HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-14 - Orange Coast Pilot~Mother eharged · Eou11tain Valley) In Bathtub Names Woman • Death of Tot Fire Marshal e Halts · 'lJnrnarried' Abortion TUESDAY AFT E RNOON, AUGUST 14, 1979 VOi.. 11. NO. U., J St.CTIONS. 11 PAGES ewpor tpper Injured O•llY Pllol SYll P- HEW FIRE MARSHAL Lynne Michaelis Valley Names Woman as Fire Marshal Lynne Michaelis was named F ounta in Va lley's new fl re marsha l Monday. City officials believe she is the fi rst woman in the state to assume s uch a post. The appointment by Fountain Vall ey Fi r e C h ie f To m Feierabend and City Manager J ames Neal becomes effective Saturdav. Mrs. Michaelis, 41, has been with the city for nine years. She b as experience as a fire in· vestigator, teacher. buildi!lg in · spector and as a counselor to juveniles who have set fires. Formerly, she was a secretary t o P olice Chief Ma r vin K . Fortin Sbe said her new duties wiU be primarily a dminis trative, ••working with developers and designing tire equipment in buildings (under cons true· lion)." He r stair will include a fire prevention s pecialis t and aides. Mrs. Michaelis' sa lary will ranae from Sl,600 lo $1,900 per moo\h. She bas been a res ident of Fo11nlaln Valley for six years. Her bU1band. Charles, wu Fountain Valley's flnt police ~hlef, .. um1n1 that poaltloa ln 1WJ after aervtnc aa cblef of POiice tn Gardea Grove. He re· llred from tbe Fountain Valley dep91'tmeat 1n 1974 and now nms '611 OWll eeeurtty '"8ilneH. Abortion Blocked By Judge By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of 1M O•lly Pilet SUtf Acting at the behest of a man who claims his rights arc bcmg violated, a n Orange County Superior Court j ud ge temporari· ly halted a woman from obtain· ing an abortion Monday. Judge Robert Todd issued the temporary restraining order blocking the abortion after con· sidering arguments made on the man's behalf by Los Angelts al· torpeys Marvin Mitchelson and Harold Rhoden. M itchelson recently gained widespread attention when he represented Mi chelle Triola Marvin in a breach of contract s uit against actor Lee Ma rvin. Accor.ding ta documents hied Mon day. the blocking of an abor· lion over the issue or an unmar· r1ed man's right to the child is without precedent in California law. The couple are not married. "This child was conceived not as an accidenta l consequence of our lovemaking, but according to the planned wis h and inten· lion of both of us,'' Robe rt Bla ke, identifie d only as a n Or ange County resident, said in an affadavit filed in the case. •·I love this child, and I wi II do anything and agree to anything to save its life." Mitchelson declined Monday to provide any further informa· Lion about Blake or the woman in t he case, Holly Lynn Latreill. "Circumstances in the case prevent il," Mitchelson said. He wouldn't elaborate on wha t those circumstances a re. A ccordiog to Blake 's af· fadavit, be was notified by lhe woman lhat she would undergo (See ABOllTION, Pase AZ> JERSEY BELL ro PAY CUJM NEWARK, N.J . (AP) -New J ersey Bell Telephone Co. says it will not appeal a judge's order to pay $34 to a customer for mi11lng a repair appointment. A SU check will be mailed to Joseph Nowick.I, 32, a project 1 coordinator for Jersey City's RedeYelopment Authority, com· panr spokeswoman Chrlattne Davies said Monday. She aald \he amount of \he claim did not juaJly an appeal. . R e Feeds i he Animals This is T1 grr Bill and some of the 500 pounds of horsemeat he cuts up every day for the big cats of Ringling Bros . and Barnum and Dailey Circus. Bill posed for this pict ure dur ing the recent visit of the circus to Anaheim. It has since moved on to Long Beach. where Bill is still cutting away. llc 's been doing it for six years lie suys ll~crs get 10 to 20 pounds of meat a day. while leopards. somewhat daintier e<.i ters. get fi ve to 10 pounds . Valley Mom Held In Death of Tot .By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Of t1W 0411ty Pl ... Si.ti A Fountain Valley mother was cha rged with murder early to- day in the bathtub drowning or her 2-year-0ld son, according to poll Ce rpoort.s The victim , Gregor y Allen Harding, who would have been three In Novembe r . died or cardiac arrest at 7 :04 a.m. today al Children's Hospital or Orange County, officials said. Investigators saJd they found the youngster subm erged in the bathtub of lhe Harding home. 17451 Santa Isabel St., Monday at 4 : 10 p.m. after his molber walked into lhe police depart· ment and said she bad drowned her son. Margurite Jea n Harding. a 32·)'ear-0ld housewife, was taken into custody immediately. "She was visibly s haking, however her words were very distinct and to lhe point," Detec- tive Donald Cook said today. "She had no lean. There was no emotion," he added. Moon Over Management One striking worker al San Clemente's Reeves Rubber Co. is probably s adder today after he ex posed bis view or \he labor disagreement to m anage menl personnel. police re· POrled. In full view, police,._al · l ege, str i k e r George Ri c h a rd s. 32 . o f Oceanside. exposed the rearward portion of h is anatomy to management people Monday. Gay Visit8 Upheld Cook said no mot.Ive has been established ln lhe death. Mrs. Hardtna, whole husband, Marlt. waa at work Monday afternoon when the lncident occurred, 11 belnl held without baU ln the women's faclllty at Oran1e County JI.JI. M ana1ement took ex· ceplion to \he view pro· vided by Richards. He was a rrested on indecent ex- posure charges . SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -The Jmmlsratlon and NaturaU1aUon Service hu temporarily halted agents from tumln& back SUI· peeled homosexua ls . That meaM at least two vlaitlnc Mex· ican homoeexuals will be able to finish their vacation here. (• Cook uld the youth wu clothed, but weartn1 no ahoea. (See OIA&OED, Pase A.I) Noveliet Mining DUBLIN, Ireland CAP) Novelilt J . G. Farrell. 44, was presumed dead today after be-. ln1 swept out to aea while ftsb· in1 near his home on Bantry Bay. ln southwest Ireland. Eight Sailors Missing 5, ALM ON t OCKABEY .. 0.•h PthH ... ,,fHI Writer Ca I<' wind~ orr the English roast have turn('d the 605-mtle F:.t'-ll'nct ract• th<' final event of tht' 1\dm1ral ' <'up Sl'ries into a d1-;astc.•r rnthC'r than a yacht ran• At«•nrdin_g lu lalf' w1rl' service rt•ptlrL<. lhl'rt• an• three known d1•t.1cl . t'IJ!hl rn1.;sm!'! ~md al least 90 mt•n ha\'t' h"•t•n re~cued frnm raJ.:1 nc "<'as o ff I' I) mouth. En!!l.11111 :'\orw of th1• <frad haH' been 11knt1fh'<l At lt•asl '>I>. l'rl'Wmcn rrom Nt.·'4 port llcaC'h are Ill· \Olvt•d 1n lht• racC' '4h1ch ~tarted :::-..1turda\ Jt Cm"'' on the ble of W11o?hl . \n \ss•lt tatl'tf l'r<':.s dispatch "Jld '4Jtsh1ps Jlld ht·hcopter'> rl•:.cut•d Jbc1ut 00 men from Lht• rJC't' "'htl'h has turnC'd from a "Porting 1·11nll'~l into u tk:.peralc f(.'M~Ut.' OJk•rJllOn L1stNJ umnn~ thm.e injured was Jim l\llro} o f Newport Reach and Lo~ Angeles. owner ..,k1ppl'r of the fom ed 79-foot rac · 111~ ~loop K1 aloa. The report said an ambulance was wailing at the tlt><:k at Plvmouth for Kilroy,· !Sc'<' l'ACllTS, ... agf' A21 \\t~«llh «:"r Night and morning low clouds clearing early Wed· nesday afternoon . Not much temperature change with highs Wednesday in 70s at beaches to 80s in· land . Overnight lows in 60s. INSIDE TODAY A rlilt W iU1am .4le%0llder. the ebullient "°'' of "The Magic 'Of 00 Painting" on KOCE·TV. h4I bem dubbed ''The Happy Pointer" by fon1. Stt FeoturiftQ Page Cl . ··-· At Y-llenlet 91 MA.......... CJ '""• ..._. a """' '--.. 1..M.9"9 M....... ..... ......................... ~ At ........... M Cl~ttM CJ.tt C. .... C.., 4" c-it• Al ..,. ... ,.. .. ~ Al ...... ... o... .................. .. .............. MT......._ M llllerillll" 1 I .... TllMlen .... ........ Ct..J• -...W ae ...._ .. (J ............ IMNwll.... ., I 1 I ~ . l i ' Al OM.Y PILOT 8 TuemdeX, Augua1 t4, tt7t Negligence Charged • ID Deaths Probe R Al .. ElGH . N ' CAP> Army lnveaugatora were "very, very oqb1eot" in LIM&r March for llna r p rln U a lter t~e murdera of U\nM metnben ol Dr Jdfrtoy Mac-Don•ld's fa mlly, a civilian ringerprtnl l"X~rt ha tetllfled J ames Ost~rburlC tt•sur1('(! for l.be dcft'niH· Monday .u. Mat' Donald's nttornm atlem ptod to Padre Island build a cue tbat the Army botched l&a lo vMU1aUon of th urro ·~ al Fort Br111. Oale rbur1 . ~ d e f f'n1 ~ nnatrprinl f' .. l)f'rt who vt lted M a~Dooald's formPr ll'ort Orl¥6' h nm r hut week, rt'~umed testimon y \Oday o n ho w ht' than.ta Army lnvestiaatol-b mis handled finaerprlnl·lakln~ whun thf"y uaMlned ~ boun • arter Oil Spill Hits Resort Beaches ·o n PLIS Cll ltlSTl , 1'eAJ'> (A I'> A pwr o! 011 pa tchei. from _ LL. runa way M exacan oal well washed u p on beaches in rront Of II strap or r('SOrt hotel!> on South Padrf' Island toduy, some 90 male:. south of another Bra Injury l,;1r ger glob th.it floutl·d u'>hort: t:arltt:r Scientat.s, who pre<Jkh•fl more frequent beuch roulln~ from tht' well in tht-n1•xl two f111 y..,, s uad they went not ... urprt'-('d b.> tht· dt!.ta n,·e b(:tW l't'n tht• foul1.•d 1:treas "Wt• hH\'l' h1•(01\ l11ld WI' 1·an t•X pt-rl 1l <•t nclll pl an·:-. .1l odd t 1 m es." ":11 cl < • (l Us t c; u u rd spokesm an J im Mc·C:ranacha11 "Thl're ;Jn' su many p11t1·hl0s uf -it s e;. Ht&red ou.W-.. h ... ••r .... u-· ·--- RENO, Nt:v <A P > /\ woman h a s i:.uc•d t h C' ltn~cr1e fi rm Fredericks o f llolly wood In c for S I0.000, alleging that sh1· v. <J-. wounded by a win· '>l 1C'k1ng from an un dl'rw1re bra In tht' s uit filed rn W ashoe District Court, Hoberta Kendall of Reno -.J1d sht· <oufferc•d ' severe and 1,..rman<·nt pl'rson<il injury · v.h1 ch <iffected ht'r mentally <md 1>hys1c·ally S h P bl<imcd al o n nl'ghgcn1·e in the dt>s1g n "nil m anufa<·ture of tht: lira M rs Kl'ndall 1s st·1•kin~ morf' than S I 0,0110 an g 1•11l'ral dam<JgC's. p lus medicul. lt.'gjl antl other t'X IH'n'>t'" f ·,...,,,. P uge ·l I ABORTI ON l:lfl abor111111 F11 dav The pro l'l'durt· ht• s.1id. v.1111Jd "put my t htlcl ICI cll'uth UIJkt• h11v.1•\N l l;,am<.:d Ms l.:11111·11 a t·tu.ilh 111ll'nded t<1 haH· tht· JIJnrll.on t1l'dormNI \\ l'r1nt·<oda\ .Jud ~·· 'I mid ruh·d tlwt -.tw 0IH0 p1·r.,un.ill\ <.,1·rv1·fl v. Ith ha s 01Cler t>y J o cl<.ick th as .ifl1°rnuon In wnlkn argum ent!> present t'<I lo Jud 1-(1' Todd. iJ \l(Jrney Hhudcn :.uad that lt•gal resc11rch on the ii.sue of hai:. c hc nt's raghL'i were rushed bec:ausl' of t he {'rrc umst:inc·c·s s urrounding the case Hut fthoden s:rnJ the mat tcr raises <.1 "que'>tt0n never de• caded an Cahforn1a." J u d gt· T o cl d .., 1• h <.:d u I e d a furthl•r ht·aring in ltat· Ci.IM: for !~ 30 a m /\ug ~I Fire Fighting Try Hampered BOISE. Idaho <AP> Heavy rains that dampened the ragmg Mortar Crt>ck fire e nded today, but clouds forced the continuing grounding of i.ill aircraft, ham pe ring efforts of more than 2,200 firefighters to c-ontrol the last major Wes tern rirc s tHI burning u ut of control. 'fh c rain ended ea rly this morning a ftn d rop ping more than three quarters o f an inc h Norm Hesseldahl s aid the rain • h elped cool t h e 6 4,800-at'rc Mortar Creek fi re along the mid· die fork of the Salm o n River, 84 miles northe ast of Boise. OR ANOE COAST DAILY PILOT fN" 0t~(M\t0.•IY Ptl04: ••t"'•"1th1• ,.,.,._ ,,.,..,,, fftf' ~~"'' t\~l\••'llNtlh• lt•()t~~ 1 ,,.,.., .. vbl·"'~<omo-.n• \ir'tM•••~..0·1~,.·· ovo••"'•• ~., ""OU4t" ''•O•• •oe <fl"t.t IMw N"tlfllli00f1 ,,_._..,n Hwnhltqlon fk~ n '~ llt·"Y•fl•1 tr~ t.ovr .. 1\4-.t"i: \o&iln(Oit"~ A \t"'&lf' '"'VtQl'MI .ct•t• I\ INtJ;l1ow1t \tli.;t0..y' ~ ~•¥• ,,,_. ~rtW1Nt pwn41\l'U"f pl<fl't f\ •t HO W•\I t"\A<t '\frf'illll"f (oit.t•~4-A C'•t1t6',.1•'1•1t. ••aiHlM .,,._ Pre\HM,,t •"Cl Pvb11~., l•c• II «••In "I• t Pt•"oe>nt e!WG4'_, .. #IM~t nHn•,••n H l.01t&f ,_,,._ IM•-.•"'I CO!IO' CllMIO• I< L-•l<MN ~ ..... • ,,,,,."'' ~1\1.Qt""O [OllOr\ Office• (Ml•-.... •• l#Wt\I 8•1 Mr"1 H'u..1';.!":!Z,~~~r,; t~':.~ ~ .. ":,~~o Telepho"e (1'41'4Ma21 CIHllffled Adwertl .... 142-14171 ~,.m .. ,., .. _ 4tMIOO r._ ...,"'°'"-'°""''~"'" l40-1UO Mc· G rcm a r h ci n suid ftc kh.• c;ulf of Mexico w i nds would d1• term ine wh..rt• and how m urh 011 would make ats wa:r to th1• wh111· beaches of Padre I!. land C leanup crt'v.s qu1 r kl ~ deaned the 3· by 5-foot and i b} G foot clumps of oi I from Ltw heaches tn rro nt or tht• hutt•I-. A 25·foot·'>QUarc. fi inch dt•1·11 01 l patch s lid onto an 11ninhah11 ed beach 28 miles south or l'urt Aransas late Monday. tht· CoJ.,l Cuard said The patc·h hat lund <•bout eight mtlt•s :-11ulh or lht· nC'arest rt-sort arf'<.1., of !'\urth l'adre Island anrl " <1ccec;s1blc· only by drl\ 1ng 1111 th1· beach for about five milt·., Fiorly ht'J\"\ t•o11c•1·ntrnllons 11f frl's h tar twlh v.,·ri '>f>Oltt·tl .don ~ 20 milt·., of la·achfronl south of Curpu:-. Chrr.,11 1•arly lo d ay The hcilb of tar ~t1irt1'!l washing up fin lht· tw·1c·he-; h1..,t wt•"k but h.n•· lw•·n qu11·kh ... U t'l\l• d II JI I I\ ( ff ol ' t (; II oJI ti \ a<"uum clt·<.1n1·1., 1'.<ttaonal l>1·1·a1111 ;i11tl 1\1 mnsµht-nc Ad1111n1stf Jtlun 1·11111 µuters pr~ktt!d Monday night that coastal w inds wou ld an crc<tse this a fkrnoon. dnvang more offs hore patchei. onto lhc beaches j ust north of Ba ffi n Bay, about 30 mile'> S(JUth of Corpus Chn'>tl Coas t Guard cl<.•anu11 erl'""!. "e re :.enl to tht· <tr<'d It v.ill be pretty f'J'>) ''' < 11•;111 up," !>aid Roger MNtl'h<tni or tht• En v aronm cnt<i I P rutec-t1fl n J\ !(ton cy ·'The i.and there 1s hard und the oil won't sink tn as ea:.rl} The impact al thii. point . as ex pet'ted to be nc~h~a blc." lie added that "exlrC'mely li g ht concentratio n of oi l particles have bee n detectl•d by N 0 A A sc·ac nt is t s in L a g un11 Mad re," an environmentally sensitive area s cparnted from the Gulf by Padre Is land But Meath<Jm said oil there \\OUld h<tve IJltlc· ('ff('Ct Meacham a lso !'><11d !'>Catler<.-d o 1 I p a t c h e s h a v t• w a <o h e d <Jg round on the Mcxac·un shore ">Outb of Bro wnsv1lll' "It loo ks pretty bad down there." he said NOAA sc1ent1s ts s aid scv<'ral o the r p i.i tc hes o r s h een and mou:.se a heavy, frothy IC1yer o f CH I mixed with sea water were looming JUSt off the COiJ.,l Monday nrght Some blocks were as cloi.c us o ne mile off Port Mansfield and a huge s lick, 37 miles long and 2 m iles wide, was s potted a bout 90 m iles s o u t heast of Co rpus Christ i. authorities said . The 011 has broken off from a g1gant1c sUc k growing out of the Mexic an well l xtoc J, which has spe wed mHlions of gallons into the Gulf of Mexico s ince June 3 T he leak in the well, localed Just off Tampico in Mexico . probably won 't be brought under cont rol for another two m onths, officials have said, l",....r,....AI YACHTS ••• who s uffered broke n ribs as he battled the gale in the last hours of t he race. Kialoa had been leading the r ace ln the early st age s . Several yachts were sunk and several more we re mi11lng ac- cordtne to a late report. A radio r e port sald form e r Prime Mlnilter Edward Heat.h's was one or the yacht.a which sent out a distress call. There waa no word or the yacht In late report.a. Amons tboae cre wln1 on American yacbtl Ln the race are Don Vauabn, Rex Bank•. Dtck Deaver , Skip Allan, Dennll Con· ner. There wu no report on the fate of lbe Amerlcao y achts, Imp, Aries and Wllllwaw. ' t ht• munters 9\\ year11 ago "Tho r rlme 1ceoe was groaslr. uaderprocnMd," be aald, cal . tn 1 the A r m y l o veatlga ton ''v•ry. very ne1U1ent" In tht:lr lt'lrrh for fln1Je rprlnta at the Ill' UH~ 011tt•rbura IR C'hulrman of lhe l>t1JHu1 ment of Criminal Justice at t he Vnivtiralty of Illino is lhd>ona.Id, 35. of II untingtoo H arbour . l.s bein.c triud on cha rges of bludg eon ing and 1llbbln 1 hla pre g n a nt wife. Colette, 218. and d auabters Kim- berly. 5, and Kristen, 2, In 1'70. tie says four dru1·era aed lo· trudera, Including a candle · carrylnfC woman who chanted. "Ac id lR groovy Kill the pigs." killed h is f amily and Injured him . Prosecutors say he m ade up hls story, poss ibly buln1 It on accounts of the Cha rles Manaon family cult murders. In ·r efuainl to d lam lH the murder c harsea Monday, U.S. Dl&trict Court J udge Franklin T Dupree Jr. said If there was one tbinl( the de fense had s hown dur- ing Its cross-exam ination of pros- ecution witnesses. It ,... that they would have cooduct.ed the in veatigatioo differently. 'No Value' .. But he aald the la w doesn't guarantee a perfect lnvestJ1a : Uon and drc umstaollal evi~ "does not have to be s uch to ex, e lude every hypotheAis" about; wha t might have ha ppened. "f think the government hac m a de out a case ... which l., s ufficient to h ave the jury de· t.ermlne tbl• de fendent's guilt or innocence," Dupree s aid . Mangers Joins Brown Blasters By lOA.NNE REYNOLDS OI -Delly ,..... , .... De m ocr a t ic Assemblym an Dennis Mangen of Huntington Beach attacked Go v E dmund G . Bro wn J r . Monday as being "obd urate. insens itive and of abs o lutely no value to Or ange County ·· M angers ' verba l bla s t was p erhaps t he m os t biting of seve ral leve led at the Dem ocra tic governor during a lunc he on hosted b y the Orange County gave a concert." he s aid. O 'NeiU is cha irm a n o f the s t a·te De mocr atic Central Co mmittee and lobbied for the appointment of former Assembly m an Ron Cordova to the county Boa rd of Supe rvisors ._.....__~<n1f Ass 9e 1 au-0.n be c au s e tL Mrs. Bergeson, who is serving her first term in the Assembly W<J S m o r t: cautio us in he r criticism or the gove rnor. limit mg her rem a rks to quips that he's decided to "do for the nB- ti o n what h e's d o n e t o ·1tmonua " and.J: · · came from a mem ber of the Gov~mor's political party Mangers. Ass <:m b lywoman Marian Bergeson. R -Newport Hear h and State Senator Jc1hn Schmitz. R Ne wport Beach. a ll r rit1 t·12ed the goHrnor dunng their luncheon t<Jlk'> an !\cwpor-t Beac·h as '"our fearless leader ." Monday s ht• d iscussed he r pending legis l<Jtron which would index state income tax bracket:- to th.-tnflat1Qn rate so th<it cost of laving p<Jy raises won t pus h r f' !. 1 d c n b r n to h 1 g h t· r t a x bra1 l-..1·ts Osmond Makes Debui M..in.:ers . v.ho I'> servang h1 '> -,econd term an th<: A'>'>t>mbly said Hrown 'ilands in th1· way of th1• 1·11u11t\ .., n ·al11a1111n <if ll' fo ndJy. 1n d1'>cussing t he !>am .. ball .il c1 lunc·h ho..,tcd by th1· 'c v. port llJ1 t,,>r Ar1·a Ch<tmbt:r <if ('11n1mt>rn· .,h1• 1•ri·d1cttd lh<tl Ur1t\A. n ~oulrJ 1·111111· UJJ wrth <i· .,1n1llJr rn1·J-.u1 • of h r-. own. an df11rt -.Ill' .,,11(! w(JuJd be <1 <.·y na cal and c·alc ulaled movr onlv to ~ct !->Upport for" his pre · :.1dcnt1cJI c11n1i1a1gn !-l11ll!lrlJ.! ... t ur l>onn) Osmond and his w1fto, DtbhH'. pn·'-l'rtl thl'lf' f1r~t child . Donald Clark O~mond Jr . for his f1r!)t of ft c 1al picture 111 Los Angeles. Donny Jr w<.a -. ho~n July 31 in P rovo. l 'tah, a nd is the 20th Os m ond gnrmkhtld Massachusetts OKs Capital Punishment B OST ON <AP I Gov Edward J King signed a bill r ei.torrnJ( capital punishment 1n M ass<Jt husell.l. tod ay "Whale I um itware that there ar{' question'\ about possible con· -.utuuonal defect'> 1n the legisla lion. I am signing 1l bet·ause n( ni) lo ni?sliJndrn~ belie f that t a"rtal punishment as a deter r1•nl ' Ktrt~ said I h· said that b> putting the ball on his dei.k, th<: Legis lature s howed it s agreement that t•a p1tal punish me nt is both a de· t errent and a proper subject for legis lative action. T he de&th pe nalty b ill was ap. proved overwhe lm ingly by the House itnd Senate despite pro· COUNTIAN AWAITS GAS CHAMBER-Al pena lty law on the J!rounds 1t would violate tht' sta te t•on<otitu tion's ban ngarnst nut'I and un us ual punishment 'fhe latest hill "'<1uld a 111,v. 1unes to 1mposr "4'nt1·nr1 .., of e ithe r dcuth or ltf1· 1mpr1!>on ment for fJr~l dt>>-!r••1• murder To 1mpo.,e death. 11 v.ould h.nt· to find tht1t th1· t"J '>l' 111nta1nc:d one o r more or a JX1"!>1bl<• don•n .. aggravating careum:.tanrt''> ·· T hose circumstunc l's ancludC' J m ur der per formerl for pa) m urder in the couri.e of u rape. kidnapping, hijacking or armed robbery, or a multiple murdt-r The bi l l als o specifie s "m i tigattng " c arc ums tancC'i. that a jury could cons1cler Cl!> reasons for lenil'ncy Tht-se HI elud e cases where o mur<lcr wa:- the pe rson's fi rst offe nse or whe r e it r esulted from an em o lional disturbance rn J ' "r ~fl .J I .. I n h , .• 1 11 h trJn.,1.111r tJt11m .rnd 1·c.11n<Hn11 J!IO\lo th Hl· -.aid deahng with the go .. 1•rnor ~ altitude· that lbf' rounl) rs \"flmpt1.,l·d of '"wh1 tt• fl ight r:u·1sb 0 1 ... the ma1o r frustration of h1-. l1·~1sl at1 \f' caren ~d1rn1tL t·rrtacu cd tht· gov 1°11101 f•Jr hi .. appo1ntmr-nt or 1-:cl1 ... nn Maller to the Count\ Bo<ir<I •If ~upt-rv1o;or., a nd th•· :.uLse4ucnt d1-.put•· 11\ 1·r J t tn•-.-. JanP Fonda -.. alJIJf•ln lmt·nt t•1 lh1· st:.ttt' Art:-. Council Th(• c·on:>f'r\ all\ t· l<1·puh1Jt·an .... 11<1 ha... mcsil ,.., runnan~ llJO t•1 une in fa\or o f lhc s<:nale s d t- 111al of Miss f'"onda's a ppoint mi-11t tu the arts boarrl It "a:. ab<.olutl'I\ P"htJ<·JI on 11ur part !.>t hm1ll ~d1cl of th• mo\,.. 'bt>raus<' t'\ er~ lhanR th•· v u \ ernnr '1111·-. '' Jb,•1lut1·h p11ltlrcal ~rh m1tL i.<1 1d thdt 1•\f•r\ mo\t• t hl' gO\ emor mJkt·s " t1ol<1red tu h111o1o that dCl11Jn \lo tll loni.. an ;\ 1·v. 11 amp:.han · or Florida T h<" senator o;a1d that Brown 1s ,at trnctC'd to Miss Fonda and her hu:.band. Tom ll a_>de n. not because o! a !:ihared adeoloi.{> but her a use he r mo\ ae :.tatui. g1w•-. hrr Ult> drawm~ pov.cr to raa:.e m alhon.s or C'etmpa 1.:n dollur:. for h11n .. On~ rolum n1:.t su rd '>h 1· plt.>d~t:d SJ 5 m1ll1on That :. c1 lit-t•k of a lot mort> m onc} lh1rn could be ra1st><i 1f IJ1rk (J':'\call f'ro.-PageAJ CHARGED. • y, h1•n µohce round tum Ill th1· tub ·1 ht· h11\ ., bod} borl' n11 hru1-.1·' 111 .Jlir ,..,ron'-o cnn'>tdt·rt·d unu,ual fut J child of lha.l a)(t: . · She had not ~n known to abuse ham." Cook s aid . Jn. ten 1e\\S "1th neighbors in the res1dent1al tract near the Hunt· ington [ic-arh boundary indicat- ,.d -.hl' hJd bc·en a loving mother .. he add,•d P o l1C'•' .i l tl·mpt<.•d ca rd10 · pulmonan Jnd mouth-to-mo uth resusc1t:Jt111n at the ll 1t rding ho me 1n an e Ho rl to revive ~Oun~ Gregory Ile was first taken Lo Huntington Intercom· mun1ty H ospltdl. a nd la ter trans ferred to the ch aldren·s ho'ipatal m Orange Thto boy was being kept alive v.1th the help of life -support 'iVstemi-.. but h11' heart failed this morning , offl t·1als said I' n I 1 1· c• .., a 1 d M a r k a n d ~1 tll ~urrte l lardang had been marrn-d tor 10 y .. ar., Gregory v. a~ thl·1r onl ~ c-htlrl test s from liber a ls who con- tt>ndcd Jl naes in the face of the state Supreme Court's current interpr<'tatton of the state con· :-t1lut1on that the d eath penalty would b e r ruc l a ad unusual punishment With Rolex, diamo nds a re right on hrnc. OpPonents predict the state Supreme Court will strike the law down as soon as a test case develo ps But s upporters at tac he d an introductory state ment that the} con tend will make 1t prl'vall al the federal C'o11rt level The :.tatcmt•nt, in brief, tells t h e courts t hat 1t 1s up lo lt>~islalures to decide whether capital punish ment 1s an effec- t ive deterrent to murder . It adds t hat t h e M a ss ac h u setts Lt•g islature has cons ide red that iss u e an d c o n c lude d t h e possibility of execution probably does serve as a dete rrent. T he Massachusetts S upreme Court overturned a 1977 de ath Rock Climber Falls, Killed DENVER <AP) -A m a n scal- ing a steep rock formation to gain a view of a sold-0ut outdoor rock 'n' roll concert fefl 35 feet to his death, police report. The a ccide nt occurred Sunday nigh t at the Red Rocks am· phltheater in the foothills west of Den ver , whe re tbe G rateful De ad rock group was perform· Ing the first of three sold-out conce rt.a. J e trenon County D e puty Coro ner Wilbur Richie said the dead man was ln his 30a and car· rled no ldenutlcallon . Casino Supported 'i' ROLES SLAVIC K'S 1-'lne JcwtJlcr.i Slnctl 1917 Tht• 1h..,l 1nl't1H· IM k,11 ~•I H•llov. g1>ld Huh·' lht\ [).ilt' v.ath m.1t l·han~ h1ddl•n rlasp hran•ll0t /\ L:n<JdOrtll'tl $5.250 00 B Wi th daam und claal. S5.ll~ 00 C With dia m ond lw.w l and di amond daul. S9.07!l 00 Or Jdd tO ~C)UI 11~ n IA karat µold Oay Dall' J <111rn1ond h<'7<>1 for SJ , 150 00. or .1 d iamond dia l for S675 00. or both for s:J.82!> 00 F11hlon laland, Newport Center . Newport Beach I (714) &44·1380 3 Other Locations· W~atmlntler Mall. Laauna Hilla Mall. Oranae. Cerrtt.oe Al10 Oreater Los A111ele1 f San Dleao / La• Vuaa Uto -flt 1!11Ylct • ...... .-.. rMtto pl-or A9Mfk .. &apt-~If.A ·-CM11• • . \ • LAS VEGAS (AP> -Federal Judie Harry Claiborne baa• la· aued a r.reUmloary IQJunetion prohibit n1 1tate 1amlD" of· flctall from eloetn1 down the caalno al the 1candal·taiDted Al- 1adhl Hotel. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: -· Ill ----...-- 17 r ' Orange Coast EDITIO N Today's Clo81•.d N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 72, NO. 226, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAG ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALt FORNI A TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1979 N FIFTEEN CENTS Storm Whips Boats 3 ac acers e 109Saved From -Sea Ex-Newport Sailor Satisfactory du d e d broken rib ~. t o rn In Britain U)• ALMON l.OCKABEY ENGLAND AP W1nptwto RACE TO DISASTER -Map locates the last leg of the Fastnet .race, the longest and toughest of the Admiral'~ Cup Sencs. At least three were dead. eight missing and 16 boats ub<Jndoncd a:-. lht•y rounded the Fastnet Rock off Southrrn lrf'land Mangers Declares BrolVD Insensitive By JOANNt: REl'NOl,DS OI •"• O.toly P1101 )1•11 Ot>mocral1r A!>s <·mblyman Dt>nnl!> M;mgt.>rS or llunlmgton Beach attacked Gov Edmund G . Brown Jr Mond<iy as being . obdurate. insensitive and or absolute!) no vahu• 111 Orange County." Mangers' vcrb<il hla!>l was pe rhars lhe most b1t1ng or scvern leveled at the Democratic governor during a lunc heon hosted by the Orange County Coast Association because 1t came from a member or the governor's political party. M angers. Assembly woman Marian Be rgeson. R-Newport Beach and Stale Senator Joh n Schmitz. H·Nc"'port Beach. all criticized the governor during their luncheon talks 10 Newport Beach. Mangers. who I!> s erving his second term m lht: A~s~mbb . said Brown stands 1n the way or the county's rc.•ahzat1on of its major goals 1n health , transportation and economic growth. He srud deahng with the ~ov· ernor's attitude that the county is composed or "whale fli g ht racists" is the major frustration of his legislative career. Schmitz c riticized the gov- ernor for his appointment or Edison Miller to the County Board of Super visors and the s ubsequent dispute over actress J ane Fonda's appointment to the State Arts Council. The conservative Hepubllcan said his mail is running 100 to one m favor of the: scnat<-., d .. nial or Miss Fonda's appoint mcnt lo the a rL'> board ·11 was absolutely pohllcal on our part." Schmitz s<1id of lht· move. "because everything tht.• j!Qvernor does is abs o lute.h oolitical" Schmitz said that every move the governor makes "is tailored to how that action will look m New Hampshire or Florida ." The senator said that Brown ii-. attracted to Miss Fonda and her hus band , Tom Hayden. not because of a shared ideology but because her movie status ~1ve:-. her the drawing power to ra11>c millions of campaign dollars for him. "One columnis t s aid sh e pledged $3.5 million. That's a heck of a lot more money than could be raised if Dack O'Neill gave a concert," he said O'Neill 1s c hairman o f the Hal e Democratic Central Commillec and lobbied for the appointment of forme r Assemblyman Ron Cordova to the county Board or Supe rvisors. Mrs. Bergeson. who is ser ving her first term in the Assembly was more cautious in her cr iticism of the governor. Umit· ing her remarks to quips that he's decided to "do for the na· lion what h e's done to California" and referring to him as "our fearless leader." Monday s he discussed her pending legislation which would index state income tax brackets lo the inflation rate so thnt rost (See MANGERS, Page A2 ) 0.11, PllOI 9wtln9 Wrtl•• John B. "Jim " Kilroy. one of the best known yachtsmen in the __w_o.cl4,-w . . l'ly mouth, England today from inj u rics suffered in the most tragic yacht race in mod em h1s- torv Kilroy. a former Newport Ueach resident, was taken by ambulance fro m his 79-foot yacht KiaJoa as 1t was warped into the dock after finishing 28 minutes behind the leader. Bob Bell's Condor of Bermuda in the 6-05-mile Faslnct race Kilroy's wife. Kathy, reached ttt the couple's Bel-Aar home to- day. s;:ud she had a phone call from her husbaml and that he was <1pparenlly in s atisfactory l'Ondillon and probably would be flown home Thursdav Kilro~· told his wife that he was ~la.mmed to the deck when a .:1ant wave submerged Kialua's t·<wkptt and scn·ral crew mcm· br rs fl'll on LOµ of him K llroy ;an indu~tnal proptrty <lt'Vt.'ln1>t>1., who has raced yac.·hts .tll 11vc·r tht' w11rlrl ... aid the con d1t1c111:-. "'''rt' lhl' '>'nrst he had l '\ t•r ci..pt•n1•11tcd al ~ea lie dcstnbed "mds between fiO .ind 90 knot.'> "'1th giant sea~ ~ O••IY P1101 \t.au ,.Mio INJURED IN RACE Newport's Jim Kilroy aft er thl' \ :wht:-. hart rnundl·d lhl· F a!>lnt·I· Hot·k a nd h1 •Jrlt-d t oward thl· f1n1 s h 11111.' al Plymouth Kalro) ::.aid 1\1:-0 111JUr1<-:. 1n - Old Corona del /tlar Planners Blasted On Ho01es Issue Three members o f th e Newport Bca<'h Planning Com· miss ion who attended Monday night 's city l'ouncil meeting heard their group critic ized for failing lo art on the proposed re- duct10n or home sizes in old Corona dcl Mar The verb<il broads ides were c.h:lavcrcd b) M a y or P aul R v<'korr and Councilman Paul Hummel Thl' tnC> or commissioners, Al Ian Hc<.'k , Hal Thom as and Oebra Allen attended the meet· mg, but did not !>ll m the council c ha mbers Instead, they h!>tened to the proceedm~s on the public ad· dress system whale they sat in a conference room that opens orr the dais where council m embers sit. Hummel s aid he was .. in- censed" over whal he said was a n undue delay on lhe proposal caused whe n planning com· missioners voted to put off con· sideralion or the reduc tions for a month. The commission's first public hearing on the issue was conducted last Thursday . Commissione rs sai d they wan t ed to continue so they would have tame to stud) l"''' new propos al<., onl.' rif wh1r h came from Thom a:. It t'alb for more of a n·dul'taon th.HI lh1· original prnp<>~<i l The other ('amt: from a ~rnup nf fo ur architects "'hn cum m1ssiont•rs u:-.kcd last month to critique the 1>ro11ost•ll rcduc Lions The arch1l<.'NS :.aid last Thur. day they beli£•\c the same goab <'Ould he.· arhwvcd bv mC'an:-. otht>r than ttw h1'1ght ~rnd floor area restnct1ons propo~ecl T he restriction~ would affect single family. duplex and triplex property in the area bounded by Avocado Avenue. Fifth Avl•nue. II azel Dnvt' and the ocean However, Monday On<' of the architects. Dick Dodd, said the group is w1thdraw1ng lie said they believe commissioners are intent on going aht:ad with the rigid r estric tions and the de· signers said they don't want to he associated with sul'h un ef· fort. Thursday, more than 130 peo· pie s howed up to express their views on the proposals either by submitUng written testimony or by speaking to commissioners . Judge Bloeks Abortion Monday. Ryckoff a nd Hummel appear ed angry that com · missioners had failed Lo reach a d ec is ion a n d for ward the measure to councilmen. "It makes one wonder what we have to do to gel som ething out or the planning com - mission," Ryckoff said . Unmarried Man Claims Rights Violated By FUDERICK SCBOEMEllL Of .. O.llr l'!Mt SIMI Acting al lbe behest of a man who c laims bis rights a re being violated, an Orange County Superior Court judge temporari· ly balled a woman from obtain· ln1 an abortion Monday. Judge Robert Todd issued lbe te mporary res training o rder blockln& the abortion arter con- 11dering arguments made on the man's behaH by Los Angeles al· toraeya Marvin Mitchelaon and Harold Rhoden. llltebelaon recentli' aained wldHpnad attetlUon wben be repreaented .lllcbelle Triola I Manta ID a breach of contract autt aplmt actor Lee Marvtn. Aceordiq to docwnenta Oled M•da.y, tbe bloeklnc of an abor· .-ovs Ille ..... ot an unmar· rted ... , rtpt to &.be cbUd " -rr----, without precedent In CalilomJa law. The couple are not m a rried. "This child was conceived not as an accidental consequence ot our lovemaking, but according to lbe planned wish and inten· lion of both of us," Robert Blake , identified only as a n Orange County resident, s aid in an affidavit filed in lbe case. "I love uus chll<l, ana 1 w111 oo anything and agree to anything to save its life." Mttchelson declined Monday to provide aDJ' further lnlorma· Uon about Blake or \be woman in the case, HoUy Lynn Latrelll. ''Cittwllltancet ln the 'UH prevent it." Mltchelton said. He wouldn't elaborate on what those circumstances are. Accordin& to Blake's af · fadavlt. be waa noUfied by the woman that s he wo uld undergo a n abortion Friday. Tbe pro- cedure, he said, would "put my child to death." Blake. ho wever, claimed Ms. Latriell actually Intended to have the abortion performed Wednesday. Judge Todd ruled t ha l s he be personally served with his order by s o'clock this afternoon. ln wrtlten arguments present- ed to Judie Todd. attorney Rhoden said that legal research on the llaue of hit client's rtgbta were ruabed because of lbe circumstances aurrounding the case. But Rhoden aatd the mat· ter ralsa a "question never de· clded ln California." Judie Todd scheduled • f\lrtber hearing in the cue for 9:30 a.m. Au.r. 21. Hummel added that he was "in censed that commission members ._11owed an undue amount of ballyhoo to Interrupt an orde rly process." Reaction of the 130 audience members on Thursday ran three to one In opposition to the pro- posed size reatrtcUons. Hummel and Ryckoff both questioned the mailina or 1,900 postcard notices l o properly owners in the a rtected area when lbe reduction proposal ls brought to the clly council lor bearlna. The 1,900 po11tcarda were HDt ln advance ol the plann1D1 com· ml11lon beartnc. · Hummel 1ald be cOMlders the "" of po1tcards to notify the ume people of the city councU heartna Jual another delaylq tactic . "Why la thlJ m1tter any dif· <See Ro•a. Pa1e AJ> (·a rttlagl' and fluid 1n his lungs L<tlest reports from the ran· uarters at Pl\'m().Uth~Jd there wC're <1t least th rC'e dead and C'1ghl m1ss1ng from the JO(J ) at·hts which :.tarted the rac<:. tht> windup of the Adm1r11lty Cup SNie~ known a., lht· most pre!> ll~IOU!> big h11Jl roCl' IO the "'or Id The Fastnet raet• held every t"' o ) ear.., 1s h1stoncC1 lly known a:. one of the most rugiwd in the "'orld Ironically lht! la'>l l"''> rJ<'l'" "'ere l11~hl a ir p1cn1<·'> Then• ha' be-en n11 "'<ird of thl· fall• of the thrt>e ,\mt>rit·an '.H"h b . Walh.,.,Jw. Imp and Anf''> "'hH·h formed the• offtcaal I S tt·a m m th~ Admiral " Cup WaJJa"';'"' IS :-.k1ppc rcd b) lJt>n n1:-(.'nl'rlf'r <if ~an Dit•l!fl "'1th ,l'\ er .11 lo<· al en ·"' m ... n aboard lm11 1.., ""'ned an<l ... k1p1Jn t-<l b) Da \ 1d l':lll·n of San Frant'l'>C" Orll· nf lw .. <'fl'"' m1•n 1 ... Skip Al I.in of !'\1·wport lh •,1d1 Anothn l'rt·"' man 1111 tht• ,\m 1·r a ·<in bo<sl 1' Rt•x Bank~ of \.°1·"' port A{'ach IJ1·nn1.., l)u r~.a n of :'\1•\.\p<.>r\ H1·;,1d1 1s t tw '>lu p pt r ul t tw I l a I 1 J n \ oil h t 'Y' l' Ii 3 ,\ , .... , h~:llevt."<.I tu bl.' ahn;,i r d \ l'n.1 I ' t.-0u1t.• W<Jke of '''"'p<irt Ht:ach CdM Teacher '!Vamed to England Post A Corona del Mar ll1gh School mus ic teacher has been named to fi II thl' mus it teaching post at . 'ewport If arbor High School form1•rly hC'ld b:-H1t'har<1 f:ngland, Ncwport·:'>1t'sa ..,r hool nfflr1:ils :-aid toda~ The~ ..;aid 1nstruml·ntal mu!tlc m:.trurtor Verno11 I' Sl'hroedl'r has a r reptt>d the po"l wh1l'h 111 e lude:-. d1rl•Cltnl! th" lbrllor II u?h Sailor Hand Kenn \\'ht'elcr. a:-.s1i-tanl d1~ I net supenntendt'nt for p<"rsOn nl'I. s:ud the dec1:-.1on "'as madt• at this time to gl\t' Schroeder lime to prepare for band camp. a w eek long pre '\Chool re hearsal sl·ss1on that lx•gins Scpl 2 England was trans ferred to Corona del Mar lhgh last spring after distrirt officials filed un- professional t'<Hlducl c harl(es aizainst h1m. The district 1s seeking to dis miss him on allegations t hat he disobeyed Harbor High Prin· cipal Tom Jacobs on's orders re garding band performances and that he involved pare nts and stu· dents in an administrative dis- pute. A 10-day bearinS? into the charges ended this month before a three-member commission on professional conduct. headed by a state hearing officer . A de- cision is pending Som e parents. students and teachers have protested the charges and Enl(land's transfer. "Where we are rigbt now is Mr . England h a d been transferred to Corona del Mar High School and he will re main there next year." Wheeler said . H owever . he added that England bas riled lt grievance over the trahsfer, alleging ll violated lbe teachers' contract. Wheeler said tbe district has been unable to establish a date for a hearing with En1land'a at· tomey and with tbe teacben' union. The outcome of lbe 1rtevance beariq could affect Eqland'a ttaufer, be aaid. ' Wheeler aald SchrOeder has taulbl at Corona del Mar Hl&h for ftve or 11Jt yeart. He pre- vioutlf t.au&ht al Lincoln Middle Schoo ln Newport kacb. PLYMOUTH. England CAP> Atlantic gales tore through ll,W}-J~~,-~~f"tt.-e--Wlef~-fttff-~~--1'1 :-.outhwes t F.ngland today, leav 1ng al lcu~t three !>allors dead and eight missing. a British coast guard :.pokesman 5a1d. S1xtcen boats were reported ... unk or abandoned llnd only 93 out of mort> than 350 were ac· counted for a~ !>afc or under as· '>ISlanl't' a!> "'arsh1p!> lifeboaLs Jnd h<'hcoptcr~ sc11rched the mounta10ou.\ "'aH!!> The r oas t guard spokesman ... did 1119 ..,urv1\ors had been picked up. but their 1dentit1e!> and thosf' or the victim!> were temporarily lo'>t 1n the chaos of ~o mile an hour wind~ that t urn<'d lht-rat.:e into a g rim ..,truggll' for ..,un 1 ... a1 Among thoso r eported :-oaf•· "'a:-. Arita1n " formt•r prim1• minister Ed~ard lleath, "'ho:-.e h<>.it. Morning Cloud, "'as being •o "'ed t n "'ard Falmouth . Engl<ind. "'1th ;i broken ruddt!r Pt"l~·r J in f<>rmer 1tm ha!>s.1dor t•1 Was hington. not 1n "'I\ t•d 1n .in\ r:.ict-. "'iJS re!>cued (r11m hJ" l'.llomaran in the lnsh :-iP;J Safco 1n Pl}moulh llarbor "'ere the Rcrnrndan '<.1Chl Condor .... h1ch nc"' befo.re the purus hmg S(ale lO "''10 the 60S·m1le r astnet race in reror<1 time and The .\merican ket c h K1aloa . it:- Caltfomwn sk1pJM>r Jrm Kilroy lvinJ! inJurt.'d "'Ith hruken n~ 1'ht.' n.W!>I l!Uard had no 1m rn l'd1ate 1nformatrnn (In thret' (;Nm an ~ a~hts. Tina. Rubin. and J an Poll lltgh "'Inds aho lashed tht' I rt!>h Sea. Lhe En~h~h Channel dnd the ~nrth Sl·a. the coa st guard said. hrm.l(tnJ! dozen::. of <11 tre!>:-. l':.il b hut no reoorted ra~u~1lt11.':- W 1nds w1·rt• :.ih:it1ng hut still 'trnn~ a:-; ::.urv1vor:-. or the 605· milt• r:Jt'l' limped and wer e towl·d 111lo ports in I rel and and :-.outh"'l'~ll'rn f:nj!land Authoril1e:. reported thret• death!> in Britain caused by lhl· ::.1orm An 8 year old ~1 rl was IStt STORM. P age /\21 Newport Center Office Burgled Burglars <.irmed with a pry tool hit :.even :'l:e"' port Center of f1CeS, makmg Off With a total Of :-.1x electnl' typewriters valued at S5.400. police reported today The break ins were discovered Sunday 1n a building a t 160 Ne wpo rt Center Drive 1n Gateway Plaza. One office in the neighboring building at 170 Newport Center Drive also was hit by burglars. Coasl \\·eat her Night and morning low clouds clearing early Wed- nes day afternoon. Not much temperature change with highs Wednesday in 70s at beaches to 80s in· land. Overnight lows in 60s. INSIDE TODA 't' Arti!t WW'4m Ale.render, the ebullimt host of "The Magic of Oil Painting'' on KOCE-TV, has hen dubbtd "The Happy Pointer" b11 /ans. Stt Feotunng Page Cl. ··-· • .ti DAILY PtlOT N 1 Young._ Rebuked for Talks With PLO --WASHINGTON <AP)-Unit -tloll a1zt1111 _..... Zellidl IAblb ed NaUom Ambauador Andrew Ten&. IM PLO -.erftf et lbe Yom,. llC'U.-i • Im on Im· U.Jt. itlatlve, held direct talb lut Oa MTR fQ. tile lltaM Dlpart· month wiOt • represtntaUvt" of mlM ._... .._.. bed .._. _, lbe Pal unn~ Llbuation •u.......,,_ dl111 ua. ......... Or1anlaauon. tht> Stattt ~n Yount end Teni when they m~t meat admitted Otis eftemooa Jul1 31 •l \M home ol Kuwait'• Tbe .-..k>n. In appaN"nt v\of a ambualldor to the United Ne· tlon of lonptandlna ll s poht'). tlon1 drew a~ from St>cretar of That \!f'rfil<>n . 21polrunu.n State Cyl'UI R Vanl"l'. "'ho ex Tho m Re.<1ton told f'f'portt>rll. pres ed his "d1jjpleus un··· w1lh was baM'd on 1nrormat1on aup Vounc on tht.> televhon~ plkd b VounJC When Van''" A department 'flJC.lkt>~mtin s1ud talkt"d "'Ith the umba1uH•dor thl!I Young actt'd without 11uthon111 morninl(. Re11ton tuud, ht! ut.9 'Not Traitor• Fonda Treason Oaim Repeated SACRAMENTO (AP) -St.ate Sen. Robert Nimmo said todwy. without has c loak of senatorial immunity. that what Jane Fon · da said on a trip to Hanoi during the Vietnamese war was "an act of trl'ason" b) ht1> :standurdl) Ill• ms1st'-'<1 he had not called her u traitor. The RE:publican senator from Atascade ro s aid pn•tty much thl' same thlng on the floor of tht: Senate, where he has immunity from a slander s uit exprNMd Ida dlspleuurt o ... er UH ••1 the Incident wat bandied. U .8. DOllty Pf'Oblbita nqotla· UoM witb lb. PLO 10 1c1ea 11 It ,..,._ to acfel)t ltrael'1 not t o nl•t with in d ~fenslble bord.-ra Youna md 1'f'rit wert> Joined lit thl' home of Kuwait's UN en voy. Abdula V ccoub )Hshara. by ll ummoud ~I <.:ho u1 . the Synun ambu~8tulor "Wt111 .. thcr<·. they diSCU8Scd lht> queNlion of poi>tponlng lhe ~curtt) Council vote scheduled July 31 on lhe Kuwaiti resolu· lion." the St•ll Department s aid ln a statement. Kuwait. WN 1ponsor1og a re · t0lul&. la aupport of Pale.U· nlan 1tatebood. The U nited States wanted the rcsolulion ahelvt'<l. •·Io holdlnt this discussion with Mr Tena. Ambassador Young acted on his own In· 1Uative and witho ut authoriia· lion." the state me nt s aid. On Monday. after News week magazlne reported Young had seen Te ni, lhe Stale Depart· m e nl confirmed there was a meetlne at Blshara'a home . But. 1pote1man Re1to11 Hid Uaen that the conversation was entire· ly on e of "soclaJ •menlties" and that "it was not a negoUating session ·· Young. a friend of Prealdent. Carter . has been a frequent center of controversy for bia out· s poken a nd sometimes un· orthodox remarks. At various limes, he bas characterized former Presidents Nixon and Ford as well as tht" Swedish nation as "racists ." ,..,....r.,,eAJ STORM •.• s wept out to sea from a beach tn no rthern Wales and inland onE' man was crushed t.o death by a wall lhat was blown d own cind another was killed by a follmg tree compared treatment of aTaai- denta ln the Soviet UnJon to jail· ta1 of polUcaJ eeUYt.U ...... -called Cuba a 1tabUulD1 r~ ln Africa. • Young has been reprimanded before by Vance and reportedly by Cartel' himself Jut. month when t.be president. retbuttled his Cabinet. Newport Woman .Bilked By JOANNE R E YNOLDS Of tN O~lly 1"11411 S~ N1:wport licach pohce are seeking two women who tricked a n elderly resident out or $5,000 1n a time -worn conf iden ct> ~cheme known a i; th e Pigeon Drop 'ThE> suspects being sought are a pre gnant hlack woman wbo Is nea r ly six feet ta ll a nd a petilA: white woma n Both appeared t.o b<> 1n their 30s. the victim t.old polic•· H e said al July 20, when lht> r--~1-"#H~~'4-,-..~------Sei~le;-by e 'lttte o~r!'_~~"--";;zi~~-~V~------~!:......~ to confirm Ms Fonda's 11ppoint m e nt to the s tate Arts Council Thf' stricken yachtsmen wer <' ta king part io a s angle·handed race from 1''rarrce to Ireland and also on the las t leg o r the f'astnel race. climax of Hritain'i-. ~a la Admiral's Cup seriefi an whic h 19 nations are compctang T he Fastnet began Saturde1y off the Isle of Wight. its courM· lead· ang a round Fas tnet Rock off i-outhem Ireland a nd trnck t.o Plymouth on thl:' f::nl!lrsh Chan nel Accordmg to police reports. the woma n was approached Thurs dciy while i-hopping in the <'h1lt1ren's '>ectaon of a depart mcnt sl<m· an Fashion ls letnd. Project Unveiled By STEVE MITCH ELL Of '"' OA1ly Pilot Sufi Irvin<' Company o ff1c1 als have unveiled a phm for 1.831 hom es a nd apartments and t wo 18 hole golf rourscs on more than 1.770 il('res an La~una Can yon The p roJC<'l. lf'r m ed the L aguna Canyon Golf Village·. "'-OUld he localt'd on lrvint' \.om· pany land and rn Sycamor t' llrlls. which was purcha"led by the Cat) of Lag una lleC:t ch a YPC:tr ;.igo The plan .• ts nuthnt•c1 hy Irvine (.'ompan .\ 11fft('IC:tl s C:tn'1 spokesml'n for tht• Southern California <;olf Assoc1at1on. :.ilc;o an<'lud(''> the recilrgnmt-nt of Lal(unt1 Canyon Hoad 1'h(' pres l'nt two -lant• rou<l w o uld be rt:'plC:tccd v.1th up to <;Jx lanpc. huggin~ tht· hills on tht "'est s rdt of the l"an von lr vlnP Compt1ny officials said l he golf village concept would benefit Laguna Beac h . but a .,µokt>llman for th.-Lag unH <;reen~t. l11C' s111d toduy ht• is <11:-iapi><nnted with lht> p rofC('l "Tm d1sappoantc<.l that lt-ss 1ha11 a we1·k after lht> !"atronal l rbun !'ark <·ont'f•pt w<i:, ri· Vl'cil1·d t h(• lrvrnl' Company v.ould unveil a musslv<· dE' velopment in Lalo(unu C<inyon ... :,a id Mac hat•I Scott. ext'culavc drrf'f•tor of the environmental group lie• i.ci1d th1• c:ompuny' s a c· \aon" "lnda catl' they are not act 1ng 1n the spant o f t he < propoi.ed l!l,OU\1 <i<·re urban I p11rk ·· Hui Jrvmc Com pany officials '><itd \londay they don't believe the urb<in park wall extend past the proJK)se<.l alignment for the San Joaqwn Trnnsportat1on Cor rrdor 1n L<1>(unu Canyon. adding tht' golf \ alluge "-OU Id romph: mcnl lht' ad1ac·t·nt nalrnnal park Arnold tl amala . an Irvine Com puny o;pokes man, s aid tht· golf rnurst>·uricnted develop· ment ""'ould bene fit Laguna Bt><it·h hecciui.c. ··it rould pro· v1de for the realignment or the <:anyon road to make It safe r. and 1t wo uld m a inta in ope n s pace ulong the r<>ud for the en· tire three -mile are<1 " In addition he said hote l sites a nd comme rcial a re<1s m the v illage would bring sales and bed tax revenues to city coffers H amala s aid concerns over frequent flooding in the canyon would bl' deetlt w ith rn the con s truct1on 11f tht: golf course and flood control C'hanne ls ORANQl COAST ,. DAILY PILOT "" '""''Ufl' I,...,, fJ4l11,-P••ot ...,,,,.. wn1c~ ,. '''"' b•"' O Uu fft ""°"' P'""°'' t,Cki.bO•Mdb• ,.,_ O•tlW'~ ,, ',, ,,..,..,,."""'~· \f.f.oA'•''"""''' .. .n· .... ""N''"-4 ~ ... OWOllO'I f , ..... fOf' (Mt• ~,...,, ~l'1111ftN'f "'-•'h ._.onf.,..,t.,,_ f\.>•"' '"""' t~··· V•l••Y l'vff .. l__,,,_ ft•tK., \f;vt~ Coot ,. tH"iO',. '. OIGl'\ltl •il•f....,. ., JllWfllf'MO ~"''"'n• ,, .. no ~'910\ '"' f"•l'Wtf\M Pv'H''"j"q pt..nt 1• ., •• w.-,•••t\tl'Ht <"""••"'-'"-(thf'O'"'•••~,._ ..... ,. ....... • • •~n.•u eno Pii111111v.1 'Kii. ,., ... , v .. , .. ,...,,.°""' .. """'c-.,., ........ ~~~,·· T ~..,.., Ke•vtl £on .. CMrlet M "'"' ••<-I> '""" A\\.t\14tftf Mallli.eO ~ '-•'*"' Offlcet '-"'" ¥1tM DI Wt\I ••f lt1vt ·-~~ .. ..,,,.. ( .. ""'-•• .............. _ .. ""' hHJI --· TelepM11e (714)eo.ta21 Ctet.inM Mh•~t4Ml?'I Nimmo made his new charar terization of Ms Fonda'i. action:<> at a news confere nce he called to discuss a letter he received from a ctor Henry r'onda. Jane's falh<.'r, defending has <l aughter F onda wrote lh11t he had frie nds a nd relatives who das agreed with his polil1<·s. and thf'y remamed friends by not dtS<'USS lnl( It ··Hut. as murh as they might disagree w1th June. they would never dreum of t11.lling her 11 JANE FONDA LAUDED BY RED PRESS-A3 ·traitor.· or us ing tht• word 'ln•a111>n' an rPft'rrang to her They know her bNter." l"ond11 wrote Nimmo ~ltVE' rE.'port<•r.., ,1 ('OP\ of hrs reply, rn \\hich ht· suid lhal lhe Senate's duty wa<; nt>t onlv to determine an appnrntce ., profrss1on11l quuhf1r<tt1ons. bul also tu "ansun· that the• publu· conduct and dc:m eanor o f <J nuininet-1s such that ronfirma taon by the S1:nat<.• wall not rel.ult in pubUC' oul rage .. Nimmo i.urd the· Senatt: act11m ha d be<>n •·ndors1•d by · 'C:tn un pretedentcd voluml' of approv ang l(•ttcrs. curds a nd lt>l 1· gram~" I le· suad that as uf t-'nday he h<1d n•ct·rvl'rl 3o4 letlerc; ~upport ang his po~1 t1<m to 43 ;Jg;11nst. whale the St>nalc· had rcteaved 497 for to 67 &~aanst In has INtt•r to F1md<i , Nimmo did not mention treason As ked if he still be lieved Ms Ponda was gualty of treason. Nimmo replied tha t "treason is like murder. unll'!!S you have been convicted of at . you are not guilty ·· · · 1 did not -;ay s hl.' was <t traitor." he s et id .. tiy the standards by whk h I was raised und by the code un· der whlch I 1>erved fo r 29 years. an art of treason has bel'n <:om mttlt>d ... Nimmo wus C:tskecJ whether the treason was Mi. Fondet ·s going to H anoi. or what i.he Slitd there lie r eplied that ju&t going there was not tre usonous. but givang aid and comfort t.o an enemy was. lie s aid h e tlrdn I recall s peca fically whC:tt M ~. Fonda s aid in Hano i . but it was s omething about "urging American flyers lo quit bomb· ing. and sayin~ that the US. government was at fault " ''In my v aew . it WC:t s a lreasonous act at tbC:tl time." he said ,..,...r~AI MANGERS. • of living pay ra ises won 't push residen ts into h i gher tax brackets. Friday, In d1scu111ln1 the same bill a t a lunch hosted by the Newport Harbor Area Cha mber of Commerce, she predicted that Brown would come up wlOt 1 11imllar meas ure of his own, an effort s he said would be a cynical and calculated move only to get support for hla pre· aiden Ucal campalan. ,..,....rapAJ HOMES ..• fertnl than other matten that go from lbe planntn1 com· ml11lon to the cll1 council? ' ht His.eel. ' ijeclldon w11 reached on l ~•:cud lu ue. Council ta.Id they'd make Uuit d Ion When tbe plannlnc com· mll1lon fC>MWardl lta recommtn· datlon and a council beartn1 data .. Mt. ' ------------- Osmond /tlokes Debuf Singing ~tar Donn) Osmond <tnd hi~ w ife. Dl·bbw pn•st•nl th eir fir~t c hild. Donald CJark o~mond Jr for hi'> ltr~t of f 1l'ial pirturl· tn Los Angeles Donny .Jr "<i!> born Jul:. Jl in P rorn. Ctah. and 1s the 20th Osmond granckhtltl Massachusetts 0 Ks Capital Punishment OOSTON t /\P 1 Gov Edward J King signrd a bill r'"•storing capllal µun1i.hm1:nl an M asi.ilchuwtts tudC:t \' ··While I am :1wa.n· lhat thr•r<• C:trl• qut•'>t1on., <ibout po'-:.1hle con . ~ t1 tut1on..il ddc•c·t-. an lht· lt-~1c.l11 t1on. I am l)tf(lllOI.! 1t beca use of m ~ longstanding belier thut capital µunashmt·nt ,., a dctt·r rl"nt.·· Kan~'>ettJ Ill' s aid that hy pulling the: bill on has desk, the Leghluturf' s howed its agreement that capilul punishmt·nt as both ci tie terrcnt and a proper suhJect for legislative o('tion The dl'C:tth pf'nalty bill w:.is Hp prOVl'<1 OH•r\\h('lman~I~ II\ lhL House a nd Sen;ilc dcs111tc l'rt> tCl)lS from ldll·ra h ""ho 1·"n h.'Oded It nll'S 111 tla fJ1 •(• 11f lht· i.latt> ~uprt•nw ('l)urt ., t•11rr1·nt 1n1t•rprrl.1t1on o f Lhl· 'lJti-1·1111 ... lltul111n that 1h1· ""·•lh , ... n •• 11, .,.. oul<l he: cna·l <11111 111111 .u.tl punashmt•nt Opµoru•nt s 1111•1111 t 1t11 t.11. Suprl'llW Cuu1t ..., ill .,tnk1 th1• lav. dov.n as -.oon d~ J tt·-.t 1·.1 ... 1· develops But .,upporll·r'> .it tarhed an intr11r!u1 ton ... tat1· men I that tht•) 1·onll·nd v. ill make 1t prC\Jll at th•· f1•1ln.il t•ourt ll'v<'I Tht> l>latcmenl. w l1t11·f H•ll-. the COUrt!> tha t II t~ UIJ lv legislatures to dl·C1r!1• whl.'lh1·r Nlpatal pun1shmt'nt a... .rn dfc·c 11vc ciet<•rrl'nt tc1 murder -------------- Gu s ts of up lt> 1<1 m 1 e.., 1A erc reported. ~napping masb and rudder., a-. l!t<Jnl IAJ\f·~ l'ap..,11.(·d s11m •· of th1· ) cH·htin~ fll.'l:'I H:.un Jlld fufi! h amp.-r1·d tt·~('Ul' t·ff<trt' "The• C"•ind11111n .,..,.,, ,, ti<id ... ., an_\thanv l h;Ht' ••n 111 irw HnartnJ! F11rt1••' ttw dn·;sdr•d l1J rttl bt·l v.•·t·n 111 111 ;,11 tit i•n·•·•. ..... uth lat1tuc1r ..imuncl ltw .,..,,r111 .... 11d Brunn Hoht-rt J imi-" .. r11und thl· v.1>rld ..,a1lor r r1•v.an~ 1111 t 111• ( ·ondor Brlltun., '>('J rc•"<'W· factlttt•"' v.1·n· 'trf'lc·h<'<l to thr lrmat ~ntl th1· 1·11mman<l1·r 11f 1h1· H•"JI \11 r 1111·1· basl-·•l c·111d111 •. JJl)l"Jl•·tl for t·r1·v.s to< 11tnl' an tiff l•·tt\t· t•1 s1Jl'IJ thl' c·xhaust<.>d m•·n on dut' Tht: t'rt-v. mrn of on1· Hrrt1-.h hoat . th1• <'<.1.mdq:ue .,..,.,,. pus h1·d into lhP lirnlrnt.! •·<i Ii\ tht•ar 1 Jpt;irn .111d lhPrt ""111111 ... 1 111 ... :1fr·t\ b~ ht•lu·npt< r ··1 ht· 1'11·,1 ,,f J11mp1n~ int•• th11,1• hugt' ...,.;i.., v. :.. ... 111•1>·tlltn11 \\ 1· ..., •·rt> Jll µu:shl'd an fln1: 1,, 11111· II~ lhl· <'<•µtam.· ~.itd uni ... un l\llr of th.it <.'r»IA Sunl\or-. frnm lh•· lri ... h ,,,,hi Ht:i.!artll(."l>:.. IA hrc·h .... a!> l•1v. .. d 111 to th1• lnsh !)(•rt nf R;dtrrtlhr• \'Ith .f lin1kn1 rud1l1r 111,.,n1il 1 lt.ttt' .1111rm~ lh• 1.11 111.: fl•• I I t v. d... f rr ~ h 11· n 1 n ~ "n, · •,~...,in.in -..11d \\ t' ... 11 .... ,, 111•· '.ic ht-. h an~ on lht·a r 111•' I llht•ri. v.t:n• i;t•·rn up .ind ,,,111, .,.. t·r1· ~on(' altn~elhl•r "1.aloa v.a.., not an th1 l \ ll'~tm ThrPf' hoal h .. 1rn~ fr11m 1!1 n.111011.., lrJd Jlrcad} :.Jalc·cl four r :u·f>., 1n the c up ..,l·ne:., Jl1d .... hl·n Lht·y t<icklt-d the fan JI le.:. thf' long. tou~h rat't• JrounrJ th1· F:1 1>t nN thl·~ v.t•n.• JllllWli b) mon• than ::00 1Jtht:r ) ..ic·ht:o. I n·land. v. hwh narrov. Iv I Pd I h 1• l 111tl"d Statl:''i on µornt-. afh:1 1 hv (1 rsl four met-:., 11 rnpp .. d out 11( th1• running v.hen ftc~.1rdli·~i. .,.. ttl) tov.ed 111 port . c saac w smu , -;truck up a con\'crsat1on dunng which '>ht· Jllu<IMI to some kind nf .1 di ... tur 1i.,,1e1· at another df' p.1 rt m1·nt ... 11H1· involving "ii 'tum ·1 h••\ w1 rl' Jorncd by the preg n.1n1 wriman v.ho wets carrying Jn ''"' l'f111J1· She· •w ad s he'd seen .1 m JO <trop n outside C:tnd when 'ht· trtt·d 111 J!IVC rt hC:tck Lo him, h1--rJn ""'a' from hc•r l ht. 011ts.1de of the 1:n velopc • ,,, 11t'O th1· notatum. "Sw iss Bo~ t:l'I and 1n~1dc• wuo; a nolt• IA hr<'h r1·.111 $90.00fl Dear • t. r • 1 I h • · r I HS .d t e r m e r ,11 t•I r .11·1.. I h•• \ l<'tlm '><i t<1 sn~ !.a w a few to dollar 11111.., an<J v. as told the ,, . ..,t 11f th1· env.-lur.H: neld l ,OUC <11111;11 11111 ... Tll1· ltm·e ~<>mt>n dascussefl .... h.11 ... h11ulll lw '11me with th1· mon"' and :ti!rN·rl to take th•· 111.1111·1 u11 IA 1th the pre~nant \1.11111,111 .... 1t1ornl'' ~ho had of ft< • ., 111 :"\l·~ "°n < ;;nter I hf• -.u..,IJl•l'I lt'fl t'J t.alk to lht• I.i v.' ··r .111d r•·t11rn1·r! v. ath tht.· 11• \Ii Iii ti tw .11d lh1·~ C'OUl<J d 1\1 d1 ti • m11111·\ JI'"' 1<lcd they "'I llp th•· di\"'°" J S Ct bUSIJ1Cl>b d1'.tl \' I tw "'I" 1 h ... uJ,O!cSllllll lh• \l1t1rn v.1•111 homt.>. l(t>t her li.1111.. lllMll.. .11td \Ii llh<lrt•V. SS.()0() • I h rlltrll lu•r-Oll'I l1Unl 1 hr· 11lr1•1 nf th1•rn dro\(• to :.J ,, • .,..port I 'pnlt•r 11ffH'P hutlding .11111 1 tw p11•g nilnl v.11m an t()ok 1h1• \ 11·ttm ... mnn .. , into the at 111rn 1·' ... ,. lw p11 q,ortedly coulrl '' 11f\ llrt ... 1·rr.1I numbt·r~ on th1: 11111 ... Stll' 1 ••rurn,.d an1I told the v k 11m to I!<• 10111 tllf• attorney's or f1t·1• .and r111l1 l't hn S!l.000 und hvr ~h.111• of tht• found money ·1 tw ,,111n.rn tnlrl polrct-that th••f •' v..1 ... no C1ll11rnev·., offact: in tho11 t111aldrn1! Wh1•n sht· tried to l11l'a l1.• hl·r lwo 1·omp1:1 n1o ns. tht•y h ,111 dr-..1p1w•:ir t'd ------------- Ride on Ferry A Bum Trip For Suspect With Roll'x , diJn1 on d~ are ri ght on tinK'. P ettty Welli.' bake W8b stolen fro m the Balboa bike s ho p where she workft Monday night ThHt me1:1nt a long w11.lk lo her II arbor View Homes re1>1denct:, a trip that s t<1 r'tcd wilh a ride 011 the Balboa bland ferry Once on the boat. Mr!ls We ith, 19. found her mitislng IJa cycle an the back o f ano the r ferr y pasHenger 's pickup truck. A diHc ussio n ensued which ended when police were called and arrested James Rusi.ell St He nry, 22, of Gkndt1lc on sus pt cion or grand theft Police gave Miss Wells ht•r bike and tote bag which were both in St. He nry's I ruck and took him lo city Jaal where he re mained toduy in heu or $5,000 bail . Witness Tells Newport Cops Of Burglary A workman told Newport Beach pol ice Mo nday h e watched a man waJk out or a Harbor Island Drive home with a tele vltllon set and a microwave oven . AocordJni to pollce reports, thoae Items were amon1 the 11ood1 worth about tl,330 •tolen from the home a t 554 Harbor I1land Drtve durtn1 a daylleht bur1lary. Police u ld the workman wade no attempt to atop the lftan he 11w maktn1 orr with tbt appliances. Accordl"' to tnvt1U1ator1. the bur.1lar 1ot Into the home by taldn1 tM """" off an open kltehen wtndow. ------------------ ... RO LEX §LA.VICK'S 1''1n«" JewelC'nl ~Im·~· 1917 Th1.• d1:-.t111rl1\1• IX k.11,11 H lluv. g11ld H11lt•\ n." 1>.111· v.1111 m.ll!'hllllo( h11ldt>n dJi.p bt <IC"l'l<'I A l 11.1ilw 111 ti S5.:!~I l-1 B With d1:imuni1 d I a I S5,!12."I 1111 (° \\1th dt.1111111111 ho•11.•l un<I d1a11111ntl di.II . S!'l.1175 oo 01 .ulil lo v11111 ov. II IX lo.JI ,11 ~old Ua~ 1).111· J diamond bezt.'I for $3.l ~JO O<I . 11r ,, c11amond rhal fur S675 110 . or both for SJ.825 II() ,. fo'ashlon Is land . Newport Center. Newport Beach / (7 10 &44·1380• :t Other Loc•Uoni; Wc•tmlneler Mill, L•1una Hlll11 M1tll. Oraniio. Cerr1t08 Al110 Grt111er Loi Anaetea't San Dl•ito / LH Veau ''•• -" ••i< ... '°'"'"'"'"' , ... , .. ,._. "~ I.Qt-\'\M. ·-~-·~ ftftntbm' 1')M Jt1AJ1tlrr1 Guild l StrileE•d• -County Pacts Win Approval -~ ............ BARBETTE DAVIDSON Wfllf LIVELY CAT, 'BUDDY' Burted ftve D•r•, feline Come• Beck to Life Kitty 'Baek' By GAaY G&ANVILL£ 0t•CN11r f'*4t .... M onlbt or trou bled la bo r HtOUations nu red an end Mon· day when m~mbe rs of four em ployee baraalning unlls voled -to ratify m ulh year contract.a w i th count y governme nt l n Orange County. Amon& the bar gainln1 units whose members voted to accept the county offer was the As· Valley Morn Faces Tot Death Rap sociallon of O range County Deputy Sheriffs. But still negotiating and re· portedly s tJll "some distance from agreement" is the Orange County Employee's Assodalion unit that represents county gov· ernment's deputy district at· torneys and public defenders. However , there was more peace than strife Monday as the four bargaining units' mem· bership stamped approval on contracts. Before those contracts go into errect, however. they m ust be raUfied by the county Board of Supervisors That ratification is expected to come soon_ Among those who e lected Monday to accept the wage and fringe benefi t packages were almost 3,900 clerical. commum· t y se r v i ce a nd ge n e r a l Pet Only Lost One Life By MICHAEL PASKEVICll supervtsoria l workers e mployed 0t ... D•ll• ~ ... sut1 by the county _CLAR~TON , Wash. <AP > -The Arnold Davidson family A Fountain Valley m other was T he three-year pact they ap· buried their_ pet kitten. Buddy, beneath a n app_ le tree in lbe charged with murder early to· proved calls for 19 percent in lr-~-r-ir,~~rif';';~~fa)'~-ab~:.a;;d(~;;;;;i~~~;ffht.~1.i~d;:._.J-~d~a~y~i~n~th~e~b1a;lb~t~u~b~d~r~o~w~run~·~!~o~r:__1P~a~y raises spaced out over the lives still intact. d term of the contract. · · son. accoi ding to The e 1est ni e wtll cume . "~e thought he broke his neck or s pine," Jerrie Davidson police rpeorts. s aid. There was ~n accident and he was hurt. There was no T he victim. Gregor y Allen this year when the workers' pay pul~e ~no _bleeding, so we took him out, put him in a box and Ha rding. wbo would have been will be boosted S.:.! percent. buried bim, like you do when a cat dies, .. she, explained. t hree in November . died or The O\'erall amount as well ai. ca rdiac arrest at 1. 04 a m today this year's pay boost were the . THE FAMILY WAS SO CERTAIN Buddy was de ad they at Children's Hospita l or Orange same negotiators a greed to two didn't contact a veterinar ian. County, officials s aid. weeks a go only to have the . "The cat s howed absolutely no sign or life. Io fact, Arnold Investigators said they found me m ber r a tification election clan!!s Buddy ~as starting lo get stiff when he put him in the the youngster subme rged in the canceled box. Mrs. Davidson said. ba t htub or the Harding home. The abrupt cancell at1on cam<' The r ·1 J t d 17451 s l 1 b l s w h e n 0 r a n g e · o u n t y .amt Y se ec e a sturdy box for Buddy 's coffin this ·an a sa e t., Monday Employee's Association official!> mont~. ~ve days later, 8-year-old Barbette Davidson said she at 4: 10 p.m. after his mother learned the pay package oHered was .~·c~~ appl~ when she beard it -a weak "meow... walked into the police depan-the deputy sheriffs was pitched . 1 didn t ~lieve her. I'm out in that area where we buried ment and said s he bad drowned higher him _several.limes a day and I hea rd absolutely nothing .. Mrs. her son. Davidson sa1d. ' Margurite J ean Harding, a Bu~ Barbette and her sister, Kelly, 12, rushed to the 32·year-old housewife. was taken gra ves1te. They unearthed a wobbly, hungry, thirsty _ but alive into custody immedjately. -yellow kitten. "She wa s visibly s haking, however her words were very "NOBODY BE LIEVES ME WH EN I tell them about our distinct and to the point ... Delee cat. and I don't blame them," said Mrs . Davidson . live Donald Cook said today. ~u~ Budd(s re~urrection didn't astound veterinary science. "She had no tears There "'as I~ s possible. 1f the cat was in a com atose-type sn.te where no emotion.'· he added. breathing and metabolic _processes were severely reduced." Cook said no moli\'e has been s aid Dr. Richard Ne lson, in charge or small animals and sur-established m the death. Mrs ge r y _for t he ~~shington State Univers ity Depa rtment of Harding. whose husband. Mark, Veterina ry Medicine. was al work Monday afternoon "It would have been like a bear in hibernation.'' be said when the incident occurred, is Monday. bei ng held wuhout bail in the . ~~e yete rinarlan added that Buddy probably lived beca use wom en·s facility a t Or<Jngc his tnJun~ produced the comatose state. Had be been healthy Co unty Jail. when buned, he would have h1:td no chance or surviving. Cook s aid th e vouth was clothed. but wearing no shoe::.. AND BUDDY, MRS. DAVIDSON says, doesn't like to be alone when police found him in the now. tub. The boy"s body bore no ''He's just fi ne, Hke he was before. except ·he acts like he bruises or abr asions considered craves human companionship. You sit down and he's just right unusual for a child of that a~e. the re. He follows you around and just won·t let you alone ·· '"She had not been known to abuse him .·· Cook s aid In Inmates Testify Security Tight At Crane Trial Amid extraordinary security m easures, two state prison in· mates -their hands and legs bound in chains -were called lo testify today before an Orange County Superior Court jury that will decide if convi cted killer Robert Edward Cr ane should be sent lo the gas chamber. Six s he riffs' dep uties -in· eluding one who sat only five feet from the witness stand - w e r e pos itio n ed i n th e courtroom during the e motion· cha rged proceedings before Judie William S. Lee. On two occasions. Crane, a career criminal convicted in the shoolinl death of Huntington Harbour jeweler Wayne Golln, an1rily demanded a mistrial be declared because of the extreme security measures. Judge Lee denied both requests. Crane, 30. ab<> demanded a mistrial in the penalty phase because of what he termed an "incorrect and highly pre· judicial news account" that ap- peared Sunday in the Sant. Ana Moon Over Management Register. The story detailed a c rimina l backg round of ra ve prison inmates subpoenaed by Cr ane lo tes tily in his behalf. Cr ane was found guilty in July or shooting Golin in the bead dur ing a foiled robbery attempt at t he jeweler's Sea l Beach store. The jury further found that the c ri m e in vol ve d "sp ecial circumstances." a finding that led to the penalty deliberations. P rosecutor Richa rd F arnell has attempted lo show through his witnesses -most of them San Quentin prison guards - that Crane has a history of violent behavior and has been res ponsible for numerous prison stabbings· while ser ving a pre· vious sentence at San Quentin. Farnell h as asserte d that Crane is a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, a white supremacy prison gang. The first prison inmate to testify today was Kenneth D. Como, 39. who is serving a sen· tence at San Quentin on an as- sault charge. Como repeatedly denied, UD· der questioning from ·crane, that be ls a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, the so-called fami· ly of mass murdere r Charles Manson of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Como, in a spontaneous out· bunt, angrily reacted to the fact that be wu forced to wear a looae·ftttinC, white jump s uit durlDI bl1 brief court ap· pea ranee. te rviews with neigh bors in the residential tract near the Hunt angton Beach boundan· indicat- ed "she h ad been ·a loving mother ." he added. Negligence Charged in Deaths Probe RAL EI Gll . N .C. 1AP 1 Army investigators we re "very, very negligent" in their search fo r fi ngerpr ints afte r the murders or three members of Dr. J effrey MacDonald's family. a civilian fin gerprint expert has testified. James Osterburg, a defense fingerprint expert who visited MacDonald's former Fort Bragg ho me last week. resumed his testimon y toda y on how he thinks Army investigators mis· ha ndled fi ngerJ)rint-taking when they examined the house after the murders 9"'2 years ago. "The crime scene was grossly underprocessed." he s aid Mon· day, continuing that be thinks the Army Invest igators were "very, very negligent" in their sea rch for fingerprints at the scene. Today Osterburg sa id Army fingerprint experts m issed "a prime opportunity to develop e vidence or intruders.. when they failed to dust some doors and walls in the houae. Prosecutors began their crosa examination late this morning. 01terburg is chairman of the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Illinois. MacDonald, 35, of Huntlngton Harbour, is being tried on charges of bludgeoning and stabbing bis pre gnant wife, Colette, 218, and daughters Kim· berly, 5, and Kristen, 2, ln lt70. Jane Fonda Supported by Sovi-et Press MOSCOW 'AP> Jane Fon · da's name 1s "like a curse to Hollywood bosses"' bf'cause of h er politics. s ays thl' Soviet youth newsp1:tper. but in Russian eyes s he "s a "symbo l of Ame r i('an freedom fi ghte rs" like the radical black a('tiv1st Angela Oav1!> "The name of Jaoe Fonda 1s today on all the blacklists of A m e rica ," journ a l is t V . K ri vc h1n w r o t e in Komsomolskaya PraYda "The Pen tagon, CIA. F BI , all a re vigi lantly watching her .She is like Joan of Arc. a nd they are threateni ng her with the same fate ·· The detailt!d a rticle gave the impression that Miss Fonda 1s unable to make movies and not· ed s he "was deprived of the Oscar a w a rd " f o r h er pe r formance in "They Shoot Horses. Don't They?" which was shown on Soviet television in J uly T\edly, Auquat 14, 1979 DAIL y PfLOT A:S AP W1r-tpMtO WORKER PULLED UP FROM HOLE UNDER HOUSE 'Great Gold Ruth' Bring• Throngs to Florida S ite Gold Strike Excavation Yields Riches KEY WEST. Fla IAP> Tht> gold stnke at L1ghthoust> Coun . a housing complex ov.ned by Kent and Jim Pepp(•r . hd'> :,tailed. but that ha::.n"l '>lopped tbe curious La s t WPdnt>s da)' ('On · st ruct1on crf'ws were cleaning an old well shaft on the property wht'n the\' came across some gold nuggets That staned a miniature gold rush that has unearthed mor£ than 2 pounds of nuggets But on Monday. the strike ap peared to have bt>en played OMt for ltte moment at least · They fou nd nothins.t ."" said Hank Sierke. who helps m the adm 1mstrat1on or tt\e housinfi? complex. "I hope this thing is O\'er soon. This place has bet'o overrun "'Ith people ·· The brothers bought the land in 1977. and have begun renovat· tnli? houses on it Since the nuf,?~ets we re found Wednesday. "orkers ha\e dug a 18-foot-deep. 4·by-4 hole an the backyard or one or the houses l"s1ng a piece of screening and a k1tcht>n colander. the" have bt>rn Mflmg thr sand much IJke 19th century prospedor!> On Sunda~. eig ht more nu2 1i?ets appeared tn their prospect ang tools Somt> nuggcb arc 3 inches in diameter Othtrs ar<· twisted and bent. possibly from smeltmJZ T ht· nr1\ w1· prn~p£-ctors al~o haH found a l!lth·t·cntun half d1mt', a hand for~ed sp1k .. fn1m a schooner. an CJfUmeil tooth and pieces or bnck , T he Pr ppers s a y a lnci.Jl Jeweler valued the nuggNs <Jt J<! and 14 karats With gold selling for about $300 an ounce. the Pep pt>rs estimate thl·1r fin d 1:. worth a minimum of Sl0.000 The brotherc; h<n e prom1sf·d -.orkers from Sackett Construe· tton Co of Key West onl· third of the lakt> Tht-'>l at<' ha:. no cl<J1m on the fmd since it tu rnt-d up on private land There 1s no state: income tax in Fl orida Tht> Florida Keys are rich with i">land lore of pirate:. bootlegs,tl'r.-. :.mugglcr'> Jnd Con feder att> spies Fran k Bakrr. a Kev Wl'Sl native. say" lht· P{'pper µrO[>t!rt .Y "a:. a b(.-ach ">ever<1l hundred ~ea r s aJZo. and O\'er look::. a natural deep channel. makm2 a perfect s pot for a pirate to stash bootv 11 astorian Bell., Bruce !-aid Wilham Cash bou~ht the land in 1894 Cash. she said . was a col· orful charackr and one of Key West·., nc he~t merchants One ltrlkin1 worker at San Clemente's Re eves Rubber Co. 11 probably sadder todey after be ex. poeed bla view of the labor t111a1reemeot to manage· mnt penannel, police re· ported. Jn full view, police aJ· le1e. atrlker George Rlcbard1 , 32, o r Oeeaulde, exposed the rearward portion of bla anatom7 to manaaement .., ........ ,. "The proeecutor wouldn't al· 1ow bi.I witnesses to come in in a clown suit," Como shouted after takln1 the stand. As he wu ushered out of the courtroom, Como aald to Crane, "Be cool," and "Good luck mJn, I'll 1ive everyone your best re· 1ard1." He says four drug·crazed ln· truders. including a candle· carrying woman who chanted, "Acid la IJ"OOVf. Klll the pqa," killed b11 falJlllY and injured him. Prosecutors say be made up his story. po11ibly bulnt it on accounts of tbe Chari• llamon family cult murders . rve are proud to introduce ClLASSilC JLAD KIES ClLO T HilNG llaaaaemnt took ex· ffDtiGD to tM vtew pro-vtdecl bJ Rlcbardl. He waa arreat.a OD lDdeeent ex- poeun claarpl. Two Land Safely MERCED <AP) -Two Mod.to men.made a wbeell·UP ludlQI .t CeltJe Air Foree Bue after a 1•......., sear fell off tbetr plane •• they took off from Freano Mr TermlDal. In refu1ln1 to dl1ml11 the murder cbera• lloaday, U.S. Dl1trict Court Judie Franklin T. Dupree Jr. sald if there wu one"-------------- tbln1 the delenae had shown du~ 1n1 tu crc. .. xamilaatloG of pl'Ol- lOUI lrv1nt. NnYport 8uch Ullfomi.. Alone 04l·70ol Po&ce Mid tbe ltriket WU NllMld OD bll OWft Neacni"Dff. ecutlon witnelMI, tt wu tbft --------------they would have conduct.cl UM lnvffU,aUoa differently . . " A4 DA.II. v l'tl.OT ..... ·· :'.'~ ~ .. s ting K;t ...... ~ T .. ~~\1 ' Marp•me This Trip Necessary? OP FLAPS AND P&llSLOADI: Some meuure of de bale developed t"ffently ln Hat.lqton Beach on the quH don ol a1Joc111tl.q tu dollan to MDCI tlty omcen on an eduulioa.al lrl,p. 'l'b1s 1tappen1 almml every year The ._,.t ol learnlni. lo t.h1a I.DI~ would be al \ht Callfomla lA•tue ol CtU.. aeaion ln San jr;andaco Cutain mwliclpal HVUt.I defend theu lrlpa, dMh&r ln1 tbal you cannot ~ a aooct rouncU persoo or finance director unlea you &el to1ec.Mr every no'W and then wtth other council persons and ftnance din.-ctora an order to ex chan1e intelUgeoce - DETRACl'OllS, HOWEVER, nat label these tnl)ll 1n the punswt of knowled&e as Cret>loadin1 junkets. fmancoo by lhe tattered lupayers, so the politicians can study Sun Two C003tal Citizens Aiding City Councilman m Hu Travels fra nr1sco street patterns from the Top of the Mark or sC'a front problems from <i window table at the Buena Vista King Road Repealed In Alabama MONTGOME RY, Ala. (AP> - The IAl&Mlat~ baa re~a.&ed a 1978 resolution namlna In· t.muate ~ lbrouab Moot.iomery after tbe Rev. )hrtln Luther Kina Jr .. but the state ian't plan· ntna w remove the sicos bearing King's name. The resoJuUon honoring King was repealed as a section ol a 111irking bill that passed the Legis lature this session, ap- parently without having been read by many orlhe lawmakers - including two blacks. THE PERSON responsible ror the repeal action was state Sen. Dewey White of Birmingham, the sponsor of the parking bill. White said Monday be decided to sneak the measure through lbe Legislature because be did not believe the 1976 Legjslature real· ly intended to na m e the ex· pressway arter the slain civil rights leader w bile... said separate bill to repeal the res· olulton because he knew at would not puss. "One person t•ould have blocked at." he said . "a nd I wanted it to become law " Kotter Collects ;a be Kaplan. who-.c• TV show "Wl'lcomc.-BC:t<:k. Kotter." was ('ant·ctcd. v.on l b<.• sland1ni? in th~ unemplo) ment )mt• fie '~ ~hO\\fl r<.iking In J $2()()()()() pot won tn J challeng<· g:.irnc v. rth \\'1Jrln S(·rn·" of P<>kt'r "'inner H;il Fowkr in I.a-. \'l'j..(:J:, Thi' c·1int1·:-.t tool-thrl'c· hour'> NATION I WORLD River Dam Tragedy In India NEW DEUU, India (AP> UnomcJal press estimates ol lbe death toU in \he Machu River · dam diluter ranged Crom 10,000 to 25,000 today as more monsoon rains hampered re lief e fforts and the search for bodies. The Hindustan Times said its estimate of 25,000 victirps was based on the population df Morvi and the n earby villages of Lllapur and Adepar, all hard hll when the swollen river nooded over one dam and broko through another one below it late Satur· day an the northwestern s tate of GuJarat. • THE UNITED News of India said the toll could go as high as 10.000. and state officials said at least 1.000 <lrowoed in a nd around Morvi The worst previous dam dis· aster on reeord occurred m 1962 at Belluno, Italy. where 2,300 died Flights bringing food a nd rescue workers were canceled ea-e~r-.---- Bus e!-. were d1s p;itched to Morv1 "'1 th relief ~uppltec; and they \.\t>re to t•vacu.tll· .,urv1vor)o, But their pro~rc.,, IA.a!> '>lowed by .,., :.i:.hed out road!-.. It must be admitted that almost every llme the cities league gathers by lbe Golden Gate, you get a news report that the city of Baggyville's mayor , afte r consumi.ng one. possibly two beers, banged his rental car into t he front of a topless saloon on North Beach. Such a re the hazards or t>ducatiOftal Journeys. Som e years back. Huntington Beach city officers got so excited over the educational opportunities of a Leagut: sessioA m San Francisco that the y sent virtually every body at city hall. You could hardly find a clerk in the place Escaped Convict Seized MORYi Lli NEAR the center of CUJJrat -.tatc·. about JOIJ mile!-. north"l"'l of Bombay. A crty or 1tu uoo Pf-'<>pl1·. rt w a~ once the 1-.1µ1t.1l of '1 mJh<iraiah''> realm .ind ..... a ... a prr,.,j)\'ruu~ commun1 t ' on the: banb of th<.' M J Chu THE NEXT Y EAR the league met m Anaheim. Allen dance from our coastal city halls was sparse. despite lhe close-byoplJ()rtunity to swap murucipal inteltigence Clt>arly, the League of Cities draws better when at meets m places like San Francisco and ignores gathering plact>s available at F'res no or Bakersfield Caty govNnment at Avalonv Santa Catalina Is land, may have come up with the answer t.o all this Junketing this vN1 r. Because they operate from an t!>land paradise, Avalon's city hall hai. a compounded problem . Any lime they have to go to a meeting anywhere, it's a real trap According to the Avalon ne ws pape r, Councilman George Scott has had JUSl miserable luck getting his col· leagues t.o pony up the cash for trips to League of Cities meetings. Scott was due to represent Avalon at a League session in Los Angeles next week. Agam, his council fellows re· fu!>ed tum the travel money. BUT LO, t\ HIGH-SPIRITE D Avalon c1ltzcn named E Bryan R1ehard~. who was in the council audience. prompt· ly wrote out a $400 check and handed it lo Scott so he could make the trip. Maybe Urnl's the ;inswer for all our Catie!> When at com es time for a league meeting, council members could make s peeches about the expansive educational op· porturuties waiting in San Francisco. Then they could pass the hat. Maybe they'd gel lucky and there'd be a re w E Bryan Richards m the audienCl' I Killed, 8 Hurt in Truck Crash ENCINO lAP > A truck with two dirt-filled trailers, weighing more than 75,000 pounds. a l- legedly sped through a red light, killing Yacov S halom, 42, of She rman Oaks. and injuring three other people, none senous ly Eleven vehicles were an· volvcd in the ensuing collisions The truck's driver, Robert Earl Lavender Jr., 18, of Los Angeles. was booked for in vestigation o f vehicular mans laughter. Los Angelei. police Sgt . Dennis Zine s1.11d Monday. GARDINER. N.Y. CAP> -An escaped convict who had held a hostage for nearly two days wa~ captured m heavy underbrush (•arly today Mter slipping out or a home in rural Ulster Countf , state police said The hostage wa!> r('ported un harmed. Richa r d Gantz. 28 , who ('Ii m bed out a rear window of the home al dawn. offered no re !>istancc when authorities sur r ounded him in a heaval v wooded area one-hall male north of the holl!>e, said Capt Stanley Kowalik of the M1ddl('town state police post. KOWALIK SAID Gantz, who escaped from pnson las t week while serving time for rape and robbery convictions, was trying to burrow into the heavy un· derbrush when he was s potted He was taken to Highland s tate police barracks Gantz darted from the home at about the time a shot wall fared and fled into a 100-acre or chard. Kowalik confirmed that a trooper's gun had been fired, but s aid it was not clear why. Troopers chased the escapee through the or chard and acros:<> the road, where he doubled back into the wooded area and wa~ captured about two hours afte r fleeing from the house, Kowalik said. GANTZ HAD been holed up an the house with a shotgun State pohce said after be ned they had accounted for the weapons they thought he had in lhe hom e. Charles Eidel of the Gardiner Rescue Squad said the hostage, Lester Cossano. told officers he Much of Country Wet Rain Due in Coaat-to-coast Band T~•prraf Mrr• ... L• Ptp AIDu Qi>" 8~ .. 01 Am•r•llo " .. Atlent• n ~ 8•1tomor. 19 61 8ol~ IS :.8 I 61 80$10ft ,, l>O 07 Brown'v•lf~ •b " 81111•10 ,. •l 11 CMYtnM .. ~7 Cll1<•90 ' /l '° 01 Cln<lnn•t• ,. s• Cle•elancl ,. 6S Ot D•I Ft.Wiii u " Dt•"'~' •• s• 01 Dttro•t IC '° °' HtleN ., S) . ,, Hono1u1u ., ,. HOU lion •> IO lnd'•IMlll> ,. ., JKkl'vllle .. ,. Ken'' C•t• .. 61 .Ot lHll-' u 61 21 Lilli• Aoo I) •1 "'°'"'"'~'"' 1• 6l L.OUlswllle 10 61 -mpftls •> .. Ml...,I .. tl MtlWIMl!IM .. s. CM Ml>l .. SI. P. ,. s. Noll viii• ,, )I N ... Oflni ,. 11 New Ye><ll 71 .. ()till•. City ., IS Om•M 1• M OrlMICIO '° ,, )1 .,., ....... ...., h ....... ,. 'I ..,..,.,,..,.., II )IOlf 00 ftCI -• .,, ,,,.,.._Dy' 30 0 flt Ult OO!fott 1 ""'.,,.,,.,.,.,_ .. "be- 'i••vrtu~ .tf'IJ ·~indAY ti 'fOl.I 00 not ,._,,..,. ~ rflfr'f lly t a"' ctll l>lkW" It • 11'1 """ yOo/11 CDO't .... M I lfthV'f"M Phlled'Plll• Phoenix PflhburQll Ptl..,d,Ort lltno St Lo.ill Mii Lake Sen Dlll90 »n "'.., s .. 111. T11I•• We"'l"910tl 11 ~ .. ,. ,. ., ., '° 01 17 SI .. 67 u ... Ot 11 .. Ot 6S 5S .. S1 .II tl ,. to ., .. ., t7 7S u •1 ., ,. .. SS T1 .. 7S ,. '° 71 .... ., ., n •S " 1• 79 .. .. S1 " .. ,, ... .... " .. ,, .. " . " .. 71 .. n • n .. 11.S. s •••• .,, Sflowt•• em,_,_, r•n 1n a lint rrorn Wttt Tta•s "''°"'" tr.. llot•I•• •nd Into Ill• P•tlllt North-\t t¥'1y tOO.y, Wfllla otlte< rain wn ..,..,,,to o.,.r "'"'"" of llW nation 8y Illa 9'ld of tlle Oer, rain -tomatllne' l""'*n-t -r• to laff In • ~. c;-f.10<-t NnO, 'tratc111no ttom the Hor11twut '"'°""' IN _._" .-001e._ Uft· trel PlelM •nd mlel·Mlntulpp1 Y .. lty Md Oft to tlle All.,,lk C:0.11 fl .. tt. "•I" el90 -llM!y to rolCJI lfltt levfftenl ..... l!•rly ••••Y t11ere •••• ••lnahowen 111 Ntw Yorlt Stet•, Nlftlltttl Ollie ...... ,._ .. ,_. \ylVeflle, T_.....,..._,_ ........... J • "'· EDT ,.,.... 1nm 1t lfl l#er. ,_.,, Mltwl., .... lft K.,wtte, '1•. u ·\ Crf\t .. <.tf!ttf e...O 0-llVl•fUUt (001. WIG S91 Fr .. d Vr!NM• ol IP\~ Rt•tf\Klo! County ~ttlt \ 0.11411 me-nt 1n P•lm Sof'inQ\ •t d••n tod•Y On Sunon tllou9h. 1 •• ln<h•" 01 r•ln nil,,,. r-e-M>t1 cotr\munuv. •'"'" wa• \1111 ,...11nq from a Jul• 10 1torm t11•1 •111ec1 -,...,,_ o .... .tOeO !JOO t'M>me'.\ •no ••\hid out""'""'•' 10..0\ 8y Monday, "611 t"" rO.O\ tn I""<• ty art ,,_ ano ,..., m..o I\ 1u•I iw1n9 \tr•ptd up," ••Id Palm SprlnQ• poll«• Sot c;.,.., llo'l .... 11 TM N•t._.1 WHINr Sotnolce ""° liwed • 11..-. ,._ w•rn•no '°' an arta ta\I OI 8¥HO# MoncUy al t p.m. but 1t •a• c..Mellecl tour"°"" l•l•r. d .. pllt ••u trtmely ..... , rein\'" l...C <--n lat• •n IM•' ternoon. according to C•lllornla HIQll•O P•lrot dlWNt~IWr llt<llerd Hartl""' Som• rNd• _,. ·-out In JMllua TrM lolallonal -I Sun day, Dul 11111• ••In fall Monday dU1>1te lite 9,.Y "'In V•ua1 "''"' •nd morn1n9 low <IOUO\ Dul, tlM'lnt 100.Y Dy mHI "'°'"Int EIM•M•• l1tf14 werleDla wind\ nltM end nwwltlft9 "°"'' -CNnl"9 -"~'' to ~Wly •lellt to 16 1tnoH t11I\ eft-· Coell .. ,.,,.., .. WW lft IN mid 70'1 Wllfl IOWI lfl lM ~ .0'1 tod•Y lftl-""",. wttll • ..... c ... ,..,t •• .., • ......, .. _ 1,,. S••• .... , Tlfle• TUUOAY $9<..W""" J• JI"·"" , , Set.-... l .SU.m. IA W.DlletoAY Ftnt ~191 s 10..m. u 1"1'111-t0;0 ... 11'1. t.J Set.