Call for all amenrt1es, 963-7881 OPfN ru Q • 1r) Ju~ h ')ftl ';r( f • [efflNl;I W• Wort& For YOU! Rentals· Sales Property Mgml. DIAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES 645·7573 ! Q..f\ V Seminars 1533 S<'3<'rCSt Om c t'oront1 dl'I Mar '.'<e" port Beat·ti C<1hlom1a 92f~ Ii 11 1 IH I Hl9-i. 6-11 f>llfi'I SHAl<EROOF Hardwood floors. 3 BR. 2 Ba. fl.replace. patio. pool. H&F. A·l cond. $97,900. t«HARIORHI 3 BR2 Ba, quiet location. $122.SOO. 2STOltY Shake roof, 4 BR, 21/• ba, $129,900. IASTILUFF Odee comer locaOon. 5 BR. 3 Ba .• Sl8'7.SOO. CUSTOM BY OWNER Eastslde. 2300stf. 4br. 2~ba. on qwet street. lrg assu m e lu an. il~k $1:11.900. :>48·8952 347 I!> ta Baya. MESA VERDE CUSTOM IARGAIM! VA TEAMS! appt. 640-1126 Oneota klnd 4 bdrm. too rniny amcrul1e:. to last. The gourml'l kitchen alone 1s worth the v1s1t 1 Only $119.~ We will qualify you O\er lhl· phone Call nuw' 545-9-191 BK R 1007 CodaMeso 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 IDttM FfXER '•••st•rt. on an oversized 47' lot. Approic. 1650 sq ft. Only l lot from the beach. $275,000. CALL QUICK 644-7211 ~NIGEL Gl\IL[Y & A551:J[ll\TE5 C9'1drClllO leoch I 018 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IYOWHER Three bedroom house. huge lot. freshly painted & new carpet. SSS.~. 496-8729. eorc.a .. Mar I 022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cameo Highland 4br, completly remodeled By owner , Sl79,000. Prin· opals only. 7!i!l-0905. SPECTACULAR QUALITY DUPLEX An exceptional custom buill borne with vaulted wood beam ceilings. beautiful solid oak cabinets thru·oul. fireplaces an living rm and master bdrm. leaded g lass windows an'1 ceramic tile jacuzzi in mast.er bath PLUS a charming 2 bdrm separate rental with fireplace and own pal10 deck. $279,000. CALL 644-721 I FORINFORMATlON ~NIGEL GAILEY & ASSl:JCIJ\TES Brealhtalung Panoramic athrV1ewoCNpt Ha.rbor. Ocean. Coast & Bay rughl hghts from every room. Steps to bearh & park Perfectly appoint· ed throug hout. $750,opo. 631-4560. 673--01.88 JASMINE CRES< Plan UI. ocean vu, 109 Jasmine Creek Dr. Agt. 9e'6-3454. ~HILLIE • ~ Mc COf\MACI( RE a...,..._ +R...tal ltach Side Of Hwy. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LoYtlyMna Vent.North Elegant Mesa Verde J bedroom bome with din· ing room. fully equipped kitchen. beautirul atrium, new earthtone carpeting. excellent noor plan S!n.000. BKR. Call 540-1720 TAABaL. -· REDUCED!!! NEAT HOUSE! So Coast Pl<tla ltn·a U>vely park rll'ar by. 4 Bdrm, l o/4 Ba, Family Rm. dbl car garage. Shake Roof $95,900 Call 645-9161 :1. OPEN HOUSE REALTY ~· 4br. 2ba Mesa Verde Home on comer lot. R.V. storage. Will Carry lsl w/mio. $25,000.dn. By Owner. Asking SI 16.~. 962·7620. , _______ _ ~Park . ...., Lovely College Park 3 bedroom home featunnR dining room. completely furnished kitchen. large fireplace, tile entry. custom walnut paneling. Beautiful large yard with g.ardeo, 11 fruit trees and covered patio. $89.900 BKR. Call 540-1720 TAABaL. 1026 • •••••••••••••••••••••• MARINITA Spectacular h tlllop homes. 2012·3206 sq. fl. Close to Munn a . Sel\ a Rd & CaJle La Pnma Vera. $165.000 to $255,000 83l..JS40; 493-4006 Bldr YACAHTHOW! f\Jll see 2 BR condo Harbor view $117.000. /\gt . 714-497 .3009 ------·---Fountmn VaUey I 034 CEDARGLEM Olstinctave2 and 3 bedroom condominiums from$9J.~ 2S54 Elden Ave .. C. M. 642·6734 ....... , .............. . By Owne r, 2800 sq h Devonwood homi• 3 Crpk"s. Sl80,000. 9fl.I 11133 Hwttitqon 8-ach I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW LISTING' MOOB.S HOW Channing 3Br . r ·d·s. p\t FOR SALE yrd, only S84.JOO 673-4313 "IRITIANYWOODS" _N:....;...!t_. ----- New t o wnh o me s. Easts1de Costa Mesa 2450 Santa Ana A\•e. 641H>061or955-1920. RESTAMD RELAXATION It is the order of lhc day ui this 3 Bdrm delight Features: ScU c leanmg oven, wax free floors. formal dining rm . 2 patios & many extras CALL NOW M~· -r'ft '8Z1 Bristol. CM 81/t'/oASSUM. LH. VETERANS You can buy '1 BR sm2le s tory l./\NDMARI\, w/new ~rpts & paint. $110.000 ts942 Ba info rd Or. Call owner a._'l. Cyn lhla. 537·2271or968·0838 leoch G iant Red.! The largest Scaw1nd model• 4 BR+den 217 ba. 2300 sq fl. Edison HJgh. Now redU('l.'d to on ly S117,000. V/\ler ms. R.E. Proress1onuls 96J.8377 Beach walk. Luxury con do. 4br, 3ba. FR. 2200 sq ' $13$,000. Owner-Broker 536-9987. • Extra sharp 4br. 2ba, Owner. 2·Sly. frplc. Xlnt area. cond, near ocean, schls. $97,950. 9892 Frederick, Brookhurst & Yorktown. 84().1040 Open Sat/Sun. l2 5 SUPER SPECIAL $77,500 LOAN My adv1<:e to you 1s <'Om· pare . But not for too --------• Take over s ubject 111 9' ~·'} ex1sung loan. Late & airy townhouse nec1 r pool. JJt•uua & tennis j()f: to Fashion Is land 3 hdrm. 2"7 ba. wet bar. frmJ dJn. 2 spacious tre<> ~heltered balconies. lgr mast.Pr 11wte w iwalk an do:.els. Only $185,000. 7~l501 long! ~11ers insisted on ~ best. '\O take advan tage of this :.pat·1ous home offenni~ !\. h~e yrd. privacy al a jfllce )OU can afford l.ol·awd In Irvine. 552-4477 Turtle Rock Glen 5 Br J Ba. LR. OR. FR. vaultt:.'d clogs. AEK, 3 car gar .. many cust. extras. cul de-sac. comm pool & tt>nn1s . B y ow ner. $245,000. For appt. ~29811 Uruversaty Park. Deane home Plan "('" 3 BR. FR. sep D R • cuslm loft w/hardwood floori n ~. $169,900. F.xcept1onal financing avail Prin cipals only 552 37211, &14·7653 (ask for Hill I. SAN MIGUEL in THE RANCH Heaut.Jful 4 bedroom 2 story 3 balh home on a cul-de·sar. Central air. no association fees. walk to t1:nn1s courts and park Asking o n ly $119,00>. 0--RANC H REALTY 551-2000 UNIVERSITY PARK · 4 h r . 2 1"1 b a . C o n domjnium New l'rpls. drix;. & appliances 0\ er 2.lmsq. ft. $103.000 BY OWNER. 7141552-7471 ORANGE TRt:F. PATIO HOME Pov! side lor al1on . master sUJll' + dt.>n loft fDR. CAC. Professional I y d e c u r a t t' d & customned thru-0ut One ci a 1und J\l{enl SSl-46112 !'XI'S RACQUET CLUB Highly upgraded 1-·oresl Hills Mrxlel SUix'r fam1 ly home with central air. fl{'W rarpets. bwll m Lil· ton m ic row av<'. Kitchena1d dishwasher. new Solari an noor IO k1l. Great location and no homeowner dues! Causey & Company B.EGAHT WOOD'S COYE pool home Ocean view from almost every room Spiral s tairways, lead1.'f1 l()ass. lush and pnvatl.' landsrap1ng. ~IJ'i~ enclosed poul • ll04So <.:oasl H1wuy an V1lla~t· Fair LAGUNA Bt:ACH 497-2457 IN A CLASS BY ITSELF A rambl.ing custom home on extra large lot with ~arden and a~ocado trees. Huge Living room. beamed cell •nl;'s . massive bn ck fireplace. all natural woods. gourmet katrhen. lux unous ma:.ler suite ma~n1f1 cenl Vl('W ol coast & village 11.:hts $275,lnl don oseri realto n; · 401 tiLl-:NNEYRE 49'i·4tWI LGC)llftO NICJUel I 052 ................•...... Laguna Niguel Realty • NIGUEL SHORES DB.IGHT! 3 BR. den. Ir)? i:ourmet kilch w/breakfast are;i \' :i u I t e cl •' c 1 I 1 n )! ' • dramat11• mstr RR ~wt.• overlookan~ hvang area below Wal k to pnt beJl'h . pool & ~pa $192,500 493-9494 495-5220 496-24 tl 830-5050 ....... a. Loan Fairway F.I Niguel Jhr. $234,000. Custom H~ally 77().9717 · Mlwport •ach I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WES TC Liff Super sharp & c le&n, J Hdrm and d1mng room 1 on 11u1e l street near Onw r Short'l> This quah ly homt: 1~ only Sl79.500 lleratage E xclusi\ t' phone 540.1151 for dt'- trub. ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS --------- NEWPORT HGTS 1lus hidden beauty as on dead end st 2·sly 5 Br :1 11.it. c;mJ ocean view. full :-.~1·!11s h !>a una . 111 J.11·u111. lots of "'tr_,.., \tu. ... l S<'e to appr ... .:1all' S2ZJ,OOO. Owner will help finan<'e /('-PR€HIG€ I HOMES 3333 W Coasl Hwy. NB 645-6646 LIDO ISLE F.lC~ptJonal 4br. l ba 011 wicle St lo St lot. french doors & brnm ce1lmg:. thrv out hardwood fir.; formal DH. Ii; ~o patm, u ' l' rJ h r I (' k r r 11 I (' . l 'umplt'll'ly remnrll'l•·1t Jh Owner. $-160.0UO 11731!-123 GftAMD OPENING PRIME NWPT HGS 2llr completly n'<iecorat ed 111 & out. Lovely palm l!drlfrn. Dclux extras throu~ti nut + 3o·x:io· garage. .t::vcryth1ng In excellent cond. This pro. perty pnr ed wt•ll below comparahle olfcrangs. Open Hot&! Sat Sun. 42:! Fullerton. 6 15·6456 631 2:113 HARBOR VIEW NE W LIS TI NG I Jo:lt'.:anll~ upgraded 3Br 1 \fon11M) lmmar thru· out, great loc. lovely yrd FEE LAND Won't last Re Isl. Qlll 673-4313 At{t Condo. For sale rent or lease option Bayfront. 2 br. 2 ba. view. boat slip avail.631-0SSSor~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS 418 El Modena. Reduced toSlo.5.000. 673·2238 Newport Shores hom e 1--------• Sl2.000d wn. T .O . P $..'iOOmo. 646-8772. CUSTOM SACRIFICE ! ...., Mee_., Rttr. 541.7729 4 Bc1rrna. + guest apt. with full kitchen; also. a spacious l ·bdrm. apt. over dbl. garage. Submit olfera. Price slashed to $229,000 494-7551 4 Bdrm, 2 ba, lgc airy home. 1.ol\ed R2. Very blildable. Xlnt home or investment. Convenient to all services. $95,000 751-8068 lbr condo. SS4.000 Ownr ~513 CAMPUSJ>.·IR\ll"E will carry Sharp, hke :l Bdrm home ~ 12ox.io µool + J8C Xlnt cond & loc Only St:M.900 llGCAHYOM S<XX>&i ft + 5 B<lnns. 51~ baths. J car garage. l..ocated on cu I ·de·sac with views or golf rourse & mtns. For prlvatl.' showlng of this llsUn~ C'Ofllact Dan Bibb. 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Island's New Painted Lady cu,,tom Victorian 5llr. 4ba lncld lg bonus nn w/baUI. l>inlng rm w/wet bar • oak noor. M.tr 11.dte w/1ltUn1 rm 6 balcony, atalned & etched glass. aulOmatlc prqe dr. Seled carpet now . 223 Agate. Owner/ Alt '7M82t. BALIOA ISLAND Near new dup lex . Beaut.lful marrtage or wood, ~ck Ir glua In beach aetttnr. RI LOT FOi SALE So. of Hwy w/ou. TI.w. 955-1 O IO days, 644-6593 wffbttd Mesa Verde, assume 9% ct J.at; owe 2SK 200. 2. 8'1 4 Br 2'4 Ba, den etc. Sl2.8,400. La Call. Alt. Bill.131-1257 Mela Verde 3br. 2ba. low down, aaaumable 164.000 1oM 9.S%. No q ualifying 197.900, 846-rm. 4HOUSES WHTSIDI Ontyt'm,0000/W/C. WOii.Di.i. 556-7777 ~~ MeuVerde4br.2 ba.lge ~21 ~=·000. Owner. Agt. Mt ... e----• For ..... by owmtr. bout. wpor ._.....-BR. owner w/ carry 2nd. 640.US7 Great loan auumptioo. '711-1.571 lt'sle...tfful For Sale ly o .... Y•Scn-e 3br. 3ba. fam rm, frplc. NrSo. Coast Pina. quiet neigbborbood. Principles oa.ly. Sll0.000, $22,000 down, take over pymts. 548-4548 for appt. awtttltte Sir/Fl Spacious home. lge lot. outstaod1na value, loca • lion &: cond. Fleiclble financing w/oo qualify· Ing, or VA accepted. call 546-0784. LOCATION I LOCATION ! Spacious E11tslde • Bdrm, 2 bath home on tree lined •treet. New ~ carpe&a, new ldlcbm Un, new paint In side. So. e.lf. IHlty 54' HOS 64M911 new Bkr. 645·2632 s..pet' Pool Home with s bedrms. 3 baths. on larf!e 1, acre lot Many upgrades anrldg separate spa. Parlt Place.inc 842·7461 3 BR. IV, ba. condo. DO common wall, garage +carport. 962·3527 Prine. only ....................... ASSUMI l 'la% LN. QMay new SPIC 3 Br w/all arMOltles Pn.n on I)'. BE lat! 673-4313 Agt Trade your old stuff for new goodies with a Classlfied ad 642 5678 llGCANYON CONDOS 13 a' ail 6734313 Agt ROGEAS REAL TY 67S.2ll I LaglllM •och I 048 U.,-0 8.ach I 048 .................. ..... . ...................... 1--------- file~~ OCIAM .YllW "' ...... '-Y·S..... L...- 3 Bdrm. wood and glass home Just steps to the sand. walk to beach club; private community; a must see a t $250.000. • COUJWILL IAl«B co. 496-7222 831-0836 ,...... ...... .., .... -~ ...... LOCATION. DESIGN &VALUE Romantic view or Catalloa & beyo00. An amail n J 4 bdrm Newport value w /a sparkling pool & tge yrd. Only $249.500. Hurry! 56!M91 c:= Walker t: lr.r. Real Elltate E~TBLUFFS Lg crnr lot. 4br , 2~ba. nr NB Tennis Swim Clu b . shops, schls. S172,500. 714-644-818'7 or 644·!«2. Must adl our Lusk home In Eaatblulf. 4 Br 2~ &. FR.. new cJ'l)l, on 77x 129 • lot. A1kln1 S\68,000. Owner.M0-608' 1 Tueieday Julv :s. tm ~b .. lat... HouutU•tw.;•d HouseaU~llMd HonesU~ .,...._..h,_,.-.cl .,_, .... ,.....,..._ ........••.•...........•••.••••..•••..•••.•.•• •·······•••···••····•·• ............•...•.................••.......... ··················--··· ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ............. ,., 1000 ....................... ~.~~ ...... ~?~~ ~~ ....... ~~.2.~ ~ .. ~!~~~ ..... ~~~! ~~~!:'!~.~ ... ??.~~· ~:T.!'!~~~ ... !?!~ ~ .. ~ ....... ~!.~ WTSIDI! • * • l.tc ltayahorfl ExclU$tV(' i--------• ~ .. ~ ....... ~~~!~! ...... ••••••••.•••• ... s. ''" 1MI a• I US -................... i---••••--• DANA POINT l ·J Unobstrurl•b le w htt• llrllWI' Ii MAJ'\l\ii \ lt'lilltli rro.ooo TC!f'm •" OZIR. Brand,.._ trt luvel 3 br. lettyW .... ~ ~;nbe~~~~S:.,~ WIHAVE 2 ba townbome f'rpk. 151 O • Oc1wfw owt study, 2ba home . Un/um su...-llMT ALS m1rrown\\'. ,kylq:ht , Newport le9dl or part rum. S900 mo. TAXING I BRi....alove/refrtgerat.or. Nr r·airvlew Ir Balcer rm.842~ ••llal ata1le-1tory. U90,.... *-.. <.'eil., a bdrm • W ...... a...u.ta Piao. A Pn ... CM ...., al All..«IO Double w\de I br. I ba. I ,,. HASTINGS 6 CO. 'tat *· J clubhoulln acALTOU N0-65IO SH.000. Owaerl Alt ,.._ ._. I bt A I br. 6TM1lt ___ _ """lllOO IQ ft.. 1 blk lo Zll51 NEWLAND. Sp lTL bQ.-..ooo . MUTS~ 2 BR 2 Be • Mo On\'e .. a .. I07' by t.hfft ~· Nl-43IO lo lft• ....................... IPf(.1 All llCMANe>I OIULI !llew duple., wall! t o ~ach. 1189.~00 N"'w l ranafe rable l l ""'i loiltl..(1'.~et. call 7~1811 I IAY&MACH llA&.TY 7St..oal I SIASCAPI CONDO 3 Bd r m . 2 ba 'Land.sea~. s pnnkled .mum. pal.io, upgraded tbmouL Close to shop ptng, Capo Beach, Dana Harbor. Sl«i.900. Owne r ~. DONTYLER & ASSOC 714167~ NO FEE 24 HRS Rental Inf nation Rmt w1lh option to bu,y anlomwlton NO OOWN rAYMENT OR TAKF. OVER PAYMENT 1n fonnauon HWldn-d'11 of Mot.le Homes av111labll' 1n allareias CalMowl!! THE MOBILE Qwlo By Owner. l'rt's HOME STORE Hts. 2 br . ,,, ha . U S.00 0 /o f r . <.:1111 HEA.RYOU 714/492-3072 WestlJllJlSter 848-~ Shore<'Uff Villas. 2 Br 2 ~~~m ~~ Ba. stmdeck. 2 car gar, Ce h Jac & pool $89,5.00. nt . Ana · 9S6-J01l 63 l-42m / 496-3310 CYPRUS SHOIE Pvt guarded community. pnvate beach. Beautiful 2 story 3 bdrm ho me. By owner. Call 714/494-6558 or494-9909 for a ppt. s.taAM 1080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $68,500 2br. Condo, 1 year new G E. bit.Jn kitchen . Gar. Pool, jac. Nr. Wa rner & Grecnv11le. 642-4842. ~ MOllLEHOME VACANT This 1n 5 St a r pa rk Beaut. 2 br, 2 ba Mod Ma nor s ize 24X64 in Cos ta Mesa . Ca ll for appt. Century 21 Gold Coast Realtors, 548-1168. Acreoge for 5* 1200 ....................... 12 Acres-Potential M·l Ind zoning in growing md are a of Riv County. 915,500. Engineered In· vestments 851-0366 24 hrs. -------~ 10% Interest ~to lhl-own.-r '• csaaa. ~ 14 unit• ahow • 1pt!ftd1blP t:or loctt'd aaraK~I. p1lnt~d lo•t ~ar • baa b4lllt'onh·11. 1undcd1 6 pool for h•111>v tena n11 lh1a 11umow1 Own••r will fln 11n1'1' .it 10'~ tntel'tl'll l.ARGF. F:NOll<HI TO S t; R V t: . ~ M A I. I. ~UGH TO t:AtU: lti"7 milboo'" rlOtl~ l'llC'IUW!I 1-...l year w~ hit Vt' II '"'°" t1p1•01ng1 tin our 1111l1·i. !llaff for a proft."8!l1M11l 1·omnutt.-d tu 1nv•-,.tm•·nt l"t!<li tlblate '152 1920 • ' Ci)UAIL PLACE NOfllltflES"' lqi.. TII l :l O ,...._, 7 UNITS-C.M. Bea ut. ne w but ld 1n.:. Ftreplaces. xlnt location TSL lnvmts 642 lf.03 FOUR UHITS-C.M. Near new, 3 Rr owners urut, 2 ba, Crp l, 2 c·ur gar .. 3-2 Br. 2 hu, unit~ TSL lnvs t mts 642 1603 By owne r Duna l'oinl. Pndc or Owne rsh1v <1 plex. ~.000 euch on Ull to 15,000 sq. rt. lots . Owner will fina nrc on t'or\tract with m inimum $78,000 down. Will ar· rommoda te exchan ~e. 334ll Cheltam W3y, Apt D, D.P. 496-1097 or 496-5275. • MUSTSEU! Big bea<'h 7 Unit bwld· mg, a.slang $395,000. scorr REAL TY 536-7533 ""' :w' llarbor Blvd frontu r In 1 ... Habra, nr Wh1tu~r Hhd (ircrat lul'11l1on ~.li .. aq f\ A61l tn9 5099 Nt."WllOHT m ;1m rrs 41tl t:i Modt.'n.t llt'tl1.11·1~ l.U JJ~.<W 673 2Z3ll C:O.tal C OMMl11I°" Appro•ed Uarm l'I ll 1, gn·11t un•,J, rtun r l'\Jtl\ 11\ll 1 11141 (; 11111 11111 pcrm1l:.. ho11111·111.111 ... l'Oflll>h•h' pk .: 11•.ul ~ lu hta Id s.\K.IXX> 4n;1 :.'75j W1l:-.Qfl & W1•1'" II I• ........ Dewrl. ltnorl 2400 ··~···················· FOR LEASE Nt-w l hc'tln1om l bath hoow Ml'>""" 1 .. 1kt'' ('ountrv ('luh (ioU tcnru11 µuc)I l.kaut1(ullv lundsrapcd. no m,1111 lt'rlurt<·e yard 9000{'1ubhouw IM Dt.~wrt llot Sµnn).!1> 213 :.r7H :?..'\7:! 2SSO .•.•.....•............. u q1.D1luUnl! h.:c fll'l' l'om mer'I blk long prop •. , L'iltn~ bldmg now rerlll'<I Ho-st let(' in Sun llllno S'7!1,5000wnt'I 1'75 !J.11>1 Out of Stat. Pr..,+y 2600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COLORA D O ::.1·1•111 1· wooded property .11 $350 I a r, P I'. (7 14 I ~ l'uol, U•mwi. rl,.. Youattlhewumerof l nclds gardene r . Avail RESERVATIONS rwm tt»~ mu 646"'262 two fr'ff tlcMtt Sept 1. 642,MSS, al no ana 706 Jamea SL Apt C. l br. bltns. ba lcony. S2'15 Adult:i. nopeq. 97J..4410 orll46-006l tSlS.OOvalue). tQ 494 ml . •.-....1u..a--~~~~~ associated 2:567 Elden MSO mo. M~ dd Mor 4 bdrm . i? bu, Cam rm, 1>11llo, fn<'d yti. :.: r•r .i11r. nn rM:L'I l5001tll0 Isl & la1tl +-dt• ll08ll OOH 4~ M1'!l1t Vl!t(lt' • br. 2 bu. tum rm. r /p. wot bur tM'W rrplK. IJ(t' yurd. no lll'lll Sffi5 751-JWil I 'l1•un ;: llr, maturl• coui;lt' 11oly $100 1 mo na1u• 11 1ltt1t~ Nu l'h1ldr c11 ur lll-U. 532~ .......,-,...._ BLUPFS, t8SO sq.ft . 3 BR 81101< E llS Ill A1 ''•llS ~ Sllow t~ on lge greenbelt. at.the-Only $750. Avail 71 15.1~~~~~~~~~ /\NAHl'.:IM Ruth L a urie. agt .1. ]UJ W 8a•t) IJ •11 Jt& CONVENTION 646-4380 Cl!:NT£R July 14. ti p m Exec condo Old Bluffs, 3 Call 642·~8. ext 272 to BR 3 Ba, fabulous g mblt t•l:um yuur L1r ket:1 loc. Perfect cond. $750 * * * Lw.644-7315 Y1•11rly rent1d 8 '450 mo. & up Henau1sancc Mob1ll' H ume l'rop ert 1es 400-31116 4:e . new 2 br elu~cut1ve tnhome. S62S mo. SUMM9 RENTALS DIAMOND REAL ESTATE ENTERPRISES 645-7573 NEW 2Br Studio unit w/frplc, lg pau o. l~Ba. d1x lulehen. Agt. 979.5099 2 bdrm, 1ba,1325/mo, no chld ., no pets, gar & lndry rae. 548-6185. 2 Br. 2 ba, pool. a dlts. no pets S295. Call 673-0884 or 646· 731.9. 2 bdrm. patio, car prt. s:m1mo, 788-C W. 18th 5.57-4579. :1 Or l 1111, 1lenen)( rm, rer ----Westcliff 4 br. fa m r m on Plush I bd baC'h. pad. romer lot. Lease opteon Quiet. pvt. ~ur. on bay nr Mesa Verde. 2 BR. 2 ba .. t Ill. Z t•ar )(11ru1otl'. r11fn1c •~meruld Bay, a l mosl Sti:.io I\ v a ti J u I y 1. Ul't!llll!rool. 2 BR . :t ba. M2 \151'2 F\muture opltonal. l"or ll•u:o.e 152.5 +-j.(anl M V J blltm ~ drn form d "" frJ>k. Ir.: m:illt bd. w opt!ll bC'am re1lt11i.: . I u \ 1• l y I' a t 1 o N ca 1 rhool 770..1062 ::! Hr, carpeted, :.ml yard. I t•ar j!arta~e. no pl'l!. !350 pr mo. 1:.l & la!>t t- $100 :.t•r deposit 646-SG:n :!:..~<! Plat•l·nua. I ~vdy :? Ur Condo w I pool. i.:<1r & 1•arport. ~mv y~1rd. M~a Verck arl'J. Avuil now $44!5 li4G-81i1Ui Dana Point 3226 ······················· House for L~ase Dano Point ('ll•art :1 br, i Ila. :.unkt·n llveng rm. formal dining & ramely rm , nl.'w laml'it'apmM Kids & 1>ct.s t.lk. S595 mo C'a II ~r).') 24 73 Hamwavm Mon-l-'r1. Turner AasO<' 494·1177 Uohdtay at Lhe Beach $u.rnnl('r Rentc1ls Ava1la ti l e Oee:infro n1 3Br. 2112 ba $!!00/wk. 2 Hdrm $000/Wk. U•eath•och Leases Available Lovl· ly adult condo overlOOk 1n~ Jl c1Sll'r Park $750/mo P nvate a rea roll.age 2Br. Iba t6SO House 3Hr 2bu $1050 Cue!'it unit $550 LAll)lo9tG Villaqe R.E 497-1761 logwMI Hills 3250 ·····•··•·•············ U.GUMA HILLS w.smalldownpaymenl. bch. $350t mo Yr ly lease.Adults,$400 &73.GJ36eves 494·4117 645-7221 ~2t Wntdlff RHfty Large 2br cho1<'e N B locatJon. Steps to brh. 673-9312 2 bdrm, uµper Eastsulc ln·plex. adults, covcrt"<1 halcony, e nclosed gc1r S315 ~7SS4 eves Newly furn t br on 43rd St Includes par k1nR. rent J..ov.oer 3 br, 2 ba, Mesa De l $375, no ix·l!'i nrokl'r Mar arra. $4 00 2 OwnerSSl two r h ll d ren . no peb 751-2156 1'.:astsede I br, wooti beam t'l.'1bngs & cabmet.s. Sl90. Bhlfs, pool Lovely 3 BR. ;:,::_·~·1~.".::~··•••••••• 1SJS.8S44 fam rm . view! $900 Mo. --3806 ---------~enl 644-0134 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 8edroom, I bath central- --------Ur , fum/unfum Sndck. ly located on bus routt'. Superb Bluffs <'Ondo, Yrly only No .:a rage. 548-1003. s.135 mo . spar1ous4 BR ,Jba. $400 mo 675-93711 -------$8.)()Mo 644-1133Agt I Br house ty pe Uttl. pil C.orona def Mar 3822 S200 2038 A Meyer Pliil'C llarbor Vie w Ho m es. B<-aut. fa m ily horn•' 4BR. fam rm , S800, m m t yr lsc 644-4100 Meed a loot Slip? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • No pet.S. 640 2363. :Jbr.2ba l1replat:c, garagl', $575 aft S 1>'73-2632 Larl{e I hr. lrplc, pvt vool I empl'd ix•,-.,on. No t•held ur pet~ $390 L e J !>c . &l(H.999 Si>al'IOUS 2 br. I ba. µool. uul pd. Prefer maturt'. qlnct adult No pl'ls. $Jti.l. mo 548-7689 QUIET LIVING 3234 559-!K>77 ----f.olntain valley HAWAII AH••••••••••••••••••••••• ·I llf•droom. 2 hath VallC'y Vet•w Jlornc Huell tn kitchen. fir<'Ph1cc. air l0ond1t1on1ng , ~ t•:ir Maragc, washrr and c.lryt.•r. $495 monthly lease. Available July I.5th. Lido Isle Glamorou:, ex ec. Bayfront condo w1tt1 loads of room. view and much more Sltp ;1vaila· ble Furn or unrurn $1%0/mo ~ fir I l:i<t WWllhOU!>l'. pool, dt't'k. t·arport. adult~. no v•·b Lt-a!'il'. S450. 6TJ.llOOO .. ., J.04 7 3 Most Uhl Free. New <'Pl. drps t:ncl ga ra~t'. patio, great k tl<'hl·n. Adults. no pets Obi Mnk bath ideal for singlCli PROPERTIES: All Islands -a ll prll't'' cnU loraJ-ask for Hogl'r 964·~ RM Estate V.il'Olllt c'(ec homt', 4 Bit, plush lJrpct111~. <Her i.iJA."d lol Clt).'lc lo :.chools & I wy~. $tiOl.I mu. Agt. 962 ~71 .. ~~ ....... ~~!!~ Huntington leach 3240 ....................... HOM.I'~ l"OR RENT CALL OWNER AT 642-01 38 logwMI HiC)Wf 3252 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :Jbr, 2' ;•ha. homl' F It 1lt'fl,frm,dm1m ,tumm . pool & park $650mo 831 nti5 c \'l'!'i Pet"fTd locati0tt lbr. ai;t \lf<1lk1n r lO'i•'t Ralboa Penins ula on t arport & pool. $375>cdr Miramar l blork ln bay ly ~1589 oroc.•can 4 Hdrm. ~bath. ----.! .. wry Av.iii 1 n . 2 UK. 2 bc1, blln,, trpl, ~mo !>Undl•rl>.. i.wr do11r 11~h'n1·r hlk 10 li1g (-Ol'OOIJ Sf.00 Ml> li7J·b5 Ill 2 Bdrm ~ 23Z3 t-:lden Ave, C.M 642-7605 Dana Point 3826 .......•..•...........• 2Hr,21·2ha lw. l'l>ndo. fp, har pool1 ... pa l/-196 :?t'>4il 5-dPointe Reaut1ful 2-s lor.) 4 bedroom Sand Pointe home with bt~ bonus room. duung room, ram•· Ir room, k itchen with bU1ltu1s. hrepla<'l'. ntct' yard wtth gas harbcque. SI 14,000. BK It <:all s.io-1120 Af :..'s:ients I 3 00 ....................... , _________ _ Ml•sa Vf.'rdt· I hc.l rm 5.50.000 t.'QWly. Jo:xt·h:ini;c for R.E or'•? 751 Jroti 3 ur I br l'n1•t•d rrom sit5 w S525. 1-'nl·d yard & gar <t ~t'S l"am1l1l'" µll•<1.s1." k id s & p1.•1::. wckoml' l'<t 11 9f,.1 2560 111 :nJ :!!171. Ai..'t. no kl' Ntwpoti leach 3269 ····•·················· Lm. Bayfront C0ttdo 11o1lh pool St.'<'unty hld1; 2 lldrm, 2 ua S85Q, mo 3824 ~l'h apl uttl p:ierl ~25 mo TAABElL -· 1088 ••••••••••••••••••••••• T rt-p lex . ~rea t t ax shcltcr, best pnce m San Cle m ent e, $132,500. LC1rso n R ealty 492-34701496-1n2. lllMness PropHfy 1400 .....•..•••..•..•...... •ATI"EMTION• TAX A'ITORN EYS ACCOUNTA N TS- DE'VF.LOP. OlFfDOO R I RELIGIOUS GPS. EASY DOES IT with the sellers hclpinit w fman<'l' these lowl'Sl prict-d tn-pl<'Xl'S m this xlnl f"C'fllal area. ApJl('al· ini:? <!br, I ba uni ts w /endd garas:(•::. & patJ~. Huy tOl-(l•th1•r or S<'J)aJ"Utcly (;;,i l I !179·5:170 now ALLSTATE REALTORS RedEstat. Wanted 2900 ••..•....•.......•..... I'll buy any property JOY c'Ofld1t1on. Top 1·ash 24hr hot.l.tne 213.435 3282 ...•..•.••.••.......... HousH Furnished • •••••••••••••••••••••• tolewport leach 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nt·\I. elegant 2 twdroom + den $.'175 CN.br & wen dow humt' F'1 \'I' l.>l0t·k1. tu hl•,1ch Privntl.' :!·t•ar ~~;1r:tgl'. l•ully n1a111 tuint-0 vard. A\hllG :-1•• 1Jt·ts. 1r\11wrc .11 :;21 tHth !->ll't't.'t 17H >!IW G3:JI ~i ii lith St .1 Bit l ' ~ lw fpk xlnt nmtl yard IDJ llll S671i. 84G 79!:1 Nt~n;J:o:• /\pt & <.undo rt·nt<ib V1ll.1 H1.·n1.ll~ tl7!'1-l!H2 Bk r 1-A'iT llLUf-'lo'S J Ur 2Ba . :? pall<):-,. 2' :• Par gar. w.shr tlr) r. rt•lng, S6SO mo 121:1 I WI:! >1021 :l Br ... I" tt • J ba ntu!r'. rondo Hcuu11ru1 rund, nr pool. $925. Ph tM 2tl07 tk·t•an 1-'l"ont 2br I 1'2bJ, lr111r . 1•rpt s, 1lr.1p1·"· n •fn1: Yrly 1st• S700 mn 1;12 31<1:1 RfHT FOR SUMMER? N~"VER Not when you t·an own this bl'aUllful :mr, 2Ba Condo. •r, blk lf• 01·1·an Fealur1.>s V.t!l bar. balcony. frplc. dbl ~ar, ::.ubrrul you term!. owe PARADISE AREA- BUTI'E CNTY. 1$400,000 l'lJLL PRICE> COSTA MESA 4HOUSES 224 Via Lido Nord. 4br, 2ba. pH·r & -;lq1. 2t3-Z70-4547, 213 !134 09'20. Walk to bcad1 4 fi r . J ba, Hluffs 1•ondo. J llf< l' · ~ t• a r g.., r .i ~ l' U:i. poul. SiOO m o 846-5502 e4?m The h1stor1 c town of lnslop oo 57 acres incl lhc l n::.k1p I nn :i t:t'rt1r1ed "His torical sue'" i.s ror salC' Fanlast1c re ntal pro pcrtees Ul rui;:h apprC'Cl;Jt· uig area. Only ~25.000 OW<.: $75 mo + housekecpmJ? Spect acular view. sec. i;eate 556-6576 lle..it•hwalk. $6.')0 + $150 b15-74l:l , 1Joll•l' /\J{l. Ohf"R~ Estat~ .•....•.........•...••. 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PRICE SLASHED Anxious owner must ~ell now. 24X52 llillrrcst. 1970, w/8x20 enclosed parch. 5 Star Anaheim Pet Park. R<.><tucl'd to S26.<XXI Make offer to day! tJ B037-77) Mobile Home Store 956-4500 11us :.k1. fL<;hing, l'amp· IOJ:, pJcking, hunting. all yea r playground h as hUSte pay-off, for pro- lf.tm able to r:ip1taltze un lu>( "ll1storieal Site'" taXbrcak Includes cabins. rope tow, stab les. w ate r , power . Last of larger pareels in cnty. Pnnc only 714·955-1055 <Gill COft'lfttrcial Property 1600 __________ , ...................... . OCEANFRONT New homes. pvt com · m wuty. 3 t>.:achc s. 24 hr ::.eeunty, sub-lellm~ OK from $29,900 (7 H 1 4.99·3816 Golden WC'st 24 x60. 2 bdrm. 2 ba. ram rm. l:Wtom red wood deck 5•Park. San .Juan Cap ~ NP Lg C·l lot . 2 units on Old New p o r t Blv d . $1.59,000. 646-1157. Shoppinq Center Or. Cty maJor center 17 acres, 189,000 sq ft bdf?s. Incom e over $575,000 Price $6,000,000. Mr. ~II. a•~~ WORLDR.E 556-7777 NPW ronstrucllon Orangl• <.:o. 24 units Pnme ;ircJ. Trade or sell. $775,000. ~. 711-497 J009 Oreanfront 4-plex. Newly refurb. Sell or t rade $521),000. Agt. 711'·497-3009 7 DUPLEXES/CM Nea r So. Coast P laza. tms.<XXI. Agent 549-4008 4-plex. Lrg 3br , 2•,<;iba, owner's urut + 3 lrg 2br. 2ba, 1 mi rrom ocean on Brookhur st. $225.000. Owner-Broker 536·9987. 4UHITSH.8. ooe 1JUle from pier never a vacancy. 20 •·; down $215,<XXI F.P 6 units Garden Grove Su()t!r rental area ownt'r f1nanc1ng. 20';. down S26.5.JOO F .P. Pnc Pnnc only. a 1:l Dorothy J ohnson !172-9300 HolMs Uftfumish~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8UOGET REHTS Jo:t·onom\ S;,ive J:J s + 'um1·• J l<;t'S Apts t:tgs F l 'n f ~ UaC'h Y•lrd frt'l' Ul•I ~s I !:Jr k 1d' pool S250 Rach k1c.ls pets S28S 2Ur kids Pl'ls ~a r S3002llr kids appliartl'l'" $.125 :iur kids appllanl·t·s $3753Hr ~:ir pool palm S.1004lir kids pool S4954Br kids pets J.l;ir 557-0825 Homefmders-State W1dl• 8al:loa Pettiftsula 3207 . •••.••.•....•.•.....•• Beaut1ru1 Bay vetow 2 hdrm , 2 ba. 2 car gar yrly. $675 675 61170 or &15-8404 ask for Connie move-m dl'p 962 :;no llnh 2 h'fl, nt•w ·11n ;11 ,h,1, homt'. htkC" to hl'11 { 'l00>e tu ~chis &. shop PIO!! High un .• hill Ck·1•:in brt•t.'7t' i"'rpd, 1H1t10. rnc d r~"r ~ 1 u t:nen.: y 'i<t v 1 n g :t JJJI I. l'lu.5h rrpt. d1sh11o , W:tll'r & i.:arc.lt•m •r 11d Onl~ Sh 5 ll m o . !!Id ti · 0 Ii 7 I , 960-193-t. J Hr 1·ondo 111 York tnwn V11ln Tract. nr. Hu.shard & Yorktown Si!!S m11 <::ill Shoreline M i.tml. S.17·6363 ---2 BR I 1 i ba, pallo, pool. J;.tC, lrp lc. dbl gar :).W-6314 ---- VA<:ANT. llB loc I BH. S500 . JBR W/J>OOI. $525 ·1 RH. C-Pool. 4 HR. ( Pool. Sf.00. Ask for Keith. 9624171 Irvine 3244 Capistrano Beach 3 2 I 8 • • •• • • •• ••••••••••••••• .....•................. 01 San Clemente ReaC'h Mobile Home. 3br. <!ba. ~.<XXl. l'\Jm . Albert Pussell Realt y Co. 833 DOVER Dlt.N.B. 63t-S'2S'2 6 uruts 1n Hunt ~ch Ntrl' art'a good 1n n1ml' ----Owner wtll fen.in Luxury full O<'l'an \ 1c~ t:ondo. Oana Bluffs. :1 bdrm, 2':z bath, Pool ::.auna. Jacua 1 $7511 493-8)60 J Br w1kmgs11e ms tr hdrm & bath w1Roman tub. lgl' ram rm w1frplt'. rl°"e to l'Omplete shnp vmi.: area SSSO m o 15302 ;~1mcs Or Ca 11833·8162 C.orona ~I Mar 3222 nu: LAK£'i Arand new ••••••••••••••••••••••• Condo 2 bdrm 2 bu Cameo Highland 4br , SS251mo. 2 1:1 431 304H 496-1840 ~---l--OmpMly rctnodl'.'lt'd Aft. 6pm ~XH/ cel20'1dn or w ill t•on CMits Sale 1800 s i d er t rad e . M I k l' ---------· ••••••••• ••••• •• ••• • • •• 848--otlOO •EXCITING• Hlwport leach·Udo B ea ut if ul 1976 Golde nwest 2Br, 2B a home within walking dis- tance of Lido's finest shopping ar ea. Small pct welcome leochAna Young Adult Pet Pork. Beautiful spacious 24x6S Signature Home w 12 lg bedrooms + 28a. lg IJv- iogdin.ing rm w/wel sink & ram rm w/enclosed poreh. 2 storage sheds & soft waler. Very deluxe cPK1096J. L..J-aHllh S,.CWl.y BuuWul 5 Star Adult .ft. 3'd0 Seacrest. 2 lg Br. 288, ram rm with a ll 1be w as. Ooi1 '2UOO. CAUPOIMIA PACIPIC MOalHOMI SALIS I 2'JOI Harilor. &e 208·A MO.ltJ1 ... UNITS-UNITS! Bargain Time! M~ADUPLEX SJJ4.000, 2 BR's. (pies, newly painted, garages. la undry room. SAN CLEMENTE DPLX $l.16,000. Ocean View 3 8 R's + 2 BR pride of ownership. M~A FOURPLEX SlSS,000! 4 Units • pnde of ownership! New paint. ne w r oo f. Pr o f . landscaped. New stoves & refrig's a ll units! Sprinkler system. too~ Hurry! Don't miss these invest-ment bargains, call now '152-1700 Ol'f.N Ill 0 • ti S It.JN ro Ill ~l • ~ ' THE REAL ESTATF.RS_ OCEAN DWLIXIS New a bedroom bomee + a pt. Stonis Cons tr. -....14or'82·1393 ·~ M~c 10x44 e ver· ~I cloee by. C.M. 0-.. Meea 2-2br: Conv. AdJ\pc. a~le mtrrom k>c, pvl yda. garag!s• bC.n •.eootolr. Sp rent newly upgraded. Pl'in-tuo lncllxles 111/ wlr I t\pm only M2-5i688 b11a. PP Stl·l.957. c.M. DUPUX 8Jt ownar. tO'x.40' with Abeo1utely lmmac. ln .... t-'JlJO'. Walle to put rental arn. Drive bNicb. aooo. tmmecn.te bf 21.9S American Ave. 11 m lion. cau ...._, Aakln a s1os,ooo. Alt. atD..Jn• 811-Cl. • SIJ75 75!1·0!Ml5 -RENTALS ~------~ I I XGROSS You rould even have a s pendable on this xlnt 5 ple x investmen t. Only $1 39 ,95 0. C r ea ti v<' fmance is our speciality. Call now for full details. 54.5-9491 Office/ c omm e r e 1 n I. super location. $.570.000. Commercial. 4400 sq. rt $250,000 Industria l, 8000 sq fl $208,000. 2 tenants on short term leases L. J\ County. Prin. only. David Bourke. Realtor 546-9950 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lovely 2br. Iba. din rm. frplr $S50 Adlt cpl, nn child or pct. Lsc. Isl. last + clep. 640-4999 3 BR. frpl .. patio. no pets Walk to shops & beach $500. Agt. 673·$354 3224 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMES FOR RENT 3 or 4 br. Pn ced from $445 to $525. Fncd yarrl & gar ages Families p lease. Kids & pl'ls welromc Call 964 25& ur !Y13-297t J\frt, no fee OCEAN VIEW Mrs a BluHs 2br. 21 .•b::i br;rnll new <'Ondo $5511 Mi: r 83J..lll7 •Clean 2hr condo nr So Csl Plaza. Pool. s pa. carport $400 No pets. 83J..8974 3 Bdrm. 3 bath condo. prof deeor'd, pool & JaCUZ21. Sl'YGLASSLOT Kid s OK. S550 m o . Absolutel y the BEST 548-2!M2or 752-9556 VIEW LO'I' for sale In N.8 . tod ay. Located NwptHgh~2 br,Jba.NO between milUon dollar PETS. 277 & * Knox residences. 270 degree S t r e et . $395 & $325. view from CdM to lrvlne. 673-225& Owner will cllrry AITO Newly painted 3Br, tBa, w/29% down. For more W. Side. $450 mo. Agt. info. ca ll Ron Taylor, 646-7174 640-5112. ----------•Elegant new condo. C.M. R·2 lot, SO'xl.221~'. 2 blks 3 BR 3ba. n r ocean . from ocean! level. pnme Frplc. fncd patio area, 2 NoLquna ocalion. P .P . derka. W I D h ookup. *'.o45I lrUh comp Pool, jAr. f'nd what 6ou want In tenni•. No pet.s. $700, mo IM prcl 9S7 1234 dYB & Dally Pttot laaa1fleds. 912 Ul68 evs Ava.11 now - I RR, 1 ba.. . . . . $.175 :! flit. 2 ba. .. .. $560 2 RR, 21'2 ba $700 J BR. 2 ba . $6001900 :l BR. 21., ba ........ $6i5 2 BR. 2 ba .... S475tSOO San Clemenlc 't523 CAMPUS Dl·IR\ll~E Spectoculor Vu on Rancho SJn .Jo11qum gotr coursl' 2 hr 2 b:i condo +-den \lo' wct bnr mcl Wash dryer akow & 2 car enrl i.:ar age Comm. pool $700 mo. tst. last & $200 secur Days 547 1:145, eves 559-4646. Avail. July 1. Woodbridge 3br. d /r, f/r, te nnis & pool $600. 494-2458 or 494-0747 Wlltows. sgl 2 Br hse fpll'. 2car gar, priv. yard. $450 Lt\C. ~02.53 STOP!! fake Ume lo relax a nd shop at home. Lt's almple w ith Oa tly P iiot Cla.,strled AdA. And 1t yoo have aomethinR to !'.I'll, call a fr1 i-n dly Clus1f1ed Ad-Visor at 642.5678 BLUFFS BAYFROHT BEAUTY J br, 2 ba. b11) litcw, prnl 1!."t'(H"alt-d Comm ptH>I . ,ttl gantgt.' r\\Ull 00\1. $7!~ mo lca:.c s.iu SS<f.i or 95.>Zl9Y Bluffc; condo. lov('I\ ... upcr dean 3 RR. 2 ha·:.! Car 1:tar. Pool No p\'ls ~ Mo ~cnL 640-0020 --- •CONDO • •I Jldrm. 4 bath, nr beodt Por1l. ll•nrus $700/mo ij.L>832J 640 17$1 * COHOO • :4 Bdrm, 2 bath. nr ~ach. r ool. tenrus. $700/mo. ~ 640·1751 YOU'VE ARRIVED AT 601 LIDO Nt•wport 's most pre· st1ivous high mil' t·ondo with 'llpcctacular Bay & Ocean views On t hl' water :.! Bedrooms. 3 baths. Total guarded ~unty You v1• arnvcd :it 601 L.1do $1750 per month Cole Rc<ilty & lnvt'!-.l 640-5777 SEAVIEW Elegant .a RR. 3 ba Pt lioyal Model: J!rc.Jt \'ll'W, 24 hr Sl'C j!all'S, romm pool & tc-nn1!> $14 00 Mo . Lyn n e 6'W-540Jt631 3444 ---- Harbor View Hills Spacious 3 BR. ram. rm .. dmmg rm. Lge. yard. beauufully la nds<'apcd & walled Sl,000 Per mo. Agent 640-6500 ----WATERFRONT -4 bdrm. On the C:ina l Com m pools & tennis av111l now. $875 &15-3370 Nf.'w townhouse 3 Br 3 Ba. rt.ofng. ws hrtdryr. pool. I yr l-;c , no pets, $575 pr m o 631 1317 or 2131477-11474 2 Bdrm Doll llouse Yrly l:.c avail Sl'pt 15 ~/mo 213/967·48Sfi 4Br. l'~Ba. lse I yr $.525 mo· Shown 4·6PM 310 Lando Ave (6th St ) Newport's F inest 2Br. 2Vaba. highly upgraded co nd o . I n c lud es cpts/drpe. stove/refrig, W/O. ('Ompactor. dws hr, frplc. lots or mlrl'Ors. Pool. Jae. s auna. 2 car gar. 3 blks to ocean. $625/m o . Wknd /eve 7 14 1540·3342. d ys 213/9M· 18l l M.lffS I STORY "Lind s" 38r. 2ba. s ll n n w d erQr 1 8!\0 , l $l/last+H·c Agl 546-ZJlJ. $40-3828 Sell Idle Items 642-r.6'18 - \A,,\llHJHO'r llOMI '-lnc REAL ESTAlE ~~ 0 i1·14 LI Biq Canyon T ownhomP l~v!.'ly :1 bdrm v. l).!1'. formal dlrun~ rm & :!' ~ bath:.. l.,1~t· 1.1 met~ lutdll'n w 1•atm~ ure;1 Wl'l b:i1 , :.1->.inoU!> pal1u dt•l'k, :.Cl'ur1ty Jaall'. ten IU!'il'lS & ~p;,i S800 Mo W~y N. Taylof-Co. Rl'allDrs 644 .i9t0 3276 ••••••••••••••••••••••• N<'W 2 s torv, ocean view. :II.Jr ~mu no gm Westminsiff 3298 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llmtES FOR tH:NT 3 or 4 br Pnrl'tl I rom $4-1.5 lO S52.5 Fncd ) an.I & ~arages . F :imllt l's picas~. kids & P1'lS wckome Call 964 25tili or 973-:!!nl. Agt. no ft..~ .. $."l.'iO lmmac 4 br, JJ, ba. Shl1w<·ase home l'n mt• IOl'::at1on. Edtnl!Cr & Magnolia. 16()i2 Buri.:t•s::.. ~nuru RJty ~ ti62:1 Condominiums ~ish~ 3425 ....•..........•....... Dix J Br rondo. pauo. 2 sly, $475 Santa Ana 2131451-4849. 7141496 117-1 lluntrngton Beach h illtop view. 4 br, 3 ba. lge 1•nd patio. dbl ~.H3J!f' Cluldren & pets ok S700 mo 962 0778 . ~nts Fumish~d •...........•..•.....•. 8ab>a Island 3 7 0 6 .........•...........•. 2 Br garage apt 'lolrw C'rpl, rNkcorah'<I. sun det'k, p<trklO~ S J)Jt t'. Slt·~ Lo beal'h S40ll > rh ~ bi3 l!062. lBr, IBa. 1mmal' :ipt, S.~5 mo. Call Brian <2131 R70 0036 d ys, (71JJ 673-5000 wknds. U1Tt..E BALBOA ISLE Wtdork for BOAT !hm1t 18'1. 2br. sips 7·8. 12'x24' view LR & food bar. gar. telephone. J uly $350/wk. i\IJS(USt $425/wk. 548-9647 <1m&n1les. 8al»a P~sulo 37 07 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bachelor a pt l st /lst + clearung $75 yrly lse $275 mo.675-~ Bachelor apt between 12th & t3th Sts. Yrly $190 675-7876. 547-4200 CostaMeso 3724 • •••••••••••••••••••••• SUSCASIT>S s:m f\Jm lg I br & l reg br$275. encl. gar. l\dults. no pets 2110 Newport Bl. 548--4968 . &...,....e.ach 3748 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAGUNA BEACH MTR INN. Ma.Id ser v .. rolor 1V. heated pool. Ut1I. l714 )494·529•. 935 No. Coast Hwy. ttewport leach 3769 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUMMER RENTALS By the wttk. now sva1l. Also Wlntel' Rentul~ Noree AJent67s..8170 <kean front upper 2br. Seuhott Dr. Monthly. y r ly O wn e r 714"673-9367. •••.••••....•.........• :\'TH \ CL!'-" Y. Il l 1·11n ~u.lt•r I •hid ~ll.1 I r-.1. la. ... t $\l,IO dl·P men 111 twh 1 '> l II !'> h .1 l 1 m .i r 1 t.15 ~~•Jr s:lti 185i LAMAHCHA APTS I ~11 ~'" I :.!& I U.I 1'.1rd1•11 ,q)h AllUll • U'hwhr, l1lt11°"• 1·11l'1 J.!,tr, l'JS bhq l'uol 1,.,, I'd ii'>< ~.·ult Pi f>.t! :m:• 1.i1:, ';la 1 ~ Hr I li.1, 1·µ1,.,, t.lqr. nu doj?,.., $30;, m11 tH~ 7..,-!J 2 Bdrms. I bJlh apl Adultl>. $375 mo GJo; paid 542.5073 lnvely t Ar S.:100 m11 lk:!h l'OmonJ Qwt•t Jrt'J K3K !COl41 ,\gl•fll ShJrp t lt'JJI :! ltH, I ha blt.ru.. :! \ r old I ph•\ Y. ~•t.h.· Kill~ O". 1111 ~·"· s:1so t.45· Ni~ ,. " , & \l.lulCb. ---~l'I~ :J br. t•., b.\ J Pt s.:l5tl F;,im1I} uml. l'tMll /l.t Pla)Rround Sunt!Jnn • West J\pts. 19!lii Maplt· &12 1951 bet Wl -en Ill & :.! . . .. Jam!s B~ll 14932 Merc~d Circle Irvine You a re the wmnc r nf two ~e tickets ISIS.00 valuel, IO Royal Lipinan Stafli°" Show at the ANAl~f:I M CONVENTION CENTER .luly 14.11 pm Call 642 5678. l'\l 27:.! to rlwm your terkN::. ••• C:arden Vista J\ph Reaut brand nt•w 1&2 Hr. frpk. l:.lUndry rm. lmmed oct•upy. S33.S tu $125 'r.>L Mgmt 642 941 2 $175 J Br. ~ ba. 2 rnr gara j!l'. yar<I. W/D II U QuiN r ul de !>u<". 1-; !-tdt• TSL Mgmt b42 lliOJ 2Br wl~ar, m•w 1·rpts Wtr pd 636-4 l20 I 5pm 2176 ··B'" P la<'ent1a S.100 tiGl · I t!l'l I Hr 1 h.1. t·nl'I ~ar llik·· l11k1• l o b1•a l'h ii:J.> l~-6-\!IJ -HwntWM;on le CIC h 38 4 0 ...•...••.•...•••••.... Sll1'HI'. ht'.H'h 1.2 & 3 BIL trvll', rh'.hw·;hr, g.1rag11 &. p ,1l10:.. l'o pets ~-~Zl'lll Seawind Village r'•ww 1&2 bdrm luxurv adult Jµts in 14 pla n:., lrom $400 + pools, ten ni::.. \l.ah•rfalls. Ponds! Gas for rookm~ & heal- 1n1? paid . F rom San l)ttj!u l-'r11o y dnve North on Hl•Jt'h to Ml·Faddcn ht·n Wl•..;I un Mr Fa1idt•11 111 S1 .1v.1111I \'111:.tt.!c 171.J l~J-51~ *DELUXE* GARDEN APT. 2 Br, Aduffs only :J puols t'ovl'red «ar port palm apLo; .. AAQ'!. 1•kJSl• lO rwys & bchs 11.alk to shoppm~. 171 11 GolcMnwest at WCll'Mf' 847-6064 ~°"Granado I Ar 1 Ra. 2 blks from "alt'r. no pcL..; $300 2l5 l!lth St H-12·03.55, 531>-ll~ ('oodo J br 2 ba. d,•lu'c Tmm,, pool & spa I mtl.· tu bcJCh i600 846 2341) ~ 4 Hr. 2•., H.1 condu 1n \11lld P a1•1f1 c. StO\'t". drp-. ~arag1• l'ools. lt•n ru::. t1<. 1 mile lo orcan t>i2 7ZJJ ---2 Rr. 2 ha, end patio. (•ncl j:?3r::ll!t' l\du lb. $375 21702 llrookhurst 962 <177!1or (2131432 11687 lmmar cu.c;to m lbr. 6 blk1> to bch. Garage. refn .:. free· la undry & rnor". Avail 7126. Stra1Rhl or ~ay OK. $300. 960-5744! ~ '"B'" Placenlla S310 t Br unfum. apt. Adults ------only. no pelS. Also I br 2br. l tr.zba. rerurhtshcd rum apt 960-2675. Quiet Adulb only No Pets. $JSOmo + sec dcp. 541-968.1. I Brt railcrsSt95 + ut1I No children or peb. t33 E.16thSt. &t2 \119:1 2Br. IBa. S300 mo lslllst. cpt.S. drps. lndry. l·arport Z1li\ & B E 16th P l 644-0452. No pets weataBJHJ New beauttful gar den apt.S. pool & spa Adults, no pets Bacheb" S28S 1 Bedroom S33o 2 Bedroom· I'• Ba $375 2250 Vanguard Way $40-9626 '"TIIEGABLES'" 2 Br w/gar Adults. r pls. drps, range, fncd yd. Patio. Water pd. $350, 24 37 "0 " O range 63&-0201·5 2 BR. ne wly dccor 'd . patio, gar .. l:iundry. No pc~. s mo ll c hild O K s:ws. 546-9950 O R ~AT NEICHBORllOOD 2br. 2ba. nr OCC. •hoP· plng. tvt-ryth.mg, !let It now. '375 C.11646-1757. Duplex. I ~l! mi to ocean. 2hr, l ba, d tn1ng r m . frplc. $475 & 2br. t ba. hv1ng r m $425. Call 1.arry or Gary <..' ~ LGIJllM lffch 3848 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, ~an view, new crpt & paint Very c lean ! $185 549-1186 or 833·8917 OC'eanfront 1 b r. year rowid, $4\15. incl. ut1I. 5.'l>-032 l • 494 -1 B!M North end. 2br . 2ba. lux- ury a pt: lg te r r a ce . panora m.tc ocean view. m a tur e a du l t s . • Refe rence s. No peh;. Lease. S6SO mo. 494-5397. S400. lbr w/lockable gar Av~ll. Aug. 4t h Coiy, cletln. permanent . 1 blk to town & bch. Miles of whitewater view. tdeal for I r;rson. UpstaJrs. N o Ki d s. p e t s, waterbeds . 220 Clirf Or. $7891. l>tbjhtlul Condo rental on ocean side near beach & shop8 with whitewater view 2 bdrm. 2 t>n S750/mo. yea.rly le11se 8-31182 • 17 1 --0 .. ; ....... ' . ...il- -~ a a .... .. .... C:.,11h1 ..... ktll ..................................................................... Titl..a.oae A•••erio1 ea,,.._ f"tt ~c Any M 11:a ~ • ~ .. jot. C.11 All.n Oil' =---~~· .~ ..... --~. dttka. room ..... llf llrl ldchuoN • ICDI n-palr -•••••••••••••••••• Uc ~ lluured " Mtm•c.• L9IJiA "6a-t ....................... ----......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• BabysltUng ln m y hc>rnc, days. nr Ora.nae/ 22nd 63H36S llate bond. uk (« Oavr, .,. C..,..Set-riu ....................... ~ • slA'iam clt•n ~ bn1thlenen. whl cl}U 10 min bll'AC'h Clean hv rt1n rm, hall Sl~ Av~ nn 11 50. t'<>Urh SIO. <'hr ~ Oua.r .-hm Pl't odnr C'pt ~'J)lllr, l!> ) ~ t.> pr Llu v.orll 11\Yltdf. Rt·f~ ~l OlOl c-.t/C.C ...... •••.••.••.••........... U.-n'll.'nl ~ork uf all .,,nd' f'ree est 15 yn l'\ 1~:r Also block walls 5!>6 07~7 Jourll•)'man Cuato m oomm'l 6 mid work u1 ruaouble rat• c.1111 1'>m o·~ncll 1142 u 21 f:\K'\n Clll n Bt'U rlilf'1o, bv 1.t worllm1tn1h1p !'mJll JQt» preferrtod t>'7:> !JM:i ........ ••••••••••••••••••••••• K6R ('tu.t om llHlC)tl It 111 ~. gi.1t Ai ft:nn 1t•11u11 IM()...., I t44K ~111 WOOU, f1•nt•t•N, 11uh•s ~!Job. r1t1&iwoulill r uh·, Ol 11 IM7 -47\iJ ~Door.ct ~ ~······················ Olrnl)M!lt' betllll'C ill .:Oilll'' Autom11ttc "twn1t11r,., K t'l)dll !1 ~1t1tJlt~ 002 tu74 Will babysit In my home, newborns t o ~ yr ~ Lorene. 548-6'41 t-'oundataons. reta1na 11.: Gad1Ri199 -.....~ wulls, blol·k:.. pataui. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lk''d 536-5013. 54tl 4300 Garderuni.:. t'kan UJ>l> & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8'mness guidelines, u • countrng, consulting N & area 11 yn. 833 8199 pa C I r I l' (' 0 n I' r l' t t: U».npll"le roner11te or bl'l your fo rm:.. S.i \ \' ~9026 &okkeepi.m~. WJll pick up ----- &deliver PostyourG/L, eo..troctor AIP. AIR. P /R. Bank re ••••••••••••••••••••••• con. Also personal balls&. bwlk statements. H..rly CUSTOM HOM ES, :u.ld1 rate. 549·1.967 l1on.s, etc., gen coutr ---I UC 3SJ203 548•6386 C.oang on busrnuss tn ps. ' Have run. call Traveling C~to~ det'kS & ~v.er· Secretaries . Brenda. hangs. Gen._ <:ontrador 894-756.1 . #371333. EVl'!i 6:11-0"13 ---·-I --- 1.rndscap1ni.: Ceor~l' lbustu 545 7072 •VERY I.OW l'llll'l':S• on I and:.t .l ix: il\.l an l G<•orge !'>49 :.!01 ~. Clean up~. lla u l1ni.: L11n<1i.t'1tp1n.:. lmml·d i.t·rv1cini.: &a2.!f!J07 Ciarden C:11rc Sprinkler repair. prun<' tree:.. C'UI trees, rcmodl'I t:ard1•ns. H yrs t•xp. 556 <1 511!. 