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1979-09-29 - Orange Coast Pilot
• 7 -----....-.-- L ORES--------------------~ DTere 8mn•BIU. 44 IS 8e11i• Aaa 14 -7 J3 7 18 • S.lltll••rlc -,..-.-..,- lrftlle .... 1111• Be11e• St. A•••••fl IJlllNnlt• i. ....... .. 2J • Soo~~~.~o~~~fu~y--------------------------·i Orange Coast . LOtTION Dt•e·a·Li•~ J Bargain• Toda9 l I j VOL. 72, NO. 272, • SECTIONS, SO PAGES ORANG.E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1979 Fl FTEEN CENTS 1 TV Date Switched Carter Prepares _. Cuba Troops Talk Solitude at Sea A lone jet skier enjoys the solitude of an un- crowded sea Friday just outside the en- trance lo Newport Harbor. He found plenty or room to maneuver now that cooler weather and school have thinned boaters and swimmers. WASIIlNGTON <AP> J>Tesi- dent Ca.rt.er will make a broad- cast report to the nalJon at 6 p.m. POT Monday on h..ts plans to deaJ with the presence or Sov- iet combat troops in Cuba . The While House press office announced the address Friday m a one-sentence s tatement whlch said the speech wollld deal with "issues connected with the Sov- iet combat brigade in Cuba." CBS, NBC and ABC. a !. well as Associated Press R adio, said they would broadcast the re· ma rks. Carter planned to put finishing touches oo hls address at tus Camp David retreat He wai. scheduled to fly there this after noon. returning to the Wh ite House sometime Monday Secretary ot State Cyrus R. Vance cleared his weekend schedule aa members of the ad· mlni1tratioll conUnued their dia· cussions on the Cuban situation. sources said. The Stale Department said Vance on Friday afternoon can· celled a speech scheduled today in New Haven, Corm .• and a sub- sequent trip to Panama, where 1 1.~~:.!:: ~~~.~~.~~ .1!~~il~h ~!!.~~~~~ I If ou're not already in line at Baltimore On oles. These non-wa iters are buytng Davis. m anager of tmmetta's the J1g A in Anuhelm for Angels l~ut. lh~re ar e those folk~ who their tickets from ~ell-stocked Ticket Servic.c in Costa Mesa._ playoff licke~. forget it. wait tn line. and those willing to ~range Coast a rea ticket agen· T~at's where. a bit of gamb~~g Fans started lloing up at the pay the. rnce not. to. Some of CICS. . sparal comes tn. Although at s stadium. a.-. early as Thursday the m wtl ~ave paid up lo SJOO Depending on wh~re you. want c.heaper to buy a block of agen.cy for limjted ticket!> that went on for a choice seat whe!l the to sit, a block or srngle ticke~ tickets for all three Anahe im s ale today for the American Angels return from Baltimor e for all three home games an games, the naturf: of the playoff League Championship Playoff for Game Three or the Playoff Anaheim will cost between $75 system ':'leans a hedged bet. . Miller Claims Debated Antlwny Denies He Backed Appointment By ROBERT BAR .ER Ot t111t Dally ,.lie! SUH Orange County Supervisor Edis on Miller stepped from one debate Thursday ni ght into another one Friday . The source or the follow-up controversy was a statem ent by Miller that Supervisors Philip Anthony and Ralph Clark sup· ported his appointment by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. to the board or supervisors in July. Anthony s aid F riday that Miller did not have the support. ·'I only talked to one person from the governor's office about the appointment. ••I told her that I believed Miller was not acceptable to re- sidents or his district," Anthony declared. Clark was not available for comment but an aide said that Clark was pushing for someone e lse to fall the lhird dJslricl seal that was made vacant by t.be bribery conviction of Ralph Diedrich. . ·•When he found that his c hoice wasn't 1olng to make It, he didn't object to Miller as he didn't object to the others," the aide 1ald. The fi rst two games are an B a lt im or e . The Ame rican 1.engue Championship goes to the fi rst team t o wi n three games of the five· game playoff. Therefore, only Gam e Three in Anaheim is sure to be played. If either the Angels or the Or ioles sweep the playoff in three straight games and you hold tickets for three Anaheim games, you've struck out -paid dearly for games Four and Five that will never be played. You could still gel a refund fro m the Angels or1anization, but would re«ive only the price that is printed on the ticket, DOt the inflated price you paid to ticket brokers . With tickets priced by the Angels at S8 and S12 each. It could mean a beav;i loss. However, Davis explains, if <See11CKET8, P11e A2> he was to have been pitr1 of an American delegation a t ceremonies Monday marking the h rsl e ffective day of the Panama CanaJ lreat1ei. Carter had fmit attempted to schedule the address for Sunday evc.