-llltill •:st•·"'· ,. s.c.M... 1t:lf•"'· u h!l ri.t•:Ue,,..,, wn ,,,, •·"'· "'-,.... tt;at ..,.._., ... l;tJ •·"'· • wa~ not bound dunn~ thl· urcfral "'htrh began ~un1hs.>- E1del quott'<i Co ... ~J1111 J ... -..H Lng he and Genll "'l rt.> · '..r\ compatible and Vl ry rr1endl> ORIGINAi.LY, F l\'F: !Jt"l>fllt Cossano hi'> pn•g nc,1nt .,., ii• tht•1r two '>On ~ 11nd ;rnott .. r woman w1·n· h1•1rtY. h1·Jd ,.., ho~l tt~t·s m th<" hnrn1· All \')o.l'••p t Cossano had tw1·n n ·lt·J"1:!1 i,, Monday monun~ "It w:.1~ ltl-.e J pnv.dn 1-.• 2nd "' allahv Di~~ OAK LANO iAI' I " WC'IJDd wallab~· has dwd ,.., a ,, .. ,ult of In J ti rt~)-, ... u ((I' r I'd ti \ r II ( I.. t h r o w 1 n )' ~ a n d a I ., .1 l t h 1 Kno1A.land Park Zo11 .... ud ~11 ., <it"' '11 "• S11t11 •in•· .. r th1· h11.,la~•'' 111 llild u h1 h:11I n111h111~r l'' lo-.1· I tl11n t thi nk h1 h.1 11 m him 1•1 hurt ,111\ 11111!\ ll l· °"' c,1., ,, 1~·rf• 1 I 11•·ntl•·111.111 II• Jll"' '+·'"t" h1" fr•·•·d11m f-111·t11nl\ 111 lht holl'•' \.\il' • 11 otr \11m1l'I\ 111 .in ..itt• mpt t11 '"' 1·1 1;,1n1 1 t11 r1 -um• nt ~'1111.1 t1 r1ri-. :in<l 111 pr• ,,.nl h1rn (rc1rn v. Jt1 h1n1': t•·I•·\ l'••in '"l•ort 1b11ut lhL tnUdl'SIL ~ Jld SlJl• 1'111!1·1· \1JJ I' I I ,ron.v1 •• 1 c lfr111ah .,,1111 c;an11 .,., ·•' "'r\ 1n~ pr 1 ... 110 t1 1111 1.11 111 -, \ t .ir< un rapt and ronl>< r' < •tn' If t ttlll lit• "ds rl·µort• d 111 h.i,•· 1::.<:apcd Crom lht· maximum "''t 11r1t\ lX1"'n"talt• Corri·l'tton.11 I-•" 1111·, in f-'1<.hktll !-om• 11m• :--.1t 11ril •' ni.•ht iiµp.ir•·ntl: I' ..,, :ti 111 I! I\.\ II f1•1H'f''- SJturday night, aftc:r mon• than 20 1ochc~ uf ratn in :.!4 hour~ lhl' flooded river burst C1n 110 foot h1J!h 1·.irth dam four m "''' ..il)IJ\t' lit•• I'll.. A .... all or ...., ah'r llf fe1•1 ht~h c:ra~h(•d over the· '-lc:t•p1n~ tt1\.\n bur> 1n~ mul'h or ,, 1n muc I ru.'>hPd 1r1t11 m\ hou..,1· rmf\ tu find th.ii 1111' \l\<t-t<:r wall \.\<J~ fullll\.\ ing nw ,in t•OJ!ln1•enng ... 11;11l-n1 11.HJI \ ..inbha1 Patel to!•! th•· l"n1l{·d -.;, • .,.,.,of India "I h.J~tll~ <"llllf•t'lt•d m\ ram11\ ;inti 1 ll mtwd to th1· 11111f 'l h•· 1A.at1·1 111 flit ltnli• h.td f>llt•d 111• Ill tl11 t t•d lrlj.. ,, H·I TU E f'l,OOU .,., ~ter!-. ran off quit kh 11,1\1ng thou..,;inth of ... h.Jttt rPd huilcltnL!" a1111 mud UJJ t11 thl• :-.t•(l>nd floor ol )o.Omt• bu11'1 Ill I.!, After Inventory CLEARANCE SUITS . ' ,, . '• ' .. , .. .. , !• .. ••• t ... ,, , .. , ... .. .. . .. ,,, . H . ' I . . .. . . .• . 69. 10 to 129. 70 SUITS" IPOllTCOATS SHOES fOMANCI' 20'34 Htwt"Of~ 81-0 UMIOO CM.INDAU '""'°" CINTE" Ne• I 10 "'°°"'tOll'• Z47 ..... ••u ... \6 ., \• 44-\e •1·U ··~ FUlLf .. TON Ot.-.ta" Mell .,,., tt2 NVPllOI Jill9 A•••t0t Ptau N24MO • DRESS • CASUAL • ATHLETIC AU fa mous names. sizes 10 'h -14 NOW 14. 10 to· 34~1·0 SPORT COATS P 1t ,, 11• " 8t•t.J'1y ~00 ol nut·•"' t "tit•··""-. ::,,,1,,1._. & t,1nc1tt!t tf~<J t()', 1o ti~ NOW 49.70 DRESS SLACKS ,,, J M>ll,'Ji NOW 15.1010 IQ.10 DRESS SHIRTS 11 • .., ... ... • NOW 9.11 CASUALWEAR "FAMOUS MAKERS .. Swim truMS & 11 IC> ;>1 NOW 5.70 15.'° W•lk 1horts C•b•n• sets 33 10 &O NOW 25.'°-39.90 Gym 1fl0tlt 7 NOW 4.90 Spo•1 thins 10 10 34 NOW 19.'°·23.to w111tl Wt 34-60 Shift W f IS.22 ntelt LOI AMORES .lr<I & Sot•f'43 1»1213 MOHTCL.Alft lt\.AZA Hui toGffi ~Mit•t H Mt1J ..... • IOUT'H COAST PlAZA :i.nta Ane ,_ •t119 TIHlll.llY llW170 OflANAOA HllLS 8'1ow 11 O.'t<>f'1h"" HO-H7S I AN 01100 32•0 Roaecrans m •tln CALIFORNIA llnin1'ited ~ouseguest ' Af'Wl ....... le Tueedey,A.ugutt f4. 1979 DAIL"( PILOT A• Pes&leldes GroWenRap Restrictiom SACRAME~TO (AP> -Environmentalists DAILY PllDT CLASSIFIED ADS 842·M78 and farm workers say the proposed state pesticide ------------------- re1ulatlona wouldn't stop lbe polaonin1 of people and food. but growers say they are too restrictive. The opposing sides 11t.bered for a hearing on the proposals Monday, and used the occasion to hold news conferences and a rally. STAlltlNG ATJ..AN ANTl·P ESTICIDE rally, activist Tom Hayden. husband or actress Jane 5 DAIL y CRUISES DOWNTOWN LONG BEACH 775·6111 • 832·4521 • 714 527·711 Fonda, told about 450 protesters. "There is an UD· -------------------holy. coiy chemistry between lbe Department of Food and Agriculture in California a nd the chemical company giants." Hayden, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s unsalaried representative lo lbe Southwest Border Regional Commission. accused the Brown administration and the Legislature or "acting more like a lobbyist for c hemical companies" than a guardian or public health and safety. · FEAR OF FLYING? mAIRAPY •U~(ll f ·~ fjlfUVf"f~ f J l..l' r lw hr'>t Step To Take-Oft < \I I 101< BROCHLllU· -(7l4) 546-3629 • exl. 4192 Ron Heavnn. 17. of Salinas isn't going bat· ty but felt like it after finding this mouse. like fl ying mammal flitting around hi s bedroom. Ron chased it into a closet. figur ing it came down the chimney in his bedroom fireplat'e. Wh en daylight came and the bat went to ~leep, he put it in a can on rafters in the garage hoping it would lt>avc. But it dt!cided to stay and now Ron d1w~11 't know what to do with it. ON THE OTHER SIDE. the agriculturaJ 1n· dustry -including growers. chemical manufac turers and applicators -s aid the new regulations would keep them from acting fast to c.void crop damage. "Scientists have looked for natural predators throughout the world and haven't found them.·------------------- Frank Van Konynenburg, a Modes to peach grower. told a news conference lie displayed fruit damaged by worm moth insects and rot f CHl~PRACTIC ~ial-a-Tape ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written by Slayer SAN DIEGO <AP> -.. Even if I succeed in killing these men. they will be all too easily replaced,•• wrote activist J ames Maloney Jr. hours before be shot and killed two FBJ agents last week and then took his own life. Jn two letters released Monday by the FBI, the 30-year-old Holtville man praised his father for .. whatever strength of character I have" and ad- vised his friends to "challenge the system's every racist attack. every obscene and malicious maneuver." A former social worker. Maloney denounc<'d tht.:· ca pit a l isl system as "the evil incarnate that makes the world a hell. · Food Poi••nting Told SAN DIEGO tAP> Thtrty-two Ma rine recruits were hospitalized with food poisoning today after eat- ing in lhe recruit depot's m ess. Another 209 also were sick but al- lowed to recover in barracks. A spokeswoman at Naval Medical Center said "the cases a ll arc mild" and Lhat those admitted will probably be dischar~ed Wednesday Although 5.448 young men ate the moroiog meal. a base spokesma n said none of the others became ill Contaminated ham was blamed Sftlf Still l'a~a•t LOS ANGELES (AP> -The Board of Education, with repeated 3-3 votes. has foiled in its second try to rm a vacant seventh seat. almost guaran- teeing a city wide special election Nov. 6, that could cost taxpayers $1 milHon. The board took 64 ballots Mondav, more than matching the 60 taken lasl week , and while a third t ry is scheduled Thursday. only six ballots [ __ sr,_if_TE __ J are to be take n . Friday is the deadline for calling off the election. Voting continued to be split evenly between the conservative. antibusing bloc of Bobbie Fiedler. Richard Fer- raro and Roberta Weintraub and the more liberal trio of Kathleen Brown Rice. John Greenod and Rita Waller-; ftuake• Rif Bay A r~a MORAGA CAPJ -A week after the strongest earthquake in yl'ars along the Calaveras ..,Fault. three mild earthquakes rattled parts of the Bay Area but caused no damage. A worker al the town hall here said the b iggest of Monday's three quakes, a 3.3 on the Richter scale fell "a little like a truck hit lbe build'. mg." The other two afternoon temblors coming before and after the 3.j quake, registered 2.2 and 2 I. Uaaracellor Resign• LA JOLLA <AP> "I've had :!nougb or it." says Dr. William 0 . McElroy, explaining why he is step- ping down as c hancellor of the Univers ity or California at San Diego. "Enough of everything -scrambl- ing ror budgets in Sacramento, ad- ministrative problems. fund-raising, you name it." he told a news con· ference Monday afternoon. Although he was embroiled in di s outes over authority demanded bv the faculty. McElroy denied his res· ignation was the result or two recent no·confidence votes of the Academic Senate. GOURMET MARKET (Market Street) In addition to having a full line of fresh l sh & fresh she!Uish, 1his week Delaney's will feature. Fresh Local Fftlll Pacific Rockcod.nc1Red Snappe .for-1Ji2.29 .. 'FRESH PRODUCE ·DAILY ·Seedless Grallft ........ 49C .. 11.a.11a-,...... Nmart.s .............. ne .. .-.r~.._,.,_ ... PIM• .................. Bk-. ........... Plak Gnfefnilt ...... 3 ... l.M ....... Delaney's wine cellar has a run line or imported or domestic . wlnes chilled or at room tem· . .perature for your pleasure. DEU 6 MEAT DEPT. • Delaney's made·on·tbe·spot fresh sandwiches on 10urdough. Any kind Liii ea. Wisconsin ahar-P cheddar cheese (random weights) 1.7'1 lb . Delaney's Famous Creamed · Spinach 7le pt. l&allaa.._.. .... 4 ..... 1.M • Oven·Ready Boneless Stuffed ebicken Breut on a bed of apple ; dreuiq L'lt ea. r ....,. .... ..,.r_, Te•a ............. 3 ..... 1.M , ............. .... A special notice from the meat department -pricewile now le t.be time to rut your home freezer with beef -call ua ! DELANEY'S 6-auwtMarbt .. 0,. Dally M • CloMd S•day ztze New;1r& BIH., Neaped lleacla '73-sPt Tape Center 645-1701 24 Hours Courtesy of Or. David W . Gibson ces '' Help lighten the electric load. If you do the heavy house- work in the morning. here ·s what you'll be doing. The baking. The dishwashing. The l aundry. And the vacuuming. But you'll be doing some- thing else, too. Something that's very important. By giving your electric appliances the afternoon off, you'll be helping to lighten the load from noon to 6 p.m. That's when ho1nes, stores. offices and factories turn on air conditioners to beat the afternoon heat. Give your appliances the afternoon off. Then Edison can put off building expensive new power plants. And you'll help keep your electric bills down . sCE Southern California Edison orango Coast oaov Pilot Editorial Page .................................................................... ••• Robert N. Weed/Publisher ThOINI K•vll/Edltot S.rt>ara Krelblch/Ed ltorlal Page ldlt« G.oast Park Ideas-- Lut ~t·s bearinJs Oil tM eropoled Oranie Coul NaUooal Park revealed few •""1>t'iM' ln teatlmony "v•n to lbe ~al aatioaal parka aubcoma\illee. All of ibe civic and buaiMll leaden Invited to teetUy laid theJ thoqbt the klea WU 8 lood OH but the)' diff er-9 over the alae of the propoeed pa;t and the posalbllity ol buUdin• a roadway lhrouah the mtddle of It At pnsent.. I.be park l)l"OOOU1 is ln two loosely related se1menta One lnvolves the St.ate'• acquiaitlon of u much land u poesible between Coronadel Mar and Laauna Beach with lbel38 million recently aut.boriaed b)' the Le1lllature. A bUI by Reps. Jerry Pauenon, D-Santa Ana, and Robert Badham . R·Newpon Beach, would provide a matching amount of federal montiy to buy land ln the a rea whkh tncludes the coai;tal property of the state along Wlth Sycamore Hills and lbe Aliso Canyon. A total of 19,000 acres as shown on the park bound ary map included w1lh the Patterson-Bad.ham blll. Land owners·-the Irvine Company and Al.Jso VicJo Company say that's too ambitious a plan, an understandable view since the park e ncompasses ac rea~e they want to develop But it seems clear from the remarks of Rep. Mor ris Udall, 0 -Ariz.. the powerlul chairman of the House Interior Committee that must approve the legislation, that attempts to pare down the size of the proposed park could result in the death of the funding biU. The befuddled public can only conclude that many ideas are flowing a bout wha t kind of and how large a park is best -a nd that many of those ideas are in conflict. oHel -:ti:--- This fi gured to be and has been a tough year for county government in Orange County when it cam.e time to negotiate salary agreements with its various employee g ro ups. Prolonged meet-and-confer negotiation sessions had been characterized by great breakdowns in talks as well as a series of work s lowdowns and sickouts. And the fi nal s alvo has not yet been heard. One reason for the seemingly endless labor slrif e could well be that for the first lime county supervisors. or rather two of them . became embroiled unnecessarily m the negotiations. Supervisor Edison Miller met a number or times privately with negotiators for the Association of Orange ' County deputy sheriffs . On another occasion, Miller and Supe rvisor Thomas Riley together listened to what association negotiators bad to say. Mill~r ·s and Ri ley's pe rsonal involvement while negotiations were under way, as limited as it might have been. was a bad precedent. For one thing, direct dea lings with e mployee r e presentatives by county supervisors undermines the stature of the county's professional negotiators among those with whom they must bargain S upervisors have their full s ay when indica ting to the professional negotiators the limits they might go to in order lo rea ch agreement. And s uper visors have the ultimate s ay when voting to ra tify any agree ment reached by those they send out to negotia te on county gove rnment's behalf. Consequently . there's nothing to be gained and only poss1hll· harm l'Un come when supe rvisors become d1rc<'lly involn·tl a:, Miller and Riley did this year. Labor and Oil Calting U . S. oil companies "al best double agents" hcC'aUM' of their dealings with national oil monopolies in the O P EC nations, the actmg head of the AFL-CIO has propo:,cd possible nationalization of the oil industry . Lan(' Kirkland. seen as successor to the ailing George Meany. urged serious consideration of nationalization if the govl!rnmcnt <·a nnol come up with an agency that tould control the a mount of oil to be imported, negotiate tht• pncc with foreign governments and supervise oil a llocation in this coun try. Labor is not generally an advocate of nationalization, but Kirkland said the oil industry is different because it l·oncems a vita l r esou rce now run by companies _that also tontrol other forms of energy, and involves the need to negotiate with foreign countries . Tills would seem lo be a rather surprising turnabout for t he unions but perhaps not so much so if one takes it a step further. Clea r iv. n ationa lizatioin of oil would ma ke civil ~t'rvants out of all the workers in the oil industry and this m itself could give the unions a stupendous amount o( clout with the government. Indeed, this very possibly c·ould be a major factor in discouraging any government notions of nationalizing oil. • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader commenl 1s 1nv1ted. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (71 4) 642·43g_1 . Boyd/Foolish ByL.M.BOYD The di fference between be· ing a "fool " a nd acting "fooUsh" is almost too subtle to define, says our Language m a n. But there is a dff· ference. And more often than not the difference Is seen in gender . A woman may seem Dear Gloomy Gus Newport's suit to stop offshore drilling makes you wonder if you'd rather loot at ua Arab.. · tbua an oll rt1. OIL SHORT • foolish without being a fool. A man may be a fool without seem ing fooli sh. Tne whorl on a horse 's forehead Is as unique as a human fingerprint. It's used as horse Identification in som e countries which pro- hibit branding and tattooing. Q. "The Wright brothers didn't invent the wina or the rudder or the enaine of tbe airplane. Juat what did they do?" A. 'Ibey were the nnt to control simultaneously all three motions -the yaw, turning left or rlaht: the pitch, ra11in1 or lowering the note, and the roll, rotation on the lenctbwile axis. Wben two cbameleona tt1bt. you can always tell wblcb wbll. Tit• loler turna a dull ....,.... brown, tb• wt.D· nera.,..,... Nowbere ID th Bit-I• t1 8ft1 mentkla tJI a cat. ---.._ . --....,_. Rowland Evans/Robert Novak . I Soviet Test Silos Stir Doubts W ASIONOTON -PreparaUon ot th,.. "ctiawactly new" t.lt11los fw "modmUMd" Sowlet lone· ru1• millll• are now rettivln1 flaal preparadoaa at Sovlet \Ml raa1•. • pt«e ot lntelU1ence that couJd doom contlnuat.ion of SALT 11 a same that run.a ISO heavllylnthe KremUn's favor. No 1on1er in qUM UOG la the clarity of lotelll1ence dem- o oat r a tlng MOICOW'a lD· t.nt to triHer a huge new lett Pn>fll'&m • tbe inatant the new Strategic Arma Lim.it&· lion Treaty cSALT II) is ratified It · seem s likely lo harden American public opinion against wbal bas come to be called the SALT "process.' "This may well prove lo be the end of the SA.LT procffs," ,.,.. Nlxon·Ford admlAlatraUon of. flclal, who wu one of tb.• ortlinal authon ot SALT U and support.I the flnal ven1on. ''Wben our peo- ple read about what Moecow la lea a Uy doing under thla new trea· t)', tbey may 1ay to beU with SALT." STUDENTS of SALT, mo.tly criUca but a1lo includln1 impor· ta.ot supporters, loa1 have been coocemed that tbe "process" of SALT. replacing substance, bas become the political objective. Tbe impending Soviet tat pro- gram could s top tb.ia dangerous invenion by coocentraUng pubhc attention on substance. During tbe period of intense SOviet tesUng following SALT I, the U.S. still bad strategic superiority. ln contrast. the U.S. today ts on the verge of losing, af 1t has not aJready lost, s trategic parity. That points to outrage as ,.---- ( Nicholas von Hoffman the pubUc watch• rour free ~an of teattna for Motcow, while the U.S . Cai.la to test a single new in· tercooUoental ballillic miatUe <ICBM>. Preparations of the new test alloa to let Moscow exploit Artlcle •of SALT 11 are virtually com· plete. High Pentagon offlciala ue privately warntne teoaton and other politicians not to be aur· prised when ''modernized" Cim· proved) venlona or the main So- viet ICBM force are tested im· mediately following final ratifica· Uon or the new treaty. ONE DEFENSE official made this clear last week to a meeting attended by senate staff experts: U.S. negotiators or SALT JI "know that tbe Russians de· liberately negotaated Article 4 so that they could go ahead and test and deploy all their new mLSSUes without v1olatmg the treaty.·· Thas Sovie t upgrading o r modemiutlon of tbe edlitiq force la a loophole totall1 separate from tbe provl&laebltllle treaty (Article 2> that 0991 eada aide the riabt to build aee MW m l11Ue. President Carter bM •· nounced a declaioo <sUU r.-... by arms control entbuaiua) for the U.S. to bul.ld the MX mobile mlaaUe u ill new milaUe. The U.S. baa DO plant f« up- gradina or moden11.UD1 U. ..._. ent land-bued miuile fOfte. There la today no lntentiae to fire a single test of any long-i'aqe missile unW the MX ltlelf la fired (nowacbeduledfor1m>. That means silence from tbe Americana amid heavy R~ missile-rattling. Tbe Soviet Union, without cbeatin1, la in the s ame position to modernize ita land-based long-range mJaailes u it was after a ratification of SALT I on Sept. 14, 1972. lmmediMely thereafter, the Soviets began in- 1ual testsofthebugeSS·18 andtbe large SS-19, whose sized.id violent injustice to tbe spirit of SALT I. Now, bothtbe 5&18 and tbeSS.19 will be modernized under SALT II, along with three leaser mis- siles. S KEPTICS within tbe U.S. SALT delegation sounded repeat- ed warnmp during the negotia· lions that article 4 must not leave . .. .. open. One result was to limit the mode rruzed missiles to a 5 per. rent vanat.aon from the m issiles 1 wb1<:h the SovieL'i can easily nolaleJ M oscov. s negotiators oever have been willing to give the U.S. accurate measurements of its ex- 1st10g missiles from which to measure the permitted 5 percent 'a ra a t aons. Inde ed, the .. modern1uog door" was left •Jµ~n . :c. th<· 1ntell1~ence reports of the n~v. !>1l<>l> at Soviet lest sites prove . That !'lets tht! stage for pubUc outtry as soon as the new Soviet tests <1 re launched . It could mark the end ol 1nncx.•t:nre that up to nov. h.c. made the SALT process a ~elf c•onlaaned obJect1 ve even more ampc>rtanl than the SALT s ubstance Dentistry Sets SightS. on Wider Market You can now ~o to some local Sears Roebuck or Monkey Ward stores and gel your teeth faxed Never having visited a chain store dentist. I can't s ay if the chna c!> a re localed next to the automoh1 k shoo. Theysbould be. forone-stop service. Fill 'em up and dnll ·em <;Jown. The advertising possib1lil1es are endless. The obvious c.p proacb is to get on the telly and sell false dentalaon the wa y Mr Midas sells mu,rters . "T his week a n d eve r y week, a five· tooth bridge completely in· stalled in any n a t1 ve·born American's mouth for $99 99 uom ewhat more for naturalized citizens). The last bridge you'll ever buy. Our five-tooth super99s a r e guaranteed a gains t all normal use for the life of the m outh in whic h they 're an stalled." OR PICl1JRE this A huge set of while, white teeth against a stark black background. Next we see a gigantic steel bolt. The teeth slam down on it, and the boll snaps and crumbles as the tough. masculine. Bob Conrad-type voice says, "The BITE-HARO Art Hoppe wall l'hew an)'lhm.Q your stomach can da.l!estoryourmone) back Another poss1bli1ty ma.Qht Ix' a !.hot of the pla \In~ f tl•lrl at Yankee Stadium enti re I) t:O\ erecl b) row" and rov. s of II ttlcta bh·s. al each of "h1ch s aL" rt person .... 1th a napkin tied a round the neck. knife and fork 1n <'3l'h fist. and a pale of ~teaks in front of them.·· Al dawn. I hesc 10 thousand people began t•hewmg thc1rtouJ(h. c·heap·cut m· flal10n·cra Meaks. No Adolph s Tenden1C'r 1s pcrm1llNl Bv noon vou could hear th(" tank.le of our.competitors' 1vor1es f3 llang on the plates. by three m the aftt-moon. 20 peopl<' "ere still eating, but by6p m. only one man rem a ins al the table. a nd he as eq uipped with a set of U S. Steers miraculous new Sharp Gleams. the set 01 t·hoppers the white s ha rk demanded when they told ham t here" as going to be a J AWS II. .. OR TH ERE 1s Exxon "Self ser vice dentistry as how to save money m thes<.· mflataon·ridden tames . We've installed dentist t•ha1rs, mir ror., and other equ1p menl next to all the pumps at our self-scrv1ce s tati ons Save on cavities and s~1ve gasoline. Loo, by ftlhng your teeth where you fill yourtank .. If that a ll seems fa r-fetched. read tlus art a de "ha ch appeared an the July 2 issue of Advertising Age, headhned ··orthodontists Weapons Are a Codort Serious students of foreign af· fai rs may recall tha t t hree months ago President Carter declartld an emergency and dis· patched $390 million worth ot the latest ln sophisticated weapons lo North Yemen, wherever that is. At the time, North Yemen may or may not have been un· der attack by South Yemen. wherever that is. lt was dif· rtcuJt to tell a• ttsaorted trlbel 1n both p o o r . backward, lit· tie countries bad been fl1btln1 amonpt each other for ltner• Uon1. IN ANY EVSNT, Jlr. Carter dftland Nortb Yemen a bMUoa of lM tree world ad lbipped lt ( all s orts of F·5E Jet fighters. M-60 tanks, and radar·cont.rolled antiaircraft guns in order to "d raw the line ·• against the power -mad Ma r xis t-Leninist l eaders or Sou th Yemen , whoever they might be. Well , the other day, the stalwart de fenders of North Yemen. whoever they migbt be, too. finally got around to thank- ing ua for all that wonderful equipment and could we please now aend over some military ad· vlaers to show them how to work tt? I can't he lp but think the Yemenites have made a tactical blundel'. A case in point la the Ritt or Phynkia. llNCS TR& DAWN of b.latory, the Pbynktam Md their next· door netebbon, the Mboftlans, had .,._, hurU.na roekt and In· tultl llt eaeh other and over the centart.. HHral Pffple bad ben burt. Tbete cU1ar1ceful prtmlUve ·, Hope to Pull 111 1\dult~ v. ath F1r....t Drt\e,· II\ .J.11 q Ut'"> :-.;f'ht r. ('hie-ago Brttl·e \ ou r,elH~ fac-ed with a :.tt.•ad1ly shn11k111~· tt-en ai::t• mark('I the n:st1on '11r I hodontl'>ll> an• no" out to v. irt• lht· tt.•eth of adulLc; The> American A-, <,ot•ia1 aon of Orthodonu ... ts 1 AAOl "111 launch It..'> first P\ •'rad lam· p:ugn Utis fall A1m eo at )Oung marriea pt'(> pie. ei.peciall~ "om£>n. the dtls wall attempt to com mce adulL' that bract>s aren 1 1ust for ktd'> anymore TheS2.125.~>~flort v.111 stres-. the health ant..:lf' "1th the thenw . ·we shape health. not 1ust teeth ~ EA~l\'lllLE. the b•l?l?t'..,t 1 on- sumer ObJecllon 10 orthodontu treatment -the l'ost "all bt-Jt tacked through a !'.enes of n1•ws releases put oul by the AAO The releases \\Ill tall' that the $900 to SJ 000 pnC'e r<inl?" ha" tnt'reased at a rate far bt.•lov. other con s umer pnces The same may possibly be said of t he Rolls Royce The artal'lt• t.'\platn!'> 111.11 tlw drop in thl' b1 rth nit l' h<i~ l'onf rnnt ed the orthodont1!.lS \.\1th a <:um- me nsurate drop-ot fan< uslomers The teachmg profession has also faced this problem and as at· tempting to solve at wath the same agihtyshown by the dentists Every dav. they rand a nl'" group of kids with special prob lems that demanded a s pecial at tent1on. v.hach means thal more le<J('ner.-. are needed to leach tc" e r k1CI The latest excuse to d rup tht' student-teacher ratJo to a t•commodate the number of ll'J1 hl•rs threatened with being laid oft 1s the discovery of lbe ·cal led child. · those obnoxious cr1tter!' v.ho tell their TV in· 1erv1ewers. ··ves. it's true that "'en thouch I'm 11 times s marter than the flatheads watching lbas procram. I do e oJOY having normal social intercourse with 1d1ots hkt> yourself. when there ~•rt-no <Jther gilled peoplt: .1round Bl"T THE orthodontists a ren't i.:01 n I? to 11 nrl a nl'w customer .croup unl~s they learn from the toot hpa-.te sales men. The or- thodontists are going lo have lo c·ome on thE> aar with a pitch that has that same fnPndly druggist toss ing the tube of Aam in the tr ash as he tells Nubile Nancy or M arrtaJ?eable Mitzie. "I don't «:trr how white your teeth are. Gil 1!'n t goin~ to give you a tumble. And L:ltra·Bnte "on'l he lp you seduce Ted. Your teeth are crooked and men don·t like women "hose incisors ctoss like Wilkinson swords :· Fade an and out to the same scene a few months later. with Mitzie saying, ":"lo\.\ my teeth are so straight GU asks me to nibble has ear lobes "hen \H~ l!O to the movies.·· -If You Don't Use 'Ein conditions might have continued lo prevail had not Russian and American diplomats got wind of the conflic t A crun was flipped. Phy nkia b ecame a bulwark of democracy and M bonga an emerging socialist people's republic. Initially, the Rall was quite pleased with his squadron or new jet fighters. his brigade of new heavy tanks and his rorest of 1teamln1 new antiaircraft auna. He promptly drafted all 182 adult Pbynklans and their oxen in order to dra1 the hu1e weapons into neat rows so that he m ight proudly stroll P•st the m in review three times a day ·'Nothing I Ike moder n weapons to give a ruler a sense or security," he conflded after several months to the American ambassador. "Glad you lllte them," aakt the ambuaador. "I Jmt bad a cable from Waahln1Con wanlln1 to know bow tbey worked." ··Funny." s aid the Ratt. ··That's just what I was going to ask you." IN NO TIME, U.S. military ad\1isors were swarming all over Phynkla. It took patience aod ef. fort. but eventually the {int Pbynkian lank driver was able to accidenta lly demoUsb the wes t wing of the Loyal Royal Palace. Fortunately, however, the fin.t Phynklan Jet to take to the air was accidentally abot dbwn by lbe fint salute from tbe Phynkian antiaircraft battery just before it could accldeetal.11 . land in the Ratt'a bathtub. Tbe Ratt crawled out ol tbe rubble. fired all the U.S. ad· visors and ordered what was left of hil mlcht.Y aneaal Uned up ID ita ort,UW rows. "1 doubt, though, that I'll evw a1ain enjoy that wonderful peace of m1nd they gave me,'' he said with a 1l1b, "durtq thoae three months before we learned bow to work U..m." __ ......... ~--""- ______ ) NATION Cancer Study Fails to Scare Mo8t Tipplers B1n.A111dMedP,... The ~b drlftller al tM Hawk and Dove ln W a h ftllnn ·a Capitol HUI are• heard ot the n9Port · f'd dana ~rt of hi favortte brand ol whisky and Hid almpl . "Glv• me • bcot>r ud • shot ot a<"Otcb ·• His ttactJon was not untyplcal of drinkers followlnl 1 report by the National Sci ·n • Found•· Uon thaf six ot rVf'n br1nda ot •cotcb tested con talned tna~ of natroH mlnell, • itub6tanr4' th11t hui. cau•~ cancer in laboratory rau. APWi ....... .... s •• ,,. t'OU..OWING TRE aEPOaT UST Wet:ll. At1· SC>ciatf'd Prffl reporteni were 11ent to bars in 11 bulf-do&en ciliea to talc.-an lnformal 1urv.sy ot scotch drinkers and barteodeni ahout the report Tho Alask a Depart ment of Labor has written off a $4. 79 debt reportedly owed ·by White I JOWie ctuef of s t aff llam1lton Jord '1n . Th e Anc horage Tim e~ s aid the s tate has bee n billing Jordan since 1976 for money invol ving D e m o - c ratic campaign ex- penses A liquor industry group had already noted that the rl'searchers' figure~ differ from tho:ie of other sca~ntJst.s. For lhc most part. bartenders noticed no change in drmlung habits. And patrons who i:,a1d they drank the six brcsnds involved Stiern~ about as walling to i:,wat<·h Lo aoolher brand or type of whiskey as to confront tbe Loch Ness monster. "ll 's all a plot by the bourbon 1)eople." declared one cui:,tomer at Charley O's m midtown Manhattan. AT RAFFLES IN S AN t 'RAN'C-ISCO, bartender lngnd Vatols i:,aad that one drinker who was told of the report retorted: ''Pass me another carcinogen " And a stockbroke r at Duffy's bar in downtown Denver said ~s he ordered another scotch. "I 'rn ical Ra e Victim: Young, Poor, Single WASHINGTON <A P > Women aged 16 to 24 run the greatest ris k of being the victims of r~pe, s ays a federal study. It also says the typical victim is poor and unmarried. The study, commissioned by the Law Enforcement Assistance Ad· m inistration, was based on assaults in 26 cities Among its findmgs · -THE HOURS BETWEEN 6 p m and m'\dnighl a r e t h e most dangerous Most assaults orcur in open public areas such as streets or parks. Resisting a rapist often mt-ans the sexual assault 1s thwarted but the victim lS more hkely to ~uffer other injuries. -Most attacks are by strangers and. accorcling to the victims. at· tackers generally appear to be over 21 years of age. In only 18 percent of the cas«!S of rape or attem pted rape that were studied did the victims know their~­ tackers. Most rapes in such cases took place in homes WHITE WOM FN SAID they re· ported rapes lo the police 62 percent of the time. while blacks and women from other minority groups reported the crimes 76 percent of the time. Among those who did not go to the police, most women ~ai d they thought noUung could be done and that there was a luck or proof or the assault. The 63-page study said weapons were used m less than h<Jlf lhe at tacks and that knives were the most commonly used weapons. The cities involved m the study were Atlanta ; Baltimore. Boston, Buffalo, N.Y.: Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland; Dallas; Denver. Detroit: Houst on ; Los Angeles . Miami : Milwaukee; New Orleans. Newark. N.J .; New York; Oakland. Calif.; Phi la0delph1a . Pitts burg h ; San Diego. San Francisco: St. Louis. Portland. Ore .. and Wash..ington. Reason Sought For5 Deaths ROSEMONT. Ill. CAP) -T he purtially built wooden roof of The Rosemont Horizon a re na . within :.1ght of busy O'Hara International Airport, likes like matchsticks over a grid today as invesligalors try to find out why the roof fell. killing fi ve workmen "We can reconstruct everything here," said Erse Mees, a design con- sultant on the roof. "but lives are ,::one." Witnesses s a id the collapse oc- curred s hortly afte r a low-flying plane roared overhead. CHICKEN DINNER SPECIAL 52.29 You get 3 boneless whitemeat ~ .. "'O._ Chicken Planks• hand cut from the breast of the chicken and deep-fried to a crispy golden brown ... Fresh cole slaw ... Crunchy hushpupples ... And golden ..fryes. It's all at a very special price for a llmlted time only. We give you lots of reasons to love us. ~ Offerexplres: ~ Sept. 2, 1979 J -. cfiiii~~- SEAFOOD SHOPPES · 3091 tt.•• llYtL • Coth Mel9 .................... ..,.-............... DlfYl.THIU •VICI AYAILAU drtnkin& J&tB oow. l'vt blen drinklna It for yean. I abou_ld be dead, rtlbt? Illa comp.n.oo. ukld Uout tbe report. slmplx_ held up his &lllH and b1I pack of cigarettea. and am lied Not all rtoction to lbe NSF research was •• Haht·htluted. or courM. • A UQVOR INDt18"1'aY GaOVP immediately que:.hooed the acucuracy of the report, which found nltroaaamlnes lo Chlvu Reaal, Black and White, J&B, Ballantine. Sandy Scot and Cutty 5ark but none tn White Label. It noted in its criUcllm that the rneasuremenlS of the NSF researchers dif- fered from thole of other scientists. Pat Campbell, a bartender at New York's Churley O's, said he'd seen people taking the re· port senously eoou"1 to swttcb brands. ··People are scared,•• be said . In Chicago, visiting San Franciscan Richard Perri. said be rarely drinks scotch but added be would switch if he did. ·'If the statistjcs show that something is found to cause cancer , I won't use it." P E RRI NOTED HE'D QUIT SMOKING st•ve raJ years ago; but his companion, Joan Arnold oI CJucago. wu smoking and said lh~t she doesn't mtend to stop taking an occaaiooal drink or scotch. "All those things they said about smoking and cancer didn't stop me from s moking." she said. Several others questioned also compared the report to those oo the dangers or cigarettes and other substances in recent years. "I 'm a de voted scotch dri nke r." s aid M ari~urct Suter, enjoying her favorite beverage at Stoufrl·r·s lnn in Louisville. Ky. "They .say_ now In Denver. a gove rnment worke r who was dnnking beer s aid he would not gave 1t up despite an earlier report that some beers also con· tam rtitrosammes. o..n clHns ·~If IUIOnY~Y for pennift' Ellu• in .W.tion uves enerqy • you bake Rowy controls fOf lh• c.Jrod• IUrf~ unlta. Di9Jt&I clock -I UIOmllJC oven q~. DAIL V PILOT .4 7 Meet Ac8demy Award winning designer, Bill Travilla, here to present his Fall Collection in South Coast Plaza and Thursday, August 15 and 16. Informal modeling from 11:30 to 3:30. Visionary, star-making entrances for day and evening. Marvelous fabrics, exciting new shapes, an artist's flair for color. And white: a sunburst slink of pleated satin. Fine Dress Salon 1.magmn South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa 957-1511 Get crushed ice, cubes or cold water ••• without opening the door! 'Illi8 no·f1'08t. s ade· by-side Is 2 1.6 cu. fl. b1g on t.hc ln81de.yei.only 33 tnches wtde outside. W1t.h wheel so It rolls out for easy clea.n.1ng. TempeJ'f1d glass shelves help cat.ch spills. Shelves &.Nl ~ustable. t.o1... so lt.'s 888y to st.ore large or ta.JI tlungs. And t.here·s &n Energy Saver SWlt.ch Lhat, when set. tn t.he norm·.1.1 posit.ton . can cut. operaung oost.s. 1 t &II adds up t.o u good lnvest.ment! Save even more now during our 32nd Birthday Sellebration. , Clo Ba,q.>p1lotlPss 1gmuon •.,w..,, up 10 30 ,(,of thP gas YOU ~for drying 4 drying selecuons and 3 cycles tn· cllld1119 permanent pl'K'I Optional 11111 a care selec· uon ) .. . • . . • . . . Al OM.., fll.DT '"Pop's in luck tonight. .. Mormoduke's letting him sit in his favorite choir!" · SUPE_RHEROES ~~.ICM ~I. Die> /I/Of' VIOLATI! ~Q OR~R PRt::,.·llen"INe NE F-QON\ Fl. YIN6 ~ :x: CAUBkT Tl-40:5E ~llS·· SHOE IP t l Ji I! MOON MULLINS p =-:t 'UNKY WINkllllAH -·u.N 166 IN~,~ MISS PEACH J .. by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta by Jeff MacNelly by Ferd & Tom Johnson WKAT'LL You HAVE, FOLk5? THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane ''Mommy! It's o letter from Bitty, but it hos 15 cents postage due. Do we want to pay it?" DENNIS THE MENACE JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS NANCY ARE YOU STILL MAD AT ME? YES·--YOU1RE IN THE DOGHOUSE A5 FAR A5 I'M CONCERNEO , OKAY··· IF THAT'S THE WAY SHE WANTS IT ORABBLE B I~ OR . SMOCK NIELSEN COMICS I CROSSWORD by Tom BitJuk , ' . I ;; by Mell uzarius PEANUTS IN1'E«STATE 40 ... 7MAT'5 WMAT WE WANT ... ~ l'I.~ .N~'f' "ti ~'(" M~ Al,£. A l•'<'fl( ! tf 'S JIJS"f" '°~ ,\Jiil. MD &Iv O(Al ~ JIJ'S'f A L1f'fl.£ w.411'C 1..1£ ! ~~ " JUNK oveR J /,~Re! t7! by C~rlts M. Scltal1 TMl5 VSEO TO 8E ROI/TE 60 ... IT'U. TAI<! us aJ6HT IH10 tEEt>l..E5 by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont ~r@@ffe~===::::===:::::i::;~p by Jeff Millar & Jon Mcintosh Bf'fre~ DCAO iJ.WJ O:V,HV~:: LET? ?££~(.I~ ~I BAC..:'. II ~W JiW: Fc.fJDA Yo.. 6tll8< PAY ATTE~ TOY~ 6~ -x.vFft.C: u~~ rr ~u7, ?U.JA~. () YOUR AUNT WANTS YOU TO COME IN by Gus Arriola CLAW.5 1/\1 THE CEIL IAJB? 6~\I THAN HA.II< ~' • by Harold Le Ooux by Tom K. Ryan by Emit Bushmilltr SHE SAYS YOU'LL HAVE TO WHISTLE FOR HER TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 V II ~ Applp - 1C Ja1"'""~'' •ho•· u D•~fl•r • 1 S ltregvi"' 'to IMI II Too,, l(j Rtt!CF- :C AQt' 21 Wa11101 ?3 Trac•· i"' Ppr u•l 27 Te~hltfll J(' NOi lrn111tled ~ S(l•rtl l5 Rut>t>1SI' )i Heir 38 Receptacle 39 Slitted •t Cover 4;" HtQl'I priest ()Piano - uPond 45 Minister 47 Ret>u1ll SO One Preli• 51 Pledoed ~Most fiery !i6 Hamper 60 Sotl Prell• 61 Ha ••n<; rru,·e •eern 6ol ScatN> !).~ Hetoe1 *-Ke1· o7 Bt>r<l"'S b8 Srout• ff! Lurci' DOWN , tn1u'*' , -La Douce l Bo: I or c ()(.1 4 Hatted S So1de1 6 D•soieasure 1 Pu1 on 5 Aoproi COSI! 9Gnm 10 Ro.meci ,, Case 12 Shade 1J US A 18 Discord Qoddess n Striated I• F1etd flower 25 Dete1ers 17 ColOI 28 Cre1onne vWTE C Fc.,1.i"' S1n'l 111 ~Onr.ldV P;;: /ii• ~l•"•I {<I MCCltr tnt• JI NOl..0 Cdn <IOCIOI 37 Betc - 3J TPrm1nated 36 v .. 1•n jq Pell 4() Former ha· n1an ruqoon ... Og11 ~ MPnlO• 48Get!'> :.criou' l9 Pa%a11• At>br "1 l;.l•ncl 1 1 Mold•no ~ Sereetr.ir ~!> Small qroup S7 -Smith ~ Fcm1nint1 • uflt, S9 Ouc.k bJ Eoos bJ Scou1sh ffVl't ·. 'ORANGE COUNTY I POLITICS I OBITUARIES DAILY PILOT A• QUEENIE "I ko11'4 \\h\ Utt•\ ll11Jr1 I l tnt~h t11ht 1111·1 hy 11 ru111111 1l lt"I• ti .. J::. "rtlh•11 Dftatlt Noi Ire• C.atnohc Ctwrch, Nrwoort l.tP•c_n (,.. tnt~rm~nl wUI be d1 tnfo' A\t~n-.1un <.emol~rv. El Toro In lltu of ffowrr\ contribuUon~ may DP fnttO. 10 toe A,.,,•rlc•n C•ntet \nt '""' f B.tlt1 Berq.eron Fl.H'Cral Hom• Qt (O\ta M~-.. directoo -241• ZAVAU. LOUIS C ZAVAL" rn10•nt ol co~•· Mew. Ca s1ncf' 19&2 H t> Wd't «- d~\IQn t'nQineer •or Roc;kwt•tl 1nttornA t1ona1 tor lO '/ear~ H~ 1\ \u,.v1vtd by rrus, \Of'\' ~erry J•., and KPnl LP .. of <.osle Mew C• \lrP •ons Fore5t Mt<.1ur9 OI Hunhnoton 6u•n C• •n<I , llUUOADWAY MO ITU ARY 110 Broadway Costa Me!.d 642·9150 SMITH & TUTHiU MORTUARY WISTO.lff CHArfl Mortuary• Crema11011s Flower Shop 427 E 17th St Costa Mosa 646-4888 rtllCI laOTHIU MitlTH'S MOlTUAIY 627 Main St Hunltngton Beach 536-6539 PIBfAMtLY COlOMIAl fUMlllAL NOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893-3525 PAC .. C YltW ..,.,.IAL rAaK Cemttery Mortuary Chapel 3500 P.c1f1c View Onve Newport Beach 644-2700 • NcCOb4ICIC MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 Sen Juan Capistrano 49S-1na Hltl8C" LAWN-MT. OUYI Monuary • Cel19tery Crem9tory 1825 Gisler Ave • CO.ta Mesa $4()..5654 lh!Gf It Noli~#• ("'"'"' M<(l\110 <>I (CUI.I MfW, C• fl••·. P•trtt1• Wv•U o• Wf'\l l 0\ •not1~\ C• •no 10 or.1nocn11artn f wn.1Hdl ~r~1cn "-ltl a. Mid on Wed IW'MIO "UO<l''-· lS, !YI• at II\<' H•rDOf l "'"'n Mt mon•I cn..,pe1 wUn ~tv (Hutt-A K.ei1rrltt4 paUor o t ltu Prt\l>ylwl.,, """'" of lrw CO•tll•rll oU•< ••11"9 1nttrm•n1 1mm1>df•teff ro110111111nq •• H•rtli6r L•JMn M•mor••• P•r a. S.rwitr. LH'\Oer the d1recho" of HarDOT Lawn Molin! Ollw MO'lU•rt Of (O~l6 M~o,;, Wl U~ Air Force Maj o r Richard M. Stultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn H. Stultz of 372 Lookout Drive, Laguna Beach, has graduated from the Ar m e d Forces Sta ff College at Norfolk, Va. He is being assigned to the North American Air Defense Command , Colorado Springs, Colo. Deaths Elsewhere TAOS. N.M. CAP) - Artist Andrew Dubarg, 92, the last surviving ex- hib i tor or the 1913 Armory Show in New York -the first show- ing of avant garde E uro· penn art In the United States -died Monday at hi s home here. PUBLIC NOTICE .. ICTITIOUI aUllNIESS NAM• ITAT•M•NT Tl>e IOllo#lnt penon ~ dOI ... INM· M U•': OOH ZEE AS$0CIATES. 301 Fonsl AVtl!ue, Suite A, t..9111141 &e.<11, CA •7'$1 Ooneld w. Zff, • Sovth Portol•, Soul h L•9Ufle CA tt•n Thi\ buSlMU Is conducted by .,.. Ill dlvlctual OoneldW.Z.. This , .. ,_, •• , flltcl with IM Co11ntv Cltrll ol Or•11ee CoUllly t4I A110l.ISI 10. 1t1• ,.,,... Publllhed Ore1191 C.0.tt Oelly Plitt ""' u, n, tt. s.111. •. tt7' at27·7t PUBUC NOTICE G~.·en~ace in HB A Anti-.ling Group Seeks Funds -hailTT IMS~. By 0 . • H V81'1,NG OI .. O.ilr ~ '4.off Urte-npeac • the en vlronmeotal group, bu o~nt•d 11n orrlce ln Hwit ln•ton Btaeh Clltl Ro•or11. • 1H>0kesman for the or1aniutfon, u1d hi non prom sroup la ral ln& fund• In -.n attempt to put ano\ht'r 1.1nlJ whullng ahlp to Sf'A to confro nt Ru11 11>1 1rn and Jap1tnL>a1~ whaaUnt: wi.i.eli. Tht• fn>Ul> lie 11el'kU1g voluntecnt, purt eut.rly those "11.b ex1,_mencc in marintt biology, udvt•rt1:.1ng, law and art Tbc llW\Ungton lieach office 1s at 31~ T hird St For 1nforma11on, phone 960.2388 . . .. TH t; ORANGE COUNTY Water AssoctatJon ls expecting i.cveral local polllic1ans and/ot lhear represen· tat1ves to ~ on hand Friday ror the association's annual barbecue The event wlll be staged from noon to 4 p m. ut the M ission VteJo Cowboy Camp. The association membership in eludes most of tht.' water agencies an the county. ••• R EP. J ERRY PATTERSON. D· Sant:.i Ana, says the House Publk Works Committee has approved legislation that would quicken the pace of efforts to make the Santa Ana River secure from floodinJ:. A ~ommittee· bac-k-ed mend.mc.nt to a water resources bill. Patterson notes. would appropria te S25 million for advance desi~n and cnganeering work on the Santa Ana River flood control project If the bill is approved by the full House, the funds wo uld be ap· propriated next year. According to Patterson, that means "we won 't have to wait another three yPars for tbe next omnJbua bill to have money •ppropriattd for the advance deslp and en1ineerin1 work." The flood control project, as pro· po11ed, lnvolves • multi-million dollar proaram to tame the river in Oranie. Rlvenide and &an Be rnardine> coun· ties. * * * &EP. DAN L UNGREN, the Long Keach Republican who represents portions of West Orange County, will lead a voter registration drive Satur- day ln Huntington Beach. The effort will be based in the r ecreallon room at tbe Whiffletree Apartments , 6200 Edinger Ave . That's at the com er of Edinger and Springdale . . The effort to sigQ up new voters begins al 12 30 p.m . Later , there will be a social gathering at the home of Mr and Mrs. TtllolSon of Huntington Harbour • • • -.... ., J ft7 .• Served wilh baked potato. cup I ol soup du 1our broccoh with I holtanda•se sauce bro11eo peach half I as I 11 REG. $21 VALUE I I~ SAVE '8°0 ~ Oller E.coires Seel 2 1979 I SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE IRUHCH 11 :30 to 3:00 I I On-tht--M.all At South Coast Plaza N~ar the C.Vo usel I I on th<' First Level. For reSl'rvat1o ns calJ: 540-8822 I HIMG COUf'OH-..NISIMT rtllOa TO C>nHIMG ~---------------------· ens . you specu ate wit our J Ian.II\' u mouth goc' b\ ~1m·mon.· that \lmll·lHk' 1,11·1 talking al)(;Ut 'omc.· m:w "glamour inn·,tm~:nt :· But an t'r.1 ut glamour im<:'ltments j..; also .1 timc to be cautiou~. lt \ no 'cim(' to be raking cham:c."; \\'ith your life ~aving..,. You should think l\\'ice about ever investing you1 retirement money in anything lcc;c; than an ahsolut l' Cl'rtainl\. Those fun<l~ repreS<:nt you r finam:iaJ indt.:pcndcnn'. Your hedge against any c:vc.:ntuaJiry. Rctin:m<:nt savi ngs arc whar you have to show for a lik- rimc of hard work. /\n<l. propcrl} im·cstcxJ. an: thl' b&1s for your peace of min<l in your lei~urt· years. When chert·\ nor 111111ll·\ 1m l ..,tt ·d .11 11\l tnt.: l.!fn\\.., 'tc .. 1d1h It .., .1l..,c1 111',urcd !1, .111 .t!.!L'IK ,. nt 1 h1,: I t '(ll ·1 .ti ~\)\ L·rnnx·nt aixJ li.1.., rl IL' t ul 1 hat i.. 111~ \ll uu r ,t,s..·t'. 1111'' 1 ,, l·r 11 hillio11 J1,,ll.1 r.., 13ur J 11 Hlk'' ,,lid\ dtx.·,n t ml'.tl1 \t'U '-.tl nl 1u: ~.-.irnint:'. I lumv h.1:-; \\'.t\' 10 1 \ ou 11' t·.irn 'l.:.!11111c.1111 h lrn.~li 1nt t.·rt.·'-t L'\l'l1in1n d.1,·, 111.11!..t·t . l lonx-"' <> mont h'I Bill :\ll\)Ullt 1'·1'' H ·n h 1!.!h 11H1,,·1c,1 1\nd \t t tht·rt:, no n~i.. 11l\1ihn! And hot h our 1 w.11 ·1 r~"Nm Ratt· Atcounr .111d nur ~ H·.11 tc•rn1 .tu :ounr .uv ,il,n p.1\ inµ 111!.!h rJt1.::-. 1\!.!.11tt. wirh 11P rJ\1-. 111\"0h l'd \\'l' th111!.. 1 hv\ ·,l. t.u lx·etl'r \\.1\'-ll' 111\t·\t rer1f('llll l1l enough time to go back and start all r.;;iiiiifiiijiiji!~i!~i~ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ over aga in . their safety has to Ix: the :-.,1, 1ng~ thJn any 'IX'LU!dtil111. B1. '\a US<.' you hou Id on h ~1-x:n1l.Hl· w~1 mnnc~ \t.Jll L.111 .tltor<l to lo~" number one priority. That's why so many peoplt' trust their retirement saving' to Home, America's largc~t saving:-. and loan. Every penny )OU inwst at Home is secure. Proof of that. is our ninety year record of perfect safety. Assets over $n Billion. Through wars. dcprc~­ sions and all ot her financially threatening ti mes, Home ha'\ guaranteed the safety of each dollar of our deposit ors money. And today, as before, ® ~'fii) ~DC' L.ENOER u,11.u,! A H•11Jllh 1n"ir"! rn ~ 11t 111111 \\'nh ~\ul11pk \,"''I"' ""'" .m .. ~. a f.11n1h ••I 1<1111 f!IJ \ l.t-t•p up 10 S'ihO.IXKt tulh '"'urtoJ Ml'ml1t>r H [)11{,\L :-0.l\ 11111"" Loe.n lnsur:1n. 1 C.•rpn1Jf 1110 ~\t·mbt·r. 11·1>1 HAI I 1<>111< Loon Uanl. '"ct·m 11,. " " .1 '"b~anrtJI 1111t·r"'' ('l'llJlt' tor <'•arh """"' Jw,1111•1111 r«>rm (lt.'rn11n". '""''"'' on T fh1l .H.11\u11c' d•"'\ UVI l1'llll"'u1k.I. The llu111ber One way to invest your retirement savings. I .. • Newport Beach: 190 Newport u nter Drive (714) 640-6100 Laguna Hills: 23861 El Toro Road (714) 768 -5105 ), ~-.......... -..... \ Al• DAl&.YN.OT T'**¥.A&Alu.I 14, 1171 NATION . ..-.flt.no----F-rlends Gathered We opened an office, right where yoU need it themost. . Jlic t i m '• Fin a l Hour• Eaaed NIAMI <AP> Docton u ld Donald Broob burned over De per teol of bl.a body would be! dead m 11 matt~r ol houn So Brooks refustld pain killers •nd oiled fr1.,nd11 lo(Cclht!r t.o aay &oodbye. Br<>OU. 33. 1pent bl• f\nal hoW'll preparina a will, writing lette rs lo loved ones and mokan(( <"nlltt l o friend.a tie left lr111lrucUoneo for bu11al and wed 14 fricndls lU ht& bedb1de HE HAD NO FAMILY lo \'Oil he nt>ver knew h1 i, fulhe r , und his mother dled 11 year., ago .. Oonnlo ne\•er p anicked ." said V lnrcnt Mam· w.o. 31. u ( n cnd .. He handled 1t like he handled evcrylbtoK else ln his tile." Duch, Fla., b c1an h is Journey toward death when he and hla alrtrrleod, Kathy Swedenbor1, H l sail for the Bahamas lo the motorized 35-fool sailboat that wu th"lr bome. THEY WERE IN the Bahamas on f"rtduy when Miss Swedenborg, a 23-year-old waitress, arose early to make coffee. She t urned off the t>love, bul apparently forgot t.o shut o(( the propane gas. llours later -al S a m. she awoke Brooks. s aying she smelled g as All at once , the boat exploded . Brooks tned to s ave the woman. but s he Cell back in to the names and perashed. You hod every - thing you needed ngh t ot your fingertips. Except us. Well , now Beverly Hills Federal is happy to ~y that we've opened our doors to "What are IBM. XetOll and ITT drinking lt\eae days, Jack?" "They told him fl at out he wasn't --------gonna make 1t They lcl w. ull come ril(ht 1n." i,a1d Wa) n e Bennett •T he y knew h l' w anled to sec everybody he rould :.t•c while hc could ~t1ll tulk t.othem " Al about midnight Friday, Brooks went into s hock from loss of fluids, a nd died or heart failure. "lie knew he was going to d1e. The room was full. We were watching his hca rt beat on a mon1lor," said Ben nett help open a few doors for you With the hig hest paying interest rotes the federal government wdlg ~ allow. A nd a great deal of interest ( ~Uoi 1n something else Your future. ,_,-//;@A' ) .Judge Wat~hes Strip Costume BROOKS REFUSl-:0 med1c atmn. choosing to remain awake aml alert Dorton. &aid dama~w to h1i. seart•d h i.sues hc.1d been dulll'd becaus e the burns had destroyed ne rve endings "IT BEAT FAST ER and faster, Please make f:>urP ;ou w r1 tf· us r!r, your ( HUCJ fu ture. The near one 111)f l<At \1\\1'<•' \ .... () l.u.\'\ l\.~\,()l l\110 ' ,..,oo Sk;m ~ ~ -~=-=~&l~=-=~~::.......tL-~~~---;:f,:''~r,:-~~~~:r~y':;;:a~~~·e~ry-rc--ultstic , very sincei'c." s aid Or. c· then ll s lClwed and dropped off All of a sudden the lines straighten('() out and he was dead I "<is be~1 d e m yself. Nobody s uld anything " Amon~ Brooks' final rcques~~w~ .. ~s-i-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-~~-1 to b • buned near Kathy but he r body. Jost when tbc i.allooat ~ank. h:.is 'not been round. MILWAUKEE CAP > A striptease p e r formance in court le ft Mun1c1pal Judge William Panagis convinced The dancer'i.. costume was too scanty Geraldine Ri vas . 2'J, b(•gan the demonstration wearing a fil my bla,·k negligee, !>wirting lo dis co music playert on a radio Sh(' finally dropped the• negUge£'. and. clad on Iv in a hra aud paoly, d1'>rtl:.iy l:d her derncre to lhe J·udge Panagis the n h alted the performance, thankl·d Ms k 1vas und r ul<.'<.l lhe bottom hair of the coi.tuml' tl id not prriv1de 1'urflc1ent cove rin6'! tk f mt·d Carmi Dcchr Zwgm;in J!:I, who holdi. the lavc·rn hl·t'n'>l' for The· Cum1·l1tt n1ght-.pot ~500 fo r '10IC:1t.mn of J city urdlnon<'t' !Jc•tl1n~ II m 11' 00 !>Ul'h COMUffil'!J The uttonley for M rs Zll'grnun who a '>kt·d f111 thl' cJ<omcm.-.trJlton, .. rJ!u1·d lh1· ordtn<int•f• ... <'llmg the drt'"' 111d1· wa ... too \ J gu1· l'rici r lo tH·r P<'r form:tn<"t'. '.pl'l·tat1iri. w1·rl' rll·u n ·d f1<1m the ('Ou rt room Presl ey Report Sought MEMPH IS, T e nn. (AP l Two repr<'sen· t ;i t1vt's of ABC New s h11 v1• asked a JUdgP to 11rdt'r the n l1·:,,(' o r Eh,., l'n·slt'Y " autop ... y r <·1w rt to h c lµ \l·t llt· q Ut':.l1oru. about hnw I ht• :.ing<•r d1l!d Cha n c t>ll o r I> J Alti.andr ato-; 11f Chan c.·cn· Court "l'heduh•d :1 h earing for Sc·pl :; on t he n ·quei.t James P . Colt·, a fn•c• l <inn~ n · portl•r uncfrr rontr;wt t11 A BC Nt•w,, and Charles ( '. Thomp\on 11 n1J"" a ril'ld producN for th1· n c• t .... or k • f 1 I c d l h 1· law,u1t ']he: c om pl a rnl 1' a imed at l>r .ln r v 1 Frara·1:.c11. lht· ~hl'lhv Coun t y m •·ll1 cJ I 1•x u m incr Vrmw1:,ni. who ob\l•rvcd lhP Pr f':.ley C:Jutoµs y Aug lfi. rn11 . hai. n>fuserl to rcletisc " d et;.iilt'd rf'port of lhl' u · a m 1n atiun Franc1sM rulc•d l hC:Jl -Pf"<.'Slt<Y'S drnth w m; thr result of a heart atla ck . although he said latn that trac<.•s nf JO d1f · ferc nl dru~c; wer r found m P resley's body Scout Chief Dean R. CrLlflnn of Tustin, director of field ser vices for the Orange County Counc il, Boy Seouts of Amenca, will become Scout Executive o f the Monterey Bay Area Council in Salinas, on Sept. l. .- Thousands have quit smoking In 5 days with this guaranteed Medi-Health Method l;,.rl 11 1,I ''" rift h<111 ) ....... ,,., • t1~·~00t1 .1 'l"d fl '" ~ '"'~'~'·· .,,,, • 111 11t1111111•J 111·1ufll LJll 1111 ~ 1>1 /Jlt I• Qt~ f~1ttl lfi!l>f I·• N (714) 964-5204 NJll f!rt>Oi<llU!\I ~.ii H11••rfl'J11)(r IW..i< h OF~ MINI-SUN~ CHAISE Promotionall~ priced . Constructed with an aluminum frame, hard· wood arms and canvu Mating. Canopy at· tachments available . Gillon Ward. c hief or the Jack!ton M cmorial Hos pital burn untl, where Brooks died "lie was lry 1n~ to do lhl· things which h(· knew wc>rc t he lai.t thmg~ he would bl· do ing .. Urooks, u welde r from H1 vwra 6:00AM· 7:15 AMi: 7:40AM ( -\HT llOPl>E ) SATIRIZES 1n tho "If~(' ca n 'l hnd her Jnd bring hf'r _ bt.1l'k," said Bcn11l'lt. "We m11y ha\C ---------- tu l<ikP him lht·rl' ·· TO HOUSTON TO CHICAGO 11:00 AM ·~ 6:25 PM 9:15 AM. • 1:40PM 7:00 PM 10:50AM 2:10PM 11:10 PM 11:20 AM '· 8:00 AM ·~ 3:35 PM . 12:05AM 2:25 PM ', 8:20AM · 5:55 PM ·~ 1:00-AM. 12:20AM· .,,,,,.,~ . .,, '·" till\ '11,,q1• \.11 \,\ f, t. ,.r.~·,t t , . .C1J. n J,, i\lag111.in1.· of the A ir. Ekc:trnn1c !!:till<..'' lt h.l· DAILY PILOT ~m' j, the time to hmc the OC\I time of all. lk:cau~c Continen1al ha~ 1-1 flights a day to Hou':lton and 4 non\to p') duily to Chicaµn. All on wide-bodied Golckn kts and spu ciou!'. 727\. foot hall, lx1!>.chall ;ind IXL\h.ctball from M~11 1\.:1. Plu\. on l!H.'.f} fli!:!hl thl.'rc\ r1 c1.' ~I L'l l'll. ,\nd the ~pccial kind of !'.cn·1c:1.· we're tanhlll!'. l\11. And no t uni_ dn \\C give you great time\ lo fly. we m<.1 h.c !'>Ure you hmc a grl'al time on the W;t\'. Ori all our v. iuc-hodicd Golden Jets. we \.c got a brand new inflight video system featuring segment~ from NBC Sport~ World and C OS YOU So the 111:\t tune \l Hl·n .· rc;i(I\ I n ti\ Ill HllU!'.tn11 nr Ch1 cn!.!,n. citll u~. \Ve'1 ~ r1.·:1d\ lo \IH \\\ )OU 1hc best t ime~ )~t. - For information or-rt.:\1.'n t111nn!'.. cal l \lHJr travel agent. company 11 :1\.d ucpartmcnl.-or Continental Airline\. The Proud Bird with the Golden 'foil. CONTINENTAL AIRLINES. US.A.l(anoda/Mcxico/Hawaii/Micronc ·iaf Australia/New Zealand /Fiji/Samoa/and the OriCnt. Los An~eles: T72·HXX>• Oe\erly Hiii und Snn r cmantlo Volley: 9R6· ICXX'I• Rurhnnl(. Glendale ond J>t1'll&:l'IO' 2#1·71HI • Ulf1p Beach: !1.'7-4400 •0mnn'" tind Ponltlntt. ~6541 Orange County 5J7·Jll4 • Krversidc and San Bemiul.l1no foll Free 111 fN.(}l122·2XIO • n Gohriel VAiiey: !l'N-4210 • nntn Momcu und Sourh Oay (>1ft·~2.10. .. . . -. Brock's Waiting Is Over ST. LOUIS CAP> -At a time when Lou Brock's attention had begun to fade, a fastball from Dennis Lamp under the chin s e rve d to a waken the aging s uperstar . The message Lamp delivered to the 40·year ·old St . Louis Cardina ls outfielder spurr~d him to his 3,000lh ca reer hit in the fourth inning against the Chicago Cubs Monday night. · ONE CURVE BALI. LATER, Brock blasted a rocket off the f ingertips of t h e tall right hander and scurried to rirst base as the ball rolled into foul ter - ritory toward third and pan demoniu m s wept Busc h Stadium. Earlier. needing t wo h1b Brock stJrred a throng or 44.457 to a near frenzy of ant1 c1pat.Jon Pleye11 with 3,000 or more hits: 1. Ty Cobb 4, 191 2. Hank Aaron 3.771 9""'Mualat 3.630 4. Tris S~aker 3,515 5. Honua Wegner 3,430 6. Eddie Collins 3,31 1 7. Pete Rose 3.308 8. Wiiiie Mays 3,283 9. Nap Lajoie 3.251 10. Paul Waner 3.164 11 Cap Anaon 3,081 12. Al Katine 3.007 D"'' "11•' """'" "' 0 ••' ,.,,....... 13. Roberto Clemente 3,000 DETROIT'S STEVE KEMP LITERALLY CLIMBS THE WALL TRYING TO CATCH DON BAYLOR'S FOURTH-INNING HOME RUN MONDAY AT ANAHEIM STADIUM. 14 Lou Brock 3,ooo Lopez: De's No Body Beautiful by blooping d !>1ns:l c off Lamp to left field 1n the firs t innmj! A ris ing C'r e<;c1·ndo of th1· fam1har C'h::tnt "Lou. l.ou, Lou filled th1• air a!. Rrock opened thl' C:Jrd...,· fourth hv lnoking e1t a callrd !-.lrtkf <1nd falling behind o 2. foul t1pp1ng a !>•·<·ond pitch CA l TlOl:SL \'. LAMP wast<-rl But Tiger Relief Ace Get,s the Job Done Just the Same Uy OJ\ VE CUNNI NGHAM 0 • lM O•llY Pilot Stall B<•for<' Sparky Ande rson cum t' tu manage the Detroit Tigers. Aurelio Lopt·L "as known in this country onl) '-'" the ans wer to <1 trivia question he and Au relio Rodrigue z are the only big lea gut> pl<1:> er~ whose first names include evt•ry vowel 1n thc alphabet. O h . Lopez was popular enough in his native Mexico City Jlc led the Mexican League in ga m es and saves Crom 1974 to 1977. But he was som ewhat of a flop in s hort stays with Kansas City and St Louis. HE WAS ALSO A FLOP in Detroit until 1 Anderson replaced Les Moss a~ the man agC'r on June 14. At the time. LA•i><:z was 0-l wilh no saves . Sine(• then, Lopez 1s 6·2 wi th a club·high 12 saves . Ile has had a hand in 18 of the Tige rs' 31 victories under Anderson's r eign The latest Lopez m aste rp1ece "as paintt•d Monday night as he helped TenNapel: A Walking Miracle ATLANTA (AP) -Garth Ten Nape l won the battle to live. Now he's fighting to play in the National Football League again. Doctors who treated the AUan· ta Falcons linebacker arter he was injured in a car wreck four months ago didn't think Ten Napel would make it. When he did -after 31/2 weeks in a coma -lhey s aid he would neither walk nor talk again. Now he's working out with the F alcons . !>l<Jrt<>r J aC'k Morr is beat Nolan Ryan and the A n~cb. 5-3. before 34 ,032 at Anaheim Stadium "11 •:·s MY MAI N M AN, has been ever sm<'t.' I got here," Anderson sayc; "He'~ not ~hat ~ou 'd call body beautiful, but he gt•ts th( m out.·· L11µcz 1s lis ted <1 l 6·0 a nd 200 pounds but h is rotund figure s uggests a lesser height and f:rc<1tcr weight. lie speaks very liltlc Eng hi.h ··1 very glad be become m anager." Lopez says of Anderson. "Now I doing my Job, short relief. Before. I go sometimes 20 d ..., ys and not pitch.'' NOW ANDERSON'S only problem 1s fi nd mg a day to rest LopN lie had pitched four straight d ays and seen action in fi ve games over a six·day span before Anderson fmally had lo sit him down. ··w e didn't e ven let him throw a basl'baU for two days prior to coming he rt.·· Anderson says. "I rest Saturday a nd Sunday, so I feel s trong, .. LOP<'7 -;a id. "flut I throw a bit too high. Slider nu work. so I just throw f <lslbalfa . ' DETROIT II \0 A 5-2 LEAO ~ut thl' ,\ngds h<1d runcwrs <Jt second and lh1rd .,.. 1th none out m the eighth when Lopez got his call Il l' threw two s liders to Carne y La nsford. couldn't get them over. and ended up "alk1ng him to load the bases. Lopez stuck to hi s fastball the res t of the way. Da n Ford j umped on a fastball and hit it 400 feet. but Ron Le Flore caught it at the wall W11lJC Davis tagged and scored fro m third to make it5·3. T H EN LOPF.Z GOT the league's No. l RBI man. Don Baylor, to hit a soft liner to ~ccond. and finished the innin,:: by getting Willie Aikens to pop o ut. "When Ford hit Lhat ball ." Anderson sa ys. "( Just said, 'Holy !bleep). the 1 bl cep Jcr's outta he re .· lie r e ally crf'amed 11. but he hit It trio h1J!h L OPl'l llPt'nt'd th1.· ninth h} stnkin~ out Hrtan Do wnini.!. tht· l1·<1g1w s ll'<1d111~ hit ter , a nd Cu!s!>tt'd from there . a pitch to the out. ... 1de or th(' plJlt• bd 1Jre :-t•l c·clln~ his next <k It \ e r ) Broc k a ccepte d th1· knoC'kdown . aro .... e i,lowly <1ncl connected squarely w1lh o drl\ · ~ h1c h <'CJU.'i M Lamp to le<1ve tht· IT SPOILEO R \' \~'S flr:-t outing !)Inc t ~amt• 1o1. ilh :.l'\ ere brui'ie!) s training a muse!"' 1n hh ri~ht elLov. Jul\ · I hJd to go <1ft er him." Lamp 25. R ~ an la .... tcd 5..!.:i mnmg., J'.:..t\ e up fo ur • <.aid follo~tng tht• contest ~h1ch runs <1nd struck nut on l\·t~o J Brock ll'ft at tlw i.tart of th•· "I didn't have Hrv ·J!oOd H'IO<'lt \. but fifth . fol lo~ing a ~t.·ries of stand · you have tn t•x peC't that ;.our fJr;t umc ml( ovauons and a 16·mtn uh out." Ryan said. .. , . m encouraged ceremony al fi rs t base because the arm d1dn't hurt, but I 'm dJ..S· "I thank he 'd ra ther have ml' a ppointed because ~e lost the game I go a fter him tough than haH~ me was apprehenSI\'<' about the elbov.. and l lay om> in there ... Lo.im p se11d didn'lthrowtho.it 1o1.ell " ·1t v.as a cun·p ball Maybt.-not The Ani.!els drev. hr:.t blood on Ba) lor :. ~ ht•rl' I ~anted 11. but a gr>eld two·run homer in the fourth. but Detroit p itc h H1-, J.OOOth '' I m not erased tht• It-ad v.1th a four·run rally to a:.hamt.'<i to ban· g l\ t'n 1t up · chase R}an m the s1xth B rod .. ·.., h 1 .... tnr1<· hi t Lou Whitaker carried the Tigers· most l'StJbll~ht'd him a-, the :.crond prod uC't1vc hat, gomi.! three for·lhree and St Lou1 .... pl a_:,1•r and only thl· walkini.! twice Afte r R;.an left with the l.tth m maJor INAUt' h1~tor} t11 bases load<.'d. Wh1ta k<'r drill~ d thrl'e rt>al'h the loft) m11<.• .... tom· Anrl run double off relic' er Mark Clear by f alt.'. 1t ca me a~mn .... t the cluh that tradt't1 hi m J ~a\ tn 1964 "I WAITED l!I YEARS for th1:-It couldn ·1 ha' t' come a t a much lx>ttc·r time. 1na:.m uch a-, 1L ~a!> .iJ.!atnst th1.• team that I started Y.lth . · he• s <11d "l think the only thing that really distracted m e wa:. the fas tball under thl' chm It sort of 1oltcd me back to n•ahty It was close.• Aftt.'r that. 1t made mt~ realize that I was n't concentrat u1g a:.l'dhaveto · Brock s 3.000\h hit c limaxed an uphill climb to a target of 100 for a season he announced early would ht> h1s last "A n v ti m e \f)U can o r r h<.'!)trlilt<.' ~our OY.n exod us. I think ~ou OY.t' 1t to )ourself." Bro<'k said ··Thankfully, that's the way it's happ<.'necl .. Bro<'k said Al Kalmc. who re:iched the 3.000 plateau in 1974. planted the seed of a mbition which 'NOuld later bear fru1llon "T hat's my No. 1 desire, to play again. I may even play again this year. That's what I'm shooting for -the middle to the end of the season," Ten Napel said recenur after a workout at the Falcons camp in Suwanee, north of he re. THE ANGELS' BERT CAMPANERIS DIVES FOR A GROUND BALL BEHIND SECOND TO HOLD JERRY MORALES TO A SINGLE. ··He sa id. ·Yo u 've got a <'hance. · .. Brock recalled. "He was right. The lc.tst couple of years have been tough . I always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. Right now. it looks like I'm going to take advantage of the opportooity." "I wouldn't say what his chances are," said linebacker Coach Doug Shively, who has been running with Ten NapeJ ~ each day since bis release from . the hospital two months ago. "J ust a month ago he couldn't , hardly run. Now he's running • two mUes at a clip. I think he's ' doing great. You think his pro- gress is slow and then you think back to two months ago and it's unbelievable. It's like a mira· cle," Slllvely said. "He's fortunate to be alive. Doctors aaid if be weren't in 1ood shape when the wreck OC· curred, he never would have made lt.'' Andy Spiva, another Falcon linebacker, was killed in the Aprll 4 wreck when Splva'a aportl car llnlck a tree. Ten. Napel auffered a fractured ,.tm, bead and cbett injuries and WM partially paralysed on ,... rtsht.W.. !Ten N~1~ looks at the erub•• en1e. ··ru ..... to pla1 twtee u laard wllllll I eom• beelt, became I'll be plaJiDI for And1 too," be Mid. Tanana's Arm Comes Baek to Life FRANK TANANA Southpaw Slwoting /or September Return Date By DAVE CUNNINGHAM ot •Deity~ ......... The way Frank Tanana looks at It, be had noth.l.Dg to lose. "It was a last-ditch effort. I was look· ing for something, just searching," Tanana says. "I figured J owed thia a sbol." HE WAS aEFEltatNG to a new physical therapy program, somethlna totally dllferent from the m~ he was trying on his own. Tbe object wu to tum his left arm, once voted the moat feared pitcbin1 machine ill the American League, back to its former splendor. The early reports are in, and it looks like it worked. Tanana threw for 27 minutes in the bullpen Monday prior to the Ansell• 1ame with Detroit at Anaheim Stadium. He said be came iDto the clubboute op- timistic and excited. "TODAY THE VELOCITY on my fastball was better than it's ever been this season," Tanana s aid. "I haven't thrown any breaklng balls yet, but there wasn't any pain, and I've got to be bap. PY about that." The :!JS.year-old Mission Viejo resident aaya be i.s shooting for Sept. l u a tar1et date for his return to active duty. That's Just 19 days away. Reserve catcher Tom Donohue handled Tanana'• tryout and aeeme(I even more excited than Tanana. 0 HE aEALLY C1JT LOOSE on the laet 20 pitches. It was the bardelt l've aeen him throw ln two years," Donohue said. "I wu very lmpl'tllMCI. H1I ball bad a lot ot Ule." Since t.be middle of im Tanana baa auffered throucb pain and the diaap. pearance ot bla featball. Tbe arilinal in· Jury two years •IO was diapoeed a1 an inrtamed triceps tendon, while the prob· lem this season is being called te n· dlnlt1s "TendinlUs? Yeah. I guess you could call it that," Tanana says , not sounding too sure himself. He made bis last appearance June 10. getting knocked out of the box after giv· ing up six runs ln two innings to the Tigers. FlltST TANANA T&IED to work himself back into shape, and when that didn't work be tried complete real. No Improvement. "I went to Lu Ve1a1 at the AU-star brHk and a friend there recommended a phyai~ tberapilt be knew named • Keith Klft'ell,'' Tanana ••YI· "'Tbla WU the 1"1 wbO *-Lan')' Holmea back in· to 1hape for bl.a t with Ken Norton.•• That's when anana fl1ured be'd (See TANANA, Pace Bl) , ONLYN.O'T One ol the lop ennta on Lbe 1ummer drcult wlll talte pla r_, S.turdAy and Suo· day lo wawa one bl~lt oulh ol lh• Hual· IUton Beach pier •beo Lbe Morey boocM bMrd lll~ pro-am la beld Amonc lbe pro f'nlri •are Marie Thom as a nd un lhH lel of Newport 8uc b , Co9bey w.u.oa ol Caplat.raao 8Mcb and Tony Pr1Dte ol Saa Ca.m..aa.. In o dd l llo n t o the entries from Calltomla, bootele hourders from Australia and llawail have been lnvl\ed t.o compet.e. Cont.tanta wm cbeek ln Saturday at e a.m. with drawlo1 ror heag lo the pro dlvlalon at 0:30 and the fint preUailoary Amateur t'OmpttOton In four dlYllriou wlll bf t'Oll\.,.UO, for. fan t pm.t of a aoo llll certUkale aloea wU.h a utp t.o llawaU for two MQllle Tbe 6e(Ond place award will be Worth $100 and third plue ~. all lD cllt ~rUftuk1 Pao SNTtlFJJ WILL B E competin1 for a ~ flnt prh& wltb 1300 ror Mt<ond and 1200 for lhlrd. All winners wlll •1~1 ttttlve o 'roUne Red F.d110 boogie lJOard and Churchill ftnl ID Utt l4•Hd·under dlvlaloo of tbt amatew eoaa...UU.. IW Bulley and Pete Oeors-.. ol HuaUartoa a.acb .,. ..,. lertd . lo the 1S 11 dlvlaloll, lc>Mrt Avll• ol HuntlnC\On Beach and Paw MueUer of Fountain Valley wlll compete. Butch Welch ol tfunliqton 8Hcb la lbe lone area eint.rut lo the Ll·and-ov ... d.lvllioo. beatat7. ' Sunday'• rlnall wUl 1tart at 7 a .m . An attempt on the Gu..loness Book or World Record• aurfboard speed record wlll be made Sunday between heag ot the boofle board contest. The 1pecla1 raclnc surfboard wu deal1ned by memben of the Out to Luncb Surf Club conal1Un1 ot to p professlooala ln the 1urlln1 com· munity . TBS narrTR&SE PLACE WlRMra lo Heb ol the four dlvl1looa wlU receive plaql.Mll wllb the wlnner advaoclaa t.o the 1rand r\naJe to compete for the thrM top awarth. A C•p•ule Report From the World of Sport• Martin Denies Yankees Autographed Bare Bottom F rom AP Diapllches NEW YORK -Manager UiUy Martin says the Iii woman who all,.ged ly lowert.-d her pants on the New Yo rk Yankees' bus in Chicago two wee ks ago was quickly removed from the vehicle and he de· nit'd that ;rny players a utoJ(r uphe<I h-er'ba~ bottom . Martin cla!tplaycd a photograph of the woman In his Yankee SUid1um ofCicf• Monday night--"-&xhibit A," he called it and no signat ures were visible, althou gh the woma n's uncover ed bottom was. Martin denied that eithe r he or Mickey Morabito, the Yankees' publicity directo r, were on the bus when the incident alleged· ly took place on Aug. 1 following the finale of a thr~ KUffil' series in Chicago "The ~ccunly outside tht' ballpark tn C hicago v.as guod," Marlin said. "I cant fault them at all, but s he just bustct.I t hrough I was told that our tra \•elanJ! M:c:rctary. Ball Kan~. thrl·v. hu nght off Tht• 111C'1 dcnt c·ame lo h ~hl wht'n MAllrtH C'h1cag11 SUJ1 Tames columrusl Mike Hoykll "Jiii thl· mother 01 a n111c·)1·r.ar uld fan complaLDed because hc·r !'>on v.a!'t unJbh· to J.:\'t an :rntogra ph while the un1dent1fied blond1• worn.111 mana~t-d to gel on the teCJm bu.., \l artin ..,a11l lht• woman dropvcd her pants out!>Hk the lius aft1·1 l·ac·h of th~ three gnme!'t tn Ch1 r a~o "Sht• v. et.'> arrt-ste<I t h(' first rn~ht for indecent exposure. h t• ~m id "but nolJt>d y hothf'rt•d hn the next t wr, night!> .. Martrn ... a1d that hP h1.., M year~old son and M•1ruh1tq w1•n· lall.in11 wrth While ~x P n·s1<1•!nt Rill Vcerk an t he halltJ<.1rk \.\l1l'n thP 11H·1ctent on th«i> bus a llegt•dly """urr•·d Mornb1 to was quolf·tl hy Royko :.is ronf1rm111g th<:l thf' t1luy..r-i twit <111to~raphed t h!' woman ·~ bottom But Mori1h1tn ... a1c1 a rl'w;111 h1•r for Hoyko 1·ullcr1 him and "b11tch1·d up th(· quott'c; "111• ~:w1 hf' nt·vc·r sa\.\ th1• w11mun on tlw bus \1artin s ver~1on of tht' 1m·1denl w;.is confirmf'rl hy p1tch1•r Catft!>th lluntn 'Rall y Martin wa!>tn't c•vt·n ''"the hu!>t," Hunter !'.nad Mon d;iv du rang " promot11111ul3 wnture in Norw;ilk. Conn "Tht "r1ter doesn t know wh<1t he'a Lallnng about " ffoyko !'t:Jtd that Ma rtin reportedly took pictures of the "'oman but tht> manager said he had Morabito ask a photo- Rrapher to !'>•·nd ham a p1c·turi· =--------fluotP ,,, th, .. Day -------. I •·1111 .... ~tar Jimmy Connors, describing h1!>t de t• rm1nJt1on to n ·gam ht!>. :-.Io I ranking "It l(ol to "herl' I thouJ(ht I was too ~ood I thought all I had to do wa!-¥o>alk on thP court and I w11uhl wm Now I've gone h:11·k to th1• routine that got me where I was in the hrst plttN'. lht· No I playn rn tht1 world " Podrt-•' K ro~ Promise11 M ajor Sltak~up SAN IH EGO Saying he as losing his money and h 1~ pataenct'. ltay Kroc. m1 lliona1re owner of a th•· San D1c·Ji(n f'l.ld r<':.. declined to g ive Manag er HnRt'r Craig a volt· or cu11hde nce Monday and prom1s1•d a rn<tJnr sh:.ikeup Kroc. who purchased the Padres baseball club five years 11go and prom1st·d lo build a contender, hedged when asked "'ht·tht·r <'ma~·~ Job wus saft' ''I'd h:l\·C to s11y no romme nt to that," be told The As soc1ated P ress ma l<'lf•phone intervie w T he 79 yrur old owner '>aad he presently has no plans to ~ell the N:it1nnal League club and is "willing to s pend Ss 111ilhon rc1 S10 m1llton" and will "try signing G raig NettlH and Joe Morgan 1f th<'y be<'ome free agents this fa ll." He also confirmed h<' plans to fire m ost or his scoutmg c;taH at the end of t h<' year "Whatever we've done is not good C'nvugh I want to do better · Kroc aired ha! unh appmess as the Padres appear headed for theLr 10th 'iUb 500 finish an the c lub's ll·year exlsletace .... er•, ....... r., ••• r ..... A aolo home run and a Ue-brea.kl.nc RBI sln1le .... by O~u GamMe who was recently reacquired from 'Texas, save the New York Yankees a 3·2 Ame rican Leaaue victory. Monday over the slump. lng Rangers. Loser Fer,.._ JeUJu had not allowed a hit since the fourth inning wbeo he walked Wlllie aaadotJ* with two out In the eighth. Randolph stole second aod scored when Mickey .&I.en missed a divtni try for Gamble's line drive . Lamar Jola.uoa doubled to ignite a four·run Chicago fourth Inning and slnsled home a run ln the seventh as lhe White Sox defeated BaJUmore 7·0 ... Bul~b BobMo bt'lted his 20th hom e run ot the season off reliever Mike Mara baU to ll.ft the Bost.on lted Sox lo a 6·5 comeback win over Min· n esota ... P inc h ·hitler Ben 01llvle slammed hls 22nd homer with two out In the ninth lo give Milwaukee a S·-4 victory Cl.Ver Kansas. City .-Ogilvie, batting tor Dick Davia, lofted a 3·0 pitch from loser Dan OAMILI Qulseoberry j ust o-ver the rigbt!ield fe nc.- above the g love of a leaping AJ Cowens Mike Harrrovc and Bobby Bonds belted home runs to back Rick Wise's lave· hit pitching as Cle\ l·lund beat Seattle, 6·0 R1ghl·hander Cllud.-"Butch" Edge, m aking his major )('aguf' debut, hurled 6Z-l! inning~ 1Jf shutout ba ll and got relief h elp from Tom Buskey as Toronto beat Oakland. 4 2 In the Na laonal Lea~ut>. Lou lirock'i. 3,000th career ba!>c hat before 44,457 drew two ext.cnd~d standing ovat1oni, as St l..OUL'> d(' f('ated tht> ('h1<.'a~u Cubs. 3·2 Garry Tf'mplt"lon droq> ,n thl' "1nn1ng run "•'h a ..,a<:rtf1cc· fly an thC' ninth 1nn1ng J ohn Miln~r drove m four runs with a home run and u !>acnf1ce Uy ;ind Bill \fadlock dr11\'f· 111 thri-1· run.., tu l1·ad l'llt'>hurgh t1> .1 !J I 'll't1u-y O\ l•r l'hlla1lc·lph1u H•~'.ht hund• r J . K . Richart.I tOS!'>ed a fl\ 1• ~11111 r to parl' ll<1u'>ton to :1 4 I v.111 •1u·r 1ontreal St•·H Diiiard of the Chac.tgo Cub~ 1 ~ Uw :\.i llonul League's µla~t'r of the week r------8 a•f»ball Today------ o n thi!'> tlJt{' Ill ba!'>chull 1(1 1969 fo'ollowang a thn .>P gaanc! .., .... l·c·n at th•· hand!> of thl' ll •>U~lon i\!'ttro~ at thr 1\~lrnd111TH'. tfi1· Nt•v. \11rk M''"' d;·upµcd l1i third pl4:1cc 10 lh1• :'\alu1nul Lt·ugul· 1-:J ... t. \J•, t(J ffit'!'t lx.,hand thl• paC'c • l'tLng ('hrcaco ('ub'\ Tlw ,.,,."' "'"I'' no\.\ :.iltout to ltPp:11 11 1n1r:1l'u!ou'> !>IX v.t•c•l:!>t ...., htrh v.ould uirry thc-ru oll llw "<•> t11 lh•· Worltl t 'hhrn• 1111111 ... 111µ T11rl.1) 's Birthtla\.., H:iltrn111rt· Clr1oll"> .\1.111.t l!l'r F..irl ~ •'d\l·r 1-. ·t'.1 \111n tr• .ii E\JXIS 1nf1t·ld..r .J •rn \1:1 ... rm 1 ... ~~ IJt·tr111t 'I 1~11 r.., p11t·h1·r Mi.Irk "'I ht• 11111! ".dr;.fh as (!~ . t.:ad~, Re1tne r L~ad Harl lord f)pf"1t T h<' Wcthnsf11!ld C:uuntrv Club Cr1u rsc al n 6.5J4 'ards, 1s the shortest on the PGA t(Jur anr1 " rau~t· for tonrcrn to the leader.. goan~ antu tooa\ ., fanal rtJunct of th1• <;r1•atn Hartford Opt:n 'Thi'>,.., lht• hllrrlt·'>I 1 011rv· 11n the tour trJ lr·ad. · !'.BY!>. Jt>rr) Mc<,tt v.ho I!'> lu•<J v.11h J . ('. Snt>ad for wr·ond plan· 11 1111rter pt1r · An> h<><l\ can shoot a 62 or fi:J and hlov. e\t·ryliotly out.· Snl·:i!I ..,uys ThP leader:. Hrc Georce Cadle and Jnck Renner. om· ..,troke 111 front Judy Rankb snapped a > t·ar lrm~ '1r tor} drnuJ.:hl on lht· LPGA t<mr by w111n1 n~ the Wl 'I touma· mC'nt Monday with :l final round 70 for a ~fl total Bf'lh Oanlcl and Donna C'apooi Young fmash('t.I second und thml a fter hc111g tied with Ra11k1n going into the round The Lo:s Angeles Kings announced that de · Ill ft!nscm an Randy Manery and center Steve Carl110n have agreed to multi·year cont racts with the NIH~ team Doctors who ope rated on the r ight knee of Dallas Cowboys' All·pro safety Charlie Waters said he wall be sideUhed for at le as t two months The Oakland Raiders put vete ran placek1cker E rrol Maan on waivers. leaving the JOb to 23·year·old llm Breech. AU Nauonal Football Leag ue ll~ams m ust get down to 60 players by today itnd numero~ cuts and wa.a ve rs are expected before the midnight deadhne 1'ele.,blo1t. Radio TV: Spartacade. II 30 p.m , Channel II RADIO: Ba!><·ball Dodger; at St L•1UI'>. :-, 30 JJ n1 KAH<' 17901. Oetro1l <1l Angels. 7 25 µ m . KM PC C71U 1 Surfers Vie LPGA Won't Suffer In Huntington Nationals Outstanding umatc ur high school and college surfers from C.:allfo rn1a. ll a wa il. Rhode Is l and . North a n d South Ca rolma will compete in the 1979 National Summer S urflna c ham· plons haps Saturday, Au1. 25 at the HWltington Beac h pier The event is sanctioned by the National Scholastic Surfing As· sociataon <NSSA>. The NSSA was formed an 1978 a nd bas become the largest na· tional surfing assodation in the country . Accor din g to o ne authority. there are over three mlllion a ctive surfe rs in the U.S. wit h one .th ird oC them in C1llfornla. , Competition Is restricted to full·llme 1tudcmts with finali11ts in the s ummer m e e t automatically seeded Into the NSSA Nat.lonaJ Wloter swfiDI cbamplonahlps Dec. 28·21 al Huntin«t.on 8eHh. Judges for the competllion will lnclude Awilrallant Peter Townmd and Ian Calm• aloq with Jericho Poppltr or California. P'or rurther lnlorma. lion, coatact Chari• L. AlJ• at Box 12'5 In HuntlnftGG leach (92t47) or c a ll 141·2107 or •·•3'4. Wlgate to Retain Spomorship of Tourney By ROW ARD L. HANDY Of ''"' 0.11, ...... , .. " How much impact the loss of the C.:olaulc· Pa lmolive Company as a sponsor on the LPGA tour will have is anyt>ody's guess at the mo ment. The company will retain sponsors hip of the Dinah Shore Winne rs Circle tournament 111 Palm Springs which Is held several weekl prior to the Women's Ke mper Open at Mesa Verde Country Club In Costa Mesa. T hree events were dropped fro m the LPGA to ur mclud.i.ng the Colgate Triple Crown , the Euro- GOLF pean Open and the Far Eas t Open. The rtnal Far Eas t open will be played Oct. 2S-28 In the Philip· pines. While Colgute Is stepping out to the lune or S2 m illion from sports sponsorships, the goll circuit doean't figure to surrer too much. t he LPGA i8 ret urning to Arliona a rtcr a four· year abfience an l''ebruary when the Suo City Classic will be held. Hillcrest Golf Club ln Sun City Weal will be the alte of lhe newest tour event. The course will play 8,200 yards and lht tourney wtll be over 72 bole• Feb. 2.&-March 2. • • • WINGED J'OOT CLlJB ot Jtlam1rooeck, N.Y. will be the 1lw ot the lte4 U.S. Open aad tM lo· au1unl U.S. Senior ()pea cbamplonablp ID lllO. • Tbe Senior Open will be tor ,olltn II Md over •Ith a muimum hancllcap ol elpt ''"*"· Quall· f)'lnf roundl will be held around U.. eoatrJ tor lha 72-bole event wltb rormer u.1. O,.a, U.S. • amateur maste rs, British Open and PGA ch am · pions e xempt from qualifying The 1984 event will be the fourth lim e Wlngrd Foot has hosted the Open. The 1984 event will tw pluycd on the West Course and the Seniors on the Emit Course . .. . M c L E AN STE V ENSON will s erve a!> ho norary chairman for the 1979 Southern Callfonuu section PGA hole In.on(' C'Onle5t The cha rity event will be conducted at PGA clubs and cours~s over the Labor Day wee~end with finallsta partkipatin1 111 a pre Hnme playorr at Dodger Stadium Wednesday, Sept 12 f'onnat for the event Is closest to the hole for m en . women and junjors from each club Proceeds from the event wall go to the Southern C1&Ufoml1 Junior Golf Association. the 5¥.n Diego Junior Goll Association and the SCPGA benevolent und relief fund. • • • ELEVEN PLA VERS, led by mcdaUst Cindy Ifill, earned. ('laying privileges on the LPGA tour at the awnmer quaUrylns achool at Kem per Lake• Golf Club ln Hawthorn Woodl, Ill. HUI, the 1974 U.S. 1mateur champion and four· lime Curtis Cup team me mber, recorded a 72·hole Rcor e ol I08, rour .ahota better tban the rwmerup, Robin Walton. She ls the oldest player to 11ln an LPGA card at 31 with MIJ'tanM 8ret10ft of San Dle10 the younsesl at 21. Bretton la the 1978 CalUoml• ute amateur champ ud runnerup ln the\U .S. unateur that tame year. Ot.blr nam• to watcb for the rutlll'e include KaU fl11ant1, SJd ntf Gu.nnln•ham. Dianne Dalley, Qody Perro. Elal.nt Hand, Gell m rata, Cindy KeelJer and Annt·Muie PaW. SURFINQJ GOLF I BASEBALL o .. ,, ......... ., ""'"'. AlllWe>• JIM FREGOSI TALKS IT OVER WITH NOLAN RYAN. f 'ro• Pagr BI TANANA'S ARM ... m ak1· hi'> la~t ditch l'fft111 I I• frlt 111· had noth1nlo! lo 111...,. "tit-: ~ORK f.0 "ITll ~U; four hour" a cl<t~ First ¥.1· h.i<1 to >-?t•I rtrl of \h1· pain ·1 Jl1Jll3 ,,J\... I lwn v.1· v.orkf'd on J!t•t llnj( mon· mob11t1y <1ml tr1NI to ..,ti l'n J.!th1·n tit•· sh11uld1·r )\It•\ 1·n c·am1• to Anaht't1n \1 1Jn d.n fo 1n ... tru1 l \n)!i-1 tr din< r'\ Ill his methods so Tanana t·a n C'On \ltllJt• lht• Sbllll' pff1f.(rJm fh thPn return{>(! to h1' v.or~ 111 J.,,. \ !'J!J" \ft1·r lh1 f r •t 111 rt.1'' I "ork1·d "llh I .111.111.1 h It ' 1•11 Rose D enies Taking Greenies CINCINNAT I I Al'l PNl' Rose was stiU a controver..1al fi gure when the Philadelpha a Phals first baseman returned to play his form er teammates. the C1nr1nnatl Reds toda) This l ime. the contro ver!.y stem med from comm ents pnnt ed an the Septem ber issue o f Playboy Magazine Rose as quote d as s a) 1ng. "Well. I m ight have ta kt n a greenie <a mphe ta m 1nl'l lai,l week l mean tf you wa nt to call 1t a greeme So a greenae as a diet pall That's a ll a greenae 1s. a dJet pall.'· Rose was asked later , "You keep saying you m ight take a g re enle Would yo u ~ Hav<' you?" R os e th e n rt!po rle d l y answered. "Yeah. J'd do It . I've done It." Rose said this week he didn't say those lhlng:s. ''I've denied saying that," Rose s aid. "I ne ver looked an yone In the face and said I took a greenie "I t ol d h l•r <S aman t h a Stevenson . ro author of the ~tory I that I've n ever seen g r eenles in a clubhouse 111 bastbnll. I said I heard something about g reena cs being at San Diego Stadium for a foot- ball game , but I never have seen them ln a baseball clubhouse. Ashe at Home, To Play Again NEW YO RK <A P )-Tennis atar Anbur Ashe. who 1'1ffered a mild heart attack two •eeka aao. waa home Monday after havlna been rel1a1ed rrom lbt hotpltal. A •polleaman for Aabe 11.id the M ·)'ta11-old former Wlmb&edon and U.S. Open cbamploo •u re1tlq comfortably but would not 1lve any other detaUI. ID ID tnt.tmew wttb tbe New York POlt Won bia releue, A1be 1ald be expect.I t.o plaJ competJUve ttonl1 a1aln ntlll year. .. 3111 "h1• !>ho¥. l•c1 300 percent 1 m 1>r•1\ l'ml'nt At first "We workt>d 1111 th1• '\oft tissue rm ly. using ul t r~1souncl to work 1n corl1Mme .. TH E PROGRAM l 'Sf:S no an Jl'<'ttOn'-nr nral med1cat1on On ~t n n d :1 ' K l 1' ,, l' n w 11 r IC 1· 11 T.sn::inJ ' ::irm 111 larg£• c1rl'll•s th<• ~Jmr• ''Ht ,,r l'\l•rc...,1· \ ankt>•· p1tc h(·r Catfa~h Hunter ll<'<'c1t·c1 la..,1 .,, a'>On to brl'ak ln•i'I· .1tlh1·..,111ns I 1m.1}!1111 I 11 lw th rt1w1n~ •'\ t 'f\ 11th1·1 d ,1 \ f•1I ,, \\llllt . 1 J n .1 11 .1 ' .1 ' .., \f a v ~11• '•>md1m1·• I 11 throv. tv.11dJ} ... 1n ,1 rov. \ ou '1· ~111 t11 fJUt s11mc ''' ''s" on rh1• urrn ''' m<ikc surl' ll !'>all r11otht .\n) < ont11l1utm11 TanJna ca n mJkl· at i.lll \.\tll he dll n~ht with tht• 1\ na.t1•b fh.,,· "1·rt· t•r1unltn1it him out for Lhl' rC'..,t nf tht' sca .... 1n Al t1ml'!'t, Tanana fell t ht'.' v. t'rt• n)!ht Th~1t thr1u~hl d1·f1n1tl'I> r<i n thrnul(h "1.' m111d .. Tanana ad· rr11li. "li11I lhl· lt•a m ':, in lh1• th1rk of th1• rart• I )!nlta hf'li(•\<• Ill.II lllHl :.•irt1"lh111g tq clo ~Ith ITI\ making 1111.., lost C'ffor1 ·· • AH(i(l HOff \ h '·• ~p.ttlly Andt''°" • .,,," " '"""'>', ~· • tf\• ~ ' "'"'' •• "''' '''°• t t l 1 l'·*" 1t\I~ A f •I f.)<114~ '"">f--, ' ""',...,.,. "'' f ,, ... , ,, ..... ,.. ,. "' t • ,,. • tO •"f.ol ,., ''" ".,.' tlft .. uv• o t ,. At\Of"• "tiU'l t•' ,,.. ~ tl'\t I ·;tt • '' t t •• "' o l)t .,,, '"' tl-•of f 1 .._. It •• t Int ·l•twf·"O n _..,.ti Al>O-"A ••r1 ~..,.,.N't' t•trrtif'd ,.,. 