751 2128 . .. • ... _b, i ,._'I • •••••••••••••••••••••• II om t• 1• r 1 d e a a rd .. n l'lt'UllUl)8. haul llWlll)'l! rot.ou lhn• $.)4 176b C'oll\'ltl" Sludtinl.A beat 1111 11nl<t-b Holllhn.i. sod . M.'l'lilnl(, 1'1,•1&n UIJK, lrt't' prunmtt hauhn11 t:all Joo.~~ ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Haulu111 & c leaning U1vt' dump truck ~,~. I do al .1ll 11 k1plondl'r. dwnptruck, gradl', haul, C'\'llll'ot. aJ1phalt, lree re· movalsetc. 831 1.2S7 1''11:1l hauling. res S14 & up. Ht11.uul1Jn1t luwn :1.-rv1t·t•. Y!i & gar clnups. 1''rce rn11w & C'tl.:c M~ 1621 vr ~t 1714J842 4597 ~~t'lll'b --- T~. July 3. 1979 Ma nde .. IJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pamtmg lntt Ext. OET PROF". RESULTS FOR L1'1;S. Service onented. Xhrt rcf s 67S-0047 Haul.WH'"4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ' MiatfL'( ••••••••••••••••••••••• All types of muonry. tilefl, pati06, patio COV· era, bl.k waUa. 5411·91.SO Bnck, block. slwnpstooe, walls. plante r s & pi.luten;. Let a lic'd con Hom. T....,.. tractor do It r1&ht for Security & .c&re while )'OU. Reas. priced. Bob. you're not there. S40 wk· 1_S48_·27S3. __ sas. __ 9900 ___ _ ly, FulJy he'd & insured. SOLID MASONRY 64.5-8616 #2. Brick driveways, walls. Wla;/P•NcJ • •••••••••••••••••••••• Int/Ext. Oep.endable ~aeonable. f'ree esl. Call Jay. $411.f l.59 Int /Ext. Dependable . Heaaonable. Free est. CaU Bd1. 548-0507 Mak(• s Uuullng Oump Truck $25 per load Lilt> ~e roovmg 548· 1451 ••••••••••••• ••• ••••••• rrplc's, Greg, 645·8728 after6PM. PaWYowCastte Speciahzing in r esiden· tial homes Intl Ext. Please check our re · ferences. Lie 11320881. Guar/lns. t-'rce est. Ted. 871·3272 .....••.•.••••.••.•.... l'ttOratTY MAltifT. ----·~ MoYlng Deluxe mt/ext painting. A ft c•r July I ~ '79 Wt'i.let n Hnllt•tl Co t~·rntoi of 12 rnoll•U.. ,., llOW 1!\J>tlll(llOI( tnlu llW c·omnwr1• 1,tl 1111 111\':.lll' nhirkt•l Art•J:. Of IO lt•••~t l'Jtntmg, carp1•n 11 }' t ii,. I> I u rn b 11q:, 1 iU'Jlt'I 1'11·:rnan l( ur 111 .. 1u.llJUon Wt• \\OUltl hkt• lhl• 011portw11tv to bad nn \OU.r \\Ork. ('all S..31120ti ll'lltn9·4 V At' A N T JI !-. Jo; A f' i HAUL l1,1'.;;\N tU:Pt\IK f>,\INT l,(IW l'(>ST ti4t• l7111 -Gotf LMSOlll ............••••...•.•• M1t:k1 MacDonald.Ll'C: \ kant'~San .loaqwn c;c Jl\'I by upl)l. 831 1710 Hcntynan ··•···•···•········•··· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wunt a REALLY C'LEAN HOUSE'' CaJI Gingham Girl 1-'ree est 645·S 123 --------- Hobin :. Houseclt•an1n.: Sr'l', (or a thoroughly cll'an house 540 0857 Allenllon rt•JI t'slaters . :iuCl't'SS IS •• happy l'llent W1t spec1alJ1.e in varan- c1es Call Tht• Moppt'tS Cle :in1n g Se r v ic e ~2393 ...-----MRS CLEAN makt' ll g leam. Buc h . upt~. holll('S Bcf 9 or ;,aft !'>. !><19-9372 C~d a r Cr pt Clt'an A. steam shamJ)OO. wnuo~ wsh'g, rlr wax ·~. gen d n'J( serv Ill's Comm. Rcasona bll' S1 m o11. Qirpentry. renc·1ng & roor" 75i.ti95l -· __ mg No Job toosml. Papa CdM Clt>anin~ St•rv11·c. Curr 631 426'1 ---SpE'<'lally for CUM & Bl IMUJ.e• Associates, Inc. r-u11 value contenll> on homeowners coverage 675-0562 ~SAVEWITH l;JSIFKO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 Ff1CE. INDUSTRIAL. RE S TAURANT & HOME C L~ANlNG . Refs Lac /Bonded/Ins 552 ~lfi6 --~-----LandK apiftq ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orange Cty Trucking Frejght bldg matenals. furniture. Call 955-2654 I ,.......,.,aperiftcJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PE:I'ERS PAINTING Expr'd. Reas ~ales. Free Est. Call Gene 552-04.58 Prof' painllng. Ext & ant Low rates. Refs . Free est. 536-4780, 536-4383 Painting. INT/EXT Neal, honest. reas . 12 yrs. exp. L1c 'd. Dave 964·1~. European Landscaper. lot. P3..Ult & wallpaper. Top work. Fair pnce Qual. work. n ·as . pr. Hers ti4S-487 1 d ys1evc.'S. Free est. Steve. 547 4281 Free esti mat.es Lynn831-7J44 Res1dent1al & commercial p a 1nt1n g Jo'ree estima tes. Res. rates. STh-9591 Paperha nging, quality work only Call Steve. 494 7771 dys, 494-6254 eves P3l11ung mter/exter re,1 apL'i, rea:. 10 yrs ex per Dan 962 0220 AU PAJMTIHG Neat 559· l.325 Com pl. ExtS4.50 I nt.$350 ----EXPERT ri\INTING Reasonabh• rate:.. !''tee est. 543-204.S Plcafer/D--'r Hes1d1Comm'I. Des ign . flneext Pamtmi:. SI he.. .....,.... planting. :-prnklr:o. & ms. Try me 836·5555 24 ·--••••••••••••••••••• rrumt. 642·0975 tin.. Richard Sinor Neat patch1..'S & h•xturl's ----FR&EST. 893-1439 Pamt·Extenors, Beal All _ __ ---- Mmonry ••••••••••••••••••••••• DAILY PILOT f:7 " ., ,, . ..................... . lndependenl drain clean· mg SS.SO up. Res ult• g uar . 7 d yi> 548-44311/646-9017 "=·-... ....................... Apartment & Commeri t'al Property Mgmt Co Complete sen 760-1666 ._ddtl&lepolr ••••••••••••••••••••••• REMODELING & AD ..nnlONS PalJ06, decks '&~rovers Rough & fio1sh <:aJl>CO\ry. 642· l 7 38 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Repair & Reroof. All t ype s -shi n gle i.· rockshakes·com po·lar. Free esL 541-~30 Fin Avai.l. T41foriJMJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• f"ree Tnal Lesson. Crt!d. teacher, exp. Reading, math. French. Rsnbl Local calls r eturned 673-WlJ --------- Ba.sir subjects & rore1gn lang~e <K·8). Teacher 16 yrs, rers , 673·591:t Typing Set-•ic~ .. .................... . flESUM ES: Cover l<>t · Bec:trical l1:rs, professional pre-••••••••••••••••••••••• Exp. gardt!nl'r. Summl'r fert1hz1ng, prunani.: & llume 1 mpro' t•ml•n t dean ups. 751 :t592. 1·:Jrpt• nt r y. J.1<11nt 1 ng. plumtm1g Tim t~ 7tin re.;1dcnlS 1)75-100\f Rn <'kwork. Small Jobs. Newport, C~ta M1•sa & Irvine 675 3175ev~ Pnces, Proof Jobs Last Home s . Add1t1ons. 10 Years. l.1<•11 363090. Res t u c c o . o v c r 8!174424 Anyttm(' block walls Low rates LP OHtre S..rvicL'S. Pror lyptni:. term papers . n: s umcs e t c . Louise ~an. 642· 722l. sentalions, fast service, ELECTRICIAN-Pnt'ect reasonabl e rate s . riJUit-free est1mal~ on '493-1973 ask for DL'f>. large or small job!>. -Lie U372S4 673 0359 The fastest draw in tht'' West .a Daily Pilot aasst11cd Ad. 642-5678 , tMabard ~ric 64:>-m74 Yard care & rlnup Qua ll ty work :it :i rt.>asonJbll• pnce Chns 960 74511 SELL idle items with i.I Daily Pilot Cla<ts1f1cd Ad ~ ..•.•............•..... OCC Stuck nt. I Ton truck. Trash. lrcc Lnm. Dan &12·3224 - DANDY OUSTERS Wkly or l t1m1: !)1•n . \'ACANTS. rentab our :-pl'<'1a l1ty STf~/\M C1\RPET CLEANI Nt: Hond('d Ins Free 1'~l 5524106. Bnrk. ~tone, block work, Ille floor s. <·ont·rl'te patio~. walki.. drive ways Free C'St John H46-1!)83 -f)-ee est. ~·4K92 Proper prt>parat1on , ------- pnme & paint. Ref's. Free e s t. 646 080 1 Lawrence. 645-0975 EvC's ltave something to self? Classtl1ed ads do al wel I. Whetht'r }ou'rl' huytnl! or !>elhn~. Class1r11•d ad- \'t'rt1s1nl! will i.:•·t your CTl(!S.<;age tn thr r1~hl pt'<I· pl<' ~II Toda)' St2 SITT!! ~-~-~-------Wlftdow CIHMtcJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• O>lk'~e sh.dents. window \\asNng. Res1d/ stores. Xlnt work. 642·5449, ~m2 Af>M hwuts u..fum ' ~..ts Furnished Reontafs to Shore 4300 Office Rental 4400 Office Rental 4400 Rentafs Want.cl 4600 MoMytoloan 5025 Lost & Found 5300 ~s 5lSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• or Unfurnished 3900 LC11J19M1 Hilts 3 8 S 0 • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ....•......•.•......... Movin~" i\voul d\•Jlt1:-1b & cut lt v1ni.: \'\ Jh·n:-t'" • l'ror c:.!.ion a I h !-1111-. m1 ...............•....... La~. llJlls home olft•nn.: pnv. bach :olud10-dt-n or lbl''1rm1bath r t>nlJI. ~p. sngl. mall' only Qall 951·3221 aft 6pm. TRHS-TREES HOUSEMATES ADULT APARTM1':NT~ cslll-d among tall pull':-& ru::.lullg streams 1 ~·4134 __ l'ACl1''1CWOODS :!pmr men n•qwrl• 3rtl 111 _ i:w~1_:0__ :.hr J Br 2 Ba a rit. ~ar:tJ::l', Newporl Beach 3869 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROOlll5 4000 C'all__7·~ 30AM, 67:1 OK.'lS PARKNEWPORT I Tia c h e l o r s. l or 4! Hcdrooms & Townhouses ••••••••••••••••••••••• Room w/k1trht•nl'lh.· $72 week & up. 548 9755 Rm. T'vt bath, S45 wk Cit-an mature adh. non ~mokl•r , 536-6828, 55Hl678 Mall' share beurh ('nntlo 2.'>-l'l, non-s mokt•r. pr11('1 , !filR89l t.•arly am, l<.1le pm F'emalC' 2-l, :ol·eks r oom· mate, santC'. N. A ;•n•a 6JO 3635 d ay. l»t2 7410 f'l"om$369 50 .Spt'ctacular spa, t otal rt•crea tion progr.l m . :-0e1al program. 7 pools, IJ tcruus courts. At Fashion Jslaoci. J amboree & San J-Oaql.D.n Hills Road. Ot·eanfront prt v. rm. separate entr, no kitch -pnv .• refrig tn rm, yrly. (7141644-1900 ~ roomm:i tc to s har(• 2 br house in C M. ll<.1:. J>OOI & JDC. Prefer rcmale Cal l btwn 6 -9pm ~3460. 2 8r.2barondo.~blkto Avail July 1. Dys beach. 2 car gar . auto 631-G-\36. Ask for Bob. opnr. Beaut. bay view. Eves645-373J 62 yr old woman relocat ~ from l::ast wants lo shr home or apt. Non smoker. ,esy going. 7S!H896. TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 --------· Nl'..wPORT II E IGHTS Quid. cool 2BR. pool. pallOS , adults, no pets. ~Mgr· 642-7340 New 3 Br. 3 ba s pac twnhom<'• f'l"plc, tr nnis, pool & :.pa. Nr bch. $695. 84&-1676 ·---------Newly painted & cn~·t<'d 1. Bdrm. l bath w/pat10. Convenient loc S3.'i0/ mo. 631-1<100 ---·--1 .uxunous 2hr condo 10 prcs 11g1ous Uis:: Canyon 1\ll the latest amt>ntlU~!. 111!'fd subt l•rranl•an, ~-curity s::aras::e. tl!nnis t·t ~. poo l s, Ja e. m1(·rOW<J\'l' 0\l l'D i.'t t' 1\\•ail ror 1 )'r b l.'. $8!'>0 mo No pets. 213 028· ls.14. UDO ISLE BAY FHONT 2 Httrm Cdtahna View :>695 mo 631·3230, 67~0120 ---------~-Rm. pnv Ba. quiet. ltte pnvile~es. refs. Rec rm. $165. 751·7908 ~rRftltals 4200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PCH & Newport Bl vd Fonner haunt of movie greats. Pvt. Ocean Point M06t fantasllc view of Lag un a . Cus tom fw1uturc. Sips 5. Adults only. $500 week July. 494-6594 ; 499-467 3 Completely fur nis hed wt.'Ckly rentals. $200 & up. San Clem e nt" Bea chcomber Hlty, ~101 Laguna. oceanfront pn v. beach . f1 s h1n i.: weekl y /m o -Winter rtatt:S. 499-3111". . AdJat'ent to Little & B•I? Corona Be;,ar hes 2br, 2ba home. lrg yd. $4001 wk 536 03431 675 ·79 3 1 eves/wknds. S250 in<'ld uul. Garngl', pool. 645-2632_. --- 1-'em roommat<> wanlC'd to share house nr h<-J l'h, non -smok e r . 1-;v •·~ ~ Rmmate to s hr 2 Ar. 2' o ba. lux Duna Pt cool.In Vu. rrpls. pool/spa. i.:ar. & ban; lmm<.>d occupy Ca 11496--2661 f'emale roommate want cd to i;han· 2 AR an Corona'1el Mar 646·1283 fo'cmale le> .shar e 4 br h o u s e w 1 t h o l h t' r ft•mah-5 • • m1 to lx'a<·h, H. B !"l36-7302 M Jo' roomrrute wantl'd. ~kare rum home 11.1lhoJ bland S25() mo. 675 1739 1-;,\.<;TRl.tif'F' lse rondo OC EANFRONT. l.gc -:m 2•,ij patio. pool. t'dr 4BR. dC'n. 3ba, 3 rrplcs, 2 Fem to shr apt m E 'l1rie wknd eves 759-0980 $675 pallos. BBQ. 759-1120 C M w s am(• $:! 0 0 --fi.12·1422 Suwnnc 2tidrm oceanfront dpl x ~ yrly, avail Au~ 1 50001,Seashore 645 2117 2 Br. 2 ba. den condo. Lov ely Npt Sch area. els to ocn w/a view. inlen or de<'rtr's delight. No child r e n o r p e t s. $675/mo. Call 640-5911. WESTCLIFF 2 br. lln bu townhouse. Walk lo shop· ping. Adults anly. ('lo pets. 1728 Bedford Lit S43Smo. yrly. 548-7533 ----...... ~ 3178 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bdrm. 2 ba. large yard. garage. $4 50 /m o. ~496-1974 ---....... 3180 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Spa('lous 2 br apt, new crpt. easy access t o frwys. S400 mo. 581-0776 af\6. C'i«~eous Bay View Tl'r rared over sandy beach 2Br. 2ba. Avail July & i\u~usl. Ber 7PM call 673·0770. anytime call 494-0029 or 645·668.S IAYFROMT 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, xlnt Balboa Is land location. $700 week. 644·9513 Many rentals avail. incl almosl oceanfront 2 BR. 2ba .. Emerald Bay. W o rkin g m o m -w/daus:hter as::e 5. look mg for :oamr to shr our hm. &side CM. Lri: h1t·rl yrd. 2 blks rrm S<'hl (;all 642·2000. C.M. home w1wash1dry, furn or un fu rn r m , Mat ure non-s moke r. 5'57-9689. 4350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'l'unler Assoc. 494· 1177 -------WANTED. Garagct.orent Luxury 1 Br, view. sauna. in Eastside C.M. For tennis, pool. Newport storage. 631·9259 ~~ch. 640-232J. --Office R....., 4400 fUm_ ln N 8. wkly 3 br & 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• br avail July-August. 1 Elegant orficc s • 1801 house to beach. Reas. Newport Blvd. rat.es.673-6562; 675·6670 645-2lll Steps to beat'h, 2 BR. 1 446Sq. Ft. S290/mo. ba .. $250 wk. Avail 4001Birch-D,N H. lhruoutsummer; 2 BR. 2 Agent.541·5032 ba. +den. S550wk. ~~condo. 2 9; 1,~ _ agent 673-;.i63 _ bealti•e Suftn New addition to suite 180 Ba, dbl garage. S. Coa.st VCICCIHoft R...tah 4250 r-uu service exec. suit~ _Plaza area, $450. ~5570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 Newport Center. 14 ,3 Br, 2 .ba townhol.l8e. ~ rOf' rent, Big Bear ~. clubboule, near So. aty sis-6: linens rum. Cout Pla&a. $460 mo. S2:s nltely pr cpl. Call ~ _ alter3p.m .Hl-l989. new offices in plush sur- rouod I ngs w /under· ground assigned park- ing. From $295 mo. Ask about our move-lo al· lowance. ..,_ .............. d •• .. z111t1~ JtoO ....................... 11fE EXCITING PALM MIS4 ArTS MlNU'l1al TO N'P'r 8CH Bids, tat BR h'omla566 ... Aftltt. No eeta- l511 M•a Dr. CS mb Sat\ ot Nt'#port Btvd) .. .,..,.., .... ., llakt your 1boppl n1 --br = U.. Oalb Nat"=-~ KAUii Ocean front 2 bdrm. 2 ba. Condo . Sleeps 6. $65 per o.lg.bt. <t81·'11186. 4300 ....................... Newport Regency Corp. (114)644·7189 tielCAL SUITE Ground Or, Corona del Mar . S6 50 M o . Femat. 2 bdrm. home . Realonomlcs Corp. Noo smoker. Close lo _IJ75.6700 ________ _ bellcb.. No cblldren. Call lAw office or other pro· evea. &eO-elKS. fesalonal omce. AVCO Lookllll for • home or your own! You'll tlnd maay homes Advertised for aale lo Claulfled ~d8)'. F'lna n clal Tower. Newport Centtr. Sln'llC oiOcea or 3 othce sUlte Reception aru , Xerox. law llbra.ry, 9M-2Ul or 87$.27ll. ...................•..• 5m ~· :-11 ri 111.1.y ,,:- 1h1ht' L,1j?unJ . ~utJ pJrkmi.:. Nl•w •·11 rpl:'t. drnp.'l-& paint , air t•nnd l'rlt'l' n t'J.:OllJb ll' ~!1111!6, 557 :;870 <WflCl': i.pace a\'allahle at 17H75 Lkat·h Hlvd nt•u r Talbl'rt in Hunt ini.rton Bcat•h S50 pt•r month. Phom· messagl.' ~rvtl'C $10 J>t'r month, desk S5 pt'r month. Daily Piiot o rric•t• PhOOl' &12-4321 exl. 27ti t:Xt•rut1vc• offl <'l'i; avail an rull scrv ore bid!?. Nr () <.:. airport ReCl'Jll & phone an!> Seey :Ol•rv. l'onf rm. ett· Pis call 752-6188. --1 MO FREE RENT 25(1 500 :.q rt Cllrtl'l'S .. )-om S1.a5 Ind ut1I 779 W 19th St. 540·2200 CdM dlx llWlC'S, uul pd AC. ampl pk.: f'r Sl95 :81' No lse reqd. 675-6900 CENTER POIHTE EXEC. SUITES Jamborel! & M::t<'/\rthur Bay Windows Pl us h Ca rpct. 752-2737. $t00 U P. Ofr1cr .st or1'. rpts. d~. /\ C. 17.'llH llea<'h. 11 R. L..se H-12 2K34 Newport Rt•ar h ull'. full lult'htn & bath b'75-4912 OH NEWPORT BAY •JSOto 2000 Sq Ft •Plush Suites •McllriM Views •WetBor UOOMARIMA VILLAGE 675-8662 ------r.~ti.l bh.,h(•d Nt•WflOrt Reach ruJf l>Cr VICl' t'X· n • u t 1 \ l' :. ll it l' 3 1 n 1llv1du:i l ofl 1et.•s nuw avmlahk /\II a me nities mdutll•d 111 month tu m o n t h r'-·ntal . Mar1\rthur at ,Jamborl!e. EX£t:UTIVt:; ROW INC. 752 7170 Prof. ort' ~PDl'l' av111I. in Calif tl.t Ha nk Bldg. 150 sq. rt. Low price incls: Janitorial. ~ecu r ity services. conf. rm & util. Conv. location 230 E. 17th Sl, C.M. 642-9560. NEWPORT ILVD. C. M. oHice s pace $275. 714/631·5664. 213/862·8967 •Sooth Laguna new de· luxe offi ce :.uiles. Ideal for prof or bus iness man. Rent neiotiablc . 499-1625 Iv. msg. ar NA. l738Anahc1m St.CM Ofrice. toilet. parking . ground noor. xlnt loca- lJon. 525 sq. fl. $195. mo. 67J.26M Ofc Bldg nr. Lido Is le. 4700 tt w /hlgbly im· proved pvt ores. Xlnt for attorney, CPA, hnancial. Irvine Cente r Rily, Q55..3166 Exposed wood beam ceil· Ing, «.'harm & character. Ava il lmmed. Sl75. Oelux oflicH, same loca· l1<>n, avail Scpl 1st. 63l·ZM2. OfftCI SUITIS Make our exec utive 11.itcs your new prestige address. Modern ofrlces. con ftr n ee room , person alized phone ans wenna And morC' ~ $280 Ask about our move ln aJlowance. Call Beverly al 979 2161. ....•.•.............•.. l'nmc :"llcWJlOrl llt .. 11·h 111 l1ci: dc:.k i-.pan· tu rn w l'Op1er Pref tonlrn1· tor or dnirt~m:.in (1r n .. : hroker 3 spact•!. ;n u1I. 00-:niO vr ltt5·!>-1S9 Atlract•"l' flOO 1-sq . ft of (tl'I~ .sp:H·c a nd ('00 frl"'C'nt'l' room lot' :i ll'tl 111 new building OC'i..tr 0 .t' i\1rp ort & muJ or r~ways. !l3it 1682 ----------· BEST DEAL ~NNEWPORT 1 Only J s paces left • 1 You won't find a better rate for deluxe offln• spac(' in ::.ill or Nt•Wport Bt:ach ' S pace r anges from 400!>'1 ft. to 3200 sq f\ Cons1tlcr I his •l'cnt <>r of Newport l"1nanc1al 01slnl'l. •Immediate f"rec w.i:r Access •J\11 Ut1lit1es Paid •!>-Dav Jamtoral ~·rv11·r Pie~ call fur un j l>· pomtmcnt HJ:t.8813 and ask dh<>ul our SPECIAL.JULY Hl\TF"~~ ...•.......•.•......... NEEDED IMMEDIATELY ... 2 lldrm houst'. dupll'X o r tnpl1.·x for steadil} work 111~ mother & hl'r 5 yr old d:iughter In East Costa Mt•:-;.1 N B.1Sanla i\na llc1~hts arl•a -up lo $365 mo. Nl'<'<I ,::ood 1·r£'d1t & rcnllll rd'i.'! I havl' thr m! I'm nnx1olli. to find a hom<' wht;ort.• then• ;,arc no r e s t ri r t1on:. ag:.unst chtldn ·n. pl<'ast• cons1dt'r me I'm un xlnl t('nanl. Call r,.ig.4900, Jacluc Desire L'letrt•nt of house <'Pl looktnl! for unfum 2 3 bdrm w l'n<'I ytJ ror 2 ITll! lltrc· !io~s II a Vl' i.:ood n ·r·!> for a ll of u -. 751 9100, 124 prd. SteVl' or.lt'an ••••••••••••••••••••••• BusiMs1 Opportunity 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• . •••••..•..........•... MOl'EY ,\VAILt\BLt-: Lv ('«;(. any purpo!.e. Mr l!argr-Jve 951 3535 5030 ....................... 15-500/o RETURN Short or long U!rm and fully secured. Ph 673·3489 .... t~s.Trust DMdS 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Saltler MhJ. Co . All types of real estate investments s111ce 194!:1. SpecializincJ in 2ndTDs 64~2171 545-061 I We buy discounted 2nd & 3rd Tru s t 0 ('C'Ch. M1n1mum $50 .000 714-955-3454. ---------- CASH FOR TD's American Mort. 547 7151 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5100 ..•...•...•............ ······················· FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5678 , _______ _ t,a,1 or f'ound a pet" Call Animal i\ss 1s tanl'C ~aJ!ue 537 2273. no ft'•' ---f'OUN D· Whal e puppy apx. 6 mos . v1c1mty of Newport West . tlunt ll\f(lon Be a 1'11. Looks h kl' Samoylod (.;all 963 185h ---- La;t• White mall:' Germ S h epherd Nr Brool<hurst M ai.:. llunt Rch962·4956 LarrCAT. Ork bm Fem. Bmnnese. Strayed from No. Lag. Please call 494.1121 1£ round . Reward. I.art· Cat. yeUow/whl M , <Arona liJghlands area, rrwar'1 fl75·5fi77t•\'l''i ~70dy:.. -------·-- ....................... HEL/\.XJNG MASSAG t: BobJarm'S Lie Masseur Outcall !*-9, 494·5111 MICHEUE"S •Outcalt• llAM·2AM 835-3749 *FOXY LADY• OUTCALL ONL V •972-1138• PR E<~NANT '.' Carin g, ronfidenuaJ rounseling & referral. Abortion, adop. t>On & keeping. APCARE 547-2563 sprihlalR~ 181.SS. El Camino Real San Clemente; Fully be. FOf' Appt. 492·7296 Physical massage by l11•'d rrusseur techn1<'1an. NU. Appt.4·9PM.548-2817 _ COUNTRY GIRL •ESCORTS* 3a Hrs. 97 I-l513 -·--1..ANA 'S OUTCALL IO/\M-2AM 775-0493 ••* 4450 ......•...•.....•...... Floris t rn•s l 1~ious l.a g una Ni g uel . Haabbshed 8 yt'ars All 1...----------. 1.D>t La.•iSll' I} P\' l'olht• do~. kockraeld & Lan d 1 'i v 11• w • E I T n r I) Heward. no que'lllons askPd SAi 91971552 IN3 If cart brokl'n. Keinnetfl &ick~ 8568 Trinity RiYer Cir. f or store & ofr lt'e i.pate al rcusonablt• rate~. SOO to 5000 Sq Ft. M&SA VERD£ OH PLAZA wire :.rr\'1ces. Xlnt. cltentele. $100.000. Mr Jim. 714/495-0500. Boutique, Xlnt Ral Penn. locauon All stock & rax- turcs. L.se avail !>48·0627 1525 Mesa Verde E. C M 54S..4123 _ Carpet & F\am1ture Clean ing. Well l'SlablJshl'<l. an San Clcmcntl'. Truck & CQUI rim<'nl $40 .000 w1tt"nns Dys 4911-0400. eves 49& 7301 I.~ MAKE A OF./\I. 12(X.lto 1801h q ft in i.:reat location m llunllngton JH·a c h l'lea~e c·a 11 C h e r y l G r e en t2U l540"0227 Balboa Island . :? nc•w 'tores or l large s lur<> ll8 AJ:ate 1\vall no1.1. Call Losee Al!l 675 R170 Harbor Blvd, C: M Pnme t•omm·t lot· $300 mo ;;.iM-1156 or 675-2213 l.<Xil Sq. ft. of r ho1cr pro- pt•rty for rent lli){h root tra ffi r r ount. C rl M Avail. July 10th Oon V. Franklin. Rltr 640·7000 Space for ore. bus iness or hobby. $75 & up. East sideC.M 548-7249. Newport. Nr P.O. Modern 548 sq fl. stores or ore ~EAvon. 213-477-7001 hdlstrial R...tat 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tennis Shop. Xlnl NR area loc Top brand:. HJgh prohl. low ove r he ad. Sl4 ,000+1nv. 673-4313 Agl. Auto Repair Shop Land + building for s ale. S2:K>.OOO in Costa Mesa. Call C<'nlury 21 Gold Coast Realtors for de tads, 548 1168. Mo.ytoloan 5025 . ....•..•.•..........•. SWING LOANS & 2ND TRUST DEB> LOAMS Customized lo meet YOUR needs. R.E. DEPT. Laguna llills -2 AdJ. 5000 SAN'flAGO IAMK sq. rt. M·l units. new 714/132 5200 bldg. AIC office. Fronts i-----~ ---1 on Moulton nr Lake forest. Lse by ownr 951-UQl NEW INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR LEASE. Close to ~. 605 & 91 freeways. 1600 sq rt with olfit'e 714/898-2030 RMfalsW..t.d 4600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Res1,>onsible. working wri ter seeks one bedroom cottage In Corona del Mar or Costa Mesa. Quietness essen· Ual. Write Classified Ad #~. Dally Pilot, P.O Bo~ 1560, Cosl<I Mesa 006216. Urgently need M-t s pace for established business. Miru,num 700ft. CM arpa 646-2681. Senior cit izen woman look.ma for reu11 a pt in COM . NB. o r C M., please phone 200-3880 33 yr old F w /2yr old child, looking for home Prefn M 3S/unde r 673-5032 Stephanie I ... fNEED I MONEY • CltlDITNO NOii.EM 2Rd & 3rd TD to.. 547-5402 Arranged by eo.tHOl'9Lo.tl CASH FAST 2nd & 3rd homeowner loans f ut ... fQr 3ny pul'll08e ! EZ terms. pest credit no problem. Call now ... No obligation. Bkr 955-1610 500K lo 20 mil R E Develop. Construct & take out. tnv~ntory, re· celvablcs fin Rus ell· pand Unbankablo our specialty. S47~137 Oon Bnan PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 ~·II .1ny 1t1•m or <'om b1J1allon of tll!ms for S7S nr less with a Penny Pm<'her Ad 3 ltnl'S for 2 <'~"«Ull\l' days t::JC'l't addlttooal lml' •~ 00 for the 2 days C.'harl(\' •t' orommcn••al a•I~ Por mnr1• inform .111nn and to plJ t'I' )our ;id t'Jll 642-5678 * •• 1'11omas C. Duddy '6081 w Cll'l'eft Ln. ....... 't°" hoch You are; e winner of two frff ticHts ($1.S 00 value), to Ro'(al Upinaft ~sa.ow at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER July 14. 8 p.m. call 642-5678. ext. 272 to claim your tickets *** t..aIT Med ~ize loni: hair shep type doi.:. Bm 1lw1~e Corona del MJr ,,.,Jll' REWARD' 644 ~. LOST "l-:d•<'" fo'c•m gold<>n retn•1vt•r Vtl' Ma1moha & Ind II II 962-1668. or 957· 1234 l..Ml bla<'k female poodlt> some J!rt'Y· V1(' Ca mro H1~hlands. CdM. Plaid rolJar & taJ!s Please <·all 675 6506 or 586·0206. REWARD ----·------- La;t <'hLldn'fl·~ dog. black Lab name d llrutu ~. Heward 540 2769 Found Ill F.:astbluH area Sparrow Jlawk. call & 1denllfy 64<J.2J6J t 'OUND· Lrg. Male dog Rlk w/bm legs & facE'. "Satchmo" Bm collar & blue scarf .631-5854 FOUND: Vnl(. grey & foountam v ol~y You dt'C the wannerot two ff'ff tick~s ISl.5.00 valu1!). lo Royal Lipinan Stalli°" Show at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER July 14,Sp.m . C"~ll 642 5678. ext. 272 to claim your llckets *** St'l'k Rt Gay Male Undl'r 21. Friendship' Live tn'' Share l.nteresL ~. Are you Interested an meetmi:: aurarlivc prof lady. 49? I have many in ten 'Sts. Reply ad 11517. Daily Pilot, P o. Rox 1.560, Costa Mesa . Ca 92626 •SHERI LEE• Cert. Masseuse Housecalls by Appl 838-68311 wtute nt..'Ulercd male cat. ll(am;ulullllc1111!"""""Kttlt:~ Vic. O.C C. 546-0037 ~ ----------...................... . f'OUNO : F e m . 7005 .. ..........•.......... Doberman blk/tan. Vic. Goldenwest & Pac. Cst. Hwy. 536-2338 --=----------Jau.Lioe DanceExerc1se Found: Wh.1te Rabbit. vie. No HB area. for Adults. Fun & Health 642-4Qll 846-5827 ---------Swun Lessons for all ages Found Yorkshire Terner ofrered by Red Cross female about 2 yri;. old <'ert. water safety in VISla View Park. Ca II & st.ructor. 646·5933 aft 6. ldeoUly. 847-4517 Housebok1 help & ~arc for _....__I le Found wtute Toy Poodle """""'ypeop · remale Older. Vic. Leant ..... ~ For tnl'o: 542· 1862 Orange Co. Professional School of Bartending. E,,tab 833-2009. 5100 ....................... Found : Great White Pyranees female. Older dog. ods attention. In ~una Beach behind 6'"1res Rest. Contact t.ag. Animal Shelter. "'11·3552or494,2000 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Submlt-Noi1y- Vlxen-Carbon- NURSES A aurgeon ls a doctor ac eu1totned t.o ldtn& out tonsils appendixes and NURSES. WANT ACTION~ Quailed Ads 842-5678 Beach/Bolsa. 1142·5850 . Found yellow Parakeet. l98Z. 210 N. Broadway, cHpped wings & t ail, ,~SA;_;_ _______ _ band on l eg. Vi c . ..._W..ted, Westside C. M. 642· 1398. 7075 Found female sheltJe Vic. Mile Square Park &1M107 Found: Male Irish Setter. Very lriendly. If not claimed, free to ad home. Westmiruller. nr McFadden/Newland a9313 FOU.ND: Med. blond short haired dog, Palm &t Go l denwest. HB . 714-538-21196 LOS1" Yellow Iona halred cat. may have namC' taa. Vk Harbor Vu Um.s. 1144-71196 ....................... fAsy job desired by reUa· ble. respon.sibh!, educ••· ed exr:r 'd attractive amiab woman. What we all want: m ah pay. advisory or equiva&ent 4 di wk, long lunch, good benefiu wilh 1 rno. vaca· t.\onl. Can type, do Wln• dowl! LegiUmate offers P.O. Box :.M41, Laawta Jli.u.92J853 Omwal Office Job want· ed. Eves, Mon-Fri Penn .• ms, San Clem/· Mill Vk;o area. 498"-* SEU. kile Items with a Dll.ly POot Clusllied Ad. 1 f! DM.V PILOT ~w ..... ''" ....................... ~C'WkMhn. ......... Ftl.Sal. ,...,,)lr&.ll)V (A.CC~ -C&.•• lAl\WI IHtb ~Ir mla Deeds aa accountln1 <'lerk or bookkeeper familiar wh.b attOWtUnl runcuo. '4 Work in U counu P•1ablt. Key ~ •XJI uuemtlY de &lrabM. Weotfenlnl pay 6 beotollla. l''11r1U ty i. In ~autlhd L.a1una Ca rl)'On ... , beach. Call tor ~pl. Pnaonne l !Hpt Tel o nlc Bo rko l "y nMM·1M01 ... F. o.r. M-ountina CWef ACC09t.t Small computer exper =w ln~rarated, fnr. Downey Ave, Para mounl. (213) &30330 .. __ _ ACCOUNTING CLERK CUDIT OfffCE A ruJl·Ume position Is a \•allable lor arrurate clerk to assist cred it manager 1n a busy newspaeer om ce. Duties are van ed. Should be a j{OOd typist and operate a 1().key addmg machlne with skill. Credit or of· !ice experience Is desira . ble. Work In plensant en· vironmenl with good company benefits includ· ing 2 , weeks vacation after one year. company paid g r oup ins urance. credit union. etc. Apply at ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT llOW.IAY ST. COSTA MESA Retween the hours of 8AM-5PM Call for ap- pomtment please 642-4321 Hf 227 Equal Opportunlt y Employer Arctl! Bkkpnll TEMPORARY Register today to work on various arrountin~ & bookkeeping as!ltgn meots. Work cluse to your home. Acrtg cl!'rks. bookkeepers. accoun· lants are needed thruout Orange County. Call Ul> ror mon• information Robert llall·., accGUntemp$ 2333 No Broadway 11200, Coldwell Banker Bldg., Santa Ana i714t8l5-4103 ACCTS PAY AILE l::xpen e nced arcounts ~yable cle rk lor high volume real ei1tate de veloper's office in Npt Bch. Construrtlon cx- periencl! preferred fi75-4910 - TUMdty. July S, 1071 4 T ~-in Fa1hlo.n Island, Newport Beacn. bas an Lmm dlale open•n1 tor 1 Full Tam" CuRlodlan with Jlfhl ma aol na nce ablllUos CompeUt v salary and good beotOL5 Call 644-5070 W1_U1pa. ~._Mr. flfll•~•llll'• BAllYSI rn:R nr11da1 pe&n llm<> my homr So Kut H H Moo •'rt 10 30 4 :tO 2 1•hlldn•n •tc''" to & l2 (.'all t'\ e "kntl11 888-'IVU Aa~""l1U1•r. mature. non llmokl.'r. rull tlffit!, IOY horns-~4)400 RAlWSlTfF.R "11ntc<t my home 2 bo)'~ 6 & 8 Weekdays Jul~ l7 to 21th 0111661 7163 an ~ IAICl!ll'S HS.PER IOPM to6AM Wmehdb Donut house Apply 1n ~· 25!_E 17th St Danklng S&1. ASST IRANCH MGR Fullerton S&L has an operung at Dana Point of fi<'e for assistant branrh manager with heavy S&L operatton and sav- 1 n gs exp e r . Cal l 714·871-4244 ror appoint ment. EOE BANKING LOAN PACK AGER CIVIL~. OIDISIGMB 1-:"pt-rlc<nn1d <'IHClt'r mindt'(! R F.GlST ER F. 0 l'IVl l. ENU OR O~JGNl':H with back ti~ 1n pubhr worki1 lllld °' land d•velopmem Cf\lilM'eMn(I Witntt'd for lir11lfn " l>UPH\ 11ory po&lllOtt Apply to Mr 1-~te:. at Robert Be in Wilham f'r06l " Assoc: l<SOI Quall St Npt Bch CIVIL~G. ESTIMATOtt Expenenrf"d 1nd1v1dual wanted to prepitrc t·ost est1malt.'l> o r l;ull dJV\510!'\l>, mdustnal de \elopment ... ut1lll} systems & to perlorm uullty mvt'sllgauons & t·akulate earth quan tittt'S. Superv1s1on ex· µericnce vital Apply ln person w1lh resume to Mr. fU('fllt!ll ul Robert Rein, William J"rost & Assoc . 1·101 Quail St. Newport Bearh. Downey Savings & Loan ---------has an opening in its CLERICAL HuntJngton Beach offit•e Come work temporary for an individual ex for a l'Ompany who t·ares penenl'ed in packaging about you. Immediate FltA/VA & conventional work top pay. Call for loans. Typing required appo111tment. Xlnl working conditions 557-0061 & benefits including. Proht s harhtg & paid ~o~ 0 f f i c e • group insu rance F'or 0 . overloa~ (urther information con- t a rt Mr. Murdock , 7141962-3345. Equal Op- por Emplyr OencaJ Ba_nki_n_g -----lf you were a film star. SOUTHWEST 8._HK YoU would have to pay an e agent. YOU NEVER l.al(una Beach branch. HAVETOPAY Mission Viejo Branch re-COASTAL qwre full time tellers. .:;::.T~1 ~EJoan Gort' PERSONNEL Banking CREDIT VERIFIER AGENCY 540-6055 For our Costa Mesa of. Z790 Harbor 81 CM fice. Experience pre NF.VER A F'EE fe r red. Please call Duane Biegel at 546-85!0 _Call after hours appt Calif. Federal Sa.inC)s & loan 2700 Harbor Blvd. Cost.a Mesa, 92626 An Equa l Opportunity Employer ... M/F'. Banlnng TEU.ER Downey Savings & Loan has an opening In its Cosla Mesa branch for hill tune teller. Savings & Loan or banking exper pref'd. Must be able to work Sat. Xlnt working rond. & benefits. inchid· mg profit sharinl( and paid group msuranre. For further information contact Mr. Flaherty 714-642· 7·12'l Equal Oppty Emplyr Bartendl'r, expen enced. t1t•ncal ENTRY LEVEL •S57S• f>cvelopment rompnny m NPwport Bearh nl't.'ds .i career minded person who has It typing & enJOY phone contact. Good benefits. Call 640-8470 AMERICAN Caref'r Agenry 610 Newport Center Or N 8. No Fee a.ERK/TYPIST lmmedaate opening, fulJ. ume. Mon.·Frt.8.30to5. Phone. filln&. typing. &16-4428. a.alt TYPIST Jmmed opening for part· time person at Raleigh Hills Hosp, N.R. Must type 40WPM, will be HetpW..ted 7100 ....,W..t.cl 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l&IYll'fPlllOM lnuDl!d opnln1. Want· ed. R•ponalbr•. mu.1\ haw own tNck or ala lion -coo and bf wllUng to ~ odd hra. A.Ilk for Mr S...lt at 493-2904 OentAI Hnl~nllt for Npt 8dl otllce W\!d only IM~orMt----O.ntal H~Crf'tO'f)'l m&t Takl' my Job H ofc mar 1n bHt prat"tlt't" In O C GENERAL ore. IH curate typ1.1t. ~keep 1:QI e~r. salary rom m t n3uralc w i exprr Prefer maturto lady Nf'lll N1•on I n t• '114-~I 3374 GENERAL J ob op portun1t1es ror mutun· women 3()..ljS ••or I ofo c all R ita Kyi.t-l k11 ~2·6440. or .S42 3577 YWCA. Sanla Ana 1'"inan4'1al arranai•mt>nt& ---------6 Colltietlona l'r11nt1 ru1pon11lblllty P v t E\hlt•al . practk., tor :J ~ $1300/t:!OOO mo plu11 btiotifll11 Cull K~thy M2~ ur Iv mcn•¥c M:.I~ JH: N 'f A L R t; (' E P ·flONlS'I' UJn&tm.ial & rc~pon:.ahll• pl•r11on for full time l'mployment Newport Ueaeh olf1ce Ml 6896 DIHT AL/ ASSIST Bilek ~lflce. Part umi• w /e xpe r Mon thru 111111'1 1 30 lhru $·30 Ph 548~ or 631·3430 Mon 'fhur.. Dental Assistant needed Oraniie area Union bener1ts Salary oven 633-7674 ask lor Sherry or Carolyn Dental R~-ccpllorust. N.B. practice 41~ dys wk Salllry open 640 1122_. _ Dental Assistant: Exp'd X-ray license. Pit ok, non.,moker pref'd. Nwpt Brh/Udo area. 673·9460. General COMI WHERE THE ACTION IS THIS SUMMY Coll '" now o nd choose ~Wlt houn & locCIH-. w. nHd: Wttrehouse Workers 'l'ramee Assemblers Typists Secretant's ~l'l'is NEVERJ\ n :E. so CALL US today' VICTOR T.....,. Clf 'f Set"YfC• .. 556-8520 Orq 835-2622 EOI M/F GENERAL OFFICE ON-LINE 3723 Birch St., N.B. 557-0045 We're excited about our new Temporary Person nel Service 1 ~Wanhd 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMSIDE SALIS lmmed opn l11as for l'OiPoCl.'llble. mllure sett -t Lu r I e r w h o t' o m mururalc!s easily with ntherx Salt•11 exper1encc 11 pl ws hut not req uJ red WJU train Must h•ve hte lY'PUI& 1dul Ii;. 557-0825 l.nsurancr Let us tra111 you for a new cw-1..-er. Dot-ll your pre sent job oHer you In dependence, prestige, 11 (ttllng of arcomplt:;h anent & economic secun - ty? Ir not. you should talk with !"armers Insurance Uroup today Call Gene Dillard 848 5111 lnsuranre Newport Beach Pe rsonal Lanes Ins Agcm·y. seek mg exper clenral per:.on w/msurance bkgrnd, call 646-3946 Jmurance ~Clerii We are currently 3l'Cl'Pt mg appllrat1oni. ror I-' t perm f'agure Clerk Mu::.t have 6-18 mos ore or al· rtg exp . leg1blr hndwrt ·g. 10 key by toorh. & It typin~ skills Apply 1n per~on to TRANSAM ERIC.:,\ In:., :w20 Bnstol. Costa Mesa E.O.E Mt f' lnsuranre SECRETARY Exrellent opportuntl) for serretary to ass1sl lnsuranc•e Mnnager Gt!n1.·ral insuranre agen· cy experienrc with HittpWanted 710b Hd,>Wonted 7100 ~Wmted 7900 ··················'···· ............................................. . M<ltetUlM~ mun lor 55 unit upt <.'Omplt'X In C M 6'2-S073. 12131W 38$1 MlwcW'\111.1 Male prefd, mui.t know all phases or m11n1rur1n1t Fantast1r loral1on w1lh or w to clientele 645--4003 Manicurist elpC'r Vlllntcns. koowled&eable In all U Pl'C'll of tht• trtick. at lt'cu\ 7 yrs ex Pl'r Mui.t have own tt11n• C.111 642 2928 K :lli\M .iJ.>M ----Pllltll pen;on, marine exp preferred but not rL-q 1-\dl ttml' 2431 W Coast llW)', NB ------porce lain & aerylH· pedicurist Call 10 s. Part time counter 675-6070 or 675-00?7 wunled Ba kl! i.hop help --673 7310 MAT~RIAL HANOLING Parts stock person Expen ence desired but not reqwred Wail train Must pas!> t•ompan) Ph.Ys1cal including back :X-ilay lrvrne A Ken navu; Inds. Co. 540·76:r,1 i-:.o 1-: Mecharue Journeymen 1•x per level on trucks & eons t ru('t •on e4 up Phone 557 8257 Mon Fri HW4 MechsnH' exper ..:as & diesel to work m true k s hop Xlnt !>a lar) 646-0998 8 to 4 Mon F'rt M~ruum· Tratnl'e to set «r ma111ta1n machinery 1n udheSl\t' mnfl( plant 1537 Monrov1.i AV!!~ B >IS 5125 Mcd.Jr ai Offi<•t· Ouropraclvr ln:.uranct· typing We \lolll traan Neal appearance a mu:.l F\tll time 30 hr. work w~k 673-6070 MEDICAL Ltve-m, ~00 pt-r Wt'ek pit.t> room & boa rd t7 M 1 l!40--0Hil or 121:1 l '12M·64:JI PART TIME EVENINGS /\dull!\ with outstundinJ:, atlral•Ltvt• ~rsonahtll'!. who t•nJOY worklnll with kids Over 21 Start at S3 50 per hour Phone 642 4321 Ext 250 , li£TWEEN 4 00 5 00 PM Ask for Andrea 1-;qual Opportunity .!:_mploye_r __ P~TE-UP ~SEMBLER with al least I year ex penenn', prt'feralll\. newspaper F:x1·ellenl romp:in~ benl'r1ts 1\pply bel\lo-N'n 9/\\1 and 6PM Mood:iy throui.:h 1-'rulay ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 1;42~ J:ICI\\ H:tySI Co1.ta l't1£o1,.1 1-~ual Opponuniry Employer llCllVING Cllb Experienced dealred but not requl~. WIJI tra!n. Mi.mt pus Co. Physical Incl beck X·Ray A Ken· dav1s lnduatries Co lrvine540-7639 E.O.E. Recept /L egal Secy trl\l.nee. Newport Beach law olflce. No legal exp or Sii nee. M usl type 60 wpm or more. Call Lola. 8 30 AM -S :30 P M . 64().8900 AECIY'TIONIST for design firm in Irvine 1-'rorlt omce appearance. PBX ..xpenence pref .. I.Ile typing. 833-3500. fiL't.•l'ptlOIUSl for sales of- ltce of major wholesale nurser y. c.;ompetH1 ve salary, fully paid health pkg . paid varatlon . ooucattonal reimburse· mcnt i\ppltcants must have typing exp .. clean. neat appearence & good telephone vo1re. Contact JoAnn, 714-962-6604 RECEPTlONTST /TY PIS1 pn vate rountry club. For rnterv1ew call 644-54G4 RECEPTIONIST Nl'wport Bear h Law F'1rm Wt'll groomed. non smoker Typing . general ore duties Sa l ary open Xlnt ~flls Call 752 2518 RECEPTIONIST Friendly, enthusiastic & ~harp female wanted Call Tht> John Wayne• Tenru!-Club 644.QIOO Ask for Sue De pe ndab le adult t o operate parking lot SW\.<eper. Mon thru Fri. M1d n1 ghl to SA M . MS-~11 Earn Lop pay & our air travel bonui;. Call for de· lat ls. knowledge o r bonds ----------helpful. Must be good or f'AY YOUH RF.NT 1':.Url) momtnl! cicltvery I.,\ Timt•s N K are:.. l\350+ f)t'r mo 5'1G·0235 or Rc<.'ept1Typ1st, fast , a <.' curate for Or's ofr. 4 af tt•rnoon~. & Sat AM . DESIGNER COME ON-LINE TODAY!! i!aruier & able to com -municate well. good typ. 1n1.:. calc ulator & shorthand or dictaUnJ( equipme nt skills r e qLDred. Plense call THE IRVINE CO Mc-ssen)!..r. .Hh l·rt 1:.1ni: <•gl•nc-y Must have ~ouo rlnvmjl r1·1•nrd & \·al11I l'al Lil· 5.J0-0460. thk lot Jeann11• Air cond. Oes11rner with rrummum 3 Y" com· merrial exper. Xln t benefits lnrluding proflt shanng. 540-7622. Mon Fri 8-5 MHal Polisher F/T E:.xpenenn.•d 673-JSljO ---- 550 Newport Center Or Newport Beach 644 ~3 _ Equal Oppty F.mployer MRt i.errt•l.ir) Take m\ DRAFTSMAN Mechanical Engineering ftrm near 0 C Aifll()rt Art'tutectural quality let· tering desired. Xlnt benefits mcludmg profit shanng. 540.7622 Mon Frt 85. GENERAL OFFICE TYPISTS SECRETARIES ACCTG CLERKS lnt.cnor [)(>sign Srn tC't!S Sal~ R•·pn·wntJll\•·" Salan & l'Omm1s:.1on Top Pay Paid Weck Iv 540.000 ._.ORRELL Nt'wJ>Qrt H1.·<1rh <•n•J. ..... l'tr.l.Om cle!>t).(n & rabnl',I Tempot ary Se-r•icu lion firm 1:-, M·ck1n~ .in IR~E 752·6666 J ~it re" ., 1 \ l' • v. i• I I DRIVER EOE M, .~ est.abllsh1.-d ::.Jlt•<; pt•rsun F\tll tJme No expr. ne<.' Qunlrf1C<l Jpph1·.inl .... 111 Needs own car. Will also bt· a -.elf i.tartt•r with J be driving company ---------provt'n tra('k n'l'Orcl /\p mowrhome. 7~·0315 GENERAL OFFICE pltrant shouhl rcspund DRIVERS Ml"ll or women 25 yrs or older. Know the coast c1tJes. Net Sl80 a week or more Orange Coast Yellow Cab, 17300 Mt Herrmann. Fountain Valley. cNo of Slater bet wn N cw hope & Eurbdl Electroruc assembly pos1. lions open No exp necC?Ssary. Wall train S3 10 per hr to start. Call ~J632forappt __ _ Sales •EXP SALES• lml'Jl(.'C'Jtate position for rrllture self.starter leads to management a t F.Qwtable Llfe, 3 yrs salary + <'Omm, degree + sales background. Contart Grant Urban 835 8550 ext 37 EOE Ml 1". Dependable. self·starter with resuml' to llox s:i:.. wanted for eongen1al onl' Daily Pilot. 1'0 Box 156<1. girl offit•e. Elertronics CM. !12626 firm. Typan~ 50·5Swpm llliiiillll ______ _ Aptitude w ith figures INVESTMENT SALES Salary open. Call Mr. A Oppartunit.v to wll brunt! Oies fbr appt. 557.1)543 GIRL FRIDAY Pa.rt or f/l1me. $3.50 hr Lag. Hills area 646-3126 SECURITY ltl'crys To SuU1 lmmed1ale npe11mRS fnr supervisory level Sl•t·un tyOfficcrs. UPTOS4.SO PER HOUR Ill'"' trust tk•cd '"' l''l '™!nt plan uvaitablc unly lhro~h Nt•wµort t-:qu1t~ Fund s Nt•\lo T D I <.: Plan all1Jws m \' l' ~ t o r ~ I o c a r n .1 rrurumum of 11r. mtere!it on Just SS.000 1-'or an appoin(ment t·on tm't. Don ll1•r /OJ: \twp(lff l 11111h111111d!'o 112 Corp1m1tl' Pla1:i '1ewpon &•ach. c,\ 92:titi0 7 I 4/61'·8824 JEWELRY SALES JOO as ol 1· mgr \tl bio•'t prar111:e 1n n f' f'm.in t•1al arranl!t•mt•nto; & t·ol I t' l' t 1 o n :. I' r 1 m l' ft'\fJ11n~1h1l1t~ J'\I dhll'ai IJfJl 111 ,. f111 :J I~ Sl50U S2000 m11 phi' lwnt'flt~ l'Jll 1\.11 h' ~'>2 R:i:l\I or h· rrw.,.,, a J: 1 • ~XU'> MIN · 70 % MAX.· 95% NO FEES Receptionist Realty $2,000. Irv~. 540-2702 Muh•I ~1ghtC'll•rk :\ t.la~~ \lok fil'M tu I :lilAM SJ hr vanous clut1t!s. 5<~5 941 I NURSE AIDE 3 to 11. 11 to 7tprt time. t'"lfl pn'ld I.cl pa~ Sm ronv hosp rn C~1 5-l!l 3061 Nl.JH::,~ h1ghl} qualtf1t'tl & ct t' d 1 ..: ,, l I! d 1 n ped1a1 rtt•;, Comph•tt t·Jrt• Ynur home ur mtO(' Uxill rl'f' \fter 5l'M ·1~·4!1117 I'() Bo" 732. (..:jjluna ll:.'f.S I Nurses LYN Stt•\'I' ~15-4:>-l:l PBXOPER. -Salary <'Ommcnsurate wicxp Non smoker. Call 548·9511 Uµl•r.., lor ll'lephunt· JOSWl'nng ~1·n·1ce Mu.:.t ht.· able to "'ork :.-omt• \lo('1•k1•n1h T' pint!. 3J "'Pffi 11·4 t11 rn1 F.x p1•l ll'lll 1· 1Jr1•f.•rrl•rt ur ~•II tru1n 1\1 .•n> 1•um 1>.u1\ 111.•rlt'fiL., I' u II l 11nc· or pun llmt• rfJ} & Jftt:r OIJUll t•\efllll~ 'hlfl 'I ;.\ Ji!JlJl• l'l"J"•' r.111 \1nn thru 1-'r 1 :>-iJ 4:!JO .. ~ (}" 1'1 1kup t.. l1l1~1r\ 1 r.11rw<· l:!.'> f<Ol hc.,t•·r !-it I \I t,l! ••Iii-I PLASTICS WORKERS 4 day 40 hr week \11plv 1n pt--r\1/1\ EDLER INDUSTRIES INC. 21UI l>o\ l' !-It ;.., H P11ht11 JI ~11t·n<'1 \l.tjlll'" t•Jm ~M•I \J.i\ & Jlllkn l1al l'r1·•l1l ht•lpmi.: tht• l.llwr t ,1r1 ,1n f',1 rt\ •IUJlll' 111( 1111' hallul r all '!Hl 1.1.111 for 111 ten it''* PnnllnK PROOF' R F:1\ DER & 1;t'nl 1>f1 l h•r11·al poi. ,1\;111 -.1 l>t•nn1 ... Pnntcr~ Xlnt ht•nl l'rnf1l sharing ~ 'r nlJ 1•0 1n !-.1\ Ht· 10<' tn ·wg lull'> l'all Tern S.17 il'il I' R II l> U l' i I U N Tl{r\J:"F-:t-; Rubtkr host' products, lntnt> area \lust pas!> a phy:.1cal rn l'I bat·k X-Ray. A Ken- dJ' I' lndi. Co ~ 7639 1-; () 1-: Recepuorust1Typ1st. La .... offices Newport Center Telephone answennl( re <.'epuom!>t. typini.t Re QU1re alertnC'Ss, xlnt typ rn~ skills Good r hance lo lt•arn lej.?nl work. Al· ltlude. work habits. skills more important than ex ~·ni>nl'l.' <.:all !155 2111 fur 111terv1ew a ppt R.E. Licett5HI Mw.t ~· w1lhn~ to learn Jnd Rrow with innovatt\ l' !)Jlt'!>& Bwld1n~Co HALF MOON BAY Lcstd & De•elopmtnt l~ter F' Salisbury lI t40-875S ------l<~F:ARC'H TECH Work for a rapidly grow in~ l'lm1l·al t11a~nost11· ~roup us 1,rit your re -.t•arch laboratory C'XP lo Jev<>lop novel anl1bod1es fap "", ll!>,UC rulture & 1mmunulo~1eal ted1n1 4ue~ pr t•f'd. BS 111 b1t1logy or chemistry r .. 1(t.l Co offer s com JJ1·t1t1ve salary &· i.:cnerouc; benefit pki: Send resume & salary ~1>ry to 1598 Monrov1J ,\~e. 1\:8 92663. Attn Personnel Restaurant Assist. Mngr 2ihr (;offe<.> Shop. Paul Vacation l'ookm~ ex per nt'\' Apply Taylors Rest. Hi.>dhtll & S ,\ Fwy Tustm See Ron. w.s. 7 to 4 A rhur c h ·s ponsored senior citizens residence 1s looking for a mam· tenanre superintendent. Please send resume to BeU\el Towers. 666 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa. 92627 Part time. 3 to 4 shifts. Call 494·0000. trained on the Job Con· ----------1 tact Rack Bosworth (7141 Apply u1 person Mon· Fri 8am·Spm 1532 W Commonwealth Fullerton, CA I-' c m a I l' J ,. w l' I r v Designer nec•dl> t•xµ·d salesperson. fit, working knnwlcd~t! M th1• In duslry nl'l'CSSary ror mi.tr position. Elc)!unt ::.a Ion 1n NB. l'ont.i(·I Mri1 Mohr Mon l-'r1 ij,'}J.4607 Operungs part t1ml' n1ph1 dutv & full t1ml• alter ntxm :>h1rt Xlrll start1ni.: :.