HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-22 - Orange Coast Pilot···-----..... ~~-· ~, ........ ~ . ---·-.. .,;::....:.._~· ._;:::~.:-:.... .... -----:---:-----·-· ---..-..---........ .._,.---------~------... ----------~----------------- ----,.,. - --_____ ..._ __ ..,._. _ ... _ ... ·-....,,._._.__,.J _ .. __ . __ -·'!--...:.-:--·~-----=~-- 17 ;Murdered at Sea? II II ' Carter Approves Sale of Fuel to Oil· rieh Iran DAILY PILOT * * *lie* * * . ~ '' . WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 22, 1979 VOL 71, "0 J)A • HCTIOWS, 'Cl PAGES -------------- Gold Up To $311; A Record LONDON <APl Gold tu t a recor d $311.625 an o unce in Zurich today The dollar held steady Arte opening $3 to $5 higher than the Tuesday closing prices. the m eta l s u<Hicnly took off. dealers said Lon cfo n · s l>1 g f i v c• bu 11 ion dealers fi xed the morning pnn· al a record $31 t'.50 a Troy ounce. up from S303.125 TUI'!> day night <.ind $306.625 at thP opening. The afternoon fixing was $311 In Zurich. Europe s biggest gold market. the noon price was $309 375 after touching the rec ord in late-morning trading The price ris e followed Tuesday's sale or gold hy the U.S. Treasury. which fetched a record average price of $301 08 per ounce. It was the first time the auction price topped $300. A total of 750,000 troy ounces was sold. <Related story. Page 86.> The melal appeared headed back to the r'ecord levels it hit during the last full week of July. A week late r. however, profit· taking and the s tabilizatioh of the dollar contributed to a sharp Call to around $282 an ounce .. Coast 7 Weather Patchy late " night and early morning low clouds and local Cog. otherwise fair throu gh Thursday. Slightly warmer days with highs Thursday ranging from the mid·70s at the beaches to tbe low 90s in the inland a reas. Lows toniaht ~7 to &7. INSIDE T .. DA ~ A lilt o/ 0NJnge CounlJI rta· ldent• who art deU#lquent In pci11•ng property tciz•• b publ""-1 on,,., Alf·A22. Thief Gets Kids ' Movie OAKLAND (AP > The thief who burglarized the Fruitvale Playhouse is a candidate for the m eanest person in town. Police are reporting that the thief s t ole items directly related to the dai- ly movie shows provided for children . The bur~lar took two projectors and t he movie scheduled for s howing this wc•ck "Mysterious Island." Left behind Wl'rl· d number of other items. in· cl uding a n e w addini: machine. a m·w electric typewriter, a c<.imcra and boxes of candy. Great White Shark Dies in Wptive Pool SAf\ FRANCISCO <AP> A baby great white shark netted in the chilly Pac ific Ocean off Northern California collapsed a nd died today, less than 24 hours after it began patrolling the wate rs of a s pecia lly de· s i ((n ed doughn ut -s hap ed aquarium. Aquarium spokeswoman t'am Wing said a staff of JO scientists a nd four volunteers tried to get the 200·pound, 6·foot ·4·inch female s har k to "breathe" through the night, but that it col· lapsed and "drowned" shortly before dawn. A great white shark has never before lived in captivit y. "We're so disappointed." Ms. Wing said. "So many people tried to save her Ure. I guess we'll have to be more delicate in bandlin' the s harks we catch." The filh had been taken to the aquarium's famed "Fish Roun- dabout" Tuesday from Tomales Bay where It was nabbed by a halibut fisherman. Bob Bertelli caught the fish in bis nets. a common way lo gather in a shark, offlclals at San Francisco's Steinhart Aquarium said. "But what was uncommon was that be knew the aquarium wanl«l one here for display, so he treated it. with kid 1lova,'' Ma. Wlq aald. Setentllta wer e excited about tbe po11iblllty or h1vtn1 • specimen to study becawte "so little ii known about the 1reat white shark," Jude CarltY ol the Stelllbart .Wf aaid. <S-..... Pase AJ) U.S. OKs Fuel Sale To Iran WASlllNGTON <A P> Pres dent Cartl.!r said tod<.i y hf' .. personall y approvt·d " the (•x port to otl rich I ran o f $47 mi II ion in kt'ros1·nc: a ntl d11:!s1·I fuel Tht• suit• cam<' ctl a tinw wht•n the t 'nitcd St ates 1s r•x perit•ncing shortages 11( pel roleum products l' 0 mm l' r ('I' IJ I' p iJ rt m (' n I lu:cnst."S for the t:x port of lh<' products we re issued Aug 3. C o m m t• r l' l' n c: p ;1 r l m e n 1 spokc>sman David J(·wcll said Asked about tht• ~ale• during a town meeting in Burlington . Iowa. Cetrtcr said hl' ··personally approved" 1l on a one time basis hC'I' a use n ots in Ir an had inter rupll•d that country's supply or kerosene. which is widely used by Iranians in their homes lie said the amount involved equals only about one fiftieth of th(' amount of oil that the Urnted States imports Crom Iran in a single month J<t y Vivan, a Department of Energy spokesman. said the dt• cision to export the fuel some of which also can be used as healinJ! oi l was endorsed by the departm ents of S t a te , Defense and Energy. II e declined to comment further. saying that "this 1s directly being treated as a Com· me rce action." The s ituation was reported by Oil Daily, a Washington·based industry publication. Oil Daily said today that the sale was handled by Amerada H ess, the New York·based oil re· fining and ma rketing firm. Carl Tursi. an Amerada Hess spokesm an , co uld not im - mediately be reached for com· menl. The sale price of the oil prod· ucts was reported by the Oil ua11y to oe abOut ~ cents per gallon. or considerably below <See IRAN, Pa1e A2> WOMAN, 106, DIES IN ITALY CAGLI, Italy <AP> -Giusep. pa Sa.nt.lnl, one ol Italy's oldest women, died Tueeday at the age o11oe. She bad just returned from a blrtbdaf party in a nearby vUl••• for Adele Belli. wbo was celebratinl her 106th btrthdav. I J \ Gold Hits High Of $311 Ounce; Dollar Steady s • • o .. 1y Pll .. SYlf P11010 Tearful At Jury Verdict R DEWRF-~ BROOKS IRWll\ Of IJW O••h P•lo1 \l•tt T l•ar'\ !-.frl'am1•d rtown h1 -. 1·hN•ks TUP~da~ night ~ h1•n {;In• ll utchl•rson ~all-.1·d f111m an t lrang1• Count ' Su1.wr111r { ·ourt " fr1•1· hut adrn1ttt•dl\' ·• \t·r\ b11 11•r man B I' h I fl d 1 h •• I x \' t• ;1 ,. 11 Id :110 ... pa<'t' "111kt•1 ~., ... noton1•i\ of a kin<! no m.1n marrtl'<1 tu !ht• .;.1m1· ~nman ft1r I~ Vt·ars ~.rnL., lkh1nd him tc.11 ~t·rt• AA day' '>P\'nl in J:11l ~hill' ~<11t1ng tnetl a nd at onl' timt'. st'ntennng for .1 1 rimt• .1 iurv finally dt>cided ht· d1r111 l c·ommit :\nd .i ht•,1d of llult'ht•n.on wa11 t•d ,1 pill• of onl\ part1<.1ll) paid l1·g.tl hilt... rc•flt•t·tin~ his ... tatu ... ,,., 1h1• onl\ l·nminal dt•fendant 1n ilran~t· t'ount) h1 ~tor~ to ... tand tnal thrct• tim1•s for lhl' !>a m <' lTlnH' It all t'ndt'fl Tu<.'~dav n.ght in a 1·ourthoust· hallway with et wtfe ~ho had stood by ht•r hus band clutchin~ his hand and through tears saying. "I'll nl'vcr takl' him for gruntl•d again. HUTCHERSON ACCEPTS CONGRATULATORY HANDSHAKE With Wife, Patricia, After Jury's Oeclalon Tuesday T he tnal llutcht•rson followed for th<' pust 21 months carried him unwillingly into the national s potlight and plal'Cd him in the path of militant women's nghts organizations Murder .. Suicide? A II that as well as the ' Sailor Fo11nd Dead prospect a kw minutes earHer of being con1.·icted of rape and relat- ed crimes that could have put him behind prison bars for nine years Mter Mayday Call s howed as Hutcherson, tearful and trernbHng, s tepped from the court room. "I think a ll the ti me they Uus accuser and prosecutor) knew I was not guilty. But they kept pressing. The c harges should have been dismissed a lonjl time By JOANNE R EYNOLDS Of Ille O.lly ...... s .... An attorney who radioed from his boat that he was being kid· napped, 'tortured and shot was found dead four hours later by U . S. Coast Guard rescue teams searrhlng near Santa C ruz Island. Santa Barbara Sheriff's Depu. ty Mike F'oster sold today the victim has been ldenllfied as James J . Oppen , S8. of Santa Barbara. He said Oppen had been shot but added that an autopsy was pending today to determine lbe preclae cause or the l~wyer's death. The bisarre case 1>e1an about 6 p .m . Tuesday when Coaat Gu ard pel'IOClnel monotored a radioed m ayd•Y diatreu alpal Crom a SPn wbo ukl he'd been kidnapped ad Corturwd ~ wu . Min1 -ahot at According to Foster. the Coast Guard personnel who picked up the emergency call r e ported hearing the sound of gunshots over the radio in the back· ground . .__ According to Foster. Oppen said he didn't know where he was but his radio broadcast las t- ed long enough for the Coas t <SeeCLEilED, Page A2) AD IN PILOT 'WORKED GREAT' Guard lo get a general fix on his ·Daily Pilot c lassified ads position al sea. • really work great." Four cutlen and a helicopter T hat's the story told by the were dispatched to search the s uccessrul one-Ume Costa Mesa area around the ~outal island. selesman who placed um ad in 1 About 10 p.m .. Oppeo'a boat was the Daily Pilot. round at Scorpio Cove on the l1land. The veuet, which Mlon&ded to Op"°. wu described u a 41.root cabin cruiser named Cbroa.lc Bltcher. Foeter aald <>PDen's body wu found aboard. He had no CCMn· meat an wh t other evidence (8ee ATl'O&NEY, Pa1e AJ) ,. By owner, Cambrlcfic lllghland .. 3 OR. fam rm. 2 ba, 2 frplct. nr liChl SSS.ODO XlCX uxx "I t Ir you want your ad to wost, I try the frlendly Dally Pilot cluat.ned ad·vlaen at.142·5178. • DAILY PILOT F a1niers Praised ' Carter &ornises Full Fuel Supply BURUNOTO~. Iowa (AP) Declarinc "Thank you. larmen. from the boltom of my heart•" Pre11ldtnt ·art er pral1cd Amer1ca':1 to1rmen today tor lht'ir producthlt)' and prom1u>d lhe m all ~ fuel lhey cu.'«i lo harvest thJa rail's crop• and plant next year':\ Al an outdoor town meeUq ln tbla Com Rell ell <m the Mla 1l11lppt Rlv••r . C'11rt..r alao an• nounced tw would aupport a m o v• b y r arm td ate con #(rf' anwn tn prnvldt• low tntert-!il loana to furm,•rs whv lnis tMll auohol plant.$ to atrell·h eltiat Ina tta1mllne s upplies 0 aauhol I I! a 11111'tur~ of aosollntt and ulrohol, orwn m1tde ---NEW YORK CITY BANK ROBBERl£S -- aueu•• ••. ••7• ) Clll S l llllN All All JHIHS llUUI I Chu l athlla• Pim 4 :30 pm M&llUI HIURI R~ M&llOYI R JI }~ \lrtn•Jt \I 10:00 am ., Allo•l•t Utru "". lt .. s Open Season This m;.ip l<1t<J tcs th'• 10 bank hranch<·s in :'\t·w Y1>1 k C1 I\ a11d tht· h<'<Jdq1rnrtc:rs of Cha:-.e Manh;.itt:.in Bank v. h1·n· rnt1h1·rh1S took pl:.ic·1· during the day Tue~du\ Set· st 1,1 ' f 'av.•· /\ 1 70 Reported Sl~in In Kurdistan Fight TEllRAN, Iran CAP) Al ll·a:.t 70 peopk were reportc:d 11t·:id lodav in K11rd1!>tan in fre~h !'lttsht·!-. h~·l wt·<·11 thf' r1·twllious Ku rrts and foe1·o; loyiw lo thr n • ~1m,. <>et u 1> by Ay atol lah Rtrnholt-ah Khomt-in1 In th1· ~.J r>ll <JI. t<homr·in1 s r1·vol 11l1on kc·pt rnN ing punish inP11t to tran~grf's•:ors of his :.tern li.ll1m1c cod•· with new cxec11 turns and wh1ppin~~ I rlf n1 an industry Mf1c111l s, mPanwh1lc. saic1 the natwn's wl l'XporLc; havt· dN-rc<1sc·d to below I million harrt'l'i rla1ly, partly bccau!-.c of thl' weather T<•hran Had10 said rcvolu- 11onary guards reportl'd killing HO rch<:ls an mopping up opera- tions near the Kurdish capital of SanandaJ and identifying them as mcmbl'rn of the outlawed Kurdish Democratic Party and "communist supporters of the People's Fedayeen guerrillas." The broadcast said several wounded guards were taken to a hospital in Manvan. ncur the Iraqi border, for treatment, and that 10 ~uards were missing in action and presumed killed ··Press reports said more than 100 "counter·revolulionaries" also were arrested in Sanandaj and th at "o ther counter - revolutio n ary e le m en t s in Kurdistan are being sought " The Is lamic Republican. the newspaper of the rundamentalis t Islamic Republican Party. said those arrested were members of the Kurdish Democratic Party. which Khomeini banned las t weekend. the People's Fcdayeen a nd other leftist groups. Jt said a JarRe number of wt:apons. passports and rnimeo· graph machines were seized. but the leaders of the Kurdish Party st111 eluded capture. OAANOI COAST \ DAILY PILOT f~ Oreno-Gont 0.11, Poot,..,,,., wtuch tt tom tt11W'd tf•t Nlw\. Pt~\ l\PUbtl,IWdby ,,_ C)t~ (04\l ~OU~nt (~y S.P4it•tt Nit~,.,. O\ift#1,Md #OfW.taw tf'lit~ Ft1de1 fOt (9\111 f//HU ,...._,, ft.4W" HVftfl~OI' ~"""'''°""' tat,_ V611tf, tf\t..,.., l~ tk*'tol'\o\1'1ft( .. \t A \tfl!QI~ t•QMW'4tl'dU~ ltSMH>ll\Mia\4•"'0..'"''"CI Wf'd•'f'' rr. 0t•M._,., °""''~·~ •••~ ''••no _., ll•t ,,,_, c .. ro-.G•llfwnl•O•h __ 11 .. _ .... , ........ •net~·~ , '""" C-'tt V1f • Ptt~4*f'lt llf'lit c;.._..-.. ~~ T-nll-ltllt<' ,,,._, .. "'_ IMMOl"tCOllor °"'""" ~ -.c-.. Noll A\t•tte"t Millt~0'"-0 t:dtW' ~ ~·• """'•• •• w .. 1 ••• "-' Ht.=:~~~~rit·.f.':'c~ i:=.~~:d T...,...M (114)MMn1 Cl•tefflecl Ad•e~Ml-MTI ....... ~ ... c-111o ........ Meanwhile. a married woman was executed today 1n the northern town of Bchshuhr for huving illicit relations with a man and her lover received 100 las hes in public. the official Pars news aRency reported A second execution or an of- fi cial of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's regimt: was report E>d 1n central Iran. The woman put lo death wru. Narges Jahar1. Pars said her husband was health y so there was no excuse for her having sexual r elations with another man. Tbe news agency said Capt P arviz Shams. former chief of the state police in the central Ira nian town of Arka n, died before a fmng squad a fter an Is lamic revolutionary court found him guHty of torture. The cxeculions raised lo 448 the number of Iranians known to have been put to death since the overthrow o f the s h a h 1n February. Pars a lso reported that three men were given 25 lai.hes each in Kermanshah, Western Iran, for drink ing a l co h o l ic beverages, and three were given 50 lashes each for gambling. . * * * f'roaaP~AJ IRAN .•. the prevailing 67 cents to 72 cents per gallon rate. Al the lower price, close to 2 million gallons of the fuel could be involved, industry sources said . 0\1 has been in short supply worldwide, in part because or lingering effects or the tbree- month shutdown or the Iranian oil industry that accompanied the overthrow of the Shah or Iran. Ira n, a member of lhe Middle East oil-producing cartel, has b een e xporting Jess than 3 mllllon barrels a day of crude In recent week s, considerably t>elow the level when the shah was ln power and the level re- portedly now is a mllJion barrels a day. · Iran's dtsite to buy from the Unlt.ed Stat~ apparently 1tem1 from a problem cauaed by the early JuJy s•botage of lrUJan pipelines feediDI the tlant Abadan rellnery. The export of the oil produc:t.s -approved In two eaPOf~ llceolfll, OM ol S2'.J. mlWOD ~ the other of tu.i mllUoo -com" at 1 Um• UM United Stat. l• not aure It will have aufftdtnt amomm al bome he1UD1 otJ fOI' next.tmr. Tbe Carter admlutr•Uoa bu proml.Md t.b1t the DIUOD wtll Jlave JeO mtltloD ba~la ol hlat· lnl oU lD ._.,. for tM wtlMr bf OC!t. l . f ' from com and other 1ntn cropa. Ila uae, which farm lotete1ta hof.e wm become wld•pread. he p creuto a new market for the nul1on'a bountlrul grain crop.. Standing on a park bandabell in front of a hu1e American naa. Carter told hla 7,000 li!ltene rs that the warmt.b or his welcome 11 hti cruised down the Mis· al111ppl bad realort:d hiis splrit. 0 1vina farmers the word they wanted lo hear on diesel sup- plles for planting aod harvest- ing, Carter said, "The produc- llon of rood In our country a.s a toi> pronty " Carter said ('O mmercial fis h: crmen aJso would be given \be ruel they need to conduct lhelr business Hespood1ng to questions. the president made hla strongest plea yet ror Americans to accept refugees from Indochina Someonf' asked whether ad· milling thousands of "boat peo- JJle" amounted to importing un- l'mployment and inflation. "How many people here have a n cestors that were native Americans?" the president responded. adding "I st-c two or three hands ... Let me rc•m1nd you that we are a nation of immigrants, we are a na tion of rerugees . . The ref- ugees who are now leaving Southeast Asia were our allies 1n the rerent Vietnam ese war ·· He said the 220.000 boat people aCCl•pted lo date by the United States amounts to about one ref- ugee for every 1,000 Americans. Cartl'r v1s1ted al the home or Juhn Mc{'ormally, editor of the Burhni.,rton I l<.1wk E ye. whu:h 1:-. :-.aid to ht• the· first newspapN 1n the country lo l'ndor~e him fur t hl· presidency m 197G Drivini.t to thl' editor's h<>ffil'. Carter pa!)sed crowd:. three and four cftoep that !->tri-lched for ~evcral !>lock s Th•· <·rny,d was th1 nn1·r furth<·r on Front µorl'ht·~ w<·rt• d1•t·11rutt•d with flags and wl'l<·11m 1· ~1.1:n' ;di iJ long 1 he routl' Ca rtcr found ;1 fr1<·nd I\ <-rowd waiting wtwn 111• put ashon· In Burhn~on "I didn't know you had thb many p(•U J>l e ht•re 1n Bur ling ton." thf' pn•,1cll•nt told th1· rivl'rfront < ro1A.d <if ~e vl·ral thou~;md 1wr~1ms 11 e hil !'.> bct:n met by warm crowds ever since he started the cruise down the river t'nday night , and the reception has St'emed lo raise his spirits. Carter went on a ri ve -mile jog ::it dawn today near Gulrport, Ill . whcrn the steamboat paused while i.:01ng through a lock. f 'ro. Pag.-A I ATTORNEY might have been located on the boat T he deputy said llltle is known of Oppen's background. Until t he m ayday r adio broadcast was picked up, there was no iodica lion the man had been kid· napped He said one of the reasons an autopsy was to be pe rformed was to determine if the gunshot might have been selr·inflicled. Oppcn. who is survived by his w i f e. Marilyn , and twin daughter s, has been re tired rrom U1e practice of law for a couple of years . He was best known for a swt he brought on behalf of com mercial fishe rmen against oil companies after the ramous 1969 oil spill In the Santa Barbara Channel. Oppe n's boat. the 41-foot ''Chronic Bite her," was so named ·because an oil company official In the aftermath of the 0 1 I s pl II r eferr e d to Santa Barbara a11 a "community of chronic hitchers." 0 pp e n was known as a m averick l awyer and was generally unpopular in the legal community. a Santa Barbara resident said. 20,000 Lives May Be Lost LOS ANGELES CAP> -A ma- jor euthquake here could take the lives or aa many as 20,000 Soulh4Jm CaWomla reaidenta, a city offtclaJ hu tesUfled. City Department or BuUdJna and Safety 1pokHman Ro1er WUllam1 told a City Council com'1Mttee Tuesday the number or deaths were dependent on aucb (actors aa the atren,ih. epicenter and Umln1 of a quake. Wllllam1 told the cou.ncll's BuHdlna and Safety Committee hi• fi1ure11 were baHd on atudi• by th• U.S. Geololica.l Survey. Guarantee• Told MANAGUA, Nlcar1pa CAP) -N1cara1ua'a revolutionary Junta NVWed I provi.ionaJ COD• ftltuUon tueeday that lftcluda broad par1ntee1 ot poUtlcal freedom abd 1boU81at1 capttal punlabmeot. ._·. •"wlr...,.w Bad \libes? F1vt• year -old Sh ery l Becker of West Sacr amento c an't .'i<'<.•m to m<J kc up he r mind 1f ~he 1~ enjoying the mus ic of Hick Nl'bo11 or nol a t thl' Ctd1fornia Stat(• F<11r in Sal·ramt•nto HB Arsonist Hits Apartments, Autos An a rs on 1 ~t who s lop111·'1 g a soitnt' into a <·arpo rt lat•· Tuesday dam<igl'd five <'<Jr:. an<l three llunt1n~ton Beach 11par1 ments. fin· 0Hic1als said th1.., morn1n~ F1r4' Capt H1>g1·r ll<1smn s~11<l thn·t• <·ar .. w 1·ri· cfrslr<H'l'{I and 1wo !-.U ... ta1n1·4I h1·;i\') ditma~t: in th£' Warn<·r w, . ..,, apitrtment complt""· 6401 Warnn AH• lloi.uwr ::.aid nu onl· v. as in JUr1•d in the blaze. n ·p<irtt·d b~ <1 India Orders National Vote NEW UEL.111 . lniha CA1'1 lndw's president chssolvl-d the IOWl1 r house or l'orhament lodav a n d 11rder1• i1 t· I<' ct"' n.., r n r D erL·mbt·r. t''<rw1·t"'J tu n ·turn former Pnmt' M1111-.t•·r lncl1r:1 Gandhi lo J>')wt·r after th1• rol lapse of two govc•rnmt·nts in h•s!> than a month H1•dd\ <11<1 1l11t ann<iunre a s1wt•1ftc. date for thP balloting hut official sour<·<•s s aid tht• cle<· t1 un wtll titkt• plact• lh•· first week of Ikcembl'r The 0Htc1al c ampaign period v.111 ~tart somH1mc 1n No\.embt:r. the> said ,. tenant at 11 57 p m and brought under control within 15 minutes after firem('n arrived in fivr un· !ls Thr(.'(' fam11lt-' v.t-re rclocat~ followmg the blaze wh1 eh caw.ed exten s ive c;m oke dumage to their dwellio~:. and knocked out electnc1ty Hosmer said damage to the cars totaled SJ0,500 Structural loss was llsted at St5,00CJ. Arson investigators h avl' turn€'d up nn c,uspC'rl.., llo<orrwr "old. and th•· 1nvl'.,l1~..it1•in l'lm t1n u<'~ 111· -.,11d nff 1n.ds hJ\• d•'< 11\ 1·n •d 111, rn1Jt1•. 1 f11r th• hl.111· FJectrical Short Blamed for Blaze UA:"\CHO OF.H:\'ARDO tAI'> An elt•c tnc•:•I i.h<Jrt 1:. bt1n~ blamed for a fire at a gold plJting firm that forced the ,., al·uat1on of 200 emplo)rt-5 and < .1u\C•d dam.1g1· thut could go as high as S2 mil hon." accordm,I? to the San Diego County Fir~ Jfrpartmcnt The blaw broke out al Bur· rnugh's Corp v.hen an ell·ctncal motor under a gold plat1n~ work h1•m·h appan:nlly 'hortcd out Two Wanted Reward Offered for Nurses DOS PALOS CAP) -A St.000 rt• .... ard 1s bC'tng of. fcrcd by Dos P alos flo sp1tal to anyone .,., ho rc1:ru1t~ a rcg1sterC'd nurse The only requirement 1:-. that th<' nur:-.1: work full time for a year. i,aid Tom Shclle). hos pital ad min1strator. The 17-bcd, private ly owned hospital need!-. two additionul full -time nurses The small size of this 3.000-person community and the fact most nurses <Jrc married and their hus bands would have to move make it tough to fill nursing positions, said Dr. Peter Brill. chief of staff rre.P-AJ · CLEARE~. a10.'' Hutcherson aaJd u be and h1I wlfe, Patricia, faced a baf.. t.ery or oewamen. His attorney wu lD 1 more forceful mood. Lawyer Terry Gllea anvtJy blamed Huttbenoo'a ordeal on what he described aa a weak· kneed district attorney. Giles went on t.o say he plana to file lawsuJl.$ "a1tainst tholie responsible for the frivolous and mallcioua prosecution, or should I say persecution, of my client." As Hutche rson blamed an un · caring "system" for bia ordeal and Giles lashed out at his prosecutors, Deputy Dia\rict Al· t.orney Dan Brice was a voiding newsmen by slippinc out through a back ball way. Three times Brice had carried the case against Hutcherson into a courtroom. Las t February. a jury con· eluded tbat the Whittier man had indeed raped and assaulted then 19-year -old Cath e rine Hardin in late 1977. But when It came time to sen· tence the convicted m im , Judge Mason Fenton said he didn't heheve the woman's tale of r ape , overturned the guilty verdict and orden...-d u new trial At the end of Hutchcrson's 11econd triaJ, another Jury voted 11·1 for acquHtal. Rut Judge Richard Beacom ff•Ject<.-d motwns for dismissal of the charg1-s hy both <;lies and Ar1 ce Judgt: Be;wom th~n s aid llutcherson should :,t<1nd trial for an unprecedenlt:d third tune. And so a third Jur y at the close of a four·day tria l T uesday h<·~Jn 1!1·<'1d1n~ II utcherson's r" 1 ,. It v..-.ts aftn n1ghtra11 that ll utchcrsv11, with Gllci.' arm cl r a p ,, d c1v 1• r h 1 s .., h '' u Id 1• r . 'uhht'd v..-h1:n tht· not guilty \ crdu:t.:. 14('H ' read "'No, th('rc nevt-r was much doubt :Jhout what direction we Y.f're g<ung," sa1rl 1u ry foreman John Paluml10 of Tu:-.tin, as he talkt'd of thl· four and one·half hours SPtmt ~hind cloi.cd doors. Anothl·r 1uror, S lf·ve An · d erson. of Garden <;rove, said the Jury's first hallol was seven 'ote.s for acquittal, one gwlty llallot and four abi.tent1ons "Well ." s a id Juror Jim F. Vl'rman or II untmgton Beach ....... v..-•·111 O\t•r <1ll th•· l'v11lcnr· .. '•·n thuroul(hl) and 1t cle;1rl\ t .1\ort·d 1h1· 1h·frn..,1· vt·rsHm of lh1· I ;1-,1• I h.11 "'r"11n 1111·l111t1·d .111 .id ""'"'"" th.1t l!Ullht•f\On hud '>l'X 1.1o 1th M1i.s 11 <.Jrdin artt-r p1ckini: ho·r up while she h1tchh1ked in ll 111·n:1 Par k 11 uteht'r!'.>on 1ns1~l1•d 1t hap Jwned hy mutual consl•nt after hl' agn•t"<i lo pay lhl' woman S25 It '"a' l\1 1s ... llardtn s conten I ron th.it I lutdu:.r:-011 forrcd her 111 "'1bm1t 111 him. lh•·n shovc<1 h1·1 from h1:. :-.1nct· rcpo~sessed motor home in a remote <1rea of Hn·a (."a11v11n Al the -end of ll utcherson'), f1r~l tnul, Miss Hardin becamt: .1 cause celebre amonl( women'-; rtRhts or~cinizatmn:. S he w&s rortr ayl'd by th<·m a .. a woman \ 1ct1m who:>e allegut1on:. wen• thwarted by 1·hauv101!-.l l11ws and JUdgci. F,.....P~AI SHARK ... Hook in mouth, the shark was lowed slowly to Bodega Bay, where aquarium director John M C'Cosker and his starr wa1tt.>d with a tank-equipped truck to transport the rare specimen to a lank tailored lo give 11 captured shark a better shot at survival. The special "roundabout " ta nk holds 10.000 gallons and measures about 10 feet deep by t.•1gh t feet wide. Its doughnut shupe encourages a s hark to swim continuously, so oxygen fl ows steadily over the gills . n..w...w..a .. ~~­J4.IOS-...Y1 44.IOIHoc~ C•...ekfWMt &AIC ... Pl ••ch cttM ...... , ........ Ad,..._....cl Uttr....tc cll••1 .. , ............ NC ..... 19.IO Trffoc_, (Fashion Frame. Standard SIJA glasiiPTll:AL FAl:TORY 250 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa • ~lllgren Sq. 642·4630 • WHkdays 9-5:30 Sat. 9.3 7 -------------~------.. ---------... ---... ....~-..~ ................ ,.---... --.. ,r-:---. ------..m:--------· ._.. ~ ....... __.._ ___ __ 441!\ .... ---~ . ------------------ r ' Orange Coast EPlllO N VOL. 72, NO. 234, 4 SECTIONS, 60 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, A UGUST 22, 1979 Today'11 Closing N.Y. Stoeks N ' FIFTEEN CENTS Carter Approves Sale of Fuel to Iran W ASHlNCTON l A Pl Prt-l>I dent Carter said t oday he "personaJJy a pproved " the \!" port to Oll ·rich I ran of $47 million m kerosene a nd tl1t:!>cl fuel. Th~ sa le cam e a t a IJml· when the United S tates 1s ex perienc in g !>hortagl'!> of petroleum product-. Commerce U<'partmcnt licenses for the export of the products were issued Aug 3, Co nim t'r(·e f>tpartmt-nf -spokesman David Jewell said Ai;ked about the !>1tlc dunng J tov. n meetrng in Bur1Jn1ieton Iowa. Carter !>Jtd he "personally a pproved" It on a one tjme baSI!> becau:-.c nots in Iran had 1nler rupted that l'OUn\r) ':; supply of kerosene. whJcb 1!> widely w,t·d l>y Iranians in their homes H e said the amount involved equals only about one·fifl1eth of thl' amount of oil that the United Sl.tlt>!> imports from lran in a .. 1n~le month The United States imports 000,000 barrels per day of lra- n1.rn crude and "more comes in .I!> Pl'lrolcum products after re flnmg 1n lht· Car ibbean," said I> t' p u r l m c' n l o f E n e r g y ... pokcsman Phil Keir Stah' Department spokesman l'homa!> Heston said the de· c 1s100 was based bo th on humanitarian grounds and o n U.S. desire to ass ure a continu. ing supply of crude 011 from Ir an. Jay Vivan. a Department of Energy s pokesman. said the de- c1s1on to e xport the fue l some of which also can be used a~ heatine oil was endorsed by the departments o f State . Defense and Eneq~y He decline d t o com ment further, saying t hat "this 1s directly being treated as a Com m erce action ·· Tbe situation was reported b> Oil Dally, a Wa!>hington·ba!>ed industry publication 011 Daily said today that lhc ">31<' "'a!> handled by Amerad11 llcss. the ~cw York·bai.ed oil re fining and marketing firm C'arl Tursi. an Amer:idd Hes:-. s ookesman . co uld not 1m mediately be reached for com · m ent The sale price of the otl prod uct!. was reported by the 011 Ua11 y to oe aoout 5!> cents per ~<illon. or cons iderably below the prevailing 67 cents to 72 cents (IN gallon ratr• Al the lower price. dose ''• 2 mtllacrn hilrrcl, or l:IS millwn /Se~ IR/\N, Pa~e All Sea Kidnap, Torture? Attorney Found Slain After 'Mayday' Call <r-~-. Bad \lihes? Fi\•e-ycar-olu Sher ) I Becker of \\'est Sacramento can't seem to make up her,mmd 1f she is enjoying the music of Rick Nelson or not at the California State Fair in Sacramento Five More Enter N-M Trustee Race The race for four seals on the i:;even ·member Newport -Mesa school board heated up this week as five newcome rs J01nc:rl I wo incumbcnLc; in filing or tak in~ out papers nomination papers ln distm·t one. Lhc Es tancia II igh !:>chool a t tendance area. a ppointed incumbent Kenneth Waym an has t aken out papers for the Nov 6 election Wayman is an attorney Also Lakin~ out papers 1n that district 1s Robert G Hammond Jr. of 2912 Red wood Ave . Costa M esa The Oran~e County Registrar of Voters lists his oc: cupation as product information analyst. Jn a r ea two. the t riangle formed by Newport a nd llarbor boulevards and the Costa Mcs:i cit y limits. two people have filed. Appointed incumbent Ken· neth Vandewalle has said he won't seek e lection for the re· m aining two years of the unex pired term. Vying in area 2 will be Mike Mc La ughlin of 925 Crocus. Cir· cle. Costa Mesa, an attorney, a nd Cathe rine A. Booth of 1212 Parnell Place. Costa Mesa. a re.: tired account clerk. In area three. Westcliff and Santa Ana Heights. appointed in- c umbent Barbara Skilling ha." taken out papers. Beud1. a real c~tatr salesman. has picked up papers. Incumbent Tom ll c nderson has announced thill ~fter s<·ven years he is retiring rrom lhc· hoar'd Area s ix includes ~e wpnrt Heights F'iling closes Aug :JO UAW Docked For Protest DETROIT <AP l As many as J.5 million mcm bcrs of the United Auto Workers union interruptt'd work for six minutes today to sign postcards to their C'Ongressmcn and the p r esid e nt in a UA W sponsored en ergy protest. Their chjef employers. t h e n ation's Big Three a utomakers. plan to dock the workers' pay for the time spent writin g the cards -which for six minutes would average 85 cents. And the a uto companies refu s ed lo permit re - porters and photographers into the plants to watch the "tools down" de m · o n s tration . a lthough some supplier plants did agree to permit coverage. lly JOANNE REYNOU >6 Of,,,,. 0 •11\' P•lol ~1•11 An attorney "ho rr>st· to prom1n ent:c f1~hling oil com- panies in Santa Barbara "'a~ found dead aboard his 4 l·foot boat after he radioed ·a distress call that he was being kidnapped. tortured and shot Santa Barbara Sheriff's Depu ty M 1ke Foster said toda) tht• victim has been identified a~ James .J Oppcn. 58. of Sant<i Barlrnra $168,794 Study Set On Airport !)range Count; ... uµt·rv1sors mmed clo!-er Tut:!>da\ lo wh<it '>upt>n 1sor Thoma-. Hilc~ C'allerl iJ d a~· or dec1s1on .... hl·ll lhe\ agreed to accept a Sl68,794 gram for use in a ~tuay 01 John Wayne Airport In supporting acceptance of the grant. Riley said, "I trunk Lhe Ide a of conlinuin,:i putting off the day of dec1s1on does n't help anybody ··1 rlon't think 1t helps Newport Reach , I don't think it helps the noard of SUp('fVISOrS and I don't think at helps lht· County or Orange• ·· Hiley h:.is cxpla1ncll that ht• v. ants lo gC'l on with a master plan of rht• wqxirt. a pl;in in lt·ndcd to outlinC' altcrnativl'S for the a irport':. futun· And the unanimous votc that f<1llowcd h1~ C'ommt•nts indicated hts four fellow ~upcrv1sors arc of lht• o;amc mind When th<' Fcd<'ral Av1at1on 1\dm1mstrat1on I r"AA > SJ68.794 grant 1s r<'cc1vcd . 1l will be uscfl tn help pay for what eventually v. all bt· a S:l02.:l70 airport !-ludy That ~LUdy. appro\l'd t'<irhcr this year by superv1!'ors. will cover such airport fac(•ts a:. noise. land use· compat1btlit; and capacity II ad Rilev :rnd his fellow s upervisors ~otcd LO rCJCCl th<· FAA grant. 1l would have de laycd gettin,:: the study pro1ec1 under way. Under terms of the g rant agreement, the s tudy proj eel's first phase must get s tart cd within 30 days. Opponents of the plan had urged that the grant be rejected pending formation of an ad visory group to work with a con sultant More grant money is expected to h e lp f inance the s tudy's second phase. T h at m eans federal money will pay for up to 80 percent of the cost while the county's airport enterprise fund will be used to supply the re· malning 20 percent 11 l· S<Jld mt•m twr ... nf tht· l ~ <:oasl Guarc1 n·:-.t'Ul' ll'um v.hr1 found Oppcn n<.•ar Santa C'ru1 blJnd within four hour-. of h1'> ma vd:H d 1:-.trc·-.~ broade:a-.1 :iJ 1d tht> Jttorn cv dl(•d nf a gunshot v. nund Opµcn .... LI!> bl'~l knov. n ror u suit h~ brought on b<:hu If 11f cum mc·rc1a l fa!>hl·rmen a~a1nsl 011 c·om pani<•., aflt•r lhl· fC1mou~ 19G9 Santa Burbaro C:hunnl.·I <)ti :-.pill 0 p p c n · s c <i h 1 n c r u 1 ~ l' r Ch ronn· H11 c.:her · · v. a., "'' named ~·cuust· dn wl ('umpun\ 11Hic1~l in the aflermC1lh of th• 01 I sp111 re:frrn·rl t11 ~antJ Barbara .. ., u c.:11mniun1tv 11f t·hrnn1c b1lcher-. · Opf><•n, v.ho hJ\ lw('rt rt.'ltrc'lf from lht.' prCICllCC of ldv. f11r J couple of year .... v.<1:-. dt:'>l·ril~d bv om· San la BuruCI ra rt.''>ldt>nl a'> gt>nerlllly unpopular 1n th1• lc·gal commun1l~ etnd \ 1t·wcd a~ a m :l\ cnck ull<irn1•\ Th(• h1n1rn· 1·u..,1· lic·~<tn .JI .i!Jout r. p rn 1 u<.·.,'1.H \~hl'11 NEW YORK CITY BANK ROBBERlfS -- .augus• 2t . 1979 l ' ! CHS( •all"ll Ull llllHS llUCKI I Ch\t •nhllH Pim 4 :30 pm ~'OllHIS ' .. ,,, 1 y' ClllUU ,. ml•• '•t 11 :OO am OUIW ~-~ H(W YORK Clf Y · I UAOPI All OH ~l(Alf lo9 l'l ~I ~ Ho•• •Ot '•t 2 :1!>pm '''-.. '•• ..,, ,. ... lt•s Ope11 Seoso11 A,, "''"P ... tO Thi~ map loci.Ill':-. lhl' 10 bank hranrhc~ in '.\e\\ York <.:1 I' and I hl' hl':.iclquart<'rs of Ch;.i!>l' :\lanhattan Bank "lwrl· mbln•nt·:-. look pliJCl' durrn~ lhl· <let\ Tue!>d;J\ St.•t· !>tor~ J>.1~t· ,\I · · 70 Reported Slain In Kurdistan Fight TEHRAN. Iran <API At least 70 people were rc r>0rtcd dead today in Kurdis tan in fresh clashes between the rebellious Kurds and foces loyao to the re gime set up b y Ayatollah Rhuhollah Khomeini. In the capital. Khom eini's revolution kept metmg punish· m'enl to transgressors of his st em Islamic code. with new execu tions and whippings Ira nian industry o fficials, meanwhile. said the nation's 011 exports have decreased to below I mimon barrels daily. partly because of the weather Teh ran Radio said revolu tionary guards reported killing 60 rebels in mopping up opera- tions near the Kurdish capital of Sanandaj and identifying them as m e mbers of the outlawed Kurdish Democratic P art y and "Communist supporters of the People's Fedayeen guerrillas." Michael Skawin of 2442 Brit· tan y Woods Lane, Costa Mesa. a contracts manager. also picked up p apers to file in area three. In area six, only Todd Hess of 2401 Holly Lan e, Newport Frisbee Flashes at UCI The broadcast s aid several wounded guards were taken to a hospitaJ in Marivan. near the Iraqi border. for treatment. and that 10 guards were missing in a ction and presumed killed. ··Press reports said more than 100 "counter.revolutionaries" also were arrested in Sanandaj and that ·'other counter· revolutionary elements io Kurdistan are being souaht." AD IN PILOT Prelims for World Honor• Draw Top Flingen 'Jf'ORKED GREA.T' Did you ever wonder how the sociatlon, said that spectators 11 :30 a .m. each day. and the 1·,,,,,,1 Ct.Jrd 11"r!.<10nt'I mon1tnrt·d J rJd1oed d1 .,lre'>:-. ..,1~nal from a m<1n who s <11d h•· h .1 ti lr 1• l' r. k 1 d n a pp e d <1 n d tnrturcd and wa!' being s hot at Ac·tnrdini? lrJ 1'"11-.t<:r. lhf• Coa~r (; \J a rc1 pcr..,onnt·I who µ1l'ked UIJ lh•· 1°ml·ri.:1·n1 ' t .tll rPportt.'d ht·J rin~ tht ... 11un<f 11f ~un:-.hnl'> '" ,, r I h' · r .HJ 1 o : n l ht• h Cl<" k ~rou nrt \t-i-orclln~ lu foster Oppc·n .1iri ht· d1tln I knllw 1.1. ht•r<> hl· 1 ~1·1· \TTOR:'\t:\', Pagt> /\:!I Gold Hits Record In Zurich 111 -...1)(1'\, \I' 11•1·11 rtl !It 1,:?.'1 .rr •1Un11· in l.ur h h l••l.i' 1 h .. tl,111.rr l'• 1'1 'I '""h \flt I •IJll flllll $.J l11 SI hl/1hl'I than lh1• Tu"·~da' l'lo~ing P'"ICt':O.. the met:.tl s uddenl> took off deale rs said Lo ndo n ·.., Ill~ fi ve bullion d('alt•rs fixed the morning pnct' <tl a record SJI I.SO a Tro) uunct', up fmm SJ<t3. l25 Tut>' da~ n1(!hl und S:J()fi 625 31 1h1· op1•n1ng Tht· aftcrnnnn fi\1ni: ..., .1 ... S.111 In Zur1t•h . Europt· ... hll:f.:•''' g11IJ marlo..d. lht· noon Prt<'c ..... 1 ... ~'.I0!1 :ri!l afl•·r t11uc·h1ng th1· fl'l" 1>111 111 l,llt· morning tr~1d1n~ Thi· prll't• ri ... t. followl•rt Tut·..,du.\ .., ... ;111• 11f gold oy th•· I S Tr(',1-.un ''hll'h fl'lchcd d l'•·t·ord ,1\t>ra)!t' pncl' of SJOI OK Jwl uunn· It .... a:, lht· fl rsl lime th1• .1Ul'l11m prin• loµp1:0 SJOO ,\ tnt.al ot 7:">11.llOO lro\ ounce~ .... a:- ... ,11<1 lll'l,11\'d ..,tor~. l'..ii;(t• Br. > Tht• ml'lal :1ppt•arl'rl ht·~<lt•d h.u·k to th<' n•,·ord lcvel!> 1t hit during lhl• la-.t full v.t'l'k of Jul:- WOMAN., 106 .. DIES IN ITALY CACI.I Ital:-IAP 1 G1usep. pa Santini. ont• of Italy's old1:st ..., omt•n. dll'd Tucsd<1y al lhl· agl• of IOt> Shl· hud .rust returned from u h1 rthcl ay party 1 n a nl'arby \'illage for Adele Helli. who was l'clebr:1lin$: her 106th b1rthdav Or:.n:a2:ast \\eath_.r Patchy late night and early morning low t:Jouds a nd local fog, otherwise fair throug h Thursday S hghlly warmer days witb high s Thursday ranging Crom the mid· 70s at the beaches to lhe low 80s in the Inland areas. Lows tonight 57 to 67 INSIDE TOO~ "t' • "Dally Pllol ctaulfled ads pros did lt, maldnl those plastic are welcome al the pre-freestyle competition Saturday / really .ork great." discs sail through the air like limlnartes, where they can see from 3p.m. w5:30p.m. Thal'• the atory told by the jel·propelled feathers? some of the beat arms in the disc The disc golf exhibitions will The Islamic Republican, the newspaper of the fundamentalist Islamic Republican Party. said those arrested were m embers of the Kurdish Democratic Party. wh\ch Khomeini banned last weekend, the People's Feday-=cn and other lefllst groups . A list of Orange County re3. adent1 who ore delmquent in paying property ta:ru t$ p11bliaMd on Pager .A19·AZ2 l'ICCettful one-time Costa Mesa Frisbee aficionados will world. take place al the Campus Park •aleaman who placed lhl• ad ln have the chance thhl week to see T he field ol competitlo.o wtll at UC Irvine and the freestyle the DallJ Pllol: the belt in action as a prelude to be lnt.emaUonal In navor. wttb wlll be on the athletic field. the eth Annual World Frtabee competttora from Ensland, On Thunday, from 1:30 p.m. By owner. Cambrldlt Hl1blands. S BR. fam rm. 2 ba. 2 frplc1. nr •chi $15,000 UlMOUU , If you want your ad to work. trr tia. trleadfy Dally Pilot elUalfted ac1.m.n at 142-5'78. • • Dlac ChampionabJps at the R.oee Auatralla, Canada, Finland, to 3:30 p.m .• there wlll be a aelf· Bowl Sund~. Japan, Italy. Germany, Oen· cau1bt ru1ht competition on the Thunday throu1h Saturday ·mark, France, llellico. Sweden athleUc field. tbe Frtabee llin1ers wlll be and Bea,tum. Thf' wwld champlonabip com· participatlnl in preliminary Rocldlek taid spectators may petilfClll wUI tben move to the competitJon al UC Jrvtne. be especially lnterat.ed lo the fteld or lhe Jloae Bowl In Dan ftoddiet, direct.or of the dlte 1olf ex.blbltlollll Tlnnd"Q Paaadena from • p.m. to 4:30 IntematJonal Frtabff Dlac Al· and "1day. from 1 :30 a.m. to p.m . S&metay. ll said a lar1e number or weapons. pUlpolU and mlJDeo· 1raph rnacbines were sebed. but the leaden of the Kurdish Party aUll tluded caplure. Meanwhlte. a married woman (8ff BA'M'LE. Pase At> l•dex Al '\'941r ~· Alt AH l.t _,.. CO I.. M , atyf A• MIHM,,...._., It ......... ...., ....... ... .. c........ AJ ........... .. ci.,...._ OM t ............... A• C-kt CIJ ~ .... C-, All (rMJ..,.. cu ..... k ..._ .. 0.-...,..._ AD Al•U. ... Cit • .,_..,"99 M.,..,, ar,J •~II :zal •1t .._ • ...,_, at .......... c, .... ,........ •• ~ C1.11,1a.1t ~ ..... .. ,........ .. ...... '" ~ CM_ .. ,._ "' • . ---.. ------- DAILY PILOT N WednHda . A uat 22. 197'9 'My Mind is Still Afrai~' . l'ietnanaese Refugees Settle in ·Mesa By .IACU& llT9AN Oft ... Oelty ........ Tona Th~m wa& che•ted out of his mon.-y twlt"e bffor" he flnally found htmsell •moe• 250 PtOPle packed on • boat and headed for ll'Hdom Thl!n \he bo•t sank .. We hf'IP4°d each othtir," H id thtt 27 yur old formt1r Vletn11mH.e Air t•orcf' radio and radar Kpttlabat who u rived In Co.ta 111~8' two Wftb aao "H It had been at nl&ht , hall \he Vt'()ple would have drowmod " TWO WO~n:N AND TWO r hlldrl'n pt<rlwhtd In tht> ac ctdt'nt JU."it ouuadtc• tht· M lllllyslan harbor towurd whl<'h tht boat was ht!aded Them. who t' uped with his 17 yf'ar old brother 8 1nh, said ht' de<-lded to luvc Vn·tn•m when the Communaats took over "I knew the future 111 not good," said Them, who studied Engluh an high school He explained thnt the Communists forced the ro rmer members of the m ilitary to do rnen11tl work and ridiculed them In front of the public BUT. EVEN HAD HE NOT ~en with the m1htary, Them said, he would have fled ''My mind is not hke thu Communist!>,'' he said 1-"or three years. Them tned to get o ut Twice he was chea ted of $1 .800 m gold he p1tid to s ailor s who said they would take him to freedom but never s howed up. Yet he was lucky Others not only lost their money Thev also bad ~ir escape plans reported to police. who would a rrest the people as they waited for 1t nonexiste nt boat. Finally, the Vie tnamese government agreed to let some people JW for $900 each in gold THEM ANO BINll WE RE umong 250 people crammt'd onto two levels of a boat about 30 feet lung for a five d1t y Journey to Malaysia. "You could not move," Them s aid. "There was not t-nough food by the third day, <Jnd thNe wai,n't enough water." The pair carried only two bags of clothing between them. he said. Then, just o utside the har bor, the boat hit a rock and !>ank The refugees scr am hied for s<Jrety. lho~e who could :..wim pulling t he others ashore. HE'S A 'BOAT PERSON' WHO FOUND WAY TO U.S. New Arrival Tong Them Settles In Costa Mesa ONC•: TH•:v l.ASDED. Tttt·.~ an11 hie, hrothn wn•· I a ken by Hed Cro!>.s "01 kl!r., to u cu m p of a l>11ul 411,()0() n·ru~~escin Bu.Ion).! l:..land The fac11itw~ Ywl'rt' 1·ll•.111 hut ... pur•· 1 t11•m '·••d M t•du·al l'are ""'a~ provtdl•tl µart of ht:. '4!\ r·n mmllh:.. thn~ by • French hospital ship. The refuaeea had to cut down trees and build their own shelter1. Them said, and the camp was crowded . Last month. Them waa picked to come to the U.S. ma military background was a key factor In hls betn1 choaen. The U.S. government has given priorities to relatives and thoae who fought the Communists Them has no relatives here. Wl'ftl ABOUT ... PEOPLE, Them and hl1 brother new t.o the U.S. They have agreed to repay half the cost of their flight, with the government paying the other hair. The two were aided by U.S. Catholic Agencies, which found them a temporary apartment in Santa Ana with several other Vietnamese and one Russian re fugee. Last week. throu1h the Indoc hina job center 1547·1407>. Them found a JOb as a furruture stripper and re- rinisber at Antiques of ·the World on 19th Street 1n Costa Mesa. He and Binh m oved into a Costa Mesa apartment with four other young people 81nh will i.lart school next month at Coista Mesa High School. TOM SILK, A PARTNER in Antiques of the World, said the rirm had hired other immigrants before and heard that Vietna mese people were reliable . "We thought we 'd give the Vietnamese a chance," he !t~td Them, who hopes that the rest of his family will som e- day escape to freedom . said he loves being able to read whatever he likes, lis ten to any music he chooses and live 1n a comfo rtable apartment. "In Vietnam, all music is for the revolution, not to en. JO)' And no books to read except about the revolution " HE'S REEN FRt:STRATEO by ha s struggles to im· prove his English and le arn m1m· (l!)out datlv American <·ustoms, tnrtuaing hanking. hut Them :..aid he has no n·~reL<i about leaving his <:<Juntry "La.'>t m~ht I h<Jd a dn·am," ht• ... aid I had not yet r<,me to thl' l 'n1tNI Stall•\ I wa' <,llll tn V11'lnam I wa~ Jfr<.11d I touldn'I 1·-.c·a1w " lit· allriliut1·d h1 .., n1ghtmar1· 111 th1• many years h<' •lll'nt ~:.ivinj!, hoµ1 ng and lr~tn~ ''' flt ·•·. 't•c m1ngly to no .1vatl · ."1} l.11.11h 1 ~Jme to th1· 1 · 'l hut m y mind 1s still .1fr:11d." Tht·m '>did f'rona Page A I Legal Action Eyed ,_.,..,'" Pogfl .·\ I ln·ine Woman BATTLE ... Y..:ts 1•xec•utt•d tor1 :.iv an thl' 11ortht·m to"' 11 of lkh\hahr for h;1vini.: 1lhc1t relat1onb with a man and hl'r lover n •cc1vetl JO(J I 1~h1·.., 1n pubhC', the 11Htc1al J>arb m·w~ J~t·nc} n •portl·d A "l'l'Ond ext·cut1on or an or fi l'lal of Sh<Jh Mohammed Hew Pahlavt'!>. reg1m<' was report Pd 1 n l't'ntral Ir an The wom an put to death wab N:u ge!-. Jaban P ars 'a1r1 her liubhcinrl wa~ ht·althv \O then, "lh nu l'xt·u:-1· fur her hav1n~ -.l·xual relatiun.; with unothcr m ;in Tht• nc•w~ ~1gcn<'y bald C<1pl l'arvtz Sbam!>, former c hief of 1 he statl· poltc1• in the centrnl I ran1an town of Arkan, du:d l11·fnr<· ._. fmng -;quad Mtcr C1n 1:-.lamic revolutionary court found him-gwlty of lorturt The <•xt•cut1ons rnii.ed to 448 the number of lr;inian~ kn<1wn t11 have been put to dea th since the 11ver t h ro w o r the s hah tn Fcbruun Parb ~lso reported that lhrec m<'n were giv••n 25 las hes e<Jch 111 Kerman\hah, We o,tern Iran. ror dr1nk1ng a l co h ol1c lll've rages. a nd three were given 50 lashes each ror gambling II s aid lhe sentences for dnnk 1ng were particularly heavy tiecause lhl· orrenses occurred 1luring th•· h oly month or Hamadan Iran 's c rude oi l exports, rnt·anwhile , dipped below a mtlhon barrels a d ay followmg had weather conditions at Kharg l!>la nd in the Pers ian Gulf where giant tanke rs loud up, a reliable National Irania n Oil Co. source Mt id The source, however. said this was temporary a nd expected this lime of year when strong winds whip up high seas making loading operations utremely difficult. He s aid because of this, storage tanks at Kharg were rilled to o.apacity forcing produc· lion in the oil fields to taper. Platts, the authoritaU ve oil In· dustr y daily report, reported Friday that Iranian crude ex ports had dropped Crom the normal 2.9 million because of technical problem s. 09'ANOI COAST " DAILY PILOT '""Or•"()'" (o.t\f Detlf P1fOI w 1fft •fu(tt t\(Oim b1Mdtl'u Nt-.,.Pton\ l\OVbll•~Otl,...01~ (flll•\t Pw1>'1VUf'Q (Of9~t'l'f S-Ht•t• ~1!1~' *'' 0•1bf""'•O MIWWt•¥ trwouo~ ~'•d•Y tor emit• lilt••\• Httwl)Qf't AllA, ft Hu,,HnQHWt ft•~ hrrOt.ln l••f'I Y•fl•Y lrv1ivo l~ft-~f'I \IM.tlttt ,..\I A ~ ·~· .. l•O.on.1 M lt..., '' Wbf•Vwd \•tvfd4ty' ~ '-N"~""' '""" ptH'W•M t """'''"',,.it••~·,, •• no w .. " n•• ~,,Ht (Ml• Wy; C' •li'Of'"•••)•>tt .. _, __ Pr•\l .. nt eM ..,_.I..., , ..... cw-. VHe _.,n••ftl AMO.Mtt" .. IN~ "-·· ,,,_........,. M•"•••l"Ol•Mr Cl>•fJOtll I.Mt II-~·-· A"1\f•ftl ~"•••f'llQllMOf\ Tel99hon• (71')Ml-43fl Clt .. lflff Ad .. rt ...... Ma·IUI Mesa Loses Suit • On Fair Project /\n Oran~c ·Coun ty Supe rior Court 1udgt· refused Tu<'sday to grant a preliminary tn)uocl.Jon to compel the Orange County Fair Roard t o s ubmit its re- dl0Vl'lopmcnl plans t!J lhC l'tly or C'o!.ta Me:..a Judge Hobert Todd. in a six· page m1·mor<Jndum , a~r<'ed with <.i ~tal<' atlornt'y ~encra1 ·., opinion that the fair board, of· r1c1a lly known ai, the 32nd al{ricultur <JI district bo<Jrd of d I rt•C ll)f'S. ISO 't SU bject to city ronlrol of its planning and de vdopmcnt Cost:.. Mes a oHicials said to· d<i y t hey d1sagref• and are con std('ring further lc~a l <J ction •·J don't unders t a nd how a n<Jthc r entity can be in the mid- dle of your city and you have nothing to say about the noise and the traffic ." said Vi c i· Mayor Arlene Sch afe r. "l would he in fa vor of a n appea1 " Counctlm<.in Dom Raciti said ht· a lso !>uµports an 11ppeal, ('\pccially tn light or the ract that groundhreakin" 1s plunned in O ctobc.'r for an 8,000 ·scat am· phltheater that could bring som e 3,500 can. onto Costa Mesa s trct•ts "ft's not fair that we ~hould take the brunt of Uu· lr;ifftc," he said "Perha ps the fo1rgrounds should mov1> on to u less dense area of the county " Councilman llrm11 H all ';1111 lw would :.uppon Jn appt•al if lh•· <·tty a llomcy r<•t·omm1·n1h 11 ('1t y /\llornl•} HolJt·r I ( am pa~nu s aid tw 1!>. w111l1111{ to ..,,.,. a ('01>) of the Jud.:e ., mc·11111r.111 dum bcfor.e mct-llnR Y.. tth 11111111 II ml!mber~ Th<' s uh J t' (' t o ( th<· f .t 11 '•, m<J ~t t'r plan will h1• d l\c·u..,..,•·•I 111 CXt'<'Ull\'4' SC~!)UJO Jl J 'Ill 1 1.tl mel'l1n~ of tht• l-'i.11r 1111:.rcl al 7 p m Thur\d<ty at th1· f:ttr ,111 m inistration build1ns:. M'S I-a11 Drive. tr any decision is rf•aehrcl. 11 could be announced in lhc puhlu· portion or thl' mct'ttn~ -.;1111 Fair Bo:.ird Pre~•d<'nt Elmer \11111 ta no. "l woul!t guess that from ,, legal v1ewpmnt th<' next Mt•IJ 1~ up to the city," h e s <11d H" sa id hl• 1.wrson ... lly would p refc r t hat fo 1 r off I l' 1 a Is con t 1nuc work 1nl{ with the <·It\ through lhCtr Jlll Ol ltttlVHI com m ittec "Our pos1t1on has always been that we will cooperate with the city but not to the extent that thl'y have to approv<' our m a!ttt·t plan." Montano said. The cit y is seeking to force the Fair 8<.tard lr> ~ubm1t its mai.tcr plan through regular c ity plan ning procedures Hrmtington Project Denied by Planners By STEVE MAaBLE Of, .. O.lty f'I ... S~lt Developers hoping for H unl lngton Beach Planning Com · mlaaion approval Tuesday night to procee d with a 107-acre coaatline development aot only an indication of the flght to come. Commissioners denied the project, 4·1, enabllnl Daon cor· porallon of Newport Beach to immediately appeal the decision to the Clty Councl I. Daon spokesman David Nei1h, speaking In front of 150 project protest.era, aald hl1 company h .. an option t.o buy the l11nd, but t hat ftnal plans are m ore than a year away. • The property. owned by the MUia Land and Water Co. and the elate, 1tretches alon1 Paciftc Coaat Hllhw1y between &.ach Boulevard 1nd Newland Street near the Southern C1llfomt1 Edlson pl1nt. Daon la thlnklnl about buJld· inf a planned community wtth a m xture of home and com· merclal uae1 on the property. Thtff mobile bome park.a and a boat 11lea lot exl1t on the property. Tenll\a. of the mobile home p1rka picked the commlNlon mffttq and repe1t.edly 1Dlf.lted tbe pfOPOMd proJtd will force them oUt of tbetr bom•. PblUp Anderton. a Huatinlton " by the Sea Mobile Home Park tenant, said It would cost him $5,000 to move his home and that there wu nowhere to move . Tenant Ed <.:hadaskl s aid park residents arc "frozen In" because nobody will buy a mobile home In a park where "the future is so questionable." T enanl.3 said most p9rk resi· dent.8 are on fixed Incomes and are 55 years old or older. Nelsh told protesters that the mobile home parks may become part of Daon's plans. He also said that Daon may opt to re · locate tenant.a elaewhcre on the r.roperty or to another location n the city. Planning Dlrect.or Jim Palin asked the commlulon to hold off on the requested plan amend· m e nt untll the city's Local Coutal Plan could be com - pleted. However, comml11tonen Tim P1one and Robert Bull auc· ce11ulully ur1ed colleaauea t.o mon the project alons to the council. They noted that the de · velopera already had walled more \h1n • year for some city action. Neltb 11ld approval of the a mendment would serve only•• a "alpal" to DIOft that tbe city 11 In fafOI' ot "eome kind ot de· veloplMllt on the property." Tbe ~ amendment 11 npected t9 come before tb.- coucU nat month. ATTORNEY "'·"'hut 111 1.idl'1 l11r1.1tl•·t1 \l L1•.t 1 rl 111111' I 1111111'11 f•ll tt.1 I l1J 1 (, 11.1t11 111 1'1 I .1 ~ • 111 I ,ti fl\ 1111 Ill" ""'1111111 :11 "' :t t-11111 1•11111•1 .., ;111d ll t11•l1r11pll'r ",., ,. rl1 J1.11d •ti 111 ..,, .1r1 h lh•· ,11 1 ,1 ,11111111,j I h1 111.1\t.tl I 1;11111 \hm1f 111 I• 111 , Opp• 11 ·~ li<i.tl ~;n f111111tf .ii <.;n1rj1l11 (°O \l' Cit ltll' I I 1111! I· .. .,11 ·1 .... 11d 1111111 11 ·.., l1otl v \.\ll~ r1111nd 1.t,.>01 !1 11 .. lw d 1111 t·r>m 1111·nl on "'hat 111 h•·r ,.,·tdenrt· lllq~hl h,1\l• h• t II l1 t1 ;1t1•tf 110 lht h11.1l llt• ~:11<1 ht• \\.1:-. ;ti._,, un<Jhlc• to t 11m m1·111 on tlw p11..,~1h1 ht~ th1tt OJJpl·n ntJ} h,1\1' ht•t•n t11rtur1'<1 The :-.h<:r1ff'o, -.pokes man said .111 autOJJ'•Y ""'as to he c<indurted I od a\ 111· ..,;1111 l hlfl on•• of th<' 11•aM1l1\ "'' 1h1• .1Ull)IJ\\ Y..Uuld tK· 111 dctcrmrnt• whc·lhr•r I ht• l(un...,hol 111 1 ~hl h.I\ 1• h(•l'n ..,,.If 1nf11ctffi Fo:.tt·r ttho ~at<! that until tht• r <11J101·d rl1!)\rc·.,~ l'all. 1h1'n · 1Aa~ r111 1nrlll'al111n th•· all or nt•\' hud ht•t•n k11l11.q 1p1·d Opp(•n I' ~Uf\l\C'd h\ hi\ \\tdow. :v1 Jrtly n :ind l1Atn rluughtl·r\ f 'ro• Pag_. . t I IRAN ... Police Continue To Probe Murder By Oi\ vm Kt 'TZM ANN no n ·al c•.adence to s upport that °' '"" 0 •• 1, ,.,,... \i.... idea It '~ been thrL't' months c;1nce 1t Ther<' were. howeHr. Sl'1\S of nt•curred. y1•t Irvine pohct' tn· a ~t rug~le in the girl's apart \t·~tlgtJtors 'i3) they are st.JI! 1n ment OHtccro; on the seen(• "'arch (Jf lhl.tl t•lus 1ve key that round the womC1n's bedroom tn \4 Ill unhx k lht· m\.,tt-rtt'~ '>ur tl 1,Jrr:t'\ .Jm11J 1n1lwatuin:. r1nt· 111 r"unding lh•· 'tr:1n~ulJtton \la) 11111ro 1wl"'>11n.'o ho11I f;1ll1•11 1111! or an .1ttr.1<'ll\•· ;!£ )l'cH ol<J 1-"r tt11· f1r't mr>nth Mter th1· -.1·1·n I.tr\ lo1\ 1111• lhr· four IOH•<,lti;:ator\ lh lt·c lt\t LI c;. 111• ,,,rd1·n 1A111 k1 ·d lull ltnie on th1· u 1M' .,;11d lh<' fclA lf'adc; hts mc•n hCIVt' ..... 11rdt•n i.:11d the mvest11(al&v1• I> 1d tn the puzihnR ca~e have ta1-k forl'e ww. the n disbandt!'fl ~ u·ldt•d no ..,u.,pe<'~ ,1f tl'r al l lht.> 1mm1·'11att> and Tht• cleJlh of Savannah );f't~h pr•"·"'"~ .r ... r,.·1·t.., ''' thr Clh t> had An tit' r -.un . a W or1dhr11'.1 lo!,. h1 1 n t.1k1·n1·:m·of Mt•aclUIA '> n·\ldf'nl, r1n th,. 1•\1 ·rt 11rw prol,.·r 1· 110~ :11 work on 111i• 11( \1 :" 1' tri~1r:1:r1·rl an in 1 h1 1 a "•' n ot full t1mt•, l•·n"'" 111\1•st1gat1on ttrnt .11 on1• hu~t·H·r but the detective 1111 101 had fou r rll'lcct1v~' ltt'UlE'nant said there 1s always ..,1 .. 11 dHni.: for h•·r kdl1•r hllPl' .1 br1•:1k 1 nulrl Ol'l'Ur And 1t ~1 1..,.., t\n<frr\on·.., nud1· ho<h 1•nulc1 h~1111i.•n 111 a number of "'·"found'" lht• bedroom vr ht•( "·•):-O,hl·~uuf 11 pJrtrnenl at 61 Ca5e:id<' by Jr thf' killn ..., a lready In patrrtlm::w .J1mmv P11lt!-.. 1Ah11 r u,tod\ .,1HT1,.wh1·rt· else for "'·" "umnHllktl l•1 th1· ~ •·n•• IJ\ .1 Jnothn 1·nmt• h1• 1·o uld confc~~ 1 on r<'rned bo)fnentl 111:-. :1r t to a fc lltJ w prisoner, l>l'lPrt1H S~1 lluRh lloRan ~orden said -..11d at lhe t1ml' of the s la y1n~L Or ~om1"0ne Irvine police take W<' have no ront'lusl\·e pieces int o cuqod y could have a nf l'\ldencc Wt• rt• ~1tltnR on a r1nfi:erprtnl that matches a j.!ullon .... or l h<" fw>I could lw '" ft•nCi.'" 1>art1a l pnnt thut was round at \'Olvt'd. industry soiirci·:.. !>lrn1 :"orden :ind his probf>rs are tht· scent' or lh<' killing Otl ha~ b<:en in i.hort ~upply .1111 .1top that fenc•'. but they ve Throughout the as.yet frwtless worldwtdt·. 1n part het·ause or ookl·tl at a ··mult1turl<' of invest1i::uuon, Norden said Miss hngenng effecL., of lht• three h1n~~· rrom that \'tlnta~e Potnl Anderson'!> pa rents in Utah have month shutdown of the Iranian Whal they''\e dont• mainly in kept 1n to uch with police tn 1nl indu.,try th11t ac<'omparued th<· weeks a nd m onths sine<• the hopes a break could occur and th e overthrow of the Shah of s l av ing, Nordl'n su 1d ," llwk1llt>rfound. Iran "eh m1nate a lot of pos s1h1htu•s " Investigators are still pursu lrun. a m e mbe r or the Middl<' Numerous people have been ing several lends. but no one QU<'Sttoned. various angles an ttw knows 1f they'll yield anything 1-:11st oll·pro<lucinR r artel, has cnst• examined a nd potential ,ubstanlial hH•n ell po rting h·s~ than 3 leads, few a s they 've been. Norden said ther e are still &c · million barrels a day o f rrude in II _,, h h fo ow...,, t roug on quatntances or Miss Anderson's r•'<'c·nt w1·t'k ~. ronside rabl y L' I N d d I ht•low lhf' level wh~n the shah ,. or examp e. or en sat n lh1• pohcl' want t11 question but vei.tigator.1 have discounted the 1 hey only have first names t11 w_a_s_l_n_r_0_w_e_r _________ b_r_e_a_k_·l_n_a_n .... g_le_s_in_c_c_t_h_e_re_w_a_s_· _work with.--------- n.w...w.tit•lew• 14.MS-...Yw- 44..M.._.. It.MT...._.. (Fashion Frame. Standard Size glass lenS & case) Cot• lflc n.ti11t &AIC ...... Pr•*•h .... ... " ........ OPTICAL ...... ·-""" .... ....... .. ,... ...... .. .. c ..... ,., Olllltr St•~zsWe ....... ~ .... .... ......... ,..... .... Al:TtJRY 250 E. 17• Street, Costa Mesa • Hillgren Sq. 642-4630 • Weekdays 9-.5:30 Sat. 9.3 -. -... • r 0 -----------------------------.• -...._...._..---·--·---.---. .. .. . . -. . . . . . ~. --· -.. -_ ...... Wedneeday, Auguist 22, 1979 A~ DAILY PILOT -~ County Housing Values Soar ·: • • .. D•tly PH9'1 S~fl P"°IO\ HUTCHERSON ACCEPTS CONGRATULATORY HANDSHAKE With Wife, Patricia, After Jury's Decision Tueadey Hutcherson Bitter Despite Acquittal By DELORES BROOKS IRWIN 01 IM D•lly Pilot Sl•ll Tears s trc <.1m ed down his C'hee ks Tuesday night when Glen Hutchc•rson wa lkl•d fro m an Oran~e County Sup •no r Court a rre(' but adm1tted ly a "very bit- te r'' man Behind t he 4H yn1r -o l d aros pac·c workt•r was notorwty or a kmd no m an married to tht' :.1:1ml' woma n for rn years wa nts Re hind him too we re 68 day.., l>pcnt in Jail while waiting trial and . at one time. sente nc ing for a crime a JUry fina lly d ec:1ded he d1dn 't commit And ahead of Hutcherson wail· ed a pile of only partially paid legal bills re n ecting tus status a s the only criminal defendant 10 O range County history to :.la nd trial three lim es for the same cnme It all endt'd Tuesday m g ht in a courthouse h allway with a wife who had stood by her husband clutching his hand and through tear s saying, '"I'll ne ver take him for granted again." The trial Hutcherson followed for the past 21 m onths carried him unwillingly into the national s potlight and placed him in the path of militant women's ngh~ organizations. A II that as we ll as the pros pect a few minutes earUer of being convicted of rape and relat- ed c rimes that could have put him be hind pnson bars for n ine years -s howed a s Hutche rs on. te arful and tre mbling. s te pped from the courtroom. ··I thi nk all the time they (his accuser and prosecutor> knew I was not guilty. But they kept pn:ssing. The chaq~es sh ould have been dismissed a long tim e ago.". Hutcher~o.n s aid as he and his wife, Pa(nc1a, faced a bat tery of ne ws men. His attorney was in a more forceful mood. Lawyer Terry Giles angrily blamed Hutcherson 's ordeal on what he descr ibed as a weak· kneed district attorney. Giles went on lo say h e plans to file lawsuits "agains t those responsible for lhe frivolous and malicious prosecution, or should l say persecution. of my client.:• As Hutcherson blamed an un- caring "system " for his ordeal and Giles lashed out a l his prosecutors, Deputy Dislri~t !-l· torn ey Dan Brice was avoiding ne ws men by slipping out through a back hallway Three times Brice had earned the case against Hutcherson into a courtroom India Orders National Vote NEW DEUll, India <AP> - India's president dissolved the tower house of Parliament today and ordered elecUons for December, expected to return former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to power after the COi· lapte of two governments in less than a month. Reddy did not announce a 1peclflc ate f« the baUGUna. but offtclal aoureee 1ald tbe elec· Uon wtll take place the ftl"lt week~ December. Tbe oftldal campat1n perlod will 1tart 1ometlme ln November, they ...... LASHES PROSECUTORS Hutcherson Attorney Giies Last Februa ry, a JUry con- cluded that the Whittie r man h ad inde ed raped ::ind assaulted the n 19-y ear·old Cathe rine Ha rdin in late 1977 But when it came time to sen· Lenee the convicted man, .Judge Mason f<'enton said he didn't b elieve the wo m a n's tale or r ape, o ve rturne d the ~u1lty verdict and order ed a ne w tnal At the e nd o r Hutc he rso n's second trial. another jury voted 11-I for acqwttal But Judge Richard Beacom rejected motions for dis missal of t he charges by both Giles and Brice. Judge Beacom then said Hut ch er son should s tand tnal for an unprecedented third time Arid so a third Jury at the close of a four-day trial Tuesday began deciding llutc herson's fate It was after nightfall that Hutcherson , with Giles' arm d r aped ove r hi s s houlder, s obbed whe n the not guilty verdicts were read. "No. there never was much doubt about what direction we were going," said jury foreman John Palumbo of Tustin . as he talked of the four and one·balf hours spent behind closed doors. Ano ther juror, Steve An · derson, of Garden Grove, said the jury's first ballot was seven votes for acquittal, one guilty ballot and four abstentions . "Well," s aid juror Jim Everman of Huntington Beach "we went over all the evidence very thoroughly and it clearly favored the defense version of the case." That version included an ad· mission that Hutcherson had sex with Mias Hardin after picking her up while she hitchhiked ln Buena Park. Hutcherson insisted it hap- pened by mutual consent after he agreed to pay the woman $25. It was Mias Hardin's conten· lion that Hutcherson forced her to submit to him, then shoved her from his since·repossessed motor home in a remote area of Brea Canyon. At the end of Hutchenon s flnt trial, Mill Hardin became a cause celebre 1mona women's rllhll or1a.n1satlou. She was Portrayed by tbem u a woman vtctlm Wbm alletationl were t.bw1rted by chauvlnllt laws and Juda et . Resident Tax Bill Steadied By GARY G&ANVILLE Of tM Dalh Pllec St»tf The dynamics of Orange Coun· ty's economy, especially its real l'State market. set assesse d values soaring by 17 6 percent in the pas t year. according lo fi g ures released Tuesday by As· st'ssor Brad Jacobs But the s urge in value renect e d in the Sll.6 billion 1979--80 as· sessmt>nt roll doesn't mean in· d •v1duaJ property t ax bills will be o ff and running again. The prope rly tax reform m ea s ure known as Proposition 13 took care of that. In addition to rolling property values to their 1875 level, the ballot initiative limited property lax rates to 1 percent of rull m a rket value. Proposition 13 also hm1tcd th<· amount of value that could be • 1dded to property by the al> scssor during any g iven year providing the pro1wr:ty wu:-; not ~old at a h1gher price to 2 pt"r <'('nt Conseque ntly. a ho m eowner whose house was rolled back in value last year to its 1975 level of S50,000. p aid a bas ic property ta x bill or 1 percent o r $500 If that homeowner s tayed put and did not make assess able 1m prov ements, his or he r bal>1c· propt'rty tax bill this year will he 1 percent or S52.000 or S520 lloweve r. 1f during the year that same hom e was sold ror S 140,000. the new owne r will he ha nded a basic propcrt~ t ax tJ1ll ofSl ,400 It was transa<'l1o ns s uc·h a:. th at I real estate s<ilt'~ that n•flect <'d property value infl'at1<in from tht' rollbac:k year of 1975 to ear ly 1979 1. that were a major factor 1n the S l 75 b1 lhon asse ssm ent roll g ain announn•dTuesday Also credit cd b) J <1cobs with helping to h1k<• assesse<l va lut•.., in Orange County the past year was the continuing r apid pace or development !'ljew ho m es, Ol'"" industrial tracts and nl'w offlct· build ing~ hu11t dunng the ·7~ 79 yt•ar all m eant <1ddl.'d ,·alut• on the a~ sessmenl . accordmg to the a~ sessor. County officials fi~ure the un ex pect edly high 17 .6 per cent value gain will yie ld roughly $7 m 1 Ilion mor e in prope rty taxf':. th an ant1c1pated lo variou!> tax 1n g a gents. thro u g ho ut the county Ear+y 10 the year .• J:icohs estima ted the gain would he somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 percent Later. the ta xing age ncic~ ap· proved budgets and estimated re venues bas ed on what they be lieve would be their share or the anllc1pa tcd 10 pe rcent gain in va lue. Now. most of those agencies depending on where the :.tc~p value increasl.'S cam e will ha ve som e sha r e of what 1n earlier \ears wo uld have tx·rn C'allcd a -..tax windfa ll .. Fonda Snub Revenge Act? SAN DIEGO <AP 1 State Sen. Jim Mills. 0 -San Diego s ug gc st s that s tate Democra ts got even with a ctress Jane Fonda by reJecttng ner nomination last m onth to t he California Arts Board Council. Saying "We don't owe Tom H ayde n a nd Jane Fonda a n ythin g," Mill s s aid Dem ocratic m e mbers of the legislature haven't forgotten that Hayden . by running for of- fice. contributed to the 1976 de· feat of U.S. Sen. John Tunney "If it's a war. it began with Tunney." Mills said in an in te rview with a San Diego news weekly Ted's Home Entered FAIRFAX. Va. CAP> -A Florida woman has been charged with breaking into the McLean, Va .. home of Sen . Edward Kennedy, according to Fairfax County police. Sammie C. Hayes, 38, of Tam- pa was held on charges of un- a uthorized entry . officials said Tuesday. The woman entered t.he house Tue1day afternoon through a front window, and her entry ac· ttvaled an automatic alarm, paltce Mid. Mt. Hayes called the 1larm company to tell them to di1re1ard tbe t i1nal, bul 1he wae arrested a abort lime later, palicellid. - . l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-} Boyfriend Loses • I ! Abortion Ban Plea Denkd , tutlaor S U€"'9UIRfJ• .J a ml•S T Fa rrell. awarel· winning noveh st and a uthor of t ht> Am f' r 1 <.'a n C' I a sst c 'Stud~ Lonigan." d u.·d early 111cfav tn h1~ '."L·w Ynrk homl' I It•\\ ,1:0. 7~ Theater Again Targeted for Explicit Films T hl' City of Santa Ana renl!wed .1 thn·t· year old battle Tuesday tCJ s toµ <>"' nc:rs of a !>hopping ('t•n ter l ht•alt'r rrom :.howmi;: \1 y f:rotH· l-':rnla!>1C..., · a nd a ~c·on' of olhl'r <'XPh<"ll !'>('X film!> Thl' ('ll} 1s a~ain °'''(•k ing an Or :1111-!<' Cl)unl ~ Su1wri11r Court 1ni unc·t11m that \\CIUld prl'\l'nl -.t·n·t-ninf.! llf lhl' ;dl\·f.!tdl) f.IQrn<• gr:1ph1 « f1lml> at ~•t«h •·ll llrollwr ... Tht•ali'r, l!Xi:-1 W 17th St . m ll•ml'r l'la w It·.., anolhl·r t•haplt•r 111 lh•• h:11 tl1· h1•tw1•t•n tht· c·ll> and 1h ... ..i1t•1 opt•r :i tor .., Jami·.., and Art1t• \1 1tc·h l'll of San Fra11«ti.1·11 \ th'ar111i: un tl11· inJunC't 1on -.1"111•d11IPtl r11r T111·~d.n "'.1~ dt• l.1\ 1•d until Sl·pt I'! ''' Judi•t· f'~d"'ar<t \\;111111 On that dalt'. th1 · r ii rn.., or d1•n ·d into "u111•rior ( 11urt und1•1 ..,ul1pot'na... v. 111 lw v1t·v. ed h\ .1 1udl!t' 111 dl'l1·rrn1m · 1r tht·' • .1r1 · (IU ... l'l'n(' undt•r C'Urr<·nl ICl!JI dd tn1t1o nS In le~al dO<'umc nts filed with .Judge Wulhn. the <'ll Y also al lc~ed that the theater 1s a s ite ror panderm~ a nd that tapes or the films that cun bt• replayr-d in honw -.1dt·o tapt• recordt!r:. ire be mg sold Santa Ana first launc hed ll'> a lla('k on lht• lht•:.ia•r in 1976 with passagt• or ~in nrd1nanC'<' ma kml! <;('rel'Otnj:! Of lewd films 10 the C'I tv illt•gal. And the· city council d 1 reeled tht' city allnrnl'y tn s £'c•k an mJun1·t1un to block tht• ~11lt'hl'lls from showing allcgctl I~ pornograµh11 ft lm -. The C'1ty foiled to win r losun• or thl' thC'att•r , but j Suf)<!n Or Cour t JUdgl' dtd rule !>Orne of th(• r 1l m s Ob!.l'l'n l..' and h ;i n ncd furthe r s howing or lhl·m In NO\C'rntwr. a tota l of 27 films shown ,1\ lht· thl'aler WC'rt· dt•dar<'d nt)~n·nc h '.' Jud.;e R1r hard llam1lton, who viewed t ht' sex e pics during a SJ>C<'I al .... rn•t•nmg at lndt•pc•ndencC' 11 ;.ill .1l Knott·.., lkrrv Fa r m Tho-;(' dl't'l<trt•d ub~<=(•ne 1nC'lud ed · DN•p Throat" and "T he Devil 1n Mi:.:. .Ion(• ... " By f'REDERICK SCHOEMEHL OI t• O•llY I'll .. j i..ff A state appeals court refused Tues day to stop a Laguna Hills woman from a bortinJ: a child that her boyfriend ·'desperately wants to be born .. A ttomeys represenhnR Robert. Bla ke of Corona del Mar asked the Fourth District Court. of Ap pt-al m San Aernardino to issue an extraordmary writ to block llolly Lynn Latrie ll. 27, from having an a bortion "The ink o n the rt11n g sta mp w a s ba rel y d r y be fo r e w e learne d tl was de nied ." :>did H a r old Hhodcn , Ulake 's at to m e'.' Blah 1m•\ 1ously had lm·d tr1 hlock tht· a bortw n .n Orani::t· Coun ty Superior Court vudgt· Hobert Todd initially g rant1-d a tt·mporarv r1·...,tra 1n1ng <1rrlpr bloc·k1n~ th1· :.t hort1on. hut l1ftt·<1 1l t\\O da~-. latt•r urter ht·annJ.! argument~ on M is~ Lut ril•ll ... twha If b.1. ;.in A mN1t·an Cl\ 1 I 1.1bert1es Cnwn attorne.,·. Blake. 23. has argued that h<- and :\1 1ss Latnell agreed to bt· m :H ned and to the b1 rth of the dt-e loping child Mis!. Latne ll 1~ about t'40 month.s pregnant . d C coromg to Blah "Tht> mcin d1·-.µcr;1t1·I~ want'> lht· 1·h1ld to l>t· horn · Hh<..d•·n ~aid TUt'~d.t\ In thl' pt"L1t1on ror thf' t·\ t r a n r <l 1 n " r ' "' r 1 1 H hod •· n drgued that h·t· h:Jl> nut hcid ... um 1•1t•nl trmt• to t>xplt>rt· l£·1wl ,..,~ut·.., ,J p p I .\. I n L! I fl t h ,. u n I 'I u t ' l'lr1·umst<inn·.., of lh• Hlal-.1· L.11 ril'll d1~put1· \.\ <' h:.t\1· lh1· 1-. ... u1· 11f c1 mlin .ind .1 v.om.in ai.:r1 •1•1111! 111 h.1 \1· a c·h1ld Tht·r•· :in· n11 1 .i-.. 1•<. 1n ('.1llfom1:.i 11n th•• n.1r1nv. '"~lit" H h11<!1•n '-:11<1 Dunng an:um•·nh 111 ~up• n•ir 1·11urt M1"~ l.:ll n •·ll.., t1ll11m1' h.id rited d l . ~ ~u11n·m1 l'11u11 d•·< •~rnn in a ~11'><\nurr 1·J ..,,. In that dt•ri...1011 th1· h1 5'(h <'nun rul1•d unc-nn-.u tut11m.il ,, la1.1. th.11 µrt·\ t•nu:d J "'''111.111 from 11111.Jln Police Kill Mad Monkey 1\ T " s c A 0 E R (J I 1\1' ' lh·puti c~ k illl·d ,, l lO pound t·h1mpanH·e th at had escaped from J 100 a ftt•r "l'\ t•ral al tt·mµt!' to tranqu1lrzt· and trap th t' a ni mal fliilt·d. ,, "ht•rirr ... :>J>Or(t•:-.ma n :-aid .. It ht•1·am1· .1pp.1r•·nl t h1• an1m :il '4a:-•• th11 .. 11 '" 111·oplt· · .... 11d San I.111.., I >h1 ... 1J•• < 11unt.1. !>hl·nff':-; ~gt P.in ( 11...-1 lnvco;11gat111 .., ... a1<1 ... oml•ont· rut a lhri•t• ruol hult• 1n lht• t·h1mp l> <'a l{<• a t lht• Ch.Hlt·:- P.1dctock 7.oo Tut•!>d.t.'. 1 <·h·.1~inJ.! lhl' .1n1 mal 7 Childr~n Die w I N 0 11 0 E " ~II u I h w t• ... 1 ,\frica IAPI Sl'v1·n t•hildrc·n died a nd thr<'t' "'e re injured !>criously whe n an AmeriC'an m a de rocket j?rl'nad e d ctona tc.'<i acci d c•nta lly . m 1l1t:.t r) autho rities said tod a~ m g an abortion without firs t oh-. ta1 ni ng appro val fro m he r : s po use. The case. howe ver , ap. : plied to married indi v'duals . Rhoden s aid 1l will no w be up: to Blake to decide 1f he wishes to: 1 a k '-' the 1:. s ue t o th l' s tat t• : S upre me Court ' Aliso Bill Opponents Plan Fight Oµpcm<·nt.... "r un As~emhlv hill th:.it would 1•lr m1 n alf• l.551J ll<'r<·~ • or ,\ i.~o V•t'JO land from f'Onlrt>I tif t ht' Caltfnrn1;.i Coa::..tal Com m1!>'S10n :-.ay lht•v wtll cnntinu1• t11 fight thto pr<JJ)(1..,al, <!t•'\plH' 1b ap- prov;il t)v an assembly commit lt•t• 1'Ul~day Thl· bill. authored bv SantJ An a A ~..,t'mblvm an R1rhar<I Hobin:.on. would deh·tl' 2.550 d<·rc·.., of AIJ:.o Vlt'JO land antl anothe r l ,fiOO acre~ r'"om <JdJa 11·nl prt\alt·h O\\nt·d land .., from th,. purVll•W Of th<: <:oa .... 1 <ti 1·umm1~l>11m Tlw t>t 11 wa!> supported hv tht- \~...,t·mhl ~ H1·:.ourc·(•l>. Land 1 ·!>e .ind t-:111•ri.:' 1·11m m 1l lt•1• n :-i .1«r.im1•nt11 Tut·sda \ on a 7 fl '"''':ind"'·"' '11rv.arded lo thl' \..,-..·rn hh \\ ._.,.., .ind :'>'l t•.10 ... - ( 'om 1111111 ·• Hut 1•11\ 1ronm1•nt a11~1~ 11111><'>" in,• tht• 11111 ~a\ tht•v 1.1.111 nm 11n1u· to r1).!ht rnr lh (j1•m1 ... •· and th1 \ •,;i\ t h•·\ haH• lht· "lll>J•(IM 11f ,, ..... 1111tl\ ~111·o1 k1·1 I 1•11 ~!t-«.1r1 h\ \\•·rt l••rrihh 1li...,1pp11111tt-d "")w1·1alh "'•th 1'\1"''11111 t H1·,u·I• \ ...... ,. m 11 I \ "' ,, rn .• n I \I oJ r I .1 n H"q.!I'"''" ..... 11d 1 o m Alf'>.. .1n<1,·1 prPii;irJiont of tht· L.1cun<i (;r1•1•nht•ll 1111· \1 r' Ht• 1 ).!••..,on ... d, ..,, r11·1 111 I IUd(• ... lhl' t'\lt .... 11 \ ll'jll l<tfH1, JIJtJ Tut.•sd ay the.' as M•mblywom:.i n 'ott-d with the m a1ority to send the bill out o f commiUee- Rut Alexander said his g roup ha~ not given up hope that th1· land "Adi conlmut.' to be under tht' M ntrol of lhf' c·oastal panel · M C'(.'arthv ha:. written mt· ...... \ 1n).! ht• op.JX>M'" th1• exdu~111n of .\11so \'11.>JO. <rnd "'' "''II h1· v.nrk1 ng Vt•n rlowly "'1th him . ,\lc\,tndl•r ... ~1111 Alt•xandn -.aid th:1t . 1f th1· nrll rt'l't'IVl'" a opro \'a l o f th e Ll·~1-;l<1tUn'. aorl 1s ..,1gncd into l,1 \lo t)\ {;OVl'rnllr d rown ... ,, \\Ill ml'an lht• AllM1 \'1l'JO Company "Ill ht• t•xt·u~cd from scrulm) b~ tht• t·oa..,tal comm1s'>1o n . The r Jm1f1l·Jt1nn~ art· that a nothPr "'''P lht• prnJ1·1·1 \loOUld trnvt· to go 1h1ough v.oult1 ht• l'1 1mmatccl ·· Tht• rumµan ) planl> to l'On· ...t rul't 20.000 homt·~ on the f},62~ .ir r{'-; htc-t ween South Laguna and the San Diego r ri>e wa~ 1\ houl S.OUO o f t h O<>t' homes "ould tw tt·rml•d lower·C'OSt d 1.1.t•llm~"· a va1lahlc to buyer.. .ind rcntl•rs who earn up to ..i bout S2:1.UOO :J yt•a r Gem Talk CLASSIC STYLING BY OMEGA 'I • " 1111 J (" Ill 'vlf'l/1<11' ~ (;1,rl1llffl t:1•m11/t><Jt$I A(,.\ LIZ TAYLOR'S DIAMOND tiring.• hrr o b1p profit A 69.4 -carat 41iamond g iven to Elizabeth Taylor by the n-hus band Richard Burton has been sold to an undisclosed American buyer for S2.8 million. Miss Taylor <Now Mrs . Warner of Virginia) reportedly made a tidy profit on lhc stone , which had been bought for $1.1 million a few years ago. Whe n the stone was put up for sale, Liz was said to be uking about $4 million, based upon the fact lhat the diamond had been given a very impressive, blah-grade flawless rating when It WH bought by Mr. Burton. However, a re -evaluation of t)le gem by lhe Gemological loalllute or Ame ric a r esulted In a lower clarity rating, and dropped the asking price. Surface "bruises" caused by several years of wear and tear wer e blamed for the lower m ar king. Obviously, ex.pert evaluation of the gem saved the buyer more than a million dollars, and reduced Taylor's profit by the aame amount, altbou1h she still made plenty. \jave a iuaUrled Jewler examine your gems f you want to know their true value. t ~ 1/:. I I ~ f ::'V"-" ~ \. I ~'*"" ~,~1.:~. 8 .___, • Womel\'\ 10( ~·tow QOld O\Hrlt Wt\Cft wHft mlMr•I <ry>l•I 8. Women'\ UK "nil-Ot wftol• OOld IHlureO l>•ec•••I >IVI~ ••l<h Wllh ,,. dl•MOnen 0 OMEGA . :. A.. ONLY Pll.OT NATION /WEATHER Jut · f oa~Cin~ Israelis Shell Lebanon Again GKttMPt;o BY GKAt'f'JTI DEPT. "PHl' llt1y kid' You "unnu hu)' u C'l.11\ of spray paint"" Thia may be lhf' f11t111 t' "'"' dHmth~Ulj( dod~l' for evU charol'lt•n who ull.cl \I) h1dt-1n &tllt'}b und •till dlrty picture. lo yowias boyfi Spray palnt nru1 Mr<' fall becomlnl tht' newe•t tempt• 111m t•f 'UYWltrd yo\alh Adolest-ent m1srreanta uae lht 1·1111m'(I 11u1111 tu "'"r.1y dirty word1.1 and othtlr dh11u.tlnK .:• ulfH1 ou block "ulls, •1dcw1llb and pubhc ~•troom• We 've Sttn too much of it alrtt11dy a t our beach C'lUea Loni 1<ovf'mm1·nts. mot.tty an our inland netthbortoii c11mm wi111~. iarl' now trv1nw lo pull l•w11 lo alem the Ude . r TOMATOES 2ft. C1,rta1r1 Cimxts Thol l<otlHn Ku.ls CCTUW lJ3e for Ptrpetratmy E111I or !iprcJy p1.11nl :.mcurcrl'> Wt•l'>tminster passed SU<'h lin or ll1nam·c NOW, ONl.Y THIS W•:f':K, the Huena Purk City <.;oun t•ll adnptNi un unt1·spray l<Jw that goes into effect nc.:xl nionl h What thl' n1·w Huc n1:1 Park law dot•s 1s muk~ 1t 1llegul for :.m y vnun).!:-.ltr unckr ag«: 18 to be carrying 1:1 c1rn nr -.pruv paint m pubh<· Thal 'i-. ~<11n~ to m:.ik1· 1t t1~gh on the Bue na Park kid "ho w:.inl~ to 1(0 down to h1I'> comer ha rdware stor<-for a t·,1n or i.prav paint to !lo ovt•r h1i. h1l'ycle He's goin~ lo be a 1 r11ninal 111· lwlt«:r lult' th1· 1·an home in a plain brown W I .1ppt:r i\ fo'Tt.R 11 •.'S lk, lw r:.in <'.irr} :.t whol•· 1·;,rton of th1· ,111H n1~hl 11111 1n tlw 11f1t•n 1r ht· can re:.uil t1.:mptat1on ant.I ,1\C11d "Jlr:iv1ni'. a f1•w "alll'> :.ilong lh1• w<sv fl 11w t1 l11 tw .tit \'-1· l.'anl1·d lo kl'l'p away rrom the ku1 ... ";", 110•111• t·1i1.1rl'llf''> t1nd 11lrt v m<1gaz1n1:i. Now 1l .., '>Pra)' p.11111 \ 1111 1.Jkf' ii lfllll'k J!l:trtl'I' lt1r<IUl.(h IH1vt:rll'>tmt•nt~ or lht• d;1\ ,11111\1111 1"111 r11111 a whlllf' h1, .. 1 of 111·111-. that k1di. ought 111 1,.. h11111wcl f 11r 1· ;irr v 111g IH·1· ;1 11~.1· I h1• ~oods t'fiuld bC' 1ll ll111·d for (•\II 1kl'di-. .lu~t th1·C'k th•· ;11h v111,1 r·.e 1( llt•n·.., 11nt Ho" about an l'l1•1·t flt' Jlg!•1~1w Im )111\1 $7 !.II!" \'01' II\\ t-. i\!'IY llH·:1\ h1iw rn111·h tl<tmtil(t-cs rt1llc•n 11 11 It• k1cJ 1·11ul<I 1111 "'1th a11 1 l1·t'tr ll' Jl).!..,;Jw ·· I :.huddc r tr, I h111k :1h11ul II 1111\'-11l)lt1tl ,, p11untl 111 111w 111rnalo1•1\ for 1ui.t ~cent."" < 11 a lrn lrnw dtwk kn1f•• for 1u:-.l $5 95'' fo or tht more af 11111•111 111v1•11d1• 1lt·l11111ue•nt. tw t'ould l(et h1::. hand:. un a :.111 .111 1 1111• 1111 1ui.l unckr or11· hundrt.-d buck!. J\11rl -.1w :1kin~ c,r "''" :1 ) 1·a n'.'> thl· 1:1dol<:l\<'t·nt m11\1·n ·ant 1·1111lcl rim 11111 anti liu~ a \JlriJ \-1':1n "r und«:re11atrng '>l·al hir 111"1 'IX 1'1'111!'! Yr hf'n hault•d t.f'ftiri· the bar or jUli tlCC, th<: p1111I. n111ltl 1·1;111pl.11n llo·\ nip tht'> t<;n 't ~prii y pC11nt II .., "' ;,,, 1111tl••(('fl,Jltn~ y, 111 II \OU th111k IJI .111 lh1 ,,. "'"that k ids ('CJUld 1·mplO} lo t!u n11-.1 hwf. \OU m1i,:hl 1·0111 1111!1· 1l wl)ultl lw m11r1· """' I !Vt· lt1 11;111 k11h th;rn prn<IUl'I'> U.S. Ready to Use Veto Y.1\Slll;\CTlll'; t J\l'J Thi· n111•tl Stal1•s will not s ponsor .1nv 1 •·i.11luti•111 H\ th1· Unlle<J Na 11Cins ~Wt'Urtty C(1 unr1I support rn~: J>:d1•:-.t1n111n "ra ghb " and 1s 11rl'p:1n·d to use· 1ll'> v1•to phw<:r lo I l1wk any s rwh rn1•ai.urc. l'>IX'l'WI \11 <11 .. 1:.I · 1•nvov H1>ht·rt Struuss •Jld t11dH 'r In <:t tt-lcv1s1o n 1nter v1cw. Strauss said he and other scmor <:tdv lsc rs unanimous ly r ccom mended to Presid ent Curter on Tucsd<Jy that the U.S. position be against passanf( a new rc~olu lion now because or the "hl'Sltu· lion" he found in both Israel and f;gypt during recent talks BJ TM A.Nedl&H PreM Leb1neae 1ourcea reported new 1hellin1 •1ainat P•l•Un.lan tuaeu in aouth•m Lebanon to- day. a day after l l person.a were t~puned killed and more Ulan 20 wounded in ..-Ullery attac'ka there. In Jordan. Kln& Huneln and l'•leatine Llbt!ullon Or1ani%a- IJank Heists Rampant in New York N l':W YORK <AP > Ten more New York banks were hit by armed robber~. and gunmen pulled otr u $2 million Bnnk'I'> truck heist. aulhoril1ei. siud, a'> pohct' dedur«>d war against the clarin~ duylight raids w1lh lht· fornrnl1011 of a :JO man shot~un squad W 1lh1n fou r hour ... ·1 Ul''>dliy. robbers a11l'mph•d to hold up 10 hanks in Manl111tt;rn. lh•· Bronx .incl ()Ut·<·n:-.. ra1 ... ing 111 1£<1 thl· n11mbN Of bunk JObb IO lhc• Cit} ... 1111·1• J\11).! I The· 11lrl /\ugu ... 1 I t'l'tll d \It ,1.., K-t In 1!177 IN i\NCYnl E R hl)l<lu11 lhr1•1• k1 rna'>k hoodt•d gunm1·n u..,rng ,, (1!->h df'h ver v t ruC'I.. -.r1io1wd uµ mont'' h:igs bf•1nJ: loac!t-tl into ;1 Brink .., a rm nrl'<1 truck ~1l 1h1• Cha'>t' Manhattan Bank .., ffiJlll h1.,1dqu.111t•r.., 1n lht• 1·11 ~ .., I· 1n.1 11 t' ta I l>1!->I rn·t Th1:-.. took two hol'>l aJ,!l'"'· .• Brink .., "'l'<'Urll\ g uard and .1 1 t•-ilaura11t f•rnpl11v1·1· "ho lul1•1 "'t•rt• n·lt·:tM·ll unharm1•d "'"" Lht• fl rook I) n B ricli.:•· Brink·.., offt·r•·<I a $11111.00IJ n · "arll for 1nform1Jl1nn l1·;1t111w l<1 n•c·OH•ry (If th•• mf)nt·y. "h1d1 poll<'t' 1·st 1mat1·1! tot al1•d $2 mtlhon H:1nk !->pOkc· ... rnan FrasN "i1·1tc·I tl1·srnhf'd th•· t·;,..,h <1i-n•·1Ao mnnt'\' that hart JIJ~.t htTn "'ll!tll'd ll\'f•1 to ttw ti:1nk T l t:SI>/\ \''S Hi\l\t\ r11til11·r\ lolal 1Ao:.t.., thn·1· '>hort 11f th1· '11. 11·t·11rd fur rohht·nc·.., 1n 11111' tliJ \ l:l. ht't .luh 27 J\11tli•1r1l1t", ,;,, tht'fl' ha\I· h••t•n 57~1 ti.ink r oh hcrw-; m N•·w Ynrk "" far lh1-. \ I' ;11 "Th<•rt• 1.., a l'>l'n'>t' 011 I ht• .._I rl'i'I I hat 1t i.. orwn !>t·u~..,n on h.mk:-. \\. •· ha\1• to turn thJl ar<>u11<1 .., a 1 d I' 11 I 1 <'., Com m 1 .., ..,. on,. r Hobert l\1 d;um•. "ho 1>rom1-.MI I I) (' (J m m I l ... I ... u t, ... l a n t I ,rl amou11I 11( •1u1 r1·-.oun·t·:-." to thr· liur~c.·on1n l( bunk r o bb er) problt'm A I' o l 1 c l' D ,. p u r t m e n 1 '>pokcs man s u1d u b pcr 1al l>hOlJ(un squud proba hly would he o n the s t rr-('lS in about two weeks. Meanwhile. "th1· ent1rt' detective d1v1111on has bt!en put on the a lt'rt." he s aid M cG uire sa i d lhl' ·app prehenalon" squad would t·ons 1:-.l or s hotg un·armcd detecll ves nr1· 1n g in unmar ked vans Storms Cover Nation Flash Flood Watch in Minnesota and Iowa H I I o ... , l\!Du 1111• "° Am,.,, If• ,, Ml UJ AU,.nl.1 .,., II •1•'''"''i'' // ~I II hlfmt'lf)lu•'h .,, 10 OJ hOt\fil 9 I .... 0 0\IUr\ /I •• •HOWH,'4!1lh "'· /6 kVU•H1 /'I \I ( hrhln..,, .. It 'f\eyrnf\P ,. )) 0) ''"' •oo '~ 10 JO ( •nc: lntutl •• "4 c ••••l•n•t ., ., 0 .. f l Wth " ., O•"Wf"I ,_ \4 .,.,,.,,, ••• )II ·····""' •II ... OJ HO.nolvlw ~· ,. ••ow,lt>n OJ l'J 04 f'1(J ·~)II•. ., /I OJ ,.\.~\ <11111 ... ,, ,, •" \ (.1t4 .. .. 01 Y\ .. l •" V• O• l 1111• ,.,,, • " .. 1 IO I 0\ A"V"'"' "° ~ \ eu1•v1I•• I) II -lfll>"I\ ... " II ~lttm• ••• " 11 Mllw•v•,... ,. ., _ .. ~· p ,. ., ~· Ne\llVtll• ., •• )) Ntw Ort"' .. I• II '"'°'Yo,. •• .. 0.1• cu, fl •>I H ()fftell• /) ., )I or1..ioo ., ,, ~llltd P'"" 11 ti Gt ll'tleel"-107 ,, Plllt""•llfl " )• " PllllflO, On 18 Ml 0. lll1M ., 0 SI l.Oul\ 17 .. ,. O.ity P'llet Detl •"'l' 1 ............ y. •"""" f '1111•¥ tt vt•• f'kJ ~,, fWtlHt f ' it f"11t(r-. Ut ' • ti m I tfil t nf l't I 1 " , 1 ,, ,, ,.r,., ""'"' "'' ,.j"""'' ,, .ft I' I •f • 1 "" fotl' I I IP t ' lt•tl 11 ~ tf.,, (h' f ~"' .f to I 1 , It 1 ~t' .-1111 V\ 1' l -i f w11t I '' •'''I \ '11 "' ~ \• .... nmmJ ~· p .... _ :1 \Alt l••• \a11 D•"(IO ,. \ttn J-1-tn .. "...t•fllf' .. '"''"' .. w ... runoton ,. CALlll'()UOA fiAti•t \flltlft ., Al\hOP ., lllytll• '°' f ,~, ... •• M nntet•Y' n M9-f"'OI•\ 101 O•••~n<I /) \A• r anutnto ., Sent• •111~·· H lll•llflll 100 llenlow •> fllQ llH• ,, l..•1•1•11• u Ed '-"l'o .. WwoOCI IUflMlll• I) 1 ono ... ,11 ., He'#PGn ..,..., I) Onte•IO .. P•IM '-"'"" 100 w11 .. 1ner111no .. s.n Jo"' ,. , ........... '° ~llte(rUI II \enteM.,1• It r ..... v .. i.v ., ............ , ... Acepvtco tt ...... ., ,,..._. .. C.w .. •••I.,• .. ICll!tt .... " ..-...... , ., _..t .. ilwl .. IN•IUC&ry ,, llM•1'e .. _....,,.., .. ,. ,. .. ,. H " .. I 10 ., 00 ., I) . , ~ ,, ., "' ,. II ~ " s. •• .0 •• to )I •> ~ ~ ti Ml ,. J) H .. " .. ,. 11 ,. It JO n u N•\'4\1 f-t•O<OIP" ''"''d*' ..,.,,.,,u, .. ,. u ., ., n I) II IJ.S.S11•••rw r"""a•nlorM\-' over mtlC.I\ ol ,,,. ft•llOl'I -1y locN,, with II•••• <OllC •ft•t•I••"' •••ClllftO •rom ftO<I"*'" l.Out"•ll• IMO h,..,., ... • ..., C..0<1111 etltl ,..,,,,..,ti lftlO Ille "PIH' Ml"IMIDP• V•ll•y ... .... ,,,,,,.,Ill,,. llMll li.od ••'<" ., .. I"-Ill Mllllleu letft M ll't IWMll• -~-"'I-• Sc••'"'° tllu,..,.M••" 81M ••r• ••oo•t•tl h t r l'lortt1•. the c;.,011,,.~ -elOl'tO 11111 H•• lntl•ntl , .. ,. Howe...,,.,_ -1-lllef ... <°"' """ 10 ~-•ntl totMr" -lien• ol tile CtllMIJ ..Wtl ol Ille WUI Co••• '"° lll(k' Mount•111 ,, ... , W.rt •tl*'lilll tlHI 10 portlr tlOllllY lOndlltO,,. H rly lod.ly ,,.. lell\ ... _,,.. '" ..... , °' ( 0111 trent\ ON l•OM HIOl'ICNO 1•811'1 IM ,_, I '"' t.oeM •• l•t 111totM1 •• Ml-•I, lwflliltO to\1111 '"'° • .,. .. , .... Ill• hl!B ........,,, .. A M<-lt_,.I '#H ,..,..._ Ill IM llOf1Netl rtom Mel,.. ll'M _,..,,. H"' Y-" feMper•I-er-'41 IM N lltfl .. m1011ltftl POT ,.,,... ltltft ff 11'1 "'Uto, c.IH., to ti Ill U,..., THH . c •• , ....... ••"• to 0.-\un,,y IOUQ•t#\Q \Ont• ruoru •M mc>fn•f'W;I • ~\t•I low t •OUd\ •"" 10') 1n fM t ttw <M?'\ wet•''~ bo .., •• tu•• rtUC1ht 11t• .... flt IFW t'#O tU'I O•\I *',.' •Ot '"•' OA'f''""" t.me>er•ture' .,...,,. to (.t)nt•nuf'I toquvO•<OUP .. of "°U,.M\ l O\ ...,OQlllJI" W•\ ••PH.tint • n1QA f "''' \.Cl~'t r,t ... #Ith UW lMifAI A"Ct t"'"'mll'<"lu•t• v•ll•Yt (ltftlf'\9 lftlo ln.t low • llO mld-401. Coa•lal lt'eadtrr '>'JM• l.W ftlgnf eflCI ee<I' "'°'""'<! lnw t tnueh, otNr#1w ta•f" todey w nn \HOhtl, wermer Hy\ tt1rown Tnurt O•• Winch "'°"'hwMt 10 to 10 • noh o""' 1"41 outer l D1utet wet•" trom PO'"' (Or"H ... OltOn to !.An Nlf"OIA\ f\fttnll ff\r•• to t•w• loot , •• , ton•oM Cht!wheni Ilg"' •Mta t"ttt wtnch n1orH Aftd tnM'f'W\q hOUf\ 09'nm1no tli"'''"' 11 ,.,qnt lo I• Pnof\ '''"'" MW lo twn toot w1rwt •• ,... tn the •U•r~ I ocl•Y l ~M\ .. I "I"' •Ill ~ I~ •lln • •Ow ol W 1114-1>101> M ..,,,,. • lu• ., ...... , /0 Seu•~ MeoM,. T•de• w •O..IM>A'f ~Ol>O low ) <l 0 '" I I \e(CHWI l\IQf\ • ff 0 m \ I , __ y ,..,,,, • .., •tt•m 01 ""''" "'"' 10 ., • ... • • 'le<9ftfl0w • lt1Jm I/ SK-lllQl'I 10 ll PM )t ~<Hlfl-• tt efOl.,wt•I nom "'-''-• It e m . Mt• I M •·"' S•rl Report Fore< Ml v•IMI to 1•~111 Wrf ---llelollt lft 1 .. 1 Mo• ''"11"' 11e10111 111 fut, Pe11011 1n .. , .... , A•I MH ' > I 1 ) J J , ............. .....,. , ....... 111 .. IM11m MleM Ill ieel Olle<tlOft. ... I Mtla Ow , \ t I W ' ' 2 ' t.1on leader Yuaer Arafat re- ported a1reement on workin1 closer for PllleaUnian .coals, but did not diacloee any specific IC· lions tbey would t ake. Their Joint at.a1ement wu lnued 12 hours after t.bey m et at a Jordu· nian alr base. THE &EPO&TS of new abell· ang in Leba.ooo came art.er re· Ports Tuesday rrom Lebanese so ur ces that C br 11 tlan militiamen and Israeli fore" had subjecte d 26 towns a nd villages to the heaviest barrage in ye.ars. Jarael'$ m ilitary com· mand denied any part In the s he ll.mg and saJd o nly the Chns ti ans were lnvolved. The Lebanese s tate radio said today that she lllng continued c.t three locations. Including the PalC'stlnian refugee l'amps of Ras h1dJyeh and El·Buss south of Lhe port c1ly or T yre Th~re Wet!> no C'asualty r eport The Israeli military command su1d "wt- absol ult'ly aren 't i.hoot1nfl( · ll>rnelt·backl'd Lt·bant•i.t• m1hlw.., ;tlo nl( tht· border <>fll'n ..,hc,11 I' a ll·stinaun la ri.i•:t:-. 1n Ll'l><inon Thrt·t· L' N i..o ld1n'> fr1rn1 'Ill· pal w1·r1· "ound•·d 'l'ue'>da~. 11111· M•riou"'l' 111·ar T\ re· tt11· I' °' h1·Htf'111.11 t1•r •, 1n ./r:r u,,111·111 .., .11 ii It !> .11 r1 < ·ti r..., ll an.., .rn •I I' ,, I ,. :-. t 1 n 1 .1 n.., ,. ~ 1· h J n i.: ,. cl .1r11llc-n . l.tnk ,jfl(j llllJrltH rir1· tiut mddt· n11 rn1·nl111n 1i f th•· 1..,r;11·h'>. "ho "'llJJlih lh•· 1'hr1 11.111 rntl111.11111·11 en 11ulh1 r11 I .1·h.inun I !\ L~RA•,I .. •' le r111110.,I ll'1ml1 I \ r•IOdt'<i th1... rn11rn1n~ \Ao 1lhl1UI 1·aui.mi.: in1u111·-. 111 .1 li·I /\1.1. ~uburb ;ind ,J '>t't'<>nd IJomh "·'" d1 s1·ov1·rt>d 1n .lt·rul>alnn t)l·f1t11· 1t \ltt'nt off. pol11·1· ,,,1d ·1 "., h11n11J.., 1•\pl11<11•tl ·r u•·.,,la)' in ,, 1 ro"dt-d :imu:-.t·rn1·nt p.1rk 111 I •·I \v1v. :-l1i:htl) woundin., l'W11 womt•n 11nrt ;u1 J\rah vr1ulh "h'> workt·d tht·n· J\ hoinh ..,quad round ti third l>limli 1n ,J tra ... h lrnrr,·I and d t-tonall·d 11 art1·r r ·~ a l'ualtnl-l ~um•· ;w.0110 J.H'(111l1• from lht· 1iur k Lt•h:1nt-:-.t· ... 111t1· ratlio 11•11orl•·d I IA.I) ~1v11·t rn;11l1· S\ ri.111 M1<; ~I Jl'h fh·w ,, 11;111111 t1111•r H•·1rul lq tl:I\ .111d I"" h11u1 ... l11 11·r l1Ao11 1,r;i1•ll p l;1n 1•.., -. .... 11111wd 1111.1. "'' 1 ... 1111 th1·rn l.1•lo.1n1111 t.111 11 11 l'a l1•:-lln1.1n rl'f11J.!1·1· 1 ;1mf1"' nt .1r 11 •· ir u l a II d fl .. " IH • r ltll' 11or1 hem prov1n1·1· of J hull Seeks Fortune Sornya Kh a!>hogg1 , who 1!> d1vorcmg her Saudi Ar abian husband. Adnan Kha1>hogg1. ci rnves cit the Se<·un ties and ExC'hangc Comm11o.!>10n in Washington m connection with a stud} of ht·r hu<.,hand's fmcinc1<J I <Jffa1rs with her l;.iwvt•r. Marvin ~1 1 lc'hl•lson Shl· 1s !>Ulng her hU!>hand for a si ;)11 bJlll<Jll d l\'l)fl't• '><:ltlcmcnl Spenkelink Badly Treated? Probe Set I \l.l.J\11 1\~~l-.I-,. l.1 1,\J1 1 •\ '"''' m.111 t•·.1rn i.,,.., lw~11n 111 ,•· l1j.!.1llllj.! .ill1 1.'.ol1•1r1, Iii 11 .1111111 ">111111..!1111!-t;f 1111• ll•t 1'.11 ~ uf f··•·d inhum.1111 '''·""'' "' hol•11• I •"·' • '""Jl•tl \L1\ ~. '"'I" c·1 .. 1 (11111 r .d 1111 ~ \~ 1111.1111 .1n•f ''"' 1n 'll•i1 k .• 1 \l 1.i1111 . .i '"' ri•' "'t'r •· 1•1 • •111d u1 r .1 J1Ul1l1• h"·" 1ni• l rlfJ.1~ 1;0 Jl1•·1:1·~r • • · 11.11111•" 111 I·'• 11d.. '•r· 1 • , •. 1 11111•1 111 I, ,,.,1, Tll•. Tl\h. /\Pl'Ol,1 t .U 11\ r,,,, B•1 l1 (,1 ,1h .1m lwitan tht·ir 1n \•·.,u~<illnn Tut "!." ir1 the 1>1•.o•n 1<11"' unit .,1 Flr1nda Sta11· J•n 11on rn ~1.11 l..t· I h•·\ mH ~1r11.:1I• I\ 1Ao 1lh 1n111.it1", 1 or11·rl1orwl 11( l1n·r'> .ind 1·\•·n ,111 untJ•·rl;•k•·r "'~111 r1·1·1·1v1·d Sp1·nk1·hnk .., 11<1<!} In format1rm ..ib<Jut lh•· tnl•·rv11·"'"' "''' 1101 rPll'asc~ to th(• mJ<d1a It IA.a~ m :-f1 1·hn1• l h;1I 1111' ,.., lfll JIOrt:Jnl 111 '>l'I th1• puhht"-. mind at 1·a...,• <.1 .1h.1111 ~11d I! tli•·r•· 1111· 11n1til1•rn:-.. w .. ·11 take· a ppropn .1t1· .1r l 111n (1 R1\fli\"I ORUEtU:I> T iii In \• ,11 v.1t 111n t\u~· I ll <.iftr·r i1uhlt,h1·<.l r•·11<1r1 ·. 1h.1t ">1H'nkt•l111~' r1'l·lum "'·'" f11r11t.h .... 111ff1·d ""1th l'lllton twlor ' h1• "',,.., •·,1·1·ut•·•I .11 ~ li>rtdu ~I ;,l,. Prl\on T hi• ~111111!.1 f l.11rdw.1u ., ~1 •• r11f.1 S1;,11 · I n1 ·wr ... 1ty -.tu<1 .. n1 '"'"'fl•'I" r put1l1·.twrl .rn un• n•r1• 1f IHl•·r fr11m ,, 1>1 .11h H11w 1n m.111• "'h" .. 1.11m• ti 1h1· ... t111n" 1 t;1 ~• 11 '''pr>'''"' ">1,.·n~e·l1nk 11(1"' 1·1.., fr11m ,., ,11 1.1!111,' "'h' n h• ,, ,1• 111111 d II\ :• ,1111 \lllh 11( 1•11·1· l 1 I<' 1 l \ 'I h" 1nrnJlt• It lit r .... 1111 'Iµ. 111..1 11111<-. n1ou1t1 "',, J h •1 '>t'aled -.hut with la~1·r upon l.i~•·r <1( t 1o1.11 inrh ·•dh•''>l\t· taiw " Save energ~. I. Tum air Cond1l 1o nm~ thl'r mostuts up to 78. :!. Turn heat down to 65 3. Drive your car as If there we re am cag bet ween your toot and ~ gas J)OOal I. ln ~ulult• you1 home 5. ~hop the.• ads m lhe Daily Pilot. Com b1m· your ~hopping trip!->, gomtot for JUSt t•xaclly th~ merchandise· you need and the stores selling 1t al a prire you can afford. Remember. lhl' advcrtiscmcn~ in lht! Dally Pilot are placed by firms und Individuals in your community -the Orange Coast. Shop those ud:-1 ond s ave Um~. and cn('rJitY . ------------------......... -----· CALIFORNIA fkeanside KKK Seeking Public Rally ~EANSIOE t APJ TIH: Kmchta or lh . Ku Khu Klan wunt ~rm is ion to :staae a rally an a pubUc PMrk in ... mort-white nea1hborhood" than one for which an "'rller appllcat.lon was dented la t Fnday Grand drqon Tom Metaaer fill'd the new re quett Tuesday City officlall n1Jt'ct~"'d the Klan'a propotaJ to mt-.•t S.:pt IS at Balderrama P a rk In a prf'dom1nantly blade reshlenUa1 arfla ''Wt"rt• no t demand.Jog something JUSt to be nau.ty about It ·· M etztter srud Ch v Manutcer Rotx·rt Uoun·1t>r 111ud he wu~ ··not toothnllt.'(f" with th.-t\ lun':; la test moH· Taco QMak#'s "'' So1ultlattd PALM SPHINGS <A l'> Two btip1ar1ate earth quake:. rattlt-d Southern Cahfor01 11, with the 1'econd trt.>mur regabtenn~ 4 l on the Richter ~calt: :O.t.'tlJog off burglur alarm:. and s h1tk1ng up Pulm Springs r es1denb Both quake::. hit Tuc ..,du). about l:J h1Jur)\ and 150 miJes apart Earlier. SantcJ Harbara reMdent::.. 150 male:. to the northwest , were <swakent.'<1 by a quah that meas u r ed J J o n th e ( J H1 chter scale c."r-4TV R1 vers1de C'o unty Jl ~ICJ aut horit1c~ rf:!por ted ---------' ~e~tr;'m taJ~~f:!~t~~CJ~~~· T he re were no reports of domage or tnJUr} C<tlaforn1a ln::.t1tute of Tl•chnolQJO >;P1smolog1sts 1n Pas adena S<ttd th1· lari.~t· trt>mor w.1s <'C'nlt•r<.'d about ~5 male!> ca~t of Lo!-> Angell•!-. ~1 aO\ n·s1dcnts descnbt'<.I the quak(· as one of till· t11ggt•sl in tht· Palm Springs are a Of•f;(• P rit•t-11 •Protertio11· LO~ \~(; ELES I /\ I' J The Organ1zat1on of Pet rolC'um Export mg Countries a~ unfairly t11k1ng the bl:.imt• for l' S Pconom1c woes. suys a lawyer 111 a µnc·1· fixing s uit u,::amst the oa l cartel's mem~r nat ions And U.S Dis trict Judge A Andrew Hauk . who is heann~ the unique case, s uggests that mem bers o f cartel might h<Jve raised crude oil prices to pro· tect themselves Segr r gafed Sclaoob Eyrd LOS ANGELES I AP 1 Superior Court Judge l'aul E~ly of Laguna Bca(·h has given th1: go· ahc>ad to .1 S:lO mtllwn 1·ducat1onal improvement plan fur :!IU st·grcgatcd sthoob beganmng nt·xt month At lht· '>amt· llml'. E 1dv ordl·rt·d thl· Bc1ard of Edul";Jlte1n tri stuch 11.., ""~r~·gcitl'fi m1nrmt \ ... c·hoob and outl11w ""·".., 111 .tl'h1t•\f• !-.Ubstdnl11J I-t·qualit:. for th1·s1· '>t·h11ob · MASKED MAN STILL BATTLING FOR JUSTICE Actor Clayton Moore H TV's 'Lone Renger' 'Lone Ranger' To Fight Again 1.0!-. i\ !'\;(;EL ES 1AI'1 Actor Clayton Moon · ""ho halth·d fur JU!-.t 1n· <J!i tt·lev1s 1on !:> l.on t: Hangl'r," nnw 1s fighting for the right to appl'ar in pubhc a~ th<· f:Jmcd nwl>kcd m<1n he portn1yl·d "When I "":J'> a kid. I ""antt•d to bt• two th1nJ!S a pol1Cl'm1rn or a t·uw boy, .. th{' UC'tor reculled 1n an interview Tue:,,day "1 was lucky becau!>t' 1 got to ~ a cowboy .. BUT LAST WEEK . Suprnor Court Judge Jerry Pacht temporarily barred M oor e from mak1nJ! publ1C' ap pl·arance)\ a-. "Th{· I.om• Hani.:er · Th(• l·om1wny t hu I O'o\ TI!'> lht• rJJ.!hl~ lo t h1• th<arucll·r t'lat m s \toorl· is too old C'l.,1\ ton n·fust·~ 10 rt·v1-.d ht.., a,.!1'. but ht• h a!-. bt'l'll rt' youknow1t'!-.h1m Tht• lnJUnl'llOO "";1 ... sought by Lonl' R.ing1·r T{'lcv1s1on Inc . a !-.Ub :.1 d1ar) o f Wr athc-r Corp .. whic h bought ;.ill rights to thl' Lon r Ra n~<'r rharactt•r fo r SJ mllhon 10 1954 DAIL y PILOT AS What Constitutes Rape?: Bill Would Permit Wife to Charge Hwband ~;; SACRAMENTO <AP I -A wtfe could charge her husband with ntpe 1n California 1f a bill ap· proved by u atale Senate committee becomes law Though som ewhat weakened by ame ndments. the Assembly·passed measure. which 1s modeled a fter an Oregon law. would s tHI a ccomplis h a long- standing goal o r fe minists to change the law that now defines rape as a sexual assault by a m a n against a woman who isn't his wire THAT LAW "GREW OUT OF the centuries old tradition or a wife as her husband's property ... Los Angeles lawyer and wom en's .rights acfiv1st Gloria Allred told a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday The bill. AB546 b) Assemblyman Floyd Mon D Pleasanton. was :.ent to the Senate financl' Committee on a 9·0 Jud1c1ary Committee votl· Finance 1s lht' last stop before floor con::.1derat1on However. co mm1ttet' approval o f the bill ..-.a:. tn doubt unttl adoption of an <1mendment b y St-n John NeJl'dl). R Walnut C rt-ek , t1J proh1b1t proserul1on unleso; a wife rt-j)Ort.!> a r<1pe by her husband w1thinJOda ):. T H E BILL WOL'LD TREAT hu!>band w1ft- rap1: differently t han other case.!> of rape A fordblc rapt' conv1cuon now carries a man datory prison scntcnn· or uµ to eight years A husband ronv1ctt.'d of raping h1!> wife could undt:r Mon ·s bill rt•ce 1 vc· an alternate m1sdem,..<1nor !>CO Lenee of up lo a yt'ar 1n count) Jail i\ handful of •Hatt'.., havt' !>tmil.1 r l:i """ Th,.. f1r...i known tn<1I fm hu.,band ..-.1lt• rapt· oc-1·urr1·fl l:tsl ~ c•;H tn On•gon. und thL· dcfl·ndant , Jr,hn ltufrout . wa.., ;u·qu1ttt·1I lit• and h1~ ""1f1· l<Jtn n-c·onnll·d IJul h;I\ 1· -.111n• d 1 \IJrc·NI I\~ 0 f' P 0 "": ''I CH T ti t. 811. l.. ,\ n n 1 Fragasso. a d1·1rn1~ l.o!-. /\ngc-1(·" Cuunt ) i.iutil11· di f1·ndL•r n·pn· ... entHW th•· (..';illforni;i Alt,1rnt'\.., fot l 'rtm1 n al Ju...i11·t· ..,,11d tht· H id• ••ul ·,, , 11t-monstr.1tt·dthat 1t I'> c.t dr1m1·'>11r ,.,..,u•· ln1c·rtrng lhl' t"rim1nal JU<.l1«1· -.v ... 11•m into th•• mantal bt·dro1Jrn 1-. nul thl' ..,ulul111n ll• 1h 1-. problem." ..,hP ..,aid adding that 1•r1un~f'lin}! alrhohsm tn•almt•nt <1nd !'rl'lillOn U( JOIJ.., "'UUld d11 morl.' to re>d uct· ma rlla I \'IOf<.·nrL· Sen Hoh W1bon. II La !'t1t·-.a ..,,ud h•· ""cJ~ y.11r rH'd that u \.\lfl· \.\(Jllld UM· th•· thn·at 11f " r<ip• ch.JrJ!t' to ~l'I a mort• fa\Orablf· dJ\Qr1 •· ..,,.lllt·mt·nl :· "WE HAVE LAWS AGAINST extortion ~d •• pe r Jury." Mort replied ,.. District Attorney P eter Sandrock of Benton. County, Ore .. said the rear "that vindictive women " will falsely accuse their h usbands of rape m order to gam some sort of leverage over the m has not been t.he Oregon expenence .. Rape-i Slaying Judge Orders Gas Cha01her .. I.OS A~C ELF:~ r i\ f' 1 I\ Supcrt()r Court JUdgt· ha!> M·ntenct'd Slt'\ 11: Lamar field'> l<; d1r· tn the ga!> ch<1mbcr for the murdt-r or a l 'SC librarian ht' robbed and rnpcd Thi· sentencE-. pronounced Tucsriay by Judg•· Ronnu· Lt't-Martin. had het>n vot('d by t he s <1m1· JUPI which <'onv1ctcd Fields July fi 1n lh•~ kidnap robbt-r~ murdt.-r of Hoscmary .JanH Cobb. 26, and whu:h found him sunc "If' Tiit: DEATH PENAi.TY 1s appropnalt• for an) human bt.-ing. then 11 ,.., <Jppropraute that S tt·\ tt• Lam<ir Field.., ..,hould '>Uffn tht !:.Uprf'mt· pt•nall) .. .Jud gt· !\1 artin ... aid ~ht· also "t•nttn<·C'd Ftt'lds tot ""o hf•· tr-rm'i and f. I l'llll..,l'<'Ull\ t• ) 1·;1r.., in ... 1<111• prison 11n J.I f•·l•irt\ 1·r)n\ 1t tuin• tnl'ludin~ murd<.·r k•dnapptnl!, armi·lf 11ihh1·n r,q11· for«t-cl 11rl1I 1·011ul;1t111n .,...,..,,,ull \!.1tlt .• cfr.idh ""'"If.Kill an1I th•· u..,,. of .1 f1n ·.irm 10 1111 111111111..,..,11111 •1f an11th• r f1·l11rn \1 , ... , <oliti \!.,J.., murd1·11•d 1., ... 1 1.,..p1 :!7 tv., '" 1 i,., .Jflt'r ~ 11·ld ... """ fr1·1·11 rin ,,,,.,,,, fr11m .ti• • .11 II• r m.Jn,l,1u~ht1·1 "''"' 11111111 '11S." ('ORH .-\:"1.0 T llRt.t. •ith•·r \''t llm.., 11r I-11•ld' \<. ··r •· k 1t1n.1pp1•rl ;1nr1 tak•·n tu th1• •"'( 1·•)r\\ tr t ... honw ""ht r•· lh1·' "'' n· rohh•·<1 l1f':tl1·n .Jllll '''\Ualh .tltU~(·<1 \1 1..,~ ('olil1 "":.i!-. ht·l<I pns11n1•r •iq·rn1gh1 fnrn·tl 111 ""rllt· ,, r1t·r..,<10Lll r·h1Tk !hut w,1.., l.1t1·r 1·;1.,h•·d ... h11t ff\•· l1rn1·.., .it C"IO'>•" r<1ng1·"th•·11 h1 ,,11•11 !11 rl1':Jlh ..-.1th .r IJl"l•1f liutl . . .. . . . . . .. 5 days only. fJnmk f)ririteg lf ofi1•iou":• -...\'\ f·lt:\:\l 'ISl'<I 1 \l'1 l hl· «~.tl1 furn1a supn·nw Court h.1 ... r ult•d that drunk dri\"lng rna} 1·11n:-11111tP .111 ;111 ••I 111al11·1· ;rnd t,.. grounds ior p1rn1t1\l d.1ma).!1·.., 111 1°1\ ii -.u 1l'> µ11111·t1 tu IJl' ltt'l\.\1•1·n ll5 ;1 ntl 70 \I 1 IC •ff'. 'o\ htt JI 1.:.., dm•'> l'll"h Ill" .111(! """IOI!-. .J milt· l'\'1•n da\. do1·sn t hu' tht· .~r}!u rrwnt lh<1t Simmons sale. One price all sizes. • I h1· I "l d1·1 '"'"" Tu1·..,1l,1\ rl1rt•l ll•d tlw Lr1'> \n~elt·.., t ount) S u p1•r1ur ( '11url to n :1ns tatt• lht· par! of a su1l 111 ""h1d1 ( ';trn("l'on ('harl1·!-. T;.t) lor . a ::!tl -.(•;ir.11ld t·ollt•J:!t' s tud•·nl ..,, . .,k.., 11un1t1H· d:tm<1gt·.., from ('l.11r \.\ tll1am '">llll1· .1 liquor salcs m<111 Taylor s ued for um.p<.·t·1f1e d t'O mpensato r y damages and St00.000 in punitive damages. claim· ing he was serious ly injured whe n SUlle's auto and hts camper collided. The suit claims Stille was an ulcoholic who was "well aware Of the senous nature or his <1lcoholism" and "was aware of the dungerousness of his drivm~ while intoxicated " ht:-mH!:.k1•J .Jpp1·~1rann•!-. \\111Jld dl'fu..,1· publ1nl) f1>1 a m<Jcli•rn l.onl· H1tlll-!l'r ftln1 ,\.., far a s I :.im t·on <'t•rnt·d and to mo'>I of h 1 !> f .i n s . t h l' I. o n l' Ranger will alw<.1 ys be Clayt on Moore." s a id th e <Jc t or's age nt . Arthur Dom. ··If you put 10 p eople in a closet and asked them to say ·111 Ho Silver.' a nd you hPar Clay ton Moore's voice. Beef up the Fight Against Muscular Dystrophy From August 20th through Septembe1 3rO lor every pnullll of BEE F STICK. Summer Siwsage sold H1r.~ ory Fd1rns of Ohio, will con111bu1e 20t tu the Musculdr Dystrophy Assoc rat ion SAVE 30(: OFF THE REG. lB. PRICE. ANY CUT PIECE OF BEEF STICK_. $-.""""'' \..W ..... $85 e9ch piece G ently Firm win. t:acn piece. $85 Full. each piece, $85 Queen. each piece. $85 K1r1g. each p iece. $85 Extra Ftrm v. n eacr p 6C.t: S 105 Full. each p iece. $105 ·Queen. each piece. $1 OS ·King. each prece. $105 Sleep Shop ·Q.--'°~'"'I.IS' oe 0..'t"a!>e: cU ~·~ ·~,,..;: ~d l·r.r. se· CALL 1-800-228-2044 OR YOUR LOCAL TOLL FREE. NUMBER Mon Fri 10·9 30 Sat t0-6 Sun 2 5 Bu11ock c; Sou1h Coa c;1 Plaza 3333 Bris101 C M t'>~·Ob 11 -·-:..,o., ••• ------------· A8 Edi ri I P , Robt!f"t N. Weed/Pubhther Tham.H l<Mvll/EOl&«j °'•"0 Coast Oa1ly P1101 to a flfl..e _______ W_ed·needaY·-·· "'·uo·ue·'·22···'·179·--------·e.-r~-·-l<.r•.l.bl·c·h·/E·d·l·tor-1•.· ·P·eot·l!·dt-tor __ _ Face the Facts 'On Prison Needs With slrontc pubhc support. new l1w ttave been passl'd lncreuslnt penalU for many crlmlnal otte nao1 , often mandat l11g prison sentences rat.her than probatlo .. Reeotcmu n1t that lhl cannot fall to tncreHe tbt- populutaon of lhc :;t ate's already overcrowded prlaons . Gov . Uro\\n twice proposed expendtlu.re of up to SlOO mtJl1on for t.'<>ns truc tJon ol Mw priM>M Both lJll)CIH th • Leatlslature cut the funds on groWlch no sptt1fic tdlcs had been selected. 1''in11lly the Senate pussed. on a 30·3 vote. a meaaure thut would vrov1d(> $9 ntalhon for site acqu11slt1on and des1~n development. Trus waa to be u flnl step in a $250 mtJHon prosram to construct 11 n w faclUtt~i; to hou~e 4,·100 pn:;oners Thtti week , th e A:>s~mbl y C riminal Jus ti ce Cummittcc. tra d1l1on ally a graveyard for tough law t'nf o rc~ment pr o po~C:th , vo t ed 4 3 to ~t rip $6 75 rnalhon from that bill, then added $300,000 for study of po:-;sible alternati ves to tmprlsonme nt and $1 million tu re paJr strt:et~ in Chino where the state prison ts located The balance would uo to rem odeling existing prisons and repair of ri<>l damage al one. Newpurt Ut'uch Assemblywoma n Manan Be rgeson was a m ong t hose voling against strippm~ the bill and for good reason With a fellow t•ommittee m e mber. Mrs. Bergeson rt'('Cntly made an exteruive tour of existing pri.sons lo examine tond1taons &nd sec if ove rcrowding really exists. She came aw:Jy convinced that allocation of fWld:, to cxp«rnd a nd improve the prison syste m i5 essential ~he found two prisoner:, sharing 6·by-9.foot cell:-. des igned for one. She foWld that in maximum security f <H:alttics 1t 1:-. ncc('~sary to have all g uards work an p airs for :-.;1fcly. <md that a t Chino it ta kes 900 employees to h an<tle 2,800 inmates thrcc e mployees for each pn:-.on<:r In n·ccnl l1mt::-. 1l has been lncrcasmgly accepted th:Jl rch<.1lJ1lit LJ lwn, vuc<.1lional training and probation an · not ~olving tht-cnme problem, that a prison sentence should bt· 1·c·g:.irdNI a s puna :-.hml·nt for a crime. Mr!> Bcn~cson. who 1s neither a hard h<.·<.irti.:d wom:rn nor <1 h1 ~ srH·ndt·r, was umong the comm1tlc(: mino rity who c·amt• to th a<; conclusion. · t ·nrortu11:itt'ly. lhc comm1ttcc ma jority wa~ swayed II\ ;1 p;1r:ull' o l ~ 1trw:-.scs urging lhc stall' t<> s pl'nd mor 1· 111011l·) on 1111:-.on ~1lll'rtWll \'t.::o. tht.J n on nt'w prisons Evc.m af the proposed program s hould be irut1<1tcd no"' it would lw t he mid ·80s hcforc a ny n e w facility could tw rc·adv Thas ...,,.tb<.tck c an onl y mt:an mor<: r mwding and rnon· d;1111-~1·r an the· c·x1,l1ng foc·1lltll's The Assembly nwrnllnsl11p ..,h<i1tfd kl<'k oul ttw w:.itered down ba ll and fa1 ·1· th•· [J('f !'. Good Neighbors T rac.It· unions ;ire: not ~1mun~ the most popul ar on!anizJI ao ns an th•· l''Jllnty th<:!'lt.: dav' But in L1111,:t Hc·:wh !Ill' 1m<.1gt· o f Local 12 of thl· lnt crnCJt1rmal Unw11 of Op<·ratang 1<:ng an1·<·r'!'I couldn't he brighte r T tw Hl'lanft·<I < 'haldrcn':-. l-'oundat1on in th:Jl c aty h;,i -, <1t<1u1n ·<l ,1 rlat 111n.d reput<ilaon for he I pang rt:tarded pcr~on:s. frorn e:h lldhc,od to adulthood, to obt:.11n t raining th;1t (•nahles lhl·m to leud productive lives and even earn t hc·11 own pay :1t lhl' fo undation's workshop. It 1·ttmt· to t h e C:J tlt•ntaon of Local 12 tha t the foun<lat aon was in urge nt nted of a new building to rchcv~ OVl't'c rowding 'l'h(•rt· wus a huilding site, but it would h.n·<· to 11« <'l•·an.'d of a n old c istern al a co1>t of i,ome $100,000 Thl' bwlding would take a nother $350,000 The fount.h1t1on d<JL'M1'I 1•vl·11 think about money in s uch ~muunL'> . Lo<:al 12 sf'l uµ a bu1lcling committee a nd raised the fJrst few thciu:-.a nd with a bene fit dinner. The n its m cmbc·r:.. who opcrute hPavy equipme nt CJl construction sates, were <JSkcd if they 'd like to donate their skllls and spare llm · to clearing and preparing the s ite. Th;.it took three months . Other con struction unions got interested and b(·gan donating time and raising funds. Construc·taon fi rms gave materials . An a r chitectural firm contrabut•·d ;1 dt•s1 ~n. for the new building . Th<: union meml>crs s:Jy they won't quit when the bualdmg l!'I up Their n<·xl proJect will be to rem od el the old foc1 la1 1 . ..., Th•·.v :-.<J V 1t makes the m feel good. It should m .. 1kc <.i lot of 1Jltwr JH:1mlc feel good too. • Opinion'> uxp1c'iscd m thr ·,pace above are those of the Daily Pilot Other v1ows exprn'isoc1 o n lh1s page are those of thetr authors and a rt1&ts Roader comm unl ,., 1nv1ted Address The Oatly Pilot, P O Box 1560 Costa MPf>a CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·4321 Boyd/Hardtack Ry l..M. BOYO flow c·an y<1u call your11clr rt isludent of th1· o ld Wild Wet1l , tf you d on 't know how to make that cowboy com- est1 ble called hardtack? Mi x • cup of flour und a teaspoon or s ugur and a hull teaspoon of salt with JUS\ e no ugh water to dampen It down Roll it into a thJn sheet, cul 1t up in two-square-Inch plece11, and bllke It for 15 minutes l.n p 400 degree. F Ovt!n . That's It. Mighty tough. Not recorn m ended for denture wearel'8. ln fact. not recommended. Art' aardvark can smell like rotten fruit, a nd that's no a c· Dear Gloomy * GutJ ·m Did t he competitive urge drive some of the fl'estn e t race yacht.men to take un. necea1ary risks? Just observe o u r l ocal 1allors "" they race near (sometime. ln l > the 1url zone endan1er· 101 1wlmmer1 •nd themMlves. M c. ' Of-• 0.• ~''"'"~·· .,,. ... . .......... , .... , ......... . -·-a ..... ·---.. r=:ff·~~ ......... 'cide nt . The otior attracts fli es. The aurdvark then cats Raid m es Pretty clever, the aardvark Co n sider unatta c he d women who are 30 years old. If never married, their chances of strolllng t.o the altar someday run about ~ percent. Jf widowed , their odds 10 a little higher, 80 per· cent . But If divorced, their matrimooJaJ fortunes 1ood or bad rtae all the w•y up~to 90 percent. \Vby the divorcee I.a so much m ore likely than other women to marry •tain hH lon1 been a matter of study by our Love and War m a n . He concludes that many divorce in order to re· marry 1entleme n friend• they've alr-.ady Uned up, re· u rdleu ol what they may tell the Jude•. and thlA in· fJuencee the 1tatl1Uc1. Did 1 tell you your muaea. weltb two and a ball Um• a1 much u your bonet? WhaJea, too. stampede. Q. "What wu the m<>At Im· port.ant ol Socrates' worka?" A. You mHll wrtt1ft11? He left behind no wrltlnc1. It waa h1I 1t&ldeat Plato who did the peomanabJp. Q. "What wu an 'unde1'- 1lav•' 18 old Rome?" A. Tbe tlave ol a 1Jave. T<>- day \beJ'N known u 11111· Watettrdon. Jack AntJ •non 'Gouging' .Boosts Beef Prices W ASJllNOTON Americana with an appeute tor beef are P•yln1 more WKf. apperently. ~nJoylJ\i It le.11 . They are cauMbl betwffn the catUemen, wbo cut back produclton unUI ac.icily made the price rtM. aod cJw re· tallera. who aren't above• UWe flna1hng 11t the wuppina-aod· prlcln, machine. 8ee pnce1 have catapulted from an 11verase or Sl . .S to s2 31 • pound 10 about two and a h11lf ycani Yd the morl' f' X p l' n b I V • t h u n l' v t• r c IJ t :. s ome ti me ~ art!n'l ttb ta:. ty as they u sed t o be y 0 u !I •• t•' some profit hungry retailers arc passing off low-.:rudc ~lt!akb and roast11 as "Prime ...... tlere's what has been going on bt'hand the meal t•ounter TUE PRICE gou~m~ bt•g1tn on tht' n mgc The ranc·hc·r 'l> profit. on lht• avn agl', lPIHJWrt from $26 lo S5U a hl·ad l al>l yl·;1r B)" Earl Wate·rH Much of WI yea.r. th• proflt for bfff on the hoof bJt a t.empor•ry hl'h oUll' a head. Yet the cattlemen cl.D point. with aome JWllke. to other fac· tort beyond their control. wblch bave tent the price of cows Jurnplnc over the moop. These Include bJah feed prices caused by the safe of train to RWMJla. two successive droughts, an ln· Oull of foreign beef and Presl· dent NlJcon'11 temporary control.a on beef pried. The Nixon move froi e pro d ucers' pnc.!fifbut did nolhtnl( to cut their overhead costs a asituation that drove many cal· llt'me n out of bus iness. with hul(e fmanC'lul ltn>Sl'll H E R~ 'TIIAT were llquu.Jated during unprof1t1.1 lJle years c11n 1101 Ix· built UIJ 11\.'crn1ghl C<.ttUt· tuk~· llffil' to Jtrow. l'1>Pt-•·1all) brt-t•<lt•r ('i.lllle Jo:vt-n w1U1 thl· -,pur o( ha~ht·r PrlCl'I>, then.' wen: only 111 111dl1on 1·uttl1· on lh1· h1Jof t'arll"t tha., v1·ar, C'omµ.1ri·ll tu 1:12 m1IL10n 1n 1974 /\rH1Utt-r pll.'C't' In I ht• Jl$:!*'~1v. pu21l1• ll> tht• r11l1· of lh1· rn1rl dl(•mun. lh<tl un1m~ m<>U'> \lllJlll 1u.1pect.ed of uu11n1 most ol our meat·count.er melancholy. The Atrlculture Oe parlme oL's s tatutlca make him leaa aioister than he 11~ed to be. WHEN BEEF wu 11.48 a pound, the tanner aot 83 ce-nt.s and the ..et.Her 47 cenl8, leaving 18 cent.a for the middleman With beef at an average of $2.31 a pound today. the f armer gets $ J.39. the retaJler 81 cents and the middleman only 11 ctnts The Agnculturc Department's 1nvealtgal0rs. ho wever, have un· covered profiteering at the re· tail level. The latest IJIJC l'IJM:, agatrusl Dom1ruck · s finer Food.!; of C hicago, demonstrates the need for 1-t.ernal vigilance i-:vt·n <ts lh<-Jus11c1: Depart· ment was JJrPpanng a 20 count criminal char~•· of dPhber ate m1i.la l>c·linK ()( mc:Jl at 10 or thc 1·hain .., f~l 'tUf)er m<1rk1•t!>. <t <'Om · J.!htan<:c 1·hl•1·k 11h1iwt'(I that !Wme Dorn1ru<'k ·, slrJrt·' we n : conllnu 1 n I! h I 1th,. Iv t n m 1 !>I <t bf; I , Wa-.h1nJ'll>n 11ff1n<tb <1111·~ .. i\ ('flf:t 'K nr 11. '>l<>r•· t)'I ~XJr It am•, <if 1\~~rll'u llu tt' t)ppart mt 111 '"' f•\llR·•''•r' <1n ~"\ Iii turned up evidence o( mitlltbel· Ina ·•l six of the market.I. The aJ. le1ed violations we re the ••me: kind u those wblch h•d led earlier to tbe filing of chugea. The investigaton found tb•t cuts of meat, or1glnally Jl'lded ''Cboice" by federal ln.1ped0fa at the packing house, hMS been fraudulently labeJed "Prtme" by Dominick 's . Th.is allowed the storP.K to cha rge an extra JO c e nts a pound at the meat count.er . TH E J URTICt: Department r ecommended a S200,000 fine, anti lJomim('k 's agreed to pay It the day after thP c riminal l'h arge 11 w e re f l lt'd , A spokes ma n for the ('hain told our as!I0('1ate Tony Capacc10 thitt h1· was not awor l' or the flndingi. 11( the May 18 chl!ck T h l' r t• m <t y h c h o p 1· .' meanwhtl.-, for som e price n· lief Prf.'l)1dt.onl C'<t rtn has put 0 11 a big show of Jawboning the food ind uslry arno lowcnn~ p rices l'h1-1 '' hom1·th1n~. the industry <'1.t1m.,, t trn1 would happt•n w1th1JUt lh1· prt•'>ld(•nt 's intPrvPn 11<>0 h .. C'<tu.w of i.t•asona l flul'tUa I 1110'> In 'IUppl \ Brown's Ambitions Erode State Busine©8 C11hfo rr11a ur1:cnlly n•·t'fb ,, lav. harrln),! 1h ~u\ crnlll from i.cek in~ •>llll'r 11H11·\· 1tur111~: lht• tc•rm for wh1C'11 ht· '" t•l1•1 ,,.,, Without ·,u1·h .J 1.1~ 'I.JI• 1 ''\ ernm1·11t will Ill' 111 1 1111t111uv l turmoil us one ~<ivt'rnor uft(•1 another 1·a ... 1:. hi' t·Yt''> 1·0 .. 1·t11u.' ly up1>n the Wl11t•· I l11U' .. 1· tni ffit!d1alcl)' fullowin)' Ill'> •·l•·1·t11,11 ai. ~Ovl'm11r Thal tlu~ mu:-.t h :q1p1·n w1lh•11Jt '>Ul'h J low 1., 1111•\ 11 ;ilil1·• Ht•111~· t h (' mo loo t p11pu l o u ~ s ta ll·. 1l and lb 11ff11•1Jh are 1·011.'>tlJnl I y 1 n I h ,. It mt·lt1•t11 1.r 1 he· nal1111Ld pr1·,.., 'J'h" .. v1•11 1 h•>t1t•h lht• g1n•i·r11111 m a v h •' oth1:rw1:w unv.1irthy of 1111111 • ANO TII E T IMI-: t•i t•nuct ... 111·h a law 1~ opporturw For ungt·r 1 ... rift: in the: l1·)(1!>lu1u11· Noc 11nl> dfJ the luv. m ak1·r'> rt•.,1·nt r;nv 1·rnor .ll·rry Brown ' 111:Jll•·nt 1on to :.t<tk affair... lw1·au.,.. 1,f ht:. all 1·on:>urrunJ.( amiJ1tw11-. for ha~hcr <>ffll't:, but h i., '1rn1~<111t treat m ent of lht•m :u, and1 v1duab has left him f('w hUppo rteri. 11nd even fewer fru•nds As for the sup- porters, they <'Ould hold a con· vcntlon in a ph1me booth and have room left nvN Not that anyon1• -.hould he Mir prised that Brown ha:s lo:st all an t.erest in stale mutk r:> Jt W&N not a ny burning desire to 1wrvc California that drove him to seek re.election . ft was mad am bition and the selfish wish l.<i u~~ the office as a stepping ~wnc to the White H ou se. None other than the village Idiot could huvc.• been bhnd to hUI purpo1u: STIU., for the benefit of thOl\e who maghl have been out to lun<'h when Rrown wui; smltt<'n with Potom ac fevn lnstirntJy Bob Green e ft1IJ11v. In#,! Ill' (•f1•1•1 lfirl (<1U I \ l',1(' t'dfl1t·r llll I 1tluutll fore· .... ;Jrt11•1! ltlt' , .. 11•r.. lu'>l <kl :!II •llut 1r lh1•\ V..t11l ••1I .1 l'H\t'lltlol lh• \ "41111ld11 t ).!•I 111w '" \11l1ni• f•Jr B1 UV. II "Brown -. rf'l'll.'l'tll'ln," 1l w,1 ... t .1 1 • d v. 1 11 • 1 1· n ,, I t h 1· l.t111H h1111: nf ,, 111 111411 f11r f'r •" d1·11t 1•ff111 I '\11 ""''" r ""di 1/11 lt.dlol· 111 1 •111n11 d lt11v.1ny ,, ll111v.11 \11'1111\ lh,111 tltt· dr11n1' .il111q• Ill• 1'•11 11111 .11 v. ill 't.1rl r111l1111: 111' •Jl1fort11.1 ( ·•r•tlt>I · Aftt•I all. hr· h.1d11 I lw•·fl 1n 11HH ,. lonr l'llfllll'lt "• f t·t ha ' 1hair v..11ni v.lwn 111 '.l<trtt·d pf.11101111: flp, 1:171, 1•1,..,11ff ·n11al li1d ll11v.1•\1'f, II• v.,1 "" 111t1•nl 1111 pr11i1·1•t1ni.: ltw 111.n p1ihl11·1un. I dun ·1 1·.tr1• 1111.11•1· th:.it tw ovl'rplJ> t·d h" 11,11111 Wh1·n h1· f tn.tlh 1••11 .1rt1und l'' ch-.r anltn~ 11n•1 1·ri . .,, .. ind ,,.., .errw .1n .11 ,, .. ,. '.ind11Jatt> 11 w;1:. ""' l.,t•· 1;,,,.11 .1nottw1 1 h,1n1·•· h• "'''" l ..,.,,.,,,. .,n, 111111 1\nrl 1,. 1111: .1 ,.,.,..,,"' v. h11 .1dm1ll1'1ll\ 1l•·t1I ., v.11h nnly '''" 'Ul>Jo•1·1 .11 ,, t1m• l!rov.n ' full "'n11 111 r .t1 1nn v.111 11• f111 U"''" 1on Iii• l'lk/I f'r 1·'>1rlo-nt1:1I I ll't ltlJll lh1 IJ,1\ ,1fl1 r 1111 1'1,)\ ~'I /II I ,el I J1•1 lltJ(I if ht '4 IO'I .... O R IHtO ~' I' n11lh1nr mttrt· th.in t1 cl1 h·tt.1nl•· If•· 11 •• , J1t•m iu ~ l1fr rnduh•1111• Ill f11~hl'> 11f fJl)t \ '.\ ilflHI~. f11Jtn lh1· p t 1\ •·rt' 111 ,J1•:.u1t n1t •nu~t 11· :-.tu<1w., In thl' studv ·or l.1w t1l th1• vnv. \l'n afnul•nt Y:tlt· thl'n bac k t11 lhf' t•arth" llf1• '" iJ r>('U('t' <tntl fa c•t•dom 1 I'll rwht' ma rchPr ht• •·ndt·d Up v.1th lh,. '>Up~1-dl~ ..r ud 1 t1· d:.i hbl m 1: In Zt·n I-or f u11 h•·• .imu:.1•m1·nl h+· lw1·<trrw ,, tt11\ p11fl(fl'l,Jn Th111u1•l1 th•· <Jl'''I 1l1·nt of tnrth whll'h ~«<vc ham ttw li•f:J• \ 111 ,, J:•1od pollt1c·;d n<Jm•'. lw twc ,11111• g11v1·rnnr lfl-now ...,. f'k • t11 11..,1• th:tl ftlJ'>I only lll> <tn .n 1·11u1· t11 1:r1.,Jt1•r gl1>ry " ''·'"' rnll\ agr 1·1· with a l11rlhl'1 ·.1:11t-irwn1 m:11h' dl that 111111 ":v1·n 1r Hr11w11 :JIJ,111 rt<in•·1I ;ill l'n•-.1dN1t1al amh1t1(}nl> .ind w11rk1"f'J 0"1•rt1 ml· :st llf·m~ ~·11\ •·rnor 1t W1Juld 'I till tx· no ,,.., q.: ::1111 .. Hut th•· n•al <:ri m•· '"· th11I 111·arly 1111 flf lho51· <1fJpm11ted ltv H1 own lit(' u. ... inr.: the11 'tat•· of flC't•'\ tn h('halr r,f Brown'<; l1res1dt'nt1al amh1l1nn-. with tht• rt·sult s t<tl•· ROV1•rnm1·nl '' 1n near ch1J<Xo, There Are No Jokes in Prison Pen Pals Bulletin It 1s c r yptic pot>try o f a mysten oua sort, free ve r se failed with anguish and hope. The first time you 11ee It, It m akes no sense. All in caplUI letter!\, sq ueezcd a nd s ho rte ned for !lpace, It bcfuddlc11 and ronfu.sea ROOSEVELT DANIELS BX 99 C 70022 PONTIAC IL 61761 'L7 V E R Y LONELY HAS NOONE Then y o u read more . You u nread a t y o u r leisure ; there are hundreds LLOYD MULDROW 1''3W BX 24-t LA ORAN G E KV 40031 J_,ONELV llAS NO FRIENDS OR P'AMILY PREF FEM Pase aft.er pe1e, Une after llne, and still ll .coea on . Soon enough you beliCln to underslu.nd. R l CK PR U I TT BX C WA UPUN WJ "963 SERVlNG L I FE VERY l.1JTT l .. E MAIL HO PES SO MF.O Nt; WILL WRITE POUll 'nM.£8 a year, It coes out. ll la OM of Amerlca 'a leut· known pubUcaUoaa; lt hq no pr••U••· It it called Priaon Pen Pal NIM Bulletin. Tbtre are no artJel•: no ptc. lurt1: DO jok•. Jutl pace alter pog1• <if th•• J>fil$(nonl pleas from men who rur11 pt 1'''-tht•1r Uvc-iri Into a few e·Jp1tol11.t·d <'ha racturs ot type: The of'wtilt·tter 121 put out by Lou Torok, 51. of C'l nclnnall. Ohio Torok's full t1mt• JOb 111 ln the udvcrtl:sing d1•partment of a C' atholl t' dlO<'e111rn n1·wi.paper In ('1n c innnll ; ht• puhllshea the P rison Pen Pol New-. llulletln on hl11 own time. Jn l!MH. when he wu 20. Torok went Into San Quentin. In all. ht· spent 12 ye11ra in pru1ons around th'' country for u variety of ('rlml'h grand theft, forl(r ry. assault "T he letters I reN!1ved from people on the out1udc made all the d1Irereoce in my life," Torok said . "CorrespondlnJ< with thoee people made me c1v11' It defwied my anaer. (t took 3Wfty 80 much of the rage and lont>Unot1 and tnutr.tioo." TOROK Will\ lucky enouatl to h ave outside correspondents becau•t of ft 11cries of evenu that besan when an ualatant warden befrtendtd him. almost none or the other pdsonen had t he ume or,portunlty. Flvo years a10. a ree man , he •tart ed bl• oowalett.er to Lr)' to let other prlaonen h.ve • chance to uch•hl• lett.en with peop&. oo the outtide. The mecbanlca are fairly •lm· pit. The exlat ente of t he new81l>t ter 11pread8 by word of mouth In prisons around the country. Pr111iOnera write to the newsletter, expressing a wish to hear from "citizens,·' as fr<-'<' people are <'ailed. Peopfe on thl• out.aide wbo wish to receive the news letter also write in and re· quest It. Four times a year. the newsletter -filled with the prisoners' bnef biographies 1s m all('d t.o the citizens who have U11ked for It. It 11 then up to the free people Lo look though the newsletter . pick out • prlloner. and begin corr espondence. There is no t harse to either the prlaonera or the outalde letter·wrttert; the newt letter la funded tbrouach contribuUona. ·and throup M · alstance trom the Pl•yboy f'OWl· dation. "PRISON la a sray , op- preulve world where the w•ll11 clo11e In and t an llte rally drive you Insane," Torok said. "The aen au of a prison e r are deprived -the ear. the eye and the nOM tenae the same thln11 day alt.er day, year after year. The prilonen live ln a cement box 24 houn a day. To 1et a let· ter trorn the outtlde. ttlUna you what atMI' peoplt ~ \be real world are eirper\tlDeUll •.• It'• eo ntce to hear about flowers bloomlq In I.be back yard., aod birds l>in~ing , and the 'ma1lmllll cominij · Torok knows that many people a re afraid to write lo prisoners: t hey feel that the pnsoners are dangerous. even deadly. They fear that the pnsoner~ will get out some day and come to see them. and they don't welcome th:.it prQl\pect Torok. 81\ an ex·conv1cl, doe& not try to KW<'etcn the picture. I fr says to would be correepon· dent:, 011 the outsidt• "THESE AaE n ot Boy Scouttt. They are not In priaon because lbey t ang In the c hutetl choir too loud. They are not even very nice people , by your standards." Out he gives clll:tens the op. portunlly to write to prlsonera - lncludln & rapists. m urderera and lhJevn -becauae. "Your letter mlpl be the only Ullnl th1tl bappena t.o lhl• prisoner to ~ban1e hit We. J've aeen It hap. .,.n •lain and •lain -priaooerl who bad seemed beyond hope reco1nbin1 a 1entler 11lde ol their natun bec:a\AM aomeoae ~ tbe ouUide wortd b11 taken tbe tJme to ll'eat them 11 human be- m11, Jumtb)I ~ a.u.n." ., I The ..._.al UM Prilae ,_ Pal News Bullelln 1' Bo& 1217, Ciacl.Daultl. Ob1o 4630l. ( q ·-- -· ..... ··---. -.. . ---. ----·--. .. -.. NATION ~nee<iay.Augus122. 1979 DAIL y PILOT A 1 Moon's l'iew An artist believes this is thf' way the planet Saturn would appear from Rhea. the moon tha t is seventh rn distance from the planet. The P ioneer Saturn spacecraft 1:-. slated to make its first light past the planet on Sept. 1. closing to within 13.000 miles. . VFW to Enter Politics NE\\-ORLEANS CAPJ The Veterans of Foreign Wars has voted a political action committee which will permit the VFW to e ndorse p o litic al candidates for the fi rst time in its 80-year history The voice vote Tuesday t o c reate a six-m e mber political action committee was obviously in e xcess of the two-thirds ma- jority required for amending the VFW bylaws THE VOTE CAME after two hours of debate at the VFW'~ an nual convention here. ·'The question Is not whether the V f''W s hould become in vol V{·d in politics. We have been 1n polit ics for years. What wt• should do 1s simply put our money wher(' our mouth is." said Howard Vander Clute, s upreme vice com· m and e r in chief The VFW claims to represent t ,875,000 vetera ns of fi ve foreign wars. Donations to the commit· tee will be voluntary, so no estimate can be made how much money the VFW will have to back chosen candidates. JOHN WASYLIK, ONE of the members opposed to formation of a polJtical action committee. said he beli<.'v<.'s the m easur e Wi ll be IDVISI\'(' ··r am del'ply concerned that the r mpn•!>swn 1s that all "'t· haH' to do 1~ form a PAC and w P will i,:et ev<:'rything we want," he FINAL 3 BIG 'DAYS THURSDAY-FltlDAY-SATUUAY-AUGUST 23, 24, 25 MOST ITEMS AT COST or BELOW COST! ~aid "The PAC will d1 v1de us, I and we'll lose membership." Cooper Holt, a delegate from Washington, D.C .. and a lobbyist in Congress for veterans' bill!