11tll• t•no-•r ~ "''' "''' "•""' •I\••,. O••,nQ I • 11 001Jtf' Jtn , ,..., ••• , \ Nl•• "''""' f.ftft U''N'H~ ,,, .. 1n1u•-. I\ "0t Y"t °"" ""•"'t•O \t•••~t,m?v.-d'-M "'°'"'"fl t)f I•"' a.-t"'f " ttw-ti I fl"''° \lrl~-OUI "' H• ~ 1 •» P ttc.1t1ng m•trnuo~ for ,,,._ tll"n1•1"°"'1 QI 11\f '"''r ~ .... l j / V'\ .,.,,. ..... !\, IOf'l·~I Jim l •rr fl 0 ¥\ 0"' htry ) J ~~·H "•Q°hl Brothers Keep Regatta Lead By Al.MON LOCKABEV Delly 1'1191 .......... ,, .. , LO NG BEACfl The brother l t'am o f J o hn a nd Da ve Gallatther proved as adept in br isk w111ds as they are in light air Monday by retaining tbc le ad 1n the lnle m allonal 14 West Coast championship. The Annapolis . Md. brothers we re leading the pack at the conclu.'llon of Lhe first four of fi ve races being sailed out of Alam1t0ti Bay Yacht Club. They also beat the two Australian boat.a whlch a re sallinfl in ao open rlua and are ineligible for championship points because of tbe unuauaJ design ot their boats and the extra lar1e spinnakers. T he brothers Oalla1her wound up the first four races wllh a low score 01 ia11. points. ~econd place wu a lie. bet ween Elan Reid of Canada and Dick Role, Seattle with 35 points eacb. Fourth was J e re my PudAt)', Great BrU.aiD, with 31 pol.Dta. Final race of tbe W ftt Cout aerlt• waa a 1cbeduled 15-mile di1tance race today. Tbe aallora wW bavt a lay day W tdhttday and oo Tbunday wlll •tart • flvt·race Mrtel for the North Amerluo cbam· pl0n1blp. The comb&Md ffOl"el ot tbe Wnt Cout and Nortb' Amerlcan rtiattaa wtll de· ltrmlM tbe world cbamplomblp for llMclau. -· •' FOR THE RECORD I BOATING TUlldly. Augu11 14, 1979 OAll..Y PILOT ~ . • • A•--•a....-,._.. .. ..._..a ........ c..-...... .. ..... ~.... J • , , c..-. to •• t • Tr-f'lll, » I t , t L ... tlt'll. Jll J t t t Lt,,._., CJ I 0 I I !£ ...... ,, I I t I I(..._, II S 0 0 0 ta.,tw II • I ' 1 T-, I· •I, 0 41• ... I.--I t I I s-. ... •ltO~t •t1 G L ,,..,. .. _. I t 0 t • Ml!Mr, <I ) t 0 I ~rt \ I 1 O Or'<". lb t 0 0 O ,,aH IM\, < J 0 0 1 Cmpftr-. '> ) 0 1 A .,...In, Jll J I I 0 J A"4JM> " 0 0 0 0 w o. ....... 11 01 '-· u 0 0 0 0 •voj pl> I 0 0 t .ll \10 ~ I Ot•l~ .h J I ) ""_.,, ...... 0.1re11 000 00. OIO ) C•lllO""• toO JOO ti. J E J _._ OC>wn"'9 Dll' 0.Cfttl I LOB O•tro•t 11, ~•l11or,.•• • HI Wl\lltk .. W•* 1 HA 8otor 12:11 SD Wllllak., 2. -.,..., f ora ~F P•tti)h Fora o.t..<t Mtrn\ IW,11>) A L-t ~1'-• ,,. lhMI IL,U•I ho • C.lt•• I J 8olltftQ I • 0 11 ~ O Morr1'1 f«e<l t•o O.ll~'' 1n l•Q"'" HBP-8• Avan t Qrooi.tn\I ~ A l or-1 11JI. T-> ~1 A 34 OJ2 -uS.a l,Onl>l .. O C~•<•90 JIO •00 I I I 11 0 8aitlmort 000 000 000 o > 2 f ro.ii .incl _, M<C:.noor ~lh••ll " Palmtr 111 °""' O.."'o•.-v w Tr""I I ~ 1 MCGf"ff)Of '• HR (f'\1 •OP Pryor A-u.n> R..S»L6., hrJ'll t_ M 1nt'lt\Ot• S.00 •lVO QhO \ 1 l 80\tC>f' 1,11)\) 1~~ fh t 11 C.otu ,.,.., "• 4r1oJ w,n~q.t' St.tn1t'; 8vrqm•1tr 1 Or&qo ~ Ano F10 W 6urqmeit-r. JI l.. MJf'\l'htll lO 11 •Hh BD\fOn J(1tt Jt' 1-"fl'\n HI Ho~U" JC.. A l>.h4 Y ""'"' l. ll•nttr• l l .,._ 000 U00 200 I I n Nf"# Vor~ • Olt 000 UI • J 1 0 J•n"o\. t..•lf" •8f 1na ~undber9 (ty;rtty •nd Gutoen W Gu10,.~ 11 ' t,.. Jtn• .n 1141 HR~ Ni'>• VO,. .. r.at·tll• \ I~ G•P'~~ 110• .. '"411 8rt•~r-~ S Aoy•b 4 l(on .J\('h ~ J )\ ~01 • 8 J M1 ... J ..... ....-J•1 ono >1o1• > a ~ Uur•. Ou•wnDii rr1 f1f And Portf'f' ~!•ton dl\O Moor• W s1 .. 1(1n 11 o L -O'"'-fnt>Prrv I 1 •'1g) "d'•W\ Ctlf 0 11\ ( tSt. Mth,,,,,,., ..... l+-1~~ 1 aVi .o.q .. ..,.fl .n A ll Ha ff\dlliU'I\' Miltrt,..,., 0 111 ifl(') 1 JI ' ' 0 • 10 0 • ~ ) I Wt)1 ton.Q Ah •·•"tf .. r ._, .. ",, .I ·r AOOOU M of"ll&Q'J.t '* ood C,tt,. )n N W ·.....- 1 t " L t1onth\t,., ~ 11 '""-~\ rte .. .-1,'"o t't•tr)t '"'t-I t\ttnd· .. !'1 A b./lt 81ut J~'f\ 4 A \ 1 t 11 rr • t o,..-,, .;J 1 t ,,,,. t .J p ' • ' ,, Jr'il ~ ., H1 tw•·f "' H I ".i #Y "• H W l '''' 1 ( I ""J" h I ~ fi , , Nauonal le•gue A\tro~. E .tpo\ I Mutt It .. \'ti I~ J1111 OOl ... '"' 1 o'· '' o no tu ~ " u q o91 f~ M .. , ~~ B•r1n~"' ~'and Ce'''"' R1C"-''O ..tnO A\nl'f N R1c.n•rO ., " ~09~'> l!H A 71.011 Pt rates t, Pt\lllif!) 1 Poll\l>vron 11J OIJO 013 ~ IJ ' Pn1l•O•lpn1~ I JO '® OO'J I • 91CDY. T~lluh""" A "'nd Otl ("r•\r111H" ~ M< Gr<1w 101, 81rd 81.en<Jt11nnt? W 8 ob, • 1 L t hf•\t .. ni.on. ~., ~R> P•1hb\uon Mor too '81 Mil~r 1 t\J P. •l 11 t C•rd•n•I\ l Cvbt 1 ( t\1( tf]I) '1J 1) 1 1 1 1 ~f Loo.Ht. I Ill I >) !"rl\ L~mp C."'.ullo 4 r .,.,d+lt I bl H•·r n<Jn1J• / •I~ ',ulft+r H .. inc J-n?h V u l>Owo·h M< £ nttOf" 1 ~I L1t1--II ~ ..,,.,d S11•t.-.rr on\ N ' lh 1f a l L t"ffl!rn""J 1 4 , P. •4 •>• Baseball's Top Ten &•....,on JOO•• 8~1• 4MEAICAN LEAGUE G •8 II H Pct Lvntt Mi" I I ""' ~1 ,..,. JJ) Oo•n•nq, Coill 110 JI• ., 11• UJ Ric", 8 \.f1 ... ·~ "" •!>O lr• Bocni• ""~ 1nq . ' 61 131 '76 (. sr~tt , • 14 <•D 86 I\~ •H l ,.l(•tnO Mt J hi \4 I U m f(,.tT'IP 0.t 'I I .~, n I)' ~· A Ot1vpr l•, <oj ·~Q H 1\b ll1 Lt\nOfP;)u•. M n 114 •lb bl l)l J11 Smitllt'f. M in 11!> .. , 13 131 J10 Hotn4t Run' L ynn ltl)\ltJn H fl1<P. 80\ton 10 Stt\Qttton. Bttlttrno,., 1!J, Tnomd\ M1l~auk"', 14. 8aytor, C•h•orn1•, 11 fluns B•lltd 111 l••tor. Clhtom••. 10., Rte~ 80\lon ?• l 1nn 80'\ton 91. Krmp O~tf'O•I '10 ~.n91e1on. 8"111m0f'~ II P11<111"9 c 1 t D•<lslonu R 011v1\. N•\w Vor tr.. ~·1 Cte•r. C•llfor1u~. 10·1, J<ern -Y-r •a \ 10 l EO.tr•••¥. Bo\lon 1!1-S Zahn Mon~'!QtA •) Ora<>-Seslon. 8 l 8arroo$, Cn1rn90 8 l , Jo"n, Nf 'lf Vofk, U-' NATIONAL LEAGUE ,, H .. fna~I St l. t •motP'tan St l W1nfotld. SD Broc k, SI L Hornt'r. Au O•nrey, LA "n1qht C•n Ro\t Pru Gr1trtov, (In M"1tllh1 NY G A8 R H P<I HS u s 9S 1S1 3J'> 110 •IS 81 1sq JJS 111 H S 1' I •6 lll Qn t-01 •l 100 .31• R' l19 •S 101 ,JU 111 41t 10 U4 .n? ,., •J3 •I 17• no 114 Hl ~S "' Jli •S 380 bl I;>() ]lb 111 411 H UI 308 Home lluns t<lnoman, C"•c•90, H Scnmtdl Pll•l•delc>ll•• 1'. W•nlt~IO ~n OIPQO 7o L-i. Lot A•IH, U , M.tllnt'w•. Mlani. U , Clark. S.n Franc1s<o. '3 Angel, Dodger Sehedules eo ~ O ltEl!N aA'I' PACICl!lt$ -W .. llff Ille.II Mco.oroe. tltM ""'· NEW O•lEAHS SAINTS -W .. ftCI FloW Ille•. ,,.,.,, HaMoc• •N A•'I' luru, ttne .. 09"; Oewl4 ...... wide rtahrw; , Cla r!< CIO,r -JolWI ~ •Mlt've NCU; eao ........ ......,,,. .... I -~ B•ll•l'fl'f, 0t...iw IKklO. A....-on"edlo KWC(710) Do 1111r• oe Rldo KA8C {190) Angele on TV Oodgera on TV ·o..-wa- Ch•nnel 5 Channel 11 ,'I I ......., Mondey Tueeday WedMld8r Thuradey Frtdey S•lurd•y H E W VOAI( OIANTS -WelftCI FreO ~a. ---...Cll; .....,.,., Meltorr. IC.-. ll•1tOall aN .W..rl<• T,rlar, wfe11si" ~U; an.,. 0. .... -5'eft 0...~ Wldt rece1 .. ra; St••• Mlk•""-Y•• -o Al- L••vlll, Pl«• llle,Mts; Ste,,. 8"-wrd, pUnter, Tom •llYI. Dtwe eo--ei.e Wfllll•lctl, ·---; Tim Gm ... -Brll Fellfff,CIH-'w...-•. 11-rlSmf.-, runn•"9 oau. •net K'fl• O••I•, center. Pla<.e<I s.t .. 5'Mne• •nd 8r,_ N•lbUllr, dal..,tl .. ll'*"'fl, on Ille lniu<ed ~" Augu.t 14 15 ~cwt at ..._ Ill Datrat at .. / .l) "-"a St LM. s~ llfllln at SI. lM. S..15 19 20 21 -22 11 17 TaairJM .... 7:lJ lc:rCJ11Dat .. /JJ lllll(lrUt St lo!Js. ~ 3S llfllln at Pirates. 4 35 23 24 11 lc:ta'CO at ... , llfllln at Pirates, 4 l> 25 ltU ACOU'tWO Mike -· '"""''"' -... on w•lven trO<" I.,_ W-lfl9IOI> Aect$11N1~ TIJt'fl!O al ..... I ~at -....1 -" CleotNld at .._. I~ DMtnl at AICllS.l •arorm.10 -at TorCJlto. 10 OAKLAND AAIOEAS w.ivec1. ErrOI M•nn, PIKe ko<k•r, 8oo W•U\, Arn>ur \mttn, Tom Mo:Oenl•h. Aobe11 H-k~. H•rOld Hatt. RICI' Sn\tU., A_., N-9. Jim L•J•t. Al .... o-iow. Al•ln M ........ Artllur P,tt(,ott -Melwtn MllC"4tf. Pl«eo D•v• '--W•rren IM""'-on ,,... •l•1utPrit~ I~ .,.ruis.11 JO -..rs ~ (Abs II J) lllmln at r.tbs. 11 30 St lw, at llllllrs. I JJ St lolls al IMllr\ 7 2e 27 28 29 30 31 September 1 • -M lorc.110 HI .lO ... , Dctlort.) .._.at Oen0t1. !> Allpts atOetToit) A11i5a1Clevei.J1d,43~ -at CIMt.n!. 4 35 -at CiMIJ1d 4 )!) • .... , ... .old not ,_, lltl. Pl..:..i Ollt s.. SI LAIUl .... S I Pl.as~ lllll•n I .ll Pr~~~ /JIJ Pr~ at llllltu I Ja IA.r.u1 iWrss. I 30 ~at.,./1J QbsaUll .. \ / tl"vnk. Ja<.1' Mat••p J im HttHjh•rt, Don Peoe''°" •NI t<etlll Lew•5 on Lite '""'"°' ......... , ... "'' •-u1i..111 I( .ngmc1ft. C PH ~•QO. •• \c. f'ttr\101 J'ru1eoel0h1• •. W;nt1•ld SiH• 01•t10 .. • .,..•rn4n0f1, ~· U»wi\ IJ, C••t11.. ~ Fr•n •\CO. 1• ... k .... 111 De<1.MtflU 811>0t, P1ll.OU1gll t 2 Romo Ptll>Ou<Oft • J J Noo.ro, Ho..\ton, 1• • fldro .. Cht<•Qo. al. U ltllll, St l..Oolt>. al. L•C~> < 1nt1nn•11, 12 S, 81y1e .. n, P11u.,..r9n, 9 • ........ , C.lf'Klf'W'Wt•. t' ·~ YouthBH•b•ll ••• llutll ,..Ctll< Sovlllwcll A .. l<Nl•I T tun••m•11I t•t Glover IO••ld, A11•1\01m 1 -••'•S<ortt a.. t-no 'I l u••rt 4 W t\I ANnt•m ?, Gu•m' T~,'>G•mt> A,.no v\ We\t An(tMlm 1ton11.r11 C'llltlorn-iit"' Nonh !!..,.~.., ... S<rfttor l lll .. Lutu• World krtc'I, C•t G•ry, l11d I ""°""•Y'S$<or .. T •mP<> Ff• I, Lelllbrld9l', Albe• I• J l ••••n l, NOf"IP'!rl091 l H•rtford Open C Al W•lllertlleld, c ...... I <i•or;• Cbdle •2·13 06 101 J•< k ~•nr>er •• 61 .. 201 J~rry M<Ci,,_ .. t i •7-101 J C Snud tS " 11 101 J•m Oen• .. 10 •~ XJJ ,J~ lnmdn •' b8 tt ;>OJ Mok~ B••M•ll bl bl 10 10• Jnnn F 'WQh• b8 ol o9 '°' P•l~r 0tKttr,.vt1' ~I tt-8 •<f.f n' Ac;o Curt __ --.1!J ~~ •• i:JS lou'Gr«l""'" o~ &• t.1 J.,S Mn,• t-4dy, • ~b 66 IJ .. J) ( 11f't1\ ,,,,.,,.,. J,, ~~ ~~ ?JS , •• ,,.. r , , • • t' ,. Illa ,._ -, ~ .. • .. ~ '\t. fl' rt .. '°1·0 '" <J fl')f' ~fl>(J•Hmlr,f r '"o•Q ':1'4'0• , uuttn Bttit.J [Jttv•'l f er .• r ... r)" Mu,. Mrr, ""1n Tnm Pu"'''" ,,.,•nm, A4' ,, l ,.,. e•o•~ ( O f=1or1 Pat M<.~--•"' li~D M u•P'I• A ldnfapu .,. . ,,..,, .. ''"'' r,, .,rq ... Ar(,.,,., ion 81!'\ O•n"v eo .... ,,,d~ .. ,,._, ·"' ~ '~ ) ~4' I · -.1 t, II "' / ... ,,, ' ' , .. 10 t>I : I ,, ~· •8 ~1 •••• " 1:11i ~· 11 .a 108 b~ II ~ 1'11 01> II 11 208 ,, •• 11 2(11< •' 12 -~ ~ 108 11 '~ ., lq I ft1 1) ) _.. ,, 10 "' 1~ •• 11 10 1il'I LPGA Tournament CAIJeri<fto,N 'f J ud, Pl.lru-.n \'~ . .>..() L.-tn Ud"•t-'" 8fl( Oonn~ "°""9 \I rtYJ )dn< l\ldlOO U lt.O II.tiny A""rn, IA 1611 J'a:hy MOf'• ,. 1~ Cxmno wn1t• ~J 0).IJ \~•Iv L•lll•, ~ O)O f1"V~rly Kia\\ \1, Pt>goy Con•~ f . \), 40'> f(tttl"ty Mt-Mu11..-n, U '"" Amt Al<'>ll U,•00 C.arol M~nn '1 110 f<Pll'> ~IO"'<ll'. \1,110 Bonn·~ L•uer. \ 1 110 M ur!P Brt•..-r \1 •90 Ju<lf Clo", \1 H I) 8~tr0itfa Mo1,...!.\ \1 HO ':k)f'ltJrtt SC'.Nhcl"t, SI 19', DtDb!t.• AU\fln ,., 110 v11ii11an Brownt,.., s1 HO >•lv1t1t 8tr1ot.t<,c1n. '1.110 '> I II I~ 1U J •1 ,. n 1"0 /J IS 10 I• 1<n I) I• 15 13 1q~ II 11 /1 IS l'•I , .. 14 , l 1• ,,!t " 1 'i 'l ,., '~It'~,. )•' 1q •J /l·" , ... 1'·1• ,,.,, ,~ I? b9 IC /I· ]>'I IS " 1119 l<l<I I~ I& 1111 Ul I•,. 13 I• ))) lllSllH JOO 15 II &O IS 301 n 11 ,. 11 lll• "16 19 ,, JC1 14 I t II /O );)7 /8 18 14.13 30) I\ 1' I~ 16 JOl " II 13 19 lOl OIEEP SEA FISHING DANA WHAllF '20 •n<1ltrs 1•• '""o Od\~ ..... bOntlO ... n•M>ut. 1• roe k (00, '.M m ar ll.erPI SAN PEOllO IPorh o· C•lll lO dl"lqler \ '7 t.a1tco b•\\. S bOnllo •SO rM _. • o>d Ill ,.,.<,.,ti. IUnd St. Ll ftdo119J 10 rtnQI•'\ ' <tttllow•~•I l) bdrrc1Cud.t n llOnoto, l \.Incl tMn , 39 <•lt<o l><I\\ S ANTA MONICA 74 4n9lors bO m a<••···· 19 wnd Ill\\ 16 l>On•IO 6 Mltbul t1r91 11 •n91,.,. lb ro<k l>•u S wn<I l><I\\, 'l>Ol\110 SEAL eEaCN ~9 "nglt«• .00 roo <00 us m .. otret. 9 <.tll<o b~u. 3q sand b•u 11 bon110 SAN OIECO >•) dllQ•trs •1 v•ll0"'1••t 1,S06 b1rracu<1a, 167 rock <Od llt \Ind b•H\ 110b0n1to.U1>hiefm tuna 1 nal11>~1 Los Alemltos -·,·••Hui,. CH I" ff IJ nt9ftl •iMr1er_.H mttltntl F"tr~t r•Ct-"'-••tt114 Fett• ft"•4t\uh 1> n s oo • •O ,...,, Son •C.iraou • • •J l 00, Wtl\..omt! for Me t8.irdl • •O S2 E ••• I• I l ~I P<l•O S6~ 10 s ... tono rK~ Out" AP f.ht t Trf"41'\U'" • 00 t 40. 1 80 ()rf Ltm•I\ RO< ••1 8rOOh I 114. 4 00. 0...0.><•l« E.ll•l>o r b.iro l 8~ r"''O rdCf> Soorh T~t-. «H•rU 9 •il ) " l '0 El<1ro1tl IL•P"am1 l '70 I 80. Too W~• Melflcr~t l 1IO f Ourth ratt" (,01 frouo•r Or ti .i'>\ 11 110. ),0 Q yn,tf,,• 1Ad•11" t 7 7 , Runo""~' B<K•• 1 HMH I •O l ? E ••<IA ti I P•"O \~I flO F 11th fiKt" ~111' Oa«n 'r r• • vrttt 1q t~ 8 t;..j) i 40 Y•~c llfnf' t L1~•rn1 11 o,J c. 40 R •t ~ Gfi:ICf'I fM11.-,, J 1J ~"'"' r«.~ Rutr.-m I Hctrt J 4 1 &'l J J Han•' P•<I<' IAO~orl ) 80 I ., ,,~,, HnnQo r ICM00/~1 2 20 u l ••lM tS) Moa \11 ¥J St'wrn•n ,..,~,. r d\ddf' (ol\nf\Ova Hort ) 00 1 110 MIOWdY P o111 'I CW•h oft l 20. ' 20 Jtl T •~r I Broo•\I 1 IO E 19MI" r«f' Som~ F1Qur,. t P''"""' • N • •O. , llO. ~d lr>I' Suo IM.t(h•lll I 00 J 00 K.tnW\ Fan• 4 frt'd\Yre) 4 o4 U f •" I• IS I t P••O U 1 00 N1ntf'\ r« ... Du•• Oaid,;jf Mil ~ It 1t~ S J:>.) 10 Sn..n.on•l')•n\ C•t0:;.11•• J -.., '•~ AP<t<h• CllarQ'" rp,.,,,., 110'! SI E••<I• lb·l ) Pe•OUll •0 Atreno&n<.~ a )"J Del Mar Mond•Y'> lloull> Ill" et •>-cuy 111or°"9ft11<t<1 mtthn9I F1r\I rac1 11C,., ... ,., v~i ... ,. .... •ct •I'!. • ~ 4 :.0 P rltf"'f P1tr-h-Pf" P101 • ., S. t...; ) 6 w.no, \Ind·•" 1Vftd'4u'"'' .. a.1 Second 'i'l<.t 8 T s 8dO'f 1 v.i1,.n11.11>1~.i I )0. ) iO. ) n 01'1 M1V ~-I" lt1r I ~l J 1~ thtOV \ ~.,,,., M• "·' • • '] L •• cn.,o ,. ' J 0•10 u • .. fn1rtJ rer .. •r•?.-.. D1 ~'''•I•' ) ~ 1 ,I) ('lvr11n Mi O• •l I J .. • M t • t dn Tr11>3 •'l'f \llfi .. ,.I U• ••• • t )> r , dtf~ I 4' lld 0 \bl )() F.,urtP\ ,.~ .. W 1no1 JO'f' P ,.,.. l :' l'c.;• 1ei.3 R ·ldl tic ,,,,-(ttt'~ 1 • l '- Q,Qnl .,,.,.,,,, ~~n•I 2 o-1 F 111n rttCP Cvoc;d.-,. p,,,..,o~ l.Jd •"ll Ul'lln b ~ 4 00 ) ~ti r 1 rat c~.,n1. < P1!'\lf.Jy l 54. l 00 D~1n1ru Art.-n Ot1 1d•~~I ~ Y.J 1~ E•~Cttt t •• q ~·O v,.; So) S1•tn '""' M..i\.On s1r ..... , P "~d, 11 •) ) 2) • ~ u ~ OtH'; M-o,.,,., c.-,te>n~Od • lJ t> an UM\PC;• .. ,, 'M <C.drf'Of"ll ~ .>J t; .. v•t'll" tltt ,. J1t)wO""r C°il ,,.. ~~,~,,~ & J?, ) 7 ) 1 b) lOl\Q I\\ ()1 , ;,.., o .,.,, • 10 F",ench Mou\.M' 'V•••n11.1•••u l 10 U E•~<to t 1'61 Pa"! \l•I SO E IQh th rtK• Aut~ru•t•on (P1n<.t11Yf • 4? l •O 1 ~O Sm"'""' 1v,.1.-n1ur•• l 80 l QO Unitorm11v •(•r,,04,,) O'\I Nini" r~f L.Ar'\•ffw •P1nt.t1' • , .. 1 &!> Gdl ... no C•\Of'd • ~ s 40 J J !) .. • "' o McC.-rr~ • ~ , .. , (,dl•'lo o~viu"' '.-.o t· lf9'\ ''''' 10 •,(l>('Jnd1 \~£: .... eta ,~ 01110 h h it'l Atlf~&N'..f' U ))1 Canadian Open CAITorontol W..n •Forst"°""" S111t lt\ &r1tt" ffaaic.n~' Ot'tf·lt,.O R•Jf"ct n \J ... 1\01\ fJ !>·O Pl'lfl" J:.1,.m1n9 OPl"'ah d ~·"' ,.,.,., n Sf'°wf)rl .a, 4, t> 41 RO\\ Cd\"" Otffl'"l~d r"" t~""''' '4 ,i, b • ~ 1 (01 n Oo w<H-\Wllll 0111t,,,,, t-d JO\t' Lu1\ Ottm1.tn1 • 1, 6 1 w,_,, • Ftnl llw ftd S•"'llf• lf",. ~nt()('OC)h\ ~fl'\41-<f l 1Y f'",, ~ 1 '-' J 6nQ1llt C.uYP'"• O•l•a1ed Juli• '1•"•"11'"" & I. 1 ~ L1Y CJOl'trtf' Ofl'ftt .. l~O MM 1dt'l4t ~· m1of'l,\Cu o--l il; t O·•n-0-'tor '1fl'f""''"d M1mm1 W1•\tt-dt •' I ~ (> 1 N ,,_, 8 ~nd Ot tpat•O Rpna•-t ro,,.,anov ... ' , t • • ... Mc OtJnltl dftf•1tff;1 a,,,, u .. fi1mon ~ 1 • I b·1. Lavr,, OuJX>nt o .. t,Ati d Qftl'\t•f' 8•()1•"' IS 1 • 0 11tnif'fl £v .. t \ OPff'4't•d Ama"'14 Totkn. l !>-0 O""• C,1l~l"f dff111•1•'1 T ..t"•• H•••ordO&.b l ~' Gr•nd Prix Tourn•ment Ill SI-•. VI.I M9ft • Ftnf "°""" $1ne1n M 11t. .. C4th1ll Ofot El10l r .. 11, ntr 6) •-. l*"V Rocav.rt dttt IC~v1n (urrrn f> J ,,. ' Jott•n K11tk dM Rocl\.ird Moer 6 •. & 2. O•I It M•rl•n del Mi•• <ir••nbfr; b •. I ~ 8trnt• Miiion o•I Jottn E"Qltlon 1 I> • I '-·'· St,..vt l(ru1ew111 ~f K1111tn R•(P\arcnnn 6 0. IS, Ferd•• fttv;<tn O•f M~ll Mll<,._11 6 •. 6.J; AHi Mo1e d'I Erot Fromrn • 1 I b ByFf'ALO btLLS W•tveO JOPln l •YPO"dl. -· U<kor . ROCI Stew••I, "'" "'"9 ~· Fh.nM•I Poe:». tornerrw<:k U n ... W1lh~ •nd W 1t1 .. l«.f'Wttt1 w l'de ft'<'°'~ EOd" M<M<• .. n. <0trwr ... o rom M.111'°" PHILAOf'LPHtA EAGLES -Cut Bill Rry•nl, •"° L•-.it A rm\tronQ, O.te,,.,,e~e oa"'; o... S••tt0ta, ~w tac:lue; tlen O•ly, q.,Mtt'fl>.K•, C.1 S.~l•IMy, ctl\lef 0•" J•OOOl(h. l«k .. , /lllWll C.rOll, 9\'«0, Misc. t Qf'lt ""o, Erit Smith l•<•le •no 6oo r •m•run 01.1"I.,. P hHflO 8 1H (rOwlt . ltMC>aUt<, Oft t1'e tll!W(ICI <t'l«•e 11\1 "•n Sneeu. ··-···· EUQOll\t Ciani. 9u4rd. Jim 'Sbc>ll-. r.qn1 ..,d \AN FAANCISC049E AS W•l•.OCll.,O, '""''· "'ltey, o.nn, wa111. .... Boo HYl<•ll •nd E.,...W Little, IM~ve IKU .,,, Didi (HICAc;() 8C•AS w .. .,.., Rt'' NIGi MONDAY'S TllAN$~CTIOftS FOOTaALL .... _.. ,_,. La~ut rt\OP'I """"0•~ P"llkl', w.or re<t>t~\ Pf.I# c14•tr. qu•rt•rD•Clll J im Snit••,., 11nt--D .. <.t.er. &dlt TOdd, k..cl.r-, tlnd 8lliltf' .11b-.Of"I •nd J~m AOOlt'' runntnoo b.K • ~ •ft 111'<(.Dll, -1 ... ....-o. J..c~ ~. ••O• -.. -. MIU 0-n, llnetwclt¥, I< ev1n sn..a, punw.pl«e kt<lo.e<-, °"d C1'uc1r. llutttrlt"IO• C_,lt'f Pfa<'ed EO Br.Oler - Bruu El ... 1.-... ._ on IN 11\fUred '" ...,, .. '"' LJ\ll!O Scott 81111, --1.er1Mefl, •• l>ftf\t<•llw -10 -">rm :OT1.ANTA rALCONS Pte<~IJ M •• (IN(IN•<•TI 8(NGALS W••ftd NIC• F \PO"t•IO ,unn1no b~u lit Pv11 C "O•it 11ntOdt "f'' .no Oon l.-.;'-•~ •tOt f.-(JIVt'f on tM 1ntu''"'° ''"'°' "~ 11s1 W•••t<> O..•t 11.-., .. •"· \.ltfet1 Bru<f' 8tt9'lf'V •I'd Stu.an W•t.,f't tintb.tt'tlt-r\ Wlll••m 8&«.tl'. w* t•t.r • nu H'""'' br.-oir't' \Al•tt (d41f H•41f\ ttfl'fWt41it ~ ffr\iCS f( .-.,,. Hunt CMt•n\.o <It n•r, W1lli•m Mlllt r •nO C,..,.rt1e You"'~ r uf1n1nQ CHK"' lO••rt Pt~• •w~f"' Jim ~•hon •tOt '• .. .,,.,,., .lf"ICJ G•t"f McNP•t Of'f•f"t\,.1# CM<• P••t..o J.ton ~•. t.._••~. on '"""' rP'\rt'"'".O.O not '"oor1 ••~ TAMPA 8A'f BUCCANEER'.> -W•l•f>d Andy Bolton, ....,,111q Daek, ~rty 1(1~ ovnttr;-Ettrl IMnofl, fl-~·' Pl..c..o Jonnnt M<K•y, ••Ot re<~''''. Jimmy Dubow, """""<i bioc•. D•~" Gr....,. pUnt•r, ot"'CI ~6ftd'Y ~. Oftttn'\J¥e 9"•rd, M I" •"'*d .. _ ....... OA L L•~ coweovs w•l••o 1.rr 1.••tr>de< -t om Fii""'. ~•..,)tvo O.C•• l ' M •r-..f'kttt •"<J Ed PrP'\tori. ••0. ,,,. •••P'' W•tt ~111"•" ~'""'\I "• h rwtmM\ • rta &rt 11• CM'"'"°"\ I •~ea.c. la •f' Fastnet Ra~e Dog Patch JFr he B l Takes Trophy ,,, eat r att e Don Ayr~s. Jr 'l> 40 foot two ton l>loop Do~ radio pager WIDE AREA COVERAGE Clai1US 2 Lives PLYMOUTll , England (AP> Th<> tnterna l1onal Fastnet ya cht race changed from a s porb <.'\enl lo a dt>!>perJte res<.'ue operanon today m violent gal<.'s and mountainous !>eas that claimed at least two li\I<.'!> off England's southwest coa M Two bodie:.. not 1mmedrntcly 1dent1f1<'d, "'-'ri> recov..cred...a.f1£r being "a'>bed overboard. at lca~t 39 other ere" m t'mbcrs were rcsC'Ued fro m thP sea . and a dolcn or more yachw. were in distress. offic ials :'aid "lT 111\S Bt:l'OM E more of a battll' agaml.t the weather than a battle bf>tween the yachts.' said a spokesmJo for the race organizers. the Royal Oc·ean Hacmg Club More than 300 "achti. had set out from Co'1'e'>. Is le of Wight, on Sa.turday m the 605·m1le race f1f· ty·four or them from 19 natJOns were chmaxmg the five-race Admiral's Cup sen es m which the United t:nes .... as running ncck·and·neck v.1th the lnsh team . The boats rcache<1 F astnet Rock off Ireland's southwest rtp on Monday as rough weather started to blow up in the "Atlantic By Monday night. violent storms wrenched lhe seas as the yachts headed for lhe rinas h line at Ply mouth. England One of lhe boats m the thJck of lhmgs "a l. Morning Cloud. skippered by fo rmer Bnl1sh pnme minis ter Edward Heath ROYAL AIR FORCE Jets and helicopters. li fe boat!>. a Dutch "ar..,h1p and o tht:>r C'raft a nswered d1strc.,s calb from )achts rJoundenng m treacherous scm. between Ireland and southv.est E ng land "The \!. holl• re.,c·uc !>elUP 1s -.trct('hed to the ltm1t," s aid n Br1 t1sh Coastguard sµokcs man .. Re ports kc<.'p com mg in or mon· and morl' ~ acht-. in trouble · ,\ spok('s m:.in al ~h.rnnun \1r St•a Hcsl'Uc Center 1n Jr cl:md o;aid the• two unident1f1erl bodtt·.., had b'ccn rt>CO\ crcd from thl' Wti and taken aho;.ird the Dutch fn gatt· Th<· Brll1 sh na\ al :.1r r•·:.<'UI" .,t atwn ,11 Culdro!'c, England. s;i1d I!) resc:u1·d ) acht!)men hurl m adc 1t to the bdlie ancl d OOlher 20 had been p1ck~d up by \'arious s h1pe; and \!, erl" on their" ay then· Pa tch was lhe wmner of lhl' Daily Pilot troph} in lialboa Yacht Club :. 66 S t·r1e s rac e:. fr o m Balboa to Lonf! Point. C'a t al1n <1 Is land . on ~<1tu rda ). and f rom I.on~ Point Ill R ttlbHd !-iunda} Tht· Vatlv Pilot t rrJph) I'> J"' arrfrd to th•• ln I I.' r n ,d I () n J I () r f<, h " r f' Ru It•:. bo:Jt "'Ith the be!>l 1·<1r rt·c:t<•d t1mt·:. in tht- '"" r,1C1 ... Uo~ l'Jtc h 1 0111 plt:tl'd SaturdJ) ' r Jt't' in four hour-,, 53 minutes and 33 seconds ORANGE CO.-L.A. '17.10 ........ a.cal ee.t \0 DEPOSIT O~ .\PPR0\1:0 CREDIT oru~Gf cou~ n R l\OIO Tl l ll'HO~ f s1nv1n .~. _¥1nA AHA' AS-3305 $$$ REAL ESTATE SALES PEOPLE $$$ Well established needs builder/ developer dynamic sales staff immediately to s e 11 exclusive ocean view property in La9una Beach. For information and HIGH INCOME. call 494-8521 . Ask for Mr. Bill Thaxton Baseball Standings BRAND MEW 1979 LINCOLN VERSAILLES . \~ERICA:--1 LEAGl'E West l)i,·is lon Angel/\ M inn<.'Sota Kansa:-. City Tc•xas ChicaJ?O Seattle Oakland W I. P ct. GH fl7 52 :x>3 62 54 534 31 • Ii i 5fi 521 5 no SR 508 fi1, 53 64 453 13 19 70 412 lfl 35 84 294 32 'ATIO~ \I, LEAGl t . Wl'M f>i\ i.,ion " L Prt. (,I\ Hnu!'ton 119 50 ~) C10cmn:.1t1 fiS 55 .542 .ii . San Fram·1i-c·11 r,i; 6<! 175 12 Snn Diego S:l Gli \45 16 Oodgers 52 65 444 1fi At lanta -17 71 398 211 ' t:ast Division Baseball Attendance Richmond Tourn•ment W-'110lnfll-Slf'9te. 1 M•rt1"4 N•vratitova ~t Mat1ta Rfli'OOnOO • o. •·O. Wl!fldv Turnbull del B•llv SlO•~ " I East Di vision Baltimore· 76 39 Boston 71 44 661 617 !i .576 91 , .539 14 508 17•2 Pitts burgh 67 49 57R Monlr<.'111 63 50 558 21~ Chicago nt 53 535 5 Team New York California Boston Kansas City Milwaukee Detroit Texas Balli more Chicago Toronto Cleveland Minnesota Seattle Oakland Totals Team Philadeh>hla LosAn1eles Cincinnati Montreal Houston Major League AUeadance (lacladlllg Moaday's Games> Americaa League Total 1,914.933 1,850,674 1,647,041 1,598,208 1,519,285 1,189,196 1,279,626 1,110,932 1,071,377 1,021,663 Dales 58 60 56 57 SS 52 59 50 SS 54 S2 SS 60 58 774 NatMaal Lupe 814,967 788,610 90,499 258,041 16,734,205 San Praocisco Chicago Dates 57 58 57 51 ST 54 64 56 57 53 48 5' NaJ 2,215,822 2,185,014 1,.5,875 1,a11,ees 1,3",757 1,225,5211 1,m.m 1,211,554 1.221,741 St. Loui8 San Diego Plttabarth New York AUuta Totala 151 M.4'7 •.ue Ml,7M U,117,177 Average 33,016 30,845 29,411 28,039 27,623 22,869 21,689 22,219 19,480 18,920 15,872 14,338 11,508 4,449 21,620 • I , OIMWle From110ll1 ~· hrrv HoH~IV I·•. •·>. RtOIM Mo•\•kov• del Lei• ForCIOCI /.6. O-•. H ......... a.t111MteLe11t ... lnt IOR A I 00Q Pate.I\, Oo1t Avres Jr NHVD, 2. F t ..... Biii Rollrs, V'fC ) Tom•I'>•._., .Jol\fl A,_,.l, 8YC IOR·•· I. Jtlll-a, Nl•I Cl\rlll~nttft, llVC; t. Momentum, Pel•r TOftO, S$YC.. Spellblndlr, "on Mf!l•lll•, eve. IOll·C· 1. OlatlOle, Scott Drlw:oll, NHVC 2. llulllllft, E•rl Dellt•r. YYC, l . F•tl 8rHll. 54..,.,,.w.c.ier, eve.. PH"IO·A: 1 Sequoyah. Jim Meo<•, eve, 1. C• ll'af•-•· Carl LHI, VYC; J. In· 1towader, ana~.capoevc. PHllF·8 : 1. PvH~I, .JOfwl Stafa'I', VYC; >. Sparrow Hawtl, C-l•llO·Deaenoer9, eve '"'"''"' PfotUll; >. Porpy, ltoy $1nclalr, llYC. PH"fl·C : Scot<11 Mist, Don AnderlOll, ave; t Hinote, .._ H-. eve: > 't!Off Lill'I', "°" OMcon, 'IYC "-~ ....... IOll·A: 1. llaidltr, Jim LlflderrNn, I YC. t. o., Patct11 >. Sc»lrlt, All.,. ••-11, eve, 1011•1 1 I, Jetllllldla; 2. """-tvm; J .. s,.a1...-. 10•·C! 1. E<1'"9, O.ve -Jeff ~. NHYC; t. oi.coi.; J. Fatt 91M1c. ll'H•fl·A: 1. ~. °"' M'l(llltMn, NHYC; t. ltfMK, Ol<ll ..._...., I CYC, I. H-.tk, Wry IC"'""". VY(. "411F•a : I. """JUI: 2. "'9ftWW ....... ), Alll• ... AIM AMNM. ave "'"""'..c:: t. u.._ ~"'· acvc1 t ,• NIMla/ J, Storm T,.....r, Skip Elllett, NMYC:. Mllwauket• 68 50 N<.'W York 62 53 Cleveland 60 58 Detroit 60 58 Toronto 37 81 Meftolay •S<or .. DPlrO•I \ ,.,...,, J llo\tOn • Mon,,..\01• S Ch•UOO I a .... mo,. 0 NPWYOl'•l l ..... 1 M tf .... et.tkN s. K•nw\ ,,, •• Toronlo • 0.•1..0 > Clntl-6, S..•111• 0 Teo,,,·, O•mes 508 17 ':i 314 40'' Ottroet IAObOIM 1 11 •I An .. lt fAU « f·ll. n Monne'°1• I Ae<lfern • II •I Bo.ion I Etker•I•• u 5 or T..clor 0.01, n ClllUIQO CWorlNm u 111 al BalltlTIOA (~- • 11, n T .. H fMed•CI\ \·•I at Ht,. 'fork fTUml l_.1 " t<•nus City I lton"'d I I I ., Mtlw•u•e• CC.ldWell 11 'I. n T-IO IHuttnwn t lll •I 0."•nd IMt,..110 I JI, n Cit•••-IW•ll• 11-101 •I SHUit co.t.1on11. J.101. n St. Louis 60 55 Philade lphw tiO 58 New York 47 fjfi MOnday•, Sc or•' P11l\twrQh •. Plltl.ioJ~lpno• 1 St Louil l , CIM<.tQO l Hou•lon 4, MonlrHI 1 Only o-• ~"""ull"d Tedo•t Oomu 522 61 ~ 508 R 4111 11~1, Oofltfln I Hooton llHI ~·!>I. L0..1\ <0.nn~' ... " !>•n FrAn<IKO fCIKli\ 1·11 •I Chtt..,o lt<ru•ow t II S•r> 0~ I O'A<Qlll,to t •t l at PllhburQlt IC"" .,.,.,.. 10-a1. n New 'for' CEll1t 2·51 .it All""'• I B,.nol•r4 \ ''· n Pl\ol•dflPll•• CC•rllon 11 '1 " C1nconn•t• 80fth•m. st. n Mon1r .. 1 tll Lt<' 10 t 1 •• Hou""" !An<1u1•• 11 11, n JDHISDI & ~,..,, Llnco/n- iilW•1 Mercury 2828 Harbor Blvd. Cotta M- ·~'==,~540-5630~ T utonc Champagne. Loade d 1ncl ud1ng leather. po wer lock g roup , o ut si de tl'l e rmometer. wire wl'leel covers & more ISer 62i251-31481 s212'0 ,_MOMTH ~ "'°"'" o..n-L-C4p co" 1 1 o eoo fl•••o u•t u eoo Oo•n Pfl.,,...,,I 1719 14 ~ ... ""--Meurily .,._ '113107? IOI• ol - -°"~~ at DAILY P1LOT Tueect.y,Augutt ,4, 1"71 Business ff er exiliitity Wttli Risk •11111taav Luc.u "lr.114'• lotr••• The beautltul thlna about op Uou la that they can aaU fy ao many obJ~llvea You u .n un the m conaer vatlvely o r 11 •r•ulftly -aand you ca.n ust- them U you think the market &1 tol n 1 up , d o wn or cvt!n •ldewaya. ln\leltor think• the market la 10 lng , ht may cboo.e to c1lb~r buy or wrlt f' op\tona . and hi• alratt>gy m a y c h a nge with clrcum1tancte you lhe rtahl to aoU 100 11barc:s of •tuck . tall• the rhJht to buy t•or u mple. you might buy an 011Uoo to purchase 100 shares of X VZ atock at, let's u y. $50 a 11hare, by Oct 19. 1979 (which would tx· c1.1llc<J iw X YZ October 30 call>. An option buyer. for t1xamplto, m ilhl realize a pote ntially lar&l' profit from a «'latlvtly amall ln vestment. wtth a known and p~ delertnlned ris~ . tie knows ln advance that the most be cllll lose la t.be price be paid for th.-option A MER AU. THI • optlona may sound llkC' the perfo<'t vt'h1 cit' for mOlt lnvestorr.. 1'hey'nt not They have n1k1 and Umlta Uon• that muat bt' carefully con· aide r ed Since the establishment of the C'hlcu110 Board Options Ex- change, how.-v\•r, It is no longer nPceitsury to actua lly exercise the oplJon I tha t 1s , to buy or seU the undt rlying stock ). Now lhal uptlon are themsel ves I.isl ed securities. they may be traded Just hke istocu . SUU . for the l.nvt'ltor •t'ekJna nt•w a n d m o r e f l e xl b l o atratf'glt>S, they offer u variety of waya to ac hit•vr " bro .. d runae of f1.nanc1a.1 uoats Now a definition An opoon , SELLING <CALLED "wnt Ing") optiona a llows olher in· veitors to increase lhe income d erived from their Investme nts Option• appeal to other m vestors as a wa to estabU b lo as we will be using lhe term, Is a rontrncl to buy or to St'll 100 ~h•res of a iwecl'1c stock, at a hxed prire. within a spec1(1c time period Althou~h not · a ll stocks are optlonable, about 200 ar e. , 0 I F YOUR opllon goes up in prt<'e. you may choose to simply sell it.. al a profit, rather than ex · cr c1l>e It. Although there was a s eller of lbe option you bought. you may resell it to anyone. You urc not irrevocably connected to the origina l seller. day the price at whi c h they'll be a ble to buy or s e l l stoc k &om eU me in the future, to others for the o pport unity they provide lo diversify , Some terms you should know -Underlying equity refers lo the specilic optioned stock. Strike price refers to the specific price al which you have contracted to buy or sell the stock. There will be at least three ex· pir ation dales for each option. ea ch three months apart. In the case or XYZ, which has October o ptions , ther e will a lso be January and April options. Once the October deadline has passed. new options with J uly expira· lions will open. Expiration date refers to the last day on which a buyer m ay exercise his option. a nd to still 1.uCAs others for the_protectlon t~__of. fer again5t a possible decline in the market value of stocks they own Pre mium refers to the amount of money paid ror the .righLLthat is, paid ro.r the OP· tions contract). There may also be m any dif· fe re nt strike pnces available, de· pen d ln,:e upon how m uch the s tock moves up and down. A new Depending on which way an THERE ARE T WO kands or options, puts and calls. PuL" give World Trade Center Sold LOS ANGELE S <At>) The World T rade Center, a 16-s tory office building and shopping m a ll downtown. ha!> been sold for more than S24 m illion. , T h e m illion -squ are-root b uildin g wlls purchased by Equitec '78 Real Estate Investors. Equitec vice-pres ident Dean M. Davies announced Monday. The buHdrng hou:-.es 150 tenants, including s h ippers. foreign tr:1dt• and consular offi ces, foreign commercial representatives and a U.S. Cus toms office. Davies siud. ,_.....--~or--.. Alle r g an ... 0 pager WIDE AREA 'COVERAGE ORANGE CO.-L.A. •11.10 .:.:r-e:. NO DEPOSIT ON APPROVED CREDIT 1To Pay 15c Directors of Alle rgan Ph ar m ac e u t i ca ls , Jrnne, have declared a r ('gula r qua rterly cash d 1 \'Id end or 15 cents a s har<' on common stock T he dividend wi ll be p a yabl e Se pt. l t o s hareholders or record Aug 15. Al lergan is e ngaged in th e d e v e lop m e nt , m a nuracture a nd sale or s pecialized ophthalmic. and dermatologic pro· ducts. Sell or~ trade your old skis f a st w i th a new Skiing classified ad in t he Daily Pilot. 642-5678 Ptestigious New EXECUTI VE SUITES available near Or ange County Airport. Attractive rates include receptionist, law lib r ary. confere nce rooms, secretar ial service. a nd xerox facility. For a personal tour and further details, inquire at Vortac Associates , 955-3900 or 955-2288. Cool in Crisis Saying he believes he 's setting a t rend fo r this energy-short s ummer . Gerry Cun- ningham dresses for his joh as directo r of the Ari zona Offi ce of Energy Programs . His <.it-work a ttire includes mesh shoes. short pants and an open-colla r shirt. Women Learn Of Risk-taking A seminar on risk-laking for women will he he ld from 9 a m . to 12 30 p.m. Saturday al the Airport{!r lnn, Irvine. . Sponsored by Focus, a ca reer planning center in Ne wport Beach, the session will be held in the Patio Room and a continental breakfast will be ser ved. The semina r is designed ror women in busi- ness and sales . Areas to be covered include de- te r mining whether a woman Is a high, medium or low risk-ta ker , setting priorities, identifying op- tions, band.ling fears and making the risk-taking process work. The seminar wlll be conducted by Gibson Mac- Donald, Focus president, who has ta ught com- m unications s kills, goal setting and assertion =========================~ t raining for 11 years. Cost is $30; Master Charge and Visa ca rds will $50,000 to $500,000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS . ...--.....,..,,_L . ._ •Ca• 1tdal •Rulh•IW • Con1ac1 our ._. taf--9tlota eenke fur your hMnclng nffd$. (71•) 759-1515 Aflllf"9CAN NOMI lllOWTGMI 230 Newport Centef On'te Oetl;n Plul Ne•PG" Beecll,, Celltom11 9HeO be accepted. Reser vations may be made through Foc us, 567 San Nicolas , Suite 106, Newport Beach 92660, phone 644-9215 Seminar to Cover Tax, Estate Plans A rree semlnar on estate and alll tax planning will be held from 7 lo 9 o'clock tonight at State Mutual Sa vings a nd Loan Association , 4001 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach . Speaker will be attorney J . Douglas J enntnaa. Hla topics will in clude wllls, llvln 1 t r ust s, testamentary trusts, gifts and abort-term lncome and tu savtnp trusts. ReeervaUona may be made by callinl 113-8383. Newport Office Cited The Newport Beach oftlce of W11tern Mutual Escrow Corp. bu won UM "Offtce of the Year" award. Man.,.r Trlala Natt.r .. of Cotta M11a waa clttd for "bard wort and IDlUaUve." She bu bMn tb• manacer of the omce 1lnce Au1u1t 1977. and bas about seven yean' ex· perlence ln the escrow field. one la added whenever the stock closes at least midway between s trike prices. In other y,iorda , XYZ might have options wilb atrlke prices of 40 and 45. Then ll closes at 47'4. Now ao optlon with a s t rike price of so 111 added OF PRIME I NT E R EST to mos t people using options in their investment programs Is the a moW'lt of the premium paJd by the buyer. received by the write r. While m any theorieA and models have been created to de· lermlne what an option sho uld cost, what It really bolls down to 1s s upply and demand. Jt cost.'! whatever buyer and seller agree upon. But there are some ractors which may infiuence the pncc. such as: belng equal. the closer you are to expiration Out trading day or the contract period) the lower the price of the option wlll be. You pay for time. because 1t al· lows more opportunity ror your expectations to take place. 3. The volatility or the underly· ing ~quity The greater th e volatility of the stoc k, lhe hJgher the option price tends to be. As a r ule, a one-point chan ge in the atock p rice uaually result.'! in less than a one-point change m the option prem ium The exception is when parity occurs <for a caU. this 1s when the strike price minus the pre- mium equals the stock's ma rket price > When an option reache5 parity. the premium 1::. li ke ly to move point for poanl with the stock ( nEWFROM mESTREET J 4. How confide nt the buyer or seller Is about the fut ure direc- tion of the underlying security . Ir the buyer is ve ry confident about an Incre ase. he may be willing to pay a very high pre· mi um for a call : the re verse ap- pllea to a put. Still confused ? If so. hong on to this article, and rere ad it just before reading the second in- s ta llmenl. which will deal with som e specific strategies. SMrTJI luccu " an account ez· eculttH! m tM Santa Ana office o/ Mt rnll Lynch. P1erct . f "ennn and Smith 1 The relationsh ip be twef>n the c urrent marke t price of the stock and the exe rcise < stnkt> 1 price or the option Example In April. you buy an XYZ October SO call when XYZ is selling for $50. At Uus point you a re paymR for time Cs1x months ) and for the possibility that X YZ m ay rise io price during that time. McDonnell Douglas Promotes Executive Now, let's a ssume that by August. XYZ has climbed to S60 The in vestor who buys an X YZ October 50 c a ll now will pay significantly more than you did, because you only had an ex~c talion that the stock would ap prec1ate in value The new buyn 1s paying for actual upprec1a llOn With the stock at S60. X YZ Ck tober 50 1s an m tht>·muney c&ll option . becaw.t-the m 11rkt-t pru·1· of the stO(.'k 1c; J:reater than tht !>trike pnce <If the strike pnff· a nd market price are t hr ~amr· it's a n at thr mon1·y opuon. 1f thl' ma rket prll'C ,., lown than the stnk1• pr11·c· It ., <1ut of lh•· money 1 2. TllF. AMOl1NT nf t1mC' 1 .. n in the cont rac·t period 1\ll than~!-. GENER AL MANAGER C. James Oorrenbache r ()\'f•r T i u · C h un l•· 1· NASO Listi~s C J ames Dorrenbacher of Santa Ana has bei!n appointed vice pres ide nt a nd gene ral man ager or the Huntingt on Bea c h d1v1s1on of McDonnell Douglas Astrona utics Co. The newly e sta blished post "'Ill give Dorrenbachc r control O\ er plant opf'ral1ons in H unt 1ngto n and Mo nrovi a, s aid Hobe rt L Johnson. president Do rre n bach e r . 5 1, J0 1ned Dougla..'> Aircraft Co in 1950 a~ a field grouµ t:nj(1necr in the firm ·s tes ting facd11ty al the Wh 1t1: Sand!>, ~ M , mis.,, d e pro' an~ )'.!rouµ H!' b1·camt-chJef t•n)'.!anecr rur :-.pae:<: proj'.!rllffi., 10 196 I lie• 11> m J rr1rd .i nd ha~ four daughten and onl' son 1~·~ 1~ ~ :::~.:i;, ·~ '~: t .. :~';_ '·or •;;·I;;-r::~ ! l'i • 1t • 'it'• ,,,.. w .t 1• .-f.-' • • ,.,..r, lp# ottd D oarn s :~ ~~ ;:~~: ~·~ 'il':i r~) ;: ~: ::p~~~:: ,.,., 'If r "'JRll" ~•P~ r.._,. to111J•'"'• 1 t M A \ lfl'W '),~,. ,,.,.. "°"' '"'' • •N1 ,,,..,.,.,..,,._,\ 0 tt , 4 #P t,tOIW ,~ ,, tl ,, , 'l • • 11 14 ,.., " ~". ,.,.. , .. ,,, l ..... '"" ... • ',~, t , ~ ._ n •r ' " h • t I • it • ti*' nt;1• ~·q r~,.f1t •• rfJI' M ,n(S..1" jA J) \,,,.,..,.. ?t.,1•· Vt,., lO U , '•' \. I• t\ I'' , ,,.Q • vt •,. 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C•pil 9 18 NL Inv fnd1< 1 ll Ml'8 U 0 0 ~ P11Qrlm C.rp s .. 1,, v i S <l S 81 I Ydlu• plu\ "'lo\ (h4\e (;r ~ C\n A\V I 00 NL Inv 80\ 10 10 10 l'I MMB 9 0 9 9' "11Q .. d 1J &e 14 1 Su r••Y 11 JOI 11 <S <htrQ•I -nd•J '""" I~ ,,, (onHa 11 /I NL ln••\IOr\ G•OYO MFH 70 1 01 M•Q ( )'1 • Tiu MOO 10IO 11 •0 5-11 ... , rronl \)I 1 11 Oly lllC I 00 NL IOS RO 149 s., MCM I 00 NL M•o In • ~ ' •• Tmpl C.I • lJ • ., AGE Id • ~ t" \f'IM• 1 \\ I >I 0 \tny 9 U 10~ (VI I 00 NL M•lf'len fl 11 NL Pio,, .. r f uncl Tmpl W 11.10 lo 50 Acor11 F not NL S"cf 11'1 /91 f q Inc 10 M NL IOS G<1 l )A 1 91 Merrtll LY"\h Fund l&lll 11 4 lem o tnv 100 NL AO\/ 1101 HL. (f'IP Olr u I I NL M•Ofl « lll NL IOS no1 • )A • .. 8•\IC •o 0 II " II lnr 10 I) II 1 ""' C•P • 01 • II Afulu r• ,. • NL. C~•m Fd I 01 I II Mon 80 'l '1 NL Mull • 1'1 10 10 (•P•I .. JO .... PIM In• I) II NL Trn• Inv 'J3 10 " AIPh• F U 10 NL (OIM '-1 """°' fldel II 1' NL P r09 l .. • l• Eau 80 9 '71 10 ll Pto9r1n 1? ~? 1l Tr .. Eq 12 11 I]'*' A 8lrl~T 11 l11Jtl S.n * 112 ... HI VICI "" NL Tu Ex ...... Hf If•< ~·· 1009 Phlrncl l)'IO l~t Tudr Hd 100 NL Am••'<"" l"UNh F=uno •IO 1011 l 1 M"" 'J1 NL. Sloe-1' n 11 " Muni 911 • 40 Proo Fuel• TwnC GI •'9 NL A 8•1 1 IO • ,, Gr•lll , '° • 01 Pwroln 10 '1 NL S.l~<I llO '.. ~d A\I I 00 NL C.•wln ,, I) N TwnC Inc ... NL Am cp ... 10 ft lncom ... I ., S•tom • " NL ll•r ...... 01 • 11 !>04 V•• 10 10 10 H 1ncom • ., N USAA GI .... NL A Mutl 11 10 12,. OPln II.I,. 1111 rhrlfl • ,, HL. In• ~Hll ... I 01 Mid AM '.. • N E•• I• 1J N USAA Inc 10 IS NL An C.111 I 01 I n h o MQ U 47 IS II Trend 11 ft NL hl•f 2114 1' .0 Mnfmrl I 00 NL N Hor1r 11 •t N Uni Acc11 4 0 NL Bono 1]'1 U?l Calu Gin"" NL Fln•n<••I Proo Iv• Fd 16> "L MOH Y "101, II Prtmf 10 00 N Unit M11t ,,, NL C\h MQ t 00 NL ~wttn AB I 01 I 10 O•n• • 1' HI. JP C.•111 10 .. 11 •s MS8 FO l•Ot NL T• Fr• • 11 N Uni Cu n I 00 NL Fd lflV ' ... " "''"' co I .. I ,,. lndY\I •IO NL J•nu\ 11" Hl Mwl 8~ '., 10, Pro f unO 111 N Union Svc Gr!> Grwt/I • Ot • 11 am p Bel t :I? 10 07 In< om I M NL JOf>n Hencoo . MIF FO I 1• I '1 Pr<> lft< 10 O. N 8rO.CI 11 n 11 M !Mom I JI '°' omp FCI 1 11 'J1 F\I ln•••lorl Bo"" 11 .. "11 MIF Gin i" , 1• Pru SIP 1110 11 .. Net lrw , ., , .. ICA I n •JI oncord I• '1 NL 8no Ap I~ 01 ll B C.r#tll 1 JO 1 9l M111ue1 o< Om.t,,. Pvln•m ,_ U Cap U.1' 11 at N P•n • " I .. Con,..Cll<UI Gent C•n Mq I 00 NL 8•1'"" ... '4J Am•r 11 °' II Conv 11 " IJ ., Un In< 11.9' 12.9) W\f'I ~I °' I •• Funo 11 .. 12 " 0 1\CO • 11 I II T •• E• tJ tO u 11 Grwl~ i .. .,, 01' Ov I 00 NL Unlltcl ,._ ,r.mer el Inc om 111 I.. Grwlh I•• •to Jallnsln n !of NL. Inc om '11 10 01 1n1 Eq 1l .. IS IJ Accm I 10 1 It. C•P 1 71 t Oo Mun 94 t 14 tO Sl lncom I 12 1 11 Kem pet F-· h Fre "JI U •l c..ar I• OI u 1' l ond .;,. 1'.1' Ceo Gtll Pl U O Cons I"• IOJ/ 107' Op1n •tO 7 u tn cOfft 100710 .. M111 Snr 40 .. NL. c;rwl~ 11 .011 .. Con Gr I0.1111 1) Enlrp I JO 1 10 ~Jlel G 10 U NL Stoo I 17 I.. Graw lO J.l 11 M Nat A•I• U 01 NL. Ht YIO 11 11 It fl COfl In< t IO 10-'0 HI Yid II.II 11.. onl MUI , 01 NL PSIM11 A ':u NL HI Vld 11.)4 11 .. N•I l nO IJ ., NL fn(OM 11' I OI lncom ',. 10 .. Inc Fd • ,, , II vYld $e n" tJ 01 ~IMll 01 ,, HL Mny M t 00 NL N•I Se<urllH'\ 111v••I I 01 117 MIMI 'tl '12 Mun a 24 D' » U lry Ceo 11 19 IJ It l'SI Ver 10 00 NL "'"" a I0-11 10 11 l e Ion 10 Ot 1017 0c>1n u 11 14 91 $cl.., 1." 1" TOI "•I 114 ltO ly C•th 100 HL 44W•ll llCI HI. Ootn ll.4114 .. 8-4 )1 •• , .. E• n 40 n n Ilene 7l7 ·~ Ve<1lr tt .. 11 ft lyln<l'ft 1,00 NL t'llCI Gin t to 4,'2 SuMl'ft U.1' "-" OlvlO 4" 4 '1 \/Ille 14 10 Un Uld hu 2 11 HL. Cl'fttl• t .1' 10 :r. ,, ...... ~ 1'-de" ~ Teti\ "' 10 " Grwln • lS • 14 voy•q u.tl 1s'12 V•lue L.•fle Fd e ql 0 111 J,41 t.lf ~C•I IJll l4 SI Grwlh , .. •.21 Toi Al 11 U 1111 PrelO 111 1 "•l"bw 217 HL Fvnd 10'3 10'0 Fd Am I 21 • •> tlew n fl 14 I> lncom u 11 14 Sl l(eySI-,,_, ln<Ofl'I s" • AtMrV9 t 00 NL. lncom LU •.St HerlW tM 10 n ICll In • S) l'lllutel I., t 4l Liq Tr I.GI HL U "'" 1 00 H Aeve rt • 1' NL Lev Gt 17 16 11.60 Pt<t "Cl) tt to • t're t ti '·"' SpeC1 U U IU7 ~us 11 1u.s 11 1' Stoo I to t. Safe<. Eq1 10 ,. 11 ,. 5-1 Sii HO 1 OI Provld a" 4 2J O•lle • 21 •· Prank II". °JE: us J lt.U IO 1' Tea Ea 11 n 11 • Salee Giii u u 14 • Vence ~ A Gllll'CI 1.40 I.ti CM\ "' 10 00 NL B(-!I 4 4.JS "' .. I.II .. ,. NIL.lie Fund SIP C•A. t 14 10:41 Inc..,, 12,60 IU7 ,r. Ht rll1 UI NL. ~r C• US J.22 ONTC 10. 11.00 Cus ICI I.• I.Gt l!11u11 100. 21 SIP GO\° 1011 11'.Jt l<1vUI 7..U l.U A lntAINI SI) S" C1 II tJ.16 HI. Orwlh • n 1.. Cut 10 ~ •.U Orwtf\ 13 )4 14 S<udder Stt"""l Comm 1.tl 1.M A Invest J ts "" Ca SI jl to Ml. Ullll 4.11 S U C111 H 1; t1.01 lll<am 11 &J tU com SI 11.!Jt HI. Sotcl ti.ft IUI A 1nv1rw. 11 n Hn ,.. ..... 1.s1 HL '"<om 1 ... t.o. cus . 10" 11te1 liq '' • 1u l"c°"' u M H1. vJM-Gro<1p A NIOlfl 4,01 4. •Y:all Ont US Gov a... t 5' Cus ._ •·M C~ MO 10 00 N nll I'd 1• 14 HL --'r ,._n Ht Amwel t ... '" Ort IU 4 14. Ctpfl 4 • 4.at Poter l. 4.IJ He\1Mr9ff llttm. M•n R '" NL I lthl IUI N A 0 111 U !1fW1We41 1.t tt It IO• l qull 4 .. 4.14 L.tal .. 11111 ~: En.r9y 11 70 H MM8 t 14 NI. '""' 10.4' HL AH H~~ ll~1 As 'I· NL. LI Anl 1.00 NI. CP \.* IHI 14.71 011erd J I 44 N SH <I a.'.r NL Mo~ t .1s HL. "'"' • 1.u JP, "" -J N Pwnclllll $,,. .... Gr-14! 1• 11 .. ._1, • H HL Secwrlly """"'' w , ... , NL 111~·"' ··; "' 1.. N t'IHIO inc °""; lllCOf'I •. NL. ~·""' a °' "" ._ , " , si w ,,..., 'f." NL StO<lt t• . n· I!< r, a CtMlll I. NL Retll IU l~Of ,erln tJ.. NL Ect11t1 i':rt s' rt W l.eftt I IO NL. 81.C 01 IJ ,. '. .. •• n llr.}. Tr II. ,,, .. I.lie Jiit 11,n 1 .11 klllll 11.. N lllvtU '10 .:.. W.lltl I .OI HI. ..... inc ··~ NL :uc "· ,,1 ' '· ~L 1.10 c. 11.• I. .... Wld "41 H Vltre 1 21 14 44 W.11111 .... HL •••• IJIV IO ..... I .. • to.I K 12. L Leol!'llt .. "'"ii .... "" 01 1$ 11 HL S.te<led """"' . • ... 10 I.ti NL ••• Glfl 10.1 HL I ._.: I• O. U L C•PI• IS.• NL. 51c•; IM '·" H Am .,., 1 1 .. NL Wtl MM '·" NL. IH C Hrr.ll UO NL 91111 . f.f4 ti Sf!.S :rt. I. M11t IS. HL. i.le 12 II H 5-1 SM IU• NL. ~ IUO HL .,~, · "" e.N H -c 12. L Ler• "'TI' re • u t. S...tlflel ~ Vet 4.11 •" 1 , .• ,. ,... tut 'I "''" 1 "" ~'"' ij '" " 11• H """ , •. 1 u .-.. o 1.1• ,· .. 1 1 rte 'f> lt NI IM•l'ft • ". • ii'"' N• .... !J.l! ~=t t d t. §e11111 I' I J) wthl Ill IO 00 HL e C• : .. 0 $peel • ;, tell; On Ti ,, \I: ,, .,., s II IJ Wltc ill( 440 NL. t~~ tof" 1':' ti'fv.-~· el~· pr~A ::9" :::: ... ~~~ \i: M..: l'etN """"' t1 IO~I. -=~~~·!; NL 6 1Mr .... ! •M-t NL ,_,. ·" 11.W .,. , ry .... ,...,_ NI. t N """ r I . .. .. eft tr I • NL lll<effl e t '1 !1 Y.-a.ti t 4t $11H rtlll ..._... ll'IN I NL ' I, I H ll!llWI • ' '1" •11 ,, I"" NL 1'1111• .. I,. HI. Inc ... .... •• ....,. n.a h ,. NL • Mo .... "' • 11 N J elrtle 11 ... 11 ,... v. 11,jt 11.IJ MllJ\I U I IO.IO MeMl , • N Inc""' ..... ., l .. ,. CIW'ell - . --------------------------------------------. • t f! ) \ I f l • s ., • 0 .. .. ii • I b " p at M 1.m J r Ct J(I in h• ,. a1 01 iD fr> ac qa m ,,. er m SU -bl llt fn ea •• STOCKS I BUSINESS "". .An.,.u. ~, ... ,,.. ,..., ~,,, • ~r--, ,. .... ,.,. I> I• .... "" '" I I ,, A . •' I I ., ... ____________ ......., __ ......,._._..,...__.. .. .,,_ ___ .. _ _.. __ NYSE-COMEOSITE TRANSACTIONS .. ,, • (\,P 4 , .. ,~ .. ...,, . ,.,,.,.., .. ~· j• .... t ~ t I :t , ••N 1 1 n·~ ~ ..,,. • r r•">. i .. ~ ..... ~~· -,1 ~ .. I' ~ +~· O/f . . .. I • ruosday Augu1t 1• 1979 N DAILY Pll.OT as Brown-h~gers Pinch Pennies 81 SYLVIA POaTER AMF. Inc., one or the many large corporallona that moved from New York City to suburban headquarters. has cafeteria racUiUes for Ila entire staff in White Pla.lns. Its bualneu baa risen substantially in recent weeks, wlth the gas 1bortage. Brown-bagging also is on the increase. AT' F reports, on s ummer Fridays, wben the company closes itli White Plains headquarters at 1 :30 pm .• with the underswndin& that employees start half an hour early and work through lunch hour. LORAL ELECTRONICS I N SUBURBAN Yonkers, N. Y .• employs scientists, techmcians. typists and m~un. tenance workers who suddenly are "mtsers of lhc 1<11s tank." says Frank C. Lanza, president. "Many of our J>f!O· pie are brown-bagging. using the company cafeteria or walking to local places. including those who used to drive just a couple of blocks to Howard John.soo 's or the di ner They're real Money's Worth ly conscious or every drop of gas wasted Wilson Sporting Goods Co has 100 em ployees at its ad- mm1strat1,·e center ;ind 1oH1rehouse 1n subur ban Ed1r.on, N J In recent weeks. -;ays Robert Bannick. regional ad· mi01strat1ve manager, the ~orkers have turned m surh lar~e numbel"s to the vcnding machines that the i.uppher {'an 't keep Lhe machines stocked Hrown-bairn1ng 1s the · art" thing mone)' ''n food b.ut ali.u tu consent onstratc pd.tnou c loyalty not on I> to ... ., \'e gas and lti dt·m · While some industries <Jr'· suffering fmm thl' ~as .... hortai.:cs. other .... .ire cnJO) 101.: unexf)(·l·ted booms 0 1'E REAPl~G BENl-.FITS 1.., tht· .... uppher of equip m~nt dcsutnccilo hclpmlh~turaru: dlld rtuick prcparat1r1n of food :md IJ(•\ er J~t:s in th1• ()(fin \\'1th d.n offi ce wa ter cooler c omµatt refrigerator t·of ft't' '>l'r\ll'1· and mrrrov.J1tl' ,,\ ... n th,. <Jff1 tc cmployct· ha:o all t he c..,s('nt1al 1n~rl'du:nt!-i for a mc:il Just th1:. µack<1~c gl\'"' th• v.1Jrkcr J \l'r) flt•x1bl" sci 11( optwni., · ~a)~ Alan Eml•n1 k r.ir<-,1dt•nt of Great Ht·dr ~prrng Co or TNerhoro. :"-.I . 1Ah1th manufal'tun .. , a Tow I Ht·freshmt"nt S) ..,tern d1·:-.1gncd f'lr the ron\ enwnc1 11( v.11rl.l·r-, 1n a ..,mall off1 et· F1ir I04-lancc v.1:-ha\·c li•·"r 111ld that m..in) J>t.·oµlc· an· rl•·lll1••ralt•I) prt!IJJrmg dn , x , , • ..,.,IH' ..irnCJunl of food fur d1nn("r <it home with the lt•ft 11\•·r' nll'Jnt t11 '''r\t' :J'> lunch .11th1·11ff1<'e thP n1•x1 da\ •H • \ l'O J f,•y, da~ .. f..ill•r tl SCH T l '1 t. llAS PRO\'IDEO :in cxcell<·nt hr .. <11\ 11 thl' rla\ for "''Jrk•·r., But gci.., :-.hortau1·!'\ m <ty dcslrn) tht .11nc•n1l\ lh•" r..fn· li111t•11r \ P-11111: fnnJ!P 111 n..C1t r•·11·tt v.t.ah < 1n t1• lk'" '' t1 rn 'J'" t..mt·ncl. 1s d • h11.hl) .i n·,ourf"I· a v.orker 1 an .it·r•·pl 111 11 •·d '" ,1\111 d l1t•1n~ c·haincd to th• Market Trend Mixed Anud Profit Taking Ill :'\ ~ \\ \ I )(("' I ' I'' (;11 rb JCll\ I ffJl!ill~ °'ltn1·k p !IC'I"' "'"'' ll UI•· l'hdn)!(:<I l11d;I\ .ift 1·r I \l·r• nrnlnl! .... r I~ "'' .1 l.r •. , ·1 h• I><•"' l•in•'' ,i.• r.1~• •I l" 1r111u .. •11,;I 1111 i.,., <111"'11 murt· th;in :i p111111 .. :it •n1dda\ ..... 1 .. ur I 1·, µ•1rn1 .., '" >i7f, ii al tht• \.e"' York ~\11th fo. '\l h,1ni.:• ... lo«-k!f In Thf" .4ipo11igh1 ... ,_ .... vv~· .&'-' j .,,. \TOCK\ ~l N tvtu~­ •"10 ,.,.t 'W'Y ,,.,.., f'U • ,.,_..,,~Q "'.1 f\ j J "'-'"'-.... "'' "" ')10 t't•n.! M (j r .,.. Of'\tl' 'l ~ "'•.;• .,, ~~ 'N•\otQ"' f '" ,.,.,,.,c..;; .,,,. •• n..: .,,.. .. , ...... ._...,. Q.,..o E ••0" ,_11,J •tl\i .. ,,. I ,~1 .. ,_. ~t-N (r ._, .. r·~ .. ~· 1 .... t .. t H•O ,..~ ,.. n •• ...-... • P.t.C •f'IOu'' lO•-.o,~t -.• &n ~~,., ..-.,,"'v Y , "' o. t ), ... , ... \.i-1''- C..•I• U I It o ... ,.,o H 1,,t\t f 0 • .o 1op ,,. . • 0 I ... 1'> . . ,,_,. ,.,....,. •U". f ' ..... ,,, ' .~ , ,.. .. \ •• JO .. '. .. .,. I I I I 411' . ' .. , . ,.. .. .... ' f .... ... , ... •• I \ i. .... "" ...... . . .. J. ,,, •: n ., •' ,...., '• \ , .... ,.,, ., . . .. .. . '· .)J ~· .. . " ~,. ¥• ~. r.·~ ~ " /IJ " ... '~·. ',, I .. . . ' '•' ·' .. ... . ' . ~· , .. ... ... .. • 'U .. " '" V'\ .. , . .. ~ .. f~ '!~~-o!~d ·~·o·""' .. "', 1 o~· ~ ' r'\J.-i l,.,. "u,.. • .,,., I '• to, ;tt ; I f •L t ,, .. ., ... ... J 1\1t .~ t .. rt"'t.I .... ,. • • tr-, I, •' """ o • 4 t "'~ ,.,. m ,~ -.• J """-'° '• 1 I ' ,. I 't "" •' ,..,, ""' • f\Jt .... • J .. .,.,., I ,. -•.., .,. '"';•o !:;:~·., r•.o ~ oo .._,. \•' ,, n 1.---uo.o Net at\d Pf"'" M'lt•c> , ,. •t"to; • • trw Cf ff·t~l r:i-ot*""°I\ ti'< CH •l'H.i IJ')l"O ~· t t d"CJ tu-1iit• ' t 0-' ... h ' '. UPS .. ~ • su .... r "' ... .,,, t '11flf"t1J 1 • ~ .,..,,,. 7 C >o• "'"'' l t(.91Jf Ar •" • Oo"l"' " \ I. )fT\t, ( • •C.tn\ ~t 1 Gttl~u1n~ I 1(.,.., MU ' MEI CHI> :~ :r~~~~: I> (.OMl<f ,,..,, 1J JO'~'°"r r 1• •• 0 4 1()pt I) Ltl>h l<Mn I& MOrM!>l\o< II lh{O ))l\f'I •• \110.-~ ;: ~~~'6,, 11 Av<<> (Ofl• n ;~i:.:,'ir'c. 1• P~E G • 1a..1 1\ vwituto~ o :4w~:~: :':' .. ~ . •• .J''• , ... ~ .~ .. lJ n . •8 ~ .. .. J tl •• Ho J •O I • , .. 10•. II •• ,. " .. .,,J,.1 . .... ., ' "" " "'"' ;~~,_~~~~~-~~~~~ ... . J • .... " JD J .. ..,.., I • VO ID ... .. " I ... , .. ,, v •• • ~ 1 I I I 1 t•old fl1uuo1io1u @if'"• ~\l0(• .. 1•d Pt~u 'f'O tN r·t,;J f'J' 1 f'" '" I 1tt• L.ondol' 1"tO ' ~ '·~ w • n, • ' 1 "''•'"'""""'••••no \~1 A oti \~, fl•tt\ (. \O'w"OQ't f'IOHf1-t¥ Ft4,,._lvrt UifJ 't 111 \'f M Zvr•<" n·o i ,•t > ,., ' ' .,>I 'J ... I IJC I .j 4 t ·d 1 • Ht • Yorll "*'MJ• & .... ,..,,., •n O.•\"" P'•t • • • VO Jp VP I ' "•1 H of' \'> /\ ~ ! Ht• Yortt ( nqt>lhlllt'" t'll1nq I''' ,. '° 1 '1'1 lO. Oii 1i& '.1 UC• Up Ul' 6 • flit•• Yot'll { no ... •"'•'O t,.r· .11.-1 )l hJ ... I • • .H'" 11 ~91 llP "'' '"' ur •• • • .'t~tttbab 0 I ':JI • Ua.: • J •0 .o t~y. O•~",, t ()<t I I • ('ltt ... ,. 0!1 o I I 8" •I " \I • Ott tr 011 >. 011 >. • Oii > J '· .OH ) I 011 • ' t . ou .. ? Ott •I .. 011 • J ~ g:: a .. ou u .. Oft • ' :-: g:: : i I t Off • f ~: g:: a J Nt-.. t• '' , v• V ~, 'lllf t ,.1 l'f' "·UI Unit ,,..., w "'° ""1tf'd rtith· .. ~ d• •. ,. d .. , ,, ., ,. 1 \l>tr\ .......... ~ b.t\.-.0 l)f" ·~ ... Qw•""'I' UJ .,.m, •nn1.11I J •C1•t••1tJh \on l•I "' r •lt4 01••0Pl~h Of P4Y""''-'"''.,. M •Ql\4 ifll0 "' 'f6Qul4r •'• •ct-l'lttttut '" I~ fl)t• ""~J'l~ltw:.• J • u ... ,. • ' • ·•·• t-A 'W'1"'41 '"',. ot..r ~to~• d'•"Jltl'IO •Qw•U.tl •nq "'"'°'""'° g:, ,:;:: ~ 0:,~,,1n .. r;;, ~~ ·~.:::::;,~ ~ ..,.,,., "'o 1 ~t+•O '"'' v••' o'"'°"',,d °"""''h.oO dt'•f'rtt-0 or ro ect1f')r\ to"".,"',.,,, 1J1w1()11toft. ::~n",IV~ ~~:i,: ~~~~ ~·~,~t~~ " N..-"'\# t 0e<l¥tld or p.t•O ttt 0''"" f'CI•,_. t1 mont"' Ohi'\ ,1oc r. d•••dif"CI t P•~o If' \f()1 • "' 0'' ""•J•M t1 l'f10f'tl"\ tt\IUl-,At~ t •'" witlUf> u•\ •·• d•••Ot'nd Oft• d1,tr1t)ult0t ,.,., . • • 01<tt0Pncl IJIT • • n Qnt\ 't E • 01•1°""""" ~"d '41•\ '" fw'I t t.t•\ '" tulf '"' C•ll1!cl wd Wiie<> o""'"'""" "'' w,,._ 1\'Ult"d ww W1t" ••tr•nO *"' W1t1'\W .. •rr•~h •01\ C• <lt\lrlCNlton P E ••llO f~ pr«• ot • •10..' ,, • mutt1ot• Of f:' Wr• ••''"~\ O.t •w,.O O\ ~n~o r.~, ~ =~~ t7 "'Of'•h •¥ftiftQ\ ftqYtl ... . .. \;..... ....~ I I "'" I ,,, c "G Wot.,w -'f y,,-,0 .. • • Won.ti~ 60 t J0S 21 \o • ~ WOO<IP1 .. 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"""*-CIUm9 • tOUtoltM~ Olltcifl ~-... -io't • ..._ •.-.on Md • to..~-old """-• °""' IAIY Gu.1 ~ "°"""°" IAI • Al MAN miAYd uol'A!1=~~· TI4e GHOeT ANO MASWlAA f"9 Cec>IWI I e1t..,,pl IC> l>uy C..Olyn • conc.>lttif O< y Q•fl Pf-10 be tnOI• d•f llCUll , ..... ,,..,,,ICtplllecl • DO< CAVfTT Dads tor tlae Dag. 0-1· l"O"d Beo'QfNlll CPen 2 ot 21 (Al .I uclcl I hr~ch and Handall Clirver arl' rN·rutlt!<.l Cil) baby MllC('l) for Michael lll•r:.he\\l' on "T.,xi" lunjght at 9 30 on ,\BC. Chanru:l 7 • ~UHIVtRN FWl.ttlV!t)" TlC TAC DOUGH ([IJ MERV OIWFlH Guesta Zaa z .. Gat>o< Oo•olhy Louden. 1 om S1eem11 7308 CIRCUS 1:00 B C88 HEWS HeCHEWS B MEWL YW£D GAME A8CNEW8 8 .(.1) ,IQKEA'S WILO a» I LOVE LUCY Lucy 1• wspec!f!<I or 1>e1ng IM mysterious ti...1g1.1r. M adame)( Q) SAHFOAD AND SON lo •mDrft$~ l •moo1 ~ futu'6 m othftf 1n t.t~ J.rfi(J d•1<.1dt1' to (}@I onto tni, l>OO' Of W()tld <tl"O<fJi ID 28 T~IOMT EB WRO IS TMEIU Ho51• C111 Dodd s,,..11,_., LitU<enGtl Ac ts Sc..riml(Jt £1eoh11n1 And Rhino EOwllfO~ B"ycle Act. lH lla•on• Hano £!dl110C1t!Q flc1. Sotano 0..m0'1 D SHANA NA C.ue&t• 1 "8 Angf>li 0 DATINO GAME D llOO'.OilJCf~ffA TUNE G TIC TAC OOUOM Cl) THE BAAOY BUNCM £odtt1 c..onv1nc:"~ G•1io 10 h<.ly an nlQ c.Otl•ll<llble 11.i ·~ H/lr\Q 10 Qel fl0 01 (I) AOAM·12 k M-tl auct M ollny invJ bit tJd1h tti6 n~1.tr·~ 1h ... 11 of •• .,.,_..n ('hannPI Li•f ing• 0 """",, a 1L,.,Ar-1·. o ... ·~ac ·;oc Le.-.. An 1 .. , 0 >'TLA •n 1 LO At q .. • D 'V\H .. • 1.A~C:.1 LO A11 1•· I a ·I IJlfj CB I;. on o ... q., 0 r<.HJ TI l•1•l 1 lrc., A" 1•" 10 l'IG'-I I l•ri( 1 !:,,,,, [)., 1 CD i<TT I 'nl 1 l•J• Arv1•·lt (I) l(f';QP l JI w • I L 0'> An•1" " fil) KC.ET I JI J.lfj~I l<J'> Anq•• • m KOC.l Tl/ 1PUSJ Hunl••1q1 r Ii. fD MACNEIL I LEHRl:R REPORT "1!) NEWSCHECI< <l P M MAGAZINE Ho9ts Ko111n Kl!lly, Ma1k Welton Ciuesll ShOtQVn > S~•eh11y ~"d 1h4l • mont· ttme ~"'G ol count1y O]J MOLL VWOOO 80UAA{8 8:00 f) (I) SUNDAY MOANtHO TOHIOHT Chatll!& Kurnll •ooo•i. on \ICJ1111& 1nC1ucl1n11 O.tng ilu«> Po"{)~ FeD•U<lty 111111 10 Ame•OCd hgh11n11 th<! M1~~•\ltDP' llOOO' QI April d '\Ch004 '°' vl()f1n-m,;;.9n .. nd Inf! mu&tCal Sw~1 IOOd 0 TME RUNAW/lVS An "'0'"''Y ""'" ~ UM' n! •"l~Hnte fKhG> IO Ge .. , lhe ,.,..,..,,!~ hOOC1~ out ot ,,,~ ~"°"'" •Al "":Qfll\ lutlt&f 0•0""""1~ 1P.,,1 :.> ,,~ ' I Q PIUSOHER T"""n n~-w C)fl'V°nl't\ •"hU •I-lo'JbnlN<>ffn n .. 1 ... tlt()(l ( Pnf""' 0~ CIAlttUf"Q Mftf 1nnor •~nc.~ tn'! n t""' '"••gr~ to t>et t11tn 0 !0 HAPPY OAYS A • \mnr.1n 181~ ~, wf'IO Ct)flf ~ C...P\rlChl 1HIO VlU1ng • ~ l)f-.c1 looll ... hllftMlf dMlw'9 willl Clleclll • llJlMI unc:t• ~ ~Of\1111 (Ml e.w. • • ,,,. Ill•••... f t9101 0.V'd MCClllum JoMny Cl ewfofO l>ut"'O W0tld W111 "· e 0-men ~ 11 ~ IO!Owle• ... ~ 9fl ll\lper "">O IU"ne OUI lo be mot• beaul•fl!. than N •~P«1ed t~ llf• I e Cl!lllJDOfW MWllTIO fN• "*'Ill 19 ,,._, on ff\e "'°'' tlory by ......... "-• ""°"" • • • "Jv .... ,. 110()0) Plkll M""', 0.lle O.v1• rn. ••nowned '••d•r "'"MOM '°' IN r ...... of Mewieo fro m Ptince Mulmlllan. FtetKI\ dOml· netlOn 12 ht 1 I • HOU.YWOOO TEiY*ON THU Tll' T~ Fe! .. w_,,.., Ev• "'*"* s .. nl OO<l•ey• an ~ty4omenlic -on O.ot~ 1(111>y • llMO. pi•~ ~ tO D MOJICT UNIVtRSE Eatttt•r•trW Commu noc:atoon .... llJJ DETliCTIV( ~ Nd ar>d tits d&H OI oetectNe ••udetlta uae • PIU"8 fac10tV u 11 t1on1 to c;a1cto a,....... 1"'91 t:OOf) * • t And MifllOl'll Will Doe " f 19731 R1ch11rC1 BaMltlart Susan Slraa b8t Q As ,....,, a nee egamst 11•00"'1•9 .... ll!ed ..... c;11m1na1 planta e oevoce on tne ....,&r• ot Hong Kong wnicn Witl r810a~a 8"0U<Jn 00<•<! gaa to wipe out ~ <.oty '8nt1te popul•hOt'I 0 NBC MOVIE • • ·~ R!ltut" To Ma<.on County 1 t975) N"• Non .. !Jon Joonson A •acec .. , dr 1¥ftf' 80(j h it m{'o(.,,\_iOi\,. fff"IC.ountw ... e.,,-.,91 u~, P•i.t tftO ie-tbac~" wf'\•lt~ trct"ettr~ tnrough 1 rur...i """ 1R1 D fO THREE'S COMPAKY J, ~ lf''9tn~ n,., ,.. .. ._... I tn • .,.., OH1 ta• n10t""'1 'l '' t . f t)f QU!IP d < t<l'f ~" Jt• ,, •• d' '!fn+! '""' .tp(Jitjridt9') ,,. "'° 1R1 Cl) MERV ORIFAN r,, _t~ lsa l sa (n t><tt Cit roth,.-Louo~n T,"" ~· 1><t111 a .. ,,, o...mo"':i ~I no F 106 tt ,.1 .. W NOVA A Wh• .. P'l'' F rorn <.µ .. c.• lhti rT'IO\I tH(ttnt 11\&0ttt•!t o hfJ n.-..w QVf1'\h(>n~ H JI n • ...,e ooen , ,,,,..<1 db<.K.it 1, TUBE TOPPERS C"'RS 8 0.00 "And Millions Will Ow " A nt•rvc .cus bomb in the Hong Kong sewer~ lhrcutl'nS the Chinese populac<.' In thti, mov 1~ with Hlchurd Uttl)t'hurt ttncl Susun Strai,ber~. N UC '1 H · oo · · Rl'lurn to M aeon County " Nic'k Nolt1.• slaris in this movitt tt boul ti rart· c·ur driver fiUhl1ng oh· :,tu<:h.·s in lht' buck country. AB(' D 11 30 "The Last Dt:!tlill " a s ualor ht•udt;>d for ~· Navy prison c Hun dy Quatd J ~t.·tH u naJ,tht on the town from his captors in thh, movie with Jack Nicholson m.ct°""••• ·~•It •no tMllt fMaflOt'I 10 fll<t Ofl\Jlfl• 011,.,.un1wwM e:aoe o TAXI The c:ebbfet 1~1an11y •o••e 10 l>•l>Y•" •o• E'-t 'l'OUllO '°" .. n ... tN1 '' t9mp0<1111ty out OI town (RI 10:00 I D NfW9 ITAASICY & HUTCH Whole lfWMtlQ~t~O ,.,.01 n..reo c•ome on me n.gn tUhion w0<1d S 111t•I y a110 Hut.c.n encounter • 1>4!aul•· tul rnOOel Wf>O cblle(.t;. c~ •• trnon-fAl Q) HIGHT OAU.EAY Siltonl Snow c;.,c,.•I Snow A l>C't ~amo' mortt end mw• '""'I>! "" oo '" n11 own Pf , ..... u~ WOtlO Mull S 8~1• A t 11 u._,. vo<flm l1not ma1 '"~' " many "''"?' 10 '"""• DotOfll<I fil) A BIRTMDAV PAATV R>R JOIJU-SmAUSS W1ll1 Bot1rr,.,,-., 1 ·••••1 lt1flt V•u.nnt1 Ph1trua1 moru1 111•' V•trll"" Sl.11• Or.w~ Fl'""' md IM V1~'"a 9,,,~ ("I,., t •t4'-f11attt tr• '~'"" .1'"' ,..,,,,_.,,'t Of J,,,.t '•'' 1·;\• r_,1nr1(J&y tR1 10300) «I) NEWS a;) NOVA r,, ... r,1._,,,.,.,.,,,., " •• t lid(., ,,.., ..v jf ... lo"•'' •• 4 p .. ,, ~, II 00 f) 0 0 8 \0 NEWS 0 MAIU: ME lAUOH Q MOVIE • • ..,. T"""' tie ,....,.., • -6,f l' ,.-1n<.111•'"' A .. • '-"• ,,,,,,, A I .rt'f• I.JI\••°' t~ ''"'" n.,o ""'l • • tr• 'f rt J ··'~· • f ' • CD TME 000 COUPLE ( ,.(.. H \ ~1tt'(1 h r• t- lo119t•mfl t t . .-. t rw,r1) ""'"'._., tvt t,, ''JI r , • ., • bM1tn1ntOfl melGn • KHHY HIU. tHOW 9eony '* 1n Gh.,0-or II'<> du<ltOn dutlnQ '"" '"""''(I of 11 com,...co•I 9 DICI< CAVETT Gu..-t •"Q•ld &.<om•" cPArt ',,, ?1 l"I 1130 9 ~JOHU Ba•naol'' "'~o•'(I•""'' W"tfO '"'-~Pwllfl <Jf • ""'*•~ ISUlt4't O•atntJinC'S W."""' twm to ,,,,_ ,..,. &nicJ •f'Wlt '-"""' 1r-><1 01 1r.e G""'' o-,,,_ Iii) 0 8EST CW CAA80fol HOii Jonnn f C.•1 •on 01-ta Rooer1 Bl~• G•a 0 t• ~ n09ht •nd I,,. p,~ Jon""' 'u"e r. .. d Ounoo1 lq J Q DICI< VAM OVKE Rot>' pater,,al P"O" •u""'' a G•w U><Xk '"""" ,,., '"'"' out "" \l•·fft••· otd '<'"' '' ... v.11m<K1 OI h•m D 10 ABC MOVI£ • • • t Tr... l dt 0.-t&•I , ,grr; J11e• t.rtO>i5TJ()f1° 0 111 f t.>u"Q T "'o ~·,tiof•, "'\C.(,r1 "'> • lt'hl tJ ,,.. .. N~"lf l '1,.._,,f" l•t ft C,,..ly (.A' IF\f.o~ f"I •'0-•'NJ ,. .... '""' .,, ,...,,., ... , ... ,..,,. ...... t,_ """'"~· Ji! Cl) THE 00H0 SHOw (I) OET SMART ~~ •• ,.,. .. ,r-,tP'dlf""' ,,,_. r , ... ,,.,.ty•r .. r1 1&r •t I .,. H 4 t..r')V4 '( Qt ti' I I t J ID CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 8 STARTREP' I .. f It'• .-1 11 11 I • f .,• ',.... ,,., . . ... .. _, _.., P.NIN(, 12 00 0 TWILIGHT ZONE ........... o ' ...... ' " " ' ,r I t , ,,. o. ' .. ' ... CD ALFRED MITCHCOCoc; It's Sunday Morning on TV Tonight 8~ TOM JOtt \ NEW YORK IAPJ CBS' <tssump uon in nffrnn~ "Sunday Morning Tonight" Ill µnme lime tonight 1s that you'vt' probably n l'Hr sN•n 'Sunday Morning" on Suntlay morn ang It !> llkt..'I~ lht•\ n right a nd I hat ' on e rt'a-.cm bt•hand 'Sunday Momin~ fonighl' II Ii'> ;in t'ntertci1n1n~ hour of tell'\ 1.,wn 'iC'hcdult:d for 8 9 µ.m on Channel 2 T h c r l' ' " <i 5e(·ond <'OnMdcrn t1 o n thdl J U"l might htt\l' IJ(' t·urred lo th<.· p<:o pie at CBS. "~un da )' M or nin g Tonight" 1:-. a not· !>O s u lit ll· pr11mo o<UllALT far the 90 minute v.cl'kcnd ncv.s pr(J gram Charlt'!> Kun.tit. CBS' · ()n the Hoad " man who rlouble:. as ho'>l for . . 'Sunday Morning. <icknowlt'<l~f''> al lh<· stcirt of the pr1mt· l1mt' "J>t·C1al that the program begun Jan. 28 might stilJ be unfamiliar to many, 1f not most. TV watchl"rs "It's a nev.-. prolo(ram ." he '\ay!>, ··and I know th&l the fact that 1t " 0 11 ;it <ill may come cJS nt•\\<i lo you · "Sl'SDAY MORNING" WI.Ii'> con· eel\ ed as part or <1n o ver·<ill rt• '1tahzat1on or the network's morning nc" s program. which ha'> s uffered fo r ~ears an competition w1lh "TCJ· fla y " on N BC &n'd ABC'i. "Good Morning America " Earh edition was named lo cor· respond Wlth the day of the week · M o ntla y Morning.'· "Tuel.d ay ~1 orning" and ~o on You could catch the news on "Sunday M ornanl(," too. but H <tl wnuld not lK! a ll. "\\' c got to thinkin g about the '-'Orlds ()(things we hardly tver p1:1y allcntwn lo on the new!>." Kuralt says, "music , <i nd book.,, a nd bU '>I nt' .. s, and medicine and 1..-duc <it1 on cind Lel<•v1si<m 1L':ielf, (I nd the fact that the rt isn 'l time vf.:ry often to put int<1 pcrsp('Ctl\'l' c·vcn thl.' hcadhnl.' nl'"' of each pa.,sinJ,! wel.'k SUNDAY ~ORNING may be lhl' "ors l tame p1:r10d in teh.•\·1s111n And rn that em1m nmenl. · ~unda\ -'1uru 1ni;t ... broadt·a't from 9 lo 11) Ju ha' held 1L'> O\l.n, rnt·n·a~1ng . lhoui:h ''" an 1rre):(ular cour '>l', !ls s han· of th1· ;.iud1C'nr e from 12 pf'rrt'nl lhl.' f1 r'it "t·t·kt·nd to <• h1J:h nf Hi pN1·1·nt J uh 15 T he aud1cm·c h:Js chpr><'d tt'\ lo"" as 9 p<:r r<'nt. In add1t1on. the num bt-r of CB~ sta I ions that c<irry ·'Sunday :\1ornini: · has inc reased, c;l1J.!htly . fro m 75 at the· M<irt to 82 In fact. statJOni'> 1n m ;rny c ities that don't -.how "Sunday Morn 1n g " will a ir "Sundu ,v :'>-1 orn1n ~ Tonight.. notcibly Dos ton. lloust1in Dallas. Mr::tmt. N«w Orl c(Jn~. Mem phis. Nashvill<·. Kansas City, Albany. N Y a nd Columbus, Ohio. The people. who produce "Sumlay Morni n g " R o bt·rt "S had ' Northshield 1s exe<:utiH producer have c ho .. <'n se H~n segmenL' from previous programs. most promint'nl ly Murton Dea n 'r, report on a W Y<'or 11111 hm fi ght "1th .i IJiJtnful 1n1 ura hit• 11 .... 1 ..... ,. "Sl''DAY MOR~l/'liG Ton11i:ht .d...c1 indud1 ·" H1"hilr<I Thrt·H,ud ' 1·11\ t•r ton ,, "'• 1 I. I\ ff·Jturi on th1 'l'ill t1J l>t IH! .\1<J11p1nl.! T1·n1• 11 .. 1.11111111 ·1 111 1h1 t n11"d ~l<tl•~ Eo n .1h1 I ... rt por1 flO lht fl•HKl1ng 11f lht· P1•,11 I ltl\1•r 111 -'J,.,..,..,.,1pp 1 o.snd Ha} (j,in<folf ' .... 111r\ on .1 'hamp1on:-.h1p "" 1mm111J,! It'd Ill 1n t "•llfom1a In adcht11111. th1 rt· "' Bt•h\ Aaron ' report on J \1·h•H1I for \who m ak~r-; 1 n l ' t ..1 h, t ri t 1 < J t I :.i r i: ._. II 1·) "<ind ll:tl<· Hroun·.., p11•1 .. 1111 th<.· mu~tC·al "Sv. f't•nt·\ Todd · .111d <'omrncnt.in hy T\' a1t1r .11.ff <;n•••nfwld · C BS fr1•qu1·nth n · ... urrt:l'h pre· '111u~ly hrc1Jtk ,1'>I d•n uml'ntant· ... ur scgmt•nh of n1·\\s prngrum'>. ort ... n "-"llh sa11sf} in.,: ri· .. ult... Thi· mn't rt· {'('nt in ,1 St'rtt''> of "I In !hf· Hond" an~ lholog tt·' "'a' o1111•ll 1n Jun•· <inti ... um m 1· r l 1 m ,. t'<l 1 t 111 n :. o ( · fi o .\1 inutt·" " tht· nt'I" nrl.. .., ..,U<'('<''''ul nl'\\s m .11?.111nt· 1ont.11n l\\O or .. llm1•11m1•' 1hn•1• "''t.lrt1•·11 1 .. hr11adr d ... l l'..1rl11•r Nursing Domes Ai•ning at Lou Grant By PETE R J . BOYER LOS ANGELES <A P> "Lou Grant," CBS' Gray Panther .. Even the best o r them IS JUSl a place to wait and d ie." advertisers and nov. you afflhalt·s to prevent lhC' rebroadcast of a drnmallc ep1!tod<'. howe,cr con lrov e r s 1a l 'Lo u c;rant ' IS a f1 ct1o ncil series that dot's not purport to present JOurnahst1c l rt>otm••nt of any 1!.sue. although the AllCA 1s t'le:.irly trc·at1ng the program as 1f It did acclaimed newspaper drama C 14 Emmy nomina- tions thts year) that prides itself on authenticity. has stumbled into o ne of the real-life h azards of the news paper dodge the outrage and hassles that t'ome with a controve rsial story. The story in question was an episode called "Home." broadcast last February. in whlcb the ace re porters of the fictional Los Angeles Tribune reported on nursing homes. The general point of the s how was that home-home ~ the best place for an oldste r lo be, not a nursing Jiome. AT ONE POINT, R E PORTE R J oe Rossi t Robert Walde n ) asks a Gray Panthe r : "Can't there be suc h a thing as a good nursing home?" A pri\'Ole dkk. A classy dlidc. An old~ named Al As detactiws they W9f9 second lo4WefY008. A PARAMOUNT RElEASl Po __ ._.._,._, t.;.;:;:..... _., • ..,_.. .. ....., NOW PLAYING 1u. c•u uu WH11111ns11r 193 0$46 ........... .. ""'°" V'9!0 130-6990 .,._..,... OflllQeut-1770 ............ Wtt1111111t1tt S3Hm LA ..... ..,. .. U MttlGI 921>1706 The Amencan He alth Care Associalion. the country's largest federation of nursing hom e operators, didn't like dialogue like that An in· te ns ive effort was made by the AHCA to keep the s how from being repeated this summer. Sponsors were pressured, th e network was pressured , CBS affiliates were pressured, the pro- duction company was pressured. The result "Hom e" will air again, Aug. 27, minu.~ four of the advertisers that s ponsored the show in its firs t go CBS STUCK BY THE s how. with James Rosenfield, president or the network, explaining in a telegram to affiliates : "We r esent the pressure being brought to bear by the AHCA on the network. the producers. the l:.VLRY 5UMMU< THE:. CRl:.AM OF AMl:RICAN YOUTH GOES TO SUMMER CAMP - ANO TliE REST GOTO CAMP NORTH~TAR. "We do not intend to deny 'llome ' a reiwat broadcast in rCAponsc to lhls <'luborat<:ly mounted special intt>rt'sl cumpu1~n We hope you wall s up· port our position an this 1mrX>rtanl matte r " APPARENTLV , MOST AFFILIATES will Tbe network reports tha t none of its stations have bent under the pressure to the extent or refus ing to a ir the repeat, but ul least one station. KFOA an Amarillo. will air a 30-second disclaime r. remind· mg viewers that "Lou Grant'' is f1ct1onal and not to be taken literally. roNIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS HJ ?ITI • ....,., Of The a..itlOn" A~~~alttOt• ~·· car-ta _.,diud IOllle'la M can 0*1 a COIWIC· llOfl Ill*"~., ... • GMITIMMT Mu jOlnl IC A08 In en allempt 10 find Olil ...no a payrno Oii COHTAOl r;:TOMOKT ,, ... ~ II** .. It-. L..oy W1lt'l A I amo • I 1111'121 A nn• NMQ1tt Mith,,_. Wlf'JlnO f1to 1 •n c• ~41CJhtlnQ•I• Gtu...0.• IO(j•tnlll lf1 .... ..., "' l Ofl(Jt')f1 ...a '''"""'"'"V on ll>e C•""4Nn wer tront fl"' 6'1 min I • uov. • • • .., 'Riot '" r,..il l11t><~ II 11~~1 ......,..... flrtlrld I mlltt Mey• A 1,,,,..,,"0 " ....... ,,_ ""° Cl'Jll'"' 1.-.-tv~I~ w'-1 """".,.. '''I ,,, yAt ...... , ,,.," .. ""' ''"' ,.,....,"' , ,,. ..•. tW"w•• "'4't f I ht UJ mtn I, ht•. • MOVIE • • • •tt.;f , ,,,,. .,,., l ,,,_ f Ht t•,f , .,,,..., '".tt,~ erl M r.AtUMl"1t ·~,Ii .. ~•'' W~n • l'N'llfJ , .. '"' .. '"' •'-<•P'' •n ,,.,.,,,., .. , ••"9Qnf'"Tftlf1I lftli!.fft(J '""' lii#ey fHf#ll ht'I W"'tl"J"ftff"\\ ... ,.. " 0110 ... .,,,f'tl)Ot ... '""°' m111•1t1Q<1 wn<n •• 11/)t)n h""d bt. '"'"'"O 1'1ottl p11<ty f I Ill lO """ I flj) TO IN: ANNOUNCED tf ) MOVIE • • • T n .. MtYln ,, Ak"' t tOSJt W1lh11m 11t>ltl••" o •• ,., NIVttn A fl)Uno woman wt& °"' to 01t;.Q1m a p1e,1>1>~ wno or,...., t bet~e •n tntt 1n1t1tuhon r;t marnllQ" 1:> ,,,, I t2AO &-caa LA'tt MOVIE. * * t ftwit (,,Arfl)' Tr••IH menf ll'l7:>1 J•rT•" C..4ibutf'I J~n ,,.,. n tu•1• /.> O·JiC:IOf •nr~ r..,--,1 tr1;"' t1 •u'c>"c. tt 1 "" ' ,, ,, .. , ~ll().lr .. f 4 1f'tr•\l-'J•'*f t'• {.iilM' t.,..,,., ,. , ti• ' <.W.3hfVJ ht\ ff .... ~· f tt'f H "' t OO O TOM~~ .. 0 i.v.VERIC.K .. J t A '•' 1200 folEW6 '000 HEW~ Q M 0Vlf • • •t •• ~ r.· I' 14 tAt • •..,. J uC:•· i,:r41 A fJ\ ,.,~ s ., • • ' ,,.. 4111 ,, ........ ,. ... • .."<. .. f t'to l • I f U I , J\" ,, , f'.•,•f I f t· • WO. * • ~ .. ADendoft Stilp" (tt!l1) Tytofl• Pow.,, Lloyd Nolen A4ritt 1P1 llft o~ lleeboet, • ~lin muet "*'• ....... OMth dec:llllofta 10 .,_,,.. .... IUfVillll of in. '*'11*'"" ~P"'Pnott• (2flfLI • MT IMAll'T M•a It aMIOI*' to .oiv. 1"41 my•t•IOl'9 di~· ,,_ ol CONTROL tOenla. a-.21 e ....wa . 2 .:xi 8 MOVIE • • ··111do•w•y Gift" t 11>37) Matlh• Raye, Stw- w,y AoH fl young girl on Ill• lilm f1Qm pollOe run• onto e Pml<le Ch4tmt09 P4•yt>oy (I Iv • 2S ""'1. I I HEWS TOK ANHOUNCE> 2~• NEW8 3'()1 f) MOVIE • • ·~ rw."n"6MI 119~1 Tony C.utlla F"tll!I~ L~ l"Y 3 M ii HEWS 41)() Q MOVIE • • ~•1!1 0 1 A SM.•tt· 111•1 tHl°lll Ct•uOttlle • <'.tl><"f H..,1>4ttf MatW'llOll 0 MOVIE • • , Atf1\tMOam AU.tt1t t 11,r,11 W•ll•1tm M1.,towo 1,,..,..,...,., '°"~I CD MOVtE • • l"°' I efJy And """ fhntlot f t'l'l 11 LOW\ r..,,,,.,.,,rl P,•"•(...·• JA•o<J1na 4 30 EJi) TO 8E ANHOUNCE.0 M• .. dn.-•day·• 1Jay1 im.-.'tfori~• .tFTERNOON 12:00 0 • ., Cob< a VIOt'!\lln 1 ''"•4 J) JrJfl Huu Mdria M r11\lf'>I ~..ath Malk~ trH~ Alncain JU""l..,...."' ,,,.,~ ''' ,. C..r1ht• Woman t t ''' 10 min~ CD•• fi.,,fi"" 1 t.C; 1 A r,t-Jr.r1 ;;trl(J (,c,,..,i.f ., .,,,.., ,, f •trtylj'>f' r """"' r ,, r '' ' .. r • , • ..,., """''"' t P '• t • .,; •· N n• '"'·•"'• •' ''ti• 1 •' .. ,, n I I ,., 3 00 t~ • • • r,.,.. "'~''""'"" (,. ,. .. Qf· (, 1,. [.,t,. f"o ~ r • I •• f, .. I 1r' "••I ""' • .. I ' , ,,.. "'" 1 ~ t I I) ) :io o.. . ..... ,.,,.., A rod t , .. ' ''' r '·J1 r ... ... ' .. ,,....n I August llth thru I7th SEVEN THEME NIGHTS OF SPE CIAL PROGRAMMING ANO LIVE INTER VIEWS -------TONIGHT-------- What's Beall~ in Space? S :OOPM EXTRATERRESTRIAL COMMUNICATIONS 9:00PM A WHISPER PROM SPACE 10:30PM THE FINAL FRONTIER P LUS • O rcinge County lfrO Cf'nrf't • JPL f-ulwe f-Or(.tt:.r • 81,l(k H OI!' • UFO M yth or Re,ilHy ( Cll..\RLF..8 MtCABIJ DELIGHTS In the DAI LY PILOT ' . . ....... -------.,. ENTERTAJNMENT I AT YOUR SERVICE "Cot a problem" TMn wntt to Pot Dunn. Pot wtll cut rft1 tape. getting IM answer& and. action you need to wlue mequ1ties in govemmt'Tll and bu.fine&& MaJl your que6t!Cn$ to Pal Dunn, At Your Servact, Orange Coa&t Daily Pilot. P 0 IJoz 1560, Co:sta Me1a. CA 926M . .U many letter1 a.t pouable will be anni>eTed but J>hoMd inquines or U?tters not mcludmg th~ reader's full name. addreu and bwme11 hours' phone number cannot be considered Thi.scolumnappearsda1· l~zcept Sundays ·· Qttkk s.~ze ..... ,,. c.eu.a DEAR P~'.f': My d.augttter ~ot a new bike re· cenUy, and 1t s her firs( "big • bike with hand brakes. ls there any war to brake the bike fast in an emergency ~nd avoid being thrown over the handlebars? This happened recently and iLw.a.s _a very frightening experie nce. She wasn't hurt but -ther:e must be some way to stop so it won't happen agam. --..-. •• A.J .• Irvine ·~ ... cycle la.stitaw of America •dvlles mak- tq sure dlat brue puts •re d09e eeoap &o die wfieel IO &laat &laey wlJJ activate qalckb' bat aot so do.e that they'll rub the wheeJ •Ilea yaar daqllter ped•ls her bike. la an emergency ~ t.__e . rt1bt brake baDdle first. Tills drags the back wheel to decrease &lie bike's speed emugb so that when the left brake u squeezed your daughter woa't go Oylag over tlle taaadlebars.' Pa11et Storflfle Crideal DEAR PAT· I bought s ome wood paneling several months ago because I thought the price would be s omg up by the t im e I wanted to install it. I was right on the price part, but the dealer told me to be sllre to dry out the panels before I install them. which I plan to do in September. I s hould have asked why this was necessary. but didn't do so at the time. Can you find out for m e? _,._ ___ _.._. _____ _ iu'r..-. G•f .. IJfl An actor turns trom his c •shine perch to see a l"lreblrd take wta1 durll1g the fllmln g of a •~ene for the movie ''Hl&h · point•• In Los Angeles. Stunt drivers Terry Leonard and Patty Elder han· dle the scene ---NOW aHOWINCll---- "lj""HM °'"""""' 011 .. I• 81~ 98SO GAllllOI Gllovt Wfft~tot S30-4401 COSTA MlSA Hf1bo1 Cln11111 &48 OS 13 OIWIG( UA Ctl'f C•fttftlt U4·3911 EDWARDS' BRISTOL Sas1c1 Ana 540 74.W ORANGE MALL Orange 637 0340 STADIUM DRIVE·IN O•angc 639·8770 --- PUBUC NOTICE" PUBLIC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NloM[ HloTEMENf ',, .. fOUOW1rtq Pf"'W>ft I\ 00.~txn• n•U'Jit THr l lTH()(,RAPH(R lt064 11,. µ,, \1r•r1t .. ~" Ju•n C'401\tr•n.- (••if ,,..,. 9'/el\ Q t;i.. '1 /16 H•\ ~f' 1'°"6 Y id S.-n Vtt •n t• \At"I J·1•" ( •P•\lr•"'O' C.tt•1f ,,.. "..,,,s '"'' OV\lhf'\\ I\(~ tfld b t •""" d 4Wl0w•I AOOP'1 A H•\\O""t f l\t'\ ~·--·~' .... , f , • .,, ..... ,.. ,,.... t O\lnt" (.le-0 of ()f'MMJl!e: l,gi.,,.-" v "' , l •. IU! __ _ l T Lf J lt09E•T'$0ft Aner..,., ..t Ltw ttSlt 1111.,.,.,.,. .. ,.~ ..... S.lt•M Pl.llWC NOTICI NUNT•a&VOla ........ .,. .. '- ..... f'tirdlltt om. ..... , • ..._,°"ke .. ttm .,,., .... ~.,, ... P~llMCI Or-CO.ti Deity P•IOI A14-H, 21, 2t. s.,t. 4, 1•'9 )lft.7' rvauc NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE CWLY PU.OT 87 PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITI04JS BUllNfH t1A1!M STAU ... NT TIM IOl-lnQ "''°"' •r• doot19 llu~flft\9': JOHNSON ANO ASSOCIATES, t ... 15 ~ C,W , HllflllllCl'Ofl !lff<I\, CA f'lMt H.-y Q. JoftMOfl, IW1S ~ Cl r ., H wntN!qlofl llHC.11, CA '7M• o ... .., Ci -· ''* SolttcMk \I , WtUm>'9\l.,., CAtttll Tiii\ l>UWIOU " <-IKIM Dy • 'l"M••• -1tltt\llit> _.,c; J- T"I' l ie-wH foHld ••1" Int: ,..,,,,. ci.n o4 0r-. C-..h °" J"lf n. "''· F ltttOS PuOll"*I Or•• (01t>I 0d1ly P•l<>t J 11tw 1•. >•.Aue '· u, , • .,. ,., .. n "'CTtflOUS eu~t NESS NAME SfAT£MfN'I' ----- __ -·---Tl•• 1011ow1n9 ~ri.c>n\ ••• OO•n <1 UGAL lfO'ftC£ °"'"'"U •• Nf~T .MESA UNl"lliO AN TIO\Jr loNT•C'> 1847' ll.lnl4 ~ OtSTitrCT y.,.,,,,n Cirtle. F'ovotoon 'l•ll~r. CA .._.lo '*•It..,. 9'•1 .,,flt NOT1(E tS >1ERf8V t;111£N '""' '>•llY""" P~I E '>nVGer, 1~1~ tne t\o•rd of Edu<•Uon n f ""' w nttt Yf'l'Oftt("•, f°""1~•n V•Uey CA "'••°"'1 Mitw urw••f'<d ~"lOOt e,,.,.,,., t "'"°' (,.If Or .. "'Qe ~t'f ~lfOfl'kA -.111 ,,. ff'H'\ ~\ t\ Caftd\Kr.d b~ .it't ,,,. '"'~ ~•1.0 Ooid\ uo to 1 00 pm on '"-·J ••ch,,41• nnct o.-."' AYQli\f "" .... ,,..... (H•' p M llr \n1dit-,. 'J'f W •f'S Ot\tt'1Ct 'fl('•tfof'J 41 '111 Pt.C:f'ft ft\ \Wr~t tlrft\ f1l-.O Wl'I\ tlV • • •••""""" '-o\t.""""'"" CMttMnt• •I (Q\lnh t'4rl 04 Or~ County on '"'t 411PU(n ti,.. ~ow;)\ •IU be' O\ltih(IY 11 t'1• '>C»~d i9"ll!'J ,.,..,, '""' J!:f!!_ C'M ARTf R llV"> <.f Pv1CF<; P"D"j,..., 0-~"9" Co • 1 CM , ""'o• ,., w-v" ., .. Iii blll' '" .c»our•n<"~ ~aTT1• Jt A~ ' u ''" , .... , I~ l"Ol'I,, '•O"", 11"1,l r wr lf,.n\ _.,,d - ~ fl( .. '°""' *""C,, ., .. fW)9 Oft,,._,""" 'hit ~ t•-c• d ,,. P\H(N \•"'O O•rHtor I U •O ',,t'f"(llOI C.,.. tr1,~1 IU I Pt.c.,, t tt PUBUC NOTICE SU~UIOlt COUltT 0" T'4f P,.bll-c>-f'O.\I Co ,~•;;:~ •:::-;•,.;-:~=;::•~·.::::'.,. STATE OffCALllJOttHtA ttO• AVQv\l 1 .. ,, n ,,,. .»tl ,, f.-q .... , .. ., .... ,_ .......... ~· ...... c··' • ,,. .. '"M~"""41 CIPf"IOl'I t\ dot"'CJ b~· .Mlu 1 ... v .. ie. u n.n ,..ICTtflQU\ BuitHESS THE COUNTY 0 " Oll•NGf ~ • -~ "' ... , "' '" A·tt1U J P UBLIC NOTIC"'" 1 . ,,., ·•.O o< '0•'• ,,,.. o on ""•' ,,.. Pa r H'•' INVf<;T"'F"'T'> f#C'iO N OTtCl Of" HE Allt t NC O ~ r... "•t•,•H ""'U".,."f•""""'lt._,_,, P"I' ... ,., ._,,,.,., HOtll't ~u •~ \00. "lTITIO-~ l'RO•AT( Of' Wtl.L Tl\., hW'd 1 f '1:..1• •I 11 ' 1,.,. htt111oort EM.,,,,.. (.A..,..0 A"O 1'011 Lfnl.llS T£\TAM£N ,..tCTITIOUS BUSIN£\~ .... , .. ,,--...,un ,...,'>-,.,...l[,,,1,,,, l1An• N 9~1tf' l~I v .. (,,! TA•Y AND P"0tt AUTHO•Uz.ATIOH NA.Ml STATffllll.l ""T .,.,,.,.,,.,., tf'W> '•Qll"\t ttt '•1""'' ,.ny , A ' r "'"•ntrt\\ N~woort 8•a<" (A TO A OMINISTllt U HOEllt THE ,,..,. to IOA•"Q P"°''Q""* ., .. or.; "' f•tO\ •'"'CJ not """" .... wt''• jlft{•gt ...... ,~'40 INDf:~ffltOE,.T AOMtNl~fMATIONl ou-..n._.,, •\ 10,,..,. t>.o #'IO to .... ,. -"• ,,,•otm•I· 1 "'"' °""ff'lr\\ t\ <ond )(lt'O Of 11"\ '" 0,-E'STATISACT t~•OIA fl. COO£ (,1 ft4W000 POOPfP't l(~ '!ill '''' •••"'O\lf•'"' ·"'M'I• """""•""•" i t11dv•t M1ET~E0) '•"'""'" c.,,,.~ .,.u.,1 nq10,.. f\.,,.,t. "'t{WO()s:tt N {')•..,N'J. •' ,.,..,.,W&uM:hf' E\fatf'of l0RAA4N( H AOTtv~ <•1ttr>rr1 •• .,~ Y '4()('.)t (1\r'°'·r t '"'~ -t•t~t •4'\ •·•4!d -.1tn '"' ·-· lOAR.AtNE p l\OffdM .... ff jl;•f l ')lif •1 & llY I AV ~ll ·~· •a.,~rounh '""""''('~"ot Ot~C~nttOl\JUI~ L0ARAIHE HAMIL TON P( HCIVAL l •""'°''" c.,, ,. Hwt~ notc.r f\r•, d 10,,11A 1• 111' ROTtUM °""'""~ t •11•0" .,..,~ ,..,,,,.,,,,..,. .. ,,.. .. , t,N-" NO TtrF IS .-.r ~r HV r l Vl N tMI Rot)91r-f ' '"'"'O" • "'f' l "· ..... J6 • µ.., ROSWl:l l BOTTUM""'' f ''"'' ""'"'" \tf.-.' """'''"'' (•I ~'"' l • ,, •f'I t I .... ".,~\-"''J' fflt''l' • Dl"t•f1on tor Prfiib,ttf' ot W1H ~no to, ftO]•t ' '" • t I '~'u1tr1r .. .,, l t'TlU\ lt\t ,m• nl•r f t ~ •f"',. L. f A\t'lt" >OOt. • ,_.,.. 1"0-PvtJ•·~.....,, Or ,,..,,,,. Ce.'' 0.-. • • ' ,.., ,,,., Pt"ltllonit' t'n<J fer A1,•1'111l11•l•fJt\ t< [.)r,,.,. (t)\t" M•vt <.•M(trn ,._,.16 L .,q • IH4 JtJ • ., AOm.,,1\141'f' urider ,n,. tnr•f• n1""«'M An r .,,.,"1_. , ,,...,.,., 1'.~•1 ',, • I "'""''~'""Of f \IAI•\,. 1 p ,.b<tt• 11U'l0 I I''"•<• •o•n,., Pl'BLJC SQTl('E Coot s•t "' """11 ,,.,,.,,..,, , 'o """''-" • 't'I t w• "' , , , o'"""H rH' r. m4u:t~ 1°" turt""' °"''1"'''•'~ .. no ""'' ,...n.,, t•'' '""'"' &: SUPERIO" COU~T f'l•tl•S P1.,10 ,,..,..0 '>'~ (Olt\t O•llf V!!Ol , 11 ADO I 4 }I >'1' Jlf•\ I PL'BLJC NOTl{'E \TAffMf NT OF WtTHO•AWAL Flt()M PARfNf RSMIP OPERloflHC. UNOfR '""'''"• 1f'11 r1._,,. •""'"' nq 1,,,. ,.,.,. ~ ... , , ,1 "~' Ottn ,,., ,,..,. 1-VOU"t 1• •1•1 1• ,,, \ ''"" .. """' .,.,. • ... • ~ .. '""" 9 F CAL••O M .. IA .,, f, ''"""'41 °',.-"''""•\ •1trw)1Aw1, 10 00 t "' '"'" ... r•<Vr'tro" 1 t, "'' ,,. J" ,, ~ . ,, •• , ,, (64.J fllll f• OIF-OMAN(,[ t , I( t I flOU~ BUSINf" NloMI · J.W .. Huntington Beach Several dealers ny to ~tore tlle paneling la lite room wt.ere it will be installed &o prevent w•rplag as well •• slutakage or other changes ill tlle shape ~ Jlle W()Od. When you delay installation. panellDg bas time &o acCD.S1om itself to the dJfferences la lelllperata:re aJtd llamidUy between a storage area ~nt "O 1 of .,,...,d """''' fl1t U'YJ r ,,.,, A""',. i 1 to1zt; ~(1•t< t.nltr Orio flf tU ~ p"'r tl'l•r '""' , .. , ---------------------------IC~nf~r(ri,..Wfl\l ,,,,,,_r 1•0'\4"t• ,.1'...C ~4"'l•AJ\• C,,l•f•r,..1tt .,.,,.,," v ••f•f'tQ u~r ,,.... ' AM (il•f'Otnie P vt>'•'PW'ft (.J!',,_,, ut(•I• a • t (A\(H\,IMIE•Ot,U U • wt~""':., Pi_~~';:"'A:~~rf ~ ill YG'll' t.ome and tJle dealer's s&orage yard or ~nr the paaeU..g h•d been kept prior to sale. lie mre f.o at•ck the panels O•t·witb air spaces between. Slplae11h19 Ga• a Da119er DEAR PAT ln view of all the gasoline siphon· m g that's gom~ on, a re a lot of people being poisoned by swallow1n~ gas? L. W .. Laguna Beach The Consumer Product Safety Commission answers your question with an emphatic "yes!" More thao 500 percent more adults swallowed gu la the past two months, compared to May and June 1978, and siphoning was the predominant cause. More th•n 600 per80ll8 were poisoned by icasollae la June alone. CPSC also estimates there are now approx· imately se million gas conlalDen la coasumers' heads. U yoa must store gas, you are urged to use gas ca.u designed for safety, with name arresters and preuare·releue valves &o belp keep spark.a oat and vapors la. To help consumers avert the dangers of s&or· iJlg and aslag gasoline, the commlsslon bas two free phamphlets, "GasoUae 18 Made &o Explode" and "The Hazards or Flammable Uqalds." Ile· qae1t from U.S. Consumer Product Safely Com· mission. WublDg&oa, D.C. ZU97. ~ .. •remeat Dellbet.i DEAR PAT: Can o c reditor insist tha t r buy credit life and disability ins urance before be lends me money? Can he insist that I lake out the in· surance with him., G.E . Costa Mesa AA you know, credit Ille and dJublUty la· ...uce u parch•sed to cover tbe oatatandiag ..,_,. • your laatallment credit contract if yoa ..._.. die or beeome dbablecl. Tbe cost ran,es from 17 cellts to approslmat.ely $1 auaally or each $1M of credit laaaraaee coveraae. An nerace aceeptable muJmam l• .. cents. A cre4Jtor may require yoa bay this la· ...... w-•e, but may eot require tlta& yoa MY U *-P Id• or Illa lasura11ee •&eat. If lt Is re· --udJ99ttllaaaed la couedloll wltla lite credit Wlllb-itr.adN.-::t die preml•• cost mu& be .. eluded •• pa_rt ti me Dauce daarge. Some credt&on reeetve ii.a. ce-•t.na.• from &lie laArHce ee•PDY ,_ ~· luarataee. So, be extre•el:J c.ret.I .. aeledllll,.., lllavuce. u l" .... , De die twNl'lll8 ,..,. credJMr often, d9edE wttJt a leeal IL& SUI! l»n*er. '"'NORTH DAUAS FORTY' IS FRESH. FUNNY AND POWERFUL. PACKS A SUBSTANTlAl EMOTIONAL WALLOP.'· I• ,,1 4•f • ·"' ·~ ~ t~·. ~ . ... R .~··:·:·~ ...... ......... _ .. NOW Pt..AYI NG UA MOWllS Pl II I Cl ff CU 1(11 MIUlOll 111!1'1·111 llllCOl • lllllWf·I• A••.i • \' ,,. '.i4 1.4 ,, .. I •"" 8 .. t"'.t"f'' SOU TM COAi I ' • •Vt•• •I U lt •11 4~• llO , ..... IC«Plll •• , ... ._ • ., O•l•d ~~":'~' ~~~~,... Al.IQv\f I "' 4 I .. ,~,.,, ""' -•• ff'll ,~"~~ .. ::.I> ut A ... :: t-on--r I .. \."'''" /lllt#w CA Y'l•l• •nO I 1 (.ouinty (t.r• ,,.,,.A o#.k(" l A"'-l (.;Al " ¥Al ... , ~ .. ""' ../•~fJI' On.,,-c c .. ,, Cost• Mf"w OAVIOSTEllLING TtHGL!lt P UBLIC NOTICE •"O ... ,~ .,a .. ,. JOEllC • 1 1 • ""·"• LAW CO"ll'OttATtON -NAl()""t J 'I\. 'ttht'°". Du\.,,.\',,..,.,,. '' H•· -.... .-t C...tw Or1tt, l'ICTITIOUS BUSIN£U NOTICE 'f"" ...... ---T~• ;:~1 :0• tnt ~'.'":'.:";~ •t;~~·~ ~·: S.ltem ~AcME STATf.MENT (_,., mo ---···· ....... 11 .......... ...,.. .. •• ,.rt a..cA, CA.,... r .,_., •ottO••nQ ~''O"' ~'• )• 0 1our 0.1,... ,.,,.. ""'fl' '°" , .. ,...,Cl T•t f1U t ..... s.tJJ bv\i~ "'\\ tllftt"I" )t CMO tlt•H U.. tft .... flft,ft,..._ fn• C v 1 NII~ •nd AO.Off' \ I '"'-' AttffMY\fW ,,...lh..-r AlLSTA f [ Qf&lft J;:f'l ~ M ••• • ._, h , ... ,,_.,.. "CJ k U Pubfl"twid Or~<r C\"d't (•• •• P1•c~ "''llf P Mr)ORf 100t 1 "•'0"''1 1 AVtSO U\tM"" ~ff ............ oe .. ~'. L• p fur.-O• AuQ I I U \•Ii 11\\9 1' A,,,.,_.,,, f """" ••• ,.. ..,_,., ,.,. C 11 , "' • Et '"f>vM t ~ ......... ., CMtlt.t UO ! 4' '• •UM ''" •~•eftl ... •~ow U• ,.......,.. f Ci.,...>,• aw• " FOJ111.t PUBLIC' NOTl"F. ,. ....... 'n• "''1 r ."11''"""0 , "• ••ntre ....... L .. 1• .......... P~r ,,,. .. o o.-Cuo IO• , " i '"'# D•" .... ,, •• !"IQ •• ,..,""' .. "'•'''"', C•Of'IG....-V9'W ,,, 110",. "'"'"• M ... , ,.,~. (,.,\..I ' '""" ,.._.~,. •10nJO "'"'n , r"'• "'" MuM "0• ,. k#~ "' 1' .. ,,.... pr• '•rJn;' ",. • -~ t t'W'' OAOE,.1'0SH0W CAU~£ t •i.tt>'"'°'V.""'6 ''""" ·~t4'' nq t -vr ""'•""'9' •011 ~Oft CHAH(;E OF NAME J,.,.,.,., £ ti;()-,.,. h.~1 An .t_. 1 M"'f --' ' ' " .,, """ '' .,.,.,., • 1~ 111 JO (. Q f r, 0 P 'f lif £ I T •t Hv"'t1t•a1M ff-•<l'I C•lifOrn11l •lf}.I' ljfl'f'\ • ·~ CM I• '"-'' '"' y f"\fft(·f''\" OUISC•Htf PPV n.t\ , .. ,..,., "'f• l!lt ,, '" Tr114. n1J' f'W\\' ~ """"''' o r., <l t "''"''" ' "11J tnt' court tor "'" ,.,d•, 111, Nino piiot1 C)fl'hf, ,, NH,_,,.,,.,,ri n 11 • '" 1 • ' .. l •· ,,_ ... tlon•r t o r n •• n >" , •. nA,.,, tr .,, J•"""' [ f!ritAt>.•,. '' '"°"'" "'19'•f\ ' ,, • •,)\I' o .. C,PEGORV "fl TH C,,lJl,(NfH A~; '"''' ..,,,,.,~, .... , • 1"' "'°''"' t¥ ••vll ·• ,., t• ..... ..,,, 11M ,,.,, . , . ., . .. Pl'BLIC NOTICE f'ICTITrOUS 8USINES~ NAME STATE MENT '•. •· 'rw1,,.1 ~\On ., uo1nQ n "' n to G REG Q\JtZ (l')u"''• {t•r• o• o,. • .,~ Covnlv 0" ""'• .... , 1 v'><I""' .,, ,.,,..,, l"IU ,. l I\ ... ~ I r • N r I .J I) f ltt\her"b•ord-H"CI''-"'""°"''''~\ A,uQu\\, tUi 1 1 ~nt tr•rwnu,., .-.t'W Hhr~ ,,.., N • 1o1f <.t ('H~r.r·J~ :•l•~·"'V" f.iiO '"'''t'ltod If\ ftw m tttH Aft>""'"'" A,.. , \ , ... , 1 t ' c. • '' • Oi'h,. ~ •r-f'tll"' ,~· • ~,. ~ ( ,., tl)rnott 1?•1' Pfti ' bf"fOf"Pfl'tl\H,Nft '" (-"twtr'"'''' P110h\f'\fd Orlo4iOf"(O•St O•·•v P !'it 1\ft'lltlt J(11,e•'1 '""-· "'•""*''" ,.,,,.,. .. ,,nnPo,,.,,," .. ~n1! IJ~.:' ;~~.'