HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-07 - Orange Coast PilotYouth Cheats Death f;RlDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 7-, 197' ...._n. ... mL•M~• ..... 11 Only ·to Die in Crash • Dean to Meet 'Deep Throat' • Monkeys Try Kidnap of 2 Boy s • Pastor Poses as Node Photog • RB Man's Killer Gets Life Term Drop Objections ' •• I ' J eweler Slain Kifler Gets . .. Life Te rm R o be r t Edwa rd C rane, c o n v i cte d o f murd e r ing Huntington Harbou r Jeweler Wa yne Golin during a 1978 robbery, wa s se ntenc ed T hur sda y to li fe in prison without possibility of parole The sentence came as no surprise to the-tall, sandy-haired tattooed defendant who had been Pastor Poses As 'Playboy' Pbotogr~pher MARSEILLES, lll. (AP ) -A 25-year-old Methodist minister 1 bas been charged with posing as t a Pl ayboy M agazine ; photographer and soliciting a ~ young divorcee to pose in the nude, police said. Patrick Quigg, of the First United Methodist Church of Morris, was ch arge d with forgery and attempted theft of ~ services from Katherine Newell, %1, owner of Kalie's Florbt Shop in Marseilles. • He is free on $3,000 bond. t AutboriUea said Quigg, a bachelor. bu been an uslatant pastor at the church about two weekl. J im HoJlenbeck. assistant Marseilles police chief, s aid Quin was arrested alter the Oori1t shop had been at.aked out with cooperation fr om Ms . Newell, a ffv•foot, 85-pounder and mother of a 3~year-old boy . • •Qul11 .ente r e d her shop Saturday afternoon to browse around." aald Hollenbeck. "Eventually, when customen bad left, be told her he wu a Playboy t>botoarapbe r on ncadcn anid be would like to t.aM ll&etunl ~ lier la ber abop ud .... ,.n. a. told ..... be W'Uted IOllle Dude SHU ud MW w woakt be pDt •t • ffw ••C' plctare •PP••riD1 JD ...,...,. ... But.a. tald Bollnbec't, Ms. ll•WtD tbeelecJ WfUa Playboy iliDd toundfoli:t Qula .... JllOl Wro1'ltnl m1111tnt. told during a bearing last week that he likely would be given the state's maximum sentence short of the death penalty. Orange County Superior Court Judge William S. Lee denied a motion by Crane to be. released on probation as well as a motion by prosecutor Richard Farnell to give Crane additional prison time for robbery and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. A jury found Crane guilty of shooting G<>tin to ~eath during a r o bbe ry al Leis u r e World Je welers. locat ed in a Seal Beach shopping center. G<>lin , 41 , was married and the fat.her of two children. The same jury deadlocked in a 6-6 vote on wheth er Crane murdered Thomas Cochran, a police informant whose body was found on Bolsa Chica State Beach in Huntington Beach in December, 1977. Crane will be retried for the Cochran murder in November. During a pos t -sentencing hearing before Judge Walter Charamza , Crane said be will plead guilty to a third charge of attempted escape from Orange Couaty Jail in 1978. Judge Lee said that be bad no choice but to sentence Crane to life without possibility of parole because the jury had deadlocked on whe ther the convicted murderer should be sent to the · gas chamber. Crane, who has acted as bis own attorne y thro uch the m urder trial, indicated that be will appeal bis conviction and sentence. ll4¥ 'IV HONOR GR.4.NDP .4.RENTS WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe flrat Sunday after Labor Day la about to become an annual "clar" -Natloaal Grand..,.,....U D•1· J'rMld•nt Carttt. •llDed a proclamatloD Thursday dea11aatla1 U1at day aa an •n•al -."aae• boaorla1 ataadpar••· Tia• propoa&l came to bh deak as a ~~ • ••ia._ __ ' CRASH ENDS HIS LIFE Paul Conger, 18 CmshEnds Teen's Fight For Life By JERRY CLAUSEN Of tM Delly Pl ... t. .. ff The summer of 1979 had been a 1uccessful one for 18·year-old Paul Conger. As an infant , be bad been sent home from a bospit.al to d.le with concenital kidney failure. Deap lte incredible odds, surcertea. infections, pain and 1enera1 weakness, be 1raduated from Huntington Beach High School in June and was certified an Eqle Scout by Boy Scout Troop 1. Leas than two weeks a10. be si1ned up for diesel m echanic classes at Golden West CoUe1e. He was looking fo rward to so m e d ay b ec omln 1 a long.distance trucker. He was driving a truck -hla fa mily's small pickup -last Sunday when a.not.her motorist ran a atop lign, cruhed into the Con1er vehicle and ended Paul'• Ufe. Hla father , Norman, and sbt.er, Anne, were in sleeptns ba11 in the truck'• bed when the car hit them broadside, Hi1bw11 Patrol olftcenl&ld. Norman, transferred tbl1 week toJloa1 Memorial~ from Redland1 Community Hoaplhl. h raported ln utialactary coodltiOD wttb cbelt Udbuk~= ADM a broken collar boot. C1ee PAIOL\', Pa•• A.I) ' ' Family Ple dges Suppor t WASHINGTON <AP l -Both Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's wire and mother have dropped their objections to hi s seeking the presidency in 1980. a spokesman for the Massachusetts Democrat said today. "The family has indicated that they would support any decision he would make ." said Tom Southwi ck, the senator's press secretary So uthwic k quo te d J o an Kennedy, who has been living separ ately from her husband for a vear . as sa ying she would campaign for her husband tf he decided to run next year ag8.U1St P r e s ide nt Ca rte r for the D e m oc r a t ic p r es ide n tial nomination. Asked if Rose Kennedy, the sena tor 's mother. also would ca m paign, Southwick replied : "'She is prelty much ensconced 1n t he Hy a nni s <M a ss .) compound. but she has said that wh atever he wants to do is all right with her." Nelther J oan Kennedy nor Rose Kennedy could be reached for their comment. But both have indicated ln the past they opposed Kennedy's entering a presidential race. Joan Kennedy bas been living in the couple 's Boston home since 1977 and workin1 on a master's degree lit music and education at Les ley-COllege. She and K enn e d y took advantaae of the coni1reulooal recess to spend moat of the month of Auiuat tot•ther at the famllr'• Cape Cod, Mass .. vacati&l bome, Southwick said. They saile d t o 1etber and attended the Robert F. Kennedy celebrity tennis toumaDM1Dt in New York. Ro6ert Kennedy and another brother, President John F . Kennedy, were uauainatecl and a third, Joeepb, w 11 killed in WorldWarO. Despite Edward Kennedy's '8eeT&D, Pase A!) Union Asb Change WASHINGTON <AJ> > -Tbe AP'L·CtO called TbUl'fdaJ tor a ''wbolenlt revampln1" of Pnaldent Cartel'•• volwrtary wa1e.,,rice pJdelllMI into 1 new 1nt1-tnnatton pro1ram fbat or1anJllld labor ml,bt be •bit to support. ' ------__ .. Hairy Kidnap Monkeys Attempt Abduction DURBA:". South Afn ('a •AfJ 1 SI\ monke\'> tned tu abduct two little brother" from J DurtJan yard ;md th t: boys had to be rescued b) tticir mother and ~randmother. the South Afncan Press Assoc1at1on reportt'd toda} Mar ceUe Grey' ltnJ!, 16 month~ old . a nd his 3-year-old brot her. Morn~. wert' unhurt and may ha ve bee n JU:>t prospe<'t1ve playmates for their hairy kidnappe rs But thei r mother, Deborah Greyv hng. wa!> not amused by the incident SHE SAID SHE TOOK HE R !>On~ t<> v1~1l her mother next door "'I had seen six monkeys .,1ttmg on the fence ear her. but I did not UunJc anything or it and left the children to play on the veranda whi le I went 1ns1de to talk to my mother ." she said. "About 20 minutes later . I heard the children screaming and <'rymg and rushed outside to :>ee wh at the matter was. "To my horror. each of my sons was bemg dragged by ~ monkey on each arm. I screamed at them but they contmue<l to pull the kids across the ve randa · SHE SAID THE MONK EYS WE RE bigger than trny l'r1 a rcelle and had dragged tum rarther than his older brother. "'The monkeys were chattering among themselves and the two wtuch were not grasping either of the children's arms were prancing around in deli ght "When m y mother came rushing out. the monkeys tel go and fled into the heavy undergrowth of the empty plot of land next door. "TH E BOYS W E RE UNHARM ED.Jbul ~re terribly shaken." Mrs Greyvllng said She said the matter had been reported to the Durban city police and she hoped the monkeys would be caught. Dean Plam Meeting With 'Deep Throat,' CARBONDALE. Ill. (AP> - Former Watergate cons11irator John Dean says be knows who ''Deep Throat" Is, and plans to meet with him in Washington. PoUlbly today. Dean. the White HOUie counsel for former Preside nt Nixon. addreued a packed boue at the Southern l lllno i s Uni versity-Carbondale studen t ceater Thursday night. Hts speech wu characterised as a c1p1ulbed version of bla book. "Blind Amb&Uon," by at lea.at one oblerver. In a que.1Uon a nd anawer seaaion followlnc the speech. Dean said he bu used a process or elimln•tion ud come \lP with only one name for \he pert0n dubbed Deep Throat . who s ave ln1Jde Upa to reporters durin& the Wale!late lnv•li1at1on . Re ..S• b,e called the mao and told him he knew who he waa and that the man ·'mildly denied it." Little change with the usual low clouds late night through mid-morning then clearing to sunny skies ·and 70s at beaches to 80s mJand . Lo"!'s tonight 60 to 66 INSIDE TOB~ Y Eztra theat ric• at th~ BoWaol &Uet end 25 yeora o/ 1Mlodrama ct t~ Bird Cage Theatn-ar• d.acri"-d on Pao• Cl . , l a tlex \. .ti RM.! e.oy 8 ft!flL lte!tmSpr z. 1m Texans Defeni AlaDlof- , ., AN ANTONIO, Y.u. <AP> Outrapd Tu ... a.re ai• comlQI -to Ute defenM ot ta.. h1llow..t Alamo -Ult. U•• •••IUt Ariaou Oo•. anee Babbitt. W. _.,.. U.. w.onc ~ •1•WIMll Ml that'• Wl"Uftl ln UDJted -.... relaUODI w1tb llu•co. TuH offtdal1 cbutlaed 8abb•tt T ltu,..da1 for hi• remub We4l••1da1 La au Utah, Ne • Aato1lo, •It• of tbe fabled "CT .... at TwMI Uberty " Tt1H Houu .... ~., Blllr ClaJt,Ga .... 1a-. lhoukl ..... .. ll1t owa ..,.., NJat!Gnl wlD If ••ko ...... "111\1 '° '1'nt up emoUw!!..:.:Mt""" MclDI ad ..... ,_.. la~. H ADtoalo att0n•1 Frid Se••• ,...,..ied Babbitt 1tv1 Arlana b8ek to llnico lf be a. IO IDterHt•cl ta t•pro.l•I MX Missile Progr_am OK'd WAS HI NGTON <A .. l Pre11dent Carter aanounced plana today for a $33 billion deployment ol 200 new llX mobile mi ssiles arou nd prote<'ted · ·racetradt · · courses ln the West Ca rte r told reporters the system will aurvlve 1urprlae atla<'k. He said it will be verifiable under arms control agreements , a ffordabl e e nvironmentally sound and consistent with future arms curb obJect.Jves. T he president expressed hope the M X missile also will be "the Bank /merest &de Record NEW YORK <AP) - Several of the nation'• largest bank• res ponded today to pressure from the Federal Reserve Board and railed prime lending rate!\ from 121/• pt•rcent to a rf:'cord 12:Y .. percent The move by the bank~ c·a me min utes a f\e r S('Vf.'ntl other ma1or banks r~11!1cd their prime rates to I 21"' J)<'rcent Rank of America, the nat ion's largest; Chase Manha tta n Bank, the nation's thi r d laraest bank , No 5 Morgan Guaranty Trust Co . No 8 RankN s Trust Co and No 9 Finit National Bank of C hicago all ralaed prime rates a half·JQlnt to 12"'• percent Cas Stations Open; Price Hiked Again ' LOS ANGELES <AP) -More than 80 percent of the gas stataon1> in Southern California will be open Suturday, but the price of gas hes risen an average of 1 2 cents per gallon over last week's prices. According to the auto club'11 w eekly su rv ey relea1ed Thursday, gas prices have lacreued between 22.5 and 24 cents per gallon, depending on t"e grade, in fl ve m onth s . Almost 97 percent of the stationa •re cbarling more than Sl per 1allon On Saturday. according to the 1urvey, 76 percent of the stations. In metropolitan areu will be open and more than 81 percent of the rural stations will be selling gaB Overall, 81.4 percent of tbe ~tatlom will be open, up about l percent from last week. Prices at full aervlce 1taUom now average between Sl .02.• and n .o4.4 for regular, St.07.4 to Sl.09 for unleaded, and Sl.08.7 to Sl.10.1 ror premium. ,. ORANOlOOAIT \ DAILY PILOT ,.,..o,_c..o.i1,,.1-.-........ ,...,. ........... -.............. _.,, .. °'_ Co••• l'vtl4+tl'M"'9C~t' \tH,.•f•tdltf«W9\_.. :.~:".::..=-~::-=-.:~·~ l J•••Y., .. , ltWw ~llM<N-•CMM A -·.....---··--...... ---·· ,,.._..,.. ,..,. .............. "' -............... c;.. •• -.(<lllltf&l••- ,., .. :::1.:. =- Vt<• ..... J.~~-...c .. __ '-••ll-..... ,_.,,,._.. ........... ,_.., Cl!tT.: .. ~_.:.,.::.- f NptloM (1t41...alt ,, __ (_ ...... laat mlllU• 1y1t.em of. enonnous deatrueUv• pottter Lbat we will ever have to bulld." Defense Secretary Harold Brown .said plans are to build the missile <'ornplexea In Utah and Nevada al und11cloaed loc.Uona. AJ t h o u 1h senior administration officials reached a consensus on the plan a month ago, a formal a nnouncement was delayed pendin& a final presidential decision as well as consultations with governors and others in the affected states. Carter agreed with advisers that the "racetrack " option would mirum1ze disruption of the countryside while protecting the l arge new missiles from destruction should the Soviet Union ever launch a surprise attack. The presideqt decided In June to develop tlie 190,000·pound ml11Uea, la r1est ln the U.S . ar1enaJ, but withheld a dectalon on how they would be moved and protected. The approved option would p lace the missiles and their 700,000 pound transporter!> on a sen eM or surface roads. rorming closed couri.es not unlike angular racetracks Each "racetrack" would have a series of 23 hardened,. buried shelters, built on spur roads alone the course Carter said the s helte rs contribute to "survivability" becauae an enemy wo uld have to target ail 23 shelters to enaure aiming at the one containing the M X And he said the missiles could be moved from one shelter to anotJaer dwiAI U.. U• ll would take an entm)' miMlM to reach the United State•. The shelters would h ave special doors that would be opened periodically so Soviet spy satell1tell could ·'look " inside and verify that the United States was not deployin1 more o f the MX m issiles than permitted unde r the SALT II treafy. Carter said the MX ''1s not a bargalnlng chip" lo be bartered away in any future arms negotiations but will repre2'ent a perm anent, "unsurpassed" feature of the nation's strategic nuclear deterrent. He likened his decision in Importance to President Tru m an '• c reation of the Strate1lc Air Command and President Kennedy's lo place Minuteman mlaalles In hardened 11101, now made vuJnerable by Improved accuracy of Soviet mlaalles. Carter attttled that the entire 200-miaalle 1y1t.em would lake only 25 aquare oUlea from public uae. Only shelter 1lte1 would be fenced olf, h.e Hid. Defenae Department plannera ori1inally favored placln1 the mlulles and transportera In co n c rete trenches . T he racetrack option reduces by about 75 percent the amount of land needed and eliminates the alaablna of the eartb'1 1urf1ce. Both advanta1es we re aimed at aaU1fytng state offlclall. , --~. -----..------->Z..---~ ..,. _____ _.....=--_..;:;..;--=....:-:::...:--=---- lJ •• Mates relatiou. Ba.MIH&. a O.s:noerat. made hMI ,....-...,. aa ht adclrMMCI a l-.beo9 llvu In .... hoeor by two llakao·Am.tc .. lfOUlle ••we •uat rou• • ••• Pe I a ti 0 D I h l p b I I •d 0 ft reco1nltlon of llt1lco· H an equal. But tb• Alamo la a 1ymbol ol the problem ln our ret1Uooal\lp wtur"Ve1Ico . a 1uhd 11mbol to THUi ud an Ht.euioa ol the A.mtrlHD Ideal. But to Malco, .lt '• a •11nbo& ot t.trrlto17 lolt. a n.UOO plundeeed b y ov•rbearln• 1rl•10 ~ ... labl*t1Ud. file r'1baUal1 poured lo Th•~· R•Jl. Henry 8 . Oonules, O ·TexH, a1reed from hi• W ublgtm otflce. ·'The Alamo wu • victory for t1M llaltW," Gtt''IM AAd. Breaking New Ground For the first t1mt• in the history ot the Miss America pageant. contestants are being encouraged to wear bikinis for publicity photos Here <from 1.,ft) Jeanne Cangemi of Nevada, Tami Sanders or Oregon and Monica Sk1c.ith1tis of New Jfampshin• enjoy the AtlantH' City surf Nixon Gives 'Sa01' His Goods Back As far as Richard Nixon is concerned, lbe government can take back it.a 1azebo, sewer line, heating 1y1tem and otbtr federally funded alterations to his home He 'll k ee p the flagpole The former president sent u $2,300 check for the nagpole lo the U S Trca~ury Thursday A Suspect Held After Attack With Bottle Newport Beach police said today they don't know wby 11 Pomona man alleaedly 11mashed a beer botUe Into the face of • loul resident Tbund1y night. Ruben Leon Espinoza, 22. waa arrested oo auaplclon ol assault with a deadly weapon followtna the Incident at I J p. m . at a liquor store on North Newport Boulevard. The victJm, Burr Coolt, 24, ol Santa Ana Hellhll, told police he and 1 companion were w1lklng out of the atore when Esplnou 1topped them and challm1ed him to n1ht Cook alleced that the man theh broke the beer bottJe on hJ1 face. telegram, releaiu.-d by Nixon ' otrlce. directed the Gene ral Services Admarustrataon lo c·om•· and get the other alterallona. .. Except for the addition or the nagpole, all those Items were requested by the U S. Secret Service for security purposes a nd the expenditures werf' approved by thP sppropr11tt<· congressional committees," the telegram said. The Senate voted Wednesday lo ur ge Nixon to pay for the Improvements made to hie San Clemente estate while president. The estate has been sold to a g roup o f Oranee County invest.on. Nixon made reference in hla telegram to alleeatlons by Democratic Sens. Gary Hart of Colorado and David Pryor or Arkanaaa that the alterations made In 1969 and 1970 were Improvement.a to Ute property and not jU11tifled for security purpotes • 'Coo11quently. I btreby requeat that all items In question be removed and thal lhf' properly be reetored to al!> original oondJUon with eo day!!," Nixon wrote Nixon and his wire Pal plan ti> move to a New York apartment. probably latet this year ,.,....PflfleAJ FAMILY .•. Paul'• mother, Marie. was rldln1 at his aide when tbe accident occurred on Highway 38 In Meatooe. Sbe 1u1fered only minor tnjurin. She aaid the faguly was returnJna home after a slx·m1le weekend back packing tnp an the m ountairu> Paul'd cot.ors always frowned on 1ucb excursions. but they winked and turned their heads the other way when Paul d1scW1i.ed his hiking plans The youth wa11 born with only one kidney. and th1:1t organ w1:11> defective Any 11ct1v1ty wa1> d lrt1c ult and ha' br .. athing became labon-d with prolonged exerc1~ Only five foot two. Paul alway:. was Mmall for h1 ' <tgl-'. Mri. Conaer •&1d. Hu mtereata lD lJfe 1nt•l u ded Ro y ~cou t1n¥. !'>h1p model bu1ld1ng <1nd !\tudymg Wo rld War 11 When Paut ·~ phys1t·al c:ond1t1on worsened 1n 1977 . his fath<"r donated a kidney lCJ aid in h111 IJlro'U'I~ for 11un1val and, horwfully, an ::.adlv1· lift· Tht> transplant fo11t-d and l'oul began dJaJysls treatrtients He \pt>nt 12 houn a weelt on the lafr tJrolon11ng kidney macbme I> 1• ., p 1 t e h 1'i w e a k e n e d cond1two. the youth manaat'd to ma\tt•r the ph}\1ral rigors required b .1 becomf· a n Ea1le St out "In October. l!l77 Troop 1 had a h1k1· trip <;1·h•·<lull·cl ' Mr" l 'r1rwn rc·lal•'<l l'aul v. ,., \tall fl'l'(J\ t•rtn~ rrom 'urgt:r)' lfnd depreai.ed at>ciut 1 h•· tran,plM.llt failurr He mu<ff-ttw ride all 60 mil1•s 1·H·n thouJth it took him more th;.an rfouhl1· the Umt· it took the othn 110~' "Th•'> bllte tnp "'JS r Pally th1· turn i ng point in Paul ~ adjustment lo d1alvw .. as a w11 y ol llr<' It show<•<l ham that h1· C'Ould fun ctwn an thP reul world · Tht-r1• wen· 1>thtr ob~ta< Ir' t11 com1· 'Two 1n p'3!'1 H·11lar N•m •• 11, our mind .,J1<1 1h1 m1Jth1·r 11( lht• fl ;.ail 90 µountl• r I';. u I h J d t 11 1 "p end r 11 n ' 1 d e r <i t, I c e f f u r t t u a<·l'11m1111,h h•1t h the ranoe1ni.: and th•· -.v.1m m 1n li( m1r11 bad.:P' Both tJwr1 h1~ JJh) tc ul t•nt>r.:' to tht· ultJmult' Hut ht· pt-rs c·v(·rt-d 1:1nd "';,, "IU<'Cf•,..,ful Paul s van·nh were pleased v.ath their son's progrPsa with lire !'!Ui.tain1n1< d1al ys1'i They looked forward to al leoi.t 12 or more years of ful/11l&n1J life for their only son. He will be buried Saturday at Good Shepherd Cemetery an Uuntin1ton Beac h. following funeral servtces at Prince or Peace Lutherltll <.:hurch an Coeta Meaa. BART to Run? OAKLAND (AP> Union leaders prom111c that lhe Bay Area Rapid Transit system could be running again by Monday it BART mana1ement accepts the latest plan to end the labor lmpuse whl<'h has idled t .8SO workers for a week Polle~ uld Cook auffered bruiaes and • cut on his noee. MEN'S SUITS fi'rota Pflfle A I 1ED ••• con1l1tent pobllc posttJon that he expect.a Caru!r to aeek and win a NCODd term, efforu are under way In teveral 1tates to build 1upport to draft KeMedy for the nomln•Uon. P ubli c o pini o n p ol l• con1l1tentJy •how the 4'7-year-old 1enator leadtn1 Ca{'t.er by a wide marstn a.moat Demoerata. for only One Dollar No Room For Heiress LA JOLLA <AP) Deapile her reported rortuae of $500 million, there waa no room at the inn for Greek s hipping heiress Chnstma Onassis A cquaintances o f the 29·year·old daughter or the late Aristotle Onassis said every available beach ac co mmodat1on was <;pnken ror when s he arrived with her husband, Se rgei Uany c l ov 1c h Kauzov, over the Labor Day weekend An employc1· at La Jolla R<·&ch and Tennis Club found them u room in a privately owned beach hou11e Sunday Pifut Scans Menu Of Fall TV Sunday'11 Dally Pilot will help younplers brush up on current e venta for returning to school and offer these other features for th~ir cldc,... 'SOAP B UBBLF.S' HURST , A o;urvf'y or rail TV M•ason 11 H 1·r1ng, 1>hov..-. v..h:.at many viewer' hc&ve lonR 'i us pected Televuuon 11 goinli( ba1 k lt> 1:1 more old-fas hloner1 brand of hum or in 111 l uatirrn cum(•clv formats Ye•. lolk:o1 dci.pal;_. mort> !IOJ)h1sllcated fanb, we all ~l•ll laugh at prntfalb BALA~CIS(, ACT When 1•ven peanut butter can cause t anc:cr . bow docb one <1cc1de v.hj l v.111 and wont tw IHrnnl'd J ' h ,. a) t h h a z a rd s" A n A \MH:auted J>rt>'.'\s story reveab a • omphcaled and ronfus1•d un·" 11( '' 11•nu• 11 l::Al.Tlf V BREW Fr11n k Wisdom lt•arned to like beer bt'for1· he could talk, a icood thine a!'> 1t turned out. because ha:. family 1s 11 key importe r ol lhoi.e l'XOlJc brewi; you leamt.-d to love overs.:w.. OVER 111E&E -For lho6e s till in a vacation mood, columrust Bob Greene provldei u "snapshot" of the serenity at an Acapulco hideaway. and another story tells why your m oney atretc bes farther 10 (;u-.temab th1rn in Europe Radicals s~t Fir~ TOKYO <AP I -Four radicals broke through a gate at Nanta lntf'rnauonal Airport In a small truck today . made It to • taxiway and set the truck on hre Some DtmocutJc Uberalt ar1 urtin1 UM party openly to aeek an aJf.ernatlve to Carter u th• Democratic n.omlne• In tteO. Ont ot them, a.a. Georse S. lleOoftm ot 8outb Dakota, tbl party'• un1ucc111ful prHldeatial cand.ldate In lt7~1 Hid be thoueht KeMedy wowa be th• ttroqllt candidate. lome tntl.mat.el ot tb• Mn•tcls' have advtled him to 1tand pat, ar•ulas tbat ht could not do much .... ta tlM Polit ll ht were an •cUvt candJdat.e. \ . \ •when you buy one suit at regular price, you can buy another of e qual or lesser value for only one dollar. I • J ,... I I ,_ ___________________ ----~ ----........_. --- .. · Orange Coast 01 TI O N VOL. 71 , NO. 2SO, 4 SECTIONS, '8 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1979 Your Hometown 1 Dally ~e•spaper ·. F IFTEEN CENTS 1 i Fa • y Bae~ Teddy Mo~ Wife Dro~ Objectiom to Running WASHlNGTON lAP l Sen. Edward M. Kennedy said today that his wife and mother have told him they will no longer ob- ject if he runs for president. re- moving what has been perceived as a major barrier to a 1980 Ken- nedy campaign. "Both my mother and my wife indicated t hey would support any decision I would make." Kennedy told reporters after a speech here Although he re iterated his position that he is not now a can- didate. he added: "l am con- cerned about the direction of the country." Split \lote Asked if he knew when he might decide whether to seek the Democratic nom ination. Kennedy replied: "I don't have •1 a• <"On<".-r11ed about dw dire<"tion ol ..... ~ ..... ,,,.~ • any particular time frame or any particular date " Kennedy said he had d1~ cussed the subject or a presiden· t1al campaign with his family because ''personal coosidera· lions, family considerations, have always been a matter of enormous importance and they continue to be. 1 s uppose it is on- ly n atural I would talk with the mem bers of my family " T he approval or Kennedy's wile and mother 1s expected to encourage the ··Draft Kennedy" movements already active in 19 states. Kennedy's press secretary . Tom Southwick. s aid earlier that Joan, the senator 'i. wife. and Rose Kennedy, his mother, told the Massachusetts senator dur- ing the congressional recess last month that they would support him 1r he decades to chaUenge President Carter for the 1980 City Asking Study Of Building in CdM Bank /merest Rme Record NEW YOR.K <APl Several or the nation 'c, large~t banks responded today to pressure from the Federal Reser ve Board and raised prime lending rates from 12' • percent to a record 123. .. percent .~ ........ . MOTHER SAYS MONKEYS TRIED TO KIDNAP KIDS Deborah Greyvllng, Mome, 3, and Mercelle, 18 Months Dairy Kidnap Monkeys Attempt Abduction DURBAN, South Africa <AP> Six mon keys tried to abduct two little brothers from a Dur ban yard aod the boys h ad to be rescued by their mother and grandmother, the South African Press A.sociatioo reported today. Marcelle Greyvting, 16 moot.ha old, and his 3-year-old brother , Morne. were unhurt and may have bee.n jus t prospective playmate6 for their hairy kidnap pers. But their mother, Deborah Greyvling, was not amused by the incident. SHE SAID SHE TOOK HER soos to visit her mothe r next door. "I had seen six monkeys sitting on the fence earlier, but I did not think anything or it and left the children to play on the veranda while I went inside to talk to my mother," s he said. "About 20 minutes later, I heard the children screaming and crying and rushed outside to see what the matter was. "To my horror. each or my sons was being d ragged by a monkey on each arm. I screamed at them but they continued to pull the kids across the veranda " SHE SAID THE MONKEYS WERE bigger t han tiny Marcelle and had dragged him farther than his older brother. "The monkeys were chattering among themselves and the two which were not grasping either of the cliildren's arms were prancing around in.delight. "When my mother came rushing out, the monkeys lel go and ned into the heavy undergrowth or the empty plot of la nd next door "THE BOYS WE R E UNHARMED but were terribly shaken," Mrs. Greyvling said. She said the matter had been reported lo the Durban city police and she hoped the monkeys would be caught. Texas Tirade State Bltuts Alamo Critic SAN ANTONIO. Texas lAP) -Outraged Texans are again coming to the defense or the ha llowed Alamo -this lime against Ar izona Gov. Bruce Ba bbiU, who says the historic mission-fortress symbolizes au that 's wrong in United States relations with Mexico. Texas officials c hastize d Babbitt Thurs d ay_, for h is r ema r ks Wed nesd ay in San An to nio, site o f the f abled "Cradle of Texas Llberty." Texas House Spe aker Billy WunlySmog Akrt Ca/,l,ed Clayton said Babbitt should tend to his own st.ale's relations with Mexico and stop trying to "flre up emotions" between Anglos and Hispanics in Texas. Sao Antonio attorney Fred Semaan suggested Babbitt give Ar izona back to Mexico i( he is so inter ested in improving U.S.-Mexican relations. Ba bbitt, a Democr at , made his remarks as he addressed a luncheon given in his honor by two Mexican-American groups. "We mus t forg e a new re l a tion s hip ba sed o n recognition or Mexico aa an equal. But the Alamo ls a s ymbol of the problem ln our relaUooahip with Mexico ... a sacred symbol to Texans and an extenllon ~ the American ideal. But to Mexico, it's a symbol of territory lost, a nation plundered b y o verbe ar i ng gringo net1hbon," Babbitt s aid. The rebuttals poured in Ttrunday. Rep. He nry B. Gonsalez, D -Texa1, aaree d from hla WasbiD,lton of'fl~. Hather than recommend the reduction of building s izes in old Corona del Mar. Newport Beach planning commissioners lhlnk a committee or property owners and architects ought to study the controversial issue. Commhsioners voted Thurs· day to ask city council members to set up such a committee. The issue is the size of single family homes, duplexes and triplexes lo be allowed in the area bounded by Avocado Aven ue, Fifth A venue, Hazel Drive a nd the water. No commission member Jives in the affected area. The committee propou l came· a fte r commissioners voted 4·3, with commiss1ooers Debra AJ- len , Hal Thomas and Allan Beek dissenting. to re ject one pro- posed building size reduction. The reduction would have set a m arimum building size at. 1.3 times the bujJdable area of a lot. However. one member or the prevailing side, Comm1ss1oner Helen McLaughlin, asked for re· consideration. After a series of parliamen- tary maneuvers the issue was voted on again with the same 4-3 result~ In askjng for the reconsidera- tion. Mrs. McLaughlin was un- s uccessful in getting her col- Oumges Eyed In Bilingual School Plan SACRAMENTO <AP > A new s howdown is shaping up in connection with California's em battled bilingual education program. Assemblyman Denn is Mangers, D·Huntington Beach. said Thursday he will bring up a m easure to a l loMI more non-Spanish-speaking teache rs in the program. His now-dormant bill, AB 12S4, would allow bilingual students who are more nuent. in English to be taught by Eoglish·speaking teac h e r s r at h e r th a n SpaJliilsh-speaking teachers. But the bill is opposed by the C hl can o Cau cus i n th e Legislature. Mangers said school dlstn cu could choose to follow either bi.a pro posal o r the c urre nt program, which requires a Spaniab-apeaklng teacher ' ln any school that has 10 or more pupils in any grade who speak little or no Enlliah. Opponents to Mangers ' bilf a rgue that it would let school districts circumvent the current blUngual program, meaning that fewer s pecially cre de ntialed bilingual teachers would be hired. SHE'S WALKING 'GOLD MINE' "The Alamo w•• a victory for the Kalcua," Goua.lea Nld. "Tbey won tbe Alamo. Tb.la dumb and l1norant Arltona She calb ben ell a walklnl 1overnot •spreuea tbe 1ol4mine. ,. m1tbolo11e,1 aad tbe em• Mofile Stauffer of ~•"IM>rt ....,.._ Md of eoane. tt'• • Beulil,.... •--wae1ltt1 1larlD• of llbert • . • bl• Mr anm, Ii .,..._ ebMDI 1tet••••t• are ol'ouabJ~--.--oaud ._ Diet ad ....w eoofuaed aDd l11101'aat a.nd odler:..,.._ ban&lel. ftat'• Bot _,_to a..., ll'f91 ttnaale. to ... iittoa Jaer CO)d9'D wblclil Sawolnl men tMia M ft•••ruUt. {8" PHturtn1, tm,a~tbe Nortlt Aa.t Yase-.m CleeTDAl,P ... AI) ~~ -----r----~~~-~~~~~~~+.-~~~~~~-- -----ft' leagues 10 go along with a pro posal which would have altere<l the building sizes north of East Coast Highway Unde r present !>tandard ~. homes on that s ide of the highway can be built to a square footage about twice the bwlda· ble area of the lots Buildable a rea is the space left after de ducting required setbacks from each lot. South of the highway. in the coastal zone, the standard is 1.5 times the buildable area. Commission Chairman Paul I.See STUDY. Pace AZ ) The move by the bank'> t am(' m1nute c; after !>everaJ other maJor bank.., rais ed their prime rate'> t<> 121"2 percent Bank of Amc•rica . the nat1on·s largc.;t Chase Manhattan Rank lh•· nation s third lar~esl b a n k . :'\ o 5 \1 o r ~ a n Guaranty 1 ru!'.l Co . .'.\o H Banker's Tru!>l Co an11 1'o. 9 First !"llat1onal Rank of Chic ago a 11 r<J 1:-.e<I prime rates a half point to 12~ percent 'Playboy Pastor' PseuJn Photog MARSEILLES, Ill. (AP > -A 25-year-old Methodist minister has been charged wit h posing as a Pla y bo y M agazint- photographer and solicitmg a young divorcee to pose in the nude, police said. Patrick Quigg, or the First United Me thodis t Church of Morris, was charged with iorgery and attempted theft of services from Katherine Newell, :t. owner of Katie's Flor ist Shop 1n Marseilles. He as free on SJ,000 bond. Authorities said Quigg, a bachelor, has been an assistant pastor al the church about t wo weeks. Jim Hollenbeck , assistant Marseilles police chief. said Quigg was arrested after the norist s hop had been staked out with cooperation from Ms. Newell, ;i f1\'e foot. 85-Pounder and mother of a 3-vear·old W\' But. said Holien beck , \h Nt!wcll c hecked with Playbo\ and round that Quigg ~a!> not working for the magazine "Quigg e ntered her c;hop Saturday a ft<"rnoon lo brow')t- around." said Hollenbeck ··Eventually, when c:ustomcrc; had left. he told her he was a Playboy photographer (In vacation and he would like lo take p1cturl'S Of hl•r In ht>r shoµ and in a park. fie told her he wanted some nude s hots and said she would be paid Sl,000 for each pic ture appearing in Playboy " The stakeout was arranged s aid Hollenbeck , a nd Y.h cn Quigg returned to the shop wllh a phony P lay boy contract he was arrested Enrollment Dips School Set Monday In Newport-Mesa By JACKIE HYMAN Of .. .,....,,. ......... Lockers will clang and voices echo through the balls Mooday aa students go back to classes in the Newport-Mesa school dJs- trlct -but U you Usteo closely. you'U not.lee the din is n 't quite what it used to be. That's because there'll be fewer students than last year. accordi.DJ to district eaUmatea. And last year there were fewer than the year before. Thia year, Just under 20,000 atudeata are anticipated, down from 21.%10 YoUD&•ten lut fall and 22,A.50 ln fall. J17I. There'll be fewer schools and teachers this year, too. Monte Vlsta, Mesa Verde and Vlctoria e l e1111ntary 1c"hool1 in Costa MeH wen cloled tb.lJ summer became ol deellnlnt enrollment and about 100 teacben -almost 10 '9l'ftDt ol tboH ln UM d.lltliet -were laid otf. Beceme remahdn• tnebert lblfted tb ftll 'fKU· ........ muy .~i=.~fa~n A fft _.... -~ .., b9 -UStHtQS, nd ln-othf' Caff9 teachers wtll have had to bnilb up on s ubjects t hey haven't taught for some time. offi cials said. P rojections through 1983 show a continuing pattern of declining e nrollme nt, althoug h de mog· raphe~ have predicted a slight upturn an the stuoeot popuaauoo In the mid 1980s. Projections ror fall. 1980 call for only 18,849 students: for U161 . 17,417, and for 1982, 16,140. Dean to Meet Informer? CARBONDALE. lll. <AP> - F ormer Water•at.e conspirator Jobn Dean 1ay1 be knows who "Deep Throat" Is. and plans to meet wttb bJm ln Waabinlton. . p(Jdibl) today. Dean, tbe White House counsel for former President Nlxon, addreaed a packed house at the S outh e rn lll l n ol11 UDl"nlt.Y·Carbondale student center 1'hur1day nlcbt. Rla 1peecb wu characterised aa a . ~.~ulbed version of bis book . AmWtJoe. '' .,.Y at leut ~e obaerver Dem oc r atic president ial nom ination. South w ick quoted J oa n Kennedy, who has been living separately from her husband for a vear . as savanll! s he would campaign for her husband if he decided to run next year against President Carter fo r t he De m ocrati c p r es i den tial nomination. As ked 1r Rose Kennedy, the senator's mother. a lso would campaign. Southwick replied· 1 '"She 1s pretty much ensconced 1n the Hyanni s <M a ss l compound, but she has said that (See T ED , Page AZ> U.S. Plans 200New l\fissiles W AS HINGTON CAf'1 l'r e-.1dent Carter announced plcin-. today for a $33 billion dcplci) ml'nl or 200 ne w M X mob1 l l' m1 i.-.1 l e!> around pr11tt><0 h>d · ·nH'Ctrack '· course!>i Ill lht• Wl':,,l Carlt•r told repo rter-. tht: c;\-.tem will survive !>Urpn:.e Jltack Ill' ~aid 1t will be \ l 0 rif1able under arms c:1mtrol .1 ~ r l' c• m l' n l <. a r f o r d a b I e . 1•n\ 1ronm ent al ly :,,ound and lons1c;ten1 -.-.1th futurl' arms curb OhJe<'ll\ CS Th~· pres1dt-nt expressed hope tht· M X missile also will be "the last missile syste m of enormous rlestruct1ve power that we will ever have to build " De fense Secretary Harold Grown :.aid plans are lo build the m1l>SLle complexes in Utah and Nevada at undisclosed l~t1ons. They are to be opera uonal in 1986 Alth oug h se n ior admuustralion officials reached J cons ... nsus on the plan a month a~o. a formal anno;rncement was delayed pendufg a fin a l pres 1dent1al dec·1s1on as well as rons ultat1ons with governor:,, and others in th<' affected state:,, Cci rter agreed with adv1seri. that the ··racetrack" option would nurum17.e disruption or lhl' countryside while protecting the larg e new mi ssiles from des truction s hould the Soviet l" n10n ever launch a s urprise attack The president decided in J une to d<'H~lop the J90 ,000·pound missiles. larges t 1n the US arsenal. but w1thheld a dec1s1on on how they would be moved and protected. The approved option would place the miss iles and their 700.000-pound transporters on a series of surface roads. forming closed courses not u nli ke angular racetracks Diplomacy Ur~ed BULLETIN • W ASIDNGTON <AP> -Presi- dent Caner promised this after· ~ noon to respond with "firm t diplomacy" '° the presence or a Soviet combat unit in Cuba. He s aid tbe BasaiH troops pose DO l threat &o U.S. defeases and added that tbere sboold be no paa.ic about tbe aituatloo. Coa~c Weather Little change with the usual low clouds late night through' mid-morning then ' clearing to s unny skies ·and 70s at beaches to 80s inland. Lowa tonl&ht 60 to 66. INSIDE TODA\' £ztro theatric• at th• Bolahol ~t cmd 15 ~•ora of melodrama at Uac Bird CQ{IC Theat•r ore detcribed on PciQ.t Cl. • •••• ' .. ~ife SenienCe SAN CLeM&NT~ ISLAND (AP) -U.8. Dtatrtct J.adt• Robert M. Takaauci uaual'y pr .. us. over federal catet ln the ballt ot JuaUee at U.. Loll Antelee federal build1n1. ptp Image EmblaRJned MORTON GROVE. ru. <AP> -Orders are pilinl up for 1pecla1 T ·shlrta commemorating Pope John Paul ll's vial&. to Chicago next month, uys the owner of a t.POl'tswear lmprinttn1 firm . Robe rt Edward Crane. convtchd or murde rl n& Hunttnitoe Harbour Jeweler Wayne Oolln durta1 a lt71 robb•ry, ••• 1eateaced Tbur1d11 to Ute to prla~n without PGMibWb ol pa.role. The Hntenu came aa no aurpri.M lo the t.aJI, 1andy balred tattooed defmdant wbo bad been told durina. beariu • .,, .... t.hat be Wtily would" bit 11"9 tM 1tai.'1 mmmum aeotente ahort of the dH Lh penalty Oraaie County Superior Court Judie WUliam S. Lee denied a moUon by Crane to be re&eued oo probation u well u a motkla by pl"Olleeutor Rlehll'd FarneU to sJve Cr~ adcllUonaJ prilon time for robbery and uae ot a firearm in the commluloo of a felony. A jury found Crane guilty of shooting Golin to death durlnc a robbery at Leisure World J ewelers, located in a Seal Beach 1hoppln1 center. Golln, 41 , was married and the father of two children. The samt> jury dead locked In a 6 ·6 vote on wheth e r Crane murdered Tbomaa Cochran, a police informant whose body was found on Bolaa Chica State Beach in Huntington Beach in December, 1977. Suspect Held Mter Attack With Bottle Newport Beach police said today they don't know why a Pomona man allegedly smashed a beer bottle into the face of a local resident Thursday nJeht. Ruben Leon Espinoza, 22, was arrested on sus picion of assault with a deadly weapon following the incident at 11 p. m . at a liquor store on North Newport Boulevard The victim, Burr Cook, 24, of Santa Ana Heights, told police h e and a companion we r e walking out of the store when E s p lnou stopped them a nd challenged tum to right. Cook alleged t h at the man the n broke the beer bottle on tus face Police said Cook suffered bruises and a cut on his nose Crue wtO be Ntrhd ror tbe CoUnilawnler Ila Kovember. J)urlnc 1 po1t·untenctn1 htarlq belor. fa'"' • Wali.r Qiaramu, ~ • be wW plead l'dll7 le • ' .,,_ ot att.mpted meape tram Orup Cout;J Jall ln 1171. Jodae Lea Mid that be Ud oo cbo6ce but &o MaWDee CrMt to Ule wltbout poulblUty of Nr0&e beeau.e the Jury had deadlocked Oil whether tbt convicted mvderer ahould be tut to tlM 1uebamber. Crane. wbo hu acted u b.la own attorney throu1h tbe murder trial, lncllcated t.bat he will appeal b1a convicUoo and aentence. .. -...... .,,..,.. ... ..., aw. Antoinette Slovlk, 64, widow of the only Ameri can soldier shot for desertion since the Civil War, died t o day in Detroit from cancer. MacDonald on Lo.ng Bus Trip to Coast RALEIGH, N.C. CAP> -Dr. J erfTey MacDonald baa left a North Carolina prison unit for a bus trip to the federal prlaon at Terminal Island, Calif. A spokesman for the U.S . Bureau of Prisons said Thursday that MacDonald, who was convicted last week of murde ring bis wire and two daughters, boarde d a bus Wednesday to begin the trip. MacDonald, 35, or Huntington Beach. is making th e c ross-country trip bac k to Callfomia on a bus operated by the prison system, according to Michael Aun of the Bureau of P risons. Aun said the bus trans ports Inmates to various institutions "The bus, in effect, leapfrogs rrom iru1titution to Institution, .. Aun said. "It will probably take two to three weeks ror the bus to make It croes-country.'' Inmates spend the night ut prisons along the way, Aun said MacDonald was sentenced to three consecut ive lire terms after a federal·courl Jury round him guilty or one count or r1 rst dearee murder and two counts of aecood-degree murder in the slayings of his ramily nine years ago at Fort Bragg. Deferu1e attorneys have asked U.S. Distncl Judge Franklin T. Dupree J r to reconsider his 'lrder denying MacDonald bail pe n ding appeal or th e conviction. M acDonald was an Army coplal11 al Fort Bragg when hi s wife, Colette, 26, and two young daughters were bludgeoned and stabbed to death in February 1970. He maintained that four Intruders killed his family and attacked hlm. But toda1: the Judce and hit court aldet flew to San Clemente laland, 75 mUe1 oft the cout from San Dteco. to make an official lnlpedion of the island'• 4,000 wild goat1. the moat pre>mloent lnhabllana on the bland'• cra11y 100 mUe aquare mllea. The luue before Judie Takasugl la whether lhe U.S Navy can kill the 1oat1 so warship& can uae the lslaod for tar1et practice. The Navy wanll to 1boot the aoall before turnlna the Island Into a taraet so that unexploded ammunition doesn't endanger the goat hunters Animal weltare 1roups and environmenta l ists hav e protested th e Navy's plan, arguing that the goals should be lert alone The judge l11s ued a preliminary Injunction In May halting the Navy 's plan to s laughter the goats At the lime. Takasug1 s uid the Nuvy plan failed to ('Ompare the cost of .tlternnt1vc methods or removln1 the beasts and failed to consider t he potential health hazard arising from 4.000 rotl&nR ROitl c arcasses that huntt'rs would leave behJnd The Navy also has invoked e nvironmental concerns in Ith campWRJl to kill the goats The military argues that 1oata arc eating endangered species of plants and nowt>rs on lht.' island Radicals s~t Firt> TOKYO CAP> Four radicals broke through a ute at Nanta lntcrnallonal Airport 1n a small truck today. made 1l to a taxiway and set lhl· truck on Clre GOP Split Preferred SAN FRANCISCO <AP > - California Republicans prefer allocating national convention delegates in proportJon to the resul ts of the stat.e's pretidenUal primaiy instead or the current w 1nner·lake ·all sys t e m , according to a CaJiforma Poll. California will send by far the largest stale delegation to next year 's Republican convention, with the winner of the June pr imary getting all 168 votes C...:allfomla Is the only state with a winne r lake·al l primary system. In lbe poll released by Mervin F ield today , 64 percent of Republi ca ns polled fa vor allocat1on according to the size or the vote Thirty percent thought lhe current method 1s fine while ~ix percent were undecided The poll. conducted last m onth, ia s1m1lar to one taken before the 1976 GOP convenUon The n the breakdown wa1 63·26·11. Republican 1tat. Senator John Schml\a of Newport Beach has introduced a bill to give the winner of the pnmary all the delegate votes only If he gets more than SO percent of tht' votes Otherwise, the delegall• votes would be sp li t proportionally "Just in the last Ulree days, the whole thing has ta.ken ol1 aod we've already aot 30,000 T·•hlrt orders. We expect from 100,000 to 150,000 ~fore lt'a all over," Morton Ohren of Creative f'aabiona Inc. aald Thursday. 'lbree T·ahlrt detigns are being produced. One of them reads: "I Got A Peek At The Pope, •Chicaao '79.'' Another 1ay1: "Welcome to Chicago Pope John PauJ 11 ... " The moet elaborate T·ahlrt bean a f our·color photo of the pope, 8~ inches by 11 inches, with bia name at the bottom. ''Royalties or thls one are beine paid to the Los ~gelea Archdiocese that granted permission to use the photo," Ohren aald Ohren declined to dlscuu prices. Knott's Installs Metal Detectors BUENA PARK AP > - Knoll's Berry Farm now has four metal detectors on hand to sea.rch guests for weapons. following a court confrontatwn <'ver "pat d own " searches conducted at the park last month. RuaaeU Knott said Thursday t h e p ark purc ha1ed four portable dete<:tors to avoid the frisk ·t~ aearc~ "W e believe lhu would make any search in the future less embarrassing to a guest and perhaps lesa ofCens1ve lo a 1uest who ought tend to be sens1tJve, .. Knott s&Jd Knoll's v.as lhe scene of a gang melee last March In wh1 rh ont' youth was killed and thrt'f' olhNS IDJUrt.'d Kn ott·., i.ec:unlv ort1c·1 al!. anu Hu t-n11 Park poi1rf' conducted "pJt do~ .. §earches of guests al the park Aug 3 a nd 4 ltfler po I 1 <' e & a 1 d l h ,, " rt· c ,. 1 ' 1· rl "arnings that g:rng ml'ml~·n, were going to lht.' park A ~anta An<t grr1up IJlPr '!ought a court order lo bun v.hal 11 :1<1ys 14ere d1t.rr1 m1natoq body St"arches of lhspanal'!> at Knoll's K nolt dt'n1 ed there was d11cnm1natJOn ~rnd 1a1d park guards searrhed "everybody that camt-throu&h 1n that teen age group Anglo' b I a r k s . o r 1 1· n t d I ' a n c1 H11parucs ·· Orange Count) Su!>t'nor Court Judge Orella I-Sears ruled Tuesday that Knott s had 'ahd n•a.,on to ··pat down gut·sts Ja.,l month to ~arch for Yteapon.~ 'The Htspanics as an ethnic group are ver y important to Knoll's Berr y Fa rm -very h ighly regarded ," he said, adding that Hispanics represent 14 1iil percent of Knott 's work force F,....P~Al TED ... ~hatever he wants to do is .rtl right Wllh her .. Neither J oan Kennedy nor Rose Kennedy could be reached for their comment But both have indicated 1n the past they opposed Kennedy ·s entering a pre111dent1aJ rare .Joan Kennt•dy has been livin~ 1n th1• t·ouplc i. Boi.lon hom(• s1nrt• 1977 and working on a m.1!.ler'"l degret> in music and t-ducation at IA"11ley Colleg.-. S h 1· a n d K 1· n n c d y l o <l K advantag(• of the conigressional n •<'l'''I to "JlPnd mn'>l of th1- month of AuJ(usl together al th•• fu m ii y ·'I l' a pl' Cod , M as~ . vacation home. Southwick said T hey sailed toge ther and a ttended the Robert F. KeMedy celebrity tennis tourn•ment in N~w York Robert Kennrdy aod a~ brother. Pre~1dent J oh n P Krnnedy. were aasusmated and J third. Joseph was killed in World War It Gas Available Sat11rday average of 1.2 cents per gallon Prices at full service stations LOS ANGELES IAP> -More t h an 80 per cent of the gas stations ln Southern California will be open Saturday, but the price of ga11 has risen an n d c.· r l h t' p re R c n t p I a n . former Gov Ronald Reagan s tands an excellent chance of gaining the whole de legation even 1f he pofls less than hall of lhe vote. Schmitz Is a backer of fo rme r Texas governor John Co nn a lly f o r th e GOP presidential nomination Judgf' Sears dt'clmed lo Rrant a court order. saytnR lht' park & four oew mclal detertort. madt> any rt'!>lraJrung order J 'u&cl('ss act .. Knott said 12 ~rcent of 1Ls fh e million customers a year a re of Hapllruc ongan 0t'SP1l(' F.dward Kennedy·., c·11ns1!Uent publu· pos1t1on that he t'XPt'<'lA Carter to seek and wtn a ~t'cond tt'rm. efforts are undt•r .,.. &y in :w-ve ral statrs to build support to draft Kennedy for the nom1natwn Pub li c opi ni on poll s conal11tenUy show the 47-year-old senator ludJng Carter by a wide margtn among Democrats One Candidate 'C)uits Race One candidate for a seat on the Newport -Mui Unified :School District board of truatees bas withdrawn, the Oraoce County Regialrar of Voter• U · oowiced. A 1 p o lt e1 woman 1 a l d Catherine A. Booth of Colt• Me11 withdrew without com· tnent u • candidate In Tn.llMe Area 2. SUU vyln1 for that Mat .~ill be attorney Mik e JhLau1bUn and rHltor H .oclate fteynald P11JttJ1r. _ A total of U candidai.1 will be .runntna In the Nov. t el~. Four aeall are 1va1labl1. DAILY PILOT , ••• , ...... (1,.)14141t ce.-....,. ......... -..re "--~ --- t over last week's prices. now average between Sl.02.4 and F,..... Pa,,.-,4 I Sl.04.4 for resutar, Sl.07.4 to According lo the auto club's St.09 ror unleaded. and Sl.08.7 to week I y survey re I e aaed Sl.10.lfor premium. Thursday, gaa prices have John V. Carey Buried at Sea TEXAS ... Some ~mot'ralic liberals are uqcing the party openly to seek an altemal1 ve lo Carter as the gringo traducrn.c Mexico's Dcm()('rali<' nominee In 1980 t t'rritory For a .iovernor of Ont> of them, Sen George S 1ncreued between 22.5 and 2' ceoll per 1alloo, depending on the arade, lo rt ve months. Almost 97 percent of the atation1 are charging more lhan Sl per ' gallon. On Saturday. accordin1 to t.be 1urvey, 78 percent of the 1t.at1ona ln metropollun ateH will be open and more th•n 87 percent of the rural •talion" wJU be aclllna gaa. Ovenll, 81.4 percent of the ataUorus will be open, up about I percent from laat week. Man Sought In~Rape Try A man 1rmed wll.h a •teak knlf e WU belDI IOUlht Wela)' aft.er he broke Into • centnJ Newport home e8'ly Thuraday In an 1ltempt to rape the 22-yftr-old occup1nt. PoUc. 11dd Ute victim talked th• man lnto IHVIDI • few rnt~ut.te aft« be.,,_, into Mr bedroom Ottleen Hid th• womu WM not raped. Tb• vlcUm deurlbtd her 1tt1ck., M f.foot·I , llO pound.a, She Hid be wa1 wurln1 a 11.0tk.lna ovtr hi• fae?e. F,....Pflfl*'AI Private funeral services and Arizona to be so ignorant is McGovern of South Dakota. the S'T'I' TOY burial al Ha have been conduct unpardonable .. p a rt y 's u n s u c c es s r u I .a U ed for John Vernon Carey. • A s mall band of dPrenders, pres1dentJaJ cand1date in 1972, • • • 20 year resident or Costa Mesa including frontiersm en Davy ~aid he thought K~nedy would r .. ~e died Wednesday at lhe aae of Crockett and Jim Bowie. wic; be the strongest candidate. Bal1li. propoaed the ormau.n 83 wiped out March 6. 1836 by more of• atudy committee Mr. Carey w as a rormer than t.000 Mexican troors. The Some anumates of the senator He aald ll ahould be composed employee of Cal's Cameru In battle followed a crucia 13-day have advt~ him to stand pat. of four property owners evenly Costa Meu He leaves hl1 wife, s iege that gave Texas a rmies arguing that he could not do divided between those who have Either R Carey, and a aon, time to regroup and eventually much better In lhe polls lf he 11upporled and oppoaed the re· John R Ca~y of Colla Mesa. wan the Texas Revolution were an actJve candidate ductlon• aa well a a two iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliililllllilliiiillll .... iiiiiiiiiiiiil architecta. The purpo11.: would be to find t compromise Balall1' sneaaure waa ap· proved on a •·3 vote wlth Com· m iuloner Tim HaldlnaQr dis suntlng with Mn. Allen and Tho mu . City councU member• are ex peclAld lo take action on the com minion recommendation at their Oct. l mHtinJ. Proponentl of the nducUona cont.end new bom91 1otn1 -u,p in Corona del Mar are too bl1 They aay they dwarf older •true turH and detract rrom tbe charm ol U. oel1hborhood. Opponent• counter that the propoaed re4ucUona would 1Ufle recooatruc:Uon In the old oeithborhood. rour arc~ wbo have de· 1l1ned Oorou del Mar boll* told commillloaen lut mcath they btlleff tbeN are w~ ol 1uarcUnt qalmt coutrucdoll ol mHtlve block·llltt 1tructure1 •lt.hout NIOl11na to the l1H re- duoUOna propoe.ed. MEN'S SUITS for only One Dollar •when you buy one suit at regular price, you can buy another of equal or lesser value for only one dollar. .Medics :Credited For Life Tea yean. ~ uader llcllar clrcum1tanctt, aD Oua1• Couot.Y Su~rlor Court J..ctae wowdn 't lace U-. d9etaiaD on wbetber to orcter tenniuUaa ol llfe ·~ 1y1tem1 that are kHplDI •D 11·~ .. r ·old auto accidelal victim alive. Aceordina to Newport Be9Cb neurok>clal Tbomu flot rt, llrbo treated vtetlm V\ACeal Man.in Youns, '"l'be main reuon the boy ii alive ii becauH of excellent paramedic ca,... Years a&o. he would have died at t.M scene ol the accident." Youns. of Westminster, remains in a coma at Hoa& Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach. Meanwhile, Judge Bruce Sumner ls deliberating a family request that life support systems be shutoff. Young was critically injured Apri I 24 when he and three Westminster High School companions were returning home from the beach. The car in which they were riding went out of control on Gothard Street in Huntington Beach. Young was partially ejected, th en trapped beneath the wreckage. Dr. Rogers said il was the excellent on-the-scene treatment provided by Hunfington Beach paramedics which made the difference between Young dying and living. .. We're facing this kind of problem more and more," Dr. Rogers testified during a Wednesday hearing into the Young family's request. Sunday Pi lot Scans Menu Of Fall TV Sunday's Daily Pilot will help . youngsters brush up on current events for returning to school and offer these other features Jor their elders 'SOAP BUBBLES' BURST A svvey of fall TV season offerings shows what many viewers have Jong suspected. (SUND A Y'S BEST) Television is going back to a more old-fashioned brand of humor in situation comedy formats. Yes. folks, despite more sophisticated fans, we all still laugh at pratfalls. ' BALANCING ACT -Wheo even peanut butter can cause cance r , how does one decide what will and won 'l be banned as h ealth ha za rds? An Associated Press story reveals a complicated and confused area of science. HEALTHY BREW -Frank Wisdom learned to like beer before be could talk, a good thing as it turned out, because his family is a key importer of those exotic brews you teamed to love overseas. OVER 111ERE -For those still in a vacation mood, columnist Bob Greene provides a "snapshot" of the serenity at an Acapulco hideaway. and another story tells why your money stretches farther in Guatemala than in Europe ~·County Girl, 4, . Killed o n Bike A 4-year-old girl was killed Thursday evenint after she was struck by a car while riding her "•bicycle ln Cypress, police said. :-• Tbe vie!Um was ldeaWled u ."Chrt.llen Elizabeth Hanaeo of :.5693 Aspen St .. Cypress .. :. .. Breaking New Ground For the first time in the history of the Miss America pageant, contestants are being encouraged to wear bikinis for publicity photos. Here (from left) Jeanne Cangemi of Nevada, Tami San~ers C?r Oregon a~d Monica Skiathitis of New Hampshire eOJOY the Atlantic City surf. Crtuh Ends Fight For Active Life By JERRY CLAUSEN 0t -o.llY ~Ii.I St.ff The summer of 1979 bad been a successful one for 18-year-old Paul Conger. As an infant, be bad been sent home from a hospital to die with congenital kidney failure. Despite incredible odds, surgeries. infections. pain and general weakness, he graduated. from Huntington Beach High School in June and was certified an Eagle Scout by Boy Scout Troop 1 Less than two weeks ago, he signed up for diesel mechanic classes at Golden West College. He was looking forward t o so meday becoming a long-distance trucker. He was driving a truck -bis family's small pickup -last Sunday when another motorist ran a stop sign, crashed into the Conger vehicle and ended Paul's life. His father, Norman, and sister, Anne, were in sleeping bags in the truck's bed when the car bit them broadside, Highway Patrol officers said. Norman, trans ferred this week to Hoag Memorial Hospital from Redlands Community Hos pital , is reported in satisfactory condition with chest and back injuries. Anne suffered a broken collar bone. . Paul's mother, Marge, was riding at his side when the accident occurred on Highway 38 in Mentone. She suffered only minor injuries. She said the family was returning home alter a six-mile weekend back packing trip in the mountains . Paul's doctors always frowned on such excursions, but they winked and turned their beads the other way when Paul discussed bis biking plans. The youth was born with only one kidney, and that organ was defective. Any activity was difficult and his breathing became labored with prolonge<' exercise. Only five-foot-two, Paul always was small for his age, Mrs. Conger said. His interests in life included Boy Scouting , ship-model building and studying World War II. When Paul's physical condition w o rs en e d i_n 19 7 7 , .his father donated a kidney to aid in his struggle for survival and, hopefully, an active life. The transplant failed and Paul began dialysis treatments. He spent 12 hours a week on the llfe-prolongtng kidney machine. CRASH ENDS HIS LIFE P•ul Conger, 18 De s pite his weakened condition, the youth managed to master the physical rigors required to become an Eagle Scout . "In October. 1977. Troop 1 had a bike trip scheduled," Mrs . Conger related. "Paul was still recovering from surgery and depressed about the transplant failure. He made the ride -all 60 miles -even though it took him more than double the time il took the other boys. "Th.is bike trip was really the turning point in Paul 's adjustment to dialysis as a way of life. ll showed him that be could func t ion in the real world." • There were other obst~cles to come. "Two in particular come to our mind," said the mother of the frail 90 pounder. "Paul bad to ex p e nd consivrable error~ to accomplAh both the canoeing iyid the swimming merit badges. Both taxed bis physical energy to the ultimate. But he persevered and was successful." Paul's parents were pleased with their aon '1 progress with life-sustainlng d ialysis. They looked forward to at least 12 or more years of fulfilling life for thelr only aon. He will be buried Saturday at Good Shepherd Cemetery in Huntington Beach, following funeral services at P rince of Peace Lutheran Church in Coela . Mesa . Frld!w. S!p!!mb!! 7. 1 !79 DAILY PILOT tll Yretim of Game? Fears Mounting For Missing Teen EA.ST LANSING, MJcb. <AP > -A J.6.year-old Mtcbie•n State Unheraity student bas disappeared and may be dead - the victim of an elaborate Intellectual fantasy 1ame that may have become all too real, investigators say. William Dear. who bead.a a five-member detective team hired by the parents of James Dallas Eebert III to look for their son, says anonymous tips. possibly from other players, suggest Egbert may be trapped somewhere. If the sophomore computer science student is trapped, "lack of proper food. wale r and facilities after three weeks" would make his d eath a certainty. said Dear James and Anna Egbert of Dayton, Ohio. who have offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to the teen-ager said their son did play the game cal l e d "Dragons and Dungeons." but they beljeve be was abducted "After lh1 s l ong . I 'm convinced he's being held by somebody," Egbert told the Dayton Journal Herald. In the game. players using special dice assume the roles of medieval characters with the object of overcoming barners lo escape a dungeon charted on graph paper. The game 1s based on rules and te c hniques contained in three books. "You have a dungeon master -he de~tgns the ca s t or characters." Dear s aid Finn Loses ThousandJJ In Diamonds The May Company lost "thousands of dollars worth" of diamond rings to a man who told a clerk late Thursday that he bad a gun and would s hoot her 1f s h e didn't f ol l ow hi s ins tructions. Westrrunst.er police said . Officers said the bandit described aa black, in his late 20s and 185 pounds -handed the frightened woman a paper bag that h e had carri e d into Westminster Mall. He pointed to several individual rings in a case and ordered each dropped into the bag. officers said. About 10 nngs ranging in size between a half carat and a carat were selected, they noted • I , .-• I I ............ BOY GENIUS DEAD? J•me• Dalla• :Egbert Ill ··som eone 1s put 1 nto the dungeon. and it's up to them to gel out ·· The rules are so compllcated 1t can take weeks to learn how to play at a beginner level_ Based on the roll of the dice. players learn their s tr e ngth 1n overcoming such obstacles a:c. monsters and goblins A s ingle .. Dungeons a nd Dragons" game has been known to go on for as long as l wo yean.. s aid 1nvest1gato r s And , according to Dear. some MSl players appareoUy don't cooline the game to paper. · ·'When you take highly lotellectual people, it takes a lot to stimulate them," be said. However, it has not been explained how the game is translated from graph paper to the real world. Dear's team wu cb~g two sit.es today in their search for Egbert, who Dear said bad an IQ of 145 The sites were identified by the anonymous tipsters, he said. "If he is where he's supposed to be, then he's dead," said Dear. A representative of TSR Hobbies of Lake Geneva, Wis .. which markets the dice and rule books, saJd an estimated 300,000 people p)ay "Dungeons and Dragons'' nationwide. "In all of the variations and there are a great many we know ol none that are actually physical," the spokeswoman said. Egbert was last seen Aug 15 1n the d1n1n g h al l of hu; dormitory. A note found in his room s aid he wis hed to be cremated "should my body be found." but authorities are not s atisfied Egbert wrote the nolt!. Detectives and MSU polt.,ce are 4'l1ll pu zz ling ov er th e arrangement of pins and tacks le ft on a bulletin board in Egbert ·s room Thinking it may be a clue, they have searched se\ era I areas that resemble the pattern and we re "iearching ('Jmpus c:;ll'am tunne ls Nixon Gives 'SaDl' His Goods Back As far as Richard Nixon 1!> concerned, the government can take back its gazebo. sewer lme . he a ting system a nd other federally funded alterations to his home. He 'll kee p the flagpole . The Jormer president sent a S2.300 check for the flagpole to the U.S. Treasury Thursday A telegram, released by Nixon 's o ffice. dires:ted the General Services Adm1rustration to come and get the other alteralJons ··Except for the add1t1on of the nagpole. all thooe items were requested by the U.S. Secret Service for security purposes and the expenditure s were approved by the a ppropriate congressional comm1U.ees." the telegram said PRESENT The Senate voled Wednesday to urj!e N1xoo lo pay for the improvements made to his San Clemente estate while president. The estate has been sold to a J?roup o r Oran ge County investors Nixon made reference m his tele~ram to a llegations by Democratic Sens Gary Hart of Colorado and David Pryor of Arkansas that the alterations made in 1969 and 1970 were improvement~ to the property and not Justified ror security purposes ··consequently , I hereby request that all ite ms m question h e r e moved and that the property be restored to its original condition with 60 days." Nixon wrote. Redwood Table Set 3 l 6 W/llell(lles Foomom vouev Loconon ReQ '99 99 OnlY SALE PRICE s59 • 99 Martha Wa shington :·£t:i Geranium ~ ~ \ c11oose rrom ovtf u..,,u-~~ 0 <k>Ztn oots1on01ng vorlelles in fun bloom! 4 Pol Size Reg 'IN f €m11puter Prograra Fold-A-Fence • G4LIERT a IENNET GOTHIC FOLDING FENCE Removable for gra ss cutting. SALE PRICE 59e f School Districts J.Jnked· . . ·the dependence on bailout funds, "there ia really only one school district ln Calltonlla and that is tbe 40 atate senators and 80 u'aembly memben." tafoTmatlon concernlnc the atatua of le1i9laUon ia fed into the computer by the county Department of Educatlon's 1•1l1latlve a d vocate to Sacramerto. Data lal ud•• 11 pdated 1afo rm'8tloa .. education h al a hUoa, eirten•he bifOrmMloa • .. "*"" IDd ttm• 1111·j1-.. at•t.......,_ ....... ltoell~ . ...:!~ ..... beb1&id .. w••• l>llll are beard •and sometimes make needleu trips ' to Sacramento to testify when meeting tlmes are changed," be declared. Koch said school distrlcts wbo subacrlbe to the system can Qk the computer any questions it wlahea by maktn 1 a local telephone call. Re1pouea are received by equiplDlllt • dilUld .U.S. Koda nport.ed lnll1al COit.i 01 &M ............. 00 ..... ....... M4 ............ . .,. ....... Be --~..,._ to d.iltrttta ..................... fot Hda iM9 ol .._ Vlnyt coated white. 18" high, 8 ft. long. 8 ft. Section Reg. •2.98 SALE PRICE 12.29 llrd Of Paradise ltnd o 11ooico1 occtnl ro ony sunny "' sllOcly 1anoscope orto ~ Gol Size RtO '1099 SALE PRICE '5.99 iAN ~ FOUNTAIN nm.o ~, I WY .; ' VALLEY &LLIS~ t Mlt •OO«MUISJ "' ftOUMT'A ... YAWY '" ................... ..., .. "'°' .. tH-6711 °""., ••• , .\ ..... ,,_ ----·----.... ---49> - ,,,.,, ~ 7. 117'1 ~--.. :·., ~ .. ting ~ ...... ~ Te•~~':·' Marplal•e Driving Us Batty ON 1'llS 80AD-4I08T OW: There la aU kl8dl of bamt.ni and bemualna lramportadoa ..,.. .. ou.r ~ thue daya , even lf you d11count t.bt fact that ..... or .... County publJc bu.a ayaiam no loae• CODMda to the ltTD. Tbat •• bee a UM the RTD doeu't work Uy more. It J..t •lrlkes. Beyond tbal, our eat.eemed Gov Jerry Brown ta currenUy POnderlna whether or not to allow Oran1• County motoriala otf ot lhe odd4ven 1uollae boolE So tar . aeveral 1overnor1 bave bO·hummed lb• odd~ven and dumped It u a fuel conaervaUon effort ll'I out in Rhode l1land, Coonectlcut, Ne* York, New Jeney and Pennaylvanla CAUP08 NIA, APPdENTLY, wtU only dllcootinue ll on a COWlly-by-counly ba.ala u requested by e.cb of t.be counties. But our esteemed Governor Brown wUI l.hen have to glve hl1 affirmative ood in each tnltance. Since Governor Brown. oo other matt.era. hasn't been noted for movina wUJa the speed ol U1bl, aome CalllornJa lt'1 Youn 1/ You Can Fina~ II, Ga. tt, f"ind a Plac~ lo Park counties may still be awalUn1 a decu11on on the odd-even gasoline plan when automobiles are rW1111ng around on nuclear power. ON TIIE OTHER H AND, by the tame odd-even gels decided maybe nothing will be runnlng uound. We already know wh11t happens when you gel to depending on bus trunsporlal1on. The driven a nd mechanics strike. Now, com es one R K Brown. who 111 executive vice president of Chry!'>lcr Corp . our count ry 's third largest auto maker. Brown predicted in the ne ws columns today that just six years from now, the pnce of a family heap will have escalated by some $4, 100 THAT MEANS, he explairu1, that a car costing $6,900 tod ay will be $11 ,000 by 19&. There's no e nd lo all the good automotive news oul there Hcyond that, you an· left wondenng how anybody wrth Chrysler Corp become!'> an expert on automotive financ ing Company s pokesmt>n are now s uggesting Chrysler will lose $700 milHon this year. THAT AMOUNT BOGGLF..8 lhe mind. 1 'm one or those people who can get into deep financial trouble Just being a loser at pt:nny-pitching down at the corner ga11 station. I can't even fathom the 1mplicallona or $700 million. What we need around here 1s some positive automollve news. such as provided by a headline in one of our Oranee County newspapeu t.oday. ll proclaim ed: ''Headlamps Can Aid l'ltlgbt DrtvlDg." Now you JUSl have lo admit that's good advice Mormon C hie f in Operation SALT LAKE CITY fAP) - Mormo n C hurch President Spencer W. Kimball underwent unscheduJed s urgery today for removal of what doctors said was an accumulation or blood and Ouid in the s kull over the surface or rus brain, a church spokesman said. Spokesman J erry Cahill sajd Kimba ll , 84 , wa s res ting comfort.ably aft.er the hour-long operation and was i n stable condition The surgeon who performed the operation, Dr Bruce F So r e n sen , and Kimball 's personal physician , Dr. Ernest L Wilkinson, said the church leader "sh ou ld make an excellent recovery with full restoration of funcllon," Jobless Toll Hits 6 Percent WASHlNOTON <AP) -Tlli twlo tlfecta of reeeNloe Md h llh tnflaUon raek•41 ''• economy In Au1u1t II tb• &laempl01meot rate roae to t pereeat -tbe b.lcMlt ta more than a yur -&Dd wbo&llaa. pricff adv~ b)' LI,....... the 10\Wll.IMDt reported today .. The Labor o.i>artmnt lald the riae lo uaempfoyr:neot from • s 7 perceot rate iD July man..d lh• tint Ume tbat the joblesa raLe had been at the 8 percent lev•l a1nce July 1911. THE CA&TE8 admlnl.ltration had expected unemployment to rl.te ln Aupat H a r•Wl ot the rece11loo that betan In the s prl ne . Labor Department econom.lst John Bre11er aald the latest jobless report.a provided "very stron g evidence or a downturn " But lnfiitUon atao continued Lo raae ln Au1u1t as prices at lhe wholeule leve l sh o wed the blegeml monthly advance slnce January, thedepartmentaaJd In a separate report. The rlae In wholesale prices wu paced by another 1t.eep climb an the coat of energy product.a and the flnt increase in food prices since March The government said wholeuJe prices at the stage juat before goods reach consumers rose 1 l 1 percent durtne lhe previous 12 months. ln.flation at the consumer level has been running slightly higher -al a 1J percent rate th.is year WHOLF.SALE PRICES are an Important measure of future inflation because they signal price trends likely to occur at the rctwl level a few months later Tht> s imultaneous release of the two gloomy economy report.'§ undcri.cored President Carter 's dilemma In trymg lo combat hi gh anflat1on through llicht fiscal polic1l'S while 1tt the 11amt: lime try1 n ic l o keep rro m aggravating a recession that t•ould mf'an high unemployment In the lllf!O election yt>ar The Labor Department s1ud the num}te r or un e mployed people rose by 300,000 during August to g J million, with most of the incre&11e resulllng from factory layoffs. TOTAL EMPLOYMENT fell by 310,000 jobs in August to 98.9 million. the government said, followmg a rise of 450,000 Jobe In July lJ nl'mpl oy ment rates for virtually all maJOr groups o( workers based on age, sex and race lncre311ed last month During the prior 12-month period, the unemployment r•le had been r emarkably stable. ranging from 5 9 percent to a five -year low or 5.6 percent reached In June TH E GOVE&NMENT said employment has shown virtually no growlh since March, after lncreumc by a 1troo1 2.1 mlllion jobs durlnl the ab m onth• pre vious t.o March. (}p and A round Act.or Art Carney playfully thumbs hls nose at reporters in a Middletown. Conn., hospital before going home after two weeks' treatment for exhaustion. He'll s tar in a new movie w ith Farrah Fawcett. 3in 1954 Truman Death Try Pardoned WASHINGTON <AP J Congressmen who dived for cover fro m Pue rto H1 c ans ' blazing gunrire 1n the House of RepresenlitlJves 25 years ago say they don't ObJttl to President Carter's freeing the aasallant.s. "I'm surprl&ed they kept them an that lon-e." said Rep L II fl'o untam, 0 N C . who left tus seat Juat before a bullet tore through It during tbe attack THE WHITE HOUSE ANNOUNCED Thursday th•t Carter 1i. grantlng clemency lO the three surviving Puerto Rican natlonahats who shot up the House an ~. and a fou rth convicted of ta.long part in an assaasanatJon attempt on President Harry S Truman 1n 1950. All have been imprisoned for al least 2S years and are expected to be released Monday. officials aaad Attorney General Benjamin R C1vlletti, who rtt<>mmended the relca!fe. said the action should not be mistaken for "evidence of leniency toward terrorists On the contrary , their lon g ancarcerauon demonstrates senre punishment ror any ierrora'lt cnmea " THE WHITE HOUSE DESCRIBED the releue as being ... significant humanitarian geatun and wouJd be vie wed u such hy much of the mternallonal community " The three involved 1n the H<>tae attack wbo airc being relea~ed are : Lollt.a Lebron, 59, Rafael Concel Miranda, -49 , and Jrv1ng Flores Rodriguez. S.C . Tbe fourth involved. Andrea Figueroa Cordero, was freed by Carter in 1m becauae be had cancer. He laler dled in Puerto Raco Carter alao 1ranted clemency to Oscar Colluo, 17, coovact.ed tn lhe Truman aasu•inaUoo attempt at lbe Blair HOUM . A Puer1o Rican nationalist who tried lo 1torm Truman's temporary residence Wllb Cordero was killed in~ usault. u wu a White House icuard · NATION /WE~THER Stonn Emers BJ ftae Auedated ...... Tropical Storm David rumbled Into Canada today, leavlna behind a awat.b of dealh and deatrucllon acro11 the Caribbean and 1lon1 the AUanUc Cout fl'Om Florida to Maine. The storm conUoued to lose ltrenitb u tt headed for Newfoundland. Thouaanda or homes remained without power as 1ovtrnora along the U.S. coast surveyed the damaee left by lhe killer storm and prepa red to ask the federal government tor help rebuilding houses, buslneHea and wind-lashed farms EAaL Y ESTIMATES indicated the 1torm look a toll of nearly $100 mUhoo. ancludmg sr..o million In Florida and $29 million in Baltimor e , u 1t 1parked lorrenl1 al rains and toroado8 that were blamed for the deaths of at least 15 people in the United Stales. The storm has claimed more than 1,100 lives iun ce 1t was 1p awned an the Caribbean last week. But as l'lkles cleared, the toll was far less severe than many ofr1 c1als had ant1 c1pated. "It'• hurd to understand there could be so much damage and nobody hurt," said V1q(1ma Gov J ohn Dalton al'> he viewed a landio& near Newport News . where otflciala have estimated damage at $2 mHllon. "T H ERE ARE s ome complaints about no water and no light<>. but evt>rybody oul{hl to gt>t togcthn und go lo <'hurch on Sunday and g1vt· thank'>," said Civ il Derense Director Ed F CJga rty or Savannah . th ~ <il'org1a city that was David '~ la'lt major target before 1l lost its humcane forre Th1!-. m or ning r>av1tl wu ... locat~d over lhl' Gulf of St l.awrcnrt-near la t1tud1· 48 II north. longitude 63 IJ we1it an<1 mov mg 1:ast northecist 11t 10 mph The storm wa1i ex(>('ctcd to crou Nt·wfoundltind today Thi: "'"at1onal lfurnrane Center 111 M1am1 l'l'>ll~d 11:-. lust Jdv1virv on OavuJ al Ii a m Meanwhile. Jlurncant' Glori<1 wa1 born early today 1n th1· Atlantic s ome 1,000 m1le11 southWt'!'lt or the Azores JI parked 75 mph winds and wa-. likely to Rain 11tdi6h as it moved oortbwes"9ve r the waler But foreca.sters said it probably would veer too far north an the AU ant1c 100 Plus Mercury Due "the look IS YOO " ' ~ Temperaturea Soar in Southwest V.S. · And the sport coat is a very important part of that look. Te•per•t•re a HI Le .. ,. Albu'-" ., Am.,1110 " •• ..,.. .. 111. '° 10 ........ '° 10 .. IUm«• .. , ..... . " 90tl0fl ,, 1~ I GI ._. ... ,. .. °"'''" \( '° ,. (.Ny-,. » (Ill<. ... ., ~ (Incl-I ... , ec .. .,.,...., H t1 .01 Oel·PI Wiii ., 71 0.11 ... , ... 4J ... ,,..., IM U ........ .. u H....illkl tO IS .01 .......... .. ,, .11 ..._,_..,. ti ,. JeO...,..llle ., ,. ....... (Jr; •1 ,. .01 ..... v .... 101 10 Utt1elltecll " .. ~":T:'~· fl .. .... t1 *'"~' tO IS .flill•ml .. " MllW~ IM u ......... .. 41 ........... ., .. ..... °"' ... ..., 14 .. ....,.,_ an ... ...,.. .... ,, n Oil••· Cltl' . .. ... ~ . " 0...... " ,. ,.., .......... ., .. .., ~-lOI a ,.,:'t. ., .. .., ,. ..... 11 " :.-a...1. tt " ... , ......... " .. t.rlO .... ,, 10 ... ,i, ... ti " .., ....... ..., .......... ~..,·~If """ 00 "°' .... -,... "' • '° 0,,. ~ N!Or• ' ,,,,,_'ff1""..., __ ........ .,..,._ -~ II ...,. .. llO! ,_,.,. ~I':'/ t ~'II Ulll .... ,,. 1 • "' .,.wt ....... .,..._ .. ···" ~ \ .. HM 10 u llllN .. ., .., Waell lftO\Oft ,, 10 CALl~IUA 11 ...... 11_ .. ,. "'~ " "' ··~ ... IOI " ,,,.._ .. 10 ~l!Ca•I., .. •• ~ ... ., .. '°' •• ...,.., .. 14 ., ....... '" ft OallleM ., ., ~-...... IOt .. ..... Ml "' ., .. ...._Cll't t4 ., '8<r_,,..,. ., .. a.Mell ....... I• ., ketlltOll IOI .. Tllermel lft ,, utllafl ... . , ••'11ow .. , .. ~ ... , Q • llM 11 .. ., Cill!t,. * n UIAI',__.. • ,, Ullt9MOI ,. .. .....,... .. .. " ....... "9cfl , . .. 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MO LOMG IUtft. 9PO'ITCOAfe ..... ..... • LOMG ""°"1'\Y MIO llOllTLY IHOff'f ., .. ...... .. , "°""'' ~OM ..... toMMa ~"...,_,..,,~ ""'"' ..... ,...,., Ollfft1I .., .. ,_11111~ t •1""4t .. ·- •UUOTO.. Otlf!Otl .. t "94111 l ,,·Hn Tweeds, blazers & cam el hairs in the aeaaon'a most wanted col9rs. In 100°10 wool and wool I blends. •1oe. to •2es. Add fine alacks by J•ymar® with the hidden secret of the Sanaabelt® lining that trim• and allma your •ppearance. In polyester /wool, 100°10 polyester c\ pure wool. •ae. to •eo . 1lze1: 34-60 waist LOI Mclll.D Jtcl ' kl•nt ..... llCMTQ.Alt fl\AlA Ne•t 10 OT& '9lofl9 M•t 121-ttrl Mo••••••••.,.• r•11• -...... ,.._~~f 110-.w••MA ,_ IN I fd '"H Ml• IOUTM COMT ~ lenlt Ant neat "" f'9M41fY" llHl10 MtMoAHUt All1)0t .. °"°""tit"' HO-Jin ................. ,..,..,,,.IM ....... u ... '" ... ~ 1•• ' "" 01100 32 10 f\0111u.111a 221.1m 4 .. .l -------.-....-----------··-...-·----·------------.--..---- ' ---------------·-----------~~~------___ ....;_,..~.._ ________ _::;i ... _.._ ______________ _ CALIFORNIA --e11 r b Vs. Brown -- 1 HitJla Cout.t Heon P01116r Strvsgk IAN raANCllCO CAP) -........ fl'Cm • dlftartli& partJ CAlllond•'• ...... ..,., 8 c...n Uaan tM p ......... , ...... .... bu beee lauded eaol1'er tklllUl9a :COHlltUUOD O)Hfl)' • ..-.... . ···••·poUUcal 1 ...... Ul• 'JOWU *C~jDNIWl ta lrowll'• lllMMt. ltnUle 0 bit ... l>eaocrede Qoy. • Mm ..... Jr. ud Rtp1bUc11A LOI ANOSLSI L AW YBa Ct.-00.. M1k9 C\lrb Theodore Oboa. repr.sentlnc Curb. Lawy.,.1 for Brown and Curb aaid the laa"" la "whether the woN.ta arped for mote than an lllour before lD tbe CaUlorn.la OoG1UtuUoo . • . the court 1'bW'adaf ebcMat Cu.rb'• mete w-.at t be1'r• commonly powtra wbtD arowu l••~ tho atale. understood to mean . . . or wbetMr a qu..tkln wttb tmmedlat. lm.-ct on Ut•1'D be twtlted and com.cin.d lMo Brown'• presldenUal boon. tom• meantna oooe ot ut could have Durt.na out-of-atate tnpa by Brown antlelpat•d becauae of political earlier t.hia year. Curb aoupt to enedlency." appolnt a Juqe and luue executive tbe iaue an>M wbeo Curb, in an orders. actions Brown contended end to tbe "splr1t ol cooperaUon" be wereinvalid. and Brown bad proclaimed, appototed a comervaUve Republican A CUD VICTOSY ln court would Jud1•. Annand Arabian, to a state leave Brown with the unhappy choice appeall court March 27, when Brown of ataylnc ln Calllorn.la while nmnina wa1 tn Wub.iqton teaUf)'lnl before a for president, or leavin& lb• COOl1'9Uion.a.l couimittee. 34-year-old record producer lo Ho11n later. when be returned, charge of tb e state '• Brown announced be was $21-billlon·a·year eovernmelll. wltbdrawing tbe nominatlo~1 and "What the lieutenant aovernor l& named his own candidate, uberaJ asking this court to do la to authorize Justice Bernard Jefferson. b1m to bold the 1overnor boltqe in The immediate subject of the state this atate," Brown's le1a1 affairs Supreme Court suit filed by Brown is secretary, J . Anthony Kline, told the whether the state Commission on court. Judicial Ap~olntments should But Curb. who last November consider Arabian•a name or became the first California Jefferson's. There wu no indication lieutenant governor this century lo when the court would rule. Teachers Tell Terror Of Teen Sex Assaults LOS ANGELES <AP > -A 19-year-old parolee from the California Youth Authority will be arraigned Sept. 21 in Superior Court on charges he attacked and sexually assaulted two Los Angeles school teachers. Both teachers appeared at a preliminary hearing Thursday for Anthony Harris and tearfully recounted to a Municipal Court judge how they were assaulted in their classrooms. HARRIS IS CHARGED with rape, robbery, assault with the intent to rape, assault with the intent to murder and attempted robbery in attacks last March on both teachers. Lenders Hike Mortgage Rate. LOS ANGELES <AP> -Two more savings and loan associations have boosted prime home loan rates to lhe record 12 percent level th.at may aoon be the lndultry standard. Citizens Savings, of San Franci5co, Joined Great Western and American Savings, of Beverly Hills, in a jump to 12 percent from 11 ~ percent Thursday. Gibraltar Savings, another Beverly Hills-based major lender, said it will ralae its prime r~tes Monday to a sliding scale centered roughly on 12 percent. Other lenders. including the nation's largest -Los Angeles-based Home Savings - say they are also considering inc rea.ses. . ~uperb cut flowers this spring ... RANUNCULUS Jumbo Te<:olote tubers for jumbo-size blooms. 2.98 DOZ. Also to plant now: Freesla, Sporoxls, Black Colla Liiy. Deputy District Attorney Marissa Batt said the prosecution also 1s alleging special circumstances lo the attacks involving the use of a firearm in the comroission of a felony and causing great bodily injury to one victim. who was shot. JEANETTE BLUE, a t eacher-researcher at Budlong Elementary School. told Judge Vincent N . Erickson how ber attacker invaded her classroom. forced her to disrobe, then raped and robbed her. Meanwhile, Miriam J. Schneider, who taught at Los Angeles High School. testified that she was working on her class roll book when an assailant she identHied as Harris invaded her classroom and pointed an automatic pistol at her. MS. SCHNEIDER cried openly aa she told how sbe was forced lo disrobe at gunpoint, lie on the fioor and submit to a HXual a ttack. Lat.r, she said. when her attacker placed the gun on the floor near ber, she made a&rabforit. 1$Ut. her ••••Jlut reacbed the weapon fll'lt, pointed ll at her ud pulled the trigger, lb. Schnelder said. The gun at first failed to fire. but worked the second time the trigger was pulled. "I FELT P AIN and a burnln1 sensation in my stomach," she said. "I looked down and saw a lot or blood on my pants.•' Ms. Sch neide r suffered two abdominal wounds and two wounds in her right leg from the single gunshot. Harris, who spent two years in the California Youth Authority for robbery before being paroled last September, was held ln lieu of $50.000 ball. fleas bugging you? DON'T PANIC ... WE CAN HELP! USlng the best techniques available, our Callf omia Certified Nurserymen show you how to control fleas. HOUSE PLANTS IN 4" POTS .99 EA . .... 2.41 and up. Over a dozen varieties lnctUCllnQ Blrdnest Fem. Schtfftera. Croton & More. One More lump Paralyzed from the waist down ln a skydiving accident las t year, Scott Hankings. 23. of Vallejo, will make "one more jump" this afternoon at Clear Lake in Lake County. Hankings was injured when he fell 12,000 feet from a plane and ne ither of his parachutes opened. He said he wants to "prove to myself I can jump again ." KKK Plans to Sue Gty of Oceanside OCEANSIDE CAP > -The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, canceling plans for a public park rally, say they'll sue the city of Oceanside lnstead for putting reslrictions on them. "People have told us we should work within the system. but the system tries to block you.·· said Tom Metzger. California grand dragon of the white supremacy group. HE SAID THURSDA V that legal papers will be flied in 30 days contending the Klan's constitutional rights of free speech, due process and equal rights were violated. The Sept. 15 rally was called off. Oceanside earlier rejected plans for an "a nticrime rally" al a park located in a predominantly black neighborhood but last week approved use of another park in a mixed-ethnk area. THE llALL Y COULD be held only inside the Land• P.-k building, and a Sl0,000 bond was required to protect city property. The Klan aiso was oniered to prevent any picketing or signs on the exterior of the buildin& and to kee_p out 8.JlY possible weapon.. Ffidmy. September 1. 1 m . Pioneer Saw 'New Moon' MOUNTAIN VIEW <AP>-Space 1cienU1t1 ha\le been tantaliied with the diacovery of a new rlne a~ Saturn and tb.e poulbillty a new moon was discovered b y Pioneer 11 before tbe spacecraft sped past the 1olden planet into the depths of space. The new · 'G · · ring loops between the moooa Titan and Rhea, &lvln& lhe planet at leut aix rtnp -and poulbly aeven ii the ailtence of an earlier announced "E'' rinl la conftnned, 1cleatilll for DAILY f>lOT 115 JES~!~~ -X~· \ IN PERSON SUNDAY, SEPt 9 1 GARDEN GRCNE COMMUNITY CHURCH 9 30 AND 11:15 AM SERVICES CORNER OF CHAPMAN AYE. ANO LEWIS ST. IN GARDEN GROVE the National Aeronautics and Space --------- Admlnlltratioo said Tbunday. .· ..... ..;. .............. . lfl'Du:,•:::: s:.~ -Unloo bua driven ·_:::·YI,;.. ···:.:···:·;·::: ... _ Vote today OD a lerrtative contract with the _. o·u Southern California Rapid Transit District, but ~:.·.· ··.. · ·· · · · · · · ·. leaden of another of three strilcing uniom have reported a major snag in : · _... ~~~£~~·~:.:( STATE ) .:_:c···a··.:.n.:.::::·:::::_}.·. In tal.U with the UTU -----------appeared to improve ·· ... ..-.···· prospects for quick settlement with the two · . ! smaller unions But officials of the AmaJ1amated · Q :. · ... · · Transportation Union representing 1,200 RTD ·. .. ··· •t ·· · mechanics claimed a reveru.1 of ~l proves• late · u I . Thursday as management and labor negoUators .: . · .... settled lo for "a long evening." : Babfl D~atlt 'ArriU..C · ··· · 5 . LOS ANGELES <AP > -Alter deliberating for . 1• n· ....... . only twothahours. a coroner's jury has decided by a ·.. .. · . 