>, sa id a political action comm1lt<'e is necessary. "WHEN YOU PEOPLE come to Wa shington with your delega. l ion, you can't even find your congressman," he s aid 'Tm sic k and tired of silti ng in hallwavs to see a m an who doesn't -care about veterans.·· 1 Opposition to rorme1t1on of lhc I pol1l1c:al action commntce cen- 11·red on whethe r six directors ~oul d be able to reflect the wishes O( the memb<•r V('ICranlt -·- JARMAN FLORSHEIM HUSH PUPPIES STRIDE RITE LEATHER SHOES SAVE If your interest is making money, you are doing business with us. MOST MONEY Your T·TOPP[R cer1ificatc -\..sro.ooo minimum dcpoi.1t for IX2 days a1 a high ra1c• e~1abl1shed each week. A~ Federal regular ion' allow "mplc in1crest only on lhe1e ccrt1r1ca1es. we recommend tran~fcr of this intcn=-;t each month 10 your PASS BOOK ACCOlJ'll. where 11 cam~ an C\Cn greater >•dd on your original invc~1mc111 CONvENIENT MONEY Keep ll in your PASSBOOK ins1cad of your ~allct ' Ir\ 1n,1anrlv .t\ atlable (an~ amount in or out. any 11mr). e;s~y lm.111 11 ,,J\ ,. rim.- and gas), !talc (ln~urcd) and ru odu1:11vc Inc~ h1~h ~· '. 1 MONEY PACKAGES Choice\ .. lh•1tlc'' I 1x1~ .11 riur '\fW 4-Y I l\R CFRTll-ICA I I SI()() m1n1mu111. 1ntcrc:'1 compountkd d.11ly, rate• dc1crmined mon1hh tty 1hc I rc:uun depanm1:11( Or look 31 our 0 I Ill I< Cf' R 11 1-ICi\ 11 ...., \ IOO m1nrmum, I >< \c,m . rar<:• h1f.I , W r ~Udr.tntl'Cd tor l11 ll 1crm MORE FOR YOUR MONEY (lct more for 1hc mo11cv \OU -.p~:nd' ~250!) in,c:.,tt:d 111 .i n' 111 tl'H· :i bmc t•nrttfc, \Ou 111 memhl.•r,h1r 111 I Jl.!Und I nkr.11 ">l\Vl:R~ (.I L B v.11h mcmbt-r\' d1,lt11J01' l lr\ll'd 1n the trct' mag.11mc, ( 0 \1 PA""• I JI ll 1.irl 'hllJl'. 1 hcdh.''' ,JllraCllOn\, l~laUl,1111\ hOlcl\, llUl\t:\ J Od \OUr\, r lu' hi.Ill I I ndllOn"'1dc J'> lr)lct.I 111 othcr ~1\\ I K\ (I ~ R mJCd/llh •,,,,,,,\I/'•"·'''' ''•J111t 11I I,,/"' n1111ur1 , 11J,,frtJ• JI Thrift yield' home o~ ner,hip. ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION 8 AL80 A 8R.t.NCl1 800 E.Mt 8.Mboe 81•0 861C>Oe CA 92f.til '"' 673·3701 1-10 M r Orr 1 r l 200 r ,. ;. .. , • , "' . : .: FSIJC -f.•Jr' ,. f1 .., .. ,.,,. •' • • • 1 --l ..11lvr .t ,.~ 4'i• • 0 ~ ... ' l"\'I• • L •, f ' "' ' • ~r rr "''• • 1•1 30%-40% Off.· 30%-50% KEDS TENNIS SHOES GETTING CLOSER 5T"-Sf"' SAYE 30%-50% • NA TURALIZER • LIFE, STRIDE • FAMOLARE • HUSH PUPPIES • IAIE TRAPS • SllCCA • CHASSHOPPllS • KEDS 9 -....~ THE. e ·SHOE T • 2300 H•ltor It.cl. HAllOI CIMTll Cost.W... til41546-6775 THE Between the May Company and B -N\ontgomery Ward, the Mission Viej o Mall really covers a lot of ground. But now you can get from one MINUTE !>tore to the other-in a ~inute-with our free shuttle bus service for shoppers. e Every Saturday and Sunday, the shuttle runs back and forth between both stores-so you won't have to. Which will also give you extra energy to start closin'g in on back-to - school fa shions for the whole family. Best of all, we're going to great lengths for you by putting on the final touches for our festive Grand Open- ing In October. In fact, you can think of the mall as a new neighbor that's getting closer by the minute . mission lllJOIRlll Conveniently located at the Sen Diego Freeway (Interstate 5) and Crown Valley Parkway. · DtvclOped/Owned/and Opereted by The Edward J. DeBertolo COf poretlon ~~~~~~~~~~~----~------..... ..- Weonoldey. Aug"'' :n. u110 Wednetday. Auglill 22. 1979 -~/?OCEAN SPRAY CRANAP.PLE JUICE ~ VITAMIN C ADDEO 17 oz. CANS 48 oz. JAR :$ s c GENERAL MILLS . ( ''TRIX'' CEREAL CUCAMONGA · RANCH STYLE BEANS )~======= GEBHARDT JUMBO - PURE ORGANIC "= • IJ tr " SKIPPY "Cream or Chunk" PEANUT ' BUTTER SKIPPY 1m~11111111111 18 oz. JAR \l JI. SLICED-CHUNKS or ~~~CRUSHED 151/• oz. CANS c A N s )===-==== c =-=( UNDERWOOD SANDWICH SPREADS 41h oz. DEVILED HAM or 4¥4 oz. CHICKEN YOUR CHOICE ,!!~ ... ((~ ~ ~ ........ CM '? 1\ I ----r-----. FRUIT-FLAVORED ':UIL&.IAMS GariicSa1t ~ ,,, (~l ~ CORN PUFFS 12 oz. BOX WILL IAM S "Golden Sweet" DELMONTE CORN CREAM STYLE or WHOLE KERNEL KING'S "Hawaiian Sweet" BREAD 16 oz. B OTH SARDINES ' IN SOYBEAN Oil 4 oz. CANS DELI CIOUS ''HOT'' or "COLD" 15 oz. CAN c DEN NISON'S RISTOL "Boneless-Skinless" COOKED HAM SUNSHINE KRISPY 16 oz. BOX • H • B "Fresh Pak" Strawberry PRESERVEg~ 2-1.B JAR . TAMALES IN CHILI GRAVY 30 oz. CAN c \\: IJ ff ~ CH ICKEN OF THE SEA OY STER STEW 1012 oz. CAN ~$ )XLNT TORTILLA CHIPS Natural-Cheese · Taco . 8 oz. BAG =C C • H • B "Chunk Light" TUNA IN WATER OR OIL YOUR CHOICE 61/i oz. CANS MIWPOIT .. ~lln ......._ ....... .._ &TOIG-1417J ............ MllW~llkp • .._,. fCMMfAIM ¥M&I' 11&9 •1&W... IAMfAAMA-nll ........... ' __ ..,_.., ___________ ,._. FOOD PREPARATION SYSTEM CHOP·SHRt:D-SUCE·CRATE ~~ L1li.1: hdv1ng d protei.:.1onal er 111 11ghl c11 your s1Clt: ~~ 4 195 ~~ - ) i ~ "™< FIR ST THING IN THE MORNING •.• TRY "SC OPE" MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 24 oz. BOTTLE '• • •• • • • '• -I Shoul ders SHAMPOOS ~~ for DANDRUFF CONTROL CHOOSE FROM 7 oz. TUBE or 11 oz. LOTION >~!!!iiii!iiiii!ii ~~rn COLGA TE DENTAL CREAM with FLUORIDE 9 oz. TUBE ' ~ . 1.19 p TOWELS I Works Like A Spo•e PRINTS & SOUS . ·---·-·-w= . Wednesday. August 22. 1979 DAIL V PILOT /I 9 ....... llwm "aST OF NATURE" -, Jitamin . E ' CU RrY 4-00 l.U. BOTILE OF 100 CAPSULES 3.99 SUPER .Soft Puffs 260 REG. SIZE or 100 KING SIZE FIR VIRTUALLY SPOTLESS DISHES TRY CASCADE BACK-TO-SCHOO FILLER PAPER BIKE BAG 10111·x 9-SIZE Carry 1111M With Eau w1e1e or College R. ule &Be Heavy cotton w11n 199 200 SH££TS EA. solk scrHn design • ,, 3-PAK CADDY 11x81h BINDERS SCOTCH MAGIC PRESSBOARO 77 Trana111rent TAPE 99 'I>"• 1" Dip C Z-nlll. •11·aa-C h. 1-nll. ~.·. 300" 18"x 24" CORK or CHALK 5.95 BOARDS with Alu11lnu11 Frame U. ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE FORMULA "STYLE" HAIR SPRAY Ass't. Formul as. 8oz. Sli 9£. _I HARTZ 2 IN 1 ~~~ or COLLAR for FLEAS & TICKS Con11nuou> P101> ,,, •1 9-LB. 13 oz. BOX 2.39 It \ICI Z tt\HTZ '21n 1 r5 ( OUAli IOI ooc;s A '• -· .._. I LIQUOR SPECIALS Count Vasya Davenport ~=A &.99 ~·:. I! lft 1.75 LT. 1.75 LT. IMlll Maclinnon's Fester Crllk 8COTCH llOUllllON ·~.75Lt.l.41 .,..1.11LT.8.31 7 SPEED BLEND OR ® with 5 Cup Shatterproof "Power Pitcher" Both metric and ounces measuring gu•<lfS Convenient cord-storage ~::lii:llii'oii-1 keeps cord lrom 1angllng FOR All TYPES OF LIQUIDS K~eps iced or•nks arctic <olCI and hot beverages ,1~c1M1ng hot tor nours 1.9 LITER \\:8.88 LATCH HOOK & 88 PIUOWS U 1 s·~ e EA. LATCH H~K RUG KITS 8 8 8 ))::: SIZE 211-. 2r e EA. "DIAMOND" ALUMINUM FOIL 12"x 25ft. M.P .S. -< "CHUNKS" DOGFOOD from KAL KAN 23% oz. CANS • • i t -y I t AN QM.Y Pl.OT &~ \1@(!!]([ @@[[Wfl©@ "Oat a~., r• vn.t• r.o ~ °"""' "°' ."'*" nit .,.,., •. ;,ltmg tJv oal1Prr'I .. at'flOlt ~ rtH«t r.o .oi w DlfliOli'llN• m ~rMM Cl'td ,,.,,,...., '' Mo&l 1 WC*' QWll'°"' to Pot Dua,., AC Yo.r ~tltN'. C>ro"g. Cout Ooal11 PiJM. P 0 6o.r I , (''~o M•tu. CA nail. M '"°"II llrtftrf CY po .. bW !Rll hr ~rtd. blAI pltorwd ~· or '*""" "°' otCludmg t"-readn'• tlfll .uM. oddN'U and """"'" Muri' p"'1M •mbrr~ bit~ T"*'t'Ol"m"GJIPl'Cf'cb 111 c~ Sunda11• .. DEAR READERS Cona"' man Jamn ll. ~beuer. O.N. Y .. <'hatnn•n of t.h_, llouae Su~om mltlN oo Consumt r Protecllun and t'ln•Mt-. •aata to ~ar h-om you N an a<'Uon lino column t"f'acler. JOU are ln a po.~llloo to ~port your m-.!or ronsumer complaints and Utus help the suhrom mlttH .ec pnontJ~ tn lr)'IJll to ~Iv~ s1gn1fkant COl'UIUmH' \lnlblem ~ fo lo•'tt\Jl QUE':StiOl\IUUN! to tes t grassroo~s consumf'f' attitude has been rn•1led to more thun 400 8l'UOn lint' JOUrrt•lt Is h y (.'ongres~m&n Scheuer Complelt'd 1,1ut•l'lltonna.1res received from ~aders .,u bf' ma1lt'd to Wurungton for nal1o nal uabulalton S<'heuer will rt'lt-ne the survey results at lhu natio nal Action Line Reporters Association (ALRA> conference to be held In Washington. O,C , Oct. 14· 16. Scheuer notes, "Action Une r e· porters eombin e c o n s ume r a ffai rs and in· vest1gative Joumallsm to resolve more Utan two million consume r complaints e ach year " Top complafot cate gories cited by the ALRA in 1978 were m ail order sales, automobile home repair, government programs and insurance. Readers ar c asked to complete th e following ' q uest1onna1rt' and mail it back lo A YS. Let your voice be heard in Washin~ton. Q U EST IONS FROM T H E CONSUMEH PROTECTION ANO FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE I. Have you romplain<'d about a product<sl or servicc(s) in the p:ist year'! a. Yci. ( > b No < I ('. Wanted lo, but didn't I > 2. rr you did complain: What was the pro · ductcsl or servicclsJ" To whom ilid you complain·• Was the problem r <'Solved" 3 If you had a problem but did not com plain. whv not" <Check onl' or morel a Too much or 11 h it;sle ( I b I>icln 't know whom to contact < 1 c 01dn 'tlhink 11 would do an} goc><il 1 d OthN I , 4 Whlt'h of tht• following would you cuntart for help with :i 1·onl>um1·r nrohlcm'• r Ir mon• than one, plc·ast· r;,nk in ord1•r 1 a Manurattun:r t 1 h Con1'Uffit•r rroup ( I I' Hl·t:1d1·r111<:alcr ( I d Bu~1 n1•ss f.(roup t 1 1• /\<•I 1110 line I J f EI N·tccf r t'prt•<,(•nt<1t1v•· ' I I! J..J'•A.)t•r ( J h Govc:rnmt•nt a gcnc) 1 1 1 Olh•·1 1 1 J 11.J1m1· r 1 ~ Wh<•n 1111\ 1111· c:on<,1Jrn1·r produt·ti. do you look for I ht• h<:-.'>t 1 ('t11·1·k 1101· or mun· 1 a Pn<'t· 1 1 b Brand nanw 1 1· W<irn.inty C >ti. Hct.i1ltr t 1 c Credit term!. ( 1 ( Othrr r 1 fi Wha·h of tht·!'>~ hw,inc~s people do } ou generally not trui.l'' '1·hN·k 11nc or more> a Jns uranc·e agent:-. 1 1 h d<>tlr·lo dQl>r 1"1alr·~pt'<1ph· ( ) c. Groc·1·r-,' 1 d TravPl /\~1·nl'> I I 1· l '>Cd e;ir d<: alers I l f !'Ot•v. t·•ar d1 •al1·r~ 1 1 g Auto rncchetntci. I I h Othr>r l J. 7. Do you buy pmduets th rou~h the mail'' a Yes 1 l b. No < > t 1'.t·d to. but no looger t > If 1'0, wh1c•h or the follow in~. If any, have you · expcnC'm·c:d'' t('he«k o n1· or mr1r e> u Product . nevf'r dr•li\'1·rt·d < 1 ti H<'funds not prov1d1·d 1r cl1., satisf1t•f! r 11· Prohlt rn!->, IJUllhl'y w1•n· rc~oh r·d t 1 d Morf' than a :io dav wa ll for dcllv1·ry t J t! Pro<lurt didn't ltv1· UJI "' d aim ... I ) r No pro blt•m s a ot S<'ltled w1tlun !IO days < 1 ~ 1';<1 prohlc•m& 1 1 8 I fo vc you lt1.1d your 1·:ir r('puircd 1n the past ycar·1 a. Yest > b . No I 1 r Don't have onC' < 1 ,.. QUEENIE • t .... ,.. ..,..~, •• f. l-,Vl'll 11 t·.ir "'1111ltl11'1 hra~ about 11 '" Bible Society Prints Comics LONOON <AP I S111<Jerm1tn. the lnrred1blc flulk and monsters from 1-pac t· <'tin't teach the British 1!1bl<' S<lt•1f'!y mut'h <ihout horror. '>a y CrtllCS or the !>O('ll't) ., llf'W puhhs hJOJ,! Vc•nl Ur£• Tht• 175 yt·.1r old 11q:;in11.at1on has puhl1'>hl'<1 a C'OOllC' hook \'l'f'lllll of lht· 'olOf\' or S:t011'0rl, th1· Ohl T f'sla nwnt twro "'h" '"~' 111' h;11r. tu -. <,(11·11~th and h11' t') t''> to th1· h1.·;iut1ru1 lklilah Ill-: REGAINED lllS lli\IR AND his '>lr1·111•1h in cap tn 1ty und brought th~ k m pl1· 11 f the Ph1hstirws eras hing on h1mM·lf :.ind mnr1· th:in 3,000 or his fo~' Tht• llo11k , fur )'()UOJ.:'>11•r-. H :md older. ::.hows 1t :ill in g11r' full t olor Srll':1king m<Kf('rn ~:nf,!lai.h in hultl1le 1·,q1t mn .... Samson 1s also '>hC>"ll ''IUl'('ZJng u l11m to d1 'i1th .mcl S(' ll lnJ~ f I rt• to :IOll r II~,., V. ho I 1111 10 t <1 t Ji I' Phtlis ttrlt''' frl·lct... :in1l w t lht·m :iflanw Thi· high '-Piii " tlw blinding 11r S.trn'>rni a r1·d t-iot stakl· being JtlUll).!t'd 1r1t11 •Hit' ('\I', th1· C1th1·1 •' hurn1·d out c;111 k1·t .11111 th•· ht·ro '-ho"'n full fau ., "nthing 111 41g1111\ A FIRST PRl'liTl:\(; OF l!i,00(1 c 11p1•·'> 11( · Sam ... on lhl' \l 11:ht) I'> "'' •.;111· f•>t $1 ;1 11111\. eomp1·t1n1• 11n 111 :1~:.111111· '>L111d , v.1t h t~w u-.11:.i l tu.r ror v. Jr .ind '<.'11 1w1• r11 lion h111111·' Thi· ll1blf' S.wwt~ 1' rrian.1 1-:1111: 1 d1tn1 0:1\ 1d ll ~tlls. "'Y" h1· pluns '>1mil;ir 11lw.trnl•·d \'1•rs 111n:-. for th\• vouni.: of th1· •,t11r w .... •1f "''"''' i\lir.1ham ant1 .lo!->«ph 11'· sa y-, he• ht:1rli'fl "'1111 ~.in1 .11n lwf'au.,t· he ,., th•• mo't ::.t·nsat1on:d ·' H:nmond .John,11111. drr1•f't111 •·f lh•· f''' '' .111•.t rPlig1nU.., mo\l·mt·nt :". ,1 111111.tl h sl I\ .ti "r l.11-(ht. ~ai-s "Sam!>nn t hf· M11:ht ·,· p.1111Jlo1, !•1 .i thirs t lor v1ol1:n1.·1· "TllE Pt'TIINC fH'T OF SA"so~·~ 1'\I'' IS d c•p1ctt•d with a hurnfymg cxpllc1tr1c~i. v. h1t'h •~ tot <illY unn1·1·1·1'-.an . ' ht· c;a1rl Iii' '>ll~/!f'''''d 0 lh1· 11lu!>tr:1l11in m.1y \'1<1lale th•· Ch1ldrrn :ind Young l'f'r'>on-. ll<1rmf11I P ul11it·11 t1•in·. J\l'l pa:-.M·d in l~~.~1Lol11r ti t 11n111 h1.>11k t·XC'l''>M''> J ohn>-ton t ;illt·d 011 1h1· "11.·1,.ty 111 1A1th1l raw lht· hook from ~al•· and n •pf;i1·1· lh•· t1lind1n~: "'l•nr: Tht• sot·1el y i.a1d 1t "':..:. n•arly lo d/<,t'U"s th1· rnatt<'r v.1th him . hut llJlls <•1mm•·11l1 .. t 'It '' unhk1·I} that ehildren who can t OJ>l' with Uu· v1olenn· ,,r th•· lnc-red11Jl1· llulk or tht: h<1rrnr or Sh:t:ping Beauty "'ould IX' ~crwu.-.ly wor ried by SamMin " If ~o. was 1l tehcl'k om· in each c1ttcgory> a N ew I I b. lhw<1 < l 1· Undc•r w arranty I ) d . Out or W1trranty < J t·. Runrung s moothly after repair < 1 f. Still broken < I g. Hcµa1 red by et denier < > h. Privette mcchanir < J 9. What type of in ~uranc~ do you h ave'1 T if t: NON ·DE N OMl ~i\T I O N /\I., n on (chL'ck one or mor(.') a. llc ullh 1 J b Tenant < 1 c profit M><.·1ety v.a.-. !'>ta rted 111 1804 by the Rev Lift: I 1 d Auto c J e. Homeowners 1 > f Other { 1 Thoma." Ch arles. a Wcl~h dr·r~yrnan tonC'crned g . Nnnt• I ) . over the lack of B1 bit•!-. in thr· \\ (·J~h language It JO Which of the following problems. 1f any . publishes the A1hle in 21iH l;.inguagt"'> in d11Jh·1 b h a ve you experien ced with your ini.urance'• The com11: 1>tnps ;1n· drawn by a t1·;im of CCheck one r1r m ore, if ans we r applies to <inc type f'r<'nch artist'> cJ1re<:lN1 by a 7CJ y1·ar old Hom<J n of 1 nsurance only. pl ease 1>JX!ciry > a Policy hard to Catholic pn e:.t. the Hev Pwrre Th1vol11er Th'e understand < 1 b Po li cy m1sn·pr~cnled hy :.gent 1 ) society stud he had s p1·nt m uch time: working with c . Company failed to rc!'>ol vc cornphJ1nl t > d poorly educated children in l'an s. , Complaints, but they were r<:solv<.-d f Jc Cl:i1ms not -,,,..-~i!i-~-~--~~~~~ settled in 90days < J f. No problem11 t > , • 11. Whal do you feel rnmp1tnr~ huv1· no right •to con.ciidcr in granting t'rc<l1t'I tCheck one or m ore) a. Incom e I I b P«r.-,onal hub1t'> < > c. Pi.st credit record < J d . SpouM"~ crerJ1t < > c Other ( > 12. Do you have i.ln y nv.d1t r;mlli'> u Yes I I h. No C > c. Used to, but I ranN·llN1 ltiem t > d . Ui.cd to, but they we re canrcllNJ t 1 13. If you currently hav1· r1r u111Jd tu h<tvc cn:rhl - .. cards. which of the follow1nl(, rf ~ny, htiv1· Y'lU u pe rienced? a . Bill!\ h ard lh unrlPn.tancl I J h ~Com plaints not settled in 9'1 di.y'l < 1 " ln<'Mr1·rt charges on bills < > d. P m l>h:m11, Lut lh•·v w•·r•· ,,. t solved ( > e. Noproblcm 11 I 1 f Jtig .1.~P~ ~::~~ ~o ~~~,.~*'~ ~h;; '~';!:;,~,.~,':;'/;-~~· to ccasionally < > d . Alway" ' J , 15. Whal consume r problem •1'•J1111, If 1tny. · ahould Congress consider'! • 16. What do you think 111 the• 11umhn one· Mn NEILL CRANE SERVICE 531-3374 "'llll "410N. 1"4C \ANT A ANA ~~~.'~ATINC \MM 1# .. H H .. 11 ... ', t I ~,. / I llf 't I ...,., 4Lt. 'Uh~ ·A•'''•\ f(14J( ,,,..,,, ff •U ·,,,,.. tt••t•\t ,,,.,,A•~•• ""''"NII \ab42-17SJ f i l4 H•'flllll,,., t flfwfl '"•Hit,.. Yll J0495-0401 , .. ), C...m.• t .... ,., .... 1umer problem? .... ~~&,;.;,t,;.;"~'•;;.,I ;.,:.A••t• f'!:J I CORRECTION In the Sear• Ad· vertlslng section of Aug. 22 there la an advertisement for #5827 LC -84 Calculator. The Regular prtce and Sale price are In- correct. The cor- rect Regular Price I• $19.99 and the correct Sale prtce la S14.99. We aln- cerely regret thla error. [Sears I MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATm SIX MOBtB-:$10,000 lllllIMVM 0 BaLH .,.. QuoWd _.kl¥ and.,.. bu.cl on t.he aver- &«• cu.oou.ru,.... ror ttx·monU\ u.s. TnlUW'1 swa. •o purob.Ne ot tedotmpUo1l r .... JedertJ refUIAr UOM pl'Ohibtt. oompoun.411'41 of tn"91'Nt. &nd reQU1NI a .W.C&nual tntel'Mt. pe~ tor e&rt.1 wu.hdl'awt.l. QUOTE FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 23 THRU AUGUST 29, 1979 = PAS'ffl'# C..-., ... AUi t' , ,.._111-1m Pomona Fht Fedwal .. _ ... _ > PCMft'AM YA&&lr .......... .._ ........... .. ....,.·._ ..... ..... .... ,,,. Ltindlr a ..... Oppoltunlr .......... ,. ' AT YOUR.SERVICE /WORLD THE:RE MAY BE A SHORTAGE OF GAS Btr THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF ENERGY AT YOUR COMMUNITY COLLEGES. We're here to serve you. W e're full service. We're cooperallve. We 're attenhve. W e'r e responsiv e. W e're energetic. W e're counselors. W e're educa tors. W e're lu1t1on free. And wr/re n earby Th1~, mPSsdge brought to you by ORANGE COA ST COLLEGE, GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE and CO A ST LINE CO MMUNITY COLLEGE FOR MO RE INFORMATION 556 5609 Frtll SPme·,ter B'·qin:, Mond.:ly, S1 i~l•·."!l br•r 10 icqq 5 HO S 0 LY 50% OIF INVENTORY THIS THURS~ Y, AUGUST 23 5 P.M. io I 0 P.M. W. HOLT INTERIORS PENS ITS DOORS FOR A All Out ..,. Must lo lllYENTORY CLEARANCE 30%-50% Savin on Furniture Lamps-Ace ssories OUR PROFESSIONAL D THERE TO ASSIST Y • Free Delivery • W. HOLT I Phone: 853-1750 IGNERS WILL BE R EVERY NEED e of All Sales (JACK ANDERSON) AEVIALS In DAILY PILOT L , , J .. --... ~ .. ~·"-• ...... _.... ... ~ .. .. . .. -. . . - ORANGE COUNTY Seal•eeae• Mass Transit Project Eye d ON THE ISSUE OF public access\o the beach fronting the private Surfside Colony. Antos said the only present access point is at An<lrson Street j ust west of the Huntington Beach boun\ary. Antos said the city is interested in ax acres of fcde r:JI land al the northwest end of SWside near the channel entrance to Huntington Harbur. He gave no details about negotiati.,s or the potential cost of the acreage. Antos also said the city is seeking lelp from the state Transportation Department tocomplete a bike trail link rrom Seal Be ach to Surlsle. Orange Coun t y"s Environmental Management Agency lE MA > was ordered Tuesday to Corm a committee that will decide bow $647.500 can beat be spent to s upport "affordable housing" projecta. Iss uing the order for t h e co mmitt ee's formation to oversee the s pending of a fede ral Housing and Community Development grant wa:. the county Board o f Supervisors. O rqp n a ll y , th e $6 4 7.500 h a d been earmarked to buy land fo r devel opment of arrordable housing in t h e cou nt y's southeastern reaches. I 7 b l T • When that quest was r oca u ary ... o•ic aban doned, the grant .r.c money bec a me available for o ther Of Course at 0 C ~~~~i~~ed affordable ' j ~ s · s· Oranp,c C"oa~t Coll<'gc in Costa Mc~a wi loffer eruor lgDU p S a nam '-wl•(•k rourM.· thb fall that w1U cxam1t the h1slor~ and de\ clopmcnt of English vocaQJary th 1~ fall L1std in thl· OCC class schedule as EnJish 103 . the cour~ will meet Mondays and l ed· nesdays at noon beginning Sept. 10 A seond session of the course will begin Nov. M Rcg1strat1 on for fall classf!s runs Aug.21 lhrou~h Sept 21 in the OCC Admissions Ofne For registration information, phone 556-5735. California residents 60 years of age and over ~an register at Cal State Long Beach beginning Aug. 24 at 1:30 p.rft. for a cost of $6 a year under a s tate-financed fe e waiver program . For more information call Dorothy Post at (21.S) 498-4141. START SAVING, WITH A SINGER FREE·ARM MAC:HINE BY SAVING s40 TO• ~AV You can save hundreds oflollars this year ....,,..... by sewing your farnily'slothe& on a Singer• sewing machine. And y• can begin by picking up this Sty/~ machine for just $179.95. $9off reg, price. _ It has a f ree-ann to make hard-to-reach cuff's collars easy to sew. and Jots of other feanues that make savin' y with Singer especially easy. Like a four-step bunonholer, six t-in stitches and a front drop-in bobbin. Model S43. • Wlldneeday Auoust 22. 1979 DAILY PILOT A J J THE E V EN T is spon sored by Beverly Hills Federal Savings an cooperat10n with several bicycle clubs The event wil l b e n efit th e C'hildrens Hospital of Or ange County A $1 entry fee from each participating bicyclist and donations received from T -shirt s ales, will go to the hospital's new critical care unit. Ra c in g for U S Cyclin g Federa tio n li c ensed cyc li i>ts as scheduled from 7 a m to 1 30 p.m. A SPECIAL VIP race wall be held <tl I 30 p rn S tate Sena tor J ohn Schm itz. Con~rcssm an R obe rt Badh a m a nd Tustin Mayor Ste phen .. Speed " Schus te r will participate. BW BRINGS YOU THE TREASURES OF THE DEEP: PRECIOUS CORALS FROM MAUI DfVERS OF HAWAII Beautifully hued pink coral, rare black and gold coral harvested from 100 to 1600 feet undef the Pacific, priZed for its Ustrous haral8ss and ricmess of color. Now yoo can see these ~ caaJs handcarved into pendants, rings and necklaces. Come see this very late~ and complete collection from Hawaii presented by coral authorities tomorrow, Friday and Saturday Fine Jewelry B~ llOC ~5 WI LSI! I Rb NEWPORT 83 Fashion 1•.1.1na Races for community riders of all ages will begin at 1 :45 p.m . 10 oa11y Mon -Thurs -F11 ro 9. Tues -weo -~r 10 b. Su•1 I(! ro ~ 11141 759-1211 ., .• .,,;_..-_·;•l'r ,,.. .... ~.ll~J.."'~l"· ••· .. ···•1!9 C~lj'"~~ ·' •• · • · "'· • ;,~ua~tities and a~sprtfn~~t.~.~r·~ limlted, "so hurry ip ! We sell first qu;.iht ~ anrl d1!><'11n tinued merchandis1· from Sl·a r!-1 Hl'tull ;.ind Catalog Dist n butwn \\"3s·· prates quntt•rl ;.irt· the· regular pncc~ at which the 1tl'm !>. \H'rt' forml·rl' offl·1 1'fi by Catalog or sn m any <.;pa r <. HPt;nl .. tor""' .1rnund lh1• coun try Room Air Conditioners Save 40% Pacesetter Electronic Cruise Control Model BTUH 791 49 , 4,000 79258 25/24.000 79049 4,000 79059 5.000 79089 8.000 79189 8,000 79219 24/2 1.300 10" Table Saw was sa9.99 Now Now s4ooo s21 s Women 's Panel Curtains Polyester Pants Were $8.49-$9.99 Now ss~o ' . Now s400 , Rantlngtoe Beach M'5Aclam1 Adams 6 M1poU1 (714) ta-Zill '· Were Now $469.95 $282 $559.95 $336 $1 94.95 $116 S234.95 $140 $329.95 $195 $479.95 $288 $529.95 $318 Swimming Pool 12'x36" Includes Poot, Fiite r , Ladder Was $138.99 Now s7900 Boy's Jeans Were $9.99 Now s500 i. .4J2 DAIL V PtLOT Wedneedey, AUgu.t 22. '97'1 LLIS Copters Cross Atlantic llEIO£LDERO, Weal German.)' (AP) -Four U.S. Anny Chlnook GH· 4'1C• have made the flnt LOCAL/ MISCELLANY ....,-...-.;.;....;.;;i;Ollll._-4 hollcupter cro111ln1 of th4' AtlanUc wllhout re. fucillna tn lhe 1tlr. They 11rrlvcd ln lleldel berit frum Yurt Canon. Colo .• art.~r u nlnc day tllght with •lght fueling t1top11 . "U .S . Air l,.ort'e ht1llt'uptt•n1 Cl"Oll!led the t\tltmUc 80mo years ago u111na aerllll rl'fuellng. b.ut lhlR was th~ Ural ht•llcopter crosiung by hops between g round to<'1 Ht1es," said an Army spokesman, Muj. J ohn Roos . The rught was made ------------------------------' to demonstrate that In 0.lty ...... ~ CENTER OF ISSUE IS EASTERN t'INOER OP LAND, IN CIRCLE DeflnltkH'I •• •weuanda' to Be Determined In Ruling Bolsa Chica Decision ·Expected Next Month an emergency large fkcts or Chinooks could be flown to Europe in- s tead of requiring space on car~o planes and s hips that could be used for other essential s up- pli('8, Roos said. from Newfoundland to G r<'<'nland t£LP! University of California lrvlle Students, Faculty and Staff Need H~using It you have an apartment, house, room for rent, or n•d a roommate, please call me UCI Ho"8olng Office (714) 833~11 to uttflze our frer llatlng service. REVEALS in the ' DAILY PILOT The longest hop over I water was 675 miles '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.: •. ~.~~~~~~--..J By STEVE MARBLE Of CM Delfr ~, ... Si.Ml A longtime baWe between a Hunt- ington Beach environmental group and an oil company may reach a showdown next month when a state agency is to decide the fate or a 45- acre chunk of the Boba Chica coastal marshland. Water Quality Control Board that ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ruled the acreage isn't wetlands. Amigos de Bolsa ChJca, a group urging the preservation and restora· lion or the lagoon, contends the eastern finger of land Jutting from the marsh is wetlands. THE GROUP APPEALED a de - c1s1on last November by the Regional Pope John Paul Sings on Album To Make History PULHEIM, Wes t Gl'nnany (/\Pl -A record album stamng Pope John Paul fl as i.inger and lyricist has gone on sal<' in West Germany. "It 1s the first t1mr an papal history and in rccordini;: his tory that such a musical portrait of a pope has been made." 5atd lll'rnd Gocke. produr· tion ch1('f of Cry~tal Hccords. THE ALBlJ M f<'aturcs John Paul 11·s rich has:. vo1c'l' singing six folk and relig1ou~ songs alone and with s tudents dunng h1 i. Pohsh pilgrimage last June. It also features "The Moment of the Entire Life," a chora l setting of a text by the pope J>{!rformed by the Krakow Symphony Orchestra and Chorus and six songs recorded in Krakow c hurches durin g the Sacrosong Festival, which the pope founded 12 years ago while he was archbis hop there. GOEK E SAID T H E Polis h Episcopate authorized the recording, aod negotiations arc under way for its release in other countries. "I 'm su r e it will be sold worldwide." he said. Pan Am to Pay Penalty for Ad W ASHJNGTON CAP) -Pan American World Airways is agreeing to pay a civil penalty or $17,500 after the Civil Aeronautics Board accused it or engaging in ''unfair and decep- tive" advertising of a $99 New York· Los Angele.s fare, the board says. Tbe CAB said lhe airline, which ad· mitled no guilt in the proposed settle· ment of the case, also agrees to stop any further such advertising. In January, the CAB accused Pan Am of offering the $99 roundlrip fare without telling customers that travel was limited and without disclosing other restrictions. The CAB original- ly sought a $50,000 civil ftne. Rhoda Martyn of the Amigos says it's important to establish as much of the area as possible as wetlands tor eventual restoration as a salt-water wildlife habitat Aminoil, which uses the 45 acres fo r dumping oiJ drilling i.ludge, main· tains lhe land 1s not part of the lagoon. The see-saw battle is expected to rlimax in September when the state Water Resources Control Board ruJes on the appeal. MRS. MARTIN CLl\JMS Amino1l has altert-d the land lo "make it ap- pear like it's dry." She s~1ys the eastern tip of Bolsa Chica once was a m ain waterway. ' She said the preservation group filed a suit this year to halt the 011 company's dumping and to declare a s tate land swap agreement un- <'Onstitutional The 1973 land trade agreement between the state and Bolsa Chica J.mdowner Signal Landmark calls for the deeding of 300 acres to the state and for Signal to receive Litle to 1,700 acres. l\CC'OROING TO TllF. agrecm<'nl , the s tate would he decded <mother 230 &C'res 1f a n ocean access channel 1s hudt within 14 y•·ars Spencer S h e ldon , J\m1n o1I s pokesman, says the appeal before the state water board appears to be JUSt a part of the Amigos' master plan for r~t.oration . lie s ays Aminosl has all the permits required for dumping and that a declSion on the appeal won't affect the permits. Aminoil uses the 45 acres to spread dry drilling mud, whic h even · tually is removed and used for landfill. LAST YEAR THE regional water board conduct e d t ests and d e- termined the material dumped did not affect the environment of the marshlands. S tate officials s aid a public works hop will be sche duled next month in Sacramento prior to the board's ruling on the appeal. The Bolsa Chica mars hland. s tre tching along Pacific Coast Highway for almost four miles, is county territory. A cowity task force was set up re- cently and is studying plans for Bolsa Chica. CETA Layoffs Due MERCED CAP) -More thnn 100 Comprehensive Employment Train· ing Act workers wlll be laid off by Merced County on Sept. 30. The layoff ls set by the U .S. Department of Labor for those employed in the CET A program for 18 or more months. Cell 642-5678. Put • few words to work tor ou. SAVE I 5°/oto45°/o ·' et $ ·a~ • I II ~YI Wsan Fwnando YI \; v YI 'i\:7 '\:'17 \JI '\7J San Berna<dono Thvd O~ '{/ YJ G!fale Pasadena '(/ Y/ YI >II H~ vi! .... : t:n. San"W'~ Wv, WW w \(/ YI! 'VI \J W Anaheom VI VI Long Beach '\:77 "'\71 Riverside In California, no other pizza comes close to Straw Hat. Because with 88 restaurants in Los Angeles alone, you 're \:7) V/ Santa Ana V V , VI always close to a great meal and a great ti me at a great value. Don 't wait another day to enjoy lunch or dinner at Straw Hat. Wherever you 're coming from . I . .... . -_,.... --,., _...,. __ ,... __ ~---·--- I I l NATION ~··· Of. the D•y EAT A BUG Shaky Jab ..,.. t.tU.t 11 bis way of advertmng lhe beetle-muncbilJ npa btUUes o! bh son 'a l&S vv.~ Rotiher Free Dying Wi/ e Wins LONG BRANCH, N.J. (A•) -After spending 2Y.2 years in prison fot a $28 armed robbery, Michael Kotun has retum~ home, free on parole so b e could be with his c.uuer-slriclten wife. "I still can't believe it. There was a time when J thought I'd never see tier again," said Kotun. after arriving at the fanily's apartment Tuesday m this Monmouth Co111t1 community of 30,000. "I FEEL LIKE I'll NOT here because when you're in there (priton) you feel like you're never going to get out," ,aid Kotun, who has liAed up a JOb with a building m aintenance firm. His release lr(!D Rahway State Prison ended a battle begun by ~-year-old wife, Llnda, who doc· tors say has c~er that is spreading ~ugbout her body. "It's linall1 through. We're OK," said Mrs. Kolen, who m Jst use crutches becalls:! her right hip, leg and relvis have been removtd in an at· t.empt to control the cancer's spread. "THF KIDS ARE EXCITED, Bll' we're a lit· tie ne rv1us," said the mother of fo•r. "It's been 2'h yeafS." KJtun, 26, w as convicted of araed robbery in 1977 ior robbing a m an at knifepoin. in Keansburg ant stealing a wallet conta ining $2. He was sen· tt'llrcc1 lo a SC'vc•n to IO.year prison ~rm. Shortly aft<:r her hus band wis imprisoned, Mrs Kotun karned that her career had s pread from her thjgh to her lungs and was threatening her lifC'. Shi' and LI friend, Pat G1gnnl<' began a petition drive :.11mcd al ohtaining executi-e clemency from (; 0\ Brendan T fl yrne. The effort a ttracted puhltc support for the family, wbch was Livin g on welfarC'. but Byrne rcJc<:ted the 1ppeaJ without ex- pla nation m Scpwmhcr 1978. JS Jl"NE. THE NEW JE RSEY Parole Board assigned Kotun u parole dat• of Oct. 30, said Thomus Stephens. boLJ rd depu~ director. But the parok was moved UJJ whc·n doctors confirmed Mrs Kotun's cancer had mters1£ied. spreading to hn liver and bac·k. Mrs. Kotun s aid her dauglt.er Tammy, 7, s ug. gested a pizza party as a wel:ome home celebra- tion. "The kids a re going cr82f." she said. "I told her it would be too early in tht day for piua." Mrs. KotWl's mother , DoJOlhY Moore, who bas been hvmg with her dau~hte:. sajd the homecom· ing would be especially goo<! for Tammy and the three Kotun boys, Michael, 6 Brian, 4, and Harry, 2 "l 'M GLAD HE'LL BE llOME with her now, especially for the kids," said Mrs. Moore. She said s he didn't know bow long •er daughter had to live. "She doesn't mention il loo much," she ..Ud. "We don't know, but she looked real sad wbea she came back rrom the doctor the other day." 100,00 0 Jam Burial TRUJILLO, Peru. <AP> -At lea~ 100,000 persons jammed this coastal city's cerretery for the burial of Peruvian populist leade r, \lctor R aul Haya de la Torre, and police said 3() of them fainted in the crush. Haya de la Tol"e was the 84-year-old founder of the popula· American Revolutionary Alliance ~~~ASONIC ~TION DETECTION HOME ALARM ,,_ __ ~YSTEM '96."~-· c· ~ The finest protecti<>ft198lnst unwanted intruders. G reat for home or oft;e use. Checkmate•• supplies reliable and econimical protection that easily installs in just m1mtes. System employs safe high energy ultrasonic vaves to keep a watchful eye on the area requ1rirg protection. Upon activation. unit responds b) tvrning on house lights and/or sounding alarm AArm is housed in an attractively designed waln,ei style~ case. Comes complete with instructi01f'and high decibel horn. ------------------------' ,_...,. __ .-a• I dl19M LR l.unT SYSl"aG MJt .. IM.LA¥IMUI I COSTA WllA. CA tJW I ~ .... -"... I I o..1ra...~ ........ ·~~~-l ,..,,.._. .. ....,.."':::0'=9urJ...:9i;:==== I f*,._.IM1 I If ....,OW.. or VIII.....,. ISC061i J - VITAMIN E 400 i.u .. 100 capsule<:> $198 WtdneOOay, August ~2 1!11£1 DAIL ( 1-ilLOI A 13 Prices Effective Thna September 5, 1979 Gre at Earth Vitamin Stores have one of the largest sele ctions of vitamins anywhe re . Compare our prices -if you're interested in quality and low prices, you'll b e a regular at Great Earth! VITAMIN A LECITHIN 10 .000 I U . 100 capc..uJ,,.._ 19 grain. 100 capsulct.., $198 POTASSIUM WHEAT CHEWABLE PAPAYA TABLETS GLUCONATE GERM OIL An 1mpor1dnt rnmc.•MI that \'-ork" "":th ~od1urn 11i hl•lp rL·~iulc11L' \\.c111 ·r h.1:.i1K1' 111 1he boch. =)<J:~ mg J(X) t11bll:h An excellent s6urce o f Vitamin E fro m wheat germ. also a good source o f protein. 8 -complex vitamins. and iron. 14minim. 100 capsules ~ :•h n,Hur.il l·n1vm1 . .., J(J(I t,ib,._f':> $199 KELP One of the richest sources of iodine. which is important for the functioning of the thyroid gland. 250 tablets B RAN TABS 99~ $179 OPEN 7 DAV" 1•·• tl.r. -.,.,. 'J ~'I ,,,, f. , t' I~,, I '1'111 .... '""' ' i, _, (111 '"' ,n. i.1 ' IJlit '"''"·,r~'r•.i -VITAMIN STORES VISA ' QUALllY VITAMINS AT DOWN TO f.ARTH PRICES HEALTH AND FRNESS MONTH SID ALK SALE Augud 25 -at the Costa Mesa Store Join us for the CJranc:I celebration that hiCJhlights a month of Pl special events. dealiftCJ with health and fitness. We have an US: exciting day planned! Special prices for the day on all athletic supplements! Test your sfre5CJlll on the HIGH STRIKER -ring the bel for a prize!! Grand prize clrawiftCJs at 5:00 p.m. for free gifts from the folowiftCJ merchants: • The Gr•I Boys • Spa Lady • ,The H•bor Roner Rink • 0-Zone Skatebocrds • Ice C .... s Chalet • The Healthy Nut • Newport Swf mtd Sport • Smshine Y OC)Ul"f and Ice Cream Company •· FREE HELIUM BALLOONS ._.. FREE VITAMIN SAMPLES ._.. FREE HEAL THY REFRESHMENTS * IRING IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR A FREE GIFT! S ecW Sde Pricn md hNla at ... Costa Mesa Stan Oii AarJ 1t 25 Ollly! Santa AllCI 3941 S. Bristol St. 549-6203 LLOYD'S SUNFLOWER AVE. l l ANK) &J toUTHCOAIT PLAZA ~ It SAN DIEGO FAW't COllaMnaSton 370 E. 17th Street 646-0534 (next to Ralphs Market) 0 w > > w w .J < > > Cl) w c 4( .... " < z ac z z ~ ~ < < er < :) ~ 0 .... w z - H•l~leadlStor. 10044 dams Avenue at Brodkhurst (next to Albertsons Market) • 963-5694 l } t t J . . . SPECTACUL AR SALE EVENT I Save $7. Misses' soft velour dresses I to highlight your wardrobe . I ·pll'l'•• drt01'"'t'" ft•atun· v. 2488 n •·t·k :11T1·11t . wilh p1p1·d 1 rim .md -,J11rn·J •·xlJ·nd- '"j '-ll"f'VI'" Availnhlt· 1n rc·cl or hl:H'k 1111 "" · k-If) l<EL. $32 V.fl\11 ... '\ ,)11•1' DC Comia Inc. SAVE 6 6 °' SHORTALLS FOR UTILE novs $2 REGULARLY 5.99 Cott.on denim s hort.al\:-. mud · tough fur long, duralilc·wcur Machinl' wu-..h Acc1·ntcd with lu:-.h1on :-.lllch1ng 4-7 I 1111.llH~:s ~ ~/\ illll>S'- SAVE24°1° FULL C US H ION SPORTS SOCK 97~YS'8-11 REGULARLY 1.29 White stretch over-the· calf sports AOCk with t he ·a uthentic A YSO rnlor of each lt!am 1.69, 11iw 10.1:1 .... 1.J7 HOY'S' FUHNl!'>lllNC;S ~ SAVE31°1° SEAMLESS TRICOT BRA FOR GIRLS Smooth polye&-2/J75 /kt;dP"o~ tc r tricol m AA. A.B cup.a. :t.:t6, taco ... Uf4REG. 2.99 FOUNDATIONS ~mart v111vl al11po lu< apo11y l(oOO Juul.• VukanlHd nor1rn• UPP"' ,. hond~d hi ulle for e•lr•·loog wear tomtort pMlded cvllu. longuc. S a ve $5. Skips vu lcanized jogge r for childreil, boys a nd m e n. l<ublit·r -.11fc. c'\J sli111111-<l 111 8«"\ 7 A>lt•, 11vl11fl Ill ('l1ll.oll rJ1•fl lll> ';)/ "lwd•· luok tnrn In bo~·:.· MLN'" noy·-, M I I t. m1·n s \1 6'·~ I 01 H.!ltl, l'halcln·11·., l'lhcw. li.!J7 J<E<. I\ ~9 SAVE $6 WARM-UP SUITS FOR oOY J OGGERS 10 97 REGULARLY 16.99 ( 'ri·:-.\;1 n' ;1c'J I I<' zi ri· up Jl11'kt:t an rnal<' 1 111~ pull.(in p:anl1' hav•· ,1 n1hirful s t rlJ't' l nm ~lut'hinf~ w.1!->h S XL llOY'' I l f('I, I 'llt•.o RECULARLY6.99 Polyester/cotton jeana with reinforced stress point.a. Smart Htyling, i11 nuvy Mac hine W1ti-hable, in Sll',C'H 8-16. 1111v~· n·11-.;1~,111~r.li 25°'0 OFP LAYAWAY SALE ON SUEDES/LEATHERS Lovely ooatll accented for style and plu11h comfort. Alt other fall coat.i 2~ orr. • •rerular low pl'lu WOMl-:N S t'ASJl I()._-; .. SALE ENOS SA'l'URDAY. AUO UST 26TH ... HUfutY, SOME QUANTITIES ARE LIMrt'ED! KOil i Save 5CY10 • Lightweigh t 4-lb . polyester filled sleeping bag . A l\a~· li;10., 111;·1;1·d nyl1111 1697 1111!••1 twll. -.i11t t1rm,h1"(j lril11t l1n1111: 1111 comfort ~ !>.!l!J, IJ\Jldoo) -.11()(' •I.ti~ .!Ii l!I "'I>'~ d l11lw. mt.!17 REGULAl<l.Y 4 49 S port ..,c r1·1· 11 pr1 n t front. 111 pol)1•..,tt-r-cot· ion kn11 In ~1 . L I 1-7 1 U.fHI, c·cillon /polyc·,.t1•r fui.hlOI) Jt'UD" .... 4 .77 '1111 l1fH-.; "I<\ 1111 '°"' SAVE $1 ""'Y'T RIM POLY HOT / POT:r~v J--:.t;, ' ~ REGULARLY 8.99 Hot Pot heat.a water , food U'J boili ng, t hen ucijust.8 to keep them warm. 5<up capacity, rn almond/hrown. II• II .,, WI\ In~" SAVE•4 MEN'S SLACKS IN FAVORITE SHADES Ooublcknil po-697 lyf'tltA>r, no rron- tng . With Ban· RoJ• wa111L 30-42 REG. $11 M•.N-s CLO'T1 llN(; Sp ecial. F ashionci:>le lighted mirror stands or hangs on wall . j J 'rt1". td0• 1111(1\) I (1• lrll.t1•o· 9ss -:!J.!J!I, .11 .. '• lb11 t•ll1 I l11r l•ol l' I. ' 'I u ,•I I !l.KX A I !I !It/. 1. , , .ii ,t,f, J.o(I'" •'I I ·, lo ' 1jn.1-I :l.)iX It! \I Iii \'.11 I \ ''I ~Ill SAVE 33o/0 Of<ESS Y BLOUSES F-OR UTILE G IRLS J97 BLO USE REGULARLY 5.99 Charmin~ sty h.'ti with lancy trims and faHh- ion detallK. Jn polyeR- l •·r c:otum RIZCS 4-6X. •l.!m, "Vi,.1\' 11kirt. 3.37 I Jiil lllll '\;'<.;I A"ffff)"o.; jlii.ijiiiiiijiiji SAVE 25Ck 3-DIMENSIONAL ..... .-GRAPHIC CLOCKS 224 : REGULARLY 29.99 a.-.1111111~ I A I Hut t.crfl y i n n O tU're ~ 4:l.99, hu1 tnl ltes \\ dnNI llowl'rs. :12.24 49.!J9, m irro r \\ /driL-d flo~l·r:.. ;17 ,49 HSf· .. 11'.\\ I I H\ ~AVE•J ~EN 'S FLAR~LEG 0>RDUROY JEANS In ~ableoot.-697 ton olyeater. In 'da,28-40. 111. • ... 11.97 REC. 1 10 'N~ CLOTHlNO ., ~. , " .. SAVE25o/o -~' SAVE •J ~ HANDY ELECTRIC SAVE •t o/o OFF ' MEN'S DURABLE CREW SOCKS Acrylic/11trotc:h J/•2 nylon blend for comfort and long wear, 10-13. REC.De MEN'S FURNl.qlilN08 -~--iii ~BUFFET RANGE __. ~7SlnKI• bu •~•• 1687 heol8 up qu1ck-vr ly, v ari able . temp. control. R£C. 19.tt HOUSEWARES STYLISH MUSLIN PASTEL SHEETS 8 ht·l.'lH in aol1d 294 color11ofno-1ron · · ~ oou.on/polyeater 1W1N ,__ ________ .., Flat or titled. Rl:C. 3.99 4.91,tuU ........ llJM 4.29, Rd.() ..... 3.J4 OKODINO A.ND LINF.N NOW OPEN! OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW STORE IN MISSION VI EJO ON CROWN PARKWAY Save time. See us first . SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 10:00 AM TO 8:00 PM ••• SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 9:00 PM ••• SUNDAY lt:OO AM TO 6:00 PM c 1, • L ' f .. ' T. • ........ --... -___ .. _... ____ ·---···--------------------t • • • •I I I , 1111 SPECTACULAR SALE EVENT REG.399.95 E nd messy d efrosting forever! Features cold controls for each sec- tion. 2 producc crispers and ins1de/doorstoragc. APPi.IA NC ES ® SAVE$15 .... FAST ACCURATE t 3/4-HP CIRCLE SAW 4600 r»load ii:m-34ss 10-amp bumou tr protected motor. Double insulated REG. 49.99 HARDWARE SAVE•to GRASS GEi I ER LAWN GROOMER Trima with ny- lon line (orman- i cured look. 2gss With line feed. REC. 39.99 GARDEN SHOP (•) Save$30. l j I I All-frostless side-by-side refri.gerator ! 45988 REGULARLY 489.95 W-cu. fl. size provides plenty of storage space. F ull-length side fretner a llows you to stock u p and snve. Both sect.ions have four large shelves. a nd the door racks in both refrigerator and frt>t•zcr i;i ve you t-ven more room Cold control 1n each section -~ //1 ~ (! r Alllr•tl~ ... 2 cald cont"* ~~ M_,.mnt' di.el•~•·t• hdp.,.- *frmtm1~ .... -.--~ .. , Ira.Iii...,.. REG. 109.99 Knight-O·Hest twin mat (rC'ss c 1r box s prings for firm ~upport I :l!J.!>9, I ull. l'a.pc ........ !)9.97 :S<!9.99, queen set ...••.. 249.97 429.99, king set •........ 349.97 89!?c REG. 119.99 Atr Glide· twin mattress or box springs suppliescxtra supporL 149.99. run, ea.pc .•..... 119.97 369.99, queen s<·t ....... 269.97 499.99, king set ......... 379.97 SAVE$10 SINGLE-LEVER KITCHEN FAUCET (Al Chrome-plaleddrrp-frce 1~ faucet with fingertip control. IBl39.95, singlti·lcvcr lava-00 tory faucet ........ 29.88 REG. 29.99 Pl.I 'MHINC. ANO m.ATI~1; Partially auemblcd. SAVE•S FLOURESCENT 4-FT SHOPLIGHT 'IWo 40W lamps. 9ss rap1d·Htllr t fix- ture with all hardware. REG. 14.99 El. EC"TRJ CAL OARDENSKOP Wednesday, August 22. 1979 DAILY PILOT A J 5 SALE ENDS SATURDAY, AUGUST 25TH ... HURRY, SOME QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED! Black and -Mc® Save$60. ;e 12909 Buy both for great entertainment value. [•112" diagona l black-and-wh11.e portable TV; 349ss lOO'h-solid state w1lh UHF/VHF antennas. [BJ 19" diagonal color portable telev1s1on with nc ative-matnx tube for v1v1d color. AFC locks A REG. 89.99 in ~ne tuning. UHF click dial. l<>O'K solid-state. ~REG. 319.99 Decorative panels for beautiful window accents. f•l 14.99, "Park Ave nue" airy polyester panel (c 9.99. "Diana'' 60x54· tradit1onaJ weave. 7.97 !'.>ver dark r-;hel·r~. 60>.8 I· ............. 11.99 12.99, 60x84" "Diana" panel ............... 10.37 B 7.99, "N(:wpnrt .. 60x."1·l" dl·n~ panel. 6.3 7 D 24.99. "'Regency" pl!nel tn 60x84" size !cut 9.99, 60x84 .. "Nt•v. port .. panel ........... 7.97 wide >. Elegant under t-0l1d drapes ....... 19.97 I RADIO-CASSETTE RECORDER AM/FM. s lide-rule radio 5gss t~ning for clcare~t ~und . J<eatures lope countt•r, aut.o slop. Bnttcr1(•:-; t•xtrn. REG. 99.99 HAOIOTI [.~ \ hlOS SAYE$20 HE'AVY DUTY 3-IN. BELT SANDER Wc•1gh!' only 7 2988 lb:< Sands 1000 no-load i;ifpm Double 1nsulat.ed .REG. 49.99 llAROWARf. DRAPERIES SAVE•t4 CETAWAY60AUTOBATTERY Provides fast. starts. de-4gss . signed to need noadd1t1on- <1l wa ter. S1zeA fo r most U .S cars. installation free. REG. 63.95 AUTO ACCE."SORIES SAVE29°'0 STURDY WROUGHT IRON RAILING A<\just.uble rails 99c with rolled-top FT. styling. In 4 or 6 foot lengths.REG. 1.41 FT. UUILDINC: MATERIALS SAVE 1/2 SOPHISTICATED .. COURIER" CHINA Stn8:'1-blackand 49e1 platinum band· ed 40-pieoe Mt. Chip-reailtant. RF.C. am 20"Ai off .... price .a ...... OIFl'WAU NOW OPEN! OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW STORE IN MISSION VIEJO ON CROWN PARKWAY Make us your home base. SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 10:00 AM TO 9:00 PM ••• SATURDAY 9 :30 AM TO 9:00 PM •• .SUNDAY 11:00 AM TO 8:00 PM I 1,. W9dneectay, Augu.t 22, 111'1 LOCAL .Policeman Goes for the Goin Illinois Limits Drinking, . . Oeme nte Officer Surfe for String of Medal8 ' San Clemen~ polk .. offker Vern McOarry bu btotn buay brtn&Jnt borne lbe told. Ull &Old 1111 't t ht• k UICI ) 1111 ''¥0 for 10 tht• buc·k country Jt 111 ttw k11HJ uf mlnc-ral th•l 11cw11 with nwd11l1, ltkto lhl' s1word h«-bruut(ht h.u·k frtml lht! July Poll(' .. Oly m1m·~ Ill 0Mkhtnd Tb11l ') wh.irc M'·<;urry wo11 S4tn ('ltimc11tc'11 first Sold medal. "•Y GOA.I.. WHt!N I 8l•rted out ln lt'7t wu to wln a "old mtie!•I.'' the vet.eran off our Police Olymplca uya. "It took metourye4itc"'lt.odo th•l .... y al(H&I oow la lo w Ln d eold medal al lhe JntemaUona.l PoUco Olymplcb " McG11rry captured h11 rn'-"'d•I 1n u Wp()rt tll'"' been pracl1c111g for y~ar-. aurfln~ All Aluminum '· t 1) will not rust' 5 PC. DINING SET s449 Solid Comfort Reg. $5n Sale ' 1' ~LI ALUc'lli1sELtiul6E ~~ WITH i~1·S$26095 Sale I • I iJ • ''Tbll la lbe klnd of job that worb well with the wav ... " tM 11y1, notint that be la ab .. to 1urf around uy of thre4! ah.ltt. he worka al San Clemente'• 11ullc11 de1n.1rtmcnt "THI'. Allt:A .. &OM Dana f>olnt to San Onofrci hu about lhe bellt surflng In C ullforola," the 25-year-old tnalata. "Surnni la somethln' I do Just about every clay tor reereaUon. •• He polota out thal s u rfing WH dominated al tbe J uly olympic. 'by Southern California p0Uc. depar\ment.a. But McGarry'a athletic talent.a aren't confined to the ocean. He al3o brought back a bronze medal for the high jump, a sport be part.ic1pal ed in at h{gb school AND TllE MEDAU join a IU'lac M's put t.ocetber 11Dce IO&nc out to eomtete aiatntt 3,000 other Ca.WomlA policeeeo In the me otymptc. at SU JOM. ' He's won three brooie medals In the high jump competJUon 1&od a 11lver lOd " bronu ln aurllng. And he's delighted wllb hJ.a aucceu. "lt'a the equ.ivaleot of wtnnln1 a e>ld m edal 1n the real olymplca -lb&t'a what lt leea lib," be aaya. NOW, 8£'8 oo••• n ED to lbootins for the l9IO IJlt.enaaUooal Polic:e Olym. J)ICI. "ff you can wtn the &old medal there, you're the best Ul the world." by Thinlme r .. l t • I will not rust.I So ft Vinyl Straps Reg. $428 Sale S PRINOP'I ELD, UI. <AP) -Oov . Jame8 TbomptOn has alaned ID· to a law a bHJ lncreafidg llllnola' le.eat drtnkhu age for beer and wine from 19 to 2J. The actJOn will make New Year':s Eve the laat night lhut 19· and 20 yciar·olds can legally purchue Hnd con8Utne beer and win~ In llllnols. The leeal drlnkin_g •I" for beer and wtne ia re· turnln& to where It Walh Jn 1973, before It wu lowered amld pressure to give the rfght t.o drink to young men old enouth lo aer ve In Vletm~m UMBR ELLA BOIAIZA 5 P~7·~b~?n~P s299 SAVE 10%, 20%, 30%, Cl%, ii%, UD IORE! 4 Chairs CALIFORNIA, FINKEL & MALLIN UMBRELLAS RANCHO by Thinline I\ REG.$538 TA8L£~4cm1399 KAILUA Unusual strength combination. A -form and sleigh -runner legs makes this se- lection Ideal for grass or sand as well as on firm surfaces. £..~. ,_--,;.. Reg.7-s559 .............. ""'~~ -----..... ~-·· ---___.....,__ - SAVE 10-20-30 ~ -40-500/o HAV•A COOll • Oll'I! A complete line of accesso- ries. replacement parts, etc. tor charcoal & gas BBOs. • ••r•s. KM~I • lttla«la • l111 llect • CNtl11 arms .... - by Thmhne Ideal for lounging. 42" post leg glass top table with 4 dining/lounge chairs Reg.*;°. s435 Ill, Ill, Slfl/llS 11 CHAl•lOW. AllKLA I lllOILMASTER 110'1 ~ .. -.. _ _] LEVIS #501 Reg. s I ~95 $ LIGHTNING BOLT I 99 AlllEL FLIGHTS . MOVIN' ON LEVIS , Reg. $ 99 Reg. $ 99 s 20~ & s21 oo s 19'~& s21 's LEVIS • Nuvos $ • Bell Bottoms • Big Bells . •Cords Pre-washed 99 Re9. s 19 '5 LEVIS s1 99 BOYS LEVIS CORDS MENS LONG SLEEVED Si'le 2-7 Sf49 Reg. 'I 1•• Si'le 8-14 $10" Reg. •13 0-0 Reg. s2495 ALL WOMENS SWIM SUITS % OFF Also Mens & Boys ~. - BOYS SHIRTS JACK'S SURFBOARDS :::2 I 8 /, 0 I MA IN ", HU E:T . H U N T I l'H , l 0 N ll f A C H PHONt: 8 47 -8 8 7 3 or H 1i HH "t STUDENT CORDS R~g. '1650 $ 99 •\ ... l:Wl.Y PILOT LISC ' I I I I I I I I I ,-.. ,------o•K"-------~J Lr=--~1 ~: •, : : r ---------~ rj ,-I -"1 , i ', ', I I _;' I I I I ...... ,... I ' I I I I I I I ''~ ....... ~ \---------· I I 1, I I I --: r---------· l~I I : : t 11 l I I JI I I I I I __ .) ) t'--IDUJ,------ft,-1 I l : I : : 1--;:_ ___ D.L"lilLl -----C!~ I I I I I I I / I \ I I I '-\ '-" I l I J' \ \ ::.~ I NEWPORT TERRACE I ,_ 1~: IC1 I I I t ,-" I I r /'' I I ' I -, I I ... C i01n., ~"'fi ----------~~r· 1a:' izl ,0 1 ,~: I I -----------..J I ,-I ,~,----------1 I '~\ I I \ \ I I \~'-----------' I \~ I ,~,----------~ I I I \~\ I I (-', __ ./§(__ __1a:I._ ________ / {__ '-, __ '~( _____ ARBOR ______ ST __ 7 I ~ I _________ _) \ _________________ ,/ 19th ST ----------, ,-----------------, 1 I ,,r-- "--- HEAVY BLACK LINE SHOWS CANYON PARK BOUNDARIES Al Upper Left Comer I• Endangered lnt•rHctlon $240,000 Project Set Mesa Moves to Halt Canyon Park Erosio1i By JACKIE HYMAN 01 IM D•lly ...... S..,I When Costa Mesa offlciali. bought the 35-acre Canyon Park on the city's west side In 1977, they intended t.o let nature have its way. They forgot that nature can be treacherous. It was only by a fortunate <'Om bination of concern and luck that they found out an lime how cleve rl y it h ad c o nc·ea le c1 ~ros1on that could trho,:e r a landslide and wipe out thl' only s tr eet se r v in g s o m•· 80 condominiums. AND SO SOME $240,000. much of It on ginally earmarked for other Improve ments at the park. will go lo pro tect the threatened inte r section of SeabluH and Canyon drnt,·s lf•ading lo the Gregory tra<>t The pro1ect will uls o protect ad1acent Newport Be a c h <'Ondorrtiniums that could face flooding Ir the present drainage system became clogged . It will also Improve access to the park from Costa Mes a . Although it Is In Costa Mesa , the park can most easily be reached at present from Newport Be ach. The project will fill In a gulch that restricts access to the park from Costa Mesa. nu: PARK IS composed of two sections connected by a narrow path along a coastal bluff The largc.-st. southeutem portion of the purk Is not part of the dramage problem. But where the section s connect. a drainage c hannel runs south. then c urves wes t b e tween two condomrnlum tracts The drainage route as through Talbert Regional Park and down to a flood control channel. ·'The 1dte s hould be able to handle the water unless we get debris an the c hanne l. like a fallen tree," said C011ta Mesa Leisure Services Director Keith Van llolt. "And people have thrown couches in there." \. If clogged , t h e c h anne l could overflow and flood the t' o n d o m i n i u m s a I o n g t h e northe rnmost part of Newport T•·rrace in Ne wport He11 c h . officials said. Up the channel is :1 pond It i~ becawse of the pond that Van t101t· dis covt·r e d n a ture ·~ treachery After the rains of 1977 -78 and 1978-79, Van Holl last spring noted that sedim e nt w as building up and threatening to clog the pond. Inspecting the area . he noted that a 14-foot gulch that carrle~ water from a four·foot pipe al r ains hit again, a nd allocated the money. The pro jec t as expected to <'Ome befo r e t h e Coastal Commission in mid·Seple mber a nd should bl' comple ted by November. Van llolt said . ll e r c ·~ what the project involvets. TO SOLVE Tiit; drainage proble m south n ear Ne wport Terrace. and to pn:serve the pond. a second rPse rvoar-pond will Ix' dug nea r the existing one . Tht.• storall(e capu<'1ly should prevent cxcc~s1vc amounts of water from ~hooting down the c hannel and threatening the 'J"M 1W>;:rf IN-a"" rah• coldd erou •..,•r. tlte ..._~ co~r ol dw road ••• &e•m11g r**• • *"'•el .a.-e 80 co11da..l11I.,.• c•f •II. the park's northernmost lip lo the pond was eroding badly. undermining adjacent bluffs . VAN HOLT DECIDED It was time to shoot aerial photographs and hire consultants to lake a look at the area. The consultants s potted something he'd missed. Barely noticeable thro ugh an ove rgrowth o f castor bean plants, a ~d channel carries water from an 18-lnch pipe lo join with the main c hann el feeding the pond. Hoth the four-foot and the 18·inch pipe bring in runoff from adjacent s treets. Above the 18-inch pipe, at the intersection of Seablurr and Canyon drlve11 . the e arth ls 11llpplng T H E NEXT II EA VY rain could erode away the whole corner of the road That would block the only road Into the Gregory tract, Van Holt said, leaving residents of some 80 condominiums cut off. Thia summer . Van Holt went to the Costa Mesa City Council and discussed the problem. The council agr eed the situation a hould be cleared up before the t tract helow. Van lloll said. Al the park 's northern tip, the four foot and lhc 18·inch pipes wll 1 be extended and connected to helow the point where the bluffs are crumbllni. The dirt removed in digging the new p<>nd will be carried north to bury the new pipes and shore up the bluffs . Van Holt said. TO AN OBSERVER standing on the bluffs. the res ult will he that the 14 fool deep gulch will disappear, failed with dart But a c hanne l will remain between the end of tht.· extended pipes and the reservoir ponds below. Th i s c hann e l will bt• reinforced with concrete that look s like s tone . lo keep it look mg natural The edges of the ch annel will he turfed lo eut erosion and boulders wall he pla<'ed in the wuter's path to slow Its forct'. "The object 111 to leave the area as natural as poss ible, but we don't want to lose it either," Van llolt aald. ,,,.,.. ·-. --....... .,... -.._. _____ -·· False Cancer Reports Hit CIDCAOO <AP> -z:k>me 1<>vemment reporta about 1ubelance1 that may...cauae cancer are loaccurm, mlalHdlnS and cal.ale problt1ms for cloc:ton ud patlenta, the editor ot the Journal or Ule American Medical AuoclaUon aaya. Or. William R. Barclay cbaraed that eovernment aeenclea sometimes luue auch reporta to create drama and Juatlfy their e.xlattnce. . HE SAID &EPOaTEU OnEN HA VE to "accept at face val\Mt a statement made by some 1ovemment bureaucrat. "By the time the data are available for careful 1tudy and evaluation, the newspaper headlines have alarmed a great many people and cauaed a lot or diacomfort. aometimea t.o phyalciam." be said. Barclay's views were expressed ln an editorial in the weekly scientlric ma1ulne. He wrote : "Many of the r ep o r ts o n carclnoeeoe.sl.8 that have been made public have beeo fiawed ln bot.h dealp and interpretation but have been accepted by aiencles that funded lhem, by the news media and. finally, by the pubhc "ALTHOUGH IGNORANCE Of' THt-; f'X1 stence of a hazard cisn be dangerous . fal~ Information c an be even mo re dangerous." Buclay siud his cdalonal was prompted by a National Cancer Institute report that reserpine. a drug used to treat high blood pr~sure. caused cancer In mice and rat11. , "If you took the llm~ lo read lht!if.eport, you'd bt' punh .. '<.l as to how an the hell they cam e to the <'Onclus1on th1~ drul( c uusei. ca ncer," Bar d<1y said an an anh·rvlf'w ··If peoplt• took those headlines al fac e value and sto111~·d Ul'l &n~ th•· druJc 'om•· wr,uld j,SUffN strokes and sonw \\OUld i.uHcr heart alt~cki,," Barclay ~u1d PVBUC NOTICE MOYtC•~ ~•aVO.MetLITY .. ..i<. ,, ..,..., el-.<1 , ... , llM .... •rwtntf .. II Ml • "'"'"' ... ler ...., ~., 11.o111u.-_,,,.,,.. by ..,_ Mt.r •-111, .. 11, on or •"•' tlll•fft• O•ltd tllh ""' 0.Y 4'f A_.•I ltf' Qan.ICI I Pa o1 .. C.114 C..i.~w.C.A .... bll"'9CI Or-Coe•• 0 .11, fl'llot, "'"° U. tt.tt, ,,.,. ,,., ., PUBUC NOTICt: "CTITIOU' IVllHU' NAM• ITAUMINT T,.. •o1-1no """'"' I• c:to1no Du\! ....... 81! AGM TIM E I! t:AL. TY, 11t Mer ,ne Av•, H•wPOtt 8 eec.h. C..lltorni. .,.., L .H.-1 -·· 110 K.lr111l1I C.L, Co\I• -CAlllOl~•~'i?.,_ Thi\ -neu I• <or>d1><lect II•.,. In dlv1<fuaf II Je.,. Mo-ry Thlt ·~•"-I W"\ fll•O w1lft ltW C.-IY Glt<k of Or~ C.0..M'i Otl Julv lt, t97t "",.,., PUl>ll.-0.-C,0.\1 b tltY Piiot ,,..,. 1,1.u.n,1.,, 7111 " PUBLIC NOTICE P'ICITIOU' I V\INE U NNlllE \TATI M!NT l f\e tollO••t\O p•r\on '' Ouil\Q bu'\t"'ri\•\ .,,, " ro IMPOP T I ICPOll1 uo>i ,.,,.,,. '""'" o.-~. Po•"' (•ht$fl\t•~ ,,,,,, ( ..... ,,, ,,,., ,__.,,.,,, "' .,,. .. ,." .. ~"" '••·"'' ... ,,, , '"I\ tN•1r,r o\ I f #""",1# 1 .. 1) fff l'I' •M t¥tft\IAI y,,., ••• ,,., Tf\t\ \tM~•'t wA\ fil•tJ w 1tn '""' (ovnty Ct•O tit Or•nQt '''"'"'"' ,,, AuQv\I I I..,, "1)0)01 f1\1C>U\Ntd Q..tl'HT f()tt f f 1tdy (•1111f A •l'Qu\t t 1', )"/ f't IV/'t 104'' I'* PUBU<.: NOTICt: ,, .... , Jlc;TITIOU\ llU\IH f\\ MAMl \fAff M .. Ht ., " .. BL'T OR. IM vm RAl.I.. DIRECl'Oll of the National Tox1col<1~y l'Hi~1 :.im , wh1C'h i.uperv1st-d the rest.'rplnt· ki.t. 'iod hi· frlt lht· t1:11t war. vahd and ra1M·d n ·ul <·um·crn' th11l thf• drug caus,., ,.,:•· .,, ,. c-u nC'l'r 111· •wad an 1ode1>4'ndl'nt panel 11f '>r1cnt1st' • •• • n •v1<·1.H'<1 lht.· 'tudy and ugn-.-d Rall oott:d that thl' govl·rnmt-nl nev.1> relea~•· <snnounc1ng n •sult"> of th,. ll'Sl 'lr ei.sed lh.i l pat1t'nL' :.hould not i.top takinl,( the drul,( .,, "riov·.111•\•"r \·, "Tht· scu•nl1 f1c rnm mun1t ~ ftH'••'> d 1.f"r\ ...... A::.r,':6 ""''"' d1H1cult rho11·1• whe:n lht• ft>~ulh of d ~lud)' Jr1· not •. 100 pNC't·nt rll·nrrut. hut I v.11uld bt' un v.11l1n~ 1r1 " 1 ";·~: •• ••• -.uppn~!-1 anformat111n JU't ti<·r.111-.1· th1· very last 1', • '," . ., ha:. not bt:cn <.lottt·d . · H;.ilt ,,,111 1n a tclt·ph<ml' )104 •••&If,,,,.. ..... t) ,., ., ' • • 1nterv1e w • •""•'"'• •;,., . '· "To rrpeal th•• ~1uily w<>Uld lakl' abfJul thri•t• " ,,.. . .,.. '' ""*-'"'d .,, •" ,, year1>. and what would you tell th•· palu.•nl~ dunnai: 1 ··.,~· ... , ,.. •• that t1me'1" hl· ~:ud f • f f ' ' • 11 n,. ' .. , "'' I ,,., ,,.,, ... A ' ~· ' 110\41 I ... r ,,.w, '14'"' .. ' . ~ " ' ........ LOCAL/ Mi~INE PV8UC NOTICE COA\f COM#UNl'r"' COll fOI Ol~~UtCT UIOA._A_ C..M•MnA,C. tt.i. NOflCI INVITING e1CK l'f0 TI([ It Hl'lllr llY C.IVUI !!Ml ..... to••cl OI ''"''"' OI -CN.i I ommun11y W~ o .. 1r1c1 94 Or- u. .... 1,, c.tlllOtnl•, will "'""'• ... IH O•<I• WP .. 11 00 •Ill T'!lllnoe,, -'weut' lO. ""· ., ow l>ut'<I\ ... ,,. o.pc, 94 ... d \(-1 dltlfl<I *-'" ., 1110 •o•m• ••t n11•, Co •I• Mtu. C.•lllorn1•. •I ...,ILi\ ii-Yid""" •Ill .,. publl<ty _..., •11<1 •t.0 to• P VllC.t4AS I Otil MO DULAR IH$TllVMl! .. T COMtilVTl!I' 1'0111 HIN8$~ l.A8011ATOllY, 001.0fH wn r C.OlLl!<il! Al I Oleh •••lo be In •<UW!Mn« wllh 1,.. ltld F0<m 1n.1•uct1on• _..., C...-1 hOM •11<1 S~lllullon• whl<ll •ft ftOW on lilt •ncl ,,,., be llft(urecr 111 •tw omu of lhe Pur<N \lllQ "9ftll OI wld WllOOI 01\ltl<I F •< h blddN mutt \ullmll with hi• bid • c .. llttr \ rl"lfK•. terllllfHI <MO. .,. 01()d4t"'' ll(JOod made p.y.olt 10 .... orO•• <A in. ro .. 1 CDmm..,.ttv COl•- Ul\trotl llO•fO ol Tru•ten In tll t mown1 "Of •••• INll •••• perc•nt IS' I of ..... \\Im bid ... o..., ... t ........ .... ol-• wlll •~••• Into ""' P•~O C.ontrt <I II '"" .. ,,... " •••·~ to h1tn '"Ow eWf\t oi f•llvtt to•"'•' 1n IO \U(ft (1)111•~. I,... l>'O<••<" OI '"" I ftttf W Miii n. fOf'f•it.cl, Of ,,_ I"-( .\# of .. bOnd '"' tuH wM ,,.,.,.,Gt w1U ~ lt111 .. 11,.tJ h1 W.0 "ti hf.IOI d1Uft' I U(I O.Ot>r m~H •1trw>t ,...., '''' O.f) fQt " ~ltod ,,, .,,.,,., ,....... •)1 ,,,..,, ..... , fhr d•I~ • .,, hf# In. l1f#t n1f'W4 O•"''"''' f ft.-"'°"'' f1 •if t t u-.1,.......~ ''"' "'~' lftfl" pt l'W'llllQ'f r,t , .. ,.' tuwt Alt t fffWJ •ti IHd\ ().r IU ••• ,,. ••" t tt '~°"''"' tt1lf\ or 11\ fOf'm•l•I""' I\ 1trtfnt1ft11 11t l,.t• lJ1{)1l10Q NfJf.4 Mf.t-i f NA f\t1U ..,,..,.,,,.,, IVloo•tQ M f •u ,,., f1·1tJl1\r-'J 1)1.itnt, I fM'il (M1ly f.#1101 A ''J t" /) llfl'f I 10 /t f>UBLIC NOTKt: f't<. TITIOU\ 8 U\1Hl \\ NAM( \T-'ffMENI f n• f·ollO..,lrMI ~·~h '' t1tJtf'I' IJ•J\• ,, .. " !If\ Id,,,.,,,. ff "t',f'f••J• tH.1ti-t A ,, ••• ""' .. /'It/)'''"'' I II I 11 1•t M f"'\.'t I _,1ttf1"1111 \f}~/I• '• ' ,, 1, • .,."" 1·1tt•I•'"'" t ,, -;mt A l't'81.1(' NOTl('E C.P 'Kl• HOTICI TO(llfOITOIU ••• , f-l N I Oh (.0\JW f OF '" f '.IAtf O• (AU f'O llNIA FOlt f H f (QIJ ... r<f OJOtiff.Ht_,f 111, A IOOl1' f J t; A I I A ~I • I I ftf t• I J ' /I fo t IJu I , •• " I tio • to •• 1• •• J ,.,, •t I ..... t ,,_ ~If ,,,.. •r •' "'I ''' t ho , t rl ''• ••• ,,. tP\• .. tlllf•t "'" • • I , •• ,,."' 1n ... ru .,,,. 11,, I • '" ~ ''''''~I\ flt fP\• Un I•• 4 • J •'"" tflf u ,., 1 t ,,,,,,,...,l H ,,,, u !1111 J t lflof • •t 'ti 11.-1P I t• 11t t' lftld I ~ '''I I t4•.11•• •!'f)fJ N t>tll'l t\ro.aw", t • • "' • "''' 1/1; • ..... 1•ltt AA... t .. lllftfflht I// 1J M i it " I\ fl, .. t•" ')f f-..J' '""°', i,f ''" 1lfWtf'I •QfW11(1 '" ttl "j""' 1 1• °'"•fH"'" to ttw t1'\f_.t,. o, • ,,, II• I • 1J. t ' #lthol'o l11vf mo-nfl\._ ,11,, ''. ' , • oun1 'nh•1n ol tn n, 8 AR C L /\ Y SA I 0 t KI f; ff T f: ~I :'Ii <; h<'t1dhm·:-. cauM· prcihlt'm-. f11r d<1tt1,1 ~ .,... h•i then mus t s pend v:tlu11 hlt· t1mt· an'w .. 111)j( concem <.'<1 pat1.-ntl).· qu<:st1on~ ..,., ... .. , .. t•lf1 •• t 'I ' . "''' 11A~I 1 •1 I 1l'ft "It 1:-. mc um ~t (JO J(O\ t"rnmc·nt to 1•xnc·i'•· extreme rare an the an 11ly~1s or th•·~<· ~tud11·'· 111 suhm1l thl' n·port:-. to <'<Jrrful '>C lt>nl1f11 p1·t-1 revie w. and to bf• Cl'rlaan lh1:tt ciny anlrriiretal1•m of the reports to the lay pn-:i."t <Jccuralt•ly rt'0 f'CL"> conclw11ons that the d atlJ can 'upport.'" he ~111d 11<' added that such n·1>0rt.' frt·'luently art' issued at the l•nd of lh1· w1·1·k 11nt1 th•· m1..,ch1c·f h<ts heeo don•· hy the lamf' th''' 1 .in 1>4· 1.1•r1f1('<1 and discounted an :o.t'Vt.'ral da)io lie assertt'd that one rcai.on -.ud1 rcporti. isri· issued is to create dram a "ALSO. YOU HAVE TO JUSTIFY your exasten<'e" so when agcnc1<"'> charged with finding the ca~ of CMC<'r "gel the s ltghtHl hint. they JUmp on 1l You c an·t ~lay an buaaness af you stay quiet aJI lhe time." he said Barclay said editors o f medical Journals should act quic kly lo examine the data on wtuch such reports arc based "If the warnings itrl' ha~f'd on real good data. such as tht.' wi.trnangs about c1gurcttes, people should take the warnings i.c:rious ly." he s aid Otherwise, "I would just d11>m1Mi the warrung11 ... Adults Ca1i Get Sclwol Credits Anyont' 18 or oldf'r who ha!\n't <'ompleted h1uh school a111I would Ilk<· ''' ohtnu\ ,. d1vloma can find o u t how liy rontu1•t 1n.c N1·v. rHirt Mei.at adult c·ducat1on at 760 3302 Most adult 11tu1lc 11t s 11r1• wblt' 111 t•111nplete lht>ar credits wtthan a y<·ar ti y taking ev .. n1ng classes, offlc111ls 11111<1 In 1111tl1t1on . cn ·d1t:s un· uvu1l11blc for wo rk c•x1K'r1t•m·1· and throu.ch f'X um1111111ons Chamber Greeters To Hold 'Mixer' The Greeters of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Comme rce will hold a mixer Aug. 29 at Nautilus of Costa Meu . Inc .. 2915 Hcd 11111 Ave. BulJdlnl 103 D The event from fl to 8 p m wlll feature enlertalnment by Polyne111an dancers. Newport-Mesa Offers Classes Classes in Enallah as a second lan1uaae and in AmertcanisaUoa wUI be ottered be,uuun, the week ol Sept. 10 by the Newport·ll .. a Unllled Scbool DtJtrict. IDlormaUoa about tb• clUHI la available by Pl tU .I(' =" OTIC' t. rirTtrtfl\J\ II '~'"l H H i&Mt \fAfl Ml _.., ' ... f . '. "''• ,. 1J• I A t t u t1A lot .... 4. . . l . tf ••• 1 ,. ., '" .. ... .. . ,,,,, ,,..., '"'', 't>tM,-. ' 'I • 11) • • '.,,.._., ... Pl BLI(' NOTICE '•(Tl 110\.I\ llU\IHl \\ N A-""t \f A f t Mt Hf ,., .,, f , .. "' .. ,. "''1HI ''I I t. Hiit I,. ,1 t ,fJ,,., W I I It• tf, fl tU .,,j .. •"' .. ,.. ''""'•' '' • t .. Ot t I\ ANOf "\O"f 1'.,. tt11>-td•11tf t\u• H> \111,_t .. ,a,.,. l A tt/0/ I H '1\1 1111 &ti•'"'' ' . t If t 11 I 1~ A I ,, ,qt t f l f ..... , .. Pl' RI.I(' ""0TICt: ( 1> ••ll HOTtlr IOO•rOITOll\ \UPI 111011 (0UllT O f' THf \!All 0-(a u •O .. HIA •O .. I Hf C.OOIHY O• 0 .. AN(,l .... ,~ t , .. ,.. , • ~"' ~., t,, ,.,. ( .,.,.. lllJ 't r~ •••H-.•J •<tlt'1 • f 1 ••1 UI h -1 1,1Vf N f .. fh• ,. fll t I,,,..,,.,.,, •lftll\o d tt•t + ,.,..,,, 1 • t ' "'• f• • • I ••"' "UtttU\I l 'I ~ ,.,,, Ut '' l\J+lf '' fll f1I• ' ,, ~'I I"' !tit I 14\f I "!)VI f ... t\, '" • "'It• ;t 1 11, I ltM 111> 1;f fP\•• AhO•• "" ( •llf'), ll!ft '4/t I t ~ "''' 1 lr1 llf•Y""f fh,.n\ Wlff' , ',,.,. ,,,,. ,, Of'•, ,., "' ,,.,.,,, •irf\ tq lt'I,.. v" 11! /, •l4 "iw " It I•• t'l;I t ,h .. 1t• I IA·, .. M~ t II ' ,.,, Y • '' { h•'• ,.;,,.•~ I" I '"+. I " r .... , f\u• '"' • 1, ,, ,,.,,, f14J"'lf'.,' lw.f't,._, r I ~ .... ,. """'""'' ,,, ""'"''~, .,,, '"""'' ( , .... ,,.. ''"'' ,. f'I , ••• , ,,,,. j • It ,.,~ P..,nt1\,,_..,t ()r ""'9P ,.,, C1~1 , I •ot •vq I ti '\ 11 ,.,. '1 P llBLIC' NOTH ' t: Cfl .. 11 "OTICll TO C•f 0110•) su,.e••o" coo• r o• '"' ~TAT [ 0~ (ALl~OltNIA r o " THE COONrv o r OltA,.c.t ... " 100o'11 (,t4'h r,1 f ttAt4t I~ I •••(uA,.fU(kht\.,., ._. tt I • ( " 10·.1 ' U• .,.., 1 I. N f)f ll t I\ ltt U t hr t. "'' '4 1 '"• I '~fJll(lf "' ,,. 41ffl "'" ,,,,,,,.,,11 O•••d•I t th•I i1tll l)o ''11111" ''""''""' 1 •• n1 •I''' t ,,._.. \••tJ ,..,., ,.OJ nl t•• •• 1u11.-1f •• ' • '"•"' •Ith''"",... ........ ,, ' ... .._,, IM Offh •(If tr-t It • '1' "" "'"'•'" ,., fffll(I (Ouf"t f)I Ill t•H' Piii th .. ttl # H tho t\•t •\\•rv 'lthH "•• lq IP\t' 1,11> Oot \l(lfilf'\J .-1 trw ••w vuu,. 01 w t I f MAN A '#tl ffMAt• 11111 lt\ltl"l.it novtt"•'" '"'''" / r u\t1n c ""'u""" '1..0 •hit h i'\ tr.. •Htt• 11 fJf fN \otr \\ 111 Ow wl\0.f .. vn-<J '" •II (')•ti•.-\ P•"' l •1n '"Cl tn tNI •\t•t• nf ,,.,d ,,_, 1it1111"t w10un •our ntO'\U\\ •ft•' thfl ,.,,, puDH' e uon Of O'ut n.tttu • O•lt<I Auo-nt 10, 1'19 t•AU(ll'fl I Ml llfl11 1'1 ( 11'.C."'th t>I trw Wilt ol II•-· n.om.., _, WITTMAN & WtnMAN '"" ,,,,. .......... If• t , ....... c:-... , ... 11141 ,,....., .... _,, ......... ,,. Pwo1"11ect o...,.. '°"'' 0.11., P11o1 Au@ U. tt, ,., $elll ), lt7t llM-1• P UBUC NOTICE N I J'' t ,1 '"I• !Aw ffff+t .. of AM ./ '• •t~HJ f J~t. ~ .. A M 111 ,; 111 ,. ', l• JOO N,.wOtltt It .. ,, I I,. t • 1ot "f/"'1/1 wn 11 n 1\ lr'\t u•·• • • r,., ... • th• 1;11i(jftr•,1v•u~ ,,. , t ",,,1,., t• ''''""'"'to'"',. .. ,,,,,."' , 1 f• 1 •1•• • • u un luvt mnnt"-~. o ' 1 ftH I • I f1ut;IH ftftt>n Qf lfh• (JAii tf A·.N11•t I t4f/'f N II I tAM A C ON,. .. 0 , t 'f I tt• ,;tr .f ,rv N 11' ·' Ow-11.,1r1r ri '"'""'J t ''"""'"' W it I tAM 'I \(HMIOf S... \.tft M•.-.t Or ' t MO N••porl 8•4'("' (A •1..0 ,., llt l ... ,,,, Attotft•, fOf t ••t v·•ot ' ' ...... ,,. .. , I 11 <11IM ·• t 0 41.t• I 1101 ,,., ,,.,, '" PUBLIC-NOTU"•: 'll Tl flOIJ\ llV\ll'fl ~\ H•MI \!All M l Hf • ~· ""'" ·• 1 • ' .,, • 11111no I Al' M 111\\I I fl f If I t II 100 Hi #t>f1 • t '• "1• • f ., "' ,11 .. 10• N• ftlr •• t~_.. r1 • ·•""''"~·· ()/IWA ,..,,,, ",.,., •, ,.,.. .... ,..,. ' . ,.. ,,., ,,,,,, .... , ''"' f ,, .. , .. 1111;11 ,,,,,,,, l t ''''"' f -fhfutn1,.11J#\tO f h1 ""'""'"'' '" , ""'''•' tnrl nf /t l1lf111"'() JNtftn11H\t'llO M 11 h#M'I \ M r th.On f n t\ ~''"'"""'f't Wft\ l1lt'd '#Ith fM (t1vntv 1 ''"" ot O'""tlt" Countv on AUQU\t I 1•1Q ,.,,.,.. Pv!>ll\""'<I 0.-( 040•1 Oe llv P•IOI, AUQ11\I I, !). 11, ,.. "" »lt-1• PUBLIC NOTICI:: P'ICTITIOUS eUSINIU HAME UATfMl!NT 'f\,. •01tow1nq P•t\Ot\ t'\ dfHftO bu\frwt'\\ ., \01 A( I\ '1011 S,&Y1 II* f ley \tr,.•I • U t4u"t1nQto" H••<l"ll ( •"'°""'• .,, .... '\ftrfyl lhhANWI W Allfllt It• ( l•Y \,It•-• • f\ Hunttnqton tt••H"• C•l•totf\•• .,..,.. 'f\1\ 0.,,\.1~\\ I\ f'f""ft(J\Kf"'C') IJ'f tift ll\OIWi4hfAI ~··•fl w .... ,., fM\ \l"t-1 ••• fll<HI "''"' I"" Co...,1v ,,,,._ ot 0.-Covnh on &1411•1 , • '"'· ' . PUaLICNOTIC P\J8UC" NOTIC DELINQUENT TAX LIST 1978-1979 ruauc NOTICE ._ ~ Wl1<1tlf•t tl>Ome • M tCPt AP ,. I .... _.,. PUBLI NOTICE ",.. .. •••11••• '"•"'•' 0 U rt •P Ol••f' ,.,~ •• ,, •• , '"' Jf,1)1 ... ~lltJJ A ,. '"''" °' \1 '""' ""'*" ~ 11..,._1 L •I .ol H I AP U Hl .. , .... 1 lii'e111 MtWI~'-'• _,_,,,. II Ill A'° I• l)JOI tWM II l •,.•11 111• •• al Al' •• t•J Ot. Ut \\ AP h ,.,. tl't u "'""~••I. Ml(llHI 0 ''"· Al' l l' II) IS. U!I ~ M••••O. llo~rl l)e ltl 01 ti 14' .. I H I. AP Nlt ... 11ltY. HOw••CI H •J f l, •P ttt ttJOI ...... Y•)QYU Hl9•0 l I H I AP Ut IM IO \I. 1• 11 A p , ... , .. , ·~ \I ••c~h1nCI H•f1"• I• t/J 11 ~11 W Qtt•,, Ctt•I"• ,. WOI llenl \CH• "'"' M IW\) A P •P Ill .01 Ol ... Jt .. NO ,. '"'°'· "/) w M •'"''h r.t11: .. •{lt tt 1 t 11 A.- I• tl l I\ t tW II t.u,.,, WflUttm IJ •t t AP If •t J 10 \)It ti ( \A til'At\O•••'*''titt• 4P ,. tt J ,. ,,,, II) ( IOI'"' ' t\•fl•• -.... 14 .... OS ""'"' Mutt tt•rvtq t •• el A.,. I• , .. 0\ ••n • ~\i)ttl•t\ \14'1' • ''M; AV 24 tll 0it '"' ... .. '""''""'O (,.CJ • .,. _,. Ir• .01 O'I \!Ol It Al••• loYl• (. • II• \tU 11 ~ut•to AfllP'IOft t' "' ~ .. '"' ., t I 1J AP '>•Ot. I rod w IWJll, AP .,.,.u-ot \I \U 11 K•,•0t01•n Cr.aros J CJ Tl AP lie I 11 II \tO; ~ M t(dlt Wlri•em (, tJ Tt. AP "' .i1 n. tt,JllO .. (',r e n o C,r t90,, A •SM I AP '" 0 1" '' n1u V•"•r, A1'Clr"' ~. AP lft~Ol·I), PUBLIC NOTICE Prttclllot. 1'9111 ' • AP "1·>61•1'. .... ,. \Miiot\. C¥ot't'1 J ti e l IJTI, A ,.,.,,..01. '* tj hOflvr MoftW• tPT•, A" lfi-041·11. ..,., 00 ICt"'lle<. f<W IJTI, AP 14~144. UIS 0 '""Oftetl•, )OH Oh A I IT I, AP .. ..., ..... '"'ti Pwlftty, Wtlll•m A tWRI. A" 14>-0.' 01. Utt >O \l••nle y, Elle NI IS(}, A P 10 06.J II "U JO ·-·-· J•O W , AP 1-1).lt, UM11 I •"900". °'°"" I ITI, AP 1-14.0.. t 110 IO Elll\, WlllltM J. AP 14..014.01, 11/J ,, Wlll1•m•, .>oy E <ti •I IT(l. •P , .. 011-0I, u.. ,. c ... 11er. Fr-tN1$1 •P 14t-O?l.O.. ''" '0 •Uni•, Tf\omo A IJTI. AP •*-00·11. "" '1 Pore1. NII .. IHI. AP 1*"°4·1•. ..,., O'I Wedneeday.Auguat 22, 1979 PUBUC NOTICE AP It) l'll 11. .,,. 11 AP '" 7tl It,''~ n AP 16.)-Jtt 14 Ul2 1• S<h ... tltf. J(lflfl JI •••• t "'· AP 1.,,,.,"°2,"" .. SYll•tl Yl\lt E"e!H I PTI, AP ,.,.,., .... ,, . ., Frtftfh, Ro ntla l , "'· AP IU.071 II. \nt It C•l'tlttll. D•v•a E !(P t, AP ••J-Ot>•H, l l'IO It H•ll. W lllotm t . IM S I, AP IU 0.1 ». m 1 " Aodt t \e• Wtllet• 8 IJT I •P .. i,.011.00 ·~'It Dullll•, v erv.F t)Tl, ,._p IU-.01. IAll ... COCI• Troy l. tJfl. AP 10 101-4J \1'J H W•oM. """' IJT I, AP l•S·IO?•ll, UfJ II \h•lf~ -~,..I M CUWI, llP tu 101 o. '''°" 8rldQ~• 11 .. r,.ra c. IJTI, AP .. S 11 J.01, '119 IO (.e11•loid IC•,.,..111 0 . IJ TI. AP IU 111 11 , .. )) PUBUC NOTICE AP 11'~1.o:J, 11:16.:11. AP 17' "141, "»SI AP 1,....,1-0S, ll>t ,. AP 111 "14. \1:16" AP 1,....,l.o7, 11:16.,.. AP 111-tlt-10. 11:16 M AP 1/t411-ft 11:16 ti AP 11' ..,,.1), \1:16 le AP 11e • ..:i1.11, \13',. •P I ,.._.JI 1'. \1]6 SI AP 11t-4>Ml, \llll..SI A P 111-4l I 1•. 11 » SI AP 11t-43MS. \1:16.:11. AP tit '1116. tilt SI •P 11'-4ll·11, \1:16 ,., •P 11•"'1MI. \lllt St. •P 11t "'11·3', t l:l6.SI AP 11t "311'. \l)t SI AP 17'-"'11-40, ")t SI AP I 1t"'31 41, "ll> It AP H t 4'31....,. tilt 11 AP 11t '11-4} \!'.»SI AP 1~"'11..._ tilt SI AP 11t ..,,_.,, 11:16 SI AP 111..:11 .... \1]6 le •P Ill t lt lO \I'.» SI AP lle..:JI SI ")t SI AP Ill UI SJ Sll6 SI DAILY PILOT AJlt PUllUC NOTICE 111 m.u.u..a. Ar110IC1, Jotin w., AP 111 .u1.10, uo.t.i .. _.Oevkllt IJTl.APlll~ Ult.U. · .. omov-l•d. Hom•VOOll IJTI~ AP 111 Jll U, 1111 2• . ic,,.., c:.ec11 L I JTI, •P 111-»2·1,, ,,, ... 0f•?ory, ReYMOftd J. IJTI, •It Ill ~.Jf, \147.. ' MMrlO, ...,_, A .Jt ICPI, Af ,., m"°'. u~.s. M•UatCI, ..... r y I JT I. AP 117•2'4-0,, UJJ S2 a Aot>I"'°"• Si.P'Wn I.. •I el IJTl,A(' 10·101·04. \llo0,)1 Mork 4 111vo1mtnh •CR/ AP 10 IOl.OJ1 .. 1.01 AP l•J 1177-04 ~ 11 Jtll. Henry w OJ l l, AP 1d·I011l UH 10 ':'•r<'•n. Cert ( S• AP 10-101 J6, t ll) 11 r,111\n I Arntt' I JT '·AP lfl·Ul·lt, ,,,. it Au'"" "'""•nO I( 147 IS) 01. S1f3 .. IJT I, A.P PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 3381 THROUGH 3385, REV E NUE AN O TAXATION CODE THE PUBLISHED DELINQUE NT LIST IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORAN GE, STATE OF C ALI FORNIA HA S BEEN DIVIDED AND DISTRIB U T E D TO VARIOUS N EWSPAPERS OF GENERAL CIRCULATION PUBLISHED IN SAID COUNTY FOR P UBLI C ATI O N OF A PO RTION THEREOF IN E A CH OF SAI D NEWSPAPERS. \IOf"ff'ft I , I• •I •I I • IOI 0t UOv • lhhlltr Ci•llltt 1 " /I IOJ II '4H 16 NIYI CM)I A" \IJJ ll Fupto ""•'•'"· ~ ,~M 1 AP 17' 01 ~ ,,), tO "••V•• Norm•" $ tJT I AP i .. ~1 n . \1~1 ... '1~11;;•m• • .lov CUWI. •P 1~1>-IU·24. l(•nl SI~""" l 'Jll AP ••.S-01 H t•H 11 M •nn. J•rnmv " ., •I • J TI. AP I 1t •11 II 'J~ JO .._.,.,.._ R qo~rt W J TI, A I> 10 I)) 0) o-., Y'I 4 Ch-.,... Pdui W \JIJ •• ~http.,O A(lhvr • ( P ) AP 111 44 .. .().) UIS)' L•M•v L•u •1U1tc IJTI AP , .. ~, •• un .o Nllllt•. 0.-1 J I JTI •P 1 ... oi,o.1• 1)1) .. W 1ll1•f""\ IOI/ [ M •oo (,r .. oorv f •Jr fUWI, ll.P 11loU 19.111Sll'I •P H • w• ti N 1ll1•m J 10 161 Ol. '111110 P.vY'"f ~uO•·o" M h) Mt 10 S\1• Of> I J t I I J I I t "'' c,, M •rv.1 "-OI \11~ .. lt.4'\n9 , l Y< tll• ti I (Pl C •v•ffo Oom1n1c 1 HI ~> OJ, \I oJ5 11 If• 'I P It~ I&) (11 '418 II s ...... ,. o • .., .... 14}-1.-i.oJ. ,,.. fQ \l'l•tfet 0.-w-lt)(>tn+n' I~ ,, A j AfJ I JT t •P 111&1/o(J SIH• AP •P tit oJ? •I U• '6 CJI •• 411 ModQtJ \ A Of\•ld W 'JT \ A.P Scott, V•rwN T t UNll AP lft.O~ 0. ~31 T •O•~ !>ot'n\WI 1 f AP ··~ 1'H)I /lP 118 bl1 \1 S/10 II ( .. n11_,1 A1tpt1•I IP~·ptr 1•1111 ... StSA 11 "" 1•11110~. " • II I 01 "'11 II Nf't\Uh M t1 r\thl n M~1 A P " //I Ill \J" .. A!J 14 111 OJ t U) ()4 AOanci-111, c; .. 1.iw" •• IMV I AP I• 1110) )IOl!o /0 W tf'l'IW' M 1t.,t-Ci .Jr •P 14 Ill 10 )/11 10 l Uf\1' flO,OIP\y t-1 11 J ( "p ,'1/H1(f ,tt/H Wntffi.U Ii.AW-I f 'M t 4P /4 JM> 60 \I HJ .. Wuw• lYlt •W I AP ... 0.1'°4 t..oo 04 Ill ~) 08 SI 008 ~ M<N<tlll )0 B NO• II OJ 10 AP t,.._S.)..Olt, U t• l .& ,.. r4f~\ N u; 111t1 l• Solen.. (otp l A AP 118 •)) I• ~I) AP 111•» 11 ~W O. AP l /t~).)77 !>4.16 I? "Pttt~'11 ~·~ II•~" 111<• " !>""' AP "lO 11 on ,,., (11 !\v.-~. Al<' t)Nll AP •>OJl07J \I)) 01 Qpltr l • Roy~ •Jl t A P ftSt•~lt UUf' 1 .. O.Hll t101 » Jonn\('n ;fen""f"' O 'TI 8&iit • ,,, M t ,,di! ~t .. p It) t•) It Ubl ... h..ol1 oit UJ.a to ,.,., Autt-, tu .... •'O N W•l~er V.•ll~r JI AP ... O'I 11 10 ·~ 00 0'.4 "'°' ,,., u l 1t1,. K"••r•,· • U6 091 t7 UIS IO Z•n QQt'' M <tr1 ( Alil r I r 11 A "p It) 104 1• S JU If" ','A •• 'Ip l•)..7'• 1' \.II/ •• ' . , .. 10) u ""~I• 0"''' .,,.....'" j 'HliP\ I Hull (,,,.,, 10"'" L (P' AP AP••~ 1UCJ \'w w t i JI M ,,..,,., P111>~e1 ( Jl I A._, 118 041 U AP \.A1'-' ,,,/' "' 11• v (P\.rttt\ ~ •P 111 ••I IU '81.>4 I• J~r wf\ Norrn.,,n I• ,, AP tWP o. AP "p Ill .. 1 °' ,, "°' •• W Oiff Aoa J f •P Ill 64 1 to ... p ,, ()0) )) 0 f'•\liltl CJ M 1rn•t• •18 ~·I JO \I /'I() JO (d\"''' l""'"''" .. l '18 '°') <J I I 111 ~ J1 AP ( p IH o~t.O M lf Mohd UH SO •a,,m l•N• ' ~ ltt " I \l'n,tQtl (1 o1 'NI t A tf) Jll ti SVll 1. 010 WQttlj tJ-.h• t A ,, 11) 411 Id \A )I I I A P NO . '"'' "" •( .,, AP )f 11JG .i UO H Wtl,Ofl Attvmonc.1 (t , J t 1. AP n 011 01 " 1111 • • (,o,do" J •Mf't. p f(P I A.P •» ~-019 • .,., °' , .. IJI t) ,,., 11 .. , • " t u..11 .... ,,o ,. n (', 0\.Jfl [1•1•0 w l/I ••• tO )I 110 II W•"' I (Cld't ~ft' I • AP 141 •lt{)'I SIH \I li.P 1'1 t/J n \)i\ I; A t:..1 111 t/4 I) \]1' /• AP lf1 ''' U , SjjJJ , t ~p U 7 •111-\li IR llfJ U1•I•1'# Sfl6• DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE ( A \ •'n<hJC110t\ {Otf' NO AP /l OJI Qjj, )tll 2• M"uwf'CtftH ~lO''"'a P • HO' •P •>OH O'i SI•.' 11 f ('hNQ,.t hon ( \410 10 H I AP IS OH OS. MO'Q•n l0<i.1n.~ 8 . AP •JO s-~. U U 'lt R O\tr (l~re-ntt' f ~)() $• 10., \110 11 J T I ..... f\l•r • ~llv WOI AP YXI )• t7• U" tO ''"'tlltt ~""" ~JO~ ••. sm )I vw llP At• Bart". J°"pll •CP'. •P t ... h).01 )t OJ• 19 W• t1 N 1 ,, ,4,. • 11 ti .Montqotr.w,. JdtN ' ft ~ 146 141 O' I D'" M t••CJl•w•, (.Ju,1nf•Of' ·~ t~ OJ SllO JO ~"'"'"., ( .... t.1 t 146 t6t \II H• II I renQ• r W• •"rt Q tt • eP U % I' ,, 1 1 'If b, '*'' M"''"ff'0 A AP Ill OOI OI SA~/ ~t H tillt1no • p t ,, fi• ,~ ) l.•tf t"I h ',r-~t"••' ~ p \ ljt f I 1 I' "~ I r ' A p E .,,., r,. o'Q"' i" .9, /~ ,, ,\4 t'° ~4'•·f\rlll ~ON I J f \II•• .. t:ttetl"lt "•'O I ~\tt>r l 1/8 101 01 \I )/'I \I l l<J , t flt.,,,, ~r J 1 1 (.P Pl • .... "" AP tf1 H• JI SlV. I\ AP U? 41> 14 llH 18 •P ••1 .,, J) ""' ;j! P"'YJO'· Pd¥rt1t1nd t)I JI• 10 HI> 8• ( f'J • fll.J r.t, )1tn f 1$/ ]JI )/ S/lt; !ICI ..... ' t T AP ,, w \u·r' n "•·iilh A. lnvr,tmr"' tnc Ill APl\On~ St64\16 VI\•• lo,. ll AP/)QJ611 t 4'r ~f\n W•tlh•r I •JO)• ti) Sl•7 81 ,.. '•' '7 ,..,. "' "'' t ~ .. rbour P,,,. • f A p , ,,~ 10, <H \S/9 f/JJ ~· •i•~~llJI\ 11~107(11 ))!,l (IO '""" p·>1j1 p, 1'J/ JJ1 ·~. \O..i l<f Ylh1i1lJI• ~r,~ t1 •1/o,; Ill CERTIFICATE OF REAL PROPERTIES SOLD TO THE STATE '°'"'"''' l (•t•on r ~• Cnu,... 1or frf'4t\"rf'' Of,,,.,. Covntv o• Or "'"'<k' "•U~ o• Ctllfo,n•a '°"'"f""OY l\ r"if•r\ ·•"t t()llO...,\ ,, )l(J lb \10lo1no t,.,.~n'" A .. t "' f ( 1 AV n O•I lO \/11"" h••I•, ~t 1nf1·y " ,,1 f(1 AP 1\ Ot I I I U t i) lb Wf'll\ ._. .. lt'n (. AP I~ 0•• 04 0)1 88 I( .,,n, y Wtlh•m L )t I•\ 1Q Vdug°""' OOt,.10 JT AP !)OH tJ AP 110>706 Or•n~' 0 • ti' M AP t\O \4 1'0• Sll•OI ... ,.I. on1 IO\t Of'I l 9JO ~ '14 l ll• Ot (. ,., Q , " '"' ' •JO \4 71) \1•1 It Pott.,~ (,.,..,,,.~ M ut ,,1 •JO )• Ill S,.11 O~ Jt (,dDt-rr Jonn H It/WI ~11 " 071 )19) Ill! A p 'II' "" &P ,,.,,. • w r "'°'' • Uo lolOO Sie1 I S• "' f ',. I,, u~ ,H •1 'yu~ (..u .. , "" "•llll\\'18••1 Jc.in J;lq h..jtO l ,, 040., ,,,, • ,,,., /.J••• • 14• IJJ 18 '-'''I• I II ., 11 Aµ .. ,.. ~ . '• ., ., .. 1tt> .,.., u•Hl '' \ . ., .., ,..., ,, ,, •t U~ ltJ I , ,,,. ... ,, .. ' AP lo r>A #I \I "'<i • p,, ,, "~· I.I: , .... AP t)li! ~. f.14• t t ., I f " f f'MI rtO'•C" '' t\#rt't>Y Qlvfln thot bif'CdU\.11 (\f non P'(tVf"f'lt'nt ut tf\c' IOl••I 411mount O\Jlt' tor lttJt~\ n\it"''\m-.~h .lf\Q otn .. r tndl~' lfo,1'*'0 1n thfl 'fltlH 1'11 ro' rn .. .:flf,(al v .. ~u 1918 7q \hOwn .,, 0011~,._. ~oa "'"'\ OOCX'~•I~ t~ dr~o10 •1on O' ,,.,,. pt~rty or.t••f"f'O •n '" .. '"' bPIO..,. tr.,,.,., Of'OperUes on whic" '-...C" ~mount) we'e-• t111n w•r-o., "~'dl•Of'I of ••w. 1n rn., ott1c11 df Room 110 r +n4tnc, 8u1ld1"Q, blO North Rroadwav, Cfty ot S..nt4 AN, (ountv ot Or~nor ...,,d •o I~ 51411~ Of C•lllo,nl• 11) o'Clock P M . on'""~~ a..v ot JvM 141Q "'' "' f4tq t>r PrOOf'rl1ttt. Int CRJ AP ''•"' ,_,," D .. , .JI •l1 t, '°' "" " llv ~t11r"Hlh At•f'••O I•• 1)) 10 "',, ... ,,., "'' •1. \• '" .,, . ' Attf"'ltOf'\ t\ t\Pf"~b• dir.-c•erd to ,,. ··•dOe'NSa'" lo th•\ P\,IOll\"""'1 0t11n OUf"nt l•it. Thfo Ot'oPf'"h~ '"'"'° m thh A~no. wert' •l'\O. o., uper•t•on ot Id..,, P"~Y'®''" 1o010 the Uw State 01 C•htorn111 tor'""° totaf amoun1 Of -. ... , •~>l'Om~1\ t!ind otne, ctMrQ\"\ lt>vlt"d in tnt· v••o and lor '"-ftw:•I vt•ri ~!~~It~': ~~~1,e1;,;Mf'te-n<.r here-In '4:1ld Adele-nd• I\ •ntOf"C>Of"•lecJ Rt>af Pr~r1v sold to tne St..ttP m~~ bi f"t"(liHlmfKI by p..:tymf't'lt ot ,.11 u n pa10 ta•eS af"d d\Sf'lS""t'l'l'~ 'f"l9' th~r With '-UCh dddlftondl pen.-.1t1r\ M'IO fflf'\ :,!~~~lbl1id by ldw t1r m~t bf--f"fl'Offtne-d unc;)rr .tn tn\l•llmf!'nt plan of ,,. All •nforrntOon concern1nQ r.aemoUon# ot the 1nlfdit•on of 4n 1n,t11U m t nt nt;u1 o• rf'C'.)rmpHon ot 16• 'fll(I p'nfJif'rty V¥tll llPo'1 ,.-q,,. \t tw furni,ht>d b'f NobPrt L Cit'°" '"' (Olln.lt'H Trfl'•HUtfr .-.1v1 ~M'1ifl""P'•On O't•trt Ruvm ttO f 1• ltntt-f'uildmQ. 6l0 lliforth An>oow ..... \.ont-9 A'ld (<lfHornf• '<t·ttlfy uricwr P' "-'"Vu• pi·, IU""' '"'°"' '"" '"'l"0in•"4 •' ttt.H• ctno tMrf'C.t Uo'-'E't I l f t1f'Qn l e .... {Olt• 1nr T ''"'"""", f (htt•• CO\IHh 1) OH 01 SI 1118 •1 M1no•·1 l!en f AP H OSI IJ U •l 8' f~rown io,.rint Pl •' 1\ O\;. I) \1•7 90 I f , AP AP Parll'fl' i( •nne t., R H oss 01 s•n •• MdtfHJ1t, Vinton 0 \81 ~8 4 P J) OH •O. c ... o. M<'ri~ l lJJQ n lll AP nO~ll AP HOW. I/ SllO )"/ .. 4uf"n,,,,"" 1~ Ot.111 \11'188 Mflll .. y lHd h ~·""" Wt. ~ II I "'' I f T \ . " W4tlltn\ Ad\on'\I nd Jrt 1.JMI AP Q)1 II Ul l t•S 114 8enth•n W'-.llt-f f •11 t1 •n ,,., .. , f t AP l t\l)m.\\ W!111~m tt rt 41 J t t AP •l1 11 106. ~Ill 16 ~v•o Pttlft" fUMl AP •n ,, , ... \1'1 Oii ll~olh 'MtV • l)W't AP ~7 II .... IJe8 10 (a\OV Wiii!""' IJTt AP t )1 II )Ot \1)1 t>l 01•'"°"· CiuN!t• tUM I, APOJJ.l/·111 ,, .. 1• P op41 tJ H I rt r 'ii !> 013 IJ Olti U1"1 11 1..0rtlf'I, M''""~' ,,... •ll al 001 )1118 8~ I• "p • IT AP M .1tt • • fn m.,~ I W\11 \1010 \1 n, '"'d1,,t<qr1 .. 1\ "Ot tO '1t& \I '"' ( p P,,tt,.r M.dr• A ' t f A p 1101 11 11 'II •P ... ,., JJ 'IJ °"'• I \l t~ ") A '"'""•u "'4 1 •t• °"' 11 vo.o~ .. 14r; l&f.> ,., ., (,PflQ"' ~tli•. n •I ..ti l"f> l•I •1 lite IO •uYii• IU\ l f*n ,., ., , .. 1•• '6 "a11 .. T~U'f Lt"• fl n•o 11 ~md rt hd'Olf'J I' 1441 1)..> IS tlOO II lln '"'• Al"tUf"I•" ~ f U5f IJ p,, .. ,,,...,., g h.-.•tj I IOI> 111 JO U71 I P u•t t l>.\rl'WI .. , r.,.,, ...• AP l•&1nt• t141'1 rdH ~ W 1-trd J• 1<6 Jiil 1'i UJt 1" MV IT• ,, " I I ~ QQ~H lotll~\ ( . ' " ""( •P AP b" • n"'-' ,~ C..'+ 11 ""'" I p,," ( u•'°', A \t/0 01 U no -, ... r .• r •111~~ ti s;,,. •> I f •"'" Aitrf ~•rCl•O • p 1Jt t(" ll \);I lj ... .,~,. ,,.., HO'> t I A,,.1 ""•"' Air,,, H ~ ~ 'lt;,I' .... I '··~,· A p /111>1 • ._ ' .. -\#•,. • 'I / !.i! •t:t t •v•d N "P JS 101 11 U ll ) , C)tuP•n Ar·o••~ •• ol >S '""' 07 ,, " ., ' ..... ( "~Pt>•ll ""f'tf 0 AP ~ll e1 '°" '119\0C. .,-,f"l~r l\tlllo ~M AP O))•J tftA AP U..1 88 "b 10? 10 17., JO b~ rnn ( Alfli~t in• A .. Apt \J" i"~ AP •It> i t A '' AS.I r .. l.t , ... AP /t 14111 f.J111ntM ''" w .... , O.vt-h OIT'f'"' Co (I> •P l~ltl JO H 1t JO '4 "'''' IQl'lt'f M •l AP ntt101 i•• •• Wtt\Otl Adv""on!,) (., 1 •10~\ )10111) I J II AP J.• ,, .. 1 ... 10~ ., "'" "' M 1't t•lt.-.nu AnQt"IO l•b ~': 19 \I~)'• f• 1 t. p , ~-I ll.~ lllA !>,w 6n•9.1n '"• ""' AP l •ti H • tt GOOOll'IQ ft~ W •P 110."t 01 UH 8• iu., ~~vnO.-r\ """",.'"' 0 G••lr C"llotlollP llP 110 I" 08 "b Hl ll UO'I II ,,, ., w .. 11,, R1it•,. ltJ, NO •P , .. H' \r I"" I TAX llATE •REA •.ooi .'•.1•·· .. •e. ,. ,,. . ........ ,. ,. \. ,, J "t'J I' 'A I' t tt ' .. .. 1 IT A.._, '1• \t ... .. 4._1 ., I "., ·~ . Al u •O• r g,..,,."" ,.~ /\ ,. 1~1 or ""'-'" ,, , • , t , ' \.Utl ' f.'4 •r(ftu• f ;•I It~ A P t d f ot I~ l .,", I I f IA .~ '"'''*'o Al',., tt1 n '"""" .. ' A I I I • ,,,. I \A .... /.. ~ ,. ,..., .. "8i.) ,. ...... ,, ')·, "·· . t I• •t~ ,,,,.," \~t \1 "' L~ q )I P 'J \/'-' I . ..,"'""""'"'~',..,,...,..,.,.,.,,. QI .. p .. p .. .. I-I \J..; I /,,1 ~'" ''· 'M 1-tft)"'' ,_. ,, '·C. • PA t 1 •I ,,,,,,,.,_. ~'· AP t ~ 111 M t lfil •~ AP•/~ n• 1" l•ll .... Afl 'II /1 (..~ \,• H ""''"tl:'j~I \ •• /4 f;I I tlli 11 • t;.' \"" ,_., ('I,.,.,,~""~' f "'" •' J. •>'· y •)o() ' •1 I\ \• f'\""" rt-A lf>",.-t ~ A P •l'4 "o 1'¥.A ,11( H 1;; • "" r' ttur o t. \ .. II: C'C YI''' 4" Ir .. I• ( .. "' ir J' ,1 At '£ J • , t ~·n ._,, Af.t AJA \'.I I i i tr 'if IAf.11•7 It//~ \lq tM, ,, p 1 1 Jll 1-. ,~ '"" A~ AP '• 1 l? }I "°'tj ,, J. ._, I ' t \ / t AP .. ,, q .• \II "I AP Ill> I\/ Ill I< S'" "1 A I• t'), i;• i \I ~ A I> '\I Ul It \'I'. , ... A'; 1'7 •1' ii i u t~ ...... I. I t\ .. ,. \I 1~"' SJ II ( ,."', f'\ I"' •I 'rq•tf l•H I I A" .... -.M All~</ U1 I \ttt Ii' AP .... '' ' ... , ',,. f • ,., ~'I 1Hn-1 \JOtffO .... W-6V'• ·• M • ti 1• I t ,, 1\1 t\1 ·~ ' ~ '~ AP t \Jn••·r ~ • ..-.,, '' ¥ 1\1 ti)]' I\ "''' "' .. ., •JU ., 01' • [O • ,, r ... , )I . . . t \ ... t 1, •• ,,,.,., .. • .,,... ... 1 ' .. .. .. •JO V Ol. ,., . 't ,1,j4 • , , .... ' ~ , ,,,, •• I 1 1 ,, l'Q r•\\ 'I \ W'Q ) I'"" 11 • V 1t)Q,.•1 Hill l'\10 j I~~,,, H s • • ,., /II A I '" 0 I ••w'' ...... ,,. , .. ,, , ...... , J , l u • A It At' , .. ' < ~. Al .. ... 6 I \ ... .. ' A"l " o.; 1 • n1 '"' .. . " . ... .. ... \ ''• I " . .... . .... Al '·· ... f'Y ,, u-... ,, ., ' '. ... (Judndt t• ... rr~ A .. , 'ii HI" I' S~M •'I MVI But•• Cnr1\1• P""' J SM ,.P \~'A no 197..()9 ,17 '1 R,.n.nQtnn OH "'",., A. '\,':ti) ·~· ., ,, , .. .... ~I 4 \, ~ '• • ~ .... • • ... \ " too . . ' ... ''"""•''' ,. ''"''°' 1,f ,, ~f , .. , AJ.t 'Jf U/ H ... •P I\ II) •I Sit! II .. ,,, ""'" •P 80Y\•4' W ttl•6""' J ·~Ml A P "~.,.CH ''"'' ~1 ltO ttl<N SU ~ flt_.U" f'ol 1(.-'t M O •hl O#fV'IQ • t •• M \/ A pl'·•, .. ," ,,. \ti, \1010001 \111X> ~1r1 w•r\ Q, ""'0 $.' f otrtfr /oltt t 'HO• A.P ·~o 1711), IHJ '" O& ~ 1\ . , .. I .... " . ' . o•I (1.. • I , I• \ ,. .. ,, , .. , f.,, . . ' A I A• ., . .. I .... ' .. "'' ......... (ooo ( ()1Pp tCPl l(R <OMMV"'• t f PROPF t' I Y tO~PORATIUN ' \I'; ,..,, 11 .. utfl' \UH /CJ '••lf'l l />P /I flt 18 w.u'D<l' w •dmf', ,.., ,,, '~\jttQ \j..tl1J AP tl\ ~1 ,.. u'•• ~.,,,...., Jon•' fr M"I""" O "' 11 t 11 110 •'I \/1 l t I( ~ JfP \A•. J~ Al .. "'. ' .. . <I .... I, ... .. t . .. ' .. , . .. ... f;t-st• 1-.1'"'otn• 1 ,.,...., r~.,.,,.,,.,.,,,., U••.t t11 .,, t 01., f'hv1\11"W\ l ei £ h11t111hf)n r "'''P'' £ "'•'""'""'' { ,, f"'tf\t .. ••.ti and ot"""'" ( t fl'" [ fl,.flJI"' f • .,, "'' I A. M ~M"...,",. Mtlrtn""""'' 1f 11 fRACTIONALINJEREST t.11n C.u<tr<lt"'" •HWI HIJSRAN(J •NOWt~I ~W'f H•'l"""lllV ... WY\ H lQtlWriV' tM lntOt"DOrAl•o(J frn lnt~M"f" Inv I nw\tmf'r'I\ ., JuntOf" tJTI JOINTTEN•NCV t /YI IOHIT VE NT URE l.A LO\ Ang<I,.. tlE• ll~f" £5TATE Ltd L1,.,..lt•-"G tMAI MAAAtEO fl,\tq ~nutf'll(tvrmq Mii MINO!< t MM • MeP Pll[) "'AN tMSI MAllAIEOMAN.SEPARA IE M t M uont IMVI M 11f ll VESllN(.<; '~!Alt tMWI Ml>l>Pl[0W0MAN NA NAllW.itl A!oVJf '"''°" N••• NAt1onot111 No : f"4 1mt)ou· <NO .. ov~'>llN(, INJlt NOT Rf S='ARCti( 0 NT & SA N1tltc>na1 Ttu\~ ~nd !.,,v•n'l\ JlqO< 1.ttl'tf"I 1P T1 P/lA"fN[P$MtP \ & l ~,...,,nq, .-no Lcu.n 1~£ 5(PfRAT t Sf< v S-.-'"'"" 1!>11 SI Nl•L( 15MI '\IN(AE MAN St s .. ".,...,. $1 -~onl/'!Jlr~I tSW I SIN(;l( WOMAN •~t o TENANCY IN COMMON tVM I IJNMAAPl(O MAN lllNI UNM ... RRl(O USA 11no1..o Slal..,Of A,.,..•or~ tUW I UNMARRIEOWOMAN V~h Vt•t"''~"' IWOI Wl()()W IWJll WI DOW( R t W !.I MARR! C 0 W O MAN, SEPfll•TE l llF t WH()llY EXEMPT FRAC TION•L INl 1 f•l'lnr)I .. , f " 1 ''" n·. "''' u • •It, fi(Jtll·r! U61 ... '"" , Al> AP/11••1~ u 1mo1 n O•I (Or e> )', It U \ttJ t,1 'IP •Pt tt t)(l.10 )I)~ !I/I ( p 1 \I I., ()4 S\\1 6'r Wf'\d ••~r Jim ' J I ft /11 ,, ' 'IP f'."" ... 1•6 •01" \]1/01 A., ~ nud,Ol'I c •dtOfC1 M . \ ,. .. I.I ., ,, Ir . . . . " ... .. "•'"' ;.J ,. t ,, Htw'P', P,.yf W ,~,. •b IT A P 11 tu )0 Af , '•' °'1t \114 &I AP >' "1 (11 ,,.. t>I AP H tO OJ \II• '1 llP H 141.0S \IH 1>1 •SI 1'1-1l. Ull •l Won4 l .. ,,.., D ITI f'P t\I '161·1• I•~ .01 11 """'" '•"• ... p ... •OJ.OJ "'"" •• AJ. Ifft It (_,.t • J•, t •ro• •I, '•' I/ I ,, \l .tt f '" . " At l ot>•n H 1 \o"\8 ~ .. 'T' AP JJ '"'"' 1t 8"nlll •• urol"f J tr I Nd tt0n4i Tt ftf •I. AP 1' I•& Ot S'l11 0<> tlon,.,, (....n,. M iUM 1 /lP 13 '•b \1 \)90 )0 r "" Qnn~'" ,, 1) 14& ?O. ,,~, .IC,I .... ,, II AP M rl '" n 0 4'v1d \/IU t I r t A.P 11 148 OS. '>11 \t~ A 't,Of tdt,.._ 1J. "8 oe 07 \.17s • ., Pt AP »USO M ttl.,., V~r,. l W (J ~()Afti.n'lotfl. WlfltAm W •Jl • AP \J IJI~ .,,,, l\I ?I '* 11 W tM>d'AIAtO, M.itrQ,.,.,., P iJW • Af." , u-•r Lul"fl'r ._ Cu\,.Cll lohnR •t ttl 1T1 AP UJ1'1J1 \'l4 )tt UM\1 )\HI ()Q Mm~!> SrMw '-u, .. n K W~1 AP UJ i.J Ot l\•< ••t •t\Q A lfllln p Md\P01(n1~n. 8f:o'f't'fly W 01 .AP ,,., •• , ..... ,1..01 1107 .. 1!» 1U \.4 '°'1186 Q o drtQV'I B"v(fl' ~ IT1, ,._p W 1 1 0f'I ... t" .. 010 H "n'"' I•"'"' " Jt ' A P 111 1{)} 10 Sl01 SI 1-. •H OJ S1'110 7\ l,/f>1 \,A tt)O? Vdm-'m• MA'• 8 W~ lt P tt n•t• C•tl J f Woo• YorQu•nt 0 tLE i. AP H/•OJOJ l\4100 UH II )\t"i•t\Ul~·h S &rf'la Pfc-h•'Ol-J T1 AP OP'~' f 1.1u.,..1,,.H ,,,1 AP Frr9u\Oll Mory ll P 1) tOO• H l •O>OO )l()o•Q 1..,...,, .. \.llt •t V !>e bO 8•,.Q. Anton fJT' AP ••' ot.O. E H 'uno\A l '"'"'' ~ , tf ' ._p &I' I•~ 4\J OJ ,, AP ''' AP •P l o Ol l1 .AP 111 ;'],' !"',,,..' ,,..,.,,,,. U1~ "'"'• ""'' f'\...,. "'~ .. AP , ,, a: ot ""ltQ ·~ A Pt1tn118 )..>H\4 AP I 'I 11111 )Al\ •• AP 1 'I n1 : .t ""' \ f; A P lffl 717 ~\ \.A1\ 81 AP t rt 1n 1• S-11 '1 AP •'1 17111 \ol)\t ' Ot.I~" '"fN'>" l ~)•lb Oil V.Y.: o6 ,.., .... ... ""'""'' ~'" ,,,....,.. W "'' 111 TC " ... ( , ' '• ' l r l 11 ~t~ff" J T ,, •• e• ti I t AC .... , '" , ... ,, ... ,, AP t1 / JH0-.: S.'ltJ JO &P 't• lln flit U~r._ l'I l \JC. •P 'IP -")r 1t' " Urt I J t~J lu ()'ii ~t'lQ \. M •' nt 11 (' t <t •d i ffJ I I >J }t> \, 't -. w. ldf.ft (4 ''" "·"0 ,, ,,, ••• °"' ,,..,.. '0 (" .. V f I ldf'lt fl"t .-1 ,.I •I 6' ,, "' I T A~· IT Al ( \ .. t IOQe ... ft•f\ l 1l ISi 0) Hlll 1l l \IW t AP v•tll\, O&nlf; C 1 "01, AP 1S i.I IJ "''' l>8 I .. SO>-OJ.J.ljO Jt $1)14) Nl1tl.,,(,•••W •NRt APlll •tt 07 APl ... !010i ll<>l o0 AP >S •• , ,. \1'13 ., l •O )() 8toao•t• """~· t 14 J•l'\to\ H ul\fl"'Q11)f" .t.0&'1~" pf &P 119 Hl ~ •... 10 Tl '*'r \,.,.... M1 """""' 0 "'' •u '•IM \IOI "" L 1t Pt'l,.1• "OOf'' l •1' 1~ n'\I \.J'" 6-i ..,.,,,...."'""' \A IJO,,,t\f' "'' ,,, t-\ .. , .. ,q .,.. ,,, "" '•' "" I I UOJ U ti,..-.. ,, ~t rp AP I&/ ;)I II< "''' ,. P-111dnt1 He1f"Old J T "188 10 AP 1l·U6 ''· Cf"lur'<f'. J.tr'\t lutn.tr~n ot lono f\t"1tcn "'di NtV 1 AP )) •• , O• "'H 1• )MI< "" '1111 70. Ov• TM"'d• c.. AP J) ••801. 14 ~•1>"• 14~<otd •NA AP 1-.H• ., Hlol6 SlOS •O Ill ... JI, n••°' t n "<) J°"" p I ti• •P ,.., Sl) ,, \ltJe>+n. Andrew tJTt, AP J!>t1 .. u M r l'•"' ldMfl'\ A 'IT I AP ~1~1& SI~ •1 1\1 •)3 f)Q SAeS 10 fl••lo ,., M •I• &P 1>P•ra n1~s-11 1• Jt t S-H OJ a P, '" • n n \VI'~ ..,. fQ(U" M [ ,_.~ ' ... \ .... 001~0" U ll .l8 L<!lw"tO'\, rc1..,..., W ,.., di lMVl, AP U,,':')~•\ Jon 1S.M• AP UI •ll ti \.699 ~ 1) Ill() 10 IA/11 88 ' ROWlo,.., IA-\ A Q<\nd1tlt SloDtrt M IT AP l U 3 ll MU"t~P •411t t,._ r I t ' .. , (,,.o~~. JOf"n lt U I• 60 II Orny•1r Qnn..,1d 1J 131 0. ~·1 )1 AP 1) /11 II JI o. AP (l<!P • M1~n111I W AP 1~ ,., '° ll" •8 f• ,,,~ lh•.••on ti al llP ",,..l)tlllltH I A Air t\:tro ,, 1J ... J), .. I~"° 'ti 'IP 1u '~' 14;1 \<~to«> lo r .~me· 'N \Jfjt ,, • AP I U 1'1 01 A1r-r\.Hef• t ltlfQn t IJ)<IJO)l'IO ll Jtd II AP ('.r 1\• on•\ C1on1tlfl A 1)1'1 f /)"'"" Wtn h . lttt~ M '•it.I' '\qq •ff f rdttt.m M .t•llVf'\ 'I n 111 1J. \/lo 11 !arwll Robrrt M ITl U IO S> Hall. Clld•I• • w tl \'IOI I• ,, ,,p ,.,. /\.'1t01 •.w AP AP '111108. AP 1J >II Oii (•••1• M1tn.,1•I Sl•H •I r d'JI> An,,,.1• ! '111 14 ,, " ( n11o••n Mir "•'' I ', \1Cilol It ./1tn ., ,,, """''lfl" 11.t ., 11 1' \,.t.141 68 lbnol•l'J"' '",,...~' C I U )II 10. ~16 ll te:l'u~<h'' POOl'rt E , .. 11111 \6~J6 JT AP I J T I. AP JT I 'IP M1tvrv '"'mt\ B Jr 'NOi '11P Morrow How • .rd ( • tTl •P H 181·19 )116 i• IU 111 OJ l/SI ~ l'u111 .... N .. I '>Mi AP ?3 ;i<il OJ ... """ tonn A /lP 1u .5110) "'6• 18 111J .. V1rul1n Jolln l •SM" AP 1l·''' 10 Tuffn•tt Pon .. Id 0 t It • AP UCll> 7~ 114 ~1111 Sill/~ Jae•'°" Oollv I llT . AP1J1'1tl0 Moor• Oono•a r f \M I •P \.HO 41 t•! OJI S1 ''"' •8 t\/ •11 H l \'>'l " (.I"'''' (')t "'"'•"1'>tN'n1 (.Ol"t' (P t II 411 !\ \.411 II c •• nn .. q, o~rt A- 1\I • !t (11 \\~l IJ ; I •\II• P trhtf'fJ Ali A P t•ft \\) '" \}'Qllll 1 1 +t1t1¥"•U fO"" t A P 1,t\t\ ,, AP ••o Ill I~ ''~ 1t»1 Mt' ,.,4 ., ", .,Q,., r ,.t-f1-• f •• Z.,J • 4 \.b. t " . ,,., Y •t \I"" U"f•rr I t ~'e ..,~, '°' 'l t 'llii .... A'"•t01tU) 0..~rh ptn~n' '""ft• n1 OrA"Q' (Q•1nt., .AP l\' •11 OJ )J I\/ ,. A ht)"'Y f '"'""'' M ••• 161 fl' '-'l1 If> r"""'" ,,..,.l ·~ 111 .. '"~ ,, I I Ar A•,....•tt f\Q ,, •oi A ''' ·"'~ o• ,. 1 AP AP ll! 1'1~11 \Ill I A f' j I-,'~\ I' \I AP AP ''"'~) t} \t• -"'""'' cJ•' H '" I\• 107 0.. \I H < :n St hr/111\t)r•r Hl"n\ J 1 $Q tlll 01 1"77 14 80""~" ( ""', '" IS• lit OS, 16'1 1l Hutt ~·""°n lt'mirt\ I)• 131 11 '411 ~ " H uu h1n\,t)~ ,,.,....,, IS• t 11 11 \At> 1' •PIS• t)I 14 \.1180) AP IS• Ill II \.480 ~ AP t )~ lJI tt IS41 Oii •PIS• 111 It \.480 )'< Hu tcnH"on. J~m•-. AP ,, 'I P J ' 'C Pl M f .,,,fT".,, Prut' A , .. ~n ,, '1'" I<> .. ,.. ... .. .. ,, A p \.&9? ,\ M~\n~ Q l'lt)rrt f h6 >n OI )111 ]I c.."' -.;i,., .,.,,fl.ft rt A f\r n,.(1•11 ,-,_,,.., M AP t11J/9t'f \''•t .... \It• '14' J.4 ~ ,. .,, d '"'I ~ •• t M•".on, o.t1• t •Jt l AP •I• Oii It Ill JIJ o. SOt8 00 '4M 11-4 ,,, .. ,, oo-1nt( c '"' I t II• Olt1 07 Srtl llfl TrourtcP W1t1.M'I"' , '"" ·JTI •P ,,~ ;;,00v,'•;•; :.:\,.."',.. l~Q Oii' ti -1>6 ~···rn, EftwMO l> ft .. , Jf AP tt!l,~f\0;~~: ...,~:; •t)f f\ 11•°'4 II 1.)1>(1 11 Nel\Ort, 0.M•\ t Jf AP UiJOU-04 Pf'tn1' W1il1,•''' HO .o IT8 ) ti 19 \\111 '•' II' t"t""O" f l"IO,..,t ,,. 11101 \!96 " I f llP '( ., • p """' '" Al Al A I 'IP .. p .... AP Al' lh '' o " un 1 n A A 11 ,,, ". l' J.1'0 .... •t Pv~ C>t\1110 ( ~I•• f ( AP 0 •• ' ,, ,-'&, q \h, ·-~"' .H t..l tr httfd I f td I\ 1 \l '1 ~ .. vo&.,. Ni~ &'-' ~t) '>~ ""' ... •,J\ offt . c ... loff"f! O""'•·,,f ·~ ... it "*'"' Ar• •1'\ '\ CZ1 ~"'· Y TA i R•TE Allf A •.-10 _, "'1'1 W If~,.... ft I I Ill 61,,lO)''·'""' A r••·• th nr., .. ' N V ttil '" ' '·' ~If .. ..... l·tol• ... .....,..,. t. MMr• '\ I),""''""""" r;, ,,,,.. ' 1~r '"' ; ~lt...tl ~ "" •ot •~I I\ '" • 1f I ft•• ,.....~'t f '•"d f"f ,....,.. I r-ti• ~I f P ,.,. lj\ •°I '1\ .,_,. ''4 -,m•tf'\ .,...,._,.., ._ '' rl fllt 'V Al 1~1 40"1 '\t \I I\. (p,..,, t• J f' t A 4 fl"l011 ()(f It R tofnl ~·t1 f "t' ,,.,,, ,...,., •" '('• • -H ' :it I ("U ••+•l'lt,ntprr. hf~•· !"I Al' 11\I JQ/ (ll A t ~ti ' ""''"""'' \o;h a J r' 11 ._,1o1)J' ,..,. ll•>,.. '''*'*''20' ~"'tl .. (U 1. tT Al• t0' .rtJ" \.\I .. µ,,.,,.,ii ,,,~., • ', ,n,,.1 ra-a•'" p, •~ 101 •t1 '(' ")l '0 07• \118 "1 ~IYQ t i P 1f"ltt'' • '""' ) ,_ ' """ .,. .... ,.,,. ~· -I In , .. H AP tOt Ot ~ Aµ lt'I 1lt .J C Oii "'"-A1•.tn 01 10 O'IJ Sii!!. '· T~OrT'IC'l\..nn It 11,.,, OJ7 10. 100 \18' "II "' •• l\A t.I h ~011 ·~'""' • A p i \u ~4 ,. •. •01 ·~· OI! ',. mr'•" 4\H'·r• ,,,, f •17 •O t I\ \4'b I. '-V l A\iO"h" RMY•rt I ~J1 IS O:JQ HI<>•• Ir l(.PI t• u'1" A ~Q,.t Y!1 "" 101 •~1 Jt SS"" tO I ,.~,n.-''' P dlpfl AP W '•tnht'ro-o• M1tft.•• t • Al' tM l•l· 11 '11 I& 0$0 H tn I• ... 0 I IAf'l(I J:1 t l'\1trO A p ~111() .. t '" AP tQ/ \IJ 01 •JJ If Of.IO \14' 61 I II At IT "' Gooc:rmi\n Robert A •UM •. llP K ~rt <on••11 Dino • Il l, AP 13 )01 IQ IAOlUI U9 Oll 01 1111 1Q IS• I )I 18. ~71 0) •P U._lll 1• .. n 1'I AP l)9 l)I >0.\An I• "P 1)9-IJI 11 l••709 r 1nd l~" O•v10 M ,., QU /) U:ll ,. 8~(11f', (•Uf"lthrr W "] 016 •• U•• ]I I UNI • AP f\'"''' Jvri•• r 1•w AP t "I )11(11! AP Mt(.,.,,, t ,,,.,f~· J •l1 I! QI)/ )11, 11 If A I' p,.,\rtl Ovrton ( , JT1 AP ~ .. "" M M '!.M l AP U8-0).4·U 23·101 •I. I )'IS JO '471 tO Atot"I Paul M t IT I •P 2l·l01.01. Hpla, S..mutl 'IT I AP lfa.041·11. IA IO U \116 10 01 (l.....,..nlf' Aot-ert r •vMI AP S<••olt11 P .. trlro .. A •UWI, AP M u t <htfl\Or. l •mt-\ f l t. AP H• 111 n "OOi "1 I It I Wtnf't)#'f""'"'• l•rrY J l&J 011 oo, un 11 F,.lcl•. Euoe"" H ti •I l&J.o?• .. \11'1 Ill ,, 0\11 00 f\u'"P P•ul I \IN' AP •JJ I} Ot I Jf )IOI f)Q 0 Avl\nn P tn1t H t i /ti •ll I) tOO 1•11 1)1'1 l lCTI WHOLLY E XEMPT. TAX 13 Jf\M9,Ml'l710 1•90\5·16,St"f>O •P U•·lll 1•, l t,f)Q) '1 llroo~n M ICllUI 9)1 .. Ot?.11"4 9] Rob in\on ~Andra 'Ill 3).0)4, SW 04 •P Po th , RH n,.,o O ,.,.Ol1·10 11•• "' W ll\o n , ~l•l'\lev Ci 1'1-0'IA ... M7' )0 l.•f\,ua• A f"Y•d P t&J-OJi 10 \OSI .. I J T J ll llP lOt .01 J1 T•ll ltATE ARE ll •·ttl OEEOCO l lCXI WMOl.lV E.lCENIPT • And f./Of Andfor .c Nv""'l:Wf PAllCIEL NUMIERING SYSTEM l!XPLANATION ~lie A)WS-0 ) ""'° P<!f<tl numoer w11en uHCl IO-.rltM -•• 111 Ill•• h\I, re'"' lo'"" Asseuor-. mep boo-. "'" mi1p Pt9f or DIOO nurn!Mf In l"e 11001C end J,,. 1nd1wTdueC pertt l ftYMl>er on th~ INIO -or wllllln ,,,. lllOCll. • P•r<.,I numbf'r •s tor e a•mole . "'O.•·JU.OS"'. would ,,....,.. Book •• of 11• A'-"°"' NI.ti>\, Blo<li JU INl•P P•~ ,., BloO )I Mid Pa"'' 5 wltnln IM I block "fht' m~P' reterrea 10 .,, ••••l•bte lor rn--.toon In Ill• olllu ol ,,,.,.,~~- All P•oi>efy ll 1n lh~ Town.Mp Sovlh •r>CI 11•"9" WP\I of S.n 8ern.tralno e.-. """ MertCl••n IMl'ORTANT NOTICE T "' netnM pwDlls/led ere lltc>M t P. pearrno on lht 1911-1' 1u roll T ••· PO•rl -,...,. di~ of property •In<• March 1, 1'11 mey llnd !heir Nmn ll•leCI IOf "'9 r"'Mlft 11\el Ptt· "'"' _,..n,....,. l•ltto 10 ""' tuu PROPERTY IN HUNTINGTON BEACH CITY Alltmllll, N. J .. AP,J.OtHJ,_.1,,41. Ctlleft. ""''"'" IJTI, AP n..-.u . ..,.. .. Shlptn, --IJTI. •P »0....11, tltl.10. 0'9r1 .... l,,ouli M IJTI. •P ,,_.10.41, 'TO:~ . .....,.., IJT). AP 2~14', ..,...,.. Ar11olf. TllOMU f . IJTI, •P ~lt.tMl.00, Nlllll-al. lt•11,,.lll M., AP 2> .,,., ......... . Hartert, lto11el• W IJ TI, f<t ft.11J.K, PIO to. H1111t, '*'-I .. J , AP tJ·IU·04 '"'·*'· _ .. ooo 5,.,,,,~. J IJTI, AP 1)Jll01, tr oll!•• "b••h .. rn •JT I AP ,.,, u UI OS.-0) ~1 )1 8urn\,Wurr•nR IJT!,AP13311.0.. Mll ~m ""'""H w IJ "fl . AP »79.81 "' ~1 "·"""11'1 S•nd Oo41ar 0t~·~ .. 1 Inc""'· llalcn, Wt~•·· INOI. AP 148-01•.01. AP1l·l111& $1)J4S .. )() .. AP 13·111-71. \'63 90 Nl•ao O,,ryl L •Jl '· AP 140'1·11, Taylor. M1tr1atl l et di I ITt "P ~•6 86 14013·U,\S3796 Sl•w•H . L~"nara J tJTI, AP S19rt\I. C,1~ 0 IWAI, AP 1f.01~10, 1410'9>-01. $111 •1 Monr~. JOll~ l •I •t tNOI. AP tll.J~. "83 10 HHtm•n, Caro•• E. IW~I. AP t33 lS-0.0, uo 3'I Reeno. lloberC J •UM I. AP 9)3 .. 1 00. M7• 11 51evtr•on, Ven C I Jtl . AP •ll ., 015.""' 70. 1113.SI Strom\lac:I, Brue~ IJ TI. •P TA.IC llATI:AltEA•4'1 Perri••. RIChltrd J •SM). AP 141·0'~07.tro. 34 1•01111.U,.n PMe ... u ... &n>ICl lJTI APl ... lll·lt Rule, lllt hbrcl A . 1JTI, AP .R~vnol<I\ Mlr~I E AP 1•-01~ "'~ 11 110.011.10. Ill•" ..... as Mon,on.Jolln C, (Jf l,AP14 11lll. G.Hk•y Collon •W OI, A P oun~er. Robert M ••Al •JTt. AP »71 71 11oon-n.v-. .. , •• 071 01 \l!IO •• 14111. J-l IJTt AP .... ~I•. PM'-•<lt 0.W't-nl Co IM ., •• Oottn. A-I 0 IMVI AP 10.0)4 17 \SO\ H ( TT(I AP 1~1" Ut1 ()I M377' (o ,.IMclo MICMtl A IJTI, AP 8•ll<OC~. W•ller A I JTI, A P 1111, J•m•~ 5. AP 1•·001" 0 11 " ••• °"" n Sl,034 46 110..037·07 ..... u . ... OIH. •tllerl NI AP 14 0)1 11 Popi on Wiil t.,n (; 1 JT I, AP Rtt>t oc •. Well., R I Jt I, A P \111 6• I•• 18MJ \ltlO l9 110.>01 0.. t lS 1" OO<!Vf. Ly\~r H ,..p 2•·0S1.0I M.t\HY MArla M . •WSI, AP Fo"t~r E•~•no• .. tNIWl, A P 11aa u , .. ,u .1s,u1111 11ooa1"·"s.66. Orlolll,Artnur L 15Nll. AP1•.0S1·tt. H&IVOr\Oli. P•ul J IJTI. AP llh\, Eawera T . AP llO·otHl. te:it.1•. "' 113·1•. $1'0 '1 Sl1' .0 Sllep, Lewrl!fl(t A., AP i.i-011.0., Murr<>v. (. Joll11 IJTl. AP lft Ill JO, Thorp, J-l !JTI, AP llo.atl·ll. ".,·"· ~ 70 '3•1 51 Wh•ll•t. ~r1111 H ., •I IMYI, AP FroMll, M aro•'•' •UWI. AP M•llO<-. P•YI IE. IJTI, AP 74..()11.01. ""·" 1"4 1'3·3'. ~.u ''°""'"°'· \J03 .. . Investment PrOIMlr11H Lid (PT). AP l •mour•w•. ~A lrd, IJTI, "'p Well....,., GI ..... c AP "~'·"· 14.091.01, $1,410 tt H• 101·5', '3S3.0.. 5'J' .•. M•uld lll, Yer .. on L IJH AP Ven lo• ... J Yll• " IWO I, AP Altren" Cr•lo It. 1SMI, AP '4-ot1·15. Ut.•S. 14'-111.0S. ~.tt 1 ... M-01, u:ll M. Fo•• o. ... IOl)fntl'tl Corp ICRI, AP M•r~lc, J ame> .. •I CTCI. Al' Wlllttler , J •mu s. (JTI, t• Ott· 1101,1A01 11 I•• W .o:J. \145.to 11M>l·S1, .... '-I • 11•11, Cllerlt\ (JT), AP l•·•OJ-17, AP 149·331-04. t ill.. "'" llMll-S.. ,,..n \Ill." Grimes, Fr.O I •I•• CJTI. AP 1tetuv. Ocorv• I'. IJTI. Al' St.mm, Wlllltm It !JTI, AP UtJJJ.n .t•.2•. llMll-11,~ ••• 1MOS·ll, "St., Tonti. A OovlCI CJTI, AP , ... ,.1-11, l.em&erl, Oonlllt o. IJT>. AP Cem11011, Ao!Mrl B. l NOI, AP U JI M. 11~,.,.,., .. 2• 10.-16,\1:1'11' T•mMlllO, Gtltlffl!ll E. IUWl , AP, COllOfl. ~ P , AP ltM1~. .. ••• n. Geov M (Jf), A .. 2M1J.10, Ut.)44.01. ""·" ......... • HOS/.. M urrey, l.IGyd E tJTI, AP SlellretM. It~ l l't AICMYI, AP , ... , .. f uv•"• G CJ TI . AP l•t UMO.U11.tl. t11.f...,.U.G1112' H 111·01.llOS6A Ytnl-ow. l ewreno F, IJTI. AP APlll·0~,\1,71' .. Oanlel, c. M IUWI. AP 1•·111 ••• 1J).OJ1 .... N62.ts. 0 w Pertrwn Cl'TI. Al' ,.,,,,..,., tal tf MICldl-. JGM ~ Jt IJTI, AP t>• t1 0•'11•1, C M tNOI "" 2• 111-1), 1)>-4»·"· ... >4,fl •rm t .... fll, ,,,_ Y JJTI, Al' '*07.00. l"ull~wla.r, c1a.-. Al' 1SJ.«n.01 ,., Ul•>t, \1.1'4 1• . ll•n-. LIOyth CAI GOn ~· •• IMYI *'·"· oouerd . Otry ti •I ITC!, AP AP t••""tt.1'$10') lr0tt111, l.el.,,tl H Jr IJT), A" 14f·H1•• .... 7AO 0'0.11, rtrrv A 1N01. AP ,.,,•M•. 1~11,t.:M1.l'I ""'""'°11· ••"' L. rwa1, "'" .,,,,., '°""'411" l'lara tftwtllMM• 1~T>. 14'·1SHt, Ult• llon-. Cr110 ... NetleNI Tr tNOI, Al' lu.tSMO, ""14,-0, Nart1111, 1.H C.ITI, Al' UNtt·U, t•IJMl,111).6) 9,ey, -..,_,., ,,., Al' 1~ ...... Ill. Donel-. ,_ M. IJfl. AP .,,..... lh•l11ttle11. J ael I(, t JTI, "'" SOii""'" Joh11 w 74·1A1·••. SU1"3 (ta op. 1(,,.,,.,11 M IJT t, "" Ul·U1·'1, Pfi,af IUMI. AP lt•lr • .I-E IUWl, AP tMO.IO, lft IU· ...... lt.14. "-'tf"Mfl, Ollwt Q., Al' 10.J».lt, U.ll•U.111' •• .... 70 Hem, Surlt W. IJTI, Al' l,..llJ.IO, UU., _....,,__.__ W tlt11 v tttmeo\ C J t l , A P ISJ ••t-H ,\16J Sf '!.0,,,.,,f -.11c .. IW ["U 1l'tl 04 AP 1\J 1q1 J• ~ DA.ILV PtLOT •• fre• Alt) ------PUllUC NOTICI! t JTI . ,. Wedne.Oay. Auou•t 22, 1171 P\JBUC NOTICE .. t ftw ft fte,. "•'0 A 10 IOJ ••M l\ .. 'll 1 ... •.. , _,,.,...,,, •P "' ,_, H 11• t I p . .,., Wdt·A'" ,. ,,, "' o n1 '' 11' t' " t M \1 ,,. f If I A,. A,. .. ,. .... .. ,, PUBLIC NOTICE H••-II . II." ltl kl t1 \I., IJ I 11 .. I"' II. f• Ca Ir II. w Yaft ()II• ,,., ..... 1\1 "'' )I •• , " ftltf '"'A f f (•t r 6. et I .....,, I-• Y t II I ,.,. "I »I 11 .,, ... ,, ... "" .. ,, l• " ... l •f'Ot•\ On t<I ,. •I •I •P t\I •1 U .. ,. '° fill••· .. ..,._, .. t 1 .. ,. ,,, ..... tl•I II ••• "' h ,, ... ,. ,,,,. ,,, ... Oii ,, ... . r o ••rt t """""•' "' 1\1 ••1 .. '1" II • •r.i••it .. , ... Ill \11 " .,., .. II.Jo 1\1 \UtJ -'U •P 1\1 \It .. """Oo .... 111 , .. 11 """ • I u W t Ntt•f-.o" t \l4fl• IU \\1 01 ttV 10 Al' l\j \\141 ,, OUl ., • ,, I\) Ill ti .,.u .. ... l\J \\4,. -Ill Af# fU O• It 1'111' 10 1 1 I . ,, f lt t ... "'' A .. "'' .... P\JBUC NOTICt /llo 11.1'4~-1• ,1 ..... ~~· 1114 1(11 • ., .. l11llw f, A A" 0 ... 10 "°1" \IQftAI I.,......, '"' l II" (9'\"" I( "" II.I' .... , l1 U41 u \l(t"•I l M.,.W~ 1""-6 CH r ., .. , ........... •\OoJ 11 ~ \\ \H1n•I Pt P.'"'' I~ t( W AP o o.• OJ ,, .. \ttn•1 l and"'•'~ If'~ ( A 1 A Of' IOftn .... ,. "" •"' t \ 011 11 \A 1d"t0 I t .,t, tt ••••\A '-~ A VI f •(._ .,•th•flntt ' •MW• Au 4l 01' )I "O•()o \iii) '•I \ •Mfll~H lftt t{ ~ &. Of "'"" ' '. A .. •\ 011 ,.. "'°' ,. ~1011•1 I _,.. ••• '"' •l 111 '"°' Cl••ll•• I < II.I' 4\ Oil 11 \111 It \t9 n•I l~ti; ·~ 4 w Ln~~ '"" OI"' A" 4\ 0,. O'f \) .. IO ....... 1 ,_ .... Ill(. t(lll l /"' t 111eton1• l •"•\0" tO ""JO \•Qt't•I • .,ndf,..,. Inc '"'°" AVUA. 'M•QI00 AP t \01' 11 .. I\ >0 ''~·· l -"W• IN II. o< ICOl>C) I ••M"'" 1WRI 11.POOl\OI k \1 tl \•0''•• t4r.d<n.a'~ inc 'C Fl• & O" I •• • ' I &I'•\ 01\ II , ... I< PUBLIC NOTICE P(JBUC NOTICE -------------'110 .. •••d. Ja f L f.t•Y N.i'6f\ • llr • A,. .. IJO II 914 ,.. IOI t"'6 4J ... , '"""'' M\\ io 11.P •'t 10\0<01 \I Ml 01 Vo. ,,.,. I •••Wt. •" \I 011 OJ ...... lt\.flh UitHJld 1 Jf et •I t ltltVI AP \I 011 Ol, "411 " \t ~••mo Now• I "" .. .. .. \I O•J .. \1 "ltitQ• • ""•llP II OJ• tO 1•1 >• \t•ru "'•-•d w 1111.,.n k ''on 11 ,~,.., • \fnd kot»rl It' \A .. l6 AP \I 0)1 I •. ~., C-,••t•"'•• M•ud I) \I~ I I\ \l\'I 1' AP W•\ffl•n ( ~M \4wl"O\ Al o.n A• "'t(A o 11.1'\I IOl I• U /41 CS. M• (1,11...->0 f l1MO.tll M I WOI. II.I' \I •Ol 77 ..-. 01 , ...... ,. A•IA 1..,, "'"' "" a '' Co '' 11 tit ..,,. t Alo• 0. ....... ,. 0•••4 P IHWI, Af> ''° J17-0) " 'JO,, f oll• I"\ & ''Co r. •Ill l't1J,..I ii.IOI (••II. (llllOld 0 . AP IJ0-1314'. uu,. 11111~ ,,.. a. '' C.o rr • llt 1-.,,._, ll./01 ~t .. 14 Doft•IG A tVMI, AP 110 Ut 01 161' .. f it,_ '"' 4 l• C.o I• • 1A l't1l 00 1 a.tor Ho• .. 111. Alllll f • AP 110-"4..0~. .. ,>ti II fltl<t I~ II. fr Co lt •flt Jf7).00 1 Al o• (00 .... l'dn• ""' t\f I, AP 110 JIHM.~.41 M t(U'dY t llOyd •Jr , A P 110 11 Hll. Ml\ 00 (,o,r.•tt R O l111t t J" " 101 1• '111 n R•ff1"f.J v 1.rro' W \I Ill 01 1MO I• 1 J f I. AP Tll.)11111.Tll! 11.lllAl•lt l••b•' f f}Ot\"'""· .. , \l 11111 t1f>1 lllO ll)M I, AP •• 1 r c1. ,.,. .:r;~-· o.<w> .. 'J "· AP \I l?l ll o, .. , ,,,"'"'"" ""' • ( p '· • p Pt18UC NOTICE rtJauc NOTICE '1•• •. ....... ...... #oll .... J, •I el tMVI. AP ""<Cl91f.., Wllll•m J. fJ fl, A" 111lM-4,l»I .. 4'1 nqo. WI JD ......... ~""-•d M . AP •tt-102.0C. .. _,, --,,,.,,All 441·111·44. \Ill )0 \1 >01 Jt ll•r tt•tt (ll••YI A l!>Wl,,A .. tC 110••1<11. Wallor J • If I, II. P 'f~ 10) ... Utr )0 40 111 .. ,,_.., i. 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I I l I PROPERTY IN NEWPORT BEACH CITY ,. p r'"'"'''" '""""' , . P •• n • 11 \11111 n M t (, U ~ I AM~\ W •• 111 11 \1114 41 Al ,,, w .. ,u,,, AF)f)t.C.J~ AP 0 )J) 1h \UJ II ---._ n M Mm., rOl',ttu< t•Bf' ro. ,.., ~1 APtS1'CI .. \10 llJ A11Afthlf"f"'. (1U •t fl v 0 8• H '1A ltUf''f JAmfl>' h •• 11111 \~ ~· " ' II '' •NO n J) ... tp .. ''"' h, mo H • \1:1 1} \I lfll tt N 1 l .t , W'. ,. ... 4t 1'11t1 1ltt A fWY•lnf)mf'f'\t t 0 t fJ t I A ''"' "111 ,, 't ,11 I} \m•I"' ''"a. M 'tt , .... , f,1t,.nn lt/J1rf'\"'' N '\.JM •. AP ...... ,,.,., '•'"''" ,,, / lf't t1 \llt r' l•1 1 1r ... f '''"'tJ w t4 Iii' tfl \-41., IA~ ~II.ff AAl,. I Oil MW II AP ••1 Ot1 1#\ \1-,01 ti P tJ"'( '* (ttf'1J I Jf I Ji,f• 0 11 ()'4,01 Af" '1 q1I \ft A tf1\nn W 1111,."" •&• 0?1 ()t " .. 1 ,, ( 1f).,ltlf•t) 111/lH f'l_,,.• I l I I} I A P " . •P AP 1)1 Mil> I•. \4tlll k "p "' \11~1. "" 11 JO "'"''· Oonttld ,,, 1'1" ~ .. tt .. ldW U'I I lr~nor 'f1on,,.I •1u1jn F \l<O 11 tr .. , ,.,f A.lfJ• \tOff'.,I p,,tr1r 14 /\ '•''''""'l'\lhHQ ,.,, ,,, 1 MV1 • .-"'nu OA U\A 11 ,,;\ ,. f) Al' , l , •• 1J u I ll f111 H \1,Vt I A JI •#\t ~}1 0& \) O" 11 •ttJ"~d ( Ou~ru-\ , '"""' •nl (Of Cl I Q I AJJ!J\f Oo' 001 \)11 \, b P Ill ~Hitt \610 40 AP 1\1 0•1 11 H on I/ ,, Ill •O "" 1)1 M3 1J. \)~ •• AP Ill \14~1 \S4l - h I' 1\1 ~I 13 \)I) 08 AP l)l 1•10? 'st) .. •ont"\. ~1.tnl 11 (, •H tOJ t11 11111'1 11 8r•I<~\ Rtt f'utrd 1)) IO:J..11 SAl.l IJ I If I AP O<l'•n JOIWI H tN()I AP IU 1•111 no• .. Our 111n, Charto r Jr tJ II AP I\) l•I 01, U4' 60 Au\\#11, PM C IJ'fl, AP 1U HJ IJ "" .. OOWMy ~&l.oanAun tClll. AP 1)~'91-0), U.,.. ll Nit kerM>f'I. Oon•ld II. IJTI. AP 1U , ... ,., t>\t 40 A..OY, J-£ IJTI. AP 1)~1 .. ·lt. "7~10 Fl•m..,, Jof!nJ. IJTI, AP ISS.1"4·7il \)11.. . h 1UOw lf'I r lr~nM tr 1•t ttl & for \IM•• IOl\n I AP 1\1 Cl'l'1 I• \"7• 18 tiAICh ¥fft r ,,.,.tvtl ',. .. , 4 t & ,,,,. Ootn tnrd RuOy I tNOt AP l\l 101 fl' '616 '8 "•'"""'" r t•.tl"lnr t' ...... &101 RAQfttnO. 1•<•1,. J. A P l\f 10J0) "°°,. 8 •tdw1n (l••nnr fr ,.t "' &,1or l'llnf'. R11 ll••O A . AP ISi IOJ·ll '1'1" Aa•owon, f lun<>r lr ~I .01 11./0< Borwl. Al-C.. AP Ul·IO)·"· '°'l3 l• 8•14wln, Ele•""' Ir el at &/0< AtU••. A1cll••C1. AP 1Sl·IOJ·J•, vnn 8•1•w1n, El•-Tr el .ol &/or ~1-11 8'-ta, AP UMOS-<11. ~71 J.4. TH .. In\ & Tr Co fr &/or Oioref'I. Alcll•rd W., AP IS1·1'HI', \Ill \1, TllS. 1111 & Tr Co Tr &/or TrerlM, EtlMI M., AP U1·l01-0., ~.10. 81 .. 111\. Meu•Hfl E. IUW), AP 1u n1.o:s. t'74 JO Tiiie IM & Tr Co lr &/Of WUwn, AP .Oott•ICI Gun . AP 1'1·307•. S2AO "· Tiii~ I~ & '' Co Tr &I« w.,n111. lOmOMd1. C .. ,,...,.,, I.. IVMI, 1S~Ul.Ol, *" ~ C•ltcl!flttd, J•me• c tJf),· Jowpl>"' fJTI, AP Ul·JOf·l• ..... , ... , A Tiiie IM" lr Co Tr &/Of ~1.,4. Ul~l.010, U17 /I. flmottlf C , AP ltl·lll·U, IUI.~. s.,.,.,, PllYlllt K, IVWI, AP Hiii•••. Koto IJfl, AP Ul.)1~13. Ul-01.o6t, llfl 1'. IJOI U , tC oelllnQ, ltlc1141r-Iii. !JTI, A Tltte '"' & fr co Tr &10< Hlcu, tJl-01.01$, l11US o .. y .... AP .,,.m II, W•.n. W f . ,.._tend lhll l• l,.TI, A Tiiie 1111 & fr Co fr &/Of Mltl•r, t11.-.014. Q6l.,. Clftcly A.etel,APOf.121·1',UtUI. APm~.'714.Alt. TIU• Im & ft Go ,, IHOI ,,., AP'"**• IJOl,01. .., .. ti\, I',_ M. et el, All 1$1-llUJ. w. f ............. "''.,.,,,.,),A u,ia ft).tf.ol1, '17W. Tit .. lfll & Tr OJ Tr I/fir ~. AP .U.sta, wa01. f'rllfl(lt 0., ,.p IU.D\.OS, 1170 .... AP.U.SM,._ ... l4L Tiiie '"' & Tr Gt Tr &/or .,,..._, W. T. Mewl-El41M ,,..1'\, All c.1-IWOl,APISl~Ml,NIAAS. •U t•tt,tau.4J. Tl ... IM & Tr Go 1' "'°' MM'llt, • ~Of"lr , l AWft nt t •) 0)) 01 ~~1 •• t t'lom"·· ~UD"'' M ·~ou •• \/U 1\ I f • .... '6 \ti r•n .-. •• ,01n Ii •UM • ,.p OS 00 Of> UI) I? APO 114Hlt."I• U A•u•. (ht10,.\ 8 •t •• tM Y • "p .S.Ou O'I \I 100 11 AP H 04• II MOii .. ,.P •S 04• 17, \411 <t1 AP 0 04A 1J II )/6 \t o~ VO\lnQ. A0qi01 .. ,.,, Pr-w~"" H . AP •~7.0l. SAIO SI ~IQnAI lAonllm¥1 llW &JO< /lloHI\, #oUH8Y Ci !CPI. AP ·~~1J. "4• U \IQNI L-·· Int &IOI Lei!MO, C H .. AP •~H. U11 IO 0.. V~ A_. &t or l~. CifHy l , .. p ·~~1. "" .. ,,,..,., LAllOmeta In<. II.IOI .... ,. M'Oll, Aotle<I N. IV#ol, A#' .,,...,..>?. MJ.4 :It 0e Youno. ·~ 91 •I. AP O..,._J.4, MJ1 st $1Qn•l Lef'ICI"'•'' 111<. •Cll I &/or Toro118IO. J ..... ·~1.)?, ..... u Oe Yo11119, A-r. AP O •Ot1·J•. Oat.JO 0. Y C1Uf19, R~ & 1or K llOOll, Loil" H , •P O ·Otl·ll. ~.t'J. S1911e1 LAfldme.-111< 1c1t1 &1or llrow111no. c. H., AP ., • ..,.n. t 111 It Slef\el ~II 111< &/or WrltlM, Merllyn,All•HW-n.nro.n. Slt11et ~'" JIK. ICltl &/O' Jer¥11, It ..... AP4J.4M.lt,t41J.4t. Sltftll ........,_ .. 111(, &/O' lllld, O.rrell o., AP4Mt$-'t1, "'1•· ...... LatWfNrtt IM. &.I« c-1• IY, JeM 14, IWltl, ,.,. O ... t·ll, ...,..,, s..,.i lAN1Nt11 IM. &/Of 1(-ldl. .,,. neun (fJ'00'•'''''" 41 ?81 IC) \\lq M f P Af1 ·"''' 't11• I 1• At• U 011 0' AP 9 If 1)4 flO\ µ(1) CJll \1 I• I • • f ufttfl> H •th-rl •1· HI /lf) 01 ,,., .. , / I " 111 p 11.-11 R "'°''~' t t \WI y \1'9 H W•uon Oorotny a At' •• rn '' U •& \I \1 Ill\\,, J I' f1• \ ,.# u "' o .(l.I '" 11'\1 ... •·n '"""In• t ,,...,n.,,.1 ( 0 'f' '" 111'•1• t)< 010 \l()t •• .,, ... ,, Wr•.,,,.,n Pnt'" M U•• le AP t 8 Jlf1 ,_, j •, 11 *" ~lh t ~I ,..._, '1(1Jflt7' f1 • Yffllht 'I/ If AP ~J•Q-4010 \A4 I tt Phrll•O' ~., """'" _.-<8 ~J 11 \Af>l ... AP T t·• n .-. f• , ,, (.it f<J,.,on ).t• • ,,.,,,, • , J 4 O' ,,.Olf r' .. ""'' I AP ~JI\ 1)\-..\t f1u~ '"'· A. t• (o ,, & 0 1 J•( OO\en. O •It \11 01. US/~ •IA 1.,1001 8•'1•11. AP ••on 01.u1111 \_.~,., )QftA '\ofwU .A p '' 0)4 U uu \1 ... ,,,...,.., AOC»<I r .. p •• OJI oe ,,_II srn1 ... 11 ............ s . ~· •• •MVI, •P •• OJA 10. \I~ 11 C••n•. Cl••• r . ~·•I •Jfl. AP 41 041 °'· ,,.. d Cf\Aff\. Aonal<I J , " "' IMVI AP ..... 4·1•.~11 All...,, DI..,.. 0. 1~1. AP•• 0)1.10. '31011 ,,. • ..,.,, Allee M . AP •• 0 )1 11. ..,..,. AOll.,I\, E 'l•flf" I If I , /IP ...o~•·n.Jll6 11 Krum••. PAl•lt•• L •I.WI, ,.p ... ~·"· ''" 0 F11llor, ll•On•• w. •(P l, AP ..._ ••• 11. '"' .. AP.,_., 1'. MU II, Andr._., -.itl'WI M., d al tJ ll. AP•• GUO', '1•" H•r"'O", J ft•lll S M >. A P ... otl-1' '°'IO,. 8tandl, •-rt J .. AP ••• IOJ-01. •UJ ei. ,_.,,_ Otrf E .. flt, et Ill !fCI. •P 49-110'41. '3,"lAI. M-"-H. J-et •I (MYI, A" .... tt-tt • .nt.SJ wu-. 11110141< F IJTI. AP 4'-ln·n . kt•nr ,.. th t •llt11"1• •• , ' •I 'If &P \11111()1. l"ll"" IOtH'l\#tn Joh~\ '(P t AP tt0 711tl t.Jt\" Ttllf' tn A. fl (t) h C t A 1't'f).()C) 1 &1or Tnr,m•\ M4rr w 1~f. t, It )0 111 01. \it,, ,. p,,.,.,,,u-. ROQf'' l •(P ' AP •M \I) 0\ '-"II Aru\"""U I M l(P•. •P •Ml \l\-11. .-.n ,.,.. .. ...,,"'" Hl"l•IM'" '\ '"'"' AP A ob•\Of\ D•••O )0 1'1 OJ .... O •M \774' UIO II f 1ttw In\ A tr (O fr •tA 1fl)00 1 \u"lflf, (P\i.,,,,, I.to• B•n.£.,..••OL .... 1.APto )ti 01 ., .. •1-010 \I I .. ,. wi.J.. """'" •' M••tllft M 001\•t. W1ll1•"' l 1 JI 1. AP f)4 •l.O,. t !.J.I )\ I0-01 JI '' A17 II tt»1tt l'l lf'. (,f'o•o• A Tiii .. In• II.,, to Tr •1A •'71007 • 6•-04\.t~• .. &/Or IOllQ, ltoc h•rd W IJTI, A l••lm•n. WU11~m M \0 0 1 11. "·"' 00 ., •• , 04' '~,. ttt .. In\&. ft (O ,, ,,,p 1''))00 7 Uut\t'. ''~"'·" l . A.for Mtl•not. Jame\ ti AP so 01,. '14 •• 0)1 .••• ~cs. n ,ou 11 f '"<AIOW I 110 I el 411 IMV•. AP TAl 1111.TE A•IA 1· .. 1 1CP 1, AP l(P I, AP l(P I. AP I I rt AP AP n -101 01 ....,, ,. M < •• ,.,,.,. M6'H" I '' •. A p "•I"~ Co 1 CIU ti ...... A P 4'7 011 U . U·1i>1 u. t4JI •• lr•lne Co 1('11 AP "' 01 ,. tU! .. Ovetleflt. V•r11on A 1J 11, Al' H'·~.MIO'I'\ OeerllOtll, £<1w111 11 tJTI. 11.P '31·>MI),.,.., 7' fine Ill> & Tr Co Tr • llt ,.,,...., &.I~ "*"-'· "-" M tVMI II.II ......,...,,.,,.,1 \c 011. M•vt1<t I., t J Tl AP • ., 1114 , \1,11• .. MtnMUr, Jin! IHWI, AP .. 1.111.1e \1,UI 11 ' Plltll•o, l'IUurlct Ci •JT•, A,. <M?·lll U,.,IJ:M a "•OH. 8Mry 1-1, AP «M ii·• .,,. ., . C.lllJH, -. (Jft, II.II «1·1J"1Q, ... .. ' ". ' • Y • f \ . .. "''4•• I ~ · I .... .. ,.. "' •1 I .. \' .~ ,.-,,.1 "'• \H . ..... ,• \.•. . '• \ '. .... I •. I• ., .. \A •• 1• 'r h• lo(,., ' ...... ~ f AJI ll•H .. tf[A l .. 1 t .t\ .. ,.. A• .. ,, #II • • t ( J "I .... t ,,,..._. ' \ "· ' .. ·~ ., .,. I \N , • • 1 ••r'f• r ,, -· . '\ .... ..... ' ... . I• " Al • .. . ... •t/tr1<9 , I . • I• " I . .. ., y ', ••• \ 'I .. 1. , ,,. j .. ,. ,,,,,. .,, . I • ... A ·' ... ,, n· ... 1 .. .. 'I'' " .. ,, ... ~. i•• " .. .. ·. ... , .. ':: \ " ""~ v .• ' .. ' " fn.irr•n , ..... •of I I ff '" •• , tltl ,. .. 1~: If'\ f. 11 ,, .... # \Al'!•.,, .. Al "-• .... '" \ ., .. I • I A' •.t ,,, •• , .... Al .uuu', 1"' Ill I I If v . '1. ,, A" '·. r. I I• .... '" 1. r I' 1• "' ' . •• .... " 1 .. .. \ ... • I I"., A' •t ... ,, _,. ~ • ' I ' .. . \ ... , ... ' t,, •t>• ,... \';I ' A to •I W 1Qtf'I•• .,, A' \!,. ' "' .,, ,. \A1~,.. W 4llt' t• .... • '4 O• Al t'lll V.' q \'I Al' I-'",.,, 11' \ ,1 AP '"•'" 111 ~ 11 lt1 h otkt91JU0,t A. "' < n.tfh" J , '"'' '''" M . A '-' H • r '-< n, '1f'ft• t t 1~) •111 0' ,,,, V' k "' ,, ~. • •')M ,, 01'> Jn A,, 111 t4 I t(\ q)O _,, OA4 U 1\ 1)1 fitir' tn,A. fr (•> fr :;1Ul~tOU / ~"'"n•m l .tQf\1 • 1 f 1 \'WJO ~· f\(' ,,I •<t)()f) ~1r~r.!ti01't Jo~nf IM',)t Af>._.Jl //QIJ\ ' (JPlhM.!Y'r W1l1o.-m I " " &I' f,11,. tn\ 6 f t (.o Tr 11tA 14))00 1 A. Of Rfl'f'lll•y 0_,rtf"H J "'' d i A JJ O J II OOI. \"'4 -j HI 41f1 QI \1 011 Ol ( "nf'.ttt Pn'\ I f • \)fl\ '>O "'""I'll" • ~,,., t ,.,, OQ /Jof•tl' '..04 It Tit•• ln'A fr Co fr 11 1P\IJ?l00t ~ O• '""' J"'fflt \ W 1t t•1 Al• •ll /1 Oil'! \V.l•I ,.,. W t ,.,h W 1lf ,..n. I\.• II OQI \6)11 ti ,,,. , u t , ... "" 111". ,..~ ,. It I ~\ 01 \ M 1 11 ,,, . T uuw rtl ft• 1 n '"' ''nu y H"" (•v Ari•\ ' t•.tv• A I .. " \.A11 " • 0 ~'I 'I tt1 "' I , , , \•1 0, \1 ''l ""' ').n"D''o •"'°"'' '~" •• A .. ,., .... OonAt(1 I Ill 111 H ti""°' ll•rt>en '"""°"'"~ A 111 11111,11 Ml .,. 9,,,,,, P•ut•nfl" K '7) 0<1 01 \JOI .Iii Ford CMI .. <· t( 1>1 ,, 017 . '" A I• •• I JI • M l•f. I ' 'th M1 00\ \t,,()I W-1 'I "' .,,. , •• f . " 11 t• \t ,, ,. n Af1 ttl •tl I} \A'-' '" ,.,, AP •lt •tOl1' \/811 '' .... Ir• l 1t 6 ...... i M '' 1nd t C •>t. AP M r \._-,.f l"lfl¥ 0 •fllttl IJI 1. A P <\O 00• I I kit 01 IW OI. •P (tHl\m-n Rl)lloort r. tJTt, A P 01001 II U" II AP 0 \0tJ II Wiil'•""· A111>ar<1 E. t UM I, AP •)t ~' " \111 )I t NQI. AP 'll•rn (,oorOf J IJll,AP fM<l"Jol>) M Arth•nd AtAn Q •1\ 0~1 11 \)JI ~7 W~'IO'lft't, t~I" v { .. :I006 MO\•• ' Ill' .,, 011 11 I(,,.,,_ ~~It• I t JI I. AP •M 114'°6 M 1llt11r. WtlhA IT" 4U-Oll 71 07' \I JAJI llATI Alllill. , ... , "\' . ' 1 I ' "P r111r ''"A Tr Co Tr ""~ t'7J40 1 ..IO•.\Ni•.Jolln( tJll,AP.•Sl>lt4.0. "" ,, . P o•r•t. Jame• O. tJ TI, AP Wrn. ~I ~ t Jl I . AP Ill l\11\ 4\t '°3 IM. ,,,, IO Pryt>t , (,~0•9P A, IJl l, AP o1 '°' ,., '"' ,. Ult ... \"'1111, ('49., E I WA I. II. P 0 '10111, JOllft M. Jr et al tfCI, AP 111·1JMt, U>t 14 IUl>Oll, H•lllln I( 111·JU.U, Ult et lov4. !.••••"• 0 111 .Jj).U, WI Ill A ,. • ,. 1ti41. ,.,, J1 1 J f I. 11•01""", H-0 ..... l#oVI, A,. .,. 111.1>. ~u ti t V#o l, A P (C-U.lied • "21) -· .. _, ···-···-----...... ---·~---..------.. ·-·---......_.... .... •.•,.,...•.T•: •• ,.._ -.... • ,.. •• • ••••• • • 'NednetdaY,August22. 1979 DAILY PILOT A.I i "' ,., °' ''°' n '11 1o.ofi ~ "' - -PtJBU NOTICE .... PUBLIC NOTl(.'t; PU8UC NOTICE P\JBUC NOTICE PUBUC,.N{)TICE PUBUC NOTICE PU UC NOTICIE .... , ,., ~ ...... l II\ \U M \M f\ JI ... •"''"".n .Nd• • flt qt I It ,.>' .. •• • 1 -o••· o,. ...... j .. ,,_ OJ t ll '1>'1 ~ It ' ',,, Al' ··~· OtoU C-.Qt E Jl I AP t•>-~• Utt .. .... Mr lCt M<'I' H•teto ( tJ l t, AP f'•tde•IO , f ..0-"t G l)t I, AP •ll ·~1 ,,.,"' A •<~•<CI , lhtll••• I W\J, A P \1•111• AM llO"Y I tJT I AP n1 1• Oii. '141 .. .... ~ .. •NOi .. ,. •• '""°' vn• , __ .... ,..,.,, All "' , .. t ) AJ> 11\UlM tO *" V tt le tll 10-101 '~ .. OIM,.._ O..ri.~ ti. Ill •I Cl .. 11 •, AP 0 1 '"°'°· \)lt..I) •Ill M ......... ,~I-•· TA.l ••Tl ...... ···" 8•11•'1'. Wllt••m W CJ T I, AP ,,. OU IJ, Y1t 11 Kew•ou<lll ,_, N" IJf l, AP '" 10 110 Ull .. r oi• ......... , L IUMI. APm.1s-c11>. I TAa ltA'fl Mtl_A I ~ '"' ,. U11 U N•••Of t ..... , •• 4 t h 8 \#•IG•"t l"T I A~ 4»-111.1 ,,. ... '9 .... , ........ 1"1'11111. II\ U) U U-0 /\ ... _.. ,.......,, ,, " A" A,. II\ \)oo IJ •ouetl\ •~~ H 1 tt • ., JTI , All 11• 011 o. unto Corom•to, C-<Ot A IJfl, AP 1~071"1 '14l ~ lh1td1tfl II "'""•ti IJll, AP l~·Cll,Mll t1 Coop•t, V"9'"'• E IWOI, AP AP O•"' >t<"I 0 !Jt I, "P •»·l~I.' '"' ., .,, ,,...,, un Y C<•WlorCI f"OM•\ P, I J I I 911-11-0.s. n u ., T "•' _, H•n" I• I ' ..... ' • p t)I ... \'IOI U C•'•"•"" K•..,'" "' '''' 4r 9)1 ,. .,. U'I ... .. '."" .. ' ... , "'•" tl1 •o.JO UO• •• V ... 1-l tO IUMI ",.., M~NI •tictwtO '''M' \1'11 ti f All ltAll Alta• I "1 l ,, ' .... (OtHh'MJontAI UllM-~\ itr ••h Htl+ Aft •n )I 0C» '191 Qt AP " .. ,, ··''""' ..... f' '•f'l•ft.••• ( I I) U• le ·~Of ..ftMtf ~---f' I f r flil0 1 tlHIU II \ ...... "" .,. •19.0lJ ,. W .. "II C••ftr\ld # t _, •• A ... ... .,I ,, \t•11 \\ t\oe<I ' ofl" 1... ( "' ... .,, 0" 01 .... ll "p ... 01'GJ "" Cl ''"•"'• •OY t Ht\• ..... •t•Ch• U U /\ •• l _..,. A fftHU a. ,, . •tt•JO. .,.,., (!If •' tAIOY "'9N "" 11• II" 01 '1to u .,,n•MQ.H•• ""•" H •Hn AP , ..... " .. " llO 'JAS llATl Allf A IM" <em.-..t t '""' M •' •• '' •,.QI AP 141 091 II \M~ II \nteOe1, t .. 1 ... , A t l •I • J f 1 AP 411 UI JI tt"J f \ ( t•ti" b rc;.\ tituuf•"U t d 4 P "' 1)1 JI .. I ... tlvt-.ttU A•tft•t d • 1 J1 •JI>' 011 , .. o., t ..... , tt 't•· .. ' f\ ""'"' 'N1tt ¥u M •t I• J A I U J1 ti Al' t lH'l6•0t ....... (le') 11 'C'h4>\tl l.O.le Mli\• Uu11.n [J1-.t • .,.. l l'l t •I 01 ~ M '" \1.00.-., .... Pon•'"· •oo.r•'""' lt •n " -..,,\ ,. 11 "'' ftHWrl (~•-' 0 .,4 ttl 1 I ,..,_. •H ~' oet ~ 11 (,otd m•n Attn 1 •H \I 011 ~·I 8•tf't J°"n 0 I \I .o<? YO ,. ... "' ttr •09. A~n•IO J •JI )I IU ~· , ..... .-,, J •f\h .. A ... •• tlltt/I ' ... "lt'I IJ(lt\ifUt I ti '"' .. l 1nd,tP"1t f"'-odO'• " "'' •• ti N n1 AP•"'" ·• '' .,.. tt ( • .,._. I W A'' 01 O'll II ''°'I• f All llATS AltLA llt'tt ,, , Af' tr ti k •o;tt'\<f"t1 I rt .ti ~\ Af- 01Hflf Mtl h••tJ '" "°' .. '~ )/ 'l•t• 1.,,m...-M II ..... , •\l 11 ott Ott 0. '-" 10 l '''°" lj ht· w ,., ,, •ti •01 " "'" ... ' t, et ' I 1w I f't•I ,, "I ... ""Ill '•< •' lrf' "4••1 I l)JU ii ( hfl\t~r\ol n ,,,.,,.,;n W 141 ... ,. \)It " ~"' •• """' '--'4"'td •' •1• \U l /~ ,, 'll7 )1 l)t. ~ ,, M C(•t>e ~H "•t'I •ll SI 1.0 '3n 01 .... A f' H) 0~1 U/ ~t 1•1 •ft t-4 a n1 rnood •vf'ln ' .. .. "' ·~} " \lllO ,, ti "p 101.-A-• .. l J1 ""•JI ~OOJ ~11• )) ,,,_ •••nr• ttJOlt" \11-•1 ~ f\tirO .....,,, l ro "11. l .. t O• MCIOtft • NU 4 1' l'f •0 I\ WI A it \ II •t \"''"''·"' '"""'•" . t JT I AP U 1 OU ~ .... t ll'I M •nrrlU\WI 8tn1•mln f tT ~, A P t 1) Ol1.Q9 ,,.. )I .Ar tM•fflt Uow"rd <nv~laoment C.O '"' t ( 111 AV •n )\OOJ, 11'7 U AP t H lJOIO. VO' tO A p 93~1~. '3"' .. AP t H 7J 011 ~)I> lO AP •H 1~ Vil~ Al'•U !}-(Mil.U n )I APO> U4<7 U'4 8" "P '1\ ))00 U "I>,.. "p •l> !~)4 '"" '° ,.,.. •JS 110.1 ,_.,.. f AX llAT" &llEA 1~1 AllH~Otlll Mtton•., ft11 "•'" CJ 1'1 •11 OI i 10I0 01 ffOY•f'WJ t ,..,,, .. nc~ \41\ •:'• X> \Ito I\ -....... , ON f NO ~10 '' L ,.nn .. r 001n • .,. I\•• .n t-r ., • ._ \141., Httft.t•C1 I AP u1 u \lJi.&At II• 011 01 U11 21 lo/IV AP M• ,,,,,.,.. nn \ 1 I /l I ltel\t'I'. lluu•ll w •JI 1, All tM-0 .... 1.u•o Httl. c;..... H ICPI, AP 1~,4'. "" l) IC••"•"• Wltlle ..... All IS..011~1 \JOI" llodd-t, Qi<lftj-£ IJ TI, AP I ~~II 0t U'1 \I Vorll<V<k. C°••O'O" C.. IJ TI, AP ,,..011 °'·"~.a A nCl•r\O,. Oo,,•ICI L ' IT'· A p '"on 01. ,,H 11 B•t tf'\ Jo\•Prt ti •I !M Vt AP IS.OU 1e,w.}lo• u::.·;;· P 0."d 'JI I AP IS. 111,;1t. Oo r n •n '*"'"\ M • J l J. AP 04 1)3 10." 111 °' Ob<'•ly l.,. C •IT •. AP 1'4·11J.ll. Ul39t M •tr\ iO't'Oh ( 'tf I AP U4 10 43, '1~1 .... .. It ,~\. P 1th111ud A fJ f l, A P IS. 10 \I \)&I 17 A p l>•HI J...-n W IT • AP 1Sl~l1·71 '41• 07 A P 11(.ot" (.41,..,•tlf' (, •NO • A P ·~IC71 'll V tOl? """ nel,.• ,.,._,,u lf) 07• ()& ,., OI A P CJ•· ,u vY'f'u--r (rwrter\ • 1 \I 0.) O• \11' 6• A P IA' t \On l .,_.,. .. tt A 1)1 0.,).(17 \ltO •1 IT 11 "p 1 r , u~~f'· II~ IHWI, AP •l l .. 1-044 TAii IAT!t ••eA t1 .... 11-'1""1. l\14'!\ .. •I IMlll, AP '11-0 ·004. \40,j .. Movie, "•rmonel C. IJfl. AP f•ll'"'· IO<Q• el a l lfC I. AP 1'4 1n 11 '"° n TllU, LlllO<I I.. 1"401, AP I ... ,.,_.., .,, .,.cno ,,,, tO A o b•rl \O,,f t\l•h fUM ,, AP \)Olo ., "°''•nl IO•otlll I J'fl1 AP l ... ~.13 II I U'll•7 • L•nO•'· Pntlllp ,.. IU,..1, Al> 1.0 1<1• •• n.a n W-\t.,.rOn f\I J •V t ~A I f.P '11 ~1.0JJ. USO 40 V•v4""· J 4rf\t " ( tl1 614'0 U lS 6t L"nt \C". t14trOld J ..,, ., 010, '11\ 6.11 A•llly, W•lf1o m C t11 11 «I' \)j,A 00 Jon•nl.eft, f lln 1W'il IUMI. AP 16' 7" ?l, \1\S OI \( 1.tt '·•·nr'Q., 8 1 fwl'~I AP , ... 7'1• 3'1 ... 1 •1 AP 9ll 17 010. \1U ., Aooettvin, l\Mf' .... ,,, t11 11 o-.. U" Of T•OP•nQ 11 .. 1pn w t)l 11 * "" ,, P4'rt't'l1t Av io, .. prt f t11 80-CO '"' .. Mt Nr•tv J"<'¥ I "''°on. s:w.. t• 4;1•,••nq ~,,•~f~\ "'to 100 \1-~~ c.,.,,, ( .. ,.,.10 f11"'107• \I\~ 1.8 Cr•.q "•'""~" 01 II 04~ \~1 , .. p,., P-1 ~ UO•• ....... , M 1tlft" ll•r .. n( .. t '11 1" 011 U 7l OC. \f'ftOt I • .. ,,.,.4 P I 1I 1, "" TA.II llATE .. ,., .. 11421 J 1 1. A p 1 ,¥~","p;>1r~,:1":;:~~·.~u;;;•:! f-uno lf t AP Al' 1'>4 1•1-Cl,\l,\H'-" " 1 1 ". I I I A p TAX •ATE AllEA l l-tn AP .,.,,,,, W 1lli•M t. ·~· ·~· Oii \A)/ •• • , f • AP 1f1 (l.,.,,, .. ,,,om .. n t 1 p r 1 h.fJ I\\ U \I tfl~ 0 "p •P .... PROPERTY IN IRVINE CITY AP A P M oYrton 8 r ul• • •ll·il-... ,, j\. A l' 111141 II -1 4" M ... ,_, t .,OU•~' .. ' 1f 1111\1 I• \1 OOll ii Al' tAX ltAfl Alll A I> OlJ ..,, 1fit .. ll'\ .Alt.JI'\ t·I Al 11• 010 H \1 llt •• ···•'''4" s:J•tpl'I' 11• Oll 79 \1 M1 11 et .-1 H. Al• "' .,, O" 'ff' ·~ Pt v,.•4)-t.~ .. v•..,• \lift "' ,,,,.,,.. .. ., '"'~44.' 1~1Oil1!7 \ll l 11 AP t)l "Oii " ... 41 c.,,,.,,.,.t"t'l.On QQiC)ett~ et•ttM\1 1 AP •J'I 0.,. !)O \9 101 .. 6t ~ •nt MH "•t>I ffl·~\117 .. " ' f/"r o_.,, .. , v-'°"'' ,,_.,,·tt.Nftt"n1 IN •P•llOll f; \1.l 'it ,, I AP 11• 1•1-ol I IT AP fAll llATE "llEA- Mc lntOV\ OUN'•n H '' •l•M AP ~1·~ • ...,, It V.tn Ot Pltn<Pt. R1rM rr1 • 1 U '-') AP'31·Y OS1.~ WI /IP '11 1\1 >I \I M .Ill Sull1v•t\ W tlHAn• f' ,,, 1\7 ,, \All ., H••otO. l llnolllY If I AP I II ltl" l))O t i I ol• 't t Owrr.•'O i ft NU A .. "7 lit Uf> \AM II Al' 11/ 111 IO \l'GI II W"hn k>f'ttt .... f\U\t'I 41_., V '1~ 7t At (H •n~•· M •rh .... I "' Jfl AP tt• U 1 1• "' 48-4 0\ Y AI •; (I tt ~lit ( .,..,., .. ' t 1t•, AP hi"'''""f\" I •f'\ 0 ,.., 1)4;1 ,, \A" .at. "' ,.~. 01 V •t•\ \/Jt) •• r "vr.-"' c ot•'•f'n""'· • ., &1ot.,. ot r O\ln ftt•" Vttll"l'~ el AJI , ... !illl.Q.t \141 00 lr,h f\\l'Jt'I H i, r1 0 I I f A ~ 0\1 .,._,.,., <o •(l>t AP~(MoO'IO lJ \1 &t\ U\ "' •P 11• ISi I/ Ut &1t 1'• ~ ()tf1')f\ t ••• 111 -.., "'"v t•d I H .._, ,,.,, • ..,. r •"' w uf1Ht jl) \,n I ' II Mou~. ~r• # ttl ,,1 fr •NO• AP •l7 SI Gt.A ~7 9t 4;t0t••1 l..mt • W _., ctl I• H01 AP 111111 II \l•l"l '><''" f t.-f>" HJW I Al· Ill 11J Ol ,;, ... TAX llATE AllEA 1) on ~ ..... , \I Q~I J«> i·,1t• AP \111 91 "t AP 116 1)11• \Jo• '• 1>P HI •OI H AP IV 101 17 ~f"4'Q r.,,.,,,,,,,. , ..... 