.~.r"::·,.;f'lr•:.;_~·~,.:,.':', •uou,1' u l1 11 ,,,. JO.Cl ''I or:~'t· ~n~.\ ... ; '~",: '~"-;"' t "1~" r\. ;~~ ... M~":.!~ ... ~~;1..:a~~:d hr tn '" 1~. '"q .-1" oo , 1""' A" .-.ria •n•" , {' ·oTICF. , ., 1 '""' , ... P•'' '" · • ' ... i.;. ,,.. o •• a .... . •l'\d th••" \f'\(;.1111> 1tuv-•f tr.,, '"""' Pt: Bll l'i • nq O' • ... ,. ' ,.., O"'• ""°''• "' ',,_.., •• iNA~\ LO'I AO.p"n """"'" 'l'Wh\f "4U1 P"'hf1,.,. •• , 'P'llflt'\QI" f • • I '"" , .. ,.,,. ... ,,, Wfl.rt\ hl•ft 1111> .,., 11'1• """" • '''"'"''-'no•"" 'lf tf'ttf'l1 'ICltTtOUS •USIHE SS If •?v "' '""lo ..... ·~ 4GYt(fl o•' """'' (. .•• ~ 0•41'0' 4,...0Uf'lh or J ' .. " I\ tunr.r Mtt..r,.., '"""'"" or·· ~ NAMf STATEME NT t •"' •ttorne, 1n UU\ m .. n., fW '"o-.ld t t. f '1'•, on1•,. •o ~ r ""'~Y f)o 1"•1b1t•~Mt '""~ •ttuo .. ,nq Pf'"'°"' ,.,., "' ,..o ao "° protnpUy t.o tft.11 ·'°"'' •r•tt•"I Fn•u1 '" ,,,. Ot' 'WV,. (Oo"q C">tti'" r 11ot • Do... ,,nf·' .... '•'"'""' 1t ,,_., m •• M h tecl •" ttrn. r ;r'I ,.~ (). 1nor (.Od'f CJ• t., ~ ot l\e•\O~Cof'f f'lf Ql"n•r.tl ,~ ... ,, n PAfJ>.( ~"' ~o~ AAf, ,,.,q-o ... 41"!.. D~t•d F..oin.art H .. ,, ... # J A.l.tQ ) ,, lff."4 i .. • ,,,. OUl>ttt~ 1n ""'" 'klf'h ,itf ,,.,.,, ,,,, •,. Av• ,,.,,,,..,,.. (A t77U •<A • C..A-"''"' Wt't*' f r ~DU' rr<t'\\Jll'C.V'',,.._ ..... , l ' r ~O Oe tt P !/V .t '""•,..,0' r. Pl'Bl.IC' NOTICE ~=========================='....! O•t.ct ••Jt1'U''' 101'9 c.-. • :r u • •"'• totNO.vO'Wtd ,...t''1f'W) P-er\on•• I~., t14llf' Avr ''~'""'I • ·If"""•"'• ti.."-t •• BRAJCF w \!·MN[ I> I ,. .... l ..... ,.,,, Tru\I~• " 0 o •vro B 8LOOM E\Q "OTICE 01' OIHOLUfl~ ~ .. ~.~~~·ll!ll~!llll"tll!lllllll!llll•-----· J~ ,.,,1 t.._ 8o• \II 0 1 Y'!oOI"' ( • 97666 S•11 WtfMtltt Sowl•••r•. S 11A0 ~ ~rt?r(l'\i'' '"''' °""""""''' ., concJ"lll"CJ O• •i lot A,........ C...t.....,.,t••i. 0" P•ltfN£11SHIP ·•OT1CE I> HEREt!Y (,t d N MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "MOONRAKER" 1PG1 "ROCKY 11 " tPGJ Pub4t"'9G ()rtVq> '°"''' o .u. P11et ,,..Ni,,., N''""'"1r '•' 11\Jt •»-u .. "r' I t 1or. 1'tlf\ t 1nr "'"° 1 I• ?I It I•~ lOl<o t• PA( .. rR~C,OVAPf •11.,nu 1., Ptbl-• ,. • •n1 ... (.01010r111 f"'\ \..OOf" .,. •• O• .. roRPOR• I ION • ~·~Wdf~ Pt.:BLJC SOTKE NOTICE OF t~TlNTIOH TO f"OAGf IN THE i AL[ 01' ALte>t40LI( BfV(ltloG CS , 111• lo Wn()m If Mltv t ontt·'" )UDjtot t tt) 1\Wtt"<• Of th• li(f'n4.f' di\ Pfltd for not•<" 1\ hrr•D• ot••n tf\et '"~ vno-n1~ rw-000,,.\ to 1111 .itl(.OhOllf Oi"'¥'"'"1t0'!"\ •1 IN-prfllf?\t\4"~ OtKrlt>l'd •\ fl')fl~\ I 'I Main '''M"f Hunt1t1qt0<> A•otll (I\ PurtMM'll tn 'uc:" +ntt",,f1un tlY un •r\19nf'<I f\ ~oOfvlno ,,.. '"-O•Nr 1 •"' ot 1o1cono1oc Bev~•-Control A~ P W•t'tn1"Q'tot" P\IO \...-.0 <>"•not 04'-f 0,1 • t •11t Partner ,,,,.. •• t ·~ I 14 '"'Ii \ • • ' ldlt n 'I •n d (,A RY 'ht\ \IAlflf'Y'\f"nt W.A\ •11..a •II"' '""' Covnh ,.,.,.. Of 0'•"9t c°"''h Of\ "'"9"'') ,.,. .. ,_ PuDll\l'led 0.0l'Of (o,u1 O•l•Y Piiot •uq I U 11 It "" lOO I• PUBLIC NOTICE Pt:BUC' NOTIC t: f.C>l .. OE R !>ON ~n o M "Q le A Q ~or RSQM ttu\O,..nc1 .\f"., -. .,. M r tto•Ot• d inQ bu\•N'') 1h '-"trtrw , .. 1ncs .. , '"' ,,,,., "•"',-o • SPSUM1 ""INOlRSOH OAON COMP"Nl .ti NOTICE 0 " fttUiTl:E S SALE '100 Ou•ol ~ .. ...,, Suott as N1 ·~ 11 H• .. , 8P '"' (ftl1lorn ' ,.,bbO h.tW• 01\ On •~t 24 .. ,. •t 11 00 • m 41.,,,.d tf'Vl'tr 1Jtn.-r.t1 o•''""'''"''' • o• PE0Pl [~INVESTM(NT"N01 0AN .... , II"~ by mvr .. al l 0<>-..n1 ·•"0 -------.A,Si~Or IA' ION 4)\ CUI• ·~po int"" ", .. , .. , .. , \.ltO dl\SOlut1on "" P"''-•'Hl l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS Trv\l•• _, ono r>urwenr to O~O or n •d """'O"lf 10 l"C"' Mf ObhQ•ltun• .. a.M E STATE.MENT ''"" '"'°'-""""" 1 ""· •Ii "' o~ r:i--1tall .11 .. •or-· firm '"" t0Uow1nq ~ton '' Ck,.,... Ov .. • ~\'A\ llRUCF ~ (l[i\NIH(. Sf~Vl(f 1411! O.•n Af'W'I !>trflo(fl W•\fMin\ltr C•lllorno~n61J \I• .. o It~ •n DUO• 11113. 1>"<1'' oO• OAON CORPOPAT ION ot O•••< ,., ~fl'tMd\ 1n t"-t ott''-' 01 ,~,. 8y LJP'ld• J 8rowe,. Count y R!Kor.,.., o< 01t~ ro .. nt.. Bv Jtll,..V W LeHedlt Sr.tt "' CAlll0<n1•. Will Sl Ll • r G<try 8""°"''°" PvBL•{ AUC llON 10 Hl (iH~!>l MArlt8rll\Otf\Oll >•••••••••••••••••••••••••C' or k\v•nc• Of _, ~•<~"' ""'~"'•9t l•t•,,,• !or ltcen~\) tor t~, .. c>rt" l M•¥ flrUC• &ArOefl Ull7 0.M A"" 1NO\tm1Ml~r C•Hlor"••.,btl 8100f" FOR CA~>i 04'¥•D"' •I !om• PuDI••""" Or-C:O..•I 0.o•lf Polot o• ••I• on l•wfut "-• M '"" UM •d lou9 14 1•1' ll1•·1• "MORE AMERICAN GRAFITTI'' IPGJ "THE VILLAIN" cf>G i IM•••IOI~ '•t ON ~loll 8£CR & WIN[ PU6 EAT PL I K._,,. P B•l>c0<• Appt1u111 PuDll~ 0rlfl9t C.On1 O•oly Poot llQ "·JI, 1t. ,.,. l 11l ,, ·--------~---~-PUBLIC NOTICE T h 1\ t>u'\ft'WJ'\\ '' (ondvC:tf'd bv •n .,, ditf10t..t•I Statt\I at ~th lron1 entr•n•t tn '"" • -----_ I 1tfrY 8 8MCl<'fl Th•\ •lal...-t we> tol~ woth '"" (O,.llly (It" OI 0• .. "90 C.o .. nty on AU<JU\I J Im 1'1~ Pubto\-Or-Co.ll Oa1IY P110l A119uU I 1f 11 1t t•7' t910.1• PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE "CTIT·IOUI eUIUHU NAIM ITATIM•NT The fOlloWlflt -ton It 4111"9 l>Ull· M U H lllPTIOfi SKATE'S. I• lllptldt Court, Ht'f'POl1 IN<.tl, CA ftM:I Ot vlcl e OMfM<ll, It a lptto. (Oun,........,, e.eui. CA tMa Tlllt WllMM It~ llr °" In• clM w.I Ot¥tf .. o.tAac• '"'' ......,.. -......... .. c-tY ~ .. 0r .. C...111 JrtAy "· ""· Ort no• C0<inty o4d ,....,.,,,.,..,. {•I• ol S•"'" Ana S1•1• of Cahlorn••· 411 ''9M, tiH• Anet t1'1tr•\t \.OftWf't•O to •nd llO• ,..IO Dy ,, -· W ld 0...-d o• T ru't 1n t.._ or0ortrh \1l~teo ltt \fti>d c.o .. ntv....., Statt clewrl!Md •• Lot 1t '••ct 1717 '" ,,.. Cttv OI ,. ......... , Bu en. Govfttv o• 0r.,. .. St•I• o• C•lllO•fl•• ., "'°"'" °" ..... " ,,.,to, r*(OfOeO l<I eoo.. 101. ,...., 4• ~ jO MIK •ll-\ ~jh. rK or<h "' ... ., Ora119e C-.1¥ TM '''"' -.. , -ot,_r com mot> clU IQflellofl, 11 M\y, 01 Ille real 11<-rly Otsu•lltel allOw II pwr-1H 10 be 1411 Fr-l'l(O Orh•t'. Newpor1 8@*<11 C..iotlto<"•• Tiie _,...., f ruit .. okclt ""'\ •"Y lleblllty •or ... , lllCOtrKl~H Of Ille ttr .. t eclclr9H ...., Cllfwr <""',,_ OHl9natlel'>, II t11y, .-,.,..If\. S.ld WI@ .. 111 .. ~. bul •ltllOul co..,.,.•nt or _,..,..,, HP'eH or Im IMllCI. r...,011>9 title, OMM•.ion. or ..,<11mbrancft, to ,.., '"' r-••nln9 D<lllC IO•I """ ol "'9 "°'•''' M<11re0 Df t •ld Ottd 01 Tru\t, to wit US,J4• .... _..ltll llltffftt tM,....,, ot oro•ldetl In Mid "OMlt l. -.,-..,, II •"r• "-Ille -OI ••IO Oetd M Hutt, I•~ <Mr'" Biid tllPt'IMt M lM Trustl!t Olld ol tN lruth ~·•••M by W ICI !)Md tf Tn.t1. TIM lltfttfkltl'Y Ulldtr w ld Oet4 ol Tr111t llfftl.._ tl•t<lll•ll and ,._ """""' to tN ......,...,._. • wrMt11 O.Clet'110f1 .. OlolMt 111111 ~ tor Salt , •1111 • ••111111 Nollet ti Ooltult 11111 1"'1• tt s.ft, TIM - dtrtltll .. <••M41 Hlf Nttltt ti Ottevn .,,,, l!lt«llll " lell to lie re t °'*O Ill tllt UUl!tY ...... tlle reol ~ ....... .... 0....: Jtiay M. ""· ~I INYUlMINT ANO LOMA ..... .,,..,,... c.tt "· ,,..._.. """' ._, ... ,,«f ~· .... Or .. c...e DlllY ...... PW! ..... Or ... c..... OBllY J111rit.Aut '·••.11.1m ,..._,. JllltJt,..,...,,,.,,.. ..,. PUBLIC NOTICE $UPEIUCHI cou•T 01' THE ST ATI OP CALt.cMt ... A POii THI COUttn' O"O•A,.Of Ne,Attlla OllOfltTO SHOWCAVH •• "'-Me~ ......... (_ ef .MIHllOAO ~ou•ZAltJANI ,., ( ......... .._ . WH FAE lo S M E Hlt OAD POUllLto .. JAHI, Pftlllloner. Mi HIH • rHllrlOfl """ lllf c .. r11 M ltllJ Court !or •n order cl\.invl"9 Pttltl-•'• "•me lro m M E Hlt O "O POVA ZAHJ ANI lo SONN Y Ml!HllOAO NIMA. IT IS 0 110£111!0 -•II __,, In· ••rHlell "' lllf .-...-111e4 melter •-•• ....,, 1111$ <_, •I It 00 • m. on S.IM-U, tm, In 0.-tment J Deter• tlM Honorallle Brue& w. ~umfl•r ot OltANGIE COUNTY SVPEIUC>ft COUltT, 100 Cl"'k C-w Orlvt, city of $Mil• "'"•· Co.nt'f o• Orone-. atti. Of C411"9nllt, _,. -, • ..,., II ..,,. wtly Vie petition lw cn..._. .. _...,..,...•~•tect. IT IS "VltTH•a <>1'081110 lt\ot o '°'" .. 911• .,.., ...... c.tuM -llJlllNllllH Ill lllt "Dil'IL.Y ~ILOT" • lltWtP•IM' ol ........ <lrc11l•ll011 IWllllff Ill Or ... ~ Cttltwlltt, -·. --tor --~OMlft ... , ,,..., .................... ttllt """"'· Dtttcl ~ tt, mt anow.~ .,.,... .... ....,. .. c.w. .............. • ....,.l.-.,. ................... ....... . T~UMt ~--••• a .......... -Olllt Delt"l Ptlat, "!f...................... . ... .,. lOWAJIDI' W1_,.. C 11 IMI IUEH l'Allll Dlllff.111 Pi11n11ng1011 lleacll &48..()311 0rJllgt 634·?!1~ 8uofld Por• 8?1 4011 ----'*--•' _ ...... THI MU"'IT MOVll io1 ·-· ,. ...... -........ . .., .. r11NU II .. ltr AMlllCATHON1101 l2•JO • ,,., • J,oo , .... •.oo. 11.00 "W _, llO Gell CU It.ti YOU ICllA.- A LllH (1) ___ _, 111•. i.eo ......... 10'10 MC& NOUI e IMt OolVll HOtrTH DALlAI fOltTY 1•1 , ... • )olO e S14 J "" & 10.M '"T'Hf YIL..UO~­ -us-11""'" Ul/ __ 1 .... 14~ l9 .............. ~..­ ~•H" -.US-7-t.ll IAl/--IM-4-IM-4.._.... 'THI MUnfT MOYIE" IGI , ........ Ul/--1'1._I t'-~U -· OIOP.Ut.n l.ff.t .. t"l;';;~r;JJr~~· ....... llUeAN IN Olu.t"l''I NIWISl ;~_:•,•1 ....... fLTIND OOOM.lltO> 819 98~ MUI THI JUNGU aOO« COJ ..... ,, ,, ,, . ._.,.,, ITLVUTlt neUOMI IOCKY 11('°1 PWI PAUDIH AWY lllOI ..... ""'* tt •nr AMlllCATHON lllOI Kin CONVOY 1110I _._,l.MICMYtt .-rM MUAI '°"'1' Ill ... llMWOU8Mfll) --·M990f ..... '19 AMYY1U1 NOlllOI c-1 .... ILUI IUf•t•• 1t1 ......... _... --'"' ~ GIHlllCIMl'Nt --.......... ... ---" --·----..-"9\' ... 1111 II 1111" 'Flddl r,' 'Owl' Clo big 'buck' in-Huntington Hrre It 11 only lhe middle ol Auauat and the JlunUnitoo Beaeb Playbou.e LI opeolfta the aeeond play of ha new uon tbl1 week Intermission Tom Titus Howevtor. lb "Muon.'' which be1an ln late Jun • marl&ud the flrtl Ume t.be playbouae bad performed lo llunUq&on Beath ln nearly three yeart TheJroup 11 now back ln bullneH with a n w alat · phtya for 19'J'9..80, wbkh will be an· nounc9d ln U\11 ap.e Prid1y. alon1 the Orange Cout are: Tlll8 Wt!E&'M OPENEa, lhe only one on lhe lot"ul atuwe c lrt•ult, I• "lltiglnne r 'a Luck ," a mcxkm t-umcdy ctnterod around • divorcee with a Cull dat hook who find~ her ex husband back in the ract-for h r fuvor Thts Normm Baruch-Carroll Moon.• vluy dl•bul• l''r lduy for 1t slx·weekeod run. --"West SAde Story .. at Sebutian'• West Din· ner Playhouse, 1'0 AvenJda Pico, San Clemente (492·9950>. Performancn nllbUY except Moeday at' varying curtalo times~ mid-October. -"P.S. Your Cat la Dead' by tbe Irvine Com· munlty 'Ibeater at Unlvefllty Hip Scbool, Cam· pus Drive at Culve r Drive ln lrVtne (754-3139 or 754-3642). Performances Friday• aod Saturdays at 8 o'clock through Aug. 25. Su.ain O'Conrwll plays th divorc.e (reprislng ~11 N1rly 1w rform1rnct• for the Irvine Community 1 tu.· let) uml 1111..0k Sorkt'n iK her persistent ex. Les 'lr•·d \'nuclll h\"r C'urr •ut beau, with cameo ap- iwu ru1w1·s by Curolyn Tierney and Roger Mtlls ruundtnl(oullh""• cuist -"PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM•• at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach <494·0743). Performances Wed· nesdays through Saturdays al 9 o 'clock through Aug 25 Pt·rfornw11c1•1J will be given Fridays aod S.1tu1Cta,, ~t K :IO In Suite 39 of the Seacllff Village !'\tiopp1 11~ ('enter dl Mam Streel and Yol"ktown \ H'llUl' lluntmuton lh'ach. Reservations 847-4465. "Funny Girl'' at the El Camino Cabaret Theater. 690 El Camino Real, Tustin (838-Ql&O). Perform ances 01gbtly except Mooday at 8 o'clock 'I tu. I.ON(; R l NNING "Fiddler on the Roof" through 0('t. 28. a111I llw rnllt·f~l' production of "The 9 wl and t he "The Petrified Forest" Jl lbe Gregory Bach f'u:.:. t·.1t" botn give their Canul performances this Studio. :l223 S Forest Ave., Santa Ana (540.0230 or .,, ·t ~.1111l at ttw llurll'c1u1n Otnner Playhouse and 754 6888> Performances Fridays and Saturdays at <111111111 w,.,, C'ullt•gt•, n·~p«cllvely. K 30-through 54!pt 29. F1clcJl1•r," !'>tai.:t·d by Thor Nielsen. continues • 111111,.·ht lhrou~h .1 1·lu:.1ng performance Sunday at BACK.STAGE The Saddleback Valley Com· th•· 11.11 lt·q11111. :150:1 S ll<irbor Blvd., ju.st north of . munity Theater will hold an art auction Saturday <'o ... t a M··~.1 1!17!1 !'1~1 1 J Golden West's "Owl and at the Montanoso Recreation Center in Mission Ill•· 1•11,,~ \t".1!" Wlllcb up its run Friday through VICJO. • Vl('WIOI( or the art will begin at 7 p .m . ~11ncl.i .\' wt x :iu 111 tlH' Pa tio Theate r (892·7711> with the nucllon at 8 :30 ... proceeds will go toward acquiring a pe rmanent home for the <"0"11'11';1 'J~(; T llF.IR c·ruuu:~ in-ew ...... b.aa.._t _.t..,h .... t:~a .... t•"""•c g.cuuJL for inCormatio.n_calL586:Bfl 11,,.., ht 1·01111· .1 111 ollf11· s ummer M~ason of thcaler 830 9252 ' orror' Film Diluted I "" .uppo!.• rll\ tru1· :.t:on ol lh•• l.1111 hn111\, who..,c tln·am h ro 11 'i 1 • t II r II 1• <I o u I t n IH· J n 1 •hl r11.1r1· 11 •I who'll· t"~ p 1·111•rc , .. ., '~'''' 1l••t.11l1>1I h y J:.in ,\11 1•11 111 111 I>• t f'lllnl( Thl· .'\r-1•\ 1111• 11 .. rr1or " h<1-. now 111 ' II 1.rttll)'fJI 111 11 •.• , rr•t II \\hd•· ltw l\nrl~\lll•· llor r111 ' " t .. 111 r tt•.111 '>l \I ral n · '"' A°''' fvtll f WOl!WOll , 1•' 1 I Ar-~au ll1P1 tl1J'l"'"'"'' f ti I(,, ,._.,, r• 1111 11 tfl itO\iil OfJt HJ ,,,,,,,.,., • U1b (11t1Jr ~I t W <1'll' Qnt) ',,.. I J II ,, 11t' M~AAr.-11'lq H r1111 111 lhl' g1·nrc II •I' ,11,I • '' J• I 1q1 h I'('\. <t Otl :'lo 1hl11'Hll~ 1b pult•nll;il l'f f1•rt 1' d1 i.s1pH tc d by over· v. r1111t.!hl pt·rfornianc:I'~ ::inct un- 11!•1 nc111n'>ht·t.I flu• 1n~ ,, l IHI '\ ( I·..... M \ \' lw dt'ap p1111tl• 11 '"'" 111~1' 1.1.hrl1 ~t1111rt THI! KIDS AAE ALRIGHT MAT ONLY LOST ANO FOUND UNIDENTIFIED ODDBALLS JllNGLE BOOK IG) "THE AMITYVILU HOUOlt"llU So. Co111 "' w, 1111 ,.,o e111101 ''" "•••·~o HOllTH DALU.S fOI" I; I 5· l :JO·l :O 1:00· I 0: I 5 Ull JHI MUrnT MOYll IGI I :00-2:U ·<f:30 6: I 5·1:00·9:<5 THI DH.I HU"Tlll 111 I ;J0-.(:.(15·1·00 "fou ••• " Keeps you on top of the local teen• •.• Sunday• In the ) DAILY PILOT (MOVIE REVIEW J Ho1>cnberg s d1n•rt1on eiCh1eves .1 t•ertam wn'>t' uf underlying t('1 ror 1h1• him neH!r really pa)-S Off In term!> Of 'ihOC:k df<•<·t Thi· st·an<'~l th111~ 1n 1t '" a hncr rt>d ht>rrmg Int 1nvnlv1ng a t·at. Sandor Stern ·~ ~c:n·t·nplay 1c; 1 t'ldll\ ely faithful to Anl>on's book, although some aspcc:t.s of the lattn h<Jv1· bce>n di scarded and the Pndrn~ has hcen ulle n ·d tn favor (Jf a lcSb terrifying C'limax. Th(> h im allrmpls to build up the ma!>S murd1·r., that hud pn: '1ou)>ly taken µlur1· in llw houM' .ind wh1eh ;ir1· dt IJllr•tl 1n th1· 11pcning st-'44Ut·m·1· Thr'> 1s oni• of Stl'rn's better ('unlnliullons and " rurncd lhroul!.h 1·ffl·c·ll\ 1·ly as al '" rcv1·al1·d th;1l tlu· rww 11wn1·1 uf Lht· houM· lb a cJ1•dd 1111gl t for the killer. THE PllYSIC'AI. prnrlurllon I'> 1mpres!>1H· and lh1· f1lmm;1k1·r. h8\C found ;J h flU'>I' Ith••\ V.NI' not a II ow c d t <1 r ii m in th t· original location ) that almost manal(l'S to become a character 111 1lsclf fo'red J Koenekamp's vhoto~r aphy ach i eves an ominous. ttne effect and the portento~ncss is underscored by Lulo Seh1frm 's mu!i1c and Robert Brown·i. t-d.Jl1ng A lot of care was obvtously g1 ven to lhc production. but it wus n 't carr ied thro u.g.h by Robenb<:rg 1n terms of cootroll· m~ the performances. Margot Kidder is okay as Kathleen Lutz, although the ro le offe rs oo particular challenge, but James Brohn. as her hus band who becom es obsessed with the house. ~ivc.>s u stiff performance that ofkn e rupti, into forced h:,~tcna . ROD STt:IGER overact s c;hamclc'>sly as t he priest wh(J het·C1m1·~ Il l when h<' tnes to lih·!I~ tht> house. a nd Don Stroud ~1 v1•:, a rugged. glamor -boy portrayal o f bis a ssist ant. F a ther Bolen Cth1s 1s. however. a comment on the approach to the {'haracter rather o n Slroud's pl' r f 0 r m iJ n c· (' V. h I C h I:-. f I n t: v.1than lh1b context 1 at a Theatre Near You. ~ MJWf.. HAMILL HAl\PJSON FOPD CAAruE FISH€r\ PETEr\ CUSHING of'd Alf( GUINNESS 'M1t'te1' enc1 Drei:.tro by Proo..<.ed bt """""-by GECX¥::£. LUCAS GAAY 1<1mrz JOHN WIWAMS ~V&)N4 Pf\M'.> CJ'( DE W1£ • TEOffCQ.()fl.• OllANGE Orenge Mall 637'°340 UA City Clneme 63-4·3911 Stadium Drive-In 639·7860 • COSTA MESA Edw•rds Cinema Center 979-41'1 CIJ~~r ...... , . ~--'-'-"'" .. -'_. • -~·•,....••O• ,,._.,. .. LAGUNAaaACM So. Coeat *-1514 WllTMINST•R UACtMf'M_.... l'OUNTAIN YALL•Y Pacific Drive-In,.,., ... , l!dw. ftn. Veney .,._1500 SANTAANA • lroeclWey J42-em •L TOllO •Spenllh Version Sedd&eb«k 511·~ FOR INf'O CALL •'9'f I Bt~s s~[lc)s~ ~YOU -: AND ~ ME.KID "1 --Plue (PGI -- "ICE CASTLES" ·~ pf; Plus f .,,.,. f ••t•n M•10•• BIU Ml HHAY -JI(; • --·--• Plut Neil Young • A lJ~ T NEVE" SLEEPS MA TI Nl(S OAtl 'f CLI NT USTWOOO ESCAPE FROM " ALCATRAZ " HAAVO ICOAMAN FRlD WILLARD "AMERICATHON" (PO) ~.·Ft1. 7 11, 1:00, 10•41 ... JSIM. 1 ::Ml, 3. to. 4:IO. l :IO, 1:11, tO:OO, 11:30 HAltWY KQftMAN ff'llD WIUARD JOHN RITTER ''AMERICATHON" (PO) WITH MEATLOAF ELVIS COSTELLO ti Jn • .f'ri. 7 .15. 9·00, 10.45 S•t Sun. t 15, 2.60, 4:30 6;11. 1:00, 1:40, 11:15 BIU.MURRAY. -'POl ·--.. ..... ff'I I '' t '' 1t OI .......... ,, 11t ..... ' '' 'n ,. °' C-.••f t&~t•OOO lSCAP[ JROM ALCAtRAZ Mon °Thu11 7 10 9 4S Ser Sun 1 1~ 3 30, " I)() 8 1 s 10 lO FRANK A l.ANC tJLLA DR.l\ClJIA ~ ..-... ..._..-..... w ~ 'THE ~ONCORDE AIRPORT79 the . 'lltllaan AIU \Ol ~ Ml ADY I OM " t.OOU 111140 ; •• UIU .~ ·~l' .M~U<J\Y • MEATBALLS "~ _n._!"'t-_:'"!j-,-1,i.iP -,.Lu~s cir~~ -....... _______ ,. INSIDE: ·•Erm• Bombeck •Ann uncters •Classified •Horoscope ... P-ollee Reeru1ts Reaet to Rape By JOEL C. DON Cit .. ~ ....... There wu a U1 ht. Umld tnod at u.. ofnce door. 1be new ret'rWt wit.b tbe Onn1e County Sherllra Departmefll w.iked ln al a alow but determined pace. "Oki llOl'Deooe here call for the police!" he asked. "Yes, 1 did," a young woman rcplloo, in a subdued and remorseful tooe "WHAT SEEMS TO BE the trouble~" he asked. It was the routme and unlversa-1 question of the cop oo the beat. · ··1 was raped," she responded, the last word dlaUnct but almost inaudible Nlne o the r d e puty sh e riff rec ruits encountered a similar situation Friday night. A woman had-stopped In ber car at the corner ol Main and Katella in the City of Orange. A man in his 40s opened the passenge r ~ou ·re going to have to talk 1n a rTKJre calm manner. . . ' oor. a:rurforcett-ileT -iu-dnvrto the-fuange County Sheriff's train mg facility Threatening her with a revolver, the man forced her to s ubmit orally. then took her to a grassy area and raped her THE MAN LEFT in her car. The crime is not unlike many lhal the deputy would f ace. except that this time the recruits were partici pating in a role playing simulated rape case. The rape was one of nine role·playing ex- ercises that the recruits tackled that evening. The expe rience capped 13 weeks of lectures and train- ing instruction at the trairung facility to better prepare them forlheirduties. It 's a chance for the recruits to get their feet wet without putting their li ves or lhe lives of their fell ow deputies in Jeopardy. And the training instructors had the opport'lflity to see the recruits in s imulated on-lhe-Jbb experienres They were being graded and were under pressure to show tht•y could tackle d.Jrhr ult held s1tuat1011s THE "RAPE VICTfM " was a member of the Rape Cns1s Network Unit. This was tbe firs t t ime the training 10 struc·tors had used a role-playing volunteer f rom an agenry tha t The Art Of Smiling By DENNI McLELLAN Of UM CU.ly ,., .. Sttff The husky arllst in the s hort-s leeve sport.shirt held a paint-dabbed palette in one bt!efy hand and a palette knife in the other. He t:xpertly spread yellow paint on the eastern side of the blue peaks forming on the canvas in front of him. "See here, happy s unshine with a happy s unshine, color," said the ebullie.nt artist in bis ' "happy" German accent.' ' The artist is William Alexander, dubbed by his thousands of television fans a round the country as, naturally. "The Happy Painter." Since the first installment of his program, "The Magic of Oil Painting" premiered on KOCE-TV in 1973, Alexander's popularity has soared as high as his own enthus iasm for painting and life. A NEW SERIES Of' 13 programs currently is airing on Channel SO at 8 p.m. Sundays with repeats al 4 and 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays. What makes the program unique -in 'I think everyone needs inspira· tion to be alive. Sometimes we take life too serious. ' addition to Alexander 's effervescent personality -ia the artist's "wet-on-wet" technique. woutd bave intimate lrnowledae ol lbe fMllnaa and Lra&tma o/ ,. rape victim. "T'm curious to see how they react," sara Lb Omatsu, 24, before t.be rape role-playing sltuaUon began "I'm aure they'll be a lot more enlbustast1c and more caring becausfl they're brand new." M 11 Omatau suggested · Rut the recruits ' enthusiasm to perform we ll appeared clouded by their obvious nNvousness and inexperience at dealing with a r nme or sexual violence They also sumed j arred by the presence ot Harriet Barger, 37, who volunteered at the last m inute to play the part of a member or a rape hotline caJled to the scene by the rape victim. And perhaps the presence ol a member or the news medJa added lo the tension. STANDING IN THE doorway, '1.raining instructor Sgt. Ed Hend ry, 35, evaluated the performance of the recruit and occasion ally peppered him with c riticism or s pecific actions Some of the recruits appeared cold and mdiHerent, he s aid. They had never ha ndled a r ape case, and ~eemed to lack sensitivity to the situation They often Look control of the victim as if sh~ had Just been robbed. he noted. And one recruit, not clearly understandin~ the s1 ua~cndry i.ald, crept in10 the offkc area with gun drawn. Another recruit acted Uke the inter view wRs an intcrroeation. the ser~eant noted. The dark-haired recruit asked question after question. "l was attacked ." Ms Omatsu said. "Where were you a ttacked ," the rcl'ru1t respohded. "Can you describe the sus pect to me'!" "He was tall and blond." 'Did he hurt you?" "Are you too up!oPI to talk to me now ?" "Was there penetration"" "I know you've had a tough time." "HE'D MAKE A typical cop. he 's 'n arrogant," Ms . Omatsu said, after the recruit had finished his interview. During the evaluation pe r iod, whi ch followed each 20-minute role playine session. Sgt. Hendry criticized the performance . "You have a bad habit or asking questions in a leading manner ," he said. "She said he wa:-. tall and you said. 'Oh. about six feet t"'o · "You asked, 'When did this happen, about 20 minutes af'(o?' ·· Ami c·nlicizing hi:. authoritari an. hard hnt• or quc:>t1omng, Hendry said, "You'rC' going t11 <St-e RAPE. Page CZ> Recrwt Bob B lackbum role p lays with Rape Cns1s Network Untt worker Liz Omatsu. If oppenings By Judith Olson Parties: Pleasant We ha\C' hi t a midsummer lull tn the social M'('n <' -"eckcnds a ren't quite a~ 1ammr tl with part1e!' as thC'y us ua ll y an • But the ones J,lOing on a re 1ust as much fun d'-ever They rellert the n v1d 1magtnat1on of Orange Coal!t r<'s1dents Take lht! birthday bash fo r Roger Boyd ,l?I\ t>n b) his wife. Peggy, and his mother, Cecelia. It was the "Rig 3·0" for Bo~d so no erfort was s pared lo make 1t a special day His mother alc;o dec1d<.'d lhC' ~ holC' world s hould know so she ordered -.ome bumper ~tickers with the bad news ROGER BOYD IS 30. One was put on Hoyd's tru<'k when he wusn 't around and 1t was a while befon· he r<.'alized he \I.as a dvertisin g his own dem1sr. Approxim ately 30 people attended the festivities m Boyd's Fountam Valley home. in rl udinJt h is brothe r . Fred Boyd from Colorado. who showed up as a s urprise. The technique allows Alexander to begin ud complete a professional-looking painting within 30 minutes. His technique makes painting easy for even the most inexperienced beginners. William Alexander's joie de vivre has earned him the nickname, The Happy Painter.· Child~n ·s Home Society debutantes are trying to squeete as much social lire as possible into the last rew weeks before school s tarts so they've been partying quite a bit lately. Saturday night it was a Western event complete with square dancing, a chuck wagon and a big moon which illuminated the Irvine Cove party site. "If I can do it, anyone can do it," says Jim Cooper, KOCE executive director of community affain, whose artwork now decorates his office. But even more than the teclmique, the artist himself ls responsible for the success of the aeries, which ls now carried by public television stations around t.be c~untry. Celebrityhood is new to the 64-year-old German-born Canadian resident. Even be can't believe the flood of "love letters" be has received. "lly heart is just jumping on the lnllde," Alexander aaya, amillna. "Why 11 It bappenlnl to me?" un BAS DE~ELOPED a kind of cult followinc," explains KOCE atatlon mana1er Don Oerdt.I, who met Alexander in lt'13 aod suaetted they do a show. A 10-eeeond slide at the end of that show Hkecl viewers if they'd like to see more procrams. The station received about 200 letten ud a equal number of phone calls, Gerdta .. ,.. Tbe nm full sertet wu produced at KOCE &hne Jean a10. Al a re9ult, F01ter Art Books came out wttb ''Tbe llqic of OU Palatiq," umed lifter tbe Mriel. Tbe book bu told about 171,0lt capiel. Viewer requests for a bow·to book on Alexander's techniques "for c1pturin1 drums and putting them on canvas," in tum, prompted KOCE to produce ita own book. "A Personal Guide to W. (Bill> Alexander's Magic of Oil Painting." TO GIVE ORANGE COUNTY viewers a chance to see Alexande r in p erson, the KOCE -TV Foundation la presenting a series or Cree demonstrations by Alexander. The artist will be on stage-at the Golden West College Theater In HunUnctoo Beach at 2 and 7:30 p.m. today and WednesdaJ. Advance Uckets _are required. The Idea for the appearances, aays Gerdts. is -not only to aha re "The Malle of OU Paintin&," but the magic of Bill Alexander. Anyone who bas aperlt any time with Alexander milbt acree with that SHeUment or the artllt. Whether be'a talkinl about oil palntlna or salmon flabln1, Alexander demonstrates a matcbleu jole de vivre -or whatever the German equivalent ls . ''I'm reUred, but I'm busy like bell,'' he said durtns a recent prets conference. Smllln1 broadl1. be adde4. "tb.ll 11 a nice reUrement." , ALl:XANDEa. WBO PaEQUENTLY lneludel mountalnl ln hls palntlnp, aaya hh favorites are the Rockies. "You can find spots where you get tears in your eyes," he says . "l think everyone needs inspiration to be alive. Sometimes we take life too serious.·· Even when he 's describing a rooster crowing -he puffs out his chest and raises · his chin so that you can't help but v1suaU2e the rooster -Alexander puts aH his enthusiasm into a conversation. "Everything ls lnspiraUon," be saya. Alexander bas always gotten the most out of ure. Before servine In the German army durin1 World Warn he waa a musician. "I was a fiddler -I fiddled ," he says. "I made a happy living wllh my fiddle. I could make that lousy fiddle talk. ll was everywhere I went -even in the war." BE RAD TO GIVE UP OddJlnc when bJs hand was wounded durlna the war. But it was while he was a prisoner of war that he dlacovered that be could also make a palnt brush talk. He be1an palnting portraits of the wives and strlfrtends of the American army omcen. Alexander not only recelved preferential <See PAINTER, Pa1e Cl) It was a mother-da ughter-father party and the hosts were the Mmes. Per Trebler, Alex Robertaoa, Robert Beecllaer aad Jolla Baldridge. The menu was yummy: barbecued beef. homemade bread. salad, beans and cake, more lhan enough to keep a cowpoke contented. Slmday night's theme for the CHS debs was Oriental. Dr. ud Mn. cart &e•ela gave a party for the girls and their escorts in t.be Sbarlt Island Yacht Club with a diaco theme. ~ September brides have u much f\.a a June brtdes, accordlnc to Am1 llaneJ of Seal a.ea. who was feted durtn1 a cbampqne part;J at·tllte home ~ LJ.Ua l'ab&uo, Dover Sboree. Ml.as Harvey. wbo will wed .......... of Bakenfteld on the 19tb, 11 tbe daUClder' of llr. aad Mn. Ted Raney of Seal Beaicb. Co-bOlt.ln1 the festlvlUea wu lln. Dlma Bald.ta and aue•ts lnchlded •n. .,...... ManUl, Mr .... Mn. Gns •anMI, lln. SJl•la ........ Mn. 81lwta llllmt, lln. ...... llrtdl and ....... Cele of S.. l'nMIHo. <See llAPPENINGS, .... Q) ' r • 1 , ' Cecelia Boyd surprises her son. Roger, with specially made bumper stickers for his 30th birthday. • • • DappeniDgs (From Page CU On a laey weekend It's fun to head for the Capistrano Depot and some Ne w Orleans Jazz. From 3 to 7 p.m . e ach Sunday Dixieland fans have a real treat In the old railway station With its Weekly jazz (eSl. We had an extra bonus last S unday. BUI Mltcll1ell from Los Angeles, the "mas ter of ragtime." dropped in lo play a set a nd had our toes tapping. The Golden St ate J azi Band is no w appeanng ut the restaurant -Oose to Moin? Betty Delmore , Newport Beach, rode her bicycle on a 26-m ile round trip to her office al TRW in Orange recently a nd won the award for the m ost miles saved in non-energy-using tra ns portation in the company's Automobile Alternative Awaren~ss Week Don't Overdo It A•• Landers DEAR ANN Regar ding your a dvice to ~omen to avoid "mother-hung" mPn when look· mg for a husba nd, Why don't you g ive s1m1la r ad vice to men? Infantile e mot1onul dependency 1s not a charactenstic that is exclusively m ale. Many married women who a ppear to be quite mature are hopclPssly att;irhNf to "Mom " Thf•y often run tu hl'r "'1t h inti mull• tHJl' prohll'm'> th al should be discussed wit h thf!tr husbands Not long l:igO I hsl<'rH'd to an J cqua1nt<inct· gloa ting ov{'r thl' fact that ht-r daughter~ ~till te ll her "everything" despite their husbands' prot t>s tations . She was very pleased with hers elf I tho ught 1l was revolting Soon a fter. I ""a.; not sur pn'>cd to hca r thul o n(• o f her ct.w~n1crs was being 1..hvon:ed In our Sf'XISI MH'lt!t V men a re 'till c•.\p••c·tc•d 10 prove their m anhood IJ} putting :,,I.JO() mile·., ••• Rape (Fr om P age Cl havt' to l<.ilk in a more calm mannn " Another younR recruit. however, was a com passionate inte rviewer. At one point, M ~ Omatsu late r noterf . he a lmost put his hand on her lap to cons'11e her. "Policeme n ar c humans. they a re all d i ff e r e nt." Ms . Harger sai d "He was fa bulous ·· But the others failed to establish a good ra pport with the tra umatized rape victim There were two cha irs to choose from : one next to the v1ct1m, the other far away on the nther Side of the office. Most chose lo s 1l farthest from the victim. Anti SOCJ)e chose not to sit at a ll The rec ruits are inexpenenced. But they will have three years of wofk experience in the count) j aiJ ~fore they go out into the fi eld. "'The t.Jung is these guys were j ust civilians a fev. weeks ago," Ms. Bar~er reflected. "Some were more ner vous than others. But of course , they·re new and nervous," said Ms. OmaLc;u. "They wa nted more to get the guy than lo see how I fell." "THESE FF.LLOWS DON'T know lhe tricks of th<> trade." Sgl. Hendry explamed. "'This is the first time they've been able to talk to s omeone who doesn't have a uniform on." The one fema le recruit who inte rviewed the rape victim was viajbly nervous a nd upset. She was more comfortable asking questions about female anatomy. but she dldn 't follow proper field p rocedures. Hendry noted. ••• Painter (From Page Cl> treatment but was on a first-name basis with many ot the officers. He views bein g taken prisoner by the Afll ericans as bis m ost fortunate stroke of luck. "I wu always under the thumb all my life, and here all of a 1udden waa this almigbt.y freedom," be aay1. "ll wu 1ucb a bil change for me." After the •ar be ran a prinUna press for the U.S. Army and lD 1951. wltb the Army's help, he moved to Canada. Wblle wortiq 1n a Canadlu print shof his boM aua..-.d tlaat. be raffle off oae o hil pailltlap oe pa,da.J. ' as cavn Rll 1oa to beeom• a run.um• arlllt when be cllaeovered tM could make more moaey eellbal bll palatllap. (If poss1blt.·1 bctwcc·n themselves and their mothe~ or better yet. pretending she's dead. Yet no one lookb as kance on a woman who can ·t get through the day without talk ing to her mother E ilht>r cxtrcmf.• st•c•m e, pretty sick to me. W!1.1t do ~ou ~av. /\nn l.anrlt•r!>., /\ RF.ADER \\HIT!-;H . Dt:i\R Rt.i\Of:R·WRITER: You mah a \·alld point -but it dl'pf'ndl> on ~here \!other live!>. bow long lhey talk and what they talk about. A woman who must talk every day, and at lt-ogtb, wttb a mothe r who Uves In another city has a problem. But a dally "Hello, Mom, bow are you?" d0t.-s not ~f>f'm sick to me when Mom livvs across tA>wn. In fact. I ~ould gJve anything if I could pil'k up tb1• phone and hear my own dear motbe r'b VCJice a gain. "'I wouldn't want her ," said Ms Barger , who switched role -playing pos1t1ons with Ms . Omatsu. .. She was scared . She didn't console me . She didn't ask the right questions and I wouldn't have felt helped. I would have fell that the poli ce hadn't done me justice "You have to give that feeling of st rength. Even if you can't , you have to s how it," she said But Sgt Hendry again emphasized the recr uit ·s situa tion "THE Y'RE UND E R A whole bunc h of pressure. They' re gelling graded. And they don 't have experience in mtervle wmg "You can't explain to someone how to re build a carburetor with a couple of lectures. You've got to gel the m to tum the bolts ." Toward the end of tbe evening, the recruits were improving their performances. They had tuken c r iticis m at. the othe r role.playing stations which included cr ime situations such as prowler calls. burglar y. suicide , landlord-tenant dis pute and robbery in progress. At the robbery scene, a feisty old training ans tructor boasted that 80 percent of the recruits had been killed. It wus a sobering experience. The Instructor did not tolerate indecision or poor judgment. Afte r field cxpericnc<'. most of the recruits will develop a similar, professional approa ch to problems. Sgt. Hendry s aid. /\s Hendry recull<>rf, his fi rst actual r ape call was a dram atic experience. •· 1 sat M d listened. I wus really afraid ·· lie developed his "wet-on-wet" technique - he uses large brushes and a thick paint that can be applied on top of wet paint without smearing -to make money. He saw no reason to spend three weeks or m ore on a 11lngle paJntlng that would sell for S50. Why not, he reasoned , turn .out a finished painting In only a couple of hours? "I thought there m ust be something e lse," he says. "This technlq4e came because I had to learn It. I always m ade a buck because I had some thina to sell." Alexander, who beUves ln self-motivation and the abtuty ol people to 1et whatever they want out of life, waa 11ked what makes him happy. "I'm not a lways happy," he adm lta, "but r tblnlc to myself, I want to be happy. People put out 80 much for happlneu." '"l'he Happy Pa.Inter" laqhed. "I 11ve them happlneu for noth.lnt -tor free." HOROSCOPE I ERMA BOMBECk I ANN l.Afc'D.ER8 ( Boroseope WEONESOA Y . AVGUBT 11 BJ 8YDN&Y OllA&a ) Aan:s t Mareb 21-Aprtl 11): ldeu, notes. calla, movement.I, relaUvee dominate acene. Be lle lClble. but avoid 1pread1n1 efforts too tbln. Gemini, Virgo, Sagltta..,UI oaUvN fl&ure pro- miHntly. Money queatiou will be reeolved. TA(JRUS (April 20-May JO): Accent on what you own, buy or sell · Libra, Scorpio and another Taurus could be involved. Streu harmony io deal· inai with family <;t:MINI <May 21 ·Ju.ne 20): Cycle edges up - circumatances tum 1n your favor. What wu a los· in~ proposition can be transformed lnto a wlnner. Know lt and act accordlnaly. CANCER (J une 21·July 22): Friend provides you with special information. You now have more respons1bllity and are qualified to "hit jackpot." Re laUooship ls iotenslfled. Nothing ls hallway -it 1s bot or cold, all or nothing. LEO (July 23-Aug. ?2) Obtaln valid hint from Cancer message. Doors open due to social con· tacts, friendships. VlllGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) Circumstances sur· rounding career , occupation or business change - for the belt.er. You gel new deal. LltsRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22> Accent on intuition, psychology. teaching and communication. Plan for Journey. Deal.with Leo, Cancer, Aquanus persons. You get special message in unorthodox manner. SCORPIO <Ocl. 23·Nov. 21)' Setback can be used to ultimate udvuntage. Accent on leases perm issions. licensing procedures. financia l st.at~ or one close to you Gcmlnt. Sagitta rius persons figure prominently SAGl1TARllJS I Nov. 22-Dcc. 21). Emphasis on public r elutions . getting point across. present· mg personal im age in bt>st possible light. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22 Jan 19): You get Jle_\U in con~100 with work , spectal !'ervlces. Member of opposite sex f1~ur<'s p rominently AQUARIUS <Jan 20·f"eb. 18) Lunar aspect <·01nl·1dC'i. with s pe<'ulat1on. change, games of t.•ha nce Su ck with numbt•r 6 PIS ('ES I F1·b 19 Ma r ch 20> Complete transaction, be pral't1 cal concerning basic valuf--. Oltf Pr 1odJ, 1dual w:Antl> to ht•lp. but crJuld ht-fman· t•1ally cleplt.·tt:d Knm" tl, pn·p1:1r1• ;wrnrdmgly PVBLIC NO'l'IC& ...._, ........... ,..... "' ... ·.w. wnar CH' UL& CH' Mt<rleef"' ..,<»! J ...... -..,.._., • ._ .._.llTY AY ..i. ............ _,,, 4 ..,_ '9 ...,, • .,. SM.a llMfwlft ............ ,. .. Wt ........ u ·~ , .... ~ (-~t---lfl ftt~N•tOll COU•T ,..i. Ntwt ), ft IWWlflt • r'!I!!'~• tit O,T .. etTA.,.CN'CAUll'0'9•1A •• ._;.....__.. ...... . .... T•CIDWTYO,OllMMe Mifllnet • __. ...... ,, ... : 111 "'• ...... , ............ ~· _.. • ...,....,......... •1..llA•ITM M. NI NOtaJO•, _.,.. .... 19,1' Mt tt l//te ..... o.c...-"""°'. -~ _........,,., NOl~e It ...._ 9)-~ IN WI' lw•I ... I •ldllA fll 190.00 ... ,. "'-• •n .llftM wtll W4f"' ..,,., ........ to "Ort"-''' Mw1Q ""4 curw ttweuell • U. llltl'HI Mf lile'\l IMOdff, -je(I 'O (efltr•I Mlle Of t.J ~ I) Ml/Mlltt ~1,,,..,..,. .. ,_~ '-'lot c:lwt1. 00 ~oftCI\. • dlllMIC• fll 14S.M '-'., .,_ OI altw .. 11'11 NJ .. A....,.., "" 1114•1Rt ._..,_ 111411 .....,.... M- et u.. ofta., IMll: et ~•k• Trw1 <..,.. 111 ,.-c.e1 a .-... deler!Md, 0.H•I,,,.., 4141 MICAnl\w .. ~. <_....,..y "'-! ... n1i1t V ........ ...__, ~ CMIMnM• ., ... , At S... J._ c..tltr-. ' 1•1ttlOt1 R H llln911...,, Property h rm6 of .... '•"' 111 lawful ~Y Me11e4tmt 1tl 0111<••. (o.,nct OI of .... Ullll .. Si.l .. on c.onflrmetlo..of ()#•"9•. \lei. of c..111or,.••. ell "°' ule, or 11••• cull •11d D•l•nc9 rlQhl, Ollot -1111••••1 of •alcl •· •vl denc•O b r note ••c ured Dy < .. \M •I tr. 11,,.,. of de•tll •lld ;111 !"-MM1~ or Tru\I Deed on ,,.. l>'O,_,. •19"1. 1111• M\d IM .. e\.C ..... tM ... 1.tt ,, '° -, T•n .,., (~I of·-· l>l<I ol Hid .-.C••-l\el .cq.,lref by '°be O.CIOll'*' wllll l>lcl ooe••llGft of •-or _,_,,.. etMf e1C1, _. offer• io .. 111 -111"' -'""" or 111 Mdllloll IO ,,.., of self Ot wlll bl '11Cll..O ., ,,.. •fonw14 ottl<e cu-... .,.. time of ...... In -lo •t .,., llm• atter If-. llrsl -•t•llon •II •114 ~-11 .. 1 -'1Y \ill.loll~ ,..,.of M>d~cMt•,,.wlfl. In , ... '-'" o• O••f>9e. \t•I• o• O•t.O t"41 "",,.,of •....m. ,.,, ~llfor...Ca, _,lc_.ly -rl-.. -· o.t-y IOllO~. 11>#11 _,,, lluGeM ..... P tmpr.....O , ... IW-rl• comr,_1r C.O E11KU1onol 11te OU<rlbo!d.. Euat.of w•d ~-· DESCAIP'Tt()N lltllU. & MAlfllLLA PAACElONf 1-A-ef1tleSW"' P•rt•I i. on lfte CO•••\IY of Or-. W M .. ~l•lt ef Gol•IOt,,.., ••.,_,,on •••· 1..1\A ....... ,CA_, , oro 01 """"" meo •Kor-"' ._ Ana tw-o. •-. 1.-.. .... p-1• A .... oro"' ..... WY\ "' .... Pu1>11.-Or-C.o.14 O•lly Pilot, Olll<o of "'9 CAlunlY AMordor of w od AYQu\I IC, IS, 11, lt/'t 110).r. 0••"9'1 """"'• • ------E •<et>lonq U\fre4'°'" I-fl0t110n trf I ~tel H U .. \ orw:r1bed ., four,..,. PUBUC NOTICE e .q .nn1n4 ., '"• m o \t - - --------"°""' ........... <-of Wod ~r<•I ) l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS ll'len<• \O<Atl I do91'-11 Ml~t\ 01 ~ UATllMllll(T --t ~...,...I ... -.Sl•llY -· Ttl• IOllOWlf\9 PtF\Ofll 4fe OOt'lg cury o• ~ PM < fl s. • dnl41ft(.• ot bll\.rwu r . 11) •S --~'°""'IO ~-1• rt•E VICTORVILLE PAATNfA~. m 1nuln U -ea\I Uf 11 '"1 to e 1111 t ~•nll•QO 81¥0 • VIiia P•r~ • Po•nl Ot\ l"t ~t•rfo; bOund., o; Of W•ct C..hfOtf"M•..,..., p.,(tlS W>d_..,,,__..,_ J.,.... ¥..Sutler Jr , 11111 S.n· • CVf <I. lont•ft' to,,_. ... ,,. n•"•"9. •••Ql'I bfotO . v1u. p., •. C•lttorn•• fM1u\ of 1)000 , .. , • tdd••I fl,,. fr?m (J .. 1 w oo PO<M lo ~,.,.,., 04 ._..., <u•n "''"' .. (i Ciuy Jr. 110li P,,ml>fok• ~.,, \OUCI\ IO de9r..,. 14 m1nu1n S7 L•N. N-1 8ee<t1. C.lltomla 97..0 ..+<onO\ ·~· l,_"lt '" • l'Oll .... lh t:o .. ard A laub. 18107 Cr¥1ne d •'•' hon •'OnO trw-., ot ,,., 600W: 8 twd • l V'lhn, c..ltfMn•• m •nhon-od 'Wvt' tnrouQf\ • CMtr•I lhj\ bU\JN~\ I\ <l"JiftdUCted Dy • anql• ol tt ~··~• O'< m1n .. t~ S? .,._...,,.,, P¥11Wr""o >e<Orld\, • 00\~ of 110.0.1 .. 1 lO -NI-(, c;..,, Jr. •net Of tf'W CUN« '""'"•. nof'fh 11 TrU'-' ~lA·•~t .., .. , ••t<:O w..ttn. ~ a:l'Qreo~\ •S "'4"-''~ 00 \.HONh ••ti Count f (IPO 01 Ot•r.ve Counh on '1 SI -to lhP ~·nnonq ol • ••-n• Au<ju\I IO, 1•1' rurve ,,,,.,.Yf' lo ,_,.,. "°''""*""'' •nd •t-.S n.."•t\Q • t.O•"" ot XXt (A) ••t' th.,f'H• P ubl1\l'#t1 0t•"'9t' Co.nl Oa1ly Pilot 1n d nontwllt'lfltty 01r•rt1'°W" AlonQ ,,._,. Auq tt Jl.11, S.ot 4, ,.,. lllfS 1'1 •' ot ow •bO..-.. ,.,,,.,.,,~ '""'•... ------'"'o'-'41' J ""'""•' #\')11t C1• ,,.. 0-0,., ... , )& ff' 01'H.,t• f \r' 'JIVh • 0"\14A ,. 1rf' ll 00 ,...,, t '""' "-""""" """'' r '~' tP PUBLIC NOTICE .._.,,, o--r •I , rt.,.-,,. ,, "IJI '"° •I a.Qt~•, F t(tl rtOV«; eU\tME\~ 1'" """" 10 ,. un-1 .,..,. t J'"nii'J ,,,_ HAMt \TATEME NT "°''~'' t bl'"~, 1• \.lllQ C-.t •I \ • t "" t ·~""·"'9 ~f"\Or•" flt• ~n•h 1 '1• ,t.-r.c• Ot 46 1f. ,.. t~ • JA.i't &l W. •• • o~,....,. • ' '"''• ~ v .,,..,, .,,. '._., r-1a.P'"\ Vt\ H fu • n 4 "•1"lv- '41, t,..'fOt"'° ( ,ftfO"b-C..-,.1\•fW 1'1\0 ~tJWA.lw (A'fJlfl" '-'A&tt I f"h 1()t ._ '-.!Qtrf.i· fl} LU'\d" htt Car Pool Tips I Ar •ii;••*"' 'O' ?_,,.., c,. A ,._ fl ' ''• fifO"*ff~.\i<f'r, (A ~ c,-.,., ,.,-.,. f't( f(1 ~ u......, " °"" (Jwdlf r ,,. I t •n• ~J1 (..,,, '" •J ~Jn .. ·~ ".,..,.,\. ~, .,.-.o ... ""'Q ...... ' JN#wt.,.. " {.'·Clo~' ,, , •••"'110'•• , • tt" ., ... ,.,. • .,, ._ '41 .__. "",.,,.~,,,,.fl o~ .J .,..,_.,-'•""" "''..,.......,~ ... I II M\ '"l•l C:.-lft <lfll'l'\l'k() T he f!Overnmt>n t 1-. 1u:-t full of <'at c h y p~ra!>e~ The lalf'S\ 0111• vuu ·re j,(0111~ to hl'a r :t lot· about "Js 11fflon·d hv an ad mtn1stratwn off1 c1al as a :-olu1 1on lo lht' t'ncr~y cr 1s 1 s li e• s a id Aml•ricans must ll'arn to .. max1m11.c pl'r'ional discomfort ·· 1 lnw are W<' i.:oing to · m :H1n111t• 1wr ... 11nal d1 -. llll11fort. · you abk? B~ lo\\ c·rirti.: t1•mµt•rat11ri· -.1·1 1111g..,, fnrm111J.! r.1r 11011ls anti nd111g lluws HOW DO \'OU like tha t ? Fo r years. I've been "max1mizin~ m y personal d1 'icomfort'' Via a car pool [ JU'il didn't know what you calll'd it I ronicall y. lh<> firs t car pool hnd nothing to do with conservation or with the s hortage of gas Shared rides were m · vent e d b y Th e lm a Flagsto p, a n Indiana housewife. who m 1933 volunt~red to pick up fou r young~ters to take t he m t o a b i rthda y party. She m a d e a rra nge· me nts for anot h e r mother lo pick tht>m up. I. Tllf: Cllll.I ruh· '-:o rh1h "Ill ht· t•alc11 off th• dJ -.hboarcl ht·fort· 11i :m 1 am PORT-MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ENROLL NOW! • IMDtYIDUAUZ9 IMSftUCTK* • ACC• •ATm .UCATIOM tA.C.IJ • ACAl91C ac• • ••c• • c..,snAM..v•ottt•n KINDERGARTEN THAU HIGH SCHOOL Al90 Avtlllble · Pre-Sch0o4 I Full·Day Ce,. 8:30 AM • 8:00 PM . ........... POIT.._. IAl"l'tlT CHUICM .............. c ....... Hl·tlll Oln""..,..,·~ .. ~tr• ,,.,,.,""'. "'~· .,..,, "'' "':.It' .,,. .... ,.,,.. I , .. , f ~ t ...... ~ •tt tr f 'r-•,._..f>t ""' I ... ,, #tff\ '"""' ""' • f 411 J•_,_, ,. u--"!J,. ,,., .. " _,. (~I'•'• N·t't vtQr.nQo I ~tth•Ot\ Jut" 4'1Jf'~'·"""'<>'"··· ., ' h•,.,... t)~ Pllff,-tt, t';t1 " '-'• 1\ tH F 1 U .. J }'•"'?-ftN!"'f'f' r,,. 1fQllP°'. -'" ,,,.,,THOMAS WrlL) .. ,,,., 1 " • .,.. '1 •.,,., ••~ •ttorfl\•t••....,.• r 'J"••t ,,. •-.,~ "' .,.. .,. ,,,.,,, \w•t••70 r ,,,. l'lv•h ,.,,... ,, .... , ,., •IJ•a H••04rt ,-~ ... f ,..,.,,. (>r•••'·~• rt \~U4 ,, •W-• '1'' V•o-1i-OO H••oortCMl«Drt.,. •fil ,H,, 4111 "'" ,, • .J •', ·•' H•••Ot~ ~" C• •1..0 •-,. .....,.,,.., 'T: •'(Jll1d' ., t •'t-"C.I '"' hi , H Jt 4 ,,, I It ,1 f~ .~_... , • •• c. .... ,, •.•• ,, .. , ! ,,,,. • .-~,, • I ,,., ,......, o.~ (•""' f 0 .. 11 .. P 1IOt •• "' '·""" ,. ,."'"' , '""-·• u ... , •··• •~ .,.. """ '"" • ,...,.,,,,,,., Pl'BLI(' NOTICE t•1•11"' • "' ft • )l<Q'~· ••• '"" ...... \ ••••• ,, ,~ .... f , •.• '"""'th•,' , •• ~ t fr\4' tr.., , t I •A ''"\ ,, •f' ffl) lJt Mitt f f O''l•t M'W'I _. •• 1 r !lfl#fl • ~ '1.t0-•1" th ~·i d·•'•'J v If,.,., ,, .... , ,.f'WJ r. f)f,,.,.., rr •. ,..,ill , "' ,..,, ,.. • ,,, 4 C.•.to• •• O +f r Ai .., '/h 0V"'-I P \Owl" f ()lot)ffl!P /. ,,.,., .,. ,.. .... ,. ~· '""' '·'7· '"'•. • ,. .. 'J, •• ' •t ""'' t ) \ 'hf I .. ... ··- ....... .,. ....... "• ....... "l. • • M 'f0"'1 FICll Tl()U) I U\IN ( \!> NAM E \TATEM E NT r n• •0110 .... nq Clt't\On\ ,.,,, do•nq "'""'"'' ... M'"' M AN 1 JA.(f )U tN (", I. t \tu1&,,·HH.1 '0 .Ol \outn Cit•t .,,. .... ,. ,,_.. • (. '.>''" t .,,i.o. ..-.. f'11' f 'I • t t t•1 t " .. .. ·"' '. ' w ••• 'I fr f t I ''• t ''"" .. ' .... ,. ... 1.1 .. , ......... '"" ,, t' ,.. "'"'• ,·:~': .. ':>l.",.,..··.~.r : :.;,._;...;~,"•A ' . . . . • ,.. 1 "''f'W'• • "Clf"'O ,,.,. ,., n~ .,... •00"' .. _., """jj <W' ..... ' ,,., P l:BLIC ~OTICE ,,. ..... • ,,,. " ""'°""~ JO ,.. ·'~""' 00 I I I -• .. .. Pt.JBUC NOTlCE ••UtTIOU~ •u•un•) ....... ITAfUllfNT l ... 1011ew·1nq .... _, .... U.•"41 -"'°'''" C£11111T0 A WAI lo.ll \l(N l UllE. IUttl H•le A.,._ I•••.._ (•tl!orftle ttlU II~,. W•'""~.., ...__1 1•su Hilt "... ,,,,,,.. c e1110••11~ •111• Ito .... l:l Oe• .... 11 109> t;.OI• .......... ,, ....... (•""""'• 0 7 u Betty I t;yllon l 1 Y•lff "Ml l•v•no 111.0 I u•lln, C•lllOll\•" "* T "'I' °"~''-"' I\ (:Of\OU\ l•O th .. °"""'°' "'"-'"'II '"''"'~" Walk~t Ventur• ilf R_., P W•"'11"'11on c,.,.., •• PA'1Mf f ,\f\ 'l•lt"'ftlienl W•\ Hlnl •It" ,...., Co"nty Cl•H ot 0f4U•9t Covnh of\ &'4vtl J. t•tt •1-1 Publh fteel ()r~ (O<l\I 0..Hf Ptl<il A'4u•IT U JI ?t I•" '°* 1' P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS a USINESS fllAME STATEMENT I n• lollowin<J PHSOf\ •\ \je<n<j OU\• FM!)\.\ ATELIER OECORA TIF )00 N NtwPOfl 81vO , !>u•IP (, N• .. P Otl 6<1ec11. C.1>tom1• '11'*3 J•ck• V~Uff S1l C.•1•11n• Orivtt- l'lfw POrl !!Nt'll, Cltlt'°""'" q)o.3 f"I~ ousmn' 1\ <Mdutlf'd ov •n in d1v•dll•I Jd<.ay V•lf~ Tn•\ *tt•1~1 w.,, fllLO w1tn ow COUt'llf Clerk ot 0,.111nqr (01Jf"4fY on AUQu•I 10 1~1' Fll- PuOll\N'd 0.dl'9f (.od\I Ob<ly PllOI. A119 U 11 18otn0$e0t • 191• JU87 1~ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEME NT '"• t0How1ng ow~n '' ao•no ou~• "~"\ 3\. ALAN S M O TO R (V (L E RE PAIR 19'11 bucll 81•0 llunl •MQIOM 8t'<Kll. CA.,_ Alan Crou\e, 9111 Gt~n11dqe, wutm1ns1e•. CA '2613 TPll\ OU'\tnH'\ '' tondUC.lltO DV •n 1n d1Y1dua1 Al61\Cn:n1~ J b.U._ li1tfwnet'lf 'lltd~ t1IM '#1th ll'W County Ct••• ot OranQ<t Countv o" AuQu'I 10. 1919 FU04U Puhtt'lo""<I Ordr'lQf C.o.i\t OJ1ly P1101 Aug I• ?1 ?8, -;e111 rt•tt-'130 19 P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMNllSSION OF THE CITY OF FOU'4TAIN VALLEY NOTICE IS t;EREBY c,111EN l"<tl Oil W•One'°"v. Augu" 17. 1q7q •I I lO pm. 1n the Coun<.11 (~f'T1~t\, C•tv Hdlf 10100 S•ittfr A..,enw.~ Fouote1n Vdtley, ,,... Ptc.,,rung Commf~)•t\n •ill t\O•d • e>ubtlC ne,u1n9 on lf\l' tnoow1nq 1tf'm\ C•nctt tlOft•t Ut• P•tm1t No ' lllo•IMdl Pe111o0n WbmllleO b't '"" Fl"I (nfl• l1•n Churth tot • 10.000 wt fl bu1I01nq ...,dlllon 1011>pul\hnvcnurcndl 18110 M•QnOh• SI,..,.,, Tnt> prop~fO d001 Hon ,, lO bf uWd tor WOf)Jl•P C•ndlloon•I UH Pormll No UI llltev•1.edl)• Ppt1 tlol'\ )\;t)tThUf'd by Jonn Cl f '" '''· tor • r .... o-\tor-y ot11 fl'' omp1.-x tJoor· • 1nMt~t -1 .es 000 "° rt 1n \uf' to bt con \lructea bf>lw,...n tne ~ter Stacuum .ond Int> Pf~ RacQ...,11>411 ••• '"" ..,, 1ne-lO\ C•oalt.-ro\ A'.fco~I ••l'WJ '>PO••• c.iuo 1ou1eo ao 11117 NtwllOOt Sl(UI Helle• of Pr•par•hon ot He9•hv• O•Cl•••l-~or th~ item\ 1a~nt1fft-d wt1n an •\teri~• l •) notuf 1\ hfrPb'f' 91v~n ,,..., ba\ed u.-IM tn1114t Slu<l1~ " Neqauve 0e<ltir'1hon ,,.,.,. ~n Orf p iHPd Ttl,. fn'itronml•n1.-i1 Impact Rt>vt•• Comnuttt• wttt consrdf"r cto 1><0••1 ot '"" N~l••P O.C1ara11on on Frld6y, A119Usl l/, l'llY THESE MAlTERS arf' t.ll>Q pro ,,.,,'4td ~nt to tne Pt6f\n1no L•w\ ot IM Sidi• ot Cahlo•nia. Gov••nm~• C.00... l>S,000 "1 W<i . ""° lhe Founta•n lltllcy Munt<IP<tl Codr, l 11~ 11 lHOSE OESIRllllG TO IU l•lf In •••o• or In ~lt•on 10 lllP P•OC>o.a•• """ ~ Q•.,... an ooor0<1un11y 10 oo i.o .,, the pUl)fic ~""9 If turt,_, 1n tormlt1•on is Ott•red, you m•Y contact 1t1t PlannlllQ OePArlment al %3-8311 .tnG r~fer to t1W' •bOve 1 tHl"I\ CLll'ITON SHERROD, *-'etary P1.tnnm9 Con'''" ~s•on Pubh•flO<I °'""9" C.0.\1 Daily P•IOI AuguSI 1', 11179 l08S·l'I ,._ »Wto *'"' >--... ·-111-·-·-·-"°" 0-.,_ .. o.. ·-·-.,,. . ....._ .,_ ·-:~":"".:'. 113-.. -=== .,_ .,_ .. ,. ·- .. ,_ ... Cl- 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T ·-·-.,. .,_ ·-.,. ,.,.., ,, .... n-nto "Clotft ,...., .... "-,._ .. _..,. .,_ ••'*-·-·-""'" ., .... . ,..... ·-·-·-·--~ SCC:~JllA-1££~s· Tltaf lntri911in9 Word Gome wH/, o C1'11cU• ·~..,, C\Af •• POWUt ------ ·~...i.~!.o.:. ::: low to '°'"' '°"' .impi. -· f GOYMOL ' I I 12 I I l I TUDAN I ., I l'l j I YITDD 11 . I* I I I .• 1n~~-:,,.~~= ed by eotlOOI ~ - I LEEGUD I....,~ ........ ,--1-...,-1 --1-' ..,..J -4 • C-'-,... dluclle ....... • • • • • • by """"' '" ,... ""--.fl _..._ ___ ...__.._... '°".__Ir_ ......... J ....... '"• ....... lritMQ ............. ,.. .... ' •••• DAILY PILOT CLASSIPfED ADS Vtw e ...... It flNI tt ......... ,. II"• C•• .. ,.!(• ··-~ ...... w.... ... -••• , t ............. . ........ ~:!:.~.~········~~~!.~.~ ...... . GeMrel I 002 ......,._, I 002 -.-1111 1002 ~·······:··:··········· .•............................••..••••...•..•. , ...................... . GtMNI 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• T~. August 14. 1979 1002 -------I -------~·'OIQ~-~~·~-------.:..!.-.-1 "t@' ~ ....................... . ...................... ·-i-------· •••r9' IOOJ !OUM. HOUSING • OPPOATIJNI TY W1hr'•~ AU n•al t\ISUl" •d \le.rlb11t'd ln Uu1 ~pa()l•r '' .. ub ~ W \h4: t'u<lt•rul 1-'•ir Ho u11n11 A<"l of l'lllll whlctl mall It 1llt•Jo111I to •d\lt•rt 111e • any 1>rto rl'r •n1···· h rn11111100 or ct1.....:n1ruoiUuo bJM .. i 1111 nK-e. t-Olor, rt' II .i Ion. " ' ut ou11oru1I onicut or Jll 1ntn 1t10n tu 1n41lu· Jll} i.ucb pref ert-nl'l', It nlll 11 uon. or d.Ji.t·n romuuon Tha ncw~pitpt'r will n111 knowangl.> al'l.'t:pt nu) iid\INtlSlnl( for I l 'JI t:i>lc.U: wh1ch I!> 111 \ IUlJ UC.I ol tht> I it W aaolS: .Ad'f9riiHn ..., chect& ee..ir ads dlly .... ........ .... '°" '-clohfy. The DAILY PILOT 011U1Ms laWlty for ttw first Nt- cornct itaerlion only. HDIMsforSale ••••••••••••••••••••••• GeMrm 1002 ........•.............. HORSES! SADDLE UP Ride nearby ndan~ tr:i11., lothcse11. 4 Bdrm.<! balh homcoo lrf( irregular lol Many o ut but ld1n11:. Sl32.500 Call n u " 5-16-2313. ,.., ,, I • ' I • MO <;)UAUFYIMG Lovely ea_:;ts1dc Co!> I a Me.a home on I rg lot w 1 l h a 11 e \' a l" c 1..· ' ' Feature:. 1nr ludc· 111·v. kitchen. wcl bur. HV .H' n~<;. laundl") rm & hul!•' "alk·in clost'l rifl tht• ~blr Bd rm Ov.ni:r "'II t•arr) loan Full p111" ::l/7.500 C<ill 751 Jl!ll C:::SELEC T I PROPERTIES DESERTED RUSTIC FARM HOUSE l'LlJS POOL lk.11•h Giant 2·sty 3 UR + dmt- Rm. + :vla:.i.1\c f;.un Game Rm . Fpk Nl'w cpt.s & pa.mt. Patio. Lill' ~rounds, M ove tod<1) w low f1wn Its e nchunl mg & 11nly $99,500 c .111 early for 1 llffil' bJr~Jrn Must ~acnfu:c. oo;J.ff. J.! BKJl. VA $77,900 (;ostu Mesa ·s f1nl•st 3 lidrm ho mc w 1th \' /\ term~ Act n1>w' , .• J 11 !>16-2313 ~.. .,~. f ••• HORSE LOVERS ./MUST SEE lnttto.eonlk>ck 3 Br. 2 ba ranch horn(" w1frpk & bltms On •J acre Ill Chino area 3 pad docks. aulo w ;.Henni.: comp! w •tac k rm & shelter . Cvd patio & H\" parlang. Pnc·ed to sell Ql.Uck. Owner moving out ~area. Only 596,000 Bk r 714124.S-711).t ••••••••••••••••••••••• PIQYI rlCIYI PICKY! nu. bf ut • lg ~ntch•h 'l\l001 3 bt. :i bu hom1• tNlt h.M ll\'t'f')'lh.tflll I" for Llk' tl.&»y bu,).cr To numr 1& few fl'orfllial tJl11 rm fflJk M'P htt< Olll'llf'r 11UJhr. 1•uu1"rr k1ll:hl•n hr1.'ukf.111l bur. lt:IHINI l(lllU w111du1u. PLU~ M'V ll bi , I Ut• rc11tul unit l ur 111111 .. Jt•l111b e.i ll •f7().:i.r1u 110 " ALLSTATE REA LTORS MESA MAH SI OH Ile oll l•IU• l'OUI ·~ ,1111 ollh1' t•1 de.:J11l 111tn lu l'' q1J1s1t1· 111.-111~ I jl1.111l IJilim., 3 bJllb m.1.:11111 l:l'lll (J11UI) rm d l•j?Jnt d1111 11)( I 111 , ~0111 ffit'I k1td1\'0. J (',JI .i.ir .ij?l' I' r " I l' ~ i.. 1 o n .1 l I 1 1 .. 11llw uj,ll'(J ''·iJ:IU!->t M"l' I ul $1W,!OO. l'jll .,.,C ~tl !®.1li&Hl1 Seminars 1·,1:1 ....... 11 .. 11>1 111· I 11101 111• I \I ti '• \\ [1tll I f-\, t• I ,. dtl11tru.t ii .. 1 ·, I 11 .. i I l•••I ' 11 I )lo .. VA WOW N IJ 11 II ~ II JI ,1 ' 111 l' II l nt't'til'(j tu 111~ 11 lhl' '\11·~.1 \'l•rtle lx·.iul~ ll'Jlllnni.. .J ma.'tcr .. azt-Hdrm .... :! lull baths ThJ~ 1·u1c rar11:ht•r ha' lx•1..n Ol'~ I} r•'IH•\ J I t•d \ h rtltllll. llW 1 ull I II)! n~v. r .. 111 v.11ll111v.Jll ··•.&rPl' t 1 n i: '" 1· 11-. tom drJpt''· :! l111•µl.1 rl:.., Ideal!) :.1tuiJl~li un quu•l. shudv l:UI tit• 'al· Full µr1 l:t: ~~I •mo l J 11 ;:;1 :rn.11 C:::SEL ECT I PROPERT IES INVESTORS SPECIAL $89,900 l..11 kt' .! l11·d rm h•11111· l•>t-.Jll'I ttll t 111111:r 1111 H .! /Hlllll~ "ll h lt•1fll lflr .! l!Ktl l' lllllh .I U~I h'll•tl C.tll """" ( •1 111ur• tit• lJ1t,.1>i11 d~I HEW "CUSTOM BUILT" ~t!af" !)(, t;oa'>I l'lu1.J , :i Bdrm. 2 bJLh. lamtl) rn 1m. frpk. 1700 "'I fl Of Ill'" h11me ~117 .0011 t: :i II ll'IW, tht•rl: " •rnh om· ... 11; :!113 . .l 11th rn I 'no•, l••n "'""'I l ttrn1r f II I .1 Ii llJI tJ II .J ~n·• 1!111•11 l.11.!h t .1nrl .111' lli.~1',ICJ HEIGHTS CHARMER "PINE WOOD" Gor~t~.~~·~~~)!tlr\ IONUSROOM llc:1ght ~ c h<1rmc·r' 3 East.side 4 Bdrm. 2 bath. Ue d rm!>. 2 b <1 t h ~ huge pine wood bonus Completely rcnr,vatt•tJ room raised stone frpll'. with man) up~rnde:. Many extras. $98,900 SpactOlL'> yard . Take <1d CalJS46-2313. viltlt.age, call 752 1700 [i:mst1 1 ~·1a&1M1 macneb I Irvine realty llG CAMYOHI Outstanding, e xpanded Deauyille m ode l f e aturin g in c r edible wrap.around view ! Approx. 43' pool & separate spa . Perfect for the c ouple. who loves e ntertain i ng w/ flbulous billia rd rm featuring stepdown bar. $599,000. S. Fix/ L'. Valentine 644·6200. (Z-102) FAMTASTIC POltMH MOOB.! 2BRS -library -formal dining & family rooms. C us tom fplc . & cabinetry. Canyon Crest. .. a gat~d community w/ptx>I, spa & tenms. $189.900 fee. S. Fix/ D. Godsha ll 644·6200. (Z·103) '42·1225 ~6200 tit Qover Drift HartM>r View Center lrvlne at ~ Vllley canter 752·1~14 Gii.AT san1MG '" llG CAHYOH! J\ Broudmoor 4 b~droom , looks like a l·u~tom . across from the golr course und near a sec:luded park. The home 1:-. t hurming ! 2 fireplaces. custom shulll'ns. dr apes and wallpapers. all w1Lh a brigh t. c heerfu l fee li ng. Outi,i d l' you 'll find a uto mati(' sprinkll'rs and exterior lighting along "11~ <J frie ndly BBQ art.!a A Big C'unyon b~rgain at S445.000. U,_.l()UI: fif)Ml:S REAL TORS', 675-6000 2443 East Cod~I Highway. Corona del Mdr t-.SLl·:Y N :~ 1\YLOR CO H.EA LTO}{S Sl lll"-' 1H4 OCEAM VIEW IH JASMINE CREEi< J\ n 1..•xt·1trng .. Bay M 1~t ·· model with bt•autiful \ ll'\\ ol 1w1·irn & g reenbe lt ~ Largl· hl'drooms. den. s p<H' dmani..: rm & 2 hath:-fln g ht gard<.·n k1tdwn I \UJ µalH.>s. ll1ghly 1 mproved ~·1t h l us tom t·a rpt·t 1n.1.r & dr:ipl'n~ A rar~ \It•\\ for this ~1n•;.1. Tennt'> l"l '>. poo l. 'Ila:-l'\:. 21 hour M't.:urit~· i..::.ilt· S250 000 WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 21 I I Son Joaq6'in Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER, N.8. 644·49 I 0 Newport Heights BRANO NEW '.\,lib of .:la.'!> entwn1·e lh1 ~ unique 3 b\'tJrm h<1mt· t-ioor t " re1 hnR bm·k fpk. \a ult Ni t'l•cl 1111?' ..,k\lll(ht. hUl!C' m t,ll·r \UHi' ''' l·rloc.1kini.: -.urKk'l"k anll µ.i1 10, ..... alk 111 ""'Jf<l rolx-t•Mt u ... m·r '"111 rarr.. no qu.1hf~ 111i.: ( 'Jll fr tr l)l.'l'>•m,il pr••\ It'\\ lf14,~lil AIAMDOHEO BUCH RETREAT W:iti.. L» twat•h -.uµt r ~<1nll-!n hvrnt· Fur 111 JI II\ Ill!?. rna:>!>I' l' ... wn1• 1111k '>k l' !>:.t\t·r k1tl'lwn. :! P\ t IJJllOl> "'1ni.J 1111! V.Jflo..,.J).:., Cjll l ur µn vale pre \ u.•w '. Onl) SlOO.Wl 003-781U MESI. VERDE SPl-.CIAL -1 Hd1 m 2 lia. Ill.'" carpets J1td p:onl ,.,RI f~l'CJ pJ\IU "' ..,,,,, n :nlral J1r ('tmll ~1Jll\ \lrd.:>. SH>·l.i!'IO • 2STORY ~akc ror1r. 4 81<. i! , ua. St2.l '«)(J t:a~b1tl\' C1,..ta 1\11.,,a EASTILUFF l'hotl'e corner l0<·at1on S Ult. 3 Bc1, $187.Sou Roy McCarct., RJtr . 548-7729 Et.EGA.HT TOWNHOME!! ~.\\l)lhmi.: ~"'' m••'fl Jnll llWlft• ,\11 Ill''" I Jrflt ['.. ..ivl Ii.tint ::-!Jlillt '" .11111 tlfll:tl( ,J k1n1J l-•'ollUll"' :1 Udrn\'. 2 hath.-. Jtlll d111 1111( n~1m \ rnu,1 '" ,., t.:...11 t~l.i-l.;J(J:I ---~ WOODBRIDGE R~.~$127.950 11 ... nc1 u .. 111~f .. ri•t.l t,. .. J• m ,.., tl1·n ' • .ult1·tl ""'~I < l'.hn1..' "d ti.H ~ tl•·l'•JI .1Lor "".tit 'HI' ' 111);:.' l'n \.Ill' J, I j., I I II t1,1I \.ttlllllll -.1'1( 1h•,111 11\1! "'•'II & mm h 1111111· t Jll r,i'I x;).·,11 FHA/VA CUTIE! 'ih.JJ'll !101111 111 qwct r•· ... 11Jcnt1.1I Jft•a :! BtJrm I~· f:irntl} rm"" 1th ,, 1 O/\ frph .i. h••,Jm 1 •·!11111! 1·11\ll p;i\w tru1l tn·1·, aml ,1 nt('l'h l.rnilM pd \ .mJ \JI t Ill'• (I. Ill UI h mrirt• f11r 11nl\' Si:! l~AJ \•1 ALLSTATE REALTORS CE 110111 BLllRS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE SPECTACULAR SPYGLASS L ovelv l-'1\\' l3cdroo111 \lod1•I W11 h :'1:11.:ht L11!hl~ \"1l·v. P rofe,.,rnn.ilh l.Jntbl .tped Pool. Sp;1. Suun:i Enln l,l•Jch To Lari!"' l.1' 1nl! Room &. l"or m:.i I 1)1nm1: l\loch•rn K1tr h1•n Oov.nst;11,.... CJmt· Room Coll For Appointment To ln~Pl'< I Nov. S4KU.tlOO WATBtFROMT WITH DOCK Speet.1tular Fam1I) lloml' On The• \\'al•'r In Nl'Wporl lh·ac h Thr1•e B1•tlrol)mo; P lu)I ~l 111d ' Room Lari.:t• F".•m •h Room Immaculate Cont.1111on llu.it> IJo<.'k For Your \':H·hl ('~111 Nnv. Sl.S00.000 G:r ..... _ ""' ... ," .... 631 -1800 HI DOV~ DltlVE WATERFRONT FOR 2 YACHTS bcftillg ...._. ... lpo-. • WATIR wtth sllp to acco1""1odat• two yad1ts. Expa1111.. rHldHu with •hp-do-. ..... ,...1-.1y,... ............ .. ,...,.., ,_. 1Mdr'01•• ........ _,... Hitt wit" fir.place a11d lt•lcHy o .. rtooldlMJ tM WA Tll. A •lrtw.f ho•• for th WATll LOVllS! $765,000 ••••.'-di WATERFRONT CONDO-VIEW GI•••• wc.-tfy, YllW 2 IM4, 2 k. '"' -..... .., .......... Ow.et-•• '"9-/.,.._ er..._....,_, SlJl,000 . WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. 4M30 W Co,N H igh1.1..11. N1•1.1.·p0r1 Bvtl( h 631·1400 Bay Garden entry. aunfilled r a m l l y roo m. two a~~ fireph•cee, ht.lie mu ter I U :MAte. pool-sized lot too. Owner will carry walh Lo Bea h Realty Down. Just Ualed. C111J c . ~?.·~.·~."~"''''''~,,,.,. HAL KTAft IXCll.UMCI SlllCI .... [ 18 lllHI COIOHA DEL MAR Corner duplex. ·-_ -~--·~ - lower unit ha s 2 master bed rooms. Ca('h with pr l\ ate bath PLUS 3rd bedroom suitable for den or office. Upper unit ha s 2 bedrooms & bath. Price reduced to S199.500. WESTMIMSTElt Six 2 Bedroom units . ca c:h with private yard. Excellent rental a re<t . S275.000. 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 759-081 t TURTLEROCK HILLS Presi~t Homr f"iM Bl·aut1full y tust om1zed home O\ erlook1ng Orange.-County on l'xtra la r g<.' prt\'ate lot french door..,, "cxxJ floor~. s hutters. new t ur ll'l. un1_gut: entr~ & p<Jtto. 4 Br 2 Ba. S3IO.OOO Offcrc<f ror !-i<tTe b\ O"'n<•r S how n IJ) appt onl) . X33 0818 BAYFROMT ~l'H·r<.il fine trnvfront home-. \\ 1th PIL'f & ..,(1p AVALON W<•ll l'On..,trtll'lNI. 3 HR I ba . oak floor. p a rt1.il busem1..·nl . tonc rl'te foundat11m Fh.1t!-. a rl'a SL20.000 Fee Bl LL.CR UNDY: REALTOR 341 Bay,idE!Dr·v~ N 8 67':J 6161 FtlEHCHTUDOR RS>UCEO SI 0,000 r.fldlal)[lll~ ('Jfr!J ~I I ltll.IS<.• U,Oi.; pn \ .. tt• IJI DUPLEX HEWPORT IEACH liJ_. .i. ,,. •·Jn iu.:.t 1 ulk JV.J\ L~:J"·ht1ld J BK ..wPO«r-11.ACH Nice duplex, 3 bdrms each unit. good rental ar ea. 11.; Blks from ocl-lan. Prit'e includ•"• land at $189.000! Sellt!r rroy help r1nancc. .._.lay Prop. Redlon * 67S.7060 * ,)}a.;Au.11 ,J;h111~/ Jl,.n//f BIG CANYON ,\ :.erenc tr<1nqu1I 4 Bit tv1in· ran be your~ in J "1Ald<:rfuJI} p\1. lo1·auon ~ti.UOO f>l4 14!13 1,40 4l'ii COLLEGE P ARlr IEAUTY w.,uld )ou 1Jd1 .. H• Jl Sll.U-1 lhl!> 1 ... the IO"'"''t pm:t:d :i Bdrm i! t1;1th holTI•.' 1n the de\ l'lopml·nt .Jt UU:. urn ·• ~hJri> .. nd deun. grt•Jt lon11 1011 '\e" on lht• ITld rkl:l, :.•J hum ' Call ;>41}··11-1 1 ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. IUGAHT MAHSIOH I Btlr111 I Liil. Jl.'.11 1-urm.it •Im llU! l•JIOI 1<111 V. "'1•1 11.ir \11t1tt1J• J1.1 rlor v. m.inl••I !µIt h11·Jkf.1,l n n \1111 ltilt huh J "·1' ~Jln\11 )llJ'' "'1ni111 ... ' !'ll'tlu1l1 ·1I "" llel' 1n 1 ..... u111u1 1 u't•1m h11m•· .trt•J On!) inin t•1 tuw-.t IJ,•.jl ht..... Li.:t• I<\ JI t .... lhll.'> .. n ,.,.~·O\'Rl·r Lu :-t.'t' ... nd uni) $11~.ooo < '.illl nuv. 71~ 91)3 tl!AJ2 up .! hit tln"'n . .! lJJllb , _________ _ ""' ll l>nH'<i .. t Sli:> t~ 1,1:1:t.;.J 1;.;,.ix:.t11 l.-,\t;_", , _________ _ BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! associated aaOKE•S-REAL TOllS 102\ W lolboo e•i ~66 1 IUCHUVIMG 2 SloQ. plu.' loft \'1t•" of Ol"-'.ut d. "dlJc lt> pound 1ni.: ,urf fr•1m lhc. ')~1.· IJ1 uldr h11m,• t.-:~trJ IJf t.:1· II\ 1n)! ru••m i.:"urrrwt J...111·h1·n 'I'" JI 'IJ1r1 d't' h•,uJ1ni.: 111 l'J0t>r.i mit :>;l•v.p.in li.t\ pn\ .it,• m;i ... t1·r ~u1 l1• '"'""' tr"m l!t1ri.;t •tu' ·i Lari!•· 1•nrld 1Mt1•1 0111\ bt•1Jrm uppt'1 u11 11 •tr $I .-1 '"''' !',ti I 111·r 'l1a1·11iu.' .! b..•lrm l11"1'r fJ• r ... •1nJI 1nt•·r\ ll'"" unit ' 'liaturJI hn1 k fµlt''.'> ::.>i ii<xl \h'( bd1' ~ L'.ir !:Jr Jilt' • li.·.1< h U1JI i.>:! li111t • .. \.'>I' • :?JI 1.1\)PP'I CorunJ 111 I )Jar. L"-.t• ) 1>ur 1m~111..i U•.n J tl!.l d !>telllnd :.ton I\ '" t:jn \ 1 ... v. dt-t• k c1.,..., lo l .. lltle Cun>OJ lil·a1·11 Iv.i i t,.'flnw>m.'>. :! hJtli' f.111111\ rtlollll 'llHI~ ,\ ~· .11 •I•• n r •1•111\ \ 1· 1 ' ''"'.i1t· 1M1111 uv.111·1 "'I h"J 111 anct.nt•· COU Of NEWPORT REALTORS 675-5511 1006 ...•••.......•.••..•••. l OuµllC .., 1n,.I new ----------R..1)front 111 O..· :\l•hgd tl•1 1~1 ,11 '>P•ll't' ~ll'fl' 111 [,..~-----..... , .... ~=e---1-1_1~-,-, [~UtdUI VETS MESA VERDE 1.MTl•'r 21:! ~ 321Jo 1A'L u~ re-.e.ir• h \ •1ur ht>mt> hu) mj( l'111;1l11ut) NOW! TcAtoR~C~t We Litfftt! 754-1202 LEASE/OrTIOH Bdrm 2 hJth. fdm11\ rn1m l.irgt• Jl•>Of & 'PJ \ tlrl·,101\ I U 1111h h11m1· g;;·, ~r 11\u S:1.1""' 1111 lion macnab I irvtne realty VIEW FROM EVHY ROOM! Gal l' entry & lg. motor: court lead to this .bra nd new ~·us tom Country En ~ltsh estate built bv Valentine Situa ted loftily on highest hill this 5 B R r. e .s i d e n c e o r f c r s q u a I 1 t y amenities & appoinl ments ... perfection tn every detail for t he m os t d isc rim in a tin g! L vnn t! Valentine 644-6200. OPEN DA ILY 1·5 P .M . #16 R OCKY PO INT. SPYGLAs.5. CZ-17) 642-8235 901 Dover Drive 644-6200 Harbor View Center lrvme ell CamPUs Valley Center 752-1414 CAHAL ROHTAM La rge lot. private location. Paver tile entry, kitche n and dining area. Open floor plan with three patio areas. Steps a way from co mmunity pools and t ennis. Priced $199,999. A COl6W1U. IMSm CO. WATERFRONT 1-.\lrJ l:ir11t' 1·urn1·r llupl(•\ Ill xlnt \'!Hitt \l .. 1nni: a\ .11l:ihll• ~p.·1· 1 ... ·uJJr ' ... "" .\µµl •ml\ 9:.05.1.0J *Cote Re a lty ~ l nn•,tnwnl 640-5777 \ \C.\l'ff U>T s.!25.lllJU, Suhordmat1•11) Hrokt•r l"•> np o~ nr A..:t °'11 l2til) . tii :1 IOQ Corona~ Mer 1022 ..••.•.•.•.••.......... FRESH~ FALL Be ont• of the f1r..l to M'I.' lht:. hstmg ! 4 bl>droom rant·h. lovely <.:aml••• l liM!unds <.:all for <ll'· lall'i: ~21 . .... ,...c ....... 640.5357 Investor's duplex + 2 good r e n tals, p ool. frplcs. charm. S24S. Pnn· c1 ples only . ti40-4999 TRIPLEX That's r ight. 3 Units IJl. stead ol lhe normlll 2, m a prime ocean side of the hwy. local.ion. 2 Bdrms . "2 baths in each Wlit + INlllY delt.tu feature:.. sno.ooo. Xlnl financing 714: 67M400 JtJ:6n.nH HARBOR A Di vision ol Harbor lnv~ment Co .._..,_.., HMMtPerS. "-"'-S. M111"'-S. Olllr~..... OtMrlN ..... ................•...... .........••.....••..••. . ............................................. ··················••·•• ...•...............••.. ............ ~-·~siw ... 16D .......... w. '-W. Liii-... • •• l...-IMdt ··-MNmi'f .... ''" .... ,........ .... ........... ..... .. ( • ., ... ............................................... ~.................. ....................... ..... 1100 ...................... . •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... c.e..... 1114 ............. .. ....................... . ..................... . VACANT 11 LOT .. '"ntl ¥1&.UM" u1 lhc lbt bl(l('k off Oceao Blvd with :iom..-Ot't"lin ~ ...... t•>ll:nl.ntl. $125,000 lund uun 1tlrt•t1dy i.r rirn~cd. $205,000 c -.11 ~ck llAll f Y & COSTAMllA .......... L.-t LOWl.o!ST f'IUCt. 1n u.ta M a Only IO'l. dowo OWC Alwa11 ...... .............. 1M-1m 12 l.\llr :! ISdt-m home oo IMr~~ lot ur ~•t ror b\.akk•n. $1(10,()00 2°'hD t..:D Dl8 Hitt . M a V\:rde VA U-1 mi. . .a Hr ~1·• U.. ~ <:ulven Sl20.~ Axt 831 1~7 tu:NTAl1 Nl'.:t;Ut;U :t Ult hall.'> •• d1U>lcx •>< '! t'ur wurlunj( mother 4t cJaughte r Heai.onable rent Preler t-;J i.ti.1dc __ __ C M , or Nt.lwporl HUI SHORECLIFFS areu Please call S4().8308 /.Jn '1 1l.l l 1i':JSULIAI [':, View, lge patio, 3 bdrm _ afl 6pm, u k for Jaclue •••• OCEAN VIEW Uu,yorlease/lseoption 1800 SQ fJ Pool, CIUlYOO vu, 4 br' • • Rl:!/MA.X, 1'1m Rhone INOU5>TRIAL OLOG. AmST· A-RlAMI POO&. AT llACH 111.llO Or•m11t.1t ~ bumf'd cllh4'dral rt1ho1a ""'1>l•~ Studio Pub k1kMa fr dla.. &tn ler r.c. Roltm UMt r·o~uu11 •url· Fur detall.tt call SIJORWNt! A.5SOCIA'rES TlHMIDG IYO~ tM>t lkh PoOI bom4l 3 lir + deo New r pli., llh• floora Sl~<W.!lbJ~ MOVIM61 Wi.111 to buacb Sh.rp 4hr, l l.\b u , hm rm w If r p le'. It V IH' l' n i. Price r""1u1:ed to Sl':>,000 By Owr1t·r ~ l'I~ ~I ~..wr. 4IOl.M &VA Llket !WW ()nti •lOry Im rwculaw 1110,000 Park Plat•c, Ill(' 8'2 7411 F.XECUTCV t; HOM to: 600 Yrdi.. lo ocean "Model Perfcc.t" llu~e 3 or it bdr , w/1>001. jar Immaculate' $194,SOO RE/MAX, 67J..4313 - - Lingo ... ..... T ... "S ONLY OMI LA•UMAI ...... °"'°" OWOITUNrn .,..., ._, .._ ........... c..,.. ...... J ......... Jlh ......... ..., ,...., .................. See If. .....,..,_... .... us2tt.ooo ,. •• ()II ow.-s. ••11 Id• J 1M•11-. 2Va ._.. a.e-a. ....... c ....... -.......... .. Le. ............................. . -4 llQ ..._ SJJt,tOO WARM & SPACIOUS lWt ................... .,..u4 ~ .... ............ ....,,_, .... ........ -4 kt.-.,...... Loww ..... .._ • w.t bar, fk-tplace -4 ..... ......._ sw..,-. ••••• -"'°" fw $2'5.000 TIUL Y DISTINCTIVE ln.:1111 II~ •••• _.•c• tMs elc""'9 ham dG H f.y CatollH ........ -4 ....... ..,.... .......... Newly he.d wttlt 4 .......... Jiit betltt, ......, ,......, 2 ... .,.,.. _. _.., ....... for $540,000 497-3331 LAGUNA BEACH 499-4551 495. I 720 SOtlth 1.ocJuna LGCJll"CI HMJ-1 493-1812 644-7020 Dona Point Newport leach IOf.4._1~~~----~~~~~~~~~~ 631 ·1.266 • + 2 Bdrm house 11nd _____ ..,. i;pa\;llll 64S9161 -- OCEAH VIEW EST A TE ~nJOY this be11ut1fully l~aped yard. pool & :-.pa w panoramic ocean VICW (or a barkground 1 of (;amtc'() Shores' finest prnpertaes Fee land Ex . OPEN HOUSE REALTY ~· ./'1 lrd lrg rooms 3 Bdrm. 5 --------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• RANCHO SAN JOA~UIN On goll course, 2br. den, 2ba, frplc. lg dbl gar,11(c . pool & JllC.' $131 ,500 64'>-0997 ...,... leadt I 048 &..J-~ I 052 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HAllOl YllW ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._ _______ _ ~ s ·er. ra, a ..._ rt• It ~ we.t a.dO. 2sr. frpt, ti. to poof 6 Aft, ,_,.. SI t dlr'IGft KhJ. Xlnt coad. ll UMfTS 28a, am rm. C1&1tom <-.n 8Mta111 13•1 et ltM t Door' from the Orean 'J""'c: deck. $•Pk. Su P o r t £ d w ar d p 1. Unbelievably low priced IMO~ 486-ml · ~5. 940,000. Ill. -.ooo. OwDel' will .... ...... "'*· "'9tt"W.... w ............. MOBILE HOME UUY ·SEL.L-Rt.:NT · COITAtlllA ......... w Low.& price la CeMa ..... OlllJ IK ..... . OWC.Ahnys ........ . w ........ ...... 116-7771 ~ on • .,., .,....,. 1••1n1 blM · 4 i,e bdrma, frrnl - dia rm, fmly rm. a •tone t'INANCE t;;~~~~~~~ MMllt tt.. Store Ii frpb. A choice Broed· moor 11 home. Newly crpted. Oaly san.ooo. 7$.UfOl ~ Walk1:r 1; l r.~ lllk:www.._C.... w 1 N s o M 1,_CM.L __ u.s.u.•.·.• 0.2.1. WISTCLl'P f'1oe tradition 1bow1 UV'UOU&. Muy &r•c:aous add1Uooa lend quaUty a ad beauty -ll fireptac... lovely ~. top-of·the·line 11land ~--aa~b .ore. Ca 11 lo a e e ,t h i 1 cwstomned chat mer. 642-5200 MEWUSTIMG , ....... .,.... COSTAMHA A new "1'I Canyon Cr~l ~. kln6' 11.t hdrrn. ucJlt pk, wlk to i.bopp1n" IS,ll'IO <~I +mrtcmMM..._ M7·93llO I )T n•·w Sparush dupl1•x :J UI< & I .BR unit:. w •frplr 's . d:shws r ':. (,~to beach & shops. A.lwa~ renl.td. very lleJt· ahle ll.~ Si9),000 i---------R.C. TA YlOR CO. 640-5112 --- WEST NEWPORT '1MCOME .. !'>p:i11ou:. duplex an N(..'Wµurt ·.., f1n~t r~nt;il art-J:. U•J th un1h 1 l)(Jrm:. St~·p-. to !>JOIJ W•J11 l la.t.l C4G-77ll 1078 ./ $5000 DOWN Olilrncr will f1nanrc at IU', w /paymenli. of $241 21l !Jt'r mo F 1P s;!!i.9!10 1~72 20x60 ' Sk)IJnt· 2 Hr. 2 hll Va cant , 1mll'\4..-d prr.-.!\ O&na Pt park Adu I~ only. l\).Cl ~ ~ ~. I t!ik In ~·h,­ rt'fll SlW A'>klll~ $7 ,750 IA:!~J '1t1HIU: ll<>M t. l'f.'ORMATIO!' c.:1-:rrn.1< MIWPOllf llACH IJUMIT1 I OOOK from OCEAN. Unbellevebly low LOW PRICED al '4ZS,000. ( )Wn.ef' Will tracM. w ............ 116-7717 FOUR UNrTs.c.M. Near new. 3 8r OMaen wut. 2 ba, frpl, 2·c ar pr .. 3-2 Br. Zba, UllUU. TSL IJIYSlmll 142-la NIW HOMl+INC~ 2567.... CM Olx lp&CIOUb home W /'{) 2fir !>ludJO lwnhlle unlb. Home has 3 lg bdrms, 21,..Ra. separate yd, dJx lot.c:hen. Medalerranean s t y lt> architect ure, ~uutully lndl>cpd A re al pnde C>f owner:.h1p Open Sat I ~ To see call •Cl 979-_:oo'J RENTAL INCOME PROPERTY F"rom $39,900 Modular Type Homes, 24 hr 6eC'W'ltY 3 pvt bchs, ~ & p.L'I' Treasure lale Pk. xall P11c1!1c Ci,l Hwy .. Laguna lic h . 17141 ~35~ R 2 lot. howk:. 3 BR. 2 ~. approved pl11n.s, bwld re JJL .-S!H.~ou_ lhv~r Sfjl) 9:0;. ~ 7-0'J29 H.2 ~'>~IUfo. 2 Unal~. ~er "•cant ~.000 Ownc'f' 00 2S7J 1'41.h.-,. CORPOU TE PLAZA REALTY 760-9333 $89,900 Woodbri dge B1i.c<1 y t'l'WldeJ, 4 5 Br, ill>~Uml' !!11•'k, brand new .. huge lot, M2 0112. 644 titil!7 CALIF. CLAS SIC 180 deg wh1l1· wah r view. nr bear h 5 Hdrm 311 ba +den, dl>I lot Om· o( a lund $100,000 I!> J i.leal $100.000 down J:::isy term., <>WNEU c a I I r I) r a II ,, t 714/l!:IJ·l!lHI or 400·424 7 A.TT&fTIOH ARTISTS 2 li:il bl Duptx:. and n•·w UJ)faont to bt· xrh11d dn. Hey Builders ,,."" & 1n pJrk r•">J I•·' for lurthn mfo < .. 11 I lr;,n~e t '11vnt v Moh1 le ll•1me l.1·nt1·r !J1 3272 uJng ~ilCh 10' ¥ fan un1 lnj( 6 u $112,000 16 v. ~.000 714 7:'a-04111 IM MESA VERDE You bl'l' Hut not for folllit ' U1.: 4 bdrm. con· vertlod w :I bdrm + dc·n ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'1x & s avt• Walk lo ---------t school & park Vacant. Hurry I 54.S 94!JI 1024 DlCOtlA TORS DREAM llus !wJuUful h•Jme hlls b '(:n profl's:.1onally dL· Rl·al f.blatc 1i1r;,h'<l 111 Jnd out It -- ----- fPaturt.'S natural wouds. I~ 4 Br,:.!''» bu bcad1ouS1' wlillp.;~r. :.lamt..od glass Surf :. 1 d l' (.; o I o n > wmdow~. hl)L tub, wood $1>SO/mo, lst1la:.t t s 1•1· de1·kanl(, ccr01m1c lllc, dcp . 7 11 /846 ·1:1 5 16 , auto s prinklers and ~1~~410402 _ l'•tlhecJral 1 t·c1l1ngi. A IJuplex 1-; i,ide c..; M , lyr rnt.1.'>l lo 5<.'e t-or more in· old 2Rr cu L~ dbl i:ar foc<1Jl$465880 rm lllr KV or boat' ~HERITAGE REALTORS 631-3588. 646-7649 4 liOR. &2 BATH Contrac.-t.or's home lt·2, ---------_1 Jt·ar gar al rear alley I car gar l'n frnl. Nr ever ythang . Nice family home. $129,500 Chuc k S pil l er , Rfo:t MAX ii31·la,6 Vacation All Year Round ~1 t-;z when you own th1" lov<·ly f:imily home w1Ul '>PU rk ltnf.( i.wi m ming L.irgc 3 bdrm t.·1mt.lo Nll'c JJ'ifll, ~luJc, de>ckmg <.tnd an-11 tn UµJ)l•r Newport p .. ti,1 :i bt-droom'>. 211'2 Bay (Jul or area 11w11cr l>athi., form1tl dining Mw.t :.ell' Sulim1l oHcr' rtJom, l;smJly room with Asking $!15 ,000 Agl wetbu and fareplacc. _~72'll llbr<.1ry with farepla1:e $132.500 Ca II !)4().1720 TM8Bl. -· CEDAR GLEN OllilU1ct1 ve 2 and 3 OOdruom c:ondomiruums r rorn $91,500 zss.1 Elden Ave., C.M_ 642.~734 5'.at LOCA TIOH !'>pacaoui; l::a:.lsade 4 lidrm 2 ba home. Clean 1n..,•dC w 1new eartblone l'flt.'>, paint & kit Im New n)(J( Vucant. owner a.rut· IOU:. $106,()00 MO 9UALIFYING MESA VHDE C .C. SZ(),000 MOVES YOU IN ON AlTD. 30 duy ~crow. Super family onenled tw.>me with S2x46' side yard patio. Pool & jac 3 bdrm, fml dining, faro rm, new cpts lhru-<>ut. SUI0.000. Cull today. ALI..STATt; RLTRS. Armand or Michelle 54()..4646, i!:Veti ~17 tNQUE GIFT SHOP Exposure. exposure. ex· posure1 A magnificent 8)fl i.hop m Costa Mesa, only $16,500. Won 'l l:tst' ~3666. So. Cdlf. Reatty ·s·4·6·5·'°-'.--';";M;;;9_"·1 ( F# C 1:1 d !Jt:A) MESAYERDE 4 Bdrm 2 bath. quality lull, shake roof, double rarep!Jl.ce. Great locatJon, ideal ror enLertainiog. Larae n..>e room, lots or deck i ng, low main lcrulllCe yard. Offered at Sl04.000. Call 54().1151 •• 6-HERITAGE . . REALTORS GOOD ASSUMAILE Enler thru dramatic 11tnum Expioscd heavy beams wt hagh ceiling make Um 3 bdrm. 2 ba home a rei.I wanner . Profes s i o n 11 I ly r e · modeled & rL'Clecoralt:d . Take llvcr s ubJe<.1. to ex· astmg lo1m 759· LSO l t:astsade charmer , ex- ecuove family home, 4 br, 2 ba, pool. g uest houle, frplcs, cu stom Lra R2 lot 1n E ·slde tam rm. Ml&Sl be seen! w/cbarmlng S panis h Priced IMldes-market al 2br. I ba house. Slll,000. Sl~.000. Call 642-0467 Agt 18' E. 18th St. Owncr-Agt "'963-0881 Broker. 615-8'21. 1026 ....................... MAIUMITA Spectac ular hillto p homel. 2012-3208 sq. ft. CIOM to Marina. Selva Rd & CMlle La Prima wra. SU6.0llO to C45,0llO. 811-3540; ~ Bldr. By Owner-New 3br, 2ba, I r e FR. pror 'l y SI Bristol, CM lucllcaped, OHO, c .. CLOSE TO BEACH! 2 ~IOOYl4!!.·,.cl2ul·de·HC. 0.-1Deepar ... bld1. -· ·-. 2br. 2~ MCA Prtc:ed F I~: • .., IOJ4 to ..u t Bu.Y ooe or bolh. -•••••••••••••••••• .. _...,. Joba Vul.ao Co. Low down. No qualify. Oallar1 of Romtt. a.. 2nd or land eontr. m.-. 4tir 2ba. Own /Alt •am 4erflliit1eve1. a Ba,••--------~· moatpOplllM __ ~ .a1m1 mra toue-. -OaidlM1t Pl. ...... ...... Oner/~. ~ ... .._ wt&ll • Dll1 Pu.& a-llJed Ad. ..... 0,... Wed & n..s 2·6 UMV N, FH LAHD 4.S4.2 PlNYON TlU:l!: L.N. 51'.ooshlng 3 BR. loaded w/upgrude". t 'anll1stlc yard wl tSPll Asi.um11ble loan OWC2nd Reduced pnre $159,500 640-6259 ~£tt.lfilt R E A7t. Ty ORANGt:Tnt;t; PATl(JllOME Cui.tom11t·d th ru out Huge mu .. t.er btirm , dcn loll, formal cJminl( rm Prol C'l 'llOnally landscaped & decC>rated One of a lund. Pnnc1p11ls only please Agent 551 -~l!:vci. IMPOSSIBLE DREAM? 4 IR.-l IATHS l....ge. lot, patw , rourtyd Form dm I film 1 r rn , l~t' 11\.' rm . IJ•·Jun·i.J t't'll , ~I.one frpl "¥1ov1· 10 t'•1nd. Only $14 ~.5011 ' lrurry' MIS!>1on lteaJly 4~ m:11 EMEIALD IA Y LOT 673-6634• OCEANFRONT :'>:c·w M odular T y pe Hmnl'l>, pvt commun1l), J beat.he:., ~1 hr ~c••un l> ... ub lcllang 011. Frnm S'll.900 Tre:i ... urc b lJnlJ Mubtlc llom e PJrk, :~1 So Coast llwy, Lav,unu Beach 1714 > 499 357!1 MINT COHDmOH :J Bdrrn.'i . 2 IJ:Jth.'>. North Laguna c·ottal(c, v..Jlk lo Crescent U.1y Ul·a c h ,.. r I \' a l t• > J I d w I I h several fnut trf'l!l> I.Jr iic attacht'<I 2 t JI l(aru.ic With door opt>ncr l'nlc..'<l I Bdrm hornc -+-:,,..11 :.tud10 l<lcully IO{'Jlt.od, JU.-.l 2 tJllc. lo llca1·h & '>l°kJplJll\~. End woO<.lcn dc..'t'k for pri ~ a cy l nd IJ'llJO & .;arlJl.'n ufr t.tulJIU $14!';,l.W 493-9494 495.5220 496-2413 830-5050 As,.,.bM Loan f'JJr-.J y El 'll1~uel :lhr ~.LOO C..:U!>tom Heall> no9777 I OS!> .....••.•••••••........ l..;l..l· F o n .• ... t K i>)' v.Jlcrfrorat ho mc·. 3 RR, .2 IHI , Cfol'k pri \ t IL•l(e't XJnt vacv. l'nl'L>d to 'ell l:.c.t. SJ lo :ilJO Ov.11cr J J.'\ I 7ZJ ul:JI Mstiotl Viefo I 067 ......•................ CASTILLE f:LDAU PL.AM v I E w h 0 m t' I n al sns.ooo The one you 'vc bt'l·n wailing for 3 bdrm. f..1m rm. i.llld view m 11n 1dt>11I luc J tlOn . Tuke "' <'r ~7.500 8 ~4 ·, loan A ~ dl only $103,SOIJ 1\ut.leroc:k ror Sl49,:;oo_ WHITE WA TH nus 3 bedroom family SparkJmi: whale watt•r home has a rabuJoua city v1ewo( Mam Beach Park light view and as located & city center or Luguna on a qU1et slreel. A rare from llus 5 bdrm. & den and special home on land Chris Abel d e:.1gncd lh.al you own. lfJgb as home, all wood, glasb, sumablc l o an a n d beams & tale , on 11wel c r e u li v e f 1 n 11 n c 1 n g cul de sac blrt.=-ct. Set• Uui. CAU644-721 I /Jn NIL[L UAILEY & A5~0(1A T ES l'llBkes Uus an opportuni· 1 large, uruque humt to· ty ol u lifetime. Dkt:AM day, ut $42.S,OOO NO MORE •~ t'or a Me,....tleadt 10'9 """°""'""'w•••"·" ~ JR=ur~ ... ;·;;:;~~;~;· ... -~9.2800 $149,700 e-H fli'\J CH Hf Al I Y '1111 2000 93/4°/o Loan Available Take over loan ul 911-4'/, un Ulii. lovely 2 bL'<iroom AlOOdorrunlum with mtr· rored walls, cloi,ets galore, gourmet kalchcn wath bu1ll1n s an d hardwood noon.. St1me patio a nd heaulaful dlchondna. a;J.950 C»ll 559-M:il WL -· PEUICT IST HOME! OHL Y $64,500 Gorgeous town.home on a sootJung babbling brook. Prestige area. Warm earthlone t.hruoot. cen· tral air. Molin l ed' 545-9491 c;:I Walker f; lee ReaJ F.atate Athntion lcrCJClln ......... Ouai•cHns value in pre-lti~ area. a Bdrma., 21~ ba. Sao Lui.a Model la Rancho San Joaquin, juK ...... to loll COW'H. llrukfut nook a nd VIEW! MEWUSTIHGI Arch Beach Jleal(hl.S. J bd r , 2 b" I eo n 11·.,, rubulous IJl'l';Jfl \ ···w~ $14!1 .!1!15 10, ~A X , bi3-4:Jl.J IYOWMER 2 homt.--:. with numPr•1u:. arnc.>fUL1c..-s on one lurl(e R·2 lot. One 1.'I 11 trad1 Uonal beach cottage with 2 br, den & b11th. The ~r llli a new, 3 i.tory C.:OOLemporary d~agn by Jack Cressman An un u!luul opportu111 ly rot .)Oint owncn1h1p by two famiLies. $29'.l,SOO 223 & Z!'!> Chlqwta Slrcet I No l..agWJU) 494·4826 cveii_ CHOtCELOTS SAcaJFfCE! Seller willing t.o 11tcnf11:e choice Iota for a cash de al. Ocean v1ew1, near town. Call for details. Legun• Vlllege A.E. 487·1711 SELL Idle items walh a Btfl Buccola bit fml) home located an pre· 6l.l&JOO.'> &yrrt>i.I ureu Prtt·ed for r;;,l :.all' Seller s c ·d1t•10cly moll v a t.od ' t.146 7711 IA YfttOMT COHDO w {24 Hr. SKwity l..ux 28r , 2 •, ba Fabulous ocean and bay view:.. ll.1gh n~c Under· gro und purk g, '>pa, :iauna, pool $450.000 Open hou.-.e S1111Stin I 4 .. t bOI 1.100 l'ark J)r, JI''. By Jame:; A Mitchell & A.'WK' Ph : 4 94 66"8 CJ r 1-rl-1£10 WANTIW 2 or 3 BR home• in llV I fm.<. Prin only 6« G8W Poople who need l'l'Uplc That':. whnl the DAlLYPILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY IS aJJ uboot' Daily Pilot Claaallied Ad. ni..--• IMdl 1041 ~Coldwel Banker ~ Q(~NllAI 8'1()(CR!Gt COWWNI'( MOMAICH SUMMIT I Beautifully decorated B·Plan unit with 2 bedrooms + den, 2 baths and atrium. Enjoy a panoramic view of Saddleback mountains and valley with city Ughts of Dana Point to San Clemente. Ocean and coastllne views, with bulH·ln wet bar, $142,500. A CO&.DWIU; IAMlll CO. 498·7222 831-0838 .............. . L...-.... Own ·r 21.31684 3200 •HO 9UALIFYIHG * (Jnly $10,000. ldke o~l"r f,Ult.11>t1c 1~~· option on J UI< •'M"<' honw V. 011 l lil.'>t Owner !Kl lflW IA.OC IA. Y EST A TE l'vt 2 ll Ul't l' ~tJte w Ii: tviu.w l l(uc<;t house.., I h e.lJll h11r~ ... b.trf\....Ol,!•t•· ndrng n nk. pvt of\. .1 i.trnom ., rocin1, ffiJi.truf1 I 1·n1 Vll'W or the UJC'k lw) lu'h lands1·:1prnv ubuund~ C:onlJcl J 1m fo'lunders agt t 7 14 1 K:J8 S970 d Y"· 1714 1 S81 511!7 eves wknds Check This! Ttui. vacant 1 .. nd h:111 ~'11.'t to be vn rnc l•;l J 1111 n · .. d y ''" you tn b111 hi [)in I l'J.:>.' 11 up t9> l'•1 f • ,, 11 fo r J II d t' I "1 h W L141 -· ,19,000 't .1k1•' tl\\'I l•1,u1 "'i•1 llUJJ rf)lrlg fil'lllltifu l :JJJ.J "'! It .\h•nd1th l "J ll)flrl ll•1m1• with 'up..•r p.il'll.J(JffiH' v1t•w. :i r .ir ~JI J l(t' f.1 ol I .tn h11llJ h II 1\Co •~IUlt & pool We• J I•· 11111 ln!>lilOl' m us t 11n • hlm>t' .iwav ~·au'• •11 l'•ir 1h1· d1'>• nm1n .. 11n~ llll)l'I t .Xl;'t Ull\1' h•imc u1 l>i .1uulul 11111111111.'l•m Iii .uh '• • l'Jrk Jih;t,.'1 de ha t• ~11tndtur•· \1 ,1rk I. <!Ur •li.J fam r m .,,,)14 l1u1 n 1111; fr1•I• • irr l•· ~ 1 l ' 111• n ). I r •• l tjfl 11o11r111·11.u, l•1 Ii 1 Shi1"' n Ii , ,; I.I I' I 11 11 I \ 'Ill h 7 !I '•1 O r,1 11~1 I •1uril\ ~··l11 lt· llom• I "flt • r , I 1 ~·· l~ri :si. t. ,. r 1800 ......•..••••.....••••. OCUH DU,Lll£S '•'IW s bt.Or•l'>m htJm~ • Jµt ~l)fll'> ( ·•Jrh tr 1,11-~ 4414 ()( 1!/.! l3:D COSTAMISA 4 houi.l'i. w /~oo m t o llulh.I $142tl mo anl'om · $1/i ~IXJ &12 31JJ4 HEWFOUIPLD rri• of 0--nWp '~""" than l .)'eat old m ll1m1m1,'l•lfi H!·d l h Wall bn· .. k c H·n lw krm1~. pulJU>. > .u<J, lalc tiath.., I 1111 °"'I fl I h<'t.lro111m :! Ii.1th 11v.ncr ~ urut with l 1 rc1Jla ~·c 20. i :,·. 1lt11N1l U >Vf'ly llrt'.I Wit Ii .ti I nt• w u 1111, 1; .1 I I ·~ L!l20 j QUAIL A..!~S~- 1 1,. r'>'JfWJ p~lem l J ll BIG CANYON • •JWl'ler 1 1JJ1 11''.i HEWPOn IEACH •a.-r• t :JO ,.Mot Spto<'\dculur -Golf c1iu"'· s.uta Al//IO I 080 \ J.111,1U. II')( !Ill f'l·n111 & 'wpl ~hr:. J \Jll All Jffi• n111 1·• l'r .. ,. .. nll; l•"L""'J Turn kt') ••IJ''f .- t 1•111 Prop•·rt} m i;m 1 .I\ .. .i ,,,~ l!fl.2 Btl. I< --~ t">l.alc 6600 sq ft 4 ltl 1J ••••••• •••••••• ••• •• •• • IX ·pu :x c.tpo lkh. Ol'O lldnn'I. 51"1 bath:. 1'1>01 anrh pa Sl .375.000 THE ST ARN ES CO. 640-5711 New dlx dupl cxc• by bu1ld1tr Rtduced t u sa!l.000 c ach. 5411 61J1 IA YSHOIE DRIVI Walk thn1 galt l<> llalhou lia> l'lulJ l.lcaut1lul home 1n pcrlect rond ~ rrei.wr swte:. II w , liay vu from :.lllln~ rm 1 Car ol Tatum, Rll r 4!H 0029 WESTCUFF HeJutifuJ 3 Ur l.t1Li. of plant\, rabul11u ... punl, (1rt•pl.tC(' (Jwnn \ 1•ry rrw..rtJvaled ut $1.89,950 L' PR€HIG€ ~----~-HOM€~ :1333 W Coai.t llW>. NB 645.6646 EASY AS SUMAILE- MOVE RIGHT IH !ti ltul> bci1ul1ful llorl•1r Vu•w Monte go Lu,. unou:. new caq>elrnit <.'111ers lhe 4 Br 2 0.. It II( elegant furruly h\lng & duung urea:.. Call to dis· 1.'U~S s uper finan cing Sl7U.M 551~1 640 l«O HEWPOl'T IUCH 5 Urulll, 1 lot from ocean lronl. 