-al.iry & bt·nl' Apply Hagsh1p Con" Ccntl•r. 466 F1asJ:h1p R<i • Npt Heh l'Rm'F:S~l lJNl\L rold mo ldt• tJ wood hoa t bwlders "'•tnll'd k11f's l'\'Q lmme<l13lc t'mploy men! Wr1ll·. C & II Mannl'. IO~:J 17th Ave . Si.UltJ ( 'ru1 <·a 95002 Ri""t.iurant Salad Lady lo toe-s salads & d1spensl! t.lt·ss c rt s . $3/hr. 5 rutcs wk. Wed·Sun Call John Storkdalc for dl'· WJls.499·3939 Be your own boss. Earn ~5707 E.0. E. Mt F •ACTRESSFS-ACTORS •All Al(eS·All Types •<no Exper Nee)• up to Sl,000/mo. PIT . __ Cl ___ K_TY_P_l_S_T __ S..2403, 3·5PM lor appt. ~ .. S.A.M." lntervlew1n~ now. Our clients have worked "R ock y I I" .. (rl>ld1e & The Roxer" .. Lady In Red .. w/Robert Conr ad. "Wri gll' y 's Ooublernint .. & with Dis. ncy Studios. Anyone interested m •MOVIESor TELEVlSON •ea11 ··s .A.M ... today • <7141633-2233 ext 95 BOOKKEEPER. exper. for a distMbutor or RV' partS & accessories. in lrvine Bookkeeping. & phones. FIP time. call 544Mi673 anytime M-F, 8-5 BOOKKEEPER/TYPIST, exp thru TB. for El Toro CPA Ofc. Exper only ap· ply, 30 hrs wk. F/lime tax season 83().9330 Answeriftcj S«vle• IOOklCHPER/ Assi1t PBX oper ators for a RECEPTIONIST telephone answerlnR Professional office in service expenenced or Orange Co. Airport area wiU tram. fUll lime or needs individua l w/basi<' min 50 wpm, (!en office slulls. Apply in 1-,er:.on F.OLER INDUSTRIES 2101 Dove St. N. rl • Arross from O.C . Airport C.Strucflon Labor needed at 24~ E. 15th. NB. or 646-7933 blwn 7 AM&3PM. CONT ACT WOttK Ltke people. Earn extra money PIT In exc1tml( work. Interview!> IJy appt only 963-7225 *'*EXTR.AS•• Needed! Bit players & xtra11 for maj motion pict, t v serie' & poss tv commercials .J\Ne need people for Org Co & LA loc shootings. Casling now! Call (714 ) 535·0120 ext 94. We have r asted fo r "Fast Break '. "Rocky JI", "Love At First Bite" Sm fee. We have fiUed over SK jobs, going tnto our 5th yr. R.ORIST Unique reta1 I nursery nooc:h creative people for full & pa rt time per ma· nent positions. Must ~ time shifts ava1h1· al'<'OWltmg skills. type 50 COOK 1-:Xpenenred on the line 494·0600 COOK _ have expcrlencc In floral design F:xcellent OP· porturuty to work In a prer1tig1ous sett mil D r wpm ror permanent e ays. a ternoon· bkpg position and recep-evenlngs or grave yard. Must be able 10 work tJonist relief. ror s m ronv hosp in CM some weekends. Typing Colt anytfnw Knldti of 11pec diets or 3S wpm. reqwred. Man~ 979..SSll rooking for 50+ perld ro. benefits available . -----------549-:.)61. Pluaecall Mon.Fri. ~ Boy. t.unches. Apply --------- Fashion laland area; in person Le Blarrltz, 414 COOKS 640-1791 N. Newport Blvd., N.8. DBJVIRY DRIVERS Cost a M e1a area : _645-67 __ 00_. ______ lmmed. rart·Ume open· 673-1166 E.O.E. C ar W a 8 h 1 mm e d . ings ava l . for aggressive individuals who take APPUAMCEllPAllt e=oyment, exper. pride in their work & Top pay, company bene. c r. 644•4460· h a v e p I e a a a n t Must haveexpr. 494·0506 CUh.ler/Clerk. Dependa· personalities. Must be 18 bl t & & over & able to work APoUcaUon1 now being oie. pernwnen ' evea eveninga. Start from S3 taken tor warehouae. wknds<xf IT· Apply Girt to $3.25 per hour. Apply delivery helper. Ne w Shop, Airport. daily after 5 P.M Me·N· rumiture warehousin g ---------t;d's Plua. 410 E. 17th. and delivery firm. Phone CASHIERS Costa Mesa for appointment lOAM to Noon. Startin& wage S4 Cooks. per hr.. 1000 advance· Eicper. coolcs needed for me nl tor the right UTOTEM MARKETS all shifts Good pay & penon.648-7519. bene. Apply 11t Tin[ Naylors. 3099 ao. 8r1sto . .,. APT MAN1 A01 E~.. Openlnp now ·available CM. ror 55 Wl ta n ...... la tOf' full time aasl1tant ....._ Eaper'd eouple. ma~era on 2nd. & 3rd. COOKS, wa nted all 1h.ifta, WI I • bk k p g c x p . abift. No eX,perlence nee. aDl>lY in person. Orowlna Hueband malnt, exp. Web'aln.StartS3.10to'4 Co. ·w l b eoetlts . Ma Call 642-IOTS or (llS) per hour. Advancement Barker's, 212 E. 11th St. _-..i_. _______ 1 opportunity for mana1e· CM S Dlll1l poslUona tq suo AATJ T, urleature per bour ll qualified. For COok/Walter/M1r Muat arll1l. wlt end1 more lnlormaUon "ln· be exper. In fut CFrl/Sat/Suo). Call i.vtewiotost.oreSZ•t breakfast. Opportunity _m._m_o_. ______ , aooot Crown Valley, to grow w/youit1 com· A•dr' IA«uu Nlruel, '695·9950 pany. 21mW. Coast Hwy, oruJJ 714;117.4940, Npt Sch. 664-47• S•uWu IHt F.QllllOpe!Employer Cook : •Ork available MA 2 yean toll•I• " - -• -dayiJ • Dllhtail-c hl~h ..... ~-Grow· -~• .~~ ..... lq coqipany: Salary CJUXX£R CAB NEEDS ••..-ilUUI at-n · Ask Or ..... Ible aceordlq to DRIVERS. Good cltMn1 PeteffS.ISSI ape1tnee.Smdrnume reeotd, HctJI. eamloa Count e r flrla T K . or contect : D ianne ~al..... Burier. 119 Balboa llNSN CMLD CAii Blvd. comer 22nd"· NB. MIO Carri•r• aeeded. ta.A Student will take AR>lY ln PtrtOn i:.. ~a Beach & kids oil Your bnd1. Detivery P/Ume AM;L.A. i:-. P\. ...... Call 1'be SJ.25/wk+rm It board. 11met. ,100 per W"k. ........ lll-4141 o.c area. 2.11/az2.at77 l.tluna .. a.th. ....... • ' . ._ ... F1ease apply in f)l'rson, Mon thru Fri. ROGER'S GARDENS 2301 San Joaquin HUIJ Road CDM 640·!>944 General Malnten anre Experience prer. Tustin area. 83t ·9081 GENERAL OFC P111me momirunl. must type & spell Call 979· 17l 1. General Of flee Experie nce preferred, general office with com munirot1on & typing s kills t o s upport rmnage r & field Col't'e. Outstanding e nviron· ment & xlnt w orking cond. F\all benefits, paid vacallona le ho Ilda ys with NaUonal Firm. Easy to reach, O.C AJ~rt area. Call tor a . D.S. MARKETJNO -~ GaaAL OFFICE PITIME. Good typlna alc11lt, noo smoker. Nr . John W•yne Airport. ~TUT GENERAL OFFTCE • sm. office part·tlme. P'or t e lephone 1 II le type. aome boo11:kcepln1 a m1.11t. Coat• M eu - ecutl12 Mon-Fri, 8:30-4 30 2JO W Warner. Rm 217 Santa Ana, (;A WB.LSFARGO Guard Ser vkcs Dl\lls1on of Baker Protection Services EQl.\.;iJ opportunit}' employer MI F' GUARDS F\Jll & part time All areas . Unifo rm s furnished. Ages 21 or over Reured welrome No experience nee. App· ly Universal Protection Ser vire, t226 W ~th Street. Santa Ano. In· t.erview hours 9·12 & 1-4 Mon thru Fri. HAIR AaaJstant wanted. Offer· iJ18 xlnt. educalion. Call 751-5221. Gladys' Hair Design. Hair Stylis t with clientele for progressive a rea near Mission Viejo Mall. Work or lease station. Varation pay + sales 'fi lnfonna ti on 495·QJ90. HEAL Tll t-~ood s to re personnel. Asst Mgr . & Sales Clerks Jan'-; Nutrition. 6789 Warner. Ha 847-71187 HOTEL SANMAARTEN Preeet!Uy the VIilage lnn In Laluna Beach is seek· Ina qualified: MAIDS Unllonn1 provided '" s CMSt Hw\ ..., kit 49 .. 9436 HOUS&C_.. Mualtu1ve own car. 2 dey wk. permnenl. 6'5·0089 Housemother for USC eeroc1ty; llve·in, (It. han die rood budaet. plan meali1, manage 4 cmploJcea. Salary. Own trans . 673 1586 , 211-547·:s815 •t:NSTAU.ER, Speriallty lnlU.ller ror bank vault . aqulpmel\t. Exp'd pre fel'Hd but will train. 7tH51..-0. LAB ASSISTANT Work in ksting, packal( In~ & handlul..: of food prOOU('ls Good math ap t1todc. full lime only St.antnll rate S4.72 per hr Call Dan Sna\'t·I~. 21.3 53'7·1600 NURSES AIDES And Orderh1•s ltl g1\·e TLC to the elckrl) pa t1ents N A. Cert dassl's for tramm~ All ~h1th U\'811. Apply 144 5 Supenor N.B NURSES LVN/RN 1.VN 7 3 Med1c.1t1on:. F\Jll or part t1mc RN 11 7 Relief <'harj.?t> ntm.l' Vood s Jlary .ind fringt• bt•ncf 1ls ;\1 t•sa Vl'rde Cunva lesct·nl I loe.p1tal 661 <:t•nter SI. H 1-: .\ I. 1-: !-. T ,\ T E SJ\.U:~~1 \N W ,\!'\Tl::D 1-.:ARN l 'l' TO 15 I COM MISSl0"1 Nl-:T I Earn $50 1-. to SIOO K b\ Christ mus :.!. 1-'md out '*h~· ne"' Ill' l!arn bag$$$ hcrl.' Coml' talk with them J.f>ur prodUl' 1 1nL•xp1•n ... 1ve I.ind t)udl!t>I I ('rm.. I Pn' "rt uppt_ ... l?·•lon· 5 t-'1nd out \lohy "\loe\ ,. l!Ol the bt•st UunJ!1?01nFt' A~k tor Mr Ho\loard 9~ :uO:! l. Sectttory Ml'dtum Sill' l;1w offtcr real estatc. business & probate mag rard skill~ preferred. O<.: Airport area Call Jean 7~ 121 t ~ta Mesa 548·55/G REAL ~T1\TESALl-:S --() J> t• n 1 n ~ • n " l' I I NURSES AIDES estahhshett In mr r1rm LEGAL SECRET ARY Corporate expr needed for Newport Bcarh of f h·r. Salary ro m - mensurate wtexpr Good benef1Ls. Ask for Sue 95.5-1014 3·11 & 1 l-7 s hifts F."I· Tru1n10J.t. al>~1~1a111•c pt:nen<'l'd nr 1nc•x i.:t•nt·rous r omm1ss 1011 Pl'rtenl·t!t.l l't!rt1f1ed ~t·ht<dUlt• C.:Jll Dawn or trauung proi::ram Mesa "'U'. IS33-8600 Verde Convalescent --------- LEGAL SECRETARY Some experience pre· fCJTed. Newport Center Sole Practioner /Genera l practice. 644·~1 INSPECTOR TRAINEF. To learn all phases of in· s pertlon. Must eass physical & bark X Ray. A Kendav1s lnJ. Co Irvine 540· 76.'19 E 0 F. -----LOT,ERSON lmmed1alt' opening, penmnent pos11ton. fr inge benefits/ overtime Call Sales Mana~er. llLL YAns V/WPORSCHE SANJUAN CAPISTIAMO t37-4100 ...tACHIHISTS 4-day40-hr. week EDLER INDUSTRIES 2101 Dove St. N. B. Acrou rrom O.C. Airport MAID F.xper 'd, full tlme Hospital. 661 <.:enter St c:aita Mesa Nurses LVM 3-U shift. 59 bed facility. sick pay. ins. 8 paid ffolJdays. P leasant work conditions. 28 bed sta lion. £OE. Ba yview Caw. Hosp 2055 Thunn. C.M. 642 3505 NURSING Part time live tn needed Some nurs1nJt expenen<'l' needed to rare for this nice lady in her Coronu del Mar home Tue~da~ 9am thru l-"r1 9am. Call for apµl U PJ 0 11 N H EALT H CA R E SERVICES. 752·0992. OFCMGI CPA Firm needa over seer tor busy ofc. Sl3.000. Fee paicl. also fee Jobs. KAY KJMBEftLY Penonnel Aaenry 1661 E Edinger, Stt" HYr SA. 647·8384 6'2·3030 01-'FJCEt OF.l.IVERY BOY Mnld.8. 1pply The Inn at Fttlme. neat appear. Laauna. 2t I N Coast valid (;A d n vers he & HWy. 1""il'lll1 8(-ach rood dnvmg rcrord. AP· Manaarr ror Olatr con pl)' In person to Mr 1ulUnt buslne11 Start F\icnt"'· •l Robert lk'tn. spare Ume without In Wllbam Froet 4i Auoc. vflltment Ir build your 1401 Quill St r e4't. REAL F.STATE Comm'l/I ndstrf Salnoenont Successful brokcral(e firm h as 1mm cd1at e operungs for <'Ommerrial and Industrial sa les persons with the follow- ing quahf1rat1ons Calif R E L1ccmw Colle~e Dc1?ree M1n1mum 2 Yr-; s ur cessfuJ real e~talL' sales cxpenenn· IComm'l & lndustnalJ We o f I l' r ,1 !i t r o ll !! pos1l1\c· environment for 'urressful per,onat J(rlt\lo1h m romm'I and in duslnal real estate sales. leas111~ and mvestmenlll ln Orange and San Dlcf(o CounUes. For further In ronnat100 rontact.: Corpot oh R.atty htc. 18552 MacArthur Blvd. Ste 210, Irvine. Call(, 9'2'715 or ca II 7141975--0888 REAL~ATE ()peninl( for sales agent with sf(ares111ve leada.na compuny with tremcn· douii possi bility (or managemc-nt po1ltlon. ~ Bf(f>nu welcomed Call Al Stflllnto tor In· ~rv1ew 714-963-5871 r---t1J11!Dtiiti Real Elita~ owm ~IJWS for• secure Newport Beach Classified Ads 805678 r~ure.648-'1980. 1•-----a. ...... ,~-~------ ...--.. .. .. _...,..,_.~, Reitaurant BOB'S HOME OF THE llG IOY lmmedlate openings in our fanuly restaurant al neAJ'by locaUoni; We re· qw re no previous ex- pe.nenre J oin our fnend I> team. Come see us to day between 2·4PM MANAGER TRAINEES CASHIERS 23952 A\•cn1da De La Clrlotta m Laguna Hills. 7311 Ecpnger,/\vc. Hunt 1nllton Beach F.quul Oppor f;mpl) r M F Restaurant WAITERS & WAITRESSES Ex-penenr~ preferred. will tram. AUDITOR BOOKKE EPER fu ll tame. 111 total charge of office CASHI ERS full & part tame. Days & £vening. Apply In person 9 4TH AE R O SQUADRON 31801\Jrway Ave. Ul6ta Mesa. Ca. 92626 s.56-8780 RETAILSAUS JEAHDAHL H9wport leach! Need expe rienced Ca s h ion o riented salesperson. Fu II & part time openi ngs . Call 642·3444 -·~--------Sales 4THLITICS Earn $125 a week part tune f(l.l)'S & dollt 17 & older needed to do P.R. work for top amateur athletes. Help u. develop world clau athletes. If 2 yrs. of colletie " car. manager trainee po11i· tlom available. $250/wk .• (Hourly wage/bonus>. Workinl evening hours. Call Mr. J o hnson at 63.'H.121. SalCl5 ""°STOttt Female preferred. full tlm•. 1pply at Port Pharmacy. 2727 Newport Blvd.. N.B. 87MMO I 7 1 I ~'!~ ..... !!!!~.!!~ ..... ?!~ ~!!~ ..... ?!.~ ~!!~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~ ....... ~~.1.~ ~~~ ......... ~?.~~ TUll8dey,J u 3. 1979 SBIETllY~ Gal PridU type! who la loduslriou.a. tn· novatlve, laetlul, and who bu a sense ol lhunor. You 'U need to have tbe uauaJ ablDU. lD 1borthaad, U'Plnl and moderate ftllna and record keep. ma. You ·u maintain our corporate minutes and record u well u baDcUe my penonal bull.oeu requinmmll sucb u makln1 travel t.rTantements, m•Daillnt and recordlnl traveUn1 tx· peuea, etc. One personal note: I 'm a non smoker who would pref er working with a non smoker. H Vm Prtf'd Part ume()p OEIPenney1 washe r , Orecn h1ah back oc SIWIN • M A C po rlua11y In Nav al dryer telec> M11ny op raslonal chai r wlot ~ 1010 Office ........... Ol'M. RHtr v• Oood P ay uuns ·~Jlthan 2yniold toman$t5.640-'7049 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~...... 1015 ~ rmcb oper up Orn1.1ht11 Ca ll N11 1111 I New teoO. will , .. 11 pair Onenllal detlitn dining rm mtll• 1.150 hr • ~ ~n't ~-~ for 1300 H l 6048 / rm aet, lbl &r 8 chrs Din ..... s•i:-• ,.,,... 6 sw.w.r ~!:!J worll C' Wa.itntaet. at <>n11nol &'M Mel l.ntt rm U&hl fixturt> 2 --·· mtd.lctM cabLDets, whit~ Plua. 1121 U.lboa lvd. .,_....... IOZO w/~okJ trim l while wall CodaMno SWITCHIOAID OfllATOI ... be ,....analblt' ., depeftdable Avail for mOlt ahi.l\a Ca.ll fot appt .,.. ~~\O C'llr•· for llrtl,. ll. eVM VI(' Y.n11co / lhrbo r 11 1 &*'r.1111 ·---T E I, F. I' II 0 N I': SOLICITOR P /t1111t• Sun 'Jllul"llday II :...~ 30 PM Can ttam '400-1700 Pt'f mr1 WUI tr1un mulit bt• n~pon111blt> I< 11blt' t o ro0ow IJllttucUbf\ll N B ~•96.>3402 corner 2Znd St, NU App r-• lu ,_ ,_ ••••••••••••• •• ••• ••• • • I" • I n e l w I d 0 0 r I You are the winnu of twofrfttklam <Sl.5.00 value>, lO Royal Llpfnca ~St.ow .,. ... .-·-· Sdlwinn. airla .. Lll' Chlk .. _53S-0607 __ · _. ____ _ 1t1n1 ray, lk nw $7' Will sacrifice antique 6'2 3449 1'748 Oonaire qut>t>n headbo 11 td Way, NB. near com er w/mall. sso. 8 n g61d 'l\Bta&1 1Al sola $30, (clean ) 4 pc oak Wait191. OYtr ... apply In penor\ 647 W ltlh. C.M. llrtll 12&1 ~2 30 Wanted p<>lt•" ll11(h wap1 Mu.al be 1ktlled ~AnyUme WAMTID DllVU SUM>AYOHLY Th a liver Oatly Pilot bundlM to carrh,rs He ~Ulrl."I> vun or harj(t• sla t.aon WDKOn and u ~ood Jn v111.,: 1 ~rord l'hon~ ll42·432t a nd osk for llurry ~eley or l>un W1lb.arns Schwinn 10 s peed 27" lble &chain; $40, 968-6195 Varslly. Good cond1llon. _or_S.-__ 76S4 _____ _ 0.t SUIO. t ake S90. CJ.II Peooey·a flotation mal · aft.er 3.30 p.m.646~ tress wl-apec. frame & tm Miyata· Pro 231n 20 box ~sprogs·l wk old-std Its, cherry l'Ond . retails dbl. S250. 554 1037 at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER July H ,8 p.m Call 642·5678. ext. 272 to claim your tickets ... ••l'> $750 Lvmg state must sell. $425. Call Mike 965--0U} °' 644· 2834 GcralJI Sde 8055 Comet 16" cutoff s aw ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/new tires, good condi· Garage sale Mirrored uon. $975. 631·0317 or tables, roll away bed. 67~~ wood lable, s te r eo --~----~-&'l>-8791 or 63H045 For Sale Ping Irons ••••••••••••••••••••••• SCM dedn c typtwr1ler, model 410. good condl· uon + like new metal lypewnter table/1taod $7S bot.h. 64(). 704& .... & Orgmt '°'° ••••••••••••••••••••••• PARLOR Grand, ebony. Showroom cood., must sell. 640-2644 .-W 11tUCKLOAD R8(f AL PIANOS AVAIL Summer s pecial St99~ mo. $50 delivers lo home & tunes in home. With purchase option 751 · l 12 l ---.-w KAWAI S't " Walnut grand Regular $6995. 1 Only S5295. 7SH121 DAILY PILOT Gam111 9010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUYING or SELLING Tiiis ia Yow DAILY PIL01' IOATMART To ploc• yow od c•642·5678 Our otfices are Ut-Fash.Ion lsJand in Newport Beach : T he hours needed would be 8:30AM to S:OOPM Mon-Fri. (Qccasiooal flexiblU ty needed). fr YOU e njoy a full day's work and like being appreciated for it , please drop a resume to: Box •545. c10 · The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560.. Costa. Mesa . Ca 92626 T E L E I' H 0 N t-: SOUCITOR..~. 4 dy wk. 5PM·9PM. no st>ll. no ex per S200 mo + bonWl ~~- t;QUAL OPPORTUNITY t.:.M PLOVER Mo lobeca ne 10-s pd . Grand 'founng m odel. xJnt t'Ood, alloy frame & wbls. knock-off bubs, $160. :>SB· 7295 Sat only. 4S9 E . F1ower. CM 8-5. Misc items .• Jlr waxer, rug shampooer Like new Call aft 5, 556-1533 s,ortilMJG":Ch 8094 loah. Maia:etHmce/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• S.....ice •020 10w truck dnver ~"Vl'I Apply in person 2Wlttl . Ortega Highway S J (.; SALES/Aaslat Seamstress needed for Tow Truck Dnvt!rs ex Cah 8035 __________ , ...................... . Hima layan K 1llens, champ. sired, CFA stud service 5.56-8005 WAREHOUSI:: FACTORY ASSEMBLERS U tUeor no experience Dogs 8040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hones 1060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Registered quarter horse, 12 yrs, mare Gentle. S12m/bsl orrer 493·2906 . .....,...., 8070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DtVIHG EqUPT. 848-4017 OWN LINK FENClNG . heavy guage , 6x20fl. galvanized pipe. and gate. Also wood pad· dleboard. 644·7934 . Co l e m a n P eak I b ac kpa c k . blu e . Polarguard mummy sleeping bag. 1 mo old S65 ea. MS-9796 MiK. OIVIHG EqYip- 1M..t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Marine Elec. Service, ac· curate work , guaran· teed. 841Htt59 aft 6PM loafs..__ ........... 9030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Easy sell money making sail company Exp pre· per'd. Top pay. Apply Items . Fem . p r e f. f~63l-46601646-5806 G&W Tow in g , 7408 Sl-9841dys/ev. SF.AMSTRE$.5. Sail mak· <»um Way, C.M 642 1252 SALES/DELIVERY. H ing seams~ nee?ed. Trainees. no expenenct• fOUoeedadecent paying ex per pref d . Call ne<:essary Manufarturt' Top l'ay Pllld Weekly Start Now NORRELL T~_., Sen ices Shelue male pup, cha m pion lines shots & eye ex am.960-4510 All diamonds & gold ~ht. top cash, 24 hr Afghan pups/adults AKC tnl.ine. 213·43S·3282 JOHN WAYNE TENNIS CLUB family Me m · bersh1p. S1700. Contact Mrs Denn is wkd ys ~l.900.8.lG-5:30 Call 751-8967 Surfing Kayak. hghlly ~-Pnmc cond., 111 t·re d1ble h1 J:h Ca II 1146·8634, 8PM /12PM He:il olfer takes SmJ boat trailer. 4 whls, $200 675·4646 look. Power 9040 dob up to $4-$6+ evs 67S-«n0. ol optacal componenb 5·9pm, call aft l pm. c£of'IORET•RY s :.>AM-3::.!PM. 2 Sau; 531-0811 ~ "' per mo overtime S3 SO <'Ai..... Req1.1re xlnt secretunal. hr Located CM. 646·0206. ..--administ rati v e & ....._ 5-ppln mathem atical ski lls ., ________ _ Tools & Hfdwan Dynamic working en· HOW HIRING vironment. S16.800 Write lRAIHER Trainees for sales & in confidence to Box. 296, We wish to add a pro· minagemenl. Salary + Corona del Mar. fessional. experienced comm. Will t raln, full SECRETARY trainer lo our starr One .._...r. who has expenen<'e in company """""'ats. 18 yrs FUll lime cheerful. ex-ccnductmg live lramang & olde r . Start im· per ie nced individua l sessions for foreman mediately. with st.roog shorthand & M/F & supervisors in c.1957-1150 typing wanted. Apply in varied industrial e n-IAM-SPM person with resume lo vironments Sales lNTERJOR DESIGN with interest II\ art or ml. desi g n . F u l l -P T . .$20-$2:5/hr. Wiii t ram. Call Ms. Bunic, 8'8·9378, 3-7pm. SALES JOI HOWOPDI RJU..TIME Mr. F\lentes at Robert Bein, William Frost & Assoc. 1401 Qua il $t. Newport Beach. SECRETARY for design flrm in Irvine. Good typmg skills, travel reservations. 2 yrs ex-penence pref. 833-3500. S ec r e t a r y f o r Homeowners Assn. Xlnl ()(f1ce sk.ills. Bookkeep· ing & mini computer. Laguna Bch area 8·5 Moo-Fri. 494-8571 Our business is tra i ninJ.( We offer a d yn amic growth potential for a de d1 cate d proresi.1onal Salary as al the top of thl· indus try range. Thi:. position can quick I~ grow in respons1billly & earnings for the n~ht person. Please 1nd1 c ale e x perience & earning his t.ory in first rt' ply. ALL replies will be treated in confidence. EOE. Reply Ad #510, Da ily Pilot. P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca r92626 SECRETARY: 5 yrs exp, self-starter, responsible, type 75wpm, dictaphone. initial duties to help set up new branch ok o{ sml !•--------engineering firm located 5 man~ north of Ol' Airport. Send res ume to EES Inc. 23264 Atlantis Way, Laguna Nig uel 92677, attn: T.D. Kohli. TRAVEl. AGENT f\JU time exp. only ne<Xi a p~l y . S a n Juan QJpaslrano 661-0311 Mrs. Brock IRVTNE 752·6666 EOE MIF Welder/Fitter: 3 yrs exp. mus t wo rk f r om blu e pr i n t s. b e knowledgeable or weld symbols, hi gh strength xteels. shop procedures. min supe r vision for crane mfger in Fountain V lley. Top p ay • oman mature. with ome nurse aide ex· perience. Must have car. Mon lhru Sat 8'30A to 2 .JOP. Ne wpor t ar ea . 64.S-3953. WRITSt Ex~nenccd in wn ting t.nwung matenals. work books. <'ase sl ucl1es . lrclll\el ma ouals etc. blk mst s ilver-other col· ors reas. 997-9766 POODLES. Re1t 9 weeks I Apricot r. l Rt.'CI Apn cot f. s:ti-0409 Wht t oy P oodle has papers, Fem, 12 mos old . loving pet. 496-9871 SHIH·TZU PUPS With breeders terms 957·1788 Free to You 8045 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• Alare FeH 1038 SanckmH~ Dr. COf'OftCI Ml Mar You are the wanner or two frff tickets <SIS 00 value>. to Royal Upinon StaUion Show at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER July 14.tl p.m Call 642·5678. ext 272 to cl.aun your tickets ..... Experience in script wnl.Ulg Cor a udio tape t.rai.rung would'be helpful bul not maodatory. ADORABLE . lovable kit· tens . 10 weeks. CdM ~7843 Will consider project. or joininR our staff as a ( ull Lime employee. Small Fox Terner . 1 year, loves ch.Lldren. Spayed. lm-0021. P l ease i n c lud e sample<s> or your work & salary I fee history. F.OE Rt>ply Ad 11511, Dally Pilot, PO Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. 5 cute fluffy kittens 951-2962 G REAT O P · P O RTUN IT Y F O R OUTG O I NG , AM · ernous PERSON TO EARN TOP OOLLA RS. MUST BE OVER 18. SA.US EXPE RIENCE H E L PFUL S O M E ORGAN KEYBOARD E XPER I EN CE ~RED. CALL AT O N CE F OR INl'ERVIEW OIGAN EXCHANGE 0. J E'IT 714 ·586-7302 Secret.a.ry: F lt position TRAVEL AGENT e x.-i---------for local wom a n in pe r ie n ced o n l y Austr. Shep. & Germ Shep. puppy to good home. 751·9454 FlLLDIRT . 5111 : llldmlrial Progn:saive commissaoo schedule. Broad market, high l y r e p e titive . Establish a nd se r vice di.strl but.ors. Knowledge ol polyurethane foa m & inst.allaUon market de· sirable. So Calif. ter· ritory. (714)634-4664 Sales PART TIME $4-$6 PER HOUR A great job for people who like people! Guaran· teed salar y or com· mission. Offer charge ac· counts in o ur client 's dept. store near you. llerforma oce Services TolFrff 140MZ2-4Z4 I Sales person wanted ag- gressive, part time. Wall train. Good co. benefits. A p ply in p erso n 9am·llam. STANDARD SHOES :.>77 S. Bristol,C. M. SALES SOLICITORS Earn $4-$10 per hr. re· glateriog voters. Call OOt# 964-3338 ~ SALESPERSON Coron a del Mar in· Domt>stic & Inte rn'! s urance office. Must Lagima area 494·9741 ha ve g_d t elephone Tra lAa t persooality & lite typing ve ·-,.en skills. Exp is oot req'd , ~ri.e oced agent tu will be considered in an sale of vaca· atatting salary. Call for lion travel including interv)ew. 673-4230. cnises & international s ales. Sa lary com · mens urale w /e x pe r. Qualified only need app-SECRETARY Legal background , top skills. Good area. Start suoo. Fee paid, also ree jobs. ly. 957-2700 --·-~~--~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .wllflll 8005 •••••••••••••••••••••• Big Seleefloo-Oak. 1201 C!Hr Dr Newport BeaC'h. 631-3230, 675--01.20 s· Oak roll t op d esk w/chair, good condition 631·9085 eves. 8010 KAY KIMBERLY Personnel Agency 1651 E Edinger, Ste 107 Travel Counselor exper full/part-tame. Sal/in- c e nti ve . 631 -4000, FREIGHT DAMAGED 751-11079. HCJrPOINT SALE 3308 ---------1 W Warner nr Har bor. S.A. 547-3384 Travel Agnt Santa Ana. 979.2921 SEC R ETA R Y , p a rt M.in.3yrsexpenent'e & CASHPAID time/full time. good typ-q ualified lo m an age Ws hr /Dry rs /Re frigs. ing&SH.Call 645·2667. Commercial & pleas ure ~~ing ornol957·8133_ ---------trave l. Re fe r en ces SECRETARY necessary . Ne wport l•---U•S•E•D---· We have an immed open· Cent.er. 833-3508 mg_ for a Secy in our Typist . novel writing ex· R~!"!~C:S~~~~S O auns Dept. Must have per Need IBM selectric Best Buys/Bargains. 8>wpm SH. & SOwpm typ-U · N B 1ng skills. Should have at ve · · 673-9040 BESI' AP PLIANCES least 2 )'l'S O(c exp. Exl!'l 1YPIST. p /time eves & Sales & Service benf offered. Apply 10 weekends. Latest IBM 536-.uJO 536-091l iiers TRANSAMERICA memory typewnter call Ins, 3420 Bristol. Costa 642-9601. ' LittDn lg capacity meal in Mesa. E.0 .E. M/F. ---------1 rrucrowave oven Incl FREETOYOU 968-6122 Fem. Ger. Shep 8 mos. spayed, all shots. Loves lads. 548-3249. 8050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CA.SH PAID For gd used rum. anti· ques & cir TV's 957·8133 **IBUY ** Good used Furniture & Appliances-OR I will sell or SF.LL for You MASTERS AUCTION 646-8686 & 833-9625 Green antique buffet htis been U.'led as ste reo <·a-.C' or dresser. 72" wide. 27· · hi, 21" deep. $95 or orrer. &I0-700 6 lovely dmmg chrs. high back uphols-like new Gold colored st·roll king sz headboard. unu!>ual 493-Zl60. Hideabed sofa $75 631-4973 SECRETARY Newport Center law rarm. Intelligence. good skills, & prior legal ex- l)erience required. Call Ruth Brazer 759-3800 ValetParkers cook book & m icr o dependable. hard work· browner . $360 c ash. ing women encouraRed Q.41116. Sa-retarial desk walnut. $100. chr. make offer 962-6880 dys. 962·fl677 Want Ad Results 642·5678 eves to apply. Call 644·5404 or 731·m7 Secre tary /reception ist , full time. (cooalrUction oriented ) for a real estate & construc tion firm. S a l ary com - mensurate w /ex pe r. ~SU2. "R;'o D I YACHTS -~~~~--- LI m11ESS Experience in s ailing req. Full time. Kona llarioe 675-1403 5 SALES COUMSB.ORS C..-.&WOMIMI NoHantSeWa1 No Experience NH<led MUlt be 21 or Older S SICRET .ARIES$ RE/Lng Bch $15,600 Sales/ Marine $12K Recept-type $9,600 AIP·R.E. S12K G.O.-BrightSll.700 Appointment Only Employers Pay All Fees Oz Reinders Agency 4020 Birch, &!tab '64 Newport Beach, 833-8190 SECRETARY I.~_) HQIO•n; a g.-ra99 sale IS 1 fun way to clo a Ml .. l>09o"flt on your own °"' 11 tlkes • btt 01 oi.nn•no Lol(e you II •ant to cleetde What lo sell and -muc;h 10 charoe to• ucfl otflm Ind ll>eft you ti -OffCe llQI 10 oll1er oeooie w!tt --...... ~ ... Chlfg lflg Learn t he personne l ~employment blainess. Lots pf people wt.re AGE I.a no factor. contact. Fantastic work· AareUtve lndlvlduala ln&cond. Good benefits. .r.lt • dellre to advance. lrvtne PenonneJ Agency Oimpany paid medkal es E 17th, Coeta Mesa C..UMd Tralnlng ~ZN__ --"2~7o Ancl you II ........ to be able to mJl<e Cllll"98 lc>t &It VOU< custo<T>e<s so tl'oa1 means you atlOuld l'leve IOI• ot Ot>e clolle• bolts and an .-.....,1 ot OOtt'• T,,.., you II wal't to advertlH your Nie IQ '"'ICI 111a1 crowd You c:.n clo •t with a soon°' l 'OM 11'1 yo.JI netgl'lbOrl\OC)cl bvl YOU II wllnl a l>oQOet CrOWcl 11\an Ula1 IO you II run •n acl '" CleHtfiecl wl'oocl'o tells thtt ttme •nd pi-ol vovo Hnlt tlile abltity to W&Dl ~ iOlllppeoplt.. S!X:Y/BKPR, F/P time. R.E. Deve1ol> .• in CdM . U llMile ~ you and s.iaey open. lr75-e900 )'Q'l wam rurtti.r detalla, ia!Dd: Sec'y Newport Beach ........... f7141 M0-1114 tlaiMt ... VM H•--LAWM t1 I I 1111 Pwtl ....... , C.-MeM Experienced civll lltl&a· tlon tec'y with aood ekilla to work tn branch dtic. ol L.A. baaed law tlnn. Xlnl opply for ad· vancemcnl . P leasant IUITOUDdlngs. Benefits. Ca ll f or •P Pl. (714 )955-0313. N ie lo a no.I ol OOl9ftlltt bUY9'9 0... "°4't 11\tng Qet 1111 H l'ly the dl y Of VCIVf tNl Wh«o ClfOClfit reld 1t>oul • 011-oe Sale tn ' Cle .. •fled. lhev •flOO ell(ly --------s e w1 n1 Me c hln e Opwator; Sln1le nftdJe power macti lne1... top .,.,... 145-eoec> ~wpt 8dl.. Call bet t-Spm. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFllD ADS '"°"' 642·16 71 ~ -:_· __:·~-.. --. -- Dupont l8K ~old butane ·---------- c1i:arette lighter. sells Drapes l.20x72 long, brand ror $2500. as klni? $950 or new. rustic tones. SlO bst ofr Pvt pty, call Ladles coat size 12 $10 754 00 57 Sam 5 p m Long cocktail d n·s~. weekdays e m e r a ld green $5 MisceHaneous 8080 G6l -6TlJ_. -----••••••••••••••••••••••• LUGGAGE TAGS from your business card. Send one ca rd for each La~ plus one spare W<· return permant'ntly sealed attractive ta~ & strap. meeting a1rhnt' I D reqwremcnts Pre wnt loss.& theft ! For a J)t:r..onahLCd taR enclos(• wallpaper. fahric or Four he al de t ect o rs. louder t han sem i truck perfect for warehouse $100. 493-7682 Couch r hrurs. twin hed&. metal desk Lablcs. most nl'W, s t e r eo V ega 498-009 Ranc ho San J oaquin Atbletll' t'lub Family Mt>mbcr..tup for sale GOLFCLUBS. W1h,on XJl . 9 1rons. 1·34·5 wood&. Uk~ new. sac $250. Call 548·1395 after 5PM. -------BULLWORK ER -bra nd new. xlnt cond, $20 661-6723. ------TY. Racio, HiFi, Steno 8098 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21" Color TV $95 2yrs Warr.rnty. Free de· IJvt.-rv &tl·.5340 N1c·1..· 25·· Zeruth C:olor T V ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAnnc Swap Meet every Saturday a l Riddle Docks buy, sell. tradl" 67~9l37 70 ft moonng an Av<tlon I need 40 fl. trade down or bt.ly 40 foot.er. 645· 7673 :.!'Sea Ray 300 Spt bridgf' tWUl mbd 255 Mere. Incl Decca radar . Konel fi::;h fux.ler, radio, heavy duty battery syi.t e m + charger. '77. 208 hr~ Mech pe rfect . need-. 11£. TOP + $12,800. Call t'Ve5, 675·5535. Ua) Glo" P.tJ>t:r & we "ill back & tnm ~our i.;11!!> Or try two t a n!.-. butk to back $29) 833 2246 MiKelaneous Wanted $1211 2 Yr Warr 1-'rec l5'J" Boston Whaler. 111 Ot!I 646-1786 hµ Evmrude. Extras 60 PRICFft<; S?eaorJ,$5 ~ 5 IJJ!l> $1 liO l'J 619 ta~:-SI ;;o t•a lOor more Sl .40 ea SaJcs Tax Included NO CARD" Draw your own or send namt-, address. phone & we'll make onc card per tag. Add 25< each. Send check or money or dcrlo PILOT PRINTING P.O. Box 1560 Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 CERAMICS Handpainled t'eram1cs. plaques, na tivit y set , plates. mut•h m tsc 1tem.s Also special or ders & t'Olors done at re· asunable t'OSt 846·8579 eves Brunswick lndoor Shuffle !bard Table. Xlnt cond $250. 557· 1193. Bennett Bradbu ry 011 ··Even t ide '·. S750 . Pl<'asso hlho "Le De· Jeuner", $1450. Neiman se r ig r a ph "Th e HusUer". $795. 535·5595. Eng. n ng 111 ct H VS I + 4 side stones wht Rid appr $1593 $.S29. 642-8494 8081 . ..................•... TICKETS WANTED Want to buv 2 t1ckeL'\ to the L.lgWld P.tgeanl or the Ma:;ters Reasona ble Please call 646-7012 aft6PM. 19" RCA t'Olor w remote Beaut pie S220 Nancy 540-1066. 644 6333 eves --------25" Color TV Sl25 2yr\ warranty, free delivery 642-~. Have used TV & washer Color TV console, pl~ase ca!I ~ Cash for used books . D--L & ..,.~Clean hardcovers only. ~ ,.._,, .... Not.ext books. 979..S787. Equipmt.t l pair men's metal or wood lrg sock stretcher or dryer. 499-2507 8·10am Musical lnstr .. nts 8083 ....................... New Selmer 7 alto sax $1,000or best offer. aft. 5 Xlnlcond. 631-3579 ACCORDIAN. btn pearl Lui.sell! w/p1ckup, mint cood, 120 buttoo, make ctfer. 840-3288 Gibson Copy-retaIJ S279. sell $100, Fender Pnn ceton a mp-retail $310, sell Sl!iO. 645-5930 Classical gwtar Aspe n w/case almost new. re · tails over $200. Must sell SlSO. Call Mike 955-0439 or644-2834 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • * Martin Gellman 208WmYaleLoop lrYiM Yoo are the w1Mer of two frff tickm i$15.00 value>. to Royal Lipuan Stalio.. Show at the ANAH EIM CONVENTION Ct;NTER July 14, 8 p.m Call 64.2·5678, ext. 272 to claim your tickets ..... SEIL idle items With a Daily Pt.lot Classiflt.'<l Ad 642·5678 FRIDAY-JULY 13 -8:00 P.M. hrs. 6'l2 5615. 536·2286 1948 DITTMAR 34' rabm cruiser, diesel. A 1'. rath. bait & hsh tank!> Plath t>le<:t. winch. ru11 canvas. swim s tep. largt• fishing cockpit, las t ha uled 1·78. P rice ol $19,250 ncswtiahlc fc>1 qulcksalc P/P 968·8635 20' Classic bay cruiser new fbgl hull. leak ~ bra.%, diesel, full covers. hard top. plastic wan dows MS-7430, 552-6101 IOSTOH WHALER Rare 17' Me ne m s ha cabin model. V bunk~. head, 100 h.p Johnson. o ulr i gger s , Vanso n trailer. full cover custom canva., M<tny e xtra1' mx>. o. 8.0 . 495--0681. SKIP JAQC 24' F8 1975. many xtras, (213 l 538·3182 dys, (714 1 ff4&.002.1 eves. l9T1 Sk1pjack, 24' open ('rwser . 235 OMC, 200 hrs. trlr. bailtank. hi. lung equipment. $13.700 759-0047 ve something you want to sell ? Class1f1ed ads do It well. 642·5678. r I N D T 0 1J B N a SATURDAY -JULY 14 -2:00 and 8:00 P.M. II I SUNDAY -JULY 15 -2:00 P.M. Prices are $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50 Tickets at Mutual and Ticketron outlets . 1 ...... •••rt.d ...... lMport.d AMtot. l•,on.d Alltos, Und A11tot. UIH A.to., Ua-4 ··•··•··········•••···· ....................... ·····~················· ....................•..........•.••.••••...........•.............•..• ...... ,.... 9141 .... ~Wt/ ......................... /I••• ,.,. ~w...... tHO .._ tno ..,.wdn .. ,.1 '740 vo1ca..,... t77o c ... c n1s O..•••• HZO Fwd '940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rr T-111U> 1t0 c:.1 a.u11 -··-................ . • VI. Tuckm wheel "14 Tnwta.e ml.a.I home. trtr. All ln eoc>d ........ lllmo'atru --14Sl •a:a aft •• ..... W 9061 YfA' own Ckbhl by lhe _ .......... ••••••••• Sea. ln t.be 4kt1ert o.r -.~bur 1loop very mo.t.alu . KOM FORT di-. llluM Sell 'hWkr 21' AU the rom A'MMl. fot1a. f'Wl tMlth.. Mr. AIC'. PNl\I m..a. •c.t•t ...... --~---- s.i1 t.be new RoyncHds 21 ~ T.....t ti 70 Catamaran. Standarda ....... •••• •• •• •••••• •• Incl. hMd. lllU.y. Ice 1ln'I ~ $t.h whttl box. rus.hjoo1. Hlb1 & .eo· 1'alte ~ paymenlll ~. sa .... 4. •'111y 8ulltln wsb rt d ryr lniilera.,._ Call now for vacuum. A tC Comp I ltlJPC.•~•MZ ~l funuah.-d, full & 1-'Ull) SANTANA"io -:~~:med 1*9233 Ukent!w. '"'"" lrh -m.4-1'Nlln. Utllty tllO Partnc:rshipt •v•ll. 42' &looc>. Newport Beach. ~.000 l'qWl)'. $300/mo f'\db nt1tln & equap. Mr Omln. 6'2-8903 La.Deer 25, 1977. 1ok. 6l0Ye, head. 1rebox. lrlr ~018.~ ....................... lO' 8o.l &ral~r un tubt• fra~ w lt•af i.pnnei. &. wtnt-h ft1• uda.puabll' to boat or IMkt> trailer Mu1>t St'll, t-t olft·r An.... s pm, 67S.Sl41 30lt lr1uler . l'nd oi.t'd . tandem ax le S3oOO 31'Cbpper 1975 FIG :.loop, ~ WE PAV TOP DOLLAR for'°P llMld u n f0ffi1n. domeltlet or Cl• l e. H 10Alr t'&r II u tr• c 1 .. an aee u.fiRST 1 ~ • 1 Ill Or_,.~ ~Harbor ~lv1I (.''(~'TA M th 979.zsoo WANTED! L•lr modt1I 1't1HllJ ~ Volvu"" Plt'lt ui.a & \ "'"' tllll ll-' Wd11y. Furl1' JI tr fOYOT•·YOLVO ............... 4 c ......... . ~ .... , )0) .,, '40·'4• 7 l"vt pltrl.>' 111'4.'<1'> l'lt•un C'at lNl'k c h· Ci\Slt 2l3 40-i l4Jtl •DATSUHS• "-'91 s.ct• OfAI..._... AA.Lf.:S l.f.AS I NC. l'AHTS Sf.RVl<'I': HUCH IMVIKTOIY Of l's COSTA MESA DATSUN ~llAIUIOH. HLVU 540-'4 I 0 540.0Z I 3 t:i Uut!lun .,.oz l.outit•tl, 111 1•x1•t•1.1llunul romtlllon n md1ll1111 & v 1•I'\ low milt.,, l 'u II for ch•t u ti:. ~ /:.11 um ~~L 3 s. tOblC('O bn\Jcoan•r ll hr inter f'"M 8~ttio, MC. ~.0110 o n11 m 1 " 1·~rf1•1·t SI0,1150 640 t>938 0 ~. ~&wllndi.497 16111 1966 Mc-rr t1d c-11 250!H•; ~. 11unruof, ll'nth.-r, xlot rond SS9 l2Stc or ~8300 l'Xt 21K •~k for Le&M<' 9744 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·w M<tll, KOO'f rood. nl'w Ut~ $1!14l0 •100·367!1 9746 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "11 ()pl•I JOmp.:. hit Sl2.'1CI takt'h mt• home. ltob111 l1UI bll~· 6'«j ~7 l~ (}J1d t'~IUJ>('. I t vi C'.ood mileage. ~Int 1·011cl $18.llW s:noo or lx"'il of for~26Co:.ta Ml':iJ 9747 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·73 L Pantera. mtnl t•ond. 19 ... iifi. .. ~Pi~~"'lll $1500 la k1.• ov1•r µa> fully equapped, SJ l.SOO A*5«-t'ke, Parts - 8e6-3033 & Acceuoritt 9400 ..._ ~H m~n l)> 1\s k fo1 J 1 m 963-9636 or152 1920 9750 UDO 14. Gd eood Also llonzon 2S VHF r<1d10 ~5799 ----O'DAY 20. Sla p ;.avai l. Many t'Xtras. Xlnt cond. $MOO.m.3J48 16ft Hobie Cat wJtraUer. SJ,600 496·3400 26ft Cl ippe r M arine :;ailboal . Ne w 15 hp Johnson motor. Tandum trailer. $6,250. biS.9063. ••••••••••••••••••••••• sav1c1 DEPT. Open 6 Days A Week Mon.-Frt.:7:30-5.30 Saturdays· .... Clwys • .f'ty. 2929Harbor Blvd. CCl6t.a Mesa 546-1934 TUNE UPS, Cadillacs. Porsche. profession al workmanship. l come t.o you. Jim: 955-3087. loah. Slipl/ -Wunted M unc1c M ·20, Doc:.D 9070 M-21. M·22 trans. Must be LD good cond. After ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5pm Greg 67:>-5141. SUPS AV AIL.AILE YAC Newport 64&-055...!_ Mlo5 for Sale S 1P11 avallable for charter leaseback situations. 631·1900 ----· 6Mlh. Speed & Ski 9080 ....................... 18' Ranger: 1977. 460 Ford w/Jet dnve. on t railer. 499-20SIJ, 975-0879 ~er nat bottom , ~uper d ean, 454 Chev, ba l & llluepn ntcd. V-dn ve + '<t ras. 30hrs o n t.'nJ:. m:ver tn s ail wtr, estm trlr, $7500. Call 5:JG 9574. T1 Gil portatioft ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT NOTJCE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS The price of items udvert1sed by vehicle dealers 10 the vehicle class1f1ed adve rtising rolwnns does not mclude any applica ble laxes, hrense, transfer fees. finance charges. fees for rur poUut.Joo control de- vice certif1callons or de· aler docu mentary pre· parauon eba rges unless otherwise ~J>('C1ficd by the advertiser ••••••••••••••••••••••• G••ral 9701 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1968 Ford Cortina . only 48.300 rrules Good Glib baver. S600 ~-617<1 ATTENTION! Me rccde :., B MW , ~che, Classic & 1-:x ot.ic. We will sell your <·ar on ronsignment ut your price. Best location 111 Orange County For m· formation call J im Cur rJn Autohaus •r111, t:n>W. Coast Hwy Nwpt Bch 642 6763 ·w l>'c1lsun p1t•kup w/shl'll. tn du.-.h AM FM II trk . bul•kl't st-alb & mu~:.. nd:. body work Cu 11n V ·6 mot.or & traru.. S.lO 2056 aftcr5PM ·ni ~. lo mtlea~c. :.pot It..~ l'OOd. $7750 830·9197 'Tl 211().Z 2+2 white S:;p, reg. i;as. S7 .SOO 846-6228 .........•............. 'nTurboCarrcra. hron1c• mctal ltl'. likl· 11 c w 21.500 499-5000 Yl t T . 1 970 . on e owner.Clean. 1':,.,trJ:. $7.500 '76 Targa ~I LS Cu,..~cllc de<.•k, AC. nu l 1rc•!>. gold. mtLc:;t sc~· tu ap1>r•'l'IJlt'. SlS.500. ·'97 1332 tiO 356H XJ11t rTll'C'h 1·und '78 200S X. cleun. low 25-30 M l'G B s t til r rrules. 5spd, S4tl50. 64>734.2, 871 1132d y:. 968-944.5 - -~ ----• ---·71 91 l T IS ~u5'pl~ns1on 'T7 280Z 2+2 20M mi. /\C, Ulk on blk SilOO It ::. c1 AM/FM, bronzl-. d~an. st.eal.673-4485 $73X>. 67J..WSS. --- AHoROMPo 9705 .73 :!MJZ. Mu:-t :.ell. SMOOt '75STar)(a. gold metulhr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• bt.1 olr. ~~9~~'e:. ~~22~1~~ '78 Spyder 251\1, :Jlmpi:. 960-4484 Sl 0 .000/bt'bt. R1 ('k 675·9137/Barl 833 2781 x244. '71 ~07. (;ood t:ond1l1on 1;.i.s t;t;.ih 661· 7545 '64 Porst·hl· S&X>O OR BESTOFF EH 493·3476 '72Spyder. new top. pa ant. ------1957 Coupta. "<Int l"'nntf ~ condluon, 30mp~. Fernri 9723 Cihfornia car ~1'1 wu:. 642-3'23 ••••••••••••••••••••••• offe r:. b,\ appt 0111' . .,., """ GTS. r•,....1 tun, '""' b7J.3750or 494 .Z..'O '78 Spider 25M 33mpg. •o ......, ~" " """ $93/0BO. Slvthlk. xlnt rru, $U,OOO. b.14-0llll or eond. Must :.ell this 83&-1800 week. Rick. 675 9137 or 7l ~·--T-. -0-n-g-in-al. xlnt Bart 833-2781. ext 244. l'Ood, rt'd beauty, blk mt, 2'1K , $1!1 ,500. E Hs J-689-2200 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.975 Por 911 TargJ, xlnl <'Ond . .WK mi. all lll;J 1nt n.'C'Ords. $14.000 &l-1 7:>10 Eves 759-1.585. IH2 ~Ii ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~sf '74 IOOlS '1 dr s cd /\IC. ~. S•/ ailssics 9520 AIT.S2400 Rat 9725 'IX! 912 Targa, run~ l'.rt·;ll on any g;i~. look:. SO·SO $6.'m. 67J..6510 ------- Refit 9120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fi<l2·2510 or <l·48<»S ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • l9S2 Citroen Ll.5. immae L:.tnce. 79, 11 Yi st•lf • cond.. wht lacquer paml, .,'Otltamed. used twice, + spare parts. J8 MPG heaut. Bst ofr. 540 7171. (114) ~~ -----~ ----------~ 9150 Rey~ 9530 .............................................. 72 KAWASAKI 350. 3 cyl. "O.NJ'. CON D. $650. 548·7015. 1m Triumph Ro Mev1lle. ti50 CC. Good running l:OOd . SllOO/ofr . Eves 7141547·6IS6, ask for Oar· ryl. ---------'i 4 BMW R75/6, lo mi, ~ood condlt100 $1700 493-1900 &rrulci '78 DR 370. Like new Ridden 4 limes. Asking $950. 771-0458. MustSell Moving Sl,OOOor best offer. '75, 750 Honda motorcycle, all chrome CtEtOm. 979-9790 -----· '78 Harley David s on Sx250, 4,200m i. Good cond. $750. 835·4064. blJ.9257 aft. 5. -----· FOR SALE 1968 Honda 125 Excellent cond1t1on. 1:.1 rru, must sell. ~l-6445 OUTDOOR OPPORTUNITY F\illy contained Open Road Campe r oo 66 Dodge l lf.t too truck. Gas. electric, a ppliances . $29.50. 6424429 4 Wheel DriYH 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •CHOICE !• 78GMC 4x4JIMMY V-8, auto, J>OWet' Rteerin~ & brakes, air, tilt wheel. cn.usecontrol. (61100> $8995 * J.C. FORTUNE Pootlac·GMC ~ E. 1st. Santa Ana (714)5SIHOOO Tn&b 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -9712 ....................... CREVIER &I SJ a lllOAOWAY SANTA AMA 835·3171 Tlff UlJNATI; OA1VIMO lotACHtNt. *USEDBMWs* 'Tl 32046pd, st !670SPV) 'T1 5:.>4spdSt R (0179> '78J:n 4spd OOIUOR > '78 633csiA SIR (0062 ) Cbed ~ys IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! LARGE SELECTION OFNEW 1979 320i's 528i's ALSO 633CSi ·~ IMSTOCk! Call today· We albo tn;,iy have that p re·ownl·d 'BMW you ar e lookrn~ for! ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Lancia lleta llPK S !.pd. 23mpJ:?, 16,000 m 1. lt•athl•r int. ruru./looks Ol'W. ~. 645·2954 C\'eS. '76 13 1S 2dr, 5spd, AM1FM. 24mpi:. 46M m1. $2500. 752·28331544·6649 P\."('ti '76X19 Roadster 36.000 actual miles. 1 owner Bahama yellow, J7 MPG. S41oororfe r I 164JAJ) llawauan Am Co. 559-4272 or 834-0985 '75RATX 1·9 /\:Ir rond .. 4 speed, radio. m <JR wheels. IUl!J!a..:I! rack. loaded! (898:-.;J M ) Onfy $3995 JIMMARIMO VOU<SWAGEN 18711 BEACH BL\'O. tfUNTlNGTON Bl::ACH 842-2000 Honda 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brand New '79 HONDA Cars MANY To Choose From! UNIVERSITY Rois Royee 9 7 5 6 .........•............. -#l DEAUR IN U.S.A m ROY R CARVER r ~!l~;~~~!~[ ,.,..,port Br.u It \"-----'~ ClOSEO SUNDAYS ~S1lv<>rCloud l SJ9,000 985-41.W Toyota 9765 ....................... 1977 Toyota Celtra (; r l.aflba1•k Auto mat w. u ir l'Ond , /\M f<~M '>lt'rt'll K trark. custom w hl•t•b. shadow louvn • kit. c•oc•o mals & low mtll''> Pn ply. Bc:.l o r!t·r . <.:ull 847 7'156. •5900 MILES ' • '78TOYOTA HJ.LUX PICKUP Camper shell. 4 ry lmder, 4 s peed, factory air, T a c o m a w h c t• l s . (1N658.5S) $5295 *J.C. FORTUNE 6 REASONS TO IUY & SllVICE AT JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN ·•· SBIYICI Dlf'f. 0 ,. .. 'fll. t r.M. MOHOAYS ·2· rAITS D•T. Ml .. 'TIL t r.M. MOMOA YS & 'TIL 2 r .M. SATU•DAYS .3. SALIS Dtf'T. orfH 7 DAYS A WIO .4. WILLUIALL MA•IS "MODILS, Sl"ICIAUIJ..O IH 'YW & MBC!OIS lfHI .5. wt HAYI OVH I 00 rHOWHIO ICOt<IOMY CA•S TO CHOOSE r:.OM ·6- IMMIDIATl DBJYHY OM MOST MOOft.S , 1171 I IEACH ILYD HUHTIMGTOH IEACH 842-2000 '70 vw Crnpr, n·IJlt l·ni.:. 20 Mrc; m u 't ""'I I S22001bt'l>lOf t 644 t~ '73 ~upo.·r Hui.: OrJnJ:l'. 1\ut.omall<· 1\M I-\1, J1 r. rd.'