7 2 vote t a premature baby left in a hospital utility room for 12 hours died an accidental death. The two dissentin1 jurors io Thursday's declsloo found that the infant·s death was aue to . D_a.iys· . natural ca~es !JkCan h y Spl~• R.,.or SACRAMENTO lAP >Assem bly Speaker Leo McCarthy says the rumor that his leader~hJp 11 bemg challenged 11 nothing more than talk by trouble-malung Republicans. ··Some Republicans were trying to run 1t around," the San Francisco Democrat told an interviewer Thursday after a lengthy Democratic caucus in -.ruch a challenge was rumored to have taken plact> .. A few of my coUeagues had a few pops <drinks) and suggested that 25 Republi cans might unite 1( 16 Democrats joined in, .. said McCarthy speaker for St,; years and a possible candidate for governor in 1982. ConVft"Sim1 R ...W. S~f LOS ANG EL ES <AP ) -In a move seen as a victory for tenants' groups, the Caty Couoc1 l has voled tentatively to tighten its controls on the pra c tice o r converting apartments into condominium~ Alt.er a heated 1 t,.;-hour debate Thu.rsda}. the council gave 11·2 approval. in coocept only. to a package ol rules restricting the cban&in& ol rental bou.11.nc into individually owned unit.a. Councilmen Arthur K Snyder and David Cunningham were the only dissenung vo1cee lD the tentative vote Thousands have quit smoking in 5 days with this guaranteed Medi-Health Method r.u•'' 1r 1 1 """ no• hnur ,....,s "' w 'rlOU! IA'C ,,, "'• ' r'!"V ,. r' d N·f11CU'> tt.lt"f-" I l;d M\\j ""'1Qlll I 4 I h r < j;'( ••' • lbl~l1r111 •fH'f <ot'"' (714) 964-5204 l<11J'} llt'lWIU<J ~ Hul1C f'Qlon Beatn LFt•l l U!;f5 il ~nv_,...09 Cono0o ~--~~---------~-~~~--~~~----~--~-~~~-~ r\\\"~~~~ Lead ing Men 's fas hion store () ~\) \) closi ng ofter 35 successful years in Orange Cou nty! Everything Goesl Entire inventory drastically reduced up to 50% OFF and more -We're Selling to the bare walls -ALL merchandise, fixtures, and complete tailor shop full t ime tailor on premises -Some alterations extra Come early for best selection! ... . ..I.. (714) 540-4018 t.. ), ~-------- --------~------------------- • 8ox9' Styt9e •Soll~ 51191 ong •· 111. Now299-3l9 MEN'S WALK SHORTS • Asst Slyl..W1zes • Corda. Polyeste1 ono to $11 Now299.399 BANDED COLLAR SHIRTS • Long & Sh0r1 Sleeve • 1 OO"A. Conon ong. 'tJOO NowSSe MEN'S CASUAL PANTS • Soll Brushed Collon • Oluo & Tan oriq I 4uci Now 888 FASHION PANT CLEARANCE • Denim. Cords • LOI~ ol StylC'I oirq S15toS18 Now988 MEN'S SHORTS • Oru..,h('d & Cord • S1LP'> 28 & 30 only Ortq I fOO Now399 MEN'S PANTS • Asst Joana & Slacks • Great Buys! Ortg I 0"· 1500 Now499 JOGGING SUIT • 1 OO"lo Acrylic • Seve<al Col0ts orig t•" Now999 CASUAL CAPS •Beer Logos. Etc • Caps & Visors ono 99' Now25C SPORT SHIRTS •Knits& WOYeM • Long I Short Sleeve orig. 18 to $20 50% on WOMEN'S PANT ·SPECTACULAR •Po~ •Ml-IJt. • Cotton Blend • Solidi. hbwne • Hurry f« S... a.1ectJon ong.110417 Now4" F~.-...... 1,tm WOMEN'S P.J . • ' ()()'!(. Potyeelef • Athte11c·· Style orig 8 99 Now499 HAIR DAYER •Hamilton BeachHBtOOO • 3 Heat 2 Speed • 7 only Now599 , PURSE SPECTACULAR Canvas & Patents Many Styles & Colors orig $9 toS18 Now299& 399 JUNIOR JEANS 100% Cotton · Pre-washed 18' Bot1om~ash1on R1ghll Special Onty999 BOYS' BOYS SHORTS • Jogging Styles •Asst Sizes orig 3 50-5 00 Now Y2 Prive BOYS SHIRTS ~estem Style • Short Sleeves orig 8 50 Now499 DENIM JEANS • size 5 Only • t 00% Cotton orig 9 99 Now299 TERRY SWIM SUIT • Sesame Street • Small Boys SIZ9fl orig. 6 00 Now 88• ATHLETIC SHOES •Men's & Boys' • Aed Of Green NytOn/Suede orig. 14.99 Now499& 599 WOMEN'S SLIDES • Natur.i Bottom • Canv• Upper ong.8.99 Now3" WOMEN'S CASUALS • Aaat StyleWalzea • Big y.,._. S.V.I orig. 18 .• 18.99 ....111 . , PERSONAL CARE J .C. Penney 700 Watt Styler/Dryer Speclal4.99 CAMERA J .C. Penney Telephoto lnstamatic Camera orig. 19.99 HOUSEWARES Save 50°/o Closeout on Colorado 7 pc. Cookware Set Earth tone Porcelain on steel orig. 79.99 FAIMION fA8AIC Assorted Notion a 41s1 t HARDWARI! 7 pc. 1/2'' Drive Standard Socket Set orig. 13.73 Now3.99 . 25% off All Stationary Power Tools In Stock CA MD A Your Choice · · a.59 Metal Frame• 6x7 or l>c10 TV-STEREO Deluxe Black and White TV orig. 169.95 Now129.95 CAMERA Teal Photon Solar Powered Calculator orig. 39.95 Now29.88 50% off Fashion Chains, ? Rings, Pendants and Earrings • Gold f i lied • Sterling Silver AUTO' 40Channel C.B. L.E.D. S#W Meter, Tx~x Indicator, AN.. NB, and PA Controls orig.&8.99 Now 39.99 STATIONMY 50% to 75% off Asst. Novetty Gifts • Chllchn'1 Calender • Cookie Cutters •Keya.Ina •Glau QIOCes H.AROWARE Propane Torch Kit Speclal ·9.99 PERSONAL CARE J .C. Penney 1200 Watt Pro Dryer Special7.99 CAMERA Polaroid Minute maker Instant Camera orig. 19.99 Now14.88 TOYS Handy Hooker Rug by Number Kit orig. 24.95 FASHION FABRICS Save 50%-75% Remnants AUTO Jackstand 2Ton Non· edjuttable Special 5.98 pr. Fashion Island Store Only 644-2313 irtlCPe Fashion Island Ne ..... .... .. . .... -· . . . . .. . . LINGERIE Women's Bikinis Special 3/2.22 LINGERIE Women's Lt. Weight • Body Brief orig. 6.50 Now3.99 , ACCESSORIES 30o/o tO 75 °/o Off Women's Scarves Assorted styles orig. $2-$12 ..... Mera's 1 • i Summer Weight -t Jackets orig. S22 ~ Now9.99 MEN'S Men's Fashion Ties. Assorted stripes and plaids Special 3/S10 GIRL'S 50°/0 off Girl's Various Shorts orig. 1.89-$9 ---·---·---·-------------·-·-~-----,..---~---~~~~~----- Ffidly, ._,,,..., 1, 1979 DAILY PILOT A 7 WOMEN 'S LINGERIE WOMEN 'S Mlaay Jr. Blouses Women's Blouses and Tops Pantihose Long and short Assortment Short. average. of long and and tall. Suntan sleeve short sleeve gala & coffee reg. $16-.$24 reg. $12'$20 Bean Now 3.99 NowS.99 Special 2/88c LINGERIE .. 50°/o off LINGERIE Women's Women's -· Women's Criss-cross Bikinis Velour Tops Leotards Solids. prints and orig. $1 2 pastels NowS.99 Speclal66e 3 styles including v-neck and zip front reg. $21 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES Women's Now Women's Large Canvas Leather Leather Clutches Hand Bags Totes 9.99 orig. 2.99 Special 12.99 Special 12.99 Now1 .99 MEN'S Men's 100% Cotton Shirts Long and short sleeve orig. $12 GIRL'S Various Dresses and Skirt Sets Sizes 7-14 orig. 6.99 BOY'S Athletic Shorts Solid color, contrast stripe orig.2.60 Now 1.22 MEN'S Men's S/sleeve Knit Shirts reg. $8·$10 ' Now3.99 MEH'8 50°/0 off Hobie® Swimwear Navy only. limited sizes. ortcf. $12 Now5.99 ~ .. ' ' ... MEN'S Men's Swimwear Limited sizes orig. $8 Now3.99 Men's Fashion Corduroy Jeans Special .10.99 · TODDLERS Infant's· Numeral Short Set orig. 3.49 Now1.22 BOY'S Swim Trunks orig. 3.50 Now 2.88 SHOES Women's Sanda la orig. 10513.99 Now 4.99-7.99 MEN'S 50°/o off Men's Assorted Sports Shirts orig. $15-$20 MEN'S Men's Dnlwstrlng · Pants Limited sizes orig.$14 Now&.99 SPORTING GOODS Tennis Shirts orig. $10 Now6.88 BOY'S Boy's Assorted Dress Shirts orig. $8-$9 NowS.88 . . J Hurry! .Quantities Are Limited • 1-~-------t"'I· ..--~-- MEN'S 50°/o off Famous Maker Travel Kits orfg. $10-$15 MEN'S Men's Navy and Gray Blazers Size 40R only ong $47 Now29.99 SPORTING OOOOS 25,.o off Selected Tennis Rackets GIRL'S 50o/o off Girl's Dittos I! Selected styles ong. $16 SHOES Children's Navy Canvas Deck Shoes Slzes2V2-6 orig. 7.99 Now2.99 'v ,I - -,,.. ~ _,..,,., ___ --------......... -... -............. Frld19Y, 9 .,pi.mbef 7. 1979 Robert N Wffd/Publlther Thomu Keevll/EdltOr 0.1b.11• K,..lbl(hJEdltorlal P~ Editor O•••ueeoa 1011JvP11ot Editorial Pge ................................................. · '.Oild-E.ven Ghange • Seems Premature Orinl9 eo.t.Y 1upentsora wouJd do well to take a NeODd look at UMtlr 1'9queat to end lhe odd-uen 1uoUne Mltl pl'GCl"alD lmmecUately -npec-lall7 1lnce Loi ~el• tiu Jut dectdfd to malnta.ln odd~even for ~-.... '*'81.ba. • The ........-t that odd-even Impedes free enlerpti.u d0eln1 really wuh. After tome lnitfaJ confualon, t.be pro 1ram be1an workln1 very well , cau1ln1 lltUe ln· cccvealeoce. It'• apparent that once most drlven 1ot UHd to the tdee. they fell into the enstble habit ot doublinl up on trip Wld errands. 1avtn1 Ume. money and 1uoUnt. And t.bose who need to buy paolln mo.-. often for their work undo so with their C 1Ucken . What '1 the ruah to chance now? ll '1 aJwa)'I been a1· sum~d that odd-even would phase out later tbil fall, l'f P· plies permlttina. But there sUll are more can on the road Ulan lust year, and 1•• a.Uocauom are not yet back to the ''&ood old days.·· The red and green fla11 aerve u a needed r~minder All nel~hbonna coWlUea, motl notably Loa Aqeln. are htill on the odd-even provam. Suddenly dropplt\i lt in Oranae Count)' could work a real hardship on county ala· tJoos, especially lho1e near the north county boundary ln eas y reach of gas·bun1ry An1elenos. P roponenta of dropping odd-even say 1t c1&n always be res umed lf necessary. But who wa nts to go through a re run of the guollno lines t.o find out ., Orange Co unty has no reason t.o get out or step Cuba's Puppet Show Our Stale Department's reaction to the mat~r or Sov· 1et comba t troops in Cuba brings back uncomforta ble m e mories of the earlier no.lt ·ls n't-yes·ll·is Cuban missile cris is First there weren't any Soviet t roops iQ Cuba. Then there were. but their presence was not significant. Now it's a "serious threat' to ratifi cation of the SALT treaty -as well it might be To "'1vc the Sta le Department its diplomatic due, 1t could be that U.S. r eaction to the Soviet troops was timed to coincide with the conference of non·aligned nations in Cuba -a little reminder that the host nation. far from being non.ali gned, is in fact a puppet. if not a captive. of the Soviet Umon Castro h1mt;e lf opened the way for this revelation with his blatant a ttempt to steer the non·aligned nation:, into the Soviet orbit. Pe rha ps the e vide nce that Castro is literally a hostage of the Soviets, coupled with Marshal Tito 's timely reminder that the non·a ligned group is supposed to re· m ain independent of all the major powers, will rusve some effect on those straddling the fence. Whatever the outcome, it's mor e than clear that the presence of Soviet lank, artlllery and rifl e battalions in Cuba is going to raise still more doubts in the minds of Senators asked to ratify a new treaty with a nation whose crl:'dl b11ity now sinks even lowe r 'Noise Zone' Needed Orange County planning commissioners this week took their first look at a propased regulation the county has long needed a "no build" role affecting lands im· pacted hy JCt noise from El Toro Ma rine Corps Air Sta· Uon Under t'Onsideratlon by the commission -al the urg- ing or county pla nner s and Marine officials -Is a pro· posed zone ot Hf,000 acres ln which houses, hospitals, churches a nd schools could not be constructed. A slightly larger zone now exists. Current regula· lions, however, allow a developer to "challenge" lhe zone's boundaries. In several cases, developers have m anipulated noise statistics lo win approval t.o build within the zone. These succeHful challenges have created grief for both the county and the Marine Corps. Housebuyers have found the skies we re plenty noisy after aJJ -and com- plained loudly. The best way to prevent problems that accompany noise is to kee p homes and sensitive development out of noise zones. County planning cC1tJ11Dlssloners and the board of supervisors now have the opportunity to do just that -by approving the no-build role. • 0p1n1ons expreaaed 1n the apace above are thoS-O of the Daily Pilot Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and 1tt1sta Reader comment la 1nv1ted Address The Daily Pilot. P 0 Box 1560, Coate Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (71 4) 642-4321 Boyd/ Invention 8 y L M. BOYD Sh e wus 10 much ovur· weight, this paUent was, that tbe young doctor co uldn't senerate any aounda by rap plng with his nngera on he r c,bea t Rene Theo phll c H,yacinthe Laennec wu the name ot the French medico. Tj,e 1ltJnlllcant time waa 1818. The patlenl 1bowed s1mptomt of heart trouble. But how could the doctor ~eek her internal or1arua, ll u couldn't even bear her heartbeat? He rolled a piece of 1Wf paper lnto a cylinder and put. oae end to her cheat and bl• ear to the other. That 1'11 t>etUr. From the Greek, b• took "at.ethol" meaning cbeat and "skopetn" moan· 1.111 to view and you and l D ar Gloomy Gau now call hla Invention the ftt.ethoscope. According to TV lnduatry wit.a, It's at 6 p.m. that you see the "lnd11eatlon Newa." The "lnaomnla Newa" doesn't come on until 10 or 11. Seventy-three percent of the people in New York City llve upstairs. What, you 11tlll don't have one of those new rubber· duc ky radio• destined lo n oal ln the bathtub! Somo people 1•t the b reaks, do they not' But moat people don't know why breakl la 1ynomymou1 with luck. Comea from th• old pool hall1. That flrat shot that apreadl the racked balla can be a lood break or a bad break, ctependinc. Idaho'• 1tream1 a'-e 10 awlft that certain troc• UvlftC therein bavt to but onto the rock• by lt&> 1ucUon. n .. particular frop don't cron, maybe because the 1trtam1 are ao notay that the fro11 couldn't be heard, even If they d1d croak. At any rate the votcelesa ktntnc fro11 Oi ld1 bo IN an odd brffd. ff•lt. mtmolft'oo.,.... • di• hff06oall1 tn .i'\1.a. ,.. 1Hrcb labs. J.aAaclenon Kissinger Scorned Congress WA S HINOTON -A1 IOC'H&.ary of at.aw, ff.., &.llt- la&er had 1 pualoa for Merecy. '"•le ad of Woodrow Wllaon'1 "open covenant. opciQJy arrtv.t at,'' Kl ln••r beUe.ed ln aee~t dealt eocretly cookod up. IU1 obee11lon wtlh 11crecy and bil tear ot leaka, wblcb led hlm to order wire tap• of bla cle»~t U • I O<'l ltlff, 1UU ,rip the o r m • r tcHrt•t ry . Uta 1th1ge l1 a pprcclubly ama lh:r now, 0 f Cll U I •e, tha n 1n the heyduy c:A bis powtr. Tbe 1ecret.s Klulnger now 1u ards. wtth the aame compulalve ieal he once ahowed toward high diplomacy, hove 11hrunk lo " few hundred p blJi'N of rnunus<'r lpt h 111 mcmo1r11 BECAUSE OF THE roar or prcm otun· dl:irlosurc·. for exam· pl<'. onl y ont• Judge, rather than the usual four , was allowed lo e vuluute hlis manuscript for lh•· Book of lhc Molllh Club. An<I •ven the one reader so honorf..'<i was cuuUonod to kc<'P the Kjss Inger papers locked 111 u aale when he Wt.L'I not actuully read In~ them K lssinKer ':s hook. du(• out in the fall. is lilied '"l"hc· Whlll' House Years." It 1s probably no more If certainly no less - aelf serving than Lhc memolrs produced by Richard Nixon and other Wlute House associates of those year!! And like most men who achieve the pinnacle of powN, KJssini;ier has never been v1111bly burdent..'<i with excessive hum11ily So what the reader undoubled· ly will get is a portrait of the author a.a a brilU ant, charming, witt y, compassi o nate and u rbane dJplomallsl a com· f>l nallon or Talleyrand , Met· t e rnlch and George Bernard Earl Wale~ Shaw. Wbt U.. Ned•r will not f e\ 11 LIM darker ald• ol Ule poJtHlt -b.11 U'J'OllDCI, ~· 0111, condeacen•lon add e10U1m. wr; CAN SUPPLY 1om• of thete darker buea 111 th• KJu. tn1er picture, from top·1ecret tT-1n1cr1ou ol coover11tlon1 he ,..corded between hlmaelt and forelsn lead era. Th• ex · aecretary la flsbUna hard In court to p,..vent public acceu to bll State Department and Wblt.e Houae ~ tranacriptl. Ke ap- parently does not truat the public to Judi• bl.I pelforma.nce from the nw material. but only 1fte r careful edltln& and In· krprttaUon by him. 'tho aecret. trantcrtpt.t reveaJ KlHln1er'1 contempt for Consreu -and hi• wllll~oeaa to share tda p1tr;mt11n1 vtna with any sympathetic lorel&n dlsnltary. Congreaa i. "out of control,'' he Informed a Venezuelan v111· ltor. addln1: "We have to have u 1' WAnt to "tty putting SOm<' S.A.L T. on h1< iA.I ~" strong leaderabl~y ps-are croup can au. rea1~ 41rec- llon." , He clearl1 ·recarded Capffol Hlll at a h1t.voo for foolt and knaves . To a II orocc-an ~mla1U')' he conllded: "We are in a penod 'ttben many of our conere11men deny the reality of power but mike 1peecb ... They remind me of the aopbomoree f had lo my cla.uea when l wu a profeuor." Aa an example, be told the Moroccan. "I bad •'tenator to· day who uked me wby we could not tell the Sovtet.t Uuit we would defend Europe aod Japan and forget the real of lhe world .. The man who said that wu an idiot." CONGa£88• MOST 8ERIOVS falling, thouah, accordlna to Kissinger. was Its inability t.o keep a &eerel -the old J{jss- 1nger obsesalon again. ''If we gave the Congress a clualfied document on Monday, ll will be in th{· New York 'ftmes on Wt·dnesday," he mourned, and told If Oraz11ian economicofficial, "W c have t.o fand a way to st.op thus flood of confidential lnforma · twn '· Staw l>cpartmenl leaks, he ob- served, wert-"petty. .but not mulac·aollli. hke those from the P e nta Ron , no t t o mention Congress When the Argen· t1nian ambuaador au1geat.ed the usefulness of dellberat.e leaka to congressmen. Klaalnger 1niffed. ··E ven then. they're not reliable. They'dgelll wrong." Finally, he sighed: "No bual· nt'u should be run the way we huvt' to conduct foreign policy." tic added .. All ,,f the gre at agreementis that have heeo reached si nce I cume here have t>ee n negol1 atcd 1 n bCC rel.·· f'"cxJtnolt• J\lthoulo(h hl· has not \ 1•t publicly expresi.ed a ny con 1·1·rn. Ka'l'langr-r 1c; report..illy fur IOU' thJI Wt· lo(<.llnt:ll IH'('('Sl> l•1 top M~cret mal•·nal dctaahng hi '> dll too hum1m frailly Brown-Curb Agreement Out of Question He wtll either wlnd up a hero or be the laughing stock, but Mike Curb's only chance to political fame la all out confroo· talion with Gov. Jerry Brown al every opportunity. For the cold fact la that of the 41 who have held Uie office of lieutenant gov- ernor before him. only one ever found It lo be a stepping stooe to election as governor. True, eight others had the good fortune to lnherlt Lbe job u a reaull of a 1overnor'a resignuUon or death but on· ly C.C. Young eve r got to the Job by be· Ing elected directly. To do so he bad to serve five te rms In the A11embly where be served au years as Speaker, and two term.a as lieutena nt governo r Even then he was roundly defeated in office for re-election by the popular Jamea "Sunny Jim" Rolph J r in 1930. H that isn't proof enough that Charles McCabe being lieutenant governor LI • poor way to wtn fame Juat waser the next 100 people you aee that they can't name the lut two lieutenant 1ovemor1. Al 110 a bet one could make a faJ1t Sl,OOO HOWEVER , b ec ause of Brown's burning am b1t1ons. which he selflAhly pursues wtiJle o ea lecllng t h e p eopl e o f Callfomla, Cur b Is aettina the golden opportunity to lnacrtbe bla oame lndelibly In the pubU<' mind. For, contrary to the whlmt of Brown t.o rewrite the atate conaUtuUon without voter approval. the atate's charter provide. that the Ueut.enaot aov· ernor aball have the powera of aovernor durtn1 a governor'• "absence from the atate." Since 1&lO every governor bu clearly underatood lhla lo mean that the moment a governor cro11es the atate'a border out· ward. and unul he crosses back. hll powers w11l be held by tht• lieutenant governor Aa a Republican, Cur b owes Brown noth1n1. Dul Curb. as lieutenant governor . has un oh hgauon to all of the pcopl<' That i1 to do everything he can to help Gov Brown perform the duties for wtuch he wu elected and for which be draws tu.a salary from t • ic p a y e r • T h o 11 e a r ,. respanalbUlllea whk h are 110 t normous u to rf'quJre the chlf'f execuUve'a attention every wak ina moment of lhe day BUT BROWN has bun at tacked for h15 repeated derelic· tlons of this duty by no leu a p erson than Democ r ati c Speaker Lt'o McCart hy It is cl<'ar that the Republican Curb should not hesit ate to grasp firmly the rems of state gQvt.·m m c n l each and .-very l tml' Brown becomes derelict hy lt·uv ing the state. Thia Includes Curh m aking appolnlmenls. s1gnin~ leg111latJon into law, and even fm ng Brown appointeeb who fall to do their jobs salilfact.on ly Any qualms Curb ml1ht have about t.hla can be quickly dia· patched by simply reviewln1 the ne w1papera riles to s ee how Brown climbed t.o the 1ovemor's office by uaing the Sttreta.ry of State's office as a 11ouodln1 board and b&11<" of operation.CJ to the totaJ neglect of his duties at that t1nw AS FOR reaching rm accom· modat1on Wlth Brown so that the I wo m1jthl work peaceably IOl(t.•ther. torgt•l 1l Brown ·1111 nol only totally dt>vo1d of loyalty. ht• hh no f<"t•hngs of 1erat1tudc No one knows th1 11 heller than Mervyn Oymally who served a~ lieutenant govt>m or throughout Brown's first term. f'rom the outset. despite being a fellow De mocrat Dyma ll y was lg· nored. snubbed, rebuffed and de· meaned by Brown and his staff But when Drown, making his fl rat Preside nu al bid In 1976, wl\nted Oymally to help him gain favor with blac-k voters. Dymally s urprisingly rushed forwurd Askf"d why he did this. Oymal· ly !la td hl' thought 1t would im- prove h11~ futur~ relatJons wtlh Brown A year later when he was asked if Brown was showing any apprec1aUon for Dymally's hl"lf1 , MHv bluntly replied , "He ll no'" Phone Snoopery Latest Supreme Court Affront . Al one polnt In my aerrted paat l covered the doln11 of the Supre me Court or the Uni~ States or SCOTUS, aa we called It for 11hort. The Job was only vacaUoo reUel, but il waa an education, I can tell you. The whole body la by definl· lion farcical. The Juaticea are a lot or drelled· up lawyers, shy a tera In c a 1 1ock1 . They ect and apeak 11 U the IUD lbonl conttnualty out of their derrlere1. Th•l they 10 to the John, pick tbe{r DOMI and 10 to sleep are well·Upt HCreta. That they are hu.n\aa Mlqa LI 1tricUy off the record. ln thole dap ta. treeent Lord Hiib Mucky Muck JuaUc• War· ren lar,.r, w•• • buatllnc lawyer la\be ctlttrtot. Jut lbout _...., eewa .,....._ oa U.. dot "Warren Bu.r1er, ca1Uo1 War- ren Bur=• would be beard °"' U.. akers at the Na· Uoall,,_ b. Rumor bad It that Warren k•Pl ~ -du:S lucsh to l*ior• f JacU. ..M Ill IDa,..Un eUllcal form of advertiltq bl.I te1al aervtces No w Bur~er 1s btln1 prepared for uncur1c-u lion. Such are the woy11 of lawyen. I &ETAIN AN lnteroat &n SCO T US , and not m e r c>ly becauae r am followlna the fortunes of the chief JuaUce. The Interest '-lar1eb morbid I want to know bow mueh of my penona.l liberty bu been ta.ken away from mo by tbne nine holy old men. 111• ct.1rce theae men have encroached on the peraonal Uv•• of all of WI la utonWllni. The tendency hu not been afowed don one bit by the foW' men Bmbtr Nlxon ap- point.cl to the court. The lut UW. bit ol SOOTt1S monkey .,_aatn ... to 1Uck lD my eraw LI the lnfllDOUI ·'pea res· l'ter" decl1ton. Tbl1 sntana that = ... of your OWD home t.tlep , or otftC9 OM, m11 bt under 1urvelllanoe by Bl1 Brother without yow bowledi• or pm:nluioa. In a I-to-I cfi... cl1lon, the eowt naiad ,....U, ln a privacy case lb.at pollc. may record the t.elepbone own· bera dlaled from a bome or ol· flu without 1eWn1 a search warrant. ' the constitutionality of thf' pen register. u device installed 1n telephone company facilities to record a lilt of numbers dialed from a 1peclfic phone. JuslJce Harry A. Blackmun, wr1Unc for the court, 111d, ·•we doubt that people ln 1eneral entertain any actual expectation of privacy in the numbers th•J dial." With due reapect, l au.neat that the JuaUce and the lour other lawyen wbo a1reed with him need to have their beada ex· amlned. Glve a tbouCbt to the matter and aee lt YOU waol th• copa to have a record of every person you speak to. even If they do not have I .-.cc>rd Of the COO· veraaUcn. ' 1• .,J,\~ "lt'1 Cho PJ.0. Ate )'OU In oroutt'' Take the cue ol a reporter worklnl on 1& sensitive story. Suppose ll means examining the prtvat.e llle of a v. Important person. Suppoae he la rlfiin& the federaJ or 1tate treaaury. What happen1 to the Fourth Amend· ment. not to speak of the First, if the cops have a record of all the conversation• the reporter hu made during bia research of the <'H e" Nol to apeak of, what h&P· pena to the heaJth and weU·beln1 of the l"C!porter blmaelf, if Lbe VIP has a mlnd that n&n• ln that direction~ AS 18 TOO oflen the cue, wl1dom of current SCOTUS caaea la found 1n the di.Meotl. Two JuaUce. wbo rejected tbe maJorll.Y coat.tatloD that pbcme numben do not carry lmportMt lnfonnatioa about an lDdtvtdual were Potter Stewart a•d Tbur•ood MarabalJ. .... A Ult of pboot cala., SWWart wrote, ''Mill)' could reveal LIM ldentlu.. of tb• per1on.1 aJld plaee1 called, and U.ua NYMI 'Lbe moet Intimate detatla of a peraoe'a llle." A.nd )lanbalJ no&- ed: "Many lndlvictuall, laclud·. lnl membert of uapopul•r polltlcal or11nl1atlon1 or JouratU1\1 with. CODfldentl'I aourc•, ma, lesttlmately wilb to ave&441M..._.of.UMU,.....a coolldl.'' •• -~- ---------------..··-----~ ·-------------- eGa.Ra•ped MRS. WILUAMS SAID Cilo called ber about two days alter the voyage ended and said he was ·•u:rset" and wanted a refW\d. She sai he com- plained "there were no females." Fridly, ~ 1. 1m DAM.Y PILOT A9 \ Burger Preniital Sex Tests Bargain Hel,d Woman's Right Bash Set BOSTON <AP> -Docton abouJd But Fletcher notect that the u.s. freely provide prenatal leata to Supreme Court ruled tbat the women who want to find out the sex mother-to-be bu tbe sole rtabt to de- of their unborn ch1Ja, even tbou&b cide whether abe wants an at>o1100. they m1lht have an abortion ll tbey and abe doel oot have to tell anyone are unhappy wtth .iiat tJaey learn, a ber rationale. federal researcher says. •'It ta tncooaiate~ ""Su;ort an Docton wbo agree that women aborttoo law tbat protect• the bave a riJbt to control lbelr absolute rllhl of women to decide reproductron cannot logically and, at lhe same time, to block ac· withhold t.hia informaUon, says John cess to information about the fetus C. Fletcher of the National Institutes becau.e ooe thinU that an abort.Ion of Health. may be fooliably sought on the basis "ONE MUST BE willing to accept of the information." the fact that some abortion1 will be performed for trivial reaaona," be wrote lo 1bunday'1 f:lew En&1and Journal of Medicine. FLETCHER, AN EXPERT in bloetbica, emphasized in an in- terview that b1a view• are b1a and not official 1overnment policy. Tbe tat, called amniocentesia, is intended primarily to find out whether a fetus will be born with a genetic defect, aucb as Down's syn· Only a s mall fracllon of the 15,000 women who bad amoiocenteal.s last year used the lest to find out the sex of their fetuses. But Fletcher sa.id many who sought the test because of lhia reason were refused. drome. ' However. it will also reveaJ the sex of the child. and sometimes a woman will bave an abortion Lf abe lea.ma that she ls carrying a boy when sbe really wants a girl. or vice vena. "I don't Uunk the demand or the need for t.hia Is great," be saJd. "The Issue ia more of an ethical one about treating these people differen~y than you do other people." Fletcher was co-chair man of a sur- vey releaaed by the Hastings Center last January that reviewed lhe uses and the availability of amruocentesia. COME MEET DESIGNER VERA MAXWELL AT THE INFORMAL SHOWING AT NEWPORT MONDAY Wh at you 'fl see Monday. Sept. 10. between 2 and 4 p m the very hallmark of fa shion Vera Maxwell's designs enhance a woman and fit her way of Ide Her suggestion for the big evenmgs· the long, slim dress with th.I latest side "!lit and channel-quilted 1acket over. both gleaming m golden metall1clacetate (jacket with cotton f iberflll). For 6-16. $360. Dress available m Designer Collect1ons. 85 1nson's , Robmson ·s Newf)Ort Fashion Island• 644·2800 \ . ~------------------·~\ ' ,,... ....... 1. ,.,.. ..... ~.--... "Nothing doing!" SUPERHEROES SHOE MOON MULLINS IT15 )'ouR BOSS, EMMA THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane "We're bei"9 •«y quiet for y~ Mommy. Mommy?, Do y~ hear how qu~t we' re being, Mommy?" DENNIS THE MENACE by Chlrlts M. Schulz '?· 7 DRABBLE 1'14£. rtR~~ lilCCIC'. Of « MOOl-I'S Al. Ill A '+S ~o "1\J(M rvN 1 by Tom Bitiuk IJA1(Mlt.lh 1"~€ ~r,yJ ~l)Qf;N1"S "fll-4 'fO i:.wO 111t1< IJA'( ~o. &IJ'f 'IOV« 'fi--.~~, \,.OOt(IM f°'-l fA(ICJM~ f\.Ale ., by Jeff MacNelly S O R RY :X: GO"f" YOUR. e ReAKFA S"I ORDeR M I XeD u P, DeAR . ~IV\ s-r11.-1.-New A "I °IH I S by Ferd & Tom Johnson MISS PEACH GORDO JUDGE PARKER 'VO«J CAN WM~ UP w MV 8ATH"°OM ---~-··-...... THE ~ ~ WANI& IHUE·& ONE TO OEE YOU ... AHO Hf 0000 T .. INO lt>N'f veltY HAPfY If ~AH'l ro AOOUf YOUI ~f6' ANYTHtN6 81.JT tiOVPt by Gus Arri~ by Harotd Le Ooux I WAN! ro WAltN ~­ euCK / I IHINk YOU"RC OOtNG TO UEl THE PINK ~IP ' by Tom K. Ryan ,__ ___ _., awwf P, SIFH ANr7 tOW'S ~M.D.? UH, ~ERE IS A MISSUS M.~1ISN'T1HE:RE? v ._, Emit lutl9mfflw TMe LOW~ L.eFT CORNER 16 MY GU!ST TOWfL., ' 0.7 /'NOT 8AD. B LAT Po1C r wo~rH ANO P~l...LA~ "n()lAL..0 HAVE; BE.SN 0ETTE.R:, THl)t)6M . TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACP~!:. u "'" 1 l rut"· •' (..4 uL()r • H01, ~ r r,QQ•·O vtJ 9 fi,..\C"·',, Ii M•·••I\ 1C Qt !Nit I. · 1 !,,c, 1' ,.,.(JfP ft• \A ~r')\••I tf) A ()l'JC1h9'1t ~~ An1mo1H)• 1 J t ,,,,,, '~ { nHJf1.f ., •. ,,,,n,. ·~, •( h ' .... '1 L•d• XI t1uuJ• n •O • tHUJ th ; 1, ·~t i4 fi .. ,, , "' •"• }', G1,.,., ~I f llll"•U t<;r '''\ 4 f ,,.. ~ o ... lfl '')t ttl r o tf• 'i'l W .. n1 tiO W.i1><1o b• Ab\•Qnmur.1 7~ I urn~ tM• • f/()WN J7 ,t.1rT• .. c1111r, • r.J'"""' H tn)"' t•. : Cl1u1i plo"' IA r d ll• t•I 1 l~o I d l•h )•,Con~•·"" • Coll••• h•I' ~ !>oo<inlt•ttO lb -in ~>"1""' b Gome •O•• l7 G1>nlor1t I Woo•• '"''' )11 l n111Qy unit II H1•,nl1Jh• }9 51 "" ''' ~ Grt•.itw, &O lnti<ll11r 1111 "'"'"' 41 Hurt~· HJ l .,,111 t 1 wor<J' 11 111•11.1•·• &) ~hOdtJtt I? l 1n11t11<11 UNIT I 0 f •'<•llJf~ '>Ynll• ,,,. I """.Olrt , Pu111t• ~olve<J I• I• 11 I• I ll IC It • , ,, ,, h• t•~ilnla • h 1, 1, In I• :ir.1c101 I. lot• Ii It I la!. li la •hdtl1tl ,, '1.1. I .... ho I 'h Iola! -· , 1 ra i. ·-Ir I~ I• Ir 11 '" '• In I l 1111 • '() . I I l I ' In ... olo • • I• • • I •• I I I I I 1 u G ·, . " '• r. lo -, 1 .... 'I ' . . .. •• u • .. . • l • -•• I lo • • I<> .. 1. I• I ' . I • I I I I I I • I I '. I I G I I I •• 0 u .. 0 lo • • I I 0 •• I I U I • • 1(1 .. •• I " 0 II . ' rT I A rli 1 l C.•u~ 39 loclge11o ,l l oM 40Hdll Un 'l M1rn .. 11 •1 Ari•nQt1<1 .'• Ahyll'lm •3 Rollt'• 1'i f '"" 4~ Rttlraon 111 l •1llw••O '6 Shani. .'l Oul••11• '1 R1bll0n &ul· '" f .. slt•nm 111 '9 R unq '8 B11mo Sp JO An 110u'> 49 T hrovQh II Conbvm"'l '.>() P.itap()tl OK JJ l v11 -Saini ~I L1111101 10 -c.c1nn ~' Pu1&u11 J/ 81101ptt1<10 ~ Bunt. • I j • r i I . • • • GOMUMER I ATYOURSERVtCE QUEENIE 1C11t"9°'9'-•----- · He's not aou" lo watt for maodatory retiftmeol. .. he's hoping to be grounded •• W ASRJNOTON tA P > rove,.,.m•t .... p • aafety •taad· ar lo oro,•e\ lb• pubUe trocn ultraviolet rad.latioll from d.uD.,ed mercury vapor lampt of tbe type med at parkln• loll. •])Or'IJ flelda and depart.meot atorel. Federal re1ulatora want lhe lamps which are intended for areas where people could be exposed for loot perlocla of lime to abut off automatically within lS minu tes U tbe. lamp's outer &lobe la broken. LAMPS THAT do not abut off automatically ------------------could stll1 be manufac· Got a problem., Then wnu to Pot Dunn Pal wiU cut red tape, getting the onswera and action JIOU Med to solve meqwtiea in govern~ and buaineu. Mml your quntwm to P.ol Dunn, At Your Sennce. Orange Coast Dady Pilot. P 0 Ben 1560, CO$fa Mua. CA 92626 . .U many letten as pouible un.U ~answered, but phon.ed ~· or lette-rs not including the reader's full. name.addreas and busme&S hours' phone nvmbercanrao( ~conndered. Tlwcolumnappeorsdai· ly excepl Sundays ~9 Requires Relh1blting DEAR PAT: Something w as spilled on our cof· fee table a few months ago. We never bothered to refinish the table, but we did so recently and dis· covered that the stain had gone right through the finish to the wood it.self. We've tried several solu· lions, but the stain will not come out although it seems a litUe lighter. Do you know of any product that Will remove it? P.W .. Dana Point If &be st.la -as soaked deeply iD&o the pores of tbe wood, your only solutloa Is &o bleach the entire swface. Bleaclllag jast t.lle marred area will resalt lD uneven coloring. Follow tbe bleacll manafac. tarer's directions on how &o rinse tbe swface before starting die reflnjshiq. llelrigera•t Repla~eiaerai D~? DEAR PAT: Ooe of our window air condi· tiooers doesQ't seem to be releasing cool crisp air. A nelgbbor saya the refrt&erant probably needs to be dlanged. Is thia likely? S.F ., Huntington Beach Refrigerant does not deteriorate. On occaaioll. however. lt does lea.It oat of Ute ~dJtloDer dae to seepage. TbDt. U thb la t.lle trollble. lite refrtgerul may need replacing, aot dlUlla&· Rose Dips Re~ipe Ottered tured under the stand· ard, but would be restricted to areas where people are not likely to remain for more than a few minutes, such as streets or parking lots. The standard was pro- posed by the Food and Drug Administration. It would apply to lamps manufactured afler March 6, 1980. Some lamps that extinguish automatically after the outer globe is broken a l ready are bei ng manufactured. THE FDA has re· cei ved reports of more th an 460 injuries as· sociated with broken mercury vapor l amps. Most injuries· required medical attention. The FDA 's standard is a suggestion, for the agency does not have legal authority to re· quire that only self· extinguishing lamps be used in places where people could be exposed for long periods. But the agency is requiring manufacturers lo supply information to users of a ll mercury vapor lamps and warnings on the labels of those which do not shut of f automatically. •E&CURY VAPOR lamps are widely used to light large indoor and outdoor areas. More than 25 million are in use. Tbe lamps e mit a bluish white light. They consist of an inner lube that contains mercury gas and an outer glass globe that absorbs most For three generations, has sold America 's finest furniture . Noiv, a third generation Glabman, Jim, and his family have moved to Orange County ... to supervise our neivest store. Come in and meet ]in1 ... and acquaint yourself with the lines that ive Jnottdl}· Jcacttr<!: BAKER · llENREDON KARASTAN · KARGES KllTINGER · WHJ'IE MEYER-GUNTHER · MARTINI MARBRO · MORRIS JAMES JOHN WIDDICOMB fftdllr.~·7.1811 :J FURNITURE & INTERIOR DESIGN DAil y PILOT A J J . . ... . . ..... ,, . 'TAKE BRISTOL ~T ~ r Fl' l'<MJIP 3089 BRISTOL STREET• COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA• (714) 540-3822 OPEN MONDAY TiiRU SAruRDAY 9130 to 5:30. SUNDAf'S I.! ru c;. IN LOS ANGELES at Pico and Rohcmon ... in WOODLA~"D HJLLS at \·,·nrura ,.,..J \\ inrwtk .. DEAR PAT: Can you possibly flnd a recipe for old-fashioned rose hip syrup? I've looked every· wberet.onoavail. G.H., Costa Mesa Rope tbla recipe fllls tbe bill for you. but you may have to plant a a.age roee garden. Tbe recipe, from a 1920 domestic science cookbook (school cookbook), calls for Ulla procedure: Wash fresh rose ~. remove st.ema. Piil two pcnmds tllroagh a food chopper, u4o1 a medJam Dile. Cover wttb six caps of bolling water aad boll for two minutes. Strain tbroag.ll a aieve aad pat tbe remalader in a jelly bag (thin clotb) to drabL There shoaJd be one and one-ball plats of Uqaid. U there la more, boll It down. Add Ultee.qaaners cap ngar and boll for five minutes. BotUe and refrigerate. of the radiation given off ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!§fil by the gas. Eye injuries or skin burns can be suffered by persons exposed to the I amps for extended periods if the inner tube continues to operate when the outer glass is broken, and ultraviolet radiation escapes. 8'Jlo••e•sor Deser.,es Gripe DEAR PAT: Where do l complain about what appears t.o be very unprofessional conduct by a re· possessor? C.C., Santa Ana Contact the state Bareau of CollecUon aad ID· vestlgatlve Services by writing to lt7 S. Broadway, lt.oom 7117, Loi Angeles tM12, or by plaoDing au> at-3'IO. The ba.reau admlDJsten tbe Collecdoe Aceacy Act. and tbe Private Investigator and Adjuster Ae&.. U develop9 nlea ud replatlou la Ute Ucem· Ing of colledto9 agencies, prtvate havestltatorw, private patrol operator• aad tllelr lllllformed emploJees. blidepetadent lasarance adjuters, 19. depndeat repeaesaon, ud alarm compaalea ud tlaelr employees. tr PRAYER PLANT ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '6.00 8" ~PLANT ..... ', .................. , , .• 16.00 r ~HQ FIG ........................ ~-.. te.00 8" FALSE MALIA •.•..• , •...............•.. t8.00 r fllO"OiQ9 ............... , ................ ttO.OCJ ~~FEAN ........ , .............. t1t• t ...... -..... ~ ....... -,....,. __ ....._ . ' Aftf4 4"" c.111-~ ~urne. Pinks. Pwtwtn~ l1'd more) ' THE BOOKMAN i r• .· - in the DAILY PILOT at Aaron Brothers lt Frame Sale Buy any Aaron Brother~ frame at the regular low pnce and get a second frame that co~ts thl' ~ame or k1c;,~ for only a penny more Choo~~ from our c~nl -!>at1onal ~~lectlon Big and smdll frames. Ornate <Jnd simple In wood or metal. Frames with the look of gold. Or au naturel. Empty fram~s or ·frames with glass. And much more. So if you have something to frame. we've got frames. And you can get a frame for a penny. Cent 5ati onal! Sale on Now Custom Framing & l ,1bor Not lndud4.'d, L I I I i I i i I l ~ l .i . . ..... -. Salling Cargo Wind Aid Vrged for Commerce ' PALO AL TO (AP ) -aw w.,_,. OWab ulJ.powved CU'IO ab.lpe are ........... lime bu come acaln . w...... -Ill flt D.nuiSlam Corp., a fou:r·)'Hr-Gld Palo Aho flnD that la lr1lo1 to brtn1 mod1n1 Hnlooa ot &he century-old aqun "faen back to I.he •ea lanes Soartac o! pric.. be ar1uea. mean aa.lllna car10 wud.11 are aaaJo eeoaomkaJly feaalbM. DYNA8BlP'8 CaEATION don't have ratllnel w bbed down rrom the maat.a oc acnsa ol caovu btUowtni from the yardl. lnatead, what looka like nve a1rplane wlnca are atacked on deck and operated by pushbutton from the bridae Dacron aalll retract electncally 10 to muta which t.bem1elves can be rotated Lo various angles dependina on wind and course oonalderat.lous. Warner, wbo baa decrees in englneenng and business, la a 38· year·old Navy veteran who baa raced sailboats on both coasts and clearly enjoys the sea. But be says money, not romance, Is behind h1a so-far frualrated efforts to bring back wind power. '•11 • NOT JNTBaU't&D in aoUl.I back t.o'uU beeaUH I t.b1U 1t'1 neat to tuna! on a 1ard or feel t.bt wind ln your f~." Warner aaid. "J'm ID lt bH a I Ud:nt UM,.., an opportaid· i1 to male• 1reat deal ot IDCllllY· It so bappena that U '• alao 10methint 1 lboroupay enjoy '· R cently, anc>tMr mariner with a almtlar Idea launched a 1.U·powered urao lhlp ln Ma1o1, the ftnt .ueb •hip bWlt ln UU. country lo decadef. But DynaShlp aelll pat.eo\ed d•· al1na and mut aaa mbllea for saillnl VHHll and ool thtS •h1PI t.bemulve. Aa yet, no one has built a proc.otypo OVNASHIP'S DESIGNS have been Mpproved by the American Bureau or Shlppln1. but Warner thjnJu tbe finl such ablp wllJ be a converted oU· powered vessel and won't be bulll from scratch "ll's one thing to pioneer something that costs Sl.118," says Warner "P1oneenn1 somelhlng that starts al $3 million Lo $5 million Is an entirely different thing." Warner believes time is on his side, however, reasoning l.hal oil prices will only go rugher ................. Co•ndtani 8111 Moyers, former CBS new sman and editor of his own television series. will act as consulta nt to the Cox newspaper group. a spokesman for the firm said Tuesday. :····· ••• SALES PEOPLE Slll MORE ...... : . ..,. .. ,__ .. _____ _., ___ ,..... . • PROSPECTING -PLANNED SUCCESS : : SEUINQ SKILLS -PERSUASIVE SKILLS e • c i..."ow8'"'1•"1j • • c .. fOf' Fn. ._..... • Fluor Earnings Reach Record : 17141 '57·2772 : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GRAND OPENING 20°/o OFF MARKED PRICES SEPT. 6, 7 & 8 10 A.M. • 5:30 P.M. ALL AMERICAN ANTIQUES ~ AND COLLECTIBLES ANTIQUES FRO BACK M EAST 369 E. 17th St .• Costa Meae _,.,,._.,,.,..,_._, ., ....... ..,..,...,;~.-~ .. ,..,,..,~~~-:..4;.~'> HOMEOWNERS! ~.; .. i Do you have fire & theft V insurance on ~ yo ur personal . belongings? · Our 22nd Year & Ph. 541-SSS4 or '. ~ 835-3437 ~ •RABBITT INSURANCE• 1914 Harbor Blfd. Con. .... ESTATE SALE OF JEWELRY- CRYSTAL- PORCELAIN - BRONZES- CHINA- SILVER and mere. Lou of diamond rings and earrings. gold ch11ns. fine china and crystal, bronzes. some furn1· ~ The Fluor Corp. of Irvine has reported for the nine -month period ended July 31 , record net earn ings of $73. l million, up 33 percent, compared t-0 $55.1 million for the same period in 1978. Eamlngs per share for the first nine months or 1979 were $2.95, up 36 percent, compared to S2.17 for the period last year when a greater number of s h a r es were outstanding . This year, Fluor purchased 1.2 million shares of its common stock EARNINGS PER SHARE RESULTS have been restated to reflect a 3·for·2 common stock split. dastnbuted Aug. 13, to holder~ oC record June29. Revenues for lhf: ntne month~ wer $2 5 ballion, compared to $2 billion last year for the period. THIRD QUARTER NET EAR NINGS were $26.6 million, up 13 percent, compared lo $23 5 million last year Earrungs per share for the quarter were $1 11, up 21 percent, compared lo 92 cents for the period in 1978 New orders for the nine months were $4.9 hilUon, compared to $2.7 billion last year. and backlog was level at $12.2 billion Call 642-5678. Pul a few wo rd• lo work for ou. Friday, 11eturdey, end Sunday night• Sept. 7, 8 and9 Otrysler Record? DETROIT IAl'l Chrysler Corp , gesnnl( up to revea l its govern ment bailout proposal. announced 1l will 108e more than $700 m i ll ion this year , possibly the largest ever for a U.S. corporation. T h e I o !> :. announcement came Thursday as a financial journal said bank loam1 t o the ai la ng No. J automaker arc considered "doubtful." Bank to Open 11llrd Branch ture. 011.5, chandelten, brau llfT'IP', etc Something for everyone -from $1.00 up. Free ~mission. Bank of America. Master Charge, ctteck1, Inspection of all nyr:chandbe Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 2 • 6 P .M. and 7 • 8 P .M. Tor onto Dominion Bank of California will open its third Southern Callfornia branch on . Sept. 18 al Ma in aind Redhill l.n lrvlne some term$ available. newport galleries ltd. 2542 West Coast Highway Newport Beach, CA . (714) 64~~00 COMSIGMMBn'S ACCEPI ED 'TIL 5 PM Aft L ... tfl• AUCllOflffr The temporary quarters at 1390 M•ln wlll house the bank until a permanent bulldtn1 la completed In mid 1980. 1st Annual Preseason PARKING LOT SALE Fri., Sat. & Sun. Sept. 7, 8 & 9 Join us in kicking off the 1979-80 ski season . while you take advantage of super savings on last season's clothing & equipment 25-50%0FF .... _ .................... _ .... _, .... , ·-~ . .. - County Firms Report Buainea1ea Tell of Promotions, Project& Wene,. Pacific Ft~al Co'fP., Newport Beach, has appointed Gr,ce Browa Graber, lrvt.ne..t.. u senior v~ce p. resident ot the realdenUat at.aft • ..,_. wu.previoc,tlly vice preaideat. Sbe la the flnt woman IO bold a corporate tcnJor vtce presidency wttb the company. She usumet responsibWty for corporate un- derwntina. loan fundlna allotment, corporate pro- «dura and the coordJnaUoo of branch personnel training. She baa ~n wtt.h the company four years. • Appointment of eight new ualstant vice preal· dents has been announced by Pacific Mutual, a Newport ..Bucb·ba.sed life aod beallb insurance company. WWard G. Bordea haa been appointed assis· ta.nl vice president, real est.¥. He joined the com- pany in 1978 with 13 years' ejj)trience in land plan· Ding, property sales and product design wtlb t.be Irvine Co. He is involved wtlh direct management and development of indu.strlal and resadentlaJ properties for Pacific Mutual. St.even W. Browa bas been appointed assistant vice president, associate general counsel He Joined the farm as an attorney in 1972 and was ap- pointed as:;istant counsel in 1914 and associate counsel in 1.977. Judy A. Fauce tt has been appointed 11ssistant vice president , 1nd1v1dual actuarial Her resporuubal.aUes include developing new and re· vised insurance products for introduction m 1981 WUllam L. Jleuehrood has been appointed as· s1stant Vl('e president, individual actuarial He Joined th~ firm an 1969, was named actuarial assas· tant m 1972 and assistant actuary an 1976 Sunn I. Lan has been appointed assistant vice prcMd~nt , audit. She Joined the company an 1978 with blX years· experience with other in · !>Urance companies She directs Internal hnancial and opcrntaon audatb and C'OOrdmates act1v1t1es of externul auditors Wayne Douglas Lebmaa has been appointed assistant vice president, group actuarial His respoos1b1hties include determ101ng premium rates fur )!roup life. accident and health insurance products Rogt'r A. Ru11stll has been appointed assistant vice prc~adent . a~1ioc1atf' ~eneral couni.el He Joined the comp<m y ai. an attorney an 1973 aftf'r several )t•urs' law practice with an Orange law farm Want"n {'. Young ha~ been appoantl'<i assistant vare pr('!>1dcnt, a~cnc·y career development He joined the nrm ln 1184 ... aupervtaor ln th• Santa Ana aales a1ency. He became director of tralnlQI if\ 1970 and director, a1ency CUWJ' development (ii 1'7t. * Kn& A. Ber1e of Newport Beach, newly •J>· pointed re1lonal mana1er lo the develapmebt mau1ement tervlcea dlvlllon ot Celdwell Buker Maupmetl& Co'fP., Newport Beach, bu t>Mn named a vice prealdent of the company. He alto assumes dut1e1 u a dlviaion reaionaJ manaier al Newport Beach, where be previoualy waa project office mana1er. He is re11pomlble for bWlloeu de· velopment and project oianage- menl ln the re1lon conalAUng of Los Angeles, Orange and S•n Diego counties and Nevada and Arizona. He joined the company 1.11 1969 as a member of its special p rojects d epartment. H e became a real estate develop- Hllot mertl project manager in 19'72 and worked out of the firm's Los Angeles office un l1l 1978 He previously spent eight years with the lrvine Co In Newport Beach. • The KoU Co., Newport Beach, has promoted Lester A. Holmes, Corona del Mar. to vice pres1 dent of conslructaon admirustralion He works on the coord1nat1on admanistralJon ror the corpor ate and regionaJ office!! He Jotned the company m 1977 as the construe lion admm.istrataon manager at the headquarter~ office In has new JOb. he continues lo act as th., liaison om ccr between the branch offlres and Newport Beach oHice He also 111 responsible Coe the anterrutl processmg of construction contracts • The Ncw1>9rt Beach based architectural rirm of Hill. Danlelfoo & Aasoc:la&.es hits promoted four t:-mployecs as associates They are Kenn~tb L. Paddock, 1.arry A. FrapwrU, A. John Low and Ronald S. Brl«gs. Paddock has bet:n with the farm ~1nce March 1976 and h vcs an Irvine Frapwell nas been with the farm s tnct' February 1977 and lives an Seal &!ach Low Joined the tompany in March 1977 and lives LO Irvan~ Bnggs Joined thr farm JO Nov ember 19711 and laves m Cerntrn> (), •·r l 'lu· <:ount•·r HA SO LI itifMJ' '"· 1' • ..•• ,.,, DI 1 ) I It' ltlVAf ,. ,.. ., ,.,, -~ 11 lo 14 I "''"'-'.'' fP• 17 • t' .-.IM•'" Ufl• 1()•1 P <ltf'\A~ "' 1" • JI •11 t •.v JI 11 ".,.,,tf,.f 11 , t l·. , 1mr ... ·1 t ' ... .,.,~."' 11 /t ~ *'•t.•V ).I ,, • tafn, , .. ''· t •"'•'" •'-· 1n , '"""',"'"' n ... n~. '•"•'n 11 ,,,.,.,, •.• ,, .. tt 11 I•' U• '' t•'• II I IW)f'H"' ', r M•tt• .f n ""1 M•@-"1tJIP11 ~ '~.: ~:I:::: n • • M UtA\'\' 6 • 1•, M.tu~t fl • "' (l\,l'T'I I t' • t <Jiv•y 4 I • ... • '"''"" .,. ... , ,.,•tf(~ t ..... ,, .... , J(, • It , _...1'1lft .. 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UP 10 '• I UP tO' .... t111 10 _J I UP 10 l I UP 10 J •. uo •o "'' 100 Uu IOI> lH• 10 n ("<) t'' t ' ()fl u, ()ft ••• l'\11 IS\1 Ort '"' nu 1011 011 1011 Ott 8 1 ()II I J Ot• It Ott • 1 • ()ft • , ()H • 1 Ott • 1 , ()ft •I ()fl • ) • ()ff ) ~ '• Ott \ ._ I Oft )8 • 011 )6 .. , Oft S6 I' Ort '. , Ott t • ()II ) l •• 0 11 , J • ()It so .. ()If J 0 MUTlJAL FUNDS ' I .. -., --.. ------~ ............ - t ( [ , ~ b ll ti ( d .. p ti 3 e: ri tl Ct R p pl ni h• STOCKS I BUSINESS Friday• Clo8ill(( Price NYSE COMPOSfl'E TRANSACTIONS Ffldaiy.8epiember7. 1979 DAIL y PILOT A 13 Federal Health Plans Abound By SYLVIA POaTEa A• the 1980 eleetlona hoopla moves toward It.a usual deafenJ.n1 crucendo, more will be heard about a national health lriaurance proaram. Written off for tlm penod because of budgetary constdentiooa, the iaaue bu a1&1n surfaced, aod it well may play an unanticipated role in lbe undeclared but real power struule between President Carter and Seo. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass .. But much more help than bas been publ.h:i%ed already exists al lbe federal level. AS JUST ON£ ILLUSTaATION, the National Institutes of Health at Bethesda. Md .. the government's principal reae.arcb a1ency in medicine, supporta more than 13> reaearch and treatment centers. Th~ principal function of the cenuira is to find new treat- ments for dileue and to improye upon C"1r· rent treatments. The NIH works Money's Worth closely with many of 1 the leading university ----------medical centera, research foundaUona and hospitals In stu· dying a wide range of major problems: arteriosclerosis, arthritis. asthma, allerctc diseases, blood disea&es, heart dlaorden. genetic diseases, l~g diseues, mental health. problems of aging and sickle-cell disease. At the National InaUtutes of Health headquarters, ror example. the government maintains a 546·bed hospital as well as facilities and support services for nearly 1,000 physicians who conduct clinical research for eight of the 11 NTH institutes and the National Institute or Mental Health. ADMISSION IS BY PBYSIOAN llEFERllAL. Only patienta who have the precise kind or stage or disease or illness under Investigation by the organization's scientists-clinicians are referred. Some medical experues of patients may be underwrit· ten by the NIH. An exception as the community mental health center program, which receives funds for close to a>() mental health centers throughout the United States and is supported jointly by the National Institute of Mental Health and state a nd local agencies. The centers· services are available to everyone, with the charges depending on ability to pay AllTE&IOSCLEROSIS CENTERS FOil research and treatment are at UC. San Diego at La Jolla 92093; UC. San Francisco. 513 Parnassus, San Francisco 94143 ; University of Chicago, 950 E. 59 St .. Chi cago, 111. 60637 , Columbia Umversity College of Physicians and Surgeons, 630 W. 168 St . New York . N Y 10032: Uru versaty of Iowa College of Medicine. Iowa Caty, Iowa 52242 . Lou1S1ana State Uni versa· ty, 1S42Tulane Ave. New Orleans. La 70112. Health problems of the a~ed are i.tud1ed at the Geron· tology Research Center, NauonaJ Institute on Aging, NIH. Bethe&da. Md 20014 Heart and vasculu diseases research 1s at Baylor College of Medicine. Tex~ Medical Center Houston, Tex· as 77025 BLOOD DISEASES ARE RESEARCHED and treated at Puget Sound Blood Center, Terry Avenue at Madison Street. Seattle. Wash. 981()4 Hypertension prOJt'Cts are conducted at Boston l n1vers1ty. 80 E Concord St Boston. Mass 021 18· Cornell Medical College, !JOO York Ave . :-.lew York. N Y 10021 , Indiana l 'nt\ers1t) I IOO W M1ch1gan St. Indianapolis, Ind. 462D2. Vanderbilt l n1vers1ty , 21st Ave S, Nashville. Tenn. 37232 \ Oil· Issues Continue To Pace Stock Rise NEW YORK IAP ) -OLl 1ssues . responding to news or a possible dJscovery 1n Canada's Beaufort Sea, led the stoc k market higher ror the second str&1ghl session today The Dow Jones average of 30 ind"strials , off a fraction in early trading, was up 6.91 points to 874 23 .fiitfH"k• In Th.- ."ipotllght NEW YORK !iloPI F1""1 Oo,. JO,,..\avqs STOCKI JO Ind JO Trn II VII o Slk °'*' HIOfl l Ow C IO~ CIWl ... U 171" kl ~7 814 H • • •• 1'111 )ff 1' })6 04 1~ '1 • I 17 IOI .. ICll ~ 101 10 IOI! •7 • 0 811 ~ I? 109 1' )()A 07 109 11 • 7 II '"°"' Tr•n VIII\ o\ so "'EW YOR~ Adv•nc.a 0.<111\of't(f V~"•notO Tot•I l\'\\.Ht\ N~• "•tJP'tt ... ,,,. 10 .. , N E YOR.C API "'"' 4pptO• INI tot.I Prfl'v10V\ <M• Wtf"k •OO Monlh •OO "(,,,.,, .-00 l WO ¥f'ef'\ tO't '\ J•" 1 to cs..i.t~ 1•11 to O•tr 1•77 to dAt,. 7,JJl.600 .,,,. 100 •n 100 J "' 400 Pr,.. r()<1Ay 11~Y 81• 91\ ~·· 111 ... )'>() , .. , 18112 H n ., 8 ~10<~ ..... )4 JtO 000 JO.JJ0.000 U.370.000 16.1.0 000 •2.110.000 ,, 100,000 \JS• .OJ IM 4 •H 710.000 J s-.. 750.000 'llrHAT AMf A 010 NEw Vl)lh: •Ari AOv.tf'(~ 00><11......, Un<l\•nQfO Tot•• ''\.Ut-' H~w nlQtr\ Hew IOW'- su.,..r Pftv T oCIAy day Jiii JS? 1H rl• 7JO HO no ... )7 IS 4 • t. 'rtday, leptember 1. tl71 save 3.01 on jr. woven shirts Tailored slyle. pertcc1 w11h pants or skir1s Po1n1ed or Peler Pan collar. Polyesler/collon 1n sizes 7/8-15116 Reg.10.00 6.99 save on misses' corduroy pants S111ched lront pleats. belled wa1s1bands and pockel lreatments Cotton corduroy 1r1 regular or narrow leg styles. in sizes G 10 16 Reg. 20.00 17 .99 back-to-school jacket sale! savings for boys of all sizes I-or big boys. w<:1rmly lined polycstur/collon poplin. or IPa lhcr-look polyvinylchlor1de 1n bomber ~tyle. or 1r1mmed nylon ski 1c1c,k<!b Also a choice ot styles tor boy~ s11c:•, 4 -1 Reg 20 00-42 00. 16.00·33.60 20°/o off / (f ~~ all Mervyn 's brand western jeans for big boys are on sale Cotton/polyester corduroy sizes 8-12 regular or slim. reg 9.00 pair. sale 7.89, 2/15.00 Or choose denim. twill or brushed denim in polyester/cotton/nylon. Sizes 8-12 reg .. slim Reg. 7.99 pa11. sale 6.89 2/13.00 men's and boys' shoes are on sale just in time for schoo l For boys. tan smooth ledthur Ccl '>U.ils t1nd rust leather Cdsuals. bot11111 sizes8'1: 3 and 3'17·6 Or choose the moccasin toe t;1n ~uede casual boot in sizes 8 'li·3 and 3 ·1~-6 Shoe Departmen1 Boya ·.reg 15 99 and 1 I 9\:J . 13.97 and 15.97 2.02 off Save 3.02 on men's suede boot. reg 24.99. 21 .97 boys' knit shirts and woven western shirts are on sale Choos.e Ille Chf;51 ~.lrioc de:..1qn or 1h1· con1r.i'.I !rimmed solid 1n our long slo1.Nr; c1cry11c. 1<r111, in 5111!<; S·M·L·Xl Hi;q 11 00 sale 8.80 Au1h1m11c we•,wrn •,hirt" in poly1·st1·r/co11•1n plaids. s1Zfls 8-18 Reg l O 00. sale 7.99 20 01 ff ,,,,-~ 10 0 J,IJ: back-to-school savings on our entire stock of Dittos· Choose 1un1or High Rise. Saddle Back and Reqrv1ew styles and misses· Classic Curves 1n cotton/polyesrer or pre-washed cotton denim Juniors' 5-13. reg. 18 00-21.00. 14.40·16.80 Misses' 6-16. reg. 20.00-22.00. 16.00-17.60 20°k off .. ' tosc 2.01 off girls' plaid shirts in wovens and warm flannels Pta1d shtrts. rhe sunrise-fresh country look tor school Long or lab sleeve styles some with pockets Po1yester/co11on wovens or co11on flannel Sizes 4-6X, reg 1 00. sale 4.99 Sizes 7·14, reg. 8.00 5.99 brighten your wardrobe with famous make r jr. kni t tops ~iJV~· on C<;llon knll 'OP' l'l .... "f ( l111c t r1r, I ' ot ~.1yl1" Go11d co101 . w 1fl1 .1 1r.1 ", •·1• •,QllH! wqt1 c.on 1rr1 ,1111rj p1.wJ r r;1l.11· ~·1.111,;r · or '.:,hlllf.id tiO!l<)ITI ~ ... 1 ( f;IQI '::./I·'.~) ~-1 l Special 8 .99 J I save 2.01 on girls' show off trimmed jeans and pants Super looking contrast stttch and cmbro•Oery accents liven up the look ot rhese 1eans ancl pants and tel her express her 1nd1v1duallty Collon denim or polyester/cotton Sizes 7-14 >: . ..J! women's shoe sale! choice of 4 great looks at 3.02 sav1 ngs A variety ot upper pallern•. color· . .in<J uni I bottom h~1gh1c; 1n lh1c, c;etec.11on <Jl <,;il)rJI• · oxfords. updalcd loatr•r•, rii:.11v" r;rJv 0 1 l<1r<J buy 5 pairs and sav e now on girls' cable knit knee-hi s f •t rt 1 B1 · r• ,r,,, • . . 1 ' , ' ~ 1,-d I j' r-1,t f fJ fJ' t ry on ~11. I r Reg. 1. 2 5 pr. 5 /5.00 men's short s leeve knit s hirts are on sale at 1.01 savings This handsome c;e1ec 11on ror t .... i 11 <•' < ir11pu, wear includes Bee>ry. crew ,.Jncj V nt•1 1<11111•. Colorful insets or lrtm•, ridd 1nh•1t•',' I ... v ( ,J rP collon/polyush · r .n ,,.,. ':>-M I ~ Reg. 9.00 7.99 · · Prlc• effective through Sunday, September 9 • Shop Friday 8:3M:30-Saturday 8:3'MS~ Sunday ·1 CM CC>ftONA ev..... FULURTON HONTtNGTO~H 111N.Melnll.lft.,....,... .... ..,_._.,,,...,O 1m1V"""1VllW.._ ___ c.-1101C...,m6l.aY .......... ---llt1MMl9~ a ~ · "-'1144 MC>ftl ITOAU TO 81..VE VOU THM>UGHOUT MtZON~AUflOl'NIA. NIVADA AND NE.W MEXICO ct ~ 0.., 1• ·' ·-·• ........ ~-· ~ ... .....,.......~-------. a: .••• -... ...... - •' ., ......... -. .. . . .. . .. . IMllDE: •Ann Landers •Sports •Horoscope DAil. Y fl'tl.OT •• •1 DSNNl8 McL&U.AN .... Deity ........... Tbe Po1>1lcl• are comina -and they're not a flavored frozen treat They're bot. "The hottest new band on the West Coast" la bow one American teen nuu1lae described them in last month's issue. .The Popsicles are five teen-agers from Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa, wtK> joined forces two years ago hoping to make it big In the teen popular music scene. While few persons in this country have beard them perform -except for Orange County and Los Angeles au· dlences -the Popsicles seem fo be on lbeir way to attaining their goal. Their quest for stardom is getting plenty of support, particularly from lffn magazines, both in this country and in Europe. BEFEBBING TO THE GROUP AS ''the five foxy Popsicles" in its Nov· eD'lber laaue. Super Teen maguine pro· °'ised to help readers "get to know them one by one in the next issue.•· European teen magazines, which are comparing the group to the Bay City Rollers, have been featuring the Popsicles in stories and two-page color photo spreads. And, the "hot" band with the cool name appears to be really generating beat lo Germany, Holland and Sweden. So intense is the combustion they'r e creating that they're receiving Euro· pean merchandising offers to use their name and likenesses on posters, T · shirts and lunch boxes . There's even a proposal to merchan· dtse Popsicle pants and Popsicle pillow cases. .. THEY WANT ANYTHING they can get," aaid Popsicle member Erik Wat· taon. Tbe arpparmt Ourry of interest among lltaropeao teem wu generated wit.bout tlae Emopeana even having beard the band perform. However. three weeks ago the band cut wo records lo a Hollywood record· iag studio to be releuecl first lo Europe and Ulen, tbey hope, to the United Sta tea. The band consists of Huntington Beach residents Wattson 19, Mark Wayne, 18; Tony DeNuccio, 19; and Tristen Beamon. 18, plus Costa Mesan Scott Sneller who adopted the stage name of Sword because, he explained, "People will remember it a lot easier ·· The Popsicles recently a!sembled 1n the Sneller family home to discuss the1 r careers. THEY TOLD ABOUT cutting a re cord on a Huntington Beach label a year ago and selling approximately 500 copies. They said many of the records wound up being given away by band members as Christmas presents. However, the record, "Pretty Rock and Rollers" and "Try Try Boys," was played on Southern California radio sta lions and impressed KROQ disc jockey Rodney Biengenhe1mer enough that he was master of ceremonies at the Popsicles' April IO premier Los Angeles appearance at the Whiskey. At that performance, Biengenbe1mer invited record producer-promoter Kim Fowley to bear the band. Fowley, who has worked with Helen Reddy, Kiss and the Runaways, was intrigued with the band's impact on the young l!iudience. particularly the teen· age girls whose opinion of the Popsicles was apparent by their screams. SCREAMING TEEN-AGE GIRLS seem to be a common occurence wh en the Popsicles play. .. A lot of the time, the music gets drowned out by screams, Tristensaid. "One time at the International Clu b we couldn't gel off stage because su many people were screaming," said Tony, who writes the band's songs with lead singer Mark. Since the ir perfo rmance at the Whiskey, producer Fowley has taken charge of the Popsicles career; he's helped them financially. hired a publicist and produced the new singles. "HE GOT EVERYTHING ON the right track,'' Eric said. The band. which practices at least 20 hours a week and performs al least once • weekly, bas been making public ap· pea ranees and posing for photo sessions. They aim to present a clean-cut pop music image because they feel such an image ba s good commer ci al possibilities and said the time 1s ripe ror a new teen band. Asked to define the Popsicles' music. Ma rk said. "It's 1980s, it 's unex plainable " ··1t 's like disco rock aod some New Wave thrown m , ··Tris ten added. "It's kind of like New Wave, disco1sh pop, 19Ms style," Erik said. Scott, who plays keyboard. suggested that the band's "originality" 1s whal "('aptures pe<>ple's eyes and ears " T HE POPSICLES' NEXT STEP. they say. is to sign a contract with an American recording label. That's the purpose or a Sept 20 ~h o w case performance at the Troubadour in Hollywood. group mem· bers explained. The performance was arranged so invited record company representatives can hear them perform The Popsicles two new rt·cordS 1n· eluding songs called "1-:ndless Teen Party" and "Let's Kiss" are expect cd to be released in Europe soon If the records are well re<.·e1ved, tht- band might tour Europe later this year "It's hard to keep the exc1tem1:nt down ." Erik said. discussing the pan or their careers Mark added. "It kel'P!-> picking up faster and faster ·· BAND MEMBERS SAY THEY havt· the ru11 support of their parents. whu ap parently have been prepared for !>Omt· time to expect their sons to bl-rock musicians. All fi ve Pops icles say they wen· always interested m music and always had visions of being ma hit band "My whole life has built up to this.· Scott said. "I remember being 7 or 8 years old ... sald Tristeo, "and s trapping on a guitar. putting on records and 11ingmg Beatles tunes." "I Uunk everyone fantasizes that. Tony added For the five Popsicles. it looks as 1f the fantas~ might become reauty ' I ,, I I '/' / / 1 I I ~ I The Popsicles dre. from left . Scott Sneller M ar k Wayne Trtsten Be amon Tony DeNucc10 and Ertk Wattson Rings on Her Fingers, Rings on Her Toes Newport Beach resident Mollie Stauffer loves gold -and proves it by adorning herself head to toe with dozens of pieces of golden jewelry. By ROBIN OTO of tlte D•llr rt191 tutt Bangles, bracelets, bright shiny beads even shim mering fingernails. That's what Mollie Stauffer of Newport Beach wears plenty of. She wears 20 '¢lqen bracelets on her arms. 18 golden cdhains around.er neck, golden rings on every finger, three golden earrings in each ear, golden ankle bracelets, golden toe rin1s with bells and -lo top if off -golden fin1eroall.s. And, that's her everyday attire. "This is my way of marketing, says Ms . Stauffer - · ... but I totally love gold, always have ... I 'm a walking gold mine.· who operates a business called Mollie's Gold Mine where she aell.s jewelry by appointment. The Newport resident says she never removes her jewelry except to chance a few pieces every two weeks. "l turn into one bit knot sometimes," she says of all the chains abe wean, "but I totally love gqld, always have." Jewelry is hke cloth1nf;(, .. she !>ays. "and every six rnpnths. new thmgs come out " Once Jewelry goe11 out of style. she advises. . People stop and stare, but in candlelight they (gold fingernails) look super.· nothing can be done w1tb 1t allhou1h a few dentists melt down gold. A former model, Ms. Stauffer. who says she's "almost 40 and holding." appears to fit the 1otden girl image well even down to her 1old·adorned fingernails. As a s pecial touch, two of the gold fln&emalls are encrusted with her favorite aems, diamonds and emeralds. Regarding reaction to her extensive adornment with gold jewelry and bet fancy fingernails, Ms. Stauffer notes. ''People stop and stare, but In caodleliibt they <the nail.a> loot super." Despite her larae collection of 1olden jewelry. . ' t f j f • T Tnaly a golden lirl. die has a cold telephone, personaliled license plalel spelling "MOK 14K" and a plaque ~Un, "Remember the aolden rule - whoever .... the sold maktl the rules.'. • ID her bullneu, Ms. Stauffer 1pectall1es in bandl· lng orders ranilnl from bU1lneu lotoa reproduced tn cold to a'Mtion al tiny 19ld bouaea detailed with tbe ownen' ltl'Ml awnber. '. . . Remember the golden rule whoever has the gold 'makes the J rules.' \it- SM .._ bal a box ol x-rated charms, m01t or which lbe des!IMd. • Ms. Stauffer aald abe buyaicold ln Loi A.n1eJ• by the peanywetlbt. JO wetabta per ounce. &~b ftlabl averac• $12 ud up dependlna on currut 1okl prices. .. • ,, - Ma. Stauffer IA)'S she isn't worried about tMft and tbat sbe'a never been robbed. · .. Im a •alktna fold mine," abe declate1. "Once I ata:rt worrylnt"loo much, I have to pull out ol the bualneea." $be addl, "I lake a c~ lo ev~. . • • .... • r •..,. •·, • .-_. •• ~- ~ten: A Muaical Suroey , 18VING asauN • Jun .. o1 • bost o1 compoeen wlaoM llvet ud mualc wtU M covered lD the two-mlt C'OUl"M Ut.at IQiMta lloeda11from1to10 p.m., Mel•"" ~IO. ~ lDclude Oeor1• Otnbwia, Co&e Port.er, Jerome KAna, Roda_.. and Hart. Wien and Hammenteta a.od Lerner ucf Lone. "I are• up ln Pittabvtb at tbe time all tbae tompoMn were at tbe beilbt ot t.be1r c.,...n," •"'11 Halferty, a Corona del Mar ,_...,t. "Belnc bletled wtth • 1ood ear and a free and euy pluo atyle, I learned all t.belr repertoire at an early a1e. '' Poe the put decade, HaUerty -a 1tockbroker llnce 1tlO -bu been 1bartq that repertoire wtth Orance County audiences. In 1970 Halferty and b1a wife PbyW.. be1an hlr1ns mu1lclana and renUns balla to bold private concert.I tor frienda. THE VONCEaTS, says Halferty, were "so t.erriflcaUy received" that about two years ago hUI flnt spomoNCI concert wu held at Orange Coast Colle1e. "We bad a turn.away crowd in the rain for the Genbwtn concert," be says. ''The response wu ablolutely sta11erin8." Si.nee then, Halferty, whose combo performs at South CoHt Plua Sunday tea dances, bu held about 25 public concert.. Another Gershwin concert 11 aclleduled Sept. 1.5 at Oraace Coaat College and a Jerome Kern concert will be beld Oct. 8 al Saddleback College. Tbe idea for the college claaa grew out of the concert.a, ( Horoscope ) IONQWRtTIJI BUl"F GUY HALl'DTY lo which Phyllla Halferty oarrate1 blo1rapblcal lnformatJoo about tbe compoeen. "WE GOT TO BE STIJDENTS of the Uvea of these men," Halferty aaya. ''They are real people and have fuclnaUng lives. "For Instance. George and Ira Genhwin were very square guya. They were almost pw1tanJcal in their moral standards, whereas Cole Porter waa precisely the opposite: he was a homosexual and a bedonlst." The class begln.s with lbe year lBSO and a discussion of Stephen Foeter who wrote "I Dream of Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair." WhUe students will 1ain in.sight into the Uves of the great aoncwritera, they'll also experience the soocs that made them great. "I conduct the class practically from the piano," aaya Hallerty, who hopes to attract youn1 people to tbe course "They're the ones who need to be reintroduced to what we have. There 11 a terrific public hunger to bear this m uslc again. Oul, Out, Darned Spot SATIJRDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 By SYDNEY OM ARR ment, lntulUon may not be on exact Spot may be a good name for your dog, but target. Know ll and defer t.o wishes or somehow il doesn 't do for your new suit or ARIES (Mar. 21 ·Apr. 19>: Em· phasis on struggle, power, overcom· ing difficulties, winning challenge matches, being at right place al right time. Capricorn1 Cancer and the number 8 figure promlnenUy. You can "win " money and love. TAURUS <Apr. 20-May 20 ): You find doors that bad been closed are now open, awaiting your entrance. Accent on secrell, bac kstage maneuvering, hospitals. clubs. in· slltutions Aries, Libra pe rsons fig ure prominently You can com, plete an assignment. part.ner, mate. Study apeclal written dress. material, permit knowledge to be So, ii you didn't move faal enough t.o avoid bas t• for cbange. Virgo, Aries that spUl , try to move quickly afterwards, ad· persons could play key roles. Protect vises the Agriculture Depart.ment. · ideas; register formats, special con· Many stains can be removed with ju.st a lit· cepla. tie cool water, although water may cause more SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21 > 11pottingonsomefabrics. Moderate pace spells progress In other cases, you can biol up the spilled know It and act accordingly. Steer excess with a clean cloth or paper towel clear of famlJy disputes. Frank dis· Remember If you have to rub to get a slain cusslon with dependents will bring out, never rub lt against another part of the gar· des ired results. Keep health, nutrl-ment. That will juat spread the stain around. lion resolutions. Family member bu To help you cope with that unexpected valid Idea on bow to improve bulc pickle or jam you get lnto, the department has services. prepared a booklet called "Removina Staina SAGITfARIU8 (Nov. 22·Dec. 21). from Fabrics." Aura of romance permeates your It sells for $1.20 from the Consumer In· personal scenario. Be ready for ex· formation Cent.er, Pueblo, Colo. 81009 citing changes, opportunities for A•• Lallders ANNLANOERS/HOROSCOPE What's inaNamfi? DEAR ANN LANDEllS: Several mootbl llO you printed a letter about a man wtio bad several cbJJdren -I tb1nk lt wu 1lx -and be named them a1J aft.er blmaelf. the alrll lD· eluded. Ht even tacked a "Jr." on the end. When I read that letter I tboupt what a pity that eblldren should have to 1uffer because of a parent'• pecullartU.. I Juat returned from villting an art gallery ln Wllminiton. Del .. and saw a portrall of a woman whose name was "Experience." Cao you Imagine what a time that poor creature muat have bad when she waa &olng tbroua:b ICbool? Why do parenta do lhll to their children? Pleue reply. -GRAND JUNCJ'ION, COLO. OEAa G&AHD J.: I .. 't bow. W'1m*-a1. •a7be. Or It CGeld be a fa•llr •••• aad U1e1 waat to "i. ... r" a rtci. rela&IYe; Perllapa CIMr -~ aaawer G.11 OH. Sile umed lier cll.Udrea Qudt1 aod £11Jall Blae. DEAR ANN LANDERS: F ive yeara ago our two children ud their famllles moved away. It meant fine promotiooa for both We were happy for lbem at the time, but soon alter we realized their abeence made a tremeodoua dllference in our lJves We are tryinc to carry on, but we are lonely, frlebtened and broken· hearted. We miu the love and aecun · ty our cblldren and srandehDdren i8Ve UI C>n a dally bull. Of coune, we vlllt back and forth, make frequent phone calll and wrtte letters. But It la not lbe aame u hav· in& them near at all Umes. We never feared growln& old, but all that has changed. Must we accept thJ.t klnd of emtence until death? - RETIRED MOM AND DAD DEAJl •O• AND DAD: Y•. a.ad I bope yoa ..Ul accept ll ~ srace ud aot make 1oar cbild.rea feel a•Uty becaue taae1 CMM to .. veolll oftoWD. 8aret7 yoa woa.Jd.a't i.aft w-.cl yoa r cblldrea to pau •• •P· portu.l&ks for advaacemeld '-eaue It meaa& leavta1 JCMI. To lane ~ ao •oa.ld have beea a mlatake -... thy aarely woald line reire«ed later. The llaUmark of HCCetdld P•retd· ta1 la to ban reared clalldra wM are Lndepeodeet. Yoa 1b..W rejake hi your acblevemeni.. CONnOENTIAL TO YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY KNOW : Sorry, I c1ot1•t agree Ula&" lD order to give advice ..e. mut llave Uved throaall &lie sl&u· Uoa. U I bad experienced neryt.ldq I advbe oa, I'd be la 110 abpe to &ell anybody uythlng. GEMINI <May 21.June 20 ) Accent on crealJVlty, imprinting style, re· vitallzat1on, getting to heart of mat· ters , new conta c t s, e m otional res ponses. Leo 1s m picture Desires can be fulfill ed Impulse could rule logic. Have fun, but~ awure creative expression. Pisces, Virgo Jn· ( ) dividu.alB figure prominently Def me ~==' .. ="'=·~l~U~)Y~I~> ~~~~-~~g~~~~~LJ~~~~~~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t needs, know djfference between •n· INFORMS in the trigue and happiness. You might pay heavy price for clandestine arrafr. DAILY PILOT CANCER <June 21 July 22): You have "revelation" in sense that goal comes into sharp, clear focwi. Utilize natural abilities. Follow lhrou~ on Instinct, aeruie of survival. You have grand chance to enhance security. Another Cancer native could be very much In pi cture. LEO (July 23 -Aug . 22): Accent OD dlversificatlon, communication, travel plana and accelerated social activity. Long-range plans. concepts are featured. Gemini, Sagittarius and the number 3 could figure pro- minently. You receive "notice" wbicb adds up to lood news. VJSGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Famlly budget diacuaalon could be oo aaen- d a. Make aome concessions, but 1tand firm on principles. You receive gift from one who neglected previowi special occasion. Be dJpiomaUc, will· ing to forgive and forget. Significant domestic adjustment occurs. LIBU <Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Judg- CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19): 5000 LAMP PARTS Harbor Utes .... ....,.., ..... ....., 1117 ......... ...... c..hMlle Mi-7HI Basic values are accentuated. Get valid appraJ.aal of land, property or pereonal possessions. Bein& recep- tJve to expert counael aids in promot· ing future security. Know It and act a ccordingly. Another Capricorn could be lo picture. -::::========~ AQVA&fV8 <Jan. 20-Feb. 18): 1.o1e wat• bloal SOgbt delay ahollld not be uMd as reason for abandonin1 project. Polen· with ODRINIL Ual for aucceas is greater than mleht -Nature's way be anticipated. Be flexible enough to utllh:e information obtained from ooa. t.i • you I0'41 t1U!>\ "surprise" source. Relative in transit •f!Qlrt M to m.ess •Ile< 1e1en1ion could au:pply m111LD1 link. °"'"" lhc pr~ cycle Pl.8Ca <Feb. 19-Mar. 20): New --Ille ~rur.r W1ret "" approach could improve financial Co01'U11s NIUIM llefbl 111 ' ·~ ~ a tltc!M Mid IHI 01Q situation. Accent on greater lndepen· roio..~~mon11tonotiy111t dence, originality and "creative _Mra-llTlllQOl IWS ~,. touch." Get to heart of matt.era, re· ~Pl¥> 8o!nS0111wrt11monrybo ject hackneyed concepts . Leo. ou11anttie Aquarius persona play roles In scenario. You can locate what had been lost or stolen. - lHRlfly .. ~ ...... . (U,1 •II Jrrwl \fttWt ' featur .. I ltfecttftDleta 111-3441 Health, Beauty & fltnt11 Fair ~--- ··-_____ ,._.... ............ -. -........ ..-.... -· I • - GRAND OPENING! COMMAND PERFORMANCE COMES TO TOWN WITH THE PRECISION HAIRCUT! The Precision Haircut Explained Precisely. Because your head Is unique. the way your fussing with 1t Usually a shake ol the head hair grows la equally unique Really Quite does ti different from every one else's. At Command Performance we shampoo, Preclllon haircutting Is a technique for prec1a1on-cut and blow dry your hair for cutting the hatr in harmony with the way 1t sixteen dollars. whet.her you're a gal or grows. Your hair eventually grows out but a guy. And no appointments are ever 11 doesn't ION it1 stutpe wtth a precrs1on necessary haircut. Consequently your haircut wlll We also oflor permanent waves. color- look u gOOd aftor flvo daye 11 It does after 1ng. frosting and conditioning But we ltvo mlnutos. And becaueo the hafr falls really ahine with proo.llon. And so will naturally Into place you won't have to keep you Co1UD1and~ ... ~-1-.... -a-n_e_e~: c •• ,., .. _..._c... i:a: .......................... Nl .. ," ..... :: ... u s °°"·-·..u.w::,:•r ..... ,r.-..•.:m:-• ..... , .... , ... ·~ .............. 0..... -----~ -~·~ .. ,.,..-· , .......... Nad'Tl ...... t ... ~ .... ,~ . .. .. , .. , .... _ -.., .............. -. --.. ------.... 1• .,.,__._.._,. ___ ..., _____ ·.-·-______ ... .._ ......... -.... ,,. ....... -.... , ........ -........ DAILY PILOT ft I Noae Jobs, Tummy Tucks, Face-lifls GrowiQg Popular • 1 1re A 8sL• ••••ovs•SNT. 1outh· ·on-.... mdeb', eoemetlc plastic •urter'Y ls "becodil:q lacreaalqly acceptable, Bna.nan ... , .. .... ,.w ... .. .. 1m tun.Or lftvt1.- con. Mesa-541-1156 In addition to face llftl and eyelid lllJ'lery, •many perm cboole to have their -re-daced or nahaped, breuta enlar1ed or re· dueed,...,.. and wrink.le1 buffed olf, looee ab-~ - •dombsal skin U&btened (tummy tuck> or tbilb "' ,...__ t;) · ·•ri.n.klm removed. l9 --~ Bnnnao. who apeclalbes in plastic surcery • tk ol the nose. will chair a poetaraduate aeminar aJ _..1 :.a fadal plastic 1urgery Sept. 12 throu&b 15 at •1• ·•the Balboa Bay Club, Newport Beacb. The f14~()lfl? ~ seminar is sponsored by the American -.Jill! Academy of Faclal P lastic and Recoostructlve .EE CONSULTATION SurgP-ry and the Foundation for Facial Plastic 842..a484i. Surgery. 120 lrvlne Blvu. lhrt 8~-CGUCM BE WC appliet CO botbHAI. *'AU of tbe ~we• la ~ ft•ld of facial plutk IW'leey apply to IDlll u well u woaa-.•· be •an. About • ,..~ o1 hil pa· ts.uan1De1L a,_.. UC.. tM eblD ...... w1tb the DOM la alNU • PfJl'CG of bll op11 lticm. A reced1q did.a ea •aacte to look natural wtt.b an hlJec· tloD of ayatbeUe mat.erta.L A.ad tbat'• u.. keJ, layl Brennan -to make tbe patient look "natw-al." .. It'• Important that the DOM look natural aDd not bave a telltale lip, -. ... that would defeat tbe IUl'ler"Y· ''lt would be miaalaa the boat lf we did the note and miued the chin. We want a total ap. pearance; a total concept of faclal ap-pearance." DMty ............... DA. H.GEOROE BRENNAN SUMMER CLEARANCE 960-6400 1/2 PRICE UNTIL IT'S GONE 110 PACIRCCOAST HIGHWAY HUNTINGTON BEACH In addition to the sessions for doctors, a ~=~~==d.Jl=•='K="~~-------------------------------------------'faclal surgery forum designed for lay persons - RlOPlNS flBRUARY I ST will be lead by a group or pJaatic surgeons at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13, at the club. Brennan. who lives in Newport Beach, says ;paUent.s are screened carefully -both pbysloaJ. ly and psychologically -before be agrees to perform cosmetic surgery on !hem. PATIENTS OFTEN WILL CLIP boto•raphs of celebrities or fash~!>n roodell as examples of the noses they want. ' • .. You have to be cautious that the patient , 1n't-really after looking like that person rather fthn j\Bt having that nose.," Brennan says. "I ~BID ~ to know what a patient is thinking 'l90 that I know if be is realistic in his expecta· :uons." i To reshape a nose, Brennan ouWnes a new ·style on the back of a patient's profile photo· '1raph. -B1 perf omung the surgery through a pa· ~leftt'S nostrils. he says, telltale scars are ,,avoided. Basica lly, the s urgery calls for )l'-.llaJlliialofthenose's bone and cartilage. f Brei'man says he performs nose surgery in 'i.aboat 30 minutes and emphasizes that most llOH cmmetic surgery can be done on an outpa· )Sient bals. f' ... --C»~r""" ~h Wedneaday m the Doily fltrot and coniam. notice• of ~·a and UTtnee ~-ub _,..,,. and ft.lnll1 open to the publu: /or the ~,.,.,,.,., .. k • .... .... to Club c~. Doil11 PUot, P.O. tor-. eo.to lino, CA aas. Inda pr notM W PtOIW amber. To Harbor Ridge, the exclusive hillside community overlooking Newport Beach. Here, you'll find three distinctive ways to live: Harbor Ridge Estates, Harbor Ridge Crest, and Harbor Ridge Custom Homesites. Plus a community that offers a guarded gate, four pool areas, three tennis courts, and views that capture canyons, ridges, seascape or quiet lights at night. You already know how good it is to live in the Neivport Beach area. Now, visit the nine inno'Oatively designed model homes in the spectacular community everyone is talking about. Harbor Ridge. Above all else in Neivport Beach. 8"'6or ~e Eltata. lArge AU.Cl;id homes alJerag lng S450,000 8""or BP Oat. tuxurioiu condominiums averaging SJ25,000 H"'6tw .RUz~ °"""" Honialta. Diffmng in 1iu and vlet11 awrQ.gfng 1400,000 Obtain the Pro~ /Wport ,.qwired b11 Federal lAw atul rt0d it b~ore s(gnini anvthlns. No kdmtl ageric11 hl:I• judged the m.rltl or vcdu4 if •n11, of thl6 propmy. Prlca rffrctl~ B/79 17 Harbor IUdp Drlw, Nnoport &ach (714) 6fl>a6716. Off 5,tn"'-Hill Rood. ""I I I I I , j I I I Reg. 139.99 Worthy of an em erorl The greatest of kings ls 1198 8 carefully constructed 1n old Hong Kon from strong rattan. Its r al back rises about ~ high. Intricate black det~tng adds an exotic aura that can convert your home into a royal court. 20'" cushion avaifable at extra cost. H•nd-p•lnted bmmboo scroll. 14"x48~. Reg. 3.99 ........ · · · · · · · .. · 2.88 Bamboo planter bHkeL Wrapped rim. Reg. 1.99-6.99 .........• 88-5.88 lnaplred by the Noh Theatre. White ceramic boxes with Noh mask lids. Keep candy or jewels under the face of a 411 Japanese god. 5.99 • ~k of agH. Learn to ass cook the tradltlonal Japanel8 way with a 12" carbon steel wok, cover & stand. Reg. 11.99 Customer eatlafactlon guaranteed. If you're unhappy with any purch .... give us a chanoe to change your mind. Sele pttoee good through ...,._..,... 13. Cl•y belle. Call your boy• In from the 288 north 40. Reg. 4.99 P•P•Nn ohelr. Comee Oale our ortent81 rut•I Think with comfY oulh-15gaa Cnlng, 3x5 to 6x9. 49.99-189.99 ion. Reg. t1e.ee ( 38aa.13gaa 8BOP MONDAY Tll&U 8ATV&DAY 11·1 -~..._ __ --8UN:-IZ 'TIL I -....;._---·"...._._........,~ ANAHEIM-a mut 1Catella Avenue. m.2472 COSTA llESA-lllQJlarbor .lallnUd. IM-Dlt._...:s;i__........o;._;. --~~ GARDEN G80~1IOl1 Harbor Boalnird, .... 1411 . ' ... . . .. "While we still were al Gaen.aod hlab tebool. be bouaht me a &lua wlablnl well ... abe aald. 1'bey 'have now been married lO roar1. "That started a collection aod, when M 'd 10 oo a tr1p, J 'd alway• buy a piece of spun glua,'' ahe aald. Jn 1970 they got Into conversaUoo wlth a glass-blowing artist at a feali val in Llsbon and lear,ned be taught a course In creative &lua blowing at the University ot Akron. BANDY ENROLLED and alt.ended every clua for three years. In the course or her studies, she kept some or the objects she made and began showing them at Stark County fairs. Grand pianos spun ln glass, she says, are fun to make and fast-sellers at her st.ores. So are merry.go-rounds and horses that turn. llack Widow's Reputation Is Worse Than its Bite By DOllOTHY WENCK ~ C:-ty M-AdYl-BJ&Ck widow spiders. Do you fear them? Avoid them? Try to get rid of them if you find them living in your garage or yard? A researcher at the University of Arizona in Tucson, who stud.led black widows learned that they're not as vicious as their reputaUons lead us to beUeve. He said black widows actually are reluctant to bite in self defense. In his experiments, he learned that female black widows averaged less than one biting response to 100 touches with a rod. Underfed spiders and splder1> guarding egg sacs bit the rod an average of three or four times when touched JOO times. THE SPIDERS WERE MOST likely to bite, be found, when trapped and violently pressured. People are most in dancer of being bitten by a black widow if they rapid· ly grasp something that a aplder is biding under, when they step into a web or pull on shoes In which a spider is hJdj ng Even though the black widows' re putat1on for biting is exagRerated, it's still important to treat them with care and respect. The widow's poison is potent. a bout LS times more potent than rat- tlesnake venom. But the spiders in· ject such a small amount of venon that only four to five percent or known bites are fatal to humans. That adds up to about five deaths per year in the United States. While not often lethal, black widow bites are painful. An anti-venom for black widow bites Is available. So If you are bitten, get to a doctor and try to take along the spider for ldenifica- tion .. Black. widows are native to all of the United States except Alaska and Hawaii. The University or Arizona researcher found that they populate the Tucaon urban areas more densely than the adjacent desert so con- cluded that they prefer habitats u - socialed with man. Handicapped Kids Ne ed Homes Adoptive homes for handicapped children are needed. Special financial a11l1tance la available for aucb adoption.a tbroueb the Oran1e County Social Services Department. For Information. call 834-2583. Back To School SPECIAL 2-For-1 2 llem ber1blp 1 tor t he p rtce of 1 --Br~ a f riend . 19400 Beaah At ltrkUWa• l•at1a1&1a 11ae1I $38.00 For 3 Months 963-3632 l'IG,UBE --·---__. .. ' \ ' ,, __ ,.,,,.., "'""''.._,Cl> ..... CAM•! O .. t, Plleol S.~-1. "·)I 71 tt" n1~r. PUBLIC NOTICE A PUBUC NOTICE rtC1'1TIOUI •Ulfltlf' NIUH ITATIMllfT T ~ toilt,,...•l'Wt ... ,toflt'\ •t• dOt,_. """_ .. FEATURING c....,.. NOTIC. TO C•SOtTOtll IUN•IOll COU•T Ol'TM• ITAT• ()ti CAU"°'91flA ,,_ TM• CIOUtfTY O' 04lMle• ........... Fite• fll DeLIOKT TAT• eu•Ll, °"'-•-· l'IOTtCE 11 Hl!lll!H' OIY•N 10 ... (refit ........ -,_. -.Cedeftl _, .. , __ _..,.,_.....,. . .... Wlf --,_.,.. to Ole -m •'"'IM '-<ft_., -"Ht, •~ -lifftU ....... (~ Ill -....... tit ... '-'• ., lo ~....,. tfleM, wltll ,,,. ,... .. _, ¥-""''· le IN -"'., ... ,,.d ............. , ••• MA(;\£04 A Jf l'IHl'4GS, hl'I• I07 r ... ,,. 9.,,,.,,,. •. 111n •••• 11111 \<'"'· , ........ C.Olferlll• -· """" " .... -· "' --~ ... "" "-"~ "''°'' _, .. rtal"""J I& ,,.. •'\tM• f'1' w4d W...,.., •f't'*' ._,.. -'"' --"'~' -'t"'• ... ~, .......... JOUHIAtll I/Alli ~ OAN C, O•t_,.....,_ If, !"1'1 C. f '4 l f II 1'°"' ~I• \! ' -HUff> f '4tH Lt , .... 11 .. ....,. U f110ll , __ ,.,_#I tt J.11.,, r --· ,...,. _,,., ., __ _ Pl {°"I•-(.A-71 -- (.,.e<IOfl• ""' \.0-,..._. --MAote 11 6 JI-•-· Pt ,~-r,.Af»17 ......... C-.... '"'' ~-' ,, (_, .. .., . ,,.., .... .,.., -,,__,.,-~ ,_,(,A .... ,,,_. .... , ....... ""-ht ti Ml -fl'lll ,,,,, ......-... ,. ... •"" ti. ·---·-,_,, ,...,. ., o.