16().000 down. As· rsume $220,000 contnl't Prooerty House 642 38SO lMlden·R·2 Npt Bch. 2 IJ.r houlle $118,450. Mel!t>- Wl. A!_~~- EncJlish Tudor Stea ler Home 11.c. .! IA.~r<1<Jrru., danmv Jrt'il, f1r.,-pla<'1c'. • ralr) w(Jy rn.'ll) \3rd l.tx•Jt 1·d ne"'r t.'\ e r) t htllj' w W J Woo l 1."t ' l J ll W> IT.al TARIB1. -· VETS · S7S, 900 ~ED IARGAJN Why b the best hom<" in the neaghborbwd pnre<I l>O low" Berausc th~ DILUXECOHDO TIUl> tughly upJ(n1ded 3 Bdrm I '• I.la c ondo ft-atures new rarpets, !>dlJnum floori. .. nd much mortl Allk.Lng only S75.000 Call 546 ~ ,.. , • HERITAGE . . REALTO RS 1011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A PEACH OH THE IEACH HIW 1226 lroed St. .... .. t-#11 h urul hoi.'I .2 Ii.: Hr ~ a. 0.1'1 :! JClra IJ( p\'t palll,., '.! 1rv11 .... 21,H..i . 1<1.td'> <H ""Jlf P,.f)l.'f' Al(I \17!1 !JAlil'.l IYOWHH l•r cJ<,.,.n rl'fur b1,ht"d J lit< • l HI< duplrx W Z!> tv1ox Sl.2:1.000. ~l lUI 1\1.t, l Ur duplex, IA."llt n:n· I J I .1 t 1• a •1 n 11' p l l'tiU/l.'>WJ 130 l:JO', Wth !')( Ukr 111 op Si!<ti.000 t N.'Tlr Bk r ti? J tl&fi \ll"' 'Plll'lllU.'> 2Hr. 2Ua ~1 1!1 '"" OwncrlaKl »! l!t CAtplt:~ J:. ~1d\: C M , lyr old. 2 lir cJ L.( dbl llar. rm for RV or ho ill 631 ~. 646 764!1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NtM fronl sln.'d locauon. f'urk I rv1 ne liusmei;i. Cent.er. 4.901 sq ft. for be1opt1on lO buy. Pvt pty 49'--4892 . 494·JS66 4 ·Plex l'rade o f Ownership Sand Poaol Tract n~,.r So Coa:.l Plaza 11 5 GM at S2l9,000 Pnnc1path ooJy 751-3485 Ul:l'Lt:X l'Jpo U1 h. •l\'n Loh for Sele 2200 vu.-w. 'ipar1ou'> 2Ur. 2Ha. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S1 7!i ,SOO. Ownr /agl R 2 lllt, 5C>'xl2211t'. 2 blks ~~ from Ol't!an. l~vel. pnme No l..a;<un.t localion, P. P. --Property 2000 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• EASTSIDl C.M. ~PACIOUS llO M F. & OUPLt;X S19S.00u 642-2510or646 4IS48 20UHITS Twenty 2 Bdrm un1b wiUl pool and J(aragci., "Wl'll lO<'ated an Coi.ta ~lt.=ia. Well mumuun•'d Partnersbip dJssolulJon Prine. only. Slf.50.000. don osen 'I I f11('"- 2.3 ACRE LOT ............. Horwr. .. fiy Some b.,ck bay view, tanw.soc aru ror huae ranch ho~ + b11rn & sublc..~ Call Jam tian- den. 11141 Q.mo d ys. (71 4> 58l ·S787 evei. wknda. LDvel.y oc:n front home with Magni(ice11t View. Modem 2Br, 2Ba. lg llv· 1n1td11un1 rm. Ui.ed bntk frplc:, l& upet.au·s n t; s T e u v l N i.1tt&ng rm faeiol I.he oc:n. 1 EASJ'BLUFFS. $164,900. Xlntfi~. 1TT7l E. l'TthST. 3. OCEAN VIEW, R·l LOTS lN DANA POINT. INCLUD~: 800 l8l.i, Lopo, P'ad.ina • c:outaJ perm&ts, " pntimiD&ry 4br. 21..,ba home on lrii CALLT()SEE 11JSTlN 731·3llt r rnr lol arross from 1~102 1bups. tennis club • ~ IXTIAAMIDUPUX ~ieu. joiol v~ or !? IChools 644 8 un. 644 2442 (.'IOM! to beacb. 3 Bdrm & Ill ~ 2 Udrm.bltns,pvtpataos. 1714MtJ.2Zl4 -UIDDnR VIEW ~ frpk: "' big 1arage. Xtra Commercial SpeclaU.1.1> f1RftDU lrg lot w/cwer 3600 sq ft. ofCalllonua T-.. totO Reduced to $229.000 ,_ ______ _ PALERMO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Easy renu. 0wner ltl<k'l ......,.._, No expense h11 been IU\llloUs. Try a lowdown. Trtr,,._ 2JOO C ~ ~.:C: TUSTIN uPftD! arun -~:-=···· TOWlllOUSI MllVIN "™ ·---• Palermo model In •.aoo 671-6670 Senior au-. Compl. Harbor View Hotw. JI'• aa.-lbarp 2 Bdrm, 1 ~ MU« .... Nl ...,._JM, a.d. 4 BR. fonnal dift1DI blda •abome OD,.._., .... IF .... C.11. fiPKt .,_ Slit .•• room. pfanlced bantwood bell. Wood burn1n1 max.NopaiU.-..W. = ~~~~!t "~ llrtD&ace addl to charm. S,.11• 11 .. ...._ t t •• o-t. '"· For trul1 ha11y c..i MHlll for appoint-pa IJI ...... • ~ .... Mii buyeral Call today, ~ t 11 C.-&fds• ..................... .. •·1100 w .... .._. c• i-------tl"(Nlll O•H\IUNIONN"''' 71.~1771 81, fef' flOllLIAll l•·Rll . 811 ... _ .. , _ e::.*'~· ~ 11.~~~~-~~ .. ~-~·~·~·-~ W t ' 11 1"8 Bllyfroat to be atlatd •-. .. • a,.: IUUeu"e..-He•ue dwll.()ww'Ulftlt--MRI I pa•. aUllf .. ly Ollanltolll duple&. Jluat lllllbil .... ....., '° ... J br + 2 br . l)riytbJ ......... . N.8 . lban ca.11 lo ... . ...,.. . 1Mdee•l*l1 ao •ala· VA,..+fOOL .._, ... MIDU • ....._,lbr,I ..... wtD...Speaple -a ,.1•1Ad. .... i-., •!.,.,.... .... ~clMdltlM o..tllot ...... ~ .. -.-... , .. , ""t:u.~ .. e~!!---~~~~ -~ --. --· ------~--------~ ---. ·-·---··-···-·--·· • 17 • • • • ... • • • • • • 1 ... . \ ... . . T~. AugVtf t4, t979 DAILY PILOT °"'-" .... 1s.... ....... u. ..... d ~ .......... .-4 .... ,_,......... .,_ ...... """"-..,.. •••••• u.fwa. ......................... ·•·····••·•··········•· ·••······•·•··········· .•....•.........•...•••............................•..•.............. OlfefSW. c.e.MeM 1124 u t ... a-.u,,_i.._.. 12'9 .... ,......._.. l16t .c.t.MeM ll24 ¥alac•t1u.twa. V..._._.. 42IO Oflcie.... 4411 Pt ;11 tr 2600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ttwl JZ.4Z -·•••••••••••••••••••• -··••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••• ................ --. •• lillM V_. • tw, 2 ~ ....... ',':.•-•••• ...... •WALlt TO l&ACll~ a&All'l1nfl.l,.V ~al· LAMAMCHAAPYS lk•l ... .._.. ll40 JbM fOf' reot. 8lt Bear CE apeee aval&lble ,_. a.a ValW,. ldaao, tamtty f'al aa.-aharpl Liia. ittr, z,tOOiq. n . -roo. .... t...U.. .. I ldnn cm Udo wit.b Laree, l.W bd l &rdta --• .. •••••••••••••• CllY eJps I ; Unem fum. al 178'75 Beach BIYd. tu....,. lat oa ~. 8ha. fn*, t.c.e )'ri • ....,,.. ~-a.. t. voa.yb&U. pr, q&. all a=e Mitt. llioJ view. apt.a. A.dtalta. Dsbwbr, Quiet l Br dptx 5 bib 125 Ditely pr cf(. Call near Talbert in ffat. sat-. .. ~ A'.U. J.J.6DL-.W$ a.oGO/mo.'1l-MfL --. =.mm.~terfrool bbna. mcl iar. Pl bbQ. trom bucb. t.Oc. yrd, 11fter3p.m.S41-UM. == = :",.,. IMI..... .NMrb' ..., a Mr-. t\o\ ...,.. JJ44 · · ~. 0• Pd. 7'18 Seo& encl. pr•ce. kida. PtU TAHm service sio per~ Wa• • JttO t. Nit...,....,, ............... ,.-........... t.081'6ALONCf A M.2>5C17l, a.s.seu OK.129&. 9l2.a2 Modem 1 or2 br cott•ae desk~ per moaUL Daily ·-·---........... 2 ar1.,.,..~l.Dd.ry Turtleroek tbr, ••H. W11tm WIMAYI a Bdrma. 1 batb apt. ~.._.. Ja• 00 beach on TahlU with P ilot office . Pbooe -111111••••-•-mil lad Ad1al\a. no pet.a Home. Pr1. .. view*•• SltOWSYOUnt.EWAY Ul•WTALS Adulta. s:ns. ruo. Gu ....................... car. row bOa t, wub 60C'lm.278. WIU.PAYCAIH AYUl&e,& lal. ... ean Uon.-/moteo.W2 TOOOHOMI: AIM...... ~842-scm. OCEANPRONT2Br.2 b• mac hine . c o mplete CIMIMPOMI tnaftlilftfar )"OW' m 06Q d1ya, 17J.ltll ta CAU.611-4111 ,_.nllwfw wl privacy, greenery, kitcben, etc. Fot more IDl.I ur lud. .""" "Wndl 2w= ~. ~ ~. ...,.....,. 8f:c~~-2 ~00,~· ~~~: br:!~nhe. s~~ 9 ~ 1a~~ info call m.3889. J-=-• ~ur SConaA&.T'Y J 8r,2 ba.dbl ,.,.., pvt ~ oo .-a. ~/mo J..wn&ry Coodo Nwpt 28drma, l ba,unlum. ,.,,.md. Sundance West Waterfront Hom es . Bay Windows IJ6.11JJ patio. frplc SMS mo. )97138 o.t. WaJ.kint dlatuco Yearl.y.'42$Mooth Apta, 1996 Mapl e . G3H400 ..... toSINre 4300 Pll&lbCarpet. llMJA.L.S from bcb. Clean It quiet GG-l.951between12-S. ----------t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 71U7l7. l BR 2 o. lllllO 2Rr . 28 a, ne w •P· Garden Vi.at<J Apls Spactou.12 BR. lanai rm, Moving?Avolddepoelt.a & •------·---.... ....................... 31ui ae.· twO(; pliaul~t'li.H1.1&e 2('&1'¥•r. Beaut. brand n~w l&2 ~Mo.TumerA.ssoc. c ut living expen ses ! 1230 UP. Office-store • · wl hook-up $595 mo. 494-1177 Pr ofeu lonally since cpts. drps, A /C. 17301 tri&noramlC' \'ltlw ) (21.,, 9.,A c3 .. 7 "Oll•c• Bt. frplc, laW1dry rm. ---------1 l.97l. n... b H.B Lse <IA'> ....,.A ....................... ............ 31JH.21•fLil l6SO ..,, .,. "" .. "'• lnuned. occupy. S39S w LUXURY 2 BR <! Ba pen· :TH ...,ac • . ._.-.ro ~Hit :.! I'-' ~ til\)Ume_. -$t05. Lhse. Views. Te rrace. HOUSIMA Newport Beach ofe/apt ••••••••••••••••••••••• l1can 2 Bil w 11ara11~ Adll6. n11 pt"l.\ 773 w W1l,...•1 O>O 646 ~ 5 Ut, J ba. exe<-. eust-Om 'l'SL Mgmt 542-9412 I'm/mo. 4l»-S39'7 832-41.34 Wi(). cannery section. hoo·11.1. Fi.ntasllc loca-OHTHI llACH 1 Br. 1-B-a-. _E_a_s-tside. LUXURY 2Br. 2Ba, ocean Expand your lifestyle 675-4912 broker Yurly, Nu D.iyfruol tumc. 3 8R, 3 b.i ~ J.ACuui 2 Oar &1tr Avall ::.t1!' 1 1135() r1·r mo LlllUrJ \ 40\'\! Kllr il7~ ..... , ..... 3107 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WitLt.'lfront 7lir. <! ~. f fl S1!1() 111u A\ a il !I 11>-ti lJ 12ti t: Oc~1rn t"ront. l\.111.Jou Penn CAii for ln loZlJ ~n'.12 ----1124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .! Br, l b.1, µ11\IO, blltni. No v~tl> $340 /mo Ca ll 548-~ t•wport B.ach 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l11:.rrn111g beat hi wnt 3Hr 21Ja :1mo lsc Avail 9 15 SllJ OOm o 673 2260 .faull.l.le. Onlv Drl\ t.: b) 111 \' 1 u l.11Jo ~11rrl Lj.!l' 2 Rr 2 ha ~ Ul'll & PJllO ~5 mo \11~ UJllXM l'enin l'o1nt 2 Ar .! ba • .!.tn{:lc famtl) homl' Full) furnc.hoo $700 mo )rl) Waterfront Hom<.>-, 1'31 UCkl 1176 ···········•··•········ l.1wcly 4br. t'<lmpl fum . •btiun\u, pn\' hc.u·h. n•J veb l>1nokt!rl>, Sti25 ~;mi;- ············•······•·•· 3202 ••••••·•···•·•········· HOMEFINOERS ~11111.ir rum a wm1wr S:!X.S21'>r kid\ pal1t1 nH'l' ..:l.'JC13br 1.ii1r)od:-Igo· ~IJI• lhr k111~ ,,. • .., ht111w • 557-082!> Bafboo Pemnsula 3 2 0 7 ·········••·•·····•·••· \1,,11 """' :1 llH h111lw •lo •· 111 ho1\ I'. 111 1·,1n l~·Juw(j n·1 I ~ I 11•1• 1,11 11111. Ubl i;:,1tJi;.1 SW :'Ito.) rl) Bill <,1 un d;. RILr 67~ 61bl Uun I' f"t. $1250. mo. Bacll. kitch. bath. uUI pd. storage, freshly deeora t. view, SlOOO mo 494--0066 with a compatible room- Puncer Really. S.Sl·:t.!53 .Hotel Apts. 1210 yrly & ed Small but perft><.'l rmte . We dl.Scover \hat 3br <!b.i war. r•nac. Ira yn\ F P No Pt!U 648 W u.h ~ ~ ~ (J83S MW' up:...~ &ti~. A~ W. fort adult $260. 675-5&>4 Studio, no luds or pet.5, person. Call 0:"'4.luron °,.,, ... ......,. Sl~. tst & la.st 4!i4·6404 or TWO PEAS IN A PAO New Condo ~·il'lla Bluffs 2bl :!' 3b.i, m11•ro, fprlc, rent I t! $550 714 ~ 7429 .!l3 8'!1 ~ ~1de Owner bwlt \h1:- one for lllmsel! Beaut. 16(.'tl l>n<.'k f.rpk. in step down l1Hng rm Spac k1tl hen "' i.ep laundry rm. 2 lite bt!drooms, tile bath. AM FM intt-rrom thru-0ut C:IO!>e Lo c•\ er ythin~ Avail 8 115 79 SSSO mo Agt 1m.22,12 Easl.l>Jdl· entertaml•r's dl" lite. J BR. 1-1. ba. many &nll•111t11..., Children, no ~l Av_..1~ ~l 19~ 3 bdrm 2 bu 2 l'.ir garJge d1 sh w a.,her , r dr1t1c. g..i l> !>l o \ c, \lo a s hcr & drye r , flreplac(>, a ir cond Near I nine II !). ~ 000 ~i(I Nl'W Woodbr1d1te 2 Br, t bu s,1ri om11 Days 640 4450 E\C'' wk nd !-t ~16-41!16 ~k fur Ooui: Amml·rm.rn SUPl-:R 4br, I ll prt.'· st11;111uo; ra t•quc:tllall clulJ. Newl)' det·or SGIS 55&ffi76 631·M96. -Colle.:e Pk honH•. :inr . Sharp I BR 2 Ha. dbl gar , den. famJly. II\ mi:. 2 bu. th1l<lrcn & peL<> OK $525 C:Omm pwl, ~;ou LA'a~l' mo Call ~·5880. as k for 612·6iil. ILUff S IACIC IA Y IEAUTY 3 br. 2 bl&, bay 'lew, pro( <Jt.4.'Ul'a~ Comm. pool, utt l(arnge Avall now ST15 mo le.ise. 540-SSOS or ~2199 --------~ 4 Bdrm, l \2 ba, den. rrucrowove. p00l & pa. Near schoob. lge yard. Pool ma ml Gurderu.ng 5 I.Ilks lu Newpurl B:iy l'illl 1;,.~ 3713 or 638 ~ ll·,1 \ t • rrll'l>.'>J )!l' La rge 2 bdrm 2 ba flreplace, 2 doors from beach. t650 per mo -year- ly OZS-074.9 Oceanfro nt Wl ~TE R RENTAL F'urn 2b r, <!ba. frplc. W D SSOOMo 64&m! 1 UH. IJ',101. btlc. LO cx:can, sngl aJ I l \'r I> $250 t>t!·5002 . 6.\!)-5Ct00 X21G BAL BOA BAY CLU B !)ub·Rent 2 Or, 2bJ St•a\ tl'W, 4 Ult, 3 ba .. Nl•w t>t2 4U'Ji. I 3'&-1-332'1 llt•dford ~fodl.'I. Guarded ------ ,.::i t .. :>, pool & l(>11111s SHO RT TE f01 H EN $1200 Mo. 644-5403. TALS ti:ll :>144 La bo r Oa\ wk a bu =-----"""-i-w nrt er-31 ) r I y ,\ ~ l I Ur 2 Uu t:xcculJ\c family t:i75 81i0 II' •nit in Uaroor \'1ew I lo>rnc"I t;lm;t' to i.t•h<.101 & 1.11•11, no pl'l.s $!!00 mo. ~I t.561 . &:10 14 lll flit'w bwldins.: :!hr, 2hJ , 2 1·:ir !!3r $<\85 & S.'i25 m•1 !I mo:. bl' J 11, luth St tM5 i5iJ ,\j!t Newly derorated 3 Br 2 Ba to~nbouse . Spacio us fi.rcpla~e & p00I. Qwel area Adults , no pets $t2S &1S-3:11 I 67~S949 -<.'lean 2br condo nr ~ <.:st Pla111 Pool. '!pa $'50 Ould olc 833-8974. ~ Large 2br. Iba, gar & Indy fac Adult!> :-\o f'ets 2009 M<Jple Apt K ~185 2 UH I UJ , IJ\l put10. c•.irpu rt, on the golf ~wn;e s;n:-, mo No i:wts Ai.k fnr Larry or Pam . ~ Sl9ll.l N+-dr n~~ 2 br. l b11 , bltns; thllv. .1~h1·r l11undry fJ Cll. !>UJKl~l·k $400 m o \dull'>. no pet.. l>d)b tii5-16ti.:!. (.'\ ~!\ 673 14 18 ~IJJt' db. I tiH, bltn' U W, S2W b l & l.tl>l ~o l'amorLarry ___ ~·och l248 Nt::\V Dix Condo. ocn \ u, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Blufb Condo · i\" 3br. 2l>a, I It.'\ cl Pool. pJlJO. 'hopp1n)( Loni.: Tt•rm S700mo 243.'J Vista Hm;<•r I .$11.l>J cly' 2 HR. 2 ba , frplr , D W I IJ(.1..., t..t.J ltll:J wlk to beh 2Br. 2"2Ra. frpll', j Jl'UZZl dbl i::.i r, SiOO mo Avail Sept 1. ~ OC .. :AN .. 'RONT· Wkly or ~early rt.:nll '-$100 & up 499·3S7!i ~cc 2 Rr 2 Ba "' l'an)on Dana Poiftt 3226 view & frpk. nt>ar ncv.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S695 m o 8J8 1190 0 Niee. C'lcan duplex, 1 BR. 491-6344 aft S l bd Wood inter . Sun-- ------ CONDO lll\O Allo Chan ncl, :JS P<l"'l'r lxMl shp, J&'AJ !>q·. 9175 unfum. S925 lurn R1d1ogs Re<i ll) :-i:.!1 2i85 deck. ~ .1rd . no pet:. (.JUa!Jty home. ocea n \'U 3 :-.;1l'C 2 Hr, 2 ba + dt•n t.;uhlll~ pd 1\\-1111 ~pt. BR. 2 bo. ID50 M•>nth F'rph.:. d w. trai.h eomp. 1:. t S 3 So 1\f u n l h . Turner A:.soc W u Sbi:; m•) The· He.ii I ,!!*) 160'.! 4.<l'J-4501 l94 l li 7 l:blalt! Storl' 675· li71 D Toro 32 32 u; l'll·an I br lllP or I ht· .-..wpt Tt~r ~h ... nt':-3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~nrld lmly hnm t• S750 Ur. 21a Ba. \'le"'. poul. llOM E .. '5 FOR R E'.':T ka.~•· ~I !1891 9,m ~ ~ :1 or I br Pn c·ed I mm ~~'i t.o s.l!l5 l''m:d yard & ..: a r ag l":. ~·a m 1 It L" l> f11l-J ~l· K uh & pc•b wek<•mc C.tll 'lt,I 25#;(, !Jr !fl:I ~'\171 i\j!l, nil f c1· FcudainVahy 1234 .....•..•.............. H<>Ml':s .FOH 1u .:vr '.i ur 4 br f'nn -<l r r11m ~M.J lo ~!15 Fm•ll 1;anl & l!J r a i:cl> i'a mtl1c~ pll~l:.t>. k 11h &'Vt!I ' \lol'lrnmc Call !161 ~ or '1.3 M l Agt. no ft"t' ..... IC......,UdM'I' 148 Via Wcnien Newport ~och You ere h wiewter of twofr'ff Hc:.ket books 1 SJ!I 50 valut-I, to IC MOTT'S IERRYFARM Aug. IUlh thru Au..: l!i T1t·kt'l.'> m;iy be da1mt'\J b) <.dlltnl( t;14! ~ill, l"<l trl Luxury l'Ond•l. Ba y,1 dl.' .~1\ ... I Ur. 1·11rnert den, SH~lll nt•) :!1:1 :lli3·:l:ll I ,., .... 213 l(,.°(j 5700 '\~·~ 1n Xwut Ill" out .. 1amtmf.! ,pa r h•11J'\\'. 2 't). J hr <!·, bJ. frpk . <''1Jt. l'U.'lt rlrpio. h::c ba l'k \JrtJ lllcJl l•ir lll ':.tl fa 1n1 I~ t.\(, ti:!ta;i Lt..·a_.,c :'-it'wport T l·rr J l'l' t'•mt111 3 Br z•, b J ~ j :1 ITIO 54/1 !1J2!I ll)()(LOoccan Wntr Sl25 ~ i!hr, ;:IJJ • f4 m idnt 1\>(l 67J..W60 E ~1d(' 11)(. nl'Jr nu. $UIJ . .•........•..........• ..•.........•...•...... Beautiful Ba) \.'1c w 2bdrm. 2ba. 2 car ~dr, yr h· ~75 1;1:> 1,,;;o 11r ffi5 ~ask fur Cuuntl' Luxunou..., 2 Rr a pt I '~ bath •Ill oceanfront & hJ .. v 1 t'"' <> f b a y <H e J n 9>":-5 mo Qill Gi:J I llH l822 ...........•........•.. :! CJR. :! ba . hlln-., rriil. "undetk , g J r u•1•11 ••l)e ncr. lllk t 11 li q.: l 'nron ... 9:.t(l ~ .. 1,73 to"11•1 ~ud 1n apt l l>l~-. l.w'.1d1 1111'1 Ill il1l11· '"" Uu' , ,.: ;x1 l .;;,; ~1 15 • I I 11111 .... !;, 'q• <!fir I ba: nc~ q11..l., 11.11111 d11n, 1 loonni.e ' .ortM•rt \lllL-, :'\n p<'l:. Sl~ _; '\I hd\. 673-21.0) •• IS UHi I iJ ~II Luxunou.'> l"<JOd1J. J br. 3 W lll>k, 2 pOllO'\ '>Ull dt.~·k. J>.1111. J<&l u1.i1, h:n Ob :>&!l I ' S375 lr> $175 :!&J Hr 2 ba, ffi• I gJr t J'1)0>rt Fr pk lndry rm. pJlJO, a ll bltn~ r,jL :\h:ml ficl2 lbOJ ..... * J.A. Samp 19 Acocia Trtt L.n. lrviM Yow an h winrter of twofrtt tick~t boc*s •~l!i -._J \illUt'I l•) ICMOTI'S IERRYFARM \u~ IOI.It lhrn t\u1o: l '.i J 11 I,•'' llJJ\ l't 1 IJ llllt•l h\ \ ,iJltn;.. t~.! ,,;.,;. t \.I ••• ~·7SS1-8Sl..{lll.5or7S9-l209 t .. ...,.,..t le~ la" Rmml. M rF 2S-30 for 2Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2ba. mce loc. S250+utl. PARKNEWPORT Ca ll 760 1246 lea ve Ba c he Io r .!. . l o r 2 message Ava.al Sept. lsl. Bedrooms &Townhousel> ~-------- F'rom $37950 Fe m Matu re Non· Spect11rular spa . total smoker Sl70mo Wood· recre.!l1o n prog r.i m. bndge Call Bob552-1S30. !>OC1al program 7 p()f)ls. 8 t~ruu.' eourts. Al Fa:.h1on f..ldlld. Jamboree & San Joa<iwn Hills Road (7141644-1900 2 lir. 2 be. mndo. ·~ blk to t -.wh. 2 c:.ir gar . auto •J(A'lr .IJe,JUt bl.I} \'l('W . --642-l YCllMCJ ~ Is kl a llM'J forroo mhtoslMr-. '-9t2~aa.•• ea.to~ $125 .... Ut i llt i •s paid. 611-5232. ----Nee~ 4! remare roo m· -matei.. n•rn l>mo kc:r s. :.hJrt• J bdr m apt m N l..J).(unJ Walk to beach & ll)WO $1 75 +depOl>ll. 497 31ilts !IJm to 2pm ltark UDO IA YFROtn' Superb \1ew -2 Br. 2 ba I.Jin rm, f p , pallo. avail q ltl 7'.! CJ I\ t;7:1-<n70 lid ~ :fl vrn or ~ 66IS5 •1r ~~I UU9 l>h 2 Hr. 2 ba. 2 P<illt>'. m IJt">l lrx·.1t1on "' i..redl \ ll'W Sll5U mo Agt f,JJ l~fl ~per lA:..it'h 3 Br 2 Ba. t.l«.k, i;aragt'. ) rl} ~75 :-.0 pets k 1cb 645-1682 Ldrge 4 bdr m 2 b.t l1rnpl<tt·e, or1 ... o \ 1e..., s:t511 p<•r m 11 ~ l'drl) t;;~;;~ ~kl' "Br I UJ h••U'>t· rm l.:lrd !'>I Inc I • nc I .;Jr n•1 IJ<•L-. )I.)• I l Jt~I IJl-.Ll :\ f-, ('()'I, f)C I :11tr .! l.>,1 n•·"'ll 1J•·<11r c ••• r "ii;, H•1n ~l>I ~11 11 no ·•fl'\\\ t•r '411J\ '•'"tJi Sil• 1 .. s;-,,, I t.r • h.1 •·n• I c.ir l '.111'• Ill~ l" '" h .111 blln..'> :i rt~ 1~1. \I 1111 1~12 JI; II atG CAHYOH VIEW 1. \HI: .. i rrn :! u.. r,,1 \ t\,lllt d t I,_, hdll'Ull\ fl• 1 ..! •.Jr t.:,.!raJ.!t• ponl I•• rJ<1I nu ~t.' .\\ 111 it' , w; ... > 75.L :.!\'•• L4,: QLOt'l rm. deluxf' adlt .ipt nr tx h n•lll -.moker ~JJ µlu:. t\sk i<Jr Bn ao \1 IWH;.t52or1!93 7MI ~1<.Jtht.·r ~1th .!. \ r old l>On v.anl.'> t•• '>hJrc )our apt [1':.ich ..i re., 675 0379. 1;;-i ~ h ·m rmma te wnt d to 'hr Jl•l Ill :"\B. 23 2!.I } r ... SI.ti 51J CJll &40-0U!I J lt 5i>m l'l·m ... 1.-r oomm Jl ... n.~µA,1lJl<:. nu n :.mok<:r . .1 br ruor tJl0t.k.\ to l:k·aLh 1.:0'.'t\ S!tu mo 1;..w i3'.6 Office Rftl'tal 4400 .......•..........•.... AVA.IL.AIU NOW 1 .... 1 ).ll• 1•.l l'IJlllJll oll l J ~ µq •1llltl"'>. -.l•JrJ .:1· J nd '•1111• r .. 111" ,,..,rk ,,,.,1 ,. 1;l'iwll..l llo~1r roll\l"lll<:nt to. Jlllph-f1Jrkin,: ldl•J I ''"" 1•111 ,\1rp•1rt li.>l' Call J),pfl)I\ 't:'I K0,,1.1 • DESK SPA.CE Ill \I I 1~ t llJ' ilt•,k-. t11r It t. 111 ""' r- 95l-O I 11 IMO.FUIUMT Established Ne wpor t Beach ruJJ service ex- ecut1 ve s u1 le_ 3 in· d1v1dual ofrir es oow avB1lable. All amerul.ld included in month to mo n lh r e nt al. MacArthur at J amboree. I::X.ECl.ITIV!o; ROW lNC. 752-7_11_0 __ _ &ec.ft•• S.ihs New add.tt.ion toswte 1110. Hill l>l.?rv1ce exec. i.wt1..'l> an Newport Center. M O('W offices 1.0 p lush :.ur round in g s w /u n d e r· ground assigned parlt mg. From $295 mo. Ask about our move-in al lowance. Ncwpt1rt-RcJe~ey-€0 . ( 71-11644· 7189 l 'll" 2 Rm Suites from $75. m W 19lh St, CaU Tom ,,W2aX). keta1I Ufftce !>pace . 700 '>Q rt Westrll ff a n : a I G7&4148. C'all C(Jllect. Small ltJdc: \way Office On.ly $501per month-Va· rant 325 No Hroartway. ~•mt<1 \na HJl>lOrtCJ I Hid~ For more l.llfo call ~rn W.AJTl'll 558-Glfili or J<.t-nata _566_77_<n ___ _ ~II olh ce. Perfet't ror .m-.wenng sen •1ce. etc: Only $75 per mo 1 IQ'.t WPSt 17Lh !:it. Santa Ana. F'll' more info call J0t• t JOJI " 5 47 ·4111l or 1<.enata at~ 77(17 ,\nahe1 rn t>ffl<'t'. t.~y c11r llt'( 11110M( l'rpl , d rµ:,. p:rn1•1l1 n ~ C<1ro l d i l!l:µ~~ 1•111 Ill 580-9&>1 1·\l...,nr t,4;!l:!'t1 t · l'Tt....,lt~l•lU.'> lll!W EXECUTIVE SU rns -4\ atldti l t: ll•'Jr V t. .\Jrpvrt ,\ttract1w rat~ U)(:lude r1..-cl.'pllom-.l. IJ~ l.Jbrnn ronfrrcncc rm,., "'rt'lJrtal !>t.'r\tt'l'. & \,.r•J\ t.u tlll ~ for " l'""'Xl.JI tour & furthl·r llt•\JJb lntlUlrt' J l \ •lrtJl '''"' . :1.15 l2HK ur ~;IJO(J -. Rr, J ba. t>xec cu.,tom home ~ antJ't 1r lnre 11on P Pt $12511 mo I' ,u1cer Heall) . !'IS I 325:1 •1 l'l 2·!>ly. 5br. Jba. frplc. FR .. p atio 'I r !>c his Gardener 1ncld SlAAJmu H.12 1.2A I. 962·56i9. J fl 5 ••• 2 IJr. 2 bJ Bis.: (.;J n)OO t v.nh'>t: $800 m il ;'l;o IJL'l.' l"Jll Jfl 6~m al(l IM 255{1 2 Ur, I ba. 'iundei-k bltns ind refng & ulll '\o IJl'L' SlZ IHll 1\258 -'' r I ,h,1 'tud1n f'IJllrl l11~I .: .. ra1w nr l>hoP i.: •nt"' rt'<'~·nl redccorat l<d !(;I ':l,s!j lll•J t h!ront J br :! h11 l'lt.1. Ii.if patio. lrph. l.Jltm lnt111 Yearl) :">u pt'L-t>t5 ~ O f1re. Lug1•. c~t·1m 1h·~orat ed UC',11'h & ,_ ________ _ :'11 "' Corona def Mar 3222 ~Oft leoch 1240 ···•••·········•·••·••· .....•••...••....•..... .!111 Lh.1 t 11nllo ;t •Jr jlJr rctn R :-,c, uf h"' > Allull~ 'llo l'l'l~ ~;.SIJ 'r c L~1 1\\WI ~pt ht \-.k lor l.;:.nnc u14 fi:!OO l'\ l':> j;,tl V1 11 (,uJrtlcJ t:;itc .\lm•Ji-l n1•w hOU'-t' on i.tr1·l·11l1\'lt f >l l'an \lt-1~ S11 ,,., t11 I•'"'· i,pa + tcnm~ :1111 t.1 m r , 2' lhu l.1•J..,c :.:1;1~1 ix·1 tn•1 i;,11 li'.r:J(r 3224 .............•••.•.•••• USTSIDE Bran~ new 3 Br. 2'' H·1 111"'llhornt:, :I t·ar guru1:1" trplc. c;lq l 11l ht . m1t•mwave l'ool. tl'nn1:. ·w 5 mo O;;i yi. t;4I; 14!•>:! I \ (~ M5-!643 J l.ld rm, 2 ba i'h•l'<lum h11ml· Lgt: ba r I.) Jrd ::.~ mu+dep. Fllr m on • mfr <'all Renata 556 7777 UL P LEX. 2 BR, 1 Ba. new q 1ts. drp6, & pamt !:>m ctuld OK. Nr1 pc!..!. s:lSO mo. 1954 A Mt•>cr Pl. 549-~ aft 5. JO & Wknds ll<JMLS t-'Oll H l':~T :i •1r 4 br l'nt1 d from :>II~ l•1 Sl9a i''nl'l.J yard & i.ta r .l~C l> ,.·am1l 1e i. ple:.isc, k11b. & pe t s wekome Call 964 -2566 or 97:1 ~I ,\gt, no fN> uun::n 110Mr-:. Bf.!11<'h Warner im:a 3BH . h~e ~rd . S l7 5 mo 213 184! 0481. 4-6 prn VACANT IJB lo<.· 4 BR. Fam Rm. rplc, 855() m o ,\..,k fvr Keith. 9624"7 l St\MJ> :I br w new plush c rpl lhruo ut, ltv rm w frpl<:. bnte <'hecrful lutchen. pvt ba<'k yard ~J H4i ltil'..! MM-9840 V l'1\,,iT. xlnl llB It><' 1 lilt 2 Ba. S5(lU mo. < :.ill "e1Lh. X2 4471 l.Jwcly mamtmnC'd :lbr 2bu 2 sty home W.1lk to he h No Pt'l s. S650 963-'.i452. :>JS 1161 Exec home Imm.a<'. Jbr. 3ba. frplc. Beaut. lndscp Walle lo bch. Gardener. No petS. $675. 96J..8452. 53fH46l. l:naque 2 br. I bn. wood N Huntington Beach noors, dbl garage. li:c 'c ute Zbr Iba condo yard. Back Bu~. $385 ~o. Dshwhr. Pool, no pets. +secunty,refs.548·6680 161;77 Viewpoin t Ln C.1ean & new 3 br. 2 ba. Avwl. Sepl.l. $375 mo. pauo, frplr, big yard. ~ll>-1371. _ 2199 Meyer. ~~1ldrcn ok. 4 Br home near Yorktown no pets s:m 642 77~ & Brookhursl. Single 2 8d house. yd, gar. pool. s tory,. 2 ba. ~o mo no kids. $4\S mo Mgr Shorehne Mgmt Corp. 2453-0 Orange Av_ 847-6363_. _____ _ New dlx <.'Ofldo. 2 Br. 2 ba New 4 BR. bonus rm, Easu1de. $500/mo Kids frig .. wshr 1dryer. cpt, OK. C a ll Lind a Ha rl drps. 3 Car ga.r. $750 646-7171or645-7307 6:13-547_6 ____ _ --------INew2BR1 Ba, dplx, 2 car A\a.Jlable now. 2 Bdrm. 1 gar, aml back yard , ba. West.sldt> CM behind D/W. S395 mo. 960-7704 Cos la M esa park · Avwl. 9-1. 4br, 2ba, {rplc. S32S/mo with 1st/las t & blttns, lndr rm, encl sec. depreq. Call Llnda gardene r incl. patio IOGIRS UAL TY pref. 2 children no pets 671-23 I t m>rno 1st . last + <fep d,ys, 540-9200 ext . 302 eves 1·'135-3614. 9mny, spac 3 Br, 2 ba ..:..:.~_..;..:.._ ___ _ w/(rplc, patio, laund rm. 3 br. 2 ba, lrplc, new cpt No pets. 380 Woodland. qulel cul-d e-s ac. Nr C M . $ 5 2 5 m o fftmtington Ctr. $475/mo w /prdener.63\-1094 1 yr. lease. Call aft. GPM & wknds, SSl-8153 EASI'SIDE 2 Br, 1 ba. w/fenced. yrd, IM1W1111 no peta. Ref'a r eq'd. ttwti1• J242 $395/mo. John Cox , ·-••••••••••••••••••• ...-.m-Ull6. For LUae. 2br. den.. 3ba. O¥erlookiae waw. '7~. More famllles are 1ettlft1 MMaD l•ve meaaa1e I.ht camping "bui" thlt 1.°"~t.aii;:;:oe~;...· -----year. If )'Ota have a ... 3~ Wet bar, J2 ft. campr tbal '1 PGl ltU!Jal bait .Up lnd. Teela • ~.=!t. nawt wltb • =:~ beacb. Cu:.t.om ~ bdrm 2 ba $1115 p.:r ITl<J n i 49!1 2i 15 ur 4\1 7 31i 44 af t tl 1 I l·K:fl !l!JIO !i .>Hon Bluff.., (Ont.lo. least' a BR, 2 h.J '>tnl{lt• IC\ t•I. 'J>t't' tacu.lur \ w~·· Ha r~a1n at Sill°> m11 Ajlt MO <.Mf~ St!t; 2br lli:1, hll "' I rpl1 'IWldecks, pool. adult:-1111 Pt't!> 1\gt Iii:! 4W7 I 2 lxlrm ~ 1l•·n. 2 bJ 2 l1n·11ldtb .\l,1n\ 11thrr JrTll'rullcl> O<.t•an \ tt•w. v.~lk tu bt-11c·h . brand oew ,\v:.itl Sept l S1 l~O pE:r mo Ca II 213 712 if,i:I Jfl 6 or 2 LJ-6...'>7-4011 !1 :, ;\tr. W111gale. 1276 Co5ta MHo 3824 .....................•. 3 bdrm 2 ba. home 111 xlrll Sun Clemetlte locauon s:ii5 mo. 4!1:1 2~68 or 51:11 • :.llW:! . LC91ftO NiC)Yef 3 2 5 2 Sc.t Jumt •••••••• ••• • • • • • •• • • • • • Captstr.o 327 8 :J llR, 3 b& t"' nhi.<: 2 •••••••••• •••• •• • •• ••• • frpl t· s. All a m t'n 3 kdrms. 2 b a . $ J Children & p<'l!. by SP· Villagc. Children OK pro\ al $650 497-2292. ~17:; ,)lj/; ~n:J.1 ofl b pm l).W 2212 --We-dmiMtff 3298 3 un. drn. pool &. .!.pJ . • •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 \illl now Kid' & pet<, u K $675 4!15 i!'ii5 E \ C!> 3 Bdrrm. 2' • bJ WJ!k tu ldkc Communal) 111.>01 & park 1\ \ail 9 I ~.:;o mo Mal 7ib.~ <..:noOO. J BR. 2 ba 1m ITll-1.1 J>OSS(.'SS S')(.10 M 0 Ca ll Jane, agl ~J 45~1 llOM~ !'OR RENT :i 11r 4 br. Pn ced frnm lli.i lo $$95 f'nr d y ard & l:Jr a gl•i-Fam1l1 t'' vlc.t:-." k 1ch & Pl'l'- welcomc. c:all 964-2566 or fri3-2!171 Agt. no fee MsMon Vi•jo 3267 ~lskllld ..........••.....•....•........••••...•••..... llOMES FOR Rt:NT 3 or 4 br Pnrcd from SUi.5 lo $495. 1-'nl'd yard & ga rages. Fa m ilies plcal>e . K ids & p ell> welcome. Call 964 2Sfi6 or 97l-297l. /\gt, no f<:l• ~------- M.wport B.ach 1269 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOil Ll~Afil:: Beautiful Back li3y view t:ondo. 3 bdrm 21> bu. Avail. S<•pt 11. $750 per mo. 30 1 Ave n1 d a Cer ritos . 6'10-S3'i2 2 BR upper duplex with ocean view. Clean & room y . $5 50 /y r l y . S111-&M9 -----BJuHi.. Lovely 3 Br+fam rm, 2''3 ba . Be aut. cpt/drps. $72S. 640·8566 or 64().6685 Lge. new 2 br executive tn home. $580 lease. 64.5-7221 ~-W..tclffl BJG CANYON townbome. z br. 2 ba, au applianca, aome furniture, IN)() mo. Lease/option possible. Century 21 Newport Center, -.53S7 . FEEi Apt. • Condoi rent.al1. Vllla Rentall m..-zBkr. For t.. ... Jumlne Creek Onlo .. Sec ... t.e. poole, teontt. &rfv. Jae. a.JDOmo. II Tanya al 833-WTorMf.SOll 2 bdrm. l ba. ft replace No 111.-t.<. Avail ~[ll tS ~75 ~~·arlv 675 !122!1 t-'antasu c 2 BK, 1', ba loweor of duplex. Little Island. l Gar + carport S550 + Ul tl Lau ra Vance. Rltr 673-4062 lalloa Pe••a 3707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• B..tyfroot Adults . Jhr. ean sleep2 an Uvmg rm. Pn v. pallo &t bch SSOOwk 673-6790 AvaH yrly on lse Sept. 1.5. eor-.. w. 1722 ···········~··········· Newport Beach's rt n est furn. condo on the waler. 2 br, fantastic view or ocean & bay. Security. secluded & discreet. Pool & Jacuul. Lease Sl.00 nv>. Adults (7141642-4783 wkdaya. ~ ..... 1741 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LACUNA BEACH MTR INN. Maid ser v., color 1V, heated pool. Util. (714)4'4·5294. 985 No. O>utHwy. Nicely rum Condo, 1 br. 1 ba, view. natl Sept. Lou. a dult. suo. 714:-..a57 Mls~IHdt 37" .... .......•.......... -·~ '41-717J .•..•...•..•••.•.•..••. (.,,t )!e 3br. 2hu. t•1u·l IJJt1r1 n.-w crpt &.. p.1tlil :'lir OC<.: ;'<Jr) pl'I:->l:!J ;;,1-3006 :1 Hr. 2 bu. Carpcti; dn •• IJ1shwashcr. 1;11., p<I S.151) mo 5·18 J I Kt. •II liiJ..39JU ~ lir. I ba. SJIO mtt 27 I \ l..1l>l 16th l'lac·" <;,,.., "'en, rJn~<' t.1undn fac1I :'lio peL'>_641_015:: Xpt llgt-. tnplcx. :1 hr Ot.:n. :! lia. 2 frpk • 111 tlrJ~. bit Ill.'>, d hl ·:Jr lndr\'. wal er l'!J' 11•1 Older cruldrcn or.. $.JO() 2fJ3 (lJ! I e. ~.IH 3281 2 BR I 8.1. s:ar. adulL-.. n•1 pt.'l.<i S32S 319 Monte V 1i. let l'...31 ~Ji lbr , apt mlendr d ftJ r S<'n1or adults S2~10M11 ~0016 2br, l'!!b!l w i:iur /\dill>. Cll>l!>, drps, hllrt~. fnC'tJ vd Wah'rpd 631, 4120 2'139 Orange 1\ ve I·: · ~ f67 V1cl ori:i :;t "I\" $320 <! l\r, t Ba tnplex uprwr. near flew. dct•k, S min CdM Nr ~ Cst Pla1J Pvt l{a rage. No p(•h ~5. 644·5623 WESTIA Y El.DEM 2311 Elden. Easts1dc nice 1 br. 0)5. Gas & water pd. Pool. encl. g11rage5. No pe'l.S. Mgr 645-5780 2 Bd house. ""t yard. garage. p00l. Ill> k1d 'l $4l5mo Mgr 2453 OranR<' fl. TOWNHOUSE APTS Dlxe 2br. 11.<tba. frplc, pal.lo. stove, d/w, adullS. no pets, S38S. 644· 7352 BeauL 3 Br, Npt HL'I apt. SS75 /mo. Linda Har t 646-n nor 645-1:m Eastslde lbr, s:m. 2br. house S550. util incl. Both w/ynta &fll'. 642-3014 mletltillJlll Beautiful 1arden apts, poof • spa. Adults, nc i::he!or S2'75 to -1'1E. lahSt ea... Zl50VM11W'd\fay S40-- 1 Br couep "'"' l2IO lo· cl. uw. No pet&. aoaa 11tJw P!. Lit, lut. SLIO depo1lt. UO·Hll or M2.QllO. \I 1 F d II d t" n F u I I 3826 .....•..........•..•... ~·t.r Iha nr Lido 'h11p-. ~ h<-h Rlttn' p,,11" ,·rpt.., ii. •Ill" St:.umo 1111"1 ulll m3 o.'\13 ... m 1· n 1 t 1 1· ' 1 11 • t t>rlt' ol .i kmd lll.'lu-:l Jhr dl"Jl" rt•I n I! f>!ar ,,11d \dull'> '\11 ·h s:l:I.'> 5Ji ~31 1 'l•JI FIH.f-. ru .. I "m l 111 I h.1 v. II"~' '<I fl •lnfll'( k I I I torlf)l)k lll,I! J.:fJlf 1•1>1Jr:-l' L't1I 1>J1d S!'..t1 mu tJl l (Jill' ('J m '"'"·' 1•r2 l~ii or 4!1fi :;;r;r. ".' rdJriJ I "l'f\ 11 • 11 ~""IM i )ht' J I Hu''°'"' 1 · .. n.,·r "I'll Ii I' 11t ;·,;!1L~ 1 l!H I.: h\ rm trµl -!'\Jn l ltml'll l l tJn th·· '"' ~-' i.;.11 \ t.JI l~. ~~JO lft',V h Jl lhl' ~·J f111r'" 11•• \).'t 1i7;J '«11;.1 lrua Sl7~ mu I 1!14! I 1.!11 1876 NEWPORT !)EACH ..................•.... I & :.!hr mm<' in tnd:n Fcuwtaitt Vall~y 38H \.\,111, Ill l)(·h ~to siis • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tii.6 • 151 r. '>r H~ 1 ti~' 1>i ... 1i.:n ~·iu1 ""'" 'u:-t11m .. 1111 ·· l'r1m1· .11rp11r1 l•11.il11111 ,,. t•:\t1·lh•nl llt'\"'"'' a\'t't'~' \!I '" r.tri K:ll'•l "I (! .1\ .Jtl.thlt l.\Ht;}o. t'O\LH> :1 t.r , :!'~ha. 111'.lllU\ rm ~ •-.1r izar 'llt'o;i. t~ ctt•C'"f ~::S 1ti.c1 &IH lilil•l 11 nu Jn.,v. C'r ~on~och 3140 ..•...•...•••.......•.. •DELUXE* GARDEN APT. 2 Br. A<Wb od'f Jv >ub C•1\~rt'(f r....r port pauo J I>(..., • t;UQ ~ dr~c l<J lv.)l> & hdl" v.alk "' :o.hnpp1n~ I 71 I I Goldenw~st atw...._ 847-6064 Hr.rlftMJtot1 Granado <.1t•1111 :i br. 11, ba rnndn l'ool, kids Ok Nu P<'L' Qt) mu t Ulll 675· I 7"6 SllARr. beach I. 2 & 3 llR, frpk. dshwsr. car & i:ut.1~ No ,x·L\ 000·23~ Rede<'. 2 Ur. 3 blks beach. C D. adlt l'PI. 213C Al.lanta -------1 bdrm I ba. dishwasher, encl 11arage. pauo. l 1UJle Crom beach. Adult.s, ·no pels. S28S Call 960-5260 HEW CUSTOM 2IOl.MUMfT Larltt' 2 br, 2 full baths, frplc, huge pvt yard. clos«.I garage No pets SUS. mo. + S200 security ~ $75 clean1na . 17671 Van Buren, between Slater & Newman. easl d Beach Blvd. drive by & caJI for 1ppt. 848·S924 or 900-1347. Lftel1.-1 ML TOllACH Nr new 4 Pie•. O> sep ownr·a wut. 3 Br. 2\.t ba. 2 sty w/fam rm, frpk, laund hk·uP, pvt yrd. 1800 14 fl. '900/mo. (2) 3 Br. 2~ ba, 2 1ty, frplc, pvt aundeck. $$1$/mo. (3) 2 Bt. 2~ bt. 2 *'-'· frplc. pvt 1unde clc tMJO/mo. Small J*.1 OK W/.,.ro¥aJ. ALl.BI'ATE REAL TORS Annaad flt' ~belle ~M M6-e811 e\' 3880 .....................•. '\1 "' 111,,. nhom\-. n 1 "" I ""'I Jll.11.1. J Br .: H..1 i1;d pool S.,,1111 ..;5..!I !'1,1111111,,. l'r ~ \ I .1 l I .! I .I M .I!* 5 J 'I to • I ~11 77 t l•ltlX Jhr nr ~ C•1al'I l'l.1t.1, pool lo:~ m JJ• ·'' -.u.m.i :.<.."-' ~, QWl:l S9\ll •"'-'>-~ ..•..•...••..........•• TII EEXCITl'.'JG ftA.LM MESA Af"TS ~ll M '1 ES Tll :-.PT IK ll BJch.1&2 BR from $255 & up Adults No pct:- 1561 Mesa Ur 1.l Hlk.' t-:ast PC ~<'"'pvrt UIHl1 !lam :'>pm !>\Ii mll>O Seawind Village New 1&2 bdrm luxury .1ilult apts in 14 plan., from $350 + p00ls, t• n rus. waterfalls, Ponds' Gas for rooking & heat 1ng paid From S:.i n Diego Jo'rwy dnve North on Beach to McFadden then West on McFadden to Seaw1nd Village t714 )893-5198. TUfS.TUIS ADULT APARTMENTS Nestled among tall pines &rustung strea~. PACIFIC WOODS 839-2140 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Room w /k.ltcbeneu e $7'2 Wel'k & up, 548·97$$ 2 rTn'I nr. bcb.. W /kil prlv. $285. USl.lut +S100 dept. No Pels Single Mat. 675-55.\1, 64.5-6499. 4J rm. pry ba fl frplc, ldtdaen prt v. 325 E. 21. C.M. Fem. ooly. M2-4aGI ¥...._._.. 42IO ••••••••••••••••••••••• HoU1~ tor re nt. Ar· t'OWbead ftlllln. ~e. Cooualt)' O tab .,.. •. aBR, 2~ fria., W /D, PIM room. decka. ssoo. l»al4 1111111 :-1 ''·' :--. .. v.p•~t l'IJll (.;11111 I 1,.I,) l~ll GARD5H OFFICES l'r,~1t;.1•>U.' •1ffll l' hw 111 .n~ rt roukhur•l ill\ ti n. Jr 1'.d1111,l'I Suitt'' 1 mm :«:•1 ''l 11 lr11 nwd •I I U \I ,1 II\ \ l ·1 t l l Hl"•>l..hrUl'I \Ir '-.tnl•Jr .1.3 IJ'I ~l!I bee. Offic~ Spou 11-1 'll ft L>eluxt• hw hi 1ni: .impll' p.1r k1n 1o: l"nme ftiC' near :1 m1r II"\.\'\' :-.u GrJnt1. S Jnl,1 \n I l°,l ll 919-l'l.'.3.1 :-.C'A ~ardt.•n offll't' bw Id 1111: ti:>o :.q It i:round fl••ir :.wtc ,,, J llJble Jt SJ i50 ITl() near JUnl'l 111n •1 f or a n l'l l' s J n t .1 \n,1 G Jrt..lcn l; 1 11\ t· fn't.'f'way!> 630·3~:! •ir !Iii 2&'~1 EXEC. OFACES sooosq.FT. ltlt'nll\' !orated in 1 hi! Sk~ J)J r k I ndU:.lrl JI Center Pnvatc rerep lion. large ronfert n<'e mom, huge plans room. + 8 Uldlv1dua1 orr1ccl> Avail n ow lnqu1 re (7141700-9466 Approx 750 sq.fl. +extra s t oragt' 1f n eed e d Newport Blvd .. CM SJOO per mo. RJtr. 548·7729 ... ...,.,.c....,. Design l>lau, luxunous olc. sublet. 642-5456 Upstairs office $100. lnclduhl. l~E.1.8\h C_~_if __ Brand new bulldinlJ on Newport Center Dr. N. 8. fleady ln November. For lnfor call 67rMJ77S. HUnl.. Bch. 4 blks from ocean. Ice A/C office in modem bid&. May be divJded Into 3 suites. IZ50/mo. lM all or part • $.36-'7S04 arc Space l.2x 15'1". furn, We ratern Fed Blda, fMbiOn Ill 'No.t151S Ca.oMA•MAI DllW&.e otnee. sa.50 Per Mo. Realonomlca 87Ul'OO PENTHOUSE SUITE 1~11 Jt•-d ~urun tht' u111 •1111· l',urnfl('an d.-,1..:n1"il L1d•1 \IJnna \'1lla:.:1! l 0•1Cl,ld('1 :! Ilk) S.1 l·'t I '11\ .1h· Ek\ a1or \\1•1 B.1r !11un~1·.; PJn•1r,1m11 BJy \'11.'W f'•>H•rc'<I P11lln IA.·111r Jtor Amemll<':< wll l•1r a ppt11ntmC'lll 675-1662 GARDEN OFFICE SPACE \\ Jil on (JuJJI St. 1n :-.l•v.µurt i:k>.i{'b. Fr om IW tn ~ ... q fl Call l 18.'i ~))1 COSTA MESA l'rnft.•sl> olf1cc spac:l· ,1\ UJI IO c.a11r Isl Bank llld~ . !SQ.JOO ::.q fl Low pr1l'r ind J<1 n1to nal. :>ecurlly :.en IC<'S. con •~'rl'll\'l' rm & ul1l. Abu11 dunl parking avail. Cnn 'en11:nl lo~· dose to airport, travel agent & ~ink m bldg. 230 E. 17th SI . C ~ &12·9560 ___ _ t'M newf\' decorat ed !!Wll~ Jtr t'Ond 45'sq. rt •1111 t:.42 7il0 or (2l3 l .\;!2 166.S. EXEC sums A romblllat1on Lhal can't bt' beat! Beautiful peo· pie. pe rfccl location \close lo airpo rt & ~trnlSl. ideal offices & professional sei:retarlal i.erv1ces. For more iofo call Be\• al 979-2161 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• For st<>tt & olClce apace al ruaonable rates. 500 to 5000 Sa Ft. MfliA VERDE f>R PLAZA 1.525 Mes. Verde E, C.M . 54Ml23 So. Lq\IDa; bmlneA or profess. space. UNDER 9SQ.". -.-1 Tuner AllOC. llEDICALSUITIC El.ceLllnl locatlaa. dole c.oM,f.ar.-.- N=. Nr Pat Ofc .... ftllknor olc. HIO A•oa (S). m1m-1001 Deal Space/ltore1• .. .................. . o.1a .... eu.- i ' • Q o.\ILY PILOT Tu.tday, Auguet t4, 1111 .............. c.,. ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Serv1ee • tutaJlaUon Jun 1 boat • boOM re RH / Comm· 1 24 hr JMllrt 1 1pee1a11ae In ~.DlUU'l,131 $M9 ~try .. f1~r1I 1 .... ~r AbO alau 6 win .. ._•••••••••••••••••• dow rhannel r-c~pl1<'.­ Dr1veway11 • Puk1n1 ~O}l. J1mM6 4711 &ot•~,._·~•IN>UIJ\1& ~'\Al'OM lf'(l'KRIOR Sl6 A.p0alt Mii ~1l (.;l\.RPl\Hl'RV IJc'd. ff} JM.Y 642 8800 ... , .... , ....................... I land pol11b1011 ut ) Ul.lr car at Your home or of (1~~ ......... .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Habywitting, h1•0 d. m> home, love & caH• .... , l)l't lnfllnl.ll Wt'h.'i>m\,.J 1()1 0000 Habyi.1tw1a an my homi: tl :ll.i111 5 3Upm Mt'lfl l''rl 2 5 > r 6 old ll ol ly 7SHJ1178 ..... Senk• ••••••••••••••••••••••• UANK RUP'l'(;Y Sn> l>lVOHCE $75 Al11C)n Le.iaJ 842 !;100 llVORCE Typ111g service a vu1lable Dill Barbara 641 05l!6 OiStefano & A1<ronov1t~ Construction. Jo'r1:(' t.'l>l. C..,..W.k• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sh~mPoU & i.h.•11m • lt••m l'ulor bnalltl"nrr-!I.. whl l~ LO man bl\'.ich t:lc<tn lh . din nn, h»JI $1.\ Avlit nn S1 $0. ("OO(h $1<1. rhr $) Guar ..tam ~·t ud0t l)lt t'('JMll. 1~ ) r l''IJlr llu work n1)11dl Nth ~l 0101 \\c Oltc c.i,,,_,t l'll'l.IJ\Cr ~..-am de11n A1110 up holi.lt>rv Worll guat l'ru.·k nount wut t"'rec u.I l't'.C. n1t.c:i. ~ :r1 lli ltJYC your <.:A H p l<:TS. F'LOOKS wld WINDOWS d aocod b> L>ull'h Maw t.enance. !171 11!>4 MJK ~u ah ly Serv1«1:s provides prof barlen den. and wu1trt.'l>Se:. for your wc"CJdul~:.. c·0<·kta1I purt1es and all OCC<tl>IOl\S. Lie H>9924L 897-1:1231, 1191-4214. 536-6413 P'OW1da\Joo1, r•talnln• wall11, bl04'k1, pal1011 Lk'cl $013. )41~ c ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ADO-A.aOOM SAU Sitve SlOOOOI 0\4/nl Ofl •d d tUtim UV••r 300 IJ'I ft lbt Rd'1 LH' ~ fo're tlilt ~r.rn Conc:ord•• Cont rut•t ora SIVi oo rm addlt•<m11 on Iv S2t• ~·· ~ n Mii 31).')4 \'lUu1w C1.111t.om nwldt•r" I t>mOdd or otlh•HlllOO . I I n I .. h l ' II r ll (' n I r v •:J73i46 IJullwi M l W77 a.dric .. •••............•.•••••• •:i.~x:rn CC'IAN l'r!4·1:d n&ht frt.'C e t1t1m1tc on hu ge ur 11 lllM II jol.lll uc 11m254 tin 03.:1!1 Ht*bsd Sectrk OOW71 •Tr.n elers Eh-rl ru· & ~ M'1.lntcnur1cc. com nfl. rCb1dentH1I Lie & lbnch'<i, C714 )642 1503 ~U:(,"THIC.:IAN liesl ralt.,, for spa hkup and :.m u ller Job i. biS.&145 ........... K..e Nlwnt •'OOd f eoc · =t. fcnt"e repaJt --=::.~-••••••••••••••••••••••• (;.om&ll .. •h• lltlrVl!'t: & Hlfi; Autonlllt\' n1u•r11tur11 fh• pa 1 t 8 p •H' 1 _. I t ) aan• k .. 11Jr I ••••••••••••••••••••••• G1t1 Jto1u11u. dl·un uJ.lll & lunch1•1.q1111l( tieor.i'ti 11Jt.atu Ma 107a t.i\WN :wrvlt'l'. lun<J 1>CUj)l•. dean Upt,, huuiua.c SU 900'1 1'1 ol l(ta.rdcner i.t a I raC' UOfl o/ Lhc j(Olng r .. tc Alt tll' \f. ~ ll06J 'AIU) Cl.I:: S I'S & 1., l).~'/\PIN<: "411 frlll) lolll·.:1· i.tucknl. be.iL-. Jll pnt·~ Hotn lllhn~ -.od. ,...,.d , ..,prinklcrl> ln'l' pruning , haul1n.I!. d(•.inup;, (',111 Jon . ~~earl> rnua n. late ~\~ .•••.•................. l.kttkh-OI• Lomkr & dump tn-.•k io.cn . rl·a..., ruh•:o.. Ask for Hnan 1;11 ui:r.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mai:1crnn uvall11blt• for ttc.dywwn oa;Sludent 1 Ton t.rU<.'lr SU>lE'Sclel.Afol(&uvace. Brickwork Small job11. Truh. lree lrtm Oan "'-"a h 1 Newport, Cc»t.a Mesa 4s 6'2>~ ... ,.oug • 1 tame, wk 'J. Irvine 8'7$-317Seves rmlhly 751 '1368 ----·~-- Yi.rd r 1:fu1c o r 11 tthl furniture Reasonable rul~ 0111 '40-Gel~ MS VICKIE 'S clc1n1ftl( i.crv1ce n cs1d cleaning at ilb bt.'!>t Ll1"d tUonded. Hcl1able w or k by "Muro" paint, clean· upg & haul kprs, try me. 00-5749 llauhntc. inmmm.I(, yur<J Scrvinti the Irv/ Npt/ &ia.ragccle•nuptl 1\i.<lt1n a rca11 W • take P~/P .. r"'9 S51·827l pnrlr 1n our work. Cull ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---ror appt. M l-439'J l'ETl::HS PAINTING Slr.iploadcr, dump truc:k. 1'ht• Periiona l T11u <·h Expr ·d. Reas Hate:>. gr~. haul, tree & yrd Cfoan.in" i.pecaalfunu m Free l::i.l. Call Gene wrt, ll\ISC. 831 1257 your n~ed~ Comp7etc ~ __ F-<A.'it bauhng, res $14 & UI> pn.il~1on11ls This IK my Pro( pamlang l::xt & Int. Vd & gar clnu~ l''rec only bult1 n ei.i. Hon 11377835 R4.>fs f'rcc est ~l '714)8'&2-4597 ded/lns 552--0IM 5.'r>47~>.S36-4383 ~fil<£'S HAULING ALL Jo'or spotle;.li, bparkhng Pa1nl1ng INT, !-;XT TYPES DUMP TRUCK clean how.e call 536 (173'J Neat. h<JOest. reas . 12 l.OWRATESS48 ~51 A'>k forDcanna )r, up. L1c 'd Dave 9&-1100 ..._ C:... SerYice Abee s llouseclcantng --- ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hell5Qnable, rehubll• & Int l::xt Dependable Marily11 's Cle•11inCJ n-f1167J1266.646 41$71 Heasonable Jo'ree tM 5er¥. Howftittilwf <.:al I J a)' ~ -6159 w1lh u J>t!n.of'l31 loueh' ••••••••••••••••••••••• JW:.1dt-ntrnl & c:ommere1al . Free e'll. s:n :>Oup HOUSETEHDBS p JI n t In$! ... r {' e tf79-6149 1\ .ICrOUP of l<,.,·111 teu«ht:r~ t''>llmJle'> He., ntte'> 1A11J (<1rl' for )Our horn1• 675~1 ~ 1Ah1ll· )1.>U Jrt: uw .. y Ph •••••••••••••••• •• ••• •• 6-&5 Hd16 (.;"( ~ W,un a RC:ALL Y 'Lt;,\;o.; IJOUSt::·• Call <lrngh,1m Girl 1-'rt-.: ·~t &.l5 5123 Robm s llousel'IPJnin•t !:Ir\!', f1Jr a lh11n1u~hl) dean hou.~ 540 t~.7 Cet.lar l'rpt c·11-.111 ~. s11•um shJllllJ'~>. "'Ill.low w:.h i.;. fir .,.;i, i.:. !tl'll lnwrmK• ••••.•.•.•....•.......• R~ lMWance Alsociot", Inc. l.J1.,. h11ml'f1w1wr r.>tt·:. m:. tr.JI~ ALLPAIHTIHG "'cal~ ~Compl b't~J Int~ Int J>aml & w;.llpdpt.·r Qi.rat .,.ork. n•a ' µr Fn~· 1-...t ~t·\ 1· :-,.ti -l:!)jl Ft1r •·'Cl JMlllL, 1-.111 Jam u ,,,,., l'J1nt1nl! Pamung lnt /l!:xt . Qlty wrk & matonal Jo'rtf' 61t. lnd/RH. 646 12S2 Jo:Ves 12 Yrs exp NBICM area. I'm i;mall. prices are :imall 67S.3014 __ _ llOUSEPAINTI NG / AllU.ESS WORK f'ree estimates. Luwrence ~5 P'l.ol.ftSOM ••••••••••••••••••••••• All levels s ty les aJ{C's Gabnella SLud10/ Music Acros:. from N HHS OO.DJ3 Repair • Reroor. All type1 ·a bln1l e1 · rockahakeJJ·compo·"8r. l''ree .t. 5'1·&930 Fin. Avail. T•.tai• ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clarence'• TV, Local service. Good ref!!. Rsnbl raleH. $S.95+. 957·1096 y,...~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prof tree tnmming & re· moval service. l''reo est. CaJ 1963-9636 AM . Mike's Tree Service Tret> removal. cleanup, tra:.h haul away $40-6760 ......... ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tuloriag Neat patcheti & textures ••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • At&EST. 19).1439 t'r~ tnal I~. cra"<J111 ualed, reading, math & t'reoc·h t>i3-ti013 P••s:•lr i .....•......•..•....... Plumbani: repair S~« an rcmodelln". copJ*r n· pipe f'rt.-c ~t Top II <1l Plumbing~ 3194 l> k ·SI (,1uir·, Plumh ui~. rellabh·. $14 pr hr 645 3503 TypifMJ Senic~ ..........•............ LI' Off•<'l' Ser\'tl'e'> l'r 11f l)pin.:. krm PJJX'''· ri· ., um e' (· t t J. u u 1., I! I Lti<an 54li 71:!.'i WMdow Cleallin9 ·llM! Pipe· Suri:~m l'lumb •••••••••••••••••••••• • rn~ l''rt.'t' \.">l Ht·IJIJ.lt."> u1ll('J(\' ,,1ut.11:nl!. w 1111J11w rt·m11dl•f w11rk. l''>lm w,1,h·i.: H••.,1<1 ,1111·1 .. , ht.>IJ)(.., Comm I Iii re:-.ad Xlnl wrk 1l1l! ~> 1'1'• Q uJI w•irk <JI r"nbl 1;1.')il/rl rali·-, ;,10 i'JJJ 1.11· :r'Jj'~ l ''l' lh1· U;Hlv h lot ._ ____ Lie 1!175064J>·Mi~9 ~""""'/COM~ any Ol't'as1o n Adum ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Hei;;ehe-1"'6+4~ Qi r,>l"l'll1')°'7f t!nr1 n ~ &-t-twl mi.: No Job loo !>ml f'apu Ch ff 631 <ll6-I -4.:IA ~~ ...J~<fl'Hli ~Transall!enoa lh•Jl>llllll hl1• !::i1 mun I(,., C11mml S•·n 1ni.: '''J lal 1umm li \I ' ltratl1'"';T qu:rtrry -wnr lhnhl l1l· d IJd\o• ;;..~ \1J'>ll'r _plumhN ~krnbcr U U II ~l 1.w tv lllJOt.lt·tl M C ""'J ~1:1 :i77~ · f:i..,1 flt·..,ult" ..,°'f·n -:1"'°1·,.,.1·-1------tl I I ANYTIDNG from A LO Z t:.'ilm P1l1Urc f''rumang. AfL 5 PM. f>4~· IHOI ••••••••••••••••••••••• I' a t• 1 f 1 c C 11 n l' r c t e . U1m1,letc concrcll· or :.cl )our lorm:. Save t>~:tUG GN c1u:EN t·a ;,h for Wl llTE t·lcph;rnt .... with a Oa:.;,1f1l•d 1\d Ca 111>12 5'l7>1 llOUSE & Al'T l'AIN'I' l<El'AIHCU ,,\N IL\l'I. l..tJ CO~T t>lli liUI 751·1<'.:()I For e >. • e I I 1· 111· 1· 111 hoiu.wd1 .111111.: I h•Jlllllt.: L1nllm1111f :.i;; Ji2h LadKapifM) ...........•...•.•••... l.1nop1•J11 LJ11d" .q .. r 1'1111 "'"'k I .11r 1111• • l<t•h 1,11. IX71 cf\' ,., ... ( 'tN11ni IMlllU/1J' ,tll h.1n1J .,.,,,., 1111 1•\l, In• .. st JJl i. 1,.Jo, '..1-1..IJ :-.i·f1111i.: •• m1h1n~ .... 1111 .1 l>J1h f'1lo1t I l.1 ol wtl ,\I! " ,, "mplo· nl.ollt•I JlL''' Jll •·•t "''" dart-< tor" Y•1ur ,1·nw1· ,., our ,, ... o 1.tll\ ( ,tit f.-1~ ,.;;>i< ••\t ·s.!:t 4450 luMMss ••••••••••••••••••••••• ()pportunity MafteyWGRted 5030 Lost&Fowtd 5300 Lost&Fourad 5300 Ptt"l.oftal~•icei5360 jHelpWant~d 7100 He-Ip Wonted 7 100 He4pWantr-d 7100 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HARIOR ILVD. Downtown <.:ost<J ~h·:..1 rd(' JI of fr('(• or ..,l•1n· ~JOI! :..ix ll~it. or 675 2'! I :I :.911 Lal ayt•lll'. '-H ~Lorl· 11r 1 ,ffu t• ;,µ111·1•. 1 lfJO St1 Fl l>11.l'l(lmh II <:rund} lllt1c;;.,1,11.1 l!u.'>rnt-:.l> lr1.-al111n <II f Wt' t<.c ;,t11ra.:1· Wt·'l (';\I WholL~a)l· 11r IJJ rh pa Pl ~mo TUlil !Hi\J 2!11H. l->M~4mJ 4500 ....................... N1·w ln.nl :-.lrl'd lrn .ot11111. l'ark frv1111· 1111 '-olllt""' n•nl1·r. 4.!llJI '>'I It F•ir l:-.1• 11pt111n 111 IHI~ I'\ I l'I y 4!~ 4Hlli!, '1'+1 :~11;(, MEWPORT BEACH JOOO fl . lflfl(I ft of I 11·1· ..,1, .. ee, qwl!l file 111dus Jrea • o aulomot1v1• or f1bt!rgla:.rng l.;45 :13:!3 '"" ,')'ilJI ,q WJrt.h<Jl.l:O.I' 6/ 1111 '-•1•un.o I ltlb :\l1111h11n ~ l..1ko Fon·:-.1 !JJl lllfJ>I fM111!r )Ullll r l.1llfl II ti '-' t1n•l\1JU"'' & 111! 10·0•' "l.nl lt.14: 1:m1 LoJ.:an. 1 ~1 ti4tVi51l! ur ~>'18 ~IO Jndustnal ~P••t:c· av1m1x M(J(J ..,q IL. 4 11ffic·t·'-:.! air l·nnd 'd warchsc. 371· grt1'1'> ~M!!J-02!1 I Stor~ 4550 ....................•.. Oul!>Hlc slorage hi.;hlt·d lem·t-d pnvalc r(·'-lde1wt• near <.X.: Alrpart. :-A~> :i:rn 460$) ·····················~· He:>pons 1blc, work 1n l! w r 1 t c r ' l' t• k s ,, n c bedroo m c<>t l<il:l' 1n Corona t.lel Mar or Costa ;\ksJ Qwctnt·~., l"':>t•n llal Wnlc C.:lass1f1t-d Ad 11aJ6. Daily l'alol. P 0 Box 1560. CostJ Me!><J ~ Uesrre lselreol of hou~t· cpl loolung for unfurn 2·3 bdrm w /encl yd for 2 rmture dogs Have good ref's for all of us. 751·9100, 12·4 prer. St eve or Jean Need 2 BR. how,c, duplex ()I' '! For work.mg mother & dal.ij(hler. Reasonabl<· rent. Prefer Jo.:as ls idc C.M., or Newport lll11 area. Pleru>e call 540.83()8 after 6pm, a s k for Jackie. Need an Oct. Or Nov. furr or unfum. apt. nr . ocean. Apply lo Box 11619. Daily Pllol PO Box 1560, CM. 921626 .....•.•.•••.•••.....•. EARN $60,000 + !'>c:JITlli">!'> Hu111 Carry •nK ~':-.knt' Wl• m<Jkt• •1ur 11w11 & m:o.tall tho•m un Lbe Joli (;u;iranll·c hu ... ane:;:. lri1m reft•rrJI' Plu:-. luls m1111· hu ... 11H·,.., \lora· ,..Jinn lo 1•xp;md. 'l'l \ ini.: J II of <I r .1 11 1! 1· I''' ~.,lahll.,l11•ol hu..,llll'!'>:-O 11\ t•r ~I \l'.1 r-. S75.lllMI :! tnwk' :ind m:11'111111·r\I l'tmru· J.'Jli 77:.!:I afl 1,µrn • l·i.1,1hJ1,h1~J l'o~l:.i :vt1•,,1 F'111n.,1 ~hop l11r ,,tic ti-I.I :.11~1:! rn 1>-1:1 1:i:s:1 W111llt1w "·"hlllf.! n •,111 l11-.11·h 1 llUI I )7:illll ... ,.., ,:;~j 6EC0Mt A PAOHSSIONA l MONEY " . l111•1m1· OpJJ<WlUntl) \m hlllllll' <,h:J'l> I pl '-'.till ·~J tu 111•' cl & mni.:t· 2ntJ uw11m1• hl!'> "' full lrme ''11L1•11taal ~wnu reply w l''ilJl'r Dm. ~lj2fl Da il~ 1"1 lllt l'O tlo >. 1560 <.: ,\1 !0)4; lnv.stft'ltftt Opportunity 5015 ..•...........•...•..•. Eam 90% Or Mor~ 1.ier annum with unu11w .,,vcr 101,ked·· r cal •~tale formula frlr IJuv 1n~ arid ::.clllnl{ vr(1 pcrt1t..., in Lhc f1nc~L Jrc<i'o uf N~;Wf'<JHT UEM:ll Min. ln ve~C $15.0fl(l l)\.ot ... 11bli45 HfJJ MONEY TALKS! 90% FMtcincJ I llOM ES · lor ked an e;,crow. Seller~ havl:' ,1gn.'C.od to pay all t~L'> and carry 2nd T U for 3 year:-. 12 I 3llr. P• ba & 12J 4llr. 1 1~ ba+l am rm Grcal rental:.. Localt>d m N E Am1hc1 m P os..,1blc lease opllon Pnnr1pali-. only For d e l:.11ls call Armand or M1chesi.e. Allstate Rffftors 540-4646 846-6817 ... s ----MDMytoloan 5025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SWING LOANS and 2nd Trust Oet.od Loans Ol" rcs1dcnt1al property Cust.omiu.'<I lo m et:l your needs! H.E.DEPT. F'-em_t.o_s_b_are_2 -bd.r-m-Apt SANTIAGO IANK 7141832·5200 wlsame. $182/mo. UJ CM. ---------64,,S.3340 Eves. ..... /l .... t/ ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• FEEorLEASE Frencb Pol~ Tahiti or ou&er is Beach rront• •v•llable. De\ielopen only please. Owners la Jbw•ll look· inl for forelp lnveston1. C all area code a.f1D..17S8. {NEED {MONEY • CUDITMO PllOILIM W&JrdTDao- 147·1402 Arra.Died by C...ttt-Loml MONEY ~VAIL · Alll..&tl0.000 mln .. llJl)' purpoee. Mr. Har1rave llALISTATI •1.ma --------Pri-Np& lcb loradoa. Lom eeee!eli•t·.__ -. 1:1c1111111 uiltlDa raal _.. ............ WOR.KIHG CAPIT Al •>rani.:l' t'ounl) N.111un.1I Corp in lh1• boornanJ.: :-.t·cun I~ I 1Pld lll't•ds lun<b f1;r i.:rnwth Xlnt 11 1J IJ II I I IJ II I l ~ I ti 1Mrtw1p.111· 111 .1 l!rHIA th Ultlu:.LJ) \l'l1\1• '" 111111 att.n c 111\c .. lw \\ 1· h .o\ •· µrl·~1·ntl~ 11\1•r 11111 l.k.tll!r::. n<1ll1111 "'1111· 111 \(• ... l01L'lll lll ::t l.111 111111 "' lJX Ud\Un\.11!1'" 11 0 f{q\ 7:1:1 "I U'l 111 ('.I •r~:>llJ HEW,\IW \1 ,\u..,l Shep )11\ l(rt') blk 'INl' .. h·tl I hlu1· c} l' no n11lJr ( ;•1111• 'IOl'l' 11 I 11 ·1\ r 01hl F .. m Enl!ll'h ilull l>•q• lJJ\ "'hlle \'1•l I LI l\ r 11111 ( t100<• ,mi 1· XI \ 11 l~JO)Oll ,\l'll'' l.:it.: lldi WKc IV •• 1~11 •111111 II= •l'H l'~I:! H1·.,.arll ~1 t '111 k.1t11'1 . i.:n w }l'llo.,. ,1,, 111 t•h,..k.,, pct,,, 11 ~ .. .., \I(' l:d.11 B.1). l'e11111 1;;:, ~11117 Li hi UIUl' 'r' t·l lowh1 .. 11l .\111:i1.11n C11'l'll IJ.ffr11l. ~.Trust 11·wJ1'1 llU M l ifi.rl DffdS 5035 L•J'>I \ui: >I I hl:11•k ••••••••••••••••••••••• w.tllc:t h~•· .tm•1uut ol Sattt.r Mtc). Co. 111111wv. ;i c·ho•t k:-. ~ \ ,,,o 1\ll l~ ix.~ of re.al l''L.alt• 1-.mi:.: IJn-.1 011 \l.1111 SI 1mt.o:-Lmt•nL-. ~&nl'I' l:J.t!J H.o I l1•1J 1 ... 1.1 nil ::,;11111 Specidii.inc) in ll E \\ \ ll U l ' 1111 l .1 1 t 2nd TDs ;!l:l w7 m11r. 642-2171 545-0611 Ht:WAHU' LO!:)I CJlu 11, CASH FOR TO•s Anwn«an \fort 547 71:>1 I t.lay .ipprm·al fund in 7 dJ)., ~" po1n1' SJ.111111 S7S.1.11111 :tnil T IJ lfJ<.tn;, wd(J ;l.l·IA r111rt lo 1;7J. 7:-«> ~ hr.., / Anncuteemtnts/ P~s/ LOlt&FoUnd .•........•........••.. 5100 ....•..•.•.••.•.•..••.• PD~NY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 ~·JI .any ll•·m or rum l>mal11111 •11 11t·m' for fl!> or "''' "'llh a l'1·nn~ l'm«h1•r 1\d :i lirw .. for l. l'Oll'>t't Ull\'t' tl<J)"\ f':,or h :td<luumat hnr• " "' 1!1r lht'2 da>' C'hJrt•o• 11 ll.11tommcn1.1I ·"'' F•1r mon• rnlorm.1111111 1ui<lloµIJn•y11ur,11l c .tll 642-5678 *** Clifford E. Rabi'°" 8022TaylorAn. I twA'-'• leoch You .. t111ew-...of twofrw ticWbooks ($19.50value), to KMOTI'-S IBIYFAllM Aug. 10th lhru Aug. 19 Ticket.s may be claimed by c:alling &U-5678. ext . 272 *** 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS A1£ FREE call: MJ.1671 Found vte. Goldmwest • Hell,-H.B. bleck m•I• Germ•o Sbepberd. .., ... Tortoi;,c shell t al. 14 II. \1t· llJgh Dr. LJlt Hth Olk. <1rJnJ.:c. wht mark 1111t' f' l·m . .,h,JrlhJ1r M11rl(1<· 1°ri 2:hl l~I 801111 u~• 111.11 k d•1.:. lnllll'll U.ok1·1 &. :.1!1 tt..'li ,\ ...... , 1••111 t.1 1 t•ll \It ~ .1 1 r \ 11 \4 1,,.., llrn 1111-. 1 "' "11 'r 11rkl<1.,. n '''"' 1.rnd 1\lb;,a1ro .. .., {;(Jllur .,. IJ<:ll. I! 12 ~Wli7 UJST Hunwntfy u1l11r m1'1<lcliru: µ•1rll •1ll•1 11n II Ill W, al l.1<111 \, ill111to• Ill front of WJr..lwuM' Ht•..,l ll t· w :1 rd ! I\ a i-.., J n ti r <• 71il ~i(.11'5 LJ'.r.;T I.rs: hm wh1Lo• ,.111 lit.> llcdt.11.,h lirn :\I JOyr.., nit.I V1<· Tallx•rt & MtaltnllhJ 11 12 1!1Jf, ur ~lk-t.lttl l/ )S'f '1 c;n·v ~t·ut l'fl'il Poo<llc Wt•11r1 ni.: N1·.,. ~t>Xt(I) kt~._ II 12 \ u G1i.ll-r & Col11rad•1 l'I f>ll (1321! Lo .. 1 H 12 F t-mal1• llurnlayJn V11" 4:lrd & H1wr f'lca\I· t•all fur mt>d1ral 10l>lrucl11111., 67J-851G F.ves SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS GI011my L>aunl Vt w>t lkluge UODGING /\ telev1s1rm set 1s an nh Je<.1. 1n lht' home cnt1rrly surroundt:d by school children DODGING lhc1r homework. -------LoRt: Sm B & W poodle ll\IX w/bluc collr /black neu t'Ollr. Lg REWAHD OH Nwpt Blvd , CM . 436-0071. ----Pound. Spyglass. blk. & white male Spaniel pup, approx. 6 mos: 759-9434 Jo'OUNO : M1tle kitten. lo ng·baire d Tabby w1wht neck , chest & paws. Vic SA Heights 8/ 12. 549-3813. FOUND: 2 wks ago a banded pigeon. Call & tdenUly. 642·9814. FOUND: A hlsh school cl.Ml rins im. 642-9114 Jo'OUND: ClaJm or adopt . Mele, you.oa blk Lab mix. Mele. bit & tan Cocker Spenlel·approx 2 yn. Fem, wtat & bm Ter· ri• mlll·approx 8 mos. Male Hlm•leyan cat. Others. NB Aolmel Shelter, 28708.o Ml1uel, NB ."4•31156. • b1111inr +hroid~ a., RE., • ~d.. rec. Wldial ls land. Own« ~IGOUI W'lll carJ. Eseelle nl Ma'fEY AVAILABLE 1.Glt or Found a pet? Call DP-clnl-ll85.•. CaU rao,OOOt.oSI0,0001000.ADy Animal Aul1tuce 114,...._-. Luve cu1. JIU'1IOIM.. a7·ai3 i..pe. SJJ·ZZT3, no fee. ~: 1/12. Nr MelJlOU• Ii Atluu H. 8. Beaut, fem Siberian bu.atty. No JD. Al O .C Aol mal Sheller. H0·4952 o r 5*81 ~ r • ·.,. J 11J f , 11 I ii ,11 k i--._..,_..,_,.,_,.._..,_._,.11111111" I \• '1<J 111 111. I h:al1wr1>11wh '" t 11h LOVElYLADIES ,,,,111 ,.,,,..11''· ~ l'•1m<i11 •• I \I I •ml,0111' r 1 l.ICh I' 1 'I,., • • ,.,, • \11!1>!-.I_..,,, I ,1 111<1 ..., t.u,•nl·'~ IJJfJ .. , t 1.I \\i•, •1•ntJ '"'' l"' i '''' ,,, •. ,. •ill i-!:!~1JtlJ.1\;o. L\• ~ ft,,., HI \t •I ,,.: t.1 ... ,. l.tJ ::!X-17 I • '\ 111111 ~I I \ I•• " ' , ''' n f I 1!<111<1.~ 1 1 'hi''°""''• IJ•UI l.11-1 H ~.\\ 'H IJ I .. '1 lh •II• I I I• I •I ;•t f1Ullllll1.'\ttl1 1l.1rt~1111 l uhl '·•• ~"''\I "• 'ol11n er 1 u d1.1111 ~ 11111l.illln11 ll,1, Trcrtet 5450 >-,. 'I ,, •t•m h1H1 ii. 11111iJI It 11 I ,oll >Uh :Xi'.! 01 .!l:t i';"'; t1.!'.!~ I Ptt"l.oftals 5350 ......•.........•...••. l'.111"r~11111~ .\I/\,..,:-, \I, I. 1!11hJ~111"' l.1•· .\la• . .;.t•u a l)Uto"tll '.1 11. \'II .ii 11 MICHELLE'S •Ovtcall • I I \.\1 2,\ \I X~l• :r1 l'I ....................... \IHI , ., I ( I II 1 ·11 '" ( lf"\lit I tpJ ,I I• jilt JI 11 ....... II 1~111•1• ·1 I I \1111 I .1\ • IOI \\ 1 •11. ll..1111.01.1 \\1 I \ •1• r, ·1.1 .··u ••1.~1 , '' 111 I \tqol,1111 I 111 oJ ~lll •I .tllll d J'.l\1tt1· • \\111 1·1 ~1 lll"I' f •11 q u ,111111 \ 1 t.JI .\117 '\I I t MHlf •'1 STOCK LEDS ER ANALYST 11 I I I. I 1 I ,I:~ I \l A/R RK~ptiOftiit · t,, I I t '\' (l'lf I ' I• I ,\ ' I .I • ,,., lit • II• I "'' , .... ,,u. 1•1 .... ' fl• f•~ji h ~II .41'/ 51t1u1 t r • II • r 1 ' • 1 r , .. ,,, ' A t~ f 1 11 .... ' r. 1 • 1 .,. •• 1no ASSEMBLERS •h ' ••• 1 ~ ft l1t1 1 J, 11 u.., t\ 1 • 1 "H f'I• ·• int 1·11 . 1f1;t1U1• flt I •II• Ill I•·••,\ t. II• Joi I: l-.11, ,,.., nn 1111 >..~I Ir 111· lt••11 l'I '\pl flo h I .11l !111 .tJJlll t•I:! l\..>.I ' AS SE:MILER S 1-'T r ••·I • 11 • 1.111 ,.,,..,.1 "''" ti .•• 011 ........ 111111 \ 11\ln">ll ft-It \II •J." I ,,. "· I ti11r \h homo· ltd,. lit• r H• 1"tJ••tl ltlllf fl ti. •;fl ' lof I \.I uhl \1 lt1rlfl t fl\lh• <.1111d .1Lat, ..,,_, i'\l , I I ''" 111• I Ol'L'tkd. UJ} I'll t• 111 , II ,111u1l l ~I <1ld ~ I I \ •1 II I h II Ill • .. \ t I Ill t'tl •.I (ti ( \l .. ,, ""v , 1 • .i" 11111 I 1111111''\I\ 11111n• \11111 h I l.1 I 1., •rliO lJ_.,,, II \II\ :-.ITI Ut 1111 ~"I 1 ,\ 11 t.1t1· h•1u"' "''•rl. 11. 'I. hr' t°••ulil In•· 111 '\pt IS. II 1111 IXI I •FOXY LADY • lll'l'. \LI Cl'-1 ' ,, h I" I II 1•1 'ii \t' IT '" ~ •• c ' • I I .11 • ,, lflll '.1 \ IJ1\ I 1"11 •ol flh \\•r ~ ....... f '•""llll'tlJtt~•n I o .111 1111rn1;Jo,1t1 • I" 11 1n., ntL lr.u.• qf.11• I 1 "''" l.t•·d,.1 r \11.11• • ,,,. hlltt· 1111 IJll• lh· I All J " ni.: 011 th• n ·.l.111 t•• I.It h• r .11111 'I" I ti ~.111• ,.,. • l1t1 1111•• h .otll• ,;I 1~1~111~ •\JH'l•ll•• \lir1111loHll TELLER *972-1138• l'HECi:-.1/\:-.IT., Carini: l'fJOfld«nU.tl roun::.d111~ c1 rdcrral ,\h•ir1t11n .11l11p 111111 t\ kt"'llllll: \l \.:,\IU-. ·, r;· ..:·,.,;, Spiri tval Re oder 1111;,~ ~.I ~J1111n11 H1 .11 ~inl'h·m••ntt· 1'1111\ 111 bu .\lJIJl l'J'L , ""• l.\'\\:-.01 ·11 \I.I !ti.\ \I ;t,\ \I i15 l>l'JJ ·Country Girl * 971-1513 * ~I Hour 01111·1111 Sen11c·•• •CEHTER FOlD• OU1'CALL 0:\ I. V •972-4976• O.C. AIRPORT SECT'Y & ESCORT •SERVICE• ~pl.'1 lah~•nii Ill llU'll no•,,mrn. rl·'1cl1•01 .,.dc·omt• 739-5248 24HRS. ESCORTS T11mm> s Or ;-..""'l"'r1 lntroouran~ JAMIE& SUZY f)42 1571 7 IUI' \I * *. Gary Scrwyfl' 9691 Ganlen Gro•e An. Fowttoift v dl•y You an the winner of two tr.. tlcbtbooks < $19.50 value l. 111 IC MOTT'S IERRYfAIM AUS(. Joth thru Aug 19 Tickl!L'> may ·be t:la1mt'd by calling 642 5678, ext m *** MASSAfiE FIGURE MODB.S ESCORTS OUTCALL OHL Y O.,S.••n.hr 631·2140 GOLDIHCMIL ADLTXMOV•S R8 as sa. 20% orr. Call John-.s:tM or le4· ll76 •SHE.RI LEE• Cer. Masseuse Hou1ecalla by Appt. .... Pa II .. s.r.tcel IJ60 ....................... Gobi& OD butin_. lri Pl. Have f\m. Call Trevellnc Sceretartea, Brenda. •7583 ' , , II I \\ I• .o ' t ' ;</\.. .,. ' • l &yky:saftt& ~ation ...•................... Jab$ Wm.tf'd, 7075 lntt11111 111 m' lhmlm._1 .. 11 I~ .11 h ht111J1· I ' 111 11 .. 1 .1111.1 1\dcl 1,. .111t \ 111 .,. uu1l I '11\JI houu IMll" dt I ~ '111111~ l.11 B .kJIJi '.1'1 llt1t. i~~IJ \1 •1ni.; ( t.•rlo. "'.mh f11ll •1r pl ll'l'll 11111 !~Ill :!llll:J nr1n11ni:' Hr4p Wan+r-d 7100 ...........•.••.•••..•• ATTENTION JOB SEEKERS If \1111 h,1\ NI t l11und .1 )"h h} \LU'U.'>l l!Jlh "'Jldl 1111 JOBS .rou:-. ., ;1 "IH'l'l:JI Lalil111d '''•·t 1110 thul .,.111 1)1• puhh,lwll w ith 1111' l>;uly 1'11111 1111 Thursdct). 1\~l.L'll IGLh 00ft't Miss it! A CC to:ss oHY Dfo:SI GNfo:llS n<>edcd. flare for dC!!11tn t'Sl>Cn uaJ. p11rt·t1mr or full time. earn SIS $20 hr Will trfllll Call Manlyn 'NT-8299 ACCOUNTING CLERK Wall lra10. F'Ull·ttme O.C. Airport urea Phone roe appt. S57-!rl12 Mr West Accounuog Please see our ad under baok.ul&. lrv1ne S & L Asln Ami ~· TEMPORARY Register today t.o work on various scc:owilloa as bookkeeping usi1n· ments . Work c lose lo )'OW' home. Acct1 clerks, bootkeepera, accoun· ~ .... needed lhnaout 0ruce County. Call UI for more lnformaUon . Robert Half '1 •H Is J 2113 Ho aro.dw•)' ·~~well lanker ,SanteAu C714tllMIOJ jlr•>J•'< '' rl'l .. tl!d Lo 1n\ ••n I 1111 \ .ind ~'""'lh nur .111 IJu al f11 Jlton \.to t'.Jifi fO t.>fJt \ (• , I • ._.,, flJ. '''"'"' r •, ""'''ta • ''" r tJr• '• p.1, a' ' 10• ' 11 '11.lJ1I -111 t ~I \ 11! lill IU•H flllP .... .1h• • m l.'-t f'ff t t I ill f •' \I "'~'"' ...... CIY~ 1-,.1u.1111pp•1nunot • I' m1•to\• r \1 I ll I \t ,•,ti' t(JHrltf•'• IC.1p1 l h ~q111111111a.' llf.1111" ( >Uni\ lorm 1 \ 1 t>llt n t 111m pJ n\ t>1.-nd t• c·ont.1t1 l'JI \1 ,; t1.1l t-111 11 lip 1• ,r1 '",,, ... rnp.••"' •·r \1 n.1ft r 1 ir II I\ 'or• \tan ·•• •. :.!.l • 'IJ••I 111 I h.1111 ,. 1lr 1 11111• I 11 II 11 J!•• \I r f I .. l • h ,..., --· \'11·1~f.111' "'11111 .. n "l"O l'n .. al• l luh l '.11 I 11111• I, "''1' hr t .tit l11r ·•lll't 1.1 , .n •1 ,.,, ~11 I •IC 'l•Jl I .. ,1.0 '" I "' 11~· r\(hll•·u11 ,,.. 111r•d l'll'a'• r,ill 1,1or )(t' \\J)tn•·r ,11 ,lt, _,,I California F~derol S<Jvinqs & LOGIU , • ll.1rl" I lll\d f" IJ \ft I l-.11 u.1I 11111-•1 bnpl1 • ll1..U.1n.: EXP'D LOAM PLAT· FORM SECRET ARY "'•ulh L'ttJ'l -.;Jl11111.1I ll111I. .111 1nd1·1.wndo 111 U;il\k >W1 ~1'1tl11.,.1·r :-.t C ~I .>IO .a.UI 1-;ut-: ACTIHGCOACH IH'\'\)C'\f l'..111 7~ lllKI \ll111d.1111 \\•·11., ..,,,., full 11,m.,1nv. •\I TIU--..,_">1-::'I .\l•I Ult" \II .11'.1 , .Ill I\ P• '" •''I' no-.· ~ ,\ '.\1 111 '''''""'Ills.! """' 1)111 c l11•nt' h.1\ ,. IA nrk• d Hn1 .. ' 11 I ,1.1tl11• & lhl' 1111,,.r 1..od \ In H1~1 ... 1{1)1Wr1 ( 0111 1d \"'r11:l1•\ ' U11ulil1· rrunl 6. Ul!>ll<'~ ::.t ul.1111' • \Jl\on1· 1nll.'rl''L1·d 111 '.\I I) ' I l'' T l'l 1• \ t• J 11 S \ M 1odu) Sm ll't.' I ;'14) 778 l!Jt!O e.>.l 95 .Aid to Malto~ L'trhl\ & late main lc'flllll('\.' an loH•ly II unl m~un Uearh apt bwld m~ Exl-elknl pos11ton for rt•L1rt>l' w !>O m e lll('(·barucal ab1llly Apt I !>U.I a.ry . 52 I -~ 1 --- .AftswerilMJ ~ice l'llX oµcr<1 lo r s for :i Ct>lcphu nl.' anl>w era n~ scrv1l·e cxJ)<'nenct'd or v.111 tram F\Jll t1ml' or IJHrt time !>hJft s ava1la IJlc Day;,. ufl t.>rnoon e\'\.'Olng.'\ or i:ra~e yard Mui.L be able to work blH'TW weekends Typmi: 35 wpm reqwnod Many l'O benefits 3\•a alable. Plt>ru.e call Mon f'r1 Fa:.tuon bland arra Co6ta M~a are a Airport area cal I S43-4230 M!F E 0 E AM' MANAGER For SS units 10 Cost a Mesa Exper'd couple Wife bkkpg exp Husband ma1nt exp Call 642-5073 or (213J 86.S-:851 AICHITICTUIW. DltAFT & IMT. Olmmereial lnl. design fU'ID in N.8. needs ln· termedl•le & s r . drartpersoos . X lnt growth potential. Send Reaume: Ad'520 In C/O T he Dell y Pilot News&;::r P.O. Box 1580. 11 ... CaUf. ..., •>r p.11t t1rr1i 1111\.11• I lull 1 ".ti I I n 1 .1 Pl'l ,\I k11<l.lfll loor oll ''I" "111'11 .. 1.1111111 llr • 1111 tprn \ln11 lh1 u -..11 I-'I' flt/( Ill 0 ... Ill lf.1111 \llJ•I\ 111 JI• l"lll llUI I-l',11 111 I·~~ I 11.,. \ ( 'dm IM'l'-'1·1•11 ll•m tµm ,1• lo. Im f ""' \L"l "t l\llYI I\ I'. CASHIER J'ro \ l<!U' .1Ul>llTIOll\•· t'o1!>l11 .. r 1•\pt.'rtl'IH t' n • qwrl-d Mu:.t bt· 1tood ... 1th µubh1· l.i~hl l) p ~ Contact Mr:11 Huw.er a l COHN Ell CHEVROLET X')l 11.arl•·r (11,.i , , is r ' "1 ~ _ .... ' 541>-1200 AUTOMOTIVt: TOYOTA & VOLVO MECHANICS Exc~lh:nl puy & brnl'f1ls Apply 1.0Serv1t'l' M.cr I ... Hertow ah & c .......... rt.. U .. '10l w U0.'4'7 A&ITOPARTS DBJVERY Well groomed fe male over 18. Wlth good dn v 1ftR record. C M area Coll 556 2500 for an ~-•ppt _ -- AUTO SUNROOF ....... ," ....... F u ll lime . Good mectwucal abWl,y and 'lllOl'k recant E.O. E. Call K.M040 ld1' tram abop looting for cleuq> as delivery penon Ir qualified ln· divldu.al lo remove & replace trauminlona . stW'a. BABVSlTl'ER-clay tl me In, for 15 mo. old, •P. .... .... bra wk,°'"' tnlllp. Sl.00 lar • ..,..., Babysitter ft lite ... ...-. For l'OOCD • ..,.... + small .. 1...,. s,.lall OK. Ref~ requind.161114. ............. ---_ _,. PACIFIC FEDERAL SAVINGS FULL-TIME TELLER Cotta Me.a an..c .. :?3-1 1-. 171 h St l'a 11 Uiumbll:') 631 OHOU UanJuni: Uan N <' w p o r l li (• .i 1· 11 mort~age h11 nk1o i.: , • ., has 1mm ~le uµ.•nings tor u mb1t10us rnd1v1tluah IA pnor exper 1n Lh1• fulloWlt\lt POMUon'> DOCUME:HT CONTROL CLERK Pnor loan cxper. prcfo•r rably 111 loan documat1<111 <'f>nlrol To audit l1)an fill,. for <'ompleteness & ac-curacy. Typrn.: r e - qU1rOO 9UAUTY CONTROL CLER.IC Mm 6 mo6 pnor docu mcnt control ex per. or loan processmg exper. Will audit selected number ol loan mes for :.ccurate documentation. Typmg required. DOC'"'8ff MACHIHI OPaATOll To type lolln inlonnat1on into Burroughs Docu meot machine. Adjus t forms for print-out & make corrections when ~. Prior of(fof expet'. ft tY'lli:na ol 4Swpm required. Put:ttme. a.aKTYPIST Aioc' olfice uper. Good tYJlinl lkilll fl •bWty to operate 10.k~y would be detir11ble to nu OW' clerk typist potit.ion. S.lary oomm.w/e'6.JI«. Mia.I Entry level 901IUon. Some prioc office aper . pnf......S, but will train. ;7 ""'w..w 7100 ....................... ·~ Staunu•al Typlil Xlnt b e n.-r11 a . t'\ pcnenct'd only pl a .. ~ Olli r°' appt. 640 $l00 Carol °" Martaa Aim:ICAM STA1llAI« &almaa T&la/Pwt "-lbrtwy ~vtna-Is Lolln hu lltl Opt'DUl& ln It• Ollt• N a bra.Mb tor a pan Ullkl lcllt-r SaVU\311 &Lowior bankiq t'~Pt'r Pl"\'(efl'fd Mui.l bf.. 11blt' LO wur\ Slaturda~ Xlnt work1oa cond Vialtl viu•at1~ t"or furtht•r mfo <'tintl!K't Mr t-lahtt- t). 714-64Z 7422 ~Wtl ()pp(>r t:n1pl) r r~nlun~ TB.LB MEW ACCOUNTS Pan tllllt' per n1.ant•n1 , typing rcqwr\'d Will ('()O)ldff trllinff CaJI for J PP t J oan M .i rst>llt'. 193-5651 Mutual Savings & Lo;.sn 570Canuno de EBtrelln San Clemente Equal Oppor Emplyr Uanlung ACCOUMnMG SAVINGS & LOAH l::xpandang sa vings & loan n«>ds person for ae <.'OUl'lllng dcpl Savings & loan exp nee P~1l1on may leJd to 11i.i.t eun Lroller lntnc S & L A!>..'n ~MacArthur Hl\(l I rvme 752 <!tlOO t::OE M 1F TELLERS WC' currcnUy have opL•n JOtt:. a~a1IJ bl e 1n our ("u.UI M~a Branch for a lull J-'\.111 & Part Time Teller Desired h at·k ground would 1nl'ludc prtv1ous S & L. banktng or related experienc e. We offer excellent com- µany paid benefits and a 1·ompe lillve s tarting ,..;i,Jary. Plca.'>e e a ll L1"'a N.-.nt'r at 1714) 979.:,mo BRENTWOOD SAVINGS & LOAN 1i.111 ,\dam:-. ''" c ,>'>1.1 ~l c:.<1. C..:a t•.!tii 1. r..<1u.tl I tµporturlll~ 1-m plmi r \1 I- GENERAL NOTE TELLERS Orancp COURty A.r-.a Schools mid ln1fnlctloli nh •.t.fy ef .. K•11l1 c...W•tra .. ce we. .......... ,,,. ~ ...... ...._..._ "t:i:: ,.._ ••• ............. .. ... D.ity ,..... ........... IMr•dwy Call 642-5678 Eat. JJ I Moal JUST A JOI BEGIN A CAREER AS A COSMETICIAN MAU eooo MONIY learn ta oo lac1als with tne new ~'" macnine Learn mak~p app11cat1on the PfOfesst0na1 wav let R1cnard ~ Beauty C.ollbge nc-1p you stclft oevetoping new ~l\illi. d!> a {.ob.mt;t11:.liln Altur oniv 20 wccl.i. you c.dn l'll t:d1n1n9 J <11..0 d ltv.rlQ COSMETICIAN CLASSES HOW! l1mtteo E.n1ollmt7n1-cau No wt 1 op 1n:.truc1ori. g111e H61P and v u10dflce Plenty ot Practocal Expe rience Too TUrTION PA YING PROGRAMS AVAILABLE PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE MANY OPPORTUNITIES: • lnteres tmg Work • Personal Sa11stactton • !:>ecunty·Jot>s not tied to economic i.1tua11on • Yo u progress ra pidly to become 1n0<ougn1y Sktlled • Self~mployment Qpportun111e:. CAU '6M611 FOa IMFOIMA TIOH ~TCHA~D5 BEAUTY COLLEc+E CMta • .._. '6M61 I f t060 .......... t,lluul ........ 7100 H.lp W•ted 7100 ........•.••........... IC>OOEEPER Lilt' !>ccn :tJn al. n·1·l'J> Ltun & buuk ke1•p1ng Juucs from Girl Frida) Jn>ll_!.~ 8:jJ !)'jt)l BOOKK t;E P fo:H Fu l l unw, auto 1•x11t•r helpful. \ancd pos111on v. <:rt~.o(fll backgro und dcsarabll-. exciting growth opply <..:all 751-89!0 BOOKK 1::1-;p 1-~H with coni:.trul·t1on t·' pencncc llr., 3 to 7 PM 1 days a Wt't'k Laguna I h II!. 770 9'J96 BOOKJ<l::EPl'.:R NewPort bollt bu1 Ider oa"<i." expt:r. bkpr lhru tnaJ balance with lypinf! & 10 key I girl offtcP. Salary ranRe SlOOO per mo. Call 714-833·0651 .....••.•..••.•...•.•.. CASHIER/NCR 5 'ur:.el"). S3 30 to SJ 7:i fll•r hr Appl} tn Grant :!CJJ8 Newp<.>rt Bl. CM 1116 i•Wl C~HIERS UTOTEM MARKETS ()rl•ninj!S .,, a1la blc for t.''<J>l'ncncl>d md1v1duc1b 1 n l h t· c o m p I c t t' d<wumentat1o n and ac 111tmtmi.: •>f 1nstallmcnt, rc:il c~to.tc and l'Offi l'Tlt'rcrnl Juans lnclud~ 1nlt.'r<-:.l and collateral eah:u.lallnns Abtbly t<1 l~ Pt' dCl·ural1•ly :ind 11p('rale a l'alculator l'l:> .,cnttal BOOKKEEPER Part urne for Ortho·Oental of· r. x c ~ 11 t.' n t be n c f 1 ti. ftc-e. N. B. Two 112 days I hi L' r rth per Week, 642-2626_' -- tJpcnmi;ts now available tor lull time al.s1~lant mrna~ers on :tnd & J rd .,hilt :"o expcncnce neC' We tr a tn. Start $3 10 to $1 Pl'r hour Advanl·cm1>nl 11pporturuty for mana )o!I.' ment posiuons Lo SS 50 per hour 1f qualif1 L-d For more mformat1on & m t.erview go lO s tore 82 at 30009 C rown V all e~ La~una Niguel. 49S·9'JSO or l'a.11 7141$37 ·4840 Equal Oppor Employe r a\lal a l' .. or u er'" Clen cal Pos t mventory formation C'Ontact Mari.:e ---------eonlrol. check ing 1n ,\lvarei at H Hl"f'S & olht•r clcncal 17141973-3724 bookkeeper <.1ut 1c~. Must he 1wod WB.LS FARGO HELP! w1f1 R. Ha ve knldg of K MHDSHARP 10-kcy & c alc ulator. BAN F/C lnft111(££A£D knJdg of lumber 1s a lllu.-. ~ual Oppty l.'ln_P! m f ~ ....,.-tl;ft Call~. Barlx:r Mybst. ~ood at Owner of young S.A Co 1rn.phert-an ne11. s .ilon. needs a Yl'r)' sharp fman !> o rn c r o I I o w 1 n ~ c1al helper & advisor to net·t~al') Pull or purl handJe all functions of um~" I0·6 Tues LhruSut. manual sys lcm, mcl P 1L ~-888>1 i.t&temcnts & tax re· Barber Slyhst lo mana~e pa.rt·lll'De 631 95TI. T UC!>· Fh , 9-6, Sat. 9·5 evei. ~1·3028. BAR MAJOS · Top $$ for stuui> dependable full·& ports. Salary open + bonus C hee rfu l. plea:.ant offices. Good benefits +future. Call for mterv1ew 973·2077. CLE RK S 2 fo r pharmacy, sales, I F1T . I P T. 979-9600 Cleric:al/lilt« rl'Qwnng typing skills and baste knowledge m m ath Salary com mensurate with s k11ls & expr Office 1n Npt. lieacb. Call 640-8950 ~l. 646-3666. CM --------C..1cncal A/? CLERK 8£AuTY Operator. a sst. ~ to Robert Deatherage, IOOIOCEIPElt A/P stylin~ director. Must be To Sl4,400. Mortgage fashionable & licensed loan exper. will land lhis l-'1time,also2adclitional pos t Top Npl Bch asst's, wttra.in. Richard devlpmnt co. Superior Ouellette Salon. 200 benefits&workingcond. Newport C t r D r . • J.rvine Personnel Agency Newport Beach. 488 E 17th Costa Mesa Construe expcr nel'. to gl>l th.ts great pos111on. Outstanding benefits. location. worlung cond. &salary. lrv1ne Personnel Agency 488 J:: 17th. Costa Mesa Slc2'61 642-1470 Beauty Operator Make ~ZM-:_ ~:_!!70 Up artist must be exper ~---1·-------­& licensed. Good wa,ges Bookkeeper· F /C : For a Clerical &oppty to lfrow ro~ n ght growing consulting firm person. F lume. Richard local ed lo Fas h ion Ouellette. 200 Newport .lsland. NB. Benefits in-PENSIONS llACH emu Pll-SCHOOl.S ,_ '-frCalll11ll lt11 ... t Tulbc.rt •Wardlow E ll'ment.ry Schools I ront.lnuous Pre.school Classes 7AM to 6PM 1---aexible parent p.Arltclpataon uvaalable . ....... 1 ...... ~ 96a.5714 or 961-1308 S ua n er c11111p 0..hoct.ln ... wport Off.ring Dance. Art & Beach Activities Ph. 645-9701 announces ooenmq a t The Village SchOol. located in Soutn Coas1 Village South Coast Model'> a pro fessio na l tra1n1ng program guarantees free placement lor every graduate 1n all phases ot modeling 540-2970 STUDENT IMPROVEMENT CENTER SUMMER SCHOOL READING ANO MATH PROGRAMS SINCE 1972 K,•cnrd Gd1nc, <1nd lmp10\.1•m••111 In SkJls and t>111den1 Attuud" For l nformaflon and 8rochur~s. coll ... (714) 642 -9088 Htlp W.ted 7 t 00 He4p Weted 7 1 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• CLERICAL OPPORTUNITIES •LOAHCLEUS Typing 45 wpm and good clencal i.kills rcqw red ~lated experience pre ferrcd. AMERICAN SAVINGS 1~ Edinger Ave Hunllngton Beach Mr. f-'e.l.tx 848·22'l2 EOE M /1''111 Oen cal Cl.ERK TYPIST B U I LDE R S EM · PORJUM , A Division of 'lb!> Wickes Corporation, hai; an immediate open· lng m its Irvine office for a C..1erk Typist . Quallf1ca· IJoos tnelude typing SS wpm. some omce ex· per-1ence and a good telephone personality. CLERICAL Billing & Order Clerk Jndw.tnal -.ales office located in S.ANT A AN A has an 1mmcd1ate open tlij( for nn expencnn .><I Bl.llin~ and Order Clerk. We are lookmg for an a~· gress1ve self.starter with pnOf' e.xpenence 1n tn vent o ry co ntro l . purchastng, bdlmg and order follow.up Position reqwrcs use of to key calculal<>r and Light lYP mg. Ir you meet the!>f' re qune me nts. c all our Personnel Office tn ar· range an 111terv1cw ap· powtment. PACIFIC SC8fTIFIC 1714)~141 EQuaJ Qpporturuty Employer MI F a.r Dr .• Newport Beach· e lude m ajor med. Beauty mileage allowance. parking, a ll n a t 'l botidays, a. your birth· day oil + l wk vacation. Call Glenn Olsen or Ted Please contact Ms Nelson 97~ Equal Opportunity Employer II IF /H Pension Department ~~~~~~~~~ need s indivi dual lo ~ aertc Growllli new com· pany will train reliable individuals ror respon.'ll · ble positions working withe general public. P It & f/l avail. NO EXPER I ENCE NE C ESSARY Housewives & students we lcome. 646·1735 wkdys. Rental spaces available for hair stylists & other related services. UOOlWR F~HlONS 3'34 Via Udo, N.B 673-7850, 673-1970 Bavl,y at6"·9174. .. ..,.& ......... •BJKESfOR& De.y a. ni&hl. full time. St.ore mar .• assisL mgr.. Apply only. Mon-Fri. & bike mechanic needed between 4 & 5. Baxter for Schwinn dea ler. Slree t Rest. 4647 Salary Sla.ooo. Must _MacAl1hur _____ • ____ _ calculate benerlls for various types or pension plans. Must be able lo in· t.erpret plan docu.ments. be detail oriented with a llllllth aptitude. Good opporlunlt y t o work in area of ex· pamioo and irowth. We offer outlt.nding wortdDar ~Uona and a c.t&ta .. ....,_,. liberal benellts packaae. 0-CAL We need an outgoing person 9am-2pm, M-f' for General Orf1ce, phones, & learn our a cct. system. Musl know lG- key. Bookkeeping ex- perience Is preferred. Perfect opportunity for a woman with chlldren In acbool. • AeMe awl>' in penon, M·F,8-S. have prior bike ex· perieoce in a s tore . 564--!lm. Short Houra u YoU qualify. please ap- 3 hr. mln. s.uo per br. p1y lD person to: Person· IOGi•'S f /C c.-. .. N. 8 ., CdJI areas. nel Department. IWWlrrrKD AOPlY at Newport llesa QtA..•••s ~I.A tfnUled Scbool Dist. -., __ JoeQ·..l- Un ftaucjal ata~meat. Food Sernce Office. 1857 , ACIFIC -iiii: .. - 0.0 Bllt1171-12'12. .,._,,., ec.&a ...... MUTUAL COM 840-944 a-••"'1*· nature. for ...;.•_.., __ . -----'100Newpol1Ctnt«Or small buaioeM in lrvlDe. Clll.uri• emPIOJee with Be.m c l2880 Oall: 54M8'78 lood benefits-. 8wln1 Newport ' a CLERICAL/RECPT. • IOCUM • p /C llbMl, full or part Ume. Equal Opportunity FulJ.tJme. Near FulUoa PGllUoa wkb promlDeDt c.11 for appt. 711·5100at ~~~~~,_~11~1~,~~I ~ ~·:;.~:b=i ,..... lal. a..a Eat.ate a.. ---------~ wort. cau M :• Mon· v•t. Firm. Xlat op-CJ..med Adi. your one· SID tlliap I• with Dally fti. Julie Griem f44-1DO pOl'tUDl&J.eeo-oul '!Plboppmcceter. Nat WutAda. E.O.E.11/F. CLERK • Health Food &.ore needs checkers, & mack bar help. ""II or .,.n-Ume. CaU 59-7751. CLERK for HB Drug store. Ex)>ernotoec. Mln age21. CallM7·2:163. Q.UB ATl'ENDANT ror Univsalty AUUetJc Club SS,50 br. 6 :30am·2~30 llon tbru Fri. Call m 7IOCI ut ror Joba COOi Experie n ced dinner cook . full time. Top ..... AllPlJ Wpm, DO pbane calk. Joll1 Jtocer. 400 So. Coaal Hwy. a..,...e .. cb. T~y. August t4, 1979 DAILY PILOT CZ POTTERY CLASSES YOUR CHOtCI Of JOISI H11nrlrl9d& of earHI' oooortun111es In well ~·~in~ ex.em"9 environmenta Me yours. tor the 88'<tng If • • vou have OfFICE SKILLS! In a ahort ttme, you Will BE self·eonfldenl and prOdueuve• Career train now for S .. llag Oct. I It SIGN UP NOW r.hke your own alrts lS hn , 3daya aw~ S.5/"'~lt Weekend <'lai.sPi. avo.llabh.• Job Opportunities • SICHJAIY CMtia. ....... flW.I • ACCOUMrAMr. IOOlll_.. • • ....._ OMCa AHllTAMf • HCIP'llOMllT Tvl)lng & Shorthand Brush·Up DAY Me IY ...... CLASSH C4 i5UHO..._ ... _.. ......... ClasMttto 12. I to4, & 5 to •• l . ,,...__.. . rcune ••*'-c• . College of s..... ...... Wallcks Stoneware Bu•iness ~--L-• ....... I 135 WMttit:r A••· C0 I 2 CM ~---Newport Fwy at Oyer Road , 631-4891 l""PiiriVu"Ar .. To~·i:R""H1~0G"ME""1 !~~~~~ ~~-~ ~~ i f"'llll i ~ PIOFESSIONAL DOG TUIMIMG ~ Ii AT HOME SBYICE ~ to ..._ ~ (Serving You Since '62) !j personalty .ct te ... er......t of yow ;~ BASIC SUBJECTS i I. doc). ;;i UAl)Riffi • MATH • STUDY SllUS 'I ~ill al npech of 1,, !; obeclw:e 9d protectioft trahling. ;~ : !.·i 1 AU. GRADES Aho offering prolllem ,I. •I.• .. ......._ \Ir I Hohm on ! I'll · sol•Mq lftC---,: 1: 111rN·tor T1 J('hlf i I, •1 • 1•110 <'andtdJl• i I!; 01gg1ng ··J. .... ~~ ~(\~~· -;j I 551-5646 J i!jr HOlVif'~reak1nq ~ 4f i~ ............................... : ;~, c new1ng ~.~-..f. 'tr ~\ !: ,1, Jumping /\~ I. ART I. rrote<tiOft Class~s 'I SUMMER CLASSES i~, star+inq s~t. att. !i SKILLS TAUGHT i~· t;;!.!o;o!::::Ofl !i 'II • OIL. PAJNTI N<; • UHA\\'lf'G In Studm (jnd On Lo<.·<ttion .: 542-9414 :i ~I L1le1tmf: Gua<antt-• ~ CHILDREN• TEEMS• ADULTS ~'0d"'• :: SMALL CLASSES INDIVIDUAL A TTBn'tOM f~~ 1. 'f>' -~'i' --( :i ALL LEVELS WELCOME ly al.DI CRfflMAH ~ol<:d Art ist of th t· I mpr r sst0n1!'.t S<'h ool :11 , ~ ~-r -• , ' · • \..) -:~"' I. '-r1 • #l l ~"·-· ~ '·L· ~-'-' . ~ -., ·1 '\! . . . I I .• .) ,/ • ,' .. ~ ---' "' -=-~---u:-~r--:r--u:--:r-•,...---~--..::-~.-• ~-~~ ..•.. ~~.o.~ 1~.~~ ..... ~~~.~ :;,. q.t,i.lla S t..Jio ·I m.uic E ll·• tron1 t ., 619 lmM ........ (~ f1-,...._pon ~Ht ... ) ~ '-cf,, Colifo.,,.., 9'1'6l TEST TECHNICIANS 171'1 M5·l003 SMAU COMrAtotY ATMOSrHERE WITH LARGE COMrAHY la.EFns Stucty walh a Prolesstonai Performer Beginner to Meet AOv8nced \ I p h ,1 :\I 1 <· r u h J ' 1m mt>cl 1 a It· npl·nin~., 111 It" Tt'"l Depar1 mt·nt .Joh ""'II UH"IUdl' l t"1 llng . \ j l IOU~ l )pe~ of dt:-.k d rrn•s me mory ho~1rd." & C PL. ma in fra me:. One )l'<H t:xpc r1 en <.'l ' r equired 1n t t.·:-t1n).! Suh A :-~e mblle s . F o r <' u m µ 1• I 1 t 1 ' e :-. a I a r 1 <' -.. • \1 1·t11 c-.1l lknt..i I plan & P rol 11 Sh.1r1r1J,:... µk~"l 1 .111 411 1-104 for <Jn .. µpt Claesicat Popular Harmony Theofy " ALPHA MICRO 1788 1 Sky Pan Nortti.. lnine. Ca. ~~~ ••••• ?!_~~ HtlpW..ted 7100 OlOk 1-..:Xp a ' l na)!nt.... • •••••••••••••••••••••• lnnlaM. M1k1• ur WJ \'n• COOKS C.,..ARRM l<.11mll) • \PJrt1Jtn1 t .,.,, l>U.l\'1-:ln Or"flO. JI( J' f h <' 4 1111•1 W umuu trW-i.WJ 1'o o k I-' t . c >.p Ht•Jt'h huu ... 1· Inn t:l!I !'>Jeep) llollo11. l.J n, Laguna Bf>arh 4~ 9707 ---- COOK RILL· TIME 3333 W. Coalf Hwy Newport leoch COOk Full ltmc SC Golf Course Rcs uuranl 492-24~ Olok. lmmed.tall• opening ror expenenced dinner twk 4U hrs Wed-Sun P vt club 1\pply 1n pen>an lx'l. 11·4PM. 1801 Bayside °!•_COM_. __ ASSISTANT COOKS Immediate full lime opcoLDg available to an eiq>eneoced COOK in all phases of cookery. One year hospital expen ence preferred. Sillury 1s com - mensu r a tc with ex· peneoce. We are a rapidly expand· tng bosp1taJ w1lb a very attractive benefits package. Please apply to Personnel Department ore.alt: """' ........... C714llJ5-JHS SANTA AMA· TUSTIN COMMUMNITY HOSPITAL IOOIM.T ..... A" S....AM. Ce t2701 F.qual ()ppor employ m/f COOIC Small Conv. Hosp. in 0.. MeH. Exper. pref. Immaculate aood work· inl conditiona. 549-3061. l'.1n t1m1• da~ o.i ''"'n1n._ :Ju11. ... J htt.lJ l.tk 1'111.1 t.. "'JntJ.,.tt.'h 1•\p1·ri.·n t" \pµI~ 1n "''r,un 11nh \Ion th.~ 5 IUJX"'K BCSTEH:... m11-; ~1al'Anhur UI\ rt l r ,1n'' <Crrrn••r q ( MacAn.hur & Main 1 COOK ~ •• Mt' seeking J n ,., pt .. 'l'll'nl'\.>d bam1ol'I ,41111. tu JOIO thl.' :\t arriutt Ll.'am (~uahf1l'allon' m l'lud1,• ()rgan11a l 1o n.il abl.l.tl). d fl(•1enl 11.ork. & J bt hty lo handl\' pr1· !l'url.' EnJOY ex<''-'llt'nl mmpany bt>fl\'ftb 111r lud ul)( (f"C(' meal J)l'r ~hilt ,\pply 9am noon. Mon l-'r1. Per.;oonel MARRIOTT HOTE:L ~ N1:wport Ccnler Or Newport Beach EquaJ oppor cmployvr Counter help, baker s as· Mstant. Mus t bavc expcr 67!>-7004. Counter Person needed Fu 11 T 1 m c . C a m co aeaners 644-0893 111111 • C-I \ lir m no: ~ I' \.,. m11 .• ',, .1u<J11 1'.\l>f lo h, J\J .ttH.lll .t, !JI P .trl no•r'h'I p.,1, r I I !-.'fld l"l"Ulll\ 111 \1! : ~·: lld th 1'1 1• I I' o IS. ' 151ill. l..o:>tJ \l•''J, I \ ~ CUSTODIAN Tcmf)l>rJr" n• p II• •·th II fnr ):J ""'' lmm1'ill.tl• l'IOpltJ) m 1•nl S-1 ., I I" I hr 17 )r.. •1r 11ldt·r i\J>IJ" '\o•"'Jl'lrt \h • .I l 't11l1t d !.)(•huol U1 .. 1 C!a'):-111nJ 1-'l:N)nn('I Jt,.11 I-. ltJlh ~ '\ B C.1115..o .J4W 1-; U I-, \,\I' 0 1,• I 1v 1· 1 y ri c r :.. n n ~lc) l'rhof '· pri 111.1 r" -.upphL·r of i:uod lnclO 111 thl' l r"1n1• • <J rµo r Jlt• e u m m u n 1 t ' n 1.· ,. ti .., r t"-.p 1>n i.1t1l t• 11,• lt\·erypen;oft to 1h1 v(• our \an. Good ti n \ 1 n I! n•1·nrd ne ct>,s:irv M ou !-'rt. Jprx 14 JO t l':'\t (.;oocl ltlr summer JOb ~ P r du1 ·~ sehool Start Jl s:l I~ pr hr Call Kns ~7 6232 Delivery P tllme AM.LA Times. SIOO per wt•ck. La$nma Bcrich. 494 8400 I-t1m1• 111 .11 a prw.11 \ :,11<1 ( · \ tin' .. r., I w ,\ •••w..I .Jn, 1nl! rl·111rc1 Ai• pl. tn I'll""" I'• \I 1 I U•·nt•-J I H•ilwrt lk•111 \\1t11.1m 1-'nl'>I ~ ,,.,,,. 11 1 l ~u .1 1 1 :O-l r Lc l "''"'f~tr1 Hl'.H'h li.A1H'f'\ 'l 1mt" 1·.1r n111t1 ·" .JJIJ Ull 1n '\ W C11.,l.1 \It'·' ....... f1 11n1 fj, II .S h \.\I :S:l•U ::>llAI rnn • b .nu..-. l>1.·1~·11t.l.1 hl1· 1',JI n·qu1 n'tl ·\ b o lo<1k in" tor t'arn1'r .,u~·rv1~111 :>lt>-~l ur !!t>i-4!M:' lJdJH'rv IJnq·r .. lmnwd I.I I ~01111! .1\.t1 l Mu,t !Jo.• 21 & hJH ~d dn\ 1111. rt'\'OI d Sl;irt SI 'l.'1 hr • lll't> A Uit• I•• 14 or k t•11e11 mg..,. Aµpl) dad> J ft1·1 5pm A~ k fur .It• an or ~t 1<h.i1· I \fl• '\ 1-;11 ' P1u~1. llU I'~ 17th. CM ~il:Jt) Uenlal fo'ront Offll'c ,\pl)t In~ Peg Uoard ,.,_ Pl'rtc nc1' t·~i.r nt1a I E. .. tabhshl'd <>Chee Ill s lot .i.rea Salary open, 11011 l>moker 1~6501 DBNTAL CllAI RS ILH. i\s.'it. ,, day work wed. Sulary ope n . Call ~:mu. Counter Help. no exp necJed Appear 1n person. Start pay S3 hr 3401 E. Coast llwy, CdM. COUNTER HELP SUPERSANOWlCH 545-4867 Dehvery, Pit. 4 J0.9pm U ENT AL Rt: c; ~ P Own trans . Mon 1-·r1 TIONlST · FUll·llme. E' Some wknds req. Mui.t per Salary open. H.B beovr 18. 531-0811 l:l47·2500 De!Jvcry Person. ApplJca· Olunter Kelp: Over 18. lions now bemg taken for Mon-Fri ll_.pm. Apply war ehouse-dell very Delaney's Sally Sands. helper New furniture 2llO S. Coast Hwy, Lag warehousing and de 8ch. bvery hrm. Phone for appl. tOAM to Noon. Counter Help. P /l, run ~ng wage S4 pc•r hr. c o p y m a c h I n e s . Good advancement for Housewives welcome. the right p e rson . Morns or afternoons. 646-'7M6. ~Kiyo. ~~--~---~ DELIVERY pers o n COUMl8 tar FOa needed for blue print MIWmTAUIAMT eompa n y . Apply in fUU & part Ume. day & person al Rcpro 11. 260 evening sbifta avail•ble. Newport Center Drive, Must be 18. No ex-NewportBeacb. penenc:e necea&arY • S.UO MOW IS THI TIMI hr. to start. Apply In for job eeeten to check penononlyllon·Frl.9.$. tbe Dailv Pilot Help BLOCKBUSTER'S " ill l'J'il7 Mac:Ar\h\&I' Blvd. Wanted clut1 cation. If £ the job you want Is no\ lrvlne . <Corner o there YoU rruaht cont1tder MAK:A.rthur6 Main>. offenna your services WAN't AtTION! Claulled Ads 642-5118 with an ad w the Job W*Md cateaory Phone 642-~ Dental Ai:.:-.ist . Do you want a can.'Cr m Ortho utJl.tung all your RO,\ skills., 640-012 l ----DENTAL ORTH O . Oiairside assist. R.U.1\ exper. pref. 1-\Jll or pnr1 tame. Beautiful ar ea Xlnl. opporlumt.y fur growth advancement lrvtne. ~. aft. 6 & wtc1>dli. 640-4292. DIMTAL llCB'T. Experience required l' ... tr position ror bea~·h area ~Of rices. Great opportunity for self ~tivat.ed 1nd1vidual. 141~13 DIM1'A&. Periodontist needs f u II time aast. Expan\lcd duties o ppty . X-R ay certlf\cate reqd. Exper prel'd. Salary a,eo. CaJI ~l. ... a DAIL 't PILOT ~-~~ ..... ?!!!!~If.::~ ..... ?!~!!!'!!!.~. 7100 ....,W..ted 71 W..W 7tOOltw.W.tH 1111 •• .• •• • ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• r.;~ ••••••••••••••••••• ...... W~ 71 W--4 7t• W..e-4 JllO l~RANC .-.CM.MONT •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••u•••••••••• t'1r1on•I L. lnH un I ftlU .~ .......... _ N:-' A1deed7 3. & 3 ll R l •·•·te•·•-Or\ho. Cla llA.fRDRrJillt!R wanted dlrWftYir mln ~ yn ... LUN't ----icper1ence SJ.Z) to u .,_. -~Au\. · r ( 0 ENC RA I. 0 f \..' Mu1t h•v• tullowllll ~ S Jam. Co OMCI 14 W per br. Cert. um· N 8.. ht\ UIQoa or fu.l ltX;EPT • duU tn f'-t ret\t ,..a'4t or ~lM l'idl Meurto. OPPORTUNITY 2 P 0 S I T I O NS Ing "'Ol,.m. leea-1.um k \APT to 4 cSr)'I ~ cJd RauJ ••lo 6 htt• b11tb • uffrd Newly J;_l.llflO t:Ofo! ' RE 9 U J Rt: O YO R pelienc.cl lenJor Hl&h ~· ~. U ary • ....,_AR. AP Mann" ~ a-'oo lft \op Npt ' el.OAMOMC• IN 1 I!: It NIST IN Sdlool IWdea&a. ~Ul llUA t.t u p .....,. Sboea. • mann '°' t>t &Mlt .. 11640-CDI lrui"lorl...andto~rohaa ,.,.... NEWPORT 1u;Ac 1t aradwn• • ~ ... -r.q ta -P., ta de• I• r • h I P full "'™' malnt nance ..._ ,.. n ON 'f 0 F I" I c Jo: u5ct:pt1:d. Meu Verde ...... = , t ~m llardwaro •l•,fut1 111 ot route opfln for ao&r QiiJC!I• .,,.. •nd , .. 1 W/Ml.N Ofi' 3 Yt;ARS Colw Hoap tGI Cenler. r~ 1t •· - -lJmto AWi>' 1" p.