-' ,i9'J 2:!8ti m \W Bu>! i.:c10<t 1 und Sl.17!, MJlo.t• C>flt•r '163 881;, 73 It mttt'fl •'fill 11>0 ~port bt.11: '<Int rnnd ~.!i51J Aft ;) l>tZ ~ ~7 \ W "'\'t'(b I runt Pllrl .... on... run:. i.:wd \lJ kt offt•r 645 9'173 ll o Bug. nf""' eng1n1· ,11·r1-.1 S I 0 0 II o r h 1· " t 00}3596 962 34().'i ·w Dtt'S<'I ().1:.hl'I ht .1rnl Ill'"'" iitr, n ·ry di\ 1111 , \lru tank dlr 1'.!.l:!.11 l all ·; H l~I 11 :!3 l'I l>tl'"l'i H.1blnt p I' Vdvo .J l' • 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VOLVO SALES. SERVICE AHDLEASING l>Vi":HSEA.'> OJo;I.JVEHY EXJ>E HTh EARLEIKE VOLVO l!lti!Jllarbor BIHi. (.'()!o,'T /\ M ES1\ 646-9303 540.9467 ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO f:XC1,lJSIV 1-;L Y VOi. \'() 1.-ir).(t"'\t Vol vu U1·ult-r 111 Orani:1• County'. BUY or Lt:AS E DIHECT m1~~ 2025 S Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 '76Stat Wgn 2650L 6 ryl. 77TRIUMPH IOHHEVILLE 750 IS O>evy Luv: Mikado. s he ll. Npl. pane l. wheels. stereo. $.2995. ~2949. J.~ miles, hardly nd· '78 El Cacruno /\.'C. pis. deo. w ith cover a nd s ma l l. V·!L S5 .600 831-2040 495.4949 ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST Oldsmobile Honda Can • GMC Trucks 2850 11arbor Blvd Cot.ta Mcsa 540.9640 Ponuac·GMC 2(01 E. 1st. Santa Ana (714 )558-1000 A C. AM 1-"~1 !.l l'r co c.b:.. r u " s. rf ral·k . ~~~~~~~~~~ auto. xlnt l'Ond 'S.5!150 : -John b75 11 &I. !11>3 7K2<J helmets ~. 498·5365 '40.0518 ----1 Un9 Ford '¥. ton. brand new. $6200. 5334689 Sales&rv1ce·Lcas1n~ Roy Caner.Inc. Rolls fWyce BMW l540J amboree Newport Beach 64().6444 RENT L '7S Chevy :i.. lOn, 4 spd uxury Motor Pickup, needs eog work, home 22' P a l omar. butbodysound.$2200/of· Sleeps 6· $250/week + fer. (2121) Hawaiian Am. 8'mi. 64().8585 Co. 559-4272 or 834-1>985 1 •-------• RENT 23' FIREBALL '6SEICamioo SELF CONTAIN E D. REA.50NABLE. 64$-2283 Xlnt. Cood. 548-4888 IOI Mcl.AREH's -&IOOUPFROKr '72 Ford Van, 6 cyl, Gd FOil YOUR cond S97S. 810 Buena Vis MOTORHOME ta. San Cl. 4911.2307 850 N. Beach Blvd. Thal'& right -Dale's RV v-9570 LA HABRA Reotala wUl 'iy $500 to ••••••••••••••••••••••• (5 Mi. No. of SA Fwy I ~ ~~~~:: '76 Chevy CootemPo Van 1714) 52~5333 ~· motorhome. This Conversion. Staod._up l•-Sund--ay-by_A.pp•'··-· wUJ apply towards your head~m. Stove, 1ce •---------- SJ..50.$280 net per week box. sink. dinette that 75 ml one owner. excep· We're overbooked thru makes into bed. AM /FM tionalJy ctean,lllnt cond. airlines s tereo tape. Buc ket $8500 752.6204 wkdyll , Please c onta ct Mr Uasner .,.-.av._.. 714/159 ... 446 seals. etc. Gd cond. 951·38&3eves & wknds (ArWJCM9!IO> $6640. Pb _~ __ 74.1_7 __ _._ ___ 78 BMW 320i·ble blue, 11n r (, A /C, d c lux stereo/tape sys, 4 s pd, Alloya 675-0681 '75 Chevy long bed. Custom lot . St e reo. SC.CXXI mi. $5500. 498-0715. '65 Ford Super Econoline Van. Top cood. SUSO. 481Mla. 'T1 BMW S30l, elec s nrf, PS. PB, PW, e lec Bide mirror. AC. AM I F M cau, 32,000 mi. 110.100 '119 ())evy Van. Refrig Ir 1_PP_._486-4839 _____ _ stove. Sll50. 9fMM4M '75 2002 BMW : Whl w/belge, r oof, air. '78 llonda CVCC brn wlp1 ostnpes AMll"M Sl('f'OO cass. Xl nt. cood. $4,500. 644-ID33. .Jagla' 9730 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 73XJ6slvr/blk, 53.000 m i. XJntcond. Makeoffer. 631·2396 1961 2.4 one owner. mosl xlnt rood throughout. 36,CXXI miles. by appl only contat'l llelmut 673·3750 or494·2220 '76 XJ·6L lo m1. y(•llow. mint . p Pty 770.4067. 213/598-5504. 9734 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 <ihht Convert ible Periect cond. $4300 080 640-4462 '00 $180() 6'24iQ59 9740 • •••••••••••••••••••••• •1'76•450SR• Supe r b co nd it i o n mechanlcally' & cos· m etl c a lly. Load ed. 6»1712.. 675·3222. '78 .SO SEL. silver grey ; loaded. 30,000 MI. SZl .000. 644·7315 1978 Toyota Corolla SR 5. work Llftback. i\M F'M. 19.000 --------- 1'111, xlnt shapc. must sell ·74 164 E. pi:.. P b $4700. 642·9598, d ay:.. run:. .:real on r1.•1o: 963-9823 aft 6PM 496 645-1 d l'. • 9770 MILES! • '77TOYOTA COROLLA 2 DR. 4 speed. radio. heater. bucket seats. super low miles. ( l821'K E > $2995 * J.C. FORTUNE Ponllac·GMC 2(01 K 1st, Santa Ana 1714 )558·1000 '78 Corolla Sport Cpc Sspd. AC. lmlt.-d wind. AM1F M c ass. r a ds. Zlmpg. l.tkc new, $4500. 546-4191. 77 Cehca , auto. J(ood mileage, FM s tereo, k'iOO/bestofr. 830-9021 'fB Toyota Corona. good gas mi, reblt eng, make ofter 492.(l}s.4 or 494-0168 vo111-... 9770 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·11 Wa~on. c1uto. air ra<'k . new llre'l>. r<>blt tram. Xlnl <'Ond. $2500 or l~:.t olfcr Prv. Pty Gtt5·636.'> ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9905 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AMC Pacer '78/9 s ta. was:. fur, stereo, rack. 19,CXXI mi. Pwr etc Like n ew . Pv t P l y . 714494·7754. '62 Rambler. 6·eyl. gas saver Run~ like .1 top N<~·<b paint & mu!ner . ~ 751-4840 '74 MATADOR 36.000 m1, rl c a n . s har p . gd. mileage $1.600/or best ofr takes 1t. 673·0200 days, 541H046 eves & wlmds. '71 GREMLIN cpe. eeon slic k 6 Excel le n t mechanical cond. S900. S48-5148 '65 Nash Rambler. 13M actual m1, nu tires & pamt. Sl l.50. 644·6338 Mell 9910 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 Le Sabre 17mpg 20gal NABERS ~/ff • Quality & Price l .Ak<if:<>T SELECTION M' N•:w & us1.;o IN OftANca : COUN'f Y CADILLAC VALU (>; l'l t0Tf<:c1'10N 1'1,ANS Avalluhlc on M():il Can. • • 1975 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILU W\lh lcuthcr tu111-. tilt wheC'I. <'rUJ!>~ 1·1111t rol. Cabnolct top. full rw1w1·1 fitttory uar c·omJ & luw rrulc:. CM I MOW 1 $4599 • 1976 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE With lt·ath{·r. 1·r1111i•· '''" t.ml. 1\M11'·M '>l"""' & " track. Lil IX! Hf7'1t< K<) 1 $5999 • 1976 CADILLAC SEVILLE J>ad<led top, 11 It v. Ii•" I !'nose <"()ntrol. 'Pill """' *au,. AM FM "ll'r•"• 11 tr;ll'k & low, luw m il1· '~1'1"01 $7999 • 1977 CADILLAC EU>ORADO COUPE Wit h lt"dtht.<r . '>ti r"'' radJO, <'rw'" 1•cmt nil & Cubn olt·t 1011 •.ll:!HXJ1 $7999 • 1978 C ADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE D'ELEGAHCE i'\111 pov.t'r rru1•..-1·11n trol. :.lt-rt.•o "' X ll .J• lo. & w 1r1· "'ht·• I 1"'1·1, 1t,ti;.~~I $9599 • 1978 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE D'ELEGANCE !-\ill powl·r. t'rui~· enn lti11. "lt'l l 'O \\ H l l'.H k. "'111' whcd • 11\ 1·r., & oltll \ l l k 0 0 1 n"' "' 1 I 1· , <iill ZI'• $9799 • 1978 CADILLAC ELDORADO BIARRITZ !'\all\ eqwpped Wtlh ,111 elf the Cadillac pc1 .... 1•r ·" !>I.St..' l..oadL'fl & hkt· rw"' "'1th only 91111 mit., lh.~i.:Jl 1 PRICH> TO SELL • 0\'ER ll"J <ll \LJT) C: \I<:-. TO!:iELt:;CT FHU \1 • NABERS @rm!ft1r1 }C..(X) H.trll<"'< l31v,• C '"''''Mt"' 540-oi100 1977 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Wluteired lcat ht>r int foully facto!)' L'<lWPPt.'<i mt· pwr dr locks & :.phi *al.5. ult. l'ru/Sl'. slt'rt><l tape & vinyl roof Extr;i cll'11n . 38.000 m 1 lc :. t lit\S,111 ~7500 R J Dameron & 1\s :.ul' 75~2526 ·72 ('pt> de Ville. xlnl contJ Bcstorr. Must sell 7~·0154 '77 Bdot odo Coupe . Every roncc1vabl<' xtra includ ing 6 way pwr tape. cr w sc. lea ther. Elegant car at $7400/of. fer. Must sell. 1900HG EI lla wa11 a n A m . Co. 559-4272 or 834-0985 'Tl Coupe de Ville . blk o n blk . Mint eond. Moon roof. loaded. Lo mi's, ~. 644-9571. 752·8011. '78 SeviUe : Fully eqwp. drk bm melalllr . c amel top, $12,000/t o. le ase. 7~·9501 73 Sedan deVille. new Ures & ball. Lo mt. good cond. $2100. 8»9330 •Oldie But Goodie • '72CADIUAC COUPE DE VILLE Full po w e r . l andau. AM/FM. till. more. <&EIA> $1795 * J.C. FORTUNE Pootlac-OMC 2000 E. lSt. San la Ana (714)551HOOO ...... 1971 a.~Clt on CA'"-ros· C•pncet. ~Carlos. Mallbus & Novu ")rasuc reduc llOnl' SAVINOW!I! COM MELL C HEVROLET 'X..?< lt,11 .... 111, d """l\VH'-\ S46-I 200 . : : ·,,.,, : I . ~ I ; i§ ,,..........;. .... ""• ~·~k•·L.e·--- ...,.,~.,, ....... .,,.., , u ...... , "'_"_.,, JI .... c ..... Or1 .. ............ ,_....."' ....... Of'IM 1 OAY\ & WU. 761-7222 .... V"9No Goodfto 426 Cyprttt Or. l.oqwMaleoch Y•11.11ar,. Lh .. wiruw1 ''' two fr.. Hc:luth 1\1:, IJ/ YJ h ll I I•• Royal Llpin °" St•°" S..Ow .,1 11 .. 1\ ... 1\JH.I \1 I ''"'v l'."\TIO!'t ('~.:--0·1 ~.f( Jul'y 11 lif1 m I ~Ill I~ :J.1)1, ••XI :!'/::! 1 Ci 1 l.i1111 ytJur twkl'l!.. • • • ,,7 <"h1·.., y :'10 ro-..111r ,ot1h• tilll' Wt•ll (.a II .... l .1 \I• :A!. l!>'IJ 7:J \1font1· <"..irln 1 ein1l 55 Ottil m 1 11w n1•r S22!>h l)i;,~ >.Int ()M: I' I' 1;; t'ho·\dl .. w q l'rl'<• I.mid t r.i n por t .1111111 II.'' 01111 r.,k, . ., ,:,, 11·1:1.1 1 I \1 Jllhll I 'IJ"'I' \\ 11 \Int 11111<1 n J.; ~·.1,, ~J .!1111 I' I' !1t..! .1IJJ 9925 ....•.....••........... !'>,\\1111-II I' • CHRYSLER '77 CORDOBA l..o.11lt-cl 1111 lucltnl! un n•ot "l•'lt'(1, lull 1"1"'1 1 ~ (ti"-11\llt•d)!I I l.,!'11("\ ;._I \\,1rr 10t\ ;1\ .11labh· .S399S JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS l~liO ll \f{lll>I< Bl \'I> I 11.'>T.\ \IJo S \ 63 1-1276 833-9300 1o 1 < · h r ' " I • r '> 1 c1 1 trJn:.punJtJvn (Jr '-l..O tiJI um EST A. TE SALE 'iG Corrlu' J i i lmpcnal 7"tl-l~l "'kd\'" ... j 9930 •....•.....•...•.•••••• lili l.inl·nln Int 1·1111tl Kl •ll.O ma .!dr "'ht blk \11'!->'T S ~:l,J. S!l\Jli f I ~n :nr. 9 932 •....••..•••••..•...... 1977 CHEVRO LET CORVITTE T· TOP With tlUlOm <J tll' I r.111 ... l.1ldd1•d & IJ bl',1 U I \ I 1~LfWE1 ONLY $9298 HOWARD Chevro let !)OH• & Quall St:- N~"Wl'ORT REACll 833-0555 Cougar 9933 ...........•..........• '73 l'l a ~.,v. st1.'T't!O t'J~~t·ttc Jtr J1'4 r l't<' 49b l5.'i I Alt '>I' \1 or ll.\.'\'k1·ncb Ford 9940 ••.•.•••..•.•.•........ • --PHIL LONG FORD \.•••' ........ ".,.1'110...''•••h ••••"'"-Avtoc ..... ., ,.....,_ '7 6 Gran T oriit0 •t d.r sedan. lo m1, xlnt rond. Air etc. $2400 orrer 162SWC Hawauan Am Co. 559.4272 or 834 ~ •SUMM~H FUN • '71 FORD SURFYVAM v.a. automatic. s tereo tape , mags w /o vJI::.. spare l1l'e mount. h1·burk seats. (66142) $2295 * J.C. FORTUNE Pootiac.QMC 2000 E. 1st, Santa Ana (TI4)558·1000 SAU SALE SALE ZWBSOHLY OVl!:R 17 1-'0 RDS TO O IOOSE FROM All d lheet' Cl*r!I 11re 1971 Gruada 4 drs. All have wr rond, radio, heater , vlnyl interior. radials. l'tC These ar~ In very l(ond mecharucaJ cond. & appeara nce. We must bell these c11rs & are of· fcnng them lo the p ublic rof' approx $8()().$120() Un• d1·r l'lJrrt•nt Wholebale llliw Book 1-'or more in· formu lion & wht•rc to St'c 1h~·m <'a ll II••" ai urn l\m ('11 55!1 ·1<!12 or !!:» ''"" •11 I.T U 1 ll r . run:. hut '"~°"" 'om1· work S250 .'.lll14M411 "'4k tor Al 9945 .............•..•••.... IH J.111 1 11111 ~1 ,or\ \ w h I I W 11 1 t 1• I J 11 d :.J U, l• .. 1tl1·d 111 me "<Int ''1t1d f't•\ .Jl •• '•wn••r , ~I t ~Ill < .,i I ·•It t11Jm un ly ;.:Jj ~1111'/ 9947 •••.•••................ /'I l'Wf lt'l'l lll j.! likt • "'" ,1111 ,\1\1 l"M I•,.,., , .1 , W t•o'4't1I ,, ..... It, •_,"' '111~1 lfNll 'ttd••f .1111.11 11 ll r&I' •.1W•1<·1 $1 • >11 All ... 1m c .. , .... , ... , II \l.1\1111'" .\int , 11r1d J,., 1111 ~H~J 111, :rbl'J 9950 . ......••.•.•.••....... IJlt/\!\ol ,l-'.1'1 11 'I I Y"' NEW EST I.I !'llC'OI.~ \I 1-: I( ('l JO I>~. \Lr.ltSllll' RAY FLADEB&>E 1.1 "'<'0l .N \H;Hn JI'! )I, IH ,\11to ( "'lllt'I I Ir Sl>Fw, L1k" ~· .. , 1 "' , , 11 IH\ 1\1. 830.7000 • ,j· C: I .ethf \t • rt1111 l.11J1J1d "'xtr.1 \1111 11~·.t '\11 I•[• lllti• "'"'lo. """' •• 11111 ;,, llo ll~ 11r1n• ~••10 1.11 1,:1t1 ••l ( uu..:.1' ! fqcf , .-1111 .1ll 11n Ill.ii I 1 ',I, I 111'1, \.\.,' ¢\.' ••·\·~ I, \11•f1Jr1 h 1,111 I •'\•I \lr.1 """' "" lull 1•11111 l'"'•' ,,, ti ,,,,ft, •. ,. ... , llri1w 11 1 111 '>I •<'1 , 11\ l\o\M l lllll .. , ,,, i .. 1.1 9952 •••..•••............... 1979 FORD MUSTANG COBRA n 'H1111 1 • \ 1 1 ... , tc·Jn,. ,u11r .... 1 I'" 1 .. 1 ... ·r111).: ('. 111 •lo:• \ \1 f"\f ~'I 1•r I 11 rrt,1 l''> I\ IJk1 llt IA Hill} llllN1 rtltlo • (lZ!W>' cMI. 1'~01 ,6958 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 KAUO. M.YO. COSTA MISA 642·00!0 »\ \)l S'I I "'" 1 ,i; pd., I' I \ltol I""" ~t.~I 1,111 11~.t '"' l 1 I I 11 \ • I .1111! 1• I 11111 't 111 "' I'" 1111 111 ft•f 11r t Ht• IO.f.._ '.ii ..'..ol 1:~1 I. I, ~mobile 9955 ·····················-· ,1; 1·u11., ...... s . .t.111 1111• ,,, 11111• \1111 '""'" 111• I ,,. ..... 1111 -.. 111 m 1, ~.!:11111 tJ.:j X:J!Jf,' "' ' 9957 ..•.•....•.•........... Johnson & Son LINCOU .. ·MERCURY "llt.'1 1,11 nf !ht• W,.1•1. 1978 PINTO s 1 I ' 1 r t ' t 1• r 1 11 1 .111t11m.1111· r.t<h11 " h1·Jlt·r 1,,11 I B1 SJ450 -~ ll.1rh11r RI 1 · ,, ;>hi ;11\311 ;1, W1~11 Ju..,t rt•d111 1•d ,,,.., Mu..,t Sell lk :.l c )I 11•r 19-1-1~ ''""' 9960 ••••....•.............. ·1~ & 7i; l'ly muut hb lfl Fu n ·I d r s t a t 1 11 n wa gon" Al l fullv 1.oq1uppt'<l Ai r. i\M f'M rad111. P B. P /S. Mo:-t rnlors & intcn ors All m.11nlatnl•d h y t lcc·t n)('('hllOll''I All a vail ul SS-OiJ SHlOll bcluw Rluc Bouk whnll':-;tl1• pn1•t•. Oa1h• P1l11l :1:111 W lla v s t. CM 1;.i2 .. 1:w F lel'I Mana1ot'..:...~-·r ___ _ 9965 ...........••.•........ •SW DOWN OAC': • '77 LEMANS SAFARI W AGOH V 8. automatic. power steen nii. ractory air, :-pill seals. t.Jll. crwse. ruck. rallye, new radtab 1tXlSUOS1 $3295 * J.C. FORTUNE Pontluc·GMC :nx> E Isl. Santa Ana 17141~ 1000 '72 Ford ElOO wl camper AM/FM. xlnt cond, beat convef'11on. Many ex· clfer. '812-2582 lrM. tallOO OllH 146 .,.._ t720 Mercede& 1970 S Classic. lmm ac cond. $5700. Priced to aeU. 645-3232. VW • Having trouble sell· tng your car ? Try us Top dollar . Paid for or Not ' Bring your car to .l lm Marino Volks wagen, 1.8711 Beach Blvd .. Hunt· ington Beach . Ask for Frank Manno or Tom Aikin. tank. WJes reg. Lo/mt. C. 8>0. 644-IS28. ..-:•m1n10 '71PONTIAC 'TRAMSAM LOAOY.D l'or reat: 20• mlol· ......,...., H U-cont, --•ml.ta.CINI ''" ...................... . ....................... ~4tl ~·t Sill Your Car! CllW•MoT~S PAYl'IOP 001.LAR hra.. Ulld lmportf' CaUM.-orO. IJl..Jl71 SILIC110M °' AU.MOOILS SHOP •COMPARE ~hh:W1r ~ l>Al\llN r : I 1 : 1 \'1 t r , •, '79 aeo Del : 5M ml. white w/ba mboo lot. s o r f. B I a uJ u n k t A M r 1 c a ss. Mlchellna. 117.600/olter. 7S9CWO. 'fie MBZ 230SL. rold metalli c, •Int cond. .xi/belt offer. 842-0886 7Zk.,....•hlo Ot.nge color. 4 speed. racilo, mual be seen! o..tySl49S JIMMAalMO VOUC$WA•IM 18'7U BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Electr•. LTD. Loaded. '17 Camaro. lo nu's, xlnt Silver. $3400. Make ofr. cood. 77 LTD II 4 Door Very good gas mileage, a ll possible extras. S3800 /o ffe r . (33 11 1 Jim 540-$423 dys. C Eu 9915 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Seville. loaded, lo miles. Dl~ u criflce. lit~ cuh takes (714> •31DS 754-7910 19119 New tires. Very good Hawaiian Am . Co. caodiUOn. 55IM272 or 834..()88S SS.L3Z8 '71 Ford LTD. excellent "77 LT. T·top slvr wtrcd condition. air condition· ~ Int, fully eqwp 21.000 ing Sl.250. 496·5276 or tlll ~00. 8'1-3'89. 4116-79118. I • BARWICK D ATSUN , -11 111 tf1' 1' •11•• 83 1-l )Jli 49J.Jl7S 9974 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Ve1a wan. Sl200 New clllleh, aood cood. $1200. &1().4485. 17 1 B11ntlng ton Beach Fountain Valley COIT IO N •• .. • ... • .. .. -• --• I .... ' Vour Hometown ~ Daily Newspap er VOL. 72, NO. HM. 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1979 Fl FTEEN CENTS t ·Huntington Marches in Largest Paradej Huntington Bt'&cb 's annual Fourth ot JuJy parade -on the endangered list eW"lier this year will travel city streets for the 75th time Wednesday. thankl> to the help ol citizens The parade. billed as the na j tion's largest such e\ent on tht.- 1 Fourth. gets under way al 10 a m . with partJc1pants formmg up at Main St reet and Orange Avenue T he esumated 3.000 partm 4lh of" July (;elebrations !jet 011 Coast Fourth of July celebrations - many featuring fireworks dis- plays arc scheduled in severaJ Orange Coast c1tie:. Wednesday He re's a rundown of celebra tions open lo the public . COSTA MESA: The American Legion 1s sponsoring a 9 p.m. fireworks show at the Orange County Fairgr ounds, 88 Fair • Drive, preceded by bands and other entertainment beginning at 2 p.m. Advance tickets at Ticketron are $3 for adults, $2 for children and $12.50 per family. Al the gate , the price is $5 for adults, $3 ' for children and $15 per family HUNTINGTON BEACH: This year 's parade, with an expected 3,000 participants, 14 floats and 11 bands, will kick off at 10 a.m. ' a nd run for two hours from Orange to Yorktown avenues on Main Street. Fireworks will be featured, beginning between 7:30 and 8 , p.m .. at the Huntington Beach High School s tadium, 1905 Main St. Coet is $3 for adults and $2 for children. LAGUNA NIGUEL: Family fun will begin at 11 a.m. al f rown Valley Community Park 'I' wnn a treasure bunt, pie eating and races. Bands will also play all day, with a parachute exhibi- tion and fireworks scheduled al 8:30 p.m. Admission is free. NEWPORT BEACH ~ M arlnera Community Assoc:ia· Uon will hold a parade and pic-nic at 10 a.m . al Marlnen Parle. Tbe Balboa Improvement Al.· aoclaUon will 1pob1or a free firework.a abow at 9 p.m. at the Balboa Pler. Newport Duw 'Uf.:auc Park, near Salt Coaal bway and Jamboree Road wtU offer < ... l'Oll&TB, Pase Al) pants. 1nclud1n1: tho11~ in 11 muctung bands and others on 1-i flo ts, will move up M 1un to u dis banding point at Yorktown A\•enue The parade will la!>t about two hours One of the d1gn1lari~s tn the parade will b~ tax crusader Howard Jarvis, whose efforts on behalf oC Proposition 13 m~arl) :.pelled the end of Lhe Huntington Beach extravaganza The r lly council eliminated the $20,000 it kicked in for the parade in 19'78 because of finan- cial cutbacks. The ball was dropped on the city's Special Events Board m February and its membe r s raised nearly $26,000 to keep this year's parade afloat. Much of the money has come in small Sl a nd $2 donatio ns from 10- d1v1duals. The largest donallon. $5.000. came from the Hunt- ington Beach Company Relax, R e lax, R e lax These people, practicing In a warmup for the Fourth of July, proved that you don't have to char1e around to en· Joy the holiday. You can watch the surf from Corona del Mar; snooze in the sun at Hunt1n1t.Qn Beach or ventilate your feet as the surfer does near Huntington city pier . , - Other prominent fi gures m Wednesday 's parade will be j(rand mars hal Harry "Cap" S he ue a nd h onorary grand marshal Pat Sallman. whose late husband, Lawrence, wa~ former chairman of the special events committee The usual contingent of city council members and local area congressmen and assemblymen wil l be v1 s 1ble to parade watchers along the route C ity co unci lwo man Ruth Finley will travel in a solar powered electrical vehicle. Holly Sue Calkin. Miss Orangt: County World. and Donna Hogle. California J unior Miss, will ridl' in designated autos as will auto dealer Cal Worthington and whatever "Dog Spot" he chooses for Independence Day. City officials are predicting a crowd or between 50.000 and I 100.000 people will watch it all, lower than past years because' the Fourth falls on Wednesday inst ead or a weekend this year. , Fireworks fans can see a pyrotechnics disp lay al 7 .30 p m Wednesday a l Huntington Beach lltgh School':, athletu: field A tnck motorcycle crew will cnlt:rtam lht.> crowd bdon· sun· !.Cl Adm1ss1on I~ s:1 for adu l~. $2 for kid~. Killed Moscone, Milk White Sentenced: 7 Years, 8 Months SAN 1-'RANCISCO IAPJ Dan White. whose voluntary mans laughter conv1cuon in the k ii It n gs o f M a y o r G e or g c· Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk st't off a n ot al City llall. .... as Sl'nt<.•ncl·d toda~ lo Sl'Vcn years and eight months in µra son the maximum allowed b~ law Whitt• will bc cl1g1l>ll' for parole 10 about fi ve Yt:'ars The mimmum :.entence that Supe rior Court Judge Waller Calcagno could have imposed would have been four years. As Calcagno passed sentence on an expressionless White, a minor demonstration was taking place outside the Hall of Justice. A bout 20 people carried signs c ritical of the police depart- ment's handling of the case The judge s aid that because of the serious nf'ss of the crime, he was giving While lhl' maximum term allowable by law. Before the senten ce was handed down. White's lawyer. Douglas Schmidt. told the Judge By STEVE MARBl.E 01 lhe O.tily Polol 51.tll Huntington Beach City At torney Gail Hutton says she can't decide whether the ap p orntmcnt or .Jim P al in a::. Development Services director 1s legal or not. In a legal opinion. requested las t wee k by Mayor Don MacAllJsLer, Mrs Hutton writes that after "exhaus tive re · search" she's concluded that maybe the appointment 1s vabd or maybe it's not. M acAllisler request ed the opinion June 25 when the council bypassed a recomme ndation from the city administrator and named Palin to the job. Part of the problem, Mrs. Hul- ton writes in the four-page docu- ment, is there appears to be dis· agreement over how Palin got the $44,234-a-year job. If the council meant to a ppoint Palin with its 4·3 vole, she claims, then the action is in- valid. However. if the council meant lo direct City Administrator Bud Belsito lo appoint Palin then the action is valid, she says. Council members also seem lo be in a quandary over what they did. Councilwoman Ruth Bailey, who voted for Palin, says the vote was a recommendation for Belsito t.o appoint Palin Councilma n Ron Pattinson says be thinks the vote was an atte mpt t.o usurp Belsito's power and is illegal. Last week he went to Orange Co unty District Attorney William Evans and requested that criminal charges be filed against the four who voled for Palin. Councilwoman Ruth Finley. who voted for Palin, says the legality question is secondary and that the council action was clear . "The action certainly wasn't intended to be illegal and it was clear what we were attempUnc to do," aays Mn. Finley. "ti we did it wroo1 somebody should have helped u.a to do it right." he had sent a "letter or m1t1ga tion." The contents of the letter ~ere not disclosed. but Calcagno then said he round that Wh1te \\as not eligible for probation Schmidt also ask<.•d that Whitt• be given special µrott'Ct1on in pris on, ~inc c a::. a form«r policeman he t·ould fact· reprisals from other inmate::. Thl• Judge rult•d that Wfltlt' .,., ould be allowed 218 days for time served in ;ail :.mce he sur· rendered after the killings No v. 27. The stale Community Release Board could cut as much as onc- third from the term if White 1s eve ntually cons id e r ed for parole . White was seated at the de· fense table, fl anked by h1s at torneys, Schmidl and Stephen Sherr. behind a bullet -proof glass. White's wife. Mary Ann . s at in the court room with several fnends. She did not reg 1ster any reactJOn to the sentence 3 R oll Tod ay AP Wtr•P'hoto GETS SEVEN YEARS SF Slayer White Quakes Shake State Sixth Day in Row By The Associated Prt'S-., A busy week for Ca hfornw Parthquakes cont1nu<'d toda;, v. ith three sma ll tremor~ rum hhng through tht' San F'rancisco and Santa Barbara areas two almost simuJtaneously -· on ttw sixth straight day of earth movl' m en ts m the slate. A quake measurmg 3.0 on tht• Richter scale j iggled San Fran cisco al 6.30 a m .. and at 6 03 a m a temblor registering 3 2 quivered m Santa Bar bara Seismologist Kale Hulton at Caltech in Pasadena said she believes the simultaneity was a coincidence. "I trunk they're loo far apart to be related." s he said. "earth· quakes of that size are common enough that such a coincidence is not surprising.·· The Santa Barbara quake was followed by another jolt al 6:35 a.m ., which measured 3.4. Both centered a mile south of Santa Barbara in the Santa Barbara Channel. "They (seismologists) are not necessarily classifying them as a ftershocks ~rom lhe Goleta qua ke l asl ye ar , which measured 5," said Caltech spokesman Dennis Meredith. "It could be an aftershock phenomenon," added Ms. Hut· ton. "It might not be." Santa Barbara earthquake watcher A.E. Banks. who has three s mall seismograpbical machines in his basement, said he was sitting for br:eakrast when the quakes occurred. "I felt the table jar just one little bink," be said. There wet e no r e ports of damage. A reading of less than 3.5 on the Richter scaJe is con· s ide red a minor quake that normally causes little or no damage. The San Francisco quake 300 miles north of Santa Bart>.ra was centered near Fremont on the east side or the bay, accord- ing to t.he UC Berkeley Seismo- graphic Stat.ion. UC officials said the temblor WIS "widely felt." The San Francisco quake of 1906 •as estimated to have been the equivalent of an 8.3 on the H1t•htcr SC'a lL' Thl' Santa Barbara and S.rn Francisco quakes c<iml' artcr f1\c davs of temblors had rattled -.parsc.ly populated Southern Caltfom1a desert and mountam areas Two minor temblors. recorded 45 minutes apart Monday, were c·cnte r e d about 21 m al e~ northwest of the desert resort of Borrego Spnngs m San D1egn County and measured 3.7 and 3_1l rt•spect1 vely on the Richter scale. The first struck at 4.51 a.m . the second a t 5.42 a.m. said Calterh seis molo~1sts Local ofCic1als said th<.• latest quakes. however. went virtualh un n oticed and caused n o damage or injuries m the com· mun1 ty, about 90 miles northeast of San Diego. Oran:Q_Coasl L •-== O ._~-: Weath er Late night and morning low clouds but mos tly sun- ny Wednesday afternoon. Lows tonight 58 to 62. Highs Wednesday in upJ)t'r 60s at beaches to mid·70s inland. I NSIDE TODA"' Catalina 's Zane Grey Pueblo Hotel. originally the home of Western author Zane Grey, is one of the few hotels in the world without room· number.s. In.stead, each room beau the title of one of Grey's books. See 1''eatunng, Page Cl. - •1 lllCllA.El. P.UXEVIOI .. ...,~ ..... ··1 bss#d an ..,,_ o1 ... plo1lvea lo Vietnam I t!\ouaht I could handl"" nrewOfb." Cbarlea Samuel Duke, 30, talked baltlnab and palnfUlly t(} day of h1I nlptmarlsh evening \o Huntlqton Beach IHl S.tur day. Ht wu "Just over 1t a trtend's ·1t'lthlaeld Dafa" "I U.l ll and baeked off at lust 40 feet," 1ald Ouke "AU of a suddttn ( Wall hit in the eytt It ltnO<'kl'd ml" bul'k about I~ fet•t . and wh~n I aot up, I Mt blood pouring out ol my eye ' Duke remembtHI t h e Hutton Flays . .. Fired Lawyer For mer HWltington Beach dep uty caly attorney John O'Coo nor would disappear for hours at a tim e without explanation. City Attorney Gail Hulton tes tified Monday when asked to defend he r firing of O'Connor Mrs. Hutton , questioned by Deputy City Attorney Robert Sangster on the opening day or O'Connor's personne l hearing, also said the ex-employee would keep informa tion from her and 1•a lled himself a "pr ivate at torney." Mrs. Hutton testified that when she asked O'Connor to re v~al a conversation he'd had wiUl Councilwoman Ruth Bailey last March, he raised his voice and said "that's privileged in- formation." Tbe city attorney said that when she pressed O'Connor further he became "while-faced, Split Vote OKs Sclwol Equipment Huntington Beach's Ocei:tn View (elementary) School Dis· trict trustees split, 4·1. Monday night in authorizing the sale of $110,000 worth of bonds fol' new equipment. A bout $45.000 is to go for sawdust collectors for 10 schools with woodworking classes. Some $60,000 is to be spent on duplicat ang equipment for district head· quarters Board President Jay Rivera 'oted against sale of the bonds scheduled for retirement bPtween 1980 and 1985 The bonds actually were ap- proved by district voters an 1969 or the $7.5 m1lho n bonding dUthonzed that year. the district spent some $5.5 million in build· ing new schools and expanding older ones. The $2 m1lhon IE'ft over can tw sµent only on capital improve· ments. administrators say. Rivera said in voting against M onclay's a uthori7.at1on that he doubts voters who okayed the bonds whPn the dist rict was ~rowing wou ld approve of spending the residue after ex· pansion needs we're taken c<1re of Districl Superintendent Dale Coogan originally submitted a proposal for spending more lhan $300,000 in bond money on a series of capital inprovement projects. l nrlud ed w e re s torage facilities for a couple of schools. improvement of a dis trict-owned site for use as a park, duplicat in g equipment for several schools and retirement of a stale loan Tr ustees decided last month tha t lhey want to study the list more before giving considera · Uon Rivera urged the board and a d ministrators lo earmark funds from the planned sale of the old dist rict headquarters property at Beach Boulevard a od Warne r Avenue to retire the bonds authorized Monday night. O"ANOl COAST H r DAILY PILOT fN0••"'91', ... tU..trPoot •UP'lw9't(f\t\CO'Yt O.flllloO ftWI> ,__l Pf~\\ I\ PMCMO""td 0¥ Ow Or_... CM\tf'V.,1tiNMr~, ""'•'•.at•~ .. ,. ouftlltl'ed Moftat• tfW'~ Fttd•Y IO. (0\1• ~ N~ 8'«'-tiW!ttf\.Q1tft ,_,_," toun l .. f'Y•I ... ''°""'° l-~*<"1$ovt .. Coe\I • "f'l'tlf r.~1 ~·~I\ OVOll\tiied ~Wfti11W\411WJ ~¥\ n. D'W•O.I PVef•\f\f"'O SMMlt I\ •t J,,. """" 9•~ ,,,.... '°''.,...\II c llhlftf"'• •tth • ._. .. _ .. _fl'•ftd--, .... c ...... YtUl'Tt\IClel'l•ndGo>--~ "'-"! ......... . .,., .. Tlle-tA ............ Mt~lflt £04!0< a.rle•N lM• !tic...,.,."'" AOlll..-t Atilt .... l"O 11111"" ·----.. ,,Ot_C.tvfll•t.fltor Ml#l'lllllMOft a111ott ontce ,,.,.u ... ~~o ._..11,flllAOOt't" PO ~·''01'1MI ttghl·lipped and l>tarled lo :.bake. .. If he'd be1:n sitlang at a tle:.k he would have slammed 1t w1lh his fasts," O'Connor'!> former boss testified. O 'Connor was fired March 20 by Mrs. Hulton While under questioning from both Sangster and O'Connor'l> attorney, Cecil Ricks, Mrs. llul· ton said that the fo rmer deputy city attorney frequently dem· onstrated ins ubordination. was impertinent and wrote an incompetent opinion. Mrs. Hutton tes t ified t hat she'd thought of firing O'Connor an January when he refused to explain an absence from the of· rice. .. I wanted to consider it very carefully because l knew he'd attack me personally and in the press." said the city attorney. Mrs. Hutton said she fired O'Connor "when it became im· possible to operate as city at· tomey. I los t all confidence in him." Meanwhile. O'Connor con tinued to allege that he has been denied access to files a nd docu- m en l s he needs lo defend himself. Sangster was as ked by hear· ing officer Joseph Gentile to open the files for O'Connor·s in· spection. O'Connor said he s pent an hour with his attorney yesterday reviewing files in the city at· torney's office. He contends. however, that he 1s still unable to locate a pair of diaries he says give an exact ac· counting of his whereabouts and activities as deputy city at· torney. O'Connor claims the diaries were snatched in "a raid" on h1 s office the day he was fired The personnel hearing con· t1nued today. Gentile, a Los Angeles at torney selected by the city Personnel Commission, say~ he expects the hearing will be con· eluded by Wednesday. He says he will make a recom mendation to the commission in :..ibou t lwo months. The commission has the rtl-(ht to either accept or reJect the recommendation. Plea Entered In County Slaying Case Murder s uspect Tom Barley. 51, pleaded innocent and inno· cent by reason of insanity today at his arraignme nt in Orange County Superior Court. Judge Richard Beacom ap· pointed two psychiatrists, Or Seawright Anderson and Dr Ernest Klatte. to examine Barley, a former Daily Pilot re· porter. He: was ordered lo appear in a pretrial hearing Aug. 3 before .Judge Mason F enlon and his Jury trial was set for Oct. 15, a lso before J udge Fenton. Barley was a rrest ed on murder cha rges May 26 a fter his 46-year-o~d wife , Catherine. was sl abbed lo death in a Santa Ana shopping center. He had been placed on proba· lion in Ma rch after pleading no contest to assault with a deadly weapon in connection with a knife a ttack on his wife last December. Barley is being held in Orange Cou"ty Jail in lieu of $250,000 bail ,.,..,,. PffP A I FOURTH ... fireworks at 9 p.m . Admission is $1 per person. SAN CLEMENTE: The U ons Club wiU hoet • barbecue from noon lo S p.m. at 100 Avenlda Seville. Veterans of Foreign Wara will send up firework• at the city pier at duek. Adml11lon 11 free. 8AN JUAN CAPISTa ANO. Games and rutt. lnelud.lna a pie toss 1.nd eventa for cbUdren, will be held from lO:iO 1.m. to 4 p.m . in a field on Del ObQpo betwHn Qrt.e1a Hlthway and Camlno C1plttrano. Food, aon drlolr• and *r will be aold. •corcaun, aaony and the fr.anur rlde 'o P acifica Community Ho1pltal. where h~ wa!. "Im· mldlatAtly 1crubbed down and. o perated on" bJ pby1lelana Micha I and Danlel Sl1blnd. Tht' t'Yt' sur1ioon8 removed a wud tif lht• projectile which had More 1ur1rery ts possible Duke, rec up~ratln g at his home in Lakewood, lan't 1ure ll he• JI set b l1 Job back as a warehou11man for a met a ls nrm. He'll be laid up and his eye bandaged for at least "three or four months." bor"d throu.ch Duke's raf(ht Even wi th the aid of painkill· ••velld ing med.lcaUon, whe n he blinks 'T hey at·um to thlnk won't his ~ood eve. "It feels like m y H4-' out of It &1tlain." head ls coming off." Sunlight -=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~-=~ .,,w, ......... PUSHING FOR MORE EXECUTIONS IN FLORIDA Bobby Culverson, Bruce Ma nn, Charlea OwenslnShlrts T-shirts Df3mand Kille r 's Executio n ATLANTA <AP> -A Georgia disc jockey and two friends an· selling T-shirts urging lhe ex ecution of a convicted murderer who once said lus ambition was to kill 1,000 Pl"<>plc. T he T-s hirts, which carry an art is t's drawing or Georgia's electric chair. ask death for Carl Isaacs Jr • convicted of murder in the shootings of s ix members of the Ned Alday family in 1973 ··Bus bee, F'ry l saacs," one style, in black lettering, urges Georgia Gov George Busbee "First Spenk e link , Now Isaacs." proclaims the other. its red letters a reference to con victe d murderer John Spenkelink. formerly of Buena Park, whose execution May 25 1n Florida prompted a Jacksonville police softball team to sell team to sell T-s hirts reading "l Down. 1:13 to Go" a reference to Lhl' number of inmates on Florirta's Death Row -to raise money to attend a tmlrnament. Any profits from sale of tht' r. (•org1a shirts. which cost S5. wtll go to charity, disc jockey Charlie Owens said Monday, :..iddmg t hat he hopl•c.l to sell enough to ·•go to Atlant<1 and pn•s ent Busbee with a shirt." from the Alday home near the Florida line Ned AJday, his three sons and has brother were s hot to death as they s h owed up during a huri::lary of a mobile home When a daughlt'r in law. Mary /\ld:t), arr1vl·d. sht• was raped .ind shot to dC'ath lsctal'~. Wavnl' Carl Colrman and G<>org1.: Oungl·c . all of Maryland. were convicted. The convictions and death sentences have been under appeal since they were handed down an 1974. In a 1975 series of prison tn· terviews. l~aacs. then 22, said he had no regrets about the deaths of a family that n eighbors described as hard-working and God-fearing ·'I'd lake to get out and kill more of them," he said . "They represent the type of society I don 't like. I didn 't know them, had never seen lhem before May 14, but I didn't like them. Work - ing people don't do a damn thing for me " Isaacs oncE> ho;tsted that gun· man .John Dillinger killed 16 pt•oplc ht•fon· he was slain in 1934 an Chi cago · 1 killNl 15 myself <1nd I a in't near as old as Dillinger was" Owens said that if Isaacs' sen· tence was reduced to life in prison, he would be eligible for parole soon. hurts. but be says he doesn't feel like going outside these days anyway. T h e expe rience has taught him that anything can happen wlth fireworks. legal or not . "You just don't know about anything that 's explosive. Any kind or fi reworks ha ve gun· powder in the m ." said Duke. who doesn't want to discuss the type of device that caused his blindness WlliJ insurance ma t· are lers are woriced out. He "chewed out" hi.a H ·year· old nephew Monday when be saw him firing off bottle rockets and wishes parents would lak~ all fireworks a way from their kids. ·•My fire work s days are over," said Duke . "I guess r had to get hurt to grow up. "I still have one eye left to see with and I 'll be taking extra care of that one .. Parents Win Round Coflege View Busing S'tays Petitioners residin g in ~ neighborhood near Golden Wesl Streets and Heil A ven ue suc· cessfully argued Monday night that a bout 25 primary grades ch ildren s houldn 't lose their school bus. Huntington Beach's Ocean View (elementary) School Dis· trict trustees voted unanimously to continue bus service for the College View students another year. But in other action . the board c u t b us s e..r v i c e to so me ne1~hborhoods where childr en attend Spring View, Mesa View. Vista. View. G le n View and Marine View schools . Cuts 10 buses serving the a reas -legally within walking dis tances of the schools the children attend -are expected to save the district a n estimated $17 ,000 in transportation costs next school year. Trus t ees had planned to cancel the College View bus ser vice to save an additional $3,444 until 15 parents and their .1eighbors showed up to argue that the walk lO school was " un· safe " They presented a pel1l1on GWC S u mmer Registration Siill Open Registration will remain open until Friday for students who want to enroll in Colden West College's extended summer session. Officials h ave added 57 c lasses. ranging from art to biology and motorcycle mam· te nance, to the summe r session. which will run until Aug 20 at the Huntington Beach campus. Registr ation is being handled on a first-come. first served basis in the campus Admirustrn I.ion Building from 8 a m to 7 30 p. m . th rough Thu rsd uy On fri day, registration will be acct-pt cd from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m . A $3 health fee as require<! for a 11 students and som e courses carry additional fees for use of materials . For more informa lion phone 892· 7711 . ext. 482 or 429. bearing 200 signatures in a move to save the three bus runs serv- ing the kindergarteners through third g ra ders. Board President Jay Rivera was impressed. "It's pr o b abl y t h e m ost significant number or petitioners l 've seen on an issue since J joined this board," he said. The parE'nls were warned, though, that next year may see an end to the neighborhood's buses. T rustees almost unanimously agreed that the energy crisis, cost of gasoline and dwindling tax income eventually could eliminate all busing in the dis trict. Huntington Dissolves Connnissio n John Stem. a veteran Hunt· 1ngton Bea('h planning com· missioner, is about to lose his JOb for the second time and he's far from being happy Tht.• City Council voted 4 to :1 Monday ni~ht tr> dissolve th1~ 1·urrt•nt comm1ss111n and to r1· build 11 hy letting t·ourH.'11 mem hers :.elect their own plJ11 ne rs Ste m . fired last year when tlic council dumped lhe entire com m iss1on. says t h e move 1s "poltt1cally motivated " "This won't result an a better com m1ss1on but it will allow some people to take control of the city's planning d1rectJon · ays the comm1ss1on 's semor member Stem claims that four of the council members who voted in favor of the new planning com· mission ordinance Monday night haven't attended comm1ss1on meetings. Councilmen rlon Paltans11n. Clancy Yoder. John Thomas and M aynr Don MacAlltstt'r vott.·d for I he ordmanet' Stern chums llnly Thomas has :..illended com m 1:.s1on sessions At·cording to Development St'rv1ces Director Jim Palin, the commission will be dissolved in tiO days if the council adopts thl' ordinance next month. "Here w e ar e n ear Tallahassee, where Bob Graham, the new (Florida> gov· ernor. has done something. Our governo r . is not doing anything," Owens said in a telcphont..• int1..•rv1ew from his home in Bainbridge, a few mile5 With Rolex, diamonds are right on time. Motorcyclis t Dies In County C rash A 21 -year·old motorcyclist was killed Monday ni ght when his vehicle apparently went out of control along Beach Boulevard in La Habra and slammed into a tree. The victim was identified as Chris Krogsgaard, a resident of La Ha bra . Police said he ap· parently was not wearing a safe· ty helmet. New Daily Pilo t Price in Eff e el Home delivery price for the Dally Pilot went from $3.SO to $3.75 per month ef. fective Sunday. July I. 1979. P r ice of s ingle copieR sold at coin boxes or over t h e counter w e r e Jn . creased to U cents daily. and to 35 centa Sunday . At $3.75 per month, the Oaily Pilot home delivery price remains a mong the lowest for 11even -day ne wspapers In Southern Ca lifornia. Your Dally P ilot ear· rler. who is an indepen· d ent mercha nt. will r e a llte an lncroase In profit for his or her services to you at the new price. Continuing major cost incrtuH In all aspects of new1paper ,production and dJatrlbutJon. such 111 a 15 percent 1ncr•a1e In the co t of newsprint, make thlt lncrtHt neceaaary . , Fine Jewelers Slnt>~ 1917 The d1stinct1v1• 18 karal }l'llO" gold Holt"ic Day Datt-\\1th match1ni.: hidden ctusp bract' let. A. Unadorned. $5,250.00 8 . Wi th diamo nd dia l. $5.925.00 C With diamond bezel and diamond dial. $9,075.00 Or add to your own 18 karat ~old Day· Date a diamond bCll'I for S3.l50 00. or a diamond dial for $675 00 , or both for $3.825 oo. Fashion Island. Newport Center , Newport Beach I (714) 644-1380 3 Olhtr Loc111\lons Weatmln11ter Mall, Laguna Hill~ Mall, Oran11t, Cerritos Al10 Or1111ler l,,01 Anaelea Sao Dle10 / t..s Ve.ua UN t<lt ti Q111tt• I COft>\'ftieflt t llell • pltM 0( Amtnte" Ellpr-. ~IU. 'llHl#r C'lltr .. J -·--.._ ____ 17 lrVlne EDITI O N Your llometown Dally Ne,,.,spaper I VOL. n. NO. 111<1. 3 SECTIONS, 31 PAGES FIFTEEN CE NT~ ;Steiger Sags Wife 'Ban Bets' at Tra~k I LOS ANG~l.ES CAP> A ruror al"Ole today dunna the Rod Stelter divorce lrtal wbl'n t.h~ white·bail'ed •clor commented that hls wile, a racetrack buff, used lo "run bets" ror other peo- ple. "Do you meao to say :Jhe was a bookie?'" asked Mn. Steiger':; attorney, Harold Rhoden . "No," Steiger said .. But she told me sbe ran bets for other Quakes ContirtUR :In State By Tbe Associated Press A busy week for California e~rthquakes continued today. with three sm all tremors rum· ~ bling through the San Francisco a nd Santa Barba ra areas two a lmost simultaneously on the s ixth straight day of earth move. men ts in the stC1te. A quake measuring 3 O on the Richter scale jiggled San Pran· cisco at 6:30 a. m .. and at 6: 03 a .m . a temblor regis tering 3.2 quivered in Santa Barbara. Seismologist Kate Hutton at Caltech in Pasadena said s he believes the simultaneity was a coincidence. "I think they're too fa r apart to be related." she said "Earth- quakes of that size are common t>nou~h that such a coincidence is not surprism~." Th(' Santa Barbara quake was followed by another jolt at 6 :35 a .m .. which measured 3 4 Both centered a male south o f Santa Barbara in the Santa Barbara Cha nnel. ''They (seismologists> a re not necessarily classifying them as a fte rs hocks fro m the Goleta quake l ast yea r whi c h m e a ~u red 5." s<t id Cal tec h <See QUAKES. Page A2> Cops Walk Out As Mascot's SI.ayer Freed NAPA tAPl -Napa po lice of· I ri ce rs Staged a "blue rtu" ; walkout when the alleged killer 1 of their lone and beloved police 1 dog was freed without bail. Vern. the 31".i-year-old. four- 1 legged pride of the de pa rtment ! was stabbed in the line of duty , Saturday after atte mpting to l drag a vandalism s uspect from i an apartment closet. Ve rn died 1 Sunday • Harry Reese. 