0. \II" "' f tv A l,.n r \~I ~. I , IT AP u• 4tt \J r,,.,on•r. 5in,.1orin t-• J' 1 • P (hf!•,..,,.. MA•tl•n I Ut t,1f;()' \t#1 I 1t 1 AP '" 1tl'\ \tr -" ,~ I Al "" ~. '"' l8 Hew•tt. (, .. ,,.,Ht' H I j 1. A p 'll7·Sl.Oll U8'1 I\ ( •ttflr, MtC t\1tet W •l7·Sl.0'7 '-"l7 1. tltM M11111n,on. Ch.Arie\• •d ~' 1 •• Y17 ~ O'I?. \JM IQ '_.,,q G~'"t't'd J"d f ~MI '117 \I 09• \IH 0• H*"d O•"' W•tl••"" ,,M •17 ~ 0% \&') 70 Hunl (~•h• I J, H .-.1 •MY •)I \8 11' S•l 1 I) AP ,.,. Al' c.010 1nQ f'4f1'""'" O 1w J.t AP .,, ~ 1'18 .... f'IA<>. C,.,t~kl I HI. AP •l7 '>4 1)1 "11\ SI P4t rll~' HAro tO N '1)7·Sl-1W. \AOI Ol 't AP M c(f.,,.".Aft l='rttn., r , J f t A P .,, !.I ''°· .-1• ~ H Ar O Y, W ilhtm /IA 1 UM » AP '117 'Ill 1IM , ... 17 (l'IU'<I''. ltff" SC1f"ttcf'I fNO AP 'll1·Jl.111, \117 .. 1'•¥111P Eoward r •w r> 1'P '17 !.I ? ... \.116 ~ M d1n1•I ht1t'lnlt K 1111/lOI \l?Olq M 1't1ftt lt~\r µh W 111 Ill 1\ \J'>O IWI '>.-nuv•r' l 1n,1 tt ""I '>O UW • ll t Hottm.-o W•''""" k AP 11~ 011 \I W I% ', Uf 1t t r ,; t I A p 11'1011 OJ \I"' I~ Mf f ,.11uu1 ''''"I' M II• Q" 04 MtlJ I• "I ft 11" .. r t-tutJ1•I 1 ~l ,.Vf't'I,, f HOW,Hd I I f I AP 114'1 011 )1 'llJ080 111 1~7 " \]/\ ~ IJUVU1\0n luhl'I M 111 1!i<Ol \'1<7 J'I U M• ,, 11 • N U '' h. •I '·'"'"n l'"""'C1 r{ P l Af.I '11 10' 1n M ·~'t'"-'"CH •• ,,, 11' 0~1 •• "''11 u O-.a"o I ru"-"' \)<// JO \b01 ''" f ,.,,,., P1•u.1t ft/< I> p \}~~I II ' AP 11• 101 )1 r,u••rh,., 1,\,.'• • t ""' Ill 71111 H f\ I~ tn.,t•1,., " ..... , h Pll/711 77 r.uliAf'\dP'r C.lf"fl O AP 111 113 71 "" 10 AP Ill 21l'4 \11•71 I( trc ,..,.,.,.. M 1t n.-. 1 r 111·77•-CI U9ll .Ill '""' "p M c(hmon 'orr,i..,,,. ,, IW OI AP 111 n • 11 ,,,. ... Mn\t~tlf'•. ltocn~,,o \ 111 )11 "° '16'1 'le If AP f'\Ofl' P tthArd AP 111·1\I 10 '71'1 " Fi t>,, .. , .. v .,.. ... , ·~ '" 101 •I \/Ct0 01 ~t' MQI 1!1 SJl'f• I 11• 111 o~ \olO 11 '\fP\IHhlf'm.t't"'I t1 AP 11• 11170 \~• v (Oft'tn•tri Jr ltet 'I I 11• 111 1f> \Al\ •• ~10'•'1 1->U(A_tl l •I .11 119 I'\< 11 ,., ~ na1,,q,., """''d w 11• 10 •t U•l t'I fhrt•"'• flrucr w rt .,, O 'I 011 07 \AOI .. N O .... ~\M l " AP 11 &P AP M \/ ,.p •Y. 011 7l \J)t "' AP •l'I 011 74 \1'1 ti V•d•no"I< t or f\n • 1 t 1. It P '1)7 !.I H I. "87'1 00. "~"'' I p I If AP •117U11 l•""''" lt1hf NO• AP t1tt U1?8, \/16 ,, 'tit\ 111 ,, ,,j " ,,~ t11>1' ~~ Mt4t( ••·VI~ 't uh lOrt• t k A.11 I, I l \(ti \-4~1 II ( n1 '·It 11•11 •. '·'•"\M ,, t•i tfJ , .. "·'' '""' • ·di•· " tl.,CU J \/\ I .In• .ti I 'l'f !!frlol• W 1 '" o• 11 \l',t "' , 'b c ll CJ• AP ,, "I' ; tt'l'J CI H t l rt 4JI t M V II~ C,. If l /07 v r• tf. I I VI•\ Jt' ( ,, 11a 011 1~ \HO • P 1r • ""'' hun,tn., ' \114 y f • q ". t ~ ' • • l I I U I \,hN fl ~ I r/, I I ll I ,,(\ l't/I 11 \f.Q! n Mt 11 !'! ,.(.. ., .. (jt;, \ I •• TAK !>All AIH A 1\00 1. ' • f ' , . \ I "1,.._0-0., P.t,.., \AO I 1' t ~''" ~ • .,,. u • t ••• • 11 ,., t • I I ltl )J1 "' '.,, A i' ' 1 llt lJt• 07 ~I ... t"ri•f'll•1 M "'' 'f ,., ttl M V AP 111 QI, I I SJ'!€ .0 "" n• p,_.,J, t• MM A fl t18 087 11 tall !>ATC Al>I A U tM I ''' "I )/, ., • ,,.,.,., l ~·· '~ ',, .. •" ti '· Yo' .. ' r I ' .. M ar .. , ...... mon<l M ''"" AP \318 •• •l) \I 1•• ~ 11 Ou"( nn Mtt ""' I &P St ~v,.n u. ~•'d ' •lQ Olll 7• \!M7 7• ,.,. I it tT\ If HM l'lo\ ,._ i t flt' ..-"' ••'.., • ..,..,. ' r' AP t j..ti't"/IJ A f t4I ~ .. o •~\ O~v 0 w " A p 111nl71 1 ... 1.., '117 !.I '°' \Al11l w~ ... n • .,o < ""' ,,. 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"" A • h• "'' ~ I' ~. \ ' t ~I •}~• •.. 111 ,~, l ,. ~· f\ '' ' "I Ji~ 4 I I \04' • " .... ., u t• ·~ p "'•·•'" h i• I \' H y r.'' \, '"' lO ,,. f ,-~ ,., •t "'"' "' ... ' t\• ••• r • Y " "' If ·'• \I I# .... \4f 1 1iij \ . .,,.~ .. IH \I "'' Al• I !, I \ l ' ~"' t H • ,t \. '' "'' i'\ t' 1:. I Jt :...• f\D .,.,,_ 0 \ \ Af.ol\tl'f'lllil;lh \ " ... .. •ON \U ·~, \.~ t ', . ...,. A 1 t U 111, I A~ _. .... l • \ • r, .,. ~ ...... , > "'"""ri•r t.u .~, ' \ f' ,. ... '"ft••. ~ ... ' .. . ~· t •• \( t t , .. y ,,,r ,,.. ........ ,...,. • At ~ ,,~• ,_., A•• Al AP :.i; I\• ... \I(,._, AU f\• I I" A6• \11'., ~ A., 4'.oo Al> I( Ill '· '· 1 f, f \f't II \ ,, \. "' I • I ..... llltr'\l]W HP\ 1t-. ti\ 1t V•I •. ,.,.,,,,, .. \ 11 &'I " 1&.P 'Ir 10\ t• \.0 \• AP 111 l!I\ ''-' \ '-' Pi01'1"',,,,, A'11IA 11 1tO •u UI C..t t,.1 o tOl \1&1 \• •• .. f'I ,.dt I •• ' A p • "•' • • ..... 1 1 t .1 \•' r"' \ .., '' At.tlH fVI•\ ,,_.,, w f>f1 f ..,,.tvn M 11& II II \•'It. llO hnt1•rP\th-t ... 1 t,p 118 /1) /) \?\] ~~ .. p r t t • n "'"ft'• "" ._ ' ... "'t 1'1f. I '"'mf.r t• .•(Ir\ • 'I AP '""'' v 't/1 1lt•'' ti 11 "' Ill I I I \\.ft I API'"' .,, ..... ,~,_, ~ .... , .•. "m ..... r ,, 1 U 0/ t I \ 'I • , .... 11 or f\,. I • r '" 'I , ' I 1U t 4 \ I AP !II ~I • ) a JI A•'\ t ntt. AP• l() !)11, ..... '. '"' l All RATE AllEA U ... 11\ "P ~i~o.-eo1 w ·. \• AP•l' 00.flOb \#01 AP qis OC./1)'1l3Ai'114 AP •JS 0. 07t \I/• 11 AP•H O.llil \1~1 u APOl\!Jo(l'J )•ll -1 AP '1\ 00. O!>A \/'l'I '"' M•\ mor-1• ()Avtd W \M AP W~9'f'nAm Wtll14'"'4 H flt Al AP .AP 91\ 00. O'I~. \All 91 I,.,. 711 ,, "'41 00 """"'" .. .., l ....... '> \ll~ 17 AP 11• I\/ •1 H ._.in .,..,. .... , 11 11 /11/0.\}1)1 "4 ,, NO AP \!M)(lfl ,.,, t"I I. ft I I\ .. , , 1'1111 t f'\ ~ 1"1 \11 0\ \I~ •I " ""I A••fH. M ,,., "" •JO"') 0"' \Ill • A~ Al•\ f !ft AP,JOOll \ I t '·''°' IH lli II \ 11,. Fotrl'l1onf' P 11 n11rn 1t 1)'1 117 lit. U1• 01 Ill 777 II \!l'M % Con,,i,~r Brnn1,. 11~ H • 01> \61& S.. IT I "p '31 Ill> Ill \Allt I• lit«t••4f\• ~~"moud ti -~ \(\~ " \ ..... , /\.._ 1o1 "'1l. t 'LI 11\.i AP T,. .. llATE AllEll 11.-/I P TAXll&lEAllEA Ull• A ,.,d~"on r 11'0 0 ... 077·71 uo 1 1 If AP V,1111. ~ Puttr. cnrhflM I llW "p •7• Ol1 J1 \lCtO I J W A .. ~h4'F" ~ ub•r I •t 'lS Olo-171 U'IO •I Wall,.h~m WllltAM A AP 0 \ ~ IJJ \J'IJ b'I AP llQ1\ll).\All '1 ,, , AP HO\h om ';t" W lle•CI Au0 <•¥ I 1'1 01" ••• """' I N 0 1 AP °ShttrrD, hm L I IT 1 AP q)j 18 fl't•. ,, ,,, M l/ HQ /f, I Qt, \1!'1 61 P lemam • .JOl><f)h E AP 1•1 1JJ 01 \711 •? "" .. Su l\, Jam•\ II ~· Al TC I, AP 'fAi'J •ATE AllEA u -l All •ATE AllEA 1Ml\ 141-l:M·23. \11' o~ AP 1'\.13'-44, lm 10 N vl•ndtr. Mo r"' 141·U1 7'. \l11 ~ 'iunllower AH Ol<AIU • Pl ), AP 1r 1. fi p 13'·U 7·11. M.133 Ol StA1f of c."1.to1n1 •• O•" 01 Hwy\ fXX l AP'77 00 1•.'4• 3A Co•1• -"' ro W11•• 0 .. 1 ')1:1( '· AP .,, 041 "· '44 3A He•CltlC ~. FtM > M •~M l, ,.p TAii RAT! AltEAIS.011 1'1·~·11 \10.., llUCI.,, S1epllen W I UM I, ,.p •lO·SJ .. 1>. l lll 10 8•1~toe, AaytT\Ot\0 w I Ir I A p 931~1·01', \1'\ SI "'o•o•n. Send•• H 1 w~1. "P 931.01 04'. '3111 .. H 1rtt.,, M•r ll; J ttt ..ti•''• ,AP •31.0I 101. U lS SI TAllt llATl A•l A IHet Ad ••·"· John •• 4 1 •M l/I "" 1•1 1•1 ••. ,, ,., .. Af' 1'1 7'1 1', \1,13' 1• WY"''"" nob-rt ,., Al OAV A. P ... 7'1 )0 \1 117 so Adr .. .,., lot\n t"I "' • M V UI 791 11 \1 Jn I• AP ~tAtP. o t Ct11llforn1A OIY o• H.tt\ I )()(I AP 1" 7"' 10 '1• \t (.r,.o rir., ,,.,,.,.\ H 111 017 17 " 1'1 •• H•u . ~101,munO 11S OlJ·U '1, 113 ... It I A P 1T • AP Grt 9or y0 11m f'\H •Jf l AP IU~IJ 14 '410 el I( tltL l W•¥nt 1 UM !, AP IU Ol1·11,\211 .. AP' ~::.: l)oNIO 0 IMSI, AP lll.ol?-0., PH.IO. w e4111M, "°''°"'° llS-Mf.,., Ult.71 lt ... n. 0«'1' H •1 e I fCI, AP ll•Co IM 1CAI, Peul, JHtrey • IJT1, All llJ.OIJ..O~. tnQ.16. Htr"'•"o Pell10 Ill( 1Clll, AP AP IH ·Otl·t•, IU•JAHl,tt,020,. W•flOUl'llOfll. Lerr'I' Ci. IMS\. All 11S-~. UM SI \7,123 .. ErlOtoll, llotMt1 ~ IUM I AP Mor•te•. J .,. T AP 141·Cl'l·OI, ltS.Je4 ....... ,,.., MOllN, Fr.cl H. Jr •' ti ITCI, AP A~ HS·>AS.10, UJt 14. llMIWI • .,...74. MU . ll. l(lrll .. ltlek, .. ol• I CWOI, AP J•Men, FrledNfM P. t.ITI llHIS..JI, .. ,. Otl. 1'M1M•, '4'1l •? Ve!.,., JOIWl M. e4 •1 (Miii it.P &ru9@11I, Ptttr J, ISM>, Retllo"I, C11renc• l . CJ'fl, AP /4P 1U"'6MS,Mll .... llMIMO, 9'71.Jt. / ffl·Ut·IO, MS7.42 Hiii, Ja-t L .. AP 11S·H ••ll Gt1t1A,.Jo.t1AllJTl,APUM31·2', J oltntoll. M•''" l , 1WSI, All 11$-467 , •• ""so. Mcl'elll, KMl I!. tJT I, AP llS.~. \1nQt,.t nn '""" .. ~ • "' AP •l'I n1 01 \1tl> 1• L ~•. r>no.r l f "P t}4 Hl·ll \HI O• AP W~b \l•r . W 1ll1Am t ll~ 711 71 S7tll 7• PrHIP, H<>QO A U I I, AP I~ ISl~l. .. II 14 ~f'arbt'•'' W1lt111tm ~ 'll 1, AP ,,. 7t•·ll. U)(o 71 lloblon r11 .. 1 M ol 41 •Ill. AP llt·7•• 01."" .. l ftff1no Lou•' A 4P 11' 1••·~ ... ~ 11> Mot •l"f At>l)tr1 I AP 11' 74~.0J \.011 " (',111 llol>P'I r J• AP 1)0 177.11 090 ,. O'(onnot ,....,,..,.,I' 4P 1~ l>! H Ull \I l I AP '•f'O• P nhr,f P ,,.. 1J.t 04 .,,. \1 ~Amrv>ll ti(•"""'" p \fM I AP IJ'J H I 01 .,._ 70 l"·••llC" &rue~ l "P 13' >17-CI MO• 10 J1 v\,~ll 0 fttC Pt 4•0 (_ I r AP 1~ 391 OJ '3~ )!> rno"'"'°"· C.•11:,.rt O •HWI, "P 13' .J'l?~I •~1 S1 A1"'"'°" Kflllt tJfl, AP 1~•11 \A10 .. KellM(ly. P•1r1Clt. II "'" IMVI. AP ll'·•Cl1·1•. ~II 11 1,l•r, Wlllte m T IJTI, A P !It AOl·IJ. M)l.U. IClnQ, Louil "'· tJTI, AP IJt.•t1•. U91.• Norctltrom. O...lel A IHWI, AP ,,.... ..... ,.~.,. Kt,,....,.,, P11l•l<k A el •I tMVI, ltP ,,...,,.IJ, '~' ~ J ~ M 0.Yelq)Menl Co IHOI. AP l>'·•SJ. tt, uu.at. Rodrl9uer J•lme E IJ TI, it.P 11' OM•.'4S1 U. ,, ... ,.. ., ... ,. l"arller, Wiii tr C CJT I , AP Ootdt"• Geta lel F llM714't........... U I 11M•.M1'• !MSI, A~ UOlU £11dr•'· Ci~•<O• L. I J fl , AP H•--· At""'4M'd J . IJT), AP ,,.. .. u .JO.U:Z..7'. Lott>monn. W TlloMH 1JTI, AP '"·•71.c» Mt<I 11 Kett•,._,, GIO'I• J 1Sfl, ,.,. H•YW•rll. Clltl\lopMf J IJfl, AP Iii .. ,"· U0t II Outon, J•rnft A . All llS.MMI. ,,, \1' 70 \16• ()(' O•t ''')MIP'"' ("°"flf'' ~ '' IT Av\ IO Oil/ a; SI J 1 .. A t' \I() t-'1 N \1 ti ,_,, AP\JoOl7.0 \f!JOll •P \W)()fl]O \til l'/} "p \YI Oll-0 \Ill eO AP I)() Oii/ ; I \7• t8 .,.,..., C·~nQ .. """ A ... 1('1 013 01 M 4'Q1l1h .. 0.it'l•d •t t\I If AP 11•-Ctl' l7 \ 1 n1' •O "p l~I \71{11 \70'1 ~I t P•r d R ftrwPt 1 f I r I I T ~ A P "'" ,, T,._~f'f'll"f'VW'! l 11tu,,. A AP ttlil •11 0& I "" \1111..,,_ AP 1(11 11) 08 "1/ 'II ,, .. 11 lhl \71 \8 "''°"' AP IOI )11 lt \It) q1 Ol•M A,f rPGW 11 11 AP l•l ... 1 11 8-'Un"I LAw,...rw-,.. 0 '' 'Jfl. AP 11& 1t1-0'I \\~ llO \117 " H OOP•f', W•ynt 0 'fl t. AP 1•1 \\1 17 l193 10 '>ono. V•""l w •w~• •P 1oe \,• 01, \17' Q• Ii P AP l»-081 ••. H l.J eO .. p 110 Oll1 J\ \Jll lrJ Ar• ll0-.°"7·11> \IU eO AP \10 00!1 '1 \Ill Ml II P \jC) 081 •6, U 'J .0 Leon. llth>Q•O lo/I • "P II•· 1t1 •• '••l •7 (let•_. (IArPncf' ( l MM I AP 11•· 1'1 1• UJI 00 PROPERTY IN FOUNTAIN VALLEY CITY TAK llAf( All(A 11 •7 &P 117 .0•71 Qp,..O P11 h t11'1 'N 117 117 Ot Miit., ftft-QOr ., A"w""rmtt 111 1\7 1• U I• J7 ,, . ,, (•r"an•n l •_. A 11 1 117-117 11 \}tt" ,.p AP AP f~ s.tn1•I \ •JI I AP 1'1 111 14 SJAt ,. N•lwn N••I C. IT t AP 117 181 t• ,.., lt lueld\,Tllom .. 1 A •lfl,AP "' ,., .... ll:J'I J.t 8 •rtH•. , .... 1~, I J fl , AP 117 1'3~1. "'1 >I K•lllll , Jo,.p ll W IJTJ. All 111·7"'10, ..... " Joyo. Ml<-• IJTI. AP \IJ.eo!·lO. U1')0 Godwin, R-olnelcl C Jr tJ TI, AP 111.-.SJ. UU.1•. H •t<ll. WllllAM H IJ T I, AP 111-401'6\, •• ]II St Turnf>e"911, Mltllffl f' I Jf I. AP m-en-os. WI.St '9o H,., J•O IJTI AP llf.f?l.OJ, UtLJt. Ktlln••. Ger~ld C. 1 ITI. All ttt·l21-4S, $1-., Vtf SleoQ. Wlllltm C tCPI, A~ m.m.oa, »" •s o""'"'o"' c'o''' ,.,, wo•. 109 \It (l'I \180 411 lono . S lt P~"n U tJ TI, Af' •• , ~I 70 ''°" 11 ~l\\•I. J......,\ •JTI, AP 1•1 ... , ,. fAX II Alt ARIA 11.011 '711 'll M•n••''~" Ot1\ A '''' AP ltl '1111 •I U l• 7• P •tr. R...,t " I Jt I "p IOI S'1 1) \141 l8 f " ,, " \107 10 f ttrro M•'• F ••• 0.1 71 '4\ I~ A ( ~,. •• ,, P•rlnt r ... 1117• \4'00 f "ll llAfE AllEA 11011 fl AP i.t OllO\ TAX llAT£Alll A11011 It(' 1' i )I / "" :: ~:~ ~; !~i; :cc: A l> \lQ Oil /1 \111 t>0 A P~JOOIJ 7• \711 t>O AP \10 (111)1' \7J) Ml AP \)0 01.116 '7H e0 1\1' 110 Ill'' I' UlJ oO /IP \)0.0.J 11 \1)) fl(! "' \'l()Ollt"' ~ "Ml ... \JO-OIJ ll' \I I.I eO ... \10 01ll " \Ill Ml AP 1'• l)ool)) \10110 T Ul"llWll 0on•IO l ,.,. 07 ~·· ,, ... N\. Jf , .. •O AP l••OllOI r.,11 '•"'•\P •I l\1'1d 1ll1' llt'''IO OllJ1\l)JM! \Jll "fl AP•'IO M IJ1 \7l•l>O AP ... 011 08 , .. .0 1 ""~ C'..,1.,.. AP i.•.oa• ., uas .. Vf'v no J t>rr y O •U M '. AP ..[I ., U'I> ., Pa.-. S.•••tort . AP , •• 0")~1 ,,, .. Cumm oM Wiltr•d N, IJ TI, AP Mt 0•""' L••l•t I> JI , AP "" \)O.Ofl,) ).t U ll e0 10 Ill OJ \llf>• 11 AP''° 1)8) h \HJ ll(l '"•M•• Pto-Ctll~ '> l p ""AP IJO OIH11 '113 .0 1~) ,,. 01 "" oO A p \10 °" 01 "" tO Wtl•O" W•ll•t W I) 11. AP AP \)O.Olol~l 'llJ 1~ 10 n• OJ \18\ "" AP S)O Ollot4' U l I W , ...... CA<• R fJ fl AP Ul-1'4<1' AP u o.-.cs.UJ3 t0 \l1I ,7 ' ' AP UO--Ot'-<ll> H 1J e0 tt• 107·SI. U15 JI lltKll, LAO f 1Jfl, Lewi\. l'r•nk O ,.p 1d·ll l·OJ AP uo.GM~1. '1lJ tO AP lt .. 11J-U '1'11 OI ' ' AP UO.(Jl.&..OI J11HO 0 1••"• Ao .. •lf f', tJ fl, AP AP"°"°'" .... '733t0 C. I J f I. AP Ul JSt-0? \lll .. AP Slo-Ott 10 U ll t0 G•rm•M111, C..rel4 J . IJ TI, "~ P)llMll0 11.,UltO ""'u W•rrt n W•Y"'on ft .. 1'1-67. \146 ~ Coo~•. Ool\•lf , ... ,.,~.Via.JO G•rtt1Hn. Pe111 O. CJ fl, AP Ul-47• U, \ISi.. AP »o-oa.t I). U l3 CtO w 1c1 ..... nn. Plllllll c.. I JT I, A,. AP »IM* IJ. UJ3 tO. t(. CJl I. A~ lQ •U_.1 •Ill a AP SJO.Olol·U '133 tO W•lklnl, Wllll•M R t JTI. All AP\JO.Oloi 15,\llUO , • ._., IO, iM S1 HOMOlk•, Cll•rln J , 1 ... JOl•JI, t 1'1 ,.. Smllll. Sl.Al11t'I' N. , ••• ,,,..,, U7017 Stlllel . ECl.,Ofel J . ltt·UMO • ...,. I\ l'lthtn, P•Hl<ll T ,...m.u, '"'·°' IJfl, AP UJ·Slf·!t.""'-'7• AP UO ... t•.UJJtO. OoCll •••· P ..... [ 'lf1, AP it.Puo.-..11.ttJ).tO CJ TI, .. p '*" .. "·Mt.A.,, AP uo.(11)~1 U ll Ml ICtO\\, \•nlt>rCI" IJT1, AP AP~.UJ3AO < J T I. • P 10 "'·"· ..u.~. AP no.ou.oJ. "" 60. ll•<h•1111 (n•rl•• W tJ f , AP AP UO.cJlj.41, S71t 1-1 IJTI, AP l•J·Ml~,Ull,. ' 11P U0·08HS.'7l.J60. CTCI, AP l opet. ke M IJTI, AP 14MM4, AP )~.'233.0. .,11 tt AJ> )JO.Ql).41. '133 60 J I J TI, A,. Hur\I, JOM f' IJTI, AP UJ.111 ot, AP ~I. SUJ 60 •nt.tt, AP j )O ... 1!7, •7» t0 AP i~. U33 tO . KtrllY. Oonlel J. •I •I , .... ~"· pS1 41 Atl\OrlOfl, Wllllem A" .. , ,, 1 •• . , 11t-4n ·"· ,,,..._ 111°12•·11 • .-.". lelfll, Je1W1. A,. 11 .... n.u .... , .. I a r ntert . G t r 'I' E . IJ Tl, $411•'· GleM I( JTI AP ,,...n.n .-u •. A~ t UI fO .. II .... It..-_. 11 IJTI, A~ Wrlflll, -IJTI. All ut.Uf•IO, UAt,IO. S111tlu ,,, lt•lpll l IJTI, 4,. ttt.-~tl .... " 01111 .... "-" 0 Jr IJ TI, A,. A E A••ll• P~rln~" 1Pf A, TAX RA'rl ARI A Jl_.U j,JO tO'MI, \l't .. • ltarur. wa11ar c 1Jt1, ,.,. w.n ... ,., .. 1.c. . llt-4'144.fl1'.ft. City Of c.:ou• MH • CJIXI, Oretntirt, lllltHll•ll I ., /4 P '1Mtt4S.9MM 11t-•M4, .... HOOl, Dellftlt ,,, ti el (Jfl /41t "'"tfl.f>,...,,,,,, ~llltlle<ll, W•'I'"• IJTI , A ~ ll>P 11S.U..1S. ~ 1', K"'t, ~ 0, l tfljll, AP llf-4" "· '1M1,_h , ..... 1t. ..,... Cott ... ~(IJW),Alt• ... MO, ,._., .. ,., "'"'' " Jf IJfl, A ....... . KllOt t. J-a. et •I CJ'f1, A~ 11' SJl.11, Utt.4. YIUle, Jvtt It.Ml, A~ 1U•Sn .... 11~.-.. Vlt.ia. Htrtlt, •rl( 1JTI Colller, Ot1111lt H . CJf I, A t6t .71. llJ.91,_., NH It AP 41-l·H, t!H 14 N O i, .. ,. ., .. , "· ..,. ... ,.,.".~;:,~.~:.·:."' ~ -· ~. 0411t A tJTI, AP la..•77 ti, ,,,.., ... .llnt,,.._, OoMICI P IJTI, Alt !JMtMI. USJ t• -9l-''· Wltlllfll W. ti II IMVI, AP ,....,..11, ..... n ~·11cllflt•. C•ro1 A IW''· AP ,,..111 ... t l ,.,. 1•11111<11, MUY C.. CNOI, AP Pttlnt l..., CMttoo\ 0. ... 1--t CO l•),19>-oe, CPll,A,.SI0-111•50.~U<. • W-\l°" lrvlM I Ill I, A~ ~IJ> It .. ,, " A,. »0-1»-'° Motl ... (c.Mlned .. An> 10.MMI UlfClll, l r lft"''"'· J•"'" c tJTI. AP , ... ,,, ....... Oli.rt, DINlf J., A,. 14-»1 ta. "' M e..,..t, L.90lll H IJTI, AP 1 .... 1 .. J, " C1111tr , Dt11olll Jr IJ t I. Alt .,....,..,,, """' M y•n, l a1111••..C• A. , JTI, A,. ......... ....,.,. wm ...... 1Cltl. AP T ltNlll1. WllCIMll Ci. ti -1 tJTl, Alt U 76.7t ..... M. $411.. \1111\0,,, Oonelel M IMSt ,•AP ~Ml, CMM A. CUWI, 14~ ......... 14) 1'i·ll, \Ht 41 ttU ti 01 kNO, ~o G IJTI All Moll ......... Y Welttf I( IJTI, AP If~-."'° ... .. • ..-.~Y "'l.OT • CC'-Ml 11f ,,.._ All) ,-..-. PUBLIC NOTICE 011•11 • ._. ............. ,,., A >• UJ ,. \Ile )J "" ~·~ \11\ II A,.,.. 14,.>t JIU II C•t1f ... C·-Ill A,. ,. 1\1 01 u u .. "" »O 1'1 or UQ .0 A,.,. 1\10) ,w .. ""~IU .. ,,u .. ""~"I ~ \II) .. ~ ,....ltHL t.U.L• u·~•u1.., ,,., .. A,.l.IU .. U 'I.) .. ,.,. \.» 1» 01 '1 4i. 10 "'" ,. IU4i U~J .0 A,. ~-11),0l Ulhe ,., >•1uo. uu .. "" U0 I\)~ Ul) .. A,. ,. i~• n.u .. A,."° ISJOI •JU .0 "P UOIU .. U ll.O A,. \)0 "' 00 u u oO 411' \IO IU IO. U JJ .o ,.,. UO 1\1 11 U).) .o AP \)0 I" U U JJ tO itJ• UO. IU I~ \IJ.j .. AP ))0 1)1 U U1J .0 IU> ))0 IH I) u;u oO A.,''° 10 I• ,., rr ,.,. )JO I\~ II U JJ .0 AP \10 I)) It. U JJ o0 A" no 1u •• U JJ .o AP \10 111 IO 111.1 .0 AP \JO I\) /I 'I.HJ 00 A" uo 111 n u i> lo() AP UO I)/ 11\/IJ1111 Al> IJO 1)1 /• )lJJtO A P \JO 1)11\ )Jll 1111 AP \JO I)),. U lJ .0 AP HOIU>I \/l\.0 A PHO•nlt U JJllll AP \lO IH ,. tJJJ .. A P \:IO IH 10 U ll .0 A P »O 1\7 )I u n 1111 A P \l01U41 Ulltll AP \JO 1\1-01 'nl .0 AP~IUO) \113.0 A P \10 1µ~ U lJ .0 A P\JO IU.0) lm.O A p !JO I U-0. )JlJ .0 AP \J0.1uo1 'n u.., AP no •\:Mii. uu .o AP \lO·l~).OI '111.0 AP \lO IH 10, '7Jl IA> AP \JO l\l II, Ull llll AP llO IH 11 \nJ t.O AP-\lO 1\l ll , l rll Ml AP \)0 IH I• '71111') AP \lO IU 1), \713'f)(l llP HO I\] It. \71J Ml '"' \)() I\) II, \7 It t>IJ /\P '<0 IH 18, \7Jt &II A p '•IO 1\l 1', \?J.l l;IJ ''"'" ... p,,.p.,, .... , f • ., ~1~t Ot& •1. \1,.c~ "ln A•' \\I Ol&C'l \71/ Iii A P HI 0110'i \111 J4 A" \II OU Ot. \Ill l'i A P PUBUC NOTICE '••••••. ( J•m•• •H I A,. ... •)I It U ltM Ht"' ._,. I Ill _.,. .... 0 1 • \.11' 11 ,._ "-°" \ 10!()1 _.,. .\1 .. 11 II PUBLIC NOTICE Myet\ (l\•tl .. H I JI I .. ,.1 .. u-101 A" "·* .. 1rv1-u INltt.A,._._ •.a.ltt • It•-C::.t.•• .. _ -••11 . 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'\1 P\•y ••91im•, ~ ~ '"9''''414• • t .. moo l () JM{ Ofr£,.OA,.1 A <•••• r omp1,.1nt n•\ ,...,,.. t1l•d bt 1n,. u•••f\ftff ·~•mt fO\I tt 'fOU Wl\h to ""'•"0 ""' '••w•• '°" rnv\t •''"'" JO dlt f\ ftfU•f lhl\ \.JfT'fnon\ t\ ._., YHt Qn t f>\ol f1lf •lfh '"''' f •.1u•I 4 "''it1•" (1t4t\\.-t1 Anort• ""' '1 1 41'11'1 ~ \1()0~ AP ••\unnv tn tr. r~r1: .. 1n1 Uni•\\ 10v OIJ \.0 f 0\#1 ct.t•<.10 ..,,,, Oft ~t•rtt<t r..n TAii .A,£ AlleA tHM .,,, I \Oft c,•nt '>• M •1' lt1 Cl\ ""' 11 TAii JIA'l AlllAU tO JI 4t t i t 1 • I, I rt ' 1 t i\ Iv OIJI \1 .. 11• "'"I ii,,,(,()\ ''"" O• A f-'"lj', /f lAJ# \I.., 1 AP IJ\ /'lf.AJ' \I.ti 1-' Al' l lo 11ff lll/ \I~,• """'' 11,r ''•" I Al•'~ Vl l•J't \I' II •• HJt '' '• I' ~11 1n1 JI Al 11 ' U NI J I '"' " " ,, "' •OOl•t •ltfJ'~ vt ~ tJI• '°'lt1ft •l\O '"''' '°"''' m•r "''•' • 1"'1Qm•nt •0•'"'' tO\J ff.I' ,,._. '•lo9f °"'''" •"J-d " I~ " .. , .,,...0••••1t ., f , •• ..-•O ·~'"''' II\ .,., 0 0 f1m•fU QI tf't41Q• I•• tftQ •11 '"'""' .. ( ,,, IJ' ., ... ,', ,. 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OI 0.llftOll ( 01mty °" J.wl' ,, ,.,., G•ner l•<r-C.._ .. ,.,. 1-J I tVIM a lvd T11U111, C.IK-• tt• l tt r•• Ntl J.HM-H ,II..,_ P1tOll\...., °'""°" C01nl Oelly Piiot Avq I •. 1\, n. 1q19 PUBUC NOTICE ~~~.~O.nt\ Av«n\ollt, C.O\I• ,...,,., f"' tifOltCa c.c>NC•1tNfttC) Pr o'"' t ld .. ,,tdit "''Ct" ,_4 ~•m• NOMIMflES \I Al (I Pf(.()NS I AUt I ION 'II .. ()!IC r I\ 14t AE8'f 0 1V(i; 1,.,.1 M ONI f OA NA., '~k<lll c f ,.. ,.,." tn• '"110•1no 't>nd•hOfl 01 (.ond1t1on>• A£SVP IA(IN (, ,_,, (J\r, .,,,. ••1~h·d••trwotif"Nlooth1\l\()t1f .. '#40 \uf'> (~tffER P AAll(,,.H,, l(Jf ·~ct(JJI ( f min.,,,.,,,..,.. ,...,'4)~t fOt fNOl•(d f1 , HU.>••• t•'ln 'lt ,,.. '""'""'•' 01\tttt1 £t"t1on u , ~·•l• ..... ,,.. •r•un •·i• ,,, • IC t (JI ,,.. "•'" ''" ,,... •'" """" '" "10Vfl'fl"t,...r '••f '-'t1Pf HA"')lll:ff_,. A (,t N f <..OA. , IOV '' f~ •(IHf.itJlflftq f'11\lt1fh '""' ( 'JMl<ltV•fl ' t' f(>LL E (,,f fH\r u ., I I 'rtto ..... , ,,,,,,. ,,.,., ..... ''"'' -~·· h trwtr• ,., ... I Jli1 ... ,,."' 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'>I ru11 ,. lo mr• • .,, • •.lit•~ M lttllft It-IV A'-' V~t. l':I t \' ttj j', \I Qll u •,,,(,fJ4' p,,.,Jri 0 M '•• ,.1111 JM /\ti&~ 111 1, t'I l'lt 01 l 'AJI 10 ,, •• I A)t II A Tl .. REA )~~11 M,,,,,.,.,.,, ,, ·~; JI (J/ \/N I • A,,1f1 I'''' l "' 't ~ t I I 41 I ,,,, , • t1 ,, .. A I ~ I • t J ' l • , ..... ' . hi ., ., ; .. A, ·~ •• r I ·~I •••• , '"" "'' ·• t-, ... , th ,. ... o•o "'' 1 ~,. •Pw•~ ' 1 • "" J•• • t~ ..,..Lt"•mor• oP ; '• ,, .. • t·I• • '1 ••' ,.._,.nlff dV •I I ttth '" .. O-tl( ')I\ ,, I•' t f11 Jtf" ti"' ••u ''''''' ,,,,,. .. ,,, ,._ IH.M/ d At; l"d It/ It 1\11''11)\ \~\t,0 ,, <>u ct r11,. \ •u " ' tt ' ; I •' ',,..... ,, ., . •• Jl .. " . ,.,.. .. 11 ... • ,, '°1. I .. ,. •..., '• r ;·,~·•••It u"""'to11•l••'h"• .lo .,..,, A ._. fH., trr j\# I t '' I • ''"·' • t o I , ,, 11 llh fJ tt' I '' • 'I' t lf .. f \(JI f't\of.. !l·t, +)Ii I••• 1 i ii" t• '''ll' luu1\ M I t 1 Af' 011UJ01 . ~ J t , ,>*t J t I 'AX llATC .. JltA 1' OCll I• tui I"''"'''' t It A\' I ~I '>1 \.'IJl'1 flJ (lh•·'·• '1UVffl M .1 ,, A •• ,, O/l 'II.) Vttrt r ..... u-,rt1 '1'111• l11tn » r r • Af• t.1i"~tlf fuo o11•>J 1I \~)t i! CJ1t n l')'"" I 11., , ·~) II.JI IJ1 \t t,__,I .# J A I JI A Jl A I'< I ll \\ ~I~ 1 I• Al tt ' I "' l I l'l Ul .1( Holtnnd•·t ..... ,.,., H I ~no• 1111 ·~ I I "" ''~~ o~ '"•1!1tr1r1 IQ\t I I f AJJ •'\I IOAOI I II Al ''·'. ·' 1(1 w., ... ,.t>u,v, r.1,,n1.-1.1 " .. , (J)/ ''· \16'1 it. fJr1r•1•"QYr1 Alto""' 11 "' 1111 lb, '11• 11 tUW II .. ,. Al• "'"'' 'I 1'1 t), ,, At' UlfJt•IH 1•u!I ,, ,,, 'WJ "'''~rt I •• 101• H I r141 4 t u .. rntt1, ... , "''''' I II AP 441 'H' t1/ \!f,1 fl .,,.,, "'i04t1h M Vt",_ 11 I Al' .. I 061 07 f 'IQU\hn Ho1'n If .. , °"'fl• ,,., ., N t•tl,,,..tly W 1ll14ttt ul 1111 'i'I l'IOI _, " 'I ,, ti .... '1h•~1l\rfn\t,, t ,..,,~ J 4\J t t1 II, \J~ J'I ••I ttl I 1 A ~I l.A ,,. '"' 1,..,,.., .. ft,,,;,N 1r AfJOl "lf>A O't f111• •n• 1. ff''' r, ·: 1u 1't/t00 1 ~ t.Jt T "'~•. rnc,. ... , ... Jt t..._, 11.1 Ut 4J \\(;.• ,,, \4ftl If) Wn1, '"'" t,11·tw,., •, •'•I It.It t/ )\1, 11, •• , .. 1 ft .... ., !JI, hit I IJ .. #111 f '"' /,+ft! I I f>i4t\ J' , ....... , /\I• I I .<1 Ill 1•o1 •• , 1·, \ 1',IJ "' 1111• 111• '\. ,, tt ,, I\ ,,, f.;,."lw • fJtlf'lftlf1 l • .., IV1 . ,, I At• •\1 14/ I• ""• •t'"· f\o•n.-111 \I U~I I~ I f At•4·,1 111 /I //4r11 h tj<!jl! M ttt ,.n I A I• f I ,. I U,: \ ,\.4 .... •"U'"~•',.. l •fH,.•, I A 1, •'•I I' I 0. \.Wil "9 11 .... \1111 "'' H • •I t II lot 11 N .,, ti ~.,, ""'', .. I ',' t• 1 I \~ ilH , Arrn tr OQ ~Oh• •H Ill •Y \<II It. •I t\rAdH t 'ft .. •jr·•1 M f 11 ••• f , A P 4)1 )f>f IQ \I fJ1t ., M•t N•1v,. r <fl Ar.,,,,., cu A'' t•d 4rt/ It :11 At1 If,& 111 ~ \ 1 ,. r· ,,. 1 •', ''· '• • .~ Al 1-. •I l1tt•.l~J I A II k A Tl A Pl I< h 1>411 '" Al 'A.a llA,£ AAEll It- 1Art•1A''J f't I 1\1 .tf/ 11 \t, ' .. ,. ft>h ,,..,.,..... A \\lb 'II , , llP I AAllllltAJl[A lofi'\ AJ• •'.J I\/ fl '\I I 0\ I II .... t '. t .. 'r I 't f, •• \.1 14 ' PROPCRT YIN HUNTINGTON OEACH SCHOOL DISTRICT fAA N&7f &Nf& ••.OO.C .• . . • 1 ft I r1u• 1.111\1-..1 ,..,y., •.,·.-11 ....... , ~ ., , v .. ••·JiJ '• I .,,., "" ~q II \ fl•\• 'N •I I I .... 1 M I"" ... 1 · .... .. "' .. .. " •I ., ,, ·~ t t1'04U • I .. . , P• -.t •f • IJ .. t t• I /4 ..,4_'ffJ4/0i \U\&V M l<t• c,,.,.,,.,, t .... ,,., "''"' u /\I' \I 1&; "1 ,.,,,,,.,. ''"" ... ,Al ' 11'1 1.i 4\1 Jt'1 JI \I /U '4 w di ,.,,, • ., ' f~I H t It \.t)I II .,-;:n,., ,..,.,,,,,, u '' \A~I II M ... . ~· Ml • Ai V t I \It,\ i ,,_ 1t ¥ I. • II I• I ,. .. It ... . . tt• IJ\I 0\ \/l'I - l •••I , '' utt ... .. _, ,,, • ru ~u "' M •1t·,1 U Qf V 11 \f ,~ "' M • t .,,lit•,., Wun.,, I I U '• (;f\4 ()'t i 1\11 fff MM ,, "''''" A 1,,rrtt I 11 M • t 1tUwrn '' ••1 &ft •)j t\/ .. , \t II/ f.111 l •1•n()"'"" ,,,..,.1 ... I I ,, ,, /\f• M'CJfl•~U f~i.tlf11 A p f~1 11 t)I l~ tA ir \M llP A,, '" .. ,. ,.,, ~ i \ II ~ , , . . ' . . , O I ti I t ,,,. I ; . . 01.1 /\IN\ \111 t Jt11•n ... , " "'' l.i I Ill N C ... Al• ~IHI r' '" .. ,,._ \. ,,, ,. u I~' •1114 ., ,~ ,, •• . . ,, '" , ,, ., At 1 /llt \' 1 I ~1, •. • I ., f'' HI H • • ti fH 1\ ftll\ ll:tf.\\ ... ,.,,.t ~t All Mt fr<tf ' I ..... , h. ,.,..,. hn U t r ,., ... ., Ot..t 11 t~ I 11,J ff) \\,41.ji 0 \Jl'f ~'f "'·1Q'••·' (J,,.n,, I .u'i r.;1t; "°' 'll~ rn M dOVl(t), f l,,,,.,.,r l N ', o .• ,nntll t,.,,., lJ A I-' H J 1\1 flt>. \I 111 It H11' ... u . 'I'"'" U '' !, "'' 4\) t~j '1 \~18 ~ '' ( ... ' V,11 "'· ... ,.. "'''"' ,.,, I\ OJ'-\l·'i // •t ,, p •. ,, ·1t"I Ff,,, Alrt I A I• ,,,, "'"' '· ""'\Iii' \•' A.P ,. ,, ',., ,,,,, .. ··'' ~ '.''' , .. I' '" .. . .. ' I•' .. I • ".n._, .... Ot.• 1•. \111 'rl I t '''""r.I J,.m,.. H W '\M 1 A~ t'1•~l fH \IJ1t.JJ •14 11~/ \I 11t II M •t1/'1n'* •11ttu1ny M 'IJ• ,~,, t. \4..'' ~ r fl Al' /I • '" ··•I , I \'Al I>'",.,,,, .... , I J .. 'I I If \ ~ I', t ''., A I 11 , ... ,, .... ., . A,' . ,,, . . h h·•T I. H I tJ,,(11: Jin I. ft t f I A•• if4'i (MJ4 t1, V•~• ''" ""'""'' 1, l>•H"ll I M U'I Ill<• SI 'l<I I\ I "J •• .. ,. Af.# 'tt• ''t-0)<1 \All I" /4P 'ttt '1~0-1 \ .. I/ I) "'" •• ,. W.011 ~ij/ I/ A" 'ti•'<!> 001 \JI~ •" .. "~1' 'ot. 0... V\t 10 ffit '•'' II i111 U, /d i'~ ,1ti.\ll'I' ",. •llJ ., •. , 1!t l 1 ,, ,. A l• II l ',l I ~A•• tjl! ,,.,. IHI '\1 1 ~J'I JJ. ,, 'I ' I '11 , to 'I '' •'""}•I •I, t.1lt ·~I I 1 1 A ,,. 'f\f I f•,,tll'M.._,,,.ltf\;' k.4,\QA\ft'11MY" I If ), Al' .... U44 6/ \ti/ I/\ t}v1ne •• n,., u ;,tlr• ! _; u!J <A'4 J~;. \\1' 10 ftftum.,n M Vt•'I•' •<'tO'<l 10 \\84 10 Q•,\O<#O I C..ht-\lfr>t t •·O O'f• r». \141 'I\ \f n om.u "'"' Jt)nn '> 449 10 I C'l t JOI / .. ·.u~ntt ' C1ftv1\ • "" 111 I). \j:,t IA '\w 4Hnftn l'tf nnHt ( •••Ill// \/1' IO f .,~,, 1c.uon ••• 11\ 14 \71\ 01 "'"" t Vt>tl/ W.,llftf'" •ttllfl'IUNll> 111 A I• + J f I .... AP I j f f AP ,,, AP I !' AP ,, llP Ii,,., to.-tnnt· ( \ 110 VI l)W • AP U 9 I\) 07 t>ul ty f1mo1nv 11 ..... teonvo•vi,, T htoo0<1'U• t1 17' 071 01 \)~ 61 f-' hn .. , f( tt ,."' l7' 01• 10 \)t;'/ Ill. Jf AP •\~~',;~ i~~·:;p ,., ftl f l I I l••Qler o .... .,,,n AP 01 117 OJ V II II ,,, ' JI • ... Al TAX•AJ£AJIEA1 ...... '" "'r'\ Q 1tl()h •14 H 01• ll II\ llll '''"f M1t1J1•,on t •l• H o.Jll \IOI" ,, ' PROPERTY IN NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT f I Pt>"'m'lt\ Ar,n•IO M \JN d A P TAX ff ATE AA(A U010 /\ p 0 1 lll-OI "· "' .. (,y\l•fv;n ,,,,...., M M 'J A p ·--,,.,,,h M ,., •• ,.1 ... , 11 ' APOllll/lt\l>l•O'I "''"'"' ...... ""'"' <.o •fl A P 4)1 ttt t0 f.rttlt~rd. J'otUf Ir/ ~no1~ 4" U/1161 H•th•l?n P<t,.,.-Pt'lt4 r1 119 OJI n1 '°'l\ 0. ll P , ,,, 1,, • 1 ,,. \',A 111 \}I • 1 ~ ',•· '" '" ~ .... ,.,, •n ~'I ,-, \"11'1 ~ (J Mtt ltr ft', tf\t •1' lb /ll'jl I 141 I~ I H ., .. 11 PROPERTY IN OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT "' '" ,,,.. t f#f'I•"''' .,,,. •. ,, M It Al J1 ,. ... ,,,, ,,, ,, '" .... ~' Ill' T.t.X RAU AllFAJI01' ,, I .. ,,, ... r , ,, •, I ,1; 11tw·1 t••• ,. , ,,, /} ; '"' "' ••1~1 1 ~~ 1 ( 11'11 1 f I + ("' . .. ••• Pl'Hl.H ' "IOTIC t: I I( 11 JIOU\ I U\1 .. 1 H ..&Ml \tAtfMf Nf '" t '"' ( ... h ,, u,.;. ' "''"'f •'• '"J' , H•..,. t A ,,,~,. I JI ,.4 , I " I , ,.., ,, t '" ,,,, "'· ..,.,. ,. tlt.1 11 rJI·"' tv.-t fl,,,._, ,.,.,,.. , ..... ,.,,. Ult I'/ l4 \)41 /ft Myt rd lh 1m 11\ '• U fl 191 ti "M.J'I 0,, lnom'"· tnmm., w <•Ir I'< 10. U'll \\ ,, <Po AP l 'MI• IO M t-114'"' f1tnOlhy A I' ~It U)) II \/~I 01 '>"'•ClttO. Att,.n L 1 I J APOl •17 " '"""' A,-, Af.# 4~' •1J •• U \\ 1' AP s;><r01Jl0\)l)IO K nurht" r ... ,., r. M •H tin. W1lllttfr\ \ \"f)t ... AP '" k ti 11 • •• '" 1 .. rr ... t A• t • ..._( 1 f I If U «i1 ., I .. ADDENDA TO PUBLISHED ~:: ... '" ,. l.tf ,,. t ..... -. I fJ'i"t' Jt • Ii ..... "''''• if· I I Kt>\t R t M\ A P ,.,, •lJ OJ Wlfh•m\, ldmu"d I 1 ) I .. , 107 11, .,., .,,, r,ooo,. Ao1,,.r1 O U 9 /lj Al, '°'19 \II H ttf ~-''''"· Or,. u• ?ll \0, UlO 10 I l l ',,, A p t •.•00 7' l t'r ... 1t .. M•'Q'''"' 1) W 01 A P '; 1 I I 1 A p •II 481 Ol )\Of)~ ''"'"c Co <(R I .AP l )t "'' It. "' I I ' I • A p \11~ I • A p 11• 044 II UJO 'ICI Lto m t t Roh"'' A p 17'1 0 .. /I '"°"., Ad•m\ J4mp\ AP U'r 04• l'I, 1•~ 10 Conlmunlty ()lov•l~nt S~rVi(t\ Inc ICP 1,AP\7'1 .. 119,l /11 11 Mlff'l•~t. (htl\f~ I 1(P t ,._,, Au11 1J DELINQUENT LIST p , ... , ,.,...,,,,. •ht ll ,, ••••• p,,,.., ,, ,. i•t \ ,, • ,,,, BUC NOTICE _,nt;w ff \, L•fHI• L fN OJ AP u9 n• 01. '"' 1• M•nhell, P;tul JI tr I I! 1. AP ••? 17•·~. U3I \t ..... m .11, Oontl(J J. l~M t , AP u9 111 II, Ul6 •4 A•\MU\"'1\, C1Ar'f l. •t Al U T 11 AP ••0-70 -11, \JH V C.1 lberl, J etry C. l ~M t, AP U 9 HJ.II, \ao" Oorma11, Jtllr•, J 1J 1 1. AP .. , 711 01, '11• ,. Pe•-. Rooerl w I M '>I, AP ... 711 ••. lM" Robl>•n•. P1tul ~ I " I, AP ... ltl '3. un 11 Cl'l•no, !l'lom., (. I J I I AP I U 9 1U 11. "°' \t lt ••b~ro. C.urto " 1w o 1 AP • • •• "' -0~. '"' 1' ....... ,,, J•m"\ H ltd I J I I. AP • Ut )I I 01, "" '1 \1111, 1..onnot E IH 1, AP Ut lll 07, ....... J ., 6b\, Oot1•10 J I J 't. AP Ht >I I 71, ll,~ )t M y.,,, O•nlel II IJT). AP • ... JU 11,'6U OO 8 ••11•t•O, J•mo It IJfl. AP Hf·llJ.70, UOl.ll. C:olOfl' ,...., c:.om-11, "''"' IClll. 1 A,. Hf DI·•. '1tJ0, M'l'•<l.-11, Mld1MI J. IVMI. A,. 4 ... ).lt.01, \171.JI. IEv••ll, W•lle<t J. (JTI, "'" I .... ,. •• ~.UD.t' ADOW•lll, S.1111'1 Y. IJTI, AP 4 ... ~,. 10, U01 ., MelDOv•M. ,_.,,.,, J , IWI), A,. AP 17q 161 •t, l'll.I II AP \7Y 161 47, )JOI 1t •II •tl "· '111 H SctntO\. ~,,o,.rt 01 ,., lt, , ..... I I l l AP '1CflTIOU\ IU\1 .. (U HAM( H ATlMR .. T A ( N;tta1ty Pt1rlnnt •, IJO 01• 11, ,,,, 'II> Wile\, Pi ch.,,, l I IT I. AP I Pt I, AP 0 1 0 7·1', "'•1'l tM PfC)f)ettlf"' \l\O•n '" rtlft 11\t fW!ttrrw i nn\tltUtfl' tt'll,\• t""4t 'llt"-rlll l•Qi;IHY '9\\a'\Y'd ~ tf'W' ''""'· •nd•O' "''fl\\t'fWt'lt\ ""*'" lful\t t-¥141"'1 tto#•HH\ for ,,... J'. 1\t ttl Vttftf\ '"'°""" ,_,.,,,, bfl"""' 4'f\0 C)t'I 111th•t '' fhlt 'A1'1 l1h•\, l'lll'Wt Of l't\\11\\ ,.,,.,," nnn other < ~rQll\ ,-.,m••n uno1t1d "'t)t trwt ""',. 11t t~ '""'ll" Atl<W' Of thl\ n•1tlt fl f "" ''JflOW'tflO llt''\On\ _. f,. 001nQ1 l.iU\tn.,\\ _., rn•no .. [,.llll \NALi PA,.ll \/)I R,.,.,,.,," Or•¥f', Hvn11no1on IJO<I• ~ I f\ ~,,,_.. AP ~.)0.01& 71, \9'/ % AP )J0-01• U, \'1 'HJ AP UO 0/6 '1, l'l7 '16 AP UO·Ol .. lO, n? '16 l oll• In\ .. ,, Col• #IA 1'17J..00t t.101 ~w•rt1, ReMid L. AP '111 41-07\, )J'I/ I S 11111 1n\ ,\Ir Co H #IJI 19?J001 &Jor Arm\trong. Au.hi1td B AP L•o•no. JO\"fll\ IUMI, AP 01 )01 o. . ll.109 .. G llmOft, luo•ne M IHWI, AP 01 )074', Me1 ,. Our•nle, Wllll•m L I JI I, AP 411 HI OJ, \>t< 10 l••ln• Co IC P I, AP ••I HI Ol, '1\1 •• AP 01 S~l.tl, lllO 117 AP 411 \S7 11, \1l017 "'""~:t~rcr.':::,·~;w •1:.~·~~;"!~~ ~~~~~\'" n":,~":·,·~;~~ .·:.~~:~' and IOf ·~. l\t-1 ....... ,, '"°wn ,.,.,,, Ol'IOW tl1•v C>ft')C»rtlll'\ m•v W tfP0.fl'mtt'9 In tt'M '41"~ '""HYH•r "' Mtwt t•• V1ltJ DtOPf"tH•\ t,,.orm""°"' <M<•tntt'Q r~At'on c..-uw mthat1on ot 1tf'l 1n"••I• ""'•nt pl.,, c' ,.-f'drtmp•ion. m•., bf' OCl4aifW"rl frn"" t~ f•• (oll.-. tor 1'1t'N\• Nrn• .,,...."'' 1n fht P\IOH\htd 0-i•nou@'lf'lt Noll<• ""'"'"•00¥• f1nr1tt1 r,.m (HAt, ( 0,00,•ftO,, .. ',.,,,",,.,,. ttHC)<Hftt+an 11) Nonn 01'11HJw 1n "'"'" OlvtJ t 1tv 0 1 lndu\lt'f. I/\ \110 f f\t\ f)u\lf'tl'\\ I\ f tif'\OUC. tfl'd b'; A C Of" flf"ltAt1nn f31 U041,U l\U 0 C.•••h . Jill A '11 OI 01), \I .. 1'I \••nner. O•mon 0 '17 19 071, \IJJ 9' lllW• AP:::~:!~~~·::::~ PROPERTIES SOLD TO THE STATE FOR TA XES, ASSESSM E NTS AND OTH ER CHARGES LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 1977 FOR T H e-"FISCA L YEAR 19 77 -78. ftno·to '""'P'"''" f 0tr•1•4•11•" uvnt .. , •t k,.• • Or,.\Hl•"I AP OSI 1\l ll, t1l0 '1 f 1 I I, A p 011\<cMI, Aull\ M •I ~I I 11 I .. p f hi • t•tt-n•rlf N.t\ f1lrc.J with ltvo ( "''"',. ~ IPH 11f (It otOUW ( t)\.ll'll• O" . ,., ,, ,~,, T •yl ot R•rt>•t• M U 7 1' O.~ u .. 96 ... on n.un~ •w S1. AP p,.,, • ., °' ~1,,..rn <-•I ltP I, •P Mc ( ••41•" .,.4 Verw'ltf'" L•nptll~•. ll1ome\ I •I ~I I IC , Al' U 1 It °'6, t}.11 ... Whiton. R1>Dttl A I" I AP .,, " on. uo 111 H•tduly, J •O W IJTI, AP .,, 4'0ll.~" l ewl\, 0.-11 w ISMI, AP t>1 •••••• 1no o. F leld, Fr•t1ll M , f V M I, AP '30·10-401, ,.., .. Curll•, Aobell L . I JT I. A,. • 10-<»t • ...., 1S 0••"· L•t1odo• w IUM I, A,. _...016, lJ IS to. Kttllnt, M•rk f , IV/lill, A,. ~ .. '°''· ~19.01 T OellHlll, ShlQ•IOtlll CJ l I A II ... .., ••• 1,0.1.1•. ... -1117 ~. '"' "1 Z•v•I•. Mar1 'I l \WI, AP , .. 0•1 70 "" 4] H•tl,...n, P•ul W .,. •I 1 IC• AP -...on46 *4>l 8rown, T"Otn•\ E 'UMt, AP --OSJ.OS, ~ '1 CttlM>n, CNrlOll• L •I •1 IJTt, AP '"'°'1-0.1. W 1 ... Tyler, J-l CJTI, AP tJ) 110lt, u ruo PROPERTY IN COSTA M ESA CITY TAX RATE AREA 15-002 X-Co.l•-w Ull•l>n 01\I llP 1)' .,1 Ol W 10 PROPE RTY IN IRVINE CITY TAX RATE AREA 26-042 H..,., 1(.,--Wti l~MI. AP•»-11--01. \11,\tl h l .. '•utti. LO' R ... n A"t ~"''° 1U ....... .,,. CA tllOI ,,,..,, P"hli\~ tlt#'Of' (0-\1 O etly P1lor AWIJ ,, "' ... P1 I " lt/9 l71• 1• PUBLIC NOTICE M•ll•n. O•vld E fVM I , AP m.tJ Ill, $117M UAT•Ma .. , 0' WITHOllAWAL. 1Curt10, E•rl L fM !.I. A,. PROPERTIES SOLO TO THE STATE 'llOM,.AUNUSHl,.0,.IUTINO '",.°!'~::!:~l(~,,,,.111 L u l i , All FOR THE TAXES, ASSESSMENTS ANO u=~~1::~f~!:,:'' .,._..-oJt,..,~ OTHER CHARGES LEVI ED FOR THE "'" 1ot•OWl"Oll'I''°" ,_ •1•r.ci•••11 CrvmptOfl, W !too.rt IM'1. "" YEAR 1973 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR •• • 0 •11"'"' P.,,,,., "0 "' 111' '34·44.oM, •140,• 1>11tln"'''"" -t•llflll .,,,.,., Ille Ii< 1 Uf·>fMI, ~1' It TAJC ltATI A•IA .... 1 l(.,r, A .. •-t IJfl, AP U.>)tM), "l•U<ll, Oevld (.IH I, AP 1973•74 . llllOuH>vtt,..U NmeOI COASTLIN£ "4·'4-. '118.tt. CONST ltUC I ION (0 , llJ ..... 101> , iu1.n. $10-ln .. r. J•11' 0. liWI, A,. A11er, A.J. ti el, AP •1411-01, \0 /4, ·~~~~-~O,._,;e ll J , IJYI. ,,..,. TA~HTIAHAIHU I ..... ,,.~, ..,.,70 A9wll•r, l/lnunl J . IJfl, Al' 4tt Mt·U,t>J• It. l'errlnt'Otl, Wtlllem ) IJTI, "'" .... .,.O).~l 8-1141, Alll'IOI IJf), Al' ... "''°'· Oo11•IC1 111vet1m.l\I C:. '""· A,. 4)0·16Mt, tl.10 00 C"'!I,... ~ll 111< JCIU A '1Mll·l4,to ....... ..... ~" L Tr 11t •I INOI, ,.,. •IHeMO, N-.Ol. "':termo. ,...,1 0 (JYI •• ,. TAX•AT•Mt•,......,. ..._,.Mf,t'JJll IC1•t111a, ,,.."'.' ll. tJTJ, A" ~ fft..•lf•t.stUt eeneu, o.n .. "· Jr un . AP 44t.41Mt .... .a He,.._..ltr, Meftlll (, IJft, AP ~tMt,UN.'J We<e, 9111 M. IJT), "" ~UM, ., ..... lilllltr , O•r •I• It. (JTI, A 41.MaMt,tt•.-. IC er-lc"• l'r•• W. IJfl, .,. .... ,1 .... e.m.a .., •. ••< .. .,,, w f J TI. "'p wn. Co•••,....,., CA '1U• .,............. ••. PROPERTY tN COSTA MESA CITY Tiie lt~litlM butl!•U\ ""'"'•-•1"• 'o•, 1teymo11d O. IJTI, A,. mMllOf' ,,,. JNr1net\lllp ••t lllod on f).t·~•·llt,,.SJI•, TAX RATE AREA 15-015 Ot1 ,.,mt•nU•Coun1y o•Or•1190 llr11n•. """'"'" IVWI. ... •1•1t<ll.KurtW •N") AP0•"411to r v11 Nam• .. 110 "deft•\\ 01 , .... ,,_.-44·1to,tva.tl TltUtrPOIU.OT~.,<ttfl AP11'llltt. "f"Oll Wl""1r•Wlft9 c ,nedty, Mert 0 . IUWI , A,. TIUttr l OT A r-uaOf LOTl,\009 JOME Hro.n. tM-44•tH, ... N ,. I ,.._ ,._, Oel ,. ,.,_..., J tt t1t JJl't" IOllt $1•1., Aw ""•ltY OI ...,. ....... C4I ICltl, "'liiiiiiiiiiiwiiWii-iiiiiiiiii"'iiiiieftftiiiiiii..,_..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii111iiiiiii1194iiiii•ii.._....iiiiiiiiiiiiiii1,iiiiiii• ii1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'f l"Olllllefll V•lley C" tt/OI .,..,.,..., '11'Al . ""'""' llCMI<• " llt ... ¥ ,,,,.,. '""' J•11 ... J•"1<• L Put ·-.-salts In your sunsets. Buy ,,.. ""*"'.,.a ""11 "°'"' ""'°"'' "4~.ti.S.t1. -·-...... .. •• ,,.,.. '"'' *" .... '°' .,,, oOll .. i.-.n.-..' im. "" *•'•' one of tM clrNm boat1 listed In the uon 111(.,,,.., .,., uw ~ •11 .... ._ ........ .... •• , PllOt MM• Of 111 lflt-ol tt .. "'"'· Hell!, J.-tfl •. IV#),"".,..,...,, tao.tint ca.ssHlecl .... ol tM .,. y . JoM c " ..... ... .,, 642 5671 ,., .. " Wier•;:,•· ••IMrt H. IH I. • -,..,..I.,..°" ... CMtt 04tlly I'll«, ta:,·~tO.:::-:·,m,a,.~. ""' "·"·~ J, 1t. •'" >H•·n ''• ~ ,. I·• 111• 'IW' 111\ 1 I •• ""' 'If,,,.,,.• iJo I I .. I•~ "• . .,. ...... . ... "' 81.1( • I I '41T r< .. 'I ' •I \1 1 I ,,.,,, ... ,,. ,,. .... l tl• ''"'••1 1u•1t,r•••••"'''"' • ttm•' 10 ,,,,. .,,.. ~JI •J• t .... I"'"'' O• •·•I.it ,,., ... , 11 •I I t ... ,, .. I••.,.,• 1,.. ',,, f'I HI.I( "' 'I I N 241\84 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Purc,uant to order of the California R P.q1onal Coastal Commission notice of public hear ing is her eby q1 ven. Said public hea ring is sc hedulPd on August 77, 1979 at Torrano• City Hall Council Chamber, 303 1 Torrance Boulevard, TorrancP. Thi-; hear ing will examine upgrading the shoulder s on Laguna Ca · nyon Route (State Route 133 ) to ensure abou t 4 feet of shoulder s for bicycles. The work 1~ between 1ust north from Ca- nyon Acrf>s D rive and El Toro ~oad. The Coastal Permit Number is P-5963 . For further i nformation call <7 14 ) 846-0648. Publ1shc>d Orang(' Aug.22 ,23,24, 1979 Coast Dally Pilot 3222-79 PUBLIC NOTIC'•; l'l'BLK NOTICF. H0 ,1cr <OH Cr 1>H1H c; .. 0,..1 .. fE\ ,.40' •C ( '°" H{ ~£ u v 1,,1v f N mAt ,,,, tn11ow1no , Q<t'l'11t1on 11• , OOd1flUn, if'• ""''"" •t tt;to '''""" '"' notH .. ,...,1\ \uf)O•ltl•d .,, ,,,.. IW#WAPf'' •o· pun•·· Atl()f'\ ot ,,,,,.. -.<. ~oot C11\h '' f .. 1 ... t flOn IO t• "''"' ·~ Nnw,.mt>r• • t'f/Q l h"t 1n th~ tollo• 1ny Qii\tt1fl\, nt n1¥1\1Clfl\ ttu\lf'.• rtt•n• • t,,.. •lf't I••" otf•<e ' .,.,, wnitf\ U\f!rf ,.,,, "° t'l()tf'\t,..,...\ Of •" 1n\uH1t lflnt ''"'"Dr, u• ''°"''"'"'' 11Hf .. , IOlfO•\ OIHli!Cl NUMar11 TO IE fLl:CUO \#Al 8_.A(' h "f\on.t 01\lfH t 7 Huf,ltt\QIOI' f\.,4M,,. UrhVt1 tttQh J ~ull t•rft\ ~ "°"' U1\lt1C: I 1 lJ,,.•PU•d '.,,"' ,...,,.00,I ,.,,,,,.....,,.11n1l1H1 ,,_..,, .. Art•• t I Fult rr,m \t h O'll (J1\lf1t t I 'U\\'f' ... , ••• J I UM•Ptt .. d Teu"' ( O•\I ( 6M•~1nH• t ollr'I" (),,,, 11' ftU\IHIH•1t #l tFull f.-..-,,, t•u\lett 4 t•• o-• t fufl fr-tm I •4,,t,.,.At•• • t 1 Uf't'J.Olled fetfft ftu\t•" A'""• 1 t F"ll ff!'rm t 'U\lf"tt /IH"• /1 J t FuU frtm fn,,, • ., ... ,., •• , tfyltf,.,M f n.r it ''"', t"MWf•hho"" • ontt•t10n\ • 1· ·A ht~ tu \U\ h "It< II..,,, oU•t _., '""''' ,., ' oa,, rn "'' "'°''''""''", • ,.,,.. .,,,_, .. ti--•·" 10 •Q•••• "' •Ct Pfi'' 4 •n• n' ,.,_ "''"''' nr 10\) vn11'1\ w n1 ,_.,...,., 1 Int \rt"IAll"• """',._' 01 thlt (11\tr1tt f PUUfll'\l1ny lh-•I "vnoot «11\h•· t .. 1..,.1 .. io "• 'd 'v• .. who''""' t\A' •11·1 •~,. .. '"--"''"d 10 1,.... R•0'''' •' r;t vu1 ... ' l'llftt.-i:11nt•f\f'nt •••• n. niMlt-h l•• ,.v '•two hy fch1<..•tt0n t.Od•· .,.., """ \)/II 0ftt~ AUQU\t II •"14 A £ Ol "')" f4:"'Q1\tr ,., 01 Vo•••' Hy l ••1f'W M lv1 t1\ Otouh NOTICIA IOCAN'e A CAlfOIOAT01' (on I• pct1WF'tr"" ,.,,,,.._. uur I• \•\111•~• tOftdltton o concHOotW\ •••tt14n •• tu1mou ~ ftt• AOtH ... ·~~·"""Al ptPttedH.o .,.. •• OubliCfKtOft MH<• .. I• elf'( ( onn no O•\lteto fl\COIM QUf" '" .,., lfl(. .,. ttn NO•••mt>tt •• ,.,. Que, tn ,,,... ''0~"'"'"' f't•''"'°' u d'"''""""'' , ... , ... , 4V 091"''' '°" otlt•o' ••Kovro, N,. IO\(.~ no"""' \MWJ•O.•t» v "•• "~'" tf'l\Ufi( +•f'll• de <4'ftchd-'-O' '°" '°' que "0..., OIST•ITO 01\lt!IO E><-Oler <IP ~el ll•OC" 0 1\lt•IO l!KOl•t oP ~VnGAtl•\ .n U111on de Hunllnqlon 0 .. c h Ol•lrllo F\COl•r Ulllfl<-Clll NtWPOtl Mew Ol1tr110 C0teo1•1 Comu111,,.,, CooC•I NUMl•O "AllA ILIOlltM l 1 Plt10 ComPie4o I Plu o No Ttrm1,,_. "-"••A•"• • 1 I Pt .. o Comottto Jlfl19nl• ArH 11 I Pl•to No Terml ...... ll~lt A•u "1 1 Pl.,o Comolt'to ,._,.l• A"" •• "1etO ~pl .. o Jl119011I• Ar•• • 1 I PllOrO No hrmln..., "-0-111• A••• • J I Plt lO Compt .. o """""Ar•• • J I Pl•to Comottto A-•• Ar" • • I "l•ro Com,.ieto \. 0\14' \I 1•1 ( ..... (toll0 <OllCllCI-\ rtletl-t • lll+tt of!<I" tl«tl-ek l\l'ltln • , .. ~·00 p 11'1. ell '41>1"'11'1Dt• •. "'"· t 111\0 oetl<l9ft 11 .... .oe.-10 Ht (ltlltO ..... "'°'*''" 0 100 vot ... tH. I•'.,.,_ q ...... -. ..... d l•lrlto,,.. Cite--W _.,,._ \lfM tltH IOft cM dM,,IO ntOI., PM• ..... , l-ofktt. M ..... ,.....m ... •I ltf9ltlr-.. Votel\IH, .. -· Nmltrlfl'lleftl• (-lo P"'t<tllle•I C:O.ltO .. l!M.eitlOll h<CIOll W hc:MN ..... II, tfl't A a 01.IC>f' ...... , ...... vot ... I•\ (!I-M Glll'llt, Olflllt ... 1 ,..,..,.,...Of .... Cotti 0.lly ,., ... A,...C JJ, lflt --· ..... -------------.. -.......... --. ,. ..... ·- I \ , .. _ ...... ·-. -..... -....--.... . . . . . .. .. . ... -. .. .. ... --·· -. ... ~.--··----~: -.... HEAL Tri I C AREERS I OBITUARIES ~y.August 22. 1979 DAIL V PILOT A.z:J ~ ~ ~tWE-I TIWcM.tN6 LftTUR£ 1't)Nl4~1 CoUl"Ses Offered Ora.nee Coal College ln Coata Mesa ortera more than 200 courses in a variety of academic areas ln ita wffkend col· le1e procram. Claues are presented on Friday evenings and Saturdays. Thia fa ll's weekend program wlll begin Sept. 14 . Registration for faJI clas ses r uns Aug. 27 through Sept. 21 in the OCC Admissions Office. For information call 556·5735. Deaths .. Elsewheref SAVANNAH , Ga . CAP> -U.S. District Court Judge Ale:aaader Atklaaoa Lawrea~e. 72, whose rulings In the late 1960s a nd early 1970s helped inte grate the public school syste ms in both Savann a h and Augusta, died Monday. NEW YORK CAP> - James T. Farrell, 75, aw a rd-winning novelist and author of the classic "Studs Lonigan" trilogy died early today at his home on Manhattan's Upper East Side. Deatlt Noti~• TMOMAS DONALD THOMAS rnodenl of c;..s•• llMW, Ca P•U•O .... , on Au9uH tt. tt1'9 t-ft ••' "''" pre'kt,.nt o• tne $1ev•lftY Machin. & lool Com ~ny fOf' lO yeaf~ He '' Wf"¥1YICI by '"~ '""' "'""" n .. ~u•..ed """' i.. •••tn t od~y to w r ,tbo r o, ,._,.,•t hu.s.ttt\ tor l•\f rt1t\ •M •ntff' ment In We\tC>Oro M•mof't•I Par• HerbOr ~t Olive of Coste ~ ....__..,.•lt«•on. $TMl.IY "LEW IS STAHl..EY , b orn In Pe\edefta, c.. lfl 1m eno f~r r•sl· oenl of ..._, lkecn, Ce. D...., In Jernnlown, Ce. on A\lllVU "• ,.,. !>ervoo \ Tr>uoOey, AUQU\I ll, 1'7• •I 1 00 P M '°' lhe P.cofk Vl•w Cl\eO.I Entom-1 P<Kolk v .. w Memorial Per•. P.clf" V .. w MOrtvery dltl C• 100 w1n11.. CHARLn T WETZEL. r1sio.ft1 of Blythe, ca, PH.CS away on A119usl 14, lt7', born February 21, , .. ,. 1n Manville, A.-.,.~. $urvl...O by hi\ wll• J..anll• W.trel. W>nS Robert C Wettel of Irvine, Ca , Wllllem F. Wei 111 of Hut>llnQIOn 8 tech, c .... cir•ncklllld,..,,, • bro11Mtr Orveo Welt•• of C•rl\D&d, Ce , "'"" Judy NttM>n ol $<In LNndro, Ca •nd Jun Peterson of Son°'•· Ce C.r••l\odt wrvocu wlll o. ""'don Thur>CIAy Auousl 23, 1'1t •I 1 00 PM el Pe<oflc Vie• Memorlfl P arl Nietnori•I tonlrll);jllon. may IHl m ade 10 the Hurt As..octellon or !lowers rn.ey .,. .en1. Pacific View Mortuary of N•Wll0<1 Beech d lr.-ctors. Neptune Society CAEM'ITION BURIAL Al 5EA Ulon 046-7431 Cmllkw .,...,.,.. ... Ctm / ... r SMITH & TUTHfll. MOITUAltY WHTCl.,, CHAHl Mortuary• Cremations Flower Shop 4'27 E. 17th St. Coeta Mesa ~88 ,_Cl llOTHlllS SMmn MOITUAIY 627 Main St HuntlnQton Beach 636-6538 .... , ...... , COU>MIAL FUHMAL NOMI 7801 Borsa Ave Westminster 893-3525 'ACINC YllW .....011.AL'.AltK c.n.ierv Mortuarv Chae>el 3l500 Pacific View Onve Newoort Beach 644-2700 MseoaMICll MOITUil•S uaunaBHch 494-9416 LeQune Hille 789-0933 San Juen Cepletrano 48&-1ne H•llOI LAWM-MT. OUft MonU9fV • Otml*Y CNfNtort - 1825 Oltler AYe • CoetaMffa ~5864 '--ua.n•••OM NW•LHONI M&-242' CoeiaMeea 173-9450 ......... y MOITUAIY 110 8'09dw8Y OoltaMeM ..._,IO • Stlek to DI t Clw.lesterol Danger Told River Treasure Sighted 'lY to A.asilt Search of Con/ ederate Ship a, oa. •n•• natNC&OHN Dear DI'. IMIMn••u .. )' hwtband lHrMd at bla ref'ent phyalcal checkup that be hu a h.l1h t'hole.terol and hlth t.rl1ly~r1det1 He is not concerned, bec!a\IM he feela 10 100<1 No complainta. Yet, hia doctor hH Ctlt ll lmPorU.nl enough lO put him on a diet which my buabaod lhil\kJ ls allly "Why should I alve up fried fooda and rats when my 11tomacb can take lbem wit.bout even a heartburn." he aaya. I've 11ven up try In& to Influence him lo listen to t.he doctor. Don't you heUeve that it's important to lower tus blood fills" -Mrs. D. SAVANNAH, Ga. <AP) -Tbe (lrat linea are in place in what eventually will becom~ a map of the wreck of t.he CSS Georgia, an ironclad Conrederate warship preserved since the Civil War in the Savannah River mud. TantallzJngly close to the sur· face -ooly 35 feet down -the Geor gia is shielded by strong tidal currents and water so mud· dy that divertl can barely see their hands In fronl of their faces. ·~ • .,....... BUT mEY SUCCEEDED in SAW AIR HIKE taking television pictures llDd whal may be a plan to ralle tbe Georgia. "THERE AKE SOME bu1e pieces down the re," Garrison sald. "We fell into holes wblcb were deflnitely gun porta." But divers did not find any cannons or live ' ammunition believed to be aboard . The diving was part of a pre- liminary study by the Army Corps of Engineers to flnd out how large lhe wreck ls, how bad· ly d amaged it Is. and the possibility of raising it. said Rick Anuskiewitz, archeologlst with the Corps' Savannah office. Wortd'• Daly laying a transect line, a rope DEAR MRS D Jn reading pu t columns you across the wreck, which will be may have notttd that I think too many beallhy Ai•rJine the base line of a grid overlying • · u will be at least a year before any decision is made on whether to try to raise the ship," he said. persons are too concerned about cholesterol In the Ironclad warship. their diets. I've called abnormal anxiety about Divers then will syste matical blood fats choleaterolopbobla. ly scan by h and a nd wilb However. when lbere's specific evidence that Fair Hike television camer as each section TWO PIECES OF limber and cholesterol and triglycerides are hi gher than of the grid Lo determine how a piece of the Georgia's railroad normal, I'm just as adamant that the patient much 1s left of the l.000-ton rail armor were brought up and should adhere to a low-fat diet. Especially one that Foreseen vessel. are lo be sent to Texas A&M for ls low ln saturated fats like butter, egg yolk. liver, "Eventuall y we will have an tests. sbellflah,etc. OAKLAND (AP > accurate survey of the Georgia. T he Corps is work ing on the enough to know exactly where wreck. believed to be about 175 PILES OF STATISTICS WARN US tha t W o ~Id A i r w a Y s ever y p iece lies," s aid Or feet long, because it lies on the higher than normal cholesterol _ In association President ~dwa~d ~aly Erv a n Garrison . a r esearch edge of the shipping channel and with diabetes or high blood pressure, obesity and says that his springtime scientist with Texas A& M and 1s a potentia l hazard to naviga· complete lack of exercise -Is the common pre ~i cti~n .tha t t hree one of tht-leader.'> or a teal'l_l or t1on DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE for e runne r of h ea r t attacks. No matter how well your busbund feels, Mrs D .. have rum follow his d o ctor 's di e t especially if be is overweight, is physically lazy and his pressure is higher than normal. ALTHO UG H THE BOD Y IT S ELF manufactures cholesterol, diet and exercise are important in reducing it in the blood. Not strenuous dieting, nor strenuous exercise. Wa lking or tennis. for example, will be helpful. So will taking off 10-20 pounds. As for the higher than normal triglycerides, diet will help that, too. Lowering weight will lower triglycerides. Does your husband drink. Mrs. D.'> If so. have him cut down or cut out. Liquor tends to raise triglyceride levels. * * * maJor airlines would archeolog1s ts :.ind b10Jog1s t~ Thf> Georgia. which carried 10 hike their transcontinen-working on the first 1.teps of guns, was built in 1862 and used lal fares if his com pany -r-~~~~----~~__;:;;;::=-~.:....--:::;;;.=.;;;;;;;;;;:;;;::.-~~~~~ left the market is commg true "Less tha n t hree months later. at a ti me w hen W o rld 's transcontinental ser vi ce has been s uspended , T WA. has requested ap- p r ova I of the Civ il Aer on autics Boar d to eliminate its Supercoach fare of $108 from Los Angeles to New York ," Daly said. Now Open L uw Cos t Spay, Neuter. Vacc:matwn Der matology Freeway Animal Hospi ta l of Costa M esa 2538 Newport Blvd. 645-2483 By Appointment ------------- ' • A M E R J C A N ------------------. t ls f a r es from $1 08 .... .,~ ln COQjunctlon witb Fort Jadmoa to def end the city from Uae Union Navy, which he ld the river mouth 14 mll•s downstream. The Georgia was aunk by li,s crew in 186-4 as Union Gen. William T. Sherman ended bis march to the sea by capturing Savannah. Pemagon Gay Sex Suspected WASHINGTON <AP> - Military offi cials are trying to dete rmine whether a Navy enlisted man accused or e•· pionage had any homosexual contacts 1n the Pentagon. a Defense Department source says. The source, who asked not· to be identified. said Tuesday ~ FBI developed inJ'ormaUon sug- gesting that the s uspect. Lee Eug~ne Madsen, is a homosex- ual Madsen. 24. was a security of· f ic e r fo r th e Pent ago n 's Strategic Wa rning Staff with ac-e e s s to h 1 g h I y c I a ss 1 Ci ed matenal DENTURES Sl 75 each ~AM[ DAV ~lRV IC.f. AVAILA&Lf. ORTHODONTICS &OARD QUALlfl[O ORlHOOOl'ITl~T '1550- M EDICALETTES Dear Dr. Steincrobn : 1 am 23. pregn ant and anemic. My doctor says I have the choice of taking iron pills or eating foods that contain iron in adequate quantities. As I don't like pi lls anyway, do you have any suggestions? -Mrs. E . Ai r li nes ha s raised ~--·41,~ The Complete Woman n i g htti m e a n d S l 25 ~ Do you a..lc? daytime Lo $115 and $130 Who Am I? and ruled IS wailmg 1n What Do I Want? the wms:s My pred1cl1on ~.ff Where Am I Going? has come true." ~ How Do 1 Get There? DR. ARNOLD H. FLANZER '10~ HARBOR, COSTA MESA 1 o\LAO\C. f R0 '4 11 0( U1 World , the n ation's largest charte r airline The COMPLETEWOMAN 1stheflrstdndonly which introduced $99 99 "complete· care''' guidance and developmen1 DEAR MRS. E Unless your doctor tells you plus .tax transco~t~ental center 10 h~lp You find the answ .. rs .. 642-011 2 otherwise, you will find sources of iron in the se~vtce in May, 1~ an the •Career Guidance & Se/ec11011 following foods . green, leafy vegetables, beans, midst of a strike .b y • Coreer Plocemt>nt so.IT• COAal ~ ...... ~ 1.1i.11 .. whole grain cereals, meat , egg yolks, fish. etc. employees. The strike • Pro/1>ss1onol !:Joles Troonon!-' L1ver is an excellent sourceof iron. fo llo ~s the length y •Curet>r ApfX•oran ... grounding of the DC-10. P regnant women and growing children need which World used ex-•A, 1•01'' "" "111 A~tlOn PlcJri iron so they won't suffer from iron-deficient elusively for the New • F.'• ~'-'"' f ·,.t>0•<J11on anemia . The iron is important also for those who York-WestCoastflights. Cull Nou." 71.i 1\51 · 101'\ have had chronjc or sudden loss of blood. Iron Ml \\.~11·•, l' . .,ll' :::,.., l' .. J _ helps move oxygen to the body cells. One reason V N I T E D , Ne .... por1 Beach, CA 92660 for shortness of breath in some anemic persons is Am e rican and Trans deficiency ol oxygen. World Airlines had been E ~ .. ~:i. • • • quick to follow World 's.---------------------------------------.... FOR MR. W: Retirement at the age of 45 is an lead in offering bargain important step. Be sure you're ready for it coa st-to-coast fa re last Ready how? Financially. psycbologlcally, spring, a pattern Daly mentally, physically. Boredom and anxiety are said is not new. I only two of the factors you'll need to overcome. "Much the same thing Absorbing hobbies. for example, should be happened in the early initiated many years before retirement. Having l 9 5 0 s wh e n W or Id prepared for it, I believe that retirement is i n a u g u rat e d $ 8 8 something to strive fo r. I've known many such transcontinent al service patients who were happy in early retirement. with C-46 aircraft," he • • • s a id . "Non e of the Remember, your heart is In your own hands. so tran s c ont i nent a I take care or it.and make it a ·part or your living sc h eduled ca rriers philosophy, advises Dr. Steincrohn in his booklet, adv e rtised mat c hing "22 Ways To Prevent and Treat Corona r y fa re on both coasts, yet Disease." For a copy wMte t.o him at Box 1560. virtually not one ti cket Cost a Mesa 92626, enclosing 50 cents and a was sold by the carrier self-addressed, stamped envelope. for $88." Fund Raisers Colleges Need Help By JOYCE L . KENNEDY Dear Joyce: I'm interested in a career change, perhaps c.o college admlnlstratloe. Wblcb jobs are mott In demand? -T.K., Atlanta, Ga. Dwindling en rollments and spiraling inflation mean the best prospects are for pro~ssionals who can rescue financially ailine campuses. These include development apecialiata who raise money. as well as r ecruiters and admissions counselors, who attract and help retain students. Financial aid counselors are welcome too because they link students needing money with sources that have it. IN A BROADER SENSE, t.he big need ln the nation's 3,100 four· and two -year higher ed ucation inatitutlom ls for crack buaineH executlvee -from both wit.bin and without collegiate cl.rel• -wbo can keep a particular piece ol academe afloat. Exeetatlvu drawn from bud1et, letal, mana1ement, development and plenn1n8 polttlona lD Industry frequently rile to eomm-.ncl 1Mlltl at tbe vt~ presldeDUal levtl. Co1Je1e prealdenta and dean• trldltlona.lly 1prln1 from tbe ranka of academJclau, althou•b more and more move up from academl~ tund-ralltna poeta. ( __ cm.E_Ens_) "a u th e nticit y" lo relate t o increasingly skeptical students. ALTHOUGH FEW NEW jobs are expected, ope n ings f o r administrative personnel at all levels occur regularly because of the revolving-door turnover brought about by retirements, transfers and occupational · 'burn out.'· Annual salar i es for college I presidents range from $33,000 to SS6,000 plus p~rks, according to flguret 1ather86 last year by lbe College and Univers ity Personnel AHoclaUon. Other estimates place the upper limits at $65,000. Perks can include a free house and car, plus 1eneroua expenae accounta. Vice presidents typically earn between $28,000 and $42,000, the aa1ociation 1ays, while chief otncen and lepartment heads are paid I betwem SlJ,000 and $43,000. roa 10• DESCRIPTION particulaJ:l1 tbe deftniUve won la a decade oea: "Handbook of Collete and Univel'llty Admlnlatratlan," by A.S. Knowle1, 1'70, McOraw·Hlll. A nenr book that Ii"' the navor of campu1 admlnlatraUon la "Pleca of Eilbt" by James Appleton et al, available ln papercover for M.95 from the National A11oclatlon of Student Penoanel, Box 711, Portland State Univer1lty, Portland, Ore • '7201. l , THE SR101 VS. THE IBM CORRECTING SELECTRIC® Thi~ i~ th~ new S R101 fro m Sperry Re mington. Look" a lot li ke the SC'll1Ctric~ but looks aren't c>vcrythin!j. ft performs like no other typewriter avcl ila ble. Yes, bette r than the Correcting Selectric 11.11. The SRIOl has all the fea tures of the SelectricGll system plus improyem ents like repeating "X", period, and touch control. And since it's less likely to go on the fritz, you're less likely to ~ lose critical business hours in down time. But d on't take our word for it. Take the QTM Challenge and see' fo~ yourself. C~J1'.1~ see us or we'll com e to you for a free demonstration. Cash, credit, cha rge, lease. O r, with our unmatched Rental/Purchase O ption, we'll apply the entire firs t month's rent toward the purchase price. And not only do we guarantee immedYte delivery, our service contract is the sweetest in the county. No better time to move up to a better typewriter. So take the QTM Challenge and move up lo quality. ..... Quality Typewriter 1if A .. Maintenance Inc. l?'M2·C Skypark Orcle lrvine,CA927.14 (714)957-U95 Hours: 7:30..5:30, M-F One eoUeae pr91khnt wbo emerpd from tbe dnelOpmeat area ii f'nnk Weleb of Llaeola Memorial Uatnnlt1, • small liberal arta luUtuUoo ln ffan'Olat.e, T.m. Dr. Wela .... tut not cmlJ II e Plt.D. eteadU"d ftlr bllJl-level Jc*. but allo campua bead• must poaMll tbe Alto recommended: "Jl)Danclal Aid Offte.n ... a four·pase brief avaUable for tl from Cbroalcle ------------------------------------~• Gulduce, Moravia, N.Y. 1Jlll.. I \ l l \ l ; .424 Mil Y l'tlOT NATION ' . 'JaYeees' Want Name -and Women • • f'rf!ftl Stephen li Elko. form er u1de t o R up. Donat'J J FloOd. 0-Pa.. h be n rt>INl~cd1from the f cderuJ pri on ut Lompor nfh•r s~rvrng 17 month:. for l>ribcQ rlllLAD!:LPlllA lAPI T ht' local Ja)'Cff'll chapter. o~te!d by the n.tlonal oraantutlon for •clmltUnAC worntn, bu 1one to f~cral court to d~f end It• use of the name "Ja)'cee&." A lawyer for Uw lout chapt.er told U.S. Oiltrlct Court Judae Edward N. Cahn that he would be htilplnf lhe na tlooal organ Ulloa dlacr mloatc •a•ln11 wo11w11 If he> barred the Phlladclptuu g toup from W!U\i lhl' name THE NATJONAL OllGANIZATION contends the nume J ayl·t:cs 1s a reg 18tered tradl'murk and lhat lhe local 1iroup no loncer haa any right lO µse It The U.S. Jayccea r evoked the Phlladelpbla chapter's charter in 1973 alter lbe local oraanizaUon de· fled naUonaJ poUcy by adtnlltlDI women. The U.S. or11nization hu filed suJt in U.S. Dlstrfct Court seek· ina to force the local group to stop U.8· Ing the name Jaycees. After hearing argument., Cahn told attorneys for the Pblladelpbla and national organizations lbat he would make no immediate ruling. ''THE U~SJAYCEES is asking the court to use its power to enforce the policies or d15crimlnat.ion." argued . Bruce A. Cohen, lawyer for tbe Philadelphia chapter. Cohen, contending the suit was more than a simple trademark cue, called the action another step in the U S. Jaycees· etrort& to enforce Its policy of having only mate members a nd to puni'sb the Philadelphia c hapter for refusing to exclude women. He sa.id the national Jaycees sued only the Philadelphia organization even though as many as 80 other chapters have admitted women. COHEN ARGUED THAT couru ln the past h ave dis missed seve ral la"•s uH.s challenging the J aycees' ma let·onJy policy on the around that the club wu en1aaed In "private di.s- crtmlnaUon" over which the courta had no JurlsdictJon. ' In the present case. however. C<>hen atgued that. by ruUnc ln favo.r ot the natfona group, the court would in effect be condoning sex dl•· crimlnaUon , in violation or federal law. Robert B. Washburn. lawyer for the naUonal Jaycees. argued that since the U.S. Jaycees had no control over lbe Philadelphia group's pro grams and activities, it shoutd hJlve a right to protect its name and goodwill . .. ~., ·-....... ) •unr.rtu.r • llADl lO USll ..... ••"'-"' ............ , ,. ........ .. ,..,,., ..., h -4"4 eol 1tch t ' ,.... ••• , IOI •-,.,..,....,,NII e9114 ~y ,ff14 tip '/ f.:~: · LADY SCHl~K QUICK CURL ~·"~CORDLESS COMPACT WAND t Upodr ,,R~~:.~o~d?~r.ul l•p 9'' ""'' •ol 1 uQ Sitm CO\e' 'fHt' M>I\ (I • '/ j , •f'ltO'IOi •• wond l 0 ~-re,,11·~1 TIP TOP or Wll·HOLD • .. ~ ...... ,.. i , FOAM or MAGNETIC ~1-~\f/'5-·.f'&\ HAIR ROLLERS t·~~--::.~ REG . 1.24 TIP TOP REG. 1.29 Wll·MOLD \ ~~ • .. )·: •IJIGI 14 1 •IU C.I '9y • :~~~~~07~ • ::~:~ ''t ·L ~,-\.I_ ·~ :- •• 1 ~··~~~l""'!'"o ... c ... ,t. ~L.: \. ., ' • • t'! /,\Q•}t p• ~ 1 ... ~ ~~!e,_ Qt••I •'0'•• JI I t •t jo j f f 'nq ) '!/l•\ 0 f j, + 0 0 • • BENNINGTON HAND MIRROR --- LUXRITE BOUFFANT HAIR PROTECTOR WITH FREE PURSE MIRROR WITH FREE SHOWER CAP 80,,R JI REG.1"9 I TM11m ll~a-I SALi ,.ICE " -; r;, . NICI 1" I f • \•., · t ~ ,. , ')• " ,. .h tof'O \~ '' c • '1 pu ... •c" Iv'\. 111op·. ·~·1 r ~ .. , 11 cJ ~\,lf\I\ '""'"'' J •r' Z'J1 , pl()(,. ,.h.>, O\•t ... p '···Yr/' \. DANA FRAGRANCE SET CHOICEOF: 2'' TABU AMBUSH 1:::~y 2·P< u•t 2-or !>hoke1 tole I or cologn~ THllITT NICI I ult feature d10/,1e tl0<~ w11h drow•• button 101 "'"O 40 w1nks hgtuedd•ol LOS HERMANOS TABLE WINE 1.5 litre 199 •French Colowi•d • JoMnnilMrt lit•liftt llYOf lllNTUOY WHISIY SAU PltCI-tullT 3'' 'SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS •u ll.utau 'tOl(Of ,. ... ,. • ., ... ~,.,,•tD' .76'~, •• ,, .... .,. •wonu 1 ur ·•~i.H IA.•.,. \ I • ''°'I •••Hut ·nooe 'tee PLUS 8 HEW CHARACTCR5 L FROM FAMOUS BA:l SCEHE •f ffoo t#i .. ·. :· '.· .· ·:.: ,; ... ALUMINIUM FOIL 12"x25 ' SAU PRICl 38e ' I ttj' f \r ftHr \ t I lj '\ l _ •'I \ BOYS' PACK OF 3 ,/ . , F~UIT OF THE LOOM J I I U~DERWEAR I .~ 4 mu 4-16 sans 4-16 I ........ BRIEfS T-SHIRTS ....... -------· ;1 --.. ... -.BOTS' WRANGLER JEANS WOMEN'S POLY TOPS 3!! PRICI I • I \ f ( ~ Jf• (,if".J I~ 001wk•1e IOP• n <hO•<ta ot \ ne<~l.n•t S '" l ~~~~~----...... --~,~,~---------t t;~ V(' WOMEN'S .. ·· .. \ ,~,, .. • •' ' ' ' 'It(( MlN'S, IOYS', YOUTHS' 4'· BASIETBAll SHOES -~ TN11m599 rtlO GllLS' conoN DENIM JEANS SAU 5'' PRICE Prn wO\h•r.1 ("".J·~ f'IH(>"'I ••'.., Ct.lnH~'lt '' ,, h1~9 4 'o 6A l""9 ,__, hood@d ocr,t1c twH l'h'''' l•pped lront t -6A DIAPARENE UIY WASMClOTllS -PRE·WASHEO I • DENIM JEANS '., '. ~rm 999 ' rtlct ' ~ .... o,ll•d for •udoy • • ; , fo1~on Joo~ '1 , ~'•' \~~ w~~~;;~~~ 't:. THRIITT 549 ~ PRICI \ fro"'°" Otloon lurt <v\t'·11on .n,ole\ lor ' OC'•~• w~o1 "'&#' ASSORTED TENNIS VISORS REG. I 09 1.49 Ad1u11obl,. 1un p1o••"O"" ,.,.. o•mo\1 • oft 1 ,,,,. ''" oll ~ -RAID 1 9 1 HOUSE/ GAIDIN t. • ~-, " SAU I ' I \/ , • : 'llCI VIENNA SAUSAGE -CUP O' NOODLES JERGEN'S ~ IEG. 1 '' LOTION MILD SOAP I= 2·49 679 39c 010ta 39e S·OZ. flJ~ot.S -~ IUGl.llUI :.~· ._ ~:-~~: 29 : I ~,~···:·: ~. .. . ~ .· ,,._ '\ ~ I '\ ll'' 01· K1ll1 P••h .....,. ' I I 0 0 I,~\/ \ Po<k ot I~ mo.,1 1 l:_ __ :_::::Jr·;.,) Ppp uP lowelefto FOR . t I l-01. WlllU STOCIS WTI .... - WESTMINS1B tUmlfGTI* IEACM w.t•• at GeWllt Wtlf 21131 leoth ht. at Atlanta tURlllGJOll IUOI a 10IO 9161 Mllll at ...w.nt S Tnd lockfilld -,I ... ... .-.... -J•••-t• .... --..·-·-. ...... --··-.-.. ' ... --· .. ··---------~·----·-.. -~---·· .. _,, .... --.. ... INSIDE : •Stocks •Business --~·-Mo-v•-•s-·T_•••_v••-•o_n~~~--------------------...;;S~i'l'IO,..tS ----.Auguao22,1019 DAILY PILOT .r-• ., Getting Ready for Football Warf are in September With C?nditioning week under way for Orange Coast ar~a high school football teams, the em phasis is in building a nd maintaining strength Corona del Mar High ~tandout ,Jun Sl·hnitzger I left 1 and his teammate5 lll>tl'n lur 111:-.lruet10ns. while Estancia H igh fullba ck and l11H:ln1<.·h·r G u~· Olg uin puts his efforts into tht! weight mom Cond1t1oning "ctk continue., through Sa tu r d a' prep<irnt1Jr~ t11 thl· opening d<t\ "1th pad~ '.\londa~ In a Nutshell: Angels Struggling By DAVE CUNNINGH AM Of llM D•lly 1'119' Si.tt For those who ore st e1 t 1!-.t1callv minded <and what basrball fan isn't'';, he re are som e Angel foct!. to chf'w on Rod Care w was hitting 3~ at the All star break, but s ince then he hus h1l on· ly .278. July 1 <he had 14 1n lhc firs t three months) All th111gs considered. 1l"!> surpris ing the Angds :,till lead their di\ 1:,1on by thrt•e P,8ffil'S Th<' lead w<is four until Tuesda} night. when Cliff Johns on drove 1n four run~ to pace a 12-7 Clt:veland victory al Ana heim Stadt um doesn·t feel any sorrow for the Angt·I~ ~ca use ht-1:-. :.till convinced the} v.tll \\ 1n the crown '"tr I had tn rn ck a 1 lub in tht' Wt''>ll'rn 01v1s1on. l"d r11 ck the Angl·h I rc--111~ behev(' lht·y·n· going to win 1t <;arf'1<i !'>a1d rrnm l'\ en n<ime In thl' '>tarting lineup hut tht•) ldt 10 runnN'> on base Tut:'> (jj\ ( Jf tht· four "trugghn).! 1\ng PI hitter" ml"nl1nn•·<I •«1rl11•r only !Jowning d1rtn ·1 t·ontnhutl' II•· v. <•" "ldt·linl'd Y.tth ti;iek mu...,t·le -.na:-.m:-. Brian Downing hit u lofl\ 352 for the first half, but after the br0L·ak he's hit ting 258 ON TOP OF THAT, blend the facts that Rick Miller has just three hits in his last 36 at-bats a nd that Wilhe Aikens has contributed just four homers since "WE NEED SOM E KIND or s treak to get a de<-e nt lead." said pitcher Dav<' Frost. who absorbe d the loss "In a nutshell. nothing went right for any or us tonight.·· ' "TllE l "Vt: C.OT A GOOD, tJal;.innd ball club ... th(: l nd1 <i ns· -.k1pp<-r 1·•m tinucd '"Mark Clear has bt-cn 'tr; g{){.><l out of the bullpton, Oave LaRocht• might be coming around nov.. and Nolan R) Jn has been pitch.Ing vny wt·ll We knov. they've got tht• h1ltt:r~ .. \1k1·n-. hl'llt•d ii tv.11 -r un hom1·r t '.ir1·v. W>t tv.1J -.1ng lt''-:..ind Miller add1·rl ..1n11th1•r s ini::h• Rl "T IN TllE LO~G Rl"N. wht•n J tt·Jm loi.t..., nl'a rlv 100 point~ from •·aC'h of 1t-. lt•adrng h1lll0r'>. somcthJ ng ~ gnt t•. STEVE DAVIS Davis Out For Season ·With Injury BERKELEY Steve Davis. an A ll -CIF defens ive back from Edison High School. has been lost for the season at the University o r California due to scheduled neck s urger y for an injury sustained in the Shrine All -s tar football g ame in Pasadena in July Thus Cal's thin d e fens ive secondary. which lost a pair of s tarte rs due to poor grades earlier this week. becomes even thinner Davis. a 6-4, 195-pounder, was considered a prime prospect as a starter for the Bears despite the fact he is a freshman. "I don't know what we'll do yet." said Coach Roger Theder Tuesday. "We have three or four othe r freshmen that I think have the physical capabilities to play right away. "They're quick enough ; I just don't know If they're physical enough al this point." T he only returning secondary players now are safeties Ron Coccimilio and Darnell Chap· man. Co rn e rback s Anthony W asblngton and Daryl Swanson were losl this week when lt was learned they had flunked their classes. As a senior al Edison High, Davis led the Chargers to the Sunset League championship and a 9-2 season. which included a streak of nine straight vie· torie1' C leveland Manager Dave Garc ia The AnJ(~b got 14 h1ti.. ;u. ll'<t!'>t onf' C ~t>e ,\,GEl..S. Page B21 Deify ,. ....... ,._ COSTA MESA RACQUETBALL PAO LYNN ADAMS. Frolll OCC to Pros Adams Lost Date, Found Sport By HOWARD L . HANDY Of, ... D•llY "11•1 Si.ti So m e m ay ca ll 1t a psychological advantage. Others will simply say 1t was a matter of luC'k Hut whatever it is calll'd. Lynn Adams hecaml' deeply involved with the sport o f racquetball from a ~ginning that started in a c lassroom at Orange Coa!>t College "I was taking a psycholog~ class and this guy invited me out to play racquetball with him:· Lynn says. "I heat him four out of five games and I was hooked on the sport. Rut he never asked me out again 1 don "t knov. why .. ADAMS P URSUED the s port from that time on a nd dunng the past year. decided to tum pro- fessional Shl• will start on the pr o c ircuit 1n Sept e mber m Chicago. She feels she is r eady for the challenge of the pro to ur. The re a re few who will disagree. Monday night she won a joust tournam ent at King's Court in Westminste r by dereating the No. 2·ranked professional player in the country, Marci Greer . in the rinals. "I played <No. 1 ranked I Sha nnon Wright two pretty good gam es not too long ago," Adams recalls. Wright won. 21 · 16. 21-18 a nd both gam es were close. Lynn didn't disgrace herself. On the pro circuit that bas a major tournament once each month rrom September through the following June, the top 12 players a r e a u tomatically seeded into the tournament. Four other spots arc filled m J quahfylllg tournament and all aspiring pros like Adams m u:-.t play m these quaLifyin~ e\cnb to get themselve:. t•st<1bll:-.hc•d "IS M"l' Ml~D. I \\Ill b1· ahito to pla) with the lop pla) l•rs hut I v.ill definitely ha\l' to qu<1hf). Adams sa~:-. .. , ha\'£' been an athlete all.of m\ hfr <ind in m' mind. there 1sn;t that muth dii • •f n •!I •ind. I u-ill be ablr lo play erifh fhP top pl ager•. . f hf> re -int•t d1at •M<"h dll· frrrrere bet u-een .-iftlr and pro in rcwq.wtbalL. • fer ence between amateur and pro in racquetbal l." Since she decided to tum pro fessional. she has won 10 of 11 tournaments in which she has played . ear-ning about $3,000 She took hom e $600 Monday night. Such tournaments are available throughout the year cm virtually ever y weeke nd. "ll 's all s tarting to f all together for me and tr I can com e up with a sponsor to help pay some of the bills a nd travel expenses. I will be a ll right." S he is currently laking lessons from Dr. Bud Muehleisen. one of t b e foremost coaches in the -,port v.ho ha!> t;wghl mo!>t of th•· m1:n .i nd womL·n on the pro c·1rcu1t at onl' time or ;mother S ii E DOESN'T FF:F.L th:11 rat'QUl1tball \\tll bl' a rad that v.111 d1::,,1ppc:.tr rrom the !>l"Clll' 1·\ l'n though tht•re an• a numbl•r 11f <'OUrt.'-being t•onstructed <111 m l'r Southern Callforn1;i ··Racquetball 1:-. geared to th•· mJ~'>t':-. a lot more than tennis. 'hl' -;,I\.., .. It 1!> Ml ea:-,y to pick up .i r acquet a.nd go out and plJ~ It lJkl'!> :.t lot longer to k.irn to play ll'nm!> "Thl' pubhl· t•;.rn ~o into most courts and play for S2 50 or S3 <J n hour and han• other facilitie:-. ,1\ ailahlt• to them Most club!> .ire offrnng a lot more than JUSI r.icquctball " When she s tarted playing. she v. a~ a s tudent at OC<..: a nd ll•arned the game on the outdoor court:. "This ha~ helpl'd m e a great deal. .. she s ays. "Ever yone has .1 ser ve. a fo r ehand a nd· a backhand and can play off the back wall. ··But l also have an overhead shot and can cut the ba ll off at center l'Ourt because you learn tha t outdoors where there is no back wall. "THIS GIVES M E an added dimension to my game and it he lped m e to defeat Shannon this week. l was able to drive the ball down on her and she didn't know what to do and I picked up a lot of points this way. This One Wasn't Over Until AITER the Last Out "I don·t believe the pros real· ly know much about the players co ming up and they don 't acknowledge any of the m . I feel this Is to my advantage and that I can sneak up on them. ·'The rankings a r e always changing and I feel all· it will take ts a break or two to get to the semis ol a tournament. Then l wUl have a good cbance to break in to the 1elect fl'Oup.'' PremAP.,...a&dlel In their wild and woolly, daffy and wacky history, onJ.y tbe New York Meta could prove that a baHball 1une lsn 't ewer.._ Arl'ER tbe lut out. Tbere have been 1ome weird llaprctnp lD the Meta' J.t.1ee.r taiatory ad U.., bave won and Jolt IUD• in IOIDe llr'anle way1, but nner before laaff U.., llad to IO th.roqb a do-over to •d ·• 1W111me. Suft\ce to .. , that n.f.n,.. dro¥e ID Uaree nm db a l&DC 9Dd dMlb&e and Pete Falcone plteW. 4~btUer Tuelday alOt -all .l Jjpt. • waa ....U, a four-blUer -u , tM ..... .., ...... Ute u.... Aatrol, s.o. . . FaleoD•'• to•llaHt chore w11 .. recording tbe final out. The fun startff whe n Houston'• Jeff Leonard fouled a ball into the stands. Ritbt ftelder Dan Norman, who bad pea chue, wu 1low relur11lna to bis poelUon eo umpire Dou1 Harvey called Um• but Falcone releued the n.xl pl&ela _,.., and Leonard rued out to center ftelder Lee llaallW. Or 110 It aeuned. Harvey ruled tbat Ume Wla ou& and MDt Leonard beck to Ule pllite. Two pltelN!tt later he •lalled toceaa.r. Or IO 11 aeemed. Tbe Met.a bad no ftnt ba1eman on tbe field alnce Ed ltruepool bad 1one to the clubboule Uatnlr:;\&be 1ame ••over. New mil 11 ..... loe Twre arped , that the rules call -for all fielders other than 'the catcher to be in fair territory for a play to count. The umpires qreed and The Jeff Leonard Hour ~nued. But first a word from Hou1toa Mana1er Btll Virdon, wbo claimed tbat ii Kranepool wu not ln polttioD tbe tnterventn1 pltcbea to Leonard 1bouldn't count. A1aln the umpires a,.....S. but Vinton 1aid be wu pla)'lnc tbe 1ame under proteet. TwO ptcbea lat.er Leonard blt anodaer flJ ball wb lch left fielder Joel ~ounlblood cauibt to oftlclallr end tbe ...... - It )'OU think it ... coal\allqt~ and declpber um upluaUoa fNm v.....: .. Tbe1 (th• umpire•> mad• tbe ' mlatake and they penallled us fQr it. They took a bue bit away from ua. Harvey called Ume before tbe batter bit the ball becauae the outfielder waa not la position. Tbe aecond Ume, after they thr~w two pttcbea wttb nobody on ftnt, they ruled tbe play wu off became tbe Mell didn't have Dine men in tbe fteld. "U tbat'1 the cue, thole two pltcbee dldn't count. Tbey 1enwecl up and 1'd like to aee lf I can 1et ..-.ber out out of tbll. They would have to start a1aln wttb Leonard Oil first and two men out. ButtbeJwoe't." Said Torre, '1'bat'1 tbe flnt Ume l'V. ever ... I ll&Y IO l·fON In tbe nlnth lDDJq." Her time 1cbedule will have to be a UtUe better tban IOllle ol he r put travels. .. , WENT TO DETllOft' Jut year and ln order to save money, I went oa a late Diibt ru1ht and arrived at s ln tbe mornln1. I wa1 1cbecluled to play at 2 that afternoon and I called tbe hotel to pick me up. • 'Tbey finally arriYed four houn laler. They aald t.bey bad tone bJ me a number ol ti.mm <8" UCQlJS'l'MU.. Pa .. ai> • ' 81 DAn. Y PtLOT poirts Break A Cllpaule Report Fn>M ttMt WOftd ot lport1 1bis Fox Wasn't Sly: Football Player Bitten Fr.mAP.,....klllu SOL.ANA BEACH Quarwrback Ray Ren [i] t.eria IJ tryln1 lo make the Torrey Ptne. tuab loot-• • t baU team a.taln, but lhl• Umc while n1hlln1 off - rablea. For 90 d ays, he la lakln& anu rabies •hot.a Me.nwhllc, football pract.ke ls underway with wei&ht IHUng and h&ht workout.a and the hard hltUn& comea next week ''The nt.,-edle doe1m 't hurt, but the pain from lhu serum la really aomethlna." said the 18-ynr-oJd Jleoterla, who was bitten by~ fox "You really fet:l It for about an hour a fter each ol tbe shots "Sometimes, I get c ramps In lhe stomach and legs for quite a while." The re4 fox wa ndered iillo hls campb1te 400 miles iolo Mexico last week and bat b.lm on the right band. Young Ren t.erta grabbed a .22-callbtlr rifle and luUed ll. A nurse ln his camp gave h.lm first aid, wu hed U1e bite and treated ll with solvent&. . The fox head w~s deUvered In Ice to San Diego County animal control o rficaals, wbo determined It had rabies. Im· mediately, Renteria began a series or 38 anti-r abies sbob spre ad over 90 days. At first, he recalled, "I was scared a litUe bit. I 'd heard all kinds of slorics about how painful anti-rabies shots are. And I wondered if I'd ever get to play footba ll again " The shots "aren 't that painful," said Ray. "The pain tic pends on the nurse you ~ct J wa.s r elieved when the d<><:tor!> s aid I could p lay footba ll a:. long a!. I lake things easy .. . Lru.t year Rc nt.e::ria , a 5·9, 185 pounder , played · out !:>1de hnt>backer but this year has been a!.signcd the quartcrbJtk 'i. JOb '"I J:Ut'S!> I m JUSl lurk}." ht· s a1c.J .-------,,..,,,_. '•I I hf-Day -----~ Univcr!.lly of low;J foothJJI roal'h Jlaydeo Fn, 1in the l'OmmJ:: M:uson "Wc'v1· chantt•d our uniform'> We'll look a lot like the Pilt:,burgb Steelers-until lht! ball 1s snapped." Koou11an Win• 16fh: Tw6n• Th r~c~ Dork Mmnf'sota's Jerr y Koo1>m a n lmprov('<I h1 !:> 11· record Lo 16 10 wit h a fivc·hil, 7 ~2 victory o v<-r nosl<1n T uesday ni~ht to pull the Twins to within thr1·,.. Ramc--. of th(.-/\nJ.(r·b 1n the Amrrican Lt·agw• W est t ·rcd ~laoley'N th ree-r un hqmer r:tr•p1 !J a f11 l' r11n . ninth-inning rally that p'lwe r<'<l th1 :-<t·w Y11r lo. Ya11k1 t·s 11 ·1~.1 Ka n '><i1> City, fi 2 . S lt>ve Co11tt>r .... !flt • 11•ht h 1n111r•1• ri·li••r hdp fmm Jim l~t-rn ~rH1 hom l· run I " 1lu.l1h Hl"ll ·,11tl ft i<'hi1· Zii..k, i.>tlt h1-d 'I '·'"' lti .1 ~ I \lt1111 , ''•H BaltlnH1rl" . H11ohl': 11P,hl h.wd1·r Urian Kingman flr l!d a I h 11 1· h1ll•·1 i.nd Jeff Newman bl'ltl·d a lhrc• n .. n ti111'fll'r ,,:\ O<ikldnd crul>ht·c1 DPl1111l 8 I T um Pac iorrk drove 1n ~.1, 1 un-. with ;1 h•>nH!r :rnd lriplt' in S1·;1ltl•' H I .111111 ,. o·.·1 r Tornnlo Mil..-. auk1·1 ""'"l•l tl11 '"h11•,1p11 White Sox. :1 :! ;md !J 5, c·.apJK'IJ Ii\ !'>lxlo 1.vzc :.ino'i. t'40 run hum .. r In 1111· ,...,.i t1onal LVi1gut·, the New Y1Jrk ..,tct:. '.wf:pl OO$MA pas t Ho us ton !i O behind Doug f'lynn':. 11 " three RBI . . . Pinch hitt.N lfelty Cnu singled in the winning run as Cinc1nnat.1 <kalt Montn•;d a :1 :! loss . Jark ('la rk's lie hrcakin~ l/,r .. c nan h11mn hwhl:r•ht N f a four run 'l lxlh mnin ~ :inti Ht·nnl' l.iltlf·john ri'!·11rrl1 •I hi f1r~I fUJJOr It OJt{Ut: l1111•11·r ;1~. Sit rt I t .111 n <,r •1 1J.ofl .1~1 •' J'1lti.huri:h ll· l l'aul Uacl1• cfouhlc'fJ and l'\ 1•ntu.a!ly • <'Ori'(j t h•· wmnini: run in th1· I Ith inn any ;1~ Sun IJil•••·> n111rw•I St L11u1·. :i ~ Gary Mall~srw ... 1111 hi~, ~!)t)1 ~H>TTJI" 11111 11( th•·~· ;1 ·''" t,, l1 ·alf Atlanta p11i.t l'l11la•l1·l1•h1 • 5 4 t "hit 11!0 Wh1!f· ·v" outf1<>ld<-r Chvt f A•mon Jdt lhl! l••tim h•·fnrc 1ts d•1ublch(•etd• r Tuescl;iy, ;;ppa n·ntly m1Hl•d bu·1.111se Alan BannJ111.t"r <ind Wayne Nordbagt-n wen · l o bat ahead of hj rn In blltling pm<' lice. He· w1:1s las t seen drivrnf! hi'> car out of the park1n11: lot .. Ft'deral invcM1gutor t:dw1 rd ~cAvoy •ays h" hl'hPvE's his invcst1gat.rnn of the plane cru:.h that k1lh-<.l Yank1·l' :.l<lr Thurman 1'1uoiwn may end Wllh the raus1• of the crash un determ ined ... Saying he'!> "bP<:n hurned" ln h1s IL1lr11l Oai>. outspoken owner Ray Kroc said he m ay tum over the San 01ego P udres to his son ln·luw tind "r~tm.: out of bas eball completely.'' Kroc, 79, h us ownt'<i the r luh i.incc 1974 Ile ha!> been under fire since vowing hist week that he wa'i "golnr; after" st1Jndout infie lders <~ralg l'octUes of the New York Yankees and Joe Morgan of the C1nt rnnat1 Hi·d:. wh1J ~src ex peeled lo become free agents this full. The remurks brought accus ations of tumpcrin~ from Yankl'e C>wn~r Gcoq.:•· ~tl·in brenner and Reds president Vick W:.ign..r the PU .. bur1b Slff~n piaced \helr all·tlme • leadln1 •corer, ••1 Ger.la, oo lrrevouble ••• •alven Tueeday O.rela, wt.<> aulfered t.brouib • tbe wont ot tu. •1,bt NaUooal F'~ lA.,.. MllOM ... S&.te .. r ut ,...,., Hid IM felt hit d•fl ......... berld ln Pll .. burah. Eva a pair ol •1ud IWd Ioele 1ll a victory over lbe N~ Yort Jeu laatJka,Dday dida't belp ... Dan Cuper, nllaata• lD ac:tioa tbroUOOut Oaklaad'a trJID· 1 lna camp, showed up Tueiad.ly aad met wftb Coacb Tom Flore• for about 10 mlnuta and aaid It appears b1a ne1ot1•· Uooa for a aaJary ra.lH are about to be Mt· tied . -. Coach To• Luclry bu brouaht r"erve qwart.erback Dau1 WW&e, wtt.h a brokeo Utwnb, back 0 11 t.be Dall&a team to punt aod announced alar runn1nC back To.1 Donect would most Ultely mi.as the opener Sept. 2 because of a broken toe ... Wide receiver o.t,p& McDoeald wu cut. by San Dteao for the fourtb Ume lD five years . A.Lio releued was former Santa An a Valley High star Wm.en HuUp ... In aeparat.e trades the San Frandaco dera picked up safety T•1 Duo from P1ltaburgh, salety Ttm Gray, from Kansaa City aad cor. nerbaek Utarte9 Cor-.eUu rrom Miami ... Tbe New Yor1t Glaots traded second -year fWl back Dan Dooralak to SeatUe for ao Wlli~ifaed 1.980 draft cbo1ce. .-------8a•rfJaU TH•fl'------- On Ws date iJl baseball in 1981 : En route to tus r~ord breaking 61-bomer ~aaoo. Roger Marts of the New Yori< Yankees cracked h1a 50th home run of the year . It came off the An1el.s' K en Mc Bride in Los Angeles . On thb date In 1917: Car..oo Bigbee of the Pittsburgh Pirates ael a major league record, since tied, with 11 al·bats in a 22·lnning ~u mc . Today·:. D1rthduys Do:.Lo11 Hcd Sox All-sta.r ouUielder Carl Y~tn.emski 1~ ·10 C111n n.nat1 lleds pitcher Doug Bair is JO New York ~h·ts p1lrh1·r Hay Burns 1s 29 Mllwuukc(' Bre wers 1nfil'11..kr l'uul Mo~tor 1i. 23 0...1:11 Daughf Pr Hr•aina_ in ('o•a LO~ ANc; ELF~'-i Thi· 2.1 month-old <1auRhlt-r m uf f1rottJ<dl :-.t .ir <> J !'lsrn p~1in n ·ma1n1..'<1 cornuto'lc f. • J111I 111 1·ntw11I t·und1twn 1'uc~day aflt-r ni"ttrl y dro" nm1• ~ondu y Aan·n S1mp ... on, put on lift> !iupport 11 ystems uftcr s he wus pulled unconst'1ous from the family ~Wlmm1og pool, re· mainf'd undwnl'(cd Tuc~da} S1m11Mm '4Uh in ~u n t-run<'1!!ro for a footbull i;am~ a1:a1n~1 lht· \l:.1t1n1• f)(.-OVl'r Hroo<·Q!. at tile t.Jmt· 11( th" 1trr1 di·nt but l1·rt for bom1· ht-for(.-tht' game '>tart•-d The 4!lers ruo nlnR burk had nut b.-1·n i.ch1'<.lulc<.l to play lK"cuuse IJf a w rc k nt'l' K High• n on·• ·'If Pnd Put•rto ffj<"o Trial Th•· 1'111"1 I 1 H1t·11 trial <•f Rohby Kri ll(ht \!.tll lifl • •1.111 1111\ I''• •111 \!. lll111ul lt1t· •t<.1r w 1tn t·'>S Kn 1~t.t 111111 -.1·H '1111 l11d1;.n.1 t 'n1v1·r•,1t) ha1.kl"lhull coad1. t h:11 1;<'d \4tlh :1 ~:gr ;1\:111·d .i:-.~ault 11 g:i1n'>l 11 pnhc·1·rn a11 tlur111g th1· l'.in AnH:n ca.n <;;,amc~., dt·c·1df'd to l•·I h1i. la'4 yt r h.rndh.· lht· rh~<· A thret: yt>ar f('<J1·ral 1n '1·~t1r,ation lti!'I n·:.ult1·d in tht· 1nd1< t m<.·nr 11( 11 rK'!"Wll.'> f•Jr th1•1r alll'l{1•d 1n v11h 1·n11·nt in 11 tH'kr·t r fl:-.hin~ i.tht·m e at ;, -· W r~t \'i r~ln&ti ri.l ce trark f'1vc of the Pl''> pk 1nvoh t:d 1n Uw $2 J rrulhoo srht•m(' w n(' trac·k l"mployl'I''> T h<' people a lh·i;t"fi I) would ea\h pan mutucl ll<'kt·L.., for bet 1111 :0.. who lwd WOO lurji(c !>Um:> Of money J ncf wpo v. unted l o <Jvo1d reporung tht= winni ngs to th1· Jntcmal Revenue ~rVlce World ll~ht h1·11v ywe1ght champio n \.'k tor Gallnd..-z of Ar~t·ntin& s u ys h1· v. 1•11 Id n •f• L-..•· lfJ honor <i con tr et r t to ftp ht ~ .. rvin J ohn-..m 111 l11wnoh A1n~ ~·pt I~ .'forfolk ~tlllt• J'rr.-.on inmate Carlos l(J.;1v"1 •. • I . uarc·1a o:-.1 .1 u1111n1m<1u!> 10 round boxing d1•1·1s11m tn Jimmy ('orltum of Brockton, M a-s~ Loa.!M ~u, Y. .ind \urn of 1 h•· r 1·ntur" player Walter J . Tnvu were 1ndur 11-d in the· W'lrld <iol( tlull •Jf Fa m e Don Conway li.1 , liN:n namt>rl wrcsllin~ <'111:1r h at UCLA alte r three yeurs nt El f'amino Collt:ge . Two brothers have been arn-sled ;.inrf rhar~<'d with a!>sault with intent to murder Joe Gllllam whale city an<i Baltimore Coun ty narroUc11 detectives work t~ dHPrminc 1f Uw beating of the former N FL quarte rbaclt was dru J<·r elatcd Gllliam. a quarterback for tbe semi pro Uultamore E~Rl<:s, was beat.en a bout ~ be ad Monday rugbt and ii. an the intcru.1 vc care wut at Uruvensity Hospital Pollct- have arn·sle<.l 1'1mothy Mathews. J9 and his brother Warren 18, In con.nt•f"tion with the healing The police a re lookln« ro~ two oth1·r men in connection Wltb the beat1.ng T~l~vlsfoa, lladfo TV: No l 'V<'nts !><.'h<:duled RADIO: N'l even ts S<'hcdukd BASEBALL1RACOUETBALL .,,.,._ Singing i11 fhe Rain If Pt·k \'w·k1,q1·h v. wrn 't aln·ady a hometown favorite of St I /1111-. h t1 -.(·'1.il l f ;01 he 1s now ·The C ardinals p1t1 lw1 11 111 • IH· 1 .11n •1.r.111~ C1utographs for dnppin g \ 011 r1r'l··1 '. du1111,• .a r.1111 dt.:l iiy in Tuc~d ay's game .1~1 .11rL'' -.;an fJ11 ·r1, f 'ro• Pag~ Bl RACQUETBALL STAR • • • 111,1 111•!11 ~ .. 11•1\!. I "a~ th1• mw lo 1.11<.• l•tt .. t11•ltl l(clloli•c111n th• n11cltJ I •• ,r t he tr..s frw J f,lf v.o i.1 up """ It \!.a :-. a lot;il di'> •I'> ll' I .. Shi· pla}{-<l frc~hm&n t1·nru-; rJn on the trac k tl'am and g1·n1·rJll)' '\.'> l'd J Ctl\ 1· 1n h.!$;h :-.r hu1il u t l:.:i.t an c1.1 a nd a l ClnrnKt' Cu..i.st H <·r fll vontt-run n in g e' cn ll> were Lh c !SIJiJ and l ,500 mct~rs but sbe i.h1l-d &\!.liY from weights Now sbe 1.s a de· \ Oll'C r)( J ~JUJld Wl'lghl pr~r CilTI • and w1>r k.., CJ ut reR u I ,1 rl ~ • .i :--.:iutllU!. Hl ( '''lJ ~t •·l.·• ~ht.' wor"-~ 11n h1·r c1111rt P,an11 at ~b nl;rna Har quf·th:..ll Club 111 ~anta Ana. JU.'t nor1h uf C'o!>l<i Mt•sa dl ~1a<'Arthur and .\lam Str to.eL'I and her hrsl coarh . Jim Car.i.on, l!'I s till lo(IVtnfi( hcr pom le~ al the club and h elpmg tw-r ,.,th ber game AT n. sel' FIG~ LO play at lcaRt 10 years o o the pro t'1rcwt and 1J that fails. despite her fount.aln of eoergy and ell thus1 asm for the i.port, will re· turn to school. Her youngor s ister. Laurie Adams, 1$ a JunJor at E sUul<'1a and 1s d eeply 1ovolved 10 volleyball. havlnR pluy~ ~,th the Orange Count y Volleyball Club th!.!. summc•r '"She likes ber o wn 1denUty .tnd voll('} ball 1s her sport right 110\!. " Lynn ~ays Her father \!.:.is On<'C drafted by the Bost.on Heel Sox and 1s a teacher at r.:.t nnr1& while h er mother 11·a('hc~ 1n a grammar school in <"ostcJ Ml~a. t\ft(:r winnin g t\e r bigg est touroam1•nt Monday 01ght , she "'ai. on Cloud Nine ··~othlll ~ c an bother me lo- dav ." she s a ys. ''I'm feeling .tlJ'•1l111t'ly gn·ut a nd feel I cun I 1>/lljlJt•I the ..-, 11rlfl . Ua~·~., Phillip ~ Wah:••d b y Ram~ t'rom AP Db pakhtt Veteran running bac ks An thony Duvts und Hod Phillips wert' among :.even players r ut by the Los Angeles Rams Tues day as the National Football League team trimmed It:. f'06t.er to the required 50. DaV\S, a fom w r USC standout, was designated as wa1ved- 1njured becaLJ5e of a broken rib he suffered in the Rams' pre· :.cason gume against the New t-;ngland l'iJlnOL'I on Aug l2 Phtlbps played for the Rams durin1t the pai.t four seasons . Milestone 'No Big Deal' Baseball Standings • I' BRAND NEW 1979 "LINCOLN VERSAILLES Sutton Gets Strikeout No. 2,500 CHICAGO (AP ) -It was a classic pitchlng matchup where a cra/ly veteran goes up again.-.t a atroog-minded rookie. Don Sutton, the 34-year-old veteran, uaed b.la bead and Blll Caudill, the 23-year-old rookie didn't. The result was a 4·2 victory by the Los Anfe l os D o dge r s Tuesday wh c h s napped a 1lx-1ame Chicago Cuba winning streak and de alt a serious blow t.o lhelr pennant hopes ln the National LeajCue Eut. Given a 4-2 lead on a three-run homer by Ron Cey, followed by a 1010 blaat by Duaty Baker, Sutton toued a neat alx-bitt.er and it.ruck out 1lx to become the lltb pltcber In major league hlatory to notch 2,500 atrlkeou ... "No btl deaJ, I wasn't even aware of lt," aald Sutt.on, who need• ab: more 1trikeout1 to pall tb• hbled CbrlttJ JI atbewlon on tbe all-Ume lilt. AltbouO be Ntlr9d ll batten tD a row, WtOD did come out ln tb• alatb tanlq and let Bob CaatUJo ftnllh up. •·Alter 1' yean lD Ul• bll i.:&.i; tnow wbea you are w tbe fence a.ncl f1lrUbl wtU. «," aald Sutton, •·I •aa tlttDI and 1 recalled eome atraaae tldnp have happened t.o me lDW~ Field." IUUC!ll. do la DOW 11· 12 Ude IHIOD and 2tt-1t'7 lifetime, recalled tbtH bapJMnlnp ta Wrt1leJ "'14 wbert be ODM waa0.11: "f Uarww one ptteb aad Jolt tlM 1••• oa 1 II'~ 1lam homer. Ern11· B nnk :-. ta il 1t O nrt• someone hit u ball which hit the b;,g al thir d and w1>nt for a double and I lo&t tht: game. "Another time. u 1euy hit a Oy ball and the nght fielder k>st 1t tn tht! sun for ;i two run double. J lost the game." ANGELS STRUGGLING • • • suffe r. Fort.he Angela, It has bct:n the Ir won-loss record. The club la 15·18 since the mid· July break and a m ediocr e 5 6 for this bomestand, which ha.'I included some run-of the-mill opponents-Seattle. Detroit. Toronto and Cleveland. Bobby Grich s aid be hoped for a 12-game Jead going Into Sep· le mber "because we're gonna need every ga me we can 1ct down the stretch." --G&IOI DIDN'T DELP mat· t.era Tuesday. He made an error on a potential double·play ball t.bat oPened the door for • nve- rua 1 Cleveland outbunt. 01\ly one of the nm1 wu earned. Jobnloa nabbed aalt lDt.o t.be WOUDdl b)' 1mublnl a three-nm llomtr, bl.I~~ two D.lcbt.1. Tempen ... mea 1bort oo ~ lldee: -a...laDd ftnt baH coach Tona JleCraw waa ejected by )unplre Roa Ludano ln UM ftrlt lnDlll~OI' &rl\&lDI OD a OJ out be tbou Dae laJlor dropped. -.Jolmon ttnCk out in the fourth, be anartly burled Illa bat ud bellliet blto UM Indiana' • du1out, •tftt•rlas bl• team-• mates. -When Frost WU booed by faos behind lbe Cleveland dugout In the filth, be turned and shouted back at them. -When Indian starter Mike Paxton was lilted In the botlom or lbal same innJng, be berated his own catche r . apparently over a misunderstanding with signals. •'We need aomelhinl to wake us up," Frost says. "I lblnk lbla eaatem swine will find us get. Una things toeether:• * A ... ILMOT'SI -....... etlMw.11:.,_ redl•_....,........,_ .... b..,.,. Alltel•'--~ clfoc .. .,._ •~ 11191...., ...-.-~--M .. ,11.,, .. 0.. ......... ,__., ~ Ht, H .., tlle ""-'• .W.1 ..,-, .. Dee ....... , .... ,_....,., .._ ....... "" ... c..c .......... -...... ............ .. ·-· tllll ........ "' Ntlt ~-~ .. AO•d Wf\efl M ll'llllflf "'""' .. lllt I~, 0.-1"11 Ioli ... "''"'..,. ....... --TNt't 1 .._ .-ily ••Y I'll • ...... Hlilllll wM • -.... , ..... ,., ..... ,., ... , ......... -. 0.-tllllt '9111tfMIH ......... .._ ...... •u•wH lll•l'• ....., ...._ u.. roM ,, .. , .. I 'll <Ofllt ••ell •llfll 1111 ...,,. c..--.C:tl." ,....., o.-1111 ..,.. .. *'"" ..... "'°" "'"'""* ........... -··" .... .... "."""..,. .. -, ................. .....,,.. "'"''"*"" ................ ~ll ••• c.~ .... ~..,, .. ,_ ......... . ~~Wllkll=~--..., ........ '-................ ... -•• ft911tw'MO...,..,tllff,;tm_.IC .... ~ ......... Ill ........... ..,... -,, .... .. ,,... AMERJCAN LEAGUE Wnt DtYiakMa Aagela Minnesota Ka nsas City Texas Chicago SeatUe Oakland W L Pct.. GB 70 ~ .556 66 S8 .~ J 64 61 .512 SVJ 62 64 .492 8 S5 7l .437 1.5 S3 73 .421 17 40 86 3 17 30 Ea.at Dtvt9'oa Baltimore 80 43 .650 Boeloo 75 '8 .810 S MUwaukee 76 51 ·* 6 New Yor1t 88 S5 .553 12 Detroit 65 eo .520 16 Cleveland 62 fS3 .496 19 Toronlo 39 86 .312 42 .,.....,.."- Cl•v••-IJ ........ I Mii•--H , CN<• 1 1 '"" 1. a.rt•--""'-""•'·'°''°" 1 N•• "I'-•• CC-.• 'lly 1 0•• lelld &. ~rolt I \u tuel.f-4 ,.,_..,.,G_ Cl•v•'-C~111 .... , )I 11 •-..i• 1 t11v ... IUll Oet'911 (WCl<o• lkl el 0.1-CNl<c..fly•fl Cfll< ... 1~•11 II II et Ml....,_ .. IMwt•Pl,11 .. ,Ion l\llllley II ti .. MllllletlfO 10-U 11•1. .. ,..._ Y-1-...11. J.41 •I KOfltot City 10..,. "''·" , ........ , ... ,_,,., $MftM 1"-'"""'...,· .. Oft4,..,_~ ... NATIONAL LEAGtiE Wn t Dh1sk>o Houalon Cln<'lnnati Dod1u11 San Franc~co Sao Diego f\llanta W L Pct. GB 71 55 563 70 ~7 551 I ''J 58 67 464 121 ~ 58 68 460 13 ~ 73 .425 17 ~, 49 77 389 22 Eu& Dtviak>a Plttaburgb 72 52 .581 Montreal 68 S2 .567 2 Chicago 67 SS .549 4 SL Louis 64 59 .520 11,.i, Phlladelpb1a 64 ~1 .512 81~ New York 51 70 .'21 191.'J ,.......,.,k._ ~·-~ ... , ...... "''-""' .......... . '91' ,,,_ttCO t, ""'_..,I N-Von. 1. ~-· c·~-1 1. ""°"',.... i Slfl 01"0 J, M l.O<M\ 1 11 t 11.,11no•1 , ... , .• o.-. ~l ........ J•I 04 0..~I°'"''-··· ~·ft f 1-1Ke 1-lhoft •'41 •I Pllhl>v•OOI lllbtly • J) ttow•lon 1 A~ i..ro 11 I 11 •I Ne w yon 11(00.1 HI Atl•llf• l \o1omo11 • 101 •• 1'1111 ... lpOll• IQwl•I-• 11." M°"trwt ,,....... II 71 OI GHl<lftNtl I~ u "·"' \•11 D•••o IOwtlllftllO •·II el !>I. Louil ... ....,._).4, ... JDBISDI ...... ftiiiiii .... l SDI:::::,· 2121 Harbor Blvd. ColtaM- •513 _..., -· . . ···---------......... t ...... -<I'"'·. -. . J. ----# Tutone Cha mp agne Loaded Includ ing leother. oower loc k gro u p . o uts id e the rmometer . wire wheel cove~ & more (Ser. 62 1 2~1 -31•81 s21240 .. ..._~.._ c.. ~Oii t 10 ll()CI 111 .... ..oi t ..00 t>o-.,...,..,.,.. ''"'' -.. , .. i.o-....-~­tl l~IO rt -Of -.....,_, °"--- -~· ··-···-··· .. --·---... ~.-_.. ....... '9'; TENNIS I FOOTBALL ~. Auguet 2.2. 1179 DAILY PILOT ~ A Pressing Issue GomezRi8b 'ntle in Vegas New Rider for Traveler? McNamara Tunu PR Director -DAVZ CUNNINGILUI ................ Here'• some ll"OftJ for you lon1tlm• UC lrTtne tennl• co1C't1 M1roa McNamara la servlna u direc&or' ol prea rC"l1liona ror the Jatll Kramer Opetl toumamt"nt The rea.on that's Ironic ta U'l•t McNamara bu aever been known around her e 0 1 th e m oa t prea•·cmadoua iUJ' tn the world th an lt aoundl bee aw.e be· 1 11ot ln line to make a peony on tbla tournament even II it sells out every n1aht. An)' protlt.s Wiii ~ channeled tnto the j unior ten11l11 pro1r11n of the Southe rn Ca l lfo r nl a Tenn u Assoclauoo. TICKETS Aat= MOVING Wt;LL, but somtl ol the phone «'alls to th~ loformaUon officti have been pretty funny. NEW YORK CAP> Wilfredo Oo mei will defend h1.a World Boxl.na Co un.c ll s up e r bantamwe ieht titl e a calMl Carlos Mendoza Sept. 28 ln Laa Vegas. pro m oter Don Kin g unoouneoo Tuesday. The fight will be on tbe underc ard or the heavyweight title fight b e tw een d e f e nding champion Larry Holmes a nd t o p conte nde r Earn.le Shavers. LOS ANGELES <AP> -One or the moet familiar alghta at a Southe rn Califo rnia football game since 1961 has been a white honse ~ most recently Traveler Ill -on parade after a Trojan touchdown. The horse will be back again this fall. but the ride r might not be the s1tme. Th a t 's because R ich a r d Saukko. owner of Traveler HI and his two predecessors, may no t be sufficiently r ecovered fro m injuries s ufre r e d last Saturday when the TroJans open their hom e schedule a gains t Minnesota on Sept. 22. Saukko . 59. s urre r e d a dislocated hip and a cracked p e lvis while riding in the Tehachapi Mountain Fe1tival when Traveler Ill apparently s lipped and fell on top of biJn. S aukko w as taken to T ehachapi Community HOl!lpital after the accident and moved la te r in the day to the Sepulveda Ve t e rans Admini s tration Me d ical Cente r in the San Fernando Valley. .. ( kind or doubt that I'll be a ble to ride Sept. 22 but I'm hopPful," said Saukko Tuesday. "If J can't, I'll have m y stepson !Chuck O'Donnell Saukko, who 1s lSJ. standing in for m e. "He's been workin& o Traveler JU for about a year and 1 was going t.o turn tt over to_ bjm 101980 anyway." Ironically, Saukko is beiU.. treated by tbe staff of Dr. Wiley Barker. the cblef ol staff at Se pulveda Veterans Admi.n.ialration MedkaJ Cent.er and a profesaor of surgery al the UCLASchoolofMedicine . According to Tehachapi PoUce Chief John Smith. the accident. had a deep effect on his city. "He'll never have enough time to read all the names on the g et-well card we're goi.ng to send him." s aid S mith. Ob. I uaume be 's • nice uouab feUow. thoulb my dealing• wllh lM roan have beeJl Umlted to phone c onve raaUooa. It 'i; Jus t tba&t he doesn't work with the pr~ real well "I had one caller who wlUlled to know who WU gotng lo pluy ln t.he ----------------------------------------------- ~ when J beard U'lat Mc Namara ts TENNIS now Ul charge of press relations at the Jack Kramer Open. I had to chuckle. I had visions of newspapermen from all over the world trying to find o ut r esults fro m the mo rning eliminations. only to spend hours on the phone trying to track down the director oC press relations. KRAMER IS RISKING has own money on this tournament. If 1t doesn't show a profit, he has agreed to come up with funds to m eet expenses. F o r tun a te ly fo r K ramer. the tournament has a lready a ttracted some promincnl entrars, a mong them lhe Nastase. John McEnroe, Arthur Ash e. Roscoe Tan n er. Brian Gottfried . Rau l k amirez. Dick Stockton and San Clemente's own Bob Lutz. "We don't know wha t our overhead is going to be. so we really don't know wha t we'll need to break even ," says C i ndy Park s administrative assistant to Krame r'. "But if we have ab<iut 4,000 in the house every night. I feel we 'll do OK." Capacity at l'aulry Pav1l11>n. site of thC' Sept 17·23 tourm·v. 1!> 7,500 Kruuwr '> c t··•tu1 l. 1-. mort· genc•rou~ hnuls," Parks uys "I didn't know ~ hattosay. IJusl put 'em oobold." Eventually Parks m anaged t o i;uppress her laug hter long eoough to tell the call er that no one will know who's playtng m the hn¥1s unlll afte r the seml.5 NEWPORT BEACll'S PANCHO Gonzalez will conduct a free workshop for junior players Saturday. Sept. 15 at UCLA in conj unction with the Kramer Open. No signup I s required . The workshop will begin at 10 a.m. on the u ppe r o utd oor co urts (th e to urnament itself is indoors>. G o n zalez will give a g uest exhibition , a nd approxamatcly 40 in s truc t ors will he lp with the wo rkshop. Trucy .Austin gave the exhibition for each of the past two tour n aments, but was unavailable this year. Gonzalez. whos<· daughtrr I!> J sophomor e t e nnis s tandout at Newport Harbor High , splits his t1ml' between Newport and Las Vegas lle·s employed as tennis dire<.'tor for Caesar ·s Palace. ALTIIOUGH THE TOURNAMENT actually begins Sept. 17, there will be a qualifying round sta rting Sept. 14. Those matches will be free to the """"" ___ ., public. A total of 48 players will be vying for s ix spots m the tournament draw Qualifying matchei. wall be hc>ld on the outdoor a nd indoor UCL/\ court~ TODl'S CUTIYSARK VODKA SCOTCH I 7~UTLf.. (11 ., .. l 645 8 65 Nittany Lions to Play F ootball Paterno's Way 11n n t 1 BLENDS Rl TAii Calvert Extra.,",\·"· l ) 74 K essler. 1 7'J LIJLt<' I l l? Seagram 7 Crown, 'J' .. b 32 BO URBONS r l\'>f Id I All 7C, ,1 1' Ii> g5 7 l <l-: STATE COLLECE. J'<i CAJ>1 Richard M Nixon. Wh1ttwr Collt.>gc class of '34. and Uarry Kr<.ius c. Alabam a Class of '79. both JOited the Penn State fOf>tlwll tc<im in Lhe pasL decade. However, the N1ttany Lions enter anothe r season with Coach Joe P a t e rno 's "f''oothall My Way .. philosophy sohdly inttict and an ar- ray of talent that includes perhaps the two tx.-st defensive tackles ever to play on the sam e eollc~e team. "I ALWAYS REM EMBER what Winston Chun·hill once said 'Sue· cess is never final. failure is never fa te1l .' " says P ater no. "J think ma ybe th at hcst expla ins m y philosophy of fo()lball as well as hfc in general.'' In 1969. Pl'nn Slate h<1d an un - beaten I.cam that rnn s mack into the Pres idential plaque Nixon g;,avc Tex- FOOTBALL PREVIEW as as the nallon·s No. 1 team before the bowls were played Paterno pro- tested in vain that season on behalf of a team that included Jack Ham. Franco Ha rn s. Lyde II Mitchell and Mike Reid. Last J an. t , Penn State's latest try for its flrst national title was blunted by the helm et of Kra use. the 235· pound N_abam a linebacker who led a g o a l·llne s t a nd that helped t he Crimson Tide to a 14·7 Sugar Bowl victory and the final No. 1 r anking. PENN STATE DROPPED to No 4 in the final poll with an 11·1 record, the same record the Nittany Lions had the season before . but there were no protests thi.s tim e from Paterno. "We had an ll·l record and ac· complished a lot. I was ve ry proud or our team," said Pate rno. who would stlll like t.he NCAA to set up an of· ficlal national championship game. Among the ke.Y seniors gone from last year's team are quarterback Chuck Fus lna, place kicker Matt Bahr and offe nsive tackle Keillf Dorney. IN ADDITION, SAFETY Pete Harris may be academically ineligi- ble aft.er leading the nation with 10 interceptions last year. He's taking final exams thls week in the Penn State s umme r session. a nd he needs two A's and two B's if he's to play. Penn State st111 is loaded with talent -and It atAuts w1lh defensive taeklel Bruce Clack and Matt Millen, a pair ol 2$5-pound 1enlora. "Bruce and Matt may be the two belt ~ in tbe country,•• aays Paterno. "Tbey are certainly the Mt pair ~ defenalve linemen in the eollDlrJ ••• A SEASON AGO Penn State led t.be nadon tn ru1hin1 defenae, St.~ yarda per same, and total defenae, 203.t yardl per came. "We•d like t.o Improve on tbat Ulla HUGG. . . wtD 12 of 12 l.ftltead of 11 ol 12," 1a11 Clark. "Pim, I've alwa19 dreamed about pa.,m, the perfect defeue, havtftl a fa.ID•.....,. t.bt alMr' team 1.U aero 1ard•f•· .. and doean't score ..._.,·an..w.. How much Peno State S<.'Orcs eould he the kry Fus ma·s likely su<.'cessor at quartcrba<.'k will be Dayle Tate. a 6·1. 180-pounder who missed the 1977 season with a broken hund and played in only one g ame last year before cracking his collarbone. THERE ARE AT LEAST five hi~. hard -running hacks . led by Matt Suhey and Mike Guma n, whose goal- line dive was blunted by Krause in the Su~ar Bowl And that may mean u return by P ate rno to his pre F'us1na emphasis on the r unning gaml' Among the top freshmen arc 6·5. 2JO-pound tight end Mike M<.'Closkey and 6·2, 185-pound running back Curt Warner. who could bring some key outside speed to the backfield. "Last year, we knew pretty well what our players <.'Ould do," says Pc.i terno "We don't know what this squad can do and WC' aren't nearly as ~ (' t t I ,. d 0 r r c n ~ I v c I y 0 r d (' fens1vely . We have a lot or (jUP!>· tions to be an7wered. It sh(Juld be an tl'resting " P ark Ve ndor Su es Veeck After Injury Ancient Age. o 1., .. • ~88 Earty nmes. I 7'JLITI f. l 0 7S H. Walker Ten High. JI•'' 5 08 Jim Beam. I !'}WI F; 10 9f1 BRANDY & COGNAC Almaden, ouAH r 577 E&J. I 7~UTE.R 1109 Korbel .'~'"'" 5 16 Courvoisier V.S .• I'>• .. ,, 11 91 Salignac. t'JO ML 8 37 CANADlAN S Canadian Club. •'.>11-'f. 1 814 Canadian Mist, ()<IAIH 5 71 Seagrams V.O .• ',. J•\h 8.40 GIN Beefeater. 1)111\1-r 794 Fleischman's, . .,,, .... 4 ·1<1 Gilbey's. ()t1A11r 4 01 Boodles.'" '"1.11 R8~ Seagrams . <)(J\1< i s ') ~ Tanqueray, 1 7'.>1111 i. 14 lU RUM Bacardi LL f, Dk .. 1 7'.111i 1 "' 10 4? Castillo LL & Dk .• • >-I·\"' I 4 ?n Myers Jamican. 1•11 "'' 6 8~ S COTCH Ballantine, ,.,,.. "'1 6.8 5 Chlvas Regal, <>1J"f.' r 14.83 Dewar White Label, 1101\1H 9.5 7 Cluny, 1 75UTCR 12.05 J&B. ()( IAIH 9 SC) Old Smuggler. OUARl 4 sq CHICAGO (AP> -An 80-year-old Passport. 750ML 5 04 man injured while selling scorecards TEQUILA at Comiskey Park the night the White- Sox were forced to cancel the second Montezuma White, 750ML 4.90 game of a double -header because of Pepe Lopez White, QUART 5.29 d an antidisc~t rally bas filed a $700,000 Sauza Gold, 1 75 . . . . . . . . . 13 79 amage sw · T A Whit' 4 97 The suit, filed Tuesday in Circuit WO ingers e, 750ML . . Court on behalf of David P. Shapiro VODKA and bis sister· Minnie Sh"piro· 82, named as defendant.s the White Sox Crown Russe.. t 75 .. . • • . . . . . 7 .92 baseball team. team owner Blll Kamchatka. OOART 4.19 Veeck, WLUP·FM radio and diac Smlmoff,OOART ..... 5.58 jockey St.eve Dahl. R I ka 4 19 Shapiro contends in the suit that he e S • OCJART · was injured seriously when an UQCJERS intoxicated man fell from lhe upper De Sa deck and landed on top or him. Amaretto rronno. 2301 .. 10.3 1 The suit acc uses V~k and the Boggs Cranbeny, t UTER 9.83 White Sox or failing to anticipate Drambuie, 2J-OZ. . 1 I .1 I trouble from the • 'Antldlsco r. II 1O06 Demolition Night'' at the ball ark "a ano, 2J.OZ. · ·• ·· ....... . .. .. . The suit says Wblte Sox manace:.ent Kahkla, 1.1~ •. .. .. ... 19.36 should have exercl•ed better crowd Southern Comfort.1.1~UTER ...... 12.0 l control. An attorney for Sbaptro said the elderly man bas worked in the Cbtca10 baUparb for the put 40 yean and may have broken b1a blp ln t h e acciden t . He b aa b•en bolpitallsed llnce the July 11 lnJury. Sbaplro'a at.ter wu named ln t.M •ult bee.-he ~leaded lbe would be wit.bout lneome becaUH ol hit lD•bUltJ to work. Then wu no immediate eommenl from MY of thole DUIN ID tbe tull. MON tbaD '1,000 fw ltolmed ODt.o the Dluinl field dW'tQI a break lD the~ ................. Wt. Sox ud tbe o.trott Ttler'I after Dalal perf•med hll at1cU1eo ...... nae Wlllle b 11• were forc.d .. ,_,.. ~ .. ~_/ JIMBEAM BOURBON QUART 6h "):" t (I ti...i ~I •HJ A;-> nr. 65 ?6 6?79 5838 135 00 94 7 94 17 f>tl 0" <J:, 0 I 8Q 17 5(J ·ih 11.1 ...l l 1no1 (1 fJ/ f> I H ~ 2,, '18 97 48?4 77 50 77 44 167.85 108 20 68.17 I 08 ()0 55.29 56 qq 55.44 59.78 78.03 56.25 44.80 47.33 63.06 47.35 116.66 111.35 125.68 113.77 109.55 67.96 I 'l !' I , '\:-01 Ill , •\, 6.JG 10.4 ') 5.96 5.55 10.14 4 .79 10.34 5.44 I 0.46 4 .87 11 .25 7.90 7.87 5.4 1 7.92 7.49 4.21 4 .54 8.35 5.22 13.87 9.83 4.02 6.46 6.46 13.99 9.03 1 1.37 · 9.05 4 .6 1 4.75 4 .62 4 .99 13.01 4.69 7.47 3.95 5.26 3.95 9.7 2 9.28 10.48 9.49 18.26 11.33 CHENIN BLANC Almaden. ", •1, Christian B ros .•. ... Cresta Blanca. ; ''L. Calloway, / ~ '<\I Fetzer.•'>' .., L. M artini. '> ., R. Mondavi. SEBASTlANI WI NES 2 13 23.08 258 28.00 .2.63 28.60 .3.49 38.00 .2.91 31 .60 .2.53 27.60 3.85 4200 • ! ti .;. .,l , I '>I 111 .. , I .. , l • ,., 111. I , J~ I ll .1 l I - J98 334 CHARDONNAY Beringer .. .,. '" Cresta Blanco. "• Monterey, 7'10..; Beaulieu •• ~n "l Santa Barbara. 8 '.., 5.25 324 4 .44 5.04 303 57.20 35.20 48.40 55.00 3300 GAMAY BEAUJOLOIS Beaulieu. · ·J Giumarra. · ·.· Parducci. v Sebastiani. Charles Krug. , '·\, Chris. Bros .. Ingle nook .. ·.· Parducci. ''1 Sutter H ome. , " / 242 2632 2.25 24.40 _, 2 ·, 2 29 5-! 2.81 30.50 ZIN FA N DEL 2 7'.> 2 58 2.67 ? q? .3 68 30 00 2800 29.00 1 1.74 4000 HENRY WEIN HARDS 1.1 (')(JNt I ll l'A(I\ CABERNET SACJVIGNON Chris. Bros .• 150 ML 2.85 4.84 3.77 4.04 4.40 3 1.00 52.75 40.95 44.00 48.00 Franciscan, 7!>0ML Parducci. 750ML . Sonoma, 750 ML .•• Beaulieu, 150 ML 2.93 2.34 2.39 3.17 2 .64 2 .30 3.50 4 .77 2 .94 4.04 4 .59 2.75 2.20 2.04 2.4 7 2.55 2.50 2.34 2.4 2 2.65 3.34 2.59 4.40 3.42 3.67 4.00 IMPORTED & DOMESTIC BEERS SIZE CASE OF 24 6 PACK Budweiser, 1?0L 6.63 J.76 Coors. . 1 i oL 6.63 1 • 76 Michelob 12 oz 7 .62 2.01 Tuborg . .12ot 6.57 1.75 Lowcnbrau Lt. or Dk., 12-0z 8.55 2.24 Ute, . . . . . .. .. 12-0z. 6.96 1.84 Olympia. . . . ... . ..... .. ... .. .12oz. 6 .63 l.V6 St. Paull Qlr1, .. . . . . . .. ............ 12-0z. 14.80 3.80 SA VE MONEY, SA VE GAS, BRING A NEIGHBOR! ·• • PRICES EFFECTIVE AOOOST 23 TO AOO<.IST 29. 1979 HOORS 10 /114 TO 8 Pl'll DM.Y -~ VIMNfO ~· atMO! CMOS .. ONLY PILO'T FOR THE RECORD ~ ..... 1.A.trotO ...__ ... •-••1 -.--1101'l0~1 •1 '-ee;:~, """-Ill, L-Ill 111141 IMIU\y "•lt t lM ano l1ev1n11 W fell on• , t I uc.n., I 1 A t ..UI • Soutk\vest ~onferenee Football . ' • • ..... tCANl..UOUe ....... ,2.~7 ,._ ~ 8 L'm1r At 00.A At SMJ Rice BYU USC ...... "'¥If ~C! !Nftd\,tl .......... (..JM_ ...... ltoe< .. 111, •• ......... ( .. , ... • l ~ 0 Cel.....W R M lll•t •I c:•-.c• L•ll.•hd -C•t•• tll .. ..... ) 0 I 0 ~ 15 ColoraOO State Texas A&M floflda Tulane At TCU At Baylcr SMU New Mexico J J' ' 2 l I 1 4 I I I ) 1 1 • J 0 0 1 '0 1 ' ) I It •••• ) 0 I 0 ~ 22 ~State At Alabaml At LSU fb1h Texas St Iowa State At Pef'.'1 State Tuln At Arizooa "".,..," Aft.eft\_..• • I 1 0 ) I ) I ' 1 ) ) 4 0 t I Se9t 29 Tulsa Tel3S Tech West Texas St Ok1'lone At fulaie At Missouri At ~13 St. Arlington At 8ayklf c .. , .. , 111 Vet11tet '' \ I 0 0 C.1·~11 10 f llQl\ 111 H•ttow tf J 4,,0,.n " fe4•1t • If I) 11 ~:i:·C 1 00 0 4 0 I 0 ' I I U ) 0 I 1 41 I 14 I 8raw1 I, "'lllle1 4 1oc .. .., ....... 100 OJO »O U M 110 OQl I Alltflla JOO 001 100 > t O 1'1111---100 001 000 • • 1 ();t 20 T em At kmy SMJ At Texas Tech At Houston At.Ai~ At J ulsa Rrce E-H•rreh v.,.,,.,, ht1(f\1 •••• OP Cl•W•le lld I C •l olorn••) LO• Clewele nd t \ •l•to1111e 10 28-MennllloQ, fton1n . Harrah, Oonoh.,., a.ylO(. Hll C ~ t Ill lllaen• 11t l SI CMew,ll•~ICW' S' Tl-ntOll 8onO\ Mal Mia, 8•-d IU . I M< l •"81111n Ill c. ...... '" -IH-·· l ••<h. EHh•IO ••I a n d Racier I 8••dlord. 1 O l f.'•\l•lc*, t 4. Hlh All•nt., M4ill'-• 'i,) f'llll-PNa. MC8 rod• 1101 II JO.IM. _lkt_'l7--+-_1Wst __ on_-+-__ Tc_u_-+-_A_t_Hous1_on_+-_Te_xas_A&_M_f-_Te_xas_-+ __ At_St.«J_--J __ A1 Rrce At Baylor ttiv. 3 At Rice At TCU Arlialsas At Texas A&M lexas Jech SMU Houston At Texas C._._. IP H " Sii 11 SO Plldre1 3, Cardlnal1 2 ~n 01990 100 000 001 01 J t 1 b 10 Baylof At Alkalsas lexas At Wichita St. At Houston At Texas Tech ICU ::-+--'---:-t----t-----;-----if-----+--_;_-+-----t--:.:.:...:..:=::...:..:~,i___::~~ p"'°" ··~ 10 ) j , 1 111 ... .KIWtlW,l.01 4"> • 1 1 I I CAI.._.. !>1 lov•• 000 000 cno oo l • o Slllrlty, Fl~·· 11" •nd Fah<ty 8 Fooc:n. l lltell Ill Mt C ,,_, C•I. T,..,,._ 11 11, Know1n 1111 end Simmon" S•h,,.r ,.I. w 5'>"1•1. • 11 l Mc t.naner o 1 ttlY.17 At Texas A&M Rice At 8aykJ Texas Tech TCU Ar~ At lexas At SMU ,rO>I H •• 12.01 .... • llo• 1• • 3 l 1 c S.rl-l • J J o 1 " 14.0st. ' ftlv. 24 S~ At Texas Texas Jech At Arkansas Bayl!x At TCU Texas A&M At ~ton WP-Fr~t 2, 8arlo•. f -J. u ." ·>0,9cn. Top Tan ~ I At Rrce Houston At T exaJ A&M l exas .,...,.,.. 3, White 801 2 PlnlOa- Chlc-000 000 020-J • I NIU••-010 001 OOa J t 0 Proly, Sc-y 111 ...a NWiy, So<-. CHllO (ti -8 Mertln91. W $ontn ...... 14·12. L-PrOly, 1-6. HR -<Ille~. I(. Bell Ill. 9,...,. 9, White 801 5 *-°"-Cltica90 010 000 102 > u o M llw aull• IOI 101 31• f IS 0 Ho w ttrd , Hoffmdn t !>t r•rmf't (/f Sc•rb~t y Cl) •nd hlcthorOon,, M 1tchrH, Gtll•\~O rn . C•\tro CC,J •no M oOrt" W M i t e n~11. l / l H OwArd 1 ~ ~ R\ ( ti1( dQo, JuhnVln 1t 1 J M•tw~u.._.,. l•JC•nu (Ill A ll V~• Ran9er1 2. Orioles 1 l•u\ CllO OOt 000 8dlllfl'O'f 000 100 (IOU I , I romt-r. ,.,.rn f&J and Su non.-ro o M 4lfl•n• / a nd ~--•QO' W (.orn .. r . 1l 8 l 0 M1trl1~1. I• 10 Hlh T .. o ll flt'll 1161, l l\k II)) A U,89t. Twins 7, Red Sox 2 Bo~lon 001 100 000 1 \ 1 M1nn~·.otA 001 111 00• I 1l 0 l uOt.o• U1(.,tf'Y •u t400 A tl .. n\.Qn tc(ltJ'\tn.tH •nd Wtn• Q•r W ti(J<1'\mcn' t~ IU L r t,11".Jt)f 0 l Hk M 1Hnf!\Otd ~m•ll"" •111 A I• .1116 • Yankees 6 , Royals 2 N•w ,.,,,, 000 001 OQS " 6 U I< •n\"\ (•l'r If,; (IOI) lfl() 1 • I John (t4')\'oo1t~.. -.1 ttnd t,,uld.-n N•''''" UI "i.()lffll',,tf tt"'1 N1tH\.,ft W f,n'\\40-11 \CililtQflf •• ' H ~' f4.,.w 'f'OO 'tl•"'i-f' t .,,,.~ A 's 8, Tigers 1 u .. rro•• ooo 010 rJOQ ' l o Q 41> 1.,1ttJ IJJ JOO 00; 8 J J I C h r1\ P 1'M1 .. , ""Ol.-1 4 ?> "nil W'K "''°"'+~· · .,,nQm •n .. ,.,,., N• ""'"•'' W tl1rot'lm••" -. ' l (hf t\, 1 I .,.., f)_,..,1.-.na u ... m.n r1J1 " l ~J M ariners 8, Blue J•y• 4 roronto 100 000 lOu • ri ' ~olllw HJQ OH 001 K IS I HutltT\tJh r ,,..,t••h•n <td M1tJ c .. ,,,IY-, 0 d••\ tk•. A11NI• 'f M ont.tou,. tJt. ,,,,., I ttuQhfHf 11 .111+J ~""',., l o, c W M ont •QUt! t. 4 I tiu tffl'I•" ~ 14 HP\ l oronro. A•,. t)) ')1'4tlt~. P..c.eo,-ek 141 A 9,116 NATIONAL LEAGUE Oodgera4,Cuba2 LOl A"'l'll.-. (lllU'l'I •b , h b• ~b , h l>t \0(fl'\1t> 00 f,.,., ... ., .. ., .. 1 01';! "'"' .. ~""'"'' 11Q rm11.n1f .C 'JJ(.I '""'"' t lh ''' V Hu1t f1t th • f ~ i!) t ••v U.1 ' 1 I t h t•tru t It ~ 0 1 'l h 1t)o"rt 0 I I I I M f4f" 1111 <t .f 0 0 0 f t>it (lt••,nt i h I U t t1ot1•, 4 t 1 0 f nvrn\n rl t 0 1 Cl l1ttlJH fl 'lb J 0 U 0 D lhm<1\•t l 00 U Ot11t•l\Ph I 0 I 0 ~utlon P 4 0 1 o I' •ll~n• JD l 1 / I l •U.l1HOO 0 0 0 Cl ""'t Oh 1 0 fJ 0 t "u<llll p 0 Cl 0 0 la"'" p • I) O 0 I( '1~n\n pt! I 0 0 0 T 10•0 ,. p 0 0 0 0 l ••I • Toldi\ 3A771 ~ort ll'f lnnl119• lo\ A"9f'I"" 00. 000 000 • C.hlC <OQO 010 000 000 7 E -""'"'" 7. Ktlel>er. LOCM\. O•J•\u•, 8u<kn.,, OP'"" -I LOR LO\ Anoe•~'·· {lllC•906 HI r.'9"""'· '''°'" l hOm•\'oM HA Cey '741, R"•~r tl81 S C"uo111 Ru\\.ell Lotll-jft !,unon IW. 11 "I c..-11110 Clliu .. Cauo•ll CL, 0 It Lamp Ttdrow IP 8 H II E lt 8 8 SO 7 I 0 'I l l •"' 1 , 1 0 0 0 • l , 0 0 , 0 0 1 0 C.•l•llO en H8P l 1 4l A J.C,7•\. 8y C.•UCl•ll <S-.., JU et l•hl AMl'RICA't Ll'llGUE Lynn, O\n Ill<•. 8tn G Brett, KC l.llrc•llO. Mii 0 .... 1 ... c..1 80<11te, Su Kemp, 0.1 l..erwtre•...,•.Ntl't A Oliver. lt-a Motllor. Mil G AaltH PH. 111 01 " ,., )-. IU ... fl 1.:1 Jl\ 1>1 $10 9$ 1'9 ,))I 111 ,.. 61 111 .lll 11J 1'4 61 IJO .Qlt llJ 41\ 4S 1.0 )~ fl I •11 11 Ill JH 1)1 01 .i U) l it 10\ l81 ~ 111 )14 110 ••• •l UI J U Hom. A un\ t y n n. flo\fOn Je. U•4. ... Uotton 4>•n q 1 ... 1on. H .. 11;m f.1'• J l 1nom«\ M 1IW01Jllf.!t':, lO aa~'°'· C4it11orn1tt. JI Ru111 8•11HI In B•ylor, C.alltotn,•, l 10, Lynn. IJO\t1m 1u\ f.i11 •• b&. ton 1f)1 !r.1nq1 .. 1on ftttllirtH">•• •• , t-m~ Ue-trr-.1 If() I P\Offht\ M1h•4u,;ti.t • lfil Pll<N~ 111 Dt<•Uon•I fJ O ttV1\ ~ .. f# (0 , ... '0 1 ldh" Mt nnP\0~4!1 'O 1 O r rtQll Ro\l•1n 'W t l t ... , \, .. , Ao\lOf"f, l& ti JC>hn, N_.w Vno 1b tt r Oldw .. tl, Md -."u~f"tt 1 J ), Cl••r. c..111or"t•, lM , k t•rn. l """'" 10 • HATIOHlll lEAGUE G All 11 If P<1 ~ ••rnantt1 t~tl f .. ff\Phrl'.)(l. ~IL w ·•1~10 \11 1}) 410 t"C) ll)() MtJ I I / '>06 1J I... lll! t••1rn1t .-.t1 l'f"UfJfll, ( ,, f,i '""Y. f 1t"1 M.-ttn••w \. Atl Go~ntY. I.A P•1·.~ Pt'11 t-'arr1\h Mii ,,,, 4/\ ... y,,, I I •I~ I J40 .,,. .,,,, lh llJ l it; •'H 1 I } 'U Ho,..... Nuf''t /I) I"\ .. , ,,,. ~) 6 1 1.'U "l ,~, /I t•I II .. ~ I/I I/OJ 11 l j1,j ,,. II\ 11' 'H1 ... "•''9'""''· (._h tf ••• , ,., ti 11t ''""' l•lfut JQ Ai 111 • S tn (1 t·J I .,..,,,,", /4t1oar1t,t , M.,•11 1•114· 141 , t , LOP•\, l O\ ~n'Jt'le"\ >i -t• • ,., • '''"j •\l(J '~ Aun\ 8•'14"CS In fl \hQntl'fF"\ < tl1 ,111•• ,, W int , '• .,, "'''U'' QI •,,,n""1' ,,,, ,,,,.,,,,,,,, * 1 ,,~ '-•'t f tt•nt 1V(# ts'• ...-H 'tM11,t1 t l 111• 11114 P1t<h1nq t l) 0•<•,•0n\I t '"' .. c tor~ 1 "'11nv 1 ,, f ,,, ,, flJ J ft f,tJf, f'1tl fl y,..,ar I J ' tl Iii. 1n11t\f11tt1 1J., Atrlt ., .. H PH'\bUtfJt I 4 I t411 1ttr1 HOv\IVf1 \f I \I ., , ,,, 111 4 11 11 ~ °')«.hd Ut'fjr, Moult• ·t• 'it 4 Youth Baseball LttU• L•._.,..,. WortCS S•rtt\. C~I Wllli4n\\90ft, P• ) F1t)t Aovftd Nortn L•llle Roo . J. ~•clQl!.,.oo<I. N J 1 .Aii•,.no. ltdty •. ~rotoo•e Lenno,rv11t .. f~bt-1 l U.S. Pro Championship• 1•111.-flne. M•u.I Fir" It°""" M ... ,. c .. tt•fl 0.-t JOY LUt\ Clerc • l , • Jf,hdn _..,,.,..._Orf Pnll o..~1 I '· & 1 f om1t\ ~mid d4'f Paul M ' N•me,. • •. I • ,,.., l dOll'Su\ oef "lr"ti .,,,,,., WI(' 6 , 1 \ I ,,.n l l"ndf df'f P u • r dQt'I 6 4, I 6 rfu\t,.., M ollr.t,,, ,.,..~ JUI.In NuotJ1 b 1 6 0 , JAn l'OOr '\ df•f Joht"I Yuill 1 e.. l tt, f> ), Pet•r Aentwr1 d~t 0•1~ C.otllnq\ • • b) P•••• Slo/11 ,,.,. H•l1tn l•1"0t'IY •> .• 1 Tr"V Moor tlf>f f f"rdt T•1Q4n 6-.1 ~4 Women's Tennis Cup Cat""9-•ll,H JI Flrat AMllWI Utll1,. '"°'" k t""Q d"f \ylY18 Hl\n1•·"' ~ J t., b 'J , J fl1tnn•• OuV1tll dttt 0 111nrut f rQmholt1 )'4. I ~. b '/ s .... D•rll ,., d•f tf 41~ l eOutm S.-1. • 1. 6i l. h&nnAn M•druQ4t °"'' l•ncJd Lt.fl"\\' 1, ""°· l t\flf' A U•n 0.-f .. .,.. ,. to\\•).• l. Httn<!t M•ndH.,o v• oef 8•1h"I• RulloQt 'l. IS. ~Ill'! ll""°"Oo d•• l •ncJ• ~*f"O"I & I. Ort.ult. &.ttw C::.love d~t R•,._.. llotller~ 1-4.~.C.1 Roger Carlson A Page • m ATP Toumam.nt (.tMa-.OMel ~-·---l'lo\Co.t r .. ,.,,.,, ~· lllo 11111••., ....... . Sl•n ~molll cHtt Al G<1ro111•r • ), 6 1, Vint..,, V•n Pellon .,... 9QI> LUI/ • •. s '· •·I .... NOi•,. art low O•mlenl • J. • I Jalm•• t di~ d•t V•(_f~ Am•y4 • •. • 'l • 1 A•~ Maor• Of'I Hen~ Ptt\t~r I • 1 ,, I • 9,.,.,. Tr.c:ner art O•v•d ~~•d•r • _. • J fOf'f' 0 •••1 tWt t rt.-t MLNd11 1 " b " f# 4 U.-n ,.. M ttl l)n '1~f '"''' 1"1unr1 (tl 1 • u ,,. t ;~l\er Ott J1r 1 tfrt""Qie1 4 6 6 J f, • N11tlonel Junior Gron Court 1 .. t Tut.C••oow "'" ) \etond Round ""In.,,, ·~~t t•t '4M\d•H •11af~f"t '1 I , ._.,,,1 I \•Hitt"" °"°. l1ttt f ',,,.,f•n •,. I I\ "' • ~ 'J" ,,.,.,<k-t a ... a ..... ,•, & 1 Young Maaters Tournament l•I Pon W•\ho~IOI', H.Y I ~cond Aound M1uv t .• ,,.., ,,.,., Kttlly 1C1u1i> l •. • .. o _. #h If f N 1 Wflt"ld ()61 1 lif"t ~'I IHH I ~ • ) "• ll"t u .. n, t nrt Cttfttru 4' °"'nnf\ e. 1 b 0- • 1 ,, I u1 11n (.)fiof Jt'"nt"11t,.r MufC>..-1 • • 'a I ' . . rt· .. ~ . ' .. NASL Playotta ~4P<Of>OR"'-"° TOO•Y \ G .ttftf'\ '. 1l\tf1u••f.,t tt1\,.n ,tl1'. fl t ,.,, ••QY .• r•..,.,,u,_.,,,," ff\ur\4.At \C.•M•\ '"'"'"'''"" .. '''' ~,,,,,.,,.n ''''"" ""f t Otu rril10 . NV f ·•'ti•\ Pt1nt'\f l;rt.n•• Nrt11t Jt t ',t f '1 ...... 1 .. ,...., U ( AJICll I C•h fo1n11t \!f(.'"'"'_",, LO\ ,A nl')t•I,.... t '1\ l,.U,tj t1H.h l'l•H il'}ll\ Nt,t' ASL ( ••••rn O.w1,ien W l T G f' GA llP ~' U 1 \I }A •\ I l-t u f.I •a Jo-J ·~ 111 I/ 11J 4b J/ 4' 104' 10 I l l1 )8 l7 Ill • 1) ,.. ,. }fl 14 f, ,, ' \0 •J JI .... w., ... rn 01¥1tl0ft 10 ) ) It 71 S7 ISll I I II > 44' JI ~ 1()1\ 17 )8 )I JI 10.. ,,, ,,, "'' 'lh ,,, 1/ ,. .,, ,,., "''> lWI') •• ,, ,. t f · ~ nr· l'J(lllU\ (11.·H!I t • ,...,,, I ..,, ,. ~ •itrd IU ti) thrt .. ') ,,otl\ p.t Q 1m .. T"'"44• '\<or• 'tf" t • I •M 1 lrcJ•e fldl)f)h'\ tr NFL Exhibition Schedule Thwwlaf'> G.,n• t(.an\18\ (jfy •t M 1nN"\OM fr•C1~y·1 G•mM (I"'' l,ffW1 •I W'•\1'11""JIOI\ f1rtil4,,..l""""" •t M1•m• 0 1'trn1t •I R.ttll~,, ~OU\1'>"' .ti N•w ()'l•An\ ,..,....., E ~l~nd 11t Ot>n ; .. r Sen I-t"ltflfl•tO al S,..allltt S•t11rNY'• G•"'°' \ttn D••QO ltl A•mt ( "''' ttQtl ''' .. t t rl'Jt\ f 111me;.~ lt.,.1y At (._1ft,(ont,,.l1 H •w t'Qril J•t\ •t 14_.,. ft)t~ Gi•nh Afldinfd .,, f",,r~'ft R .. 11 ftf M1f•,.w•"""' Rullalo "'' '>A•t•l'W1 PtthOutOh ...-1 lUll"4\ Time If yo u're tired of seein g the effects of civiliza- tion and want to sec part or this nation's orlginali· ty, consider a raft .trip through Marble Canyon in Arizona. dr a maticall y cut the availability' of such trips for most. Along the route John Wesley Powell took 110 yea~ ago, you will not see a cigarette bull, a pop• Lop ring or so much as a piece of tin foil along an 80·mile stretch from Lee's Ferry to the river bank near Phantom Ranch within the Grand Ca- nyon. A recent three-night, four-day trip on a pon· toon-llk.e ~at under near 100-degree heat and amtdst'48-degree wate rs was a venture through an area that only 100 had passed as late as 1949. NOW, 15,M A YEAR are taking these white water raft trips, whether oar-powered or motor powered. This particular excursion (a half-way trip) was motor powered, had 13 passengers to a boat and c<>1t $247.50 per person. \ Additional cost.s included a $29 plane ride (per per1oa) from the South Rim of the Grand Can.yon to Pa.ee, a couple of nlghtl at a motel, mull before and alter the trip, and the blg one, 1uollne. Virtually everytbl.01 ls provided by the operators of the pontoon boats and all that wu re- quired on t.hl• particular trip wu the mlle-ascent hike over a nJne-mile traJI lo the top of Ole South Rim at the end of the lrtp. It was one of U.e few Umea I've felt I 1ot my money's worth. RetervaUohs are a mut and should be made before Sept. 1 for next 1ummer'a runs. CO•PLETE INFOaMATION on the 21 river runrtlni outtlU out of Pa1e la a•allable throuCb the Pal• Chamber ol Commeree (-.0). Mott ol tbe atonmenttwd, bowe••r, ma) be moot coaaklertnl the latm R.lver Mana1•meDt Plan propoMd by the Park llnlee, which would The price may be quadrupled and the tim.e re· quired more like 14-18 days if the pl an ls adopted. It wowd eliminate all molOr·powered trips and opt for smaller row boats, thus cutting the number of paasengers per boat, further running up the cost. IN EFFECT, THOSE with surplus money and lime will not be loo adversely affected. But the vnst majority of people seeking such a trip will be shut out. Envlromentalists argue that the motor- powered boats are too noisy. which has about as much merit as someone complainlng of an auto's noise while driving along the rim. The Park Service stales It wants everyone lo ha ve a wtldem ess river runnJng experience. That the trip was accomplished with the use of an out· door motor hardly made a dllference. AND ntE UNBELIEVABLE condlUona can be traced dlrecUy lo the river runners' desire to malntain ~ quality of condition.II. OUr operator'• <Sandenona) quest to see that t.be area wu left u it was bad obvtomly been equalled by thole that came before m. A better plan might be lo allow no one Park Service employment longer than •ix months. After all, with 1tandard operUJnt procedures eatabllabed, virtually any ol t.be thousand.a of qualified candldat. could band.le the Job. Wily should jmt a handful monopoUM 1uch a market? Thole who feel 1trongly about tb• lJ1ue ahould write Jlepretentatlve Jerry ll. Pattenon <Santa Ana), c/o Cannon Houae omce Bids., Wub1nttoa, D.C. 20215 before Sept. 1. One ol the mott unique and enjoyable Hca- Uona lmaSiJlable may be ellmlnated from JOV 1raap. · Loa Alamttos Tvn,cM• t A•h11H f l •\t of U n1·~ Qtit•f"1•t._..., .. ""Ml1"tl • ''•' ,µ •. ·~, (tf1 f)t\ f ., \f" 't,/J t .,, t eQ h.1<,IO! .. f '"'' .. t \ ll't IMPt J t() 1 tJt> •,,,,.,,.,on., 11i1.,, f h t t.1•., JI \/ ' ••• ,,, ~ JJ ""''" ,, 6(. ••·•) , ,., • 1#,,n.i;• n • "''" , r "'1 ,. 'N.t. 1 w ' • .,,.,,.,., ,, ,, "'·~' • ' (,(; o,., ( ,. ,t..1 .. f ' ,, '"•''1 ,.,, .,,,. ,,,.... ;t"'•>T • ,., • 40 • 00 ,_.,,,,_., .. j ,,, ,,,, ,,,,., J ' Ml 'w {A)tn J,.\V' p, ,.,,,., 1 , •. f oufl., ''"' "' ,.,,, .,,., A t.tt'i \..0 1 00 J W h 1fJt f 'U'P'• .,,. ( '' ...,~,I I •O, 1 10 l-1<;JW ~,..,....., I f tf'•W,, J .:1 U ~,.,I• tti •~ ,,,.. d ,, tO flfCh t ¥f"" Oit_,,,. Jl')V1 P"'" ,. "JI') ~t. l 80 Or•• o c ,,.,,,.,.,I J bo I• c t 11CJ µ -H•l,•1n1 • 60 ', '"'flt"• .-n1,, l u• • h4H f ...0 J l'? ,, •(} r mr.-.ro• M t -p.,,, .. ,. I • ) ,., (lfl'I 'Nh1tl"t r11'• 4t1J1IMJ~ ""'A•l• .)q J,l1H•ll4JW '•wr1 ''''~,. ''"Hh•tl ~'''' * 'Ni I ; ' •f•/ .... "' ,, ... ,,,,, '~·'"' ' ,,, I •• Vilt "'I f ,1 l\f •IJ t ' } ' I.,,., "'' ·'' ... It, ,,,,, I . ., , IP I' ,.., I 4 • N ,,.,. / •1 t • • r 11 "" '·t f ,. I •6 t r 1 1 • f I • t , I I 'f't'1• • • ·r'f . f \•1" """"".. "·'"" ,, f' ~ •• -' f r • ,..,, ,,. .,. r. •~•o , ""·" 11 • ' " ' ,. J f ,,,. I~ '"'I fl I' ' I ' , .. f f>1r'tJ A1l.t ' I>~ \I ... ,..._~.. 114 •I ll' I' Coast Area Golf Nf'_...,, 8••<"' Worn.ft rovrrt.tm•1tt A•'"''h ''•' I 1 1),,t A M"'" '""' ,., .tA I''' h (-'(If M,. ,-, .. '-..a ')(.: f QM .""' ... lJ'O•••f'h"'J 66 f"1r1·•. •t~tl t·•r..1 "P I l•Qnl A tw'-"'·f ft••n"'' "/J ''••J'f'lt t1 C>ofttl".,. w.1-.,, .> t ''JM r '"""'' .. ,,, 1• l t1 r • • tJl•"'f "• I I l•qtlt A (1VH'\1f """'~'' H f ',,, t H l ·11r tMy W"H""' .... '11'~1 ( """' '"""'' ... J 1 tMJ f t " f ~lt '1•S f l•QM A c. "'"'1,. ~ ... ,, .. ~"' r 11 r 110~• t• 00' ' l tt1• ~\ '"' /I I J FH f Uti.11" f ~ff'••\ I,,.,. f41-t I Jf t A l l A•ll " •• ''~ H ''''' u.,,.. 1., hf, d ' •J'-1 t Put.I\ ' 811'• 4 \, ...,j Misc. Tueld1y'1 Tr1n1ac1lona lllSlUll A~rK#ft ~ve ltE ATlLf MARIN E R!> 01>!10,.•o (n•rllt S..mot1. 1nt1•.aer. to \004l-•"'• o• thf' Pecc11c co .. 1 Luo..e ll<llveled ,.,._ R•-l•t. P.l<P•t IUtioMtl.e .... Nrw YOllr<. M f ,., Opt-cl O••CIM 8•'"•'0. p1tt "•'· to ''O•••t•r o• in• lnt•rn•t 1o n•t l •AQiJt Qt••tl•d Jwft P••tOl)n Dll'"hiil'r tror" f 10.t111r•ltf JIH fl ACJ(LPHl#t l.IH1\ l If\ DIA< •(J (J11 • Ii ~tl"l 11•ri p tr "•' ""' lh• ) ""' 0 •f>j.,,, •I fit.-4 MJ (J ,.,,. ••r,,,.'llo Cul '""'' " ,,,, .... .o '"' .......... , .. ,, l t•?~ IA\IC( T&ALL H•h~l 84'tlf'tb.itU A l~1•hOf\ I•• C.11 /dtA f~4 f M , ff,l,..• .. O 'tr 1fl' '!)()f I All N'9tOl'WI i;oott)4fl l •••Wf' •r •t••• rAl )~~ .,,, ..., r ._. '• ') • o Ir ,_ t """"'' .. ; I'• (l~t'ff'' I •• , ft.,..,..,.,.,_,,,.. ~''Jrt t"' ; r .... • f , • , • • ! , ,. , , •1 hn \~1f' t C1'""•l t1•• ii\ t'1 t~ • 0o f•fl\• I~ .... ttJ P' ".,, ~ "'' ,.,.....,., • t I i I l ••f t•n••r •l'Wl Jim,.,,; "''1"'· -. »tt ,., fJl it•' h •I r W)ar r(A f', /ft ")v '"1' 111 •; (>ilt\ PV"tl .. , .,,..,., l'W p .., ,.r k•OI'\• I , 1#1 v "''1 ,.......-1 ., ... t '°'t U•••,. .,.. ,,,.,, •' ... I'• '"-•t l\,jf '"VL" ,. '2• r .... .,., Jlf'. 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On tl'I• tl'IJU'.d t•Ylrv• fl'llol M IAMI <>Ot_P.-.1NS W••v•d Lo.