·r~. muth•ted 1nd1vldual _... lt.Wuna ur work f.XP~H IN OOC1'0RS C M Ml MM ~ opport Ott • GMeral Otfu·• l )'PIDI Crown Uanlwat , lhH 1'1lrl erUOYll peoc>lr 6 haa uperlMt'" preferred O"'f'lt:t: ,.;,.·,.·ic JEN'f ~t'lUa-t r~ethe ~ s $ w p 111 . I 1 I 1 n a . f. ~ ltwy,QSM ""orlllna up.-ri<'nce EJccelltot opJ)(lrt11n1ty AT 1> t.: c.; o o AR o °'~i~ln . 0 ~'*°" <.'h•nt l! to U• ... w••• w lnlt'rtOr fi'lllllll XI.Al !libmltf'dumeto INSU llANCt;. TYPINC' c>ectaJt,y olfa~ SaJary ldv ..... f'tihloo hil&M IJWllUUll' ,.... ' I • It •• E n s 0 N A JJ L £ l'ommenaurat.-Wt lh loralJOll t"ur rooltdC'n 1\4'\l.U~lffl r~ Mn• •• ~•rdi lllrDICAN VJSPOSJTIUN MAN •bit.It)' ti uperteMe u.I inten~w tall Jatt. Culltln:M' 3Wflroad*•> wet,KA ~'TOI~ """"'' OATORY BACK 0 11· C.:•11 ~u ~.u u tpm Atmitn1lll&u~• t.aiunafk·h ~440! ·~ISTMINT SAVINGS t"IC E w i MiN. OI-' 2 Mly ••co ..... YRS. LAB EXJ• •:a Utotul Aul11t 011hv fOf. Ill .. ....,..,.._.. ler C~5a01 llKLl>l-'1L BUSY OF· l'h4u ..... u~nellH"\I Ii "" l:w11th ht.•• ll tltn•· ONWlOI OrllJJieu Count)' L:>T~ F. WhltUtr Blvd flt:E Pl.t.:A.St; SUB RDA ptt(ff'nld t\tll °' ••AL OfftCI pt.111unn 11v1tUabki for al J 1' l) I l.oa11 Urt11lt'1 lllle WhJUier. ~ llOe07 MJT HA NOW RfTTF.N pan llme ,....,\:n<ll> ol M\olll M.11 l'o llol<1k tfllt'l I\ l' uutiiololl In U> JMlY• 1•11tn·mdy ht~h '714 ll'Ti 9eeO L.E'ITER Oil RESUME litt ~,51'7() t.1'C'~llll l)'6'll\t.' & rt•<tp d1•11l u •I Mu I bt' t'flfnmlJ.\ION lot \'XIJr'd 41&:l 947•711 TOCAMUOACK POST t1 u111,.t ;\Int worl1101 .,it'll'"''' 111\d "ajUy .. nr linnn<I io.uhapt:noo t; (.) ,.;, M/t'/fl Ol'YJC E BOX lf J 07. l>t;.N'fAL INSU !Ci\~t'> 1'Uflll \.'olll~~ll' ini& 1·111111111 l'lolhlna& ~ln.'IO NEWPORT 8BACll, ~MU\ti~~rn-qd un Gace~,...._CI Im-~ J'"N!''OI'.., L.OT ATTENDANT 92M() REPLIES CON l'OCJ'\PUl~r l r .. u1tn1t 14111 _ __... V'f"T"I ... I ~ FJDENTJAL & WJL.L et; bt• provided !'-J I 111m111 If wu lmw 1>ume uff1('1• HOSTISS P111t 11m.-t'h'nt11"'· wanledfullorpart·tlme ACXNOWLEUCl,o;D IM w exp C.1164:!777:\ < \~ri11111· <'on l >P\• Jo'uU Unw IW.tc wunt rOl·o. W<>OICJI 4' l'OUpln Must be l8 yrs old MEOIATt;LY. START )4h•IJlll \11• t m tluir a1daya Apptyu1pcr11ul\ Co11ta l'tlvA, Nt'WPort . M7<6:!V ASAP IA!r>l. clerk, mu~t U.· .. l>ll to work Wt't<t.cnd!> &: PW8 The Inn t Laauri11, 211 N 1.·1,_1,l lhq 1 ~Ull.J Onell with lit1okk1••·111n11 WI' :s ~••m. 110 phunt• 1·ulli., S.U1111 Anlll a1\:~ Must Lumt>.:r Sales Re tail --- ""au lrlllUI ;ou w rrt'thl Jull)' llotil't. 400 So have 1•11r &: hom~ µh1>nt1 Countt'r Man La)!una MEDICAL SJ.;(;rc1':TAHY \'t'l(•du.011 & eollt-<'t111n~ 1'1111'1 llwy , Laaunu U.111 ~G.')58 vr af>PI)' :tl Beac h Lumbt'r co Urol02y front ofr11.:c rn l'l ... 11,.int ~u1 rnun1hnt:a. l1'.·J1 h t~ N Ult\'\'. Oruul(e ~-65:11 or.540-82bi Np l B ch Ii k k ~. lr\UWaH•• 7~57KJ M1JotJu u l-ri transcnb111g. & ll<'ht'dul URAPl'l::R. t'le<"tnC'lll, tn lloh I ~old \'XP night • LVH"M SfoflFr Ing Applicants ffil.L';I bt· .----------i .1uihtor & tl•·'ll.. d1·rk Ap J i1pa 11t<:.1• (.'unn1•t·t111n k l!X"" .... c.. ... ...,.-, dw.tnal & romnu:n 1;.al Pl} l:si un• ~lllJlh 11 5• :,;rn !::il.u'\ )out own mtci na Every <>l 1•r wec end orr. ,.... .,.., "'°' hh~. l'<tll !>467~ ll I-'"·uir ... I C'lt•ffil•ntt.-l1U1 uooal bus w1fnt'11d-; & ~lu:.l tw <lt·(lu·ated to Wall & ~:.oc. lnt: l771SI "-~IC who hVl' m Jav:an itood pawmt l'arl• Free ~yµark Car. I r~" E_ !)31).;MU.1. 3 ~pm fur <ippl II\~ after prnbat1onary 1'(!1100 XJnt ~nd1t:. Ap· MS>ICAJ. tront <Je:.k & 1n .. u1 .inc,.. for latJ Call &10 01<10 NW'fitng NUISIS A1D1S St.att.e cert1f1c<J only. M.00 Pl" hT Xlnt work cond & bt:nt'f1t1 .. •11ck pay Ua yv11•w Conv 2055 Thur1n St C M tJ4Z.. 3l506 E 0 . t: Ofc lt«ept /C,.,... lmmed open1ns for 1'ypti.t w/gd ph voice & fig :.ipt Vun~d dut1t11. iilt-~ t•nv1ronmt:nt BeoJ Will trl'\ Atlu~ SPorl!> 111d. SA. S4A)..:f1J1 Ordttt-Dftl&/T,.. 1''mt ok Recept/fypL'>t 11t<t.'dt.'<l l()f' order proc.· & K1.1ll ofr Wa.U tm. Ben!. l'l«J'> envlrunmcot Allll'> Spurt.. Ind, SA ;,w.1 'J7'.fj . J•,.n Time JA;>.ITOH!::i ~"Cded. lidtt Wt>rk, Co:.t;i Mc·~.i ar1".1 Sti1rt1n1: '>Jl.tI) $.I ~I L'JI I l'OllN t 12131 2Z'.'l .tl7:1 OHAPERY workroom S.·llJTIStr~ nt'4:'dl-d N r 0 l' Arprl Sol up~o OOf~ VICTOI MHDS YOU!! ,.,,,I',, NIGHT AUDIT CLERK JhWl-.:J.JtV W Xl-:H ply 14'\SSu11t"m>r.N ~ E.XJ>EK U&TltAINl-;E 711 ~!J t.14!4 Medil·al A:..">l, front, bu<'k. l'art u m._• h<'IP In (.'inemo.1 &xrJy 1-;xpo11ly $>IOIJ C'ltlll ''''" ••r M nr k \Al). Call !fl~ 0013 ,.ft f>µlll 1,;:_. ~I l>nlfer Nu preva~ l'XI' 1w1· Mw.t !>.: UI, hu \ c 11wn c;ar. gd dnv1og re liJtd, & be ~bit.> t.o dnve mcd·S1:te motor home ~IS. lll<IVE R 11 \.'Cdl'd r or ·1 homp ... on Blueprint. :11111 1-; l\1r'4JY Avt', C M I ..1 II .;4!1 !f.!t;l l'H>. Ol)NJlur ~1·vpun1 h OJ)(·r W J11•hou~c wnrk1•r\ r rJllll'I' A:.wmbl\·r~ Work when you want tu NEV ,.:H A FU·: ttoTllJW'\, ('1111 t:oonr - Ci<iod ov!"•rturul) for :.i 1l'!J,1ltlt• !Jt'l'!>llll with llll uµllludl' t11r 11umt)t•r., t. t Jlt ulutor .. k1lb NCH 4a'JJ t·Xj)t'I' prl'f Adva11 <·cmlnl . •!llJ!11rtun1ll\'' "''~!. l::nJu)' xlnt com puny bentfits Apply !J:m1 12 ~11011. Mun Fri, l'l•l<,111u11•t MARRIOTI HOTEL ~.ro '\1•wpurt C't•nlt•r U1 . "l1·wport Beach DRIVERS :-: 0 :;:,1; 11520 "'-tu·•' o~r;. l':mplyr \h•n or W•1tnl'll 25 )r'> or 0\t(, K:J5 2622 ----------11\ch·r "now tht• t•u:.i~I _,, ______ ...,...,_._~~~- ' 111.... "' l ::.11111 <.1 14 1·•·k 111 I il>U.wdt:unt:r.. To11 $ for 1111111• l)1.1n i:t' l 11.1 ... 1 1 l'.irt 11 r 1''ull t imt' hll•i14 I ah 17:11.1(1 \It ltl·''\l·;HAl.OI·,. lt'E "~Jf"ka·r -.. a:il ·l:l'J!I lh:l'rma1111 1'uu11t.1111 \\1 '1• .. x111•11•·11t·1•ll \ ;1llt•y ( :-.11 .. r ~I .1t..r h·l•·1Jli•1IU' 11111blcm~ lHH l1ctwn Nt•l4hu11c ~ WJ~HE l·.ucl11l 1 l>Hl'<; ST'1HE <'I.EHi\ •'(P\:r prt•l .'ddtuc 1· mu'>! '411rk f'\rrv .ird ').,1 I 'llN-<J Sou C.1JI )'.1:1 Z!l)I ..... I ..ii( ""'"''r masonA>r. xlnt pay, 11111 t1mf' C<.111 <'hr" 1.:n 2561 ••EXTRAS•• "(Jur n·-~J('()' nit play.-r ... & ----------\\rd. ... for mu11t1•>tron vw I\ ~·n~ & lllh~ l\ l'Otn 1111·r1 1;1h l\1·1•11 111·•11>1 •· ful l /r I: ( ·,, I.A"" .h•••f 111i.:' t'a~lln.: llU"-' •'711J53S0ll0cxt!'4 \\c 11.1\1' ('IJ lt'<l ft1r "l''IJ~l Lsr CJk ' Lv-...-Al )' 1r:.l Hite • ' IW<:ky IJ Sm lt'C Corni.: into rilh yr, llllt"'I over 5,1100 ion... l\beritla:. Tu1K·h U11. U:.iy 6t n1te i.h1fb, •'XPl'r. lmmt'd op1:11111.::-. j 14 'Ul !IJ50 FLOWEll 1n:s1GNl'~lt 1•x111:r d, full 11r p;irt trm1· 546 2211 1-'U H N IT U HI'. ltEflNISllf-:R Som!! l'X per r qd lmm ecl 01wn1ng Goud pay ~Yl!J.2te>4 GAG & J()f(I CO. !'>m m sells oal1onw1de. nd. ... emc1ent h1lhng, & b11lrng exp pe rsonnel. Pleas w o rk'g cond Golden's Magic Wand. !HG W 17th St. CM Apply ~Uam GENERAL OJi'FICE Wed .. Sun. Oul1es include typng. filing. & recep- t;t0;.'n:lt1\l, IJFFICI'. l'Vl'l"'i'IS SI,~ 1<1-;·1 /\HIES A( I ·n; l 'l,t-:HKS l'BX l'lll~">E 01' f<.ltA 1 ()HS Tt1j11'.1:,. ~111-'1·1• Paul Wi..'t!k ly HORRELL n :Ml'OllAHY s 1-:rt v 1 n :s IHVI. \<, 752 IHAJ E01': M F Girl F=riday /Mflr ()ff11·1• !>kilh n-qwred N11 'thnrthand Will trum Salary,,, •. , •. fAl 3400 • •C(J c;o O ANC,.:Hs 11\.'l'<.il'<J HllW hy St r 1•1·n Artist M1<mnt. 7711 IOliO 1-..xt !() GltOUHDS ICEEPER Temporary help needed for ~ dayi.. Immediate employment. SS OS per hr 17 yrs. or older. Apply Newport Mesa Unified School Dist. Class1r1cd Pcr.ionnel, 1601 I::. L6th St N.8 . Call 556·3400 E.0 E.A.A P. tionist relief. Private ~~~~~~~~~~ t:.ountry Club. 644-5404. GBB4L OFRCI Newport Beach Developer. Self starter for busy amall office. Cons truction back· ground preferred to han dJe accounts payable. Typlna. dictaphone &. Gtl•d Jobi SAVE GAS U you want to work, we have a .)ob for you ... near your home. All shills available. llOl s,.: t 'l.I::ANEHS M I•' S1 00 per hr f'.Xl)l'r " 1 ar 7~1•1 1:>57 lluu~•·• Ir Jllf·r' w;inlt·d to 14ork T111·-. l''r1. K J for J,1n11 1• Hag.il-<l} Ann .., l>-L lllW I '11U."l'< ln1nini.: l':.irl lt rno• 111 t ull l lnll' Clw11 It olll\l,,lrtatmn St art Im rri("ll Toi> $$$. 1.-13 1191~ or t.41. 1871 HOUSBEEPER ,,, l'XIJ net Xln t lnlt'llL\ llu}\ll.'14 Cull\ 1111· p i!IJ:,:-, Tllunn M I . " IA;! :J."J(, I· I I E lltH ''-.1-:1\ 1':1-:I'~ H..., ""'l thru \\-.-fl, lull t11n1-. t.:1111<1 1.w111·f1h 111011 IJtlJr 1J Wu) M\tA2 5861 HOUSEKEEPER 111-ed1.,'<i for pnvatc re ~11rl Exper & no11 1·x pt-r "'u ll t11n e 11r wknds 1-; () 1i; 4 HI ~ I •1J1>l llwy Lttgu11.1 llt·o.l!'h 7141494 IJ:M!l ('ult IJ;m1c llOUSl-.K E f', I' t-: H f111 hmuly, 7 31JAM 5 :l(JI'~. rrtlL'l dn ~e, musl pnn 1dc work rl'lated rer Xlnl .llary & i:~ <.1!1011. nn1 c• !GI 11170 ll•1u "ck t·c pc r I' 'I & C'luldrnre I' T lit-lore & ;1fl '>Choo\ O w n trun,vortallon. Cul l ~'' JlKI aft<>r Ii I lt1u~x:kC1•pen., full t1 m" & I' T . l(ond w11rkrn~ comll !1on:-. k prl holtdays ,.; U E Bayview .\'laMr. 04l 354J:> lflJUwkecper. <.;ook, S.1m1• l..'hrld <'a re 11? & l' 1 } r <1ld boys M. W,1", !I 5 Own tranN S351duy SrJCSecll & rers re<1 d b'7J.1500 Housekeeper /IJVl.'·ln, sit tcr. Kad.'l 9 to IJ, NU 642-8850 Ms Jarvi!>. HSEKPR/COOK P/T , s mull board & care 751..f!IY28 -----HSKPPR1COOK. Sml fam1ly board & care llrs/salary Oex. MIHY79S ....... Tl PAITTIMI EMPLOYMIHT ATTENTION JOB SIEKERS MAIDS WANTED ror j)M\'Ult.• f('l>Ort SUlrt 1mnl<.'Cl 1-:,11 pn•f;·rri-d Will tram 1-\Jll time Appl) Ill ~r...on, II') ~ Co&t 11 .... } l..i,~ lld1 '" call 7M .is.t 8521 AS-le tnr l'.Jrune II )OU h<nt:n l rourul .1 JOI> \l;,111l' aplJI\' Th\• ln11 at b,>' i\~u,l ltilh. w.111'11 (or 1. .. ~unJ. 211 :-0 t u •• ,t 1114' l..1~·un.1 fk.ll'h JOBS JOHS ' 1 .1 "'"'' 1al tahlwd M'l'tllln th:rl 14 111 be publ1i.h1·d ""h llw U.ul} 1'1lol 1111 Thur ,IJJY ,\ugU.'>l lbt.h Ocwt't Miu it! KEYPUMCH OPEA.ATORS l'-\~n\·nr1-d full & IJJrt l1'1le 2nd & 3rd :.h1rti. .\J:.i.1 OIJCOlOI('> lur IJJrl t 1 m c "' ,. t' k l' n ti ... .\l11111num ti 11111 1·•q1t•r t.1ll l<Jf" uppl "I \ F 1-: 1; I \ H lJ llLSl'\1-;.~">!'>Y~I DI~ l'OSTA }1 ~,\ 546 1)(~ KEYPUNCH Part-Time B l I L 0 F. R S 1-; \I ·~IHI l:\.1 ,\ l>1\1~1·in ljf 'C1w Wicke.~ t;11q•1r.1t111n h,,, ••II I lllflll'fltJtt· llJl<'ll m~· in rt , In 1111' •1tl 11·1· f•ir "' P.irt ·1 in11• Kr·} punt h Uperot.Or lu work lrum 4 JO pro 11 3 u pm Qualihcalluru. include. l )C~ cxµent:ncl! UMn~ either ii :n42 11r 129 K kewunch IT\il chanc l'lcnM! t·ontdt1 ~h :'-:cl!>On. !!75 ~ Equul OpportunJty Employer M ff 111 KEYPUMCH Of'R NIGllTS ~II PM 2 Yri. l!Xper Xlnt benefits & Ital l.1w in San Juon Capt> Appl} at TEMPO /R..-dy 321.22 Camino C:up1slran11 or<'all 661 -1211 KITC H EN h elp ror Uruvenuty Athleuc Club J23 Mon thru 1''n S3 50 hr. Call 752-7003. a~k for John Landscaping interior plant11 main t cnancc Full-time 494 0168 LNllRq Loan proc~bsnr rx perae nced only. Xlnl benef1t.s. call C11ro1 or Mart.In 64().5100 \1 \llr. \\ '.,..1 ,.,,, um " ( .• 1 1114 \ l..1~:1111:1 lit h \:•I Ill".! ~.11n!l•11.11111• m.111 for ~,:, u111t ·•II( 101111111•'\ 111 (' \1 b4.! 5U'TI . 121:11H1>!"> :IH:'Jt Mt\l;>.-l'E"JANCI'; M \" H11ut111c 14 Jnlt-d for h1i:h r1.,1· 1·onli•1 E >qll'r 111 plu111!11ni: 1·l•·r! 11 1 .d 1J.unt11114 ~ 1:e11 m:.1111 l1·11:.i1H'\' Call h75 h llJI IJO•twn ~ wkd"~" ooh M ,\I,.,,.,:-.;'"'"· ·'II 1111• .1tr•111· 111114 IJt•llll: JI t·•·Pl"rl 1; .. n m .1111 lClhUl< l' f11r l1UJld1n1:-; & Rn>Uml~ I.Ill' vlumuml(, l'l1-ftn1·JI & l1Jtnllll1' ctt U.111.1 Wt..,l \I Jnrw :l520:! [)f>I I JlusprJ St. UJllJ Pt !0.:.':I ~l.unt•·n;inl ... I IJncl) m:.in Apt rroint bldg dt•.111 uµ t.: M N H art·.i l'ru1·k •ir 'an dc.i.ir.11Jlc "'ull 11m•· Eiq;a,_·r nt•t· tAi! 11103 t tmislftMl'IC~ forflnan Mu i.t ha ve I yr GAHIH:N I NG expr Wu~,.., $700 l•1 $11100 pc.•r IT)j1 !-....-c (jranl for JIJ plll'JllOll ZOJ!! Nt'Wf)Ort Bhd. <'.\1t.''67141 ~tamu 11.1111•1• :it l>;mJ l't 1lJrl111r \<.'tpl'r!l'nt l'•I flrt•fcrr cd $:J 511 hr 111 ,t...rt 1 lnngl' lx-nt•l1llt \pph' :e,i7111 Oan<1 Or l'W':Hit.:rl MJllnll'l\,llll'C f' llffi(• ap prt'J'< ;! rTIV't Pa11111nu exp nt'(' Tu~tm area 831 ·0081 MAIMTIH~MCE H•">taurant cho1n nt•t·th I II d I v Id U11 I w I l h kJ1t1wlt'd.it· ''' rhlaur Jiil t"lWPm<:nt i-:~~·nt·n• ,.d 111 t•lt'<'lncal & pluml1111u n·pair G0<1d bt'Jll•l 11' l'ompany truck prnvult·d Appl) at ~COUNTY rwst ....... Senius ZOOI Dwmter ~tret'l SA 714 546-0348 Male or female, De!Jvery Dnver for C M.-Newport area, for auto purt s swe. J.'ull ume 5"48·1133 -------· MA.NAG ER ASSIT · ap. plJ<'alJom oew being ac cepted To supervise grounds le office slatr Mt>cbanlclll app1tude & s uperv1110ry cxper rcr but not m1o1nd.at.ory. Send resume, Dana Webl Manna, 3S202 Del Obispo St Dana Pt. 92629. ----Manlrurlst. busy F V ~hop. A<'rybcs. wraP8. & !14JmC dicnt..elc 004 lteiO , Manne MEOICA1. PIT FHONTOF1''1Cfo: lt.~Ohrs wk ~:i ~1)hr C...,ta ~fo:.:.i 7~1 :J:Jl.:J MEDfCAL LJVt' 111. $200 p<·r Wt'f'k plLL't n •1m & /Jt1.1rti • .1 I 1 ~M)ltil or i:t1:11 1;,i 1,111 MB>ICAL ASSIST. f'1 11nt •1fl11 • I-' 1>''nc11t ••I I' l1rr1•· f,,, (; I' Ill ''''" l"'rt 111 /I '\Jlpl I /w11'1Jlt1)1 (v IH JI h1i;,,,l k11• 1 ... ll'<h; .. /11·l11t 11I IAIJ.10ii' Meft & WomH w~ It \tJU .1ri• 111 w '" C11 ,1.1 M, ... ,. t .. m1•11,1rtlv 11,, lOl"lllllUlnl: )tl\11 t•tllll J l1tlfl. r.-1 t·11tl> th" hMI(• rl l111m l11•· t r\I• 1· •1r Int :.ny r,-..,,1111 w1·k1n11 l•·rn p11r.1r' • mpl"' rn• 111 l'<'lrl'<lfli•r 1111, 11ni1t1J" up ptJrllJllll) You Can Eom S216 '""Wk ls:t')(oO '"' your r)fl><I I( U\ll}. • •1mrm"t1'lllll, plu' 11\t't'nlJVl.'l> & l'ICll J profit .. h .1 rr n I! hr1111r., 'I h <' 11.0(0Cll & 1111·11 W(' :in• l•Y.Krn.i lur m .1\ bt· !1fl'd ,, l~Plnl?, rotd111~ P·•l'<'I ... 14;ird111u· .. • 1111111 a nti worlunl( for a h n11tl-<l 10 come. Work w11h young IJ('Ol>ll' l\~111111 ad' once 1no·nt P'"''1l1lt• II \llU a rt· ava1luble to i.t.art l4•1rl. 1 rn m c d 1 .1 t ,. I ' • -1 11 IA."t ~t't'f1 !i :w ~ 1•1 Costa~o 64S.6514 \locklmi.: TUMS !'>lhl)<1f 'P1•11.1lll1ni; 111 l«1·n' lwfon· & :.iftl·r rrok('-O\'Cr.. AJ:M 16, ti for 'IP<'<'•nl Aul? pr<> w-am W1" 1aJte"7 j(irlb on wll'ttl'll b;c.1s by appt 11111) SOUTU CO>\Sf MODELS !itJ <.:oast Plu111 Village • 7 l4·54tf.2C'.fl'O • •MOORS• J1h-, 1t1 Jbund:in<'c l?l\l'n t11 Jll l(radualc ltludenl' of 111.:wly opeed South (.i.a:.t Models. All lYP<'' .1 \ u 1 I I' rt n l • h 1 1: h rasruon. commt•nt :.ii ,ii, ramp. Claues furm1111( ()11W SOl.rI1 I COAST MODELS So Om~t l'laza Village • 714·540-2970. MODB.S..UCOWTS Altr:ll't1vt• Females Only S:-,OOWk ... 645.-0896 Motel Nigh! Clerk. P ume. Vanous duUM S3 hr for mcxp, $3 25 hr ror C!llP 6 J .:.>a~ ~9471 Peri Time -, \It H IJ/\ Y &-SL:~ UA Y W•11 k 1-.1 rly m11rr11n1: lllUT'> ti1·h\ 1.·nn1: DA.IL Y ptLOT '"'"'"IJJIJ('f"\ to our nt,.. ni·r, \Ju,I ha\c 1.irl! .. I.it 1•1fl .. ai.:1111 11r \ dll ( ,,,_lt11J \lrlj' I l'I IJtd fo'11r dd.ul ' .. 11 1,1 • l:t!l .end .l \..I•• I l.11 I'\ ~·1·lt"} J'.Hl > t llfl"lll ,11\l l'<IUll 1,11,.r ... 11 tu 11111• 1 I ••I 11, ... 11 ,\µµI; :lt).:., ,, "'11111 kl ( \1 PASTEUP I 011un1• l llr-:l 1 i1m11.1n\ ·;,f14·r·· '••• 1 111 t,111 Id ,, I ,lft·t J \\I i4f I~ l•t It,. f llf I 1h 1-. •'l\l C t1mJflf t'lrt• •i• ,,, tJ'•"' ,, 1 • pru1, .ai,. I• I 11 ... ,, ! ,, " I • • ,,,, \1'1•' I" •111\ ,, • •·r l•n1 f • 11 , uf 1.1 \ .. • C •• I 1 \f, I T' JI llltltn PIXOPEa. J_,11, ""IHI• ""' It Jtll I •·I • l•h'•"' ,\n v.1·r1111 .... I" Ill rull lltnt' j1.1rl t1rn1· \ .rri•·l1 'h1f1 , u ... \ 111t·rT11Jon •1r I!' 1·n IOI'' l.tlt'Hllltn' In "~')llltl:'oo ll>l,\;\ l> t CJ"\'L\ \11-"'" I I< \I '\I. 'll STI' llL"\.l I '\t .t 11' Ml-\( II l11";d fttl lU\lMH ~ 6 l11JU"''""l\t'' 'I.ill\ 111 Ut:nd1t:. uu luf.11111< p.uf.I ' ·' l J l l 0 n ., I > II I n l114pm. r.()1-. (.1 1 ..,1J~.\lm1 lhru I r1 '8SOMMB. COUHSElOR f l\talr l't•NJllltt I "'-''"' \ tl<"a'" '''IJ<'r 1J f11·r'>11t1 111•1 t oun,l'lor :\1 i:mnt IJ1•l•·nt1.il • .111 t 'l1u\' (.'ullum COASTAL PBSOHHB. AGofHCY 540-6055 li'fl I llirht1r t'M !\ ... \t;l<A~~.1-. C'<all Jller hou" JllP' l'hJrmaq · 1..'ll'rl<. t'\ p ·nen<'l'd to work 4 11r :, dJ)"' pn \\\'t'k in t 1tn1 l'h.11 rn.•q <'.ii I Mr ' 't •.tUll.:. f>W 7~ ... fnr 111 l•'f'\11'\\ l"fllinc ..oh• 110,.... <'• enms.:' ~ 5() hr + bonu' l .111 PJuJ 11.olh. FJrmcr., Ju,, i~~ !Iii I' I 0 ' I I I' ' l' x I r u d l' r ()l.M'rut•)r for 2nd i.hifl l'\:llllflh. ror rustt>m µru Ill•· c·~rus1on< Apply 111 p1·rson t-'abr1 c a 1 .. 11 Pli»t1c:. lnc 1115 W J!fth S. <:M PHUO UCT 1 0;'1t TIWN .. ~t: lwbber h~1 pnxiuct:. lrvtnt• ar\·u ~Jw.l pb.S C'O phy~ll'lll lll<'ludlnR back X·RllV /\ K\'nd.n ,.., l n d i.. <.:v 540 7639 t: 0 t:: PT. amb111 ous 1n dMdual. or rouple. will· ang to learn managmt or sm bu.slnl'S!I, Call for appt. S.18 111<10 __ _ H 'E A L Jo; S T A T 1-: ... HAS SAUS Of'ININ«H • f 00% COMMISllON Pl.AM • IASY STAJtT 75.,-. Pl.AM • MIMIB 4 Ml.S S8¥1CIS • raOflSSIOHAL llOIB ASSISTANCI Ml4tfS MOU SALIS FOii YOU • If .,,,,.. ... .,. ............ Hc.-4 Sl00,000 yM owe It to ., ....... to caa for .. . ..,.., ... ASIC FOR SHAIOf'it 75'.0226 Mewporl c ...... ~ Real f);lale ToJ> N pt Peru.a. 11Utc:1• hw. 01w·r11111i for cxpn -;al\."l\IM'r"''" m lll'W IJrcfU.('I· Wl' tr :.1111 1:73 OOll> Real Estate ~ & SGieSMtR Wr halfe iui openinR 1•11 Z L<'('n.'><1'."i wh11 nr1• n•ally ambl11ou., A lt1H·ly •1( 1111• ullcnn~ H)Ur •1wn pn\Ull' !11...,lo, f. .all llU• nt't'e'>'>lllC'> (•1r ~U• I •• ' plu:-. ujJ IO 'Ht ' • 11tn lfU'>,,ll•ll '· •• 11 \I .1f)••fl • l I" r I.. I< •· 1 ol .. 11 t 1 .1 I }tun:.i1:er (•1r .ipr. l _w~.T~orCo. lt.!>alltJl"'o 11 I I flilli I< I' .AJ. f'-'-f\ I I. Conn 1 /Indus trt ~~Oft~ '-,, I I I ' t f • ; ~ ' I I~ • 111 Ill l .• '"Ill• I 1 l • •-s..-rut1f~ fur ' •1llt i111 '' 1JI •• 11 •I , II ' I I I 'I H• (tt f ••U A If 11 I h• l•.Hf•,"'UU1 '4U nHu .JI Hu,, ( 11Jlt ~ • l1J' k• l•1IJl11J (, , ... ,.. r• h :. ,,q, In.fl .&ii· ' 'I" :.\• ,• f 1 I It 11t1l IC...">t:.iur.inl l'f':IU(Y S l'IZZA ~ow tunng for P/f h1•l11 •)Illy Mui.I work v1rn1 W't~kt:O(h IH yrs'& oldn Apply Ill PN">n .tl1•P• \\. r """1nf runt l'W1J11n ki•ill'll it.tt.,.../,lno ~\111 ,,, 11 l f)~'lllnl(\ "'' .i•1wr:1I tl..,tllur;.nt wor~ fl<•"r I)(' i\lrpt)rt Mu'>I I~· lk "r 11\t:r Apply Ill iJf'fVlf'I ;:9,1~1 """' Hn,111\ 'MnlJ An"' l l1·11:hb ->f.J l!r.il ------ ,, " '"\lo ,,.,nJlrl Iii-I wr.1nl Job Opportuniti~s ( ,.,., II•"''' ,., 1,,,, , ....... , I I Ito• I l.11111• I • R~e .. 16 Fashion Island l"' ith' •''•· C•1t 1111 JI{ I ti ' .,..,,,ft If.. H h '"'I. I·• I It "1----------~· • .-..·1 .1 . .., 111>1 .111U I.JI\\. 1 tll• I t.. II f ,..,.,h.• J ., ,, • ' '.iltl'' J• 1 ,, • r;. ' 11 t lffl\.1\ '' 11111 I• I ~~Realty Inc.. I~'•' \1 1• \rthur 111,•J ..,,, •111 RETIRED COUPLE ;, 1111 I I•• :\I \' \<i ,.- 1 ••• 11 rlul •·I unrl • 111niih•\ 1 r • ' •HI Iii• ,., f •• t 1 \to· 1 ~l,11\ Ill<' ., 111 .• ,,, & Ulll turn t..tl IJ\JI lr.111• • .1111 't'C. I:. ,,r < ... 11 1-------1111!1'-• 7 I 4 /975-0888 H•'t t·r11n1o: Jn,pP!l•ir ,rri..•·I m1•• h.11111 •• t 1•1rn 1•1r ... n1 J-.\111·n•·1111 .. 1 111 IH..it v11r.t r1 ,1rl111 f.. u· 1 Ill Ill Ill I\ Jljfl \lj!Jh •Ot :.J,JI "l\J.l-.">~ HICKORY FARMS 1--•m 1·~1r,, • S .., 111 P T .11• \pJ11\ .11 1111 lwn I .11 m \\.· I• 1111 l 'IJIJ I .th I". In 111• • i.t;! tf.17<- r ~1; i'J,hmrl h lJn•l •·lll •J~jj HU U'llll'\l!'>l Hu , ~l·-· ...Ut:ii •Jfh c: .... l)'pmg ~ 1•1 IJO wpm E x per r• •1•11n~1 \Jr 11·1' .. r 111 I• "'"'lllljl llUlll..''> l h• •'IV •1l'1l 1·' '.\lot lit 11"111 .. '.\\• ... IJlll l ( 1.'l•\l'I l J I \Ir' IJutl11l.. 1.11 I 1 ... 1 J(.., 1·µ1iurn-t ,\Int "'' 1~•rtu111I\ l11r 'lu•I• rl ~ult 11111•· 'umm•·r 1i.111 t111lfo IJll priu,.. ~I ·•' i,tt-r h1 Pll-.1.:.Jnl ... u1 r oun 11 1 11 I' ' \\ u ' l I \ 11 t mi111mum \!I"' 11m .\11111~ .!.1.111 IJ:in.l Ur 4~ til:l1 UCEPTIO..IST lmnw>d rull um.• •111t·n111 1: l•ir .. 11.np i.11•r,11nJhl• I' JI:>., f< I' I' I' II I I •I 0 I '> I '4 'JOIJU:> olhu 1Jfl 1u •I u II' I' I I .• ..... I .II I I H\I \, 1-. -...\\I'(;" ~ I JI \.. '\ \.')!:>;\. i!)l? 2'H• I.Cl!-\t I Rf<:liPTIO..IS T l.1.ih1 , , p llli!. 11 .... , \ p0< IOI" .\.In l bt.· nl'fl h II. wurlw111, t'Ulld1t 1oru. C JJI E"<.11>'4 llW Rf<:EPT /rypiat for bu-.) prolb i.1ooal n • al ~l:ik Orfi('e Wt• neetl 1111 cnthui.1asl1t· .i1rl .... 1111 t.ypuJ.: 4b1llly vC 5() wpm Cxa~t' Co Airport urcu lall anytime. 919-1533 RESORT COORDINATOR ATHLETICS f-:.im r.2 r a ""t•••k 11;in llll~' (!U} • & t111lb t I f. •<ldo·r lltt4J1'tl t11 1111 I' I! ..... r~ r .. r '"I '"'·''"'" •• 11111 ,, II• ••• u ... ,,, •\I 11111 ....... rf•f ' l.1 1l/d..t1•, 11 .: ) , ... r , "' ··i.:1· ,o; , ,,, 11t.1hJf' I I I Jll\l'I' ll<l'I 111111 ·" .111.Jht.• l I• 1•1 ~ I I 14 " 11 ti II I I ' \\.1.:1 IJ11111" I W111 ktn11 1•H ·111111t hour' l'Jlt Mr J1.(u~"'° bd.-1'\ll I;! 7 .JI '"2 ~Ill ......,,, .... BRIDAL SHO' l'til• r 11•r,1d duth1111• ,,,1Jt..., \'\lll'I 11'11\ 1• l1UI '4 llJ ltJJll l'Jn tu lull 111111 .1\.111 l'lr'.1 1nl 14•llk11H' 1 •Klll' I l~I \\I I' .... \ .>lh IK:'I :-\U;.,'i lJEl.l\'FH"l' II \llU 111'{'(! 3 dl't'l'lll l••I) 111), JUh up 111 $4 lot>• C\ .> 'IJllll, l'Jll J fl lt)ITI ~·UH I !::iAU~ lltlct-.c-ron Ol- MAIU\l-:T1;-.;1; We r , .• 111 o (.' basetl trJH'I <111em·y franctu~or loolunlo! for a top pm fe.s1011al wl'lo ha' what 11 W«"' In t•am S40K plu:- The n11,ht 111d1v shoulll hllvc franch!se s alt·s ex per and w w1 lhn~ l" lwlp dl.'~elop our nation a I IT'llrkeuni: pro.:ram Call 111 1 onl1dc11 l't.' (7 14 I 8411-Wll needro to help markrt - va c ullo n <'on cc pt Su.le. 1'A>r2rt1r. sell ~UJrtcr GUYS & GALS ltJnJ( houl"'o & weekend!> J Want a fun Job'' H1ehw rnw.t Salary + 1nccn h1&.'t 1l H yoo arc 17 year., live Other bener1L'>. (;all or older }HU can earn lbe Good LIJe al l.aRun.1 ST2 + J)t.'r Wt!t!k workmR t Shores. 494-KS21 & ask. for ~pm tirne & have u Debbie b.ill. Bonui.c:., purtlc11. phones. 87$-4910. G••ALOllFICI Immediate openinl for qtw'e clerieal worker, s\mple math, use or calculator required. We wtll traJn. Some over· tune. FrieMlly ofc, non· smokers prererred. 88M3S7 Ask for Pat 15541 Computer Ln .• HB. call ror apJ>()tntmcnt Moo· t'r18am-5pm (714 ) 525--2:186 u:rz W Commonwealth fUlJer100. Ca Mon·Fr18: .. :30 (714) 540-6446 D> W Warner Rm 217 S&nt.tAna,Ca $400-$750 + "'°""' The DAILY PILOT needs auto route drivers for home newspaper de· livery i o the San Clemente area. Must have dependable car. Seven days. Afternoons (2:~5:30) M·F & morn- J n 11 o o Sat /Sun (5::1M1:00). Some collect· Ing required. Earnings t.ed on alee o( route. Call 496-tlOO. Ask for FoRer Ouellel or Mlke 8ulh. Mi&ICAN STATllANIC l.etll Sea •• ., Xlnt tyl>ina a muat. Ma.c Ca.rd tf reql.lired. Able to work under pressur e. Contact Pal. M4·1U90. Ll4AL SICllf AJtY Sall boal mas t ai.· ~ernbler. Saale metal WOf'tWli sldlls prefem . .od. Steam SaillDC Syauims. ft8 1193-1395 MARRJED ' BORED? PART TIME. 011481, Ln· t.ertstln1 Job .. si1Un1 bulaneueaec. ~ MASSEUR · Call Npt. Night attendant needed for aolmal hospital Dulles would Include handling emer~enc1cs & .i<.-neral hOtlpttal main· tenance. 1-:rftclency •Pt Included. College s tu deota considered. Call Ur Gary Uurit c. Newport Harbor Aru m11I Uolpltal. 6.11-1000 MlllSIRY /S •u•• Muat have I yr expr. Waces frorn 1800 to $1200 per mo See Grant ror ap· plJCM.Uon 2039 Newport 81, CM 646-1441 SLESM/\N WANTlo;O WlN Ul' TO lS'4 COM MJS5JON NET l·Enm SSOK to SI OO K by Chnstmus 2-Find out why new be earn b1A SSS hue. Come talk with them. 3 Our pro<Jul" t 1ncxp e n i.1v o land/budget terms. 4· Pre-set appts. galore S.F\nd out why "we 've got the best thll\I going··. N 8. area. Ask Cor Mr. Howard. 955·340'l ltest.aurant We are look ing for a n e nergetic graclOWI person to ass1.St in the service of food & WlnCl &..'I• (;apta.in at The Five t;rown~ Even1n.11 hours make this a &ood oPPOrtun1ty for 11 stu. dent. 675-1374. t!l <' C/\Ll. R 1(;111 .. ~ BETWEEN 12 &7. 97Z.4141 Sales lokrior Desi Rn Sales Wtth mtcrelll m &rt or 111 te design., f i t , P i t. SW-S2Sthr Will tr11111. t\Mcn 848-9378 3·7pm...:._ ::.-:::.r:.. Divuiooot Belter GENERAL OFFICE · Prot«UooS.Vkes SLAVlCKS JEWELRY F,qual()pr-unitY Medium u Nwpt Bch Lew Firm LI aeekilll an eic.per'd Le1at Secretary. X1nt oppty for aharp In· div. C.11 Alice before 11 : 30AM for appt. CO. lt l~ing for 10-~M/F meone to work •• ~~~~~~~~~~ goneraa otnce help. Xlnt. INSTRUCTIONAL 752-QMJ opp. lndd. profit abar-GUARD, permaamt, re· log. For deUll• contact liable, f /Um•, reUred Mark Evitt. 58l·M44. Mllcome. Car • phone E.O.E. rwq'd. Irvine Complell. •• ~.... MW'2!l~a11'::!. t>JC· peri.eoce. Def. CClvll) PW\ time t&.OC pet br. nrm. Newport Center. Apply Newport Mesa c.JJ JllDlt ~l. Unlfled School Dllt, •---------o--aa ornce: lnterelt· Inc • f'9ftl'd.lal openlq for clerk /aecretary w /dynamic loan ~co. Varied ol· nee dutla w=~~ lna, aM.ld or • t· 1n1. fUln1, etc. Op· portuel&l•• for adnneemeet. Salary ap111. Call KMM•-· ftad wMt lO'I ~~ ID O.UyPUot~. IU·IOOO Xltl for ln · ~-Clualfled Peraonnetj IJOUOI Cl.ml GUAIDS 1801 t:. lab. St. N.B. Cal fUU tlme~ Mature, ex· f\aU 6 ••rt thM. All __,, p "d 'X will train. APPIY a r •a 1 . U e U or m • 1~~~E~.O~-~E~. A~·~A.~.P~. ~~ in....-. 8!_ W. llda St. llll"ILllbed. Al .. 21 or 1-;: Cll CM/I. ReUred wtlcome. lnauranee Property • Llt'90I IAl.8 : u-J:'1.:r ~~I: ca1taalt1 Aa1't . Ea~r £ar:n••ced, matur• . S.nlc•"~ 122e w. Sth ~n~X~al':.~tt~~ Ab• to work ai1bt1, llntt, .nta Ana. I•· Jamu Jnuraoc e , ...... »IO bt per wile. t.sY1ew bCMan •12 • 1-4 lrvl ... Call Maurlae ~pertOD. IOTI llont.hnaFrl. ....E.O.&. I ,NB Bea<'h Alblellc Club. 644-3911 MATERIAL HA.NDUNG Part.11tockpenon Erperi~ deslred but oot ,..qlirtd. WIU tra.ln. M t a11 company IDcludiq back lrvtM. A Ktn· davl1 loda . Co. 541). ..... £.0 .E. MM&rt penoa t.o work le book atore, P JU me urioua hour• lntld wtcndl ...... tTS-11115 • • MECHANIC wltb DltrOlt DMM1 Of' O.u ~·Tom Kelly ll•rine loclnHrlo1, ... 7 ......... _,.. ___ _ • -.. •# NURSES AIDES, 3·11 Exp. pref. Good pay . Country Club Conv. Hoa p . Coit• Mua. ~-1 ~l~ender kMnl care to~ pa· tlents. WIJI train qualified penonnel. Del.,... comptftl&liOtl d mo at ..S '11 .U mOIJ. AU lblftl _.allable. A.pp. ly: W4158'aperW, N.8. Real 1-l'llate Sfi.F..STARTHS needed. Consider .)olnlna Select Propertlea. We have openlnp. Top In· ceoUve commlulon apU t, HP•;:,i:r.,,toc a I rfrm. Oood COG• ditJoaf, ncrttarlel H · &l.atance. Tom HOl)kins ''V&deo ~Start ·· train· Ina pro1ram. Ca ll 751-3111. .......... ,.. Openln1 for Utenaed aateapeople, locally owned, wtib D.uoe.l r.· fernl 1yatern. Excellent worklnl coadUlooa. Eem l~ COCIUD.i .. lon. f'W~al app'\, call tlt•022f. EHCU• e,.c..ReaJton ... . . ...... ------- Restaurant SN.IS/U9U<>lt CAS .. EI Ex.peneoced. mature the Ru1t.y Pelican ls now Able to work niaht11. loolunR for a cashier. Op. wcekendl. 20-:.> hr wk. portwuty to join • fine Apply In person. 201i re11U1urant. Interviews S.E. Briat.ol, CM between 3·5 Mon-fri. , ____ _-....;_ ___ _ 2735 W. Pacific CoHl SALISMIN Hwy. N.B. M2·~t. CalllJ\8 on Rttall Trade n.taurut Eern #OI).~. Pw. week ~ Allliltant. no ex· Spare time. For detalb s-ience ~ary. WUI cal.I EIHIOO, $454030 traln. w~ for lunch atllrt. ta.kine eppllca· Uont. Wednea. after 3. .., E. Cod Hwy. Cdlil. fl&9J'AURANT HELP Part-time luncb ab.Lr\. tt-Stara. > Counter llatlp U .25ptr hr. • clla· bwuher sa.se>per hr. needed. O.C. Airport ...... C.11 Ron MPN, for appt.~. SA•ISMEH $141<·$201 1\red d. J111l makiq a liviAf7 We .,.. lookln« for arnblt.loua HU mac.ivat.ed lodMdula t.o ......~ ...... NaUooaU1 dlt\rUnated Pl'Odllel. Boam for ed· V""'*81.ftl. CaJI bet ...... 1().2. Mr. Wblle *411111. s.Ma Mature peuon Ume. br\y, \W S..1 Tb. Cotrff ~,.,. ~for mumat apparel ahop, Ill ahar wonan. Noc\ amoter hr ... lock! S.t ('1tll Cor afll)t. Ml-Utt S&l .. peoplt l )' r ~ \ pen~ (n UI• ~ > n. t!Ad •up. KMw Lb~ bt>ut•b ~ Work Lo informal l.a&'lma otfi\.~. ft pot\SI bit!• ambit~ 49'7-4Hl8 ur a&. 1cn • 494 &.us Ulll for Interview t::leaant f'rench C:OUtwicr Houuque Mw.1 have hoe appar\"I expenence. Btl over ZS Poised & soplustit•ated with flexible 1chedule Call ror appt 549°2211 Sales Stereo Components, ex· per1 enccd 111 -FI salcsl>('rson or hobbyLSt Call Chuck Lose~h at l714 l 979-~6..'i between 12-5pm. llCUTAl'Y Sm •\&llW!«lnl l'OO.'•Ult 1n1 hrm needr. 101>d \.>lQl, mi)' •IM> f,ierlorm ocu11on•I "'' fndo 1Juua Salary ba.f'<I on ILIJLI a. 'IXl't'J' Call Kby (71') 179-11'7 . '\ft'lar) r I ,., I' 11 l)lJtl SOwpm J 1111>' wk ~ ht ~at.hy 641 ~u SICllTAIY GIH\. OFflCI 0-.l <A> ncb an tllP ~kw lyp , phone, IU key Ne11t, or.unutld Xln1 P<4)' le bent!lau C II '°' 1nh·n11t1w 11ppt JJI(' f.nl(lllt't!flDI 11 .. 1 twr Uhd al<ttd fo'wy (.' '1 556-91110 SICUTAIY ll.&p1'1ly grow111 1.t pharmactJ.ulicaJ r1: se'.m!h &. dtwelopmttnt rn 1s looking ror o f>clf m otivated ind1v1dual Shl.bdorspeedwn1111g r1> 4 d Kno wl erlgc 111 Sparui.h helpful 642·7Sll f'Xt 11 SECaET ARY/~ No expenence, lt·gal •ir ut.her wise, but MUST he accurate typist 70 "'µrn eS -------fffiJUmam. tfnusual np 'fal.flOM pon.unity lo learn & ad MEB>S YOU vance 1~-eia!Jzed C1ctrl To fJU avalanche of or-of law ·9982_. --- de rs Cr om m ari n e. SECRETARY, Part lime. motorcycle, s porting 10.J, M lhru F. SS/hour goods, motor sports, re· Oppor to learn & od tailers. Great opptr but vance. Call 644-3526 IA.'e are very selective & ------ want career wrnoer SECRETAIY/GEHERAl types only. We tram ex OFACE pertly Vasil us & see. Independent. d1Vers1 f1ed Ca l l Mr. Dehls c n duti es. Financ ial 54()..4(t!3. Services Firm. Good SiJes skills, expenence re Wanted young men who quired. 64G-Ol.23 will get aJong well with ---------I wo m e n . Call M r . Johnson 54().4()Z3. 8-12. SaJeswoman, mawre. ruJI tame. French's Cupcake liakery C.M. 642-0571 Savuigi. & Loan Plealte ~ our ad under bank· mg. lrvmeS&LAssn Seamstress, expenenccd vrofcss1onaJ for sail loft IOhrs a day Moo Thur.. 548-3464 Sea:at1 us W..t.d for sail maker 64$-7\!50 seam.stress· Some exp d<: :.ired. Pattison Sail Def;1~. 673-2180. ----- Secretary: Specialized p051Uoo. Jaw firm. ND. Will train in legal Only ~l!ry talented need app- ly Outstanding typing :.k1U~ & work m:mage· mem ab11Jty req'd Will test. Sa lary open. !03-9981 Secretary I receptionist . want to work in Newport area' So do we. Our Anaheim corpQrate of· rice is moving within the next coup!(• of month.'>. but we want you now. Exc1ung real estate bus1 ness, comfortable at· mo:.pherc, sa lar y negotiable. Advance ment oppQrtunily with our small but elite com pany. call Janis. 776-l 102 SECRETARY Newport Center Law Finn. intelbgence, good skills & pnor legal exper requi red. Call Ruth Braz.er 759-3800 SECRETARIAL/GENER OFFICE One person or f1ce . 60wpm lite shorthaod lmmed. open lf\&. 754--011 t. SECRETARY We are looking for a versaUle woman to work i n o ur bea u t iful waterfront Yacht Sales ofc as correspondent sec'y & relier recept. Secretanal * •ATI'EHTIOM• * Students Teacher' ilOUSCWl ve!. 1 ~ EARN VACATIONS$ WE NEED S ECRl':TA RI ES IMMEDIATELY 1A.'lth or w 'out shorthand Ltxig or s hort term, h11l1 day & va<·al1on pay , ho:.p1tahzat1011 av<.111.1 blc VOLT Ta~AAV Sl-'.A"'t!C&.li 54t.-4741 JIS4lS Campus On ve (across rrom John Wayne Airport> Equal OpPQr Employer • SECRET ARIES * See type~ $10,800 I\ Exl'cSec/St.at Sl4,<IOO Legl It E il5.600 F/C Bkpr/type $14.400 Sec/Hotel Anah $12.000 •Coun.!.elon. Sales Our Office• /\ppt Only / Jo'ree Liz Reinders Agent•y 4020 B1n:h, Estab "64 Newport Dea ch. 833-8100 SECRETARY Part-TI.- BUI L DERS EM · PORIUM. A Dwi!.10n or The Wickes Corporation, ha:. an immediate open· mg m 1lS Irvine orr.ce for a Part·TimeSecretnry to work an our nursery buy· lllg om~. Hours would be 9 am· J pm, 3 days per week ~uiremcnt.s in· elude typmg, r1hn~ and other general office duues. Please conta1:t Ms Nelson 975-~ F.qual Opportunity Employer MW!H Qualifications for this ---------pos. incl a typing speed oC S5wpm. Creative wr1l· ang skills, ability to meet the public ck good re(. Hours are Sun·Thurs, 9·5:30 Noo-s moker. $750-$800. Call DeAnn weekdys at 642"5735. SECRETARY • Sm. engineerinl firm, Irv. typ1n1. shorthand & phones. Please c all *' 7480 for appt. SECRETARY P osition cu rre n tly available ror a secretary with good typing skills to work in our Catering Dept. F.Qjoy ex.ceUent co benefits. Apply llon-Fr1, 9aJn.nooo, Personnel. MAIRIOTT HOT& 000 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach Equal Oppor Emplyr mtr Semtarial SJOCRETARY needed rOI' ~~~~~~~ Investment Ser vice a Sect ·y /bookkeeper for Divlaion of fast pace, R . E . ofr t ce , N . B. Npt. Bch . mortage/ Olvidsoo Realty 673-9060 finMclal firm. Must be ----------- good with U1ures, SICTY/Offlc.Mgr. al office s kills. Unique opport. f or zed. persoGable, female w/exec. scty ae arter preferred .. akllls. Flex work Apply in penon 230 Npt. schedule, salary + Critr Dr. Sl.e 200. Npt. percenta1e of profit.. Bcb. Send complete resume to P.O. Box 623, Corona del Mar. Ca, 1131135 Secretary w /boOkkeepinl eaperlence, R.E . de· veloper, 30 bu wk.I•••••••••• 8G-1.W.NB llClll'ARY l:!(pwlnc ..erv nma uell1 experltac• MCrt&ary lreetftJollilt. Good t1P DI • ............ WU'J COID· .. a1urate wltb ••· ...... Call Oebbl• m-~.-.. SICUllTY MAlllOTT MOTIL Weare ........ a reliable pawon to worls flftlble boun. X..w enforcement or ~11 helpful. En· .. _,..co. beoefltl, AP. ~ 111on.rr1. tam·noon. ....... lllO Newport Centar' Dr Newport a.Kil Equal Oppor Employ m/f SECY to saso u..ntl altlc• dulhe• 111· W1 all·I~ l.YPll\& 45 "'pm ~Ood WJ<'lllCUl14l0t l<J fiaurea Non •mokrr Call 7$1 2!800 t;RVICt.: ~'TATlON AT TND Appl,y l*l Y. Cout tl'Ny, ~ !Warh ht:KVICE ST 1'10N A1o ~\ Man1r w1llr All bllmci Apply mumm1111 m.INpt llhd 'M ~to:JWI 'lo; h'1'A uuond.i111 full or ~011 l ln11 1 h1wr~n St 11\lnll lhlKI hun1ew Co .. 111 Mha Nli\HP ~Al.l-:.'-1 l'fo;ft'>O'lo \41 11t-I\ p11111t1n.i,, 111 A1u1hctrt1 Coov1•11111111 I lllnw & liar~11 ~w /\Ill( lfAA \hrU 2Glh C .. 11 l'rti o( A11 bbrook ~1,Wi1~ In<' 7!.a 893 l370 01 41*~ ~llOti tiVC" & W\1-k t.'fllh !'\llll'l'EH ~Ht..< l'.l\'klt Jl"l.llc. t:X~r CM ur1·.1 !fltl I~ . ShMR ... ~ <.~11>ta M~a bast'tl r 11111 Top 11alary t lM.•ocf 11-. Must be able to re11cJ & wnte Eng11Sh. Abi.lll)' to :1peak Spanis h des1rahlt· 714 646 7'735Wl'l'kUa)'6 Slal1oncry Store 1n t~1r<)l111 dill Mar nl:'t!ds ex J>l'nl'nccd sales I ,id} 1-\lll time S d11y<., 'lnl work1111: l'•Jnd!> 1'~1X!\'l,1J I} f111c l'lll'llldc 67S IOHI STOCK CLERK N('('(f--for lttmd lin tJ-0[ comJOg(OU\gOIO~ SlOCk . m1:.c office dut1t•:. Purc hasing cx p cr helpful. Must hu ve a valid CA dnvcr~ 111· Irv loc Plea!>e conlal·t ,\ (714) 556 4671 STOCXCURJC Growmg Orange County ba'iOO c;ornpany seek:t 1n d1v1dual to assume :.toek room res pons1b1lity of picking & slockinJ: of parts. Other duties will im• shJppini::. receiving & ~ent>ral warchou!.in ~ dul1t~ Electronic com· pont'nU. knowl~d~t."" hdpflJI M 1n1mum <1111• )'l·tir cxpcncnrc. li11•1tl mmpany benefits ('.111 5H !1051 1-:qu:il 0µ portumty Emplo}t·r 'l)vlal.a ••AtTIMnON•• ~udin.U T411&cbt!rs llou11ewlllc • • 1'J\ltN VACATION $S Wt;NEKO • M'fUOr Typi1ta 'SU.t 'J')' P'I'" I Viet ,1ph(w\~ typbt8 • ( 1nk 'l)'pb&ll Nl:.till 16'~u:utA ft-;LV 1,in1t & 11h0tt turm. hoJI 1h1y & \ IJC•llOR pa y h•"-PllJht.tlHlO II\ 1111.i bh' VOLT 1t.~-kt•1 .. 11 , ... ~ ....... f I• 546-4741 »WCampw. Onvt 1ucl"OS.'> rrorn lnlu1 Wayne A1rµoru 1';.1uul Uppe>r 1-;mpl.oyer UUbt} & tile malntenance 1n Iv\ l•ly Hunlln gton IJo·1Jt•h apl bwldUlg Ex 1•t•ll4.'nt pQSllJOO for re tll't.!C w /some 111i.'(;harucal ability Apt + !.alary Sl!l RS41 \ alct l'arktin. ror pn\ ale Country Club I' T \\<umen encouragt:tl tc apply 644·~W __ Waiter WaitAsscs I' T lunc he:. o nly l'nvale club. 644·:>104. WAITR£S5 1-'ull t1ml' s C Golr <:oune Re<.taurant t192 ~195 CROW'S NP:ST AN TJQUES 1S1' AN N'IVER8ARY SALE In San Clemente. Thru A&Cuat. ~1 N. El Camlfto Real CClOl"MI' PalllAdaJ. Antique l'lrurm1 tor 1a l t1 : Mdl 1 1186 Wloche1ter, Mdl 1876 Wlncheater, Mdl 21 aflotiun.~7$72 Aalq. oAk pedeetal deak drca 1900. ma&ch · & • seC'reu.nal ctir Xlnt. 7'2·1204 m·r: 9'1·3843 ev/wk IOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• A.'l.=nt 201 Dr. c... .. .... , ............. .. ...... .......... <SLUOvalue), lo '°"°"" ... YPAIM A.IC. Ullb lhru A UR 19 1'ckets m•y be claimed by e1tJUn1 642-5678. ext 272 *** ~"reeTo You A bundle of love. 1-·emale Samoyed need11 good ,,..._.. 10 Io home. 545-1914 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Maytae washer, Pe.n crest dryer. Xlnl cood. $195. 8'2-0026. -------Wuher, deluxe multi cycle model $14.S. Dryer SLJO Both look & nUJ Ilk~ new GE programmable 30" Wide elec range $150 Trash compa<.'tor SlOO 540-8704 6-9 pm Of' wknda m.'W SflLL CN CRATE Kenmore 30·· eled drop an range. & oven. Sell dea n i ng , fully automatic. Brome Cost $150 SeU $2.'50. 54~2374 Sm. iU'I puppy ods. home real bad. wnb i.omeooe lo love 53f>.8312. Aft. 8. Puppy, rem., ods. bm. & so m eon e lo love ~12.Aft s f)-ee lo gd home, mix pup py, hse trained, Will J).l) for shots 536 7302. KJttens. free to good borne, 2 blk/whl male twim inseparable 4 mo ~ Shepherd mix nec.'iis lo' 1Dg home with large yard_ 548· 73SO. wturlpool electnc dryer CuLe lull.ens tree lO i:ood wnh UV ray, S75 or best home. Long & :.hort b.11r olr. ~ 7203 548-l.3J7 Washer . Deluxe mulll cycle, SHS. Dryer. $130 Prowammable 30·• wide dbl·oven elect range, $150 AJJ like nu. 554·6252, !i4().87()4. -Ci\SHP;UD Ws hr tdry rs 1 Rcfr1 gs. worlun.: or not %7 8l33 ---- KITTEN~ Cute M~k' young. Iowa St, C M 751-7368 8050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -••--rBUT Good used Fu.rn1ture & Appliances -OR I w11l sdl or SELL for You licyclH 1020 WA.rTRESS ••••••••••••••••••••••• MASTERS AUCTIOH 646-8616 & tll-9625 Rot.hcluld s Hcslauranl Red or blue i\2uk1 l o CdM 67:1 375<. speed Good cond. $.55 Ca.II~ l7~or54881.56 WAHTEO.DRt¥ER SUMDAYOHLY To dehver Daily Pilot bundles to earners Re· qtares van or large sla· uon wagon and a ~ood dnvmg record. Phone 642·4321 and ask for Harry Seeley or Don W1l1Jams. El,JUAL OPPORTUNITY E:'i1PLOYER W.\REIIOUSEMAN -·-1035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2·1 yr old Persian kittens, Green anl.Jque buffet has beefl used a.1> i.teno0 cdst! Of dresser. 72' wrdt';-V hJ, 21" d{."Cp. $75 ur offer t)\().700 1 pel lype. I "how type, Green h1~h ba<'k 01· OOl?lC!I w/acces '"' pnce cas1onal chair ..., ol 556-4.:)35 tomin $!!> b40 7W9 Docp 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r\dull Black /\KC Dooii:' Mag111r1ccnll> trained. gentle & alert SlSO . ~-7Sll. Betty 642·US2 ----- •WEPA.YCASH• tiood1.1sed ftlm1ture. Appliancl'S. TV .., etc 636-161 o. 547.9153 .. ._ ..... -__ ... _...... . -... TUlld9y. AMgutl 14, 1978 DAILY PILOT q "-""'" IOIO Mlud-1• IOIO Offlu""'911we& ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••* ·crn• Mii Movinl ult. I plece klog liz.ed Ddtm. set French r rov $750. Exec. L ah.aped desk "50. p p OLl17i+•7~. ......... , .. ~ ~ 4tM477 Vf!IY nice 3 c1&1hloo couch, 2 matcb'i chrs. mile col tbls & lal.llps $400 ~3819. CASH PAJO f"of' gd l.&Se<I fu.m, anti qucs& clrTV'a Or57-8l33 ._.,.w. IOH • •••••••••••••••••••••• SAT ONLY! Ethan Allen Trundle bed, furn, cbord organ, lamps, kit gadgets, books & clothes 1615Tu!lin, CM. Everything must go R.dnge, walerbed. rock· &ng clwr, dresser. m any misc. 5lus 1407 Apt. 4 . Del.aware. H. B 536 3844 .,.,.,,..., 1070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~hn s 3 Eme rald <.ul d1 amoods 2 llcts . 11 Ui-'GSappr SIJ.800: Maire rtrer 49'l 9613 1078 .......•..•......•..... L.t1the 12"x30' European Si.i50 Wlth toohng. 12t:J 1 961 ~1.34 8010 ...•......•............ . *. Jamtt A. SfaMOI e 651 Vidorio Costo.-SO You ... -.w-....of twofr'H ticb+books 1$19 SO value J. to KMOTT•s -ISUlY FAJlM I\ LU: I Olh lhru. t\ I.II 1.9 T'lelee<.-. mii y ht-da1 med l)) ciJlli.og &t2 ~. 11.xt :a2 ••• 1:, Ho;Jt new lilt trlr ~n trdt."l()r 1o1. all .;l tactrm~rrt~ fa wn rtY""'"t'N l!ll"t' hf\ J(Q\U(\" fur l'l:or , .. n ~~I U-.A•I TA6S .... , .................. . from )'OW' bulineu <'atd. ISM Dictatlnlf :aq=· Send one c:11rd for each Xlnt oond. Fran • tac pl1.11 one 5P41re. We 8:30U>S:30pm. return pe rmanently ,... IOl7 tealed attractive t•& le ••••••••••••••••••••••• st.rap, meet1n1 airline l.D. requirement.II. Pre· vent lobs & theft ! For a penooal.lzed ta& enck>M wallpaper . fabric or ··Day Glo" p11per " we will back & trim your tags. Or try two cards back lo back. PRJCE.5 ~. '2eaor3/~ 4,5\aJC,S Sl.fiOea. 6 !Hap $1 .SOea . lOor more $l.40ei.. Sales Tu Included NO CARD? Draw )'OW' own or send name, address, phone & ft'll make one card per t.ag. Add 25' each. Send cbeck or money or· derto: BABY HAMSTERS. ~ute ., adorable only 3 weekii old, $1.50 ea. <TEDDY BEAJl), ~79 alt 6P M orN).2735. PAR.ROT-HALF MOON SACRJ f1CE S3S 645-9989 ,._ .. <>r.,... '"° ••••••••••••••••••••••• J<imbal Synlba.Slnaer 50U wtfoot ped, ~key boardi.. sy~th exl•er. $1000 5"-0962. Hammond C·3 w/PR-40 & Leslie 122: Mint cond ora g o w n er. SJ2ou 5.51·2028. rtLOT PltrNTlt«i p o. Box 156() S, a tMg (ioodl 1094 Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 •••••••••••••••••••••• • CERAMICS llaodpainted ceram1ci.. plaques. nativity set. pl~«. muc h misc. it.ems Also s~1al or· ders & colors done at re· asonable c~t 846-8579 ~es. JAcg WALSH CAIPETCO. ha.\ tlo:.e-0uts for S2 9\t SJ 99 and $4 99 F or COM PETIT! VE bid come lo i i I W 17th St. G2 ort'llll6*-+402 Cole m a n Peak I b ackp aelt , blue Polarguard mummy s leept11g bag. l mo old ~ea 645-9796 -----GOLi'' CLUBS, Wllt>on X31 , 9 irons. l 3-4 '• woods. like new. Sat· $200 Call 768·8133 oft WM 8098 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Nice 2S · 7.crut h Color T V il:.11 2 Yr Warr. F'rt•1• J)eJ 114U7AA Drapes. all Sl:t~ & color~. Johnbon "Black Fan" lr11o1. a,., $16 oo pr all cstm &M· L'ml '.1 ch '>l ra1Jp1·d rm<k 5-13-~. 773.2243 la! CJll ~·0496 l~l has !<tO yd.s hv) plw.h 2!>" l.:olor TV S128 2y1 carpet 3 85sq )ds. sell al war 1-'rec del and 'el I part for labor 543·5489. I.IP 642-5340 778-2.UJ ------J<JtiN..WA Y N E...-T J::NJ-1 IS CLU B f"AMILY \1E~t81::RSIUP S2000or trade ror r ar of ):Jmt• \aJU~ 1318'741 ,970-1060 Olke ll\Jch1n\'. cotn mcch need-. adJ ~ 613 J';1\ ~ ~lES \ Vt:ltUf. GOLi-' 11.LH \II-. \1Bl:.H~llll' ~l:U!i loatl&Mcwi• &,ii,... ... ....................... Gwrd 9010 ........••..........•.. ---------•! lk~pans1ble per!>on for ~ Tzu, I )'r old. beige female w /papers SlOO After~ 8JCH727 Must sell lhJs wknd m y beaut rorm.il DH set. I.It set, corrt•c & cndtl.Jh 41K'\.'fl hr scl, )Jmf" t••• Uli \='D :-11-:W W,\C I.I< S<WI I::~ l:.K 'Jt>4 1•11 3 ClUIDECAli mo•mtw,..h1p ()1M·ounll·d !Jrl' .. C'dll Jflan dl ~Mll~li !'i WHETMH BUYING T ALEHT SEARCH Qu11 I t·umcd y a 1·t !> n<-c-dffi GONG ~l lOWTYl'J-:S l.Smm at·l ~.5m1n alltlll 1•111. .. r1,...tunw:.1f p11::... Tuesdays 2 5 "'k d.1ys 557 ... 2539 Irvine i - TLJ\(.;llER. Thf' Hcudint: Game-NcWJX>rt &ut·h C.:mJenual req'd. 2 ;.iltl·r· noons per week. !15$-1105 TEAC HER. SPEED Hl:J\Dl NG. The Readint: Game-Newpart Beach 1.illnc warehow.e. Good opp. with growing eo Irvin<· area Salary i·umm. w t e xper 5.56· 7!115 WARF.HOUSE FACTORY ASSF.MliL ERS LJttlt· 11r no cxpenenr'e Top Pay P1ud Wct kly START NOW MORRELL TEMPORARY SERVlCES IRVJNE 752·6666 EOE MJF Credential n-q d. 2 cvc:i ---------• per week ~·llOS TB.IPHOHE SALES Work P1timc 10 our tclcphone sa leh room IA.\\IPM shifts) ancl !>llll have pleasure time for }ourself Wa ~e" + t~>rnm. Call rordcla1h L.A.TIMl-;5 ~· Tennis Pro Shop Salt·~ wflman needed llr' 8 45a m·2 JO pm Mon F'n 494 4U..'16, S ti: v e. Tnm1te Co need:-. I liccn:.ed term1lt• m!.11et" Lor & I expencnn'<l l·rcw man Call 642·89'.!6 TOl' Hourly pa y 1f quabf1ed ! Houseclt-110 1ni:. Laundry & min 1rorung. 1 day ca wk 642 6840 Betw c l'rt 10AM·3PM. TOW TRUCK DRlV cR. xlnl salary + benefits. lnq 900 E Coast llwy. NB. Call 644-4131 . TOW TRUCK DRIVERS . Experienced only Live mCosta Mesa. 646-9638 Tow Truck Drivers ex· per'd. Top pay. Apply G&W Towing, 7408 <lims Way, C M. 642-1252 TRAVEL AGENT Need qualified MGR. or ::ii'. agt. torun N.B. agen- cy. Min. 5yrs exper. Xlnt. financial pkg. 0p. porturuty rot profit shar- IJI!!. 644-0185. TRAVB.AGY WHLSE Scuba d iving whlser needs garl Friday, whlse exp. necessary, diving a pi111. Poseidon Ventures 644-5373. TYPIST lmroed. ruu lime open· ing in our sales dept. Room for advancement. X1nt st.arttng salary. Ac· curate typing esseoUal. IOSANIMC. 2901 W. CoutHwy. N.8 . F.qual Opportunity Employer. TYPIST The Penn1'Her la look· 101 for a part tim e typlat /proofreade r . PleMaat wotkln1 cood .• modem equipment. App· l.Y In penon IMO Placen· tlaAve., Cott. Meaa. MOTICI how Dally Pilot et .. ,. med adl d!lplay tbelr· mm.,. wiUI letibWt1 IDd impact? Ow' Ida, we .. proud to ••1 reall1 U\ reaulh. ~hone ea..5871. Women Cook II 30 lo 3pm daily Apply at G1no·s Dch, 30242 Crown V:illey Parkway , Laguna Niguel -----Wo m~n needed for housecleaning ser vice G1lod pay. good hrs. Rob b1c'!. Rai; & Mop 548·0757 . - WORD PltOCESSIMG MaJor Nwpt Center Law firm scekm1t dept co- orcJinator, exper on a computer based word processmg system re· ~uired. Legal exper pre f<'rred. Advancement to mgmt poss ible Call Huth Brazer 759-3800 YACHT SALES PERSON fo:Xpenenced preferred. Schock Boats. 2900 Lafayette, Newport !kh_ 673-2050. ------- YARD M AN. rental center has full tune open- 1 n gs for 2 m en Mechanical knowledge helpful, ne11l handwnl- 1ng neces:iary . Wkdys off. Wi ll train. 1930 Newport Bl, CM. --- Morning newspaper auto route Approx hrs 4-6am dally Ideal suppleme n· tal job. Approx earnings $375-$4501 mo 540-3008 7·10am. Girl Friday Exp"d, f/t, typing, oCflce mngt, some customer rela· t1 ons . Salary open. lmme d o pe nin g. For awt 675-5649. Stock & OeU very : F /t , strong, clean-cut position avail for a qualified ap. plicanl. 495 E. 17th St, CM. Ask for Vinnie. Dell very, supplemental i.ncome. Economical car needed. Afternoons. Laguna Beach , So. Laguna, San Juan Capo area. Call Tbe RecisLer, 95Hlll Girl Friday, Peninsula re· al estate firm. u . bkpg .. tn>tng, your own oltlce. 673-9000 Mii ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... Ill 1001 • •••••••••••••••••••••• P•llllOOI SHO~ Ale· 17'b, Jab " 19th, hl8h tcbool, lllas&ona at Sta1ecoacb. Houra: NDar> to IPM Fri. • Sat Hoon 10 aPll aua. Dr••· lop dalb' for prhH. $1.00 donation. rree Parllla1. Fa 11 brook CJwnher '11 Commerce. (lm6deh'om~ ...... ) 1-i:u~llsh Setter. mall'. ;if ft.'l:tionate, well bch<iv('d AKC reg Show qua! 842-5759 AKC Black Lab l'up~ Field & hunung ~lock Days 831 9797. CVC!. 1'17-0731 Germ. Short l l3ir pup pies, males & fem alt•:.. 5 wks. old . 5.57-6062 Ml .i PM Miru Doxie PUP 1-'em. AKC Sl40. 536-7666 1-T~ puppies, German Sheph<·rdRetnever mix 975-7U7 Mon·f'r1days. t.un-:. & ace~ All It·..,, ~ .n~l.fle ~ t ord th ..in 3 m 0 s n ,. .... I ... oo. SlW l'..H•n1ng:. IA.'!lperatc' 1'1•·:.w , .1 II '>49 llIJ.t Benul·e21:l 59-18.191 I i\arlmt• .., cou1"'1n!-'°'dlll Must seU ki: st "':itcrh"d l~l pay Sl5" IX" "'Ill l'.J' 00 high 1>1>"<11·'>1 JI bJ,,.I' nu l' loc-qUdlltll} I ;Jl:J "' dr.twer.. & \'upboanh ~ ~ia•1lk• 1 WI "If)( >W "If,\ I> f:.~ I/\ .1h>1 Hltn<t, WoH•11 .,.,,_ •l" pull hhnd' o>h -~• ~' • 1t! .ti. 1lt m ... \. ..... ,. ~:.-.. •.l.o I\~ ... ~-1259 8 dL!>plJ'." 4 d!>I.._ r\'plit .I" Jo4ac~ ol old fa:,h.itiot-0 l:dnll~ Wmtted 1011 Tahle, 5 chrurs mu'>\ wll All wood. uphols ~cal' n.11'<' detail ..:nod uinn g.eo, Aft 7PM ~ 3513 Living room swte. clock, pi'"lures. tables. ctt• $75 all 5.56-i20J Oak S-top r1<-Sk oil flruc;h, xlnl C'o11d1l1un $90U 4!ti l6IW rnunl\·r. m4~t! vlll'r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:lr.i Stai111cd Glens c.tCMRM°* FOR YOU WINDOWS S25 s.q rt & l:p SIM PSONS t)4.>5838 "'' -.·nJ.> pon..t.i1• 11 '"', noot /\ppt'OX llt ll.ZI IJ.44,WOQ Ext l2 Miiii~ ........ ,.., 1083 ..............•........ 1,L'ITAR GIB..~1' .14~ xlm ~-onct Bo.•,l nil• r ~ 1;1!1 Of&.,.,,,,....... & &f.iP""llt IOIS SohcJ ll1reh din till & buf FrfttoYou 8045 let. P hllipµ111,. ~lah ..: •••••••• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • drsr~ rea.s 640 1~1 e' •~ COPIER Xlnt lOnd \;I.:.! 1033 Aluta tShep·Coll1c mix" Male. approx 6 mo~. lov cs children Gd watchdog. 9604952 ----- Beautiful Ct1n11p1 Wat.erbed 536 3844 1·r.1ftsman II 0 . <'ll·< lawn rno11.er, pract1<·all~ I'll ..... H·n n.: .. 1'<>n c .. 1 ..J\ 5 p \f 548 1-1 ~ WIN ••··•••···•···•········ 1-~t-t·uu H' dt.-:.1-. r h.111 & rrul 9i!'JIJ \ JIUl, l<.1t SJ. J <.:.JI!( Z 4 2 Ticket Books to Knott's Berrv Farm (values up to $19 .~0) Come to Knott'• Berry Farm this summer for the moat tun packed time Of your Hfe. So catch the Spirit ot the West •.• then and now ... at Knott'sl It p•ys to check Delly Piiot claHlfled everyday. You may be a winner! Knott'• offers you headliner enter- tainment, the spectacular "Wish You Were Here" Ice Show extrev•a•na, the br•nd new Cloud 9 Diaco with \l\lf ff 11/ the blggett, the beat, and the \..'~ ~'' , r ff~~ brlghteat In llghtt, sound •nd danc-~ '-~'-' ~ Ing not to mention our other 135 wlld .§':" '/:) ~ rtdet end ettrectlona. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~===============::~~ Look for your name end .....-._ addr••• In tod•y '• ~ ._ claa.etted aection. " you ~ :-. find It, c•ll 642-5111 Ext. :::: "-272 and we 'II arrange for ;;: ~ you to pfck up your tickets~ , .... , .. J~l"l"'1-~ ... I {I.I ... Jt' our olllce neereot 7 ~~,,,,.,,\\\\~~ M SELLING n.is is Yow DAILY PILOT IOAT MA.RT To plou yow ed c .. 642-5678 •• * J«-•"-Sht•ricos 3021 Cooi4*)9A••· Costa~ You..,,.th.wiMef'of twofrH tic:Mf books '$1!1 'i0\3IUl'l, \r) kHOTT'S. ISlRYFARM \Ill( IOU\ thru i\lll! 1!1 nll.l'L'> m:l \' ~ d.1Hilt'd b' l allUll! ti<\2·5671S. ci..I 272 It •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• YACHT SHl"'NG CRADLES W11<nl run-. tr u t•t • 011 f-'rom 37 to 4S' trawler" Sl11U l',J C all M r ~c~rtMS~ loah.MmiM .,...... 9030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• New Ea~y trailer & span· Jt~Dunt·~ ti4l 01 !Z .644·6".lf7 6 II P Johnson OIR w 111t tan!. :? ~ r. olcJ. 10 hr" usr· l'erl S4~510BO l>a}' 714 5..57 1710, eve, 640-4620 loah.Power 9040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s7· Carn crnfl $59.500 'fD 1'Wln Chrys. SI ps IO Best ofr take:. Pl' 675-2 172 -------t:IGARETTF: 28SS ·7,, T /350 Cht•vy New all alum 6wh. trlr Loaded Sacnht'I.' Mu .. 1 Sell 642-WT. 548 ~. imp 20' 327 Chevy I /0 A I cond. New U'lr. A.II CO\ en. Ship to shore. depth fander, stereo tape deck Sml cabin. S7000. 644-02 IO 2:r Seacrart. Twin blk Maxes. $!500+ ta ke over payments. Firm . 631·3327 l!f BAY BOAT. Classic South Coast design , wood lapstrake hull, Vol vo Penta eng., ltlnl cond , $2,000 or bes t offer, wkdays: 979--3900, eves & weekends 675-aaB ll' ~ CAut b-.y boat LOOHP Gray Marine eng, Q900. 87~31'9, 673-9092. J.3' Bolton WltaleT 50hp l:vlnr1&de trlr, c rv r. xtru. Minl Cond. 562S64 WOULD UKE TO BUY a live-a-board fixer-upper • on abore moorioa 1n Nlit. Call Bob UJ.22U •Sklpjacll 25' cabin cnalaer OD ttlr . F\all1 ecpp.2SIHP, 1/0 , II~ . Xlac.. cood. Good Oitatina boM. NMIJt. .......... ........ I.Mt M' ldl •Nit Vflr/ Gil o.d. lQn ..u. ...... '* -----~ ----·-····· n · 01-...u. sns. n · WIWllo .. r tacl trlr, ........... nuiDa. jib 6 •••• ulC 050. ...,.Tl •n1/wllad1, -..a 1111 cb't._ 2l'w/trlr6~ Qoodcmd,. .-s m«mevs :=;~ •zzn COBONA.00 u um Jo:a d. eoncl. f\all,y equl~ BeQolr.~uss B ·Good nee record. deM. Id CGD. Trlr wcJ e«IO/blt ot r. 673-406 l UIPOrt'ANT NOTICCTO RKAD BSAND AJ>VQTISRRS Thll pr6ce of Hema atd¥er0.a~ by ••hltle dMkw't In Ole v•blrle t laaeilflf'CI advert11lnf1 oo&.i.ml'll 00... not In • lu<k- •01 appUcabl• tun. U&.....n, traoafl'r f..es. ~ tharta. fen1 fut ar pulluuoo tU1lrol de Ylt'fl Ctttlhr.aUuns C>t de .t.kl' dol~tau-, pre ~ cb&rlilt" unt,.,,. ~ •• ,, ~~l lfi~ l>y theaadv~r ....... / Cliiltka 9520 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ~AllMD UlSOMl-:RCl-.:Ut-:S l7~ Ca braolt1l 2 door coo ............... c-.-.. .................. , ~ Vducle t•ap11bl oil ln\lling Uf lnuk·r l'IU«-h ._, Wq.WM.~r 'l ntvt'h11l ell pp bf.2~~Vl!ti ....... llrrt.d ....................... 9701 ···---·················· Montgomery l7 Oeean <hue Sloop, 0 /8 mlr, $ l sails, $4750/ofr. Bk ~ vertable. tao t!Xtcrior 1----------Sabot like oew. $4.1$. 673-4666 Siii.i ft>at : Hft. w /tr w ler . good cond.. ~ or ~L offer. s.52-0348. Sail Boat Ma:.t, :mt\. $50 (714)631·3771. 9070 ....................... SUPS AV All.AILE YACNewport6461651 SUPWANTl:.IJ. m NewPort. C..11 C:ith1c ~.ext 31:> wktlyi. s.de t.Je for JJ<)Wl'r ho at, llpprox. 20· an CoinJI bi'J..t»)f; ~·port Slap P1,wt·r only Si.SO per ft $2511 nun m:H~ti brwn llhr tnl, 4 cyl Oat head mlr. 4 :cµd lruns; uobtillevaililti uutomobal e, a rt:ul clal>sac. ..,oll-lerla 1300 W. Coast Hwy ~~ ~ 642.f,j63 Bugull1 Rcpl1car. reblt ~g_ Ma:rnr aU Jlo s ide p1pt:s. Good mec·hanacally Many xtr~ rox> or be<>t offer. Call Jerry !155-33!6. (.fa.~IC l!KiO T HtnJ. <••'Sl!'I l·ond l';irtwlly rt.'i.trd. ~.!OJ 714 M4 C.(..tH '5H Ponl.J:it, ~.1.10111.n~anal nUJ1-i., 41540 .........•......•...... m 4;,1 F11nl t 'uhr 1 111111\ II. ml '\l11L, 1•11.: 111h v. 11t\.. ~4;,n 1,.1,• I ~U I II\' N~ 'ihp llt'<•dt·d f11r f,.~ lil!l1•v1 ... ;~fl J-:n tVlll. t'Jll 4 wtwel OriYH 9550 ..•••.•••..•...•••..... ,J l 11tt·rn..i11un,•I ATTENTION! M ~r<' .. dc'I , UMW , 1-"ur..c~. Chmllk & to;• otk. Wt> wall i.cll you.r r ur on t.'Of\.'>ll(nnu:nt ut your pnce. Hc:.t l0t·11tw11 111 Or~e County Vi•r 111 format.Joo call Jam Cur ran ~ ........ lJOO W. <.:ow.t Hwy Nwpt Heh 642 ti7113 Ii:"> Alpane Sunbc.1m con vcrt Huns WPll , ~uo<l <~ind. Sl IW &io-u;,15 AHaRomro 9705 ......•.•.•..•••••.•... '7G J\lf:i ltom1 .. 1 Altt•ll 1 '\llll 1·111111 I(.\ II. Ill ,h.ulov. ktl l'oir 1"'1·r l.M4ov. wltolo•._,,lt• ~IOll :.1.11 lll'i5 9707 •.•.•..••..•......•.... '7l'I J\ucll !lllfMI. h.1• .. \ 1·t ~ Uuu~ .S:.UO & , \.:uumt.: h'JW ,ll ~'1'.! 1110 or 1111\ ~(~) h-7:1 fl.'1 HJ 9080 1'1.1~cl.tll 4i..4 1.11ar1t .. 1. il 1001.-. 4 llr .,,~I \ I ~tr;., .1u~ t.1t1k ri·i.: 1w~ aut,,trano, ~<lf.10 .•......•....•......... 11111\1 1111 S!·l~I '•IX >llil/I •·\>! i;,111urf Iii \XIX ZODIAC Ml'2 Xlnl ,·rind. $12;..0 00 llOkthJ}',, Tr m1!1f1 orrtatiOft ....................... C~1n.Sde/ ... 912 ....................... TEARDROP '65 . Overbead Cab. sleeps 4 W J>mk, Lotlel, ~Love, oven, refrlg 2 c, l.'> or Jade. Must "'II 1 $3:)(1. C.JI dn 5.;., ~ :t!l'.Yl 101-, H Cab11"er \ .i• ,1 lll)nl'('f . ~ ('. I\ I' ·tiowcr, etc. Lm.1'11-<l, xlnl cond. 12195 ~ 74'}1 ~~/ 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTt-:o : USA V1t"l11r, TNClu 9560 ....................... Ill NABERS .AUTO CENTER :-.;1m11NG ov1m $4999 1974M.AZDA PICKUP TRUCK WITH CAMPEH & 4 '>JK-t•d lran~m'"''°" A .. 1t.1ri1 lnll'k • 1 lh410/.1 $1999 MAIERS .AllTO CEMTER 1125 Huk"r ~t ('l~-l'A Mi'~"iA 540.9109 ong cand. C..11 lief IOJrn. 71•<'111•\) Pl 1 •.T. pay off & aft 6p m. 496 4003 ~ Harley Davidson ·711 Eh•\ .. mo urn. 1:11 irt11 trog.ladc w/'59 s tJ llarlt•y Ioli lt.utl·hero c;ood 1 w1d stde-cfil', 6900 aL1.uaJ m1. $750 xJ.nt cond. 554-l783 ICAWASIJU 400. Hestolfer 957 llWI '76 Suzuk i CTl85, ex '-'eUent coodllaon. $700 bi!>-:1115 YAMAHA250 S250 •551~ Motor .... s,S./ . .... /Storage 9160 ....................... HENT 23' FIREBALi. SELF CONTAINl-:0. REA.50NABLE. 645 2283 RENT '78 22' Luxury motorhome. Sleeps 6 Self cont. $250/wlt.+lf' 'llJ J)Jl.'Ull J'u.;kup lf~JC) !'Al:! :J681 · 7 7 H ,, n 1· h 1• r o L 11 w mll1·,,ii,., PS, l'H. :ur. 1m>L1·1..lf1 l11p, llk1• n1·w 1-t11KI WWCJ ms g110 or IW-.(62J, 16 l)at.:.un loni;:li&.>d hkt• new. lll•Jt & A l l' Camper i.hell. c .. 11 an Irv 75.2-0ll>H 8 3')11, 5 '79 l>alsun 1 rurk: Blk, mil bar, gnll guard. '''~ l1gb t'i, CB. am t rm ca\5Cllt', ma g:. $7000 or betil orrer lJrent :>4G-8862. _ma..~.;;.~------------1 v-9570 "78 Soutbwmd, 25', SIP'! 8, geoeralor, roof Ulf, loaded $17,000. 951-7817 MNIALR.HT SAU •l!r16 Casual Mfol, s ips s, AC. new tires/point/int fabrics, (615PKA >. tB,.500.. •1916 4 Star Mini. 19', sips 6, dual air, c ruise. SIS'flO. "19lntrabric. new b.rel, <mPQW). $10,500. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Chevy 6cyl. fully t'UStl>rru7A.'<.I & &. 'q ul pJX.,od. $6200 bluc bk, sell $487S/besl. 548·9024. '72 Ford Van, super clean. 6S,OOOm1, $2250/oHcr. f119..1674. il Cl>evy Vao long wheel base. P /S. PI B. a uto trans, AM /FM cuss stereo. AC·DC refr1g. Xlnl. mec.h. cond $1,900. 644-7129 ;., !WI~'>. Jm Im I •Ir "1· mcon tr •• n , fl• v. 1 lutr h & br.1k1" 11111•111 ol own1·r. ~ v\J 'IX.I'• or t,U>-J41!7. 9709 •.•....•.•..•.•.•...... ·m AH JO(XI Mark Ill. 48.ooo cm~ m1'!', mint cond. $75()(1. 833-01 l9 1MW 9712 ......•...•............ CREVIER & I Sf 6 .. OAOWAY SAN TA A,;A 8353171 11rUSEDBMWs• '765.'lltA S/R l 195Hl\01 n :f<li><l'\!Jd. i.t <m•~•·v 1 TIS:.14b~ S Fl 1017()1 '7M:0J4.,p, c2:1:JUKll 1 '7l'l!>:Ot~1A S1 ll l!l()f)2l Clowd Sundays tMMEOIATf' OEUVEHY' LARGE SIElECTIOH OFHEW 1979 320i's 528i's J\L -.0 r.JJCS1 '' IMSTOCK! Call Laday · We ah11 rnJy have that pn· ov. Of'll BMW you ure Jookrnr, for! 83 t-2040 495-4949 •IMW77 320i F\ally cqwpped, locally uwncd & serviced. M UZ tradc·in. l418SMQ > $8995 JIM SL.EMONS IMPORTS 19701lARBOR or.vu. COb'TAMESA 631·1276 OIW4GE COUMTY'S OLDIST •mu Star Minl, 20·. alps 6, dual air, curlsc, stereo, '79 lot.er fabric, ne• tires (525MYN>. Sl0.500. '16 Chevy Van. low mileage, air, auto .. long bed. $4500. Ci.ll 492-761.5 Sales-Service-Leasing 30DAYPARTS "LABOR GUA.R. .,.~. IV._../W.. 151mlWvardAve.1rv. (TJA)SS..... Call llr. Uunw lbt-FrlM. RovC..er,IK. .._W..e.d 95'0 · RoUsAoyce BMW ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.540Jarnboree WE PAY TOP DOLLAR Newport Beach ~6444 for top used c.,..lorelgo. ·-------• domestics or claaslca. If )'OW' car ls extra clean, .!Ole ia Fl.RST I IOI McLAUH's ~ ··~ My Wbmebato-I ~ can no Jonpr afford to .... 111 ___ $. MON. Beaeb Blvd. LA HABRA (5111. No. ol SA Fwy> 171411JJ.1Jll a.day b1 Appt. • keep lt." Caab often ac· ,,., --c..tr Ol!l)4.ahle. -..... as Harbor Blvd. 008TAllESA !!~~'!.!~~ ... !!!.~ ___ ,_1_t-_u_oo___ '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '•75 22· Sliver Streall: Tnl)a': Ji\l lly equipped, AC • ....,, $12,000/belt. ..,.evea. . ~'tW YoarCar? "11 .. :-.. .. 2J.l.Mt.lm. --._,,..... A1119e. UM4 ...... UIH ....._ UM4 ........ i............. ...................... . ............................................ . ••• ll:C. ... ..... ......., ........ ~ .11., .......... . a,.,.,.. -re1uler tu.II t.IMI• 114."' 00...'h~ c.J• .. w ut•Broedwa.J SNll'AANA uwm ,. RlQ. ....... ,, loob t.._ lttooorn.1. SI lJS. Dyl. 'TM·UOO. 117·4* ev.. ......... '740 ....................... "15 1~2' AC , aunrf, ••SL. Z '°'*· oew AM/t'M, whl•l tlres. ~w. a.I N')Ot&ke9. rrooo. Oebbk Ma-31'72. _m_~_u_1.;... P_P ____ _ eoa.. . ...;.;.. _____ W>Zllll: Clean, ouP61DUs '19 W Tan, 6711 ml• t1JW 12111l' • "'"· anrf. 11utn lran1 M>7m 898-1804 ;.;3~· t'1700. Ca ll '11 450SEL: Silver • -----pllwUipo Wll cood. all '720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· SIUC110MOf ALLMODll.S SI tOP .. COM PAR F. BARWICK DATSUM ' ' '• Sl l-137 ~ 4CJJ .JJ7 ~ xtra a 4111 ml , 122,000/bett. 581·4~7 ~.wkndlt Claulc '67 2.505£: AM/ FM /c an, auorf. rcblt cng , lmmac thrwut. ~/be&t otrer. a-0838 ------HeauuluJ Xlnt. rood. ·~ 230SL 2 tops . 4·sp. cha.mgagne color. A.sk for Vicky, ll40«i6S ---~ -74 450Sl. l'\.'fft.'t't, lu m1 2 '>l.0'8 • rll-w lite. $17,500 hrrn G7H181 ------- 6 llASOMSTO IUY&SMYICI AT .nMMAllMO VOLISWA&IEH ·•· ., .. -......... -°'"· °"" 'ft. t , .M. WOM»A YS ·2· PAITI °'"· onM '111. ' '.M. ""°"°• n • '11L. J P.M. SAT'Ua>AU .]. SAW OIPT. OPtH 7 OAYSAW.. ..... WILIASIAU MAiH & MOotU, Sl"ICIALIDHG IH YW & MHCIDIS IUH1 ·S.- ·"" ....................... 1m1U1C1 •IALZDOOI Hlrdlop. •tll'OOl, lwnlf'Y velvet lat.nor, cndH aoalrol, Ult wbeel. spUt pwr. Hat, All / FM ......,. pwr. wtndowt • dr. lock.a end turblu ~t318SLR>. $4300 R.J. DlmttOO &Auoc • 75J.JIJ6 MAIERS AUTO CBCTER N011UNG OVER $4999 1'71 IUICIC B..ICTRALTD Sedan. F\all power , lac· tor)' air oond .• & aJJ of the Blick luxunes Ab:lolute· ty Like NEW·ONLY 40.000 rruJes. l673ETW 1 S2599 'Tl l(CgaJ Low m1le:s Fu I f y l'QUI pped $SO{JO t Of fer <fTl ICTn -------- Cllloullll "10 ..._. tMl l ······i;;;;;;;;;····· ·-· ..... ···-··-· . a IA'AMCll * ,-: · • oaman.. c:r=ce.· =~ti~ ~~ wownn Uoasl •••• SAVIMftWl!I LOADa lt77 ~ • JT-U.... CONNELL C HEVROLET YMSAlllS ~ 1'1-. ,_.I I.tr t.,, h , I , ' r. \ \1 ~ " ' 546-1200 ~ H2S ••••••••••••••••••••••• * WOW!!!! 4 DOOR WXURV at aa affcrdab&e price. Come see & ta& dn ve • bu)'! (Se. 80011.S) IODt!JTtW luti I •GUSTAFSON U.C.Mlu 1tffl0 BEACH ~. HUNTINGTON REACH CAU.MOW 1976 CHRYSLER 14z..1144 1 COUOIA Only 37,000 male:. on lhlH gorgeow emerald grct!n Z door beauty Comt> 1n lit test dnve today & buy 1 tScr 3511MVLJ 10 Day Trial ~~~---~~--- Mlwcat ttso ••••••••••••••••••••••• OHANUt; COUNTY'S MEWEST UN<X>LN·M ERCUflY O~RSHJ P ~ RAYFUDEIOE ..,--__,._. COLN·MERCURY Wl~~~I Iii AutoCent.erDr. sm· . LuJc:c fo'orest ex.it JKVINE 30-7000 1 f •DATSUMS• &....,. s.e.ctloa OfAIModth WE SPECIALIZE IHGOOO SetVICE 9742 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wl HAYl OYB 100 ,.I OWHl!D E<:OHOMY CAH TO CHOOSIROM '78 Buick !WgaJ Lt.d. f\i lly ~ V6 ~ or best C lisaatal 9930 '75Gtua: X!nt c xtras, mual i;ell 1s wS, best ofr. 646-.Qm eveb/Wknds. i'6 Madgct: N4•w top, n<'w dutch. Xlnt (•oo<l. $3400. Ullls:J6.QW7 ulr CaJI 493 5120 Iv mi;~ ••••••••••••••• •••••••• COSTA MESA DATSUN zgt5 tlAKHU R tu.VO 540-64' 0 540-0213 -. 111.:!ltl I Ito hl>I... Sl!11'> 1,14 I.A.Ii i< .'XII '/ full\ lo,1<11·rl l.l"m• ~or .d1• 11r t Jkt· ""'f hl ol.1) .. IJll ti505. t·\1 ~ 8:Jil 11 A-1t1Z. Ill'.., 1•.11111, Jtf. 1 """'" \••n • l•·.i11. 1,1.i<J. ~I ~JI. ,1.11 .1111 '1t1 :.•1.01 rtnJ1htl r i;ood ···14~J S?.;i:;:-, 1w1 :n:!!1 'j I :.'iiO I. \lrtl • 11r11J ·1 (I I' >-'fl H ll' I K:tl IJii I ·77 llJl'>Ull F 10, l'n lot·l1•·11<1l>I•· ra11l.i,.,lt t m1 lt·.1>(1• lllc l>t•k, 5 i.p, ·n JIL'> \<('f°'t' mutvr rront ''"'' l>rJkl·S, J\M1F:'o1 M.u.'t '<·II F.1!.t' Ut•'>l Of f('f" Wkd'> & PM 7~ I.Ir wkdy 9Tt_J!J22 ___ _ iM il210, 2 dr, hke m•w, xtra rlean. 31:1 mpg. 1>1:1 5:!~ aft t'r 4 JO .-· ""'· ~·11 c 01111, i;d J!J' n11 $1~1 1,\') 1;175 Fiat 9725 ....••••••.•.•......... ,1,x1 11 ,\( 1\Ml-.\1 m .. oe--llrk hro,. n ~h.1rv lto•1k1n••' l.11 1111 ~-"""·l .Ml 1571 ,,, lJI 1-'IJl, 4 dr. u r. ;\"" j.'\1 C'd""< 21:1 •• 1')() mt -~.o .. 1lt,, :rto O'JHll '70 Fiat 850 5-iK Jli>Jl -----MGI 9744 ................•...... MGB '78. yellow w hlk p1.nslnprng. Xlnt cond -All-l'e<.'OK!s. Mui.t,.. MOii, !(~lo: l'O Cilr. Perft•C't time to purt·has l' for :-u:mmcr ron\ crubll· fun $6000 fo 1 rm. C..f> M . 71lH2.16 v.kdy C\(~ ull 7 or v.kn<b Ill ~tt:ll t.T. \ '\1 1-'\1 . v.rin w hb. \Int conll. SI I.SO o(t1•r ~1~, 71~1 9748 ....................... 1!177 1'1·111•1·1tt tl11•,,t I v.011-:1.111, ,,ul•i Jll 111 ... ma p1•rl1·1'l l•J11ll $875U ~11<04-14 9750 .............•••.•..••• ~ ~· ~iii t o pvmnl.'I 1w s::w mo .,, pun:h.i'>C' Sil\ N ltd t'd v. ~unrf 1111-, 73~· 7722 , t'\ 1·~ '.1<1 7)(!J '&i'.Jl:!T\IH; \ lti1n.' ~r-t•ul 11n Jll)I f!Js 9>.0lll 't';i II mJ !>:>Ill ~111,t ,.,. lo aµpr•'f'1al1· ·71 !114 2 ltti.>r . tJIJt k !JWl•Ul:st ofr. 675 939!1 i'WUllSC'Targa Wht blk, AC. P rs. pv. r v. ind rows & mirrors S23 i~U ~7 ~). f.i'J 73'14 71 9US, 8000 mi's, P •W, sunrot.tl & side view mar rorr.. cruise cntrl, A C. rusl C<..ilored C'\lt•r Jll hll. lthr inter . \ \1 I-'1 l Jl>"I • ~1 ·1 ovo r.41 ·•1:111 v. 1· 1· k II.I\' I t I lq1 rt1 1 .J.J 1617 ~kud' & ,., , .. , •Cl.1-.A '\ 'ii~JI • Sh.'l l'fJ. A<.:. sunroof ~JI.A.I !NH H31l0 iJ '114 2 0 AM F\f Htrl.., nu urakc11 . $:>~011 ~=~185 PORSCll.1-; UJ I 2 tJ 1'171i XJnl L'Ond :-,1vn w run i.trip1nu <;rcut ,i::i1> 1rul~~e !Wi·!l.512 ---- ·'-tMMIDIATI OIUYHY ON M°'T MOOB.S 11711 l fACH ILYO HUKT'IHGTON HACH 842·2000 Ubl o( I.hi! f ev. l>r and n• w i'i \ "\\ IJc&.\hf·r U1< ... t•I $10 IO I ~11$ 1347, ~IX 4:JI~ "7:'.l Su pt r l:Sn•t It-r .11 I 'orf mJ~'>. \\I I-\1 l".'.lm p.1ant \dour 1111 . l'J'llnt l'tlflt1, 4Th Int, I '•l"I SIWJ. ul r. 549 ~ '69 K.irmun <;h1J .. .,n wrt . J(ood t·1md . run. l<{rt>c1t ~ S4!J-841i5 77 H.il>b 1t. dt>lu '" 1\ \1 I• M \kr•·<i. ault1 :!.!K nu. 640 Ti "1IJ '76BUGCOHV 1 hump ('d, wht w ht nithali.. Am f'M , :1'l!O J I m1, iclnt cond. $62011 673-Holl.3 i'I VV.' Van. nu rt•bll 171111 t'Oj! S3993 5~2 fJl\.!.X, ~u.; i 4 Oimper S48.50 Clean. rdni.:c. ''"\f'. :.a.nk •• 11r JUIO 23,UUO mile:. :-is1 ;ca 9772 ...............•....... VOLVO SALES. SERYIC E AHOLEASIHG O\"i':ll."if:/\S Dt-:LIVl-:HY l::XYt-:1<T:; EA.RLEIKE VOLVO l!lliG llarbor Hl\d ~,'AMF-:."iJ\ 991S ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 CAl»UAC B.DORADO COUPE l..e.;lber. swn'<> radio. (' r U I S C C: 0 0 t r 0 C;t bnolet U>p l :Jl2 RXJ). $6999 NABERS @.dtf!t1/) l 0 1 Ii.< , • tttv<1 ( ,._,. '"•'-'"'·' '~) JI '11 7i (.IJUIJ' '" \I I•'. ::!:J ,,.., n 11 I• <Jd ... J 11>• • "'" t IC.·JI • r• -.1m r••J.! i 9Wln l'I' ..,1 •1171 NABERS AllTO CafTER 'lfrHl'\<, IJ\ I I< $4999 1971 CADILLAC COUPE DE VIUE l-.qu1 prn1·0 I 111 " I u1lt l10,1llll'r. t11l "'tu • I 'an I tu v '' 'llr1·" r.1111 1•t .. l\\'' ( I $1599 MAIERS AUTOtEHTER 11z; IJ.Jkl'r ~ COblAM~A 540.9109 i!l i'.lllo I ;.i h r 11d •·1 IYYttm . ' .. 111111. ' o•l1tl• h'o1ltwr 1\1 1•r.1 1 .,.,11 .. 1 •'t• -; rllf• ~ .trr .. ,nt ·• 'h l'nl p t~ :.11,. • K;U \lit\ MAIERS AUTOCEHTER 'ltCTl111 'Ci 0\ 1-.ll, $4999 1973 CADILLAC COOP£ DE VIUE -'til JJrni:hc. 'iun rf !-.t.'t' tu 'T.!. F1Jl W~n l ~. run:c apprcr illt<'' $!1000 ~llf!tl , q('r{'() 'J '>M:lll'. (7J4 tTI5 1010 Aft Spm 646-9103 540-9467 OltAHGE COUMTY VOLVO 1-~x<..1.usrv..:1.v vrn .\·o l~•r)(t..,t Vnl\ o l )t<,1l1•r an Oranite <.;min l \ ' 1-.l'ltnpm. nt anr ludt" full 1.HlV. l' I ~ I J 1 I t t r \ ,1 or 1 011d ~hil flt ' .~ •. , 1,Jll~r:ll:!• ~·:" .,rr m:1 or'2fl 71.J 1"1Jl Slat1rm W.iitl)n. 1,..1nl r:nct dal'Jljgc. ~ I ..J 11 Mi> !> tl:ll 1'!: lJI ~y1lcr l\c•L-d.' t:nJ,l ~)tfk. $HSI) 7~1 ~MT~ i 5 XI 9 ltc1'1ft•1P 1·oovr:rt . A<;, AM t fo'M Hlrk. nu up hr~~. xlnt rrwth I 1.:011d, SfO J !lfil6T~ 71> .. 'ial ~ 4 ryl Rads, MlffM. ;.,mpg. Sharp ii!..250 &W-5436 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• an..dMew79 HONDACcrs MAHY To ChooM ,..._! UNIVERSITY OkkMObia. He.doc ... • GMC Tn1eb 2850 Harbor JJtvd Calta Mesa 540-0040 '74 Jlooda C1v1c, 4 spd .. low mllcs. AM /fi'M 8 lrack . MUST SELL' $2250. Aller O PM ~1.563 Honda Accord 5-11p, BU.· t.eans. aunrr. air, 1tereo. Nit.om palnl, fitted COY• er, speed control. Must be seen! Beat olfer oiler 15,500. 675-9231 ....... 9710 ....................... 77XJ.12L Automatlt, air , fully equipped, 8M actua l miles. Regenc y red w/tan bides. "Flaw. lela." (254UKT> CllVBIMW tat le Broadway SANTA'ANA 835-3171 .._ .... 9734 ·--·················· .• Karman Ghia COD• vwt., IDOd coad, .,.. ............... 914 I 8 . xlnl cond , M1chcl1n r.ttltJ I'. AM FM 'llerf'(J $7 .~ Ca II tQ. 4!1«l ---- Rois Rofce 9756 ·•········•·••·••·••··· 11 10£AllR IN US A. ROY ffiR CARVER ROllS·ROY C( l~J•mbcl••f' IWwll(ln ~•ell \'---..... "40-M44 ClOSlO SVl~O.\TS B Yor U '.A."it-; otnt-;er ~~~ 2025 S Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 6R Vo lvo 142. ~ood trao1tport , be11l off ~r 549 1343 Mon. LO 1-'ri $2499 MAIERS AUTO CENTER I~ H.tkN ~t U~IA Mt • ..,\ 540.9109 I! OJd S<>\l Ill'. $11 111• 1 L'l.SW m1leti Xlnt rood Ong ~r ~770~ Tl Gold Cd Sonrl. pl11,h ~ tnlr l.mld~. 44,000 ml W700 64" 7315 '74 Eldo ronv. sunslunc spcr1al. no mars o r 1 '!19Sdver(.;loud 1 ll<'ar!I. to. gt!nllc m1. 119.cnl carefully Sl·rvtC\'<l $7500 8.lW>-5 ~-4144 ....... UMd 6'TJ..4642 T oyofa 97 6 5 ••••••••••••• ••• • • • •• • • c. -----9-9-17 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aa.c 9905 :..'!'!'.~ .............. . i6 CelJca ST Xlot c.-ond, auto, AM I fM rns!I. 45.000 rru. Silver w /l>lk lnlr $4200. M&-M65 74 Cellca, good condltaoo. AM /F'M cassetle, n ew u.rcs. 754. lJ() 1 '73Toyota Mark fl, Slauon Wagon 548-3681 '71 Celka, nu carb., batt. & brks .. runs ereat. $ID>. S4&-2490. Sharp '73 Celka, 4 spd. Air . new paint. new seat&. $2500. call a.n 6, 84&-1717 "16 Cd.lea JT Uftbk. S&pd, A/C, AM/FM, $4SOO. IG-37l5All.5 . ,....,.. 97'7 ....................... i1 S&ag: 3.0 litre V8, 2 \Opt, 4 apd. wire whJa, perf ed cood. 5.»8037 ' I W&fl 1 9770 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.f7t Rabbit Dteeel, new <«> mlles>, aunroot. A/C, deluxe Interior. allvtr ""1 · I 0 I•· t.aok 1eu over 400 mlle1. Call 7SG04 fltr-7343 . ....................... Tl AMC llomct S lutll)n Wt.n. full pwr. AM !FM tape stcroo. AIC, Rd Ras rru, t.td rood. R50() (;a II i.wn 5-9 pm. 962·6849 Ga. .. Saver . Must Sell' '75 Pacer Xlnl. cond. Lo1MI 01-'1-'ER 499 3893 Mdl '910 ••••••••••••••••••••••• * WOW!!!! a.-t...1976 IUICK B.ICTIA Low mUeage beeuty with all the exuu. Come ln " tell drive today Is buy! (Ser. 4ll305) IOO.,TrW I 1ts1 •GUSTAFSON 1=~· H\1NTlNGTON BEACH '78 Camarn. under 10,000 m1le!I. yt'llow, T Top Super l'ltrnn Lot-< of xtriu l<a700 1-'lrm Call Donna 714 &14·2292 Mon· 1-'n . 7am 3pm 76 Camtro LT. loaded w/ oil xtrias. New llres, xlnt cood l ownr. $39SO. 49t-4707 QwnoNt 9920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Clleveue. 2dr. 411pd, rust colored, radials. • Cl'l' clean • ..,._2678 ••• Mlrt1•1Sw• Jl2' s. eo.t Hwy. ........... v ............ of ... .,... ........... ($1UOvalue), to ltMOTT'S -YFAllM AUi. Ullht.bruAu&.19 11c:leta ... >' be claimed by caWnl eG-5871. ext. m ••• CM.I.MOW 14JU44 '72 lmSN'la. vlnyl top. alr, W OrM IPort llO. Ap. PB/PS. radlala, 1 owner • pros. •.000 ot1 rt~lt •· 6SM5" .. * ·10 Mu a tang : Wow'' 11 AM /f'M/cass. &cyl, auto, • • • • xlnl cond, runs great.. GORGEOUS 1977 _SJfJX>. 631-0043. ....,,..,... .......... "" .... w -l~ G.tua --V6. LITT1de-d-u..-~ ...... -.., lirand new. Mus t sell f.oaded with all the ex· S7200. Call 493-5120 Iv ~ Huy toduy Jl ttn all llmt! low pntc t!:>\·r rn-.g ~I "H Mu:.~ IJ, good cood. I 0 Day Trial S:ttJ11 b~ frlJ>-T.!Zl l':_:~~ing., _ *GUSTAFSON &AK•~..., l•}f•1llJ-. \I II Iii.\ IJ Ill ~·J l"l;(, I ll'lt IH. \I JI CALI.HOW 842-8844 Corv~ '1932 ............•••••...... 1 '177 CHEVROLET COQV~T·l~ l .. ,,,...... l ,,., 1 .. 11 .. t..i lt,L lti .. 111111 ,•. I ,14" r h Jq. • l :;11 ·~ I 1 ONLY S999S HOWARO Chnrol~ 9'5S ···········•·•····•···· .'>! IJl1L 9K leather an ldlof,~I A:>3 Oil J -; 1'utl • 1 ~1pri·me, xlnt I /Jiiii .1._• l fJll {'()ntf \ I'. f> ~. I ' U AM 11-\1 !•'!"•• l.11~1111 tor>. H.1llv rr~tl Jmr 11L• lilt whl't'I ~htrr ntrr r 11.m ~ , ' )>t•lf I >I)\, I dr hdlJ>, \ \1 I-\1 I"''""' p;uot, lo n 1. •""' 1u!11J .. r. $1 .~J ,\U ,,;:o, 7,,9 .1:!6b .......... 1u .. 1 l,1o o\• ~ 11•J.i 1" .,,; I» lm11111 xl! Hun!> '\ t \\ f 'i l H I I<~ \\ II 83)..0-.:i,;~-~· l(<U l , l<•>k.' l(o•id. $11'.C). -•~1·, X.11.6 TTm Ccaigar-9933 ••..•...........•...•.• I I I'~!·" \ 1', I'..., l>B. \1fwuis: ruu:.t 1 II l;11 .~ inrJ ~ .. 1 t -..II ult b. ·~o x,. ~ ..••...••.•••.•.•...... 1978000GE ASPEHWAGOH '"'" ,, 1. r. Jlr "'• J "'r ~ 1'' ,. ,,. \ ,, I ,, I I • ' i. ,,J._ t ! " k " l I'\ I S5995 NABERS (1;11tf ft11 I ~ I "' ~K C •dT 1.1d1.1L . ..'i1111 s;•11 11111, n II •I I "~ " NABERS AUTO CENTER :'-I rl lll'l.1; 11\ I IC $4999 1975 DODGE CHARGEI y.•lth <llrl,>lttlltttHlln>! !.. I 10 '''<l'lll'nl llllld1t1111 1~Mim 0 $2499 NABERS .AUTO CENTER 1425 ~l.t>r ~t :<-"'TAM"-"\ 540.9109 ----..,.~stofr. 'Tl Coll AM FM ra:.i. lmmac· G7J 47•\.J '-'-• ,.,...l•••.., °""""9'······ ............. c .... , ...... '76 Granada Xlnl cond . $1~ 675-:nltl '70 Ranchero, new paint, 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jalwt10tl & So. UMCOLM-MEtlCUIY SI""( I 11 of l.tw w .... ~ .. 1978 P1MTO .,l l\1 r •·x t•·r 1or Jut••m.t11 l radio & ho.Jtt:r tllhlUEIJ> Sl4SO 21;,,, ll.1rt1M Jll • r: " 110 ... ~J • Hun 11 •JUI i;ood l"flncJ1 11 111 •• I'\ m• n11.1.'>l di ,,,., u1 I '"' 1onw ---- , I l'111tu Y. .1,1rnn. 2000 1.1 \\JF\l,cle.an . .... ' , .. \ ')l>i J993 .1. 1inr• Y.11n .1,pt1.air 1111<1 r••tl r.irk. f\5000 •1ul1 ,;-.I .!:XI I~ 1t11 Y. 11•un .C!l'\m1 V~ry , I• .111 1 .,., ,ur & rad11) V.1li , ll l11r 1·Ji.h or trade l•!f.tr1l111111 l!J:.'I~ -1 1>1~ v.1•n, .111111, n t•w I .td1.1I .Ill l·'\1 'lt'tl,t, UI. \of 1 il.1..!.1 ~IX fll.l.1, •11... .,,,, ' ~ 9960 ....................... 77 VOLARE EST ATE W AGOH \lid 'IL<' auto. tran:.. ~r ,Wt•nng. air cond • 1rul'>1· ronl. A M /FM ,11'1"1't1 roor rack, wood 'l\lc:> I Jtj'r/-5) S4HS IK711 BEJ\Cll ULVD. HUNTIN~;TON BEAClf 842-2000 tli•an tll Ply W al(on, Vfl, :133 t.'ll", 1-'M radio, I'S. l'H. A<.:. lwdlals, S8SO or t~t ofr 847 · l220 '67 Plymouth Barracuda $400 or best of r. Ru 115 good. ~.7537 r.tioc "'' ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 CAT. Power+. 25,000 miles only. Xlnt coed. $3200. 963-4C8> ·~ ·79 Grand LeMaaa, loeded. 4 door, 6 mos old, lx!st o(fer.~9760 n t1rt11rd "70 ures. brakes 4·apd, $1995. "••••••••••••• .. --•• Oay8 6'6·2138, eves "13T-Binl; Cust0ool111• ~ lal tnmk, fuJly ....... top cond. NI IU. ... 71 FORD L TO Country -.ell'L Squire sla. win. Pwr brakes, pwr windows, 'S7 T·Bird. needl HlltOr'-l ~·~JP~~~~ :::::-..=, st&Spenalon. Od. cond . Sacrtftee, _. ..u. GCll Call: 894-3'175 1111 -· -==:.:..:::~.:.;:.____ ~ car,. - '72 LTD Brouah•m 4-dr, loaded, •HOO/bt1l. all power. lockl • •• ..... doWI, x1Dt coad. si•. .... "74 ~ ...................... . 11 \41 f\· Prowler ••lf· coatilDed, m1J1t coed. CIM•IMW PAYITOPDOUAR JWO.. UMd lmporta OaUMIUarDID IJl.1171 lllake 7our 1bop~ 'IO Claulc all orl1. M' Ike. Nda. eDI· ~ ...,.by ..... the a.atnce.•. •uo or bHl offer. Pllllt~Adll. &wt.... ......nll'Jpm. :=:·~ ".::c,:."J:r .,. llallbu: -. rr111 m1 • r • a e t r I • l l 0 0 , NI 1u, PS. PB, A<;. mt•• S• ro'ap. llllO.fJNlJitftS, "72 Quiet: Low mlJ•, pdCCJDd.SIJBO, ~ ~ .. I i 1 i t ,. r • Huntington Beach Fountain · Valley ... .. . . . . ,. Yo•r Re•etewa Dally Ne••••lle• EDI TI ON VOL. n, NO. 226, l SECTIONS, 28 PAGES Storm Whips Boats J 3 Motlwr Held in Tot Death By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Of IN O•ity Poet St•fl J\ Fountain Valley mother was charged with m urder early to- day in the bathtub drowning or her 2-year-old son. accord ing lo po Ii c e rpeorts. The victim. Gregory Allen H arding. who would have heen three in November. d ied of cardiac arrest at 7.04 a.m . today iit Children's Hospita l of Orange County. officials said . , ln\leStigatorS said they found the youngs ter submerged in the bathtub of the H arding home. 17451 Santa Isabel St.. Monday at 4 : JO p.m . a fte r bis mother walked into the poHce depa rt· ment and said she bad drowned ht-r son. Margurite Jean Harding, a 32 year old housewife. \\-as taken into cu.stud) 1m mcd1alel) ·'Sh~ WCJ!-, \ is 1bly ~h :.iking. howe\cc her words were \'er~ d1~tmct and lo the point." Och:c t i\ t.' Donald Cook s aid today "She had no tears. There was no emotion." he added. Cook said no motive has been established 1n the death Mrs . H arding, whose husband, Mark. was at work Monday a fternoon when the inddent occurred, 1s being held without bail in the women's facility at Orange County Jail. Cook said the you th was clothed, bul wearing no shoes, when police found him in the tub The boy's body bore M bruises or abras ions considered unusual for a child or that a~e. "She had not been known to abuse him," Cook said. In· t~rviews with neighbors in the residential tract near the Hunt · mgton Beach bounda ry indicat- ed ··she h ad been a lovmg mother." he added Police attempted card10 pulmonary and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation a t the Harding home in etn e ffort to revive young Gregory. He was first taken to Huntington Intercom· munity Hospltal, and later trans fe r red to the children's hospital in Orange. T he boy was being kept alive with the help of life-s upport systems. but his heart failed thil> morning, officials said. Police said M <trk and Ma r g urite Harding h ad been married for 10 years Gregory was their only child ac O•ily PllOI Si.II PllOIO NEW FIRE MARSHAL Lynne Mlchaelia ValJey Names • Woman as Fire Marshal Lynnl' M1chach!> was named F o untain Valley'!> new fire marshal Monday. City officials believe she 1s the first woman an the s tale lO assume !)UCh a post The appointment by Fountain Va ll ey Fire C h ie f Tom Ft>ierabeod and City M anagcr James Neal becomes effective Saturday. Mrs Mich aelis, 41, has been with the city for nine years. She has experience as a fi re tn· vestigator. teacher. building in- spector and a s a ·counselor to j uveniles who have set fi res. Formerly, she was a secretary to Police Chief M arvin K. Fortin. She said her new duties will be · primarily adman istrat1 ve. "working with developers und designing fire equipment 1n buildings (u nd e r construc- tion J." Her staff will include a fire prevention specialis t and aides Mrs . Michaelis' salary wall range from $1,600 to Sl.900 per m onth. She has been a r esid ent of Fountain Valley for six years. H er hus band , Charles. was Fountain Valley's first police chief. assuming that pos ition in 1967 after serving as ch ief of police 1n Garden Gr ove. He re- tired from the Fountain Valley department in 1974 and now r uns his own security business. 'No l'olue to County' Mangers Declares Brown Insensitive By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of llW Delly ~I ... Si.ft De mocratic Assemblyman De nnis Mangers of Huntington Beach attacked Gov. Edmund C. Brown Jr. Monday as being "obdurate. insensitive and of absolutely no value to Orange County." Mangers' ve rbal blas t was perhaps the most biting or several leveled al the Democratic governor during a luncheon hosted by the Orange County Coast Association because it came from a member of the Governor's political party. Mange rs, Assemblywoman " Marian Bergeson, R -Newport Beach and State Senator John Schmits, R-Newport Beach, all 1 criticized the governor durina tbelr luncheon talkJ in Newport 1 Beach. Mancera, who ii servinl bis MCODd term ln t.be Assembly. Mid Brown a\anda ln the W&J ol the COtml.y'a realisaUon ol lta t ••Jor 1oala •n bealtb , ~rtaUon and economic t He Nici dealinl wtth the ·1ov· eraor'1 aWtude that the county la eom~ed of •:wblte ru1bt raetMa' ii tbe major fnaatraUon of his legislative career . Schmitz c riticized the gov- ernor for his appointment of Edison Miller to the County Board of Supervisors and the s ubsequent dispute over actress Jane Fonda's appointment lo lhe slate Art.a Council. The cooservative Republican said his mail is running 100 to one in favor of the senate's de· nial or Mias Fonda's appoint- ment to the art.a board. "It was absolutely poUUcal on our part," Schmitz said of lbe move, "because everything lbe governor does is abs olutely political." Schmitz said lb.at every move the governor makes "Is tailored to how that acUon will look in New Hamplblre or Florida." The aeoator saJd that Brown l• attracted to Mila Fonda and her buaband, Tom Hayden, not because ol a abared ideolo11 but because her movie stab• pvea her the drawtna power to ralae mlUlona of campaisn dollan for him. "One columnlat aald 1he pledled h .5 mlllion. Tbat11 a beck ol a lot more money t.b1n could be raised if Dick O'Neill <See llANGEILS, Pa1e AJ> TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1979 Fl FTEEN CENTS acers e 90Saved From Sea In Britain By ALMON LOCKl\BEY 0.lly Piiot •Nt11tt Wri .. r Gale winds off the E nglish coast have turned the 60~·mile f astenet race the final event of the Admiral's Cup Series into a disaster rather than a yacht race. Accordin~ to late wire service reports there ar c three known d ead. eight missing <And at least 90 m en h ave been rescued from raging seas o rr Plymouth, England. None of the d ead have been identified. At least six crewmen from Newport Beach are in- volved in the race which started Saturday at Cowes on the Isle of Wi g ht. An AssO<'lated Pr ess dispatch said warships and h elicopters rescued about 90 men from the race which has turned from a sporting contest into a desperate: rescue Op('ration. Listed among t~osc inJured ~ a'i Jim Kilroy of N('wpCJrt Beach and Los Angeles. ovmer skipper of the famed 79 fool rac- ing s loop Ki aloa The report said an ambulance was waiting at the dock at Plymouth for Kilroy, who suffered broken ribs as he battled the gale in the last hours of the race Kialoa had b<'<•n leading the r~ce in the earl) :-.tagcs. Several yachts we re sunk and several more "''ere missing ac- cording to a late report. A radfo repo rt s aid former Prime Minister Edward lleath's was one of the yachts which sent out a distress call. Ther e was no word of the yacht in J:ite rt'parts Among thos e c·rewing o n American yachts in the race are Rex Banks. Dick Deaver. Skip Allan, Dennis Conner There was no report on the fate or the American yachts. Imp, Anes cind W1luway Spilled Oil Nears Harbour An oil s pill o f unknown magnitude was heading toward Huntington Harbour this morn- ing. the Orc.nge County Harbor Patrol rcparted The spill reported!~ bep,an to- day when a tanker , being pullc.'<1 by a barge orr th1;: coa:-.t of JJ unt- ington Beach. began lol>ang oil from an uncapped tank Officials said cleanup crews were in the area this morning a t- tempting to contain the spill. There were no reports of oil hit- ting beaches The oil slick had drifted under a Pacifi c Coast Highway bridge by 10:00 a .m . and was headed toward H unlinl:lOn fl arbour. authorities said. Novelist Missing DUBLIN, I rela nd (A P > NoveliBt J . G. Farrell. 44 , was presumed dead today a fter be· Ing swept out to sea while fis h- ing _near h.is home on Bantry Bay, in southwest Ireland. • Be Feeds fhe r111imofs This is Tiger Hall a nd 'iom(• of lht• ~lfl )Jounds of horscmcat he <'Ub up c\'er) de1) for the big cats of Ringlin g Bros and Barnum and Bailey Circus Uill Posed for this picture during the recent \ 1s1 l of the circus to Anaheim It has ..,mce mo' ed on t11 l.nng Ul'\H h "ht·rr Bill 1.., s till cutting JV.ii\ lh•.., lwtn dmng l\ for ::,ix )Cars . He ~j '.., t1gl'r.., gt•t 111 to 20 pounds of meat a <1J). whilt• lt ·opJrd~. somev.hat datntwr l'<Jlcr'i. gl'l f1H· t11 llJ pound.., Shackled Prisoners Testify on Penalty Amid extraordinary sec•unt~ m easures, t y,·o !>late prt.!oon In mates their hand!. and le~.., bound in chains wen' called tn testify today before un Orangt· County . upenor Court 1ury that will decide 1f convicted k1llN Robert Edward Cranl' s hould h•· sent lo the ~a!