-.. c-., -•-·-0-.,.. r_.._ °"''" Pn•t AW9¥t4 ll. tt)t Pl.,U ...... II. M, Jt. ~ 1,..,, ,..._,. PVD'i_ Or_ C-9' 0-1• "''°' ----- ..... "· , •• ''·""" 1 ,.,. JM." PUBLIC NOTICE PICTtTIOUt •UltNIH M-1 ITATIMINT PUBLIC NOTICE ' I PUBUC NOTICE l'tCTtTtOUS •U,tlllM Ill.Ml UATIMlllT Tr-.e to11owint Pf'Vln' are dotn9 OW\•"'t\.\ •\ AC Af till t;AADENS. LTD, 202' Ov•d \heft. lrlf••POft B•ac.f\. , ..... , .... .,... •<•<t• C..•-0."'-1 C.o , 101t Ou•tl \tr"1. Hewlt«l Beecll, C•1tt0tnt•.-,.. M t'-"-IJ ... IOll'IM, ... Gefttury P4tt £4'1 lot Af'991 ... CAltlor"t• _, PUBLIC NOTICE "'"' ., 0 A'4A P Otl'IT 8UltN ES~ MACHIN(\ )AltJ Viotet L •ftt•rft, o • .,.. ....... , Ce~ JO..-oft ~. lAll'1 11 .... V l ...,•">. O•n• Po-111. ~ .,.,. f t\1\ tMl\Jtw'\\ I\ < ondue\l'd Ol •n ,,, d1¥1dw•I --'"" t-t.~ ..... f1~ •tt" Uw Covnlf Ct•rk ol Ot.,.99 CAoinh 0 11 A .,qvtt IS ",. .. ,..," Pul)I"-Or-(09~1 Dolly PttOI A"fl 11. U . JI 5-CI( 1, "" Jt»-7' PUBLIC NOTICE . . . . .... I . . .... IW T. ~ .~ ---· ·-------... ..._ ...:JI-~~~--~ ... ~--.··-···--. Rama Win in a Crawl, 18-~ DSNV&ft CAP> Four di.YI earlier, lbe lM Aaa•I• JLama bad loet a 1ame becauae ot COldy .,. ... -t.o b&Kbd .,..u. a hamblld puat NtMnl ud thne IA~. to be uact. TbW'ldQ altbt, tlM Rama 1ot even wbte U...bacar Jack &eYDOlda ICOQPed "-P a hunble a,, Dea•w ,..n..baek CraJt llorton Uld crawiect fou.r yanta lnto t.be end .-. ror the cllncbJAa touchdowD ln a ll·t Naticloal FOOlball lAqu. victory. ''I WAI AllAZJ:D TO RBS lbe ball pop out," tafd Reynolda after acortnc tbe fint toUcbdown of Ilia 10.year pro career. "Jl wu j\&lt bt.aa on the noor. I concentrated on fatun1 on the ball. BHrybody down there just plcked me up &ad moved me oo my way." Of hla lW'chlna run Into t.be end zone, Reynold• aald, "I call lt 'run, stumble and score'." The key turnover . wb.lcb came witb nine mi.nut. left ln the game, wu produced by Dave J:lmendorf'a safely blitz. Elmendorf slammed lDto Mortoo, who bad dropped back to pass from the Bronco 18-yard line, and the ball came loose: "It was a normal safety blitz -J juat went to the outside," said Elmendorf. LOB ANGELES COACH Ray M alavaai explained that his team had used lbe safety bllti at leaat oace in the flrat half, against Denver starter Nonia Weese. "But obvioualy It didn't work as well as it did against Morton on the touchdown play," aald Malavasl. · Morton had replaced Weese In the third quarter, and he promptly Ignited a sluggish Bronco offense. Hitting passes of 2S yards to Jack Dolbln and 16 yards to Riley Odoma, Morton drove Denver to its only touchdown late in the third period. Dave Preston sliced seven yards off the left side for the score, giving Denver a 9-6 lead. But the Bronco offense was finished after that, prlocipally because the rampaging Rams defense sacked Morton five times in the final period, including the touchdown play by Reynolds. "TllEY BLITZED ABOUT AS MUCH as I tbouibt they would," 1uud Denver Coach Red Miller ... We let too many of U..m 1• put, but you have to .tve t.b• Rama cNdlt -tlMy bave a snat defenM.r. Pat lladiln'1 plnpolnt p1ttJD1 bad ttaked Loi ADl•ln to a t -0 tint-quarter lead. Haden eompi.t.d all four of b11 PMM9 oo a drive tbat cutmtnai.ct In P'ra.ok Corral'• IO-yud fteld 1oaJ earlf ln U.. 1a1ne. On UU• neat Hri•, Hadim bit on fOUI' of ftve o ...... and Corral coDMCted from M Janis away. The Broac<M1 cut the deftcit to 1-2 OD a rare end-J(IOe penalty. On• pa.u play from deep ln Loe Aoteles territory. Rama offenalve suard John WlWama wu wbHUed for boldlq ln the end zone, wb.leb oomtitutes 1 safety. DENVE• TBaEATENED TO scoaE •lain momenta later after Rlck Upcbureb caucbt ~ 44 -yard pass from Weese. But three straight incomplete passes forced the Broncos to line up for a field-goal attempt al the Los Angeles 18. Weese, the holder, passed to Jim Turner, the would-be kicker, who was tackled al the 10-yard line, and the Rams took over. The Broncos had scored a touchdown on the same play against Oakland two years ago. "We saw something that made WI think It would work," said Miller. ''They really had to play it well to stop it." Haden completed 23 of 32 puses for 191 yards, which accounted for the bulk of the Rams' 277 total yards. IT WAS ONE OF BADEN'S best passing days as a pro, and he credited lt to having an abundance or runrung backs to throw to .... could go back. read the coverage and have three or four in my line of vision." Denver, held to 17 yards rushing In the first half, finished with 179 total yards. •• -~-..... -.. DAVE ELMENDORF JARS THE BALL LOOSE FROM DENVER'S CRAIG MORTON. Fregosi Happy to See White Sox Leave ... . JIM FREGOSI By DAVE CUNNINGHAM Ot IM o.11, ~, ... l lA" Even though bis Angels won three of four from them, Manager Jim Fregosi is happy to see the White Sox go. "I 'II tell ya what, I've never seen so many base hits flying around the ballpark in my lite as 1 have in the past few days," Fregosl aald. Then be shook his bead and excwied himself from thf' office full of reporters. "I've got to go get a beer," Fregosl said. It wu that kind of same. BOOKIE DICK.IE THON drilled a double to acore Don Baylor from second base lo the eighth loolog, glviq the Angela a 10-9 victory and a three-aame lead lo the American League Weal Thursday. But for more than three hours before that, it was the kind of game which can give managers ulcers-or dlvertlculills wblch is the Intestinal problem Fregosi has bad for two months. with shorts top Greg Pryor while running toward third The umpires huddl('d together ror several mlnute11 and finally decided that Mi ller s hould be called out for interference The runner who had bCOred was sent back to third It Y.is s nt>a r1n g m1dn1J(ht when relu·vc-r John Montague applwl! llu: ftnishmg touches SINCE RF:ING ACQUIRED from Seatlll' e1~ht days agn, Montague has made six apl)t'arances for a 2-0 record and thrft' .,a,, . .., THE ANGELS LEFT 11 runners on base and their pitchers permitted 21 Sox runners to get exercise. Chicago Manager Tony LaRussa made 10 trips to the field, eight for his pltchen and two to argue with umps. ·'He spenda more time oa the field now than be did when be wu a player," Baylor said of LaRuaaa. CRUCIAL TO THE UMPS' deds1on was their opinion that Pryor bad a chance to make a play on the grounder "That's not too lblcep)ing bad," said Fregos1. admiring Montague's slats. "But our p1tch10g ha!! definitely got to get better " Starter Dave Frost, who boasts one of the club's best records al 14·9, couldn't gel past t.M fifth Inning FBEGOSI MADE A DRAMATIC appearance himself when be prot.eat.ed the game in the seventh lnoiog. "That's ridiculous The second baaeman fielded the ball." Fre1oai said "But Btn<'t> wP won there'' nothing to protest, so I guess it's no big deal, 1s It?" At the time It happened, 1t wu a big enough deal for t~regos1 to argue for nine mlnutes, delaying a game wluch had already started half an hour late u a concession to the radio conllict with the Rams aame .. The way those guys were hitting to01ffhl, Cy Youns could have gone out lbereandgotbombed," Frost said "Bull waa a htUe bit wild. and I d1dn 'l have any idea on my breaking ball." The Angela bad loaded the baaea with one out and were threaten.in& to break a 9·9 game wide open. But on Carney Lansford's grounder over the mound, Rick MllJer collided Fros t didn 't ha ve t o wo r ry <See ANGELS, Page 8' Chrissie Blasts King ·~·.,..,... Uoyd Breezes Into Semifinals, 6-1, 6-0 NEW YORK <AP> Chris Evert Lloyd. fighting for her fifth straight U .S Open women's singles title, beat another four·time champion. Billie Jean King, 6-1, 6..0 in today's semlfinals. Lloyd wlll meet the winner of Saturday's semifinal between second-seeded Martina Navratilova and thlrd·seeded Tracy Ausun for $39,000 first prize and an unprecedented fifth straight singles crown ob Sunday LLOYD, THE NO. 1 SEED, was at the top of her game, hilling her ground.strokes with precision and pa.ulng King when lhe 35-year-old veteran tried to come to the net. King, the No. 9 seed who bad upset fourth-seeded Virginia Wade en rout.e to the 1emlflnaJ1, was unable to aet an attack going aialnst the 24-year·old Lloyd. After each player held service to start the match, Lloyd broke for a 2·1 lead and then allowed Klog jual two pointa to the remainder of the first set. And the second aet was never close. It was the eighth straight Ume Lloyd has beaten King, and she now leads their aeMes 16·7. It equalled their moat lopsided decision ever, but the two P"'vioua matches In which Kint won Just one 1ame were played on clay, Lloyd's favorite 1urface. The Open ls played on DecoTurf, a cement surface with a rubberiud coaUng. Of the four. McEnroe hai. had the strange1>t road to lhe sem1 i. He 's had one opponent cull in sick and one come up lame. and also went through the tumultuous match \I. Ith Ille Nastase that wa8 delayed IS mmutei. by unruly <'rowd behavior and saw the removal of umpire Frank Hammond On Thursday. McF:nro<' advanced to the semifinals when ninth <teedcd Eddie 01bhs w1:1s forced to pull out or their match in the third game because of a back 1QJury In Thursday's other men's match, No 4 beed V1tas Gerula1tis beat uosttded Johan Knek of South Afnca 5 7, 6 3, 6-4. 6·3. Gerulaills will meet hflh·seeded Roscoe Tanner. conqueror of No I BJorn Borg, on Saturday. IN WOM EN 'S ACTION, No. 3 Tracy Austin clobbered unseeded Sylvia Han1ka of West Germany 6 I , 6 ·1, and top·rated Martina Navratilova defeated Kerry Reid of Australia 6·4, 6·1. Those two winners also meet Saturday...._ Thursday's results mean there arc eaghl men and women still in the running for the Open singles titles -and a ll eight are Americans It is the first lime slnce 19SJ that the finalists vying for both singles UUes will be Americans, and the first time since 1950 that all four men's smgles semifinalists are Americans Nooe bas had a more bizarre road than McEnroe. ROD CAREW 18 IAF!,atlCAQO CATCH!ft MILT MAY 11 NOT AT THI PL.AT!. JI EANWRILE. IT W AB A DAV of real for the four men'• 1lnalea aemlflnallata, who will return to action Saturday. Jimmy Connora, the No. 2 teed and defendiq champion, will face No. 3 John McEnroe, and No. 4 Vltu Gerulaltia wtll take on No. 5 Roleoe Tanner, who knocked off top·aeeded BJom Bor1. His flrst·round match wu poet.poned a day becauae bis opponent, Pavel Sloill, wu involved lo a doubles match in a tournament In Bolton. After be&Ufl8 Sloz.ll ln stralaht seta, McEnroe then went throuoi the chaotic club wtth Nutue, a match that Ht a new standard for center-court conf~lon . JohnSevano Nolan Ryan Bandwagon Doesn't Start Here Ah, and ,. .. , for b ... bell't free a1ent1, It provldle t.bem a ebuce to 4llpla1 their wares In pr•urt lltuadou. TD YSA&'I LdT of team d•ertert wouJdn1 MDd many lhlvan down 0at'1 •DIM· Ob1• tlMn-'1 IOIDt clua~ N.u.le!,. Dave OOIU..1. Ka onn.,, Bob -, ~··· IUClbard M4 Driu Downlu-but u • WDDM WI,.., •• crop wav11 a lot to be~ Now, for thole of JOU wbo ere aenemlq --__,,,;;~::..::.=:..___-•-il&a B.raa'1 name, 1 Jtldn't Jar .. blm l ~­omtu.d Wm. rm IOIT)', but I'm not 1olnl to Jump on Ute putttna .him on the d!tabi-lilt; otbert Just Nolan Ryu bandwa1on. I qree wtth tbe Haloa, caualnc blm t.o rn111 a tum or two, or tbree, or w!ao are balklnS on Ii~ blm a hacraUve four. contraet beeauae of ltyu•1 alflnJty toward Ab, but wbat about la1I fOUI' no-bltc.rt, you tnJvl& HY. BIO DEAL. l'm IO alek aD4 Ured ol f alblGDed a Doi...,. Jtl.J.M record. l'or abaun{ In 11 mator =,ra~1 Ryaa tau h•arinl Ryao compand wttll ludJ Koutu. lt't tboee WbO CM't compu.te Mt enoucta. tb.t'I a ' Y•, tranled, Ryan cu Ht b.t1to1'1 bJ meas• .... ...., °"" .•. -\ pHclatq Uothet 1M>-ll!t 11m. u4 ilobod1 beN la d•Jinl ~ ·~ 1partltn. AND, JN &IGnl•UONI wt1.b tM1.A1A .. ••...,.f1,..,._--..._. ~ ~ Mllltltt4.._. ll Lb&tAyu ll '• acftmudaticf-10 UMl1ld laJW'IM, Mm• ... ISVANO ..... at> J $ports Break Eagle., 'Skine Wm Switch To l\void Po '• B~ Cr-o-w.~d WWUNOTON~& ,a:-=i• holkll Ill t..ea1ue ~.. apprO•!ld a reeo••••d•U•• ~ ~·t tbe -~ ...... ..., ..... Oct. , came.,..._ tbe ~-lD ftal.LalWllUa tut.ad ot 1M UUICla~ cullal bee• .. of die fnmc Df'Obllm• that.,. ·~ wttll .&M wWt ol .._.,,_Paul J!. • .....,.. .,.,_,dlftt Mward a.nett Wllllam• pl'OllOftd t.bo awltcb, wblcb hH th• Ea1tH pl17 Oct. 21 In W aab1Q(tan l.mt.ead ol PbUadelphla. Jim Herternan, tbo NFL'1 /ubUc lnformadQD dirtctor, Hlcl, "l woul l'U ... that we'd honor the request. 'nle t:aales b.ave no obJoc:UoD." , WU &I am• IUll ••ted to NFL. Commluloner Pete Roselle Wednaday that the J•met with the Ea1lea be nlp·Oopped to .... tbe traffic problems eapected to occur on OcL T wheo the Pope holcb a midafternoon mua on the Mall. located between the C•pilol and tbe ~• JOl4M "~" 11 Lincoln Memorial. "It seems toelcal to switch," said Williama. "I'm told that they expect a mllllon people on the Mall between 3 and 5 p.m . to attend lb~ mall. "The town will be In a state or total tratrlc con1eauon with acce11 to the stadium difficult. Fllp·fioppin1 the 1amea seems like a reasonable solution to a problem that mlahl bold down our attendance tremendously. "f think t.bere would be a great number or no.shows," said Williams. "People would be very reluctant to come lnto town be<:ause of the traffic jam and other people mleht want to go to the services on tbe Mall." Williams said he made the au11eation about eight or nine days ago. "I guess the league la t.alklng to the Eagles and the networka about it," he said. "I haven't beard any objection to It yet." A league spokesman said tbal although tbe rinl contact was made about 10 days ago, the league bad been waltina for a formal request from Williama t.bal the games be switched. which arrived Wednesday .------Quotr of the Da11 ----- Vanderbilt football · coach George Macintyre, himself a rookie, on the 26 freshmen, 25 sophomores and 26 juniors that comprise his team's Kiddie Corps: "Our biggest concern this season will be diaper rash." IJCLA•11 Morgan Ba.-lc fn ffo•plial LOS ANGELES J . 0 . Morgan, the athletic II director al UCLA, has been readmitted lo the i.chool '11 hospital. A statement from UCLA said Morgan, who had open heart s urgery last December, is unde rgoing tests and further treatment and is expected to remain hospllalJzed for about two wecki.. Morgan. 60, 1s ln his 17th year as UCLA 'a athlebc director. lie returned lo his position last March and hu been working fulltlme since then ,..,.. ....... •e1t•nl'• ....... TM • ....._ A11'" lleld o• to a •U• • lla&I;!'!-a.M .. tM Na&aaul '--W• a1 I. ~ ............ ~ .... ft#--.,.., M. ,,_..,.,, lliclMard bM Mt .Ua •9' • ..,... ..... " ............. I ......... flllall l .. t II Mani ••• J1t I 111•, ... Dlt111•• Deft ~1 .. 1111 ud G••ll W.... M•ll'ed la tM ftnt two , .. .,. to...,..~.u...., to a iw.-.otau Pructloo • .,... .... ., ... bla Jall .. ... ta U. lMt 11 ..... to ........ ..... rMOrd to 1'-1 . • . Delll ftpa 11ll a two.nm a.om... ln t.IM ..vmtb lDDiDI to bnU a 'L1 tie IDd MIP~"l'ln .Yan ... to Met Pbiladelpiala w ... u.. ftnt f••• fll a doubNIMader. ~ IAftla and WO relief pltcbert coliilblned OD a fo.a,..blta. and GMl7 . •atd1s drove ln bo&.b t'Wlll u Lbt PbW1ee Nlvaaed tbe 1econd 1am1. 2·1 ••• Deft • .._. ud W ••••• ''' • H com blned lo 1011 a •ic .... o 1ht·hllt.r and Garr Caner tlUl&ed a eolo hc)mer wtt.h OM out ln t.bl ninth u Moetnal defeated tbe Chlcaio Cube, l.(). . .Kn lletla drove la two rum wtt.h a double and a 11crtnc. fly &Del ._.... ......... bad two hltt aod 1cond a pair ot nu>• u St. Lou1a ck>•Ded Ptttaburtb, M . . WIUle aalMlelplil '• run·1corln1 bunt bl1bUpted a two·nm 10th lnnlftl u tbe New York VankMI defeated Detrotl a.1, ln American 1Aacue act.Ion ... Deula MU'Ulln lOlled • nve·bltter whlle eadJq a ftv•·•Mk victory droucbt. pitch~ Baltlmor to a M win over Te>n>ato . . . Finl baaeman Ket~ Ben..._ ot St. LouJa and &lc.k a.-ew ot the ChlcA10 Cuba were named u NaUonal Lea1ue playen ror tbe mootb ot Au1uat . . . Beuwae four t.eam1 claimed blm oo walver1, Gayk>rd Perry won't be traded by &.be San Diqo Padre. W. nuon • . . Pilcher Ped.re Bert.I remained behind when t.be San Franclaco Olantl traveled to Houston Thursday whlle • Jury lo bla uaaull trial resumed dellberaUona lo CloclnnaU. r------Ba•el»aH Teda11 -------. On this date in baaebaJl in 1916: The New York Giant.a ahu'ted an incredible 26-game winning streak: an all·Ume major league record. Today's Birthdays: CaUfontla Angela ouUielder Joe Rudi la 33 Former Loa Angeles Dodaers slugger WIUle Crawford la also 33 Brad Rolland Sips MldCl-Jl~ar Pa~f The Los Angeles Laken announced t.bat they II have signed first-round draft choice Brad HoUud lo a multi-year contract ... Fra.ak McGal.re will be replaced aa head buketball coach at the University of South l:arouna ... A sparring lnJury suffered by cbalJenger Bobby Cllacoa has caused postponement or the World Boxing Council super featherweight t1Ue bout between Chacon and champion Ale.la ArlllelJo . . James HlldM>n scored 24 points to lead Hagen, West Germany to an 82 70 win over the tounng Unaversaty of Redlands basketball team ... An autopsy has failed to determine the cause of death of Washington State University 1Jneb1cker Hayward "Spild" Harris but indicates cardiac arrest as the moet likely caua .. . Fonner heavyweight boxing champion Mu.bammad AU was honored by a crowd or cl06e to U.000 Thursday night at the Forum ... Oscar Muab rwsed his record to 20·1 3 with a sixth-round tr:chn1cal knockout of Eddie Lo1an at th(· Olympic Auditorium Thursday night Marko Valok announced his resignation ws coach of the Philadelphia Fury urter one season. T~le.,fslo11. Radio TV: Tennis -U.S. Open ffigbligbl8, lJ · 30 p m . Channel 2 Boxing -Using computer technology, "The Super Fight .. pita Rocky Marciano agalnat Muhammad AU. RADIO: Baseball -Dodgers at Cincinnati, 5 pm . KABC C790); Milwaukee at Angels. 7.30 p .m . KMPC <7lO > BASEBALL , ... r ... •• J ~o oc :t f ' ANGELS WIN SLUGE rt • • about ablGftlaa b1J lotb loll ol • •ortcb 11 tbe IN t aeeoed tb• rear boeauao UI• AD1ea. bueman la tbe .,._.,..be Mid. w•re ~ tbe bat Jult • "I'm ..... •·Ni~m Ida. I ftercolJ .. tbe "'Wb.lt.e Sox. dJclD't ... DOW ... WU lick, IO Tbe Kalol took I J.2 lead ln I bad DO ldeJa ~ ~ ~ the lecond lnnlq, ud before lDto the J•IM." tho fourth ,, .. over every Ancel Ton.llbt Nola.a &yalh..tWtll> lD t.IM liDeup bad a hlt. OPeDI a .....und Mrin wttia Ute PeTbaps the mott 1t1rtlln1 MUwaute. Brewen, PtPOllUW 1tatlltic wu that out of 32 bJta BlU Traven U2"'>· .. 1 .,, l>tttwee.a ille tw.o clpb1. DOile * . r ry • weal out ot the ballpark. The AMHL MOTH ,...,._...., a-... w evenlQC iMhaded flVI doublM •• .,,,., ................. nlU• lllMB and 2'7 1ln&)e1. -·· """.., ._., flw ...., •.• ' lt1 8obbJ Onch aot two of thoee ::~,!·::-~:,:,..-;:'.;::~n atn1le1 before leavln1 In the tt••-_. tt.,. 1111 ,.. • • °"" l ,._ a--i ( u~ of ,..,.., .., ............ "lft M.._ ... .......,, ...... I Xw.a u.uuQC a m.uu C:Ue the 1 ...., •• lleeO -oei ... t,_ ,_....,....,-,a.ff 1rz fl u ) , and it w a a G ric h •a ...... " .... •tw wi.wv •••••· ffOw 1 ~ replacement who provld_.. t.be .. fl,. ... , *1" .. Cle•• ,..,..,., ••.., ' vu "'""l•tt ... A,,_.,I<.,. LA .... ~ 4'f ... iame·winnlng h1l. ... , . .m11e ....., or1e11 .....,, ;, • 169'c•r ' ,,...ce IO'~·,.,_, Of tlw .,_,JU..;>~ a DTD& THON'8 .. lutch c.om...,.1tl0ft c-••.,...,,. • .,. ...... llell..., n"' c. ~ l~t > '"· ..,. • .,...., ..... -... c m l eNf' double, mo-..oei tu med to Gr1cb M.,,,,._,.., '°"' CMllte c "" c1e .. " 11-4•'"' ••va • > n l'.lltA O.klt .._ • <......,. ....,~ and need.led, "We finally found a '"''fl\' *" ._, ...,. ••• ).U w1tt. ,,., second bueman who can hit.· -· .... - -,..._.. •"' ,. "" "*'" When told or that comment ~;.~:;.-:""~"!.,";':==.;.:.=- later. 1bon Juat arntled •1"' "" .... , ..., ....... -• 'iii -.-. w• _"_.,,.,, Over TV Covera~e . Women Protesting~: NEW YORK I AP1 -The Womf!n 's Tennis Association protested to CBS·TV Thursday that ~ network hu failed to prov1df! fair cove rage t o women's matches in the U.S Open Tennis Champ1onsh1ps under way now In a releaaf' to the m edia at the Open, WTA executive V1 ct- Pres1dent Jerry Diamond saJd that CBS devoted 15 percent of 1ta 13 hours or Open coveral(e during the Labor Day Weekend to women's matC'he~ 11 .. said that was a v1o latw n of lht• Fairness IXK·tnnt' 1n telev1s1on prol(ramming Diamond -said WTA and CHS orr1c1als had mt·t In 1978, and that the network had assured lht> players 1troup th:it t hl'y wrJuJil hf. fairly repre '>c:nl t•d 1n 1979 coveragf' Diamond said ht' had sent lhl' following telf·~ram to C BS and 1t.<1 N1·w York and Lo'> Angclc' station.'> "This 1'! lo adv1s" you lhut th•· WTA bell<>ve-. that CB~ and 1h a H1hatt..-d station~ huvl· v111lat1•d lht· fairness d0<.·lr1n1• by th•·1 r arbitrary re fu sa l t o prov1tfr balanced tc•l('v1s1on cov1•r al(t' of tht' women·., and mt•n ·, t•vf'nL'> at the !-!. Opt'n th1 ~ p i.I sl we('kend "ThE' 1s~uc of sc•xual equality 1n atbJet1C'8 L'> a t-ontrovers1al issue ol public rone<>m By lhear det-1s1on not to f(I ve balanct><I exposure to women·, athletat- f'vents. CBS and lls 'tat1ons •"' have derugrated women's aportJI J and partic ularly women's tennis "The WTA therefore deman~11 that CBS provide a rea11<>nabJe .J balance of coverage of wo~n·ir.,, and men's events at the u.~ Open th111 year and in years u., COffi(• " Munson Was ., • I' Paralyzed .. .~' ·' AKRON. Ohio IAP I ft ts h11(hl y probablt-that New Y otk' Ya nket·"' c·a pta1n Thurman M unaon would havt• been left a_,'. quad raplc~1c 1r ht' ha.d survived) J n Aul(. 2 plane era.sh. ther ~umm 1t Cnunty coroner said today Coroner A H K ytlakid~s 1~:.ued his final report on the ca use of death or the 32 year-0ld . 'r' d n k t-e s · <· :1 t c h •· r • ldt y i, n " , Munson rl1t'd nr a:.phyx1allon dU l' to inhahn~ \UJWrh cuted air and t o Xll' s ubi.tant·es whl•n the airplant' c:a ui;eht firP II t• " a 1 rt M u n s o 11 w a s paraly1Ni from lhf' ncd~ d~-' Jnd unJ blt· to move•. hut that'h,.' ~<1$ t-on.•n·1ou.-. <tnd full y awC1rc or tht' c-irc-um s tanccs from Ure ons<>t of the cr~h. Mun .. on w a~ praclfcint tout·h and ~o landings at the Akron.Canton atfl>Of'l When bis tw1n·~ng1ne 1el ~raahed. Dodgers Stumble ATLANTA I AP > Eddie M 1ller hit three s inl(lcs, followed e ach with a stolen base and Jcored all three time11 and Bob Horner batted in three runs T h ursday night, spurring the f'\tl anta Braves to n 6-2 victory over the Loa An1<eles Dodgers. Miller again singled, again stole second and took third when Royster beat out an infield hJl. Both runners tbeo scored when Homer singled. Scrimmages Set for JCs Name Your Game ... Miller, who stole 76 bases at Richmond before bclng called up last Saturday. led off the Braves' rlrat with a bunt single, 1tole second. moved to third on Jerry Royaler's grounder and tcored on a single by Gary Matthews. With one out In the third, Staked to the t.bree-run lead, Atlanta righl·hander Pre.ton Hanna, l·l, breezed to bia fint victory of tbe aeaaon, acatt.erlng seven hlta overt.be seven lnnlnp he pitched. Don Sutton, 12-13, was tagged wilb the lOtJs, 81vina up rive hlta in six lnninp ol work. Sutt.on, who was removed for a pinch·hitler In the seventh, struck out five and walked nooe. Golden West and Saddleback colleges wiU get their first taste or football action in 1979 Satur· day . GWC travels to Citrus College In Azusa and the Gauchos host Fullerton. Bolb acrimmagea begln al 10 a .m . Laat fall the _,Rua tiers won their teeond straight Southern California and Avocado Bowl Utlea. The Gauchos fin.llhed 9-2 laat aeuon and were cbampiom of the M lulon Conference. Baseball StanJings Jotti4SOM & SON ANNOUNCES ••• AMERICAN l .EA.GlJE Wut Dlvlaloa Angel• Kansas City Minnesota Texas Chlca10 Seattle Oakland W L Pct. GB 77 64 .546 73 Ge .525 3 72 66 .522 31h 68 72 .486 8'1J 60 79 .432 16 59 82 .418 18 47 93 .3:16 29'1J Eut Dlvlalon Baltimore 91 46 .664 Milwaukee 83 57 .593 9'h , Boat.on 79 57 .581 11 ltit New York 76 61 .555 15 Detroit 74 67 .525 19 Cleveland 71 69 .~ 21 'll Toronto « 95 .317 48 TllllrliNY'• ~ ........ ~. l •llJrlW•• s. ,.,_. N_V.,..J.°"'9KI fltl-..... 1 °"'' ___ __ T•Y'•O-Mllweu!t .. rrr-. n .. 1 •I ....,.. 111v.,. u Ill ... 1•111,,_. (ft .. """ ._S I •I '"40f'I Ut•lfwV S-41, II • ,...,._ ~10 et CM-•-IW .. u 14-IU,11 N-Yen 10..Ul eto.t,...I , • ..._WI.fl , .... tAJe.-r HI•• Ml...,. .... CZ..... l0-41,11 CMuet ucr-u U> •t a.••N '~' llotJI, fl ltallUI City IOl•MNrl•lll 1·11 •t ... tt .. .,._¥<"" t041." •• '• NATIONAL LEAGlJE Wett DlYllloe t. W L Pct. GB ) Houston 80 60 .571 CincinnaU 80 61 .567 •h Dod«en 66 74 .471 14 San Francisco 61 80 .'33 l9Va San Diego 58 83 .411 22~ Atlanta 55 84 .396 24~ East Dlvlalea Pittsburgh 83 5G .5'1 Montreal 79 54 .594 l St. Louie 75 62 .547 7 Chicago 71 86 .518 1J PhiladelpbJo 70 69 .504 13 New York 54 83 .394 28 ~··1c­•ll•11t••.~t MOf'lrHl l,~0 H•• Yon: ~t. "91lfeclitlllfll• J.J CIMI,.,.. tl, Sen ,r.nc.ltu i ...... t ... 1, .... Dteee 0 It. LAMM I, llltn..,.,,_' ,...,. . ._ ~ ~ •ti •I GIMIM•U IYGMt , ... , ... P'lll ........ IC.Ml .... l'-11 I •t Clll< ... fLAmo tMI s.11 oi.ee tlllltley .. ,., •t ......... ~ ""'·" "Ille_..., l~•rl• li .. I •I Hew Y.,11 CiwM U ltl,11 .... ,,_~ lllue ,.,,, ........ '°" C-j.w IJ·ltl," MentrNI ut...,. U4 I ., " Leu .. fl ~II ... ,, .. JDBISDI t YEAR END a.EARANCE SALE! EXCELLENT . DEALS ON OUR FINE LINE OF LINCOLN'S AND MERCURY' a RIGHT NOW! I Local teams -from the Angels to the amateurs - get personal attention and coverage from the Dally Pilot sports staff. Dally Pilot sportawrlters and photographers are at the game• to bring yoa detailed, flrst-band stories and pictures, and our wire 1ervlce reports tbe action of pro· fesslonal and college eon&eatl nationwide . Soccer, baseball, golf, tennis, boating and personal featutt1 oa athlete•' and eoacllea de&aU both men's and women'• sports aloa1 &be Oraaae Coast, across the na· tlon and around the world. Name your game -we cover your team -· 1n the Dally Piiot 1port1 pages. .. . ·- DAILY PILOT ' I ------.. --. I • I II .. o I I• I I• " . , ' 'I .. .. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . .. .1111:1 ..... ~ • .,, ___ -... -~• ~ -· --r ---· •• • Fridl¥, ~ 7. J971 DAILY PILOT Winnillg Malady ' Gauclws 1o\1Be Strong Agajn •1_,.n CllLION ··~--~.=.Yr .. ~~~ ~os·sr~~ ~po ...... Coaeta ~·~•• CH .. rua·a ......... CU' plaroft ..,... ~''91ttwoNW.Uftare­~~M&rw at q~ tP,n:a.peaeor), a palr of ...... ..,, iD .. alfbaeb Al Vartd; .a Job.la Ka....,., an •01•11-11s••w,. IM tllat at.Hu up at -.--..--ft'9ID tack.le to tackle and food talent at wtde ... ..-...... (1·2, 220 ar.) and aopbomore KeD.Ded.y Pola, a f-1, 195-pouod Samoa, and you have a team wblcb can obvioualy challeqe few tbe leque cbamplonsblp. Tbe 1'08d to a title bu some potential hazards. "If there is a scbool with a tougher acbedule tJaan oun, I'd Wte to see it," say1Cochnm. On the Monarchs schedule is nan-league foe Edison, in league play, there ls St. Paul, Servile and Biabop Amat. Even Pius X <KeYln Nelson ) and Bis hop Montgomery (16 returning starters) present formidable tasks in league play. Still, the scene is bright at Mater Dei , d espite what Cocbrun labels as a situation laced with inexperience. Here's a rundown by position: QUARTERBACKS -Spencer, <S-8, 160 sr. ), a r ight-ha nder, directs the veer and Is considered a better runner than a passer. However, Cochrun warns that oP· Ponents wlll be forced to honor the Monarchs' deep passing game. Backing up Spencer Is Tom Baine (S-11, 165 jr. ). RUNNING BACKS -Varisco <4-0, 1$0 sr.) and Kapsner (.S..11, 17S sf.> make the Monarchs a threa to either side, and Kevin H1ggtns CS-7, 1.tS Jr. i and Frank VulttoMt CH~ 1d IOOh.) provide Mdtttorlillf IPMd '"the renkt. ••c•tvl .. -Ttw MOftarcttt go wtttl .._.w ol wide f'.c.elwn. thus tMf'9 It no 11ottt end w ... Carlyle ..-S Mark 9'atto, a J.10, 155-pound Cettro v.1 .. y tranater with •~tent Potential, form the st•rtlno duo. Mike Yount '6-1, 160 sr. > Is alto • wide recelver un- dlCS.te. OP .. •NSIVI LIN• -Larry Wllllams '6-5 no Jr. I and Ray Mccay "-1, i6o ar. >are at t.cklt1 backed by Wally Gunkel <6-1, 210 sr. > and Larry Rillera (5..1, 115 sr . >. The guards are Doug Beeuwsaert (210) 1nd Dave Uranlch <205 ), backed by Jim Corral CS-9, 190 Jr.). Monte Obon, at M , 230 and with starting ex- perlence, Is considered an ••· cellent punt snapper by his coach. Stan Kubat <6-0, 175 sr. > Is also at center. DEFENSIVE LINE -Kubat andfJoe Mccree (5.7, 17S) form the smallest Interior In several seasons for Mater Del, but quick· ness should offset any llabllltles. Other Ins ide candidates are Cor· ral and Grev Haynes (5.7, 180 >. At tackle In the 4~ arrangement are Uranlch and Wllllams, backed by Riiiera and Chuck Loomis (5.11, 200sr.). LINEBACKERS -Donahue Is a keystone to the Monarchs' de· fense, and Pola draws raves from his coach. "Pola Is an exceptional athlete," says Cochrun. Me nms a .t .7 40 and is awesome for a sophomore." Backup inside Is provided by Pete Becker <5·10, 17S sr .) and sophomore Brett Trickett 16-1, 175 ). Outside linebackers are Beeuwsaert and Steve Flores (5.9, 165 sr. ), backed by Jim Miian <S-10, 17S jr. > and Mike Lewicki (6-1, 185 sr.). SECONDARY -Jerry Schmit and Mike Johsz are at the cor-ners, with Dave Cook and Monte Wood in reserve. Carlyle returns to safety, backed by Albert Aguirre and Greg Walker KICKING GAME -Varisco re- turns a t the team's punter, with Cook supplying depth. Tom Baine and M ike Young have the placekicking a ssignme nt, with Baine holding an edge. WAYNE COCHRUM Bennett, Christian Matched . Pam Bennett or Irvine will meet Alan Christian of Hunt· ington Beach in the featured match race tonight at the week· ly speedway motorcycle races al t he Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Tonight's program is the next to last of the regular season with gates opening at 6: 30 and the firs t heat race set for 8 o 'clock. Following next week 's com- petition, the only re maining ac- tion wiU be the U.S. national s p eedway cha mpion s hip on Saturday, Oct. 6 al the Fair· grounds track. Bennett defeated Gene Woods in a match race last week aft.er the crowd, predominantly women, handicapped Woods 100 yards on the 160-yard course. Christian will have the same type or handicap with crowd ap- pl a u se determining bow ra r back be must start ih the two·lap event. Bennett is a rookie on the circuit and will reach her 19th bl rtbday next week. By"JOIWSSTDl(J • .. ~ .... iilie- Kea 9weartDltn wu relaud., cordial and jovial u he aat la a rn1.aunat ODly JOO yard.a from the SadcUeback CoUeae campus wbere be eo11cbea. Sweartngen wu talkinl about b1I Gaucho rootball team. ••Do you know we have 88 playen OUl there ,·' be was telltn1 a reporter, "and 26 or them are defenalve backs. Can you believe that! I bave 28 dereulve bacu.·• SW EAJllNGEN BAD a big smile on bis face. Ob, be was being honest, the Gauchos do Football Pttl'rifte hav e an overabundance or players in the secondary. But the Saddleback coach can afford to smile. His Saddleback teams have a combined 25-5 record and 20-1 mark ln Mission Conference play in three years. ·'The more you win the more difficult it Is to lose," be says. "It's addictive, and It 's not 1ood. lf you have a disease or winning, eventually it wins you " Fortunately. Swearingen doesn't s urrer Crom suc h • malady. He has everything ln perspective. "Winni ng r ea lly isn 't im portant," he says "I know that's easy to say when you 're winning, but I mean it. We're (coaches> the ones that make wianing important." Here's a rundown by posit.Ion QUARTERBACKS -Tim O'Hara <6--01 175 I is the Gaucho QB . "The success of our offense wlll be determined by the health of O'Hara,'' says Swearingen O'Hara will be bac ked up by freshman Mike Brooks 16-0, 19S, .Rancho Alamitos ). RUNNING BA<:KS Swearingen has sophomores Mitch McGr99or (6-1, 200 ) and KEH SWEARINGEN Garfett Cillhoun 16--0, 2001 They will be supported by freshmen John Nichols (5-10, 180, Kennedy I, Bill M i t c hell <S-10, 195. lnglewooct) and Matt McCullough 15· 7, 170, Loguna Beach > WIDE RECEIVERS -"It was our trouble sPOt coming 1n, but we've found 50me skilled athletes. Whether tn.y can play yet or not rPmains t o be seen ," says Sweari~ The three standouts are freshmen Mike EddO <t>-3, 180, San Clemente>, Mark Mc Elroy 16·2, 190, San Cl~ente) and Steve Paige 16-3, 173, Lo09 Beach Poly > TIGHT ENDS Jonn Jessup 16 2, 200 ) "Alon9 w ith Steve Crapo, JesSAJP was one of our mos t impor tant players last season and ttiere"\ no reason he shouldn't be one o t our key players this season." say-. Swearingen His backup 1<, sophomore Dean Garrett 16-.tl 2101 OFFENSIV E LINE First string 1s skilled but, with a couplp of exceptions , it falls off drastically afterwards. T ackl~ Jeff Greenough (6-S, 22S > and George Johnson <6·1, 215); Guards: Steve Martin (6-1, 21') and Mike Ramirez (6·1, 216); Center: Steve Bodkin <6-1, 212), a converted llnebacker; Reterve: Rick Gibson (6.1, 225 ). All are sophomores. DEPENSIVE LINE -Team's biggest question mark. Seven players are ahead of the rest: Randy Halley <s-11, 215 >. Chuck Winkle (6..1, 220 >. Steve Engllsh (6...4, 218), Scott Spear ~. 190, c onverted quarterbeck >. freshman Alan Changala <6-1, 195, El Toro), and freshmen Mike Dunlvln (6·3, 210, Cap istrano Valley >. Pete Debaun (6-3, 230, Laguna Beach >. LINEBACKERS -Strength of the defense. All are good with exceptlonal speed. The crushers Include s ophomores Biii Fairb!Other (5-11 , 215), Dan Charnltskl !6--0, 190 ), Mark Quinn (6-1, 208 ); and freshmen Greg Sm ith <S-101• 185, Calabasas >. Dave Ehlow \C>-2, 190, Dana Hiiis I. DEFENSIVE BACKS Swear ingen had a record 24 candidates trying out for four positions. "We think we're 001ng t o b e better here," says Swearingen. Four part-time s tarters r etu r n in Vince McCullough <S-9, 16S) and Byron Nelson IS-8. 165 I at the corners, with Lance Wong (5-9, 170) al strong safety and Cra19 Wetvnan <S-9, 160> at free safety. Their backups are four freshmen who c omp osed th e defensiv e secondary of Cl F champion Mission Viejo last season: Paul LaJ01e <S·lO, 170 I, Mitch Hopp <s-1 1, 175!, Paul Van L1efde 16-0. · 164 I and Chip Jarvis <S· 10, 170 J KICKING Sophomore Rich Love (S-1 1, 17S ) has the ins1dP track In handling the punting c hores but he's being severely · pushed by former Mission V1e1c High stand<>ut Eric Schmidt, whc is a professional baseball playf:'r ·11 n t h e D o d g e r ( L o d 1 1 o rganization Freshman Guy I John son 16-0 >. 185 Capistrano V a ll ev > will hand le th ,, place·k1d1ng and field goals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Fr ... Pa9~85 SEVANO COLUMN •• I 90 beUer a pitcher in 1979 than be wu when be appeared in hi.a finlt game for the New York Meta to 1188. WREN 18 &YAN -the thrower -ever to learn to become B.Jan-the pitcher? The Angela have waited ellbt years. Why U.owd U..y 1u.ffer through another one, or three. or five? Let him go to Texas, that's where all the HO stars go to bury their careers anyway. lln't ';t? * * * . TBE ANGELS' FlllST PRIOlllTY thia •int.er will be to re-sign Downing aa quickly as they can. There is no way they can afford to let him cet away, especially when the New York Yankees a.re la need of a catcher and Downing and Boone are easily the most accessible. Aootber Angel need ls a abort.stop. And the signing of a Bucky Dent, wbo ls having a miserable year with lbe Yankees, would certainly solve that problem. Yes, Dent ls hitting only .235, but that's still loftier than the Angela' two current shortstops. .,nd Dent will truly solidify an Angel infield that lJ already strong to begin with. ANO'IBEll UNHAPPY YANKEE who bas dltpreased an interest tn playing in Southern California la Nettles. He baa told friends be ltould love to come home to El Toro and play r~r the Angela or San Dleao. I realize the Angela don't really have a need for a third bu-.man. Camey Lansford bas turned in a great Job. But the Angela are in a desperate need of a left-banded power bitter and NeWea certalnly quali.fies. Pistons Acquire McAdoo BOSTON <AP ) -BiU Fitch ta enthusiastic about hi.a two new draft picks, high scoring Bob McAdoo ls happy about b ii trade and two N atlonal Basketball Association teams have settled a compensation dispute before training c amp. •'That clears up the air about what Boston will have to give Detroit for compensation for M.L. Carr," Fitc h , the Celtics coach said Thursday after McAdoo bad been traded to the Pistons. To complete the deal for Carr, Boston also gets Detroit's two first-round picks in 'the 1980 draft. "That also clears up the air about where Bob McAdoo will be playing next year,'' Fitch said. The 6-9, three-time NBA s coring champ bad ex press e d bis unhappiness In Boston, and had said bu first choice of a new home was with the New J ersey Nets. 'Mm ii CGlllCS ID socrei; .n a shoe in. When you buy your •occer gear at Frontrunners, you get mo,. than one ot the Nit ,.lectlons of thoea and acces· torlN In town. (71ace SOC·GUARDS and WTQwam IOCC#lr aot;ka lno/tJded.) )bu ~ •••P«Jt>le who •now Ill• 1port. ·And I« 1 fllCt lt-eocCflr l1n't bowing. And~ eren't wlng·tlpt. )bu need •H the kno..,.. l/lrd IJ(pe~ )'OU CllJ get. M7 the ""'game of,,,. .. aon-the lhoe '1""'· Sli>p at Frontrunl'tlfl, the guys who know eoccer lie• Ny know 1hoe1. . ' Junior Muit>dealecl ~ ....,.,.._ ,.rlo<oed hffla.. brOlld IOe. Glm rutltllr .,... CutlhlOtledtlOOI $14.99 ~ • Compfete heotttt auesament for temls enthullatts. • Protessk>nal lnstructton In all phases of the game. • Tennis •>Chlbltlon featuring Denni• Ralston • Rotcoe lanner. •Round Robin Tc>Uney and~ presentation. Oevek>ped fOf EXECVTIVE$. ~ and Mends. P\'etenfed OS 0 Cormv1tty SeMce by SAM ANA-~~ HOSPfTAL. Event. toke plooe at Santo Aro-Tuattl Corrm.irfly Hospital and LOI Coballero. lb:x:µtt and Sportl Ob , ' An exciting sports instruqion and fitness I concept. , l • • .... '?' OeMll ..... J \ o. ... , ... / ,,. ---- ALAN GAOOll AMERICAN LEAGUE Angela 10, Whhe 801 t CIOK... C. ......... ~lro,11> A Ba1 .. 1r, If c w,1191, rt L J llll\ft, dll Lemon, ct NI Mey,< (.oll>er11, < Ge rr, p11 H•hr-dny,< "'°'''"'· 20 PryOI," Batley Pf\ oc Bell.lib OrUI, pll foteh -·"'" "'"' .. • 1 , 0 Ce•~-. lb • I 1 } • o 1 1 Le11•trd, a. s o 1 1 S 1 3 1 Ford, rf S 1 1 0 J o o o lleYlot. dh • J , o ' 1 3 1 Do'fwlll"O, < • 0 1 ' • 0 0 1 0 •1<11. 21> • 1 , 1 0 0 0 0 TllOll, ?b 1 0 I 1 I 0 0 0 Cletk," • I , 0 0 0 0 0 SI Nllller,<1 l 1 1 I S I 1 1 CmPf',., .. 1 1 1 o 3 ' 1 0 I 0 0 0 • 'l I 1 0 0 0 To1•1\ JI 10 17 t '7 •I) I SC-............ Cllt<;-010 7n 100 • c.1110rn1e no ooo 01. 10 E A B•""''ter Pr yor, Ford, Gr t<;n, Mo111e9ue OP Cl\lu oo I Ce 111orn1• 1 l 0 8 (.n1ce90 10 Cel1lornl• I I 78 C W•s.f'll~on. Lemon, Mortl'°", Oown•nv. 111011 S8 < We\lllnQIOn, I( 8•11. A II•""'""'· MorrtloOft, Beylot, C••-S J Allde•'°"· OownlftQ SF fl Miiier C~I<-II' H II Ell aa 50 T '°"I I I ) ~ 0 0 So<•r!Wry 1"• 1 0 0 0 J o flob1'110" 7 • 7 1 0 llurn\ I 0 0 0 0 How•rd 0 0 0 0 ~ ,_;.ijf m"t t( ,)~I 1 1 <'•hfOM•• , ,,,,, "' ' J 1 HAt'llJW , 0 0 Mon14g1H• f'W It 4' t 1 Q f "'\I tM t"ft t-NC.• 0.-11"'• tn f1ftn HbP t1v •.,c.,.rbr ''I IC ,.."'P"'''' oNI> MomoOQ.,.. I J )/ A 10 ¥JO Or-\. alve Jey•t I D•Onlh 000 000 000 0 ) 0 fi•lhmon 1 tO OtO 0'11 \ I~ 0 f::OOt I rr1\l•r>-n f>J 8u,•ey •I t •"d (~rone 0 M41rt1N/ 6 n0 ~•4QQ\. W 0 M 4rtin~/ t\ 11 l f dQt" 1 1 HP\ 8ellln-~ Oe<.ltl<e\ 7 1111 A I lOo Y-9" J, Tltert 1 Nrw .,.,,,. 000 010 000 1 I t I OfoolrOOI 000 000 100 0 I 10 7 .. ,,,,(1 " t>A'll\ "I, GO,\•Ott ., J ano (. ild• n W1lr<i• J.I Unc>erw.0<td ftOI and • """ ~ w """"wo-. A, l WllCO• 11, t-t Iii N fl'w 't<"' It. .JM. ~\Of'I Ol I ~ t't tt• NATIONAL LEAGUE Brevea 6, Oodgera 2 L•l .,_..._.. AU.,..\.I .ID t " CH .lb r h ... l OM+:r. ID J 0 0 (J M1H,., t t t J j 0 (J l h4'Jft1\ r I (,•t"P'I lb (•y ll> 9•'-fl'r. ff t1•tther. rt l llO••" n, rt t M rtnt \\ Y••ger, r JOlflU•, P" Sulton, o Vuerrr pf\ W•lcn, p Ce•llllo, p F••<1•n. Pll Toi ell .. I J 0 f.iOy\tf"t ~ 4 1 1 t 4 0 I t Mllhw \ •t J 1 1 1 • 0 0 0 1•01 n•r )fl • O 1 l J 0 0 0 Mu•phy, lb 4 0 I I 1 0 I 0 Honn~ll II • 0 I O 1 1 l 0 NOl••l. t ) 0 0 0 • 0 1 0 C ll•n.v \\ l 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 H•nn• u 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 J M<I n. p I 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 u 0 0 o II 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 JJ?•t lol•I• 716 10 6 k -., IM1119• LO• AllQel.. 000 010 001 1 Alla11le 101 000 Olr • OP Loo A"9'1I~\ I All•lll• l, LOO LO\ An9110 I, At1 •11•• l 78 0 Tllom ... G•<••Y ~B NlilO.r l Mallllttw" Royal•<, ~ LHA_._ Wtlon IL, 12 IJI Wei< II ,,. • ·~ H It •II aa $0 \ l l 0 \ l J l I J •• ) 0 0 0 0 C.•llllo A\l..,le H•""• rw 1 11 I I J $ J M<l n I 2 I I 0 0 !.a•• J Nltl -..0111111. 4 T ? 10 A 1.Yl l'ln10e,,.. _,,t,l'tllH ... I .,.,.., Yoo 000 001 no S 11 O Pll1l-IPlll• 100 000 011 J I 0 Heu.,.,.., <.l•M "'· Alie!\ CIJ, HeMI .. "' •lld HodQitl, ""''-· M<Grew •>. fl•~O IU end Boon• W Olyn11, 1 7 l E \l>lnC>WI IJ II HAl N•w VO<•, FllfM 141 Pllll-fl!>ia,G M.-a llJ I -.-o•m. .......... ,,_,, Ne• YO<' 000 000 001 I • 1 Pllll-llJNe 101 000 OOr 1 • I f elCOM, AHf'dOfl C.I, HeHler (I) and T•••lno, Lercll. flMO Ill. EH•wlO '"-Boone W Lertll, I 11 l f elcat .. , \ 11 • 71,Qltl ....... , ..... MOtllr<1el 000 000 001 1 t 1 Clll< ellO 000 000 000 0 • 1 Pe lmer , l'ryme n C•I e110 C•rl••· M<G104,,.,. ~ 111eo .-11 w Palmer, •1 l M<Otollltft, II 11 Hit NlonlrHI, Ce'1er QOI A 6,'90 •-u.~1 ~II I' r e<ICIKO 001 110 000 2 ~ 0 Ctncl-1 tn 000 01.t• 12 II 0 K,.,..,, Gf'ltflll ti ),,...,. .. CJ), MoU ..... 14 l. a01bolft 171 efl4I Lln leloflll, S.ev.,, Serrnlento ltl eftd .. .,<fl. G•rrell IU w S••nr, H • L K11epper , •·11 H 111 -Se11 l're11<ltco, Allfrnr• a Ctl c 111< h111e11, lleM ll lltl, OrlH t•11 u.i. c-a. .... 041. ~ U.I. A-fl,tll. -......... SOllO.... 000 000 -,. J O .._,.,, OIO ,.. Oh f o 1 OwCllllM'.O, Mur• IO I, M LH Cl) eN ...... ,. ltle!llR .,_. ""''°' ... .,, ic--. ..... &.~ ..... ,. ,,. ... c..e..111,~• Pit~ NO ..... a I 1 ... Leul• ltl llO .. _. ... a,..., J«-.. 0 1, ~ Ill, lt.-rtt ISi, ,._ •> ... Ott, Nleotll •11 I. Mertl1Wt, Mel"-""' •1 eNI llm_.. W S. Mlrlll,.1, ta.r. I. , .. ,. , •• , A 4,7'1, ~6) '. . ,.,.., • .,. ·-1, , .. FOOTBALL I FOR THE RECO~D J SPOA ., ..... 8allors Rave a New ..... • a,80GDCApt ........... Newport II arbor Rl1ll '• SaDon flM ............ ... .... , ............ -ta.io er ... -............. . .. .,. ....... ~=-Yl= ...., ..... ol ... • roai v.u.,. -· awt Jilt~ ..... 11""" ...... c to .................... -.,.. camMlo beldM Mck*buk e n ·-111 ll'h• C••fflreaoe N mlftula berta... ALT9MJGB 1Wa&S lift oel1 lllrM ............. 1tal1erl ....... &1 ......_on a .. mu "**'· Lbe Wion haH bhM c·blpa to build around tartlD I wttb quarterback AJu O....tdU, ,.... celver Qu1I Cat.el and 1hwnan Nell Roll. " Addldon&Uy, there ls HCelleol .,_ ..................... .. '"°'' Au'*lll de'! Sylvle H ..... e 0 1, 01, M•rll11e toie.,.•lllcr•• ...... l(erry ll•MI o • .. , _ .. .,......IHl\tfi..tl 8e11y ';(-Wef>Gy Tu....OUll de! A- Cewl .. Cllrl• Evert Ltovd .. ,, 1.~ .... _ ~ 0ooe..-..... 801> Hewl"-0'"' St•••n• d•I. K••lll f u"en·A,_ Smllf\ 1·t, 0'4 NFL Rama 13, llronc:o1 t l-0. A"91le • 0 0 I IJ Qen .. r 0 1 I 0 t LA FG Cor••I lO LA FG C.0.<4tl lO Oen s.ffly Wllllem• llOl0i"9 Plf'ellY In _,_ O.n --1 run ITu'""' •K •I l A R•y"°"4h . h.•trtbt• f'KO••'• fM\lt'"t'I KOfr•f U C• t A 7• .... T ..... ~tk• LA °"" F tr\I Down\ I) 11 llu\M \·Y••O\ JI ... 2).IJ P .. llnq yerO\ Ill 10. A•lur11 Y••O\ )4 " p.,... n n -o 1;i.1'-1 Punh • •l 10-4' F vml>ln io\I I .0 1 I • ..1>ene1t1H-1Md• • 61 s-4' .. ,, , .... -~ RUSHING U.. A-I~. 8•Y•nl II SI Ml (ulO"'°" l).2t, Pe<><.oO l" 0 111•11, J•nM!n 9 J?. l '(li.J.11>, k•YWO•ln • I) l>A!>!>l k C. lo• Ang •I••. H•d•n ?l no 1" v••"' Oen•••. w..,"' t 11~100 MorlOtl \ II I Sil sir cc IVIN(7 l<I' A"90'I•• M c(ut<- \ ?1 M iii,., ~ ~. Rry•nl 4 •O O•nver Ill>< hurt II • It. Oo4ll0n 1·1'1. OOO<n• l 11 NFL St1ndlnga • mef't(..lft eo.t9reM.. M 1ttm1 N~# l ••Ql•tw:I N~w ifo,_. J• h· 8 •1Umo,.,. Bulle lo H OU'\lon (lf'~elAM P1th0tl'Qf\ ( 10( '""•1• If •n\.tt\ C Hy o ...... na ~.Jn (),,....,.1 lHI W L T !'cl l'f' P'A 1 0 0 1000 ' I 0 I 0 000 11 •• 0 I 0 000 11 7\ 0 I 0 000 0 It 010 000 1 • C.eftlrel I 0 I 0 I 0 0 I W"4 0 I WO ,. 11 O 1000 H 17 0 I 000 It I) o eoo 010 1 0 0 I 000 1• 0 I 0 0 I 000 ,. " I U 0 I 000 )) It, 110 ~1'11 0 I 0 000 lb lJ N•tton.11 C.Mi•r-l'ft<e IJ .. , ... Ph1i1111tt•11.tt••" 'lt ~ WI·. Wt1\n1oqt~ Nrw f'nr~ (1u1nt\ (t'H< •Q<• M1nof .,(Jt•1 l •mp,. .,~., <..,r .. f'n th•V OrlrOll £•'* I 0 I 0 0 I 0 I () 1 Catrlr•I I 0 I 0 I 0 0 I 0 I Whl 0 1 000 11 ,, 0 1000 1J " o 000 11n 0 000 27 ,. O 000 II 1l 0 1.000 • J 0 1000 21 11 0 I 000 ll .. 0 000 J • 0 000 .. 31 Allant• I 0 0 I 000 40 JO R•mt I 1 0 .$00 lO » N1w Ortu"" 0 1 0 .000 3" 00 ~.n fr e11<1KO 0 l 0 .000 n JI . ·\ I T--r'ak.,. ""'" '), Oenwf' 0 ....., .• o.-. C I 11< I tWWlll et llulf elo H°"'ton .. PI~ MI nflftOl,e .. Olk i190 New on.-.,. O,_, llav el Nlllw<l\IUe SI t..oull el -YOlll Ol•ftU We ... l"910ft et Detroit T ampe S.y irt &eltl~• (level-et K-CllY Oe " .... S.0-f', ell< 11<.0 N•w Y-Jeia <II N""' E"Ol- 0 0 1-.. SM Ole90 S.•111• .. Ml-....... , .• o_ Allen•e., Ptill-10!>1• ' !'.uropean Open CCII TW'Men'y, k cttl-1 lllt T ..,.., O\Mnley, llr Itel ti. .,, S.-1-Bell-,.,., kleln; Vlfl Bet er, Solllll Alrl<a /'10 G••Y Cull•ft, llrlteln; J ou Cefl l1erH , Sp.tt11; I(.,. er-.., a rlteln; llol> Ch• riff, -Z.OleNI . 1' -Jeff Hell, a r11e111; Tr-J...._., Brlteln; ~ TorreMe, arlltlft; Sendy Lyle, llrllelft; SltnOft Owefl, H-h•'-· n -erlen Hu9 .. t1, a r1tel11J a r1e11 Welh '· 8'1talfl; Jemie Rdmell, U.S.; ,..._ Butter, 8rtte111; Dole Hefet, loutft Alrlul; ,... ... T-.S, 8rhel11; J lmm, ~y. Jre101••1 Nannen WOOd, a tllel11; Oe•lf WelllM-, arllelll; David VMltM, ltfltMil; Alltln6t' """"-• llrll<N11 ,, -Oo"'9 Orlllern, Aui l,.lle; v...,.. leMe1•t , A11Urelle , .. edt tr Oo.,,h , A111trt1llo; Mltcll Ad<ocll, U.5.; "•' Gallo,,., S..111; TOiiy J ecltllft, a rll.eln; J'lkll """'9,-.. M rtc., 14 -Jf/M ........ U.I .; ~ 0-, ltelf; ,,_ 81 .... 1 t.vlfl Afrk e ; Hve11 alH«..,, lolltll Afrl(e ; ~I fllM,., ....... ,. -~ 0 1rcle, S.•111; Ma,. .. Me1111l119, lelltll Al,1<•; llmo11 lffMey, 11 ...... JJ Vic ..... ~I, AttontlM; a••Y ••.-111t, U.t ,; NMI 8el<IHfe, Alltllretle. \ \~" ............ •••Ntt1' ........ &.111111#, -... 1,....,11 ·=~ 1'D' Ut r•O C-.• __ ...... , _ ...... "I"' . ... " .... ,...._., ..... . ............... ,.. .. , .... _ ..... .... ..,..,_.,,.....,.," ....... N11lle, 4t ..,._. .. ,, • rMll tH , 414 "'lriuhe -• .....,., ,. ,.. -.-:.::rc·•--·1'wllllM& _, .................... . ................... ., .... ..... ~ ............... . IA•ITA ..... CA -" ·~ltttt ,_ Mee ... , .................. ,.... .,...,.., ~ 1U1I ID r , .. •• ....., --.a .• M. 141- po••• jualor, a t::.!•loallJ •troa811" 611..Uve uct a ....... .........,toe-"- t.becW ... . ''W•1l ... nmaLq ...... wtUa U... namlq backl, • lot of modem and Ulfttlac," •*11 ... Coecb Hull Coc9*rue. 0 1t .mU. tM ..,..,. react twice.•• Codilnae, Wltoie def ... Wll the key to Newport'1 rec.-ent ne- e .... aaya: "I think we bave tllle P1•1•n to 1tt lD the pt.,Clftl a1ata. But we are YOWll and lD· eapertaM:ed.'' "88CAtJ8E or 80ME of the lltJ.qa ... ,. doiq, we may be a UUle beblt>d offenai vely." con- tinua Cochrane. "Jn our offenae we're 1oms to be tbrowlna to a lot of people. Mt•. 1 <.elko -· t ll<lllbul ·-I\ e,..1.,, ,. "*'.,..'· II W..lle, U aeftd . lleH IMl'•AIAL a a ACM '4 efl(IO.f\ U -11•, 11 "9ltow1•11, 10 c llllco beo, I ......, be", It roo 11\11. tt ..,..-11 ... 1 11•DOM00 lit.,..._,, • tlofllM. 111 celko &eta, 1 ll<lllllVI, IJ tworre<U(Lo, •• Me<llerel, • roo 11\11 MAlllNA D•L ll•Y SI •"00." ._, roO <ad. JOS M«ll•,.I. J cew <Od •AN P•DllO ll'erlt 0 ' Cell I t t •"91.,l 10 llerre<UO., Je0 llenllo, 13' C•ll<O 11eo .1oorn..:lle,.i,t\0•0<ll ll•ll MAlll..IN ll•l'OllT lleltlOe A"911"0 C•lll>'I M¥11n ,_UP 10 '''· l arry Tu<llH. ~e n Juen Cepl•lreno. ?JI powndo• W•-"'4rf eoo 111.,.,,.d L•vune B••"· 111 010 8M•9tt. --· 0..<11, ,_., -.. 1 •• ...-,...... , .. , -· Hoflywood Pertt 1'1wrtiN Y't ll"'°'b (lfl91 .. ,......... ......... M-1 ... I FlrU rece T9QUlle !>I•• lllgtitllllll I 10 •IO, •«I, S....... Br-.. <~•u l l lO l 00, f l V• Jey U-J •to U eae<t<t 11 II peld t1o1 00 ~-•M.• fll'°'~ 8 ull,..u N 1\111""1 • 10, 2 tO, 7 10 l ••••l•• cc.o..a, .. u 1 J to, 1 40 0-'Boy ic ..... ,, tO Tl\lrd ••• Cl\8ml>t•y IR<tt<lllord l t 00 • l 10, • 10, Zl>orn C•pr•u r..t11,,,,1 17 IO,• 40 . Armbto Nlegk IP•tUr I 10 10 U oaec:la i. SI pelO '211 \0 f"our-11' r•• C..Omiett•t tr.,rwr • "4IO •10 \10, f a. Hovno (UKO\ltl 1100, • .,. MA,111• ff)fM~mAn1 1IO r Ill" •ect Al""'1C>\ !Longo I \ tO J .0 1 40. Armt>ro Utu• N IGorc,on 1•10 1 60 J P 0.C ~"' IGouo•~•u I ) 60 SJ eaoo<1• 11 JI P••d \1• 40 $1alf\ r«• C~rte"' Pl•p f~~r-1 • 00, \ '°· \ 00 Cool• ,. t 0 \1 IAnM•\Of\ I 1l IO, t tO, Emen., IPtll•n• t I I 00 U •••I• 11-4ill>Ald ,11• '° S..v-enth 'M• Comp.or• t..,u,,ter > l ID. 110, 1 40, 0.klen H•no..,., IMeca..-111 1 tO,1 IO, ~y A-.y IC•lil I• 10. E IOnlh •tWt Ae1_,, N 10.'IOm., I I 10 • tO J 00, Glefl ltw> IL_ I t JO, ' 60, A""' P1r•t1 lltoMftl '10 U u e<te 0·0 pllld \11 00 Hlllfll r«e AftOy • V•i .. 111 IGouotHUI 1 10 • '° 1 00 fle .. 111"0 S•tlCI~ f Pelll"O, • 10. J 00, Aoyel l e"9Q IWll11•1n1 I 7 10 h 11111 ••• 1<1119"1 for ll•el •8eytcn l ~ 60 11 IO. t IO Ma•I•• Velue 1(,...,..,.1 to .0, t IO Mi•IM ~m•11 N llo"9Q 1 ) tiO u ..... I• 0 JI peiO \.l:k., llll•nd ..,.. 1.000 Del Mer TltwMe, •• 11 .... 111 ,_.,. u.4ey ,___..., ........ u,..1 f fr•f f 4K* (Ollt'en ~,., lV•ten1"•t• t I) ... 7 IO,• JO, ti ~le,.. I-Ila I I tO, t tO • !>I'• Girl 1Torol1 IO \e<Ofld r«e la"' J «lo IOlt•••ul It 10. 1$ 60. IJ 00, JevM! 10.lllllou"•Y• I • 60, J 10 foe> OetlQn IPill<•Y I • 10 '1 Oelly -. tj n > !Miid .,..,,.., u '°""'1.1ton dOuOle lMlpald"210. Tlllrd rece ~rt>ly u-• t ) '°· >IO, 1AO, Whot1 A '"'-Illa (()O••••• I • tO 1 .0, Mu i Otcwy 1Vete111uece1 110 O uetla (j.J I petOSn to. "°"rt" rec• Oel Mer Ouff11 !Toro I It 00, • 00, •M; SlumOlrteNI lllelleter I • JO.• eo, HOtteM CMol~ IAOMloH I I 40 1'11111 r«e Arclll"f t -.1e IV•l•n1.,.l•I lt,40, S 11, ) IO, LHter Moll IOll•e<e\I I Ml, S •O. Correl l!MPttOr l l'lor .. 1 I tO O U e<le O·SIHldU4' tt !>lalll r«e-f'f'Ol'>Ce 4--1 • ... )IO, 1 00; Clllc-...e ITorol u o, > OI, a1e""' ll"l"CO 12 Ml. .. .,.,.Ill rec.a~ I I< 1P111u y l 6 M. I 11, ) JO, 011.,. ¥111 1ae11e1or I 1J .a. •M, l'l'lt Vktorf C..ClrrOOI I 4 00 U e11«u IM I paid '2'1 IO l!leMitr«e f'-...CI< Olrl 1-'-m-I t.OI, J :IO, Uo, M...., Holm. <M<Cor,..I J 411, 2 •. Otll<• !Hew1.., I l tO Mlntfl rou 0.-Yeane "'-'" .. .,' ' 40, J 411, 1 e , P•lfftl'4rV 11'1.,o I • 40,) ti, w ... """ 1011 ...... ) JO 0 ••e<l• 1>41 peld t4J to An-. J,"4 Misc. Thuted•r'• TranHctton• aAMC•TaALL ............... "._let_ BOSTON C•LTICS Trued 8 ob M<Adoo, fonrMCI, 10 Ille Oel,.11 l'IU-10< IWO llrM·~ IW Orolfl <llolc.U , J.M"O e d h p11te Hl•••11 Ill• two <tuba ov.r ~tteMMIM filt eo.ton'• '""'"'of M.L CMr,torwd. LOS ANOl!LH LAKl!"I -,..,,.., ared Moll....t, ll*"d, le e Mulll·Y'ffr C...lriKI NE W YOllK KN ICICS -lltlled 8 111 CM1wrlt1111, Uflter,.,,, LArry Ootftk - 51• Wlll'-9, Mrw.t'1f1 l'OOTULL ........................ ATLANTA l'ALCONI l>iecef J eff M•rrew, def..,•lve eftd, Oft Ille l11l11feel reHr•• lltt. &1111ed a eb OloHIH'-. ...... ... Olld. 8Ul'flALO a lt.LI A<•lll<ef 0Wt OfMM, .... ,. ·--'°611 Wllllt, Wide '9<elver. Ne w I NOUUfO flAT,.tOTl -l"l«M ...,Ke 1..-y, t-"'f MC:ll, .. .,_ lfl)UrW _ ... 11-. IAN 'llANCllCO ...... ~ Oer.,., Wllllemt, .._,.,. .. u . ~•l•H J""' ........ ,......, toea• ................. ~ CWI~ tTIHO -..._, Willy llt1¥, ..... ,~.--·---· We wlllt to ID to Cat. u mucb .... c:-. .. tM tlpt ad IDd baekl wm be la u.. PUllnl ptc:· tUNmoN. • .,,.. aatan ot our ottenM problblta to a eena1a awnt 1n1 douW. tam•n1 oa Cat.el ... Coebraoe c:al11 Bou tbe anc:bor al tb9 line and altboulb Jtmenea 11 probab•r tbe rutest back la 1evera y e ars al Newport, be probabl1 won't a. elllible '8ltll at leut UM third 1•me ol the HNOn <Corona del Mar) became of arade deflcien· d es. DefemivelJ tbe bll&Mt PP to flU appean to be at middle linebacker where All..CIF 11elec· tJon Dave Tbompeoo vacated h.la post for duty at Harvard. I "' ~ Rem Mn f6. tL.tU "'. It ·~' end, RMKked uv f'tte H•l(f"f\ 165 sr. >. • . ,, ' Ol'l'INSIV8 LtN~_,.,.,. eN some questions to be .. _...,., et• t ackle with Jlf!' Kalettcf'len (l.O; 180 ,,., > end Joe Gec.W1rt.-.2, 110 jr .> H ked to flll ,tla;i"4fft. Vine• Cook '6-0,, IOO> I, Qrl uno '6-T, 120>, • coodfe ijNO(s are backup. Ross '6-l, 2 ~r . .> Js i b ig key at guard wfth l'~'le Kra vitz <s-8, 16S Jr. >1_ ~ked bV seniors John BaQley ~, 170) end Er ic FeenJlr• <5-10, 165) ll r• se r ve roles at guard. d41ruf Smith <.s-11, 180 jr .) Is the laedlnt candl~t• at center, pres~ by Biii Deen '6-3, 195 sr .). 1 • " DEFENSIVE LINI! -Up front 1n Newport's 4-3 defen$e •re ftftl • and Feenstr• lnskte, ft.nlttd. by ! G uy Bisson Cb-0, 180 sr. >end Gust. Backup Includes Coote end o.tld Siemonsma <6-1, 185 Jr.) Inside,. flanked by Smith and K •l.tschaf1. THE SAi.LOU were hit with a rew minor injuries tn earl y worllouta. but Cochrane says all hancla should be ready for the ope ne r wi th the exception or fullback John Lamberwn, who 1s d ue for mloor knee surgery. NEIL ROSS L I N E BACKERS -K i m M onaco CS-10, 175 sr.) has some , big shoes to fl ll at m iddle l in e bac k e r , w h lle Helfr i ch,· Jacobi, Kravitz and Joe Kllltan · <s-9, 155 Jr. I are vying for the ou~· c;1de linebacker spots. Cochrane's Habst.anta include Larry Doyle (offensive lme and linebackers). Jerr Green <line J. J im Conley Cquart.erbacks~ and T im Scalz.o <defensive line 1 • Here's a rundowti by position QUARTE RBACKS Gaddis, cl S-9, 160-pound senior, started four game s a l Quclrter back and was a st a rter In the sec ondary as a junior He'll direct lhl' wln9ed T attack. with G ar y Parrl<,h (6 1. 175 1r l appearmo to be h1s bf-st ba ckup J aco b 1 lS-10. 16S 1r l a nd Scott Glen CS-11, 165 sr ) are the leadlnq rus hers in Newport's camp with J lmene1 apparently ineligible un· 111 later. Also, Brian Starkman IS· 10, 160 sr ) and Pat Evans <6-0, lbO 1r.J dre a t .ha lfback Pete Gust C6·0, 200 1 r l, bac k Pd by J ohn G a 1s 1 <>&. 165 ) a t lullba<.k with La mbPrt on 15 .10 , 170 1r l <,1d elined E ither halfbdc k <,pllt '!i to become the w1n9 1n Nf-wport'\ '\et up. SECONDARY Gaddis and Sta rkman are at the corners with,, M ike Bell C5·S. 135 sr.) •nd Klr.k Norton (S.10, ISO Jr .) provldlr\9 re. lief , whlle Ken Bodenhoefer (6.(),' 170 c;r . > has been looking good at monster Crover l. Cates is a t free .,,\f Pty with Steve Palmer <S-9, 160· .,, I barkmq up Bodenhoefer and Scott Durkee CS-11, 160 sr. > and l d Grandeur also free s•fet y pprc,onnPI RECEIVERS Calf''> 16--0. 175 KICKING GAME Scott Glen RUNNING BACK S PPrry r,r I wa'\ a se'ond tedm .All leac;i~ \elecllon, and is backed by 1un1ors Tom LaGr dndPur 11>· l I SS l and M tke G1ddll'lQ'> IS 1 I I 70 J M ik i" 1c, considered a steady punter with 40 4S yard range, a nd doubles as\ olrtcf'k tek P r with 3S·40-yard paten~ 11,, I .. "1. Soccer Bowl '79 on • I TV·. First Televise d Colleg e Ganw Set Saturday From A P Dlspakbf"i. Soccer Ho wl '79 top'> Saturday 'l> TV '>P<Jrl'> age nd<t Saturday. Before h nalJsts Vi.ncouver J nd Ta mpa Bay were dell'r m 1nf'd lal>t wf•C kt:nd, ttwr1- wa s an advance l1ckt·t '>U lc· or flJ.(J()(J Sal1·-; haH been neJ.(hJ(ibh· M n <·1· The· J.(am1· will I>•· rm A BC rvcrywherc. includ1nJ.( /'111 w \'1,rk. whe n · 1l 1c, ~1n~ held Bes1del> its final !t<Jcl·1·r .:am<'. A f11 · will ha vr• its fi nst college football J.(11m1· of th•• !'Jc·ason Alabam a at Georgiu 1 cc h On Sunday, AHC will have· tL'> first art ernoon baseball telecast San Franc isco al Hou s ton This will be lhP fi rst of three SWlday broadc a'>l'> in September. part of th.-TJI SPOKI'S tradeoff for baseball le t ---------- ling ABC out of 1ls commitme nt lo do M1Jnda~ night games last May ABC foa red for 1l~ ralmgs d un ng the < ruc1cil month or May when 11dvcrt.J .. 1nj.( rat•·s drf' ')('l f1ir the 1rnmmt•r r us wall havt• ~l'\.f'n hour!> of L s OJ)4~n lfl~ erage Satu rday and five houfl), anrludang both tJw men's and w11m1·n·., final Sunday f'BS "ill ab<J have a hm·u11 ,,f '>I X n·gwnal Nal.Jonal Football League games Sunday NBC hai. b uiu•ball Saturday 18alL1mort' a t Boston ), the Marlboro Cup from Belmont Park and taped coverage o f the FINA World Cup Swim ming Championi.hlpi. from Tokyo On Sunday. NBC will h ave r ci<1onal NFL games and Houston al Pittsburgh 1.111 l he naUonal gume .-.a1urdaf1•• T'1. Radio T ELEVISJON 11 a .m c1 ) soc·c Ea BOWL '7t The Van· couver WhHe Caps and T ampa Bay Ro wdles m~t ln Soccer Bowl '79 a t Eas t Rutherford, N J 11: ~am. 14) BASEBALL The BaJt.Jmore Orioles meet the R«>d Sox a t Boston's Fenway Park . Noon (2J U.S. OP EN TENNIS Live cov eraae of the world's richest lenrus tourna ment from l<luahmg Meadow Park an New York 1 p.m <22 ) PllO SOCCER. <34 > FUTBOL INTEaNACIONAL This week 's m atchups Colo1ne va. Elnlrar ht a nd Shalke vs Bor usaa 1:30 pm 17 ) COLLt;GE FOOT BALL P&EGAllE8UOW. J :4S p.m. (7) <'OLLEGE FOOTBALL T he Alaba ma Crimson Tade vs. the Georgia Tech Yellow J ackets In Atlanta 2 p.m. (4 ) 8 PO&T8WOllLD The seventh runnlna ot Lhe M1r1boro Cup from 84!lmont Park, New York. Alao, the 10,000 meter run In the IAAF World Seriea of trlick and field, l•pcd in Brussels , Bel1lum. 11 p.m . (S) COi.LEGE FOOTBALL T he Houston Couaa"'* v1. the UCL.A Br uins, played earlier at the Collaeum aADIO Bueball Dod1er1 .at Clnd nnaU, U : 15 a .m ., KABC <790 ); Milwaukee at Anaels, 7 p.m., KMPC (710 ). Football USC at Texu Tech , 5:30 p.m ., KNX (1070 ); HOUiton at UCLA , 1 p.m., KLAC <570 ); Cal State FuJJerton 1t Nevada <LV ), T.30 p.m ., KWRM (1370 FM ); Lone BHcb Stale at Bol1e State, S: 30 p.m ., KORJ <t4.3 Fii ), Northrlcqe State va. San Francllco St.ate, 7:30 p.m ., K<1lL (1'90). Tennll -U.S. Opeo Reporq, 11:50 a_m,, 12:50, 1:50, 2:50 p.m., K.NX (1070). s-tl•IJ'• Ttl, R-41• TELEVISION 1 :30 a.m . <2> -NPL TODAY -Brent llu•buraer, lrv Crota, Ja)'IM Kennedy and J immy ''Tbe Grett" prevt•w Sunday's sames. <4) -NFL ~ -Scbedul.t 1e1meot.1 include a report on veteran klcken Garo YepremJan and Roy a.nta, both waived from the NFL · 10 a.m. CJ) -NFL IQOTBALL -Tbe New Orle&111 Salata v1. tbe Green Bay Packers in llllwaukee. (4 ) -Nt'L POOT8i\LL -The Houetan OUert meet the &.elen ln Plltlbu.r1b. • - 111 1 n ns W F.t:K IN BASEBALL. 11 10 a m 111 1 BASEBALL The Dodgers me('t thl' ftttd\ Jt River front Stadium in Cinc!Ja. nal 1 11 1 ~1 .1 rn 17 1 BAS EBAI.L San F'rancm:o .1 t II ou~lou !\r11">11 1221 COi.i.EGE f'001'8ALL -Utaa St.•tt· t1.t San JoM• SLJtf' Tar>ed Saturday 1 p m 12 1 t:.S . OPEN TENNIS -Live COY· •·rngt of lht' world '41 rachPst Lennis t.oumAmeot "Ith tht' m~n ·., and wom en''! fanaJ.s scheduJed for cove rag~ today 14') NF'L FOOTBALL -The Oakland Raiders at San Diego J p m cg, COLLEGE FOOTBALL -The l SC' Tro1an~ meet Tcxa~ Tech 1n " &Mme played !--aturda) 10 Lubbock. Texa~ Taped. 4 p m 17 J COLLEGE f'()()TBALL '7' -A Ol""' l>t>aM>n C)( COiiege football hagh.lJgbt.s. 4 ~ p m 17 1 RACERS -The SCCA D l'r1xiuct1on '>port.. car hnali. an Atlanta wtth Curt < "'"' dv and Rt>b ·1 ulhu'> ,, µ m <5.2 1 ASCOT RACJNC.. 7 p rn I ~ I P RO SO('(•t:a . 11 p m l:J COLLfo:G E FOOTBALL lllGHl.J GJITS i\ l<>ok at lhe wet:ke nd 's coUege football ~am<·~ .... 1th commentary by Lou S aba n and Hill ~1a.iur RADIO Ba.'><•baJJ Uodgers at Cincinnati, J 1: 1S a.m .. t\ABC 1700 1. Mil waukee at Angels , I p.m ., KMPC 1710 J Tenrus lJ S O~n Reports, 12: 50, 1: 15, 1 50, 2 15. 2 50. 3 15. 3. 50, 4 50. S 15, 5:50 p.m ., KN X 11070 ) Hori.e Racmg Del Mar Debutante, 5 45 p m . KNX 11070 > FREE ADMISStON WONDERFUL OLD WORLD f n ~ 1,1 •PM ~ .......... ~·· ......... , .. ... v1•11Ni1f •uoHt_,... --··~~-·-S.,n S.PI • 1 GI l'M SOUTH .... M>ltO•ll OAY- -'-IN -•lc --...... .,.,~.,,..,,..,...,.._.,.....,,.,.fl-l •e BenOoeQ<>J•-19.._ ti'"" nft •wrt> b#"-"'! u"""'V''" (.,..... O" ltAt ~Or --TAllLUl'I · COCSTA&a 17UI "'·1471 • lll•"Mltl A._,., f'\AU fO , ... __ , John LtlOn.rd pfWllntl A Fitted, Top Qu11ity Golf Club ... ,,, . ar HALF the PRICE/ ~ JL woo~ Jl IRONS l WOODS I I RONS 9000 16000 ~ ·. I ~n "',, • tRONS 110.00 E11t:lt, WOODS, 130.00 Ellt:h. Compe'• q111llly, then look tc the .-~ JL'•.,. ..... ., blttt• In q11oll1y ttlen du!N 11lllnt for dovw.I IMeltlMM met, llfht ''"' 1Mft1, TectlHMc •1....-wfMt m0f9'eould r1* •1 And they 'ro GUttem fitted IO YOU Md VOi.if ....... QltOUP QO"°I' L.&$IONI 6 GOLF LESSONS for only s12• ( a tt11lllle11U I"• Cl ... ~:ai.:,~~.· .. ~.~.~~ .. ~~~ ..... ., ... , ...... ,.,. .. ~,. .. w .. 161" ~w:~:,~~ .... ~.~~.~ .. ·~~ ................................. 9751 ' NEWPORT BEACH Loc•tfil ., ft#wport llHch oo11 c.".Jr" 2100 ""''NI AVC. "40NI 711-4'N I • \ ., -.-...., .. -............ ... . . .. . . . . . . . NATION I LOCAL Rationing Dwindles ~=::::::: :.:. ~--tour OGllr N._ a1t1"';'t ••1~. •~r•• ••r• l•~•,....1 Ii~· Nit"•u~=WW"'IDIST . NMID tella• .._......_ ... .._ .,,.. ............. ,-Olld .. ve Ml•t lllM.., U.. tMJ.,.. ,&M1'11111nda1~ '1ofid.a, Te~u .. , ... .,., ............ ... fteiw1 ti N .. Yest. eo. Cn"1<1 _.I.We au..t lfte•wbUt Oov . Diel ....._ ,,.,...., lM.Y ... TbornburP .~ Paoi)'lvaola ret'ltid lat o41cl·•••• 111 motortata could bUY 1u any day l'atloiliilil teldift Ill 1J:Ol e.m.. ol dlt week be11Mfn1 Sat&l~. RaOonina rtma1Md lo ett.a tn part.a ol vtrctnl•. California. M arylaod and the Dlattlct of Columbla. .~~New Officer of SC Planners Saa, Clem•te Plannilla COm- mlulm memben bave named CUit ~ u the panel'• vice <'bairman. GtllaU,. wbo wu reappointed to tbe panel earlier th1a year, wlll prealde over the com - Dllalion meetln& lo the event pJanntn1 Cbalrmaa Al Wulfeck t. abeenL Commi.aalon members have also named former chairman Melford Morgan to serve as the pa)lel'a representative on the city's Pier Bowl Beautification Committee. Morgan replaces ousted com- miaaioner Carol Carlson who had served on the pier bowl unit prenously. The advisory group has been studying plans to renovate lhe entrance area to the cl,typier. Dog Attack Jail,s Pair P~LO ALTO fAP> -Two youq men were in jail for investigation of urging two pit bulldogs to attack a pedestrian in EulPaJo Alto. The victim, Vic Lara of San Rafael, said he was attacked by the dogs about 2 a .m. when one ot Uutmen yelled, "Sic him!" La•a was treated by fire paramedics for dog bites but <lid not require hospitalization. Santa Clara County deputy s•rllfa said the two men were spotted with their dogs a short time later at the University A.venue overpass o f the Baysbore Freeway. ~. I The loq au 1taUoo Unee that prompted the ratlooln1 laat 1prla1 were &one a1 lb~ governors made their anno u ncem&ola , sayl ru conactentioua moloruts and the end of the vacation travel season bad lessened demand for gasoline. IN NEW YOa.&, au st.atioD operatora said lo recent ween that they already bad at.opped entorcJ.ng the ration.log orders bee a use of plentiful fuel Wo"'lng The U.S. Supreme Court is leading ''an almost vicious · attack on journalistic freedom, former ABC anchorman Howard K . Smith warned a convention of Radio-Television News Directors Association Thursday in Las Vegas. ' ··~---ffonwr, lbe fOOll oewa wu t•m......S with a DOt4 ot cau&lon. Tb• pe:rnon u1"l9d coeu.uect- .. CODHJ'V&Uon, and thNt stat.el - PeDAailvanJa. Coueeticut and N•• Jet1•1 -retai~cl mlelmum pareba•• roqulrement1 deal1n•4 t o prevent "t.ool>Jni oft" tanb. Under the-odd-even system , driver1 wltb ll<'enae plates eodiot ln an odd ownber could only buy oo odd dales, and tboM with an even last numeral could only buy on even dates. Tbe 31st of eacb moath wu open for all tobuyaaa. 'Aura' Photo lecture Set For Laguna A lecture OD KirUan pbotog- ra phy -the depiction of a person's aura on a photograph -will be presented Monday at 7 p.m . by NASA consultant Dr . Thelma Moss. The lecture ls sponsored by the South Coast Communities Jewish Center in Laguna Beach a nd will b e held in the Fellowship Hall of the Presbyterian Church at the cor· ner of Fores t Avenue and Second Street. Kirlian photography is a method of capturing on a photo- graphic plate an image of what is purported to be an aura of energy that emanates from animals and plants and that un- dergoes changes 'in accordance with physiological or emotional changes. Dr. Moss is the author of the book "Probability and the Im- possible" and is a consultant in Kirlian photography with NASA, the National Institute for Mental Health and the Rand Corp. Admission is S2 for members 81ld $3 for non-m embers. The public is invited. Pilots Examined SAN DIEGO <AP) -The pilots and crews of the Navy's e lectronics packed E -2C Hawkeye planes are undergoing eye c heckups for possibl e damage from "energy equip- ment lealtage," a spokeswoman said today. ---------------------PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE P\JBLIC NOTICE ' \ Frid9y.~bef7, 1979 DAILY PILOT SPORDll IOODS 26th ANNUAL ~ SEPT. 8th and 9th ORANGE cou11n FAIRGROUNDS -Building #1 0 II SKIS Rossignol, Olin , Head, Dynastar, Hexcel and morel * SAVE 40 °/o • 70 °/o • ..... , ....... REG. S1tl.OO IYIASTAI TEMPEST s3700 REG. S14UO MOW J I~ CLOTHING I I~ BlllDlllSS I SaJomon, Spademan, Look. Burt, Besser and more! * FAllTASTIC. SAYlll&S * . .. , .. AEG. $110.00 LOOI '-T. REG.t51.15 #OW .,,, HIGH FASHION -LOW PRICES Anba, Alpine Designs, Roffe, Beconta, Swing West, Head, Edelweiss, Cevas, Obermeyer, Demetre, and many more! ALL 403-l 0% OFF II EVERYTHING FOR THE SKIER I HATS, GLOVES, SWEATERS, SK/BAGS, T-NECKS, SKI RACKS AND MORE. --HEW-1980 SKI PACKAGES HEAD REG. ROSSIGNOL REG. ESPIRIT ............... •145.00 PRO AM ............... 1140.00 TYROLIA 150 .........•... 51.00 TYROLIA 150. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58.00 POLES .................. 19.95 POLES . . . . . ............ 19.95 LABOR .................• 20.00 LABOR .................. 20.00 Reg. Price .............. S242.95 Reg. Price ............. S242.91 == $16995 :: s15995 * FREE SKI BRAKES * FREE SKI BRAKES MEET THE FACTORY REPS/ .. .. ' BRA•D •EW · 1979 TOYOTA CELICA LIFllACK AUIOMA.llC Autonwtlc 1ransm1as1on, factory air oond1tl,>nlng, power steering. oower d i sc brakes, deluxe onstripee, steel atyled wheels & rruch. muai more• (559906) WAS'7764" 5850 DISCOUNT FIOM MFG. SUG•HTID HTAll ,.ICf EARLE IKE'$ SMALL PRICE $6914.50 BIG SELECTION OF ·BRAND NEW 1979 COROLLA'S Biq Discounts! JIURRY WHILE THEY LAST. w~ lran<;m1.,.,1on , .. ,_,,,, M \tereo w 11h 4 '>De ' " ' ',,, 1 1 c,• ,,,1 dlll!<'i l-tt •i,ry d Ir f Wllfll• '. f .. r, W '"I I f• p I n (J C>Ow Pr • WhP.PI «:Jose orakr- \ft'f!t 0 PlllH1 ~ ·10 di ,,,,.~ & mtJ(.h mU( n morp• ALL TYPES of BRAND NEW TRUCKS AT HUGE DISCOUNTS FANTASTIC USID CAR Y ALUISlll 1973 MERCURY MAl(i>UIS WAGOH Very clean car 1t •Very Low Price! (306.JEI<) EAILllKE'S s14'9 SALIPRICE 1978TOYOTA COIOLLA LIFTIACK Excepti onally clean wl tti 5 speed tran1mleelon. air cond .. rellye wheels. rack. I atereo Pretty 8llver with black interior. C593UMX) MILi IKl'S s5299 SAU NICI 1973 VOLVO 142 Z.H. SIOAH Equipped with 4 speed tr1n1m1u 1on, 11 cond11toning. & more. Nice earl (200UKZ) 1976 HONDA STATIOH WAGOH With 4 speed transm1aa1on. radio & more Pretty yellow w11h 4 new tires $81Nl.J) 1976 VOLKSWAGEN DASHB unlACK i door model w o1n aut omatic "'' cond1t1on1ng r.ct10 & more Nice hllle blue car (106P0VI EARLE IKE'S s2999 IAILI IQ'S s3399 EAILI IKE'S s3999 SAU PRICE SALi NICE : SALi 'RICI 1975 VOLVO 164 4-0R: SIDAH Pretty copper metallrc with black leather Automatic transmiH1on. air cond . powe ateenng. Nice Carl P21NOS) lilL11K1·s $~A1" SAU NICI ...,, 1976 VOLVO 264 SIDAH Two-tone blue 1n color. 4 1peed-oyerdr1ve 1r1nsm1a11on, leather interior. power 1teer1ng. stereo. sunroo• & 100 ~ m901 {371RF0) IAIU lll'S $6899 SALl,..CI 1978 HONDA ''ACCORD LX .. Le as t han 17 .000 miles• S "Peed 1ren1m1sa1on. 11ir conc1tt1on1ng stereo & power ateering (4'5UNJ) IAIU IH'S $6999 SAU NICI· 1979 HONDA CIVIC Lec,s 1nan 13 000 miles • speed 1tansm1ss1on air cond11ton1nq & radio Solvet wolh black interior (016HXS) EARLE IKE'S s4799 SAU NICE 1978 DATSUN .. 210.% 5-SPllD" Deep copper metalltc paint. tess then 30,QOO moles equipped with 1111 cond . stereo. & mag wheels (206TZW) EARLi IKl'S s9799 SAU NICI I I '. ~ I ~ ......... 1.1111 Weekender CJ By THOM LECOQ CH IM Dally ,.1194 SUH The footlights go up and the house erupts 1n hisses and hurrahs for v1llams. heroes and s wooning ingenues They repay th<' shouts with last.minute rescues and one·hners s poken in asides to the audience. IT'S THE THEATRICAL s tuff of melodrama and it's been George Stuart's daily diet since 1933 when he Joined the cast of "The Drunkard.·· a long· running show in Los Angeles. Later he became its director But Orange Count1ans know tum best for his 25 years of Bird Cage Theater productions at Knott's Berry Farm. "We opened it in 1954 on Sept. 4 with the sam e show we're doing now. It's an anniversary production of 'The Streets of New York,' " he said. ''Mr Knott was a devotee or 'The On "The Streets of New York." Ronnie Morgan tips off the audience (boo) as Bruce Mirken. Beverly Jackson. Bob Cook (yeah) and Sue Roberts react behind his cape. Drunkard' and used to bring his supervisors to see it e,.ver/J Halloween That's how I got to know hia..,..I ''THE TIDNG WE were doing was what he wa.nted at the Farm . . so he built a theater out of canvas to lest whether it would work." Stuart moved in and opened the first show The house was full ror most performances from the start. "I still have the plans for a permanent theater we drew up in 1954, but I wouldn't tear down this old place now; it bas too much at· mospbere ." j t-Swing Again Saddleback Salutes '40s A "Fabulous '40s" special -one of the most ambitious attempts in re- cent years to revive the Swmg Era excitement-will be one of five enter· tainment events this fall sponsored by Saddleback Community College's Community Services department. Stars of the Big Band festival at 8 p.m . Friday, Sept. 28 in Irvine Bowl will be Helen Forrest, known in the '40s as "Bonnie Blue, Mystery Lady of Song;" Andy Russell, top record· ing star of that decade and host or the Lucky Strike "Hit Parade" on radio and the "Pied Pipers," who sang with the Tommy Dorsey Band. MUSIC WILL be under the di rec· tion of drummer Don Lamond m the style of the Gene Krupa Orchestra. Organizers say the evening is de· signed especially for those people who remember the harmonious ar· rangements of "Someone to Watch Over Me," "Besame Mucho," FABULOUa •409 FAVORITES Helea Porreet. AfWtt RuueU and "Sunny Side of the Street" com- ing from bandstands and console radios. On Thursday, Oct. 4, also at 8 p.m. in Irvine Bowl, the Chmese Acrobats and Magicians of Taiwan will perform their stunts that drew one of the highest ratings ever for ABC· TV's ''Wide World of Sports" several years ago. THESE STUNNING levitation, Kung Fu and Ch'i·king routines. charming native dances and gravity. defying tumbling and juggling acts - all without a net -have received rave media reviews during the 75-member troupe's two previous American tours. The magicians have not appeared in the U.S. in more than 50 years. They will perform the renowned "Grand lllusion" and the "Invisible Beauty" where a girl climbs a rope and disappears. The autumn schedule also includes three celebrity appearances on the college's Fine Arts Theater stage. 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. LEADING OFF will be comedian Heony Youngman, known for the in· anities and insanities of bis rapid-fire humor, on Saturday, Sept. 15 at 8 p . m . F lamenco ~uilar virtuoso Carlos Montoya will perform at 8 p.m . Oct. 13. Actress/comedienne Betty Garrett will present her one-woman show. "Betty Garrett and Other Songs," at 8 p.m . Nov. 17. She is seen regularly as• the landlady, Mrs. Babish, on "Laverne and Shirley." "We really are the only ooe in this part of Orange County providing s uch a comprebemlve program of cultural activities and family-type live entertainment," said Dr. Doyle McKinney, associate d ean of academic proarams alld community services TJCSETS FOR each of the celebri- ty nllhts are $7 general admission and t6 for students or Saddleback Collep Gold Card holden. They are avail•ble ln the Fine Artl box office on campu from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. weekda.)'I. Call 831-4656 for reserva- Uou. Special event tickets are priced at M, ts and $4 ln advance or Sl more on the nlpt of the performances lf seatlna la available. They are sold in the Sllddleback box office or at the Irvin• Bowl from noon to ' weekdays aod noon to 3 Saturday. ca11-.-11u. -· . --· '- • • The Cake adobe arches up front give v.a y totters of concrete filled wtth hundreds of chairs on three l>ldes of the apron Backstage there 1s little more than sax feet for act.ors and props But hundreds have passed through ttie cramped wtngs or the Bird Cage on their way to hoped.for bigger things Dean Jones and Steve MartJn have been the bag winners so far and are frequently mentioned by hopefuls IO '1'bc Street:. or New York .. The cast come~ primarily from local col lege drama classe~. said Stuart. Others come an responst> to casttn~ nouces an Dramalogue. a trade magazanc for actors THE CUllRENT PLAYERS gave a good idea or who audiences wall see at Knott'5 Beverly J ackson, 20. of Hacienda Heights. says she's wanted t.o work at the small theater <See MELODRAMATIC. Page CS> Theatrics Overcome Bolshoi's Dazzling The Bolshoi 1s 1n town. wonderful news for those who love class1c<1l ballet. Few companae:. can began to match the Russian troupe for prt'c1s1on of execution, rich· ness or production and depth of talent. MOST OF THE audience arrived last Tues- day with those expectations to see the premiere American performance of "The Legend of Love .. A few had other thoughts.'"'however They were protesting Jailing of Soviet d1ss1dents and restnctions on Jewis h emigration Unfortunatclv. the dancers had a tou~h ume compeung with the protesters· theatrics v. hen they opened the show by shoutmg "Let my people go" and tried to climb onstage. Nana Timofeyeva and Nadezhda Pavlova. soloists for the evening. seemed to have lost concentration during the balance or Act 1. but did much better by intermission. They dazzled during Act 2 That despite the fact the first four rows were quietl_y occupied by patrons in black. wearing white yarmulkes Md banners reading 'Freedom ' A few forgot themselves and ap- plauded the ballerinas . IT WAS A ~RY polillcal evening at Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium and everyone, dan· cers. musicians and aud ience was affected. Moreover, the ballet itself was a departure Crom the usual fare "Legend of Love" is the creation of a Nazym Khikmet. a political re- former in Turkey who fled to Moscow. Though tradillonal in specific movement the collective effect was coolly modern and in'. tellectual. "That·s not classical." grumbled one woman as she left early with her comparuon. FE BKHAD, THE HERO in this grand fairy tale, was danced with flair by Vyacbeslav Gordeyev. although he faltered a bit during athletic moments of his paa de deux with both soloists. AlelO Lazarev, Alexi Fadeyec:hev, Nikolai F~dorov and Anatoll DanJlychev produced a bnlllant splnning, leaplnc and fun sequence as Ferkhad'a friencb. And Ev1enl Zernov'1 jester, trying to amuse a dlstrau1ht queen, engaced ln 1rot.es· que buffoonery and athletic 1yraUona to create easily the most enga11n1 character of the even· ln1. Alexander Lavrenyuk's Vilar was given more to poaln1 tbao dance, but had some marvelous momenta leading bis troopers In marcbea around the glganUc 1ta1e. C8ee BOLSHOI, P11e at Eolk Bil.Deers, Bun"ers, Trav.el Sho• oa t•e Mowe DAY• CHAPPL•, former Rem1 pten kkker, and lrllh McCelle, wtto.....,... a1 SMene, QUMft Of the.J"'*9 on TV, will be aft*'O the celetwtty ertlltl •PP"rlna at tM limited Edition.._ Sale and Fair In the~ ... ,"*" et the SMraton-Anehetm .._., t01J w ..... Aoad, fnm 10 to S S.tuNey _.MM JI s Suncs.v. New law will ... ..........., and theN wllt be a 1wao Md_., '"''°" for cottecton. AdmlUlon t S>. eAST •!IT ftLAY&lltl wm bUUd ttt. world I l•rvest IC• CrHn\ COM .. P•rt of the thHter cpmpenv't ulvte to the tnt."'-tlOMI YHr of the OtUd dUrlno the 2: 30 p.m . S.tut"day performante of "Made In Am.rice\" a,,... Aslen-PaclfJc American perform no arts ffftlval. Scott • • AMMAL GIACIWIS SINQNC 1'!UGMMS 1141'15·11M ..... , co1110' TO eo1 • .. 7Je~ This Fall Golden West College Child Care Center . Huntington Beach Open to Non-Student Parents Morning, Afternoon Sessions Modern, New Facility Caring Staff Low Cost For child care Information call 892-7711 -Ext. 642. Walk-in registration for the fall semester now in progress. Drop by starting at 9 a.m., Sept. 6, 7, 10-14, 1 7-20. No appointment necessary. Special Saturday registration for your convenience. Sept 8 , starting at 9 a.m. Our Special Thanks to President Richard HlxOtt! ' and hl1 charmlnCJ wit. '?at, .. for ht'ftthwj YI to yot1r WlfOf'C)e'ttabt• party "Labor Day." It wa1 o CJl"M flffcir CIRd w• wena CJrat..W to ta. ~ GMOftCJ yow IOftCJ U1t of ......,.._ W• hod a C)l"'CMd ..... ..... •• lhal ..... .,. forci-t. Slftc.re4y Ernie & Safty c-. r---·f(1l•l:JiT11-----1 r-----RillTJ•Tir---, I a-uwu-~ 11 ...,.,__ I , • : CO•~ : : CAMTB.OUPES : I GRAPEFRUIT 11 _... I I II I ~ : I 0 ,~ I 00 : : 4 9c --: •I l.90ffllW/C-II LMY•W/-II I II ·--------~------' ·--------------. 1-----l(•l•r:.M1~----.,-----w11r:i•Tit"---~ I It I I 'WAn'ft.'l'OllTUTlblm 11 tO.oGeMO'W I I -~ete.J.A II .._.., I I GltAPINUIT JUICI : : GRAPES : I S 129 :: 29c : I o.-t II Lb. I I l.MTI....,.. II •/-I 1 ____ .::!.~------' l---------------' .. -----«•W:l•1'1t----~r----1(•l•fil•Itt----, I soeooeMDWf I• ._..., • .....,~••" I I .._.._.. 11 ~.I MT..C.. I I : SWEIT COIM ~l IOSES I ! I 0 c ... l ! s I 99 .,... I I ~ 11 LMTIMl.W/COWOM I l--------------~L--~~----------~ COUf'ONS DJltRI, THURI .. lll'T.11, 1m ~ •40y..,. ol Produce Know How" fl'M Retlaurwtt • o...v.y_ I J. • I • .... , .... ,. ... ,_ .. ""°" ...... PtfO!jla ........ ...... 11 ...... 11 ........ IJCE 'N~ow---m~160~1~---....... ~ ................... , ,, STEPHEN LONOFl!LLOW FISKE commercials. Adm1$slon Is $3. For more details, phone the center, n1-17SO. MORE THAN $20 MILLION worth of vehicles and products for travel and outdoor recreation will be displayed Saturday through Sunday, Sept. 16 during the seventh annual Recreational Vehicle, Van and Boat Show at Anaheim Stadium. Manv displays will emphasize mini motor homes and campers that provlde·comfort and good gas mileage. Show hours will be• to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 4 to 11 p.m . Friday, noon to 11 p.m Saturdays and noon to 8 Sundays. ANOTHER TRAVEL SHOW, this one focusing on unique Christmas holiday and springtime vacation oppor. tunltles, is sc heduled from 2 to6p.m . C\unday at the Holiday Inn, at Bristol Street and the San Diego Freeway In Costa Mesa. Travel Network will prese nt color films. slides and resort exhibits at the free event. SNAPPY DANCING WILL BE SEEN at 3: 30 p.m . Sunday when the Oscar Nieto Flamenco-Company performs In Heritage Park, 4601 Walnut St., Irvine. Admission Is $2 .50 for adults and $1 for children, military and senior citizens. "OPERATION THUNDERBOLT," a stunning dramatization of the Israeli rescue mission at Entebbe airport on July_., 1976, will be shown at 7 p .m. at NtwPOr1 Bouleverd end Via Lido In NewPort Beach. IORI• AND OLD•R be Hmttted for hetf price ($.2.50 > their orandchflderen wlll receive • 10 ~discount et Lion Country Sef ert from SUndey to Sept. 16. The WMk·lont .,.clal lncludH unllmlted tours throuoh the wlld enlmal preset"Ve, all 1howt end numerous attractions. Th• perk I• open ':45 e.m. to 5 p.m . RUNNlllll WILL HAV8 THEUt choice of two 10.ldlometer events on S'fllday, Sept.-JJ. The LOI AftOelH Master Chorai. A110Clates end Robinson's wlll aponlOf' OM race with "music to run by" amplified •lono the course et Dodger Stadium. Season concer1 tickets wlll be the prizes awarded by Roger Wagner, founder of the choral• end former Olympic decathlon competitor. Regls- tratlQn fee ft S7 before Sept. 12 . AppHcatlon blanks may be picked up at Robinson's stores. The other 6.2 mile event will be sponsored by Senta Ana Coll999 Community Service. Runners wlll start at El Modena High School track at 8 a.m . More than 70 awards wlll be given to male and female winners In 12 categories. Fees are S6 for pre-entry and S8 for late entr:y. R89lstratlon Is urged prior to Sept. 17 at SAC's Office of Community Services, 17th and Bristol streets, Santa Ana. Phone 83~3000. THREE DIFFERENT PROGRAMS of what critics describe as "dynamic, rlp·snortlng American blend of folk dance and classical ballet" will be performed at Cal State, Fuller10n next weekend by the American Folk Ballet. Recor'dlng artist Jimmie RC>dOers will appear w ith the troupe at 8 p.m . Friday. Sept. 1-4. A 2 p.m . children's matinee and a second, full·length 8 p .m . show will be offered Saturday, Sept. 1S in the university's Llttle Theater. A free lecture demonstration Is planned there at noon Thursday. Show tickets, ranging from $4 to $1, are on sale at the Performing Arts Center box office on campus. Phone 773-33-47 or nJ..3371. NEWLYANNOUNCEDSCHEDULES mean summer lsotticlallyover at two Southland amusem ent parks. Disneyland w ill continue daily operation through Sept. 16 but then close on Mondays and Tuesdays through winter . Hours will be 9 to 7 on Sept 9 and 16, 10 to 6 on Sept. 10-1-4 and 9 to midnight Sept. 1S Fall schedule Is 10 to 6 Wednesday through Saturday and 9 to 7 on weekends 'Xnott's Berry Farm wlll begin It s w inter format on Sunday, Sept. 16. Hours will be 10 to 9 Sundays, 10 to 6 Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and 10 a m to midnight Saturdays. The paid admission area inside the gates will be closed·Wednesdays and Thursdays but the outside dining and shopping facllltles will be open daily. iiiiiiiiii~~~~"~ - Tffll llTM• LAIT W••KIND to Yllft "Vleftnl -A • .,,.. 11n Symphony" at the OtUfornla MuMUm Of Science and fndUltry In E>epotftk»n _._,.,Lot Angelet. The cuttural exttf bft fffturn an operettno pntry t..kery, authentic cafe, Strauu muafc, fancy opera costumes end old world 01 .. 1 enorevsne. Admission Is frHto.the muteUm from 10 to Sdally. NOSTALGIC IOUNDI O~ ttt. '30t •nd '• wmenterteln dancers when Freddy Martin end hl1 Orchestra •s>Pe•r at the femad cet.llna CMlno S.turdey from 9 p.m . to 1 a.m. Proceeds of lt'le dance go to the Avelon Community Hospltal. Tickets •r• $7.50. Phone 527·7111 for detalls on $12 rCM.lnd-trlp cruises from San Pedro at 7 p.m ., departing Avalon at 1 :30 a.m . Tickets avallable through Tkketron. Armchair Adventures !XJn '1 m1~' thl'.,., ,,~,. l'H t'flt1onul color films nuf!Ul<'d 111 fl"'''"' hy \fJnl• "' till· world'~ mo,1 <'llf1•rtr1111111q unc} I llCJ\~/11Jq1·ub/1• trvve/ drx umenrvr ~· l tfmmvk1•111 .... SlPTLMBl I( 11 KUSS IA 'lp1 11t-t r /he k l<t:dcJy ()( TOBl K 1 ~ llH I Al';D {'1u/1 II \111/•11 '\()\I \IBI I< •1 c.1<t£<L .. I • /. ' , ,, I ,,,,,, .,,, I l 1.iK lo\I< Y I i\I KIC ,\ •f'• •• , "' '" ..,,, ,,,,,,,,, ~IAK<. II I I C lllNi\ '•( <JI·, /1 lh fl1r II•' ... FRIDAYS -8 p.m . -ace AUDITORIUM I <J•H ..... ,)flt/,,,,.,," ,,,, ..,,, . (II\/) \I, 'U. ( IJ ~'"'~ T1ll..1·1) $1 2 50 •')1nl(k Adnm\11m $J.00 f ,1111r1/..'vf•1 Ill 11r 11/f·tt If( Al I /M Ul<Mll //UN. 'l ~fl "J '•/I ~~----------------------------------------------------... ~ CALL NOW FOR RESERVED TICKETS 831-4e56 ~~ SADDLEB~=-~.COLLEGE Sunday at Temple Bat Yahm, 1101 Camelback ------- ( FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT ) Drive, Newport Beach. This English language film was produced with military and government approval and authenticated by consultations with participants who freed the 104 hijacked hostages. A MINI-RENAISSANCE FAIRE wlll take place throughout Udo Marina Village from Wednesday through Sunday, Sept. 16. More than 30 artists, cr aftsmen and strolling entertainers will participate In the free event at the bayslde mall just off Coast Highway 9 llG DAYS SEPT. 8 THRU 10 GIOIGI COi.OU.JS 7th A*IUA&. COMING TO UC IAVINE THE U.8.'a TOU9HE8T CUSTOMER! RALPH NADER ''The Energy Monopolle• and Energy Coneumer•· Who'• Winning?" Mond•r, September 17, 7:30 P.M. General Serie• Prlct 112, Slnol• Ad· mission $4. Be a serle1 ticket •Ubterlber today. Take three -get one fr•. Tickets avallabte at Ttcketron outlets and ASUCI Box Office. Ticket Information · 7U/833-5588. \ "Sports ... " Keeps you on top of the local scene ... everyday in the Big Band Festival of The Fabulous Forties Starring. Andy Ruuell. Helen Forelf. the Pied Pip•"· with the Febulou1 For11e1 Orctleat" w ith mus1( 1n fhe \lylP of Tommy Dorsey dnd Gene Krupa Septemb9r 21th -Frtd1y, I p.m. CHINESE ACROBATS & MAGICIANS OF TAIWAN Acrobat•• N Tumbler•' • .,.;: ::,: ~-Meg1clen11 .. .....,. Co1tume11 ~ • • E vprylh1nq from Go'>~amer or ace to \pr.nq t ingling tension-New York T1mec, October 4fh-Tllu,.dey, I p.m. IRVINE BOWL-UGUNA BEACH Tickeh SS.~."