>ning, according to a wtute House source Later . another a ide . who al so r equ es ted anonymity. said the Monday night lJme was picked in part to give the president the largest possible audience It comes at the s tart of the us ua l Monday night NFL foot· ball game. wh1ch ordinarily at- tracts a large Viewing audience and also is in prime viewing time in aJI U.S lime zones A Sunday night 1>peech would have conflkted with lhf' Jewish Yom K1ppur holy d <Jy Also, N RC had protested that a Sun· da} night speech would conflict with a movie scheduled for that <SttCARTER. Pa ~e AZ) Ted Gives Strong Hint of Candidacy BOSTON (AP) -When some of the 1,000 members of the Mass a<'husetts St<J l e Labo r Council shouted e ncouragement Friday to Sen. Edward M Ken· oedy to run for president, he told them to be patient, saying they won't be "disappointed " when he declares hls intentions After hearing a resolution at the AFL·CIO council's annual con vention urging his can· d1dacy, the Mass achuse tts OemO<.'rat said "You 'll b e he4.1r1ng m y response to that resolution in thl· not too many dl.lys and weeks to come and I don 't thmk you'll be disappointed ... Kenned}', often shouting to the parked convention hall, called the nation's econom1r problem~ ha s number one priority a nd criticiU'd unnamed national of- h rials who claim "our problems are too complex to come lo grips with." "I don't believe that to be the r use." KeMedy said. The sena tor. noting that a me mber of his family has been present at each of the labor council's annuaJ conventions for 33 years, drew laughter when he said, "If nominated, I will not run. and if elected, I will not serve . . . as president of the AFL ClO." Tt\al was a re fe re n ce to Friaay's announcement that AFL-CIO preside nt George Meany Is resigning. Kennedy expressed his "deep sense oC regret" at Meany's re· signatlon, but called the labor leader's decision "unders tand· able." The senator did not mention President Carter but at one point criticized "the pncons- cionable financial return to oil refiners because of decisions made by this administration " Kennedy. who posed with <J "Kennedy in 80" T-shirt worn by some delegates, also repealed his caJI for national health in- surance. a windfall tax on oil companies, and a slowdown in the national rates of inflation and unemployment. Brown OKs Methanol, Coast Changes SACRAMENTO CAP) Bills legal1nng use of methanol as an auto fuel and making the first changes in Caljfomia 's coastal protection zone we re signed into law fo'riday by Gov Edmund Brown Jr The Democratic governor also signed two other energy con- servation measures and a bilJ that partly de r.egulates cable television in California. (Cable TV s tory on P.flgc A4 ) The signings came as Brown worked his way through hun- dreds of bills sent to him in the last days or the 1979 legislative session. U nder the m etha nol bill , A81401 by Assemblyman Daniel B o atwright, D ·Co n c ord, motorists could use the synthetic fuel in their vehicles as part ot a lO·year e valuation program monitored by the state. To participate , a motorist • <See lllU.S, Pa1e A2) Coast Get NFL Scoop Miller made the statements at UC lrvt.oe Tbunday night in a debate with Mickey Conroy. pre- sident of the Armed Forces Retirees AasociaUon of -Oraoge County. Conroy bad cbar1ed that Miller had DO COUDlywlde •• port but instead wa1 backed by Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda u ·well aa advocates for nude beaches and people who be con· s ldered to be "fringe radicala." Publ,ic Say in IRWD Nearing Reality Weatller Chance of 1bowers 10 percent thro'lgb tonight .. Variable ckMadineas with blgb1 near 70 at beaches to near IO inland. Low1 tonlpt 58to14 . . . In PROfile '79 lo the NFL, seven is a lucky number, especially if you happen to be a running back. Only seven players in the hiatory of pro football have ruabed for more than 7,000 yards and twoof tbem aresUllacUve,O.J .SlmpsonandLarryCtonka. PROflle '79 the Dally Pilot's weekly football tabloid, takes a iook at tbe Mallliflcent Seven today. Also in tbie latue ls the weekly• ''Nhere Are Tbey Now'' series, today f eaturiq the JJ87 KaDlu City Chief1. Especially designed for armcbalr quarterbacks, the fac~filled lasue prmewa •ven NFL 1ame televlled this weekend in the Soutblud. You'llfindltall, and more, tmldePBOftl1''11. - Mbler replied that b1a appoint- ment bad tbe 1upport Of two aupervllon. A wrtttm queaUon from the audleoce u'ked llW•r to ldentlfy lhoee t,.,. He replied, "Anthony alld Clark." An aide to llJller 11ld Frtda.y that 11Wer'1 auwer may haw implied UDequiYOCal IUpport. "It wu a subjective amww," Chrll lAJumUia aald. Loumakta added tbat Clan and Aatbaay bad aald that lf 11ked by tbe 1overaor, they would wll him that lllller wu quallled and aeffPlable f« tbe poe . ~· •1 DAVID llVTZ•ANN ... ....,,........... The public would 1a1n coatrol of the landowner cloqilnated Irvine Rueb Water Olatrict hoard by November or luaary under a plu whleb appuncl clOH to aceeptuce Prtday. Attorneys for all partin ln tbe coatrovenlal cue -tbe city ol Irvine ..S lrvtae Tomorrow on tbe ooi Ude ud tbe IRWD and Irvine CompuJ Oii UM 4MW - met f'l1claJ ln Superior Court lud1e MwU'd Wallbl'1 daam· ben to ~ tM poulble Ml· tl•ment. Tile trVtne ctt1 Council wt11 bold a IPldal t :JO p.m . mMdq llonda1 follow1DI an earlier IRWD board m..Un1 at 1 p.m. ·--------------~ -· ~ ..;_ -----., ....,_._,.._ --_._ ....... ... ~~~ .. ~ .... ~..