-'d M<('••rt t•O"' 1tnf'J ~·•" (l•n '' O•t•n \1•• ~.. JOhf'I At••.tnGer •l'WJ 6')0 \111'\0\0n, Mf~"\1¥~ ''"""'•n •nd W•llf p .. ,ulf Of't-n\•V• t1,.mAn M INN E!.OTA Vl .. IN(·S W•i.t d W•110 W•lton UMtNc:lt.., O•n t\~l •""' MA'· ''"''m•n \A,f"I ••\ P.,.an Mull•n• ... n-t,.n\tlf'I' •ncJ P1., .. ,, iO-.,..n..,., I gnt ·~ "'"" ltnlrv.,, NO'm•n ..,,. •• ,.,"'' "" ,.,,4 on,,.,_. '"IUfil"(I ,,...,..,. \, N( W C'.JR l l AN') V t,... J > (ul M •'• .M•"'•"OH o fftn ,, ... l•nt>met'I 1nd ~•' Ov•••t, P«tll '9lum 'IO"Cla ll\I Ple<ad AOft C.ro.oy -!>tan s ........ 11 ... 0.00 .. ,. °"'4 P •nftf, otfen\twt ou•ro. •"d M•vr tce '\.o4!ncer, tOt~ll. on l"" injured IH<e,... h \I t<('l<I YrJPI" (,lllNT<, Tt•dod O•n [>ot"''"'""· f .. llt>«•. tn IM ~•ttle ~IWw'k\ fl>' .. ,, U~lft"'° 1Qr90 dr•tt e,,_.((f .. £,. ff1P ,. ;£ T\ (wl K~•·n Bell - Pr~qtr J 4'1?\Cr ••Of' '~tfl'l1er\, A9"0Q1e r,'•"' ,.,t",....o.t ., 000 o•n•. tlQf\t •"-'· \'"'" ~ .. 101rr-r .. ,,lf...n\1-1~ "~"'•n. Oanrry '"'"d' ,. .. fJV·'''"'~ •. nM f,,o,O•• \P'•" .. '· h1•trM'" • w~ 1•0 • 'Ju''""' r .. ,,v R•rwtr>tP"I, tt.,..,, "*""' M1•l! Mor• lin~b•C .. ,.• Pltt<•d " ,. 1 " ,~ ,,u.,.,m l1n-t>de' .,. . o" '"'"'t"d r• '' 1• I •t ',,. t.•.f C...A •f r ,,..., r.,,.,,.d L•nct~ M-4 ,,, •fl•.., .• , ... l.t "'''" at'IO .,.,.,,¥ ~•fll.-r rr ,..,, -' I' t,I\ H f/> n .1* .. fS 'f'\•t•• tl\I ""' .... "..,..ri M •,. 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'"' ,,....., , .. ,... ... . , 'A~ I •'J t4-""° ''-;., ,..,_. .,_., P tt • '• ' -~,.., •tvl J m ' • 111 ,.c '"•0-' ..._" • J ,., • r .,._, l•""'•t '>ffM'>•"• •• "''"·on ,. ~· 1 ,, .,, .. , ·• u~,.d,•r.I Jonn ,1 ,,.a,., ..... ot r\1 .. 11., u"4t'hM' •o t.•1 '1 ,, • t. • ,, J l't ll'l't ••·•·'•O t uM•nQ h• • t, ... , '"' .. .,,, n., ttf.-•O•' ~ "'"''f'O'\ •4fl'''f •~rt••• ... , •rw.l M•'· \l•tH .. ..... , P 44 .,.,, ().-•Qn t ,,,., ti'>" .. ld •10• t "1 """ fouv~ "q "1•ffllt\'\1 ,. •n.ct ".a .. ,, ....... ...,,.,. .... ,.,,.,.,, ,,.,. '~•~ ) ,,. ,.. . .,,_.,.,fj r '"' .. """Q"'• "• "' , .. q1.1.,.,,, O•n 110"'· oft•""> 1• ~ ,i. ''Of fN'>m•i. o .. t"""'..,. .,,,,, 4'f'ld ,,,,.,,., . .,,.U.J•\.'\tn l1f'\6'1>4C•r1, ()('I tM 1n11ot1, ... 0 tt'>'•"' h .I w,.,.,C'O l•PQl .. QI'\ .,,..,,, •• ~ l'l')fl'\H"fMo .. .A(fJWllM fon11 (Junqv Wl•tr fr-Qt"n ,,.. P 1lt\t>Ut9f\ ~tfflfr\ tOf' ~ w"'2 t 1(.-..0 I~ Or•tl t l\Otf • ltCQvlr•d < ""•' ,.., r '>""""'' ...,, r~'l>A' • from ,,,., ,,,,. ... m . Oo4f'°'\•n .. lut •I'\ ".nd1\C lo\.ed 19'0 dr••t (_hfOtl • ~fA f!l r ~fA HA'l<I~\ f'ut llulu\ (r-••'O'O t.1"r '"~ D.tt • (h11rltt\ A•u~ ,., •• ,_,\ •~ 'l"'AP1 ("'°"'"1 lOl'\Q ,.twj f-tOO'(.•I#, ,,,., ... ,, .. t~-t'• ,,,. • .,r J'\ w1,, .. , ...... .,~, M•n (1,.,,.a •""1 M1•r O•uht n, °""'•" k ·O J\lrO•n """\•'ollf' l.ttid4 •"4 k•n , • .,. • 1•'•" ,,. "'"a P1"r•d Jonn ,.,,. ..... , t•O"I l1"0 °"' the •n11Jred r•Mf'W I I '"'MPA n •v t\U(UNE'fll<, w ••• ,..., r ... ,, Hu•t f1U~,.,,.,,Ml ~ (;4r' PVf!'tl •nd Ooo••t 9rown, offan\1•~ Jtn.-mtn L1Hrf f ,.,,1o11n And Hf'nt'f \/~r.,.n, w •()# , .. <~11y1\ . ""•OQ•• ~'· o,,..,..,,,,..,. tM(., ~"a n."'1" ,_,,,,., .. , 1-..nn 1no O•<• Pt~H•d ,.,,t _,. 11"10 .. ,. \'+"' Otff''\\I 'lttt h•l ~. fl •tidy Gill I'"'°""' ..... ·~ W-..rt Scnu~""'r OHM\•Vf' Q'-'•'0 on tfW> 1n 1u tHj '~'""" fl\f WA ~'11 .. t,ltJN AlDSIC oN\ W•••f'd t f'>t.1t\ r.,, .. ,. f'Uf"W'\i,,Q OM• Wfflt• HaNI\, 111'\f'D..t' 11,fi>f 8111 h111n olf~\IY. t•<klt , J~f\ NH O•t1 1•I •nO ,.,,,.,, AnO,.r\on~ •Ide ,., t',.,,.,\ r::>ic,.. p.,,,,,.,.. punr .. , N1c- lO••r-v P4«• •le••, Gr~.,. R1<.h•rchon4 t •ont •t'O ~ 8u0dv H•f'Ol>m-" fulltM<k. P ••< "<1i Don r .. ,1"''"•n ru,.,1n.q ~<111. on tM •n1urf:'d ntV'r..,. tt\t HOCKEY '-•llaMl lfochy t..e- fl IH ' F Al 0 SA lll~ES S1qt1•d Ml~• P~•r •. oe•t1n\t m 4 n, eno lo W•''"· 00o4U•noP' f DMOH TON 0 1 L E AS !.•on.cl Oev• S,,.mf .... O, "'"*"'O AOdo<I (h<ltl•• lf..cld'f 10 tM r HAln~t.,-,,ptO\tP,- C~ll0£ E A!tTEAN K[NTUtlCV Ha.....S Al<l C rom•nn ~ trM 11, t o.tC" . . Prospeetlve Coron• del llar RIO footbell playen have tbelr •Y• 1lued on tb• coachel u they await the next command durlnJ reflex drills T\Mlda.y. It WU tM ftrat da)' of eond1Uon.lll1. l ---------·------------__ .._..... ___ -. . .. .. . . ,. .. .. ... . ... . .... ' . -. • f), ' I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f 1 ( I J t ! e e e e : B e ., 8 e e DAIL y PILOT BS SPECIAL VALUES FOR TODAY THRU SUNDAY COSTA MESA 2946 BRISTOL ST. SO. OF SAN DIEGO FWY. PHONE: 549·1533 FULLERTON 1530 S. HARBOR BLVD. PHONE: 870·0700 SANTAANA 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS PHONE: 547.7477 WESTMINSTER , 15221 BEACH BLVD. PHONE: 893·8544 $ A78-13 llACICWAll TU&ElESS 27 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY• 4 PllES IN TREAD AREAi l FIBERGLASS BEL TS OVER l PUES POL YES TEil CORD! $ $ RAISED WHITE LErnRS 99 .... ,~~~~ .. IOYS--mAVY MY SIOCI AISOllEIS , Yrt" ,,$1011 =-.......... ....................... ............. CllCl•lOW ... ••MLA1m ,_.:. 4"' MmrAI ' cm • OPEN MON. THRU FRI . 8 A.M.·9 P.M./SAT. 8 A.M.·6 P.M./SUN. 9 A.M.·5 P.M. FORMOST149 AMfllCAN CARS IA. JULIETTE MULTl-BAID PORTABLI RADIO BATTERY OR AC OPERATED FM-afc /AM/TV f TV2-Weoth./40 Ch. Urrm1 "°' .aUDa ~ti1r:: !~ ~~f~R 29!! ( • '"' ~-•-G-ol .._ • P"i>o t..,,,.,,, ON OH s-·~ HARADA RX-10 SEMI-AUTOMATIC AM/FM -POWER ANTENNA RTS MOST CAIS WITll ot wmtOUT • lf()Nl llNOI~ M01JMI 1 ~ • llV'..>• MOONHO 1<(40 • l'()Wltl\Jl OllVI & OVllT O'fl•ll()N e (.HtO~ llNl~HlO ST&•NLBS ~·ch ...,.,~, UCJI .... GUTTtl1 CONVtRTS II SECONDS fROM 18~ IASlll TO flAT SUIJACl HEAVY DUTY "TRUCKERS SPECIAl" S~A T CUSHION FOR DRIVING COMFORT S GALLON GAS CAN -~llo.n•llfll•· tont w•lh Double ~&ol•Ot'U =-'4'' ;~·fv,,,· ~ ........ Al...-- CONCENTRATED CAI WASH • c;.. ...... •Wll ....... .............. 1., d•t • (< ____ J_ .... ~.""' 98' .... " OL lKltJI) ..._~-CAR POLISH • 0..-.....i ""'"""' ....... •'"P • ._..,...,o . ....._ . ._ ............. • Con...,. "° -• 0t loc-• Good ..,, -............... . • ~ ...... ~ aodo, -..... ""' ,.~PASTE WAX PRE · SOfTtNfD • EUY TO USI ---- SPECIALS! CARBURETOR Jll I CLEAllERS (I ~ SPRAY ON-HOSE OFF DEGREASER & ENGINE CLEANER Ou1cldy 1 emovei 88 ( greO\e & dorf. ~ 17 FL. OZ. CAN u . OllESS·W YOlll CAil WITH : . ·- -CWl.Y""LOT W•nact•y. Augue• 22. 1111 Btuiness ' .. ----------------------------------·, Gold Buyers Can't Expect to Win Friends Too 1 ' NEW YORK (Al•1 If Utt" dt•~r t pt lo n or toda y ' Amf'ncans u the "mt-1~r• lion" lt arcW'ate. t.Mn aold \~ the perfect LavMtment fOI' U\ lime It 11 a "w\nncr " lnJlaUcm ma" be maJtlnc a hu h out of other people' . rtnanceA, but tr you own 1old. yvu're 11 tay1n.: abu d of the garnt.1 Lll:t.: •ANY OF today'14 cit.hc'r aven u e• t o w ar d A t"lf Improvement. &Old 11 aolilary Tben''tt 00 part OWMrablp in a larger vuntul"t.', oo depe~y on whi t ome tured m anait me nt oc t'IC<'ted boar<! of dl~ tors d~ As a prot~t agaln3t blll 10• <'rnmt•nt and big arovernme nt spendin.g. gold ma.Iles as clear a 'l ta temenl u i. Mny l K' culling pros>051Uon on an\ ballot The IO•f'mmMt r an print a ll the H ff•• doUan 1t wa nl.I. che •old bu1a aa1. but It n n't print tcokl ~bod)' Ht1m s to b• mor~ ... a rt" °' th!• lban thfl aov~m ment It rtr Whtm a law wa111 p.uaed fi vr Yt'•n aao lo 1M1rm lt ,1rwal4' o•-ncnihlp ot 1&old ln thl8 C'OUntry, °"' KOVt'Mlme>ot btla&lln n-aularlv 11t•llin1 ao ld trom Ult' T,-.H ury WHAT~VE& THE lnl~nt or that a('UQn, it effecUvely asct th .iov~rnm.-nt Ind aom e of Hi. clUae~ °'' opposite sld~ ln " f1nanclal alru&11le By 1nc r u 11 ing t he supply »v•llable on tbt' marke t , lhe aov e rnmen t w 11111 ar t ina lo depress gold's prire, or at least to keep il from rising us much as it otherwJ~ might. "Srll all you want," tacitly replied the buyers who came to the 1onl'1\ment aucUona. "You ma)' depreu the price tem· porartly, b ut tn the Ion( run ven you don't have the power to dl•eredll KOld u a atons of value ." 1'o dat e, t h e buytira have been bom e out After a decline from about $200 an ounce to a lit· u., more tham $100 in the early cl•Y• C>f the e<>ld aale.11 by the Tre uaury, the price of gold bu t.rlpled ln the pu t three years, puHh\C l300 thia summer. But the bull market in gold is 11o m e ho w a Joy le ss on e . R.,collectt<ms of th" skyrocket- ing stock m arket in the 1960.9, with all Its speculative e xcesses and s ubsequent exposures of •corporate chicanery. evoke im· ages of brass bands and celebra- tions of prospenty T H E MOOD JS m uch di( rer e nt now Onl' Ion~ time 2old McDonald's Hailed C HICAGO I AP) -Plans by the M cDonald's Corp to lower its hamburger prices by a nickel d re w plaudits from President Carter 's chief in· flation fightr r, who said it would s ave the firm's <'Ul'tome rs milUons of dollars .. It 1i. r normously heartening lo me when some Prest 1g1ous New EXECUTI VE SUITES <J \ uilabl<.• nrar Ontnf.{e County Airport. Attr.1rt1\'e ntt(•s mtludc r eceptionist, law l1hr<1n . ~conll·n•nt•c r oo m s. serreta n al :-<.•n 1c~·. <ind xc•ro ~ f .H.01hty For a pe rsonu l tou r :md t111 lh1·r rll'l;.11 1 ..... inq111rc• e:at Vorlac· \-.• 01·1.1(1 .. !1.,;1:l!JO(J 11r !I~,:, 2:!8Si Americans reeo~nbe their prtces are supposed to go down at times as well as up," Alfred E. Kahn· said in a :statem e'nt ill Washington. THE FTRM SAID IT WOULD do its part to fight inflation by anst1tuling a JO per cent cutback 1n pri ces or its r egul ar h am b urgers a nd cheesebuq~ers at its r ompany-own<-d <;tores EHc<· t1vc T Ul'Sday, hnmburgcr~ dropped from 43 to ~ cent!> and ch1.•cscburgcrs from 5H to 43 r cnh Company ~pokcl>man Dt>ug T 1m bcrlak1· su1d the !>andw1r hc!> <.i re bo ught by young fam 11 llt·<; . .. and those arc the people who ought to t* getlinJ: a bre ak tn these annut1onarv times .. The prire was to b<> observed at th1• 1.225 res t aurants ownt.-d ancl operated by the corponi· t1on. The rem ainde r of t he 4,685 Mcl>onald's an the U nite d St a l es a rc inde pe ndently o pe rate d franchises that have bt•cn as k<'d to c ut flrt<'es but aren 't bound lo do so, Timberlake i:.a1d nut hC' s<tHf most fran t hthl'<i "l.'rl' <'XPC<'led lo m tik e s imilar n · duct1ons T HE NEW PRf('t:S i\R f; TO h'· kc-pl in d f1•rt "for a:-. J oo~ "" f>0!-.s1hh., ' T1m hc•rlakc !'.a11l "T hat':-. entirely uµ to future m urket condition ..... - -:-.uch ai:. the <·Os t of beef·, gram and other com •••••••P.:Hd AcJ111 r t1•, .. m,.n1 ••••••• nioditie:., he addL'<.I CORPORATE NOTES By JAMES R. URQUHART Ill Atto rne y at Law (). SJl()lJJ,D MV l'Ro r o S F.D CORPORATE NA M t-: Rt-: t'Ol.l.OWt:O BV SOME KIND Of ' DES H ;'li\TION I N IH(;i\TINC, CORPORATE STATl'S'! A YES lnrlC'1·d. 1f t h1• cor;poralton 1s a close c·orpnrallon, 1l~ name m us t, by law, include the word .. «orporat1on ". "rnc orporated ," or "hm1ted ," or an ahhrev1al1on of one of those words Q . F ROM T llF. VI E W P OI N T O F THE S HA 10:1101.rn:R O R OWNE R OF THE Cl" .. t•ORATION, 'DOES IT MAKE BETl'ER T A ,.{ S Jo: N S t: T 0 I, 0 A N T H A N T 0 (' ( > N T K I I\ t l T t: C A r I T A L T 0 . T H E C'OR l'ORATION'! A YES It ntUk<·s bette r tax sense to loan. Rt•puyml'nt of dl'l1l 111 ~cnerally nontaxable rntu rn of t'llJlllHI JIOW(.'ver . "repay ment" of monev c·onl rih11lt·d for 1>tock is gene r ally d ee med a t :ilt:thlc· t11 111dend lo the shareholder taxpa yt>r. Q. IS nu: ('OST TO INCORPORATE WITHIN THE n NANCIAL &EACH OF THE SllALL BUSI NESSMAN? A. YES Certa m law firms charJ(e re uon a ble :ees well w 1th1n the re a ch or the s m all bu11ine.~~man Thi11 law office wilt Incorporate your prf>Rent or pl anned buslnCIUI for •the a ll in<'lwuve pric-e of $580. Thjs breaks down t.o $250 an allornf>y fe<'R and $330 In coslll. We turn ar ound and pay out 1•t>11t.'I a K follows. f"ronchlse Tnx Uoa r<I. S20(J . Sec rritary of State , $70: Corpornt1m111 Commll'IHionn , $25; Corporation minute book, Rl ock , un<J 11r 11I, $:J5 An average in corpor al llUI IUkCEI 14 If Bys , CVN I fH11t.er lf pay· ment is by cash or l'UMhic•r '11 <'htlck. We are hap· py to an11wer c~ucstlon:• ubout your ~ropo8ed In· corporallon without obliJ(alion to you. Our ad· dress is James H. Un1uhart Jll, A Profe1111ionol Law Corporation, J300 Oove Street , Second Floor, Newport U.ach. CaJl(ornJa 9281JO. <714 ) 752.5544, ,.,.., Some of M cDonald's com petitors have bc-.·11 q uott'd as saying they thank Mc Dona ld's rcduc1·<1 prices be<·ause 1><1lc·s were• down But an has ~lah·m cnt. Kahn said, "lf every com pany in Amenc:.1 µassed alon~ to its cus tomer-. little ::.avings li ke the:-.c whenever m arket con1'11 lions or cosLo.; r><•r m 1tte<I, we could really bPgan t11 turn things around in our struggle against tnfl J twn " * * * U>rnpetitor Warns It May Not Las t SAN MAT EO <AP) Lowering hamburger ,prices by a nickel was a great pubhc relatJons move. savs a riva l fas t food operator. "But I doubt how Iona it will hold," says Mar · vion Bonine, the president of Calny Food Services. which operates 42 Taco Be ll , 28 Taco Charle~s Qnd 18 Perry's Smorgy restaurants. "They tell WI that the decline in the pnce of beef is strictJy temporary and will be a thing of the past within another 60 days," Bonine said. .. And in the fa st food busin ess, lhc price or beef is everything." LEASE fi From The Leader OVER 1000 CADILLAC LEASES IN ORANGE COUNTY Competltlvs Pricing Superb Service NABERS ~fi/} OPEN7DAY8 2600 HAUOl ILVD., COSTA IESA 540·1100 "Sports ••• " ltS like putting the P"9ne in your pOcket. KHpa you on top of the IOC81 ecene ... In the DAILY PILOT fU~Sl\IER ffillE .. t.. Alt ..... c.My 462-PAGE l•OflltttC..ey 731-7777 °' c.tl ...,,....., .................. ,. ................... but la_mented In hla newalett.er r«enUy U\al , despite the clear· cut euccess of his forecaata. he was 1UU widely described u a crank. One J>O!iRfble reason 11 that Americana aren't used to 1old, the way European• are aup· posed to be. The re la a bet· againat-U\e·future a.aped to aold that gr ates on the o ld a ll· American ideals, like growth. tr you advocate gold,. in a sense you are urging an anti· social act, akin to making for the lifeboats before the other paneoeers find out tbat the sblp miaht al.Dk. GOLD-BU\' EU ALSO can °be l'een u contribuUog to the prob· lem from which they a re t.rying to protect tbemaelv.u. Gold ia, after all, a oon·prdllllcUve ln· vestment. It buUda no factories, cr eates no Joba, doesn't even pay dividends. The gold bup hne been rtdtt In the past, and lbotSe who p,.. diet that gold prices will co higher still may be ritbt again . It may tum out that they have ( NEJllSA.NA.LYSIS l done a creat aervice for lbetr cuatomers, more than earninl.' the ir aublcrlptlon feea, book' royalties and seminar admiuioa'• cttarges by helping many peopJe: preserve their uaeta in a Ume of economic trouble. But popularity, acclaim? For, the brtncen ot bad news, th.di m ay be too much to expect. T 1·1·hn1t·1;m :11 I l ugh•·' t\1rrraft Cr, , :'>11• "''" s, ... ll'lll'-<;rnu1>. <'..i 1111i.::1 Pa rk . .sdJU'>l 1111' ft r'-t 1 ·11 • 1111•1 rt 11 L' d t·H· lopmc•n l m cx.11'1 11t 1li1· 111l p1 11 \•'(f /\/.\! :-,.1c l 'ho('nt\ ,o r to .1 11 m 1 .,ii, ft I• Ill '-t 111 d1 t·Lt1l1 I .1 1 1'11111t I l ht I",. r \1 ll !..~ 11 lrr<.;t of 1;, thP rom· t 11 t h 1• "'<J \'V '~ lt'"I I C), f 'r Tiu· Co u nt.-r HA SD lit+mqs I • ' .. ~ t t.>~-t.f ~-'1•h,., I Wq' lfl ' . ' . , ,,.,, . ,, .. ' 'I' ~"·u •· ' • f~ •"..,, ~ .. :, .. ,~!,.,,~ ~ ' . '· .. ,, ·-... ..-. ... u .. '"'"I ..... ., ... I ,., .. I • , lritf ft Tl)AIC. i At-'I l'W ''>(kM>H~ 1, -1 • ~ , \IV,.\. ,,...,., Owr '""'° (l')unt,., ,. •• t • \l'K.• .. .,nr:J <#Mf -"1 ,, ... , ~.,,.. Qlo)f'WI ·~ , 1 I,.. 1r \I J lfJ 00-m ft '"' f Q.j\,orVf Ort ' t / t~ ""9'' .,.,,, -' n..N)t '"4-t',,._.,. .. Of .,.y;.,...,_. • f ,,,, , 11'""'1-'1.ff .. r >' I t"\ ft fld•"'Q CJii'~lllt j,J '" • tfff t • ' "",.,,, ,, .... \,_., Or• ... "'~ "·•"'U"' ,,. ,,,..,, • 1, .. J ••~, .. ,, • r,. ,..,......,." thf D• .. •11•l1.1 '•'l·fl'l •\ • '• 1'•0 "' ~. 4nC) tUO..l' ' ··"' Old pt&4,.f' t1 , H • UP'S ·~ ., H-t..71 C:"'f, ~· :: .... :~ . ~~~!:· ,~,~ . '• A,,., 1'I. Up IO I Up 77 • ' ,. ,, . . ' ' • 'i ••••• w . . . . .. . . ... :, : ., '",, .. .. ·· ... :~ f. 1 ', .. ,,, t\ I ... , .. , I .,-.,.,q M . ',. ,. Ano "' U Ht Ai• tl1tlf' .. •• ,, • ,,., ''• _, . •'"'''-'N •ft:l't l, ri • ..,,(l.t• '. . ... ''"'''"' 1; Adm,Q\ , 1 '"'" t'nt " ,,, .. ., 11 ,.,, ,.,-i.t J • • ,, . '. " . • '. I t r" 'u ' '• • f ,,, • ,, t 11 1111 14 ' J .,_ IJU l.f I I.,. JV ur, •p ll I .... 110 "a I • HU "" . ,. I • "" ., , 'I \ 11 \ ,,, .. " • / , un 1' I ". 11 . H • '~ • UP ,_ • 1 Up I•• • o\!., UP ,~, • I UP ti • l'At UP ' •• tJp II ) " . I,_. \ t .ttlJ.1f/ .tttununarf1 ~: ~~~:n' ... ,.,. •JV•nOv• J 1t•n<..,o V1.1tMf,ld 11\(Jf>fh ll (JAhlf'n ti I • l \.jj \JP OOWHS l•'\t Cl>Q Pct 11 ' f t.I MUTUAL FlJNDS f f'IJWt'\tl """"" ... ,p, M•dC-0 U11'SA~ vi\ \1tcolnt IH'( '"'- tntOt\(,1 :~.~;?~~rt ..... , '"" ltnlRV'I 0.nlOAA f\ ro,..•"'1 l •Nl8 .... ec. ...... c .. v N J 0 •dl1oOI 11'\tOf•• ~.~r~ • ~ ) ~ l 0 " JI S ·~ OH f) \ I I 11 Off ,, s " ,. ' 0 11 10 1 1 , '-.. OH Q I 1 , • Off If I ,, 1 I Ott ,, 1 ,, t • 0 11 ,. /I 1''> OH 8 ) ''• 1• Off l~J \._ •11 0 11 8 0 i "· Ott , , t '• OU 1 I I • Ofl 1 I 11 Olf 1.4 11 0" 1.4 ,. ·~ 011 ,, ti I • O tl 1 1 ll ' Otl ... If OH 1>1 n . 1'1 Off•• J1 • 1 • ()fl .. s >'--• OH 1>.l ... .. Off 6.J ,,, '• Off •l -. --------.-..,.._ ..... -----.. • .. I' • '" ••• I e t ... ------ / STOCKS I BUSINESS Wedneaday' Closing Prict' NYSE COMP-OSIT-E . -· .. ,.,.. .. -. , . TRANSACTIONS W.0.IMdey, Augu1t n . 1'79 DAILY PILOT 87 Beti" Beasts Business Booms Outsiae Borders By MILTON MOSKOWITZ tr you stripped 1 lot ol American companies of their United States sales. they would stlll rank as fairly hefty corporate beasts. More than 20 companies have more sales outside the U.S. than an it. Included are Ex~on. IBM. Citicorp. Colgate· Palmolive, Gillette and Black & ~ker. WIULE rT'S TRUE THAT OTHER countries have their internat1onal behemoths, no nation bas as many com· panies active 1n the international arena as we do. American brand names are commonplace across the wo rld Jusl how big the overseas sales of American com· panies are was made clear recently 6y Forbes magaz~ne. which compiled a list or lhe 150 largest U.S. mulhna· tionals Here 's the roste r of the top 10. ranked in Order of their sales o utside the United States : t Exxon. S44 billion , 2. Mobil, $20.4 b11li<m . 3 Tex aco. Sl.8.9 billion. 4. f,ord, $14.9 bilUon, 5. General Motors. SM t billion: 6. Standard Oil of California, $14 t billion : 7 <-- JBM . Sll billion. 8 In ternational Te lephone & Telegraph, SlO b1lllon . 9 Gulf 011. S9 2 billion. and 10. C1l1corp, SS I btlhon Euon. the leade r. does 73 percent of its ,f' 1·, => ,J Money Tree sales out.side the United States. Texaco does 66 percent. Standa rd 0 11 of California 61 pcrrent and Mobil 59 per- cent The ~a!-.ohnc pumps you see here are only the tipl) of t hc!>e corporal<• 1cclx·r~:. Of th1· toµ llJ multmat1onab only f''ord and GM dCI mon· bu.'>inc'>i, at home than they do abroad \ Ot; S f:t: ~O~H; 1!\Tt-:Rt.:STl~G rclal1on!)h1pl> wh1·n '"u look < h1-.1·1\ Jl thl· multmat1onal ro~ter fo'or examplC' Gt-neral \fotof"> '>t:lb l141CC as many earl> a i. Ford d~s 1n thl' l 'nllL'd St.•ll'' tJut once )OU leave these shore". fo'ord 1~ thl· lead"'r ·1 h::it ' <Jue to Ford ·~ major manufacturin~ fac11Jt1~ in lint;.11n ;md Germany In Germa ny, GM's Opel works f?1vt' Ford .1 run for its money However. In Britain Ford tut!> 1•mcrAed a~ the top auto producer. far outdistanc. m g the GM unit. Va uxhall. Another 1•xample : Colgale·l'Jlmollvc, which gel~ drubbt..'fl rl.'gularly 1n the· U S by Procter & Gamble. doe!) more bw.1ne!)~ out.:.1dc the Unih .. "CI Sta tt:l> than P&G Thal'!> bt!cauM· 1t !>t3rtlod murh t•arlJer Tht: onl' '"''' lJ ~ n·tuilcr'> hd\l' mJJ<1r operation'> O\t•rwci-. Ont• I!> ~ar,, R1,14·buck. 11ur large!>l rclallt.>r . 14•ho!>t-non l ~ "'Ir~ 111tal $2 ll halhon And the nthcr I!> ~· Y. Wool"'unh "'hu:.t• nnn t.' S -.alt•' total S2 balhon. mosth 1n Hr1u11n. \ioh n1· 1h -.t11rc~ h~H· t,.·l·n dt•'><'rl~d a~ part of tht· "'"rkin~ r '"'" f.dir11 OTHER t'.S ('O'I Pi\:'1111::~ WITH '>1gn1flcant !-.ah'~ ovt·r ,,•a:> 1n('lt1<l1· \.•·n1·r3 l t-;l1•1'tnc <$4 3 bilhon 1 Dow Chem1ral f 53 2 bdlmn I x .. rO'C 'S2 7 hillion I Du Pont <S2 5 billion l and C:OC'J ('ol..i •SI •1tJ1ll1<1n 1 Stock Market Stays Near High of 1979 NEW YORK tAF'I The stock markel held steady to· day. trying to stay w1thtn range of a IO·month high reached earli<'r 1n the week The Dow Jones a vf>rage of 30 industrials was off 0.17 point~ to 885 84 oft er f3111ng 51 TUt!Sday f~om Monday's 886.52. the highest ~tn<'e Ot't 18 Sto~k• In TltP .'tpotllgh1 "4t.W VOAI( fAP• M~' t om Pftf• •NJ l"'ft f ~ O' f"f t 1ttf"t'n m.>\f •' flVT New .,..n,. ')10( ~ f •' ~"0' ''"""'· ttff•~ "4ht~I• ,,, motr lf\d"' \t ,...,.,°" ... ,., t ll\ )OQ ,, ..... Pnt\tOf"' (..o n )O.'l 1• • • ,,._. COio p.,,.. .,, .oo '• . f ire\IOf"W" ,,, '03 It • 8'°"' ' HI 100 fO ... DoarJ011.-11. I rpra,,,.• .. ., .. •OA~••PI rirwl Dow Jonn ...,"' HOCK\ )0 1no a:i~., ~, ,L,:";, ~~~ ~':'j l'O 1 r~ 1•• 111 111 Ot 1'>1 .. 110 6\ • O JO \ IJ I •O'I SI •O'I .. IO'I 00 IO'I 1 I 0 l• •l ,. t••O< Jt•H 111 41 Jl4M 00~ lf'\OV ) l)lt 000 t ;.,n I UW\ liflf J')),)CO •\ ,,. J,100,»I ~~~~ !:4();,· ~!~ ~ ~! ~ : ! .: .----------------- ~~~,~.~ .~~ ~ ~j: .. M ho1 .'tr•.1t·k" D id Nel Ym'<" .0' 000 ta•~ •I Aem•O. •"" ~ •.J t • AtrMr T&r :-.1 t,,)) "WI~ P..-o,,Co •q ;'\J .I IH 1P'°'b '•'" ;ft,e • :0 A•PuC>-' ' .,., .f)..) 4IUO l • , Pu Up ll I UD .. ) UD IJ J VO •I• UD 110 Up 11,1 Up 100 Up •• UP • l Up a• Up I' UP 'I Up 1 ~ uo ,. Up 1 • UP II uo '' UP 11 UP 1 \ UP 14 Up I J uo /1 llO I I Up I O UO I II Ad••ntN l>f't ,,,,,. d Untf'l•"'Qlt'O f ,t~t ·'"~ .... ., 9\•Qf'I\ ,..,.. •u• NE..,,., .,OW'• A• I •p.oto• 11n •• 1 1oti11• p,'""''°") J.4• W(l~• •on -~·" ..,0 ~floltf ~QC.I l WO Y•4'' ~ J•" 1 to <Hh "'• fQ GAt• l'HI lu doth ..,., .. , • .. l • O•O N ~ >N Y(Jll" A"' Ad~•Mtd 0.th""O lJMPt,.,,QWj TOt•I •l)\A', N•w "'Qn\ N r w IOW\ su.,.,r NEW YOPK IAPI Ntw Yo,.. "'""' l'i •)) .,,,."' ·~• U•• ,., /11 .,,, 11! ,,, ·~ 'If"'' t'Q IUl tit • p''"" Toon o.v .IOO -,,. ,.. /f6 1\Q •1> •>• •J H I J Fn<i~'"""' "'""' lt •U l•or•C•tod ''•'' Gold Qttof af •••• .,n.._.... ...... , MtKI"' -IG 90tcl IWt<ft 100.J l..._. morn.no hwtnt Ull !IO, ""tll 00. tilt._ lla1ne U ll.00. ~ t tO ,. .. MIS: ..,_ll1lntU'JI IJ, W>t ll 10 Fr-\JO' 11,wO \tO U lnl<ll lllCI $.P I~. 119 )t 00 >llO \0 <t\led New Y-: H-J ~ H•r..,.,. IMM c;t10 Ull H, uP \IO IO .... Ytr•· Enq•l"•'d \tllttlQ P"l~ Ult lO. 110 110 !IO. New Y••• E no-111.rd l•brit oteo gold "'" 1'1. "" \10 16 ' -OM.Vfltl.DT ~tntnout ~.... --...... , ......... , llOhalYOcaa .. tWI , .......... ,._. --· ." ,.i,,. -...... ~II\ ."" ... QMlttf' °"' n.• , .. , <Allf'OltfillAN, um 0. UAt9W(~I,,._ ... .... ..._ .... M0.-~(4..... fftl. .. l'YWM .... . 09,..,. W 0 Noel .... Ju • ...... ~OAT HI "' O Neel tm ._......._ C..V -.W '"It>• ~11•• et I,,_ Jtl•te •1 U> tM.16 tA•Ot ltfl' r()oll•t \.Get.- • ..., ' ... _ .. 1 ............ ,,, .................... ·-te • .._ ... . \le4-I _. ...,_ 0., """4.,_..... M•~ , _ _..,.. ... _.. .... . ._,"'.. .... ... , ... ~ ..................... .. '"h ....._." (....__"" .... ~ ... ....,.... .._, .. .. ........ _ .. ,.... ... --..... ·-~...-.. ... .-o 0 ..... """• M 0 -fl414' ter l~Y ... '"" ·~ -'"• wlffl IN "°UfM ·~()WAY IUll( '""' t _,, <.,..• ., 0r-.. c-i~ .,. ""'t•l'f fll 1 ... .,..."'"', .. A,..., .. ....... 1, ,.,. t -h -"'-'*ffff< .... -..... ............. ~·-· f(I ... ~~, .. •fl ,._,....,or ..... <.,. .. o.••• ""-' -••" ... ,~ ...... "t""' """ .... • i'n" """ .. " •'•'"'' .. 1 .. ""' -.. -~ _ ..... PUIUC' NOTICE rt<Tino-n WtA .. u _..,.,._., ......... -.... -~--,, -.. -~~., .. " , ...__ '" °''-.,,.,_ c.. ...... .,,.. Cir'-\ .... ,., l)f0n "••41 ,, .... '41 ...... 4' .,, •• '"•\ ...... ..,...... .. ,~ ....... ~ ... 04 ...... . ..... , .. _ ... .,,, ... ,...._ .. --....... •'"""' • "'u' ._. ,.,......,,., •'••• ""'' rh ,_, _ ..... _."'"_ ... l\•IM Ml II lfl'I ...... , ..... ... ~ ........ , ......... .. '"_.,,_c..._ 0 MAntlAttllU\O ·-··'---· ·-· ..... ... LM A--C.A-11 ~l\llllllltt '-" ........ ,. "'*H• r14t"l1 ........ " " ..... . ...... 1 '-h H.....,.,.. _., ...... •Uf\ .._ c-•· , .... "'°'_ ,_,~.,. '"'' '• ''" PtlBU NtlTf('ft ,,,_ \VH•tOlll C'OU•' 0 ' I Hf u •'• °" <•u l'CMl .. 1• ro• '"' tOVtfT1' ~ o••,.o• ....... ,.. .. _ • .-0t _c ... 1<-..•• .,,.,.. """ I I 1-.n t•Tt ,." rvauc NOTl<'t: C""'"' "'"'e1011COUIT0, TMI SfA'l"I ~ C.AU"Otl .. IA ~ TNICOUWTYM~I -. .... ... •OT ICI Ofl ... ••11110 or r l Tl T lo.. l"Oll ll'!t09A Ta 0,. WU. l A"O POtt UTn•s TltTA,..IN 1A•Y ANO AUTMO•llATIOlf TO AOMIN ltTl l UNOllt TMI 1•0lf'IMO«lfT AOMINIUIATION 0' IUAffSAC'T l •l•I• ol Fl l,.A MAC H(VI N\ •••Ell4All ~1EVEH\.0...••""" NOTICE •• ~ Hf Jlf'BV Gtvr ....... 8 1 TTYP 8~~ ... ,l•IMI""••·"• P*"l•t.on tr.1 Pr-OO«t• of Wiii .-.no ''" ..... ur'' l~(~ ..... lllllnO ..UOW.)f'tle tton to ct0m1nt\f•f tM> .,i. .. """°"'' trw •ftdiilo'c>ir~• ~'"'tf""tof'\ cr1 r ,,,.t~' Ac 1 ,~,.,.,.,.,,., to '*"'<h '' mM)ti> •Ot '"''''"""~I(-... .. ,.,..,,'""'·~"""" t'.!fnd (>#M;~ of n.f>Aftl"llQ ow """""' h.lt\ -~ .... '°' ~"""""' 11, .. ~ ... •O 00 • m • 1n lhilr' t owrtroom ot 0.P-tt 1 ,.,..,."' No J of '"8~ fOU'1. 1Jt 700 ( '"" (•n••· °""" -~. '" '"" ( 1ly ot S..n•• ""•.C....lt!omo• [Jett'(! AUQ<N 11 1'17' lElA.81lANf" ,.....,,,. , ..... WIU.IAMV ~MIOT li4W~ ......... 0..,) .. lll ... .._, a..dt, CA tlW Tltl ltlt)-..z27 .. _,_,, ... ~ "uOhVW'CI 0.-eo.~t Doll• P olnl AulJ 11. 1J, 7'1. f~l'I ll•l I" P UBLIC NOTJCE <.P'6n NOTICt. TOCllCOITOllS ~U,.£lUOll COVllT O J 1Hl v•r£ OF t AUFOllH14 FOii TH£ COUNTY Of' OllANGl 11 011(1 0 , ........ 0 \'' ••'"'°" "Oii ,.•OM•• or ••u a11 0 '°" l t ""'' t•H4'• .. • lAIY ... ,0 AllfMO llLAltOOI 1\) 40M I N IJ te• U"O I• lMI IMOf"ll"D91" 40Mtt .. \f•A1t()tl O' tUAfll 4 C'I' I ,,., ... "' I Ill 14 .. ('.ac"Ht ... ")4•1t ••• ill lt4N ) l.(l(Hl .. OtlN •>• 1 1\llAN N <•O•to(NO\llt .t•.t l 11 I IAN NAUMAN t,(I( t~f Ntl\I N °""" •• ,.,, N(lt IC { " "I lit l'Y vi VIN 11\•I l 0111\ I l.,•UMAN J lt hA• 1•11'\J f'l•,••n .-"-_.,,,~ t·0t P,-\.-0...•• t tf W1ff """'° •o• .,~,, M ',,..,., l•\••m•n l•t'; lt'I tfltJ ~Hd1ftVl1P' otlld f t)I Avtf'liu••t•t""' h1 At)mu"M\h"' l1n()rr tn. fncM .... ~nt "Off\1n.\h Ml<W" Of t \f,.t•\ At t "•"bl•t'" ' ,~ ,., 111 \#•-ll t• f.,t,.f\( • t •I 11" '' rnMtit-tt>f' '"' tf'wf' 04UIHUIM\, ...,... lf\4'tf fr.,. ltm'" •fld PIM• Of PWll/l;f'IAQ t~ ~""" 0-•n Y.t IM ""Ot~f' 4 )9N ,., JO 00 A m tr• trw. • OUf trn.yn f•f 0..PM '""""' Nn j u• Wtd fOv1t Al 100 ( ililtl C'•nl"r U11v\• W• •.t 11\ ,.,.,. (,,, n t \Anttt •n• (AlllQtni,. OAI~ "--'' I l l~N It [A IJHANI 14 (.ount ~ ( .. rt Ellt A N("LSOfll »$ """" .,_ .,.. ~ ..... ,.. c ......... o.,m hi 11111 2'~' ... , .. IOS4 4tton••Y to. P..Ut1-~ub11•..hfoQ °'""""" (0.,1 O•lly Phot AVQ 1\, 1._n IQ/~ 110 1' P URI.IC NOTICt~ .... ., F t~rt TIOUS llU)tNt H .. AMlc H ATlMt N I ,~, ., .... ,,. I Uil ~ '.M lfH I l (J "° A·llO't\ h nt.•f •.tr,....1 IM?t• N •·"'4 (4'httnn•<1 l •'<it... v t t-4 f l f ,., r 0 l I I '-,, ""')'' ' tt t' t '( 0r-cf"<'t'""-c1 /tMf U 1f AN ' 1 At4L J\folf1 I NC t •t()l t( t I• HI Mt Ht (,IVf N "' tru f,. 1,,#11,.,,1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,n .411 W• •I .en.., • '' •.Utnt•. •It tht> "tlov"' nl'tt°TW"Ct0.'(,..,,..nl •,•,,., r Nt""' y,.,. ,..., • "•"'~ '"'"' t~.,t "'" Df'"tV)rr\ t'\.IN'rnq, l..t•m" if'Vltrl't\t 1 hi. '"''''"'°'' •, 1 ' lf'YI'•' h d I t •t • , '°"'' \••'1 diH~Ot·~u ,,,,. r•~trM fl) flf .. ,,~ ,,. .. "' ,,... m , -1th tht ,.....,,"'\'wt"Y W)U<nPr-. m '"" ,, ... , .. CJ'""' th,.,,,,'"" .. oo., .... , ""'°"''11 •ff)'.t••"'Mt<t •n· I f " I\ ·.•, .n ,. ,. ,,.,_, ·~·1 '"'""'' ttH t'ltf,.'\\.Afr ""~"°""'' flt fht U"I rt•t •tt.ofr•'ft ""'' t.11 I ...,,1~ 1P'ltt iJ•, · 1qn .. ,J •• t fN t.•w offi(• 11t J ,m, ... t r r1or11 t f It'• 1,-'-'' .tnt; t ·~"\It ,,,, hn, W 11t\rlrt1 t'A t1 1Htlf l A Atl()( k'liCJN WJ '"' •l11f.t f'l(H'tn f-tr(,.U'.f'fJJ'ttY. ,,f,.11 ()Hitt'"'•• tJ •,,,_nt.a A"°" ( 41hfntth.rt ~)IQ) •h11 h ''•1n11~ f1it4 f1t ·••.; (1,., -01.,l f f'UOt , , ,,,. O'"""' m flt.l\•n• v. at H\~• vf"I th,, U'Jf""-11 ·~ ,,u rrMnr-t' p.·r••·~1nQ tr '''' t 'Id!~ qt -,...iJ1f1()fI1•(jM1t 11ttlh11, ft,tt~t "'••'""' ftitti' trwr '"" (IVbll<.ltl•°"' ot ",, ntitltf" lMt"d AuQll',I I, IV!' l'Ohlli I t.Oll''• lU(Ol l Y •"• AOOll"r1 C luii """ t-~u\Or Of tnt-W OI M thP dtxwe nttmt'"O .,.,...._ ume• E WlllWI.., ot l(INOEL a 4MOEM\OH tOJt N • .......,.., .. ,, llO• )U °'4"''" ...... <.A nm A\l'-'U'' ,., II,., 1tnd ~ '"' 1 ''' till /V PUBJ.JC NOTICE ""'' ,. .. FtCll llOU!> a us1"c H .. A.ME$TATIEMEHf l•U V'>I II'> ... Pl't IANC I l~IJ A .,,,.._., Jtunt1r,q-?c,,n t-uit•<h ft1f1t(jrt\11• ., .. , I Jan • , ''"' 1 ~ ft, uw,, "'If') i" n\n-"' • ftUl'tf1l"t,lhl'I'\ fh• .. lh t Al•h ·'"'" ''"·'· hi f 110 !61f-.11'1 Anor~' tor ELtttlt.H If '.,,,~"'·~,.,.... ... '•''~kit tt"'() 0¥ •n 'f"I I 11ptJ'),,...-d Q.1#1(;1 (.,0•11\t (l,.d'I PIHJt 1 "'dV#t (Jr; f I f "u•1 n. n ~ .,,.,,. ' ,.,., "~' "' ""' ":.,,,,...:; '::. "".., "'''" , .... PUBLIC NOTlc;t·; NOTl~E ro (Rl OITOR!> ~UPl l'IOA '°VllT o.-OH" \TATt Ol'CALll"OllHIA f'O• f M( t.()UH T'y Of' 0 11.AHGf; Ho A.,.,. rf)untv (Ir,., "' o'"""" Cc.untv on AuQu•I IJ. 1~1• Vutlll\nit"-d Ot~· (o.t\I 0~1ly __.,tot A.vQ I~. n . ?'I"""~ ) 1'19 l lH I~ P UBLIC NOTICE mpSa•pped When Gina's Temper Rose Q: I nM wlMre Olaa a.u.bnpta, a. .... M•• 1Hrl •••, •••allle4 U.. u•era el a ...... 1ra"1ft. M1f •-•t cll4 t.e de lo l.u1 -•n~ O..C" .• ~ ...... v •. A The l*'P'nt P•paraw aoealled a a.hot from ht-hind Lollobriald• alt« her m1ol aklrt bad apUt up lhe t>.t'k It ex~ OOl ooty·"' derrlere but an unalahlly rip in ber pantyhOH. Sbe was .a rlpPblM mad Ahe th,..;atened Lo amuh t.he photo. jt•pher'• <'aan~r• and f•ce. l:Sut (Hoa cooled oCf - •nd the oUrnd.,r 1dunk of( _, A,_.r IJa Taylor manted Edd~ Ftalter ud NNtorWd lo Jtadalana , all ~r 110v6ell •ere baa.ed ta E• pe, W9'at oUH!r .tan were b...ed al th llnt• • Ill. Meyer B., c; ttat N~ll. N. Y. \ ... n m._ Slnatrn, Jrrry l,.cw1s, Danny Kaye. l 'nul N•'" '""" 111ul h u1 w1fo Jounne Woodward, 'Glad You Asked That' Snmnn 1>10 •11' und Juliette G reco. The Arab llc1\ 1•ott \t( ll'rnt•I ofhr•' m C&Jro t'ompla med tha t tht'"•' 1'11trt1 W(•~· \'ttht'r JewtSh, sympalheUc to ls r1wl. nwmbN'!'I of oq:anlzallons which contr1but· t"il tar.it• s um11 o( mom•y Lo Israel, or took part in unt l Arnh flln1~ U ; I ht'•r Uiat "(:allf'ry," a gJrUe ty~ of moa- thly maitulnt' conductf'd a survey to name the lihyt'At 11tar• ln show business." I bet Howard C084"11 wnuld win th•t honor. How did he Hd I makt' out? -l,awrf'nce 8e11ter, Pitlsburgh. A You lx>th ran out of lht' money' Humble llowunJ didn't f•vt.·n make the list. The w inners. howf'V(·r. tn<'luded Woo<ly Allen. J ohnny Car son. Carol llun1ett. Ua rbura Walte rs. Ingrid He rl(man and ~rrt•n ll<'ally, a m ong olht'r!> PSYl'holog1sl\ ugrc<-d lht· t'hotCl'S wt·n· has1('ally 1ntr<Wf•rts wh1, rovt.·rN.I their ba~hfuln<"'i!> by t urntn~ l'XlrO\ nt <>n<.'l' th(•y hid this tru1t behind m akf'up Q : J once h.-ard that Laurence OUllier wu Ml 11uJ)4'rMltious that if hi• stts a black cat the night of a pt rformanct>, It throws him oU. Anything to this'! -Mrs. Jt>rry M arlln, Las Vf'J(H. A Not at all Sir L::aurcnt'l' prrdt'~ himself on ha\ 1ng nu s11J)('r..t1t1f)n:-. whatscwvn ' I ulwuys dt· hhNatdy ~:ilk uncll-r a h1d1Jt-r ," ht· hnoti; "I :-.pout Im~ frnm 'M arl)('th' huppoi.C\ll) a Brrt1~h al' tors most terrible Jinx 1 I dQn t give J damn,· hl' :-.hrugs 0 : Wai.o'l it ('harlil' Chaplin ~hf1 burl~d the firs t 1>iv in i}om eone'1> race in a movie to get a laugh'? -Mel Lt-fiii.. Lon)( Reach. c·alH. A No It "ai. i.1 h·nt rllm conwd1l'nne M CJbt:I Norm.1ml The i.lor) ha., 1l thut l>hi• "as l>1tlmg on a llf'JH'h lwl>•dt· a C'Ul>lanl pal' that two !>lagt! carpent1·rs hac1 brought in with lh1·1 r lunch She w a!> \\c.tt(·hmg <-ross l'Yf·d rom11· Ben T urpan unl>U<' <'f:'Ssfully try1 n).l to J.:l'l ;. l<Jugh 1n a ... c·t-nl' So, to bl' ht!lpful. Mabt'I p1l·k1-<J up tht· pt<: a nd threw 1l !.m :11·k into Turpin·., fac·e /\'> h1'> 1•::,(•s cmt!rRH.I fr<>m th1• mui-hy mt''>S, the 1>e<ml•· •>n thP '><'l roar<'d "'Ith laught<.·r And 11w tn·lhc 1•y1· tomc<l y was born Sf•nt1 tJnur quntton't tn lly Gardnn · r;lad You 1hked Thal." care uJ lhl-3 nPW3f>OP"', I' 0 11oz I 11a. Ch1co<10. Ill 6()6JJ M anl11n and lly c;ardnf'r unll aruwer as many q~!t1oru as they can in t>u.-ir t olumn. l1ut the volume o/ ~I rnal«>s penonal replu~s 1mpos11bte Impersonator Sued NEW YOHK I A I'> Fcmulc impcr~<Jnut11r Jim B1J1 ley whOl>t: t'ampy 1mpn~rmat1ons in rlude Judy G1.1rlund , Cc.rol Channing and Oarhra Stre isand has b<:en l>Ued ror SJ mllhon by hu. forme r manugcr , who cl:ums breach or contract PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICf; "CTITIOU~ au\INl ~' lfA.Ml \TATIEMIENT FICTI TIOU\ 6 USIMeH NAME U4TEMENT t '1 '' ~ • 1 ' I f H 1 l .., '' F IClt '10US 9U~tNtS~ '"• follO••nQ Pc' \.Ol"I • \ O•.tt"V ut1ht "''".llU r ...... ._ •• ...,) .-.AMESTAlf:Mf NJ bU\ln.\\.tt l .-. .. touow•no P4t'"°"'" .,,, oo;no tN\•ne\\ ., •.u'''' l t',ulwt .,, <·IVt,., ''' ,,.... ,,,,. 1t11tow•nq Pl"f~in ,._ Ootnq bi.I'' JLUtD s:OtLJ\..tHEAA Ol'Ji1r.,,N, rtlt•H~ '"'"""'"br1vt-n_.m .. fJOt't~rtt "'""'"• UtO\ M •\• "''"'•· O•n• Point rn .• , •Jil ,,. t\11f1•, "'HlnQ, ,,.,m, ·•<'"''"'' MAf,,I INI A1,')Cl( IA' t ~. •H JOfh c. .... o,n•• .,,,,.. ,,... "'"" "'""""""""~' ~,,.. ,,.flW'*'d ''1 '''"' •,, •,u•1" 14. N,.w pu rt U«1tcn, "''-'YI' Peut Jonn'\iOn. )JtOt MtPw '"" "' N1tr, lhf ,,,,.., t "'•.&'' lf'IV' Mt"lio, •tt yi.tt,, "'"'(f'),.j 'vi\t•. a.·~ Potnt. (..Alflo<n•• '11•1' eunrAl'IElO OA I'~ HAN(H, ?IOI ll•m•n<• NO.OO I> V 6o• II~ 1fV1M, C'""•tttor""nf•.,11) tit1<hon b 4wtt•u tltl \onw•\41 l •M . "'-' l,\to•~ll. C•lllorno• tt6'0 Allot n~ .,. __ Austra lian s tung man Grant Page burns up after setting him self on fir e for the upcoming movie "City on Fire" m New York. Pagt! d i d n o t u ~ e p r o l t> c t 1 v <' attire. but only a !:>Ub:-.tancc from the !'.aµ of a t n :t· that reduces bod y lt.'rnpl'r<•tUrl By Stigwootl N i-;w YOHK 1A I'1 Falrn •1n<I rl•corct mogul llolX'rl St ri.:-wcx.lt'J l>ilY~ ht• plan., an HI month (11ur film pr1>du<"l1on hlllt 1n /\•·tW Y11rk ('1ty bt-i.:mnrn1: in 0Mohi·r Thr rnovu~ will 1·,1rrv ,, 111tJI hud1ott'I or S25 rntlhon and ur1· l'X 1wctt.·d to 1·mploy rlH11 1· than l ,000 J'.)<'<1p11• H1:-. Stllo(wood <;rnup 11( ('11m JltlOll'!> Will r11o<IUl't thl· ftlm., . 'T I mt~ ~IU•I fl'.'. 'T>w ~ un' ., t a r r r n ~ L a u r t' n U lJ 1· lJ 11 .. A111.wl." w11 h "" E<•'>l llJrh:rn !()('all' and "~t<iyin' AltVI' ·· ENTERTAINMENT/ MOVIE REVIEW 'Lady In Red' .. , r A seamy Saga By~ &NJGlft n.. ............. _. A• evencone lroow1. It wu t.M mysterious ''lady ln red" who lln1ered John Dt1Un1er tor U'4t FBI at Chicago's Blo1nph Theater In July or 193', but that's about all moal of wt know. Truat New World to fUI in the lurid detaU3 lo JuU~ Corman'• blood.s tained "The Lady In Red" -but don't oecee.eartly trus t the details themselve11, e ven though they come attached to s uch real·li!e people as Anna S age , Jake Lingle. Me lvin Purvis, Elliot Ness and. of t'Ourae, Dilltnger. ACTUALLY, JOHN SaylH' fa!!l ·ffi0Y1Dg script pl;,ys like U~ standard reply to that et.emal quesllon, "What's a nice R•rl hke you doing in a place IJJ(e this'?" Polly Franklin t Pamela Sue Martul l 1s introduced as a farm 'girl who gels caught up. ID· no<'ently. an a bank he 1st, !>t•ducl'd hy Chicago reporter Ltnll(le (Robt-rt llogani. <ind wh1ppt-d OUt Of the house by her ranallcalh puritanical father Makmg h1·r 1t1.ay to Ch1ral{1>. 'ht' find., hon< .• .,l t•mploymt·nt lll ,, :.111 l'al -.hop ;ind <i!> a dtmt'-a · <lon<·e Ktrl 11111lh up•11rut1<>n.'> of ti,. r nm 1 n J-1. I h P n 1· x t f{ u by K1·t·lt'ri, but hn flr.t <ittempt at .1n ,1s:-.1gn:it10n landc; hn 1n Jl:IJI 11n ..s moral" rharg1· She· buy'i lw r lreed(Jm b~ aj.!rM:ing tn 1·11u·r ..s <'atho~l' . .,plJLLUH! the J'dlt' ·with pn:.c>n matron t-.anry Anni· P;ir.on..., not fo r hN-..clC, '11u und1•r-.tand. hut to m;,k+> r h1n£., 1•J '11·r fnr h1·r r<.n .,um ptt\1• 1 1 I Int .tit• c Laur11· lll'lnt'mcHl 1 1.U't: I~ A hr<1th1·I 1-.n 1 ull 'k•ttl•.., .md t .. -. r 11lh••r. 1 \1•n thou"'h lh1· m•H1am 1 pld}'•-<1 t1\ Louii.t Fll'tcht-r 1o1o 1th an <acn .:nt thJl ,., ulllmatt·ly 1d•·nt1fll'() al> ttumdntdn 1 r• p1•.Jlt-dh d aam:. .... ,~ c..u ·-· ..... -~ • ......, ~. L6<1I"' ,,,_.,,..,, •-rt ....-. i.-i. ""'""-· r---.... °"'·,... ....... Uw...,._ L.....,.., o.t11.-.-• .._ (' "-·-· ....... ,"''' ----·-.,..,._ ............. •. that 1he "takes ~ care ol her girls • UJtf' letUng them 1« cut to death by a vlcioua hood. ~ there are moTf! pay--Offs to cops ' aod m01Mten1, Anna·a place la eventually shut down. and ~ woman uJ threatened with ex- tradition on moral" charges. Even though Chicago Is de· picted u a ce&1pool of vi~ and ' corruption. apparenUy it's bet-• ter than Rumania. It was Anna, the film informs wi. who report. ' t>d the presence of Dillinger to thf' FRI to avoid deportatJon. Poor Polly, 1t sc.-ems, hadn't the vague:.l idea whom s he was s leeping with Hut the execution of Dillinger prov<.>s to be the final straw, and Polly launt•hts forth on a life or cnmf' on ht·r own. And fairly '\U('C'l'SSfully. to<1. The final shot . ~hows h<·r hl•achng for Californi1t with a .,atcht'lfut of SJOO bills, the ' procN'<i.'> O( a d1.1nng bank job For a gangsw r p1t'lure, It has mort· than 1~ farr :.hare of bu.lk?ts an cf blood (I IQ.'ll track of t.k hod v f·ount about halfway through 1 IT At.SO t't:ATURES an ·'"10n1 ... h1n~ amount <Jf oudtty. •· ~ 1·n f11r .m 1·xplo1tJtron fl.Im , .ind .1 pl1•thnra ur f ou r - ll·tl•·tl'tl'll ... ""I<""·•'> won fairly. 1\t •h•· ... am•· time. I wouJd be I•.,., 1ha11 1·<ind1d 1r I didn't add th.it. :-iµart from a bnef letdown 1ui-t tx·forl' the clrmax, director L1·1.1. 1:-Tl·agu1· kt't'P'> the acllon light <ind tnlrt~UIOR GrandOoening Hill MlJHKl\Y -AUGUST 31 & SEPTEMBER I Fashions A PRIVATE & PUBLIC NIGHTCLUB NEWPORTS FINEST ATMOSPHERE THE PLACE TO BE FOR LABOR DAY! ~ ·-..... -·-.. r,.-, t ..... • • • ... ' ... l .. -1:c.it1:i!.\'4mrl tlllOOI.,.,, lout iewws· ..,.,°" &,..._... 111 -. "·"""'-'..,...,._.,."~~OU!~ IDWUIDS IOWIUIOS lltW~t W\ ' ' "'°°" TW'lll lAIMIWIM~­ t4ltl•~'l1t 111)b '' aoi... """ ... ,. l,•IJ 1)1/0 NOW PLAYING tt'fl ,.,,,ft,,. , .... , .. ,. ,,. t~ #ff1')'1 .... ,, Ion •1 Ov..Hllf .,,., 101 t hd'f. a'· 'ht\ bu\•~·, t\ (ond\.t< It'd bf ,,,,. t•U• n ',,.,,, ,-,,,. ''' '''"...-'"' tMu\ w +I"' Uall>'••. r.,...1,h)fni.1 ~I •no1,.1o~ '"'' " ...... .,..._.,, ,,,,,,,,.,.,, t1 tnt-''~ fh•\lN\,,tn\t\ronQu<htdD'f-.ntn \l•rntii"J~ ,.. ''·•V"'-d "' 10lfl? '•""'''" lh1MI flt 10 ••• OhtttJU<dt Th" ~l"''"'~' •• , ,, .. " ... ,," ,,,. P H "'•"' E Mc Ad•t'f" J01 0•"'"'°""·(.or-delM•• '"•"lorn1• 630 111...1. CElll...ITER DR. f h I\ bv\t,,.,..,, \ I\ (Oft(fU( t~CI by • " " o-n. r •• p.tt't Mt\INP lOWHOI' "llSTOl CtllfDOllt MANOll IUD. DMft.flt l.4n1., ,...., ~O 74u '"•'oti" bJ4 ?'>'>'! ~""''""'>JI 1(111 • un" •OO 111· ,.,..,,~,,., < •"''''""• )()n t't OW"f''"'"'' C.ourtf't (ltO ut Or•~ (.(MltUt °" vOold wf'lu" n rhr CJ,,.," ,,. fM1\1"'°'' ,,t J '"' ''•I~ ..,., h'-0 w 9th t .... AYQu't 10, ,,,. _,,....,,.,. ro.,.,tr ll•,. o 4 O•-Co..,.11 on '"'' ~·•Qil"W"'1 '"' "" ..,_.,h' S-" ''"'" f n;11;t'f ( '*"' (Jf Ouw""'° {/.)u•1h on Juty f'11Nll PVOll,_ I>-(O.\I O•llY l'llOI, r 11•1 .. ""° n.1'1.,,,, ~ \, 11. 19" J1•1f• ,,,ti to ,,...,.. ••\t"'t., 1tf '"'"' f>r1 H),.l'lt U IYl'I <flli'ttru" •no• '"Nt*"t n ,_,.,, th• t ,, ,1 '"" .. l•t-t .... "'"" ... i .. 1"" 640-471 I Auq11u1•,9'1' L~~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ,1111M C.llll'•CTl: & ltASOAN i.t'1f)l11 ttllfll rlf tfW\ nrl1H.,.. (J .. t.(ff,,,..,~ '' ,,,,. r u .... ,, ~ •u.ot , I vrt'i Aftrt,.N .. tr1ttt,, M fht' • ,,.,,.. ,,. 1tw lt(Y)V• nA""""' Ot·' .-.flt,., l(&Tt, \tM()N, •ft\~ a MOlllWl(. .. ,IN(. ..,,., .... 0 --...1<11 ttt•U..U-e lll•d ~···••, lo• .. _..., CA_, .......... y,.. ,. ... ,,_ J.tu.,.t\.,,..,, OfMt(flt (1J114 f fl•tlt J'llM Aoo I I I~ '1 t•I~ 1....0 I• FUBUC NOTICE f'ICTITI04JI BUSINIH lllAM« UAfl!M«"T f II• 1011owtnq p.r~Oll '' 001110 ...,..,.."~ MllllGOf'S WOlllO, i t.1> ')an .. ._I 0.. ~ a..u.. C..tlfOt"'• .,_ Me._. C.-, *1 "•"" <if'Mfl C)f ,(.OOOfllldol-.C•tll°"nl•.,•U '"'' --· ,, '°'""""" by ... lftOl•-1 --c:-- '"'' ····-• ., "'" """" o .. C,O.,..ty C,.o ol Oron119 c.ov111~ Of! A.,...,,,,.,,. rt1'W7 l'iAlfltftMI Ot-C.0.tl Dell~ Piiot, ~-'II ··~~~~ JOSI·" rvauc NOTICE f'vbh\r.d ()f~,,. C...0.."I O.H1 t'tl01 A1~ t, If. I~ 11 tWff ---~· ,, PUBUC: NOTICt: .. ,,. '4(.TI flOVS llU\INCU N"MC HAfCMUH "CTITIOU\ eUSIMl!U NA.ME UATflMlllH 11111 M~ 61..._, ~lo. tH ,,.,,...CA 'flit Pu0h"""1 "'-Coat• °'"'" PllOI "~ n. 1'I ""°' ~ ": "~ -'~~ PUBUC NOTICE '"" tOO~H''tQ CJll"l"V>n t\ dOtn-Q °""'' -- P\40\\ "' 'lc;l'ITl°'I$ eUtlHl!H tH•Pl\OP 11( PAii> •,lllVttl NAloll!\TATtrMl!NT uoo ~" .,,HUUtn Hiii\ ·~d . HfllWOQfl 1 nfl 1QffOtll'lttQ per\Of'" ••• ftO•"O 8e.M. n, l A •n''" t;u\fnft"U tH ..... , M .... 117 C.l•MD•Of>• I I I " A\\OC•• rrc;, 1107 C.0-'•""•"'.("~•)• l'nt••••ld, \ud• 700. Cl l o•o, r hi\ bV\tnt\\ i\ ~ r.w.t~ Ill'() Oy •n un (•Ufo1n1• ,,,._., tmor~M., 4"''°'-'""""°' o'O~' trt.tn • w I L,,• & A\,O<t.tt•\ •• ~l,..r\1\111 r •1•'0 ""• lC1rpora t1on I, 7Hl1 H•••'"""'" l'oc •••••d, ~u•tt 200. (.I fOro. T "'' 'ltAf-1 ••• lll<tO ""'" fl"' C:..llfu,....• .,UO c ountr Cl••• 0, Or•no-'°""' .. 011 ""' l>U\I""" " toncl11C .. d 11; • AliG 11 1'1' "1"1' tOtpo<.i:-J 1.l!E t. P11~l\Nd Or-Coe•! OallY Pt IOI, A~IA.f [\ lluq. u. "· !of111. \, 12. ,,,. Jt91 ,. '"" : .. ~· '::::'c::'.:!i .... .,, 1119 (1><1nty ti••• ol Or•"Otf C-ty "' -----------....... 1'1 '°• ,.,.. PUBUC NOTICE MALCOUll a OAL Y ·~·-Lew .... Mee.,,..., ....in~ ,, .. , otflu ... Jiit Mew-1 _,.,Ce.'*' ,,,. ... P11bll-0.-C.0.•I 0•11; Pttot """ "· 1'. ~ \, 17, "" l7 ... ,. PUBLIC NOTICf: ~ .. .. · .. f colllr•ng Pameftt Jones ... ....,,,. ....... _, ..__....,,,_°' ....... ...... tull""'l tO~uf·<W .-........-. • ..,,~ ... l'!ulM.t ........ ., ....,...,... •••-t1J••"1 '"••til1••\ .......... ,~ ................. , ........... '""'" __ c.i....,. w1o11r~ ,,. I I left-tit .. -.... ,......,." ... ......_,.II "-e .. c1nenome 6 scAeen 634 2SS3 comPLE X c""'""•" ... a S..nU A"4 ~tf!#••Y MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "'THE MAIN EVENT" (PGI "OH.GOD" "MOONRAKER" (PG) "COMA" "ROCKY II" IPOJ "MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI" "BUCK ROGERS" (PG) "HOT STUFF~' (PG) ""THE CONCORDE -AIRPORT '79" "THE BRINKS ..K>B" (PG) STRn1um e;s(AEEn 6 )9 1860 D AIVE ·l n • • •• "BUCK ROGERS ANO THE 26tl'I CENTURY" (RJ "STAR WARS" "CORVETTE SUMMER" (PG) "SUNBURN" "BAR8ARELLO" (PO) "MEATBAUS" 'WHICH WAY tS UP?"(R) "HOT STUFF" (PG) "CALtFORNtA SUITE" "THE VILLAIN" (PO) "THE CHINA SN~E" .. , ......... 54MIW"' A'-1. OIUV&•l"'S ONN ~, .... ..._, QM .. UtMNlf II ,_ V-•• e' IC*te • TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS Television ~.~22,1979 DM.VPILOT - \\I II" '-II\' • ,., 10•• llo4h ... .,.._..... Md °"* .,,..._.. .. WWII· ~~c.- ._ ... -""'"'°°9 flor ....... I~ """""" .. --~ •• llllHT• INOUGH DwM, ~ IO COO- .. IM loll Cit I 0- ll't9ftCI,. .... .,.,......, tor '-"OOfft ~IA) • flfCMI • • ·wtty Woutd MwOM WW To IOI A Hice Oi11 l .. a Yow?.. (tMel 1Ew "-"'-o..td &uat-wtlile °"~·~girl .. wtc:tWOld by ~ ~on'* in.. (2 llR.) • CMDl ... .,,. 111/0,_.,. ~Joel Chy,~ ~ ........ 8VZAH1ll* Cnig at\~a to llt()C> IM ~ Of ... 8Clrlpt. end -r.ia. 11'1•1 tnOf'9 le II ..... 11'\M I me!&.._. Thug on Ire Q(l) OHCl UPON A ClA88IC ''AvlllMCha-An IOyllic ... ._ Michael Moriarty stars as a professional hockey player whose brutal tactics lt:ad to tragedy in •'The Deadliest Season·· tonight at 9 on CBS. Channel 2. "'O l'laldey tor MM1r IOI YoU"Q paoc>la In tl>tt Au611~ an T )"111 IUf,_ ""° • dar>· ~ lnOUf'llaOn-<>tlmblr>g "911 ~-·GREAT ~ 7:219 PllDOE BREAK Aegulat1y adleduled Pf'O- grernmlng may be del...,.cl 0ue to p1ec:109 breel<a. 7:30 t!I WORLD WAA 11 QI DIARY ""The Roed To Berlin" 10 FAMILVFSA> DATING GAME HOU.VWOOD ~w I TIC TAC DOUGH THE MADY MMCH Slclp Femun -tM 9'• dye conWng out of • 914>9'· "*1let end decidM ltley C'llaalWI ~bf bags 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles e KTLA (Ind ) Los Angeles 0 KABC-TV (ABC) Los Angeles Cl) KFMB (CBS) San Diego G KHJ-TV (Ind ) Los Angeles aJ KCST (ABC) San Diego m KTTV (Ind) Los Angeles e KCOP· TV ( lnO ) Los Angeles 9 KCfT· TV t PBS) Los Angeles '9 KOCE· TV (PBS) Huntington Beach are Ideal tor htS toao conwnwcaal • ADAM-12 MallOy and Reed b<1lek up I net'QO!ic:a ring U 1t>ey lead • •Ml on tM 1P41rt. tnenl of • 141~ dope ~ • MACNER. I L.a.AEA MPORT IDMAGIC~~ oa.~ .• Aulumrl 50Me- CI) P .M. MAGAZINE A Cuylft'I~ Mounted AM'lllf'IOI Unit petrolAI lhe trelll In tM bedt country mounllineOf'I ~ HO 8 Cl) DOAO'TlN The actlOOl"a 11att mem.- ber'a ~ lt>el • QJI '" lhe ~ hU ellmlf\Ale<I one of their IOO&. CJ REAL PEOPl.E Aeports on 1 hog wt>O ~ • S0C1•• security c.rd and • 11• raf\Jnd . .., .. OI< 11~ ••ore an<J a gove-nmen1 employee wno w aa demole<I &lie• lum1n9 oown a ra1$Q are toatureo ' IRI ··rha Good ocx10··· Edward A-. RlcMrd CNmbetW-1. Bob o.~ Lea Grant 81'<1 Mlltahl Meson are lealu<e<I "' Neil Simon'• _,.. of com< .. 1gnette1 baaed "pon Cheil hov' I "'°'1 Slone$ U0 8 (IJ HAHOINO IN G) THE 000 COUf>l£ When M.#TllV I """e tl,.,c'I a him from -N>tne F ... , lnvHea rum 10 1nare Oecar'• ~men1 l:GO fJ Cl) Tl4E DEAOl.JE8T 8lA80N A p101 .. a.on1t 11111a1a (MIC:t\NI Moner1)1 Mtt61"'0 ·-8f>d "'°"" .. torceo b'I I lf!IQIC llCO<)enl IO re- ........ .... P<l"Opie ol ...cx:eu II 8l"t'f oosl (R) 0 NeCMO'VIE • • • Betr...,.i c 1111'81 Rip Tom l .,tltly Ann W8t'ron A l'°""9 WOM&n IOdOf" I d1At911 of MMUU aQ!itnll llO' peyct11a1nal, wN> allegedly ~ ,_ •n10 a Ml•v., ru\all<lnstup I cJuttno he, tne,a ov ~S-'\1or~ 'Rl 0 KUNG FU Caine HIOS 10 JOI" ,\ OU" Sl•nQ.w llr>CI a y0U"9 ""'oo .. lllOIOQ tt>(oor 1,..Jtl l-1n9> ABC Off and Running NEW YORK (AP> ABC, winner in the networks' prime-Ume ratiap competition for the fourth week lD a row, appears otf on a running at.art into the 1979-80 television season. ABC spent a good part of the summer rerun period swapping the lead with CBS. Last year's No. 1 network took over first place during the last week in July, and bas held on since then. figures from A..C. Nielsen Co. show. The new season begins in a month. THE Fll~NT RUNNING networtc 's rating for the week ending Aug. 1.9 was l&.1, its highest since the first week in June. The networks s ay that means in ao average prime-time minute during the week, 16.1 percent of the homes in the country with TV were tuned to ABC. CBS was second with a rating ol 14, and NBC third -for the 11th consecutive week, at 13.S. ABC's recent strength bas been in programs expected to score during the upcoming seasoo, as they did in the last "Three's Company" was the week's most-watched-show for the third time in a month, with "Taxi" No. 3 and "Detective School" fifth. ''DETECTIVE SCHOOL," NOT included in the network's original fall lineup, was added just days ago, after a strong summer. . The rating for ''Three's Company" was 25.9. Nielsen says that means ol all the bomes in the country with television, 25.9 pe~enL aaw at least p'art of the program. CBS bad the No. 2 and No. 4 programs ··WKRP in Cincinnati" and "M·A·S-ff," while NBC's best, "Diff'renl Strokes," was 28th. Two of the three network newsmaiannes scored. CBS' "60 Minutes," with a se1ment oo the dispute lnvolvtnc actress Vanessa Redgrave and a ~oncentration camp survivor, was 12th while ABC's "20-20" ranked 18th. "Prime Time &mday•• C?fl NBC was No. 47. CBS Ll.STED THREE of the week's five least-watched programs, including two new • • • 'Prisoner' Potent KTLA ·s new weekly dramatic series, ''PrilclDer," wu tbe number one rated procram tn iu Ume period lut Wednelda.y at 8 p.m., beatinC all tbree oetworb in the highly competitive prime Ume hour, aceontina to Niellm ovemllbt rattnp. "Prilooer" lbowed 10 strona that it even beat tbe comblned Nlelaen ratlnp ol NBC and CBS. "Prlloner" 1arnered a 15.3 Nielaen ratin1 and is percent share ol the audience bealinl ABC's ••£(pt LI Enou. gb," NBC's "Real People" and CBS' two new series "Dorothy.' and "ffanclna tn.·· .!--- situation comedies. "Hanging In .. in 57lb place and "Dorothy" In 58th. A ne~ spedal "Sunday Morning Tonight" was 59th. "Project U.F .O." on NBC 60lb aod an "ABC News Clo seup ·· .. Battleground Washington: Politics of Pressure'" 6Ut ' If ere are the week·~ Top 10 programs· "'Three's Company," with a rating of 25 9 representing 19.3 million homes. ABC : "WKRP an Cincinnati," 23.7 or 17 7 million. CBS; "Taxi.'" 23 or. ~7.1 million. ABC; "M·A·S-H." 22.8 or 17 milUon, CBS; "Detective School," 211 or 16 5 million. "Charlie's Angels." 1.3 or 15 9 mu I.Jon and "Happy Days,"· 20.9 or 15 6 million, all ABC.' and "Lou Grant," CBS. "Vegas." ABC and ""The Jeffersons." CBS. all 20.7 or 15..5 million'. THE NEXT 10 shows Movie -"Joe KJdd,"' ABC : "60 Minutes" and "Alice." CBS; and "Carter Country," "Barney Mfller."' "Angie." "Eight is Enough." "20·20." ··stars ky and Hutch," and "Mork and Mindy." au ABC. .f "THE KIDS ARE ALAIGHT" MAT.ONLY ··LOST AND FOUND" ''DllT' . .... r)f'f,..,. DA fl f I; I!) DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS M2•M78 Wl .. 1 C0.1ot TO 001 .1 I> TUBE TOPPERS KCO P e 8 :00 -"Evening lo Byzantium." The conclusion of tbe two-part miniseries about international intrigue at the Cannes Film Festival with Glelin Ford, Eddie Albert and Vince Edwards. K CE T QI 8 :10 -Great Performances. Neil Simon's Broadway play "The Good Doctor" is presented wit h Edward Asner. Lee Grant and Ri chard Chamberlain. NBC 8 9 :00 -"Betrayal." A psychiatrist (Rip Torn> is accused of seducing his patie nt <Lesley Ann Warren) in this TV movie drama. befOt'A "'• k>O ... 89 CHANJE'I ANOll..9 l(.t1e po-. u I 11udent In • luhlOl\lble gim' ltCf10oj 10 find ... ~ llWTOnl· ln9 !f'9 oemo-!Al 8) MERV ONmM 0'*141 ~ AICI• l'bctlen:I Conan. CAnO'f ano Ray. RIO Torn e> 8lJI" IE'IFU t ·~ Jaa Al S..-o- ~-[)eve 8'\;~ M..ooy W91~ Bil.-e.nd. Garry Mulllgen _, OIUy 0 41- latpie ~ ~ '°' "" all•lar CASI of 11\e boQoMl ,..,... .,, ~ lror-> • P&r· tonnanc:a lao«I .. tt>a Ptir • IQt'mlnQ AM CAlnlar in S....IOQ&. ~ York l:.liO SI CARMEN~ IN ~AT THE PAL.ACE Auomo11n1e-! t / c.~·• Terry lll>O l\•i li0g El.a Band C"''""" ,..cRtw otteta 13 of -b'OQ't51 "" • tor a ,,,__ eote "°"' Ol .-U 10:00 8 U NEWS O ®J VEGAS A Y°""<l ""°"'"" ""1•'1~ 011n ~ a.o wnvn ,.... 1tu .. band o•MtP94!••• ae • rMUl1 ol '*' ~' w•I" 111ege1 o•o•og•,•• -'-tRI Cl) CATASTAOPH'f.8 THAT Q4ANOED MEN'S LM:8 C.ienn fO<O ~"" e • .,.,,_,..,,, of ,.,,.,..,i .c-'"""11 •nO con11n.e1oon '-iil41!)1 Sl;,n CllOfCI ~.30at NEWS t 1:00 I) D 0 ()' ® NEWS 8 WAXE ME LAUGH l:J MOVIE • • , "bu Von_. S,t11-. MUPIJ~ I 19 4111 J ,.,~, !:>1ew ... •• Joan r on11 • .,,., I un,,.,t•tto4l0 w<1'• ,_ tl<':>t <..no>c-t! .sn ~ ~ '* i.-..o on "*' tion-~ '° 00 ,,.. loflOO>-.. "*" (2 lw'LI • THI 000 OCM'l.I ,,... .... IOr'lftar'lted .....,, ... ...,,. ................. d•l"'G ,,,. ~ of Olcat'a~ Cl) 8E*Y HIU. 8HOW 6enny .. "l()Oad In '"" ~~ w1111 1 1ovaty you"; -• OO<CAWTT 0.-1 .>en>ea G~ey \!_W'I I Of 2) (A) ' t t:ao 8 IWTTCH l>ete ano Mac'a -• • "f1l't •0U1--ioanon .mo ,,,. t1 Ki.g1ound 0 1 a WMfthy -·· llenca .. lhwer1acl by Ille poitce. lt>a F81 .,_, Iha ~te (Al 0 T(NQHT Ci.-llOal ()9V'd Letter· tn8" [~Ill I> Mw;t\MI fO• l.a1,.., C..thn.~t"u ~ Rn• M0'...-0 8 00< YAM 0YtCE R(I() ~ 1"91 lie tS I ~··~ 0 ~ POUCf WOWAH ~ ano ero-rv are ~nee! 10 ,.,.,.,~ .... !WO Ml()Wet;;~ol rlll()e ~Rl • Tl4f OOH? 8MOW Cl) Gn8MAll'l' ..... and 99 ........ ,..,.,_ • daaOP't '°""'1lflc ll>eOty ~006 9 CUTlONB> MC ~ CL ST All TMJ( ~NG 11:00 0 TWIUGKT ZONE "'~· ()of\ and p .. Carter Ml8t • d..... "' • V">eN '°""' ano ~-,_, ton~ tl)O<) IO '"""" OV • maC'f\lf'f) m AU"AEO .. rr~ ~ f OQl\Of"' A t>aavt rtvl ~ maeot• ano •&M ..., 1°"11 """' a S Ir 111'Q8t et, l'-.r B onae Sweet Plane Sm~k ey Roland 1 right) talks with Bill Ralf er- ty ~n front of his unique mobile home. the fl;I SI !age of a fo rme r commercial DC·3· a1r!mcr. on :'\BC"s "Real People." ainng tonight at 8 on Channel 4. NOW PLAYING '''NORTH DAWS FORTY' IS RIESH. F.-Y .., POWERRll. PICKS A SUBSTANTIAL Df'OTIOUl .U.OP." -{Moo•-NC~Wllt1 .. A MASTERPIECE. ABC>NE· CRUSHER OFAMOVIE~ ~ ~ ,. ... '·~ T I .~, 1 ,~ I ·"' ... '. ..,, .... ~.1 1 _ -Ja. .... 4• -11•t•Ma111 pwty lo ----. ...,....,.,. uoe ........... _. owe 11e ..-o ow bf dulB'O"-... •· e liTOMWT TQll6e: IM ,...,.. Cit ._ ~otl~. ~ ta.• WCMI • • .,..._ a.y OleM I tt38' 8ot> Hoo9. Nt4't o...tna A hypoet'IC)f ldl'lec ~~tor ttla ..... °' ... ~"' wNc:fl "-.. ~· (t "'- 26 ..... ) .MOvim * * ''Who ICJlad Teddy hw?" C ttMt .Nllet ~.a.I Mineo • • lllCMI * *"" "°""'6d9 TM W,,... c tt60) ~ 8eMftert. ~~ • .,.QJNI The ~ of pr'Olofig«I ~lo•~ ,,....,.. Mglr\ '° "°°"'9 ~ PlerN end....,,. CA.rte .,_.. IN N<>«* ""-lot '""r*ll wtlfl Heft. & 8:6::' In 1903. • * "Hetcttet Fo< A ~~~ cttTOI s... P'*' ~. o.g.- 1 MCI i09f 12:1'18 0 CWWTTA e.r.n.· • .,,.. • -tanad b'ftN~~ol • °"'9 6aelll' wtW)M "'9 delactM lo.Hlad c R) t2.'408 KO.WC A tWltrad polo(:e OHIOet lg .....,.., -ttytng to llop lt>a ll'laft of • ·-II Of•• being 11tag elly ~ '" ii POIOOtl oeo«1 · ,,_,, 1>41rn IRI t:OOCI~ 0.-1 O>lef Mwwa... "" 0.111'11 ~ l6eoef 8"0 louftOer~I o4 ,,,...,,, ..... ~·~ OOifhCM ~oon ... Soulll Alnce D MAV'EAICK .. ,,,,,_ 8er1 ~ .• 1::80. -.i....,.,.... JCMIMl'-l. 'Men Al ~Pio« ~ ., &(' 8ly .... M>Ovl .... 00&' ~ !f'9 UllOOI~ ~ !f'9 V\e4 ...OM..,1-t ~'°' ....... • UIOI NEWS 1:66 .... t:(JO NfW9 0 OOCYAM<MCE Roo #'d !..-• .,.., ,, IC)Oed "' " 11.aeo -•or """"' <t "°'° ""° ..,.., 0 WOVE • • • he:.~ 1 19~71 ~·-s-., .lot"' ..... ~ ......... "' ........ flOW ....... ,_ .... • u111118111,...., ... ..,. ••• " ·-wttd ,_.,,... , ............ c.. lM ...... . ..,. • • • •'fhe oe-wrr (~ Vll10rto Q '*"' OIDrte ~ 1:11 • 00C VIM CMCll The Alen llf1ldy .,..... entan8ln .. • II""°" llnd AoO gee. IOcMd up .. ............. I :::..wcw.M .. OCWIATTMI NUCR Acoompel oled by Qeril Teny llnd .. 8lg 8ed a.ftd. c-Mc:A.e -.,.13of'*~ ..... '°' ... _ ... "°" oti-z. --1 .... .. MOYll *"' "'Not1tlweM Oulpoet'" CtM7) ....._ Eddy, !lone ~- . a:to I TO -•NN()l INCll) •:OO ...,..,. • • "f()Uf' Deac>e<•t• ....., •• (IMO) Aldo Rey, ........ 5eer'I .MOW • " ·-a-Of t.lotoooo- ( 19'7) WllllMI ~­ Diena 0... I TO• ANNOCINC:a> _. l'f!W BMAIOS Tlt•r•day•• Dayil.w Movies AFTERNOON t2:00 D • • ~ ''flooOtlOe'" f 19581 Geor'oe ~. COf. ,,_. Bot"~ A men c.on- l/lC1e«j of tnUf'der dMpet. lll9'y 1rle$ 10 ~ llU!f>«llles 10 QUMllOn ttle Ct&CN >'1tty ol ii c.n()Oled bOy ~ testimony wa> Ille 11\0SI d~ (1 ht~ 30 ,.,..,,, • • • ·~ • .,,.,. 8;IQle Souncle'" C UM71 Wlltace 1 8-)o. Mar)One ..._, An Old t»YwMy offloar lftwlt'l I 8 ~908 otot by°""""' I ""ll ~ (I ,... . so """ \ UOaJI * • ·~ ''WlnCflMler Fa. Mira" ( 1teT) Guy Medllon. I £0d ~ A bounty ....,,.., --• ti.>O ol ~ 10 OU1 ii 5IOI) IC ,,,... """'°'* ectMI-. (1 ,,,, ,'.)(),,.,.,,, I 3::30. * * * '"Hohdey F0t lo-•·· 1111!>91 Cl•ttoo ~ Jtw>e W'(f'NI/" ''"''" Y°""!I gtrttl --~ •11d•<U wl\o.. l reYel1n~ 11\~ Soulll It.menu. Wfll\ ~ l>Wtl"'' ,, l'w 30,.,,.., I en MATINEES DAILY < t AU IU1I '2.00 HI WO P.M. POI NO au Ja.uar ·~ . It's Dack! . . ... -....-..-.-.-. ·. --. -- ' , .. • - ••• DAIL. Y PILOT ~'*"°•Y· Augu•I 22 1019 GRID BERGMAN IN ''AUTUMN SONATA" NOW PLAYING UI Cl•llU OllHGl Mill UI CltllMA Mill Costa Mesa >40·<>!19-4 Orange 637 OJ40 Westminster 893·0!>4£> Hl·WAY Jt OAIVl·IN Ull PLAZA Wes1m1ns1e1 ~34-6?8? 8r8d !>?9 -,339 14 -·MOU .. •""'"°°' •IOOlll THI l.MrTYVIUI HOllOl 191 1.00 • J1M • t10 e l 1U I I01M .. , .. IUTUtt IS Midi" AMlllCITHON fl'OI rtU• JAW$cPOI 1 -Of IUISI • SU7ANHI ~IUNffll .. -, HOT STUHrl'OI -...w.::i~----·-·_, I ot e 100 t I• t 1 • • -& II .. ....... . .... --''YNI IClfUat U NIU!" AMIUCITHOH 1ro1 ll It • l>U • I• • 1.-t •• a II • NIOI N()lll • M.\( DAVIS HOttTH 0AllA$ FOtrTY 1•1 '----..J 1100 • J:M • 110 • l :lt I I01MI \ r .... . ,.. ..... .. "•···· ,, ~~li!W,'Mljl i79H;o l•V>llK Hll'lll..'- "Sf Al WARS" wuu~'-'" Uf/~..-,4,,7,1, ... H ·--· "MOO..RAKH" waOAYS-7-t ll \AT/~IM .. 1 a.c.0 .0-te "THE MUP"ET MOVIE" !~I , ...... \•ti~•, .. , .... \" \-l MC>rU\U ,,,._,, .. anwm• ITAll<>tH IOCICY fl ''°' PUIS 'AIADtll ALllT fN I '" .. '"""" II ... r AMaatCATHON ,,.., ~"' TUHNIL VtMOH MIC&MOUle~MVll NOllTN NU.AS IOITY tt1 ,...,. llMl-TOUOM 111 ---.......... ,..,. ---.... ___ .. .... ..mo-... .... -, .... Coppola Finally Rests 'Apocalypse Now' Ends Decatk of Work By Fat:o YAGEa NEW YOftK CAP> "I'm not mleruted in Acad<'my AwArd11 , I havt" a lot of 'hem," uld f'rnnt 111 ('oppola u (f:w days before the openln1 of his <'<mtruv\lr11llll Vletnitm war 'll)lc. •· Apcx:~lypse Now " Much ol tb.-cur rent controversy surrounding the film. bued tr\ purt on J <>1epb Conrad's short nuvcl, "lleMrt or 01arknc111,'' involves Coppola's dt-c.:lt1on to relt:uts two ver11loos of lhti same mov· lt.1. 1'he 70mm Vtlr•lon which opened l.n three cities latt week hat• no credits. is i.n quadraphonic s ound. and d008 nol contain what has come to be called the "ipocalyplk ending." At first, Coppola maintained stories about dJl. rerent endings were "mlsconcepllons . created elstiwhere." But he later cooceded that when the 3~mm version or "Apocalypse Now" is released nat1onw1de In October . it will contajn "those beautiful ex plosion~ everyone's bee n t alking about " "THE INFRARE D EXPLOSIONS al the end are used as graphic background for hUt:S, and do not make a story point ." s aid the 40-year-old direc- tor. llecause the 70mm print has no credits. there arc no explosions. Instead. a program is given viewers. "like the kind you'd get in the theater." :.aid Coppola. Work on "Apocalypse Now" began 10 years ago. when J ohn Milius wrote the first screenplciy After several rewrites and cast changes. s hooting he gun March 20, 1976. 1n the PhHippincs. It was the beginnin~ o( what Coppola called "an incredible expe rience" that "at certain times scared me to de ath ... Typhoon.,, marital troubles and cxhaustJOn nl'arly pul an 1•nd lo <'c111pol:.i:. dr~a m During lhl' :-hootin~. Coµpola's w1fr 1-.ept a diary. whi('h ha!> )USl been pubh!>hcd. rt·v1•u1Jng ~Oml' or lhe COO f1 1cts. including Cuppolu '~ c.tllc~cd involvement with unolher woman FRANCIS COPPOLA REFLECTS ON MOVlE Moat Wiii S.e 'ThoH Beauttful Explo1lon1 · A young army captain takes this journey while tracking down a re negade colonel who. instead of comtng to terms with the horror of war, becomes the horror. "THERE'S NF.VER BEEN another movie hke it." said Coppola. defendrnl( his $31 m1lhon budget "There are things tn this him that have ne ver been on a !>Creen before "It was an rncn·ilrblf· rollaborat1on between t 1•t·hnicians and actor!> M (Jr Ion Hrando gives his l1n lliam·e and eccenlnr1ty to tht· l:.irgn thao life role or thl' renegade orr1<·e1 Colonel Kurtz · Although Brando lo(<:l!> top billing. he 11ppf';ir-. 11n screen fo r ~1 scant llJ m 1nuh•!> at lhl' end "K urtz \\as always a lrtcky ch;,,ractn." said CopPQla "lie 1s literally a f1,::un· in the dark The only "ay to get a handle on th1!> guy 1s t11 wve the m 1 thf' audience ) little ~peels of him. b1u of Hrando l.<'I Kurtz remain a mysll'r) · "l'M REALLY OFFENDED," :.aid Coppola, "by having my personal life spread out like some :.heel of butter, about whether I'm nuts. or whether I did this . It re ally has had a profound cf· feet on me and I imagine I will be a much shyt:r NOW THAT HE HAS flNIS HED "A(>O<'al;, I•''' p<•rson in the futu~" Now." Coppola :.aid 1t ·., time fo1 d rest I '•· .. Apocalypse ow" 1!> a p!>ycholog1c1tl and nt:vl'r had a varattfJn lwfon· I m !>ll'k of th1.., ph1lo!>oph1cal JOU cy up t he river of war, bf'ynnd mov1l' .. th1· barn cr of C'On rolled aKgress1on. to the uncorr-A\k<"<l 1f th(· 1•xp•·n 1·n1·1• h•H1 influt·nrNJ hh trollt·d tn!>:Jntty of fn •c.: floating ha rburisnt. tu the pt>r:-pt·<'tl\l' on fllin' C'o11p•1la r1·11lt 1·cl. Yl'' I m heart of the dr:irkn~~. tht' :.rn.Arct• of th e horror in d11nc with ea'~ 11r1•cl1c tahl1· 11111it·1·t-. <ind I look nH·n at v. ur for\!. :.ird tc1 'c1m1· r c·alh d1ffH"ult ... 1,1(f ·' * * * .~ * * * * * * * • Breaking Reeords 'Apocalypse' Early Hit H 0 LL Y W 0 0 I) I A P > "Apocalypse Now," director Fra n cis Ford Coppota's long · awaited Vie tnam War epic, is a box-offi ce s mash -al least in the three theaters whe re it 1s play in~ on a rcserv<:d ·scat bas is nit<.'<1 Artists rc:ported thut the $31 million picture gro::.sed a total of $.122,489 1n 1t!> firs t five days at New York's Z1ef(feld Theatre, Toronto'!> Univt:rsity Theater and the Cinerama Dome here . ON rts f1RST day alone. the film broke box o ffice records at the Toronto and Los Angeles theaters. It would have broken the house record at the Ziegfeld as w e ll . said U nite d Artists s pok eswoman Harriet Stotler. "except that it's so long that they miss a s h o w this way. Whe re they'd normally have five shows. it comes in for four." ~ '.)\t4GINC I l(<, o-~ the cof t ~gift ~"{,. 642-2697 ·--..-... _ .. "",... ... nt .• SAT. AUG. 24-15 The "near c aparrty" crowd:. conlmued through l hc weekend, she added. THE F1LM. ~tarring M artin Sht'en and Me1rlon Branrlo. wrll !>pl·nd rls first four wt· ·k!> at tlw three lht:alcrs It \\ rll Opt·n al another dozen Oct 3 and thl·n tw released at ~evc ral hundred Oct 10 Some extra box office: buck~ may also roll tn due lo the fact that there are two slightly dif· ferent versions of the 2'1:1·hour film. I n the 70mm prints being !>h111.1. n now lht> "pure < op pola vt'r&wn lht' fllm end.') am blguously. with no credits IN TIU: 35MM Vl'r sion that v. 111 ht• rcl<·a"'d at moc;t lheatt·r-. O r i JO lx·c·au~1· mo:-1 the a t 1•r ... .1 n ·n ·1 1'<1urpp<:d lfl :.ho w iOmm th<.•rc• urt• five extra mrnutc-:. 111 .... h1ch l'rl'<i1L., a re rolled o\l:r J napalm ~xploi:.aon ··I would think :.ome people that have been waiting for lhrs frlm. that have been ~landing on ltne for tickets. would want to ::.ee both," M ~ Stoller :.wd "I would." Strike Perils Movies HOLLYWOOD <AP) -Pressure 1s mounting for a s trike by the 20,500 members of the International Alliance of Theatnc al Stage Employees ne xt month and the result could be a virtual shutdown or the film industry here. In an advertisement in the Dally Variety. a stnke vote was e ndorsed by all but one of the 2.4 union business agents. Hawe~~rpet a killer whalel Or touched a smiling dolphin ? Now you can. After two years of careful planning, man and animal can now meet in the world 's largest feeding and petting pool. Sea World scientists have brought together two friendly killer whales-the first time in history you can actually feed and pet these magnificent mammals-plus a pilot whale and some very amiable dolphins for this unique social gathering. Now all we need ... is you . Come back and see us atSEAWORID ~Mt~OCCO ENTERTAINMENT/ MOVIES ..... Ull l MUHWW _, _ MEADALU IT'S BACK! \ WRIS ThL · ~ r.f ~-. . ~---. Jfl1Jil, 0&1ly '' I!> ' JO ~ oc 7 )0 1r 00 J~~~ ~ DAIL Y '} 00 4 10 6 l C S 4C 10 45 BllJ Ml lH><AY - MA TINEES DAILY CUNT IASUWD le ISCAPI FROM ALCAT•AZ "· ' OAll Y 11 l O 'J JO 4 30 b )0 8 )0 I 0 )0 lSCAPl fAOM A&.CATeAl " WED THURS \ IS, 3 30, 6 00, I) IS, 10 3() PRANK a LANGELLA DRAClJIA , • ..-..--~ • ..,,,..t .. INSI DE: •Ann Landers •Club calendar .. •Horoscope •Singles Calendar \..._. I 1 y. AutlJllC r2. lt 19 DAILY I'll.OT CJ Baek·to·sehool Luneh Ideas Add variety to your child's school lunches Most moms arC' conrrontcd at this 11m~ 11r year with finding new lunch box idea:-. to sat1sfv their "back-to-schoolers." I lerc art· idea!> to ad1I variety to any lun<'h menu throughout the week T he firs t 1dt•a . .ind &Jlways a favorite. I'> juicy Valencia orange:-. now m good s uppb from California SEND THE WHOLE FRUIT to be peeled and eaten out of hand. Or even better. for easy eating cut into wedges or "sm iles" and wrap in s mall plastic bags . The second 1dc.'a 1s a new t wist on the old standby ha m or sa lami sandwich. Instead of the usual meal suces served with mu1turd umJ rehah, pr41pare a flllln& mixture wi th the a1<1 of a blunder or food pf'O(easor. THE s uaP&ISE FLAVOR INGREDIENT us fn..'tih .:rated lt mon peel and juice ... the rtavor enhancer that complements so many otht11r foodts and be-ver ages For a r h3nge of pace lunch box addition, try '\Wt•t•l Valencia oranges cut in bite·size pieces und rnmb1ned with apple. celery. raisins and a hint o ( fresh l"mon JU1ce. This Orange Nutty Salad will be a welcome t.-stl' treat and a nutritious take·along to com· plemt'nt any lunch box sandwich \\ccstern grown Va lencia oranges score high ,1, jn after school or s port s nack Keep a bowl f1lltd. ready for enjoym ent anytime. • SAVORY LUNCH BOX SANDWICH 1'<l pound hum or saJanu. cut m small t·hunks 1 ~ cup shredded Cheddar cheese 1 1 <'UP mayonnaise or s alad dressm g :.' t;iblcspoons i.weet pickle rehsh t tablc:-.poon prepared must ard c:rati·d Pl'l'I and JUIC(' of I~ fre:-.h lccnon x ~ht·c:-. :-.andw1ch bread Lt'll Ut't' In d !'clr1 c hlc•ndc•r or food processor . blend h.1m unul f11wly c hopped In boY.I , romb1n1• ham. ch<'t·St'. mayonnats<'. relish . mustard . lc•nrnn llt't'l and JUiee. mix well Spn·ad t sht•po; bn·a<I with ham mixturc . top with lettuce and n• m ;11 nmg brt•ad. M akc:-. 4 :-.andw11:ht·:-. ORANGE NUTI'Y SALAO :! California oran~cs. peeled . Cut in lull• :-.1u· pu•t·c·~ 1 red a1Jpll', unpel'lcd. cut rn b1te-su <' pieces 1-z cup :.heed Cl'lt·r) 1 , cup ra isins 2 tablespoon:-. brown su~ar Juice or 12 fresh lemon 1 4 cup coarsely chopp<.'d walnuts In bowl. combine a ll ingred1eot..s ~xcept nuts. r h1ll To M'n·e . stir in nuts Makes 4 sen · 1ngs Cabout 3cups). Cot · Calories With Mexican Food fh' ROBIN OTO 01 I"• D•llv Piiot ~Liii Thick chcC's t•s, s aucc.'s. fried tortillas and bc.'ans MC'x1can food 1s fattenirg. But calorH' l'OuntN S <'an have rich ~lcx.1can food a nd eat 1t too. s1:1ys Patricia Quintana. 32. known as the '"Julia Child of Mex11:0 " ··vou HAVE TO KNOW the way of C'atiog, .. she says. Balancms.: starches. pre paring food<. C'a refully and us ing tas ty spwcs can m a ke hl'avy Mexican dishes hghtt·r in calories and ch olesterol Ms. Quintana says she becam e inter ested in low calorie Mexican foods a fte r gomg on a health food diet. "J'm now very aware of my health. You can manage cooking without frying," she says TO CUT C ALORI ES, boil. bake o r poach meat and eggs, steam rather than r~ tortillas a nd cook with olive oil or lemon JWCC instead of lard. The key is using the right amount of s pices. Ms Quintana says. Garhc. onion. pepperrnrn. oregano. thyme :m d cummm seeds are good in Mexican foods And. of cour~f'. chiles. Small or large, red or g reen". chHes are a maio ing redient m most dis hes Chlh's can bC' soaked in v1m:gar a nd water befon.-cooking tr m<.1kt the tas\P mlldl'r. shl· adds S Mi\LL TOASTE D CHILES ar e <1 flavorful rmd IC'ss fattening addition to main d ishes and sa lad s. C ho pped watt•r<.·ress garnished with .1vocado slices. toastl•d ch1 les and sesame sec·ds make a good sC1 lad. F or a versatile m ain dish. hsh, lamb. pork. c h1ckl'n or bct•f m :.innated wit h dried ch1lcs. garlte. ht·rb'>. bl·c·r 1f. desired, and steamed m parchmt'nt paper or foll is delicious. sa~ s Ms Quintana Mc·at tan :ilso be wrapped m softened banana lc·aves and cooked m a shallow d1sh. A bght-casserole of zucchiru, com . tom atoes and cheese is a good side dish. BOILED RICE OR BF.ASS is also good, but refry beans in olive 011 r ather than lard or bet· ter yet. boil beans and season v.1th garlic. onion-> and herbs, s ays Ms. Quintana F rt"Sh frui t is best for dessert and mangoe~. rasobernes and low calon e whipped cream m a ke un easy "Man go Mousse ·· /\ natlV(' or Mexico City, Ms. Quintana IS used to cooking at hu~h altitudes Some Mexican rC'cipcs c<1 ll1n g for flour may need adjustment sinte flour sold in thr U S is heavier . she say<. Ms. Quintana cooks Chinese. Cuban. French and /\mencan as v.ell as Mexican food. but ··1 love Ch mcst· food . it's a very healthy w ay of {'()Ok1ng .. , Shl' hn~ J c a\C'nnr.: hu.s1 n1·,., a nd ll'i.tf'ht·~ cooking out of priv:Jtt· homl'~ bc·rau:-.t· · 1n \1 •·~ 1co. 1t"s not popular to haH d cooking ~chool. ~he SU}S. Not all Mt'x1can food:-arr fallcnmg "m·t- cooking ml•thods vary in different region:-of Mexico "'°' NORTHE RN R F.G IOSS BROIL or roa">t meat and coasta l region-. poach foods. but c-en tral and e:-.pcc1ally Yucatan 1><:nmsula Jre;i fry heavlly Fry1ni;t may be tasty but only a few chan~es in coolung methods means healthier eat.in~. sa ys Ms . Quintana ··it won't be the s ame taste as the original but will g1vl' t he tal>te of Mexican cook in$? .. RJ::D SNAPPER JN HOLl.ANDAJSt; SAl'CE WITHCHJPOTLECIOLES 3 pounds red s napper. clea ned and de boned Spnnklc ftsh w1lh ~all and pepper and placl· rn a grca:-.C'd dish Covl•r with h alf the Hollan da1se Satlre Bak<' :it 400 degrees <preheated oven l for 30 minutes. To serve. place fis h on a p l a tt er and cover with remaining s aucC' Garnish with c h1 potk ch1les a nd l>l'f\"l' hot S<·rvcs 8 Patricia Quintana prepares one of her Mexican speclaltles. , 'iO LLA ~U\l!'>I-. !->\lT E WITll CRIPOTLE ( 1111.ES I 1·h1poll•· 1·hll1 ·-.. f1nt·lv chop1J1-d I on111n . f1nl•I\ 1•hoµp1'd • · c•up "'h1t1• \I.Ill" 1 , ru1J t,1rrago11 'rn1•g ar 1. 1·11..: ~ olk., 1><1und tiutt1•1 1·ut in p1f'H''> , j)Ciund rnJr~.1r1n1·. cut tn prcn..., l'l.irt• th1· 11n1lln Y.1nc· and v1m•ga r 10 a -.:u< 1·1 10 1•\••r h1Y. h•· 11 .me! 1·()()k unlrl liquid i-. reduced b~ hJtr 11:-. urig1nal amount. In a double boiler. beat tht• egg )Olk-; unu l they change col· or Add thl· onwn mixture. butter and margannl' Bc·at until !>mooth. Add chues and ... 11r until m.J xcd. <:"ott• F'tsh <'an a lso b<' -;teamed with a ... m;ill amount of w1nl' and butter for 30 minutes. Tht•n rO\ t'r a nd "<'rVC' with -;auce > .\Gl';)CATES RELLt.:NOS OF. HOSGOS (,\\'O<'ados Stufft'd with Mu.sbroomsl t> ml'chum :H'ocados I cup oh ' 1' or eom o rl lr11ndt•d J , C'UJI c·1<kr vrnl'g:ir tor 'Ah1t1· vinegar l : tl·.1~poon Jlt'IJl'l r (r!1v11kd 1 I ll'.1'-POOll :-..1 It .!'.pound~ rn·.,h mu::.hroom:-. I ont0n i.:r:i\t'd 111 C'lu\ t''> ~o1 rl1t. m1nct•<I :~11nm.1ullo., 1, I< ~h1potl1· I hill''> r1nt'I~ l'liuµpc:t..l 1 ·onion. f1m•lv r hnppcd I t ea~poon l'<>n:.nmnw l'C<'I and hah 1· :i' o<·.ido'>. rcmove st.one and plan• tht>m in an men proof d1:.h Prepare a '1111.'gar ~aurl' u~1ng 1 ~cup orl. vinegar. salt and 1 lt'Jspoon pcp!)(!r Co' er the avocado~ with the JUl't' so the v do not turn bro wn. Was h mushrooms "1th pll·n\~ or v.ater and a little 'inegar . Shce or chop into s mall pu~ce:-.. Saute lhC' ~rated onion. fl cloves of Rarlic in the remaining 011 Add mu">hroom:-. a nd saute . Or~ on µapl'r tOWl'l a nd M'l a side In a saucepan. cook tomatO<'S. chiles. 1"2 o nion . re· mamtnl? garlic, consomme and '·1 teaspoon pep- per til tcndC'r Purce in a blender. Stram mix- ture and add to mus hrooms. Cook m ixture until thick. Drain avoca dos a nd stuff with mushroom mixture. Serve hot or cold. If hot. place in warm oven for 25 minutes: if cold. place them on fresh leaves of lettuce. They may be served with white rice. <Note : chipolle Chiles can be found in many markets' produce sect.Jon or m specialty food s tores I POLLO CON COLORADITO DE OAXACA <Chicken with Red Mole Oaxaca Style> 2 whole chickens. c ut in pieces 2 c hicken breasts. cul in half 15-20 cups water 2 stalks celery 6 cloves garlic. toas ted l largcomon 3 carrots Sall to taste 10 pepper corns ln a large p ol. heat wate r . Add the vegetables and chicke n and cook for l 'r4l hours or until the chicken ls tender. Let stand in broth to soften the meat. COLOltADITO 6 ripened red tomatoes. broiled 11,"l large onions. touted 4 cloves garUc, toasted 8 cblles anc hos, s Ul, remove veins and toast, then soak in water for l5minutes 4 cloves garlic. toasted ~cinnamon stic k, touted 8 peppercorns. toasted In a blender. combine the spices with the to91at.oes. Add 1 or 2 cups chicken broth to: V.cupoil \-, small onion Heat the oil. fry onlon and .cld the cb.lle mix· ture. Cook until thick. Seuoo with aalt. Add t.be chicken pieces. Serve in a cueerole d1lb with com on the cob or 1reen salad. Gamlsb with av~ slkea or onion rinp. Senea 12. 0 CWl.Y,..LOl ~ W.c!Mldey Augu•• 22. 1911 <lassie is Borrowed Fro01 French l'ew dt1bt1 art H t"°"*9 eooted ham and ~ pean. Cut a told. Mak• f Hrvlnca. tlulble u the claulc ~, freah Callrornla 1ma11 1 l I ct I r o m Pie Shell Combine tr.mch quiche. Bartlett peara rouaded aide of pear l ~ cu p1 1lfled all StarUQI with a ba11r .,.. cup water halvet. to t.bty wUI all purpoae flour wlth ~ pastry aheU u the fOWI \.\cup cmup level Combhle water, tHIPGOI' aalt. Cut ha v. dallon. you un lake ott l tabl•pooo cora· cat.aup ud corulal"Ch ln cup abort.eniq. Sprlaklo with a virtually endl .s 1t1rt'b amall saucepan, aad atlr wllb 3 to 4 tablHpoons variety or quiche hll· <'UP c hoppe d O\•cr modtrato he1t wtlU cold milk. addlne Ju8t 1 inf• 1reen an.loo dear and thickened ttnoutih to mah dough ~ lere's a quiche that Prt'JHlrf' pit' shell Whf'n qwcht! bu b•ked hold toaether Shape In . •hows you Just how Im Do t t~~· Add hair tind 40 m lnutea, and le aet on to a ball Roll on lightly aatn1U,•c you l'"n be. h 1 Ir . a a It and dry top. remove rrom oven, flo urt.-d board to it drcle Enjoy this variation on the classic French quiche. Rartlt>tt Qulc1u nuooln11 and mix arraoeie pean cut aide about 13 inc h es In features rresh summer well SUr ln cbMM and up over top. Spooa dlamewr. and m loosely p ears buked 1tlop a ham. Tum Into pie ah II. ut.wp mlxtu.re over all. lnto a t-Lnch pie pl¥lc t l111alt.• Quiche flllln11 B•kt below oven ceoter Ret urn to oven for 5 Trim edc• about 1 inch It '1 ta surprl11lngly de ln modtrate oven (SS() m In utee loa1tr. Ltl wider than edge of plate. Uclous navor comblna d•trtH) 40 minutes. 1tand 1$ m.laute. before fold WMSer Mnd '1ute, l l o n or Iii wt>" l and lltaawt.Oe. balv•, pare servlq . Serve warm or bulldlal up a high rim .lavory ~~~~~~~~~~~_;;..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---1....-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r§~11~J~1~{r~r: ~ 011 qu beef that's USDA Choice tree Se rv ed wa rm , the fruit quiche become• a (not just us 1 I llllpeeted) light summer supper or late morning brunch rare Cooled and chilled , Ba rtlctt Quiche Is a ,.-1 reat take·1tloog fo r a •sourmet summer picnic. ~ This quiche classic - nd other fresh pear ·~avorites can be en- J o y e d into the fall m o nths because the Californi a Battlctt S(.'ason continues Ion" aftt•r the other summer fruits have d1~appcared. YO U C AN TR E AT yourself, your family a nd fnend!> lo a frc!>h pear cobbler . mold<:d pear s alad or pear and ic·e cr eam s undae a l lt•a !>l t hro ug h Sep tcmhcr For a hght, rcfre~hing dl'..,'>t·rt. po;:ic•h pears in frull JUll'I'" or wine For adrlt•d 1·ll·gan ('1'. ._I' r \' I' th(• (' h I 111• tf , p11:1l'ht·d fll'ari. wit h a d11ll11p of '>l1ghll\ .... "'('t•lf•n •·rl "'ha ppl'd 1·r1·am 1'111•1•:-.(' a nd a clus t1n~ of <·innamon or nutnwg ('al1f1Jr111a Bartlt•lt p l' a r !> a r e h a r v l' !> l 1· d when mature yC't )>till g n •1•n bl·caust·. unlike othc·r fre),h fruiL'i. pear!> do not rapc·r pro1wrl y on th•· tree:-. T ll 1-:Y'U . R I r F:N t1> u h1·aut1ful C'rt·umy yell ow 1·11lor 1f kept for several days 1n a p a pe r or plastic bag. Don't Lest for r ipeness by squecz· mg: pears bruise easily. Once ripene d . fres h H a rlle tts s ho u Id be p I a c c d 1 n t h e rcfr1 ge r C:ttor wherc they 'll k'ccp fresh and l)U m mer swe<:l tasting for thrc.-eor four days. E xperienced French chefs offer these tips fo r pr c pari n g today 's Bartlett Quiche. Th e i n gre di e nts shouldn't totally fill the pastry shell ; allow so m e room for the filling to puff up during baking. /\ quiche 1s ready to serve when a knife in· serlcd into the cente r comes oul clean. And, most quiches, Including this one, taste equally de li cious served bot or cold. BAR11.ETT QUICHE t Wlbaked 9-inch pie s hell 4 eggs 2 cups half-and-hall I thin cream) 'h teBBpoon salt 'h t easpoon onion powder lf.l t easpoon dry mustard •1. teaspoon s avory, ('r umbled 1/ 16 teaspoon pep- per Da&h cayenne 1 lh cups grated pro· cess Swiss cheese (6 ounces) ~ c u p fine l y BAB11.E'IT8 Ml8810 N STYLE . Fill cored Bartlett 'halves with raialna that , have been plumped In \aherry or apple Julee; eprinlde with coarsely 'C h opped t oasted a lmonds. Drizzle with honey. PE.US oaEGANO wrra CREME Squeeae fNlb lime or lemoa Julee O¥er freeh Bartlett pear balvea aad aprlnkle with crumbled o r egano. Serve wit h wedges or Cheddar cheese. NEW BUstNESSM!N c'ont.ct t"e DAILY PILOT for lf'lfonMtlOft r•t•tdlnt .... county requirement• for ualng a Flct1t1ou1 .................. ..... t21 IJ[T.tu Bttf Chuck Boneleu 219 -u~Family per (cK~ci Steak lb. USDA CHOICE Save on quality beef that's USDA .Choice ... (not just USDA Inspected) Everybody's beef 1s USDA Inspected That only meoos 11 s sate At Ralphs, every Beef Steak and Roast is USDA Choice ... Check out t~ese Super buys. BM f Chuck .98 fusoAi Blade Cut ,cHotuJ Chuck Steak ~~ Beef Chuck Bfff Plus Soy Protein .89 3 lb. pkg. . Super Blend per lb. Fa~.;;;· John 99 Ham ~, • Beet Chuck 10 eat But "choice· is a lot more than 1us1 a word Before beet is graded USDA Choice. II has to pass a finicky government gradt11 s spec1f1ca11ons tor Quahly that means consistent tenderness .ind flavor Don't 1e1 anybOOy k•O you Beel tnat cloesn t nave a USDA Cno1ce label iust cloesn 1 make 1he grade ~ ~"s~?~ 7-Bone 119 ·-us·o/J 7-Bone CHOIC9 129 per per Roast lb Steak lb Beef Chuck Beet Chuck Boneless 169 pe•198 Round Bone ufoA0 Shoulder Clod Roast per CJIO~cl Roast lb 12 ounce Cant R9911lar, Hldlory Of Hot PIAIN WRAP .. Pl.All WBAIP Vadla MKaronlOf lb Beer 6 p.ck 123 Chris' & Pitts Bar•B•Q ~:~ .59 8 01. can .59 tee Cream 1 OB 'h gallon canon Ralphs Potato Salad 14 Ol. cup .59 I' Van Camp's .... t0f8••f Shasta PWNWRAP '" Potato Chips t:;· .65 Pork and Beans 11oz. can Soft Drinks 19 1:;-. fa11.-Jot11 Wil8'1 .99 1 lb. pkg. CoutrJl'nsh Produce Flrtl of Ille Su1on-Lake CounlJ Bartlett Pears ~.33 """-Teel• TrH I 19 Cranshaw Melons ~ • ll•HI .lvley Cellfornl1 Vllenci1 Oranges New Crop Cellfotme OolcM~ Oelloolle Apples VM .... ...cl Salad Tomatoes frelll Cr1141 Cucumbers frnll 1..a,.. Stvffltlt 1111 Bell Peppers 4:'1 ~.29 :' .29 ·~ .15 ~.39 SUllDILI A;;-~;Ct;~eae ::: .88 , .. I.... 89 Ralphs Dressing 't. .... ~P:rt7i Margarine .89 spr,;;N~t~book .:...41 ..,,Get,,_,... Al Blc Stlc Pena ;: ... u. lr;Dttergent •.r 1_11_ ......... 4" Tide Detergent ,~ .. A'1&;n1num Foll ~ .38 Prtc11 effective Aug. 2S lhru 21, 1111 ~, .... · -we :,:,.••• -..... ... U..1111 nmrmr.m ';.:-.51 ~he';Dii11 22 :· • 79 'Tlleo.llr...... 11~3 Morehouse Mustard~~ ~l~'~i,,... ··:.-:-.47 FrUlt CocktaH , .... •.is -eihl Mii·et.~ -::· .59 T;i,11c1 M.tnlde': ,89 rWWit.,. ... _ ... 79 HUnt'• Ketchup •: .83 mDllllTI ......... , ......... -.. 11111 Uejf .. .. • I lrD 111111 SIVlllS c'h~k 'Si;a*k......... -: 1•• F-. John Hem ~ 111 ;-.;, 1'"9 4M"e'ii :r 1" f,.;'ti'ifft1rt1ket ~ 241 ._.........,._. ...... 99 Pens... ~. num•ncm ,. .............. 21• Red Snapper "' .. ,._I .... , .. Mahl Mahl ~ ~hl';u "' 11• .. sno°W ... C..abauatera ~1" Dllflllllm SQ;p. Mouthwuh '::C.1° m•ntTabletl:: 171 Sift7it.b Tlbllll A 211 na11• ........... Fried Zucchini snL..c.k .. ................................ ll Fl l ...... trt111•1rt • .. .48 .... . ':.. .. 1'' :'I#::::..,.........,....,, ....... _ ...... .. -.... -... -------~ . ., ___ _ =----....... ..... ......... c...- •DllMonll ·1· Swllt ,, ... _ .... --·--· -·--'llff"a811 • ..:._ ... 4't tl*-·--==>•- ··~ FREE _,.... __ let .,...., ""'" ...,, ... .._...,......,_. ------·--.. -..--··--. -....... -----.. .... -_.....,..._,__..., ___ .. -_,.._ .. • _,, • .,. •• T': • • / FOOD Wedn•d•y. August 22. t979 DAILY PILO: • Pineapple-Vegetable Salad Makes Nutritious Eating l''or an eatin~ l'it peril'nc~ you ,. ,11 wanl t o rf'pe1tt o(tt•n. t r)' nutritious M unnot t'd P 1 n '-' a p p It' V -.. .it' t u l> It· Salad P1n.-appll' and t'ott:1.:t• <'heese hus Ion~ h4•\•n 11 · (a vortlt• l'Om b111a t 11111 M armatang tht' pane Mp· pie with vettt'tublt>s adds new 11ttt'rl•Sl and uppl•1tl fo'irs t , cook t·urrot-s und LUl'l'h1m JUi.t 11nt1I tender t'n s p Combint• with d rained t•annt'd pineapple chunh . s li ced rn-h mu. .. hrooms 1md 8 u>. t )' herb dr.-u1ng Chall one hour or lonl(er l n a llo w flii vor s lo mellow To !>ervt', 11poon thr frtlltt'd Vt'il'l1tbkS With t h t• m a r 1 n a d 1• o v .-r .,;hn•Jdt'd lettuce Add a t:t'nerous spoonful or col tngt' c het'se for u dl' llrious. colo rful und b11dget l>av1ng salad Ont-of lhe many wholr gr.iin breads Is a n ideal accompanime nt for this luncheon or suppe r trt>.it MAal NAT•;o PINf:APPI.•: -VEGF.TABLI': SALAD lh'rb Or~11t1111.: I t l pound 4 OUOCl') cun plnt•appl~ cllu11k11 \1 cuv water "~ ttoaspoon salt I tup thinly sht~d carrots I cup £bort iucchini stickh 11 cup sliced fresh m us hrooms I head lettuce I pint cottage <'heese Prepare 11 .. rh Ores:. 10~ Tum v1r1l.'apple into Grapes Make Debut in School Lunch Week Menu w 1 re strainer and let drain while preparing vegetables. Brlng waler and alt to a boil, add carrot.'\ and bring back to a boil. Cover tightly and cook S manules. Add tu<'chiru, remoy.e from heal and let stand until vegetables are cool. Drain and combine with pin e apple and mushrooms . Pour Herb Dressing over and mix gently Chill at least 1 hour before serving. At servin~ time. line 4 in· d1 vi dual ser ving bowls with a few s mall lettuce lt'aves Shred rema inder of hcud to measure 4 cups and place a cup in l'a c h bowl S po o n 'egctable-pineapple mixture and its dressing over lettuce. Add a '3 poonfui of cottage For the ftrl>t tame s ince the ince ption or lhe Nationa l School Lunch Week promotion . frt>:.h table grapes will be part of a T ype A lunch for u s e 1n sc h oo l s throughout the country. a ccordin g t o th e California Table Grape Commission. com bmed with 1 1 cup pmeapple s bces. plus 1 .. c·up lom;ilo l:>a uce m lht• l'h1 h satisfies the Typc A requirement of ~4 cup tota l quantity or fruits a nd I or vegctablt':-.. sht' said g ram. which provides cheese. Ser \'e al once. approx1matl•ly Ont' third M akt's 4 st'rvings. H ERB DRESSING of a child's d aily nutn Com bin<' 3 tablespoons t ion a I nN·ds /\cC'ordrn~ to M ~ lh' c1dN vinegar. 2 table· Zeeuw. approxim.1tt·ly "poons oil. I teas poon tJO million rnt:als "'l'rl' pn•pared mustard. 1 1 C'Onsumed in sdwnls ll'as poon l'ach salt and during National S1·hool brown s ugar . , , teas· Lunch Wt•t·k la:-.t yl'ar. poon crumbled basil and Sehool food Sl·n·1c:c to· ' .. tt>aSJX>On hl•rb pepper Tabl<' grapes will be featured 1n o ne of thret· menus developed for the Nati9na l School Lunch Prot ram to be promoted nationwide during Na· tion al School Lunch Week , Oct. 14 through 20, by the Ameracetn School Food Service As · sociation <AS F'SA J and individual schools THE GOAL OF Na t1onal Sc h ool Lunch Week 1s to 1ncn•ase un- derstanding of the Na- tional SC'hool Lunch Pro· day 15 lhl· SPt'nnd largest Sl•asoning Bea t together away.from·h<1ml· food \\ t•ll Makl·:-. 'a c up DELICIOUS ope ration 1n tht• nation. _1_1r_t_·s_s_in_g ____________ _ Sl·n ·l· Ma rinated Pineapple-Vegetable Salad with hea rty whole -gram breads. FROZEN GRAPESICLES On hot summe r days, frozen grapes becom e Mother Nauture 's popsicles. Take s mall grape clusters and dip mto beaten egg whites ACCORDING TO reg -Then sprinkle with an~ istered dietiC'ietn Mary 11 a v ore d d r v tr u 1 t Lou De Zl•t•uy.. AS FSA gelatin Finish .by plac rtirec tor of nutrition and 1ng clusters in frcczl'r n utr1t1on t-<lu <'~1t111n . until fi rm. Children will r res h gr apt• s wt• r c lo\'e these frozen snacks chosen by thl· a:-.:-.oc-1:. a nd will w:.mt lo dip. lion for National School sprinkle and freeze their Lun c h Wt•t•k mt•nu.own grapes becaus('. "G r<tJH.'s offt•r • • • a fn•sh a lternati vl' l o GRAPE STATE o ther fruits us utilly Nearly all of the na· se rn•d and the y're tion's tetble grapes are popular with children " g rown in the fe rtile Grap<>s wall bC' part of 'al1fom1a vineyards a nd a m e nu ('Ons 1sttng or are available virtua lly chili topJ>('d Y.1th gratNl throughout the year . cheese. pmeappll' c;ltcc:-.. The T homps\n se<'dless a raisan-hran muffin ;ind \<lrtl'l\, "'hich heads the 12-pintof 2 p<>rcent mill.. l 1~l. 1s available from T he ·'" l'UP of gr;.ipc:. June through i'ov. 1. One after anotht•r . rl•d a nd blue·blat'k g rape:. come to markt•t durtng t he summer and fall and in c lud e 14 major varieties • • • DESSERT (;RAPES I Aflt'r a font'\ dtnnl·r. s c r ' l' gr a p·t·:. a n d ml'llOY. C'hl't'!.l'S 1n~tC't1d o f rich d<·!.:-.Nt lle<1p t hillt'd ~r:tpl• <'111~t ers in a decorat1vt' bo"' I and Sl't out two or thrcl' s mooth chel•ses su<·h as Brie or Camc rnbc·rt .' Guests will appreciate the ltght touch at the end of the meal Or fill pretty gbblcts or wine glasses with fro s ty g r een s1·cdlcss g rapes Spoon dollops of dairy sour cream atop grapes. s prinkle' with brown s u~a r a nd dust with cinnamon. allspice o r nutmeg • DEBUT -California seedless grapesare refreshing complement to this creamy custard. • Spiral sllceci for easy seNing • Honey ·n Spice Glaze •Cooked 30 hours t' . . fl • Nationwide shipping seNlce H \C 0/H9Ul0~. · · •Full seNice Delicatessen · Q ey •Old World Cheese Shop !led ua~~~~~··s u\ QOl/Ullet vUeoL you do11 'ti10ve-to 5 • ORDER MOW!!! v ... H•••r-......"-,..,..L .. ar W•••d. 11tl 1. COAST NWT .. C:.... ... NIP PMOMI ltMMI ..... IATMOMI WAY. a TOIO ... a TOIO. ....... , • .,, 1 .... llACN an.•Mi ... ..,..,._TOMIMCM,PMOMIMNIH . ,,,,.,,... .......... Orift19, ~...,....La.....,., Sin Diego. Norin tdrwoao EEOOO't Oh2'tl STORE COUPON ____ _ SAVE1GO on ~~~~D In the new giant alz• can Chunky Beef • Burgers ·n Oleese 3--ln-1 (Ollcken. Beef and Uvet) 7121.fO 100033 ------------------------------- NEW GIANT SIZE! \CN' !>l..1ppy 1Jrem1um Dog Food corN=>s 1n a new corwen1ent economy size vou get IT'OrP :or your dog fo r less trom your p ocketbook And yau II op· preciote how eos11y Skippy Pre mium pours out of !he con a nd mto o dish l\o sp ooning 1 Use our cents oH coupon Tieot your dog to Skippy Premium !tie food mot tastes as g<X>d as 1t looks Wedneeday, Al.IOuat 22, 197'9 ... Slim Cantonese Cookery Wins PointS for Ease Cuta.e «*ittl' ln spired lbe wlnnert of thia month '• Slim Gourmet Ruder Rttlpe Conte t Tba~ recipe• 1.r• d«alonU'd v tSlom of popular perennial• on C b ln e•e rea.taura n t menu.& O u r w1no tnti l'on trlbulors havt: dtve~ w ays t o malle tht'm without unneeded Ut'••i-:-. "talort br ot.rure 1 l n1r edl~n l!j Hean i.prout.a tlave ~'Q""' &o popular that th•y'rt• a v1llable ln the produt·•· ~ctepartmenhl of man' A m e r I (' tt n 'uperm arkrb Anti 'om 1· r r.a d <'r s h"' •' t..aken to 11vroutmJ( th~1r own rr you can t hnd frt-sh I iprout.:.. 1'111nply rcphtl't' l h e m w 1 t h ,. a 11 n 1• d : bprou~ available on th~ ' Oriental tih If of your : s upermarket Jane t Boyd. of Belmont. Calif . 1s winne r with this s ub m ission · I JANET'S OUC'KEN FOOVUNG :i ~ pound bk ml"'l\ boneless ch1ck('n br('Ubt'> (c hi ck en c utll'tl\ or fi llets> 1 I • l' u p ' ( :t I 1s kimmt·d ch1ck1·11 broth. c·annt•d or homl'mad1•, d1v1dl'fl •1 l'IH:' I pounll rrt·~h lwa11 "i prnuh 'mall h11n1 h ~l'all1011s t i.:n ·1 11 111111111' • thinlv slH•t·d :! talJl1· ... pof1n " """ '·' tl('t' 1 l1•:i'Jl'"'r" "'111 11· \ lllt'J.!,11 Ill 111'1' \ IOt•J.!,11 I 1.1'1l1·,p111111 .11 '""' 111(11 Ill l'Cll ll'>l.lrl h I I ahll' 1111•111 llJ'.11 •1r 1·11111\;!11· 11 ''''"'""'' f111,11h 1h11f..1·11 f1ll1•I 1f1 f llfl 11111'~1 Ill ,1 I lj\ ,., '•I I'•'" .• II 1111111·• I<• Ill•\,.'"' 1111 111;! t.11.11d ind,,.,, \1' h11.1t. v.11 .. ,, I flfl kt•fl I 1'0111 l·lll1fl1'h flt h .111dl1 · 1!11·1• 111111 11111 I /I' I 111,1 1\1';11 1·1;1'" 1111111 flulh Ill' 111 111·.111 '.11111111 -. , .... 1111111" .111d 1'1111 l-.1 •11 111h1· ... S p r;1,\ .1 l.1r j'•· 111 111 ,,111'1-. •.kill• I J'f 1ddl1· 111 1·l1•1·l111· '''fl·"' "'''h , . .,.,k 111g pra ~ u11t 1 I ·, I 1 1 k I I 1· a t '' ' 1· r rnf1d 1·r.1l1· fl;onw Wllr·n h11t • 11111111 f111 1·~·1• m ix I uf 1• lo 111;1k1 · p m 11 .1k1•'. or pattws C'<1ok until M!l Tran. ... r1•r pa1t 1t•:-. t1, ti plalt(•r in :1 warm ov<'n "h1 l1· y11u make th€' l>•I UC'I' "illr or ~ h:ik1• rt•r11.1tr1 tn~· 1ng r1•1l11•11t'1 111~···• 111 f \dd 11·q·r11 1·!f 111 •1th I '11f•k .11111 '.llf f1\ 1·r l!JW h •·al 111 .1 nf1 11 :-.t1c k 'a111·1·p <1 n until '"U<'l' ll\ h11hhll11~ and ltuck. Pou1 oH·r ··~i.: pan1•ak1•s 1md ._.. r v 1• 1mm1«11at1· I y M a kt·s four :-.crv 1ngl\, al1out l '15 1·alonl's l'<.irh Som1: vr1ri<itinns lJRt:: th1· ('J.rn mixture 111 make flat om1~lcls, on<' 1•1t a t1111c, in a s mall 'k ilh·t or omelet p:.in S ubs titute• <.1n y f1<;h f1 II els to mak1· Fr s h Foo Yun~ S ubstitute lean left 11 v t·r roa ... t m e· at , 111 1· o o k t· <I 1· h 1 l' k t· n 11 r turk1•\ Do rot h ' c • r;i nw r 11 ( Holl<1nd . 0 11111 . 11ff1 ·r\ thrs v.inn1nl{ n·c·1p1· UOROTll Y'~ STIR t'RI t:H STf,A K ANO C'AHRAGt; t p 11 u n d f a t t rimm<'d, lean top round liet>f:-lcak, I ·1nrh lh•ck . I thhlCl!JJf>'>O f'llrn .. tarth " 1 tablespoon soy l>CIU('C 1 tablespoon dry ~herry wine 0 p ti o n a I . 11~ tcasp<>on suJ(nr 3 teaspoons salad "''·divided 1i4l cup rat-skimmed beer broth •,. teas'i>oon l(rounrt ginger I s m all <or half large > head or cabbage, shredded With a s harp knife. &Ike meat very thinly agains t the grain (easier to do if meal is putly frozen>. Combine corn· tttarch . soy sauce , sherry (and sugar), Max until blended Add becl ti ll ces a nd t os" until well-coaled. Marinate I~ to 30 minutes al room temperature, or 8Pver11l h o u r s in th t' re frlgerator S proy a non·sllck s killet until s li ck with cooki n g s pruy. Add 2 tca11poons oil. Add meat And 11tlr· fry 2 minutes Remove meat from 5klllct. Combine 1 \('a1poon oil and J tublf'11 poon broth in 11k 11let. Add iincer a nd cabbaie. Stlr·fry I minute. Add remailllnl broth. Cook. • that much ? You do If you're averase. Accord· Ing to Consumer Food N ew s. a govern ment periodlcal, the average Ame r ican nu 1,440 pounds of food a year, Including 89 pounds of beef and veal, S7 pound11 of poultry. That'll about the same a11 u decade ago, except we 're e'atlnl( less pork and lamb, le11s milk and fewer eges. A DOUBLING or Canadian Dlabetlcll h11s been predicted by the CanadJan Diabetic As· llOclatlon . . . unless someWn.g can be done ' a b out t h e natlon a l weight problem . The di r e predictions a r e based on the growing (See SUM, Pace Cl> OP AMOTll•a All.-N•W STATIR BROS. MARK•T' lOCA ftD AT '1'1'10 llMONIJ'I, RIYIRSID• KRUSE g ~~ KID STATU•••· I AllMOUll ~~ RANCHO all.AND r TURKEYS -MS .'""" '"?,'~~.-:~~~~:0"0~• 1 SLICED BACON BUTT PORTION 99¢ LB.• ~7 9 C SHANK PORTION v LB PAN SIZC 17-01 PKG ,, .. , .. •1101 •OMCY llACa GUAllAIOU ONOUAUYY Maat' I f f 'll t .t .. f1' .. , .,, ....................... "'fl. lot ... t ·~3 c BOLOGNA : .... ;~.'" I . 7 ift•Wf flilt'ttlh' SLICED BACON .... ,., ....... c LB. . SE~FOOD .. fli•• "... • SUUDBACON 81EF RIB ROAST l f1RGr HICi $189 '" HAM SLICIS ST A Tiii BROS. WIENERS Ml A I (JH fll LI 11 <J1 fir (, SMCMUD HAM I f'l'I ·,11 I M•1/t,,. 59c WHITING llTTLESIZZURS ,.'. •• , ill• .... s11' BITS O' SHRIMP " '. .,., ......... lltl 1 J • fll.t Ar)I I • CHUCK ROAST I lfl-...,. • .. f)t '' I r , ... UAN 'IOUND IHf 97 c POT ROAST $1 89 7~aONI: ROAST CHUCK ~TIAK $1 2• 1118 STlAK $I l 9 SHOu.LD~ll '""-. $1 89 1118 "sTIAK $249 CUalD STU~K $10• $1 09 $18• $199 $259 $269 s 169 TURBOT FILLETS ftflt ... ,,,_.,I STIWMIAT 99 . . .... $ I SHOULDIR ..... , 11 1•1111o ... SJ98 ••'"' . I Ar•• $989 aia"aoasT I. CJ .. s 109 DIET BARS .::~~ .• ··.. ~ DRINK MIX ·~~ .. ~..... Q .. "" .,, 27 c I~::•~lHA~~fA'o .... ~ ! · 11 01 S ) 64 L~~AL DRESSl~G :· ... I WYLER'S 48c . LEMONADE MIX u ·ol MUSTARD ,,,,.,,. ... , & · / 54c 9~0l 79c BABY JUICES ~;:~~·:.· '!I ... , 19' CAT FOOD ·•····• ·· '!I.. 27c )OCT s 14 • 006 FOOD ~;~;~·.·:. . !.. s2.34 BLACK PEPPER . •. .. .. ! ... 48c 12 oz S ) 49 ·I STATER BROS. 59c j • TOPPING •1 • Ao •V ' ·-_ Jl.Ol s 1°6 SUGAR "°'" ~ sl.15 ,,.,.., !MIRACLE WHIP "4.111 A'IONI ~ C.11l00AR PAC~ AC.£ 0 OINNI I' '! GOi.DEN GRAIN 'of'fl/,V N WA!.11 ! SiAIN REMOVER PURI f !Bil.EACH .AIR f Rl !>tll N(RS • 4 VARllTlf.S ! TWICE AS FRESH (! PiliTY SHIELDS l\RAI I • OHUKE Cl101Cl •AME.RICAN I CHEESE SLICES HCISCHMANH'8 t EGG B~A IERS Q - I SHARP CHEDDAR $239 WAXED CHEESE IM)l PRESERVES ~;~ ... h.... ~ .. 95c CREMORA •o-'"' ... 6 . s2.09 BORAX iow11 ... ~ .. ! .. sl.19 BORATEEM ., ..... , ... , ...... , ! ... , 99c Low Frozen Food Prices !7'&{R.C. COLA OR $127 FROZEN DINNERS ~:~~~lfl',"~ ! t• 63 4 ~DIET RIT! COLA •. , .. , ...... POTATOES WlSfl'AC • 'll 45• SPREAD ~~:::.~;~~.~·: ! '"' St 16 HASt1 BAOWN .. ' M RGARINE 70c BUFFET SUPPERS ts~~~.:" ; "0 ' s2 1 5 1 : sCR1MP coCKTA1r~:·:· 11 ·:'.: &3, BURRITOS ~·~~~tlfllS ~ Ol PICKLE HALVES • Mc .. s21 • · ... ··~ .. ...,, "" FRIED CHICKEN ""oAtoN ! 110' 99 c WHOL~ICKLES . . .... ! . . ggc WAFFLES rooo ! Ill)/ 42• -CLAUSSEN ggc ORANGE JUICE S\1Nl1161 ! •01 .,,: PICKLE SLICES ~~i1'i"....... ~ ORANGE PUNCH ~~:;.'.~~~CIA~ ! 1101 69C WHOLE PICKLES ClM\I~ ! •1'1)/ '3.99 SOFT DRl-s .._I~ t()( • f'l'lt • • '1 29 ~ M'lCIA~i. OOOOllwv AUCUll U . _____ ...,,._ ... ·-···· '~Ut11Alll0 PINEAPPU ~n, PIE t23• SUGARED DONUTS s1~~ • ftl\ 0-tAa ..,,, 'JI r .n.\ • SOFT DRl-s "''"· ...... •<><>· 811 • • '1 45 nn (Jlt ¥' Cit w •n l 01 ,,.,. .. , • LEMONADE ri)vt<1•.iN01 • '"' 01 cm $1.37 ORANGE SODA •u~"'' ; ... 101 m~ '1.37 wr11uon 111tll!OllllO I IMll Oii iii r Uk U IU fO C0-CllCIA4 otAllftOll ~'*"""' .. .. ,, ........ ,,... .......... . ., .. .. . . '. . . .. .. . .... . .... . ........... . --•• ... __ ,.,., ........ I •te 4 I• .. U .,,..,.. f f ft .. = ;...<F; ~ ~-:.~ ••••• -.. .. ... PEARS ~,,,,, h •• ' •••• ,., .. t t U '' t •1AJii ' I 29c ., GRAPES Ahl,f • f • rflA I At•I • • 'oNf I ' h41 +-..f' ,, ••• , , • 49c d • I , f ·~ , 4 PEACHES BELL PEPPERS .... , . .. . .. ,_. I I• ••I ... • 1111 "' CABBAGE ONIONS ROYAL CHARLIES , CREEPING CHARLIES, COUUS , PIGGY BACKS OR $249 BRIDAL VEIL IN 6 HANOINO POT (A Beer & Wine Specials SCHLITZ . '. ,,_ BEER I PIN~ c. .. •~11; 11rn AO'il. "' f ltAlll IS 8l AN( Al11Nl W ... I HtAlll'r IJUll(lllNO'r • ' • ·~•1 0/(.AN~ OllffVl40l/NOJ •l H11IM I>, ~--~ (f)"G· $27• I ~ ; ! ~ i. n• -~· v1•i-~a YI Y~ -~~-~~:~·~: :.:) ...... '.,,11,., .,, UANU AIU • 111)111 ',1\lf l'I A' Ill 0 11 ·,111111 ggc "I " BANDAGES .'411·l1tf/" • "IJ 0 11110 f I .. llf C. OR SllPfR s11s ( .. ob 0.8. TAMPONS .. • ,,._ ob.'' .. JO C. T -· ob~~j J()lfN',f)N" IOHN!.ON 14 01 s219 .. lP I BABY POWDER! \umrnrr 'N. C.tlifl1m~1 nl'CLb \\1ur hdp mu1\' !Am l'\l'L l'lr.N· ~iw \our .1ppli~lllll'' the attrrnlion l)ff. · ' , c c . ·" 9 c Delicatessen IUDDIG 4 7c llEATS l.unch nwitt 11111 •·d "'ttlf'r thin :! "' t>kl( ChWJ Salami .... s 179 l<11l1t-ru. I.!"' ll•r i.111111'4 " I .. , ""''Ii Swiss Cheese .... ag e I )airy f.rebh Aui.tna i.h~I ,, .,, Dressing :ss .... &sc l~1lis own !U!lod dr~inK t-111 Biscuits PllSIURY •••• t 9c ....,w1,,>Clmtlk11rhut1 ermllk 7 "' t t.IH· CHICKEN93c FRANKS I he new I ra nk;. r rom for1,..1 er FJrm;. I lh Fro zen Food EllCHILADAS v ...... s 1Yz t1. pk&. in choice of beef. cheese or chicken. 59c Tiny Peas ........ 49 c llird '<P\t' lt•1tOl'r p1·1.1-. 111 lfl "' pk!! Buitoni Entrees 5115 I 'lt111cl• 11I Ei.:I( l'ln111 l'11r111 11r \h·.11 l<tt\111 1 Orange Plus ..... sge I tw hreuklai.t drink lru111 H1 r11-.·\ <· '2 ''' CREAM S 145 PIES I 1hn!->lllll ,. .i-.,. .. rlt·d \ 11flt Ill -Ill :.!6oz. PkR. Liquor Dep 't. LOWENBRAU Liebl• daB Min 12oL bottln-i pk. s21' Smirnoff ........ 5549 Colony Wines ... 5199 GIN 90 Proof SJ49 El l andlO ••••••••• Hutt led JU<.I for "" 1 7;1 Ii I ••1 ~ I M..t tllis ... 81"1 H .. --I fmt when J• dleOM 0 Randles dicUns or U.SJ.l. a.ice' beef. Clidleas •t....,. ~a" tt tf· fer ....,., &"4 eatin& ftr Y• ftod dollr ... AM tf cwse, w beef is I.I.DJ. a.oice plus bstem &r•fed porl See for ,_..f ... there's 11tre tt lie at Hughes.() ltancht. LEGS & THIGHS Mand Cllt tr. fresll De sized ,..... fryen. Crlde 'A' 79~ Fryer Wings ......... 59~ 1-rt•-.ti honJ l'Ul . (.redt-'A' tryer1o Chicken Livers ....... 89; fryer Broads ~~~ "A" •••••• ~I.I fl I ·w·1·••I and 11·111ll•r "l111t· nll'ul. lrc·i-hlv u lt frmn fr1•i.h l l S.l > A_ Grade ·A ' fry mg d11C"k1·n~ I" 11 I. Ph 1 •.!<'I I I.ind l ut nut ..a" rut 1 CHUCK STEAK 1 1·111 1•r 1"11! 1 I ...., I J • \ 1 ''"'' • I 11 1•1 Ground Beef ~~~,~ s1 8! Ground Beef LUNcs1 s 21? CHOPPEDs219 STEAK 1b l.1· 1•11 ,, i.:r111111d h1·• I d•.<•, r1 • "' 1 • 1 II I • t ti 1 Ii n 1 !JI r II" u n d Fresh Spare Ribs EASTERN ••• ~lt I. h ni:N IH'k111 1r1-.11 ' ~n ... h l· .. 1,11 rn pork w11h .... 11111,h m t'lll} goodne~., rn -.ftfl!ol\ lh• huni.:n lt11rclt I,. ... 1111 ,,,111• 7 -Bone Roast ... 512? Lamb Shanks cltOk:( s 1 s? t h11t l-llll 'h111Jld1 r , 1d l :-.I I\ I 1111111 I I 1111 h I 11 I I .... 11 ' ( • h1111 • II•·· I 0-Bone Roast ... s 14? Ham Shanks sMOflED 79: 1(11 ind 1 11 .. 1 111·• I I ...., IJ ,\ l 1 , ,. I hVl'I( 11Jl l ...., I 1 \ t It•••• 1 111 t•I H1·..r al ii-. liht t11r 1111·111•1r11lih· 11·111-1' t 1-ntPr 1u1 lr11111 I '~ I l.A < h111n · loin 11111' 1111d 1t·111tl'r (FIRST CUT ................ i3n •l BEEF s299 CUBES ~~:OBS lb l.1·.111 ind lt-ndt r • 1111• •I 11111 • • h1t11d(".' C'hUll I! h t·(•I S ll ALIAN S 14 9 au sage srn( . • • • . • l•,I 1(.1111 lt1 'llA II lti" "r 1t1dd Bratwurst u RANCHO.~ 1 4~ Super Fresh Produce SLICED 99 BACON ~b l.l l(.11111111,. lllH "'' IU.nth •I\, ,·~11ctarin1s ~~~~ ......... 2/l ~ -..o.1·1•1 .111d 1t111 \ und ,1 -111·1hat l1h\11q l11lh 1111 'tlll'r1·v.11rd,nl•unim1 r'-.houn1,• CABBAGE .......... 9~ GREEN BEANS .... 39 ~ •. ir<li-11 lr1·-h 111r ... ulu<1· n 1 .ii· PEACHES CUCUMBER S CARROTS 29.~ 1· 1i11 r 1."''' 15~. I t I( H I I' c' 1,l<EI-.' I r \IJl.I< 1 5~ I l\1..,1' " Ill ClllO There's more to like . . . in every ai ·le . . on every shelf.' FRESH RLUT I ~ s1a' SNAPPER • P11c1fic -Uehc10U11 !or BBQ 8killet ur Oven. Rex Sole .....•.• s21? l-'r<.'11h Mild end lar1rc size. Pan readv Crab Legs ....... 529? r roten IJt'lrosted -Hill value· MOITH ATLAITIC f:T1rs S2°! h1r lc1oh & chi p.. . 1-'mzcn Defl'<lfit ed. Stuffed Clams .. Si 51 Jumbo s599 Scallops 1b \l•1r1· l•lt"<I Urt • r l••lt 11 l>t•ln>1-I< tl Lower Prices on Health and B eauty Aids BAND AIDS I 'h1111" ·I \II \\1cl1 1.ur111. µlc1q 1r, t\11 ., 1•t• ·n• • r <'-111·1 r l<•·tl····m "1"tr nwnulur·rurer'b 1:ou- IJii•t •" J •r ""J\ tntl"' 1 0.8. Tampons ... s1 74 l(q•1ll ,, 'llPN ur :-;up1•r pill· lft, Deodorant ~~EY ••• s 124 SHAVE SJ 24 CREAM h 1r t h.11 conl .. hin t• 'JrdlM I I 111. NEW! .. at El R ancho Sil OUI llflCW TED DISPU Y Of ORIENTAL FOODS AllO fM SH .. IN OUR l'ROOUCE !VT. CHOW MEIN NOODLES or FRESH FUTONAGA 12 oz. Pkg. 39c C k SUNSHINE 59c rac ers KRlsPv ........... . HUGHES 49c BREAD Gala Towels sic Roll 59c C kl •.1 CRANBERRY $ 119 0( a I· JUICE ••••••.•••••••• ''''" 1 h1111 t• ul \\lill t "' \\ht'.11 Ill th• 111•·1111 •Ill I ,,, 1 .... 1 Northern 35c TISSUE Wesson Oil ~rru ..... 98c I clll~V. rt>lre;.hinl( drink Imm (kl'ftll !">JlillV 4X Ill I 111· 111ult1putp<1!->C m l Im "11lod~. cookml( . "Wet-~011 11111 , ' White Tuna ~::.: 51°' t rnll ok in rnlor;. or white. Citrus Punch :r .. 89c Solid chunk!! of h1tht meut m water or oil-7 oz. can. l'h1; nutural itoodne88 of Flondn c1tru11 in 64 m:. si7.e On• F...at 53e IOllS F1D ••••••• l 'm1p 'em in the oven' O&C' !I' "'· Ice Tea Mix ..... 5155 l.1oton LowCal w/Lemon 4 111 Instant Tea ..... s201 l'he summer drink ... L1plon 3 oz. Marg9ine ..... 79t ltandv 1 lb. pk«. of' t.wo 8 oz. CUPll Cat Food "'*A ••••• 2sc Aksorted canned v11r11•111·1-Ii 0 1. 6.: fi 111 .. Good Mews ...... &9 e l'urrna dry cat lovd I~ 111 Tender Vittles ... 73 e !Jur11111 moist cat food I ~ oz /.'rices m rtf1•ct 1'hurs .. Au,11 l I thru Wvd. AUil. 29. 197R Chili with Beans &9c Cookies : ..... 89c r 'h 1111·t· 111 lwgulor or Hot lrom Hormel · I fl 0 1. :-\uitar. Choe Chip, Macaroon. 0 1111111·1!1 Dressing:::' .... &9c Folger's Coffee ss 90 < reomv or reKular in the~ 111 ht I All !(rind., .l lb. can et 8l!VIOJli.' 3 Bean Salad .... &9c Puritan Oil •..... s 139 l<radi. tasty a variety bean salad-15 m . 100' c Pott> Yettel•ble 011-J:.! oz. Htl 11p"" DoilytJ:ooa.m. to 1o:oop.111 . Ai~x Cleanser 44e Sunday 9:()() a.m. to 9 p m ... • • • NQ Sale to deol<'r11 t i oz. can incl. 5e off. ARCADIA PASADENA SOUTH PASADENA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH EASTBLUFF IAYINE LAGUNA HILLS SuNM -HMftllNll ... n 320 W. Color•dO 8hrd. ,,.,,.....•Rd HuMifttto" Werner Md AlgonqUln IHerbour Malf I 2727 ... wpor1 Blvd !On the Pe'"n•ul• I 2555 EH'**'" Ot UnlverMt~ and ltllidt4tlaon 2.3141 ..,._ PMwar ll19'encho Ceftt•rl If . ol Of•nt~onl ISowttt.Ht COf'fterJ I h t lbtuft Vitt•te Center I I Part& View Center I IMoulloft Partlwey Ptau I DOUBLE COUPONS! Now ... Lower prices through-out the store ... plus added savings with our Double-the-Value-Coupons! WM 1111 ftl -Yll -A ... 1ms --•WW~ 111 WU .... It'" that. eimple lo n~d to the 88Vi~s when you 1b0p El Rancho. Another plua for Super Shoppen. One ofoun.. with one 91 theira doubll'll the value! Now. a few minutes epent leefing throu•h the neMpnper, nnd vour lovorif~ ma1uu:inetl. re11ult.8 in money eemed •.. and you 8lill enjoy rhe d1fference9 111 1-:1 Hancho ·····················~ DOUBU Ull I I COUPO I I Jl'Nliiii ..... ., vel6d --*'-·· -~··•Llll9'1l ..... I ................ _ _. A111. 13 t.hna ....... ..,.. u..a OM I ..... ........ --6d .... ~ "*• .... ...u. I : °'":.JJ ~I·.:.~,::~ i:.-•• :s:5;u : •• ~1r~:=........ l .-···· ··············~· ,I I 0 DAil Y PILOT WednMCS1y 4ugu11 22. t9Tt Strawberry Desserts Have Elegance, Good Taste, Versatility . It 5 llmc> to rocu \he o uerl •pot hght on truh atrawbern and n~ they t akr renter "h•H't', thl:t bummer, ou'll w-.ni '" f 1tturt'I thttm an 111 mnnr ii:tortous ~." ~ .tli po~~• hfr /\Ion.: wit h lhf' dr hr1ou6 '"""'t> 1 th.-~om ( tt r l irqc I h ll u ~ h l ltuc I lrt<11h struv.LM:!rrtl'~ pro \ 11.k •• )tt>l'll '>t1ur re uf Vtturoin <' A supportin.: ra t or 001\ duary wh1p1wd to11 ••• lim I • rom f'll&e('4) 11umbt!r uf c.-n111duan fat t 11•' Tht.> u1t1wc i ut1on noh •:. t hul ohi•MI v "'t'm~ lo be th~ pnml' f.i1·t111 ut tht· maJor1l,> ''' newl d1a~n~ dt..t~llc~. IT'S 1111-; MEN who are losmg Uw1r figures not thl' wom1·n 1Jc·cord 1n~ to the l alci.l ac· lu::irwl report.s recently noted In thl• J ournal or lht· Amcnran Diobet1r 1'\ ., '11 t 1 <i I 1o11 Tod a y · 1> mt•n Jrl' f.Jttcr than I ht·1 r t·ounll·rpJ1 t s <if 20 :.• .1r:-. a~o wh1li· lOll;.iy'i. W•>mc·n an• sli 11111wr r L l' :-0: t< I N G ('J\fo'ETF.Rl i\ /\ 111lr>l pro~r<.1m to 11•:id1 fourth ~1 Jdt•1 s lht• fal'li. of n111r1 t1on fJl'I d th1·1r , ,., t 't'orc·., !Jut II 1 d nothing t11 l\'ss1•n the ;t ll10Uni of V(·~t'to hlP:-, lf'fl uncau:n on their pl.it,.., in lhl' lunt'hroom whlt'h wa' the point 111 lhl· pr ogram. :t<'l'<ird tnj:! lo ,lfl :1rlll'lf• Ill ~t hoot 1"111111 ""'rv1c·•· fl f' 't• I I I' Ii H t \ I •' ~ '\11111t111n 1·<11 ... ,,: .... dJ:, 11 I f,h1 It\ iill' .111 1!111111 flf , 1" t I I.ti" v .. 1s l•'. I • • ·• •1· ,,._..,,\<'I a \,h ' I ' , .. 1. , ... , .JI ('Ill I t "" I fw '.11!11· 11( • • 1 • • 1 • • I 1 I 1o1 t• • nd ,,,,, r •1 1 " •it•· 1nd11 .1t ''" th ol 111" 111111•,1• v.:1•. ,111 t·tl Ill :1l 1t1ft<1 I 'U<Tl'S!'> Hut lhl' :illl11UOI of '1·~1·tulih·:-. l hr•1wn 1n 1111' 1'.1 rl1;1i.:•· 11·m.11nul I h•· oll'll I' :O:C'llOOI. "ii\l.1\0 l\\H" ,,, J '"'"' f • .,,1111• 111 111111 1·lt1111I t ,ol t•lt•I lot ;H 1'01 rl11111 Ill ,t 11 j•Oll lit l lt1 '°'ll'hWol 1"111tl '1t'I \Ill J.,11111;d 111 Olll' "'h0tol ,\,•,:1•111 lh1• I 11 ,. '11111 •1wrl ... :itad tn1 r lws'.•ri a~ .1n ,111J for'41Jlf'l , 1111 .1 11111, t 1·a1 lw1 ' u I 11 n1.1t c ·I~ w;as hfll'llC'd lo 11111• 111 liv f1•Jf11J),Jt tl1· 111 l11)d K1t11n:s WOltKEO U t.~'I' /\ n11111ol(r<tph ,,,. 1111·:-.<"houl 1111tratwn 11\ lhl' Sl><'tl't'r of Nutrt· t 11in 1-;1hl(':it1on c•onf1 rm:-. °" h.1t Gu.111drna :.iln·a<l y kn•·w You c.in gc·t l1ttll· k 11ls to try vegcta hies by hr 1 hini: thc•m In ttw . 1·;,.,1· the hnh<.::-. "or 111k1·n syste m of rein· 1•11 c·1•rn1•nt " wc•rC' gold .,tc1rs award e d t o 1111rsery school tot:-. for c•.1t ang unpopular cooked v1·gt'lablc·s. Thc> gold · :-.t ar syst.cm worked bet· lc:r than a parallel ex pt·nment: 1uzzing up the vc>gC'tablc~ with sauces .ind topping'> 'EVERYTillNG turns 111 fat' -Unusually high ut 1lszalion of food raltwr than simple overeatrni;! c·oulcJ l.>c U11• mon· 1 m port:ant r au:-.t· or 11v1:r · weight. acc·ord1n~ to lht> Iranian Jo urnal of P 11 b I 1 c II 1• a I t Ir T h r 111urnal rc•purtcd on an .. xpc•nmcnt m w hich lah mice were made obese hy the injecti on of cer· t a in compounds that t':1Used them to fallen up on the irnmc numb<'r of ra lone~ that kept other m1ct· normal·weaght. HOW TO R/\L<;E your C'hf>lt.>l\lerol Lots of ct1.1d1cs prove thul high f lh<'r diets can lower 1·holefitcrol. Rescarchc ri. 111 Dalhousie Unive rsity an HalLfax took the op posite approach and de- monstrat~ that lowfiber diets can raise It. A<'- cording to a report in the .Journal or the Ameri~ Medical Auoclatlon, young, healthy. normaJ- wei1thl volunteers were fed a diet high in refined, Jowflber diet lncreasecS the ir choltst.erol levels. lfOW TO RAISE your blood pres1rnre -.eel rot ! A nationwide hypcrteni;ion study that lnvolved the acreenlns or more than • mllUon people confirms the re· lationshlp between over- w et 1 ht and e levated blood prMSure, accord· tn1 to a report tn tht loumal ol the American JledlcaJ AJaoclatJon. Pini and I pound cake lend Jull tht' rl1ht rre •ltvt' tou ch e1 lor 1pet'tacuJar production• Both art time uvera, t'aay t o &lu re , even u.1l1r to wie. and pro. \ld r ... r1,1ant bat'ltdrof'I for \he s tnwbf>mt-!i DO UBLE ~traw~rry \'ogurt Pit• may well J>rO\ t' lht-itlffl)('r" pit' r~ctpe for i;ummer T he comhlnatloo or btrawtx•rry yogurt and th••ed lro.e •hipped topplQI ta a ereamy baae tor c:ruabc!d fr •h t>errl.., Tht addition ol orange Juice aprl nkled over 1Ure1 ol pc>IU'\d c•ko Im part. • diaUncllve fh1 vor tu the '"" A modt'm \'l'r!Uon or u r"vorllt• £0jlll•h ll'aUrm: dthnacy la Struwb~r1 y Trtrle S I m p I t· , ~ t' t alamorou~. It I) un 11.Jctil dfti~t'rt lut ~ huHct i,up per A'l'ftACflVELV ar ran1ed In a alua bowl , lt preaenu an eye ratchlna cenl e rptccc and la a murveJou 11 "a"lf e-OrvlcC!" encll na lo ... meal fr or Nu mm e r h1rthdays, Strawberry 1•.1rt.> ('.tkt: t~ tailor mull~ Wht•n ~·vmbint-tl with :wfh•nt.od ,., N•m checisc: a n 11 th a wed r r I) l l' n wh1ppt·d to1>pan~. frc1>h <:rushed l)l ruwberr les erealt> u delicate pink froaUn1 for the euy·to· s II ce p()Und cake. It. 't a banner year for st rawbtrrlct Alnd tbe11e reclpe11 nre dt11l 11ned a6 ins piration for your own sutn mer de uert s ur· prises STKAWBEaaY TRIYLE 1 frozen pound cake 1,1 cup oranai e It· queur or orange JUiee 1 packaae <•·serving size) vahHla flavor ina- tunt pudding and pie fill· Ina l pint strawberrlca, hulled and sliced 1 contain e r "' 1~ ounce> frozen whipped to pplnJC, lhuwcd Cut 1lound c &k4! horh:ontatlly. making 3 layers Sprinkle evenly with liqueur. then cut cake into I-Inch c ubes Prepare pudding max as directed on package for pudding. Layer half the cake cubes, pudding and atra wberrles and l 1h cups of the whipped top· p1n11 In t-cup aervlnt topplnc. thawed bowl. Reoeat c~ke. pud-c ut. pou nd cake dlna and berry l•yers horizontally into 3 and aarnl1h wllh r e-layers. CrUlb 1~ cups or mainfn1 whipped lop-the slrawberrlea, re- p1ng Chill. Makes about serving remaining her -s c up8 or 10 servings. r ies for 1arnl1h. Add STRAW8Eaav PA&TV 11ugar to cream cheese, CAKE be a Ung untll s mooth : I fro7.en pound cake fold ln whipped topping. I pant stnwberraes. Fold In crushed berries. hulled Fill and frost cake with 11:1 ('up sugar cream cheese m ixture. I P<JCkage !8 ounce I Garnish with reserved cr<'am cheese. softened berries and chill. I c on t o I n e r < 4 1,..J ounre i frozen whipped <SeeSTllAWBEaav, P•1eClt> YORI LOW MEAT PRICES FOR FAMILY OUTlftGS. Hl "C" .49 FRUIT DRINKS ~· . , .. ' , . I # I• COCA COLA 119 6-PACK CANS VANCAMP .27 PORK& BEANS " # ' GROCERIES ., Malola Corn 011 Kraft Parkay Margarine Del Monte Fruit Cocktail Apple City Applesauce Vons Tomato Juice V,;ns Cut Green Beans I_.._ .. Stoke.ly Whole Kernel Com Heinl Tomato Ketchup I'• I• '11 I " , I Jerseymald Fruit Drink~ ~-.. ,I ••• "'"""' t •I \' Fancy Farms Potatoes ' KJafl BBQ Sauce Vlaslc Hamburger Chips •. , •• ,,,., ltfl Wagner Thirst Quencher )69 .59 .51 .39 .53 .31 .33 .53 .59 .29 .63 .75 .39 '1/ '""t''"' f\l't hf f f 1;t;M'1 .. ,. 5 :,100 Ramen Supreme Noodles " .• 1/ .,.. ,,.,..,, .• Taco Seasoning /"\be 1 , '•'I IW1t 1, f CHB Pancake Syrup .32 .67 .23 I',/ I"''• 'JA'1')UI fJ"»'fHI f ~J(,Ai'U( 69 f n11nclsco Croutons • II f lllf'tfl f/14f ~<.,t Knit Vetveeta Lo9f 11CJIJ'''" rv1; Sun1hlnc Chlp-A-Roo1 fllJllf"l I,..,.. Planters Mixed Nula 239 }19 .97 .97 173 ~g~~~dwkh Bae• • 7 9 USDAGRADEA 45 FRYING CHICKENS ..... ',..,, . -..... , •• f ... :~!b-FRYIN G 69 CHICKENS • BONELESS SHOULDER ROASTS FRESHLY GRO UND O[EF OSCAR MAYF R PORK SPARERIBS HOFFY SLICED BACON 188 .99 .89 WISHBONE .58 CLOROX .78 PET UNA .19 LOW-CAL LIQUID CAT DRESSING BLEACH FOOD ·I '",,!ff I .. ,. Jl>.l /'o'-1 11,t .. /\I MJNUTE .39 RICE-A-RO NI .49 MAJD RICE LEMONADE MIXES 1• ........ •• f fl • BUDWEISER 159 INTENSrVE .89 BEER CARE 6·PACK LOTION '. GROCERIES Ken·L Rat1c:;n Large Crunchy Biles . ., Glad Tr ash Bags f .,...., ,,..., ,.,., I Zee As'ortw Towels ''•'I <\1 fl, I Scotties Facial Tissue }75 2 99 }09 .64 .69 GROCERIES Cdrpd f-resh Deodortzc1 Vons f-abflc Softener Spray f, Wash I • Cascdde Dish Crystals / IW'o ,,.., I Jt t )80 )69 .88 ]39 FROZEN FOODS Cheer Detergent )72 )59 )65 )8 2 • 8 5 Zest Oe~orant Soap I t • r'*' f ... ~ Seneca Apple Juice • 5 9 Snowy D~ Bleach • 2 9 Lysol r~liet Bowl Cleaner •I"" '-0{)Wflyflake Waffles 1 f 1,a Party Crushed lc.e .49 .65 ',. Westpac Peas VONS BAKERY 209 '; •.w1 '""''' l '-'•1\11/'WJ"'A" 59 Variety Buns 1 u., ""lf'l• •··· • 349 ... , 75 American French Bread • I ft ,,. 'f., Gino's Microwave Plua '~ ,, ~·tiff Brilliant Fish Fiiiets I •/l)lt/ 11"'1 t I ""'fY" '•'I' Pepperldge Farms Cake }09 Bear Claws • 98 259 F~~i;c~ke~ · ·" · ' ·· ... 269 Y ,,__."'I 14• "'-• .I Oh Boy Lasagna LUSCIOUS .08 CASABA MELONS FRESH .39 GARDEN TOMATOES PRODUCE . Crisp Crunc.hy Celery l:kU Pepper' Garden r rcsh Cabbage • ,t .,. • f ,, • ·u l'ink Grapefruit ' .. l:irown Onion~ MEATS .14 .. 29 .39 .12 .39 ... 45 BEf:.f RIB STEAKS .. .. .. 198 "' f • ,, Ocel Cube Steak s l•t1 t • • II I' 't4 .. Boneless Family Steaks '" •" "' .. tllf.IClt"tfif'I .. ~\I •t Pork Loin Chops Rib Po11< Loin Chops 248 ,,)99 ")29 ']78 SOFT .N PRETTY 85 BATHROOM flSSUE. • BUDDlG .45 SU CED MEATS JERSEYMAID .73 COTTAGE CHEESE DELICATESSEN Vons Pot.u o s.,lad .59 )59 . t-loffy Beel Weiners Ldwry's Super T.tc:o Shells .85 • ~ I • I Bob's Salad Dressing IMO 1-ood Topping ,. u Vons Beef Bologna MEATS .55 .55 ]49 BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS .. 219 f .... , ' l't ... , iJ ......... Whole Chicken Legs t "'~""" , ...... "'" Chkken Breasts f 1'\,I ~ I .. ,..~ jk"i, )'*t I Chicken Drumsticks • 1 • '""' 1.~ ....... Chkken Thighs .. 79 ... 129 111 119 "12s ·49 HEALTH '"'" "' ~Ill( ..... t VonsChlllMac & BEAUTY WE'LL DO<JBL£ IBE DIFFERENCE OUR GUARANTU: O f VONS LOW PRICf'..S LIQUOR rJ,,..• 1n111 w JC. B Scotch 1-,,,~1 •Hllif OordonaGln ,.,,, .......... Seagram• 7 Crown 799 499 499 559 199 149 219 i 1t-' HIM r.r1•, /11<1'• Pepsodent Toothpaste I Hn<'\ 1111111 I J..jstettnc MouthwHh .77 )83 ]19 t 01 l\LJIO!i()l -llf'c; !t<l\llO 10 ow I ]7 3 ~H•SPflY IAl~~··•I• )39 }09 .95 189 USDA FOOD STAMP COUPONS GLADLY ACCEPTED. LOW PRICES YOO CAN BB.JEVE IN. lllllGU ltr«TM ntUQ. T*ll wtO.. ""° UMIQ.1'. ltlt CM.A.ti I JU 1t 1•00 •O~lt.OCAI'°" or llOllL "lNlt" 'IOU CAI.I. C04 llCT IM,. ltUlnAA OUMTITil'I °"'' 1tt M~ f,lllH('"J 81"' IHl!jllOIO!JI ll<ltHCI Al l/OI09, JU4W, tlll61 .. LOf)N!CA.ll It 1,00W li'ICOlkW lO!i~lt,l,N«)llAl'IOl.OOCOll,.rl'N!Dl.llll YI I.A' <il'f" I OOM DM Y. 'tOONOU,.llAY TUF 'N READY PAPERTOWEl.S ASSORTED/PRINTED 90-C()(JNT C....Mlle tHLtM ...... _.o..pA .. . " .... .... lfU....., • .,., '''°' NICE 'N SOFT FACIAL TISSUE WISK LIQUIU LMJNORY OETERCifJ'1T (INCLUDES '° Of'F) l»COONT 49 128-0UNCE "11:. .... ii'iia IW ...... ,..., ···';t· ..... "' ....... l?tlftt ••••• , ... • CLOROX l.IOUID BLEACH , 4.99 12800NCC a .... ~c ;s::i,, .... ....... .., 1u11...,.1....,.r .78 CHRIS & PITTS BBQSAL.JCE RtO., HOT, HICKORY 14-0<.INCE ht._C .. lttwww ntll C...Cql 1 www& ....... c ,,_ .... ,_,....,,...,. ......... ..... -..... --... ---·----.,,. ............... .._. ..-----... t • - FOOD Wedlieeday. Augu11 22. 1979 CAIL y PILOT C7 Blueberry Facts and Fancy "Blue~rnt"S ¥~ big as lht' tnd <>I your thumb, rea l a k )'·b l ue a n d heavy." That's I.he way poet R obe r t Fros t de cribed t.b'9 areal all· Amen ran bt>rry But be waan't the fln5t American tu dtM'O~·~r the dth1:ht11 o r our niellvt" Cnut Blueoorri u r t" 1n d qc~n ou:s t o Am em· a bl~bttnM are actd aoll thert-U1 t>OOU!lh lo u uary and Pkaly of avaUabl• lbe voradou. Amerlc1Ul water. "blueberry bun1er" lbal Freedom from fl"Olt It ia apparently lnhertted l mpo r tanl , ,•t t he fro m 1 ~nu 1tio o t o seaaon1l c~I pe rlod 1entration. mual be loai enou1h IO Wkla I• &ale "NaN•" thal the bushel have a for bl~rrta! dormant penod of IOO Dlue b t rrlt!ft a r e boun wtth an ave ra1e ov1aUabl..-year around lo l"mperaturn below 40 procellM.."<l form.a 1-'rom dell'ef'.S. While H is no t h e m id d I t1 or M a y simple maller to find lhroueh lhl" t'nd or Sep aood blueberry ecrowina t ~ m b c r t h e I u r g e TH t: AM £1UCAN In country, It 11 fortunate culth ·;aH.•d blueberries duans m arked the ~i'" that on this contlnent urts ava1lablt! as fresh nang ot summt-r wtlh the ------------ fruit. Jersey and Michigan Here'• •bea &Mi frea berries are available w .. a..rn. arrhe: fro m mld ·June clear SOUTHEAST AND through until October l. , MIDDLE EA.ST toAST: wllh peak aeuon going North Carolina berries rrom July 1 to Auau.at 2S. alurl com tn1 to the N ew Jer s ey a nd ma rket place anytime Michigan aupply berries after May 10, and are rrom the Rocky Moun· marketed all alone the tains east. as well as t:aat Coaat and as far central a nd east ern weal a.s Chicago until lhe Canada. mlddle oUune. WEST COAST AND ALL E AST COAST SOUTHWEST : T he AN D MIDWEST: New season goes Crom about <See BLUEBE&&IES, Pace CS> Surround a bowl of blueberries wffh makings · for shortcake. uppe arance of lhe ftnn bluebe rrtt>s , a n d ·un d ri e d b l u e b e rr&e a for m ed an i mport a nt 1ltet component tor the Redmen durin w the winter months. Lucky stacks up the savings on over 700 items Today people in the U nit e d States and Canada eQJoy them a ll year around -fresh in t he summer months and i n v arious proce ssed form s at other times of the year. What's the dlffereace between blueberries and huckJeberrles? Settling this question has been a parlor ~am e as all-American as the ber r ies themselves . fl :-eem s that d1scuss1on~ or the relative merits ot b l u ebe rr ie s a n d huck leberr ies hold a :-lrange rasr1nat1on for <·onversat1onahsts ever- ' where · The re is an excellent <·han ce that not one Am e ri can out of a thousand has e ver t asted a tr ue huckleberry. The huckleberry h as 10 large, hard, bony seeds w h i c h do not m iraculously disappear ' ~hen t he be rries arc; baked. 'B lueber ries on th(' other hand have :l2 to 36 tiny Sl't-<ls which lttl'ral· h melt in vour mouth The diances arr that o l d -f ashio n e d " hurklC'berry pie on the restaurant menu or in the bakery d1spl<1y case "as made with wild h I u e b t· r ri e -; j u s t a s mom 's famo u s huck leberry p1P was In I act. if l\lark Tv.a1n had known what he w<1!-. "nt 1 n g ;1 b o u l T o m !'\a wyN s best huddv "ou Id have been k no" 11 Jlo. Bluc>berry Pinn ' Uluebe r ri es a r e na ture 's c onvenience food. With all the emphasis on convenience foods to· rlay. many people don 'l rC'alize that blue bernes a re Mothe r Nature 's o rigi nal convenien ce food. T he re's no peeling , hulling or pitting. Just wash and enjo)' them your favorite way Furthermore, blueber- ries can be home·canned or frozen with no loss or flavor To hom e-freeze for use all year long, simply put the berries in vou r favor ite size con· t1:1 iner and freeze Do not v. ash before freezing. otherwise they will freeze into one solid lump and get mashed upon thaw- ing Correctly froze n, dry-pack bl ueber r ies should be individ ually frozen so they pour freely from the container. Wash 1ust before using. Where are blueberr ies grown? Cultivated blueberries a r e produced c om · mer cially 1n Nor th Carolina. New J ersey. Mich igan, Washington. Orego n a nd Britis h Columbia. Wild blueberries are commer ciaJly p roduced 1 n M a in e N e w Ha m p s h i r e , New Bruns wick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Newfoundland, a n d P r ince Ed ward Island . Production in North America bas more than doubled in the last de· cade, and today blueber· r1 es a re the second la r ges t b e r r y c r o p , second only to strawber· rles. Its 115-mlllion· pound crop gene rates an annual dollar volume of 60 mlWoa dollars. Wiiiy an bleeberrtea ,,...,. ......, .. tbae spedfle aneaT Although blueberries are found 1rowia1 on a lmOlt every coaunent throughout the world, succesatul commercial produdioa is cMMadent upon 1pecltk climatic a nd soil coDdltlons avaJlable an 1ubltaatial acreage only in the Unlt· ed States and Canada, and thi1 ii wh,, blueber· ria att k.oown u Jlll·Amertcu fndt. Tbe two prim• re- qulaltH for 1rowln1 priced below discount. ·- . : -,,.. ... j '- Fresh Meats Bacon, Liver and Onions! BLADE CUT CHUCK ROAST 98 BONOEO BE El' • LB e LARGE END RIB STEAK BONDED BEEF LARGE END RIB ROAST BONDED BEEF La1 88 T ·BONE STEAK 18 2.78 . llO'>DI 0 8Ef' loo. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK •• 2.88 n·~u! s~ BO'«JID eH• '°"' ROUND STEAK .1.78 80.,(U lo".. 811'1()(0 811' TOP ROUND STEAK 1e2.28 ~°"U..flll a~t110 su• 7·BONE CHUCK ROAST 1 28 IO()Oo()t08U' ll • CROSS RIB ROAST le 1.88 llOMUS.S 80"0(0 8ff' ( .. IJ(Y • BONE\.ESS RUMP ROAST ... U)fl CUT llO'«ltO ft!ff -18 1, 79 CRAOE A YOUNG TURKEYS V.llCAS'l• lb n lM HIOlt~ lft • 69 C'MADE A YOUN<i TURKEYS IAllCASTtl 10 1• ln •llOll" <8 • 79 CHICKEN LIVERS ie.98 GRADE A YOUNG DUCKS SS S"l-HJIS FllOllN I 8 • FARMR JOHN SAUSAGE $ICINllllSl'OP<U"'I 80l""C .49 RAINBOW TROUT '91\M •100l la 1.98 ROAST1N<i CHICKENS l9 .79 .... ~ "'A0t4 Ce>O'f"Q!ll !9'900tlUCllVSC~""' a.1 t>0nu-.-""""' --°"~- GUARANTEED VALUE PER MEASURE me Mlf'9I" sue Of ~ bOx. Qn or ~ you PUl'Cl\ISt I t l UCICV wlll lltWM be tne t:ietter t>UV Ttlan a fact vou can ou110 your JIWPPlno l\IC•ti 1rouno ••MAHI• nt W, U ,._ AftlilUI OOIU•M GREEN J:BEANS HAl!VEST 0/.V 29 cur 011 ' SLICED '160l (Al'le !:HUNT'S KETCHUP . n oz aTl e 79 AMERICAN BEAUTY J:PASTA SPACHETII 09 SMAll 49 ELBOW MACARONI ...... 24 0 1.PKC e r WISHBONE DRESSING 6 O fTAUAN 1 01 l fl • 5 • RACU SAUCE 85 >. IT•u•~ COO<"" H"" ••Ol IA•• BROWNBERRY CROUTONS l"""""'\ •oz llOll.65 • TOMATOES ~ .. _,O'I. 1101 C.AN.39 • PEAS I CARROTS 41 6 Oii _.. 1101 u. ... • VANILLA WARIS 69 0 w '<Y.fll 11 Ol t01 • • TOMATO JUtCE 59 0 W)WTTA , • ..Ol CAH, L ~~u~ 1t\ 1.12 r CHIODO CANDY ... H &. .. TIO '10l f>Ct .59 !:STEWED TOMATOES 33 lAOY LEE 160l CANe ~RANCH STYLE ~~~ ._~. 34 •FRUIT COCKTAIL .!.ofl~Tt •· ~ , ...... 49 • COFFEE CREAMER O Voll" Lii " I •O 1. 09 • HORME\. CHILI ~...., ... w.s. "0/C.-.\.59 r EARlY CALIF. OllVES O "'""lO"ILIC" •C/CA\.61 Del lcatessen !:WAGON MASTER MEATS 4 VARIETIES 4 3 SllCEO . 1' 10l PKC e r CHICKEN FRANKS t. ._,. ,.~ ••Ol ~ .89 r KNACKWURST b ~-... l'IH' 'l'tP•G1.89 PfllS8URY BISCUITS ; ~·=•04> 1'•01 CA'-.17 • OAK COOKED HAM 1 gg ). \uCID •Ot fl<!C • • FARMR JOHN FRANKS. > ew O-MfA! ,.o, "'~t.19 CHEDDAR CHEESE ~ ~~o:I~ •OOI .._, 1,39 Dairy & Frozen r SWANSON CHICKEN b IUIOUT,_.0 110l ""' 2.99 L ~ i•Ol ~ 2.63 MWUTE MAIO LEMONADE ! cOOOCIN'11•n. """" 0<1 48 ~ ••• '10l (NI, LADY LEE SLICED ~~~N_ 8 9 l!HI(• SLICl 1 'l8 P~C. 1 29 OSCAR MAYER SLICED B~~~148 OHl(ll( SLICE 12 Ol P1r:C • 1 48 I Dairy & Frozen • Bl.Uf BONNET t. .. _ ••Pl t • ... 61 • CAULIFLOWER 1 ~~ut •:.c1 ._t: .53 LIQUOr SAVE 10% -BUY A CASEI a 10 ... 0tSCOVNT rSCIVENO~iull CASE PVIKHASEsoi W1Nf 'SPIRI' IKE'r BUY t1E ~ E ((lUOf O 1.W. HARPER BOURBON ! 160900f 1\1•• en 11 .99 CANADIAN MIST r~-· 11HTW l'T\9.95 HARV£ST DAY WINES L ..... °'~ .... tOW 1 99 l~OllO<A&U\ 11•• R•l • Household & Pet b ~~ Pt.Am tOOCT ~ 1.19 b VlllA FOAM ~c• °"" .59 r PAPER NAPKINs 09 6 IAD'ltl . JCIOC" P>C. 1. r ALUMINUM FOIL 39 6 ll'O'f LI f . 1H I tOu , r MIRAClf WHIT! 89 6 CUA.Nlt • 6' Ol lfl 1, DISCOUNT SUPERMARKETS ........ llt IO. 9'Aft ~ eouwt .. '"'..,... 8CM.IWMO ~ ............ ............ ,..,........,..~ UllMllA...,,.. .... CMOt ..... , ....... t.UfTA ANA -IO.---ITOMI ONN DMLY I A.a. trTAllTCNe ,_ltA~A'llll. wtflWMt'TWI ---------·-- SLICED BEE F LIVER ,, • .. .. 