· Saddleback ColleQt' 8011 Off1Ct" 831 .. •6S6 M ·F 10·2 PM also available at Laouna Festival Box Office A9A·l l•S We lll<e the good f hlngs In life - not necessarily fancy. but quallty That's why we like Le Blorrltz French Restaurant Food. atmosphere and seNlce are quallty them One word for Le Blorrltz? lrs the Frenchness. Mlchoel and Wllhetmlno Sheehan We've made It a "regular" place for lunch and d inner. It's nice to go out for the QOOd things In lite .. and know you're going to get • ~E 01·RRRITZ FRENCH ~STAIJRANT OIMef 1 Oova. lunch MortdOV ft'lru Ff1day 414 N. NGYt1)0l1 8lvd . Ne\i~ 8eoch For ReMM>ttonl ( 714) 645-6 700 • Cocktails .. .... - OUT 'NABOUT DAILY PILOT C3 naekS Suited to a Tea Costa Mesa shop introduces txJunlians ·to custom of 'cup that cheered' 'l1lie EnaJSab leabop ii aa a.ample of • tltrtftlle Mlw ....... '*' by l.be natlmal c.'61toJaa Cl( the aftemooft break for t.ea. Over a ceatvy qo lt wu realised that '4the cup that chMNcL" btld .au.adl more to ofter than me.re .......... Now It appeaJ"S, h1pplly, that thb tona· at.and.lna, BrlUab lmowledae hu finally n1acbed lbeH aborel. And for that we can thank a tramplanted naUve ol London wbo brouaht the word to eo.t.a II a earlier t.bil year. DUONUTIVl: AND dynamic Toni Bruner la lbe proprietreaa ol an etlablilhment that can, for ooee, truly be called unique. ll la lbe charm· tn1 and coay Tea and Sympathy, a comb1oaUon tea room and antique ahop »l 17th Strut and TUIUn Avenue Certaloly t know of no other place hereabouts where you can ask to have the pot. the cups you've been drmkin& rrom. or the table you've been sitting at. added lo the check You can't , of course, pick up the dirty dish ea or the cluttered table and run But you can make arrangements to purchase these items. along with nearly all the other furnishings and merchandise in the s hop .\SIDE FROM SUCH thmgs as sideboards, clocks and chairs. to tempt antique buyers, gift shoppers will likewise be lured by the fine selec- tion of imported British goods. For example, l spotted a set of place mats identical to those I Out 'N About Norman Stanley bouabt aeveral years •10 In Loodoo 's famed Harrod.I. Thf purpoee or our flrst vlalt to Tea and Sympathy, however. was to sample the food warea and hopefully to reacquaint ourselves with some of the ceremony and ritual surround-1ne the lnaUtuUoo of tea. The beverage punctuates all hours of the day in Enaland: to start the mornin&. during work breaks, with meals, before bedtime. But tea is also the name or a meal, or rather. ::.everal different kinds of meals. IN 111E COUNTRY, where the main meal 1s eaten at midday, the lighter evening repast is called high tea, or meat tea. In the cities, where dinner 1s served late in the evening, altemoon tea provides the necessary s nack to tide one over This afternoon tea becomes tea at its most ceremonious. an occasion to exchange light talk and to savor the orrerings from a wealth of tradilJonal cakes and sandwiches. Elaborate or simple as the circumstances dictate, the ex· f'ronePageCI BOLSHOI'S BALANCED ... Some of lhc mosl spectacular mo- ments came when up lo 42 dancers failed the pro- scemum at least once each act There were. however, some brief m uddles "hen all tried to cross at center stage en m as!>e. Nearly all seemed to be having trouble with the surface of the stage. a problem most likely resolved by now "The Legend of Love" 1s nch in Madeasl s pice; its colors arc the reds, oranges and golds or a Turkish dish and its settmg <a simple ar rangement of flats and doors> 1s in muted tones with Eastern Orthodox symbols and Arabic script. Final performance as Sunday. IT'S TiiE STORY of a queen <Tamofeyeva and her sister <Pavlova> in a drought-ridden land. The queen trades her beauty 'or her sis· ter's return to health. Ferkhad, an artist, meeL'> the two and falls in love with the QOW·healthy princess. When the smitten queen hears of the pair's plan to elope, she jealously sends him off to find water and to build a canal. On the mountain a Real Cantonese Food Ht here or teke home STAG CHINESE CASIHU IT'S NEW ... NEW ... NEW CHEF'S SPECIAL UNOAY BRUNCH/LUNC 10 A.M . to 2 P.M. LUN CH 11 00 A M to 3 P M OINNE.RStolOPM I RI ')AT UNT IL 11 P M Serving Buffet Lunch at $4.95 16431 Bolsa Chica Huntington Beach 846-134 tired Ferkhad dreams of water nymphs in an enchanting pas de deux with the princess. THE QUEEN, FULL of remorse, calls him back and permits the marnage. by this act of charity redeeming her beauty. But Ferkhad's conscience won't allow him to marry until the canal 1s completed for the benefit of the people The curtain falls as the populace kneels in gratitude, bidding him good·bye. Thus the story turns from love to social re- alism, somehow a filtmg end to last Tuesday's ::.pectacle. IT IS LIKELY the more traditional balance of the Bolshoi will find a warmer reception. Performances include "Spartacus" tonight and Saturday; "Stone Flower" at Saturday's matinee, Sept 14 and at the Sept. 15 matinee. "Swan Lake" Tuesday and Wednesday, and "Romeo and Juliet" Thursday and Sept. 15 and 16. Tickets available al the Shrine Box Office, Mutual and Ticketron agencies. Call (213) 749-5123 for details on times and cast. Thom ucoq Victorian Bar at l_LE of 1k WHAL~ 673 4633 SEA VIEW GARDEN •PEKING •SHANGHAI • SZECHWAN •HUNAN CUISIN ES • • I fac1lt11es. soec1al business luncheons. special discount on food to go Open 7 days 675-2420 • 810 E BalbOa Balt>oa On the Peninsula l ~~t;;~~ Creal f'ood and Pine Wine& In our Outdoor Garden or Din.mg Room LUNCH Moi1'.-Frt. • 11:30 • 2:30 DINNER Tue.-Sat. • ~:00 -10:00 erclae baa to be one of tbe world's mosl civilized p.uthDel. , SJ.nee tbe variety and quantity of food is nol unlike that we might have for lunch in lbia coun- try, Tool baa w1lely made al\.emoon Lea availa- ble from 11 a.m_ to 5 p.m. But tbe menu doesn't atop there; you can (\art.her tum to a wide selec- tion of items that reads like a roll call of the best British dishes. TOAD·IN·TBE·BOLE, for example, was one of tbe lucky choices we made. Tabbed at $2.25. it is a popular English dish wherein a thick batter is poured over pieces of meat <us ually sausage, as in the case at Tea and Sympathy), with the dlsb then baked in the oven until the batter is cooked tbrouih. Cornish putie and peas, S2 95, also will make you feel you've perhaps landed in some place like Penzance or St. Ives. Toni offers a snappy version of this delicacy that put Cornwall on the culinary map, a turnover made of pastry with a meat and vegetable filling No doubt the English dishes best known to Americans are the mouth.watering meal pies The choices at Tea and Sympathy include steak and mushroom pie, steak and kidney pie, S2.95 each. They're served wi th peas but you can sub· stilute baked beans for an additional 50 cents FOR LIGHTER SN ACKJNG you can con sider such perenmal British favontei. as toasted crumpets or hot scones. $1.50, toasted Engllsh LUDMILA SEMENYAKA IN ''LEGEND OF LOVE" Monday thru Thursday Specials (Friday Saturday Sunday Iii 6 pm , •• lt•(Jt hf,,j ~ J.t' OcHn Perch 3.65 Atlentlc Cod 3.95 Peclllc Red Snepper C 95 Mehl Mehl C.95 Grllled See Beu 4.95 Top Slr1oln StHk S.95 Seefood Brochette 6.95 StHk & Lob1ter 8.95 Plus Fresh Fish. Other Seafood an<J Slf'di>~ #Intl 8elf•o4 16278 PACIFIC COAST HWY • HUNllNGlON BCH •t?1J• 592 1): I 3901 E COAST HWY • COAONA OH MAR • 17141Iii'~0900 D•ud Al•ni Presents ftAZ7.MMAZZ Now Thru September 30th CABARET •ulol Dt•-l!Ua_. • Dtr.nff ~ n.r,.., ....... , '°" ., . .,_ ,._c_ ,.,_,_ ...... ,. ' Shows Wed., Thur .. Fri. & Sat. al 7 p.m. Suftd.ay lrvnch .al 1 Pf" NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR OKLAHOMA FOR YOUR DINING & ENTERTAINMENT PLEASURE OAARISON a BAKER Tues., Wed. & Thurs. SAMPAAIONI TRIO Fri .• Sat .• Sun. & Mon. Over~~ 1AJoe l'OIWS 11111 MUIALMOI AT "90QI "°"1"a mMPI. DWIGHT DtCKBION JAZZ TRIO Tue. thru Sat. GARRllON 8AKIR Sun. le Mon . *A)MITAYI. LAOUNAIOCH """".._. ... ~ ffH Per*lfl'1 4M-Mt1 752·'658 . ' GAINES STEELE with Kl!LL Y LEMAIRE Tue. thru Sat. IAftDIRI I LOWE.l. Sun. and Mon. Jal02 COMT tfWY. LAGUNA NIGUEL .... c;,_ • ..., ,_,I 419-2129 496-Sm t . muffms. $1.25. tea cake, Sl 50, cake from the tray. Sl.50 For something akm to acquisition to one of the crown Jewels, however, try an order of Toni's sherry tnlle, Sl.50. It's the product or a secret recipe from Claridge 's, one of London's finest hotels and a national dining treasure. : Afternoon tea, whether for lunch or any• other hour. is tabbed at $3.95 per person Its' bounty consists of tea sandwiches, hot sconel> with raspberry Jam and cream and a pot of English tea. The latter 1s an excellent brand, Brooke Bond Red Rose. which you may also purchase. AND SPEAKING Of' TEA, al isn't the least • ::.urpnsing that Tom reared as s he was in a ~ country long on traditions and custom 1s a . stickler for followan~ proper procedure in mak ang a proper pot of the beverage She explains the four s tep method to all interested <'Ustomer~. and we concluded that Mrs Bridges probabl} followed the l.ame routine on TV':. "lJpslatrs, Downstairs " Fir;t. add a little boahng water to the pot to warm at St!cond pour out the water Third,· add the lea to the pot. one teaspoon for each cup to be served and one for the pot t-'ourth bran gang the water an the kettle to a gallopmg boil. add to lh<' oot. let !>teep for f1 ve m1nutel> Sttll JnothN Onta-.h tnid1t1on 1., e\'adent an the operdlaon or Tea and S)mpath) Tona 1who has been 1n thl· food business all or her pro fi:ss1onal llf<' 1 head!> a famal~ affair wherein daughter-. Kadi and Landa are t-icr 1-artnn s. son David pour., tea when h<'a<'h weatht:r 1~ oad. and husliand Don often hll-. in a:. host on Satur· da} Locat<'d 1n tht' <'Or ner building 1 right on Tustin Avenue, actuall) 1 of the Wes tport Square center behind tht' Union station at the 1ntersec· t10n of 17th Street. Col.ta Mesa. Tea and Sym pathy I ), open from 11 d m to 5 p m , Mond:.ty through Saturday Telephone 645-4860 I HQ Ill WAY UIAHllloil (4 ~2101 BERNARD ERHARD & LINDA Mc CLURE STARRING IN ~ouffiPaciff C (714)772-7710 -MAKE RESERVATIONS - NOW fl ~~~,~~ "Fire: S1~n •• 1 cop dantl' b.mJ wHh .i rl·~rco1n: of .ill chc: currcnr hacs. Liscen 10 your tavorm.· d 1~0 cuncs while you l OJ<>}' Jdu. aou!> Frou:n fruH Daiquiri!> Im only 75l from 5 ro 9 pm. daily. Entc:rtammc:n r from 9 p.m. co 1:45 a.m .• MonJ.:ly rhro~h S.uunby. FIRE SIGN Appt1m'ng 1hro11gh S1p1mbtr 29 ' . [ ML()()~ \ll?J Coming in Ottohrr: Liwjil:t ~REGISTRY 18800 Mac.Anhui'Bouk-vard, n2..S777 Tht l,(l)t{ry H0««l COfPOfalt04\, DalLu.. ~ CWLY PILOT ~olJen S/:;),agon G8UNI a• JW ....,., DISHES Speeioli1tng In CN,.. A lo Car1e OW. LUNC'H•OINNEft OAU. Y FOOd To Tallt Out It 30 AM. 10 10 PM GUADALAJARA RESTAURANT HOMIMADI STYLI MIXICAN FOOD MEXICAN BEERS ANO IMPORTED SANTO TOMAS WINE eoNo!sflho Entertaining Friday sto 10 P.M . 665 PAULAllMO cc.,... .. .....,, .... ec. c...-. a... ..... COSTA MESA 540-2192 QASSIC ITALIAN CUISINE OrclllC)e Comt(s C eletwity-Shldded, Hew York-~ Sapper Club VALET PARKING ....._~ 23.ZS E. Coo•t Hwy, C-.. Mer Call few Roer•atioll• 67~26 7 \ cup ol l <'J and rt· It· g raph 11 r \J .1 g ,11inv on :-.;ill' the Bnll:,h · Dail\ ·Women'::. Own .1t W r <.t · utth ~y mpntqy ~nglish J\ntiqurs tuU~ Wrui!lnnm \ 17rh 'l rl<l 1 I a11d l ll~ll'\ ,\\I tOSTA MtSA {lwh1111I .I;\( I\ I' I Ill llOX) \1o11u.1\ 1 hru \.1t111cJ.I\ 11 :.1111 Iii S pm A Dinlnq Experience Beyond the Expected Your lavonla culGino: aloak, eh1ekon. O• ,,food, dollcoto sou pa, cla11icol aoll"lrJ:i prt.'parod lo ploo8(' your polalo. Sorw .cJ 111 th omblcinc" of mosl beautiful orlontal nurroundtntJa. Mako your roaorvotlono now for o truly enJoyoblo dtnlnQ oxperloneo. ........ :reo Fashion l1land. Newport Center RH1rvatlon1 (114) &44~811 Century Plaza Hotel, Century City R111rv1tlon1(213)211·1840 COMMUNITY Tt-tEA'tER Summer Worth Ericore ~a Moulton Invites Play-goers Back WW-all t.ht ~UJ"M now lft OG t.befr ftnt 1wnmer MUOe ln tl&ht yun, tbe folk• al the 61;q11Da.:Mou.1ta1r PlaJhCJUH ban dlemed lL au wo""9wNM and .,.. ready to try It a1a.tn next year. · •'Jt WU VII')' auce.af\al,'' ..rea>ortl bo&.-4ffjo. man11er Be&ly Jaso. who a1ao noted tbere were no ~mplaJ.nU from play1oen about bavtnc to park a mne or ao trom tho thtater and either walk or tut lh tra1n becaUM ol the tratnt c:n1•b PMrated by tbe ne .. bbortq P'estJvaJ of AN. ... ~ A VEliGED AJIOUT m patroDJ lt n!1bt. which lln't too bad lJl a a:f0.1eat theater." abe noted. "We're bopln1 our play1oen will makt plMDI to vWt us next year becauae we're certainly eooakSerinl 11wnmer abow lo 1980." EMBRACE HURTS IN "BEGINNER'S LUCK" SuHn O'Connell Huge, Lea Reed Recovers Intermission Tom Titus The playhouse offered the Orange County premiere of the musical "Pippin" and a reprise of an e arlier offerlne. "Play It Again, Sam " Tbe musical, especially, ealned momentum durina lta four-week engagement. Mrs J~eo re ported . No aooner was the set for "Play It Agam. Sam " tom down than plans for the playhouse's 1979-80 sea.son were thrust into high gt-ar The Laguna theater has firmed up four of the six plays ror lb.lJ aeuon. with the final tv.o un decided pendJna future r eleases IT ALL STARTS OUT on Sept 18 with lht revival of J ohn Patrick's wartime comtcly drama ''The Hasty He art,"' which wu'> lo bf' directed by Jan Arvan When Arvan died or a heart attack u few m onths ago, his closL fru~nd Jean Koba took over the directors rhiur Heading the "Hasty Heart" cast 1s C'ra1g Flemlni WI the Scottish hOldlcr fucinfi 1mm1oenl death. Gary Adams as c u&t us the Amrncan GI Yank, with Anne llay ..ii> the nursl·. S1•;ttr Mariaret Compleltng lht• Lot.tuna rnmpany will lw Robert Koko! as 1>1~g1·r. F'r;mk i\rm•.lrnn ~ iJ'> K1w1. 1-~n•d Ow1·11 a ... 'I ornmy 1(11 hard (,111du11 Uh Blossom. Hohnl l>d.U< 1.1 ,,, th1· or1horlv unit i\ ll·x Koha as tl11• 1'11111111 ·1 t'OLLOWl'lo,(, "ll i\~T" tU \Kl ." .l"hll F t•r2.iccc.1 Iv.ho ll1r1·<.t1·d 1'11111111 1 r 111111 I•• lht• Moulton to sta ~1· lh1• <>r :•nn· ('f11111t ; 1•1• mien• or anoth1•r m 11"11"il Sl.1rt 1 n ~ ll1•r1 St a rllnl( Nov. · ll op1·11s 01·t 111 Herb Gardn1·r·.., ··1 hi· < ,c;(J(JIJ\ ,. l'•'•Jpl• ,1111t c;,•orgt• Ht•manl Shuw" SI Joan '4111 ''' • "''" the next two ..,~,h 1n th .. 1!17!1 klJ prnrrJm "' •1 tht• otht'r lv.o 'ol1ll 1n th• r111hlJr\ .,, c 11 1 <.·;.ilt•gor) "Tht• Hasty llt•J1 I Ii} lt1• ""·''. \lo 111 • r µh•tt• j full HI ycari. of th•·Jtt r .11 t ht· l.,1; 1.11.1 Moul tun Ph1yhuust•. and v.111 tw ttw 711!11 pr•,.I 1• twn in lht• c·ountv.., larl(t·~I nm1m11n1t~ •Jr• J t• r l't·rtaC'l'a. '4h11 14111 l.1un1 h th• 111•.,.. rl1•1 .111 ... ti ,, ~tarted lht· old orw ""llh I '' '" ~.tltll l11r •.• Father." the r1rhl slH1V. J \ th• \111ult1111 I' ... Lober of 1!16!.I llJppy a11111\1·r ,11 , J.,1,.:u11 .1 ,.. j 'Beginners' Bmnbl m Pm:ing Lacks Puncli i11 "HcKinner'!> Luc k ." b1ll ecJ b) the Hunt mgton Beach Playhouse a::. "a soph1~l1cated comedy." hm. its bright momenu.. part1cul ... rly m the second act. but overall lacks punch and fails to maintain a udience interest The play, directed by Irvi ne Commun1l ) Theater m anaging director Tom Titus and pro cluced by GracC' Shaw or Westminster cJcta1ls thC bumbling CffOrt.S or a man tO Win IJ;Hk the affrCtlOns or hlS CX Wife. It continues through Sept 22 in Su1tc 3~ of the Scachrr Vill;.i~c Shopping Center. Marn !-,t rect at Yorktown Avenue. Huntington licllrh G IVI NG l'ERllAPS th e st r o n gt'st performance or the ft ve member cast 1s Susan O'Connell of Costa Mesa. who's repeating the di vor cee rol<.· s he had portrayed in JCT's 1976 version of this play lier charactenu1l1on of Sally Walker. whose affections are sought by both he r ex husband and her stuffy e mployer, is done m a natural. comfortable style Hank Sorkin of Seal Beach, as Sally's phtlandering ex·h usbund. delivers a mixed pe rformance. Al times, particularly durmg some or ha s comedic scenes in Act 11. he brighteM the stage; othe r limes. Sorkin over· ac ts a nd over reacts with a bit too much slapstick to generate be wevabll.Jty ONE OF S()RKIN'S better scenes 1i, when he allempts lo convince h.ls former wife to let him stay in her apartmenl When s he asks 1f he'i> re married , Sorkin r esponds "ff I were married. would J be here"" "You might be," Sally retorts recalling t he reason for their divorce. Les Reed or Costa Mesa comes off well in his role as her Jet setting, moralistic employer vying for her affections. lie delivers his ILnes with JU8l the right amount of stuffiness and the kind of wry humor for which Britishers meed la a London native) are noted. Roger Mills of Huntington Beach , playhouse president, make• a r efreshing colorful on·staee aight 88 a noay window waaher. Picture him WE COIDIALL Y INVITE YOU TO COME TO OUR NEW IESTAUllANT (FORMERLY Mlrt.A'S> AND ENJOY OUll COMPLETELY t}IFFERENT GOURMET MENU - NOW FEA TUllNC OUR FAMOUS "DON MARCIAL MAIGAllTAS" "Come In And Say Hello!" LUNCHEON SPECIAL 1 leel Taco, 1 Chefte Enchilada Sftved wllh Bein~ or Rlca$2.25:un11t 4:00 P.M ENTl!RT ~INMENT • Frl-8•t·Sun with an Ern1c f\o\ J(. .. , 'ol)k Liu• h, rri1tuSt <u h • '4 t:anng a white hard hal. furmf'r ' "'•·mils <H r t•nl l'd l.J) J IJri•• l•i\!o l l t..111 1· frirn •n• iJOCk<'l. bn~hl rNI .. h1rt lilllt· ,1111! \\l11t• ... ,, "·' .ind matchmg tr JI k :.h•it.:. MILL'-;' PART \LU>\\"' him 111 h:1m 1' up Jnd ht> d<H'<, h1'i \au1l1•\ltli.ml\JH' d1,11,1.t11 .... t•l I Tht• \\t"<tl.• '' 111·rf•1r m.111• • , . • •1 ('Jrolvn TH'rnt•v nf Fountam \ .i I••\ • Sor~n ·s !>t>duetl\t' ... 1·rri·lar~ ">h• '"'''" ""''fl ... to la!'k the m<1lUrll \ ,Jilt! ,.,,,. I fl'f\I •• I ' , I 1( her roll' although 'Ill' makl' ",,tl1Jfll •If• r· /\s for llw prod1w11on p. 11111 \• 1 I •• , , along v.1lh ~hut 1n bro.11lt·;1• l1n~· 1, • .11!111 t<,;, mu<'h dead air' ln r1·all,'t hril1I :rnt..111111 " ir, terl''>I ·1 h1• adwn µ11·kh up 111 1\rt 11 ho\4"' 1 r .111d make., for an t•nJO' ;d1l1· li111 prf'llll'Labl1· r1r11 .. h A MAKt;SIJI FT ~TAGE tn <i sh1Jpp11•f .:enter suite µrobahl 'r 1:.n 'I lht' bt·sl '\ho v.r·a .. 1· f• r a thealn<.·al produclio11 .i1U1ough lht• er•·" ••l• \ IOUSI,) tncd lo OlJkt• lh•· a11cl11·nCf' ill h11m1• I \ building seatJOfo! ri~er., Seating th on lhrt•t• "'di·-. of thi· ... 1.11.w ,, 1111 • touch to give t.'H·r vont· gc>OCI C'lo·,1· u11 ""'"' 1ng Ho wever. It's part1culurly d1!'tconcertinr t have bn,::ht stugt· lights glanng almost dir('l'lh in the eyes Of persons l>('ale<:l al Stdt• StUJ.!<• • "Beg1oner ·.., Luck v.rillt'n hy '\orm<Jn Barasch and Carroll M&>rt'. v.1ll tw prt•:.t•nlt·d JI 8 30 p m lh11> wet•kf'ntl und S<'pt 11 15 21 and. 22 For rci,ervut10nh. call X.17 111;., 111id11 1-.gun al'OINN~ll \ lU(IC A rr1mtteh b? NO'f'f'An lt•'•''" •n<I (.•"""' ll/4-00'" Jo..-h·d th f ,.,., fltu• l"'ChtU<•f OffM.10,. •''° \t'9QP "'•~·olll".Jr'' u,,,,.., N11ll uu-••r ! a Ffld•Y\ •nd !a..llu'd"'f' •f I JO fhH•uur ...,of 7 ~Jf' tr ' *'''"'*"'G' r , ... ,. ,, P••YhOUV In \ult• ,. at tN \i.e•tflft VlllA{Jll' ,,,,, , ,.,. ... n "'fll'' .. ~ Yor•townA~. H!i.W'linQ~on A••<n t:h·~'••htonol• •~\ '"' c•n !.•lly WAI••' P•ul 8ur""lf . ~Oii M••IOW. Montt• Hoc.aerti '"'°"'''I l nnf'loll I H..-i1 ~ •'tf·f ~ '" l •' f.ftfil ( Af ll)',, I l~f' 1' Ur.q, r Mu!~ ., '"' NOTICE!! . ORANGE COUNTY'S ONE AND ONLY Texas Style HICKORY SMOKED BAR-B-Q Hickory S111oked lar·B·9 Rib Dlnnff s39s Includes Beans-Slaw-Sauce-P1cklo-Rol I r BUN N' BARREL BAR - B -Q 211 12nd lerfft (htwffn luritr10f ano Ofanga) • .. ..... .. . . . . " .......... -...... -· ··:..· .. -..... _.....,...-..... '> JAGUAR LIVES \ •Ll ~ BRO NSON ll RHANO "' 0 ~T flGER lfL~1ms· CLINT lASTWOOO PRANK £l LANOBLLA D~. ...... , ......... ,... .. ........ 1U• t ,._,,... , ......... ,. U ESCAPE FROM ROCKY ALCATRAZ ·• ~-:" ll SYtVfSTER STAI lONf lAUASHIRE ,. ROCKYD Th~ "corv ~ c. on. Clnuf',.. SYlVEST£R STAWM TALIA SHIR£ ••· ROCKYD Plitt "THI OflllAT TfllAIN fllOHlfllY'' Plue JAMES BOND oor · MOONRAKER It'• 1963 . .... • HtLJ MllRRAY MEATBAUS . ... ---. --........... --. --·-···· ______ .. _ ACTOR LINCOLNESOUE VILLAIN AT KNOTT•s Ronnie Morgan'• Been Bad Guy 31,000 Timea He~sDeavy Villain Wins A.wards By ROBIN OTO Ot -0 •11• ~ .... i\atf He's a nice bad guy. Ronnie Morgan plays villains and has ap-peared over 31,000 times in 25 years at Knott's Berry Farm's Birdcage Theater. "Ent.ertajrung people" is has favorite role and Morgan has been a clown, composer. magician and ventriloquist. He also does an award·winning representation of Abraham Lincoln. "TIIE MOR E TH INGS you can do, the more you can help people," he says. Morgan got his Birdcage Theater job from actor Dean Jones and has worked with comedian Sleve Marlin, who once played the comic opposite Morgan's villain. Morgan says be became a ventriloqujst because of stage fright in h1 s early career. "By using Danny Chis dummy) I wasn't alone . I'm not scared now. If you're bound and determined. you stick to it," he says. MORGAN AND DANNY had a radio show during the •sos and '60s and be 1 ays fans still come to see him. "An audience makes an actor . Without an audience, you're nothing," be notes. As "Arky the Clown" on the television program "Romper Room," Morgan says he didn't mind children constantly asking •'ls tha t your real nose?" and "Do you have a rabbit?" "You can communicate better with kids because you're like one of them," he says. Morgan won the George Washington Honor Medal for his Lincoln portrayal in which he gives the Gettysburg Address. HE WROTE THE official song for the ci- ty of Buena Park and has done some acting including a commercial for Knott's in which he rode Montezooma's R~enge, a looped roller coaster , dressed as Lincoln. "Gomg forward isn't too bad, but going backward I died a thousand times," he sa ys. Morgan has performed at orphanages. children's hospitals and benefits. At the end of villainous roles, he likes to go out into the aodience to talk and shake hands so "the children won't be afraid." ALTIIOUGH MORGAN has played both heroes and \flllains. he prefers the bad guy. "It's sort of a challenge to see if you can play a heavy part. A villain can do all kinds of things," he says Tying a girl to a log on stage, a man in the audience once booed him. Morgan menacingly turned around. pointed his finge r at the offender and said, "You're next." ,,.... • ..,,.ci MELODRAMATIC MILESTONE. • • llnH .... WN 11, bu& WU too 1CJ'ml. "'l'bQ told me to come back when I wu 11." SM did and ftlll th49 ~tr-...cl heroine role. •1 QPNl'4td la nUllMU'OUI eoamUDlty tbeater: tboWa ln U.. tounlf aod studied at tbe Struber1 wtltut. ror acton ln Loi Ancel•. Sb• •lap u well. 808 COOK OP· Jnta Ana tow'ed wtth the Volin& Americau, l• a 1raduale' 1tudent at Cal .stalAl'UJltrtOn'• dra111a dtartmeot and reegk ly played J•U1 ln a commWdty prodoctlon ot "God1peU." The toothy hero alao workl at Baxter Street in Newport Beach. l:Jruce Mlrkeo, 23, plays the nuty character 8ad1er t. _commuUq from Hollywood for daily 1bow1. tte'a a MJ-Ume actor who aaya be'a un- derpaid C1be otben a1ree. > Suo Roberta, 21, lives in Fullerton and studlea mualc at the university. She worked at the Bird Ca1e as pianist for two years before slipptna on a character costume. She's active in mu11call in the South Coast area. ALL EAaNED THEIR parts (shared with a nother cast) in tryout.a at the be(inning of sum- mer and all agree the Blrd Cage i.sn 't eucUy great theater, but does give lnvaluable on-stage experience. Stuart said the casts appear for 1,750 performances a year. He admit.a the actors will never get rich ... "absolutely not, but they do get some good training." He demands that players take the script seriously, not play it as camp. "Of course they get some leeway because they're doing six shows a day and they're bound to get into some trouble." But Wbea tbinp cet too looM, ll'a back to r•beanala to pollab performances. Mott pro- blems come when acton atray from the 1crlpt and cu't bdtbelrwaybacktot.bepJot. Tbe playa are drutically 1bortened <hall an hour 11 typical ) ver a lona of a uth entic melodramas ol the lu t century. Cuta are cut to ftveorm. A me cSrawer in his tlny office bolds several dozen ICttpta that get reused at long intervala . "Tbe Streets of New York" waa written in 1885 by Dion Beaucault, a Frenchman wbo cranked out script.a ln aa lltUe aa two days, Stuart said. _ "WE'VE USED TWO of his shows so far, this one and 'Flying Scud,' a atorj about race horses." Also saved are the painted backdrops for each show. Rolled up and down for fast changes, the canvas m ay portray a mansion or railyard. Some have painted furniture, a source of laughs when an actor must "sit." LAUGHS ARE WHAT the audience pays for. the director makes clear, and laughs are what they get. And, it's been going on so long that youngsters from past audiences are bringing their own children these days. And lf you watch closely, you'll see that it's the parents, not s hy youngsters, wbo start things going when it's time to cheer or bi.ss . It's a fun tradition, and Stuart wouldn't mind a bit stack ing a round to see these children's children responding the same way 25 years from now. "'ALIEN' IS CLEARLY DESTINED TO TAKE ITS PLACE AS A CLASSIC." "SAINT JACK" (R) "DIRT" IP'GI .. THE AMITYVILLE Hott•o•M •• , OP'IH DAILY 12:]0 "A smashing clnematlc experience." "The film Is as effectively nerve· wrecking as any of Hitchcock's t>esi.- "Really special and all terrific! "A stunningly crafted movie that's better than 'Star Wars' and 'Close Encounters or the Third Kind' ... " ReQ" PMOon .U.BC TY -....~--·A L I E N "Spectacular and breath taklngly imaginative: '"Allen' Is a coricer, a wallope<, a rouser. a screecher and a ton of fun ... • "Terrific fun IOf everyone.~ . .. •• • ... .. v..,,_.., TOM SIGOURNEY VERONICA HARRY DEAN SKERRITT WEAVER CARTWRIGHT STANTON JOHN HURT lAN HOLM -YAPHET KOTTO ~ •• EXECUTIVE PROOVCER ~ SHUSETT PROOUCEO 8Y GOROOH CARROLL [);WI() GIU:R """ WALTER Hill. OIRECTEO 8Y RIOlEY SCOTT STORY BY DAN 0 8AHHOH _, RONALD SH..ISlTT SCREENPU.Y BY OAH 0 BANNON MUSIC JERRY GOl.OSMITH ~----P1'NAVISION• EASTMAN KOOM COlOR· PAINTS BY DE ..... L_u_xe_· ___ _, 1-c>noN "IC'fU"I IOUHOtAACa ••AILAM.J Ott .. ~ '0• H~-:;;;;, tAl"t"IJ ( Ml--0 '..._ •U•t• ec>o& I c .............. M , .. , ..... -o, ~,, More Entertaining Than Humanly Possible! SIR LEW CRACE and MARTIN STARGER prC9ellt AJIM HENSON PROOUCTION MTHE MLffET MCMF' ~ ProWc:.r MAR1lN STARGER • Pl'oduced by JIM HENSON Wrtftln by JERRV JUHL & J.ttCK BURNS· DlnlcNd by JAM£s fRAWl.EY · Mi•• 4w1a1 by~ WllJ..lAMS and KENNY ASCHER· eo. produced by owro '-"ZER ~The~ Pwibn .. Jltot HENSON · FRANK OZ· JERRY NELSON· RICHARD HUNT· DAVE GOELZ ~ owu.ES DURNINO aod AlSTtol PENCl.£TON 5'*11110..... S.... B>GM BERGel • Mll.10N BERLE· MELBROOt<S· JAMES COBURN ·DOM O.WSE WJOTT GOUD· BOB HOPE· MADELINE KAHN ·CAROL KANE• a..oRIS LEACHMAN 5T£Y6 MAA11N • llllCHAAO PRYOR • TEU.V ~·ORSON WEIJ..£$• PAUL WIUJAMS rn. ~ -(Iii r "41.' ~· • I 1, ~:=ii •'•'I • • ! •• " ~ BMA. Minn'• Btn PllQ 521·5339 COSTA MESA. Hlfbof CiMtnl t MM&73 El TORO, Saddltbldl H1·6880 Ol'ANGE. UA C11y C1ntn11 834·3911 • DAILY PILOT f:a Vilcullill ""--1 y- 11. 1nibrAln1l Mamtw C-.. ..... Cllt ...... ~...,_wpWNQ~ -----.....tz.MS..-.Clfl St.ti ......, .......... 2,... SIU.MURRAY. --............................. 1 i 'e ••t>Wl4Jf.#I ,.~, -.,. '~'...,.l .... - ltI•t/.l:Jlf.f4m!) EDWARDS' EOWAlllDI' MESA STADIUM DlllWf-1 U'd' !jt 63'1 IU IU WHTllllOOll TWIW l.c.~lo Mew 1>4t. ')()/~ Garoen Grove ~JO ••O 1 •!M ,. 14 ' "•h ......... ..,. ,_. e NOOlll -lDI WANDA NIVADAt .. l PUlt IWA' MllTl9l ~ -It ANO If-POl!Jr ,. THI WANOIHH111 IMJ e l :OO t Ji• 1..00 a IOtM -MlUIM • W U-"'IMITTI NOf ITUff ,.,., ~· THI VILUIN 1.,.1 Nt(ll MOUi e MAC N "1t NOtrTH DALI.AS FO«TY 111 f'\UI IWA' MllT 111 '"THI MAIH IVIKT'' IPGI WKllAY\ -11 ... 9-H UT/--1.-JM:•~ "ROCKY II" (PG) ...... u -1-11 U T/--.t:-4'-1-.-tt ::::.. ·. I "'WAHOA MfVADA" IPGI 496 l2S3 '1.0VE AHO IUUITS" WAl·l;fll ~ l~i •Vf I,., r:>-r.11 tY"IWUUI lfAUOMI IOCXY "'"' 11'\UI ,_UOIH AlUY ,.,., --l .. rf " H.O.f .S.r11 11'\UI aWIAfll OlllS111 MA~ OflOOO e .. oeot 111-0Y THI (0N(0.0lfN I "'u' JAOUAI UVlllNI •;IQMI lMU n ... "' H.O.T.S.tllJ "'U1 llCll UU. IWMIC"I N10C NOlft e MC MVll NOITH DAU.Al fOITY 111 "'"' SIM.,_TOUOHc-1 .. "°'"' .... .,,,,,, .,, .. IWA• MDT• ""' -..-1111 • MOVIE REVIEWS Senator's Capital P111•sults Shown SenSltlvely Ii~ ''TM• UDUCTION Oft ,,_ TYNAN11 ft• dumb tltle for .. admlt ... ,,. .. •bout"" .--wat lftd polltlcat Pf'e"UU'" of e U.t. llMtor. Joe Tynan IJAllbltAJ tttw ~ur striving tobel•nc• ntt c•,...,. .-1t1ons _.th a wffe and hwo chlld,.., bkk home. The r1mlly ~n~ hl~r Off~ •swell 11 • bMUtltut Jewyer from Loul111ne The f1mfll1f' tAllt l1 d irected walfl frnhntts Ind Hnsltlvlty by Jerry Sttwttlt>erg TM Krlpt wn written bY Al•n Aid•. Who roes••. blo-sc '"" ~rson altty •fw ne.r.mlH•S In "S.me Time Nu t YHr" end "Callfornla Suitt ... H• II spllndldly supported by Barbare Harris as hit w lft! M eryl StrHp .u the coma:>l tent attorney, M tvyn Oougl•s .n • ~nlle senator and Rip Torn •s a venal one The R rattnq \t>ems severe, except for one ~c t>ne suggestlno oral ~x ''THE MUPPET MOVIE"•'> actually a m ovie w ithin " movie purport!~ to document Kermit the Frog's rise from swamp dweller to star. The oood n atured Kermit soon acquires m ost of the Muppet c.ompclny as travet1nq companions, dnd they spend most or the trip s1n91ng and running away rrom a ra\t food entrepreneur who wants Kerm11 as poster boy ro r his frog-leq chain They also meet a lot ol famous peaplP tn cclme<) r oles, 1nclud1ng Steve Martin as a surly waiter, Bob Hope as a w1 se<rack1no 1c.e cream m an and a touch•ll9 last look at the late Ed9ar Bergen and Charlie McCarthv. Best of all are the witty Muppet eye views of show biz M iss Piggy's phone calls to her agent, the now-famous M uppets oatherlng • 'OAAFFITI" CRUISER Cendy Cl•rk 1n a posh !.tudto sc r~en1ng room to s~e the fruit§ ol their labor Adults '>houldn't lt<t the Grating ~are them oft from a ptea\ant evening "MONTY PYTHON'S LI FE OF BRIAN" openc, with three WI~ Men brinomg 91f1s.to a newborn babe 1n Jerusalem Qopo,, wrong manger They \natch th1· gills back and depart That's l hl' story of Brtan Cohen's l•ll' always In the wrong plaC1· J I the r ight lime. Thie, outr,j(JN1u'> par Odv of bl bite.al movl(·'> could only bl• attf'mptc-d by Britain'<, m ad M onty Python1dn'>, who wrote lhl' sc npt and play m o'>t of the major roles. T he y almost pull 11 ofl M onty Python add1clc, will be enthrallc."Cl, others may f ind "Artan" puzzling or ev1>n S•Krtlegiouc,. Ec,pPcially with a fadeout of t1 chorus smglnq "Bnght ~1de of Life" while be1nq c:ruc 1f1f'd Rated R, "MOit• AMa fUCAN 09'Af'f'ITI'' H embtn tM m41Jor flgure1 of tM ortgln11 film <minus Rlch1rd Drtyfuu> fOf' I n updltt on ttow they 141rvlv.cl the '"°'· All •Piii from the slttpr mid Callfornl1 town Peu LeM1t to rec.o cort, C•ndY Clerk Into fhe Slm Fr1mcl&co druo•rock tt•n•, Ron Howard end Cindy Wllll1ms to dOmellltlty p lut pcotc1t m.ar~CNrlH Martln Smtih and Bo Hopkin• to Vletn.m. "AmorlC'on Gr affiti" was episodic ond multl·character, but It had tM cohe,lon of time and ptacP The seQul"I tollows four ull(onn.cted stories In dllft•tt•nt local~. with r l'\Ullnnt coofuslon Still, tilt movie has mor'l'\ents car race~. campus riots and e"lp£-c I.illy In the war zone seQuPnU!"> Rated PG. "THE CONCORDE . A IR PORT '79" continues th.-downward spiral or the fectr of·lly1no series. As 1f the Concorde didn't have enough problems with high tuel cost, low capao ty and excess noise, now ll's periletJ by a misguided m tsslle, a fighter pldne and a bOmb 1n the luQQaQe hatch Audiencl'S may find amusement with the dialogue, and the thrills will be genuine to white knucllle air passengers The persevering cast includes Alain Delon, SuS<"tn Blallely, Robert Wagner, Sylv1cl Kristel, E dd1£' Albert, Bibi Andersson, John Davidson, Cicely Tyson, J1mmtl• Walker and MMtha RilVf' in <l funny bit cl'> d wPilk k1dneyr d Pcl'>Sl•nqn Ratl'd PC, "NORTH DALLAS FORTY" peeks al the under'>lde of pro· fc>•,o,londl rootball and l 1nds lh" plc1y1•rs '>Ubhum.rn, th1> < oac he"> corrupt and lhP ow ner s venal The Portra1t1scon vtn(lnQ. and there 1s amusem ent REPORTER SUSAN BLAKELY MOBBED BY COLLEAGUES IN "CONCORDE-AIRPORT '79" RYAN O'NEAL Co·Hlt Al Clnem1 Co·Hlt At Clnedome "THE CHAMP" "OH GOD!" ...... Cage Aux Follee' ht one of the moet aproarloaely fanny movie• .... .A ••re-fire candidate for thefannle•t ever made." H.rt .. rtl lJrAlbr11.;,. P~ St.~ flt..neraade." . ............,.. .... .._...... 3rd SMASH WEEK I t;Mf 1f1J t'Y CCXI l<J'I 1100"- ....... .._...., -• .# edwards Cl E M .. IOIATAl>A .. i COITAWllA IA¥1HICINTY '7t..414t NOW PLAYING TOGETHER AT TWO EDWARDS CINEMAS The ARST Certified Crazy Person's Comedy. "No one hos ever escaped from Alcatraz ... and no one ever wltt ." 1'..l~4' / ~ep~'· An ARlltUR Hll.J..ER Film ALAN ARKIN • P.rf wanls LIDO CINEMA rJI Nt" ,Ji I Ill 'OJ ,\ r • '. : llJ' 1 NI WJ'<;r11HI1.r H 'l d ~',fJ I CLINT IASTWOOD ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ edwards CINEMA WEST W f <, T ~A I tl ',Tl ~ II. T <, 1 )I CJ f t-.l Wl \ T R91 -J<n'> MERYL STREEP GREETS ~LAN ALDA IN SENATE IN "SEDUCTION OF JOE TYNAN" and r ecoon11ton in the proto •vi>•< .:11 animal'> who comprt'>t: th1· myth1cdl Norlh Ddlla~ 1e,1m Bui d film pr•aplcd with '>uch unplea~nt . c.yn1cal char dcters "' lnd1<1n<1 Univ• r•,ttv Ttu (11mt1111\a 1)1c ye I•· rn,,,, h 1n wht<.h lh< cutt••r' 111nd1• .11,. Hurt nnd Y .1ph1·I Kotto thPY &re r onvinc 1nq, lhouqh 1JP'>lt1qf'd by th" tn'>1Cllou<, blob A su1wr 1 h1·m sclvP', Tt11•'" t 1• •p,1<•· .1q1 lhr1fll'r R.1!HJ R ,., neces'>drtly t1 downr>r. dnd the abrupt Pnd•nCJ add'> to the moc,tly unknown .H•d ,,wtu 1 f q .<xJ, +-t,p1>r 1dlly Of·nn1· r hr1'> IOPfltr "'MOON RAKER" IOllCIW'> the JfimP• Hond torm111,1 to th•• lt·ll•·r ol r tlol',t• l)r l tqtll '"V''f'I d'• <l Hooc,1Pr turnNI 1t.1l1ttn .11r of P"'•'>•rnt'>m On thP pluo, •,tdf' d rr• '>Om., QOO<I perlormanff", N I< k Noll•· d'> tt11· ..ig1nq fPc1·1vn who almoc,t N ll'JV'> ht., pn<,1'.l,.nt Pd•n. Mdc 01t v1• tnttn1n1ru•"• ,,,., t 1lm debut J\ ii h1·don1'>11c qu<1rter bac.k (, l> ~pr,u:Jltn ,,., thP iron 1..iwNJ rodrh. Bo ~v1•nc,on d'> ii NettndPrthal ltnf'mdn Thi· rt1 ttng I'. 1J Wf'll dPY·rvr·o R and P<.1ul Do<Af•y o1, 111. f'..ca.,r11 r ,,,, d µ.,,.·nl 11r1t••n J'', I J mmult•'>, •,1·<1urt1r1n •·v•·r '( 70 rntnul1··., b11clrri· v1fl<1tn'o, '"A L I EN" lr.in•ff" · Tt11• pn• umotltl l.l<'1JUl 1f'" IJntwlt1•\/0Jble U1·.1• I I rr1m 70 IJ(JIJ I ,, 11· rr lunts_.111 c1ut dPStrur tion dnd ·· l tw-f r1·a1uri f rom tr,.. 111n< k L ·•1oon ''' r1ut1-r -.pa<.!' dM by d'> lhf' ( IOY'r ROQ"< Moor>-''now o1 P"r'"' 1 I 11 1 nto J.imr"' hond ., tancv dud'> "ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ ' ,., a nifty pr1•,l)n mov1f' t11rl<11t'I A V•pt•·t •11 -.pa1 •· 1ro111• I• r mtil'I·\ ,1r11·rrlf'tr)'"'' y lrtnd1nr~ on •HI u11l..11own 1.1l•1n1 t ilnd an unw1·I< orr11· .1r,1nq1 r t><Mrd•. thur v<•htrll• 11 •'th• <l• 1rJlf R •< h.ir<l I' 1l'I '"bark ot "Jo1w<," btJI '.hOW» .1 'Oii '>td•· I l)i. ft11f1·• I' dt•ffJrdll\/I• ,, • I he c I A .1q1•r1t R ;il1'(j pr_, tht• b .. t If tht w•nr< I VI ( motdl• (ltnt ( 11\tWU>d tHJ•lln r r<J tr " lt1 11 111 f,, ' ... 111·tfr,rt• 10 d• • trQv 11 Th•·'" f • , • DRACULA . I' !ht ho1n<J•.<Jrr•1 "' nl lh1• ,1,mrn• r pit! y<, !hf• Id< Oriti '.Ir .1nq1 r. Ht< lutlr.., Tom .,., .. ,,'" ltJhn ,, <an who rc•IU'>f·'> 10 01·11••,,.1• th.it Al< .il rt11 •'>1ne•.< 11p.it>l1• II Wri<,fl I, l>ut lhP rnr,v1• It""' 11 op1·n wh<·thr-r· thf' It n-1 IJrl'>Oncr. l1vNJ IJf'fOnO lh,.tr plungP mlQ ~.111fr,mr1 rt) H.iv t he rf'.ll ltfP trio w oi n•·vn found. Thi• onP 11.1w '" lh1· last m oving Clr<1ma ,., Pill rick M l GOOhan'\ w.1rd1·n lw ,., prtinted '>0(0011V c,,ufr ''' ic, lo bf• unhf·lt1•11.1tilr• kntNJ Pf, , .tr•· mo"" • r1 <.pl< nf11dlv nl1J1JnldJ .1nrl 1 mprt•'>'il vi· I y .1rtr,d 11 ... r '>1CJn of th1• Ur.1m Stok+-r f •It, II lh1 l)fH• I' pltl (fofJ 11,1 ·~t I Wtltt nt1 •IV 4U11J • dl)QUI rj'11nq I< r !hP U(jU'ttr Att<-r t ov" ,,, r 1r· t ·1111•. · vrn,. v1• w• r rn.,y h.1v1 lroubl ... '"~ 1nq thf• lJn1111·r<..ll lllm • 1·r t1JIJ'ly 1 • p••r1,1lly w ith • ''' h Ir 11qhl 1,1rr-tj fin"~ •I'> v1 .. !f1 "' I routJI• d•·•·r> 11 ul 1 11.,11 1J R "MAINE VENT" pro..,, nl lttr• flip ...,rJ1· v i Ur1rt>r..; '>lre1 .. and Shf• pldys d perfumP tycoon Who•<> vlctlmired by her dcc.ountant and I 1nds her only ,, '>el 1 (Jwn• r .,h1p of .1r1 "BREAKINC AWAY"•'>" 1Jdrl1n· rnuvt!', d'> frt·'>h and innocent.,., d lir'>t k t'>'> It ts the story of a summer 's &dvPntures of four <;mall town youths at 100•,1· 1-nd'> w 11h their lives Tho·y «1mP 1n conll1ct w1lh univ•'"'" <,t.J d1•nts who l<.IOk down th"" Pduc a ted nose' tJI lhr-tow nie.., they'r+> calll'<1 "cuttPrc," "'BREAKING AWAY .. HERO Denni• C tvlsto pher ,,.,,..r tru h•ff t.>011>r '>h• brow tw<:t 1• him b.v k 1 nlo th•· rtnq .ind 111111n.11t·t v to hPO R van n ti•''' '''"v thf' l•Qhl"r with fo11d ll·•· k ( tt.-H Ill f.'dlf'(J Pf, Favorite Films Return Un like TV viewers. movie fans look forwarrl to rerunA of old r;nonles They will h ave plenty to talk aboul thts M:ason lhanb to two oHenng'I h y A:.i.oc-1atl'cl Stud ents and Community Servlcet1 at Orange Coasl College. Twenty-Ont> ma1or m otion piclure"I will ~ scr eened rn OCC 'o; Forum on lhe Co:.ta Mei>a eampus, l:J on J-'nday ntahts ut 7 and 9 o"dock and 8 on Saturdays al 8 p m T ICKt:TM FOR thf• Friday show<;. '>l11rtin~ Sepl. 14, are S2 for general adm1ss1on i:ind SI for OCC student.a wllh ID cardi. Dates and films on lhe agenda 1.Pclude Sept. 14, ''The Adventure!' of Sherlock Holmes Sm arter Brolher;" Sept 21, "Go Tell the Sparta.M:" Sepl. 28, "Gone Wllh the Wind. · Oct. 5, "Norma Rae;·· Oct. 12, ''The Uuddy H ot ly Story;" Oct. 19, "The Poper Chase,·· Oct 26, "Walershlp Down." Nov 2. "Up In Smoke. · Nov. 16, "An Unmabr1ed Wom1tn." Nov 30. "Lenny," Dee 7, "Buck Rollers In the 25th Cen f llr) 1111 I I, Jl1 oj\l•fl <"Jll 'w\ <Ill J.fl!J Jon 11 , I II X 1 IJX · Soph1J Lurl-'n. Spf·nt t·r Trat·y. KutharmP llt•plJum . lnl(nd Hnl(mun, Jennifer Jfin1·!'> a nd (; rda (;arbo WIJI ~ bUme or tht• Star!'> f<-atured rn tht· Saturday :.enc:.. i.tar.t1n)( S<•pt lil SEASON TICKETS ARt.: pncl'd at $6, 1n c11\ 1dual screeninic udm1si.100 will be SI ~ai.on 1><1 ,:-.i·~ are on :.ale m tlU' OCC Ticket Office, 111 lht• f·ollt·~e ., Admm1slrJlton Hurldmg which 1' op<·n 8 a m lo 5 J> m and fi 7 p m. wt•1·kdays and Ii a m to noon Saturday'> D ates und him:. 1ndu<l1• Sept 29, "A l'ortrrut or Jl•nntt'. Or t r,, .. Inn or Sixth Jl app1 n ess," O r t. 13. ·Cala mity June," Or t 20. "l-'orcwcll to Arms, .. Or t 'l7. ··cam1llc , ·· Nov J . ··Guess Who 's Coming to Dinner·'" Nov 10, · Hob<>rta · · tJnd Nov 17. ··Man r1f La Manchu " 1-·or m on • mfurmcit1on on the 1-'nday ~cne'>, phone 556-5644 , df'lu1h. on the Saturday i.howM 111 Jva1lable at 556 ~ NOW PLAYING TOGETHER AT EDWARDS HARB IN THE FUTURE IS HERE, BLOW IT OUT YOUR EAR. You can't turn tbb mob over to the cops. They are the cops. - ttlllltlt\l"(f\IOU,__ .... ,.,_,, __ ....... DOM SUZANNE JERRY ftDeLUISE PLESHETTE REED~ edwards HARBOR TWIN H I\ ~ Ii () R /\ T w 1 l \ r it J r o \ T /I. M f •,/I. 6 4 6 -0 ~ 7 1 ,, ·11, J] I> 6 ART GALLERIES Oh Say, Can You &e? to b1 tbe utllt U t1coloN la the w\nd," Dot oel1 CCllll.in• a •.000.,.ar-old hlatortcal and maaie&l tradition ol lbe na1, but alto u Holmqu.lll HY•. "eapreu oew coneepta In a nonpolluUnc. kln Uc art for an ecoloaically tbreala.d world " - Holmqw1t bu recently moved to Santa MonJc-r. _ (fOP\ New York because "the tem- -l*'•V caurorma wlndl are mud> rnol'e~ ducave to my art." He would enjoy developln1 a na1 system throulhout the Lot An1eles area which would define and alve conUnully to the many environ- ment.I driven t.bro'-'th dally. • The muae11m, al 8!lO San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach, Is open from 11to4 Tuesdays- Sundaya udG to 9 p. m . Fridays. DAILY PILOT Cf \ "DA"A POINT DAWN: A STUDY IN LIGHT'' FROM R.S. RIDDICK EXHIBIT Originality Fills Walls THE BEST OILS AND PASTELS from this summer 's Festival of the Arts in Laguna Beach may now be seen until Sept. 14 at State Mutual Savings, 4001 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. The works by R. S. Riddick of Los Angeles, who w on top jury honors, ar e on display from 9-4 Mondays through Thursdays and 9-6 Fridays. CONTEMPORARY WATERCOLORS by Helen B. Reed and serigraphs by Pauline Eaton will be featured through Oct . 25 at Designs Recyc led Gallery, 619 N. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton. A reception for the artists is scheduled from 1to4 p.m . Saturday. Viewing hours ar e 10 to 6 Mondays through Sa turdays. Admission is free. CATALINA ISLAND'S 21st annual Festival of Art will run Sept. 14-16 1n Avalon M ore than SJ,000 in cash will be aw arded to amateur and professional artists participat ing 1n painting, craft and photographic categories. Write to Catalina Festi val of Art, P.O. Box 161, Avalon 90704 for entry forms. Artists also may register their works f or exhibition from 8 a.m . to 1 p.m . Saturday, Sept. 15. CALIFORNIA ARTISTS ARE invited to submit work to the 11th annual Many Media M ini exhibit in the Art A ssociat ion Gallery, 12 E . Vine St., Redlands, Oct. 7-25. Paint ings, mobiles, sculptures, ceramics, graphics and, weavings must be no la rger than 15 inches in any direction. Entry times at the gallery are 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28 and 29. Artists may enter up to three pieces at S.4 each. J uror Josine lanco-St arrells will award 11 prizes rangin~ from S75 to S200. FOUR FALL EXHIBITIONS WILL be previewed during a m embership reception on the bluff at the Long Beach Museum of Art, 2300 E . Ocean Blvd , at 7 o'clock tonight. W at er colors bY Betty Anne Stewart K i rkpatrick por1raying her impressions of the People's Republic of China; Japanese sc reen paintings, video ar t istry and a lawn sculpture by Pat Patterson wi ll be shown during the gala. NATHAN MCCR EERY, FAMED FOR his on-location portrayal of the Amer1Can cowboy. will bf> showcased next week at Status Gall Pr y . 3337 Newport Blvd . Newport Beach from 10 S Tuesdays through Saturday<, ----------. r--e~_v~-~-·~-~-~:f'.•_T~-j'~ ---... NORTH DALLAS FOm'IS ~ TRIUMPH! A MASTERPIECE:' ~~ ........... c._n~~~t',;'A~t~c r '<" ""•Y Alan Alda Is brilliant: tough and vulnerable R.<~ ... ar--cWKJPOUI"" MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY PAUL LE MAT CINDY "WILLIAMS CANDY CLARK CHARLES MARTIN SMITH MACKENZIE PHIWPS BO HOPKINS °'°RON HOWARD • I A""J 1,,1 ~1· r-11 I'•.#• ''MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI" ... •• ~ , -... B W L. NORTON PO ,...,.~ .. ....,-,..,..«> ----_. ......... _, _ _..• .. -..,, ...... ...__ IM•1\'.l:J~l~OO EDWA"H' l"ISTOl ClllEDOM( HA"BO" BLYO. O"IYl·lll Santa Ana 5.f0·7.f44 Oranoe 634 2!>5~ 5an1a Ana 53t 1211 Bebe her fate ts seaed by the deep, the aiperti ier Poseidon will reveal one last secret ... ..,,,,, T.llEP08BDM@il ADVmTU• ......... MIQt'll CAM• IAUY l'ltl.O • TIUY SAVAW e N'ltl 90¥U ,l,tGI ...... ...n OllOtlf .... ..:.. • .,.,, ....,, IQl9 - and 11111. And If there is such a thing as a world-class actress it is Meryl Streep who gires a gorgeous performance." -GEN( SHALIT. TODAY NBC TV "A BRAVE, INTELLJGEllT, BRJWAJ(fj CRAFTED RLM AS CONTEMPORARY AS TODAY'S HEADLINES." -llEX R({O ,.(W VOR• OAll V NEW S "ALAN ALDA Wlfl'TE TlfE BR4UANT SCRIPT. CHEERS TD ALL COllCERJIED.,, ~I l/(NT([N MAGA/ ~I THE !iEDUCTIDN 'JI DFJDETYNAN ALAN ALDA BARBARA MERYL HARRIS STREE:.P I\ '1."llHI"' HRI <,'1..1\N l'R(1f>IH Ill•" I\ t ff "I ttY II trnv '>! ttf\l /111 R•o r tlf '>I t>CIC 110"' Cit llJf I Vt1f\N .. h .. •ldHff"J RIP TORN '""M ELVYN DOUGLAS'" ..... ,, ••... 8unr, w .. 11, n b~ f\1,.111'1 f\I (If\ I ••<uhvr l',.odu•rr I IJUI'> I\ STRUI I I R 11\u•o< by BILL ("ON II 1'1<><1uu<1 bv /'V\R I IN BRI fo/'11\"' 00fr<lrd byJ~RRV S("ltl'IT7HI RG u., .... 1.1 't "• R .. .,_.,. o I\ CJNIVI H~/\l VII TWIT -::....·:.: ... =· NOW PLAYING DllAllCE MALL SOUTH COAST O•anqe b17 0340 ••MP', :. 1· • THIC. JIM I / k I AIRPORT79 D -"""~ • .....,......,...; ...... ~ Im .-. ....... ~-!"1----~~~!!i!!o!~ilPi!~~'""""' u t•flDOl) Fftf..IUN ''COMCORDI" ~~:;::!' 4:11, :41 r 1 • 6th SMASH WEEK PLITT CITY CENTER SOUTM COAST llNCOLNORIVf·IM Orange 634 9.!di Costa Mesa !>46 '2711 Bue0c1 Par~ !>21 2223 110 P'llSlS ACCEP'TlD fOtl Tltll EllOMIElllHT -DISllllRUl ·-.OPUABt·MW WIH#lll· ....... - SD.•A.Mll1m .......... ..,. ... -.fllSJfllf .... __ _ THE MAIN EVENT"' (PG I ··oH Goo · ""MOON RAKER" (PG l ""CAPRICORN ONE . "ROCKY II" 1PG1 MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI "BUCK ROGERS IPGI THE VILLAIN HOT STUFF"" !PGJ ... THE CONCORDE -AIRPORT 79 '"THE BRINKS JOB . IPGI - STAn1um EiscAeen 639 -7860 DAIVE·ln "HOT STUFF THE VILLAIN" (PGI STAR WAAS'" "'CAPRICORN ONE"' (PG ) 'ALIEN"" !A l "EYES OF LAURA MARS MEATBALLS "WHICH WAY IS UP? (Al K.1 lella Ne.1r S1.1d•Utn "'THE MUPPET MOVIE ' "REVENGE OF THE PINK PANTHER'" {PG) "'HOOPER"" "SUMMER CAMP" {PG J ALL ORIVC·INS Of'CN 6:l0P.M.MIGKT1.Y C l'llld Under I l F'ru Unleu • Kodd•• P11y9round CHARLES BRONSON JILL ROD IRELAND STEIGER ,, ______________ ...,. .... ____ .....,. ...... ~ ... -... edwards HUNTINGTO ".1•1•• Liv••" •l•o at ................... ,..... .,..... ..... . .... ,. A•trlOan Greffltl" 1nct et lectdl1lll1• .............. .. llACH AT &US. H.1. 148-0318 . ,.._, .... ,.., 1. 1m Baddies B eware Lou Ferrigno goes on a rampage in ·'The Incredible Hulk," airing tonight at 8 on CBS, Channel 2. 7:00 "Trouble Wlttl Molhtit" A tnOI'* end dllugfller de8fl -,,.., ~ .... t ...... of a -·· peace In the ~ and In the llOtN I Do\TINQ ca... HOu.YWOOO 80UAW e TIC TAC DOUGH • TH9 MADY IUNai Matola pftl'f9 Pygmalion to Iha dumplalt glr1 In Ill< cieM to help her wtn I ll 8090infmen1, than dilc:ov· .,. Iha will ba running r~,. Maloy and RMd run Into trouble on their d•y oH When • motorc:ycta gang •tt•• thalr picnic • MACHllL / l..EHREA Ml'OflT ID ieauu IH WOfllD COfAtUHICATIOH "Thltd World Naw9 C-· age'' Holl OMlll &horr llld • penal of corrllC)Ofld· .,.,. dlacuM Tlllfd WOOd -COYlril(ll ()) P.M. MAGAZINE P M vlalt1 I -111 -••ling compllltlon; Or Bot> Sia- -of SM Wor1d In Ofllo ..... IOout ,... patJltlll •• ........ and porpo!Me 9 HOU.YWOOO IQAUAD Cha1u1e l Lb• ln9• 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles e KTLA (Ind ) Los Angeles • KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angeles ()) l(f'MB (CBS) San Diego G KHJ· TV (Ind) Los AnqolU'> ({I KCST (ABC) San Diego ID KTTV (Ind) Loo; Ang"le'> ti) KCOP·TV (Intl) LO'> Angolt·'> fJ3 KCET· TV (PBS! LO!, An(Jol"a 8!> KOCE rv (PB&) Hunlm11t<m ~dtll Hopkins Plays 'Kean ' e.-oo II ()) nw IHCM.IMla HULJ( e.nnar'1 dlaoovary Of I doc:10t pan or mi no Ol)4lr •· Ilona to gain con1rol of paopfl'• mind• pull him naxt on lhl doclor'• <>Pl'· lllng ecn.dula (R) D OIRl'AIHT ITROQI Arnold gate to ba tuc:h I Piii 111•1 WU111 dlvldll tl\llr l>adroom In two Ind dac:lar11 Illa n.11 OH llrnlt 1 (~ • ATMIUTETO MUHAMMIDAU TO(> entlftalnmant and • unique look 11 thl 1>cu1ng c:ar-Ind pul>ll<: Mfa of Mul\en'Vnld AM 11 P<-•· ad from the Loi Al'IQ4llll Forum on the oc:cMk>n of N 1 rlllr-1 M 1-yY· weight c:11amp1on of the WOttd a a ,AHtMY l8lAHO (Sauon Premiere) A hind· lcaPPld girl (Eva Plumt>I ..... ,no • cur• for her alfllchor'I Ind a ,_,. (O•vld Ooylal tryl"Q to aac:apa from • 1111 conlrllci hi puf on llln'lllllf vt.it F11ntuy llland C1J MOVIE * * * "Aw1y All &o4111" I 11156) J1fl Chandl•r, George Nldar (2 hra ) .., OAAOl BUflNETT lo.HQ'RllHoe ti) MOVIE • * * * "Thi Ona That Got Away" ( 11153) Hardy Kruger, Colin Gordon ...... _,'* iiilii•~ .... 1'9MOTlfWLR ..................... ..... ~ AldlO.. ..................... ... .., .......... ....... -.. .,..,... ......... ..,..... •• •. ,,.QDD~ OMr• .......... '*" .... II ~II M(f lrwMI , ... Md .. \0 tM ..... AU.m.T wmc ''Oelrolt Md The e-.. Ml ;c., THI OUICD OP HAIZAN> WNl9 llo, ~ Md ..._ .,. Ill ... '°' 'ObbinCI Ille Haa.wd .... Delly la ll~(R) -~ .... ~~-•lllln..n 10 1ern -extr1 ~. ~ a twget hlmMlt wtWI hi •• to deltwr on hMI dee.Ill oonttects. (RI e 9 MOMOYll ... Mking Up la H#d To Oo" (Pramlar1) Teo ...... Jeff ecw-y. Tha MQI of _ .. ~atld and cllYorcld couplel le IJt.plotld from the men 1 poinl of.,.... (Part 2 of 2) ., wu.v GM'F1H Ou1au Slll1ld1 end Yatnell. Johnny Owk, P..,, SmHll. Charlena Tiiton. Mary W alc:h. Rlc:hard HllCJI -~ THaATN! "I, Clauolu1· Old Klr\g Log" Claudlu1' IOU,,h wlfa 11 hi• n-. end Na<o'1 molhar Hie pf1n 10 r111or1 Iha Republic: lnvolYM thl 101tn1om1 Naro ralhlf than Claodlu1' own eon (R) G NATIONAL OEOGMPHIC~l "Voyage Of Thi Ho«u .. ·1 ' Modafn H-aHan1 Ul'IOer· llkl a llWM thouund mile voyage from Hawalt to Tllhltl In a dou~llld c:anOI 10:00 1J ()) OAUA1 Jodi and E.llla IC>Mlc to J R l l>OUI Sul Ellen'a lllc:4UIW drlnlc1ng, llld BoOOy trtae to keep u.cy 1 drug IOdlCllOf• from hla parent• 1Par1 1 of 21 (R) Q EOOfl CAPAA MYIT!.ASU Tha ~favorH1 to win thl WOOd S...laa of Potiar dlM from • tny9ten- ou1 pollon In thl mlddla of 1 CIUdal hind. (RI ea NEWS G) NIOHT GAU.EAY "I'll Navar LMYI You -· Ever" A woman dac:ldel 10 halp har hullband 1oward dalth eo Iha can ba wt111 her IOver flil HEAAINO OF THE WE£J( An Actor's Dream Role NE W YORK <A P l The chance to play Edmund Kean, the 19th .century aclin1 geruus, Ul a dramatization for television of Jean-Paul Sartre's farce, "Kean," wab som ething An - thony Hopkins could hardly pass up. "Edmund Kean was the pro· totype or all actors of his day." says the Welsh·born Hopkins, "the embodiment or the roman· t ic kind or manic personality. "I belJevc J possess a lot of that m myself," he says, "and this was a chance to vocalize on stage things I've felt but never been able to express, the won· derful run or being an 8J:tor , the frustrations, the egotis m, rage at the audience. "KEAN DID ALL of that," Hopklns says, "and a part like this becomes an instrument for the actor, for Anthony Hopkins, to express his feelings, in a most loving, violent. fulfilling way." Hopkins, an actor or con· slderable reputation well ·known to theatergoers an this country .is Mar tin Dysa rt , th e psychiatr ist in the award· winning "Equus." does indeed play the lead an "Kean," a two- parl "Masterpiece Theater" presentation. His previous movie credits m· elude "A Lion in Winter," "A Doll's House," "Victory at En· tebbe," "A Bridge Too Far" and "lntemaUonal Velvet." The first Installment airs Sun· day al 9 on KCET, Channel 28, with the conclusion scheduled for the evening of Sept. 16. TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS ~ TUBE TOPPERS KTLA • 8: 00 -Tribute to Muhammed~. A reUrement party for the beavywei&bt cbampton filmed at the Loa Ancelea F'"orum. ABC 8 9:00 -"Breaklni Up-it Hard to Do." The conclusion of the two·part TV movie about a group of· divorced '1\en with Robert Conrad, Ted Besaell and Tony Musante. KOCE 8 9 :00 -National Geographic Special. A voyage from Hawaii to Tahiti ln a double-hulled canoe highlights t.bil epl5ode. • ''1090P ooe•••_. :c:-:1•=9 NIWt MAKm ... LAUGH MCMI * •.,. "Miiter Cory" (1961) TOllY ~. Mar1M Hyer A povwt)"4111'1C111en boy rlM• to ~· through ~ (2"") • THI 000 OCIUPl.I Otcar"a ........... '*" IN la r_,.pig eno lmlll• ,,.._ and '*" to Ille w9ddirlQ • ...VHU.IHOW Benny dole • rnim. of • ner)j)ICIMd llull>ln<I wftll • r!!1 for pretty gll1a • DICf< CAVITT 0-11 F\wmlll'I Blef!OC), 01Yld IWMI, Morrie ~. Olcti Y c>une-(Patt I of 3) (RI 11:ao e ()) u.a. OP1H UPOATI Hlghllghta of Ille d1y'1 1C1Mty In thl U 8 ()p9rl T1nn11 Ch•mplon1h•p1 ba1ng hlld II Fluthlng M..oow Patti In Corona, New Vorii D TONQHT Holl Johnny CerMn OY1111 Erm• 8ofll0ac:ll. P111 Fountlln I 98T M GN:>UCHO 900M~Y OffTH9WAU. JOM Ritter )Oona tlla Oft Thi Wiii oomldy troucia lor I IOlally lmprOYIMCI NUrlc:al look 11 c::utrant llumOtOUI loe>1C9 I THE GONG SHOW GETIMAJ'1 • CAPTIONE) A8C NEWS 11:46 IJ THE '°"" f10HT Mull•mm•d Alt l•GH Rocky Matd ano In Iha ring In • computarl:t.O all-lime halvyweignt c;lla~p l>OU1 ()) ST AA TREK Thi EnterprlM II _,I to PfOllCI thl pf-Orgll'll• wlllCh llal In lhl path of lhl warring l<llngona -~- tl:OO e TWIUllH1' ZON1 A men flflCM '*"*alll Ill "'8 pelll *"° "* to .,,_. ..,....,,. Ur'IQlln'1 - '*'Mlori ....... Holt T"'OIY • MTIMMT Mu ...,.,. of KAOS • --to ... '°" ~ lldlnuata, but Cl'--hie c:ar on tha ••Y to CONTAC>l.. l •TONMaHT 1l:OI 9 '°'-D ITOfn' Alter •n alght0 y111 •bM nc:a. • datactl¥• rewrne to NI unHormao pel10I beM to Catc:fl IOUt robblty__,,der ~· (R) 1l:IO • MOYll * * "TlmOulltwl" (1"9) VIC1or w.tUfl. Yvorww DI Cano A World Ww H mat· -v 111\dtt 1111 *"PPOf1 to l>Olh thl Ffench Md Atat>e dunno .,. .... ~ !*Ill In theSudan (lht,56,.,.., • MOYll • • • ·~ "Sl1lrw•y To HH Ylf\ ' ( 111-67) 01¥id Nlwn. Kltn Hun.., Ari ~ l)llol II .....0 lrom Ollftl • 1 = of.f1t1 12 hta I I* "Tlla Wltctl C 111701 Rlc:tiatd ~ AoMnn. Sc:h11lllno A rn1n a 1nvolv1m1nt wllh 1111 luC)lmltur., leeOI Nm to ~ 11'11 In 18U'l-c;.entu· ry wttcfl ,.,.. i-. , etne.ar, NlllCI Into 1111 woman he IOYll 12 ht1 I fg OAEAT ~ 'ChoreogrllC>'>Y By Balan- ct'llne With Thi New 'l'or~ Clly a.Ill. Par'I Ill' .. .,._ 8ar)'tNl1toov mall• hit dabu1 wtth Iha company 12:46 ()) MOVIE * * * "Thi BrOftWtt\Oc>d" C 1961) Kirk l>ouO!a. All• Cord When two b<Olhart bac:Offte --blc:auM of M1fla conllic:fa. one n.. 10 8dy 12 ,.,,, I ....... ,,WW&. ~ ...... .... cau.. TM ... Kiie. ................ ....., ............... ............... ..... ''OullAt...._. • , .. • cm a.All M0¥11 ..... "o.i..11 '*-"'* ~•)'Gllo" (1t7JI "°',.. ~ .... ~.A ............... .,... ... a ......... and llold• '"*"' In ........... _ ... ....... ,...,, ........ -·· dlMfl. 1:80. CllllAT ~ "D anca Thaater 01 Hwtem" '-Pt• frOM At1t1ur Mlt<NI' • "Hofbefo ~ .. Md .... .,........ llon1... ••l•nalllna•e "811g•llu,.. loul• John1on'1 "'orca Of Rhytlvlt" Md ~ay .....,..... . 'Ooufla'. .,. perloi med (A) 1:42. M0\19 • '-' .. Aaeault On Tha Weyna" I 11101 JOMOh Cotten. UOyd ...,_. tilO. M0\19 **"' ·-w.. NwJ .Hie 8aO At Thi Front'" (110a) Tom Ewell, Harvey lArnNc:* "" ~­ Ible pair of Wortd Wat • Gia lurne TOl&yo UC11i01 dowfl with INlr "~ I ... Ilea (1 ht • 50 """" 2:29 NIWI 2:IO NIWI MOYll ••• "~"(1Mel Altlw1 O.ker. s-y au.. ¥WI W~ Iha -of In 1c1 allow 11 found murdarld. one of 1111 ~ c:onnlYM to , ... -Ille dl.o ,., ..... ......................... 12 11r1 • 10 "*' I . ..,..,. * * ·~ "Tha Night H0601 TarrOf" I 111651 Jack Kally HltOy P1Wto1 A trlO Of o..c-.ooa ..... flrMy flollilQI 1n hCl'IM09 for '-"Y ,.,_ OlmenOI 12 rva I ·GIT~ ....... and " -!Ind -KAOS IQlftl wt'IO hie lnftl. ,,...., -...,.,,. of ... omoon-t pr1nCe ... MARCH~ AOTHKO 2' ... leWI ~·MOW • 'The Blood Oi Noe111 d-.. I tlltOI o.,,,..,, ~ Jut;o ~A Yiomptrl l>f agl lflal lltl nl•I ¥>Ctwn -l>e Iha pOllcll onepac1or 11 "' 30 m1n I • GMAT P£AFOM&AHCa ,.12 1 NfW8 J·11 MOW • • • .,. The Ro•• Talloo I Hl!ISI Anne MllO"""" Burl l.M'lc:aalar • Agriculture. Animal Science • Auto Tuneup .... ~ .......... Ofl.-i '*""" c 1tu1 ,.,"' ~JGM"91111d, .... Mlfll1Mt MUM .....Nn'PNIK .... flllWIS ••"Udy Al~ .. C1t41t,.._.~, ,,_ llllilflllrty. TIMI jlftoe ---·--·-"'9orl clOl9rt.. ( 1 Iv.. 25 ...... , --1= ~ MCWIS * • '" "Mtlrror latmnO" (lM 1) Di'* ,or.,, L.o Camlo. A group of .,_ ........... dllco¥er ..... '°'.,,....,,..·''hr., 11mln.) '-. \ 11 Kl)·\\ -UORl•tG-1100. DWTY'8 ii-~ e °""""DUCK ,,,_,.,., • .. aum.w..a I 0 ,,.,.,It/la HOTPUDCM Y9MTMILI~ ~MM.TO ,_, I YOGA lfOfl HUL. TH 1a MAN..o AND TH9 MAGIC MOYll MA.Ce•• -~~ • 9 ICX>Orf'I AU, STAM I TH9 L.0Ne MHOEA NW/lJORCU "T_,,1 And Thi Handt· ='*'~ROOM • ~AHOCOHI "Pneon Prevantata" Lyla KurlMl<I. nac:u11va dlrac. tor of the Prl1on ... _ • ., •. ••plain• how 10 IVOld l>ICng thl YIC11m of • crin. a:ooi~MOUSE I Hf0(1.I & JfCKl£ IPf-•l D 'Ml> AHO aAIWEY IP•-•I • MOV1I * Jet Altadt ' I 111S8) JOlln Agar Auorey l onw TIWM Alf force man !>If I· ""'1e t>antnd Horth Kor-1 llt'le to reecue .,.. An'llt•· c:an rider ac;..,..,,., 11 "' 30 ""n I D ~ ~ARit • MOVIE * • • "Slrllut UP l11e B•nd f 111401 Judy G1t1ano Mletley Rooney A "'Oh tChOOI band ••eoea • lt>OW tor-"'°"""" ao 11 can lrlYel to • n1tlonllf cont111 (2 hta 30 min I I 8UMMERl'AIN! a:IO THI: Jn80H8 CP1am•er•I • aovTHERH CAUFOANIA • SUUUERFAIRE • Bird Ecotogy • Outboard Engine Repair ' • Computer Programming • World Religions • Salesmanship • Marine Science • Ma thematics • Modem Cbinese History • Hotel Management • History of the American West • Assertion Tral.oing • Family Roots -Geneologlcal Research • PapermakJng • Cultural Anthropology • • Plano • Short Story Wrttlng • Judo • Novel Wrttlnl • Alkldo • Gourmet Cook.lng • Karate • Geology of National Pa rks • Scuba Diving • Prepared CbUdblrtb • Solar Technology • • • and there are 2,973 other classes and programs at Orange Coast College this Fall. REGISTER NOW THROUGH SEPT. 22 556-5733 ' , • I ' ' .. ROCK TALK Fndlly. Sep'9mber 7, 1171 Clal-ke Opens for ·JJetter or Verse 80WEVSa1• WIS' rformance wu •P pndated Lbe touowtn1 cWdat by two eeparate •udilDCCll flrat at Hurri)a, ta.. at tbe Mudd Qub -audlencea that m.ltbt be de1~rtbed as peretmia.lly ahead ol their tlme, avdlencea that aot tl ' Tbe day after °'°" club appearancet. Clarke aat in the clbdaa room of tbe Gramercy Park Hotel and talked about what be does. WUJ1111 a aaarooa Jat*et. atl:DQ U.. black aaede &hoes and bot plnk toeks, wtth those l>Jlaaelque sunalaues and a halo o! frlny black balr, Clarke ceta at.,.. even ln a dlnln& l'OOtD wed to vbltiq rock atan. BE PaOTaTI, bowever, that bia hairdo as more "lllU'J, QueeD of Scots" than Dylan, that be really needs tboee sun1luaes to read, watch TV or see, and that be got them "'6m the Na- tional Health. So mucb for imqe. Clarke bas been ln bands, but was slped as a poet to CBS Records/England during the p unk hysteria days when every record company was instructed to find one of "those" acts Oumsiness Set to Music The seven musician/vocalists, known col- lectively as Dr. Hook. will stir up audiences in Knott's Berry Farm's Good Time Theatre at 7: 30, 9 and 10: 30 toniFtht and Saturday. Although their hit recordings such as "When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman,·· "Sylvia's Mother," "Cover of the Rolling Stone" and •'OnJ:r Sixteen," bear teettmonyto their pro- Jeuional music prowess, Dr. Hoot followers have come to expect not only good rhythms, but a few mikP stands knocked over in the process One of the things which keeps their au· dlences at full attention is that it is nearly im- possible to t.eU when they are joking and when they aren't. Lead vocalist and guitarist Dennis Locor riere once explained their stage s how by saying, ••We're never rehearsed. Learrung the same mistakes over and over would be too bard. It's a good thin~ that we're just naturally clumsy." Clumsy or not, they can mimic and parody blues, boogie, psychedelic, country or glitter rock styles with such ease that it leaves the audience -and thems~lves -laughing, guessing and pleased. Formed in 1970, the band consists or -in addition to Locorriere, Ray Sawyer, lead vocals and guitar; Bill Francis, vocals and keyboard: Rik Elswit, vocals and guitar; Janee Garfat, vocals and bass and John Wolters, vocals and drums. They recently appeared on the Grand Ole Opry. -..... w 'v ~ ( ROCK TALK J AIDOIDI b1I euUat tnnueoca were the llallu f\llw'llt DOltl -"beeauu of thelt. ur1eo-e1:1 be M.)'t. lie bu a way with wordl'ln con- Yenatkln u w.U H ln performance. and hu l)erformance rec.US th• early days of Patti Smith. when 1he, too, brou1bt a rock 'n' roll urgen· cy to poetry readln11. A80trr HUI NEW York debut, John Cooper Ctarkuaid, with a am lie, "I waao'l that scared at the Palh1dlum. I've had much wone audiences The worst 1 ever had was the Apollo Theater in Glasgow, on tour with Be p Deluxe, a group I have oathlng ln common wi ulturally. "It waa bldeous," he alls, "but quite a musing at the same tim . It was the worst sttua Uon you could poss· Y' imagine When it actually happened, 1l w s just a load of noise. For a start, you're the only person facing that way, with WAVES or hatred coming right at you. "I came out there and figured that there really wasn't any point to my starting. So I just stood on the stage and had a look for four minutes andsa1d, ·Right,let'scal11t adraw · "AT THE PALLADIUM, 1 made th~ mis- take of following the advice of a comedian I know. who told me that th9)'d never understand me. l hadn't a chance. unlell I aboutecl.11owl1. I've never shouted 1lowly ln~lil•. ao It com- pletely dbortent.ed me. the wu otf. "My appeal doa not U. audibility: tt ,.. lln on velocity. So at HU1Tab'1, I delivered at normal apeed, and it connected even better thouib they may not have couen evMY wo~." Ctart&e adcli that when be ltarted dol.q thia. he wasn't even understood ln Loodoo -where he now commanda a sizable audience He also aa~ ~ be bu no intention of cbanlina what he does ln order to "reach a wider audfence": "I DON'T SEE a way of doing that, but I can see puttlng a band together someday. That's not a .bizarre step to me. I feel like I have a lot or room to move, because there are dif· ferent kinds or expectations on me. "The press regard me in a Ut.erary way, and the TV looks at me icoooerapblcally, and the music press ln a rock cont.ext. It gives me a lot of choice." ~ fOWAllDI \91' WllTUOOI ._ _____ _,,. __________ --t • UA C•MA '°'..o ........ ~ IHIAllll ~ GoslJ Miii ~0·0~94 • DYLAN LOOK-ALIKE POET England'• John Cooper Clark .. A L'NIVERSAL PICTURE • PANAVISION ~ rule. _ , •,-.•"">• r ,, 'uu..r-1«; "'-(" .,, Jotl(,,.n,~ •~,,i ~ DAILY 2:15, 4:35 6:50, 9;05, 11 : 15 edwards BRISTOL CINEMA en Mondey LHt Dey For MATINEES DAILY ALL SEATS $2.00 fill 2:30 '.M. FOi tNfO CALL S~IEE 12:15-2:15-4: 15 6:15-8:15~10:15 l\UI"'" n' RAkf14kl\ llAkf.lt" THE §EOLJCTION OF .JOE Tl'NAN • .... -..... •• , ' Sales -Ser vice ~Leasing 5 Yr./50.000 mile S •·r vil·•· e ontract A vuiluh l•· O n All N«~w Import~!!! Oran~,.,..,,.,,, .• H rllblt l,ryla1td f'f'hfrr \fO«I HOVI':--· lt:Jt 4M TO• PM, U T •.Jt 4M 10 I PM. A 11UM. 11 AM. TO I,_.., HARBOR &VD /SAN VIEW I RH WAY 7<7/'> HAR[J(JR Ill W (XJM A Ml V\ 1979 280ZX COUP8 2 tont altvet 5 speed trans , plnsttlpe, AM / FM stereo, protection pawge rea< vent wdt. American mags & . ~urr03~lta<y equipped. s9555 1979 510 S8DAN ~I~~ i 't:: l~~l';y s4349 equipped. (070430) The difference between a ~ Mercedes-Benz lease and any other is the Mercedes-Benz. The ca r you lease does make quite a difference . After a ll. you don't drive the lease. you drive the car. And when you lease a Mercedes.Benz you drive some· thing special indeed. Whichever Mercedes·Benz model you choose. you dri~e one of the wo rld 's most respec ted automo· biles. A car wi th legendary eng1· neering. meticulous craftsmanship, outstanding performance and safety. 't. Something else: you'll dn ve the car you lease for two. three or even four years. Most car s look o ut of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes-Benz. you drive a car with class ic lines and timeless- ness that is never out of date. We have several leasing plans to offer you . One is certain to make 1t more convenient for you to drive a Mercedes Benz than you 0 might h ave thought poss1-' ble. Ca ll us today for the · surprising facts. Ask about our many convenient leasing plar:is. Mission Viejo Imports 831-1740 A11tl111ri:;rt/ ~>··11l1 •r 4 95 1 700 21701 Mor9uer1te Pkwy . - Son 01~0 Fwy ot Avery M•u•on ll1qo • • • • • 5 • KOMBI 1 79 RABBIT ··s4995 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ~ • • • • • ~ Ta1 Lie & Doc Fee (975) (872061) '79 VW CAMPER '?OPTO,.. 59495 I Tax. Lie & Doc Fee (1057) (087983) SEE TODAY'S CLASSI FIED SECTION FOR OUR PRE-OWNED AUTO BUYS !! : JIM MARINO VW • : 18711 BEACH BLVD. : '~ , HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ . ,_. 1 . 842-2000 i ,. ........••..........•.......•.....................•............... FREE 12 M0./12,000 MILE FORD MOTOR CO. EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN ON OYER 100 ELllllLE AMERICAN AllD FOREllN USED CARS AllD TRUCKS . FORD l~I AMC 0 ~J!Woi~~ TOYOTA DATSUN <tfp EIIGl~Dl!i! VALID AT ANY FORD DEALER IN THE UNITED ST A TES OR CANADA 1975 MERCURY 90ICA T SQUIRi W AGOH Economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed 1ransm1ss1on. stereo radio e. air cond (656MXJ) ,2588 1977 FORD T·llRD V-S. automatic transm ission. air conditioning Power steering. oower brakes. AM·FM stereo. (076RXP) $4188 1977 FORD LTD SlDAH VS. automa:.c transmission. radio. pawer steering. air cond. & Landau top (2<2RZ'1'3'i88 t 977 MERCURY COLOMY P'AU WAGON VS. automatic trans.. air cond.. pwr steering. brakes. windows & seats. sunroof & more! (929ULCJ. (Stk. P3978). ' & & 1975 CHEVROLET MAUIUWAGOH VS automatic trans . air cond pwr steering radio. wsw tires & more• (555WQW) CStk P39S4) '2988 1977 CHEVROLET HOYA 6 cyl engine. automatic trans pwr steering radio and vinyl 1n1er1or (839RXH~3i88 1978 OLDSMOllLE STAaHll v-s. auto matic transmission air oondlt1oning. power steering. AM-FM stereo. tinted glass. vinyl interior (352WPC)'4788 I t71 PONTIAC lri ..... COUPI V8. automatic tranamiasion. · pwr. steerlng-bf'akes-wlndows. air oond .. tilt wheel. JVtNFM stereo & mag wheels (132V' (Stk. P39'48 Red to 1977 FORD 'IMTO RUMAIOUT Economical 4 cyl engine 4 soeed 1ransmf';s1on. power steering & air cond 1229TOJ $2988 1976 VOLKSWAGEN HETU Economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed 1ransm1ss1on. &ilver exterior. radio & more' (873UA0l (Stk P39St I $3688 1977 DODGE '" TON STB'SIDE f'ICl·UP V-S automaltc transm1ss1on. power steertrlg oower disc brakes. sunroof. is~ '~::io,or143aa 1979 MERCURY IOICAT 4 cyl . 4 speed a1r cond .. pwr. steering & brakes. AM/FM radio & morel (785WOW) (Stk. P3934) '5 1978 CHEVROLET C.4MAaO T·TOf' VS. automatic trans.. air cond . pwr. steering, AM/FM stereo & rallye wheels (691VAV) (Stk. 1473Al t 1978 FORD FUTUlA V-8 automatic 1ransm1c;s1ori air cond1l1on1nq power steerinq rao10 vinyl too tinted glass landau 100 598ULB '3 1977 MERCURY MOHAlCH VS automatic transmission oowi>r s1eerinQ FM •nd•o t Landau top 15'9SARl'3iaa 1979 FORD f'IMTO IUHAJOUT 4 cyl engine au1oma11c trans owr steering t brakes. radio & more• (9SSWC0•3i88 1978 FORD LT'O WAGON V8. automattc transmission air cond . pwr steering & windows. tinted glass. radio & more1 (230ULCJ !Stk P3975J '5388 1979 FORD F250 P'tCIUP' VS. automatic transm1ss1on and power steenng (1N44045) (Stk. P3938T) '1888 1966 FORD MUSTANG HA•DTO, CLASSIC f c< nom1c 6 cyl1nd f'r .3 SDl"Pd tran'>m•s'>lon radio flnled glas., vinyl in tenor o;uoer nice car 1726TZS 1 Slk P3983) '2688 1978 FORD f'IMTO W AGOH (conomical 4 cyl t>ng1ne dulomat1c transmission luggage rack oowpr ~;:;~~ •3i8i' &k 1978 CHEVROLET I 1 TOH 'te•Uf' t cvt 3 <;oee<J <;lfck shift tranc-, tinted Qlass radio camper shell t more' 11L552931 IPJ979TI '4788 1971 FORD TMUHDEllllD Loaded' Full PQWer cruise con1rol 1111 whf'el ~tereo tape Landau too & more• f492WKY) !Stk P4004) t5 1977 FORD FlSO CHWC.41 f'ICIUr VB. automattc transmission. air cond pwr steering & brakes.· radio. shen & more! (1F2015'6). (Stk. T1787A) '1988 ' • MLYN.01'. rAC...C: YllW MIMOlllA.L PAU c.m.tery Mortuary Chapel 3600 Pec1f1c View Dmfe Newport Beach 6'4-'l700 tokCOIMICIC MOltTUAlllS Laguna Beach '94-9415 Laguna H1ll1 76&-0933 s.t1 Juan Cap1stral\O '951776 MAllOI LAW~. OUYI MOttue.iy • Cerretery ClefN tory 1525 Giiler Ave • Cott1Meta 5"40-555' • W.ft.IB~tllOM N=A.LHOWI ~3424 ~ ...... 113-9460 -.L.OAllWJt.T MOITUA&T • 110 Btoedwey Colt.I M...a 142-9160 • ElBITUARIES uni• PUBLIC NOTICE -----...... , l'ICTITIOUS eus11 .. ss Puot<-0r•"91 C.0.•I D•ll' Pilot NAMI STj1fl MINT Auq 11•nOSel>t 1.1',ff,"7' )IOI·,; T~ IOl-.no penon It OOI ... ~- -~------IWU ., PUBUC NOTICE MULTtl'LI U AVICIH MO~ HOMI! ll[PAlll, U1' W ~"'"'"'· ------ ---•It , COJl<I -·CA 97t7' ... .,. lf01'1CI TO ClllOITOll• ......... ._ IU l'llllOlll COURT 0 1' THI STATI 0 1' CAL.,OllNIA 1'0 11 THI COUNTY 0 1' OllANGI In Int M•tl•r 01 I"• Etl•t• ,, £Mil (LA AO!.A.. 0.CH MO Deatlu Elsewhere P I NNACLE , N .C . (AP ) -Zachary Taylor Reynolds, 40, grandson o f R .J . R eyno l d s , founder of the tobacco empire, and three men were killed when their s ingle-engine a irplane cra s hed Tues day in S t o k es C o un ty authorities said. SAN RAFAEL (AP J -Suter Mary Patrick Harney, 79. Order of Preachers and president emerita of Domin ica n College of San Ra fael, died laat Friday. LONDON (AP) -Gay Bolton, 94, who wrote more than 50 plays and mus icals inc l udi n g ''Lady Be Goo d ,'' "Anything Goes," a nd "An astasia ,'' d ied Wedn es d ay at Gor lna -on-Tha me1, 50 miles no rthwest Of Lond on , bis h m ll y announced Thursday NOR11fRIDGE <AP) -Dr. Rlcbard a. Bower, 83, who helped df1trn the world'• first computer and held 231 U .8. patentl lJ1 the field ot tnitn ee rlng automation , dltd Tu•adv. At Reminston R aed ~ -~~.·--~~lentUlc team ~ Univac. tht ftnt COIP~r. A_,, H Ge/1111. m So H- Iit"", • tf, S..WAN. (jl Tllh MINM K •-IN by M lft· dlvldu•• llllbf'1 H C•nlll T"I• .C.01...,,..nl ••• flr.d wlU. tl'te of CO\IMy Cl••• of O••noe County 04' Auqu\I tt, '"' 6 4 ~2 • 5 •6 7 8 D A I L y ·p I L 0 T c L A· s s I F I E D 6 4 2 EOUAl. HOUllHQ OPl'OATUNITY PW ' r1 Motkr. All ru1 estAI advert.IMd lo WI QeMp1per i. t ub· ject to the Federa l Paur Hou1ln1 Act or 1968 wNdl makes It illegal to adverti1e "a n y pre fereeff, limlt~t1on. or dilc:rlmlnat.ion .baHd on nioe, cdor. relilion. 1>ex. or IMllkm.i onatn. cw an lntentJoo to make any IUCb prt'ference. UmJta lion. or diacrhnlnatioo " 'lb.la MWWpoper wiU not knowingly accept any' adver t11ln1l for real stale which I.I iJl viola· tioootthe law ••••••••••••••••••••••• GM IF .. 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HEW Um~ lH SPYGLASS Be1utiru l . b ig "Southport · wnh ocean view, pool. • s pa . 6 btdrooms. family room. formul duua g Priced nghl al 1585.000 * ,-tr ;fr/;);/~/ /f '/J4uN/ .!A~N/ly llCiCANYOM 25 Pinehurst UI te9.d00 22Rl>yaJSt G~1e Sof79.SOO Plea.w caJI us for rurth•r mtonnauoo 644 1493 64() 4Z77 HEB> HS.'7 •kip your:.4'1f to " I leaping "lCll'ct1on of Qualified tlopefuJ.& tn Lhe OAJ I~ Y PlLOT m :LI' WANTED A US Afh ••r1 ''•r m .f\ tJIM•\ 1111·11 ul• f;\ •• h vhon• ~ IJU • "' to~ tll ,, m "•md•1 thru 1·,.11,.y II to IWlUI\ '-lUTlUJ 1 "'' \ lll f ~.\ Ill ~WI' ~in \I. 1•~· w ,,,It lll''11l"I'10" IWM"ll I 11!7'>11-~• t-Ill "I WI 11l'l I l\IOU"I,\ lltM II 1011 :'> t Oil I II") l.al!Url• IJooarh 4't4 'MM lllClHTII t Yll ,-,.y dt•I ,.,.,.. ~ t.all Cl.AIW. OIADllftH Ou1Um" 1111 ••II•~" k11i. I\ ) Ill I> Ill J hf' .1 . y b•loff' vuhl11•t10n t•• ,..,, "'' 'untl•r • Mond1v f'.dlllon• ,.hen drMtlllll<' IA S..1urd~7. U noun cu.ss.- IMULATIOMS f,R ROR,; Atlvrrtt••n t hoyfcj fh.c:• thPtr 14t d•llY Ir rt'pnrl error• t m n1 "d I • I PI ~ T II IC r>All,V r·11m 11at11m .. ll1bllt11 ror tit• tlnl lncorrt'<'t lnvrtlOll 111111 C'M~Cl<.LLA rtONh Wh111 kUlln1 1n 1d ~ 11tr• 10 mu• • r-d or lht Kit.I lllUMll!fl l iYl'n )'OU b) )'OllF 1• l•k•r •• r•fript of )'Otlf onrwll11l~n 1'hl• 11111 n11 mb1r mu1l •• p r •••nl•d b)' la• tMIYlf1,IMr I.II H M of I &llflK4 NEGLECTED CUSTOM Sl34,900t Thia t"U11tr1m bul It 3 bedrm Clault" 11 in nffd d 90IDe TLC' But -the adJtt hu pnt"ed It well under m11rket at $134.900 for a fut aale! L.ar1e 1r· recuJar lot 2 fl'\~laces Wet bar Coun t r y ldtcben Horse atall In cld. Prinae area! Hurry • call 7SZ-l 100 ll(1W ! I '""• II A , I '• ., ' •• I l~ISMlil ~HOUSE SAT & SUM 1-5 253 E. 2110. CottaMe-Aa F:ai.tMd•• Cost a Mt>'>d Approx.&m11lely 2 years orlf I>ecora t f'd h k e • model home RV p11d + ~ drive, r.o·x 1$0· lot ()Wf\f,S' 811xJCIU' 1 SlJt g()4j C;JI Eln Arnold 7S2 19'20 j QUAIL A-!~S~- 10,.. Tll t.JO ,_...I llGCAHYOHVltW Beaullfu.lly appo111ted McClain 1-:1 Doradu 3 Bdrm condo Pnvacy. oesUed among trttS wrUI swtepUli v1ey, out over UM! eoU t'OUl'M' and c·a ny1in Om-'" tht> f•'"' *•lh l h ,. ',. ll d \ J 11 l ;, ... ,. 2.i(J WO OCLUROMT t&S,000! PRICE RE DUCTION BAL.BOA Mluu du1M •. larte 4 bdrm & 2 bdrm unit.I, ffl>IC' each now 9196.000' Try uutallmeol pu.rch.a.se ' OCIA.MROMT SSfT.LOT! 0.tom ddwte duplex. 4 .ti 3 bdnn uruts. gourmet ltttcbm In OWMr ' apt + Iota or Imported tilt>. frplc earh unit 6 Cu aarage + much more' $89S.000 1 Try y o ur tcirma' W..layProp. ........... •'71-7060. VA t~nm Coat• Meu b ar1aln, 177.900. 3 Bedrm. Brolt~r 546-2313 UtUe MIM Mutret Ht on a TuHet, alon1t r ame a. apidu 1md read Ill the OaJly P iiot Clas11lrled Mdlon about Ml111 Muf ftt 'a Nftt and bouaht It for •.95. You can sell )'OUJ' htret and I°" d othe r thlnic• tbrou1h 01Uy Pilot Cla111fled Ada. C.all MJ.5178 Your friend• •ltd ~UM ClMalflfd whtn tb t Y bl YI ....UUna to tell They'll tell you bow we ll lli v.utad for them! __ _ .~@ Beach Realty llAl. ISTAYIJX~• I 8tGI llMCI ... C090MA DIL MAI Spacious home .nth 2 larse master bedroom & bath11ultea ALSO bonus room for office or extra bedroom PLUS 2 bedroom income apartment, on R-2 lot. Just reduced $10,500~ Now $199,500 NEWPORT BEACH DUPLD NIWPOIT IUCH Bay • Ot'ean just 1-blk away! Leasehold . 3 BR 14>, 2 BR down, 2 batha eecb. Pn ced at '1619 .900. CB-Ba 87S.lBIO Eves associated 11110 1' Fii e, llf Ill TO PS I 11' ,., l o1L,#a & '' H·• I WHOA n.-P•dMr! Dont't n-amp your style• l acre bone-ranch, far from bottle. yet easy ac- cese l.o rW}" Sp1ciOQ1 4bdnn. l".ba bncll fplc . hkt> Grandma., 1n the rount.ry in mell•'~ fam rm $5000 d o ....,n t o quallf1t-d VA Bu~t·r t,t:.X1• Uw ht step to lwl ta IJvm~ ( IKY\l' lrJ vur <>po·n lltJU'>t' S;,1 Sept l:!lh. 10 J T1.1k" Ornnite t"wy 57 No tr' oo &Al . ~r OD VU>e)'ard N to WI 9tb St. Cuca m ong•. watdl ror our U S Ctues Genito Rily signs I 9111-0876 ...UTA.al DUPLIX 3 bdrm + 11ngle unit. 9wp 1lJe ent.ey, knotty pine tnter • cpt.a. drpg. Cla to beach • only SIJ2,.500. JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 IMnSTOltS SNCIAL 'Slt.tOO Spanah 11tyle ex1st1ng home Room t.o bw Id 1 OlllMS717l 1ff I , • 'lfJN '• • [~li&IM ------- C.M. COTT .A .. I $74,500 ~x up a. save This 3 Bdrm home haa loads of pok'nuaJ but doe11 need ~ 11£ Featuring a f<JmWI dining area & a ist.ooe fll'eplace. it 'a a re al find <>wo.r may help ~ca11~2660 --=:SELEC T I PROPERTIES IUY OF THI WEB! All'D05\ l acre o( splen C.,. Cod • ..,... dur 1 lJgh on J hill 1n $71 ,000. Laguna lftlh Prom" Rike to th!! b4:ach. 2 lucah-i.urround•>d by t ·)( Stor y, 4 bedrm patio rlu!>oVt ru~tom prt1 ht>me Sparkltnic pool, ~ Can be usP.d for lllr~e hvrnic rm. step hof'M· prvpcr1)' ttr H'nn" uver lotchf'fl +secluded CXJl.IN. CK Just plain fun pal.lo. M :.ume $48,732 Only one hke Lh1:. a va1la loeo. ...-.-.. "'87. pay1 ble OLll MS4m • QlllJ aow fCK appt. amn !m7"'1 . ~ 1r:~:::::::~,iiiiiiiiiii1~iiiije·d ... ,jiiii~-1 ASSUMABLE t •1 .. 0fo Trel! lrn,.d 1 hdrm1n1t area J &Ir m I • bath LAt:Jlf:LWOOI) CON DO Pa} mt>nb 11uw S4'l3 PITI l>o.,.,.n ~S .700 plir. c.-loi.m&. I 0% IMTYEST l +POOL F1m1ly 111zed livin g room. gourmel k1chen + dlmn& rm. SU1rs leading t.o private mast.er aui\e. l..arge family room, wet bar , sec lud ed patio. Sparkling pooC. T wh.ae. 231 POPPY Corona del Aikin& 199.900. Ca ll for Mill' t:-.e your 1mag ll11 aOUl 963-7811 ban :idtt •' 5e<'00d ll.or)' ,.,,, h1 I • I ' •, H '<~I & oc-ean view ~k CIOlle [ ~ I ~~=-2 i:.~. ll~tdlW fam1ly room . study & . ----·••i•-· garden room on '5 foot lot Vtty pnv1te patio Big price r educt ion Owner will f111ance COU OF HIWPORT UA&.TOIS 67'9551 I ZSTOtlY Shm root, 4 BR. 2~ 81, $129.iOO Eutalde Costa Mesa SAl'fl'A ANA HSJGUTB Hone Propsty. I Br, l ba oo "" acn, 4 atalt., \eek ·~I0,000. JIM1 s. . . Call •mo1 •PP'· '1nd what you went lD De.Uy Piiot C 411DROOM +POOL $134.500 Localed 111 much wanted I r vi ne com mun ily. Growtn1 rmly will ap· predate apple·p1e ~­ l>oo Charming decor. Spaciouanela, aparkllnl pool. u re for youn1 c hildren Feature• 1•nha n ce lfve a blllly w/ucept1o nal flai r . ...mi ~ Walkr.r & I r.e STOfl!I TIU Ume to relu •nd ebop at borne It· ulmple wttb Dally Pilot QauLntd Aa. And lf 10" ba" aocnetb(Qa to ttll, cell a lrtendly Qaallfted Ad• Vlaor •t MNil7I macnab I lrvfna rulty YllW-'OOIJ CAMYOM cam Former model 2BR condomlnlum w/llt>rary off m11ter aulte -formal dlnln«~f lr rm• le aun deck. Close to le tennla. ••1.~· D. God1b e "" etoo. (J).u) . ~ ...... ' " ... ".... "-"'-.. M111"...... ...... .... 141 ....... ,.S4e Ho.Htflot'S. Ff'!dliJ.S.e••mbef 7.1'1t DAILYPILOT N. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .............. .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .;.;,..; ........ _ .................... ________ ~;.;;.;..~;.;;..;.-.. ~ ._.. tto1 e1n1 4 I .,.,.. tMl 8w:ll 1111 ewr• 1002 •••r.e 1002 "-tff'-S. .~"--"'°"'S. ·••••·•·•···••········· •··········•••········· ....................... .., .......•............. •••··•··············•·· .................................................................... . G1•1.. I 00 G1•r• I 002 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• --. ------. ----- TJ\Y LOI{ co.l UMOllTIUCTm YmW One ol the Onell loc atkJN .. :iPYllau Hill. wUb a perfecl day It n10t Ylew of the hanor • ocean. Spac~ New Bedfoni Plan with bonus room: 4 bdnm . di~ rm. • llftbte t.mlly roo m adJolnin1 larJe. vlew·alde k itchen. Anxious owner hu bou1ht .another home • priced thll 1em &o aell •t 1595.ooo (714) 673-4400 121>1 u .. 1n1 HOR HAL ISTA Tl UCINSI TWO DAYS $250 W--_......, llOll• "-'"' fw ttie ,_i~ •• ,.... ... ..._ ..... flefft .......... ••....._, ,,,....... .tt.ctt.•. IHlot..&.MltlT UMrTID. UPTIMIH II & 16 REGISTRY HOTEL. l"iM ,.,.... .,_ Joe. w.,.. .,,.,...., JDS~.C-.. M• 17141644-10'4; 17 14164~16' 816 CANYON CUSTOM 3 Bedroom. 21 :1 ba th. la rge lot. on golf c ourse. vie w of nig ht lights & mountains. Enterta iner 's de light ! OPEH SUNDAY 1-5 11 CHERRY HILLS LAME $635,000 ROBERT L. HALLEY. REALTOR 644-4455 559-0713 BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! Panoramic Newport Bay views from gorJieous :\ bedrm upper unit or spacious 2 bcdrm lt>w<'r unit ! Natural brk k fpks Wet bars 4 Car ~&rnKe Boat space St eps t o beach Dial 752 1700 FA~' ,., •• ,,. f ,,, NOTICE how Oa.tly Pilot Clas~ 1fied ads display their rne56&gt!S wtth lcg1b1hty and impact., Our 11d..,. wr are proud to say. reall) gel r esults Phone 642-5678 D«ft.ISH COTT AGE SEP. GUEST HOUSE W,beams & fplc 4 BR, Din Rm . den or orflce Peart·ful lre<' shaded grounds Be ach area ~ mo pays all No qualifym~. No new loan <'Ullb ll 's fanlalilJC call 9'>3-000'~ OK R AGLEAM INT .. EYE C:X the contractor. Watch your beautiful home grow! Plans Ind all blt.m. dbl gar. fpl<' in y<JUr choice of llv or ram nn. form! dJn. JBr 2Ba H uge '•acre lot i n beautiful fam area 10 RJalto Room for Pool Only '63.7!50. VA. FHA or 5'K down Conventional. CaJJ GENlE RLTY NOW fordelalls 1 981-0876. ISLAND LIVIM'i! One bloc k to water on fabulous Ne wport Bay! Pr;vate beaches. clubhouse, tc nn.s courts. Dock. M agn ;r ;e e nt 2700 s q . ft. e n te r ta;nme nt ho me on Lido Is land! Spa(';ous master wi ng hos ting marble r;replace. deck & night Ui:thts v.c w ! 4 Bedrms + den & much . much more! Owner will help f;nancc -you name it, we'll try ;l! Take ad vantage, call now, 673-8.550 COTT AGE IY THE SU Ocean v;ew Tower ;n g trees . Quaint bunk beds Zoned for more un.ts. Only $139,900! Hurry! Call 673-8.5SO l NIVATE IEACHES! Fabulous Cameo Shores. P RIME Corona del Mar location with 180 deg. ocean v;ew ! C athed r al ceit.:ngs . Game room. 4 Bedrms. L owest priced v;e w home in Cameo Shores. Don 't 'hesitate, call fast, 673-8550. 673-8550 "' ... ~) MMT M• •aT a OCMM vilw The bat view In Jumlne Creek! Superbly decorated, t.hla brtl)\t, alry & ch rlul hOme w/l~o patloe wlll wln yoUT heart. Situated on one ol the belt siteJJ ln Phalie Ill. Near-new popular "B ay M Isl " model Th ls quie t beautiful a rea offers the best in lving : tennis courts , pools , apa & 4-hou.r securit y gµte. $250.000. WllUY ... TAYLoa co .• 1 ...... 2111 S.J114 I .... .... MIWoAll'POl-IT19 CIMT'm. M.I. , ..... , I 0 'U~wJJo~~ NEW PRIVACY ONE ACRE HorMS -T.-1 $350,000 Cowwtry Hollow 714: 631 -2366 (Broker s Welcome l COUNTRY KITCHEN CHARM 4 ledrOOlft. 3 ...... 2 edl-~ ...... fhll.a.d boMs rOOM ..... C9toM Wl'fbar. GolcMt West Estah1, llllM»a MOdll o,_ S..clay 12·5 lttr. 751-3642 STATB.Y POOL S.A Selty 4 bedrm. 2 bath, country kitchen. family rm. din rm. pool. h uge In spa. a bargain al only $119 .500 C all no w . '62-4173 MO QUAUFYIHG I! 112.000 Home with pay menls a s lo w a s S!500 tmo ' ' 3 Bedrm. 2 bath, 2 car l(ar. call for more det ails' It's un· usullJ . !;46. 2313 '• .. (i.mJ [~ li&Hil VA Barglllll. owner wants out. East.side. 4 bedrm. 2 IOUTM LA•'l*A OCIAM VllW 2 bedroom, 2 bath hillside home in South Laguna with a fabulous vie w of Uie blue Pa cific and a handy hobby room for just plain putter ing. The recently re m odeled ho m e h as hardwood floors . a nifty kitchen. a wet bar and is a short walk to a neat beach. Presented at $235.000. U~ICJUI: ti()MI:§ REAL TORS' 675 6000 2443 East Coast H19hw1v. Corona del Mar IAYFROMT Several fi ne bayfront homes with pier & slip , AVALON Well constructed . 3 BR. l ba . oak fl oor. partial b a se m ent. conc re t e foundation. Flats are a . $120,000-Fee. · BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3-1 I Buy~·d•· Dr•V('. N 8 6 7S · 6161 BEAUTIFUL IRVINE Confused by all these ads., Ran c h Re alty and o r Woodbridge Realty can show you a ny one of over a Hundred listed homes in In me Don't waste time trying to decide which ad sounds the best ONE CALL DOES IT l!L. RANCH WOODBRIDGE REALTY REALTY 551-2000 551-3000 THE EXPERTS ON IRVINE PROPERTY MESA VERDE bath. adde d fa m ily MESA VERDE ._ ... ..._.. I STY ..UIUC Brolt.er t98.900. 546"2313 AXB SI 15,000 OWMf' 11 -- Seldom on market, huoe 0 -1 · r I t I d 0.. P~llh -.. ocaU I U ree 1ne ..._,_.,,_, 2 .,.,,..,...,, 4 4 .._._ 2 bath, bn ck ---3 ., _ _._ home .................... ~"'' ...,.,......, ... ..._. .......,... br.2baTownhome Pool (pk, family rm. s pa rk! needs fixmJi 0on·1 m b.li Good , su mable loan ing kitchen. dmmg area n I" ..r.:::( out buy now" 646-7171 a!> Only $145,000 Act now ' :::.JW lemJnan .. ;.. , .. : .. &ke to beach S70.950 There's only one 1' [ I The r e s o nly o n e • [~!;'P.;; \ "im ::: _®wain r~ 1mmm. 1 ~ ll~*n;~J '-1-•_H_1_1>_u_1_w_1_. 64_1_6869_~ TWO STORY . "" ~ CE 110111 ILlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE IEST IM SPYGLASS. L arg e Family?? One Of T he La rgest Homes In The Area. Six Bedrooms Plus Hu~e Bonus Room. Ma ny Extras Such A s Spanish Tiled Kitchen, Parquet Entry, Protective Alarm System. Etc ., Etc. Call Us To Ins pect. Only $446,000. --....... ·-·· 631-1800 HI DOVB DRIVE file~~!~~ HAUOI VIEW HOMIS " Lovely well decorated Palermo two stor y 4 bedroom hom e on family o rie nted stree t . Professiona lly landscaped. $215,000 OPEH IM OLO COIOHA D8. MAI Friday, Sept. 7, 1·5. Newly built Cape Cod 3 bdrm. home. $349,000. SEE PHYLLIS DILLON AT 302 HELIOTROPE. A COUMILL l»Wll CO. 644·9060 A North C.OSta Mesa 4 Bdrm . huge r e c r ea lion /storage area Adult occupied. with many xtras in upgrades. Now IJ7 .SOO. ca II 546-4 l 4 l e& COATS & WALLACE REAL ESTATE. INC. AIAHDOMB> DtSllTID Owner' will carry, l st TD. s Bedrm. 3 baths. 2500 s q .f t Sma ll down,$1319.950. Act now • cau 546-2313 . .....,,,. ,. Of RMsHc Fortrfl1 Fcnft Houw-fiXH' Long pvt dnve. to giant Lree secludl'd 2 sty on est ate·s 1zed ~round!> Bnck frontage & t:nghs h bay wmdows 4 or 5 BR Incl hide a way J(ame nn. fleaJ formal dan rm oountry k1lch w /pantry Fam Rm. domed l'f'll mgs Bnck fplc's, ~ep ho bby workshop Only nun to beach R('ady for lhts' Must sacnf1re S89.500 CALL NOW I I ~Bkr When you need expert Whether you're buying or service or repairs. t um selling, Cla111J{ied ad· to the Service Directory vtrtiaing wtU f(et your In Cla11111fled to 1101 ve meNageto the right peo- your problem. pie. Call Todey 1 M2·5678 GOLF COUISE UYING ON GIEEN ................................ ......... c ••• ,c .... ,...,. ...... ca•1fa4 -*Y m ,.... fw ..... w .... _ ............ ,.... ... ... ....... arptt, ............... 1•1 ... ... ••4 -,,efflce wltlt wet Mt-. A• ........................ 2~•···" 1•11 ......_ sm.ooo. STOIYIOOI IUSTIC 111111 .................... ,. J1la ....., Wfll/• "'feet._., J Ille& ...... ... ,.. .... ,..... ................ .... t:=· ··~······ ... -.... . WATERFRONT HOMES lac. 4M36 W Coa~t High"'~Y • Ni'WpOft B(ach 611·1400 Lingo R&Al&wt WINI C!U.AI AND STAINED GLASS ............... to •• bbl oce• .ct •l .. t tlgllt •l•w. asto. .. c ....... , ......... Ftwcll ...... .,.. c.-. ........ pit wttll fl,.,aece -4 M91tf !!1!.t-oce• •lew. J .... Aln. 0 ................. ..-- wttll oc.-•iew .ct P9 ....,. tlle ,.._.. ........ l IM•aa••· Z'r'• ......... Tltlt It • toteefy cnto. n. Wlll.n/Cllrft AW de46'JM. Sl69,000. CUSTOM CAHYOH VIEW HOME n..~.Owtl~ ...... 3 be*ow. 21/2 b9tM. f-, rOOM, ... lot, .,. .... ~ mtcf bridl ,_tio, is llOW .. ..... for ... diKri•IHthtc) IMrpr. Tiii• ...-, .._.. is °"'Y _. yeor oM cmd ~ MOit of tt.. fwatw es for wWch yoli'•• b••• loolll•g. Offered •t S255.000. 644-7020 NEWPORT BEACH 499-4551 495-1720 Soutti LocJuna LOCJlllMI Mic)Mef 497-3331 493-8812 La9una Beoch DCIRCI Point TWO 4-Pt.DfS Cood CJrt•a Buen a Park. Sl67 .500 & Sl7R.500 Good rentals Oft84 HOUSE SUM. I ·4 PM 405 North Shasta East Anaheim Supt'r <:le an 3 bdrm " RV ~pace. S99.251t IUSINESS O,,ORTUHITT Sl'" ang maehmes & \ CJ C'uums ~ales & :.en 1t'l' Slfj.900 E xcellent location Cal Lp:M 148-0521 CENTURY 2 I TRADEWIMDS 17154 Magnolia. f ountain Valley 'W4M4WJ,@'~ K -" C()HV(N•l"I ~NG AHO ' S(W H(. (A}o[)( f()<t fHf • CAI. ON lHf co Tricks With Terry For Stretch Knits 7208 ~A6aB~ I urn terry ~ltchen towels •nlo a -----ptactoul &•It stt ......,_-«:-.ii lovetr shower hOllsewarm1nR Jtlts ba1Nr selltr~' Ctothet bordm on ierry towels for aprOll and hand~ button on te1ry towel plus a pothOIOet Pattern 1108 dnect!Ofls Sl.SO lor t.ch l)fltl'fn Add •Oc t.tl h oatte1n tor rust c~s ''' m111 and t11nohne StM ti: Allulr'* SIZES 34-4 ""1lf,___;_ 1ff~1"- Needlecraft Dept. 10S Dall~ Pilot .. lU. QM o.. Sta., ""' Stlffeh kt11t5 m rtqu11fdl T l l .