-;~,..., ,.,-. .. ,.... .. at which lime tbe a1reement co9ld be aftltlally accepted. rn eaenee, the plaa would pro- vide for total voter coiitrol ~ tbe board after two roundl ot elec· tlona between November and June. The neeotiaUonl ire a retult of w allln'• nillnl Sept. 11 tbat landowner ball0Ua1 u1ed for eboollDJ IRWD diNCtora II WI• con1tJtudona1. Both tbe city aDd Irvine Tomorrow bad cballen1ecl tbe board in lawaultl. Tbe MVm·member boan bu but t..o Natl answerable to tbe votera at preHDt. Th• otber five have been fllled tbrouah a <8eel&WD, Pa1eAJ) ' IN81HTe•A~ O•• •• ••z A "'•rfea• cOllpln .................. . ,,.,,,. ............ ... •orr•at• a• o "~UU•t a.c ....... occonlliu ao o w ,, .. ,.~ ~·· ,,.AS. . ..... ., .. . .4,1 Doti1L. V ,.._OT St8U d Hu.-A1rw t o!flC'lal1 Ft; ••>' uld t1ffutls to r u umtti mtdlation talb a.iml'd •t mdlnc • l~ llrililt' by J,200 1ruund workers •re t en l mpL! s•• ~t' aust' union oftlclab woo'I talk to th.-m l.t<1Hkr of lht-Atr Llne11 Em plo)~ A.a.sociatlon t A LEAi rdUJ• to dllcua \.be company's i.t1rncllna conlr.<'t orter a 29 2 perc'1nt pay n lw over thr~t year and wUJ DOt put &.b pro PQlllll to a votf of tbtl Al.t,.A m~m bt'ri.h1p, Huai:hcl> ofhcl•h n1d. . The company received a tel gram Friday fro m ft'dt·i •I mt<dlator Howluncl K Quinn thul !>lated, "ll would upp~·ttr thut ,,. ~umpt1on of nwe t1ng:-. .11 thi'> time would ~ervl' no purpo!-lt' Tht.> stnke ha!'. C'ant•clled 14 elm Iv fh l(ht.s forn1 Or~1n.:c ('ounh .loh11 W<•) m• A1rpor t ... W.\SfUNOTON CAPl -Pnllct.nt Caner told Me•ic an Preal dfn~ JOH Lope& PorllUo QO P'rict..Y Uull M 11 concerned ab()ul the lrHlmeal ol MHIHn work .. who ~· lll 1&ally lo the Unlled • late lApea PartJllo had promlaod • Me1tcan·American 1&roup that h '4'ould ral1tt• tb11 luue with ('arter WhJl4" tlOWHt apok •man Jerrold ~heehler uld Carte r gave l.oPol'& Pon.lUo a l'OPY of • letter be haa written to &uvcmon of S"uthwulMO 1 t alt11, ur11n1 ( J thl'm co protect th• ri•bta or B DIE F s ·undOC'um.-nlt'd "''orlltor·t!' eyt'n '' thou1h th~)' 11t11 In lhtt ~·ouulry without pc'lrml1 ton · ------------ Mt•1tkan Amc-rlnn groups havt' t-•prtisscft feu Lhat the "urll•n aro uploUed by U.S. umpluyo,.. btuu•ti th6y w-e afraid they W\U be deported lf UMy 10 to police to protest abwi~ tiiaPr ... •rw 1ff•••• IN••••rf' K Hf~d WA.'\llll~G't'ON <AP) The Senile killed un emeqcency money t.lll l''rulay nllJlbt n.-edt-\1 lO keep t he aovemment oper1ttJn11 pa1t Swuh•Y • The Ol'UOO. on a vote of M-9, meklls the blll now mu:sl al¥rt all ,.""' tn u llc1usc Commlltuc a tlme-consuminK process. W \!'.ti I N<f'l'ON l A I' I Thl' lloust• pasbl•d 1~ SJJO b1lllon dl' r 1•11,1· ••v1111•pn ut1011 11111 1-'r ulu v ufll'r uµpr11vinl( trn u ml'ndmt>11t 111.11 11r11l11h11:. the .iov1•111m1:11l from n·duc11111t US m1htllry forct•i; f'ro• Pagr 1l I Pre~FJ1anl Woman Die In Cras l1 IRWD DECISION NEAR • • !-.yi.tem based on lhe assessed valuation of land held by the dJ:. tra ct's landownerl> Because the Irvine Company l'Ontrols virtually aU unanhab1l cd land within the 69,000·acrc rhstrict. covering one sixth or Or ange County, the election i.cheme has perm1lted company control or rive votes on the bo<1rd of directors. Following Wallin's potentially far -reaching ruling, th e negotiating sessions began in an effort to devise a plan that would permit a transfer of power from corporate to public control of the water board. A memorandum spelling out the terms of such an agreement was made public Friday. That agreement :-;tales that two land owne r-pickc<I board members Warren 1''1x and Fred Keller would res ign from lh<· board 1mmed1ately Tht!> would cr eitle a five tYwmb<·r panl'l with two popular h <'lccted dirPrtors (Wayne Cl:i rk and Willia m Eppinger l ;ind th ret' land o wne r -picked rP prcsen ta t 1v es (C.O . Reinhardt , E Ray Quigley and Charles Ohver) The size or the board would thereafter re main at five mem· bers, the agreement s tates . Elections would then be held 1n either November or January. Ir the balloting were to occur in November. the agreement says, one seat up for e lection would be to replace pubLically-electcd Ep- p1n~cr und the olher to replace 1•1ther Oliver. Heinhardt or <>u1gll'y The lhrc1· would havi· to agn.-e a mong themi.elvc!> on who would rt'Si~n in November. If the e lection 1s h e ld in J <1nuury EpptnAc r would con· tinue to serve until that lime and Oliver. Reinhardt and Quigley would have to decide who among them would resign first. The outcome would be a five · member board with three seal'> controlled by the public and two still in the hands of landowner representatives. The changeover to complete popular control would take place in June, the agreement says The two landowner picked board mem hers would step down and an election would be held lo rill their p<>silions. a I t l' r nu 1 1 n .: l' v t• n 11 um t11• r t• d ) 1•.tr-1 ." lhl• IJ:tl'I 'JV-. A~ .1 t•1111chltu 11 of t ht· ngr1·1· m1•n t , 1111• t•1ty would agree lu drC1p 1L.., l.iw:-u1t a~amst the dls trict that l'lwllengcs u nearly $1 b1lhon bond authorization pro ~ram . The watt•r district would lhen agrel' nut to npprovl'. issue or an aoy way seek to u!