98 BROWN ONIONS NO ' .12 Household & Pet i HEFTY TRASH BA~S,,,~ 2. 6S • ICAL KAN DOC FOOD 1 ... • • /(6'.57 Health & Beauty Aids • BIC SHAVER : ~·.A.-.1 , ••. ,_53 • SUNDOWN SUNSCREEN 1 7.~~·:;.,· 'oat • : en 2.39 i SIGNAL MOUTH~tS~ 1. 79 ARRIO ROLL-ON NOOO-•"' " 0-.._~,. :·01 1 . 79 Produce ----------- GOLDEN ~!~~!'~~~B • 3 9 CRENSHAW MElONS LOOSE CARROTS FRESH BROCCOLI ·~ 15 .•. 12 II ,39 OU' Cln(-Pfl'lr9'<1'0"' "°"" ' Q~""'""' Ofl( ~ f'l Of' -.f'tl('fMI' ,....,.,,. MOf"lftO"' •UQIJ<l 11'\011"\I TW'IO" AWOV'lt 1llT\ lt79 ... what discount Is all abOutl ~ , .... ..._. .... • Wedneeday, Auguet 22. 1979 . Fresh Bartlett Pears are Versatile J uat about every tulslne around t.be world '•!\ a famous du1h that <'omblnes poultry with in·seuon freah fnait f~b cranberry aauce. CA.UFOaNI~ CHICKEN 3 p()tJnda chlckcn. cut Into eervln1 plcccs Salt and pepl)(lr 2 tablcapooo11 butler or m111ra11r1no 2 tublespoona cook Ina ult t m edium oni on. fine ly chopped v. cup dry white wln4' h teupoon thyme 1 0 blan c h ed almonds, toasted 3 tablespoon& raisins 2 t1i&blespoons tt llvl'r e d almonds , toasted 3 fresb Bartlett pears In Ch.ina. It's 8Ucculcot roast duc k with a tprlahUy plum sau<'t . tn P'ranct'. it's th~· cl asst<' C hlc lt t>n V\•ronlque chunks ()f chicken In a. s uprttm e sauce lated with frei;h gn.'t!n grapt>s . and 1n Lhe Unll\'<l Sttttcs, it's the traditional hoh duy turkey top~ with Now the West Cout Jolna the parade o f poultry and fntlt dJahca with Its ve r y own Ca llrornh Chicken Tender ple('el of chicken are &l"nlly poached in a c hicken broth and wine sauce. tht'n enhanced with r1 esh CaHfornta Bartlell pear quarters. 2 t'lov~N garl 1 ~. Season chicken with Blue berries <From Pa1e C7> t ht> first week an July clear throu)?h August , wnh berne:. produced m Oregon. Washington and Britis h Colum bia These regions supply the area west of the Rocky Moun- t a 1 n s · a n d t h c southwestern states or Texas. New Mexico and Arizona Wild lowbush blueber- ries are harvested 1n Mai ne a nd Eas tern Canada from Aug. 15 throug h Sept . 15 Ninety-eight percent are eithe r frozen or canned. Only a limited a mount is sold locally in fres h form and 1s not a factor in the fresh market The large blueberries ma rketed fre sh are j:?enerally those Of the cultiv ated hi g h bus h varieties. found in North Caro lina. New Jersey, M1 c hq::a n , Oregon Was hington State a nd British Columbia Presh sales at·counl for about 40 pcr<:ent ol the total C'Ult1 n 1ted crop of 7fl m 11l1on pouni•i. T hl' hHl<inc·c• 1s sold as fro1cn hl11dwrrics to b1• usNi mst1tut1onally und 1n manv C'On\ <'n ll'nt·c lo od s 'no\\ on th E' markt•t (·u 111vatt·d h I u e b 1.• r r ll' :-are th c nt'\\ est c·omm(•rewl fruit nop in the world and have b<•cn :wall ahlc 1n quantity only s 1n<.·t• the 1930s The• s mallc•r. low bush blucbcrnf's nat1v1.• to thi: northeast regions of tht• l 'nited States and the r an a ch a n l\1 a ri ti m c· s . :ire u:-ually mark1•t('d in proe\•sscd form These are sometimes r e ferred to as ··wile! .. blue berries. hut <'Om mer c1 al growers apph t• ' pert l t• c· h n 1 q u c·" I " prod ute th<' huge 1 rops o f m odC'm t 1 mt'.., Thl' larm1nj.! of \\lld . low hush hi u1.•b<' rrir·" has b<•<·om\• as 1.•xac-llni.? :1 Sl'Je nee as has the l;,irgl'r t·111t1vatf'd hl uebNry a nd today the avt•rage crop of wild bluc bt'rrtC's 1s about 45 m1ll1 on pounds. What blueberry ''pro- du c t s" arf' on th e market today? CANNED BLUEBER· RI E S reac h c:onsumers 1n syrup packs. water packs. and in pie fall ing. They are also available as a canned component in m uffin and cake mix packs The pie fi ll ing has thickening a gent s added. which make 1t a .. convenient item in pie ::ind t art baking The straight syrup pack 1!'. avai lable 1n 15-ounee number 300 cans. pie fi llin g an 2 1-ounce number 300 cans and in 24-ounce glass jars; the water pack comes in in- s titutional number 10 cans and in the 14-oun ce number 300 cans. FROZEN BLUEBER· RIES are available either in syrup or in dry- pack form. The dry. pack form can be in- terchanged for fresh in blueberry .recipes, but since the syrup-packed blueberries are sweete ned the "fresh" reci pe nee d s to be changed to allow for the sugar already in the pack . Frozen blueber- ries are available In 16-ounce packages for consumers and in 20· and 30-pound cans or cartons for insUtutionaJ use. Blueberries caa also be found in supermarket freezer caaea in auc h blueberry producta as ·pies, blintzes, l UJ'90Yera, tarts. coffee cakea, cup cakea, a n d w h ipped cream desserts. BLUEBE RR Y SYRUP is a popular pancake 1auce, aDd ls used commercially by pancake houses a nd restaurants. In the home. blueberry aynap ii used u a uuce for lee cream and other cMelertl, and as a d rink bue, .. well .. • Wp· ptai for peacake1 and JWatfl•. Pf'ars adapt beautiful· ly to ttus s~c1al recipe for C11hfom1a Cb1cken minced or prti1111cd s uit and pepper. ln large l '11 r u pi> ch lck tln s killet hht butt.er a nd broth or bouillon 01 I . brown c h ick e n COMPARE MARKET IASKEl'S QIAUTY, VALUE & PRICES WITM OTHER STORES. WE 'RE SO SIRE Of OUR LOW PRICES TIA T WE OFFER THIS LOW PIKE 5UARAllTEE. thoroughly. When well wltb sauce and cook. b r o w n e d • t r a n s f e r covered, ove(' moderate chkkeo to aJteated plat· heat tor 2S minutes, or ter and remove all but l until tender. Remove table"poon of oil from chicken to heated serv· sk1llet. Saute onion and log platter : simmer s auce while preparing garlic until tender. Add pears. Pare, q uarter chicken broth, wlne and and core pears: add to thyme; simmer for 5 sauce and cook for 2 minutes. Grind the 10 minutes. Remove pears· blanched almonds and to platter with chicken add along with raisins, and Pour sauce over all s livered almonds and or pass s auce i n a chicken to the skillet. separate dish . Makes 4 Tum the chicken to coat servings. r • .. -... -~---· .... . -··-------·~--.._ ........ -·--··-.. • FOOD Fruit-vegetable m ix is welcome change to usual baked beans routine. ···-····--···· ... ' j FOOD WedMlday, AUQuat 22; 1979 DAIL y PILOT G Pamper Guests With Strawberries Want to pamper your 1ue•t1 with the m o:.t luxurious lrcllt you C•n think of! lt just hai to be frt!sh :J trawberr1c:. ~l'rVt'd with r clll whq,p e d Cft'Mm, The tll'b ~ holt•s umt dairy flavor of wb1pped cream ls lhe pt>rfect loll lot the s~eet vine ripened straw~m~ THE TMTE and tex lure comb1nat100 of velvety cream a nd Juicy fruit on the tongue 1s Ork' of the mos t delightful e xperiences known to man. A m eringue :.ht.'ll lavishly filled with real whipped c r eam and strawberries makes an irresistible presentation in looks and taste. Fortunately both tht> Reduce •11 aod lM mnnt can ~m~abeed .-or bf'•t re•u tta, howf"vt"r, plan on tttv lng ~ detlkrt. within a c-oupl.-of houra afte r putting it t of(ethe r. ln f he followtnf( rt>cipe, there II.rt' 00 lf'ftovcr eaa yolk ~ bt•eaust' they to into the fa~ talJJq. CHIU. 111£ 1m b"yon ~·u~tard made with egg volks, powde~d sugar .md ·berry before fold· int: in whipped cream Jnd -.hr ed strawberriei. s"' 1rl:. or whtppt:d l'rt'l.IO\ and whole bet· r1es ~1ve the top a party llOll>h T h e ric h Cl&vor and full bodied texture or whipping cream make it J fovonw dessert mgre· dient It 1::. abo prized ro r 1ls Fat Deposits As blood tests become more sophisticated and taypersons b<.>romc more knowledgeable about their own bodies, Lhl•re's growing conre rn about high tn~lyc·end(.> blood levels It's possible to reduce the formation of these Cats in the blood that lead to fatty deposits Special Diefs By June Roth in the walls of arteries. If left untcndl'd, these deposits can lead to clogging and narrowing th1· urtcrie:-., and possibly clo-;ing tht'm THE DIET TO LOWt.:R TRIGLVCt.:nm..: lcveb 1nrludes the avoidance· 11f all conccntrat· ed s weets s uch as randy, ~ugar. Jelly and honey. Wh l•n hypertr1glyc·cr1demia <h igh triglycerid1•s) O('curs 10 a di<ibetic, there may be s kin disorder-; 1f the d1abett·s is not properly controllt>d. ~m:ill p111k , red o r brown lesion::. may form on th(• surfa('c of the skin, later Join- ing togethl'r to form larger placqucs. There 1~ abv a <·orrl'l:.itwn bet~ccn mild ex· crcise and lowering high tnglycendes. Be sure to d iscuss a propl'r cxcrc1~e program with your doctor if you an· informed that a med1c11l check-up has rl'Vt·all·d l'levated triglyceride leve ls. Besid~ avmding sweets, <.ilcohol and gct- ti n g som e re gul a r exercise prog ram established, a good well·balanced diet is in or· der ORANGE CH IFFON PIE •1:i cup orange juice 4 teaspoons liquid artificial sweetener Dash of sail 3 eggs. scparatc-d I tablespoon unflavored gelatin •/4 cup cold water 1 nine-inch baked, cooled pastry shell (no s ugar added) In top or a double boiler. combine Juice. a rtifi('ial sweetener. salt and egg yolks. Cook over hot water until mixture coaU. the spoon. Remove from heat. Soften gelatm in t.b e cold water and add to juice mixture, stirring lo dis· solve granules. Chill until mixture begins lo thicken to the consistency of egg whiles. Then beat separated egg whales until stiff peaks form ; fold into thickened fruit j ui ce mixture. Spoon into past ry shell. Chill until set. Garn1!>h with orange segments. if desired. Makes 6 serv· in gs. PRUNE FLUFF 1 jar ( 5-ounce) s trained prunes. no sugar added JU ice t • ~ teaspoon:-. frozen tonC'entratcd <>11vl" 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teas poon lemon JUiee l teaspoon ~rated lemon rind 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin 1 tablespoon cold wate r 2 egg whites Blend together prune!>, apple juice. vanilla. lemon juice and lemon rind. Soften gelatin 1n the cold water, then dissolve over hot water m a double boiler. Beat egg whites until frothy, add gelatin and beat very stiff. Fold into prune mix- ture and pile lightly into dessert glasses. Chill. If desired, garnis h with walnut halves. Makes 4 servings. CHOCOLATE MOUS.SE 2 ounces bitter chocolate 3 tablespoons boiling water 1 tablespoon liquid sweetener 1 teaspoon almond extract 2 eggs. separated Grate chocolate and place in an electric blender. Add boiling water. liquid sweetener and almond extract: blend for 1 minute. Add egg yolks and blend again. Beat egg whites until stiff· fold chocolate mixture into egg whites. spcx;n into dessert glasses and chill until firm. Makes 4 servings. Tropical Flan s tableipoou well-over very low beat untU drained C!l1lihed pineap. mixture simmers. Sim· pie. ~ed m~e r 2 mi n u t e s . l cup *1m milk Meanwhlle, beat ew in I tUlelpoona fiaked a large bowl. Gradually coeoaut beat in bot milk mix· J egs ture. Beat in bananas 4 very ripe banaaas, and vanJlla. Turn the mubed ml xture into the 2 teupGom vanilla cuserole and 1prtakle DMb Of aalt the top wlth clmwnon' Nutme1 and eln· and nutm.ea. Place tbe IWDCID ca11erole la a llYJlow Pat drained pineapple pan, putly ftll..S wttll ta tbe bottom of a bot water. Pl-. tbe pan CIAtlW. Comblae UM In a preheated 350- mllk and eotoDllt In a de1r .. OYeD and bake 1 m a 11 n o n -1 tl c le about 30 mlllutel or unUl ... .,_ Cook and stir Ute eUltard II Mt. DELIGHTFUL Taste and texture of n·h' ty cr eam and .]u1cy fruit 1s a dehghlful ex pericncc. decorative quaUU~. A garnish o ( showy whi pped cream adds In· s lant appeal t o a n y th:ssert. When whipped lo a firm texture, it may be v• ped through a pastry bag t o create Caney borders. rotSettes, ruffles or what.ever. Or it may be served as a "r banlil· ly" topping -lightly beaten to sort peaks. Once c r ea m i s whipped. it may be cov· l!red a nd refrigerated, i.ln hour or two before :.~rv1ng. Any s light s eparation of liquid from the cream may b<' put back 1n place easily IJy mixing briefly with i.I wire whisk. STRAWBERRY WHIPPE D CREAM PIE 3 t'gf.!S ', teaspo<>n cream of tartar 1 1 teaspoon ~alt ,, cup sugar Stra wberr v \\'hlpPt"d Cn·am Fallin,:: - Slr:.&\\IH•rrtt·s for garnish St•rwr.111• <·g~s a nd ,1 ' {' ~ u I k ... f o r '-. t r · "' lw 1 1 \' \\' h q> pt' d t '1 l·.1111 Filling IH:ol t·gg \\hllt•S \\Ith ('rl'affi Of rartJr .md s;,lt until California go ft p eak s form . Gradually beat in s ugar. 2 t.ablespooo at a lime. until stUf peaks form. This takes about 10 minutes u sing hi gh speed of electric mixer. Spoon into buttered 9- inch pie plate. Mound up aides to make high edge with hollow in center. Bake in JOO.degree oven l hour or 4Jilil dry and c r i s p . Cool. Spoon Strawberry Whipped C r eam F illing Into rooled shell. Garnish with a ddition a l strawberries. Makes 8 servings. STRAWBERRY WHIPPED CREAM FILLING Combine 3 egg yolks. l cup powdered sugar and 111 cup sherry healing with wire whisk. Place ove r gentl y boiling water and cook. stirnng constantly, 8 minutes or until mlltture thickens. ('over and refrigerate about 1: hour. Whip l <·u p cream until stare peaks form. Fold into rgg yolk mixture. Fold 1n 2 cups l.li <'cd :.tra,,berr1h ~OTE Hl· ... l S l'f\ l•d wi thin 2 hour!> <•ft<.:r J b· !>emblmg another sociable sausage for mealtime pleasf,lre ... Here's a tasty, tangy Polish sausage created in the Schinner's Sausage Kitchens. Top quality U.S.D.A. beef and succulent lean pork are blended with delicate spices, then hickory smoked the natural way until lully cooked. You'll get raves when you serve 1t with eggs, on a sandwich or steamed and served with sauerkraut loolc tor the little Sch1rmer's Sausage Maker ""'-"---... on the package in your marlcet. Schirmm the Sociable Sausage Available in the Deli case of: FED MART We: have gol}! things ID Store wa-you. Thompson Seedless Grapes 29¢ Nature's oy.·n lb. snack. Ideal 1mrner thirst-quencher ond cooler. Thompson seedless gropes art> low in calories, high 1n Vitamin C and always delicious.. Nectarines 39i~ A n 11npor1011t sourr•· •1! V 1tom111 A. Our nccronnes art:: plump and f11 n' with o delec· table aroma. They odd color and style to any fruit bowl. Bartlett Pears ' 3nft. Try these superb 7 jb Bartlelts w ith any ·of our fresh-cut cheeses as o quick dessert. They're juicy, ripe and hove a mellow flavor •deal for snacking. Tomatoes 3'n. Col1fa rn10 gro wn and rtpt;>ned. rbrs1• plun•p rL'd btoul11'" will " re •l '"'-1r up1 rt llcw. r wf" •n stor1~d :1 rh1 · prup...·r tvmpl!•Oture, 'rc..m 55 ,,., 7 5 h.:grc::i .. , Orange County's freshest, most complete produce section. Mangoes Plantains 49c: ea. Papayas 69c ea. Sweet corn 8 for' I 00 Bell Pe ppers 39c lb. 49c lb. Pineapple 79c: ea. Honeydew Melons 19' lb. Eggplant 39' ea. Sulphured Extro Choice Apricots SZ. It Shelled 'M:Jlnuts <row> SJ.It Carob Mix $1.49 Finn Crisp, Ploln or Caroway tt• .... Extra Lorge M Egos W ... l ecithin Gronules-1 tb. pkg. SJ.49 ~ Noturol Vitamin E. \. 200 1.U. 100 cops. Sl.4t t.""·''"°', J. ,. • , ..-1'aYern Ham $2.tt lb. ~ ~,.,.) ./ Lappi (flnnlth Joell) $2.19 lb. 1 Switzerland Swiss (£mmentolu) Sl.49 lb. ~y . Wlotl.-re ... laatotaUJaalqae ... ppl ... atbwtnteHL ns1i £1 TCYo lld 79Adom\AVl• (I Toro, CA Hun••nqion 8eocll CA (?14) 951-7277 (71 4) 964.5677 1 , . . h €1• IW&.Y PILOT Grocery Prices Still Rising, Acc~rding to AP Poll G rour1 prirH In l'teaaed •C••n durln1 July, with cofle~ aod mtlk leadlq lbti wa.)', an Aatol'lated Preaa marltetbuket ~HUvti)• show&. Ho•ard Hjort. th U S. Deparlmeat ol A1r1~ultu re '1 c:biel ecoooml&l, uld mid dlemen -who pr'Offe• and ..U m•al -bavf' betun paa!QI a&ooc lo con.swmn aom ot tb11 11v1n11 reallied from ., livt'1took prtc u durHM But u alao uld lbat th• m1r1ln11 "are •Ull wl.der t.hu U•l be juaunfd ·· No atlt'mp( wH made to ••llh lht A I' aurvey rfaulU a rcordlnK t o poputauoo density or m terOl• ol what percent ot a fam l ly 'a fH tu 1d .irorcry outlay each item r.:pr\llcnlll week on which the check was made v1rled de- pendlna on the month. Standard brands and 1tttl were used when av•tlablo. U t.be request· ed 1lze aJ'\d brand wH not ava.IJabJe on March 1, 1973. a compuable 1ubtUlule wu select.ct. lt•m• on the AP cheek lilt were: chopped chuck, ceater cut pork cbopa, lroien oranae Julee c~ealrate, cof- fee. pape!' towels, but- ter. Grade-A medium while e111. creamy peanut butler, laundry deter1ent. fabric sof- tener. tomato 1aul'e, milk, frankfurter• and granulated au1ar. were. AJbuquerque, Atlanta. 801ton , C h1caa&o . Dalla s. Detroit. Los AnaeJes, MJam1, New York , Philadelphia . Providence. Sall Lake City and Seattle. THE DAY o t· lhe The clUea checked Shopper• trytn1 to i.t retch their dollars found Katterect 1.td on I humburaer1 and l rrunklurtcrs ror aummer ,. ~ I harM<'Uftll but the .. ~ I 1 -c... -...,.. .. ' .... , ....,_ u. • • ....,.,.. :> _ .......... < ....... '"""' 11t'w11 l(ent•r1dly wu out I wt. ll•••~ ... ~. __,t!::::r..,. ., 1 I Wt·a ~hed by th" bad I "-1'" ....._~ • ......,,.,... ......... . ~., ..... ,......... I ov t•r 11ll 8 uper1nurket I ~\ tnlh1 went up bv mon.· 1 , t"I t-, {', 14 "~1? a~I than one hair• J)t'rc~nt ------....-:-----=:!I The AUO<'IMttK.1 Prl'si. cl rew UIJ a random lust of (•om monly purcha1wct foud ilnd non food 1t~m:. 1·ht·t·kt'd the vrice at on~· '>Upermurkel an each of 13 <·1 t1<'s on M urrh I . IU7J and hai.. rt•<'h~kt'<1 11n or <tbout thl' 1!lurt o f 1«1t h iiu<'ct'C<ianf( m onth TllF. LATEST SUR\'EV ~howed th:.t tlu.• m arketbasket bill in· creaM>d at the checklist stor e in seven c1taes. n s· 1n g an avera1H· of 4 I p l'r t ent Tht' bill d l' l' r 1· u s t• J a I t h t• rh1'<·kh.,t ~tore 1n six <·11 tt''>. down un aver uRe nf ;1 ·I 1~·n·1·nl On 11n ovt-rall basis, lht> rn arkt•thu:.k l't bill "',.., .,1., Pn tt•nth~ of ,, pt'rl t•nt h1J,!ht'r at 1 lw ''Jr\ of l\UJ.!U'I than 11 ",.., ;, month t«•rltt·r ('11ff1•1• prll'l'' Ill < r t'J'l'<I .it llw t•ht·rkh!.t 'lllrt' IO 11 Cllll'S la:.t month . ri s 1n~ t o 11n .1'o t•rag 1' ,,, s:111:J a 11ound Hl't<ill prw<·'> ... 1111 I a g lwh 111cl "'holr·.,<d ,. pr11 , • .,, lw"' t'\l'I m1•a11 trlJ.! 1111111· 1n1·r1"1'I'' ;u 1· l1k1•1\ 'I lit• 1111'111 I jlrll'I'" ,IJ t• hlu 11wd on h.1d "'1 .. 11 ltc·r II fir Mil ;1111! fill !lit· ri· 'r1l1111111> 111 "1.11 ;11 ;,,.11.1 I Ill• r1· ..., rt I .1 1·•11I 1•1• •,ho1 I a1•1•, IJul IJt·k 111 a ... urpJ11., h:1' p r1ir1111t .. d 1·offl-1· It :11l1·r" lo hrd 11p fl/'lt'I• ... S llOl'l'•-:tt ~ W llO l r 11•tl 111 111·:11 1 lw l1t>1>'.I Ii\ 'Wiit hlfll' lfl lllillo. "'''I'' 11111 111 1111" Tltr· pf I•,. "' .1 1111.11! ttl 111111.. Ill 1 r1>,,.,1·d 11111111~1 .Ill(\ 111 .,,., 1·11 1·11 , .. ., ., ht· Ill l'ft'U'>P rt•f11 ·1·t... 1111'1 1•;1',1•c, in th1• a m111111t paid t•1 rtJrmer"l for rnrlk Thc•rt· "'.i'> 111'111·1 111·\!,.., .1l I ht• 1111·:il c·r111111<•1 Tl11· f}r!l'I' llf I llf1J1!1f•IJ l'fllll'k d (• I I t• .1 '> t• d ,1 l t h I' f 111•1·1-,IJ'.t '>1111 t' lfl flVf' I I l I ,. '> I .1.... rn II n l h . Ol II tftJCIJ:h •I 1111111111 Of h ;1rr1h11 1 ~1·r -.till 1·11.,t' n t• ;1 r I " S ~ o n I h •· l!Vl'I :1~1· Tiii-: PRfC'I·: of rrank l11rt«rs dt•(.'rt'<J!.1•cl ;it t h1· 1·ht'rklt::1t sto r<• 1n :-.ix t·• lll's uncJ the prl1·c.· ot por·k 1•h111>s dropped 111 r1111r 1·1111•:. '1 r t•a l I h t· IJrun ('h b 11 H'h l<i M1•.X)f'UO 1-:g~ .. 'n '1 dt'l1'> 'fry tht'> 1111v1·l ;,1p1iro;w lt t11 '>t'ramhled t!~I<'> Fill hot t<1c·11 :.hl'll1t v.1th 't·r :.11nhlc'<l t•irni.. IJ;11•1111 1>r ham Inti. un<l i.hr 1•il1lt'rl 1•h1·1·!'-t t·, t'lf1 with tu1·11 1wu1·1· 1'1·rf{'1•t for J.Hlrlll''> u n<I th1• fa1n1 ly.t1m' • • • t;irn lx·atmg l(ol you beat? Tht! kl·y to dfl- <'ICnt beating I!. the right :size bowl ll shoul<l be sm all enough to get tht! egg well heatc n. but !urge enough lo accom modate the beaten bulk , whole eggs or yolks dou ble 1n volume. and whites a l least triple .... ::~.1~~: Pork Link lau•age · • •' Fann•r John Fresh S&rinlfft .................................... . 8·o•48C Plig (;.,~~: Country Style Ribs lb.,39 • · Former John Fre1h Pork Loin ........ . · .,. .. Whole Pork Loin ... ,b'l25 •119 F1e1h·!armer John B..lk Cut and Wrop,,.d . . .. ::: ... ~:-:: Pork Loin Chops '· • · frHh·farmer John, Center Cut .... lb •'.JI'. p k p· • : , ..... : or 1cn1c •:: :~· Former John, .fresh Whole Shoulder ...................... , 1b 79c ~!:~!~:~e~hop• '2'' ~!!!~Jlo~n!~~ps 1129 Po1w loin lb Pork loin lb !·:1 (•r11rlay L ov1 Pricc1 s OH CS/h\ ('Jw1<·e H111•f I ~H~?fu !~~!~.·!~ .!'!~~~'~!~.~.~.. 1b 1119 ;u foA7 Boneless •ump Roast •20• CHOIC!J USDA Choice a .. f Rovnd (or Bollom Round 10011) lb iufo"A ( Boneless lteak •229 ( CHOIC(; USDA Choi<• Beef Chuc Ir Shoulder lb 1usoAI Boneless Cross Rib Roast '2 19 CHOIC!J USDA Choi<• Beef Chud1 -11·1 Flavorful . .. . . lb 1 ~HS~jtJ !~~!~f~ .. ~!~~~ .. !~~ ~·~~~ .. .lb •2•• ~~ ~~~h~i~B!h~~ .• ~~~~ ..................... It. '179 llalt Bacon · Safeway, In Random Wei9h11 7 8' (Bulk Sli<fll...lb. 98') ............ lb. CanneclHam Sofewoy, 8onelen 3 -lb. I 5 98 fully Cooked .. . . .. .. . . Con Premium Franks 1-1b. •1 a• Sof•way Meot or 8eef ....... ~· lllcetl Bologna t-lb.1129 Safeway Meal 01 8eef Pl.g. lmportetl Ham Safeway Slic9d 4-oi. 99c f ully Cooked . . Pkg. Boneleaa Hams Hormel Curo 81 01 lath Hld101y Smo••d , .1b~259 USDA C'Jwu·r• /111/J..: Ht'<'/' Whole Boneleaa lhoulder USO.A Cho1u 8uf Chu•~ C1011 a11t lntfud .. Sl•ok• •• Roo•h (9 te IS-lb Shel !179 <'ul 1·,, Y11111 S1w•1/11•ll1""' ""'' '"''" w, .. ,., .... ,. ( 'lu1 ck 'J'lu• st> l '<'l Vvod Sp,•nal.'> 1 Safeway Dog Food ~ 8olo~H .. d 6 •s ~, oi ., ~ Mo11on Con• Purin<J Cat Food ~;;~ f o• Your 4 (>-OJ 'I .,,,,,.,..,, Co I (an I Purina Meow Ml• ~ You1Col •1•• , ,,,..,,.. Will Love J 1'1 lb lfliiiiV tr p" g Purina Cat Chow Z:..; 10e'!v1499 Country Blend ~~ Pvttno 4 -lb 1199 ~Cot food Bog Two-Ten Lowfat Miik .:~'"'G~~=~ 1 s 9 Troplcana Orange Juice ·:~~h ........ , 29 C UllUll ·----~-----·-------~------~------~---' ' 9 .. Y,lt~W.4'1~ ' ' .!;,,' ·-~· !ll1Ji 11});].!IJ '1J J,:,• JI.} I~' '·.! <S1 I low o•d• The Pu1 <ho1e of On .. I 11 lndovodval Pockoge GREAT ESCAPES DllNERS !.1Jill I • :#.: ~"1 . . i': ,:. .c '.:~ ___________________________________ J Scotch Treat Lemonade Imitation Mayonnaise Co~;:~;,~'•6 'I ~ , .. , ...... Con• ~oleh Buy 7 9 c C1eomy·Smoo1h _...-'\. 37 or ~Jot Flelschmann's Margarine Wesson 011 For Scalads Aloo G1eo1 f01 9 9 ••9vto• 79c -:::.. 1 .~ •_-I Cort..- Cook'"lil 01 f1y1n9 C -::::.. 24 .(If C: -~ Bottle Green Giant Nlblets Corn Golden, Whole 2 9 c ICern•I r _.-.4'\ 12-01. 1..'-~ Con Lucerne'' AA'' Large Eggs lvcorne 6 9 Cheddar Cheese Longhor" Sryl• $ . 69 Sof,.woy ,,,,. 1·, froth c 1.DoHn In Random~ Co1ton w .. 19h" ~ 1b Loiv Prices On Ltquor, \.Yines • • ,_ ... l, .... .I .· SO.Proof larly Times Bourbon s11011h• HI h B b 80-Pioof Ten g our on s1.a.gh1 Gllbey'a Gin eo.P•oof Your sgs '9 Choice [ 1 1 . I·~~ 1. 1 S liter .\'1·w ,..m,,, S<'f1td1 H1 111' Scotch Buy Long Grain Rice G II • 8 vigvndy • Red Ro\e • Heo•ty Burgundy ~ 2 l S • 5 a 0 • Pink Chobl" • Chobt,, Blon< • Rhule ~ l•te" 'c,~ 2 .~. 5 9c ('JI('('#\ (-;;;;-..... ,H'I l11f f '1 I• I ' l>n U•· 1 ,.,,,1111111 ,\I / '1111111111 • ?O-b.-awe SIW.a $I 09 ............. ,,.,.. YourChe6<e loch . ' llenltl1 rrnd IJeauty Atds Colgate Toothpo\le $112 lnclude1 2S Off lobe! ~-•-o• ~Tube Multiple Vitamin• ...... ,, •• ef100 Softwoy Hu ck-To -School Bu u s ! Data Center ';'.~.:.·:.:~:· s24 g m~ loch Fiiier Paper 3 ... , .. c:.1i.,. er Wide 'Ito. 9 9 /It 1"1• of 300 '9 • ShHh .. . ,..;_~...,.P'IC........,............-........ ~• • •., ..-•• ..... _. ._...... .... ,.;• --... ~.~--., F l ... 'Nedneeday.August 22. 1979 DAILY PILOT CJ' Freezing Garden Yield Readiness Pays • ID Paowtn&. seedtna. Uun.n.tnc. weedln1 lt'a all part of the annual ntual known ll5 the home ve1 table aardeo. "With favorable weather and faithful care. even a small 1anWn can produite enoush to not ool)' atilty the famUy'a appetile Cor fresh picked v~&f'tablea. bul to al.lo stock t.M homt freeMr •t worthwbll• ~·V1~ ... H)"I Paultne Chureh, home aervtce adviser for a food stora11e contal.Mr manufacturer ·'80•& \'ETF.aAN GAllDt:Nr.as deC'ldt> wbat &o plant wtlb tbe ~er ln mind. devollnf( extra ·~ to varieties they've frozen aur ce11fully ln previou. yuara," ·he notes Ms. O\uttb SUj&e•ll t.hat a 1ood IOUtCf' of information on local vanelle~ that freeie well 11; the stat. uteoaion service, experiment station or colleee of aa-riculture " 1 The extension offiN· for Orange Coast resldentb can be reached i.t 774.7050 ) One key to sucC'ess, both 1n ra11nn g veget.ablea and 10 free11n1them,11> timing THE atGHT TIME TO PLANT any given vegetabJe depend!> on when• you h ve and how well you may be able to protect young plants from the elements Ev"1 rc(lonal pl•ntin1 calendars are ac curate only to • d aree 1lnee n1wre la 10 W> p red.I eta ble. Rat.her thaa tah chance1, aome 1ardenera do their planlln.c Ml ant.ervi.la over several ~ ctk11 With luck, each plantinc will flourish and the harveat will alao span aever&l weeu "But doo't rely on luck when ll comes to frttzln• pert o( thi.l harve.t." Ma. Cbu.rcb cau. 110111t '18e p,..pared to 10 lnto action aa eoon as the (Int ve1etables start to ripen. Losa of time w Ill ~eM 1088 of quality in the frozen product." .tU8T A8 Ttu; GARDENE& cheeks his tools well before ~anting time, so should the frceHr owner check kitchen supplies in ad- vunct' and fill in where needed. As basic equip- ment for processing a nd freeling garden pro- duce succesdully, Ms. Church s uggests the followlng l A generous saie colander for draining veg~tabJes lifter washing. 2 A food blancher or other large kettle for s<'aldtng It takes one gallon of boiling water to i.ca ld one pound of vegetables with approx· amately two gallons per pound for leafy greens. The kettle should have a light lid and a basket of perforated metal or fine wire mesh although a cbeee«loth bat can be substituted. 3. Plenty of Ice cut>e. or extremely cold run· mng water to chill vegetables quickly after scaldina and before packaging. A plutic dish- pan m abs an Ideal bath for this purpose. 4. A d•ndable minute timer. 5. A.Norted moisture-vapor-proof containers with snu1-lltUng lids and which are easily s tackable. Look for tafered sides that will permit. euy removal o frozen fooda without thawing. "When in doubt about container sizes, choose smaller rather than larter," Ms. Church ad vises. "To reduce waste," she says. "freea.e in fa mily mea1·size amounts. For company, you can always open a second container." Square contalners are the popular choice for most fruits and veeetables, she reports, although rect..neular containers misht work better for s pecial things like broccoli, asparagus spears and corn-on-the-cob. Both types can be washed and reused indefinitely for freezing as well as for refrigerator and pantry storage 6. Tape and waterproof marking pen for identifying and dating contents. Ms . Church s ays ordinary masking tape ls useful for label- 10g as well as for sealing packages that need it. 7 Complete instructlons for preparation and blanching 1scalding or st.earning ) times . You ought fand Uus mformatioo tn a generaJ cookbook or io your freezer booklet. You a~o can obtain a copy or Home f'rttzing of Fruits and Vegetables. U.S. Department of Agriculture Chutney-Glazed Chicken and Pears I• a good summertime recipe. Chicken With Pears Off er Pace Change Tired of m eat and potatoes., LongLD~ for a s ummer meal that hasn't bee n barbecued , s moked , s k ewer e d or pi c ni c wrapped? A chan~e of pace from special summf.'r fixins 1s the summertime pear cook ed with any time chicken. CHUTNEY-GLAZED Chicken and Pears is baked in the oven and seasoned with a concoc- t.ion of chutney, raisins. wLOe, chopped onioo and ganger. If you don't want to risk heating up your hou se. try a s low rookery pot started an the morning. But save the pears fo r the las t hour or they'll get mushy. Ch006ing the freshest ingredients for any re- cipe is haJf the secret to s uccess. For instance, the weight or a chicken. its fat content and the tenderness of the meat vary wtth age. So for a young bird, choose one with smooth leg skins, supple wing joints. plia- ble breast bone and the presence of pin feathers. Ge o e r a ll v . the ~ oun~cr the chicken the less hair and the less subcutaneous rat. BARTLETT PEARS are at the peak of eating quality when golden vellow. Choose Bartletts that are brua se·free and a rc at least "breakmg" from green to yellow. Complete the ripening process al home by plac- ing the pears in a loosely closed paper bag or fruit ripening bowl. Of course. Bartletls. lake good fresh chicken. should be refn gerated t.C' maintain quality until ready to use CHUTNEY-GIAZED CHICKEN AND PEARS 11.i cup flour J teaspoon salt N 12 teaspoon paprika 1 1 teas poon while pepper 3 pounds frying chi<'ken pieces 2 tablespoons butter or m argarine 11'2 cup b o ttle d chutney a;,. cup raisins % cup r i n e 1 y" chopped onion tr.a cup white table wine l/4 teaspoon ginger t eas poon wine vinegar V1 cup water 1 2 teaspoon c orn- starch 3 or 4 fr es h California Bartlett pears Toss fl o ur. s alt . paprika and pepper with c hic ken pieces . Me lt butter in a 9· x13· x 2· i n c h pan . Arr a n g e chicken pieces skan·s1de up in the butter. Bake m hot oven (425 degrees) for 35 minutes, basing once after 25 minutes wi th pan drippings M eanw hll e. c h op chutney and raisins. Combine with onion, wme. ginger and wme v10egar an small sauce pa n . Simmer 1 0 minutes. Max water and cornstarch and stu into the hot mixture. Cook a minute to thicken slight· ly. Halve pears and re- move cores . Push chicken together at one end of pan and place pears cut·side up at lhe other end. Spoon the hot chutney mixtur~ over c hicken and pears. Return to oven and bake a bout lS minutes longer, until pears and chicken are tender. Makes 4 or more servings. Discover the rich ground aroma and fresh.perked taste of Maxim~ It's so close to fresh -perked coffee we're giving you~ to prove it to yourself. So look for Maxim ~ freeze.dried coffee at your gj~., grocer's now. ·-- ' I o<n<ffl I 'lnd> '"""'"'""'· 1'17'1 Bulletln G. 10. To set a copy, send a postcard t-0 Office ot Governmental and Public Atfain. U.S. Department of Alriculture, Waahlniton, D.C. 20250 Be sure to tnelude your full addreu, plus the bulletin Utle and number. TO BE 8U&E OP top quallty. choose vegetablee that •re at their optjmum maturity. but not overly ripe. II pouible, pick ve1etables in the cool of mornine. then process and freea.e within two or three hours. If proceui.DC must wait, refri1erate the pro· duce lomelypacked. Put off abelllng, trimming and cutting until you can complete lhe whole job. Working wtlh small quantities s uch as two ~ or three pounds each day haa edvanta1es. Ms ChurcbHys. One advanta1e Is that it allows each batch to freeze quickly without putting a strain on the freezer or raising the temperature of other fooda. "Gel your equipment organized early and keep it ready for action," Ms, Church suegests ..THEN llAKE A DAILY routine of adding a little to your freezer inventory as each garden crop reaches ats pnme · Part of the equipment should be an ample s upply or food containers such a s the Freezerette line manufactured by Republic Molding Co. which withstand temperatures as low as 40 degrees below zero and. thus. give maximum protect.Ion an the freezer on FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF T~E HARBOR ('JJ 0ML. y Pl.OT MARMADUKE lty lrad AMlnen PEANUTS IT'S LONEl.lr' OUT 'TMERf IN RJ6HT FIELD SO t'M ~ STNID ISf rtaTM '0.1 FUNKY WtNkER8EAN IF ~00 STANO MRE, ~OO'LL GEi HIT 81( A FOUL 8Al.l. by Ch.,lts M. Schulz llG GEORG! by Tom Batiuk J- COMICS/ CA088WORp ~ DO t..Q) 1..1 KE lfiAT St& PRINC.E. RACKET, ANN ~ I 'M NOT 60RE .. 1 mrNK MIWBE I NEED A KING ! y . . V/zz. . .. . .. ~ ......... It's a man-to·d~ talk . Marmaduke wonts his dog food rations increased SUPERHEROES by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta 9'JPENAN II•<; LE~Er> T~AT 1\of 6000 ""'Y &IMP Mil~ ei<f"- HIJACKEO I ··S...r ~ ... SHOE Fi~of all .. ..... -. .. ........ ...... by Jeff Mac Nelly MOON MULLINS by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~ HEY, WAH!0 f"-;;.r-... ' . I l> H•1 1.~ , < .: ·c ..... '., .... '·. <:) _, ~ WAllC ,,,.,,, ;.. -""" <) "'?, --· IC-;--~ t'-.. . l _.I c---·c..-\ 1r A[;'l ~ ~ ~ 41 ~, c· ) . .,,·, ~) (~ w ('~ L $ t \\ '-.../ I rS ~ _ _;;~I <:~ __,,-v ---::. , r,~ .. 1.;:>./ __.-::::::. ~ !/ ...... :.::. -. . .. THE FAMILY Cl RCU S by Bil Keane "Pleme . Lord, 1ust ONE fish? One bite? A nibble?" DENNIS THE MENACE ... • GORDO JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS NANCY AUNT FR ITZI··· OUR CAR HA5 BEEN STOLEN ORABBLE !''it 8f.CN ~rfl""7 •I.I 'f'w1-S ~(G.tfff{Aft<>N 1,.1~( ALL M O(IJllJb fi.o~ MA"i 1'"0 &€ i .ic '>l.OWC/,-r 1..1 "1f. 1v f'. I OoN'f 15t1,.1(o/( 11'~ If~ ~INAl..1.°' M~ f°\)ll~ I by' Kevin Fagan 1 OO•·f-r SvVfo~C '40IJ ~OLIC'S W0\11.0 SA•" ~" Pl.A'( W4.\11,( I rlllN MoMt" Al-40 ~'f II\-. u.)Ai,.1,.£1" LJflt &(!.'.t ~I ~ S.J 0J ~ lr ·T {~- f=====~1vv. : -j i~l -~ OR. SMOCK MISS PEACH I A SH O ~ :..- -rl e GU I r-..."" e s s BOC -< O ~ N C R-/ c:<E:C :'..?P ::?S ::::;Q RC .... "'-/ V\A K ..... c:; .' l.OOK AT -=~-E5" D •D YC~ !..EA~ ·c P.~ C"'"AMPIONSl-'IP ALI.. TM05f 6CLF' TENN1'7 ~C c::'T8AL.L .ANO ~a.Eli! .....__ N __./ ~OPMlfS ! ' -ONE ?v..MME~ ;>i ~ - -"Y.>'-'t -----~#G._ -... ~ .). ~ -v.-~ ,>- r:J ~~ ~ )1 /;-!!§~ ~-.. ~ ~~ ~-.-------, '-.----> -~ by Gus Arriola by George Lemont 'J by Mell Lazarius NO,~'" T~E ONLY T,_.IN6 f LE.Aa'.N~D "'"''HOW 'TC EN6~ve rsc=?~•E~ --., ~~ -::__M.w4. e ·a TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE : by Harold Le Ooux by Tom K. Ryan by Ernie Bushmiller' BUT IT'S LUCKY FOR YOU---YOU10 HAVE GOTTEN A TICKET :. "" : ~ ' . . . ·•·' •I t I;,, .. J' I ·-·11. ,r-••• ,,,. t \;l i t ,,,,.-, 1Jl,tt I * t fl ., ~. A 'C ,, • , • ,. t\•! '• 1.-11t1\ n 1.11 .... lf" f '""' il'''fJ Pl11rHi'f .• 1· • ,.,, •• 1r 1 • '(•t .. ,, •• \11 ..... ... ,. ,. ,, wnr ! s: r 111''" .! i r "'''''' dt ,,,. 4'1 (.nmr).J',' rr J'> Oqfl•\ 4l>Qllt'f ~1 Sllll'IJ'oW'> 4q 0 111Q' ~I Pnd~I •.! Pufl ,,.,., " I,~ ft)n, I Q ,.t bt -r,""''' ~·· Pt11 I, 1 I' ~ .... ,., ·.' "'• 1•r,., c • ... , 't'' ' ( I ! ( '' f I tQ It ,,. tt11.t - " ( 1,l't r.. .• ,..,. t i/ol()fC) "Pu')()t r , 11 Co1111.l <Jr •c You r l .10 " -,,,, ... ~ I~ \.1);'1'.ldl (ltlCJ r> M1r>1 r J•• Tf !J '•'1'\!'• ~, J•C.4JI• • y•· ·.l , / ,, J.'u::1c ~ofvl'O . ·•~1. •• • A ... . • 1 ••IO • I • 0 I \; . -. • lu "•c.t•, I• t I S • 0 I I\ i.., • ., t \. I -·· A 1 I • I t it l l l • I I• s • o I ·I ~• I I I I t. ' . " \ • • " . •• ' I . . ~· ~ . tyl l JI' ' 1' I 'l..i ~· 1 • • H.11· I -l(jt'll t ,, 1 Nt'lrc.J• 1: v .. ,,,., 15t1n<; >4 Cnvrr n Pd' I .,, S.-r11u ,, D<Y"\I .l8 --L.1 M;inc;h.i sr Atf,rm.tfl't'• l . I l • I • l I . ( o I 01 • 0 II 1 --. lo ~I I • II .. s . ' I ' I G I ~ 0 • ., •1 ( . ~ 0 It I 0 •• • ·-I I . ' ,, . O I P I . , H . .,., I tW i.. .,,,., I ' ·-· Ii 11 I !'I 1 f ., T1 '•'°'"• Ir t •t 1•n·.·· !'• r•1, Vt t ~ -,,,,, Mu» '7 -lt>lo ~! On11sh TV '>4 Small ~" o cuOJ S!> r1a1111tn1h 'i6 M11'10.1V SI Scrull 59 Hno 67 -Paff'l'a•. . ... -· .... ---,.. --..... . '. --· "''••. ··-----------···· .... --········-·4 -•• I .F=EATURl~G I CHERYL ROMQ Wedneldey.Augual22. 1979 DAILY PILOT CJ:J Rescue Man !Xives Macho Mother The More Color, the Merrier M •cho Moth tr :JOu.rh t to chanae t1'e dimensions ot hw own limJtatiom to prove to Uw world -particularly tht> world of men -that Of' Wl\1' r>.-rhaps 10 1'ecure but aUll upable Into eMch life foll many >t mh1 tion11. And into Macho Molher·s retl the muil&ke of trytn.i to bt• a carpenter She had persuaded her t ~u r hildren lh1tt the three of them rould remode l the 1 r worn. crumbling kitchen without pro fessionaJ help and without adult male astilStance NOT ONLY DID SH E give strong, sell·suffir1ent lecture:. to inspire a nd impress her ocr spring, she threw around words like "h ammer" and "stain" and "sandpaper" hke they were old friends. Tbe children m naive awe of Macho Mother soaked up ' her hardware te rminology a nd spread it around to their peer!\ Her son was pcrs u.ided 1m mediately with the induct: ment or S3 pe r hour for his labors to begm sandtng off yea rs of dirty ncgll•('t and yellow varnish. The family d au~ht<:r s hoppe d ror appro pr1att.• wallpaper ON ntE THIRD DA y or sand jag, a neighbor a sked Macho Mother why s he hadn't used a stripper. Initially. Ma c ho Mother thought the neighbor had m ade a lewd comment You see, in her world of m ech anical incom - petency, no one ever had men· tiooed paint stripper A trip lO a local paint s tore the next day resu lted 1n lht· purchase or a one gallon ran or paint stripper, thick hqu1d that soon wouJd be plared on the fail mg kitchen cabinets to removt· the rest or the rt'sidu.- The following n1 ~ht. Macho Mother stood alom• before the c abinets Her ch ildre n. WC'1m ed • from thf..' e ndless s anding , were out with their fricnds NEVER ONE TO T URN Crom a challeof(e, partic ularly \.\hen lhere is nothing elsf..' to llo on a Saturday ni~ht. Macho Mother decided to 1mprl'S1' hc·r fom1I; and herseU with her nl'"' abJ11t> .. Why .I ean strap thl's£· cup boards m yself," s he ~a id to Mozart on the radio. Paint brush in ungloved hand. she spread the ~ooey stripper all over tM wood She wa:. fe<!hng amaungly ande~ndenl But a:. the f'OO began to gell Macho Mother who dislike~ reading dtrecuons berause she feels it's uncreative realized :.he'd stumbled into som ethmg bigger than herself She couldn't get the goo off She leam(."'{f from the instruc tioos that she :.hould wear gloves. Macho Mother derided lo use her now :.hnvclt!d hanru. to phone for helµ But. no S H E S L A M M E D T II t: RECEIVF:R har k on 1b rrndl(' and dis m11'st•ll hn rnoml'nltiry wt'akness as a lt•mpor.1ry lilpM· of :-;amty "lnseC'urt· pcrh<ip!-. bul in dependent." !'>h1· n·mtntfrd herself. Meanwhile. lht• homt· !:>mok<· alarm had sprun~ LI rn1!>take and was going "beep. beep" t'VC'f~ other mmute. and one of tht· dogs had run into and shattered the s liding ~lass door next to th'· kitchen. The room was getting chill) and Macho Mothe r relt a head cold coming on. One hour latl'r, she ('{)needed defeat and callc<J Resrue Man RESCUt; ~1AN , A REAi. CARPENTER. i.uneyt:d the mess. tht> nf'xt morn1nA . and told M acho Mother s.hl''d madP •• mistake undt·rtaking su<•h a pr<J Jt•ct fie musc·led off the ~oo. or· ~an1zed the chaos and showed Macho Mother how to f1n1sh the Job. Now whlll' shl' m ay hav(' failed in her 1n1t1al attempts t<> b e <' o m e a <' a r p e n t e r , h e r r hildren learned an im portant lesson from the experience Some of us are C'arpenter1' a nd some or us aspire to bt> Aspir ants frequently a rc balled CJUt by the are·s CheTYl Rorrun -column now ap- pears in the Daily pilot. IWICt wet kly -Wednt~ys and Sun· days -in the Featunng sectlOfl Chorale Sets Auditions O p en aud1t 1o n ~ h ave been scheduled for pt:rsons who wiint to join the Saddleback Conte rt Chorale The chorale, in its 17th year. will hold a uditions fro m 7:30 to9p.m. Tues- day. Au~. 28. and rrom 6to7 p.m . Tues- day, Sept 4. in Room 103 of the Fine Arts Complex, Saddleback College. Mission Viejo The auditions are by a committee inrluding current chorale members and the Director /Conductor Do n Walker . They'll de t e rmine sight readrng ability. range and vocal place· m ent A chorale spokesm an says the at mos phere for a uditions is informal and that applicants can have a s hort solo with them. but 1l 1sn 'l reqwred He says a brief listing of each ap. phcant's musical background and group singing expe rience is des1ra· ble The 1979·'80 chorale series will in· Dancing, Music To IDghlight Program Sunday rlude seven eoncert performances ~ and selected a ppearances M us1c to be featured this year tn eludes Bach's "Magnihcat rn 0 ... selections from "The Ma ny Moods of C hris tmas" by Robert Shaw and Robert Russell Bennett. Gabriel F aure's "Requie m ." wo rks b~ Haydn and Gustav Holst, tradjt1onal folk songs, s pirituals by J ester Hairston and a concert arrangement of ··w est Side Story ." The chorale h as pe rformed for the Laguna Beach "Pageant of thC! Masters" and has appeared al the Orange County Philharmo nic As sociat1on's mus ic festival as well iis at a concert in the Verdi Festival or the San Diego Opera. A tnp to the British Isles 1s planned for next July For more information. call <213 l 433·7871 or '593-5776 or contact the Saddleback Concert Chorale, P 0 Box 2364. Mission Viejo, Calif. 92690. Chinese Food CouneSet "Dancers will perform so that children can w a lk" is the theme for International Mus- cular Dys trophy Day scheduled from 11 a.m . through 2 p.m . Sunday, Aug. 26, at South Coast Village T he event will conclude the village's participation in the fund·raislng campaign for this year Those with a Far East tinge lo their palate will welcome one f a ll semest er addition to Saddleback College's academic fare. ''Chinese Gourme t Foods." a course in the techniques and in- fluences of orie ntal coo king on ot h e r culinary schools, will be pffered Fridays from 6 to 10 p.m.beginning Aug. 31. The Intersection Folk Dance Center of Los Angeles will provide performances of Greek. Balkan and Romanian dancers and musicians. 'Ebe 'filla1e ls at Sunfiower and ~ar aLreets oppa.ite South Cout Piasa, Santa Ana. Adm1Slk>ll and parting la ftee. For registration in· formation . pho n e 831·055, 495-1000 or 559-9300. CHRISTMAS CARDS ~-20%0FF ~2!£~ fRANCI~-ORR •142 ...... . 1•.... .... f 1ne statb"'ay cama de, mar Makeup artistry is tum-on for Irvine resident By.UJDITHOLSON CM-O.+tyf'll•U ..... Three shades ot eye makeup will do, 11ays J ackit-Cowl. but ideally a woman should wear five shades The m ore colors. the merrier. she ad v1ses Ms . Cowl is the resident makeup artist for a Newport Beach s tore. a posi- tion which she handles with apparent enthus iasm and delight ALTHOUGH S H E S T U DIED psychology in college . Ms. Cowl says :.he's been intrigued by cosmetics since she was a ctuld She describes her pro· rcssaon as "a love affair •· Her i.nlerest an makeup began durmg her ehildbood whe n she applied cos metics on her mother. "S he <.'ouldn't see very well." Ms Cowl explains. "so I would do il for her ever y morning ·· And. although she stud ied psychology in college, after nusing three ctuldreo. Ms Cowl went to work as a cosm etics !-.alesperson. Iler reaMm to learn all -.he could about skin care and everv a!-.pert of C'osmet1cs · llt'r ran •er IC'd her to the Newport Ht•ach store whcn• sht• was l\lred as a tosm£'t1(·s sale~pt•rson and adviser. but :-.oon bt•l':Jnl(' th1· rt'!'>lllt·nt makf'UJ) .1rt1st "I HAU A ('l ST0:\1t:R WHO "a' hav ing .1 hard t1m1· \.\Ith hl'r C\f' m:.ikt>up." ~he e\pla1ned. '!'>11 I pul 11 ;"' for hl·r Thcn Shl' '>l'Ol 111 ,1 fnl'nd v.ho also sent in a friend · Thus. her art1st11· l' a r('(' r blossomed Appa.i: .. mll} M~ Cowl's ser \t1Ce. wh1r h 1s free to storC' rustomers. 1s extremely popular :.o popular. in fact. that one bridC' sat up all nig ht before her wed ding wC'anng "CO\.\ I makeup ··The bride couldn't get an apµ<>tnlment v.1th Ms ('o"' I on her wedding day so sh£· had 1t ap1>licd d da~ C'arl~ M.; Cowl sars hl'r main mterel>l 1n apply1nJ! mal-.l•up on pNsons 1s to ha\C thPm l'nJll\ ll. ft•el comfortabl+-with 1t .tncl lt·arn lo u~l· f•xa<;ll\ tht· kind of makE'UP the~ nl't•d for lhl'•r part1l'ular llfest.>IP "SKJU.FL'LL\' A,.Pl.IEO "i/\Kt.l'P :-.hould compliment. nol lfrtral'I frnm lhC' natural beauty ... '>ht· '>It\~ Thl' makeup artist ad\ 1~<·~ ""ml'n ti' l'lt•a nsf' and mm-;tunzt· thi·11 -.kin t11 .. get to th1.· root of a probh·rn r Jlht r ' "·~· ~ 0 41l't Pflot $t.tft PhOIO Makeup artist Jackie Cowl applies makeup 10 Debbie Clcineffl. tlwn <'<wcnnr.: up ~k in problem~ \1 •1keup -.hould bt> -.CJft. '>ht '><i1d. ht•(' d USt' . t'Vt'r~ thing IS !>Ofter no" And. :i woman should change her look with e:.irh season by ~w1t<:h1ng Mlor:. to • f?O h~hkr or darker and baJanc1nJ.! 1t with current fashions Applywg mJkt•UIJ '" hkt· add.Ing col 111 to J hJ;l('k .rnd wh1tt· µhotoi;:rnph. ~h Co\.\ I ~uvs. and there ~h<>uldn 't ht· dn\ hctr'>h Lin~:-. ~umming up ht·r dtl1tude toward hn work. M~ Cowl -..rnJ , ·Tm ble.5ed I redllyl0\l'14hatldo · Eccentrics are Hard to Spot 8.) J OHN J . Ml LI.I~~ Au•<••tH Pre"\,.,,,.,, BOSTON Ent·ntnc' drt· hard It. -.put in Cambn llgt· no" '>a\' ~1 ... n.Jr C':.tnnr>n !iChlC'c;1ngN . ""hri . r1nd-. h• I upbringing th1·ri· unu-.u;,I fr1r II I lffil ', rar mort· l nmm11npl.11' lt~l.1\ "An~1hing #!.<>t''> ,ti th1-. IJ'HOI ,,,, ! \1 r'> !-)(·hlt"Hn~N ""ho h·•' ""ntto-n ,, book about ht·r f.1m11\ -. hfo · 11~ th• l.1mo11-. n1llt·J,!t' I'll\ from . .t~1ut l!rlfr lo l!-J40 I don ! kn11v. ""ho "''•uld b<· '"•n 'ldt•rt•d t'<'l'l'nl r11· 1n C':.imhr11I ~·· lo 11 ;n -~! t-:rn·nt r,11·11' : llJO .ti IJJ'>tl llh'. • • 111 1nl1·r\ 1•·"" t1,,.. lw1·om1· ,1 n .1 -.ht· d1.·1 lor ·<I 1n J rt "Tiff: "1101.t: S(K'IJ\I. I hJnJ,!t• 111 I ho I "Ulll I\ I oil!"' ti 1 'lilt' t•h;,n i,:1· I l•Jll\ ... 1,..-..11'1 I 1n111 1-. r11\ n11••h··1 ""·" 1·1m-.i<l1·r1"1 "' f ··nt111· h\ h•·r rri1·n<h .. ~l r ... ~··ti 11·-.111~1·1 -..1111 "ll t-:k "ORE C'fl l\°"+:ft\'ATl\'t . 11·q u.11nt.t1H'•'' thought -.h1· "a' '>l'nd •n il 11 .. t,. -.11m1· .,,.rt 11r 1·u-.tnd1;il in t1111111m .,..h1•n 'ht• -.pnt u-. to puhh<" • 1111111-. v. ht·n th1·v "" .. r1· d11ldn•n ~ )u1 b,lCl-.·h.l :--.l'hO\'I l h1 tlll'I '>,\I l' 11d1t1'.! ~nu 1 rnn~l· Likl' ou1 pl>1n1v 1'-w \\l'Stcrn·ht:cl s111cl1L·d k·;H IWI \'\01.)1 S tclniprdl'·s on for kather clOR~ .rnd 11<.·c; IOl' Knel:·h 1·~ in <;oliclo..;. c;1npl' ..... c.1hlc--.. \J,l111v1 -.. <1 lsn thi~h ·hi·s from 1.49 w ~ ~q QUALICftAFTe 8HOE STORES Master Charge • Visa FASHION ISLAND •Buena Park Center• Costa Mesa. South Coast Pla1a •Huntington Center Laguna Hrlls Mall • Mall of Orange • Orange. The City Plaza South •Westminster Mall I . I ' \ J . ~ • I Cl4 OAtL. y "'l..OT Club Calendar Pl19UC NonCt: lllOTICI OP MIAaOIO N0 fl(f I\ ~•I IU•8V 1\1111 H IMI PUBUC NOTICE PICTITIOVI IUlllHH ....... laTAllMlllT SINGLES CALENDAR I HOROSCOPE PVBUC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI IU•IHll\ .. AM9 ITAUMINT PVB~~ICE I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. '"" s ... d • Mit•••-• o4 '"" '"""'' or o,.,,.,, '.C••• r.f (elilo•nla, "•• by 111• IOll-IA<j pe<\4n\ •r• dOl"O "'''""" ~ fll• IOllOwlftO ptl\411\ "'* O.OtnQ biw\IMU ., •OTtca TOC••Ott04I• IUf'lalOtl COUaT O"' TN• "A Tl M CA~"OtllllA roo• fMI C.OUHTY 011' 0•6"01 WOMEN'S 8 tt aA~ wUI 1>re1f'n1 S.Uy Donahue. formtr New York mod I. no.,. rublon lftduatry eucuUve, on Drualna r or SuC'Cdl In k wsint> . 7 lo 9 30 p m Tu.-~day Aua ia. ln lh •tont41 C rlo Room, f1141wpol"\4'1 Inn. lnlomuahon r all 97l·SZ31 ANN AL &UMMAGt.: SAl~E 1von•ored b} Or•nae County Harbor Area 1..-caJ Sffretar1"11 Auodatk>fl. will bt-httld ff'OV\ 10 a m to 2 p m S.turctay, Aug 2.'\, at lbf' Alp.ha ~ta ahopplna t'e ntt'r, Nag n ulla a nd R ois• Stre<f'l lll . W~•lmlbltf'r lnformat11>n ron tar t Ht'ltt" Ann Eaatmuat W -0».2 "YOUR NAP al Ac.a: IS Your P r»hh· ' ~m1nar. focwuna on m 11ma1"" ""'"'' lt'n<'t'N 11~ purablH. their meamn~s IUld •P1•l)'tnR tht'm to m • .rn1:11< .. tt-n..,1011 "Ill tM> ht'ld 9 ts m to 4 11 m ( .... ing~• f 'p~ndar ) WtlEt:L Ot' t'ltlt:NOSUJI' of Orun.it! Cou11t} " 'pon:.onn..: J fl'h fr) tind danr t-at 7 JJ m Fri Jay. Autt 24 .• 11 lht'. Am~rH·an IA!J(IOO Bull 1n Orun):t' l nfo r ni11 1111n Eli1.alwth, u l 12 13 1 \144 0 181 t•xt 2if• ORANGE ('OAST Sl ""lfa.ES will hold a put lurk drnner at fl pm ~a111rday , Aug <!5. rn El 'li1r11 For lnh1rmttllnn J'u111 1.11 830 6096 BALBOA S KI ('Ll;R " 1>pon1>onng a h1k1· ride Salurda}. Au~ 4!5 t\bo. the d ul> will ha\•1• J ba} har hup al I JI rn Sund<.i ), Au~ <!6 111 form»IWn Wav111• JI rA5 191!1 TH F. SEl .t ' Ct:NTt;Jt I'> :,poo:.onng 1t:. continuing d1,<'U '"'111n 1111 'Thi• M1•1·t M arkt·l An Alt1·rna11vC' for (;av 1\11·11 ;rnfl Womt•n • :1l 7 pm Monday. Aug '.!7 111 th•· ('11 <. of OranJ,!•• ~ lh1· 1·1·nlt-r will hnld a ~1n~l1• J-:iqll'ri1·n1·1· II d1i. <'U'i-.111n lltlt•d 'Louk1nJ.! lur Mr or M' Wu11 c1f'dul " <il 7 :m p m Fritlti} Aul! :~4. 1n Oran~t· Information Hoh cit !1.17 4f1'11 ( __ •_•_o_r_o_._s(_._'•_P_t_r-__ ] 1\JUE S I \1 .r1d1 :!I t\prrl l ~f j l\1 11d1·r.1tP hill 'tf•,111\ 11.rc • ·" 111• "'' J.!•1.tl Know 11 ;Jrtd pr1w .. 1•d .11·1·11nhr1J,!I) 1\qua11u-.. S1·urµ111, T auru-. ,,,.,.,1,,,, pl.I\ k1•\ 1 ttlf•-. 111 \l)IJI "'f•tl<tl 111 /\1·1·1'11( 1111 1 rrq,111\ 1111·nt rl 1·111·11d•·lll '> 111·1'> Jlld nul 11111111 11111· "lio -./1 a1 1·, 1A.11rk 111t1·rt·'o l 1·111dd .d,•1 lie'< 11111•· ,, '.i1u.1ltl1· .rll\ TJ\l Rt S 11\pr ii :!II Ma •. ;!fl 1 j.,ic1·111111( , .. 1;, llf•ll'>llll• l1~··h If• 111 l1·:11u11·d l'.x 11r •"• \Ollf \t•lf 1111111·111! -.I \ 11· v.•·lc IHll•' I hJlll-:1· iJlllL f h.rllt•r11·• f·.rn11t111n' 11 nd 111 d11n1111;,1 1· -.111 w· 10 1'1\1' lug11· t"ll•:tl t 1rrw \11 mlwr •1r 111111•1"11· '-''X ""'"' ,., vf111 111 11l11;u11 nt'1·d1·d rn;1t1•rr:.1 Ccmlm . V1n:1111al1\11·1> f1~ur1: prur111ncntly Gfo:MINI I M :iy 21 JunP ~1 1 ~mph14s1:, •in homt', h<tStl' :.t•cunly. afl1ui.tm1•nl 1n lrfe:.tylt• Ht' d1plorrH.1lll'. 1•1>JJl.'.<'1all y v. l.1·n rltalJng with r.1milv mt·rnlwr., Th1·n · 1'> t;1lk of 11·ni11d1·linu ;rncJ ~ poi-.-.1 1111· dwn~e t1f 11·..,1tl•·rw1 CA N('t;f{ 1.Ju111· l!I Jul y~~' H1•la11 v1· mu.,. ha\ I' J!rand111-.1· plan:-. 1>111 .,1111•1 '>lli>'ot<1n1 f· t uulrJ tw laC'klO~ Knfl'A 11 and rt''>flf1111I ;wc·tirchngl; Ch1·1·k ,oun·1·' dd1111• t1·rm' arnl a v111'1 :,elf dect!ptwn LEO <July 2:1 ,\ug 4!2 1 H1• 1•f111f1d~nl. ac·t<•pl 1·hullt-ng1: und acldt·d n ·-.pon'>lh1lll 'Y Chunn·'> (1Jr MJl'l't'bl> an• cnhan1·1·il ;1-. :1uth11r1ty f1gur1· lend'> v aluabk :,u~port VIRGO I /\u ~ ;i:1 !-.epl 4!21 You tan :.trik1• r hord uf u111v1•r.,,tl ap11<·al J'f•ople arC' d1 awn t" vou a nd m<111v 1·1inf1d1• lhcrr prt1hl<.·rns and <1:.prr<:111on1> You <·ould w10 popularity conlc:,l I.I RRA < St·pl 2:J Ol·t 22 > You "UIJ)>t!t t ht: od d s .. Wh;,rl ur>pt•<trf'IJ a lO!>ln~ C IJUl)I' hodmerani:t:. 111 your fovor You c<i n tM! more 1n dept•ndent in t:wughl. action Tak<' 1nit1aliVt! SCOllf#IO (()C't. 23-Nov 21 I Spotlight on f rif'ndi.hip. fulf 1llment of desires and succe:.s which comes as result or following your hunch. SAGITl'ARIUS <Nov 22-0 ec. 21): Series of t·1rc umslance:, ,·ould lead to added pn>stigc, promotion Elf•ments of timing and luck ride With VllU C APRICORN 1 Del· 22-J an l!li Moon aspect cotnt'1dcs now with travel, f:duratmn;,rl pri1Jc<'t, al>1lll y to cle<tr emotion<1I debrr!-1 A<R:ARIUS (Jan 20 i"eh. 18 ) Compl1ca uoni. 11t•t•d nfll <•quatc with d efeat. Know 1t <incl lakt.• hcan. Cv<'h· IS IJn UPSWIOJ? PIS('t;s 11-'eb 19-March 20 1 A vouJ c·11 ~1 ~nrn l( rf <'tiutious, y ou "surv1vt· " Accent on rw opll· who w11nt 'iomcthing for nothing from you Maintain low profile • Satut day, AUM %~.at GarcJt<n Crove Communit y l'hurr h Information and rel(l!llt•l\on ull "71 4047 •:a, t'A•INO JUNIOas Wonwn'11 C lub will ho&l bMcfil t .. hlun show wlUl Mr 811eckwell l to 4 11 m &lml1ty . Auai it, at Mr and Mr/\ John Crun'1 ~ t •. Rancho C•P'•lrano Prlw draw 11\IJ, funds will f(o to Sau Juan <.:1&piatrano Library t"und Tlc k .. t11 . ronluct S8n Juan <:apllllrano Chumtwr of tumm~rct1. F.I Pueo R al Plaza. 31882 Ct1 m1no Cup1Hln1no. or C•ll 493 117 1 ('OHTA Mt:M H18TO&lt'AL Society will hold 1mnuMI Oldtlmer N4'wUnwr p1cnlr. thu1 year h11no1 rn~ C'aliforn•a '!f Sp»n1."lh &nd M exican ht>rltagt', I pm Sund11y. Au~ 26. at Estancia Purk , 1000 Adam11 Ave, Costa Mesa lnforma !Ion «ontart Joyce Miarlin al !>45 7551 l-'IVt: DAV ('L\JH will lt!ature 81hle !>tones. 1111ngi.. aufti. ;,ind refrebhmentb for ktndergarten 1hrouJ(h Olh J(rudc I to :t pm Monday through ~·11duy. Au•: Z7 to 31. at Mr'> Ketty Stevens h1111w m lrVlll\' lnfc11 mi.lion l'llll551 4777 INVt;STMt;NT SF.MINAR with Bob Oemmler 11( Mt·rnll l.yr)l•h will be he ld 7 pm Wednesday. Aul( 29. m ('atalina Room. Park Newport Apartment,:,, N('wport Beach Adm1s:.1on free T.O.P.S. Tuk'-' O(f Pounds Sensibly, Cluh #CA :1a:1. mt.>e~ 7 30 p m Thursday:. at Hobmwood Sehonl . 5172 M l' ,...,ddt:n A Vt' • lluntrngtun Ul'.at h VOl.lJNTt:t :Rs N •:•:ot:u Cur Hape ('r1-.1' llolhnet. of Ora11gt· Count) Tr111run1< t>t"~ln' 9 :w a m tu J :w IJ 111 S aturt.lu). Aug l5. 1n A11ahl·1m Jnfor111atwn <'<Ill 77fi :1004 RA Kt: SAi.i-: IA. di hl' hl'ld >!a m lei 6 I> m W1·rJ nt•:.duy. Au~ ~J. at 1-:arly l\1·h11•vcmt•nl l'c:11tf•r. 251 ~1 S1111f1C1Wl'r . :-.;i111a Arr;r ln(w rnJtlon ('I.Ill ~o 4750 5000 LAMP PARTS Harbor Lites 10-6 b~ o-, l..cl. 5-cNy 1 I07 ......,.. 11 •4. C o.+. """4 64~·7l01 ' C.all 642-5b78 Pul ,1 l e w w o rd) l o w o rk for you • J· IR\'J~}. .. '11 :i 0!'1 Iii :!:!II \Jartln. 1111 I .' I ii ' ~---------I I." Diet facts 8r. fa llac ies hv h athnin•· '1..inn 1 he"e nutrilt•1n.1I 111,1' b rought 111 tyOu l•\I Dill C N II H Too m ucb prolt>in c an caww w•·ll(hl gain llttt \Ill! "'"'I" \1111 f flllltl 1•.1111 11.1·11•111 '" 1· ,J 11 n ~ 11111 111111 It prolPll) II 'lfUI' l.1k1· otlwr If••'' ti ~11u ,.,., rn111 ,. 1 h.111 ... tr.11 '•111 111•1·11 11 " '' "' "'' .1 f lt\ Tho·'"""'' I' 1111' 111 111•1!1·111 W11m,.rt f)l•t•d llr 1'l.1frt' •ti fl! ltl r Ill "11.t I .rnlf 1111'11 ti•'• ·d .,,, t.fl ·' ,,., fh1 ... •• I• ,, ' "\ I 111 •• I .. I \ ""II I • • I ' ' It' '" .1 '""' \ nf \ 11111 r ,, I'>'._ . ..._ turn•· It '"ll l•IOlt•tll \IJll Wiii (1-.1• \\h.1! \llU lll'l'fl .111tl lh1• ,..,, .-111 lw •llt1\1•1l1·tl 111 I .1 I .111d 11111 ·•I ''" lh1· 1111111 11111' \1111 ... 111 1•.1111 11o1·wt11 II 1•11J .11i ,, lu ouru , •• 11·.•k '''" p111h.1t1l\ "''"'" "'" ,,,.,, '1111 ,,, "'"'''"' I h r 1•" • 1111 r '•I"" f111111d Ill pt11ll'lll \\•111ld 111 • r \t 1 1 I• ti .11111 lltt• I"'' 111 Iii• 11111l1·in """Iii ,,, 1•.1k1\11"' II '"'" I.II \I 1111'1I1•11111 "" ,, ,,. " \lllf 1 .... 1 Ill lh•· p1t1pt•f .lfl11Hlfl1 11 \hU "Ill ·''"' "'''"' '" '""' 111111\ 111111 11 11111.tl l\ lll'f t .. 1rt Ill I ,1lr,t1f ,llf\ H1•l.11w cJ hruw-.i11n ,111d huvi11f1 ... !CH'oC f11c1d .111d 11111m '"''" 111( ri·tl1l1l1• li.m1.1111 .. dw1'f "'"' lht-. 11111 v·"·Y'"" 1•v1•11I of nn•,11 -,.1\/illfl' .11ul 1•11111v.1hl<' .. hu11p111!1 •If ttw l.icfo M.ul11.1 V1ll.11w ~upn ~1d1•w.1lk ~.111·' S•turday. August 2 5: 10 am to 9 pm & Sunday, Augu•t 26: 11 am to 6 P• 4 Lido Marina Village .. ,J1"' """'" ,,f l'•IC 1111 ( It•"' I lwv .11 N1•w1m rt Hl vd 1111d V1.1 I 1du Fr~~ l'arklnu wlth Validation lltM!ullQll _ _, '"" l()tft dn <A Jll•• • ttlt, It" l"'O(I 11• IM•flflO'I 10 • ..,. •• •~• "''""'• .,.,,.10.d ""'o"' to 0 ••110-C-1• \I•""' I 1Qflll"'1 M•I" l•11•M• Ohtrlit "lo 10, M>C1 II~• llHd W-~·· '"" 1tll• d<" cA AlfCl•l\I, .. ,. •• '"""'"''of. IO" rlOO • "' or -.Id d•y In Ii.. (,,..,,...,,. nf lhe 8;)•1d "' \,j~f\flW• Ol IM c.o.. .... Of O<MIP tft lt,4J H•tl t.fl AttM•ttt\tt •t•Ufl. tO ( •v•c; (.ent1H ~.,,. "'-"'• AN ( •Hto.n•• .. , ,,. """ ~ p .... •o-tht ... ,.,... Up()fl tlw -\llfl'I 111 Witt ~,,,_.,.lloft •nd alt totMIH»ft' '"-'•fO •f wf'U(fl HM• and ot«., •II 1ntH•\t.O ~' VW'll mew •O(lll.,. •ritt be "-•'d At .,,. Uflf¥ C)fklf to IN' •trnfl lhtCI '"' ri.••''""· •"¥ utf•1 •\t•d P•t WJn1 ..... I ll• ...... '"" (i.-. .. -Ao.Id fW w0.<¥1-• O' '"" '"""'' o• o .... o. •''"•" ,,.,J..,Hfll\\ to tM pu...,wd Mt "'9t1Att<rft .mU P\Cll}t.-tttOl'n •lh.,... ''-" \iO.tf'(J Ov fn. Ao.td tA ~Uf'et itl W>f \ ttl t,.._ HMfl' ftl'Wt# '""'* """'d ffM' M et11\q 16 lf10.tl OPMr~•.,. of \lltld f#H•'O'V I" 'Ont••,_., •I\ "•"""utu•• NO J~ •O" O•t""'1 Juih 'O ''" o• '""" "ft••ft t !\up.tr~"""'· ~ t 11 .. """" ow C , .. ,.. o• f~ 80.rd'lf~r1tv~1\ '""'"'' • '' I\ Of>"'tt .. f1t(jlt\,l'tt(}t11•t1 «t\ fotHl•\ \•1d AIWWt,&t~ , Qn'lll\f\ (JI t1(1f>''" ,,,,,., ..... ''" .. ,. t(> .... d '·" " -not'"...,•" ..,..,._ f1I ,..,.,,..., ''""'" "'"' "" tr\ .. f\~ttfW•'I \td• h f ft•cnf\'" r ~f I•• °'""• •"-f,._ rNt,_tf\ t. t1r-·t ~ ""'" ... OA t f 0 ff'lt\ '0t"' If H >f I 1i t ••It to\ f ()AO( R ,,. fttf t\(JAAC1 ''' '>•,PrPv•-..o"'' or UkAN'•• , ,,.,N r f' f Al tf QPNtA '>I .. I 11,1>;\ '"l I I ANb l II f tttf'• ,,, trwo- f\t,ot'1 ~'-\If•'"'"",. "'",.""'' 'ow•'• c" JJ.,OH•rww1 f>' tnC> (""''Cl••'' f 1h•~ Avo11\t " n ''"' •• ,. ·• PUBLIC NOTl('t: l'tCTfTIOU\ fJU\INl \\ NAM[ \fATfMI '" f '''" 'f)•I0'9 •'•'1 f t ' ,,, •• •', t~ .. 'I ,.., ,,,.,, .. M f Al H • PA1 I , t • I •,1 t ,.,. I C 1f\l1t '"" ,, t •I t, t t • ' • ' ••It '' I -., •.•, r , ... c ""' ,. '• • l l •'4 •rJpJ1l~1tf lt 1 '•!11 I f. ijf 1f f \lit l "'f f ft k .. ~ ,,.,~ lh 'f' I ti h •t I /Ill I I I I F °' 1 o ~ II ' .. 'ti f I'' I I ' f. .. , f IJ ~I I • f I . .... ,, ... '•I I I A I ,,111,,1/ "/ •' '\ ,, t•• ,.._,,, l •ft•••f ' ... ... . ,,,, ., • ! , • , j Pl 'fU.I(' NO'ftn·: f H Tl TIOU~ flu~·~•\\ ... AMl \fAltMt Nt f ,,, ,,,., I• . AH" 'f •d 1 ,,,., /, ,. .. * h 4 it,, •• ' ... , .,,, .. ,, ,.•tol 11 111 f I . '. ', .. I r ' t t t I .... I .,., t " ( ., .. 'I • ~• f f'f.. I l.J• •( /!' I .. I f• ,_..., '• • f' /o •'t \ • \ ; I I I ' ,_.Uf •' I t I> t HI t II t CJM ... ',IJ rt fltJtif r IJ\J -' I 1 •f fut • f,\ Pf IJt 1 Al•' t jth lA f <1w t HI f (J1)19 ff fH fO;/j i>ft~f ...... ,., ... ,, '. '• .. , ,,,.,,., •t" ,,. II I 1 •• 1• •.1, I •1 \ ' t I II" -"of "• 'OO ' ..... •I ' ,, .. ... . ,., , ., .... ,. l t o t I ... '• 1., t I,,, ..,.1 • l• JHOAP O(AUJ• '-vPftl V Of 11111,\10111 llfC JO , 1001 Ator •• P•rti w•i; \.uU• •~ Mtu •on Vi•to tAlll111"1•m•1 fHOAPf \ lllAUI V l llAJfltfll \OPPl V CO • (Ahlo<l\I• <O•-• tton. U60 ( <ow••do ftou1•..,•rd l'•""1•1t• C.illotl\le •ttOI 00 ... 1 0 t "'""''' 1100 "••"•"••I•, RIVll\l.Clt. Ylll0tnl• !UC» Rltn•rO w ....... 1H O, (h•M•I•• Ot•¥41 Mi-.'4.ln 'l,.10. (AMjtO'"t• •1•1\ '"'' OU\IAt'\ I\ (rJl\OUft•ct b~ • t19rwr•I Q4il"lntr\/\1p lh<#,_ \ IJ<r•UIY '_.,., ~f C.0 !>t~ A """II" s.. ..... t n,,, \IAf..,,...,..I W4" tH'l(J ...,,.,, t"r (1)""11 C .. ,. t11 0tf//tql! (-1• Cl'> J~lf 1• "" PUBL.IC NOT1t·E C. f 1111"11 AV•OHI( l>, 16.IO An••• l tNI H•-1 .. 4Kh l .. ll'JtfoO • "" Ot• VeUe, .,. \.nuQ H••OO, "40 .. j)Of'I 8H<h, (,t. .., .. , 001 .. 11 0•1 V•llo ... \~~o If••-."'--' (N.,,. (A., ... Oornlnk f ll•l1•""· ••JO An•I• l.eM "1--18et<h <.A'1M4 '"'' '""'."''' ., <.o,utut.l•d ti, • .............. ,...., ...... Qolt\oM f 8•1tfl\n r f'tn , .. ,.,l'Wnt w•~ '1fed •"" trwi rounty Cl••~ of Ot•no. ("""'f Oft ...._Qu•I I\, ••I' ,.,_, PuOl1"'9fl ()r-C.0•\I l.>e 1ly P1101 AvQ 11 n. ~ \ep• \ ,.,~ 11~• " PtJBUC NOTIC•: ltUI NOTICI' 01' fllUnEI''\ IAll: 1 \ Ho rro 11~ ()" "*Plerrib•" U '''' •I • U • m llll l lffU\I 0 (1 0 '>lff\/H{ (0M P AN V • t.•htor"*" lU'~•hon 111\ ""'' ~ll'llfl!<I r,u\ltt• un.o-r •nd p..,t\u•nt 10 0..d '" f '"''' '"'('->'""<' ~Pt•mtttr n. lfffl At 1n.,1 N'J )0)6() M ,..., 1n boOk ill'>l. p~ '"' ''' (Jlfl• ••' ttOT•CC to C•Fon·o•s ~ .. ,flUI\ ·~ •rw t>fftt ,. (It tnr c wnh" ... A 1-... 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I.IQ II, 1'/Q 11-c.,01'>w•t 4 ••• 11.n.. c , ...... f AllJ<vf'•' Of OW 'IN1U &. f Odl<1t (K tn• •boVt' Mmed <Mt. .o-nt M••••<O A W.¥"' , ........ o. .... -· 6 ... >( .. UtUt.wt11ni..•f•O .......... '" _, UIJI t0 ·7'11 Att9fMYt t.,. l.1-Kwit11• flubl•\n-wt 0.-_..0I' t U't\I O••ll' "'•'«>t, ""'' 11. 'l'I """' ' ll 1,14 P UBLIC NOTICE ,.CTITIOUi eu"Hl'SS "IAM[ \TAll'M!Hf , htii lfltltlWlf'U ~r...on I\ OQtn\I bu\I ,...,, "' •• ID I A Iii t"IOU'>fktAl Of '1t ''" ~ I N l,,t ,., Et:" IN f, A\ .,,,, IA T t • ')8.A1 Ml~ •t)drn. <Jn1f O Hunt "'Ol()rt tJ,i.."'t ,,. ( A ~1~9 t ., 11 r.1~t1ttJ u ,1 .. nt ij.oltol\ Jr. ~111 .._.,.., .,_.,o "'""''m•n .. 11~, ( A<i?tt" J t tu, ~U\t~\ '' ruodw• ff>d bv """•I\ •Jit'1f11.t•I ' ,, •xillo•; ,, '"''" ', ... ,~,-.. ... ,,,,.,, ""'"" '"' 1 '·''~ t 1 l•t• ,,. ()t ... n(ll f <tVl'ltv u" lult' If I 11\f ,,,.,n l•,4r1• .. , ... ,, 11# ,..,.,,, I ·~.,. t CJl\11 , P1t11t I •'4 II H ',JI~ , II IU1 f#l HI.IC SOTlt't: J I( flTIOU~ hlHt .. f \'> NAMF \TAlfMfHT /li.110tf111~ ... t ... ~I I '<H ••~ \lr"'t '1v•t• '' •• ,,, ,,,,,, ,, . •• ti .... ,. . .. , ' J • i • i, '•'"''"•• ,,. • ·.vn .,,. 1 ,,nfJ , ... , .. ,, ·'·. '. ;,,. ... ' I•'• I t.11 .&n.,-1-'A "GOU ,,,, .. ,,, .. ,, ...... f "' t •' t ~I f ,, ,,., ~,,, -'• ''' 'H1 •• M f)t /1'"4'• t .... , •• ,.., ... t ,,, ... ,.,.~.If '"" ,, I ',, tf'•J ·' ,, •' ••1 .... •• ''JI .. , ... ,. ,, I , .... '• •11 , '-I,• ••'•• I II ,.,-_,,,,"'•'1• A1,. •·'·•~ , 1 A 1111/I •• <I • .. .. ot t • I •• ,, I'. ,,, ,, , II, I #t• , 'tt•., ,, I'• ''' '~'''' ''' 11 '•• 1 •t (,+ •t ; ,,., I• 1 "'"' '"''''' t·fl 'A t~I .... '·1 It t't 8l.H lit•' t •••• 1' 11 , •' !•. ,, .• ' ,,. ''•, I 1 0•1,1 o f 1•• '', -· .. . .... 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CA.,"'° I A ' .. 11•01 "•.I "11 ""'•Dr".M (A 'tJ""t J'•' lttf+U t "'' ..-.n 1.v,1 ... f.111«Jlt\,......, fit_,9" (l'l,.\I fi•••t t ~fl • 1h•1 "-'1 fl" M'"t f •A T t" ' I•, ti f4t f ti •I '1+11n•ttl •11~;·~:1 Pl Bl.I<' NOTH't : J/4' " Ji.uQ "U1 JJ t•f'-Ill~ 1 A·t(,i\I t f f'I H, ~I 'l't J"'1' ·~, f)..,111 """' i~Mq f1 .... ,f Cioi' A •I.I II I • *lA '\ 'f'"f Pl 'Bl.IC NOTU-t: Pl 'HU(' NOTl<.'E CP .. ,. NOT•r r o, GOvr11,.1111c. 110 .... 0 ,.. .. ,.Ill• fl lC'•O,. '""o NOl•Ct 10 I Pt'IU.H' 'lilOTl('t : flfTtt•~~~o:~\•Nf'U 1 O~ Cl All( CAM OIOA( Y "Ott \CHOOl 01\IAI( I C.OYC MNINC. 110 Alt0 (I' .. ti H&l•U \TA TtMENI Mf M.A flltf:Lf(ll(\trrotf0 1 £Hf l0tftf?Ht U At ftfA(.HAfllllO Nt W,Otitf H0 TICI O' r lfU\f(f \\Al l 1;u ''·"•i'll'lf11t·J ~1 .qfl <tt• OO•IHJ IMJ \ ... 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If• in.ir-a \t,.h•\I •f Ch•I ''''' tJtJ''n""" ., 10t1durt•O DY ,. • l 1' uu ffftn ; \IJult' ltl)ttt ""'"''"_,_.to It._. 0 10 Ot.,.A~ fl~n"'"' Oottf1Wt'1\•U l•u\.tW'6••A lf t l~•'C>:,~·~:::: fO'-!Mt t Oltolf"f 1¥" .. )(41"1 "' lrw" )GO &ff4io.AMMl,fQMPA"4'(, hll1f • q i N •\I '~fllll" An_. t11¥d 11C.itll,Ofnt,•tllt1J •I '• Hll ,.,,~, ,,1,,u•r•ir w .. ,, Mn \htJt>' • ... nt• An• Jono" •t"Q!t\t.., , , . -.. .. , ,.... I t 1ttil1,,t•tlf AU t1tlflf f1ft• "I 11 !Ult!'t tt\t '.;tt• t.-f61y • 1 '"'11 '"'"" 110~""' .. '' 10 oOO m "" htrd ru 1t uf\dtl't O•MAfltCO. &F•AL. G•EIH91.AG. r,,,,,,,,,1, n .. 1tl\f•t1y1 11n111nn1i11•1• lfvo •l,.1h1•nA1• "'"'-tit• ltun fhr 1 \4•0 0...0 vi liv \t '"tr• ptOf)",fr TH•All &\C..U,'41." •1•, o• '"' UfJIU""'" 11• v"'"'' "' t 100 1 "'"'" 1 ''"'"' "' ... n • .,.. 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PAllA MltM••O 01' I.A M!IA OtllfCTIV& f" LA !ll-CCION OUf U' Vfllll'ICAaA IN LOt 01na1fOS EKOL-1'111, 0( HAl lllAC14 'f UNtfltCAOO 01 "••'°"' MISA c0,, l4t or~Y"''.., ,,. "·•Aw-•'°"' tOietA ,,..,..,,,,,. • """t-..ct• Q\14" ,. v•n••t41"• Ufl• •l•t<Wft •ft I 0\ rll'>I 11110, f ilOl AAI ._ 0 1 \l .. l fl( A(H 't UNl~l (AOO nt "l[WPO P I Mf\A (O,,ll•llr> ti• O••no• l•f•dO d• C•11•o•n•A "' 0•• t, Bir "°..,••"'Of• o-1•1• ''"' •• OtOIJO\•'o ~ •t .. Qf• n 'hf"t"lbirOt 0 "'" lft """"' QO'W'flt n•"'"" •tf' 10'\ \IQV•""t•lto rt1\tr Uf>\ OflTlllTO NUMlllO Of MlllMeaot Ot MIU Otlll'CTIVA "AaA tnf')n 6•\tOftAtl()fl If .. n. 1;• ttwt t WAI OIO,,..,tr dlrwl"f"""'1 .OOVP '' 0U•p(H1.wt to b• illJ tt•n•m.,, U t i lf• <..O''"' ... .., ""''• c •'"()l"I• "cn1ca ro c••ofTO•• I h• -·'9"00 I'""" ..... 1 ...... , \Ull'l••o• cou•T OP, ... .,,, 1 .. 10tl•I• '°' •11• •n<llf•"''"-" "' \TATI CW CAUll'Oa .. 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''" .,u.lvltO•• t()ft ., lttOhl•edOf Cit Vot..,t•• Gel cton\klllo -1-..,..,.let-I•,•"'••,.,_• ••• t °'""' dei dl••tt. ....... """ ,.(/led99'1• ,,. 111110 • .. ,. ,t. I OLtoH ._.,.,,,._ • Volenttt IM _,Cl.,, _, '<110 OHd 1)1 1119 IAI -.Ml •IJ!te \utll t le lm1 Wiii! llW tr1nl "•••IOIO,. ••• ,.,,., •IMI di> _ ..... ¥ _,,.,. mvtl .. " ..... ....... 1• , ... ""'*""'"""' .... ,, ... P••Hlll ..... MO••• ... "'""'" , • .,. 0.<l•••I..., OI 0.l•ull -O.m--tfl .. ., ti. fl"I ,_..IC.llW et It• ,., •• f/l4f • wrtll•n 110110 Of trlit ~le. C)ol•illf -llt~tlefl to ~ti ,,,. "" D•let! A\19, 11, 1'1t H • •ltn•d <•11 .. d 1•1d Holtu o r ,~101 A. c:iw•••-0.111111 Md ll«rloft •• left t• • rt 1-...... ol IM Wiii tO•dold Ill Ille C-1Y -·Ille fffl ...___. ....... .,It..... Mk!IMI •• c.11111 OAfl!c ,...,_ 14, lt1' ,,...,., ... .._ f'flltl _ _..... • .......... ... Tf\llf~ _ ............ , etm • .... ,.,..,,., Lei ......... CA .... If ci.tO L.. Wllll-t ~Or ... C... o.lty ~ ,_." f'Wt.._ Or ... C..• o.11r ~"!.t ""'' tr,"' ..... a, u, '"' ' ... .,.. u. Jtlfldtellt.l, ttlt ,........ ...." ... 11.i111 .. C.rll\, 01"" ... """'"'°"' °'.,. GM4' 0o11v "''-' ""' 1. n. 11, "" ' ~ ................ ~--, ..... ... ---=-----·.,,,,.. ...,,.......,_ --.. -~ ------··-... -. --•• .. --. --.. _..._ ....,.._......_.,._.... ..... --·-~ ···~ .... ,,,, ............ .-............ .-._.. .......... ...-.. ... ~.__,.. ...--·-.. ___ ............ ,.... • i<-FOOD I ANN LANDERS Mud Seeks Its Level A•• L••llen DEAR ANN LANDERS I have never wrlt· ten to you before, but the letter from that mar- ried man who boasted about bavine 7' aH&!ra ln 23 years and bragged that he was ne ver turned down really set my teeth on edge. I know this t y~ The fact that be was never turned down doe1>n 't prove he 1s irresistible. HS he seems to ttunk It merely proves his abilJty to Judge a woman's cha racter -or lack of It I'm sure he never propositioned anyone he thought might reject him. His ego wouldn't let him take the chance. Water seeks its own level Righ t? So d oes mu d . fo'L O RI OA PHILOSOPHER DEAR FLORIDA: I was uprepared for lite barrage of mall "Mud's" letter produced. OaJy women wrok -most of them wJves •bo wa•t· ed to know where that leUer ume from. U never gjve out laformalloa U.at mlpt renal tbe Identify of m y sourctt.) Tbe heavy rttpoose w as dJsqa.ieting evidence that there 's an awful lot or suspicion out there. DEAR ANN I.ANDERS: Severa l years ago my brilliant la wyer -husband decided to make his fortune by writing an autobiographical book about the lega l profession. He concluded m idway through the project that no book sells without a little sex. So he decided to include so me exphc1l chapters describinR his "con- ques Lc;" and escapades. <They occurred before he met me, of course ) "' . . :.t ,~. .. L! ' . ·~~ HOME WRECKER -Mrs. Virginia Snyder, 65, can't a fford to heat her home in Seattle during the chilling Puget Sound winters so she simply chops and lt•ars away the ins ide of the house for fire wood. She lives on $240 a month m Social Security. Turkish, Tagalog, Yiddish, Whatever; Hospital Translates NEW llYDF: PAHK. offi('P. nur<\tng stations a n d o t h l' r s l r a t e g 1 c :.an•as an.• suppli ed with a dt r t•c tor y o f Wedneiday.Augu1122. 1979 DAILY PILOT €J:J Melon -Mold Refreshing S umme rtime parties can be especially lovely when you brlnt the re1t&vltie1 outdoors and 1 e t th e scen e wath delectable, eye-pleas ing food•. Gelatine moldl are at- tractively summery and can be made early in the d ay and h eld in the rerngerat.or until serv· ing time. A COLORFUL melon mold looks and tastes sensational. yet it 's real· ly quite easy. Freah watermelon and c a n taloupe b a lls a r e combined in 1t t angy. s weet &elaUne mixture o f a c lear . de llcate coconut rum Liqueur and tangerine juice. The liqueur. with its own natura l. trop ic a l tas t e. en han ces the fruit. . Wh e n m a k i ng a gelatine mold, it's im· portaot to rem ember Surp n sC' g uest~ ~•th this re freshin g wate rmelon and c;:rnt<.1 loupe gelatin mold and ~trawbt>rry or tangerine colada. t wo points: l l that a ll gelatine granwes mu.st be com· pletely dissolved before go&nll on lo the ne xt s tep: 2) when directions s ay "c hill until mixt ure mounds when dropped from spoon," do just that so solid Ingredients will be dispersed evenly a nd not sink lo the bot· t.om of the mold. ANOTHER delightful way to impress your guests is t o s e r ve a frosty tangenne or fresh strawberry col ad a drink. drink. These pretty s ummer {'Oole r s r eq u1 r~ only three or four ingredients and are a lot of fun to m a ke. F or additiona l s um - m er recipes and drink ide as. a free 34-page full·color recipe booklet &s a vailable where reg- ulations permit. by wr it· ing : CocoR1be . Sulle 3000. 99 Park Ave., New York.N Y.10016. COi.ADA Mt.:LON COOLER 2 e nv e l o p e s u n flavo red gelattnt- 1 tables poon -;ugar I C'UP water boi ling 2 cu p!> ta n ~e r 1n e .)UICt' I cup coconut rum li queur 1 c up fr e sh watermelon balls 1 c up fre s h honeydew melon balls In 9ledium mixin1 bowl, combine gelatine with sugar. Add boiling water. atir until gelatine 1s completely dissolved; a dd tangerine JuJce and lique ur. Chill to con- ~istency of unbeaten egg whites . Fold in melon balls . Pour int.o a lightly oiled 1-quart mold. Chill until firm. Yield: 4 to 6 s er vings. STRAWBERRY CO LADA 21h ounces coconut rum lique ur 1h cup frozen sli ced s trawberries, defrosted t ounce m il k or cream 1'• cup crushed ice P o ur liqu e ur , stra wberries, milk and ace into a coc kt a il s hake r and sha ke. Ser ve 1n a c hille d g l ass . Garnis h with a fresh stra wberry, ir des ired . Yield : 2 servinJCS. TANGERINE COLADA 4 ounces tangerine JUI Ce 2 ounces co con ut rum hqueur Ice.crushed Po ur t angerin1· Juke and liqueur ov<'r ice rn a t a ll glass Sti r we ll. Garnis h with fre'>h mint 1f des1rc..-d~ Yield 1 ser v •ng. 1 agreed to type the manuscript as a favor When I came t.o the chapters describing his or- gies. I fell apa rt. He couldn't understand why I felt hurt and e mbarrassed . No a mount or ex-plainin~ did any good. I cried most of the tim e as I typed the remaining c hapters. N. Y <AP I How do you as k. "How do you feel today?" m Turk1:'.h or Tagalog·: Whatever thl' patient's la ng uage, from Arnh1c to Yiddish. r hilnCC'S an • an em ph.1yct' of lhe Lon~ Is la nd .Jewish llilb1dl' Medical Center ran <is k the qu~taon 1n the pa t1e nt 's nativt· tongue and lra nslatC' t ht• answer translators' nam<.'s and Gromd 5kioi11 I h (' I an g u :1 g l's t h l' y .. lll! _______ o&._c __ M ....... -.. -N-,-N-,._-5.. Boneless Rump or When the manuscript was rejected by the publisher. I was deli ghted. He was depressed. ( hoped that would button up his project, but I was wrong Now ht' wants to rewrite the book 11-\pitt-1t up a little ) and try another publisher. I refusPd to go a long with him on the rewrite. He says I am "irRmature a nd non-supPQrtive." Am I ? G1vf' me your opinion It m a tters W AL K I N G A T I G H TR O PE I N M ASSACllLISETTS 'peak SO tha t thl'Y can ... " \I p tt• $ 99 s·r1 • Ti bl' called <it <J moment's fit.TUU BEEF a 1es 6 I Otn •p sr,t nouce • ru{.~t <lu0.1·"4 ~"4.blc. R t ·F1nd1ng s om eon e Al PRICES YOUCAH AffORO 51b.loqSAVE$2.00 •. oas ., •· v. ho <:an com m unac att• v. 1th the patie nt con Freeier leff Special inbutt·!'. w tht· qualJ ty or Half Beef $139 Fresh RM of $1 ·~ La.b ~Chops '1.99 •. .. I T IS A TRYING enough expc·r1enC"e to be 111 and ID a hospital, but when the patient docsn 't e ven speak E nglish a sense or loneliness and isolation further com pounds the problem." s a y s Or Abe Lura., m edical c<'nte r soc1;.il ser vices directo r l"are he or s hl' will re-h rk cetve." says Or. Lun e s a M~w ... Ho Charqe fM Cutti"C) lb. , _ _. loc R s I 69 "Talking in his nattvP _____________ _.._ _____________ m ___ k_iiiibs._ __ _._. __ lb;ml. O•:AR WAI.KIN(;: If you don't want to help your husband in a proj<'ct you consider embar- rasslnic and hurtful , you have the right to re- fu se. Don't allow him to put yoa on the de· feosive. ll sounds as if your judgment ls a lot belle r than hi~. tongue , lhC' paltent ran ---------- Gas Station Gives Complete Service Mrs. Twiddy. a mother of two, cradled a premature boy in her arm s . T o c ope with this :-.1tuat10n the center has c reated an Inte rpreters' B u r e a u m a de u p of employt'es who s peak two and even three and four languages T H E EME RGENCY Room. the adm1s&1ons d 1 s r uss no t only h1-. physic<i l state b ut his an x1et1es about him s<'lr or his worn cs about ht~ family "A LOT CW TENSION 1s relieved this way.·· hl· adds THREE HUNDRED fifty interpreters at the m ed ical cente r cover the globe. llngu1stica lly, even to Urdu and Hindi, should the occasion ever an se . NORFOLK, Va. <AP> Al thl' W1ltowwood Ex· xo n. t h n a o n t JUSt promise full S(·r v1r e. T hey deliver babies tn · elud ed. S h e co uldn 't r e ------------------------------------ m e mbe r the mother 's .. ------------------• last name, only that he r VACATION IH THE PU.YGROUHD "I was pumpi ng gas in- to a man's t ar when this woman ra n up and ~aid. ·can an ~bod y h e r e ciPh vcr a hahy7 '" smd a ttendant Pa l Twiddy aftn an incident on Tues- da v fi rst name was Pam. OF THE CARlllEAH T he v:m w as being llJAMAICAll driven by a girlfriend of the ne w mother. MOMTEGO IA Y & OCHO RIOS "T hey were on their 8 Days -7 MICJlth -•froM $499.00 '~ way to the hospital, and Pet'SOll. double Oc:c:.anc:y tt.otM)h Dec. 15. "I s a id . Whoor1s . you 're going lo hav<.· to f1n1 ::.h pumping your own gas .· .. decided they wouldn 't 1979. make 1t. So they pulled in PACKAGE RATE INCLUDES: here ... said Mrs. Twiddy, • Da ily ro und trip d e partures fro m Lo s w hos e male cus tomer Ang eles vra Mrs Twiddy said she ra n to a vun whe re a woman wus l1l labor and moaning. pumped his own gas and ·w e s te rn Airlines and Air Jamaica. U.S. Tax s u mmo ne d a n a m . Inc luded. bu lance. When paramedics ar-• F our Hote l Nigh ts in Montego Bay -Tax rived, they took the baby Included Seven minutes la ter. to a children's hospital. • Three Hotel Nights 1n Ocho Rios -Tax But There's No Snow SHELBYVILLE. Tenn. <AP> -Clemmie Mon cur's relatives do not celebrate the Fourth of J uly by lighting fireworks or banging flags. They decorate a Christmas tree instead. Sixteen years ago, Mrs. Moncur, her four sis· te rs and two brothers were separated one December by a harsh winte r. So they decid ed to s tart celebr a ting Christmas together In more pleasant weather - on Independence Day. Eve ry ye ar, family members from as far away as California come t.o Mrs. Moncur's to ex- change gifts and greeting cards. A bar~ue bas r eplaced the traditional Christmas turkey or ham. Inc luded • All Trans fe rs in Jama ica • A Highlight To ur o f Each City FOtt FURTH EA DETAILS AMO tMFOltMATIOH CAU Ott wam WIT TRAVEL 3331 EAST PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY CORONA Del MAR, CAL. TEL: 7 I 4-6 7 3. 7162 •Note -Prices are sub1ecl to Change QulHlng •slness Sale SAYINIS • 50 to 80% OFF Foot-So-Port Men's and Women's Shoes • Scholls Women's Sandals •Top Qualty Children's Orthopedic and Thomas Heel Shoes • Children's Regular Shoes *All U.S. KEDS '600 ,. *.:~·HOSE Y2 PRla SLATER'S SBOES 1930 H.._. .... • C1• W... • 27 y,.. .. Coate w ... -~-.cv ..... .-.. ,,. ..... BREAD FOOOS FOtl UH 7-GUIM StwGra•ll N.t.Wt. Z4-0L 11 •1,...,, Organic Aid NATURAL CLEAR E-SOAP Pri~ O'IM Fram COOKIES HOHIY'H PUHUT I UTTH AU HATUUl 7 OL ·~ '"~· 79' STONED WHEAT THINS CRACKBS 10 ... 75c .... Price\l.OI MOIGANIC APPLE CIDEI VINEGAR := 99c ........... '9'. .... ,.....sut Mil Cr-eft HENNA TREATMENT SHAMPOO WtTM •EAATIH s2so GEISHA SLOIDWHm TUNA ·-••UACOlll s1os ...WATH 7 eL HAIN CAESEI DRESSING ... 95c l ... PriceSl.H SfNk•U.ZS 2a.Pecli • U .OOY .... Mill Crffll HENNA CONDITIONER ·=~~H $295 I f) OL ·~ 'rlu Sl .f5 Nortllenl D..utn c,.....Filed WAFERS SWHTIHID Wm4 NUCTOSI UMOHot 59c STlAWllHY .... f'ric.e "' u.dllert'• law H•1d SUNFLOWER SEEDS 99c ,,. ....... ..-..~~--............... -....... ............. ~--.. ......... ---.····-.···· ............. .. .. . - w .. ,. •••••. "119"-' 22. t179 FOOD ·;i Delicious Chocolate Ice Cream Simple to Make H you rem'4mbt'r cut lna and ht-lplna to m a k e ho mt' m u tJ 1• ~ola\4' ice cream as :i tlaild. you know t h t• • · •liort'·bou&ht kind ~imp ~ ly ~an 't com1lart1 tr you do11 't rt· :,rnt-mber . th t>re ~ : tome thlna ch'lt<'1ou:. 111 • f~re for you tnvf'Slmcnt or t lm f' a nd effort T h f' k •• ' 1 ' u n '\\ Cl'lCflrd ('()('OU SIN l-: C'O<'OA 111 re 1i1d y to tnellburt' and m1ll d1rt>c•Uy fn)m tht" ('(Ill, vou t-ltmlnatr thr melt 1n.: tt.•Jl And you a void Uw me&."V t•lean up and the <'hnn«•· of 5corchod • • IT'S t 'llN for th1• p unt. ' whole fam1l to "huf' l'o<'oa comb1nc-'\ wt"ll ~th I S I U ~ t )' b t I u f ~ llh O\.hl'r lnirt.><llenti; hO ::JAmerica.nu l<'t> t•r eam l cx t u 1 t' •1 A n d d o n l l> t> l>hould ~ s atin &mooth •··frightened by v1s1ons of there's hUlt-r-1.sk of 1 Ju rd work bee a u st• lumps •• you'U get delectable rt> You'll save money , "";; aults with onJy a sm a ll · too 6 ounces of cocoa go • . . . 88 fur 11s H nunc-..s •>( bak in" ('h<J<'t1l.ilt· IN MOST l'tl"t':'> Vtlll don 't t•vt•n nf't'd un ·u·tt I rf'111n rn l':r:l'r. JUSl )'OUT rt•fr1"t•rat111 fr1-.·11•r Bt>itt of (tll. 11111«• ... nx·oa 1 'I <'h()('()IUll' 111 1·1111r 1•11 t ro1 1•d form . your 1<'e- <'ren111 wHI tMk doubll' C' h ()(' 011\t.t• y C ho<' o I a tt~ 11 u t I c• r f',. t' • n I 1· e Cr t• 1.1 m 1:. m o c1t> "'1th '"' l't:lt·nt·d condensed milk :st> you don't have to cook thti eustard base It takes JURl mtnutei. of your atl.t!nl1on aod it's dehgbtfully creumy These thret> varielll''-of homemade <:h ocolat<' ice cream . Chocolal<' ButtN J'cC':tn. S uper· Ric h i IomC'madc• Ch<1tol111 t• .ind C hocolatc~:ust CJr~d l arc scrumptious and s1 mpte to ffi(lkt· -1 ,. . -' ,. ' ~ Best Idea Since Shopping Carts ?!~~-~ k_ ... Now you can do a week's shopping · ( • ~~ without forgetting a single item! Use pre-printed shopping lists prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING. 140 •-i>arste printed ltemt, p1111 •ddlllon•I •p•c•• yo11 c•n tlll In youreell. 3' Staple• 21 Vege1ablH 14 Frullt 6 B•k•ry Item• ~ Beweraget 19 Meet and flth antr1et 11 Dairy Item• 20 Mlt<:allaneou• Lltlt ... -ectwe4 . .,. DAILY PILOT Super·rich llomemacle <'hocolllte lea Cream lb thr rla.ulc- lf you hovo an old· r 1drloncd hund-crank freeier In the basement or atuc. why not dust lt olf and let the kuls taku turn11 Mo11t energetic turner gets to ltck the puddJes. This ver sio n 1s t's p.,l'ially luscious :.cooped into cones. f'or an elega nt treat . try ex tra·c hocolatey Chocolate Custa rd Jee Cr eam DeLuxe also t.urprrsingly s imple to prepare. Since lh1s queen o f t·hocolatc ice ('rl'am dc- t.erves royal trea tment , t.t'r ve 1t 1n parra1t ~l asses layer ed with c hopped nuts a nd coconut, crowned with whipped Crl'am and chocolate curls CHOCOLATE BlJTTER PECAN ICE C REAM <Makes about 1111 quarts) •'\I cup coa r s e!\ chopped peca ns I tablespoon bulta •,cup cocoa :!-, cup watl"r I cci n 1 l ·I ounce'> I ~ w l:'e t ('ncd c·o nd l' n s c'll milk 2 lt-a:,,Jl()Un~ 'an1llJ :! cup~ hl'.1\' cream Suut(' pt.•c:rn~ in hulln in s mall s aucepan over medium h eat ro r 2 m1out.es. Cool Combine CO<'O<• and wuter ln s mall saucepan: bring to boil stirring constant· ly. Remove from beat: stir in conderuied milk and varulla. Pour into 8 -l n c b s quare pan : freeze until mus h y . Whip heavy cream until stiff. Whip c hocolate mixture m sm all chilled bowl. fold into cre am Blend m pccan.5 Pour into pan and return to freezer . freete until firm . Stir occah1onally during first hour Mound sn serving bowl SUPER· RICH HOMEMADE CllOCOLAT•; ICE CREAM (About 11·2 quart.b l 1:: cup co<·n;i "• cup ~u~ar I cup milk :J egg yolks. ~hghlly h<'atcn I tablC'spoon vanilla ~ Ctl1>5 ht':l\'V (•rt•a111 1·1 cup !.Uf~Jr C'omlHnl' <'O<'•HJ .ind , 1 u JI 'u g .ir 1 n ., m ;'I II -..1u1·t·11;1n l.i .1tluall) h lt•nd in rnill-. .ind 1·1u! ,. 11 I k ., (' 1111 I-. 11 rr 1 n i: 1·011-.1.101 I\. until n11x 111 r1• 111'-I ;q 1pr 11,11 hr· i.11111111· /111 ""' li•ttl 1«•11111\1 '''"" h• .d <'11111 S111 111 '.a111ll.1 Refrt1entor freeaer m e tllod : Pour into rt1frlgcrat.or tray or 9 in ch square pan. Freeze until mush y. about J hour. 'Whip cream in htr&e mixer bowl: add "'• cup suear and beat unti l s t iff. S poon chocolate mixture into 1 maJJ c hilled mixer bowl . beat until smooth. f'o l d into whipped c ream. Place bowl 1n freezer or pour into s quare pan Freeze s everal hours unUI firm . Sttr occruuonally during first hour. Elttctrlc: or crank-type freei:ttr melhod: Stir in c ream (unwh1ppcd 1 and 1 1 c up sugar Pour rnto freezer container . put dasher in place Cover ran , place 1n freezer I ub f'11l f rel'ZC r one third full of 1ct', add r e ma1n1ng I<'(' alU'rnately "'ll h layers or rock :,,alt Turn crank unt il 1t turn~ "ta.& dtffu:ulty Dra "' <>(( ~ ;_tll•r lll"movt' lid . tuk1• 1111t da!.hl'r l'ack mix turf· down Rt•plul·c· ltd n ·pa<·k 1Cl' a nd -.<1lt L<:l r 1 p {' n .., 1. , ... r .d hour.., S1·oop into t'''"'"' or in Ol\'Hlu.11M'r\111i: dt:-.hr·.., flfO("OI. \Tt. ('l STARU ICE CRt:A)I Dt.1.l'X t. I makf-.. 300Ul :I tfU3rt'> I ~3 cup cocoa l 'h cups sugar 2 tablespoons cor· nstarch "• teaspoon s alt 2 cups milk 3 eggs •,,cup s ugar l tablespoon vanilla J cupg light cream 2 cups heavy cream Combine cocoa. l 1rz cups sugar. cornstarc h a nd salt in saucepan. gradually stir In milk. Cook and stir over medium heat until mix· tu r e boils. boll and stir I minute. Remov<' from heal Quickly beat eggs with .,., cup suear. Blend a small amount of hot m 1xture into beaten eges. add to mixture in s au cepan . Ble nd in vanilla , tight cream and heavy cream. Chill. Fill ice c ream c ontainer two-thirds full Freeze in ice cream rreezer ac· cording t o manufac· l u r e r 's direction s . c Alte rnate ice c ream I a ye rs w1tb c hopped nuts. ~hredded coconut or cookie crumbs. for parra1L'i. I NOTE : F or cxtrct· chocolatey i ce c ream. increase cocoa lo :i,4 c up. • • .Strawberry:_ <From Page C6> DOU BU.: STRAWBERRY YOGURT l'I E I frozen pound ('akf• 1 , C'Up oran~t· JUll'f' ::! t o n l d 1 n 1· r ., 1 fl ounce c·ach 1 ~lr•Y. hern ~oi;urr I l' 0 n I .• In,. I ''J 1111nr1• I frott'll V. h 1pp1·d topp1ni? th..iY>t·d I <up -.1r.1Y. lll'rrt•· hu I h·rt .ind 1-ru-.h1·1I Cul < t1k1· int11 I:.' sh1·1•s ;ind :irran.l!t· .on h111t11m and Sirles of 9·1nch pie p ci n S prinkle· o r ange JUIC'f' over t·akc• :-.!ices F ol d yngu rl 1n t11 "'h11J1H·d toppin~ Ulend 111 1 ru~hNl !'llr:i whcrnc~ ~poon 1nt11 «ak1· lined IJ·lfl r··rc·n1· uni ti ft rm. .1tinu1 1 h•lllr'> H<'m ovi> 1>1 • • f r 1) n 1 r r 1 • " /1 • r ~Io n1111u1 1·.., l1<-l11r•· '><'rving ·' n d ~ I' I'" l' h I 111 ti In r •·I r c• r,1tor <:arn1-.h "'•l h .• 1:d1 t1tinal Y>hOll• or l1 n·d sl r .1 v. lwrrH·:.. ----------- If you made a dry food with everything -a cat craves, lots of chicken, tuna and milk :Protein ... What would you call it? On ony 1lae boir or berg I A,J I' ,t ,_,,.....,-,..,.w• 1"' ~ t•"' I f•' \.-of O,....':J•~.-,,, .. "'f1'r "-f11-'1 ""II""' f 1 t1t i I'"" • ,. '4'....,..., .... Pot ......... it~t I ------------, ¢: I I I I I I I I ~-----------------------~ Take this 1o yo..ir QrOOSr and save oo a 22 oz. box, 4 a 8 lh ~. • I FREE 12 mo/ 12,000 MILE FORD MOTOR COMPANY EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN ON OVER I 00 ELIGIBLE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN USED CARS AND TRUCKS. I• FORD AMC ~~CHRYSLER ~ CORPORATION TOYOJA DATSUN @ Cl~~E!Z'! Valid At Any Ford Dealer In U.S. or Canada 1971 FORD STATIO" WAGO" automatic transmission power steering. air cond1tion1ng. radio & moro1 IT47Fili'6ia 1977 FORD fltHTO RU .. AIOUT Eco nomical 4 cyl engine 4 sooed 1ran.,m1-..,1on power s1eenng & a•r cond (229TOJI $2988 1976 DATSUN VS. automatic transmission. power ste-efll'lg, FM radio & L al'ldau top (549$AR1'36aa 1977 DATSUN 2oosx courl I 77 RD THU .. DllllltD Loaded' Full oower. cruise control. ltU wheel. stereo Landau top custom whee)s & more• £Ser 19S669). !Stk 4005) '47 1977 MERCURY COLO..Y rAltK WAGO .. ,.. -- 1975 MERCURY IOICA T SQUIRE W AGO" E conom1cal 4 cylinder enq1ne 4 '\peed 1rar.sm1ss1on s1ereo radio t. air cond T6'6MXJ1 $2588 1976 FORD GllA .. AOA SEO.AM E conom1cal 6 cyt eng1nr au1oma11c lrdn'> air cond 1111 wheel & AM FM '>li·rt'O (2%NIM) (!>tk P3995) '3188 1976 TOYOTA COit OLLA Economical 4 cyt engine. 5 'speed trans. aor cond1honing and AM/FM tape (Ser 565525) i k 15S3Al 7 FORD LTD SIDAM vs. automatic transmission. radio. power sreering, air cond t. Landau top (242RlY) (Stk. P3685) 53788 1979 FORD rtNfO ltU .. AIOUT 4 c~I engine. automatic trans . pwr s reering t brakes. radio t more1 l%5WCl3988 1978 CHEVROLET •12 TOH rlCICUr 6 cyl . 3 Speed stick shift trans tinled qlass radio. camper shell t. more• £ 1 L5529$ (P3979T) 1979 FORD MUSTAMG COUl'l Economical 4 cyl engine. 4 speed trans . pwr steering disc brakes ra•dO under 5 000 •r11les & more• 1808YBAl r:~~81 '4988 1978 FORD THUHDBllH Loaded' Full power. cruise contro( tilt wheel. stereo tape. Landau top & more1 (492WKY) (Stk. P4004). '5388 1979 FORD FJSO rtCKUP VS. automatic transmission and power steering (1N44045). (Stk P3938T) '5888 1975 CHEVROLET MAUIUWAGO" VS au1oma11c trans . air cond owr steerinq radio wsw tires & more' 1555WON rS;k P39S4l '2 6 cv• 1;nq1np au1oma11c tral'I'> ow• '>let'rinq C1•sc brake'> .w cona raa•o t. moro' 1303NKC) (Stk 1760A) $3188 1977 CHEVROLET HOYA 6 c.yl engine. automa11c trans pwr sieeronq. radio ana (839RXH¥$tk PJ973l 6 cyl au1oma11c trans , air cond pwr steering window < 6 .. &a1s AM IFM stcro t root rack (627SLSI ($11< 1444At '4188 TOYOTA CRICA GT 4 c yl automatic trans . air cond AM FM -;tereo & tinted glas~ 1200SZ 8 ) fStk 1746A> $4888 1979 MERCURY IOICAT 4 cyl 4 c;pi>('d air cond pwr s1eer1l'!q t. bra1<.e<> AM FM radio t. more• (785W0W) (~II<. PJ934l '52 1977 IUICK HGAL T-Tor Au1o rnet1c trans . power steering brakes. 1111 w heel powe r seals windows and radio (524TJJ) '5U8 ... J ••• ··!.-. * Wet ' ,,,,,,. .. ,,,, The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With • Want Ad (642-5678) One Call Service Fast Credit Approval ........ ......, ,_. s. ....... ,_ S. He.ft few S. Ho.n ,..._ S. ~for S* ...._.. S. Houwt for Sak Hout.. for S. ................................................. .,................... ....................... ..........•..•........ . ................................................................... , •··•···············•··· ... ---· .......... , .. 2 tMJ-...,.,.. 1002 a ... ,.. 1002 GtMr.. 1002 Ge•r.. IOOtChMt'al 1002 G....-.. 1002 ........................ .. .................................. ~ ............................................................................. ••••••••········•··•··· ...................... . £0UAL HOUSING ... OPPQA TIJ NITY PU t1 .,....._: AU rMl eaute' ad vl'rt.IM'd • Uu oewapa,pu b sub Jtd to Ow federal t·w lio\&110111 Ar t of 111611 we.eta mak~ 1l rlh•..: .. 1 t1• -4vert1u •nY JH t• fermce. hn11t.it100 or ctilcri.aunauoo ba:..'\l nn r.ce. color, rdJg1on. ~ex. ~ ~ ongln, or an lntebriQo to mJke 110) sur.b prd'ererm:i, turut a ban. or d.lsrnmmauon " COSTA MIU INCOMI UMITS TWO DUfllUIS ON 2 LOTS f:a<'h duplex contains t wo 2 bdrm. 1 bath single-level umls. Near st•hooh,, ~h npprn,.:. l'tl' 0¥. ner mot1vutt•d t o 't'll M.1k1• oltC'r Only SHJ5,000 for both W ESUY M. TA YLOI co.. l lAl roas 211 ' s-J~ Hllh RCNld NEWPORT CENTH, H.I . 644-49 I 0 1'f1b De"<''llpaJX'r ~ 1ll not ---------.~ Dowtof ly arreµt an» lalaoa ,... ...... 48EDROOM + • a ttvert sing for real Qunlni older duplex with , ~ wtucb ts m violJ lot:. ol poknlJal C'los<: to ti<:maf~law ~·arht•!>, hhrory, and POOL-SI 34,500 I J)('aled to m U<'h wantoo I rvin e rom m u nlty Growing fmJy wUI up prt'<'1at.c apple pll' t•ond1 tlon Charming <ltaror Spar1ow.oesi.. spurkllnit pool, :.afe for )'llUlll( rh1ldrcn. Fl·u tur t'~ t'nb.inrc l1Veab1l1ty w 'e-<rept1 onal flair t>lf, 7711 ,____ fun lime-. Uwner may ---------1 h clµ with fin.i1H0 1u.:' ....................... G1mrd 1002 ....................... UAUHG IROOIC oot 10' from the pauo of Uu..'i weU lontktl J fldrm, 2 bath tri lttVt•I Nnerull~ 1ndu1k p.111 dk• lCIUU.'> I' rt , J>llO I, "I• ;i C-1 U blll)U-'f.' lw m lJC' h 111111 I' l'\lll pnrl' "011ly $!1:1,:1110 Call 7~1 JJ:tl ti::: SELECT t PROPERTIE S WOOOIRIDGE Redilce6-S t 27. 950 Owner lraos f<'rrrit . 2 bedrm & den. v.Julll-d wood celhngs, wet bar & de<'orator wall cover· a.op. Pnvalt! deck, cen· traJ vaC\l um. i.elf d ean· mg oven & much mon•! Call 6n8SSO r)f1 ., ,., # .... OWM E R WILL FIMANC E Lq,vely eutMdC ("(JSL<1 Jlesa home on lrg lot w ith alley a<.'cess 'ealures lnC'ludc ne w ~. wet bar, RV ac- ceee. laundry rm & huge W'alll·ln closet off the •Mill' Bdrm. Owner will urry loao. Full price ~ .500. Call ~·2660. C::SEL ECT ~PROPE RTI ES BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! f lftlral'.D.lc Newport Bay ~ rrom gor geous J bed.rm up pe r unit or specious 2 bednn lower unatl NawraJ bnck fpk11. Wet bars. 4 Car garage. • .JlQ.al s pace. Steps to ~h. Dial 752·1700 •PAST ! '11'114 '" ,, • , , ' t "" ,, ) hf ,,~ t • ·l•IMI •• t ........ "'' ...... ~--..... Movy l•1 lhl' lll'al'h now SHlO, 0011 NOTICE tiow l>a1lv l'1l11t Cla~~ 1f11-<I u<ls· <l1<1play th1•1r rrlf~!>.dlo(~ with lr~1l11l.11y ;111<J 1m1,a1't ~Our ad!>. Wt' arc proud t11 say. r~ally ~et rc~ulti. Phone 1>12~ IMVESTOIS sncJAL $19,900 Large 2 bedrm homt- located on romt:r lot H 2 z.omns: with room lqr 2 [J)()re uwl.b J us! ll!>l1~' CalJ now foc mvre t.Jc lalb. 64&-717 I Mnrt< r:1rruh~ ar<' l(t•tllnl<'. I.he r amplilg ' b~ .. th.I..'> year tr y(>u h<1V4' a camper that 0!> not gt:llJn~ ~. sdl 1t now "'ilh a (Ja,~Lf100 Ad macnab I Irvine rBafty DUPLEX! 5 y1·:ir' n<'w' Good c.:orm_•r loration W L .. .,b1dt· < 'ont<.i M t'~iJ. Sp1H:1ous 311 1{ units w 1 fpl c~ & g<J r age. Exc.:C'll<'nt r en tal --fl exi b le f1nanc1ng · available. $145 ,000. .Jeanne Harnett 644-6200. CJ\-93) TRIPLEX! Super Eastside location ... 180 Cecil. Costa Mesa. $185 ,000. Drive by - a p pl. only. Lois Miller 642-8235. CA-94) '42·823S 644-6200 901 Dover Drive Hc!lrbot' V~w Center lrvlne ell Cclmpu~ Vc!illey ~nter 752-1414 SIEK & flNlt POWE A CL MI G~T I A Y tt t TT CR CU Y S l K 0 l E A B S C W M H R I R C A T E S P T E W K T R K I G 0 N U A A I l I R A V N 0 I T A C I F I l A U 0 A E N W N A N P T W A M I L E U E T A C I B Y C N E T 0 P X C I L L X E H R 0 E T A C I F A A W A C M R P J X 0 B H R E C Y 0 I B P T Z R J E J I F R R M S R N R l I I I T H T R U R W 0 I I A 0 E R E l R l T l I T A W R l R T I N K C N I Y T I 0 I N T P 0 S W A Y l 0 H C T E E N T P E A ( U R C L C A T I l Y S A R W Y S I T 0 0 0 E E E U S Y T V I N 0 G S L C A T I N E T N Q E S L A 0 E N X Y A P E H T R I M A L 0 U C Nt~ : OW~ , • -U, "'P· down or d'8gonllly, FWld Nd! and bo• It In. ~ Ability Authority S-, ~ E'*VY ClpabilltY T llent J Mi;it Comm111d ~thvdt " Rule bl*tMD Fllite Skill Cl»lllficltion Pottncy Tomorrow: Historic En91111d S@1"dtllA-L££~s · Tltat Intriguing W orcJ Gome with o Chuc41e ---,,---1At4 ., (\AV I_ POU.&H • .....,,. ""'"" of .... '°"" tCfO~ -dl ti.-low ID i-lo.it -'-WO<d• M U BT EL TAVEL I .___I __ I _l* __ I'_ 1 S 0 G E 0 I, ~i· It It 1u'1)111lng to llltOW llOw I I Ii I ~ rneny 'member• o4 the 111· Ciuetve l~IOMI Jet ht --------. .ieo bllonO to tilt --. O A F8E l I I I I 1 1 1'!$.!~~1= • ' •• -• -·.,.. ••• , p ....... -...... .-• ~(® f?€och Realty II.AL ISTATI DCIUINCE SIMCE 194' C O ltOHA DEL MAR Exccpt1onalh :.harp ~I bedroom. 2 b<ith home. JU~I sll'P~ to Oct.>an Blvd. & an NISY walk t o LITTLE COHO'.\:.\ HFAC'll l'rv1>t•rty shows l1k\· ;.i 11H.xld $33!1.000 217 J n~. Open Thu r~d.1y 1 !'> 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811 HIDE-A-WAY ourux s11.9so HEWPOlt'T RACH \1•"l 1)<·,rrulilt· ·1 1111 l l Bay & ocean jUlit I blk •I•"' < und.. '-,t"IJ ,,, • r away• Leu:.ehold, J lllt k1ll'l11•n l'n,alt• pall" I up. 2 BR down. 2 batli' '1>Mld1n~ l)IH1l , 'II·' t.. each. Pnr\'."d lit f l75.00U . .1110J l'all f•lr pn' :ti • biJ.JfAlJ 675-389() f::\'t'' J1fl'\ It""-~ '/ (111.111 lllj associated . I J\;Ul.11.il·· '>\J iK.111 [ ~ 1s&rn·w1: llA OKEllS A.t.A<.TORS 102\ W l o•heo i:n JU) FUMCHTUOOR RB>UCB> $10.000 E11r hdot1ng Carriag .. ll<ML"· l~lrlg pn valt• Or TWO STORY A :'-• rrth C'•.>Sta M l"'J I f\<l r m . h •l i; l' rt' r n• J twn ~lor:ij(•' Jrt•a At.Jult •W<'UJJll'll. "-llh 01•111\ \IT L· 10 Ujlt'fdcl•·' ·'"" ~ .~•1 t ';.JI :,i., 1111 I kk dt·n 1-'onnal dl11 Ull!. \;aml• l<m. w ....,,., ha r i\ n l Ht u t: p ,, r I•, r ~ rrunt.el fpll'. hr1-;..kfJ ,l1 nn 1\tUr loft hu.Jlo a "';'> BJ!mCJC~~~ilii.:r:ln '\iJ1111~J l(la'>~ w1111l•1"" ·• I ~crlutJ ..-tl "' lrt •''> 1 11 l11·11u11ru1 1 u.'>lurn h•1m 1 :ir1•11 t mly min , tCt fin1-.1 1 ~~!9!'!!!¥1~WI~~ l•·.11·h1-!> l.l(l· f{V .irr1•' 1 ... _. ... ...,..., .... Ml\..,lliil rrut > .ill t•xpt:nt"nC"t: lt1 'I-'< .ind only $1 l!l,Ot•1 C..ll ll'JW1 714 ~ 0902 ()};;MN'~' ;J;k; HI'/ . j,f,,,,, I) I/ BIG CANYON C0hdrm1n1: I ltdrm , Hrr,,;11lmo11r Plan 111, 111 IA'M•·ful l(drdt'n :.1•ll1lll'. $411'.I. (A)(j fj4.~ 11~ lj.4(1 ff-7 .)) Z340 BAYSIDE DRfVE Corona del M ar. a mo~t dehRbtful spill levt-1. custom bullt, contem purury home with 11pt.'C tar ular BAY VIEW looAI! l!t·frirt. ~ 1 'J hu) 1 ti. .. •I( out Uu:> tml' pnt"\'<I for qwck s;il~' IWin..: traruJerred House with en·q thing 111<"lud1n•: r-inl & 'Pa Thou.,an<b of S'S 1n up1:r;"k' SllSJ 1t10 1:122 \'1 .1 \. rit. ~ .... I >in" , I ,1 (" d (nr lf•l'I I ;Jt,•r I, JI 1.!IJ 1'!111 I;!;!.,; l'n' al<' p.irt > DE C OR ATOR 'S DELrTE J l••1fromn., & dt·n 111 1111>( Can)'\lfl "'1th the ullur\J lo.: tn prok~1voJJ dt.'t"'" ul in~ Sl&nt.'(J glas!'>. r .-dur panelling. ru.-.tom s hut LE'r.1 J115t reduced SJ0.000 lu $21.5.000 Three bedroom s.--------- separate family room. formal duung room. bu~ view :11tting room adjoin lng master swlc, mdo<lr o utdoor h v1ng. lar~c llWI~ pool & patlCI area• Sei:unty system ~.000. COLE Of NEWPORT REALToas 675-5511 Writer's Retreat lJruque 2 br. 2 ba hid•· a ~ay in lhf' f'ali!>.tdt•' area of Cap1str11no llf·ach nr D11n J Pt Manna F'plc, library wall. nE-Wly patnll'<l. w tw l rvb. patio. l'.trport lkaul lodarpd fur :.t:rlu~lon $1 o:-i.ouu 4.9J. !1111!6 K:llS 15 TT LUXURIOUS WATERFRONT HOME A• ••dmlw reside.tu ON THI WA Ta wlttl ••dl1d clpffy .ct ~llhd CJOOd taah. S,.cl• lntported -.cl •ff ... fHlw ... ..-.lhettffre*-'IM .. D-. 41/J ltettt naldenu. Stol••d 9lau willdows 9'd FrMd cloon ill tlile ._... •llNJ roas rwe unoect flt eplHe ...... ...... ..., ,...... -• llllce.y. LAawy .. ••ert ,...,.ct ~ ........... loot lilt illct1d1d 9'd YOU OWM THI LAHD. $ltoww by Trols:IHNllf to. •fled b•yers. $1,JIS, 0. Coll for color broc ..... of ..... property. DELUXE BAYFRONT PENTHOUSE TW1c1Rda •da .... •tllleWATllh ...... .., ....... ~.,..... ....................... ., ........ mdNllct4tcwof~=. ...... wM4 ......... , ... Ina .. .. _. .................. .., ..... .... 2 M4. ...... ,~ .... NIMd .... •r•• effers 'rl•ocy, HHrlty .. 4 n1llll•ty ffw yow OWl'I IMN!t. lltM. te Hfl,000. WATERFRONT HOMES lac. ~36 W C0c1~1 Highwov Newport &«h 611•1400 U~l()U~ IN NEWPORT BEACH OCEAN VIEW $219.000 1 odrms. hugging the• rl1ff., abo\'£' the Jf(jrbor. approx 3000 ~q. fl . J bJths. 3 deck~. )ll"ll $21 '1.000 \'/\CANT CORN 1';H -2 bdr m. cit-n \1 on<Jr<> 1n H V Jlo mc-s . \'al· ant. h11-! r·ornf'r lot. low area price Sl!>6.000 ancl ( 1·1· !;.incl 2 h<lrm. p1d urt ·-.qut· golf 1 ·01ir.,1· \ 11·w, nc\ l'r 1wrup 1"•' :111r1 :111"''ll' s~_lf1 01-.<1 ··;-.;01<Tll Ill '1.:ot quilt·' lit1I l;,rg1· 1 • .11 .11111'1 It ' 1r•I 11111·11 t•·•·l1 n1• < L'I•· I\ I hd1111 .111d Ji 1•.t I• 11111 "ltd -1p1·1 111 ( I Iii 1 I It. ;:.: ~r, '' 111 I -...1 (. I I t ·f ~I \ • 1 .. Li o~·-.· • ,,, '"11.J . •• I• I' "•J• • l AWRJL HICE OH LIDO ISLE 1-!.:Jullf 11 'P" I"''""· ht1111• 1•11 "'I le l'I 1111 H•' 1·11' II 11·d· • 1r dk•I ( JlJ f•X "l'l>l $.l-J.11 1)1-1 JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 GOLf COURSE VU < ,.-• •' IS •' P }'. •' 11 u .,11, ,, llu ,,,, "J,,.j, • •• rn ht1lll• MESA YHDE ~J·t J I \J. 1 liiH rn ~ l'~t °'""" ''•Jf'lJf"'U, dh'J 11' t .. .llrl• >!>t-tl l'.Jll• ... • r-'frlTJ I JJT r•1n•I \I 111 'tra.' SllH 7~1 2 STORY "11.-.,. • ,.1 I hi' . I U .... !•'••· .... !"d• ,, \I,-I UST BLUFF I• 111 •• .• h1 •" r.11111h 1 <1111.111 rrn ,11hl1t1•1fl l111• '1 .. Kil) ll ,,,, \'"" i"'••t ( t Lio l'1 I I• t1 I ' JI• 111, ( 'h•u"" , .... M"'ll•·r I•• 1• , BH ·1 fl \;i 'SI W7 :1~ • Roy McC~. RJtr. S48-7729 l.JlllJI) .11111 "" f'rl•. ' I n,.:Jll Jl £l l>i.'.i0 1 --------- RJUff REAL TY S46-08 I 4 Newport Heigttts We Worii For YOU! Hl.':>ldenual .i. lnrome P roPt>rt> Sale-. Jknt.tl' BRAND NEW OtAMOND v..,Jb "' .:1.1 t·11h.i11• • REAL ESTATE Redhill~ Realty I ,ido Rea It y ()ff ice I 673-7300 33n VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH SBlVlMG THE HEWPOIT AIU AMO ALL Of OllAHCM COUNTY f«atl your~ COfl'WIMrclal & '-dlntriel Reeds. SolH, uchan~s & i.CIM'I $169.450 OCU M VIEW FU TURI MG WIME CELLAR $198,000 FULL OCEAM VJEW S24S,OOO J IDRMS. W ITH PIER & SLIP 531 0,000 OCEAHFROHT s 3 15,000 SE~ T PRICED PRO¥~TY ON LIDO ISLE \I. 1 ''' .Jtl'i\1 .11 1· l<1·dl111 I H··alty 1 " f 1, \ • I 1'-1 1n 11 ~ "r rn o rt· 111t11r:11.i1 t••n 1d• .1 .• .1 II 11 BAYFROMT . , 1 .d f1n• !•,I\ Ir • 111 h1111ii-·· \\ 1 I 11 r 1 I•' I ,\ ti I 1 AVALO N ,I.., • , •111 t r&I< t 1·d , :1 Ill< I l1o1 , oak •I '" p.1111.11 11.1 o1·rn• 111 ' .. r1t·rch · t111u1rt.i11011 Fl.11-. an-.1 ~l:.."1'1.000 Fl'«: BILL GRUNDY; REALTOR 341 B~f'•de Oriv~ 0N B 675· 6161 Bakrn ..... ll-Obp1ldb . Anh QUo• l'r-1111 \f a)or !'>pon' !(,..,_tr' \.I I\• • 4 ) j '\Ii 1.1 1,,,11 "-' I , •• ,. Seminars • t•• • I ' I I ol• \I ti UllllJU• I I• Jrm 11eowcoo•w•t hur"' ~1•111r 1.. '•lull' j -----,:~~~; 1!!' I !•.,·lo \ l\Jr lthl l• • ( 111 hn,.11 '·•il .. 1 1111 n• .... 111!1•' 14 ilh 1 1n1• 0 '11,'l•I hul(" ---------11J."'1f1f'dctd •A.'J11ll rn,"l• r "11\1· "' 1·1 l • !..111.:• --------- • J • • ~ t I t t , t ~ l • • , ; •I •, J ~ 1.""1.'t ,u11•I ; K .• nd 11.11 " "".ill. I 111 ''"'11!1111,.· l .. , ""'" r ~!II 1 .11 r; n•11111.1J1h 1111' Cirll lor p•·r~orl.il 1n t•\ "'"" 1>$6 7171 ., .. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Fubulou.5 IW"-h~llnl( !>n hlU!t• <·orn...•r lut, l'\ l n ha:, :.oni.· 1i<'C.111 '•t''" ' Con h'fllpt)r ar; :J hdrm home with Mt>m t 11 t•' rand Tl'm(u· patll'I h." IJr.:t· JllJ1ll. r•mlJ>lel<'I) pn' Jlt' f"nt'Cd for r ..... .,t art1on JI St..11 \A1) 171 41 67l·4400 121}1'21·2121 HARBOR *VETS l~ Your t.:hl(1b1lrt) NO W LOW OOW'i c!. LOW I.NT RATE 1 ..... ·1 u, llhow you how toquahf> TcA to led e_,,.t W. Ust.! 754.1202 OCl.ANAJH! Deluxe duple x. ~ & :? bdrms . walk lu ht·'t beach & d05e tv bl':.l l"el>Ulurltllt.s Ht~un•d to Sl92.500' lalaoa lay Prop. R..tton • 675-7060 .. Litte. it l kJ! ! Cla.'>Saf1ed Ads are reaJly small '"penple to Pt-OPlt' .. ulai calli5 v. 1th t>11o: r .. adenlhlp and big resuJu • To place your <'la:>.'>1ht.'d _________ 1 ad:. r_all_lod_· a.! ~-!167lf mE 110111 BLllRS CD. OVER !JO YEARS Of SERVICE SHARP NIW OffaJHG fiori:rou•, S1n1?le Level Condo Thrl·c· llt>droorm Plu:. ram1ly ttoom Wrap·Al"OW1d P a tios Cathedral Ceil1n ics Exr ellt:nt Cond11100 fo'nbulous Greenbelt Location A .. Joy ()( N('wpnrt .. I.1st in.: ® ·--........ ,. 631-1800 HI DOYa DRIYI POOL PlUS LARGE YARD HEAR IAY Spac1ou.c;; t b<'<lroom home located 111 prc·~ti µ,10 11 -. In 1111· T 1·rrace. lf l'a\) ..,hak1· ronl. woodsy lan<i!.>C'aping ;.inrl '>I'\ t·ral patios give tht.., horrn.: .1 rt'frl'"lh111gly ··back to n;111irt•" ll•t•llng Y<1u r -. for o n ly S~:.!!I 1100 ka:,l•holcl ,\ppro'(1m<Jtely $300.000 in Fl·t· A COlDWIL.l UJ«a CO. 644-9060 21 It SAN JOAOUIN HILLS RD IN NEWl'ORT et:Nn R SPECTACULAR YU-Day & Night bpa.IJ•e hotM °" IC1f'91 lot wfth '""' for ~ .ct deck. M•wly decorated M & out. Two •torr. 4 b•droo"' plH bUNard/1-t. """ ncludiltc) ... bw, 4 flreplocn. ... a:td loach of roe. .. entertailt In and out. Easy to lltow. S49S,OOO. UV£A81.E UDO ISlE-2 CO.S "'':Z ... Udo lff-..tyto .... ... .. be .............. ,........ n... codnl1l•t .._. .. • .... 111 lh ~Ice wtttt • ,,••tltlfft M .. ttl . ....... ..,~ ....... .._ fr•• lttr11.t. J ........ I~ flr111t1ce. .... ,..... SJ I 0.000 0.. 8"el 2 Mel., I Mtlt SZJl.000 o....,. wll c..-y first T.D. 10% Were ... WATERFRONT HOMES Ille. ~36 W Cuest H~·av Newport lWac-h 6Sl•lt00 .. "'--..... ... If .. "' ....... ~ ecC!eM ••. a..baod to work or •lrport ~ lO YMCA. Bat is JASt••c ... New P'1m 3 on anmbeJl w ~ vtt-w Mov• tn IMm•dlau•ty t , ll Pnn nnb 2<I \Oil Dys ' us 28()0 8-1'-~ lflal"bw 0r C....... I 014 Celli>. Mo ther'• ta~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll«Ylce ln ~w of all • ~ aod J)nVMtt' f(lf' llvln1 fr ent•rt.1n1ns C.tocp built • ~rm Undd• la~ M w1oa I. Famll)' d1oln1t. formol ~ . .,.. 1au~,.,. lfu•\' cl* f.V . lw•mt'd <'<'11 _, L.R. lae pui» • dl'<'I>. r..y 14*~ 1229,000 OL'IUSTIC ESTATE POOl.-Ul ,250 Gumt 2-sty. bear h 4 UR Dao. rm M a s.!>n t• fam./game rm or guest retreat. f'rplc , new paint & c pls Cov d patio. Eslat e ·!\11.l' grounds. Your t'ho1ce ol terms . VA·O K It ':. enchantmg at a very low S93.2SO. S acn h ee r dll !l6J.0002 Bk r OWNER · TRANSFERRED .\t u..,t '•·I I. poll1·" I H d r m I' 1• 1 t• r ... T o 14 nh11m1· ;-,11 p1•1 ftnaonn1: l-IS!i !K"1 1006 ••••·····•·•·•········· !.I U N I TS 1n• I 111'"- Bayfront to h<• Xdt)!d 1111 <)Wnt'r 21:1 1>84 :J.211(1 WATERFRONT t: x l r a I ;H I! e 1· or n t.• r 2Story f:anlily ~ial ll:Y S11nta Ans ('ountf)' ciub, 3 hedr11om11. l~~ balha. fo rnu d d in111ic room. bnul.)i ruom with W{1 bar aod f1repJ11t e, ltbrllt"y with hreplar,· I~. pool, 11htt~ a. tt~c·~ 1111 1132...500 Call ~ 1720 TMlllU.. -· CEDARGLEM Ui"'llnli•vc <!.inti ;1 bt-druum CCJ<td<>mtnaum .. Crum $91 ,!oOll 2S.>I ~lllen A vt.· . {' M 006734 Take Over Paymettts Al mtPreSt rate of 10 5>1' '. with this beautifully dt' c orat e d h o me I bedroom~. dining r•M)m . ~1·t liar, f1re>pluc1· Gi.101 patio llugl' Int with rllrU' tn·1·~ $1:17,!IOO C:d!I ~rt-0 1720 TAABEll. --.toe\• COSTA MESA 4 H<*W-s on I lot LO W EST PRIC E n1 Cot.ta Mei.a Only lfl' • down O WC. Al way!> rented Worid Rffl Estate 556-5777 MESAYYDE I Mrm 2 bath q11uht\ htnll 4'haki-r11of rl11ulllt· f1n•plJc•· (;n:.11 loc-:1t 1ur1 tcll'a l for t·nt.·rt amm}! l ~rt(•• rt••· r1111111. l"h ,,, dPl'k1ng '""' m,1tr1 11•11ann• v !r•I c )f ft.r,.d dl Smt W I l'a II Jc;t • 11 ~ii ~·HERITAGE REALTORS du'-''~" 10 x lnt <'111111 ----------Moonng if\Jtl.oblr S1wt· tacular ~ll'" Appl """ ~.Of() *Cotf. Rt•alt"t' & ln\·t~lmt•nt 640-5777 Lot w /plans r eady for permit. $235,000 21r. Ruby . O wn 1Br k c r RJ3.311U. 644·6340 lc6oa Pefti1twla I 007 ......•................ Bay F ront pnml' 1111· & view . 3 bdrm ~ ll•·n w rlawn & boat dork $68 5 ,0 00. 0 W lll'I 714~5·1749 Corona de4 Mar I 022 .••••••..............•. lnve11tor's rlurh•x t-2 good re nt al ~. r nnl. frplcs. rharm ~4:..ooo Pnnc1ple~ t>nly 640·49'.t!I WHY POOL HOME Eastside Codo Mesa 3 Bdrl'n.'>, I ~. bath:.. Nan• fareplaee Cati How 754-7800 .... Mulh~ ~~r"". 29Z1 Bn!»tol. C':'\1 CLOSE T O 1n ;,\\ll ' 2 OJOd<n m wparatl' lihlg 2br 2' :IJa r:it'h Pn l'ecl It> :irll' Huy 11nc or both SBl,511(). John Van1an Co. <iallc r y of H •J ml'~ fiJl-0000 4 Br !>phi k vcl. J Ra. 3 J:Jr , m <t!>l poJJUIJr mOlld Many t~Ktra tou~ hl':-.. :W:l(l Goldene~ e l'I $1411,!ll>O ~4:r78 Owne r Agt R-2 IUILDAILE (.1larrtung 2 Bdrm I bath home with room It> add 'ccon<l unit /\skin~ only $79 900. Sohm1l ull offns Call~58HO ~HERrTAGE • • REALTORS ~STAYHOME They CnJOY lhc comfon nl u superb homt• 111 a ('ho1 ce l•1ral1on Thi~ :!>pe<:tal home provulc~ everything nced NI ror i;r ac1oui. It ving tit at" rinest Lge 4 BR. 21 >:r ba ho me w it h a Jac u1.11 PLUS the advun~~e or a secluded l Bdrm . I ba ---------rncome unit. Absolulel) one ol the f1nc~l an the> area. Call today !179 s:rm ALLSTATE REALTORS •OPEN HOUSE• 212 J a.'lmine,Cd M Ocean vu.vacant Open Dally l 6 Owner/Ag\.. 673-4577 SPYGLASS Southport, 2 aty, 5 Bdrm. family rm, 2 frplc's, •'12 ba. triple garage. Custm pool. spa. formal dining rm. bonus rm. Nile lite view. Profellllionally de- corated Ii lands caped. IYOWHER 4 Br 2 Ba fam ily home Excellent area Frpll'. full y carpeted, h~ P«l m area. Call 642·990!! dy~. 631-9299eves Mesa Verde, VA terms. 1 Br 21,. Ba. 2037 Calvt•rt S129.950. Agt 831·1257 OHCE IHA WHILE you find a 3 BR I ba home tbat's r eady to move in, in perfecl rond. $791900. 646·3627 Agent. &.SIDE CH.ARMER 2br, new decor & crpt, :10x1!iO R-2 lot. 189 E . 18th St. $82,000. Owner ·Agt 675-4ml. End of cuJ-de-sac. acrossi·---------from park. Success shows ln this beautirul Ilg family home. Newly offend •l M85.000. l.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 IYOWMll a..rmmc 3 Bdrm house, 2 t.&111. Completely re. mad. OM noon. Lee ct:w· nw ~ w JIMtd on poten· tlal to c r eate a puarunic ocean view. 1219,aoo. can en-uM, warkJalm m.'1829 ••• ..... Tl •• .-c. now rmK. WW 1eaM or leue ot>- tion. Ocean view, pool. ..... BO BAY W1500 3 Br. 2Y. Ba ~ome in love- ly established develop· ment. Conveniently lo ca t e d . Great unmlUes. Easy to own. C.U for details! A1TIMnOM IM¥ISTOIS Posat bl• foture com· imretal UM on this tbarp a bdnD home. For moro loformaUoD, c a I I : ....- ! ,, H£RllAGE Pl l\l TOH._, « r.utal~ r1001. • t.-. Z }Mi, famJJy r m , lvw m\, frl>g , l~t ~IWW Many atr1u. Aut.4mv -t .... lllt A Pl>ro.x w 1&•.000 p,;,.,"' un dtr mar&d fl~.lO• Cull t,.2 0487 Ow11 .awn• 111 1 111163 Hrok(•t TAUAIOUT MOTIV A. TID! MIWUST1MG 'lbt• M-11\'rl! h1&V<• <1lr1•11t1~ toought .. ni.-w hou•t• 111111 have pnet'd uu .. utn 111~ " bdrm homl' II• ,.,ell 1111 mt-d l11l t'l y Su 11•·1 flt't g h borh oo1I l>nn t wall I 5'\!I IHll I IRO()t(VIEW J Bk 21:t BA plu.'>h q1L ... flhJ #!•" t omm l1t1Ul A. trnn1., $!j2 .500 liu lh Launt . nkr 646 4JIW Mt-SA \ 1-;Hu t-: 1 Btt 1 •, Im w tefully d et·or.itt·d. wt.1 bur. wJlt'r µun f11•1 lri.t lot, 6 r 1tr11:. trt>l'!. A.., ..,uma bit' loan 14~') K 111 tt'r t.'S I . S1J7 l/1111 l A ft B ~ L l.. ,1' I< I •' r l:.1role or Gdrv, .'>411 1°/20 ,,,. 751·03!C> ' 4 HOH M. I '~ h,1 , Ml·::·"' \'EHL>b Ln : lut l'l•1w t•1 p<1rl.. Sl~l.!ll)O ,,.,,um.1 hit· l•i;tn, 'I ·I • \ ar1.1t.1,. 111t,,rt'l-t r.1t1• T.\11 111•.l.I. ,~,1, fl 1r (;,If\ 0 ;.111 17:~1 I I >f 1~1 wxr, SELL or TRADE 2 !>Cpara lt> h ,,, • .., on Easts1de C M corne r lot Asl>ume lt>w tntere<>t lu:rn & owner may rarry ;.>nd Hur ry 1t wnn 't la-.t ' SM4.!Xl0 &15 7~1 Ontu~ c:J ifT21 . We-stc:liff Realty DEADEND :J Udrm. ta1111tv r•u1111 " (1r1·pl-.i1 '" p.11 qu•·I n"'"'''' d1·0 ''"''' •1c .. ,., , C'ul cle •,al Slit> .Ml l .111 t>~">-!.!lt>I .... ,,., OP£N HOUSE REALTY .z, . Y OUIMJ Eastside Lnvely 3Br 2b3 1n <'ht11t'C' l•ic. \'aolte<i cl~'\. II\ r m ram rm. rorml dtn. rµll. lg shady lot " r!k1lurc: lr~.., SlJ4.9\)(I tA5 ;;1;,., aft t:iPM By ()\lo1wr Dana Point 1026 ....................... MARIHITA Spe>ct ar u l3r hallt ••I' honx~ 2i112 J:!(lh ''1 11 (1~~ l() ~unn.1 -., .. l\.1 Rd & C:illt· I.<• l'n ni.1 vrra $1(''6,000 I••sz1:1 IKXI 831·3.')4(), 40:1 l()()f, Bltlr ~ncjon Buch I 040 ....•............•...•. Investors Look Here! Tht!»t' an-3 1,,, l'I> 11111h in pn me n •ntal Jrr .1 \ • n Jrtll :!rid do'c 111 kJo:,\C II Front urul ·~ K60 "Cl II Ull ll IS 540 :.q fl ,Jrd u111I I ~ ~q rt l><on l m"' II Stl0.1100 CJll 831 :?7 t I TARBEll. 9'MT0t)t S..,.rCIHn! I Ucdrm. I '• hJlh huml' w many ool~t:intJrng u1• wade. IJK'ated 10 >.Int area Park Plar e.lot'Mi! 7~•;t IYTHESU Near new S&S 4 ht•d rm 2•,, bath w d gc fam nn formal dmmg rm Ju~t a short walk to beach. Park Place.Inc 842·7461 STEAL! 2 Bdr .• I BA .. Large ('Or · nerlot. $74.500 RE/MAX. Patrick 631·1266 COZVCORNER Xlnl area. 3 Br 2 ba, oew cpts. Cvd p11ho . f /P . nice lndscp·g. lmma c '95.000. Owner 842 J9liR OWNERS ANXIOUS 4 bdrm. 3 ba. Exec. home on golf cou.rse. R<.'<lured to $17•,950. fo'le xiblc Hout•t For S• ~nesd!y.Aupust 22, 1979 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1044 ~ IHcJI I 041 HcMlwt For W. Mowt.. For W. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1044 er... BEAUTIFUL IRVINE lHIGOODUN Ge\. • bonua l Bdrm IUCSl c:ott.1 se with t.h11 2 Bdrm bi·leve l charmer On lae bea ut ifully landlcaped lot with COY 'd patio at BBQ. Short waJll to b e Hh '" 1ho p1. $259.000. ... .,.,. IMdl I 06' s-19 M9 I 010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Confu 1>ed by all these ads., ltanch Realty and/or Woodbridge Realty r an show you any one of over a Hundred listed homes in Irvine 1>011'1 wuste time trymg to d~cide wtuch a<l l!oun ds the best. . ONE CALL DOES IT ALL. RANCH WOODIRIDGE REALTY REALTY 551-2000 551-3000 THE EXPERTS ON IRVINE PROPERTY Loe.. With Gt eat Interest Ti.lkr ovt'r t.'M,,ttnl! lu.111 al 7', on lh1.., 1r111n.n·ul.1h• ,1nJ fn•:.hl) pJ1nll•d I bedroom horn(' Dinin~ runm. (ire plar 1· & brand nt•w drapt.•!» & w111du~ r11ven n~. 1·arpt'l llH' klll'hen bUlll 1n.., P Jt111 ~.000 Call 5!j9.14451 TARBal. -· ONLY $11 S,000 ORANGETREE .!Hr l'nndn tenn1' nl '> IJl»J. jJl'U/11 , .,Jl.lllJ Pnn Onl} S7'J 1100 0 1.<nt'f s.51 ~75 J(t 1tl'~f \\~kcn<h9 5l'M lOCJMo leach 1048 ....................... CALIF. CLAS SIC tl!O dt•g wh1ll• w Jtl'r 'll'll.. nr ht•adl [1 Bdrm . 1• • liJ + dt-n. dhl 1 .. 1 ••aw t1f J k111d $11MI IJ()IJ 1 .1 'l•·.tl $1\IU 11011 do\<. n F.1,,, 1..rm . llW"l-'H I I I I I I I j ,, ('I I .1 l 1\.1:1.C>XI .. r l!l'.I l''I • 3 + BOMUS I IHfl Chl11rd p l.111 111 ----------l 1111·('r,1t\ l'.1r._ ('ul •If> OCEANFRONT don osen r.,1.llor .. 401 GLENNEVRE 497.4848 &,_,...MH)Met 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Niguel Realty • Au.PLAY AMD HO WORK in th•~ no rf\,l mlenam·1· 2 J\drm 2 bJ hom1' Fnrmal dmang rm. fama I> rm w wt•t bJr Xlnt for t•ntcrtlllntntt l'rvt Jdh l"'1mmWl c lubh:.e. pflol &r :.pa Slo9.000 493-9494 495-5220 496-2413 830.5050 Auutlwab&~ lOClft Fa1rw11v 1-;1 N11<uf•I Jhr. S<!.34 I /00 (.' u!.Lo rn l<c J It > TllJ.'irm MniOfl Vi~jo 1067 ............••......... CASTILLE El.DALI PL.AH '1 h• 11111' \ llU \ ,. IJ• I II I "·••1111)! 1111 :J.l111rrn t.1111 r rr .11111 'r1·11. m .in 111• .i i 'llt .Jt 11>11 ·1 .tkt t1\.-I ,,r;· ,1111 M , 1•1.111 \ ,,,.. l•11'.1t111n "I" 11 ht .ttlL~ 11'1 "I i11ot,1r · \lt'14 11( r.Jln, plu "'"I" t,, 11•11111~. """' <\ p.J 'I,• " ,\I .,1l 1J I" r I 'I'" """l 11 "Ill> Sl'l'l _,,~, llonw I'' 1 1 "111111u111t' C.A.U 644.721 I WESTCUff 8NWluJ 3 Br. Lot& ol plaota. fabulous pool. fireplace. Owner very mot.lva~ at SU9.9SO. A rREH1G€ q_ __ ...___.~_HOM€~ 3333 W. Coast Hwy. ·N 8 645-6646 EASY ASSUMAILf. MOVI llGHT IM ID lb.iJI beauUful Harbor View Montego Lux· 11nous new carpet in g. covers the 4 Br 2 Ba & lg elegant farruly /bving & dming areas. Call to dis· cuss s uper fi nancing $179.SOO 551-65161 640 1440 ~~~~~~~~-- Wi\NTEO 2 or 3 BR home 1n HV Hms Pn n only 644 68«1 PAD UDO COHDO J BR. 2l, ba. 2 r ar gur Pauo. poolside M inute. to bea c h and l-l oai: Hospital Very q uiet 97~16 OCEAHVtEW J.1>: .t bd, Vlt'W •. $235 .000 HE M 1\X . l'atnrk !\JI l2fifi REAl EST A TE SALES 11 1t 1, "' r. H .., 1 1 H 1fiJ l!Jlll fteal E .... 1utt· :11"""h' .'lhr.,,·1·11n1' I ~uh l<·tlin,.: "" I r•1111 etlD' lr·r•ll',,. ll~ "" t\J\1 .! •11 s-::1 '(Jtl I 1 l-.1w1 • I l.11111 , , f1u.., conl1dc:nt1.ill~ < .. 11 '1•1h1k llom•· l ',1rl.. :1111101 t · as1}1Jm .. S.1 l CIJ.\I 11 w) l..11!111t.1 ' ) ·~""IP.!!~·~"'"",.. .., \ I t ~ I' t It .,_ t I 'I, -. l\Jll p .. n t1rn1· I-•·• 111 .. 1111; II t-:!-11 111>'1 I I> \l 1.1:"-t. t .AK :">-I°'',.,_ tn Be arh K \1 I' •I I 1 &M»ll $100,000 Dr:iairah'o nottheut San· ta Ana home. 10 year1 old, 4 bedroom. 2 bath. aar cond.IUooina. Thi. is truly a &real investment. fo'lr more info call oow ! 541).3666. [ Pit?:J#t tZI J REAL &STATE Rea l Estate 4br, P..ba. ~Int l·ond. nt>w ·~ lutr hen. corner liil $79.500. ~!>-9910. S54 022() 1088 ....................... A PEACH OM THE BEACH 4~13:'>7~ OEBAElD l/1H·h I')( n 1ron1 horn•· ... 11h \I di;(nlfr~·{'OI \ tt·14 )tt.dcm 2lir. l lia It.! 11' 1nR •Ji n1n~ rm .,..11 bn<k frplc . h: up<.l.itr' ..ituni.: rm lal'IOI! the •tl·n XJnl flOdO! IOI! t••porl ~och I 069 REALTORS 673-7n1 <',\LI. T() !'l-.t. 1 ••••••••••••• •• •••••• •• 846-5502 2 :.t ry . I HR . 3 bJ l'rl\ acy • • W.ill. t 1 fl'•"I pJrk & "''"'"!' 1 n•mt•nduu-.' .11111· CALL 754-7800 J{eaJtv Mulhearn- l~glster RRSTCL.ASS! l'LX<;ll ~ t~dr . 14/iK "'I fl l' J'k T n\lo 11h11rn•· H r. VI ,\ "\ I ••• I r I I ... 1.11 ...... BEAT IT ! I llllPn .! IJ.1 ~:·r1 ,,,111 Trv to ll(:dl tha' m 1111' .11 t'tl -.dl,.r ' pnn· 1,J1 15.SZ fJrM6 J1r11. Turtl•'r•wk J'rt" 1tlt·111 h•mw Wr1011..,, • h;irn1 tnat 11n,.1\c: .1 Hit w 11.1 I.fl I'll Lt·J "· lt•>lll l.11111 W ilk t•l po•ih & 1 .. on1-. It 1: qi. rrn r .. r '•·l.!1'11 1:.ir<l•·11 l1r1• I., p.rt111, rl1·c k." ht lw.1m 1 P1hn1•, (nor t l'tlin..: ~ 1ncl11~ (pk, ,,11 "lei· k1t1·ht•11 .11 l'lllJ 11r \'UI 111· "" 'I nl ~1 hool, nr 11nl\1·r-1t ·, II' llWlll'I $lfrl.',1M! l'fltl I Ill I.' IJ .i~c: J•urt h,,,,. 11p t11111 r1)1,,1 blv '.•'•·• I kll'l l'\'t'~ \lokntf J\ k f111 ()1 ~ll.t!Jl(ll FIXER UPPER c;oot1 fam11' h11rn. 11111 ru-t'<h 'f I,< ~11:1h1th .int b1•tlr1111m do" n'' ·' 11 \o\oul•I li1· )l•1ml II• "'" 11uJn1·r.., I IS.lrm .I h.c Jl)U... ;1 :I I :t t I ol r •I J I' I 111Jtt-0111 I uni• flt,. k 2hr frpli [If( • .u.·~1 h., c "" .. n , u "',,1 ... 1•• By Upper I I ~~\ 1•••1• 1 .. ,. 1 ·" """ .... _w rt Bay • 'l\lolllJ U I .'..!I r"'lt:' 'DO MEWPORT ~ ~ l>d1i..h11'ul t"'"llh•11111· ti .. • 1 TOWHHOME ~ ~ I 1.~1r ... 111 l1,1tlo I "'"·'' 1•11; I ti<tr m "11h I 111ni11, !1•1 plJu "-1'111.rr 1 .. rrn.i l 1J 111111~ '""'" ~ 1 Wrstrninstff I FITDO~i 1098 :-1 I .I I "' t 111 ,. 1 l••r l t I ti I • 111 I 'II 1 11• I I I ..•..•....•............ "' ll" 'I ' IJ f'j//.11 • .,If" II/, l'.1t111 111111111111.• ,,.1 ol·~1>.-trot1l .!.1"1· \,r, l.ARGEFAMILYRM 1;1wt: :n. ''"' ••~• I f,1\ •' 1,11 1n 1111 ""t Lt1d ''' -' 1· dm ~1·r1• v •. 11.1 11° lllh '" 1. .• •' l;ll I I ,,, :t-1 11.0I I \ 1. fl 'I IJ 'f I\ ' l(f·,\1.l'lll< I'll Xl.1 \ ;)'"' .tl~I ( .ti··'" , , .. ,, qu.1·1 .. t 111',•I 11•· ,,, • It I ~ftl!rl I \ k111. '!I, •'"' I .1 I I llH'~"""' I ~>1 1 .. 1 I pl1l' 1 1,.1!rm • b.11 fl 11 •upf1 ,, J. r, d•' '" ,,f; fJ ... 111 h••fl .1 1111'14 q1pl1 ,\ rllll'""·''" lptl l•rl" ;J.f •.n • 11.111. l'l.111· fr,11\.I~ .11o1 • HEW LISTING ,.}~?.~~~~~'~' """ l ilii!liJltJFJ I 1111•ic· ''"r' I "' "' ltn1 ----------·nu·. 1. :111,,,.,, Ii"'"' ·• , """" '\ I 111111 I h. "'"t , .. 1. I , l ,,., , ,r 1. 1 1)1\i!n• ll'lni-1·, 1 .. 1 11.1rt 11 ul.1! "I 'I" r ~ LOCJ'WIO V1lloq~ R.E 497-1761 ARTSY COTT AGE Thi·, 2 lh·•l rnnrn h.1 ''"'"~" ..:1.1 .. "''''"' -.111111•.lt" 'I 1Jtlr•1 lull 111·11 .1111! hUJ lt 111 I. tl< h, 11 .111"1 lr,t11l JI ~1:.::111101 \\"' I 1.1 t lt11ll! t.1'\1;0 HI-.''· I.~ I 'I 1° l'.t'I I ul IX I-.\:">-\'11'.W. l'•1rlJl111,1 ,tl:t~/'>I 11''\\ .111( S!~'l ... l~I \ .11 1nl 11141,. r \'~• 111:!1• OCE.AH VIEWS! l-'.l••i...1111. I 11' ·1 h1I h,1J. ••fliC"' • f>,ll 111 ()Iii• I I !I •1•1., J( I \I \ \ l'.11t1d 1h:1 1.~~. A GREEM THOUGHT l"liTllt -.11\111. lrn .11 .. 1 '"' "" lu·••·•I •r1111nd· 1 :-.1111ltT "rt<1 I I.I J-Jin \1 1 \I r.1 ll;t' Jl•ll 1'1 I II t I •'l'I to I! ,11j,J h 1111 ,c 111111 -;·,,, I ,111 I{ .. ii ·~·.11.· A VBY SftfCIAl P&UHSULA POIMT S le~s I lflh .! \ '""' 11111 " II h h-JhJrt·-. 11"1 nurncru1h '" I nl4·n1tt10 111 dl'l.111 int lucf 1111 1 •llJI rTl!'I "II• h1 II I ·•'""II' ~.lflll' I ll<ltll ""'' I .1 11mp1u•111' lull 1" J•ll U/11 111 '11."11 I 11.1111 IH>I 111:>1 .1 h.1th lll h " J • I • .._"I 1 •I " ,, ~ I ollllrl!'h f )1 rtl llllf ,llllJ 1111111itn .. r• l1\111i\lo.11ll 'I h<• l1>11flf ollld I oltl < •111,11l1•r ~1;i;1.111111 l11r ·1111-.111·;. ... 1 th1·11' .ill 644-7211 !.--.~ ~I I , I '\I I ... I II' I II , ... ll.1. t 1 <'0I 111 IH \1 hl-'11 till I 11.•flo I ~J:I f;x4 .l.'1•1 llH. 11 1-.H II \"1,ll l _________ I \ I I. I ' .. .. •MO 9UALIFYIHG. \\ ()I I ;-... I \ \ I> I "" 1, c lnl' $10 noo t.1kc m ••r \ l~.V. Ill 1111 ')t-\ f,1111.L'tll ll'J'I' 11pll•lll on I II I q 111• I "" 'I'• I \ :I llH ,.,, .•. h•onl\' \\11n I .11• hlll'<llllt' 14 •I• 1.111 ... 1 J,L,t ("4-n··r :~11 ll:!IU ,.,,..nur 111 II< 1 \IC ll &. I\ ' I I I· ' Wt-.,\Tlll':IO·;P ll\' 'I 111. Newport leach 12 UHITS '"LIVE OM LIDO" \Itel •''" rwn.c th•· ••••I hf• 'J'hl' l)"fllt I lfl<hl'\! .1 r1 ' n ~ ' r t • '' • r BAOC IAY ESTATE I''\ 1 " JI r<' l''tJ\I' "-la II<"''' .: j;Ul"I h .... .,. ... lh -.t.111 h11r"· 1 .. 1111 hui.:• nd1n1• nnl.. P'I "'' .1 ~, .. ,m, r•111111 111.1,•111f1 r 1·n1 "''~ ''' th•· ll.11 i. llJ\ 111,h l.111 1 ''!Jlllll' . .t111unt1' I ""1J•1 I 1111 r l.JOd!'f' .J l:I 0 ;11 • 11J11 :'>'171• d \ ' ; I I >'II Si!r. "' l~ "l..nd' SALE OR LEASE Jn t 1w-.;1-;R I HH ·' t. .• P'••I &.jJ(U/LI 1;.1;, -17'1-" SALE OR LEASE ll'l OW'\J-:H lllH h 1 Ch 1•rlrn•111111! ~· .. 11 Ctl\ln.<' 111 l~l )\ l\A~ ,lft'.I \..dll 6-l:? .)O:ll 11r t~5 4;~ POOL&SPA .i Br -I Kd 1ndud•·, 'l'P ''"''' & l(.1m1• r11nm 1•.1m1l~ r m . clinmi: r111 '(1 rJ Ir..: lot I IJrhor \ 11 ,,. I Jo mt·~ S2; a 11H11 1x 1 ~· P t>rt StdOhnp1· l•I i Sij !Y.!ffl ~ m·r RlllT W1TH FRIEND S 11vi·n'-lln•I·•' I 1 • r. I >11111 11111••11 J' • r1l... •I r • 1''' t. , , r)I • r ' 1 •ura:. 111,hh \ • n•I I • .... -.lull··<J r1-.1r \,1r•! lfTlPIC'Jl '"II 1ni: ~ HI< : h.i t"'°u' rm ...... ,., h.1r IJ\l:: .,,fd 1111 ... 11rk lo.,1 CALl 754-7800 Mulliearn~. ~~r "" .•......••..•..•••..... 1100 ........•.•••...•.••..• t ... 111\'n Y. •• ,, .: 1\1.(1 .'111 .!ll.r IJnt rm 1·11,t111n rr•l"''""I d1 ·1 ~ '• I'~ !'I.on .JuJn l JI•• l!lh '-'l:r. \1UBll 1-. I lllM 1- H L' Y " U I. I< t; '\ T fl' \:-.t·r Mobile Hom. Stou lftfoe tMt;Oft c~ CAU US 661-102 I \fOIUU : 110 \t ,.: J"li"OH\t 'TION n ;:-n 1-:11 DAILY PILOT P:J NIWPOU llACH. 12UNTS l DOOR from OCEAN. Unbelievably low LOW PRICED at $42~.000 . Owner will trade. w.w•~• .... 556-7777 Fou. UMITS.C.M. Near new. 3 Br owners wut. 2 ba. frpl. 2·car gar . J.2 Br. 2 ba, unils TSL lnvstmts 642-1603 16 DELUXE UMITS P JUME EASTSIDE. C.'t 2 Bdrms each. n!ESfARNESCO 640-571 I NEWPOl'T IUCH Vanous loc. on Penm. & Nwpl Shrs ava il. All amcn1t 1es . Present ly leased Turn·lcey oper a lion Property mgm1 avail 675-4912. BK R Hell bor Escrow SpKidith ift Ntcomat pa,eriy. satH or H · ~· Catt anytime for quHtions. Coll 75 1-1775 osk for SMrry l<E\'1.\1 . l:".< '0 ;\1 f. PROPF:RT Y F'rflm :i.1!1.~ ~odul ar T>P•' ll•1mt''-. 2.t hr '><":unl)' 3 pvt bchs. J>'l')I & p1cr Trt-<i:.u rc Isle I'~. :Otll l'dl'lfll' C:.I Hw> . l.ui.?unJ Rr h R M I' lil4 I ~99 357!1 I<:! 1•14.. hoo:.I'. 3 BR. 2 b.1. J Pf>IYl\l-d pl<in:.. bwld ro· d r S!M '1110 0 w n r ~<r.li3. 3.'>7·0"..0.l EASTSIOE C .M. -.1· \l 'l <)l ~ fl()\1 J-: !.. Ill l'l.E X SI H:>.01111 •.$~ :~1ll1nr 6-$.ll-4X4>< TR•·PLEX ('I'"''' 111 b.·;H'h , II ~ r:. t1ld .tll 2H r w i:.1r ~h:i k ·· r<••f \.-. ... u~IJl•· 1:,1 .11 I i $1h'I 111111 A l!f f,t;! 1i:11. •i:ll 12til> I.' 1~ .. l i<lrm unit " r11t1m 111r h ,1clcllt11111.1I unit .!l•\.1 ~H:J W.111.11·1-. ('11,fJ \11-.J Ii r.,,.., s;:1 :!>I/I 'r ~, 1., •11111 tin H.1 l.1 1t•" ''-~I 1111 , nt ttlll\r Jt'l .'ll ,, ,u1J111dt1IJt<'IO l'n11 A 1111 Sl.JW mu ~ ltl:.!11 TRJPLEX COSTA MESA OHLYSl39,500 f:,rellent J!rtlWlh an.::i \1.1 II ma1n t a 1n e d :! h1·fl r<1t1m un ll:. w it h p .1 1 1 o... & <' n c I o ~ t• ti ,i:.ir.1.:~·' ~p~·r 1n\t!~t m•·n1 ,LJ rl • 1-;,l'h;m 1:·· p1,..,,.11Jk Call i!'I:! 1:1211 l QUAIL A_,~~,~S~-· l()peft Tit 1:30 f'.M.I I 1'11·~ S210.l•ll> 1 ~· I t1!1\-'ll ll'Wt ' hJI at 'f11 • 111l In l '1111l' SIW I m11 Writ l'On 11l1·r •'\•'h.ini.:c 10-1•• \ .1 I c• 11 l' I a. (.'.. M t >u.nr Hkr i51 Jb.~ TSlMS, TERMS. TEAMS. 20t4A LOT ;-..,\I. r \I I< ~p.oc 1111,... .I l11Jrn1 & l.1111 r1t1 II•~•• pl.HI .,,.I\ It o•rf ti\ ," • 11.1\h.'. l•'.1t11r"' 11\ 1111 " lt.\l:d·:ll t'c>l'l'l.H llOOIH:11 f''lltt-:l'IT par(JUt•l ll•11ir~. Wi\Ll~'\ 0 F <; I. ,\ S S & 1-:xn::NSIVE ('SE <W WOOD S ll UT Tl-:Hs Mastl'r :.wtc open'> lhr11 s hd1ng !(la ss w al l l o enc los ed "SE C ll ET GARDEN'·. the cun nu-. m a y r 1 n d s e p d r a l c· WRJ<SH P /STt: DI') RM For th06c wh11 'cck .t home w charm warmth & pnvacy. in the m uclr I l>r•)r lrum ltw (°k'C'.tn t '11h1•flM 11hlv lo w pn n'll ,,1 $1'2:0.l.IOO Own1•r '"'II lra<lt• Worid Real Estate 556-7777 FOR S1\l.E llR Lr.,\. ... I-: I hdrm :! ha. dl•n pool J;H'U/11. nl'""l~ d1•1 111 , ~~·li!la I' P E\t'' 11, . ..,, GREAT CREATIVE ~l'l4 & an pJrk ro·' .tl1•-. for fun.her an l11 call 1>1 .inJo:t County Mn btl1· lluml' (.'e111l'r :JI :127:! 9 units incl ne w B. I bayfml, exrhange down. ~ fOf' Sate 1200 Owner. 213 1684·3200 RB>UCED $5500 UNIV PK. fF.E LANO SMASffiNG 3 llR loadt.od w/uP.g radei., kitchen fanuly combo. 2 tiled baths. air rond & air purifie r ror c omfort Lovely lo m a1nl yurtJ w1spa. Assumablr loan. OWC 2nd. Nnw only $1!i7,000 Call ror ;1pp1. ~ u//tdt.lf/11 REA~LTY ~ired No end SC('\ IOll of Laguna Bea ch wc believe thlS I!> a r8r{' rrn<J DE S T B U Y IN EAST'BLUF'FS. Sl64.900 <lhr, 2•-aba home un lrg r rnr lo t a cr o:;11 rrom 'lh<>ps. tennis d ub & chools. 644·8L87, 644.2442 a~ BIG CANYON FIHAMCIHG Low down. choice area of N B I of a kind C~t,)m 4 BR w /huge country lutchen. BALBOA ISLAND REALTY 67J.8700 OriCJIM'~ ......•...............• 3 lloatS OCEAM Butlda ble 4lX75. 7.0flt'd R·2. Owner J nx1ous ! 1-'0UNT/\l N VALLEY STRIP CENTER $500.000 with Sl.5-0.000 down Owner Will Carry Pnnc1pals Only TEM. INC 549-7721 NEW SHOPPIMG CIMTB Xlnt Orange Co. location. All leased. Automatic lease increases. Will trade ror land suitable for developmg. Agent. 544.9513 t erm s . Pal Segari. SIM-3129or957-'507. • -• __ .. ...:.:..;..::..:_..;._ ____ ...,....--1041 $215.000 Fvl ,rice CALLTOOAV '' MISSION REALTY 911.SS. Cst Hwy, Laguna PhoM 494-073 I Spectacula r Golf course csl~le 0000 :.q.ft 4 to 6 Bdrms. 51"1 baths. Pool and spa. $1,375.000. 111 STONES CO. 640-5711 Newest lisl111 g, very rare I story. 3 bdrm . 2 palt0s. lownhome . t ul d e ~a1· located amids t t a ll P\nes, overloolung fme:.l greenbelL $169.500 Agent 640-5560 15+ acre.. 10 min north of Hane h u . in I'' rt' n c h Valley on puved Hwy 79. 10 nun lo L.tke Skinne r . Ideal for horse ranl'h t7141926·31 lS Ownr agt Coop -:..'::::Ir 2IOO llech,_.~ tlSO ......... •••••••••••••• By Owner. a ,,500. 