__ Punttcl Patttm 9485 ~ ,.,._ 11 OO 1• "'"'' "-'. en s Sim 111 l' (JS.111Cll bllst ..._, ~ rtttn .. ...,. "'°' 40-incll h1p1. 36 (40 bust lXClllNC• ew 1980 NHDU 42 lup). 38 (42 bllst. U hip) •O CW T CATALOG w1tll Ml 170 (U bust •6 hip) 42 (46 bllst. dfsltns 1n l'"I wi11e17 of c11lts 48 lup) u <'8 bllst. 50 hip), 46 m~i:'w;... Send u.~ ~0 bllSI ~2 ll1p). 48 (S1 bllst 1•s14._Slaa Jl.5' JI.SO tup) lzt.OllcWllllr ,......, s1.50 s.. sue • .a ...,.. 1~Ql4'l .. ,uo ... •,. _.,..... • m_....·.·~ .. ue...a. .... ......., I= """"· ..... 1.51 '-' • :i~ ·~ii.i1iti.: ::: .... llMnl llJ.Slltttl '•' '*" QIMl.50 P•ttt rn Dept. ~2 lt!.Swtf'•~:h .. SlJO O•llY Pilot Ul.P... . . •. l.5t w ~ ,. Sl, .. '"" ., m"°" •• •"*'1· ... ue t•u. ,... ~ ..as. 11~ n._ Qllll... 1.50 ~~ sm .. mu -.. II~ CNdiet ..... l.51 w• ClOTMING COSTS wlltl °"' HJ...._. Cifll ...... 1.50 NCWfAU;WINTU,AnlRNCAl· lit.II Jlffr .... . . . . . . .51 AU)Q. 9" a ,_ ftfd- 1-.S. I hi ...... UI 10be lllf Im Sii F• SI $0 l...,.._ ..._ .• ·1U• Ntt*r11 at1111011. C1t1111. SI I ........ r ........ IJI lV<M=''l/~,,c ·~:-::-: C.:.W ..... IJI l~ t .. ·~ t.le 1 -...... ,UI 1=.... . JI IOll ...... f ..... 1.11 _ _..a•. 11••'*'-..... ue m~·9'• ... •• , •. ~·· •••••.•• ....... ,..,s. • •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ............. 10061 ....... ................ ~ I I . WAT91MOMT Satre l•r•• corner d1'pln In alnt cond . lloortn1 evall. Spec-1 &aeWar ~. ADDOiDl·. ..-&QDly. ~.-: . Cote Realty & Investment #,40.5171 IMYl5TMBf'I' POTBmAL New u.ting, comer lot. Conni din rm, good ren· tal, iow.t price. BALBOA ISLAND RL TY ~ IALIOAISLAHO DWLDfWtiA1rfr•t 3 lDOOl'inp. aood t.ernu. Paul. Renee " .. aria.o.o. AIJ.. 213 f181.302S .....,, .... _ .... 1007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bay Front Condo. Spec- tacular view, 2 bdrm. 2 ba Pool, auo deck. devaton. boat sl.tp avail. 2 car gar age.Secured buildJQC. 1375,900. By appt. only call 673-9419. By <>-ne_r ____ _ DUPLEX Ha rd to find 1n top "Point " loc. on Miramar Ave Two I Br units. completely furn. 2 car gar XJnt cond Ca II to !lee. Duplex ocean view 2 yn. okl. 3 CM gar. lg pal10. lo ma1nt ea u nit 2 Br 2Ba lndry area . d ~hw .,hr . l o l ~ 11 ( clObet." C'Upbt>ard.<1 Min lll Dana Pt 11.ubor i\ f&M investment h vc in I unit & rt•nt o th t>r $17:>,000 O wn r A ~t 548-8665 Corona Ori Mer I 022 ·•••············••····· UHUSUA.L DUPLEX On Poppy Ave . old CdM J\ •r 2 bdrm & playrm owner·s urut & good ren Lal 0oU\ adJommR swim· ~pool S!S5.000 PAUL MA.ITIM llALESTAT'f 644-7Jll lll>UCB> '119.960 Be C'reat1ve. on I) Shorttl.tffs view pro pert> Tim Rhone. Agt. 631 1266 SPECIALS! Go lhru the iron gale l1J see a 5 bdrm. custom home & l·bdrm apt. ll 1s an eye-Opener ' SJW.500 Comer. custom 2 bdrm . 2 balh. ruce lge patio R 2 Lot SllB.!500 MAURY STAUFFEH. SEA LION REALTY 673-5354 497-3381 SPYGLASS Newporter. st0gle story 4 Bdnn. 2 fplc 's 2Y.! ba. lamaJy rm. formal d1nin1t rm. Tnple gar . custm pool & spa Jo'a ntastH· land scaping Lots of br1 c k & wood wo rk Corner locallon . The home for the modem ex tt .. Sdl.000. R.C. TAnORCO. 640.5112 SHOUCLIFfS Exceptional 4 Br. 3 ba. w /laree kitchen /family r oom. 2 firepl aces . hardwood noon. French doors. bay windows . healed pool. bnck patio. : By owner $375,000. m3423. OLDCdM 4 bdrm. 2 ba. home on 40' lo t , l bllt fro m Big : Corona Ir China Cove. By ~~er6'7:S..9043 SPY GUSS "Southport" 2 story, s : Bdrm, family rm, 2 ! frplc's. 4~ bath, triple : pnce. CUltm pool •• .,. • • formal dinl.na rm. booWI : rm. Nate [He v iew .: Prof•ONUJ decon~ • ts ludscaped. End of : cul..-...C, ecrQl.S from :' psk. a.~ lbowa ln ... bMutlfl&I lrl f amil,y : home. N.wl1 otfered at : -.oao. i • ' • 0 ' ' s • • • s .. l I I I (. , a b ' ft I .. ,, • f c , L 0 • 3 E • .. " CWLY fllLDT • !!!9,1 Db t•7.1f! M1•ftfltw.. ...1111Pw.. .._...,_.. ..._..,_.__ ............................................................................................. ' , a • .., llM r , , ...., ,.... ....... , ... .,... 1144 l llelllll• ............. I 11111 OltWale•t ............................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• llAUIWUL IMADOW IUM 2 atory, J y1ar1 ne • hteulve antique brl,_work front ft rear. Over1lsed 3-car a•n••· 4 buat bedl'OOml. C'\lllOcn huuen lhruout Sp1clou kllcben. aoutmet dellte' Larae family room Located on cul-de·MC. .Ptof eulonally ~rated 1n1'kko proleatOftally landscaped. t:xcelient n nanrln1. priced to aell fnst• Ask ror Betty. 98&-.w&6 REAL l!:ST/\TE BY MC VAY IOJ4 ....................... ... ................... . W....•ES Sbarp I bedroom home with uted) br•c• f ront and ftreplace. new ~•rtM.oQe carpel• and freah paint. , A•Lln.I 111.800 HEllTACE PAii SUPltR UPGRADED 3 bedroom bome with ramlly room. rormal dlnlng room. c.-ustom drapes, shutters. wallpapera and gorgeous used brick pat10. $116. Elll&llldl DoObouN • de Lu f e J Br tn b om e LMbed l\*l bouM Vtt"/ o.lrabM IMtaMle ar.. I' M fw .._. I 040 belt loeatiiml. Low ... , lmmar ulale eoodlUOI\ -••••••••••••••••••••• Pnct' redured for qwck 1~ Rancho San Jot qu1n ,San c a,,loa ~.2 Br+ den. 2" ea. parquet noonna. welbar . 3 pools . 1olfcourae $139,$00 96.1-1275 DllYiD . Co.... lli.000 ~n::n COSTAt•SA ......... Let LOWEST PRIC I'! In Qilta ..... Only lO'lC down OWC Al• ay1 mud. w .............. 15~7777 IYOWMB Nice 3br oa quiet cuJ-de. 1ac &11 Mesa Verde area. Lr11 room.a, very 1ood IYTHISIA Llll'1ll ... 4 bednn. 2 ~ be w "&e fam rm. formal dlAlna rmt )\Dl • abort walk t.o tbe neacb Pvtl Plac.. lnc M2-7 461 l'fOWMB 3 BR I Ba & lncom.-unit l"Olld lll.900. ~ 1.$44 Ni~ atrMt.. Low .-O's ~bmil Te~!'$75.SOO. Offi~exch.-lve Devin• Super Weata1de 3 Br Co.ICGM ____ home. lu&e lot. Xlnl Near beach, 6 br, 21,<a batb, formal d1n1ng room. family room, cov end patio, new carpel.II Sl.21.000. Call 962-0878 ----EXa'UTIVE HOME 500 Yrda lo oce1n "Model Pmert.. HURe 3 or 4 bdr.. w /pool, Jae lmmaculale ! 1194.600 RE/MAX, 673-4313 TurtJero<'k G lt'n garden home. Uealber model w ,great view of 0 C 4 Br 3 Ba . fitmlly rm . aucrowll ve oven, A 1\, pal.lo w /rover, & many ~ feature!! A.uuma hleK loan 752·71~ WOOOll.IDGE l Br SJ.20,000 --------•1 lllarter home or inve11l-menl property 642·6173 or 5 Br SL8S.OOO 642--0112, 644 6687 642-9411 Al(l MISA•lltDI 4 Bdrm 2 bath. quality bull\., abake root. double --------• STE.AL! SMOUTUI 2 BR lwnhme. .,,900. llS. 780 lo uaume 5'6.000 1.st Seller lo carry ba<'k &eCOnd Call for detaila. 8KR ~5.580 ftnplace Great location, ideal for entertaining Lar&e ~ room. lot.'I ol decking. low malo· temnce yard. <>rf ered al SlCM,000. Call 540-1151 $37,000 DOWN 2 Bdr. l BA. lar1e corner lot. S74,500 REtMAX. Patnck. 831·12M By owner, 3 Br I~ ~ ~.SUI ISlb St. 5 KU, Owner will carry Lal TD encl pauo. 213/943·3408 at 10~. Cualom buill aftS. ______ _ Sharp, 2 bdrm home. XJnl area Hy owner 1117.000 551 3936 ·~ '~ HERITAGE ; ' • REALTORS chc>'ex 2 BR 2 Ba . fplc. SpKiollS 3er 2Ba fam --------•I dbl 1 ara1ea. walk to rm. pool, frPlc, GOe.500 tlhoppulg_ E.asts1de Costa By owner C714 I 84CM796 I bdrm + Ion Condo tn ORANGETREE 170.9SO Ca.I I days 1133-9088. eves 552 3767 Debbie PrlD· cipalsonly Eutslde R2, 3 BR, Fam Rm. 2 Ba. w /plans for ~e apt. Hurry 1 One d I.be last. 994.000 Devm &Co.642-6368 Eut.stde POOL 4 br. 2 ba. family rm. Jvg rm, frpl.s, .CUetll houae Many xtras As.,ume loan 9.98p ml Approx baJ 1102.000. Pnt'cd un der mar ket S165.000 Qlll 642 0467 Own/al(nl or 961-0063 Uroker CEDAR GLEN MOOS.SAU 3 hedroom model, hal(hly upgraded coodomu1,lum 2554 Elden Ave, C.M M2-4S73C Mesa J)ej Mar, 4br 2 b11, upgrades lhru out J>focks. rovnJ pal10 rm, {'~ lo l'<'hoolll & nt'W park. Owner, no Agents Sl<l>,000. 646-0601 day'>, !61 ~19l•vc&Sun YOUNG E-SIDE Lovely 38r 2Ba in cooac<· loc: Bt.O open noor ph1n, vaulted clg llv rm, ram rm. lorml din. fplc. lg :.hl:ldy lot w /mature lrefJI $134,900. 6'5-51M · Hy Owner 4 Br. l'NIDY UP· ittadetl Includes ceramic Ule entry, Oak parquet fir, new carpet• many others. Men del Mar ~.1102.000 979-3467. IYOWMH Prestige area. 4 bt', t'!lo ba, new carpela, 1m maculale. Enclosed pmio, larae family din· 1n1 room •~·* Call 962--0871. COLLEGE PAii A beauty wrt.b 3 Bdrma. 2 bid.bl and 2 rireplace1 14 11nmaculale condition. All Uua for Sl ,000. Call ~USI _,I ... HERITAGE . . REALTORS YITS-IMYISTO.S MIWU~ N IJl a UWe T.L.C. • aave alot ol maeey. V •· en • anxtom at only sia.0001 11urry 1 ~ ~ Walker 1; I r.e Mesa. Call 645-9161 ewatwtmda _j OPEN HOUSE REALTY /' IJwDdGem Mesa Verde Jo~IJve home w1lh 3 bedroom.'I. 2 ballu, de rorator wallpaper, "lone fireplare. l(tant family room 1k1t ch1:n combo with quality bu11l-1ns Atrium & fountain SW.900. Call 540-1720 TAR8IU. -· 2 Story With Pool f'eatunng sparklmg pool with :1hde and de<>ktnR 3 Bedroom home has 2.,., b11lha, formal daninit room. family room with wt'l bar and fireplace. llhrary with fireplace Patao $132,500. C;,ll ~1720 TAil8EU -· 4BR TWMHOUSE l V. Ba. 2 stA>ry, prof de· cor. NrOCC. Comm PoOI. $19,SOO. Prine only. Agt. 541.s331 ; IM6-Z1:2S ---- *** NtCID TO SB..L 4Br 2Ba Nwprt Area home. Pool. Spa, lg yrd, cul-dHac. Reduced St0.000 to $l.5o4.900 OPEN SAT /SUN 1-S. ZMO Cynthla Crt. caw . Hom cnellen 77~9700. FAMf ASTtc mw 4 Bdrm Buccola home oo --------- BRAND HEW LS Beaut E&ec type 2 stry bona .tuat comp acro1J1 frm Meadowlark Cntry Oub. 3, 4. S bclnru 3 b1. 3 car gar ()pen wk dys l2-6pm Sal & Sun IOam 6Pm Phone ( 714 )84().2005 or84&U42 SICYUMEHOMES POT OF GOLD AT IND OF IAIHIOW YOU'VE FOUND IT In lhlll luxunous 2 Aly home 10 Meredith Gardena. Lge richly paneled Fam Rm w /fplc Graciou., formal duun& for fest.ave entertatnlng. Spac bdrm1 on up~r level All lha. plus l.5x35' encl patio Mab the rant st.ep to better lJ vi nit' ' Call now!!! Gtorge Tays Costte Red &tah 848-8667 A519C1111W. Loans No qualifying No nl"W loan fees We have 3 Br. 4 Br & coodoe avail an most areu Buy now Move wrt.tuo a week Cll ll for complete deteah 53Ml571 or 968-4433. ~21. BaYUALTY KY 1 LEFT! Condo living at ltl bftt ! 3 Br, I \o'a Be, 2 1\A)ry condo. Featurea private paUo " 2 car Jt&r*1e. Lela than I mile t.o tbe ocean. Call fo r complete info 53M571or98M433 ~21. lA>vely 3 br or 2 br + den, 2 baths, <'ul-de sac Up- graded dlll8 &c carmel crpl.11, pantry kitchen. prof. landscaped Close t.o achool11, pool1 & shop JM&. 11 17.SOO Assuma ble loan al 9'~ Ownr 1/\l(l 5.'12-TI61l Assume I Ol/4°/o Loan Take over t-x1sllng loan al 10~'•"11-mlereiit w1lll Uw! F..7. rare lownhome m lovely Woodbndge J 8edroom11. kitchen with built ina and eatin1t area Lovely patio Near the lake and community pool $9S,SOO . Call S69--8451 TAABaL -· ASSUM.AILE RIST lmME41Dl.M SI 15.950 Dest area. College Park, qwet <'W de sa<' N~w rostom dra~. shullet'S, frah pain\. new llle en· try. Perlect move-m con· <bt.ion. Yale 4 BR 2't• Ba, large rarruly room with wetbar Greal entertain· menthome J.r,72 NtrrM ET (otr Alhell OPEN DAJLY 10.5PM Moal desirable Colony plan 3 lfuu maater ldte, aep ram• dln rm, ql.iet culdetlac. Pool & l..... .. Auoc 1(19.900 Owner 1A1tl . Charley Darr. 559 9400 res. 561 at&! &m'fllALTY the West Bluff. l180.000 ~ leoch I 048 A&f:d,. 816-1764. --------·1 ...................... . --=-------WAaMfA.Mft.'f 1026 HOMI ....................... Loedl of plan ta in & out. MAIJHITA Charminl 4 Bdr m , 3 Spectacular hllllop t.th, ram nn. ftoom tor Meadowl, a new, private homea. 2012-32.08 aq. ft. pool. llJ4,IOO. · ~ communlly that C1o1e to Marina. Selva 0pett W l·I we reel typlflee t.be tdeal Rd •Calle La Prima IDI ..... Dr. Uvtnienvironment. wn. SUIS,000to1245,000. -WATT fU"RONl fltwd.ed agaiml the leD· al..:IWO ; ~Bldr. tie b ll11lde1 of pre· tiOMU, llK. aU1iOU1 La1una, lbeM Real ~ut.e ... " t'• INdt I 040 REAi. ESlATE sped.acWar bomea are ---------• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631· 1400 llPPOinled in the tradition • snc:TACUl.AA ~~~~~~~I "Umeleea quality . \ID· parallded convcnJence. lkl --. ...... l*riced from DI0.000 th.ii I 042 ii a ntt opportunity to --••-•••••••••••• prcha.le a new COi.ital ... 'fOUllOAT view h ome In t he On tbt •Ill« In buuUful t.ut1M commw\l\y of a.tst.lana Bay. Sa~r ...._... vtew from tbia Z.•lorY Pteue ttve u. an op. T • n n I 1 & a t • l • )11111Amliy to &bow UMM Toll..._ w Jatip. PTof ham. i. you deoanled 18R+den. 2'r't 675-7112 ba. Commwaily pool • t.-. .. ()pee HouM S.. 14. lee O.H. Dlrec· tGIJ. Call Moulle at dt·U 1', Ill-TH. o r .... ... ,.., ..... LH. _______ .... .,.. ,( ...... ............ ·-········ --- OCIAMV.WS Oepat. tarp a bd. 2 t.kooiea + paUoa Only SlO,tH. Rt:/llAX, Plllrlck. S31 • l21M 91/~Ar W. 4 Bdrm.. frplc. Jba. fam rm.pool u lot. Mowitlllll Vlew Term1 Vacant Move in cond. ti ~.000 ~tM-9'13 ••• fOtro RMAMCIHG AVAIAAIU Condo'• RusUc aplJl level wilb fireplace Deluxe We spa & sauna BROKER WlLL COOPERATE ONl5%DOWN Near Ocean ..aCypreu al Lot-Wit. O'fi~ open datly l(}.4J 494.4315 Aller houn &-l.62S. Let ring.Leave meeaqe.Owner INAQ.ASS IYITSB.f A 1tu.n.nlo1 departure from t.be ordinary Walk lo beach from lh.111 North l...a"'1ft8 custom bw It 2 Bdrm 2 balb home M&grufic.-ent coastal .. C'I t,y bgbla View ' ourmet kitchen, IDllSSJve l1v1n1t room wtth glowUljl wood ~.srrs.ooo don osen rPa!tur"" 40J GLENN EYRE 497 ... Causey O>~any THREE hn Hemes OOWIBBtD! DON'T M.ISSTHESI-: • • I02W .. TftT. ~ ..... Sal & Sin., 1·5 Exquisitely remodeled J Bedroom oceao view home wtt.b 1uper ma1t.er bedroom suite. bulll in jaoml, playroom/faDU· ly room on 1eparate levtl, all new k.lt cbeft, We & cuatom appoint- ment.a thruout. Priced Bdow llartlet ... .-.soo • 17' 5-etTftT. L.t-..... Sal & Sin., 12·5 LdUMAMIGUa 1lJia supeT' 4 bdrm f Im I ly home olfen IOU of pnvacy, a lovely mt V'9W • ID&DY uparadea Walled courtyard " hot tub are amona the ell traa Slll,500 .. DG.stn Le'vd. bulkiable lot near t.gb achool . walking dUI i..nce to dowo\own " beach •. 500 MOln'HBtD This deli Rhll uJ cottage. on the OC'ellll lllde. UI CIOH lA:> the bearh & hu a frplc to <'hase the chill on cool evf'fl.ln1t11 1~r1<e fenced yard 41 a i<eparale g&ral(e wre among the phll!al 1179. soo ttO' N c I ,,. th•f..-,,. • 'tt\lu"-.. ,.,...._, f" a.,.,, It•• 4M4 ttl' ,, .... ,•It llto(,,.,.,.,, ';,11v" ' .u111''" 1 ·• •· • ' tit•'·~ 4Wt ~ -------- OCIAN YllW LOT L«e level ocean v1t'w 10\ Hilb &11 lulls of LaKuna ~acb Rt a 'lon.ibl y pnctd. CaJI r~ det»•lli 861 Zlll WALK TO CRESCBfTIAY from est.bet-of these lo unique Nn LaRuna hocne8 a.11 ror dela1 IB YOUMGAMD BEAUTIFUL! 2 br with br1 ck frpk . vaulted rf'll1n l(!'t bakony r("fl('('(J yard :1 l'llr j!ar 81:..1ullfully tfr •·oratf'(J Only SIOtl,!"IO'J HURRY' 8UMITS SAN CLEMENTE Thnt' un1l:o. rc•ntl'd at 122.040 yearly 1tross BAH.GAIN PRIC E szr,,cw I 4r 11ur49g..f378 ' "· , ,,,.,831·7353 ~E \ f'ROl•t-.ftTll-...... I TO l I/,_ COi>SI MW• IO\ITH v.ou,.. C• •Mn L.,....t-lls 1050 •••···················· Leisure WOC"ld. Gale 14 Panoramic view. 3rd ~. Villa Nueva, 2br 2ba. ~6879 A /C. afl 7pm L..J-..,.. tOSJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Niguel Realty •. FAML T ORIBCTID Qam homt' w /4 8drm11, 2Yt bethl. Kltcb ancld!I mcrvwave 6 truh com pact or Lric 1rlf Vac\AUDIJ\I pool w /Spa. kllr pr . comP'ete the e.:.ure ol lbil drum for szzs.ooo 4'J.t4'4 4tS-S22 ""'"24 I J HO.SOI ., , h L09I Nrway FJ N11(Vel 3br, llM,000. Q.-tom Realty T7NTT1 ...... Ya.te t0'7 ~usnHG PIESTIGI TOWMHOME Mucb 1ou1bl after NewJQt Terratt. OnJy one 11.U rl on the market SUr1> I Pnc:ed t.o MU Uft· der 1100.000! Hurry• ~l "1.Jft OH UDO" Amt e"llpenen<'e the good We. nu~ home is andt"ed an en\er\aan e r ''I p1rad111e 4.000 "" ft bcmus rm. rttt-nllv rf' modeled Amt>n1 t1e 'f plu1 11u .•wport <1t ala finest 646-771 1 Newport leoeh 12 UHrTS I Door from lhe O<'t'an Unbrllevably low pno·f-d al 5'2:5.000 Ownt'r wall tree» Wcrid led &tah 556-7777 UDOISU STUETTO STitADA Rambling l 'lh:tJ>4-d home s urround11, • charming pvt p.it1C1 WMIL!. al ltlua from frml din rm. !Jv rm a. m .. tr 111.al#t'rPale a l1~h1" airy lude a w11 y Spar1ou:o.. .-rly dblf' lot 7S9 1501 WESTCUFf BeaUUful 4 Rr J ha Lou d plant\ fabuJOU-'> pool. r1repl11t•.-RV ac«e':o. Pnc.~ nl(hl :.l SUJ9.~ :/'. UE:HIGE r-+-~ HOME~ 3333W Coe.at Hwy. NB .... ~ M.I.. CHARMER Chou.~ ~ bdrm beauty Thr warmth n f u'!f'd bruit .. hvy hake m.akt' for cmv fmly 1.a.. f)'ml din rm. lvly <.'°' d patio udil & airy Nf'J>l'o lro part Ii pool Opo·n 1 tn S .. •• ..•..•.•••••••......... ...................... . "'.,......... . ... ~ ......... "' -....................... . ................. . UDO ISLE .oa .. IMYISTQa·AICHrncT-IUl.D• Older one story 1arden home on 4800 -S sq. ft. South·facina quiet street • lot. • street·W-strfft. 40' width. Prime upgrade prospect. Occupancy Nummer 1980 Consi d er >.a It·· 1<-a1n: back A ppraJaed value $350.000 Thre<• 1'4o'drooms. 3 baths, den, lanai, two brick & concrete patios, brlck walks . Separate 2 ear gar age & stora~e with apt. over. Paved boat/ctlr storage area. Perimeter walls Mature trt•cs. azaleat.. & extensive planting beruo. Quahficd parties mall business card to Box 502. <'l o' Da1lv Pilot. PO Box 1560. Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 ---------4 Br 4 Ba. tOCluda RJ). *MOQUAUm.,...• 1u1te & icame room, Onl 0 000 .. r amaJy rm, d.in.tnC rm. y II , . taat' over pool & Jacw:i1. xtra lrg f anLabU<' option on 3 li R iot. Harbor View Hom et. exec ~ Won l la»l S!&l..900 Fee ~ Port •Ownt-T--•SA•l•-02-10---• I Stanhopt: Pl Owner. UMDAISLE SOOOsq fl. 'Illµ. S Hr S Ba, Ideal !()('al.Ion for 11un Prin only Ownr IBkr 673-6111 Redhill~Realty 11J11 l<l·.1lh llll t\l' 1.11 f)(JtJ 33n VIA LIDO. N.8 . Sl 15,000 l Bdrm' 2 b<1lh•, pnvat.t-pal.lo Jn m1n1 nvvr in rondrt M'WI M uat MW t.o apprec111t t' 1 ~FOi T.-IEST You vf' found 1t, 1n th1' lovely NnvPorl ReaC'h hocnit-It reaturt"ll 3 Kdrm • family mom. plu'lh c~ n-paint t1nd 1-xt..n11 vo• hn 1 k work Ownt·r ·' v l'f'Y nv1h v "It'd CalJ 546-SIKI 75&9019 Bluffs JBR or 2 + fien 211'tba Patio, pool 11.35.<n> Lseiopt avail. M0-81441 llDUCB> $1,000 OateilHAL ILU~S f',uropean Valla motif, an lb11 uceptaonally ap pointed 3 BR 2Yt Ba Dol<lftll I" an Redured t.o 1166.900. 640-415' ( //l//b.)/7/1 REA/LTV OCEAH VIEW!! f'orttd Sa.le I La, nltt 4 bd J ba. ~.000 Owe $lS 000 2nd RE/MAX. f'&tnck. 631 1266 MWPTHGHTSAIU 4 hr 2 ba. l(ara.ces for 4 can. K 2 Good llohd buy Sl 2\l,SOO Chuc k ~pallt·r . H.t;1MAX, 631 l2l66 .. ~HERJTAGE REALTORS 2SO yd'I to bearh :lhr • I "'•OO. nf"W 1>aant thruoul OW(' :.t I I'·•'· $105,000 ~Ownt'r O:ean!ront duplex oo R 4 lot Good fuumcang. Pnn _anJy PIP f73. 7m - Hart.or Ylew Ho.ea ~'O Plan, 28r + df'n. 2Ha By OWMT Sl tlf .500 ~\JZ3 IUYBt·s <>nOIT . Troct. /W /&dtcJ P M I 9 J S f' O f< T , ________ _ UJWAf<D 759 l5o01 ~ 1."i ~11blt' Wnk )our wanb · oo t'1lht'r '' ~· l h11thlv <11.,.1r<1 ~ .. ~ 5 bdrm. . 'Son>erwl . 0 0 tuembdl ~uonly I lldJa C'e1l boust> t:irC't"llt'ntly man lDSlde & out Spa In back yd 6 view of Cit· tzyOrl lights. S>.49 ,000 1930 Port Sea bou me 0J)t' n Hou1e Sal /Sun I ~. M4-CIJI WHTCUFf CUSTOM VAtlSllNG BREm w11h t o tl<i'r ' trt'n <l toward rrun111tun 1at10f1 lben• woo t b,· m.any morl' s bt>droom. 4 1'1 buth home on lar1tt lot.i. Sl.50.<n> dOwn movn you iDtO Uus OWJlft' f 1nanced borne Call for deC.atl& Thts home stands out l~~-~~~-~-w iiL'I awn mdlvidwahly 6 , ________ _ THla.uffS Very ~e 4 bdrm , J ba air t'Ond lownhomt red to 11153 .soo 8t> 111 01> portun1 t y , und t'r marlttt' BrUI~ MO s.S60 cst.m rut.urea o( end ur 1n1t ele11aoce Lush landaup1ng w tgardeo VM!W latcbftl 6 fmly rm nus lpeaoull • ele1t._nl cstm home Is an ent.tt la1oer'1 larad11e w /a warm welcome tlvablUty Docl'l mta1 thu I~~~~~~~-· very 1pe<-1al offenn1. 648-T711 ~ Walker & lee Uvt' on t.be waltt 1159.500. 'IOOaq. ft Olll. bcM.lae*l. 2be m-2112 •t,.it•· t.u.1nJtod l'om muruty 4 Ur home under S000.000 •llarbnr Vaf'w's l.al"l(e:it s Br hoaw ~ S000.000 Call Jo-Ann Doran 75M61t CnaltY• roe tfollo -"'··~----OHMIB•B.T 2 BR,2baCONOO W1th flreplatt SUIJ,.500 POSWLI LM /Opt J BR. I ba CONDO $110,000 LEASIOMUR Owner mov1n1. won 'l laat. • ~ ~. Avall am· .J med. AdJt comm. pvt pool )II<' ii UUDI 1185 Imo Be aure to tour tbla beaull.tul 3 Bedroom. 2 ~ bath home on tbe oceao aide ol Vldoria Beach. ()pea to North C4MtllD• vfen, ntremeb weU· appointed, rea1011ably um.s at $110,000. ....................... ---------AHYOU ALOVEI d the belt.er th101tt1 In Do.111111MO.. ICICUAM socw to be held durtnl °'*' boule bourS al th.la fan- taaUc L alUD• boma. Oiiman lo and join u. ! • CASTIU &DAUPUH 1'1M one you've been Wllltina for .... 3 BR. ra m rm and v1-w in a.a Ideal IO<'al lon Take ov~r 917.SOO 1~·~ In A acoop •only 110.uoo CAL&. 644-7211 "1n Nl(1ll Bl\11 t v ~. l\S'11JC 11\1r s IACll IAY ISTATI lite~ If you are. you mual 2000w ...... ••d.. ..... '75-1771 Jtvt 2.8 acre estat.e w /lg aee this 11pec1al bome ~. 21oest bouaes. 1s tha provldea everythlna atall bonie barn, huae DNded for a.raelom Uv· I~~~~~~~~~ ridlna rink. J>vl ofc. a ms at It'• flnMt Lari• --oo-- l"JOSD'I room, magrull· (88 2\lt be home wllb a ~ "" en view ot the Back jeeuai PLUS the M VU· Newport IWlhle a BR Bay. II.lab la.od1cap1na lap ol a eeetuct.d l BR 1 lo w n h m . A • • 11 m • abowlda. Con\act Jam b a Inc om• u ft ll , b&lanee ol Sl'f0,000 a t f"l and er• a~· l. t1 14 ) AblohatAtlY ooe of UM Ull mo. Prtae. oea, · No '152·1101 dys . (714 ) nn.tlnl.hearea.C.ll t.o-Quall~ Call OWMr m~na. wknda da)'m4170 '641111 A S E Heallb Food Salldwlcb ,. U.o&So. 0oMt HlwQ lo VU1a&e P'alr 1AGUNA B,UCH 497-2457 • CHIVOll LL TA T !hip. ,_ OCMDfrt loc. Ml • xlnl bualo••· Priced --------1 ~ solt ('OUrff ___ R_!_A_L_TOR_S __ nPL. Call .... P\aC1M. i.,....... IM -...... _,., tq.f\. 4 lo 8 ()pm Houae Set/81iaa H . ,_RHJt.or __ l'rH __ UD_. ---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -••••••••-•-••• 8dr'lm. ~ ball». Pool S.avlew-lltJ Y a cbt ..s..,.. •.in.ooo 11.uta. 4br, Jbe. P'R. DR, MIW DUPLIX One block to beach wttb ocean view. 2 bedroom. 2 car 1are1e each. Flnanclna avallable . '230.000. , 111 STI_.. CD 2 frllb, 2 atriuma, lW ,.-.J . vtew. 1rl lot. rec rats. 1415711 =c-ldtobrkn. co.eo1•.,...s WD'roLJFP' l•I br, t'1t,OOO • DP. 1100 w.dlff Dr. 0.-. dally 1-5.._or.,..... ... ,.....,, .... ... You~~l4 bdrm. Ma•eeo •odel ln Har bor Vl•w Ho m••. f1u.lla ta1'1Hl carpel . ••l hr... ftxhlree, ILaUan We lD bau.. A alaUl> -hom e w ith apadoua -, yri 1t •10.ooo. it 'I .. ., ' Btyfroat, oe•an vl•w, boal. allp evad . HC bldl. I Br 2 Ba C'ODdo, G141a. to-480 Prin only. Ownr /~ -=·· 107' ................ , ..... . OBVJOUS QUALITY la apparent thrv-out Ulla mqni.ftc.'81l 4 bdrm. 3 mi.-... .... ....................... ............. ... w. t aoo ....................... *>BILE HOAU: BUY SELL· R t;NT l'INANCE .... .._Store Wawtk:aC..tw CAU.US6'1-IOZI ba. proleuionally de· ~~~~~~~~~ mped bocne. Dljoy ap- prox. 3300 sq. fl of --------- ~a~v~e~I~::! •EXCITING. attaa ot San Clemente Over S25,000 or pro· Spedal -..y feaaional landscaping Beautiful 24 'x52. 1972 means this home Is re· adr for Uvtng a. enter· Keywest Mobile Home in taining. A quiet ex-Luguna ltHls. nicest 5 eeutive area. SJ75.ooo. s la r Park . 7 'x l 5 · Open Sat/Sun 11·5:30 & enclosed porch-mirrored wkdys 3·6 105 Via doors, light wood in· teriors. 3"".aT air cond. 2 Z a P •ta C a 11 r 1 a very spacious Br's w /Ila Properties, &6l·3006 or +dressmg area, walk in TZl-8221. clo!lets. All for only. ...... $29,500. (JfU6638) C4lpKtnMo I 078 ~atrano Ten-oce ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adult 2 1 + Pel Park Cause)' & Company lox:iO w /expando. living rm. 2Br. Ilia . SC'reened m wch Ideal for single penion Owner will carry balanC'e CLASSIC MOllLEHOME SA.1.ES 2706 llarbor. Ste 206-A 540.5937 ~OITllACM llUMT1 I DOOJl from OCEAN Ubbelevably low LOW PRICED at 9416 .000 O...-wWuade. ......... "' ..... IU.1111 FOREST E OLSON ........... ~-~-c.._ Mewpcri ........ 2 pride or ownership homes on R2 lot. 3 BR & 2 BR. Possible lot1n as sumpllon C:.11 Loday . 834-0093 12 Cotto Mesa Untts 12 spacious 2 BR garden apts, + pool on large lot 9 times gross and rent:s arc s till low With l'Ollrkel rent.s wou Id be 8 times 2 gross. Owner will help finance. Call now 1134-0093 House + 2 Units Large 2250 sq fl 3 BH & den. Plus 2 unjts localed io Costa Mesa Truly pride of owners hip 4 garages, call nght now, 834-!rm Dana,.. 4 rtex Upper units have ocean v1ev.·, fireplaces and dens Well localed and only 2 years old St:c these today, 834 ·9393 4-l'lEX S120.000. Heavy shake roof, brick fireplace, well located. SCOTT REAL TY 536-75ll Ollltf'•ffil ...... ...... UMft Plllid SAITllDS. Cit ,..,__... THSn.uHa co MMlll ....olTllACM VMoula loc.. • p..u, 6 Nwpt Ill,. anll All •m••lUH PrauoUy lllMd. ""'11 k4l1 ~rt• Uoa rro,.rty tnltnt ev.U. l'JMtlJ, HR. 11u• .. •crow S,.ll••h .. --,. $1 ........... .. it a a. Cel _,.._ fer , ......... Call 711 • 771 aak for ~ lJ ulllU MOl&Sitrn. ~ v1tc (»e Xlnt for out ol towo own«, Syud, etc Walk lo all Ocean side beach comm Aalun& $32,000 ~r wut Real ProlK!r11es Syaleau. 714 729 3059 43M576 EASTSIDE C.M. SPACIOUS HOM t.: & DUPLEX $1 95 .000 64.2·2510 or 646-~ -12 two Bdrm units, room tor G addlllon1tl unil~ ~. 20'9 Walluce, Costa Met.a Gross ~.280 yr ~ ......... F!id!f· ~ 7, ttm DAILY fl'tLOT ••••••••••••••••••••••• u= ...... · .._...,.,. · t1d ""•"U•fw • • d ....... u ........ d H1&1"u."' r ••9' 2411 •••••••• , .................................................................................. . _ ...... •••••••••• --1~ 111106 .... L.1.-..11 J2M ··--------· =.=. ..... :: ... -=·········· flOllLIASI ..... ,._.-.u. hocM. lllNIOll WltH Couan1 Cl•lt. Golf ............ ••oUtu.11)' :::::a. ao main -•••Rd . o..rt Hol &priap D>-,,.J5T2 O..t~ "'''tr • JSSO ................ , ..... . 21= 1• P• I &zlcY•Loh in Mesa area of Palm ~. 1 Acre+. '80.000 oi wUI separate. 557-9810 IALIOA ISi.Aii WIMTll L14U: 2 ....... w/ .. ,.... ....... ,,00 .,......., Z • .... IHO+ ........ 2 Story,4 ...... • • IAYMOMT .._,..-a ...... J drJ l ••:.r-•1111 • ., .... "100. YIA111.Y LIAU: 2 II 2 .._ .... INiy Mee 1100. 411 ....... fwwwmfwSIOOlllCI• be._,.,• "C....-. JIR a. Cell*. u...._sns WAMT9 ~.Br llouae la Jlal'iu Sdlool DWlict. 11'15 lO ~ mo. Pleaae eall ....,,aftlPM. Ph11h a Br, 2 ba .• near oew; pt. area nr. bcb. Pvt. yd. ..... 9558 Seabreete Townhome dl11 2 br, 2 ba, ail amen.IUee, Si50.9M-JJll3 .... ... 32'~ ... ;:;; ..•....••....... NO PEE! Apt.• Condo reatal1. Vllla Rentals tr75412 Bkr. lldfs condo, 1-.e: 3..BR, 2 be., tingle level; spec· Ulcu1ar view! Barta.In at .,. mo. A# M0-0020 ••=:~· Ywy ................. . p: -l a..... t-...1 • -2 Br duplex, kids, OK, oo OCEANP'RONT·llBr bae, ~ • - -"' c-r-.. docs. yards, caraces. lg with ocn view $1%00 ....................... loat•aa"11MJ,...LSIZOO. nm, freshly painted in· mo /yrly or winter aide/OUl. nr park, avaiJ. oeeotiable, "-· 873-1210 immed. ~. tll-7800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• G I ... 3102 L041 lrec:Mel & Auocletes '75-Jlll SllS + dnDin1•aecur. a.. 3 br, 2 ba, Nwpt TaTace. patio w /bbq Vacant 4 BR 1 ~ bat.ha. P~ 6 jacuni. SS$0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 22t ........ An, ..... t.a-d RANCHO MIRAGE 2 BR coado. Pool. spa. taws. 129 rut.e, by mo. Avail Oct l. n~Ci6S Hi...f'w•llled WI NT ER IN PALM ;;:,:;.;;;:.:·..::•u3••1•,•,• SPRINGS• Dix dbl __.. couch. Decoralur furn ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, 34t.h St. M75 pr mo. no pet.a 613-8346 2br. 2ba. 9' wet bar Most exclus1ve park in area Al l a menities No ch1ldrtn Call wknds 1 I 4 3 2 4 I 5 7 2 0 r Ckunfroot, WlOler. 2 BR, 714-532· 1088 wkday~ 2 ba S"iOI> Month 67S.5S39 lalloa l"-d 3 I 06 - -- •••••••••••••••• ••••••• 1 bdrm no pet.,, winter tncd yard. 9-t19l 9S3-0175 CatN MeM 3224 Eegant 2 bdrm fr den ·-•••••••••••••••••••• (9JO/IDO). Plush crpta. •New 2br condo Dr So. 2~ be cedar fr gla.u S Cit Plaza. Pool, spa $650. bib to ocean. ~car pvt &1MW74or~7 gar, fully maant. yd EASTS.OE Adults, no pet.a. Jnqw re Bnnd new 3 BT. 2~ Ba a l 5 2 1 1 8 l b S t t.ownbome, 3 car garage, 7l4-96C).6331 r r p I c . I " y I I g b l • Beautiful 3Br 2 .... Ba Coo ml.crowave Pool. tenrus do, pool, Jae, 2·car gar. a. 95. mo Days 646-'262. opmer. "560. Av111l Now eves ~!kWJ. No pets. St8~162. 7"" Bdnns duplexes, "50 ~ Yeuiy. 6'J$.4912 Bkr ag Oanyon 2 bdrm. den, pool, tennis cowu. 979-6472 For luse. New Newport Terr. Condo. 3 Br, 2..., ba. rrplc. ceranuc llle entry S5 7 S I m o 8 4 4 · 2 1 2 6 , 64C).(J825 S340 per mo mt'ld ulil •Hew Go•t. ,ro· ~T7SJ $145,000 dn. Bal1&nce 1---------3Rr, 28a. lg yd, very nice 4 Bdr .. 2\.'J baths, Home home $550 mo Agt. ror lease. HB. t650 moo SPECTACULAR BAY VIEW HOME $&2XJ,OOO on contritcl. 2() yr 11ub-0rdlnat1011 Pnn CJ1'9'1* &int $3500 mu 548·2020 Own Your Own Home TBlMS. TERMS. MO DOWN ! Te.a S 2 0 Govt Makin 1l E·Z 'g\M ' H to Qualify-Stop Renting A LOT VE.'TERAN BROKER The owner will carry Lh<' LET PHONE RI NG puper al only 10', on Lh1~ 13 I ·51 OZ super mvbLment New 1 ________ _ roof h11: luL ... mall pncl' C.'-<111 now ror de LaJb Woo t l:isl • Pnn l'1pal'I only BK R 54.S-9491 Sltoppinq Centtt New .i ll lea11ed... au Lo m a L 11· r c 11 t 1 n crea:.l'S l:.t U!.Cr ' dcprec:1atmn Tnide!o at• cepc.ablc Agt 644 9513 Loh for Sat. 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 br. 3ba. Wl.flt.er rental Sept l!>-June 15 S800Jmo l27 Abalone 673-5075. lm-1940 ---. •HEWGOVT • *PROGRAM• l>'TOP RENTING' <.>wn Your Owo Home •NO DOWN • Govt Malttn 1l I:: Z VETERAN BROKt;R LET PHONE RJNG 831-5102 UDO ISLE 2 Br. 2Ba. fplc, dbl gar. Winter '625 673·3370 Winter Rental, 3Br hse, .,2blk to beach s::JOO. 107...,32nd Sl, Nwprt Bch 67J.Q10 lbly 964-1413. 2 Br, 1 ba, rncd yard, encl. pr. Crpt a. drps Lndry rm area No pets. s:J65 mo lst & lut + S125 c leaning & secl y . TJ().5829 4bdrm 2ba, fplc . new paint. feocd yrd. patio, mce vu S59S 963-1380 borne arc 891 1947 ......... on Petun. Po111t Large 2 bdrm 2 ba. plus b1~ SlUdto room Partly rum llOOtmo lsc. SAUSBURY REALTY 673-8M>O t .. taw 3242 Ckeanfrool 3Br ID super •NEW 3br condo nr So ·-•••••••••••••••••••• loc Avllll for winter ren Cat Plaza. pool, spa~ Lux 3br. 2.000sq fl CLt:AN S HARP 3 br ~ crpts. drpb, blln:. + microwave, dble icar w 1opnr w elec dr opnr Fncd. pat1oi. ~ mo ta.I $1200 mo Fully furn man4 • 759-0217 W1t.nfront Condo Lse WATERFRONT 3 br. 2 ba home on Channel. in d 's shp for pwr boat up ID 40 Obie l(ar + xtr.1 prkg Sl.200 mo Onve by 111 Via Lido Nord Lge 2 Br 2ba w den & p11l10 t9'75 mo yrly Baltio.. f'enm f'vmt 2 Hr. Zba. Mngle family home F\IUy furn S100 mo yrly Waterfront Home~ 631 1400 Easuu.de Entertainers Detlght 3br 1'4ba, many amen, kids , no pets Av&L.19 1 $725 631-0496 sum mo 871 8471 Broadmoor Townhouse Olannel view 2 BR 2•,, ba Double ~ar pool. New duplex. 3 BR. 2 ba . 1ac Lennis S'iOO mo each wit.h patw 1625 Mo 213 '592-1476 JACOBS REAL TY Yearly leaM! No pets. ......_ 3244 Bay & Beach 7!JS-08ll ••••••. ••• •••• ••• •• •••• 675-6670 . RENT A.LS Bo.ch.. I ba 3 BR. 2•., ba 2 BR. 2 ba San Clemente , 4 BR duplex Stell!-tt1 SJ15 beach S100 mo leai.t' 1165() 54&-5684 673 ~ SSOO BeautJfu.l Nl.'w t'stm 2 ~l)' SIUER Spac10W> 17~ sq fl, 2Br, 2Ba. w cl bar den , lndscpd, I yr old in a 5• Pk, Irv $65.000 PP. 975 6798 dyi., H32·9Hl7 l~~~~~~~~­ evet1. R-2 lot , ~·x122~7 ', 2 blks fn>m ocean, level. pnm~ N<>Lagunu IO(•at1on I' P 494-0458 lcAoa PeM.Mlo 3 I 07 On the beach' 2 br 2006 W OceanfronL $450 W111ler 758·1677. 631-0900 1-'a.ml.Jy onJy 2 bdrm 1 ba Condo w1Lh pool, reC' room. play area . s pa. secunty Near sboppins<. frwy M35 per mo Con tact V1ck1 951·1!186 or 646-2671 IRR f" P . ul1I R&R Adults No Pets. 2048'' Pomon» $360 642-0835 Duplex 1-'rpk Wulk L•J harbor 2br. Jbu. 36J41 Jbr. Jba, SH5() 751 2442 1111 ~ MOTIVATED! ......•.......•........ Spacious 3 Bedroom. 2 Balb h o m e w1lh fireplace Just Listed al 112.000 COSTA.MESA By owner Goldenwest 20x40, 2 BR 1"'1 Ba ,8 mos old Low r ent. near beach & shoppm~ Mov· IDS.?. musl sell. 125,500 or best olfer 645-2214 Meed l"roperty MCjmt? Homes. a pls , condos. C'ommercial, lice com plexes. We welcome pro blem prope rties & spec1a.1Ju in long term management Wt' ad· verttse qualified tenan~. increase rental mcomes, handle collect1oru a. djs. bursemeota. Ask for Gene 2.3 ACRE LOT Newport .. oclt Hone~ ON MJ RAM AR 4 Br, 28a. HauMs u..fwNshtod J Br. ra m room. 01wn beams. heh. pool, Ll·nni:.. ST25 mo 64S I SJ 1 near bay & ocean I 213 i •••••••••••• •••••••••• • au.SJ16 Gat•rd 3202 Bac k Bay Condo 4Br. 2v,Ba, ram 1dinmg rm . sun dt.-ck + lg patJO. dbl garage. partly furn, pool. WnlUs. jacuu1 9675 mo 642-0'l73 all 6 · 30 PM • 1104So. Coast Hlwwy Ul Village Fair LAGUNA BEACH 497-2457 lbr. lba. 10x55 1964 Delroite r w /screen ed porch. Nloe aduJt. No Pet ~~~~~!!'~~-I CM park Avail Ocl I $12,900. Owner 5411-6389 1010 ••••-••••••••••••••••• 20x60wlk to bch, lg I.iv rm, l' ~~- 962·44n ::;: 546·8103 UMDa $100,000 5CP dm rm. lg cover 'd 1---------Dmirable northeast San· port, rec rm, 2 bdrm, - t.a Ana home. to years Clll'd. pnced for quick TWO 4-PLEXES old. 4 Bed.room. 2 balh. ule H.B. 536-2750 or AlJ 2 BR. builu.os. Closed lW' conditioo.mg. This is 531-6714 garages. pool, A 1C A truly a great investment Ro al , __ 8 Great Buy at S290.000 Formoreinfo call now! Y ...... ,.cer2.4 'x6-0.2 r. RietschRJly646...s84 2 ba. lge masLer bdrm, 54G-3&616 Cam rm, W ID. Nr stores. I...,,~ l Adil Park in Hrbr area [ Pl""T ljji~ Rec. fac1I. S46.500tofr REAL ESTATE 642~ HIWUSTIMG B.MottRO IAY te.PTHtEF! INVESTORS: 22 """ Mohl l.agllllo leoclt LOCJlllMI Yilasp •. £. 497-1761 Some back bay view. fanla8t1c area for huge r.1nch home + barn & s tables. Call Jim n a n den C714 I 152· 1107 dys' 1714 ) 581 ·5787 e ves. wtaxla. THRHARCHIAY Magnificent Oceanfrt '*lg s1le. nearly t acre S .600.000 Cash Secluded rove, while surf below Pvt guard itate <'Om· munity w tbHI beach . tennis crts, close. By Owner. 499-3070 wknds. ~wkdays 2Hihide ,..,.GlllicV•Loh Ul Mega area of Palm Springs. 1 Ac+ '60.000 or wl.U separate. 557 ·981 o 2300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm, 2 ba, quiet re· s1dent1 al s treet on Balboa Pen.sula. ..., blk from bay. 673-1920 , ~. Ckeanfroot 2 bd w /~r. pauo Wmter $4~ mo uw pd 67> 1632 2br, 2ba, Avail. Sept. 15 W June 15. ~ bUt lo bay. seoorno 673-56311 DCINll,oW 1126 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mOl'll oceanfroot winter rental Beaut duplex, gardens, patio, view Partcing & mORt ulil rum 642-3659 eves. ..•..•................. HOMEFIHDIEllS S210 lbr furn a winner $28S 2br kids p1t10 nlCI' S350 3br gar lud.l l1e M20 4br ldd.I peU bowie 557.ol2S Santa Ana lits 2 br. dt.n1ng rm. frplc. garage. lath- house Lawn stt"V ice 6 water mcl Aorse corra Is extra &C2·3S1.9 or 754.0239 IAYNOMT 2 Bdrm. 2 bath m 11uper locauon Avail now for Wlfller rental JJOO /mo Sa.IJabury Rea.I LY 673-eBOO lalloal"-d 1206 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IAYFIK>MT 2 lidnn, 2 bat.h ID su~r location Avatl now for Wllller rental ""° tmo Salisbury Really 67J.e900 1' 2 Br 2 Ba condo Ul ~1ut Rancho S J . swun. ieoU. L e11111s. $575 lse. 642-0124. ~ 7~ Bh.tfs J BR or i.+ den 2' ti.it Pauo. pool. J(rcal lo(: ~ mo 64G-H 146 3 BR rental on major greenbelt Highly up icraded Nr pool. ror lease at tB25 per mu Bkr 631 1800 Nice 2 Br l Ba, E.aldoe, nu paint, encl gar, fc nc yni. $360 Lst. I ast a. sec. 2544 Orange ~2778 EASl'SIDE CM, 4 BR I'-, lbr +loft. poof. &pa. tea ~CO!~·.! HK ' ms. 81M-1632 eves """''· pa.uo. ~mu Ba. f'anuly lutch. sun· Ms MilcbeJ.I Unique Homes. 67~ room + patJo, cbi.Jdren a. ~OK Si.so mo l yr SECLUDED 2 BR I Ba. Family rm . pal10, ctu.ldren & pet OK $490 per mo I year SM.ALL Bach coltal(e. S2S()per mo I year AVAIL Sept. l~t.h Prine. only Age nt 645·3474 evefl. 56J·S582 WO O DBRID G E ral'ATES '625 Lui 2br. 2b&.. den. lrg L R . dUl Ullt area F'rplc. many ~ faC'l.l Call 973 2011 before 5. !»l 3333 afl. 5. a.YfocTony 2 Bo" house. W IW Cr'pl'l, drps, focd yd. l c ar garage $37 5 m o Newport Terrace Condo. 2 rm-.tt'f' bdrm. 2i,, balh frpk ~75 mo ~ 1392 or (2lJ 1790-5S38 E.xC'lus1ve Bi g C11 nyon townhse Golf cou r sc view, pool, spa. tenn1:.. 2br, 2ba, pnv garage S850lm0. Owner 6404!1.26. 833-3973 dys 642·~ Newport Crcbl Condo Thls gorgeous 2 !!lory mum. be sold NOW! Im amculllte & des per ale! ~blDll all offers! BK R. 54.S-!MSl Breathl.uking ocean sun· sets fro m completely fl.mushed 2 Bdrm 2 bath. family room home. lo preslll(IOUb El Morro Ray. Many extras in· elude: covered parking, porch. storage i;he d. 559.500 •DB.UXE HEW• Light and bright units Wit.h patios or decks, & air cond. Nr the ma in business district o( Santa Ana. TRAD!WIHDS •6twpotileoch 1169 ......... ••• • • .. .. .. • • • lalloa , ........ 0 1207 4br, 2ba. faro rm. fpl rc . cl~ to park. Children "Woodbridge Es tates F'ront ocean view 3BR 3 Ada.ms" 4 Br. 2h bat.h. bu No pets $750. Al(t new. $750 mo . C all &4S-0296 VATBMS Movemtolhis beautiful 4 bdrm, H'• bath home wl.tb a bonus room & fl.replace. Surrounded by a block wall fence on a large comer lot. Must ~ to appreciate. Only S79.900. Call today <n4)968-4Ul; 536-6.571 ~21. 88YllALTY don osen rei.ltor R 40! GLENNEYllE 497·4848 leach .... ~ 1150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CATALINA ISLAND 3br, 2·s ty, 4 Condo. 2 balcorues & palio. Walk to A valon H a rbor Sl.S0.000. Call Errue 21.3·799-1132. Jim Dickson Co. Vl1'SI C-rclal ...wumMG! "•rtv 1600 Lvly lie 4 bdrm w /pOOl I •••••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Own.w boafbt another. 4000 Sq. Ft. office bldg )lotivated I We will wtroom to build 7000 sq. =~YsJ:nooer the ~;~·M Brian, ~ Walker & lee s...t.... . •• ....................... A PIACH OM THE 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCUH DUPUXIS New 3 bedroom homes + apt. 5'on1a Conatr. ~4 or 492-1393 llACH Lowl1 ocn front bome Le Nwpt lkb, ocn view. 4 witll lllllllltftesnt View. ~13115 dn. ·oo'°o me furn Incl. lloden *·ma, 11 Uv· _ , . 1a.0122. lDl/dlnlDI rm. Uaed _ _.. _________ 1 tlridl ,.., " U1)11taln ______ , et.~· UM.om. llOlllJllT -~Ut: 14MI02 mtD• * Wllla~ownenun· ' L IBr, 618r, luuarioua ~~ v.:me JONES \ ,I .1 • ·, :~ l 'i'.dft• I>·~ • ,. •. .. .. . . ·-· RfAlTYINC. U'J~ Senior citizens. Comp!. l~'611V!rt Crest Condo 2 facili.Ues.2191 Karbor Bl. BR, lam rm+den. 2Y, C.M. Space rent $1~ 32• bolhs. Ftplc, pool a. ten Parle Place.In<' M.2-74Gl mu. No pet.a. 646-4151. nls encl. S1~. 645-83Zl ------- NO POWER SHORTAGE at the PILOT wer with a your Ad po ast Life ooubl~ p ·1ot & co ~,.. oa1IY .I 0"'851P tt-01 Any mer<;handlH tor sale pnced at SI 00 or less qualttiel for• PllOt Pow•r Ad 4 lines, any Wednesday -$2.00 Call today. w• 'II bill you or charge if to your Banlt.Amencard I VISA or MattM Charg• (Motorcycle ad• muat bt prepaid) Deadline: Anytime before 5p.m. Tuesday • All items muat be prla.d •Ad cttn run In •ny •PPfOPrf•t• c/Halllcat/On • Sorry, no cont1TH1rclal bualneH•• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OK . $550 tut1I 641).3522 or~~ TI4-S48·782'2. 213-822·211194 Avail. now. nicer than at\.6pm -----new. A C. •mmac. lu.x 3 Br 2 Ba + frplc & 1111crowave & super fe nc yrd $650 mo Alt 7. Near new. 3 BR home. cll>5e to bay a. ocean Beamed ce1l's . rrplc . JaC'uzz1 Dbl. gara11e ..xi Mo . yrly Bill Grun· dy, Rltr 67~161 Mi·ll49, dys 645-9161 3222 eoro... .. Mcr condo 2br & den. 2\AJba, dbl encl gar. auw drop nr. lab a. pool pnvl(ll l yr lse. lsl & lst + secun ty sns mo No pets Ca 11 DE. 19t.h St 3BR family ownertoittt&tC>-5211 home Vacant. $525. Call --- - ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~anders 631·2133 oc 4' oew Jbr. 2ba, 111 Wood Harbor View Ho m ei.. Phase 111 Mo nlego. 4Br+xtra rm . fplc. waler & l(ardener incl Sl~. 640-44-01 . Beach house 3br. den. frpk, comm pool, len 1l.L'l $100mo 1st & last SlOO clearung 2nd mo 5.:l>-211111 Jurrune Creek Guarded Community Brand new home. Poem & tennis 3 bdrm, 2 ba 01nmg ., Fanuly rooms Sl200 per rm. 21.3 I 596-1802 87~ bndge. near park /pool I S. a.....ee 1276 llle8a del Mar area. 3 BR. chlJdok. "°°· 55l ·344.2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cloeed pat.Jo ss.2S/mo. lsl L111Jme leedt 3241 Shore CHrr Villa Condo. a. last + c leaning. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2ll02 Cam.ino Capistrano. 1..EASE OR LEASE OP· 642~1.f'Ves545-6740 s:zoo. Oo pnv beach. Blue 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 2 car TION. 4 8d -+ loft Pool, VKllnl new 3 Br twnhse, Lagoon Vllla Pools, ten· garage. $460 mo. Call ocean/canyon view Tim n 11 . 114 · 4 9 9 · 2 5 2 0 . 49&«710.all 7Pm. Rhone Agt Ml l2IGS $lbl gar. Kida ok. Poot 2J3.7U)..Q230 · ·• · patio. "'50 mo. MS-5071 · --Seascape townhome 2br. JA.5MJNECREEX 2 Br/1oft.2 Btcondo,A/C, NiC'e 2Br28aw/canyon +den, 2bt, rprlc . Ocean view 2 br, den. view fr rrp)c. near new. atrium. patio + comm. fonntl d1D rm, 2 frplca. dlbwBbr • 2 car gar• pool, l550 mo. 83Ml800 or after pool Ir tennia. t525mo $1250 mo. MH.212 All. peUo. tc75. 873-1163 S.. 49&-271.S ----------- For Lease/Lease Opt.Ion DmM!PoW l22' FULL OCEAN VIEW :b', 2ba, 1 bUr to ocean. :ztir, den, Jumlne Creek ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wood fr Glau. A.lmoet lmmed ~aney, I YT Condo. Sec. gate, pools, Lovely ocn view re· new. 4br. lav1-h malr lease, $525/mo. Open le'm11. priv. Jtc. 11000. IMCleled 2Br. den, trpl~1 IAlite. 3 fpcu, lrl sun-Sat/&ln 1-4. 228 Calle mo Call Tuya At 28.a, decb, yd, COUMI dedm. All bltina. Wat.er. Senna.M.S-zm. m.W7or646-$088. f\.lm. Avail Oct l·Jul)' 1 + prditoer. Clilld 6: pet s.1111._ 3210 .,,._ •--·-"3':.lbl'"' --. tc7S mo. + sec. (714> Olt SJ..1.50.1.M. 499-4l2IO ... •••••••••••••••••••• rU< ~ "'....... 797···· ••ea. 33122 do coaven on. DelllH Sliver Lantern. See Small house, employed ZBr, lBa Condo. 2 ctr 1900 1q.ft. ocean view Stt~oab' adult. DO clop. ••lk to prqe, pool, 9125 mo . dldextpt.C.llt.l\Sept. · · bucb. $350 mo. iacld 4H·lllt, 151·1112. 1olordeUUs.11J.e112 Lee new ocean view, .atl.-.lM.l. Ml4ll5 ---------· deck. Dr, ZBa ....... So ot Hwy. 2 br. 2 ba, It Ima llalqa or ull 4 BR. our ocean. Nort.b W1 ' 2 ta JJtl dshwbr, frplc NO U'7·7ot7 for •"owi•• end, view, DR. P'P _ .......... ••••••• PETS ! UOO mo. ...... +audio • prqe. 9l50 lmllP.SroRREHT ~. _,;;..;;;....._______ ..... 3 ar 4 br. Prieed f'roa.1 r '* VlllJ JH4 •to-. PDcd 1U'd 6: Super 2 bdrm. 1 bt. -................. lAftb BQ; areet.W.11 c•r••••· ........ . aaraae. Yard.1.. e&rptU, Btll Ilk Twdae, w/W ~':----al llo. ,_ pleaH. Kida A peta fireplace. l"IO j.•l•. cpa, *'9. frpk. Mm. ~---.oceaa•-.... ww c.n ...... or -.ruoa:-.aooo '"1· AC,2car,....,2~aa, =--.:.~,.:.:::~ man..At&,•fee. ZBr 1.8a tr,. dUwtllr' JIDli. -mo. 1" 6 laat ...... ._ 2 I • $Si& .;,o. ist-tno: +•ate. Cell DollDll 90C.•un.-.-i \Wm i-0 t' 1'JtO ..... 111-1.B a.._.."""' J21 ••••••••••••••••••••••• a..rmlnt olcltr 2 barm. l.Gll'lllY 11• tc1.ft. J .. 2~ ---······-·· .. --------1~ be. SouUl ol 'ltWJ. .. ~. HDtl'al ~ ..... Mull~ LM ............ :=,:o. 1'1·2112 or ~ OK. 4~ iJ.f = ,J:: ....:..a.e--.. c:-:- 't. =· Btup!~lded. ~~ !~::~ ..... ~ ~ e.t. J JUl I~ ba,ls l ... _+0..llome --'"--..... ,.. coaiB ,.... ......... !> ~"11 •melti.M. DslJ.re· VACANT 2 aa~. __ ,___.,,.. ............. Yrll .... n6U. walk.. ~ • lllft td9oila. doM to ....... eollldo; I U;. I ClltllMIM JIM ~ v::r... LS. a..,•: deMt •llo. ..... _................. ...,.. .,-.-.- CLEAN z Bil, Hel. Qlllal1UN,ar ...... WDl'NDC&OONDOamL .,...., • paUo ....... d.....,. • ..,...... ar.a..o. ... --. ._/IDO. MWW. DO ..... tl'fllti!• ltaae. Htl clll IJ6. tllO mo. Adllla TllW.Wlllca.111 .... · ~~ ... 119 .... 0..-4'f·llM , ' ... . ,, .... .... IT •••••••••••••••••• .......... -. ~.wt :':i.'r:i =:'-':Jr:-....... .... ...... ..,~ .. ....... '".,. ...... ........ 1Mlll LhUSI J~oum -0.-. ~Bay t*mo I Bedroom · Daipln Newport IM.y -mo z Bedroom • Dupk:x S... C1emeate SlllO mo aaJI fut f« details ~1700 , .... ~,,,'•I .. r<lj "' • f [WIHNtN ......... ,., ..... ., ... THE MGOOD LIFE" .. ••• IW1Qt1 A,t11min 0. cecsou~~IM ~•r lr\intf\ • 118() I • ~I • ... ,._..mud! IN>f• CMUTte:MATIC*. fe~•Ftwt L..-ona IM> ' P'U 1hop) • 7 t ... nh ~•S.Ullll• ~om....s..n m1no •Goll 011w1no ~ ~~­ ...,.. Stngwl• I ' ' 8ed t0011\t • f UI n1ahed & Unfurn1\~ • Adult l mng • No Pt>tt. • Mi.>O<•I• 0 1>vn ~1ly U lo h Oakwood 0.rden Apartment.a Newport Beech/No. 680 l!\flllti 111 llltht (/ 141114!> 0!>!10 Newpoft Beech/So. 1700 Ullh St lll<..•ul ,,, 11>1111 (1141 ~2 81 10 .. ....................... ';:== tt '"" ~~~ .. ~~ F llllM~IH~ ~~~ .... ~ ~.,.~ ...... ~ , ____ ioeei!? •• :i~~-~ ~ ltJI. ........... ................ ... _,, ..... I Ir, pr~ ..., recU , ~Cah 1fter •Pll. Mliii •M ....................... OIAVbDS .... 11& IDOIRa.ere lllJ l!lr~ 41• .......... LAMMCMAAPTI a..,... l,JMbd1...- ..... AduU1 0.bwhr, '*-.llK'l&u.1ubbq ~ Ou I'd 111 Scott Pl to.aon; -.11i111 I Bclrm.., l bath 1pt Adull.t D'7& mu O•• a.die. 1 Hr. 1 blk beM.ll, '*4. IG.IOT3 t'rpta tdrJ>l'. aJlt <'Pl. 111CA11Mta ~~aAed3BrJBa townbouH Spat'IOua Lovdy •U adult, no pt·tM. t1nip1aet • poc» Qwet 1.UW Br a.,u 6200 Ed .,.. AduJta, no ~ ~tlB ._.L9 ~ ~AloU-Dll 2 Br. 1 bll •JAii avail now • + 12100 dt' po1111 No pttl 2 k Id" olt C» 11 --~ t6 WTU971 Alt. nofftl •New 2br condo nr Su 2 HR. I \o bA, pool, J•cuz11 , "" no~-~ n-• rv be¥l'h ~ t'hald OK. ....,.. •I.AMI· rvuo,1pa ~ 964-'""J m.74or759-0217 .- NNr new 2 bf,;( tu.. bllrul, d1bwuhrr , l •undry I.al, auod~k. ~ mo Adulta, no pets Days ~. evea873 14111. Zbl!nn 2bll i1tud10. "m yrd g11r. l\o 1~ 1396 mo ~.1397. 1:U 7474 ....................... Qi61& ............................. . ........ I ..... ••HM, H.a. , l'lr,.... ••,..io.u. a_.: •M& aa..._ -,.,... . ..... ""'· ·-.......... LO•Ht ,.,... 4 1 . ~ a.... ...,. • , ... PMM .... Anl .... Len. .. .......... lllMl'nl?O ,.,,.. IOR 1111*-_, J dllldt9 .m IOM VDD&'C>a ....l••• •• .,.......... ft.AZ.\ =--=.~· "' .,, .. ,, •• , ... , ..... v .. z.c .•. euam. PINANCDfO. ........ ..... ..__ FOUlfO : Golde • am Ii..';;' •/e~ld ...... ,. aft ..,.Ill tJIUll a:..,,,...~ ..... • IAfanue. ".JI ..... ~ ... ,,... ............. \'k.. o.wi IOJI l e a ct1 • AUuta . • ..,, ,._ r-.to •-et creme...-.: molq. _ _!!!!!!!! .. !!!:!•!!•!• _ CM lloee •· 1.c. Plar.a. ft. -mo. I ··11e11e............. ~ All=--~·:..~ ·-r:--=---:r_:_J_~---. -~-.. -N 1 lfu ... ..,... 8.~8Jt.rt7MJill1 SnaM.... orl ... 11M C..,.,) ,.,. w ..,;. ,. ... 1117 n.Ulrodl lAa. ao.do to .,.... ..... bl l4 ,._... ...._ Owll "*D. AU bun• ._ pocib, len· amH ltlta. H ·J0'1 . 8'&. w.wfalfe. DODChl SllOmo &Han, •H a. far coa1Wtc 6 ..._t S"11.«..,.71MM1 .... ...... -.I.Ml. Yl9w . Look U)e 101 paid. rrom Sao lw._zs;. a.> l'twy drlve Nort.b ...,,. ... an INds to McFadden 4ll0 thm Welt oo Mer~ , ...... " .. -•• .. •·-·-·••••• .. •• ~~4~:1~~ Vllla1e. ~!:.ssa:,~:. ..... , &LANDlOIDS P'ree rutel 1111101 -.rv•~•. Save time • ~y. PW lAlo ull: 56Wl ~ Walker C lee --------- 4000 ....................... Room w /kUcbt'nelU' nau d•1Ume bra for clauea. Dow oto•o ucam-Belt. 4M.am OMce...... 4400 ....................... )f'nCf: space available at 17'75 Beach Blvd. nur TaJbat ta fflllll· &qlon ·~b l50 pa maalh. Pbooe mt1Na1e aervtce SlO pw month, dc8 tr> per IDOOlh. Daily Pilot office. Phone 6G4.mext.m 172 wttk Ir up. l230 UP Offlre-1lore, 5t8·97M cpl&, d:re. A /C nao l Room *V•H In Chrt•ll•n Beach, _._B_LM-___ 842-_ 2834_ homt". Sl7S e.c.M•e Wfes __ M_l·_Ul23 __ e_v_H ___ 1 Neow eddiOon to ault~ tllO ~ Nr Pat Ole 50Z eq ft •ton or ofe . ZllO Avon CC) . m;.m.1a01 S,1 '111 1111 lfl •. Sellin ••uu . 2-fTDt .... ~2171 141-N II 11Alt--:-Y-.,-16-tw-11&-8pr-. ,. .a.au ~I 1D' Intel' Spmiet, vk. lleaa -.-.n rv I Verde . 5'0-Hto o r Amlrieaa Mort. N7 ·71.51 -..J ---------- ....................... <Maandlnc lavatmeot. Pbund: am &Ida fem mix, !r7.lOO 2nd T.O. for aale. doc. Broad moor area, .... a.co....., .. ntecf....., to Y6eld 14'1> S. C'1eawnte. -.U .._....,, pr yr. Well MC\ll'ed by • ...... OITllACH S7U,OOO •Pl bid• Pbund: Sm ll•Y -. Yk lOOO n. 1000 rt office •/IDO.OOO c-.b equity. El Ranebo Mkt, Hunt. lpeCle. quiet bu todua. All due u. 4 yrs. ppp + Incl.on Harbor. U0.11210 . are. No aatoawJtlve or l 7 fiber1laa1n1. 60·UZJ llCCe • pep ,., 00 pr F 0 UN D : Ge rm . d)'I mo. Ask fer Ron or Guy. 9xJrtbair ~. l'em. _________ , -..s112 1n beat. elk. nu co1tar. 1000 Sq. Pt office • wknNCm, Hat..-r ~ .. ~ ~J3~ Cllll Ptatat m's FolnS °'9ert Turtle. has ~ ll%SJ lclh Yield leestl " red pemt. Vic. HIGH EQUJTIES Newport Beach. '7Wle Warebouae apace for LOW R1SK lea.e UGO to 1700 aq. ft ll!500. avf'ra1e pnce av all Leue me 21• 2fN I Pnie C.C & CollectlOOll ~ph.C M 979 2290 any quantity a vailablt' .... W 9xlrt terms to 411 mos ....., 4600 Todat.e, 100% cl aJI Truat •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• De-~d:t &Old h .. ve ,,_.. ft.e•Pon•tblf', wo rk1n1 turned tomveat« h.us fuJI l'l'rtt e r lt't'k 11 ooe principal" interest ~droom c·utt;ig~ 1n eatrned Cron.a del Mar <K Coat.a Weekly ma 11.Jng FOUDd a pet rabbit 10 WMtmuaater area. Call to identify aft. Sat . IMZ-7854. ------ fl'land l« M. Airedale m.s, vac Garden Grov~ ea 6 Monroe. s:w.11.:. 888-3044 ....................... ---------· ------ Dclu.xe pool.s1dt' xtra lge 2br, 2tlu Ultru, d11hwhr Nr. beuch AdJt.IJ, no pelb. PX> mo 536-8362. Rm. pvt bath, mature Ji\1.ll le"Vltt exec swl.t'll --iA ln Newport Center. 14 ~u...,.. lady, lite pnv, ref. new offices Ill plush aur Mesa Qusetnas &M.'Q list a va1I Ual Wnt.e Cl&Mt!led Ad Call dJ~ or l'Ollect Found· Blk Pekepoo, VIC Gnind/ Warner, HB. Aft 6P)f. 8tU772 3706 ....................... WIHAYE ftAIL Y & WIMTB llNTALS W\n&.er Rent.al. 2 BR 1 Ba. near beach. t525. 615-MlB OUl'SrANDING OCEAN· FRONT3BR.2 ba. Wnlr. oul&y ll5C> mo. Newport 8eadi R.ealt}' 17$-1642 .... , ...... J707 ....................... , ................. associated ng1)111 rfl·~ "F" ,.,~,,·~ 'I " "" ft I • I f". ' bl; I S leep 1n c rooms 6 Mnter, 2 bdrm. Garage. Jotcbenettea. 175 per Bwlt·lo.a. d t.hwHbe r wem & up. Ocean f'root. Stella to sand. 5208 Nl'p-m.cn40 tune. $425 & $450. OCEANFRONT delus. ~. oo pet.I, winter t Bil s:ns. 3 BR ~ mo m.-.o. PeDJD1ula Point y r ly, very lge I BR. ulll inc. ~5 Adib, no pets 67$-lJ:i,8, 15« Mtramar Dr Npt Js l. I bdrm furn M1o1turc adult.-., 1>un deck. S225w~ 67~fi749 2 bdnn. furn. yearly $335. CuU uJ\er5 87S.93!M Wiate r Ilse $600 m o. 5e-11127S --------- l&r2 Br apt.s_ Wint.er ~ )'Nl'fy Garage park.J.ng. Stepi to beach. 673.-39:58 ~ 5'4..f8919. ----- Ol-eanfront. 2 BR, xlnt cond. Adulli.. n o pets Gar Wotr $Ci() 673·7709 SHORTTERM Rt:nlab Weekly, winter & Year1y. ARl 675 8170 OHTHllEACH Hach, k1tcb, bath. ut1l pd Hot.el Aptii $210 yrly & up l8t & lwit 2306 w (ll·panfront 673-41.M 2 Br, l ba. &tel gar. bltru.. No kids or pets call 548-~btwn ~pm. 2 Br. t..., ba townhouse apt, dsbwhr, end p11t10, earaie SJ2S. Adult.II, n<1 pd.11~7 ~ 2Br Jba Sml p1llo. carport, laundry ~s Avail 9 /1. Pb MS-6825 ~de 2 bdrm SlSO mo pool, adults. no pets MMJll.19 Lge lbr. <.:&D Nr Fairview & Baker No cblJdren (pets 545 1882 MESA'1NIS 0.chelor R'f 5. I Br SJ2S Pool, eai. BBQ, dosed gar. adult.-.. no pet.a 2J650 Harl a Ave. S4!J.. 3'-47 $325. La~e-2 br, I ba. garal(e & luundry flldl 2009 Maple St, 1.1pl K, sc&.6W '11{E VICTOHIAN' 2 Rr, I 'i't ba , w 11uir Adlti, nl-w crpt.'1, dl"JJ!I, bttns, fncd yd. Walt•r pd 667 V1rt o ri .i sno 846--4 rai 636-4120 !IM/~/l3, bay beach . 3 STEPS TO RF.AC ll Housetype1>2br,lbiot,&2 Hr. 67~1.Se6 ft&l'all:e. adulb. no pet.s, ba r:rio & SB> Garage, C.-411..._. 3722 ~~,#~· 3 Dr. p11t10. w ashrr /dryer ·-••••••••••••••••••• _ f0001. 1 chlld ok, oo pe-1.s Ol'eanlroot l br, patio. 2 BR, lgc livinl{ room & Avail 9JS 6 to n 20U rrpl(, f(ar Wanter ~ patio Steps to beul·h ~!!er !'lace. 640-2363 2 Br dupleic. lllds OK, no does. yard-!, gara~es. lg rms, freebly p»lnted in. 111de/out, nr park. avail. •mmed 645-"79, 963-7600 • + cleaning & secur 2 bdrm 2\l't bM fireplace Almost new $435 mo ~ dep 17~ CHm eron St 8477~ !i.iper-beach location 2 br WilW\ !lundttk. :,love & n!fng Couples, l>IOJtlei, wt>lromt• SrTlll 11 pet ok $375 mu 536 2 156 ~ Near~ 2 Br 2 ka. gar. frplc I~ ~ar vrd , 7871 Lil>t>rt y ~s 842 2 1~7 963 25111. 962-~ VerJ pvt If( 2 tJr 2 Ha. W ti> hookup, dt·ck. gar IJlk to heach, 21H 19th St . 5400 8 4 2 2 I ti 7 . ''6 3 2 5 I H , 962 9005 ~Oft HarbOur 3142 ....••................. Jbr. 21;., L11 C1J111.lo .tlla<·h grir Lndr) far! Lr1: rmtr bdrm Pool. i1pu ~ 846-3631 aft 4pm lbr, <'Clfldo. w talnum Wet bu, fprlc. I car gar 714-8118-44JA, 114.&98--3686 SlliO + U.g Bdl4IH·7346 r oundlnga w /uodt'r ttD, Dally Pilot, P O ¥.&. AR•ce Co. ~ l~. Coata Mt'~11 714 W19&84 2U ~ l'\Jm. room w /Ra, pvt .-n IJTQUnd u111io4!'d park t r 11 n <'., . e m p Io y l' d 10,.: fo"rom $2915 mo Allk Fem/Student preferred about our move 10 al CM uea. 1195 mo . uUJ 111 Iowan« cl 631-5379. Newport Reiten<' y Corp f\.am room, g1truge. 1>00l . lulW$, view, non·smllr. ms DX> 642 164.5 G.td ..... 4150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nune can n iro> for am bulawry per.on "' my home. NB 642 4.503 Yoc:aHci.a..fd1 4250 .......•.....••........ Houw for rmt. 811( Bear Caty '111'8 6 , linens furn S25 mtcly pr cpl C.ill itftl."r 3 p. m 548 19119 TAHITI 1714 )644 7189 I or 2 Rm Swtei. fmm S75 T79 W l.9lh St Di II To m S«>-2200 Rela.il;Offt~ apart'. 700 5Q rt w.-,tchff .trt' .. I 676-41411. c lill col I l'<1 'imitll olfi Ct! P t"rf t"ct for W'bwnlng st'n>t('f·. l'lc Only f15 per mo I IO'l Wait 17th St. Sonu. An:. Jo•or rDlll'"~ info rnll J tw Cun ii I e 5 4 7 4 I IJ I or Ral.ata Ml ~ 7707 0eu,... b\4:1~t "' hou.~ cpl look mi r or unI urn 2 J bdrm w end yd for 2 mitt.utt dottia I I a"" good r••f '" for all of u .. 'TSJ 9100, l2-4 ~ Stevt' orJeAn • W>: N t:t-:0 A lBr boullt' k.IWt'r ;•pt •Jt {'.,ndo 1~ thl' llu11t1n•:ton lkh . M..ulni. Sc·hl ili.'>lnc1 137:, t11 '400 Pl .. a:.t' 1 all IMf>..&79 iot!t 61' M Respon miitur,. mitl•· <l4 't'l'k-. furn 1 m w l11t p-v~:. in <.M 'di .. n·a Ht-nt 111·i.e c .. 11 J1•H mmad, ... ~131>/6~.16111 Small apt 10 f onJOa d,.I MW' nt'l.'<l•·d tiv nur11nR "'ud•·nl 1-;mplov1-<I 1111 .. 11 ly lint r•·ft·renr·1 ~ ~~.1~~. Modt...'ITI I or 2 br collag1• on 11.:ach on Tah1t1 with rar, row boat, wash ma chine.-. c·omplt'le kitchen. rte For mon· mfo <'all !179 2m'J <•vci. & Wt!dtends '>lnlll HJ~ Aw11y Off1<·1· Only l501~r month v,, cant 3'5 No Hroi.dw1o1y Santa Ana H1i.l<1r11·.il fildi.: !-'or mon· 1nf•1 1 .. 11 Sam Warn-n ~ 61f1k or 1Ct'r1uta 556-77f17 I CJ~un. QUl•'l h;,irdwot ._lnJC h •m MUdt'Ol 1l1·~•r1•' l'Al.M S I' Rf NI ;s v a1•a lion condo oo M 1s tfln J111l11 Countr y l'lub c;rcens. pool. tennti. Nf'ar Ranc ho MiragP restaura nt 'trip Call 96S-sa>. 963-lU all 6 f'te.llf(JOU!l new Km Apl 11~H h 111 < ~ EXECUTIVE sums '" 17th Oran2t· 'iJnt .. i\1l4I l'IJ t11 Sl60 ln fl Ultl Xlnt rr f, •4b ~1 4H . ~7:.M ........................ 0 I • • $28,000 purr hase ITW.ftey. 3 yr 2:nd T V tJ•:; 1oterei.t pd mon lhJy On n-homl' near ·~ In North l...igun:i. nt•.ar Victor llUJ(O ... f\a II TitJe In.'\ L<irKe PqWlY II~ lnVt'ltor Offir t' 499 1625 tf n•1 "n''*t'r leltvt' ~•w•· Prompt rt'lu rn 1J•r101·1pal~ <-.iy1 ........................ SISO •·····•·········•••···· ? High l<'hool 'ltudrnt11 need ndf' frr>m Liucuns1 l-0 ~Ana 1 Bmwl & t-:d tnjC{'rJ d<uly hM""•"f'll 7 & 7 :r; Will pu) M ~ aslt r ur \4ar< 5300 ....................... FOUND ADS ARE FREE ·can: "4~5'71 ~. 10 yr old male ln5b Sett.er. b mps from bad h i p . 9 /5, vie Downlown HR S35-7874. lDrt F bi•ck cat w twhJte bib Vic l':astbluff. N. 8. Sm. Mature. 644--6(MI FOUND . Cl111 m or adopt at I rvtne Aru ma I Care Centtt This us a ni<'e place . but •e need ~of our own & other anima ls need ou r "rooms''. We have a <i o I If e n Retrie ve r . <~n Shepherd, blood C111·ker, na <'e mased tr..«1..<1. <'Ul.f' Cocbpooti. & mon· And how about a jt(l(.d Mou.,er' Our <'al' & k1tl('n.' will do the )Ob S1"'n us. Loving Hut lnK>I y 7 ~ 37 :l4 f"'OUNIJ Shih Tzu yn~ ft>m t: Harbour are11 I 1dn1t1fy eall "'40 37JO t-'11u11rl Lr.i It brown Mt/Ol••r ik>te w tncw pup lllt"ll V1r llunlinRton f 'f'nlf•r drt•a lfo ml' >1411 91~. w ""' 1142. 7193 K..rm SCIWHETS AMSWEIS Tumuk -S&oop W Ut'fl Sc'ri be &....,.... .._._ 3148 ..••.........•......... Vrly ~ 873 7787 ~5684. 673-~ l..arge 2 bdrm from $28.S •Ne wport OC't'jUlfron1 Wit Mo Xlnt IOI' nr pier & t.mrus ds 673 7677 ' avu1lublt• neitr <>< Airport t\ttrar11vl' ratM. mclude rM't'pt1on11>t, law library. COOft'fMICP rm .... M!rretanul 111·r v1 rr , & Xerox fac1l1ty f''or a ptnOOaJ lour & furtht'r drtaila 1oq111re at Vortal' Ai."H, 955 :!211" <1f ~:o>O "' ..a Clppcrtwitr soos ....................... , _________ _ TWUMINlrn ; Howlfa4• a.odl l7 40 Ol-eanfront beau11ru1 d lx ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jbr. 2ba, (rplc. 8lO mo 2 Hr funw.hoo. chJt.e to lrnt~ or lon1ter Rd:, tie..ctL C'TS-1..849 I lldrm furn Ut1I pd 7 U.,-0 S.odt )7 48 door"\ bch No 1·b1ldn•n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • pets SJSO 67 5 6039 LAGUNA tJEAClf MTR INN Maid serv . rolor 1V, heated pool Utal. 1714)494·5294 9115 No. <:oat Hwy OC l'~ANl'"H ONT 11 1(1 Wmt.er rental 2 Br Apt Wtdf'Ck & Vtew $425. Raclwlor <ipt S32S Gar & uUI ind ()pt:n Sat /So n IOAM lo I PM 313 ~ Hay Avt• 67~ IH20 1'0Ve, B;u·h. I & 2Ur 8flt.ll, lleaul 4 Hit, 2 lfrs lo Wlntl'f'Only '11H 41191 bf'ach S850 /w1nte r lt.•uut dec·oratt-.1, rruud ~31 2600 I' a lt Y. or Avail Oct Qwet build ang with b eautifu l landtlcaping Ideal for adull11 over 35 No pel'i Ul':WARO AP'Th .. 2020 F\allert1m /\vc f l l1lk En.st N <."WJ)Ort A vt• & I blk Sout h o f Ha y I 631-0397 QUIETUYIHG Mol!t Utll Free New t'pt, drµ,, encl 1(11raRe. pel10. great k 1tchen w /bltni. AdultJoJ. no petJI. Obi sink mbath 2 BR $375/1 BR 132!> 2323 Elden Ave, C M. 642-7605 ---'lerVlc:t'. po<il, ulll, S95 675-~U9 _____ _ wk 499-2227 New cust dplx, l(d l':1S1de-Lge 2 Bdrm. 2 drt1 lo ltx 2 BR, big yard, pvt beach Want.r>r $4.50, yrly PllS + sec. 54().0030 btwn li60. 67~49 or 831-2600 S&?PM Patty ----- OCIAtAOMT fVW.w l«e balcony, gTttnery, bel.ut beach. 2 BR 2 ba. secunty bldg S265. I BR. encl gar. 136 to: Waterfront lfomn faf hwllh &y llll 6 lut -+ llOO No 63J 1400 u.tw.iahed ~ 54.!:_5331 ••••••••••••••••••••••• br. 2ba N o P f't11 No .... .,... leodt 376' G-ed 3102 children. Upper Avail ........................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• t-1.S-~5 Ckeanlront v1<.-w :.!&J br. beaut furn Garages, fl'l>lal. balroniei;, wanter S110 Up s.G-4784 __ _ 2 bdrm. l.arle patio, clean I home to beach. Wint.er M25. Lou1Jle l7USll2 Q.lltom decorated a Br 2 Ba + 4 Br 2 Ba . Wllbr /cir)' r. cokJr TV. Int doors to budl. 873-4588 CHILDREN 6 Y ea.111 • u.ockr AIWWttco .. At ...... ,c.--. l"roai $.150 •Beaut.lfuJ ~apina eC.'hildren'a play area •Xlnt rec facWUes •Lot.I ol at«age •R•ce -sp.cj0&.-263 BR I Bdrm w /Pr8Rt' Adult'!, no pd.II. Eves S38.-4333, day&N2-a3 WIStlAY II.De. ZJU Elden. Ea11..tlde mce 2br , 2ba $395. G11 & water pd. Pool. encl. garages. No peta. Mrg ~ "2CarlJC)ru perapt 2 Br, t be $.150. 1 Br S290 570 K Imperial Hwy Unlurn. Adulu. Newly JIUUerton decorated. Oshwbr, A /C. 2 bdnn :.pt <>rean view. :1pac1 o u i. N '' p" t ' 4117 3495, 2607 SIJJJnll Way l)('f'.A'I FHONT 'l tuclto. I hr. 2hr. $J!',<> $4'15 ~!15 1n<·lud1n~ utll1t1 c:. s.:£-0321 f4te dpx lux ;,ipt 28H 2ba. No met. blk to beach Ol-ean v1cw ~75 yrly adullJI. no s>"A 494-iOGO eva :lbr. 2ba, frplc. Oc1:an Vu <tl"Cka. abovt' La>i Bc·h Jl.S 1575 4 94 6942 . ~-O:W9 ru:AUTll''UI. OCt:AN Vlf:W JIOMt: 3br. 2ba, 9J.OO 831-61"5 eve5 Slud10S350 Ind utal Pvt Dch ~ ... "'°' t leadl 1169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,AM NEWPORT Bac h elor 1. l cH :.! Bedrooms & Townhl'>Ubt"!I Prom 1379 50 Spf>rtal'ular spa. total r ecr ealao n program, llOClal pr'Olram 7 poo11, 8 lmrul t.'OUrtB At f"llllh1on Wand. Jamboree & S.n Jooquan Hilla Road C714t 644-1900 .,.. blk to twat h, 3br 21>11 uptlalrl. bltn11. 11undk, pr, IN 15i!50 lZ7 «th St. MM140. WIHl'E.R RENTALS 3tJr, Zba, home W /MW crpt. '5'15mo. 87CH!J11 G a s & w a l e r p d Balcony, carport, pool .. WINTER RENTAL. ~.ra .... ltlmd 1106 J*ty room. AvaJI. now W beach. 3br, 2ba dpfx 2br. lbe •llt. teOOmo. ..... to~ 4300 COST A MESA U.--Uc.uaw. f"CJund VI(' GoJdt'f'I W CS t " Hell fl Ji bld<'k malr <; 1• rm 11 n S h .. p ht' r 11 M7-6:1M ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'rofeas off1r.-~pllrt' <>r&l\Kt! On-Sale S39.500 UVllll In (~hf ht K:.nll l 'oll fo'reot' <8001252 2JOO(I Movinl(~ Avoid deposit.a & r ut laving ••xpen11.•1 ' rro fesi.1on11 lly •on("l' l!fll Uk11: . l!IO JOO 'II rt Lo~ fo.<1t <'•ll'Tinl" & Partv CtJ pnrt• 1nrl J•n•lorti.I c.rdmallnl: IH!l> 1-ull) he li.-l "' f-'•11.1nc1 ·• Pl'I • 1·,.11 HOUSEMATIS 832 4134 ~'<.'unty i.en w~ con lo.1 t•·ht'o ( •1 m1tlt•tt!lv '\n1 m.1I \ ,,_,,.,,. c (~·rm & Uttl Ahun *''-IUIPf>e'd f'nml' ,lrf'd 1.-•Jl(UC' ,.:n .27',J nu fc;• tlwit purlun.: a\ atl Co11 Call Soti-!>710 vrn11•nt lot 1 10~1· I 11 t.<J-,T C.n--.'11\.11llt•y art•:a Expand your lafe11tylt' lllrpurt, t.ravf'I •Re>nt & 1----------~· V CioidM'I HJ-tr vupp v with a comp1tt1ble room bunk 1n bldg 230 t: 17th HEAlTH FOOD 4~rm .. 't·m "'"'w"r" 10 mate. We du~cover that Sl • C M 642 9(16() s-ctwidt ~ M "II n w 10: w A tt I> pmion. Call -------911K-91rul TWO PEAS JN A PAD COllONA DB. MAI Thp oc-ea.nfront loc1o1 on 85J.<lll5or759·L209 Del\.lllt' olf1ct" $150 Per and eX<'i.'llent bu5tnt>S~ LOST Oul( namf'd ------M o R t u I o n om 1c11 Priced nght f''or An (..ltarhe, me-ct u. taffy Mot.hero( 2 chtJdren wall frls-6700 fom-.l.lonl'ttlJ color. lont h utr over llhr apt. Nr. bch 10 11.8 '41. FUCHS ltLTR.. eyt'I! Rt'wud offere d Pnv downatalr11 rm & 00 Sq n view. under 67rr. •120 562-ll'Z74 bath $200. inc l ulll l(1'0UDd prk~. elevator. - 9ID-<C753 Colist Hwy v111lblllty Air '~~~~~~~~~ f'OUND M»lt• Goldt"n Pnv rm & pnv bath Free in ellchaoge for llt.e ~,.·em On cond La1una Beat'h Needlepoint Shop for Retriever. 11vall fo r C714JM9 I 186 . wknd11 Sale. LadJea. why Dot adoption. SIO Irvine ~~ t.wm your Hobby into a S Animal Car e ('e-nler ly Call Ray 493 2338 evea IXIC. sums & wknd3 onl Y Happuiesa la ha v111i your BulineK.'lman 4S wenL'> l; pla ce o r bu11neaJ Ill lhr beaut 2 Rr howe an Bak"r C"ntt"r Rtl('t'Pt Uruv Prk ml mo. rol oonJ room. phonl' rnv le&f' atudPnt OK. nn t'rl Jt". I OO llt'r o ll cop1m1mo , colfee. meld smkr. Refl r e quired an rent Secretarial 752-:1611 .IO"Vll'ft avail l'or mor,. n._, I CM 1nlo. pla c¥11 ~v •l .,.....f'X, •vaJ . now. -.... 1. aru Call att 4 JOPN, _._,r .... _!Q ______ _ ~ M t fo', mu 11 t h1o1 v11 liOO-+ mo 1nrome ltf'nl SUS +Si() dep + utJI 831-5DI MaJe uodcr 30 l.o ~hare lux NB apt SUO mo. f\arn., rec facil. 11li9--0U4 ev11 N.8 . nr Hoa1 3br 21-;ba, ncHrnoke, fp, pool SZ2S. m.Zl81 : 631..0W ....... Loc.tto. MacArtllw at ........ $1 .10 pr lq ft 1.ua sq n. li n~ MJ rt slAt... aew, frtt-park me. AvaiJ. for le1111e up to 3 yn at II.JO pr aq rt Prindpela onJy Aak for ll.IJ.'15U(Y70 ~ buan.neu Shop 111 ~J4 ~II a1tuated 1n bu11y FOUND Fem Tabby c11t, H.B lhoppln1t ctr Acnt blk. bm. " wht. a reen _! E_All_en_l S24 ~ ey"' Approll 11 121. vac Small R~AURANT ~· 6 Adam11. HB LEASI': PURCllASF. 962 UIS3 {)p(Jt111 M:.! l!K>2 fo'OUND Chum or •doi>t Onugnnwnt isboc> tlomr funuahmgs & boultqut' Beautifully de<'oritted feollale I. U t'f'll<:nt I()(' 8 lion. Great Polent111I A1kl n1 16500. D ys 642-42112. eves 568-4307 or ~ ......... ...... 5010 •···••················· Vacant wood s hop ttv1t1I 4000 sq fl Pri m1• IO<' Somr machinery avAul 642 t9'J I , 9118-5922 evt."11 i\nlrmh at NB Animal ~I.er lOcluding 2 very rul't' fem dog~ Young blk Corker Spantt"I & a brn 1blk r.l•rm1n Shepherd puppy Olhen. ..... ~. fUl1ND· GU1a bike V1r Wh&&lbo11 Blvd 673 2380 llbr, -..,.. .. l bouae IO~. l550mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• C...Gran.d.a, 979-1911, Bit· Int. frplc. .caraati. IAYlllOMT 2 bdnn. ta,.. be utifuJI 87WSZ3.213-88l·l7~ Fema--lc l~na for aame 3 8dnm 2 bat.ha Jllnt • • Y Wllury t br. on the Bluff. to lharr 2 bdrm ~. ~llACH ...._,tol.091 5025 New &arden olflc•. 11 05 ••••••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • Fw Ad Action Calla Daily Plllt AD-VISOI 642·5671 cA°'!..~._.fartlaUy 'run. ~o~e':.ia~.~.u~~~ wunty, full rt!(', ~. "'mile beach.. sm mo v........., DOW. llOO/mo &CoMt flboppla1.. 714:~111·LMl Ill & laat Mic h e le: wtnt.. Owner . ..._9513 hya. * mo. No pe\f. ---11().3217 ...... --... • .n....--. •• _ Ca1J56'7.at. OcHnfront lar1e Jbr. ----- ..,. _,.._ Vt.i -winter r ent•I. l'SO. Rmmt n~edf'd lmmed from Grand Canal. teOO. 1br ..,._ Add no pet tcz.1121. f7M5l8 Shr 2br bae Pool t Jae, Newly remodeled Jbr :,1..,,A.be&oae. t7UO'IJ, tDdr, fael •·au w· Ur duple•. ;.r beach. C.M.Mer5.30,14S-l480. ap.a. 1'11 Sl75, wlnt« . WU.C..111.2177. yeuty MOO/IDO Roommlte W..uct, M /F, P50. Incl furn, dw, a..at1.ruhBR,%ba. Yrl7 •• ....._-. Nodop • m...S 22 plu1 non-smoker ~·N H OU S ! t:.J:~.::u:•Pt. DllOll.Ml\'KWia .. J\&nu 2tlr Dpla, ·~lo \Wmt +utJ ~7tll. & up al 11lri>0rt w fll lnt frl!ew1y •ccHS G round f1nor avail to 4000 aq rt MMl!Ol, Clnny - -~--for Lell!K. 0 c. AJrport a.tt•. 3000 1q tt P'onn~ dllMe ltudlo. S.. l4IO DIC. OflPICH SwtMCJLOANS and 2lnd Tnmt DHd LouM on ,.ldenllal property a.tomlzed to meet your~• R.E DEPT SAMTIA.90 IA.Ml( 714 ,a:a..5200 ... IXtball ha.\ dff erted our enllrP hfenyle Our ~ """'"t nen go to bed at rul{ht unle..'I we 1(1ve him 11 TWO MINUTt-: warn llU( fo'(JlJ!'\1 11 f''t'm <ioldro ltt-tn,.vl'r puppy, v1r ~atN & fir11h11rn llU ~ n>UNO, fo't"m blk Poo dlt' W Ired collar Vw Mal(oolia " lli.malton 96.l-2fi.'ll, &12 .37J3 ----.. ~OUN D 5mos Germ Shc:p pup M. Choker r hair. Kat.ell• & D11lc ~. 89t·101S ult for ~.orR011e ,. ...... 5350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •LORI'S• Wt.:'RElfl OPEN 24 hn DAILY &C-3>1.3 llJS..-0 I 04 WANTED Female to share Optrulea ol 2 Weft stay an Tah.tta, Dec 22 lo Jan ~t h Call Barry 979-1017 Energuin« MASSAGE &bJamea·Uc M UHUI' Oulall 9-U, 4N·51ll • MICtm.11-S •o.tcdl• llAM·2AM •113$.J74!f •FOXY LADY• Ol!l'CALL ONLY •97~1131• O.C. AIRPORT SICrY Ir l!SCOIT •SBVICI• Specialhln1 In bu1I· ne11m e o , realden ta wdcome 739-5241 24HIS. LA.NA'S <Xn'CALL lOAll·2AM 77S-OtN &ATASUN • ......,. be.9cb. Wln&«r Rent.al. hm. rmmte to lhr In. .... Oc 'root.NB ..... , 2 ... •n _..__._. 1126 -•• tUt 19:41U _...... a.as P\IU , CIMllaaoofNI JJilr'). .. ...... ·--·-····· ..... =-·········· .::.::.· ... ~ ----··s..m1 . .L:.':'. Very conventsnl u.• ...ive ctncea 5000 aq. ft. ~•T accea1 ln U. loduat.r1al iNEED iMONEY Mltt1 I a. T,_, Mwt1 I a. Tnllf ~ IOJI ·Daitfi IOJI ma. 1•11111G..J .-...'° 1..._ ... ,..mo.lod d ._.. '~·-·-· Mltforl lnunM BNMroM nr. wSater ~= ' nbt1. .W. A.all Oct 1. Call f:'{ A: ii;'· mo. A•all. "-emate ~. W•t ......_ a..U .....,. .. , llartba at .. J.lltl « ........ ,.... 38 2ba poo1 oear ••• te1111a . lbdr.6Badlav.iJ.• E. et.-z. ._...."' I Ir, pool, •-1 ~.;;· 11lo+ ~· uUI'. --......... ....._ = lllleol> .WW of CIOllal + ~no peta, aHO. ,_ .. _.,. _____ _ WDll'IDW8r...... ..... .•. ~J'fl, Wlnlclnr.ll1bleFem'I D ,........_, ....... ;..,. 1 ... 1 b11r io ..ao..r:,~ ,ao S.CI••• 1176 ,.. + town a bdrm &.ctai!C =. !J*, ~W· ':¥:::,'r ,.... . · _................... '" '" s.a1 ao11, 1e1 ... ,.,,,,,;,._ • • .,.. • •• a ... _.. la &oda, -upto-1e.C.U ....... -... --•· --......... ~....... NtO"'--'° -: lettdt• CZ yn) ,.._Mii .... IAYVIDU••. Y-.r· l Wili . .., •. w.ua t.o -----· _ .......... w.;...1pm..._ ___ _ "' .... -a Wni. 1 .,, -+ uw. ,,,... • a...uca; ~ or ..,..., t == .. : = t •• IMlllll• wm ........ " ................. -..... Qui............ 0 1J ,,. •• ...,...,. ..... wttlll -.o,.i.-.a. ........ W M ..... ..... ••-C-•tie. •a ....................... ·----~----- • '"11111'"'""-••••• !: 'I!? ...... llltea PtH, CO_!ldO, ....... WHlff to Cen te r J uat o ft MacAr1Jlur • R.edlllll. In· dlvictual otncea + reicep lion, l•e conferftlcfl & p1.,. room. Avail. now. tror lnform1Uoo call cm,,.... ..-ol'TAUA ..... y. offlcet, ••Ill Hpoaur• on Brl1tnl • IJllUl.oftal 1enlce • ..,.. 1*'1Dn1. m 1q ft up fo .... ft. WMVlO • caerr"o NOILIM JIMIAWTD.._. 147 .... J ArTllll.t b7 I, ..... ._. .. _c ..... _._, _.,_, _"'--__ , '"' ",.., .... ••••••••• CMll AVAD.AJll.8 1 •tz:•• ~--• -=•ooomtn '-~ .. :.-= Mr. .. ...... ....................... . ..................... . I FRIE SEMINAi OM POllCLOSUll IMYISTMIMTS ... JI"-• n.t .... IAM-....,.J~ .... !'• ................... ~ .. IK.OW MABIT .,,,_., 1T,..DeM , ............... 17141 l·IJ6.14M .....,~u11111•1r1t1 • 'Eat-· ...... n, .o,,;;, _, .... _ •••T •• ••N TAL -·--· , •· ~ .•na,11111-•tM.i--.ft..~1 ..-. •• .., vt.,., a.a. ..... .._...~ ... ~ -.............. 4 .. ~~ ..,..:_ -.r, -.............. ,.,. ,.. ...._....___ • •Dt, --. .... ,, C1U -o .,,. ,,.. ••ter. OwHr. • • •:rns1 1111 ··-....... \'\d:tft'l.lllr ,. .......... ..,.. lltllN. .... ...... CJl.New ~-'\ti.A ........ • I I .. ..... Hav. "' CARPST8, ··---............... ~ -WlNDOW'S DIVOltCE Pt a....d by DYldl Maia· ~· fll&ra•hed. ~tn-UM c&lnitt:I ~ ~ deani"\I, steam Ii ,._ 1 bru.ab. Prc;teulooal. -rl ·• v.,nnbl. 1s1~1 lllllal Lo 111"1 .......... "''· HJU. .... a..acrtuaAH Beet rat••· beat workmanablp. Small ... pnlen"Cld. ffl~ ....................... ---------- DiStefuo • Acrooovtb W...N·l prut, carpet • Kl&B ewtGCn wood feuc-OlaluurUoa. l"rM f'St. ~ deanlna special. ii& plet •fence re'palr Uc U'J!OIM ..... Beat pries. 79)..., MIMIX!Oor7»-Ul8S ta ...... k.. 11 ad1 'u ........•.........•...• .. •..•...........•.•... ~ ~ 6 lu~· WaM a 8.£ALLY CLEAN daiL fhlmliln1 carpeo-BOUSZT Call Gtnlham tly' root1 • 1'f~':. tit • Girl ,..._ elt. 865-5123 ..._,._. Robln'• H.ouedeanlna I . ... Srvc, for a \borouab17 • " _ ... __ .._ __ . ~ -.. 1 ....................... ~~ ~ HANDYMAN No Job too 1ma II Ja.aa... Houseeleanln«. profeaa. Neat. complete, nnbl. Qualilled penoonel to serve yau. lnsrd. 5o52-0105 Qupentry, leocin& •roof. In&-No job too 1ml. Papa Exp. German Jirl wUI aflr. ISl-GM clean your bome. Im- ..... mac. F1a1 rat.es. Juanita. ....................... _B-__ 1233 ______ _ OCX: Student. 1 Too lrUCk. Call Snow-Housecleaning. Ttub, lree trim. Dan l'Wabomethatspark.Jes aemc. llkesoow. 979-0076. DAILY PtLOT T•A1h .... ....................... Nelli,..._. talurt9 CLA&ENCE'S TV. n yn .-HT. "J.14lt H per. Da11. evo . ..tmdt ........ 81'1·1* " I 'r I __________ , ....................... ~ s..- Prd. pel.ntina Ext fl lot. D.R. St. Clair'• Plumb-...................... . 131"11lS. B81. Free •l. lal,rellab&e, Sl4prbr Let Dl1 lt-Trtm It 6a-fl'IO,D-dra ._....., Pru.la• lt·R•move Jt- Pla n t Jt -Dls It Palatloi. INT /EXT. Plu.mbln& ~·Spec. la l..lodilcape.Mll-7070 Neel. bomst. reu .. 12 remodefin1 copper re· i---------~an wod1ca~r. yn. exp. Llc'd. Dave ptpe, lea.It 'detection a Tree, abrub pnmln1 fl re-~wwk. Fair price. •1'M6. Hwer locatin1. Fial moval, 1d cleap-ups. I , C 34• I ....................... ..__ -1..1-1-• -•-. Top "-t Plumb· haulio1 ~2l'5, 846-1413 ______ ,_...,_._.,_T_._ Dave 's Pain tin C. t;;°'53'1-31M DAI Jlm tf•awy Rea/Comm!. Servin& -··-••••••••••••••••• eoulal comm. I yrs. l.odepeodent drain dean-Gtet'• 'rr.e Service Ally Bricllwofk. Small Jobe Newpan. Costa lle1a • Irvine. ~75 evee. Brick. atone, bloc& work, tile floor•. concrete patlot, walka. drh'e- ways Free eat John ~l!'ilD ...... ... ................... . Ri&hest quality work. 101 SS.50 up. Results else job-removals • = llc'd . Dave. guar. 7 dya. Mll-IB, aA cleaoupe.~-2129 ----------------~~·831 __ -00M ____________ TlllartlM) Fine ext Pain tine. St. Repair toreioodeJ, 1l. lie . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lie., Ins. Try m e . M/C ·Visa . Member FREEtrtaJleuon 836-5556 3t hn. Richard BBB. SO.ST7H46-7310 cndmUaled, reading, Sinor mal.b •French. 873-601.3 ..... &..,... lnl Pamt • wallpaper ....................... WIMlow Cll w• g QuaJ wortl, reu pr. Fr~ Bl.i1dl.n& c.onu. Room ad-••••••••••••••••••••••• mt. Steve 647-4281. Ext dltions. t'Ollcrete work. C.OUece students, window pamt.. CJ11J Jim same• fencee. repair work. Llc washing. Reaid /stores lnl. paintine. Spec rat.es •227773. Mr R y an Xlnt work. 642·5449, for apta. Bill. Free est. 67s-«IOO 64.5-7912 646-7546. CUSTOM INTERJOR CARPENTRY Carpetsteamcleaning, FGiali::•JTlle -....a..--.. d .. 11 -1IM -••••••••••••••••••••• .-._., ump tnlea, 114 wg aay 5 rooms tzl. C E R A M I C T I L E : 01ldinl. haul, lree Is yrd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Local moving. Frelgbt . caostructJoo. bou.aehold & o ffice s uppl 1 es ReslllODable rat.es. Call ~as. IFYOU AVAILABLE NOW RJlnbl pnced. Int/Ext. Jack. G-9653 Rooflll9 Ted's Window Care. Prof •••••••••• •• •• ••• ••. ••. wi.ndow clearung. Ranbl Repair & Re roof All rates Rel11.~_7893 ____ _ By Jay ~ F\niab carpentry. Pree est. Doon, windows, etc. ffl-22'2. 631-4218 ____ BW __ . -.. __ 1_Me_____ Kitchen. batM, entrys . Wrk, mlec. 831-1257 HOUSIT'B@HS Trade your old stuft for Your ti I e or m l n e . ocx: Student. 1 Ton ll'Uck. A group of local teachers new a oodies with a 982-3C179 Trasb, tree tnm. Dao will care for your home Qassified ad. MZ-5878 -W-ant--.... _------642-~ while you a.re away. Pb """" Catl642-5678 · ~ext.2. have a service lo offer or goods lo sell. place an ad 10 the Oa ll y Pa lot Ousified Sttlloo Pllooe 642·5678 NEW LIFE PAJNTING lnttm Frtt est Refs U c.dins. PtulSSl-5071 t y p e 5 · 1 b 1 o g I ~ s When you need expert rocksbakes-compo.tar servtce or repairs, tum Free est. 541-~ Fin. tot.he Service Director} Avail. in C:lass1f1cd to solve Se!l 1<1le items 642·5678 your problc~-- ,_ •:n •• USO r. ..... USO Hr1p W..e.ct 7100 Hetp W..ted 7100 Hrlp Wcmhd 7100 Help W..ted 71 00 Http Wanted 71 00 Halp Wcmt.d 7100 Hl4p Wmihd 7100 ....................... ...•..................• . ...................... ······················~ .....•....•......................................................................................................... GnatCa1._, CMITCALL :M hn 641-0180 MCJYISA COVER GIRL •953-0771 * 24 Hr OutcaJJ Service MASSAGE RGUllE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCAUOHLY Dayl,Hej, ... 631-2140 GOLDEN GIRL ProlessiooaJ massage by he'd therapist. NB Appl. 4:»9:30 PM. 548·2817 T N <) ()I I \1 w \1 I' y () I \( ORT~ 642-157 1 7 1 0 P.M. R I' LAMAN DE LARUE •ESCORTS• Cordially invites you lo the best. OP EN 24 hrs 642-3013 836;-0104 INTELLIGENT WOMAN NEEDS '9000. WILL DO ANYrnlNG LEGAL. PO BOX'23,HB. PRE LAW student needs 125.000. Will do anyth1n~ Legal. Confidential DVM. P O. Box 3242, N. 8.. 921663. '"THE" ELITE ESCORT SERVICE .. S&HEltS WIPltOVIDE ~tlMJHn 972-9904 24 HRS uaz W 17th St, Santa Ana NOW IURING ESCORTS PREGNANT! Caring, canfideiltial counseling & referTal. Abortion, adop- tim as keeping. APCARE ~~a':l!~eal Sao Clemente; Fully lie. For Appl. 492-7296 u.t.&Vicld -~Mauocp· For .... ,._of It 24 Hr 135-7313 Discreet award winning pbotDgrapber will cap· wre your intimate mo- ments. Write Parallex, 177F Rivera1de Ave. NB. 939113 SodtilCW. 5400 .............••........ BORED WITH B A R SCENE? Meet the person of your choice from open minded l'OUPH to Potential mar- riage partners fast & safe through Southern Cal's largesl & most uni· que d a t i ng s er v. Thous ands of pro· fes.'llonals from doctors lo executives. Women join free. PM Oaling Serv. 714~7572 ~Jt! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hrlp W911hd 7100 ....................... ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: F ff. private club. Ex- per. nee. 644-540C Ac<.'OUDl.ini RAJ.CHARGE IOOIKEEPER / OFflCE MANAGER Commercial printing company needs a full charge bookkeeper lo as· s ume management of small office and direct all aceow1tmg (unctions Responsibilities include. preparation of monlh end journal, entries through computerized financial statement. 2·4 years s imilar ex· perience with proven 11<'- oount.ing skills. Must be self-motivated , good communicator. and have ability to guide others. Salary open. C omp re h e n sive employee benefits pro- gram, excellent workmg conditions. Call Nancy Henke for interview ap- pointment (213) 968-8541. ~•!XnAS• • 'RIASUH needed. bit players. C .. ST xtraa for m aj m otion ADVERTISING pie ttv aeries, poss tv CO 1 ... C comm. Need people for " Org Co/LA loc. sboot.lng. Equal Opportunity Casting now 714·53S-0120 Employer M IF x 9'. casted for "Fast --------- Break", "Love Al Firt1t Bite", "Rocky II", "Halloween." Sm fee. ON·STAH Productions, Michael Philll pa, ca II to- day. ACCOUNTTNG CLERK· F\Jll lime, part lime. Process invoices, assist book.keeper with billing, posting etc. No lyping. 551-61ZT. ACCOUNTS l'A y ASL! Cl.EU Rapidly expanding firm seeks enthusias tic in- dividual for Accounting Dept. l~key by tol.K'h, ba sic a ccountin g knowledge, general of- fice slcills. Cootact Pat Mllls, 557·9051. E.O.E. CCOUNTING CLERK MacGregor Yachts, 1631 Placentia, Costa Mesa . PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY Sl Sell any Item or com brnat1on of items for f75 or less with 1 Penny Pulcher Ad. 3 ltnes for 2 ronseculi ve d<1ys. Eacb additional lrne is ~ for lhe2days. Char11e 1t' No commercial ads F'or more lnformallon and lo place your ad oll 642-5678 WATCH FOR ~19 P B91f~f~:::::ng magazine section In the Saturday Dally Piiot. ' Each Saturday for the 20 e xciting weeks of the pro football season, PAO ra.'79 Wiii bring Daily Piiot r e aders the mos t up -to-date, interesting and compre he nsive roundup of pro football, with Ss>Klal emphasis on all the pro games to be t•levised that wMkend. You'll enfoy acoutlOQ reports, playe r profiles, predictions and point spreads, Insiders' comments on st rate<.Jles and game plans, tips on who and what to watch for, plus llneups, statistics, quizzes and s pecial features by top national writers. NO lllA '79 , the special Saturd1y magulne section, wlll help you get mor• pleasure out of your pro n>otball w•tchtng, DAILY PILOT '42-4321 Accountant: 3 yra exp, preferably in prepara· lion of corpo ra te & penooaJ lncome tax r e- turns. CPA cert1Cicale desirable. Xlnt benefits Aggressive NB firm Salary commensurate w feXP. Send resume lo The Daily Pilot. Dox 562. CM 92627. All replies strictly ronfidential. Acctg Bkkpng TEMPORARY Register today to work oo vanous accounting & bookkeepi n g assign ments Work close to your home. Acctg clerks. bookkeepe rs, accoun LalJt.tl are needed thruoul Orange County. Call us for more inf or ma lion. Robert Half's acc.CMtte "if'I Z333 No Broadway 1'200, Coldwell Banker Bldg., Sanla Ana 1714) 135-4103 A.cdq a.ta.-l'hoM Neded F\Jtl time, Im med opening , xlnl Co benefits, must have ac· ct'g exper. Call Balboa Marine Hardware. 5'&9871 for _!.PPl__ _ ACCTS PAY AILE SIOOO Experience in construe· tJon company will land this temfic position with growth potentJaJ. COASTAL PHSOMHa AGIHCY -540-6055 2790 Harbor CM NEVERA FEE call alter hours appt Acct 's Recelv. Cle rk, Hosp.ital corp. offc. Familia r w 1collect pro- cedures, Insurance & self.pay accts, & 3rd pty bUllng procedure . Mrs. Irene Ruis, 640-3950. ALARM OPPORTUNITY Qual lna tallers, t o p s ales men, trainees Move up fast. 788-4330, 496-4310 Amlln g 's Nu rse r y S ALES MA N F.x - perie nced 10 pla n l llnowledge & retail sales To work 20-30 h ours weekly. Weekends a mu,,l. Other hours nexi ble. Phone 644·9510 Larry or Ray Amling. Anewerl n1 Servic e Operator full Ume, Mon lhru Fri, 7:30 to 3:30, will train. Call S40-15M. _... .... SwYic• PBX operators for a telephone answering eerv1ce experienced or will train. FuU time or pert Ucne shills avalla· hie. Days, afternoon- evenings or grave yard. Mu.et be able lo work llOme weekends. Typing 35 wpm. required. Many co. benenu available. Please call Mon-Fri. Fashion lsland area Costa Mesa area Airport area Call 543-4230 M/P' E.O.E . APAaTMIHT MAHA GB Coople·Retlred l o manat• Is malntalo beautiful J4 unit, •II adult. DO pet., a,ta. Coata Meaa, Eap"-<_ pref. 175-4817. APT MANAGER For 55 units in Costa Mesa. Exper'd couple W 1 f e b It k p g e x ·p Husband malnt. e xp Call 642-~73 or (213> 86.S-3851 ARTIST-IU.USTIA TOR Applicant mu:st be a ble to do portrait, cartoon. land & sea scapes, dia- g rams, posters fo r rmgui.ne, book, trade. & studto customers. Lay. o u t to c u s to m er s pecifi cations. Must have good artistJc talent, creative abiltly, Im· agination. experience Develop concepts, deal with customers. handle color fOOl"d.ina lion F\J II time, SB50 per mu. M1.111t have portfolio for in ten-1ew. Call for appt 114 mJ.3473. ASSEMILERS Printed circuil boards, wire harness assembly , some electro-mechanical experience. Minimum five years expen ence Rapidly expand in g Orange County firm, ex· celleot c omp a n y benefils, Contact Pal Mills 567-9051. Equal Op- portunity Employer. Babysitter /Housekeeper. live in or oul S pealt English 64()..~ BABYSJTIJ::R for 18mo old boy 3 days a weelt Mon Wed Fri 8 JO to 4 Own trans My Home W Npt t:xper 67~3823 BABYS I T T ER · 2 children P r 1·fc>r m ) home H.B. Call J.ft S 30, 968-5374 8anlcing TIU.Bl Hert TI1nt Downey Savangs & Loan hu an opening 1n 11:s Cmt.a Mesa branch for a part u me teller Savmg.s & Loan or banlnog ex per 11refcrTed Must be able tn work Saturdays Xlnt worl11ng cond Paid v1rat1ons For runher Info rontact Mr F1aher ty. 714 t>t2 7422 Equ..J Oppor l::mplyr BABYSJTIER, fij)l lime, li.'lrncr St)llst to manage my h 0 me. 2 boys part·Ume s:u.~n. Tuei; ?IB-3360, 839·2092 Fn. 9-6. Sat 9-S e"e!> 9n·:n!8 Babysitte r /Mother s Aide, fu:bl hrs. my home. CdM area 640-5.s.59 8aby111tter . my home. Mon·f'r1, 8 yr old glrl, 2-5PM. 548-8348 Babysitter for 7 yr old boy, before & lifter school. Near K1llybrookt• School Call alt. S PM 751 7327 BABYSITIER for 2 hoys, 5 & 10, Mon. Tue & Thur. Mesa Del Mar. Vicki or Norm 641 1067. 645-237 4 Babys1tler for 10 year old. Week days 3:30 to 6.30 Own trana porlalion . Mesa Verde area. Call aft 6·30 References re Meaut1r1an CO~MA~D Pi'~RF'ORMANCI-.': '1lle Jwrcultlni;t Plac1· Immediate openings for expenenred prec1s1on hwrcullers needed in Costa Mesa Salary & romnu.ss1on Xlnt grolo\th opportunll1es & pa id benefits Call Edmund at ~153 BEAUTICIAN rt.'ntal stal1on. SSS wet.'k So Laguna Ca II 497 ·3498 •Clllty ap.rator 18 00 per hr + 1nc·eot1 ves. w<rlt 3 30 to 7 30. Sal 10.2 Gettmg home 1 m provernent leads Prefer 20 yrs al age or older Call Mr Freddi e 10AM~l2 Nooo for appt 8J8..2SK2 CLERK for H.B. Drug St.ore. Expr. not nee Mm age 21. 847 -2563 Cl.ERKS P1lrt time & full time graveyard. part ume s w ing Apply 7·Eleven Store. 1097 W Baker. CM Carburelor assembly -w o r k , M F , h r ~ Oerlt /t'ypist, 5().60 wpm 1 30. 4 p M, Mon f'ri, Mon·Fr1 9-S Good phone Laguna HJl b Call for \IOICe. ~2270 ___ _ allllt ~ Cil&lt GALS Supplement Ulcome with run Be a Prol mod~I & k eep pr e!lf"nt J<Jb l>aytune C'las.es now ' SOUT H <.:OAST MOUE.U, SUl TH C l)AST VILJ.ACa: 714 ~2970 CA.RPfT LAYERS &HELPHS $100 per day, So Coa:\l P!au area, clt.11 blwn !I & 6PM 64$-~ Carpet lnslallr rs, e' per d. v. tools & truck Ml.kc s Carpet:., l~ 1-. 17th St . C M 64~~ ----- CASHIE R sn.mwooos CUtUC Warranty expenenre de Sired Xlnt opportunity in expanding Orange Coon ty Dealership Contact Joe lle1tz or Bill MC'La1n Al rtullip'c; Bwck, Pon t1a1'. Laguna Hilb 714 1U7 ~00 Q.HtK TYf't ST We're a h1rRe advcrt1i. 1ng al(cncy looking for an a<'C'Urate typist with a mind for detail & .i plell:.1tnt couper a t1v ... personall ly. Send re sume 1 no phone cal b plea:.e) to Pam Je~en Cochran Chase. L.1v ings ton & Co 19600 1'':un:h1ld. Irvine. 92713. Coclctad wa1lress. p rr ews only. Apply wkdys. aft 2PM, E l Camino Re.ii 20 111 S ----------quired S4().6899 1n need ~ 3 aMIStants 1 for colonsl, \ ror hau t'\ll1er, \ f o. hair s lY list Richard OUellette Salon. :m Newµort Center Dr SB NEWPORT BF.ACH We have a f ull t ime per-ma oent cash.I rrs pos1 t100 avail at o u r Newport Beach store Good salary & rompan) benefits. Apply 1n person to Mr Crook s. 4!'> f'a~h1on l1la nd, :" U EOE Brookhurst, HB. Assembler l'UCISIOH ASSEMIUR Position available in mechanical assembly shop. Must have good mec:hanical aplltude & aauual dexterily. Must be familiar wit.h re· work. lroubleabooting. dri I Ung, reaming & p ressing. Minimum 3 years ex· perience. Excellent com- pany benefits. Contact Pal Mills. 557 -905 l. E.O.E. Assistant Manager full tJme. 6:30AM to 3PM Moo thru Fri. The Bake Shop, CdM. 67J. 731 O Asst. Af1f M••PI Couple. wife-o f c , busband-maint. 200 Units, Oceanside, expr reqd. TSLMgmt 642·1603 Attract ive sgl wome n from 20-35, exten11 ve travel, good pay, exp. in all aspects of business in- cl. R E .. OMV work, legal, for. lang., tnS. ett' Brenda.894-7563 All1'0 HEAVY-DUTY UNETECHNJCIAN ! Experienced. Plenty of a.tomer paid jobs. Four workinl ala.lla. Pleuanl environmem in Orange Ccwty airport complex. Xlnl pay /benefits Op· por. for advancement. S ee Service Mg r . HOWARD Chevrolet, Dove/Quall Streets, Newport Beach. Babysitter , m y home. malUtt lady, vie. CM 646-wz:l, aft 6PM. IAIYSITTU N ee ded M o n -Fr i , s ·»s.30. NB arei.. Call ~. ---- BABYSrTIER · Father ~sitter for 2 IY.>ys 7 & 9 Aft. school Apprx J.1PM. Ask for Jack W k 7Sl·ZS.O, H 548·3'36 BABYSITTE R needed Days, my home, HB Call M F after 5. 846-96.14 BAKER · lOpm to 6 am will tra in W1nchclls Donuts 2.S3 E 17th St CM --------Bank:m g TB.llllS ~·d South Coast Bank, an ID dependent bank. 849 Sunflower St , Costa M e:.a , Ca Call TI4-~5300 E OE Laauna Hills office at ZJl!OI Moulton Pkwy. bet El Toro " Lake Forest Or. has opening for person who enjoys pub hr contact. Relal<.