>C the bond funds before the e ntire board has lx."en popularly e lected in June Then• arc st.Jll several sigruf1· cant a reas of disagreement 1n the proposed settlement Jud~e Wallin i.aid he belleve~ the presently scheduled elec· hons in No vember i.hould con- tinue as planned The election form at would remain the saml' as 1! not.tun~ hud hitpfJ(!oed, that I!>. vntcr!> in the d1s trwL'i in· wil vc•d wnulcl bullol Th c• I r v 1 n c (' 11 m p a n y , l h c waler d.tstrict <1nd lhl' t·ity re portedly back th1~ alternatwe. In 1nl' Tomorrow's attorneys, howl·v<.·r. buck a plan calling for al large clecttons in Nove mber, with all r esidents being allowed l o vote for the five candjdates who have already filed to run. Irvine Mayor David Sills said Friday afternoon that he called the s pecial Monday councll session when .hc~lound out at torneys were close to reaching a n agreement. The IRWD board will be meel· ing earlier m the evening and 1f 1l goes along w1lh the plan, Sills said the council would then con s ider it ah;o If nu a~reement can be re ached, though, lhc m ayor said he would bt' satisfied to lel lhe c:ou rt decide on a reme dy. Salls saJd the basic principle!> involved HI the proposed settle· ment up to this point arc "very acceptable" lo him. A spok~man for lhe fl'Vlne Compa ny :.a.id his firm would have no comment to make al this time on the negotiations. In <levelopments rela ted lo the t·omphcatcd water dts lr ict case, reaction from two Soulh County dcvelopmcnl-prone wa ler dis tracts ranged from little com· ment to meek acceptance Fri· day. But g~ral managers or the Mou llon igue l and Santa Margarita ter districts 1\ Jr;.y1·ar olcl M1ss1on Vu•Jo wunaao who wus t'1ght month~ i>rcgnant d1<Xi near east Irvine when the r ear axle or ht:r sedan b1 okc and sent her auto t rashing anto a C'erncnt hued ('rc(•k Fnduy afternoon Pushpa Asr ani and he r unborn child W<'re both pronounced dead at Saddleback Community Hosp1taJ shortly after noon when they we re rushed from the acci· dent scene California Highway Patrol of· ricers said Mrs Asrani's out of control auto Jumped a guard ra il and plummeted 210 feet into the San Diego Creek bed below JUSt ~outh of the Laguna Freeway Cll P officers said Mrs Asrani was headed ~outh tow&rd her home whE'n thr rrar axl<' broke ,rnd cau.wd the fotu l t r ash Van Carrying 13 Crashes, One Killed A van with 13 p assenge rs believed to be illegal alien~ s tru c k an embank m e nt and crashed on the Ortega Hi ghway near the Orange-Riverside coun l1C's boundary hne killing al least rm(' man Fn<l~-1y ni~hl. Jh·taHlS wen· sketchy about the 9 5 1 p .m . c r as h that took California lhghway Pulrol of ficers almo:.t I hrce ho ur~ lo clear up Namt·s or cras h v1c· t1m ~ Wl're nol <ivailahle An Orange County Coroner's Office investigator a rrived al the scene bul had not left as or I a.m. today Some of the c rash v1ct1ms were rushed to San Clemente Gene ral I lospital. Mission Com· munity Hospital and Santa Ana· Tustin Community Hospital. CH P officers would not re lease the posA1ble caus e or the crash early today ,.,.... rag,. A l BILLS ... - •l the Cu1ntanamo naval bale In Cuba. The appropriation for the 1880 flacal year. which be1lna Mon· day, allo lncludea 12 bUUc>o for conalructlon of • nuclear aircraft carrier. President Carter hu said he d°" nol 11tant the carrier bulll and re portedly hl8 thrul4:ncd to vet1J the bill. lra11 OH Ml•u•rw IJ•d,.r••tP• Nlt•lc~•P t..ONOON (~P) -.Prlm8 MW.t.er Mehdi 811ar1an of Iran dls· mlased lhe head ot the naUonaJ oll company •nd reshufOed his t'a bin et , ntlmlng o new defense mlnlater and creaUn1 »n oil ministry. Tehran rAdlo reported In bro1dcut.1 monlt.otod here Friday. One broadcHt monitored h~n: uld the national public pro- 1eculor aked Baur.ran t.o orde r lfAlllln Naz1h, mana1lng dlreclor of the NaUoaaJ Iranian Oil Co . t<, report to the prosecutor within 24 hours. "to answer rhur.ce11" followln" repeated complalnta" against ham Tht• nature or the complaJnl.\ waa nol spectrled. 1tpoaog., lasewd tor C•n•••h••flo" BlLUNOS, Mont <AP> -The company responsible ror c hemical contamination that has spread to at least 10 states issued an upology Friday and sa1t it.s opent.Jons have returned to normal Kt·n f•ogg1, prcb1dcnt of the Pwrce f'ack1ng Co , said in a wntlt n st~ikment thnt all test.'I or the company's s laughter hogs have shown no SIKn or th(• toxic chem ical PCB polychJonnated biphenyl - wh1 l'h contumanated the firm's animal meal by products thissum mt·r Valley Employees Face Drug Counts F1 ve men. four or them Foun- tuin Valley city employees and one an ex-employee, have been arresled on charges that they peddled marijuana and drugs out of a city maintenance yard over a period of several months. The crackdown began Sept 21 with the arrest of Ilonald f< Re tter, 28, or 6471 Sundance Cir cle, Huntington Beach, a main tenancc crew leader , !><ttd Delce ll vc Capt John Beddow Ile was arrcstctl at the <.'tlY yard, Ward Street and th<! Sun Diego Freeway. on su~p1c1on of possessing mariJuana for ~ale. possession of magic mus hroomi. ca hallucmagenJ and bookma.k In~ Arrested Tuesday at the yard was Michae l W. Bennett, 26, or Wei.tmanstc r for s us p1 c1on of possessing marijuana Also arrested were James A. Allchio. 