3 Br 2 ·-••••••••••••••••••••• Ba. mint cond. see \.0 •P· predate. 19371 Mauna IAl88-M89 ASSUMULI LOAN $25,000 \.\ mlle from beach. HUGE Ooroer lot. 3BR, 2ba. uP1raded home. f'reeb paint. lMide fl out. New caramel cp\.I thru· out, rm for addition. Pride ol ownenhll) on U'.1111 OM. Under tB'l .000. For .ai. by owner /alt • &ll·2M2 ~ 1044 ....................... IWICllOL\I'( JOAQUIN Oii-" COUM. aw, den, a.. lrPlcj . .lf II d dbl •ara••· poo& •-ac. nu. .....,, ~~ MONARCH SUMMIT II Beautifully decorated A-Plan unit. 2 bedroom +den and 2 baths. This home enjoys a larger floor plan, bullt in dry bar a nd many more lovely upgrades. Community pool. clubhouse, and spa. $129,500. A e0UM&L IAMlll CO. 496-7222 831-0836 ,.,.. ...... .., .... ~ ..... HAlllVIEW PALERMO A new exclusive I isling! Lartest Newport West 4 Br. 2 ba. Only· $112,000. Tllke over $74,000 loan. BmOrt ... .................. t6MJ77 No expense bu been spand oo lhl11 decorator•--------- dream home. Gorgeous S.Ct1•11h I076 Pllle rmo model In ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor View Homa. Fee Mariner's Point Es · land.• BR. formal dining ecutive HonM 4 bdrm. 3 room. planked ha rdwood be. 3.100 tq. ft. quality floors. accented w / home with numerous Sc-ni.sh Ule. A must to amenttlet. Over 12$,000 aee. For truly f'IHY ol prof~ ludle.,. b~yer1 I Call today, Inc. Quiet cul·d•·Sac 7S-l7Go. atr.et. P'JS,000. Open -<JPtN 111 o. ,. , "'"" 10 • ,..,,. W/91Ul u :IO to tpm. [111$1 [:Ji~~1E ••••••••••••••••••••••• New front street locaUon. -·~-------•1 Park Irvine Buaiftess Q!rur, 4,901 sq fl. for MIWMAAIMA lse/oplioo to buy. Pvt Xlnt view sites ln Half pt.y . .-.....Z; ...__ Moon Bey from l 12,500 with lllnt \.erma. AdJ•· PAllC .. Ml.L. C9lltowUdlifepreHrve. BUlLD·TO.SELL, Top ' Owner I A1ent Cb e t lrvtoelocaUoa, upto50% Sallabury n. 640-8755 omce or corpor-. HQ, .'I acre (approx>. USER ....._.1 ONLY . Cal I &ea ..... We 1100 llanhall-Aieot~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lall ... s. J.100 oc::l,lM D&IPl.IXIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nnabedroombomea a.2 1ot, 5iO'smw. a.blb + apt.B&onlac..&r. from ..... a...I, Pdme MMtJ,4 or•ms No...,_. ioteUciQ.1>.P. ..... DAILY PILOT . ............... ··•·•·••·•·•·········· ............................................. . ...... W. J2 ... ; ,.._. JI" c...... 1U4 ..................................................................... . U•llT ~Ye b)' 111 Vt• Udn ______ _ !"lord LC• ., B.r, 2 ba A..U.W. now I Bdrm, l .... ,. • .._. wtdln • ,,.& 9Tllmo ba. W-.&dt CM trlplea .... ,...,.,.., Y1'tY ~Colt. MN • perk So.. bet'le baJ vi .. •. smtmo wtlh llt/lut II f-.dc tiff for h"lc BalbN ,.,_." Pofnt I Dl MC clitt> NICl Call LJnJ11 ~a... + bun at Iba. lne'4tfa.llUJ)' home IOellSllALTY at.ablel. C.U Jim tllln .. ull) fu.m.wtt'd ITOO mo 67• •.,. 1 1 -.. t'll4) .. W70 ~->'Y'lY -· < T I t ) S I t ) T II 1 Waterlront Homoa ~twbctl. 411\ 1600 HAuoaavo. D ft frontqt' 4.\,000 q n an 1• Hab,.. iwar Whit tier. l tiV!.!1 R a PUO UU.000. Call •t:t .... ..... ..._, ~ ..... JJOO ....................... ~ Ow twa•h. 1"3 bd1 mt Adu' ti, nn JWlll 131 0900 l:l'DM\27 "~~ Rlultw Twnhm :1 8R1 2"' ba. 3 runs mM\UlllUn. no ~s A~ia1I v U llJOO/mo, 644 718:4 a BR. ,.,.. Winter Wortina adult.a only .., Mo 87S·0804 S...M9 lllO ....................... 3 Hdrm OuplNl w1U1 frt1I<' 6 end )'ard l.iic J'~ ~'flt Oavo644 71111 'fir. l~'IDa, frplt', pNOI . '87r.mo ~~ ~de Z UK. fpk. ,u1tw IJJ&mo Nopeta 631 21n DllPt.•:x 2 br, 1 ba. a•ragr, C'le11n, s m1tll rJlild oil, nu ptita. ~ • depos1t ltl6t A Ml.'yer ~3W4 ftADIWIMDS ~ dtl'4N. Comp! fad.lit.lea 2l9l ll•rbor RI. C.M. Space rent $150 32' ~· No pets. 6'6 4 lS t l.art?e 3 br h~E'. '\ (' :: frpks ~ Eal.t.sidelbr. den, doltru.e 7Sl 8627 2 frplcs, lge yd SS~ mo 759-1807 eves TEXAS MH PAllC 11111 Spaces, ISSO.OllQ scon II.ALTY 536°753) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3202 ~~~~~~~~ .. --; ........ , •••.........•. HOMIAMDHS SZIO lbr furn a winner S28S 2br luda patio mce $:l50 3br gar kids I ge $&20 ~ luda pets hOWic ''C-Desert· 2400 ......................... FOR LEASE New 2 bedroom 2 bath home Mission Luke:. Country Club. Golf .t9'UUS·pool Hcauurully • ltlndsC'aJHtti, "" rnain lman1•e yard 557.0125 3206 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 U1 I Ba, (tm ·t•1I "d frt>l<'. $475 pr mu 557·1~ EA'>'TSJDE Jbdrm l h b11. lg encl yrd, new crpl & p&Jnt, Avail 9 /t $S2S 64.S-l.S2.8. EAST SIDE Brand new delux e duplex. 3 Br. 2 ba, fprlc , dbl garage, rcnred r ear yard. $595. m o. /\gent. ~1000. ftRIVATE !JtllCl Clubhou'l' tM [)es('rt lll)l S pnnl!' 213 :17H 2572 4 BR . 3 b&, ex<•r wntcrfront homr Yrly 1..,e liALBOA IS LAND RLTY, 673 R700, Mane Fcnn!CJ yard, f1replarc-. sunken living room , 2 lalioa Peftiftsula 3207 bl-droom, mh•n·nm . .,h;11: -----------••••••••••••••••••••••• rarpet. tiled k1t1·h1•11 "lc·ar new. J nR homt'. l'e ls . kids O K I S~Sll Ot ._AJf ~ 1'11"c to h&y & on· an , month. nopenr 2500 Heamt-d 1·e11' .... frplr " 962 4783 ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jut·u111 Ubl t::a raJ.:~ ------ RANC1IO MIHAGE $'!UI Mo .. yrly . Bill Grun ---------CONDOS dy, Rllr 67S-6161 Wt are <'Urre ntly oHt·r-' - ----- 1ng condo'> for ~all'. eoro..adet Mar 3222 l"811e. or ltaM• opt 111 •••••••••••••••••••• •• • Ran rhfl I.a ... Palma., :>.hr.2baCondo.2t·a r i::ar c.ountry C:lub Owm•r wtll N•(nR So. of hw) i\rlult:. carry paper t o hl'lp °'"'' N11 Pt·L' $6."lO 'r 1,.,c. the C'Obl of m oney C .111 ''' Jll ~pt ht A..,k for Tl'!.' & RaNJu<'I Heult\, l.Ynnt· 6 44 b:!OQ. cvt'"' :c.k for T11m "' EIJ1n1• 1$0111 Arbodtlf' 1 51JI :w.1, Costo~so 3224 <>ut o1 c()Wlt ty • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Praperty 2550 •!"•·" :!hr 1·•n11l•1 nr !'.11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• (\1 PIHli.J f'unl, Sft t)'fl "lt, ., ,\1· l\n<1ll htw11 \11 pm I "" IJl'L" ~LI Kml 1tr 1:1!1 U:!l7 Tahoe. (jra.,., Vh S!ll.1~~1 1 '11-.rn :! lilt " g;11 JJ'I' Weber It. E l\!t:J 771~, Adil"· 011 Jll'b T?:I W fled &tote Wil'ioll S:IOJ ll:ll 4Xli!I WClllhd 2900 ••.......•............. EASTSIDE • Super Eashide We have 2 s mall homet. 2 Bdrm & 2Br+den. LXl' yard. gar. kids OK llolh in top shape N.kinic $1125 751 2348. 3 llr. fanuly, 2 frpl,• "· 2 H & , l\f t' '> a \' l' rd ,. ;!drrll'nrr. sr.:1'1 ., 'j Cl.J.11 o .. mr """ L'h<11t''' M•·,,1 v1·nlt· 11111 • li;i fam11\ r111 ,\ \ .11 1 now Frpk, l11tin" 1111<1 \ /jrd W_, "'" ht & l,,,t $G(JIJ dl'p ltlli 1 ~.:i;. "' 7rl14ru'I 3226 Rxer-Upp..-s C M 1-:a...,t,.o,1dt•, l11~h .1 :-.wmblc ll')an-;. <'.di . .•..••••..•..•........ Krund n1-w 3 Hr. 21 1 B;1 Nl'W 3 bdrm :!', h:i '''"nhl)mc. J t'ar 1-(ar J l:t' f 1 "I l' , .., k y J 1 I! h l . !'re-fer <>ouplt. Nu pC'I~ IA!i HOil .•...................•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..•.....••••.•......... ON MIRAMAll 4B1 ~llJ ~UT bay & C)('f•<JO C:!J:SI 2-lJ 5.116 3148 ..........•....•....... 3 An·h Ray, :1 Bil,<! ha, 90>. Yearly Turner A.., llOC. 4lH· 1177. 499.450 l Almost O<'eanfront wmtl'r rental. IJe»ut 1fully furn d upl ex & hou 11 e , $475-5495/mo. 1Jarl<1nJ.t & nurt ut1I furn. 642 :u;5!1 l week. 2 br. walk to bc<ich, S4:pt. 1 8. $300. 4!19<1250 CVI'!> rt111·r<1waw• l'n•1l, t1•nn1.., 9i511 (;.ill SJf>.4912 us mo n :iy:. !)11, 121;2 t·VI'-. f;.15 !l(,otJ l.1l·lln & n{·W• :J hr. l l1J pu1111. frpk . big: yurd 21!1J Meyer Children ol. no pets $575. 642 7743 I ftllCjUI' f':,1'>t'>Hl1• :!hr nt•V. 1.Alt<iE 3 Bdr m ll11pl1"< 29 llv1nl! rm lllt 111 k1tch fnnl } drd <.k·l',111 'u. l'luse to be.it h ~ mo no Pl't." 1\15 I l:llJ or 49!J-2237 3Br. 2Ba, )d, 111n '"'" Sc..'J)t I ~e s:i25 mo Webt:r H t:; 493 77fh Iv de<·1J1 t-'l'm (111 1lin 111'1 ~ .u tl 11.1I111 l. 1:.1 r S4!tim1, "" rwt.' 1i42 :Jo M ll4:dchfrnnl 1·oncl•1' :•hr Oramatu· All llmC'n t f"I'. i..pel't a c ul ar \ 11·w Jlir. 3Ba ~ yrd, JOI! 1,, M'<'luded. 110111 SMO A~t bea ch . $Ii 7 5 . s 6 !J s. '19'l_·_5963_ .. ___ _ fl46.103S -&Toro 3232 4fli', l yr lease. 2 fplc. nr/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• pets . $550 + utl m o , HOMES FOR H,.;NT 95..S-2221aftc·r7pm 3 or 4 br. Pncc·d fr11m 2 Hr h.w $.12."> lmmcd oc1· 111 C'M Oc nfrnt $42!', winl<'r Sl•µt I! J une 1:> 1112 :JK:f1 Wi."J lo $495. Fm:d yarrl & ~ii rage~ fa rn 111 ,. ~ ple;ise K 1d!i & J•t't " welcome. Call !J64 ~'°"•If m .2971 Ai:t . n11h·1· JBr. 2lia. h: yd, very 111r1• Fo.wtain V-'-•-y hom<· ~:,50 mo. Al!l -3234 Nlwport leach 3169 6'7:i..i2IO ...............•....... )••••••••••••••••••• ••• 2 BR. I ha C:ondl'). s:ar . Z. BR. m obile ho me .. n1 . pallo . l .ca:-.c. Balboa 2-sty, 5br. Jbll. frplt'. Fil p a l 1 o . N r ~ 1· h l ., Gardener intld $>il1hmo 842 1241. 962 5h 7!1 J ft :1 M·r beach. frplt. Ma le adlt:.. lsl11nd He11lty 673·1!700. $15(), ~lll. incl. 84~~1.iti Mane NO POWER SHORTAGE at the PILOT wer with a your Ad po st Life ooubl~ pilot & coa-~,at oailY g-8.-.. -· • Any merchandise for sa/41 pnced at S tOO or less qvallf1es for a Pilot Power Ad 4 lines, any Wednesday -$2.00 Call tod•y. we 'H bill )'OCI or c;Nrge It to your B•nMfNrleard I VISA or Maater Charge. (Motot'cyc,. •da nut be prepaid) ··-... .. -~ . .. ...... .-.. 11•2~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• H.Ma Ultfwlllllltd H.M1 u ....... ...._. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• uet 22 tm lkl __ ..... JJ40 "'-"-..,_. 1211 tw,.tltech >Ht e,zlW•,.••d .,., ...... u.tw., .,.. fMHh ....... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• llOM!S POR Rt.NT 3 1r t br Prfred from •to .-. P'n<'d yud " 1ara1ea f'amlll u pion . leld1 ti peu ~CaU~or 9THr1l Ast. no'"*-- OU.>&tt llOM t: Be11t·h • Rr, btaul 15000 la• op· W Rdrrn." dupltlxc11, ~ Uoo. DR . frplc, new up. Ytarly r rpt a , drp11. $1100 67S4UL2Ukr 00-07~ -- -----Newport Cr r3t Condo 2 br. Zbr. 2' b11 condo. pool, ~ht!, w•lk to bt'1u•h Tt'rl <'l(' $450 No pel1 !'\ill + pool. ~. 1-;v~• tbllburat SL Cnr Alpha 67).5384 Hi!l•mi.trket> ~ - Ml.,..1•edt li6t ..._.,_ .. .a.dew .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ...,...., •• d llOO Wlll'MI' iarea. 3tUt, l.c1• y rd . $4 7S l rn o NIM0.1.Upm ••••••••••••••••••••••• • NO f"EE' Apt &'. U>ndo VACANT llR lc1<• 4 flH . r1int11l~. Villa Ht:nt11111 I• __ .. _____ _ fam ttm. lplt-. $M() m o ~~ 4912 Bk.r LIASIS LEASES! A..1k for Keith, 002 4171 -3 Bedr oom C 'uxto m VAC'/\N'l'. .11lnt llH ltit· I HR, :: Uu, ~ mo ('oil Keith. 962 4471 WAMTID J 8r ll<1Ubt' 10 MJr1nu School UU1lnct $375 lll '400 m h PlrJ.,c \'.ill ~W11ftbl'M Sharp 3 bedrm 2 h 11 bome Obi e .:.Jr $47~ m o l.'u II S46 S81W and ai;k fur Lurry or Pam to~,'<.' Fum llom~. ~111 1m1 fro m bcuch. Loi' 1lt'ar 5th .:rc cn, SlJO() <.:all .:w 2093. t::xec 48drm 21, ba, fon1 rm, den. lg 1>Pu. l.'fuw lo bea<'h. no pets . $695 mo 963-1535 ttt:;AC ll CON DO. on water, 2 DR. guard. pool, ~auna $600 545-0713 View home 3 br many ex tra.~ SS5() mo Av:ul s .. 111 1,._t l"1n.t & lai.l • d1·1> ~17 11!11 thr , 11,h11, frplr <11 .11 .:ar w:ilk to 111'11 S:utl ht lai.t 11!-p 1\7:1 CJl,:'h 3242 •••.•••..••............ Large2 br waterfront ccm do. New. 30· i.hp avail Ask for Joan 846-06-il or 84G-4337. 3244 .................•..... RENTALS J BR. 2 Bil $1.()(J J Hll. 2 r~1 tx.111 < Panorutn11· \ 1t•w 1 3 Ill< 2' ,. Ba ~~I :! Bit. l B<i 1'.<10 •WALK TO 8EACll·3Br . home ~ mo. lse, lenn111, pool Tw!tln · SOOO mo & volleyball, gar . a~ 982-6628. LOST &t ALONE? RINTIMIS SHOWS YOU THE WAY TOGO HO ME CAil 631-~SSS 2111-droom + Oen home Newport · St .000 mo Otll fa.st ror dt.-ts111> 7S2 1700 rvtf'' ' , . \' t'' •, 1 !~lli~HI S Br. 3 ha, ex« <'U.'lto m home. Fantai.l1 c llwa Cocodou••h•n lion P Pt $1250 mu u..fwwl.a..d 3425 Parter Realty. ~I 3'l53 •••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • •• • J.ppl <:M J bdrm 2 ba rondo -----w 6W' $450 ILUFfS 546 11ss IACX IAY IE.AUTY Tou<Jth .. e 3 br, 2 ba. bay VICW. IJtllf u..fw1olthed 3525 dt.'('OC'tilod. Comm pool. all. garage. Avail now ••••••••••••••••••••••• $'775 mo lclllie . S40-5505 or Nwt lkh Twnhi.••. 21ir. !KIS-2199 2ba. pk i.ett1n1i $57:> mo li<t & last 67~ 1094 IAYFIOMT WlNTERtYEAHLY 3 to 4 Bdrms, some rurn Avrulahle St>pt 1:. I AHi llrcd1Lel & 1\~''" ~ l\t annt· A',. II I 675-3331 ~•.J\ H'W I 11 ll 'J l..1 3 UH, 3 ba wa tN'f11111l. tlunt llllrhnur 11.-w 1'1'1 . tt•nm~ $MOii L1•J\c• 11<11> 57!J2 3600 LEASEs-tEASES! :111i•dru1t111 f 1u11l1" °"''"' l~lrl ll,1 \ Slo.JIJ lrl" lil'tff11r<l \11~11'1 t:1111r<1 .. i1 I 1!Hl1·01 p1111I to. 11•11111' '1"'•1111111111 IJupl• • Sl:!IJU ,,., ,,,, 1111.l I '''"l••rt lL·~ ~ .. •1111 6.Jl .1444 J. llcdrnom l>uµlt ' 4 Br 2 Ra eM'•'Ull\'e r.11mh :-...01 L'l•·mt·nt• S.11•111111 hvm~ in Harbor \'tl'.,. i l'..111 fJ.,l f.,rtJ,.tJ1I. I li1mt.., t ·111'lt' t1> .,,·hool & 752 I 7CJJ poril. no i;t'L' $HOii m u ,----· -=====,~· <:~;~,:w ~c'.~' <II~ • .. n [ ~ mmJll ti•• v.lk 111 h r h ~fir . ~, ~1 ,l!J frplc-JoH'U/11 d lil ----------1'.·•f $1?(1 0111 \I ,ill ..,,.,., 1 1 •• ,.,. ,,,.., I Aparimrrrts hmtisl!Pd !\1,.,, :.! Br ·4 h t • t!· r1 •••••••• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • I 'q1l1 d "' 11 .1 °h ' 1111' I lalbocJ l,Jand J7 (16 \\ ll 1'.I,,, UlH I tit H· ·''! ...................... . l.·lil••'.1111• "j • ),,J l\,\j.l\4 1\ f ,(.\'\ll \l.111h I • 11 ·nt.11 I 1 • I II II ' IJ 1 THE "GOOD LIFE" SUMMERTIME FUN: Sot1dl Ac.t1v111e, CJ• rei.tor •free ~uno.1y Urunc.h •BBQ ) .1•.11 t1r~ • Plu$ much mor!! GAEAT RE°'EATION. Tennis-rrM Lenon•, fpro & pro 6hOp) • 2 Heanh Clubs • &aund • H~droma!>Sage•SWlm m111g •Golf Or1~1nq J:iJll\j" BEAUTIFUL APART· MENTS· S111q1e~ 1 A. • H••tltrH)m\ • I , r t c "''''' /.; '""' Jf"' ,,, ,, • 6.0·.;U ... nt,. N<J p, I •~I. It 11••'1 01ff / 'I I Oakwood Garden Apartments Newport Beach/No . , .. Newport Beach/So J ,,,.,, .• 1 2 Bdrm, :wth St ~ 1wr rrt n :"' '' pr· t ' . n ,,- 'l11i1l11·11 ,, v J it 'J I! 1 11 1.:u ~. 7K!I t 1 • .111lr•1111 d1111l1·~ c t.r 11.1 fq•l• t11t11· 111• I •It ti", h•r ., "'" l•.1 •· 'J,~ rni, ,,;~, I.)\ i ~.,,,, t •Jtr I ,t• • ••• • .1t1 tr ~11 r.r !Xlh A. -... ,, ·'•"'' LarJe 3br, 2ba, encl paUo~ crpt • paint NI'. . No pett. am. 7$)-31186 •New 2br condo nr. So. Ort Plau. Pool. spa MSO. 8.'t.'Ht9'74 or 7~-0217 Dtx 2 Br, 2 ba, 2 paUoe in best location w I ireat view. $8SO I mo. Agt Beautiful garden aplll, 631-1400 mle8tiBllll pool & spa AduJt.11, no ...... ---CA-3-b--.. -b- pet.<1 / _,., to -· r, " a. Bachelor ms & $285 encl. gar. Patio. Slit to 161 E. l8lh St bch, all bllns, yrly. 1;42 0856 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 ~Van1tu11rdW11y Buchfronl J br, 2 ba , ~962i rlet· scar . patio. frpk . Lklr h apt, :.par1r1u'I, c1bun cianl ,un11 llhl Sl!IO in< I ul.Jl r~<UJJ t:pf)Pr I RR. 011 t·h1 ldre n •or !Jl·L~ 122.'> mo 631 2177 HEWIRHDA"S I Eid.rm $310 I Bdrm & loft $330 t'rplc , r l'<' rr>om P ool. Jacuuc. md<M!d l!aral(c~ Gai. & wt.r pd Adult.!>. no Pt'l~ 393 lldmillon, l:.M ~A[) '411 2<', I 111 rdn.:. 11atm 11Jlh 1111 111·1' l'l•-.Jn •JI llW HlthSI li7:1i7117 I ~.1 ' 1•1•· I Kr uril urn .ml I .. 11d 11icl i-:.1r.11.• "'' ,,. t ~..! • ' •• ; j ., , • l 1:11 !'171 bltns. lndry Yearly. No pet.\ 00 3655 OCE.AtROMT 2 Br. 2 ba. frplc. 1750 leue. (2131392-4227 o r lnS..4912. ------~ .. blk to beach, Jbr 2ba upsuur s, bltns, sundk. scar. lse SMO. 127 <Mth St. ~140 Very Small I Bdrm SJJ.5 Leue. t 827 H &Jbt1& 645·4166 N1•ar fl('f';:in. yearly. 2br., uppn , J(araRt'. S-12~ H1·f•·n ·nc:c Nu pee ., 1,11; :HiO ~hrlrm I b.i rlplx. )rl\ 11,1r l')fl l'l'lltn~ula $47;1 l I 6. IJ,I ~ :12:11J \•lt11! SI\ \;,m••, l•~ll 1 \ill. t .. f r1 "' I 111111\ • ••m ~11•' l'•••I '-;1 JJ ·h"I' \\1r1t• r H1·ntJI \\,111 \.1•• JlllH' •,1:! ~1 . w ... !-,TCl.t n · 2Br ;rn,, frph "'JOI . S3!15 m •1 ' o4:' I l'.lrl I Alr.i L• I Iii -""" 1' 1 111 .• II, 11 mt..,_ ,.111 b h "' r•":-fr<1rn I• 11111 ·~I."° hr t,<,\tl :....,n1 .. \u.1 , n ' ~ rn•1 1;;:i ~.,11 ·ll<JltTTl.H'1 ft,.n1.1 I .ti .. r 11 1. "'•Ill• rt.. ,,,11h \J>I\ ti7:.~.1~0 I h,.1,•.1 Ir• m t11-.1th l\11 I j ,,, • .. I llJll•li \ '\1111 >llol ,..,, l" I .. '" '· 111 ~\, , pr nw, •_.:,; L!.'• • j ,,.,,, ''' "' ! l1r 2 l..1 lilt n •l 'h"•' h .. r l.1u n1lr\ 1,JI II 'Ullll• f k !,11•1 Ill" \•Juli' no I"''' ll.11 I I If ;,.! •\I' 117'1 l llli 1•• •I .,,,. t f I• -:· ' I t .,1>t1 11 f'l-Xn1t1l'~t-: ~TCOIO Ot ,.an \ 1c", Vcrsa1ll1• t •.tndl-" garagr p rkg , 111 1 I appln.<i $415 mo John Wilkms 7:xl Q)l6 t 30 I•• J 'JI pm wkda)., 1mly. 3176 ........•.............. I'"' I\ ..: Hr ;• h.1 I 37 86 \\ ,,,,, r ,, ., ol .11i ;I t l'r • ,,. •1.11 '• • \\ 1 • I, I t f 1 j r' ~ ,.., "1 I J ,, t ,u 1 r,>, I. 11.111 ">I I' ... •V' I l l ft • t 11 I ._, ... I •• ~! •. \Jul i \ 11111 \ 1.(1 I'~;~. rnnt1n $:1 ... I / 11 t '"l•I I• 1 r 1 """" "''"' •I 'll•• ., .. 1 t'l.1 111 .! .' Jl,1 \ 11'1'> fM •ltl ~.i • ;, 11. KZ!li W1n1t•r H••11t .JI llir .• Ii 1 l.11\un r•.n•I•• IS.1\ .i•I• 1,,,,., I llr . 1·1mv1·11 d1·11 $lf1110 m •1 :! I ;1 :'-'i:I ·i:t1 ) ,,, ... _ :!l:J U~f ~,;cw, li.1 \Ir 11111 ~I 111111" 11''111111 h1•f11• I Jiil I '" ... ti•" I'''"' I\ 'I II 1 • 1111•11 Ill Ill .' 1"11 ...... 1 1 I t••I util 1"1 s.J • rn" .'llr IH.1 1·m 1o,.,,~1 '"'' \, 111 ' I . -.;,, •lo, 14 hr 1ln r ,,.,,,., 11p t'l.I ~ .. t II.I h»» f1.,l111 \ii idlt "" I" I s.r. .. .L'111.1h l'I 1.11 •111 1. 3880 .•...•...••••.•.....•.• lhr n1 ~· C't1J~l l'lalJ "''"'· >:\rn , Jil l'Ulll \Jllll.1 "·1· \, ciwt·l $37 • If 523 C.otPtJs Dt · IRVIHE New Woodbridl(t· '1 llt lbJ S l!iOm•1 IL1\. lil ll ti~() ,.:, ,., "k 1111 ' :.11dl5t A'I. f•1r 11 .... ,. Ammcrm.Jn Tht: Sprios::. U.11 h1 l•rr <.:ondo l'ool. Jill'. 11•11111 ~..O mri IJ<IH 1)1;1;1 ~''" 4hr htlU'l' W111,1I hnrl.:c \'ill:t!:l' $/k4t\1•• <all C'ht•n 5Jl m:11 ... rt '• I'm lknl or Lt.•a.\C, upl to flu)' Jhr Woodtmd~c rn111lo Brll.lld nt·w, nut Yl't It H•1I in Avail approx 9 I $..').',(), um. 751 877G b,.f •1 uft 7pm 11.JftTI.Jo:llOCK :Jbr, 2ba, nr park, JXl'1I. lri! pnv yurd. ttarclc·nc·r 1nC'ld , n u rrpt, Si.~:> 641~. 975 01..37 Rancho S J lari:1· Cond•1 2br. 2bo. 2 r:ir l!Ur. 111»11 spu, l mm.11· S.'l7~f ,.1· fi<\2 li724 New Woodhndl(c• Clc•n 3 hdrm air cond . No 1' .. 1:. SS2SM1> 64<1 <1579 Turtle Rock l'rc~1dt·nt home Woocby. c:hurm· ang, pnvatc Jbr . 211a. LR. FR. walk lo porils & t.eMJS, lri: yd, rm f11r veRg1e Rarden. brir k pauo. decks. h1 twam ceilings, floor l'f'1l1nl! Window~. frt>I<'. all t•lc•1•1 lut<"hen, al end nf <"ul tit• sat', xlnt school. ur Uruvcnuty. $875/mo ind i<ardcner & a11110<.·iat1on dues. Lco~c/purcha se opOoo possible. 955 lltOO eves/ wknd. Nik for Dr. Shapiro. Walnut Square, lse, r lean 2br 2 ba lwnhse. Pool, pert. lmm00 occup. No peta. $450. 6'5-9799. 2Br Lak«!e Coodo S500 m o . 540-lm dys or 641-1~ eves. Beu. adult Oran1etree condo. lBR+lol\. Tennis COUIU. pool, J•c. J'SO. ~1·~ or 213/823-4064 lbr + loft. pool. jacuu1, tennla. 549·99$2 2·4pm, 894·1U2 eves . M s . Mitchell. Adult commun.lly, cute 2 BR I Ba pedo bome. $500 mo. Call llav atl7~ L...-INclt Jl41 ....................... (;.,1" "'''"Jl'lll )1•1f ,H• l•IOll" :1 llr:! ·li.1 .l1 pl1 ~~7 .. , '"'' :-,,""~tr:.!:• ..••.•.•.•.•..•.•...••. Wl'l'"I< Hl•"I \I. \\,111 \1111 !'.t ill l hru \l11f .Ju111• 111,t l' ,,,.,..,, il1·1 or & fum i'lir .'li.1 ..: llr :! 1>.1 111~· c ''""'" d1•11 11~ .11 .. 1 ,11 l1.1tl110.1 '" 11 h·,1· $111111 m •1 \. ., 1'"1111 1•111111 ..,, , I• 1 .. 1111.' < Jll .tfl 1,p111 .11 t """'n 111111 1,., .1 t>l'l 1,1 I ,!.',.1~1 ~ • 'I • \I !Jo, • 11 I I I I , I I 1,. 1 1'11'T'I \0 ~II I • 1 kl1d r ror1•111 Ii·, • 1 1111 ,., , ... \I 1 :! h 1 11icl1· 11·\ ,.1 I" t t.11 ul.1r \It·~ 11.tr~'.1111 .11 Ccrono de4 M&-3722 s;t(, '"'• \J1 "'"~ l•O''Jrft ••••••••••••••••••••••• J l•lrm .! In I ·•~111 I ,, 1 !-.EA\1 ,.,W :1 h1h m (Jj 1·,1n "''° ~11rt & Ion~: 11 rm \ wv. l.itm•!!.I 11r1\ ,11 \ 111 m:, 1.-.1i flfr l•J .1fl I 1•xdu.'n t' guarch•d g.il •· 3724 c-ommun1tv T1·n11 ". Colta~M» pot1I, :.po (111:1111 ... ., $110 1 ••••••••••• •• ••• • • •• • • • 1w•r m•1 Own1•r .\~1·111 r,to (J.127 E", ., Bark H.1y ('h.1rmt·r . i. fir hou-.1-. d1n1nf! '""m . frpl1 f!.1rdc·n h •t11 •.1 11•111·1•!1 \'artl W.1tl'r A !,JV.II '.l'I \II I' Ill• I $71~1 rno 11111"" .. ,rr . .i, 1•\lr.1 1,1~ :l.'11 :J or 7..1 11:!.l'I IAYCREST :'\car On1.er Sh•ir1•' .1 llr 2 b:i 1-·1,rrnJl dm1n~ rm Squeaky c le .111, Ill'" 1> 11 1 n t • I .II ,. .II I J ' ' f! r cc n h <1 u ~ 1· I n I' I wa"iher tir} 1•r r('(n1: & l!ardncr Li,1• SH2.'> mo Call ownt•r 71 1 &14 •1227 aft fl pm. J~rru.ne t:n -ek C uanl<'<l Olmmumty Hr;i11tl 1ww home l't•>b & tl'nn1' :1 bdrm. 2 ba 1'1111111: & ..-arruly ruom.., $1200 1wr mo 213 500 JH02 CX:Et\Nf'RONT :rnr ll~l', With C/Cn Vll'W $1:!1111 mo y r I y 11 r w 1 n t t' r nc~Otl a blc', A l(t . 1!73·62111 THE COVES Beautifully decor att•t!, t·lt:vel, 2 & a den con· domlnlum; lge. bay view deck. Private beac h. pool & spa. $1500 Month. 5tBMAH ASSOC. 64CM500 Oc1auft Ollf CCMMlo Yearly lease. Avail Sept 1. 2 Bdrms, t 12 ba llm/mo. 673-~ Agt BLJCTO BAY 1BEACll 3 Br l~ Ba, p11tu1, garage , Sept lS-JWle 15. 673--4436 SUSCASITAS ,.\Jm 1 lir uµt s:nr, & uµ l<nl I Jl.1r Arlulh , no lll't., :1110 :'l/r•wp11r1 Ill :.111 l'M.>I CA.SADE ORO \1.1.L'J ll.1'11,.::-. f' \Ill I •lllll)llrt' b1•fo1 1• '"" l"lll Cu.,l11 m d 1··,q•11 ft'.llU r,.., !'lp.11 1 •1 11 k1trh••11 with 1n1l1r1•1·1 hlV!tJn.: .,..p .. r:tll' <fln111)! art'.•, full l1•nl(th m.1rl1lt pullrnan m IMlh kini: ... 111 l)(>(Jrf)()m'I . J)()l)I. IS IHJ s urroundt.,f ""Ith pll"h lanit,rnp1n1t AIHll.1 IJ\'INC Ar IT S 11,.:.-,1 ' NO Pt-;n, I Attrm furnl'ht-<I $.'W~. 4! lidrm funw1ht'il S.1.,, Jf~ Wt"'l W1l"111 1714 1642 l!nl LGJIMCI leoch 3748 ..••.•••••....•........ l..J\CiUNA n,.~ACll MTH INN M:uti serv , color TV. hC'atc•tl 1>1ml l ll1l 1714 l49<t 52!M llll5 No O>a.,tllwy t6n1pot1 IHch 37 69 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DIAMOND REAL ESTATE 11 .. W CO.Uf-T. ltf 111 ...... 645-7573 otreTHI 11.ACH Bach, kltch . bath. ulll pd Hotel Apta. 1210 yrly & up. 1st & last. 2306 w ()ceanfront.673·415'4 2 Br. bltans, frpk. ·~ blk to 5bdrm 3 ba, 2700llq fl. bch, laund 6 storage. Back Bay aru. ll~ 7S2-01'296~ mo. Owner: 775-0318. r,i;, !l>~I:.! Afl~~ I ~ rcM.rt 3 826 Sautti LOIJlllHI 3816 ......•..........•.•... 1a1JC>o rftllfts.uto 38 07 Sl()l ff( f': f"ltt·:Vt . Ld10 SJ.">O Plus 2br, $600 ........ .. . ........... · 1 ··· ................... . t I • • c 'lib(' pn' bt·h ••• •• •• • •. • •• • • • • •. • • •. ~ tr IJ I•' t I'·• I u • n l!.19 '64 1 l:JI 11!• (..11!' hf j.?r.1-., ''Jr 10alt'r Jbr .! h.1 lp11 1 $W,1J mu ·1..~I Hlu" 1 ,,11 1> \\ r dr rra11 .. ~\c1111''" 1 \I .,. •1 \l \ Afl~!~~:~~shflt3900 1·;.1 '>< l'i .ifl hi' '1 I'm "' .,..,., I 1 I _ "'"1ll"ftl- Corona de'4 Mor 3822 llH ~ tt.1 l.,ll1• Ir" llll•I•' I.. I·'' II • ,, 11µ1 IOI I l1H. I ' 111 • I •JC •lll.1 ~4111 \111 1,7J I ,Jl1 IBH 1 ll.J S.1 ulll"' I"' 1"11• I '.11 ti ID• '" II\'" .. i., 1•0i I ic.,1n t..J• h..tor $!.!!1 m11 1111 I utli, '·1:1 p.irt' 11•• JICL' Mt : •. 1.10 :..w.1 UMAHCH.4.4PTS J~1fl!•' 1.:!&J b<l Jo!,1rd1·n ·•I"' ,\doll., lhh,.h1 hltrL' 1•11d .:ar. l!·I' llhq p • .,1 ( ;," l'tl 71>! s. 1111 l'I t,I:! ··m:J l"Vi ~11; 11 :! rMrm' 1 halh J11t \tl111l!'o SJ'i!i mo <.. "' p.od 1.42 ~3 !'.j1.1n11u. .. 2 br. Jph F'Jm1 I> unit Pool & l'lJ~ .,'t'OUl1d Sundan1•(' V. ,.,1 1\11t1o 199h M .1pl•· 1il.2 1951 tx>tw~n !I ;! <i.1rd1•11 VL'ila /\pb llc.•JOI brund nl'" 1&.· Hr. frplr laundn 1 m l.1 1'<11 f-111 ur I •• l'l.I 'I ·t • ,, I~ ' I , \ f 'Id 11 I ' •II• .11 1lll•'fl1l 11.., '-1••1 lol , I , I I :!Hr 211..J I am r111 on Jll """' 11··· k , ,., , ... "',,,11 .. r & rl n $1..tt l'~I 4'i:ll '1:1P'. 1·lt-.1n lbr lh.1 duple•\. 'Jr<I & "und1·1·k wi_.d inlt•nnr no f>«h Ulll pd , SJ.)O 1161 .Rli'.t ('\C..., ....................... •DELUXE• GARDEN APT. 2 Ir ....... Oftty J puob Covered ur port pauo apb . BBQ 11 clot.e Lo rwy:. & beh:. walk w shoppinl( 171 I I GoldeftwHt atWCWMr 847-6064 ....... lwcJ°" Grc9Nlda . ...•...•.••...••..•... llll·, 1-.XCITl.Nt; PA.LM MESA A"S \11 'I I I-.'\ TO~ P1' IW ll l~IC'h 1&2 HR from~&u" \dull' ~n P\'l.:. 15til Me:.a Or •!i lllk..' EJM of Newport lllvrl I ~lam 5pm ~6 98f,() Seawind Yaf~ge l'iew 1&2 bdrm luxury utlull dpt:; Ill 1• plan ... (n11n $3.50 ~ pools. ten "'' waterfalls. pond:.• (;.L., for roo«mg & hcat 111sc paid F'rorn Sun ()lt'Jo!O Frwy dn vc North nn ~ach to Md''addl•n Lht•O We.t on Mci''addcn tv Sl.'dWlnd Villagt• 1714 18!13 5191S TaHS.TaHS ADULT 1\1' ARTM t;NTS Ne!>Ued among tall pine" &rushing 'itreams l'ACI FIC WOODS 839 2140 ~to $400 nil.M~ml 1'4:! \HI'.! SHARI'. brarh 1. 2 & 3 RBn'EIS Ir LAHOLORDS f'rf'e rent a I lls t 1n It ~erv1ce Save t 1 me & l"or info l.'all :'li\•wly c11'ror,1tt-.I :1 Ar :! Ba t•1wnh11uo,t• Spa1·1ou ~ f1replure & pool "'l111·t url'a Adults. n•> Pt'li. $125 645-3.Jll 1 lfi75·594!1 •l1l'an 2br <'Ondo nr So-l CM Pina. Pool , sp& WAI Child oil. 833-8974 2 RR 1 Ba, pvt pat1u. C'arport. on the 11olf murse. $375 mo. No peas. Ask for Larry or ram. 546-5880 Lwlunou.'I Condo. 3 br. J ba, (11>1<'. 2 pall~. i.un <k'ek. pool. JllCU,ZI, ten l\L'I 5'49-1967 ----------- $115 to $47S 2&.3 Br, 2 bu, encl gar. carport Frplc, lndry r m. patio. a ll bltns . :!_~L Mgm_t __ 642· 1603 BR. frpk. rl!.h w!>r . .;:ir & pallet. No Pt'l ' 960 23SR Hedt'i' :! Br, 3 hlk~ ~·u1·h. l' I 0 . u d It (' p I. 2 I :I l' Atlanta SiUI. 2 lir, 2~1 Ba beaut townhouse apt. Ultns 111 <'I. rcfng & tru h <'Om pad.Or, Quiet 8 urul com· plex. C lose to ever · ything. 17610 Cameron. Mgr M2·S838. lovely aJJ adult, no pet.s, 1,2.W 8t apt.a. 6200 Ed· inger, II B. 846-00 I 9 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Room w /kitchenette 172 wwk fr up. ~97M Y...._ ..... 4HO • •••••••••••••••••••••• b&Se far rent, Big Bear O ty sips 6; linena furn. e nitely pt cpl. Call after 3 p.m . 548· l•. 2bdrm 2ba studio. 11m y rd, .--------· ~ar. no pets. S39S mo 5.J6.J:IJ7 and 675·6670 Beaut. 2 br. 2"' ba. bltns. room for washer /d ryer. 2 praaes. Avail Sept. tst !/!:Mac nab · Irvine &r 1.50\. $425. mo. OPEN OCW .. OMTI 2 Br. 2 ba , luxury SAT 2.-4, 17S812 C.meron, JUrn.lBRanllAutu.at· architect designed apt.s apt 4, off Slater. (I l September llth. SIOO/ w/own 1ara1e, garden, 5'3MM6. Weekly. Also Hallable {rplc "all modem conve----------wlnUlr' or rearty . l1200 nieooel. Avail. belinnln& ........ •44 11 o D t b 1 • D o n • ,, Deadline: Any time before Sp.m. Tuesday OCSANJ'ION'I'· Wkly or llLUFP'S CONDO, 4 Br 3 Ba, new paint, clean lhruout. Avtll •pprox 9 /1. lllOO. 8'4.o.150 evet. WIHAQ YIAIL Y & WIMTll llMTALS 6 mld Sept. 845-5854 or ....... ••••••••• .. ••••• CblebHter 142·1115 M.S-4418 1 Br condo. Oranietree. <A-G) • Al..,,,. must be prlt»d • Ad e11n '111 In eny appropriate 01-ftilicatlon • Sony, no oatnm#C:llll bulJM,..• t DAILY PILOT - m.=r•up. -•• Lqooa '(Con: do). Prtv beacb, DOOlt. ten . 41f ·Z i20 , ...... Bil. -• .,.,, Lepn• m.-. llOO Mo., yrly. Tiner ft.-. 416-1177 F•ll Ott•• View, C.t•UH 6 toaltUDt{ WOid II ~. almoe -;•w,a..wa..v -.............. . ill '1&:.. water ... -....:·· t fi llttfl CCJOdo "A". redec. .... 2 be, 1 level. Pool, P•tlo, 1bopplna. Loni wm.. $700mo. a433 Vltla Hopr,87s.oll2 Condo 3 br, 2 ba, Nwpt Terrace. paUo w /bbq. Pool fl jacuul. 1$$0. -..m , .... '"-" ..... 2 Bdnnl .. 1 be., unturn . YMl't1. U llonUI associated 1• •••. I IJ' 111 '\ • ,, ' ""' ~ . . ~vt laome for leaae 1 aa.1 be., frplc., D/W. l l>DM' a.., a bdnns. Daart.oOCMll. Y.frtr .. 6 naldl room. ea.a:MZ. ,.__ m• .... _._a_,, -..a ___ . ---1DUPLEX. I •• bra. lalwldl&AIEI Aa-.lroe .. U-. lt'uMKDI ............ U. • -..~--n..-.- $1DO. No peta. Adulta. ·~~~~~~~ ....... "-:fadl.8'1.arr 1.; Bacbelor $115. Pool S. t.oNfttpolt llMda: 1 jacuui. pa BBQ clcied Tw11erock Vl1ta nee 8drm1 AYIU Sept lit. pr, act'u1t.t, no .,9u. 3l$O twnhm. lri·level llv'a aw.-.-. Hart•A•e W-JW'1 4br, ram 6 llv rm. •:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim • • lw'dwd nn •entry, din • 1• vw. Pomona Apt.I I 0 u r m • t k I t c b • • Now t.aklq applltatJona Mi-2015 Microwave, AJC, dbl for~~UI •T: •Loveb'.quietalhdult .... l ..... pool. l&IOaq -~ . bldf. ft Gt llelaDN f« lit tlme ~2BR --.titOmo.711-1641. :=:::s- •PriY .. ..,... •PriY f"'*' laleoft1 *Q.~ L...-....... ....................... 19rwD.._,,IMb ................ "*'· .......... . • u,er.t.p . ~ t' n a (• '· 1'" ,.. .. ·y It· •· 19 td a > r I ~ I ...... --. -~ .... --.. ,....,.. ... _,. __ . .,. __________ , __ ...._ __ ._ -........... _ ... v..-.. ....... 4110 OMu...... 4400 ..... w ....... 4600 ....................... .•......•....•••••..•.. ...•.•••...........•... TAHITI R4Ull/Ofnc. 1~ce. 100 Modern l °" 1 br t'Oltaae ~ tt Weat rhff area nn belarh on Tablll w1lh •..f'Jll.4J• <'all td)ecl. car. row boat, •H h SftalJ lfic».Away <Wfl~ marbioo. co nipleu Only M'Per month Va· ki&.('ben.. etc. l'OI more caAt. m No. Br'Oedw a,y. lalo ull .,..., evee • Saota A.oa Ulatonut '*'"'".,...,.· Ilda. For mere Into u U • _______ _, Sim Warnn S5l-tl7I or RM.ta 551-TTOT ,_ ~ applit'au,iru; rorwtnhirrt'ntab ScnlU om.re rHfeet tor CALLUS AT am-...-nna fff'\'I('(', •·tr Only S7~ ~r roo l t02 Wftll 11lh St. Santa Ana fo'ur mort• mfo ull Joe• l'111111lt-541 '181 Of k4'fllllll iat ~ 770'1 ,,....I 673·0 210 .... toSIMre 000 ....................... Mc>vtng! AvoMl de~ll'! & l'Ul h\IOll l'll!)t'll't''l 1 Prorei.111o n•llY :.11H t- l!f71 HOUSlMATES g;)2 1134 2br <'nrnlo W I>, 1Jt1ol nr l>ch, ll U ult t> ~ 4!r74 f l'm to s hr h-•it• v. ,..Jmt· 4Br rw.ir bt·d<'h s1:1t1 +ull 5J6 1302 Pror r~male 30 o; 1111n !>moker. l uxuri11u-. Eas tbluff apt Call 752 1400 cxl J:~ Wl•ck<.l ay:. n r 75!1·0068 leav e rneS!.ll~C'. lii.oaut l.J~una Htt•lm mutt" nv .. r :.!S Pri, ;;q, ~lUl!t $:!~0 t~•I ·l~t h· nr-..: !loll :-.hr v. fm ., hr l , ba, irl! UJ't'·ll ' h,dt· ;! blk fr11m h< h Sl>Ui & 1 • 11t I &1;, !Y.Cfi tltft;ua10U! n<'w DICU'TTH sums •v1t l1blt• Ot'ltr 01' AlfllOn Atlr •ctl\ll' r1ale1> w ludo n "<'ept1onull, 1._w l1bf'ary, ron/1•nnrt' rm:., ~t'<'rl'llAMlltl !'.l'rVll't'. & Xt>rox fae1lity For " pt'f'SOnal tour & furtht.'r dt:t.uls 1.0QWre at Vorta1· A lli.UC, 955 i:ltl~ ••r ~:WO COSTA MESA 1•rore:.:. orr1ct' :.pat•(' o.1\411 in Calif b l B.inl.. Bid~, 150 300 l>Q ft 1.., .... Pfl\c 1nl'I J;in1tori.il. 'l'('unl y :.ervu·es, con fl.'rt'm't' rm & ut1I Abu11 Janl parking avruJ Con \1.'lllt>nl loc d os e t •1 airport, travel agent & banJc 111 bldg 230 K 1701 St . C.M 642·9560 --------C M ne wly d ecorated swtes arr cond. 45<sq. fl. (il4J 642 77l0 or (2131 422· l6tl5. GARDEN OFFICES Pnc.st1g1ous offir c b w Ill · in~. Brouk h urs t nh d nl.'ar fo;dingcr Sulll'" from :nJ l>q rt lmmt.'rl. •> <· c u p a n c y t 5 7 !'i 1 Hmol<hru.r:.l Mr Cantor. 213 439.51149 Re1pon1l blt1, wodun c wri t e r aeek a nuf' bedroom t'oll•I• 10 UJrooa dd Mar ur l.'u.ta flleu. Q\lattnl:M l\'O Ual Wmf' Clualltf'd Arl .-. OJUl)t r llul. I' 0 bo.'I. 1580, Coeta M o -Oi!l!ljni bl-1r"ol of hou110 rpl ~ln,q for unlurn :.! ,I bllrm w t•ttl'I yJ ro1 •• muturc 110~~ llnv•• ~:101 rrf 's fur 1111 111 u" 151 DlOO. U 4 1•n•I !lll•\ 1· tW' J1•i.n Wt-: Nfo.to.U A JUt hnu~•· k•wtll' tipt . ur L'v111Ju 111 lhl' ltu1111111(l111t 11. h Monnit St hi llP,\nt'l ._,, 1 lo $4 00 I' I•• u H• 4 .i 11 IM61S579ult tll'M ··•··•••••••··········· 5005 •..•.••................ .. ~ .... .,I.I>: \.'>I-: .. h·n1 h l101\ms1J I ,111111 .,,.. tJIJll'I 1 .. 1.11111 . II< II h t r "111 ·' .1 ' .1 ii .1 h I 1 U1·vt•l11µ.•t' t111I \ 1•1•""'' l>wl1i.•r.. lfl ll11v..111 1 ....... ing for fure1g11 111\ l''l"t' L' .1 I I a 1 l' J \ " 11 1 ~~87~ Uqiaor Lic~HS Orange· On S;ih• s:i; ~Ori Toll Pl't'l' 1!1()(1ii'..J:! 2000 ·EARN $60.000 + ~:.trnlt'!.:. lt.1111 (.'.11T\ 111·. S.>slc'm' W 1· rllJ l..1·. 1111 r llV.11 & 111,\,ill tlil'l11 •1111111' Jllh \,,UJI .,1111·1 fi.i .• :111 "· fr•>m rl'fl•rrdh l'Ju, )111 mun• hU'>lll•''" \1 1r•• r••lm 111 ''"P·111ol "''n 1111. a ll •1( Or.trl ~•· 1·,. to:,t.1bl1shl•l1 hu .. 1n•·" Mart9191t, Tnnt Oeeca SOJS ••••••••••••••••••••••• lto/oYlaD US,000 TD b e h ind $1l0 000 u n 14 1arr et a votado •rove, Vial•. t1tt&d nt S?I0,000 pa~3 10'4' Quarttirly . due 18 mOM 7~1-4UI daya, 493 115.J 4'Vdl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5100 •.....•.....••...•....• PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 ··.di olll\ '" m or e<1m l11u.1l1uu ••t 1lt·r11' for $7J 111 h·'l.• "°Ith I J't JIJI\ l'lh'-h\ I \d .t hot• .. Jut ' Uf\ t t·Uft\t' •f.H -. •• J -lh It ,,I 1111 II h•,,• I tlt fflf tu 1 t t 1tf••tl' ' ~ tllUltl• ft h.1J • J I I I Ill "'" It 1\1 11.t, t l 642-5678 5300 ••..•..•••...•••....... FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 6 42-5678 2 F v.111ll I I-l ll :10 tn :.lour•· :1 bdrm Jill 11r lilh :-.Ill\ Sl33 ~I J l:h.I CORONA DEl MAR Dl·luxe offrre. $150 Pt'r Mo . R e a lo n o m1 cs 67~b700 O\l!r 5 \('~If'> S'75.h(MI ~ 1----------~arc 'z furn :! H<lrm. I bath duplr" in b1·~1t·h >trf'a l.g p.11111 w lwa1 h vu SZ!'iO mo .-ulal Avarl 1~-d 1;75 ~14 1 Lruck.'i and lllJ c·h111 .. n Phone !>56 7723 a fl lit.> m f};t.abbShloJ C:ti:.la ,\h•-.,1 Approx. 400 sq. rt C 2. 130 t-1 on:.L Shop for i.J k E. 17th St Su rte "D" Sl50 6"5-96Ul or fi45 ·13.1.J ~ct r""p fpm;tlt' w:.tnll. mo. Doyle_~_:!l68 __ l.ame lO :.h:Jrl' hou~t· 111 Pmfess1onal s uite undl'r BCCOIA[ ~ PAOrr• '10••AI Found \ H' ( .llltlt-nv.•·'l & I letl If fl hi .u I, 111.tl '' I c; l' rm,, n Sh•' I• h <'rd ~Ii h.'ll~1 F•'lln.t 01r lo-.t J 1w1 ' (",ill I "'>IH'I I ii 1',1h h11lltll• i 11 'fi'J l:l:I'• I ' Lott & Fo.d 5 300 Hlflp w ..t.d 7100 Wednesday, August 22. 1979 * DAILY PILOT PS ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Jo'nund · •kinny m•IC l•---------white.crm Salukl? mix . Attauntlq ACCOUMTIMG 'l'IMIOIAIY ASSKiMMB«S ~.~~ ..... !!~! ~~:!':.~ ..... ?!~! ~~-~ .... J:r. bm n,. collr,84()..743'1 ------Jo'OUND Part ~rman, blklbrwn. pn1f(n11nt. Ed '""er & Guldtin W(lal, Hll Eva, tlM-$417 Foond Brown Ootw:-Tmon rt m1lle. seems young 1.i-:1u1tn Plaaa. NB. 8/21. m.-0685 -------,.. ....... 5350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WAN"rF:o Pe m ale to 11lmre ex~n~t!!I ol 2 WN•k i>t;,iy an ·1 alull, De<' 22 llJ J<1n 5th Call Barr y m1011 -----Energiung MASSAGE BobJ ames·l.1c Masseur Outcall9 ll,49"1 511 1 MICHB.LE'S •Outcall• l1AM02.AM 835·3'7ol!I •FOXY LADY* OUTt.:ALL ONL \' •972-1138• PR~:C ...,1\ "l'I"' t' .H1nr ("f)flfldt'lll t..11 ('llllll\1•h11.: " 1 l'fl·rr o1I \1.turt1vn Jtl111> 1 111>0 A: kn·µ111i.. \l>t'.\HE Spiritual R•odei- llll5S El l'ar111no l<o·,11 ~11 l'lerncnlt' f"ull> 111 Fnr 1\µµl 192 7-'!~h Linda & Viclci •Outcalt Mou~• For the fvn oi It 24..... 835-7313 Country Girl * 971-1SI3 • :•) ))tll.IJ ( IUll'J)t '\•I\ 11 • •SEQUIM • Escorl1 & Mod~ls ';,, ... ' H';t~ ,,\.":*,.fl O.C. AIRPORT 1 SECT'Y & ESCORT •SERVICE* Sr1l·1·1,tl11111;: 1r1 """ n1 •,,m .·n. rt· 11.h •n t ""• h ••IO•• 739-5248 24HRS . Or••t• Co••ty h • • ,1 Al/Id to .... wet w.•,. AOBllRTHRLF'W account~ AltCHITIClUUL HUT&IMT. ComtmttiaJ lDl. deaJp flllll m N.8. oeeda ln· t e rmedlate ~ sr. dra ftpe r1on1 . Xlnl arowUi potent! al. Send Reaume: Adls.20 in c /o Theo Da l ly Pilot Newa paper P.O. Box \.500, Costa Mesa, Calif. f/lli2'l Artis ts. Quick 10 m in . portraJlS at OJ>('nmgs, re a l /caricatures. P /T . salaned. 494·9753. There are m any new firms m ovmg into the l)r;rni:c County ar~a ASSIMILER Ir bnnRinR a bo ut an in· MadlMo <>r!'afor rrca.o,m~ demllnd for ex needed. Plastic Injector penenced At't'Ounl1n~ Maclu.ne. 897·1106. and Data l-'roccn1ng ----------- per..oonel CPA'S Allditon Tmr 4cca.t.h Cost A C countClfth 5r. Acco.rtClfth looldl~ Accounffnq Cleni Dota &dry K /P ~rotors If \OU ..trl' ll<ll ~"',\rt• nf lh1 l>l'll• (1ll> 111 v.urk1n~ t1·mr11rJr. 1:1 \• u-. .1 ',111 •11 \1 ... 11 U'> at our n1·v. 1•'111111111 Wt• "'ill Ii<• h..ip V~ to dl,o'IL<,, ll v.1th \IJU ~l' Jrt• llX'.sll•d Ill \ht· I 'ULLJW El.I. II \ 'Ii I\ l'.H lll'ltlll'\(; '-.tilt,. :::..1~1 Z\'(.J '>11 llr-1:.ttl" ,I\ ..... HllJ \11.1 17 I 41835-4 103 I n·•• J •.11 l.1•11• ACCOUHTS PAY AILE CLER.C '•'t'1lt-tl full t irn• lm 1111'111 ,fl\ llJH lllP I\ 111·n··n11· n1·11 '·'" I-•111 1•1mpJ1t\ r,. 11d1h I ill BAJ.IOA MARINE, 549-9671 Appt I-II ... ASSEMILIRS lltc:tro Medl•cat Expr pref Mature . Nr 0 c. Airport S56-7007 Astioembler '9lECISIOH ASSEMILH f'os1\lon avatlable 1n rlkUtiJOICal aS!>embh 'h"I' !'lfo..,t ha\ t-govd IT\<.'('hanwal aplllude & nt.tnu,;.I J l.'xtenl} Mui.t I·· ldrruhar "'llh n· v. .. r k. trouhk~huoun~. dnlhnl(, rt•ttmin~ & pre'i~1ni.: ~ln1m11m 3 )l'llf'> l''( µe1wni·~ l::xt•ellt-nt rom r1Jny bend1ts C:t>nlal·l l':.t l Milb. 557 905 1, r: o E ,\.,'>t•mhlt•" 1-. L 1-. ("I fl () 'I I r. \ ~ ~l-• .'¥1 111.1-.1<' J•t II •' r,.·r !'><~ •>Ur .su 1111•h r c,in1r.JI \1tl•1r 'J1·rn 1•1r.1r. -..,n" 1-. ASSEMIL~S J'nnH'<J •·•rr wl btt..ird-. "'"'' hjm•·,., "'''·mt.I\ "'rr1o.•' 1•"<1r11 m1•1 h.s1w :.1 • \Jwru 111 <' ~1 1 1111111110 J \I.' ~our:. .. i.penen1" H .1 p t 111 ' • ' 11 .1 11 rl 1 n ~ < 1r;111,i:t· r uunt) f1rrn ,., • • I I 1• n l t 11 m I• " n \ lwri..111 ( •llllJll 1'.1t \1 11 :;,: 4'•51 b .1ual t Ip BABYSITt'ER All day n.. 6 Thun. My home. SSOwt. &46-0121, ~1085. Babysitter, 4.fbrs day. 3mo old. lrvlH. Own Trans • ref. Gd pay . S6Z-&S. Bankin« 18.18,Jt'.+ n.. Downey Saving.a & Loan has an opening 1n its Cost.t Mesa bra nch ror a part tune teller Savings & Loan or banking u J)t!r pref erred. Must be able to work Saturdays XJnt working eond. Paid va cations. For furthe r info, coolact Mr. Flabe r· ty. 714 642 7422. EquaJ Oppor Emply r Balllong ACCOUMTIMG SAVIMGS Ir LOAN Expanding savtnRS & loan needs person for a'' t'(JW\ung dept. Sa\'ing11 & lnan l'"<P nee Pos1t1on may lead to asst l'On troUer Irvine S & 1. A ... -.n 18552 MaeAnhur till 11 Irvine 1:,2 :...'Wll F:Of: M I-' Hankin I? BANKJNO ........ , .... -................ -·· ....... .. ........... le.ell· Mew,ort leocla· .... Vlefe ........ 6 ...,..... relelhd •Jt• ,.... ... ,. ....... eca.. NOTE TEU.ERS . , 6 ......... ...,; ... OI' ,,.,,.. wttt. o .,_, scrrincJa ..d loca. For a local iRferview c:all: 1714)551-2116 SECURITY PACI AC BANK "11 /\.H1r ma Live AMit>ri ,.;mµloycr ..\I fo' lliV_ St:it1st1ral Typ1:-.t X ln t hP n t>frt-.. ~"< po•neneed only pJPa111· C<.11 1 ror apµl 640 Slot. Carol nr Martin i----------AMERICAH STATEBAHK Banking TELLER "-~rwn••rn·i· JJrl'I rt t11r IJUI ( \1 flflll o· l'lt•,t'-1' 1 JJI I ;1~1rvt· \\. :ii:111·r 111 I I Jr ""'"''" ( 111\1 .1 J l · .. 1 .. .!."!"I ( \ L I I-' t ) H '\ I \ ,. ~ 1>1'.IC \I. .., \ \ I '\!i~ A: l.U \ '- r..<jlli•I <il'lll' t-.mpl•11 1·1 U..tlk.11\i,: TRlER f'olEW ACCOUHTS ljANKJNG R.E.L. Loart Proce uor This pc>\itiOfl require\ I yr. previous ~•· perienc•. For appoint- ment ple-~e c oll: LOR- RAJHE MILLER AT· 17141973-3724 W E LLS FARGO BANK f',!r\ tlffil' pt-rm;ino•O I l )PIOI? rc-quirt•d .... oil <·•'>t\...,1dt'r tra1nl·•· (.'.111 f111 I Jl'P I J <JJn ~t .s1 l'lh• 4!13 Jl{}I ~ .. 1,,1.1l IJl•J.l'>rlu nit y ~utual ~.n 111~· & 1.oan I .m11l11\ ,.,. \I I-' :iiUl 'omin•HI•• t .... 1rl'll.J ---------- MONEY 11 Fi Pl·L-. OK $1ti5 +> [.Cl(· ~fl ft. pnm1· area of u111 k42·7&')H1Jft '· In"''" Mt.-)!:i Call Scll·ct l 11'l •tr bound .1 I" I •('.di I ADLT X MOVIES •\11 1111.d \ I I 11ll • (()I ,\~ .~I otff I 1 1 ACCOUN1S PAY ABLE ClE:Rt< lt.•r .. II\ ''l"·•n•L f·rrn 1 1-J 1rt m1•' f'.mpl"~ • r S.cn < 'l•·m··nt• 1-:..1u.t1 ( tppt1r rmpl\ r o n 'IJ,•"1 ri~11n111.t1• r .. -.,h.1r1· :• 1'111J.1 7:il '.ll~•l ttr .q1l 111 I I \1 '\•ill "''"' ~, ft \'ICW, 11nd1•r gr1111ncl prkg. l'lt•\ at11r. ("1a.-.l JIV.\ \ISll)olll\ 1\lr • unrl l.~l!una lk <J('h 1711 1~14!1 llllG, w k n cb •1:1.l ~.!:! 'I f n:h J tol 111 l •II' II ,.11 l11r \ i , • 11 • 11, l;,1•11t· .r. ;,, t1•.f,•t foh11X"._l ... ~.t •11 J' I I .ti \· 1 1 t•1 '.h r -rn mlr r\H'fl°' f l ' ,,1t1lt• (1 ,trf1 If 1"'111~ IOI.( EXP'O LOA... PLAT-TELLE~S ~fl'ltlkPr •ii.t '.CJ:.t1 l-'t·m;11t• 111 -.h.1n· " ,,11111· :! tir .! lt,1 1!·•1114'11 ·ll•l l't1ul liH 1111 1 .11 I'''' fr•1m Milt• N I l'.1rk I· \ SlHi11n<'I w1 r "' g.1:, l'r.f 11\ l'r :!I ;1fll1 ·•:11.1 ----· ._. __ ._. __ .,,, h t:-;\\ \ l<l 1 I t •' I I 1l1• ,, I T•. t •I . 'n' H • ,1l ><II TH~. s ~:t<J\1 1'l ·\11-.11 1 w 1111 .. tt llr 1..1 · ll•h l~l' ,\l~•H' "".11..r IMo.11 lllk 1.1r.1111~l" v. ht 111,11 h .. 1''"'""~ & 1•1·11•·1 ,J 11°..:-. l•'1·m ... 11nrth.111 m.1r1n1• rna11111 11.111r • .\l:tr1 :w 1:r, :!.")111 1•11 HllX}l 1'.t'l'tl rrnmll' 111 ''" 11 111 • Br Jpt SI if, (,.ill 1.111 I 10'1 :ilHP\1 M or F Lo !'.hr ;1 Ill< apt I=; l.ldl• t: :\ot nlln -.1n11ht•r \l'~('(JnJll SJ(j(l I011 .. I I ulll .loch Ii 10 ;,112 11r 114.'> 47 I:! • Hmm ror rent. $150 _.. • 2 ut1l. 3hr condu. Sh:trt' w rather & dauiihh'r 4~fff.5 SJ Cn p -Gal to "hdr(' 2 hdrm ••VI 1n C\1 w "" ""·" $Hi2 mo &i.'>-J.140 ('\ t•:. Rmmtc, Sl7fl Isl & Ja..,L rC.'Q . NB. lhlk 10 blh, 1•ar ~!~ 615-0033. f\arhPlor will <,harl' 2 hr, 2 ha apl in NPwporl B~ach area fY.tJI h759 Costa Mc~a arl'a I• rm EXEC. SUITES F1r-.l 1mµn•ss1ons <'llunl' \'.,11 l';JO e11unl 11n us f•1r r11.11>.1t1l! sun· you rN·1·1v1· 1111· (1111·-.t ~1·rv1ce :iv~111 l'r1il t'/1111g, r c•('(•fJ t111r11!.L 1·11nferPnC't-rm 1 0H11·1~ rl.'acly for tmmed rnri' 1• 1n f-'•1r I hat t'Xtr:i 'l"'•·1al touch, <.'all Bev at !17~2161 Design your own oHace ln Newport Beach , x lnl Airport loc. & fwy ac· <'1tSS. 8500 sq.rt. avail now Starting al $1.05. ealll~I. Ginny 4450 ............•.......... 1-'or store & offi ce space at reasonable rat~ 500 to 5000 Sea Ft. M ESA V ERD~ DR PLAZA 1525 Mesa Verde E. C.M. 545-4123 40+ prof. 10 :.hr w oth••r So. Laguna , busm~s or saml'. o;plil li•Vl'I hm prof~s space UNDER Hdi. n·qcl. Call ~1:i+i-715ti 5.'1 SQ ~r c1·.s <ifl Hor wkl·nd., 4994~1 Turner Assoc Rmml l11r L.1~una lkh O;il 11(•1·an 'u '.';11:! ,. ull. hdor1• 4pm 1~+4 7lil t HARlotl ILVD. r>nwntown Cocc;ta Mesa. ideal orrice or store. $300. :>1111156 or 675 2213 ---------4350 29>1 Lafayelle. N.B. Store •••••••••• •••• ••• •• • • • • or o(fu:e space: 1200 Sq. ~e dbl car j!ara~e w pvt Ft Sl~ mo. cntrant'c S95 mo B. Grundy Rltr 675-6161 l.1•1ktn)' l11r r•·~1><111 ohh- perv>n 1o11.1h1· "' ••r 1111111 1111:t•111 lbrh-1ur 1.1" '"''I Temis Shop! Hi p111f1L. lo~ t 1\l•rh1'.1tl SUM ~ Ill\ Ith :.1,\ '\, l'.ilnt k. f.:Sl t:.>ti6 1'.ill l:at .. n 111? & l'.1rl \ I " •.ll"dJOJllOJ! Im-. l"ull' ht krtl'hen. <..ompkt(•I.> eqwppe<I l•nmc art.:a Call 51\8·5710 ICF:CREAM SllOI' Xlnl l•lc:at 111n :'\II P 11•r f.a..,y lo run. In O\ rhd 64().25221·:.rh \\I ln'fe-stwnt ()ppori\lnity 5015 •••.•••.•........•..... l~ESTOHS N r:1-:01-;1> [)evelop('ml'nt l'rnJct·L High H••turn 752 2(1.~1. Prenous Hub)'. 1n\•'t menl quahl}. 2.113 1·ri... rcn·nt a pµrn1 .... d "' 1•1 SI0 .0110 Mr !'l<l' J1:1· !115-<MIR L.rtQ\1E HEAi. t-:STAl 1-. CONl'i':l"f 1-::1rn ""'', (Jf{ MORI-: (:>1:r ;,innum rn short lt'rm t ran-.at·l ton' m the r1nl'sl Jrt .... 11! Newport Hcach. fJclatl • 1>~)11.X) Money to Loan 5025 ....•....•....•........ Call 213 795 927R IJlL<imess location. Offiee l•---------·1 SWIHGLOA ... S and Offic~Rftltd 4400 & l>lor age West CM. ••••••••• •• •••• • • •• • ••• Wholesale or parts pref. OFTJCE spare :iva1lablc 961).2918. 640-2379. al 17875 Beac h Blvd. -------- near Ta lbert in Hunl· N<.'wpor t. Nr Ps l Or C" lngton Beach $50 Jll'r Modem 502 sq rt store or month. Phone messal!e of C; 2630 Avon IC 1 service $10 per month . 213 477·7001 __ _ 2nd Trust Deed l.Aa n!-. on residential propcny Customized to med your needs' RE. Dl!:l'T SAHTIAGO BAHi< 714 /832 5200 desk $.'I per month Datly Oesk S pace /Stor age Pi lot ofr1cc . l-'hun1• avajlable. 634 W. Baker 1---------- 00.4321ext .276 Colt.a Mesa. 641·0586 CEH'Tltl POIMTE EXEC. SUITES Jamborc.:.e & Ma1•Arthur Bay WmdowA Plush Carpel. 752-2737. IALIOA ISLAMD Ra.re opporluruty to open an om ce or shop near ferry. Only $425 Mo. Rcalonomics 675·6100 4500 $230 UP . Office-store. ••••••••••••••••••••••• cpl,S. drps, A/C . 17301 New front s treet locaUon, Beach, H B. Lse. 842·2834 Park Irvine Business --Center. 4,901 sq fl. For Newport Beach ofc /apt lse /oplion to buy. P vt SW>. Cannery section. Pty. 494-4892. 494-3966. fNEED fMONEY • CRIDrTMO rtOILEM 1Rd & lrd TD loan1 675-4912 broker NEWPORT IEACH 547-5402 I MO. NH IEHT 3000 ft . 1000 fl omce Arranged by E,,tablis hed Newport space, quiet Ute Indus. Coad HcMM Loan1 Beach full service ex area. No automotive or ecut1ve s uite . 3 1n hbera lasing. 645.3323 M 0 NEY AV A IL d ividual oUices now d ASLE-$20,000 min .. any available. All a m en1ties 1-.:.ys_. ________ purpose. Mr. Hargrave included 1n month lo ~ sq· warehouse & ofc, 1_ii;_1_.353S _____ _ m o n l h r e n l a I . Laguna Hills. Moulton It MacArthur at Jamboree . .Lake Forest. 951·1808 MONEY AVAILABLE EXECUTIVE ROW INC. Owner. S20,000to $10,000,000. Any --------purlJOIM!. s:n-3833 752·7l70 lOOOsq ft warehouse & ol-BUSINESS LOANS l:ualHH S.ltel nee, Unit A. $215 mo. xlnt Conlklentlal Assistance Newadditiont.oauit.ellO. toe. 1310 Logan. CM. SSOM•Up.Mi-G4SS. F\all senice exec. suites 64f.'m.2or~ in Newport Cent.er. 14 _ ........ v .. •• w Mlll"t9111a. T ... t new offlc:ea in plush aur-,....,,_...' """" -• Dlidi 5035 roundln1s w /under-U!,184 sq.ft. lndU1trial ........... •••••••••••• sround u11lgned park· Bkla· 900 sq.ft. office, 24 Ina. From taS mo. Ask carparkillg,1pr1oklered, 8bau\ our mov•ln al· 16' clearance, 400 AMP 3 ~. phase. 25" 1q.Ct. Aat. Newport l\ea9"C)' ~. ...:.59---7729...;.;. ____ _ <7H>t44-1LB9 .... W..eed 4600 1 or 2 Rm ~lte. rrom $75. • ......... •••• ••••••. •• 111 W. lldl at. Call Tom 1 Br ._ briabt 6 q19et, •ZlllO. ....... .. u.. .... llO ...... DO cllUdND. DOD· WllllMI OalJ..-n ........... ai.llU .. - - - ----~ ---... J.J... .. Wiit' Mft. Co. All typelJ or real e 11tale lnvestmelllulnce 1949. S,.dtl .... a..ITlh 602 t7t 145-061 I Priffte Party ...... to ._ ....U. 2*I TD'a at RI 11 r·bk di9c:ouaL • lft..mT. IJIST k 1,t l.\11\ /'111nt S..1m1 ... 1· 1111 't , .11 l1lut• 1 oil.tr" \lt•,antl1·r 11n 11 \II' '\JI! l<t-rno> &. 1'1•mph· llllh Dr L.1i:u11.1 lkh G \'lll·rou" ll''"'"rll Pl•··"., l Jll 1!~1 gi;i, 1 IJ1'l ~ \l,l '"I llt>l :\I' .\I h i lo., l .Jll <\ "Ill •"1nil.•r t11 \f ,.,11 .. n hut c;hnr11•r hair 1 \'11 .\la&inolw & ll;,,mtlton. T U\'l> 9nm ,\o-. ltJ Sab1rh ~h11w do~ f«.•.,.;m.J 'lf;.I .'>1&<1 s:iiJ> ffrv.ard l11r ri•u 1\ 1•n· of 1tnl·n1.,I rui.: ol1· 111 11 .. ;1 lmmc·.1r•m l.Jl!.('11•n ltd ~ I I ,\ ot lo: I j F ,1 rn tw1rJtJ1>m ~ r1 ..,1·n1 1m\·nL.il \,J, IJI' I ;o(I 711 f,.lt) ... IJ7 ~k ltlr r .. m .\f l..oi;t H1•v. .1rd r11r • .11 !! 1·1• y 11 I <1 t• k I .1lo11 ~ w ll)!l'r -.1rq,. . .., m.d ... tll-<·law1·d 111 W ~1·w1J<1r1 on "' f•urtfrfJlll l'r1 \ui.: 111\h I.rt:! 1'~1:1 H E w ,, JI f) I. IJ., I ... n1 1•ry wht ( -.h,11! tit ~ \'1• W1b11n £•lat e1111a (' 'I 1;.1:;.i~1 Lo.,I :\! S lwltw ,.,,, 01111('1 ~llKI f l V. .tnl ( .ill j lHi 11,,; I .111) lllllC 11r l\!l:J lM:! .tft 1,1• \I LARGE REWARD! lf~l j!rl'y !.lnpt•d Tall\ fomah· l':Jl. \'II' ;-.rgucl & Ah1·1,1. I l!l!'i 320'.l Fnunri M 1!11)!. hlk w hrown ~1rkg!.. m1'll. '!lril tr~~ on back ft ~li7!\ FOU~D Claim 11r <1!11tpl Y n ung . f1•m <;1•r m ShPphNri blk & Lan Mall• tn rt>lnrrd (; t•rm ~heµl1Nd rn111 1'UJ1PY Mah• /\dull. Sh1;pht•rd Malumule mix lm>Wn & W'l'Y Adult. male· 111110· t.er It V<'r & whl Soml' k 1l le ns . Whi te r ;,bbtl Ot her s . NB Animal Shelter. 2"70 San Miguel, ND. 644·3656. -----F!)Und. KITTEN F em Tabby about 9 weeks Very lovabk. k1lly box lra 1necl Must find a home Jo'ound in Fountain Valley 962 5655 afl 5 30 Found Fem. Calico Cat Flower nr Irvine /\ve . CM IC nol el:11m<'d . needs goo d h o m e 00-3$14 Found· Money 644-7447 bet 5-7 PM Lost: Fe m wht Cat. orng ears/nose, vie Lag Bch. Blue collar. 494·6049, 49'M!Sl9. REWARD. Lollt Sbelty dog, tan & white, any Info ap· preclated. An er $pm: 646-6145. Lost: Hvy g old chain brac e let, vie . Colton/LuRonla. Npt SboN!ll. Reward offered. ~1178 lat. remale Shepherd ldix, tan coUar. "Udy". Vlc: Brhlol Cntr, SA. Star on forebead. ........ ..n • ~111 HI I I-I.• ',., \1.\ .• ,, ... Jl111.."1·/•J JJ, I I \ppl ~l)\ ·~·~, h1 >I<!, I I V. I 111 It \!( SI ·t· '\I• ' \I• "'I t Ill' 111•r .1111 "' '1111 r '1!1111 ,. l 111111 "'" II lllllllkd I IH\)Jtl•.._ l'I l~>ll'lllt,d 111,11 n •J:.l' ~':trtr ,.r" t ,1 ... r ~~ ... ;1!1• tlirnu,llh ~11111111'1 n 1 <~II l.1n.'t''l '"' m11,l 11111 l II U •• d .t l I II 11 ' o• r \ ·1 h r.11 .111<1 •II Ill " h•' 11111 ii I r 11t1 •I 1 I •I I ll l \l ('Ul 1 \t \\ ...... 11 I J"'" ll•'l' I'.\\ IJ.t1111~ ~" Ii 111 f.:16 i:>I:.: Tmt~n s l.W '.\f'\\ PIH< r 642-1571 7-IOPM Grfft Company OUTCALL 1>11 111,11 '°"'P\ ~H "-••\ ht. ' 'l'' t I! I t I ,.J t I , '• • ~lt"'°'"'"t'•• , 1·111' J •f 111•1• '"'"' I •••• I ,. 11 \till' ",; ·-• j I I I \n • 1unt .. 11t :1 1 • 'jl pn f. r.1lih 111 111 q 1,,1., \ l•lfl 111 t!f fl•' r It 1 ,\ ' ' •It.II•·· 10( I •1 I' ii ,,, •, Ir" h 11•1 11 I ''' •• •,fi1("". I r-nrr ,, \;H11\ 1r1 I" r 11•1 bt\llto •1 \\\ 1 .. ·~"II K:r. \lo IJ.ith :0-.1 ( \1 .A.ut. Apt Manoqer I ti U p I •• ....,. • i •~ PI I •11,.11.1!'1tf m;; 11 1 ''" f ru!• I )• ,,n,,oft t'\Jlf r .. 1·1 FORM SECRET ARY I .... .Jlh .... ,. '> . .r .... o1, l~1nk ,111 111'lo I" 11 t11 111 I 11.uV... ~1!1 :-.uni"'"'' 1 •,1 I ( . .,, ~111 •. ~,.I.• 'I· II.inion..: I .... , ..... I• 'I I I II I ·' t " Ul••rt '·••'' h,Hl~11J t ~I h.. 11111111•! .111 lll•'tlltll 1•·r,.,11.d 111 11111· , : , 1urn1 II'\ 1•·11 111 .. oi • "'' 1r.1lil•• ;\. 0111 I" Ill 1 ' ,, r .. , 11• ,,: r 11111 l'-1 \1 1•m1 1~1:! 11,11:11 \II• !'>tn111• ltcou\1• J,,, j J •,"'I ,.,,I t f • tr1 f I ff1t• l•ol .1111.1.ll"U' 111d1\ldU.JI "'1' h 1ir1 .. r .. rr .. " ' , 1• n••11r·1• rn tht• fHll.,.,. tfllo: j ..... al.II\ t. 'llUfl\t U"ll1 t 1• " I \I' ~·11•1 I 11f11• ' 'll11 l>.111\ 1'11111 ,~., t \t •1;:1,,!, \I I '' ,•lt• • 'tn<11) 1·onf1ll1•11t1al j "'"''\." r l••rnin .•, \ .. 11 .t. t1 It I .1 h I t· 1 t l'l•'•"ant "''-''!.. ~ • pr rm !U5 12:!-I ACCTS;?AYAILE I \ul" Drt .. 1l<'r .... ;,nif'fl CLERK \\tll tram Kl"opo1ri...1t>l1· 111>111 1<1•.11 1-.'-IJ!t' firm v. th <ln•rr'I Irr l\tll< 'l"" ·\11 1, l'.l\.dil1· "l•a l..ac '\11! 195..itilil 1 l••rk l o1r \,lfr11u' nlt dul 11•, 1111 l11tllt11. I' 111111· .S. l1lt111! X l nt f rin i.;•' 1-·111·f11' I ,tll \\ ,1(!-1 I 4LITOMOTIVE SALE SP ER SON f-\I" nrnl <' prt'f!'rn •I ... "llllltl' lOAt~ SALES • lnu "nnr, ''~ i 11 1 • • 11 •t'ltllpln;! & "'Jrth1JU II ~ Ill I'll\. \'\ & •llri\\•11 unnal loan.-. .... ouJtl bl' 11t' ~1 rable l.tut nllt m .in d..itor) T~ prn i: 40 '" wpm LOAN SEllVICE IA1k1111ot for d truuhlt -.hllnter f•ir our l n~ur.1111 , . lll'Pt ,., •TJ.J 1111:1111r1i.·~1111 Ill.IT pohn hulrll'r' ~.m .. Full /Port Time 411~r t .. pJtdtn < 1,,r.t \lo .1 • ! 111 '' h oJ' I ti lllo.,lt,d• 111'1"•' I IHlll It 1•11 "'"' \ .o11. ·" .... l1lr "" .•.. !11 I '.Ill\ 11.1111 1111: ... 1.1111.. \.\1 ti ti 1111 \n \I Ill 'l 1•l1• I"'" "lor•·" ·II \ "ll h.1 •• J11:tll I\ IJlll;! 'h Ill' .111.! 'fJtlh ' ',I htt r il1J• t \ I• ti1·111 1 I Ii.• t' )"1 ... 1t 1•tt• 11 f 1 .. r l"I' .. 1Jrl1 n ',ii '1 r I t' ' " 11 1( f I I I t•·1wi.L, 1nrtud111 1-I,-,., .1n~ I ,,p;o 11 • I J>l1 t t .ill \Olll'\lt' ~kn111· I 11 rratrt-informa L111n RDEUTY FS>BlAL SovincJs & LOClll Ann. 636*7071 f J]uaJ uppl_\ t'mpln~t'r MC /VISA 1 ..... l11·r-n11n1·I ll•·tol I• r I .1 pp! i I 1 11.11 I 'I 1 \ldh•1tt "'"'l..1nl! '0111d1 Ut"l' tn 14 1•11 1·..,lJl1l1•h1 11 •111r1 .,:rin.:r· hln1111-. \ppb in p.·r..,, •n 1•;1.pt'rt l'llll' 111 r1•t.1lo•ol1---------- l11•loJ ~oulcl '"' or--11 .1blt Tvprn.: rt'qWrt'<I ( l \\ \I (II I "i( I 11{ I ..., ' I \\ I' \) H I F 0 r \1 F I \ 1· ll1·.111no.: I t•r hr,1• 1 •11 \.;n11v. lt•ll•1 111 111"' L• •t l•!•Jo.. 1ri.111·ntJJ, ~ 1•11111 p IL"~ tn IJll, fwld \l•I':' ;11 <',1p ... 1r ·'"" 1 •11 i 1ll1 '-< h••ll llt I l'lf• I'' " <•I~ l 'i' I ACTIMG C O AC H -1 n I' \I n1,,1 ... 1 (.di 77'i I L,, 1 I •.,\<"flll.ss~.s \<"T• 111-.. 1 /111 ,1 I" .1 11 I\ J • • ' Personal Service\ 53 60 • ,,1 r1o·• .., \ \t '" ••••••••••••••••••••••• t•l\1t•\\t r\' fl••\\ .,,., Ari• \OU :i hu,.,tn•'''rn.111 t11 nt . t1.1\1 ""11. .. 1 1:01111.:on J IU'>IO•·" 1np IL,,.k\ II . 1,1thh1• A: friim I 11 cl.I\-.• I .1kl' 1 ·nw 11 .. , .. r l..ul\ In tr.1H•llni:: "'C"rt'l,1n 1 .111 ltnl " 1!111>..·n t •111r.11I. llr,.ndaR'~l iY.1 \\.ri.,lo'' lloultl•· nunl & 1>"111•\ "11111111, •1\0)llOI' lllll'rt'\lt •d 111 5450 :\111\H'>. Tr•l1•\ • .111 •••••••••••• ••••••••••• ·!-.A ~1 lutlJ' Sm h·t· AlfU.1:1H :t'Ol PONS ( 'rrdll c·arcb a1 1•1•pt•'tl Ruv !'-ell f'innd1•rl I .w M1;rr,1v ' ;-.10 W ~ant.1 f\•rb.1;;, 1\\'I' I.\ !•liJJi 21:1 2:lol 0123. 1"'" Ill U W >USINJo: SEH\'ll'E Atrpllrl, Tour~ llfllr•l'. Wedd1nj.!:.. Tr a\l'I Reasonable r:it l'' &'l2 2299 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Comp .. Nurse. et e Lv m S40 d a y F ree lo trvl Bord.able . XJnt ref 17141 871~. A<'rt~ Clerk wanl'I full or pl posllton 496 2K09 nunings. til<l 1 nH IOH01•\t 'I~• Aid to M~oqer l'ttlrl• & lit•· rn.1111 l\:n.1111·1· 111 Im•'" 1111111 1111.'11>11 114·:H h apt hulld 1nl! l':x1·1•1lt•n1 pM1t111n r r fl' l 1 r r I' ... .., I) m" mr<'h••n1\·JI .shll11 > ,\pl 1' ~ul;.iry , .'121 H:,..11 An,wcnng S.-rv1•·t' Do YCMI Ub a Job Witt. a Chall~? We need operator rnr llpm 7am shin.. Apply rn pt'r.IOO 228 t'or<'st AVl' Laguna Beach Allsweri'"J Ser-.iu PBX operators for a tclt'ph one ans w e ring <:<>rvrce cx~nenrt'd or will train 1-)Jll t1m t' or pan ume shifts a\'a1la bit' Du):\, aflernoi>n · everun~ or Rra\C yard Must ht' able to work :.ome weekends. Typing ~wpm required. Many ro bencf1Ls available ••••••••••••••••••••••• PleaM! eall Mon· Fri .. CC""'...,.S F'astlion 111lond a r ea 7100 "' _...' Collla Mesa area llCllV AILE A1rport area Manufacturing company Call S43-4230 needs person for all rune· M/F E.O. E. tlOlls of accounts re-ceivable. includes lt. lyp-AP1' MANAGER lng, m inimum exper . For 65 unils in Costa req., manual system. Mesa. Eiiper'd couple. Data Power, 3328 w, W If e b It k P I e " P . First St .. Santa Ana. Husband m alnt. e x p. SM-1100 CaJI 642·50'73 or (213) ---1 Accounting clerk for CPA, , __ ,__ ____ _ Ne>. Laguna. SUO per hr. AICHITICTUIAL 4IM-OUl aaldOl"Kat.hy f\tll lime ore boy to make dollverlea, run Attoatlol prtntt. file drawln11. l"-e ... OW' ad under handle auppllea. mua\ ......... 1n1De S fr L l)an cu. Corbin Amil. \'-fuji (714)7Dal7 SAIL C HEVROLET 900 S. Coost Hwy. LAGUNA IEACH 494-113 1 5 .. 6.9967 \l l11\\1lTI\ f, PAYROLL/LEASE l-.\;>t•n1•n• 1•1 11111\ l "nm r~····r t•\pt•n1•n(t• hl'lprul ~.1 t.1 ·, 11p• n t "n 1.11 1 I I:\ ,i ll.1lL,C.'r JI COMMal · CHEYIOLET : 282H Harbor 81\'d l'<filAMtS A 546-1200 Al T0'1ITTl\'E RfCEPTIONIST 1n Sen rt·r D1•pt I•• an."v.t•r phont.'' Mu ... 1 lw • 1bh• to U!>I! ,1rtJ1n.: m ,1 " h t n ~· & " .i m ,. .u1t11m11t I\ t' h.il k i,:rouncl J)f('f\•rred l'11!1 Mr nti.. ROY CARVER ROLLS ROYCE 640-6444 Babysitter . p ref. nur home. lr\'inc. 3 Mos &. 112 yr olds. good dtS poe;1linns Mon. th ru f'r1 . 7 ~to 4 PM Dependa I a.sue PURCHASING ~Int uJ)t•nrn.c l11r , lr•rk l'Pl"t "1th puro'l1.1 ... 111,; h<1tk~n1untl ( ,, nll11l,1l1• ~II I h ,., •' "irn ,. • ' 1••n1•1w1· in t o•I tlo·ol llo lt l 111 ix·rf•1rm .1 v.1d•• ',., 11 I\ tof 11f(11·1• tfUlll'' 11• 1/11• l'\lrt hit. ... llV I )!opt I \ tJHI .' rr~11un·m1•11l t., "'1•11' '' :thdtl\ 111 "11' r.if o• I Ill l<.1·\ v.11ultl h· h. lpl1d ~.11.tf\ I Oll!lltll'lhld .1t1 "llh I \(:>1.'r F11r .1 ppl t r 11 "1n \;,811 ('"l :.'IC! I-(I ~. l<.1nkm~ FULL TIME TELLER \\ •' 1 u r r !' n l I,. h ·' ' , . ·" :i1l.1blt-1n our l'o~l.1 M<o:.a bran<·h a 1-\J II Tim<' Trller µoe,111011 l>>''>tr•'ll h.tt·kl!round .... nul<I 10 dudl· prf'\ 1<1ui. S .~ I., b<ulkJnK or relatl'd 1•x f>1•nem·e Wt• ul !er I'\ n•llf•nl rompan y p:111f hf'fll'ftl!I and <'Ompet1t1vt• startmi: salary Pll'tt'\l' caU Mary Ann Plummer at 1714) 979 3910. ble pen-on w 1rererenres. 11111~00D 552-6206 Bet. 7 &9 PM ~I n BABYSITTE R : Gir ls SAVINGS & 2 S.8 U hskp'S(. F1ex hrs Clln live.m . NB644-4817 LOAN Bab ysitte r .f ull tim e . l640Adam~''"" t<'aehers srhedulc. for Coeila Mesa. Ca !Ya;2G 4mo old. pref m y NO Equal Opportunity home. 640-1265.___ Employer M f' BABYSlTTER·Sepl Lhru ---------~ for 2 & 3 yr olds in ---------my home. 493 .. 7883 aft Bankmg :p:~ y s [ T T E R TELLERS NEEDED: Part lime for We have Immediate ()IM!llinp for experienced 3 boys, after school. El well groomed Tellers. Camino School or Excellent a t a rtlng Heritage Park area. Call aalary, good benefit.a aod 552-9755 attractive sWTOUDdlngs. Babysitter for Teacber's 6 For an lntervtew call: mo. old girl. Prefer my PAT MAGILL home. Moo·Frl. 8-3:30, 645-5333 Babygltter waoted for 2 .-:. children, 2 or 3 after· ~ Bank noons. Occ8ll61onal even-.. of' lnp. 561-8171. lrvine. 552-1052. _.::..,_ __ ___. Jiii.. ,_.~port Get GREEN cub 1 "'A:W for WHITE...... -..a°"°'1UdY wt&baa-1fted Ad ~-lllP caueo.5'71 BANKING OPPORTUNITY •Ta.LER·Part TirM ll1•l.1lt'(I t''CJi.·r11•n1·•• r• qtnn.J AMERICAN SAVINGS :! 1tKS I-. I 1'11r11 1,,.1:1111.1 I hll:-. ''' Cameron 7ir) ~11. 1-"f: \1/fo'•SI BA.'IJKJ~G Security Paci fie Ho- ti Oftol lank has l111· ~cl• opettinqs at lh n•w Real Estoft' f"rocHsinq Center in ~ Santa Ano-Costo ~~a. ; ' I ' SR.LOAN . PROCESSORS- y au should hon ex· pMHC• ifl a bQk, S&l. «' ...,rfCJOCJe c. ...., procnliftg c..- •ttwlkMClll Cllld FHA~A loan.. S.peni1ory -.d/ or .scrow t x- periewc• helpM. JR.LOAN PROCESSORS YOM ihould han H • peri•ttee procen,uJ Co11•e11tlo•al aj.d FHA/ VA I09K foi o ba1tk. S&L tr ~ca.,my.', a••nPIS1 tlr' =· ,,, •• ... ed.. • ..... ~ .. ·-· t714J SSl-2136~ SECURITY( PACIFIC '- IANI 1 An~u .. ActJi. ........, •• trlH ... AlrC = 'I ....................... &.rvk• • lulall•Uou Ru/Co mm'I u hr ~ ISl4lT. Ul~ --..... c:.,..s. .... ....................... Ka" 1w1 CARPKT~1 rt.DOU ... WlN OOWtt m-.1 .,, Duktll ... ..... "'11.M ~ttuNn1.•lMm .. bruah t•rut .. 01on1 1 V.-y nmbl na Ml c.1.-. ·•·••···•·····•·•······ • •••••••••••••••••••••• umll6Yn t•rofuelonal B•llY Danc•r lo &Aterlaln. Ulvt r11r l l f'~ t o tt..n .. mber t.l. V ANI\ ·-~ -----Pu ' 1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fut haulln_ae. r 114 ' up Yd 6 &ar clnUJll. ,_.eo -(7l4JM2 "5f'7 flu 1d1al 1 . ..................... . lu•urt .. ..... ............. Low bomeowDtr r•tel l7s.G5G ~ROI ...................•... .......... .. Want a Rl!;ALL V CL.t:A.N ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Palnttn1. INT/E XT Nall. bonest, re.as. 12 ES SIAM Pa.lfttiq., WaJlpaperlo11 Free &t, 3 yr au-er Ouk ~alan lflZ·l478 yn. exp. lJc'd. l>ne "-Let•-..._.,C'M5.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• All levels s tyles aus RllllldenUal & comm.erclal Gabriella Studio/ Mu111r p a int ing t'r ee Auou from N HllS esllmat.ea. Kea. r ate1.. ~3003 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Jllake'11 Tree Service: 1'ree nmovaJ, cleanup, u u h haul a way S40-67eo. Tree at busb tnmmin1. 30 yrs combined exper . Call ~RAM\ 5-7PM. '97t-&W7 e.u ~~~~~~~~ T ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• fh.>e tnal le11110n, <"redco· ....................... Drlve we ya•Perkll'I Autom atic l•Uera, ~" ucb 100 Min ('um pugnll!d tmlliol bl!\a l' ,.. label 'l)tJMI a H I I ., .. , MJK Qualtly :._.'"'''''" JW\Jll l\I 1•rof lJa rt•' 11 di.-n .00 "1tlltiw•w11 1111 ~!Ur ....,ldlnjl1', c't"'khol tll&l'tj" and •II 01 ruhm11 Lil I Ot .... 241. Mlt 1 14"3 I. ltll..:l14 ~~13 IUrlt C'.'UllOfll WIOO\I (t•n1• ·~ IC•lm .. r .. m·t• rt•valr MO~ •If 1"' I~ ~~~- llOtlS.,:? Coll Gingham Gltl .... ~ dl. M5--5123 twbtn ·s Houaecleanlng ~V(', f()f' M thorough ly t•INn ~ $4().-0857 Au:tb8 , llms & Off. Fran-c-eu·,, lmmac. Cleaning S.:r v We car e more I.led /bod. 759 0323 TSD 1.561 .....,. .. _.. tiitll'd, readtng, math & ALL PAIMTIMG ••••••• ~~••••••••• t'rcnch. ~i_J.00_13 __ 67S-9LW1 -~~~----- kJt • IWpain~aJC'U11lln1 MIS A.pball f.'t-4111 Ut'd. c.-, • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Neat 5-Im Compl Ne•l patches & lext ur<."I Typiftg Senke ~ In~ ,..IST. 193-1439 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... ....................... i..c:emect lilt.er ha.a f t p t openln ts Also oprn Labor Day wklld Mk.belle ?Sl·t.m Licens e d , M y horn1• T 1...C Infants OK .Mt">I ....................... DISlefano • Al("ro.1011 Ill l~Uon fl'tft "' l.kt"750N .... l'tb70M INTl':RlOH C.'AKJ>l::Jlfl'KY t1)' J ay M2 Kltl)!f Verde ~1507 C..,.. ~iu Mybome, Wttlldays, ui:.-to 3 at up. Npt lfiU t'lem achool. 64&--3488 I will babysit tn my homt- for Sl'.I pr wk Plcw.c l'all Mlcbelle 642 1486 Mature lady wants Ol' cas1onal babys1tt111i.:. you r h ome . SJ JI r 5«).9275 Sell with 1'./\S I·.' ll'!'I a llHl-:fo:Zt-: Oass1fied /\ds &12 51i7R ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sbampoc> & Slt'll IU dt' llfl Co&or bngbtl'ncrs. wht q~s 10 nun bleach. C:h~an llv. dl.n rm. ball fl~ /\vtt rm S7 50, courh ftO. C'lir m Gu.ar eh m pet °'-lor (,'pt reprur, IS yrs CXJ>r n .. work royi.ell. Hd1:1 ~1-0101 Wt' Care Carpc:t Cl<·aiicr-. Sll'um clt:an. Also up holstery Wo rk guar l'rufk mount Unit f'rl'l' 1.-">t, rca!>. r11lt.~ 1>45 -:Tl 16 -------~411 ••••••••••••••••••••••• c ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• I \Jl!llplf'tt• .,., ~ lrt' 4o u lt•x A11t111J1.al11· UVt'l MI Ol 't It t' It ot I I II V l' l" I lil I t Y I 'W14 SUSlt:'S cleanl.og service 1llor~h. I l•mt'. wkly, mnl.hly 7~1 7368 European Landnaper Top worll . F air pnce . Reis 54&-«TI dya teves. \i ll•itt' c 'WI turn ltuHtll'•' rfftllV"°I .,,. allrr11tl1111 flnl~h e11rvent1Y •JTaMb llalla11 ).)I wn • ··~···················· tlt)l"f<ll, N l'n11-1I r11t1hl frC'•' l"1tlt11Ull' 1111 lur.:t• 111 'null Joi"' I J \' 113:17~ li7:'1 ll.'lo!I HlilblMwd e.ctric: 645 ~74 t;l.t;l"l'Hll'IAN ll e s t r a I 1• 'I , 11 l' :. l workm11ns h1p ~m .1 1 1 jobti prefrrn~I m:, ~14:> ............. ........••............. Mag1r1an ovullnhlf• fnr any Ol't•as wn i\dum tlt•INl'h(•f 64'\ !°lllSJ 1,anit'nUll(. dt'IUl UIJI' & l.11111111 ... µ11111 <.;, ur 1(1' 1 IA»ilu ~ 7\172 1..AWN '"rv1r.· l11rhl '' uµt• l'lt .. 111 U~"' huulmt: M~ 'l'J07 MS VlOCIE'S c leaning !lt.TVi re. Res Id. clean.Ing ot lb best. Uc'd /Bonded ~rv1ng Lhe Irv I N pt / TU.'ll!n areas We takt' vndc lll ,our work call '"' appt ~1-4399 I-}( relll"O l h<N.wrl Nin mi: hl\I n 1hor11u1th Hl'h. I 'I co( I<·" tlt•1wr .11 11 Ir .w Iran:.. exp &1.l 73.)4 t•un ol thr ••11111~ rate• /\ft '-ili~r.t'<I ru.~l wkly & hi til'M,1•L"' ltlitl3 monthly oho 11H1 c1·" llmlllfttum• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 1rvt•ntrv, fr111·1n1t & rt>Of 11111 f'ln Joh tcoo :<1ml l'11 pa I 11ff ll:ll "2ti4 111111~1': & 1\1''1' l'i\INT H1'.l'AJlt ('1.1':/\N 111\l'l. l,0('(~"1'641i 17111 HMnq ••••.••.........•...•.• ltAoft'T' /\mtll ~ :\Wk ~ ............•.......... "dature cpl would !Jkr to l'Ul1' foc yow· home• fur I yr dunng prcpur;it1ou ff>r ..... mi rel iremcnl Xl11l rd~ 846 ~OH IU.vr:.omtthinr. y1111 w,1111 (K'< St11d1·111 I '1'0111 trw k to sl'll'' C:l;p,-.1flt-d rub du 'l'ru:.h. t rt"•' trim Otin t 'lu,.,1r1l'd /\d11 ;,art• tt1..- at\,wrr to a •wt·• c,~rul "ara141· or )lird , . .i1·' It ., d IA'llo•r WU) lu lt•ll 1111111• I l•'Oplt' II Wt•ll f..ti! 51i7k 1.1'! ~I t1•11f1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bnckwo rk. Small }obs Newport, Costa Mesa & lrvuw 67~317~ ev~ Unck. 11lon<'. bll)('k -.ork 111,. f loor'\. u1nc rd1· p11t10:1. walk!!, dn' l' w u)~ Frt-<' <.·)t J11hn ~l!'.ICI Mo•inq ··········'············ Lo<iil m11v1n1: l'r1·1"ht , l"ln.'ltrUCtlt;n, hOU~H'h•>hl & 11 ( f 11· (• 'I u V p I I c•' ltA."-ll.'-'>nablt· r utt~ l 'u 11 go,,s~ ········•·············• l •t-;n ;H..<; l'/\INTl:'<I: ~~µtd 1<1· .. , H 11 1 ., ~ f 1 1• t-; • t ( .i 11 I;• 11 t' '{~' 0·\JH Dave 'a Pai n tin g , Res tCom ml. Ser ving l'Oalltal comm ll yrs . l hghesl quahly work fh nbl, Ile 'd Dave. ~ P1unt1nY. lntlf':ict. Qlty wrk & matenal t'rre EM . lnd1Rei. 646·12.52 .. :\'IS PAfvrJNG Prof Guar j(ltl"aJ vrry rt-a!> b31·~ <U.tnm mt dt J M f.'enLon Painuni: Int 1:.Jtt Ht'aMHIMblt' !164 12116 ~in<' e.rit J>a1nt1n.: !::ot I.• r . 1 n ~ 1 r y 1111• ta.~ 24 tin ruchanJ ~ SUMMY /WI HT at RIHTALS " ... , ••••••••••••••••••••••• J'lumbtng repair. Spec. in remodeling, copper n• pipe. l''r~ est Top lla t Pru.mbtn&, '-5:17 J 194 -----D fl ~ Claar·, Plumh mg, reilabll', $14 pr hr 64,5.Xl(JJ ~&R~r ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Remodel i.11tl1t1rm\ Gen Cl>nl •:Oli23 7~~.l-1 Roofiftq ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ht·µuir & ltt•ru••f All LY P '-'" '>h lnl(l l''> rockshuke' 1·1irn1><> lar Fn...,-~l. ~I ~JO F111 /\Vi.I.II l.1·11v1· thl' pa tnl•M: t•i T•vh iOft Rtopolr ""' 11 ) r :. "XP A IL ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·l 'Wll'M, t;1;, !1.!17 1>1111 r~... •1rn•·lh111l! ''' • ll I ·1.1" 11 ,..1 ,,•t If•, 11 .., • II •· '< I••· r I) '" ., • \ " "''m•\< ~· 11•, • •c ,7 llflf, Hllp W.nd 7 I 00 He4p Wanted 7100 He4p Wmhd 7 100 He4p Wanted 7 I 00 ............................................................................................ 8ankmg IUYSl'S ASSIST. Orw: of So ~hrornw !> lcad.ulJC f astuon s1><---c1alt > :.t.ores ha.s an l•nlry level poblllon open 1.11 its buy mi: dept If you arc 1n lf·rest.t'tl 1n !>lartmg at thl' bottom in lhe l'X <'1t 111i: fW>hlOO Wt)rld, lhl)\ 1-. lht• Joh Rf'(1wn~ ~>me """' 1~1lt'r lnlJUl, (11r wh1rh w 1· will 11.11n ~ldrt1111: !..ti.try Sl.:.11 m11 1'11·11-.1· tl.1-:IU<' L ~-~!~~ ..... ?!.~~ 1 ~~=s··T·R·:·T·o.?R!s.~~ I ~~~-~-~ ..... ~!.~~ '~r.~.~~·-~ ..... !!.~~ ll'OI ~~l'.l.<11< µrt 111111 1 &IC'Ot"'1""1 ,.. tir.t1'\1ly&lullurr11· ltd In ,_~flt 1111, ''"' 1-.rni>lii)m•·nl Security PaC'1f1 c No tJoO.aJ Bank ha., an 1 m medrnt.e opcnin~ a t 1L' t;on s um cr Scr v 11·1· Caller 10 Santa Ana for INSURANCE COORDIHA TIOH CLERK °'1' mttnth , huot-k1·1·p111i• ·~iwncnr1· prr·fnr1·d .1!1 WP~ m1111 mu111 l)lm11• slulls rt.'(jwrt'd F<lf' appoinlrnml, r;ill 17141 558-2136 SECURITY PACIFtC .... An Affirmative Action • EmploYer M II" Ill N Rarber Stylt..'lt lO rnana~t· part-ume 631·9577 Tu1~ f\1, ~ Sal/ 9-5 ev<.-s. e81-3J21. B 1ll1og op e r , 1• 1T . 1·5 JOPM F'or Aur roug hs L 6000 po!>ltnJ: mach Exper o r w ill tram. Apply at H;f1 W 18thSt ,CM Boal C l ea n e r Malet t'ema le, wa.,h & mamtam new bout 1nvcn lory for Nwpl Uch d(' al.,r F'ull-lime Call I TI4 I 673-6400 Boat Mamt.enance M a ture t r espon In · dlvldua l needed fo r general boat malntcnnn· ce/repalr . Hours n exl· b le, l ull /part li m e . salary commensu rate w /e xperience ( $4 ·$7 > Experie nce preferred. references requirod. Call 714475-9060. IOOUHPSl F /C Pailt.ion wit h prominent Fash l.81. Real 1-Atate In n st. F irm X lnl op· portunlty. 640-0123 Bookkeep10g personne l $800 per m o . N o n amoker. SSfH>J28. BOOKK EEPER f ull charge 2 glri office. Ex peneoced to peg board Must be able to bring boob Ulru lrlaJ balance & gene-al ledger. Salary \UiQ lo $1300 per m o. C.11 for a ppl. AJ>k for Uayd. 646-7441. Lloyd ':1 Nursery & Landsc·ape Co. lMJ28 Newport Blvd. C.11. • 1111LJ•1 llll'JI 1lc1 Yutu1 .1L 1'1 W)t:I C afeteria H~ptt Short llou r!> :1 hr min $3 ~) IJl'r hr 1• M , N II . C'd M :Jrl'a:. Avµly 11t Nl•w 110rt M ri.1• tJn1f11.'d Sc hool l,1.,t 1"11•1CI S.•rv11'1' l)ff1t:'•'. llC';i Plar f'nlla, COtltu Mei.a ~r CARPt:N'rtm t'ull lime. t-ornt• 1•xpt>nencc pn· fNTed for room a dd1 llOn.'.. i.ky bghts St.art IS.!.!~ br. 951-6482._ CAil RlHT Al AGT. P /llme morntnl{!'I OranKC Co Airport ;m:a 75:! 7100 <..:ar wash t:mp loymrnl uv-.11 for l'ar w n \h r11~h1<>r 1''r1r mterv11·"' rall fM~ CAR WASH HELP f\111 11 Part Ume 18 &0ver METRO CAR WA.<511 2950 Harbor HI . C. M. CASIQERS. full or part time. Apply in person omcE CLERK TRAIHEE '11\c Da1lv J•llot h." .\11 1mmt·<.hat1• OJM•nini.: for tr:.1nt•t• f,.r full L11111 llt.'fffiltOl'nl I><• 1111111 HI our t"l.1 .• 1fu ti !Jo l•JI I 11~nt Mu'>t 1-" .1lil" '" l\j><' J.'1 Ill "' I>"' 1 I q 1.1,• lo-.t \\Ill l1i .ul1111n1 .ti I d lfl ;ill ·ll>Jlhl"..111.,, h 111.i1 .. 1.ohot11~ I• ar11 1·1111111ul1•1 ll n d "1 h ,. r I! 1· IH ( .I I <·l••rip al d11111·' 1111 (JOrtumly f111 .11J\'Jr1< ,. m1.11L .ind c·~• 1·11 .. nl 1·11m JTdny lwnt'fth :-.;d.irv 1'Qmm<'n .... ur1.1l l' "'1th ex r;i·n1·r11-..· t'r1r inti-rYll'W. plu:.c 1 Jll Vll ·13'!1, t·>.I m ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 3JO W I~ y Mr<:(·t (..o5ta Mesa Equal Opl)Ortunu y F:mployer 111.SlJCAL We ru·cd an 11ut1!01111' person !l.im 2pm. \1 t- for General Off ic" phorws , & lt'am "°' J• • 1 !fr.>tcm. Mu!".t lrn"w Ill key Bookk<·••JHnll <·\ J)C.'nf'nre ·~ prl'f1•rrf'1I Pt>rf f'ct f>Vport un t l y fr> r a IM)man With children in l\('hool Pl~ 11vply rn 11..r!>•m, M·t~.~5. U n I t y C a l a I o 11 ROGER'S Showroom. 3200 Harbor Blvd..,CM. E.O.E . GARDENS C/\SlllERS General or 2301 San Joaqwn fice. experienced part Hills Road ume. $3.50 hr. Apply The •C•D•M _____ 640-_S94.· -" Earl's Plumbing, 1533 W. l.lncnln, Anaheim. Call 64.2-1753 ext ll CASHJER, llead Cashier 11l Cost.a Mesa Branch St.on! f\J II ll m e position for mature person. Ex- penenced tn casluenng, telephone, 10 key. lite bookkeepang & other of· fl~ duties. No typing $4 00 per hr. Apply Mon · Fri. Mpm. The Earl's Plumbtng, U33 W. Lin- coln, Anaheim . o r call &12-l 7s:J ext U. CASHIE R n eeded part time hrs. mom & eves avail. Apply in person . STANDARD SHOES 3077 5. Bristol. C.M. OcncaJ Sdn Coordinator TraiMe A fantastic }ob for a person w /personality . PR abiUly & hght lyptnl( Majo r cor p w/r;rcnl ~ poU.'lllJal. Irvine Persoonol Agcn c·y 488E17lh, Costa Mca:1a Slc22A 642 1<170 OericaJ GREAT JOBS! •Rle C IHils •Typbk ·~cmartes •Acccumnq Clerin •OU:o &.try Opn. .1 .. 11, 1111 I" .am • ll1·1, . ,, ~rn 1 .. 1t I '1r1l1·,:.111u .. I' T~rry Stt"tiCM JHVIN I'; 7:'>2 1~.1. f':(I 1: <.'OM P /\N I O N 1 llO M E MAK E R f 1or dtlc rly IJc.ly 1n "''Pl} -.ul'T'1Undin1!' l.1 \I' m '. ilJV'> Wkn•1' 1111 ;\fl )..,iu. 1•w11rk t;i:, I'll~> 0 1fH•·tt "l'Jrt· 11m!• 1ntc1 1 ;,.,h l'l your p•>< kr•l I' 1 •I mrtrt• mffl c.ilt kll2 12tll l'OOK. Hrl'akflt~t l'>qwr rll'(' Rrf'11 rht-t•kt-d /\pp ly ~..13 W C:ua~l llwy. N ti IN! 47118 Ow>k & cuok'11 hclp<'r for Jo'rl l'M. Sal PM. Sun AM r•1ly tOO'J Barndt: Dr. NII 5<.'C chef WC<! t 'rt 3PM COOK (he shift Smull Cunv a I t·sr,. n I llo,111t:il Jo:xpr r1•11 T hun thru Mon work _,_.k 10 AM to G 30 PM Aµµl y in pcr11on 1'1wi. th ru Thur'! T h•· Gardt•ru. 450 Glennl'yre. l.nl(Wla fleuch COOK F,xp(•rlt•nn·d d1nnc•r n 10k. full t1ml' To p wngcs Apply 3 :>pm , no phonl' calls J olly HORt'r. 400 So Coalol llwy , Laguna Heach COOt< Full 11m1• Sr. <i•tlf Cour~•· Hcs t a urant 492-24% COOK 111,11 1r•'. wo 11 1:r"""'' •I 111ur h11rr11 I 1><'41 ' A l .. 11\ f11r ( fJUll'• l•ll -.111J l l oJIJl>llJll l I r;111n 1 \l ... r.h.111 1''1••11n· 11 ""'-.: .. ·t "-1lrlfl n'l 1'\IM:r nt•t ( .oll 1.1:• ....... r' l\ml• 1 htlp l>Jk• 1 '.1 • l,1111 \l<Hl llJ" • 'I" I 11 11111111 r I•"'''" l '.111. Plf'1" ,,jt .lf!f ft.., JI t I' flt '11 l'••n •.chmll\l 11 .. , .. 1, fu ll I l1111 •• '" I ~,>,p ,111tl1•1t ol 11111· I,., .. \ \ II I\ 11111rrr .1t• r'"l'I I'.' I" r p1ofol 'IJIJ I) "I"'' I ,111 11-1. lt..11 • l•1hrn '··•• \ppl 11 ' f lo·nt.1f \ t 1tr1 h11 1 hr '"•l••I HI I \I 1 ~~II I' irl l•lll• "' ti 11 •<lltll••r lto·lp \1 1111d 11 111111 Ill> 111 1 11.1'. I"' thn ' t-r1 1,.irn .1}1f11 1'1u"I ""•'f ~ 1 ·q• .al''\ ••• II" ro'!,,ololo• \Jild\ 111 l~•llf f1t • IJrt)1'1 I \I' ~. I'"'"'"· (;1ald"11 11•11 HIJ.\rt'<I 1;12;.11;.:!1; l>111ut 177'1 I ll••u1•h Ill. 1111. i! til o t· k .., n " ( 'f,,Jl)t·rt ()lUfll•·• h1·lp full I 11m 1, am to 2 :«i pm, l'h•· H.1k1• :-.hi111 I 0l)ll•lld .Jd 1\1 tJI , 1;;,1 ' llll L"•11mt1·r l '1·r 1)11 1111•il1·ol I-u 11 1 "'"' I '.1111 •·" <..1C&JM.'l"S 644 (Jlt93 l r1 .. J1J & ( 'olk•·\1011' ~. n J" \ 1 n t 1' r , .. I 1 n J' 1·h,dl1·n1t1r1i: ''"'rl< ... 11 h ,, llJIBftl"'""" Jk' f11 .. cr11" • " W1· ,..,,, ,. I \•·rill run 1111\t' •1111·11111.:·. Ill 11 f'tlll & 1111lf'tllftll f'~fll'r!t'IH f' ,.r .. ft·rr1·d r•11 .... 111 l work.n" • •1111l1L1""' ,., • ll •·nt 111·11 .. r1i.. < • .i I Ht li2HJI M on ~fl . H .u ;,1·~t l•1 oirran14c• 111 tl'fVll'W I': I) 1-; ~ ... C:l.l"ll•.d 1arl. 1>ulilw litirnry & j!,irrfrn. l'd~1 Full llrnc <.::.ill ci73 ~,k J\'11111 t-'n . &rnApm CUSTODIAN I' tlrn<' ;,f\cr M'hrtnl 1, 1lay Sa t urda y Lln-.d f'i·,l l'.ontrnl ;.1~i 1'. l>>•·r 1111, Si\ '.fl'J W21 Cti~IODIANS DAYS Men & wl)mr·n lnmr· & N'H arl'a, 1:r11wl pay mu.,t hav<• own phonl' & l'oJf K:n-70l5 DF:U llEl.P Exp. ref. full 11mc• 644 ::.619 DEUVERY MAN • for early t •. A T1me1> homt- dclJvcry f;("<mO. t·ar re <id AdulL"I Only 2'7 hrs 1JOr day N•1 C<1llcct lnl? W2:1Pl'r mon nc•l takt- hol'Tll' + bonu."1"' t gas al lnwancc Wc11tm1nstl'r G G. area11 6:M $400 OcUv<'ry D1•111.1I 1\~.,1l>ta11t p.1 rt limo· P'" for l"·:ir·h .1r1· 1 /'.,-11111 "'""'" x HJ)' I ' Pf'f' rt>q x.17 .i:,1:t IJ\'f'll.11 t-'rcrnt c 1'f11·1· i\pµt 111 ' I'!'~ IStlJI ti t'\ 11..-11 • 11 • 1· 1 -.-.1· nt 1.11 ~J.1.1hh\h<.,, .,ff,,.,. in ~Int Olrl'ol !-..11.11"\ •lfl4'11 llt1n '>ruuk cr G4S 6..'IO I l>mtul ~llOOJ'\l Xlnt Wl'>rk1n11 ,-..nd & fHI\ t., pi·n1-nr·1· pr..f,.rr•'fl 4 11 .• ~ .._,,.,_ M2 141•1 OENTAL/Anht. l'\.tll 1111w " f" n1·n• 1·•1 1 h.llf \llk frir frh nrlh l •;I.I Mt .... 011 (,,, ht'lltf ll'> & \,1l~n I ";oil ~fl''31 l'll·n1.1I lh111 r\ldt• A '~t 'I/fl plru .. 11n1 r;:rour• r rlll' UC'I', """ µrc·f rl I d,1y "'k incl allt'malr !-.JI morn., &10 1122 JIPnt.11 A ~~•s l Orlho <'ha1r.i11de. 1•x1wnc·n<'1-d & RDA prl'fnn'<l 1-'u II or part t 11n<• t'rll'nrlly of f1f'f• WI ~ 170 OENT Al. {;Iii\ I RS I lH'. /\11.,t, 4 day work wr"k S 11lury o p<·n l'u ll :..-w.:nM> Dental J :>' I ('lhlC':ll quality ofhre Let u11 1n1k1> you an offer you can l r..f use Hun llngt on &rll'h tMS-0777 m :NTAL INSUKANC F: /\.~7 Min expt'1" ~d oo romputl'r tra1n1nl( will bl• provulrd Sal romm ""1.'JCP Coll 642 rn:1_._ ~k r ll-rk, mWlt be• 11bh' to wl)rk wf•Pkends & eves The Inn At Lul(una. 2 11 N C:•H•~l ttw y . l.aguna Bcoch DRIVERS 1Apply ot Thto Employment & Troin inq Center, 538 Moin Stre~t. Hwttiitqt°" leoch. Thl"W ~ CET A. funded positions, r-e-qulr inq Hllntiftqton boch residency, 8 out of ttte p ost I 0 ""'"' wntt111ploy!M'nf and Ofl Income ..,hich fnttis Federal quldc-Unu. Median.ci He4~ S820 Pe r MCM1t11 Clt-rk Typi,t S678 Per Month T ~hlnq A uistan+ S678 Per MOf'ltft Trtt/Lanchcope MalnleftaiO S640 Ptt MOftffl 8uildil'M) Molntettartc:e S640 Ptt MOftffl Aftd Morry 0ttten For special Vehrons proqram, c; a ll 536-2526 or 639-8554. U r 1 ' 1· r I \ T 1 m • .. mrwn .... "WTl dt•f:M·nd 1 Jr ~ ,ulary t-l.Mmu~ !'.<• 1111 Jr•• !l H !11 II Iii • H.111~ f"J ,t:CTHl<'li\. J<.e:.1d Onlv To Sl!i 962~i l::h'rtnr1an.-. !::.rip d, h1.ih quitl1ty lo ('O'.t All L1t1 t.lec1nc 642 4521 DEC SECY/ PSlSOM FRIDAY Our r•1mpon>, .1 h11:h 1wrfo r m1n1: 1ntfi, ulu.11 who t·.m rt'l'J'\Jtn 1·.1lm ~ fWlct lf>naJ und<"r hc•1·t 11 pn..-... .. urc ii1tuat1<Jfl!i. dl"JI a6serllv<'ly w d1\1'r"· person:iht1es & k t t'll pe~ with our fru-t mnv ttUt direct on Se<'rl'tanal ~klll a r t>qu1rrd shorthand. '~wnl1nii. d1ctt1phonr, a l'ru r .1 tr l YPt!Wrtt1 n g . dl'lall orH·nltd ~cro\\ c·x pnit'f'I~ an advantJl(c Call Ms. Heap. 640 !1350 ESCROW SECRETARY EXEC SECRET ARY ~.'lfrrll .. nl i.1•1·rl'l.11 1.al .J\1IL., J.)ynaml(' t'll' lf•Hl 111o ·nt low Pt'"On 14 h11 1 .1n w11 r k 1nd1•pt'ndt•nl l' SI ~•1 month ~ .. ,.,1 r1• 'Uf'lll' In r<M'lf1d1•111" lto l'<>lhn~ A11'>()('-. , St.7 San Nwota. .... Newport &•at·h 't!O·;(J 1-:Xp h.1r k ,,,,.,.,. l"r hu'> ped1dlrl<'1an ~ 011111· tulJ ti me &w <mu ••EXTRAS•• lll'f'<frd ' Hit pl J} 1•r' &- · xtra.' for ITVIJ m11(11on fl"' t' ~n<·' & l>O\' Iv ;·1m1 merr 1 al'i Nl"'<I P"'>PI•· for Org VJ '"' 1,,,. !>hoot inJ?) Ca s i 1ni: n l)w ' •t7Hl~ 0120 t•itt ~1 We• havt' cai.ll'd for "f.',1'11 Break" "Love Al t'tr'>l Bit(• "Rcx·k y 11 · !>m fet: Gomi into 5lh )r hllf'd ov<"r ~.000 Jobs FACTOltY WORKBS in Cht•m1cal l<t-frn1•h 1-\111 t1mt', 1wrm r)f)!,1 Ex.ec. Typing Servi cf! U.'tt~. resumes, lt-r m pape rs . c a sse tte transcribing, typing overload. et c . Su 11an 962-3127. • •••••••••••••••••••••• Tl'd''I Window C<lrc l'rnf window clcanin11 TL-.nlJI ru!A:b Heh 642 71193 01111·.:t· 1'lud1·nL'I, w1nrtnw wa-.111111: Hc~1d ... ton•!> Xl•H wrJrk 6<14! ~449. 00 7'.lll For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AB-YlSOR 642-5678 7 100 I' • 111 " •' I-J ,. t o r ' l'df ~ .. j 1·1 , $:1 l..1 l.M'f hr ••• ,1.1rl \11 nt rJ t'" 1 . ..11 \l.,rn •1\1.J \ \ 1· ;-, II ,;11 .J4 1 1-" c ti J '> I I< \' I< I ~,I l'l-11\ I~ 11( I 4 n I'" l t1 ro I I I•,,, 111 "'' r ka• '"'" l'11rt 'l 1..,,1 1 ·on' II •• ·"'' '•W l••irt II \ •I ( • , ' I II ,, ' ' .. ••\I lll\4AI ' • 1 ., ~ it ' 1 ', ~ r 11 1-. 1' I• t••I n ' , tr • •·~ 1·1 •1t 1 w• r ,., 1 "'•rrapr• I h ,,, .d 'l•.' 1• JC t•l.i \t•d ,dtrl•1 pt1••r 1J1,d UI" "'''' '"'•' • r pr• l\'rn•ol 10 1 1c,7 l'.1 t l:wll t,orn 1~t··r l.1• II II 1,,·n••f,11 1olr11 1· po:;1t1111• ·""11 w -.rn.dl lt1<0al 111 ur in•,. 1·11 T} pin~: r•· q •l "'11111r, GENBLU OFRCE Fu II 11 m • p :i rt t 11n 1 \lu I I,. 1~•••1 ..-1111 r111n1 11 1 I 'I, " I \ fl I II I' f>t'{~~ .. al')' ~7 ti727 G&4BtAL OfffCf TR.AIMEE I '. ,n.,111• du•,_...._ 1h ... ni.tl I •J 1f I l f ti• I ''If))~ t Utfl 1•1n\ 1, ... ,.t Jl'>l•·nt1.1I f•>r r1~ ,,, , •• r -.on u ou "'""'' 1 11 \11 p1t1I .1r1"1 , 11 1;;1 G~ftlAl OFAC E l'l.lhh,,h1·r. l · .'d St art1·r )Oh n o 1·x µ1•r11• ,.,.,. 11 "' ,. '.,a r y T y p 1111: . lwrnx 1n1c phon1• II a rtl WQf"ken. only Advuno·,. m1!nl lf..00 '>I art. $8(111 !•I dbys !;.)7 ~14 f11r apJ)l VICTOR MHDS YOU!! 1 \ 111:.1' !'BX l>!K•r.il•lf' 1\1·\ p 111H h Op1·r V. J rt•hou.,1• wurkc•r, ·1 r:iltwr """'mhl•·r' \\ork '4h1·n you \\:.int t•; '.: I'. \ 1-· It A FE E . /111nu''"· rs II today' ~~-85l0 8:l5-262l! MW Bookkeeper, full time, company b e nefit s, 51'7..f7S2. lrvioe. Ca.shier for drug store. Ex:p. pre(emid. 30'lt ~ Coa st Hwy , C dM . 673-2550 PENSION CASE PROFESSORS fTrall:Hsor •xperiewcedl Pension d e pa rtment needs individuals for n:any aspect.a of P ension Adm inistration. Daiu c math abilities required Rii~ 1''1111 t i me'. fo:x ::-<>lle nt dn vinl( rl'<'Ord rl'{)u1 n'CI F or appn 1ntmcnl, ~7 9212 Ncwp0rt Sta lloncrs Inc. Early mornings to mid aftf'r noo<tn!I Ocll v1•r bakery prod UC l3 to 8U(>(•r mar\t.1.s. ~ 7 6727 bt wn 9 AM&noon Our beautlrul Newport Beach and Santa Ana n( rices have immro1ak op portu111llt'S for SM'rC'l:iry with i.ix month .. '! or mnr<' e x p e r 1 e n 1· •• Rcapom1b1lilJes will in- clude telephone rom munlcatlon with tit le companlee and ll l(bt r e ~ d uues. Typm~ of t wn. lfl.:hM·l\<orJI < 'hpm 11 r w " r k c• x 11 t w r h1•m 11•als h•·l 11ru I [)ay & 1•v1• sh1fl ~turt $t hr Will tra m l,;omril Med/lnsr benef1l11 pd for by rompuny Pd vara ttoo plan J uly & Der + mcnt bonus plan Auto s alary inrrf'll~f.' pro- gam E 0 E S4!1 J21H (~'fll'fRI Bootlkeeper-Gen 'I Offc. A/P, AIR. P /R • colloc· Uon. Mature w om a n. 540-1.500. CASllEIS UTOTDJ MAllETS Openlnp now available for full time assistant menaaen oo 2nd. & Jrd. abill. No experience n~ We train. SUrt $3.10 lo $4 per hour. Advancem ent opportunity for manage· ment l)OIJltioos lo ~ SO per bour II quallfled. For Good opp or t u nit y lo work In area or e x- pansion an<i growth. We offer out11tand1 nl( wurking coodlUons and a bberal benefits packaite. U you qualify , please ap· ply in person to · #'' ,... •• l"-d NewPort Reach --------- COOIS/&prd. f\111 or port time. $40+ per shin 1r qualU1od XJnt be n e f Its A p'\:> I y 1 n person Rob's t'am1l y Restaurant. 1409 So l!:I Cam in o R ea l. San Oemente Bookkeeper·F IC : Fo r a .oowilll consulting firm facete d In F u h lon 1alaDd. NB. Be nefits In· 'elude meJo r m ed , mllHCe a l l owance. per_kln a. e ll n•t'I hollde19 • your birth· dayotf +i wk vaceUon. Call Glmn Obea or Ted 8avl111&M4-tl7'. IUSIOY A.UNCH EXPEJUDCS NEC. mire lnlonnaUon & In· /Iii\ Wview So lo 1tore 82 a t ~ PACIFIC ll\UTUAL JOOOt Cro wn Valle y , 700N.-poftCeotMOr · La&uu NlpettM, -.MO Newport Beach, Ca fll2M() Cook wanted, p /l for sm reslr . Ple asant cond. Will train, aome exp . pref. UJ-1570 a nd '75-4720 Tuee thru Fri· day. n.u. maa orcaUn•,vr . .. ~ .......... 0., • Dllht, full UllM. Appt1 only. llon·Frl. Equal ()ppor Employer An F.qual Opportunity batwem ' • 5. Suter iltreet Rut . 41'7 M9cArtbur. Cl lllCAL,,.._. Recau'ree typ{na ekllla and' belle lmowJeda• ln math. Saler1 com · Bualnellman 1eeu P it meuurate wlt9' 11tlll1 -..oetat• ln 1row ln1 and e:tllW· Otnce ln Npt 11aarkttlDI bualneu . 8dl. Call..._. ..... Olm.al ...... J'OU°N ~lnl or ........ Wonllf\ p/t 1.e ~ Cluatfled ed· ,.._ Mca/M Lt tMrtcal Mtlllnl wW ·~ your .,... .., Trt,a. .\ aa>· ...... ,. .... rtflll... ....... ........ ... ~, ...... ..-.. ........ Employer M /F Cook wanted for Italian _-TYPIST Rat. Exp req. M tf', Call --m.3864. ,._Noon. Relpcmlble for typln1 • ftllq, muat be accurate COOK · wante d f o r I& fut. •Ho mo. + Mothers Kitchen Natural benefit• ii 1 e ne r o U1 fi'oodl Rest. Call or atop ve ca tt o o , U n It e d by 1750 So. Cat. Hwy, Ctrebral Palay. Mf.&'190 lAa. Bch. 4'7-1730. C o 1 m e tl e lao t o r W..un&nat« For appt. Am Nlcbola. 5IO-U33 WllllAd ...... IOM71 ... ~ --.. --... ._ ........ ,. ·~ ........... p .... DBJVERY & STOCK full tune, xlot bcnem11. !)CC Harold , 495 K lllh St. C<.wila Mesa. ~vrry, Pit. <I 30 9pm Own lr11ns. Mon Fri SQme wknd!s rt'<! Mu~t beovr 18. s:Jl-0811 ---OelJvery P/t1meAM . LA. Times. $100 per weok La~a Beach. 494 -8496 -- Delivery, supplemental Income EcooomtcaJ rar needed. After noon& Laguna Beach , So. i...,una. San J uan Ca Po area. Call 1be Re&Uller, i51-1W Delivery Penoa. AppUu· Uona now bein& takeo for ware houae-d e ll very helper. Ne w furniture warebousloa and de· Uvery nrm. PhOoe for appt. IOAY to Noon. SLartln1 ,-eae M per hr. Good edvencement few th• rlabt peraon. ....,., Dental A11l1t. Do )'OU ,..,.. • career In, Ort.ho utllldq au four RDA akilla? H>-0121 HJVSlS a..curc• Gd drlvlllg record. exc·el earn1n1 potential C-888R DRIVERS FOR SC1100L BUS Men or womf'n. free tro.mln11 for work start mg Sept I LI<" or will tra1.11 UI yrs or older. ~. hr Med lx.'llef1ls J\SSOC I AT F. 0 CllARTE Ri:D BUS COMPANY School St 6 Service St. 1\&IUn 5'4-~En227 DrY•s Needed In Nwpt Harbor, nut be Cft'Ofled. Nep. tame Dlvtna Co.~ DllV•S Mm.« wocneo 21 yn or older. Know the coeat c:au.. Net UIO a week o r more. O r an1e Co u t Yellow Cab, 17IOO Mt . H•rrmann. 'ounteln Vall•>'· CNo of Slater betwn Nawbope 6 llllcld) .. 3:> wpm required. 1bme poglt10011 olfer l op alert ing salaries. ex fo'AC:T'ORY llELP Shop t rainee Im ml'd 1at'' opcrung for nght f('malt• In lab dept Xlnl 1·0 benefits &. monthly re v iews Call for appt Oeltroruc Corp ~S-0403 cdlenl tUOWtb poleot111I r---------and <JUUtaodtn& benefits Including. •Pree health insurance •Free dental insurance ·lo~ parkiJ1I •Profit lbartn1 Pleue caU for on In· WView appolntmtnt. PIDllJTY ....... ..,._&L.-AUlll (7J4 ) MS-81 I l f.quaJ ()poortwU&y Employer FACTORY Looking for a maturt'. ruipom1ble pe~n to dn Ute work In factory Will trai n seasoned In dMduaJ. Apply 1n person Klnpley Mfa. Co. 1984 Pl•cenlla Ave . C.M. between lOam la Zpm. FACI'ORY • Immediate openl.op for 2. Hc•YY WUna required. Ability to operate stand up fork Uft. VaUd Calif. drtve"' Uc. Must speak ir un When ~ call Clualfied dlntand En&llab. \Ohr. to place eo eel, JOU.,. aa· d ey . 4 d a 1 w e c k . 1ured of • friendly llertroo Joe . 2200 So. w.tcosa. and belp io ~. S.A. s.&-MU. ......, ,_,.eel for ti.It r.,poaH. Call Now I O..an.d Ada. 10UI' oae-...,. ......... ~. HOMt:MAKEH.S MONEY' E)ithu.'l1ast1r tnd1v1du11ls ea m j:Omm. to $2,000. b y Th11okiqpv 1n ~' Ot'mOn!>tr ale loys & .t1ft:i (;omplele lra1ninK. No delivering or coll1•1'l· lnR Need car Call 714 551 ~6. collect lo Moe lme. Gi!U's Gadgets · "Our 2!llh Year " Gu'lcraJ Western ftlPtWT UlflCll llC SfNCEllM OflfiaS: •(Anl ., abort term ~ ·Never • .... -Top Pay Reta •Pakt Weeki¥ locally •All typea ol cl-1caJ poalllona open 712-IMO 711-IJIZ 1a2 MacArthur Bl 77MJIO •S~t £.0.£. 11 /F t ""'·-~-------..---~-----· -·····--·------.,.._ .... ._..,,.. __ _ .... ,-·- H.fpW• .. d 7100 HelpW..ted 7100 .W,W..e.cl 7100 .............•.•..•..• , ......•.•...............•.•.•...•.•..•.•..•... HllpW_.... 7100 HlfpW...., 7100 He4pW..t.4 7100 JA>CTO.tAl.j'hn Maldl. •m The Inn 1t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (.~la MNI lrl'h Mature Laf\&fta , a11 N Co1sl ~RSESA.IDE Opm1nu oo all 1hll'ts for cCrtined .w.e.. Clasaa 1vall for lnexper INSPECTOl~N PROCESS l.ltMra.I C)rf j('e PIHOMflllDAY t't"t '*'d. Olvt1 a hnd to a llUl)er buu! Duo. h"p PY atmoephtte for lht• MU 1tartcr. Gtt>at ud vuc•m•nt potential ~per ModJI.& Tu lll.4JiO Alilo ree ,oblJ. Call Mary O'Omnor, $40-5001. SQeJI lni • Snelllnl( uf ~ Buch A.gea<')'. 4.)eO Campus Ma n uraclurinti mcdlcnl company needs a person Who I a ~If-starter. hkei, dela1l work. capable of working under u m l('rosc-ope or with <1mall pa rt" Kno w led .ce or soldl'rang ope rul1ons & re:.h .. t. nl'I! \H'ldin.: prO l't'">St·~ ht-lpful \.ood h~n t-hli. M1 ss1 o n V1cJ o art•a . Sulury rom m ~nsurntc "'1th l'Xl>t.·r IUOl'!' Only t host• quatifat.•d l>t>,•k m~ pt·rmttn,·nt t• m p I Cl y Ill •· n I , " u I I U t· t t y I u r tippomlmt"'nl 581 38JO GIRL FRIDAY l'osung Cleric. Froot otrace ex p~r1 e n<'e prderred, dut.aes mr lude answenng phones, typing & work 1n g with addio~ machine Costa Mes11 <irea As k for Helen SS"l-8961 HOSTl.SS f\111 ume llMtl"\3 want ed. days Apply In l)\'r"OQ 3-Spm, no phoot> eal11' Joll.)I Ro.: er. 400 Sv \:ool Uw)', La1tun4 UL-ach Hothu/Cahrla9 s.c.r.t.-y Exper1t'nr1· 111 dinrn>i room <;1J1>4•1 v1s1on & ban qut!l boolung r~wr~ Pnvalc Club J\pply 111 person Wednt,;s lhru Sun lJ Jffi 10 Jµm 180 I Bayside Or. CdM llCllT AUDIT a.Ell Good QPportunlly for D rei111blt! pt'11'00 Wllh 410 aputude for numt~r'I &c e1ikUIMt<1r !>kllls N<'tt W.> ex per prl'I Ath' un l'l'mcnl 11µportun1t 1<'1> avaJI JoJ!JoY .\Int com pany benefi t ~ Al>JJl.Y 9am 12 Noon. Monlf"n. 1-'f'l"S(Jflnel MAJUUOTT HOTE1 !lltJ Ne'4 IJ(>rt Center U1 Nt•wport ll.•u1·h Equal Oppor t::mplyr M1t>' Gfal. FllDA Y Typmg. payroll. book · keeping, for packagUlg design co. Costa Mesa Contact J im Weddle . 1611 Monrovia. ~9640 liuf>tt:S.">, expcnenced, fuJI ume. Beach House 61~ Seepy~ollow ~nc,L B i--------- GWtfriday~ Office skills required. No shorthand. Will train SaJary open. 642-3490. Girl needed to work 1n of. fie<' & sales capacity for fin~ Jewelry establis h· ment 21 + years of age No exper. necessary. We will train. Apply in person or contact Ken Strulh. 2300 Harbor 81 vd. C.M. Ktrlt J ewelers. ~9485 ••GO GO DANCERS needed now by Screen Artist Mgmnt. 778 1080 1-:xt 95. G.ard Jobs SAVE GAS lf you want lo work, w1• tuive a JOb for you .. near ~nur ho me. All shr£ts availahlc Call for ttppomtment Mon f'ri Sam 5pm (714) 525·2386 1$.Tl W Commonwealth FUilerton, Ca Mon Fri8:304·30 (714 I 540-6446 230 WWamer Rm Z17 Santa Ana, Ca We15FcrCJO G.9d s.r.ius Division ol Baker Protection Services Equal Opportunity Employer M I F GUARDS Full ' part time. J\U areas Uniform :. furnisbed. Ages 21 or ovtt. Retired wekome. No experience nee. App- ly Universal Protection Ser vice. 1226 W Stb Street, 5anla Ana. ln tcrvlew hours 9·12 & l 4 Mon thru Fri. ------HAJR STYLISTS & 8SSIS· tants. Openings now al Mi c hael Garr ison 's Beauty Salon Call 64.U470. Hardware sales, full or pl-ume Apply in person, Crown Ha rd ware, 3107 E Coast Hwy, CdM. HARDWARE Ret.aH Sales full time. 240 Broadway, Laguna Bch. 497-4403. HOMEMAKERS. Light housekeeping, meal pre · paraLloo. Ruo errands. wartt full or part time. NEW RATES. Paid t r avel. U PJOH N HEALTH C ARE SERVICES, 752-0992. E.O.E. llostess. Xlnt oppty to supplement tn C'o m c Welrome m·w n·s1dcnt!\ Perm p/t. l•i ex hrs Need C'a r & t y pewri t e r lloi.p1t.::1J1tv ll ostess Service, 547 :t095 llotel/ Motel exp. mg ht auditor & del>k clerk Ap- ply Bruce ~m1th 9 5. San Oemente Inn Hotel Recept1on1sl. Will tr ain. Neat, accurate. honest & d e pendable. F1exible hours. Laguna Beach . 497-1087 or 497.2446 $2 CClft ~t you $75 oll it hllltt ii a PENNY PINCHER AD P11valr onCJovodua1<, tan now sou any 11<:m o r como111a11on ol 11ems 101a11n9 Sl '..1 o r leo;s w11h a 3 lone ao !or 2 rorisocu1011" days l or only \2 C 1 c h t11111ol•011JI lon!J o!> 60< for lhO 2 aays Ch a•'11' your Ponny Ponc..rio r Ad or u'>e your Betn ka rnl'•lcard or M;i<,lo•t ro:irqo No com- me1c1al ads acccp100 Call todcry .ct we your ad in print tomorrow! C ofl M--, ~ hidoy l :OOAM to ~:JOrM fOI' HI.I dey'• ~ Of" C .. bl' ·-M s.twdoy for s..s.,·.,..-. 642-5678 DAILY PILOT WE ARE G·R·O-W-1-N-G! «'irowl.. Mewc:: IHclt MorlcJtHJ• ca.,., ... • ..... I II for ... Iola"""' ......... . • LEGAL SECRETARY. Staff Council needs organized, efficient legal secretaries wilh prior expr in contracts, litigation, legal filing. * FULL C HARGE BOOKKEEPER. 5 Yrs. minimum experience, secretarial skills. gen'l ledger, data processing ex pr. helpful. '* INVESTOR SALES. Callf. real estate license required. * CLERK TYPIST. For Investor Services Dept. with good growth potenUal. • WORD PROCESSOR OPERATOR. Mass mailings, le'gal documents. AccountJog procedures. ..,., .. ,.,... .. AMlllCAM NOMI MOU.A .. 1• ....... c:.llr' "· ..... .... ,.. ... ca . - H o t e I T c I e p h o n ,. Operulor, m u:.t be Kie p 'd , Aµply 10 llolcl Lagunu 44!5 So Coa-;1 11 w}', Lagu11u Bc h 4IM 1 l!il l~l'I WMTY/W AITRESS ROOM sav1ee We are st.-eking a day shlft room service run ner. EnJOY c·xccllcnt rompany bcn<'f1L.s. Apply !).noon, Mon· t"r1, Person nel. MARRIOTT HOTEi. 900 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach llOUSE CLF.AllH:ns M F S4 00 per hr l::x~r w rar 759 1557 l IOl '~fo:l'l. t-: \~Jo: HS (~1r Of••. I' T r .. p S$ (;1.11~ha111 <;ir11;.i:; 5123 lfnust'rl!.'an••r ~o ;irrn 1•1t~ J\r l>ov•·r ,, Cliff N U Own tr ans 955 23!11 Houseclcancrs Top $ ror l'drl or f'ull·l1 m c worltcn. ::ioJ 1 439'J Uouseclcarunl\ · Part time or f ull t 1 m ~ Own lran.->port1.1l1on Start 1m med Top$$$. 673 0968 or 646-4871 l louM:keepeN. full t1m<• & r ,1', goo<l workmJ! com.11 tions. 8 pd holidays E.O.E. Bayview Manor, 6'2-3505 ------H ousek eeping HPlp need ed. L1111una l:lc h Resort hf)tel . hrs flex. paid vac -t-bonus. ~1196 llou.-..!kecpn C.:htld c·an• ages 5 & 7 t'uuk1ng Pn \at~ h ouseh ol<.I I year exper $J2ij pt r week Room & l>oanl 11 hours per we<•k pcrma nent. l 1/'i for overi1 mt' T a k e ad lo nc;irr !>l Employment Ocv('l<>P m c nt D epartment 0 0 T 301474 010 Ad pa.id for by employer ------- HOUSF.KEEPJ-;Rs . Sat lhru Wed. lull 11me, good bcne f1ll> 4000 ll1l.u1.J Way, NB 642·581il HOUSH<EEPat Nr>exp nee Xlnt benefits Aa yvrew Con' Hosp. 2055 Thurm St C.M. 642 3505. E.O f. IMMB>tAn PA.RTTlME EMPlOYMENT '400.$750 + "'°""' The DAILY P I LOT needs auto route dnvers for home newspaper de- 1 iv e r y 1n t he San Clemente area. Must have dependable rar Seven days. Afternoons <2:J0.5:~J M·F & morn· ings o n Sa l /Sun !S:J0.8:~). Some collect ing required. l!:ammga based on size of route. Call 496·6800. Ask for Foster Ouellet or Mike Bush. INSPECTORS For pr o du c ti o n sailmalte r . N r OC Airport. 979-1483. INSPECTOR -Immediate opening for PCB IMpeC· tor . Mu s t hav e knowledge ol color code· polarilies·componenls · workmaMhJp. Martron INC. 2200 So. Ritchey, S.A.5418-~ lnlulatlon lnltallen Ex· p'd, for Union loaU). Co, in So. o.c. Call: GWco IMu.IJIUon -.am. luurance Property ~ Ca1ul\J Au't . E~per DIC oWl 2 yrs l.ncld'g typ\01. Xlnt benefits. Jamee ln 1u~ance , Irvine. Call Maurine .,..._,, £.0.£. IMSUl•MCI Ae••CY Fln • cuualty, com-merc:lal llnea un· dll"writ.,.. E1pertence r•• 'd. Roberllon lolwanee A.aoe. Inc, ~- • !] !l ~ ntt'<.l'-"ll •vcs, 6 to ltwy, Laruoa Beat h 9 C'..-11 Tl• 1~ 1503 •JANITOKIAI •. •'ull tmw, ~c ......... lrvtno •"'" '700 mo +-1ea11 al . \owai\t' to 11lut lmmoi upenln11• ava i l 1 1 n~3111112 JANITOR lmnv'(!1ah1 vpcn1n11, for J"11lotilll duUH Ill uur 1•1ant iShc>p 11rena APl'l.V IN l•t-:RSON LEAi SIEGLER DAMSPOn DYMAMICS 3131 Wl-$t :,egcri.trom Sulit• An:., Ca !:.q u id Opr. lrnplu y m1 ,b Jl·weler Top six'<'ial or dcr for mfi: Jeweler Top JlU{': fn11~1· be111•f1\s & "l 'V wurklr1.i 1·01Hh C lrtu11(d.:nly !17!1 1; \;!.I JEW!UY SALES l 1pt101 t ror ert'ut1vl' c;ah"" po•l".•lll '4 Ith !>Olll\' l.o<Jk kt"t-•pml'( NB ti.JI 4607 •JEW'ElRY SALES• 1-:xp.·r'd ror Su Coast l'laza Mall r\'1:111 'iton• :\11\· ticlcmum>tl onl> l.iy your alJ1l 11 y l t> bf· ereat1v1•. all·rt. H·lf mouvaled & w1lhn~ncss t o a:.:.uml' , ,.,µ.111 Matunly 1s an as'>N Co l>e nd M r Kl 11H Weisf1dd~ f,.,I() '/Iii>! keytape OperofOt" Manne llanJ.,..irc 1>1:.tr lot Ill In 1.11<· ha'> 1mme.J operunJ? for l'l.'r!.On '4 I} r f'xp. hr:. l:I 5 M1H1 fo'r1, Ma JOI' bl.'nd1h 1nl'I l'WO Ml-cl & Life l ni.. 1•.11t1 Vacations & h<ilttla vs Cal l 556 05•10 ror In tcrv1ew. as k for Bill Ayers L.ilOR L'nique reta1 I nur'>cry I' .. luo!Jng for .in vuti:mni.: pt,'rlton ror ,, full llrO\ \dn1 11111 r111 ... 1t111n •r " Moo (II 1-·rr. µI, ... , ... 11ppl) 1.11 per.,on 11 5. M 1-· ROGER'S GARD EMS 2301 San Joaqwn H.11L<1 Hoad 64(1-594-1 CDM Landscape G a rde ner public garden, CdM Full umc <.;all 67:t ?.268 Mon ~1 .8am-4pm LffsiftCJ Lo an processor e x perienced only. Xlnt benefits. Call Carol or Martin 640-5 I 00 AMER IC AM STATEIAMk LEGAL SEC'Y F.x<'ellent \lc1ll s . :-\ewpon. Bear h K1n1ll} call C7M l C.IO·!JQIO L~A!. Sl-:CRl-:TAHY lo partner re<.1uiremcnl:. Xlnl l y p1n l( & s horth anrl , auln tyll('wnlc r ell.per dc:,1ra l>ll' s /\ & Tu.~llO Jr CiJ Xlnl l>(Jlary ''umm. with ability & <:x p c r 714 !713 2137. l.EGAL SECRF:TARY fur pannf>r m Npt Keh Jaw firm Min :tyr'> rx per in ht.Jgaoon & husc ness1rorporal1• Go11d bent!. Please 1•all Mr Peterson. at 714 752 2510 LEGALSECRF.Ti\kV MAID Eq> prd'd, f ft.pl\. 662-30)0 MAIDS WANTfD for pnvat.t1 rellOtt Slart Ir~ t:Xp preferred WW train. l'uU Ume Apply In per&On. 4J9 N Coast Hwy. Lag Bch or call 714 /494-8SZ1. Ask for Elaine. ~man for SS W'.lll ~complex ID l:. M 642 5073. (213 J86S-38SI Maint.eoan<-e-Ha.ndyma n Apt malnt-bldg clean up (.' M -N.8. area. Truck or van desirable. fUll t1me ~per. oec. 642·1003 Mluntenance P /lime ap j)l'UX 2 mos. Painting exp rll."'-' 1'usun area 1!31·9081 M1111ai:er /n1Rht!I Im t:ARN WHILE YO U L.£AHN Apply al P1a&ahlp Conv Cent.er. 488 f'laphlp Rd N¥lt-Bch. M%-aMC Nunlna MIMSISA.IDIS ~ Certlfit!d only. $4.00 per hr. XJnt work cood. & benefits + alclt pay. ~ bed facility . BayvJew Conv. 2055 Tbunn S t. C.M.642·3S05 ... E 0 .E. IN AM supervisor for 99 bed coov hosp Good work Ing cond. Xlnt bene & reurement plan. Apply at Fl agah ip . Con v Center 466 F1agslup Kd ~~ Bch. 642,tl0'4 NUt'S.lllg LYM Openmg.~ on PM & night shills Part tame Xlnt bene Good s t a rt1(1 ~ sal a r y Apply 111 fl ~h.1p Conv Center. 466 f1agsh1p Rd Npt Bch 642 11()$4 mediate open1u.i fur rught stuft manager (or ptna l'f'Staurant Some l•--lllillliilliiliiiil--• cu~toml'·r c'Cpcr lHt.' ferred Re ferent 1·' a must Call for 1nlcn·1r1o1o after Jpm. ask for J 111 or He1d1, On gmal SJm·, Pu.u . 964 17().1 \ , MARl<ETIMG SUPPORT 1-.'<J)('nl•nrrd 1 rll'phon1· pMplt> will find rru1k1n1• appomt m1•nt c; .,.. 1l h t>u" Ol."SS execu11vei. rnr our romp:iny fJUle•'' re1Naro in.:. !.l1·:1d). and a full We Dre looklll~ for <tn outgomg per~un to "11rk with indoor planti. ISi tbelr mar.ntcnanre tu ll t1m1-. !.Om<' wet·kenth, •'XIWrl('lll'f>O r1•qu1 r1·d l'il'IL..,._. llPPIY 1n l><-'fl>•>O . ,\1 Flj :; ROGER'S GARDENS ~I San Jo;iqwn fill!.!. Ro1td ti40 ./HI llffil' IJO:>lllUll '4 1th J ---------fulurl' Starting s alary SC 00 f)(lr hour. 1nt•n·asM will b<· f~'Quenl and substanuaJ Please rail for an ap poul t.menl.. • 557~282 Equal Opportunit~ Employer .\l.Lrnl'd employed. but "'.ult to ma kr m11rt• in your c;pa.re t1me·1 Call r1ir ll ppl. 494-5168 MATBlllJ. COMTaOL Ma terial t'llntrol e>. ~'d.Jtcr, cntr) ll'Vl'I pt>'>I lion, min I yr office ex pr r eq Ability t o work w1f1~. detailed info a must Call for appl /\ l\rodavis Ind. 540 753!1 1-: CJ E MECHAHIC Foreign car. 8 U$)' In· depe nd e nt s h op DAT SUN /TOY OT A. Renefits. vacation pay Mon·F'rl Mission VICJO 8:11 238.1 &495 5450 Medical Back Of rice ~,:icp ht'lp f ul but n n l ~r~i.ary 847 858.5 for llppt ----~frdit•al Front CJfflll' F:xp on ins uranre & phones Tram on rom puter 847-8585 ror appl Mc.'<JJcal Lab localed 1n Ne wport Bea c h ha.., operung for bngbt. hard working girl to hantilt• IHj SY f r o nt o rf1t·t· Previous o<f1ce exp 11,. '>irable & the ab1ul> 10 ~'Ork '4 eU With 1)('<1plt• Will train on Mmrutrr We offer rompet1l1H• ... a1.1ry. paid va1·at111n. 1Jrof1t shann,R & oth1•r 1Jencf11s J'lt•a<;c• phonr Betty for rnten1e w . 646-4403 ()H "IL"t: L"krk T) pi!.l f,,r 1narvw Mmpan) '~'·'' kno " led~c pref <I 8'l2 2821 (tf1~ Work. part ttm1· hte typ1.11g, f1hn~ lloul' OcxilJlc Newport Bc;u:b \tlrS. J.$02 OHire llclp pn·,lli:1ou :-.H I J v. t-1rrn "''"k hni:ht rr-.p 'ouni; J>"r,nn to run 1·rrJnd' & a'-"'' .... ute nl1• 1lut11·' ~Ill tram :\>fu'>t U.• :11 le-;1,l l'I .,.. \ .1lt<I C'Jllf Un\ "r' I .1• & 11wn 1·:1r I:!·, 1!:111\. S.: hr "' mr I ~1·1 rn lrn r·,, d ('"011111 ~1arry 640 '~1 c tf1re help w;;nted. full UITW Apply '" J)<'r.on JSO<.:lmton. l: M OFTICE CLERK TRAINEE Thi• Daily P1lut h.. .111 1nun~1dtr •of>t.•111111! l nr lrnmee for rull 11m1· permanent pos1t1on 1n our Clal!s1f1t'd Oernrt ment. Must be ablt> tn type J5...40wpm C typ1n.: test will be adm1n1stl•r(-d l.tJ au applrcanlS ), handJr phones. lr arn romputer and o th e r J?t'nt'ral rh·rical dul 1c., Op P')rtunat) for 11uvan«1· rlll'fll and ex<'ellent "''"' pany lk·nl'f1ts ~:d ar) ~\urall' with l'°' peti('Tl('(l f'nr tnto•n w v.. plc·ase call 642 4J21. l'\l m ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 3JO W lia> Str<'el ('~ta ~11.' ... J Equal Opportun1t> l::mplo}~·r --- OFRCE • /\r<'UUnUn I! •Order C:lerlt Shi ppcr We wi ll train MarGrel(or YachL'!, 163\ Plnrmt1a. CM Law fir m n1'ar J ohn ---------,----------· Wayn1· airport nl't'd'I I Orfirr skilled. mntivatrd lt•ital MEDICAL ~·y wclh al IPai:t I 2 yr~ Live-in. $200 per wcflc I business & prohstr o . plU.'I mom & hoa rd 17141 penence to work for a i. "40-611;1 or (213l 428 6431 I sociale Consid1•r at111n I GET IN ON THE AC Tl OM givt!fl however. lo tlln I didates w1thnul leul I W r• I h 3 ' •' training If Otherw 1~t' ~..Portfolio f :l"IJ.:nmrnh IO (11 have good serretan:il !~ } our 'k 111 'I .1n11 background 1nt'ludin1t M 0 n e Y M k l · G ov I ..,. h1·!111l1·.. l'omt• in dictaphonc transcfipt1on Serun t.Jl'S l 3yrs exp nr :in1I r1•.:1-.11•r ro 1n1n cxpenence & mag cnrd. Trainee wtMBA CA M I hr KELLY t1•11m nl Salary comm ensurate JPM-Sal+ Bonus. I 1· 111 fl " r " r v with e xper . Good SendRe:.umc t•mplovN-s t\ll1.1ll1l'l' bcnefiL'i. Call Ms. Pren W B Govaars II, Inc. ,kill~ m·('(!rd lice636-~. 610 Newport Ctr Dr Su1teJ44 UMOLEUM LAYB Newport Be arh, 92660 64S.S41 I MODB.Y-5COl'TS UQUOlt a.a. Altracllve Females Only F\Jll tlme. Mature, ex· s:;oowt+ · 86-6896 pr'd or will traln. Apply Montessor i assis tant Ill penon. 895 W. 19th St. teacben Offded for pre· CM scllool, elementary, Jr LOT PERSON NURSE AID 3-11. Tues· ror car rental agenry. T o day t hru Sat u rd 9 Y. pick up & d eliver La J( u n a HI I I s . customers. IJg hl main· Re fere nces r equired. tenance on ve h icles. h1.gh. 997-3333 some ore work . Cal · Call for appointment. UPJOHN HEALT H American Rent-a -Car. CARE SERVI CES, Sli&-1711 ~.E.O.E LVN req ror n.10it •lilll 1.n sm, luxury facility in NURSE AIDE LIVE·IN Lag\llla Bcb. P is call WANTED. Wort 3 days Mra. Plecko Director ol per wedl (no ""*enda> N f ln beaulifU) Corooa del urain1 or appl Mar.sec>perda)'.Great 4M-8175. opportunil.y! References t1 itl , ,..,....,... requlnd. ?J>Ucatloaa nu ta --.. lt beilna· beUla ICcepted unut Auc Brand new company, 31. Call now for appoint• bond ne w product, men t · UP J 0 11 N brand new carter. lf yo.a H E A LT H c A R F. have the mecbanlcal ap-SERVICES, 752·01194. ... oat •tel> lt an ap-_E._O_.E. _____ _ * Typilk ·~ • Wwdrtoc *Acct Cleta * CMrils T op pa y, paid va<'allons, referral, bonus es. Never a '''(' IELL~ ~t~VICE:~ Call or Come In Today Irvine IJJ.1441 2102 Business Center Onve Suite 208 Huntington Beach 14J.J4tl 8907 Warner Ave t21S Laguna Niguel Ul.ff.42 279S7 Cabot Road r.=: !:.o.1r.~ • _._._ ..._~ Santa Ana ~~ 9'UIJO ru W:l?thSt. CM O!rtUled cmi, ... hr. &ck Tl$ N. Main "9)', I Pd bolida111 ln· I In HltR Block ~. Jllftt WOH\D• 1 Ofnce> cmltkm. 8&Y¥tfwCcJt. E _,.,__uni nl•ttnt lfoep. IOH ,u .. ~ • tJ Tbwin. Cll. tu.l505. mplo1er MIF !!.O.E. ---------- • * DAILY PILOT Of. HlfpWtlllled 7100 ....,W..tM 7100 HafltW.._. 71 .... ................................................................... hlllla''s helper. No U · Produellon Work e r . peritecenecesaary. SUO Fabnc loft layout. cut- Pff hr. au..ec. ung. ae•m.ln~. rillin«. full lime. Wiii train. PAIALEGAL I J .00·14.00 p•r br. NecUum sized defense _MZ-_3045-'--·------BU~ law lltm In Npt 8d1 aeeka luU dme P/f 181H tralned paralegaJ with ldys pr wit + ~day Sat. one lo three yrs law re· Must type At have good laed experience. Start bead for haurea. Call Immediately Salary ~Ll3. E.O.E. M/F/H. competitive. Telephone G 11 1 I S p l e I m a o PUICHASI~ 714t7$9-0U1. a. .. $100 ~g Attendant, neat. fl1M Irvine co. needs out· aggre.ssive. reliable. going indlv w /moderate typtnl, Ex-per Ml nee. position l ead ing t o Beaut ofc 's & great tngmt 673-4800 bt.1lCf1U Call Rita 1-'ART·TIMECOUPLF..S COASTAL f1..EXJBL£ HOU R.S. ....SOMH& 964-5048 For Appt ACHNC y PART TIME EVENINGS Adults wttb outstanding, attractive personalltJcs who \,'l))OY worluog with kid..'!. Over 21 Start at SJ 50 per hour Phont- 64 2 4 32 1 f:11t 250 HET WEt:N 4 00 ~ 00 l'M 4JillforAndna E.Qual Opporturuty l::mployer l'art l ime help wanll-'d 'du..,l be able to work t.hrrlU,l!h w111ter rnont.ru. Mon 1-'rl Sant4w1ch ~hor1 nr OC Airport Will train l.all b•·f 1 Oam or d ft 2pm K33-89rn Mike l'dl'l llm<' Phvt•> bt"1tb Jt trndunt, morninR~ (.Jll lrW 7293 f•art Lim(· W1• hJ\I' -.1·H·rJl ••pc•n 'ru!.' tor r11~h .,, no "•l di'•' ' I U d t• n I ' .o , f• I I I J rBJkt •l"o bu.'t""' I 11 °''' t!llpt'r llCi.' call after 3pm (<J< tnt1•r vlf'"" A~k (or J iii ,,,. llc1dJ. Oni:mal !>dm ' l'u . .z.a. 964 1704 PASTE Utt lJrlun.I( for J compao) wht.or-1:-you 1 .in bwld J 1·art-t-'f"' We would !Jke It> lalk to )ou l'omp!)t.101.? tk'PC oow a rrev11nl( ap f1l11 Jlllln for IJa~lt· uµ 1\pplv PPnnY'-'' n 11,.~, l'l,ll'('nlld l\\i• (',. lJ Ml"'oa fh~ mom l'IX OPER. r.1rn "'1111.. '»U I 1·.,rn ·1 l h•11h•o111• \11\v. ,·r111 .: ~·n 11 1· full umo• pdll lrmt• \'ar1t·d 'h'rt' IYd)' ,11l1•m •••ll •>r l'\l'n 1111!.' IJK':Jllflll• Ill ... A.'ilfl O:" ISi. \ '>;D ('{to.'T A M E."o,\ I k \ IM Tl:~'TI'\ In "'\IJ"<G'IO' Bf->\C.:11 ld•·:i l for !>lUtlPnt' ~ tw•11,~·WI\~'" Mdll\. ('It 1,.,•n"'f11., mrludm~ pJ11I '.11· J t 111 n T ~ p 1 n • :1:.wpm t'. 0 E ('d ll ~Moo Lhru P'rr SSSSSSSS$S$S raSOHHa F.'<pand1ng temp hr lp wrv1ce needs shafll U1!> pat r hcr Inter' t t'wer Xlnt <,alary & h<·n1•f1h F'tpt'rlt'n C'e 1n t1·m r .. ran • h<'IP a mu.o;t Sub rrut rl"'llm<' to \ 111-.;.<iTO:'ll AbiC)Clll~ T""Pt htc.. 4.500 Campu~ Or. !'>t1· Iii:' !'.1:wpurt Bea1·h. (,';i !l~t!iO SHSSSSSSSSS PER SOM MB. Prrmancnt POl>1l 1nn w 11rnw1 n,ll lrmp<•rarv WT'\ I!'(' H ..... p<)ll ror Ill 4 1'11• <·u.-.tomer ~C'r \lt'l'. . r phr j nl tt· ... 11n>: 1n ll'f"lt•wm11 & placement Knl1'4-ledi;tl' & cxpenenCl' 540-6055 2790 HarborCM NEVER/\ FEt.: CaJI after lbJn appt Real F.1:1 ta t.e SVPER Aggressive s11les pen.on wanted to work lluntwgton Harbour In c·ent1ve c o mm1ss1•rn ~heduJe. R1tC1, 581 3346 ff E A L I:: S T A T Jo: SLES MAN WANTED EAH.'l l 'PT() 15'. COM MISSIOl'\I !'JET I Ca n l'Bill from $50K to flCIOK annually 2 f'md out wh} n!.'w 111' ('am brg SSf here Come l<ilk with lhcm J Ou r pruduc l I I n I! )( p c n s I \' l ' land budget term~ 4 Pre ~et d p~b l!JIOrc ~ fo'\nd out '4hy "wr• v1• .a.:iJl I.ht• l>l">t tbm.a.: ~1J111.a.: " 13 .ire.a Ai.k for :\t r 11o1r. ...rd !Y.15-:wo2 Real t.<;ta~t· T op N'pl J>r'fun 1J"'<"" "·" opc:·ning H>f <.·xper SJlei.per-.on 111 rll'Vr hi t'l°l:.CI: lol. l' tr Jin Oi'J WOO Real Estate lroUn .. SaleMWtft Wt-have an operung for 2 I 1 ('('flSeef wtao a re r e aJ I y amb1l1nlL". A lovely of flN> •1ffennR your own pnv:.it•· d~lc & <ill thl· 1)(""1-...-.111t...., for .-.u<. ce~., 1,1u .. ""' to, ;o.-; crJm 11\h'>Wfl (.'..;II ~,Jr JIJ(ll' c •.,rk . k1 '\1d1.nl1JI '1o11\Jl!l'r for apv 1 Wfthy H. Taylor Co. Kl•.Ut11n M4 4!1111 Red &tcm Sate-i (1~n1n~ for l1ren'it·d "'Jl{•,prnr.>I!.' l11l'all)' IJ'4'llt'd w1lh n11t1on:.I rto J1-rral s~ )tem t~llcellent '4 •1 rlun11. co nd1l1ons t«1n1 l n>mmt.SS11JO 1-'o.r f<mf1dent1al JPP l 1 dll 7$9 0226 Ex .. r u ~)-:.lerru. Realtor. R"' Es hlh CCll'fff" Full 11m" r .. Jl • t.11, .....Je:-> U..OClall' WM rt>- qw re9 ~ubstant1al in· come I!> del>perately nt'<'d e d by l o n ii t•stabl1 sh1:d . lo<'al broker Outsta nd1ni: eamrn11s available on 1?enerous co mm1ss111n ,ptit ;\ manelou.s op ~·Jrtu.ruty fur t he 1·.1~l·r prol•'" 1onal C.:a ll .\1r lf.a:o.l.11\g.\ Jl640-~ l<eJI Fsti1u Salt>S. hc or ur1lir enst'd Wrll train ti73 i 1C Ask for l.1111. th\ Real ~tale Sale-. COIMliniOfts Paid Whi&. Y °" LHnl rralll drrel'l ly With a mPmber of Ult' M1lhon Dollar l'lu h 'I ou II ho· .. nown stt·p by slt'P ho"' 11 1~ dooc 962 ~H Ill !.C<"rt•\;i.nal & i:t·neral ---------office reqwr<'d Wc'n• I 110 k 1 n ~ f n r a t I' ,1 m 1wr<>onahl y , som1•1rn 1• whr>'s a problem 5'Jl\'1•r & !-erv1re onented H you have 11 S{'ns(' of humor .1 h111h dcitr<'e of m ental dextmty & OeJ1.Jb11lty un d1>r stress & thn ve on J fa.st pa{'('. call us Top poy. benefits & bonus 557-0045 Cr\-Llf'\:. llMl'OflAllY P(QSONNfl Stllll!Cf\ 3723 lirch Strfft Mewporl .. och ltE.AI. E.~ATt: eonwni ;1ndushi Soc~c~~~al!t' firm h.i:. 1mmed1atc operung.~ for rommerc1al J nd 1n du s tr1JI salespersons with Che followtng qoallhcataons . ColleJ!e backl!round Oimmcrnal & 1ntiustnal -.all':> expr. Wt• offC'r a st ronl! pm1hve environment for su<'ressfu l person al l{T'OWth 1.11 r .e sales. lea:-· mi.: and invesl ml?nts m Ora.n11e and San D1e1111 rounu.s. 1-'or further tn· ,,_..... formal.Jon contact l'IST CVP11 "OL CCII pot at. RHlty hie. T,.._. l8SS2 MacArthur Blvd. Steady job for r l'sp Ste 210 penoo. Profit shanng, trvme. Cahf m is or call grou:p beaJlh. Apply In 1 per500. Uoyd Pest Con· 14 j97S.Olll trol 566 E. Dyer Rd SA ~~~~~~~~ PHAaMActsrs ASSISTANT F\Jll time . 9 to 6. Mon lhr u Fri. Must ty pe 644,2111 Photo Stuclo II.ab General i\ssls{ani & Counter Salu . Mus t have ability lo meet •nd deal with public. 631-3411 Plumber: Exp'd repair P.lumber. Good pay. NWpt Plurnbiq II Heat· Ing. M$-6S25. USTAUUMT OPMMGS! OppwlwltfH fOrYOU.t C•l's Jr! • CAU.TODAY (7141149-791 I ..... , .. ,J. • ...... J4tn/., ,.,.l .... Equal Opp Employer rn/f Pol6UoN now available lD an acute Psychiatric n.aputtc Mlleau PN> 1ram. Capistrano By The Sea Hoapltal overl•-------- looklnc the ocun In --------- Diana Pt. RN ru.u Ume DO \'OU ~11. RN f\ill titM 11·7. OP'P'DAS&RVICE? RN no.it ~ aJI lblt\3. lAt tbe public kDOW wit.I\ LPT fUU Ume J.ll. l.PT •ad in U.. Daib PlJot sa-rt Ume 11-7, LP1' float 8'rrice Dlrec.tOI')'. ll cu PG°' au abll\a ... E.O. E. Uttl Recelvln1 lnape~" unall machine ft m .. ~. Must be •bl•. lO read blue prlnta. WlU train fl C001ider coOege atudeot for p1rl lime wort. Call 8N·5351 ...... a..a -· l.mmed. opportunity lo ., upaodi.I\& electronic' mfa. ro. Some uper. ro· qd. Xlnt. bene. 4 d•Y wonweett.C.11~. Receplloni.st, telephones tic typing. Newport Beaclt are11 1.1 vely. growing co., lll.nt benefits. PCM. 833-3'11.3 a.c. ...... Order Deslt. FOi' f\lrn manuf co, xlnt phon~ tectwque a must Duties tncl typ'g, fil'g & wortc- 1ng w /11dd1ng m a c h. C.M . are11. Ask. fo r Helen SS7-896_1 ___ _ ltlCB"flOMIST for attorney &' <.; P1\ lmmed opening. Small low pressure offi ce . Profess1onabs m & typ 1ng acruracy s trei111ed. Located OT 0 C Airport. Call H33-1065 with qwillf1cauons & salary req~~'-~~~ UCEPT /fYPIST Adv. agncy Salary open CaJI Robin at 752-'iZl 1 •RlCIPT to SIOO * ·~;·:r;· 'I ll1tlf\> hie kit• d~o·rH V l7UN1·wpt>n Cir l>r NH ~1·i.l.> t.IU ~~II H.o'( ept1oru:.t \ t.i<m l.! l'XfJJnd1ni;: com p.ll'I)' nee<h l<e<:<•pt11in1M l1cJ1id typ1n~ i.k1JI, 1 I" quiri.'d Xlrlt opporturut} CdlJ Amcncan Leam111g Coo>. 894 4437 RECE J•TH>NIST . C i(· penem't.'d full lime only for hair <:Ullin~ salrnr t\ppl~ in person, Tu1·' thru Thur. lla1 r W1• ... 1 II .a 1 r <. u I t r r ' 3 3 O .1 "t"4 IJ'lrt Bh 1J, /It U RECB'TlOMIST P /T nt•1 d1 t.J for :'\1•w.,r1rl & .. 1<.h LJv. firm ll11ur.., Jrl' IUam 211m .\11111 thru 1')1 Will lr<1111 •m l'U.'< l11m•·n~1r1n ..... nrl r•"11mo· t11 .irl :: ~.!l>i • 11 Thi• [);11 I\ l'dot I' () HIJlt l!"lt,11 <.:U.tJ :.1~a c • ,\ 9'.l6ifi UCEP'TlOHIST /SEC 'Y ..;ewport Unter fronl 111 f1u• JPI" d.ran1 c a mu!>t ht-J\'\ phQfH~. "Omt' I~ I• 101!.. 1-:ro'A lh 1J•;tt·n11al P 1t•<-1 h1l1lv nl p ,1 t..11>-~1711 K 1 • <. <'pt 111 n 1 s l I F: r r J 11 ~i Girl. purt ume Hours I 5 Mon t.hru Jo'r1. $4. hr. fi'or .'\e wp or t B eac'1 DeveloP<'r Must havr ~ndable car 675·4910 R Pre pt1onr s t l rn ~ C)pi·rator Bwldl·r nt n.1 uonaJ charn re!\lauranl nl'rds dl'P<'nda~l r. plt'.1 .. Jnt rl'l'l•pl rll:\ opt-r:i tOf' w iod 'ta r1 in J.! ..Wary bo>n<·f1ts & work 111~ 1•nvironml•nt Con t.rt·I Er111 Don n1•IJ\. cj J,11752 1730 RECEPTIOMIST Th•· .Jnllv Roi.:er. lnl' 1s 11 ... ..lun,_; for a foll t I mr• 1•-rma m•nl lh-r1•pt1on1~t :01w.t bl.· perso1n<tblt· & l ''f IA n<'nred Pos1tmn r1· lll.11 re-. use or 10 kl'v ad Jer & ught t} plOI? $1\.'J0 111 slart Apply rn person at 1700 t:1l1Nlt', l rvmr RECEPT /TYPIST Newpt>rt Hcuch ad agen l'Y n<.'(.'<is u bnl?hl younc Ra) to work at front desk l'll'il 'ant ph o n <' pers l>nallty. t y pe fill "'Pm ;\;o l'xpericn<'c neces..<,Jry, '4111 tram. 4 Day work week. Moo thru Thur 7-6 $700. Phone Ka thy. fwi-5090 RECEPTIONIST 1be Loan Department of our beautiful Newport Beach office has an 1m medtate opening for an expcr1 enred Re<'e p - lionist. Respons1bi1Jlles '41.ll lnclude front office duties. heavy phones. and some clerical fum·- tlons. Typin~ of 40·~0 wpm 1s reqwred Thai; ~ltlon offers a starting s alary of $700 plus excellent benefits Including profit sbartni;. paid l'Mdlcal and deolul cover•ge, a nd rnuc h more. Pleue ca1l An nelle Menne for an ln- ttrview appointment. ADIUTY ....... S.•I 11_.Lom..._ .,.,fl l:qual Oppty Employer R.IX:EPTIONIST /LEGAL SECRETARY TRAINEE Npt. Bch. law olflce Jeaal exper. is abortband not ~ulnid Type 80Wm1> or lllot't • ,._. . Call ror lnfo. Ul·1'17t Qr COit 1G'I • •at Sl.• •S102. plr dq. f"or IDON la· .... ~ ~ a .-;..;..;..;;;;;;.... _____ , ....U0. Md ...... J)lllJPUalO ......... ' WANTAcnONT ,_calll01171. ........ ._ ........ . a..lfed Ada842-a11'1 jult call..,., .. DAILY PILOT • Wedneeday. AugUtt 22, lt7t ~~.~.'.~ ..... ?!~ ~~.,.~~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~:.~ ..... ?!~~ 1£C£JVINC INSPECTll Manuf r l ur1n~ m ed ical <"Ompany tll't'th• n Pl'~on ~ho 1 n self-st arter. I 1 k ,. ~ cl t' t u 1 l w ork w 1th 5 om c t•\Pl'fll~nt•t.• m Uw u u of mkrometer... d 1 a I 1 n ti 1 <' 1 t o r " & b I u e p r 1 n l 111ll'rµrl'lul1011 <:nod benefllA. M1s151on \'w 10 c.in• 1. :.i1 l un· t•omm<>nsu ratc• w11h l'. JH!flt'tll'l' l>ol)1 t ho~l' qurdif1t'd who .1n• !.t'l'klll~ ~·rma1wnt cmploymt•nt, t•ull Jwtty for uppomtm<>nt ut SSl-3830 ltt::,1•AUllANT HF.I.I' Salm l'iu·t lltut' Lunch 11tl11ft LAeiuHA 11.ACH t:ount~r ht'lv ruH11ftod tlarow~ Rt't 11alf'~. full ~~ l)t'r hour ldnl for & pr.a rt t 1 m <'' 2.( C) t'olle•l(l' 111u1l rn111 & ltroadwa)'''9i ~ houi.t'WIVe~ ~¥11 llun ~ .J prn.~OM4 R~"rAlJRANT SGT. '9PaO .. l'S ~STO..I SAL.ISL.ADY foull Um t' Tilt\SllOW on · :a fo'uh100 f<1lirn<I SALESMEN Sl4K-$20K "IHt'\l ol JW.l ma k rn~ ,1 8ec'n!tary, oWlY 10 lll Ml't Wlt.h new l"O Mu11 l)(t able to won on m ·n 1n IUAth• In m1rnl of uf f\N Reumc-tu Ot1e ul 6Wllnt•n C•nt•r. ll IJO Mc-f adden. W lm lllfl'IJ ur •1.,.74) am MOft Uiru 'lbw'.. St-c.Trtery. 1-ull Uo11· t•i. 1111. lllC'I bkkpl(, I 'llllfh ..-r11[1hy llnhml\f'\I lblilt'I Hloac-h Uh d II II IM1 lht'4 SICllT~ay Mu.111 tw i.1&1ll1•d 111 1111 ~thll!Ot .,, 11(1 VI oc•1·1l11t f'ol ahihl)' tu Ui.t• 11htllll'll &. tein• 1llr.-t•Uu11" m r. lllt• I hn~fltll t\ l(t'llt•J Oll' ~ a e· ;t I I tHI 11 l I 11 I I 1• cl l\ .. -.•brul ''"lay. Mtl ~mo SICl.ITAIY 1-'l.l':Xlltl t-: llOt/H\ l'Alt1' TI MK '\rtiull 111 fire ""'llW 111111(1• .1( 11111 r. ' &: n ·•11<111,1h1h11··' • ' 1\"llt'nl S ii &: t\11111.: ,1.111, 14'tlUlfl'\I ~ml lle• .. 111111 111 Hohl" 1\'"" 1,111, Im· Sore.· \ .ri .rt 1111, h !-illl"t'l. N"'"' 1101 I lie· ,11 h I "A !1.!hli(I " "'"" h1nng for full .1n1t p ume opento11t1> \·ur) I~ d,1y~ & h11Ur' ltll;-.11 'Uf1J1ll•mt.>nl"I m1:om1• for hl~l4 1Vl'8 & i.hx.lt'nb llur Pn>..:r~i.ivc· •trow1n11 c u mpany 11U1•r:. op pnrtwutr~ ror ad\anr1• cni•nt b~('(I on your Job 11t•rformunn• P l ... a!t c1nt worlung <-ood1tt0ns Musi h1• HI & over Apply an llt'r"'Oll bt wn I 11 nd 6 ll\•mg' We are lookm.: S.'t'rt•t.in 1•,.""" I· 1111." r o r uml1111 o u l> :.t·l f Mu.'it tYVt" 110 ... vm. 11111,1 mouvated mdJv rduab. to ll.J\C w1w (!,, l"\J> :! .-111 l>er\t.' as ucc·ounl.io H •IJti nffin• Sarwll frrm. 11-.11 ror our rapidly 1•x11and e;tall" i·icp hdplul '<1111 mg co Room for advan salUI)• f'hoiw for 1n1111 .. 1I 1•e mt>nl. Call bet w een urt.crvtcw 7!12 ~H!> 1().2. Mr Wlute 540-4023, - 2300S 1-; BRISTOL ~Jnl;i An<:1 lit:. ~9 1!674 < Btwn J amhnn•t• &Cam1>u:.1 OH f:.'1 I 1-:/\.._T b l St ·n ·s-n N M4 :)1:n ,.; I) 1-. l~tJuranl IOOIUCEEPER fo'\Jll !1me BUSGIRLS HosnSSIES W.1rl'h11u"• Jtt-staurant )l:lO Via Opr1nn N U 1.73 •\7{)() H1·,1 ""' :1r11 IH'S lt()YS 1111·i11·cJ for N1·wp11 rt l1i·,1r 11 l 'luh Fle•Kr hl1• h11111 C-.ol 1 fl•I .eppl 1,i:, Jnrt•\I 1:~1 9-1. ----- SALESMAN ltetatl/Wholcsalc Equip· ment C-Orp. Ins ide sales. hui nl( yuuni: m en IR yri-. & older S<WO·S.500 wk with l(uar sal. & rnmm f'J<'w IO<'allon nr lrvrnc, C M & II li Start 1m mt.'ftiatt'ly. Raprd advan N'mt•nt oµply 1•1 man !157 1150. Mr /\rthur SALES ,\tot1n1t"d t"Xperrcnr 1·d .., a I 1· :. p I! r:. o n N P "' :.:11lboat sal~ 1-\Jll·timc (':ill t714 ) 673 6400 SALESMEN <'...ailing on Rel.ail Tracie Earn SSOO up ~r "'"'''k. :.pare lrll)e For dcta1h 1· a 11 t-: ~I M !" 0 . I n c• ~AS r,o;KJ 111 ... 1.1111.1111 ~ALF~'i l't:llS():-o; 1-'ull or 1,,,,, 111 '"•II 1'.1n1r v po1rt lrm1· /\ppl' 111 1 .. 11. l11r l'rH.11,. 1·1 u1i 1,..,...,111. l.1iu1,1:1n.1 '· "'""'' 11 ... 1d1 1 ull 1•,,1•1(11· lln rn .. l"1•nt1·r 1111w d.1 ~ V.1•d ~•111 l:!I~. lln~l•1I l'~f '.llfi21i I .111 1111 •ll'l'I 1.1 ... ,tM~l ··'t ..: I) E VI I J(,1•.t ,1111 .1111 Wl'.11'\ l'.f(Sl'fl :" ITZ r:I. tr a , '-, I•,. 1 1 to I llt1lll!'lll;lk••1 111 1111 ... 1 t :rn a m :.! p 111 N •> h•1lrday-. or wc·1•k1·nrh 11 tl1·"rt•1I All JJ:•·~ •. 1r1· w1·h 1>m1· ~I 2.'1 h•1ur /\ 11 ~ ... ah-:--1 .. ·r-,.,n w1111t1•1I full & part t1m1· s .tl;t r} l"11tnm1:i-.11111 ( 'u mp;11n lwnd1h. J:1>o<l w•;r k1ni: 11tm11~1Jhl'rc /\ Pi!IY 111 pc·r.on !·;l't\Nl>/\HD ~ll()f:S :-.m S Bns rol, C ~ plv JI ;i;,11 \ 1!1 l'.t11I , ----------• , ,,.,;, "''"'·I ,,1f 1<c-<1 11111 SALES rosmoN llf\ ti 7~>1 >11174 H~taurant 1-:K rtd C:ool< & I' 1T w.Ji"(n•.,<;1•1> nl"Pcl<'d for Fam1ly Rl'l>l 6'15 !Wl7 :\;Hlh•iat .\1Jmt & t:l1•anl!, '"'•II t1m1•. mu~l llav•• mrn l..nt1v. IMh•t· rof 'a 1llJ1iah. rn e·•h 1·l1·r1 '''ll"rtl 111111•. \1011 7 :1 :111. 1111 I v.k111I•. S:I !.ollhr 1"15 7 lllO ~11!-.. i\1 1· ynu an arlll'll><', 1 r c• :it 1 v r. r n t r i.: (· \ I <' IJ'•r-.nn wh•> I rkl!'I lhrni.:s 'Jlarklrnl(. has i;al•·R & Jr::iplay al11h1y·1 Lido V1llagl'S leorhni< Jewt•lc•r wish~ full t1mr rn<'ldn 'i,: Sat 1111 ntlcs C ull 1i1:1 !13.}1 Sales ATHLETICS Eam $72+ a week part lJmc l:UYl> & dullR 17 & ulckr nl"01.ll'O to do P R work for top amateur athletes. Help us tlt•velop world class athletes I( 2 yrs of college & rar, manager lratnee pos1 Irons ava1lablP Up tr> S2S0 t wk <ll ou rl y wagct bnnus> WQrkrng evemng huurs Call Mr Jmnson between 12·7 at fl72.4fW1 South <.:oasl Pina Part TilM o..ty Ell'gant F'rench Coutuner liouhquc Must havf' fine apparel l'XPf'Mt'nC'P. He /)Vt•r 25 f'OL'\c-d & soph1!tt1c;.1t-d With nex1bfC M·hc-dulc <.:a II f r>r a ppl. 549-2213 SA&.Es.RET All F.xp 'cl , matur e :-.:il ~·s l ad 1 cs for s uc · c•cssful. small. expand· 1ng lad1ca boutiq ue i-ha cn. p /l . r /l. 1-'rne salary. benefits, condr · I rons Mr. F~dw ard s 4leQ7!)2, 497·1018 SALES ROllMSONS IN NEWPORT lla."I opening ror SALES Full and part lime posi- tions available. E x· t-eUenl company benefits and d1scounls. Apply Pe rsonnel , 10a m ·12. Monday thru Thursday. #2~1.-.d Equal Oppor Employer !'>/\LES CL l.;HK Coi.ta Saleti Mesa Stal1one rs 270 TRI-FLOM 1-:i.i.,l 17lh Sl. C M 1-'u II timl', <1pply 1n person ll~IZ :../\LES rn :u v t-: It y II v•lll nC(od a decent puy1111( J'•b up to S4·S6 + 1•v11 ~1 Hrm. c:tll aft lpm, S.11 ~11 SALES MHDSYOU Tr> fill avalanche of or dcr s f r o m marine. motor cycle. sporting goods. motor s PQrt.s, re· Lailers. Great oppty but we arc very selective & wunt confident winner types only. We tra.ln CX· pertly. Vlait us & SC<!. Call Mr. Stone 540-4023, ~l. Gmwth oriented Costa Mesa located mfg. co. ~ saJer;pcraon to sell lo 11 western states In Sales eluding Cood chams & Wanted yOWlg men who mfg comparrie8. Salary wiU get. along well w1lh ~ comm. Mr. We nk women. Ca ll M r . 6.11-0'700 1bompsooS40-4023. 9·1 Sal~ GUYS&GALS Want a fun Job"' Richie has rl. lf you are 17 years or older you can earn sn+ per week working 4 hours part Ume at have a hall. Bonuacs, partl~11. etc CALL R JCHI E BEI'WEEN 12 at 7 972-4141 SALES GIFT SHOP MAIJUOTT HOTa Excelle nt opportunity ror an etncient. people f'lriented lndMdual able Sales wilh a ruture Am· bilious man or woman presently e mploy f'd Part ti~ to start. Full ume when qualified with a minimum guarantee per month. Complete t r aini ng program. Far mers Ins uranc e Group. call Gene Dillard Ml-51U. SALIS-YACHTS Maj w. Coat BroUraae W /multi. otc·a aeedl 2 exper 1aJespenooa·N B wtrfmt olc. Muat bave aood know1edse ol bo•ta ONITED YACHT BKRS < 71' > e.:n ·11» St-:CH t-,"l'/I HY lie-pl f ur (' ,. I\ rrc m .11 Mu1·Arthur Bl & .111111 hor('t' ltd l;1'1l\I '>llll I y I> mg fl'(I 7~ 0:!7 1 ~t·rt•tary w :.1•1•01111 11111. •If tx..iokkt•1•111111: 'kill.., 1 .. , hom,"Own••r' .• ,,4;c•a.1 'l•1n 111 NII ~.1IJry 111•g11t1.1hl1• ~·nd rt"'>llllW t11 IJ.t\ Ct! II.i ll , :?111 1 V"1.1 clt·I (Im ~H.!l'.lf;l.0~ S<-t·rf'l.1r) Hl·1·1·11t10111,1 ~·kani:: matur t' IX'' '"'I fnr a rnmputl·r :..111·-.. ol frc·e Tvp1n•: Ir lin~'. p/l(IOI"> So'Jll a..l~l '11173 :-.t't·n-tary He>ft 1J hy 1·11 lt•rtarnt•r \l u:.I 1)-111 !>hthd Cart'l"r 1111ncl•·cl U\'l' rn Ar>l I''"' 1dNI M:.11· i>rf"f .i i·~1 :1.rn SECRETARY R Hible Hours llt·ll\y typml! ri·•1ur11•d 1;.111CI h•1url) rJtt· '"' •' P• n -,kilt-. .f I•; 7 11111 "' :, :•1t11H :t1ir1m Oub l;111d111i.: v.ork1111• t't'1Jt\1Jl11111 ... ~ '"1'"11111•'111 l'la1.1. ~CPll M1d11·l-.1111 7~(1~.¥1 ~··•·r1•1 11 r v llt1•1I. k "'' 111 • full 11m ...... o1 .. n 1'11111 '"'' "' ll I .J l t• w ' \ pc·r11·r11•1• '\"Jt' .l••hrr Way111•1\1rp•11I ~1'11 (l',,;t SECRETARY Xlrit rtpi>l_: l11r ,., f11 l"llt .:al w lt•P ~1·1 r1·l.111.tl l>k1lls 10 l4(1rk 10 1."L part'<I Npl Bt. h fl K 11f< Call lJLa.833 ~~ SECRET ARY /GENER Al OFFfCE l11tl1•1>1·nd1:nl. d1 Vf'r'-11 wd ' du t 11•., I" r n J 111 1 ,, I Srn rl'e., I' 11 m li11•11I 'kilh, e·xp1·r11·nc c· r1· r1ui rt'IJ G4() 0 IZI ~retanal • •ATTEHTIOH•,, Students 1'<'11rhn-. ll•1Ust'w1vc•' •' EARN VAC/\TION U WI-: N l-:t-:n SF..CR F.1' AH I t:s IMM EOli\Tl-:LY wtth or w outhhorthand lnng or i.hnrt tc-rm. h11l1 day & vacal1on r)a y. hosp1tahzut1tJO uvutl.1 ble VOLT. t & MIPUOAUv .. AVIC__. e 546-4741 311"8 Ca mpus Dnve I a crust. from John Waynl' Airport l Equal Oppor F.mploycr * SECRET ARIES * l..eg no short Sl<I 41Jili\ Hl'<'·lYJ>f' 50 $1 (),H(MI '4 ucc Sec 1Stal $M, 100 Lex1 1n: 11:u;oo G 0 ~bnght $11 .400 Ft<: 1-:mply A~t'n<'> •CounsC'l11r' Soles Our Off11·1· • Appl Only 11-'reP J..lz Re1n<lr rs /\.f!C'ncy 4020 Birch, tJitab 'M Newport Beuch. l'IJJ.jjl!lll Sed.'y·Bkkpr . full time•. caJJ for Interview 67~ Balboa 8T<'3 SEC'Y-P tr S m 1t I I . p I e / s-a n l engineering ofr M<1n f)1, 1·5pm. Must be WI typist 549-5234 Service Station Allen dant. (2) (ulJ t1mt•. I 110 as11t mgr Apply 2590 ~BICM _ Sharp male or female with good reaming pot•·n· ti.al needed. Permanent P9ft Urne J>Ollllon with nmble hr1. nttilable . Some otrlce 1klll11 re· qUired. We wllJ train. Phone Sue 714-754·6701 foe an appllcaUon. SflPPl ... &llC Patt·Ume 3-41\.ra. dally. Airport area. Start Aua. 27\h. Ca II 762-7511 to work ~rt Ume even· Savlnits a, Loan Please lnlC bou"' lndudlna Sat Ii "' our ad under bank· Sun. Apply In person. l.na.lrvlneSliLAun. S h oe Sa i n : Sa l .. Mon tbru P'rl 9em·l2 blnellta, xlnt()l)lltyexp'd noon, P~I. S«lcrftary: P /l. ID1uraoce = n 1 _ c h 11 d re n • QOONewport Center Dr otrlc.. Good Lyplat, hn , rcn. Mr lllJt.er, ~Beach IC/F t-l, 15/hr. 957·1.iiJ. ..:....--· ----- &.O.E. WllllAd._... IG11'71 OllliftedAdl la."71 • _ .. Hee, w~ 1100 ~~!.~.~~-~ ..... !!.~!!~~!.~~·~ ..... ?!.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• . S fl O WK OO M AS KISTANT, for 1 ... dln1t whoJti•Mlt' d«'roratl v1• hoow furnlllhllllC ruor11• cump•nr New <:011., Mt·H '°'""Mll<>n ... lln'lt!. & 1i1Qli ...,.It &tlln1la ~orla 1n1t ""'llh ll\t.irl1Jr dt' a1ii1.,.r• 6 Mlffif' rlrnr111I !wil1u-y open. df'P«!ndln.i ••1 l1ua11nr111uoo~ and or w:awr 11 t /)4 ~ ~h1t'k LL.tr lfrlv 111•,;llh (1•1tl l\lot 1• fil't'\b lull lln h' .... I .. " II M u " 1• 'lurt1.lw11 he·'\, 1lnnk11. c•l 1 111ork•)ilt //)I ... , i1l 1t1111•rv St tlf\~ I ll I 'un111• 111·1 Mua n t't'tJ111•x 11t·11<•nrt•1l :.ult•-. luJy 1-\ill 1111w ~ cl11y11, xh11 -''It ltt111( n Hl<l>< t-);1Jt•.-ru l ly hnt• clJcnklt· 67~ 11110 Stock Clerks lmrrwJ 1at1• lllk'llllll:' li1r 111111\ l<Ju,.f. "'ti h I I \r 11-. •"\llo·rwn• ,. •I\ l'I•·• '"""''' 1 ·0~111 .. 11. """"" 11111111: ~>I , J!HI liJ/1111111.: llt\ 1·11Ct1I \ • •t11lr t1I t-' <1 r I. I 1 ( f I \ ,,.. ti• II I t • .,.1iuJd 1Jc.