21. of Napa, was ,'arr ested a nd c h a r ged with t several counts of assault and at· i tern pled murder o r a policeman. He was not char~ed with Vern's ·death, though officers sa id they 1 s aw the slaying. 1 Held on SI0.000 bail over the ' weekend. Reese was re leased on his recognizance Monday by a ' Napa County Municipal Court 'JUdge. • A lmost immediate ly a fter Reese walked out the door, 11 1 Napa policeme n walke\off the ·job r i • ' ' l f r Orange Coast Weather Lale night and morning low clouds but mostly sun- ny Wednesday afternoon. Lows tonight 58 to 62. Highs Wednesday in upper 60s at beaches to mid·70s inland INSIDE TODA 't' · I Catalina's Zane Gr ey l Pueblo Hotel, originally the t home of Western author Zane \ GreJI, Is one of the few hotels \ in the world unthout room I numben. lnatead, each room beart the title of one of Grq'a boob. See Featuring, I P•CJ. I ~t°fe.f ..... ·~·~~ a ,,_....._.a....._~ .. L.M..... M ....... ...,. .......... , .......... .. ~ _,....._. ..... M ~ CA-tt Or .... c..y •• C..• .. .......... ., gs ~,=-........ ·~ .... "'f:-:9 .. .. ,. ... ,. CN ....._ ~ .... J aWwN ....... M ............. bettot'1', and Ir they won she aot 1i1 couple of hundred dollart> ·· Rhoden, who called Steiger ai. • hostilf' witness, obJected ve ht-me nlly 1ts Steiger 'i. at torney tntld to sto p the lme of q uestioning "T his man has md.a cattd th.a~ woman wa:, making m oney a:. a bookie or by som e tllegal m eans." Rhoden shouted At tha t point. Steiger 1tsked to explain f'-lrther. '· t want· tt unders tood that J was proud of my wire's ability with horses." he said, speaking In the r a pid. clippe d tones familiar to moviegoers "I de pended on tl When we went to the Kentucky Derby l was very proud that she picked the first two winning horses "I don't mean lo imply in any way that it was dirty or illegal," Familiar Feathers Osprey lounges atop Newport. Harbor's famed os· prey platform. Balboa bird watchers say the sea- going hawk look up residence on the platform this week. IL isn't known if it is the same osprey who created a stir last year when it built a nest atop the foremast of a schooner moored in the harbor. When the boat's owner wanted to move his vessel, the s pecial platform was erected, but the osprey lost in - te rest in the proJecl and . at the time. went e lsewhere Fireworks Costs Man an Eye in HB By MICHAEL PASKEVIOI OI llW O.lly Piiot St•ll "1 handled all types of ex- plos ives in Vietnam . . I thought I c ould handle fire works." Charles Samuel Duke, 30, talked haltingly and painfully to- day of his nightmaris h evening in Huntington Beach last Satur· day. He was "just over at a friend's house," getting ready to go to the r)'lovies with his fiancce and her family. Passing the time by lighting a few fireworks seemed like fun. ''I lit it and backed off al least 40 feet," said Duke. "AU or a sudden I was hit in the eye. It knocked me ..back about 15 feet, and when I got up, I felt blood pouring out of my eye." Duke r e memb e r s the scorching agony and the frantic ride io Pacifica Community Hos pital, where he was "im - mediately scrubbed down and. operated on'' by physicians Mic hael and Daniel Sigband. The eye surgeons removed a wad or the projectile which had bored through Duke's right eyelid. "They seem to think I won't see out of it again." More surgery is possible. Duke, recuperating at his home in Lakewood, isn't sure if h e'll get bts job back as a warehouseman for a metals flrm. He'll be laid \IP and bis eye bandaged for at least "three or four months." Even with the aid of painkiU- ln1 medicaUon, when he blinks bls /ood eye. "It reels like my bea is comlnt off." Sunlight hurta, but he says he donn 't feel like 1oing out.aide these days anyway. The experience h as taught him that an ything can happen with fireworks, legal or not. "You j ust don't know about anvthinl!: that's explosive. Any kind or fire works have g un- powder in them," said Duke. who doesn't want to discuss the type of device that caused his blindness until insura nce mat te rs are worked out. He "chewed out" his 14-year old ne phew Monday when he saw him firing off bottle rockets. and wishes parents would take an fireworks away from their kids. 7 Colleges 8oot'ted by Newport Fund Grants or about $1 million to each of seven independent col- leges in California have been an· nounced by the Harry G. Steele Foundation of Newport Beach. The grants, a foundation spokesman said, will be added to the unrestricted e ndowment funds of Pomona College, Scripps College, C laremont Men's College, Harvey Mudd College and Pitzer College of the Claremont Colleges group;• Oc· cident.al College in Los Angeles, and Mills College in Oakland. "The foundation has, in the past. made scholarship grants to these colleges. Thia year, it was concluded that unrestricted en· dowment was essential because of the pr'Menl and future dif · tlcult times the independent col· tea es I ace," tbe foundation 1pok•man Mid. he went on. "I see nothing wrong with a lady running bets." Earlier, S herry Steiger testified the actor waited until their wedding invitations had been sent before telling her Lo s ign a prenuptial agree ment waiving her rights to any of his property or earnings "He said we both had lo sign s uch an agreement. Otherwise there would be no marnage " Mrs. Steiger said. "l knew I had to s ign, or I wouldn't get mar ried." Superior Court Judge Harry Sh afer asked Mrs . Steiger "And that was very important to you getting ma rried?" "Yes,'' Mrs. Steiger said firmly. In her second day on the wit ness stand, Mrs. Steiger, a 42 year-old racetrack handicapper discussed the couple 's invest· ments in two race h~es named Stained Glass and S iSTer Glass-, She said she put the couple's in· te re s t in both horM•s in her husband's name and felt the' owned them toget'her She is seekml? half thP at·tor s 41sse ls in a Lee Marvin-styll' property rights tna I Steiger '-; a ttornt-y 11 .irr} CSee RETS, P al(e \~I Killed Moscone, Milk White Sentenced: 7 Years, 8 Months SAN FR ANCISCO t ,'\Pi Dan White·. whn'>t' 'ol un tar} mans laughter l0onv1et1on m th1· ki llings o r Mav11r (;Pnrgt· Mosc·onl' and Supervisor llarve} ~ilk set off a not al Cit~ llall was sentenced todav to st•v<·n years and e ight months m pn-.on thl' maximum ullowcd b} law Wh ite• Will bl' t·llg1 l1lt• r11r pnrok in about flH• Yt'an. T h<• minimum !'ll·ntcnc·e th.11 S uperior Court .Judge Walter Caka,:!no could have 1m 1>ost•d would have bet•n four vear~ As Cakagno passed sentence on an cxprcss1onh·ss Wh1lt", .. minor demonstration was taking plaC'e outside the llull of Ju~llt'l' A bout 20 pcoplt• <:arricd sign!. er it i ca I of the po lH·c dt'µa rt ment "handlrn~ uf the casl' T ht> dl'mOJlSt rators chanted -.. He got away with murder " The Judge said that bcc·auM' of the ~cnousness of lhl' c rr nw ht• was g1v1ng While the mJ•<1mum term allowable bv 1:1\o\ Bt•fc1rc I hl' ~l·nt 1•11n• "'.1~ Course-cutting Irvine Street To Mean Suit'! Has the city of lrvrne left itself ope n for liability lawsuits by ap proving the $1 3 million ex· t e n sion of Harvard AvcnU l' throu~h a portion of the Rancho San J oaqurn Golf Course Golfers. residents of Rancho Sa n J oaqum and othe r cnlu.•s of the road say s uch may prove to be the case in years to come. The Cilv Council last week gave approval to an alignment of Harvard on the east side or the San Di ego Creek, through the westerly edg<:' of the course Councilman Larry Agran and Mary Ann Gaido obJected to the alignment, saying they felt the road should be r elocated on the west side of the creek's c hannel It was estimated a west s1dl' road would cost about $3 mrllton more than the east side align. ment. Agran. however, ar gued that, in the long run. a road alongside t he 'course could cost more because of potential lawsuits from persons struck by errant golC balls. "lf we have golf ball incidents . this may be the most ex- pensive road in the city," Agran s aid. An opinion from City Attorney James Erickson held that the ci- ly m ay be liable for accidents or injuries "incurred as a r esult of golf balls being driven from the course onto publicly operated roadways (i .e. Harvard Avenue.) handC'd l.loY.n, Wh1ll'" l.tY.Vl:'r Douglas S<·hm1dt t11lcl the JUclg1· hi:' harl sent .i 'l1•lttr tlf m1t1 ga turn · Thi· ccmtt•nt s of tht· lt'tll'r Wl'rt' not d1-.do,t•d but (';ik:.agno thl·n .... ;ud h1· f11und that Wh1tl' "a ... not chg1hlc· for µrohat1on Sthrrndt .1lso ;1sked that Wh1ll· h1· gt\•cn spt·c·1.il prol<'t t1on m pri .... on . SIO('(• .1s ,1 formo·r p 11 I 1 n· man ht• c o u Id fat 1 rt·prr ..... tls from othl'r 1nma11·-. Thi· JUd gl' rull'd tht1l Whitt wnuld b<.· al111Y.1'<I 218 cl;1,v'> f11r t1rn1• s1•rve<I rn Jail "ll)C<' ht· 'Ill" n·ndl·rcd aft1·r th1• k1l11ng~. """' :!7 Thi· -.L<ttl• t"ornmunrl\ lt1·h·..t~• Ho;1 rd eoul<I 1·u1 .is murh ,1:-r,n,· third from tht· t1•rm 1f Wh1t1· 1~ t' ,. t.' n tu a 11 ) t• 11n -.1 <11• r 1'(1 f 11 r parole Pt.'ll'r Frts<·h p11hl1sh1 1 nf th•· largt.·st gay ncwspap,.r 1n thl· cnuntr\' Tht· /\d\'Oe<JtP. said 'Thi· most ~1gn1freant thing I d .,,a, 1s that. :.i~ JlUIJl1,.,ht.•r of Lht Advocalt:. 1t ' frt J.!hll'nrni: to mo thal a m~m hk1· l>Jn Wlt1 t1· 1·.i11 1,. <St•t• WlllTJ-.. Pu~t· .\!!l •P N Jrt-t .. GETS SEVEN YEARS SF Stayer White lroille Home Burns; Tiro Cats Perish TY.o cats \\-t·r1 • klllt.•<1 ,rnrt S37.000 m dam:tJ!l' was ('<lUsf'cl b\ a fin· that ragl•d through .;n lrv1nt' condom1n1um this m11r11 rng Tht• 7 35 a m rtrc 11 1'1521 <h al Road . "'a' tau.,,NI b:t ,, fau ltv toast<.'r J('l'ord1nc t•1 Mark.Hawkm~. :.i l'Ounty f1rl' dt.> partmcnt s pokl·s m an. Fortv five urcmen w1•rt• <11" patched to tht• two-alarm fm · that hroke out ahout 1~ mmut<'' after occupants of thl· CIJll· do m1 nru m le f t for work . Hawkins said T he blaze Y.as controlled in about 20 mrnute~ Tenants or thr residencl' Wt.'rt' id c ntifi <:'d as Jim and G ;11l Fur('y /\ third tenant. Cindy C111dg1•1. \\,1.., ,1v.:n 111 S,,, r.on •: '" ll ;l\\klll'> ,,11rl . 1 ht• l\\O 01'.tO I .1! \\ 1•f 1 llltil I 111 .1n up~t.ttr' ronrn '11 irtl • .i 111d J d111: \\t'lf' .. 1\1 d t11 111 l'ffit'll I l.iv.!-11..... 11d 11 v. ..... 1111111 .1 ~t'•'ll" •11 f1rt·11tl'n 111 11111 1111111, 11\f "'"·'' 11 ~Ill~ t o 1·,1fl'h I ho • dog, ' ll:iwt..111:-. n·po111•d 11,1\\kln.,, .,,lltl (lrt fl' \\ I ,fl,.ollt ~:!fl 000 da171,1g1· lo tht• ...,, rcu_·t 1,r1· .ind ~7 .000 to 11 ... 1 ont1 lit'-T\, • nth1•r cor11t11m1111llrll" 111 1111· tlrn•t> unit t·omrll·' v.1•r1• not .it fN'tt•d hv tht• fin· ll:rwkin-. '-Jtd J hrt .. i..r ..... 1 '>nack had h1•rn pl<H't'<I 1n 1h1 tmi-.tcr. hut did nol pop u11 .md wa:-apparl•ntly f11r~oll 1·11 h\ ltw "'ork bound rt'!-Hknh. Ha rvard Avenue now ends south of Main Street. The lrvme , . Company has proposed to pay for its .extension over the San Diego Freeway, alongside the c reek. to University Drive. l 'l'be company says the road is needed to reduce traffic loads on suc h streets as Culver Drive, <See STREET, Page A2> More Plane Noise Due From El Toro Officials al the Marine Corps Air StaUon El Toro are predict· Ing increased j et noise during the evening hours beginning Thursday nilthl. Base officials said landing practices will result In increased noise between 8 and 11 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. ., OeitY ................ FIREMEN PUT OUT LAST Of IRYINE CONDOMINIUM FIRI! TwoCataOtedlnh7,000llanThet0ocurredTod•y ' ' DA.IL. Y PtLOT oLink To Ring EXpected f Four men arruted In COO· , Helion wilh an Irvine car UK-ft apP&Nfttly were actlnic on lhttr OWD aod C&nnol be tJed lo 8ft1 wld•·ranclaa auto tbef\ riq. pollce lnvesti1aton sold toda)' The lour wel"C! arrt ted f'nday followin& car and foot chas~s in Irvine near Woo Counlry Saran Shortly before the arrest were butde. a car was stolen from Joo M•cPherison Chevrolet. localed lo lhe lrvln\l Aulo Center. The car waa aban doned after a chH• lbat 10 volved both a MacPberison e mployee and lhe CllUforn1a Highway Patrol Subsequently. the four m en sped away in a four-wheel drivt• truck. whkh police say was reg iste redtooneofthose arrested A Cahfomu1 fhghway Putrol spokesman, s peaking shortl:, after the arrt'sts were made. ha~ indicated it wus hii. hf>lier the arrests broke a major auto the ft ring ieromg an on the Auto Center. Police, however, said there appears no to be no evidence to support that conc lus ion And investigators noted that othe rs arrested recently in con- nec tion with Auto Center thefts were apparently acting on their own Hm,v County Sol.om Cast Veto Votes Here's how Orange County's legislative del· egation voted Monday when the Legislature over· rode Gov Edmund G. Brown Jr. 's veto of SB 91 to give slate employees 7 p e r cent p ay raise s retroactive to last Oct. I. (See story. Page A5.) In the s tate Senate. where the vote was 28-6 lo override. Democrat Paul Carpe n te r of Gard en vrove a nd Republican John Briggs of Fulle rton voted with the majority Republican John Schmitz o f Newport Beach voted against overriding the governor's veto. In the Assembly. thr vote. was 59-15 to override Democrats Denni s Managers of Huntington Beach. Richard Robinson of Santa Ana and Chet Wray of Garden Gro•e all voled with the majority. Republican Maria n Rergeson of Newport Reach voted against the override . R epubli cans Ro ss Johnson of Fullerton and Bruce Nestande of Orange didn't vote. Conviction Comes Quickly tNDIANAPOLIS CAP) ll took a jury less than a minute to convict a 24-year-old man of the attempted rape of a 102.year-old woman, court officia ls said. Judge John W. Tranberg of Superior Court set July 31 to sen· tence George Lee Cowans of In· dianapolis, who faces 20)'ears in prison. Jury foreman Stephen A. Dun· can said he asked the panel if a secret ballot was needed. The J 1 other jurors said it was not,' Duncan said. He then asked if anyone wanted to discuss lhe evidence. Again the answet-was no, and he as ked for a show of hands, be said. The jury had been out of the courtroom four minutes. OAANGE COAST DAILY PILOT f"f Or•,...C-1 Oell• Piiot, """"'"'<""'..,.. .,._,.__.., .. .,;,-1_,,,,.""'°'- CN•t .._,>lllf'QC-S.0..et .. clttl-M• puttll•--~ ""°"°" """•• 16< Cini• -M. -8"cfl, .....,llf>QoM h.CIO ,:-,,..n Y•lff'Y, h•HW. l~ 8it-«:f'l15'outl\(OA'1 A \I~ r•""""4 edlll<WI f\pVO!I~ ~•lurOAn""<! ....,..,, TN lfl'IN !Pf' ""°''"''"" pto~t "•I JJO ...,. .. e..11-.c~••Mow co111orA••.,.,. _,._ Pttil9tfl1--l- ~· •· C-"'Y vl(e "'"'""'I OM -4M iWfN9or ,._,._ ., .... ·~~ .... T.l:'" 0..::11".i~-= ... " C..-ari119 Up f 1»r Ce11stts lfrµ Hobert Badham. R-Newport Beach. -.1oppl·d h~· the U S Cens us offi ce in the L~1gum1 N1gud t'i..'dt!rnl building Monday to "l'~ how 1h111g~ were going in advance of the 1980 no:>c count. The census bureau of· fH·(' w1 II process questionnaires on 81 million people, about 37 percent of the µupulat10n T;.ilking with the congressman 1~ Mrs \\' F Gardner of Laguna Niguel. Morn., G•rl ..,ound Terror Real; Murders Not LAKE ELSINORE. Calif. <AP) -It began with with gun- fire in the night and the piercing s hout: ''Don't shoot him in the head!" Peggy Httnter grabbed her 12-year·old daughter, and they fled for their lives. For two weeks, authorities said. they ran through the forest , living off berries and roots, sleeping in dirty blankets. keeping a step ahead or the men they were sure had killed 10 of their fellow c1:1mpers, including Mrs. Hunter's husband and son. The terror was real : the murders never happened. The feared pursuers with dogs were search crews sent out to look for the mother and girl, believed to have been kidnapped And what about the shots and blood-curdling cry? Merely the killing of a raccoon so it could be tes ted ror rabies. Riverside County Sheriff's deputies said Monday headed home to recover from an ordeal authorities related this way: On June 16, a camper at a Seventh-day Adventist youth camp was bitte n by a raccoon, and camp offi cials s hot the animal. Mrs. Hunte r , 34 , a nd her daughte r . Jennife r . were awakened by the shot. They also heard someone say : "Don't shoot rum in the head" a nd the sound of fire.~orks being set off in the area. It sounded like mass murder, the woman and her daughter thought. Mrs. Hunter bit a hole in the rear of the tent. und she and Jennifer, both c lad o nly in nightgowns, fled into the forest about 40 miles southeast of Los Angeles f 'ro11t Page A I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Sunday m orning . the pair e m erged from the Cleveland Na tional Forest. dressed in tatters. exhausted and hung ry They Clay N. Mitchell Dies Fro• Page Al STREET •.. particularly as development ot· eurs an University Town Center near UC Irvine The council stipulated in 1L-. eight-point action that Lhe road be no wider than two lanes alongside the golf courc,e In tersections at linaver51ty and Mi chelson dri ves. how1·ve r . would be flared to four traff1t lanes C lay N Mitchell. form er memhcr of the California Bourd of Edut·ation anc1 champion of l'On1Se rvat1ve causes in Orange County. is dead at Lhe age or 68. Mr Mit chell, who lived in South Lag una with his wjfc, He len for 30 years. died Satur- day at the eteran ·s llosp1tal in SPpulvedCJ <Jfter a lengthy 111 ness The formC'r food broker and investment counselor was active in education. having served on the Orange County Board of Education for eight years before being appointed by then-Gov Rona ld Reagan to the stale boa rd of education m 1970. He was a mt'mher of the South La~una Sanitary Distric t for 12 years. qu1tt1ng after the district merged with the South Coast County Water D1slrict last year And h<' was a member of th(• Ret1rNI Offlct·rs' A:.sociatinn. I ht• Cap1st rano Valley Baptist Church and Phi Kappa Ps i fraternity During his yearc; an South La guna. the outspoken former Army Air Force officer made ht.>a cilines with a variet y or causes. rani::ing from his anger O\ N educat111n µolt<·1t.>c, to his ef- forts to keep the Santa Ana and S:m D1l'go f<'rt•ewe1y!> from merg ing near the Marine Corps air s tation at El Toro. ~1 r Mitche ll graduated rrom I iCLA in 1933 \\>here he majored an economic~ He joined the Air Force pnor to World War JI and F rom Pag..-,t I BETS ... fain. sought lo show that Mrs Stc1ger·s interest in the horses was owned Sl'parately and that she understood all the couple's µroperty was separate and could · not be covered by California's community property laws . At one point, Fam asked Mrs Steiger whether the 54-year-old actor threatened her physically if she did not sign the prenuptia l agreement She said he had threatened her physically, but not in relation to the agreement. The while·hai red Steiger st ared dourly at her from the counsel table. Jn testimony Monday, Mrs Steiger s aid sh e didn't un- derstand the prenuptial agree· ment. She said Steiger urged her to sign: "He said it didn't mean any thin~. everybody did it." She had lived with Steiger f<V three years prior to their 1973 m arriage. FNHll Page A I QUAKES ... spokesman Derul.is Meredith. "It could be an aftershock phenomenon," added Ms . Hut· ton. "ll might not be." Santa Barbara earthquake watcher A.E. Banks. who has three small selsmographical machines ln bis baH ment, said ·he was sitting for breakfast when the quakes occurred. "I fell the table jar just one little bink," be said. There were no reports of damage. A readlna of less than 3.5 on the Richter scale ls con· aidered a minor quake that normally cauaea llttle or no damaae. The-s.n Franclaco quake 300 mllea north of Santa Barban wu cent.end near Fremont on Ute eut Ude of tbe bay. ucord· lnc.. to the UC Berkeley Selamo- gr aphlc Station. UC otftdala said the temblor WH "widely ftll." ------~----~- was on a committee that select ed lnc<•lions for military air sla tions That panel was instrumental in selecting the Manne Corp:-. Air Station al El Toro und wh~t is now John Wayne Ai rport u:-. military airs trips prior to World War II. The former intelligence officer left the Army Air Force on a physical disability and bec<ime active m his local PTA.""ater re ceiving an appointmt·nt to lht· t'O unty board of education in 1962 He was named to the state b oa rd 1n 1970 by Governor Ht•agan. but quit four years later after often being on the lu~ ing end of 9 I votes. -.aying he did not approve of the gov ernor·s education programs and terming othe r Reagan appoint ments as "political. .. As early as 1954, the activist worked with a group in Santa Barbara to keep oil drilling plat forms from the ocean. He reasone d that the plat- forms would make it difficult to detect enemy submarines. ' He later Objected to location or the Santa Ana and San Diego freeways, saying the juncture of the two freeway routes would hinder military flights out of El Toro. And he took on local con- troversy. successfully prevent- rng development o f a m obile home park ut Salt Cree k when a developer proposed s uch use ror his nei~hborhood . Mr Mitchell 1s s urvived by his wife, Helen, and daughter Jen- nifer of the family home at 11 South Alta Mira Road in South La~una flt· is also survived by a sister, Janet Mitc hell or Colet a. Private services were to be he ld today at the family home. The family s uggests donations be made to I he Capistrano Va lley Baptist Church m San Juan Capistrano WHITE ... o ut in the street in rive years wouldn't want to mP.Pt him .. White was seated at the de· fe nse table. flanke d by his at- torneys, Schmidt and Stephen S h err . behind a bullet-proof glass: White's wife, Mary Ann. sat in the courtroom with seve ral friends. She did not reg- iste r any reaction lo the sentence. The 92-seat courtroom was filled, with about half the seats taken by r e p o rt e r s and courtroom artists. White will be transferred to the s tate prison ··r eception·· center in Vacaville and later lo either San Quentin or Soledad. which have spec ial sections where he can be segregall'd from the general prison p<>pulii tion and protected from inmate reprisals. White was convicted May 21 or volunt ary manslaughter for both killings after six days or JUry dt" libe r ations The: council a lso stipulated that an agreement be signed with the Irvine Company !>tating that approval or the a lignment does not indicate any "pre app roval" to the proposed Vi llage of Westgate. Westgate 1s proposed for cons truction on about 1.000 acres located north of Culverdalc The Irvine Com pany. however, has not s uh mitte<l its zoning apphcat1on for the pro1ect to the City Council for approval Tht' council also .,.,'111 reqwrt• construction or a ~creen of .. ad11 quatc height .. hidden by "tree•. or rnalllre planting" along th·· portion of the• road expoi-.ed t11 the golf COUfS(' Coast Cekbrates 4th An Irvine Company vi<:e pres1 dent attending the mee ting said the farm would consent Lo all of the council-imposed conditioni. on the project Toro's Smoke Just Practice Fourth or .July celehrat1ons many f«:atrtring fireworks dis plays -are s~hedulcd in several Or;rnge Cbast c1t1t•s Wednesday llere's a rundown of cch:bra t1ons open to the pubhc. COSTA MESA: The Amenc<in Legion is sponsonng a 9 p.m fireworks show al the Orange County Fairgrounds, 1:!8 Fair Drive, preceded by bands and other entertainment beginning a t 2 p.m Advance tickets al Ticketron are $3 for adults. $2 for children and $12.50 pe r family At the gate , the price is $5 for adults. $3 fo r children and $15 per family HUNTINGTON BEACH: This year's parade, with an expected 3.000 participanL5, 14 floats and 11 bands, will kick off at 10 a.m and run for two hours from Orange to Yorktown avenues on Main Street. Fire works will be featured, beginning between 7:30 and A p.m., at the Huntington Beach High School stadjum, 1905 Main Two Safe in Crash VICTORVILLE (API -Both occupants or an F4-E Phantom jet fighter that crashed just a fter takeoff at George Ai r For ce Base eJected and parachuted safely to the ground They we re identified as 1st Lt. Ho ward 8 . Ruth and Ca1H Glenn R. McConnell. New Daily Pilot Price in Eff eel Home delivery price for the Daily Pilot we nt from $3.50 to $3. 75 per month ef fec live Sunday, July 1, 1979. Price of s ingle copies sold at coin boxes or over t.he counter were in· creased to 15 cents daily, and to 35 cents Sunday. Al $3.75 per month. the Daily Pilot home delivery price remains a"'ong the lowest for seven -day newspapers in Southern California. Your Daily Pilot ear· rier, who is an, Indepen- dent merchant, will r e- alize an increase in profit ror his or her services Lo you at the new price. Contln11ing major cost Increases In all aspects of newspaper production and distribution, such as a lS percent Increase in the cost or newsprint, make this increase nece~sary. St Cost is $3 for adults and $2 fur chtldrcn. Li\Gt'NA NIGUEL : f<'am1ly fun will beAtn al 11 a .m ut Crown Valley Community Park wnn a treas ure hunt, pie eating and races Bands will also play all day, wtth a parachute exhibi· t1on and fireworks scheduled at 8 30 p.m. Admission is free. near East Coast Highway and ,J :i m boree Hoad w t II offer ftrt'works al 9 pm. Admission 1!- SI pe r person NEWPORT BEACH : SAN CLEMENTE: The Ltons Club will host a barbecue from noon to s p. m <it l 00 A venada Seville. Veterans of Foreign Wars will send up fireworks at the city pier at dusk. Admission 1s free M:triners Community Associa· SAN J UAN CAPISTRANO. tH>n will hold a parade and pie-Games and races. including a nic at 10 a.m a t Mariners Park pie toss and events for children. The Balboa Improvement AS· will be held from 10 .30 a.m. to 4 sociation will sponsor a free p.m in a field on Del Obispo rrreworks show a t 9 r>.m . at the between Ortega Hig hway and Balboa Pier. Camino Capistrano. Food, soft Newport Dunes Aquatic Park. drinksandbee rwillbesold. WhL•re there'!> smoke l ht>re'1' f1rt• but not alwavs a fire to get \\M nL'<i about · A g1 an t plumt? uf s mokt' uriJ?inating rrom t h e Tustin M J r 1 n t• Co r p :-. /\ 1 r S t a l 1 o 11 < H~llcopteri wa~ seen on thl' Orange County skyline th1~ morning but an Orange County Fi re Department s pokesman said the smoke cume from a practice fire drill ·'They take old jet fuel, torch 1t and let their crash firefighttng crews attack it. Nothing un- usual." the spokesman said . With Rolex, diamonds are right on time. ' T ... JllOl.EX §LA VICK'S Fine Jewelers Since 1911 The d1stinrtl\ t' 18 karat yt•llo" gold Rolex Day-Dale with matching hidden cla~p bracelet A. Unadorned. $5.250 00 R With rl1amo11d dial. $5,925.00 C. With diamond bezel a nd diamond dial. $9.075 00. Or add to your own 18 karat gold Day. Dat1.• a diamond bezel for $3,150 00: or a diamond dial ror S675.00; or both for s:J.825 00 Fashion lsland. Newport Center, Newport Beach I (714 ) 644·1380 J Other Loc1nlons· Westminster Mall. Luuna 111111 Mall, Or3n&e. Cen1'°9 Also 01'C8ter Los Angeles 1 San Diego I Laa Veaas liH one Ill ll•vlf-'a roov-1 tharp pla,,. Of lllMnetJI laprnt, \lllA. Maator C1>1rct ( ---- OAA.V PILOT l/SC 1 '*Idly. July 3 1979 NATION I WORLD Just ting Leak Shuts Nuke D11nip Playing P FEARLESS FOURTH FOllfXASTS Hf're we art·. polaed on lhe brink of our Independence Day hollduy and t-vet<ybody In lhe prt"dlt'Una business Is offrrlnit proe noslicaUons on ov.-rtlme. The lo'ottrth or July weathf'r Is ~Int pre-dieted as low morning cloud~ with a sunny arternoon along tht-coutllm· You are h·h wondertn1 1bout lhMt' luw morr11n g l'louds. Th~y were predkted tor todiay jlffo Those morning clouds got so low that they frll com pletely down Wron~ Thinkers might sugge\t that 1t w11!> ram mi Seldom do cloud~ g~t muc:h lower than thctt The forec1u1ters. howevt>r. ~aid we wert' 1n a weatht"r trough and the trough will ~1ntw~y for the f''ourth Maybe it'll JUSt wash away "'.HERE IS ALSO a lot or Fourth of July predictmg relative to how much gasoline you will rind available tomor row llere, on thl' fuel front the expert~ play the percen This l!:agle IS Here Just Because He IS a Really Neat eagle tages game. F'or example. in our coastal a rea. they allege there_!!. an 80.8 percent chance you 'll find. a gas station open. That is. 1f the 13 4 percent of undecided station o perators dec1<1e lo upl'n If they decide to stay closed. ~·our chances arc only 67 4 percent Even 1f they all stay open. my chances would be to pull into the 19 2 percent sl.CI lion that is chained shut There would then bC' a 100 percent chance I'd blow ~team out of m y ears IF \'OU REALLY LO\IE those percentage games on the Fourth of July. you can play it right a lonj!, thus There's a 100 p~rcent chance if you try going to the bank tomorrow. you 'II find it closed Despite the long-s tanding fireworks ban, there's a 99 9 pcrct•nt c·hancl' lh<tt you'll see a Jot of il in the C1ir over Newport Be<tch . --; IF YOU TRY DRIVlNG through Laguna Beach. the res an 87.4 percent chance you'll sit through four signal changes before you make it past the Coast Highway-Forest A venue inte rsection. There's a 74.3 percent cha nce o( a fight erupting at Huntington Beach Pier. In San Clemente. the odds are 100 to O that some ~erv1cemen will be arrested for drunken public brawling with the 89 9 J>l'r<'tmt ch<tnce 1t stC1rted in a saloon All that aside, I'm going to wish you a 100 percent chance for a happy . safe and sane holiday. Old Dome Bare No Memorabilia for Wayne WINTERSET, Iowa (AP> -John Wayne was born here in 1907 and spent the first six years of his life m Winte rset. But a vis itor would be hard pressed to find any sign of the late film s tar. June Kuser. pre'Sident of the Madison County His torical SociC'ty. acknowledged that when the society's museum opens in the fall, t here will be no memorabilia to note the town's most famous resi· dent Tht• '>OC'll'ty plans lo replace the marker o utside Waym"s b1r1hplact'. "but that's about the size of it." !>hC ~aid l •Aft!;ON nTV, Nev IAP> <:ov Robert List hMs biured ruture lhipmenta to • nuclear • wutt' dump near Beatty an er a I rul·k urrivt:d there leaking riadtoactlve mal.(!rial Thf' truck wats bringing waste from u nucltiar reactor owned by Consumer l'ower Company in <:obert, Mlr h . The vehicle is be· Ing held at Really until the ar- r 1 vu I o f a Department of Trun11port11tlon inspection crew. The t rul·k hi:ts not been opened UPON ARRIVAL at Beatty. N u<'ltar l!:nganeering Co . lnc tJrf1 c1als measured 45 millirems E1zd Viewed Iii Protest By Truckers 8 y The Associated Press T he nationwide truckers· pro· tl;!st "should be over shortly." says the Inte rstate Commerce Cornm1ss1on. but a spokesman for the s triking independent drivers says that while the shut- down may have wound down. it is not finished. The violence that has marked the strike throughout its three wt:'eks appeared to be continu- ing. with a driver shot and wounded and two truck rigs hit by gunfire along Interstate 10 in Alabama Monday night. ALABAMA TROOPERS fiaid the driver of a pickup truck tow- ing a trailer was shot in the arm b:v a sniper Eddie Skinner of Boulder. Colo .. was hospitalized at Gulfport. Miss. Skinner·~ wife. who was traveling with him. was not injured. Lt. Roy Smith said the pickup I ruck and trailer "could have been mistaken for a tractor- trailer from a distance " No one was injured in the at- tacks on the two tractor-trailer trucks. said Smith. He said the drivers of the big rigs told of- ficers they thought the shots were fired from another vehicle M EANWlllLE, convoys con- ve rged Monday on th e Massachus etts Statehouse and Chicago's Loop. In Tennessee. however. troopers ended a week of 12-hour days protecting ship- ments of food and fuel supplies during the worst of the often violent stnke. The members of Michigan's Independent Truckers Associa- tion voted to stay off the job. And as w est e rn Montana truckers ended their three·week· long shutdown. drivers in the l'aste m part of the s tate vowed to continue the protest. which ha~ b~en aimed at high fuel prices and short supplies. the 55 mph speed limit and weight regulations that vary from state to s tate. Shipments of food and goods continue to show "substantial improvement." s aid an ICC re- port "TllF. FACTS ARE -whether thl'y adm1titor not -the truckers. :.arc going back to work, .. said ICC spok<.>sman Doug Baldwin, who uddcd that the number of regional o ffices mentioning violence in their reports was down subslan- t1allv. Showers Pelt Nation Continued Wet Weather Forecast Trmperat ure11 H• Lo Pep ..................... .A.iiiai.,l..;..,ij ... Alou Qv• Am~nllu Al14n1d 811lt1rnorf" 81rmnQhdm B•~rnltrC~ 8 Df\tt 80,ton Brown-,-ttlle Dull a to c"'"'" sc C~vc•nn~ Cn1ca90 C1nctnnalt Clt•t1ana Oat Fl Win Oenwf'f l'.lel<Oll H~l~M Honolulu Houston lnd'•POll\ J<tO\ VIII~ K•n s C•t• LHVe~ Liiiie Roo LO\Aflljele. .,, Lo111w111 .. Meml>flts Mleml Mll•tu•et' MPll•St P NHllVllle Ne• Orlns Ne• York 0111•.Clly Omeh• Orl•llOo Pllll.O'pn1• .._nix PltbburClfl PUAl\CI, On! Reno ,,,. ,,, •1 n •I I? ,. •3 •l •• in Q1 bS 01 ,. ., 87 •• . ll H IA b8 Sb 'IJ 18 61 S3 16 &O 87 " 11 Sl 'II H 'I() Sii 16 S7 n o 8'I ll ., 1• IJ ~~ QS 1' II H " 6t '3 H 11 .0 .. ., ... 80 .. ., IJ U .. 11 ts 10 •s 12 IQ &I QJ 17 ts ll ... IS " .. tOS 11 U S• It 41 .04 81 S4 Oelly ,.... 1>4111 •""Y ........... ~.lnn~t r r.~y II Y'C">\i c'tJ ,,,,f r.AVt~ WM.ti ~ by ~ '° C>"" Li1tt! tw•tno1 I fl lfl •Od '°""' c,.t.Jltty ,.,tt ltP di'lt•• tfllJ ~hJ"14!1'f' i.Jl'l'I ""'nc)Jft tt .,.no. ()') "'~ •"1:11tt"¥fllo '°"''. lVP't Ot \it 4' m ~ • Mf •fl t 1 "'" HVI 'W°O'.t' (l>Ch #'itl 0. ,.,. ...... ,M1 SI LOUIS St P·hmc>e S•ll Lete S.n 01t-90 S.n Fren S.•111• ful\e WeshlnqtO'I S. 7S 0. '10 19 Q. 6l n .. Mi Sl 6'1 •1 Q• 76 II '9 CALIFORNIA Baktr\ltf'IO 81sll0p &1vt11t Fruno Monterey NHdlO OOtend S.cr•m.,.,to Siin Frenclt.CO :>.lnt• 8•rbllr• Stockton Tllerme t Barstow 819 8ter CAl11lln• l!I Centro H 'woocl-llvt'tMtnk Lk Arro- LOfll~ Ntwport8H<lt NOflllrldgit Oftl•rlo l"'•lfft$0!1 .... ... ..-..w S4'ft141r~ S4lll o.~ .. 1 SenJ-~l•AN , ~t•Cfllt S.nt•M¥Ut Stml I Ml L• Pc' "' 63 88 m tOJ 70 17 S8 &S S7 IOl /1 '' S} 80 Sl -. Mi Sl .. s. I& SS 100 •• " &J 6' •• 77 S7 .. 1• 10 •1 61 }O .~ '° ., 61 73 St ,. St 103 1' '° 60 •• 60 to ., 71 A 7) to ., i6 ., " .. ~· f~mPf"r•turfHo. ~t-ttJ t!'lCDt"<.lt"d lo bt." m11t1 trom lne IO'lllrter Grt?ttt L41l~\ and uporr Otuo Valll"v into tne Nonn Atlantic Co.nt .,,_,,,., (U wrll a\ over tf'lr nort,..rn Ror ll.1e~. much ot tn~ Plrtff"c1U fPQ!Of\ dnC'J tt'IP Pttuflc. northwe\1 'Se~c,,on.;tbli; wdrm to not wtiatttttr wet\ tor~C.d\t ac rO~'\ tl'le rp~I o' tht> n.tt•on E arty morning t"mJH!rittures M ound the ni'llion rariqed hnm l~ 0"0''~' at Kall,CM>ll, Mont , lo 8• df'qree\ di ror1 Worth lexa\ And Phocn•• California l h., National WNlher S.,rv•c" o••· d1c ted \tlQtilly •armer. sunny att~r noon\ '" Southf'rn Ca11forn1cl tnrouoh the Fourth•tt@r late nie)hl ano morn· 1no tow "oueh burn off P.-rd1clt<1 nottdav h19hs r1'nQ#G lrom th~ upo .. , 10~ 1n '"~ m~trooo••t•n area\ to tOD .,, the iowr..-PAN AMIUUCAN A<•pulco '10 IS 10 dt'~'" Cutt•un •s l'rttPOrl •• IS 01 GuH•l•l¥11 81 .. 0. H•v•n• '10 I~ 00 l(l~ston '10 11 MOntt90 ~v '10 H 10 Muetl4•n ~t 11 Mexico C•I• e1 ,,_.ride Q1 Monterrey Q1 NUHU '10 TeQU<IQalf)a 8J Trln10iKI •• ver•<tllt '10 \1 ll I 00 ll IS 01 1141 t1 11 I 14 '• v.s. s ..... r,, Sllowers •!'Cl lhunclet\l'lowers pen. ecl the Ntlon't mid.ct-toclo eno more *•I -111er WH lofecest for other 1H1rb ol the countr v. Shower1 eno occulon•I thun der1tormt -• reporttd urty tocl•v from Aleb41me lo Wla<onalll •nd ecron the Plaint from Ille O•kotu thro11on the r .. -. PMlhMldle S<•ttered sllowe" H•d thun d.,\lorms •Ito hit from Mont•n• 111ro11011 Ne"' Mexico fne lhun dertfCM"ms l)roclucecl hHvy reins •nO QUlty Wlnc!A, tff(hi"CI SO ml)fl el ti tnet Ill tM o.tlot•t ~,,end tllul'Cle""'"'•'' ... ,. •I_.,__. ...... llw N0<1h All.ntl< COUI •11C1 O'ttr llOrlllltll Ntw r 11191•"' end Flof14M. Wtt WMtlltr wot •I'° Pf.cllcted 1rom lhf Ml~ llUl#I V.tlley IKtoU lhe llO<lllern •"Cl ontr•I Pl•I"' tllrouoll Ill• RoOlt\ •"" OVff Weshl"91q<11t•t• ' Coa11tal 1t'eatller Mostl• clouov lod•Y "'''" oc ce\>OMI !ol>f'lllkl<!\ but. OO«lNI IO cre•r 1h•' •rt•r-~ and \tAy sunny tomorrow l1oht varlabl,.. winch n•Qnt dnd morn1no "°"'' tC)d.tly and tomorrow Cou14111emperelu••s ranq1n9 lrom Ille hlOll of•• OOwn to 60 ,,.,.,,., l~m· perelurn cllmbu19 lo 1' wolh" low 60 loclly TUESDAY Secono low t2 J3 a.m I s s.<ono llloh l lO P.m. • • Sun rise\ s 41 • m , sets l ;OI p m Moon rises 1 ·OS pm • ~" I t2 a m. S•rf Rqori Foru.-1 vello to lonlQhl. \ Htlljhl Ill f!!ft ,.,.,,ocl In W<OnCll. Zum• A .... MH PffA"t Me11 Dir ,,,,,, w Sant• Mclnlu NewllO(I. Hunt1"9I011 1 1 11 1 2 SW 1 412t J s , • tt t J w OullOOt< fOr WMIMl>O•V llllt• CllAf\9e of radioactivity around the truck. Dr. John Carr. state health officer. had said an average chest X-ray exposes a person to about that amount. The truck carried cobalt 58. cobalt 60. cesium 137 and cesium 134. low-level radioactive wastes List said were "crud from clean- ing out a nuclear reactor." List said Monday that the trucker. Robert Venable. noticed the truck was leaking at stops he made in Li.ts Vegas and Lathrop Wells. U.S. DEPARTMENT of Energy information officer /tfiekey Greeter Dave Jackson said moait.or\ftl crews from DOE and the En· vironmental Protection Aaency were dispatched to the gu sta- tion in Las Vegas where the truck stopped, but could find no radioactivity In the area. List said tentative results of testing at the Lathrop Wells stop also turned up no contamination. In an unrelated incident Mon- day night, a busy section of railroad track was closed near San Francisco Bay in California when a tanker car began drip- ping highly toxic Diethylamine. AP Wirepholo Britain's Queen ~other Eli zabeth s miles as 5he 1s greet ed by Mickey Mouse during her visit to Toronto for Dominion l)ay celebrations marking Canada's ll2th birth day. $1.5 Million Art LONDON (AP ) A portrait of a young sailor by Henri Matisse sold in London today for a new world auction price for a 20th century painting .. "Le J eune M<1r1n· wa~ sold to an anonymous buyer a l Christie's for 720.000 pound~. or Sl.576.800 at a conversion rate of S2 19 lo the pound The prev1ou'> record auction price for a 20th century picture was $1.550,000 paid at Sotheby Parke Bernet in New York in 1968 for Renoir·~ "Le Pont des Arts." a chemical used in pesticides and solvents. THE TANKER was detached from the rest of the Southern Pacific train while fire officials and rail employees worked to flx a leaky valve. The chemic~. which can cause lung and skin irritations up to 200 feet away. dripped for three hours. In closing the Nevada dump site. List said "I'm not in busi- n ess to make the Nuclear Regulatory Commission hap- py." He added. "Now at least we a re assured these vehicles are not going to be converging on southern Nevada." Appeal Set On Marital Rape Issue S ALEM. M (js~ tAPJ An at- torney sa~·s he wants to appeal a Judge's precedent-setting ruling that would <1llow his m ale client to be pro~t.'cutcd for allegedly raping his wife. "l haven't discussed this with my client yet, .. attorney Ralph Barbagall o of Lawrence said Monda~ "Hut my feeling 1s I think 11 1~ \I.Orth reviewing the ruling 10 a higher court before \I. c ..,u b1cc·t a ll parties to Cl dr<J\l.n ·OUI trial" E~St:x <:Ol'NT\' District Al lornt.'y Kevin Burke reported \l onda~ that Jud~c John Irwin hJ-. rult•d J<.imcs K Chretien of II .I\ e rh1ll can bt' prosecuted Ol'l l\l.O t•ounts of allegedly rapmg h1!> \l.tfe la!>t February. The rape complaint was filed b:,. Carmelina C hretien , a mother of two c h ildren. Her hu~band wa!-. indicted by an Es- :.cx County grand 1ury in March. Barbagallo sought dism1 ssar of lht.' charges and argued dur- ing a Superior Court hearing in .J unt' that a husband cannot be pro!-.ecuted undt•r stC1te law for raping tus wife. 8l'RKE SAID lrwm's ruling. allowing the indictment to stand. was the first such interpretation of the state's rape law. At the time of the alleged rape. tht> Chretiens were in the process of getting a divorce. But Irwin's ruling. Burke said, was apart from any legal proceed- ings in probate court. Carrier Family Earns and Learns Greg Cole. 17. receives a watch from Daily Pilot circulation manager Morton Nielsen upon retire- ment from four years delivering the Daily Pilot. Mail To: Orange Coast Daily. Pilot P .0 . Box 1560, Costa Mesa California 92626 Yes 1 I 'd likt• to find out more about bC'ing a Datly Pilot newspaper carrier Nim.