> c hamber Sax sheriffs' deputies in cludlng one who sat onl~ f1H· feet from the witness st;ind were pos iti oned in th l' courtroom durin~ thl' e motion c harged proceedings befCtrl' Judge William S L<'e On two occa!)1ons, Crane. ,1 career cnminal convicted 10 the s hooting death or II untington Harbour jeweler Wa)ne C:otin . an~rily demanded a mistrial I><' declared because of the extreme secur ity measures. Judi;ee Lee denied both requesL<t C rane. 30. also demanded a mistrial in the penalty pha!>e because of what he termed an "incorrect and h ighly pre Judicial news account" that up peared Sunday an the Santa Ana Register. The s tory detailed a criminal background of five prison inmates subpoenaed by Crane to testify in his behalf Crane was found guilty in July of shooting Golin in the head during a foiled robbery attempt at the jewe ler's Seal Beach store. The jury furthe r found that the c r i m e in volved "speci al circumstances," a randing that led tn the pt>nalt v rlt'hbl•r;1t1on ... Prosecuto r RH·ha rd Fdrnrll has attemplrd to o.,hn~ thmugh his 1,1, 1tnl""S'"' mu ... 1 of them :-;Jn l~m·ntin pn-.11n gua rd' that Crant• ha., a h 1.,ton 11f \ 1olt·nt lx•ha\ 1or .ind hao., h<'<•n re ... pon ... 1hle for numt·rou:.. prison ..,tabbing, 1,1,hllt> "n1nj.! ;i prt· \ ious :.entene1• at S.m Qurntin Farnell hJ" a ~..,1.·rt•·d th:.it Crane 1:. :.i nftombt•r of thl' Arj an Rrotherhood." \.\hill' -.ui>rem:.iq 1 prison gang Th<' firs t prasnn tnindle to test1f} toda\ \.\:JS Kl·nneth l> Como. 39. v.ho is "tl'r\ ing J 'l'n tt>nct.• at San Qut'ntin on an a., sault charge Como n ·ix-<itedl)I dt>n1cd . un der qu~t1oninf? from Crane. that he as a member of the Ar yan Brotherhood. the so-called fam1 ly nf mass murder<'r Charles Mans on o f l he Sy m b1ones e Liberation Arm} Como. in a s pontaneous out burst. an~ril) n•<irted to the fa('t that he 1,1,·as forced to wear a loose fitting. white Jump suit during his br1d l'Ourt <tp pearance "The prosecutor wouldn't al low his witnesses to come in in a clown suit. .. Como shouted after taking the stand. As he was ushe red out of the courtroom. Como said lo Crane. "Be cool," and "Good luck man. 1 ·11 g ive everyone your best re- gards .·· HBDowntown Rebuilding PlansPwhed K> STEVt: ~A KBLI:: 04 U\t O••t' Poot \tAff Dov. ntO\.\ n rt>dt•vt>lopmt•nt .1n l'-!'<Ut' that ha., inflaml'd land 01,1, nl'r-. and vcrple>.l'd r 1ty fJf f1C'1ab for H•<ir"I, v.a:. given .1 -..pJrk of nl'"" hflo h~ th1• llunt angton ne.it•h ( II~ Coun('ll M1m 0.J)' OIJ!hl Cll) planner" \.\ert• d1rectl'd tu d11 ... t off old nw1tahzatmn con rPpt!-and begin co.,t el.llm:.ttr:- for mold 1n j.! a "l i x block cfo v. ntown '~ct1un into .m nut ctoor tht•mt• mall Council member., \\Ne told that fl•11cral !lousing and Com m unit) Development funds were J\ ailable 10 hl•lp push the 20 \l'..lr·<lld drt·am!. of reJUVCnallrtg do~ ntown llunl1ngton Beach De\ ('lopment St·rv1ce~ D1rec tor Jim P:illn s aid he'd direct his st:iff tn rt'turn next month v. 1th plan!. He s:ud SI I m1lhon in federal funds would be ava1ta blc within the next yC'ar for use Ont-plan, he ~aid. would be to clost' off thto' fir!>t three Llocks of M am Strel'.'l and turn that cor ndor into an outdoor mall A st·cond plan. ht> suggested. <Sff PLAN. Page A2> Coa~c Weather .Judge ~ Bloeks Abortion Night and morning low clo uds clearing early Wed - nesd ay afternoon. Not much temperature chanae with highs Wednesday in 70s al beaches to 80s in- la nd. Overnight lows in 60s. Unmarried Man Claims Right1 Violated By FREDERICK SCHOEMEllL OI .. O.lly Pl ... Si.ft Acting at the behest of a man who claims his rights are being violated, an Orange County Superior Court judge temporari- ly halted a woman from obt.ain- iDI an abortion Monday. Judie Robert Todd issued the teme.o;,ary restralnin1 order bloc the abortion after COG· 1lderlnl ar1umenta made oo tbe man'1 beb&ll by Loa An1etes at- torneys Marvln Mitcbellon and Harold Rhoden. Mttcbel1on recently 11lned widespread attention when be represented Mlcbellt Triola M arvln in a breach of contract au.it a1alnlt actor Lee M arvln. According to documents filed Mo nday, the b•ocking or an abor- Uon over lhe issue of an unmar- ried man's right lO the child is without precedent in Califomla law. ' The couple are not married. "Thil child wu conceived not as an accidental comequence of O\lr lovemaking, but accordinc to the planned wilb and lnten· lion of both of u1," Robert Blake, tdeatlfied onl1 a1 an Oran1e County resident, •aid bl a.o affadavit filed in the caae. "I loYe th1I child, and I will do anJtblnl and .,,... to an)1hlna \0 law& Ult." Mitcllllloa deeUned Monday to p,,,... aav ful1Mr' \Dionna· lion about Blake or the woman in the case. Holly Lynn Latreill. "Circumstan ces in lhe case prevent it," Milchelson said. He wouldn't elaborate on what those circumstances are. According to Blake's af- (adavit, be was notified by lhe woman that ahe would under10 ao abortion Friday. The pro- cedure, be l&ld, would "put my cbild to dea&b." Blake. however. claimed Ms. Latrlell actually intended to bav• the abortion performed Wednelday. JUdle Todd na1ed that abe be penonally ..-ved wttb tu order by $ o'clock this an.moon. C ... AllOSTION. P ... Al> INSIDE TODAY Artist WiWam Aluarlder. tu ebulllnit host of "TM Magic of OU Pointing" °" KOCE-TV, hos ben dubMd "The Happy Pointer" b11 foria. See F'eoturtftg PQ{1e Cl. j Fav or• Deaf la Dun<: an Ub1tll~ < ldll . J ('onl!>t•rvatwc nlcmber o( tht! Canadia n House oC Commons, bays h~ favors capilul punishment even though his brother Stephen Beattit (right) is on death row m a fo'lon da Prison. Duncan Beat tie said he will vole to restore the death penalty when the issue comes up m Parhament. Four County Unions Ratif-y-Pay Wnt-racts By GARY GRANVILLE OI Ule 0.ltf !"; ... St.elf Mo nths of troubled labor negotiations neared a n end Mon- day when m e mbers of four e mployee bargaining units voted to ratify m ulti-year contracts with county gover nment 1n Orange County Among the bargaining unit:. whose mem bers voted to accept the county offer was the As s ociation of Orange County IJeputy Shenffs But still negotiating and re- portedly still ''some dista nce from agreement" is the Orange County Employee's Association unit that represen ts county gov- ern m enl's de puty dis trict at· torneyi. and public ddenrJers However. th<·re w <1~ mon· Jlt'iH'e than .,trift• Mondav ;,.., tht· four lhlrgmning un1b · rnt-m Moon Over Management One strikin ~ wor ker at San Cle mente's Reeves Rubber Co 1s prob11bly :.adder today afll'r he e x po!>ed his view of the l<1bor rlis11grecment 11, rnan;;ige ml·nl J)(:r:.onncl. police r e ported. In full vww. po lice a I l<>ge, s trik e r George H1 r h ar d s. 32, 0 1 Oceanside, cxpo:'>ed the r earwa rd portion of his analc>m y lo m<1nagtment peo ple Monday. M an<1~ement took ex- ception to the view pro· v1dcd by Ri chards He wab arrested on indecent ex posure char~cs. - P oli ce sa1<1 the striker was relca.c;ed on his own n·cogn1zance Flaming Crash Kills Pilot R IDGECREST <AP l '·Help me ; help me." a Na vy pilot shouted desperately a fter crash· landing his dis abled Jet in a fi eld her e A sheriffs deputy a nd an off. duty firefi ghter who s aw t he crash tried to gel the p ilot out. bers h ip stamped approval on cont racts Before those contracts go into e ffect, however. they must be ratified by the county Board of Supe rvisors. T hal ratifi cation is expected lo come soon. Among those who e le cte d Monciay to accept the wage a nd fringe benefiL packages were almost 3,900 clerical, communi- t y se rvice and general bupervisorial workers employed by the county ,T he three-year pact they ap- proved calls for 19 percent in pay r aises spaced out over the term of the contract The heftiest hike will come this year when lh<' workcrb' pay "111 be-boostt·d 8 i 1wrtent Tht' O\:l·i:all amount as well as this y<'ar s pa) t>onst WPre thr> ,.,;im1• negot1at11rs <1~reed to t~1J "eeks agu only tu ha\ c thP memb1.>r rat1f1cat1on clcct10.n cancelled The abrupt l':.t ncellat1on came w h en Or ange Cou n ty 1-.:mployet"b Ai.i.oc1at1on officials learned the pay par kage offc>red I he deputy s twr rff'> wa1> ii1tcht"d highe r E',....P~AI MANGERS. • gave a concert," he !>aid. O'N1·1ll 1s chai rm an of lh<: bt<.1l e Uem ocrat1c Central Comm1tt('e and lobbied for the appointment of for m er As!>emblymHn Hon Cordo ... a Lo the county Board of S upervisors Mrs. Bergcbon. who as serving her firs t term an the A1>sembly was m ore caut t(J US in her cr iticism of lht: governor. hmat in~ her rcmiirks to quips that he's decided lo "do for the na tion what h e 'b don e to California" and refer ring to him as "our fear less leader " M ond<1y s he discussed her pending legis lation whic h would mdcx st~te income tax bracket:. to the inOution rate so that cost of living pay raiseb won't push residents into h i ghe r tax br ackets. Friday, in d iscussing the sam e bill at a lunch hosted by t.he Newport Harbor Area C ha mber of Commerce, she predicted that Brown would come up with a !>imilar meas ure o f his own, an effort she said would be a cyn ical and calculated move only to gel s u pport for his p re· sideotical cam paign. MaeO.••l•Ca•e Neglect Hit ·In Death Probe RAl~Y.I GH . N C (AP > - Army lnv~·sttaator wue "very, vt-ry n~aclJgent " an theJr search fur (1 n guprint • a f ter th e murdel"b of thrte mem ~rs of Dr JeffN.•y Muc Oonald 's family, u <'I vlhan finge rprint expert has te1:1tlf1ed James Oslcrburg tes tified for the defense Monda y as Mac- Oonald's attorneys a ttempted t.o build n case that the Army botched 1ts investigation of the 1970 layings at Fort Bragg. (1.s le·r h u rg. ~ de f en se fingerprint expert who visited Mai·OonaJd':. former Fort Bragg h ome last week . r esu med tebt1mony today on how h e thinks Arm y investigators mis· handled fingerprint-taking when they examined the ho use a fter the murders 9"'2 years ago. "T he cnme scene was grossly unde rprocessed ... he s aid , caU- i n g the Army inves tigators "very, very negligent" in the ir sear ch for fingerpr ints at the sceme. Osterburg 1s chairm an of the Depa rtment of Criminal Just.Jee at the University of llli nois. M acUonald. JS:-of Huntlngt.On H a rbour, is be ing tried on c harges of blud geonin g and s tabbing h is p r egn a nt w ife , Colette. 26. and d aughters Kim- berly, 5, and Kristen . 2. an 1970. He says four d rug-cr a:ied in- truders. rnc lud1ng a candle· Chamber Asks City Funds For HB Office T h e Hunti n gton B ea c h Chamber o f Commerce ha-; asked the city to ch ip an S50.000 to assist in relocating chamber offi<'es closer to dty hall R<1lph Kaser. l'X<•cuuve d1rec tor of th<.· chambe r , s a1rt he sent a IC'tter to counr1 I members In quiring about the availability or revenue sharing fund!> to help pay for the move Chamber mcmbNs would like to purchase land near the Mam Strl'ct C1v1c Center, Kiser re ported He said the organization has a buildin~ fund of about ssn .ooo C ity Adm 1n1 s trator Bud Belsito said he wasn 't sure rev- e n ue shari n~ funds could be uSl·d for i.uch a project lie 1s studying the n·qu<'bt, he s i.id Heb1to !>atd revenue shannR runds are scarce and what ·s left of th1·m are an hea\y dt!m and If U11· rht1mbc·r requei.t is qualified for a revenue s haring agent it .,..ould be broul(hl befor e th€' council K1 !>er i.md S50,000 was granted for the Huntington B eac h Playhouse last year and that hJ!> request 1i. similur in nature The chamber ha~ been loc ated on I ht• !>~cond fl(>Or of a Be<1ch Boulevard professional building for the p<Jst 11 yearb. K t!>er said the organization needs more room and street a ccess1bibty. 1",.._P..-AI carrying worri•n who chanted, "Acid i11 groovy. Kill the pigs," k1Jl.:d his fa m ily a nd inj ured him. Prosecutors s ay he ma de up h1s story, possibly basing it on accounts of the Charles Manson fa mily cult murders. In refualng lo di11m iss the m u rder charges Monday, U.S. District Court Judge Franklin T . Dupree J r . saJd if there was one thing the defense had shown dur- in1 Its croes ·examinaUon of pros- ecution witnesses. al was that they wo uld havt: conducted the investigation differenll)' l',....PllfleAl PLAN ••• would be to lea ve Main Street ope n to t raffic but m ake streeL5 an the a rea o ne way He said themes could be used on both alternatives F e d eral fund s. Palm said. could pay for area 1mprovt me nts s uch as street benche!>. s hrubs and street lighL5 II OlWever . counctl m em btr:. agreed, the city's role would be to p rovide direction and the bulk o f the work should be done b> private enterprise. City aides also were d irected to 1nvest1gale enlaqong the· municipal pwr to accommod<1lf· m or e shops and n·staurant~ "T he pier is this cl'ly'i. hay window and I think v. c ..,houhl pay attention to 1t. · .,aid C:oWl cilman Hon P<1tt1nson. addini: that "arms" could bt· l'on.-.truct ed off the pier to hoube new bust oesses Couocil m e mbe r s <1rgued briefly over d<'n!>tty an tht> <1rea and what sort of bw.ancss <1nd theme was dcs iroo Councilwoman Ruth Baile}' said she was in favor or kt>cpmi.: exis t ing s urfboa rd '>hop t:n · t erpr ii.e s and ntRhlclub i.,,.,,., s uch a.s the rebtaurnnt n1>;htt'lut1 The Golden Bear "Th•~ th what H uotangton Beach I!> known for no""' and at .., what we should entourage ." s h•· s a 1 d ·We ~ ant l u ha"•· s omet h ing d ifferent from Ne wport or Ste-al Beach · Council mt:mbers agreed that par king plans would have lo ~· considered Ma yor Don McAllister s u){ ges ted building a mull1·stoq parking fadltty several block.-. from the ocean to force !>hopper.. to walk through tht! rlov.nto"n section The six block "t•orr· are.t bl' 1ng conl!>tdcrl'd •~ bordered U\ Pacific Couc;t >11 ~h"'d ' <1ncl Oranl'e Avenue and Sth and 3rd s treets. Caty aides were told to look LD to low-cost rehabahtotwn loan s for bus1nes!> owners. Pulling ex isling utilittcb unde rground wa'> also discu."M~d Past redevelopmc·nt 1·ffort~ crumbled whl'n landownt.>r. and res1de nls fought the plans I\ lawsuit was la ter launl'hcd The lawsuit. ~tt'm min){ from the city's so-called Top of lhl• Pier Plan, was settled last vear in court in favor of the city · ,. ............. 0..0..d ltf akes DefJuf --. Singing star Donny Osmond and his wife, Debbie. present their first child. Donald Clark Osmond J r .. for hi~ first of· fi cial pictur~ m Los Angeles Donny Jr was born J uly 31 m P r O\'O. Utah. and 1s the 20th Osmond grandchild. .. 'Business-nrinded' Park Plan Backed By STF.VE 'W i\R RLt. Of Ow 0 41••-1 P thM \I•" '\ plan to COITlml'rl'WlJ/1' l>Jr1 or Hunungton H"a<'h ., f'l'ntr;rl Park was endor.1"<1 h>-th•· C 1 ' l'ounc1I ~1onrlJ\ na~ht · T h r 1· 1· r c ~ t J l· r a n 1 , . ·• m 1n 1 <it u r l' g 1, l f t' () u r,... :, rnller<1k at1n~ nnk ..inrf .i r"' ""' l1C1nal H·hwh· 1·.,mpproun1I ~•·ri· .,umt• of lhl· plJO'> •·rr,·1 ~1cin1'1I t1 \'11H •· .. 1oorl111u -.•· dtrf'C'l•1r 111 h.irbor-. ht J('h.-~ pJrk •• r.d I l'('rl:dllOn Count'tl memlwr'> 11nun1nu)w I\ <,iJld tht•\ ltk1•11 ,,.,.,, .... .,,. ideas and <11 rf'CtPrt ha m to r 1•111111 1n fou r munth o; "1th ,.,, 1 t'i-t1mat~ Moorhou..,e who tfY1k O\ r•r th• rPins of thf· r11 ~ s p11 rk rn11·r;, t1t1ns i.ever..il mnntho; a~o ~.11d l'Om mercaal de\ etopment 1·oult1 pay for mamtainuig lhe bulk o( the 50 parks 1n Huntington Beach •\N·orrhni? 10 th•• rt•llJ!h plan ... tht• upper half of th• 2!1i a1 r• p;irk v.c,utd r1 ·m1n n 11<1..,..,1, 1• 1 h" lowf'r port ann fr•im Talbrrt Aven u<• tu Elli-. A\t•nu1• '>'OUld ~t·l thP comm ... rr1:il tourh Moorhou.-.e <,aid lht' ell' "our.I have lQ ac·qua rf' '>om 1· pr1vatt>h o" ned land th.ii JUL'i an to thf lo"er a rea of th•· park alnnJl El h<, AH·nue to rcahtt' ht" plan~ Last week thf' rounr t I volt'(! to apply for Sfi00,000 in frrtnal out door n•C'reataon fund" to iJ<''lUlfl· about nm\' arn·., nf lanc1 for .1 n·1·r1·at1on&I '1•htl'!f' c .imµ ~round Th<' c1t v ""uld mat<·h tho..,e (u11ds • T hat land. nNtr th1• l'nrn1•r of Gothu r d Str•'l'' Jnd Ell "' A\enue. as adja cent 10 tht· Sull' \t dl•·r i.:rJ\ el pit Moorhouse .,.,,11 ht· h,,,,. . ., t11 turn tht' p1l into ,, trout h~h1ni:: lukt:> In ,1dd1t111n t11 the· comm erc1a1 pion" ~foo1 hou<.P :-.&1d a ~Ports 1•11mpln '"'uld lw plul't.'d in tht- m1ddlt· or the· p<trk on Golde n \\ ,., t '-Lrc1·1 nt:a r Tai bert 1\\l'Ollf I ;i ... 1 '••.1r. vark nel~hb11rb 1·rt1 1111• •I ,, p1op<1,al for a "'~·''' ll4Jctrd park an tht· :.amc c·o11n!·tl mPmh"r" e'C p re'>'>''d 1 11n1·1•1 11 Hwt the i.ports complell. 1111~ht r,11._,. thl· '>amt' angr)' re .wt1•111 from nearby resident:. Valley Police Tests Slated .\pp ltcalH>n:-will be <1 \a1lahlt· \\ 1·d 111•.,d..a .. for an\ one in le rt·~\ •·If II' lw1·11rn1nJ! · d l'ounuun \:.tile\ pohl'l' offlt:t<r Ot!~llinmg at noon an council t•h.tm bers. l<r~JO Slate r Ave • 225 Jr'J.•la Jtwns v.111 be p as:.ed uut l<> lllt'll and wo men over 21 years or Jgt• unul tht' .ipphc auons run 11Ut Th1·1 e· 1·urrc·nth 1i. one va('an- t \ 1111 tht• J>ohcl' cJt!partme nt and otht•r'-itrt• 1mm1nt>nl · · accon'l- 111 i.. to t'll} -.µukc:.wom<1 n Su1ann1· \'it·tor ,\ 1111ltrnt11Jn ... ~ tll tw followed ll\ J rt'' 1 .. v. vf t'Jndadateb. tc~l llH! .ind thl' c1>t<.1blt!ihmcnt of ah d1~1b1ht) hi.t ABORTION In written a rguments present cd to J ud ge Todd , attorney Rhoden said that legal rese arch on the issue of his c lient's nghL'i we r e rushed because of the circumstances surroundm~ the case. But Rhoden said the m at te r raises a "question never de cided in California " With Rolex, diamonds arc ri ght on time. J udge Todd sch e d ule d a further hearing in the case for 9:30 a.m . Aug . 21. fht• c1.--t1f\('ll\I' 18 k<tr..at )t•llt)" gold Hoh'x Ua> Datt' Wlth mat t'htn~ h1dd1•n cl,1:.p brat•t•IC't A Cnadomt•d $5 ,250 00 B With diamond ch al. $5,925.00 C With Massachusetts OKs But flam es and heat from the burning jet d rove them back. a nd Lt. Cmdr T heodore H faller. 36. burned to d eath s trapped in his cockpit Mondey, s ai d Deputy K e ro County Coroner Ed Bolt. " r Capital Punishment diam ond tx·1el .tnd diamond dial. Stl.07~ 00 Or add to .}C1t1r DAILY PILOT 1tw0t•~(M\t 0..HY P1IOl1Wtif't¥tfH('tl\(~ f)!l'°'"9 ttwi ~Pf•H t\ .,.,..1\N'• bV '""" 0.-.,.. (O-\t l"wbh~(.....,, .. ~oAt•t1 ... 1tfrCWtt-'r 1M1l:tl1~Md #ot'ld•t tflw-0U9h ,.,.4., fOt (..U *'• N~t &..en H\if"f.,,..on n.-."111'auin ,., ... v,.11..,. frl;l'IN l~~.-<" Sotltf'IC.,." • ",_.I• 1~J..-tl'Ofth.,.,..IV.O\.tt\ilfd<lfn##W/I W"f\O ... ,, ,,.. °''"'•.,.., P\ibf""',,. .,..,,, ., •t no Wht tt~f S,t,..... CO.II,_.,. (•l110fnl•t1tk __ ... __ Pf"•\frditt\t .,_, P\AJl1~ l•t•-, ..... "•t• IHto'•M •ftd Cit"""•• ¥11~' ,,_ .. """" fftl10f '-··~ w,...i,..l•w O..•w• t1 u.. ._k_ ~ ..... ...... ,.~, M.o~ .. , .... , ..... --W.•1 Ot•-~. t• ... HlifttMMDft ... °"'" •ltlf .. Mll-d W •hf'O A-tt• • 0 .. , N - Ofttc" ~ .. .Cll lt11 ... (M•e N..,, •• , , .. ,. -.. "" ........ .,,.., T1•1,11e111 (11 4IMl.at1 a.......,._.,,._.MNe?I ,,....,,......o._ c-1c.emn-in .. ... ,. BOS TON (A P > -Gov . E dward J. King signed a bill restoring capital p un is hment in M a ssachuaetu today. •'While l am aware that there are questions about possible con· slituUonal defects In the legisla- tion, I am s igning i l because of m y longataodlng belle( tbat capital punishment Is a deter- rent," King said. He said that by putting the bill on his desk, the Legislature COUNTIAN AWAfTS OAS CHAMBEA-A3 showed lts ••reement that captt.al pumiabment iJ both • de- terrent and 1 pro~r subject for letl•l•tive acUon. The death penalty blll wu ap· proved overwhelmtntlY by. the Houee and Senate dnptte pro- te1t1 from llMralt who eon· tended tt fUee ln the face ot the state SupreDM Court'• current interpretation ol the IUte COn· 1UtudoD that the deeth penalty would be cruet and unutual P\IOle.hlMftt. Oppe>nenll predict the ll•te f Supreme Court will strike lhe la w down as soon IHi a test case develops B ut supporte rs al· tached a n introducto ry state· m e nt that they contend will m ake it pre valJ at lhe federal court level. County Man Stab Victim A 22-year-old Santa Ana man belleved to be an undocumented allen was stabbed t.o death in his home Monday afternoon by two mn who apparently were trying to rob blm, police said. ldentifled •• the 11cUm wu Menuel B&rra1an 22, of 3800 S. Roeewood. He dled of knlfe wound• at Mercy General Hotplul ahortly after tbe 2:40 p.m . robbery. Two 1utpecu escaped. Polle. eald one.fourth ~e­ half OW\ee ot heroin wli found at the murder ecene a.loal wtth pauphenaalJa related to the packapq Md 1ale of the dnat. • 1'01.SZ SLAVICK·s l''IM Jewelen S6nct 1911 own 18 karal ~old Oa) Date :i diamond hez€'1 for SJ.150 00 . or ..a diamond dial for $675 00. or l>o th for SJ.~ 00 F11hion J.tland, Newport Center. Newport Beach I <714> &44-\380 3 Other Loutiona Wtttmlnster Mall. 1.A111n .. Hiii ~hill. Oranite. Cerrttoi. Al~o Gruter Loi An&elea , Sen Dieao / Las Ve11s L .. _.,•••If•• l'Oll•MMtl4 ell•••• ploM Of A-llJll'OM \rfllA, lil••I" C'll•r&• r f • - i I Irvine ED IT ION VOL. n , NO. 226, 3 SECTIONS, ?8 PAGES Stonn Whips Boats 3 lrriae Proposal 'Fun Zone' To Get Hearing Its critics call it a "run zone" but they've round httle to laugh at as plans for a $20 m1lhon rt'creation park have advanced On Sept 11 , lhose homeowner g1 oups and individuals who ap- pealed a planning s tart decision to not reqwre an environmental report for a proposed 17-acre r~creation facility will be able to a 1~ their complajnts, officials said Monday. Assistant Cit) Ma nager Paul Brady sajd questions rajsed in those a ppeals we re considered valid enough to warrant a hear- i ng before the Cit;-Council on that date Study Eyed On Waste Water Plan Irvine Ranch Water District Airectors were told Monday night a more meaningful and s pecific environmental s tudy is needed for a pl an to solve exist- ing and future w aste water treatment and r eclamation problems . Additionally, the board was asked to reconsider its meeting times because of the difficulty many people have of getting orr work in time to atte nd a 5 p m hearing such as Monday's. Wesley Marx, a spokes man for lrvme Tomorrow. told the board during its second public hearing on the El R that it is no longer appropriate for the dis· tn,.t to try to accommodate the e~ pectat1ons of landowners io the area. Marx said the environmental report uses population projec- tions for future development that exceed the e stimates of local murucipalJties them selves. He said the district would be m aking decisions of financial consequence to a ll residents of the area even though the public has htUe role on the board. The seven-member water dis- trict board has on ly two sebls that are now held by publicly e lected represent atives. The other seats are ftlled by rurec- tors chosen through landowner balloting. The Irvine Company 1s the chief property owner in the 69,000-acre district. A trurd seat will switch to voter control in November's election. The environmenta l report un- d ct study covers the potential <See WATER. Page A2> Coast Weather Night and morning low clouds clearing early Wed - nes d ay afternoon. Not much temperature change with bigbs Wednesday in 70s at beaches to 80s in- land. Overnjghl lows in 60s. INSIDE TODA" A rtut WUUam Aluander, the ebeAlUent hott o/ "The Mo~ of OU PamtfnQ" on KOCE·TV, hat bttn dubbed "Th• HoPPJI Pointer" b11 Jon.a. S. Featurb!Q Page Cl. The discussion. Brady said. will be Limited only LO environ mental issues and will not touch upon the amenities proposed for the recreation complex The city council will havt' final say on whether an environmen ta ~ report s hould be prepared, he s aid. The amusement facility is pro- posed for an area south of the San Diego Freeway between lhe Fluor Corp. complex and the Parl. West apa rtments. Residents who live in that a rea and representatives from other homeowner groups in the city met last week lo learn more about the propo~al. Many were concerned that potential noise tind tn1ffi(• pruhleml> assoc1atcrl \\1th l>uch a dt·Hlopment hadn t been s tudit-d enough The follow in,g day. the llni vc r~1ty Com m un1ty As~ociat1on and another homeowner group filed their ap peals . The propos ed park would m· elude a bowling alley, roller s kating rink, rac-quctball court.5. hf>a lth fac1hty, gymnasium and s wimming pool. But Gail Williams, who hvt-s in Uni\'ers1t~ Pa rk Village, st11rl other aspects of the plan have residenLo; concerned , specifically a ttractions s uch as bumper boats, log name ride, river raft nde. haunted house, bumper ca rs and a carousel She said these and other ndes and divers ions could generate too much noise. The developer of the proposP<l pa rk is ADM Corp. of Anaheim Originally. the Irvine Co. had in- tended l-:> build Lhe facility City planne r Ra y He ther mglon s aid the Irvine Co sold the 17-acrc parce l to ADM m 1978. Although those appeC1hng con- tend that more env1ronmenttil s tudy is necessary. c ity planners say t heir review showe d the project would have no serious environmental effec ts. The staff, Hetherington said, proposed 21 changes to ADM's plans to avert any significant adverse conditions a nd then g r anted the project negative declaration status. An ADM spokesman has said h is firm hopes lo have the park in operation by the spring of 1980. Site development vtans must still be approved by Lhe Irvine Planning Commission. Spilled Oil Nears Harbour An oil s pill of unknown magnitude was heading toward Huntington Harbour this morn- ing, the Orange County Harbor Patrol r~ported. Tbe spill reportedly began to- day when a tanker , being pulled by a barge off the coast of Hunt- ington Beach, began losing oil from an WlCapped tank. Officials said cleanup crews we re in Uie area this m orning at- tempting lo contain the spill. There were no reports of oil hil- ting beaches. The oil sbck had drifted under a Pacific Coast Highway bridge by 10:00 a .m . and was beaded toward Huntington Harbour, authorities said. Ship's Cook Drowning Victim SAN DIEGO <.AP> -A ship's cook from San ~rancisco ap· parently baa drowned, trapped In hla sleeping quarters by sur1· in1 sea water that captiled a 85-foot ftab1nc boal "l barely 1ot out of the pilot house my1elf," said William' Ro1en, lkipper of the Genie, wbo escaped wlth bis son and an l8·1ear-old youth. Pa\rlck T . ScaW.:!i about IO, WU believed drow . , I ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, AUGUST 1~. 1979 .., 1' YourBe•e•ewa Dally New•pa~r • FIFTEEN CENTS acers e Osmond ltlakes Debuf S m$!in~ sta r Donn~ Osmond and his wife . Debbie. µr~ ... ent the ir first child. Donald Clark Osm ond Jr . fot his ftr!-it of fi cwl picture in Los Angeles. Donny Jr. wa~ born Julv :n _in Prmo, t..:t <.i h . and is the 20th Osm ond gra ndchild · Mangers Declares Brown Insensitive By JOANNF. Rt::Y~Ot.D. Of tM OA•IY Polo! s .. 11 Dl•moc ra t1 r A !-.~em bly man Dennis M angc·r~ of JI untington Deach attacked Gov Edmund G. Brown Jr Monday as bt-ing '"o bduratt·. 1D!>t>ns 1t 1 ve ;.rnd of absolutely no valu(• to Oranw County " Manger!)' verbal blas t wa ... perhaps tht.· m o~t bit ing of sevcra levelt'd at the De mocr<.1t1c governor d ur ing a lu ncheon hosted by the Ora n)!c County Senator Says Fonda's Acts 'Treasonous' SACRAMENTO IA P l State Sen. Robert Nimmo s aid today, without his cloak of !>Cnato rial immunity. that whi.tt Jane Fon· da said on a trip to II ano1 during the Vietnamese war was "an act of treason" hy his standards . He insisted he had not called her a tra itor. The R~publican senator from Atascadero s aid pretty much Lhe same thing on the floor of Lhc Senate, where he has 1mmuruty from a slander s uit. He s aid it July 20. when the Senate, by a vole of 28-5, refused JANE FONDA LAUDED BY RED PRESS-A3 Coast As!>oc1at1on twra U'l' 11 came from a mcm bt•r of lh1· Governor 's poht1c<JI pi.trl) l\f t1 ngC'rs. i\s-.t·m bly\lo nmJn Marian Ber~e:-.on. H -~l·wporl B<'ach and Stall.' Senator J1>h 11 Schm1t1. R-1"e \lopcH1 Bt'~C'h J ll t•nt1c1ted lht.• gm·1·rnor d ur1n ~ the ir luncheon \jlkl> 1n :'\l'"'l)()rl Rea ch Mangers. wh<> 1s sen tnJ: h1-. second term in the Asscmbh - s aid Rrown stands in lhc way of the county ·~ r<>ah zat11m of its ma1 o r g o a ls 1n h t·alth . tra ns portatio n and l'Conomir g rowth. II e said dealing with llw ~o' ernors attitud t· th;,it t ht• roun1 v IS composed nf "'Whit<' rl1l{hl rac-1sts" l' th<' ma1or frustr ation of his le~i,.lallvr ca reer S chmitz cn t1 c1zf>d thC' ~o' ('rnor for his a ppointmC'nl or Ed is o n Mi lie r to lht.• (' ount' Board of Supt'r visnr!'. and the subsequent d1sput<• ovc•r ti<'trC's.., Jane f'onda"s appointment to th<.· state Arts Council The conscrvatiVl' Republican s aid his mail is running llJO to one in favor of the senate'!> de nial of Miss Fonda's appoint ment to the arts board. "It was absolutely political on our part," Schmitz 1>a1d of lht- move. "because everything the governor does is abs olutely political." Schmitz said that every move t he governor makes "1s tailored (See MANGERS, Page A2) From Sea~ In Britain PLYMOUTH . En g la r.d <AP ) At l eas t three y achtsmen were d ead . l'1ght missing and 15 boats sunk or c.ibt.i ndoned Tue~da } night as an Atlantic gait· l urrw d t he F astnet Y t.1cht lfa<:1..· into c; g nm struggl~ f111 ">lJr\'l\"Cil As ~u rsh1 p!> and helt<.·01>tn ... '<.·oured th<' stor m tossed ..,eas and picked up 90 sun 1vors , lioh Bl'll of BermudCI brou~h t his 77 foot ketch Conrlor a cro.,s tht- fimsh I.me at Plymouth to "'1n the 60S-m1lc race 1n r C'cord lime The Ame rican ketc h K1C1l<1iJ came in 28 mrnult·' later for second place. its C;.illfornian s kipper. Jllll K1l ro). h m 1! 1n Jured \\1th hrnkl·n r~lt' 1 Eu lic r ::.tor~ on l'al!l' u:1. Ru1 in f'l~m•nJlh "'hir h 1-. thuall~ Jl!OI! .11 tho· (1111 ... h •1f lh1 '"'"' f ,1111011 ... 11f •11 '"1n r.11 • ~ thl· t IA II I l · J d In~ \ ,J (' h.... •• r ri \ Ml .drno..,t unnu11e1·rf 1 h,. reJI clr .Jm J "''" <Jl .,~J "hen • 011 ,,.n "" 1Al'r1· tn 1n~ 10 f">tahh..,h IA hi Ch (I( ( hL• m 1)r t' 1 llJ n 31111 ';1r h t!> wh 11·h "tJrtl'd 11ut Jt ('01;. band IA l'rl' .. 11 11 Jflo,11 Thi• y<1rht.., \lot rt ( ,1ul!ht in tht -;'O mile-an h1Jur l!alc ... ., tht•\ rounded th<' Fa~lnt•t Hock ri(( Southern I rC'land and h t>J dell hat•k toward" the En~ll..,h Chan 1wl a nd thl' f1ni'h linL' · ~h >do) · · thl· L·merg<'nc> c-a II for hel~nt out by sh.Jps m distress. "'a" picked up from many \{'~Seb ow·r a "'ldl• ;ire.i of the E t1Mcm Atlantic Th<' namt.·<. of tht· lo<.! \ arht o; .ind thl' dead and m1s~1n~ IA\•rt' !)till a"'allt•d Tht>rt> "'1>r1• fe ar<. fo r tht· 1-"rL'nt•h ~acht 1°Jruntul;i "'h1eh "';i-, L1!-ol :.t•t.•n b) ob~cn t r~ on j h1'11ropter Ill ~ in dt:t:p troubl1· Ont• Fn·nt·h ere•"' man Ju mped into thl· 'l'3 •ind "'as p1clo.ed up Tht: oth 1 r "J' b.itl l'n t:d lht·m~cl\ t''-1nt11 lht· hold \ ft t•r ho\ 1•ri n~ (111 h.ilf an hour. un:.tblt• 111 d 11 Jn) mon· tht· h1•hcopter rt•turrll'd to its ha!>t' ,, ran• ofhl·1al "-aid T .iranlutla h~1d not bl'l'n 'IXlll <'d '>IDt"t' Su rv1\"or~ \H•rt• brou~ht iJShon• from tht• 37 foot Bnt 1:.h ':icht M :.t~H', "'h1ch '14as <.tnc kl'n. with a llroken ruddt•r 65 mllt.•s off Land'!> End Four other mem lie rs of Uw crew "'t•re :-.till unac· 1·nuntt-d for ··w e !ool'nt out l hl' · ~t.n d<I\ .,,~nal. hut tht· radio "'a,· H·r' "'t'ak :.ind "''' d1dn "t kno"' .-r a n)ont· "'as ht·anng us." ... a11.l Da ' 1rl Bootham. nnt> of the s ur \I ~ or s fro m the M i.l)(ll" 'Tht• "t•as '14t'n • the "'orst I ha Vt' t'\t'I bec•n in. We were floatin~ for HI hours until \\l' '>'ere rescued ·· The crew memberi. of another Rrit1sh hoat. the Cam1Jrgue. "er<• pushed into the boiling i.ea by their captain. Arthur Mos::.. and then w1nchtid to s afety by helicopter One or the s urvivors. F'rank Wo rley, ~aid . "The idea of Jumping into those huRe seas was appalling We were all pushed in, one by one, by the capta in.·· Sur vivors from the Irish yacht <See STORM, Pagt: A2' O•llY Pll-1 St.If ..,.,. INJURED IN RACE Newport's Jim Kilroy • Coast Man In Hospital After Storm 8.) A Dto' LOC'KAREY O••h _.•fM IWhn• Wrttff .lnhn B .Jim'" K1lrm . Ont• or tlw best known ) ach~men in the "or ld "'d" hos p it al11erl in flh mouth. Engla nd today from in1uni.>s ~uffercd in the most tr:ii:ttC yacht rat'c 10 modt>rn h1s- tor v K .troy. a forme r Newport Beach resident. was taken hy a mhulant't> fro m his 79-foot ) <H'ht KrnloJ ..... 11 "'a!> wa rped into lht• flock dftt'r finishing 2,. m inutes behind tht• lead1:r . Hob Fkll " l 'ondnr nf Bt·rmud<s in tht• tiO.'l milt' F<i~lnl.'I rn1·P K tlro~ " w1ft·. K.11hy, rea1·hf'rl JI the couplt• ... Bel Ai r homt.• to (tj~ ... aid "ht· had a phont' <'<.Ill from her hu~tw nd anrl that ht· "',.... .ipJ>Jn·nll) in sat1!'>fac111r) c11nd1t111n and probably "nuld bl:' flo" n home Thur~da ~ Kil roy told his "'1ft• that he ";1!'> ~l am mt'<I to the.• dt·ck when a .i.:iant \lotlH' .. u b mt'r~ed K1aloa s cockpit and severa l crew mcm· ber ... frll on top of h 1 m Kilroy an indu!'>tnal proJ)t!rty rle \'e loper. who has raced yachL-. all over tht' world. !>aid the con d1t1ons "'erC' thtt wors l he had l'' t•r t.'XP<'r1t.•nC'f'd a l s1•a lit' dt'M'nbed "'1nds between riO .ind 9.1 knots '14llh giant seas .1fll·r lhl') acht s had rounded the F u ... I n t' t H 11 (' k a n d h e a d e d I 0 "' .. r rt I h l' (I n I !> h I 1 n (' Cl l Ply mouth Kilroy !'>a1d tu ... 1nJUrte!> 1n l'l u d t•d hro kt'n ri b .... t o rn 1·:.trtlla~t· and Ou1d ID hlS lungs Latest report:. from the race headquarters al Plymouth said thert.• were al least thrt>e dead and eight m1ssinJ? from the 300 ) a chts which s tarted the race, the windup of the Admiralty Cup Series. known as t he m ost pres - tigious big boat r ace in the world. The Fastnet race. held every two years. is historically known as one of the most rugged in the world. lrorucaUy, the last two rat'es were light-air picnics. 1 <See KILROY. Pa~e A2) lo confirm Ms . Fonda 's appoint- ment to the state Arts Council. Nimmo m ade his new charac· terization of Ms. Fonda 's actions at a news conference he called to discuss a letter he received from act.or Henry Fonda, Jane 's father, defending his daughteT. Judge Bloeks Abortion Fonda wrot e that be h ad friends and relatives who dJs- agreed with his politics, and they re mained friends by not cU1cus1inJ U. "But. as much as they might disagree wtth Jane, they would never dream of calling her a 'traitor,' or using the word 'treason' ln re ferring to her. They know her better," Fonda wrote. He •atd that as of Friday he had received 304 letters support. inc bis positlon to 43 a1al111t, wltlle the Senate bad received 4t7 for to fJ7 aealn.lt. Jn his letter to Fonda, Nimmo dtd not mentioa ueaeon. Umnarried Man Claims Rights Violated By FBEDERICK SCHOEMEHL OI Ille o.111 1"11411 SIMI Acting at the behes t of a man who claJms his rights are being violate d , an Orange County Supertor Court judge temporari- ly halt.eel a woman from obtain· inl an •borllon Monday. Judge Robert Todd issued the tem porar)' restraining order blocking the abonion after con· slderins ar1uments made on the man '1 behalf by Los An1e1es at- torney• Marvln Mltchelaon and Harold Rhoden. 11 ltchelson recently 1•lned wlde1pre.cl attention when he. reprHented Michelle Triola M arvtn in a breach ol contract autt a1a.inlt ector Lee M •rvln. According to documents filed Monday, the blocking of an abor· Uon over the Issue of an unmar- ried man's right to the child is without precedent in California law. The <'Ouple are not married. "Thia child was conceived not as an accidental consequence of our lovemaking, but according to the planned wish and inten- t I on of both of us." Robert Blake., identified only as an Oran1e County resident, said b'I an 1.(fadavtt meet in \he cue. "t love \his cbUd, and l will do any\hina and •1ree to anythln1 to uve U.s Ule." Mltcbellon decllned Monday "o provlde anv f\arther lnfonna· tlon about Blake or the woman in the case, HolJy Lynn Lat.reill. •'Circumstances in the case prevent ll, •• Mitcbelson said. He l wouldn't elaborate on what :f lbose circumstances are. 1 According to Blake's af· fadavil, he was notlfied by tbe woman that she would undergo an abonion Friday. The pro- cedure. be said. would "put my child to death." Blue, however, claimed lb .. Latrlell actually intended to have the abor\ion performed Wedaelday. JUdle Todd naled that abe be persooa.Uy ..-..cl with bla order by 5 o•c:loek UUa afternoon. cs.e uoanoN, •• AJl • ' ' I ' 1 ,ti DAILY PILOT TV1!4P. Auau•t t•, 1111 Four Seek e \V ater Board Seats • Four people who hve \n lbe lrvlae Raaeb Water Dlatriet bne lnctieattd tbey wm Nn fOt' a seat on the dl1trtct'1 board ot dJrectora in the Nov 6 •lt>cUon A •PGkeswom 10 for the rounty ••1l1tr1r of Votf!ra uld this momJni thert' art' two Pl'OIPtt Uve l'andidatf'.& (n Oh•I Ion One and ttwo in Oivunon Thrtt The two ~ho ha\'c takto out Coll,ege Budget Backed S addlebac k College trustees approvtd a $28 9 million spend· mg plan Monday that Includes provis 1on5 for 30 mort! employees at the distnct 's two campuses du.rintt fiscal 1979-80. But officials noted the budget a l110 s hows the i mpact of Proposition 13 on district coffers despite the new employees they said are necessary to meet enrollment growth. Business Manager Roy Barlet· ta pointed out tha t the majority of Saddleback's income -66.8 -~~ ;uld come rom slate money rather than local property laxes. Before the J arvis -Gann Initiative. the college operated on nearly 90 per cent local tax funds Monday's unanimous ly ap- proved fiscal phm inl'ludes an estimated $5.2 million -20.4 pe rcent income from local taxe!> while sta te funds account for $1 7.2 m1lllon of the budget pi C'ture. Roard m l'mbers will conduct a 11uhl1c ht.>a ring o n the hudgeL A ui: Z7 Trustt't-~ a lso approved a pro· P0!>:-1 I lo :-l·I l1Sldl' $900,000 frr>m re:-t·rvl!s tu ui-.c in negot1at1om. for mMl' land al the d1!.lnct'!> 11orth campus s ilt' u1 Irvine l"nder t he propo-.al offered tn lhl' lrv1m• Company, land at th~ no rth <·am pus site: is priced al S45.0oo per ac-rt> MANGERS. • lo how that action will lc)()k m New Hampshire or Florida." The ~l'nator ~aid that Brown is attracted to Miss Fonda and her hus band. Tom Ha yde n, not het•;JU:.t· of a shared ideology but beca u~f· h£'r rnovw s tatus ~ives he r the drawing power to nuse mllltrJns of cam paign dollars for him ··One t•o lum n1s l said ~he pledged S3.5 million That's a hf'ck of a lot mor e money than could be raised 1f Dick O'Neill gave a concert, .. he said. O'NeiJI is c hairman or the s tate Democ ral1c Central Committee and lobbied for the appointment of forme r A~s<>mhlyman Ron Cordovu to the county Board of Supe rvisors ~'1 ri.. Bt rgeson, who is ser ving he r fi rst lerm in the Assembly -.as more l'aut1ous in her criticis m of the gove rnor limit· ing her r emarks to quips that h1::'s dccidt>d to "do for the na· tion what h e's don e to California" and referring to him as ·'our fearless leader." Monday s he discussed her p1::nding legislation wt1i ch would index state incom e tax brackets to the inflation r ate so that cost of living pay raises won't push r es ide nts into h igher t ax brackets. Friday. in discussing the same bill at a lu.nch hosted by the ~ewport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. s he predicted that Brown wouJd come up with a similar m easure of his own, an e!forl s he said would be a cynical and calculated move only to get s upport for his pre· sidentical campaign. 0 AANG£ COAST DAILY PILOT ,,.,.. O• .,,.., f"t~f 0.1lw P•~t ••th wflf'f,. 1\' nt" ,,.,..0 tPMi .... ,,., Pf•"\\ ,, 01.lbt•\N>Ob'f 1~ ""~ t m•\t Dt1Df•~t'Ht\Q(fli'"OM\Y ~,,., .. ,.,..dlf•~•r• ""bl "h-"d ~·· lh#"OWQf't rnd,tr tot (ml• M .. w N~ Af'ill(f'I HW!f'f~Of' k .. f\ '"""" I••" V•Un ,, •. ,_. l-~ e..ctt So9th(~\t A \.IMlt ,....,......_1~t'\INOt1v.4,..vr01t•\..._., ~.ih•\ f .. pP-~lpM p.l'f.M1\,,,f~ 0••11tf I\ 411 .... ., -. .. ,. f\41y ~,, .... c °''• Mfo<~ ' ... ,,,.,,., ... ,.)f, ·-·"-,,,,.,.C)floftf•ndftV')t1~ J•O. (..,-.., Vot• °''""'dtf\t.~(;erirtMU..~• ,_, . .,.......... °"".,..,.,.,O•'Oo o... ... " ""' ·~" ..... .A\\.f\IMll Min .. "'£•t0'"'\ T ..... tto~e '11•)'42-Q21 CtHeHIM Acfv•rtfllMt Ml·M?I • .,.,.... la Olvl1klft 0.. are Peer 8•~-..a.tut treaaurer for PacVIC le'-Uflc CoQ\paar ln AnaW•. Md 1111 lulu. an ~ ....... ,. A• ol tblt momln1. nt!IU\tr had rt'turned ht• nomln•Unn papent, the tpc>knwum•o uld Olvl11on Ont' tmt-0tnp111•11 lh•• developed .rca1 north ~1f th•· Marin~ l'orpa A ir :OH a\11111 hellcoPter baae. ftorth of the rellroad ltKlsJ and w••t ot Jef· tt,y~. TM lMumbeat for ~ Nat ll wmt1• lepf&qer, wbo -. .. • •t t•-•n out eomln1Uon P•l'"r• Tht' two proa pertlve can· dllt&tt<11 In Dlvl11lon Thr~ 11r" K••ntw\h """ un. an a ccount ex· l'''uth~. 1md Ray Auerbach, who O•llY P'll .. Hoft-P MAP OUTLINES IRVINE CO. PLANS FOR LAGUNA CANYON Homes, Two Golf Courses and New Alignment for Old Road Irvine Co. Unveils Laguna Canyon Plan By STEVE MITCH E LL Of tlw O•lly Pli.t St .. lf Irvine Company ofhciali> havt' unveiled a pla n for 1,8.Jl hom•·s and apartments and t wo JS-hole ~olf courses on more tha n 1,770 a cres in Laguna Canyon T h e project, t e rm ed the Lagun a Canyon Golf V1lla~e. would be located on Irvine Com pany land and in Sycetmort Hills. which was purchased hy the City of Laguna Beach a year a~o. The plan. as outlined by Irvine C ompan y o ffi c ial s an d s pokesmen for the Southe rn California Golf Associatinn , also includes the realignment of Laguna Canyon Road. The pres · c nt two·lane road would he replaced with up to six lanes hugging the hills on the west s ide of the canyon. Irvine Company officials said the golf village concept would benefit Laguna Beach, but a s pokesman for the Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. i>aid today he 1s disappointed with the project "I'm disappointed that less than a week after the National U rban Park concept was re· vealed, the Irvine Company would unveil a m a ssive de- velopment in Laguna Canyon,·· said Michael Scott, executive director of the environmental group. He said the company' s ac- tions "indicate they are not act· Ing in the spirit or the c proposed 19,000 acre urban) park." But Irvine Company officials s aid Monday they don't believe the urban park will extend past the proposed alignment for the San JoaquJn Transportallon Cor · ridor In Laguna Canyon, adding the golf village would comple· ment the adjacent national park. Arnold Hamala, an Irvine Company spokesman, said the golf course-oriented develop· ment would benefit Laguna Beach because. "It could pro· vide for the realignment of the canyon road to make lt safer, l',....P.,.eAJ ABORTION In wrluen ar1ument1 present· ed to Judi• Todd, attorney Rhoden Hid lbll le11I reaearcb on the lsaue of bis client'• rtpta were ru1bed beuuae or tbe clrcumatuc• 1urroundlnl the caH. But Rhoden aald the mat· ter railel a "queaUon never de· clct.d ID CaWornla." Judae Todd scheduled • f urtber beutna an lbe caM ror t :ao a.m. Aua. a1. (j OJnd 1t y,o uld m a inta in open spaCl' ul1m~ the road for the en t1rt• three-mile a rea " In add1uon he said hotel Mtcs and commer cial areas in the v 11la~c would bring sales and hl•d tax revenues to t'ity coffers Hamala '\a 1d concerns over frt-quent Ooodmg in the canyon wo uld be dealt with in the con struction of the golf course and fl ood control channels The compa ny proposal su~­ ge<>ts a broad range or housing densities on the canyon land, ran~in~ from one-acre estate hl'lm e~ on the west side or the <'a n yon. to c luste r s of high. density condominiums at the north end of the golf course F,.._PageAl WATER ..• impacts or the dis trict's pro posed was te water and manage ment a ction plan, which water offtciahi s ay ls a guide to solve present and future treatment and reclamation problems Citing discrepancies In popula· t1on projections in t he EIR. M arx s aid the city of Irvine pre· diets industrial uses in the Bonita Canyon area while the water district projecls a residcn· tial use. lie also complained of a sec· lion of the re port which projects 89 percent more people Uvlfli in a section of Lagu.na Beach near Lor,una Canyon Road than the city's own plans would permit under current designations. The environmental report re rers to several industrial and commerciaJ uses that are pro· posed for construction within the district from 1980 to 1985, includ· ing the Irvine Cente r S uper Regional Shopping complex. But Marx aaid no mention is made of the on ·a111n off-a1aln n ature of the proposed com · m ercial complex Ken Benson, who ldentlfled htmsel.f as 1 consumer lft the dlatrlct, uked tht' board to re· conslder tu meettn1 time because be 11id It la difficult to get off work In Ume to be a t heartnp. A a~etwoman for the dit· trlct 1ald the bo1rd haa been meeUftl at I p.m. for 1bout 11 month•. Th• board had. pre· vtou11y met 1l I p.m. AIU.ouch no further publlc he1nn11 wtU be betd on tlM lllR, wrltwn comment. wtU be acce~ u.ntll Aq. M. ,.. -:---------~-....__ ______ ___ llated ao occupation with the reglttrer. Tbe two muat atlll re- turn their nom!Dadoa papen ln order to bave their names pla~ed CID the Milot. Dlvttton Three takes In lhe re· m111Uns developed areas north of the San Diego Freeway from Culver Drlve south to and In· cludlna the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro Newport Woman ;- Bilked The seat lJ now held by Fred Ke!&er. That Po1ltlon oa lb• board bad previously been filled lhrou1h landowner balloting, but di~· lora ln June agreed to transfer It from landowner control to voter control. , By November's election, with a publicly elected representative In KeUer'a seat, three positions l',.._P~AI STORM •.. Reg1rdless. whic h was towed ln· to lbe Irish port of Baltimore with a broken rudder. reported chaos among the racing fleet. "It was frightening," one c rewman s aid. "We saw some y achts lying on their i.uJes By JOANNE REYNOLDS Others were stem up, and some Of Ult 0.llf ~11<14 SUit Newport Beach police are we re gone altogether ·· seeking two women who tricked The progres!> of the Admiral'~ an elderlY resident out of $5,000 Cup series, which c ulminated in in a tlme·worn confiden ce th e Fas tn e l Ra ce . wa s scheme known as the Pigeon ~wallowed up m the galei. and Drop. mountamous seas The suspects being s ought are Nothin~ had been heard of the a pregnant black woman who is three yachts of the United States nearly six feet tall and a petite team Williwaw, Imp and while woman. Both appeared to Aries They wcrt! las t report.e<l be in their 30s. the victim told a m ong the leade rs. and 1f they police. h ad survived the gale they were A d. t 1· rt.s expected to win the trophy. ccor ang 0 po ace repo · · Kialoa was not in the US on tbe seven-member board wiU be aubjed to popular vote. TM other four wlll-aUll remala In tlMI hands of landowners. The filing period for lhoM ln· tereated in runnio1 eitber lor a seat on U\e water district board or the Irvine Unified School Dia· trict Board of Trustees clolel· Aug . 30. Death ~enalty Restored ROS TON CAP l -Gov . Edward J . King signed a bill restoring capital pu.nishment in Massachusetts today. "Wrule I am aware that there are questions about possible con· st1tutional defecls in the legisla· lion. 1 am signjng it because of m y long s tanding belief that cap1taJ punishment is a deter· rent." King said. He said that by putting the bill on his desk. the Legistature ~maii_.iu.s p.JU:Amed Thursday while shopping in th'><.Me-.... t-eam-1'hree-:tJ<nit ~from n- children's section o r a depart nauons had a lready sa1lf'd four eet1Nf1AN-AW>\-t'f-- GAS CHAMBEA-A3 ment store in F'as h1o n Isla nd r aces 10 the cup series. and She said the smalle r wom an when they tackled the fina l le.:. struck up a convers ation durin~ lht' long, tough race around the which she alluded lo some kind F ;i:.tn<·t. they Wl'rt' J01ncd b:r of a disturbance al another de mon · than 200 otht'r yal'ht\ partme nt store 1n\<olv1n f( a l rl'land v.hic-h narrowly led scam... tht· Grut<.od ~tall·\ on pmnl., &Jtn They were joined b~ the prcg tht· fi r5t fllur m l'""· drop1wd out nant woman who w11s carrying of l hl' runninJ{ whe n Hcgardl•·:-.!> h ""a... towed to port The thn:t' a n e nvelope She saids e'd i.ccn boaL"> 1n Lhe Australian t1·am. a man drop ll outs ide and when th ird behind Ireland and the s he tned to give it back lo him l'n1l!·d State1> ""hf'n lht.· final he ran away from her The outside or the en velo,.., nict• began. 1o1.c rc iJll rcp<irt<·d in "' trouble. c arried the notation. "Swl!>!> Box Condor "" "n l he f u :-. l ra· t -439"' and inside was a nllte which r ead . ··S90 ,000 Dear troph) a.' the rir .... t \acht fJd~t lhf• fi n1 i.h line. l1ut tht: finHI r t">ult brother. IRS a f ter me v.1ll h1•dec1dl'd on hand1t·1111.., racetrack ·· The v1cl1m said s he sa w a fev. 20 dollar hills and was told th1· rest of the envelope held 1,0041 dollar bills The three women d11>tussed wha t should be donf' with th•· m oney and a~reed to takt' th•· m atte r up with the pregnant woman's attorney who had eif fices in Newport Center The suspect left Lo talk lo th•· law)'cr and returned v. ith lht• ne ws that he sa1r1 t he} roult1 divide the mone). pro\ 1ded tht') s et up the di\'1.Sion a!> a bus1oe1>!> deal. At the s us pects· sug~est1on the v1ct1 m wc>nt home. got her bank book and v. 1thd rt''4 $:;.0111, cash from her account The thrtt of them drove to a Newport. Center offi ce bu11rling and the pregnant woman took the victim's money tnlO tht> al tomey ~ he purportedly could verify the serial numbers on ttw bills She re turned and told the v ie tim to go into the attomey·s l')r rice 4lnd collect he r ss,000 a nd her share of the round money The woman told police that there was no attornl'y"s office m that build.in~ When s he tried to locate her two companions, they had disap~ared. Con<lor lhl· \1•c·1111rl hri.Jt tr, rounr1 tht' fa:.tnN .tnd r om•· rirl mg home ''° tht• South \\ l·...,tn h gale. <·ompll'tc·d thl' c·11ur.,1• 111 ;in unofficlOJI t1mt• or 71 h•1U r'> ~ m1nutt.~ anti -Y.:J., far in-.1d•· th• ran· rl'cord A m t· ri <'a n ' a c· h ts m a n T f• rJ Tur nc.-r M't tht n•c·ord or i!J 12 w h{•n he v.on the r.i<•· tn Amn1c·an E<tglC' in l!Hl * . * * F,.._r~AI KILROY ... Tht•rt• ha:-bf't•n nu v. ord 11< lht- f :11 <.• Of thf' thrl't.' 1\t1H•rl{'11n y at·hL<;. W11l1-.a1o1.. Imp :ind 1\nc ... Y.hl<'h formt"t:i the 0Hlr1jl l ' ~ team 1n th£' Adm1rC1l"'-l up Willi-Y.av. .., -.k1p1>Prcd In l>t.•n n1s Crmnl'r or San U1el(o "'1lh H'\ er al local rr1•v. men aboarrl Imp 1i. owne<:! t1nd <,k1ppen.'<I 11, Oa' 1d Ellen or San F rann1>co One or hi!'; rr""' m•·n 1., ~kip Al Ia n of Nt>-.ptJrt H1•ac·h 1\nothn cr<>wman on the Ameri c<tn boat 1s Rex Banks of :'\1.•v. port Beach De nn i~ Ouri;:an l'lf '\('y, port Aea<'h Is on an Halt.in boat thot started th<> ra<'l' ..bowed its a~reement that <'a p1tal punishment is both a de· terrent and a proper subject for l1::~1i.lauve action. T ht death pt•nalty bill was ap· proved 011erwhe lmingly by the llous t a nd Senate despite pro· tt.A:-.ts from liberals who con- tl'nd1•d II 0H~S IO the face Of the ..,t<itt' Supn•mt.-Court•s current mtl'r prNatJon of the state COO· !>l1t11t wn thut the death ~nalty 1o1.ould bt> l'rut!l and unus ual µuru~hmt-nt 01>ponentl\ predn·t th~ stat~ ~111>r.-m1:: Court will \lrtke the 1.1 v. 1111"' n : ..... V)On &:-. a tesl case iii·' .. 1111,.... But c;upportcrs al· t a c li•'<I an int roductor y !>late· m 1•n1 that th1·v contend will 111.Jk•· 11 pn•\ ;111 .1t lhl' foderal I •1tJrl 11•\l•I LNG Plant Wins Backing SA!'\TA BAH BARA CAP) Thi· proµoc;ed hquef1ed natu.rat ga ... terminal at Point Concep- tion v.a:, approved Monday by a f1·dnal E n l'rgy Re gulatory <'11mm1ss1on law JUd~e. but a j!roup I')( i\mt.-n can rn<ltans re rn J1n Jd:.tmJnt 1n their oppos1· t lllll to the J>rr>J<'Ct '·WP· rl' nut going to let it be built That"s :111 ther e 1s to it ... ..,ai d Johnny F'l)nn of the Santa Oarbara Indian Center after l••.1rn1og l'lf J ud ge S amue l Cordon·:-. d<'c1:.1on ··1n the final p.innin~ out. Mother Earth and th1• Indian p1.'0ple will not let it be l.Ju1lt hl'rt.' ·• Thi· Chuma!>h Indian!> have fought the> focll ity ~mcc il was f1r.;1 propo~1·d. s<.iying construc- 111in "'111 d1!>turb <.1 sacred burial 1-!rnund at lhl· pl<.1nt site in Llttlt.• l'oJo Ba) in ~outhwe:.tern Santa D~irbara Count> With Rolex, diamonds are right on time. §LA.VICK'S 1'~\ne JeW'Clers Since 1917 Thi.' d 1~tuWll\C lK karat vellow ~old Holl'X Lla~ Oalt' v.l!h matrhinl! htdd('n C'la~µ hrnt•1•l1•t A l'n;idorn<'d. ~5.:!W 00 B With d1;1mond tl1al. S5.925 00 C With diamond bt.•1l•I :.ind diamond d i.ii . $~.075 Oil Or aci d 11) .'our own UI kurut gold Day Date a diamond bl·.tcl for $3, 150.00 . or a diamond dial for $675.00, or both for $3,825.00 Fa1hl0ft tsland, Newpor' Center. Newport Beach I C'714) '44·1380 3 Other l'°':i.UOtli WtttmlnatCT Mall. L11una Hilla Mall. Oranae. ~rrlt06 Alto Greater~ ~~!f'lcs / Sen Dleao 1 La Vea11 l!M -If ll••1f\ • <lier• pl-"' A...,.• b~ ~!IA, Ill ... ., CkF•• Membfr 1''1M Jtwt1IM1 Gauld • -----=-------------------- 'I " Laguna/South Coast ' t Your Hometown ' Dally Newspaper E D IT ION VOL. 72, NO. 226, 3 SECTIONS, 28 P~GES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1979 FIFTEEN CENTS Storm Whips · Boats 3 ac acers e Laguna Co111plex Firm Unveils Can on Plan By STEVE MITCHELL Of tM O•lfr Pllet St.ff Irvine Company officials have unveiled a plan for 1,831 homes and apartments and two 18-hole golf course~ on more than 1.770 acres in Laguna Canyon. The project, t e rme d the Laguna Canyon Golf Village, would be located on Irvine Com- pa ny land and in Sycamore Hills. which was purchased by the City of Laguna Beach a year ago Moon Over Management One striking worker at San Clemente's Reeves Ru bber Co. is proba bly sadder today after he ex- posed his view of the labor disagreement to manage- ment ~rsonnel, P<>lice re- J><>rted. Jn ful l \'iew, police al- lege . s t rik e r G e o r ge R ic h ar d s. 32 . or' Oceanside , exposed the rearward portion or his anatomy to management people Monday. Ma nagement took ex - ception to lhc view pro· vided by Richards . He was arrested on indecent ex- pos ure cha rges. Police said the striker was released on his own recognizance. County Pacts Approved By Employees By GARY GRANVILLE Of Ille Oa1l1 Pllet Sl~ll Mo nths of t ro uble d la bor negotiations neared an end Mon- d a y when m embers of four employee bargaining units voted to ratify multi-year contracts wit h county gover nment i n Orange County. Among the bargaining units whose members voted lo accept the county offer was the As- sociation of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs. But still negotiating and re· portedly st.ill ·'som e distance from agreement" is the Orange County Employee's Association unit that represents county gov- ernm ent's deputy district at· torneys and public defenders . Howeve r , the re was more pe a ce than strife Monday as the four bargaining units' mem- bership stamped approval on contracts. Before those contracts go into effect . however, they must be ratified by the county Board of Supervisors. That ratification is expected to come soon. Among t h ose who elected Monday to accept the wage and fringe benefit packages were almost 3.900 clerical, communi- ty service and gen eral superviaorial workers employed 1 by the county. The three-year pact they ap- proved calls for 19 percent in pay raises spaced out over the term of the contract. The heftiest bike will come this year when the workers' pay will be boosted 8.2 percent. Tbe overall amount u well as thll year's pay booet were the 1 1ame nesottatora acreed to two 'week1 a10 only to bave tbe i member ratificaUon elecUon eaneeled. Tbe abrupt caneellatloa came wbeD Oran1 • County &mploJee'• AuoclaUOD oftlclall 5 tbe par pecka1e offered . . .. , .....,,. ......... . . ' ' • The plan. as outlined by Irvine Co mp a n y o ff ic ial s an d sp o kesmen for the Southern California Golf Association, also inc ludes the reali ~n m ent of Laguna Canyon Road. The pres- e nt two-lane ro ad wo uld be replaced with up to six lanes bugging the hills on the west side of the canyon. Irvine Company o!ficials said the golf village concept would be nefit Laguna Beach. but a s p o kes man for the Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. said today he is disappointed with the project. "J' m disapJ><)inted tha t less than a week after lhe National Urban Park con cept was re· veal ed~ the Irvine Compa ny would unveil a massive iie· velopment in LaJ!una Canyon." said Michael Scott, executivt· dire ctor or the environme~lal group. He said the company' s ac· tions "indicate they are not act mg in the spirit of the (proposed 19,000 acre urban! park " But Irvine Com pany orficials said Monday they don't believe the urban park will extend past the proposed alignment for the San Joaquin Transportation Cor· ridor in Laguna Canyon, adding lhe golf village would comple- m ent the adjacent nationa l pa rk. Arnold Ha mala . a n Irvine Company spokesman, said the g olf course·oriented develop· m e nt would benefit Lagun a Beach because. "ft could pro- vide for the realignment of the canyon road to m ake it safer. a nd it would m aintain ope n space along the road for the en· tire three-mile area." In addition he said hotel sites a nd commercial a reas in the village would bring sales and bed tax revenues to city coffers . Ha mala said concerns over frequent flooding in the canyon would be dealt with in lhe con· struction or the golf course and flood control channels. The company proposal sug- gests a broad range or housing dens ities on the canyon land. ranging from one -acre estate homes on the west side of lhe c anyon, lo clusters of high- density condominiums at the <See CANYON, Page A2> Eatery Eyed For San Juan San Juan Capistrano planning com missioners will review plans tonight for a proposed Marie Callender's Restaurant and Bakery in the Mission City. The meeting is at 7 o'clock in city council chambers, 32400 Paseo Adelanto. City planning s taff members have recommended that com- missioners approve the project, which would be on Del Obispo Street just south ol the Ortega Highway. Leisure World D•llf l"llel H•wt Mo• MAP OUTLINES IRVINE CO. PLANS FOR LAGUNA CANYON Homes, Two Golf Courses and New Alignment for Old Road Saddleback College Approves Budget Saddleback College trustees approved a $28.9 m illion spend· ing plan Monday that includes p r ov i s io n s f o r 30 mo r e employees at the district's two campuses during fisca l 1979-80. But officials noted the budget also s h o ws the im p ac t of Proposition 13 on district coffors despite lhe new employees they sa id a re necessa ry to me et enrollment growth. Business Mana ger Roy Barlet- ta pointed out that the majority of Saddleback 's income -66.8 percent -would com e from state money rather than local property taxes. Be fore th e Jarvi s -Ga nn Initiative. the college operated on nearly 90 percent local tax funds. Monday's un animous ly ap· proved fi scal plan includes an estimated $5.2 million -20.4 percent -income from local taxes while state funds account for $17.2 million of the budget picture. Board members will conduct a public he aring on the budget Aug. 27. Trustees also a pproved a pro· posal to set aside $900.000 from reserves to use in negotiations for more land at the district's north ca mpus site in Irvine. Under the proposal offer<'d by the Irvine Company. land at the north campus site is priced ett $45.000 per acre. T he d istn ct has an option on another 80 acres of land and trus tees hinted Monday they'd like to get their hands on more tha n the 20 a dd itional acres $900,000 would buy Board members also approved an additional $500.000 from re- ser ves for maintenance and re- pair of existing buildings at the two campuses. A proposal to add 18 non- teaching e mployees to the dis· trict 's work force was approved 6 to 1. with trustee La wrence Taylor voting no. Those new employees will join 20 already provided in lhe main budget figures. The 1979-80 fiscal plan marks a $1.2 million increase over lbe district's $27.7 million 1978-79 s pending plan. .Jadge Bloeks Abortion Unmarried Man Claims Right1 Violated B FREDERICK SCHOEMERL According to documents filed lion about Blake or the woman Y 0t111eDe11,,.....,.... Monday, the blocking of an abor-in the case, Holly Lynn Latreill. ti the issue Of an unmar "Circumstances in the case Acting at the behest of a man on over · t it .. Mit b 1 · d H wbo claims bis rights are being rled man's right to tbe child is preven , c e son Sal . e without precedent in California wouldn't e l aborate on what violated, an Orange County 1 those circumstances are. SuperiorCourtjudgetemporari· 8~ecoupleare not married. Accordlng to Blake's af- ly halted a woman from obtain· "This child was concei\'ed not radavlt, he was notified by the ing an abortion Monday. 81 an accidental consequence of woman that she would undergo Judge Robert Todd llsued the F d Th tem~ary restraining order our lovemaking, but according an abortion rl ay. e pro· bloc tbe abortion aft.er con· to the planned wllh and inten· cedure, be said. would "put my d th tlon of both of us ," Robert child to death." 1ldertna ariwnenta ma eon e Blake, hS.ntlfled only as an Blake, however, claimed Na. mu'• belWf b1 Loi An~ee •l· Oran1e County resident, said in LatrleU actually Intended to torneys llarvtn Mttcbe and an atfadavtt flied in tbe cue. have the abortion performed Harold Rhoden. Todd -·•~ Mltcbelson recen'1y talned "I love thl• child, and I will do Wedneed.ay. ludp nu~ wldetpread atteptlon wti.n he an)1hlnc and arree to an1'blnl that sbe be penonJll1 served tullllllltd..JUdWJ• u.'&;1.~tot0~1aiav11eaJi&w~.&Mr..»::.-:---::-:-::--'.~...,mlr'"lfi"".6l&f"li1 S o~ WI Vintn ID-a breach of contract II itcbellon declined Monday altemooa. auit aaaihlt actor Lee Marvin, to provtde anv further •n:onn•· (lee ABO&TION, Pa1• Al) 90Saved From Sea In Britain PLY MOCT H-. -En g la nd <AP , -At l ~a s t three yachtsmen were deCld . eight ' m issing and 15 boats sunk or abandoned Tuesd ay night as an Atlantic gale· turned the F a stnct Yac:ht Race into a gnm struggle for ~urvl\,al As warstup~ and helicopter-. !:>Courc-d t he !>torm tossed SPas and picked up 90 sur\'1vors. Bob Bell of Bermuda brought his 77-foot ketch Condor acro:-s lhe fi nish line at Plymouth to win the 605-milP ra1·e in record time T he American ketch Ktaloa came in 2'1 minute" later for ~econd plact'. 1t!i Ca hforn1cin skipl)t'r. J im K1tro)', 1)1ng 111 JU red with broken ribs But in P lymouth . '4·h1<:h 15 usually agog -;it tht• f1n15h of lh1:. most famous of <t<'ean ract'S. th1: t \\O leading )<it·hts arri\'('d al mo-.t unnolH'l'd Th(' real dTama v.i s j\ ·wu .... here ob st.'r n•r5 "'1:n· tn 1ng to t·st:.ibhsh v. h1ch o f the mu r1: than 31111 \achts v.h1 ch ... 1:.ined uut dl Cowband wen• ~till -.floa t The ) acht~ Wt' re cau~ht in tlw 70·mlle·a n·hour 2alc dS tl11 ·' rounded Lhe Fa:.ll'1el Hr1ck or"r Southern Ireland and ht•.idt:d back towa rds the Engl.tsh Chan nel a nd lhe hmsh line "Mayday." the emer gency c all for help sent out by ships in distress. was picked up from manv vessels over a wide :.rea 1>f the Eastern /\tlanu<' The names of the lost 'achts and the dead and m1Sb1 ng V.t'fl' st ill awaited Tht're W('re rear .... for tht' French ;. acht Tarantula. which was last seen by obs~rvers on J helicopter lo b<' in dt'<'P trouble Ont' French crev. man Jumped in to the sea and ~a:-picked up The other :.1x bdllt'ned themselves into the hold After ho\'_e ring for half an hour. unable to do any more. lht' h<'licopter rNurned to its base A race ofhc1al said Tarantulla had not been s potted s ince Survivors w1:re brought ashore Crom the 37 ·foot British yacht M a~1c. which v.a s stricken with a broken ruddN 65 miles off Land's End Four other mem b<'rs of lhe cre v. were still unac rounted for. .. We sent out lh<' ·~a yday· <See STORM, Pa~e i\21 Teen Escapes San Clemente Holdup Try A 19-year-0ld youth escaped inj ury la te Mo nday i n San Clem ente when he Oed a carload of men after one or lhe car's oc- cupants told him . "Give me your money and your keys or I'll blow your head off." Police said Dave J ohnsen or Fullerton. who works for a car· rier service, was dropping papers off at Mutua l Savings a nd Lo an . 570 Camino de Estrella, when the 11 :30 p.m . in· cident occurred. Johnsen told police he re- turned to his car when a station wagon loaded with five adults approached him in the dark parking lot. He jumped tn his car and fled when one of the men pointed what he described as a .45·caliber automatic at him. The carload of m en chased Johnsen onto the southbound San Diego Freeway and followed him to Avenue Pico. where the frighte ned carrier h eaded , knowing security guards were worklrl& at a factory there. Tbe men fied when Johnsen O••lv P1101 SI.Off Pllolo INJURED IN RACE Newport's Jim Kllroy • Mangers Hits Hard At Brown B~ JOA :"\SE R EVSOl.O~ Ol IM O••lr P•IOI Sl•ll l){'mocrat1c A ~"t'm blvm :.n Ot?nnis Mangers of Hunt in~ton Reach allad<ed Gm . Edmund G Brown Jr Monday ai:. being "o bd urate. insens1t1ve and or absolutely no value to Orange County." M a n~ers ' ver ba l blast wvs pl'rhap~ t he mos t b1 tin~ l)f :-evt'ral lt>velt:'d a t the Democratw gove rnor d uring " luncheon hosted by the Oran~t· <.:ount~ C:oa ~l A~!-1u·1nt ion beC'au:.t• 11 <·amt-from a mt.>mbcr of the Gov<'rnor .., pol1 t1c::.il pa rt~ Manger.._, Assl.'mhly \\Oman ~t a rt an BNgeson . R Nt>wport Beach and State Senator John Sch mitz. R :"1.•wport Beach. all c·ritJC·1zed the· gm ern1ir during their lunchMn t:-ilks in :\ewpor1 Beach Mangers. "ho is Sl'rvin~ his st.>cond t1:•rm in the i\sst>mbly. 'aid Brown stands 1n lht• w ay of the ('ountv·, rt:'etl1zalwn of 1t~ ma1 nr ~oal:-1n h eal t h . 1 ran "POrtut ton and cconom1 c: gro .... th H e said dealing with the go'. t•rnor·!:> att1tudl• that the coiintv IS ('Ornposed or "white fli ght rac1sL-;·· b tht· maJor frustration of his lt>g1slat1n· career Schmitz c·rit1 c1zed the J(OV· ernor for his appointment of Edison Mi ller to the County Bo ard of Supervisors a nd th1• subsequent dispute over actress Jane Fonda 's a ppomtmt!nt to lht• state Arts Council. The conservative Republican said his mail is. running 100 to one in favor of the senate 's de· m a t of Miss Fonda 's appoint- ment to the arts bo<1rd. (See MANGERS, P age A:?) Coa~l Weathe r Night and morning low clouds clearing early Wed- nes day afte rnoon. Not much temperature change with highs Wednesday in 70s at beaches to 80s in- land. Overnight lows in 60s. INSIDE TODAY Artilt William Alexander. the ebulH~t host oJ "The Magic of Oil Painting" on KOCE·TV, hal been dub~ "The Happy Pointer" by Jana. See F•aturing Page Cl. crashed into a road median ln ae ,_ wm. •1 AM u1111wt et rront of Reeves Rubber Co. at ~r:,·.:;--~ =::. '---.:: 415 Avenue Plco. ...._. ...~ ,...1...,. .. eel...... AS ............... M Jobnaeo wun•t hurt in the ac· ~-.. ca-" 0r .... c-iey •• cident. =:.:__ : :=...., .~~ A HCUrity 1Uard at the plant ~ ..._.. a, .._._...,.. .. Cold poUce JobDIG-WM-W=;...+.:·:-:ertM::.:""'=~"'~==L..--~ followed at hith speed by a =--= whlte station wa1on wben the ...... accident occurred . • Ontaond Makes Debut ---·-... Singing star Donny Osmond and his wife, Debbi~. p_resent lheir first child, Donald Clark Osmond Jr., for his fi rs t of· fic ial picture in Los Angeles . Donny Jr. was bo:n July 31 in Provo, Utah, a nd is the 20th Osmond grandchild. ='------ Senator Clarifies Fonda Comments SACRAM ENTO <AP> -State Sen Robert Nimmo said today, without his doak of i.enatorial immunity. that what Jane fo'on da ~aid on a trip to Hanoi during the Vietnamese wa r was .. an act of treason" hy his standard-; He ins isted he bad not clflled her a tr:.utor The Republican senator from Atal>c<1dero said pretty much the l>CJ me LhtnJ! on the· n oor ''' th<: St-nate. where he hus immunity from CJ sla nder suit. fie said it July 20, when thP Senate/ b)' :.i volt• of 28 5. rt•fused JANE FONDA LAUDED BY RED PRESS-Al Lo cont1rm Ml> Fonda':-. <ippoint mt,nt to the stale Arts Council Nimmo made• his new charac- terization of Ms . Fonda's acl.Jons a t a news confe ren<'e he called to discuss a letter fi e received from actor He nry Fonda, Jane 's father . defe ndmg 111s daughter Fonda wrote that h e had friends and relatives who d1l> a~reed with ha s pohlH.'l>, and they remetined friend!> by not dascu~sing 1t .. But. as much tt~ they might dal>agree with J anc, they would never drE'<tm of calling her et 'traitor ,· or u:-.ing the word 'tr eason· in referring to her They know her better," Fonda wrote Nimmo gave reporters a copy of his reply, in which he said that the Senate·s duty w1.1s not only to determine an appointee·s profcssaonal qu<.1ltf1 calions, but County Man Stab Victim A 22-year-old Santa Ana mC1.n believed to be a n WJdocumenled alien was stabbed to death in his home Monday a fternoon by two men who apparently were trying to rob rum. police said. Identified as the victim was Manuel Barragan, 22, of 2600 S. Rosewood. He died of knlf P wo unds at Mercy General Hos pital shortly after the 2 :40 p. m . robber y. Two suspec ts escaped. Police said one-fourth lo one- ha If ounce of heroin was found at the murder scene along with pa ra phernalia related to the packaging and sale of the drug. OAANOE COAST DAILY PILOT ,,,_ Ot.-~ (OMI 0.H~ tl'OOI •Uf\wPttt "•\(O"' t·,..ftf~ .......... PY'°"'' t\fNC)l1'\Ntctb_.t,....OrM'O ( 0-4'1 "'"'°''"'•"Ct(Of't~• .,. .. , .. , .. fd•t~ .. 1,. p.Jeh,~d """""1d•¥ f~OWO" .. h<lji• ,.,. (O'\I• M,..._. ,...........,, Bf>~" """'',..Oft fko•toi J"9Ufl t••ltV"'llfltil lfw-1,.. l~8'M'-\ovtPt(~\I A '1~fP t•O~ -O•t'°" t~ outlif1"""'0 \llftw~.t•\4'nf """'°-•\ 0. pr•,,....._. PUOh\fltf"'9 "4•f'li'I '' •• UD WPU """ \t,--t (Mt• Mt\a ( •llfOft'I~• •1'1' .. _ .. _ o,..-, .... 1\, •"4 Pwbf1""'"" , ..... C-loy Yttt It 4"•dtfftt 4'1\0 c;.,.,,..,. .. Milll'WQlfr , ............. .. I cm Of' f-t•a.4-........ ,,., ..... O..r-..N '-' 11-1' !UH A\\l\Ltftt Mttt••l"tl.•tor\ L .. 11"• Beech C>ffie. ltJI "o ~ .. ., "'"'"'°' Offle•• CMto-..,. llOWt;i-..,,.,..,, ""'"'"".., .. ~,. '"" .._,. ..., .... ,o TeleplloM '11•11a-4121 OleMffled Ad.ertlelrle M2-M71 Lefvn• hHll Al O..• .,.nt1: TtleplloM ·~ ,, __ , .. _ ....... <M••'fl'.: ~ °'4 <::i.~~ f::{,., ., .... , .... ,.,."'• .... , •• ,. "'•' .. tt•t•d"< .. wlt"""4 tMc••f """'"*.,. .. , .......... - r.'~ft~~·1u~T..~CA1-t~::.~ ,..,,., u,, _.,. .... -· 1111111•••--"""--, _, also to "ins ure that the pubh<• conduct and demeanor of a nominee is such that confirma- tion by the Senate will not result an public outrage.·· Nimmo sC11d the Senatt' acl.Jon had been endorsed by .. an un precedented volume of approv 1ng letters. card:-. and tcle grams." II e said lhett as of Fridny he had received 304 letters support ing his position to 43 againM, while the Senate hact received 497 for to 67 again:st. ln his lf'tter to Fonda . Nimmo d id not mention treason Asked 1f he still believed 1\1") Fonda was guilty of lrt-ason. Nimmo rcphcd that "'treason 1:-. like murder. unless you have been convicted or at, you are not guilty .. ··I did not s ay she was a traitor ... he s <.11d F,....P~AI MANGERS. • .. fl was absolutely pohtacal on our part," Schmitz said of the move, .. because everyth ing the governor does is absolutely political." Srhmitz said that every move the governor makes "is tailored to how that action will look in New Hamps hire or Florida.·· The senator s aid that Brown 1s attracted to Miss Fonda and her hu s band. Tom H ayden. not because of a shared ideology but because her movie status gives he r the drawing power to r<1!!>e millions of campaign dollars for him ··one columnist said she pledged $3.5 million. That·s e1 heck of a lot more money than could be raised if Dirk O"Ne1ll gave a concert." he set1d O'Neill is c hairman of the s late Democratic Central Committee a nd lobbied for the appointment of former Assemblyme1n Ron Cordova lo the county Board of Supervisors. Mrs . Bergeson, who is serving her fi rst term in the Assembly w as mo re cautious in h er criticis m of the governor, Limit- ing her remarks lo quips that he's decided lo "do for the nll · tlon what h e's d one t o California" a nd referring to him as "our fearless leader." Monday s he discussed her pending legislation which would Index state income tax brackets to the Inflation rate so that cos t of living pay raises won't push res idents Into highe r lax brackets. Spilled Oil Nears Harbour An oil s pill o f unknown magnitude wu headlne toward HunUngU>n Harbour this morn- ing, the Orange Cou.nty Harbor Patrol report.eel. The spill reportedly be11n to- day when a tanker, beln1 pulled by a bar1e otf the coast of Hunt· ln1ton Beach, beau loalq oil from an uncapped tank. OfrlclaJa aa.ld cleanup cNwa were in the area thla mornlftl at- tem ptlftl to contain the apUI. ?here were no reporu of oU bit· Un1 beacbel. Tbe ol1 slick had drifted under a Pactllc Cout Hiahway brid1e by 10:00 a.m. and waa headed toward HunUn1ton Harbour, autborttl• taid. Mother Held in Tot Death t By MIOIAEL PASKEVICH OI .. OM!y NM lwt A Fountain Valley mothet' wa1 r h1ar11tc:t with murder early to· day In the bathtub drowning of ht1 r :i year.old ~on. accord.lna to poll e c rpoorts The vletlm. Gregory Allen Ha rding, who would have been th r ee In November. died of cardhtc arrest at 7:04 am. today at Children's llospitaJ of Oranae County. otficlals sa.ld. lnvesU1ators said they found the youngster submersed in the bathtub of the Harding home, 17451 Santa Isabel SL, Monday at 4 10 p m after has mother. "'alked mto the police depart- ment and said she had drowned her on Margurite J ean Harding. a 32 year old housewife. was taken Into custody immediately. . .. She was visibly s haking, however her words were very distinct and to the point," Delec- ll vc Donald Cook said today. ·'She had no tears. There was no e motion," he added. Cook said no motive has been establi11hed In the death. Mrs. Harding, whose husband. Mark W:lS' -ar work on ay a ernoon whl'n the incident occurred, is ht>ing h<'ld without bail In the women's facility at Orange County J ail. Cook said the youth was rlothed. but wearin~ no shoes. when police foWJ d him In the tub Thl• boy·s body bore no bru1M's or abrasions considered unusual for a child of that age. · ·Sht' had not been known to ab11M' him." Cook s aid. In· ten 1C'ws "1th neighbors in the rf's1dt-ntwl tract near the Hunt- tnJ!ton Reach boundary indicat- ed .. s he h ad been a loving moth<'r. ·· ht• added Pol1re alt<'mpted cardio · pulmonary and mouth-to-mouth rcs usct1<.1t1on at the Harding home 1n an effort to revive young c;rrgory Jf(' was first tak<'n tn llunttngton Intercom· mun1ty Hos pital . and later t ransferr<'d to the children 's hospital 1n Orange. The boy was being kept alive with the help of life-support svstC'ms. but his heart failtd this morning. offi cials said. P o lice s :.i1d Mark a nd M aq~unte llarding had been married for JO years. Gregory was thei r only child F,.._P~AJ STORM ... :-.1gnal. but the radio was very weak <1nd we didn't know if dnyone was hearing us,·· said David Boothum, one of the sur v1 vors from the M ag1c '"The M·a s were the worst l have ever been in. We were floating for 10 hours until we were rescued:· The crew membe rs of another British boat. the Camargue, wen· pushed into the boiling sea hy their captain , Arthur Moss. :.ind then winched to safety by helic-opter One of the survivors, Frank Worley, said : '"The idea of jumping into those huge seas was a ppalling . We were all pushed in, one by one. by the captain ·· Survivors from the Irish yacht R egardles~. which was towed in to the ln sh port of Baltimore with a broken rudde r. reported chaos among the racing fleet "It was frigh tening,'· one crewman said. "We s aw some yac ht s lying on their sid es. Others were stern up, a nd some were gone altogether." The progress of the Admiral's Cup series, which culminated in t h e Fa s tnet Rac e, was swallowed up in the gales and mountainous seas. Nothing had been heard of the three yachl.8 of the United Stattes team Williwa w, Imp and Aries. Police Seek Nude Attacker Of SC Boy, 9 San Clemente police are seek· Ing a well-buHl m a n descr ibed In his early 20s with short blond hair after the naked suspect walked Into a residence early t.o· day and attacked a 9-year-old boy . Pollce said the family was awakened 1hortly before 12:30 a .m. at their home ln the 100 block of Ave. Carmelo by the crlea ot their 9·year-old son. The man entered tbrouiJi an unlocked front door. poUce Hid. A slater aa.ld t he ran lnto tbe Uvln1 room and found lhe naked man utauJUnc the boy who had been aaleep on a C!Ouch In the home. Th• man nect the retldenee, cbu~ tb• boy'• father but be el punuera ln the area ol Santa Mar11rtta 1D the city's IOUtb 9ftd. Tbe boy WU wWl- Juted. - Be Feeds the Ani111als I This 1s Ti~cr Ball and some of the 500 pounds of horscmcat he cuts up every day for the big cat s of Ringling Bros . and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Bill posed fo r ~J2itlur.e_duriruit the ree~nt vt&il-<>f-t.he to Long Beach. wh~re _Bill is .s till culling away. H e's been doing 1t for six year s. He says tigers get lO to 20 pounds of m~a~ a d ay. while leopards, somew~at dainber: eaters, gel five to 11lP<JttUL4Ji;_-J1f------ circus to Anaheim. It ~h~a:_s_:~~i'...'.n~ce:.-.'..m~o.:v~ed~o::n.:_ __________________ _ F,.._P~AI CANYON ... north end of thl' gotr cour..,1· lla m ala-said m o~t ol lh t· dwelling units wouldn l tw \ l'>I ble Crom the new can} on m .id saying some would b.· tur·k1·rl behind knolls and other'> "ould be behind rulls near lht• l.1·1wr(' World development Architect Ted Robinson 1s dt· signing the 346-acre golr IJ\out The Southern California C111! As..sociation env1s1on5 m1n.111~ it"s Los Angeles headqu<Jrtt•r" 10 the new facility in La~urrn <"<in yon . The assoc1at1<Jn ""uld maintain the two public courM·!'> In addition to the golf Murst·. the Irvine Co mpany 1s prupo~ng that 400 acres. the maJ11r1t) an Laurel Canyon. be left 1n OJll:'n space. Three resort and c11mm1·rr1al sites are located in 1 hl· pmwc·t area. with uses 1ndud1nJ! h11t1·I~. restaurants and rt•t·rt•;llion:d facilHies. Ont• 11 ar r{• .,Ill' ""uld be located on cit y l;.illfl The company conn·pt. <ilong with 11 other plans dc-vt•loped by Laguna Heach and otht•r Rroup-.. wi II be r<'Vll'\\ NI In l he t'lt \ '> Planm~ Comm1"""'" "'"•lne·" day night F,.._PagrAI ABORTION In wntte n argument:-. prl:':.cnt ed to Judge Todd. utturne~ Rhoden said that lel!al rt>si·;Hch on the issu<' of his r l11·nl"'> right.. were rus ht'd bt·tau:-.e of tht· cir cums tances l>Urrounctin"' tht• case. But Rhoden Mtid th1· m<.rt ter raises a "CfU<'l>ll<>n ncvC'r dt· caded in Californw · · Judg<' T odd '>«ht•dul1'CI ,, further hearing in the c·<.rs<· for 9 ·30 a m AuJ? 21 2 Women Sought In Pigeon Drop 8.> JOASSE REVSOl.DS Of UW D••IY ...... \WU :-., e" port Beach pr1l 1 ce are :.1·e k1ng two women "ho tricked an eldc-rly re:.1dent out of $5.000 1n a time-worn (•onf1denC'e .,,heme known ~-lhl' Pigeon Urop Thl' suspects bt>tn.li? so1Jghl an· J preji!nant black woman who 1'- nearlv ~Ix fel't tall etnd a ~t1l1> "h1le. \I.Oman Both et pp 'an.'<1 to he in their 30s. the vacum tCJld police A<.:cordlnl'! to police repart'> t ht• \I.Oman \\o'> ap pr<J .!C:b~d Thur:-.day while shopping m th• <·hildren s !>E'Cl1on of a de•p&rt mf'nt store in Fashion Island She said the !'tmalll.'r \\l)rr'lltn !.truck up a com ers atwn dunn"' "h1ch she alluded to ~omt· kind of a d1:.turbe1nc·t-at <1nother d<· partmcnt s tore tn\olv1ng d :.cam ·· Thev were JOIDed by the preR nant woman \I.ho v.as ra rr~tng an emelo~ She s.Hd ..,he d t:Vn d man drop 1t oul!>1de and .,.. h•·n .,hi' tned l•> Rive 1t bad, to him he ran aY.a.) from her Tht' outs1d<.' of the envclo~ C'arrted the not:.illon. · ~\l.1Ss HoK 439·· a nd 1ns1d£' "as a n1Jt<• "h1ch rt>ad. S90.U(HJ l>t'ar bro I her. I HS ufter me ra<·etrdCk ·· Tht> , 1ct1m !>aid she sav. a fe" 2<1 dollar bills and "al> told th1· rl'!-.t of tht• l'nvclope held l.OOU dollar b1 ll s The three women d1i.cusM•d "hat should be donl' Y.1th tht• money ;rnd agreed to take tht· matter up "1th tht• prt>f.(netnl \\Oman s :Jflorne~ "ho had ot f1 crs tn :'liewport Center Th.-">U.'>pi·ct left to talk to the l<1v. \t-r and returned with the nt-" ~ th:.it ht· -,aid they could d1\1d1· th1 m1in1·\ prm 1ded they "1 up th1· di\ 1:-111n J'> a busrne~s ,1e .. 11 Thul mt•anl 1·arh h:.id lo show "'h« ....,.,., 4nant·1all> <:aJ)itbl~ I){ 1·nt1·nn'1 J hu~tnC'>l> deal \ 1 1 h" ,u,µ1·1·1-. · .,uggest1on. th1· \ wt1m "'''nt home , got her tiJnk hr)ok and withdrew $5,000 < ••'h frrm1 h•·r .11·rount 1 h1· thrr·1· tJ f them drove to a ~··"port C•·nt t>r offH•e building .ind th<' prt·J.!n;.int woman look th• \H·t1m ~money into the lit L•irne•\ "" h1• purportedly could \, rtf~ tJw '>l'rl:.tl numbers on lht· 11111 .. ~h .. rPI urn1·d ,111<1 told the Vil t1rr1 tu J.!11 1nt11 lht· attorney's <•f fh l' anc1 \Ollt'cl her S5.000 and ht·r 5hJn of thl' found mom.·y. Course Slated For Nurses Rt·g1:-.tf'r<'d nurse!> may sign up for J cour;c on .. Drugs and ~1l'll'f\ · · al South Coas t Medical t't·ntt·r twg1nn1ng Aug. 23. Tht· 1·oursc. offt!red by Chap man C'l1lf<•g1, 1s <.t<'<'red iled by 1 h1· Wt• ... f\•rn A ... :-.nc1a t1on of S1·ho11I!'> and C'ollegt•s Clal>' met.•ttngs a re scheduled Thur,tf~,,., from .t :JO to 8 ·30 p 111 E:H·h thr1·t.· unit rourse will 1., ... 1 n1n1· "eek'i F 11r ri•t.:1:-.1 ration tnformatlon, 1 ,tfl tht· h11'>1nta l at 499-1311, ext. h Iii With Rolex, diamonds are right on time. i' llOLSZ SLAVICK'§ Fine Jewele:rs Since 1917 Tht' d1<.t1ncll\ 1• JM k:11 ,1l H'llO\\ s:old Holt>>. Oar Oak with matrh1n~ hidden rlru.