19. of 10344 La Tortola Circle, Fountain Valley on s uspt· cion of holding cocaine for sale a nd Thomas M.IJOnwell. 33, of Mira Loma on suspicion or sell ing cocaine . Officials sajd thE' men work at maintenance or str~t and parks meridians 1\rre!>kd the follo"'lni:! dav at his home was John II Smith. 19. of 10630 I.a Rosa La ne Fnunlarn Valley, on suspicion or possess ing h ashish for bale Smith. a former cily employN'. had re s1~n ed two months ugo, C1.1 pl Beddow :-aid Beddow said the arresb followed the purchase or illegal s ubstances by an unde rcover of· ri cer assigned lo the case in June when reports of similar trans actions were made to police. The r hief investigator s:ud that officers arrested Reiter a fter s e rving u warrant to search. h1s home, his vehicle~ his desk at the city yard. City officials s aid 1''nday that the four city employees face an administrative personnel hear mg Oct 2 followmg filing or the criminal charges. If found gwlty, the employeel'. could be dis missed, a city of ficial said. Innocence Pleaded·in laying Mu rder c;u!>pt•ct M a r vi n Ha ro ld Stanton of Hunti ngton lkach plt.>aded innocent th1 ~ week to r ha rges he k1lll-d 51 year-old Thomas lfllary Albnt ton. father of rormc:r Nt-~pon Beach !>ports star Terry Albnl too Stanton, 30. was arraigned Wednesday al We s t Orange M unic1pal Court. lie is being held on $250,000 bail. Police atTested Stanton Sept. 21 after he alJegedly dragged A lbntto n into the m 1d dl1· <•f Cornwall Strc-et an llunl1ngtcJ11 Rl.'ach and shot him • Memonal sen ices will hf• hl'ld fnr the He:-;perta re'lident on Mnndav at 2 fl m at ttoSt·cran' .'l;.tl1nrrnl Cemt•ltr) an San Ou·gu i\lbntton 1.., <1 for mer ~ewport Ht•J ch resident whose son v.as Ii root ball and track and field star at :"lewport Harbor Hi gh School Jnd St an ford Una \'Prs1t) \ t on(· lime Lhe ) oun).! man neld tht US. shotput record and was considered an Olympic pro s p<'cl. lugh school coaches s aid they lost track of the husky shot putter in recent years. The elder Albritton visited Stunlon Sept 21 to settle it dis putt>. police said The Hesperia man alle~edly told Stanton to s lop threat eruni: has daughter Officers said lhe 30-year old daughter had been urging Stanton 's girlfriend to leave him. Taken in the move, Beddow A I brilton return ed to hi-. s aid. were a 1.5-pound ca<'he or parked car and wa1t10g wife and marijuana. magic mushrooms daughter when Stanton shol him and football belting sli ps once in the head. they reported ~--~ ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;..__~~ Coast I A daubng lightning show and a few scattered showers delight· ed most parched Orange County residents Friday night. Light rain fell on most Orange Coast cities. Some 5,000 baseball fans wailing in an Anaheim Stadium ticket hne for playoff ticke ts were wet • but their spmts not dampened by the ram. The brilliant lightning 11· luminated ~he skies but Wl!S too far off the coa11t to cause any damage Several power outages w.ere reported in L<Js Angeles County. T oday's weather is expected to be~ mild with a 10 percent chance or ~hower'i tonight and a JO percent chance Sunday. Temperatures today are ex, pe eled LO bf> tn the high 70's and drop to the low ()(J's with increas ing wands 10 the afternoon f'roat Page A I TICKETS ... the playoff goi:s the full fi ve gaml's. block ticket holders will ha ve a paid ..,eat for the finaJ game when lhe pn cc for a single tic ket ,., sure to i.ky rocket higher than the ll1 g A H's your choice. There tS no state law that puts a price C<'1 hng on the price "li censed ticket brokers" can charge ror a ticket. AttemrJt.s lO do so have failed before the s tate Legislature How do ticket brokers get their supply while other~ stand in hnc. often an vain'' Davis ~aid his t1ck<'ls a re com 1ng frnm '>l'a.,on l1t'kr·t holder; v. ho arc· grant(-d the opportunity of buying "bonus" 11luyoff and W orld Serlt'' 11ckch from Angeb m<1nug1-·m1•nt ThcM· <td\'<tn<·t• ~ul .-'>C0<1b ;irr· then sold 111 lld.r·I lm>kPrs :JI h1gh<'r prt<"<'., \,1111 ().Jv1-.. ThP pr1< t' tJg lht•n <·limbs t•vt·n higher l>f•fort• thl' l1111k1·r" rn.,k1· th<'m .l\ Jll.1hl1· 11) th1• 11ubllt· \nd ltll' ~·.rni him~ """'' works b<•th ""<n hl· Jdcl•·d Any un ... 11hJ l1Ck<'L'> lb"'" 1-. h•rt ""1th <.ll h1-. :JJH'nC) 1>11 N1·wport Uoul1·"·•nl v. 111 rt'pn~1·11t a Ju,~ tri him 1f th1· playoff is cut short Ill'. loo. h<i.<. paid more than the face value for the tickets and will only be able to get r efunds for the real price or S8 or $12 aprcce t 'ro"' Page l I CARTER. • • n1~ht th1• .i1d1 '.11tl C .trie r 111f\l'r11f! 1 f111ni;il qc1 rn1nut•' rn1·1 t1111· 11r h1 ' :'<a t 111 n J I St'1·11 rity t' •1u 11n I r·a rl y Friday. ~ollov.1n~ lt >-11·"~ than 1:~ hour., ;in 1nf111 m:lf c·<mff·rcnrc 111 'oh IOJ! thl· -..mu• J' roup of kl') advisers · It 1., a very r alm :mil tic· liberate proce~s thlJl.., prO<'eed ing in a timely but not a hurried fashion ... said a senaor Carter aide who a5k<.