- \ddrt'" Phonf' A whole family has- earned . lea rne d and grown up with the Daily Pilot in Corona del Mar. A 11 members of the Cole fami ly have de- live red the Daily Pilot. The four Cole sons - Jeff, 19. Greg, 17, Tom, 16 and Tim, 10 -alt have gained valuable bus iness s kills while earning money dealing with people a!:i Daily Pilot carriers . Even Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole have de- livered the Daily Pilot when the s ons weren't able to. Greg recently retired, l eaving his route in Harbor View homes to brother Tim. He saved $600 in fou r years de- livering the Daily Pilot. If you would like to earn and learn deliver- ing the Daily Pilot, call the circulation depart- ment at 642-4321 or mail the coupon to Daily Pilot Circulation, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. DAILY PILOT 642-4321 ' Ora119e Coo.st Jurors O•ilY Pli.t Si.ff Pllo .. These are the Orange Coast 's represen- tatives on the 1979·80 Orange County Grand Jury, along wi th j ury foreman Benton Be- j ach of Santa Ana. In front row <from leftJ are Sam Feldman of Seal Beach. Leonor Hammond of San Juan Capistrano, Derald Hunt of Costa Mesa and Kathleen Cum- mings of Laguna Beach. In back row (from le ft ) arc J a m es M cCor m ick o f Westminster. Forem an Bejach. James Dick of f<'ountain Valley and James M. Keefe of Huntington Beach. New j ury was s worn in Monday. County Alcoholism High Jury Report Cites Drinking Problems 6y ROBERT BARKER Of ,,. o .. uy P1101 St•lf Or a nge Counlians o n the whole a rc a bunch or pretty heavy drinkers. accord ing to findings or the 1978-79 Gra nd J ury Nearly 10 percent or the coun- t y's adult popuJation has drink- ing proble ms and a lcoholism per vades all segments of socie· ty. the Grand Jury report notes. About l:lS,000 individuals are termed citht'r alN>holic abusive I using alcohol to support daily activities> or alcoholic (addicted a nd experiencing serious hre disruption) Using information supplied by various county agencies. the re- port alleges that alcohol abuse affects 9.7 percent of the adult population and is a problem in eve r y <i rea of the cou nty because of economic and cultural factors. T he t'<iSt-cent ral area of th!.! county, the Grnnd J ury notes. contains the highest n umber of AP WIA"'91o PUSHING FOR MORE EXECUTIONS IN FLORIDA Bobby Culverson, Bruce Mann, Charle• OwenalnShlrts T-shirts Demand Killer's Execution ATLANTA <APJ -/\ Georgia disc jockey and two friends are selling T-shirts urging the ex- ecution of a convicted murderer who once s aid his ambition was to kill l ,000 people. The T-shirts, which carry an artist's drawing of Georgia's electric chair, ask death for Carl Isaacs Jr., convicted or murder in the shootings of six members of the Ned Alday family in 1973 "Busbee, Fry Is aacs," onct style, in black lettering, urges Georgia Gov. George Busbee. .. First Spe nke link, Now Isaacs," proclaims the other, its red letters a reference to con- victed murd e rer John Spenkelink, formerly of Buena Park, whose execution May~ in Florida prompted a J acksonville police sottball team to sell team to sell T-shirts reading ''1 Down, 133 to Go" -a reference to the number of inmates on Florida's Death Row -to raise money to attend a tournament. Any profits from sale of the Georgia shlrta, which COit $5. will go to charity, dl1c Jockey CbarlJe Owen• said Monday, adding that he hoped to Hll enouah to "10 to Atlanta and present Busbee wltb a •hirt." ''Here we are near Tallabuaee, where Bob , OrabMO, the new CFlorlda, JOY· , ernor, hu done eometh1nc. Our • governor . . is not doing anything ," Owens s aid in a telephone interview from his home in Bainbridge. a few miles from the Alday home near the Florida line. Ned Alday, his three sons and his brother were shot to death as the y s h owed up during a burglary or a m obile hom e. When a daughter -in-law, Mary Alday, arrived, s he was raped and shot to death. Isaacs, Wayne Carl Coleman a nd Geor ge Dungee, all or ... Maryland, were convicted. The convictions and death sentences have been under ap~al since they were banded down in 1974. ln a 1975 series of prison in- terviews, Isaacs, then 22, said he had no regrets about the deaths of a family that neighbors described as hard-working and God-fearing. "I'd like to get out and kill more of them," he said. "They represent the type of society I don't like. l didn't know them, had never seen them before May 14, butt didn't like them. Work· ing peoP.le don't do a damn t.hlna for me.• lsaaca once boasted that gun- ma n John Dillinger killed 16 people before he was slain in 1934 ln C'blcago. "I killed 15 myself and I ain't near u old .. DtWnaer was ... ·--_...._--. trans ients and indigents, the oldest hous ing and a great numbt•r of aging hotels. The north county and north coast regions are h eavily populated Wlth intact families striving to maintain economic seturily and upward mobility. a<.'cording to the report The south coa!>t boasts af· fluent neig hborhood s, t h e highest number of single parent heads-of households and a heavy concentration of older people, among whom alcoholi sm is often more 1>revalcnt tha n in any other group. the report said. To a lleviate the condition. the Gra nd .Jury recommends that a public detoxification program <J nd center be re-established. Jurors said this also was rec- ommended by the previous Jury but that "it has not dis- t c rned any s 1gnif1 can t im - plementation by the Iloard of Supervisors.·· The Grand Jury abo urges that t he Ja m es A . Musick s heriffs honor rar m a nd a now- closed juvenile detention raciLity be considered for possible sites. Education about alcoholism also shouJd begin at the elemen- t ary school level, the jury says. The Grand Jury expresses op- timism that alcoholis m can be r e du<.'ed t hrough public and privute programs to the extent that funding and client fees will permit. I The Grand Jury report cited s t atis t ics lo poi nt o ut the m agn itude of alcohol-re lated problems . It said there a rc about 1,179 drunk dsiving a rrests monthly a nd t hat ,49.5 percent of the serious a uto accidents are alcohol re lated. Alcohol abuse was reported to be a factor in 30 percent of lhe county's suicides. 64 percent of horn icidcs a nd 39 percent or rapes. Plea Entere d In County Slaying Case Murder suspect Tom Barley, 51. pleaded innocent and inno- cent by reason of insanity today at his arraignment in Orange County Superior Court. Judge Richard Be acom ap- pointed two psychiatrists, Dr . Seawright Anders on and Dr. Ernest Klatte. t o e xamine Barley, a former Daily Pilot re- porter. He. was ordered lo appear in a pretrial hearing Aug. 3 before Judge Mason Fenton and bjs jury trial was set for Oct. 15, also before Judge Fenton. Barley was arrested on murder charges May 26 after his 46-year-old wife , Catherine, was s tabbed to death in a Santa Ana s hopping center. He bad been placed on proba· lion in March aft.er pleadini no conteat to assault with a deadly ~a n in connecttop with a knl attack on his wife last De ember. arley ls being held lo Orange County JaU In lieu of lm,000 ball. • .· DAILY PILOT If 3 Judge Declares No .Bias Orange County Superior Court Judge Richard Beacom has de- nied he holds any bias toward rape s us p ect Gle n Ho wa rd Hutcherson and insists he can preside fairly over Hutcherson's third trial. Beacom filed a court a ffidavit in response to a cha llenge made by Hutcherson 's attorney. Terry Giles. alle ging the Judge is pre judiced toward his client. lo tus reply, Beacom lashed out repeatedly at what he called "prej udicial misconduct" by Cites during Hutcherson's re- cent rape retrial and s aid it was that p urported mi!.conduct whic h prompted him to order a third trial. "I didn't rule against Mr. Hutcherson.·• .Beacom wrote. ""nor am I pre1udiced against him because of antiµathy for Mr. Giles. "I hold no itnllpathy toward Mr Hutcherson, nor the merits of his case, but only toward what I perceive lo be Mr Giles' pro fessional misconduct," the judge wrote. The rape trial of the.· 46-ycar old Whittier aerospace worker d rew n atio n a l attention 1n Murch when another Judge, Ma son Fe11 tun, ovl•rturncd a JUry 's gumy vcrdi('t and ordered a second tnal Al the lime Fl•nton s<11d hl' dido 't bclww tht· !->lory told rrom the witnesi. stand by th(• <tlleged rnpl' v1ct1m , Cathl'nm· llanhn. 21 / His decision 1mmt•diatel'r was attacked by \\Omt•n '-; g~oup., who labeled the jlld l-:l' · Sl'X1sl tradtllonal · The jUr~ in ll utc·ht•r.,on·., second t r HI I . <"o n ti u c I l· d b ~ Rearom. dt-<1dlock t•d 11 I 1n f a \' o r o f a c <t u 1 l l a I a n d Prosecutor Dan Hr11·c• as ked Beacom to d1:.m1ss thl' c·harges Beacom rC'fused anci n1t1c:in-d Gill's for his 1>resentat1on of thr• defense IO lht· ('USl', <H'CUSlng h i m of v1ol<1t111g r11l t•s of evidence by hnnging 111 allega tions about M!> llarcl1n'!> pa!>t st•x ua l act.iv1tv. As a resu i't. (;lie:. sr1ught to have Beacom d1squalif1t•d from p residing ovt•r thl' third trial, lit cusing tht• rudJ:?c• of hovmi.: '"a r1xed antil'ip<ttor} jUdgmenl as lo the defendant's guilt · Now. a su1JC'nor court JUdgt• wi ll be <Appointed lo <ktl'rmme whether Heuc·om "hould pn:!>1de over lhl' third r:.ipc tn:.il The tnal had liecn scht·dul('(f to begm next wc•c•I-.. liul may ht• delayed bl·caust' of lh1• jUd1 c·1al t•hallenge Hike r Re 'C U fAd SAN DIEGO U\P t 1\ ~I v<.•ar-old hiker has bt•en rescued from t he Laguna Mountain:.. after surviving a 7lHoot fa ll that left him stranded 40 hr1urs in near-freezing tc•mpNutun.·s two nights. authontit•s said David Kleinfeld . a graduah• :.tudcnl at UC San Diego. wa!> rescued Monday. I Penalty Issue Secret Co1i1•t Lists Denied By KATHY CLANCY Of 1119 O.llly Pl ... Sc.ft South Orange County Municipal Court Judge John Griffin denied a public defender 's allegation today that his court keeps secret lists of defendants to be meted out "un- us ually harsh or seve re sentences." Judge Griffin accused the public defender who leveled the charges in an Orange Couaty. Superior Court affidavit last week of "mixing apples and oranges." What the so-called "list" is. Griffin said. is an alert sent by him in the past Lo Laguna Beach police so they won 't release repeated offenders, who fail to s how up m court, without first requiring lhem to post bail. AND THE REMAINDER of the controversy, Griffin contended. s tems from judges' notations placed in the court files of repeat offenders. Griffin insists the notes aren't public records. The controversy a rose when public defender J ohn Bovee obtained a court order Friday from Superior Court .Judge Ted Mill ard perta ining to the judges' notes and tht: so-called "list." Mi llard ordered south county court Judges a nd clerks not to "remove. era:.e. alter. sever or destroy any part or portion of any court fil e" on any defendant re presented by the public defender Attached to Bovee's request were the na mes of three defendants. Craig C<is well, James Mcintire and Lane Vrcndenburg. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS show that both Caswell and Mt•lntire are transients arrested on misde meanor charges by Laguna Rca<.'h police. Wh ile no supporting information was included on Vrcndenburg, Caswell had been arrested on a cha rge of unlawfully sleeping, while Mcintire had been charged with drinking in public and possession of m ar11uana The Judge's purported note:.. s ubmitted to Mill ard. in- duded .. -A NOTATION un Caswcll's file which read. "Don't dea I for less than :IO days' This I defendant> dealt out three l'a:.es lwforc J v1:.1l111g judge for time :.erved -also a l.Jguna Beach reg l rcguf<t fl. · -~OTES ON MclNTIRE'S file~ that say. '"Give name L11 LUPO 1 Lagumi Bt'JCh Polle-I.' Oepartmenu for the · hst · "a nd " Please <.'lobbl'r tf ·(.; · (guilty I " Gnffin insisted suth notat1om. are not public dol'U rnt•nts but simply art· ways the Judges keep track of re peat 11ffenders so they can be dealt with accordingly By the ··rtobber ' notation. for example. Griffin said hL· meant the defenda nt should ~ given d s tiffer penalty 1f found guilty bt•eausL· he had twe n in court on a s1m1la r or ft·nsl' lwfore. had bet>n wamt>d not lo repeat the offense .ind had lx'en g1 vc•n a ll'ss<:r fml' '"I DON'T 8ELIE\'E in revolving dour JUSllcc,"" the 1udge tontinuf'd ·· 1 makt· thosl' notes bN"<IUSt' J want t11 make surt• that whatt•n•r JUdg(• sec!> lh1s person. thl'y get whal lhl'V warrant .. Aon:t'. ho\\t'Vl'r. in his <'OUrt ctocumentatton. con lt>ncied the existence of such nott's .. may have m<1tenally .1ffl'l"lt•d lhe d1spos1t1on and sentence!> of the case:. .. '"Such notations have raised an in ference that then· has t•x1sll•d or docs <'X1st <1 :.pec1al hst or hs ts of certain de· ftond ants ... he continued HE ALSO ALLEG ED he ha., been denied access to Uw rt•t·tirds and said judge., and l lt·rh h.ne ""1nd1 cated that lht·v intend to rcmll\ L' from ... uc:h files any and all sut:h nolt"" Millard said today lhe intention or his order was to '><IY . '"lie~. ll 1:. part of lhl' court rile, You cho':.c to make 11 part of the file No" lt.•ave 1t there ·· Ht• rontt•11dl.'d thut 1f judge!>· note~ appc<1r in the file the:. arc part of the.• publl<' record '"Jl'DGE MILLARD IS absolutely wrong," Griffin repl ied. '"Thl' 1ssut• that will be eventually decided in this "'ill h;ive to do with what ts a publi<' document and what is 1101 .• c; riffin s~11d ht• would seek legal action of his own "to vaC':.ilr this ridiculous doC'u mcnt " .,,,~~ustr alia . Stubbies ha' sol~ more pants and sho'.ts th,1n thl're arc people -IS million. Now they re m th<' U.S.A .. speoally tle!iig~eci tor the active litestyle. If you li ke comfort .dnd info~ality, you'll like Stubbies. The elastic-back styling makes 1t easy lo fit most l'vcryone, including Storekeepers Tosh and Jill. BankAmencardtM.ister ChJrge m.,-- Westcllff Plaza 1028 Irvine, Newport Beach. C1lifom1a Phone 642-7061 -··-·--__ ......... ·--..... _ ---------------"=-- " ' 17 Lagana/South. Coast \ EDI TI O N Your Hometowa j Dally New~paper1 VOL 72, NO. 184, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1979 Fl FTEEN CEN.TS ~,,.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------........ 1 ~ i ~ t· l I . f ... .Judge Denies 'Harsh Sentenee' List By KATHY CLANCY Of .... o.11, ...... ,__,. South Orana.-Couoty Mwuclpal Court Judae John Griffin denied a publk defender's aHegaUon today lh•t hu; court keeps secret lists of defendants to be meted out "un usually harsh or severe sentences ·' Judge Gnffin accused the publlc defender who leveled the charges in an Orange County Superior Court aff1davll last week of "mixing apples and oranges " What the so-called "l.Jst " IS, GrLflln s aid, 1s an alert sent by him in the past to Laguna Beach police so they won't rel~ase repeated offenders, who fail to show up in court, without first requiring them to post bail. AND 111E REMAINDER of the controversy, Griffin t•ontt nded, s tems from Judges' notations placed in the court files of repeat offenders Griffin insists the note:. aren't public records The cbntroversy arose when public defender John Rovee obtained a court order Friday from Superior Court Judge Ted Millard pertainmg to the judges' notes and thl· so-called "list " Millard ordered south county court Judges and clerk:. not to "remove, erase. alter. sever or destroy any part or portion of any court fil e" on any dehmdant represented by the public defender. Attached to Bovee's request were the names of three defendants, Craig Caswell , James Mcintire and Lane Vrendenburg. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS show that both Caswell and Mcintire arc transients arrested on misdemeanor charges by LagUJla Beach police While no s upporting information was incl uded on Vrcndenburg. Caswell had been arrested on a charge of <Stt 'LIST' OF.NIE~, P age AZ> Killed Moscone, Milk -- White Sentenced: • ' 'I ~ I Quakes Continue In State By The Associated Press A busy week for Cahforma earthquakes continued today. with three small tremors rum- hling through the San Francisco 7 Years, 8 Months 1 and Santa Barbara areas --two t almost simultaneously on the • sixth strai1'?ht day of earth move· l ments in the state. \ A quake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale jiggled San Fran- t'1sco at 6:30 a m .. and at 6·03 a m . a te mblor registering 3.2 ' quivered in Santa Rar bara. Seismologist Kate Hutton at Caltech m Pasadena said sht> believes the s1multanc1ty was a coincidence ··1 thmk they're too far apart to be related ... she said. "Earth· qua ke:. of lhal size are common t•nough that such a coincidence 1s not surprisin~." The Santa Bar bara quake wai, ' followed by another jolt at 6:35 a.m., which measured 3.4. Both c·entered a mile south of Santa Barbara in the Santa Barbara Channel ·'They Cseismologistsl are mil .. necessanly classifying them ~:. a fte rshocks from the Goleta quake l ast year . which m e asured 5," said Caltech spokesman Dennis Me redith. ·' lt could be an aftershock phenomenon." added Ms. Hut ton. "It might not be " Santa Barbara earthquake watcher A. E. Banks. who ha:. three s mall sc1smographical machines in his basement, said he was sitting for breakfast when the quakes occurred. .. I felt the table jar JUSt 00<' little bink ," he said. There were no reports of damage A reading of less than 3.5 on the Richter scale is con· s 1dered a m inor qua ke that normally caust:s little or no damage The San Francisco quake 300 miles north of Santa Barbara was centered near F'remont on the east side of the bay. accord- ing to the UC Berkeley Seis mo- graphic Station UC officials said the temblor wa::. .. widely felt ·· l'ef f) Override11 AP Wlr~o A happy ~n. Alfred Alquist , 0 -San Jose (left), and As· scmblyman Wadie Deddeh. 0 -Chula Vista, congratulate t•LJch other after winning a n override of Goyernor Hrown's veto of pay raises for 230,000 state employees. (Story Page AS). Dog Mourned Mascot's Killer Released NAPA (AP) -Napa police of· ficers staged a "blue flu" walkout when lhe alleged killer of their lone and beloved police dog was freed without bail. Vern, the Jl,2-year -old, four· legged pride of the department was stabbed in the line of duty Saturday a fter attempting to drag a vandalism suspect from an apartment closet. Vern died Sunday. Ha rry Reese. 21, of Napa. was a rrested a nd c harged with several counts of assault and at· tern pted murder of a policeman. He was not charged with Vern's death. though officers said they saw the slaying. Held on $10.000 bail over the weekend. Reese was released on hi!> recogruzanc<' Monday by a Napa County Municipal Court JUdge. Almost immediately a fter Reese walked out the door, l 1 Napa policemen walked off the JOb. '"We all became violently 111 and unable to work," said of· fi cer Vince OeGiuUo upon hear- ing of Reese's release. He would not say when or if of· ficers would come back to work. The six officers due in at mid· night Monday did not come to work. officials reported. DeGiulio said a memoria l se rvice was planned for Vern . .i German Shephcrd-busk1e mixed breed. S5 a Month in Laguna Renter Park Fee Eyed A $5 per month fee for renters in Laguna Beach who park their cars on the street is being pro- posed by Councilman Howard Dawson, in order to raise funds for police protection aiid to con- trol the number of such vehicles on city residential streets. Dawson is expected to ask for a study of the overnight parking proposal when council members meet tonight at 6 p.m . in council chambers. The m onthly parking fee would not a pply to owner occupied residents who would be allowed to park up to two vehicles on the street outside their home ii parking exists. l Dawson said bis proposal "is 1 about. the only way those wbo do t• not supply garages for their ten- 1 nants can help support the city." f. The councilman bas long oP-l posed illegal rental units in tbe Art Colony. saying they are a t drain on the taxpaying members of the community. ''Tbe idea la, If you want to rent a unit in l..quna Beach and park on the" street, you sboWd pay for the privilege," Dawson uld. He aald hla plan would be Umited to the coqested realden· Ual st.reeta near tbe ocean, and areas where It ls difftcult to 1et ttreftehtinl equipment btt1use of paikins conanUon. "Tb• bulk wouJd f aJI to thoee "'"° l.N not cooLtibutln1 to the cit.J anyway," Dawaon said ,. ··ParticuJarly those who convert their garages to illegal rental units." He said funds derived from such a fee program could be used to hire two parking control officers, and perhaps fwad an additional patrol unit for the late night and early morning shift .. And, he s aid, the program would provide a benefit to those who pay the $5 per m onth fee. "The money would be used to increase patrols on city streets, which means more protection for renters a nd homeowners from burglaries." Dawson said he will urge fellow council members to refer the proposal to city officials and the Economic and Safety and Security committees for study Clog N. ltlitclaell Conservative Proponent Dies • Clay N. Mitchell, former member of the California Board of Education and champion of conservatlve causes in Orange County, ls dead at tbe age of 68. Mr. Mitchell, who Jived in South Laguna with bis wife, Helen for 30 years, died Salur· dey at the Veteran's Hospital in Sepulveda after a lengthy ill· neas. The former food broker and investment counselor was acUve in educaUon, having served on the Oranae County .Board of Education for elaht yeara before be Ina appointed by then-Gov. Ronald Ru1an to the stale board of education in 1970 He was a member of the South Laguna Sanitary District for 12 years, quitting alter the district merged with the South Coast County Water District last year. And he was a member of the Retired Officers' Association, the Caplatrano Valley Baptist Church and Phi K appa Psi rratemity. During bls years ln South Laguna, the outspoken former Army Alr Force officer made headlines wlth a variety of causes, r&n1inl from his anger over education policies to his ef- <See MITCHELL, Paae AZ> SAN FRANCl~CO 1 :\PI Dan White, whus t· vol untary m anslaughtt:r ccmv1ct1 on tn the I, I 111 n g S Cl f ,\1 U V 0 r (; l' 0 r gt· Mo:.cone anri Supt·rv1sor llarvt·~ M Ilk set off a not at Ctt~ Hall was senlenccd today to ),even ~ca is afld eight month:. 1n pri:.on thl" m aximum allowed hy law. Whitt• will be l·lq~1hlt• for parole 1n .ibuut fin· yl'ar~ 1'ht' minimum st•ntcn!'e thal Superior Cou rt Judge W<tlter Calcagno could have 1mposC'd would have bt•en four vears As Calcagno passed scntt'ncc on an expresswnlt•ss White . .i minor demonstration ~as taking place outside thl' Hall of Jusuct'. About 20 people carriC'd s igns critical of the police depart rnent 's handling of the case The judge said that because of the seriousness of the cnml'. he was giving Whitt· lht• maximum term allo~able by la~. Before the sen tence was handed down. White's lawyer. Douglas Schmidt. told the Judgt' he had sent a · letter of m1t1ga lion The cont<'nL't of the ll'lll'r were not disdo:.ed. but C'alca~n11 then said he found that What<.· \\as nol l'11g1blt· fflt' 1.1rohat1on Schmidt i.lbo <isked thal What,. be g1 \'('n SjJ('(•HJI iirotl'Cliun In prison s1nt·t• a ., a formt•r µ o I i c £• m a n h e 1· o u I d fa <· , • rt.>pfl!><ib frum other inrnatl'5. Th<.· JUdgt· rult·<l lhdl Wh1t1• 1A1111lrl 111• allo\.\Pd i:!IH days for I 11111· M'rvcd 1n Jail sine·£· ht· ... ur renden'<i :.1ftl•r lht• killings Nc1\ ")-~ · Tht· stJIL' Commumt v Helt'iiM' Hoard (•1mld l"Ul as much as on1• third from tht· term 1f White• 1' t•ve nt uall~ C'ons1dt•red for µa role Whitt· was Sl'ated at tht.' dt•- f ense table. flanked by his al lorneys. Schmidt and Stephen Sherr. heh1nrl a bull et-proof gl<is~ Wh1l<"s wife. M .. t rv /\n11 'at 111 the £•o urtroom. \\1th -.everal fnend:. She ri1d not re~ 1ster any reaction to the sentenrt• <See WHITE , Page /\2) AP W•t~l•c>I~ GETS SEVEN YEARS SF Slayer White San Juan Due Fireu;orks Costs For New Angle E . HB On Hill Plan Man an ye in Sa n Juan Capis trano c it~ councilmen will be asked Thur~ day to approve a plan that would foster at 1£•a5t om' nt>w plannmg approach to a proposed 1.20t home development on prim(· h1lls1de land City planning offit1als are ask ing councilmen to approve u package that would amend" Glen dale Federal S:n ings and Loan·s l!nvironmental im pact report '>n 1.265 acrc.s of land t:ast of the San Diego Freeway and south of San Juan Creek Road. The plan would require all potcntiaJ impacts of the proJ eel including sewage. traffic and schools-to be better ~e sea rc h ed wi t h possi ble a l terna ti ves to a llev1a l e negative impacts laid out. i\ city s pokesman said the pro- gra m would also map out an a lte rnative development plan based on the citv otanmn~ com- mission's desire to see fewer units placed on uphill portions of the land, If approved by councilmen Thursday, the program would take 90 to 12Q days to complete. a city official said SUCCUMBS AT 80 Ex-Tru•t•• Mitchell By MICHAEL PASKE\"fCH Of llW o •• ,, PtlOI Sl•lf 'I handled al I typl'S ot t'X plo~1\l•s 1n \'wtnJm I I h n u g h I I ~ o u I ri h ll n ti I t• firev.orks. ·· Charles Samut'I Oukc. JU. talked haltm~I) .ind painful!~ tn dav of his nightmarish cvcn1n~ in °Hunt1ngton Beach l<t~l Satur day He was ··just over al a fncnd·., houS<'. .. ge.tt1ng rC'ady to go tn the movies with his fiancet and her fanuly. Passing the time by lightmg a few fireworks seemed like fun_ ··I ht it and backed off at least 40 reel." said Duke. "All of a s udden I was hit in the eye It knocked me back about 15 feet. and when l ~ot up, I felt blood pouring out of my eye ... Duk e r eme m bers th e scorching agony and the frantic ride 'o Pacifica Community Hospital, where he was "im mediately scrubbed down and operatE!d on " by ph ysicians Michael and Daniel Sigband The eye surgeons removed a 7 Colleges Booste d b y Newport Fund Gr ants of about $1 miJlion to each or seven independent col· leges in California have been an· nounced by the Harry G. Steele Foundation of Newport Beach. The g rants. a foundation s pokesman saJd , will be added to the unrestric ted endowment funds of Pomona College, Scripps College. Claremont Men 's College, Harvey Mudd College and Pitzer College or the Claremont Colleges group;' Oc· cidental College in Los Angeles. and Mills College in Oakland. "The foundation has, in the past. made i cholarship grants to these colleges. Th.is year, It was concluded that unrestricted en· dowment was essential because of the present and future dif· ficult times the independent col- 1 e g e~ face." the foundation s pokeAman said \\.HI of thl' JHOJCClil•· "hwh hJCI lrnrc·d t hrnugh Duk1· )o, flJ!hl 1·vl'11d '"'J'ht'\' .,l'l'm tn lhinl. I won I 'it'l' out ·of n .1gam \I on• :.urgNy 1~ pol>s 1 bit· 1>11kt•, r('cuperating Jl h1 ' homt' m Lakl'wood . 1sn l ... urt' 1f ht ·11 g1•t hi), JOh baek d S a \.\a rehou~t·man for a mctab firm He'll be laid up and his l'Yt' handaged for at lt·a~l ""lhret• or fou1 month., · Even \\llh the aid of painktll· ing medication, when ht• bltnks his cood eve. '"fl frels hke mv head 1s coming off .. Sunlight hurts. but he says he doesn't feel like going outside these day), anyway. The experience has taught him that anythin~ can happen with firework:.. legal or not. ··You JUSt don't know about anything that's t•xplo~1y~ Any !See EYE, Page A2l Or :n~.-Coa,.I W eather Late night and mornm~ low clouds but mostly s un- ny Wednesday afternoon. Lows tonight 58 to 62. Highs Woonesday in upper 60s at beaches to mid-7lli. inland. INSIDE TODA 't' Catalino ·s Zane C rey Pueblo Hotel. originally the home of Western author Zane Grey, is one of the few hotels in the WOTld unthout room numbers. Instead, each Toom bears the title of one o/ Grey't books. ~e Feotunng, Page Cl ' l•tl•x Al V ew 5enk e .... ....... ~,, ''"'·--· a MlllffMelllewlh a .. L.M .•• .,., ... , ........ •.. ,. •11•IMU ... , M11 ... I~_,. .. CalH•rNI AS ............... ... Cle Oii ... c.e-tt Or-.ec-ty .. , CelftlO u Sytvle~ ., c ......... ~t =:',,..,.. .. , l t-4 0 .. lllNetktt ., ......... 1,. ... M T .. .vl•l• .. Utertt1_..t .... '"-••-..... P't•lvr1.,. CH WHl'llff ... .. ~. Ct Wef._ .. ..,., •• lftltrlftl ...... "' ~•C•un!!ll 2Held Street Lights In Dana CrtlSh . Battle Slated Five San Juab Capistrano res· idents escaped serious injury QUOTED SCRIPTURE Daughter Jenn"•'· 12 A~Wlf't!llMI•• 'RESCUED' DAUGHTER Peggy Hunter A aroup of Laguna Buch lax paye1'11 11 exptttcd to confront the Cll.Y Council toni"ht in op· po•ltlon or u proposed street U1hUn1 dlalrict that would cost horoaownMI t>ct ween SlO and Sl2 per year to keep Rtreet Ughts burning lo their neighborhoods And ll ptililion signed by neu I) a dozen ruiudents on Arroyo Ch1t·o chllms those homeowners would bf> payine for street lights that do not exist on lbeir street. P n or to passaae of Proposi tion 13, street li&hting was pa.id for 1 n a special fund based on 9 C"enl6 of asisessed propert y vulue Ra~«.·0011 K ilU n fl But with reduced revenues from properly laxes, city or- flc1a ls looked to a special light· tng diatn ct to keep Laguna's streets lighted at ni~ht. Mom, Girl Live South Coastal Areas to Mark Fourth of July 2 Weeks of Terror LAKE ELSINORE, C alif. <AP) -It began with with gun· ,.fire in the night and the piercing shout : "Don't shoot him in the head !" Peggy Hunter grabbed her 12.year·old daughter, and they fled for their lives. For two weeks, a uthorities s aid, they ran through the forest . living off berries a nd roots. sleeping in dirty blankets. keeping a s tep ahead or the men How County Solons Cast Veto Votes He r e's h o w O r a n ge County's legislative del· egation vote d Mo nday when the Legislature over· rode Gov. Edmund G . Browp Jr. 's veto of SB 91 to give state employees 7 p e r ce nt p ay r a i ses retroactive to last Oct. 1 <See s tory. Page AS.> In the st ate. S e nate, whe re the vote was 28·6 to ove rride. Democrat Paul C arpe nte r of G ard e n Grove a nd R epublican John Briggs of Fullerton voted with the majority_ Republican John Schmitz nf Newport Beach voted aJ?atnsl overriding the ~ovcrnor's veto In the Assemb ly, t he vote was 59-15 lo override. Democrats D e n nis Man agers of lluntington Bt•ach, Richard Robinson or Santa Ana and Chet Wray of Garden Grove a ll voled with the majority R e p ublican M a r ian Re r geson o f N ewp or t Reach voled against the overrid<'. R e p u bl ica n s R oss .J ohnson of Fullerton and Bru~e Nesta nde of Orange didn't vote. From Page A I EYE ••. kind or fireworks h ave gun- powder in the m ," said Doke . who doesn't want to discuss the type of device that caused his blindnt!Ss until insurance mat- ters are worked out. He "chewed out" his 14-year- old nephew Monday when he s aw him firing off bottle r~kets, ~nd wishei; parents would take all fireworks a way from their kids ·'My fire works d ays are over." said Duke. "I guess I had to get hurt to grow up. "I stiJl have one eye Jert to see with and I'll be taking extra care of that one.·• oa.oECOAST I Mo Or•~ COrM' Oittlt ...... wt1ft wfh(ft ,.,COM l>-"""l~-P,Y.\ "PIAll-.lb•l""Oo-(..N~f "'vatkNftO(~t ~ ... ,,. • .,.,cM~••" P.,OlltN>ct ltt/ttlttftOft thttivtf' ~, ... , tOt (Mt• Nl~w N~-~" .. ...,11...,1on 8#"<• ,_ ftttnVaU•Y •r-vt,., \~lit.ctr. ~t~( ... ~1 A '\tnqt•r~l"'t~"OV4>f'""'°"S•tvn:N'r\MIO ~AV\ ~ ptlf'IC'to.tl outJll\J\h'4) Dl-"t I\ 4tt lJO Wf"\I 8•Y !.t""'"' (O'l•Mfl\• ( t1tf1torri•••1'1t "_,, .. _ ... ., ..... , .... _,_ '""" t_, Vt(e lltt-t'\~t AM c;.,. ti Mil~ ~···-· ftfltor fllt<M•A M-!MM111"'1tielil"' 0.'1t• M. l..iot\ l oc: ... r• ,. Nd ........... M.1 .. •01 ... f ClllO-' they were sure had killed 10 of their fellow campers, including Mrs . Hunt._r·s husband and son. Th e t e rror w as real; the murders never happened . The feared pursue rs with dogs were search crews sent out to look for the mother and girl. believed to have been kidnapped And what about the shots and blood·curdting cry? Merely the killing of a raccoon so it could be t ested for ra bies, Riversid e County Sheriff's deputies said Monday Sunday morning, the pa ir emer ged from the Cleveland Na- tiona l Forest, dressed in tatters. exhausted and hungry. They headed home to recover from an ordeal authorities re lated this way: On J une 16. a camper at a Seventh·day Ad ventist youth ('ump was bitten by a raccoon, a nd c amp officia ls s hot the animal. Mrs . Hunte r . 34, a nd he r da u ghte r . J e nn ifer, were awakened by the shot They also heard someone say : "Don 'L shoot him in the head " and the sound of fireworks being set off in the area. · It sounded like mass murder, the woman and her d aughter thought. Mrs. Hunter bit a hole in the rear of the tent. a nd s he and Jenn ifer , bot h clad only in nightgowns. fled into the forest about 40 miles southeast of Los Angeles. For two weeks they ran. ter- rified that t he killers were on their lraiL They ate berries and yucca roots and kept warm at night by cover ing themselves with dirt. Meanwhile. search teams in m ountain garb combed the a rea, fearing the mother a nd daughter had been kidnapped , perhaps by a rowdy motor cycle gang that h a d been b othe ri ng othe r campers. , Three fireworks displays, a r1e-eating and a pie·throwi og contest will highlight Fourth of July activities along the South Or a nge Coast. Wednesday's celebration gets under way earliest in Laguna Niguel. where families and in- d 1 vi dua ls a r e in vited to p a rticipate in fi ve a nd 10· kilometer runs through Laguna Niguel Regional Park beginning at 8 a .m. Fireworks displays will take place al 8.30 p.m. in the regional pa rk. San Clemente's fireworks displays begin at dusk on the c1· t y pier Lagu na Beach 's Emerald Bay Association dis- play also begins al dusk and s hould be visible from the hHJs of the city. Community activities are con· ccnl rat ed in San J u a n and Laguna Niguel. The schedule of events is. -San Juan-"Pie in your Eye" booth and adult relay games from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., obstacle coµrse and bubble gum blowing con t est a t 1.30 p .m ., beer · drinking contest at 2 p. m. and Senor San Juan beauty contest at 3 p .m. -Laguna Nig uel-Pa rachute jump and treas ure hunt at l p.m .. sack races for father and child at 1:30 p.m . pie eating contest at 2 p.m .. sack races for mother and child at 3 p.m ., sack races for husband and wife a l 3:30 p.m , tug of war al 4 pm. and fireworks al 8 :30 p.m . San Juan's festivities t ake place in open fields hetween Ortega Hi ghway and Camino Capistrano on Del Obispo Street. Laguna Nig uel's celebration l akes pl ace al Laguna Niguel Regional Park on La Paz Road. San Cle m ente's Lions Club also sponsors a chicken barbe- cue from noon to 5 p.m . at the community clubhouse, 100 Ave Seville. f'ro• Page A I •UST' DENIED ... '1nlawfully sleeping. while Mc intire had been char ged with drinking in public a nd possession of marijuana. The Judge's purported notes. submitted to Millard. 11\ eluded : -A NOTATION on Caswell 's file which read, "Don't deal for less lban 30 days! nus (defendant) dealt out three cases before a visiting judge for time ser ved -also a Laguna Beach reg (regular)." -NOTES ON MclNTIRE'S files that say , "Give name to LBPD (Laguna Beach Police Department) for the 'list '," a nd "Please clobber if •G' (gulll)'). '' I -"" Griffin insisted such notations are not public docu· V" ments but simply are ways the judges keep track or repeat · offenders so they can be dealt with accordingly. By the "clobber" notation, for example. Griffin said he meant the defendant should be given a sliCfer penally if found guilty because he had been in court on a similar of· fense before. had been warned not to repeat the offense and had been given a lesser Cine. "I DON'T BELIEVE in revolving·door justice." the judge continued. ''I m a ke those notes because I want to make sure that whatever judge sees this person, they get what they warrant." Bovee. however, in his court documentation. con- tended the existence of such notes "may have materially aftected the dlspoeitJon and sentences of the cases ." "Such notations have raised an inferen ce that there has existed or does exist a special Hat or lists of certain de· fendants." he continued HE ALSO ALLEGED he haa been denied access to the records and said judges and clerks bave "indicated that they intend to remove from such ntes any and all such notes." Millard said today the lntenUon or his order was to say, "Hey, it is par\ of the court me. You chose to make it part of the rile. Now leave It there." He contended that if judges' notea appear in the m e they a~ part of the public record. "1UDGE MILLAaO IS ablolutely wront." Grtffin replled. "The Issue that will be eventually decided In lhi• will have to do wi~ what Is a public doeument and what la not." Grlff\n H id he would seek leaal action of bit own "to vacate this ridlculoua document." In tbe meantime. he lmisted, depuly public defenders wUJ be gSven aceffl to the same documents as other de· fense lawyert, acce s th•\ does not include the judau' notu. Under the proposed rate struc· ture, to be voted on tonight by council members, homeowners would be aaaessed 19 cents per front root of property and com· mercial buHdlng owners would pay 28 cents per front foot. T he rate would increase to 21 cents for residential and 31 cents fo r commercial property in 1980-81, and to 23 cents and 34 cents respectively the follow· ing fiscal year. City officials said today a ll property owners would be as sessed the new tax -even those who are nol currently served by s treet Ui hts. From Pa~ A I MITCHELL •. forts to keep the Santa Ana and San Diego Freeways rrom merg- ing near the Marine Corps air station at El Toro. Mr. Mitchell graduated from UCLA in 1933 where he majored in economics. He Joined the Ai r Force prior to World War II and was on a committee that select· ed locations for military air sla· lions. That panel was instrumental in selecting the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro and what 1s now J ohn Wayne Airport as milltary airstrips prior to World War II. The former inte lligence officer left the Army Air Force on a physical disability and became active lo his local P'l'A, later re· ceiving an appointment to the county board of education in 1962. He was named to the state board in 1970 by G o vernor Reagan. but q uit four years later after often being on the los· ing end of 9·1 votes, saying he d id not approve of t h e gov· crnor's education pro~rams and terming other Rea~an appoint men ts as "political." As early as 1954. the activist worked with a J!roup in Santa Barbara to keep oil drilling plat· forms from the> ocean He reasoned tha t the plat - for ms would make it difficult to detect enemy subma rines. He later objected to location of the Santa Ana and San Diego freeways, saying the juncture of the two freeway routes would hi nder military flights out of El Toro. An d he took on local con troversy. successfully prevent· ing development or a mobile home park at Salt Creek when a developer proposed s uch use for his nci~hborhood . Mr. Mitchell is survived by his wtfe. Helen. and daughter Jen· nifer of the family home al 11 South Alta Mira Road in South Laguna. He is alsn survived by a sister. J :m et Mitchell of Goleta. P rivate services were to be held today al the fa mily home The family suggests donations be made to the Capis trano Valley Baptist Church in San Juan Capistrano. "~""'''.,..... WIFE 'RAN BETS' Acior Rod Steiger Steiger: My Wife 'Ran Bets' LOS ANGELES <AP I -A furor arose today during the Rod Steiger divorce trial when the white.haired actor commented that his wife, a racetrack buff, used to "run bets" ror other peo. pie. "Do you mean to say she was a bookie?" asked Mrs . St.eiger 's attorney, Harold Rhoden. "No." Steiger said_ "But she told me s he ran bets for other bettors, and if they won s he got a couple of hundred dollars." Rhoden, who called Steiger as a hostile witnt!ss, objected vehe me ntly as Steiger ·s al· torney tried to stop the line or q uestioning. ·'This man has indicated this woman was making money as a bookie or b y som e illegal means," Rhoden shouted. At that point. Steiger asked to explain further. "1 want it understood that I wa s proud of my wife's ability with horses," he said, spt:akmg in the rapid. clipped tones familiar to moviegoers "I dt>· pe nded on it. When we went to the Kentucky Derby I was very proud that she picked the fi rst two winning horses. "l don't mean to imply in any way that 1t was dirty or 1llegal, · he went on. "I see nothing wron~ with a lady running bets " Earlier, Sherry Steiger testified the actor waited unul their wedding invitations had been sent before telling her to s ign a prenuptial agreement WCllVing her rights lO any Of hlS property or earnings Laguna T een Held On Drug Char ge A Laguna Beach teen-ager. ~u s peel ed o f s h ooting off fireworks at Sleepy Hollow Mon· day. was subsequently arrested on susp icion of possessing hashish oil. .Steven Kenneth Szymczak, JR. of 683 Alta Vista Way, was ar· rested by Officer Bill Yourex after the pol iceman alle~edly fo und a small quantity of the po· tent narcotic on the sus pect but two were arrested Monday after a grinding two·car coWsk>n on Pacific Coast Highway in Dana Point. California Highway Patrol of· fi cer Gil Payne said the 10:45 p m . accident occurred when a 16-year-old San Juan resident al- legedly pulled out onto Coast Highway from Street of the Amber Lant.em. A southbound car driven by James Lee, 55. s mashed into Brown's car, injuring three pas sengers in the Lee aule'. Payne said. Patsy Lee, 55, James Shinkle. 59, and 0 . Shinkle, SS, were all treated and released Crom South Community Medical Center . The youth was also treated and re- leased. Mrs. Lee was treated at the scene . P ayne s aid the boy was charged with felony drunk driv· ing while Jam es Lee was ch a r ged w\lh m isde me anor drunk driving. Both are at home today. f'rolfl PtJflf9 A• WHITE ... T he 92·~eat courtroom was filled, with about. half the seaL<; ta k en b y re p o r ter s a n~ courtroom artists. White will be transferred to the st alt> prison .. reception .. center m Vacaville and tater ta either San Quenu n or Soledad . "h1ch have specia l sections where he can be segregated from the general prison popula· lion and protected from inmate rt.'pns als White wa s Mnv1cted May 21 11f volu ntary manslaughter for both k11lin~s after six days of JUry de· libe rations New Uaily Pilot Price in Effect llome deliver} pr ice for the Otuly Pilot went from $3.50 to S3 75 ~r month ef- f e('t 1 ve Sunday, July 1, 1979 Pnce of s ingle copies/ !!Old at coin boxes or over t h e <· o u n le r w e r e i a · creased to 15 cents daily. and to 35 cen~ Sunday Al S3 75 ~r month, the Dad y Pilot home delivery pnt·e rt!mams among thP lo we:.t for seven day nt'~!>paper:. in Southern L'al1furnia Yuur Daily Pilot ca r · nt:r. who 1s ;,in indepen dt•nt merchant . will re· a hzc <tn incrt•asc in profit for h1~ or her services to you ut the new lJrice. C'ontinumg maJor cost mtr~ast!~ 1n all aspects of news papt>r production a nd d1~tn bution. such as a 15 pvrtent in('rease 1n th~ co~t of newsprint. m ake 1h1s increase necessary. With Rolex , diamonds are right on time. " R01.£X SLAVICK"S F'lot1 Jewelers Sinrt' 1917 • The distinctive 18 ka rat yellow ~old Rotex Day·Datc with matching hidden clasp bracelet • A llnarloml·d. $5.250.00 R With diamond dial. $5,925.00 C. With diamond bezel and diamond dial , $9.075.00 Or add to your. own 18 karat gold Day· Dale a diamond bezel for S3,150.00 or a d iamond dial for $675.00: or both for S3.82S 00 f11hlon Island, Newport Center , NewPort Buch I (714 ) "4·1390 3 Olht r L«atloos WestmlMlt'r Mall. Lagun1 Hiiis Mell. Orange. Ctrrttor. i\1110 OrHter Loll Anneles 'Sun Dlcao Las V•U& l .. .,. fl •.ann '• ~·te~n1 rll11•• ,1 .. 10 oo Aftl<m•ft It.a,,.... \"T}g.