µ bra re let A l 'nadornt·d. S5.250 00 B With diamond cll al. $5.925.00 C Wi th diamond bezel and d1<.1mond dial. $9.075 00 Or a<ld to your own IR karat ~old 11a) Oate a diamond hl'lel forSJ.150 00 ora dia m ond dial for $675 00. or hoth for SJ.825 00 Fashion laland Newport Center, Newport Beach I <714) 8"·l380 3 Other Loutlon~ W~tmlnster Mall. Laauna Hiils Mall. Oran1c. Cerntoli Al10 Ore1ter U» Angeles I San Oie10 '~!!.Y'M: •-a-. u .. -ti 8aftft • fOlt• ..... fllitl'I• ,._. ~---• MtmNr flM Jt~len Gtdld i ' . .. ' 'Daanks for Life California Highway Patrol Sgt. Michael Bair gets a big hug from 31h-year-old Electra Poag of Irvine, whose life was saved by Bair Friday after the child was pulled un· conscious and unbreathing from a pool near her home. Bair, who had been at the pool with his own children, re· vived her as paramedics arrived. lB Center Closes Rising fuel costs and the cost of transportation has forced closure of the Laguna Beach Recycling Center, which wa:; us ed by hundreds of residents to deposit newspapers. cans, glass and other reuseable goods. Harold Thomas, executive director of the Environmental Coalition of Orange County, said in creasing costs ror fuel and transportation, along with prices paid to the Laguna Beach opera- tion by dealer s, fo rced the clos ure of the center on Laguna Canyon Road. "The economics do not justify even the minimal labor costs needed to maintain the site ." Thomas told Laguna Beach council members in a letter re- cently. 1 .. ,..,,..,..... BARBETTE DAVIDSON WITH LIVELY CAT, 'BUDDY' Burted Five Days, Feline Comes Back to Life Kitty 'Baek' Pet Only Lo8t One Li/e CLARKSTON, Wash. <AP) -The Arnold Davidson family burled their pet kitten, Buddy, beneath an apple tree in the backyard. Five days later, Buddy was back -eight of his nine lives still intact. "We thought he broke bis neck or spine," Jerrie Davidson aaid. '"Ibere was an accident and he was hurt. There was no pulse and no bleeding, so we took him out, put him in a box and buried him, like you do when a cat dies," she explained. THE FAIDLY WAS SO CEllTAIN Buddy was dead they didn't contact a veterinarian. "Tbe cat showed absolutely no slgn or life. In fact, Arnold claims Buddy wu starting to aet stiff when be put him in the box," MrJ. Davidson said. Tbe family selected a sturdy box for Buddy's coffin this month. Five days later. 8-year-old Barbette David.son said sbe was pickin8 apples when she beard it -a weak ••meow.'' "I didn't believe her. I'm out in that area where we buried him MVeral times a day and I beard absolutely notbln1," Mn. Davtd8Clll said. • But Barbette and her sister, Kelly, 12, rushed to the 1ravealte. They unearthed a wobbly, buncry, thirsty -but alive -7ellow kitten. .. NOBODY BEUEVES II& WUN I tel.I tbem abcMrt OW' cat, and I don't blame tbem," laid lln. Davidlon. Bat Buddy's reau.rrfftioo didD't astound veterinary science. .. It's poulble, tf the cat wu 1D a comatoee-type·siate where breatblnl and metabolic proceuea were severely reduced," said Dr. Richard Nellon, in cbarl• of small animala and SW'· 1ery for tile Wubi.Datoa State University Department of Vtterbaary Medicine. "It woald ba.e been Uk• a bear in blberaatJon," be said MODdaJ. fte fttM1aarian added tbat Budcb probably lived because Ml IDJurt. produced tbe eomat.oM state. Had be beeo !Maltby "'9D llur1ed, be would laave bad no cbaac:e of 1W'Yivin1. AND avDDT, MU. DAVIDION 1a79, doela't 11keto be alone .... ••e.•1 Jwt a... De be wu blfon, except be ad.I like he ·era .. 1nama comPMJoaablp. You Ill clowa aad lie'• J•t n,bl ...... a. foUon JOU arou.ad ~-won't let JOU aloae. '' t ~ Co••t••• ••••• Nevada Readks For Execution CARSON CITY , Nev. CAP) -N~vada piUon otftclala are eon· Unuln1 preparaUom for the ex· ffUllon of Inmate Jeue Walter Biahop in just two weeu. But Prison Director Charles Wolif J r said Mooday he sUll expects a court-ordered delay. Bishop, 46, of Garden Grove, ia "getting along fine" as bis trip to the gas chamber nears, Wolff said, adding thal Bishop's Red Press Supports Jane Fonda opposition to any stay of the sett- tence ''is stronger than ever before." Bishop, who rece ived the death penalty after being COO· victed of killing a ne wlywed BalUmore, Md., man du.rtnc a December 1.9'77 caaino robbery in Laa Vegas, bu repeatedly said be wants no appeals filed on bls behalf. Despite that, attorneys from the Clark County Public Defeo· der's office were preparing a re- quest to the U.S. District Court in Laa Vegas to stay the Aug. 27 execution -wbicb wouJd be Nevada's fU"St since 1961. The request for a stay was ex- pected to be filed this week. The defender's offi ce has been in contact with groups s uch as the American Civil LJbetties Union and a NAACP legal defense group. Re presentatives of Bishop's MOSCOW (AP> -Jan."'--"...xu.--+'mmedla~he""e-58td-peo- <la's name 1s 'iike a curse to pie fighting his execution are Hollywood bosses" because of "getting their fear or death her politics, says the Soviet mixed up with his" and he "ain't youth newspaper , but In Russian afraid to die." eyes s he's a "symbol or The spokesmen have said the American freedom fig hter s" Death Row inmate Is more wor- like the radical black activist ried about the poss1 bihty of Angela Davis. court stays which m1gbt only de· •'The name of J ane Fonda is lay an inevitable trip to the gas today on all the blacklists of chamber. America ," journal ist V Thespokesmenhavealso srud K r i v c h i n w r o t e i n the family is "100 percent Komsomolskaya Pravda. "The behind him because this 1s what Pen tagon, CIA, FBI, all are he wants," and the family will vigilantly watching her ... She not try to stop the execution. is like J oan of Arc, and they are Prison Director Wolff said he threatening her with the same is still trying to work out pro· fate." cedures for the execution, even The detailed article gave the though he thinks "there's a good impression that Miss Fonda is chance a stay will occur " unable to make movies and not· Those procedures include test· ed she "was d eprived of the ing or the prison gas chamber to 0 sca r awa rd ' ' f o r h er make sure it doesn't leak, draw. performance in "They Shoot ing of a list of witnesses. order- Horses. Don 't They?" which was mg cyanide, and other steps. shown on Soviet television in Bi s h op's execu t ion wa s J uly. scheduled Au g. 1 by Clark Coun· Nothing was said about her ty District Court Judge Paul c urre nt box office hit "The Goldman. and Bishop was then TOM HAYDEN ATTACKS PESTICIDE USE-AS China Sy ndro m e " or the Acadtmy Awards she won for "Klute" and "Coming Home." Krivchin wrote that unlike most Hollywood s upers tars. fame and fortune we re not enough for Miss Fonda. "The natura l be auty and a rtistic talent which Mother Nature bestowed on Jane Fonda would s~m to mean a cloudless life for the Hollywood star ," he wrote. " .. But she. who was to be the idol of the American ohilistines. refused to conform to the Hollywood mold. . To- day the name of Jane Fonda is l ike a c urse t o Hollywood bosses" The writer said she has found ··ne w prominence. especially amon g common people in America" -American Indians, blacks, Puerto Ricans and Mex· ican-Americans -as a result of her outspoken political views . But it was her oppposilion to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War that caused he r the most trouble, the article continued. "J ane Fonda was forced to bide out in P a r is from lhe persecution of authorities and from the attacks a nd harass· ment or those who wanted to portray her as an unbalanced movie star," it s aid. • 'ln the United Stales, word was s pre ad that she was a schizophrenic suffering from a nervous disorder. And the American press accused her of many sins, including contraband and even the sale of narcotics." Though a "boycott" was or- ganized in Hollywood against her, the writer continued, "the attacks did not frighten Jane. On the contrary, she joined the political struggle m ore a c- tively ... Even the strong of the world are afraid of her.'' The Soviet press baa been pay· ing considerable attenUon to the California Senate's rejection of Miss Fonda's nominaUoo to the state art.a council because of her support of the North Vietnamese and her trip to Hanoi duriq tbe war. The Soviet news agency Tass termed the rejection "a return to McCarthyism ." returned to De ath Row at th~ Maximum Security Prison in Carson City There are six other men on Death Row but only Bishop faces the pros~ct of execution soon. All others have appeals pending and no execution dates have been set in their cases At the t ime of sentencing. Bishop said bis execution "wiU be one of the most unpleasant events of my life but I 'II cope with it. "It's something that's inevita· ble," he told reporte rs. "I'd rather have it done now and have it be over with " Bishop did time for robberies in California and was on proba- tion from two life terms when captured in the Las Vegas area following the casino shooting. He also did time for drug offenses while in the Army. lie became addicted to heroin while re - covering from in1uries suffered while serving as a paratrooper during the Korean conn1ct DAILY PILOT AP Wl<t-10 WORKER PULLED UP FROM HOLE UNDER HOUSE 'Great Gold Ruth' Brfng1 Throngs to Florida Site Gold Strike Excavation Yields Riches KEY WEST. Fla I AP) -The gold strike at Lighthouse Court. a housing complex owned b~ Ke nt and Jim Peppe r . ha~ stalled. but that hasn't stopped the cunous. La s t We dn esday con · structlon crews were clearung an old well shaft on the property when they came across ~me gold nuggets That started a miniature gold rush that has unearthed mort than 2 pounds of nuggets But on Monday, the strike ap· peared to ha .. ·e been played out -for the moment at least "They found nothrng." scud Hank Sierke. who helps in the administration of the housing complex. "I hope this ttung ts over soon Th!s place ha:. been overrun with people · The brothers bought the land in 1977, and have begun renovat- in~ houses on it Since the nuggets v.erc found Wednesday. workers have dug a 18-foot-deep. 4-by-4 hole i.n the backyard of one of the houses. t:s mg a piece of screenmg and a kitchen colander. they have been sifting the sand much like 19th-century prospectors On Sunday. eight more nuR ~ets appeared in their prospect· 1ng tools Some nuggets are 3 mches in diameter Others cfff' twisted and bent, possibly from sm1..•lttn1? Thi· OO\'Jt t' pro'ipector" abo have found a 19th-century half dime. a hand forged spike from a schooner . an animal tooth and pi eces of bnck T he Peppt•rs sa:. a IO<'<J I Jeweler valued the nuggeu. al I<! Jnd 14 karat.!> With gold ..,<.-llrnj! fo r about $300 an ounc1>. the Peµ pers esumatt' their find ts wort h "m101mum ofSl0.000 The brothers have promised v.orkers from Sackett Construe t1on Co. or Key West one -third of the lake The state hai. no claim on the ftnd s ince 1t turned up on private land. There 1s no state income tax 1n Flonda. The Flonda Keys a re rich v.1th 1i::land lore of pirates . bootleggers, smugglers and Con feder ate spies. Frank Ba ke r. a Ke~· Wt!'il natl\!', c;a~ ... lhe Pepper propntv "'a s cl beach se\oeral hundred ) ea r~ ago. and o vt!rlook-. a natural deep channel. making a perfect spot for u pirate to stash boot\' His torian Betty Bruce sa1ci Wilham Cash bou~ht the land m 1894 Cac;h. she said , \o\o<tS a rnl orfu·1 t haracte r and one of Kev Wec;t 'c; n che:.t merchanh · 3 Young Girh Hel,d, aa Drunk Three YOUDI 1irl1, between the aaes ol 10 aad 11, were cited I or beln1 dnmk lD public bf Lacuna Beaeb police late lloa· d&)' nl-. rve are proud to introduce CILASSKC ILADKlES .CLOTHING The younpten were reported· ly spotted by patrolmen near a raat rood' reetaw-ant tn the eoo bloclt of South Coast Hlahway ..... ___________ _ 1bortly before 11 p.m. lloaday . Tbe tiP11 trto were cited for publJc lntoncation and tumed over to tbeir parenta, police Hid today. ' • 1Jz3 lrvlM. Newpon ~a<'h C.J1fornM. Phone 04.1-7001 I T~~t4,lt11 ~TlON I WORLD Q ...• ~ Te•~~';' 25,000 Dead Flood? • ID f Marp•l•~ This Trip Necessary? OP n.AP8 AND FaE&liOAD8: Some mea1ure of ~e bate developed reccnUy In HunUniton Buch on lh• qu ,&ioA ol ..alloallnt LU dollan lO Mnd cl\)' lst10t on an oducaUOoaJ trip Thia happena ats.noat every year The tHl ot leanun1. ln lht. lnatance, 'WOUid be at lh~ allfonua Lfla1ue ot CiUet MUioo ln San rrandaco. Certaan mwtlc:lp1l Hvant.a defeftd lhue lrh>a. deelar In& lhal you cannot be a &ood coundJ pel'IOft or flnancft director unleq you 1t1t to1e~r .:very now and then with othe r council persons •nd ftnancc dlr~toni ln ordtir to till <'hange mwWgencu OET&Arl'OL'i, HOWEVER, Oat label these tr1pb in lilt' pur:.Ult o( knowled&t: if> freeloadfa& Junket.a, flnanced IJv tht-tattered taxpM yttri.. bO the pollllc1ani. un s tudy San TW<> Coa.stal Cll1zen:i Aiding City Councilman in /111 Travels Francisco s treet palterni> from the Top of the Mark or '>eafront problems fro m a window table at the Buena Vista King Road Repealed ·in Alabama MONTGOMERY. Ala. (AP> - The Le11Alature baa ~aled a 1978 rHOlutloo namlnl lo· teratale SS t.brouc,b Monteomery •fter the Rev. Martin Luther Kini Jr .. but lbe state 11n't p1an. 01ng to remove lbe iilhl beariq Kin&'• name:. The resolution booorin& Kine was repealed as a sect.ion of a parking bill that passed the Legis lature this session. •P· parently without having been read by manyollhe lawmakera- ancludlng two blacks THE PEJlSON respons ible for the repeal action was state Sen. Ue wey White of Birrpj_n~am, the 11pomor or the parkmg 1>111. W hi~ said Monday he decided lo 1meak the m easure through the Legislature because he dJd not believe t.he 1976 Legislature real· ly tnlended co name-"1.h eir: pressway after the slain civil rights leader. White said he did not offer a !\cparate ball to re pt:al the res o lut1o n because he kne w It would not pa&s "One perbon t•11uld have blo<'ked 1t," he said , "and I wanted 1l t o bccom t· Juw · Kotter Collet-ts Gc.Jbe K<.iplc.Jn . who-,1-TV ~ho"" \\ f'lt·om•· H<.11 k Kotkr wa~ t·~nn·ll·d . 1,1,on l tH' !>l<.indrn~ in tht· un,~mplo)' m1·nl lint· l lt:'!) -.ho .... n rJklflJ! In ;,a s200.ooo p<Jt \\<Jn in .J c-ha llt•ngt• 1::1m1· 1,1, 1th \\ r1rld ~n1~ ... of Poker \\lnn~r JI .ii 1"01,1, Jcr an L.t'> \'t·g :.t'> 'I tu· c·1mt<·-.t tr>ok thn·<· h11ur-. • River Dam Tragedy In India NEW DEUfl. lndJa CAP> - Unofficial press esUmalea of lhe death toll in lhe Machu River ' dim diaaater ranged from 10,000 to 25 ,000 t.oday u more monsoon r1ins h1mpered relief efforts and t.he search for bodies. The Hindustan Times said its estimate ol 25,000 victims was bosed oo t.he population of Morv1 :rnd the nearby villages of L1lapur and Adepar, all hard hit when t.he swollen raver flooded over one dam und broke through another one below 1l late Satur· day in t.he northwestern state or GuJarat. THE UNITED Ne ws or India s aid the toll could go a s high a i. 10,000, and islaw ofhc1a1s. sa.id at least 1,000 drowne d in and around Morva The wors t previous da m di&· a s ter, on record occurred in 1962 at Belluno"' Ha!}'.._ where 2,300 du~d fo'l ights bringing food and rescue workers were canceled Monday bceausc or the weather. Hm.t•:-. W('ff• '11spalched to Morva "'1th r<·l11·f '>UP1Jl11·-. and lht>y 1o1.1·n· lt> 1·vac ualt• -.urv1vor'> Uul lh•·ir pro~rt''' WJ'> -.l1>wcd h y 1o1. a:.hl'd out ru:.td'> It must bc adm1Ued that almost every lime the c1t1ei. league gathers by the Golden Gate, you get a ne ws report that the c·1ty or Baggyville's mayor. after l'Ons uming one, po!'.s1bly twrl bceri.1 banged has renta l car mto the front of a • 1oplcs11 saloon on North licach Such are the hazards of (•ducallonal Journeys. Some y1·ars back. II untangton Beach city om cers got "' f'XC'l tt-<l over the cducatmnal opportunities of a League -.1·ss1on 1n San Franc1l>co that they sent virtually ev<>ry hody at <·1ty hall. You could hardly find a clerk in lht· plac•· Escaped Convict Seized '10KVI 1..; 't:Aft th•· C'('nlnof '•UJJr<Jt c,t;,I•'. :.Lout JOO mill'~ 1111rth1o1.1 '' ,,f HomlJa y A r1ty 11r I.ti 114111 Jlf.,1pl1• 11 1o1. J '> tJnC't' lhf' • .1 1.111.11 111 ,, t11Jh<H•11uh ''> realm .1111! ~ ,,, ,, IJl"'f1.,JJ<'fl•U:-c·11m mw11 t. on 1t11 Lani..-, of th1· Mac hu. ·r111-: Nt:XT v .. ;AR th•! l<'ague met 1n i\nahe1m Altrn d ~11H·(• from our c·oastal c·1ty hCitls W<tt. l'.P<H se. df•sp1l<· the 1·lo.,t• hy o pportunity toHwap municipal 1nlell1gcncr CleJrlv. the L(!ague of Cities draws b<!tter whi-r1 1l m••l'ls in IJl<tt'<'h llkt• S an f''rancisco and ignore:> guthenng plac•·:. av;iil:.ihlt• al Fr1·.,no or Biiker.,lit!ld City gov1·mment al Avalon. SanL.a Catalana Is land. may have com11 up with the ans we r to all this Junketing th1-, yt•ar Bt•calli.e they operate from an island paradise, Av;Jlon''> city hall has a compounded proble m . Any tame they have to go to a meeting anywhere, it's a real trip Accordinr, to the Avalon news paper, Councilman George S{·ott ha~ had JUSt m1~eruble luck getting his col· lcagutt. to P''"Y urJ tht-cash for trips to League of Cities meeting~ Srott wa-. dul" lo r Pprf'i.ent Avalon al a League session an Los Anf(Ph•'> next WPt~k Ag;.1n , hi!'. rouncal fellowi. rf' fu'>t''1 ham the· truvt•I mfJney BlIT LO, A 111(;11 .SPIRITED Avalon c1t12cn namt.'<i E Bryan H1chards whu wa'> in the <'Ounc1l a udience. prompt ly wrote out a S400 ch•·ck a11d h<inded 1t to Scott so he could makf' lhe tn1> M aylw that':. the iJni.wn for a ll our c1t1cf\ Whe n tt comeb tmw for a lc ugue m1·~t1ng, council m embers could makt' s pN•rhc•-. ahoul th<~ expani;1ve educationa l op portun1tit-'> wailing in San f rnnc1sco. The n they could pass the h:1t M ;1vbl· they'd m~t lucky and there 'd be a h!w f:. Bryan R u·h;.11 c1!\ in lhe a ud1cncl' J Killed, 8 Hurt in Truck Crash ENClNO <AP) A truck with two dirt. filled Lrmlc rs, wc1ghanl( m ore than 75,000 poundi., al legedly :.ped throu~h iJ red hghl. killing Yac ov Sha lo m , 42, of S h erm an O<iks. a nd inJunng three other ix.«>Ph'. none '>•'riou'> ly ~levcn v1•h1clei. wcH• in volv<-d rn the eruwlng collls aons T he truck's draver. Rober t Earl Lavender Jr , 18, o r f..rJ'> Angeles. was booked for m vesl1g a tion of v e hi c ula r manslaught e r . Los Angele., po h ce Sgt Dennii. Zin • i.a1d Monday. c:ARDINf:lt. Ny (AP) An <>scaped convict who had held a hostage for ne arly two days wai. (•apturt'd an heav y underbrush early today aftt•r !'.lipping out of a home m rural Uls ter County, l>I atf• polict> said The hostage wat. reported u11 ha'rmcd H1c hard Ga nli . 28 , who C'11mbcd out :J rc<ir window of the home al dawn, offered no n · l>li>ta ncc "'hen authorities s11r round(•d him 1n a h eavily wood<.-d :irt-a 11ne half mile north of the house. said Capt Stanley KowalJk or the Mjddletown SL.alt police post KOWAUK SAID Gant~. who Pscaped from prison lui.t week while st.-rving tame for rape and rt>bbery l'Qnv1ctioru.. wa-. lrymg 111 burrow into lhc h eavy un (h'rbrush when he was spott<'d II(• was take n to Highland !'.late polac(• barrack.c; Gantz durted from the home at ~·bout the tame a i.hol wa'> fired a nd fled Into a lOO·a cre or· ch ard . Kowalik confirmed t.hal a tr ooper's gun had been fired, but said It was not d e ar why Troopers chased the Cbcapee throu~h the orchard and acrrn.s the road. where he doubled back into the wooded a rea a nd wai. ruptured about two hours artn nN·ing from the houi.e. Kowalik Miid GANTZ HAD been holed up 1n the house with a shotgun. St.ate police swd afte r he n ed they had aecounled for the weapons they thought he h ad an the home Charles Eadel of the Gardiner H1·scue Squad said t.he hostage, L••1>ler Cos:.ano, told oHicers he Much of Country Wet AlbU Q ... A m•rillo Allen I• 8•lt1m0tt1 80l\e llo\lon 8•0•"'"•""" 81111•10 ,,..,,.~ (Ill<~ Ctn<fnlt4tU ,, ... tend 0.1 H WI" Oenv•t 0.lrOll ........ HOflOhl"I HOll~lon lnd'•pOI" JK~•'Yfftfl! K•n 'Cl•r LUV119*\ LHat lloc.t LMAfttitt .. I.Ou"•"'• Mempfth MIMll Mllwevll .. .... ,, p NllllYlllt N•• Orlll\ New Yon 0.11 , City Om•M Orllll4to Rain Due in Comt-to-comt Band H1 L• Pt p -~ .. 01 " b• IJ 61 IY .. I\ )t ' bl " "° 07 ~. ,. I• •l 11 •• )7 ,, "° 01 ,. )'I ,. ·~ Ot .. ,. •• ~ Ot ,. tO OI u u ,. " ,. ,, '° " ., If II .. ltl Ot u ., n H ltl ,. u '° ., p .. .. n •• ~ .04 I• M I ) Ml .. ,, ,. .. fl " ,. )t to 11 n Pltll•d'pllt• 11 M "'-"t" .. ,. Pllt~tQll ,. .i 1111 ... 0, Ot• ., .0 Of R•no 11 SI !It Lou" .. ., ~HU•• IJ .. 01 S.tt Oleoo ,, .. 01 s.,..,,.,. •> )) ~·"'· •• S1 .II r111w .. ,. WetlllnQIOfl '° ~ c;ALI PCMIMIA Seker.ilelo .. " 11,1 ... ., '~ PrtMto H ., ,,,..,.,.,.., •1 st O•llftd .. u Sitt-• ,, ~ ............. ,. st r,_..... '° " ....... .. M ~--., 41 .... n ,. . ""',. " 1' w .......... 11 .. u~ .. ., " .. ~---n ... ...,. .. .. ::-.. -.::.. • .. " .. """"' " • ....... " .. ...... CNI 11 .. =-= n• "' ,, v.s.s .... ,.. S-•_l,,_,_,,.,..1,. • II ne ''°"' w.~ T u.n ""°""" Ille ltot kl•' end lnlo 111• P•<lll< Nonltwft1 -Ir 100.r, -II• Olllotr ••In WH ,.,.,,.., owr MllCll of Ille lllllon •r IM .-1<1 Of .,.. d•r. ••In - IOffl .. IMM ,_,_,. -·· 10 lell In e lltlld, ~l<to<~I lleftel, •1tet<11lnt from Ill• Notlll•••I lltrlMl!lfl llw -n llOC ki.l, (ttl• ltOI _.1.ll'lt l tt• Ml41 MIHIHlltPI Vlllty .W 911 14 lN All.,.lk C:.tt ,,.,.,, lleln -•• IMl .. r lo rtltll !Mt SWt11tn11'.-1111. .. , . ., .... ., , ... , ... ,. rtlnt ........ t In NtW ... .,. ltot1, -t:fltnl ON9 .... _.._ If ,.....,. ..,1wllflle. Tt.,.,_...,.. lfWllM IN Mtlen It > •·"'· aDT ,...,. frt111 tt Ill Wlf• rM4l,Mltwl., .. etlfl""w.M,fl11. c .. , ..... .. ,.. .......... ....., .... _ .. ,, , ...... -.....,..,,. G.elfWIN ......... """""' ........ , ................... ._ .. 1 .... -~M .... ..... ..,__ ____ , ... . E ............ .... . . ....... ...... ._.. ..... _.... .. ..., ..... ...... 'ft \ ( ry\-••1 l '~A' •f\O o-i•ut,fVll 't coot; '•"° ~' fted UttMMt of ,.,,. t'IWt(\10. (nuttty ...,_,,., \ 0tiO•tf mtnt In P•lm '9f1119\ •I Oe•n lOIM' On \uncM' tlW)UQ", t .. "'"''" Uf r•m rut 1ne '"""°"' commvn11y. wru~" •O \till '"llnQ ,,_ • Jul' JO \lo•m ..... U lled OM IY\;tn, o .... ~ \00 hOm•' •I'd w•\Ntd OY1 wver•I road\ 8 y Montso. • •II t"" '°"°' 1n '"" < • " ••• --trw ""'°I\ 1u•t btl1n{I \C ••P•d up, ••IO P•lm \pr 11'10• poll<• \el ""'' &o\-11 TM Net-WHll'lff S.t•~· II.cl 1nued • ti-,_ ..,.,...,,0 '°' •n •t H ••\I of S..\IOW -·· •I • pm , blll ti WM '~Ii.cl I°"' -f'\ lel•t . d••Pll• "olroM<!IY ll•••Y ,.,,,,,. 11141 <.--1.ie 1n IM el l••"oon. •t<o•dlftO 10 C•lllO•"'• Hl,,.•O Parol di"'9KN• RIC ... •d Hetljon Som• ,_, -· ·-OVI In ,_. ,, ..... .__t _t""' oer. but 11111• ••'" ••II M-•r c1t\tHt•IM9f•rwi.• UlV•I 111,111 t nd MOrttlttt ltw <-• W , <-'"I lOMY _, m .. ....... 111,.., e ... ,...,. 11tM •• ,1 .. 1• w1M• llltM tno "*""" -• 11Kom"'9 ... ,.,,, .. ~tefly ...,,. .. ,. ll-•1111•-""-GM•t• ....... .._ ltl IN lft .. 10'• wllll 1 ... NI Hit 1W11' W• llOUr, i111-....., ".,.... • • ... e . ..,,..1 WllM ,_.._111 It. ·-·•-ta.Tlfle• .......... tectM..... l!tt '·"'· , , ----11 .. 1.m. 1e ........... l'lnlllltll ..... ,,,.. ', ,.,.. ... ":"-· t t ~..... ·=·~· ·~ leUM... tlll4 '·"'· •• , 11111 n..&·t11.M., ... r:u ._,,., M..-n.a tt11t '"'·• llCI l:U .... . .., ....... M .......... J ""9lft .. MMtl .............. .._ ..... , ~ ...... WftalCIU',._ . . ...,. was not bournl c1unrw th•· 11ro1 .. 1I . wh1t•h hcgun SundJy E 1d«'I CjUOll•d ('11..,,,,,11111 il'> • .. 1\ ang he and Canll wr•rt• \•f> compal1 blt> and vt•r} rrwndl)' ORIGfN,\U. \'. t IV t: rw11r.i .. cw .... anu, Ii i'> 1>n·1:n.111~ lol. Jf• l ht•lr lWQ '-Oil', .11111 .1lli1l111 I woman 1o1.1•11• lw1111: twl•I ·' ho<;taJ,lPS in th•· hom,. /\II 1•vr·111 C'ol>:.•rno llatl h•·t·n r1·l•·JM·d 11\ Monday rntJroin~ 'IL w;,1,. lik" .1 pilv.d• 1 •I" 2nd W allahy Di••., OAKLAND ri\P 1 i\ ""''f1nlJ wallaby ha:. '1wd .t'> .1 rr-'>uJt of inj u ries su ffrri·d In rof·k t h r C> w 1 n J! " a n cl a I ' J t t h ,. Knov. land Park z,.,, ..11d \1 r-. c ;1•n• \ 1• \ • ""'" 11nt 11f th1· lm-.t.i~ .. ., If•· t11fd u h• hart nulh111J.! tu It,.,,. I 111111 l think lw ltJ-. 1t lfl him lo hu1 t .in\ l,<)(I\ 111· 1o1. '-" •• 1w1 f••t'l lo!•·nll•·mt111 II•· 111~1 1o1..1111., h1'> frt l'IJ11m ... lt•1·tnut> 111 lht l1ou1 • 1o1..t 1 ut r1H !\101111.1> 111 Jll .1tt1·rn11t t1, lnrr1• t 1anl1 l•J r1·.,t1t1H· m·J.!ul1n LIU!Uo :1ml l•> J1rt·\l·rtl 111111 ffofll 1o1. .tlt·h111 J,! t•·I•·\ 1•>1 111. r • 1J•1rt JhllUI lh1· 1111 11!1•111 Jld !'.tt1l• 1'11111 ,. "v1.1J I' I l,ffiri1,11 k1 llfr11 1.11 -.,url <, .tnt 1 1o1. .1 " t., 111).' 1•11 •Jll l•·rm uJ> l•1 2:.. 1• ,,, 011 r.1~>; ;111cl 1obbl n c on\lt 111111' llt· v.;i.., r1•1Jort1·d 111 h,J\I' t-,c-apcd from the maximum wcunty Oown.'ltal.-Corr<-ctH>nJI .. anl1\y 1n ... ..,hktll 'umr t1m• "·•turd.ii-nivhl .• q 1p .1r1·111ly h~ '' .11111~ t1o1.o f••nr·1 .. .... tlurll;1y night ,1He r mor<• t h..r1 <!fl 1n1·h••-. of r<11n an l4 liou r., Lh•· fl <if11kd n v••r hur!»l an x1, l<11JI htJ.!h , .. ,rth d:..m four milt·' .ibm" th•· 1·1t y. A wall of watl·r IX f1•1·t IHJ.!h ('riJ"i hl·d t1v1•r th•• ,11·1·1m1~ town liury1ng mul'h of 11 111 rnud I r u:-twtJ into my hou:-1.' only tn find lh<JI ttw wat•·r wall wa!I loll11w1ng 11H· .ill 1·ngin1·~ring 1urJ1·n1 llJr ,1\anlJh<11 Pate l !•111l 11 ... I 'r11t1•d "llt•w!> of India "I It 1• ltl) n1ll1•1·t1•11 my fJrnily and • l1ml1t•t! l•> th•· roof Tiu· wal1•r 111 1111 tirrn· had 1111•-<I up to th•· n ·1l I llJ.! It•\ I I T UE H ,OOU WJlt:rc, ron r1fl ClUH'kl). lea\ 1nJ! thousand!> ''' h.ttlt 11'<1 buildin~., and mud up tn 1h1· wtt1ntl "'"'r 11( "iO m•' bu1lo lnj.'• ·After Inventory CLEARANCE SUITS I 1 I• t111f t -.• ,,, '\U t • 111 ,,., • u:I •'' ,,, • • ,t• t t 111 •"' • • ._.. •• f " t'• ii' •• • • • ... 11.' , 'I' e \ •• fl 1•1t ... • 'I\ ...,, I I, .. ' 69. 10 to 129. 70 SUllS & "OflTCO•l5 SHOES """-£"TOH °'~'"'""'ll e1t.t 192 .. YIMC>I ~.-. ...,....,..., . ..,., .. 0 DRESS • CASUAL • ATHLETIC All famous names. sizes 10 th.t4 Reg. 29. to 63. NOW 14.70 to 34.10 SPORT COATS 11 t•lf• "'' , n O•lf-.tlt'f' '1<X) I'. ol 4 t1ut•.1• t I , •• ,, ., ' s. Mf' ,. l.uu ... .,. Hf'"tj •O-. ,,, '" NOW 49.70 DRESS SLACKS 1'• 1 '' 1,. "" NOW 15.10 ro 19. 10 DRESS SHIRTS u • .,. th tn n NOW 9. 7° CASUALWEAR "FAMOUS MAKERS .. Swim trulltlt • '' 10 21 NOW 5.1(1 15.'° W•MI thOtlt C•l>M\• .... 3J IQ bO NOW 26.'°·39.'° Ovm ttlO<t• 7 NOW 4 .'° ''°" llhlfl• 10 10 34 NOW 19.'°·23.'° w11st 111f' 3'<f0 ahHI Jiii IW2 ..ct Lot AHOnll Jlo ' Sol•"9 QMUJ lllOfllTCLMI ~ .... 1 10 Off Ptlofl9 """' .. ..,,,, .._. • IOUTH COAIT ~AZA S...lt AN 11M1 "Ille Tl~ MNIPO Ol'AHADA HLLS .. ]°"' .. Ol«>n\llllt' *'"" l• , .. N f tM MIN •fl .1 Orange Coast LDI TI ON YoarHo•eto_.• t Dally Newspaper VOL. 72, NO. 226, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES Storm Whips Boats 3 Paper Planes Out? Mesa Citations Crackdown Set B JACKJE HYMAN Costa Mesans h ave found m any uses for the ir parking ticke ts They have scr ibbled notes on tbe back of them. col- lected them to show friends <Jnd occasionally made pape r airpla nes out of the m. Whal they haven't done very often is pay them. Only about 25 percent of such tickets are paid, and Costa Mesa City Council members said at a study session Monday they think it's time to crack down. They said. t hey've got the -answer. too -a Santa Ana firm called Science Applications Inc .. which. Costa Mesa officials said. has shown dramatic resuJls in three months nf helpin~ Newport Beach enforc·c its purking rita tiOOb. # # Redesign Of Condos Ordered Cos ta Mesa planning com · m is~i one rs told a deve loper Monday he'll huve to tear down part of a condominium building tha t overhangs the Santa Ana River bluffs omc1aJs earlier ordered u halt to construction on the building at 2231 Pacific A ve when they l~arned of the overhang P lans approved by the com mission s howed the required five -foot setback from the bluffs for the first story :rnd weren't dcta 1 l«!d enough to s how the second·story overhang, officials said . The building will hold four condominiums. Work on two othe r buildings 1n the 14 · condominium proJecl has con- tinued. Developer Ivy Ong of J-lunl· ington Beach said today he hasn't estimated yet how much it will cost him to tear down a nd redesign the bujlding 's second floor. He smd he hopc>s to be able lo r esum e con ~tru ction w1th1n three weekb. Ong did win one concession from planning comm1ss1onc rs. who told him he can keep a re· -taining wall although it is ter· raced into the hills ide and alters the line of the bluff. However, he is rcc1uired to screen the retaining wall from vie w . possibly through landscap- ing or some sort or fill, Assistant Plaoruog Director Doug Clark said today. Tbe ret aining wall and over· hang were called to offi cials' at- tention by neighbors who object· ed to the m. Bra Injury Brings Suit RENO, Nev. <A P) -A woman h as s ued t h e lingerie firm Fredericks o f Hollywood Inc . for $10,000, alleging that stie was wounded by a wire s t icking from an un- derwire bra. In the s u l t filed i n Was hoe District Court, Robert.a Kendall of Reno said she s uffered "severe and permanent personal injury" which affected her mentally and physically. Sh e blamed it on ne1U1ence ln the dea11n and manufacture of the bra. Mn. Kendall Is aeekln1. more tbao Sl0,000 In 1eneral dama1ea . plua medical. leca1 and other HpeDMI. A pJ>rovirl ot a-cnnt ra ct rh the firm is expected at next Monday's meeting of Lhe Costa Mesa City Council. The problem, council mcm bcrs said, is paperwork. Although the law allow~ un paid parking tickets to be re ported to the stale Department° of Motor Vehicles. which refuses lo reregister automobiles until the citations are c leared . courts and city staff members ha vc been unable to keep up with the red tape involved. Former Newp o rt Beac h policeman Clifford Ya rges. who now works for Science Applica- tions, said the company's com putc r makes it easy to track down cuJpriL-; and report them to the DMV The system works Lt kt' th1~. he s aid. The offender rec-c1 ves a ti<'kct for, say, SJO. About 25 to 30 per· <·cnt, depending on the city, p:iy at t hat point. The city receive~ ~5 pcr<'ent The court 15 percent Science l\pplicat1ons c·harge~ the city a nat fee of $) 80 for t•ach Ltnp:ud ticket It then send!> notices to the r cgi'>t e r ed automobile owner'i tnformin~ them that, if th<.· ticket 1sn'L paid, a hold will be placed on the car by the OMV. This notice. re ferred to as a "nastiogra m ," is sent out with the letterhead of lhe appropnale court, and with no reference to Science Applications because 1t 1s acting in effect as a book keeper for and m cooperation with the court, Yarges said About 70 percent of the re maining motorists pay at this point. although the ticket by now has gone up to $15 to cover court costs, Ya rges said. The r emaining unpaid cita· lions are forwarded to the OMV, which pursues collection after that point. The fine then goes up to $22 on the original $10 ticket Yarges said h e believes S~ience Applic ations c an handle the paperwork for only SI 80 per ticket because it already has the computer system. Jt is markcl· ing similar e nforceme nt pro· grams with cities nationwide. he s aid. Council members said they hope the crackdown will c ut future parking violations in the d ty. '·At Orange Coast College, we'll have the same car we write about 30 parking tickets to a year." police Lt. John Regan told council members. "They don 't take care of H because word has gotten out nothing hap- pens to them." Yarges cited a number of benefi ts and potential develop. mcnts from t he ticketing en- forcement. in addition to cutting repeat violations . He estimated the city could more than triple its a nnua l $27 ,000 revenue from parking citations. H e also said the Science Ap· plications computers can catch repeats that occur because a car isn 't moved, sometimes indicat· ing the vehicle is stolen or a ban· don ed . Switched pla tes, where the re· gistered car ·doesn'l match the vehicle ticketed, can a lso be pin· pointed, as can out-of-stale plate owners who keep their cars ln the state and gather tickets for more than a year. "It seems like the possibilities in your corporation are tremen- dous to clean up our mess." Councilwoman Norma Hertzog said. Judge 'Qualified' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) State Supreme Court Justice Matthew Tobriner baa refused to dlsquallly himself from' beartna the dlapute between Gov. Ed· mund Brown Jr. and Lt. Gov. Mike Curb over Curb's power when Brown is away from CaHforola . Brown was Tobrtner'a law clerk ln 19M and 1965. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1979 acers Osmo11d Makes Deb11t Sin ging s t<.1r Donny Os mond and his wife. Dcbbtc. pre!'t·nt thl'1r first t hild. Donald Clark Osmond Jr . fo r hie; first eJf f1cial pitturc in Los Angeles. Donny Jr was born J uly :11 in P rovo. l.:t:.ih. and b the 20th Osmond grandchild Mangers Declares Brown Insensitive 6y JOANNE REYNOLDS Ol IM 0 ... 1, Pll•I Sl•ll Democr atic Assemblyman Dennis Mangers of Huntington Be ach attacked Gov Edm und G. Brown Jr. Monday as being "obduratl'. in!>ensitivc CJnd or absolutely no value to Orange County " Mangers' verbal blas t was pe rhar~ th e most biting of sevcr a levele d ~1t the De mocratic governor during a luncheon hostcd by the Orange County C'oast Association because· it c·ame rrom u me mbe r o r the Governor's political party Ma ngers. Asse mbl y woman M CJ n un Uergcson. R ·Newport Beach and State Senator John Schmitz. R-Newport Beach. all criticized the governor during their luncheon Lalk b m Newport Beach Ma ngers. who is ser vi ng his second term in the Assembly, suid Brown stands in lhe way of the coun ty'!> realization of its major goal s in h ea lth , t rans portation and economic growth. lie said de aling with the gov· ernor 's attitude that the county is composed o r "white fli ght racis ts" is the major frustration of his legislat ive career Schmitz criticized the gov- ernor for his appointment of Edis on Miller to the County Board of Superv1~ors and the sub~cquent d1sputl' ovt.>r actre'>~ Jane Fonda's app01ntmc•nt to the slate Arts Coum·il The c·onsl'n :itl\'t' Rl•pubhcan said his mall 1c; runnini:l 100 to one In favor or the· i:.cnalC'°'> de nial of Mis~ l•'onda's :J P1'<>1nt mcnl to the ;.irb lxw rd "IL was ahsolut('I) po litical on our part." Schmitz ~a id of the m ove. "because c \crything th(' govt.>rnor doe~ 1s :.ihsolutcl) poltt1c~11 ·· SchmHz said th.it t'\N\ mo\C· the governor makes "1s tailored to how that action will look in New llampsh1r(' or Florida The senator s;mt that Brown 1' attracted to Miss Fonda a nd he·r husb a nd. Tom ll a ~d('n . not becaust• of a shared ideology but because her mov1 t' status gl\·e~ her the drawing J>0"t'r to ratM' milhonb of campaign dollars for him · "One C'O lumn1s l ~aid she pledged S:J.5 million That's a heck of a lot more money than could be raised 1f l>ick O'Neill gave a concert." he said O'Neill is c hai r man of th e s tat<' Democratic Central Committee and lobbied for the appointment of former Assem bly m an Ron Cordova to the county Board of Supe rvisors. <See MANGERS, P•ge A21 93 Saved From Sea In Britain P LYMOU TH , Englet nd +-A-P 1--A-Hett..,l t~ yuchts ml·n were: dead. eight m bsing and 16 boats s unk or ab:.incloncd toda} a:-. an Allan Lie: gall· turnc:d the F a!->tnl't r ~ICT into iJ gnm '>lrugglc: for Sllr\ I\ .ti CJf ttw :sr>H yaC'ht~ <·om 1wt 111i.: 111 tl1t· ri.ll'C onh !J:i had hl'l'rl Ll('l'Ollllll•U for iJS "<lft: a l'Oi.1:-.l gUJI d s poht:s man ... arll A~ "ar4'h1p'I al)d hel1coi.itcr' ~C'ou red the ~torm tossed :.<:<J" and picked up 90 '>Un" or .... liob Bell of Ul•rmul.1.1 tiruu~hl h1• i7 foot ketl·h C1mdor di ru-.s thl· finu.h hnt1 at Phmoul.h "'' \I.In tht• f.Ofl milt• racl' ;n ret·ord t1mt: Th~ Amt·nc-.1n k<·lC'h K1.!l•1J l'a me• 1r1 2X minutes lcJtl'r f11r :-it·r11n cl µli.lc·t· 1h C:il1f11rn1u11 ~k1p1wr .. Jun "1lre" I\ 1n51 1n Jun·d "'1th l1rokt'11 r di-, 1 l::<1rl1er 'Lur) 0 11 l'<1j.!1· B31 But 1n Pl~ mc111th "h1ch '' usuall} agoJ: al the· f1r11sh of the tntJSt fo mou-, •If Clt'e'i.111 I :Ct'e''• lh1 1"0 lt·ad1nl! \,n·hh Jlfl\"!l .111110 ... 1 u11111111t·t·cl Tti. rt·Jt dr Jtna "':.,c-, .11 st·d "h1·n• olJ Sl'n er' "t·re lr~ tnl!. lo t•'ol.Jllh ... h "h1<·h of thl' mort· th Jn 311c• > .!Cht~ ""h1C'h '-lcJrted oul cJI C.:owband "ert:' !>llll afJoal The yachts were cauj?ht 1n lht> 70·mile·a n hour gale :is lhl'\ rounded the F'astnct Rock off Southern I rcl;rnd and ht>adC'd b.!Ck LO\\ ard~ thl' Eni:d1 'h Ch.in m:I cJnd the flnt'>h lint ~1 a)dJ~ lh• c·mt•r J.!l·nq <a II for help ~l'nt out b~ ~hllJ'-in d1 stre~~. "as p1t·kt.·1I up from m<.cn) \CSM.+, O\t•r .J "Id (• cJrl'.a of thC' I-:a ... tl•m 1\tl.rnt it• Tht• nanw" of I h1· lcl'-t ~Jehl' and thl' dt.,1c1 .incl m1,:-111g "t·re· ~Lill J \\ a1 tt'cl Thl'rl' "c·r1· f('~tr ... fur I h1· Fn·nC'h ~ adlt Trantulla \\h1t·h "HS la~t ... <~n II\ nhM·n t'r' on ;; ht•lscoptt•r to tw in dn p trnublt One Frcrwh trl'" man JUmpl'd into tht• ~c•1 and "a ... p1t'k~l.l UIJ T h t' o t h l' r .., 1 'C h .1 1 t t' n t •I thcmsl'IH·!> into the holcJ A flt>r ho .. e nng for h J If a11 hour. unable to do an\ mon· th1· hchcoptl'r returned l~ st' ba!>l' 1\ ract• offl ual 'a1<1 Trantull<J h.ttl not been SPollt•d '>Ince tSt>e STORM. l'aitt' \:!I Robbers Strik~ Twice in Mesa 1\ fast food re:-taurant <.end ti con~·cmenn· store in Costa Me!>a wt>re robbed within un hour of each oth<'r Monday n1(!hl. but Costa Mesa polic(• ... aid they don "t think the samt> bandit wa~ involvt'<I T he 9 p.m. robbery at Der Wie ncrschnltzel . t69fi Nc.wport Al vd .. and the 9.50 pm holdup at the ?·Eleven ~tore at 1097 Rake r St . Pa ch netted about S150. police said. Judge Bloeks AbortiOn Vrunarried Man Claims Rights Violated By f'REDERICK SCHOEMEHL Ol llM D•ll' ~II .. l t•ff Aeling at the behest of a man who claims his rights are being violated, a n Orange County Superior Court j udge lemporari· ly h alted a woman from obtain· ing an abortion Monday. Judge Robert Todd issued the l e m porary res training order blocking the abortion after con- sidering argument.a made on the man's behalf by Los Angeles at· torneys Marvin Mitchelson and Harold Rhoden. M ltchel1on r ecently gained widespread a ttention when he represented Michelle Triola II arvln ln a breach of contract 1u1t acai111t actor Lee Marvln. AccorcUn1 to document.a ftled Monda)'. t.be blockln1 of an abor- tion over the lnue of an unmar- ried man'• rt1bl to tbe cblld ii without precedent in Cahfom1a law. The couple are not married. "This child was conceived not as an accidental consequence or our lovemaking, but according to the planned wis~ and lnten· tlon or both of us." Robert Blake. identified only as a n Orange Oounty resident. said in an affadavtt filed ln the case. "I love this child, and I wlll do anything and agree to anything to save iu U/e." Mitcbelson declined Monday to provide an..v further lnforma. lion about Blake or the woman in the cue, Holly Lynn Lat.rem . • 'Clttumatancu lA the cue p,..vent lt," llltchelton aald. He •ouldn't e laborate on wbat tbote clrcumatances are. According to Blake's af· fadavlt. be WH noUfled by lhe woman that she would undergo ,an abortion Friday. T he pro- cedure. he said. would "put m y child to death." Blake, however. claimed Ms. Latriell actually intended to have the abortion performed Wednesday. Judge Todd ruled that s he be personally served with Ms order by 5 o'clock this afternoon. tn written arguments present· ed to Judge Todd. attorney Rhoden said that legal resear ch oo the lsaue of his client's rl&ht.s were rushed because of the clrcumatancea surrou.ndlna the case. But Rhoden Hid the m •t· ter raitel a •·quesllon never de· • cided ln Callfoml•." Judge Todd cheduled a further bearing In the case for 9:30 a.m. AUj. 21. I I c FIFTEEN CENTS e 0 ••11 P1101 \l~U p,..._. INJURED IN RACE Ne wport's Jim Kilroy Coast Man In Hospital After Storm lh .\l.~O:\ l.OfK \KEV • 0 11111 • P110·1 ,._.,,,., Wril...- J11hn B .J 1111 "' l\ilrov on1· of tht• best knul4 n '<ieht ... m1•n 1n ttw .... 11 rl!I "',p . tio ... p11 JllJ.t•'1 1n l'I) moulh . En~land todJy from 1nJUrll?!) -,uffcrcd 1n the most - tra~1 c )cJCht raet· in modt>m h1~­ lOn K tlr o}. a rormt•r Newport OcJch n •..,1dcnl. ",J, ta ken I)\ 1mbulann• from h1' 7!1 foot \.1thl "1,110,1 ,1, II \\,I'-\\arp1·cJ 11110 lht dOl'k .lfl1•1 f1111:-.h1n~ lH 1111nUtl'~ bt-h111d th" lt•adcr. Hob lfrll .. t'onc1or or fh•rmuda tn the hlJ5 milt• 1-·a~tnet rc.1t·e· l\1ho~ .., "1f1• 1'athv n•j cht•il .t! t h1• e·ouplt• ' Hl•I Alf homt· to cl.1 \ .... m t -.ht• had .1 µhonc e.Jll f1 um hl·r hu,hand :ind th.it ht· ";1, .ipµan:ntl\ 111 ~ati,rc.tt•teJrv 1•1ind1t1un and prnbabl:o -woultl 1.,;. flu"' n hornt· ThlJI -.<la \ K ti ro' told hi-. w1 f,. th ~t he " ..... ,1;.irnmt•tl tn lht· dt·l·I-whl'n " i.:1 an1 \\.t\t' 'uhmcrgt·d t\1 aloa ... n 1dtp1t ancl M'\ t•ral c r1•w nwm lwr ... fl'll 011 lOp or hi m Ktlro~ an indu...,tnul property dt•\ l'lo~·r "ho ha:-. rLH'l'd vaehts .ill oH•r thl• "orld 'i:J1l.l thl' con- el1t1on ... \\t'rt' lh1· ...,,ir..,t he had l'' l'I t'\Pl'rtl'nl't•d at 'ea 11 l clt•st· n bed \I, ind~ bet wct'n 110 cJnd 90 knot'-Y. llh giant !>Ca~ .11 Lt•r tht• > :U"ht ... h;.id rounded lht• fJ..,tnt•t Hock ,ind headed hi " Jr d l h l' r I II I'> h I 1 n C a l l'lymouth Kilro-. :-.a id h1 ~ inJuries tn C' I u d e ti h r 1> k l' n r 1 b .., . t o r n 1·art1l a~l' .ind fl uid in his lun~~. Latest rl'r>orts from the rnn· headquarters al Plymouth said there W<'rt• <i t least three dcud and eight missing from Lhe 300 y ut'ht~ which ~1:.rtcd the race. <See KILROY. Page A2> Or:~:'4_~~o-a~• \leathe r NiJ(ht and morning low clouds clearing early Wed- nes day afte rnoon Not much temperature change with highs Wednesday in 70s al beaches to 80s in- land. Overnight lows in 60s. INSIDE TODA '1 Arh1t WiUsam Alerander. the ebullient hoat of "The Magic of OU Painting" on KOCE-TV, Ml been dubbed "The Happy Pointer" by Jana. See Featuring Page CI. Al T-lfnl~t 81 .,,,. • ..,,..... Ct 1..M ... ,.. A• ---· .... CMIMl'llt• Af Cl .... ftM 0.11 C-lct .. Cl'Mt-" &I DM91fekft •• . ....,... ..... .. • ..., .. 1 .... .... PffMi.t CH ~ C1 ---., .ti IWL Y PtLOT c Young Rebuked for I Talks With PLO WASHINGTON (AP) Unll· e4N.._Amb•1Mor...._ Y09t, M'dlis oa hie ""' ... iUalive. held dlrttt talka lut mootb with • ttpresenl•llw ol tbe Palestine Llbtration Or1ani&alioo. Lbe St1te .~ meat admltted th 1 afternoon The set.1lon. in appartn\ vtola Uoo ol aon,atandln1 lJ S poUcy. dr•w a ttbuk~ from et'retary of State Cyr~ H. Van<'t'. who ex preHed his "th11pltiH\1rt>" with Yount on the tcit.'phone A depanmt•nt s pok .. amam U td Youq acted without uut.borl&a· t.klil ..... ..... 7AWt l.ablb Tenl. U.. ./'Ul oMenet at the U.JI. a. •••11..:: ..... Delmt· mlM ...... .._...._.., u ............. , ........... Youn1 ud i-.rd whl'n they mt\ July 311 at tM hOm• of Kuwait '• arnbuHdor to tho United Na Uona T h al \'C'ralon. apok AMlirl Tho1n u ft(",ton told reporter11, waa bastd on Infor mation llUI> plied by \'oun.: Whtm Vu_nn· talk~ wtth lhtt amb1uu1ador lhlr.. m<H'ftift«, Hn ton Miid, tw uhw Fonda Treason Oaim Repeated SACRAMENTO IAP> Stale Sen. Robert Nimm o said today, without his cloak of senatorial immunity, that what Jane Fon· da said on a trip to Ha noi during the Vietnamese war was "an act of treason" by his standards. He insisted he had not called her a ---lf'.'-&it-OJ'..--The Republican senator from Atascadero said pretty much the same thing on the floor of the England Position Filled A <:orona del Mar ll1 gh School music teacher has been named to hll the mus ic teaching pol>t al Newport llarbor J11 g h School form erly h e ld b y Ri c hard Eng l(Jnd. Newport-Mesa school official~ said tndav They said in!.trumcnta l muMc m s lructor Vernon P Schroeder has accept('d the post. which in· clue!<'.., d1rf'tt1ni:t th•• ll a rbor H1i:?h Sailor Rand Ke' in Wheeler. a si:.bt:rnt di!>· tnl·t s upermtt-ndent fur person· nel. s aid thP dt•t·is1on was made at thll> t ime to give Schroeder time to prepare for band camp, a week long pre-school r e · hearsal session that begins Sept. 2 England was t1·ans ferred to Corona del Mar Hig h las t s pring a fter district officials filed un· professio nal conduc t c harges against him The district 1s seeking to dis· miss him on allegations that he disobeyed tlarhor High Prin · c1pal Tom J acobson's orders re· garding band performances ant.I that he involved parents and slu· denL'> in an administrative dis · pute A 10-day hearing into the charges ended this month before a thret membe r commission on professional conduct , headed by a s tate hearing officer. A de- cision is pt'nding Some parents. students and teac hers have protest ed the ch arges and England's trans fe r "Where wt-are right now is Mr En g land had b ee n transferred to Corona del Mar Hig h School a nd he will remain there next year," Wheeler s aid. Ho wever . he a dded that Engla nd has filed a grievance o ver the transfer, alleging it violated the teachers' contract. Wheeler said the district has been unable to establish a date for a hearing with England's at- torney and with the teachers' union The outcom e of the grievance hearing could affect England's transfer. he said. Wheeler said Schroeder has taught at Corona d el Mar High for five or six years. He pre· viously t aught at Lincoln Middle School in Newport Beach. ORANOECOAST c DAILY PILOT r...., tJt •~ tot\t O.ltv Pt~t ••tf\ #f'tif" t\ t Of"'I tt•M'Cfl,...~Prf"\\ l\oaitMl~tt"ttNloOt~ (CM\I PuohU'MnQ(~, ~PAt•lted•ftOf'l)#t'" O"'Oh\IWd ""°"'4•• , .. ,~ fud•• •or (O'\I• M,,w H•tllf'C>Ort hiH." H""tt~Of' &.MPVrOUft l••ttV•llt""• h¥•M t~8'>1KfH\ovtP\( .. \.I A 1 •niol• ,~~ .... ., "civot•~ ~,_,,,.,..,...., \NM.1''"' '""'° PO"C .. I l)UIMf\ftl"O Ol•rit i\ 4t JJ0 "''''f'••\ft°f't"f (Mf•~ Cf'ffatft4•.,_1" ll-'111 - Ptt\•Otftt •ntt "'-*•~ J•Oll C..ltr V'" r Prn•"' •"«f C..,.,_. Milf'WMJll" l~nlCH•tl £41tM ,_, . ......,.._ M•" .. lfllliQ ffPltor OIMM• N '--"• ._ • ., -•'"4'-t•M Mllrw9•ne Ect't•\ Cott• ..... Office M4•11 ... ·*==' :'6 ':."::i.o .,.,. Offtc•• I -llH<I> lOtl Nt CO." Hltf.,••r ··~· ... Oft .. <t(.. .,.,, ............. .,0 Senate, where he hul> 1n111lurllly from a s lander l>U1t He said i1 July 20, when lhe Senate; by a vote of 28-5, refused to confirm Ms Fonda 's appoint me nt to the state Arts Council Nimmo made his new charac - terization of Ms . Fonda's actions at a news conference he called -<Jm:llSrrtetter-he-recei-ved from actor Henry Fonda. J ane's father, defend in~ his daughter Fonda wrote that he had friends and relatives who dis· agreed with his politics. and they re mained friends by not discussmg it. "But. as much as they might dis agree with J ane, they would never dream of calhn~ her a JANE FONDA LAUDED BY RED PRESS-AJ 'traitor,' or using the word 'treason' in referrin g to h<'r They know her bettn.'' f'onda wrote . Nimmo g:l\ e r eportl.'f!> a <'UPY of his reply. in which he· sa1t.I that the Senate'::. duty wai; not only to determine a n appomlee'l> professional qualifi('ations. but also to "in!->ure that the publit• condu('t and d c m e t.anor of a nominee is s uch that c onfirma tion by the SenatP will not result in public outrage " Nimmo said the Scnatt-al't1on had been endorsed h v "an un precedented volume of approv ing le tte r s . cards and telc grams." He said that as of Friday he had received 304 letters support ing his position to 43 again!>t. while the Senate had received 497 for lo fl7 against In his letter to Fonda. Nimmo did not mention treason As ked if he s till he heved Ms F o nda was guilty of treason. Nimmo replied that "treason '" like murder. unll'SS you h ave been convicted of 1t. you arc not guilty " "I did not sa y she wa~ a trnitor ." he S(Jld l",....P~AI MANGERS. • Mrs. Bergeson. who is scrv1n~ her first term in the Assembly wa s m o r e cautio u s i n her ('riticis m of the governor. 1.Jm1t ing her. re m arks to quips lhat he's decided to "do for the nu lio n what h e's d o n e t o California " and referri n~ to him as "our fea rless leader " Monday she discussed her pending legislation which would index stale income tax br ackets to the inflation rate so that cost of U_ving pay_ raises won 't pu!>h residents into h igh e r tax brackets. Friday, in discussing the same biU at a lunch hos ted by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce, s he predicted that Brown would come up with a similar measure of his own, an effort she said wo uld be a cynical and calculated move only to gel support for his pre· sldentical campaign. Spill,ed Oil Nean Harbour An oil s pill o f unknown macnitude was beading toward Huntington Harbour this mom· ing, the Orange County Harbor Patrol reported. The •Pill reportedly began to· day when a tanker, being pulled by a barie off the coast of Hunt· ln1ton Beach, be1an loetn1 oil from an \Dlcappect tank. Officials said cleanup crewa were in the area this morninl al· temptlng to contain the aplll. Th•re were no report.a of oU hit· Una btaebel. Th• oU 1Uck bad d.rlfted under a Pad.fie OOUt Hl1bw11 bridle bJ 10:00 a.m. ud wu beaded toward Huntln1toa Harbour, auu.orttMe 11id. eaprf'..S Im dapleuurt over U.e way the I ncident wa1 laandl..t. U.S. DOiley PNla•blta ne.,Ua· Uou wftb the °))LO 10 loec u tt ret\aHI to He.pt lar1•1'1 rltht lo f'Xiat wtthl n de fe naible bordera Vouna •nd Ten1 were Jolned al the hon1c of Kuw1tlt '11 U N en voy, Abdula Vaccoub 8 h1hara. by lhmmoud El Choua, the Syrian amb3s~udor "While there. they discussed the question of postponing the Security CouncU vote scheduled Favors Death July 31 °" the Kuwaiti re&0lu· lion." the Stat.e Department aaJd ln a atatement. Kuwait wu 1pon1orln g 1 re· aolutlon la 1upport of PalesU· nlan 1tatehood. The United Stales wa nted the re&olution ahelved "In holding thlA dlACUliiSlon with Mr T~rz1 . Amb1us ttdor Youn g acted on h11; own in atiative and without authorl2a· tion," the s tatem ent said. On Monduy, after Newsweek m agazine reported Young had seen Terii, the St.ate Depart· ,.,. .. __ Ounr;m Bl'att1e Cleft>. a Conser\'allve member o( th•· Can adrnn House of Commons . ~ays he fovor~ 1-.1p11tal punishment l'\'Cn though his brother Stephen ffojttlf' < n ghll is o n dC'ath row in a Florida Prison Duncan Bl·<it t 1e smd he "'ill vote to restore the death pen alt~ "ht·n tht· 1s!-.Ul' ('omcs up 1n P arliament Massachusetts 0 Ks.- Capital Punislunent BOS TO N" <Al'l GIH Edward .I Kini:t s1gnl'd a lull restoring l'ap1lal puni!-hmcn l 1n M a:-:-.:H:huM•lls toda> "Wh1ll' I arn a'Aarc th ~1t there a r<' q uesl1ons a bout poss1 ble con st1tu11onal def ccts in the leg1::.la- Lum . I <l m signing it because of m y longstanding lwlier lh&t l'a p1tal puoi-,hmt!nt I!> a <ll'll'r n•nt ... Kmg sC11d I le said that by putting the bill on his des k , lht> Legislature' s howl·d 1h a~rc·cmcnt thJt c apital punishmt·nt I!-> both a dt· tt:rn·nl and a proper l>UhJ ect for lc~1:.l:.it1 ve action Tht' llt'ath p~·nall) hill "a:-ap pro~t'd overwhclmmgl) by the Jloui.e and Senate despite pro leHs from hbcrnls who con tended 1l flu.•s 1n the face of the s tale Suprl'me Court's c urrent mterpretC1tion of the i.late con st1 tution th:.it lht' death penalty would hl' c rue l ;rnd unus ual punishment. Opponenti. prC'd1 ct the· s tat•· Supremc Cuurt will .,trike the law down as soon as a le!.t case dl·,·clop!> Bul s t11>J1<1 rt1·r' ,1\ tac hcd :in 111t1·oductorv 1>lJt•· mt•nt thul thP• 1 .. n1(11<1 "'II mal.c 1t pn•\•11i :11 th1 l1 dt1.;I rourt ll·\ cl Tht• srnll'ml•lll 111 hrid 1, 1, the ('Ollrl!> l hut I I I u p Ill le~1,.laturPs to d1•c1d1• "lwth•·r ('ap1tal pumshnH nt "' :111 1 (f, 1 I I\'<' dctt•rn·nt to munh•r It ,1d1l"- t h ft t I ht• M H ...... .J 1· h u " •. I t ' Legislature has «fJ0'.'.1d1·n ·d 1h.1t I ~ s ll (' a n d I' II n c• I II ti (' t1 I h •• pos<,1h1ht' of '''et'1·111 11 1n pr1th.1!1h dot•' sen1· ;1s ,, cl1•11•111 111 Thl· :0.lJS!>Uc·hu-.t th '>upr1·rn1 Court m Prturm·d .1 11177 1!1 .1th 1wnalt) 1~1" ''° lh1· g 1111111d 11 '>'Oul d viol<•ll' ttw st.1\1• ru11 ... 11t u tion·l> ban against l'fUt I .inti 1111 u!>ual pun1shnw11t Th<' lat1•1-t bill '>\oUlrl .tll11" jurie.; to 1mpww "·nt1·n1 t"· 11! C'lthe r d1•ath r1r h(1· 11n pri ... 1111 ment for fir<.t rlt·gr1•l• nuinll'• To 1rnpos1• <h·alh, 11 1A11uld h:l\t' to find that tht· ca st' t·onl•111wtl one or rnon• of a poi.-.1hl1· 11111111 · ag~ra\'at1n~ ('lrt.'Urn'.'.t:.tntt'!> ment confirme d there wu a meeting at Blahara's home. But 19oke1ma.a R .. ton aald tbea Lhat the coover11tlon was entire· ly one of "social amenities" and that "It was not a negotiating session." Young, a frie nd of President Ca rter, has been a fre quent center of controversy for hi..'I out· s poken a nd s o metimes un · orthodox remarks. At various times , he h aa c haracterized fo rmer Presidents Nixon and Ford as well a.'l the Swedish nation a s "racists," l' ..... r-.AJ STORM ••• S urvivors were b rought ashore from the 37·foot British yacht Magic, which was stncken with a broken rudder 65 m iles off Land 's End. Four other mem· bers of the cr ew were still unac · counted for .. We sent out the 'Mayday· '>lg na l, but the radio was very weak and we d idn't know if anyone was hearing us," said David Bootham. one of the sur· v1vors from the Magic. "The seas we re the worst I have ever been IO . We were noating for !O hours until we wer e r escued." The c rew m embers of another British boa t. the Cam argue . were pushed into the boiling sea by their captain Arthur Mnss, and then wrnched to s afety by hdl('Oph.•r Ont· uf the survivors. Frank Wo1 l1·~ said "The 1dPa of i umµ1nJ! 1ntn thoi,c hu~e seas "J' JPPJlltn~ WP v.e r l' all 11u..,twd in 1inl· h) one . b> the t ,q1t..i111 ~un IH1r" from tht· I n'>h V<.lf'hl l<.1 lo!ci rtllt~" "h1rh "as lO'At.-d in to th•· I rl!>h port uf Halumcirl· "II h a broken ruddl•r . rcµmted •I ,,.,.., am11n)! the raung fleet f l \I.JS fri~hten1ng 11111· l I t'\A nldn "aid "\\ C '>d" SOffit' ',11 Ills I) 1ni': rm tflc1r "1d1·-. • Hhl''' ""r(' !>lt·rn up and <,11rrH: ""re ~<mt· .iltr1co:thl"r * • * ,..rottt Pfl9'9 .\I KILROY ... tht• "1nr1up 11f lhl' \rl 111 1 r<1ll~ I up :-.1·1 w' l..1111" n J ' th1· mn-.1 µre·' t 1.i:111u' tu ~ Loot r.11 ,. 1n lhl -..111lcl 'I I ,. I ,1•.tn d rat• . h•·lil 1•\t-f\ '"" ''"'" 1• h1 ... w nu1lh kn''"" I' 1111t of 1h•· rriu-.1 r u~).!erl in thl· '"tf Id lnt01call~ the lo:-l l'AO 1.11·1· ... v.1·n· h i.:ht air p1cn1cs I ht fl' hd.., b\·t>n nn "orr1 of tht f ,\t1· 11f lh1.· lhre•~ 1\ llll'rlt'JO \J l hl' \\1lh "·'" lnq1JlldAnt'' "h1f'h forml·d thl· 11fh c1.1I l :-. It .1111 in th1 ·\dm1r..il ~ C'up \.\ 1111\.\J" 1s sk1ppe rc•d h) lkn 11 1' l 'onn,·r of Sdn 01e~1l 'A llh ,., 1·ral hK JI c r1:v. m•·n t.abi1J rd Imp 1 .... 11v.nt·d Jnd .. k1ppen'<l II\ 11..ind Elkn of S:in Franc1~t11 t 11w of h1l> Cfl'" men as Sk11> 1\1 l.111 of :\t'" p()rt Beach Another 1·11·1A m,lfl 011 the Amt'rt<'an boat ,., H1•\ H<inh of :'-ic wporl Beach I ll·nn1" Durgan of :"\ eYi pllrl H1 .. 1ch 1:-the ... kipper o f the I t .1 I 1 a 11 ' .11· h l . Y c n <i A I!> o li1·ls1•\t•d lo l>t> ahourd Yt·na I!> Lou 11· Wakt.' of "t'" IKlrl At'urh compared treatme nt of dlui·: dent.I in t.be Sovaet Uolon to Jail· . inl of political adlviatl bere Md : call4td Cuba• atablliain1 force in : Africa. • Youna hid been reprimuded before by Vance and r eportedly , by Carter tumAelf last month when tht president reshuffled · his Cabinet : Newport Woman Bilked :f I By JOANNE REYNOLDS Ol I ... O•llY ,.II .. St.I" • Ne wport Beach police are seeking two wom en who tncked an e lde rly resident out of S5,000. in a um.-.wo rn confidence scheme known a l> the Pigeon Drop The s uspects being sought are a pregnant black woman who u; nearly six feet tall and a petite white woman B~>lh appeared to, be m the ir 30s. lht victim told police. According to poli c~ reports, the woman was a ppro ache d Thursday while s hopping in the ('hildren's S4!Clion of a depart· ml!n nll'Jl"e1n F:rslltmr tstanrt-.----1 She said lhe s maller woman !>truck up a t'Onversa tion during which she a lluded lo some kind of a dJ).lurhance at another de- part menl s to1 ..-111 vol v ing .. Ci '>t'Jm . Th1·\ "'f'fl' J'llnl'd by the prcg ndnt "''>m:1n who \\-as carrym_g .in 1·nH·l111,. "\ht' 11a1d -.he 'd seen .1 mdn 1lroµ It outsid e and when ... hl· trn-<l to g1~1· 11 IJttck to him. h<· ran .i\l.._s\ from twr I h1· 1111l..,-1df• of the envelope 1 arr11•d lht• notation. S wiss Rox '119 .111<1 m-.irfr wa!> a note "'h11 h r1·Jr! S!tU,000 Dear tir11lh1·r IHS J fl c r m e - rar1•tr;:irk Thi• '1t t1m -.;a11I shf' snw a few :!II d11ll.1f lulls .J IHI "'"Uh told the rt·'t nf th1· l'Y1H·l11p1· held 1,000 cl11ll.11 11111 ... Thi· 11111•1 '>'•1111 •·n ,Jist'uss1·d ... h .11 ..,h, 111 ltl IH' ll11n1· "II h the 111•111••\ .111t1 .1J.!ri·1·d to take the m;1tl1 r up 'Allh the IJrc~nanl ""m.111 .. 11or111•\ ..... ho h<1d of 111·1·-.. 111 '' \\p•111 ("1•ntl·r 1111 """II"' t h·ft 111 talk to the I 1 ... H·r .ind rPturned with the II•'" th 11 h• ,,11 d thl'~· could t!I\ 1111· 1h1 11111111•\ µr11' 1dc·d thc•y "t'I llJJ tl11 tl l\ 1"111111 ,1 .., d bU:.IJlCl>l> dt•al \I lh• u ... p1•1 t'.'. <;u ggest11m. llw '11 11m "'<•nt home. got her Ii.ink hook .1nol '4 llht.lrt.-w Ss.OOC1 I a..,h fr11rt1 ht·r ,II 1 llllllt Thi• thrt•t 111 tlwm rJro\c lo a '-'t'\4 rx1rt ( ···nl1·r offl<:c building anti I lw pr• iin;anl "um an l()l)k lht' '11·t1111" n11me' into the at tornc' Mt he 1n1q~Jrtl'dly could \ enf, tht• st•nal numbers on lhe 11111 .... Shi• n •tumt•d a nd told tht: vie· !Im l•J ~o 1nlo the atturney·s 1,f. fit'l' <lllt.I 1·olll•rt her SS.000 and ht'r :-.hare of lhl· found money Thl• "oman tolri pohcc that lhcrt• Yi a;, 110 uttorney'i. office in 1bt1l hulld111 1-! Wh1•11 ~h1· t rted to lon1 t t' ht·r I" n n1m pamons, they hucl ll1suµ~·Jn·(! Ma11 !Survives Attack by Lightning W!th Role>.., iliamonds dre right on tin1e. RENO CA P l A Heno dentist 1::. ahvc today <after being struck by lightning . Jlis wife c redits hi!> survival to his choice of a camp- ing companion Dr. Sydney Smith was struC'k Sunday while taking part in a two-family cam ping tr ip in the Antelope Peak urea south of Topaz Lake.· The other family with his l.n· eluded Or. J erry Zer brack. a Reno cardioloizisl "My daughter saw the light ning strike him," Smith·s wife. Minday. said . ''The horse he was riding and the other three pack horses fell down. He was d ead and so was the horse he was riding on. One of the pack horses was dead. too." . She said Zebrack pulled Smith from under the dead horse and b egan card lo·pulmo nary re· auacllation. "He brought him back to life," Mre. Smith said. "Of all things. to have tum along ... out in the mlddle of nowhere. It was just a miracle." Two helicopters brav~ the storm to a i rlift the doctor to earety. Doctors were attempUnc to· day to determine the severity or Smith's inJuriea, wblch include numeroua lntemal and extemal burn•. He la listed in aerioua condltton In the cardiac In· ten1tve ure unlt ln a Rebe boapltal. ·'He wu burned everywhere he touched the horse and hll hair and cbfft were 1tn1ed," lln. Smith utd. "But without Jerry Zebrack, he'd be dead." • ROLEZ SLAVIC K'S Fine Jewelers Since 1917 Thl' dl'>lllWlt\t' IK karJt yt')lo" ~uld Rolt'~ f>a) Da k \\Ith matc·h1n~ hidd en l'lasp bra('clct A L'nadorncd. SS.250 00 B W1lh ch umond 1hal, $5.925.00 (.' Wi th diamond bezel and d1arncmd dial. $9.075.00 Or ad d to you r own \fl karat gold Da) l>all' a diamond bezel for SJ.150 00. or a ch amond dial for $675 00. or both for $3,825.00 Fub1on.11lland, Newport Center, Newport Beach I (714> '44·1380 3 Other Lcx-ntlon1. Wealmhuter MaJ1.r-1una Hllls Mall, Or1n1a. CerrilOll Also 0~11ter Lot Anaetea I San Dt•IO Laa VHH IJM .... ol •t"'I<\ I t'Ofl .... lfM t ll-,&e. et Aeerif ....... ~. ll.W~<..'Ut1• Membn r.rw Jewi.r1 Gvlld -·------ . • STOCKS I BUSINESS . :rae9day'• • NYSE COMPOSfl'E TltANSAC'llONS .... (~T) prlef}a ••1laalllt._ ............. ~t'lf11tl,llilc11k,ptW, ........ DfWl ... 04IC-IMIKll .................................... i..-........................ . T~.Augutl t4, t'7t DAILY PILOT Brown-baggers Pinch Pennies ., SYLVIA POaTEa AMII'. lne .. one ot &be maoy tarae co?.CW•Uom ~ moved from New York City to suburban beadquarwn, baa cafeteria facWtiee for Its entire staff in WhJte Plalnl. lta bualneu bu rlMn aubetantially ln reeent weeks, wtth tbl 1a1 shortage. Brown·baHinl also is on the increase, AMF report.a, on summer Fndays, when the company clOMS it& White Plalnl headquarters at 1 :30 p.m .. with the underatandioe that emplojees start half an hour early and wort tbrougb lunch hour. W•AL ELECT•ONICS IN sua uaaAN Yooken. N.Y .. employs scientists, tecluuciaos, typists and main· tenance workers wbo suddenly are "misers of the gas tank," saya Frank C. Lama, president. "Many or our peo. pie are brown-bagging, using the company cafete ria or walking to local places, including those who used to drive JU.St a couple of blocks to Howard Johnson's o r the diner. They'r e real· ly conscious of every drop of gas wasted." Money's Worth Wilson Sporting Goods Co. has 100 employees al its ad· ministrative center and warehouse ln s uburban Edison, NJ. In recent weeks, says Robert Bannick, regional ad· min istrallve manager. the workers bave turned in s ucb large numbers to tbt> vending macblnes that the supplier can't keep the m achines stocked. Brown-bagging is the .. Ill .. thing, not money on food, but also to conserve gas ons t rat.e patriot.le loyalty. only to save and to dem · .. While some industries are suffe ring from th e_ga-=--s __ 1 -shortages-: nthen-anrenjoymg WJe~cted bOOms . ONE REAPING BENEFITS is lbe supplier of equip· ment designed to help m thl' storage and quick preparation of food and bl'ver aJ(es 111 tht· offlct.- Wit.h an orft<'e water coole r. <'Ompa('t refrige rator. <'Of ft>e serv1cl! and mic rowave oven the office employt:c ha:. all the essential ingredients for a meal .. J ust Uu:. package g1vP::. tht' worker a very rtexablc set of option.c;." sa } c; Alan Emt-nck. pre::.ident of Great liear ~pring Co of Tete rboro N .I whic h manufactures a .. Total RefrP.,hmcnt Sy!>tem · de::.a~n~ for the convenience of worker'> 1n a ::.mall offict: F'or Lnstance, "e have been told that mam pt'<>Plt' an· delJbcratel) p repa nng dn ex C't'SSl\'I' amount nf food for dmnt:r at home. with the left OH rs meanl to '>f•n" a'> lunl'h at the ofhce.!he next d-.y or C\ t•n .t ft:v. dJy::. lat1:1 l,l1'fC'lf Tl~E HA:,.\ PROVIDED an excellent bn:ak 1r1 the day fur v.ork1•r<. But JWS -,hortages may destroy thf' a m cntt" Th~ refn· ... hmt·nl ~}stem !>a~c; Em~rick 1:. a ··h11~hl} \·1s1blE' fnngt· h1·nl'f1t · a rt:!>ourcc a "'orker can C:1ccep1 111 rt.Jt:Ct, \.\hl<'h C'JO tl\.' u:.cd tu J\u ld being chained lv ttw dl·~k 1 Hro.,n1 b<tl!l!ln>! '" " f rend that 1" flo"'<'rtnf.( JOt'"' Great Hear c; t•qu1pm1·nl ka~t'~ hd\t: Jumped ~lJ percent 111 the pa!>l fLw month~ a r1S1: lht· company all r1bule:. to th" ~a~ohne !-llUJllOn 1 \.\ ht'n and af th(• gawhm• '>hl)r1Jl-!cS <las appear Jl' mor1· thJn ltkl h th .• 1tht-1n nd 1ov.ard hrov.n bJ~~IOI! \I.ill l'flllllllll• OR~NGE ' COUNTY C~ur Builds lrrlnr Bank Crocker Bank 1~ bu1ldm~ a banking office at 17897 MacArthur Blvd , !nine. Tht-7 ,ll()O.~qu are foot oHarc 1:-. ex· pected to OJX'n an mad Uctobt:r An automated teller machme will lw installed 1n thl' hank. wtuch also will ha\ e four dnvt' up ldnt'!) ann u night depository outside The lobby will ha\e nine lt'lll'r w111 d ows . a merchant booth and safe deposit fac1ht1es Arctutect 1s f-'ackl'r and Ruffin~ A~!>Oc1atei-. :--; ·wport Beach C W Dnvcr Co. l n1m:. as buald mg 1:<mtrnctur. Parili~ Ci•11 Bank Expands Pacific Cal\ U<Jnk . l.Ja~ed at ll unlm~ton Beal'h plnns to open jn offlt'l' .11 . .\hri;1 PJrk\\a:-dnd Mwrland.; l\.11c; s1on \ 1eJO Hours Jl th~· offl\'l' "'II bt: from 8 am to 8 P m . "'eek days and 9 a m to 1 p m Saturda v!> The op('nmg 1s tcntallvel~ srhedulcd for m ad OctobN Lau: f"'I"" to .tlorf" Headquarter• P aul. Ha:.tangs . J anof:.k:-;ind Walker, a Lo~ Angeles law farm. plans to move to its Orange County regional of fi ces on 1'ov 1 to the lmpenal Bank building bemg com- pleted ui Co~ta ~t esa The Charle~ Dunn Co ~ Orange Coun t} off1 {'•' r epresented both the farm and lht: lessor. One Tov. n Center Drive Assodates. m the long-term lease transa ction. Partner J ames Ha m ilton said the firm will have 22.512 s quare feet of s pace. including a penthouse, in the SJO million. 16-story building located at South Coast Plaza Town Center at Bnstol Street and the San Diego Freeway The law farm will move its Orange County offices from 18952 MacArthur Blvd .. Irvine. O.U.i Trade Lea•e• tt'arelao1Ur Omni Trade, Inc .. has taken a five-year lease on 10,800 square feet of space at l945 G Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa. from John M. Rau. Value r f the leasehold is $153,420. Business Properties Brokerage Co. arranged the lease, in cooperation with Ashwill Burke. Omni Trade. Inc. wlll use the space for a furniture warehouse. Gwperate Realf9 Appofated Corp0rate Realty. Inc .. lrvlne. has been appointed by State-Wide Investors, Inc., Lona Beach. as exclusive leas· Ing agents for two office building projects. Corporate Realty commercial brokerage. wilJ market 22,000 square feet at 13071 South Brookhurst. Garden Grove. and 27,000 square reet at 631 North Brookhurst, Anaheim. AWe A.,. S•le• Jlepre•ea••&l17e Able Computer. lrvtne, bas added WKM Auoclata. lnc. to the Hst of company sales repreaentaUves. WKll l5 headquartered ln Pittsbur1b and bas addiUonal omces lo Cleveland and Dayton, Ohio. and Detroit. The company wlll be responsible for aales and product inatall1Uon ID Michigan, Ohio. Kentucky, West Virginia and eutenl Pen· nsylvania. "8•G . .. , ...... ... "' c-. ........ ., ... .. .....,wMO..~ •ite a11 111e w ov11oe0 ... _ e OM r m oe···am • CNOO Ne THI*" Ct11eo "'"" d•cttte ...... tojOjflflll- in .... Ycwfll cw _., """ (d • snmTI OJI IM PMNO.cO A .... Cll~ Clllolllt • *"°' ____ led prillon ~M, -"" • llUIMll ....... otl Wld • tc).,_.olQ """°"' • CN9'1AtY Ck-. ~ JOllnlOr> ,,., • A8 MAN letAYU e:aol""~~~· ~caHOITAHO ........ The C4iplllltl. •1""'101 10 t>uy Cafotyn • GOnelllelorv QOlt Pt 0-10 tie mot• 01f.. hCUl11hat> ... lflllCfC)llllCI • DOC CAV!'TT Dads for f he Dag GUMI lnQrld 0..gtMn (P11t1 2 Of 21 CR) • PROJfC'T UNM:RSE. "AeielMly ' Judd ll.l r!>th and Randall Car\'er url' rt•t:ruttl'd as bJb) !>ill~r~ fot MH·hucl ll('r !>ht."\\C on 'T.tx1" tonight lil 9 JO on ABC. Channt.'I 7 (I) TIC T 11/J OOOOH 11) MEW ONfflN G--11 ZM ZN Get>ot 00to1hy louden I om Sk.,ntt 1:30 e CtACUS 1:00 I cee NEWS NBC MEWS 8 NEWl.YW£0 GAME • A8CNEW8 C!) Cl) JOKER'S WILD m lt.OWl..UCY lhe mysienoui 1>urg111r. "M .Oa'™I lC " 9) SAHf'ON> AMO SOM To 1mpreaa l amonl's tut11re mother-1n·law, Freo aecl<les to ge1 1n10 t"6 t>oOk ol WOfld roc:Otds f:t) 28 TONIGHT ~ WHO ISTiiERE Holli C•l Dood Shtlt•llMI Leu•ence Ac1s Sc;nm101 E1epnan1 And Rhino EOwkrds B1cycl8 Ac t. le• Barons Hano Baloncong 1'CI Sa111n1 Clemon D SHANANA Guesta Thi Angels D DATINO OAME 0 I 100,000 NAME THAT 0 TIC TAC DOOOH OJ THE BAA.DY BUNCH EaOlll convtnces Greg to buy en old convtifltble he 1$ 1ry1ng 10 Qel rid of Q) ADAM-12 RttOO anc MatlOy 1nves11 glllll lhe b11ar1e lhefl OI 11 I own Claannt-1 Lbfing• 11 KNXI 1CBS1 Los AnQt·h,., G KNBC 1NBC1 Lo!> Anqe11.., 0 ICTLA !Ina I LOS AnQ ... I("> II KABG TV1 ABC1 Lo Anq1·h·~ lJ; "FMB 1CBS1 S.m Q,1•qo 0 KHJ TV llnCl I Lo!> An Itel,.., ~O, KGST 1ABC1 San D•t-yo G) KTIV (Ind I LO!io Anq,..ff>•, Q) ?<COP TV !lnr1 1 Lo .. Anrw1t· tD i<C E; T rv 11>0~1Lo~1,nq1•t••, g;) KOCE fV PBS> Hu nl•n JI On Bt .1 h ED WACN£JL 11.aiAEA REPORT Cl) HEWSCHECI< ( P.M .MAGAZINE HOllt Kurtn Kelly Mark w1111on Gueslt Shotgun J S..C.r111a1y Md lhe "night• ttmtt king ol coun11y · tlQ) HOlLYWOOO 80UARE.8 SUHOAY MOAHINO TONIOWT Charles Ku,an rel)Ot" on SIOllBS tnc;lud•"O O!ino Jhao Pong s Fet>ruarv 111111 10 Arne<IC<I hghttng mo M1n1Htl>Pl llOoda ot Apttl ;i \Cn004 to• vt0hn.m&ket¥ and tne mu5•C41 s~ Toaa 0 THE RUNAWAY& An 04dt1tly min s lite ol v19•lanle tactics 10 o .. ar tne 1U••n11e nooas ou1 01 "'~ ne+gnl>Of hOoO tr oggen lurlht!f prot>tetns (Pan 1 nl 11 0 PAISONEA lwo n9W prtsorntrS .>rro•ll di W6"11WC)llh Of>lf'nll()n C l'lllflr ono Clatm1nq n.,< t11nt'lct1nco 1ne otner •Migne<I to he• ldlP 0 11"01 HAPPY DAYS A ~mootn lulkm wnn umn~ ChdCh• 1n10 bt1lltng • ~ prOCWf lloon .,........,~_.. Cl\.Cfll • uptel uncle. ,ORN l"I • M0\111 e • "TIMI .....,_ .. (lt 70) o.wl ~ • .IOlwVly Ctewfotd DllrlnO W0tld Wet H • 0.men tOldlW It .... *'to IOMte e 811&· .. .,, lll\lper ""° IUfnt °"' 10 be mor• ~1111;1 lh11n neeAPe(l.0 l:U"' > -~ ~ rt11• eo«;l., 11 tMIHd on ''"' "'°'' ttory Dr lr•ln Uh•• • MOYie • • • Juttt#' I 1930) Paul M11tt1, 0.11• DIVlt I toe renowned ·•••der 111~ lOJ lhlu~I MtAICQ l1om PrJnC• MUtmlilfll'l't French dom1- na1~ (2htt) • HOU.YWOOO TnlVllK>H THIATP The Fa1•1 W~nNa" Ev8 M11r,. S.-.n1 OO<lr•Y' ao nv.,ly·tc>manllC .omWI "' U.otO-Kirby a HMO I plA~ L to D ~T UNV£NE E.,, .... , .. ,,,ai Comtnu- n.cauon 1:3(). ®) OET£CTME 8CHOOL Nici< ....a "'" l;lasa ol detec;1we students use u PlU• lact0<y ti • Iron! 10 Cllllth I j4IW8I 11'11&1 C8SMOVIE • • • • And M1llt0ns Wtll 01e 119731 R•chard Ba5tll1Br t Susan S1r1&· bfttg Al 1nsu1ance GQatn$1 6•1)<>$ure, a wll\16<1 war cnm1na1 p111nls • device 1n lh& sowtl#S ot Hong KonQ wn1eh wlll rolollStl enougn nerve ga& 10 wl~ out the CJ M8CMOVIE • • •, Roi urn 1 o Macon Covn1y I 1975) N1ek NOll<t. O<>n JOl\nson A rlC6Car d"""' and "" mechani<. encounler ..., ... , ... 1 unth l)lltlf!O SOll>l t .. S wnth1 rra"811nQ tnrougn a ru1.,1 111.,a tRI 0 Ia; THREE'S COMPA.t(Y Jae~ learns nis new. llame "" OlO·lasn1onM gor1 is not qU1te .. s conservalM• as ~he t11s1 .,ppearea to lit' (RI Q) MERV GRIFFIN "'"' '' lsa lt.A GabOi Ou•otny lnudHn Tom !>t.or1111 8 .iny 0.omoml ~··•a Fine II.a~· U!) NOVA A Wtusper r rom SPJC<,. '"e mo\t roceru lt\COo{•·, • .nil rll1W QUO~hons IMI t\,o.; tw•J'l rAl'>PcJ a bout TUBE TOPPERS CBS 8 9:00 -"And Millions Will Ole... A nerve gas bomb in the Hong Kong tiewers threatens the Chinese populace In this movie with Richard Baschart and Susan Strasberg . NBC 4 9:00 "Return to Macon County.'' Nick Nolte stars in this movie about a race car driver fighting ob· stucle. m the buck country. ABC fl 11 :30 "The Last Detail.·• a sailor headed for a Na vy prison C Ran· dy Quaid) ge ts a night on the town from his captors in this movie with Jack Nicholson 111tc:Yoweve •ton••• and !heir reteuon to tM or1g1na Of lhe UnlYltM •..10 8 ltJ TAXI The c•t>I>,.. retucllnlly •o••• 10 1>11>y111 1or Elaine t young aon wt11te 1t1e .. tempor11111 out 01 '°""' (RI tO:OO ID NEWS OJ 8TAASKYt HUTCH Whtie 1nves119a1tng 0tg•· nu.Id cr1~ 1n 1ne nogn IH"'On WOlld Sf(l.fslly i;ncl HutCh enGOUnlOI I l>e;Wlo lut model wno c.olle<." coo•-. 11apn .. s IR• G) NIGHT OAUEAY Silent Snow S1tGrnl Snow · A t>oy l>tlc01T•11' mOfo end mo<e wtepO«J up m ht' own pttv91u world 'H&<I \ 8;,11~ A c.o11 t.lihh vic:hm ltn01 that '"'" Wtll• Bos~o·~"Y ""d ,,,,. V1enn" Ph1l,.11rmon1L '"" llot.~ini< S101~ OP<Jrn Ellll ''' i.nd lhff ""'""'' Boy• Cho11 1.eleD•l>h! "'" lWlll unnt •llf~'Y o• Jo'>l'I !>1r.iu .. t>irlnday IRI 10.30 OJ (I) HEWS Ci) NOVA fM Final Frr>nl•W A ~ )f . dt ~Ud(; .. C040f'Ut..a11t)f1 ,o 1 lhb prom •itP of ur•tttlJCM•tJ tP:>Ol.JtC~)> 11"1 tOIC• f PfJtl ~ OI a <'·pa•I Set•• I 11.00 e o o 1 10 NEWS 0 MAl<E ME t.AUOH Q MOVIE ••. T~tit.••~" r1•-t•,11 Huf t L.,n~._...,,,., A 1 C.arcin~· A 1.,,.m.•1 t ... I OOCt>mti" mvolv"'O •jtfl ltit "Jyt"Ote.etP <:! hr' ) m THE ooo couPLE j 0SC.1r •• f1rfl(J ''•),,. "'"\ 1ongtirrw ,on J' u 'tJ>Of' a b.OmtnlOfl mettll • 1EHHY Hll..t. SHOW Benny 1~ Hl Ch11ge OI pt0- d\IC110n du•1no the fl1tn1no o••~ciaJ fl) Ota< CAVnT Guftl lngrld Betg,.,an (Pltl 2 of 2)(RJ 11.30 e aAAHA8Y JONES Barnet>y • mve11ogal•on IOIO 1"9 f"-'t of 8 flltU>Of\· OollW cl;amona 14aO, "°"' 10 11>9 wile ilnd Ille 11851 tr~ ot lfle gem 1 ~ 1R1 CJ BEST OF CAA80H Ho" Johnn1 CMson GUAttl' Rot>ot1 8l<1kt1 Gia. dy1 l(n19n1 •nd me Pops Jonn"t Yu n~ Red a .. 11ona IRI 0 DO< VAN DYi(£ ~ot> • Oalllr nal 0 "011 '<Jll9's ~ v l>lil ~~ wh<ln n,. t1nos out h1i S1A·y611r 010 '°" '' una~ 01 n1m 0 lf6 "8C MOVIE I lf.J731 Jae~ N•Cl>Ol•on Ott~ VCNno 1 wo '>&•tor~ ""-on•no .1 1n110 10 a Navy !Jrtie>n 18• fl P<I~ on IF!e>r chutQ4' a .. a 111!1 out to &now lltm ona '"" 90Qd t•""' 1 R1 Q) THE OOHO SHOW (I) OETSMART t.44, t••·•"•f. Ir-01 hf" 1-. t urr t •• f ,.. ,,, '" .. ,, 1'0 ~ -. ... It.I •1th • C>0u"''Y (n ' \ ,,....., ID CAPTIOMEO 1'8C NEWS 8 STAA TREIC t,. , t•h of(lt '-f"' • '''°'' ,,...., ,, ... ,~ t, ... _., •' <.• tJtt' wt ' ,, a '""' ,, 0 t1 MJRNINC. 12 00 0 TWILIGHT ZOfofE (.r-, • J ~ ''" ,, ,_ ,1 ... ...... ii> t ""1 f 'IC! I ' 'U• 'T\•'J ' I t ~ It,. I J' t. "' ,,,. ''••' r (.1 m ALFRED HITC~COCK It's Sunday Morning on TV Tonight By TOM JOR\ NEW 'r'OHK <AJ>I ens· :iS!>Ump· uon in ofr('rlnR "Sunday ~1 orning Tonight ' an prime t1mt.· tonight 1s that you \'f' pr obullly nt•\'c•r seen "Sunday Mormnj!" on ~un1.l<iy morn ing ll'l> hke l\ 1h1•v n.· ri~ht. and lhat s on<' n·a:...on bl'h1.nd "~und ay Morning Ton 1ght' 1l 1s an e nterl u1n1ng hour of ~lev1l>111n ::.cheduled for 8 9 p m . on Channel 2 Th e re 's a second cons1dcrn· li o n tha t JU ~l might h ave oc· curred to the pco· pie at CBS: ''Sun· da y Mornln ~ Tonight" is a not· s o -s u btlP promo l(UllALT for the 90-minutc weekend nl'ws pro gram Charles Kuralt, CBS' "On·lhe· Road" man who doublc~ a'> host for "S unday Momtng ," ac-knoY. ledgcs at the :;t<1rt of the prime-lime !>pccial that the progr<1 m beg un J an. 28 might still be un ram 1liar to many. tf not most. TV watcheri. "It's a news p rogram.·· he says. ··and l know that the fact that it's on at all may ('Orne as newi. to you " ''St;NOAY MORNING" was con cc1 vcd as pa rt of an ovl•r a II re vita lszat1on of lhc net work ·~ mom in I( news prog ram. which has suffered for years in compct1t1on with "To- day" on NBC and ABC's "Good Morning America." Eat:h ectition was named lo cor respond with the day of the week. "M o nday Morn in g," "Tuesday Morning" and so on You could catch the ne ws on "Sunday M omin~," loo. t>ut tt,at would not be all. "We got lo thinking <tboul the worlds of things we ha rdly ever pay a ttention to on the newi.." Kuralt says, "music. and book1., and bus i- ness. and medicine, and education and televis ion iL5elf. and the fact th<1t there isn't time very ofte n to put in lo pcrSpl'<'ttVL' even the ht:adhnt· nt·Y.., of ca<'h passing week . St;SDA \' MORNING ma\• ht-lhl' worst t1 m1: period m telc\'l;ion And in th<1t en\'ironment , "Sunda\' ~torn 1ng," broadcast from 9 to 10· JO , ha.., he ld its own. mcrcasin11.. though on an lrrcgul<1r course. its :.hare of the aud1l'nce from 12 percent the first w<'ckt·nd to a h 1~h o( 16 percent July 15 The aud1entt.· has dipped ai. lo'A as 9 percent In C1ddition. the number or CBS c;ta lions that carry "Sunday Morning" has increased , s lightly, from 75 at lht• start to 82. Jn fact , s tations in ma n) cities that don't show "Sund11y Morn 1ng" will air "Sun di;y Morning Tonif.{hl ·· not<1bly Boston. Houston. Dallas. Miami. New Orleans. Mem- phis. Nashville. Kans as City, Alban)', N Y. and Columbus, Ohio. The people who produce "Sunday Mo rnin g" R obert "Shad " Northshield is executi ve producer have chosen seven segments from previous prog rams , most prominent ly Morton Dean's report on a 10-year 11ld hm '(1i;:ht 'AHll .1 painful 1111·urd blL· dlM':JW "St:NDA\' 'VIOR N I ~(, Trm1£ht ul::.u inl'ludt"' R1l·hard ·1 h1 l'lkl'1d s ''ctn e r :;ton " a \\l't>kly feature on the \'ISIL lo Oen£ X 1a1~pin£ <Tenr lb1ao ptnJ(J lo the l'n1t<'d States f.o Ra bl'I ' r<.'porl <1n lht· flo<xl111£ of the· Pl•arl f<1 H·r tn :'>Ji..,1:.s1rip1 .ind E«1~ (;andutr ' stor) on a 1·h;1m1>1onsh1r1 s w1mminj.( fl•,J m 1n C';d1f11rni<1 In <iddtlwn. tht·r .. '' Hf't '-\ 1\<1ron s report on a 'it'hool for '1olin maker.., 10 l.:tah. rr1lH dl l.1rg 1• lit'\ Y.OOd llalt· llroun· ... pwu· on tht· mu&ic·al "'SWN'nl'y Todd, · and c·ommcnldr) by T\' l·nt1C' .Jc·ff Crt•t•nrtt·ld C BS frc f!u c ntl:, rt·:.urn·tts pr1· \'IOUl>ly broa1ka ... 1 dot•umt'nlant''· or se£mcnts of nt'ws pro~nims. often with s attsf)1nj.( rl'!.ults Tht• most re· t'cnt in a :.enc:.. fJf "On the Road" an· lholog1t•s \.\its aired tn June, and s ummt·rt1m1· t•d1t1on :. of "60 M mutt•:.., .. th•· nt•t work·..., SUN'l'ss(ul n <' w s m ti R d z 1 n 1.1 • t' o n I a t n t ~ " o r somct1ml·s lhrl'l' St'g mcnL' broud<':.sl e<irl1t•r Nursing Domes Ai1ning at Loo Grant By PETER J. BOYER LOS ANGELES CAP) -"Lou Grant." CBS' acclaimed ne wspaper drama ( 14 Emmy nomina · lions this year) that prides itself on authenticity, has stumbled into one of the r eal-life hazards of the newspaper dodge -the outrage and hassles that come with a controversial story. The story in question was an episode called ··Home," broadcast last February, in which the ace re porters of the fict ional Los Angeles Tr ibune reported on nursing homes. The general point of the show was that home-home was the best p lace for an oldster to be. not a nursing home. AT ONE POINT, REPORTER Joe Rossi t Robert Wald en) asks a Gray Panlher: "Can't there be s uch a thing as a good n ursing hom e ?" A~ dick. A dassy chide. An old guy named Al As deliedNes they W8'8 se<X>nd to ~· A PAtAMOUNT RHCASE lh1-·---ei ... -...................... ....... NOW PLAYING I IU.CIMMA Mill wntm1naltf 893·0!M6 ....... NJO M!SSIOll Vitto 830 6990 IT ...... K ... Oflnot83H710 ..... , " lltlYl·t• wes1m1n"" ~34·6282 ll MIUIA Miit.fi u Mlrl!CN 921-1706 Gray Panthe r: "Even the best of them 1s j ust a place to wait a nd die." The Ame rican Health Care Association, the country's largest federation o( nursing home ope rators, didn't like dialogue like that. An in- tensive effort was made by the AHCA to keep the s ho w from being re peated this s umme r. Sponsors were pressured, the network was pressured, CBS aUilia tes were pressured, the pro- duction company was pressured . 'rhe result - "Hom e" will alr again, Aug. 27, minus four of the advertisers that sponsor ed the s how in its rirst go. CBS STUCK BV THE show, with James Rosenfield , president of the network, explaJning in a telegram to affiliates: "We resent the pressure being brought to bear by the AHCA on the net work, the producers, the EVERY SUMMER ntECREAM OF AMERICAN YOlJ1li GOES TO SUMMER CAMP- ANDntE RfS'TGOTO CAMP NORlliSTAH. advertisers and now you afflh atcs to prevent the rebroadcast or a dramatic episode. however con · trovers 1al .'Lou Grant' 1s a fictio n al series that docs not purport to present journalistic treatme nt of any issue . although the AHCA is clearly treatsnli! lhc program as if it djd "We do not intend to deny 'Hom e' a re~at broadcast an response lo this elaborately mounted special interest campaign. We hope you will sup· port our position in this importa nt matter." AP PAR ENTL Y. MOST AFFILIATES will. T he network r eports that none of its stations have bent unde r the pressure to the extent of refusing to air the repeat. but al least one station, KFDA in Amarillo. will air a 30·second disclaimer. remind· ing viewers that "Lou Grant" is fi ctiona l and not , to be taken literally . TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTIN~ 0 rTa ...... Of , .. beciudon" ,.~~ettor• ···-•jlipefdlnd _..... M CM ... a COtWll> !*"WI M UOOOl'IW'O ltlll. • .-rlliWIT Mu joint l<AOS 1n "" ~ to rind Ollt wf\o't pey1ng ott CONTROi. f:~TONIQHT 1l;tll ~ * * * "Tl\e Uldy W1tt1 A La111p"' ( 1952) Anne MMQle, MtchMI Wiiding Florence N1gnt1nga11 crutadee -o-in•I dlMMe on London and -t~ly on Ille Cr"""" W11 fronl flht.6S m1n1 _. MO'l9 * I 'It "Riot In Cell 9locll I I" ( 1954) Neville Btend, Elnfle Meyer A l>Ullding ii tellen Ovet tn<I guetda t>ecomt llOS!eg4111 - !MUil .. tty 10 Q9I "*' demand• IOI l>elllt COt>d<. llOnl met ( I hf 30 mrtl 12 hfL) • MOVll I I I He•I T11n9 We Lo-.e · 1193SI J-S•-· ltl M1rg1r111 Sullavan When a YOUftO huSl>itl\O I CCIPIS an O•fHSliU •"'Ontnfl"ll lak•ng rum 1wey l•om "'~ M>nQ•l•eM wilt. • OIO ~· "' ,,..,, mam~ wnoen ,, M>Ofl hlled 0y • w1ll11\9 lhJtO Pllf1Y I I "' JO mot1 J 8D TO IE ANHOUNCEO Cl) MOYIE • • • "Tne Moon II 81ul' • 19531 Wllh11m Hold•" Oav•d N••ttn " ~ouno wom.., Mtl~ out to d•.arm • pl8ytloy wno OOHn I t>eheve t" t,,.. 1n11t1u11on 01 12:40 8 C88 UTE MOVIE • • ·~ "The Carey Tre111- mttnt 119721 Jame~ Coourn Jenn•litr 0 "'"'" 1' OOCl()f wnc>M 00!.I lriitna t<, S.u~P"''"d nr ~ vrO•H O~•OM 10 1nv..,.1.qat~ ,,, .. (AH h•m~f "' r·~ 1,t tte•t.nq l\tS fttend t ndmo 1R1 1:00 0 T~AOW C,..,,...t P"OIGl)•<:ti."11o' ~' 1n c"'°"o~~ .. Q M.AVERICI< f .... , I 20 0 M.EWS 2:00 0 MEWS 0 MOVIE t •• a• • * Tt-· lf,4•,, MtH f IJ"'.,,, ( .. IJuO .. A.., "' 4 .. .,1, "'?t°'d ""'-''-'' ... , ... ,,. ~ ~ '"-'' ,,tt.,.. ,,.,., '•L' 1 _,.., t ~ f o..t •• r• I' t• '"'" t1+-iflfl ,, !teitf 4.~ ., ... '", tl r ... I • fllCMI • *" MMINIDll ...... C IH7) T;refte ~--. Llo¥d NlllM. Adrflt "' .. ~,,,,,,... ...... . o.oealft ......... -.,. ~~.., .... .. .,,...Of ....... ~ PIH1fl9WI (2 In.) •MT ~ Mule~to~ tl\e fl'IVINWtoua ~· .,_Of COHTAO&. ~. ,. .. , ... 2:IO MCWtl • • wH1d11w1; Oirl" 119371 Man ha Aay9. Sflif. fey RoM. ,. young °"' QI\ the lam from police runt 1n10 • Pro,_ Cftermrng playt>oy 11 ht .. ~5 rnln.) I =~ t-.M HEWS l:OI MOVll! * * ,,., "8Nchheld' I 1os..1 TOfly C...r111, Fr1ntr Lav. IOY S:66 8 NEWS 4:G0 8 MOVIE •' , • Sec:rell Ot A Sec;re- 111ry' I 193 I) Ct1uek!U& C04bett ~t>ert M11tnall. 0 a.t<ME • •" 1'mste<dam 1'Naw" 11967) W1ll111m MM!Ow8. C.m•6ftne vOfl Schell mwo~ • • Tne I .lily And Tne B11ndol ( 19§ 1 t LOU•~ Huyw 10 Pa111c1a Moo1t1a. 4'30 tii) TO BE AHH0UHC£D Me d11P•da11·• Dayt i nt .. 1tfo1·i.-• N'TERNOON t2l00 0 • '> "Cot>lll women Montez O@a1n stalk& too Al11con 1ungles 1n ""' form ot a "Cot>< a Woman " 11 nr J0m1n J Q) • •'· R10R111 1 tCJ•2J 1'00011 ana Cos1ru. •o o< dlnryn Grayson T..,,, rr•Wt o..com.• •nv()fvf'O wetn tr•• t~a.JI c-..plfll._ ""f'Vl n..Jo;f) 1r.t1ltf4tff>d • ,,..nc.n ~ l tu --~ rrun 1 3 00 10 * • • T Ml P"""'O•n c. "''"'l.. I 19f.J> [>,,~ f1'"~"''c~ Maria P{lr'\(.l'•y '4 II :rtJO W.tr U Ar~t·•n tjff~ t ri.~r\fio ( '""" \f•;J h~dt~· •# , ''*'''' '''' N U•-. wf'tO •'""''t.Jf ,,., "'10 ",,., ' • 41t.... tJ#t...,,,-..... \ fW .. , ,,.t ,.,..,.J.,o"'"".,..., AU~tt •' 1) ,_, (Ju•f)r •Jft (H • • Kl I ,,. H1 ,_ 0"'~1'~ dO<J , ''• ,,, ''"'-rnntrnntahon I•,,,, •.• ,, hum""~ df')d , ... '11 '" I nr 10 min t Augwt nth thru 17th SEVEN THEME NIGHTS O F SPECIAL PROGRAMMING ANO LIVE INTERVIEWS TONIGHT------- What's Heall~ in Space'! S:OOPM EXTRATERRESTRIAL COMMUNICATIONS 9:00PM A WHISP•R PROM SPACE 10:30PM THE FINAL FRONTIER ~LUI • Or<mge Counry UFO CentPr • JPL Future Forc<lsC •Black Hole •UFO M yth or Re ,l llt y ( m,.•La ~.c"•~) DILIGHTI In the DAILY PILOT