-d not to be iden· lifted Carter has said t hal 1f negotia Irons with the S<>v1cls fail, lhe United Slate'> would act on 1ls own to chan~e tht' "slat us quo." Secn•tar) of S tale Cyrus \'ance ~a\'t.' Security Council m<'mbers an hour long briefing Thursday night on his negotiu t1 o n s with Soviet f'o rc1gn Mt n1 s l c r Andrei Gromy ko. which a pparently failed lo re solve the dispute As tJus shirting of power goei. on. the district, which includes I.be city of Lrvine and portions of Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Tustin and Santa Ana, would sponsor urgency legislation in Sacramento lo s pecify that replacements for the two re· maining la n downer-e lected board members would be select· ed by popular vote in June on an al-large basis. which have landowner-picked directors -s aid t hey weren't sure if the IRWD judgmenl would affect their boards . would have lo certify that his or -••••••••ill•••••••••••••••••••••-her vehicle operated s ol<!ly on "It will further provide that a ll IRWD board elections shall be by popular vote conducted on a n at-large basis in June of ORANGE COAST \ DAILY PILOT ,..._..... (?14)MM121 C1...itlecl ,..._,,...MM9?1 r rom\Mt1o-. .._ . 'fl "Unless it's appealed J don't believe it would affect OllJ' dis· tricl," srud Bill Knitz. whose Santa Margarita district covers 60,000 acres of prime South County land. "I'm not surprised that the ruling came down," Knitz said. "T t hink we've always expected it. .. Knitz srud he believed sooner or later Santa Margarite would be forced to hold elections under the one-man, one-vote system. But, he added, only 5,000 acres of his district are developed. That 5,000·acre chunk has a PQPUlatlon ot 20.336 In Mission Viejo, lhe only developed com· munity covered by the district. A bout 40,000 acres of Sanlu Ma rgarita land la included ln lhe s prawllng Ranc ho Mission Viejo. Jack Foley, Moulton-Nlauel'a general manager. preferred not to comment on the judgment, noting that he had not spoken wllb the dlalrict'• attorney about It.a lmpUe1Uons. "I 'd Jwt .. IOOO atay out ol il rtcht now.'' Foley aald . "We're 1otn1 to do What the law H)'t. If lt'1 applicable to us, we'll follow It." Tb• lloulton Hlcuel cllatrlet In· elude• 47,2188 r"tdent.a · 1n the commlmltl• tA Lasun• Na,ueI, Latuna Hlll• and Mlaalon Viejo. Tb• 2'7,000.acr• dlatrict ln· cludel larp ludbotdlnp ol the Allao VltJo Olllaion Viejo) Co. a nd Av~o Co.mmunl t.¥-n.Hlopen Inc. methanol or a mixture of meth anol and ~asollne or dJe.c;el and the vehicle would have to pass annual anti-smog test.s . T he coastal measure deletes 18,303 acres from the coastal f;OOe, in which de velopment ls regulaled by a slate com mission under the 1976 Coastal Act . Th e bill , AB462 by As scmblyman llenry Mello, D· Wats onville. also adds 3, 123 acres to the zon e, whi ch stretches fro m the Orc1ton to Mexico and ranges us far as five miles inJlllld. The bill would make more than 30 changes ln the zone, ln· eluding removing m ost of Mon· tercy's hi11toric Cannery Row, 2,200 acres in Crescent City and 2,700 acres ln Bll Sur , The addl· Uona include 1,85$ acres near La Jollu. Me8a Motorbiker Injured iq Crash A headline ln tho Co!lta Mesa, N e wport Beach e dition of Friday's Dally Pilot Incorrectly atated a Cacsta Mesa motorblker waa killed In a crub. Wayne Lou!• Kraper, 21, WU injured when hi• motorbike col· llded with a car Thura~a In Cotta II••· Be wu tr~• and ,-eleaaed et a Newport acb botplt&I. The car w .. reoorwDy driven by Donald Gary WU.IDD ol Corona del llar. Tltri)ldb P11at"re1reti O..'ir· ror. SALE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS Sept. 28, 29 and 30 hllpM ...... ti--· ... Frfd9y. , .......... s..., 2 ·I P.M. _. 7. I P.M. Bank of America. Master Charge. checks. some terms available. EST4TE SALE OF JEWELRY· CRYSTAL • PORCELAIN • BRONZES • CHINA • SILVER and more. Lots of diamond rings and earrings, gold chains. fine china and crystal. bronzes. some furniture. oils. chandeliers. brass lamps. etc. S....-... fer~-•.. Sl.00 -6 .. ~ .......... CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 'TIL 5 PM 2s•2 w. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ~200 Arn..evt,,. • Auctioneer • \ ... - ,. ............. Record Trek Capt. Frane1s De Barbeyr ac, center, an offi cer in the fo~re nch Army Over seas Jo~o rces, arrived in Ve nice Beac h Friday :.ifter setting <.1 record for running and walking across the United States. His lime of 52 days , 18 hours cut one day off the old n1 a rk. Michael Rougaguov, left, counsel general or France and Col. Jean Marville greeted De Barbeyrac . Justices' Pay Ret11rned Stale Treasury Gets Checks in Mail SACRAM EN1'0 <A P ) -Paycheck s for California's Supreme Court justi ces were mailed back to the state treasury Friday, a day after a judge ruled the court was violating the state Constitution by taking too long to decide its cases. wer e issued Friday for three persons whom a uthorities claim embezzled $9,000 from the city's school district. · The dist rict. attorney's oCfice said two women a nd u man were na med in the wa rrants, a11 employees of the di strict'i; payroll de pa rtment John Jervis. spokesman for state Controller Ke n Cory, said the Supreme Court clerk's office re ported