•d ex penence preferred bul wiU tram. Ute lypin1< We offer competit ive aaJary, excellent com· peny benefita & advance· ment opportunity For awt. contact Kr. Hllger at S86-4050. u..cdlt~ •Lo. _,.~CCTNT N~ expenenre booli ~to fill full charg~. run time position. mU5t ~able lo p~ bkkpg ex· a m lla ve g ood re f erences & resume Call for lDterview Mrs Lane. _546-88 __ 1_1_or_5"4_9-_97_02 ___ CASHIER ror self serve Boat cleaning a bove gasstatJon ln Hunl1nl(lon waler, full lime. bard ~arh Contact Jeff. workl.ng gtrl. &U-067 I 1198-6797 or 847 · 914-0 Bookkeeper !Se<'' y Xlnt salary benefil-8 & worlcing atmOl'lphcre for experie nced person. Mwrt type & have refs 714 t957..oo71 Mary IOOKKHPH Sm garmeot mfr 1n Costa Mesa area bu good opp· ty for self-sl&rter Strong bkkpg exper a must F i'C helpful Sal D 0 E 642 3'72. Send resume lo PO Rox ~. Newport Beach. C.a 92663 IOOKKEIPa F /C Po6ruon with prominent Fash lsl. Heal F..'5tate In vest. F irm . Xlnt op· portuntty. 640-0123 BO O KKEEPER · (Chiropractic Cllnicsl Need bootkeeper lo han- dle all upttts for 2 busy g r o w i ng c lini cs . Pleasanl surroundings. dntpay, exper a must as entire dept. bas to be set up from ecrat.ch. Call Dr. Hehir at f172·1Ml IOOK PASTE UP Ca.shier & counter. full or P 'f. day & evt.>n1nR P ioneer C h1l0 k t.'n Orange 111th. CM --- Castuer. fuJI or P rr App ly 1n person al the Laguna N1.iuel car wa.'lh, 30081 Cro wn Valll'Y Prtwy, Lag N1~ ----Cash1er1Cler k . ex penenC'ed. to work P 'T in CdM pharmacy Co II Mn Youn,g 644 7575 for Ulter'Vll!'W C~HIERS UTOTEM MARKETS Openings now avaJlable for full time ass1stanl managers on 2nd. & 3rd. shift No experience oec We train. Start 13.10 lo S4 per hour. Advancement opportunity for manage- ment piogltlons lo ~.~ per hour if qualified. For more information & In· tervtew go lo store 82 al 30009 Crown Valley, Laguna Niguel, 49'>-9950 or call 714/537~. F.q\W Oppor Employer ~Tf<Micimt OutJe include venf1<'e lion of syi.lt>ms. con ""uralton or system!> evaluauon of failures. 1 .ihbr a t 1on, q uolity checlti., trouble shooting test1n" & r e pair of analog & dJgllaJ t'lrCWlr) us41d 1n co mp u t er ~ystems Knowledge of discreet & integrated c1n:1.11try AA degree m rlert ron1cs or 2 y ri. eqwvalent rxper rcq Modem worluni: cond!I f; 00 per hr f\111 ti m"' l,,ease send resume or evidence of work exper to J Nelson. 1600 Dov\• St . Suite 400, Newport Beach. Ca 92660 COMPUT'Bt P1tOGRAMMEtt Part time Knowledge of Ins. must know baste lh att open lG-15 hrs per wee!. Salary com meruunte w 1expr Con tact Sue Butler 549-8043 Cook. must have exp & Cast Fry, broiler, & din Gd pay , s hor t h ri. Zub1es 631 9803 or ~l. C<l&La Mesa. Cos m eticia n f or Westminster For appl. Ann N\chols. 5»-4333 Colmter help, F' rr or p It. day shlrt. M thru Fri. Ap· ply in person. lOAM 2PM. Orange Julius, 711 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. COUMTBl HIU' Femalel8 +. 1-497-1496 Counter gi r l dry M JF /H E.O.E. •All1'0PARTSDEPT. CHAUFFEUR, upe r TROCK DRIVER! Part lime, Mon, lpm to lOpm, Tues. lOam to 6pm. No experience ne<>esury. Apply The Penny saver. 1660 P'lac91tia Ave. C.M. • clea.ners,S Laguna.exp not nee. Musl be out of scbl. Mar. 499-1.985 Ideal for mature, semi-.8llnkinc --10-•man .eeb p /t Ptor full Ume. CaJI btwn -I -R tr .... -3fsSPM 114-TJ0.211189 retired. Permanent , ~-r,. associate In arowlng Counlermao, full time. pleuaot, lntereat1n1. Branch otnce seeb boo· marketln& business. Cllrfc4T,.... NB area for plrta store Goodpay.Seellr.Cook. dable lull Ume Teller. 831~ We bave Immediate ca.Llforappt.646-3741 HOWARD Chnrolet, Expenence preferred, ---------openints ror clertcal COUNTER HELPER Dove • Quail Streeta, but wW comlder tralning CAn:l'ERlA help. day • d abift HewportBeadL someone with a •ood ni&ht 1blft. Mon-Fri. tndneee on our l.Y Xlnt. part-tJme job. 12 to " Oood beD fll • td <llam to Spm) .It 2nd ablft s:a 64.Ml~ ( (AU T 0 PA~ TS cashi.tng background. e • P• (~to 1 :S>am). Offtce Good cwtomer relaUona b o I I d a y • • C a I I h f ..... r DRIVER lluet ave "preyioul job IJlabWty 114-7114100 x.e. blwn experience elp uJ .,.., Counter He 1 p or ffld Callfanla driven _ an ~... W• ,JO-MM•Wll DOlneceaary. Sandwtcl11hop. lloo·F'ri ll Op--. d --~ Wlw• -------------A.D.P. oa .. mt work-~.5S7.QSC2 -.pp.,'~ ;:.:: ~ wortlnl condl· Caleter\• tt.19 wanted, inc cond.. • cb.Ueqlnf J l m W h l t e , a t tlon1, 1ood startln1 W :JO. 5 d1 wk. In area, environment, 6 lood Oull4lr' Sales&lrl·1ad1 for ALTERNATORS ~.·Qu"-J0°~p=an~ D75-.6Z57 c:.,...r • ulary pro-dry cleanlnc store in ..--. .. w,~ INC 1~• .,_..,,,,.., ... ..... ''iiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-al -Calta Mesa. Experience _.._uu. · -ea1U pl.-.. call Ue•• r~'. PENSION pnlerred.MS-IM3.P1ul. W.lTtbSt .. C. . or Ravenna (7 l4 > Cameraman with at SERVICES APTMAMA .. I Babysitter-Companion, 964-72116. le.t 2 11'1· experience lllONewpirtOent«Dr. Qindomlnh11nDfndon adlool ap atrla e 6 8, w..._.,..,.., wtth Utho Cameru full NPB.MMllOaUID Plle>plo who att seeking an lJ)&rtment look flnt in Clualfled. Will your ltd be lhere? To place yoor ad, call 642-5678 LV.-drcu'q...,i.cted!? worktna mother, u -S.VI IC ~mepa9ldonll t available. &0.& ... 11/P' V..satramproblema cban1e for room • ~~t•"l'tau .. au en companJ DalbMiuentdueeT .__.... Call -·-So .. """'...... ~-AllPIY belw-8 J!t89 DAY l.Mldlap Med ,..,alrT ---. NeW'JIOlt Blacb Mi'6''aPM. -Moo &.bro 's a ~our P~ ror 'nnd a1 tbe buate T a.a. &. o. E. 11 1r Fri. •: J/10 Lit u •111•h1n*, pro-Stopl I Take Ume to rtia.• Bl.'*1na OIAl•I COAST a 30~ ad ln e feulooal proptrl1 aod tbolt at borne. lts Pldftc hdaral Savtnp DM.TPILOT DAO.YPILOT .,...,.. aolV"t your pro-atmple with Dally Ptlot bM open1na 111 our IOOO aa.V1~1 blea. Write Box IOI, Claulned Ad.a. And lf to GP9> Npt Ith oftlce UIW • ..,lt. ~-"'"- DellJ Pilot, P.O.Boa . >W ba¥9 eocntlb!na t.0 ,_ a P/f lAlll•. Xlat c:.19...._C.. DlllCTOIY U.. c.o.t. .._., Ce. eell. ult-• (ri .. 41J .art1nf "°""'Mt.c.a. Call Alas.I~ DOITNOWI -=-fled Ad•VlHr al DlllQrumbley,Gl-OIOO. ,......,... '4J..1671 Uso the Dalt1 Pilot "P'ut Rau It" aervlc~ directory. Your set'Ytee " 09r .,...,. Call tu.-n est. m 0-.til • Co0«11oru Enjoy lntere1lln' Dental Aul1tanl, full d\aUenclnl. wort. wtlh • Unw. ~few Coat• nat.ionwide a.aJei na&Aeto .... oft\tt Good Hlary co We ha~ aev~ral full • beod\t.a Call for In Umcopl'Jlinp In e r.du 6 l4ntew ~1 coUenaoo. upertHCt' DENTAL R ..: C Jo: p preferrrd Ph•uant TIONlST CM areoa ruu wiortina <'Ondlt1ooa. "" ulh1n1 bent1flts ('all wrw 548 7m4 846 -2131 Mun t'r1 , I JG.M>N t.o arran11e 111 ~.EOt: MF' C•hdWH.lp Nl&ht Sweepers IM!«!('(f by llunt.lnglon BuC'h (.' 1 ty School Olsl. 4 hour 'lh1rts. S3 7~ per hour Contact Jl unt1ngl c1n Beach City School 01!1l 73S 1•Ui Slrttt, II B (.' II 53&81 CUSTOOIAM Nilbt Cmtodla n ne-ed'1i by HlmbnJlon Buch C1 t) School Dtsl. 12 mo pcwuan. 91\.1 to 11062 JM"r mo dependlntt nn I')( penence CantaC'\ flunt 11\Rlon Brarh Clh ~hool ~. m 14Ui Sttttt. 11 n Call~! D•pendablt' adull to opt'ratt1 parking tut 1-..eper Moo fol-I Mid rught t.o8AM ~:lei I DEPT ASST Rt-qt rt' Man'h lab work & -col legr SCI courns Wiii have adrrun & clen ul rc&Poll Call l'eg1y U1erer. 67~ 2 1 ~9 Kerrkhotr Manne Laboratory. Cor o n a d c l Mor, A Facility of Cal Terh E 0 1''. M to' 11 DISHWASllF.R Part lime 11to3pm S3 ~ per hr 0 t' A1r1><1rt art'• Call Ron or Ken 2 lo ~.~ DLC\JIWASH ER want<'d Dell Help. full lime & p11n Onginal BBQ II B Part ume. C!llJ>tt pl"f'! d Rt>fa. or hill I.I~ 1193 3314 f-44 5619 OeiJ,m men r '· t•arl> am.~ de!Jvery. LI\ Times Compact c-ar lblt B<-h area M2~. 852Qll uetlverypenion. full time NB area for parts st.ore f'rr appt 646-:rl 41 Dt>hvery Pl\1meAM, I./\ Times $100 (X'r WPek l~guna ee .. ch 494 8491i Ut!t1very l''ull time F.llcell<'nl dn vmg rt't't>rd req w n·d 1-· or a pp o 1 n t m 1• n t • 557 9212 Mr Wt"lt Newport Stalmners. Inc· DF.LIVERY & STUCK WORK. Female & mnll' appl.Jcant.s welcome fo'.x t•ellenl opportun it y to tram in aut.o part aales Apply 1522 Newport Ill. Costa Mettt or 10080 Adams, llunt1ngtnn Ueach Automotive Sup ply l)(>h very, J' It. 4 JO 9pm Own Iran:., Mon l-'r 1 ~ime wknd:. n~ lt1u111 bl·ovr 111 ~I !lit 1 DBJVBtY & STOCI< full lime. xlnl benefits, "-1! Harold. 495 E 17lh & <Asta Mesa Df.'h ver LI\ Times lo homes. 3.-61\ M S'l80 11111 + c-ar allowanrl' 1 hnnus F.<'ono car or I' t ' l'\n Vly 842 4514 l>f'ltvery pers <m . Will tram lll bluepnntmg Pt l.Jme llunt Bch 536-~ IJF:UVERY; Meyerhof'11, pnmary 11uppher or good rood Lo Uie I l"Vlne ror po r ale comm u n 1 t y , net<ls re11poni;1ble de• livery person Lo dri vc our van Good dnvmg rerord nee-Mon Fri approx 8 :n.2 Good for pt lime during school Start S3. l~ DRAFTER. elmncal. in dust11al & .('Ommerl'1al bldRJJ Call ~ 7480 R £ Wall & M50<' l nr 177111 Skypark Cir Irv . •D Dral\.\man wanl'1i p rr. small Engin~nnR firm. OC Alrl>Ort area Salary bas-11 on qua1Jheat1ons Cal I '119-1797 Drain Cleaner!! needl'd Will tram Xlnt poy fur hard work For info call ~14GS Lag Bch area DRIVl':RS-Early m11rn to rrud afternoon llt>ll vcr bakery pr odut ti. to s upf'rmarkct'> <.:;ill 557 fn27 ht wn 9 noon DRIVER For whole11ale Seafood C.o Knowledge of County impo r tant. Apply 1n p erson. 14 5 E Broadway, Costa Mesa Or'lVer for LA T1 mes AM route S Huntington Reach area. Xlnt Ralary + bonu11, dependable <·ar Call for details 894-83C17 or 848 3504 •ORIYBtS• •RJU TIME• Ne&l appearance , knowledge or Oranl(c Counly. Good dnvtnit rl' rord. Over 111. t:ompany veh 1rleii SJ 10 per hr +1ncent 1ve11. <.:all Mark 751 261!6 Oiver Runner, full t1mt'. wseown car 75.2-0315 DRIYHS Men or women 25 yrs o r older Know the coast c11.Jes Net $180 a wttk or more Orange Coast Yellow Cab, 17300 Mt Herrmann . fo'ounta 1 n Valley 11~o or SI 11tf'r betwn Newhopc & F..uc!JdJ hr Ca11 Glenn,S.S7·6232 --------- DBJVERY We are looklnR an outgo- ing penon with a good dtiving record to make deUverlH In company veh.lde, M·JI', 8-S. Please apply In person , Mon thru Fri 8-5. ROGER'S GARD EMS 2301 SC Joaqwn Hilla Road 64(>.5944 CDM EMrLOYMEHT AGIHCY COUHSB.ORS OPPTY FOR EXP'O COUNSE LORS TO INVEST T ll f:IR EXPERTISE TOWAR l> OWNING A SHARE: OF AN .ESTAB AGENCY QUALJf'I EO GO GEITERSONLY NEED APPt.Y 549 9702, 754-15&1. MRS LANt.: FOR INTERV. Equipment rental yard needs man for «enerol dulJee. 207S Harbor 81, CM, apply bet. 11·2PM '~?::.~ ..... !!~ f ~~:.~ ... ~.?!~ !.~?=:~ ..... ?!~ ~?:~!~.~ ..... ?!!! ~!=:.~ ..... !!!4! " M ... _;o.! •I J m se111r ... PH·le•ool Tue-•r TOOL ell. ....... ~ .,_ ..._. ..CS hall UJM, tt.l. .. ..._. ••••-· 1ett ...... •satftu ,. . .\llPral• ....... ut1H. IU·HU Of Manufacturln1 medical company need1 a person who l1 a 1elf·1tarter.1 Ukos detall work. capable of working under a micro cope or wlUl 1mall' parts. Knowledge of soldering operations It re1u1 tance weldtni proce111es holpf ul. Good benefits. Mlsuon Vi ejo area. Salary commcnaurat~ with experience. Only tho~e quulaf1od seeking permanent Pmploymcnl. ca ll Betty for ~ppotntment 581-3830 -... ...-..... . Immediate hd ••Ill MtCJIM 0.111.. 1---------..-. ior ladMdual to dl1peoH l00Un1 and 1--------· 1bop 1uppU•1. Xlnt 11011IE.RIHELP!R •ta. 'AlllJC .... tor ~ eoup'le. Pvt rm•t.a.:ID4'14 "°*'•' 1tart1111 rele and Colltl• or HS 1 t rl bemtl&a. fLo9.m &o ad· 2:-.S:a Moa lbnt rri, va n e:• lDlO more a .u br ll8rt. Non· ~c.ied tool maln· ~. own tramp. Bl& lmance work. CQyon .,..., MO-Im. FOOi> IDVI S AUTB N .. dMtT.no•~ 9lr11Sen1D1 • Lo · 1rw.. ltld Pifi\I .. , All.at Ave, I r\I »t-4IOO at tt llO ,.oUJtdr)' lavutment c.una mtlltft' n..o..J lmmed op9ft!n1 ... P nee AIJllty a.t w ,.,, 8t <'M · Aak flU Jo hn or Rte-' ~MAIB t'\atom frame makt't for draw1n1•. p •ln1111111 . ~ Mutt be> abJr tn C'Ulltdln•l• fr amt• w Ith Jll'\Ol Ulba <"Ulllnll ablll l)' helpful Dnl11n & nnWI wood to cuatumt'r or u11at 11per1tk•t1on Knpwll"<h(l' & ability to UM' hntahm& producl'I •\ill tlnw 111 00 iwr hr t'all for Appt 673 4M73 l'ull & part llm,· counte1 help flffdcd 'l'ht• lllik1· ~. CdM 673 7310 tull Tlffil• help ~anl('d or f1t't" & 1111lt>:.1, Mon Jo'r1, htf' typmg ~sary S11l11ry ttpt'll U Rent Furniture 83l«ioG RIRNITURE STORE nt'(l(h mature dependo ble woman ror IC«'nf'ral oHic-e work and i.ule:; ~·u11 time Sular y $150 mo tu start tth'nt rlllbC5 Ph ~ ~18. a~k rcr Dianne Gmeral <lfC' l"lt•rk. t•nln level, htc t)ping, f1hn1t. errands OC Airport a r ea Good benefit:. 54G-7J77 <.imeral Offlt'f' llll!b ..,. •• a.uW'&ftt Ullb Wore 'I Of' an I J,_. t'ulllo.a Jaleod. ~·.tt.. HoelHHI • Cuh1~r1 .,......, d•11 • evn l\l11 • P tr Apply wkdn Ill\ 1P M at tl (.'a mloo lteal . JO lll 8 Rtoc*hunt, 118 IDrl' /BOOlUU!l!!PEI 11\oe dinner houM Ap PlY tn penoft 58 P'ashloo W Npt Bch liuete.a Xlnt nppty t o aupplement Income W~rotnt' new rf'tldesila P\lrm p it l'itl.IL hr11 Net'd l'ar & t ypew r1tt1 r Ho•pttallly llo11te1111 Sf!rvt('(', 547 30as Holtlffott•H l...i.cwta l\11111 otrlct1 •l 23001 Muulton Prkwy lW't 1-) Toro Li.Ike• l"or('llt Dr h1u open1n1t for peta(llt lo mee-l lol iin.•t>t t.hl-pubUc 00 II I' ff bll!llll, 11.1 ~ Must be "IJI <'el"e, matutt, & OUtjlO ~ ttehable tran.,porta um neceaa11.ry Should tu- able lo work approx 14 dys 11tra1JC,ht ea quarter & more as ne-edf'd w~ of fc-r excell :itart1nii salary lnlerv1rw will !>t- he.Id on Sept 12 & 13, for • appt ronlJlct Mr lhl.:c•r at~ LINCOLN SAVINGS & LOAN I': <1 M M I-' II llutel t 1erk l"ront Dl">k Mw.t have <'XfK'r, NCK 4200 /\pply lo Oa v1d MrNe1I. lfott>I Lal(una 425 So Coast llwy, Laguna 8<-h 4!M· I l~I llouM.>cleancrs wuntt'd to work Tues f'r1, H 3 f•ir Jarure's Ra.:1tNY Ann !lo ~lllJO J'""'1ry Wu Penon. C'X· ~ oNY Oran&• o.ny 11• "7Ml.J4 ----JEWJo~L.RV SAl.ESPto;RSON ~ prt'( Hwit Bch kx' Ca.JI 192 MO I KIYB4'QY Of'IRATORS Expandlotc hrm needs l-Op nott'h dl'la rntry tJP('rllOrs 1 yr rnin ex· l}CM«'nt'C' t'u II lie purl lime bra av111I ror lnd & 3rd sluf\• Part llmf' W\.~mcb. or Mmoo 11r w-ttkend & 2nd or 3rd !iNtt Call for a ppt SAPECUAtlO HUSINF.SSSYSTEMS :r&l t'IUrvJf'W Rd (." M 549 3091 Key"-ch Ope1 ator /COfttrol Maida, appl_y The Inn et Lacuna. Zll N Co11t Hwy, Lacuna Beach MAIDS Erpenenc:ed run lime· 6 weekeoda 642 l030 M.AJDS WANTED 1861 S c.t Hwy Lagwt• Brh 48iM89rl MA.ll ttDrT CLHICS t\ill lime pualUOna tat 4t 2nd. alutla • v all I or bUll y data pronisaln1 co llan ~ 1Utua ralll from af' <'oun tantt1 & hf'lp roorduuate qual.rly con lrOI Wllb Ed.It !Hpt. • ~ N!laled duties 10 key add.Ing ma chine-& bcx*Jleept.ng Hper d~ 111111ble Xlnt C'O benefits Call ror appt SAJ<'EGUARO BUSIN&<;S SYSTEMS 2283 l''lllrv1ew lle<I (.' M 549-3001 Mlllllteruance mao ror 55 wut apt complex in<' M 642 5073 12\3J8M-38SI MAJ~AHCE MACHIHIST 2 Yr:\ exiwr w laUll' & rruU WC'ldm.: & .soldc-r IOSAMIMC. S41-.5&33, N pt. Bch An l",.qual Oppottwuty Employer MAU4A General mainte nance w /lend1c:aplo1 uper. l01 N. S.nlde Dr NB. 4*-0UI MATERlAL HANOL.JNG Puu 1tockpenoo Experit'ne'e detlred but not ,,,quired. WIU tram Muat pa11 t'ompany pbyalcat 1nc:ludtn1 back X-Ray Irvine A Ken· davla lnd1 . Co 5e-7S38 E 0 E Mecbanac Sewin g MachlM Nt 0C Airport Man-Thun 6-4 30. Will tral.n 979' l.a:I Mecharuc-. no heavy IJft 1111 req d, 4-Sday week, bra opt.Iona! Muat bC' ell· per 00 llm & gal COi! Ask for Tom M4 95S2 .... chmlk Experienced 1n G M De&lenhip Top p<iy & benefll6 Xlnt working c-ond in So Or .rnge Co~nt y Contar t J oe 1ie,u or 811J Md.am Ill Phillip s Buick P1mt1at· Laguna 11 111 ., 714 837 :MOO Med1ral 1\11!>1,tuut "'' IJll!r11!r1Ced bat k 111f11•1• ~ day WOfit Wttk 64J> l'J&I tnll ,kill-' de.1rablr Th111 MB>ICAL ASSIST AMT full time f)O!lttion rirll·r., J N ._. w po r I II 1· ;i 1· h v1.1r1e t y 11f work & ~matolQt?1at .s urf111 1wnc-rou.'1 benefit~ Im MWll ha\'t> \ahd hm1t•-d mt·dlale 11pt·n1n.: mu11t·ulo.skelt-lJI X ra~ Nf'WPOl1 Thw fo'1lm l~IJ IJ t' r m 1 t . & o 10 ~ "'f'llllJWH'tun· ~ roulm•· ........... G"'" rn • 1HEIE lah a.'I ~f·ll S<ll.tr\ I""' '""""""' ~ l'lA 01t'f\. .. Ur<tll• .,. tlh • Xpl r No c·xpc-r ne<'~.s.ir) H t.44 llt ll pie & want r~pon.\llJI(' Mt<d!ral /\~,1~lant t..u I. Noon Duty S upervbor. lh. u.~1 :u. Monthru P\1. GAO per hr. Call ,..._, NURSES AIDE. Im· mediate openl n1 1t Rale11h H1ll1 H oap. Newp ort Beach U·7 30AJll lhlf\. Pmer ~eM<e. ea~rn •NURSING• RN·LVN, full lime. sick pay, .. pd HoUdaya, IOI beoet1a., lllnt work1n11 c:onda E .O E &ayv1ew Qinv Hollp, 20M Thunn. CM 64Z-J.Sm arc G.lrl ror Glau shop, approx 30hrs week Ex pr pre, not neceu Conta<'t Alam IOam or 4 »6pm fAG. 7015 Office AHettdewt llealth Car l' fa1•ll1ty, ITlldrught to HAM W1'f1 ~ IOOll PASTI 1W Loc*1Qa for a eontpall)' ..._.. YOU can build· a c.,.-? We would Uk.e w la&k '6 )'OU. Cempoelo1 ~ now acceptln1 ap. l>AcaOona for SNIM up. Apply Tbe Penn11ner. leBO Placentia Ave. C.M. Thun. morainp. PHm.tnt St.ockboy, lnven. t«Y •gen. cleanup po11I lloo avail. lmmed. otrer1 •Int benefit• " op. pcrunity to learn pnnl· ing tndustry w /54 yr old pnnun' co. an Santa An• ~aling in Laa. HIU. Cati 547.7174 PnntJ.na Expenenced off 1et pre. 11111J111n ffK '1'51 mull.J • 2 color llamada 770. ~5 year old co ID Santa Ana relocating lo Laguna Hillil, 4 day week, top wage11. Wit bener 1 lJI. Ca II 5(7 7174 ne~ Thur'I llA M 1111----------4 :KJP M. S .. t 'Sun X Int tx.111of1lli, II paid hobday1> * * t\' llayvww M.inor. ~ W NOGRAMMH Ji " y S t C M I 2 yn exp tn HPG som e ~l.'la'i t.OE Cohnl hc-lpf ul , IRM 370 1!>11, Of IV F , J CL, r,. ORDER Dt:.<\K l.1.ERK to ~ J•ib enlry Dutu."b handle nlll 'I d1.,tn 1Jut11JO ml'ludl' applll'alioni. & 11 r mop I'd " r r 11 m mainlPnanl'C' pm11:ram wJr~houiw lo de11I"" mini( testing & dt> Work inrl<b u.M' 11f phon•· bu fC I( 1 n..: 1-; x r f' 11 en t 1111 lyJ>t>Wrtr & nPw 1111111 c·mplllVf"' bt>nc-f1lt1 Sub t·ompvtl'r Nft-d '>ll<1rp mil r .... ume & 11<1lary h11i> •'rtthll!-tdSlH k 1ntt>ll1J.:l'11I 11, r v 1" l' er"' n no· I 1"'"'"1 ""HIJllll.' '~ 111 \fonal(l'r C:Al.11-'0AM 11 .. t.1 prott..,.in•• .11111 ''' tr.fir.I Von Kurman . likk1: •'llPN h1 l11lul 11111 Irvine tnterv1t-w11 will bi· 11111 ,~.,.·nil 11 1o. ill I 1 .m1 hdd dunni.: wf't'k of S<•pt l\llr.t111"· 'Jl;1n 1 ... ,.,. IU f'~iual Op'-"'Jrtun1ty dfl(I I ••l1j/f"f11.e I I'll" ir11n t.nlplOyPr rn,.,, I 11nt.1r1 l'.•ll v 1----------t.,r.,11 h I 11 ,;• I , 11 !<:II•~ \\ r· fl<\ .:11, H'lf; I ~hasilMI·~ PAIMTY. ~ \1'1' It ~il 1:!121 Young woman nl'f'deo Will tram Somt-l> ptnJ: reqwn.'<l Part lime l:! 5 Mon Fri llunt l·kh area Call a11k for DonnJ lfB.~ GE:NER/\LCLl-:RK Branch of nallonal 1·om pany hall opl'nlnl'( ror Gt.'T'leral Clt'r k. 'TyptnK. filing. re<·ord kttpin~ & <'alC'ulatlnJ( are the dUUl'9 Ex1·cllenl fnnge benef1t.s ~lary S170 per week l'h·a.'lt' :;end re s u m l' l o Ba r b 1· r Colem;1 n Comflany. I' 0 Box 71 SO. Nt>wport Ucaeh, Cl\ !12660 Attn Mrll t'redcn 1·k 1-;qual Opporturuly Jo:mploycr JIOUS~Jo;ANt-:Rs Car ncc. P ff' Top S.S Gingham Girl 64~·5123 Clfttl r>ynam1<' Real 1-:Stult• Dt>vel<>vm<'nl (',o h1u. 1 m mabate openml( for a person 4u11ld11·d lo operutt-un IUl\t 3"/41 Dalli St11l11>n Will lH• 11•!lJXm111hle fur nil 1n hou.w k1·y pun<'h1n.: & "nf1rnlwn & hJndllnl( of t'Umpull•r out JlUI n · 11011., .. , wt'll as 111lwr dt'ncal funttwns T y11 1111( G5 wpm 11•11u1r1·d f>rl'Y10U., ('XJ:N'Mt•nt l' 1111 IDM 3741 preferred !-M·nd resurm· & 'alllry rN1u1 tt• mmt to. C'ontroll..r. The· Gun.,l!JO llJll <:11 I nl' 4163 lllrch St . "i1·w1•1rt DeaC'h Ca !l;?lifiU \ 11 1-:qul.ll Opporl11n1ty F..mployt'r >C1t<'hen l.:u1v n1'1·1l1•1I ideal JOb for muth1·r 10 JO 3 30, ~ du>'· rw Sun 64.S .wwJ YtJU hke work 1n1t w p.•11 I poN11.Jon manai.:1n1t yf>ur 11 rf 1r1•. r u 11 t • 111 t I own olfil't'. ll'l UJo tell )llU f>t.diatnn !-M-n1I n ·,um•· 1thout oor plllnned lratn V> Ad•~ l>d1h 1'11"1 l l'/\IVH.ll:-. 1-.XJ• t-: I< II"' I. Y IM7 41;,_ Expand1nR tlunt HC'h l(dUR" mr11 ot'e·d ., ,, p u r • h J ' 1 n K u ii •· n l ~j)IJf\."llbh• ftir l,!IUtnl( & ph1rm11 malenul urder~ al .i SIM per itnnum wJlunlt' Surl·~,rul can dtdlll•· will hav1• ~ 10 yn. 1''tfJ''n1•nrP with purr ha' ini: 'mull ~tampc:><I or maC'h1n1-d m.-t .. 1 parh & mul11t•d 11la:;t11 1Mrl' "it1hm1l n ... um•· '" 1 •• 11 General otri ce. R irt r °' r /t won. Newprt Bcb. Call 642-0871. General C .. ISTMAS MONEY! Dlthustasllc individual!! earn comm lo $2,000 by Thank11g1v 1 ng ' Demon11trale toy11 & !flit~ Complete training No de!Jven ng or colle<·t 1ng Need ca r Ca II 714 S.SI ~ collect It> iwe lme GIPJ'S'NGADGETS Our 29th Year GENERALOFf'ICJo; TYPIST'S SF..CRET/\RI ES /\CCOUNTJNGCLERKS Top Pay No 1-·e~ l'ald Weekly MOUB.l Temporary Servi~ l rvme 752 6666 t.:.O E M If' I lou!lttleaning Gen eral Ii hrs 1wk, rc-frrence::.. own tranl;p 673 41126 CV<:ti Hou11ecleaner!I ncedPd lmmcd Full or V '1' Own lran.,p 11 11 Clc·an 1n11:serv1ce 840 3938 llou.,er leanf'r no aRt'n c1ell Nr Dover & Chrf N.B Own traru.port11twn ~2391 llOUSEK EEPt;R Live In. 2 s mell children. Spaniah apea.lung OK. M().3822. llOUS EKF:EPER / CHU.D CARF; part-time 16m0 old boy 3 day~ a week Mon Wed fo'r1 8 :ll to 4 Own Iran.'! Ex per W Npt 675 3823 L.adle; 1•am an extrJ SJlll.111 month pan limo· < .111 bc>lW<'l'n Jpm 1.pm 53&"403 lo learn muro· U.T .. MACHIMIST TRAIMH Must huvf• minimum 4! Yrll l'Xpr and w11l111~~ to lt•arn n ew method., & mach1n.-s Som•• automal1c cxpr ubo prd. Call Mr Riley for appt. IJ79.60llO LeCJGI Sect 'y Sc w ,ronslr. bcki?rnd pref Xlnt ,kills l>eta1I onented (Jp1>ty for ad vunc ll unt 111 h Oynam1r. 1·11nl(l 111 .. ll ruoov ~42.:'.l• liome«C('per l1vr m , ru11 ume. 2 11m chldrn llu11l ~ Mc:retcry 8d1536-::MOO t2 5pm I Xlnt typing a mu.'l Mai.: inK program to tearh you P 0 Ho x l li~O < '" t .1 lht' coni.um1•r r1nan1 1· M~a. C;1 •r4>2.'J liw.1ne.s I Vt•ter;Jn;, OJ1 lll'Jlr'U\ed 1 Saldi")' ix1•1 lJ•., xlnt ~nc·r th At "'' 1.-:rtun1t1e fur f>t'r.on.il ~/Wlh & advnnr1·m1'11I l'/\ClFIC 1-'IN/\~n Z7!1l Jhtr1Jr1r Ill\ d ( 't1 !14'1 3001 M11nul(cr A,,,..,1.1111 f•1r 1111 I>rulo( ~tnr1· l'1d•·r 1 ha1n -.t11n • 1 xp 1n ll!fOCt•ry or drur ""111 kill' 22 Mr llatch, 847 2563. Man1run:.t neNJt>d lor Tht• Morlllf' li1>11"t1·r., ' lru f'dre>st"r;. 440 .. ; 171 h Sl. C M 00 n811 M.•nicun~t f11r llu~y 'al11r1 Go11d 1Jppurtun1I ) ~.l211l C1J.'o'>lfwd /\th. )•rur t111• .,l11p 'lhoppini.: < 1·n1er MIDICAJ. ASS'T. Joh.it & h111·k .. 11 .. ,. :-.om .. t vp1n1! <t'CM "'""' M I' d I I .1 I .. ' ' t ,. ~ pt•n t•n• 1·11 I Jr I h111wrt It !'-tlr):t'(Jfl IHllfl)' h.1• k 11f I 1 ' f' ~" 11 !'> m "k 1· r w,.:.1!M "dt-d1r.1 I 'I 1•1 h111tl11.:"t Cal w r n<Jt rt.·4w rt.d Mm ?>'D upr t\lll l1me 8Jl 2801 MEDICAL Live-1n l200 per wf'ek plu..<l room & board 1714 1 IM0-6161cw 1213 • 42'1 "431 :\1.tk• \<111r 't.''l'I '"'~ '"~"''' h\ u~•nJ! lh• IJ.111\ l"ll11t < ·1·""r ..... 1,\ch Cardlln'qwrcd Ablt>t11 r-----------, llOUSEKEEPto:R /Clitl.L> work under pn"1>1 u1 t• CARE ltve 10. lovely Cont.art Pid,644 9100 I \t.111111.1111111111• I l..aguna Bc h home Lt cook ing, nnn '!mokt•r, LEGAL. SF:CRET/\HV I GRADCO-DENDOKI I some Eng. Bus route 157 Newport llcach /\1rpc1rt ~Zl:IJ area. f.'xperien1•1· 111 I 030 w CHANDLER I lrt1gat1on & 1Ju111n1·i.~ 4 HOUSBHnRS ~~tt11 s~'~y w;:~k~~g I • I c~!·;~~~~eR~t 714~~~~WALK? 1 1 SANTA . r.,~,~~!i CALIF. 1 1 ooeda ~ ma lure people to work private homci; Walk & l(et p1.11d for rt. I Co11l;1d !'al I $4-Si per hr 750-0126 need 6 fnendly Pt"Oflll' lo tnlrodl.ll't' u. .. to LJl(una I lb.l.<!dleof'Pt!T!I, full ti mt> & N'iguf!I rel'ltdent.. C; 1 \'I' P rr. good worktna cond1 ln.erature & mv1tc• llwm I I IC.1p1tlh fltl"lll~ II\ Ill tllllf tit Jrl\,ll t·fl I l1"t' 111 l'>an lll1·1:11 l. <.c; 1.,., 111 1111wl• ~" 111•lll't I 111m11l1·' "·" ir111r11•d 111wnin1'' '"' l111'hh l1onH, II pd hol1dayH toromelntom1"4't u-. Nu 1111111\ .1l•·d "''II qu.111111'<1111 1 .11nrwl F. OF. Bayview Manor. M'llmll! 14 lfour. 4 In Ii I I C'.enerat artice 642-3500 week.~. upply m 1x•r•-11n MAMUFACTUIUHG SUretVISOR <Xr1re trainee Pcrma only, Tue.., ~pt I Ith I I ntt1t pit pot11t1on Xlnl llOUSP.KEf;PY.R 3t.o4 9 JO tn I 00. ll1•p11hh <' .... .,.. ~ti Ch1n·-A Tli·11 cd I s I ''h,·1ll1•11 •1.1n1• fl'"1111in "' ,1111 "Pl''' r .. r I typing 111111111 Call u.il1 .. w~~ r"r· • ,., t'r8 .11v1ngt1, 30212 ' • betw~SJO&SPM .ask preferred Lon~tlnn C:rown V1ellc-y l 'kwy 11••r ,1111al v 111 .. 1h \1 11 1 lo.11• ''''""I r n. 7cn -·" Harbor & Mr Faddt>n t.aauna Nioui•I Sc-r Mrl'I I ''""lt·1,h111'''I"1 111 111111.11 "'" r .11!•111 rtr ..,,ane .-"°"" Call ~0-8575 uk ftJr aa .. rk " GIH'L OFACI RadeT I I lmmed opening Ex l,lvr In Hou11ek••t•lll'r , I rROOUCTIOM LEAD rasot4 I penenced Bkkpg, lite !&JO, 1111 how ... pnv. I typ1na. phones $850 LIN~E£P£RS l'hlid 0 K ,\ny l 1 m1· I < h111l1•111111n• 1111"t11rn "' ,1rr.n~: ••·• hn1< 111 I lllar l, Co benefit II nuu~l.ft wk11d'I , 11rt ~ dll)''I lr.11 k•:r1111111I ((, .iluhl\ 111 \Uflt'lllM' i.:n1u11 642·3492 & MAIDS :,.CS !16SS. I pr 1111111 I 11111 11111· I Gen'I arc Pull time, type-ror an ~<'lual vl' privatr LOT /\TTE:NOANT I I 5Swpm. exp w 1phone rc-1rnrL Start lmme'1 l"IN'dt'd full or part llmf' •ECEtVIHG IMSPECTOR ntt Salary+ benefltll Exp prererrrd WI II Mual hr Ill yean old I I Dool.son Driving Seh l. train f'ull Um~ Apply 111 M7~ 4 rlt-1•t>nt i·~p..r 1n n11·r·h11111< .11 A. ,111•1•1 ml'tal I 83:>-70!0,7609301 J){'lr11on, 419 N Co11111 T I Jlllrl'I Mu't 11,. ;ihl,. 11. r1·.11l hh11·11nni.. & GIM.OFftCIF/f 714/494 ~~21 , U k for I 11o\lllflll"' '<lnl 11i111t~ 1111 1w1 1111al .:ro,.th ,AJM'TTIHTO f111)t'n1·ncffi Full 11111•• ..,»lo1r " • •1mm1•n\ur.1I•· "' 1'\pl' • .. 11 I~. 1 1'.\IHTl'•H nH 1'1.1-" ~l.L'<IHU. llOl It ~ I '•A .,11<11\ "•Ir \pfJI PART TIME EVEMIMGS AdulL' 14 llh tl\JL,t;.0111111• Jllr"rt" t• IX'"''naltl11·' who t'llj{J~ '*flfkinl( With kW Ovt•r ZI Slllrt ,11 Sl ~ per hour Phont1 fl;4 7 4 :l?1 fo:xt l'~ll IHT\1.1'.~.:-. 4 Ill . Ill l'M A..a.for.,....o Equal Op11ortonit ~ t:mpl11' .. , l'art Um•· rfrll "'"rk (11r ,..,1m..n "'hit•· • hol1l11•11 .. ,.. 111 "h11ol t .tll .l.111 :,4!1 14Z! PART TIME JaNtonjMaid1 t\dd S2M() 12'_.I &>t•r m111\lh 111 'oor prt ... t•11l 1nr11m1· II\ ... ork1n.: t hr' JJl'r 1·\•'fllnl! M11111l.n lhroo.:h r'rula}' No t•'lr>t>n1•111 •' I' rK'("l'<.'>IH•t ""Wt• prt•ft•f l.11 I rlllll )OU 111 uur pro t'l'\!UJ"t"' Toquahfy y<IU mu"'I hav1• .1 fullllm•· JOb <Jr lw rl' \fft'1~1n .:uod health For an 1mmt•d1Jll' 111 lA.'f'Vl('W 'll'nd name . illl drl""11. ph11n1· numbt·r n II mt.' II r f u I 11 I m I' employPr tu Tom lk-11;ll'r '; Adv a n 1· 1· <I 11 t· lj I I h (~ntc-r llOO 8n11tol St . 1\/11 Nc•wport lkh. C11 92fi(',1J l'an lime. full t1m11 pu<11 tron.'l 3 young men for preparallon end rlean up wor1c for pamlmll •·on lractor 6.11 0700. 962 9942 PART TIME OFC MESS84GEll 1\.M!8 6 ThuM 11-5, Wlf' rompany rar Good dnv inst M't'Ord & neat 11p pearanrc-M rs \11.i . ~ 11> l!'l~"THl Jl\of fo'.N1'S l!&l/ < "twm11·al Lant• llU11t tt<-h c,, •ri!l)ll'J 711 )64 !.:l:>I PW'chcainq Mqr ltJ~p for purrh1t~1111: all klJl(l 11f -..Jnno• Jld..,r lnduq hardwart>, & Yarht -.upplles. must ~· exper. & knowlechcable of Mari ne hardware & "ltUIJ• ('a II R a I b1>u 't .1r1 n •· 11ar 11 w a rt· ~'4!~11fi71 lnr appl 1-.0fo: M F II IU>d.I t-~late !'>al,.., ..,....°'"., ll11zh 1n1 •1m,. pr11\ 1·n m1-tl1otl. "" lht· J"'' tr :1111 1111<: lt"11h 7~r I MMI t •·mur. 211\111 •1.1"1 lu•oll) & In\ ,.,1 mcnt.., It t-: 1\ I. t-: ~ T I\ T 1-: SAt .f':.SMi\N W/\NTF:I> 1-.ARN l'J'TO IS'~ COM "''~°"ION Nfo:T l (';rn 1·am fnim SSOK to $10llK 111\llu:.lly 2 l"111d nut why nt'w lie earn h11o: U S ht'rf' <.:omc talk with th1>m 3 Our pr11du1 t 1n1>11pen111vt- la.nd budget t erm!! 4· Pre 11t'l appli. tcalore ~Flnd out why ··we've ~ the best UlmK goin1f' N U art'll Ask ror Mr I ma rd 955-3402 bd&tahS.. lla"'t' the compet1t1ve rdi.:r ht-en m e u Nt>11(hbnrhood Prutt'til\1onal llm • Orwn 1~ for mexpt'nenc·C'd & expenmced a11c-nb <.:all for appt If )OU r1• li.1ok111.: lor u bl'l u·r Jl>h vou won' I w 11111 111 m1:-., lht• t•mpl11vrn1•111 111lumn' 111CIJ''"1l•1I Hwy, l.tla Uch or rail LYN k''""' 11 .. 1~·i· 11r 111,1w1 l••>n '""I' ( 'h;1llt>n11m1t I U&bt typln1t. aome 10 l!:Jalnt' I ltey, busy de1k. Talk tu ---------MtdJcaJ Wf'lghl ronltol I rax---. G feny• <>r D f'hhl r clinic Full Umr rl ay1 I ASSlMILBtS I """~ ~.7!rl2 0503 lloulekeeper/llvr In, sit Mon Fri Yte .. ant Earn while yuu le1<1rn $1 .89 per DAY Del Mm over 18 for L .A . 'naa to homes in N.8. C .M . Perm . p /t P50/tt00 mo. 6'&--0637 or M&<58M. t.er KJm 9,11,14 N n __... _ __,.ti XI t I I Telephont' Answrrin.: Glr1Frlday exrnec &G-M'SOM1Jarvt11 wur..ua\c"'""1 ona n Sktllt•d m1·t·ht1n u'"c•mhlt•r" Mu't ht' Servlcr full lime pt11 t ISCIOW R«ptphonukJI lalype ulary · Rene fllll & I 1h•pendubl1• w l<>tronic d<>~ire tn tiic1•('I I time. varied 1h1rt,. SICRITARY f!Owpm,, /\, P.L!.:_ ~79'.M Jn1utaUon lm1lallrr1 tor bo nu II(' II r r ,. r .. r Ola.YB. afternoon Ot' l'Vf'n ~aae broker need• a Unlon lnaulaUon t:o. m venlpuncture ex~r <.:all I I 11\&11 LocaUOftll In 'fll,11 'i\1.1. )llU puy tor u :IU tluy Jd Ill the ---lhatp perwon with tome Girl Friday ... lit In bill· So. 0 C Call 540-«>ll SHHT-MIT Al WottKa F'ASHJON ISLANl> o~.AL .-scrow ltno wled1• l o ~ dept. C.r required. Olllooln.lulatlon MachlneShol> I I COSTA MY...S/\1IRVINI': PaiodooU1l nffd1 full tra1n for Eurow Officer. Call PatM4·IOOO. MMl.23.___ Dr1U pre11 operator & 11&1> 11nd llicht m11nur11t', blueprint reodlnll & TUSTIN lime Hit. Expanded C a I I Mr 1 Far rl •, meehanlcal auembly I 111yout dr11lr11bl<· I HUNTrNGTON BEACll ~~:• 0P'!!!;_ XE· Ray &M.-.. GUAID1 IH~yl help needed. No HP re I I Ideal for 1tude nl1 & ~uucett •""CV· aper 1~~~~~~~~~~ Openln1 In Irv ne area ~~ ~I train. M t f" tiou.ewivea Many ro prtf'd. XJnt benefit•. 1: 11.11 Jo 1tart, 90 day ,,,.. fl c uualty, com pmaon Garton MACHINIST I bfnetlta includlna pa1rl Salary o p e n . C all Fabric cutter for baby niile,unlforma fum.,SJO merclal lln•1 un · 1 .l.IDOWard I vacat1one Typlna& IO-Cn. IOft1lDe mtp. 11\111 Ume. pr s-YChec:k unilorm •I· ct.rwrller. Eaperlen re a, y I OpeninR tor Miii o~rator n&o pl1111 lluht I 35wpm E.O. F. Ca II DJ!:HTALASSIST •. RDA L11uo1 Hill• area. 1otment.rorlnfonnaUon req 'd , Robert1on ·-----mllnuf•<' 50-4230Mon lhnlFrl • for expanded dutlt1, no.am c.iJ•Mll'D. lnturanc• A11oe. lnr, 11.tddnilt I I DAILY PILOT SERVICE llRECTORY 00 IT NOW1 64Z..H7t W11ome froot office Factory Worlilera In GUARDS 67MlllG. OPERATORS I Pharmacy Clerk . ex UCTIO.. p• ... ....... I perienc:tld. to worll 4·5 cMMI. All opportunity to chemical rtftn•rJ full .J.mt.or Trainee Routine PltOO " ~" dyi pr w ti 1 n co M a:pmd your personal 1n· llrM perm1n1nl po1I· P\JU " part Ume. All c u1todlal ta11ut. Yull I I pharmacy Call Mn USI THI voivemGnl ln deot.latry llou. ffl&h lt'h ool area1 . Uniform• time dan. Apply tam Rerent up~r In produt·t1on 1·ontr11I on Vouna 8447575 for In u:.~:;:,c•::.o~:::!l1• ~ ~ =lc~i~ ~·=~·::..:;.:. t=t ~;~&:tt~~. :: 1n 6 ~b '::!.~: I r!~('~~c.:,·."iM1~t~~~,·~~ ~~~~:~tn~'::~ I ~--· ----DA!~:.~~OT amp. IM. • day work helpful. Day • evaein1 No~~ ~~pp-..,.. ll67•11W. sQI, • kl'9W mactllne I hlah volume production I Pt-fitter experienced . ...._ 8a1arJ ope. Hpt, lblfta. IW1 et • bour. lY thll..._. .-~~ton -"'-0 ------dept. "4.00 to 1tut Ap~y at American llSULT'' Bch...-. Will train. Complete S.rvlcei.!:I W. Jth JAMTGal w,'0¥ertlme avail. Lead· I I A~Uc Fire Protoc SllVICI _ .... •••-medlcel a& lnturanc• .,_, Alla. In· P\JU.Uma d•J work for tnc -~eneflt packa1• I Uon.m..1 DIRICTOIY _.·--··· bmaft&a...udfarb1com· .,.... bow9 t-11 ..... -"•omen, Nwpl -~ INlJd medJtal. 1 x1.NT co RF.NEff~ & WOl\KING ('OND ..... 11.000. P•QJ. Paid nullon .._dnM C .. 11., I.A areu. Call dln&alafter10da11. I W /CARf:F.R P OTt:NTt AL 1-·oR I Pre-Sct>OOITeac:her,MP'. For&eault '4Z.0112 :;';d"'lo: .. ~,.~·~ fWr itJllt. ...... .,., --or•N11•U»N. QUALtfl'l!D INDrv ~;~~·r~:3:;':,C:,,:i Service Call ...... ~.at.le 1alaq ln· Hloaf rollowT•• Ht Olw ... or...,. Mon· I I ................. • ...... -•671 ,_.., &. m.mt rrt. Oa)'' Nlaht Sblfta A"all .-. f\4 --'-4--.· __ 1 .,.._ -~~~~~~:H .... ~~~=Ol'~Ul===·O=.E~.~~~·~~~~·-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-;-~-g-~-~-1==~~~~~1!1!!-~~~~~~~~~~~~---.u~ lllt .. JU ---= ...,_.; WllltM"-alU ta.5'7t ••Ml9'1pT IG-M71 -----------~~~~~;J!~.,.~~====::c=:::=!. ... A.# ·~-,,-• ........... ~ .-.._, -•# ~· ~ ...... .,. •• •• • •• ..... .. , .... • .. --------• ~.~!.~ ..... ?!~I~~ .•. ~.?!~ !~!!~!'! ..... ?~!.!I~~.~·:.~ ..... ?!~ _Fridlr..;.;.;._· S!(?l!c;;;.;;;,..;;.m .. •--.-1 ... , _1a_11 _______ _..;o;;..Al,-.LY__;.Pf..;L,_O-.T_ ... ft;;;;;;o.i..., ,. _________ 1[11111_______ !~!~:.~.-.. !!~ !~!!~:.~ ..... ?!!! ·~-~111.": ..... ~.-~!! llanufaclurln1 medical compaft)' needll I Jlill'IOll who a. a Mll •rter, Hke1 detatl work witb some experience ln &be WI ol mlcrometen. dial ·tndl cal or1 fr blueprint tnterpnUtiol'l. Good beneOta, Mluion Viejo area, aalary commemurat.e wtth 1 experitnce. Only t.boae qwa.Unect who are aeel:1na perman nt employment, • ~all ~ IOr appolnt~cnt at 581"3830. -.a.•lft•-•lllC.IP110KIST• -•••IMB tor dUropradic olflN. 9pl I M.l.OMM typl11 ta Uta bkh1 . NlmDS YOO I can.. m*Ddllld. MO~ ...... -I,,.__, ---,....,... k>caoO... CCIGl R !: c f! p T I 0 N I 8 T ,... vW.O ~.,.. top TYPIST • bllay lrv dc catlt.ob. •1111 co aeed• f1rl ........ $1we. W/lood typlnl Ill Ill .......___ ......._ olftce e11per tt --671-1771 qul1"91l Uaht tn>inl W/ 8-1 D&a&. S.U.; Uc. or \mli~. Will tratD fD.'11DO A.a for BW. tbe rnaupr. ~dutieoa Upto 11~ Call Cbarlenc -.-:n. lllC9'T'IOMST Pfibhhint Co .• fuJI Ume, l£CEPTIOMISTtmlST . Major rnedlc•l company located ln Miiiion Viejo. h• I kinl • peraan to won fulJ time on I pemwlC!Ot bula n the c•1M1dly or a Rccept.Jonbt. You must have 3 yeure xpcrlence In wortina ln an office 41 have a typlna speed of 60 wpm. You must be pwictual, ba.ve u pl uant telephone vole , b ne l in appearance, dedlC'aled. hurd working & a self-s tort t'r You wllJ a lso be reaporu Jbl ror met>Ung the public & general offlce work, including 8fmple acrountlng &. telex muchkne. You must have a good aptitude ln math. Non-smoker. Exrellent benuflta. pay e ommcnaurat-c wtlh experlence. excl'llent surroundings Only those ~eekmg perm"nenl ~mployment need apply Call Sw,an for appointment. S81 Jgi() SAW.NG INSTRUCTOR SaJe5 Penon. exper'd Pre· needed foe ~Z7' cnu1tnK I'd but wdl lrlW\ Mike's S&Jlboat. part·t1me 10 Carpets, U4 E. 1101 St . cludmg wli:nds MS-7LOO C.M. ~ ......... c...... Front Otc a~aran~t!. 1---------Sales typ'I SOwpm, hle ofc SALES NATL Indus Hardware F\IU time reaJ estate aa&es auoctate wbo re- quires 1ubtltant1al In · come. is desperately needed by long established, l ocal broker. Outalanding earning1 available on generou• comn:uas1on split. A marvelous op pommity for the eager proteuiooal. Call Mr Hmltinp at 6'0-s.w>. cMJes. OC Airport Aru 4r tools SUPPLIER Now 957·8522 ask ror Mr CAS .. H SALES lunng ror sales & mnl(l Retzlaff trlJrung. up lO szoo wk salary + comm·S20K llYAICH AIDE We are lookmg for un Wort near KB·lrvine. 18 F tnllE College Chem & outgoing person for full yrs +. Students ok. Will Bio. Basic molecular Umepos1tion. In add1t1on tram 39tr wk. 957-1150. studies, DNA . Call to good startlng waf(es. Mr Joseph. Peg g y B i e r e r • ca.Vliers share in com· TI4.Al75-21.:i9 Dll5Sion pool. Please app SCOPE DRILLER, will Kerckholr Marine Lab.. ly in person. Mon lhru tr a in w I some ex · Corona del Mar, A lacili· FnS.5. perience Call for appl, ty otCaL Tech ... E .O.E.-562·1634. or 549·3887. leallatateSaln MtF_.11-_'-______ ROGER'S Seams tress. sample Opening for licensed 1--------· GARDENS rmker, M IF, production salespeople. locally 230tSanJoaqwn exp. FUil time , perma· owned. witb national re-ReSemtionist Hills Road IW'lll for designer line ferral system. Excellent needed ror an exclusive CDM 64().5944 The Banana RepublH'. working con ditions pnvat.e resort ID Laguna ---------689 So Coas t llwy . F.am l00% commission Be a ch. Experience Laguna 494-~ For coofidenual app'l Sales -------call 759·02:1'\ Execu helpful. A.sk for Stretch Are you an arl1~l1t· SECUTil~EHEllAl at~l. Systems Realtors 1 _________ 1 creallVf. ,t.nerflt;l•c CE ---------i>er.l . ' lndep. Jfcnt. Jiv(. ~if1ed RENJ'AURANTHELP sparkling, has sa)es & dut 1es F 1oaoc 1 a I SECRETARY Major medical electrOnic company la seekin1 a career pel'50n who Ukes a busy desk. Wlth excellent typlna skills, short.ha.ad & telex experience nelprul & a good aptitude In math. We are In nued or fl 2'etr-21tarter who enjoys detail & dlvcrs1rlcallon. Non .smoker. Excellent benefits . Pay commensurate with experlence. excellent surroundln~s. LocaUon close to all your personal needs, Mission V1eJO area. Only lho11e seeking permanent employment need apply. Call Susan for appointment. 581·3830. Secma.ry /Au't Enter· t.aiwneDt co. Tnvel re- q ul red. Faat t yp1og aeceMary. Call Glenys, ~ Secretarial ••ATTIMT'IOH•• Sl•deots Teachers Housewives' ' EARN VACATION S1 WE NEED SECRET ARl ES IMMEDIATELY with or w tout shorthand Long or short term. hou· day & vacation pay. hospilabzahon ava1ld- ble. 546-4741 3848Campu.'I Dnvt• <across from John Wayne AJrportJ Equal Oppor Employer • SECRET AJUES * Set'y rGenl O<c /Reeep Set'y G.O Legal Gen.I Ofc-<>urs Rec·type 55, gd al fig detad-0ur of r $800-Sl500 Range STOCIC a.EU Growlnc Orange Cou.oty baled company 1eek.a In· dividual to uawne •t.ock room reapoosiblllty or picking & stock1og or pu1s Other duties will me sbippi.ng, rece1vmg & general warehousing chales. €lectroruc com pooents knowledge helpful M1rumum one year expeneoce Good oompeny benefits Call 557·905l Equal Op· portWllly Employer SUPBYISOI 1')'"1mhare·s Irv site has ammed opening for a stun supervisor ~ccessrul candidate will have a ourumum of 2yn1 hands on exper 11i. a I st lme superv1:wr. P081llon directly responsible for real t1mt! ned1l card authorization c enter. supervu;111J( JO authonza lion operators anJ 2 con lrol ll.'ISISUant.o; We offer xlnl !ilart1n1? salary and benef1h & the opportunity to 1Jlay an important role in our continued e xoao:.1on Supt, , •• or ....... '. Thur:. Mon 9am to lipm T~AVEL AO!:NT full W•WMU,..... 10 9peed ~ u ii flO. wu. wU.b UcUt.IAI ei lor blk IMDlf•dllrilll MkforJhnalf . ~ Hunl. 8ch. eau ~· lom• .. pr. , ___ Ca11 __ 1&_·_1m __ _ Llln'ylf7.sr. pnl. f\ill Ume PotM'oo Olrla C11atm BHcb TYPISTS NEEDED UU1£DIATnY CALL T.N.T. T • "•Y 771-3470 Typist·Aut. •uu time typl.lt tasat to "°"" for nciUnl enter· tainment firm. Salary .....,lable Call Debbie: -...orT~. 'J'ypUg ••ATI'IMTIOH•• !ludenta Teacben Houaewi ves' • at-OCll ~.uu .... a40or Women '• reab•oo Wareboa•• ne•d• imure woman~ bl na&b. cau m.1805 x.IAY TlCtMCtA.N To worll h1 Newl)ort Deecb R!Mum11tologlat •• otrice. Must be wllllnl lO do rouUne offlce work. including venipuncture, routine l ab, answer plxnea, etc. Salary com· memu.rate with exper . '*'IMl ~Teet.Id.. Part time for or· tbopedist. Ltd llc accep table. 1131-2200 th. BICYQ.l.S SdnriDDI, 4t1f River Ave, NB .,, ..,w.n• aozs ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllO 12112 Mnlcan Tecate n.le. $1 .00each. 962--0658. 1030 EARNVACAT10N S1 Mw ...... Compl. darkroom. WE NEED: •••••••••••••• ••••••••• camera, lenses, f1ller.1, /Senior TvN•t.a .,.,... • ..... IOOS ll00.6'15-3682 _ .;'Slat TypUts •••••. ••••••••• ••• •••••• "--1040 J'Olctapbone typtSts --.r J'Cerlc Typists Gen.ine Lunoces chul•. ••• ••••••. •••• •• ••• •• •• NEED IMMEDIATELY aerv>c-e for 12• i9 pieces. KEESHOND Pups. AK<.; Long fr short Lerm. holi· 7Sl-5579 Qiamp we. M tF. Pet & day & vacation pay.1---------•I s h ow . P v l Pt Y . bosp1talizallon ava1la· nus weekend you're ln· 2l31897 l.345aft6pm. b6e Vl1ed to ALE.A ·s AKC Gldn Retriever puP6. VOLT t II M?f>PA.:tll bf ll'V'-.A .. 546-4741 :11411 Campus Ori ve < acro6S from John Wayne Airport l F.qua1 Oppor Employer TYPISTS Cf\-Llr\: 17 23 lire II st. "'w1llOf'f 1-_odt :.s1.r.. )5 LIMITED EDITION' HWllen. wtr dogs, 80 Champ Pedigree. SHOW. SALE & 49M881 . ARTISTS' f'AI R Plates, F11(ur1nes , L1tbos. Much M ore FAMOUS ARTISTS & STARS IN P ERSON Na t1onw1de Exh1bll ., Seminars SWAPlrSRL Sat, Sept. 8 I I 0-51. s-. Sept. ' 112-51 SHE:RATOM- .\)(AHEIM IOL5 W Ball l<d Anaheim Adm S3 Blacll:·s llver Germari 5heiihefd puppy, rem, 11 wks. good bm only. 646-5757 Pomeran1ans : blonde mother, I yr , red sabh.• ralhef'. H'< yr.., wolf s11 bll' fem IJaby JO wk:.. ~l295 t·v~ P U RI-;en Jo:D GI< EAT DANES 7 wee.k!>, S165 962 800li AKC Tfo.AC.:UI' P<JUULI-. f'UPPY MAL£. $450. CALL 99'l 21711 Real Estate Part lime Lunch shift dispJay ability ? Lido Services fo'1rm. G ood 0!02x1 ,Andlntrial Counter help needed. Villages lead.mg jeweler skills experience re •Counselors Sales Our Office• Appt Only F'r et> or Fri Mon 9am to 8pm f:.am a chance to .. in a Ensciish Oak Buley Twist Obi bed. $'ZS(I Xlot cood ~ F'a 11l a 't 1 .-G\. \..n ~rd puppies. Xlnl blood hnc. bred lor tem pera mt-nt. -..1e & obt• d 1 t· n 1· ,. A K C r e ~ . 64().1631 Sl.25 per hour Ideal for wishes full time mcldn ·R qi.Ired 64().0lZ3 college s tudents & Sat no nile!> Call -Successfu brokerage ~ves. Call Ron 2_5 673-9334. Secretary. nice Npt Bch firm bas immediate pm.~. ~---office , yng, casual at- opemngsforcommercial SALES CLF.RK FUii o r mospherc 7AM IPM Ln Reinder.; Agency 4020 Birch. &5lab '64 Newport Beach. 833-!ll90 Ph:aM> send rl'S uml' or tn1Jf0f"twot11 C.;..t:io~n C:her r y wo od mirro r letter of 1111.t-nt 111clud1ng Luc~' backed eta~ere marble :.wary ~tor) to t1,p ""Jlnut o' .ti. ttt:'>tle & Proress1onal Jo.mvlo) ~ter tod .. y Worlt 4Q fnn tabl~. cut glJi.~ & me n l T > m '> h d r I' hour.; clOd you re in the -.. ~ I k T ran:.acl111n c..t-rv1l't'' .,.,.._., dlllq I.: a:.:. t>n and industrial sales Resuurants part lime Apply in $175 wk Call !IAM to persons with the follow PERRY'S PIZZA persoo 10-12 Costa Me~a noon . a s k ror Mike, ingqualilications. Now lunng ror part or Stationers. Z10 E. 17th. 67~9910 a462 DuPont D; In CA drawmg' Work lonl({'r n1ngton w;,rp & Jnl~ S.U dCll"'J Girl Friday """14 L' 0 1::,· ~. L' 11 and 'o c r e a~ e )'our lamp. I' p Ca II ror appt ""'' c. .. , .-chance. Lo w111 1t ·~ that .,.,,. .. ....., ... 7 a c"" Smlll advertJsing agen· Tymsh.-simple' "''~·-.., ...,,,., AK<.: 8edRh· Puppies &. older d tJI-: 780 0382 &- 847 2661> 8IJl bldl k & tan l>oh1c' pun·hrt•d . 110 pdpcrs, Rwlt.o; olc1 ~ 4764 calif. R. E . License full time help Must be St. C.M 548 1602 CdlegeBackground able to work wknds. Will SALEStDELIVfo:R Y If Secretary: Word process· 1ng desirable. 3 yn exp Some reception. 67~ Send resume to John Nei s wender , 2 01 Shipyard Way, NB 92663. cy m Harbor area need!. T i JoJ1 ubf·thean Heprodut· a slhfarp. respons1bl.-. .i:~I 1°" Come ON LISE' All 'IN tJl.(l i.ol.Jd ()alt. 5p<· bdrm SalesExpenence work around s c h ool <Comm'l &lnduslnal> schedule. Must be l8 y rs you need a decent PilYIOR s e -m 0 l 1 v a l e d ~ .. c.n nc.. LINE te ml)1'< l'arn top ~Wll'. al:.1} Jpc: Rallan sec retary c; o on __ _, ... __ r 1 'lt.-'t. n!l!tom l'.ovl'rd. <All Fem l>ad\.,hund puppy, 1 mm., AKC. 'a1·r1fu t SI~ bt...,t 847 l !'lll'J We o rrer a strong orolder.Apply1nperson job up lo $4·S6+ cvs positive environment ror anytJme 5-9pm, call afl lpm, secret.anal skills a must TEACll Jo;R l'rc St•hool. pay "'"' a ..,,.,115 o a m1 e --· .• r II of paid 11r travel for hke l\f"W al!.O mat<•hin° s uccessful person 11 I 2l(Xj~ w. Oceanfront.NB Sll-<Jill C a I 1 r 0 r a p p t . expen.E>nct' nt.'t'ueu, u • " 714.~1475 tJme 54().1919 every hour they work ntrc'f' tbl & dn.im ti.JI Oa~ &46-5435. ~\l('li Aft fT-ee to You 804S growth in comm'I & in· SALESLADY dl.L'ltnal real estate sales. Restaurant For women's apparel SECRETARY /Order Secunty Tl::ACHt-:R 1A!.>~1s l purl 5 ~l Desk GATE GUARD ume Moo thru Jo'r1 II JO VALf;J' PARKING. PT fo'REt-: l.rR fem doR. hlk ..•.••................. lea.sing and mvestments ASST MGR JEXPER shop i.n Newport Beach 10 Orange and San Diego Irvine area. xint career Must be over 28, Sun Couoties. For further ID· oppty for aggressive day's olf. Call 673.s530 Inside saJes/order desk. to l2 JO Newport ~nter lunches Wo me n t'l'I Bathtub. old bait & C'l:iw & wht ,µ0 1 ... l y r . typmg60wpm, reqwred. For private community, M.-thodi~t Pre Srhool couraged t o apply root No rust or chips beautiful. Need:. yard fonmlloo contact. young person. Reply to Pump mfr in C06la Mesa Laguna Beach area. Day Call btwn9 I, 644-0740 Pnvateclub 644 ~ $125 lfITTD ~t 15 642-4070 Call SS7-4116. shift. 4.94~71 Mon thru -----T R E S d CGrporate leatty IK. ad 11599. CIO The Daily ,_tx_wn_s._io_. ___ _ 185S2A MacArthur Blvd. PUol. PO Box~. Coeta Sales Clerlt: Full lime ID· -----FrHorappt. Teacher a.1de Mooles~n WAITER WAI S Sletl(bb . <'•rc-a lMlO. SECRETARY " Typing 1;_.;;-iiiii;;..-..:;;-jiii~-~---iii-ii;;;;-iiiii;;..-.:;;-jiiiiiii_;;; School. 9 30 to 6 pm PIJ' Lundi only PnvaLe ~.dbl '>IU'. $ZOO Happy. healthy kitten:. Ste 210, Irvine, Calif 1_Mela._..;_Ca_9216216 __ . ____ cld'g 1 weekend day, 40wpm. Phones. Front (714 )893·2734 West Oub 644-5404 6441158 otfice appearance. Full· Secy ~flfto. Friday Garden Grove Weaned & tram ed. Ca II 548-4615 l'l7lS Restaurant: Sandwich perm. Retail ref's. orm01M/97J-CIM perwon. cook. counter 417-21125. help wanted Good ------- o-Cl k f H B sal"""· Call (or mterv1ew SALESLADY. For LadJes ncuc:>VUll er or · -J Sportswear Drug Slore. Mon·Fr19-5.1_6'1_5-_2193_.______ frlJ..QSO Mioa~30.847-2563. R t t C ft ------------=-------es auran • a e ena Salesperson (Phooel To RECEPTIONIST help for private club. sell product to Clubs. or· Growm1 company in lOam to 3pm. Moo thru · · It 1 I rvi n e. needs ex· Fri. Call for appt. gamzations empoyee groups on F\and Ra1Smg· perienced. responsible ~S(m_ext_520_. ___ Consignment Bas is . per a on for r r on t Restaurant BUS BOYS Nal'I Co, in bus 19yrs dl!lltjpbooes, misc office needed for Newport Full or P /T • Call. duties. Monday tbru Frl· Beach Club. Full time s:ll-lCSI. day, 8-5. Good benefits, da Call r salary negotiable . YI'-orappt. Salesperson. permanent n ... 557-50U. 64.S-5000 ext 520· full Lime. will train. fl M. RECEPTIONIST Restaurant A b r a m s C a t ·a I o R lime. Salary open. Newport Center loullon, 549-1.343 small otrice. l1lls of ---<1.oc----variety, some stat typ1rig SECRETARY I RECEP-~d. Market research TIONIST Permanent firm. part tune. Expenenced. Irvine PeS"SOl\llel Agency accurate typist. 2-3 days. 488 E 17th. Cost.a Mesa hours 8-5 wiU grow into St.e224 642· 1470 rwl lune. ror land de· ve lope r -propert y management company SS hour Call Wana 752-5846 at 18952 MacArthur Blvd., lrune. rv1ce Station Atten dant Apply Mobile Cctr Wash, 1701 Tustin Ave & 17i.-t St • CM. Secretary /Receptionist rvice Station Allen· OC Airport area. Exp danl. two part lime stu req'd. dents OK. Apply 2590 751-4760 Newport Bl\ld C.M. Wanted young female. Di.shwasher needed for Showroom, 1819 Newport responsible, friendly & Private Club. N 8· 4pm· Blvd., Costa Mesa Secretary, typing. Npt Service Station Manai.tc sports minded. Mu s t l2am. Union benefits. 1SaJ._es_______ .,_.. Co O l Tr -tull l ··-'-•"'me evenJnos •-Call for appl. 645-5000 WILD WEST o..-.1 Jo;Jec mp Sales f. men amee. ime. wvo•""" ., "' Cice.SaJary+.631·50:11. experienced. Lite weekends. Call Sue. John ext.52()_ -------mechanical reqw red Al I Wayne Tennis Club, Restaurant part time. STORE Secntary P /f Benefits. Apply· 2590 644-eOO Cas hier & Ass is tant WESTMINSTER Sm a 11, p (ea s an l Newport Blvd.CM RECEPTIONIST sandwich bar. Irvine How acceptlwci ap. engJ.Deering office. Mon- For Construction Co. Oubhouse. Xlnl working ..._~for ftill Htm Fn 1-5pm. Must be gd N B .. h l •-cond. & c lub mem· .---lyp&at.549-5234 ___ _ Will Call TEACHERS· Sublt1tute-1 Apply now '4 II level fOf' ~ school yeur Valid CaJ1r. Teach.ing Creden tJal to quabfy MS1day Call '°" appl rounlain Valle y Sch(lO I 01:.l 842·6651 , UL 224 EOE Qualified s ubs titute leachcrs wanted to tea<·h K 12 stude nt.5 as ti res u It of a teacher work s top· page Valid Cal. r r!'den· llal or emf'rgt'n c y credenll11I reqwred Ap ply at the Personnel or rice Of' call· HeftwtUMfi.d School District 2350 W Latham, Hemet. ear roo. urs .. be 9 2 M F · n..... ~ R.J.-tl ••· ·----·-----· ---------Adams. Hunt. Sch rs hip. · • on-rt. _,.. .....-. on1111 ·- 96U683. 754-7500 Jack btwn 2 & per. P' efeti ed. ·ce Station Attendant Ca S ECRETARIAL ; Pharma c euth:al Research M anagemcnl firm m N B has im· mediate opening for SECRETARY lo project manager Good lypmg & transcribtnl( skills req'd Medical Pharmaceutical exper. helpful. E.O.E 7~ full & part. hourly l•--1 •71•4··658--•2•17•1--4PM____ Apply in person at 15412 llea,._st /fYDist Restaurant Goldenwesl, 898-S54l. fer boat sales office, 4 Counter & some kitchen. SALESPEOftLE day week incl. weekend. full & part tJme. Mom· * Some experience re· $20.000-+ a year? ,...red. fr15-3282 i~. Evenings & wlmds. we need you! 1 1 .. -Cootact Ron at 752-0401. Receptionist 3 days per Retail Store needs resp & week. Dependable gal energ( tic Xerox & sla· needed for busy phones & •'-~ 1 r1t St rt Ptr fnmt deaJl. Home build· uvo~, c e · 8 AM & Sat. Baker St. CM. mg co. ln Coeta Mesa. Call M-F. 8-3: Ask for _CaIJ __ 54&-_11_6_1. _____ 1 Mrs. Matranga 754-1000. .. RJGGING & BOAT OUT· IKe,.._.st /f Yllilf FITJ'ING.qualified peo- Permanenl pa rt· lime. pie please call 631-2161 9am to lf.m. Self 1tarter needed mmed. Recep-Sailboat Maint & Clean'g, tionist duaes. typlng & ~II lime, must have general office w ork. min. knowledge o f Fount a I n Va 11 e y sailboats. mecb ·elect TI4,11M-3531.Joyce. syst em,. Thurs·Mo n , 7·3:JO, mcl wknds. $3.50 hr.~noo. Restaurant AHMOUHCIHG THEOPEMIMG OFAMOTHER STIAWHAT RESTAURANT IMMEOtATE PLACEMENT POSrTIONS OPEN FOA <ASMmS efllDA COOIS •JOOO ..... ........ s Our exelllno MW Strew Hat Plz:u A"taurarit at Orenot & 17th In Coeta M ... will ti. opening soon. Now ~ting appllc1t1on1 '°' •ull & • part 1tme po9ltlon1. tf you entoY working with the publlo end are depef1dabl9. hardWOtklng end Mlt ln ~ you hM whai It tlk" to m.U It wtm 8trM t.lat. Apply In Ptrton: 11 tD 4, Fn .. a.t.. Mon. & Tu.. Aste •or: Pet• .... lOEWF •l'Ull co. benefits •Lead programs •We will tram Hey CULLIGAN MAN! C&ll Wayne 492.3213 & 8»3031 Secretanal 0 FFI Ct. S Kl LLS CENTER Upgrade you r job, or pre- pare for a better one in this modern. new center. Sbort courses In - 111 levels of SHORTHAND •II levels of TYPING COPY PROCESSING WORD PROCESSING/ AUTOMATED lYPEWRITINB MACHINE TRANSCRIPTION/ DICTATION MACHINE CALCULATION Classes start Sept. 10 Enroll anytime. Come to Admissions Office. Golden Weit College t6 7 4'4 Golden Weet Street Huntington Beach, C1 9264 7 (71'4) 892-7711 +commission 673-3320 ew1ng M ac hine Operators Exp prd'd, near OC Airport , benefits. Mo n·Tburs 6-4:30pm 97~1483. ewing Ma c hin e Operators· Exp pref'd. nea r OC Airport , benefits. Mon-Thurs M :30pm. 97~1483. SIDPPING Immediate day <1hirl opening. Prior exper. de· sirable. $4.00 to start wtoVertime avail. Lead· Ing benefit package w ,fully paid medical tt dmtal after 90 days. ROS.AM IHC. 549-S533, Npt. Bch, An F.qua1 Opportunlty Employer SllSHOP Now takiq appllcaUom for I fl • p/l employ m«nl flr dQa fs nit.es. P.F. llclluWo Co. 5'7. 7479. Stationery Stou In 0Jrma del Mar needl U · perienced aale• lady. 1'\aJl um. 5 da.YI. alnl wortinl CCJPda, Ea pedal· 11 floe Clleat.ele. 175-1010. 8loek cl.,., lmmad1ate openlnc for NIPOOllble. lnduHriou llldl•lduel. 1'\&11 Ume, wtU t.ralD. Call Ill.OW for llPft. ~pa.rt Ume, lb.dent oil. P'rida7 nlitu 6 Saturda1•. R . M . Abraaa, Cetalo1 .... ~ 111.tJlileWJIOft •"4.o.&allleu. l'RBHOHE SALES Work p 1t1me 1n our telephone sales roo m <AM. 9-2 shift I and still have pleasure lime for yourself Waf(es + Comm Call ror dets1la LA 'l'lmes 54G-0301 Telephone Solicit.ors Lucky you! We have 2 ~ fr il 'r • often we lose a telephone llOilcltor. How would you like to earn anywhere rrom $3.50-16.00 hr. and still spend all day nt the beach? The hrs. are Sun lhru Thurs 5 30·9pm. There's no selling In· volved It no exp ne«:asary. $40-4088 •rt lpm : Ask for Sue TIRE" GENERAL AUTO SERVICE. 5 day work week. Appl y Newport Tire Center. 3000 E. Cout Hwy. CDM TOOL CRIB Immediate 2nd a hlft open1a& ror individual lo dlapea ae toolln1 and 1bop 1uppl111 Xlnt. 1tartln1 rate and benefill. Room to ad· vence Into more ~catAd tool matd· t&alltC9 work. WaJtreues: Immediate ~ ror C'ltpe1' dtnner & graveyard PIUd vaca- tJons. good lips. Apply Taylor 's Res taura nt Redhill & Santa Ana Prwy.TUsun WAITRESSES. pvt club rood & cockt~1ls. dav & rule sh.JIU. incl wknch 673-rr.ll Wa1tresse11 & bus boys wanted SeachH Rest s.J>.8866. WANTED DRIVER SUHOAYOHLY To deliver Daily Pilot bundles t~ caml'rs Re qt0res van or larl(e sta lion wagon and a J(ood dnv1ng record Phone &'42·4321 and as k for Harry Seeley or Don Williams EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WARF.llOUSE DELIVERY person for party renta l s lor~ P t1 m e Appl y 2025 Nt'WpC>rt Blvd CM WAREHOUSF.MAN Dulles include dnv1111(. f<>f'khft, pick-up & de- livery Orange County & L.A. Inventory cootrol El:penence m handhnJC carpet preferred Call f or appl J .J . Knickerbocker Carpets, S -. AN SM-31. J Wattbouse worker. Look· Ing ror mature. alert io dividual willing to learn & accept responsibility in e11tabli.shed Newport ---.... me.. 10 I 0 Male & Female Norw. ••••••••• •• •• •• ••• •• ••• Elk J 5 yrs Spayed UsedRdngerators Great w kid:. AKC . Washers & Dr> er-;51 2949 BARGAINS-SERVIC E Best ApplJaoce 536 0911 16ll Alabama St H R GE rrost frtt fnR eros.~ top /rtteUr 915 645-9194 F'reetl'r Lrg uprtl(hl Whirlpool. 2 y rs. hkc ,_, onj! S8SO. ~ac SlOO Ca:.honJy 645 l~t:VC:, 7 m o old b l k Lah Retr1e\1•r , Jo'e m , all shoes 963 20+7 Short haired brown malt· Umue 7 yr.; old, lov~!> children 842 0750 Aaatn:iim Sh•pherd 673 2620 Disney type larRf' rn11k dofo? Appro:tl K moe. Gd w lucl'i 543-7142. 8911 3044 GE Washer. l!d rond w nuru tub & Lady Ken mart> dryN Both l•>r 5185 Call aft H 'M , J M1x1•rl Grrman 646-6096 S hepherd puppies. K - - - -~"l. sec lo apprcc1alt• La~e!t Sears Cold.~ PQl 642·9803 rel'ng Rrand new l'.Ond. S2SiO farm. Worth dbl. 64&5340 Iv msR John r R E F. KITT t:N S TO GOOD HOME 67~3202 llotpo1 nl relri Rer d lor w freezer, worlung, S75 Yellow l...ib, spayed, 2yr~ 540-t496 wt'Sbols Good with kid:. Holpomt. I yr old. dbl door rclnl( Rest offer m.83216. 957-8580 536~ IOSO ··••••·•·······•······· Whirlpool 17 2 ru rt French stylt> armo1re retngerator. ice ma krr w /OVal beveled D11rror freezer on t o p Ca I I S200 S4&-0400 673-7435 CASH PAID Uotpoinl refng, 17 8', 3 For gd used fum. anll· mos old. Almond Marbro quee&clrTV's957-813J lamp 48.. 965-0672 RdnRentor. Kelv1nalor, lllcu rt, botlm freeze Xlnd C'Ond. wb1te. $160 Avail by ~28. 5.59-6731 aft 7prn. R.elrig. lrg. bronze 2·dr Xlnt. cond. ~. 831-4482 or 831-0380. Luaunous wrute Indian COUOn sofa + love, I006c pillows Pecan co(fee lbl. All like new. ___ .. 1-p l9tb century love-seal & t:UPboard & misc items . Compl bdrm 11et, chest drwrs. lg glass front. cuno cab. 646-9526 Beach firm involved ln AllctioR 10 IS sUPP«Ying textiles used lo ••••••••••••••••••• •••. EXCELL ENT Trundle yaclating, backpacking & Bed, med twice S100; DR ski wear. Secure future UMITID IDmOH Tlble '°" 2. S20. Wicker for nibt person. Filling SHOW fr SALE chair (neecb work) s:;. of orders & general Sept8-j 646-78118 warehouse duties . 37~ Sberatoo·Anaheim ..-··r .,eek. full time W bed. dreaser. cheat of ouu For dlKolmt llcllets de· d d •-days. Excellent com· rawera. woo en .. ----.t benefits. P•" taJJa. write: ALEA. Box metal high chairs, SIS fr r-v _... ..,, 1034·.J , Kenn.it, Te•as .,,, of d .. bdrm d .. baaed on ability. C.11 ... c es... es ... -.~ 'm~ twin bed, tbl, chrs, mile. m.zm Ware b o u 1 em an . 1---------llltabllaMd 1laUoa.ary Set bunk beda, complete 1 t 0 r • D e e d 1 PUBUCnJRNI'lURE w /.-uard rail, ladder, wal'eiboQHm,an. Ofttce •AIETIIJll• ...;...,_._m.. __ ~---- .-, uper. belpM but T ... 7:JOPM Cheerful corner BR not neceaaary. Frln1e ll'OUP. twtn bedl t'5 ea; bmllf'lt.a. OOUP medical. Weterbed wltb bdrm cplltted CO¥en • bollten Pald vacation • a .Wte. wttlumttreautyle •-. Oorns' table $1.5. bcldQa. For appt call lbs. RelWar bdrm Mt, s.ms Bstly Caal1, 751·1'112. IU'lllOiree, lblt, cbln .. , ---------Alloclrtver. 1 or a •. ro c k er_• 1 llnlqRoomSet: refripraton, lmporua ro. ~'8 cbaln Ori111\al carvlnu • wlt.b vbrotM lep and fur'llM&lre. blatlr vtQI Hats ud WAREJJOUSE FACTORY A98EM11L&RS SAVI SAVI SAYI backs; dark woo d We honor BofA1 MC, ...._. llloclt tablt._wlt.b CeilllW'1 a.ca a Cub cbtome lep. -or N 0 PER S 0 NA L. mabatf•.Call5D·l#1. CRCCKS PLKASEI MW'..._ hod available. Item• Mded to,,..... -.... ,.,,.,. .._..,..,or M&StmAUCTIOM ..wa.. Clwllled ad· .......... _ ... C11 ....... J wUl ... )'QUI' --.... 1911110dllertJM,.. -~TodQl...,., .l!l!!:!!!!!-:!.!!!!! ______ !,P:!!4!9!!1£.!•l~1!1P!te~•!!!'1!1~r7~,,.!1f11!!! ..... 1011 Mltll•tW IOtO Mu It aw IOIO ,.._&Ow r .... .._,.._. 9040 ..... wllt/ _ ............................................................................. 1 •••••••••• -................... ~ 9150 ~.. .... CJ.t'W' ... Oan.Crall ... Cllllll ~ 1•nl lewtlUl m1chlat. Oolden "-1• Dlaao. lood for ll' S.ulllf. reaiored. -·-••• ............ . •••• 0 •• .. •u•••• .. II& a a •• IOI Toudi 6 8tw 871 ftrm • .,.,.. o .. rellaUcUn1. IUOO ..... TW llU81'81'.LL· <lrtl .-..1 fll allluil •• 1 IUY •• ~~· IWlf •Ht, ... t .NB. Dec. "'1• •. 2 •fflill trll. QHllty uprtsbt 1171 &..weulll, IOOcc. ... ... ... .... ·---Fl IAL t.tai.tuea. ~-plaaoe ••• .,, trHd· ........ "'° 1f71.~.A.t\.5Pll. •Allllll...._ ......._ CllM ... ,_,. h • • -..::._••IPll.-~ ~l:· blrlcMr' to, lelt ••· reeoed alaarp. z.,.rt ...................... . "...,.. W. 4116 • '!'CITLO&lwW..U ¥ ~ ;&:;.;' • ._.11 OdM trclaor. lll11t·011t . .....,.,........,. ·•. LulMn ti. Zlft. nm '11,IWoo, 1M MW. '71 'l-·,f,..-=-.,.~...: ~":.:"°" .,... ~·lit'• o1 <t• 1n111Turiu> =::· kenam ==== ::!~·u~~1,~ ~0r08 : =.:':!:.::·~~ :.-:..~owl11. •••tlAUMtll =-=• .:.t:;i W tflC...,a• um -•-• __ ~o_. _____ ,....~ .. / a.. ... AIMii-. ~. *· IATJIU,. J blllr CJ1bal I t'-' ol W..... IOll .... PIANOS Oive 1our bolt Ina. a ... ,11Map ft.0 - --.. D •· **".Wf we, 1•1 • llue River drawen\ te cream COf'U ....................... UawtlMa.Oraadl. ebtdl·'T.· c.u Boat• __ .... _ ...... . ~;..'..;..;;; ... ;.__. ___ --1 ,_ • ...._.._ ...t ~)I-'--mailer. awemower, XJacmid.•'IOSI ~ y bt I n_..-...... -old u..._,..,.._ .., • ..,_ · · \-'--=' ..... _. A1troturf·U 11ard. Waa&.d : lJMd ~ E•· M.TY<>ent ae u . or• fr" Mi:i."'~~i~'s ic. , ..... Ooei'.~ ~ Q~&aJ•. ktJlun. ~mile .... &. OLDCWUIJ1.KCRATll8 tttYd• blu. ., 5 Plaoo~ m:·,~:oTT·~; <aurGW)MWll4 •4IMI ~w• ~·· ~··~. __.Ill. Cll. ft'l1S.t. 11mO()(JJfl'Yf'AJJl we10. ~HReftniab1Dlh ice m.m•. •-... -~---. --,_-__ -----aw-. Hdl 6 ••••· lHU --a .GOFMb 5o40-0NOW..ud:QWaeeP'ruh.r• -•m 00,H.. Wnnu.uat ·•'cawA 1!!~'9's roo• 1•1 • /1 Olll ~.Cr. J\a Vly. Honabla. Will Pleil. -.aw Pe&tlCJft 30 with Dlael rod taJ.r, rr bed, dun . .,_ nlll......, ,_ ........ .............__~ _ __. •1111 ---bdrm Mt1• otbw John Warn• Famlly -~ ........ v If ...,, .... 109,. u4 wbeel and mucb Cara1.-.1.110,wt .. 771t •'97-...--a•tlaue1, •PP.Pl ••ct•. ..._ b • 000 v,._, •. ~1· I '1111.. .. ..,... .. C9mll .. "!!:_ ......,. d i'ar dlml.. ,,.,,. TV • tlo••il!Jtd. ~.. 4r ope mem ... ra Ip l + .............__. :• .. :................. .,..... EaceUent tond . 117TZ2' Undy, tell cont'd. Ollk •d=: ClllNrw '! t·'a._ ... ,_ ....t. ~ ,_ lNI '#:r IT Tru~':: ~~=r '"· &U·WO ..... _.,, IOIJ Cole 111 an Pe a k I ;;~~5~0e.w~o:;. 81p':· LodJd. tn.900 w bellt . .. 6 • C'Glf9e tw. •a.rt.. tMlr ...... 1111P9dfkAwe.C.ll. Broab, cameru, ~u .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ba c 11 pack . b I u e 957. UJJ. Eve. ph. --aft5Pll clmltlll.~wJmtf' a .... n.waia• ODt· Ywds.lellt.mlo•pe• •p.mucbm.l.H. aAt llbi•wst\1Athlet1c DnlmMtCCrown>~Pt' + Polertuard mumm y lllZ400 i!!lqlbw-actllAJZJ,2.mm ror, .... dl9a l'..._.. ti. &.we wD 1mtdal.q Sal Loll of clotlilet, I.Aka tqulp. mi Broad Ul&bme:.,~P S1'IO bLJMit. m.t. cood. '100 . .....-, be&. 1 mo old --------reduc~d to sun:· ,.,,,._ .... \lilllia sn. Gold ..... booh, misc Wlul St. Nwpt Hit• Sat Aft.IPM.5'1-1158. •a.M.H'1'18 OCEAN mG'Tl.~751•15 1'80FA.eanhtOIW. lal9 ......... C.ll Ooeu't .. u IHI to LC)...,. MUTTa'SCAH HatfttlWW'd oraan model OOU' Cube. 3 MU One a.c.r~niher alnt condWon --..tMo __ cl\arit1 DO lla1n0Ua. Saturday only! Tool1. SAL.£.EVERY1111NG (.,IJS. tmO. evea man'•· 2 lad.lea w 1car1.1. 48' C\lltom C4i.C Racine 1'ttllrs. y,..... f I 70 ~ Rnd martl6e dhUna tablt' ea.ta.._. dr)w~&olbes, 6 Junk COES 631-4186 ahou. t'tc. Qultt1nii Vada. PrwnUy la 41 ....... -............ .. ---~-9100 b 1 I JMI ,AptE C M ft'CG'ltoothpteutopota ------11m~ 1120 for evn Br11tol cond1t1o n '78Terry.~'.'Slpmt Air. .......... w up 0 •L awl v• ~ dtuout atudlo 6 PAM· Tbun-S.t tam· Glbaoo Humm101bird yt.1un1. Call art 3PM, S19S.OOO OwnertDlr UNJd 1 time. Ute new. ••••••••••••••••••••••• dMY.ra . VictG'tu walnut art aaJ1-y. Dutroom, Auot Harriet wa1 11 Good ri 7'° -lY old Bea t ~2311 or a.ft.er s call p cbalra . pr or <'ane umera. acwba, 1k11. clolbH nut Ii nevt'r lpm P en. mm"": ~U.r Beat Otr~r ~ _ _ 1141Mr7SI Pvt pty (NU2175) b b9ebd upbole cbaln, I ' tum etc t'l&-a.2. 114 tbnw anythtni& away• Baker, CM. ~aolS. 832-4Cor83l-0360 TanU, recuJators. fins, _56&-5 __ l88 ______ _ Cllm aola. table lampa, ~Hl. 81 Sdlini JO yean wort.b of II you would like to be • ---..... ~J+ & IPNI' a.so + oO\er equip. 14' Vaicabond, dockln1t Alilo s.r.tce, , .... endema. •~.~ 11 --'*1per clothlnJ( h1n. contestanl on f'amlly ~..---• me.-6'75-31112 avaU m 81, muat eeU . I &Accntarfes 9400 ld'med9l, a.pe 'W a~ Db&odlSiwuSt. Block aboel. ball. etc & other Feud cell Kar en , r.,it,_.t IOH ---yrc»d.$1400.673-4893 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l&erlm&, '·W&Jla ol Spr Oara1cSale.Boatparta, aw: estate llama 11183 !162·71154 ....................... 1Y,r· Bo Wh- 1 --- 1 -4 OLSb map 13x.5" for Illa;" omc. hlmlture, ,. Rey Jeff A.D.P' .. ACR ....,.al, c M. M6·9990 IMCTAPHOMI , ~ 1091 ston a er u1 inc Dlt.sun .1511 to .73. tllO set ltaa ban fttn, m.&m. Eplrb. ~rb•~\ P•/ u ~ECO~TING Portal>'ew/\ranacnber ••••••••••••··~··•••••• dmghy,s.ri=flce• Mlke.114&-202'7 157-39 pum~. ane no Navajo/Oraenlal ruge. 1 carpet na. or I "'-"'·-yocmt--Nice2S''Zftut.b ColOC'T v -----------------meter. C•nit! table. 4 furniture, collect lblea k'Qld/bm shag, &ood cond C-:~. o:;"'#Ml'I.. 11.31. 2 Yr Warr Frtt 7' cwtom decorat-0r aof11 c:hra. flOO cuh only. Ear· SM only 1983 Feder•!. SlOO 9xJ2 wool areu rua _<JaJ_____ ......,.. ..... ,.. Oet 646.1786 Hobie 16. blk anodized, AMloa for Sal. AAtlque bumper pool ly Amer couch /chair. C.M 646-9890 Is 0 2 Io v eat' a t • . BeauWul, lrg rnahouny - --l"\lllofn s&Jls. xlnt cond ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.bre. Aft. lam Sat. ll>l4 IU-UOl Sa t /Sun ------.io4d1cream1ollve. $100 --Jf1-d-kw/cha1r 2'.S"COLORTV no trlr '1200 1714 1 IMPORTANT fQbland Dr. Npt. !kb lllun-4pm. Giua1e Sale, clearina ea., &ood cood 5t0-4032 Xhrt ~~ sns 844 SMI Sl2B 2yR WAR 87WlllS2or m4l 64.S-OIH9 NOTICE TO everrthlne out 2092 642-5340 READERSAND WW tnde round bed for .... _ .. _., Sale: 3$3 Cost• Wal ace Ave , C M .a...tt...-dm'-1 room ta· t'Yetl --------f'or Sale. S.dnt-y Subot . ....,,,m• ...._...., ua dbl hull MOO ADVERTISERS dbl or queen. Sl5 Or aeU Meaa Sl, C.M. Fri. Sat.. :148 7011 ble. llO ,... 1017 !llerwood s mo rtte1ver. The price "' Item" r r $5. &'l1·3S70. ~. 9-5. ----95'f.1718 Innruly 30008 apukt'f1'1, 714-MS-3862 Patio Sale: Refr1a. ••••••••••••••••••••••• llO() S48-8372 advertised by vehicle 2 end tablee. llO. 8. couch till Gerrard turntable Ii lipricn'90.~~ BeauUlul Birch dining set &but.ch. 631 0419 Hide-a ·bed, &old /ohvf', double. dean. like ncw SIS. Call 642·7098 King• Queen Boll Spnn1 & Malt. Ne w. Corne r g r oup bed group w /bolsters & covers Ch est of drawers. lawnmower, AC/DC TV 7", lamps, misc. 8*-2102 MOOll HOME a.OSE-OUT SALE Decorator lurniture & accessones. Cedar Glen Tuwnhomes. ~ EJden Ave. Cosw Mesa. 11 to 6 da.lly. 642-6734 White bdrm Set. cunopy bed. 6 drawer dresser & nurror ~· 1945 Couch & chr $75, dbl bed SIO. h.wl1tm1t lump $15. E ~CV«!71 F\tm from Model Home, befow Cost. Antique bw fet, Qn s:i bed compl & other misc 325 AL1110 Av <rearJ Newport ~11cb Sacrifice! Muat aell con t.ent.\ ol lg home. Joos1· pillow llving rm suite, l(Jasstop correc & end t.ables w /c~en.za. Lea kg sz bdrm suit e . earthtone family rm set, cocktail table. w /end commodes. bookcase i.. velvet chairs. Italian formal l<t&me set, lam~. Grandlalherclock,Klm· ball piano, component 11tereo. etc. Call for 11ppl IM'1·1516 ------ Woodworks. table & 4 chairs SJSO 4 bar stools $100. 642.:_!~----­ Moving Sale Herculon couch & love seal SlOO Complete cus&om kfC. ar.. wal er bed $100 . Dreuer /chr $25 ea 351~ 1055 SAT ONLY! Ethan Allen Trundle bed, furn, chord orJan, lamp•. kit gadgets, boob Ii clot.ha. 1815 Ti..Un, CM. m7 Meyer Plae•, CM. (w«ide: tMlt Vid.orta Ir Wllaao) s.rtt.;uo 10.m· 1 SIU bool1, boob, ra- cordl, deU, ek. M.eJt1 pra1e aale Sat Ii b M . Bada, d.rweer, tnd tabl•, lampm, blke9, crtb, Jlftm•lroller. Jltla clolblDI 1·1, lOJS, mana1er, mt1c. ti It tu Ru1Wn1 WlDd, Jrv <Turtle Rock Vleta boam) 10 PumlJ O~ l&Je, ~ to_Oddt Dop for ,,. .......... 1.().5. 11711 Adrian. Cir. o_..orcne.1.- oARAGE SALIMH11 ,..,._ lniDe ... ttaan N . Atltl ..... lllcrame, llkla, Ywn. Dried '1owss, Aa- ...._. Qllft ltema, t•Jl ""* • -*· lat MPlll, "'" lflloUope <Aller>. ._ blod at fun, Coll. Prk, Irv. CedroD It. t,M ... NPK. ~: Aollque French annou.. d.reuen. tbla, chn, lamps, bedapreads, 12" Melllcan pavera, re- ronl player. radio, mlac. Sat . IS Lakegrass, Irvine. Sun Ca II )51-t928. -----HOME TO BE DEMOLISHED· Appl, firush hardware. doors, etc. 219 Pouu1ettia, CdM Sat 9·8·79. 8am·Spm Oeta1.1, Day S36·0343. l"Veb 67S.. 7931 2bdrmseu Hwtn. l·klng, custom bed s preads Game tble w /leaf & 4 chrs. Davenport & lov eieat. Velvet chrs. Anti· que Ca~in c·hrs. Drop leaf tbl & t1ln coffee tables, commodei1 & etc aft 5 Sf.S.J8MI, Sat only 1724 Samar Dr . CM tMeaa Verde art'a) Movtng Sale: .!-\Im, anti ques, garden equ1 p, boob & irusc Sal/Sun nnon t.o S 15172 Touraine ~ay, Lrv. (~e Ranch:_ F.a!'tblwf Garage S11le Or1e nt11I e nd table s. lampr.. llllt.q sideboards bake r 's rack. sewing mactune & much more 11>1 Do1111ngo Dr. Sat 9-4 644·1Mt f.lectr klln <lg>. 17' trlr, Mamlya 21,(o, binoculan, bed frame. toys. misc Sat/Sun 18332 Lisa Ln. BeachtEIUs. Multiple Family Sale Fri f.:>at Pallo Cum. mlNc ~d 1.81 E 21 St CM Thurs th.ru Sat 5411 Banlct.on, nr Graham /· Neargate, HB Kn & Qn box sp/mutt. Corner bed group c hest , lawnmo wer, lamps , mac. Children & adult.s ckAA!ng, name brands, Like new OlheT misc. ----Sal/Sun 9AM. 101912th St. Downtown H 8. Kng sz bed , furn, bikes , bowlehold items.· loya, cloOung, patten whl. ex· er-cycle MOVING SALE Brau bed, Kg. n .. P>O Washer SlS. Dryer $75 Bedlpreada, drapenes. brie·a ·bnc. clothing, plcta, etc. 8 dr»wer draaer ~. Twin bed w /bolateT It cover $70 1997A C hurch St 548-0ll64. w11her, sofas , m11c Jot.t Wayne Tennis Club Half M oon Parrot. ~. 8' Sydney Sabot Top deuler!I in the vehicle Items from aoup to null. rt'f'ular memberab1p Love Bl.rd. full cotor.123. Dearophorur slt'reo AM rond. ~ .. .,,, 3 cla11s1tied advert1111ni;t Set. Aft IOam. l319 An Vall.It' 12<MJO. d~coont to 673-7912 1'1M. IOhd atate tumta '"'...-colu~ does not 1ndudc t1 W NB ludl ( -- --...,_ .. .. 2 ... .,,.,, any apphcable taxes. gua ay. . Sl700 Inc ng tram er o--. dom-upal..,.. 3 .......... traca. i;.,..n1 .. ,;, Iii Uobit> C:<1 I .,_, t.rlr blk ll ( ( Gara&e Sale Sal & Sun, 10am·4pm 1-'urn . mopeds. bikes, clothes & t.oys 2.867 Velasco l.n, C.M. 5.56-8000. ---- Country Eng AnUqucs tabla, lamps, quilts . vanity l~ms. armoire etc Sun only Sept 9th Garage. Ill Set1 Island Dr . Npt Bch <Nr J11m boree & Ford Rd ) ~5323 Garaae Sr1le, Sat Only 90yrds green carpl:'l +much misc. 898 Joann S .C:M Jew.try 1070 ........••.•..•••...... tl'lgai;temeot & Wedding Ring Set, 14 It gold $500 Olli 964·S3'7S Pvt party has aohtare Diamond Ring over I ct Must st'll for c as h 963-5948 or 964·3290 8080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AlrlCl>S spruyer 3800PSI. ext.em100 I adden.. misc paint1nl( equipment 4!TI 2510 Mesu Verde Tennill Mcm benh.ip '800 Will 11pUt trans. (ee:;, 979-1658 Re!rtg Westm&house. lg deep(rooze & 1ct•m.a kcr $125 Ptigidaire dbl oven & broiler tl 75 Chlld:o. twin bed 1147 Btn nf'w twin be d s pread $25 Genie elcc i;tar dour opener 149 SO. 673· 137H 8-lOam 4 8p_m_. __ G4>ll memberatup. Irvine Country Club.~ <7 MI 962-2577 SllAG CARPET Two tone gold 7 5 + yards -used 1n ex cellent condJuon. $100 Call 561..w35 ----- 5 American aarllneti dla COWll llcketa IBO. aarh. 644-4099 JACK WALSH CARPITCO. Ku close-Out.a for S2 W. $3.99 and $4.99 For COMPETITIVE bid come to 711 W 17lb St., G2orcall 831-4402 fee 67$-7788 .,,...~vuu .. a ' .,... l.alltl'l&ll 751·9'MSev~ cense, trans er ees, 111D1.okl 1200 anod11.r d . r •,lor '"11'> r~ce ch.ar•ee. fen for 16mm sound proJertor. Bell & Howell. auto I.mad. xlnt rood. ukinit S100 644-7516 &46-M26 loah & ......._ I I !1011 off tr. 556 24 17 au poUution rontrol de ' ; '1 u..t '""~ Viet' certir1t•1t1on11 or de MC63 Verde Swim " Tl.'n NS C.1ub Membership for s ale Reasonable !'1~116 Glona Manihall S11lon ~ treatments for s 11le B4-~t alfer K.ns 754 6436 Z.GaURe train. llk«' new. In box Was $100. Sl:'ll ~ :W0-1496 New game s how win ning.'I Knight & ormor. Sl7SO, sell $799 R11d10 ~canner 1329. sell S1 ~ Wbt wicker cradle 1225 sdl Sl l!I Wicker rocker SJ,35, 11eJI S85 Wi cker wall clock SZS. Sml w1t ker etagere $121J sell S7~ Compl bathmom vanity wtll ba,w, m.trble 111nk 3 way mirror. COlll SJOOt!. !>eU ~ 11 pr YSI. ~un g.las:.es. ea C<lf>t S36. :o;ell $19 Sz 5. 7 & 8 lln•11scN. t'O!Sl $75 'ell S1S All of fers considered ~ 0798 lft SUIFIOARD Ii() 83 I ·4794 2 Uruted Alrhnes '• fare oouporu $3:'> each 960 22fi9 Americ;1n 111rllne11 •, pnct> ticket., Best Offer 631 3S70 Rdng. Obi dr workin)l S?S. 10 Herr ulon Mur h 11d cond $75. 64<! 59:12 d.o)'ll_751 99JH c~-- Rauer Ice skatPS. hk1• new. 11l7e 3 with l(uar<b SIS Goalle l!kates. s11r 3th. S'l:5 Goalie skates. su.e 6, 2S Goalie masks. .k. siz.e SIO, Medium size Am111on Yellow llead Parrot lame. talks, ~·j(t'. SJ:!() _67S..3682 __ ~&er.,.., 1090 ........•..•........... BACK 0 SCHOO SALE • ' • 14 fl I • '" t. •• I I ~ r•·n• Ir l•r1t\ ,,., ,.d Fr11 1t ... 1M'wt $159S • " ,. 14 ll r . m 11 u I I I' r1•111 to l•r11\ 111 1· .. ol A11t 1qu1 \\1111• $1895 • ". " t\. •• " ••• I pr.ct11 $2195 • 't·~ l'P• dfl c; r .111d Sl99S fl .1 1. \ 1\l ,n n•" l'onn & K.114a, llru11n' S1l\1· ul) 111 ~.O'. F1n nn< 11111 11v11llMll1• sRJ.{tHALL Keybo{\rd I 1ll11..1tlf'M1 ~h·r r-11 11" Iv·• ...,, ·' • '· • ' .,,,, , \ 1 I 711 •"ti ll.'l t.,... 11 M1•.,!J\ 1t.1111"'1t-tt"tl·1 JUt11• f• If H ~,,1,..,,,\ ,, , .. , ,,,,,,,,,, ,1t~l"••'"'-1i l/•J m "''''I n1 $1.5. Goalie pads. i;tlovc, etc. Cheap' 2 pairs boit lng gloves '20. Boat and car model kits. never e>pened, SI.SO. Puzzles ~. games1 etc. Dresser. needs won. $.5. 4 S&H green atamp booka 12 each :WO.~ alter 4pm 1.1...--------- 1~ pul"t' Mongohan & baby camel's hair coal Camel color. size 16, pd SJ50. worn 3ll , sell SJSO 1 ash Whittl e r Z13-9e8864 WANTED· Oldt'r upright Excellent condition 1n andoul.PP ~ Hammond Oraan T200. like new St 140 91Ml43 1979 GMC Regal Conversion groat buy with cu atom wll"l1, 1g1 & 11ru1 Ser 502032 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltitl HOBIE goud r Ufld. aler documentary J>re Gase: d tO IO MWil M'll parallon ch.arR~ unit's' •••••• ••••••• • • • • •• •••• 962 f>ls:> aft Spm otherwise spec1hed hy Ult' ltdv nui.e r BRANO N 1-:w 16 Avon Spo r• lt-"al. S!> 111' Jotn.wn. ctt-rtm· ~u1rt , remote 11t~no.i whttl. ll~t· lt•ver remotl.' 1>h1ft . i.e»l!l. xt.ra huvy d uty towe~ nn~11 •·~n ,;.ooo invet.ted ~ ll•IUr'> nrw ~n(ICI' f•H •JOI} $3.'..(J(J •714 1 r.7~J61i2 •1r 17 14 1 flGOOHi loah. Mc:wi..e Lttunan 12 . Kood .,ail!> l'll\!'r lrad .. r Ciuod ,,.ind 1600 C.:.11 67~ 700fl al\fipm Udl• U Xlnt lOOd 2 M'I '"'I' lrlr . $1 LOil 714.4;7~ II l m..n ~.i1lbo .. t. ~'"' "'JIJl-rRIJ' ~ ti7~ lO'.!I 9520 ..............•.•...•.. (iqNl,_...t 9030 14 Main jlh. & tr:iller ••• ••• •••. • ••••• • • • • •. • t\;t.."'1." minor t•t•r\l,•rt ~ iw 1971 Mert ede' 2KOSL. grOOlld ui,r rt''>lor at 1nn dl),,(llul(' mint. 2 lhp\, ,_ ruh!Mor. hranll nl'w tnR less than JOO milt·' ~•Mt' m mplt>t•· rt'!ltora lion ~ 000 total n r11<: mile11 ll\erl' 1'1 not nn1· twttn anywhere ()v.-r ~2 1 OOfJ 1nv,.<;tt>d S..1 n (11 t' ror Sl!J(.(JU •ir W.111· o~er nvpr h.1• pay mefll.' °' $451) mu rur l vears Pvt-l'lV t 714 1 67s-31i62 or c 714 lli4~ Ofl I q I. •· a d 11 ,. I I 111 & I 3~• x31 • x 15' l>•R' 72 llll'l eJ IZ7:t It" .1v1111I •!JO lh 5411~ Ray Jrl( t1l~J A U ~ $.1110 ACH RLll 12 f.PIHH R3i S.~nt't MI\ l~ O ll! lmlJl m">ter SJl!IO !'>11(n!'I MK !I 0 Ii! l.11111 m.-lt'r S14.\ J.i1b<IC<J pumj)"\ & Par wultr ''·'lt·m ptJm~ C'>lO Sl:ll All ttl'ms n1·w ~t ~ !M. ~ S1erk!> St . Colltlt Mesa 64.2 ~I Wlllll.ed Used tr&Jler. hvy <ly t.andem Of" tnple 1ti1.ll! ror21· Bllyllner n 1 34411 loah. ,ower 9040 •••..•••••.....•....... • •25' NOVA I Wellrnn I w 'trlr. twn drv to hrl'I XLNT 7~ 11119. 675 5767 rudd••r w o r k $3~0 ~ ~~5 • n l(l(t'd tiy U1 r lt l>o•J\<'r fJ t 11•1111 fu lly !'QUI P "" lrlr $4600 f;jl.•«V; C k U1AH 11 o fi d1n11h~ 'Y 11 ~ 110 di 112\ ,,,ll "" t.:1tllt•\ j.JI~ '>hit d\ d ll 1i>S'MI I' I' 714 ·~ 1,6111 wkmh 714 24..'>~ wkd)!t Mr Harlwr btorl 14'halt'r Squ11ll. 9 S300 ~•n.:i 9070 ······················· SU~ AV All.AILE YA<: "lf'Y.port 646 ~1 1954 IE:HT\.EY ISi 1 <'nllt'ct or' 1t1•m Mullner l1odv with 'un "''" klght hi:ind d nv1· <~ ot onl~ 7 hwll !-.tmtt• r1 t<>r dt1on Hun .. f,, dnve' ROOd f'cdll(rt• With pa pus t N l.KJ!lt.1 SHOO JIMMAAJNO VOUSWAGIM um I Rt:ACll BLVU Hl 'NTJNGTON Ut;A(;ll 142-2000 I q 7 '.> "' I ,. (' I w " II 11 13 Whaler " ~ h I' tr&Jer $!000 Call 646 7Z27 & St~· lw for p11w1•r hoal appm'( :.•If in r h1111ne1 !Pl 67J -63.'Ji lirnu~ham . Rbs olu l•· nunt. 15 000 <1n R m 1IM i;ta rul(rd Jnd <'llVt'rt•d nrw rubbn. loaclt~I with J.11 aret"~IMf". ~acnf1r1· S4SOO l'\I Ply 11 14 1 67~J662or C7 14 I IW~ Otll!I ONE0.1-' A KINU1 a~1t· SJ inboard spttd bc»it . comp I res tored. w trl r MSOl1 &73 7799 14 ~ell.~ f'B Lo hrs Dual <:'Ollt VHF' New canvas 81m1n1 To p Head+ potty Nt>w rub· ber dulgy BaJl tnk. C'G C'eUI 80 gal. gu, en Umph 110. llOO 873 51153 N<-wpof1 Sii p I' own on I y ,; ~ per fl 2SO mm. IJ734546 WJSll TO Pt;RCHA'it: 1n side moonng al Avalon llarbu r for 48 bo at lmmed ca...b 673-0227 56 A l' Coupe Cobra r onvrr'1 1nn . Total re"' o r at 111 n Vet t ,. ~ 112.500 Of" best dfer 842 4046or631 0514 T1 , CM tatksw ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.,., .. S./ Viking 35' w/twn 3SO ltaiit 9120 Crusader&, 4 mos old, ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Int cond $95,000 4!M-3918 13' Whaler. SOHi' ena. with tralil!r 12,000 87S-6ZSI "Tl 1r Cabover Camper, air, reln1<t, swve, oven. beat«. Jacks. head, like "'"'$1975 ~ ·41 Ford De lu•e Club OJupe 3:50 Cht'vy & turbo tram Corvette adJwila ble ~teerin).! r olumn Latt' l"ord rre r end AJwrunum wheels & nPw tirf'~ Extras NtedJS f1n1 s h r t'storatlon ~5"13 -------"78 Searay 22· CC. trlr rover. depth finder $1.2,000 1$-0114 'n TablU tnbd, ~· day C1"Ulter, 4M Olds eng w /18 bra & jetovalor, Xtraa' SBO OO 714.Sllf-t7T.I . an 8 pm. 714--- Sid, f\ah1ng run boat. S. Vt' ,_..,over new price '77 Ranger It ft ln hull, lilllp Volvo I !O. 40 hnl. like MW 86500 493 7751 IT' Lowe-Un '78 Vanaon lrlr. tl4-439t $4.500 at' Renall Cabln Crwaer "1l um Mt'tt In & out f\l1I moonn1 cover All can vu Trim t1b1 ~.000 9l4-43lle 11' Bay boat Wood hull. Wit In IM7 by South Cont . 100hp G r ef. 11.ut.oe me. Runa w•I . IOUftd hull. $1800. m.11•.m.. ... '78 flotM 11': Cat box. tio.t t'OY9r' 6 trall« N111W '11buUI. St)' bl~ hul.11 Ii deck. SUOO totter. •UGI. ·79 Lanct-11 0,.,• s eH ccnt.allled camper, ml18t aell, best o((er. 17l4l sci 35116. 54(). 7171 tWatled.... 9140 .•....•.•........•..... Moped, Vespa Grande lo/nu. Near new. 754 7S29 aft 6 "78 PUCH NEWPORT Gem rond Loaded w /ell tnll. 9125·. 833-2547 ----MINl BOCE 5bonepower . .-o. 751"7li · 4 7 M (; TC 8 e a u t nstoradon JUlll complet· ed in red laquer, tan leath and natural can· vaii $1.3,900 °' nearest ofr 714 1236·0460 or 714 .ns.'J-4765 homt' Terry Del.uc• 41 Ford Delu.xe Club Coupe 3:50 Chevy Ii lUrbo lraN. Corvette adjuata- bh· !>l eering column. Late f''ord rear end AJwnmum whei.'18 & new UrM Dbc brakes Eit· traa Needs hn11h rmt«aUon. MS-~l.3 4wt..tDri•ft '550 ~/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 I SO '73 WlOO DodJt' 4•4, 1uper •••••••••••••••••••• ••• catm. loaded 1"'. mwtt '78 Yamaha RD 400. &ee MustKt-11 548-8180 Sliver F.dJtion. Cafe Far. nnp. new conU.. Xlnt oond. llJOO. Btf 2: ao pm 8455488 o r PM /ev M4-2176 Ford n50 Ranger, P ts . P/B. A/C. camper shell. 29,000 nu 1W100 549.2745 --T,_.. 9560 i4 CB 380 n~ work. •••••• •• •• ••••••••••• •• Call between 4 6 8 PM. '85 Ford I' U . n ced1 COO ~4051 rlldlat«, runs xlnl .... '°. i4 Suzuki TS 1251.D, tlC)O. ~ '7e Kawulrl KZ 400S. iaai.evy ~ton. Sllvendo '700. 831-0308 evea. 3), loeded. 7~ m1. "8()0. ~ ~ TMJ50, never f75.&Mt. raced. xlnt coad. "35. P. P '1»06.51 -----'78Fmd ~Too very lo/ml. Xlnl. cond Must Sell. .. •. 97~ t900 lh ~ -17 ft. Whaler, Pede1tal "14 Yamaha 250 Street. model . oew a»b.lons. '° wery dean: low mtlea. "7' llasda Rotary PU: HP J.._ .i.e. &tart Call 912-58157 Sbell, map, 40M 1n1. xlnt Bimini top. t3800. "JO Yan11b.a Rn-JIO. llO eond, 82150/beal ofr. ....2122 tn. oa -.. llny xtru. ~. M'SeerayFBlohnVllF, 1400. Caah bJ Sun '18 Datsun PU, lo ml, DI', trtr. coven. Pbb _. _ _. ________ camper tlltll, cu1tom tM>m.OB0.154..-. • Hl.llIY Dirt blkl. wble, llnl cond. *"°°· 1174 Tro1ln lpor\I f'lder, llOO. 8VZt1KI lHllX _...,. _______ _ flybrcfa. Cd a tor. •llP•r• J:nduro ••1 ·11 a..vy ~Ton Pleil u p • a... tap, • muat •.14WT52 8odJ arut ,.. ..... en .. 11lh&aacrtnea. Divorce '11 OS 710 Suaakl : •-CaJIN().712'1 Reduc..S Slf,000. D11 DNMd. 'NOOIDL 9'*· 'Tl = =·l.u•. a --.m•.n• ..._-~ ..__....,.,., -... .. .. -.. ... u-. Allo ..... bo41 M..._.fatwttlaDallJ ., ...... .,..,. =~.•..Uoller . ...... ~ \ ....... , , ......... _____ ·--..... . • -~-..... -,,. ... ~ ...... -.......... .... '"' Ttwla '''° ...... , ..................................... .. ·-tl70 .......... ..w ..... .., • ..w .......... rted . .......................................................................................... . Fndl!W. hpt9mbaf 7, 1979 DAILY PILOT DJ J • ....._ "* ..,_ wtui tt1'etmOAOUT ..... , ••~It .. ,. ~TOMPICll• Ultt. It • _. •. '710...,YaT. _. t1tl W t712 W t7U AlllM.l.,orted A111M.t.,1rted ..._ ... ,rt.cl .,_....,,.. ...... &1111 .......................................................................................................................................... . ....... .,,.,... .._.., ...... , ........ tWO•t••• ~lie ••• browa . lllarp ! (urmtJ.I) .._ ..._ A.11/ftl "-'761MW IHI "71 IWW JJ• ..._ t1%t 0... t7Jt 9723 ..._ .,_, ... Pa I l 1 e' • l pp e d llmwal, a.lr ..... Mk.a· -•-••·---··-•• -••••••••••••••••••• -··•••••••••••--• l' Qen ° $ I lil9rt •••. fell err road ..... Hto .. tlu, tbree to .... All /l'lh&ano.~ LAW •DATSUMS• '7JJ61M44+2 • "ri. ...... qi&., G ' ,, . ~· ~ h'om. (aQP,4) 11,,49..U.. (IOINJ) mlC1'IQM °' 1-1.. ..... .... • 11'1'1 -mdl T!i:' l c-... driia. ... , .., ....... -~.:a. OML'f P9tl MOWA19Q .,., Uat.d lpcdal• .,...-4 pri~ ~•ACIC -..... , .... ••· 4 ,.... hnory =··~'••••· 8'!.•.••.•, ... .,1 .... VAUIYIMFOftS ~.:Jz OfM....._ towtacw.AD.-. . ~•QmmDa.. f'lfDllOaT a&ACB ....... 1111 .., .,.. t+-••CI Ul.,.........,49 "' WllNQMPI Lo ml. M l at end T}ltw-. .. ...-.~. YALLIYM'OllTI .. eooo IGW •• CbeYJ f ·cyl ~ T natbed. ••• rubbe r . d\itek, 4-apd, i.t 990 tai11a am .,. Chevy ' \'t T. P.U . kl m1, u.loa& 11111D.~1•1 71 fUIO CUD PDUP 4 cylinder, 4 speed !lHBUIO) $3211 SADDLBACK FOID IJ).tlll Tl Tnt t• ..... ~ ------· n.. hU:r &o.ded.. Good tm tATSUM tmd. -. or -k• ol· &a•IR PICaUP fw •17llal\1. Alr £••1UUoaa•. (\DITll) ... MIMOaT DATSUH •Ooir.ar..t NlnlPORT BEACH IJl-Uot 11DOSE PllUP v.-. a11toma1Jc, power ~na. PoW# br~• ULllJl) S47TI SADOLBA.a FOl.D 23eO S Maui. Santa Ana Al the Comer al W aroer 5-46-7070 1'71Ctwla<>UT SHC>lrDB> PIQUP tHO ....................... ft PAY TOP DOLl..AR far tap llllld c-wa-lonlp , domnllJa or cl ... tca If )'OUr' CM I.I u &.ra clean. .... n asr• r._~ #I t. Or._. C-tr 29125 Harbor Blvd COSTA MDiA 979-2500 WEIUY CLEAN CARS AHD'DUCKS COHHRL CHEVROLET .·~ lfar bor Hh ·I (C~TA \olf:.-.\ 546-1200 Air, cnue cootrot t ilt ------wheel, stereo, l'llllgs, on· Ly 14,000 miles < ll..!)5122 > Cao't SeU Your Cur? ZMOS llain. Santa Ana Alt.be Comer of Warner 546-7070 $6499 NEWPORT DATSUH 888 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 831-1100 CREVIUIMW PAYS TOP DOLLAR For Clean Used Import:. <:all Mike or Don 83S.3171 9570 i• <llevy PU. New mtr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• new tires, xlnt mech '74 Chev 10. 6 cyl, !.lick cond 83'1~ $3000 bst shift $2,070 Call Cbns <Ir. ~ 74.58 WAMTED! Lale model Toyotu .... Volvos, Pickups & Van:. Call us today! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••o••• TOYOTA-VOLVO : GAS : ................ c .. , .... ". rt. •4'-UDJ or H D-94' 7 : SAYERS: PORSCHE's WANTED • • • • • '76 PINTO s1979 4 c;pppd radio • Allow us the opportunity to con.sider the purchast.' • or trade tn of your C'lcan Pors<'he Check with U:. 0 Today' l l 4117·332TRWI • e • -~Jr.~ • '73 TOY OT A CELICA • 13631 H«bO< OM! f 1itrdf•t1 (.1t0'WP II• ..... ZSl:J • 92379 • • • apeed, AM rlldlo. Vet)' outstandmo value. e SS0.$100.SJOO ANY CAR RUNMINCi He.5571 • • • • (14098-t~l e '7 4 OPEL MANTA '2479 • N tce one Aut o tran s. Radio (783MFC-14025l • e • I 68 vw CONVERTIBLE • COMPLETB. Y RESTORED. MOT CHEAP. • • • • • LIKE IRAHD HEW . 4 speed, AM/FM ~lereo (14140·131Nlll e '78 KING CAB s5279 ~ lillported ~ ...................... . G t d 9701 ~ •..•....•••...•.....•.. • ATTOOION! • M er cedes, B MW . Porsche, Classic & Ex • otic. We will sell your car oo consignment at your e pnce. Best location in Orange County. For m e formatioo call Jim Cur· ran. • Jlilll*-s ...... 1300 W. Coast Hwy • Nwpt Deb 642-676.3 '705 ~ .............•......... AJ.SA. ROMEO • • e -Oatsun 4 soeE>d lo m1trs AM/FM sltd1ng e backwmdow. mags (14094-1K045951 SALES. SBVICE ANDL!ASIMG DEMO SALE NOWIN PROGRESS! . -e BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street • 78 ALFA SPIDER • NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 :LO MILES • '74 Spyder, Jo au, AM /FM • stereo. 5 spd, $5500. 646-1B1.5 • • • • • • • • • 5 speed, AM/FM custom paint Clean. ( 13979-045331 e '75 VW BUS '4279 4 speed, radio (13958·756MNM) e ·n TOYOTA PICXUP '4279 SR·5. 4 speed. radio • 1977 ALFA. SPtUMT V&OCE • 5 speed, stereo cassette, • shade ldt. (001793} $7499 e IEACH IMPORTS Ml Dove Street • NE~.t':fo~ACH e 1977 ALFA. e SPIDER 'Red, Sspeed. (225TD F) e MUST SH! • IEACH IMPORTS N Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 • (1F81 989-13831 I • 4lt • -~~~~~~9_7_0_t ' : 78 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE • .;,··~::::·;;;:;:;·;;; 4 speed. AM/FM. Clean XlnL CODd. •• 6 take • • • (t4042·120VZJ) • overpymta.~ ,..... • AUSTIMHIA.LT 1960 ..... • !?..E~•t.J;~ aad out . New • =te.,:t • oner or TMGll>. • ~ •••••••••••• !?!.~ e Ollt•ICOUMTTS GI.DIST • • $ *Vim...... Ill ... 49Mt49 'M Bllnf aJaZ11i. lmlMe. _,ICI IW "7:1..sil/ll <~IV) .._,~. Malqa n · BA~WICk DATSUN Ill' 1n'>4C1J.n 7'> 9725 111~1/ll ( ... UO> tr, 1n1 t.lr. llMl ..U. 'llmA 1/ll <lllUO> _,_ Pllm.-t "n•41pd,lt tf708P'V) .. Mel ...... 'TfllD•pd 8/R (011t> ..,. •• ,. (JllUlCH) "Tt O.taan ZIOZ Eu I ?J-.CW 10 CSi cmd., .ao. a1r. map. 'llta:slA Ii /R t.a> "11mAA~ (lltWDA> a.Mt••• .• 11111.EDIATE DELIVERY' &.AMI S&ICTIOM CXSMIW lt7' 320l't 5.Zlf's ALSO '33CSI '1> IN STOCK! UtJ 1 Laday · We a.tao D'UI y have tbat p r e -owned BMW you a re lookmg for ' ll I ·2040 495-4949 1977 IMW lZOi Sunroof and stereo ciwelle (274RXDl $9199 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 Lf you want your advert.IS· 1n~ message lo reach morl' people 11t lower c·o:.t Classified 11' the wuy lo .:o' Cull Now! 642 56711 Au-to,, UHd &' BN. Beaeb Blvd. LA HABRA (5111. No. of SA h y l t714JSU..llll ~byAppt 71-..WJ20ta Aulomallc , AM /FM stereo. 15,000 aclua l miles. air condilioniog . likeoew. (&t8VAX) $11,"5 SADOLBAC* YALLETtwo.TS 131-2040 4954-4949 Rare lac. orl1 Alplna 10,000 ml SiOOO/bR ofr. !Up • ....mc II braltee, 1151478 A/C, miateoad. to-09e -------tf71210% '75 DXZ Xlnt. cond. "'•P· Ad.omat.ic, ur oondition· new r adlala. SS.950. tA.. ..._ • ... m.zrso <CiaS)"""-.. ....... e new. '78 :DOI. 4-lpd. •unrool. A /C. d e lua alereo •)Stem. sao.'50 or best at!er. '7$-0581. .... ~DATSUN •D<>veS&n!iet NEWPORT BEACH '78 BllW 5301 30.000 m1 133-1300 A IC. A .. /FM. 1un.root. 4 ---°"'-O-.. -_, _...... 1 - 1 spd. BlU Sllm abocb IV ........ ..,...;uu ... 0 u ol , _ ........ c.c: owner, S2800 493·0442, -·VI.rt...... s:n 1()03 Bea c.prt t715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 CAPRI 6cyl. auto. lo m1 . SHA RP! Clun ow 842..m57 1977210% 2+2 '79 320!. blk. BBS gold Capn '72 2000. wbJte GT rims. A !C, snrf. new radials 28mpg Sl .4~ stereo, 8,000 m1, fact nRM M-1415 Sa.Iver. 4 speed. air coodl· lJon1og, stereo L-Ocal car' UOl.8361 $7111 HIEWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 13)..1300 warr 642·2584 78 Capn II. sunrf. 4 spd. '76 2002, A IC. AM /fo'M ta~ deck $2'995 Wlmd stereo. electr snrf. 673-JQ57.213-8at5~dy'! Sahara Beige, xlnt rond, $7400.S.Sl-8022 '74 Capri V 6 . 