\ .,, .. ,., t~•rr• . Mtmbn f'fM Jt1()f'ltrs Guild .. ~ ~ ' Orange Coast Jurors These are the Orange Coast's represen- tatives on the 1979-80 Orange County Grand Jury, along with jury foreman Benton Be- jach of Santa Ana. In front row <from left ) are Sam Feldm an of Seal Beach, Leonor Hammond of San Juan Capistrano, Derald Hunt of Costa Mesa and Kathleen Cum- mings of Laguna Beach. In back row <from left) are James McCormick of Wes tminster. Foreman Bejach. James Dick of Fountain Valley and James M. Keefe of Huntington Beach. New jury was sworn in Monday. County Alcoholism High Jury R eport Cites Drinking Prob lems By ROBERT BARKER 0t ,,.. o.ity ~, .. s~ Orange Countians on the whole are a bunch er pretty heavy drinkers, according to findings of the 1978-79 Grand Jury. Nearly 10 percent or the coun- ty's adult population has drink- ing problems and alcoholism pervades all segments of socie- ty. the Grand Jury report notes. About 135,000 individuals are termed either alcoholic abusive (using alcohol to support daily activities) or alcoholic (addicted and experiencing serious life disruption). Using information supplied by various county agencies. the re port alJeges that alcohol abuse affects 9.7 percent of the adult population and 1s a problem in every area of the county because of economic and cultural factors . The east·central area or the county. the Grnnd .Jury uotes. contains the highest number of 5100,000 'Palimony' Gay Suing Lover For Not Sharing WASHINGTON CAP) -In what lawyers say was inspired by the publicized Marvin vs. Marvin "palimony" case. a Washington m an is s uing his male former lover for allegedly violating a verbal agr eement reache d whe n they set up housekeeping. In a suit filed in District of Columbia Superior Court, Don Cox, 27. maintained that David Elwing, 37. failed to abide by a verbal agreement to "support Cox, provide him with board. maintenance. clothing. medical expenses and other necessities and sh'are" half the profits of a r eal-estate venture. Cox said he "rendered services of household upkeep," including cooking and cleaning under his part of the bargain, and wants $100,000 as compensa- tion. In an interview published to· day by the Washington Post. Cox said he and Elwing, a Veterans Adtn\nistration e mployee, ex· changed gold rings and vows of love and commitment in a Chicago church "holy union" ceremony two years ago. Cox said he quit a Job here to stay in Chicago with Elw1og but that the two broke up last February after they moved to W ashingt.on. Lawyers for Cox and Elwing agreed that the suit results from the M arv in v s. Mar v in "palimony" case decided in California in April. ln that case, Michelle Triola Marvin sued actor Lee Marvin for compensation for the six years she served as his compan- ion, housekeeper and cook while they lived together out or wedlock. The iudJ?e ruled that the cou-p I e bad no expressed con- tract to share property, but awarded Ms. Marvin $104,000 "for rehabilitation purposes." "If the Marvin case had not come up, Mr. Cox wouJd not have conceived of this idea," Elwing's lawyer. Leonard Graff, told the Post. "This suit is one of harassment and simply without merit. It's a personal vendetta against my client." 6earlti9 llp tor Census transients and tndigents. the old<'st housing and a g r eat number of aging hotels. The north county and north coast r egions are heavily populated with intact families striving to maintain economic security and upward mobility. according to the report. The south coast boasts af. fluent ne ighborhoods. the hi~hest number of single parent heads-of households and a heav} concentration of older people, among whom alcoholism is often more prevalent than in any other group, the report said. To alleviate the condition, the Grand Jury r~ommends that a publi c detoxification program and center be re-established. Jurors said this also was rec- o mme nded by the previous Jury but that "it has not dis- cerned any s ignificant im· plementation by the Board of Supervisors." The Grand Jury also urges that the J ames A. Musi<'k sheriff's honor farm and a oow- closed juvenile detention facility be considered for possible s ites. Education about alcoholism a lso shouJd begin at the elemen· tary·school level, the Jury says. The Grand Jury expresses op· timism that alcoholism can be reduced through public and privafe programs to the extent that funding and client fees will permit. The Grand Jury report cited s tatistics to point out the magnitude or alcohol -related problems. l t said there are about l ,179 drunk driving arrests monthly and that 49.5 percent of the serious a uto accidents are alcohol related. Alcohol abuse was reported to be a factor in 3-0 percent of the county's suicides, 64 percent of homicides a nd 39 percent of rapes. Rep. Robert Badbam, R·Newport Beach, stopped by the U.S. Ceosus office in the Lquna N'aauel federal bulldin& Monday to see bow thlnll were 1oini ln advance of the 18 DOM count. The oen1ua bureau of· fice will process questionnaires on 81 million people, about 37 percent of the population. Talking with the congressman ls Mrs. W. F. Gardner, of J,.aguna Niguel. \ Carter's Rating 'l.Dwest' NEW YORK (AP) -An ABC News-Harris poll gives Presi· dent Carter's work the lowest rating ever and one of the lowest marks any president has re- ceived in the last 30 years. Only 25 percent or the 1,496 adults interviewed gave Carter a positive rating, down from 29 p\!rcent in May. The ABC-llarris poll taken June 13·17 found 73 percent giv mg Carter negative marks and 2 perc<'nt not sure. In May . Carter's negative rating was 70 percent, with 1 pe r cent not sure. Carter's Harris rating com pares with the 26 p e r cent positive rating that the Harns poll found for then-President Nixon in June 1974, two months before Nixon resigned in the midst of the Watergate scandal. Using a different approval question. the Gallup Poll found a 24 percent pos itive rating for Nixon in July 1974 But the low point in modern polling history for a president was found in November 1951. when the Gallup Poll found only a 23 percent approval rating for then· President Truman using a different approval question. The Associatc•d Press·NBC News poll found Carter's lowest ranking in August last yeur and in the last poll 10 t!arly May In both cases, those gavrn~ him "good" or "excellent" mark~ totalled 26 percent. In August. those rating his work "only fair" or "poor" reached 73 percent. whjle the same ~roup totaled 72 percent in early Muy. The r e mainder were not s ur('. These poll fi gures have an er- ror margin of at least J pE.-rcen· tage points, meaning any d.Jf. ference between two fi~ures of less tba n 3 po1nts 1~ not statistically s1gnu1cant The White House had no com menl on the poll, but V1ct! Pr~• · dent Waller Mondalt• said ht· wasn't concerned ubout it Hertz No. 1 In the Cliips DU QUOIN . Ill. <AP > As dubious achievement:: go. cowchip throwin11 must rank somewhere near the top of the heap. But that chdn't seem tc bother J ohn He rtz ol Carbondale who won the second annual Cow Ch1 i: Throwing Contest at the Farm and Folk Festival al the DuQuoin State Fair grounds. The 20-year -old Ht'rt? led a field of 50 contend- ers with a throw of 146 feet, five inches in th< parched arena Hf.• won ~ trophy and a chance to g1 to the nationals 1n Mon tana in August lU!!!!d!X. July 3, 197i Board Chief APWl ........ o Roberta Weintraub. an out- spoken foe of forced school busing. beams after being elected president of the Los Angeles Board of Education. The vote was unanimous on the fourth ballot. Shah Set For Visit To Nixon? MEXICO CITY <APJ -A U.S. F:m bassy source says former President Nixon 1s expected to v1s 1t Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi this week at the heavily g uarded Mexican villa his fo rmer aJly 1s occupying. "It 1s true that we think he 1~ co ming. but we don 't know Y. hen." the source said Mooday night. "We are ready to help oot in any way we can with logistics or whatever . but so far there have been no official requests for any kmd of ass1stanre . .. Jn all hkelthood, given what Wl' know. we can expect Nixon to \'1s1t the shah later this \~ t.'ek." said the source, who <isked not to be 1dent1f1ed. "We don't know when he is go· mg to come. 1f indeed, he 1s go· ing to come at a11 :· he added. Nixon's aide in San Clemente. Col. Jack Br eon.an, was not av ail able for comment. In Washington. State Depart- ' men t s pokesman Thom as Res ton said he knew nothing about a trip to Mexico by the former president. It was reported in Mexico City that Nixon planned to come on a Western Airlines flight from California. But the rurline can- celled flights to Mexico because of labor trouble here. The deposed Iranian monarch and his family are living in a pa latial . r e nted villa 1n Cuernav[1ca. 45 miles south of Me xico City. He arrived June 10 from the R<Jhamas after getting a 90-llay I ou r1st visa with the help of fo rme r Secretary of State Henry Kiss inger. the foreign policy chief of thl' Nixon adminastra· lion. s DAIL y PILOT A 3 Judge Declares No Bias Orange County Superior Court J udge Richard Beacom has de- nied be bolds any bias toward rape suspect G len Howard Hutcherson and insists he can preside fairly over Hutcherson's third trial. Beacom filed a court affidavit in response to a challenge made by Hutcherson's attorney, Terry Giles, alleging the judge is prejudiced toward his client. In his reply, Beacom lashed out repeatedly at what he called • "prejudicial misconduct" by Giles during Hutcherson's re- cent rape retrial and said it was that purported misconduct which prompted him to order a third trial. "l didn't rule against Mr. Hutcherson." Beacom wrote. "nor am J prejudiced against him because of antipathy for Mr Giles. 'I hold no antipathy toward Mr. Hutcherson, nor the merits of his case, but only towa rd what I perceive to be Mr. Giles' pro· fessional misconduct." the judge wrote. The rape trial of the 46-year- old Whittier aeros pace worker drew national attention in March when another judge, Ma son Fenton, overturned a Jury's guilty verdict and ordered a second trial. J\t the time Fenton said he didn 't bel.Jeve the story told from the witness stand by the alleged rape Vlrt1m , Catherine Hardin. 21. llis decision immediately was :.ittacked by women's groups who labeled the Judge "sexist· traditional." ( The Jury in Hutcherson's s econd tria l. conducted by Beacom . deadlocked 11·1 in fa vor of acquitta l and Prosecutor Dan Brice asked Beacom lo dis miss the charges. Beacom refused and criticized Giles for tus presentation of the defense in the case, accusing him or violating rules of l'V1dence by bringing in aUega ~ t1ons about Ms. Hardin's past sexual activity. As a result, Giles sought to have Beacom disqualified from presiding over the third trial. ac- cusing the judge or having ''a hxed anticipatory judgment as to the defendant's guilt." Now. a superior court judge w ill be appointed to determine ~ hether Beacom should preside over the trurd rape trial. The trial had been scheduled to begin next week. but may be delayed because or the judicial challenge. Hiker R escued SAN DIEGO !AP> A 24 year-old lukcr has been rescued from the Laguna Mountains, after surviving a 70-foot fall that left him ::.tranded 40 hours in near-freezing temperatures two nights. authorities s aid. David Kleinfeld. a gradual<' student al UC San Diego. was rescued Monday ~ uslralia, Stubbies has sold more pants and shorts than there are peoplt!-15 million. Now they're in the U.S.A .. specially designed for the active lifestyle. If you like comfort and infonnality, you'll like Stubbies. The elastic-back styling makes it easy to ht most everyone. including Storekeepers Tosh and Jill . :..-.. ~ 1028 Irvine, Newport Beach. C.)lifom1a. Phone 642-70ol Al DAILY Pll.OT LISC Tueld1y. July 3 tt1'1 NATION I WORLD Jut Coa t ing ; . Q ...... ~ Leak Shuts Nuke D11;mp Tom ~~'·' M11rplaln~ Playing P r centage FEARLESS fOUaTH FORECA8T8 -llere we 1i1re. poised on lhe brink ol our Independence Oay holiday and e ve rybody an the predlchni business la offerin(l proa noat lcatlooa on overtlm\' The Fourth of July weather j 1 be1n11 predlt'ted i ll low mornl~ cloud• wtth a aunny a n emoon alona the coastline You aru left wondtrln.i •bout those low mom1nw clouds. They were predicted for today ali.o Thoe~ mom jn& cloudi. got so low that they fell com ple tely oown. Wrunj Thtnkl•r:. mlf(ht suggei.t that It "'Ub raining. Seldom do cloudb get mu,·h lowtr thun lhlit The rorecash m •. howt!vl'r said we were in a weather trou&h and the trou11h wall ao d "'dY tor tht' l"ourth. M it) btc> it'll Just wash away T HERE I ALSO a lot uf Fourth or July pred1clint: relative to how much gasoline )OU wa ll find Ii\ a1lable tomor row. • Here. on the fuel front. the t'Xpt-rti. !Jla) the pcrcc11 This Eagle rs Here J ust Because He is a Really Neat Eaale lages gamt.> For rxample. in our coastal area, they allege .there ts an 80.8 percent chance you'll find a gas station open. · That is, 1 r the 13 4 percent of undecided station operators decide lo open H they decide to stay clos ed. your chan<'es 11re only 67.4 percent. Even if they all stay open. my chances would be to pull into the 19.2 pe rcent st.a taon that is chained shut. There would then be a 100 percent chance I'd blow steam-t>ut of my cari. IF YOU R EALLY LOVE those percentage gam es on the Fourth of July, you can play it r ight alonJ?, thus There's a 100 percent c ha nce ir you try going to the bank tomorrow, you 'II find it closed Despill' the long-standing fireworks ban. there's a 9!l .9 pcrcl•nt chance that you'll see a lot or it in the air over Newport Bea('h. -IF VOU TRY DRIVING through Laguna Beach. there's an 87.4 percent chance you'll sit through four signal ch anges before you make 1t past the Coast Highway-Forest A venue intersection. There's a 74 3 per cent chance of a light erupting al lluntington Beach Pier In San Clemente, the odds are 100 to O that some ser vicemen wall be a rrested for drunke n public brawling with the 89.9 percent c ha nce 1t started io a saloon. All that aside. I'm going to wish you a 100 percent chance for a happy, safe and sane holiday. Old Home Bare No Mem o ra b ilia j ·o r Wayn e WINTERSET. Iowa <API John Wayne was born here in 1907 and spent the first six years of his hf c in Winterset. But a visitor would be hard pressed to find any s ign of the late film s tar. June Kaser. president of the Madison County Hi storica l 8ociety. acknowledged t hat when the society's museum opens in the fa ll. there will be no m emorabili a to note the town's most famous resi- dent. Tht' soc1N} pla ns to replace the marker outside Waynt"s bi rthpl<ice "but that's about the size of it." she said. ('ARSON CITY, Nev (AP> Cov Robtlrl Lust bas barred ruture •hlpmenlJI to • nuclear wa&1te dump near Beatty 11n cr a truck urravtid th ere leaking rudlOIC'Uvc m•tcrial Tho truck w1t11 brlnalna wll&le from at nuclear rt>uc lor owned by Con11ume r Power Company in <.'obl' rt. Mich The veh icle is be- 111ac held ul Ucutty until the ar· r ival o f u Oc purtmen t of T runaportutiun inspection crew Tht• ln1~k hui. not btlen opened. U PO~RI VAL al Beatty, Nuc1'ii'r Engineering Co, Inc offic1ulb measured 45 millireml) E1ul JI iewed 111 Pro test By Truck e rs By The Associated Press The nationwide truckers' pro tcs l "should be over s hortly,· ~ayi, thl' Interst ate Commerce Commission. but a s pokesman for the striking independe nt drivers says that while the shut- M down may have wound down. it is not fi nished. .. The violence that has marked the s trike throughout its three weeks appeared to be continu- 1 n g, with a drive r shot and wounded and two truck rigs hit by g unfire along Interstate 10 in 'labama Monday night. ALABAMA TROOPERS said the dr ivelof a pickup truck ·tow- ing a trailer was shot in the arm by a sruper. Eddie Skinner of Boulder, Colo .. was hospitalized a t Gulfport, Miss. Skinner's wife. who was traveling with him. was not injured. Lt. Roy Sm ith said the pickup truck and trailer "could have IJeen mistaken for a tractor trailer from a distance." No one was injured in the at t::lc ks on the two tractor-t railer trucks. said Sm ith. He said the drivers or the big rigs told of- r1cl'rS they thought the shots \H'rc fired from a nother vehicl(' MEANWHILE, con voys con ,. l' r g c d M o n d a y o n t h e Massachusetts Statehouse and Chicago's Loop. In Tennessee. however. troopers e nded a week of 12·hour days protecting ship- ments or rood and fu el supphe::. during the worst of the ofte n- vaol ent strike. The members of Michigan's Independent Truckers Associa- tion voted to s tay orr the job. And as w estern Montana truckers ende d t heir three-week- long shutdown. drivers in the easte rn part of the s tate vowed to continue the protes t. which hai. been aimed at h igh fuel prices and short supplies, the 55 mph speed limit and weight regula tions that vary from state to s tate. Shipments or food and goods continue lo show "substantilll improvement ," said an ICC re- µo rt. "THE FACTS AR E -whether they admitlt or not -the truckers are going back lo work." said ice· s pokesman Doug Baldwirh. who acicied that the number of regional offices mentioning violence in their report::. wai, down substan- llallv Showers Pelt Nation Continue d W e t W e ather Forecast Tt"tnpf'ral. u r e• H• LO PO Alou·flU• •• ~/ AmM1llu ., ,, Atf"n'ct ~j ,, 8a1t1mort I~ •l 61rmo9h4'm "' bV " 81,mcJrck "' bS 01 80t\lt ,, ., 80\IOn H1 bV ,ll 8rown\v111,. "' 18 Burt.io &H Sb Chr•~ln SC: ,, II Ch~vrnn• HI H Chlc•go ,. "° ClntoMt\I> 87 )q CIPvel•no 11 SJ Dal Ft Win '>9 IS ~,, .. , '>() SI Qcolro•I I~ S7 HetPntt ,, 0 HOMlu•u •• IJ tiou\lon '>1 ,, lll<l'•poll\ 83 s• J•<-IU'¥tn• ~s " l(an•s Coly 81 IS LHVt~ '" "" Lllllt Rot' tJ IS LOS A"991<S 11 fl() Lou•>••ll• .. ., Mem11111s to 90 M1em1 88 ., Milweukee IJ SI Mpl~SI P .. II "•'"•Ill• IS 10 NtwOrlns •s 11 New Yoo ,. ., Ollle. Cllv •l I? ()nl•N u 13 ()fltl>CIO .. n Pl>ill d'Ofl•• ,. •• Ptloelll• IOS ,. Pltt~f"Qll .. S4 "'''"°' 0.-e ll •• . 04 ~eno u S• 0.., ,.... Otoli•Hy ...... , .... ~~ltt/ ,,Kf..tY II 11"\.)U !J• ,,..,, '''"' .. ~11' ~try'-lOt>m ~,o1t1f)ottt1,Pte I 0 rA 40'~ 'tOJ( (O(t'f' .... 1. ~ 1l~•~V'fl•f't1 "'°""""'~ ,,...,..°"""' ,~.~'f'C)ijlc..(J()y o-. tJ •"' <•" llf!lul• t I 1 fft ""° yOlf COOy "'' btl M~.t'.., c.,...._ r...,._.. .,.. I°'-Couo'llv ""' U MU1 l«lft-""""'n<il""M" • ,., Wll\I""' ... .. .... ,. ~~C..Vt_B,..;..11 ~~~·.,.., -tiw<11 l4MI""• i;.o "'"'-........ • ~ ,,,,,. Woo.---\t-.. ,., StO'•Cif'IO•• 0 .. 1 ... d,.d mimII ---=== SI Lo.ils .. H °' SI P·T•,,.,.,. 'IO ,. Salt Lek• ~ u S.11 OotQO TI ... San Fr•11 .. SJ S.•111• •• 41 TulSe ,. 1• w as11111gtor1 •• , . CALIFO•NIA NI Lt Pep Btkersti~d .. l>J BilhOP .. m BIYlll• 103 10 Fr~'"o I I Sii Mo11ter•v u S7 NHCllH 103 ,, Oekltnd ., SS S..cram91110 '° n S..11 Francl><o 64 SJ Sa111a 8trtNra •• $t Stodton .. SS TIMrm•I 100 .. Be n tow ., eJ Bio &Hr •• .. CetelllHI 1t '1 El Ctn lro .. ,. H ·w-·8ut'ONtll 10 ., Lk A rtOWllMll 67 )0 L4"!ll let<h 60 tO "•=-.Ch ., ., ..... , .. 72 • Ont er to ,. JI "''"'~ 101 ,. Pe-to .. S... 9tmentlN ,, .. $MIOe«wi.t .. . , Stt\J-" " Stttl• AIWI 11 .. Unta(r.., •J ,. '4111ttMar .. ., u llml •• S' c NOAA U l Oe ., (.,.. .. ,, .. PAN AME•tCAN A<•Pulco 'IO IS 10 C11li.ce" •s FrMpor1 •• 1) 01 Gueclal•1er• .. ... 04 Htver>t 'IO IS 04 K11>9ston 'IO 11 Mont~B•y to H 10 Mtrttlan ., .. IM•l<oCHy II SI IMrlOt ., 13 I 00 Monterrey '1 1J Nesstu to IS 01 h guclg•IP<I ll .. 17 Trl11ld&d .. ,, ... Ver•cru1 to I• IJ.S. s ... •ar11 ShOwtrs -JhllndtnllOWtrs pelt. .., IM Mlklll'• rl"lcl»<llon today t nd more wet -ll'ltr wu roniu st lor oilier par11of !Mc-try. Sllowt rt and occn lo11e l tllur> derstorms ~• rtCOOrltd aerly tooey trom .Al•Nln• to WltcOl'ltln and •< rou tl'lt Plains from Ille Otkotas tllrou9h '"' TtU I ptftfltnd I• Sca ttered sl'lowtrt e no thun dtrttorms tlto hit from Monten• tllrouth Ht w M••l<o fllt lllun 09" lOf IM prodll(ecl l>ff •V rt Ins 0 llO ou•ty w1~. ''""'"' )Cl mpll t i lln'IU 111 tM OeMCAlt. SlloMn tfld ,...,.,.,,,.....n ,..,,. t ltO f--' •toftO Ille NOttt> Atltntlc (OH i •11• a -tr llOrtlltrll Mt• Elltt.1141 end l'loflM Wtl wtatlltr WH t lM pndl(llld frOft> lllt M IO· l l .. I ... Vtlirt .Cl'MI tl'lt llOfllltt,. a11• c111tre1 Plt lnt tllroutll ll'lt flOOIH •"II 0vtr W•.i'll,.tto11 tlelt TrmoPratur"' wt''''• •0t•<h•11 10 O" mtld tr?m t,_. 10..-..r Gr,·at L.:."e' ,tnd ur>P"' Otuo Vath.•f into lh ... Nof1h Att,.nt1t Co.tt\l 'tc1t"'· ..t\, w.-11 4\ ovfllr lhf" nor I""''" Roe k•t'\. mu(h ot the Pldt.-AU rrg1on dnd th~ P-11c1 h < northw t"'' S.>a'-Ondbl'Y wttrm to hnt Wf'flft\f"r wA\ to<Nd\t rlC '0\\ thf' fP\t ot th11 nAtlnn F1trly morri1nQ t"mP'''dturt1t; f\fQund t~ nAuon rAnQf"d trom JC'I <Je~rti'\ "' .C.811\Pf'll, Mont , to 8A df"CJrf'f\ "' Fort WOttn, T1>1ta\, and Ph~n11• California Th,. Nal1ona1 Wf'at~r S.rv•ce ore- d1ctrd \hqtttly warm•r. c;unny dfter noo""' 1n C,OutNorn Cahtorn1.i through I~ Fourth af1111r tdt~ n•oht oi!Jno motn tnQ •ow <IOUd\ buf'n off Ptf'd•<t"'CS "Oliday h•9h, rano~o fr om t h~ uppt!r 10 .. ,,., the mrtrooo111ari dff'•s to 10& '" lhfo tow~" df'wrt\ M O'\tl .. ctoudf 100 .. ., Wllh Ot os1one1 '4>fln~IM but. n~teo 10 tlf'iJr UH\ •tternoon •ncJ st•v \unny tomorrow ltQht v•ri.tblf! w1ncn nu~ht &tnO morninQ nouo too.av •nd tomof'f'OW Cottle! timi>eraluru r.a1191119 from tllt lllgll ot" doWfl lo 60 lnl""CI •~m pert turn cllmo.119 10 I• with• low 60 tod•¥ .S1111, Moon, Tide• TUl!SDAY Second low 11 lJ a m 1 s Second nl9" J JO Pm • 8 Sun rlSM J 41 am. sett e·oe pm Moon rise$ t .OS pm .. >el• 1 17 am S 11rl Report ,.orec .. t valid to toniQl'll Height In lw t. . period In -Oftllt . .Awt Mt• ,.,.. A"t Ma• Dir l"""' . 1 J " 1 7 w Stnlt Mol'llU I , '17 I 7 SW Newpori 2 • It I J S H"lltl1'19lon 1 • It I 1 W Oulloo-10< W.Onttdn •llllt (lttftQe of radioactivity a r ound the truc k . Or John Carr. state h ealth officer. h ad uid an averaae chest X-ray e xposes a person to a bout that a mo unt. The truck carried cobalt 58, cobalt 60, cesium 137 and cesium 134, low·level radioa ctive wastes List said wer e "crud from clean· Ing out a nuclear reactor." List said Monday that the t r u c ker. Robert Venable . noticed the truck was leaking at stops he made in Las Vegas and Lathrop Wells. U .S . DEPARTM E NT of Energy information o ffi cer /tlicke11 Greef er Dave J ackson said monitoring crews from DOE a nd the En- vironmental Protection Agency were dispatched to the gas sta· lion in Las Vegas where the truc k stopped, but could find no rad ioactivity in the area. List said tentative results or testing at the Lathrop Wells stop also turned up no contam ination. In an unrelated incident Mon- day night. a busy section of railroad track was closed near San Francisco Bay in California when a tanker car began drip- ping highly toxic Diethylamine. BritCJin's Quct•n Mother Elizabeth s miles as s he 1s greet ed b~ Mackey Mouse during her visit to Toronto for Dominion Da y celebration~ marking Canada's ll2th birth day $1.5 Million Art LONOON I AP I A portrait of a young ... a llor hy Henri Matisse sold in London today for a new world auctwn price for J 20th century painting .. Le Je une Marin.. was sold to an ,anonymoui. buyer J l Chnstu:"s for 720.000 pound~. or Sl.576.800 at a conversion rate of S2 19 to the pound. The previous record aucuon price for .t 20th centur~ p1clurt• was $1.!'>50.000 paid at Sotheby Parke Bernet in New York in 1968 for Re noir's "Le Pont des Arts .. a c hemical used in pesticides a nd solven~. THE TANKER was de tached from the rest or the Southern Pacific tram while fire officials and rall employees worked to fix a leaky va lve. T he chemical, which can cause lung and skin irritations up to 200 reel away. dripped for three hours. ln closing the Nevada dum p s ite. List said "I'm not in busi- n ess t o m a ke the Nuc lear Regulato ry Comm ission hap· py." He added. "Now a t least we a re assured these vehicles are not going to be converging on southern Ne vada ." Appeal Set On Maritai Rape Issue SALEM. M a~~ <AP1 An at- torney says he wants to a ppeal a Judge 's precedent-sett mg ruling that would <Jllow his male client to be prosecuted for allegedly rnp1ng tu:. wire .. f haven't discussed this with my rhent yet." attorney Ralph Barbagallo or l.awrenct· said Mondu) .. Hut my feel.mg is I think 1l ·~ worth reviewing the ruling in a higher court before ,, •. ~ubJt•c t al l pa rties tc a urawn out trial .. ES~EX COl'NTV D1stritl At- tornt•y Kevin Burke r t ported Monda' that .Judgl' J ohn lrwrn ha" ruled Jumc!> K Chret1enpf- ll J q•rh1ll cctn be prosecuted"'" on 1 \\ o <·ount:-of .illegcdly ra ping h1~ \\1fe lai,t February. The rape complaint was filed hy Ca rm e lina C hret1er.. a mothl'r of two childr en. Her hu~band wa~ indicted by an E::.- ..,1.'x County grand Jury in March. Barbagallo soug ht d1sm1ssar of thl:' chctr gcs and argued dur- ing a Superior Court hearing in .J unc• th:.it a hus band cannot bl· prosecuted undl'r state lctw for raping h•~ wifl' Rl Rt\1-: SAil> lr'<l.1r. ~ ruling, .ii lowing the indictment to s tand, v. :.is thl· fir-;t suC'h interpret at.Jon of lht• stall'0'> rtllJl' l<i\lo 1\t thl' lllTlt' or thl· alleJ?t'c! rape. thC' Chn:11ens were in thP µrocc!.~ of g<'lt1ng a divorce . But Ir\\ 1n ·, ruling. Burke s aid, wct~ apart from any legal proceed ings in probate l'OUrt. Carrier Family Earns and Learns Greg Cole. 17, receives a watch from Daily Pilot circulation manager Morton, Nielsen upon retire- ment from four years delivering the Daily Pilot. --------------------------------Mall To: Orange Coast Dally PUol P .0 . Box 1560, Costa Mesa CalHomJa 92626 Yes~ I'd likt• to find out mon• auout t)can~ a Uaa l) Pilot nEo•ws ptlpt•t' t·arnt•r Na me o\ddrt'!t .. Phont· ('l h ~ A whole family has ea rn e d. lea r n e d a nd gr own up with the Daily Pilot in Cor ona del Mar. All mem bers of the Cole family have de - livered the Dail y P ilot. The fo ur Cole sons - Jieff . 19, Greg. 17, Tom, t'6 a nd Ti m . 10 -alt h ave gained va lua ble bus iness s k ills while earning mon ey dealing with people as Daily Pilot carriers. Even Mr . and Mrs Robert Co le have de- Hve red the Daily Pilot when the · sons weren't able to. Greg recently retired . leaving hi s r o ute in Harbor View homes to brother Tim. He saved $600 in four years de- live ring the Da ily Pi.lot. If you would like to earn and learn delive r - ing the Daily Pilot , call the circulation depart- ment at 642-4321 or mail the coupon to Daily Pilot Circulation, P .O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. DAILY PILOT 642-4321 • • Orange Coast EDITION " f 'By MlatAEL PA KEVIC'lt OtMlto.lly~ ........ ' l "I handled all ty~l> or t:x I >losi ves in Vaetna m • I .bought J could bandi t' ,nrework.s." • C harles Samuel Duke, !iO ftalked haltingly and p~unfuUy to' Jay or bis nightmarish everung n Huntington Beach last Satur fay. He was "just over al a friend " hous<'." tct'ltina: reacty w HO to tht• movlt•s with hu; f111nn•e and ht'r family Pasbi~ the tlmti by h~hhng a ft·w r1rt•works seemed hkt: run "I IJt tl and backtod off at lt'a!>l .io h•et. · said Duke• 'All of a :-.uddt>n I "as tut in the eye II knocked me bal:'k about 15 fet·t. Jnd when I got up. I fl'I\ blood pouring out of my tyt' · D u k t' r e m t' m b t· r s t h l' i.corc·hanl'! a"ony and the frantic· r1d t• 10 l'ut.·1f11:u Community llo~µ1tal. wh1•n • he was "im nH•dtalt'ly scrubbed down and. ofwralt·d on" by phys icians M 1c hat.>I und l>urucl S1gband Tht' t'Yt' :.ur~~n:. removed a wu1t of lhe pro}ecule which had borl'd lhrou~h l>ukl' :. right l'H•hd Thi•\ '>1°1•m lo lh1nk I \o\Oll t ,,., 11ut uf It .ig.1111 More surgery 1s possible Duke, recuperating at his home in Lakewood. isn't sure if he'll g~t his JOb back as a warehouseman for a m etals firm lle'll be laid up and his eye bandaged for a t leas t "three or fo ur months " Even Wllh the aid of pa1nk11J 111{! medication. wht•n hl• blrnki. h1::. good l')l' "lt frcls hke m\ ht•Jd 1:-. comm,:: off · Sunlight hurts. but he says he doesn't feel like going outside these days anyway. T he experien ce has taught him that anything can happen with fireworks. legal or not. "You just don't know about anything that 's explosive. Any kind of fireworks have gun· powder m them." said Duke. who does n't want to discuss the type or device that caused his blindness until insurance mat Your Hometown Dally Nl•wspape r · ters are worked out He "chewed out" his l4-year · old nephe w Monday when he saw him firing off bottle rockets, and wishes parents would take all firt'works away from their kids "My f1rl•works days <tre over," said Duke "I guess I had lo get hurt to grow up "I sllll have one t'ye left to set' with c.tnd I 'll bl' lc.tking -.:x tra tJrt• of lh:il nn1· · f J I ·Mesa Council Duels Fair Board 7Years ,For SF .; . SAN FRANCISCO c A P l 1 Da n White, whose voluntary 1manslaughter conviction m the killings of M ayor Georgt: Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk set off a riot at City Hall. was sentenced todc.ty lo seven years and eight months in prison the maximum allowed b\ Jaw · White will be e li gible fvr parole in about five years The minimum sentence that Superior Court Judge Walter Calcagno could have imposed would have been four years. As Calcagno passed sentence on an expressionless White. a minor demonstration was taJcing place outside the Hall of Justice. About 20 people carried signs critical of the police depart ment's handling of the case. The demonstrators c hanted: ·"He got away with murder." The judge said that because of l.the seriousness of the crime, he was giving While the maximum •term allowable by law. Before the sentence was handed down. White's lawyer. Douglas Schmidt, told the judge he had sent a "letter of mitiga· tion." The contents of the letter were not disclosed. but Calcagno t hen said he found that Wlutc was not eligible for probation. I Schmidt a lso asked that Wh1le J be given special protection in iprison, sin ce as a form er lpoliceman h e could fac e 1 re prisals from other inmates. ~ The judge ruled that White [would be a Uowed 218 days for !time served in jail s ince he sur- r endered a fter the killmgs Nov . 27 r The state Community Release Board could cut as m uch as one- • third from the t<'rm if While ilf !eventu a lly considered for •parole. . Peter Frisch. publisher of the , la rgest gay news paper in the 4 country. The Advocate. said. • "The most significant thing I'd ' say is that. as publisher of the Advocate. it's frightening to me ' that a man like Dan White can be ·out in the street in five years. J wouldn't want to mPet him." White was seated at the de· J rense table, flanked by his at· , torneys, Schmidt and Stephen 1 Sherr, behind a bullet-proof f glass. AP Wlrei>holo GETS SEVEN YEARS SF Slayer White 3 Tre1nors Shake Up California By The Ass~iated Press A busy week for California t>a rthquakes continued today. with three sma ll tremors rum- bling through the San Francisco and Santa Barbara areas two almost simultaneously -on the !Sixth straight day of earth move- m ents in the state. A quake measuring 3.0 on the R 1chter scale jiggled San Fran· cisco at 6:30 a .m., and at 6:03 a.m . a temblor registering 3.2 quivered m Santa Barbara. Seismologist Kate Hutton at Caltech in Pasadena said she believes the simultaneity was a l'Oincidence ··1 think they're too far apart to be related," she said. "Earth· quakes of that size are common e nough that such a coincidence 1s not surprising." The Santa Barbara quake was followed by another jolt at 6:35 a .m ., which measured 3.4. Both centered a mile south of Santa Barbara in the Santa Barbara Cha nnel. ·'They (seismologists) a re not necessarily classifying them as aftershocks from the Goleta quake last year, which measured 5," said Ca lt~ch spokesman Dennis Meredith. Coast Set For '4th' -Festivity Fourth of July celebrations many featuring fireworks dis- plays are -.cht.>duled 1n several Orange Coast l'lt1cs Wednesday. 111.!re's a rundo wn or celcbrn lions OP\'n lo thl' public COSTA MESA : Th-.: Amt.·ncan L1·g ion 1s ::.ponsoring a 9 p.m fir(•works s how al lhl' Urangl· County f a irgrounds. 88 Fair Dn\'I.', prl'l't'dt•rl by bands and otht•r t•ntt•rlainment beginning at 2 p.m . Ad vanct: tickets at Ticketron Jrl' $3 for adults, $2 for children and $12.50 per family. Al the gate. the price is $5 for adults. $3 for children and $15 per family. HUNTINGTON BEACH: This ~·eu r's parade. with an t-xpectcd J.000 part1c1pants, 14 floats and 11 bands. will kick off at 10 a.m . a nd run for two hours from Oran~C' lo Yorktown avenues on Mam Street Fireworks will be featured . beginning between 7 30 and 8 p m .. at the II unlington Beach lhgh Sthool swdium. 1905 Main St. Cost is $3 for adult!> and $2 for children LAGUNA NIGUEL: Family fun will begin at 11 a m. at Crown Valley Community Park wan a treasure hunt. pie eating Hnd races. Bands will also play all day, with a parachute exhjbi lion c.tnd fireworks scheduled al 8. :30 p.m. Admission is free. NEWPORT BEA C H ; M arinl.'rs Community Associa- tion will hold a parade and pie· nic at 10 a.m at Mariner s Park. The Balboa Improvement As· 'iOCiat1on will sponsor a free fireworks show dt 9 p m . al the B<tlboa Pier Newport Dunes Aquatic Park near l!:ast Coast Highway und Jamboree Road wtll offer fireworks at 9 p .m Admission 1s Sl per person. SAN CLEMENTE: The Lion::. Club will host a barbecue from noon to 5 p.m. at 100 Avenida Seville. Veterans of Foreign Wars will send up fireworks at the city pier at dusk. Admission is free. <See FOURTH, Page A2> Fan1iliar Feoi.l1ers Osprey lounge!:> atop Newport Harbor's famed O!>· prey platform. Balboa bird watchers ~ay the se<.1 · going hawk took up residence on the platform this week. It 1sn 't known if it 1s the same osprey who created a stir last year when 1t built a nest atop the forem;.ist of a schooner moored m the harbor. Wh e n the boat's owner wanted to move his vessel. the s pecial platfor m was erected. but the osprey Jost m· Le rest in the project and. at the time, went elsewhere. More Study Urged On Bridge Plan Air pollution, noise and land use con fli cts were amonJt th e concerns cited in a Jetter ap· proved Monday by the Costa Mesa City Council to send to Ora nge County about the pro· posed 19th Street bridge. legal Action Ordered U~ JACKIE llYMA1' 0t tM 0~1fy Pilot Sl411f l'h1 L'11~t a l\frsa C1t \ Cou1wll 11nJn1m•1U'>I} nrdt'red th<' city al l11rm'\ .\1ondJ' to ··1nat1att' ap propnal1· h•gal c.tc·t1on · ag:unst lhl• Or..ln~l' County Fair after 11::. hoard nll·mbt·r~ refu~l·d to formally submit tht:1r ma::.ter pldll 111 thr• I'll\ ·Thi• gauntlt•t h.ts llt•t.'ll fll ('kt·d lffJ C1l\ Attornt•y Hober• (';1m p.1gn..1 .. uHI ,ift•·r 1h1• ;11·tio11 1'11rnJ>.t·d 'l·H•ral years of dis ·pull' l>l'lV.l'l'll lh1· two 1'(U\· 1·rrl0ll'llla l JJH0nc.·1t•:-. OVt'r lhl' rl\J::>lel pl:.tn 11 1: Sdtd ht• will h<1 n· lo n· 'l'a r<'h lhl· aµpl1C0 <1bl(• la":-. hl'fort• dl•t1:rmmm g how bes t tri l'LI rr.} out the council 's directive Tht.> c·ouncil two v. <'l!ks <1go :-.t•nt d ll'ltt'r to the Fair Board ;i-,k111g comphan<'e with city pro t'l'dUrl''> Bodril mc·mbl'r., .it t h1•11 .hu11' ~i nweting 1:kclln1·1! w c•ompl~ ~embers of th<.' Fair Board formal!\ thl' :.tale 32nd Drslnct :\~ncultural Asi.0C'1allon board of director!> h;.ne said that. b<'ca use the) are a state agency. ~ the) J fl•n t required to ~11 through formal Ctl\ procedure .... Fair HOJI d ml·mher Clint lloose, v.ho Jtlc•ndt•d Monday\. lnl't'l1ng . satd his group cl)11 11nue-. to ht• v. 1ll1ng tn submit 11'> pl.tri.... for lhl' ma1or n •<.lcvt'lop nH'nl to the· l'll\ informally. Council memlwr ..... h11w<·v1:1 . pointt.'d out that such govern m1•nt agl'nt'tl':-. <I'-th1• lJ S Post<1 I S('rv1c.·1•. th1· Cuhforn1a llcpart nH·nt of Mol(l r V<'hi C'I<''> and F..11 1 \ll'W !-'t:.t tl' llosµ1t a l lwvl· ··ornphed with ull standard ctl.\ prot·1:durt•:-. for thl•1r bu1ld1ng pl Ojl'('lS "\.h· w ~t·n talking about lh111 tor 26 ~cc.tr" <sin ce lhl• city w 1·orporal\'<l1," said Councilman Dom H..1t1t1 'Whal ""e'r<' askanJ? thl' fc.t 1rgrounds tu do 1s what tht• fC'deral governme nt does. lht• -.t;ih' dO<.'s. the ('Ounty does. and tht• (.'II~ or Costa Mcsu. believe II or not .1ppl•ar., bdorC' itself." Counc.·11 m l.'mbers s tre::.!>cd thl•1r con(•erns about traffic and no1:-.e problems from the new dt' 'clopmenl. ProJects singled out were tht 8 .000 seal amph1thc·ater on which construrt1on 1s expecteo tn bt•gin latN this month. and ~ <See DU EL, Page AZ> Terror-Real; Deaths Not The lette r will be sent in con· nection with the county 's prep· ar.ation of an en vironmental Impact report on the bridge to link Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa over the Santa Ana Eivcr. Or:~~,~~a~l \\'eather LAKE ELSINORE. Calif. <AP) -It began with with gun· fire in the night and the piercing shout: "Don't shoot him in the head !" Peggy Hun~er grabbed he r 12-year-old da hte r , and they fled ror their liv . For two weeks, authorities said. they ran through the forest, living off berries and roots, sleeping in dirty blankets, keeping a step ahead of the men they were sure had killed 10 or their fellow campers, including Mrs. Hunter's husband and son. T h e terror was real ; the murders never happened. The reared pursuers with dogs were search crews sent out to look for the mother and girl, believed to haye been kidnapped. And what about the shots and blood-curdling cey? Merely the killing of a raccoon so It could be teated for rabies, Riverside County Sheriff's deputies said Monday. Sunday morning, the pair emeried from the Cleveland N•· UonaJ Forest, dressed in tauers. exh austed and hungry. They headed home to recover from an ordeal authorities related this way: On June 16. a camper al a Seventh-day Adventis t youth camp was bitten by a raccoon. a nd camp officials s hot the animal. Mrs . Hunte r . 34. a nd her daughter . J e nnife r , were awakened by the shot. They also heard someone say: "Don't s hoot him in the head" and the sound or fireworks being set off in the area. It sounded like mass murder, the woman and he r daughter thought. Mrs. Hunter bit a hole in the rear of the tent, und she and Jennifer, both clad only in ni1htgowns, fled into the forest about 40 miles southeast. of Los An1eles. But to Mrs . Hunte r , the rescuers were pursuers and she wasn't about to stop unless she saw 1 Police unjform. Riverside <See PAllt, Page Al) ·~-· 'REICUll>" DAUGHTER Peggy Hunter Councilman DoM Hall said he believes the study should look at t he effects of noise from traffic approaching the bridge. as well as any noise on the bridge itself. The letter also will refer to the impact of increased traffic on air quality in Costa Mesa. Cited al.so is the city's interest in the construction of a marina a bove the mouth of the Santa Ana River, with the possible ef .. feels of the bridge on such a marina noted as "a major con- cern.'' Pancake Bre akfast Slated in Mesa The sixth annual Fourth of Ju- ly pancake breakfast will be held at the Costa Mesa Veterans Memorial Hall. 565 W. 18th St., from 7:30 a.m. to noon. Sponsored by combined Veterans groups of the Harbor Area, the $2 meal wlll consist of juice, pancake.,, sausage. eggs and coffee. The proceeds will go to the veteran's building fund. Late rught and morning low clouds but mostly sun- ny Wednesday afternoon. Lows tonight 58 to 62 . Highs Wednesday in upper 60s at beaches to mid-70s 'inland. INS IDE TODA l' Catalina's Zane Grey Pueblo Hotel. originally the hom' ot Western author Zane Grey. is one of the few h.oteLs an the world wsth.out room numbers. Instead, each room bears the title of one o/ Grey's books. See Featuring, Page Cl. Index Ready for D~lf 1<1~ry Tht>sc nt.•WI) repainted s urplub mall vehicles art-being stored at the Costa Mesa post ofritt' while <1wa1ting sale to the public. About 26S of the Jeeps are currently J\'ailablt.· at $U~60 to $1.400 each. depend- ing on condlllon, through Charles Pa rham of tht• Huntington Beach post office. Jader Take s r Class A Lead /11 Tra11spar The corrected time lead in the Transpac yacht race today moved into lhc Class A fleet w\th Jader, an "SO·foot ketch from Delaware, taking over first in Class A and n eet. J ader was 649 miles .(rom the start. Second in class was Windward Passage, 6S8 miles from Los Angeles. Elapsed time pos itions were not reported by noon today, so there was no word on the posi· tions of Drifte r . Merlin, and Ra g time. the ('lapsed -time lt>aders Monday Class B leader on corrected time was Hi gh Roler, s kippered by Bill P o wer 9t Newport Ha r bor Yacht Club. The Class C leadN was Dakar, Rill Goodley, Del Rey Yacht Club, and leadin~ <"lu:-:-; D ~as Sl·C'pt<·r !"or carber ... tory M.'" Page H4 Ex-teacher Dori Cave Succumbs Funeral services will be con· ducted fo'nday in Newport Beach for retired teacher Dori Cave who died Saturday A resident of the Harbor Area s ince 1964, Mrs Cave taught Spanish at Kaiser Middle School in Costa Mt>sa until her retire- m ent in 1977. She was a member of the Na- t 1on a I Education Association and the Retired Teachers' As· sociation of the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dis trict. Mrs. Cave leaves her son, Larry LaPr ade, of P hoenix : daughters Annebelle Cave, Lin· da Taggart and Lore Hedden of Seattle, and Trude Howard of Salt Lake City; fathe r Fred Red- m o n of Ya k ima, Wash .; brothers. Fred Redmon, Jr . of Newport Beach and Nelson Red- m on of Portland, a nd seven grandchildre n. Services will be conducted at 2 p.m at St James Episcopal Church. 3209 Via Lido f'ro1tt Page A I FOURTH .•. SAN J UAN CAPISTRANO. Games and races. including a pie loss and events ·ror childre n, will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m . in a field on Del Obis po between Ortega Highway and Camino Capistrano. Food, sort drinks and beer will be sold. ORANGE COAST • DAILY PILOT ,,..0._C.0.•tO..tt Pllol .. 11~-~"'bo....Ol!>t-Pt~• •\-1-.Sbyt ... o.- Co•»t "'1l>l•"'°"'IC-• S..PM•"""'''OM••• P~Olt\MG Mof'ldey t""°"'°" (tldty ~ (CKte ....... \4 H•WllOft 81-..c:n HvrihncttOft a~•" llf°"" l•·t'tV .. ••v ,,,_..,..., l~&P.c:h,Soutf\(61\1 A \ln(I~ '"9'°""1 f"Otllof'ft I\ p.,A)ft'r-cl S..tVfCIAyi liNJ ~0.1'9\ f'hr ptlft(iNI ~l\f\ff\Q 01..-,t I("' )JO Wf'\l 8••\t"""' (O\t•Mf<W1(•hl0tt\\•'h)t ·-"-Pt•'"""''"° Pvtl'•V.