it was relurning, un cashed, Septe mber paychecks for lhc seven justices talaling about $40,600. •:nglhh•an Seel.:• 1l•yluM Superior Court Judgc ~~~~~~~~ J oseph Ba bich ordered ( Sf ATE ) the JUSt1ccs' puy cut off 1'hur s day, suy ing the - court had violated a cen- SAN FRANCISCO IAP I -A man wh o s uc- cessfully fought extradition to England on groun·ds that the crimes he was charged with were political crimes, urged the United States to grant him political as)·lum Friday. Peter Mclt1ullcn, 32, told an Immigration and Naturalization Service hearing he faces assassina- tion by the Iris h Republican Army if he is returned to the RepubB c of Ire land or Great Britain. fi e is charged in England with attempted murder in two sepa rate bombi ng inci dents tury-old constitutional provision that no judge could be paid who had fa iled to rule on a case within 00 days after it was submitted Cuhl<> C'ar5 Stop.,..,., In Tl111e• SAN F RANCISCO {AP) -The city's venera· hie a nd <.'reaky cable cars were removed from ser vice just in the nick of time, according to an engineering study released Friday which s aid the lines were nearing coll apse. Nuke ft~arl.t•r Bufll. on Faull. The 106-yea r-old sys tem is in much worse sha pe than previ ously disclosed, according to the month·long study by a local structuraJ engineering firm - PLEASANTON (A PI -A ne w report by the Nuclear Regula tory Commission concludes that a private nuclear reactor at this East Bay commu.ni- t.y is built over an earthquake fault that could cause the ground to move by nine feet. The Vallecitos reactor, owned by the General Electric Co., has been s hut down for two years while e xtensive geological studies are being made. The Cacility produced ~-adioacti ve isotope s, primarily for medical uses. Sdtool E111hez:le111ent Char9ed SAN fo~RANClSCO IAP) -Arrest warrants Nightmares Hat•nt Girl Mutilation, Rape Victim Can ~l Forget LAS VEGAS (AP) -Mary Vincent sees herself as a normal 16-year -old, going to school, in- v o Iv e d in s p orts , looking Corward to learning lo drive. But s h e 's b eg i n n i n g to get ni g h tmar e s aga in abo ut Lawre n ce Sin g l e t o n . the m e r chant sea man who raped her and chopped orf her arms . "I'm s tarting to gel those creepy dreams again," s he s aid in a recent interview. "They've just started the last week and a ha ir. I dreamed about the trial eve ry day last week." Mary was round one year ago wandering nude along a road in Northern California, both arms hacked orf by an a xe. She had bee n hitchhiking, was picked up by Single\On, sexually assauJted and left for dead. -~~~~~~~~~~~~- SINGLETON, 51, or Sparks, Nev. was convicted las t March and sentenced to 14 yeurs in prison. If she's bitte r a bout anything. Mary said, it's that "I don't think it's fa ir what he gal Cor what he did," s he said . "Just 14 years. I know I can never forget this." Mary, now a sophomore in high school, became a celebrity and began a campaign of warn- ing teen-agers of the dangers or hitchhiking. SHE'S STILL involved in that s he said, and freque ntly talks with young people s he sees hitchh.iking. "Once two girls WH.lkcd over and got on a bus after I talked to them ," she said. "I don't think I'll stop doing it until I'm sure no one ever hitchhikes again." M ary was rilled with ar\iri ci.al fo rearms and with the help or a special attachn;ent is beginning to bowl lie r best score so far, she said, is 76. "BUT J'M working on it," she said . "I'm j ust a normal person now learning about things I didn'l know before. I've SUl""- vived lhe worst. Now I can s ur - vive the rest " She said the incident has dr a wn her f a mily clos e r together and her life is "more exciting." , "I was scared to te ll all my problems to my parents," she said. "Now I talk to them more It makes it worth living for." F:trst Graders Need Physical Exams First (fade students in public and prWate sc.bools who have not obtained a physical screen- ing examination should do SO by the flrst week ln November. The examination, which slliouJd include a physlcal ex· amination, a viaim. test, a bur· inl t.NI. a dental cbecll·up and urine, blood and tubercul08is screeaiq:, ia required because of state JeatalaUon passed in IJ73. According to Dr. Morton Netaoa, Or8Q8e County bealtb offfcer, the purpo1e of the le1ialatton, known as "The Health and Disability Preven- tk>ll Prcwram," ls to s.Sef\W'd children tbrou1h earl)' and periodk -..u. care. • Children who received a ph)'tical acreenln._ from a ptlvate pQsldaD durin1 U. 18 ·-pllar"' llnl , ...... -oaly to U" tbe proper fona eompl...S by t.bat p11y1lclaa. n.. ,_cu be olllalned from .. bllc ... pri••le .. -. quiremenls for the free ex· a mination, caJI the Child HeaJth Office at 834·S31>4. Pope Due In Dublin DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) - Pope JOhn Paul II arrives in DubUn today tor a hiltoric tbree- day visil. to Ireland, the I~ cl "saints and ltholan," bopiDC to lase tbe centuries-old teetariu batreda that divide it. The Poliab poedft ltu aald he aeeka to promote "reconctUatloe ud mutual -leadlnl" lo herald u end t.o a decW of N_..., ceotered hi BrllUb· nded-rnlnlaM. Bol Ille .. , ... ...i.i -will OIK; Mt root In.