4 spd. AM 1 F M. xlnt l'Ond i5 280Z. ~ky blue. 23.000 mi. l owner. good cood $5750 494 0141 E'VI'!> '77 BMW sn. xlnt ('ond. 831~128 mag whls, all xt ra s ~-­$10,000 /bst ofr 540-3383, __.. 9 7 20 494·!m8 d~:. S.S. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• i3 ~ Upd AC. IT\O~~. i 4 Bavana. Low mileage U>aded. Make r eas. of. fer. 642-9811, 846-TI61 ·70 240'l One of Jst 5000 AM F'M ~tcreo .:rt>t-n built Needs re-stonng w ii.addle int 'in ruof Customplll.nt&eng 76M 28mpg , mu ~t 'ell ' mi 67;l. 292!9 evt'S 644-n 67 '75 BMW 2002. 60,000 m1, ·12 240 z air. mag'!. fl.000 F'\rm. S1 ..SOOl:ru $3.400 751-MSiS 548 2780 ·s Roadster 200IJ 5spd ~ Gdt>ood 86-J729 evh Jwlulds Autos.Used A.wtos.U1•d COSTA MESA DA TS U,... ....................... 1'7SfltAT .... ~HARBOR BLVD 5 speed. hntatic conch 540-44 I 0 540.0Z I l tian. (mllYCl ,..,, 71 DATSUM llACH IWORTS 2IOZ .. Dove 8'reet S speed. All/Fii atereo, NEWPORTBl!!ACH air CODd, 1badow lu t Cbamp•1oe melalh c ___ n_z.oto __ o __ paint. 15,000 m1lea 1 _______ _ (QSUKT) Sl4'5 JtMMAIUNO YOUSWA.4Ht4 l871J BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 RATS N9w&Uwd At Select Auto Sales 1221 N Harbor, Anaheim m 9800 '72 Plat 124 Sport nev. '76610 4dr lJM m1, on l( tran~ New tire ~ owner xlnt cond S3400 AM 1fo'M :.tereo AlmoM 6M722 bet 4 7pm reblt enl'(. SI .800 lit>'t Of fer 962-0500 M l'ST S 1-:L.1, lt72 DATSUN U~\VINC; STATE 1200 '71 J.a4 Sport Spydcr. blk Auto mat i ,. • r J cl Io. l(ood r ond. v1>ry cit-au heat.er Ba dt to -.!'IMJol $0!500 lofr $48 ~ 1 (566f1...Z1 $Z 199 i8 La. Sport Spyder l.1k1· NEWPORTDATSUH ne ..... !1500 m1 , !>tt·ri·•1 888 Dove Slrff'l 1111~ ~ NEWPORT BEACH Sell lhtn~'> fa:;t v.1th IJ 11h lll-1300 Pt lot Wlllll Ad' -Autoi, Uud Mtos,Uffd . ..................••.••••.......•.•..••...... ·•·····•·········•····· .•.•.••.•..................................•..•...••.•............... SPORTS CAR MADNESS At Orange County's # 1 Buick Dealershif> Bouer Bu'icl~ in @s~ ~esa 1979 TRANS AM 1977 TRIUMPH TR-7 T·Top Last of its kind. Sale Price 8 8795 A11 cond • sunroof Sale Price 8 6495 (038WPL) 1675TOHI . 1978 CORVETTE 197:1 MGR-GT T·Top A s1l\'9fbeauty. s 11 49 5 Sharp Sale Price S 3395 <949v~H> Sale Price , 1981J00) 1978 CAMARO 1979 DATSUN 280ZX Rally Spart. EJCtra sharp, Sale Price 8 6595 II rnoves <.11'1nq '>11'1 Sale Prices9999 (174VMP) (618WFI) . 1979 CAMARO Z-28 1979 VW CONVERTIB~E Has 9\19fYthlng. s7777 Lt bluP 3 bPau11tul Sale Price 8 9495· (<BJNPM) Sale Price /258)C NMJ 1978 CA.MARO 1979 V\l' CONVERTIBLE Cpe Whrte. The ladles w1ll lo11e this $ 64 9 5 Silver bf'auty Sale Price 8 8995 <7o7uax> Sale Price (11810) 1978 TRANS AM 1978 D 1,TSl1 N 280Z Black beauty. Sale Price $ 7 4 9 5 S1l11e1 stre11k 8 799.9 1650VPMl 1050TWL) Sale Price 1979MGB 1977 TOYOTA SR5 Wire wheels Red end sporty S 6 9 9 5 Sporty economy Sale Price 8 4595 1479552) Sale Price (611$XA) 1978 MG MIDGET 1978 DATSUN 280Z Red beauty . Sale Price S 44 9 5 Bold. beautiful. gold Sale Price 8 8995 (208133) (355UNU) 1978 TRIUMPH SP.ITFIRE 1972 DATSUN 240Z A classy ~lutge. Sale Price85495 Air cond and sharp Sale P~ice 8 3999 (529VLA) (312VOF) 1"78 MGB Sale Price85999 1973 .JAGUAR XKE Buy A B and See Converflble At>solutely beautlful $ 12 4 9 9 (5'7UPW) • 197oPwoi Sale Price , ~ . PUT SOME SPORT IN YOUR LIFE WITH ONE OF THESE GREAT BUYS Our prlc~ lncludf"1 f'Vf'rylhinfl .:•ffpt tax, llff.nlf" and a 120 dooumt"nlary ftt. .. C.r~ S•all Car - lt'e 1Weefl 't'e_. T.-.4nt .. O,.n 'TUI 9 r .M. ltlo1t.-S01. y,., ... o,._,. BtJery Stuwla7 Tlll 5 P.M. 11 J;;b S..tt of t/tt SM D• frwWC1 2925 HARBOR BL \oO , QlSTA ~ ...... .,,... ........ . All lf'tl cuMtte, al11l .... --lllltalt ~••i• ..... t711 ....................... '1t11taeA ACCOM Only H .000 mllu (IUUffH) •"' .._OITDATSUM _....,._ -HutMlr ltvd <Dl'AMESA W7U 8CACH Bl.VD llUNTIH01"0N IEACH 14Z..2000 71 K Ollie, dat con4 • ,,.,, .......... ..... t.-at, bam boo let, f\&IJ pwr A air. lllUD.tO car. I owner t.llOKCI M 'w..,._ &IOOW CoutllWy Newport lkb MU'7113 •Dov•.,_ NEWPORT BllACll IJ~IJOO 979-2500 J .. "71 XJt Or11 owner. well melnialned 9'lOQ Oya Ut l lll, Evu ~ dlaf\1GU'• a.oootlrm ,. DID. ' 1pd, PS, PB. ()ya, IU 1171 . M4 206ll llllf. yellowlblk. tmmac, .......... .,,, ew IZMPO. MOii lll0-2565 HOteACcrs MAMY ToCluau ,,. .. , UNIVERSITY ()'de_ ... .._.c_.. ••MC TNCb 2mO Hartx>r 81 vd Ol5ta Mf:lia 5tO 9840 lt'1MO ....... 4 dr s.dan. It 1reeo C!&t , p-een ltbr lnt, I ol a kind l'&r (-.CVW) ...... , ........ l.300 W Cout ltwy NwptBch ~63 .._ .... 9714 ----- "JO con'ler\, AM /Yll ~j wbeaAI. hwb n00cc: dua c.-.auoo.m.IMI ...... 97JI ••••••••••••••••••••••• "1'3 llalda R.XJ, two door. low mUeaae. one owper IL300 552..asl5 '740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 MB 2110 New eng 72M ·79 Prt'lude ~ 11pd, blk •87 Euro Ghia, front end A/C, All f"M. Mlnl cood w'llUlJna. aunr f. sbar,,, d&maaed. type 3 en1. 1n11de " out Dark 4 II o o m t $ 7 II o o drive tra.ln perfect, $tOO Green/fan Int 18.2SO ZU-332 5758 firm 146-IW, 131 1291 75&-0CM3 -- ------ •Mii 71 lOOSD TUUODllSIL One only • A vaUable on tlnt come. fint ter ved bMil No phooe quoC.ea Silver. fully equipped ln cl. eJec sWU"OOt' I.Au .. or extended term1 1433DDt'1 JIMSUMOHS I WORTS l9101lARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 631-1276 ......... _'" ___ ..._.. .. __ ......... rt.ct .......... ..w .......... rt.cl .... 1111,...W ....... ., • ..w ..... : ..........••.•........ , ...•.•.........•.....•••.••.•.•.........•..........•.....•.....•....•••••••••..•....•• Mia , .. ,... '740 Mlla:•1.... '740... '744 T.,... '765 V*••ll• 9770 .....••.•.............. ....................... •.•.......•••......•... ....................... . ..............••••••.. I '7S -..z 120 Tl 440 SL. .. 8Z. a tops. 5 '77 .. 0 B. b I u e . w I re "'JI Cetit• ST '11 'nllal. IOOd eoodkloo, smAM llUll wbNl1, cberry Wheela, h•H•1e rack . llOOO newly pa!Dted, IUOO. tu.JOoftnu, 113-DlJeVI 11.000 mllel 15100. CaJI MZ-3152 maD ~Ue, 4 door. aJr day1 IU·HH. evu ..;.....;.... ______ _ coed • klbacco brown "n JIJOc CleMk. aanroot. SJ717. Oel>b6e ie Corolla SIU. AM /FM, ·e t PaH . Vaa. Xlat wllb browo anterior •.500. Daya 4ft·47IO. A~. SllOO or belt otfer mech. eaad. ezaoo. Pvt M,000 ort1S.1I mllee ev.-..m. "73111G8. lluRS.U. BEST AIU,840-5212. perty, Eric,DJ.al.21. (lw '7111) I Ofi'P'ER •tta lf7.4llOC,.. -.uo1 ·eo ac. twaroot, Euro. r..-... 97' 7 mdJ, "J'lnt 1oocl offer JIM llMO 1 OWMI". low mJlea1e. Tl 1108, lo m.U.. ne-A ¥OIMIWAelM A /C. nanof, new ~. All/YM 1 tril, lua ••••••••••••••••••••••• a.u.. ......... MPM. llTU Bt:ACH BLVD radiala. C.ll ..O.JIZZ radl:. ftl!GO. 175-7048 HUNnNGTON BEACH .. 9742 q.f '746 n &pt.fire, AM /FM Klereo CMS.. wbJte w /lan Int 1.3,000 nu, ti.ODO or bit ~r PP W-11652 VW IUU Bia111, 1600 mo&ar. lil 150 or belt olf er Ml~ Aak ror Mille. MJ..2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 llldlet: Lo ml, 1d ltUW.u•1JlOSL Tan en. dut brown ant. 4 apd. both lCJlll Im mac CW Priced to Hll ( 4316) Alljat_..,. 1300 W c.o .. t Hwy Newport Bcb MU763 1'7ZMIZ 250SIDA.H Automatic, air cond s unroof Brown w t bro wn ant erior (1151Gl"E> Slffl JIMMA.llHO VOLKSWA•at 11711 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACll 14~1000 642 56711 cood. A 11 JP'll /ceu. lliQO. 981 l41.3, stl-1131 .... '744 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... •• 1' Mela More people buy the MGB convertible than any other convertible' See US before you buy TODA YI!! ~1 ·~·-"•• ......... ~·- 2825 1~erbor81vd Catt'A MESA 979-2509 ·•New ent/brll.a • ti.u., '70 Spitfire, new t1rea, hM 2 tanb. 32mP1. nu needl IOm4' work Best tirel. &o ma . 2nd own. ~fer AIUPM.~4383 '79 Dield Rabblt, 3 door, 50 mila, radio. aJr condl · uorung, private party 714-133-3200. Nm " loob llb MW, '76 TR7 27M mi-. -alnt A 11 I Y M U U P P oond, aunrf. tuOO •419 Good cond. Ster~ ~ IM0-5813 11100 . ...ma caJI btwn r i ot '74' Yaltl..,._ 9770 5-8pm._ -- ••••••-::,,.•:;::::,.••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '88 Bt.m. new paint. Mirh .-~, VW Havtng trouble i.ell tJns, No efliine. Sl200 Ula your c•r" Try w. Top 831....,.. __ , SALIS. sa11c1 AMDUASIMG DElllOSALE NOW IN PROG R £S.5 I IEACH IMPORTS MB Oovt' Street NEWPORT BEACH 75~0900 doiJar Paid for or Not' 8nng your nr to Jim M11r1no Volks w111J(en , lB7ll lteach Blvd llunl ~on Beach A1k for !''tan.It Manno or Tom A.tlun ~ BaJa. rart !>nrf new '77 Rabbit 4 ·s p , 2 dr. AM /FM redlo. Jo'actory s unroof Pvl. P1.rty 87~1'82 '711 VW Convert. Like new 10,000 nu. $7995 642.Q39 enit. lrllM. paint. ~hocki.. '72 411 4 dr whrte i.edan lJrftl. bnke11 Mint 1·ond UB11S1c. X!nt cond. 12400 ~ OVt'r ~ 646 1929 Call 494--0611 .Ir 497 13119 Auto1, l'lew 9100 Autos. Hew 9100 Auto•, l'lew 9100 Auto•, Hew 9100 Auto•, Hew 9100 AutcK, Hew 9100 '7~ Peugeot Dll Sedan Air , s tic k . AM t FM llereo cus 10.000 on new eng, spare ta nk 1000 mile ranite Xlnt cond 15700 t..t ol r Ca II c-v e!< 714 1494 2621 or d y ., 213 ,11215.3283 uk for FtM "19 Rabbtt 01~1 2 dr dlx kJ8ded ovf'r SZ.000 I'll trl111 f1 ,5'0ll f1 rm J> I' 838-4434 700-01!7 4 Tl VW conv ong in & out Xlnt cond Mu~l S..-11 SJ. 700 /best offt:r 67~ •.....................•......•••.....•.....•.....•...•....••.......•..•....................•.•..........•.••••........................... Your Dedlolded Datlaa Delllir ' ' I t7 6 PEUGEOT DtEsa 4 speed trana air & isu-reo l540RSD1 IE.ACHIMPORTS 148 Oovto Stren NEWPORT B~ACll 75~0900 '78 Pe\lllt'Ol !'A>4 Os I Under watT, all t.-xlra11 Must ael I. b5t ol r 494 7 407 ,. di '750 ....................... '77 9115 IOOOm1 , pwr wtnda. s unrl • 11dto vu m1rr ora. c rulaf'. AC rust blk lf'athf'r int AM FM 1CIS!I. $1~ l1> le~ I o pymnll o( 1]6(1 or purrhlW' for SJ 9,0()(J fM !n)() wkdyi. lll 6pin 1'.b 9517 t'Yt'!I wkn11' '711 '7J 91 L.~' T<1r~;i A <' :, '!pd. AM FM • J ' burglar .. 1,Hm •lt·••I 'witr h P7 t1r..., 7 & M wtili,, lffiffilll 'ihtlW [11µ p<'r SI :, 'i'J9 ~~ 11030 S.'19 7346 !Wi !112 l'JKI rnu .. 1 wl 1 '"'"' $4~00 ti 7!> 1:17 J ITT~I~ 71 l>or..rh•• !114 . "'""' •·n~ w ii yr KUarunte.>, 14000 1'131~aft6PM 1'76 T.t.o Cwrera t .. o mllt>al(f'. m1·tall1c brown, tan int. 7 lire'!\ 'iUn r oof S26 90(1 A !-.TEAL' Alllah•s a.rtMt 1300 W Coa:.t llw \ Nawport l:kh 1>42 67fi.1 711 924 S1lvf'r. AM t'M r1&8M"ll('. uir foncl 'un nd. S12.SOO 645-&#57 17~ Loadf'd Xlr.t nu·.- w1ll 11acnf1rf' $H500 964~1 10 9llT, dn\1' tr.on & n• ICl.'>lralJ<Jll W 76 fac-tor)' turbo l'arrna bod) & flelory leatht.-r turbo 1n tenor Car 1n nt•w 1ond Day' 492 47110 , t'Vt'\ 496--4162 U'10 91 IS. rt•bll motor lo 1T11les. 0('1111 tire-:.. $75()() ~'Z145 'fT7 912. lo m1, 2 ownn. pld rond. no rust ~. 090 7So4~ .... Royce '756 .........•...•......... ClOSlO \UNOAY\ 'SDSllverCloud I .. ~.000 915-414-' '811 Silver Shedow, RllO. 2 dr Cornlct\e type Phonr included • M lnt li!5.000 met 9760 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAAi SALIS. SH¥1CI AMDLIASIHG DEMO SALE NOWIN PROORES.51 llACH IMPORTS .. Dove &¥eel NEWPORT BEACH 712-0tOO T.,... t765 ······················~ 'Tl Toyota Corona. New Otw. ab.lust. battery a-. ...... .., '11 Ooralla WalOfl, xlnt CODd. ,,. .,..t. lllOO. eau •.-or•111t "74 ,..,,.., Ratel Oa1. MR. tllld. Wuced to ... , ......... "71 Ollila. llUIO. A IC. o All /f'll, HK mllH ..... ..u ........ '71Cllca; ...... air, ..... ,, ..... ..,....... ... u...-.• Nll. ........••..........................•......... . SUPERB CARS - AFFORD-ABLE PRICES '73 MBlCURY MARQUIS .... ......... 5 1999 'l' r ( (> , ''·'' 1 1 N (Ht Al j( I J • t '74 MAI.DA RJ.4 ......... s2299 · 4 • c ... o ''·'' fT ....... ,, .ur rt r1(J1t1on1no & mur h ' '·' ''A~ ""f '70 CADILLAC s2 9 99 H.DOUOO COUPE ..•. Atr cor><:lrt1omno nower winoowt1 I ,.., Only 43 :>'>1 '"'''" 19 1BOC! ~~~1~c.~ .............. s2999 full c11 "'''' l,1c.11,ry dtr rono rallyl• whPOI•, I .tn'Jr1 ' c I II wh~kl Atv' FM rd<lt<J con~JIH & 1 ,.., ,, rn, ,., 'Jlu-.1 ..,,., ~l'lf1-Nrrl'Jm frf!•,n' /Vl I I '76 BUICK USABRE COUPE 5'L999 J ~ •" ~· . ,, J ... "' ,, 11•, ..11,.ut; 1d1··,,,f1fJ~ '7S FORD £:UTE COUPE ~ IJI "'""*'' 'n ,,,, t t, • n tHJ ·,~jltf ...... .,' l ,.,, tJ,,., l••r & 111"' ,,.,,1,.. <;n.1rr• 122MPJ '77 OLOSMOllLE s2999 STARRRECOU,f ...... 4 \OH -o 1ran~m''"on 00-N('r '>ll'>(ir1no <<illyP wnt••·I· ,\ iuw m1l1>•, E1c.t·llPnt oct1nomy c..111 JC)ij',f'f\,A '76 OLDSMOllLE S]699' OMEGACOUPI ....... . Buc kPI 'lf'at~ <1uloma11c 11ansm1S11on. atr cono111oning & 1111 wheel t770PUXl '76 OLDSMOllLE s3999 91 REGENCY SEDAM .•.• With ,1111)1 fhl• 98 ftJMulll'~ Olu\ AM/FM 'il'1rE10 1111 wh""' c.r1J1.,f• C.l)nlrot •,pltl O()wE.>r sears & row m111" 74flPHJ '77CHRYSLER s3999 CORDOBA COUPE . . • . . •>1·yl~CXX rn • 'u11pow•·' •01,1.,., •' ori1 N.A r M h•rr-o fd(H lf4Alhf I An •• , , 011t>i1111u~· 3 Olh111<; 10 chon'le lrom I I 73SST I ~~~~~~.~~ ........... 54499 With dAcl')r grouo 2800cc V-6 4 speed, AM/FM r9d10 & -.unrool 1554VAT I '77 POMT'IAC s4499 GIA...ONIX ......... .. A utomatic tran11m1s<;1on 1111 wheel stereo radio POwet w1ndo~ !010SPKJ '71 FOl.D LTD SIDAH ............ 54599 Full power factory air cond . splil power seats. 1111 wheel Landau top & 1n LIKE NEW cond1t1on11593TWZl '77 DATSUH s4799 20051 SPOITSCOUftl •. 5 speed transm1•1on. 11r cond11ion1no . alereo radio rally• whtels & only 18,000 m1le1 1378TWIJ '17 OLDSMOllLI s4999 CUTLASS SUNIMI .••• 40. eo ll)llt ..... tllt wheel, AM/"'' '8Cflo. vinyl top (803TJO) '11 .... : QI& eoad. '"' Ol.DI ..,...,.... ......... ~Iii nr ~~··· •II Lb: .... tr '*' .... ...__., ....., 11111:1 ._ 6 wtuie lai.rt.r. ................... tcieded ............ •14 llept••• II X c ?&},). I Ml fOll'S.-IOM Ol&Y tHtl ...... ..., ... HOWAIDOlllVT .. ....................... OOILECTO&'S ITEM! I•------· .. Vet&e C.v wMOO ••. awnt now.•Qlllll ... • .._ •• · 'JI llffl Grit a, M&Gp. WJG · ---~~11-~·. 1'ZWF01l1' BEACH 'Tl Comet: -YI, AC. •'HAm •• All/ftlJqu, Slm/ol· •---------- ,9¥ CAM*IO -" r...--~a ....._ T·• I dl. *1r ec.d.1 4.. Uallld ..... A /I'll. 1 COii',. to••r 1(Hri••· Uh owDer. fact wU1dow tWU4 Hl2 ............ 461 -••••-.•••••••••••••• wtMel, Rall~ •i.e•l• I cu•ll.Ddltf, autom1Uc, 1Ucker. a•••r r•· 'I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -•••••••••••••••••• '73 8ukk Cntury, a*· .... ......._(liar. IOTtcU air cundltJon.ln1 . .,...,. lllatu9d, documented, F lt74POID lt71fOl.YO hlJI p•r, all ntr11 .... ...n.a, rad.lo, butAlr. fmmac. "9.$00. Call col· . ..:..- IUlllOOI lllOO. Runa 1ru1. *MARMO t•Yl.JS> lect: 1·203-245-91'11 aft '14 OnDd Torino Dt.e: MUST,..... .... _1( ..... "'UH). 55T ·tT55 ev ea • --w·•... ~CJJ 7pmEDT. l'\allJ equipped, •lat Powwatlleriog,41Pffd ,. -.~ a ·-a ·~ • ""'1 CODll -.ooo muee. ttl-Looking for milu&e! ONLY''"' mu HACH BLVD. MIDLllACll ~ ttU Pl•'*° OC' belt offer <imlJ() tDWAlaQ ...... 11~1eyl,p'9T'.•lnt 11UN1'1NOTONa.&ACH -....................... Call atck Kelly al SZ7H DD¥e6~8&a ocM. ... •beltGlfer. IGJOIO ~ "'70CGQaar : 213/141-1737 days or -... ~H 1~ ... s .---. . •••Mi m4111;•MN --------ZMOl.11.aia,SaataAu Gdoond BHtoffer 714 /140·1819 evu & ~ .........,,R, "•".-v ui..n"u •Ca~ reblt 11"1. au AltMOO....ofWarner --~ •DoveStreet ...,.... • '11Buldt ... a1Lhlltted brUH/tlrH /Ch&tcb. 146-1070 _.._ ....... NEWPORT BEACH ftr. "1t Cutla11 Supreme: llnDd on cioadWon. llM ml. loaded , •HOO. 117MD1Dao 1tnOLDs 4000Rla(iHM. A nice family c ar! <GBYX>. OM.Y Sl"5 HOWAID Clwnolet Don. QuaU Sta. NEWPORT BEACH HJ.OIH Cl.ASllC IUYllS Mb ao.ded.. tape deck. 11aO. met bNe m..lllO Ill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ .. COUGAR. IOOd cond, · 7 7 0 r a11 ad a G h ta . 75J..0900 AJl/P11, chrome wbeela, = PS/PB, rblt.., •trans. Batpinl Ur1eat Sale! --------'72 ()Ida Toronado. Good 77ft.TMOUJH YOIMI llTAlaWMOM AM /'lf 1teuo. Lo ....... ..... ,,.. .... .,..~ .. power ........ I*"• 1.U. a.oot reek: .. Lo 1111~1 <.ma> ""' .~~:,~ llJ'U BEACH BLVD. flUNTINGTON BEACH 142-2000 1976 Cua\om Suburban f\try 9 pue. Sta. Wp. Loaded, med. ea1iD• • good coad.173-4119:_ '70 Ply. auto, P /8 P/S, A/C, SBR Urea. 4-dr, good traaaporta lioa . S6&-0l275 ·68 Sport 11\&J'Y. m ena.. nu l»t., alt., wt.r. pump& tins. Sl)0.17~0 ltfl VOLVO llOOES _. Sbow room cond. 'T1 Camuo Xlnt. c.d. ttnCHlftOLIT SL3JO • ...-. AC. PS. AJllF'lll, lo au. '11 ..._..,,: T.top. full cond. air. AM/FM, 8 S&DAN-Bard to fl ad ... 500 I Beat 0 ff er V~ air, AM /FM aereo. MOVA bUr • aUhr w / vlnyl po• e r , •I •• A C , tract. xmt nmniaC eood. '11 DUSTER, economt ~•=" mod~ D-m>. M.850. a1-m2, Mike 6 c Y 1 e c 0 0 0 m Y. 0...,. 9931 roof, 1d cond. $1100. All/Pll/cau. lntr like oew. '1495. car. Clean. miat aeU Oftnlrt.! lilr ~. -.-8111-dt_G_ran __ Sport __ S:IO_ -•-7131-------auioaaatJc trua.s .• pwr .. ••••••••••••••••••••• SZ!lll. ~ev•. S..1321S laat.146-29:22 ._, -,._ LT PS, PB •---'--•-~... .._ I '74 Dart. I cyl, new Uree, l int. All /FM stereo automatic. New tires, ,.. '-'-maro • • ,.....,...,,,au._..,.....• ow ~only. '$l750. (714) '•Galuie: Buillgood, 'Tt lll:W'"'I Z+Z. great '75 98 Recency, 48,000 PClllllec • 9965 wAl!Pe, &Old eaterior • bratm and abocb. Good a&io. AC, All/Fii 8 lrk, d.Ma. (S71VJI). "7-6759 91DO/blsloffer. au m.llea,e. S2900 or rmJee. l...iU new. Loaded. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ia lnac.91eet conditloo. mlleat•body 1trai1ht· CB. lh.arp! 540-tl54 aft OM.Y$4Sfl 54M833,541-e8meves beltolfer.C&ll499-1.1128 all xtru. Sell for low '72GrandSalari Wagon: U.. bem in aame faml)y nm ,._ti ~-Hunt-llPM NOWAID Ct.wroa.+ I Cherey '63 Dart: Ori& hoc* or best offer Prv w /trailer hitc h. $695. siaeel9'72.Youmual see in1ton Beach --------Dove&QuallSta. owner, ireat 2nd car. 15V~wa.gn,PS/PB,oew '74M111taDC.hpeed.A1C. Ply 642-381t _ ~.runsireat.536·7497 thlaone! (714)842-4933. "1'6 White stereo, a/c, all NEWPORT BEACH ~ flftl, Ori11 owner. Ong PIS. new tires, eves SIOOO/Bntol'fer power. M.000. IJ" "555 P9inL ts.'iO. 64G-OM8. S4GG54 l548KLG > m95. C4 4'9·2'47 c •• "15 4M-3647 -Ford 9'40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---.....---.1.-.&----9-9-20 •••••••••••••• ••••••• •• .._... 994 5 CJ.ASSIC .• YUST ANG 75 '""'"'1•• •c _,....,,.... ttnC .. VIOLIT ....................... a . 31p, 1 owner Like ~COUMY'Y -.-••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ N N ft•..,.t Lo i -a-CANICI PHIL J:ha-a S-ew. ew _... tm VOLVO a--1979DIMO ........ -11 .. • LUXURY SIDAH LONG UMCOlM ti•CUIY ~-· ,_. -· ..,...,.. 1 IOftnowy VALVO COMVlnlll.I CL• & • • ......,..11 .,.,..,...vonc.&. v ~ Loaded! A ..... at family FORD "Spedaloft.heWeek" '15 Mu.t., new tires & L.argat Volvo Dealer Chamonlx leatber In· on Camaroe, Caprices. ... • laOran&eCounty! terior. (363RSIO. Buy MonteCa I M lib & car! (243TZT). ?IUHCOLM paint, A /C. restored, BUYorL,.. .. .,E this Classic for only r 08• 8 us OM.Y .-1995 TO_.. c-.a-12iOOOi1lslolr. 546-3595 a::..no> Novas. Drastic reduc· -'"" vvr-s DIRECT $5995 Uons! HOWARD Clwnolet Beautiful luxury car ta '75 Mach 1. p 18 . p /S. .,W~IQ SADDIHACIC SAVEHOW!!! Dove&Quat!Sts. crystal apricot with A;C, AM i P'M stereo. ~ ~er l\!l•) .~= ~-::9 ~~S~~ACH ~~~c mbe0~o~w~; _:-_ZMl_m1_. x.la-t-cood--l350l>- 2025 S Manchester '72 Coupe Deville: Xlnt '73 Moote Carlo, AC. i..o·•-·--~··-·· $9200 '115 Maroon. &d cond. SlSOO Anaheim 750-2011 =-.:100 or Mat offer. raruo. Sl~ .. ~.--c-,..._ 311218~~ • C.111. or Best~l-2'792 '611'45 4-dr, needs work --------VEGA. '76. xlnt cood. new I•-------• ,75 MARK IV, luxury 'tll Mustang Marti I need.s onbody, motorxlnlrond '79 Seville. exceptional ------clutch, b ks. battery. '75 fDID .............. Must sdl l6000 mmcr work Newly reblt WW sell as whole or for oond. ful.ly loaded. Take --------Sl800 ~l .. .....,.. 96'2-2l609 eng 6mo8 trans ~nit pmta, 631..JS46 CJVt:r payments. 581-0ll21. PINTO w•MN v ·6traas Best OH er 14 CHEVY '79 Capnce classic 2 dr , MU ~ 9950 ~ 'T1 VOLVO MZ.DL 4 spd .• ·77 Seville Loaded, 2 loaded. s.600mi. Must ...---, AM/FM cUMtte etereo tone. many xtras. $995() MONT£ CARLO sell' 673-4209 4 cyUader. automatic, Must Sell My Bab~• Ti 20K miles, 18+ city 631·19m . -·----radio,bealer.(5Xl2Y) ORANGECOUNTY"S Mustang, Y6 auto. P!> .....•••............... Executive's penonal ·79 98 Regency Dal. 4-dr. fad wUT • Z7mpit, well equipped . Sll .300 714 iW-6611'7 PWv 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1975 '9tfTO Lo auJes 4 s~. V Hl ps auJeage. < 190MXD l $1999 HEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH lll-llOO 18 FORD PINTO RUNABOUT 6 ()lander automatH· l'JY~e ( i99tJ f'W I 'T1 Trans·Am Spec Edi· tion Black w /gold. loaded w 1extras. Xlnt. :.>,(XX) IJ\J. $5200 or best dr ~J.43711 11u.dlt"bird 9970 . .........•••..•....... '73 T Blrd Cust Cont men· taJ lrunlc, fully loa!led, top cond, reg ga.s, S!500 556-9192 •77 T Bird , ~rey w;m.tctung velour ml Alr. crwse, AM F M II traclt . new brk" & s h o c k <; r a d 1 ,, I i. BeaUUfuJ tar ltlnl c und ~ 642·4\tl 646 :)Jl.J • 71 XLNT CONU. brun1t• new tires & brk!. full puwer $4950 7~ 1911 V1"9D 9974 •••......••............ MPG. tB.200 or best orr V-8. automatic. Power ·ss Impala S.S· Nu rubber .ft8JJ MEWEST p B. A M , FM <.'a ss 91D-9823 ·77 Seville. xlnt cond, aleering and brakes, & maiis. xlnt cond, .,, LINCOLN MERCURY Great Shape ' $3995 brown. Must sell $7595. power wlodows. air con· $1500/bestorter.536-22111. SADDLllACIC DF.ALERSlOP ~1.376 t•u77 '68142, autoJood cond 5.52-88S5 dit.iooing. <42SLOf"> 'SS MALIBU FOID UYR.ADEIOE ---"1't 74 \' .. r d c; T H t h k AM FM. AC 4...,pd '.OM mi. l(()tld coml Sl2011 IK':.l <Ar ~7214 ~~ce,r w /blkint C_O_NV_E-"R_T_l_B_L_E---.7-S_r_ed_ n377 RUNSGREAT ZMOS.Maln,SantaAna LINCOLN MERCURY ·~~.v.::; ~r;k::,~ SAl>OLOACX Eldo. 32K, wht int., °"' 491>-2S8Sal\&pmonly AltheCornerofWamer U>-18AutoCentcr0r . S22ClO 644-04.S2 FORD loaded & excell. cond. SADDLEIACX ----546-7070 SDFwy-Lake f'orealex1l Ure&, · 2240S Ma.Ul. Santa Ana P.P $8350.64()..7317 . FORD ·75 Monte Carlo Landau 1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ IRVINI!: Althe~rofWarner t974 \14.'j?a 1mmac c.ood tJres Rt'blt •·ni.: JOI\ m1 3 sp siooo H•·~t orr.,r 631 ~75 "'15 161, Xlnt cond, a /c. am /fm, One Owne r $&!0). Call 965-3097 ZM-OS.Mam.Santa Ana Loaded, take over 1: 130-7000 ~ 9955 546-7070 Placing a Cla!>s1f11.>d ad 1i; pymnta. szs:;o. 559-1.336. --------••••••••••••••••••••••• ·73 veiu•. ~il4.>d look in . "'15 3'2.DL, new trans & as easy as dialing your AtLbeC-Om54L e7r0o7f0Warner Af\4. SELL idle items with a '76 Monarch Ghia: 4 dr '71 Olds MdJ 98. PS, PB. lire' likr nt•w , .JUtn brakes, good cond1Uon. • phone Give us a tall ----------Daily Pilot Claaaified Ad. with air. 21,000 miles. AC, V8, reit gas, 89.000 f1nd what you want in r-."t'<h fl'lJJOr enl? ~11rk $MS5. 673-«HIO We'll tlo the rest. 64<! 5H78 ~!!~~!!!!~~ Want Ad.!! Call &42-5678 _sc._5678 __ • ---.---M1m sell' Call 646-2013. m . Sl200. 752-6809 o..tly Piiot Clrumf1edi. Di() bei.t ~-061!6 Alltoa, Used Alltoa, Used Alltos, UMd AlltcK, Used Alltot, UHd Alltos. Used ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~· 2 Acre Used Car Facllltyl I GRAND OPENING SPECIAL!! ALL USED CARS*SOLD INCLUDE 1 YR./12,000 MILE WARRANTY '74 PINTO RUNABOUT MICll Auto. tlW\I. & nice! Blue s 1795 color. (Ue037) '77 COROLLA WAGON ' 1pe6d. only milel. (77'119QO) OMl.Y 11.oooS .. 5 'Up to 8 years old & during the month o• September only '75 DATSUN PICKUP ONLY Custom interior & atereo.S3ft5 (1A76399) '75 VW BUS AIR CONDITIONING! Two ton• & beeutiful. s4195 1151HHV) • '77 HONDA eve LO MILES 14N':t:r at•r•o ta~. $319 5 '78 CHEVY SILVERADO ~TO" lhetl, boot. aor, HUllY AT tilt wt\991, etereo, duel s5795 tanka. (1H883e5) . '76 COROLLA SRS ONLY LIFTBACl(I L~ moles l SM95 custo m onter .or . (225RL0) '79 CORVETTE RED COLOA. full f,000 MIL.ES power. eir cond . •12,895 T·Top & mor•. (388)(EW) •79 PINTO SALE ,RICE IR CONOITIONINQI 4 53695 cyl power steering & low m•IM '3(>3TSO) •7 6 l/4 TON FORD CUSTOM VAN Loaded with •au•PrJJ•nt lnc:tudino a 22 foot. '78 KOMFORT trailer with •wntno & more. Must ... ttil1 combo. MUST SEE!! ,- SUPER SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 1975 MERCURY MONARCH SEDAN digital clock. vinyl top, bucket seats. . V-8. auto. trans.. AIR OOND.. radio. s2395· PS, PB & wsw tires. (293NLM ) I 978 CHRYSLER U IAAOM COUPI VS. 1utomat1c transml .. lon, air cond • po#er steering. vlnyl top, AM/FM radio. radial hrea & morel (707UME) ~·295 1978 DODGE CH"&Wle• COWi Economical 4 cyt. engine, 6 spe9d Irena .. air cond .• rYWr. 1teerlng & brekel, custom wheel• & morel (400ULA) 55795 z ooo.coun B tar k vinyl b•iCkHI '•f'~ll< , lr•rlric "'•H '''""t.l""" octro-.1\11' AM/FM t<1d11 4 ryl 4 -.r>+-Pd rad1<1I , ,,, ... & motf'' /l :>4 K9:? 1')()1 4'1 THIS CAR DOES HOT QUALIFY FOR THE S400 REIA TE. . :·";J:; .. EXAMPLE: 1979 VOYAGER V AM CLEARANCE PRICE $6395 VB Julomat1c Iran• nower sreoring tint<-11 glass sparft tire & morp• FACTORY REBATE $400 55995 8A2AP9X I 73490 USED CAR SPECIALS 1972 PLYMOUTH FUU SIDAH VB. automatic trans. pawer steenno & brakea. air cond vinyl top AM/FM radio. wsw llres & more• (912GIT) 5995 1978 DATSUN JtnCOU" Economical e oytlnder engine. 4 speed tr1n1mlllion, air oondltlon1no. split seat. AM/FM atereo. custom wl'leela & morel (116800) 58495 YOUR PRICE 1977 DODGE AsnH cou" Custom wheeta. T·Top, se>ltt seats pwr. steering & brakes. auto 1r1na air cond . AM/FM steteO & more' (049SWSl 1978 BUICK sem.AH cou" Economical 6 cyl. engine. aurom111c trana , air cond .. C>Qwer aleertno & brakes radio. wsw tires & morel 1547UJO) 53295 -53895 llEED CASH? We'll pay top dollar for good, clean & late model used cars. See Curt Davis or Bryan Hesketh today • • • AND WE ALLOW TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADl-IN! -~---------------'•-' - ·~·· ............ Jlj ........ ....-. .. ~. --·· ... '~ • ., .... . ..... -.... Orange £east Your Hometown Dally New&paper . EDITIO N ..... '-.. MOTHER SAYS MONKEYS TRIED TO KIDNAP KIDS Deborah Greyvllng, Morne, 3, end Mercelle, 18 Month• Hairy Kidnap Monkeys Attempt Abduction DURBAN, South Afru.·a <AP ) Ssx monkeys tried to abduct two htUe brothers from a Durban yard and the boys had to be rescued by their mother and grandmother, the South African PreU Association reported today. Marcelle Greyvtln1. H mont.M old. aod bis l·Y••l"-old brother, Morne. were unhurt and may have been just prospt>ctive playmates for their hairy kidnappers. But their m<>thtr, Deborah Greyvling, was not amused by the 10c1dent. SllE SAID SHE TOOK HER sons to visit her mother nelrt door. "I had seen six monkeys sitting on the fence earlier. but r did not think anything of 1t and left the children to play on the veranda while I went inside to talk to my mother," she said. "About 20 minutes later. I heard the children screaming and crying and rushed outside to see what the matter was. "To my horror. ~ach or my sons wu being dragged by a monkey on each arm. I screamed at them but they continued to pull the kids across the veranda." SHE SAID THE MONKEYS WERE bigger than tiny M a rceUe and had dragged him farther than his older brother. "The monkeys were chattering among themselves and the two which were not grasping either of the children's arms were prancing around in deli ght "When my mother came rushing out, the monkeys let go and fled snlo the heavy undergrowth of the empty plot of land next door. "THE SOYS WERE UNHARMED but were terribly shaken," Mrs. Greyvlsng said . She said the matter had been reported to the Durban city police and she hoped the monkeys would be caught. Texas Tirade State Blasts Alamo Critic ; SAN ANTONIO, Texas <AP ) -Outraged Texans are again coming w the defense of the hallowed Alamo this time against Ari:r:ona Gov. Bruce Babbitt, who says the hiswric m ission-fortress symbolizes all that's wrong in United States relations wttb Mexico. Clayton said Babbitt should tend to his own state's reJaUons with Mexico and stop trylng w "fire up emotions" between Anglos and Hispanics in Texas. San Antonio attorney Fred Semaan suggesl.ed Babbitt give Ari7.ona back w Mexico if he Is so interested In improving U.S.-Mexican relations. Texu of{icials cbaatlzed Ba bbltt Thuraday for his remarks Wednesday in San Antonio, site or the fabled "Cradle of Texas Liberty." I • .. Texas Howse Speaker Billy Babbitt, a Democrat, made his remarks as he addressed a luncheon given in his· honor by two Mexican-American eroups. ··w e must forge a new re lationship based on recognition of Mexico as an equal. But the Alamo la a symbol of the problem in our relationabip with Mellico ..• a sacred symbol w Texans and an extenlion ol the American ideal. But to Mexico, it's a symbol of territory lost. a nation plundered by overbearl n • crlnao nelghbon," Babbitt aaJd . The rebuttals poured in Tbunday. R ep. Henry B . Gonulei, D ·Texa1, aareed from hia w ••blnlton otflc.. •-J'be Alamo wat a victory for tb• llulcMA... Goual• aakl •. "Tb•)' WOD the Alamo. T1lla dumb and t1norant Arl&ona 1o•eraor espre1••• tb• m1~eal apd ~· eran ........... "lbiatle, ft'•. .-.r1 •• of uitertr ... bit ata ..... ata are tboroa1bt1 c....... a'M llHH•l u• ~ ... .., .,..1 •t.naalt. .,..... lm•elftl _,,. ~ M tmpll~ II U. NGrdl Amertcu TUM,.P ... M> ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CIN Fl FTEEN CENTS • y Backs Teddy • Mom, Wife Drop Objections to Running WASHING TON lAP) -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy said today that his wife and mother have told blm they will no longer ob- ject Ir he runs for president. re· moving wbat bas been perceived as a major barrier to a 1980 Ken· ncdy campaign. "Both my mother and my wife Indicated they would support any decision I would make," Kennedy told reporters afte r a speech here. Although he reiterated hs i. position that he is not now a can· didate, he added "l am con· cerned about the direction of the country " Split \'ote . ~ Agked if he kne w when he might decide whether to seek the Democratic nomination, Kennedy replied: ''I don't have • •f a• ('0R('~r .. ~d abo.a dw dlr~c-lfo• ol 1.lw ('0111dry. • • any particular time frame or any particul ar date " Ke nnedy said he had dis cussed the s ubject of a pressden· ts al campaign with his family because "personal conssdera t1oni.. fa mily consldt!ratson11. have always bet!n a matter of enormous importance and they continue w be. I suppose it is on· ly natural I would talk with the members of my ramily " The approval or Ke nnedy's wife and mother is expected to encourage the "Draft Kennedy" movements aJready active 1n 19 states . Kennedy's press secre tary. Tom Southwick. said earlier that Joan. the senator's wife, and Rose Kennedy, h1s mother, told th~ Massachusetts senator dur ing the congressional recess lasl month that they would ~upport hsm sf he decides to ch allen1i:(· President Carter for the I~ City Asking Study Of Building in Cd:M Bank Interest Rate Record NEW YORK CAP> Several of the nation·., largest banks r~ponded today to pressure from the rederal Reserve Board and raised prime lcndin..: rates from 121 4 percent tri a rel'ord 12"• perc<>nl Rather than recommend the reduct.son of building sizes in old Corona del Mar, Newport Beach planning commissioners think a committee of property owner~ and architects o ught to study the controversial issue Commissione rs voted Thurs day to ask city council membtr:. to set up such a <'Omm1ttce. The issue is the size of single family homes, duplexes and triplexes to be allowed sn the area bounded by Avocado Ave nue. Fifth A venue, Hazel Drive and the water. No commission member ll vu in the affected area. The committee proposal came after commissioners voted 4·3. with comm1ss1oners Debra AJ. len, Hal Thomas and Allan Beek dl11enttng, lo reject one pro- posed building site reduction. The reductioo would have set a maximum busldmg s ize at I J times the bwlda ble area of a lot However, one member or the prevailing s ide. Comm1ss1oner He le n McLaughlin, asked for re· consideration. After a series of parliamen- tary maneuvers the issue wa~ voted on again with the sam e 4-3 result. In asking for the reconsidera · tion. Mrs. McLaughlin was un· successfu l in getting he r col Oumges Eyed In Bilingual School Plan S ACRAMENTO IAP > A new showdown ss shaping up sn connection with Calsforma 's embalUed bshngual education program. A sse mbl yma n Denni s Mangers. D·Huntlngton Beach. said Thursday he will bring up a measure to allow more non-Spanish·speaklng teachers in the program. His now-dormant bill, AB 1254. would allow bilingual students who are more fluent in English •W be taught by English-spealdog teache r s rather than Spanish-speaking teachers. But the bUl is opposed by the C hi cano Caucus in the Leglalature. Manaer1 said school d111tnct.1 could choose to follow either his proposal or th e current proeram, which requires a Span.lab·q>eaking teacher in any school that bu 10 or more pupils In any erade who speak little or no EnaJish. Opponenta to Mancers' bill ar1ue that it would let school dilt.r1ctt circumvent the current bllinpal proaram, meanlQC that fewer •racially credentialed blllnrua tHchera would be hired. SBE'7S WAUONG 'GlJU) MINE' Sb• calla ben•lt' a walklni IOlcllDIM. •ollle ltultter ~ Newport ·-...,. ....... braee&eu -........ 11 ....... cbalDI ............... ••11*4 adMil' ...... ~· fttlt'• ... to •••Uo~r •olden ll81eraaU1. C.S.. reat.ariaC, •••• 81), lPagues t.o go along with a pro posal which would have alter<'d the building s12cs north of Ea~t Coast Highway Under present ">lLlndard'>, homes on that side of thl' highway can b<' built to a squar«? footage about tw1cl' the buslda bit• area of the lots Busldabll' area 1s the space ll'ft after de ducttn~ required .setbuch from each lot. South of thl• h1ghway , in Ow coast al zone. the s tandard is l.5 times the buildable area Commission Chairman Paul <See8TUDY, Pace Al) The move by the banh came minute-; after :>l'\. er al otht-r mllJor banks raised their pramf· ralt''i l<1 I 2' 2 pt>rct-nt Hank of Amcnca. tht· n;it1on·s largest Cha!.c M a n h a l t a n R a n k . t h £' nation's lhsrd l aq~cst bank . No 5 Morgan Guaqmty Trui.l Co . !"n H Banker's T rust Co. and No. 9 First NauonaJ Bank o f C hicago al I ra 1s1:d prime rates a haU·point to 123'6 percent. 'Playboy Pastor' Pseudo Photog MARSEILLES. Ill IAP I A 25-year-old Methodist minister has been charg1..'<i with posmg as a Playboy M agai.sn e photographer and sol1 c1tsng a youog divorcee to pose sn the nude. police said Patrick Quig~, of the Fin.t United Methodist Church of Mo rris, was c harged with forgery and attempted theft of services from Katherine Newell. :t, owner of Katie 'i. Florist Shop sn M a~s.Jlcs. He Le; free on $3,000 bond Authorities said Quigg, a bachelor. has been an ai.sistant pastor at the church about two week~. Jim Holl enbeck. assistant Marseilles police chie f. said Quigg was arrested after the florist shop had been staked out w ith coope r a tion from Ms . Newell. a five fool. llS·poundcr and mother of a 3-year·old bo" But. !.aid flollenbeck. ~h Newell C'hecked with Playbo} and found that Quigg v. as not working for the magazsne. "Quigg entere<! her s hop Saturday aftt'rnoon t11 brow:-1· ar o und ... sa11I H ollenh<'rk "Eventually, when customn-. had left. he told her he wa:. ,, PI a y boy photograph er 1111 \.acal1on and he would like lei take pictures of hN in her shop and m a park. He told her ht· wa nted som e nude shot<, and said s he would be paid SI ,000 for each picture a pp ea ring in Playboy .. The stakeout <va., arranged said Hollenbeck. and when Quigg returned to the shop with a phony Playboy contract he was arrested Enrollment Dips SchoolSet:Monday In Newport-:M~sa By JACKIE KV MAN Ot-D811yl'llMIUff Lockers will clang and voices echo through the halls Monday as student.a go back to classes In the Newport-Mesa school dis- trict -but if you listen closely, you'll notice the dln Isn't qulte what It used to be. That's because there'll be fewer students than lut year, accordlne w dJstricl estimates. And lut year there were fewer than the year before. Thu year. Just under 20,000 student.a are ant!clpated, down rrom 21 ,210 younpten lut fall . and 22.4.50 In fall, lt'n. There'll be fewer 1chools ud up on subjects they haven't taught for some lime, officials said. Projections through 1983 show a continuing pattern of declining enrollment. although demog- raphers have predicted a slight upturn 1n the stuaent popu1auon in the mid 19MM. Projections for fall, 1980 call for only 18,Mt students: for 1981, 17,417, and ror Ul82. 16,140. Dean to Meet lrrfonner? teachen thi1 year, too. Monte CARBONDALE, Ill. <AP) - Vlata, Mesa Verde and Victoria Former Water.ate conspirator elementary 1c:bool1 In Costa John Dean 1a.ya be knows ,.ho Mesa ..,.. cloHd W. summer .-"Dffp Th~\&" ls, and p~uw to becaute ot deellmn, emollment mMt wtth llJm in WasMqtoo. and about 100 tHcMn -allnolt . pot1lbly today. 10 pe~ ot thole ln the diltrtct l>Hn, the Whit~ House coumel -wwe laid off. for .tormer President Nixon, BecaUH remalDJq tHchera addl'elled a packed boUH at lbe bad to be lbltt.d w fill •atan· S o u t. h e r n t l l l n o t a cl•, dlltttct oftlclala said llWlJ Ual•ertlty·Catboodale 1tudent Y°"D.,._. will find new fea1 In center Tburaday nl1ht. Rla I.Mir laYOl"lt.e c:lalMI. speee1t •• cbaracterited u a A fn ..,...... '°"'Cl m11 be eapetalbed version of his book. ml11ln1, and In otber C:Hff ''8Un4 Ambltlon. ·• by at leut teacben will bave had to bnaab one obMt' te:r . "' - D emocratic pres idential nomination. Southwick quoted Joan Kennedy. who has been living separately rrom her hus band for a vear. as s avina she would campaign for her husband if he decided to nm next year against President Carte r for the O emO('rat1c p r es ide ntial nomination. As ked 1f Rose Ke nnedy. the senator 's mother, also would campaign. Southwick replied "Sh(1 1s pretty much ensconced 1n (he Hyan ni s <Ma ss l c·om Pound. but s he has said that (.~TED, Page A2) U.S. Plans 200New Missiles WASHI NGTON CAf'1 l'r1·s1dent Carter announced µlcin\ today for a S3J b1ll1on df'plo~ mcnt of 200 new M X m 11 h 1 I <· m 1 s ' 1 I e :-. a r o u n <! prutt'{'lt-<1 "rat·ctrack · courses Ill tht• Wt .. 'it ('a rtf·r told n·portcrs lh1· -.ys tcm will -.urv1v1.: surprise .1 t I a< k II 1• .., a 1 d 1 t w 111 be '1·nf1ablc undt'r <lrms control ,, g r 1· l' m t' n l ' . a f f '' rd a b I e . •· n ' 1 r on ml' n t a 11 y 'o u n d and ron:.1stent with future arms cur b objec tsv~ Tht• Pfl">ld<·nt expressed ho[>(' tht· M X missile also will be "thc· la!>t m1ss1le system or enormous destrucl1ve power that we will t"Ver have to build .. Oe renst• S<•crdaq llarnl1I l>ro"'n said plani. arc to build thl' m155JJe complexei. in Utah and Nevada al undisclosed locations The> are to be opera tsonal in 1986 Although ">l'nl<'lr Jdm1rustrat1on officials reached .J <·on:-.t•nsus on the plan a monUi .1~0. ,1 formal announcement w;ii. dt•l;i:,pd pendsn~ a fina l pn·~1dt•nt1al dl'l'1:.1on ;is well as <'Oni.ullat1on.., with J(overnors anrl other:-1n the aff('ctcd c,tatc:. I ';i rtt•r agrc·ed with advsseri. that the · ·ra<'('track" option ~uuld msn1m1lt' d1i.rupl1on of tht• 1·011ntry..,1d<· whtll' prntcct sn~ tht• I a 1 g 1· n cw m 1ss1 I es r r om 1h::.trut·t111r1 :-.hould thl' S<>v1el Cnion l'Vt•r launl'h a !-.Urprisc .1tt;ick The president decided m Jum· lo dl'H~lop tht: 190 .000-pound m1:..,1h•i., largc">t 1n the US arsenal. but "'1thheld a dec1s1on on how they would be m oved and protected Tht· Jppro' <>d opt son would pla1•1· the m1si.tles a nd their 700.000 pound trani.porters on a "cries of s~rface roads . formm~ t'lo..,i.>d cou r -;c., not unlike Jngular racetrat·k:. Diplomacy U rge d : BULLETIN W ASllJNGTON <AP> -Preai·' dent Carter promised Ulla after·~ noon ~o respond with "firm -1 dlplomlcy" to tbe presence of a' Soviet combat unit In Cuba. He ~ uld the Ruaalaa troops pose nol threat to U.S. defea se1 and added that there should be no pan.le about the 1lluallon. Coast .. Weather Little change with the usual low clouds late night through mid-morning then clearing to sunny skies •and 708 at beaches to 80s Inland. Lows tonlaht 60 to 66. INSIDE TOD.4 l' Eztra theatric• of the Bol~ BolWt orid 2.511•ort of melod1'Clm0 ot ,,._ Bird Cage Theater art> dHcribed o" Page Cl. ••••• I ; t QM.XPl.OT CIN frldtl. ttlltlmtptr z. 1 m lerSlal• Kilkr Dealt Life Sentence Robert Edward Crane , convlct.d of murderlna Hunttnatoe llarbour jeweler W ayoe Oolln dur101 .a 1111 robbery , • a a 11eteeced Thursday to LU• ha prlH• wlt.bout ~billty ol parole The Hntence cam e aa no aurprt.e to the tall. a&Ady ·b&l.red tatt.ootd ~teodant wbo bad ...,.. told dwiNr • beanA,1 ••t ..... that be llkily would be 11vea Ute 1tate'1 maximum sentence ahort of the death ~nalty Oraqe Count) Supertoc Court Judie William S. Lee denied • motioo by Crane to be releued oa probaUon u well u a ~ by proeecut.or Ric:hard Fanaell t.o 11 ve Crane addlUooal priloa time for robbery and UM ol a firearm in tbe commlulon ol a felony. A Jury found Crane guilty of shooting Golio t.o death durina a robbery at Leisure World Jewelers, locat ed In a Seal Beach shopping center. Golln. 41, was married and the father of two children. The same jury deadlocked 10 a 6-6 vote on whether Crane murdered Thomas Cochran, a police informant whose body was found on Bolla Chica Slate Beach in Huntington Beach tn December, 1977. Suspect Held After Attack With Bottle Newport Beac h police said today they don't know why it Pomona man allegedly smashed a beer botlle into the face of a local resident Thurs day night. Crane wUJ be Ntried for tM C.OCllran mu,...,. la ~•mW Durlna a p oat 11nl1ncln1 ht1rln1 before J~~ Walwr C'Uramu. ~ he wW p\Hd fUUl1 to • tlalrd daarae ol atwmptect ~•pe from Oran•• Cowlt)' JaH lD 1.t'rl. .Judie la ta.Id tb.al be Hid no cbolee bul to HDtence Cr ... to life wtthout po11lbWty ol JNU'Clle becauae the Jury had deadloell~ OD whether the convicted murderer 1houkl be sent to UM au chamber. Crane, wbo bu acted a bia own attorney throuab tbt murder trla.I, lndlcated that be wUl appeal bla convicUOn and aentence. APW.,..._ ~ ,., . ...., ··~· Antoinette Slovik, 84. widow of th e only American soldier shot for dese rtion slnce the Civil War. died today l n De troit from cancer. MacDonald on Lo.ng Bus Trip to Coast RALEIGH, N.C. <AP> Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald has left u North Carolina prison unit for a bua trlp to the federal prlaoo Ml Terminal Island, Calli. A spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons s11d Tbunday that MacDonald, wbo waa convicted last week of murdering bia wife and two daughters, boarded a bus Wednesday t.o bee.in the trip. MacDonald, 35, of Huntington B e ach , ia making th e c ross-country trip back to California on a bus operated by the prison system , according to Michael Aun of the Bureau or Prisons. Aun sa.ld the bus transports lnm ates lo various inBlitulion.s . ''The bus. in effect. leapfrogs from institution to institullon." Aun said "It will probably lake two to three weeks for the bus to make It crOl!ls·country." lnmateiii spend the night ut prisons along the way ,Aunsu1d MacDonald was sentenced to three consecuti ve hfe term:. after u federal·court Jury found him guilty of one count of fm.t degree murder and two count.a of seccnd-deeree murder in the slaylngs or his family nine years ago al Fort Bragg. Defense attorneys have asked U.S. District Judge Franklin T . Dupree Jr. to reconsider his :>rder denying MacDonald bail pe nding a ppea l o f th e conviction. MacDonald was an Army captain at Fort Bragg when hi1> wife. Colette, 26. and two young daughters were bludgeoned and stabbed t.o death 1n February 1970. He maintained that four intruders killed his family and attacked him SAN CLll:llEHTI!! ISLAND (AP> -U.8. District Judie Robert K . Takasu1I uaually prealdff ov• federal caMI ln the halll cl Juatlce at the ~ Ansel• federal bwld1A1. But todaJ, U.. Judie aDd bis court aldea fte• to San Clemente Island, 75 mll• otf the cout from San Dle10. to make an offkl&l lnapection of the laland'• 4,000 wild acoata, the moat r.romlnent lnhabitana on the 1land'1 cra11Y 100 mile square mtlt11. The iaaue be fQre Jud•e TakaSUlili 11 whether the U.S. Navy cao klll the toah 10 warabtpe can use the bland for target practice. Tbe Navy want.I lo aboot the 1oat.1 before turntna the laland into a tar1et IO Ulat unexploded ammunition doetn'l endanger Ule goal buntert1 Anlma1 weltare aroupa and env·lronmentallat11 hav e protested lhe Navy 'J plan . arguing that lhu l(OlllJJ Hhould btl left alone. The j u dge l11s uf'd 1.1 pre hmlnary injunction in May halting the Navy '11 i>IMn t o slaughter the J(onts At the lime , Takasugi 11aill the· N1t11y plun failed lo compun· thti c·ot1t of alternative met.hods of removlnK the bt>asll and railed to con.alder the potential health ha7.Brd arising from 4.000 roltlnte $(<111t carcasses that hunter11 would leave behind. The Navy also h u Invoked en vironmental concerns In 1t.~ campaign lo kill the goata. The military argues that &oat.a are eating endangered species of plants and flowers on the island Radicals Set Fire TOKYO tAP> Four radicals broke through a gate at Narita International Airport in a 1>mall truck today . made 1l to a taxiway and !)el the truck on fire . I'~ fmatJe Emblasoned MOR1'0N GROVE. JU. (AP ) -Ordere are pllln1 up for ape$1 T·ahirta commemorating Pope John Paul U'a vilit. to Cblcago next month, says the owner of a aportawe-ar lmprtntlna firm. ''Just in the l11l three days, the whole thln8 hu taken ol( and we've already got 30,000 T-ahirt orden. We expect from 100,000 to lS0,000 before lt '1 all over,'' Morton Ohren of Creative Fuhion.a Inc. aald Thursday. Three T·•hirt designs are being produced. One of them reads: .. I Gm A Peek At The Pope, Chicago '79." Another says: "Welcome to Chicago Pope John Paul U." The molt elaborate T·ablrt bears a four-color photo ot the pope, 8~ inches by 11 inches, with bia name at the bottom. .. Royalties of this one are belng paid to the Los An1elea Arct"ldloceae that granted permission to uae the photo,'' Ohren sald. Ohren decllned to discuss prices. Knott's Installs Metal Detectors l ' R U Y. N A J• A R K A P > - Knott '11 Rt<rry Farm now has four m.-tal dfrt.f'ctors on hand to .11t·arr h l(Ut'at11 for w('apons. followlna a court confrontation 1111••r "p11t do wn " searches <·o nductt'd at the parlt last month 'The Hllpamcs as an et.bruc: group are very important ti> Knoll's Berry Farm -very hi ghly r egarded," he aaid, adding that H111panics represent 14"'1 percent or Knoll'• worlt force. Kuuell Knott u1d Thursday th~ p a rlt pu rchased four portable detect.on to avoid the frialt-type searches ·'We believe this would make any aearch in the future let'ls embarrassing to a guest and perhaps less offeruuve to a guest who might tend to be sensitive." Knoll awd Knoll's wa!S thr scenf" of a gang melee lai.t Marth 1n whu·h on1' youth was k1llf"d and thrt."f' other'l IDJUrt"i.I Knott's M"<'Urtl\ offH·1ali. <H\tJ Hu('n a l'ark pohn• conduC'ted 'p.tt down" s1·arches of guestb Jt the park Aug 3 and 4 after II C) I 1 (' e s J I d I h c· 'V r ,. (' ,. I \ •• 11 v. arnings that l(iHlf.t mt·mhtr'> were going lo the '-'ark F,....P~AI TED ..• whatever he want.I to do is all nght Wlth her " Neither Joan Kennedy nor Rose Kennedy could be reached for their C'O mment But both have mdlcated in the past they oppo~ Ke nnedy's entenng a prl''i1dc·nt1al rac-t• Jt1an Kenn1·d} ha.., hct'n ll v1n~ 1n thl· 1·ouplt-., B11..,ton home ~1net' 1977 a nd working on ,j ma'>ter'o; dt»grec• in mu<11c ami t>du< ation at l.A:.''lley College Ruben Leon Espinoza. 22, was arrested on suspicion or assault with a deadly weapon following the m cident al 11 p.m. at a liquor st.ore on North Newport {Joulevard. GOP Split Preferred A Sant:.i Ana i.iroup latl'r !>Ought a court order lo b<in what 1t says were d1i.t'rim1natory body searche11 of Hiaparucs at Knoll's Knott de nied ther e w as d11cramlnat1on and said park f.tUard s st>arC"hed "everybody that came through 1n that ~ht> :1 n d K 1• n n .-d y t oo 1e ad\.Bntagc of the con1 gressional r ,.,.,.,., to '>Jll'nd mo!'>t of tht· month of Augui.t toRether al tht· ramlly 's Cape Cod, Masll vacation home, Southwick su1d T h ey sailed togeth e r and a ttended the Robert F'. Kennedy ('elebr1ty tennJs tournament In New York The victim, Burr Cook , 24, of Santa Ana Heights. told police he and a compa n ion we re walking out of the store when Espinoza s topped them and <'ha llenged him to fight. Cook allf'ged that the man then broke the beer bottle on his face Police said Cook suffered bruises and a cut on his nose. SAN FRANCISCO <AP) - Cis lifornia Republicans prefer a llocating national convention delegates In proportion to the results of the state's prestdeoliaJ primary instead or the current wi nn e r ·t ake ·a ll sys t e m , according to a California Poll. California w ill send by far the larstest state delegation to next year's Republican convention, with the winne r of the June primary getting all 168 vol.ct> t;altlomJa is the only state with a w1nne r ·take·a ll primary system In the poll released by Mervin Field t oday. 64 pe r cent or Republicans p o ll e d favor allocation according to the size or the vot e . Thirty percent thought the current method 1s fine while s ix percent wer<: undc,·1ded The poll. conducted la ~l month, is similar to one taken Gas Available Sat11rday LOS ANGELES <AP > -More t han 80 pe r cent of the gas stations In Southern California will be open Saturday, but the pri ce of gas has risen an One Candidate Quits Race One candidate for a seat on the Newport-Meaa Unified School District board of trustees ha11 withdrawn , the Orange County Registrar of Voten an· nouoced. A a pokes woman said Catherine A. Booth of Cotta Meaa withdrew without com- m ent u a candidate ln Trustee Area 2. Still vyln1 for that seat will be attorney Mike McLau1hlln and realtor H · toelate Reynald Pelletier. A total of 18 candidat.es Will be runnlnC tn the Nov. e election. Four aeata are available. ' DAILY PILOT OMMe e.u .............. ,~ ~~~~=::~. • Tel11111i11N (714J.,._, OIM llt!H Ad•.,.....,. ''""'-"~ ........ average of 1.2 cents per 1eaJlon Prices al full service stations over last week's prices. now average between $1 02.4 and $1.04.4 for regular, $1.0'7.4 lo According to the auto club's $1.09 for unleaded, and $1.08.7 to w ee kly s urv e y released $110 I for premium. Thursday, gas prices have Increased between 22.5 and 24 f'ro91PapAI cent.I per gallon, depeod.lftl on the grade, in fl ve month•. Almoat ~percent or the staUone STUDY are charging more than $1 per • • • • gallon. , On Saturday, accordtne t.o the survey, 76 percent of the at.ationa In metropolitan areaa will be open and more than 87 percent of the rural stations will be selUng gas. Overall , 81.4 percent or the stations will be open, up about 1 percent rrom last weeK Man Sought In Rape Try A man armed with a steak knife wu beinl aou1hl today afler be broke lnt.o a central Newport home early Thursday ln •n attempt to rape the 22-year-old occupant. · Pollce 1atd the vicUm talked tht man lnt.o leavln1 • few mlnut.M after IM broke lAt.o ber bedroom. Offlcera aald the woma.b wu not raped. The vleUm deacrlbed ber attact.r u 8-foot·2, 180 paunda. She iald be was wearln1 a atock1"' over bJ.a face. Sprayw Uled To.Di..olve Oil SOUTB PAD&I: llLAND. Teaaa <AP> -M•ahan autboritl• aH ual•I ••rial cb•m'cal --~· lll u , to clillolw .. ~..... f/11 G6I mU.. IOU&la ol lrow1i1VW. lll tM Oult cl Me.SCO, U.I . ddaSa ~ u.a. CoMt OUrd •••• ao 1lH e1Um'lte tor &111 lati1t ~-oltM..W11lar-G61 ""' '° no.t r .... .,.... =~= .:::..':f.U Balalls pr<>p011ed tho formation of a study committee. He said it ahould be composed or four property owners evenly divided between those who have supported and opposed Ule re du ctlona aa well a a tw o archlt.e<:ta. The purpose would be t.o find a compromise Balalla' meaaure waa ap - proved on a 4-3 vote with Com- m laaloner Tim Haldlnger di•· senllng with Mrs. Allen and Tbomu. City counctl members are ex peeled to take action on the cotn- m lulon recommendatlon at thelr Ott. 1 meet.ins. Proponent.a of the reductions contend new homes aolna up In Corona del Mar are too bi&. They aay they dwarf older atruc turea and detract from lbe charm ol th• nelahborhood. Opponent.I counter that Ute proposed r*9ucUona w'?uld 1Ufle reconatructlon ln the old nelthborbood. Four attbltect.I who have de· 1l1ned Corona del Mar bomM told commilliooera tut month tbey believe tMr• are ways ol 1uardinC aaalnlt comtrucUon"' ma11lve block·llke atructurn without reeortlAI to th• al.le re- d-.cUonl propoHd. 2 Bo.ta COiiide Nl:W OJU.&ANS <AP) -Tbe 1t1bt1"tn! boat Kl11t11lppl QuMG oolllded wttb an oU tMUI' lD tbe llllll'= IUvtr M&r Norco Mrt)' • QOUnl ad lllto u. nvw. tM CoMt GUnS 1alcl. A ..... olbcM&n alWIM colU1lon, l~• CoHt Oaard .. u. .. Uaat °" bed clrtW .. far u tlt.tH mil• do .. UM riHf, before the 1976 GOP convent.Ion. Th e n the breakdown wa& 63·26-11 Re publican state Senator John Schmlta or Newport Beath has introduced a bill to give the winner or the primary all lhc• delegate votes only If he get.., more than 50 percent of tht> votes Otherwise, the delegatt· votes would be s plit proportionally. U nder th(' present p l an . former Gov Ronald Reagan stands an excellent chance of gaining the whole dele gation even tr he polls les11 than hall of the vote. Schmitt Is a backer of for m e r Texas governor J ohn Con nall y f or t h e GOP presidential nomination Jolm V. Carey Buried at Sea Private funeral servlceft and burial at aea have been conduct ed for John Vernon Carey, a 20-year re11tdent of Costa Mesa He died Wednesday at the age of 83 Mr. Carey was a former e mployee or Cal's Cameru in Costa Me sa . He leaves his wtre. Either R. Carey, and a aon. John R. Carey or Costa Meaa. teen·age group Antelo'> bla c k s , o r1t•ntat .... and J11aparucs " Oritngt> County Su1Wr1or Coun .ludite Orella fo' St-aro; ruled Tu,esday that Knott s had v1thd rt«1son to "pat~n .. J(u•·slb last month to st'at:fh fo)\ weapon.., J udRt' Scars declined to grant J court order. saying tht-park ., four new metal detectors madt• uny restraining order a ·usclt-s:. act " Knott said 12 percent or Its fi ve million cus tomers a year are o( Hlaparuc origin E',.._ Pafl#' A I TEXAS ... gringo traduci ng Meuco's territory For a ~overnor or A rnona to be so lgnorapt 1s unpardonable ·· A s mall bund of defenders, including frontfersmen Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, wa!) wiped o\lt March 6. 1836 by more than 1,000 Mex.ican troops The battle followed a crucial 13-day 1uege that gave Texas armies time to resroup and eventually win the Texas Re volution MEN'S SUITS for only One Dollar Robert Kennedy and another hrCJlhl·r. Prc~1d cnt J ohn I" Kennedy. were assa'lsln aled and J third .l~eph wa1> killed 1n World War II l>e s p1tf' Edward Kt>nnedy'~ c·ons1stt.>nt public· po~1l1on thut he• t:Xpl'CLS Carter to o;eek and win a second term. effort:. art> under way in several stutes to build i.upport to draft Kennedy for tht• num1nallon P ubli c op ini o n poll s conslstenUy show the 47·year-old senator leading Carter by a wide mugln among Democra~. Some Dem0cratic liberals are urging the party openly to seek an altematJve to Carter as the Democratic nominee In 1980. One of them, Sen George S McGovern or South Dakota. the party 's un s u ccess ful presidential cand1dute in 1972. said he thought Kennedy would be the stronge!>t ('and1date Some int1mate11 of the senator have adVlsed him to 11tand pat. ar1ulng that he could no'\ do much bette r In the polls ll he were an active candidate. \ . \ "'When you buy one suit at regular price, you can buy another of equal or lesser value for only one dollar. ·-· 't' o•r Ro•etown ·i Dally Newspaper J ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1979 . FIFTEEN CENTS 1 .. y Backs Teddy l Mom, Wife Drop Objectiom to Running Al"Wl,..,..l• MOTHER SAYS MONKEYS TRIED TO KIDNAP KIDS Deborah Greyvllng, Morne, 3, and Marcelle, 18 Month• Dairy Kidnap Monkeys Attempt Abduction DURBAN, South Africa <AP> Six monkeys tried to abduct two little brothers from a Durban yard and the boys had to be rescued by their mother and grandmother. the South African Press Association reported today. Ma rcelle Greyvling, 16 months old, and his 3-year-0ld brother , Morne, were unhurt and may have been jus t prospective playmates for their hairy kidnappers. But their mother, Deborah GreyvliJli, wu not amuaed by the incident. SHE SAID SHE TOOK HER sons lo Vlsit her mother next door. ''I bad seen six monkeys sitting on the fence earlier, but I did not think JlDything of it and left the children to play on the veranda while I went inside to talk to my mother," she said. "About 20 minutes lat.er, I heard the children screaming and crying and rushed outside to see what the matter was. "To my horror. each of my sons was being dragged by a monkey on each arm. I screamed at them but they continued to pull the kids across the veranda." SHE SAID THE MONKEYS WERE bigger than tiny Ma rcelle and had dragged him farther than his older brother. "The monkeys were chattering among themselves and the two which were not grasping either of the children 's a rms were prancing around in delight. "Wh en my mother came rushmg out, the monkeys let go and Oed into the heavy undergrowth of the empty plot of land next door. "THE BOYS WElt'E UNHARMED but were terribly shaken," Mrs. Greyvling said . She said the matter had been reported to the Durban city police and she hoped the monkeys would be caught. Paramedics Cited . For Life of Youth I Ten years ago, under similar ~lrc umslances , a n Orange County Superior Court judge wouldn't face the decision on hether to order termination of fe s upport system s that are keeping an 18-year-old auto ccidenl vktim alive. According to Newport Beach eurologlst Thomas Rogers, who reated victim Vincent Martin Young, "The main reason the oy is alive ls because of excellent paramedic care. Years ~ ago, he would have died at the scene of the accident." Young. o f Westminster, re mains in a coma at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach. Meanwhile, Judge Bruce Sumner is deliberating a family request that life support systems be shut off. WASHINGTON <.AP) -Both Sen. Edward tt. Kennedy's wife and mother have dropped their o bjections to bis seeking lbe presidency in 1980, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Democrat said today. "The family has indicated that they would support any decision he would make," said Tom Southwick, the senator's press secretary. Finn Loses Dimnonds ToGunnum The May Company lost "thousands of dollars worth" or diamond rings to a man who told a clerk late Thursday that he had a gun and would shoot her 1t she didn 't follow hi~ instructions, Westminster police said. Officers said the bandit described as black, in his late 20s and 185 pounds handed the frightened woman a paper bag t hat h e had carried into Westminster Mall. H e pointe d lo several individual rings in a case and ordered each dropped into the bag, officers said. About JO rings ranging in size between a half carat and •carat were selected, they noted. Police s aid the thief, who never did show a gun, m ade h.is selection from among rings acquired by May Compa ny from an estate. The rings were advertised tn weekend ne ws p aper s in a special promotion. officers said. The thief. who made bis threat.a and selections as an assistant jewelry counter manager worked with another customer nearby, walked away with his loot a nd melted Into a crowd , officers said. Dean Plans Meeting With 'Deep Throat' CARBONDALE. 111. CAP ) Former Watergate conspirator John Dean says he knows who "Deep Throat" is, and plans to m eet with him in Washington, possibly today Dean, the White House counsel for for mer President Nixon. addressed a packed house at the So u t h e rn Illin ois University-Carbondale student c enter Thursday night. His speech was characterized as a capsulized version of his book, "Blind Ambition," by at least one observer. In a question a nd answer session following the s peech, Dean said he has used a process of elimination and come up with only one na me for the person dubbed Deep Throat, who gave inside tips to reporters during the Watergate investigation. He said he called the man and told him he knew who he was and that the m an "mildly denied it. .. S33 Billion Southwick quoted Joan Kennedy. who bas been livini separately from her husband for a Tear, as saying she wouJd campaign for her husband lf he decided to run next year againat President C arte r fo r the Democratic presidential nomination. Asked if Rose Kennedy. the senator's mother, also would campa1gn, Southwick replied "She i.s prdty much e111conced in the Hyanni s (Mass .> compound, but she bas said that what.ever be wants to do is all richt with her." Neithe r Joan Kennedy nor Rose Kennedy could be reached for their comment. But both have indicated in the past they opposed Kennedy's entering a presidential race Joan Kennedy has been Living Huntington Teen Crash Eruls Fight For Active Life By J ERRY CLA USEN CH IM Dally l"I ... $1aff The summer or 1979 had ~en a successful one for IR·)ear-old Paul Conger As an infant, he had been sent home from a hospital lo die with congenital kidney failure . Des pite incr <'d ibl e odds , surgeries, in/ect1ons, pain and general weakness, he graduated from Huntington Beach High School in June and was certified an Eagle Scout by Boy Scout Troop I Less than two weeks ago, he signed up for diesel mechanic classes at Golden West College He was looking forward to s omeday becoming :t long -distance trucker He was driving a truck his family's s mall pickup last Sund ay when another motorist ran a stop sign , crashed into the Conger vehicle and ended Paul's life. His father, Norman. and sistE'r Anne, were in sleep10g bags in the truck's bed when the car hit them broads ide . Highway Patrol officers said. Norman, transfe rred this week to Hoag Memorial Hospital from Redlands Comm unity ll osp1tal . 1s reported in satisfactory cond1t1on with chest and back inJunes. Anne suffered a broken collar bone Paul's mother, Marge. was riding at his side when the accident occurred on Highway 38 in Mentone. She suffered only minor injuries. S h e s aid the fa m lly was returning home after a six-mile weekend back packing trip in the mountains Paul'd colors always frowned on s uch excursions, but the) winked and turned their heads the other way when Paul discussed his hiking plans The youth was born with only one kidney, and that organ was defective. Any activity was difficult and his breathin g became labored w1lh prolonged exercise . Only five-foot-two, Paul always was sma ll for his age, Mrs Conger said. His interests in life included Boy Scoutin e . ship-model building and studying World War JI. When Paul's physical condition worsened in 1977, h is father donated a kidney to aid in his struggle for survival and. hopefully, an active llfe. The transplant faUed and Paul began dialysis treatments. He spent 12 hours a week on the life-prolonging kidney machine. CRASH ENDS HIS LIFE Paul Conger, 18 Despi te hi s w ea kened condition. the youth managed to m aster the phy::.1cal rigor., required to become &n Eagle Scout · · 1 n October 19i7. Troop I hJd a bike trip sche<luled . Mr' Conger related "Paul "'as ::.till recovering from ::.urger) ancl depressed about the tr<1nsplanl failure. lie made th£-ndC' all 60 miles even though 1t took him more than double the t1mt· it took the other boy::. "This bike trip was rcall:> tht• tur ning point 1n Paul '> adjustment to d1al}~1s a" a wa ~ of life It sho'tlicd him that h<· could function 1n thl' rt·al world." There were other obstacle::. lo come "Two m particular come to our mind ... said the mother of the frail 90 pounder "Paul had to l'xpent.I co n s id e r ab l e effort to accomplish both the canoeing and the s w im·ning merit badges. Both taxed his physical energy to the ultimate But hl• persevered and was successful " Paul's parent::. were pleased with their son's progress with life-sustaining d1alys1s They looked forward to at least 12 or more years of tulhlling life for their only son. He will be buried Saturday at Good Shepherd Cemetery 1n Huntington Beach. following funeral services at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Costa Meu WumySmog AkrtCtdled Young was critically Injured April 24 when he and three Westminster High School com pan ions were returning home from the beach. The car in which they were riding went out of control on Gothard Street in Huntin&ton Beach. Young was partially ejected. then trapped beneath tbe wreckage. MX M~sile Plans Told Dr. Rogers said it was the excellent on-the-scene treatment provided by Hunltngton Beach paramedics which made the difference between Young dylng and llvtq. . •'We're facln1 this kind of problem more and more," Dr. Rocera teatifled durio1 a Wedneaday hearto1 into tbe Yot.iiic tamlly'1 request. WASHINGTON <AP > - President Carter announeed plan• today for a $33 bUlJon deployment of 200 new MX moblle m hailes around protected "racetrack" counes in the West. Carter told reporters the 1y1tem will aurvlve surprise attack. He u ld lt will be vertflable under arm• control a Ir eemen ta. a fiord a ble, Strike May End e nvironmentally aound and couiltMt wttb fUtw'e anna C\ll'b J.-01 AllSO'l:LD (AP) -A objedlftl. 1trtlre wldell WtuaDJ abut don TM~ ~ ~ • = J:~ ..= :..-::: tbe 11 ml_.14 allc> will be : ab•lliM W latenaUonal !s:\: =~ :.i-:.-~ Ateod ..... of ll1tlal•lltl Md ..., baft to .'' . Ae,..... w.-. N8Cbecl a Defeue lecretary Harold ~:~ Httlelntim 00 8l'OW1l uld TbW'llllaJ~~~----~~-=-~aaa •lei~ oomplnM w utab \.- r ' • and Nevada at undisclosed loeatiom. They are to be opera· tion al ln 1986. · Although senior admlnistratJon olficlala reached a conaemus on tbe plan a month &CO, a formal &JlOOl.lDCement was delayed pendlnc a final pre1ldent1a1 declJion aa well u con1ultatlon1 with 1ovecnora and othen In the afleeted It.I.tel. Ca.rtu qreed wtth adviaen that tbe ''racetrack" option would minim.be dl.aruption cl tbe COWltrJaide •bile proteetlnc tbe lar1• new mJullH from deatnactlon 1bou.ld tbe Soviet Ualon ever launch a 1urprile attack. Tbe pral to devel on how they would be moved and protected. The approved option would place the missiles and their 700,000-pound transporters on a series of surface roada. formini closed couraea not unlike anrular racetracks. Each "racetrack .. would have a seri11 of 23 hardened, bwiod 1heltera, built on spur roads aton1 tbe coune. Carter uld the 1helters contribute to "1urvlvablUty" beca .... ..-enemy would bne to tar1et all 23 lbelten to emure atmlq al tbe one contalnlot the l&X. And be taid tbe mlMUel could be IDOYed lrOm one lbelter to anoUler durtnc the t1me ll would tab an enem1 mluU. to re b die Um:t.d Slates. •••• ,.Al) •• in the couple's Boston home s ince 1977 and working on a master's degree in music and education al Lesley College. S h e and Kennedy took advantage of the conigressionaJ recess to s pend most of the month of August together at the fa mil y's Cape Cod, Mass . vacation home, Southwick S8ld They sai led togethe r and <See TED, Page AZ ) life Ter1n For Killer Of HB Man Hubl'rl Edward C ran (.', e on\ 1l'led of murdering llunt1ngton fl arbour Jeweler Wa) ni> Golrn durin~ a 1978 rohher) wa ' sentenced I hursday to l1fl' 1n pr1::.on ~llh<>at poi-.s1b1hty or parole Th(' !.<'nlt'nt·c c:<1mt-a::. n11 .. urpnse to the tall, sandy-haired tattl)()ed d<'fendant who had been told dunni? a h1·anng last week that he: likely would be given the state s maximum sentence short of the death penalty Oran~e Cnunty Superior Court .lud~c Wilham S Lee denied .i motion b) Cran<.· to h1..· r<.'leased nn probation a~ wl'll a., a motion b' pro::.<•rutor H1 r hard Farnell to A I\'£' Cr anc add1t1ona I pnson time for robbery and u11c of J firearm In lhC' l'Omm1si-.1on Of a f e Ion) A Jury found Cram· guilty of shoot1n~ Golin to death t.luring a robbeq at l.e1~u r e World J e welers. located in a Seal Reach shopping center. Colin. 41. was married and the father Of I WO Children Tht· samf' 1ury dt'adlocked in a 6 6 \ ote on whether Crane murdered Thoma::. Cochran, a police informant whose body w3l> found on Holsa Chica Statt• Reach in Hun tington Beach in Decemtx>r . 1977 \rant' wtll h<· reln<.'d for thl' l'orhran murder 1n ~member D u n n ~ a p '" l 'e n l t• n r 1 n i: ht·~1 r10J! bcfon.' .l udi:l' Wal11·r ChJramw. Crdnt• !>:Jld he will plead ~u1h) tn a third 1·harge uf atlt>mptl.'<1 t•scapt• from Oranlo{<· County ,J,ul in 1978 Judge Lt•c ::.aid that he had nu <.·ho1ce but to s<:nll'ncc Crane to hfC' without pVSs1b1hty of parolt· bcc.ausc the J.Ury had deadlocked o n "ht'lhl'r lhl' convn:tcd m 11 rdt'rN !>hould be st:nl to th1· J.!J!> chambN \rant'. who ha' acted as h1::. O\.\ n attorney through tht• murder tnal. indicated that he "di appeal his conv1ct1on and :-.en ten<'<' Jury Disbande d ATLANTA <AP > The federal grand Jury that indJcted former federal budget director Rert Lance has been disbanded a fter returning indictments against a former banker and an ElhJay, Ga .. couple The Jury Thursday brought nine counts of bank fraud against Wa lter ' Kenn eth H ayes , f o rme r president of the First State Bank of Gilmer County, Billy Joe Br amlett. now a n E lliJay oil compan y e mployee ; an d Brumlett's wife. Inez Virginia Coasl \\'eather Little change with the usual low clouds late night through mid-morning then clearing lo s unny s kies ·a nd 705 at beacbes to 80s inland. Lows tonight 60 to 66 INSIDE TODA\' E'ztra theatr•c• at the Bol.lhot Ball.et and 2511eor1 o/ melodruma at iM Bird Cog« Theater are deacrlbcd on Page Ct l•tlex t l . • /tlotorryrllst Do.,n llunt1nglo 1' Beach fir e m e n and paramedics administer to Peter Boyer. 20, of Fountain Valley. following crash this morning in Huntington Beach. Police said Boyer's motorcycle collided with a Volkswagen van (background) about 8 : 15 a .m . at the intersection or Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue. The drtver of the van was ide ntified as Jamie Greer of Huntington Be ach. Motorcyclist Boyer was taken to Pacifica Hospital where he was reported to be ln stable condition Airliner Hijacked; 141 Freed ROME <AP ) Kurd11h nationalist& hijacked an Italian Jetliner bound from Iran with 186 people aboard today and ordered It to fly to Cuba, site of a conferen ce of non -allsned nations, security agent.I said. It landed here for fuel, and airport officials s aid th e hijackers agreed to release 141 pHsengens. The DC 8, which Alltalla said carried 75 passengers and a crew of 11. was commandtiered OVf'r f'ypnJ1' after a StOpoVCI in He1rut. while on a flight from Tehran to Rome, Rom e airport sources said Alltaha said three gunmen were r esponsib l e . A police source said the passengers included ftve children under 2 The pllo\ reported all the passengers safe and calm The plane arrt ved in Rome after being denJed permission to land for refueling In France. Security agents In contact with negotlat1ons between the h1Juckcrs and Italian officials quoted the pilot as saying that the hijacker! were Kurdis h nat1onahsts. The agents asked not to be ident1f1ed Jn weeks of bloody nahting, Kurdis h rebe ls h ave been ~eekin~ autonom y tor their m inority in Iran, where they inhabit mountainous provlncea near Iraq and Turkey. T he Iranian nrmed Jorc:es, on or den of spiritual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, have been lrying to quell the revolt. Today, the official lrantan news agency Pars was reporting lh at a rmored unlla bad "crushed " some resistance In Sardasht. the last stronabold of ·the rebellion The Kurdish natlonallsta presumably were seekin g 1ympathy for their cause from the non-allaned nations 300 Die in Raid SALISBU RY, Z imba bwe Rhodesia (AP ) -Invading commandos prenlna their attacks lrulide Mozambique for the third day have dealro)'ed four military bues and kllled 300 Mozambican and nationalist guerrilla soldiers, slate-owned radio said today. ORANOI COMT "'" DAILY PILOT '""CJ·•-C..0'40olty l'l191,~-ft .. ,_ ............ -Pr"' ................. , .... °'_ Coo•t PwDOt.._{_..• .. _ ... _,_"" P.,,l'lfl\ltf"O MliN'iff tW"4f' ,,. .. , tot ("'I• • --....,. N.-...,, e..c-f'I ~~ ...... Pewft te11tVt tl••.t,..,,_ l ...,,_.-..Cf'I **'C•• A ..... i. .. ,_ .. ,_,,,.,..,_ .. ...,~ ... -_,. .,.... .. fftc ..... ,.....,.,..,.. ...... " •• Jll -·· ••• a.-.c.•-.C:.O-·•-·---"'" ... ,_. .,. ........... JIC'll • c..-., YttoPrn-t-0.-tl__. T'IMiM•t ...... ..... '"::'",.;/'.,,. -0::- «Mftff M~ ~, ..... .......... Mlllffl ...... -l:t:.::': ..... ........ :m ....... om.. Mt11t~7~~\-r::,c. ..... Offlo .. '-c'.:.::t::. ':i ~ .. err.;;:-•• T ... , .. H. "' •. ........, •• • •• A4w•rtt .. MM171 • '-~°" ..... '°""''~'" .... , .. ~'1: ""°'= ~~~~ lir.(i~.t:1!.."'!'1..:;Tr .. ....:::r.'l.im "''' ~ =~:::l1Nw1 --1•1 "'"' ....... 'ii rsi:~ri'!Uif.Slr • Pastor Faces Rap Of 'Phony Photog' MARSEILLE.5, Ill. CAP> -A 25-year-old M.elbodJst minister has been charged with poalng as a Playboy Maaas i n e pboto1rapher and sollcitJna a youne divorcee to po1e in the nude, police said. Patrick Quigg, of the First United Method ist Church of Morris, was c harged wtlh tor1ery and attempted theft of services from Katherine Newell, 21, owner of Katie's Florist Shop in M arsellles. He la free on $3,000 bond. Authorities said Quigg, a bachelor, has been an aasiatant pastor at the church about two weeks. J im Hollenbeck, assistant M araellles pollce chief. said Quin •H arrested an.er the florist shop had been staked out w ith coop eration from Ms Newell, a fi ve-foot. 85-pounder 2Seal Beach c..andidates Enter Race Two Seal Be ach resident& took advantage of extended deadlines and filed candidacy papers with the Orange County Registrar of Voters to run to that city's November school board election. Linda Stoskopf, a school programmer, and WTJITam "Rip " Gowen, a schoo'J attendance supervisor , both filed papers on Tuesday. It waa the final day to fil e during an extentlon period that ls automaticall.7 l(ranted when one or more tncumbenll does not file for re-election. Incumbent Ruth Calklna isn't runnlna. Two seat.I are open The other incumbent In Seal Beach. Solace S. Jackson, Is runnln, for re-election . Challen1ers include Stoskopf, Gowen and engineer Charles JudJon. .No new challen1era surfaced ln three other West Oranae County school d1strtcu where three-day exte nsions were granted because an Incumbent did not file. The dlstrtcta are Yountaln Valley, Ocean View and Huntinaton Beach elementary. One challenger in the Ocean View district was o m itted from a prior listing o f ca n didates . S h e is administr ative e ducational consultant Sheila Marcul!, who ls runniDI agatn1t incumbe nt Chari•• 01terlund, appointed truat.e Maxwell Sudakow and challen1er Loil P'rontino, an educator. F,....P.,.eAI MISSILE ••• The a heltera would bave 1pectal doora tbat wowd be OpHed pert,odicaijJ IO 8o<t1et •PY ••t•Ul•H eo•l4 ''loq .' in1lde &net wril)f _. die Uldtld Stat•:P.j• ~.more of th• mll•ll•i tUD permt Glider Ute IALT n tr1aty. • Carter Hid tbe M• "ii aot a ltar1a1ai.Qs cbtp0 to M 8-aneNd awa1 ta aay future arms netoUatMIDI but wW npretmt a petm•a••l. ''QDHtJ>HHd" feature fll tM aatt.•1 •......_.c 1uador~ and mother of a 3-year-old boy. "Qul1i entered her s hop Saturday afternoon to browse around." aald Ho lle nbeck. "Eventually, when customers had left, be told her be was a Playboy photo1rapher on vacation and be would like to take pictures of her In her shop and In a park. He told her he. wanted some nude s hots and said she would be paid Sl.000 for each picture appearing In Playboy." Sunday Pilot Scans MeJW Of Fall TV Sunday's Dally P1lot wlll help youngsters brwib up on current events for returning to school and offer these other feature! for their elders 'SOAP BUBBLES' BURST -- A 11urvey of fall TV season offerings s how! what many viewe rs have long s uspected. • (SUNDAY'S BEST J Tele vision ls going back to a more o ld-fashioned brand of humor tn siluaUon comedy formats. Yes, folks, despite more sophisticated fa111, we all sUll lauib at pratfalb. BALANCING ACT -When even peanut butter can cauae cancer, how does one decide what will and won't be banned aa health h azard s ? An AsaoclaUKS PreH story reveala a complicated and cooluaed area of 1cience. HEALTHY BREW -Frank Wisdom learned to like beer before he could talk, a 1ood thins aa it turned out, becaute his family la a key Importer 6f those exotic brews you learned to love oveneaa. OVER 111EBE For thoee stlll in a vacation m ood , columnist Bob Greene providea a "snapahol" of the aerenlty at an Acapulco hldea way, and another 1tory tells why your money alretchea farther ln Guatemala than In Europe. Bank Interest Rat,e Record NEW YORK <AP ) - Several of the naUon 's l1r111t banks responded today to Prel3llf9 rrom the Federal ReHrve Board and ral.Nd prime lendina rates from 12'4 percent to a rtco.rd ~ J)erceat. The move by the bank• came mlnutu after. Mveral __. m.,.hab rat:Fprtmt ratte to 11~ . B 6t America tb• nat10111 lar1t1t; Cbau M assbattasa Baak, tbt nattoa•1 thtrd lit•••t bank. No. I llor an Qu.arlllt.1 Tl:wlt....Co...,.. ...... _._ ....... _ B111ker11 Trult Co. and No •• ,,,. N•Uoul Bau of Cbloato •ll r1t1td prime ratte a balf ·polnt '9 12~ perc.oL SAJI AJJITONI0.1. Texu <AP > -Oowa,ecl T .. ana are a1~ comina to the derenH ol the ballow-S Alamo -tbl• Ume t•iMt Ariton~ Go1". Bruce · 8abbltt, who HJI the bi.ltortc mlutoa•fortree1 1ymboUzea au that'• wroas ta Unl*1 States relaUom with Mmeo. T exas officials cb utlsed Babbitt Thursday for bis remarks Wednesday lD San Antonio, alt• Qf the fabled "CradJe of Ter.u Liberty.'' Texaa House Sj>eaker Billy Clayton said Babbitt should teod to ht. own llate'a relations 'With Mexico and atop trytna to "fire up emotions" between An1loe and Hlspanlcs tn Texas. San Antonio attorney Fred Semaan suggested Babbitt give Arizona back to Mexico if he Is so Interested In 1 mprovlng U .$.·Mexican relations Babbitt, a Democrat. made his remarks as he addressed a luncheon given in his honor by two Mexican Amc>ri('an groups .. We must forg e a n e w re l at1onsh1p based o n recognition or Mexico as an equal But tht· Alamo 1s a symbol of the problem in our relationship wtl.h Mexico . a sarrc·d symbol lo Texans and an extension of lht• Amer1('un ideal But to Mt'XICO. 1t •s u symbol or territory lost, a nation pl undered by overbearing grlngo neighbors.·· Uubb1t1 '>aid The r ebuttals poured 1n Thursday. Rep. Henr y B Conzale.e , D·Texas. ag rt'ed f rom hti. Washington office .. The Alamo was a victory for the McXJCW\8, · · Gonuh:2 said ")hey won the Alamo This dumb and ignorant Arizona governor ex presses th e m ythological und the crass ignorance and, of course. 1t 's a s hrine o r 11 berty . . hi'> s t atements a re thoroughly conrused und ignorant and unjust to a very great struggle. which involves more th1m he implies 1s the North Am en~n gr 1 n go l r a rt u 1· 1 n I( M ex 1-c o · s territory For u l(OVl·rnor or Arizona to be so ignorant '" uopa rdonablc· .. S1ot1Ut Wfcfo., Dwa Antoinette Slovik, 64. widow o f the o nl y Ameri can soldier shot for desertion since the Civil Wa r . died today in Detroit from cancer. ,.,..,..,.... Breaking New Ground For the first tame in the history of the Miss America pageant. contestants are being encouraged to wear bikmL'i for publicity photos. Here <from left) Jeanne Cangemi of Nevada, Tami Sanders or Oregon and Monica Sk1athit1s of New Ha mpshire enjoy the Atlantic Caty surf Judge, Court Visit Oe01ente Isle Goats S AN CLEMENTE ISLAND IA P I U S Dis tract JurfJW RCJ bert M Tak<i:-.ug 1 us uall}' presJd('tlJ ovf'r federal l'as~ in th•• haJLs of jusuce at the Lo:. Angt>les federal bulldJnR Hut today . lhr JUd gc• and his court rude!! n ('w to San Cl(·mente Island, 7~ miles off the coast from San Diego. to make an Off1c1al in&peC'llf>n Of thl' ISiand'<\ 4 .000 wild goats the mr,..,t prominent 1nh<ib1tan1> on the 11>lanrt·., rn11u:y 100 rn 1if• <;qu are malt·:. Thf' 1ssu t' before Judi('' Taka1w1i:1 11> whethc-r the I '~ Na\) 1·on kill tht· ){o ats 'o <A<1rsh1pi. can use the '"land for tLJrget pra(lt1c1· The Navy ""ant!'> to shoot the ~oJl:-. before turning the Laland mto a target so that un<·xploded amm11n1trnn dO<'s n t endangt•r tht· g1Jcat hunlt·r ... Animal welfare groups and en\1ronmcotal1 s t s hJ\le prote11ted the Navy s plan, arguing that the goab should be left alone Yo~Raised 'Holy Hell' MONROVIA. Li beria !AP 1 Andrew YoWlg said he .. rrused holy he ll " about Amerrc11 ·s refullaJ to deal with the PLO and that it ia equally scandalous that Africa dOt>S not have dcaltn.::-. with Israel Refemng to hts re11gnation as Amer1ca·s LIN a mbussador last month after a n unauthorized meeting in Ne w York with a representative of the Pal~t1ne Liberation Orian1zation. Young 1>111d Thursday ··1 rnacd htcrally hOI)' hell 1n my country because I do thtnJt that 1t la a scandal. that 1t 1s a r1d1culous polH·} thul our rountry has no rl'l<il1oni, with the Palestuuana that are eHect1 ve ·· Th e Judge tsl!u ed a prelimmary 1n1unct1on In May h,dt1n~ the N:Jvy ·i. plan to ,laughter the J(Oats Al the lime, Takaaug1 said the Navy plan f.tlled to compan· the cost or uht'rna11ve methods of removmJl lht• bea:-;L'> and failed lo cona1der th1• potential health hazard ari!>1ng from 4,000 rotting goat carcus11es that hunters would lt·a H behind The Navy a lso has Invoke<! 1•nv1ronmt•ntal concerns in lt'I l':.impa1.:n lo kil l the ~oul.'> Thl' m1illary .JrguC's th11t goats are 1•a11nj! endanl(t•rrd !!pecics or plants .met nuwers on the island f 'ro"' Pag~ A I TED ... Jtlend<.'<i th1: Ro bert I-' Kennedy rt'lebnty tcnnti. tournament in :-Jew York Robert Kennedy and another brother. President J ohn F Ke nnedy. were assassmated and ,1 third. Joseph, was killed 1n World Wur II 01•c;p1t1· Edward Ken ni>rly 's <·on"ll'lt('nt pubhc po111t1on that he 1•xp1•l'L'\ Cart<'r to seek and win a i.l'cond term. eHoru are under way 1n 11t-veral states lo bwld support to draft Kennedy for l.he nommatlon Publi c op 1n1o n poll s ronsistently show the 47-year-old senator leading Carter by a wi~c margm among Democr alll. Some Democrut1c liberals are urn ing the party openly to seek an altemat1ve to Carter as the Oemot'rat1c nominee in 1980. One of them, Sen. George S. M cGovem of South Dakota. the part y ·11 unsucceas rwl prt>s1denlrnl <.'andtdale 10 1912, i.atd he thought Kennedy would be the strongest candJdate. Som~ mUm11tes of the senator ha\'f' advised him to stand pat, argu1nJ( that he could not do much better 1n the polls lf lie were an active candidate. MEN'S SUITS . • for only One Dollar •When you buy one suit at regular price, you can buy another of equal or lesser value for onJy Or\e dollar. t \ Irvine EDITION ·~-1 ....... MOlliER SAYS MONKEYS mlED TO KIDNAP KIDS Deborah Greyvllng, Morne, 3, and Marcelle, 18 Months Dairy Kidnap Monkeys Attempt Abduction DURBAN. South Africa <AP 1 Six monkeys tried to abduct two little brothe rs from a Durban yard and the boys had to be rescued by their mother and grandmother, the South African Press Aooclation reported today. MarcelJe Greyvllng , 16 months old, and his 3·year-old br other , Morne , were unhurt and may have been j ust prospective pl aymates for their hairy kidnappers But their mother. De borah Greyvting, was not amused by the incident. SHE SAID SHE TOOK HE R sons to visit her mother next door "I had seen s ax m onkeys sattmg on the fence earlier, but I did not think anything of it a nd left the children to play on the veranda wtule I went inside to talk to my mother ," she said. "About 20 minutes later, I heard the children screaming and crying and rushed outside lo see what the matter was . "To my horror . each or my sons was being dr agged by a monkey on each arm. I screamed at them but they continued to pull the kids ac ross the veranda " SHE SAI D TH E MONKEYS WE R E bigger than tiny Marcell~ and had dragged him farther than his older brother. "The m onkeys were chatte ring among themselves and the two which were not grasping e ither or the children's arms were prancing around in d elight "When my mother came rushing out, the monkeys let go and fied into the heavy undergrowth of the empty plot or land next door "THE BOYS WE R E UNHARMED but were te rribly shaken," Mrs Greyvhng saJd. She said the matter had been reported to the Durban city police and she hoped the monkeys would be caught. Texas Tirade State Blasts Alarrw Critic SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AP) -Outraged Texans are again coming to the defense or the ballowed Ala mo this time aga inst Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt, who says the historic m ission-fortress symbolizes all that's wrong in United Slates relations with Mexico. Clayton said Babbitt should tend to his own state's relations with Mexico and stop trying to "fire up e motions" between Anelos and Hispanics in Texas. San Antonio attorney F red Sem aan suggested Ba bbitt clve Arizona back to Mexico if he is so interest e d i n i m provin g U.S .