• lrd11ful W \' I) f fl' r " \ I t• f 11' n I h1·ndrc... .... 111.-11 1111'111dc· '""" ....... k . \ .... 1\1111\ ,1111•( 11 1111111 I Ir ... • I I p .1 I 1 I ho I 111 u ,,.., 1114 I u ti 111 ~· I 'hn,1m.1 ... .,..,.,.k "" .111tl ~1111111 lflMlr,lllC t' l11•Jtlll-.. d.1yof h11 1• Plt•t"•· .111111\ 111 I'"''"""' '.tit l'.-r """" I 1111 ,q1 l"'IJl\lllt'lll It I I I '111• '1;1.11 AM Doeumentor ,\ I 11\ 1•.11111 "' \" 1111.11 •• 1111111.ll l/H .:r.:1 .., 1 r.11111 Ii c -.1 ~.ortlJ 1\11,1 ( .1 1.:, 11 t-;.111.ll r 1pporl111111 • 1-.mpl•t)• r \\ I-II ST()Q( CLERK 1:rn...,1n1: I Ir.in~:,. < ·u11n1' l!iA.,t1l 111mr>Jn\ ~•·• i.., .,, tit\ HIU.11 lo I II Ill" "''" I. rt>';m r1·'l•flll·,1hil11' • .r ,., k1111: ,\, '"'' i...111• '11 11~•1!' I I! ti, r l•1 11 "'1 I •ll li1pp1111! r•" • "111 1• '' .:•·nt·r.d ".ir ' fli;u 1u .11,, ,..... 1-::1·1 t 'i ''" .. ,,. ,,. 1111· fl I "t k II i i y.. I• ,. l' h•·lplul \111110111111 ""' ,, ••• r , ~'"''' .. 11' •• ';'"'" r 11rnp.111\ h1·r1t·f11 • ( ·•'I I •,:, i •,u,, I I· •1 11.1 I c I 11 1•1nur111' l-.nipl11) .. r I !'il•ll kl'"f'"n l11,1·ntnn I l'tlllll 111. -..l11J1JIHIJ~ ,o,, I I' I f'l\'111~'. ll•1or "'r\ II,. H r •II \1.rw•rt II• 111 frl • I •r;•1 11/i'j TUCHEllS l'r• .. rh••1I '<lnl "'"' k •r., l'Oll(b .. ,,,'<1bh· !ot h1•11ti1 .. Nt-wp•U1 fkoac·h fi4 I O:!I:! WE ARE DIFFERERT # 1 oua Counselor s are not on mm mission. #2. WI have 25 years world-wide 1.·X J>f'rien rc placing people in the right. JOh. 1q WI h t1vc jobx throu~hout greater Orau~<: t;ounty "4. MO charg*' lo applicants JUST CALL •. 4MYTIMI 17 14> 151·9041 OR DIOP IM._ 1121 Westerly Place. Suite 102 Newport Heach DRAKIE l'USOMMa AGa.cY A Drakl? International Company WHERE DID DRAKE DROP MCHOI? RIGHT ALONGSIDE OFFICE OVERLOAD \\'l' h ;1\ <> o pt·n1·d our Pt'rm<.1nen1 p l.H"t'mt·nt '.'.~·n ct·•· and \\l' ;1r 1• 1 t:<Jdy lll 't('I'\ I' \ CIU JUST CALL ... 171 41851-904 1 OR DROP In to ......+ "'··· Jl:!I \\'1·~t1·rlr P J;tC'(•. ~Ullt· JfJl :'\c·v. port lkat h DRA KE PERSONNEL AGEHCY A J>r:tk(• lntern;llwn<JI Comp<u1y Penlax KX 3Smm w I n cro Y4 lens: F3.$ lens cw1de anal•>: l3Smm 1"2.8 telepho to lens. Minds. evea 840 9732. ~ 1714) 787·2905 Aak for Karen"·-·---~ OuO'l C Ill ~mm. with flash. case. under war· ranty. Co.t sieo. yours for SlOO.~. 8mm Sound Camera cit Projecto r . 6moa new Ori!( cost f780. Aak.rng ~.n5-031B Kodak Carowiel JOO, s lide projector, n e w. $85 IM:H647. Dop 1040 ....................... P\4>Piel'I, Sbepherd ty pe. Very c~. 7-8 wks old. Had puppy shots. 110 ea. S4il).fi048 ---- Colden Retriever puppy. purebred f75. 6 week.:! old 5.J6..4968 AK C: Shih T1U .,tud "ervacc C:alrt'O $200 fA2 JS2'I Cocker S panie l i\KC. 6wlc.!. old hwf C'<Jfor 3 rmlr. J f'emall!. !'>.':.~ 4.397 <J\ 6pm IJLA'iA /\PSO Pupp1e-.. AKC rPI( Shots ', ~t 'lht1p pnce. 752 9«5 At<(' Huff Coc ker~. 4 rmlt>S, Ii mO'\ Champ line-. Sl 00 Ml:l-4429 "'"to You 1045 .....•..•....•••....•.. Typist ~4!cept. WANTED DRJVIER l'hrr•· yr 0111 <iolclt•n •11\ ~ I :111 1'\1 l 1ltll''I" ,,( I 111 • d.1 \ · ll1Jhl.1111l1r1 ' ... '" l.111~· ( ont! !HO ' ...... quqHttt'UI I 'l.11,1 :!OH:! \I 1d1.J '"rr ,:.:' l•/.{..t I '\ 1 'h I t.\11 ro·11r11tlt1• """ h I" I .,. lull rom~·· ••f 1\111111• f.. )o!r.JCtllllJI 'I.Ill, 9l''• RO I •• ., ....... ·1 \ p1-.t ... * *A TTEHTION * • '>11J(:111t·. I•···"', ... I It''"'""''\' l.,\lt'I,,\ \1 '1111\. '~ V. I·.\ I I• I• • ..,. 111< w l '111• r , .._1.11 I ' 111 '' • I 1t1i .1ph11n1· t' I•• .1 • I ·1. I ,., I \ jll I ,l-,l-.111\1\11-.ll)\l I I' 11111~• t\ .tr .. rt It-rm, h11lo 11 ,., A \ .;• ,1111,,, I'·' .. "" p1l ... l11 ··•••lit ·' \ .• j l.1 lit.· SUNDAY OHL y lti-1n1·\ .. r llu:.ky ~h .. l-1 IJUJI ~ a70il I•· llPll\I•( 11.111• 1'11111 I l1ur11ll1 "' 1 ,or r 11·r' I<" t ( '1111· Ouf() k1t11·n' '"m•· q1u1 ,.., '.w or l.11 .:•· • t.• I Mal\); I•• l?•;•J hum .. 111~1 ""·•l't1tl ,1111f ,1 1••~•1 IM 1 ~"'"' lirl\llH fl·lf1f ll l'h.,111 1,.1 ~ lS~I ,au d .t 1r-'''' 'l ••ftJ •'f & JJp:1n••• •· 11 •• rr, "' l'I•, .. , u .. ,, I 'v.1111..C mcx 11upr11•'' '"1111.1111, t-·r.,,. t•' ~uod h•Jm•· I ~II \I I,\', k,'7~1 Ol'l'(H! 11 'I I Y l-'.IJ'f)JYl-11 Wartt to lriCJMton y OltllT Day'? \ l1tll• lll•ol•1tl111l11 •. 111 l••ll 1 11 ~ 11f ,IJfl ll<llt Ill \ 11111 I fll• I' ,1fll \If I lllt •1111• 1'1111 ir I' I l'h •11• 11111 11 •1, f u r \ l'I" ., ... ',, ~ I J.1rhn1• I-•'11'\J k I' lJ•I" llu,k\ h··lr,,,. "''' ( J ll '.;Jf, ~·:· \tnt.•I JJUI"> Im \I\<" l><1hw mi.th• r rd hm •lfll\ 1.:11 =~~1 IS•·,, u 1 1I u1 ., ' r .. 1 •l 111\. •1 f 1 ffiJ ll '.11 ··~,,~. o;. ·" j 111111 .. I'•''"'' 11t .. ,lt··d \Ufl lu \ ',u.1! 1 11 1 ' ,, u u •• I••\ • •I,, t1 Iii~•/ l1''1fll• l•1I qi! I I "II 11 111 .,1 r, "'' ", " I il111 111(• ·'"1·111l1h "' • ' •,1. ''" •' ~ II··· I , , ....... ,, ... "I k ....... k ' I ,, • 'tll 1 J1l11· • •I I .1 t. r. • • ti l••m•·"' l\1tl II.iii 'h<•l I,.., 11•111 .... 111 pht r.t I-• !II 1-,,.. • hildr• n • .!·: Yt ·~1th =II I '" ,_ ... e 1050 MM•••-Q O •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Qluch ft chair StOO Coff~ tabl e 11s . • r a llan ~s SlSea SU-76.Sl Game set. table converts MOYIMGSALI SofH! wHher /dryer. dsk 11 m.i.c. 506 Irvine Ave ~8. Mt-8050 to bumper poo( tc poker WaJJ.ce &«line. Grande lllbU!, 4 upholK. ch:11111, Beroque. ,_.pc place set· lC1nt cond PIO. MS--6179 Unca Is 1 butttt klu!t . afUPM. $17S. CaJI &t6-2l807 btwn Baby t-nb with new mal- tress. H!lth chair. Maple drea!!er. All in good con d&tion. ~34311 -----r ---- PRICEDTOSl':LL 7" glass dr t1tblc. 5' cxer walnut d eak & chr • drafting tbl. mlsc. ul· ~ 673-33116 ___ _ 9am·2Pm only. Otnutg Rm set. glus top t a ble w it h 6 r ha lrs. lampa, chair It ottoman, Mo-Ped. Must sell! Call ~ Gpm 9M-?.877.,:_:._· --- SPORTS PAJNTJNOS Orig 11er1graph a by Wayland Moore, must. sell __ C_al_.1974-5959 __ . __ Mu!lt Sell 19'" Color TV, 8' Pen.lan Crpta. very One, & 6" couche.r. 2 lg viny l various u. Kas han . chrs. + lamps. lbls. lalahan.Naeen.640.-ie. dtrs.Cheap.2947La~una --~~~~~~~­ Bid. Lag Bch. 11rter· Cabinets wooden. 34 ·· noons . high. 24"" deep. 27 .. wide . R&U&IH'OUCh. chr & 3 tblll suo Pmg pong tbl SJO ~1631 Queen. &auty llt'llt mat· lrt:s.'t & boxi.pnn21> i.l'l Ciood & rcully clean $45 ~5aJ6ev~ ~SM I055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAT ONLY' Ethan Allen 1'rundle bed. rum. c~d o r.rp cn, l amps , kit ~Kl'U. books & clothes 16~1'ustm, C:M __ _ ATfENTION GJRl-<; Gt>- ll\4 aw"y to colleg"'' Are you clean1nK you r cltbt.'t ~ If M>. bnnl( your dothes to Ch arl11··., (.11-.iM.'1., & tum them 1nlo f'W>h 2002 Newport Ul vd. <:M fill 3473 ~ IJ v ,. ~ a I 1· S •l I .1 .., W:S(f'IOth. 1•lt' i\UJ: lk. l'I & ~' 7<tJ '" I 'Cit Loi•! kt h 4!1i 47;,7 1,11, \ '\ 111 (,l\f< \(;I-, ~.\J 1-. 1;; (. h1·• y "'·•l'.11 llU lll'J"'t'f l1Jrt1n t•>t1h ~, .. ,i,. ti ·""' "' '""' 11t rrr-J!Jl7" U1kan1 llU 1-ul Hr1it1kliur.,t. :-i,., •1r r, 1r'11•l1I 'J.IOI I f!m. •S \) ,,.,,, tt11I • -"~/ 't~omm• r II• 1 "'" l11•l•JllJJ>•;l1 .\ti 1111 .• 11 B .... , • "" n I" :I 'lt1 '' ,. 1 11-~J'• ,,.,Id •l •·m ~ l11rn 11• lrl I I• I .. 11•111\ I ,, l,\lt\1 ,I -.\I.~. L,,r, 1• ' um "·'' & '>on r,, ·, 11 , , 1.i, I ll..1llJ.1.• lll\11 llJI I I ~ .......... ~?.1.~ SlOeach. on display in rt' ar d 729 C·I W. 16lh. St. C M.~. ----- 1940's L1onal Eh:ctrrr '})-41n Set. complete. for info call bl wn 4 & II ITT~W3 Nr ocw Kenmore i.ell clcarung uvcn, hi ark S60 Ui.t-d G t: dishwasher. brunu-~. 23 yr d'>. nf'w n y lon c·arpetmg. dark M.l!!l $70. 752-25.50. ~Stairs Ornate cast iron c1 ri-a 11182 from courlhous1•. TumlJ s lon t:, Ari l W.3947 JOHN WAYNl-: TENNIS C L lJ fl F A M I I. Y !'vtl-:M At:RSlllP. $2000 or lroidl! for l'itr of ... anw ' a I u 1• 7 J I 11 7 4 I ,, r !no-11•J> l...ill1-. 11111'1 l throw th~m .1wJ)' l.a ... t y r-, ra~' 1·;111 l1 oik """'' i\ltt•ratinri-. ..,.1.:J!1 ,,.,~ !',ti.',J ,ift 5pm YartJ V,Jf' S12a 7 t•·•·I rllfrW''I" $15'J 1-Aiger $.'.)(I nr.-w11i SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS 111mhlf' \..1lt•I (~it~·· l-':1hh·tl DEIIT ~I-'I II " '11rpnt.1n)l lO know h""' rn.111' m•·mlwr11 ol •h•· • '' lu'" ,. 1n11·rn.1 ti•~IJI ,ft•l "M l al"' lwlom , 111tlw1>1-WI s1-~·1 S.Oa Bay Club Mnmnhp w ant~d \1r !:>lrnol{l>44 lJ51:1 \IEiLT t•·11• 111 l'I• ·"' , .Jll 1 .. r ,tpjtl ~11 1 II~•• f,,.111 fl1,tfl\•1!11 I !"tH kl.HI l'UPIJll' '>h••plw11l nu' '• lt1ltll ,q 'I I II. S.l.'OO "'"' fr1~ '" t••I h .. m. I\ -• t •11 '•1 MiKetl~ w~ 8081 ---tCS• 546.4741 :IX-l>i I ';11n p11 •J>rl\1· 11 r•t' fr ••rn ./Ufrll \l..t\Jll \1qH1f"I l-A1ual UJ>1-1<1r l-.mpl11)n .... l•\t •• "'''' '"'" .• • • WAREHOUSEMAN 7',11.:.:M.t1fr I.,.., '" •1 11.1111,11111 v 1111111 ,. ' '·• ... t1m1• l-111 11rtl1 ,, ..... I j 11 I ' II, ... " f'•ljWI 1<1\tl 1111'1' \.tfd .,....11 •. 1111°' I t•' '1•• ~ t.. •h ''' ··n '''"' t.. 1-.. 111 1.J.1111• I•· hr'", 1.-l 1 • .c11l.1lil1· SI lir 1.. 1.111 l I' .• '' ''" ':" ~ m ·'' t S3111 .. ,. ~:., 7x.,;? lt.1·.11 llt .out' :-.i1p11I\ .!•1.I t' m ·11' • II r 1 n i.: ,. r I 1.111 st I '1 ,;;·~w.i : .............•.•••..... 8080 8050 ........•...••..••...•. ....................... TUCHIERS f'-Ti._ 1 •.1•-y•1.•1s• .. rs•.----· :! 111•1;11-.1 ~ ... )\ ·"' ... War1 h1Ju"•m;in mJnn1· h.1r<ll4.1n• Exl)('r pr<'r d r.12 o.<)1 Wl-,1 Pl II & I "111 r \1 \'I, I •f>"I ~. ~1 hr rr1111 11 It """ "; t.1 **I BUY** t;.u 1 IJ"'(j f'U('l\ll •Jft' l. \pplt.1nc ,..., < 11( I "'rll" II •• "El.I f•1r '\ "" LUGGAGE TAGS rn1m \11\Jf bu'lf\'"' •. rrcJ .... -fllJ •lflt• t ,1r1J f1j( I II h I.I.' 11lu """ 'I•·• r•· Yt • 1•••1111 p•r1111111111 1, V.ll'l\1-.H OH H /\1-r\' 1-i.. It'\ "'(!It ~l\t..~:·•~ I 1)11'1 .1 .,.,fa 11r 1•1\•·,•·.11 Yt ill ,11!'>'• •·•Jll'-HJr·r d1.11r' "> bud.:ct ;ollow~ f .. r "" I> re•ason.1hil' prH'•'' I' I ca"' c· j II J Jc k •"' ~aflt-rfipm ~Cd 1:1 •to "\1•v.1111rt It Ill• '11•t h•1tl 1 I l'r• '>• h•1•1I C 1ll toe ... 11 '1 I 1.;111.111 I 1•:11 ht'f" Ii. \II! ft1r Ill I "'ht;1I ,,11.11 ·, "II' 1t I ull &µ,ut\tUH1 ~,1,:·t.,,_ T1·l1·ph•H1" :-i-1111 11111 1•.U I lcnu·. ~'" I hr 11 Thur ~. :JI to !I :1oprn 1 ':111 •• arn ~11/11 S'ill() ,,,•r 11111 Wrll trarn Mu.,1 lw ri .µ<111 •.o hll' k rihlr In fr1ll11w '" 'lnwl1oni-N II ;11 "·' !t>S :i.tlYl Tt•mpt1r;Jrv lrdp 11r•1l•11•\ tia1·k 11H11•1·, 2 v.·1·1·lc-, """ h fl l!ll2 t\.,k l•1r Mll'h•·lk 1 c•nni\ l'rn ~h•111 :...11t· ... wn man n1•1•1l.·cl llr ' H t:>a m 2 :111 JHll Mt>ll l"n 4~Hlllf;. ~II·\ 1• Trow Trurk l>rr\C:r' ,.~ 1>1·r d T•1p p a v i\ llfll} ';&w T11w1nl!. 7 111 U Ohm." Wuv I M l~IZ l.!."•Z TOW THl:CK l>ltl\ ~:HS f-:,Cp<•nf'nc 1"1 111\IV f.I\ t• ant '"la MM:.i !Wli •11.:111 TroittH Po,ition ~w1tt•l)l><1o1r tl 111,,.ral•1r fl. JI I hr .. a\ ail, 1 all l•1r ;1pJ)t tiM-1 7~;:, ~VEL.4GEHT 11110,y Nt·wr"'" lk:r• h 'l'r11v1·I Ar.<t•rt<'Y rwl'lb I''< 1.1<·n1·n"t°'J d11mf'\lll' & 111 lrmntronal Jtl(•·nl S11l;11 y n 11nrn w11•x111•r <.di 7:.4 I ~ .. '>5 'nttJCK l>fllV i':n s 11)11'1"< trutl for oCfice fu mrcure• dchv1•ry S:I ~ rwr hour iilur\1111( Call M2 M~I TYPESETTH Port t cmr "xrwni·nc1'fl •mly 1111 Compll t '.ill M&:llR.1 •TYPIST• lmmc..>d1al(• 111>t•nrn1: ft1r an arc·uratt' ra-.l 1 vri1~1 . llOme gcn·1 1ifr 1111kl Cid p a y • r t· I a " c d a t 11'1108phere. Mntun•, noo s m o ke r pref, P1Jt lfl8..tl35i l.SS41 t:ompulcr t.ane.~1_1e_. __ _ 'J'yput needed, part time c:1 full lime eve11. To In· put lnsur1nt'e data Into computer. Mu11t type ftG.& wpm, hr11 rnn he vaned according to 91>· plkanu needs. MO·•~ M.lllllMoch ------TYPtST 11w! Penny1aver 1a IOOk· Ina for • part llm~ typt111proo rr e adc:r . Pleasant worldnc cond., modtm equipment. App. IY ln penon lteO Pt.acea. ti.Ave .. C.~ll•• ENJOY YOUR SUMMER! 1'-nm1• ,, :>.11r1l11 r. Ill I'" J I") •Jr. Typist' •Statistical Typisb • S..Cretariu •Word Proc~uon •Dato &!try Opn. "" h··· l':11cl \\ 1·1·kl)' l'a11I \ UI Jllllfl \ \ )( I> \f \ "\ r • n I . , I r •·11111 h.1 1111111111• 1111• rr 1 n -.. I ., r ' fl1 • t1 \f1·1 lr.rnw.d l0.r1•1.,. lt•rl..:•· llt'lpful 1\1',IC h,u)<l.,.1 11 1111: n1·1r-.,;,n V.k.i,, 11(1 V. rll I r .1111 l'l;IH '\1•wpnn Bl ('\I ··••·••·•··•···•·••···· ~ 8005 •...•.•.•••...•....•... C HOW'S N 1-:ST i\;'I: T I ~ t: S I ST 1\ ;-.; NIVEl{.'iAHY Si\U: 11) Sun Cll•mt•nt•· Thru At«u.~t 5ol N t-:1 <.:ammo HA.•uJ ll·•KTit'r J'uhrndu> M•" MASTYS AUCTION M l>-8686 & 833-962 5 1;r•·•·n h1£h 1>.11 k "' r ."111n.1I , h ,11r "' 111 IOrl\Jll £'> Mil ol»!J C 1\S II I' i\ ID Fnr ~cl U\••d furn ''"'' •1Ut"&rlr1V'<;!}!>7 Hl33 C'rrrn l!J~r hlirm .. et. I w in lx·d,\ 1'11t•:o.t of dr"' r' n 1 t c ~ 1 J n II . cJ r l' ' '1· r "' mirror 'Int • Hntl . ~10 ••I:! !f.111.l !I :10 :, :IO l.;1tl• IHI.II' l''tc•11th l'ruqn 11.ol pwc1·' 1\n11,1u1· "'h11t• & )o!11lrJ lnm X lnl tflfl41 l)re .... ,1111: thl. h.oll 'l"llt. 1·h1"1 of !Ir"' r' In: dr<'''l'r 64'1 'l :ltl~ !I :»s lr1 " .1h•I .111 r.1<1 '"' 1.n I'. tr J.f> 11h·• 1rn1• .11rl1111· I ll ri~1wr1•m• nh l'rl' \1•nt 111" A• thdt' l-11f .1 IJ''l".IMl.lll/c'CJ I.e.: 1'0 ( Ir"'• .... ellpnpc•r . l<1b r 11· •tr • 0d) 1:fo' JIUJiN & Wv .,.,II biu·k & tnrn ~our lnl!.' Or try '"'" t'oJrlb h,ll·k t11 hllc ~ l'HICt-;.<.; ~ c•a 11r :1 ~. I ~1 l:ti!'SI tiOl'a Ii \I ta.:' $1 5'J 1•.1 lllnr m<;n" SI 4111•,1 ~aJ1.,, T.1, ln•·lu•h·d !'\f)l'\lllJ ' llfll14 \tlllf ""'" •lr 'l'llll n.11Tl<' -Jddr1"'' ph•mt & ... t• II m.1 l-.1• o<w 1 .1rd 1wr t.11.: 1\1llJ ;!,.'y l"Jl h !-w-nd 1 hl-. k or mon~·y or dt:r t11 lnstnnrn+s 80 8 3 ..........••..••..•.... ,it,..tlll IA"' l ',1111 l'•'ll\ U"~f .! '"''' •• lht II •11111 "' Sl~.O h.ml• ,,,,. S!'M' '"' h•;I h .\n>u 111 1' 111 1.11 " , .• , , . ~ • n ',, 1 • rrun•l!)h1m1· $,)(1 1\:.k lw l)Qf) !.JI, ,l,'JX:! 1;wlJr. m•arl\· m·~ $:\."> !m• o21:1 iii 1-'mdn Twrn It•·' c•rt> ~ Fc•nd1•r llan<tm«-.kr Ci1ll t-'r111rs.ir~2 ~151 '1'11 pvt p11rty •JOIV. br;incl nl'w ~l:lml·r alto c;;" $1200 llAnn Nrrh•1h. m4333 Offiu '11ntiture & Eiqyi,...... 8085 ....................... DICT A,HOHIE i\nuqu1' fo\Jmllurc 1111( out or <;late pn~ SBI ~ (j()Qd <'urv<-d Sl'<'tl•HlJI. I. t•h.in nc•I bar k charr-... 4~. PILOT P•IHTIHG ,. 0 Rei, lati(I ( i'flta M C"!>J . C-" 921.2f; Ponablt> w lrans1·ntw•r Nrw :O,anyo rost S4<M) lllVlNI': '" () 1-: TYPIST W•1r<l pe1w1•-.'<111~ l)llh f ftll :'llwpt (i·ttt•·r I.e ... •;11. lt•.:al c•xpc·r 1>n ·l1·rr1·ol 1~i11;.ioo TYl'IST <:1·n """<' Tvp(• 50v;11m W 111 It .1111 (: (1 ti cj I'""'" l' • I' ,, y . 11c•n1• Ir t i. J.' 1 •'I d Nt•w111rn1>er Synclcc·.11r. ~14!1 R700 ..,,.men IO I 0 .................•..... U~"\I ltefnl(('rall>r., Wa.,hc•r-. & Dryer" flAHGAINS s i-:H\ IC'!-: lil•,l 1\i111hanrf' ~ 11!111 11111 Alub;i ma !-it II II M1rrt1 Wr1• c• 1.ar~l' :.harp I °'1rou.'t'I l'"rl"l't c<mcJ $21~ 1;4(1 0327 Wlrrrlp,)1)1 P 1m mf"t"1.il w:i .. hn 1try1•r. i.tofll. 2 yr. olcl lt.uM grf"ut S2'l!> <.:.t 11 f .46 OJ.'10 l)r 546 6673 llclnger atl)rs. was h<'r & clryer Moving oul of state. gd pnce!I 581 ~ round 1-of ( f'i' l b I !;40 I !Y.1 I (l\rome & Rla!>S pt'C11•,lt1I tnble, 4 f'hrnmt' & "'1ck•·r 1·hu1r.. l.1kt• ni'"' l '.dl hi ""n i pm & I I p rn lllf.-525.'i WICKER OR Ri\TT \:"' FURN 1-'0H St\l.t-:'•·• I ~ a ,ofa or lovt>sc•af Will also C't>n:.1c1N 1·ha1r' My bu<IR<'I allow~ fur fin ly rea:-.unahll' prrt·•·:. l'lt"11SL' l' a 11 .J a <' k IC', ~e:xJI after 6pm King siie waterbed with Ii dra wer pedes tal. book shel f headboard $32!>. 7001.246 ---- CERAMICS Sell R!>O ~ i2'7 I Pl'h 8017 11.andpainted •·t'r amu•,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• plaque,, nat" 11y :.••t. t\AHY llA!'d!-.'1'1-:lls . r ut•· plat es. mul·h m1 ~1· &ador:1bleonly :lwrc•k-.. item.' /\ISO "P<'<'lal or ntd. $1 !lll t•J IT t-:J>l>Y cit-rs & rolo" done al rt• Bt'.i\llt 1146~79 aft 61'1\1 a.v1nalllc l'~l IS4ti 11579 iiclW> 27;i:, l'\'e" WINUOW Sll/\Ot-:.-. l.1·V.1l11r llhnd ... Won•n wi1C11b . pull hhncl:-. <'k al '141' • off all 1ll!ms A'Wl-::'tl 645·R9al COPIER Xlnl cond. 962 7033 Mov1n11 Salr. All11n11 C:o1·katrcl llre.-der:. t fl·m11le 1'1•11rl y P ed /\vrary, m·strn~ boxes. t•al(eti. 6't2·3S42. PIClllOl Ir Orcpts 1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TYPISTS Wa.'>her /dryer Xlnt ron· Green h1de·a ·bed. l1k e '11t1Qn llH~ for both new. S\25. Save S200 f'am Tennis membcr~h1p. Fountain Valley Raque l C lub. ~146 Antique Baby Grand Piano. Honduras Burled Red Ma&b. Carved legs. side. lyre . COLI.E C TORS ITEM. Has been uppra.lsed. 768-0ma eves. You Can Go To Wortc T odoy! Mu11l sell S48 3322 642-6112 JACX WALSH Antique burled walnut CAIPITCOMPAMY piano. good condition. ltlinRerator . very dewn, Refni~. side by side. F 1F, SIXI. coppertone. xlnt cond , Mcl!lt or our apphrunl'I rcwi.1er for work in Che mtll"Tlllll( & 11rc· work1ni: by lhc arll'rnoon Top wc•t•kly puy Jo:xt•clll'f1l oVVOrtullllll":< for 673-fJMJ s.'.m/best olr 642· 1067 Olntractons cloiie-0ut ~ ivory keys. $400 or bei11 yds hvy t>a me l n ylon o1Ter.644--t905 TYPIST IU>fnl( . rroet fret'• 16 CU. rt 175 ~-U)IJ Mtrr 6 PM IOIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gold occas1onaJ chr tlO. 2.19·· blaek & while TV ·s. need work. SlO for Wth. 642-1067 ___ _ pl1.1:i1h Save 40'1 Call or rome tn 711 W 17th St UNl G 2 631·4402 12 gauge R em1ni:t on Pump xlnl r:ood. lealh<'r c111c. 1150. 12 gauict· Moa.1bur1 SIOO. 775--03111 SF.C'R 1'.'T /\RI t-:S w w '" c.;t-:N ERAL on ·1ct: ~ aell ! lmmed Km11 ,~LotS. ---------i sz complete waterbed, er Sat-A.ua. 25th ooorh. rocklnll chair & JOAM to$ U...nDIDmON SfNrtlwte.oods 1094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Locnl a.ss1irnments. air SHOW ltSALE lruvt"I bonus 4' more Sept 8·9 <.:a.II now ' ' Sheralon·Al'l1helm 557 0045 For diacount tlckeu de· • t.alls, wn te· ALEA. Box cr\•[Jr\':. =J· Kerm1l, Te1as ltM'Ol!AlrV Pl /ISONNll $flNICI $ 1~~~~~~~~~~~1 J>el"IOOl\t1l lo10 lkydtt IOJO 3721 lftll s.... . •••.....•...•..•••.••• Nfwperl leech 3 wt.I bicycle, 11 bHket. 1ood con dition SU . UWRy Is Ute maintenance In lovely H unUn1ton Beech •Pl b\llldlnir. E x- cdlent pc»ltlon for re· t l ree w 11 o m e mecb...Ucal ablllcy. A.Pt + Nlary. 5Zl.aMJ ... 875-70ll8 MIA11w.llft•IOJI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltd vinyl coet-n•ll1. 601b boa tl,1. 81 lht =1~ boa•> SlUO. ... reenae. S48·71.28. Baraalns Galor PIHIHAUTIH ,....._.,,_. 117 E tBtltSt, C.M. S«>O/bat 673-68S2 ~~~~~~~ ..-c•1111t1 &Office ....... L«e. approx sxs gt ca. Painted wood <'u11tom Cookware: wat erleaa. st.alnlet111 steel •on In contest. S.cnrice price. leave meuaae. 831·0208. c:al>'nets (Zl W/drawe rlll. RAMPART At.hletk Club ...;._ _______ _ s helves. u re. d oot!'I. rneuJbenhJpl Wiii trade If Cluba. near new Could he ornce or hob~ rm uni•• .,..,.. ca. A for25aheetlo1Sheetrock power built Citation ... ... -(• ... •'x4'•8'l or u11able dri 1 -P --" ·-• walnut 8eemarial de3k ?W ver . ..., .. x r ..... a~ .... .,, aoo. 2 delu w/<-redena. lumber. both debvcred '· $, wooda. SUlf abaft m>. 2 t:uc chairs l200. o r but o r rer. (;all [).2 -.87~7-. 55'7-7111 CVt'S, 1------------llcceJ ccnd. s.49-7751 ur --------·11ar1 8DcJta s. a. Ponntala l. 7DQll3evi'!rknda. The ,..._ dnw ln the almmt .... tao. Cblld'• ......, Wtllt. . .a o.&ly Piiot 19111, Dart" U O, SlO. W•Adllelp! e42·-•v QMlifted Ad. to"'7I. ...a • .. 1 • ........ 9060 Jwflos.r.k•,, ... lotl ........ •••• •• .. • •• •••• & A.cefttOrin '400 ........ ••••• • • • • •••••• 71 Pe~ ~oop •nL •••• • •• •• •• • •• • • • •• • • • • Nleal:'S .. Mapawoa ~ cmcl. w fpoplble Npt Pbur' 0ft11.1' db Cham TV. 11 a ·vr W-.n ahp &U.SOO evea pkm radiall. brand"'"""· ,,_JW Nl-1711 ___ ~~~--~cb'l«t'J 1133. ~ 00 MW l'ht•vy ~S-.0! 4~1 -•,,..a-&1.I.-.-rlma, C'Of1U>I W/Whl ,ov ,...,.~--.., SU0. 0.. •U chmml' ---=--·-· •tl'M ~!'!!. _ roll l>llr fer P U • nrw. ••-·• nr v,.r ronuotl'•I 11111 .... & ....... ! I .. c e ....................... Gr a4" tOIO ....................... WHITHY BUYING (#' SELLING Tllhls Yow OAILY PILOT IOATMART To place your od C411642-S678 vm1 ... m , ,ood rond a lalh.. llDU", Ir Lr, alr •• DOo ~111.\.\4 t !) Ulymp1r Ytnn n .. w wt\!"° ~>a!n I w "' 1111(1 ll'\ ttl <•ut c'llfld ~ lrlr Jf7~ (W olfw l,._'> -.i: , DAY MIL.~;R 13 Ghottt l~iod hllt'r~l11' boat tor f1UJUllri. ~·,jl.i. lour amt b car t1>Pllbll' Sim, call ~ ~ at\ef' t.pm or on Wllt"kcnd tlw~t·r 22. IUt·t~ i.loop. Cull\ 1·4u1ppE>d • + 4 !>.Alb \ l fl· \lj~ ;iot),)8 aft fi pm 13' t-'l\l tn.,: Jr 1-ull• eqwp I.I r11r1·1 "' lrlr sum. Ph 673-0200 Hobie 16. 2 yn. old. used rarei.y, Teqwla ~c wills Sl600 673-6870 17 ' o·oay, xlnt cood Malo & Jib :-.:11b trrul1·r avllnr, must ~di $165ll &ll!~ C<tl 20 0 U, t•x trU!o Newport s hp, mu.'t sell. S34001b6t ofr S41f-4488 RACING SAAOT Sl50 or Ae!.t O<frr 67~J:$4 Columlua 23ft. 0 It . t rlr xt.ra !>atl'I. C'lt, $.'.>.'>OO O f r er. 494 :!9tl2 Must sell clas!>H' r:ie1n~ llwvy w uuh 1111ly "1 ti.Bl an~ ••.•......•••••••...... l'1f'ORTAN I N<m F.To kl<:AUERS .VW AL>Vt:ftTlSt:KS 'flw pr l< C!' o f II N ll'I 11dvt"rl ''t••J I·~ \ 1•h11 I• dt!1tlrn. 111 th t-\ t•l11• I• C'l111Hllf 1c·d 1tdvt•rt1:.111.: tnl\ID\rul ~not mc ludt •ny •Prllcahllj tu x\···· lh'~Obe, tr a11i.fe r let-~ fuum\"e char~wt., fen l•H air J)Olluuoo 1:-ontrol •k V\~ ~r1.J0l"dll0f\f> 01 I.Ii! !Ut-r tlot·u111t!'ntary !)rt.I f:Htl d l.100 c t1d.ffWli U.llle!>!S rlthctwl!>t-1>J)t"t'1fitld l>y tlw oovertl'>t'r 9520 •.....••....••••••..... a..AS5'C IUYE:RS I IH V OJ.\'U ldOOl::S St:OJ\N llurcl 111 fllHI .. S\1ortswateo11' · rnod1•l wrt 1 4 i.1icM1 I r u11s & 11V1·n ln Vt~. 111r t~mu1t 1u11 in.:. A M l''M t.l c•r l'u w 13jll". .:nhl •''il••n o f" & lJ; 111 t'\Cl'lh-nl !'(IOClll11111 II.LI\ llOCO 111 -.umt• family :ml<"e 1972. \'ou m u!ll sci: Uu!> one' M J k1· offn Call 499-2647 ·1·1 Cu:-.tom C adtl\;J1 ~vdll:' <.>pt-1 a l 0111it: /\rt (•1Cqws1te ~hr11o1r IJlt'<"I'. 1·01 ll~.'\()r)> c <it l.\ t:r.) u11t11111 mu~111,1hll· ~ 10 1 m1k-. $fl 10 101\011r l.1k1· fl\• r lca'c fv>0 ll~h~ IJayl> 5'W.Kl80. Evci. s:;9 7238. ••••••••••••••••••••• <~11 l S.-U V our l'u • CllYBIMW rAVSTOP OOLLAR t0rON111 UHd lmPortt ~u MU1• or Dun f IJJ..lJU ~ ..... rt.d ....................... '70l ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTOOlON! Mu r re dPI. BMW , t'wbdle, Cl11U1c & Kx c.Uc Wu wtlJ H.11 )'OUC car 110 con.51~oowut itt your llf"'N< l:W11t kwalloo 10 (Jt \All~;·· l'ouul> fo'or 1n f\11 lliiillOCI I ollJ J illi ('ul nm ~S.riin llOO W l'oabl Uw' Nwvt Bch &4~ flif>.1 REBUILD AILE '73J...,..Heaty s:n.> :..••Jo il '74 Oatwn B2 I 0 Slfll\I I t;:,81 I 'H A.intin Marina S1'6 111:>3M I ~AartoSuf>PY 1·776-9900 9705 •....••.....•••........ Alto 71 "Pvd,•r ~rn I.I~ Uop 4.!.l \i $S..V•1 I I I I lli7 :1 1188() 9707 . ..•................... '74 1001.S I dr 'r-d AtC. 1wtv tr 4m> a;.!.tOO f>I:! ~HIM !\.Iii US.18 I rr11r1.11· wh111· I ''7!c \ull 1 !iln'l'i. lf..OOOrni I "" n1·1 ,jl\>~llU\l'IV \ll;.11l1'1J \111• I :W'\' $111 HIXI t.::-, ·~112 71 ,\11fl1 IOll I.<;, \Int 1·••nrt Sli~ Mornrngi. tic l'\ t..., l·14-~l 9S50 Amtin 9709 ....................... •••.••................. E LECTRIC BOAT-18:· s lo o p 26 ' l.ud n::. °'-'field Mannt-, blue & Newport slip 642 4~5 ~'dlow. IJlte new. SB.000. 40· Choy Let> ketr h. dsl. ~ _ _ · autn p1IOC. sen<XU cruis- YACHT W AHTEO Developer seeks lc> ex· ins:: ooat. Offers "70 CJ7 $1'.0ClO $1000 cln~ n "ITT I\ H '1 ark 111 :lt'lllO t:ikt· ove r l1·:i~1· c·.111 ·\XM oni: mil1•s, rn ot ()ave ;1\ 7!X} >l'.11'2 or t-.v1•-. 111nd ~·11119 oa, l•porW Wedtl!!day, A'i;;::1~"*:.:'.:22=·...:'~97:..;9:.-------o-.At,;,;l.;;.V-.PU..__0-.1..__.D_I .. ······••··•··••·••··••• ...................... . c.t '711 Mlra4n .._ 9740 .WO.. t.porled ....._ U1M ...•.•...........•.•... . ................................................................... . '7J V II. tl untoof, n1d10, '7S 3'00 KB. New fact Y•••• 9770 C r1c "" '-d ...._ ........... ·~, .. · ·-.. ····-·········· ...................... . -...... ... 11...-~.... ftll, aJ.nt eond. '70 280 SL. --·····-·········· , GG Urll M/B. Top ~· $14,000. "18 C'lauk-. Cbampa1ee WTl Torino liCIO, 2 dr. lin- Pri pty981-IM$ white oa white cooverti· mac. Owner returning "rl CAPRl b&e. Only U ,OOOmi .. ltle.e ~11188.llWOTl. ~ 'flt 280 SL. X1nt cood. AU. new, IDOO. Call ~. '71 LTD W·-. $.'500 or ___ lticbetirw. am/fm attteo lbu 752-»eo. --W.. 9 0 caMett.e. t.000 mu.. on a.taller. •••••••••••••••••••?!'.. new eng. 4 1pd. $10,000. 'Tl VW 1 paaa bul. Vf!!r/ ~ ~ dee. Rbk cnotor. '2250t ?4 CAM.LAC '7' !Jlte 3'7,000 mllee. fuJI LAICH sa.lCTIOH OF AUMOOB.S ~HOl'41 COMPARE BARWIC K DATSUN , ii l1,,j111 1j• f1 I, 8ll·ll7S '1~J.3J H •DATSUNS• L.-,. s.&edlcMt Of.AIMG*b WI SPECIALIZE IH GOOD SERVICE COSTA MESA DATSUN ~5 llAIWOR UL\'() 540-6410 S40--021 l II• HA)() H11.1d II 1. :! 1111~ r1·«~·111 t·n1: 11q·rh,jul ~J.?\JO M ii '.1'110 "ktl)' <l!tl .t!{J61•w \ 72 1 Xtrwk C~d rnn•I A'IUni.: ~I '.14M1 u• l '1.1 rt J !'7:Kr.lMI ,.\ ~ .. "; IJ.'Jt, liK !IJl,1111 I •·ti l 1111 i.:re~1l $.I~• ( i\." 11 ... 1h .1 '\J 71 610 \\J)!hll, 1111).; IMTll'f. rl~' I:''• $.'()00 h-.t nH .. r 64-1 O'JJ.5 '72~0'l iwoo bt·,1 offrr ~IX :..'780 bltofr. SU.l.M'7 S9AM DI ¥1U.I power. XI n l cood MGil '744 'Tl VW SQUAJlEBACK, F\all pows. factory air •mt •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• Jt1nt (OOd. radiaU. 12150 oond.. ie.tber, tilt .rbed -. '---'--------- 77 MGl. Goed c..L 0...Bea.873-2'1~. 6Jowmilft.(474J<BO~ -9946 "-11 •• ,. pu .. a..a ....._. • .... ••••••••••• .. ••••• .......... ~.& •• ....._.1 Sl4ft •• Bua, driven dally, '73 llarlt IV Cont .. wb1 on 71 MGB: 21611 mi. $3800 67~138 tnany oew parts, body "WM..~ rej gas. &ood rusted. $500 Firm. cood. Make otrer. Pb 646--zz:». ... 1078 78 MGB, yellow, 11lnt '70 VW Camper. good cond. all recordl. mu.st cood. AM /FM ster eo, selJ, Best Ofr . COM. $!3)0.642-93116 ~1Zl6 Eves & wknds -----75 Rabbit 4-dr dhc mdl, ,once.. 9750 AM /FM. lo rru. perfect • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • cond S3'700 892 512:5 9917 ....................... ·73 914 2 0 M.1 F M l!ttl<. ---14, gd C'Qfld • $3200 333 Q U bra k e s $5500 New '79 d4esel R ahb1t W.Bay,i.p 115.CM After 645-3485 2-dr. dlx. A .IC. 1Je1ge, 6PM ----~.stereo ~~ ------- Rare ·75 Carrern T,jq(a t-1awlei.s All xtrus fl9.~ bt!Sl. 496 3741i, 496--5922 "Qi 91:! Ruru. good . .dnl C' '' 11 d . n e w t r 11 n :. ~ofr 496 7461 eve:. !114 P<X"Sche '72. lo m1 /\µc gr p. m IR~. A M 1-'"tl $f7~1 ~1 lA'W I '"!Ill 'Cini cond ~.>Oii X.12 r:,..117 .\ft s 71 PondM 91 I T ar'CJ0- ~ 67l-428 I 71i 9U ~lt•r1:<1 &•r. ll\~.., qi.ll• i.. ~JI•· Si~A.)11 11ff.r <t<J> !IM. I 67·1 21 1-1 WIJr " f'J r"' Ro&ls Royce 9756 ···········•··••··••··· 0.noAtt 9920 9772 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• VOl.VO 'SAUS. SBVICE AMDL.l.UIMG OVERS~ OEUVJ::RY EXPERTS EA.IUlKt VOLVO 1.966 Harbor klvd COSTA Mt.:...,A ~9l0l 540.9467 OllAHGl C OUMTY VOLVO t:XCLUSI V ELY \ ()t V() l..ar.c1-st Volvo U.·11h•r 1.11 Uranl(e County ' Rl Y or LEA.~ f: l>IRECT a.,~·,;~.·~ 197'DEMO O.EAA.AHCEI on C.a mar06. Ca pnC'es, ~font.: Carlos. Mal..lbus & Novas Dra1>11c rrt1 uc · UOR: I SAVE HOW!!! COHNRL CHfYIOUT -X21 llJrh111 11\. •I I '"Tl\ Vlt.:--\ 546--1200 72 O>evy Impala Xlnt rond Sll:IO 847 6ll.0 J'k for Corol 7J ~a Only '9M m 1, n1..-w hrake!>. 1uneu11 t'lr I owner Sl 650 bt:s t 11CC er ~ l!lll -; I \h!l/J .! • :• ,HTI rm :. to· rt " , ·1 111 "J m 1 1 .. ., S2 I ~II (. <I t I J II \l I in .. 1911 Martt V, 8111 Blass Ud Edition, blue & white 2 tone, kwaded, showroom cood. $1.2,500 or besl John Wilkins 759-6816 wt.days 4 :30 to 5 30 pm only. Mwcary "so . ..................... . ORANGE COUNTY'S MIWIST LINCOLN· MERCU RY DEALERSHIP RAY R.ADEIOE UNCOLN-MERCURY t.6-18 Auto Centt'r Or. SDFwy-Lak.e For\!Sl ex1~ IRVINE 83~7000 ·15 Mooareh: White, 4dr rads . AC, xlnl cood 4!11-4074, 49"1-1830 1i Gran Marqui::. 2Sk' m1. lnatled w 1opt1om.. h k1· nr""" cond. $4750. 759 OOK~ 9952 .............•....•.... i~ Ghia V6 l.nadt-rl 8ran1J new Mu\I :.t ll r.200 Call 493 :.120 h """~ ---- 74 4 ('YI. 4·:.p. J tr . r> .. 52KmJ $2~ 540 82::>4 evt-:. 2025 S Manchester ~-c...r. ----6S Vlu.'>tam~ Convl·rt Xl111 Anaheim 750-2011 o.yw.r 9925 !>h a p e S48Qo c .11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l~daY!t 4.!-0-11130 9 71 2 Fiaf <"hange, tax favo red loah. Sllps/ bHIS. solid equity JO Oodu 9070 ftt Wtll) ('.J:, J1'\:p Xl11t 9725 7J \\'<1~11n J U l f1 ,, , d.n1 f m Xlnt cnnd $.l!lSlr I o.Jl ~ l.!llfi NUBS AUTOCE:HTH '1,fYTl ONGO\ t-.k ~ ~IANG. white. ~d cvind . mu..~t "di S2.J.5f\ 1·.J 11 7~ OJO!i d ):. or ~ 2167 evl"S !-b OPP i D g CC " l c r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ("flOd f\r Jnd m•w 1•n;.111• w1guara nteed m in r e t• , .. 5 .a.y "'IL ... BLE AN.I ()(f,.r Call !>4X ~·~~ tum (or luxury yHcht .m ~ "' "' "'. perlcc-t c ood S>Le & _ YAC~rwport ~~ \alue open. ~!T757 or Side ue for 1X1wn bo .. l. ~3:~:~7 • opp~I)~ :!O' 111 1·.111JI --~ ~I. ce/020 N1·'°'1·pon ~;J1p Wanl<.'<I f •r _. .. ce 'IC tlw n(·'Ct :i m ri 27" I>\\ r • •••••• ••• • •• • • • • • • •• • • f).\').ftl~ fr ee Yacbl maltll 1n t:x1 h for IJw-aboard. rt•I Gd re!s 67~5497 Boats. Mcmifte 1)-~frrrt'tl !<lip n ..... t,·d. ~ Cl.<' ~10<111. 10· hc.im Olli Tt-rry 1;,i5 tr: ;1, i't <."ht" v • I 1•1 :l.il1 ,lll(d. IHI~ 11(1 $.1IWl1 !liO 11.W. 731 >liol l '-"'...... 9030 IDah. Spffd & ·-.. •••••••••••••••••• Sid 9080 ·73 Couner. fl 'T . J?<X><I Smt. bold.ing tank, water ••••••••••••••••••••••• mp~. 7:!K m1 , $1 700 or Umk, aJcobol stove. 505 1.9' NordJ<'. rl.'(J.wht !Jlue, bet •>fr 768 ~ lrvineAv,NB548·5050 perfect l~d. Grt:dt ski ·n Che v 1.i T p u .. ---· --boat, 454 Chevy. velvet lollh. Power 9040 drive. tandem trlr. PP. Stlverado. loHdcd, lS.600 ·•-••••••••••••••••••• 640·5032 dys. &40·1029 mi. $5650. 6 42 ·35211 , 21 • Fi berform, express eves/ wknds. _6'2-__ :ms _____ _ c ruis t:r , bdtp, bead, '72 Ford, ~too. 6cyl, 4spd ~~ ·f'r~~~te~~8~11 T1 w p IWtaHoa 1 stick. $2200. 185CX>. A Y 640-9000 -·• •• • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 536-4543 ~ Sde/ 7>I Chevy Luv. Mu:.t ~di S7'Ca.rrlcralt $59.500 Rent 9120 To pymnts "1C l\•nrfr1I ·~Twin Chrys,Sl ps 10 ••••••••••••••••••••••• w J r r t y ~:,; 37, 11, Be$t ofr taltt':.. Pl'1w Cabovcr Cmpr, fully ~3..'lfi t•\t!.., 67>2172 t'QVI J'I, rt•t• u1r Jll<'k\. --:l2'GRANDV tiead refn>:. qrw1• own. 77 Dyna Cruiser $2400 FlybnctRe SPort fo'lsher ~ i. l"ht·V\ l'I" ~ll<Htll<'d l•>.tdt>d. · lllnt ron1l I'S l'H.1\l m:.i ..:~ -,.,3 :::.r.:.2 t win Chrysle r V R's B l m 1n1 rm VHF. 4'0W>der, auto pt.lot •79 L anct.o J l i,.,' s e lf Vans 9570 • $l&..500 A Y 646-9000 amlamed. u:o.ed twice, all ••••••••••••••••••• • ••• e xtras. bsl o fr above ·711 F11rd i:: :!!XJ ChJt~au 40 root f1berglas trawler $5000. 540-7171, 6(2..3595 club wagon. trlr. !'>J>CC'lal w l tWUI diesels. Almost Motoriud lffln 91 40 Z?.OCXI Mi. $7.500. 673-0473 new, loaded. Private ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!lfD Ford Econnb1w ~' party. Two boat owner. C imattt t tty Hike & 302 a uto, run~ .cood Must ~ell. 1714)548·5930 Bykart, xJnt <'ond , $3:15 SHXXl 642·~ 11· lnboard +trlr. Mech M2-2044. xlnt. slt1. fis h, cruise. ~~~•/ $2395. Also 2 F' G . dt.nghys. 640-5389, HP M. 9JSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• -n· 1962 Chris Craft Sea '76 Suzuki GTlR!i. ex Slaff Two Chevy·s. V8 et!Uenl cond1uon, $700. t:ogs, re cently over-67>:.>75 baWed. Xlnt cood. Slip 71 Yamaha XTSOO xlnt avail. 18500. Ph 8JS.60SO ~.. ...,5 .... RM wkdys , 675·7445 o r ""',......,, r• 1Zl3)672.4550 eve/wk.ads. 64~9281---- '76 Hwy. Patrol Zl OO<lrc. $1600 or Best. 673-7975. Aft. 6. '78 Yamaha SHSOO· Lo o:ules. xlnt cond. $1.tllO/best 559-14~ J.m 1SO Honda Xlnl cond. 24· Sktpjack, '79 open cruiser, 130 hp Volvo djesel. Tower w /coo~ tlds, plank fish bo:ic, oot- nggen, DF. ADI'', scan· oer. 5S channel r adio. auto p ilot. w /trlr . $29,950. 642-6.540. Very very low aulage. '78 Sea Ray 20'. Cuddy Call eves. 775-07'17 cn.Uer. 260. H/l', 40 hr!!. Apelco radio. c over . 72 ~ukl GT 7SO dre:ssed. Lr a II er, t w 1 n bat l. xlnt cood, must M:ll $11100 Divorce sale. $12,700 orB.0.~3016 firm. Eves~. days Maifof' ........ 5de I 6» 7)00 ... /ShM OIJ' 9160 ·79 Thunderbird 18'. -·•••••••••••••••••• Loeded. llke new. Local· RENT ZS' FIREBALL ed In NB. Must sell/ SELF CONTAINED. malleofr. Zl.3/472.aoe7 REASONABLE. 64.>2283 70 t'ord Van m m1 motor ho>me, air, stove. refn~. bc<i.'l, tbl, lnL'\ of cup boords. $2SOO. 9GJ. 7 589 "78 Dodge 200 Van Con version . PS PB. A/C, m:igs, frig, sink, loaded .cxx>mi. 548-71D4 aft3pm. '18 Ford cstm int. lood l'd. 2 tanks. $10)()/o(r. P.P &12-ZllK 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE PAY TOP DOLLAR for top used car.\·foreJgn. domestica or cl83siC'S. If your car 1s extrit clean. seeusJ1RST! "C© P l l110r-..c~ 292.S Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 WANTED! ....................... I,.... -• -•'"" *' ... CRErVIER .. ' . IMMEDIATE OF:l.I VERY' LARGE SEUCTIOH OFMEW 1979 320i's 528i's \J.14, bJ,ll~l IHSTOO<! (.'J1ll t•1d,jy We also ni.1 \ h ,..11(· t hat r•rt 01o1. 111·cl flMW you a re tonk 111i.: for ' 831-201.0 495-4949 bec.utl n C or ·711 .,,." I ~llft"1 s11nrMI lf•:tthl r .ti I CJ\" l11w mt I ,. f1p1•r .. 11·' rru r t·.: 1i.1r lud' 1~1:1 $14,995 ( Xhl'r-. T 11 I hllf"I CREVIERIMW l'>I & l\rtllid~.I\" S \:-O~f \ \ -.; \ K:l.1 : ; , I oaAMGE COUMTY 'S OLDEST & SaJes-~Cl'·Le8!11nft Ray CarYer,lnc:.. Holts ftoy«c HM W 1540 J ,j in ho n•" Newport &·ad l li4!1 1;.111 IOI Mcl.AREH's 850 N. Beach Blvd LA llABRA !5 MJ No of SA Fw) 1 17141522-5333 Sonday by Appt. OWNER 71 32' Unlflit.e, '74 F\ltura, 2'1', loaded. l o a d e d . T w n 2 2 o Sacrifice $8SOO. Late model Toyota s . j~~~~~~~~~~ VolvOfl. Pick~ & Vans. Crusader; 23S Hra on 842"'*7. eb111-•·500• 675-$886 T......_ TnlYel t 170 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 12' ftbel'slas boat w /lrlr. ebp Jensen, like ne w '75 32' Silver Str eak _S&CJOO. __ stJ. __ 1421 ____ -t 'lnller: IUUy equipped, .... Sii '° AC. atereo, $12,000/besl. ...................... --eves. '71 TENT TRAILER Sleeps 6, xlnt coad. ... "" ._ll'alateoad., a., traile r, 11le•~-'· ••IU color 1 a Ha, atove, aint, tbl • cbn, 71H11 .. X...aA5 •·•=oeves. Oll ........ 2 ...... • ....... , ... ==·~&ellf ........... 9400 ....................... u· Lift Id Boat, 8' Joy -nblllll TYOe IJ1 VW m.oo:z:..na..r1la1. ea1\u. $39 5. Call _.., ...... •'140Bn1Umt. ~~~~--~~~~-· Call ua today! ........... , c .... ..._. ........ ,,.,., 140.'4'7 PmCHE's WINTED Allow .. t.be opportunity ·75 2002 : A (.;, i;unrf, AM 1FM . whist ti re~ $7000. Debbie 642 3873. 642-6606. BMW '76 5301, Mint cond. Fjord blue, Blaupunkt aiereo I.ape, 4 st>d:. Best olr. (5912PL) Yvt ply days 75 2·1864, wlmda/ev• M1·2154 73 IMW J.O CSL Rare fac.:, ori&. Alpina ... lteel~· brUet. AJr cond.~ Int cond. MUM. to andder t.be purchue '71 220i. fully equip or lnlde-iD of your clun Rec.,-o lot. Mlnl cond • f'OndM. a.eek w1tb Ua 14,500 ml. (703VZC) Nay! Sll,700.IM8-fl71 PP ........••.••..••...... 7i 1.:.11, xlnl 1ond, \ l'. \~ F~f 1 .1,!>. ·''fld 11. oc1urn 1. J.:n:io UJ' t~lH N42, t \ ~$0 5:?1ti 9727 ····•·•••••····•······· Brand Mew '79 HONDA Cars MAHY To Choose From! UNIVERSITY OtdlmobU~ Honda Can • G MC TNClu 2kSO ll:i r Lour l!I HJ Cu.11 J M t':lJ • ~11) '76 Cv cc, 5-s p . n e w M cchelins. tun e up. ~pg. SJ:)()(). 496 5799 75 CiV1c, w 1M1C'b tires. xlnt c oo d . lrke n l!w IOI $2600 673 9055 a ft ij Xll'\1 9730 ··•·····•••·•··•·•····· '77 XJ-12L ,\ulnm u11r. air. f ul l\ 1-qu1 ppc<.I, fi'4 al·t ual mil es R l'gen <'y r c•d "' l:in hide' ··Fl J w I~ .. C254UKT ! CUVIERIMW I.st & Brnadwa}" SA.'fTAA:'ll-\ ~:111 1 73 X.J6 Mint 1.ond. ,.llM mr. $7!>00 83.'l 0005 t>I XX E l oupe :.J 000 ITll\t-::. Ong ) 1•lluw p,11nt F.mtasuc cun1l 640·tl327 Eves. Karnllllft 6hi a 9734 .•.•••.•...........•••• 70 K1trmann Ghia. xlnt rond. C'nll1·1·1or" 1trm ll<'i;t offer 4i40· 7 Sll2 or 6J) 5216 i 3 G HI A New pmnt & int. $2000 7W !111'5 'f\7 K arm an n G h i a Custom rblt rn~ & hodv +extra.~ aft 6 640-SJ..'.>7 9738 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 'Tl GLC. Good runninit Nfldl uon $2500 or bt'ls l fifer ~l~9 after 6 pm &wknd&. -----~ ... 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 450SEL' S ilver & pnstri pe xlnt cond, all xlras . 41M m1 . $22.000/best. ~81 ·4tiS7 eves, wknds. "76 ZllOC: Tao, like new, s unrf . AC', c ruis e. f\M fM 't er eo, mu~t s ell. $12 ,000/o fre r ~- '68~E4dr. Origownr, good cond. MOO(). 67J..28S8 752-8995 '73 -450SE, SJ,OOOml, loaded, Jmt like new. WW tell wblal blue-book. MS-7181aft8. Mercedea Benz 190 SL '$t, Newly r estrd. Xlnt. $9,500 /but Offer. n~ ll "'•h 1·r Clr11.1d I $1!1 ()(A} 91S.'l 114 I 74 1rr1 t-: a ir .. ut•• I $4999 I nv.ncr \ t:r\ {I• J n ,\" l"M 5ter e o. ·clnl w ntl mYJ I' P ~ :.;!.!.! s..bcrv 9762 I --'77 CHRYSU:R •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ u~ I cotU:>Oe• c ou,E -;v :. dr "'iin. Jutn 7:,l'tll ••••• :..... •• •• • •• ••• • • <Inly .!>S.000 milt·' full nu re.: l(d~ "UI' < 11ml AMC 9905 j l"""'"f. f..at"\"f ) .;11 11m•t WtdO'o\ must ~l'll 1,.,,,. \ \1 I-\I t • 1 • " t "I''" lnJ: ..,..,,.1ntry $3.fGiO ht•'t ........... •••••• •••••• ~·.·LI~•"f ,... ,11 •)r \j...,' iA.>liMI• °:'I \"(' t ·11rwnril lull~ 1 "'""" 1,~. •..,I !rl."t.-d mu,1 ,, 11 c •1111• 1 Sl999 Toyota '765 &.'1• •.JI •....c.: \l.in1n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9'ick '' 1 o 1 ....... •Ens i i (; I",, 1!••~J • •t1Hlll11tJ1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ 1\.\.1 .... , ... ~~t·tl<. fH'lo AUTOC&fTER rm .... :!.-1 I.JOI MAIERS 71 ' 1·!11 J nu carb . b:itt ~ brk:. , r un::. grl!,•l ~J ~~ HARD TO f'CND 1976 Mark II Toyota. lo mi. rmnt cond. Load~ Sac. $3950 or o trc r 962-+fil ask'°' Manao Tn....ph 9767 .......••.......••.•... 77 TR7 . ~nod 1Qnd . :.?S~r'(:. ~.,pd s-1~• h.1J 7:,(1.1 AllTOCa.TY NOTIO:'llG OV EJt $4999 7'1UICIC LHAMICOUPI fUJJ piower, factory air rood . & low miles Sharp' 1825P0Ll $2999 10 8aker ~l COSTA MESA 540.9109 i'S (.;ordoba Sll ver blut! w blk YU\)'I top, spotJess Sacn.lict> S2900 Mau.noe ~dys. 79 Cordoba. (uJly loaded. a>oonu. mu.st s~ to ap- Prt't"tate . ownr lt'av·g st.ate ~ 7m4 aft 3p m 1961 ~t>.,. Yorkt•r lmrn.HulJlt' Un• 1)-.rwr ~)(I 6-*"~ MAIERS AUTOCEHTER ~~:'.?'r.: .•••••• !?:.~ I t':~.8t~~~\ ~ ......... !?.3.~ \1'' ll.1\l.lll( tm u!Jlc •di --540-_ 9l_P' I '1977,.u..:v.oLET 1n,!~•.11Jr1ur'•Tnu..,fop -~·" 1k1ll..r P,jt<J for or :'lint ' 78 13\Drlc Re~al Ltd F\Jll) CO.VfTTf T· T<>r Bnnl! 'our c-ar to Ji m loaded V6 $5600 or t~·~t ~ loadt"d :! tooe bt·•JW Mann11 Vol ks w a ~t'n . dr Call4SJ ~l20lvm:-1: mor1dha::.low mllt"!'l lo.1:. IBTll Bu r h Bl\J . ll unt ---SUf"!r sh.arp' 1 t28UW ~:1 ll\gl.00 ~arh Al>._ (c•r ":"J lkgJ.I LTD Lo;.ul <..J OHL y 1'495 t-'ta.nk Man nu or Toro Onl) 1100 m1 St lltn~ HO~"'a" Ct.......-....1.J \llun $lM under tu !Jlu,•hk "~ ~ .. .-v...-. 1 • !r.J ·; .i.n Oow & Q1JC11 I St.1> N!:."WPOIIT llb\Cll 6 REASONS TO BUY & SERVICE AT JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN .1. SOYICf DIPT. Of'tf4 'Tll 9 ,.M. MOtfOA YS .2. 'AUS otrT. Of'fN "Tll 9 ,.M. MOtfOA YS ''Tll 2 ,.M. SATU-OAYS .J. SALIS 01,T. OtlH 1 DAU A WHlt .4. WlLIASIAll MAlllS It MOOllS, SP'ICIAl.fllHG IH VW &MBCetS~ .5. Wl HAVI ova 100 ,.lOWMID ECONOMY C4H TO CHOO~,.OM ·•· IMMlOIATI O&l'fBY Otf MOST MOOIL.S 1171 I IMCM aYD tMrr.TOM .. CM !!l t;u x-r tt ' lll-0555 .iJCOR\'.._TTE 61.~ m1 . runs Rr t.>al St:i.~00 . 70 S k y lark , d i.'an. Launl' 642 76i17 AM t•M. ~d ('OOd SHOO ~ dQM f ult I>"" <'r ~IO ~i -144l 962-546-l Dodp 9935 7.1 &.Gett Century. 2 dr • full pwr. all e xtras Sl600 Run :. ~r t':t l 557 -975 5 t'V e ::. & weekends ......•.......•........ '&J Po(ara, AM f'M cas!-. ru.st·frt'i'. runs gd. 1:d tran s p , S6 00 o Crr. 642-0uo an 1 --------------Fant 7.1 Centunon, good cond. tt40 must s ell. bought another car. Best ofr over 11199 9'55·2000 dys. 642-1740eves ------c arc 9915 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 77 CDV. lmmac .• Jo11dl"(! Low miles. Cllll :i40-8002 1976 CADtLUC aDOltADO coun Pull power, factory uir c:ond .. AM /Jo'M ste r e o radio w 18 track . lilt wtleel, crwse control. s pilt powe r s e at s . Cabn°'et top & lealher i.nleri or. lSer. 2'13709 > $5799 NABERS ~ 2.000 H.vbol 8llld. Cosca Me.I. S40-9IOO "19 5mUe: AM/Fil I t.rk a&. 11t/\ellcp atr wbl, AC. ltbr aata. auto tnmk, wire whl COV.., Dtl Uni, vlQ,yl k!p, aOMt/l.o. IM. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. PHIL LONG FORD .............. ~"'o-...··-··· ., .. ,_.,..,_.,...... , ...... MAIEIS MlfOCENTa NOOlllNG OVER $4999 75FOIO BJTICOWI F\.IU power, factoey air cond.. 1pUt eeata. Lan- ~1a:.!~; A low miles. $2999 PP. (714).,.... wtlcba •--------,_m14iirii1ri"21r000 .. __ "10 ClaA&e Coevertlble 71 roaD LTD~ --------• neec11 ....... aooo or 8qlllre .u. wp. hr iJ Mat•h I. Ong owm·r .\JI pwr. AC. Slerl• 1 Nll't 1 1.-an CJ r M u't :.c e · 1>12 :xM •7, ~u~tani.:. n1•v. t1r1·. lflU....1 '4•11 thl..'-v.1•1•k $)~Ml I ~ f'lfr ~9 95()1) 9955 ...•.•.•...•.•..•..•... NABERS AUTO CENTER :-.<m llNC (l ~.H $4999 '77 OLDSMOBILE ST AJtRRE COUf'f 4 11~ed transmtss•on. power st~nni;. rally,. wheeJs & low m1 f ('5. EA cellenl e conomy c ar 1 1398SPMI $3599 MAIERS AUTO CENTEI I 12:. Baker SI C~TA M b \ 540-9109 •fl Cutld:.:. Salon t dr '-('tian. fuJty pwrtl l'(IUll• rt'CUJ\Jll~ bo<'kd :>t":tl• '!>Ori l'un solc. 1n:.1ru ll'a'l'lL' Xlnl 1•f)t't1J H B qos11 1hk 1n~ ~.~no I • l(I :'llJ2 ll4 Ohl' 98 Kt'~t'Ol"V I A.!.tlhl•r IJ\l. StiliO!> IS33·0119 -;4 (Nltal!8 Xlnt t'ond. new urcs Sl9%. ~..4UI() 64 Cull ass 1''1SS. auto trUJI.!>, xlnt runn1n~ cond. ~·· 96:.! 9985 ----"-'to 9957 ··•····•···••····•·•··· J a .. 11• & SOii UHC~CUIY "Special of the Week·· 1978PIHTO S li ver exll·r1or 11uto matl c. radio & lk'ukr I061 U Eli I $l450 ~Harbor Bl . C. M 54().563() '74 Ptnto Runabout : AC. auto, :.unrf . $1100 540-411.3. 960-5265 eve3. i l 2·dr. good rondltlon. Sfl95 or offer. 851·0780. 9D.(8)2 Iv m.sg. '72 Pinto Runabout. 2000 cc mg. New tires. Run:. well. l800 or bs t ofr. 499-21161 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J Valiant, running cond1 Uon. $250. 552-7471 "14 O.ter: 6 cyl. Xlol cond.. Good MPI. llSJ·•Ev•. "" ....................... "II CAT. Power+. 15,000 ...... oelJ. X1Dt ecmd. ------·Ml- '81 HOSL auto. A /C, "'H VW Van. new nblt bmtalfw.711.-. bfu•, pwr Wtndowa, .. u,.... --at... pw*b, pwrateerial 'Tl Traa1Am . sold . ,...,,,. -'-pe· red or11. uw eni. --· • ,. OdV rr.ooo m.r1, ,...... Ate ~ I'd, • W: Laldld. ... ..u. paint, jump aeat.a, new _.,. ~ • 1 ..,.., """ e 0 1 . x 1 n t c 0 n d . loaaecr, leat.Jler. wire lllda V -. Hvy duQ eo.aM» SU.000/bttcitrer. 8'154S4S '7J '11 W•IODi auto. wbJ1 .... 551·0111, -·•*· Gd. coa4. SITATS IAL&: '7'1 AM/Fil ea11, mmac. *'5118. CAll:-..nl grmrrtx.•a..dld. sr ~ ~s.::. ....... . ..,. Seville, 11,000 ••• 'TrOnwla: JJateoM. lo ...... -. .... 1*11. ~MW 008 ta "7J GJ It& l'fll, IOOd lo.ded, Llte uw. 1111, MT. c ...... .., "70 ll' N:AT •CAT. Trtr. 1'N. brand°"'• .nt'11-1S °"' ........ -~ Ail.a .a. nil .• used .. .......... .,.... .. ......,~. l..!:m=~~~~~!!!... 2ooa, u ·a .. •roof, &ur,opa. fU·JIU; OGDd.•ml, -MU ~-MIO. ---.-.-. ,. ... , .. , .............. . 'Tt Lucer II, xtraa. M1blr w/Upe, mouM-Aa ....... eu ·a• MlcbeUna, AM /f ... 97Nua ._.._ .. ......, .,. """ ... ,.. ... Lid.> l11M 'D'l\-..:0..0frre'' • Mle&el •••· •••· ........ .,.. tq ,.._ • p L a • t o • A. -1 lelllb ... Xblt ""'4. "700 ., ....... .-l,_, ,..._: llrll* bodf. No .,.,.... ol .., • '-.... AJr ocmil. .. • t11 ..... Mr ....... . --...... ."91t.... mecau.lul. caab to ar ln4e ror ' Wbl dt. AA& M..&Jvn ...... f/11 Maia. IUO. I.PS .-. -..om .. illLO.U........ z .......... -· ~·=··=-==-====~:=:Jla:a-=-:== .. ~·~Q~:&=:zL .. ~~_,~4111~.==::c::=:.~ .. ~M~Ul~======:::.l.::;~a~ .. ~'*'~Aak~Mlo~ll'l~l~!....,_~~--------~=aMIM-=r=='=======--8'1W. ..... ..a ........ _. ...... __..._ ....... ~ --...... .. I • Bii llVlllS! Biii IUDIS! SUPER SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 1972 FORD TORINO WAGON \18, automatic tranamlselon, air conditioning. '99S pawer steering, power brakes, AM/FM stereo, wew tlret & moret (555KEJ). 1978 CHRYSLER UIMOMCC*N VI. 8UtOmm1tc trlnlm6..ton. eir cond .. powef' --1ftg, ~ tcp, AM/FM r-"O. redi.I ew. & morel (707UME). ·•295 1978 DODGE CH*" Sii• COWi Economical 4 cyt. •"Gin•. 5 aOMd trans.. llr oond .• pwr. ate.rt~ & br..._ cu.tom wheett I motel (400ULA). •5795 -~ -- :·~ ···! EXAMPLE: . ~· 1979 CHRYSLER LE BARON v a .2 ~~~., r CLEARANCE PRICE $5195 transmissi on p o wri< $400 ·. ~ .. ~ sieenno oowor brn~r-., FACTORY REBAT E .. b ~ n c n ., o a t w n 1 f •• , .. J • '.1d11w 11ll <Qrl 1i1I t1r11·, & ,;-1 mo, ... ,, •• ,,.. YOUR PRICE s4795 J.~~ 10t.-.w....1ot.e VB . automatic trans. power steenng Pow<'r brakes. 11n tl'd glas'I sparf' l ttO A m or"' 1173488) YOUR PRICE 1974 OLDSMOBILE s5995 1976 PLYMOUTH DAITCOUrt E conol'fl tc et 6 cylinder engine. automatic transm1sa1on. power steering. radio & more• (YFU&41 l t ,.U,..._ YtSJA Cl&Mmt V8. automatic trans . a11 cond pwr steering & brakes AM/FM siereo. l uggage rack. wsw t11e1 & more' 1636XJW) SCAWCOUf'I Econom1cal 6 cyt engine. automettc trans lllf cond .. pwr steering. vinyl top, rlld•o & morel (6't5PUHJ 5995 1978 DATSUN JNZ COUPI Economical e cylinder engine. 4 IPMd transmlaak>n. 11r conditioning, apllt ... t. AM/FM atereo. cuatom whfffa & morel (11 6600). 5M95 51995 52895 llEED CASH! We 'It pay top dollar for good, clean & late model used cars. See Curt Davis or Bryan Hesketh today • • • AND WE ALLOW TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADMN! r I · ' s .() ~c e td ly ., .. I \ ty t• I \ , .. (• n ii tt> l • I- n cl tl l'i n ·d y l , .l, s ~ ,. r l l J l ' 17 Huntington Beach Fo11ntaln Valley OI T IO N 9t'our Home-town l)ally NewHpaper VOL. 71, NO. 234, 4 SECTIONS, 60 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1979 FIFTEEN CENTS llB Planners Reject Coastal Project 81 STEVE MAaBLE OI • DellJ ...._. \Uilt Developers bopang for Hunt 1ngton B-.~ch Planning Com mission approvaJ Tuesday rught to proceed with a 107-a crt! coas tline development got only an indication of Lhe fi ght t o com e . Comm1ss1oner!) de nied lht' project , 4·1, e nabling Daon cor poralion of Newport Beach to immediately a p peal the d ec1s1on lo the City Councll Dao.n spokesman l>uvld Neish. speaking II\ front o( 150 project protesters, bu1d has company ha!) an option to buy the land, but that frnal plans an: more than a year away. The property. o wned by the Mills Land and Wat er Co and Lhe slate, s t retches along Pacific Coust Highway between Beach Boulevard and Ne wla nd Street near the Southern California Edison plant. 0 .. 11 Pile! S~ll P-o. HUTCHERSON ACCEPTS CONGRATULATORY HANDSHAKE With Wife, Patricia, After Jury's Decl•lon Tuetaday Hutcherson Bitter Despite Acquittal 8 y DELORES BROOKS IRWIN ~ 1/W O•oly P11e1 S~ll Tears s treamt•d d own hi:. cheeks Tucsd:.iy m~ht when Glen Hutche r son walked from a n Orange County S uperior Court a free but adm1tledly ;i "very bit· t er" man B<:h1nd lhc 48 yea r old arospace worke r was notoriety o f a kind no m an married to the same woman (or 19 years wants. Behind him too were 68 days spent in jail while waitmg trial and . at one tame. sentencing for a crime a jury finally decided he didn't commit. And ahead of Hutcherson wail· ed a pile of only partially paid legal bills reflecting his status as the only criminal defendant in O range County h is tor&-to stand trial three tim es for the same crime. It all enJed Tuesday night in a courthouse hallway with a wife who h ad stood .by her h usband c lutching his hand and through tears saying. "I'll never take him for granted again." The trial Hutcherson followed for the past 21 months carried h im unwillirigly into the national bpotligbt and placed him in the path of militant women's rights organizations. All that -as well as the prospect a few minutes earlier or bein1 convicted of rape and relat ed crimes that could have putbim beblncfpriaon ban for nine years -showed u Hutcherson, tearfuJ and tremblin1. stepped from the courtroom. "I Wnk all the time they (his MJ IN PILOT 'WORKED GREA.'r "Dally Pilot classified ads ~ally won p-eat ... ' That's the •tor>' told by the I 1ucceutul ot"te-time Costa Mesa aalnman who placed this ad in tbe D.tlY Pllot: Ry oner Cambrld1e Hltbludl S BR. lam rm. 2 bl. 2 frplca. nr acbl llG.OOO&n·ll.U U you wut YOW' eel to .ark, try tbe frtndlJ Dally Ptlot , cl11"61d ad·vllen at "2·1111:' D.tlly l'llM Sutt ,..,. .. LASHES PROSECUTORS Hutcherwon Attorney Giie• accuser at1d prosecutor> knew I was not guilty. But they kept pressing. The ch ar ges should ha ve been dismissed a long Ume ago," Hutcherson iaid as be and his wife, Patricia, faced a bat· ter y of newsmen. His attorney was in a more forceful mood. Lawyer Te rry Giles angrily blamed Hutcherson's ordeal on what he described as a weaJc. kneed district attorney. G ilea went on to say he plans lo file lawsuits ··against those responsible for the frivolous and m a licious prosecution, or should 1 say pe~ution, or m y client." As Hutcherson blamed an un· caring "system " for his ordeal and G iles lashed out at his proaecuton. Deputy District At- torney Dan Brice was a voiding news~ by sUppln1 out throulh a back hallway. Three times Brice had carried the cue against Hutcherson into a courtroom. Last February, a jury COD· eluded ~at the WbtttJer m~ bad lDdeed raped and uaawted then H ·year·old Catherlne Hardlh 1n late im. But ,..._ tt cam• ume to Mn· t.nH Uae ~~icted man. Judie MHoe Featon aaid be didn't believe tbe woman'• tale of fS..C'LEA&ED. Pa1eAl) Daon is thm!ung about build mg a planned community with a mixture of home a nd com · mcrc ial uses on the l)roperty. Three mobile home parks and a boat s ales lot exist on the property. Tenants or the mobile home parks p;ckcd the commission m eeting and repeatedly insis ted the proposed pro1ect will force them out of their homes Philip Ander~on, a Huntington by the Sea Mobile Ho me Park tena nt. said It would cost tum SS.000 to move his hom e and that there was nowhere to move. Tenant Ed Chadaski said park residen t s are "frozen in" because nobody will buy a mobile home in a park when· .. the future 1s so quest1onctble ·· Tenants said most park res1 dents are on fi xed incomes and are 55 years old or older Neish told protcl>lcr~ that lhl· mobile home parks may become part of Oaon·s pla ns . fie also s aid that Daon may opt ~ rt- locatc tenants elsewher~~ ... prope rty or to another location in the city Planrung Director Jim Pahn asked the commission to hold off on the requested plan amend ment until tht· c ity·, Local C'oa::.tal Plan could he com pletcd However 1:omm1~s1oner!) Tim P aont: and Robert fi;..11.ll l>u<· l't:ssufully urgc.-d colle<tgues to move tht' pro1cct along to the council. They noted tbat the de- velopers alrf'ady had waite d morr than a year fo r some caty oct1o n Nc·1s h -;aid approval of th•· .1mcndment would ser ve only (ti> .1 ··-.1gnal" LO Daon that the ('1\y 1:-. in favor of ·some '<ind of de· velopmcnt on the property ·· Tht· n-questcd ;,imendmc:n1 1' e•x pcct ed to c·om c before th•· tounc1l next m onth Sea Kidnap, Torture? Attorney Found Slain After 'Mayday' Call By JOANNE R EYNOLl)S Of tM 0 •1ty Poot St~tf An altom t-y who radioed from his boat that hl' was t.c1n>: kid napped. tortured and shot wa' found dead four hour!> latt'r I)\ U S. Coast Gu<rrd rC'scue tt.•;,im:-. sear ch ing near S•1nl<a Crut Island Santa Barham Shl·rrff's llepu ty M1 kt• Fost(•r :.aid toda:-lh• v1rt1m ha:. bet•n 1d<·nt1f11.•cl :1' J ;1mes .J Op~n . 58, of Sant.i Barbar:1 lie said Oppen had h('l•n -.hot but added that an autopsy "as pendm~ today to dderm111<: tht• Huntington Arsonist Blaze Costly An arsonis t. who sloppt'd gasoline into a carport late Tuesday damaged fi ve cars and three Huntington Beach apart ments. firt' off1c1als said this mornin2. f ire Capt RogN llosm..r 11a1d three cars were.• de11troyed and two su.-.tamcd heavy dctma~c 1n t ht· Warner West ;,i partm<.>nl complt'x. 6401 Warn<.•r /\vt· llosmer said no one 'Wa~ rn JUr<.·d m the IJlazc. rcpqrtt:d b> ,, tt·nanl at 11 57 p m and brought under contml w1th1n 15 mrnut1 .... after f1rt'm(•n arrrvc·d 1n five un its. T hree forn1hcs were relocatrd iollow1ng the.· blazc which c;,iusc·d cxt e ns1ve -.mokc· dama~e to lhC'1 r dwe lhnAs ;,ind knol'kt'<J out t·lcctri1:1ty llosmer s~ud <lam;i~1· to th1• c·ars totaled Slll.500 Struttur..il loss was list1·d at S 15.000 Arson inves t i gator s have· turned up no s us pects. Hosmer said. and the m vcst1gat1on con t1nues He said offt c1ab hav1• discovered no motive ror Uw blaze Knife-toting Rapist Hits In Huntington A 23·year -old Huntington Beach woman was ra ped lit knlfepoint late Tuesday night by a man who got into h er downtown area apar tment through a n unlock ed window. police said. The attacker wo re a towel across his face during the a s· sault, but police said a witness s upplied a description or a car the rapist may have m ade his getaway in. The victi m , who was a wakened by the man standing by her bed with the knife, was taken to Costa Mesa Me morial Hospital !or exam ination after the 11:55 p.m . assault. Police s aid she was not hospltallzed. WOMAN, 106, DIES IN ITALY CAOLI, Italy <AP> -Gluaep. pa Santlnl, one ol Italy's oldest women, died Tueeday at the aae ot 108. Sbe had juat tetumed from a birthday party In a nearby vUlal .. for Adele BeJll , who WU celebraUAI her l08tb blrtbdav. II prl'ri...1· r.1u~1 11f th•· la"'''' <katll 'rhP b11arrt• c·a ... 1· tw1:Jn aht1ul Ii p m Tul•sda~ v. h••n Co<i'>l <; ua rd pt• r'onnt' l 11111n•Jlor"d .1 radwt·d rnaytla} da~lrt·">~ -,1.gn.il frnm a man "ho 'aid h,. cl b<.•1·n k1dnaµpt'd and turtun·d ,ind"" lw1ng shot :it Art·ordmg 111 l'o,l•·r tht ( "'' t (;uard pt•r-011111·1 v.ho plf'kt'd up th<· 1·mt'r~1·r11·' l' 1t1 I r .. pnrtt·d h1•;,i flllj.! lh1· -.11111111 11[ )!U11sh11l II\ l'f I hl• rad111 111 I h• li:wk ~ rounc1 A<•(•()rding 111 f-., .... 1 .. r IJppr 11 ,,1111 ht· dtdll I k1111°" v.h1 rt• h1 ..., ,,., hut tr1~ r:id111 br 0.111«:1-.1 '"'' •·ti 11.ni.: 1•noui.:h f11r th•• C1w'l 1:u.1rd lo 1.Wl ,, gt·n1·ral r1\ •m hh l""1l111n at """ F•wr cutter... .. md ,1 he•f1cop11·r v. •·• 1· d1,patch<-d t11 'l':tn·h tht• .11 1·;1 Jround tht· c:oa ,t<il .... rand \1><1ut 111 IJ m • Opp1·n ' b<J:1t "'"':-. founcl .it '-ir11q110 C11\ 1• on th• ,,J:.inlf 1 ho• \ 1•'>:-01·1 "h1c·t1 twl1mgd<•cl 111 <lp1w·n "'·" 1lt·" nh1.:d .1 .1 11 r1111t I .1IJ1n I r 111.,1 r n.1m1•rl ( 'h1 onw H111 h1·r f-11,t1·r "Jtd Opp•·n "' t1lld:O "J rounll .1ho,1rd II•· h.uJ no n1m m c·nl 11n "'h.11 •1lh• r • \ 1rlt•ne • .'tlaeDonald Trial Major Tells Fear Of Drug Abusers RALEIGH. l'i C 11\P 1 An A rmy major. testif} IOJ.! cit lhl· murder tnal o r Or Jdfrl·y Mac· Donald. said hf• l:ll'c·amt• eon n·rnl·d for .M acDonald., -.:1ft'l' fro m druJ.,! abui:.c·r' at .. on Brngg shortl} hefun· tht· du< tor!. r.1m1h "'J " ">IJrn in 19i0 M :..1 Jnnws \-\ 1ll11:1ms. t<'su r~ ing Tuei.il.1:0 for lht• ckfl·n,t· "><Hd '\l;ll'l>on;1ld twc arrw ht•;" 11\ 1n,ol\1·d '~1th drug :il1u" ,· through hi:. \\urh Y. dl1:1m-.. n11v. :i n1Pc11c 1n ~t ruc·t•n .11 h1rt ~.1rn ll11u.,loll Texa'>. ,,11<1 h•· ht•t"am t· <·1111 n·rnt•d "'he•n sold1t·r ... lt·.1rn1.:d .ti .1 G n·1·n llc·rl't nwl'l1ng th.11 c·on \ r•rsauon' w1lh r1nel1>r' "(•rr not l)fl\ ile•a.:ed and th1• number of -.u lcl11•r ' rt·por ting th1•1r fJ v.11 drug 1·.1sc·'i dropp1-<I to 1<·111 · I lht·n "';,im1·d .ldf tu Ill· ve·n c are·f11I." W1llwm!> .... 110 I told him I lhlJUJ(ht ht· \.\,I!> \.\II~ O\l'r hi:. ht·ad II •· ought t11 IC':J ..,,. It lo the· h:gal p1.·opl1• I JUSl Celt h1.·lpll'~s:· ht• ;idded M atl>onald, J5. of lluntrn~ton ll arbor ..... 1111 tr1.d rur th1· hludgcornng ,1m.I ~l<1bb1n~ death" of h1' pregnant "'fr Colette. :ffi. .md daughters K1mbNly. 5. and I\ n sl<'n . 2. 'Wh1h· :-.tal1on1·d at Ford Bragg Ile conlendi. four drug-c razt'd intruder.-.. o ne of tht'm a woman holding a cundll' and c hanting, · i\crd 1s groovy Kill the p igs.' killed his ramrly a nd attacked him Williams !o.<11d h1 :. rcarllnn "hl'n h1.· hc:ird or .1 murder .il MacDonald·-. horrh· "'J-.. M: God. tht' drUlit Jbu...,1·r' hJ\l' fi.1lll'd him · l "i D1 ... tru 1 .fud~1· FrJnld1n Dupr1~· l•>ld Jun1r-. t11 1gnon· tlt1 11·m.1rl.. \\ 1ll1am"' .il,o ,,11d ht. 1m rrwd1atl'l:o -.u:.petll-d J l <Jri.1t1r.1I "h11 hJd n 1.·Jt1-<J J d1-.tttrbt1n1 •· "hl'n ~t.1d>o11a lcl trt".ttt•tl him ( h l' p 1 , • \ 111 u ' .d I • · r no 1111 II • d \ • °' I I I h t' If \ { ,jl l lt I n , ti I! o I ' .• 1t ... 1>lut1•h d1 -.lr.tu..:ht .. , .. , h1' l.1m1 h ., nH1rd1•r. .ind .... 11<1 h• lil•l 11•\ 1·1! ;\l<1d>on ~1 ltl h1 m"·lf "' .. ul1i d1t• "h•·n h•· ·'" th1· 0111 111r .1\ ,, h11:-.p1t.1 I hour-. Jfh·r lh•· .. 1:" 1np. \ tt11m1·~ lkrnar<1 ~<·i.:.11 ..... wl ttw di'f1.·n"'' "Ill c·or111•nd float 11( e1 .... 1· 1,1 ... u1 t• It' •lru~ . .t1u ... 111a... "'llltllt'I" °"•" lht• ,tllt•..:1•\.l Ill t 1 u1k rs m•>t 1 \l' 11 t· ..... ud :\L11 1)1111.dd m ;I\ t ,1I..1• I h 1· "l •t lld h1rn,df a:. l'Jrh ·" fnd.n In othl·I lc:.t1m on). J µar;1de · or c·haral·h-r "1lnl'~l>I'' int·fud mg Mr:. Doroth~ Mad>unald . I h1· (h•ft•nd1·nt " molhvr dt•srr1bed h1n1 ,,..., J 11>\lna... hu:-.h..ind Jnd de•\ otl·d f.1thc1 "1th no \ 1olent H•ndt·nnl'' Sharon Sha\\ "ho I dUJ.(hl Colc•ltt· an ~~ngh~h 1·11urst• al Fort Hrn.:g. ::.aid :.he defended ht•r husband onn • when olht·r '>tUdl'nls ralled Green BcrN !. violent. .. Shi· said. 'My husband 1::, .J Green n erd and he ·~ n'1 murderer:·· Mrl>. Shaw sa id . Diesel, Kerosene Carter Approved Fuel Sale to Iran WASHINGTON <AP) Pres1· d ent Carter s a id to d ay he "personalJy approved " the ex· port to oil-r ich rra n of S47 m illion in kerosene a nd diesel fuel. The sale came at a time when the United Sta tes is ex perienc i n g s h ortages o r petroleum products C ommerce Department licenses for the export or the products we re issued Aug. 3. Co mm e rc e D e p a rtm en t spokesman David Jewell said. Asked about the sale during a town meetln1 ln Burlln1ton. Iowa, Carter said he ·•personally approved" it on a one-tlme buta becaute rlota ln Iran had inter· rupted lb1t country'• auPDty of kel'Olene, which la wlde(y used by trania.na tn lhelr bomea. Re laid \be amount Involved equal• only about one-nrueth or - the amount or oil that the United Sta tes imports from Iran in a single month. J ay Vlvari. a Department of Energy spokesman. said the de· cision to export the fuel some of which aJso ca n be used a s heatin~ oil -was endorsed by the depa r tment s o f State. Defense and Energy. H e d ecline d to c om m e nt further. saying that "this is directly being treated as a Com - merce acUon." The situaUon wa1 reported by Oll Daily. a Washlngt.on·based Industry publication. Oll Dally said lod•Y that the u le wu hand.led by Amerada Heas. the New York·bascd oU re· flnlng and marketing flr.m. Cart Tursi. an Ameuda Hes:i s pokesman. c ould not i m · <See taAN, Page All I' might h.iv•· lw1•11 l1wa11·d 1m lh•· t)11;t1 Tht· rlt•puty -,aid lit II•· 1-. known o f Op1wn·-. ha1 lq.:ro11ncl I n1 ii lhl' ma,dav radio hroa1k.1-.1 "'·•" 111e·k,.11 'up. th1·n· ";" n11 ind11•.i t 1on th1· man hail he·1·11 kit! I) :1 (ll)('d 111· 'Jld on•• nf lht' rt'.1-.nn-. JO .1ulc1p-., "a-. In hl· p(•rforme·ct "a" tu di'lt·rmirw 1r lht• guns h111 m 1gh1 h.1\ •' lw1 ·n -.t·lf infhl'lt•d I 1pp1·n \.\1111 1-. ... urv1ve·ll hy h " ..... I r ,. ,, ... I I I \ n .j n ti t" I n d.1UJ.!h1t•1-. h.1-. lw1·11 n:t1rt•ll fr11m th•· 11r.11'111 ... 11( la"' for .1 1:-.1·1· \TrOR~t.\', P a ~I' \;!1 Pay Rais~ Considered For Belsito Th,. h I ~ h , .. q p ;J I d ('I t v 1•mplo)>t'\' in ll untrnglon R1·<wh ('tty Adm1nrs trntnr Bud Bt'b1t11 'l>On m;n get a n 1ne·rea~c m hi:. p u v1·h1 •t·k . 1·11unetl 111 •lllhf'1' h.i \ l' d1~('10-.1·d \ nt.1Jor1t \' of tlw 1·1>11n1•1I ti "·'" rnxll lf'tl I" 1•xp1•1·l1•tl l11 g11.1• lkl,110 wh.11 .1mo11ni... to :i ~ por 11 ·nt ""' h1M "' n1·\t mn1h ll1•l .. 1111. "h11 1·.11 "' .111 annu<il ,ti.II\ 111 !:>!i.I llh plu~ eJl h1·1 twri.·111:-. ",,. p.l~'t·tl 11\ •·r 1:.-.1 l-1'11111.1n ..., 111 11 •·II' d1•p.1r1 mPnr tw.11t.... 11 .. ·•·1\1•1t a ·.1mtl .1r ~' 1J•·1 l l 111 111<'1 ....... ,. "1·\ 1•r ;ii 1·111111t·il 1111·rntwr.:-. -..110 the•\ h.tlht•<I .11 ~I\ Ill~ lh>ls1to a 1.11~1 · htT,tU:-01' 11f lh1• tll'lil'f that h1 -. • .il:1n ·'' ;iln·;11'1v t1w1 high .111tl 11\.11 111 dul11 I pr11v1r1c· ... trona.: l•·.1 d1·r,h1p 1-olfo" 1n1• ., 11·1·•·111 1·•1une1I ,. \ .1 I u .11 , ,, n "f B 1· I ... 1 t \) ... 1wdormJnc·\·. a maJorily of lht• niunc1I indw.lll'd tht·~ t)('ltt•Vl'll h\ dl''>t'f\ l~ a ra1:-.1'. H1•l'lt11 •.rw :.Oltrl'l' ~~11cl. had .1-,k l·d for th1• 1n1•rca1'C lO bl· 11'\ r 1Wt'tll't' lJ,11•k t1• Fcbruarv rh1• 'uun1·il rl'portt'dly d1s - .1gn•1.·n " ,\ pu:-.h h~ -.e\ l'ral counl'll mC'mbcr:-. lo g1vl' Bcls1t11 <! con~ 1 r:Jl'l app:.irenlly abo fell t>y lht· v. a y~1dl'. Bt'brto. accunling lo the City Ch;.i t1er scrvl's at lh<· pleasur<' of Uw tounc1 I ft'eatht:~r Patc hy la te night and early morning low clouds a nd local fog. otherwise f a ir throug h Thursday . Slightly warmer days with hig h s Thursday rangi n~ from the mid-70s at the• beaches to the low 80s in the Inland areas. Lo ws tonight 57 to 67. INSIDE TODA '1 A litt of Ora~ County rea. idents who ore d.tlinq~t m paying pr operty to.res 11 p1ibl1shed on Pogea A 19·A22 • ' • DAILY PILOT H /F W.clneed1 , A u11 22, H17' Carter Lauds Iowa Farmers BURUNGTON, Iowa tAP> Declartna "Thant you. fllt'me"· from UM" boltorn of my hurt'" Prealdenl Cart er praia('d Amer•c•'s farmers loclay for lhelr producUvlty and proudMd them all the f\leJ they n~ to ht1rve&t this fall'1 crop 11 and pla nt ne•l year'11 At 110 outdoor to wfl mceUn1 in * * * F,....P..,..AI IRAN • • • medlat4'1y be reached ror com ment T he sale price of the oil prod- uc ts was reported by the Oil ua11y to De aoout ~ cents per gallon, or considerably below the prevailin g 67 cents to 72 cents per gallon rate. A t the lower price. c lose to 2 million gallons of the rue! could be involved, industr y sources s a id Oil has been In short supply worldwide, in part because of linge ring effects or the -three- m onth shutdown of the Iranian otl industry that nccompanied the overthrow of the Shah of Ira n . Iran. a member or the Middle 1-.;ast oil-produc ing cartel. has b<:e n expo rting les s than 3 million barrels a day of c rude In r f'cent week s. conside rably below the level when t he shah wa11 in power and the level re- portedly now is a million barrels <J c1ay 1 ran's des ire lo buy from th,. Unite d States apparently s tems rrom a problem caused by the early July ~aoota~e of fraruan pipelines feedan~ the g1 a n• A b;idan refine ry Tht-export of lhc oil product~ approvf•d 1n two export lin·ns f's, one of $23 I million a nd lt1(· o t he r of $23 .9 m 1ll1 on corn1;>s at a tim e the Un ited State!. ,., not Mire 1t will have s uffic1rnt .1m o11nts or home hcallOJ( oil for rwxt wine r T ht• Carter administration ha:- 11r11 m1w d that t he nation will h<1v1• 24'J m1llwn lwrrt•b of h1•at m g c11I 1n '>loragc fur th•· winter hy Or t. I f'ro•Pa~A I ATTORNEY couph: or year!'> lie was best known for a swt h(• brought on ~half of com- mcrr ial f1~hc•rmen a guinst oil nimpani~ aftn th<.' famous 1969 011 s pill in the Sa nta Barbara Cha nnel Oppc n's bout, th e 41 -foot "C h r onic Bitc h cr." was so n <tmt'd btocau!'>c an oil company 0Htc1al in the aftermath or the o il s pi ll r eferre d t o S anta Barbara as a "community or chronic hitche rs " O ppe n w as known a s a m a veri ck l aw ye r a nd was ~cnerally unpopular in the legal c ommunity, a Santa Barba ra resident said. Police Kill Mad Monkey AT/\SC /\OERO IAP > De putie s kille d u 120.pound e h impanzcc tha t had escaped from a zoo after s everal at- tempts to tranquilize and trap t he a nima l railed, a sheriff's s pokf'sm an said. "ft bec ame appar ent the animal was a threat t o people," said San Luis Obis po County s herlrrs Sgt. Da n Okel. Investigators said someone t'Ut a three-foot hole In the chimp's c age at the Charles Paddock Zoo Tuesday , r eleasing the anjmaJ. Of'ANUCOAIT Mii DAILY PILOT ,,.. 0,,,.. C.oe\• 0.Ut POot, •ltft .,_t(h l\tMn bolW<I•""-"'"'' .. _, __ .,.I""°'-, .. ,, ~fW"I~• .... , ... ...,..,MM.••• Ski'OH\ .. d Moftd•Y t~ ,t'd•Y fOf CM•• -....... _ flooO<I\, """'""""" ...... 1.-. r••" v,, .. , ,,.,.,_, l..-.. .. .c .. /s-,,tf\ (.eMt A ,,..,.. , ...... Mitt*' I' ..-1\N'd~VINY\#tlJ 'wftd,tf\ 0. pru w 10-1 ..,..1,tii1t'lt 04_,,. ., •• OD ... ,,,,,",...·'"'t•~.c•••..,"·•·~ ._.. ........ ~.~ .... ,,..,,.,,. .... . , .... °""" vio~ .. ldeftto.,..0.-ol~ ~··-Uh .. ,,_,,. ---""'ft001"4ldi!O' ~MUM ~l'Meit ...... -...... ·l-• ·---.... or-~tt111 ... .... ~.::~~~ .. "' ...... "' ,.o ... ,.. ...... ~ ~ 8't•tll ,.,, ... c ........... c.oi. -•• .,....,. ••t "'"' thl• Com Belt dly on t.be Mla· 1iulppj Rlnr. Carte1r 1110 ao nouared ht wo uld s upport a rao ve by farm tale ron ireasmen to provide low lot.era& loana to farmers who In.tall IHOhOI plut.a to atreltb ....... . Ina iuoUnt> 11upJ)LIH Gaaoh ol 111 u muturti ol auollne and alcohol. often made from com and <>tber 1rain cropc. IU un. which farm Interests ho~ will becume widespread, help create a new market tor lbe )latlon's hou.nUtul grain c ropt Standing on 11 park bandahe ll in front of a hu1e Ame rican nae . Car ter told hla 7,000 l111teners that the warmth of his welcome as he c ruls~d down the Mis· slasippi had restored h is s pirit. Giving ra rmers the word they wanted to hear on d iesel sup- plies for planting a nd harvest Ing, Cort.er sajd, "The produt· lion or rood in our country 1s a top prority " C arter said commercial fis h: ermen aJso would be given the fuel they need to conduct their business. Responding to questions, the preside nt made has strongest plea yet for Americans to accept refugees from Indochina. Someone asked whet.her ad-m lttiog thousands or "boat peo- ple" amounted to imporUng un- employment and inflation ''How m a ny people he re h .. vc a n ce·s tors that w ere native Americans?" the president responded. a dding· "I see two or three hands L('l m e re mind you tha t we urc a na tion of immigrant:.. wc> arc a na tion of refugees . . The ref U#!CC!> who a re n o w h:avin g Southeas t As ia we re our allies in the recent Vietnamese war " fie said the 220,000 boat pc.>()plP ;iccC'pll'd to date: by th<' United Stal<·s amounts to about one ref u~cc for eve ry 1.000 American.-. Cartl'r v1<;1ted at the home of .Jo hn McCormally. e ditor uf the Burhnl(ton ll<twk E Yt'. w hich 1s :-.111d to tw lht' first n t wspapcr JO thl· t:ountrv LO c·nrJorsc him for lhl' prc";1d1:ncy JO 197fi f>nvin~ to lht· edllor':-. ho me. ('artt·r pas!->1•d <'t0Wd!'> three :tnd fo u r dee p that strc:tt·h cd for :-1·vcr<.1I blocks The crowd was t hi nne r f urther o n Fro nt p o rC'hl's wt n • dct·ora tcd with fla~~ a nc1 wtol com c !>lgns all alon14 the route C'<trlcr found .. a friendly crowd w1ul1ng when he r1ul 3!->hore in MurhnRlon "I didn't know you h ad thJs m a ny pt•ople here in Hu r ling ton." lhc president told th1· "verfro n t c rowd or ~cvc ral thousand He has been m et by warm crowds evn s ince he started t he c ruise down the ri ve r t"rid<ty nig ht, and the re ception has see med to raise his sp1riL~. Carter we nt on a fi ve-mile JO~ al dawn today near Gulfport, Ill . where the steamboat pau.'\ed while going through a lock CLEARED • • r a p e , o v e rturned the guilty verdict and ordered u new tria l At the end of llutcherson's second tria l, ~mother jury voted I J · 1 for a cquittal. But Judge Richard Beacom rejected motions for dismissal of the charges by both Giles and Brice. Judge Beacom then said Hutcherson should s tand trial for an wiprecedented t h ird time And so a lhlrd jury at the close o f a four-day trial Tuesday b egan d eciding Hutc herson 's r ate. It was after nightfall that Hutcherson, with Giles' arm drape d over his s ho ulder. s obbed wben the not guilty verdicts were read. "No, there never was much doubt about what direction we we re going," said jury foreman John Palumbo of Tustin, aa he t a lked of the four and one-half hours spent behind closed doors. Anothe r juror, Ste ve An- derson, of Garden Grove, said the jury's first ballot waa seven votes for acqulttal, one guilty ballot and fou r abst.enUons. "Well," said j uror Jim Everman of HuotJniton Beach "we went over all lbe evidence very thoroughly and it clearly favored t.be defense veraioo or the caae." That venion included an ad· ml11ion that Hutcherson had aex wltb Mlal Hatdln after ptcltlq her up whlle lbe · bltcbhlked in Buena Park. Hutcherson lnslated It hap-pened by mutuaJ COftHnt after he •treed to pay t.be woman••· It WU Mill ff ll'dJA 'I COIMD· Uon that Hutc:btnon forced ber to aubmJt to him, t.beo aboved her from bJa 1lnce·repo1H1Md mo&or home in a remote ana ol Brea CaQJOll. At the eDd of Hutclaenon'1 nnt trial, Mill Hardin became a came eet.bn amoa• wom.'1 "''"' .................. . port.r11td bJ u..m u a woma victim wboM aJJe1aUOa1 ..,.. Ulwut.ld b7 cbaUYtnllt I• .. IDd Judt•· .. . . 0.11.; l'li.t i&alf ,._ Get 01ct. and Push Advoca tes of a Huntlntt.on Be a ch campal1n contribution ordinance for city council can- djdale11 have railed to convince elected officials t.o s upport lhe reform measure. The City Council tabled tbe proposal in a 4-3 vote Monday. Mayor Don Mac Allister was Joined by colleagues Ron Pat- tmson, John Thomas a nd Clancy Yoder in shelving the propoul. Ruth Bailey, Bob Mandie and Huth Finley voled a11tlnat tht! motion. Lo rraine Faber, an author of the proposal, said counc il mem- bers were avoiding reform t<J "keep tht:' hcuvy contributions r olling in ." She claimed local developers had been 8uccessful in controJI. 1ng past election1;1 through con- tr ibutions What do you do when your plane loses power and you have to set it down m a bean field? You try to push it out. that 's wha t. And that's what pilo t Ri chard Cor :o.h'}'. h1:-. brother Dwtght and a couple of volunl<·1·r s are doing near Grah a m Street tn lluntmgton Be ach Members or HOME Council, a llunllngton He ach homeowne rs 1otroup, said the ordinance was s tyled after las t year's suc- cessful Orange County political r e form init iative TIN CU P ITi m e h1 Now C le an Up Politic!>) 70 Reported Slain In Kurdistan Fight Wld Prices Hit $311.625; Dollar Holds Mrs . Fabe r s ugg est ed tbe council was wrong 1( it thought "th is Issue will 1us t go away becaus£• 1t won't " She s;:11d she expected 1t to bPC'Omt• a maJ<Jr campaign issue 1n the 1980 municipa l clccllon. Tht• reform pro1x1sal calls for .1 S200 c<•r hng <m cont ri but1on..., to < und1<lat{':-. and l11n1l!'> poht1cul ·'' 111m l 111nm1ttcl.':-to !'>JJend1ng !!,tJ(J 11n ;iii eancltdalt·:-. 'TEH RAN , ln rn IAP I /\l least 70 !)(.'Opie wc•n · n·porte:d dead to<lay in Kurd1:-.t11n in frc:-.h <.'lashl'!> lK-twel'n tht· rl'lK'll111us K tJ rd!'> a nd fucr!'> toy a ci lo tlw rt· g1mt• s et up b y Ay atu lluh Hhuho lla h Khonw1n1 In the· capital. Kho rn t·1 n1 .., r cvolut111n k(•pt mt·tini: puni:-h mPnl lo tran:-.~n·:-.M1r:. of hie, :,tt·rn lslam 11' co<le, with n .. w l'llcl·u lions and wl11ppings 1 ran 1 ;1 n 111 dust q o (( 1<'1a1, mt·a nwh1lt-. sa1tl tht· nation ':-011 exporU. havt• d t•<·rca'ic:d to 1..wlu"" High Court Denies Ban On Abortio11 By FREDERICK SfllOl-:MJ.:HI. Of,,. 0 .11, p, ... , ~··" I\ state appc<ib court r<·f11w tl Tuesday to slop <i Lauuna llilh wom<J n from uborting a r h iltl that her boyfm·nd "dt•s11cn.tt•I > wants to bl' !Jorn " A ttoml'ys reµn·scnltnR Hol~·r:t Rlake of <.:o ronc.t dl·I M <ir a:-.h d the· Fo urth 01 slrtC't ('ourt of Ap pe<Jls in San RcrnC1rc11n11 lo l!>'IU•· an extraordinary writ tu hlod, llolly Lynn Latriell. 27, frim1 having an ahortton. "The ink on the filing stamp wa!> h<trel y dry tie fotc· we· lc arnc·cl 1t was d<'Olf'd ," o;11 Hl H arold Rhode n, Ul <.1 k t"s <.1l torncy Blake pr evious ly had tried t'' block the nbort wn tn Oran~" County Superior Court J udgt· Robert Todd 1n1t1all y gr anted a te mporary re 'ltra1nin~ ordf·r blocking the ahort1on. but h0.N1 it two da ys later after henrtnl.{ a rguments on M !!SS L<itrif'l l':- h c h alf by a n American Civi l L1bert1es Union attorney Blake , 2.3, has argued that h1· and Mlss Latn ell af(recd to h1· married and to the birth of the de veloping child Miss Latnell 1., about two m onths prcgn unt. ar cording to Blake "The man d<:8pera tcly w11nts the chi ld to be born.·' Rhoden said Tuesday. Jn the pt•lition for the ex- traordi n a r y writ, Rhoden argued that he has not h ad sum clent time to explore legal issues applying to the unique circumstancea or the Blake Latricll dispute. "We have the 1S11ue of a man and a woman agreeing to have a c hlld. The re are no caaes in California on the narrow laaue," Rhoden uid. During arguments in Superior Court, Miss Latrlell's attorney bad cited a U.S. Supreme Court decision in a Missouri case. In that decision. the high court ruled unconstitutional a law that prevented a woman from obtain· ing an abortion without first ob- ta In 1 ng approval from h er spouse. The cue, however , ap-• plied to married Individuals. Rhoden aald It wUJ now be up to Blake to decide If he wishes to take the luue to the state Supreme Court. Fomitain VaUey Dome Raneacked Buralan forced op.n a rear window of a Fountaln Valley co ndominium Tueaday , ranauked tbe interior, and made oll wlt.b cub, • telerilion aad ll«9G equipDMDl nh..S by t.b• OWIMI' •t • total ot •1.au. police eaJd. TH IOll wu nport.ct bJ Den· nit LtoD •eDo•ou1b, at, of taTO 8'1 a. Ooun. Polle. 1akt a pry tool "u appanaU, UMd '° ..... Uae cedo. I mllhon harn·b d :uly , partl\' be('aUSt' or tht' IA t'ttlhl'r T l."hr:1n Had10 'aHI ri·vnlu t1n na r y ~ua rd-; n ·p<irlt·d k1ll1111' tiO rt·bt:ls 111 m up p1nu up opNtt I 111n'> n1·ar th•· KunlC>h c~1J1tt.1I ,,f ~:.tnit11tl :1J aJHl 1111111 if> in..: t111·111 a:s nH·ml"'r' 111 t h•· 0011.1 .... •·d Kurdis h J)(·mc1cra t1c l'artv :rnd "l'Olrl m unast SUJJl)(1rl~r-. uf th• J>Nipl<· :-. Ft·d.1yN·n ~111·rnl1 ;1., The lir11;11ka'>I ..,,..,, ..,t•\t•r ;d v.011ndl-<l l{uard !'> ""e·rt· l<Jk•·n t11 .1 ho!->p1tal in !\1 :.irivan n1·ar lht· lr.14 1 borrkr. for t n ·alrrn·nt and lh:tt 111 g11arcb v.1•ro· m1:-.,.11g 1n .1t·t10n amt 11r1•,111111·d ~ 111••11 · 1in-~ .... n·port.., o;a 11I mor1· than 100 "t•11unl1•r n·1.ol ut11>0.1r11 •. ,1 bu w1•r1· .1r r1•:-.l1·d Ill S.111;1nd.11 .ind th.1 1 111 111·1 ,.,1111111 r 1 1· \ "I 11 I 11J n .1 r > 1· I 1 n11 n t " 1r1 Kurrl1:.t.111 un· b1•1n~ s<Ju~ht .. Ttw hl.1m11 H<·1111t1hca n. lltt· Ill'"" \fJ:IJI'''. or lht· funtl am1·ntuh'>l ls lamw lfr1>uhht·<.1n Puty , ... aid those arreskd w1•rt-mPmh•·l"'I of lht• Kurc hsh llc·moc·r al1c l'art) v. h1 r h Kho11w111 1 h :1nn1·d la•t Wl'I k1·nil. tht• 1•,.opl1"'> 1-"t·dJ) t:('rt an<l uthc•r ll'fl1st g r 11u1>:. l l <;a1 cl <1 lu r J:•· n umlwr ••f v. 1·;1 p1>n:-, pa ...... ports and m1111,.11 g1 a ph m.1d11n1·., v.1·n· ..,..111·!1 lml 1h1• 1,.;11flor., 11f ltll' .hu 1d1~.h l'.Hl\ <.,l1l l 1•lt1df'tl (·;1ptur<· M 1·a11v.h1 lt'. a m arnc·d """m;in w;1s (•)(t•1·11l<•tl t odav 1n 1h1· norlllf'rn town of lh •hshahr f<>r h;I\ rni: lll1 t 1t rr lat1•in~ wit h u m :an 111111 h(•r lovl'r r<·re1H-1J lfJil la ... hes 111 pubhr. lh c· off1c1al Par'> Ill'""., J~1·no n ·portc·<I (\ "l'l'Onll l'lte('UtlOn rif an Of fH·i;tl or Shah Mohammt'd H.1•1J 1'.1hl.1\1 .., rc·g1mr· ""Js n•pon 1·d 111 1·1•nlr~I Iran T ill' ""oman put to d1·;ith wu~ N<.1rg1·:-J :iha n P ur e, ... a11J ht•1 hu:-hand """" h1·11 lth} ~o t.hc.·n· v.a'l n11 f"IC1'1t!'>1· fo r hc•r h11v1 nK '>t•x ual 11·!.1111111.., v.1 th anotl11•1 m 11n The n•'"'" :tg1·nc·y !'>aid ('11pt Parv11. Shams. f11rmN c hit•f of lhl' ~tnlt· pohl'l' 1n lhe n ·11tr.t1 Iranian town or Arka n , d11·d befor e u flnnR squad oftt'r a n ls l amH· rc•volut1o norv e11u11 round him gutlly of torturt• The executions n used '" 44H th<' number of l r:1nians known to hav1• ht••·n put 111 dc·uth Mm·1· th1· OV l•rthrOW Of th t:' ~h uh 111 F ebruary n.w..w ....... . J4.ll ..... .... .......... . .... ,.. ...... 1,o:-;rx 1~ 1,\f•1 <;1.111 t11t •• r•·1·111 II s·111 '·~· •• 111 ••1101. 111 Z11nd1 t11d;1\ ·1 ht· tl•1ll.ir twld .. 11•;111\ • Aflt·r 0 111·n1n1• $.I 10 \5 ll111hn thJn th1· 'I u1 ·">1l.1\ 1 l11.,.11j.' 11r11 , . ., th" 1111•1 ;d udd1 •11h l1111k qfr llo-Hh-1 'i ,,11d L•111<111n ' l111i f1"' t.ull1•1n 1l 1·<1Jo-r .... f1 "Ct·d tht m<Jrn11w l•rl<'•' ,, I ·' n ·1·11 rd s:i It :.c1 ·' ·1 r II\ ounn·. u11 from $ ·lfi.'i I ;!5 'I U•''> <l.1) 111"ht ;me! SJ(lf; ti2~1 ,1t tlw •1 111 n111i: Th•· .1Ct1·1 no•1n r1,in1• ......... t.:111 In Zu11d1. ~:111•1111 · t11i.:g1·~1 t:olcl rnu1 k••t th• 1111••11 1•n1 •· "'"' $:10•1 Ti5 .1fl 1·r 111111 111111• l hP I•'• 111 rl 111 l.111 111111111nr 11.1d1n~ T ht-pr11·1· "'"' f11 l111 1.1.1•d Tut•o;da) .., .,Jlt• ril ~11ld h} lht- 1: S Trt:'asun . ~ h1ch f!!lcht'd .1 r1•('ord rn c:ra~l' pnc•· o( $~11 In< f'4'1 oune:<.-II """II lht• flf'>( l..Jnl" lh1• :IUt"llOn prte'I' t11)1JU•fl S !1)1) \ tot.ti of ?YI Otl(I tro\ 1111111·•"· .,.. , •. .,old t Ht•IJtl-d '\tctn I' J,.!1• 111, 'I hi' 11\1 I.ti 3Pl>t':tl t'd IH'.tr!11l "·•• I.. to tht• n •C'ord 1,., 1 1.., 11 hit dur 1111: tht· 1:1-.1 full 1A 1•1·k nl .1111\ \ ""1•1 I.. l.itt·r 1111 .... 1·\ • r J•l •1f11 t.ilu11.: ancl lht• -.1a t11li1;,l1i1n •tr th•· tl111lnr 1·ontr1 buk t1 to ,1 -,hat p f.tll 111 art>und S2821tr1 ounn> Huntington Nurse H e ld On Drug Raps ·\ :!5 H·:ir old Vfl('CJlmn a l nur'ic .11 l'a<'1f1n1 t'11mmun1ty Hosp1t at 1n It unttnl(lim ll•·ttd • wac, tak1·11 111111 1 u...,11,i:I} 'I uc·'rlJ V lly :-.t.1t1• l>1·p:1rln11·11t of C1111 .. unwr J\f l.11r' J~1·nt' .ind c·ha r ~cd with I 1111·1· rn1,d••trtf':.tnor vir1lal11ir1' Ill\ 111\ llW •11111:... .out h11rt l11• ... I I' 1111rl "" 111d;" H•1h111 \1 1-11 ... -.a llohl1·-. of lfi'i7 ,\rhor <'11dl', llunt1nl!t1>n B1•a r h. \4 J :-1 lll'll ''" char~r:-. or P<>SSl'S'> 1ni.: cl1 u~s without a pn·-;l·ripl1on. 11111.1 .... rul I"'' 11f a hy porferm1t• 111<1 1wll} thd l 1mhr1· '><lll1 l11 dav '-Ii•·""''" l,11><11<1·1! tn 1·11 y 1)11111·1" v.h11 "'tll p11"11•· lh•· 1•a.,1• w1tl1 11,1 l>r.111~.,. ('11u11l\ 1>1c.lnr t At ''''""\' lHf11••· Sh•· was r1 I< .1 1•d .1ftt·1 h··•n~ < 1l1·t1 l'11li 1·1· """' tl1·prt·'i:-1ve d ru~., .1ll•·J!• tlh ""t·11 111\1ll \1•tl 1n llw • .1 ,. 1 11"·-.11~:i 1 .. t1 II ~ :-.tat•· ui.:•·111' ~t i:-~ Holil1•:-. IA U., al th•· ho,1111.11 when .,hl' "'a~ taken mt11 n1.,1c11tv al 5 IJ nt Baby White Shark Captured, Dies SAN f'"RANC!S(.'0 11\ PI /\ haby ~r<'11t 1A h1tt· :.hark n1·tt1-d 1n the c hilly P ac1f11· <>cc11 n off Nor thern Cahforn1a t•ollapst•d ~ind d1ecl today . le~:-than 24 hours afle•r 1t began pat rolhnR tht• walt'rS or a s pel'lally dt• "'R nl'cl do u g hnut s h a p e d .1quun11m f\qu1t r1um spokeswom an t'ci m Wing said a s taff of JO sc1ent1s L'i and four volun teers tried to 1(1"1 tht' 200 11ound. ti foot 4 1nr h fe m ;tle s h<.1rk to .. bre atlw throu~h the ni~hl, but that 1t col lap-.ecl a nc1 "'drowned " shortly lwfon· dawn A j?rcal whitl' shark has never hdorc hvl'd in captivity "Wc"re so d1<;appo1nt<'d ," Ms. Win~ said "So m any people tnPl1 to i.ave her life J ~ues~ .,.. 1· II hav1· to be m on• delicette in ha ndling the sh <.1rk)J we cutch " Th<• fis h had heen taken to the i.quanum 's famed "Fish Roun- du bo ut" Tuesduy from Tom ales Hay where it was n abbed by a halibut fi:-.h(•rman Cetc 1tk n.IMt &AIC ... .... 0 ... .... ........... Ullr•HIC dHNR9 .. ,... ........ ,.,~ s •• , ... w. • ...... c ...... .... ..... . ., ........ . •c~ ,. ..... . (Fashk>n F,._, Stllndard SI~ D'-iiPTICAL FALWJORY 250 L 17• Street, Costa Mesa • HlllCJren Sq. 642-4630 • Weekday• 9·5:30 Sat. ·3 ' .7 Irvine f:(')lllON * * * VOL. 72, NO. 234. 4 SECTIONS, 60 PAGES Your Hometown Dally Newspaper F IFTEEN CENTS Irvine Woman's Death ·Still Mystery By DAVID IUJTZ•ANN Ot-.... "~--lt'1 ~ t.bree months slncc 1t occurred, yet lrvlne pol.lee m ve1ll11ton say they are soil in search Of th•t elualve key lhat wlU unlock tbe m y1tenes sur rouadina the strangulation s lay mg of an attractive 22-year-old secretary. Detective Lt G ene Norden said the few leads his m en have Bod \libes? tu1.d In th~ JtunUng c ulltl h1tv~ yielded no lJUS~C'U The death ot Savannah l~lgh Andt'rs o n , a W oodbr1dg l! MeadoWli ~ldcnt, on lhe even 1ng of M ay 14, triggered an an tens ive invest1gallon that at onl' IH>lnt had four d e tl·rt1ve:. searching for her killer M 1ss Ande ri,on 's nude body was found in the bedroom of her a partment a t 61 Cascade b~ f'ive-.vea r-old Sheryl Becker of West Sacramento can't seem to make up he r mmd 1f she is enjoying the music of Rick Nelson or not at thC' California S tate Fair in S<Jcramcnto Irvine Co. Seeks Water Case Review Legal maneuvers continued Tuesday in the case challenging the way directors of the Irvine Ranc h W a t er Dis trict a r t' selected. A spokes man for the Irvine Co mpany said lawyers for the firm have filed a writ with the state's Fourth Dis trict Court of Appeals in San Be rnardino ask- m~ for a rehearing o n a motion that calls for ousting the City or Irvine as a co-plaintiff in lhe proceedings. Orange County Superior Court Judge Edward J . Wallin reject ed that atte mpt ea rlier this month. ruling that the city did indeed have "s ubs t a ntial ad · \'erse interests" in the lawsuit and could therefore participate. Attorneys for the I rvine Com· pany had argued the city did nol have standing in the case and there fore s hould be dismissed. T he second plaintiff in the case, Irvine Tomorrow. had backed the Irvine Company contention but only. its attom~y said, as a technical maneuver lo avoid be- ing thrown out itself. •·our feeling is tbat-lbe qu.es - t ion is important enoug h lo m erit review at the appellate level," the Irvine Co. s pokesman FApdpment Moved CORPUS CHRISTI. Texas <AP) -Coaat Guard officials have moved aome equipment 100 miles up the Tellu coast in an- ticipation ol a second assault oo resort beaches by gooey crude oll •till OowinC from a runaway Mexican well. Ml IN PILOT 'FORKED GREAT' "Daily Pilot daHlfled ada really work sreat. ·' Tbat'• the 1tory told by the auc:cenful one-Ulne Cost.a Mesa 1ale111\811 who placed this ad in the Dally PtJot: By oweer. Cambrld1e Hl1bluda. I BR, lam rm\ 2 be, 2 frplcl, or ICbJ MS,000 UX•Ub If JOG. wat 70Uf ad to wort, t.r1 Uae friendly Dally Pllot cl....,.... 8d·wtleN at..,...,.. said Tuesday of the r equest for a ne w hearing . 6 o t h the c ity a nd Irvi n<: Tomorrov. filed· separa te but la te r consolidated laws uits last ye ar challenging the co mpos t· lion of fh e wa ter board as un <'On s tilutio n a l The seve n m e mber board h as only two publicly elected seats. The other fiv e a r e fill e d thro u g h landowner balloting \ A third seat was to go public '\n the November 6 election. but Irvine Tomorrow's a ttorneys last Friday asked a j udge to pro- hibit that election and order the wate r board t o expa nd Lo 11 seats. with s even to be filled by voters. An Aug. 30 hearing has ~n set on that matte r Gold Prices Hit $311.625; Dollar Holds LONDON <AP> Gold hit a r ecord $311 .625 an o unce in Zurich today The dollar held steady. After opening $3 lo $5 higher than the Tuesday closing p:ices, the metal sudde nly .,toot of(, dealers said. London's big rive b ullion dealers fixed the morning price al a record $311.50 a Troy ounce, up from $303.12S Tues· day night and $306.625 at the opening. The afternoon fixin1 was $311. Jn Zurich, Europe's bigeeat fold market, the noon price was 309.375 after touching the rtt· ord in late-morning trading. The price rise followed Tuesday's sale of 1old by the U.S. Treasury, whJcb fetched a record avera1e price of •IOJ..08 per ounce. It was the flrtl time the aucuon price topped $300. A total of 750,000 troy ouncee wu told. (Relat.d 1tory, Pa1e 88.) Tb• metal appeared beaded back to tbe record levela It hlt durlnc the lu<full week of July. A wNk later. tao.ever, proftt- takln• and UM al*blUaatlon of tb• dciUar coetrtbuted to • lbarp ran to around tzea 1n ounce. putrolman Jimmy Potts, who was aummoned to the scene by a n m cemed boyfriend De tective Sgt. Hugh Hogan 1>u1d at the time or the slaying. "We have no conc lusive pieces ot evidence , We're s itting on a fence." Norden and his probers are 11t11l at.op that fence, but they've Looke d a t a "m ultitude of things" from that.vantage point What they 've done mainly in the weeks and months since the s layin g , Nord e n sa id . is "eliminate a lot or poss1biliUes " Numerous people have bee.n quest ioned. various angles in the case examined and potential le ads, fe w as they've been. .. followed through on. For example . Norden said in vestjgators have dsscount"!d the break-in angle since there wa~ no r eaJ evidence to support that idea. There were. however. signs of a struggle in the girl's <tpart- men t. Officers o n the scene found lhe woman ·s bedr oom in d isarray amid indications one o r m or e persons had fa lle n. Fo r the first month after the s laying, lbe four investigators worked full-time o n the case. ~o rden said the 1nvest1gat1ve tas k force was the n disbanded after a ll the immediate and pressine aspects or the c ase had been takencareof. One prober is now a t work on the c ~.se -n o t full time . howe ver -but the dete ctive lieutenant said there is alwayl! hope a break could occur. And 11 could happen in a number of ways, he said. ISee MURDER. Page A2> Sea Kidnap, Torture? Attorney Found Slain After 'Mayday' Call By JOANNE Rf.YNOl.DS Ol IM OA1ly Piiot St•tl An atlornt:>y who rus1• t11 prom1ncnr<' ft1;ht 1 n~ oil t<1m panat's in Santa flarhara '>',1, found dead abo.rrd hi!. •I I £ool l.><1Jl :Afte r he radioed a rllstn·si, r~tlf tha t hr was bt•111g k1dnap1x·d tort ured and ~hot Santa Barbara Sheri ff ~ UqJU ty Mike l"oslt.'r ~aid toda~ tht· v1c t1m has been 1dc:nllh(•d a" James J Opµen. !i~. 11( ~ant.1 Barbara Carter OKs Fuel Sale To Iranians WASHING TON I A I' 1 Pre~• de n t Carter ~:.i1d toda y hL· "pe rsona lly apprO\'cd" Lht.' ex porl to oil ric h I ran of S.t i m illion in ke rosC'nl' and diesel fuel. The sale cam<· at a time wherf the United States 1s l'X p e r 1 c n c i n g ~ h •1 rt .1 ~ t'' o r petroleum products C omme rce D e partme nt licenses for the e xport of the products were issued Aug 3 . Co mm e r ce D epa rtm e n t s pokes man David .Jewell said Asked about the sale during a town meeting in n u'r lington . Iowa, Carter sasd h<' "personally approved" 1t on a one time bao;1~ because nots in I ran had inter rupted thal country's supply of kerosene, which 1s widely used by Iranians in thc•ir home' lie said lhe amrJunl 1nvolvL·1I equals only about one fafticlh 1J( the amount of 011 thnl the C n1t1·1I States imports from I ran m ,, single month J ay Vi van. a l>l'part mcnt or E nergy spokes ma n. s aid the de cisson lo export t he fud soml· of which also t'an he used a!\ healinf! oil was endorsed b~ the depart me n t s o r State Defense and E ncrg v lie declined to rommen1 further. saying that "this ,..., directly being treated as <t Com m c rce action ·· The situation wa!> reported h\ Oil Daily, a Wash1ngton-ba~<:d industry publtcatron Oil Daily said today that th(' s ale was handled by Amerada Hess. the New York·ha!>ed oil re fining and marketing firm Carl Tursi. an Amerada Hel>~ s pokes m an . could no t im - mediate ly be reac hed for com - ment. T he sale price of the oil pr()d ucts was reported by the Osl u a11y to t>e aoout ~~ cents per gallon. or considerably below the prevailing 67 cents to 72 cents per galJon rate. At the lower price. close to 2 million gallons of the fuel could be invo lved. industry sources said . Oil has been in short supply <See IBAN, Page AZ > 11 l' ''"d rnPmbl'r' 11f lhl· l ' " l'm1s1 Guard n·-.i "'' ll'd m v. h11 found OpJ.>l'll nt'ar ~anla Cru1 ls l:.111d "llhan four hour ... or ha.. 1r1 a \ d ;n d1-.l11·'' l1ro.Jll• :.i'l 'i illd li1t• Jltnr 111·\ d1••d •d a ~1111-;hot wound Oppcn "a!> h1·~1 lo.nown £111 ,, '>lltl he hrought on lwhalf r1r C'um mL•rrwl ftsht·rmt•n ai.tain~l •111 companies afll'r lhc famuu~ 1~!:1 Santa Barham Ch;innt·I otl .;prll t > p p t· n · s c· u b 1 n c r u 1 ~ t· 1 ('hronrt Hitc her ' v.;,1., ...,, ----------- 11.1ml'd t>.:cau!ic an vii cnmpan,\ 11ffl l·1al 1n tht· aftl'• mJth or th1· 111 I 'p 1 l I r" f c r rt· d to ~ant a BJrhara J'> a c·r1mmun1t) uf r hruna<: b1tch(•r ... ( lµpi•n, who ha'> hc•·n rl't1rt-d fri•m th•· pr<t<·t1c·1· ur la"' for d n1upl1· of ~e<.1r'>. 14 iJS dc·'icnbelJ Ii) one !'>anta Harhura resident .1:0. l!C'm·rJlf\ un11opul:1r 1n tht' le~JI communrt~ ..and \ wwc-d it' ,, ni;n·t·rack csltorn1•\ ThL• IJ1n1rn· t'J\1· l>•·gJn .Jt ;ibout r. pm Tu1·..,<la y v.hl'n NEW YORK CITY BANK ROBBERIES --- Aug us• 2t. 1979 ) tMlS( llllll&fllll jlllH S llUCK I I Chsr •n~lllO Pim 4:30 pm OUll llS ... ,. I I I lt-s Op~11 Seosore 4 p ~IUOftotO Thi~ rn:rp lt>c.lll'!'> tlw 10 hank hr ancht::!-> 1n \;L·v. \ ork Cr l ,\ a11d tlw h1·;1dqu<1rtl'r-. of Cha~t· ~1 csnh.1ltan B:rnk \\ ht·n: rohlw1w-. took pl;,iet· dunng the tfa~ TuL•sday. S(«' .... tnn. l'agt· \ l 70 Reported Slain In Kurdistan Fight T EHRAN. Ira n IAl'I Al ll'asl 70 peopl<' wt>re r"porte<l dead today rn Kurd1st 1.1 n rn fresh d ashes between the re be llious Kurds and foccs lovao to the rr jlim e set up by Ay atollah Hhuhollah Khomeini In the capital. Kho memi's rl'volution kept meting punish· me nt to trans gressors or his stem Islamic code. with new execu- tions and whippings r ranian industry officials , meanwhile. said the nation's oil exports have decreased to below l million barrels dally. partly b<'cause of the weathl'r Tehran Radio said revolu t1ona ry guards reported krllin~ 60 rebels in mopping up opera lions near the Kurdish capital of S•inundaJ and identifying them a s members of the outlawed Kurdish Democra tic Party and "Communist s upporters of the People's Fedayeen !(Ue rrillas ... The broadcas t s aid several wounded guards wer e taken to a hospital in Marivan . near the Iraqi border. for treatment, and that 10 guar ds were missin~ in <See 81\Tl'LE. Pa&e AZ> Frisbee Flashes at UCI PrelimJJ for World Horwrs Draw Top Flingen Did you ever wonder how the pros did it, making those pla.sUc discs sail throuah the air like Jet -propelled feathers? FrUbee aficionados will have the chance this week to see the beat in action as a prelude to tbt etb Annual World Frisbee Dlac ChamplomblJ)I at the Roee Bowl $unda)'. Tbunday throu1h Satul'day tb• l'ri1bee mnaen will be partlclpattng In preliminary competition et UC Irvine. 0111 Roddick, direct.or of the lntemaUonal Fri.tbM Dile A•· sociation, said that spectators a re welcome at the pre · liminaries. whe re they can see some of the bes\ arms ln the disc world. T he field of competition will be lntemational ln navor: wtth competiton from Encland. Australia, Canada. Finland, Japan, Italy, Germany, Den· mark, France, Mnico. Sweden and Belclum. Roddick 1&14 1pect aton may be eapectally tntere1*1 in the dlac IOlf exbibttJom Ttuanday · and rrtday. from t :IO a .1n. to • 11 .30 a .m. each day. and the freestyle com peUtJon Saturday from 3 p.m . to S:30 p.m. Tbe disc golf exhibitions will take place al the Campwi Park al UC lrvine and t.be fl'eeltyle will be on the at.bleUc field. On 1bunlday, trom 1;30 p.m . lo 3:30 p.m.. there wlll be a self· cauallt ru,i.t comP«Atlon on the aUUeUc flekl. The WOl'kt thamplonahlp com· petJtJon wlU then move to UM field or t he Rost Bowl In Pasadena from 1 p.m to 4:30 p.m . Sunday. <"o .... l c:udrcl J>l•r!.onnc monitored a rC1lltof'd d1 st re~· -.tl!OJI rrnm <I m<:in wh(J <.,;11d h• h ,J rl ht· e n k 1 d n a p p r· d " n < turturc·d und v.u-; IJl'lng "ihtJI ;il i\l'('Ordang tu 1-·oster. ttw ('(1a:-. 1:uarr1 r>t•r-;onnl'I who pH•k,·d UI 1h1· t•mrr,11.c nc·y cull r1·porte• ht•:Jr1ng the soun<1 or ~un~hot O\'l•r th1· radt11 an lht· lial'k g round ,\(('Ord1ng lO Fo .... ll·r Opµ('1 ... -.id ht• dtd n 'I knov. v. hen• h <Set> ATl'OR!'IEV, Pag1•' t\:!) $168,794 Study Set On Airport I II ,J11~1· C'11unl ,\ ... u111·1 ''''" 1110\ l·d , l•>'l'r Tul''''·'' 111 10.h.1 "11111•1 ''""r ·1 horn"" lt tl1•\ 1;111•1 .1 d.1' 11( rl1·1·1 ... 11111 "h•·11 rh1•\ ·•t.!rt't'<I lo .11·1·•·111 a S 11,K,i'l I ~rant lor USl' rn ,, ~1 1111) nl .111hn IA-ii~ n1· \ 1 rport In -.up~1rt in~ ,1l't •'Pl.UH•· •• rht• ~rant . Hric\ -.aid. ·1 lhrnl lht' rdci.l or tont.Jnusng putting of the day or dec1s 1on doesn't hel1 a n v bodv :. I don't lhink rt helps Nt!wpor Hea<'h. I don 't think It he lps th• Hoa rd of Su~rvrsors and I don· 1h1n k at hl'lps thl' Count y o Oran1i11· · Rllt·~ has 1·-.:pla1n1!d that he ".int~ l<J gt•! on "1th a ma~ll'I µI.in 11r tht· Jrrporl a plan an ll•n<fr<l 111 outhnt• altt'rnalr\C!'i f111 1 ht• .11rporl "fut111 •· ,\nd lh1· un.in1rn11t1'> \fill' lha l1,!lo1A l'd ht' C"11mm••n 1 ~ 1nd1c:atl'1 h" four ft'll11v. 'Ufwr\ a ~on. arl' 11. t lw .... 1 rrw m 1 nd \\ h1·n 1>11· V1·d1·r.rl /\' 1,1t1on \d1111n1-.1rJl11111 11'"1\1\ 1 S11l8.7!M j.!r,llll ,, r1•('l't\l•tl. II v.1!1 hl' USt'd 111 ht•Iµ p:" f11r v. h.11 t•H·ntuall~ "'all tw .1 S:10:?.:lit1 ,.11rµ11rt s tudy Th.it .. rue!~, apµro \ l'd l'l:trl1c1 th1:-~ l'<ll' b~ ~unt•rv1sors. will ''"' .. r "ut•h .11rporl f;.H'Cls u~ 1101~1·. lanll l"-'' eomµat1 b1 l 1 t~ ,1 nct t' a pant~ II JU Hilt•\ ;.inrl h t:o. rl'llOIA "UIJl'r\'l~nr-. ~ Ott!d lo rcJect th1 FA.\ gr~a nt. ll \\tJu ld ha vL' dl• la.' l'<I .l!t'tllog tht• !>.tudy prnJeC' unrln v. :I\ l 'ndcr terms of th1 grant 1Agret>mc nt. the s tudy proJ t•tt ·.., fi rst phase must gel start l'd Wt\h lO !JO d;n ·,, Op ponl'nt:. of th e plun hac ur~l'd that the grunt be r cJecte< pcndrnf! rorm,1t1on o f a n ad v1sor y ~roup lo work wrth u con s uit a nt Coa~• Weathe r Patchy late night a nd early morning low clouds and local fog, otherwis e fair through Thursday. S lighUy warmer days with highs Thursday r anglng from the mid-70S al the beac hes to the low 80s in the inla nd areas. Lows tonight 57 to 67. INSIDE TOO" Y A Urt of Oronoc Cot1N11 re•· •nta who are de~t 4 pc11ing propert11 tazu " publi1Md °" ~a A lf..422. AZ ONLY PILOT 'My Mind is Still Afraid' Vietnamese Refugees Settle in Mesa By JAQDS RYii.AN OI 1-. Oillef ... Miill- Tong Tht m wu t h"8led out of bu money twtce before ht' rtnally round h1mu lf •mona ~ Pt'()ple packed Oft .. boat and headed for fr t"edom Tbeo UM boat sank. "We helped Heh othe,r," u•d t.b«i 'Z7 yu r -old former Vlt4tnamneo Air Fottt radio and radar t1 Pt·c1alls t who ar r h'f"d in Coeta Mt>~• two wet.>kli ago "If It h1uJ bctin Ill nl&h t, hall lht> peopll' would have drown .. d " TWO WO•t:N AND TWO·('hlldrcn J.)t'ruhod In the I <' cldent Jwn out.aide the M alay11an har bor towar d which the boat WM# ht-ltded Them. who eiuped with his 17 year old brother 811\h, aald be d eetded to leave Vietnam when the Comm unists tOok over. ''I k:new the future t!> not good," u ld Them , who studied Englis h m high school lie explained that lhl' Commun11sl1S forc-ed the forme r m l"n1 beni of the mlhlary to do m c:nJa l work and rid iculed them Lil front of the publl1· l}llT, •:VEN HAD 1n: NOT bt·t:n With thl' military, T ht-m ~aid. hl' wo uld havt-Oed "My mind 1s not hke the Com munists." he said For three ye ars, Them trted lo get out. Twice he was c.-heated or $1,800 in gold he pald lo saJlors who said they would take h im to freedom but ne ver showed up. Yet he was lucky. Others not only lost their money T hev also had their e!>cape plans reported to police, who would arrest the people a:. they waited for a nonexistent boat Finally, the Vietnamese go vernme nt agreed to let som e people go --for $900 each in gold. THEM AND BINH WF.RE a mong 250 people cramm~d onto two levels o f a boat about 30 reel long for a five-day Journey to Malaysia. "You could not move," Them said. "T here was nol enou~h food by the t hird day and there was n 't e nough water." The pair c arried only two bags of clothing between them . he saJd ... Then, Just outside the harbor, the boat hit a rock and sank. The refugees scrambled for•safety, those who could s wim pulling the others a s hore . HE'S A 'BOAT PERSON' WHO FOUND WAY TO U.S. New Arrive! Tong Them SettlH In Coate Meae ONCF. 'nlE Y I.ANDE D, THEM and his brother Wf'rf' taken by Red Cross worker:-lo a camp or ah<>ut 40.000 reru~ecson Bi<long Is land. The fac1 ht 1es we r e clt•an hut ... pan" Thrm ~a id Med ical cart! was provided part or h1~ M·ven month:. then• by a French hospital ablp. The refucee1 had to cut down trees and build their own 1helt.ers, Them said , and the camp was crowded. Last month, Them was picked to come tot.be U.S. Hia mllltary back1round was a key factor In hl1 beln& c boaen. The U.S. 1ove rnment haa alven priorities to TelaUvea and those who fouibt the Communls&a. Them baa no relatives her e. W1'111 ABOVT 4M P EOPLE, The m and his brother n ew to the U.S. They have agr~ to repay half the cosl of their rught, with the governme nt paying the other ha lf. The two were aided by U S Cathohe Agucles, which found them a temporary apartment in Sa nta Ana with s eve ral other Vietnamese and one Russian refuaee: Last week. through the Indoc hina job cente r (547-1407), Them fouf\d a job a s a furniture stripper and re- finisher at Antiques of the World on 19th Street In Cost a • Mesa. He and Dinh moved into a C'o,.,t 11 Mesa apartme nt with four other young people. Binb will :ila rt school next month a t Cost.a Mesa lligh School TOM SILK. A PARTNER tn Antiques of the World, s aid the firm had hired othe r 1mm1g runls before and heard that Vietnamese people were reliable "We thought we'd give the Vietnamese a chance." he s aid: Them, y.oho hope.11 that the rest of his family will some- day escape to freedom . s aid he loves being a ble to read whatever he likes. listen to any music he chooses and live in a comfortable a partme nt. "In Vietna m , a ll m usic is for the revolution. not to en JOY And no books to read except about the r evolution." H E'S BEEN FRUSTRATED by his s truggles lo Im· prove his English a nd team more about daily American customs. mc1uaipg bimkmg, but The m s aid he has no regrets a bout leaving his country "La.st m ght I had a dream," he 'aid "I had not yet c.-om e to the L'n1ted States I was ~till in V1ctn11m. I wa s afra id I couldn 't 1·-,rap(' " lfe attnbutt'd hi\ n1ghtm1.1r<• to thf' m any years he· 1>pent saving, hoping :.111d trying t•> rlN.:, i.eem1ngly to no avail · Mv tJO<h' 1•am1· l<1 lhl' I · S hut my m ind I!> still .i rr:.1111. ~ Tht:m ..... 111 Shark Dies After Its Capture Carter Praises Farmers SAN f<'HANC'ISCO !A l'! A hahy g reat white sha rk netted 1n t h•· C'h1lly P aci fic· OC'can o H North..rn ('all forn1 a t·olla"sed and died today, lt>s'> tha n 24 hours afti:r 1t hl•i.:an p;ilrollm~ th<• WUlCrS of a SJll'Clally de- :-. q~ n l'd dou ~hn u t s h a p cd aquarium Aquarium spokes wom a n Pam Wang s01id a st<tH or IO scienlisLc; a nd four volunteers tried to gct thf' 2011 ·11oun<i , {i·foot -4 -i nch fr m a le s hark lo "breathe " t h rough the night . hut t hat it col la p:-.l'd a nd "drowned" shortly hc•fore dawn A ~real wh1ll' s hark h<Js never lwfor<• hvc:d in <'aJ>livity "Wc•'n• so 1h '>appointi:d ," Ms Wini-! suuJ "So many peoph t nNJ to s avf' her life I guC's:. wt"ll hav(' to be more> de licate in ha ndling lht· 1>ha rks we catch " The fis h had been ta ken to the uquarium':. famed "F ish Roun rl abo ut" T uesday from Toma les Bay whe re it was nabbed by a halibut fishe rman. Rob Bcrtelh caught the fi sh in h is nets. a common way t<> ~ather in a s ha rk, oHicials <11 Sa n Fra n c i sco's S t einha rt Aqua rium said. ··Hut what w as u n common was that ·he kne w the aquarium wan ted one here for displa y, sf) he t reated it with kid gloves," Ms . Wing said Scientists were excited a bout the p ossib i lity or h aving (I specimen lo s tudy because "so little is known about the great w hite sha rk,'' Jude Ca rley of the S teinhart s t aff said . Hook in mouth, the shark war. towed slowly to Bodega Bay, whe re aquarium director John M cCoske r and his starr waited with a tank-equipped truck to trans port the rare specim en to a t ank tailored to f(lve a captured s hark a better shot at s urvival. T he special "roundabout" tank holds 10,000 gallons and measures about 10 feet deep by eight feet wide. ORANGe COMT DAILY PILOT fNt Or1tft0!' CeMt Delly Pltot, wltt'lwftkfil l\t°"' ""'""'n.-.Pr .. .,h-1\N<lb•llW'O.-' AA\t Pvt)fh,.hlnQ~V s.p.r•t••OUW>n\•r• tJvbl1dwd Mot'JCI-. t~ouoih 'rlday fOt CO\ta AA•w . H ........... .ct\ HWft4tinqtCM fHote.ftlf"tiuft t•1n\/alhty.lrvtfw L~ .. M"f'll\Ou'"'C.'1 A """·'~"'·-··-·-u .... .,.,,,.. _. .. , ... -.... -................... 1'1 .,..,, 11., to'"1. c .. 1.-... <••""""' .. ,." I ·-.. .... -·-··--....... ·->•<'• CWt'9 Vt(• ~IH-ldet\f and 0.Mf' .. MifNif" n-.. 11-idhO< 'i::e..:t ... "':'.le" ~ ... .._ -~­AU1'4~ .... _.....~. Telepl'M>M (714)~ I 0 .. 1, ~ .... \tAll ....... l..1ip Servi«.-e J C:1ck1c Cowl, r ight. Irvine ma keup artist. applies lip rouge to Debbie Cinc inelli. A bride once sat up a ll night because of the mak e up artistry of M s. Cowl See Food Section. P C:1gc C13 Fr091PageAI BATTLE CLAIMS 70. • • action a nd presumed killed. · ··Press reports said more than I oo "counter-revolutionaries" also were a rrested in SanandaJ a nd that "other counte r r e volutio nary e l ements in Kurdistan are being sought." Th e Isla mic Repu blican, the newspaper of the fundamentalist F,....PageAJ ATTORNEY was but h1a racllo broedcut lut- ed long enouah for the Coast G uard to 1et a 1ener a1 fix on his position at sea. F o ur cutters and a helicopte r were dispatched lo search the a rea around the coutal island . About 10 p.m .. ()ppen'• boat was found at Scorpio Cove et the is lend. Foster s aid Oppen'a body wu found aboard. He had no com· ment on what other e vidence mltbt bave been located on the boat. He Nld he wu el.lo unable t.o comment on tbe poalbllity that Oppen may bave been tortured. The aherUr'1 1pokeaman Wd an eutopey wu t.o be conducttd today. He wd that one ol tbe reeaona for tbe autopsy would be t.o deta'1nlne wbeUMr the lumhot mllbtbaft..._Mlf.infltcted. P_. allo Mid tlaet until tbe radioed cliltNla eall, tlaeN wu no lndleadoll die •UOl'MJ bad been lddn•f.":· Oppea 1 aunlved by bl• wl4o•, llarllya and twla dau111ten. Is lamic Re publican Party, said thos e arrested were members or the Kurdish Democratic Party, which Khom e ini banned last weekend, the People's Fedayeen a nd other lefti.Bt groups. ll said a large number or weapons, passports and mimeo· graph machines were seized, but the leaders of the Kurdish Party still eluded capture . Meanwhile, a married woman was executed tod ay io t he northern town of Behsbahr for havlnl Illicit re lations with a m an and her lover received 100 lashes ln pubUc. the official Pan news agency r eported. A attOOd execution -of an of. ficlal of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's r egime -was report- ed in central Iran. T he woman put to deat.b was Nari• Jebart. P an said her husband wu healthy so t.bere was no excuae for h er bavln1 sexual relations with another man. The news aaency said Capt. Parvlz Shams, forme r chief of the state police ln the cmtral Iranian town of Arkan, clled before a flrlnl 1qued after an l1lemlc revoludonery court found him ,Wit)' of torture. The exeeuUont railed to 4.a the DUmber of JranlUll known t.o beve been put to death 1lnff the o•ertbrow of tbe abab ln February. Pen Mio report.cl tbet thne men were liven 25 lubel ucb In K.,..........ab, W•Wl"ll Inn, tor drlnkln1 alcobollc bner .... , and tlarM W8N D¥m IO,..._ Meb for 1ambUD1. Promises 'All Fuel Needed' fo r Harvesting lll'HLINGTO!'I Io wa t t\1'1 Ike lanng 'Thank \ou. farnli'r" from lh(· bottom of my heart'" I' r <' 'i 1 d f' 11 t C a r t c• r p r a 1 )., t• d 1\mc·rira'o; rarmt·r'i toda\ for 1tw1r pni<.lu(·l1\ 1l} ;.111d 11rnin1.,t·ll tht•m all th1• rui·I th1•\ nt•e<I l•> har H•:.l this fall ., c· ops and plant n<>xl year·., Al an outdoor town m t•et ing in th1!4 Com Bt·lt c-1ty on the M 1~ e11s11ipp1 Ri ver. C'a rtcr als<J an no unrl.·d he would s upport a m ovr h y f arm -stale ron i.:n·i-.sm<·n lo prov1rl1• lnw tnlcn·sl loans lo rarm•·r ... who install J.: a ... ohol pl:mts l<1 ..,l n•t d~ l'X l!>t 1ng J,!asoltn(· :.upph•·'> ( j <I s 0 h 0 I I s IJ m I )( l u r ,. fl r i.:a:-.oltnc a nd all·11hol, often mack from com and othn grain rrops It~ u~t" which furm intnPst'> hope wi ll beMmr w1de!.pr1>ad . hrlp c reatt' a n<'w market for the nation's bountiful grnin cro~ Standing on a park bandshell HI front of a hug(• Amt·nc·an Oag, ('artc r told his 7,000 listeners * * * F,..._PageAI IRAN ..• world wide . IO part bec-au.'ie or lingering effeCL'4 or the thrPe month shutdown or the Irarua n oil Indus try that accompanied thf' overthrow or the Shah of Iran I ra n, a mc mlwr of the Middle E ast ml producing carte l, h as hcen exporting less tha n 3 m illion barrels a d ay or c rude In r ecent weeks , co ns ide rably below the le ve l when the shah was in powe r a nd the level re· porled.ly now is u million barrels a day. ............. M.11 .......... ........... lt.MTlllt ... (Feshlon ff11fne, Standard Size lh<•l the "'l.lrmth or hl'i "'''ll'llflJI' ·" hl' eru1sf'fl tl11"' n th•· !\ti., 'll:O.'llJ"I had ri•:-.t111 1•d h1•, 'l•lrll (;1\lnl-! fornwr' ltw y,111d th•' "',1nt1·tl ,,, h1 ·,1r ''" rl1• -.·t 1111 pl11·' r111 1.l .1111 1111· .ind r1.i1 ••• 1 111).( (',1rt1 1 11tl I Ii•· 11r••l11 1 t 1•111 cir fnocl 111 "'" 1•11111'1 \ , lup 11n1nl' Carter 'aul 1·11rr1r111·11 i<il f1,h t•rmcn alM.J "'"ultl lw ~·1 v1•n lh• fut'I they rw N I lo r 11111Juc l th1•11 hui-.int•ss H 1•<;ponci1nl! l11 1111•·'il111n~ th• I'' 1•..,11l1•nt m.111!· Ill' 'ilr11n111·,1 plt·.1 ~t'l for Amt•r 11 '""to.,, 11·pt rt•fUl!t't''i fr11n1 ln'10<·h1n.1 !'\OITll-OIJe d~kl'd Ill ht'lh•·r :HI lllllllOg lhOU!\ctnd'> Of bod! jM._>4') pl•· .1mounl1'f1 111 1111 111111111•: 11n •·mplo\mt>nt .Jn<l 1nfl ;111wt llo"" man; 1w11pl1· hen · h.1\• a nC'e'llOr 'l thul "'1•r1· nJllVt• t\ men can 'I., • th,. p ri·., 1111· n t rc ... pondt-"d. addtn~ · 1 ., •••• l"' o or th n·1· hands f,t'l ml' re m1ntl) ou lhal "'<' are ,, nation or 1mm1i:rant:-. "'e an: a n<1 t1on or rcfugeei. T he ref Ujtt'Cs who arl.· n ow lcav1n ~ Southeast Ai.w Wt'rt' nur allil':. 1n the recent V1clnamc !-.t' war " II t' srud lht' Zi!CJ.OOIJ boat iH-'<>PI" accepted to dah' b} the Cruted St atei. amounL'> to about one ref u~cc for t'Vt'r)' 1,000 A mn1ean.c; Carter v1~1ted at the home or .John McCormally, editor oC tht· Hurhngt.on Hawk Eyt', which 11> "uid to be the firs t newspaper in 1 he COWllry to endorse h1 m for the p rf"Stdency 1n 1976 On vmg to the t•d 1lor's horn<:. Carter pass<'d ('rowds thrt'c and fo ur d eep tha t s l rl'lchcd for sl'veral block:. The crowd wu:. thinne r furt h t•r on . Front porr hl'S wc rt• d1•curatc·d with fl ui;?s and welco mt· signs a ll alonJ( thtt"<>ute Co11 1tlc,,..... &AIC ..... ... ..... , ... •fl .. i ....... ( 'Jrt<·r found .1 fri1·ndly crnw1I v. ,i 1t1111.: wh('n ht· 11ut as hori· in ll 111 ll n~lon I d1c1n t know vou had lhll-> rn.1n' 1wopl•· h•·r•· 1n H11r 11111•11111 ttw pl•" 1111 111 told lh•· 11\••rf1•11ll ''""'" 11( i-.t'\'l'ral thou ,11111 f 'rottt Pogf> ,, I \RJRDER ... If t h1• kill••r ,.., .1lrt.,1'1y 1n , u'l11•h :-11m1·"'h•·r·· •·h•· fhr ,, n11ther rn m•· h1• l'•rn ltl 1·nnf P'is ht .If I l•I a f1 ·1low pn-.11n1•r 'nrtlt•n -.a11 I Or '"m1•0111• It vuw puht•t• lak1· In I 0 t• US I 11 d y C' ll U I (I h ii V <' a f1 nj!1·rpr1nl th .it m.itC'hcs a p artial pnnt that "'il"> row1d (.I! tht· -.1·enc of the k1lhnli( Throughout l ht• u:. Yt't fru1tle~., Ill\ t•s l1~at1on . Nord1·n sa id Miss 1\ndt•r ... on'i-. part•nts in tltah havt• kt•pt in to uc h t.'1th 1>0licc tn hopl''i a break (ould occur and t ht• k 1 llcr found l nvei.llJo(alors are s till pursu ing !>cve ral lead:., but no one knows 1r they 11 yield anythin~ ..,ubslantutl Norden s a1d there arc still ac· 'lUU tnlunct'S or Miss Anderson's I hl' police wa nt to question but th<'Y only hav<' firs t names to "'ork with. Links between this case and other murders in the co unty also have been tnVC"lllga ted . but nothing conclus1vt! has been t•stublished. Norden said there 's no way or kno wing ho w muc h longe r it <·ould take to track do wn the ki ller~ ~::.t:'w. ... -c.a .. • . .......... ......... gl-oPT1cAL FACTIJRY 250 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa • Hlll1Jren Sq. 642-A630 • Weekdays 9·5:30 Sat. 9.3 J \ 7 j .. -- Laguna/South Coast \'our llometown Dallr Newspaper VOL. 72, NO. 234,' SECTIONS, 60 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1979 FIFTsEN CENTS Fight Vowed Over Aliso Land Control Oppooent.s or an Assembly btll that would eUmmate 2,MO acres of Aliso Viejo land from control or the Calilornia Coastal Com mission say they will continue to fight the proposaJ. despite its av proval by an assembly commit tee Tuesday The bill. a uthored b y Santa Anat Assemblyman Richard Robins on. would d ele te 2,550 acres or Aliso VieJo land and another 1.600 acres from ad.la cent private ly owned land i), from the purview or lhe coastal commission The bH\ was supported by the Assembly Resources. Land Use a nd E n ergy commillee in Sacr ame nto Tuesday on a Hi vote and was forwarded to the Assembl y Ways and Means Com mitt~ But en vironmentalis ts oppos 0 .. 11 PllM SYll P ... U» HUTCHERSON ACCEPTS CONGRATULATORY HANDSHAKE With Wife, Patricia, After Jury'• Dectelon Tuesday Hutcherson Bitter Despite Acquittal Bv DELORES BROOKS IRWIN • 04 IM Dolly P•l.t S111t Tears s tre:.imed down his cheeks Tuesday rught when Gle n llutcherson walked from an Orange County Superior Court a free but admittedly;. "very bit ter" man Behind the 48 -yea r -old arospuce worker was notoriety of a kind no man married to the same woman ror 19 years wants Behlnd him too were 68 d ays spent in jail while waiting trial and. at one time, sentenc ing for a crime a jury finally deci~ed he didn 't commit. And ahead of Hutcherson wait- ed a pile of only partially paid legal bills renecting h is status as the only criminal defendant in Orange County history to stand trial three times for lhe sam e crime. It all ended Tuesday night in a courthouse hallway with a wife who had stood by he r husband clutching his hand a nd through tears s aying, "I 'll ne ver take him for granted again." The trial Hutcherson. followed for the pas t 21 m onths carried him unwillingly into the national 1potllpt and placed him in the path of militant women's rights organisations. All that -as we ll as lbe prospect a few minutes earlier or being convicted of rape and relat- ed crimes lbat could bave put bim behind"prilon ban for nine years -showed u Hutcherson, tearful and trembling, stepped from the courtroom. "I tm.nt all the time they (his AD IN PILOT 'WORKED GREAr , • 'Dailf Pilot cla11tfted ada .really work srnl·" Tht'I tbe story told by the -.ec...tua oae·tlme Colla Mesa ........... wbo placed thia ad ln tbeDaMJPilot: By owHr. Cambrldae Hilltluds. I BR, fam ""'· I ba. 2 frplct , itr 1thl ... 000 lWMWIJl U JOU w8ftl YOUI' ad to work, r1 tM friendlJ DailJ Pilot ~lullftiid ed·YIMn at 141-11'11. LASHES PROSECUTORS Hutcherson Attorney GUe• accuser and prosecutor) knew I was not guilty. But they ke pt pressing. The cha rges should have been dismissed a Ion~ time ago," Hutcherson said as he and his wile, Patricia, faced a bat· tery of newsmen. His attorney was in a more forceful mood. Lawye.r Terry Giles angrily blamed Hutcherson's ordeal on what be described as a weak- kneed district attorney. Giles went on to say be plans to me lawsuits • 'against. those responsible for the frivolous and malicious prosecution, or sbouJd I aay persecution, of my c lient.•· As Hutcherson blamed an un- caring "syste m " for his ordeal a nd Gile,, lashed out at bis prosecutors. Deputy Dialrict At- torney Dan Brice was avoiding newameo by sllpplq out through aback hallway. Tlaree times Brice bad carried lbe cue aca.lnat Hutcbenon into a courtroom. Latt February, a jury con· eluded tbat tbe Wbiltl•r man bad iDdled raped and ~ tit•• l9·1•ar·old Catlaerlne Budin ta late um. • Bot ..._ lt eame Ume to ...,. t.eDc• tbe ~ man. Judie llaaon Fenton aald be didn't .,.lleve the ttoman'1 tale of rape. overturned tbe 1ullty cs..a.aan. •a••AJ> mg the bill say they will con- tinue to fight for its demise. and t hey say they have the s upport o f Assembly Speaker L eo McCarthy "We 'r e terribly disappointed. especially with <Newport Beach Assemblywo man J Ma r ian Bergeson.·· s aid T om Alex · ande r . president of the Laguna Greenbelt. Inc. Mrs Bergeson ·~ d1~tricl an eludes the Aliso VieJo land, and Tuesday the ass emblywoman voted with the majority to send the bill out or committee But AJexander said his group has not given up hope that ·the land will continue to be under the control of the coasta l panel "McCarthy has written me saying he opposes the exclus ion of Aliso Viejo. and we will ~ 140rking ver) clo~cly with him · Alexander s aid. Alexander said that. 1f the bill receives approval of the Legislature. and 1s signed into law by Governor Brown. "It will mean the i\liso VicJO Company will be excused from scrutiny by lhe coastal commission The ramifications are that anothtr step the project would have to go thro ugh would be ehmanated " The company plans to con -1truct 20,000 homes on the 6.623 ucr es between South Laguna a nd the San Diego Freeway A bout 5.000 of those home!> would be-1e rmed lower-cost dwelling~. available to buyer!> a nd renteri; who ea rn up to cibout S23.000 a year Should the coastal commission retain control of the 2.550 acr"'' c-ur rentlv within the coa!>taJ M~1· <See I.AND BILL. Pa~f' A?I Se·a Kidnap, Tort11re? Attorney Found Slain After 'Mayday' Call B> JOANNE R EVNOU>..., Ol t ... OAoly Piiot ~IAll A n a tto rney who rose to prominence r1ghtin~ oil Nim pan ics an S<inta Barbara w;:i... round de<id aboard his '11 foot boat after he radioed iJ distress r:lll that he wa!> being kidn<:ipf)<'d. tortured a nd shot Santa Ba rbara Sheriff's Dt•pu ty M ik<.' Foster said today thl' victim has been idt;•nt1r1cd as James J Oppcn. SR, of Santa Barbara ~prinklers Targeted In Niguel So·<.·allt•d bootleg signs ;mt! ~pnnklcrs that m1 .,~ tht·ir m irk <ind cnci up sprayinJ; pa.,.,ini• auto~ on Crown Valk) P ark\,;1\ in Laguna Niguel were taq~ets o r the co u nt y B o ard o f Super visors Tuesday In keeping with th<' county's sce ni c hi g hw ay po l1 t) ~upervisors said hous ing d<• velopcrs shouldn"t be allov.ed w put d irectional s igns and ad dis plays on the parkway ·s planH•d median Supe rvisors ag recd to let A vc 1> Development Co s u1Jm1t a sum pie s ign that could bt• a pro totype of signs to come If acceptable. th(• prntol~ 111· could lead to st<indard sign::. that . could be used to id1:nt1ry hou~1n~ developments a~ Wl'll as !>tre <:t n ames . Space for names or develop me n t companies v.111 not be 1n d uded on the prototype ~1gn . <il' cording l o the hoard of s upervisors d1n•ct1v c That darccllvc abo instructed t he county's Environmental Manageme nt AJ~ency <EMA I lo find a way t<> bnng the errant median spnnkle r sy~tcm under control. An EMA report su1d Laguna Nig uel r esidents hav£· com plained about their car~ rather than the planted m edian being doused by the sprink lers. And. the report s aid. the re have hccn complaints about the a mount of water being wasted Crown Valley Parkwuy. des agnatcd by s upervisors as '' scenic highway an 1973. runs from Marguerite Parkway rn Mission Viejo to P acific Coast Highway in Laguna Niguel lit' :.:Jiii rnenibt.•r-. uf Uw l :-., ("oalil <;u:1rd n".,1·ue ll'!'° whri found Opl)l•n nl·ar San u C"ru1 hi and "'1th in four hou of h1., IOJ\ 1IJ\ 111.,ll c'"'' h r 11.1d riJ'>I ... a1°il tth· Jtl 11 111t•\ tl11·cl 11f ,1 ~unshut v.ound (} pµen v. a~ IK·.,l k nov. n fur J ... uit he brouJ.!hl 1111 bch<tlf uf cum rn l·rc1al f1shcrnwn a~ain~t 011 l'Om pi:lntC'> :Jfter tht• famou:-. I~~ Santa H:1rbara Ch.mn<'I '"I ~pill <) pp<' n · s e a l> i n 1· r u i '1 t' r ' ·Ch r on I l' H 1ll·h1• r v. J ., "" ll<lnll:f1 t>e{;IU..,( .Jn IJI( ("IJrTl(J:Jn ) off1 nal 1n th1· cJftl•rm:.ilh of tht o II "p ii I r ..r 1• r rt• d t o S" r. t J B.1rbar::i J .., ,, 1·11mmun1t .. ,,r 1 hron1e bit< 111•1 • ( )ppt'n "'ho ha.., 111·1·11 rdtr•••I. fr11rn the pr<11 tic• 11f l.11.0o for ,, 111upk uf }l'.lf'> ......... <k '>cnl)(·d 11, 11n1· S:mt J BJ rh.H J rt· ... 1drn1 .1 ~ l!l'nerall~ unpupular 1n th1· lc·~:il 1·ommunit~ Jnd 'lt'WL-d ..... ,, m.tH•nrk attom1·' Thi· h11;.irrt· c a ~•· lw~an al Jl.>uu t f' I• m Tut"•lla' 1.0ohl"n Petitions Mailed Recall Unit Opens Drive ,in Clemente \ ,:roup 1·,tllt•d ('1t11t·n'> for 1t1·~pon.,1hll· (,11\ 1 rnnwnl l.11 kl'd 11(( a clnH' to rt.•rall t"'o Sa11 Cll•rnt·ntt· l"it v Council nwml>t•i ~ at a prc•ss conference '" front of City HaJITues day The group. led by president Gale Howt·. say~ 1t has sent re call petition forms aga1n~t Coun C'1l members :'v1vrt1~ Wagner and Karohn1• Koesl~r to the home ... of :.ill 1·1.000 rc:g1~t1:n·d v11tn., 1n town It intt•nct., to f1l1• as man~ a ... fl.000 Mgnatu~ ... 11. 1th tht' count~ ltl•g1strar of \"olt·r<> "1thin Ill d.J~<;. lhl'f<'by f>)3C'IOJ,! thl' 1-.sui· on a !>JWC"lal hallot in 1>t•<•1•mlwr •Jr t•arl' Janu:in It o"~· '>:l}lng h•· i-. ··a hrm bellcvl'r •n res 1>0n"l' fn>m th•· <·1t11.ens. ·:-.aid h1.., group -...111 tw •m thP strl·1·ts Saturduy '"ekinc "11.(naturt•'> for thl• rel· all Only :! !100 s1J.(naturl·s of n•c 1~1 1•re<f \111!•1 o.; :in· rN1u1rt·<1 lo pl ~11·1· tlw rt·<·:Jll mc·<isun · on .1 SfH'('J:1l h.tll'11. hut 110 11. (' '>a HI hi ) group intends to collecl mon· than tw1 c·1· that numbt•r C1llll'n' for lkspons 1hll· <iu\ t·rnmcnl served recall pa1x•rs on ~t rs Wugner an July , and or1 Mrs Koester in August Thc\' c laim the t wo c-oun c-ilwomt'n, "d1sruµtcd normal hu s anc~~ of t 1t y cmplo)cl' .... ca used low mora le o f cit) t•mployN·~. \ wl:itcd r it) or <11n ant"e.... and obstructed lht• smo<>th opcr;,ilion or l'Jty govt-rn menl." Both ('ounc1lwomcn denied lhe r h aq~cs and lhl' group of not substantiating its claim s. l lowe ~aid the citizens group will be coming out with press re· leases In the next rcw wee ks lhat D••h Ptt•• swn Pfl.oeo PUSHES NEWEST RECALL San Clemente 's Howe hl· da1ms "'1 11 support th1· or ganizat1on ·s d wrge.., Termin~ the charges ' rep t'l1t1\l' and un~ub~tunt1.ikd, ~1 n. l\ocstl'r said t Od:J\ 'h" c·hallf'nge~ tht' citizen!> group to find Jny w rongdoinl? on he r part. or on the part of Mr... Wagner · ·Thl' renill 1 c•!fort i 1s doinJ? nothing but deslroyinJ? lhe cit~ government makeup. ' she s aid ·H 1s a sf)<'c1al rnll'rest group at te mplang to furthe r their own aim s. and in doing so. the" would find no problem with (See R ECALL. Pa1te AZ> l.agana Hills Wom_,n Abortion Halt Bid Faris By FaEDE&ICK SCHOEMEHL Of ... o.llY l'I ... Slaff A state appeals court refused Tuesday to stop a Laguna HiUs woman from aborting a child that her boyfriend "desperately wants to be born." Attorneys representing Robert Bla ke of Corona del Mar asked the Fourth District Court ol Ap- peal in San Bemardino to issue an extraordlnary wrll to block Holly Lynn LatrieJJ, 27. from having an abortion. ''The ink OD the filing s tamp was barely drJ before we learned it was dented," aatd Harold 8boden, Blake's al- tormJ. Blab previously h•d tried to bloek tbe abortion in Orange County S"lperior Court. J udie Robert Todd lDltJaUy cranted a tem~rary re1tralnln1 order bloc tbe abortJon, bu.l lifted ll two tater after., burinl 1r1amen\I Oft Ml11 Latrjel1'1 behalf by a n Americ an Civil Liberties Union attorney. Blake. 23. has argued that he and Miss Lalriell agreed to be married and to the birth of the developing child. Miss Latriell is about two months pregnant, ac cording to BJalte. · 'Tbe man desperately wants lhe cb.iJd to be bom." Rhoden s aid Tuesday. Soviet& Set Back WASHINGTON CAP) -U.S. htelllaeoce officials say Nlgerla, OM of Africa 'a moet lmportanl countriet, bas told Ru11la to reduce sbarply lbe sise of lta ailllta.ey tralN_nt. mi•· 1lon ~ 'nlls 11 re&arded u a 1l1ntflc1.-t setback for tbe RuaU.. in a country U.at ls a maior .OUrce ot oll lor tbe Unit· ect St1tee. ; ' - In the petition ror the ex· traordinnr y writ. Rho d e n a rgued that he has not had sum cient Ume to explore legal issues app l yin g to th e unique circ ums tances of the Blake LatrieJI dispute. ··we have lhe iss ue of a man and a woman agreeing lo· have u e hild. There are n o cases in California on the narrow issue." Rhoden said . Ourin1 a.rauments ln Superior Court, Miss Lalriell's attom ey had cited a U.S. Supreme Court decision in a MlJsourt case • In that declslon. lbe blah court ruled unconsututlou.l a law tNt p.revenled a woman from obUln- 1.oi .an abortion wltboul fint 01>- ta la l n1 a pproval from ber. spouse. Tbe case, however, ap. plied to mani.ct lndlvld\lals. Rhoden said lt wlll now be up to Blake to decide ll be wlsbes to take Uie issue to the state Supreme eoun. ( • •: .1 ., 1 (; 1.1 a r ff ,,.. 1 ..., 11 n n ,. I r11on1tt1n·d a rad1111•d 11 .... rrt'"' ... 1gnJI rrom a mJll 1.0o'h11 ,,ud lw h .1 <1 h • ,. n k 1 rl n :.i IJ p •• d ;j n •I 11!1 lUrt'il olllcl \\U~ bt•llJI.! -.h11t ;11 \Cl'ord1nJ! t11 1-"o.,l<'r , th1· CoC1..,l Ciu.1 rd ~·r.,nnm·I v.hl) 111tked 011 1 h1• t.•mt•1 gt.•nl"\ 1·all r1·p11rt1•tJ hea ring lht· ... o unrl of µunshoh "' t'r th., radio 1n lh1• h:.i1·k µrouncJ According to f-'uo.;ter. ()ppc•n -.a 1<1 ht· d1dn ·t know where ht· 1Set• i\TTOR ~··;v , PaRt' t\21 C.arter OKs Fuel Sal~ To Iranian · W \SHl'.\C i'JO:\ \I'• 1'1 •, llt•r: t I .1111 f .., 11 d '•Ill.•\ h• 111 r ... 