• hdlt c .. ..., V1ctt Prt\'OtM •flld ,,... .. MilMOe-• '-••K-itt! .. '':::::irov~· c ... , ... " ~... Ill<-,. ..... A"hlfflt IM~ttlllO lcllto" Colle MtH Offtce ,...,",.. ~~:· :•o ~"::wo .,.,. -l ' Steiger Tells Court His Wife Raii Bets LOS ANGELES (AP> -A ruror arose today during the Rod Steiger divorce trial when the white-haired actor commented that his wife, a racetr ack buff, used to "run bets" for other peo. ple. .. Do you mean to say she was a bookie?" asked Mrs. Steiger's attorney, Harold Rhoden. "No," Steiger said. "But she told me she ran bets for other bettors. and if they won she got a couple or hundred dollars." Rhoden. whe called Steiger as a hostile w itness, o bjected vehemently as Steiger 's at- torney tried to s top the line of questioning. "Thjs man has indicated this woman was ma king money as a bookie or by s ome illegal means," Rhoden shouted. Al that point, Steiger asked to explain rurther · · 1 want it understood that I ~as proud or m y wife's ability with horses." he said, speaking 10 the rapid, clipped t on es familiar to moviegoers. "I de- pended on it. When we went to the Kentucky Derby I was very proud that she picked the first two winning horses. "I don't mean lo imply in any way that it was dirty or illegal," he went on. "I see nothing wrong with a lady running bets." Earlier'". Sh erry Steiger tes tified the actor waited until their wedding invitations had been sent before telling he r to s ign a prenuptial agr eement waiving her rights to any or his property or earnings. ·'He said we both h ad to sign such an agreement Otherwise there would be no mar riage,'' Mrs . Steiger said. "I knew I had to sign, or I wouldn't get mar· ried " Rites Held For Former Mesa Woman Me morial services were held today for Lois E. Sanders on, formerly of Costa Mesa, who died June 29 at the age or 72. Mrs. Sanderson lived in Costa Mesa for 20 years before retiring and moving to Desert Hot Springs. She was a former employee of the Costa Mesa B a n k a nd Newport-Balboa Savings and Loan. She was active in t he Eastern Star or New. Mexico and CalifQmia as past matron, and in the First Methodist Church. Services were held at P acific View Memorial Park in Newport Beach. Mrs. Sanderson leaves her husband, J esse "Sandy" E. San- de rs on o f D e 1ert H o t Springs; her son, Philip J San- derson of Laguna Niguel; her brother, Frank Simmons of Glen· dale, andtbreegrandsqns. Mesa Views Wndemning In Downtown Costa Mesa's Redevelopment Agency will consider Thursday whether or not to condemn a at.rip of stores on the weal aide ot Newport Bouelvard between H a rbor Boulevard a nd 18th Street 11 part of tbe city's down\Own redevelopment. Merchants in the block are ex· pect.ed to oppose the move. Amoq the ltema to be con-sidered is whether or not the aaency -wboH memben are tbe City CouncU memben -can raise enou8h money tbrouab bonds to purcbue U.. 1toree. The meeUnc wl11 bettn at 7: 30 p .m. ln clty council cbamben, 11 Fair Drive. A,. Wl,..,.noto WIFE 'RAN BETS' Actor Rod Steiger Superior Court Judge Harry Shafer asked Mrs . Steiger "And that was very important to you -getting married ?" "Yes," Mrs. Steiger said firmly. In her second day on the wit- ness stand , Mrs. Steiger. a 42- year -old racetrack handicapper, She said she put the couple's in- ter est in both horses in her husband's name and felt they owned them together . She is seek.in~ half the actor's assets in a Lee Mar vin-style property rights lri a I. Steiger 's a ttornl'y. Harry disc ussed the couple's inves t- m ents In two race horses named Stained Glass and Sister Glass. Fain, .sought to show tha t Mrs. Stelger's interest in the horses w as owned sepa ra tely and that she understood all the couple's p roperty was sepa r ate and could not be covered by California's comm unity property laws. At one point, Fain asked Mrs. Steiger whether the 54-year-old ac tor threatened her physically if she did not sign the prenuptial agreement. She said be bad threatened her physically. but not in relation to the agreement. The whit e -haired Steiger st ared' dourly at her from the counsel table . In testimony Monday. Mrs. Steiger said she didn't un- derstand the prenuptial agree- ment. . She said Steiger urged her to sign : ''He Said it didn't mean anythlnl{. everybody did it." She bad lived with Steiger tor three years prior to their 1973 mar riage. New Daily Pilot Price in Effect Home delivery price for the Dally Pilot went from $3.50 to $3.75 per m onth ef· fective Sunday, July 1, 1979. Pr ice of single copies sold at coin boxes or over the counte r w e r e in · creased to 15 cents daily. and to 3S centa Sunday At $3.75 per month, the Daily Pilot home delivery price remains among the lowest fo r s eve n ·d•y news papers ln Southern Callfomia. Your Dally Pilot ear· rler, who la an lndepen. dent merchant, wlll r e· allae an lncreue in profit for hit or her services to you at the new price. Contlnuin1 major cost lncr111e1 ln all upecta or new1paper producUon and dl1trtbut.lon, auch as a IS percent Increase in the cost of newsprint, make this increase necessar y . -------··--·-· ---·.....-··· ----------- • I',.._ Page Al PAIR ••. Coun t y De p ul'y Ralph Woodworth explained Monday. ''She t hou1bt they were aearchifta for the lqt survivors of thla mau murder. She U\ou&ht that only ahe a nd her daughter ha d s u rvived," WoodW<>rth said. After several days or hiding, Mrs . H u nte r bega n t o hallucinate, he said, and would run a way whenever she or her daughter saw someone. Jennifer "t ried to keep her m other rational." Woodworth s aid. "She kept quoting things from lbe Bible ." The mother a nd child were nearly naked when a passing mot-0rist picked them up Sun- day. They went home, s uffering mental and physical fatigue and weight loss, but otherwise in good condition. authorities said. The family was not available for comment. Boy, 5, Held ~ fu Suitcase BELLFLOWER IAP) -An 8-year-old boy was kidnapped, drugged, sexually molested and locked in ~ suitcase by a man who had as ked if he could play with the youngster . she riff'!' deputies say. Pet e r Maro lda , 23 . o f Bellflower, was a rrested and booked for invesll~at1on of kid napping , sex crime~ against a child and assault with intent to commit murder. sheriff's dep· uties said Monday The boy disappeared shortly after a man a pproached h is gran dmother a nd a s iced permission to play with her grandson She refused Truck Crasl1 Injures Mesan A Costa Mesa mun was 1n j ured Monday when hi s pickup t ruck collided w ith u tras h truck, Costa Mesa police said to- day They sa id Willia m Lynn Peterson. 56. complained of pain in his legs a nd chest and wa:-. treated at the scene of the 9 15 a .m . accident by pa ramed1<'!., but rerused further treatment. Police said Pete rson 's truck <'Ollided with a trash truck driven b y David Salgado Martinez. 29, of Garden Gro\'e. at the Intersection of Fairview Road and El Camino Drive Iran Hikes Oil Prices TEHRAN. Iran 1AP> Iran has set contract prices of $19.70 to $19.90 per barrel of heavy c rude oil and $21 to $22 for light crude following last month's price-fixing m eeting or the Or ganization of Petroleum Ex· porting Count ries. the National Iranian Oil Co. said today. Iran's previous oil prices. In · eluding surcharges, were $18.47 per barrel of light c rude and $17.74 per barrel or heavy crude. Board Cltlef APWlr ..... lo Ro be rta Weintraub. a n out- spoken foe of forced school busing. beams a fter being elected president of the Los Angeles Board of Education The \'Ole was unanimous on the fourth ballot E'roM Page Al DUEL ... pro posed motel a t the corner or Newport Boulevard and l-'a1r Drive. Co uncilwom a n Norma Hertzog s aid she is also con· cerned because there has been no formal commitment by the fairgrounds to make offsite 1m provements s uch as s to rm d r atns and street projects "I don't think the slate or the fair board 1s trying to duck their res ponsibility ." responded Hoose. pointing out that. rn con· Junction with its new equestrian ce nt er. the f air has JU St landscaped a n are a alonR Newport. Boulevard even though 1t was n't r~u1red. The fairground s. loC'ated directly across Fair Drive from City Hall. is surrounded by the city although 1t is state propefl> Tank Leak Sea J ~d LOMPOC 11\ P ) Southern Pacific railroad s pcc1all~t<., ses led a leak 1n a tanker rur that had bf>en dr1bblin ~ ;1 l11~hl v tox1e chem1C"al •1t the· ratt· of io dro ps per minute fur lhr1·1· hour.; Hertz No. 1 /11 tlie Cliips OU QUOIN. Ill. CAP ) - rb duhious achievement• go. cowch1p thro~1n i. mus t rank som ewhc re tlt.'ar lhe top of the heap But that d1dn 't :.eem t< botht.•r J ohn ll e rtL o l Carbondale who won Ith second annual Cow Chq. Thro wing Contest at tht> Fa rm and Polk Festival al the DuQuo1n State F<11r grounds The 20-year·old Hl'r l7 led a fi eld of 50 contend· crs with a throw of 146 feet . five inches in th< parched a rena He won t trophy and a cha nce to ~c to the nationals in Mon tana in August ,.. 'Fotirth' Parade Readied II untlngton Beach's annual Fourth of July par ade -on the endangered Ust earlier thle year -will travel city streets ror the 7~th tim e Wednesday, thanks to the help of citizens. The parade, billed as the na- tion's largest such event on the Fourth, gets under way at 10 a .m . with participants forming up al Main Street and Orange Avenue. The estimated 3.000 partici· pants. including those in 11 marching bands and others on 14 floats, will move up Main to a disbanding point at Yorktown A venue. The parade will last about two hours. One of the d1 gh1tar1es in the p a rade will be lax c rusader Ho ward Ja rvis. whose efforts on behalf of Proposition 13 neiu-ly spelled the end of the Huntington Beach extravaganza. The city Ct'uncil elim inated the $20,000 it kicked in for the parade in 1978 because or finan- cial cutbacks The ball was dropped on the city's Special Events Board in February a nd its m e mbers raised nearly $26 ,000 to keep this yea r 's parade afloat. Much of tht> money has come in small $1 and $2 donations from in - <l1 v1duals The largest donation. SS,000, came from the Hunt· ington Beach Com pany Ot her promine nt figures in Wt•d nesday's paradt.' will bt! _gra nd marc;hal lla rn "Caµ·· Sht>lll' and honorar y grand marshal Pat Sallman. whose lat<.> husband. Lawrence. wa<; forml'r chairman of the speC'ial t.'\ ent:-. comm1ttet- The usual contmf:len t of caty council members and local area \'Ong rc•ssmen a nd assemblymen will bl' v1 s1ble to parade v. atchers along the route C'1t y counc ilwo man Ruth F inll'\ v.111 travel in a solar: oowl'r<'d ele<'tnc-al vehicle l11)!ly Stw Calkin. Miss Or;.ing•· Co1111l} World . :md Donna llogli:. Caltforn1.1 .Junior Miss. will ridt' 10 dt•<.,i i.,rn~1tcd autos a!i will aul!l dt•a l<.•r Cal Worthin gton and lo'ohUll'\l·r "Dog Spot " he choost?s fnr lndepcndenn• Day City officials an' pn'dicl1ng a t'rowd of bctv.cen 50.000 and 100,000 people wall watch 1t aJI. lower than pasl years because the Fourth falls on Wed'nesday instead of a weeke nd this yea r Space S huttle ~. Beset b y Trouhl.-. \'A PE CANAV F.RAL. Fla 1 AP > Engine trouble and a Cl rt> ha\<' caused another delay IO lh<' troubled process Of pre· paring the s pace shuttle Colum b1a for flight, officials at the Kennedy Space Center say. Officials had planned a 520· "t'cond cluster firing of flight engines at a test site in Mis- s1ssipp1 on Monday. After 21 seconds, the lest was aborted because of ris ing engine tem- pl•ratures and a small fire in the aft section of the test hardware. There was no appare nt damage, center spokesman Dick Yowig said. With Rolex, diamonds are right on time. • I ROl.&Z §LA. VIC K'S Fine Jewelers Since t917 J The d1st1n <.·ttvl• 18 karat yellow gold Rolex Day-Date with matching hidde n clasp bracelet A Un ador ned . $5.250.00 B. With diamond di al. $5,925.00 (' Wi th diamond beiel and diamond dial. $9,075.00. Or add to your own 18 karat gold Day. Datt• a diamond bezel for $3,150.00; or a diamond dial fo r 5675.00 : or both for $3,825.00 Faahlon Ialand, Newport. Cen\er, Newport Beach / (71') 8"·1380 3 Other Location• Westmln.ater Mall. Lacuna Hlll1 M111l, Orange, Cerritos Also O~ater Los Angeles / San Oteao / L•~ VHH c .. oet ft( 1!11¥lf• 1 ._,_ th r•• pl.,,."' A-M £•!"•" \?llA, 111 .. 1er Clt•<lf MtmbtT f'1111 Jtwclen Guild ' STOCKS I BUSINESS NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ~ ... .... ."""'1-.... ,_ ... "-" '• »--..,., ttt 0.---'"Ill It ~-. (-.,. ,.., "'i I .,, • • t • ._, ( ' t f •..) h:J -,,-" ... \I"'• .... ~W t .... , •• 1110 u ... .,._(.h lt.0 , "'"'' -"S•HM ,., 00 Jl't • ~-..T•ICOll ) ...... J 1-b 1!t --~ ~-liO M~\11 IM 11 ~ ..... '-I I ¥41CT it4'! ~ l l•._. f>SvEO 110 \lq 11'• '" l•ll•Y I I " IO''t • '"' llllllti·~ I] 1: ' i,1 fi.:~ ~·} !~~!;:~:~: :~ ~~: ~iii~f :; i :ff il~: :~ ~Jf M: :~ q]; ~ii~:·,;~:~~~:~ ~ ;: •. , ,, .. ; ? ~! ii: " :~1~~·1>· . ;~ IJ .:: 1:·i: .. : :tr~~· ; s :! 1A ~~: I; =;~~~ : ~ : ·~ ~~: :·: m~~:: ~ :i ; if~: .: t ~i • ~ll<-I It tll tJ~ • \,, IUlnl f.' I » 24 " • ... M111Pl I .. I ~ IOi. 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Ha1·oca 4 l •• ,.._ ,,, Maol<CI 60 4 18 t •-~ P.aPL Pl• AO 1100 0 1, . StOlnd J I 937 6S ' WU tl 11 S. 10 11'' " ...... er ' ,. •II)+ .... O.IE pf 1 tS ISO 72 -I~ Ha IFB 1.1• 10 Cl u "" M•lonH .. 10 1 11V.. v. P•PL pl. so 110 0 • "' llOt> I ' SI • ~ WOIQ~I •I \ ·~ l:~'uH 3: =~~·v; &:.r.f 2·1(i J m; .. · .... ~:~~~ l::1~ '~ ~:t:: ::~~l~ ~1~ :; i:!·: .. ~:~.r1~ 'l~1ll~-·-~~~dJ..>·~ ~~·· , :'•··~ •n; mm;:'· == ,, ~ ': It~~ g:~~; ,J: ~ l{ ~t! ~ ~:~~ :.~ .: n :~ .... ~ :~~ n~ I; :~ ~ .... -: \~ :::~: :: ~: ~ ~Y!.'. ~~:~:I:: ~ s~ ~~t : ': :m~i;{ ~~ .~ ~:: .. , S.0-• tS. • J S,. •... Ol•llll 2.10ll I d4 3411> • " Hndlmn t S I., 17>.Q • ~ ::;::~ s~ ':, 1~ ~ f,-"' • ~~O: 1 ~ ~ JI~ ;g!;.: ~ Starret 1 32• • 1 "" -1. Whtt"lf pf 1 • 30'-'· BotE• ,_ .. 1 ... ~ \41 OlamS IA I m 24""... H•ndYH • .a II 11 nr.i.-'· M.t,.,..., 111 llO 401' ~ ..__,.., 1 • , 10. as~· ~ SIMUllll• .. 11 ••• • W11e~1Pu J ., ....... llolE !If&.•• ~ ll -ti~ OltllOld Ml> ti ~ .... H•Me 190 I JI 3JV., • '' roovyv '' Sl•MSt t ~ • 10•• • It WhtlPrt pl 4 1100 ft.\o aot£ pr t 11 , " ~+ \'Ii OioltllEll IA 1't 54-\lo H•r8r J UA U .J6 J1 -\Ir M•tMld IO I 171 11 . P•PllCo I U 10 CU 14"-• ~. St..,tClt SI !O 1 I)] l'O\.t , \'o Wl'l•IP<I 111 S (A(IO CO\\, ._ 8otE pr I•.· It I,.,.._ I,\ OIOlllOll'I .5' 1 4t.J m ... • ~ Hansen .l 4 • .. UV.-II\ ::;l:'C'I~ ·~ :~ ~ :~ t \lo :::;~~E S1 1: 4~ 1:t; • ~ Sterchl, .. S 10 •'• + \o Wllltlol I CO 8 I It ?I • • lr.tlllff M S .... II ,.,.. Diiion Uftt 10 t ll..,, ... H•rnis111 I II tt4J '°"' t1 M-r~ Pl I 10 I 14~ lo ....,1 If t ·• \ 1 31,.. Sler18~ S 71 1'> t, Wll•l•Mt • 4' S'~ l!lr-C .• IJ .... .,,_.,. '""' 0 "'-let .• 10 ,... u-"' H.,,... .so 10 ... '°"'. II\ • . + ..... , -'.. SlerlD9 .. II ll.Y " • .,. Wl\111•• so s •s ..... • '. =~~ l.~1T1m ~1~";"i,.\ g:•~"Ml11 I ,t1 ;"': .. ~ ~:~;~k .~It ~1 n._• ¥: ::~~~!1 .1l1~.:; ~~h! ~ ~:Ao~n114r.IO 1~uj:~~;-~= ~:=~~~1·'~:~ n; ,;'~' ~ ::mJ, 1 ~1; :~ :f;; ·~ •r11tM pf 2 .. J v -IV. Or ... 1; 146 IA". Yi H••KO I., ' II ,._ ~ MrlftM l .10 l1 " ., -P•llh Oii 15 s 111•\\ •.... StevtnJ 1 70b s !lA ,.,., Wlill•ms I 1& lAS "'•. ' • • ,,.~\ ..... I 95' • • II) Docv •I 10 .. lJ\4. 14 Ha<!SM • s 1l ,, • "" Mr111F 1.14 I 9S 11 ..... I,\ Pll1e• 1.1110 "" )()Va. • s1 ... w. sl •• H ,, .,.. Wlht>tO u lit " "''• I 8r11WGI I .• I 21 1~ ..... OomeMt LJ). tU •v.-.~ H•rl•Hk .-it II 1 20'<'t-" M1rtNI 1 b J3 34-v, PlltlpO II? 114 24 • · StokVC 1l710 40 l?Vo-•to Wrnl•tJ I 17 I• Ill'" • . l!l•vuo 2.o7 7 1t UV•-"' OttltJ ,Ull 1~ l ........ H•rt1Zd .40b s )I ....... Ito Muyl( ,All1 Al .. ~ • ..., P1111•EI 1.90 I lr6I 15-'• .. Ston.Wthr I tJ ''" Wl\EP lll. II , ..... ,: 811U~plU7 •. IS 16V.--V. ODllnlY 1. IJ 11\Q+ l'llH•llS• llOll I tl'la-Vo MO Cup .S6 7 SJ,. -• .. Pl\ Epll80 i!O 311~ .. 1"'s•onCon 't014 II•,. .... ' WlsE_p1140 I.cl"'"'• e ... , ~ 1.._. v. DorteY ... • ,. ""-··· • H•llEI ,,,, , , ,s ... -Vt Mu<o . .0 10 IOI , ... _ v. Pll IE pi uo . 11150 0 • , .... StopShp 1 20 ' .. .. • 11: WlsG•s I '71 • I ,,,... .20 ~ 71 14"-+ Do¥tr 1,olOlO • S'2"1>-II\ Heyt1A 11' 11 I U lh-V. AMl>Ottlll 10 I 740 IS"'• Vt PllllE 014 40 rl20 "'~-"'StorTec ~' le 4i01 "" Wist PL ! a. I 10 If'· UD ' 1 "~ DowCll 1.~ • .., ,~ .. \lo H•ieltn .60 1 JI IS • ~. MHM I ~ IO " IJ~. PltllE pl I rlOO ,. ........ Slor•t8 I JO • I lln ..... WIM:PS 161 I ) Ill'. • r . .0 t .. 12~ ... OewJn t '4 11 1• S4Vt-V. HUlllTe< 4 • 211-\ • 1.11 MusyF, 11 11 ~ , PllllE Pf I H r310 IS>\' I~ SlrldAll 1 01 • S 13' 1 t, Wflco ' tO o e 1l' 1 t MW• IO S J'.S 1314+ \1t Drev9 I 11 7 71 2' . • Ht<~s lO I U U.\11 • Va MH CP .. n 1•~' .. Phlle pt 1 IS tlO 11'• • ' Sl11Wor I 7S S 3JO 11 ... -. Wllltll IO I ••6 10'• '• nttll p11,40 •• • ll-"" °""' I I 550 «" .. ·· He<l•M " II ll'--.... M•tlll( IOI 79 10'•-'· Pll1IE pl1 IO tlO 17 "s .... s11o '° 10 ?S l'" '• WOl•rW 3' • l• ..... Brt*lW ta 1 l1 ,. .. • " On118 IAO . I• ••l't • ..., HtllmB , ' r JI • v. MAit we 7 • l ll' • -•\ P1111e pl '1s 1AO ". • • -"" suoPrG 1 44 1 1s. )' -... wo,.,.lt .a • a 11 '• ·~"l(f' .a I te.i ~.... Onfft .tto t I 11....,_ t. Hti111H 1 e IU al . . Nl•tl•I .~ I Ill t • 1 PhllSuD 1 10 I ,. ,...,_ '"° Su111tm .O ) lW -+ ·~ WOOOPt .. IS 11 79~, • ,,. I • • IA,•••, Jll~ I J 1 M2S _.. + IYI ~lnr DI UO , ll ,. -\41 M•l1:1 wl IU S"' • PllllMr •I U ' Ill 33•> Va SvnEI .0 1l 11 ?Ht Wolwlh 1.0 • 1n •a.-.. 't rM Ii• 1 'l'h ..... Jt11•111 11,UO " Ill " • .. Htl-C I 1' 1\lt-\It :"'~ ~ ':; •:: :.~ .. YI ~:::~:pl~ 1 1t 1~''' ~ Sv11Co J I 117 SI "• Worlellltr S t •'. • t -n v.-.... ..,,.,,._ .,.._,. ., =.. .. Htlltllll 1.10 IO eu ~ '--.-:~ ' ; II n -\'t pltllPtl I ~ I l)}t JI• i . '~ S..nC pl us 4 S1 ... ~: :~.'~: .... .' -.. ~ 1 1J~. ... Jf I .. ,. 1AV.+ '14 e••P 1.IO 1 »ti -" HtlmrP .4 U 11 d" +I MAI l.JW 4 II '"" PllllVH to • ' Ul't: 1, Sunl:tfn I SO I 117 Jl'H • .,... v l •'•-I~ li. '" , ........ ·. •"'l.79 .. l'2t ....... 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" ,... ... , .JOe • ·.' n • ~ TRW , • 1.0 •"'-;. ?Mtllhll I ' ,.., Ii •• i~ '' ~" • ~n 1 U ... =:;11 1·:; Jl ~4 • s::r:.~ ,•, ~; : .. : ~ hl18<1J to t 't tt1'~ -L1.1rt111td IO• M ft'. J 'i ""•"' I. " ..... E" ... , tll ...... WI •• .... -1 ~. •• .. .... v. • 1r a tct • "' u 1.-. • u1 2111o---. • ., •• 1• " • • .. -• 1 •T> _,. •.• tl\oo • llft.. • ~ ~ otllOll lft 7~ MfflM 14 aJa ... =ON .~ • ... It~ t Vo • " c-alllQJ . •H j ti --~ i 'l •1 11'-• Vt JMl•lll• IA • 1'\ ,, hi 11• j ' ~ . vw Investment Planned it 4 t . .. OttOft I ii • ""' + ... "4'0lt l!'l.11 t 16111 ,. Memt'9X 4 f1 ""6-It( .IOll t It I""-.... • a • 11CM1 ue tt u -"' Ho4ts" • u n ,~-1~ ,,...,"''' ,. • 1 )A~• ,.,101 1 '° '' " 1• • • "" B ERL I N c A P > -Sch mu e c le r SJ .__ 4'tM m f ._. • 14 HOlltll~ I 4J • J1ot *"'• MerT .. ti 10 1 14 tt...,_ l"OG pl ti JO 11111 101 • '' , -. ,,~ t'"'-~ ' ~-. "' ....,.," U • 1 ., >114 • "" Merell 'j" m .. .. po.me" 1 ,. • .. """ • '"' e r , V o l k s w a R e n · ~ ~ e n e r a I I u1 ~ c1neJ• .a II I =-· 141 Hw•NO I IO ' '61 ~• ,,. Me..-Jtl\ I.. • t ""-,.,..mll 114 t lft IJV. • V. manlf'"r, p-•ent-..t •i..e ant auto --· ••r ... I 1 ~ It\ 11~!1 64 t , 1• • 111 (lilttJ'ly 7 "' ""' • s~C I If 1117 IS'"' ,._ v • '"' ll:'U WJ s--. l?. • • ~ HVl!llf9 1w 10 •• ,.._. .. ,... An "' 61 -'" Ho 11 .. , ,....,. 1 " m1ker13 supervisory b<>ard today t'-• 1• ,_ ll :;·\4, N ... .:... IJ:• ~M-I ':a I! ) u-. .. rod-Via I> Jll "'" I~ f !t t 't .-1 "'-. ~ ~=tTI := 1! u: J, • VI Met'!'m'~ID ' It ~ a~~~I I~,, I~ ~lV): :; With his COmpl.ny'S b\11esl-eVef lD· "A l 1 "• "~" ,! 11 ,. " MteJ! ,,; t10 '"" • lco .n 10 11 u~. vestm e nt progl'am, d esigned lo m eet ~• ~ -1 'J 111--v. HIHll• ~:,. •• • u"-""11 ' 1' mo •s~~-1 11. •nd 'f1 ' •1 25\11 worldwid• d e mand for ctono. m lcal ~ ,.,., ~QI A 10 J 14~• MUI a I t I Hr:• "',. ¥NH 2.' 6 J! "~1 " !Ml IAO t"6-I H1mttll H't l'llllWI en .. , ' J1 p NH llft '' .. ,., tt • ~ COmp&Cl (l\rS. " '°' lfalr c, UiH Hlllllfl .10 4 17 ,,.llWI t 1 1 W•-~SHH Dfl I 1 • tO..l,. .. ,, . ... ltllll. 'II 211,\ r .. I ... .. I .... '• 11"'· '"' u ..... .. T..-day, July 3. 1$79 s DAILY PILOT 87 Costs to Rise Agribusiness Blamed By SYLVIA PORTER Food prices will climb higher as far into the future as we c an see. Al times, the pace o f rise wilJ s low perceptibly and at times, 1t will s peed up. The basic reasons go beyond the cattle cycle. tbe mi<S· dlemen's take. crop failures a broad, et c . THE FUNDAMENTAL factor is that the family farm backbone o f the American economy until well into the 20th century -h as been rapidly replaced by agribusiness. Huge organizations plant r ow upon r ow o r identical crops in mile after mile o f fields. and ther eby create a giant magne t ror whatev er pests teed upon \hose <"rops. Like a mound or ch ocola t e on a city s treet attracting aots. these enorm ous fields bring in hordes of insects to con· s ume lhe crops Having upset the balance of nature, agribusinei.s turned years ago lo a way to restore the balance while keeping the advantages or assembly·line farming DOT. manufactured in quantity ror Wor ld War II delousin g . was used until Rac h e l Carson 's ''S ilent S pring" warned o f the pot entially catastrophic effects The ban on DDT did n o t reduce the nat1o n 'l> appetite for bu~ killers Money's Worth Ins tead. more deadly. longer·lasting varietie:. were de· velopcd to Till the gap, A loca l garde n store p robably h;,s e no ugh c he mical warfar e components to to)Cify a large a rea Now we <ire gcttmg our firs t glimpse or the b ill • TllE HONE YBEE, WtUCU POLLINATES many vit al s pl'1·1es of plants. ts beinR dec imated Poisons are starting to !>hClw up in s tartling plat'es. in amounts that alarm the t"q.H·rL'i Arter the Dioxin plant explosion in Ita l.}. whic h ma<le a '.1st art>a uninhabitable and c rippled uncounted numbers o f people . concern ~tarted to mount A laws uit has been brought b; th1• Natural Resources Defense C ouncil t u com pd the U S En' 1ro nmental l'rotection Agency lo live up to a d e adline set by Congress for a program to implement the Toxic S u bslanl'es Control l\l't The impact 1s fell on food pric e !> As insects cat m ore r rop s and cvl..'r morE.-sophisticated chemical weaponry is dt>velope<l to blas t tht-m into ob11v1on, food C'osts will go up. THE OUVIOliS SOL 'TIO~ TO this dilemma as µro bahlv out of n·ut:h llo" can family farmers be called ba<:k ., llo" t'<ln JO!>l'<l'> be C'Ontrolle d whe n they c ontinue to :.tdapt tot·:id1 "''"' poi ... o n ., ,\ !>e t·ond rt-a'>On 1:-. 1·a !>tt-r to Figur•· out It l<1ke:-more l'\PCOSl\·l· l!a~ to run the mat•h inl'r) rhat 1!> lht: key lo t.n-gt· scah• a)!rH·uttur .. JOU tn tran~port the prorlut"e from lurm to stnn· w .. mu:-.t Savl' thL· lt•w r1•ma1n1ng ram 1I; farm :. and prcscn-c !>UC:h 'ital elements a' lht.! hone} bee Con centraw m o re on researc h to dc"clor> sole irnct t'ffrt·t1ve tec·hno log1c s to contro l des tructive ln!>t'l't i. Assess m o re carefully th~ implement<it1on of potcn llall y dangerou:. technolo~ies and develop opt io n s t hat w 1 II replace the dC1ngerous tf>c hniques - Here's Why Few Ex p ect R ecession LOS 1\;\:C;f·:1.1•:S • 1\ I' 1 Economist~ in and o ut of (..'alifom1a gcn,•rall; ag1 ec th.it the nation 1s ' head e d into J h us 1ness !-lo" do" n that c ould become d full blown n · cession. M ost als o :1,::n•t• hm\l'\1•r. l h a t laliforn1a "o n ·t he hit ;i~ h arc1 JS the rci.t 11( thl· countr~ JIERF: IS i\ LOOK 1-\T THE rea:.onrng behtnd that \ 1C'w, g athered f rom economists at lc<iding California banks a nd hnanc1a l ins titutions One of Cal.lfo rnia 's s trongest points is ill. ~1ze. Thl' g ross s tat<' produr t l the value of goods and s ervice p r o - <luced Ill Califo rnia , o utwe ig hs th., g ross national produc t of all but s ix n a tio ns the l!nited States, Russia. W est German~. J a pan. Prance and the United Kingdom The s tate ~ econ omy 1s dive r s ified. Where as an Eastern s tate might be badly hurl by ii s lump in auto pro- duction. coal mrning o r another s ingle s e c tor, California':; t•conomy is not dcpcnclent o n a ny one indus try or business . f our maJor sector~ manufac turing, n.· tad1ng, busrness and \ f; If'.'\ ... , .f [.,} ."i/.ti; con s umer scrvict:s a n d th~ governmt•nl -each employ more than two million people Suc h s maller sec- tors a s con s truc tio n . agriculture. finance and ins urance. real estate and transportation e mploy 100.000 to 500.000 pers ons e ach. meaning that Califor nia's work for ce is les" vulnerable than o t hers to a downturn in any one a rea. -CALIFORNIA'S ECONOMY HAS a considerable a mount of momentum that will carry well into n ext y~ar. The state's high rates of econo m ic and population Rrowth give it a head s tart into the 1980s, the e conomists say -The state's aerospace and construction indus tries. both o f which fell apart during the 1974·75 recessio n. a re in better shape this time. A r ecession is us ually defined as two consecutive quarters o r declining econ omic acUvity . -California's cities a nd transportation raciUlies are 10 better s hape than Ololse in most other stat es. While Californians m ay grum'b(e about traffic jams. the s tate's much·maligned freew ay syst em m eans that goods are able to move freely, som ething n o t always possible in the East. especially durin g winter FOR THE MOST PART, CALIFORNIA'S c ities don't nee d the m assive urban renewal p r ojects that drain th e r e - sources of Eastern stales. C alifornia has one of the country's mos t sophistical ed financial systems. including the o nly bran c h banking netw o rk in the country . This means that California com · panies can m ore easily o btain financing tha n firms ir' other states. -CaUComla is attracting more new residents each year than any other slat e . The 200,000·plus people who come here e very year mean a constanUy growin g market and a const antly g rowing work rorce. much of it h ighly !!killed . "THE NEWCOMERS &BING TllElll brains and their m o ney," says one econom.l!Jt.. m eaning continual lnf uslons oi capital and lnnovallve Idea s for Califo rnia. -LaRt, but not leas t , is the weather. CalHomlans spend far less to control their e nvironment than do Easterners. Companies can expect 12 fUll months or productlotr and transportation ht re loste.d oft.he periodic climatic lnterrup· lions tbatocc ureach wlnt erlnlhe Ea.st. Economists cauUon that these faclurs do not insure t h a t CalilorAia will escape a recession and &Om~ ue even p rtdtctin8 a downturn fo r \he state next year THEY SAY. HOWEVEa. 'nlAT the slte. •trulth and dlverslt.y or the s tate 's economy will mah any bualness dowoturn,less serlou1 11 , \ .. -DM.V PtL.OT TU99day July 3 1919 Telel'ision .... -1u.:- ""-CMwMrl .,. m CMAM09 ... ll&UONOOL&.M ..... ......... -.. , ... O' aAN "'YI~ • ._ ~· • llC\lflly ..... wtien•·~WflO llM .,_, GOfMncled to "1911 .... 19 lllled 111 police ~-· • OYPIMY Gu•tl e1nge1 ~·"' • M MAH llMA\198 t:a01"e:OWA DDlCAWT'T ... a.-. Moow-AOIM (Pen 20f 21 -~\NW"K ·~Geology" ~=.. CW.t• Aic:Nrd Chemc- 1eon. Gregoty H.nM M-· llne l(ahf\ Gra.,e Matter 7:001 ==GAME A8CNP#S (I) JC>QR'8 WILD Penny Marshall as Lavt·rn~ has an <:u11nwl cd discussion with her latt• mother in J cemeteQ on tom~ht ':;, La\t'l'l\l' •.tnd Sh1rlt·~ al 8 :m on Channel 7 • I LOVI! LUCY 8) 8AHFON> ANO SON Judy mak es odnnces 1owerd Grady to w.n hol SUl)l>Or1 In h()f 8CMme 10 marry Lemont fEI 28 TONIGHT ml INTAOOUCINO BIOl.OOY "P\8111 Nutnhon 7:30 I) CIRCUS Hosts Cal Dodd, Sne11ss11 Lav<ence 0 YOUNG PEOPLE'S Si>£CIAL II • 100.000 NAME THAT TUNE 0 TIC TAC DOUGH aJ THE BRADY BUNCH ti) ADAM-12 Melloy end Reed r.ope w11n lhe lack ol noloday sporll o" lhetr IOUr OI duly fl1) MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT ml NEWSCHECK tIJ THE GONG SHOW ®J HOLL YWOOO SOVA RES M)I Fathftf, My BtOIMr And Me" A Mea1can- Ameocan gol tens the sto· ry ol he< m.g•ant rarm w()(kef lathe<'s devot!Orl to her ono Mt rnentlllly- re1et080 brOlhflt 8:00 f) (I) THE PAPER CHASE 0 OATINGOAME Eltzabelh s Ch<ongono ouestoon 10 3 '"s111ng Suprl!mt.' Coun 1us1oce umbauasMS -m:Jll! lier classmalM an<1 Proles!'lor Chann.-1 Li#t i n g • 0 KNXT 1CBS1 LO!> Angf''"" 0 l\NBC (NBC) Los An•w l•·-. 0 KTLA find) l05 Anq,..IP-. 0 MBC· TV (ABCl L O'-AnQt•lt· '11 l\FMB 1CBSI S,1n 0 t'Q" () KHJ TV (Ind ) Los Anti•' t l'P KCST (ABC) San Dwqo aJ KTIV (Ind) Loo., Anqel"' Q) KCOP·TV (lnCJ) Los AnqL•I•·· tl1l KCt T· TV 1PBS1 Lo<. Anqf'lt• ml KOC( TV I PBS) Hunto1191on !;1:-.:ir • 11.1ngs1te1d (RI 0 THE RUNAWAYS A ltten·tlgtt• l1t11nq f\111 -.urnd by tu~ P•oronl' 111 measur o up 10 hos l1tl'1 ,,1,1 "' 1>ro1hor •S d11~en 10 lh11 vllrQH of o norvou·• 1'111"1~ down 0 MOVIE • • '> l hroo Guns r or Te,;1s ( 1968) Nu•lllu Brand. Pelllf Brown A 1110 OI T ll•ilS Ranqf>t ~ hljhl lhetr wny from one 1ra11 IO 1he nex1 (~ '"' > 0 ~ HAPPYOAYS Fonzie !urns Relptl 1n10 a dashing romQnl.C while MerlOn lransforms Lenlh-'• T usc&de<o onlo a lovely l:'ldy lor a m1111aty bnll (R) 0 MOVIE • • •, "Be<Kfl Ball \ 196!» Edd Byrnos. Chro'< Nc>t'I Faced -•h •l!P<KS{'S~•on ot lheor ooslrumenl' ii COllt•<)t' musical group POSA~ .I!> q.rl~ 10 win lhP nt>ce<>Silr'f money on a muSrCJI I conre" 11 nr 30 mon I m LASTOFTHEQREAT AMERICAN HEROES A J fll>Ul!I To J('ll>n WayoP · ti) MOVIE • • • 1 • Guns .Al Batus1 t 1964) R1cn11rd Alfenbor Cl<IQll Jee& HllWllJn• A ptOIOCOHnlnoed ISflli.h oftrc.t ~-10 OOO(>ef· •I• ...... (..,... In 81\ ........ cen netion (1 twe I • IV1NHO AT POPI On fh• Ceplln•d•" """"' , ledl9t ""° lht Bo.ton Pope Otci-tra 11·~-a 41h of July pe11y < Ott<_ I Oii 11111 .,.,. r. of lh• Cnatl<lt Riv., wtlh n1v•oe l>y !>IN•• Hendel, -.11•uM Otten1>act1. ano 1 cnathovthy' • 1812 Ov• luto. a'compan1.0 l>y hOWlllOf~ •hd ltra \. ... o•k• 1n1 '1!) AT THE WHITE ~IE }.,~Iden! ar>d '-'•$ Carl41r "'Id 1holr 0""" are 11nlet 1 .... ...a by Andtel SeQov1a Clttwn ol <.lllSMCaJ gu1l&rlSI$ '" 1"41 EM>l Room of Ille wn11aHovM t 30 0 UJ LAVERNE .. SHIRLEY """"'Y lroe;. 10 1>,;tp l il• ""'" "' cep1 1ne fac1 1r.a1 ,,,., molher os dead by lak ''H• l-llvd• ne to ehe gravf' .,1e 1R m THE 000 COUPLE Fttt•• •!> 10tmen1ed wnoo he •t+,uni; lhdt h•s th.-w1t" ·~ ddllng In~ D•olnor ol O&eur 5 got ttroend 9'00 f) ~{' CSS MOVIE • • "ThaOdeus Rose Ano rdd•e ( 1978) Jonony C '""· June Corl0f Cash I wo no-accoonl 1>uOd1es'" ,, small lekas 1own t1nd ttMml!>(llve~ on trouble writ> ltltl law and !hell g11I- '' •t"nd~ because of lheor onutuhly 10 •ace reaio1y (RJ 0 EMERGENCY! WMti ·•llAnd1ng d conven 11on '" San r r ancisco. l'·•«•medocs Gaga and £>0So10 h"'" .i chok1m1 LOnven!oon-and c.itm •n Pnt dQf'{J ~nlf)flf 0 1\0) THREE'S COMPANY Cnnssy .;cc10en1a11y eals JJCk s f>111ry •n a bo~•nq compe111oon and IHt>S lo 1 ' C>vl'f he< moSlilltP l>y SU!> w 1ut1nq an 1den11ca1 pas1r y lrom .i oak ... • (RI aJ MERV GRIFflN TUBE TOPPERS KNBC U 7 .30 "My Father. My Brother and Me." The story of a migrant farm worker's devotion to his son and daughter is tol d by the daughter. K CET 9 8 .00 "O n t h e Es planade." Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pop!> celebrate the Fourth of J uly on e day early on the banks of the Charles River. KCET@ 9.30 "The MMT Story." Do('umentary traces the construction of the multiple -mirror telegraph on Mt. Hopkins m Arizona. Ale• arranges a bhnO Oohl f()( Elaine and a clul ry pgs ~ WhO 1urns out to b6 a US Congressman 1R1 0 CHAl8TIAN REFORMED CHURCH The Myth 01 M'OmilQll fl1) MIRRORS ON THE ~IVERSE Tht> MMT S1or, Thf• cons1ruc1-on of 100 mull• pie """°' 1e~ope h>qh on Ml Hopi.on~ on sou1h6tn Amona os oocumeo1uo 10:00 0 0 NEWS 0 n:oJ 13 OUEENS BLVD Mildred lt'll!M •om111n1nq •la•lllnQ ••!>Oul lhll hnnu ~ome. m•ddlo ngf!d t>uso nessman -.n., ,._ hrtv1nq .1 rnmarllc llrnq ""''" ti) NIGKT GALLERY '' Fe1rn1 0 1 8100<J A •.nu,nttd suitor de<.tCh'~ le ')1'1 bac• al hos nort111••nd T flfl Last t out<•f A porJ lylf.tO m rln t>t11liRYft"I If' •I n1 ... ""''~ c.nd dO< tcu .tt'1 f11t._-1n-.J tn .. ,tfd,, £D 'l'IDOISH THE MAME· LOSHN A l11hulP Ill 'fodrlost> lhl ntn P•O•P~S•vR lonquaQ~ lnc4t tor centur1os JwJS lnt- m.llhet IOOQuO (II -n>f'SI f u•O(>t'an J .. ws l"lllunnq D -t'llO '°)lf't"flflofQ .. .,..,"" hf'I f . ...,n.J•d· I M Ro~i.•n •n<l ,,..,u~'' r , ,,.,t .. li\lp1mo,rm (I!) NEWSCHECK 0 MOVIE • * "Who Killed Mary Whal's 'Er Name? ( 19711 Red Bullonll Aloee Play· ten A reloreo !>OU !t oec1des 10 Decomo a ~loolh •tter lhe murdef OI a svee....,alk0f 12 h•s I m BEOTIME STORIES Q) BEHNY HILL 8..0W Benoy, on nls Wes1 Coun1ry CllorltC1et Q••tlS Iha !>&.>I ddVice 1r.e1 a ra1P1e< can ~e1o n1sson W OlCK CAVETT Guest Morloml!• AOle< (Par! 2 of 2) 11·30 I) BARNABY JONES A pubhat>ong 1ycoon s cor~r os JOOP&•d•Led when ,, PO!SOll he t>ortlCI years 11.irl111r 10 accept a rnurOer • ap lhrea1ons 10 e~pose n1m /RI 0 WIMBLEDON UPDATE Ruo Collons .ind D•c~ I nb<'fq Prt'""n' l1•gn1.gn1~ <•t '"~ d 1y ~ ac1 • ...,11te' j,, rn1c, ore~t•g•ous. , ... nn,.. 1ournamt>f\t lrnm Lono on r n91eno 0 OIC1< VAN DYKE ~c b s ''"'nosnoo w.11> Je• •v •S .;lmosl dO'>lroyed '" 1 •Ow O•t'r a neognoor ~ crao or .. ~lawri 0 ~~ ABC MOVIE l";ues1 , R1ch111d Ch,;m1:>er I.ion Greqory H•rw' MdOt• • 11ru• ktthn G rcHQ NtltUPS M"ll>d Moc>rf> I 10 30 0 10 M Y BUDDY ml MASTERPl~E THEATRE • • • • r tf.l/llty I ,q..,.,f Jon ~ ncri AIPC Mt;Cc .. en Af" 1ns,9np rnutd fYet --.1,qn qh.1c; i ~,~of wnmen 1n 1 I ClauOll>' Who.II Sn.111 Wf> Oo Aboul Clauo1us' Clauo1us os Jdv1st'O lo .. on lonue Plttyong 1hf> 11;!101 whole 1Jl9ns are m:i<lt' ror "'~ m,;troaC]" l1v10 011emµ15 10 insure T100flu\' succ.~s~1on It) lhe lhronP (RI 11:30 0 @J TAXI tn.., JJ'l\Jlfi..-tn, (~htOC1 ~n ·~1 01 ,, nt~•Qht:Otf"OOd ' ti ~.no l''*' 1nnt"11t4i. d l·Htun•· 1 ,,..,1ni;1on Nnd tl 1 orpnt u1on tnO ttnTt·tie. n•Qtl ·OG•t..•ty mm NEWS (I!) VOTERS' PIPELINE ( ouritv S.>.1t Host 11m (O("')Di'( t1:00 f) 00 !~1 11~1 NEWS 0 MAKE ME LAUGH m THE GONG SHOW (I) OETSMART I QNTROl ma~es a oes ..._ tr1 K1ns,.y l-~rispm 10 f•na '11·, wit" 1n ..-.. chanqP ro, ·• ""' 01 enemy .. qen1., tl) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 8' STAA~EK Th•") fn,urpn~c ..tnd H!l. 1 ••~w ;}f•' '"'C 1lfirV,O f'Ot 10 'N;atura l" Dost May RepIBee Carson Hy PETER J BOYER LOS ANG F.LES <AP I Johnn' Car!>on·s impending abd1rt1on of hi"· late-night fe1fdom has !-ur farcct <rn entire population of h1·1r-. ;ippart>nt ·\n:-one who has l'H'r cracked a JOke has been mentioned a!. Carson s replarement on "Tonight .. Bill Cosby, Rohert Klem. Martin \1 ull Tom Snyder .. J ame~ Schlcs T eache rs See 'Tube ' As Kids ' Motivator OETROIT tAP l Te<1chers who a few years ago were bemoamng their pupils' infatuat111n with televiswn's silly situation l'Omcdies a nd cartoons lhev count the numhcr of <'Om ml'rc1al minutes in an hour and wrilt the number as a fraction ure welromm~ Mork a nd Ork and his \'ET o\NOTHF.R mathcmut1cs ex TV colleagues into their classrooms. e r c i se produced res u Its Ms ·'Television is a very strong Mauerhan cites as evidence of lh<' motivator," ex' p lained Caroline need for tearhers to confront rathn inger thr peanut man at Dodger Stadium all 1n the runn1nl-( ;\;othing against any of these fello"'-; 1 esper1ally thl' pl'anut man>. but I'm belling on one David Letterman. a gap toothed rom1c from lndian<1 l 'D NEVF.R H EARD of the J?U~ un t1l last wt:-ek. when he ho~l('d a Tonight" show during one of Carson's many absences. He st·cmed nght. somehow. already broken-in \\ost "Tonight " t~uest hosts. in l'lud1ng som<' of the best comics in lhl' hus1nC'-;s . collapse afler the monolo~ut· That ·s because they arl' 1·om1 es. nnt talk show hosts. Lettt•rman was funny and relaxed <lur111~ thl:' opening bit. and earned that romp<>sun· to the desk w1lh him llC''s bright and quick . his humor 1:-. -;ubtle. but not invisible li ts pt·rsonal1ty 1s Midwest pleasant 1111 wa~ ~ou l'Oulrl rcplare him It's not t'H'n :>omcthing \l)U eons1der .. 1 lk;i:-But -.un•ly somt'thing 1s afoot . \'1•;ih I j.!l'l lht• fN•ltng that <.omcth1nl-( 1s happening I sl('ep a lot. le!->S . I "'ake up 1n tht· mornings "'or · rt('d I'm worri ed no"" I know :-.omethmg ts happening. I'm Just not t'l'rlain whcre it's going to end .. LETTER~1AN IS a fan of Carson·s. and. 1t St~ms. J student Letterman on Carson 'll<''s lhl.' bt•))l ht's lht• def1ntl1\ e fH'rsonahty for !hat vt•h1<.'le tie 's \ 1·ry !'>mart. hut 1,1,hat I think 1s more 1rnportanl than anything t'lse 1s the p1•rsonahl) You lrkt' tht> gu). h£-c; not gonna st1•cr you wron~ TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS COMj)ltl• 11-rn-.on OI '°"tKllflil • ,_ gel&lly 11: .. D TOHIOKT 0.-1 ho.I BIM Co.by 0.-11 ~ sriawn. 0. WtyN Oyer. 8111 S.iuga 1t:00 e TWIUGHT W. Ed llndM)' "" tit! Ol<I r edio, wNcf1 only pick I UO old radio allows • All'RED HfTateocl' PRE8EHT'8 "Bull In A Chino Shop ' A quertel of etOerly womeo •rv to o••n thtt 111eo1100 of a handsome delectt~• ti) OETSMART Ma.. !las 10 ftohl hi• way 10 •he a11a1 10 bts on lime 10 ~lmlrnec:l tD 28 TONIGHT 12:30 U MOVIE • •, • Demon Barbe< 01 Reel S1r1111r ( 19361 Tod Slaugn1er Eve L11111r WfJll·heeleO CUSIOfl'Ml(I OI a cerl 8'" bar be< snoo llnO ltierrlse1Ye$ '" '°' some !hong Ooadly I I ht 2!> m1nl aJ MOVIE • • • A Song To Remember I •9~51 Paul Muno C orne! WllOfl C11op1n s neari brea~s O•er "'' IOV9 '°' Gao<gtt Sano lhe oeaulolul novelosl '' ll<S I II) MOVIE • * HalChlll r or A Honeymoon I 19701 S1e pnen Forsylhe Dagmar lasSiln<ler ~lyw60 0"" <1<e murd011l<l with a s•l•~r MIChOI by 0 m&n Wl>O tememoers moro of nos pa&I w11n each kollong I 1 hr , 30mon I (Tl MOVIE • • , C11mP Scnoo1 11938) HumPl'lrf'Y BOO"" 04!ao fl'O l(oO\ ~ wu1df'n sHvqqle' tr, turn S c.ouuot u~f°'"'&IO') 1ntr1 th.-tf•h.~ 01111ttt1on rPnTPf' 1t Wh't 00S!Qh"d 10 !>•• 1? ht S I 12:40 I) C8S LATE MOVIE • • , tne l eqooo 0 • Val6nt•no t 1Q7~1 f r linen 'l,.10 Suzar>n!' Pl@5nflll,. l nP hie lil'O Myln o• '"" 1920~ "'f'nl ~r~n \Id• > d•dmahzl'<I 1:00 0 MAVERICI< I he Montt\t Mo1,. r .• n~ 1 15 0 TOMORROW r.uP-SIS f tl'lrTl <J•rt<tor~ Oo~ (J:,c,.rPlll .1rid (,~rqi.. R,..meto Bro11·"" 1,,....,. "JO•P I ~nn·'4 N"l\,I"'' dnt.l 00"0' mo.nf ~ltJ' 1·45 0 NEWS 1:55 0 NEWS 2'000 MOVIE • • fh,.:i H0<1a 1•0 l 1•0,u 1 '-1'HH fnc1 ~.1 '"'l"'•'' ,,,tlna <lY'nl Am.Jn .tooi..1 ''' 1("')11t,. dga1n4)t nr9un11f4•S ""'"' '" r nurl 1, m;-\tt1r1 So. CoHt '"·~·" ll•• J•IO Bu,101 I •tt Pan•"Q THE MUPPET MOVIE (GI ,,., .... _. tO . .J:c:'~~~~"+5 She will find you • PROPHECY (PG) ,,., ...... 10 PLAYERS (PG) ii 00-4 u .a >O FOUL PLAY (PG) 1 •M :I0-10 3~ Olltly "'llfoer.d ( 1 hr • 25 tn1n I G MOW • ••'I> "TM Way ANNld" ( llM-4) DeYld NIW!tt, SI- lay Holloway • OETIMART The Stnet11 thlnlol the1 tr.e Clltel h&a gone d•ll wMr1 ht ro!IQ romanclng I bellu- lllul ""°""*" 2:150 NEW8 2:ao m MOVIE • •'I> "~noillll'" ttllb31 HowlltO Duft, Ida Luo..,o. CD NEWS 2:Slf) NEWS 3:081) MOVIE ,. ,. •., • A S10111n L•le" t 11•111 Belle oa.,11. Gleon ford 3'25D HEWS 3:308 MOVIE • * "Cnmes Al The Dark House · 119401 Too 5131J9hl0f 4:001i) MOVIE • * ' ftte B•llle 01 Nerel- va · p9711 Yul Brynne<. Hardy K•uger aJ MOVIE • Monsler From The :>urr I 19tiJI Joo Hell. Sue CJSlly "••d,.e#dau·s Dayt h n t• .tlot.•ies 10.00 0 ,. * • 11 s A Bog Counlry • ( 19521 Gary C:ooper Janel letgh A \Prier, Qt 01Qht StOr1eS rJHP•CI Qua1o11es In P<!OPle lhQI 11111<" ma<1a Ameroca (!"Ml f 1 nr 30 min ) 12:00 0 • • ·, Tne Omegens" 11llb8l Ke11n Lar~an. lng"d '"" A wnrld-n>nownPd 1111,I (Jl'>l OvN.,. thAt h1" Wtfit ·~ hJVIP~ ~•n 3f1<tlr dn1oJ 01nts 10 ,_.,1 !"Ifft c 1 h, 30 m•n) m • • l•Q"''""9 an11 •J•.t1 An111unv E.~tev W'rtn(l1ir. l Lf •Qf"I ( IUA f<.t!f" •-<J, t)ft("'nmf' t"P targ et • 1 ~abo1eurs II hr '>0 ,...,..,., I 3 00 10 • • • • tne 8!111~ Oo T.,,_. R1~A< ti" "-di f Parl ") I 1QS "1 w lllJ"1 ... ,,klf'n A ••< l 1,11nnt)S.S During lit •Id W,;r II .1 B••hSll O•rtf'''' .ln'1 ru~ men ...-cr,mH p t11 Of -t p,.,,,.., 1.1rx" ln,,.., •Jd"Y •orc..-\J bv ,,.,..,. U:tOHf"h•· •• tc huild ott I •11~ bt 11,t~ (I ,..., 10 IT r. I 3 30 O "• r ,,,. v~ •~·· t ly~flQ "1owc ,_.,S j 141,t,, rtvQn M,..,10~1 .J<.•.11 • ·•11nr .. >'-''"f"lt11i:•~ on l Hrth ..J•nh.u~_, .11i~n Jnrr •'S rtl.·H •· ' 1n11 tf• (Jj H\h··~frJHI f ,llfh / ,,, :\Ol"'nn • MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS ANO YOUNG PEOPLE '""' ••• -. '"•1 A •• I .. "•' '.I I' 'JI ' I I \ .. "' ... I 11 I 4•1 ., , H. 1•1,1 Ji.Nil 'u •, ,.,,.. .... • ,,., ff f I \1 I 'rh ..... I 1'"-, ,,Z I !Iii \I'( i jl I I I ~j •1•1 Ali\#~ 1\1 auerhan, a fifth grade geacher in than ignore TV the Baltimore County. Md .. school When the children we re askcrl to district. "And the more s uccessful graph the number of lelev1s1on sets lie is. like ('arson. a natural ·'Carson :-. your hip friend. who ~ou n•ally like You kind of "'ail to see how he gof'!l, lhc n you say. ·Yup. that.~ right . .. 't'r;"~HYP.-.. .... ;;N..-:;O~=r'.~"";-:;';;::;"'""';ll;':::;":~='X"::r:-· ...., An astutt• appr:i1sal I 'cl suJ:(gesl 1t we are sn motivating them <st u owned by <'ach of their fam11ic!.. dents). the more successful we are in some of them reported the} had teaching them.'' seven M S. MAUERHAN, WHO is attend No wonder then. Ms Mauerhan mg the 17th annual meetmg or the noted, that "When you say somethsn~ National Education Association here. about TV. you have all eyc·s and ears is one of a num ber of teachers across on you. All of a sudden. you've got sn the country who have recently begun stanl attention ... to use television as just another sn BOTH PENNY Churrh. a third structional tool, like films trips and grade teacher from Jackson. N J • textbooks. and Ms . Mauerhan str<'ssed their O ther teac h ers are making belief that guiding youngsters t elevis ion a subject of its own. Their through television viewm g and hav- a ims are to show children how TV ing them closely examine what i'> on often blurs the distinctions between the air will encourage those children fantasy and reality and how com-to be more selective TV viewers me rcials are designed to sell a pro-even when they view for pleasure. duct and are not meant as factual lid· and not for homework . bits . Miss Church was trained to teach Ms. Mauerhan 's fifth graders s tudy her television "literacy"· course by lhe way Mork. an alien from outer the New Jersey Coalition for Better space in the program "Mork and TV Viewing, whose members include M iody." mis u ses the English the s tate education a nd bar associa· language; they compare the way lions. the PTA and the American school is tau~ht in the 1970s with the Medical Association. way it's taught in the pioneer days "We believe that television can be depicted in "Little House on the beneficial," she s aid. "It isn't 1:111 _P_r_a_ir_l_e_"_an_d.:..• _a_s_a_m_a_th __ e_xe_r_c_i_se-'''--_...,g:....o_o_d.;... ""'b_u_t _it isn't all bad " THE LINE BE'TWEEN UM AND DEATH IS THE BLOOOUNE. NOW PLAYING THOUGH ms RF.SV M E IS rather thin some guest shots. some com ed~ "'nlmg. -.oml' failed pilots ~BC s1gnl'<.1 Letterman to a l\\.O·Yt•ar ~xclus1vt• cont r:ll'I a coupl<' of "'('Cks ago, <Jnd th1:-. 1A1•<•k 1 Wt>dnf'-.da\ through Frida~·, h e · s b a c· k n n "Tonight I t sel'm s a goo<l t1ml' to t:i I k to this gu) Ile :-.hows up late. wearing a Hawaiian :-.h1rt lie ord<'rS a mineral water lie LETTEllMAH says he jogs I didn't say he was perfect. It 1sn t exactly good form for a youni.:. relatively unknown comedian to talk with a reporte r about the bus1 ness of taking ovt'r such a position "IT WOUI.D MAKE me really sad 1f he were to leave the show." he says of Carson. "The only disappoint- ing thing about hosting the show 1s that Carson isn't there. I would really miss him if he left. There would sud- denly be a void. You hate to see him go. and if he does. you r ealize there's fits Letterman as well You like the -(",.,,,. '-h<J ' i\'HC' TV j.!ll\ Billy Grah am Films Segment O f 'H ee H aw' NASllVILL~. Tenn I AP I Evangelist Billy Graham has found a new pulpit for his Gospel preachings "Hee Haw ... the down-home com - edy·vanety television program. David W ard . a program spokesman. said Graham has viewed and a pproved the segment of the syn- dicatc:.'(f prof!ram in wh1rti he appears near the end. The program tentatively is scheduled to air Sept 29. Ward said. The segm<'nl was taped J une 21. before Graham began his crusade in Nashville In the segment. according to Ward. Graham says. "The Bible has humor and God has a sense of humor . . he has to have a sense of humor when he looks down h<'re at som e or us " Laura Antonelli Marcello Mastroianni ~iferrzjstres~ PORT •I'> "'If ( ''" •• ,.. , t# "'l• Vitt• • ,...; '~.-,.!' SUB-TITLES SUNDAY MATINEE 2:00 P.M. ',,. . : ........... "\/ oo-... -. ~:· -<MC; lOWlllOS CINlMI wur CllllOOMI ua cnmo t I ~· PU rLAZA 8'WMDI' llWPOftT CINEMA 81ea ~·5339 Newport Beach S.4·0760 UA C•llAI IT..._ llUft·ll FROM Fash ion Newport Island Be ach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR • Wntmtnsttt 893·0546 011nge 839·8770 i--..... ---------,---------------------'-~--~~ ... ..