-Mexican relations. Texas offi cials c b astlzed Babbitt T hursday f or his ,remarks Wedn esday in San ~nto nio, site of the fa bled l'"•cr adJe of Texas Liberty." ' ! r Texas House Speaker Bllly CormtySmog · Akrt Ca/Jed Babbitt, a Dem ocrat, m ade his remarks as he addressed a luncheon given in his honor by two Mexican-American groups. ··w e mus t f o r ge a new rela t ion s h i p b aaed o n . recognition of Mexico as an equal. But the Alamo is a symbol of the problem in our relationabip with Mexico . . . a sacred symbol to Texans and an extension oft.be American ideal. But to Mexico, it's a symbol of (See TEXAS. Pa1e AZ ) •• • ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1979 ~oar Bometo•n f Dally Newspaper Fl FTEEN CENTS i • y Backs Teddy ' I Mo'"' Wife Drop Objectiom to Running WASHJNGTON <AP l -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy swd today that his wife and mother have told him they will no longer ob- ject 1f he rung for president, re· moving what has been perceived as a major barrier to a 1980 Ken- nedy campaign "Both my mother and mr wife tndicated they would support a ny decision I would make," Kennedy told reporters after u s peech here. Although he reiterated his position that he as not now a can- didate, he added "I am con- cerned about the directwn or tht- country " EIR Mulled Asked if he knew when he might decide whether to seek the Democratic nomination. Kennedy replied: "I don 't have ~~ •f a• torttrrRrd about fM dlrrtflOR ol ... ~ te ... ,,,, •• • any particular time frame or a ny particular date." Kennedy said he had dis c ussed the subJt:Cl or a presaden taal campaign with has family because "persona l consadera· trnns, family t·ons1dcral1ons, have alwayi-. been a m atter of enormous importance and they continue to be. 1 suppose it is on· ly n atural I would talk with the mem bers of my family.·· Th e approval of Kennedy's wife and mother is expected to encourage the "Draft Kennedy " movements already active in 19 states. Kennedy's press s ecretary . Tom Southwick. said earlier that Joan, the senator's wife. and Rose Kennedy. his mother. told the Massachusetts senator dur ang the congressional recess la.'>t month lhat they would support ham if be decades to challc ngl-' President Carter ror the 19WJ Council to View Bank /me rest Rate Record Recreation Park NEW YORK IAP ) Several of the nation <; largest banks responded t.oday to pressure from the F ed eral Reserve Board and r aised prime len<ting rates from 121• percent to a record u :i.. percent By DAVID K UTZMANN Of Ille 0•11~ ~llol SUll Its promoters are touting 1t as the recreation park that will of· fer something for everyone be they young, old or handicapped Its critics agree that plans for the $20 milli on re c r ea t1on/ amusement center show ;,in awful lot too much, an fad for the 16 5 acre site near the San Diego Freeway and the fu t ur e exte nsion of H arvard Avenue And so both sides are expected to clash Tuesday before the City Council in a battle to determine whether a full envlronmentaJ re- port should be prepared for a project that was first gr anted ne~ative declaration s tat us by city planne r s earlie r in the sum mer .. It was that action which m eant an El R would not be re- quired -that triggered an an· gry wave of protest by those who have freUed that the recreation park would cause severe noise and traffic problems The facility. as proposed by ADM Corp. of Anaheim. would include a health center, bumper boats. log nume ride, river raft ride, haunted house. bumper cars, carousel, bowling center. fa st food facility and miniature golf course "Many sec at as the long awaited answer t o a family place eastly a ccessible to 1 rv i ne residents," recreation park i:eneral manager Kenton Wines said. In the weeks since the project was exempted from a full en- vironmental study. both sides have mounted vigorous cam- pa 1 gns in anti c ipati on o f Tuesday's council meeting W mes and his organization have sent out a blizzard of press releases touting their proJect In a typicaJ statement he says "We have an excellent track record. We can furnish recrea- tion a nd allied activities in a tightly cont r olled. secure, aesthetically planne d and landscaped park that compli- ments the surrounding area." Park opponents mainly homeowner groups and resi- dents in the ar ea where the park is p roposed don't see it quite that way. som e referring to the recreation center a s another "Coney Island." Numerous appeals were filed after the city planning ata!f Is- s ued its negative declar ation. .many citing the need for more in·depth study of the park. A11iatant City Manager Paul Brady said questions raised In those appeals were considered vaUd enough to war rant a hear· Ing before the City Council. The councU bas the final say on whether a n environmenlaJ study should be prepared. And if councilme n follow the recommendations or their staff, s uc h a study wall be orden.>d Planner Ray Hetherington said enough controversy cx1!>ts to s atis f y s tatt• and c ity guidelrnes calling ror an EIR 1n such a case "It 1s th<•r('fon• recomm<•nd1•d that the Caty Council require an El I{ ror the proposed lrv1 n1• Recreation Park project based on the findings of the existence of substantial controversy as to the s1gnif1cancc or the environ mental impact:. . " a report to the council says llethenngton estimated prep aration of a full studv. rather (See PARK, Page AZ l The move by the banks ca m e minutes a ft er several other ma1or banko., raised their pnme ratco; to 121"2 percent Bank of Americ <t . the nat1on·s lar~1~st . Chase· M a nh attan Bank th•• n a tion 's third lari:l!~t bank . No 5 ~organ Gua ranty Trust Co . f'\o 8 Banker's Trust Co and No. 9 First !':at10nal Bank o f Chic ago al l r aised prime rates a half-point lo 12'-• percent. 'Playboy Pastor' PseuJo Photog MARSEILLES, Ill <AP I A 25 year-old Methodist mm1ster has been charged with posing as a Playboy M agaz in e photographer and sohcating a young dlvorcct" to pose in the nude. police said Patrick Quigg, of the l"arst United Methodist Churc h or Mor ris. wa s c harged with forgery and attempted theft or services fro m Katherine Newell . 21, owner of Katie's Florist Shop m Marseilles He is free on $J,OOO bond Authorities said Quigg , a bachelor, has been an assistant pastor at the church about t wo weeks Jim Hollenbeck . a ssistant Marseilles police chief, said Quigg was a rrested after the florist shop had been st11ked out with coopl'rat1on from .~s Newell. a fi ve-foot. 85-powider and mothe r of a 3·year-old bo> ·'Quigg entered her s hop Saturday afternoon to browse around." s aid Hollenbeck .. Eventua lly. when customer~ had left. he told her he was a Pla yboy photographer on vacation and he would like ro take pictures or her 1n her shop and an a park He told her he wanted some nude ~bob a nd said she -.ould be paid Si.000 for Pac h pi c ture appear1ni.: 1n Playboy." The stakeout ~as arranged. s a ad Hol le nbeck, a nd whe n Quigg returned to the shop with a phony Playboy contrcict he wa!I arrested Quigg, who returned to the church m Morns, refused to talk lO reporters Agran Says Flier 'Not Mislea'.ding' A freeway by any other name is still a freeway. especially the highway envisaged through the San Joaquin Hllls Transporta- tion Corridor, Irvine City Coun· cllman Lar ry Agran says. Responding to crllicism of hill position on the corridor by Mayor David Sills, Agran said t oday a fli er he h as been circulating soliclting opinions from residents on the corridor Ian 't misleading. as the mayor has claimed · 'Ttlere' was no intent to mu- le ad and. In fact. It Is not mla· leading," Asran said or the ruer. Sills had called it ·'the most mis leading piece or political litera ture I've seen in 20 years." But Agran said an environ mental report on a route study for the corridor "is clear as can be" that it is a freeway which Is planned for the San Joaquin Hills In h1s fl~r . he made reference to the "San Joaq uin Halls Freeway" which Sills claimed has not been determined yet The E l R projec ts vehicle usage of from 85,000 to 130,000 cars per day through lbe cor- ridor. which Agran said would be equal to traffic on the San Diego Freeway. Democrati c pres 1dent11N nomination Southwick quoted Joan Kennedy, who bas been tivmg separately from her husband for a vear. as s avin2 she would camp31gn for her husband 1r ht> decided to run next year agamst P resident Carte r for t h e Democratic pres1dent1al nomination Asked if Rose Kennedy, the senator's mothe r , also would campaign. Southwick replied "She 1s pretty much ensconced 1n t he H ya nnis CMa ss l rompound, but she has said that ~ T•~D. Pagt> A2 > U.S. Plans 200New Missiles WAS l!l l\C;TO~ <AP 1 Presadt·nt Ca rlt'r ci nnounccd plans today for a $33 billion dc.·ploymcnt or 200 new M X m11b1lf' m1 ..,-;1 le .., around µrott•t tt'd r."Jc·t'lra<'k 1·<1ur"e" 1n th<· Wt•..,l t' a rt l' r 1 o I d r f' p 11 r l!· r .., th l' "''"lt·m .... ill -.u 1"1v1' ..,urprtSl' .1t tack II <· ,,1111 11 wi ll bl: \t'rtr1abh.• unrlt-r Hrm~ l'Ontrol a g r .-c· m t' n t .., a r f o rd a b I t· to nv1ronm1•ntallv -;ound and c.ons1stt>nt with futur<· arms curh obJt•ct1ves ThP pre.,1rtC'nt c·x pressed hope tht' MX m1si;tlt· abu will be 'tht· last m1ss1le sy .. tem of enormous dt',trucllve power that we will 1•ver have to build · Defense Secretary Harol11 llrown "'aid pla n., an• t o hu1l<1 tht' mbslle complexc.., 1n Utah d nd Nevada at u nd 1 sc losed IO<'at1ons They an• to be opera t1onal 1n 1986 Alth ou~h ..,en 1or adm1rustrat1on 0Hac1ab reached J l'Onsensus on tht• plan a month J~O . ..1 formal announcement .... as dt>layt•d JH'nd1ng ;i final prt'!lldential dec1s1on a .., well as 1·onsultat1ons with Ji?Ovcrnors and others an thC' affected states Carter a~reed with adviser., that thi-"rat'<'lri.tck " option \\OUld mtnlffilZt' disruption or lht;- c·ou ntrysadt• ..., htl1• protectin~ lht! I a r ~ t• n t• w m 1 ., ~ 1 I c .., ( r o m dcst r uc·t1on should lhP Soviet L"naon ever laun< h ;1 1-Urpri:-1· .:ttlac k Th<· pr('S1dC'nt cl<'c1 dC'd m Jum· tu develop the 190.000 pound missiles. largest 1n th<' C S arsenal, but ~ 1thheld a decision on how they would be moved and protected T he a pproved optio n would plact> thc missile!> a nd their 700,000-pound transporters on a series or surface roads . rormini: C"lo ~<·d cours e' not unlakc an~ular racetracks Rut. said Ho llenbeck. Ms Newell checked with Playboy and found that Quigg was not IN Orkang for the m agazine The s he lte r s wou Id have special door s that would be opened periodically so Soviet s py u tellites could "look " inside and verify that the United 1 States was not deploying more o f the MX ma s~il es t h an pe rmitted under the SALT 11 rrcuty Coasa \\'e adier Little cha nge with the usual low clouds late night through mid-morning then clearing to sunny s kies ·and 70. a t beaches to 80s Inla nd . Lows toni1ht 60 to 66. . l i ' IUSD Enrollment Up "lt'a a freeway no matter what they call it," be sald oC t.he San Joaquin plan. Another point of contention waa Alfan'a referra l to a Culver Drtve link to the cor ridor. INSIDE TOD~ Y E%Cro theatric• of the 8ol11MM Boli.1 ond 25 11eon o/ mttodromc at thf Bird Cag• Thcoltr ore dflcribtd on Page Cl. Tbe lncreaae ta close to the fi1urea admlolatrators bad U • tlclpat.ed ln the preparation ol um ftacal , • .,. •• bucl«et. .... Rowland II.id .t.b. d.lltrtct would coatlnu• moohorinl eill'o1bDmt tbiouO ... u . Tbe .., place ....... altend· ance roee far abO•• ••,.eta· doM ... Ill tlMt IM&tqo 111111 sa..-aqr Sebool, 'Wbere about PO ,,.._.. luMI .,._ tll~ and 720 showed up. To b.aodle the altuatloo, atu- denta Who Uve withln the att.eod· a nce boundarlea for the aoon· to-be-built Northwood n eJemen· lary school will ao lDltead to ltutabon ltlement.ry Scbool ln Woodbriqe lf t~ey enrolled after Aq. 21 at Santla10. The dlltl'tct wUJ ,provide bua tunaportat,lon tor tboH atu· denta. Thi Northwood n lobool wUI opeo nut f a.U Slll1 .and councilman Art An· tbony said the clty wouldn't al· low Culver to be linked to the corridor or ext ende d to the oee an. However, A1ran 1atd there ta some doubt the city tould tell U-e 1ute, if lt built the roadway, what k ooald and couldn't COO· nect lt to. Al.lo, be 1ald lrvlne Company map1 11'ow Culve r be ln1 H · tended to link with a new alee AG&AN, Pase At) ••••x J ··-Cuban Pr-emler Fidel Cutro yawns durin1 a seuJon of the Non-Aligned Summit Meeting in Havana. Castro has been trying to keep the delegates on time to avoid late-night sessions ]olmDean To Meet Informer CARRONDALE. JU. CAP) Former Watergate conspirator John Dean says he knows wbo "Deep Throat" Is, and plans to meet with him in Washington, PoSSibly today Dean. the Wh.lte House counsel for former President Nixon, addressed a packed house at the Southe rn Illinoi s University-Carbondale student cent er Thurs day night. His s peech was characterized as a capsulized version of his book, "Blind Ambition,'' by at least one observer In a questaon and a nswer session following the s peech, Dean saJd he has used a process of elimination and come up with only one nam<' for the person dubbed Deep Throat, who gave inside lips to repQrters during the Watergate investigation. He said he called the man and told ham he knew who ht was and that the man "mildly denied it .. l"rotll p Gflf' A I TED ... whatever h£' wants to do is all right with her " Neither Joan Kennedy nor Rose Kennedy could be reached for their comm ent But both have indicated in the past they opposed Kennedy's entering a presidential race Joan Kennedy has been living in the co\lple's Boston home since 1977 and working on a master's degree In music and education at Lesley College. S h e a nd Kennedy took advantage of the conigresslonal recess to s pend most or the month of August together at the fam i ly 's Cape Cod , Maas. vacation home, Southwick aaid. They sailed together and .. attended the Robert F. Kenl)edy ~elebrity tennis tournament In l'Jew York • Robert Kennedy and another ~rolher President John F. Kennedy, were assaHlnated and • third. Joseph, waa killed In World War 11 ., Despite Edward Kennedy's . ~onsistent public position that he · ~xpects Carter to seek and wtn a eecond term, efforts are under >way in several states to bulld support to draft KennedJJ for the nomination. Publi c opinion polls ·consistently show the 47-year-old senator lead.Ina Carter by a wtde maraln among Democrata. Some Democratic Uberala are tfrgln1 the party openly to seek 4n alternative to Carter u the .Democratic nominee lo 1980. DAILY PILOT , ... O<-C-• Dolly~•·"'-"'"-.. ____ .. .,,_ ... u.Ot- Co•\f--(-· ~ ...... ,_ .... ... e"•--.,.,....,. ,,....,. ,.. c .. ,. ....... -.......................... ,.,~ ...... ,, ... ..., ,,,_ ~ .. « ....... c:...4"' ....... ,....,._ ... _ .. _..,,.,......,. .. _ -· ""'_ .... .....,.,...._ .......... -....... w.....c..w ...... c....-.-. ·-· .... ... _. ____ He•. °"'" -·---0.-.......... T'_,...,.. ...... ni::: ... ~ 0.-11 &.-. _,, -.-...... -~ ...... ,.. ......... r ... ,,. .... '71•>Mllil'll1 c:a ........ .w. ....... ...,. rr1w. fM"'1lttt z, im SAN CLBllSNTS ISLAND tA P > -U ,I . 061tr•ct JMle aourt 11. T•k• .. •l uuaJJy ,......_ ewer tederal c .... ln U..··hal.19 d Ju.UH at tbe Loi T* federal buUdlq. ut ~. the Juda• and hi• ce.rt aides fttw to Su Cl•ma .. laland, 71 ..U.. otf tM COMt tr-om Ban Di.... to •ak• an otftelaJ lnaped:IOD al th• illand '• •.ooo wild 1oata, tb• moat prominent lfthabltau on lb "l1od'1 craco 100 m.Ue 94uan IDUM. .. • The tuue before Judie TaiJHuft l• wbetMr the U.S. Navr can •m the 1oat1 10 war•hlPI cu UH th• lltand for tar11t JWadtee. The Navy wanta to lbooit the 1oat.1 \)efo.re turmn1 the lltud lnto a tar1.-so that unexploded ammunition doesn't end•naer the aioat bunters. AnlmaJ weUare froupe and envtronmeatallata have prot .. ted the Na v ¥·a pl•D. ar1utni that the coat.I 1hould be left alone. The Ju~ce i aa ued a prellmlnan IQJuocUO{l in Jll1Q' balUn1 tho Navy'a plan to alau~ter the se>atl. At t.be thne, Takaault aald the Navy plan failed to compare the coet of alternative method.a o( removing the be'#• •ad 1allN 10 COftllder the pot•DUal beallh hazard arialn& trom •.ooo rowna soat carcaues that hunter• would a.&v• bebind. Tbe Navy a1IO baa Invoked I envlroamental conoerna la tta campatp to kW the coat.I. The military arsuee that 1oat.1 are ' eattn1 endaQfered · 1pecle1 of planta and Rowerw on the llland. Coast Slayer Gets Life Sentence ..... ~ Sleftlc w1.; • ., mn Antoinette Slovik, 64, widow of the on ly American soldier shot for desertion since the Civll War, d1 ed today in Detroit from cancer. R obert Edward Crane, oonvlcted or murderln1 Runtlncton Harbour Jeweler Wayne Gollo durln1 a 1978 robbery, waa aeotenced Thursday to life in prison without poaibillt,y of parole. The sentence came aa no surprtae to the tall, sandy-haired tattooed defendant who bad been told d~ a hearinJf lut week that be likely would be c.lven the ata te'a maximum aenteo-ce abort of the death penalty. r Orange County Superio/'qourt Judge William S. Lee denied a motion by Crane to be refea&ed on probation as well as a motion by prosecutor Richard Farnell to aJ ve Crane add.lUooal priaon time for robbery and u.. ol a firearm in tbe commiuloa ol • felony~ . A Jury found Crane guUty or .ahooting Golln to death during a robbery at Leisure World J e welers. located in a Seal Beach shopping center . GoUn , 41 , wu married and the father of two cbUdrea Tbe same jury deadlocked in a 6-8 vote on whether Crane murdered Thomas Cochran, JJ police informant whose body waa found on Bolsa Chica Slate Beach in Huntington Beach in December I urn. Crane will be retried for the Cochran murder in November Trio Held • ID Sex Attack During a post sentencing hearing berore Judge Walter Charamza. Crane said he will plead guilty to a third charge or attempted escape from Oran"e County Jail iD l.978 Detectors Installed At Knott's Three men have been charged with kidnapping and raplng a 17-year-old girl in the Mission Viejo area, Sheriff's officers said. The suspects were arrested Thursday morning by sheriff's deputies shortly after the Mission Viejo girl reported that the trio forced her into their sporta car al knifepolnt. sfrove her around for several hours and raped her Held on $25,000 bail each were Gilbert Sanobez , 25, of Bellflower ; Raymond Ri chard Morales, 25, of Norwalk; and Arthur Ybarra, 28, of 12901 Santa Rosalia. Garden Grove. Officers said the teen·age r who was not Injured, t old deputies that she was walking home Wednesday near Trabuco Road in Mission VieJo uound 9 • p m when the three rntn pulled ove r in a s ports car and accosted her Arter dnving her around an tht> car and raping her. the m1111 released the girl In the M1u1on Viejo a rea about I 30 a m Thursday, offi cer!> i.a1d. She telephoned S herart <> deputies. who spotted the suspects 1.3 mJnule& later on the Santa Ana Fretway tn El Toro Judge Lee said that he had no choice but to sentence Crane to hie without possibility or parole because the JUry had deadlocked o n whether the con victed murderer should be sent to the gas chamber Craoe. wbo ha.s acted as his o wn attorney through the murder lnal. indJcated that he will appeal hlS conviction and i.entence BUENA PARK l AP ) Knoll's Be rry Farm now has rour metal detectors on band to 11e arch gues ts for weapons. rollowinc a court confrontation over "pat down" sear ches <'Onducted a t the park last month Russell Knott said Thursday th e park purc ha sed four portable detectors to avoid the fnsk-type searches f •rot11 Page ,t I PARK ... Bilingual Changes Eyed We• bt!hevc th1:, would make any search in the future less t>mbarrassang to a guest aod pl·rhap-. lie:-.' orf1·n.,1vc to a gut·~t "'ho m1i,:ht 1t•111I to he i.enMl1ve. · Knott 'J1d SACRAMENTO <AP ) A new showdown is shaping up in connection with California's em battled bilingual education program. ,.,.... Pflfle' Al AGRAN ••• roadway in the corridor. "Everything I said hn the flier ) I purposely documented." Agran said. _ The councilman will ask hJs colleagues Tuesday to withdraw their previous support for early completion of the San Joaq~ln Transportation Corridor and tn· stead oppose the project because of what he believes is the inade· quacy of the EIR "and the seriously detrimental effects that the freeway would have up- on the citizens of Irvine.·' He said coruitructlon or such a h ighway would make Turtle Rock "a doormat" for "wi ldly excessive south county growth." Sills had testified before a con· gresslonal s ubeommlt.tee in Newport Beach in August that the transportation corridor would be necessary if an Orange Coast Urban Park Is created. He said the corridor would prevent Irvine surface streets ff'om becoming clogged with weekend and noliday traffic bound for the park. Agran said a park would in· deed create significant weekend and summer traffic and that he was "fully prepared" to dlacuss creation of a two·lane or four . lane roadway through the San Joaquin Hilla. County planners are evaluat- ing the cOn'idor by meana of a two-phaae technical and en- vironmental study. The present Phase I sta1e l1 a route location study and EIR which is i nte nded to a llow eva luation o r a number of alternaUve allenmenta between the westerly termlnus at the Corona del llar Freeway and the eut.erly termlnua at the San Diego Freeway. The City Council will be look- ing at thole allgnmenta Tuesday nlcbt to determine which it nncts acceptable. Bert Parka Won't Quit ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. <AP> -After 25 yeara u tho pnullier •ecood ftddle ln the tJara and l••ra bu.llnet~ an appa,.Cly afelet1 Bert rarb 1111 he'll lHve the aaau.al MlN AllMJ1ca lk•~ PllHOt ......... IODCI •nd .... The Hrenalal bo1t ol the telnlMd comp.Ulloa belcl a lllWI eaefertGC• TllUrHV -tb• ,... -o1 ., ... u......, competition leadla1 •I to Saturdet DlPl'• ft'OW'AIAI iltlie winner -and tn•••r" tbe ••m• -.uHllODI b•'• ..... ffte1d1-..-II 1ean. 84tlat.ed ltol'J ,. ... Al. Y•, be.,_ 1l'Gl'k U.. ~ 11 ••••• of tlae Y••1, dol•• ttl••l•ioa 1P.olal1, Hmmer ltock ldial .......... ' A sse mblyman Denn is Mangers, D·Hunlington Beach, said Thursday he will bring up a m easure l o al l o w mor e non.Spanish-speaking teachers in the program. His now·dormant bill. AB 1254, would allow bilingual students who are more nuent In English to be taught by Engllsh ·speakJng teac h ers rath e r than Spanlsh·speaking teache rs . But the bill is opposed by the C hi cano Caucus in th e Leaislature. Mangers said school d1stnc-ts <'Ould choosl' to follow either hi s propos al o r the c urre nt program , whic h requires a Spanish·speaking ll'uchcr In any school that has 10 or more pup1b in any grade who spcc;k litUe or no English. Opponents to Manaers' ball t.rgue tbat it would let acbool districts circumvent the current bilingual program. meaning that fewer specially credentialed bilingual t eachers would be bl red, Shirts Sell Pope Image Emblazorwd MORTON GROVE, lll. <AP ) -Orders are piling up for special T ·shirts commemorating Pope John Paul II 's visit to Chicago next month, says the owner of a sportswear imprinting firm. . "Just in the last three days , the whole thing has taken off and we've already got 30.000 T·shirt orders. We expect from f00,000 to 150,000 before it's all over," Morton Ohren of Creative Fashions Inc. said Thursday. Three T-shirt designs are being produced. ~ne or them reads: ''I Got A Peek At The Pope, Chicago '79 .. ·Another says: "Welcome to Chicago Pope John P aul II." · The most elaborate T·shirt bears a four-color photo of the pope. 81h Inches by 11 inches. with his name at the bottom. "Royalties of this one are being paid to the Los Angeles Archdiocese that granted permission to use the photo," Ohren said._ . Ohren declined to discuss prices. th a n on e focusing only on 8l'\'C•raJ as peel'\ of the proposal. would take about four month~ Planners_blld on gmally grant l'd the p ~1e ct it s nel(at1 v1· dPclarat1on s tatus aft er de• krm1wng that w1U> several <'Or rect1ve measures the park would n o t have the potential to ~enerate s1gn1f1cant environ· mental impacl.3. R ep r esentat ives rrom hom eowner groups and other c itizens expressed their con <'e rns about traffic and nofse at a meeting in August before fi hnR Lh e1r appeals W1oe1\ has claimed the pllrk "'ould not generate senous noase or traff1<' problems Winl's' oq~ani zation became involved wi th tht-park plan v. hen 1t bought the 16 5 acre parcel from the Irvine Company an 1978, wh1 C'h itself had plaru. for an amusement l} pe facility An ADM s pokesman has i.a1d his firm hoped to have the park In oper ation by the spnng of 1980. Site development plaos must still be approved by the Planning Comm1ss1on. but this t•ttnnot take place until an EIR ti\ completed <should one be or· de red l UFW Sets Strikf1' SA LINAS IAPI -The United F arm WOf"kers union once again has reM>rtE'd to selective stnkes against \egetable growers to press 1l.3 demands for a contract s ettlement. Union attorney Ma rshall Ganz said Thursday the walkouts would <'Ont1nue . with d.lffer~nt farms targeted. until contracts are signed MEN'S SUITS f',....PapAI TEXAS ... territory loll, a nation plundered by overbe1rin1 trinco oelebbort, .. Babbitt aafd . Th e rebuttals poured In Thursday. Rep. Henry 8 . Oonulei, D·Texaa, agreed fro m b la W aablnstoo olflce. for only One Donar Knott . ., "'as the -scene of a ... :.in~ rnc•lf.'t• la~t Marrh in wh1 C'h 11n1· \.Outh V.ll~ killed and lhree oth er" inJurcd Knott·, '><'ru nty off1 r1als anu But•na Park police conducted pat down ' searches of guests at Lhe park Aug. 3 and 4 after pol ice said they received warnings that gang members were going to the park. A S.rnta Ana gro up later souaht 11 court order to ban what 11 'J}' w1·n· dl'>crim1natory body searches of His panics at Knott " Knott denied the re wa., d1'r ram1nat1on and l>a1d park ~uards '>ea rrhed "everybody that C'ame throu.:h 1n th:.il ll'l'n agl' group Angl o~. b l ack'. o ri e ntal s and H1sparucs " Orange County Superior Court Judge Orella f>' Sears ruled Tuesday that Knott 's had valtd reason to "pat down" guests last month to search for weapons. Judge Sears declined to grant a court order. saying the park's four nC'w metal detectors made any restraarung order a "useless act ·· Knott said 12 percent or its (1\ e ma I hon <'Usto mers a year are of H.aspanac ora11n "Tht.• ll1spanacs as an ethnic group are very important to Knoll's Berry Farm -very highly regarded," he said, adding that Jhspanics represent 14 1.; percent of Knoll's work fo rce "The AJamo wu a victory for the Mexicana," GoOJ&lez said . ·'They won tbe Alamo. Tbla dumb and t1norant Arizona 1overnor expre11e1 the myt holo1lc al and t he cra11 l1noran.ce and, ol courae, it's a a hrlne of liberty ... hla atatemenu are thorouchly c onfuat d and lcoorant aad unju1t to a very 1 ... at It.,,.,., which lavojv• more than be lmpUet II tbe North Amertcan 1rln10 traductn1 Mexico'• territory. J'or a 1overnor Of Arboaa to be 10 t1norant la unpardonable." •When you buy one suit at regular price. you can bu y another of e'qu&I· or lesser value for only·one doUar: A •mall bud. of d.,tndert, lnchadlq froatler1men OaYJ Croehtt m Jl• Bowte, •• .. ,.. out 11...a •· *' '7 more than 1.-Mak• trooDI. Tbe battle foUOwM • mact.r ~ ..... tW .... ,.....,.. ti•• to l'tlftlUP and ........., win Taal a.voautMB. . · I ( Laguna/So11th Coast . -EDI TI ON y Backs Your Hometown Dally Ne••paper J ' • FIFTEEN CENTS l Teddy : Mom, Wife Drop Objectiom to Running Al' Wire,.. .. MOTHER SAYS MONKEYS TRIED TO KIDNAP KIDS Deborah Greyvllng, Morne, 3, end Marcelle, 18 Months Dairy Kidnap Monkeys Attempt Abduction DURBAN, South Africa <AP) Six monkeys tried to abduct two Uttle brothers from a Durban yard and the boys had to be rescued by their mother and grandmother, the South African Press Association reported today. MarceUe-Greyvling, 16 months old, and his 3-year-old brother. Moroe, were unhurt and may have been just prosped!Ye playmates for their hairy kidnappers. But their mother. Deborah Greyvling, was not a mused by the incident SHE SAID SHE TOOK HER sons lo visit her mother next door. "I had seen six monkeys sitting on the fe nce earlJer. but I did not think anything of it and lert the children to play on the veranda while I went inside lo talk to my mother," she said "About 20 m inutes later, I heard the children screaming and c rying and rushed outside to see what the matter was . .. To m y horror. each of my sons was being dragged by a monkey on each arm. 1 screamed at them but they continued to pull the kids across the veranda ." SHE SAID THE MONKEYS WERE bigger than tiny Marcelle and had dragged him fa rther than his older brother. "The monkeys were chattering a mong themselves and the two which were not grasping either of the children 's arms were prancing around in delight. "'When my mother came rushing out, the monkeys let go and ned into the heavy undergrowth of the empty plot of land next door. "TIIE BOYS WERE UN Hn RMED but were terribly shaken," Mrs . Greyvling said. She said the ma tter had been reported to the Durban city police and she hoped the monkeys would be caught. ~Politics' Charged Recreation Aide ~tsinCle01ente By RAYMOND ESTRADA JR. JI-OI tM D•tf "li.t , .. ff San Clemente Recreat ion Coordinator Steve Judd bas quit after receiving a negaUve job evaluation that be said may have been politlcally motivated. Judd, 29, a four-year clty e mployee who served briefly as acting recreation chief last year, blas t ed Stu Frame , h is s upervisor for the past nine months, as incompetent. W ASIUNGTON (AP> -Both ~n . Edward M . Kennedy's wile and ntotber have dropped their objections lo his seeking the presidency in 1980, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Democrat said today ''The family has u\dicated that they .would s upport any decision he would make." said Tom Southwick, the senator's press secretary. Sycamore Hills Plans 'Nlllllbered' By STEVE MITCH ELL 01 tlW O•il• l'llOI Sutt The battle of the plans for Sycamore Hills m Laguna Beach has turned into a numbers game. wi th one side presenting figures to grove its plan is economically fea sible. and the other s ide saying 1t 1s too early to draw any conclusions Councilmen called earlier this week for environmental studJes on proposals by the Irvine Com- pany anct former city planmng com mission chairman Hehnda HlaCkt:'ler concerning lhe future of the 2.:JOO acre Laguna Canyon a rea The Irvine Company plan calls for construction or 1.831 homes, lwo 18-hole golf courses. a resort hote l/restauranl complex, open space, and the realignment or Laguna Canyon Road along the wes tern side of the canyon. The company plan calls for estate-type homes on the rugged wes t side of the canyon. with the ma1onty of the units to be con· structed at the north end or the golf course T he plan presented by Mrs . Blacketer calls for development of 300 homes on city land. a r e- sort hotel and restaunnt, open s pace, a regional park realign- ment of the two lane road and agricultural land on the remain· ang acreage. She calls for conservation uses on the west side of the canyon, whe re the rocky canyon wall makes park and camping use impossible Mrs. Blacketer . in a cost/- benefit a nalysis or the rival Irvine Company plan, claims the citizens of Laguna Beach stand to lose more than a quarter million dollars a year af the land development firm gets all 1t is asking in the canyon. The city owes approximately S6 million for Sycamore Hills. purchased last year to end years of lawsuits between the city and former owners R ancho Palos Verdes Corp. Rancho had sought develop- m ent of 2.000 homes in the pristine canyon, a lthough the land was zoned for only 156 homes. The council voted to buy the land to end the lawsuits and lo keep homes out or the canyon a rea. But Mrs. Blacketer s ays the Irvine Company plan would mean the addition of more than 2,000 homes to the canyon, a S6 million debt and a yearly deficit of $265,000. The former planning com· missioner is also critical of the a mount of open space allowed in the Irvine Company plan, saying <See PLANS ' Pase A2) Southwic k q u oted Joan Kennedy, who has been living · separately from her husband for a vear. as sav10i s he would campaign for her husband ii he decided to run next year against President Carter f o r the De m ocrat ic pres idential nominallon. Asked if Rose Kennedy. lhe senator's mother. also would campaign, Southwick replied· •'She i.a pretty much ensconced i n the Hyannis <Mass .) compound, but she has said that whateve r he wants to do is all right with her." Neither J oan Kennedy nor Rose Kennedy could be reached for their comment. But both bave indicated in the pas t they opposed Kennedy 's entering a presidential race. J oan Kennedy has been living Huntington Teen Crash Emls Fight For Active Li/ e By JERRY CLAUSEN Ot ti. D•llf 1'1191 Sult The summer or 1979 had been a s uccessful one for 18 .) ear ·old Paul Conger As an mfant. he had been sent home from a hObpalal to dae with congenital kidney fatlun• Despite 1n rr('d1ble o dd ~. s urgenes. infection~. pain and general w('aknl'ss. he ~raduatt'd from Huntini::ton Beach l11 gh School m June and was certified an Eagle Scout h) Roy Stout Troop I Less than two wt.'l.'k:-. ago, he signed up for diesel mechanic classes at Golden West College He was looking forward to s omeda y becoming a long-distance trucker He was driving a truck his family 's s maJI pickup last Sunday when another motorist ran a stop sign. crashed mto the Conger vehicle and cnctcd Paul's ltfe. His Cather. Norman. and sister. Anne. were in sleeping bags 1n the truck's bed when the car hat them broads ide, JI 1ghway Patrol officers said Norman. trans ferred th1 ~ week to Hoag Mem orial Hospital Cro m Redlands Community H ospi ta l. is r e ported 1n satisfactory cond1t1on with chest and back in1uries Anne s uffered a broken collar bone Paul's moth('r, Marge, was riding at has side when the accident orcurrl'd on lltghway 38 m Mentone She suffered only minor injuries Sh e s aid the fam ily was .returning home after a c;1x mtle CRASH ENDS HIS LIFE Paul Conger, 18 weekend back packmg tnp an Lhe mountains Paul·s doctors always Crowned on s uch excursions. but the) winked and turned their beads Lhe other way when Paul d11.rw;scd his h1kmg plans The vouth was born with onlj on(' kiclney a nd that or gan wa'> dcfectiv('. Any act1v1l~ w;p., di fficult and his breathing bcl·ame labored with prolonged exercise. Only fr .. e.foot t .... o. Paul al\.\ll)'-. <Stt FAMILY, Page A 2> 10 the couple's Boston bome since 1977 and working on a master's degree in music and education at Lesley College. She and Ke nn e dy took advantage of the conigressionaJ r ecess to spend moat of the month of August together at the Ca mily ''s Cape Cod. Mass. vacation home, Southwick said They s ailed togeth er and <See TED, Page AZ) Tribute Set To Slain SC Cop Se1n Clemente C ity Council mcm~r~ have agrncd to naml' .1 propos ed police and f1rt· department facd1l y and e1n c \1stang rose• gard('n nci.lr City I-fall m honor of slam Officer Ri chard Steed Stc•t-d . :x> ..... a~ shot to death "o\ 29 \.\>hair re'>pond1ng to a call about J man "'ho rcportedl> ~la~hed h1.!. \\rtsts Police arrest 1•d J:imec; Richard Hoffer. 23. of San Clt•mt·nll• an ronn1.:ctwn with lll•• -;IJVIOJ.! ~omt· t·1t; offteiab. inl'lurhng \t avnr RO\ llamm had backed ,, propos;d to rcnarnl' Linda I .anc· Park in mc•mory or Slecd A u l <·ounr1l ml·mber-. Wl'dnesda; voted to name th1· Ci t v Hall rOSl' ~arden for Steed and .1 prnpoiwd public safety facility. not yet on the drawing boards. for the s lam policeman The idea for the police-fire station name was suggested by Councilman Edward Kalsched after Pollet> Ch1<'f Gary Bro.,..l1 and Fire Chief Hon Coleman µresented a report to the council on the fac1hty The public safety facility ha~ been incl uded 1n the city's rave .year capital improvement plan in next ~ear'c; bud~et Rro~n and Colema n presented tht• counci l with thl' re'\ulLc; of a study by arrh1tert James Karl Robinson on th<' need for a new r o I 1 c-l' f 1 re fa c 1 It t y 1 n San Ck m enl(' an the fut u n• t>ecau~1.: 11£ 1ncrC'ased rrs1dential growth <lnt1c1pall'd within the next ft\'t• vem r si · Robin,.on wa); in volved with lhl.' <lt'S1~n flf poltc1• department fac1ltt1e~ 1n Newport Beuch. Sl'al Brach. Corona and Vt•ntura Rnh1 n..;nn ·._ ri•nnrt inrhrall'' <SN' TRIBUTE. Pagt-A2l 'Take Yo11r Gazebo' Nixon Keeping Only Flagpole in Clememe As far as Richard Nixon 1s concerned. the government can take back its gazebo. sewer line. heating sys t em a n d other federally fundect alter3tions lo his home He'll keep the flagpole The former preside nt sent a $2,300 check for the flagpole to tl{e U .S. Treasury Thursday. A telegram, released by Nixon's office. directed the General Services Admlnlstratlon to come and gel the other aJl.e raUons. "Except for the addition of the flagpole, all those Items were requested by the U.S Secret · Service for security purposes a nd th e ex penditures were approved by the appropriate congressional committees.·· the telegram said. The Senate voted Wednesday to urge Nixon to pay for the improvements made to his San Cle mente estate while president The estate has been sold to a group of Oran ge Coun ty investors. Nixon made reference in his te legram t o a}legations by Democratic Sens. Gary Hart of Colorado and David Pryor of Arkanau that the alte rations · made in 1969 and 1970 were improvements to the property and not 1us t1f1ed for security purposes ··Con seque n tly. I he reby equest that all items in question ' be remo"ed a nd that the pr operty be rest ored to its I original condition with 60 days,"/ Nixon wrote. Nixon and his wife Pat plan to i move to a New York apartment.' probably late r this year. Coast Judd asserted that Frame al· lied him with "the wrong side" when City Manager Jerry Weeks a llegedly asked department heads last FebTuary which aides may be in agreement wtlh coun· cil members Myrtis Wagner and Howard Mushett. Sl,000 Raised in Clemente Weather WuntySmog Akrf Calwd "This may have bad a connec· lion" with Frame's evaluation of Judd's job performance, Judd asserted. Frame, hired by the council 2,000 Support Recall last December, ,said today be About 21'>00 petition signatures believes U may d6t be proper to -and ,a,ooo -have been discuss Judd'• evaluation since gathered ln an effort to recall tt is a personnel matter. two San Clemente Ctty Council Frame said""'he never u~ members ln a Jan. 11 special Judd to resign and denJed Y elecUoo. poUUcal mot.lvlltfon in his Although the petition evaluation. 1l1natures total to date ts only "I did uk him lf he ever met one-third of what proponents with council mem~n to dlseuaa boatted tbtty could 1atber by recreldoa dep&t1m.nt matters this week, recall aroup chief to inform me on what was said," GaJe Howe said be believes the Frame Mid. needld 2,IOO atsnatur• will be Frame Mid Judd oa11 clte4 talUed bJ !lept. \.'. bl1 •llPPID-abaat the Job Bowe, prHldent of tb• ... _......Md• CllMr lpedtle Clu~z:.:i• a.apo•1lbl• reawlDt~. · o::;. · wlloH memwa JuM allid ..,.,...,, evllU4t-b -..aid COUDefJ lle1iDbira Uoa .. ald*taa.~·· ud U · M1nu Waper ud K.,..... Mrted dial,..._. .. ,,_.a, Koester for recall, 1ald CM1lftt .... A.J) Tbundq be WU ''lurp '' ,~ .......... ~~~--~~---[ ' about the dooaUons. ''Most or the $3,000 came in donations under $5," Howe ... d. Althou&b recall group leaden have u.otil mid-November to 1 alb er the needed 2,eoo sianatune \0 qualltY t.be &Aue for the ballOt, they announced a aoal of a,ooo to be amused by thl1 we& The petJtJon 1lanature1 are certified b)' ~ Ortnle Oount1 Realltrar of Voters. Twenty percent of th• city's 1',300 re1l1tered voters would be required lor-'" petltlO"\I to CHH all elKiloo. Howe u1d he le "tM,_ecl .. eboW the recall pedUon ellort tine• matt ot th• 1lpup abeeta wen malled to IJ"OUl) leacllta l't a raleofabout 7Sto lOOaday. A • street canvusi.ng drive is set to be•ln th11 week to samer the needed 900 additional si1naturea, Howe said. Recall proponeot1 are attanptina to oust llra. Wqner and lllra. -Koester .baaed on a urlH or cbar1e1 lncludlna tnhrfereaee wtth clty 1ov9fDllMlllt operation. Meanwhile, Mn. Waper bu Indicated that sbt and Mrs . Koetter are ''takl°' notb1q for arantff" "'lad are braelna to defeat._ Mliempt to ouat tt.em . • •rller' tb(1 year. 8•n Clem_..--. recalled. cound1 me1Dbere WUllaa Walker, Don.aa WUkluon and Howard lluab.U. . \ Little change with the usual low clouds late night through mid-morning then c learing to sunny skies ·and 70s at beaches to 80s inland. Lowa toniaht 60 to 66. INSIDE TODA"" Ertro theatric• at the ' Bollhoi BoUc1ondU11eara of melodrama ot the Btrd c• Theater or~ dHcribed on Page Cl. AIY..,....,.. All L.M,-.,,_ At ....... ..,,.,. c....... "' a..tl.... Ol•M C-lu AM ~ "" =:...IMIUI = ......... 1(1. .. ........... eM ......... u ..... ' Cl AMLMlaft .. .... • • .ti py.y NdZI LllC Texans ·'Defend' Alamo IAJf AHl'ONIO, Tau CAP) -0......,...... ... ..-comt.;-r. lh ,., .... ol lbt 1'allo'"4 AJeeo -t.bia Uaae aaatael Allaona Oov lr-.te Ba\\Jtl, .., ••r• UM ~c m••••on.n. •1•WU. an tbet'1 ...,... .. UlllW . .._ ..... ~ ............ Teaaa ofUet1l1 ea.aatlHd 81bbltt Th'4rtda1 for hl1 remarkl WedaHday tn Ian Antonio, 11\e of Uae fat.led "CrHJe Clf TnM Ll'-'1." Texu Houae lpeahr 81111 Clayton Mid Babbitt a.houlcl t..d t.o bl• OW'll ltate'• r'l!&ationl wltb MnJ~ and atop U')'lq to ''ft.re up elnOCJGM •• between ~­ and HUpenlca la Teau. San Antonio attorney Fl"M Semaan •utt•t.ed Babbitt stv• ArilOU back t.o llexlco lf he I.a 10 lnter11ted ln lmprovlDI U .8 . ·Mnican relation•. Babbitt. a Democrat, raade hta remarb u be addreued a luncheon itven ln bl1 hooor by two Mexican-American 1roups. ·•we muat foree a new relationship ba1ed on reco1nltlon or Meidco 11 an equal. But the Alamo la a symbol of the problem In our relallonahlp with Mexico ... a sacred symbol t.o Texans and an extension or the American Ideal. But to Mexi co, It 's a symbol or territory lost. a naUon plundered by overbea ring gringo ' FAMI&¥ •• -· ttH 1111ii&I M j Wt •I•• Mrw. eoa..,. ukl ... tll&er..U bl Iii• ta eluded I~ leotttla1. *1J>....WW ... ..att1r.,_ ....... JL Wla• ..,.., ...,.I cal eondJUoa o r 1 •I • d l1a U 11 • .h I • fatber ....._ • ~dn91 to aJd tn hil ~ for .urYh'al and, hooefullY, an •ctiv• lif•. 1'he llinlpJa.nt fail.S ud Paul betan dlaly1b tnatlMDtt. He apeat 12 boun a ... t GO tbe life-p.._,daa IDdlMJ maeblDI. D11plh hll •naktoed condttkln, the youtb tnaHftd to muter th• pby1leal rl1ora requlred to become an l!a"e Seoul. "In October, lt7'7, T~ 1 had a blke trip 1c1Mdultd,' Mn. Con1er rel~. "Paul wa It.ill recovertnc frODl 1ur1•rr and depr:eued about the trauplut rallure. He made the ride -all eo mll• -even thoup It tooll blm mon thaa doul>S. tM tlme It took the other boy1. "Thi.a blke trlp wu really the turolne point In Paul '• adJuatmenl to dJalyal1 aa a w1y or Ille. It ahowed him lhat he c ould runcllon tn the real world '' There were other obatac~ to c:pme J "Two an putlcular come to our mind," said the mother ol the frail 90 pounder. "Paul had to expend co n s iderable e ffort to accomplish both the canoeing and the swimming merit bndges Hott. taxt~d his phys1c1d energy to the ulUmat.e But he peraevered and wa~ s ucceasful " • WASHINGTON <AP) - Prealdent Carter annpunced plau today for a th Mu.ton deplo1mtnt of 200 new llX mobile ml11Ue1 around r.rotectect "r1eetract" counee n lbeW•t. Carter told reporter• the •nt•m wtll IW"Ylvt IUf'priM attack. He •afd lt •Ill be vertflable llDMr arm1 eoatrol •1reement1, affordable, envlroom•at1Uy aound and couilUnt wttb future arm1 curb obJeetlv... The pre1ldent expreaaed hope the 11X miAUe a1ao wW be ''the No Takers For Seat In Area 5 There are n0 new taken lo the Nov. 8 race for a Capistrano llnlfled School Dl1trlct trtatee 11eat deaptte a week-lone fillng date extenalon to recruit more hopeful.a from Area 2. lHt miul .. IJltem of~ dtatructlve power that we Wll enr have to buUd." • Defen11 Secretary Ha= Drown •aid plana are to µ,. mluUe eomplexa. la u and Nenda at undlacloHd location.t. TIMty ar. to be opera. Uoaal In ta. Althou1h ••nlor admlm.traUoo off1clala reached a conlemua on the plan a month a10, a formal announcemeot waa delayed pendln1 a final preeldentJaJ decl.alon aa well as con1ultatlons with 1overnora and others ln lhe affected •tatea. Carter •&reed with advtaers tb•t the "racetrack " opllo}l would mlnJmJae dJaruptlon ot the countryside whlle protectlnc lhe lar1• new ml111le1 from destruction should the Soviet Union ever launch a 1urprl1e attack. The president decided ln June lo develop the 190,000·pound mlulles, largest In the U.S arsenal, but withheld a dec11loo on how lhey would be moved and protected. The approved option would place the mlulles and lh•ur 700.000-pound transporten1 on ~ se r1e11 of aurlace roads, formlnt c losed c·ou rses not unlike :ingular racetracks neighbors." Babbitt said. The r ebuttals poured In Thursday o.lfy ....... _...,... MAP OUTLINES IAVIN! CO. PLANS FOR LAGUNA CANYON Homea, Two Golf CourH• and New Alignment for Old Road Paul's parenl!I were plea11ed with their son'i. progre11s with lire 11u1talnlne dlaly1l1 Orange County Registrar of voters offlclab extended the Au1. 30 deadline to &ept 4 after incumbent Truatee Sarah Jane Ltpp chose nol to run for r e-e led.ion ........ l"Gf1e.4J PLANS NUMBERED. • • 52 percent or the land Is devoted to hou.aes, commercial uaea, and an eleht lane roadway. She said another 16 percent Is devoted to the golf courses. leav- ing 33 percent for regional park land and open space. But she says the topography of the open space area leaves only 84 acres. or 3 percent of the total land lass, that can be devoted to whatahe calls "people uses." Council support.er& of the Irvine Company plan say the rev· cnues received from the aale or 90 acre. of city land lo t.be Southern California Golf A•· aoclation, plu.s golf course fees, bed lax fr om the hotel. restaurant rece1pta and property tax revenuea from the 1,Ul home• on lrvme Company land, and sale of 67 acres near Lel.aure World to a developer, would pay orr the city's debt t.o Rancho. Not flO, 1111ys Mrs. Blacketer, who says total revenues from the lrvint: Company project, when lined up aaalnst city services and administrative co1t11 to the city, would show a net. loas or$265,000 per year. And ahe aaya propoaed sale of eolf land to the gol/ aaaoclaUon. at S5,000 an acre, would be a gift or pubUc funds because the city 11 payina Rancho approximately $13,000 an acre for the land. And. ahe eaya, coat for a police annex, fire station and pumper, and a four-lane Laeuna Canyon Road reaU1nment are not ac counted for in her figures. She 11ald that, in lbe aftermath of Prop. 13, the 1,831 homes pro· posed by lhe Irvine Company would not pay for the servtc .. they will require She suggests her plan for open apace, camping areu. tbe hotel and reataurant, and lea .. or agricultural land, would a•n•rate approximately *425,000 annually t.o the clty, addln1 that tf a Coastal EnvlroomentaJ hn· pact loan 111 approved, the ctty would realize a U00,000 annual aurplut. But Irvine Company oftlclala dlapute Mra. Blacketer'• figures, saylne no onoe yet knowa wbal the revenue ll1urn for either project will be. ''That '1 OM of the PUl'J)OHI of the environmental Impact re· port, .. Hid lrvtJie Compeny 1POk•man Jerry C:Olllna. DAILY PILOT "It'• •Imply not possible to draw any conclualona he aaJd, without lhe Information the en vlronmeotal report will pro duce." The company spokesman does dispute some of Mrs Blacketer'• figures, however, In cludlng her estimate or $100,000 per unit for the homes propoeed by lhe company. "Her eatimatea on the value of houalni aeema rather low. It's not likely t.bat the aver11e prtce wlll be Sl00,000. That could be the miDimum," be 1aJd, "but hardly the averaae." He also dl1pute1 her claim that revenue11 can be Jaf'IMNd from ~ of more than eo acres for agriculture. "Her analy.siK, we might p<nnt out, as11umes lhe area la Ideal for farmtnl( It isn't," Collln11 said "It's too cold 1n the canyon and the soil Is of poor quality IC It were &ood farmland we would be farmlne It now, rather lhan using It for grazlnJt land." ColllM said Mrs. Blacket.er'11 comment& "are premature. "It 'a too early to predict any economic consequences, either poalttve or nefatJve before the <envlronmenta ) study la begun. It 's premature and un neceaury. That'll the reaaon for the EIR." Sunday Pilot Scans Merw Of Fall 'IY Sunday'• Dally Pilot wtll help younpte1'8 bruab up on current event.I for retumtn1 to acbool and offer these other features for theJ.r elders. '80AP 8VBllLE8' 11Ull8T - A aurvey of fall TV HHon olferln1s 1how1 what man)' vlewen have lone auapected. (SUND A Y'S BEST} Televl.alon t. totn1 back to • more old·fathloned brand or humor ln alluatloo comedy formats. Yea, folks, despite more aophlaUcated fan•. we all alill lauib al pratlaJl1 BALANCING ACT -When even peanut butt.er can HUH cancer, bow doea one decide what will and won't be banned a1 beeltb ba1ard1T An AlllOCiaa.d ...... Rory ......... comPilat.4 and oonluMd .,.., ofeeMnee. 8 SAlll'llY aasw -rranll Wlldom. ........ to Ulte Mu before be cOllW talk, a ,... t.b1u • It ---..... .... , • .., •• ...,..,...of tbOH dOlla 1wewa 1CMI ...... loloftow..... · --~~~~~~~r.-,.;-~~'.'-:'"""'r.:'1r-~~~, San Juan Capiatraao re.ldenu Charle. R Ward, a property man1ager and consultant.. and Fred Slnaaek. a conatructlon ron s ullaot , fil e d theH apphcationa with the registrar prior to Aug JO to launch their btd& for the Area 2 seat CONSERVATION ALTERNATE PROPOSAL CALLS FOR LEll D!NlfTY, ,A .. K Blacketer Plen Would Include Agr1cuHure, 300 Un"t ,..,.._ l"flfle A I TED ... attended the Robert F. Kennedy celebrity tennis tournam•nl In New York. Robert KeMed)' and another brother, President John l'. Kennedy, wen auaaalnated and • thlrd, JOIM'S>I', wae killed In World War II. Despite Edward ~·t').~Y'• con1t1t.ot pubUe POllUoa be expecta can.r to ... aod wt. • aecond term. effona .,.. -.r way ln HVeral atatea to buUd support t.o draft KeMedy for t.bt nomlnatlon. Public oplnloo poll• conal1tently 1how the 47·year-old senator 1eadlnl Cart.er by a wide mar1ln amona Democrata. • Some DtmocraUe Uberala an ur1lnt tbt perty ooenJy to Itek en •lf.enurtlve to earwr .. t.bt Democratic nomlnH In 19'0. One of them, Seo. Oeor1e I . McGovern ot loutb Dakot., tbe party '• un1uec•11ful prelidMltiaJ eudldat.e ta ~J. aald be tbouaht Keuady WOWCI b9 tbe ltroD&Ml cand1dat.e. ~ Some lMtmat.el of tbe ...tor bavt ~ lalm to •land pet, ar1utq Ulat IMt coulclu!1 = much blUfr ln U.. '°Ull were 111 actlvt candtdat.e . BART to Run? OAKLAND <AP ) -Unloa leaden ,,,,_... tlt•t tlM 1•1 Ana a1"d Tranalt .. •r•t•m coald bt rua•l•I •l•I• b1 ....... " 8ASt ...... .. ........................... ··-=· fticll Ila Idled 1.• ,. ...... f.' In Cl 'SD Area I an cumtwnt Tru:ilet-Ted Kopp ts oppoaed by Uana Point engi n eer i ng manager Angws Smith In the Nov 6 COOl<'St In An·a 3. incumbent Tru.'\tf.o<· Edward Westbera 1a challenged h y s t udent and ph11rmacy tec hnkran Mark Morah·t. and pharmacist R lch1ud E W e a k I a n d , b o t b '' f S a n Clf>mente There are ali-0 no t•kera an Area 5 wberf.! Incumbent GeorJe White I.a runnJng unoppoMd for h1a third term on the sev~n m~mbPr S<'hool hoan1 White 15 cur~cntly berv1n" all hoa td prc.-stdent ,..,... Pa.,. Al TRIBUTE ... that San Clemente may need to double the Sl:tt' of lb pr(.'!o,enl J3,4H square foot police und ftr€' rac1hty localed at City Hall. The m<Mtl dealred po111ble 11te for lhe new rac11ity, accord.Joa \.o Co leman and Bro wn , i a 11tate owned 11 ur1JIU11 property localed acroea AvcnJda Prea1d10 from City Hall Although the cost of the title 1i. not lmown.. o!Ctcu•li. believe tt may be the cbeapeat oJ lbe 11x sites ~tudJed Coleman and Brown believe 1l 11 not feasible to renovate the UJSting pohce·fire ru cl ltty for expandt'd Mure use Cit y offtclalll sa.id Cahfom1a Ol"po rtmcnt of Trunsportallon a1de11 Will be contacted Ill re1eard to the possible purchase or the property desi red for the newly proposed police fire raclllty The property ts localed east of the San Diego P'rMway MEN'S SUITS for only One Dollar 0.lly~t ...... "~ RESIGNS IN HUFF Rec <>metal Judd f're.Pa~AI QUITS ... nnP day work1nit with me rn the nlnP month" h<· wa!I her!' " .Judd said the •·rt y rerrcatlon dl•p1trlmcnt Ito. "u mess" and "not worth It " He said he plans lo go ba<'k to school .., hove rond memorlex or the people herl" and th<• Job for the past three and a half years," Judd !\aid "f hot~ to go to work shortly aftN fo'r aml· took over," Judd added lie rliumed Frame "rubs people In the department the wronl( wrry.'' A a recreation coordmator, Judd oraanlze4' City parka pro- l(ram111 Ind 1pec1al events. He arted as d('pnrtment chief when rormer recrcutron supervisor Arlie Waterman re111ened Nov. I Frame 11old C'1ty orriC'i als will be accepun.c apphcalloru Wllil Oct 5 from thote who want to take over Judd'" former post. "'When you buy one suit at reaular price, you can buy another of equal or leaser value for only one <Jolla.r. ·~ .... Frid!'(, September 7, 1@79 s .ts Yretirn of 6ame? _) Fears Mounting . For Missing Teen All in Their Plares The buses are ready to roll in Capistrano Unified School District for the opening of school Monday. Coralie Carter, who will be starting her fifth year with the district as a bus driver, cleans windshield. The 44 buses will roll through the 154 square mile district that covers 20 percent of Orange County. Enrollment as expected to exceed 18,000. MacDonald Bused To State RALEIGH. N.C. IAP > Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald has left a North Carolina prison unit for a bus tnp to the federal prison at Terminal Island. Calif. A spokesman for the U.S. Bur ea u of Pris o n s said Tbursday that MacDonald, who was convicted las t week o f inurdering' his wife a nd two ~a ughte r s, boarded a bus Wednesday to begin the trip. Ma cDonald. 35, of Huntington B each . is making th e CfOSS·COUntry trip back to California on a bus operated by tfie prison system. according to Mi chael Aun of the Bureau of Prisons. Aun said the bus transports inmates to various institutions. ·'The bus, in effect, leapfrogs from institution to institution," Aun said. ·'It will probably take two to three weekB for the bus to make it cross-country." Inmates spend the night at prisonsalooglbeway,Aunsaid. MacDonald was sentenced to three consecutive life terms after a federal-court jury found him guilty of one count of first degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder in the slayings of h1s family nane years ago at Fort Bragg. Defense attorneys have asked U.S. District Judge Franklin T Dupree Jr to reconsider his :>rder denying Mac Donald bail pending appeal o r t h e conviction. Knott's Installs Metal Detectors "' BUENA PARK <AP> - Knoll's Berry Farm now has four metal detectors on hand to s earch guests for weapons, following a court confrontation ove r "pat down" s earche s conducted at the park. last month. Russell Knott said Thursday the park purchased rou r portable detectors to avoid the frisk-type searches. "We believe this would make any searct"! in the future less embarrassing lo a guest and perhaps less offensive to a guest who might tend to be sensitive," Knott said. Knoll's was the scene of a gang melee last March in which one youth was killed and three others injured. Knott's security officials and Buena Park police conducted "'pat down" searches of guests at the park Aug. 3 and 4 after p'oltce said they received warnings that gang members were going to the park. A Santa Ana eroup late r sought a court order to ban what it says were discriminatory body searches of Hispanics at Knoll's. Knott denied there was discrimination and said park guards searched "everybody that came through i n th at teen -age group Anglos. black s. orientals and Hispanics." Orange County Superior Court Judge Orella F. Sears ruled Tuesday that Knoll's bad valid reason to "pat down" guests last month to search for weapons. Judge Sears declined to grant a court order, saying the park's four new metal detectors made any restraining order a ··useless act." Knott said 12 percent of its five million customers a year are or Hispanic origin. •'The Hilp&Dics as an ethnic aroup are very important to Knoll's Berry Farm -very highly regarded," he said. adding that Hispanics represent 14'h percent of Knoll's work force. Study of Landslides Set in San Clemente San CJemeote City Council members have scheduled a Tuesday public study session on potential landslides in the city. his otn>ervations that future • home building in San Clemente mt\)' cause future landslides as disastrous a t the Bluebird Canyon earth movem ent last EAST LANSING, Micb. CAP> • -A 16-year-old Michigan State University s tudent bas disappeared and may be de~ - tbe victim of an elaborate intellectual fantaay 1ame tbat may have become all too real, inveati1ators say. Wllliun Dear. wbo heada a five-member detective team hired by the parent.a of James Dallas Egbert Ill to look for their son, aays anoaymoua tips, possibly from other players, suggest Egbert may be trapped somewhere. Jr the sophomore computer science student is trapped, "lack of proper food. water and facilities after three weeks" would make hi s d eath a certainty. said Dear. James and Anna Egbert of Dayton. Ohio, who have offered a $5.000 reward for information leading to the teen-ager. said their son did play the game ca ll ed '"Dragon s and Dungeons." but they believe he was abducted "After tha s long , I 'm convinced he's being held by somebody.·· Egbe rt told the Dayton Journal Herald ln the game. players us10g special dice assume the roles of medieval characters wath the object of overcoming barn ers to escape a dungeon cha rted on graph paper The game as based on rules and t echniques contained in three books "'You have a dungeon master --h e d e s i g n s t h e c as t of chara c ters," De ar s aad .. Someone 1s put anto the dungeon. and it's up lo them to get out ·· The rules are so complicated it can take weeks to lea rn how to play at a beginner level Based on the roll or thl' dace, players l earn th eir s trength an over coming such obstacle~ as monsters and goblins A single "Dungeons and Dragons .. game has been known to go on for as long as two years. said investigators . And , according to Dear. some MSU players apparently don 'l confine the game to paper .. When y ou take highly intellectual people. it takes a lot to s timulate them." be said. However. it has not been explaine d how the game as translated from graph paper to the real world · Dear's team was checking two sites today an their search for Egbert. who Dear said had an IQ of 145 The s ates we re identified by the anonymous tipsters. he saad . "'If he is where he's supposed to be.· then he·s dead," saad Dear. A repres en tative of TSR ,..,. ,,,,.,.... HAS THIS INTELLECTUAL GAME CLAIMED A VICTIM? Teen-age Genius Hunted on Michigan State Campus .. ,. . .._ BOY GENIUS DEAD? James Dallas Egbert tit Hobbies of Lak(' Gene' a, Wa~ v. h1ch markets the dace and rult- books. saad an estimated 300.000 people pl ay "Dunge on~ a nd Dragons"' nat1onw1de ··Jn all of the variation~ and there are a ~reat many Wt' know of none that are actuallv physical ... tht' ~pok es woman saad Seniors Still Ri~Free On OC Buses Senior c1t1 zen!> wall continue to ridl' Orangt> Co unty T rans it D1straC't tOCTD 1 buses free for d no ther yt:'ar thank s to a contract between the county and lht> transit d1 stru:t. Thl' contrac t , approved Thursda)' by OCTD directors, ... t1pulates that the county rfta m burse the transit district 2:> cents per senior bus rider. or up to $695,417 an federal revenu e ~haring funds, through next September County super visors agreed an August to increase the s ubsidy over what they paid last year. IS cents per tnp, to ket!p up with OCTD"s r~ent fare hakes Had they not allowed for the fart' h1 k1·"· .,l'n ao r c 1t1 zens them~ehe!> v.ould have had to m a k l' u p t h t· d 1 m e a l r 1 p da ffen•nc•t· OCTO ofrl caa b .,aid tnore than >I 3 m11J1on '>enaor c1t1 zens have ridd en bust·s fret' s ince the prog ram began an 1974 . MacDonald was an Army captain at Fort Bragg when his wife . Colette, 26, and two young daughters were bludgeoned and stabbed to death in February 1970. The 2 p.m. session will be held in 'the Council Chambers, 100 Ave. Presidio. year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Thief Beats Woman, 73 LOS ANGELES <AP> A 7·3 -yea r ·o l d woman wa s hospit.afued in stable condition today after an assailant beat her with a bas~ball bat. stole her car and $2, and left her bleeding in the vehicle's t runk for S'h hours, sheriff's deputies said. Geologists Be-aeh Leighton and Jack Stickel have agreed to discuss the chances o( future landslides in the city and the effects of earth movements in the past with the council and aides . Leighton's l rvine·based firm of Leighton and Associates has been involved in geology studies in San Clemente recently and with the · Bluebird Canyon lands lide study in Laguna Beach. Stickel's Tustin-based Stickel and Associates firm bas served as a part-time San Clemente consultant since 1952. It was 5iickel wbo last month released information based on Police Probe Identity of Dead Woman The body of a young woman found Thursday in the back yard of an abandoned house in a rural area of EJ Toro remains unidentified today. a sheriff's department spokesman sa.id. A coroner's autopsy failed to immediately determ ine the cause cl the woman's death, but she may have died of a drug overdoee, the spokesman said. -~A s Louise Munford was letting into her car Thursday. ~e was approached by a young ~an who asked to buy the County G• ) 4 iehicle, sai d s h e riff 's Ir' ' Further toxicoJogical tests are being conducted. The woman bad been dead about two 'Clays when ber body was found by residents who were shopping for property in the sparsely populated area. located between the Sant.a An.a Freeway and Cook's Corner. tpokesman Bob Wood. ~· When she said no, the man Killed on Bike E·uacked her, taking her car eys and $2 from her purse, ood said. The assailant then •ut the woman into tbe car's ~unk and drove the vehicle • 'round for about four boura ~fore leavin& it about 1 \.\ miles r om where the incident began. A 4-year-old girl was killed Thursday evening after she was struck by a car while riding her bicycle in Cypress, police said. The victim was identified as Christen Elizabeth Hansen of 5693 Aspen St., Cypress. The woman wu described u 18 to 22 years old, with bleacbecl blonde balr and a tattoo of cata on her rtgbt forearm. ~uter Progra• ~hool Districts · IJnked A computer aetWork 1yst.em .. 1pec1 to keep Oranae County cbool diltrictl up to date OD e1ialathe development.I ln acramento waa put on 411play unday. Dr. tred J . Koch, deputy C,upertnteadent of th• Oraqe .. !County Department of ducat.loo: .. aid be ta :tn the roceu or d moo1traUq tbe item to local dl1trlcta thla ·the dependence on bailout fUnda, aometlmea make needless tripe •'there ll really only one school to Sacramento to teatify wbeo diatrict ln California and that la meeUnl times are changed," be tbe .eo atate senators and 80 declared. uaembly members." Koch aaid acbool dt1trtct.a who Iaformat.loa concemJnc the aublcrtbe to the 111tem can ask 1t.1tu ot leaialatioo ta fed lnto the computer any queaUom lt the computer by the co'1nty wlahea b y makta1 a local Department of ltducatton'• . telephone call . reatalatlve advocate ln Rea-an are received b• Sacramento. u1 --, Data inlude1 updated equ pmmt.tdJltrlctllta. laf ormaUoa on education Koch reponw lnltW costs cl ==i;!'::U.:rJ::'.=.: =..=;=~r~= ua..•~otkst11attw _. .... .-. ~ ltodi NW. '. Be Aki dllllM to cti.ltrldl "'. ·~ tft.a al blilamd CID aN 9 lql 1 llM .. Ille'. Uollt Ill• ••e• ltlH•·~•H~~••rd and fw.,S'°'9'alak t . " Fold·A·Fence • PRESENT GILBERT A BENNET GOTHIC FOLDING FENCE Removable for gross cutting . Vinyl coated wtllte 18"' high, 8 ft. long 8 ft. Section Reg. '2.98 Llly·Of· The-Nile ~'iooonmu, Prier Pon) ; \. I po•u11nq ~upr>r I IOJQP ,pPc1mPn\ ''11J n "C'lvfl t() \Pe .. "' I t>PllPVP em• 11,01 Sire llpq 'qq SALE PRICE sl.49 Redwood Tobie Set I oun101n Volley LOCOllOl1 II 99 99 Ontv SA:; PRICE s 59. 99 Martha Washington 7!\t:. Geranium ~ l': 11cnoose lrom over o do1en ours1ono1ng vo11e11es tn lull bloom' 4 Pol Sue Refl '1 29 SALE PRICE 59c llrd Of Paradise t eno o nQlltCOI occen1 lo any sunny or $hOOV 1onelscooe oreo ~Gal Sile Reg '1099 SALE PRICE 52a29 SALE PRICE '5.99 COSTA ·MESA 0,.1..,. ...... , .... ,,.. Jiii MIWPOIT AYD. COIT&MIS& ....... ,... MM103 I \A,.. :;; FOU NTAIN Cnah.o ~ ·~ f WY ~ ' VAllEY t~~ 11420 •OOtCHU.S T ~ POUMTAIM YA4-&.1Y , ................ _tff._ ..... ...., .• rMOe• HMt;111 · WINICllMOe,...,t/11/n ~10A~ M-UlllMIT• ..... °" .._. ·• ......... .. .. • v' 4'•• ,.~ .. ting Q . ...... ~ Te•~~'' Marp ... e Dt-iving Us Batty ON TB& aoo--eoaT OF: 1'ber* la all lladl ol battlina •IWI bemUl1nc tr~ ..,... tn ow ,.lion U.... ckya, even lf JOU di8cMIM lM fact t.Ul lM Ora.ate Cowaty publl~ tMm Qttoa DO kmc• eoDDed.a to the llTD. Tlaat'• bec:aUlie tM RTD .,_'t--' M1 more. lt Jmt atrlk• e.yood tbat, OW' .._med Gov. Jeny Browe la curADt.11 poDderina w....W OI not to allow Oraqe County ~ olf ol UNI odd-4ve 1uollae book. So far, MveraJ IOHnH>n bot bo·bummed the odd-ewn and dumped It u a f\ael ~aUoe effort. lt'a out in B.bode bluet CooDecticut. New Yon, New JtrMJ ud Peamylvan.la. CAUntlNIA. APPAUNTL Y, will only diacooUaue It on a county-by-county bu.ls u requested by each of tbe counU.. But OW' esteemed Governor Brown wW t.ben have to give bi.a a.MrmaUve nod in each lnataoce. Since Govunor Brown, oo other matten, buo't been noted for moving wttb the apeed ol llpt, aome Callfom.la fl' 1 Y ouri 1/ You Con Fmance at. Ga. a:t. Fmd a Place to Park counties may sWJ be awaiung a de<:LStoo on the odd.even gasolrne plan when automobiles are running around oo nudear power • ON nu; OTHER HAND, by the time odd.even gets decided maybe nothing will be running around. Wl• already know what happens when you get to depending on bus transportation. The drivers and mechanics strike. Now. comes one R K Brown. who is executive vice president of Chrysler Corp., our country's third largest auto maker Brown predicted tn the news columns today that Just six years from now, the price of a family heap wall have escalated by some $4 ,100. THAT MEANS, he explains, that a car costing $6,fl>O today will .be $11.000 by 1985. There's no end to all the good aut.omotive news out tht'rt-~ Beyond lh<1t, you are left wondering how anybody with Chrysler Corp becomes an expert on automotive financing. Company spokesmen are now suggesting Chrysler will lose $700 million Uus year. THAT AMOUNT BOGGLES t.be mind. I'm one of t.boH people who can get into deep financial trouble juat being a loser at penny-pitching down at the comer gu station. I can't even fathom the lmplicallooa oU100 million. What we need around here ia aome pocitive autom<>Ove news. such as provided by a headline in one of our Orange County newspapers today. It proclaimed: "Head.lamps Cao Aid NIPt Driving." Now you just have to admit that's good advice. Mormon Chief in Operation SALT LAKE C ITY (AP) Mormon Church President Spencer 'W. Kimball underwent unscheduled surgery today for removal of what doctors said was an accumulation of blood and fluid in the s kull over the surface c:if his brain, a church spokesman said. Spokesman Jerry CahiU s aid Kimball , 1:14 , wa s resting comfortably ·after the hour-long operation and was in stable condition. The sul'geon who performed the operation, Dr. Bruce F . Sorensen , and Kimball 's perll<>llal physician, Dr. Ernest L. Wilkinson, said the church leader "should make an excell ent recovery with full restoration of function," Jobless Toll Hits 6Percent WASHINOroN <AP> -Tk twin etfeeta of recHllOD u8 bllb lnflatloa racked tbe economy to Au1u1l aa lb• unemployment rate "°" w • percent -tbe bJpeat ln DION t.ban aJear -and wbolelale prieM vaoced by 1.J ,Pe.reeDl, t.bt aovenuneat reported today. n. Labor o.partment IUd the r1.M lo UDtmploymeat from a 5 7 percent rate la July marked tbe ftnl Ume t.bal the jobless ralAI bad Meb lit tbe I percent level lince July lt'18. 1111: CUTE• administntion had expected unemp&oymeat to riae in Auiust u a result ot the d A d recualon that be1aa in tbe lP an ro ... sprinc. Labor Dep a r tment economist John Breuer aald the lat.eat jobleu reports provided ·'very strong evid e nce of a downturn." Actor Art Camey playfully thumbs his nose at reporters in a Middletown, Conn., hospital before goinf home after two weeks' treatment for exhaustion. He'l star in a new movie with Farrah Fawcett. 3in 1954 Truman But l.nflaUoo alao continued to rage ln Au_guat as prices at the wholesale level showed the bt11eat monthly advance since January, the department said ln a separate report. The rise lo wholesale prices was paced by ?!!~~~!~:1:;~:_~:.fE Death Try Pardoned March. The government said wholesale prices at lhe stage ju.st before goods reach ~onsumers r06e 11.1 percent durlflg the previous 12 months. lntlation at the con.sumer level has been ruDfting slightly higher -at a 13 percent rale this year . WHOLESALE PRICES are an important measure of future anrtatlon because they signal price trends Ukely to occur at the retail level a few months later. The simultaneous release (>f the two gloomy economy reports underscored President Carter's dilemma 1n trying to combat high rnflation through tight fiscal polici~ while at the same timt' t r y ing lo keep from aggravating a recession that eould mean high unemployment an the ~ election year. The Labor Department sa.id the number of unemployed people rose by 300,000 during Augu.t to 6.1 million, with most of the increase resulting from factory layoffs. TOTAL EMPLOYMENT fell by 310.000 jobs in August to 96.9 million, the government said. following a rise of "50,000 jobs in July. U rflmployment rates for virtually all major groups of workers baaed on age, sex and race 1ncreased last month. During the prior 12-montb period, the unemployment rate had been remarkably stable . ranging from S.9 percent to a fiv e-year low of 5.6 percent reached m June. THE GOVERNM ENT said employment hu abown virtually no growth since March, aft.er increasing by a atronc 2.1 mlJlioo jobs durinc the six months previous to March. WASHINGTON {AP) Congr~smen who dived for cover from Puerto R 1c an s · bl1u1ng RUnfare 1n the Ho use of Representatives 2S years ago say they don't obJttt to PresadeTtl Carter's freelng the aasailants "I'm surpraed they kept them in that long," sa1d Rep L H Fountain. D·N C . who left tu.s &ut JU3t ~fort a bullet to~ through It durin& the attack. THE WRITE BOUSE ANNOUNCED Thursday that CarU:r 1s granting clemency to the three survlvmg Puerto Rican nabonabsu who shot up the House tn l.Z4. and a fourth COOVlcted of talung part ln an assusinauon attempt on PTesident Harry S Truman an 1950. All have been impnaooed for at leut 2S years and are expected to be released Monday, officials said • Attorney GeoeraJ BenJamin R. Civ1lett.a, ~ recommended the release. said the action should not be mistaken for · 'eVldence of leniency toward t e rrorists On the contrary . their long ancarcerallon demoMlrat6 severe pumshmenl for any terronst crimes." THE WHITE HOUSt: DESCRIBED the release as ~ing "a sagmficant humamtarian gesture and would be viewed as such hy much of lhe international commuruty .. The three involved in the House attack who are being released are: Lolita Lebron, 59, Rafael Concel Miranda, 49. and Irving Flores Rodriguez, 54. The fourth involved, And res Figueroa Cordero. wu freed by Carter in im because he bad cancer He lat.er died in Puerto Rico Ca.rt.er ahlo granted clemency to Oscar Collazo. 67. COOVlcted in the Truman assassination attempt at lhe Blair House A Puerto Rican nationalist who tned to storm Truman 's temporary residence with Cordero was killed in the assault. itS w llS c. Whale House ~acd NATION I WEATHER Swnn Emers Canada ., ,... Aaedated .,... Troplcal Storm David rumbled Into Canada today, leavtns beb.iDd a swath of dea&b and destruction acro11 the Caribbean and a l on1 lhe Atlantic Cout kom fl'lorlct. to. II alne. 'ftle storm continued to loM atr'enltb u It headed for Newfoundland. Tbouaanda of hom es remained without power as governors alon1 the U.S. coast surveyed tbe damage left by the killer storm and prepared to ask the federal government for help rebuilding houses, businesses and wind-lubed farms. EARLY ESTIMATES indicated the storm took a toll of nearly $100 million. including $f,O million in l''lorida and $29 million in Baltamore, as 1t sparked torre nllal rains and tornado& that were blamed for the deaths of al least 15 people in the UnJted Slates The storm has claimed more than 1,100 lives 111nce 1t wus spawned in the Caribbean tut week But as 11k1es cleared, the toll was far less seven· than many officials had ant1c1pated ''It's hard to undNstand there <.·ould b<· 'IO mut·h damage and nobody hurt,· i.aul Virginia Gov. John Dallon a .., hf· v1f'w1•d a landing nf'ar Newport Ne w~. 1o1. hert-off1c1al'I hav"' f':o.t1mated damage lll $2 mllllnn "THERt: ARE so m e complaints about no water and no lights. but everybody ought to get together and go to church on Sunday and g1vP thanks." said Cavil Def+'n s e Direc tor Ed Fogarty of Sava nna h . the Georgia city that was David 's last ma)Or largf>t before 1t lost its hurncane force This morn1n.: David was lut·att:'d over th(• Gulf of St l.awrf'n('f' nl•ar latitude 41! O no rth . lon~1tude 63 o w•·st and mo\ anl'( t•a st n(J rlhf'c.t'>l at 411 mph The :itorm was expected 1<1 r rO'l!I N("wfoundl and loday Thr> -..; at1nnal llurr1c·am· ('t•nll'r in M 1<1m1 1~:.U1-<J 1t:. la~t <Jdv1wry on Oav1d at G a m Meanwh1l1., flurn cane c;1onJ 1o1. as born t•arly today in lh•· Allant1c som e 1,000 mil e ~ ~outhwest of the Azores. Jt pa cked 75 mph wands and wa~ likely to gain strength as al mo' ed northwe"i t <>ver tht' >Nater But forecasters said 1t p robably would veer too far north in the Atlantic· I 00 Plus Merc111-y I)ue "the look IS YOU " • Temperatures Soar in Southwest V.S. Tft•per•• •re• HI Le "'' "'""'-... , Am.trlllO .. .. ••viii• 'O 10 AllaftU 'O HI ~·-· .. ., ..... • ,, 8Mt0fl 11 1l '°' Mf•to ,. .0 0Wlsl11 SC 'O 71 a.,._ II Sl Olk4l9e " ... °""'-' .... O.V.141M ., •1 .01 Oef·l"I. WI" t7 ,, Oeflwr .. .., o.t...it .. u ........ .. 51 .... ., " ,, 01 ........... " ,, .11 .......... ., ,. .,. .. _ .... ., ,. ~City ., " ... u.v...-111 11 Ut .. 11_ " .. ~ ...... IJ .. .... .. , ~II .. , . ...,., IS 11 ...... -.. .. u ....... .. 4 NftlMlle ., .. .... OrlM " 14 .It .... v ... a n .., ......... " n °'1•. City . .. ·" GIMM . ., OrMN9 " ,, ,_.IM'tlflll 11 .. .. ......... IOI la ~ 12 M .., ....... n ,. .... ., u .. 1.#t .. , s.ttuu ., .. S.l)Met ,, ,. .... , ... ., ., 70 ,, • ., ·°* t7 1t l(l1191to11 MonM909e¥ llt\eUC!ell Muko(.lfy Mff ... Moft9•N'Y Nl- Te9U(IOI .. Tri ...... VwMrvr ,. .... 04 .. '' . ,, " ~ •4 I) ,, ,. • n ...... .. nta. " ,. SoMe ....,.,_., <-•,..u "' tN _, ... , .. ..-..... -.,. ....... IOt4KUI, ..... •1111 t >llQM (,._t ol 111--" ~lllNY Th• warm e1t \pot tor tho\e < 11"91"9 IO _, wtll Ir. lft '"° -•• _,.., -·IN meru1.., II .. .,.<t.-tetllmt>to llO _.,,,_, tor --WMI le coot "· ••• , .. 1, .. 1 IOWI Ill .... "'°""'""'Mt ,,,tcllcted 10"" In ,,_ _ .... IMr'9....,. _,_....... lew c-., ... ..,... .-... w ,.., ...... ........ ., ............ ,_ .... Ce11111 llltfl IMly 11 wltll ••· ~ .................. 111-.11 .................. ,.. EIMwMff lftM •••lltl+t w~I ....... .,,.,,_..i,,._, __ .,.. ............ y " •• " ......... .. •fl••-0... t• ........... . ·-· "'".,..,__ s-,11 .. -,Ttflea ,.IOA'I ,.,.. ... 04 p 11.s.s .... ,.. ::.!..~ , . .,. ..... --·· ...... ,. ~ ...... A"' ... ~ t t It t a II t ) It t 4 II . . _\ IUITla ~Afl MO ...... LOMe ..... I LONG .. .. eoM\'f MO ... .... ~· IMOlfT ..... "°"""' "°"° . . .... ---·-··- WMl,MtaeC9nU "-'' '°""*'-" ~ Alll.MTOM' Of.,.,.,.,,. ""''" IWtMiDI lltl ,...,.,,_ ,..,. _ ......... l And the sport coat is a very important part of that look . Tweeds, blazers & camel hairs in the season's most wanted colors. In 100°/o wool and wool I blends . •10s. to •2es • Add fine alacks by Jaymar® with the hidden secret of the Sansabel~ lining that trims and allma your appearance. In polyester I wool, 100 °/o polyester & pure wool . •ae. to •eo. alzea: 34-60 waist i,oaMM'n lid & ..... mt.IA lllONTCUlt fl\AZA .... 1 10 0 tf ""°"' Matt •.. ,.,. .......... -. , ... . Oftt ..... ,11911,.,,. ,. .......... ,. le# lllt .. • r •II 111•~ ~ • IOUTM COAi~ 111.Al.A 511\lt AM"*-•the T~ ...... .,. O'IANM>A MIU.I 9llOOA .. ~.,. ....,. IAH DllOO \ TRANSACTIONS ,._,~7.11'19 s E leetloa Beepla Federal Health Plans Abound By SYLVIA PO&TBa Al. {be 1980 election.a hoopla move. toward ita usual dealeain& crescendo, more will be bell'd about a naUonal' health insurance Protram. Written off for Ul1I per10d because of bud1etary eonalderattom. tbe lasue bu a1ain surfaced, and it well may play an unanti~pated role in the. undeclared but real power strugiJe between PreaJdeat Carter and Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mus .. But much more help t.ban baa been publicized already extata at the federal level. AS JUST ONE ILLUSTaATION, the National Institutes ol Health at Bethesda, Md .• the government's principal research a1ency in medicine, supports more tball 13> research and treatment centers. The principal function ol tbe cent.en 11 to find new treat· meats for diJeue and to lmpcove upon cur- rent t.reatmenta. Tbe NIH works closely with many of the leading university Money's Worth medical cent.en. reeearcb foundatiooa and bospllala in a\u. 5ing a wide range of major problems: artertoacleroeia, hrttiA, asthma, allergic dlaeaaea. blood d.iseasea, heart rden. genetic dl.aeues, lung diseases, mental bealth1 blem.s of aging and sickle-cell disease. At t.be National Institutes of Health headquart.en, for example. the government maintains a 54a·bed hospital as well as facilitiH and support servtces for nearly 1,000 physicians who conduct clirucal research for eight of the 11 NIH institutes and the National Institute of Mental Health. ADMISSION IS BY PHYSICIAN REFERRAL. Onll' patients who have the precise kind or sta€e of disease or illness under investigation by the organ1iatloo 's sclentisll·clln1c1 ans are referred Some medical expenses of pauents may be underwnt· ten by the NTH. An exception 1s I.be community mental health center program. which receives funds for close to 600 mental health centers throughout the United States and Is supported jointly by the Nauonal Institute of Mental Health and state and local agencies The centers' services are available to everyone, with the chargea depending on ability to pay. ARTEalOSCLEROSIS CENTERS FOR research and treatment are al UC, San Diego al La Jolla 92(Y.}3; UC, San f'ranci.sco. 513 Parnassus. San Francisco 94143; University of Chicago, 950 E 59 St., Chicago. Ill. 60637 ; Columbia University College of Phys1c1an~ and Surgeons. 630 W 168 St.. New York. N Y 10032. Un1vers1ty of Iowa College of Medicine, towa City, towa 52242. Lou1s1ana State Univers i- ty, 1542Tulane Ave . New Orlea11s. La 70112 Health problems of the aged are studied at the Geron- tolo~)' Research Center, Nauooal Institute on Aging, NIH, Bethesda, Md 20014. Heart and vascular diseases research is at Baylor College of Medicine. Texas M.edJcal Center, Hou.ston, Tex· as 77025 BLOOD DISEASES ARE RESEARCHED and treated at Puget Sound Blood Center, Terry Avenue at Madison Street. SeaUle. Wash. 98104 Hypertension proJech are conducted al Boston University, 80 E Concord St.. Bo.ton. Mass. 02118; Cornell Medical College. 1.300 York Ave .. New York. N.Y. 10021 : Indiana University. 1100 W Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. 46202. Vanderbilt Uolversal.y. 21st Ave S., Nashville. Tenn.37232 ~OR!AING E 1• R f;J tOirNT~ ~ _) .,, '-...,.~ LJ LJ L_J '-./ l_.; r Callfon.la Ba"ttl Shops, Inc., has announced the following personnel appointments for its new HunUngton Beach store: Mike ~Ida, Huntington Beach. is manager. He has 11 years' experience in retail store management in Southern California, moet rettntly as store direc:tor with Albert.sons. Baa MUia and Steve Edwards, both or Huntington Beacb. are assistant managers Mills bas worked in retail marlteUng Wlth Safeway Stores aod Alpha Beta Marltets. Edwards has been a store director with Albertsons and grocery manager with FazJo's. Jack Gregory is fresh produce buyer and merchandiser. He has more than 16 years' experience in the produce business. Less Vucarello 1s buyer and merchandiser of dried fruits and nuts. I He bas worked for nine years with r ~ Hadley·s Fruit Orchards "'nos For the new El Toro store. Joe Hatem of Mission Viejo has been named manager. He has eight years· experience. most recently as assistant manager with Vons Grocery Co. Bldl Knapp, Irvine. Is assistant manager of that store. He bas worked with Dominic's and Safeway Stores. Roa Zell Is vice president and general manager, respomible for both stores. wtucb sell fresh produce and other nature-oriented foods. Re was named director of retailJng for Tenneco West, the Bakersfield company that operates lbe st.ores, earUer this year. Before tl\al appolntment. he was vice president for corporate development with l!.:ddie Bauer, Inc., a division or General Mills. ' Gary Frederick, Huntington Beach, is a!so a Vlce pres· !dent of the store operation, responsible for sales, con· sumer Pl"Oirams, customer iJervlce and in-store promo- Uona. ,He bu held markettnc pos1Uons with Lloyd's Bank, Baakln·Robblna and Hickory Parms. 8 U'bara Ll•ll& hu been named home economist for the stone. She will develop consumer programs and lraiD emoloyees, She bu taucbt home economic• since 1971, more reemtly lo lbe department or consumer ar.·d family studl• at Cenitoe ColleJ•· • The Dl'OIDOtlonl of 8lte0a ,..._ to ualatanl cuhier· admlniltntton, G•rcloa Blbb1 to asaJstant c11bJer· operatioal aDd 81l.ta c. "*" to ualatant vice preaidelll ha• bem ~ b)' auk., lntae. Jin, PtlltoD bu beeD tp .,_nJrtnc atnee i-. wortlnl 1D an admllliltnUve ere· . Sbe WU fonnrlJ with UnJted Calltonda Bank and 8aak-~ lntae in U71. ~ Wbbl the beak la 1m an. tw. ,_. wttb Valley N1Uooal Bank of Arboaa, when be wu prtmarib' tn.vlvtd la data praeeulnc. Kn. Wat.en auwnea lbt rwpoostbWty of penomMl and C!1lltoawr aervtn. Sb. h• been in butiDC for more, lbd • ,.._,. and wu customer a.me. omcv wtth Bok olWMetmlnllllnoll. save 3.01 on jr. woven shirts Tailored style. perfect with pants or skirts Pointed or Peter Pan collar. Potyester/co11on 1n sizes 118-151 16 Reg.10.00 6 .99 save on misses' corduroy pants Stitched front pleats. belted waistbands and pocket treatments Collon corduroy 1n regular or narrow leg styles. in sizes 6 to 16 Reg. 20.00 17.99 back·to·school jacket sale! savings for boys of all sizes all Mervyn's brand western jeans for big boys are on sale Co11on1polyes1or corduroy sizes 8-12 regular or shm, reg. 9 00 patr. sale 7.89, 2/15.00 Or choose denim. twill or brushed denim 1n polyester/co11ontnylon Sizes 8-12 reg . sltm Reg 7 99 pair. HI• 8.89 2/13.00 • ·men's and boys' shoes are on sale just in time for school For boys. tan smooth leather casuals and rust leather casuals. both in sizes 8 '12·3 and 3'12·6 Or choose the moccasin toe tan suede casual boot 1n sizes 8 'h-3 and 3 'h-6 Shoe Depanment Boys', reg. t 5 99 and I/ 99. 13.97 and 15.97 2.02 off S.ve 3.02 on men' a suede boot, reg. 24 99. 21 .97 boys' knit shirts and woven western shirts are on sale Choose the chc~t s tripe design or the c:.on tra~,1 trimmed solid 1n our long slecvr• 1Jcryhc kn1 1<, 1n SIZCS S-M·L·Xl Reg I 1 00. sale 8.80 Authentic western shirts ir1 polyestertco11on plaids. sizes 8-18 Reg 10 00. sale 7 .99 20°/o off r';i ~ back-to-school savings on our entire stock of Dittos· Choose 1unior High Rise. Sadale Back and Rearv1ew styles and misses' Classic Curves 1n cotton/polyester or pre.washed cotton denim Jun1ors' 5-13. reg. 18 00-21 00.14.40-16.80 Misses· 6-16. reg 20 00-22 oo 16.00-17.80 20°k off .""'!~ 2.01 off girls' plaid shirts in wovens and warm flannels Plaid shirts. the sunr1so-fresh country look for school Long or tab sleeve styles. some with pockets Polyester/cotton wovens or co1ton flannel Sizes 4-6X. reg I 00. sale 4.99 Slzea 7-14, reg. 8.00 5.99 brighten your wardrobe with f~mous maker jr. knit tops Snve on cotton kntl top'., in .in r•tc1t1nq chu1C• · ol ~rylP.~ Solid color·, w11h 3/11 roll ~IN·V•" somE:: w11h contrast1nq p1.i1d coll;:w, Grr,flqn• or shirrt.Jil 00110/'n f ,tll color•, St1c•·, S-M I Special 8.99 save 2.01 on girls' showoff trimmed jeans and pants Super looking contrast stitch and cmbro1aery accents liven up the look ot these 1eans and pants and let her express her 1nd1V1duahty Collon denim or polyester/couon. Sizes 7-1 d Reg.12.00 9 .99 ·. . ', women:s shoe sale! choice of 4 great looks at 3.02 savings buy 5 pairs and save now on girls' cable knit knee-hr 's HPre ".i Ur·rmud.i kr11•1• h1 '.>OC." r l•·t t111r, 1• .. 1' mal<es b ;ic.;1 1~~t11JOI an··. ,ir,q n Jn; t1i11 Wti•t•: .tnd ld'>h•On <.<Jl(Jr. •n · r,110(1( • .1 '" • nylon S11•·' ()If', lj1'• • 1 • • Reg. 1.25 pr. 5/5.00 men's short sleeve knit shirts are on sale at 1.01 savings This hanctsomc c,ctec11on tor CdC-.u.il or C.cimO•J, wear includes Beery, crew <md V-m•rkhnf"'•, Colorful 1nsel5 or lrtm'. .tdO intpr.• ,r f s...y <"drt' COllon/polyesrer 1n ~tZ~ S·M l XI Reg. 9.00 7.99