1111.tl 1 ·, .1ppr11\ t ti I h·· ,., p11r1 111 111 I 111 II I r;i11 "' :-1 m11lwo tn h.t•ru.,t•nt• :.ind dl~l'l ruel Thl' 'ale (•Jmc at " ll01t• "'hen the Unitcd Stall'" 1s c>. p~r1 e nr1n g !>hor t age-. of pct roleum produr t.., Co mm t' r cl' n c p a rt m 1· n t lire nse.., for tht• l'Xporl of th•· products "ert· ''"'lll'O A ug "<. t · 1• m m ,. r r 1· I>,. ri ,, r 1 ni ,. 11 1 1111l.t·,m.1n p,,, 111 .lo "•·II ..,..,111 \.,ked Jb0\11 llll• '>alt· <i ui in..: ,, l1>"' 11 mt•t'llllf.? 111 l111rl111~:t nn lt11.0o .1 C.1rlt•r :-.:1111 ht· 1Jt•1..,11n all\ .1ppr•>\1•1! 11 11n ,, ww t11n •• h;1"· ht ... IUM I llll:-. tn I 1 an h.1<1 1n11'1 1 uptt•<1 that t•nun1 r~ ...... upµh 111 i... r11 ... t·n1· \\ h1rh 1-. "1<1(•1\ 1i-,1·11 I•\ lrJn1.1n.., in th1•11 horn··~ 111 -.:ud th1· .1muunt 1nvofvt·tf 'riu.11 ... 0111\ :.ihoul ont• firtrl'lh ,if 1h1 .1t1ltllH1t of 1111 th.tl th1· l nit1·d :-.1.111•., 1mpon :-. fr•1m Iran in ·' ... in).!11• 1nonth JJ\ \'l\,1n .i l>epartm(·nt 111 En1·rg' 'Jlol.c:-.m.111, ... a 1tl the d1· 1 1~1on to 1•xport lht· fuel som1· 01 v. h1ch a lso 1·;rn bt• used a~ hl'alinl! rnl wa.., enJorsed b' thl· d t•parlrnt·nt.., or S t all· l>l'f(·n~l' Jlld Encrg, II t• d l' c I 1 n L' d t 11 r o m m c n 1 further. ~J)'lnf.? that ··lhas 1~ darcctl~ being tn•cited a~ " Com ITTl'rcc al."l1on ·· Tht• s1tuat1on wa-. reported b~ 1>11 l>Jlh . ·' w a ... h1ngton basl.'d industry puhhcat1un Chl Daily said today that tht: .,ale was handled by Am erad;i Hess. the New York-ba~cd oal n· fining and marketing firm Carl Tursi. an Amerada lies~ :-ooke ·m;in. c ould not 1m <See IRAN. Page A2> Coast Weathe r Patchy late nigh! a nd early morning low clouds and local fog, otherwise fair thro ugh Thurs day . Slightly warmer days with highs Thursd ay r a ngin g from the mid-70s at the beaches to the low 80s in t he inla nd a reas Lows tonight 57 to 67. INSIDE TODA l' .4 lut of Otangff Count11 re,... itknta who ar• •linquent in paying prop•rt11 tas•1 '' pubU.Md on~' Alt.AU ' ·u ONLV Pll.OT use !Record . :ffighHit ·By Gold LONDON <Al'> Gold hu • record '311 62~ an ownce 1n Zurtch tod•y Tht' dollar h Id •h:ady Aftt1r openlnte S3 to S~ hlih<'r than tM 'l'uc.'ltd-.y dOl'llnt p'1c , the mtital »uddtinly took off. dOlt'l'll nJd L on don ·~ tu.i r1 Yt• hulhc>n d~alt-rs rl'tt•d th1• rnornrn" l•n<'t' a t a reC'ord Ull ~O a Troy ounce. up rro n1 sm w Tues day mj(ht 1tnd SJ06 W at thf' openini T he uflernoon f11ung wai. S31 l In Zunch , Eurosw ~ bluest gold market, th~ noon pnce w ai. 131>9 375 aflt·r touch1nl( the re<> ord in la te m onunJ( tradma T he pra t'e r1i..-r nllo we d T 11e1id ay'i. sitll' o f l(Olct by the ll S Treasury, wh1r h fetchl'd a r ecord <tYl'ra~l' 1ir1C•1• of S301 OR pe r oum·l' It v.a '> lh1• f1r'it llmc the a u<'laon prn:t· topp1•d SJOO A total of 750.000 troy ounct:l:> was sold. melated story, Page 86 1 The metal a ppeared headed back to the rec·urd levels It hit durtn~ the last rull wt-c•k of July A Wt•t>k lah:r. howevt-r. profit ta kinfe <Jnd the· s l;.ib rl1zutaon nf the dollar contnbutc•d to <• sh urp fall to around S2H2 an ounce Laguna Hills Immigrant Slwt in Head An IR 'eu r old M 11111 It-f:usl 1mm1#!ram I' in C'nt1e•:1I rond1· tion 1n OrJn.:1• t \1unt' todny after suffenn.z .1 ..:uni.hot wounci m the head that nuthontu·s al lc>ge may hnw lx't.tn inflicted h~ h1" roomm,11t· Sht·rtff Ill\ 1•,t1 j!.1 t nr-.. wt•r•• .. 1111 try1 nii tcxl.1' to unr:n·1•I dl' ta Iii. of t he 10 p m <>h<><>lin~ Tuc><;d;l\ al an :ipartmt•nt <'om Jd•'X at 24.'..11 Lo ... \11:-.0 ... Bl\CJ Ill l.aJ,!Uni.1 ll1lb The· v1c t1m, Shnpor Ansun . 1s 1n 1·r1t1C'ul t•11nd1t 1un ;i t S ad cllcbac·k f'omn1uni t \ lloi.p1tal The man :.iuthont1e<> h<:hevt· ll> be• h1i. roomm:.ite, 25 year olU \1 11uhamml'd Ht·.ta .11111, al!.o i.ln Hnm 1~rant . ii. b~ing h eld in Oran~e County Jail on ai. ... aull 1 haritC!:. Ba1l 1!:. :.ct ;,it $10.000 i\ 'lht•rtff'., s po kes man -;, •d .J••ll was in thP apartmen t whl .t1•put1t-., arriv1•d to find Ansan 1i11•1·1hn~ fmm a •11nglc wound I \ l'I lht• n~ht ('YI' 'l ht-"l"•k"i.m uu ... u1d tn n• ... llJlator., ht·ltc·vl· lht• wouncl was mflll'trrt bv a 22 callbN r1 lie · l'ht· i.p11k1·i.mun !lid not know tf ttlh1·1., "'''"' 1irt•Mfot during the :-.hooting, w hich uN·urn·d at An ... a,, .... apart rrll'nl f 'rottt Page A I RECALL ... clei.t roying the demonutte· proc- l•!.:-. Mrs WaJ(ni·r l'C'hoed hn col lt•agucs C'ommcnt.s. saying, "1t 1s a s µ1.·1·u1l m terel>l group trying to dci.lroy tht• city to l(c t 1t.s own way, Jusl when w1· were begin- ning to get 'nie city back on the n~ht track .. Earlier this year . voters In San Clement<: overwhelmingly recalled former m ayor William Walkt•r and council memberti Donna Wilkinson and Howard Mus hett Mr~ Koester was elected lo one of the three vacated coun cil seats in Marc h , along with freshman council members Ed Kalsched and Richa rd Ahlman. rr the citizen 's group Is IJUC· cessful In recalling Mrs. Wagner and Mrs. Koester, it would mean a total of five council m embers will have been recalled in less than a year. OAANQI COAST I \• DAILY PILOT f 'W l')t•~(N'\f O•lf• Plf.Ot tlltt1ft •"W l'I '''0'"" °"....,,,..~...,9'\ ''°"*'"""~.,.,.,,.a. .. (M,f Pw;Oh\htne(.~y \t"'fli• .. f*'°' •'• OlifbO, .. d ~., ""°"91' ( ttO•; ,., Ce-•• ""-... frt....,ort .... " t41,111\f1"9'-._.., ......... l•1nV1ltef ti'#~ l .tOU"lte..-ftt\iovtttf M'tt A .,.111i94.,-.,...._....,.1,..,..,~.~, .. .,,01y-\~ ~•n tM ..,-u.cr.., ~·~nt l>tliftt tt •I Ill W•'''''~~ ro.ta,_..w l •1tttw•u•t1't1t ·-·-flllrn'"""' •NJ~'""°" J•O a tool"' Vtc.tt .-.,.'\.~ttMGlcNlf .. Mit~ '-···-,..,,,., TMM.e\A. ............ M•"'•O~flctt•or °""' .. ' " "'"' •1e11 ...... ,. ..... AW•l .... llM~•olf!tl""ar' LA911n1 leech Otftc:. 1911 Ho C..•I Hl ... 1"•¥ -- WednHdey Augutt 22. 1119 ............ , OEARED •. verdl« Md ordel'9d • Mw trtal At th• 9'\d of Hutebe l"IOl'l'a •eeoed trlaJ, a ootber Jury ~ lM for •otmltat But Juqe Rltbtrd Beacom ,..Jfftlld IDOUom for '11llllM&I ol th~ by bodt OU• ud Brttt. Jud19 h~ llHtft 1.W 1t utchf'rlOO should •tand trial for an unprecedented third Ume. A'1d 8'> 8 tttlrd Jury at the dote of a rour day trhl Tu~11day bf'1an <h·<'ldlna H utrhtinoo'a '""' It wu a fter ni1htfall that H utch.-nwn. wltb Ollea' arm drap••rl ov~r h l11 11 houldu, 'obbf d \\ ht<n tht• not ICUllty '1•td1rtJ. \\t>rt' rt••d "N o. tht-rc never w11 much doubt about what direction w~ w~re gmne." said jury foreman John Palumbo ot 1''1&tln , u he talked o/ the four and one h.U hours s pent bch&nd closed doon1 An othe r Juro r . S t e ve An derson. oC Garden Grr ve, said the Jury's tiri.l bbllot was seven votes for acqwttal, one guilty tnillot and Coor abstentions "We ll .. s <itd JUIOr Jim f.\ t'rman of Jl untmgton Beath "t• went over all tht· t'Vldence \ ..ry thoroughly a nd 1t clearly favored tht· defense version of the c ase " That ven11011 included an ad m ission that Hutcherson had sex wrth M is~ flctrdin <•ftcr picking hf'r up whilt• s he hitchhiked tn Hucna Park Hutcherson insisted It ha p pened by mutual consent after he agreed to pay the woman S25 It was Miss lla rd1n's conten twn that Hutcherson fo rced her to submit lo him. then shoved he r from his since-repossessed motor home m a re mote area o( Bn•a Canyon At the end of llut<.'herson's first trial. Miss Hardin became a cause celebrc am ong wome n's rights organ ization!:. She was portrayed by lhem as a woman v1<'t1m whose allegatio ns we re thw~rted by chauvinist laws and judge~ f ' rom Pagf" '' I LAND FILL .. tor. tht• C'Omp;rn y m1i.:ht lw re q111rl•d to rt·:-otnel res ale· of those low<>r-rost units to those lll t he :-.a ml· income· brat·kets In addition. lht• coastal <'om m ission l>laff h m; indicated it would seek feei. for each dwe ll rng unit from the company to fin;1nN· a trani.p11rtat1on cor ndor <icrosl:> the project to Lhe ocean. O Hicials at the Aliso Viejo Co. we re unavailable for comment today . Earlier this year the state Coastal Commission rejected a request from the county and the lando wner that wo uld have taken the project out of coastal com mission control The county a rgued that the line d chnealing lhe slate coast.al com m ission's are a or control had been misdrawn. The r egional coastal com · m ission went along with the county rinding, but when the re- quest for deletion reached the s tate coastal pan el, the regional recommendation was ignored. F,.._ Page A I ATTORNEY was but his radio broadcast last c·d long enough for the Coast Guard to gPl a 1(rnP.ral fix on his pms1t1on at 1wu f"our ruw ·r., ••ncJ 1J h t.-h copter wc•1 t• d11tJ.iulc'hc·d to l>l'Or ch the url!IJ 1tround ttw <'Oa r>tal Island A btJUt JI} p m . o ,,pcn '11 ooat Watl found at S<•t>ri110 Cove att the 11>l11nd Fostf'r 1uud Op1wn'11 body wu found-11br1ard lie· h11d no com· rru•nt ''" whut ottwr f•vldPn<'e mll(ht huv1• lwn1 lt11·ute'1 on the houl lie said hf' wa11 11h10 u11ablft to rommenl cm lh" 1w111Klhlllty that Oppcn may hovo hN•n tortured. The sheriff'11 1t1.1okm1man aald un a utof)fly w1111 lo be conducted today. Ht• lll•lfJ thut one of the reu1.1oru1 for tho •utopsy would be to determine• wlwlhn the gunshot mighthuvctwn11wU inflicted. f<'o11tcr ulHo Hold that until the radlot'd dJ11tre1111 c all, l.here was no ln'11<'11Uon the attorney had twcn kldnapf)t!d . Oppe n ls s urvived by his wi d o w , Marilyn and twin dau1h~ra. School Site Screening Set Capistrano Unified School Dis- tric t truatees have lnvked some Laguna Niguel reatdenta to Join district officials in evatuaUn1 three pQteptlal elementary school sites offered by sars Cons truction Company. S~perlntendent Jerome Thormley asked that l.1sun1 Ntauel Community A110ClaUoa otttcers select up t() four ,.,. dents to eerve wltb • sroup that would aereen the campua altea. The f1'0QP I• part of the cl.ti· trtct'a repome to an 8'cS pro. POHi to take 90 day• to ........ the LalUM Nlpl three attee ud Mleet one. Once a •lte ll Nleet.d, the dlatrtet woWd bt llHD up to I ,. .... to purehaM the atte. u ... Children Support Resisted· Captltrano Unified Scbool Dis• trict board m embers beUev~ they're getting a raw d eal. They say the district shouldn't ha ve to foot room and bOard costs for two local chtldren of. fl cials contend need to attAmd a special school tor the emotionalJ.1 disturbed. And trustees put offic ials OQ notice thjs week that they in· tend lO rile an appeal of a de- ci s I on lo m a ke the district responsible for $14,400 so the two childre'l can a ttend a special Utah school · • 1 do not believe it was the In· tent of the Legislature lo provide custodial I room and board> <.'are for persons ... Trustee Edward Westberg compli.ined al this week 'i. board meeting JUSTICE, IRANIAN STYLE, CARRIED OUT IN PAVEH AS KU,.OS EXECUTED Kh<>n'*nl'1 Reign of Terror Mount• With 8leylng1, Whlpplnga ot Enemle1 West ber g's complaints were aim ed at thl' Sedgwick Act. a i.tatt· law that requires public !>Choob t.o provide programs for handicapped students or place them in special schools paid for by the district and the s tate. ' County Shuts Library in South Laguna Petitions SIJ:ned by more than 1,000 South Laguna residents were all but ignored Tues day w h en Ora n ge Co unt y s upe r visors voted to c lose the area 's s mall pubhc library S upervis ors o rde red the library lease a t 31658 South Coast ll1ghw:.iy terminated ef· fectiVl' Oct I Super visors earlier h ad di· c1dcd that the $28,800 1t cost each yea r to keep the 950-square-fool bu1ld1ng could better be used to m aintain service levels at other , m o r e h c a v I l y u s t· d r o u n t y hhrary brunehr., T hat dc<·1i.1on d rdn 't s top lhl' South Lagunans who s upport the librar y from mounting thl'ir third 1X'l1tw11 drivt• 111 n~ many y('ars in a n d forl tu kt.-ep th•· li brary ope n With Tut-s<lay's rler1s 1o n t•1 t l' r m 1 11 a t •· t h l' I e Oj l> t· . :-.upt•r viM>rs. 111 1·ffect. !>lUd lh1· la!:.t day of library use at th•· South Luguna Branch will lit· Sept 22 Woman, 68, Hit by Auto A 68·ycar·old San Cle mente woman re mained m critical con- d1t1on today after being s truck by a {'af while Relt10g out of .her own a uto. Liebe f'n trhman. 134 Mira del S ur, was IOJUred Monday mom mg at S28 N. El Ca m ino Real when she was hit by a car driven by Ge rald J oseph Clancy, 86. ot 205 A ve. Cordoba Wei.t , S an Clem ente. Wilne sse11 told police Mrs Fritchman s teppe d from h er parked vehicle into the path of Clancy's southbound car . He was not held. Mrs. Fritchman 1s 1 n M i ss ion Co mmun i t y llos pital 's intensive care unit Talk Slated On San Juan Cit y Manager J am es Mocalis will di sc u ss Sa n Jua n C apistra no's d o wnto wn re· development plan at a chamber o( comme rce luncheon Thurs - day The luncheon starts at noon at the El Adobe Restaurant. 31891 Camino Capistrano. 1'1ckets are available at S4 per person . R eservations can be made by calling the chamber of flee at 49J.4700. Mocalls also will ta lk about the status of runding for a ne w trans portation terminal in the downtown area. Soccer Foundation Meet8 in Niguel The Saddle back Valley Soccer Foundation will spon.or lta fint parent·child ortentallon meetin1 tonl1bt at 7:30 p.m. ln Lquna Nl1uel. The meetln1, which will In- clude a dbcuaalon of the found•· llon 'a plana, will take plate at Crown Valley Community Park, 21751 Crown Valley Parkway. Campaign Rebuff~ UNITED NATIONS <AP) - IarHI'• tmb ... ador and New Yort J..-t1b ~eden rebutted the campat1n bJ An4rew Younf'• black C8UCUI to aet larH to ne10Uate wttb tbe Pat..une lJberaUoa Orlanba· Uon. "We ban aotbla1 to ne1odate wttb UM PLO except our own delDiM . . and Udl \I IOlbeUJlna ft NfUae to do,'' AJD. buaador Y9buda z. 8hun told NPOl1en 1'Mlday, c 70 Reported· Dead In Kurdistan Fray The state la w. along with a federal act dublw.d the "Han· dicapp«d Bill of R ights." came un der fire as board mem bers contended the law should re· qu1r.-th1·m to pay only the cost or education. TEHRAN. Iran <AP > At lea~t 70 fX'<JPll' wt·r(• n •portNl. dead today 1n Kurdistan m rre.,h d a s hes between thl' reh<'llwu ... Kurds and foeei. loyao lO thP re· g 1m e :.ct up b y A y11 tolla h Rhuhollah Khomeini In the r11 p1tal. Khom t'1n1 " revolution kl'pt meting pun1:-.h ment to lrun:.g ress<>ri. of hr~ '>l<'1'1 Islamic t·e>dt•. with nt-w t'l((·cu twn::. and wh1pf.lln!i:l> 1 r<inian indui.try ,,ffH'H•h meanwhilt>. ::.<:11d thC' nat1vn '> CJ1l exports h <:ivl' dccrebst·d t11 bt:lo w t million barn•ls daily, partly l1el·aust• of tht• w1·athc·r TC'hr<1n H<Jd10 .,aid ri•v<Jlu t1 onury .iu<Jrds n :1x>rtl'd k11lrn~ till rebels 1n rnoppini.: up opt:ru t 111n~ m·ar th1· t\urd1~h 1·a111tal 11( SananctaJ and 11l1·ollfy1 rag them a :-. m l'mlJt·rs of the outlaw1·rt Kunllsh Democr:.it1(' l'urty <111d Com mur11 .. 1 ... upportrr-. of th1 · Jl!'opli"s f',.cJavl'•·n 1ituerr1111:1 ... ' Thl' broadca s t s aid ... everal \\Ounded ~uurds wt'n : taken to ·• hoi.p1t al m Mar.van. near th{· Iraqi border, for treatment. and that 10 ~uardi. v.cre m1::.:-.m~ 1n action and prei.ume d killed ··Press reports sa id more than JOO "counter rcvolullonarles" * * * Fro. Pllfl#' .11 IRAN • • • m ediately tx· n ·urhed for com m ent The sale price of !he oil prr>d ucl!I was reported by the Oal u a 11y to IX' aoout !'>:, cen ts per gallon, or cons idl"rably bl'JQw the prevailing 67 cents to 72 cents per gallon rate. At the low<'r price. <'lose to 2 million gallons of the fuel could be In volved. lndu.stry i>ourccs s aid Oil has been In s ho rt supply worldwide. 1n part because or lingering effects of the thr~ month shutdown of the Iranian oil Industry that accompanied the overthrow of the Shah of Iran Iran. a mem l:H>r of the Middle Eas t 01l ·producing cartel. ha s bee n e xporting less than J million barrels a day oC crude In recent we •k s, considerably below the leve l when t.he shah was in power and the level re· portedly now Is a million barrels a day n.w...w_.. .... . 34 ....... ...... 44.IOIHMll ..... , ....... (Fashion Frame. Standard Size also we re arrested in SanandaJ and that "o the r count e r · revolutiona r y ele m e nt'> 1n Kurdistan are being suught " The Isla mic Republican. thP news paper of the CundamentalJ-.t Islamic Re publican Party !><tad those arrested v.cn· mPmbt·r\ 11f the Kurdish Dem11f'r a tll' Part\ v. h1ch Khomt·1n1 tiann1·d IJ .. t "'eek end. th1· Ptopl£• ., Ft·da' •·1·n a nd other leftist ~roUJ.1'> It s aid a largl• n umhn ''' v.capon!>, p ai.sporh and m1m1-'f1 itraph mach1nei. wl·rt-'>e111·d . liul the leaders of the Kurd1hh Part) '>ltll eluded c&pturt- M eanwh1le, a married ~om;.n w a i. e x t: r u t t· d t o d a ~ 1 n 1 h ,. northern town of Bt'h'>h;Jhr for ha\ltng 1llt('1t relat rnn'> wath a man and hl'r lover rl·c•1 ·1~td llJ(f l&bhes 1n public. tht.o <1ffi11al l'Jr-. nt" s a~enc) rt·1>t1rt1•d A "t-cond •'X(·t ulll1n of an rtf h C' 1a I of ~hah M •1h;rn1 m t•d H1'2.J I :.ihla\'1·s rl'g1ml• "J" rl'1>1irt i·d rn central Iran The v.o man put lo d1·ath "'.i, :"'&r~es Jaban P .ir-. '>Bid her h usband "as ht•alth) ... o thn1· "'a<1 no f'X<'ll~"' flit h1·r h:1vmv .,ex.uat relation:. "'1th <Jn1>th1·r man . T y news agency said ~ Parvtz Shams. forme r ctut>f of the s t ate polac·c in the> 1·<'nlrC1I l rJn1C1 n t•1v.n o f Arkan. <lu·d li<•fon• a hnn,i;t i.Quad ;.iflN -.11 h l.1m1c rl'\'Olul1o na r) 11>urt f11unel him ~mlt~ tJ( tonu11: 'I ht• l'Xl'(.'Ul111n .. r •• 1 ... 1•d to \IX the numl)('r or lrah1an<; kno"'ll I•• ha \'1• l>t·i·11 put to death i.inc1• lht· 11 \' l' r I hr o w of I h 1• ., huh 111 Fc:l>rUJr} WOMAN, 106, DIES IN ITALY CAGLr. Italy IAPJ G1usep· pa San Uni. one of I tC1 ly · s olde:.t wome n, dsed Tuesday al lhe age of 106 She had JUSl returned from a b irthday party 1n a nearby vi llage for Adt>le Belli. who was celebraUnf( her 106th b1rthdav Amnesty Declared MEXICO CITY <AP> -The government announced amnest y Tuesday for 919 persons accused of s ubversion. te rrorism , con spl racy and othe r po litic al r rimc!I Tru'ltc·('i, 1n1l1;illy r cJected p/J l'l'ml·nt of lhf• lwo children in th1· :,cho"l .lun1• lk hf'l·au!'o<' rl')(>m und hoard t o ... t:-. ""ult.I h <n c 1-H:en 1111' J Udl'fJ ,, n ·llJJ.w.11 11r11r1·.,.., 1r11tratrd Jft1•r ltu· d1•n1;d 1·1111'-d wrth the d1 .. trll't rl"ffUIH•1I to fin<tn('(' lhf' 111001 .11111 h11<1 rd 1111rtwni. 1,f th1· 11111\ 1· I•) l t.1h Tru .... 11·l·!-. H1t1•d ;, to 0 Monday t1i µl:it·t· tht· .,tudcnb in the "Jlt·1•1al -.c·h1>ol . but 1nd1cated I Ill'\. ~oultl :.ip1wal the dec1s1on lo lh•· .,t:1tt· D1•p ;irtmenl of Ed u1·;1t11m :.inrt loc<1l fcj.{1slC1ton; Tickets Set For San Juan Fashion Slww T1rkets an• stall ;.n·;_u lahle for Sunda\ ·, San .Juan ('ap1..,tran11 l.ahran f' 11n1t h(.•n,.f1l ft·atunn..: a fa::.tnon :-.how staged by de s11(ner and cntac Mr. Blackwell. Th<' Sl!'i rw r p..•r<;on tickets for • th1 I pm r'•r1•pt1on a nd show 1 .1n 111• pure ha .... 1•11 .it l '1t~ llall. < hJtrll>•·r ur < ornm1·n e· •1Hwes ~an J11Jn l'h:1r111.11.., :rnd The: I 1fTJ1•r.1 I',.._,, 111 i.. ..... :d-. .. "''" "'' .t\ .111;.ilJll· .it 1 h•• doo r 1 h1· t'\l•n t lake:-. 11l 1.1t·1• at th1· Hantho l'ap1stnino. . .i ... o kno"'n a ... th•· Crc-an Hunch , Y.l1wh i... l11t' . .t1•d ..,., . .,t of lh1• San l>it'K'> F rl't'""JY IJ1·1"een Avt•ry l':Hkwav and Junip('ro S1•rra Ho.HI P rt><'t•Nls from the event will RO toward a new hhrury hranrh ul El ('amino Ht·al and Ar· JU<'hl'ma St rt•t•t in the M1ss1on ( 'ity Reception Slated For New T~achers New kachers to San C le mentt' schools Wlll be the l?Ueht~ of the Chamber of Comm erce ~pt. 5 at a brt>akfast m eeting at the San Clt•m<•ntc Inn The a nn ual breakfa s t , spo n~ored by the c hamber's c>durat1on committee, begins at 7 30 a m. and tick et~ are $5 25 per per~on For r l'ser vations. m emhf'r s s ho u ld ca ll the !'hambN offlc1• al 492·1131 c ..... n.et.t • 1¥C ... Prlll11h , .... . .. "' ....... .. Uttr1Hlllll ........ , • •• ,, i ..... t .. ,... ....... .. ....... ur··gpf11:AL FACTIJRY 250 E. 17th Stre•t, Costa Mesa • HlllCJren Sq. 642·4630 • Wukdays 9-5:30 Sat. 9.3 -------------------------------------.... ---,_ ---------------... ---- --- Wedneed!y. August 22. t979 s DAILY PILOT A:J ~---------'My Mind Is Still Afraid'-----------.... Vietnamese Be&cgees Settle in Mesa ar .IA.CIUS llYllAN .. _ __,.,.. ... ,._, n.em wu cheated OUI of his money twtet' bf.fore he finally found him.elf amoq 250 peopl• packed on • boat ud buded foe lrHdom Tbm tbe boat aant. ··W• helped each othtt ... said the 2'1·year-old former Vlelbameee AJr force radio and radar apectallJt who ar rived in Coat• Mesa two weeta ago. "II It hid been at tUlbt, ball Lbe people would hive drowned." TWO WOllEN AND TWO chlklren perished In the ar cadent ju.t outside t.he Malaysian harbor toward whlcb lbe boat WU beaded Them, who escaped wlt.h tus 17·year-0ld brother Blnh. said be decided lo leave Vietnam when t.he Communists took over. ·'I knew the future is not &ood." s~ud Them, who s tudjed English in high school He explained tbat the Communists forced the former members of the military to do merual work and ridiculed them in front of the public BlJT, EVEN HAD HE NOT been with the m1l1tary, The m said. he would have fled "My mind is not like the Communists," he said For three years. Them tried to get out. Twice he wa~ cheated of $1 ,800 an gold he paid to sailors who said they would take him to freedom but never showed up Yet he was lucky Others not only lost their money Thev also had their escape plans reported to police. wh o would arrest the people as they waited for a nonexistent boat. Finally, the VielnamtJStJ government a~reed to lcr som e people go for $900 each in gold. THEM AND BINH WERE among 250 people crammed onto two levels of a boat about 30 feet long for a h ve-day Journey to Malaysia. "You could not move," Them said "There was not enough foOd by the third day, and there wasn't e nough water " The p<1ir carried only two bags of clothing between them. he said. T hen. just outside the harbor, the boat hat a rock and sank. The refugees scrambled for safely. those who could swim pulling the others ashore. HE'S A. 'BOAT PERSON' WHO FOUND WAY TO U.S. New Arrival Tong Them Senlea In Costa Mesa ONCE THEY LANDED, THEM cind his brothtr \\\'ff' taken by Red Cross workl'rs to a camp or ati<1ut 40 O!)(J refugees on Hidong Is land Thl' fac1l1t1es were cll'::in hut -.pa re . Thl·m '>J1d M edicaJ r ar<' was prov1dc·d part ci( ht!> !>eVl·n month-. thc•n by a French hospilaJ ship. · The refugees bad to cut down trees and build thelr own shelters. Them said, and the camp was crowded. Last month, Them was picked to come to the U.S. His military background was a key factor in his being chosen. The U.S. government bas 1iven priorities t-0 '"elatives and those who fought the Communists. Them has no relatives here. Wl'nl ABOUT 4tl PEOPLE, Them and his brother flew to the U.S. They have agreed to re pay half the cost or their flight. wilb the govemmeol paying lhe other half. The two were aided by U.S. Catholic Agencies, which found them a temporary apartment in Santa Ana with several other Vietnamese and one Russian refugee. Last week . through the Indochina job center t547 ·1407), Them round a job as a fum.iture stripper and re· finisher at Antiques of the World on 19th Street jn Costa Mesa. He and Binh moved into a Costa Mesa apartment with four other young people Binh will s tart school next month al Costa Mesa High School. TOM SfLK, A PARTNER tn Antiques of the World,, '>:J td the firm had hired other immigrants before and heard that Vietnamese people were reliable "We thought we'd give the Vietnamese a chance," he -.;ud Them. v.ho hopes that the rest of his family will some· da) escape to freedom, said ht loves being able to r ead v. hdh?\ er he like~. listen to any music he chooses and hvc in J !'omfortable apartment "'In Vietnam . all music 1s for the revolution. not ti) en tci' And no books to re<1d except about the revolution ' lfE'S BEEN fo'Rl'STRATt;D by his struggle~ to 1m µr"' e his E:ngl1~h and learn more about da1lv Ameri can 1·u-.wms, mcluaing banking, but Them said he ha'> no n·gret., about leaving ha'> countr) 'l..dst mght I hcid a drecim ," ht.· '>.ild I had nut Y<'I c·nrnl' to th~ l 'nited States I w<1s :.1111 in Vietnam I w<i:. Jfr:.11<1 I f•ouldn'l l·~t·ape Ill' Jtlnbutt.>d h1f) n1ghtman· lei tht· m<Jn y YPars ht· ...pt·nt ~4.1\'lnR, hopini.: <Jnd trying to fl ct:, !>Ccmingly lo no ,1 \"ill I \1~ he.Ki} c :.imt t11 tht· l ~ llul m~ mind t!:> -.till J(r • .11d · T ht·tn -..urt County Valuation Soars; Housing Cited~ $168,794 Study Set On Airport Orange County s upervisor~ moved closer Tuesday to what Supervisor Thomas Riley called a day o! decision when thev agreed to accept a $168,794 grant for use 10 a study ol John Wayne Airport. Jn supporting a cceptance of the grant, Riley said, "I think the idea of continuing putting off the day of decision doesn't help anybody. "I don't trunk 1t helps Newport Beach, l don't think it helps the Board of Supervisors and I don't think it he lps the County of Orange." Riley has explained that he wants to get on with a master plan of the airport, a plan in- tended to outline alternatives for tbe airport's future. And the unanimous vote that followed his comments indicated his four fellow s upervisors are of the same mind. When the Fede r al Aviation Administration <FAA ) $168,794 gr ant is received, it will be used to he lp pay for what eventually will be a $302,370 airport study. That study, approved earlier this year by s upervisors, wilJ cover such airport facets as noise. land use compatibility and capacity. H ad Riley a nd his fellow s upervisors voted to r eject the FAA grant. it would have de· layed getting lbe study project under way. Under terms of the grant agreement, the study proj· eel's flrst phase must get s tart· ecJ within 30 days . . Opponents of the plan had urged that the grant be rejected pending formation of an ad· viS-Ory group to work with a COD· sultant. More grant money is expected to h e lp finance the study's second phase. That means · federal money will pay for up to 80 percent of the cost while the county's airport enterprise fund will be used to supply the re- maining 20 percent. · Mesa Holdup Suspect Held A Colt.a lleu policeman ar- rested a San Die10 armed rob- • 'b'r' 1u1pect Tue1day after :-memortmaa ber clelertptioa dur-~ 1111 brtefta&, poliee Hid today. , They Mid Officer Paul C•p- • • puttllli ,, .. ~ out • bar ; at llO W. 11th St. OD routine : patrol IMrt1y Wore m'dDi~ i ........ , ........... ..... ~ no ........ IOUCbt Oil an ,. anned .,..._., wsrait. ! Police Nici ~DI llfnlt. .. u.. llalM ~ • ...., : lt•owa bJ tbe IHt aam• of • N.......,., •. wttllout laeidlm. . ' James T . F a rre ll. a warct- wi nning novelist and author o f the American c lassic "Studs Lonigan," died early today in his Ne w York home. He was 75. Theater Again Targeted for Explicit Films The city of Santa Ana renewed a three-year old battle Tuesday to stop owners of a shopping center theate r from s howing "My Erotic Fantasies" and a score of other explicit sex films. The city is again seeking an Orange County Superior Court injunction that would prevent screening of the allegedly pomo- graphic films at M itcbell Brothers Theater, 1565 W. 17th St., in Honer Plaza. It'• another chapter in the bat· tie between the city and theater operators James and Artie Mitchell of San Francisco. A bearing on the injunction scheduled for Tuesday was de· layed until Sept. 13 by Judge Edward Wallin. On that date, the films -or- dered into Superior Court under s ubpoena -wlll be viewed by a Judee to determine if they are obscene under curttnt Jeeal def· iniUODI. In lecaJ documents fUed with Judie Wallin, Lbe city al80 al· leeed that the theater la a s1te for pancleri.q and that lape1 ol the rum. t.bat can be replayed on bome video ta" recorden are belDI sold . Sula AD• ftnt laUMbed ita attack an tbe theater lD 1"11 wUb .,... ... ol an ordlnuee m.._ ~of lewd mu.a la tbe el· ly Ulepl. AD«. the eltJ COUDCll dlreeted tbe ctty attora•r to ... t -laJuaeUoa to block tbe 111tebella from lbowtDI allilc*l· ,, PGftlOll'llPidc ftbu. Individual Tax Bills Won't Jlllllp By GARY GRANVILLE 0t IM Oatly ,. ... , Sa.II The dynamics of Orange Coun· ty's economy, especially its real estate market, set assessed values soaring by 17.6 percent in the pas t year, according to figur~ released Tuesday by As - sessor Brad Jacobs. But the surge in v311ue reflect· ed in the Sll 6 billion 1979-80 as sessment roll doesn't mean in d1vidual property tax bills will be off and running again The property lax reform measure kilown as Propos1t1on 13 took care of that In addition to rolling property values to their 1875 level. the ballot initfaLive Um1ted property tax rates to 1 percent of full ma rket value. Proposition 13 also limited the amount of value that could be added to property by the as· sessor during any given year providing the property was not sold at a higher price to 2 per- cent. Consequently, a homeowner whose house was rolled back in value last year to its 1975 level or SS0,000, paid a bas ic property tax bill of 1 percent or SSOO. If that homeowner stayed put and did not make assessable im provements. his or her basic property tax bill this year wtll be 1 percent of $52,000 or $520. However, if during the year that same home was sold for $140,000, the new owner will be handed a basic property tax bill of $1,.00. It was transactions such as that (real estate sales that reflect- ed property vaJue inflation from lbe rollback year of 1975 to early 1979), that were a major factor in the $1.75 billion assessment roll gain announced Tuesday. Also credited by Jacobs with helping to hike assessed values in Orange County the past year wu the continuiq rapid pace of development. New homes, new industrial tracta and new office buildings built du.ring the '78· 79 year au meant added value on the as- seHmeot, according to the as· senor. County officials figure the UD· expectedly hilb 17.6 percent value lain will yield rouab1Y S7 mUllon more in property taxes than anticipated to various tax· ln1 a1ent1, throu1bout the county. ., Early lo the year, Jacobe estimated the 1aln would-be somewhere lD tbe neltbbcnood of 10 .-cent. Later, tbe tu:tq a1eodel •P- pro.94 badleu and estimated revenu. based oa wbat 1 beU. .. woUt be· tbelr lban tbe anlidpattd 10 pel'ffllt I lanl•. Irvin~ Stranfi(lin~ Murder Probe Still On By OAVID Kl'TZMt\l'iN OI t lW Ol•lf P11ot Sl•ll ll "s been three month., s1m·1· 1t ocrurrcd. yet Irvine police 1n- \'t')til!alors :.ay lht'y iJrt' still in -.earch of that elui,avt• key that v. ill unlock the mysteries sur· rounding the strangulation slay Ing or an attractive 22·year-old secretary. Detective Lt Gene Norden s aid the few leads his men have Fonda Snub Revenge Act? SAN DI F.GO <AP 1 Statt:' Sen Jim Mi lls. D·San Diego sug - gests that state D<·mocrats got eve n with adt<.•ss .Jane• Fonda oy reJecung her nom1na\~09 last month to the Cul1forn1 a Arb Board Council Saym~ "Wt:' don't 1Jw1· Tom ll a v den anc1 .Jan e Fonda an y thin g," M ill s s aid De mocrat1t· mt.•mht•r!> of tht• l c~1 s laturC' havl•rt 't for i.?otten that fl:-i}den. by runninR (or of ·flee , r ontnbuted to thC' 1976 de· feat of US. Sen John Tunney "If it's a war. 1t began wt lh Tunn<'Y." Mi lls ~aad rn an tn· tl'rVH'W with a San Di ego news weekly. had 1n tht• puu hng <·asc havt· yielded no suspc<.'t:. The de::ilh of Sa\ annah l.<'1gh Ander!>o n a Wuodbrtdl'l' \fto adows rt>'irdent. on thf' f:'\ en m g of Ma) 14. tng~ered an in tensive uw esllgau on that al one point had fou r detective s searching for her killer Miss Anderson's nude bod~ .... a~ round m the bedroom or her apartment at 61 Cascade by patrolman Jimmy Potts. who v. a~ summoned to thl' scene by a ronct'med ~friend r>c•t ectn·t> S~I lluRh flo~an ~aid at the lime of the ~laying ·w l' have no ronclui.i,•e pieces or pv1dcnce We'rp s1tt1ng on a fenCl' " No rdPn and h1-. probers ar{' still atop th:il f1•r1·p hut thev·n· I (lo k l' d :i t .t rn u It II u d c of things"' from tn.11 \ <Jnlal!t' point Whal ltW\ n· tlnnt• m;unl> m the w<.·ek!> Jnd months s ince the -;laying. o r den sa id,, 1-. · 'l'hminate a lot of po~s1b1llues Numerous JH.'{}ple have been qUC'St1ont'd . \'anou:. anJ,!les in the t·:.isc t•xamincd :i ncl potential I t' ads, few a~ tht·~ ·, t' been. followed through on for example. Nordc.·n c.a1d in vest1gators have dt!>counted the break·tn anglt• since there was no real e vidence to support that idea There \\en•. hov.l•vt:r s ign:. of a struggle 10 the ~1rl'~ apan mC'nt Offi ce r~ on t he scent: (nund tht· ~oman·-. hc droom in d1sarrav amid tnd1<·at1on., on.: or morl' persons had fallen For the first month after the slaying. the four investigators v.orked full -Lime on the rase Norden s aid the m vestigattvl' task force was then d1!>banded a fter a ll the immediate and pressing as pects or the case had bt>l'n taken care of Ont• prober •~ no\\ ;it v.ork on th t' case not full time. howC"vt•r hut the dctect1v1· he utt>nant !>aid lhl•re •~ alway:-. hop(• :1 break could OC<'Ur And 11 could happen 111 C:1 numbt-r of w:ivs. hesa1d fr the k11ll'r ,., alread::. in cu-.tody .,omcwhe r C' else for Jnother crime, hr could confess his act to <1 fellow prt!>Oner 'lord~n said Or someoO(.' lrvine polu.•e t<1ke into cu~t od y \'Ould have a fing<-rpnnt that matcht•:-. a partial print that w a~ found at the scene ur the k1lhn~. Throughout the a~ yet fru1tles:. 10\'es tlgation. Norden s aid M1~s Anderson's parents 10 Utah have kept 1n tou<'h with police an hopes a break could occur and the killer found. Gem Talk CLASSIC STYLING BY OMEGA IJy J C llt'Ml'llRJJ.;S Cert1fltd Ct molovu t Alt.'oi LIZ TAYLOR'S DIAMOND tmng:r hn-a Ing prof II A 69.4-carat diamond given to i Elizabeth Taylor by then-hus band Richard Burton has been sold to an undlsdosed American buyer for S2.8 million. Miss Taylor CNow Mrs. Warner ol Virginia) reportedly made a tidy profit on the stone, wbicb had been bought for $1.1 million a few years ago. When the stone was put up for sale, Liz was said to be asking about $4 million, hued upon the fact lbat the diamond had been given a very lmeressive. hlgh·1rade nawlesa rating ttbeo lt wu bou&bt by Mr. Burton. However, 1 re-evaluation o( the aem by the Gemological l.ostitute of America resulted in a lower clarity rattn1, and dropped the aaklns price. Surface "bruSaes" caused by several yean of wear and teat were blamed for the lower ma rkina. Obvlou1 l7, •xpert evaluation of tbe 1em saved. the buyer more than a mllllan dollan, and rMuced T&Jlor'a proftt bJ t.M Hme amount, a1thou1b abe atm made.....,,. Rave a quaUn.d Jewler uamme fOUI' 1em1 If you want to \now tMir true value. r;;:;;.1 . :!~~~:~ ... A, w-·· 141< .,.iio. told Qoiem ••tcJI """ mlM••• crvi.u1. 8. Wo-.iMl'l toe yell-or whit• told text11rw llf'«•let "Vie watch""" Mii Ol•lflOftda. 0 OMEGA ,.., l:WlV ,.LOT NATION I WEATHER Aralts IJniCfag1 ...... Just Cea tin~ Israelis Shell "nz--- Handwriting on Wall Lebanon Again tiAllMl"•;u BY ttaAFtm ot:PT. "l'aal ' flt'y kid' You wtuuu• bu~ a <·•n of 11pray pamt')" Thl11 may bt· the· futur~ mt•rchl'mlhlln& dodtte for t>vll t hararlt•l"fi who ct1wJ lo huh· In ulleyi. and s~ll dirty ptctureA to yountJ boy11 Spr1t,y vrunt Cllnll are fu t bffomln& lhe Ot'WO'll le m11tlt lion of w1tyward youth AdolH<'t'nt m l11rrt'11nt.\ Wit' the• e•tirim-d pumt to :i1n D) dirty words and olht'r d111gu5tml( i.:rnfhta ou b lc.wk 111 alls. 1dcw•llU'I and pubhc r t>at room'> We»vt> sa>f> too m uch of II •lt~•d a t our bearh <'lllt'i. Local govcmmt·nt~. mac.Uy in our 1nlun<1 nt>t.ihhoor111.: t'om mumt•t''>, ur t' nu\4 trv1nl! 111 1111,i. l,1w'I to '>h•m tht' lldt· JIG SAW ~ JI -~.:~ 7!! • •1,.r ' I .oc.-. ouc• •••• I t "'' ..... r :~;~1 TOMATOES 2~. C'ntum < :oods 'I hat /totten K&e.t.\ Could Use fur 1-'l'rpt'tratrny t. i11I of ::.pray p aint s mt:arc:ri. Wt•sl mmstc r pa::.sctd such an or drnant't' NOW. ONl.V THIS Wt:EK. thP B uena Park C'1t y ('oun t rl adople'fi :in :.inlr <,pray la"' th:il goc::. into t:ffl'cl nt•i..t r11unth \\hat tht· nt'\I. HuPna !'ark law doc'> I!> make· 1t 1lll•i.:••I for ,lfl\ \011ni.:...i1·r 11nd"r ;1~f· I~ to hf· ea rryin~ a 1 ;111 or -1.ir:.i) pa111t 111 µuhltt Th~1t '-. J!tirnJ! tn mak•· 11 tough o n the· But•na Park k11.l "hu ".Jill' to J!O 1111"' n 111 h1'> c·omt·r h<1rd wan· '>tori· htr ·• 1 .111 nf -.pr ,1\ p.unt lh cl•1 uv•·r hie, h1c·v1·h-lfr'-; goin~ tn he• :1 • 1 irn111:il llt• lwll••r 111tt th<· c:m h11m1· 1n :• 111<1111 l111n"1 \\I ,1p)WI I\ ,.,.ER ti t''S IX, h1· {':tn car ry a whole· rarton •1r I Ii•· ... tuff n~hl out in tht· opt·n 1f he ran resist temptation .ind a\'01ct ... pravrn~" r<·w walh aloni;( thf' wav It u ... 1'<11•• Ii•· .ill \1,;• y,;111tc·d lo k1·c·p <i\l.<J) frr1m llw kid "' .•• , hoo11' 1 1~0,11 t'll"" .111d cir rt" magazin1·<, :-..''" rt ., ,111.1\ p.1111 I '111111.11-1· .1 q1111I..v.lar111· lhrough ;11iv.-rt1..,1me•11t..,11f tht• ,f.,, .111d \nu' .111 C111d o1 Ylholt• h•1.,t 11( 1t•·111.., 1h:c11 k11h <•twht t11 111· 11.111111•d 1111 1·.1rrying lw1·;111:,1· ttw go11d:-, r1111ld lit' 111 rl11t•d for t'\'il 111'1•1h, .111.,t d11·1·k lh•· ad:-. v11ur:-.l'lf 111·1•· '• 1111• 1111" ;,!)out :.in 1·l1·1·I rt<' llJ!"·lW for JU'ol $7 91P VOl Iii\ Vt-. \NY IOEA hn"' rn1wh d.irn;i~e · a rr.tt1·11 little· i 1d 11111111 du w1lh ;in 1·le·d11<· Jli.:"·•""' I s hudde·r t11 th111~ ,1ho11t 11 I lo\\. ahout a pound 11f r1111· lom:.itrw~ for JUSl 2!f rt>nl<. ., c >r .1 ltx-kmi.: du<'k l-n1f1· for JU.'>l $5 95·1 For th(· m<m• af rt1ll'nt Jllvenilc> 1frllnqul'nl. ht· could gt>l h is ha nd'> on <1 :so • :II) riflt• for JUsl Unt.h•r On(• hundrc1l bucks And speakin~ of spray <'ans. the adolescent miscreant could run out and buy a s prny can of undercoating seal for JUsl 98 ce•nls. Wh<.•n h11uled before the bar of justice, the punk could complain. "!Icy. rop . this isn't spray paint It':. '>l>ra~ und<'r<'uattni: " \\'he·n you think of 4'11 thf' llf'ms that kids C'Ould cmplo} to do m1si·h11·f. you might t·onC'lu<fr 1t would be: mort' effre· 11\ ,. t<• h;in k1rfo.. than proctu('ts U.f'. Ready to Use Veto W/\Slll Nl ;'ION IA P J Thl' 111tt•d Slalt•:-. will not sµons•1r ;rn v n·~olutwn"' l ht• United N:.i \ iun:.-. Security Counc1 I :,upport 1ng Palci.ltn1an "rtl{ht:," and is pr t·purc·rl lo ui-.1· tis veto ll<1wcr lo l•loc·k any '>IH'h me·:tsUrt'. i.11t.·cral M 1dt>ast enV11y Hohcrt S trau:-.s -.aid lorlav In a \<.'1 1·v1s1o n 1ntc·r v1cv., Straus:-s ;;ud hl' CJnd othc:r scn11)1 advisers unanimous ly n •com mended to P rc!>1dcnl Curte r on Tuesday tha t the lJ S po:.1twn he against pus:,mg a ne w rcsolu lion now becaust· or the "h~atu llOn" he found In ooth l~racl and Egypt dunnJ! rc<'cnt talk'\ By ~ Aaloela&.ed Presa "" banea" 1ourcea reported new 1btlllln& •c•lrnlt PalesUnian t11 rt(lllll ln iK>ulhem Ltibanoo to· d 1J 'f. 111 duy aner 11 persons were rc>&><>rtl.id lulled »nd more than 20 wo und~d In 11rtlllery att1ac ks lht'rl' In J orc111n, King Hussein and I' u lt>sl U)c I .1bcrut1on OntllJUZu Bank Heists Rampant in New York N EW YOHK (/\P l T~n 111t1re Nl'W Yo rk bunk:. wer<' h1l h\ urm<.-d robbers , 1.ind gunrn<·n p11lll•d off 11 $2 m1lhon Brink's trork hc.'1s t. authorities s:.i1d. as pulirt• d<'rlan·d war again.st tht-- danng daylight raids with U1c form ation 11( .1 :w nwn shotgun ..... 11:.111 W 1th1n four hour.., Ttll'<.,Chl\ nihlw r-. ;11tt•lflµlt•d 111 t111ld up 10 hanl..•. 111 !\1a11h:itt.111 tht· Bronx .111 tl <>1we•n-.. r:u<.1n1• 10 12'1 th• 1111111liu uf h.1nk 111h, 111 lhJ· I'll.' 1111•1• i\11~· I 'I lr1· old \U).!U'>I 11•1·11111 \I ;i, ~I 111 1~17'; I'\ \'°C>Tll f:R holdup 1h11•1• <,l.,1 111,..,k h1H1iJ1•d l'llllllH'll 11'>111~'. .1fi..,h1kl1\lr\ 11 .1 k 'ol'l10Jll'll 1tp 11111111•\ li,1f'" lw111i lo 111• d rnl•• .1 Hrink .111111111!1 trtw~ .11 •Ir•· <'h:i"'' \1 :111h.1ll.111 B.i11t 111 .11 11 lwad•p1.1r1 1·1 ... 111 tlw t JI , .., l-111Jn rr .d I lr..,11 I( l Th•·\ tonk f wo ho'o t llg(•<o .i fir 111!-., -..1•1·11111' 1••1.11 d .111<1 ·' I 1",l ,1lJ1,tl1l e 11111111\1 1· \\ h11 l.111 I .,..,.r •· rf'11·;"•'lf 1111ii:11 m•·d 111 .. 11 1111' I\ 1 oold \ n II r 1 d I'• Hnnk .., 11fft·re·d :i SIOO ooo 11· ~ ;1rd r111 1nfor 111.1l11111 1t-.ul1111.: to 11'(.lt\ l'r\ ,,, 1 h1· fllllfl('} "'h1d1 p11ltc" 1· ... 11m:;11"1 t 11t.d•·r1 s:• m1l1111n Btink "fl<>~•·..,ni;rn F r.ts• 1 St'lli'I dt''>t•rtht'll lh1· c:t<,h a<o ll•'"' 111nn1·\ thal h.1d 11 1 .t lw• 11 ..,11•111 ·d II\ 1•1 lo llH• h:t11k T t ESf)t\ y ·~ R-\!'OK ll>ltlwn t111al "''"' thri·1• '>hurt of 1111' 11•\ 1 •·1·111 d fo1 n1lilwr11 " an (Int• tlJ\ 1:1 <,1·1 .lulv :!7 Authnnl1l'' !-..1\ lht·n· hi.I\<· i><·l'n :ii'S bunk rot; b£'ni.'s m Nt'w York so far this year • 'Thf•rt· I'> ;1 ~•·nsc un the str("£'l t hat 1t '' OIJl'n -,1·a::.11n on h<ink::. \.\'(· h:nt· lh turn th;,it around. • .1 1 d P 11 I 1C·" (' o rn m 1'..,1''n1· r Hoht·rl Md ;u1n" "h•> promast·d 1 11 1 11 m m 1 I • ;, ., 11 h ., t a n 11 ;;i I olltlllllll( or 1111r I l "olHll 1 I ' 111 flu liurJ.!l't1nin1~ lia11J.. rolih1•1; pr ohll'm I\ I' o I 1 t· c· U •· 11 a rt m l' n I "IHI k , .... m ;J n ';11" ii :-. JI{'(' I ;,J ..,hot ..:un squ.ul prnbahly "'oul11 ht• on I ht• ~• n •r•I.::. in about l \l.O weeks Mt·a11whtlc:, "tht• f•nllre d c l <'CllVe d1 v1~10n has 111•1•11 r>Ul o n lht• a lert," tw "'"" M c· <; u 1 1 1· ".1 1 d t h ,. a pp pr<·ht·ns1nn" s4u:.i<I \\•1ulll ton:-01~1 of ~hot~un ;irm,.d r1l'l1·1·t1 H -:-, rid 1n~ 1n unm;irl-.1·rl v . .10' Storms Cover Nation Flash Flood Watch in Minnesota and Iowa A•Ou uu• "''"("''' A11.;nt•• 1-tc1lt1m1111• tt1rrnn,,h,.•r• 1)01\t> 8 0\fon htown,.,111• t:iuffttlo (hrt,tn •;t Cf\foypnn• C hHctQO (lnttt\O~f1 (t•v~t•nn Oat~· Wit• 0.nw•r Oe1ro1t Hf'l~n.e t+onofulv Hou\ton tl\CI •P"O'•' .1-.-.,•v111t K•n 1 (1lv I.Al "PQ•' 1..lllle A111 ~ LO~A-1,.. lA\.ttS,V•llfo Mieme>h•~ Miami '''"•••1>k ... Mph ~· .. H•M\Vltlfl' Hew Orin\ N•w Y(}r• 0"1• c ... Om•"-Orla- Pltll.O Pl''• ""°""'. PIU.-..r9'1 "'let!O, Or• • .,.0 "l.Ooll~ Mo Lo P41 It'' w ~I 60 OJ V) II ,, ·.> ,, '•I 10 01 "' ~ ' .. ,..,, '" "' .,, 'IA 18 14 )I 0, '" 10 ,J(I "' .. .. t>J " ., ,, \4 " ... IO o .~l .. ,. <tl 10 04 81 II 01 •• II ..... 01 •S .. .... 1 tlll IO .. M\ /I •• /I .. •• ,. 11 I• •I ,. ., ~ ., •• 0) .. ,. .. I I .. •l U I H I\ u 11 0 ,, 11 •• oe 10) ,, II ~ .1' ,, 60 °" ., 0 ., .. ,,. ..., ....... .wy ........... '4• rWl.t~ , 1.0.. If f'\N t:jU ~ "a."'1 ~, .• , .... "'t. to"'" , .. 111 l>')t()Ut I I•"' ""° 1'0<" CCI"/ -0. Olll•-"" •-.•tuil'~..,..., ~· 1t 'f'.14J (Jo f'W~ .,>{",_.,,,,'ff.All (f)(tf ,, ' .... ,,.. Mt•,,-• t 1 •"' #"Cl yil. •J' lnf°l'Y ..w.t4 l""' , ... , p '•mc>e <IO ,, \411 Lah 17 19 ..,.n O•eoo I• ~ ~fr•n .a SI \.talll~ .... \) ,. f1>t.. • .... 10 Wa\lllnQlOl'I ,. •1 .0 CALl~NIA 8 a••"l1Pld I/ •I fll\llOP 81 111¥111~ 101 n r •~\no •• •I MOlllMO II ~ H~ltl 101 /1 Oakland II ., Sa<ramento 11 ~ S.ne• B•rti.•• H It TIHtrmo• 100 II B•r"ow •J " 8 19 .... " 11 c.telll'• o w. II C.l'lro •• •' H'_... • ...,_ 1$ 60 1..-.9-:11 ., .. Ne.,ort lte«ll IJ 60 °"''"'° .. ti ,. .. "'~ 100 .a Wl' ... nerdlAO M ... """-,. $11 ...... ,,.,,. IO•• leftteC.rw " .o "4l11e•MMte n ~ r-..v•i.r •I u f'AifAM9•1CNf ... ,Nltk. " " .. ~" ., ,,......, . ,. ... o~· .... 1(1,..,..,. " 7' ___.... ., 1• Me••tl•ll .. ., --.. '" ,.,., ,, ,. .,..,. •s 11 *-'"" .. " ' "'tA\YU lt!Qut•~ICM fr1nulAd Vt>'•''"'' .. ,. u t) ., n 0 II IJS • .S11•••'1J f flwndlH'\tOfm\ ~d o._., rru.Hf\ ot ttw net ton .. , ty 10dew w lU\ ",.• •• 'OfHrn •••ttO"' '••'h•"O from no''""'" Lou•\lfW'• .nto renfW\Wtt11 end C.•0<111<t ar'<I notll\wMd lniu Ill• UPoflr M l\\htil)t)t V•ll•t "" ..-.-r•1 "'°'"'"9 fl•'" UooO w•tc. .. ...,., .,,u.d tor "°"'t~•''''" Mtn fl•\Ot• Mld f10t1,_.,,.,n lftiw• \( •tt•tt>d thuttd•t•hO#ttf' •hn ••tit t•POtj•O 0~•1 f IO,,de , lt'i" c arn11n•• -•1°"91"9 H•"' l1110••no '-.04t\t ... ow4wwr. ,._wet ••••..._, w•' "-°" tined 10 1""4r•1 •ntl .-.eern wcllOll• of 111e <OUMr y Moll ot tilt Wol C.ool .,.. ,.OOY ""°"n1a111 ••1110 ••re ,.,,.,,.ltlel ,,._., 10 ,,.,,,, clolldr 4-IU-••tlv tOIMr fll9 r•tn ••• ~ llY a N I• ~ <.Old frOfth 0.-lrOftl ••lel\Cleil "°"' Ille lo-l!MI CM•e H fff ll'l•M •• llWuovrl. 1-111 _,,. 111 .. 1Cet1Mt .... lfl• TtU. ,.,....,.... A Mteftd trllftl ••• ~ Ill Ille _., lrell'I M•IM !Me MntWrll New Y ..... ffflll"'..,,.. ~ .... ,..,..,. .. m lfftlell' f'Of ,.,.... Ir-.. NI AfUll#I, CetN., te .. 111 L.ert*, h•et c •• , ....... ............... ..,~ ,.,.., ,., rlit ,,,"¥ ff1ll<JN no ·.•1mt- n1'~"' ,utft trlf•"•""l \().jlt\1•1 H111t t </Ud\ .. ,.,,,,,., In,,., I Hw n.v' we"• tn ,,. .nttu"'' dUUl11 ,.,,..,Of tP'WI' two jU\f lhHof fl~ ff.H ~n"t nA1H,.,. t•mp.fAtuttt\ •• ,,t lu 111nlmu• toOOUQ~HouP*f'IOf ~tttwo\ 1 n\ "''9 1,., ...,,., 11,.,,...-11nQ,. t\10" f nu1 '""" ot .... wttn nw l6A''"' •ttfl 1nt,.,,n•d•Ah' ••""'',.. Qt'fhnQ into trw llJW Af\I] Mid 'O\ Coaalal 1t' PalhPr '..omtt I At fl n1qht 111M • ,., 1 f me,.r "'"O tO• c-tOud\ Ofherw1w f~ r tol'1•'f ••th \f1QhHf' .,.,,,...,, 0.y\ thrOUQ" f nur\ Mt W11tO\ not1h_.,, io 10 X> • naf\ nv,, tnt ov,,., (Oi"\t•• ••'"'' •rom Po.of COn(•pt1on to Mn t~1rntA 1 ·11t"n f hr• t tu ''"''" tuut .,.,., tun•uhl (I\••"•'" l10ft' vAtt•Ol<P w1n(h "'""' .-nd motntno "'°"'' twic.on•uno •ttt..-1 ly e 1Qh' 10 1• •Mh •11h ~ IO twc. tOOI ••no ..... ~ 11\ tr"" Atltt "00~ I Od•Y \ tM t .. t h">ft •1U ~ U *''" • low of •J ln4•h0 l"llOl't IA •111"1 • k»w ., •••• , 10 Sine .. Hoo• .. Tfd,.• Wl lHlllOeY ""'""01~ >•)pin 11 :l.41f O<"I lllQll • 4'111 m \ M ,,.,......., r-1'°'' fOw 4 )'t .. M 0 I 1 •"' ht•" 10 ., .. "' • • '>••..,.dlow • •~c>m 11 \etOll(J 1111)11 10 11 pm \ • \vn rtw •t I~• m , "'"I J111 m Moon ,tw-\• •••M.,whl Jlprn S•rt Rrport I Oft~a\I u lld 10 IOlll9tll lli<1rl A .. , ... tw.,.e In '"' /ltl.11, In.um "9141111 In I•••· f'orlod in wcomh rum• .. ,.e·-· H••llOfl H<llltNl4llOll '9110 .... C-ly ... ...... ' a ' ' ' , , hr fl lJ If 14 •-11 ... _ ......... Ill·-· ¥4•· lm11m M1"11 111 , .. , Dlre<lloll .... ' t t ' C#lllll'flle ,...._,,.-11111• ci.e11p Owttoe• ,., fllw,.d#ly Lllll• elW'Olotll T--,, ti•"-'-wlM 'lleft9e ~ tlon leader Vasser Arafat re· ported aareement on working closet tor PaJestinian goals, but did not diack>H any speclflc ac· lions they would take. Their Joint statement was Issued 12 houf'll after they m et at a Jorda nian air bue. THE ltEPO&TS of new shell· ing in Lebanon came after re r)()rt5 Tuesday from Lebanese so ur ces that C hris t ia n m llltiamen a nd Israeli forces h a d s ubject ed 26 towns and villages to the heaviest barrage in yea.rs. Israel's military com mand dented any part in lht: shelling and sa id o nly the Chris ta ans were involved The Lebanese state r adio said today that shelhng continued :.it lhrt>(' locations. 1nc lud1ng th•· Pa le11 tmian r<>fugce c amps 'Jf Hash1d1y<'h und 1-:1 Huss south 11f the port city of Tyrl' There w :i:-. no c asualty report The lsra<·ll mili t ary tomma nd s a id "w1· abs o lu t t•ly a re n 't s h ooting · IHal'Li bttckl•d Ll·bunl'S<' m1lit1a~. ~d on~ tht• bor d<'r Ofl<'n i.he·ll P~1ll'stm111n tsJrgi>ts in Lt·b anon Seeks Fortune Soray;.i KhL1shogg1 . who ·~ d1vorting her SC:Jud1 ArC:Jbaan hus h :mrt. Adnan Kh a ~ho~rn• arnvt~ at thP Sc·C'untic·s and ~:x di;H1).!1· < '11rnrn1, ... ~in 1n W.:1~h1ng ron in cunnect1on with ;, ~• uch <>I ht·r h u..,band'<., ftnant'1al affairs ~1th h~r l,iv. \ ,., \l an in '\l 1tr·h1·l'\11n Sh t• ,..., ... u1ng hf'r hus band for .i ~:! :,.1 brll11111 d1\<11 t (· <,<•ttf(·m('nl TIH l 'I' l ' N 'oCJ ltht·<'> from "lt.>pal wen• woundt•d Tue•..,da\ oru· ..,e•nou~l v. n .... r T\ r •· 111 .. l ' N ht·aclqu:1n1 r '> rn ·"" u-,al1·r11 ... JJ d It ~ .11 d l 'h ra 'i I 1 an ;i 111! I' .1 It·.,l1 111 :in., 1· '' ha n 1• • d .1r11ll1·n. lank .111ct morl..ir r1r1 h11I 111aek IHI m1•11l1011 111 Ill• ht .11•'1:-.. \\ho ""l'Jlh the• I 111 1 11.111 rntltt1.1n11·rt 11i )•1ulh1 "' l.1·!1.101 1r1 Spenkelink Badly Treated? Probe Set I:\ 1:-.tt \I I . ,, I• 11 1111\1 11'1t.1l1 ,., pl0<ktl lh1-. 11111rr1111~ ~ 1Lb<1ul 1·.1u'>111i.: lllJUllt'' 111 a T 1•I A\" 'uburh .111d .1 <,t•c•orrd b<1ml1 '4.1 ... d1"·0\e'rt'd 111 .1•·111-..ift·m lwf11r• 11 "I'll( off p11lte" .11d I"" l1111JtfJ'o l'\fll111lo-tf 'I 111 "II.I\ Ill ,, 1·r111Ade·tl .111111'o1·rrll'11t p.11 k 111 I• 1 \ \ I \ . ..11 ~'.II I h w 11 II fHl t n/' I "' II \\lllTil:'n ,u 11l ,,;, Ar.di \'outh ~h11 \\or k1·cl th1·1 •· /\ l111mh "q11:11f f11u11tl ·• ll111tl 1>01111> 111 .1 1r.1,h h ,1 n 1·1 -.rntl dPlonali cl ii .ifll•r I'\ ·•l,'ll:tl 1111.! MlnH' 211 0110 1>•·•11111• fr 0111 ttw p.1r h l.1•l1.1flt",e' \l.111 r :111!11 I l'IH1rle•d t"o ~11\11·t 111a1!1• :-.\11.111 \11<: :.!I wt.'> fl •·w .1 p.11r111 o\l•r B••1 rut tn 1l;t\ .111!1 l\\11 /lt1Ul 'i l.111/ f\Alt 1 r,,..11 pl.111•" ""11111wtl I••~ 11\11 •11ttht·111 L1·b:1n1111 . ltu111·tl l':ile:-.ttnian rrf11i.:e·1· C'anlp'> rw.11 R l' 1 r u t • a n c1 fl ,. w n \ f ' r \ Ill' northern provrnc•p o f Jbarl t \I I \II \""I I· \I• \ 1 "',, n, ir I•· •in h , t • , Jn r . "' I H'tllll~ .... 11••·1 lh1 J•1tr , ... n~·lln~ ••• l\IJl'l 4 l'JO 11f l•,. ti 1nllun1.,1.• "'" 1 rr1 .. n1 /,. !••• • I.• 11o ,,, , ,, 1 ul•·oJ \l.n .!.. l11:-.1J4·rl111 1,111• r.d IJ11, \illi.om'o .. ml 11 .. 111 1~1111" .1 \11o11111 .11 t11rn•) \\1 r1· 11. • 111111111 1 .1 pullli• h1 er1111• 1t,;I •, "11 .>II•·•• .J 1r 1 .. gula11tw 111 1-11111•!.1 '" 1 • >.t'• ull•in 1n I 1 \• .11 Tiit-T'r\11, \f'f'Hl,l 1 I>/,\ 1,,,. 1111/ l 11.1h.1rr1 l1•'L!.1n lh• rr II\" 11~.111•111 I 111 "·' 11. 11.. !11 ill H11" ••r111 ,1 I-lnntl.1 ~lJt•· l'r1 .. 11n111...,1.11~· 111•. 111t1p11Lll•1, .;.11ti 1n111.,t1-, 111rr•-i·111in.tlnC f11•1•1-, ;illfl '''''" .111 11rH!t'rt.1~1·r ~J.11 I••• 1\1·1! "J••·nlo..1·lr11k -. 1~.11~ In form.1t 1•1n .il111ut tlw 111l1·n •··~" ~ ,, r.111 11 11·,1 ·•·d to lh•· rn•·d r:i JI ~.1-. Ill) f1·1 l1n1• lh.1! lhr ' 11rq101t.111I I•• "''! !ht• pul/)w -. mind o1l ,.,,...,. 1.1 1h.1111 .1111-"' If 1h1 r• .. ~ .. 11111111• 111.., "'\' II r.1k.•· .1pp111pnatl' .11·t 1n11 C RAii .\~ OklH fU· ll T ii i 111\• 11~1.11 11.n \11~ 111 a ft1·1 11ul1l1 ... tw<1 r1 ·porh 111 .11 "I·• n~• 1111~ r• '111111 ...... f•1r• 1t1h .tuffrd \\llh ('Oltl/11 h..fltfl ht IAot I ... 11 lllt If ool t-l•lllll J "l,1l1 l'r!'>ltlt Th• Flo 11t1:t I-l.1rrll1• .11J ,, 1-111: 1tl.1 M.it•· 1 n1\1•r ... 1I \ o,tudt:nl 111·~"1'·111•1 pulil1.la••rl "" un..,1i 11•t! 111111 lr11rn :1 l>1·.1lh lt•1~ 1n 111.1lt• \\tin ..i.111111·ct l~w ·" t11in "·' t.1k1·n 11. l•r• \••111 ~11··11k1·l mk ., 1111\\f•l'o rr11rn t•\,1111.111111: ~hen h· ..... j•1ll1t1f "' ..! ~""' ,,,11 ... 1)( f'll•t• ffl('lt\ Tht· 1nm<1te•" ll'ltc•r -,;i1d "''" nke•hnk mouth ~.1 .... 1h11 "1·:ilcd :-.hut w11h · la)t·r up<m IJ)t•r <J( t~•1 int h .1'1h.-~1t1· 1:11w .. I. Turn :.11r Cond 1t1onm~ lhl'r rno~t<.Als up to 78 I. ln~ulalL' ~11111 honll' 2. Tum ht!al down lo 65 5. Shop the ads in lht• Daily Pilot. Combanl' your shopping lnps. gom~ fo r J USl ~xactly the mcrchandt~l' vou n eed and the slon•s selling · 1t at a price you ran afford 3, Drive your car as ii there were an egg between your foot ond the gas pedal. ' Hcmembcr·. ttw CJdv~rllscmcnls in the Daily Pilot are placed by firms and individuals in your community -the Orange Coast . Shop those ads and save time, and energy . I • ' .. --- LEVIS #501 Reg. s 1 ~9s $ 99 OF~~~~RE SHIRTS and LIGHTNING BOLT !Short Sleeve llaitsl $ Reg. 5 I 995 99 I AllGEL FLIGHTS MOVIN' ON LEVIS Reg. $ 99 Reg. $ 99 s2000 & s21 oo s 199s & s21 9s L s Pre-washed LEVIS • Muvos $ 99 $ 99 • Bell Bottoms Reg. \ t 995 • Big Bells ' •Cords BOYS LEVIS CORDS MENS LONG SLEEVED Size 2-7 Sf49 Reg. •11 00 Size 8-14 s 10" Reg. 'I 300 ALL WOMENS SWIM SUITS % OFF Also Mens & Boys SHIRTS BOYS ' OP-OFFSHORE $ HANG TEN-BOLT JACK'S SURFBOARDS ~2 95 I 8Al' I µ J\IN \ T IUET. HUNTING TON Bf I>. CH I' H 0 N f 8 4 2 fl IP J .~. r 8 ·1 .' -8 8 7 '1 5'-uDENT CORDS Re9. '16'° $ 99 ... ,,. twL Y PILOT s We<tn..ctey. Auou•I 22. 197'9 LOCAL Low-cost Meals Planned H1D1tington High School District Reviews Policy F'rM mllk and meal• art a vailable for famlUee that quallfy for t.be protranu. pro1ranu1 are atudenta whoM famWes llunlintton Beat'h Union IUah Sc-hoot lle11 aldd have incurred uouaually h1Ch medlcal Olatrlct at&adenta who ar mt•mbt•ri1 of Amonii tht' example. hated Is the expenses or whole costs for housing is famlllt1 with low.level 1n <'omt•11, a llH'O mt-level for a family of five morelhan30percentoftheirincomes. PVBUC NOTICE -------------llOTICeOP ...... .._...ILIT'I' NM tee•• .......... ti-lfMll , ... 11'1 ~ ""'" IWM .. ,._,, ... IO< -.... , .. 11414111111tt ,..,.,..,,eel lly ..,.. --_ ........ Of •lte1 '"'' .... 0.1M ttll.t1NltlrtMA.,.."1, 1_,. ~f!P-ii40 (.tlM IOI ~aMM.CA ,..,..,_ Or .... C..\I O•lfy Piiot A"'9 U.14, n. lt1'1 JIO .'t PVBUC NOTICE spoll61man announc4'd rric nlt>..>1 s Sut"h u famlly'a mcome, Hess Hess said an assistant principal has Or Ch a r I e a H e 11 . 11i1~1 ~1 u 11 t noted, must be $866 a month or less for been appointed at each or the district's l'1CTtT1ou' •u•11u1n d h I d llk h I t · U l' NAMe iTATIMl:NT s upt"rtntendtnl, aal t " mf•s 11 arn frti1.· m 1.1uls and m . . seven sc oo s o review app ca ions ,,,. •Ol-nQ _..,.. ,, 00.nQ .,..,, dairy pruduN are avallable wider the Tht· auame am• ramlly with an lncome and determine student ellglbWty ror the ''"' .. ' N 'l I S h 1 L h ~ h I f I th $1 350 th o Id programs &EACH r tME REAL TV. 11• A Ona , (' 0 0 UO C , •>I' 110 0 e88 "n , 8 IDOQ W U • M•rln• Ao . Ne•e orl tlU t l'I. Breakfut and Milk pro1ram:s quallry ror 11tudent meals at a cost of 10 c..111o'"'""*' cents ear h catnr .. 2-5171. a .... ,,,.,,_,, 11Ms tc•nQ••• ''. " • ION ' t I h Put • few words "°''" ~ C...llfO<n•• 11?'1• I' •~Dt:llAL "t;GtJLAT s est~) llS ""' "'''""'" .. (OflOll'ltG D• en In ~~~~~~~~~~~~lnru me levels for variouK i11z~s o_'~~-A_L_~ __ E~~-G_l_B_L_E_T_o __ a_P_P_ly_f_o_r_lh_e_~--~---'o_w __ o_rk_ro_r_o_u_. _____ ~~~· :::; 8 .H ... ....,_,. TI\t\ \~f •A tilf'd Wllh tfw. lflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ... C:.....lyQert~Or•~(ourn ,~1 '~• 11 ... ,. """'' P..OU.,_, Or-Coe\I O••lw PtlOI. it aU takes place at the CLOTHES RACK "°'° 1.1.1\.1~"'"' )111 ,. l'UBUC NOTICE l'l(ITIOU\ 8 U\1Hf"U NAMf \TATE ME OH fh .. •ottO••no p .. r\on •\ ,,,,.no I Ou\•~,'•; r-o •'-"PO"' r "~o.,' I 1•0)1 '"'''•''• ,,, ,. O•flA ...... M ( Ah to' ftlA fl).,. \(rit• f H•'• uon 1111,,.,,.. 0 , # .. I 4'111 AS ( l\f I "t ••If t I I ~ r, ,,., ,,. n •' 11 •l 11 ... , •"41 ,,,," i ~-. tf.1t• fr ''1_,,'-"'' "'• •••ft #9 ., ro""', r I••• u• ''' """' • ,,..,, 1, ,,, A V"jt' t I tlfl"f ' 170101 I f r..n ()t ... ~.. ( l1A t f 1 t ' • 1 l t AvtJ•; 1 ~ I\ l) ,, ,,, .,..., I f'UBl.I(' SOTl{'t: I 1t Tl flOIJ\ OU\IMf •,•. H4Mt \rAftMI H f ,...,,, .. " ...... '. f ,,., 1• '''"'H~ /'1')1 r,1t .tt. • ,, t ,_,. "'' ,, I-. , , .. ,~, .. , ..... ,,, ./'i,.,,.,,,. ti ... 011 l'I I h • ,,,,. (V''"""'" .. ,,. I , PVBUC NOTICE COAU COMMUNIJY GO\.L.fGf 01$TlttCT UIO A°""'' A- C•\I• 1111e ... C. m i. NOTlal INYITINO Slot NOTIC( 1$ HEA1!8V OtV•N ..... tne l o.rel of l "" ... ' ., ..._ CMM eo...., .. ,, .. ,, ()>fl"9f Ot,11'11:1 0( ~ ...... Countt. c.41t0tnl•, wllt •«eiv• ...._, -'llP IO ll OO•M l__....~ JO, ""· .. ,,,. Purc.l\Mlflt o.,c ... ••icl K '-1 Ollltl<I lo<.eMcl el U10 Ad .tm\ Aw•n"e, Co•t• Me••. C.e1ttoml•,., -Kl'I 1'-\M4' lli4ft wlll 1>4t PuOllt ly -•nd 'llM lot PU~CHA~F OF MO OULAlt '"'ST AUME Nl COMPUTE R FOR I ITNE \S LAOOAATORY. GOt.OEN WfST C,OLI rof A II bid• •<• IO "" I" M COl'O...<e wltft ,,,. Rio Form ln•t•t><lkln• -Co<lcll· llo1n •nO Sc>e<llt<•liOfl• whi<" .,.. !'00.W °"'Ille •nd ""'Y be .. <ureo tn IM Offtu of '"• Pwc,.,..lnq °'09nl of wlcl \(llool dl\frft I (•Cl\ ti'-"'u\I •..omit wltll I'll\ b10 • t •\J"er"\ ( hM" K, <.•'11fi.d <-r.e<lll. 01 lllO<l•t'\ 110nO ,,....,.. !NY-10 IN o•O•• of ,,,_ (O<t\I CommunOy C...'- ()1 \t '" t 80100 of T;u,•••1 In •n •mount not in,,...,., 11.,. ...,~..,I U~l of '"" wtn O..S ., • _.,,._ 11••1 Ille tu~' ••It enter Into the Pf~ C~•r•<• 1f the \iatne ., .w•,ded to "'"' It\'"'°"""'°"' Of t•Ovr• to"'"" 1n llJ \u(I\ •Ofll1•<I, tne l>'oc.HO\ of IM c Mt~ •ill Oe' torle1t . .o. or tn tM c.w 'if tit Dond Ir» fuO Wf'\ tMr.af wUf H '''' lr1lrd tr, .,,,f1 •.c ht~;I d 1,tr1c t ,.,, 0.f)Oif, """, NtfMt ,. .. ,,., btO tOf' • o--nod ot ,,,,,, ,,..,,. '''' ,, • ., •• •"~' .,,. ,, .. , .. ~· ., ..... ,,,.. t'tU"'-f\•AQ '~''""' '"• ~'"'" ,,,,.,, ... ,,,,v-,., .... ,n .. Ot1~1I~ of t•t"" IH'Q .. n, .-NJ •II OtO\ "' ,,, ••• .,.. •Wit •frt•(IVl•t •li""\ ~, ,,, f<.tfme11t1,.....1n .,,,t_,.,.,,,, 10 U•• tud<11no NOl<MA" I WA 1\0N ·~ ........ ,, IV1tt1tJ•1I 11;1 ht I ;1f.t•• "-fS lttrH~I' t C,Hl'ol (Jf'l1ly Pilot A ·1•1 1 •. JI I 1/'i Jtd I~ t-UBLll' NOTIC•: FlfTlflOU\ 8 U\INE\\ HAM( \TATFMf HI 111..-ff1ll(lw 1f'tt, t,..•I V1U 1. ()o1tH1 fJ•J,• IH tH#ftl\• ti H40., I 11 1/f r 1r1t4 A I /.f•1 ,. ,.,C!1 t,f,1•• 1•1 ljlul /\ ,,,.,, . '' ,,,,,1 ''''"· I ' I • , j,4.1 . ,, ". I.. .,,,,,A t ,l/'l,o •I I l•,1r11.1 #/,,/ .. '"'' nu .. ,...,,'' tetnnv< t .. d n., ttn 1n I" 1,, ',., ... ,. ',, . '•'• y ... -' .,,,, ~ I I "' ,,, "" 1Vf I t f I I f i,,I 111 1ft•;o •1·1•l• ft A·~ I I I l't /# I ~171)~ I 1fjl1 fW"·J '1' .. '"'I"' t1..,1 I t• f I ,1 A •.• /1 ,... tf •1 "'I·' t/ 1 """ f t •Ai•, N UMJI' • I• ... ... ~ .. ··· 1 . . , "' . t • ,,,:;., .. , .... ' I • 0 I J't HI.IC SOTI( t. 1-t( flf'()V'\ ft\J'-11 Hl '\~ I NAMl\fAll ... INI r nr •• _,..,,. '"'" ""'' .. ,,.., . 11• I I Ln, A. f ·~ .., I 1, ',l'>• ••• l. ... •• h ,,, .. I • I ' I ,,., '. . " . Pt:Bl .H !'IOTl<'t • , .... ,4 "Ollrf TO (.1>£01TOll~ \l>f"f lttON (OU Al OF fHE \!All OF(,IH IFOllHIA '01> lttf cou .. 1 • '>• OllANCf .. o A 'OOl11 ..... '• t ;tf l#t fl 'f f,l o,/f t-4 I·'"• I 1 f .... tffl' fO fl tit•• f1 f1#>o ,.fl.fl'f\t . . ,,, .... , , ..... ~ .... ,,., \o • ,_ ' ' tf • ' ,.,, , • ') I I 111~ #Ill ,, ,.. •• • u. •''"' n., . .. "' t' • ,,,,. ·•t,., •. f ,, i•'• • t\I If• IH #•fh SALE STARTS THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SEPT. 5th If f 1t • Cf Jlf• tt f ht "'""' jh. I t f .. h n 1 l/Ot I If t111 .l'\t '" 1 < ft l ft I ,., I 1. '• ,,., ,.,, ,, • ""4#f ht t ft) tnr uf\ )o • '"' ,, 11 '"° '""' '"•• rl)t Jftm..-\ I IV 1•t '' f'l'f '•""' 1• , tf'W'kll, J I Of • ,,,,,,I ' Afll I II ,,llN il'\1() t4o•tn II' t'1Wtt I , ''' " "''' t/ \11trit,.. LEVIS #501 Re9. s 1695 Req. '2000 & '21 00 SAVE LIKE NEVER IEFOR MOVIN1 ON Req. s I 9 ts & '2 I ts COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! LEVIS $ • ff I 'I.I .,, . .,.' ' .. ,,,,,,, '. , ,,,, I .. ,, ' I ,. ' " ,. ,,.., I lt't '·~\<,\ t ;f;I f•.f• t tf91 • f • o • I f ,. ,,, I , , t I f I • ' • I f ~ f'l BLI<" !"01 l l t f'l(TtftOU\ "u\1-.t "'' PilAMt \fAJt-...-. "' A• ' •'' I t • • • • ~ ' I "'"'' ,-•1 ft\1• t r I 'I,. ,,l( ... i 'jfY"IJ 1o .. ,., ''•I •I '"•I•'•' ,11,, IP1 I'' ... "•' '~· • ,,,,. itf I I j• Hlf1llfn• I "I ul ff'll\ t ..... , ,,,,,,' ,, • llfJht t1I I J.nlllf I to • 11 ~ ,, lrt, A 11 ,,, •• ,, .•• "·•"·••1 ..... I r,,,. •. ,,.,,,_."' ,,.. • ,,, , 1 t ,..,,.,., H rt •"091 ,, nr, • l •111oe Ot 1 .. AHOfN\O .. " , ~ .,f ., .... " 1 ,. •• '• 1r1v ,,,. .,,~ ..... , ••~ Jn Jt '-'*"'It I w\ I tf -,I #111 .. t 1 ,,.,, t '°4"f• A" .. (.A, t1/0, ht •• t f .. , t ~· t tJ• I 1 t \\.t I 11 , _ .., "'""-.' 1 "' •• , . • .... ,.,...... '°" r '".,...,. I It•# t l .,JIU!' f tW N It .. fN"V,..'"'t • ,.,,...J,fr-li• 11 O• ''°"'•' ''°'' •IAl~ ..... t #4 I r.1 ,,,,11, ... (ovf'llt (l ... t• I (Jt t"Of" I ""'' 1t .Aol(lu\I I I t'ilA , ,,.~ I '-'wf•f•\,...,--0 -. t"Qf ' ..... 1 f • , t t A~ I\ Ii,..,.,..,_. 'l•I '< 10" 11"' ..; Pl'BLIC NOTICE ~l(TITIOVS llUSIN f~~ NAM[ ~I ATlMI "' ,t '• I )f .n., I .,., ' 0•1fr P11Uf t. ...,,, • ' ' ' ..,..CA \ ' H ' J f 41 '" P UBLIC NOTICI:; , .. tUJ ,.OTICf' TOC•IOITOlt~ SU P(lllOlt C<Xlltf 0' THf ST AH OF CALll'OltNIA l'Olt TNl GOU .. TY OF OllA .. Gll Ho A l- l \fAit,. ot t r.f'AN C.l.~ M CON ••U' l ' ni.-.t-.. ,.WO<I '''.It I( t I~ Hf 6'r RV t,f\/f"" ttt thft. , .. ,,, '•;.t , 111 ,,._. •00•'" ftrtf"ntoof1~110.•nt l[.-1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ... 11.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll .. tlillllllllllllllEllllllllll••ll .... 111111•11111111111111111111111111••! ,,,,, • '"""''"'' 11 ''"' 1 ''' , ''' I Ou\1ht ·"•' j! I•'""'"" "'"''''<I I'"''"'' <iJ.O"'"''' lfh ,., ·I "• ,.,,. 11t .-.11 tflOUt,.•0 ,,, fflt'" OP-OFF-SHORE & LIGHTNING BOLT MEN'S SHIRTS Re9. s 19'5 s1211 PRE-WASHED LEVIS Reg. '19'5 ALL GIRLS LEVIS 7-14 Reg. 'I 3" THE LEVIS •Nuvos •Bell Bottoms •Big Bells •Cords HANG TEN-OP & GOLDEN WAVE MEN'S LONG-SLEEVE STUDENT KlllT SHIRTS CORDS Req. '24'5 tt<HJ .t frt It t f'f It f 'r 1U t l't'I 1'f1'1 '1h1 1f lU\I• M tt'tt (ah•Otl"l1it v')"/I l•f\,lftCJ ffjhf"V ~llott ''"'It ,,,.,,,,,.., ,, , '"'• ,,,,,,,_...,. , •"' .. '"', ,,.,,,,,, '"'"'''' '1 .. 1,.... ~lffllf ,,,~ ,¥,,,,., 11f rr.\t,.~w (11tl•H""'•t -.1• 1 f t\1 fJU,ofll ' .. •\ I ••flolJ\,;1 !•·ft h'i 9' ""°'''' f.Mrtnrt•.l'·I t•n,p C • ,.,,.. '' '... l.tlf"yYW" ..... I ' I ... lh ·~ (l"lu"I• (1 .. t• u•();,.n," .,., t. ,,., ., , )1 t'4/0 '" ... "" "' tn trw , ... ,., ,,., ., ¥t)v<,._,,,., 1n '"" 1tlf11 • •rt,,,. 1 •• f k o4 tP'w 1tbOY• r n 11 ""'"° '""' t 01 llJ "'"~' Uwm w11n trH ""'' '"''°''" '"'''' "''"'' tO fhf' UM 1•' 1n ... 1J n '"' '••N off ti" ''' ""'' 1 11\M " .t 1iM tOT Jlto ~Htn Y •llw• I ftl ,. t11tl1 JOO N.-wputt '.,.,,, ••"·"'''' "'~ wn1cn •\, '"•' I loH I I f, J'tlll• ,I ft°11• Ut'W ... t\1Qft-f'l<J 1r I fYI 1th Io, t••f I t•I! '"J fO H\_. r \f,,tr l)f • •t t• .. ,,. •11 ,. tn1n tnvt "'vntri 111. 1 t,;r t 1 I 1•,;fllo dlton ut '"'' t I lltt,.t14't.11JU''1 t•i"1 516• ~(.; 511• ·--------------·--------------· .. "' .. , '. '• ilf•t I •ltoM A 1 O"'iNOl l V f u ~11 1 I tho N I If,. nl•lfl" 11.t1,1t·t) ,, ,,..,,, ALL WOMEN'S & MEN'S OP-HAND TEN-GOLDEN WA VE SWIM % PUBLIC' NOTl('t: (P .. 11 NOTICE TO (lt£0t TOtl\ \UPf ltlOlt COUltT O• TN,. \TAil or c•L1•0 1>N1a • 0 1> THl COUN TY O• 0 14AN(.l No A 'Cli0"'11 f \t•tr f t•At4(11 t U I• I( t • I WILl IAM"' \(H ... IOT ..... \ .. ,.. M 1q.;I 01 ,,, MO I N•wpo1t ft•.H f'I (• t 1..0 Tel llU 1 MA1111 AUOl"fU'f fOf" ( ••tt1t0-t ' f ,,. I "•••·I' •t .I U toi._ II ff)f A I " •' .,. t \ II\/ I 1 ••• (HANlH I .. f+At I,. 0 • ' .... , ( I\ 10~,f .-(,. t-• • I ... fl.If t I, ••I kf It t 'ii '<11 f ff\1 t "•01tt11 .11 t~ ,., .. ,, "+Ht·• I ,, •cl•,• PUBLIC' NOTIC'•: '""' •tll l• '",.'' ftt1-.11l•J fo•oll• IJ I f ~(.f~~·~~!:(u:, ... ( ... !,'" WALKING SHORTS , SUITS s10• OFF lhf '\Aid ,,,,...111"\,..fll u • u ••o111·•t I 1 I o I tMm #Ith'"",.,., .... , , • .,,,no, , 1 • • 1 1111.-10" , .. ,,on '4• n111r1r1 ::-:;:·:~:~!;;,.",:t•,.;,::0,f\:l1~:··...,··:;, ti,, 11~·~· f'l\t.tf NI P' l f P 100 I"~ n .. (1'\,._.ty '1111/f r.1 ,., 101 It,., W" '4f'l'llllt1J I I • I"'' I fltt'ff' ''°\Hit• JOA. O(tt \IQtM<J , .. thf, II"•"""" OI w 1r1 N".-itli'••tl~f"I l10ilo•,,·-if1b60 MAN A. W lllMAN 11111 hw•n" Mit n~u•t ~ M ~•uQr. 1•1'"Hlllf BOYS LEVIS CORDS Sizes 2-7 Re«J. s 11 00 Sf 49 Sizes 8-14 Reg. '1300 5114' ALL WOMEt-rs HANllEllS I & bottola1J % •• BOYS WALKING SHORTS OP Re«J. '13" Sf 88 8 e>ulev•tt1 1M 1t• I f u\t1n f ••1110' t\1.1 9't.e0. who h "ow t,Jt1u • ot tk;\1H•" 1tf tf'M' u~~ lrt •II m•H•r\ f)ll>rt•1n 1no to tf¥ •''"'"' t'\f \A1n fh'• M lrl"ll w 10un IOUf mor'lln\ •fl•t Uw fit .. 1 put>hC ..tlM)n Of lhl\ nofH e Oele<I A~I IQ. I~/~ PAUl IN[ l Ml P f Ot llO l j M\fit1111 ot Int W ill a''"'°" .OOW n.m...:J -.-nl Win MAN & WI TI MAN H1U lrw-....... "-llP I I Tl"tl "• CA f'16el Tel 11141 n1.-s.1 AhWMY\.., I •.C.wtrfa Pubfl'""' Or 4111\Qlt Co'"' O••', P 1tot AIJQ I) n 1'. ~ ). ,.,, JOO I• PUBLIC NOTICE BOYS SHI . Is --~-=----- l'ICTITIOUi aUil•EU NA#IE U ATelllUNT Tt"' tottow•nQ _,,,,,, ••• dO•no Dv•• n •\\ e \ 0 A K8A 00 t< PROPl!'RTtCS, 1.00 0.... Str .. 1. So.ti• OP-OFFSHORE $ • ~.:.·~~~·.~··::;;;·.1~':. -" "• "'HI. Suit• JOO. N•wll>Ofl a .. <11. C•ll'°'n141 nMO '*'""91 0 Llndvy, l',•f"f"•' 1'\111 ~ urnAmon Att;•\J t I '''' ,, f ..-+1tv, ,., ''IJt. tO t n, ... ou-.p"'''' '' t•Jf'ld\J( ltd bv a hmttfld f)M' ltwtt\l'\10 Muh, .. 1•, ,.,., ••,J()n ''"' \t.1h••1••nt Wl"f\ l1h•tt wit,, ,,.,.,. ( n\1nt., C If••" 01 t \t ,,,...,.. <.Ov•lty on ,\ U{~U\I I I~/~ F 11010\ Put"''"""' ()f'N\Qlt (°"ti1 D••lv P11ut -'"41U\I • I\ 11 ~ 191' lQ.08 /q PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSINEU HAM[ SlATEMC .. T T P\r •olfOtllf•nQ per \on ·~ dorno bu\Utf1 \\ "' 'Olltl r ~ Yll\I \AV'. 116 Cl'"y ·~,,.,.,., •It H unt1no1on Be•'-"· (.•llhwn•"9'._... '-"PtWI RQ•dfWW' w ,,11,.,. Jtft (lflY ~,,,...,, • U, Hvnt1nqton O••l" C,,.lllMn1•"7- ' ""' """'""" t\ (""'°"''"' by ,.,, tf'ICU¥10v1tl '\l>Hyl R w .. 111o< ""' ,,,.,_, w•• ""'° wlll'I IN County Cle<' 04 Dfef\99 C-ty Of\ AUIU~t 1. "" ,, ... ll"ulll1-0.. ..... CO.Iii Otlly Pilot, AUIU\} •• '~· u. 2' ... ,. ""'" H A ... G TE ... BOLT 1 0 :;'!~ JOOL..~i:.~~· .~";;~: R MOO Oow Sl,...I, s..ltt )00, N-ll>Ofl .,._ IH<ll. c.11101nl• '7..0 K. Metk ~ , ,-,'fo ~l~~~E~:=· ~·~~~!~ PU~UC:~~·~E - .......................................................... ,Wll• ... H9wPOrt 9M<l'I, C.lllWftle ITATIMlllfTOPWITMHAWAI. I'" tUO LH 5emla C•mp•ny, • PllOMPA•Tilla ... 1 .. Ce tllornt• coroor•tto11, .. oo Oo•• Ofl'llltATINO U•Hlt . LllHES 8941 A Tl.ANT A A YE. HUNTIM•TOM llACH · cc .......... . ..... ~ .... Ml IM ' CK FOR&UYS, &ALSAND IOYS 536-t• ,,, .. ,, Sufi• *· NtWOOfl 11 .. cll. PICTITIOUI •w•••M ..... c.lltorfti...... ..,_. O.~. T"9 , ........ ,.,_ "-wlt•- llK , • c.fllo<nt• <••ll>Of•tton, UO ., • t•n•r•I 11•tt11•r ''•"' Ill• N•w..-1 (efller 0fl••, 5"11• toO, 1NtlMrtlllp OllffMlftt .-r tN lk· ,..~ IMc:ll, C..tfef11I• .,.._ tltlovs IM!Mtt-of "1•11tCa ANO fllll "''1Mt1 '' <91'4N<lff • ., • SONS e4 17•'° ...... L«la 5'., 111-""9fel _...:.lo talft V•llty, Ca .,,., """"' ..._u.. T"9 ll<tlll4M WI'-.... , ..... flll\ '"*-we. lltte •Ill• IN "'"'' to< ttw ~ w" t'*t "' C:-IY Clef'll of Ofllft9' C-IY tfl Now m-1, "" lfl 1t1e ClMHt4'J et A~ ti, mt. Ottll .. o.MaCO. MltM. •••t•aaao, ,.,. 11111 -• ....... tf ._ ntlA~ & ....,_.. "''°" .............. lt1 OllllM.0 A, ......... Ue "II lll CI II, lt•11 Tr'ftft 11 • ....... Cll*> DrM W.Uml-.GL.- ..... .. Ger ... A. llterc:e II ........... (&.... ....... ~ ..... Or .. c:-°'""' ~-. "* ..... Or .. c..e °"" ..... AIOI .i, H, !hflfs.t! i ltlt ~,,." Aut e, U, n, 1'. tm .... , • 7 Orange Coast "our Ho•etown Dally Newspaper .. LDIT I O N ~-~.1 ~~~~~~· VOL. 72, NO. 2~. ' SECTIONS. 60 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1979 'My Mind is Still Afraid' ~ c Fl FTEE N CENTS Vietnamese Refugees Settle in Mesa By JACKIE HYMAN Of l ... o.tly ...... .._H Tong Them was c heated out of hJ11 money twace before h~ finally found himself among 2SO people pac ked on a boat and headed for freedom Then t.he boat i.ank "We he lped each other," said the 27·year-old former Vietna mese Air Force radJo and radar specialist who ar rwed Ln Costa Mesa two weeks ago. "If 1t bad been at njgbt , half t.he people would have drowned." TWO WOM EN AND TWO children perished in the ac l'ide nt JUSt outside the Malaysian harbor toward which the boat was headed Them, who escaped with his 17-year-old brother Binh, said he decided lo leave Vietnam when the Commumsb took over. knew the future I!> not good . ' i.a1d Them, who studied En~lish m high i.chool He explained thal the <;ommun1s L'i forced the former m embers of the military to do menial work and ridic uled them in front of the public l}UT, EVEN H AD H E NOT been with the military Them said. he would have nec1 . "My mind 1s not hke the Communists." he said For three years, Them tried to gel out. Twice he was c heated of $1,800 m gold he paid to sailors who said they would take hjm w freedom but never s howed up. Yet he was luc ky. Others not onJy los t their money T he v also had their escape plans rePorted to police, who would arrest the people as they wailed for a nonexistent boat. Finally, the Vietnamese government agreed to let some people go for $900 each in gold THEM AND HINH WERE among 250 people c rammed onto two levels of a boat about 30 feet Jong for a five-day Journey to Ma laysia. "You could not move," Them said. "There was not cnou~h rood by the lh1rd day. and there wasn't enough water " The pair carried only two hags of clothing between them. he said Then, Jui.t outs ide the harbor. the boat hit a rock a nd s ank The refugee:-. scrambled for safety, those who could ~w 1m pulhn~ the others ashore Legal Artio11 Eyed Mesf)?Loses Suit On Fair Project An Orange County Superior Court judge refused Tuesday to grant a preliminary injunction to compel the Ora nge County Fair Board to s ubmit its re- development plans to the city of Costa Mesa. Judge Robert Todd, in a six page m e morandum . ;i g rced with a state attorney general's opinion that th(• fair hoard, of fi cially known as the 32nd agricultura l district board of direcwrs. is n't s ub1ect to city control or its planning and de velopmenl. Costa Mesa officials l>aid to- day they disag ree and a rc con- sider ing further legal action "I don't understand ho" Woman Held In Mesa Armed Heist A Costa Mesa policeman a r- rested a San Diego arm ed rob- be ry sus pect Tuesday a fter m e morizing her description dur- ing briefing, police sa id today. They s aid Otficer P aul Cap- puccilli was checking out a bar at 810 W. 19th St. on routine patrol shortly before m idnight when be recognized the woman. who was being sought on an a rmed robbery wa rrant. Police said Cappuccilli arrest- ed Ilene Maxine ·Madison, also kno wn by the last name o f Newburger, 28, without incident. She was being tra nsfe rred to San Diqotoday '4D IN PILOT 'WORKED GREAT' •:Dally PUot claullled ads reallJ wort peat.'· Tbat'a tbe atory told by the 1ueceutu1 ooe·time Costa Mesa 1aletman wbo placed tbJa ad lo &be D.U, Pt.lot: I r owne r. Cambttd1~ Hlplancla. J BR . lam rm. 2 ba. 2 frples. nr tcbl .. ,000 XXJMt,CU If JOa wut. JOW' ad to wort. trr tbe frleocl11 Dally Pilot cdMetW ad·YIMn at "2·51'71. another entity can be in the mid· die of your city and you have nothing w say about lhe noise a nd lhe traffic ." s aid Vice Mayor Arlene Schafer. "I would be in favor of an -appeal " Councilman Dom Raciti said he also s upports a n appeal , especially i.n light of the fact Lha t groundbreaking is planned 1n Oct~r for an 8.000-seal am- phitheater that could bring some 3.500 cars onto Cos ta Mes<1 streets. "lt "s not fair that we should take lhe brunt of the traffic," he said. "Perhaps the fairgrounds should move on to a less dense area of the county." Councilman Donn Hall said he would supPort an appeal if lhl' cit y attorney recommends it. City Attorney Robe rt Cam pagna said he is waiting to see a topy of the Judge's me moran- dum before meeting with council members. The s ubject of the fa1r's master plan will be discussed in executive session at a s pecial meeting of the Fair Board at 7 p.m . Thursday at the fair ad· ministration building, 88 Fair Dr ive. If a ny decision Is reached, it could be announced in the public portion of the m eeting, said Fair Board President E lme r Mon- tano. "I would g uess that from a legal viewpoint the next step is up to the city," he said. He said be personally would pre fe r that fair offici als con · linue working with the c ity through their joint liaison com- mittee. "Our position has a lways been tha t we will cooperate with the city but not to the extent that they have to approve our mu ter plan," Montano s a.Jd. The city is seeldn1 to force the Fair Board to s ubmit ill muter plan throUCh reeular clty plan- nlnt procedures. The 'Fair Board has main· talned tt la a state agency, not subject to city procedures. The f1rlt phase of the muter plan. a new parklnc lot and equestrian center , ia nearin1 completlcn. Tbe 1ecoad phase, the amphitheater. la acheduJed to 1urt iD Odober Other planll ult for a recrea· Uonal CtlMI' OG l'alniew !toad, a mot•I at Fair Drive and Newport Boulevard, a mUMUm andtMat.I. t HE'S A 'BOAT PERSON' WHO FOUND WAY TO U.S. New Arriva l Tong Them Settle s In Costa Meaa ONCE TllF.Y L.A NDED. THE~ and h1~ hrothN v.i·r•· taken by fied Cross workl'r:-. tu a l 0umµ of uboul 40.000 rcfugec.'l>on B1dong Is land Tht• f:Je1 llt1es wl·re clt:an but ~pan" Th<·m -.<i1d M rd it· a l c1.1rc wa:-. provided part of his -.ev(•n months tht:rl· NJW YORK CITY BANK ROBBERIES --- Aug us• 21 . 1979 DOI I U ~l 1 lll~S Ullk 1 lHO Cu"' t1111l0mr \ 10:30am ClllS( MHllAll lll { ,,( 701 I 19111 St llJ" 3:4~ pm ) CM&S( MAii Ml I I All 1111Hs 11uc1q 1 Ch\t Mn•~tt~n Pim 4 :30 pm Clll BAii~ Ill &lb '" 12 :1~ pm -%"~ HEW YORK CITY · I UROPI U Olf Rt CU l&g th St g Ktll\IOr Air --2 ·15pm l -·1 ... lt .. s Ope·n Seosf?n This map locates the 10 bank bra nches 1n New York C1 t y and the headquarters of Chast• Manhattan Bank where robberies took place durmg the day Tuesday. See story. P age A4 Five More Enter . N-M Trustee Race T he race ror four seats on the s even -me mber Newport-Mesa school board heated up this week u five newcom ers joined two incumbents in flllng or t ak· ing out pap e rs nomination papers. In district one, the Estancia Hieh School a ttendance area, a ppointed Incumbent Ke nneth Wayman has taken out pa pers for the Nov. 6 el~Uon. Wayman is an attorney Also taldna out papers in that district ii Robert G. Hammond Jr. of 2812 Redwood Ave .• Costa M eaa. Tbe Oran1~ Co unty Re1i1trar of Voten liats bis oc- cupation as product information an.ly1t. In a rea two. the tri angle formed by Newport and Harbor I Dea~ 6Hort JNTRACOASTAL CITY, La. <AP> -Tbe derrtek on a driWnc rte eollapled on u.. rti· • 11eep- m1 quarten tocla1, k.illiq one man ud !IUW'tnl ala, the Cout Guard aald. \. t boulevards and the Costa Mesa c ity limits, two people have riled. AppQinted incum bent Ken- neth Vandewalle has said he won't seek election ror the re- maining two years Of the UOCX · pired term Vying in area 2 will be Mike McLaughlln of 925 Crocus Cir- cle. Costa Mesa , a n attorney, a nd Catherine A. Booth of 1212 Pa rnell Place, Costa Mesa, a re· tired a ccount clerk. In area three. WestcWf and Santa Ana Hei1bts, appointed ln· cumbent Barbara SkUllnt baa taken out papen. Michael Skawtn of 2"2 Brit- tany Woods Lane, Costa Meta, a contracts manager. also picked up papers to rue ln aru three. ln area lix. only Todd Heu ol 2401 Holly L ane . N e wport Beach, a real estate aalesman, has plcked up papen. Incumbent Tom Henderaon hu almOUDCed that att.r seven yean b9 ii nitirlq from the board. Area s ia ln c ludH Newport Rettbtl. Fillq cloMI Au1. 30. by a French hospital ship The refugees had to cut down trees and hu1Jd their own s helters. The m said, and the camp wai. c rowded Last month. Them was picked to come to the U S His military background was a key factor in his be ing chosen The US. government has given priorities to relatives and those who foughtthe Communists Them has no relatives here. wrm ABOliT 400 PEOPLE . Them <ind h1l> brother new to the l: S They have agretd to rr·pay half the co~t of their 01ghl. with the government pa} mr! thP other half The two were aided by L' ~ Catholic Agenr1e:.. wh1 rh found the m a temporary apartment m Santa Ana with :.everal other Vietnamese and om· llus-.ian refugei:. Las t week. through th1· lndoc·h1na inb cPnl•·r 1547·1407 >. Them found ts JOh :..:-. a furn1tur<· :-.trippe r and ri finisher at Antiques or the W()rf<I <m l!!lh Stn·et m Cost.1 Mes;i Ht• and Bmh m<>\t•d into .J ,.,,,ta~,.,,. ;i p<irtmr·nl with four other young 1wopl1· Hinh will \t.Jrl \!'huol nl•xt mu'lth ,1t 'osta Mesa Jl1gh Sc:hool TOM SILK. A PA RT~t:R 111 ,\11t1qut"' of th•· Y.orlcJ '>jld the firm had hired Olht·r 1mm1gr<snL'> l)f·ror1• cJOd ht Md that Vietna m<'"'' ~µle "''fl' r1·h.1hle· "Wt· th()ught w1· d give th•· \'1l'ln.Jm1-,, <s r h .. nct· ' h•· '>I.lid Th1·m. 1o1.ho h•me' that the n .... t of h1 ... ram1I:-1o1.1ll -.cim•· day escai>(' to freedom, 'aid ht· l<tH'" b1·1ng .1hlt-to re;io 1o1. hate\'er he likes. h'>t<'n lfl .. n~ mu'>t<' h(• l'hO<>M·-. and liv•· 1n <J l'Omfortablf> <iJJJrlm•·nt "In \'wtnam. till mu'>ll' ,.., for lbf· rM 11lut1<on not 111 1·n JO~ And no books to read t·xt·cpt Jt>'JUt tht rt•\olut111n H E'S BEES FRl'STRATt:O b~ ht' .... truggll .. , t•• 1m 1Jro\t' hL'> Engh~h ~ind l1•Jm mr1n· :1hl1ut 11:111\ Amt:rlC'.an l u:.tortl!>, 1nc:1ua1ng bdnkrn,:!. but Tht:m '>..s ld ht· hJ' nu rt>grets about lea\ ing h1~ c-11untn · La~t n11?hl I hJ<:I ,, 1!n·;.im h•· 'Jiii 1 h;,<J not y1·1 t•nme to tht· I 'nill'd St;ol•·' I '4;1"\ •111 1 m \ ll•lndm ' '-'·" afraid I c·oultln 't t:'>C<llH' 111• ;ittnbutl·d h1 -. n1 chtm ... n· 11, th•· m ;1n. \1·.;r' h•· ... ~wnt .... 1v111g hop111c JllC I tr} tnl-I• fl,., "1 n11ni.;h t11 1111 I \' ail .,\\ lx>d\ 'Jm" 111 th1· I !-> liul m ' m1nrl ,, -.1111 Jfr..J1d · Ttwrn ..... 1111 Sailor Found Dead After Mayday Call By JOANNE R F.VSOLDS Ot ... o .... , ...... \t.tlt An attorne' "ho rfl'>t' '" prominC'nc<· f1ght1ng 011 rom panic.; in S:1ntJ BurliarJ "·'" found dl'ad aho:.irrl ht!> 11 foot hoat .iftc·r ht• rat.l l()('d .1 dt,tn•..,.... t ,111 th:11 h1· 1.1.a:-h1•111~ k1dn:.iprK·tl torturc'i.I and 'h"! ~anta Barbara SIH·rtfr'-. D1·p1.. I \ M1k1• 1-'o~tl·r '>aid !!Ida\ lh• ,·11'l1m h.1:-. ht•t'n 1dentif1•·•I ,., .I am l'' .I . Opp<>n 58. or ')ant .1 B:irbara II e ... aid m('mht·r.; of lha· I :-. ro.t!>l Guard rCSl'U(' team lo\ ho round Op~·n n<':tr SJnt.1 <"ru1 1 ... 1and 1o1.1 thin four hour' tor h1-. mJ~da~ d1-;tre-.~ brt1Jcka.,1 .,aid lht• ,l\torn1•\ d11·d "' ;1 j.!Un!'>hot 1.1.11urnl Oppl'n "':•~ ht·:-.t kno"n for ,, 'u1t h~ brought on bch.tlf uf 1·0111 mcrc1al fishermen .Jga111:-.t ml l'Offi pa.me~ ;i (lcr t ht• r .1 mou., 19ti!• S anta Barb:.ira Channl'I oil 'Pill 0 p p 1• n · -. <· J b 1 n l" r u 1 ' 1• 1 ··c hron1t· R1t cht•r" WJ., "' namc•d be<':1 uM.' an oil t•ompun> official Ill tht• aftermath or Uw o il s pill r cderred to Sant;i Bar bara as a "l·ommunity uf chronic bite-hers." Oppen, who has been retired from lhe pr actice of h1w for J couple of yea~. was desl·nbed by one Santa Barbara resident as generally unpQpular in the legal community and viewed a~ a maverick attorney . T he oizarre cas e began ut about 6 p.m. Tuesd<.1y whe n C oa s t Gu<Jrd pt'r so nncl monitored a radioed dis tres:o; signal fro m a man who said he had been k idnapped and tortured and was being s hot al According w Foster. the Coa~t Guard personnel who packed up t he e mer gency call reported hearing the sound of gunshots over the rad io in the back . g round. According to Foster, Oppen said he didn't know where he was but bla rad.lo broadcast lu t- ed long enough for the Coast Guard t.o ret a general fi.x on bis pMlUon at sea. Four c:uu.ers and a helicopter were dbpatcbed t.o search the area arotmd the coastal island. About 10 p.m., Oppen's boat was Park Work Slated Co s t a lieu baa allocated 1240,000 to re pai r aome or natuN'• tricks at the lS-acre CUJOD Park. Sto,.Y. map and photo appear today on Pace All. fnu nd at Sc-fl rp1n C<J"" al the 1:.land Fo<olt'r ... 1111 Opp1•n ~ hmh wu:. 1 .. 11ntl .1ho;1rd 111· h.•d n•• ('um rr11 •nt 1111 "hJI 111h1•1 ,., •rlPnt ,. 111 1J!ht h.t\I' h111•n l111·.11t•tl 11n th• 1111.1' 111 .ild ha· ",,., "''" un:1hl" t11 I •lll?rlll'fd ltO fh1 p11 ... "hlllf \' lh;1I llpp111 m.t\ h;1\1' hl't'll lorlun•d Tht• '"''' 1(('• 'pokt•,man ~;11d •• n .tlltlll\'\ \\ "' Ill tw t'OIHltH'tt•(t 111cJ.1 \ Iii--..11d th.it •1111• of tht· 11•,1:.on ... t11r th1· ,11111111" ""ul<l b1• to d1•f1·rm1n1 "h•·th1·r lhl' l!Un~hr1t 1111ch1 h,t\•·tx·1·11..,.·lr infltt t•·rl h .-.ll•r .ol~o ... 11d th,11 unltl th" r .1dw1•tl 111,tn·..,._ t'oilt t h1·11· "',,, nn 1nd1t•at111n th•· .1tt11rn1•' h.111 h1•1•n k 11ln;1111wo Opptn "°"lr\l\1'd l1\ h1 "' 1 1111" \1 ,, r 1 I \ n "n 11 t 1o1. 111 tl,IUj...hll'f• Equipm~nt Move d C"O H P l'~ rtl H ISTI . Tex a' 11\P 1 t"oa .... t (;uarct offil'lals hJH' m OH'<1 ~omt• equipment 100 milc~ up tht· Tt"xas roast in an l1t·1pal10n of a M:cond ass<1 ult on n·~urt bt•;tl'hl'S hv J.(OOcy crude oil still nowinl! from a runawav Mexican well · "eaaher Patchy latc night and t•arl} mornmJ! luw clouds and local fog. otherwise ru1r through Thurs d ay. Slightly warmer days with highs Thursday r anging from the mid-70s at the beaches to the low 8-0s m t he inland a re as . Lows tonight 57 to 67. INSIDE TODAY A lu l Of~ Covnt11 ,,,. M1e1111 tdlo ore delblquem an paying prop4'rt11 tozcr1 u pt.Abli1htd on Poge1 A 19·A22 • OM.Y.-.LOT .. 70 Kurds Killed by Troops TEHRAN, Iran tAP J At le11t 10 peopl.-Wf're r•POrted dead today In kurdlltan in ff'Wll clat hN ~w~n lhe reMWcM&s Kurda and~. IO)IO to~ r-. t i m ti H t up b y Ay atoll•h RhuhoUah Kbom"lol In the capital. Khomeini'• re voluUoo kept meunc pll!Ulh m .. nt to t.rua1rmaora or bJ.a •lent la l1unic cod9, wtua nt'w exKu Uona and whlppln1a. Irania n l ndu11 try offl<'l•lli , m~anwhaltt, n ld tho nallon 'ii. oil •xporttJ havt' dt'<'reaaed to ~low l mllllon berrela daily, partly becuW1e of th\' wu t.her T e hruo ft.J1dlo ••Id r e vo lu tlona ry 1uerd11 reportt'd kllUna 60 r ebels in m oppln1 up o~ra· • lions near thtl Kurdlah capital uf Sana ndaJ and 1d enllfyin1 lhf'm as m e m bers of the outlawed Kurdis h Democratic Part y and "Communiat aupporten or thti P eople's F'1.'<layeen 11u"rrlllu " The broadcast aaid several wo unded guard.a were taken to a hospital in Ma rivan, near the Ira qi border. rot treatm ent , and that JO l(uarda we re mlsalnK In a ction a nd presumed killed. .. Press report.'! said more thun 100 · · counter-revol utlon arle!i ' · also were arrested in SanandaJ a n d l h a l · · o t ht• r count 1· r r evo lu tw nary c lc m e ntii in Kurd1st un are belnJC souRhl." T h t' Mamie R epu blican, the m •wiipap('r of lh<' rundamenta U11t hilam1 (• Republican Party, said thos t.' a r rcst<.-d wnc m em bers of the Ku rdish De m ocratic Party , w h1<·h Khom eini banne d lu t Wt.>ckend, tht' People'!! Fe daycen anti fJth(·r leftis t groupl> It l>a1d a large n umber or w<·apcm .... 1>w1sports and mlmM · gr<J J>h mac·h1ncl> wen· M.'111'fJ, hut 1 h1· l1·<1dns of the K urd111h P a rty :tt 1 II 1·h11led capture M1·anwhllt', a murrlt•d wom an W,J:O, f')(l•(·Utf'll t11fla y Ill th1· nortlwni lown of Hch:;huhr for havin~ 1ll1t1l n·lut1nn11 with u man :111d h1·1 lovc·r 11·tc•1vf'l l 11.141 Jw,ht•:-. 1n public. th1• 0Hlc1a l Pan, nPw•. :1i!1•m·y rl'po rtc·d A .,1•1·w11I 1•xc·c·ula o11 1,f un of fh ·1:tl nf Sholl Muh;im m ed fln .tt P:.ihl;1v1·., n·f~arrn· wa., n'J)IJr1 •·d 1n l't:nlr ul lr11n Thr· wom.w put to dt-ath ...,H~. Naq~t'l> J:llwn l':ar'> '>aid ht·r hu:-.twnrl ...,,," h1•althy :,1> there "al> no 1·x1·u:-.c· for h1·r h<lVlnJ( '>1•x 11a l n ·lat 1cinl> with an11t h1·r m :ira The m•w3 UJ(Cn n said Capt P a rv1z Sh1tm s. form er chief of the s late vahcc in the centrul 1ranian town of Arkan. d ied be fore a rirtng l'lquad arter an lalam tc revolutionary co~rt found h.im f(Uilty Of to rture. Th~ e xcl·ution11 r iu sed to 448 the number or Jranurnll knq,wn w h avt· lx•f•n put lt> dt•ttlh s ince the Overth row or th t-Hh at h 1n l''cl>ruary P <Jr & alM> reported lhut th rc:t: men wc•rc: given 25 lushes eud 1 HI Kl•rmun~hah, Wt•st<.'rn Iron, r I) r d r I n k I II I( lJ I c 0 h I) I I ,. hev<:n.1t(Cll, und thrtlc were given 50 lashes e uch for 1i11.1mblinu. Jt said the .11enlcnce.11 for drink inK we re partic uhtrly hcllvy becaus e the offcnsc11 occurred d uring the h o l y month o f Ramadan. r ran's c rude oil exports, m l:anwhllc, dippe d b e low u million barrels a day folfowina bad weather conditions at Khara Island In the PerRlan Gulf where ~urnl tWtke rs load up, a reUable National Jra nla n 011 Co source ~aid WOMAN, 106, Dll:S IN ITALY CAGLI, Italy CAP) -Gluaep- p11 S anUnl, one or Jlaly's oldest women , died Tuesday at lhe a1e of 106. S he h•d JW1t returned from a birthday party In a nearby village for Ade le BcJll, who wall cclebratin .r he r 106lh blrthdav °"ANCll COMT DAILY PILOT , .... ()••f'Wlll" '"'"'' o.u, ~ ...... , .. , W'Mff\t\ '"""' bttt•«I '"'-.................. , .,...i_,... ., ,,_ °" ..... fM\t ._,.,~~1 \feM•tt .. tlieft\•tt °"'"''1'1Mif MIM.., .,_,...,. ,,._., ._.. C..t• ,,_,.w .........,, .. ecf'I Mtiilftt.,..._, ... ,.,,..,., ···--"•' .. ., ,,,..,. ,~ .... ~( .. ",. , ........ ,~ ... , .... ,_,..,... ... .,, .. ,,Httl ~,, , ..... ,. .... ~.,,.. ...... "'4 ,, .. 1• Wnt9•t•,... (MlA,.... <•m.,"'•""" ._,._ .... _ ... __ I_ ,.. ' • °"'"" Vf(•Pf"1 .. -.t .... ~-~ "-··--Ldtl .. ,_,, M..,..... 1Mft .. t .. '1fller -. ...... ••t_ .. _ ...... 1 ... 1 "'9ft ...... Mii•• OoltaMeHOMle ......... 1.:,':;;1 :·& '::':i.e ,,.,. Office• ":=.,..~:.,:~~~: :.-:.~ ::. , ••• ,... ... (714)......, 011•1•AR..-U tc....,. ,'No Peril' In Mesa I • All'WI ......... IAght Retired \oast Guardsm an John lloll1~ ~hines up a seven.fool an - t 1q uc lighthouse l ens that (1r1C·e gui ded ships through the trC<.l(.'h(•rous Monu P ussaw· hctwecn Puerto Rico and the Oominici:.ln Repuhl1r T he l<·n~. manufactured in Spain an JH!J l , 1~ on the wcty to Coust Cuard headquarters in the lJnlletl States frum S<1 n J u;,i n. P R. Carter Approved Fuel Sale to Iran WASH INC:TON I A I' J Pr1·~1 1Jt.nt (':irt1·r s:11tJ t11tl1o1 y h1· "pNsonully :>pproved" the f:)( port to oil r irh l run of $"7 rn tl lwn In kt·r OSCO(• a nti dl(''lt·I fuel Thi· sah· 1·11me ut u Lime whc·n the· Un llr·d Stntcs I~ ~x prrlrnrlng s hn r tog~~ or p1•trnl1·um 1,r1l(lurh ("o mmc11·1· ''''Jli.lrlrn c nt llceni.es for lhe export or lh•· produ<"l..i; were 11111ucd Aul( :i. I ' 1J m m 1· r <· •· L> 1· ri <r rt m ,. n l l>µokesm an IJavid Jl•wcll 1>i.ltl Ask•·d about the !ule durrnl( " t own m eet ing In Burlington. Iowa. Cart.er said he "person•lly approved" it on a one-tltne bu111 because riot.II Jn lra.n bad lnte r rupted that country's supply or keros ene . whil-h is w11iely u.o1cd hy Iranians in their ho mu lie 11a1d the a mount 1nvolv1·t1 ('fjuals only about one -fift1f!lh "' !ht' a m ount of oil th:it t he Un1tc1l State1> im port11 fr1Jm Iran m u 14&nglc month The United S t a t es im porli. 9-00,000 b:irrels per d;.i y of I m · ninn rrudc-and "more com ci; in a., pclrol<:um products uftcr re * • • Caner Vows Fuel Supply For Farmers BURLINGTO N, l ow u !AP> Oeclaring "Thank you , farmers, from the botlOm Of m y heart I" Presiden t C arte r pr n l s e d Ame rica 's farme r s today for their produc llvlty and promised the m all the fue l they need tu harve8t this fa ll'11 c ro ps and plant ne xt year 's. At an outdoor Lown mee ting In this Com Belt city on the MIS· slHlppl River, Carter also an- nounced he wo uld s u pport a m ove b y farm -s late con - gressmen to provide low-fntere&t loans lo farme rs who ln11lall gasohol plo.nta to stretch exf11t- ln1r gaaollne supplies . G aaohol Is a mixture of gasoline and alcohol, often made from com and other grain cropi.. Its use, which farm Interest.a hope will becom e widespread. h elp create a new market for the natlon·a bountiful 1raln cropa. St anding on a P-•rk bandahell in rront of a huae American nag, Cuter told hla 7,000 listeners that the warmth of hl1 welcome as be crulaed down the Mi•· sl11lppl blld restored h1• aplrtt. Olvtn, farmers lbe word they wanted to hear on diesel 1up- pllea for planUn1 and h•rv•t· ln1. Cuter Hid, "The produc- tion of food ln our country la a t.op prortty." Carter 1aid commerci•I ftah • e rmen allO would be 1tven the fuel they nffd to conduct tbelr bu11n .... RHpondinl to quesuona, the prealdent made hit 1troa1ett plea yet for American• t.o •ccept refu1ees from lndochlne. Someone aaktd whether ad· mlttlal U.OU.aada ot ••boat ,.O- pie"' amounted to lm~rtlnc un- employment and mnaUon. ''How many PMPI• t..n bav. ancHtora that were native Amerlun17" the pre"deat NIPGftdld,9dcUD1: ' 1111111,: in t h1· Carlhtwnn:· ~altl I> •· p a r l m c n t 11 ( I·. 11 •· r g y -.p<1kc:1 mun l'h1 l Kt•1f St11t1' J)4·1rnrtm1•nl 'W>k1·0,man Th11rna:1 H1::1ton • .. 11 t1 th~ 111· 1· 1 ' 1 <> n w a s bu.., 1• 11 bot h on h11111 :10it11ri11 n r,roun<h und on I r s d<•s1rt' to :t'i.'\Urt• a I f)ntinu 101! :IUpplV of 1·1 Udl• otl frt11T1 Ir ;1 rt .Juy Viva n , It Depnrtm.,nt or En1•1 ~Y ~l)(>kt·l>man. l\u1d the d1· Cll>lOll lo l'Xport th•· fut•I ~nrn1· or which also can be us<.-d us h~1ttin~ oil Wa6 end on u.-d by t he d e p u rtme nts o f S tall-. Defenu and Ener"y He dec lined l o co mment further, aayin1 th»t "'this is directly heing treated as a Com m erct· ac·Uon " Th<• o;1tuatJon wa11 rt'portt-·d hy Otl l>:u ly, a W ushtngton blUlf'd inrlustry puhll,.alion Otl Daily su1d today lh<ll th(• -.11h· was h:m dlc·d by Am erudu 111•:-. .... the N<·w York hused oil n• fi n in)( :ind markclln1( firm <;;i r l Tun,1. an Amnuda He!>-. ~11o k1·sm;1 n, 1·o u ld n ot Im m c·d 1ult·ly I><: rc nc:hed for com- m cn l The s ale price o f the oil prod uc t s wus reJ>(irted by the 0 11 Uu11y to be al>Out ~ c en·ts pn 1<ullon, or conlllderably below the prevailing 87 cents to 72 ccnt11 per gallon rate. At lhe lower price. C'lo11c to 2 million b arrel, o r 85 m illion RUlloni.. of the fuel could be In· v1>I nd, tndul'tl ry sc1urrC'1t said Oil hes t>f'f'n In 11hort ~upply worldwide•, tn 1w1 l lwc11use o( llnl(<'ring l0ffl·1·t:1 or th<· three. month shutd own of th<· I runia n rJll 10dW1lry thut uccumplll\ied th e overthrow of the Sh11h of Iran. fra n , u mcmhcr of the Middle Ea11t oll-produt'lng cartl~I. hait b,.en cxporllnl( less than :1 million bfltr('IS a day or crude In r cC't'nt weeks, con sid erably hc low thc le vel w he n the llhah wa11 lo po w<•r Th<' IPve l rr portcdly no w i11 u million barrels u d ny. lrnn 11 de11irc lo ouy from thf' United St~tes apparently atems fro m a proble m c aused by the e arly July sabotage or Jrsuilan pipelines feedlna the giant Abadan reflnery. 20,000 Lives May Be Lo1t L OS A.NOll:LES <AP) -A m a · jor earthquake here coutd take the llv• ot u many u 20,000 Southe rn Calffornla r"lden\I, a city oftlct•I ha1 t..Ufted. City Department of BulJdlnc and 81fety 1polce1man Ro1er Williama told a Cit)' CouncU commlUM Tueed1y tbe number of deatbl were dependent on •ucb faeton u the 1treqtb, epicenter and Um.1n1 of a quake. WUU1m• told th• C!OUDC!ll'a BaJkUq and Safety Committee hl1 fl1urH were ba1ed on MudMI bJ 'tbe U.S. 0.oloclcll Survey. Water A1bntos·c~ment pipe poaes "ab1ohuly no health hazard" to the water aupply. an official of the Men Consolldated Water Dl•trtct allld today. Aaalatant Nana1er Carl Kemp said In retiponae to rumors about the p lP4! be ing la id In Costa Mesa that this type of pipe ''has been lnve atlga ted and we 're pe rfectly aalhfl ed that tt'a aafe, aa is the health department, the county and the atat.e." • Th~ pipe contains less than 20 Jlt'rcent ruibestos, Kemp said. lie ~aid the asbestos ftbe rs are locked ln ao that. accord.1n1 lcJ atudlea b y t h e American '.Vaterworka Auoc latlon and c.thera. they c an't break IOOM or d !terforat.e out into the wet.er 1upply. Kemp uJd he has h eard or c l :le s with a s b e st oi. con\aminated water s upplies but that ln the cu ea he 111 familiar with the contaminant came from ll naturaJ aabest.oe supply ln lhc ground. As bestos has bee n impllcatc-d us a cancer c aW1lng agent and a contributing fa ctor , when In h a led , to 1u~vere lung disease. Gary Yum11moto. an auoclat1· s anitary e ngineer w ith the slalt• Department of Health. aaret.<d tha t the plpe11 a re n 't dangerous However , h e cautioned that the asbes tos cement pipes a n · i.tlll being studlt.'<I because of lh1· dungt.>r In some 11oft water u e<J ... thu t the cement cover couJd 1,.. eorroded away I n Sout h t> r n Ca 11 f o t n I :1 Yom1tmoto 11u1d, the wa te r Is full •if minerals und won't corrOCI•· the p1pt.,. · M o~t of th1• v. utt•r here will leav1· i1 d1•po!11t JU'lt thl' 011 pol'l ltt• .-ff1·c·t l'>e<·lluM· th.-r• ,11 t· loo muny m1n ~r11l'I,·· h1· l't •' lff H1• :rn1d no r uM•ii. urt• kn()v.11 wh1•rt· IJl fH'' h11v1· hN·n c·t1rr11fl1-1J :111tl ',., • .,,.,,.ti ,1".ht ··th'> ir1t11 th• wutrr Kt•mp -1 a1d ui.l>t-11lo ' 11·n11·n1 111111· 11.1\ 11 •pl;111·tJ tlll' 11111 ,11·1·1 plpt's worltlw11l1· b1·c·uu,1· 11 1•. le11i. l'I UIJJt'l't to nrtl11111r }' 1111 r nsaon und 111 rn1J1•· fl1•x1 l1l1· :111d (",1i;1t·r l•1 11111tull Gold Price.~ Hit $311.62.5; Dollar Holds LONDON I A P ) c;old hit a recor d $311 625 un ounr1· 1n Zurtch today. The <t•>lli.lr hl'l1I '>ll·ady After hp.·nlni< SJ t11 S!', h1 J1hn th:10 th{• Tu1•i.cl.1y c lii-.1111.: w·11 ,.,. th1• llft•lfll l>UIJl'.l('nh l1111k off d f':tl1 •r"> -.aid L o11<111n '11 h1 1ot f1 v•· hull11111 <f,.ul1•1l! fi xed thf' mornini.: 11r11·•· u t " rPr ord SJ I I !'.,, ;1 ., fflV ounn -. up from SJIJ:l 1~:,. 'I 111·" dn y nli<ht und S30fi r.2:1 :ii I h1· n pe n lnf(. T he uftc rnoon l1x111~ was $31 1 In Zunch , F.uro pe's h1i:g1•1;t go ld m :1rkf'l. the noon pnc1· w11"1 $309 375 after touchlnJt tl11· 1 t·1· o rd In lat•" m1>rnln" tradln~ T h e IH 1 c• 1 • r 1 c; t' f o 11 o ''""' ti Tuesday·~ suit• o f l(o ld by the U S. T reasury. which fekh1·d a record uver;11oe1· price or SJOI 08 per o unc•e It wwi thf' fl r11t time the auction price loppl'd SJOO A tota l of 750.000 troy 1mnr·1·"1 was sold c Related stor y. Pagl· H6 ) The metal llppeared head~ bock lo the record levels It hit tlunnJ: th1· l:J.,t full wc1•k of J uly A Wl't'k la11•r. however . profit laking and tht-stabilization of lhc• dollar 1•1mtrll>uted to u l>hurp fHll to a round $282 an ounce 1\e WW. W.U •low• J4.IO S-... VI.._ 44.IOIHM .. lt.IO TrtfM .. (Faehlon Frame. Standard S1ze ,.~i ve-year-old Sher vl Berk.or ()( Wt :it Sacramento can't '>t·t·m . to makt· uµ hn mmd if !>h<: t!> enjoying the mus ic of Hick Nelson or not <1t the C<.a lifornta Stall: Fair in ~<.1C'ramcntc1 $168,794 Grant For Airport OK'd 0 r anJ(<• C011nl) \UJll'n l'lfJr• mo\ ,.fl do-.1·r T111·• tl;1 \ 111 ..., 11 .1 """t't \ J'>(H I h•J01<1'> H al1·} 1 ull••tl ,, tl.1 \ 11( tl,.,1-.11.11 1oOoh1·11 tlw \ .1rr •·•·•I ''' .111 1 r•' .1S11;~ i'H i.:1.1111 111r u:.1· in J .lutl> 111 J11 nn Y. ·•>m· \II J>Or\ In '"l'l"•rl 1111: ;11 r • pl :1n1 1· 11( I lw lo(1 u11t. Hile·\ ... 11tl I tlllnk r h•· 1dl0J o( l01mt111utnl( putt1111~ oft ttw tf.n ti( rl,.1·1..,11111 tJ1,. . .,,. t h1•1,, olllj ~00) "I t111n t think 11 h•·lp-, !">.' .. ...,,,.,,, H1·ud1 I don t think 1l 111·111~ th•· l11111rtl of Su1,.·1' 1•«1r'> un cl I tltJfl l 1111111. II 11,•lr" th•· ( 11U lll } 11( ()I ;a 11 J!f • R 1J11v h:i\ 1•ypl:dn"'I thI1I h•· V. ,lllh 111 J!••I llfl V.tlh ,1 rTl<1 ... t1 I 1il .1n 11( 1111• a1qp1111 ,, plan m 11·11tl1·tl 11111ull1111· ;tlt1 ·rn.1t1v1"•1 f<lr llw .11111t1r1 •,I 111 ur• A111I th1· 110:.inamou-. \•111· th.it l11 ll11v. t<<I hl!i c11mment1o 111d1cutec:l 11 .... four follow supervuw rs aN of tilt· .,amt· mind W ht-n the Federal A vlut1on UAW Docke d For Protest DETHOIT tAP l A-. m •• n) M I ~ mllhon m<·m IH'rl'i CJf tht· l;n1ll'd Autc, W111 kc·rs union &ntt'rruµl1•d work fo r sax m1null•\ todtty to stl(n post card!> to th('1r t· o n g r <'" ~ m l' n u n d t h •· prl'11ldent 1n a C A W ~pcm.sored l'ncrey pr otci.t T h<·1r <'hie( 1·mpln) cri. th1· n<1t1on ·-. Bag Thrf'•• autornakens. plan to do<'k the workers' pay for the li m e 11 pent wrltln1t the c ards -which for six m1nutl'f> would averagt.> KS ce nt1 A nd th e auto companu.•111 refu lied t o perm it r ~ porters and photographer'i Into the plants to watrh thf' "toolc; d o wn" elem o n st r ation . al t houK h 'onw -.uppltt•r pl<inlll did ugrl'<" to r>t!r m1l C0Vl'r81(1.' Ac1m1n1'\trat1<1n l F AA > S lf.k7';4 l'I .1111 I ff•lf•l\t'll It will lw U'>•·cl 111 h1·l1• Pit> for what •·v1·nlu;.lly Wi ii IM· J ,.1112,:J?{J UlrJ>Ort -.tudy 111.11 'IUth ·.1ppr1Jv1·d 1'.1rl11·1 th1" ~1.,11 l1y ''ll1p1•rv1.,.ir-. will '''' r·r 'lta·h 111rp1,rl f1:11·1·I"> .,.., 11111 1·. l:rnd u11t· com pat1htl1ty .11111 1· .1in1<'1ly H .11J l<tl•·y a n d h l11 f<·llow 11,JI'( \ l'>f>I '> \<111t'd t() rPJN•! llll..' FAA l(rnnl 11 would h:ivc· <fr I.I\ ••11 •:l"lltnM ltlf' st ud y PrrJJl'<'I lln•h'r ...,11~ l;111l1•l' tf'rm-. of th1· 11.1 ant u11.rt•t'mcnt, the ~tud y 1ir11J t·1·t " f1r-.t phabl' m1.111t l(t·l :1turt t•t.l v. 1th1n Ju tl.1y., I IJ1p11111·11t" of tlH' pl:1n had ur )11·d Lh .11 Ua· ~nmt lit: ri:Je<:tl'd 111•11 d1nR f ill m :tl 1nn o r a n :Hl '1\111 ' proup t11 ...,,,rk v.1th <i ('<JO ">U I l.111 t Mo ri• grant money la expectf'<l t o h elp finance the study ''> ">f•('ond µh :J'>t' 'fh u t m eanl> ( 1•tl H <JI money w1 II "u y for up to ~• pC'rc1•nt of lh1· 1·o"t whal e th1· 1 .. u nt \ ' 111r1111rt 1 ntcrprtM' fund v. ill 114· 11•1·tl 11 • llpplv lh1• rt· .. 111 11111111' .i1 JWfl •·Ill Great White .';lwrk Dies in Captive Pool SAN FRANCISCO I AP) -A haby 6(re:.it whtltt l'lhark n etted In the c hilly P acific Ocean oH C'oorth1·rn ('ul1fornia collapsed a nd dhld toduy. less than 24 hourb a fk r at hcean p atrolling 1 hf· wlllt!rs of n s pecially de- ., I K II I'd d 0 u i h nut . II h 8 p e d Jlj 11 oJ rl um Aquarium '>)>111<1•1.womun Pam W 111~ 'IUld » 1>t u (( of If) /'>C'l<•nUs llr ;incl four volunteer!' t r ied t.o get 1 hf' 200 pound . fl foot 4-ln t'h l1·111.il1· .,hurk lo "brtiathe " thr oui,:h th1• n1~ht, bul that 1t col· l.q,..1·.t :11111 ··drowned" s hortly hdort· duwn. C•....._'wt.t &AIC ... ,,.._h , .... Atlfltett ant _, UltHlllllC ...... .. , ... .,.. ..... ···-........ ......... gl··gpy11:AL FACTIJRY ' 250 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa • Hlllgreft Sq. 642~4630 • Weekdays 9-5:30 Sat. 9.3 .. . . ----- STOCKS I BUSINESS Wednelday'• NYSE COMPOSJ'f'E 2 p.m. (EST) Prices TRANSACTIONS .... ,. .. . .. . .. " 1• lO 1" ),' .. ' . 17· .. n • 11 • 41'•1 0 11 11 ,, ... "". }j ... ' ~ DAIL. Y PILOJ 87 s Business Booms Ollisiae Borders BJ MILTON MOSKOWITZ rr you stripped a lol of American companies of thei r United St.ates sales. they wouJd still rank u fairly hefty corporate beasts. More than 20 companies bave more aales outaide the U .S . than lo it. loeluded are Exxon. IBM. ClUcon>. Colgate-Palmolive, Gillette and Black & Decker. WlULE IT'S TaUE 111AT ()THE& countries have their international behemoths, no nation hu u many com- panies active in the international a rena as we do. American brand names are commonplace across lhe world. Just how big the overseas saJes of American com- panies are was made clear te<:enlly ~Y Forbes magaz~ne, which compiled a list of the ISO largest U.S. multina- tion als. Here's the roster of the top 10. ranked ln order of their sale1>out.side the United States. l. Exxon, $44 billion; 2. Mobil. $20.4 billion; 3. T ex · aco. $18.9 billion : 4. Ford, $14.9 billion; 5. General Motors. $14.1 billion; 6 . Standard Oil of California, $14 .l billion; 7. IBM, $11 billion; 8. In· ternaUonal Telephone & Telegraph, $10 billion. 9. G ulf Oil . $9.2 billion, a nd JO. Citicor p, SS I billion. Exxon. the leader, does 73 pc1'cenl of its Money Tree salt~ outside the United States Texaco does 66 percent , St andard Oil of California 61 percent and Mo bil 59 per 0 <'ent The gasolint.' pumps Y<1u sef' here arc only the tips or thest• corporate 1cehen(" Of th«> top HJ multin<1l1on ats. only fo'ord <And G M cto more business al home than they do a t1road YOl' SF.F: SO" E l ~TERESTING relahonsh1ps when you look dt>~f'I ) al the multinational roster For example Gennal Motor-; sc•lls twice as many rars as t 'ord does in the Cn1 t1-d St<1lt'"· but once you le&ve these s hores. Ford 1s thl' ltadN Th.it '-; dut> l o Ford :-. ma1or manuiacturi n~ facilities in Unt:.i1n and Germany In Gt!rmany. G M 's Orx!I wo rks gwe fo'onl a run for IL'i mon~y However , in Brit<tin F'or11 ha'> cmn~<.>d a~ th1: top auto r;iro<luccr. far outdis tam: 1ng the G M unit. \'auxhall . Anolht>r c·xamril•· Cvlt{<ste·l'almr1l1ve, whic h get~ druhb<.'O regula r!~ in lh•· I·!-, by Pro<'ln & Ci amble. doe-; morl' l)us inf.'?>!i outside thi· Cnill:d Stale'> than f'&G Thar" becsiu1>1~ 1t st;u1t·d murh 1•arlwr Thl' only 1wo L ~ rct :olt·r'> hd\\' m dJ<>r 11pcr<it1r,n.., O\'l.'rst·<c> On•• 1<, Sear.,, Hr*bu1·k. our la r gest reta iler, who!>e non r • S -.<ii i·.; tot" I $2 )j hilhon And the other is I· W Woolworth. "'hos1· non r· !-, -.:,11~'> tOtal $2 billion, mo!>t ly 10 llntcun. v.h•·rt· II~ \IOfl'" h.J\I' b<:cn de~cnbed a!'> part or th1• v.ork1ng t'lns~ fohnc· OTHt:R l .~.COM f' A~I t;S WrTll ..,1gn1fu::ant:.ale~ over seas inC'ludt· Cl'ncr'41 Elcl'tnc 1$4 3 bllh'>n ), f)ow Chem1ral 1 SJ 2 b1 llwn 1. X 1· rox t $~ 7 h11l 1on 1. u u Pont 1 $2 5 t>1llwn1 ;.md Coc•a Colet 1$1 9 t.11lho n T heir l ' S sail'.'> enuld 1•v:.iporate and they 1,1,uuld !'>t1ll rnnk i\mOn~ 1h1• ""''rid r<1rpor<itt· he11 vywe1ght.., OR~NGE CO;•TNT~ I I 1,.. ,,.,J 1 I \ ) I _.; l Philip J . Salvati, Irvine. h~ tx>en promoted to sen11)r \'l t'l' pr es1dcnt·m a nagem ent s upervisor at Cocbrant' Cbue, Livlng1o1ton & Co., Inc .• Irvine advertmng, pubhr· relations a nd markt•t1 ng fi rm Ile ass um('s ;i c1d1t1011al agency adm1nlstra t 1\" responsibilJtJt-s and t•xpandl'd ad vertising ac<'ount S(rCJup supt•rv1111on lie Joined the comptiny in 1972 as director 11( communicatwn..., :.1•r\1n ·-. lit· advancL"'<i t1' account l.\ ccut1n· in 1973 . lo ;Jr('oun l -,upt•n.1~or 1n Hl'Tfi . and lo v1n · µn•s1t.h 'flt group su11v1\1:.or 111 W77 • NCM"f W. La ne Ill h;.i'> l><-cn ;1 pf>Otnl1:d '1n· IJrl'!itdcnt 11( thl'S~ioGroup, In int• lie has hL"t'n with thP rompuny rnr tJ Yl'ar a nd ..,a ::. pn• v1ously cmployl'<I ~1th Warrt·n Pr(JJ)t'rtw:. &nd Avco Com munlly l>N'cloper.!>. I nc In addition tQ rc:-.pons1t)IL1t11.:s for purt'has1ng and t'on trac t und in:1uranrc adm1n1-;tr<1t1on, he d 1rt0l'ls day·lo-day operation • Randy T . S mith, L<Jguna ffJlls. has bet'n named prc!'>l dl'nt of Pltr~~ Brothe r s Mortuaries headquarterc<I 111 North Holl ywood. llt> is for mer manager and d1 rt'ctor. Mortgage l n V(!~I ing Service of Pal'1flc M utual L1Cc lni.urance Co . Newport Beach. • ...... ::=:., ..... ..... au.,..._ ClllltT w ,.,.. HA'9WCM.f .... IA"9 , ... «*Mn ....... . HeA•tNO O&f H I " IA IM Men .... tM IU•I• •I c••Ol1 .. t toe.,, OK-...... o .. _..., ....... ,, .. iw-. IMl•l"I! f I-._.;I'~ .... M id _. t -I .. t1i. -(I .. ~\ lfl llW Ufflte ef ,.._ (I ... "' V--•"Ille C-1 • i. ....... -.. ""-·~ .. ""' • m .. • o _, .. ,.,., oo:r • l" '°' 'tOUht llltQA()IW&Y \Ulll Ill 1n ... '""' fl#\llO ~· .. '"I~ .. ...,.. .... c-·· _,. """"' .,., ... ".,,. ,.. ... ,. .... ol ....... _, O' I"'-·~ In •II ,....,,._ 0.-t N\I U.11• r ll<M "'eli.f\ ~.......... Id ••let• -1\ ""4 I l\.n,. ,.,., •• ,. &lel..,t ••"' --.,._,, • ..,. .... , PUlaU(' NOTI<' t• li&AM TII -•t •1<.l1~aVtt•lU f "'-hifkM Of'• ... ., '' UiiM"'t W \t f'elo\ ., 1. " 1 ,.,_._ in u........., ........ c. .. ~ • .,.,. • ••• "\ l ••"' UJ Utt tt••O t•¥1f'-<-.. •'°"'44'. .. ,,.. '"'' bt# .. ,..n t\C •~-0¥ •.n ••l Ol••(h,14 1 11'-tf•' l .... "" l f\1\ \\•I.,....... •• f1 ... •ltf't I~ ( Uvf'I t C '-t\i VI l)t.,... f Y'W"\•• "" J\14" ,. "''' ... ., .. P\l(if1"""'° ().,,.,.,. ( f.Hl\t ('eUl' f~1lut AW(f I I II 11 .. ,. ,.,.,, P BUC NOTI('£ Cl'~ll tUl'lllOll COU•T O• TMlt U A Tl CHO CALlfiOll•fA l'Dll TMI' GOV•TY 0 1' CMIANGI ... ""*"' NOTIC I O fl MIAl l •O OP l'ITITIQot -l'll~TI 0 1' WILL A•D 1'0111 LI Tila$ TlnAMI!• TAll Y ANO AUTlfOllllUTIO• TO ADMl•"ffa U .. Ola T MI INDll'INO«•T ADMINISTIATION 0 1' llTATllACT E•l•I• ol ELLA MAC \TLVEN'> ••• [ l l A M \f EVEN\, ~••w<I HOTl(f ,I\ HEA£BY <illlt. H t ... I' 11[ f TY I' BAOOK\ M\ 11~ l•o.r•in • pel•ttO" to.r Pf""ObMe of WHi Mld fOf 4-•Ht"r\ f~tM'nf!nt.-y ltfld ...,,h<H"lt• l•on lo -•lor tt.. e•tei. -""' tn()e:P*N)llftt AOmtfthlr•ttOf' Of ('\t•tf:\ A<t '*'•'""""'"' to wtu(f'I '' mMJ.,. to. lurtf\.H pertKvlM'· .-no tP\4't IM ,,,,.... •ncJ pt.c: e of M•'1nQ I ... "'-"'"' "4\ beol> V'I IOI ~oml»t II, 1q1', •t 'O 00 • rn , 'n Uw tou.rtrorwn of Ot"Pt'r t mtnt Mo J Of wtd court. •' 100 <~••u t tnhH O+'I~ We~t. 1n thw (1fy of ~nl• ,.n•. C-eUfotntA V •l•O .&UU\1\1 11 1~19 11 l & KHAN( ti coum1 c1 .... WILLIAMV tCMMIOf )6' ~ .. ~· 0.. , ... -New,..rt-..i,CAn.660 f ol lllO-.cu1 Att ..... y .. _t_ P,.o .. .-o. -<..N•t o"'ty 1·11n1 ,&°"' 11 ll, 1'1, IY/'I 110 I• PUBLIC NOTICY. CP wt MOTl(f. TOCllEDITOll\ 'ul't 11101t cou11r Of '"" ~TAU; Of'CALlf'OllHIA ,0 11 THl C,OVNT'fOFOllA"Gl. ,_y<lllf ... ,_ OI .... Mtt t•i'I it\ •• , ... , .... • lhu '°"' ,,....,,.,.. ... , •fl ft• OW 111 ti ......... ...._ .. ""' "" .... . I f le.t I.A, )I ,.,. .. .,. .... h fhf't• ... • ,, .... ,,. ~·d(,.. ......... D IOlAlMIM•lllY A""''"' Oii ~-.. , ._, '-' .. 111 Le•A_... (&-II .. 110ih ,._,. O• ~ ( ~,.\.t li•Hw •~t~t t...,. t t ti II I•" l~\e 1• .. ueuc NOT1r t: w"' "'°" cov•i Oii' '"' \f&fl 0 ' 'ALIN>llNIA •O• rMI COUNT\' 0 ' OllANOI •• A llUtt N O flC( 0 1' .. 1A•1•C. O J l'I. TITl()Ot "()It l'llOe AT I. 0 1' WIU & .. O POa LfTTla$ ffUllUlll M T&I V AND AUTMOallATION TO AD M I N l\Tl!ll U MOfll TM I! '"0' "'"oe•T ADMl•ISTllATIO" 01' l\TltTU.ACT l \l41t• (;I ltl llAN G0<.HENOUll, ••• 1 11 1 IAN I l)()('ll(Hf)\IH •1l41 I II t t&N N C..OC HCNOUll ••• I II I IAN NltUMAN t.OCHE.HOUU, °"''•• •d N(ll 11 ( " 111 Ill tlY L llll H 1"41 I (11JI\ I NAUMAN JH h"\ lllM hrtr.-1'' • pMlh()ft fO• IJ•otHl• ut Wiii ""'J lur ,, . .,.,...,. • of I wtt•r \ J ,.,,.,,1.,. l•r f 'o '"" ""t1l11Jnf"r find '''' Aut "''' ., .. '°" to Adm1nt\ho utldor'• Ow ln()fttfJif'~t 4dm1,.,.\trttHon °' ( ''•'•' IU I f Jlr'-'04tt t °"""" ~·1 •I -wql, ,.,. t~r•m:,, to W'hl< n I\ 01..0,, tor tu1 It;,., P•""<"'~'-'· nnd tnnt Owt 11m .. •f\O 1>4•• ''' n.a•lno ,,,... WNO~ h.-. f'Mtoen "°' f(Jr \.IAfl"fnbH • tt/~ At t() 00 4 "' In •~ 1 Ovttroom •J'f [)ftp.-rlm.nl Nn ) vt W fd C'OUr1 A'I /00 t ,,.,., ( ttnt11ot 0 th, .. W w\t tn th~ ( 11 t #Jf ~ttnt• An• r.-1111,rnta U~l~rt AU(JU\t 11. !VIV I t L A IHlllN( II <oun•t rH1>,~ ta IC A Nf.LW)N Ul N_ .. _lll•d '""o * GleM•le,U t11t'I TOI UIJI 10· .. 1' °' 140~ Aho1,..y-P .. 11- '"•l>ll\""° 0r""lt10 ""'" Oelly PllOI AU<J I), l•.».1~11 JIO ff PUHi.JC NOTICE MIUV f ICft TIOV) IU\Ufl \) N-l U ATt.Ml NT ,.. .... ,,. . I ti V t 1. ',Ml f tf I fl1 1)11 t N• A tOO'tU ft1t'°• r ',H1...,t ( ll'dA Mt "" ( AllfOt f"h•• t "I I•• t> o f H f l f H C" 0 l l t •; 1/(11'1 i q ( J' I y Dr-t••'"""<S /\Mf J#l(/\t4 ',f ANf1AHh , IN( •t •4t')ftl"'f t'.Hlf.#f .. '(f,tVINtt>ttu (Hlo1t#,it11 ''Jl'f111j11t1•.n ~ 'lb •I +f>lh • ,.fj,f,,r•.t,t tn.. .t'Jll'V""n..ittfM"'d O.t t·,...nl ~".,., t th•,.,._ '4•,. f ·•• U)OI• ff"1 ... t 4111 ""'""""" ~'lVlnQ I '"'''" Mjtl11n \I r h1 ,,.,.,,......,,I\ C' trh(~" h<fl .,, •". ,, .... '--"'" (tfo••-Ot'"' ,,, .. ,. 'lU•'• ,, •• , f lh •~•f1tl1t"1 /\,.....,.l(ftn \l~fd 1111 t•.11• I A 'S*tt4n '1tf"'1 rt.,,,, .,, ,,, , .. ,.Y .. H UW Hl w ith /\ ........ ,.,'-"' ... Ht I rN ""''. ·'·"' f "'''"' h--·f ,,.j ""~ vii f "' • '"" .. '" ttf ""'"' I JI,,, ,. ''" ,,,. ,., P •ww d "''""'If•# •iHH • ut ,,.,..,., f t .,.,,..,., r It tto ,,. t '' ,.,~,_ I '"""''., 9#\ luly W u • li'n ••t rllN CH I I-AN l1f tt•f()t4 tlJ 1'f/t t ,/fJ '•·tftn Otn..ttl"'"' f~1\I f11f1t.,. •",. JI .•• ,..4'A."9t (ftflft;rn1111t'°l//f{1 •"''" ....... , , ... ,,,, .... ,.,. ,,,,,1 o"'''' ~ .. j,, ,, •n• l•i·"' ... ,,, ftVt.•'-•••,\ "' ,,,,. 1J•• Avu11 11 11 11 ..... , f I•' •, ,.,,, lfl• ''•t;i•u •I m flll rn.tflf•f \ '" q,uf\1MJ I• J1 I I /'t 1i11r •If "''"",,.._.• nt-'f"lt .,.11tun tQtu .......... ,ti•• Ill>''"''""°'""""''"' f'llBl.I<: NOTICE ftt ,.,.,,,.,. f,.,.1,.tJ Au'fU"t 1 tQI• U(Jltl HI ((JI 11' 1 11 ,., f .. .._.ffOfJert (. t.VA-•.,v C-lllOt ol lhe Wiii OIUw-ne""'° --J-.... -.. •llfOIL & A•OfllWHI •tMN _., .... •u '41!0te "'-• CA ft1W Fl( Tl flOVS llU\tHf'\) NAMt SfAl£MIENT f P,ft tottQIWtOQ ow.on t\ OUl"'U Ow\I n•\\ ., llUY!>ER'!> APPLIANc.E, lil~A !>leler H......,l>Qton "--"· c..llloml• ,, .... , 00" J ,.,.,, '" Ur own. ••9'7 I I\ n \Ofut k, HunUnvton fMiet_h, C_.ltotftt• "16•• h i f 11•1 ,,.,,11 •tteir,..yt•E~ f h1\ bU\trW\\f\ tot'WJuthtO b'I 1tn tn• PUOM._ 0......,. (.,(M\I O"ny Pl>ot tJl.,IJyol Auu 1\ II ,... YClt ~ ,._,t, ,.,, ,.. f~u·. -~.:::.: ..... ·,::f'j:: ftluO Wiit\ ttlt YtJ8LIC NOTIC'f: NOTICC TO CIH'OITOllS \UPl 111011 COVIH 0 1 '"' HA TC 0' (Alll'OllMIA ,OR fHT: C.OVNTYOJ OllAMO~ Ho A •74'\ I IJl#f11Y I h ,a fj f (}tlltt~ (.~II ftf\ .. ,.,..,\, ''· '"'' J 11hl1.""1tr-•"'I' fu.t·t 0 .. 11., 1-'ilot, .411u f), /I l'•-"'J ',r11I I. t"Uif JI \) l't PUBl.I(' NOTIC•: Temper Rose Q: f rud • ._ ... c;ta• t.aJMrtaW•. •• .... Mfllf' yt!8n ep, aMHlted ~ C'9ftH'n of a plMl&e• 1nplwlr. Wlay'r Whit did he cto &o IMtrT -llln. Dom c· .. aic••oect. Ve. A 1'b(~ '" .. 'l'lnt& paperauJ tneeked IA abot from ~hind l.ollohrll(ld• a rtC!r hC!r mini ftll lrt had 11pht up Ow bad 1 It e~l)OM(J not only her der r1ere but .ii w:u&lichlly rl!J In hur 1mntyho1u~. She w aa o r1p11111l( mud ahc lhre atf'f\4.'(l lo Arntujh the photo 1itr1pher'a 1·¥rner• and C11ce But (;Ina c·ooled orr lllld lhc olfooder •lunk orr Q: AIU!r U a Taylor married Eddie ...w.er aad f O•vMi41d &o J..cialAm, all her movln we re baa.ed In t:fYP'-What o&Jte r a&at1 we"' baaaed at U.e llmf'. Or. Mf'yer 8 ., Gre1t Nf'<k, N.Y. A .. ·runk S1n1t lra. Jer ry Lewis, Danny Kaye, l'trnl Nt:wman and h11> wife J oanne Woodward, 'Glad You Asked That' Sammy D1:1Vlh Im el Juli ette lirero. T he Arub Boyt:ott of lilr1:1c•I office to Cairo compl1t10ed tb11t lhestt 11t.ars were eit her Jewish, sympalheUr to lsruel, mem bers of organ izations wh1<.'h <.'ontnhut ed l<Jrf.(c sums of money to Israel, or Look part m a nti Arub r.lm11 Q : I hear that "Gallf'ry," a glrUe type of mon· tbly mal(azlne conducted a survey to name I.hf' 11bye11t 11tan1 In s how bwilae-ss." I ~t Howard Cosell wouJd win that honor. How did be and I makf' out'! -L1wrf'nce Bester, Pittsburgh. A You both ran out of the money' Humble llowurd didn't <·vt·n make the· hs l The winners . h owt"v<'r. anc lutlN.I Woody Allen, Johnny Carson. Carol Burnell. Uarhar a Wailers, lngnd lkrf.(m itn a n cl Warn·n Oc•a tty, umong others. Psycholog1stl'I agret•<l tht• cho1cc·:-. were b11s1<·ally mtrovf'rls who rovl'rt-.1 lhear bashfulness hy tum1n14 l'JClrov1•rl onct• lht·y had this t ru1l bc•hmd ma keup <~: I oace be1rd that Laurence Olivier was so 11uperl'1lJtJou11 lhat Jr ht> littll . black cat the nl.chl or a pt"rformancc, It throws him off. Anything to thu? Mrs. J C"rry Martin, Las Vegas. A Not at all Sir L1t0n·n<.'c pndc1> himself on huvmi.i no l'luperst1llons what.v>ever "I ulways d1· ltbl·rnt1•ly walk undc·r a luddcr." ht• lir1:1 J,!S "I s pout hnt.'1> from · MaC'hd h' l i.uppotH'tlly a Hntl!'ih IH'lor's most lcr rthlc JtnX) I don't 1-(111•· a damn." he :.hrugl'I Q : Wa1m 't ll ('harlle Cbapljo who hurl~I th .. fir11t pit> in ~meone's face en a movit' lo l(d 11 laugh ? Me l LM-1111, Long Buch, Calif. /\ No. It was 1>alent film 1·om1•d1t:nn1· M uti._.I Norm and The ~tory has al Uwl :.ht-WIJ!> '>llt1ng on :i ben..t1 lt'·s1 d(• a <'Ul'llard pw lhal two s tai.:•· 1·arpcnlns ha d hrought an with lh1·ar lunrh She· w<111 wat1·hmg rros:-. 1·yed l'Omu· lkn Turpin uns ut• ccasfully trying to J.!t•t <s l<1ugh 1n a stcn1· So, lo lie hel,rul. M<it>f•I pH·ked UJJ 1111· pit· <1nd thr<>w 11 Hm a1·k into Turpin " fare A .. tws f'Y'"' emcrgrll Crom I h<· mu.'>hy rnt·s ... the· ,,.,.,pit• on th•· .,ct ro<1n·d with laughtl·r And p11· m th1· c}t' rum1•dy .v.as horn S"1v1 your Qtw:ShOTU '" 1111 ( :ardnn. r;lad You Aakt'd 'l'hal," l'Ore 11( lh111 n~irpaper. I'() lloz 11 74H. Chir aqo. 111 611611 M nnlyn and l/y r ;ardnt-r wall an.TUJ('r <U ""'"" qiu•:sllona o' lhey can an tht'lr rolumn, l>uJ the i..olunu: o/ matl mukt·a pcrilllnal rn71he:s 1mpos:n/1k Impersonator Sued NEW YOHK CAPI f'"c mule im persona tor J im Ba iley whose campy 1mpt>r:.onations In · <'luilt• Judy Gt1rland, Carol Chunnang and Barbra Stn·uinnd ha:-. IJccn s ut'd for Si m1llton by ha~ formt·r manager. '4ho clt11ms breach of contru('l P UBLIC NOTIC•: l'ICTITIOU\ .u ,u•E\\ NAMI: \TATl[llllNf P UBLIC NOTIC t; l'l(TITIOO\ BU\INlU N&NIEUATfMl Nf I '••• ··• I t•u •' 1' t-• ~•trtTI00\80\tfritC'\\ lP'I• lullt>••no i;e-''"" '' r101no ROlll .. 1'.0t4 0Nu"•l1 HAM(""'" Ml!N r OU \•l\•h ., l he f'1ltOw 1nio P.t\.On\ •'4t 0 0•"'9 bU\HI'°\\ -~ "'o ru t ·~Ht Ml t\Y t.tvr N "' HH f ru ,,, ... ,.,.""'""'"If',, dOinoQ bu•• f-LUIU •O•lll INLAR (J(\IV N, <r•O•t0t\Of t""•1Jb0v-•'""''""dd1t td•'" n.._.,,._... ll10l """'" \/i\1•, O•n.t f.l urnt . th1Jf ... 11 r•n4~\ t11twulQ t 111""" fUJ11H1•,t M.&PU'4f A~YX tAf f ~. O\ )O'tn (•hfornt•V11>~ ,,. ,.,,d <N'"'°""' ,.,. 'fi>U"Httrl fr, fllti \t !>u1t .. 1•. N•w1>t1r t U•••h, Vernun P.wt J~. ))101 ~W '"*"'" wun ,,_. flllfll1 ,.,, .. , 'f 'llJVI hittt\, in C.•lllOfn•• t?Mil Vt1't., 0 -'W Po•,,., (A11tc>rn1• .,.,. ... Hfftt• at u. '""'" l'M '"" .. 00Vt'I ... , h>n H ~rf_)("-""' X>/ l u.~ . .zr•. f f'lj \ °""''-'' ,, <.6"i0u<t.d by -" HU..O '°"''·Of to Vf tl"'"' ,,..m, with Bait>',.. (A41torn.•W661 lncUvld\NI ,,.. n•• fll\Wt'Y vout tl .. ,, If'} '""' un f P'll\ t'Ahl'Wt'\\ I\ (Of'M)u(.lld by • .,.,.. V•tf'Oft JClfW'\'\Ol't O.r"O""" •110100 ..... 1 .. MOf'tl(" tttvtJ' l!IYld u•I 'llt' '''" ........ ' •• , """' Wiii\ lho 'U•I& •00 l O\ A'IQot-., C.•lllntnlA JOI> H o ... ,,Kll41' (.A)unly Cl .. ~ QI Ot•1>Ulf (.oul>IV un "VO'I .......... ""' P4"<• o• l)u>1n• .. \ UI lhl~ .... t..,,,..,, ... , lllM "'"" '"" A"9<'•1 JO.'~'~ flu rrr P r If lo OA"''> PllNCH, ,..,, ll••·--.. """°· p CJ ~· tl>O'I, lrv1nt" l.•llt0tn1a t"?llJ HudW'I fl 'MUttll 1111 ~rwt l-. t4-t l;.~1' (,oltlOf'"'" •1..0 ll«l>•rd l M<Ad •m J O) o~nhlirooo, CorOl'\90.1 ,,,.,,.,_ (•h•01nt• 1111\ ft.U\·1ne--\\ ., t o"<'-..<.t•d bf • QefWt•I p.itftM~IC> ·•-8 ......... l h i\ \IAlwnent WM \ filed wUh lhilt tou1111 11••• of O••ftOe (ov1>tv on A Bot Tf•,. Australian stun~ m u n Grant P age bums up <Jftcr settm~ him s elf on fire for t he upcoming movit· "City on Fir•" 111 New York. Page d id not us e p rotec t iv e <illtn ·. hut onl y a substance from lhl' ~<JP of <J tree thul rt'durL~ body ll'mpcrat urt· 4 Films Set By Stigwood NF.W YOHK 'iAl'J F ilm anti rc:<.'ord mogul Hot>.· rt St 1~wo<"'1 :-.ays hl' plum. 11n IM month, f1wr film pr<id ut·tlon 111111. 1r1 N1·w York City bt:ginn1ng ltl Od.ol~·r The movu'lS will <'arry & t.ot&I hudgt>l u( $25 miJIJon and art-t·X peclt>d to 1•mploy more lh<tn I ,000 Pi"•Jllct II 1s SlJ~wood <: roup of C'A"im r111n1c11 wtll produ···· the (aim:. 'T tml·s ~uarl! " 'Thi· f'':.11 , · ' I a r rt n g L a u r 1· n H ;i r a II · J\nl'(l'I," with a n Jo.;1sl llC1rlt·m lo<.' a It' and "Stay 1 n · I\ II vc· " Et:lTERTAINMENT / MOVIE REVIEW 'Lady In Red' A Seamy Saga .,. AaTRlJ'S INl6HJ' n. ..... .--~ Aa everyone knows, it wu the myateriowt "lady ln red'' who • flote1'ed John OiUln1er for tbe FRI at Ch lcaao·a Bto1raph Themle r in July of 1934, hut that's about all mos\ of ua know. Truat New World to fill In the lurid detalla In Julie Corman'a blood ·s tained "The Lady lo Red" -hut d on 't necessarily tru11l the de t a ll11 the m selves, even though the y com e alt.ached to s uch reaJ.Ufe people as Anna S a g e, J a ke Lingl e, Me lvin P urv111. Elliot Ness a nd, of cour11c, Oillinger ACTUAl,LV, J OHN Sayles' fast m oving script play& Uke the s t andard reply to tha t eterna l q ue s tion, "What'11 a nice girl like you dolnsi In a place like th us ?" Polly f''ranklin <P amela "'""'•'. Gol>f~ Dlf•<W .. k• .. 1>1140 1' ... LAO't' '" •IO . ........ , ............. J til .. (M"""' .... \19 ____ , ..... Law!•,...,.. MIT•OCOU>• W-.k'ltM Uil P-• ~ ""-"1", ·~ C-M, I Otl1'9 ~ ......... llObell l40eeft, L ...... . Ht l,...nwon, Gle<wl wu,.row, Roel 0 1t1, ~ ~.(.NI.._,.. 1 IOYd, Olcll 11111 .. r. N-' 0 ... ...,. P-. Alell 11"'1 11-.w.o ·-...... -~ _ ........... . that s he "lak<..-s good ure of her girls. ' Like letting them 1et cut to death by a vicious hood. Whilr there are m ore pay-offs to copa and mob8tera, Anna's place t e ventually shut down, and wom a n 13 threatened with • tradition oo morals charf4 . Even though Cbjcago la de· p1cled as a cesspool of vice and corr uption, apparently It's bet· tcr than Rum1t11lu. It wa1> Anna, the film informs UM, who report· Sue Marunl is introduced as a ed t he presen ce or Dllh.nger to fa rm girl who KCls ca ught up, Ln· t h e i"nt to avoid dt:port.ation. nocent ly. t n a ban k heis t ... Poor Polly, at sc,"f?m11, hadn't the sed Ul'(.'d hy Ch tC ft J:O re porter VilJ(Ut•11t idl'a who m s h e was Lingle I Hobert Hogan J, and .,1,.,.pm~ with wh11Jpt.'d out of th e house by her Hut tht-ex1·cut1on o f Dalltnger fanat1<:'ally puntan1cal fathe r provl·'\ tn bf· the Canal l'ltruw, and M o km~ ht-r way to Chi<' ago, Polly luunr h1-s forth on a life of sht-Cand.11 hon£'11t c mploym1>0t tn rnrn1• on ht-r ow n. And r1:11rly a -.weal shop und as a dimt a· :.ul'c·t•Hsfo lly. t•>f> T h<> Canal !!hot dt1nr1• girl I with a psi rations of '>hOW'> twr hcadlnl( for l'ahfom 1a heC'om1ng thf' n t•x l H uby w1tha \atc•hclful of SIOOIJ1 llh,lhu Kt:t>l..r1. but her f1t"ht atte mpt ut prn<'t·£·ds of a dartn~ bank JOh a n ui11>1gnutaon landH hn in Jtu I t'o r <i gang!itt•r p1l'lur+'. It hru. on a rnornls <'harg(• She buy'> m ort-th1t11 IL'> fmr sh et rt· o f bullt:t.s hc•r fn•••<fom by agreeing tn and blood fl lf>bl track of the t-nln J <'<llhow.c, spl1ll10g lhi· bod y c·ount a hout hc. lrway 1(3ll' with 1mson matron Nan<'y .-'l\hrough 1 An ni· P arsons nnt for h.-nw lr. v<iu undnl'ltand. hut lo muk•· l htn l('> t'il !>IPr ror her ('On -.umptl \t· 1·1·llm i1lt: (f..iuri1· ll1·1n1·m • .ir11 I.Ifft: IN A brolhl'I um't di! sk1tllt'l'> and lw~:r e ither. 1-v1·n thfJUf.th th1· madJm <pl<tyt'<I liv l.tJllt:Sl' f''lt-tl·hl·r .,..1th .in ,11·('1·nt that 1:. ultunatcly 1dent1(1t'<l as Hum11n1an 1 rt·1w:itt•dly 1'11J1m:-. IT Al.SO ··•:ATU Rt:s an ,1•t1111hh111~ um o unt of nudity, ,., 1·n fo1 an 1·x11 lo1tatwn film. :t fl cl J 11 I ,. I h o r a '' f f 11 u r . l1·11 1·r1 'm '. 1t:-. H was wcm r:11rly i\ I I h•· '>Um•· ll ITit', I w11 uld be 1 .. ,, t hJn 1·and1d 1( I rt11ln 't <•'1d lhJt. L111an f111m J hrt•·f lt·ttlown J""' lwf11n· 1 h•· 1'11n1.1". tJ1n""tl}r l.1•""' 1" 'I t·J.~Ul' k•'l'fl' j h1• dl'll<Jl'l lt ~!hl ;incl fllffl).(Uln).( Grand01>e11ing Hill. MlJHHAY -AUGUST 31 & SEPTEMBER I Fashions A PRIVATE & PUBLIC NIGHTCLUB MEWPORTS FINEST ATMOSPHERE THE PLACE TO BE FOR LABOR DAY! 630 N. CENTER DR. ·"' -.. I ~·-.. r. 1-· ··-' . ---·. .. l llOOU UllU lWl IOWllllO& -llllUIOll .... -/11 tA-Ot. """''"'i""' """" ~ ,, Jiii! lRUIDI' l .. MIOI' lll'WPOllf '"'~ ""· ..... ,,.1•-· f.¥t)o" Clow •,.)O «Ill ... ( Jl~I llllA '1.AU ..,., r i "1.r. NOW PLAYING lA MlaAO,a Ofllfl • .. t • M1t4fJ• 'fl t t /Ot STAOIU-.OMYt ... ~••"';• t, I~ 8//0 lllWAQI' lflllTOt CllKOC*l MAfllOfl IUD. otltft ... '.4nU A114 '>40 1444 ()14~ b.>4 2!>~' dlll.tA14 ',jt 1211 the unGef'WOn"<l 11> •II m •ll•I\ po''"'" (<klnly f.le,. <JI 0•-CA<HllY OI> July 'IJi.11 :;~ .. :~ ::.·;:.::, .. ~ ;;:·:. ~·~·~;:; JI, Im rnw ... .:i~·~~.:= ~~,~w;;••,;:,io;, Avou•I >1. ""' CAl'IU;TZ & ICASDA• '""--....... , .... ,. 640-4711 l'ltlllt~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~======:::==::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ puOht t llOfl ol l"*•fW>ltt• l'ubll.,_ Or-C-w °"''' "''°'· Oe1te11~11~;.~~~,., Auo 1.1. u . n. m: ----"-)' !.' A<tn•1nl\frott11 oi tn. - t \f&ltt~ot trw- •tWW n.Mf'l(t Off• .0• ri I •ATZ, \!MOM, WftH & "0aWICM,INC Wlll•••O __,.,, ,., .. \& .... -•• •••d \till•-· t.••A .... lft,CA-1 All .. l'Of fer~,._, l•ulJ"~"""' o--'"'"'Dally P1lo4 AwQ I I I\, 11 l~f~ 1~ 1' PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUJ eu\INl1S$ MAMlf ITATl!MlNf fl\• IOllOWll>O P••\O" h CIOl"O bu\•/'9,'\ft MAllC..Of''!> WO Pl.0, )" !>•n Ml-I Or , --1 69«11, C.tlfOfl>le ""'° M••OO' C-. 3I01 Porlt <inwn Ot ,Cof...,.Oool-,CAlllO<niAt1•H t llh ~~" (-IH by.,, tflelt¥Mtue4 """'11114C- '"" \1.91.-w .. ltlt(I wltll l~ t-•· C••" of 0••11~ (ou<>IY "" &llOU'I ,, ltrt .. ,,.,., l'UOll\Md ()r-C.0. .. O•llY Piiot A\141'•1 I. U, 7J, 1', "" JO\I 1' . ---- PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ... ,,. ft(."TITIOUi llU\INt U N-£ U ATI MltNl • P UBLIC NOTICE l'ICTfftOUS I U\INIU NAME U Af£MI NT '"" IOlluwl"O Qe<#I I\ 00."9 Du\• P UBLIC NOTICE 1 ... 1 .... <.Amu Pul>ll\...., o.-'°"" o .. 1y Pt1cn AUQ n. 7', '>tP4 \, 11 "'' J7"" 1' PUBLIC NOTIC E MALCOUll e OAl T AMnwrt .. U• Oii iiie<-..... ••• ..... Offk• ... Jiit N•"'"'1 -II. C... tJM J Pul>ll\""'1 Or-(O••t IJ•1t¥ Piiot AUQ )), 7', \e"4 \, 11 1'1' JlM 1' PUBUC NOTICE --fllCTITi ou• eU'1NIH MAMalTATILMll•T TM 1011-tt>O ~'"°"' •r• Clot"t ............. \OU TH l A <iU NA 0 11Y(Ll!AH£11$, , .... ~. CH•I .. ..,y , So ~.CA.,.,, Jet1y ........ '"" 111• 0. ........ LOeuN ,....,.., CA m n t. ... """'-• UU1 VI& De MUI, LAtvn• N,_i, CA"''" flll• l>U•IM U I• <-IMd IW • etM'•' __.,.... J .._.. '"" ·~ ••• "'"with .... c-i' CMfa .. Of~ c-ty .., ,.....,.,,..am. ,. ....... ,,_,,.,.. Or .... C..tt o.ilf Pt ... •tit· u, "· ~ t, n, 1•1' *''" PUBUC NOTICI! r Fcatunno Pernell Jonee .... .,.,..otl,,.,_, ...... ..,..._. ....... ._ tlt•J<Nll•"' t ''"' \~"'" ...... ...... ••"°'ttt•to V.t~t\11.• ...... ............. ... '"''""'"'")!"'" _,"-_ ...... ........ °""''"""' .... ~-c..--.,. .• , .. "• '• ...._.,.. e"4..,. ,.......,n_ .......,"' • c1neoome 6 scAeen 634 2553 comPLEX Cf'UC)m•n Awe 4 S4n l4 A,.. '~ ..... <N4~ MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY THE MAIN EVENT" I PGI "OH GOO" "MOO NRAKER" (PGI "COMA" "ROCKY II" 1P01 "MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI" "BUCK ROGERS" (PG) "HOT STUFF" (PO) ""THE CONCORDE -AIRPORT '79" "THE BRINKS JOB" (PG) STRn1um 6scAEE n 6]~ 1860 DAI VE·ln I• 'I It'. "BUCK ROOERS ANO THE 26th CENTURY" (RJ "STAR WARS" "CORVETTE SUMMER" (PQ) "SUNBURN" "BARBAREUO· (PQ) "MEATBALLS" "WHICH WAY 18 UP?" (RI "HOT STUFF" (PG) "CALIFORNIA SUITE'' "THE VILLAIN" (PO) "THE CHINA 8NYOAONI· Ka, ...... .. 14 .... ... ~'-&.. D•tY .. lfllt o-tN ... PM....eft'LY ~aeu....11• ... w ..... ~..,, __ -