~-· 11 ........ vtae1 wtaer"e ne J,Olllt ,. ... b11ve been kill la 1fftaltu I Chlldre ma)' '1lo receive ex· amia._ at no eott tbtouch ll(llUor 1illce IM, Ibo le&..,. ol IGO y !IC,, t . . , .. !UDIJiel clll,_ Roawl C•lbollct. .. .. .. -. -DAILY PILOT A3 .~~.'F.11.,i~g ~ Cof~~ "· __ · Drifting -Plane .. Puz'Zles ~Officials · · • LONDON (AP) -Aviation chief• puzzled Jo~rlday over \he riddle ol a milllon·dollar plane whose crew f)f two apparenUy lay s lumped lit the controls while it drifted for seven hours In cir'"rlea of doom across bWi)' inte rnational air lanes. It crashed in France' inst.ead of landing in Brita in , killing both men a nd starting what Britil!lh newspapers called the ··Flying Coffin Mystery.'' __Aa~pieced.touther from avia- tion authorities On both s ides of tbe English Channel, here is what happened: The pla ne took o ff from Stans ted Airport , 40 m iles northeast of London, on Tues· day and when ii failed to make its scheduled lanaing a[ 4 P. m at Ext e r i n th e west of England, the alarm was raised. Radio calls to the plane went unanswered. British Royal Air f orce aJld' Fren<'h Air For re jets sped a loft to try to intercevt the runaway T h e y f le w c lose alongside and reported scein..: t!).e two men aboa rd motionless a r lhe cont rols. Th.e re was nothing the British and Fre nch pilots eould do to rescue them or ht•lp the spira llin ~ plane ·r raffi c controllers on hoth JERKI hO' WO'llf lloojr.lj,...Mftliff for ..... .....C.alff'd di1co111•lt'r'1 le-I odv•r1 l1llMJ Oii color t..t••i,;o,., Oflly lo 6i..:o•eor lloo lot•I !hot A.IC-TV wo• 0H•ri11q the lcf<r11llcol 2~" diCllJOftol color cOflMH IOI" '"'" 1'1CIM'y. caiod th• low-pfic• i1>eludKI ,,..,, d<rti•frl'· _.,.,,. ;."1.-1m-...ct ••••11dl'd WCllTClllty. You COii a•old bolt< "'""''"' Md pack'*'-41 droi11, 1i...,.,. b' pltofil119 961·ll29 cai..t cnli tor o..tllih. sides of the Channel wamed other airera_(t and monitc'>red the plane's spirals -circles that all too abvi~ly would end in death and destruction, and Possibly even a m ajor disaster We re it to Cr llsh into a town. Jt eventually c rashed ·in a meadow near Nantes, France, a city of some 200,000 people. Killed were Tom Lampitt, 48, a top British pilot, and Capt. Fa us to Agui ar de Barros Zella of Sacavem, Portugal. Lampitt was demonS tr ating the plane and giving instruction in its high -altitude capabilities, A veteran firitish government e ngineering ins pec tor , Les Shaddic: was t aking part in the offi cial French inC(Uir y -into the c rash, whl ch Ot:curred aftenhe p la ne , a pparently flying on automatic pilot, ran out of rue! over Brittany The plant: was an American· built twin-engined Bl!echcralt Super King 1\1r 200 turbo-pr•Jp, whl l'h has mtl1tary and civilian Ub cS and 1~ flown by the U S Air Force and CS Army W1• JUSt do nut know wh:.it happened ," !<in Dunca n , ;, s p okesman for B r 1ta1n ~ J)cpartmi:nt uf 1'radl!, told l'ht- _.\bbOC1at(.-d !'rel>~ lie t-'<.'<'itncd 111 comment on <i BERSERK! II• i911~ ail c0111i6ffafio1n, but "'"' roc ~-bott..o pr1ce bO'if,q oH••ed "" ~ oH-br....d. 2S" dioqooial color TV Within •horl ordrr-. COit!, t'f'PO!l"I -•r~ ,,.....,..,; ond l!i1 -.coiled 1o•irw;1 wf"I 6o..,. thl' ll1br '"'""' di•co•rrinq II•• off-bo"-cl d•o1r r "'o• f...--~ otl •"9oi.-. lo o llro11qf'f". '°"' c~ o•cHd ~i"Q ~ by pllollfllq AIC-T", pnor lo p<Wchoiillq yo11r trl••i1i0ft con1ol• Tllrr off•r. low·prlc•. ft-H ci..li•....-, ond r ot....o..d warro~ty theory that the two may have lost con.sciOW1ness becauae of Ii loss of oxygen. This CO'Jld.bave been caused by a (allure In the plane'!I press uri.r:aUon aystem, and the failure, Sor some re· a son , to use e mergency oitygen. La mpitt's ·widow Barbara , left with two children, Wendy 18, and Paul 15, said: "We cpn only assume something went wrong With the aircraft, like pr essurization problems , but we shall have to wait along with everyone else for the resultl of· the o!ficiaJ inquiry." 'Kismet' Due In Irvine· The llroadway show "Kismet" will be performed in Irvine Sun - d a y by lhe Ma ur ice Alla rd Academy at Heritage P a rk Cente r, 4601 Walnut. The show will begin at 3:30 p m Admission is St for senior c1t1ze11~. children and military personnel. $2.50 for others /'.1 aur1c1· Allurd 1s director or th1• Or an gt• County /'.1as ter ('horulc a n d t h e Al lard Acaderny SMIRK! II~ o•oidi!<d It!" pittalh of be th .;o;cr.11• 011d 1n10ftity by,,,..., pll<>11inq l'l/61-Jl 2'fl b<"for<' p<1rcllo•i~<J hh ZS" dioqo,.ol color COOi..,., •SC.TV, "ol Ofll., b•ot-ofllt ""'' 10-catlf'd dhc_t,•'• low-pnc .. , but off•r•d ""-dO'li•.....,. "°'"'ol in•I Gtloti011 o"d "''""d"d worr'on1, All AIC-TV tloi"'' COi'! be' pt"O• .. d-oul, ,i.,,p!y by your pllon'"CI today W., wll! qlodly ,..otf pnc•• "" ..,., TV ""' od•t-M!•t, o"d c.., "''"r<' yo11 lht,'r• '" 1toc~ o"d "" di\ploy l 'lCJ."1 '79 & '80 Models in stock & on display! ALL HEW FOR 1980 23" DIAGONAL T AILE MODEL REMOTE r~:~. •CHIOMA TIC OMf I UTTOH TUHIMG •SOllO STATE MOOUlAR CHASSIS •llfMO fE COP<ITIOl sL2111 PRICED TO MOVE! 25" DIAGOHAL SYSTEM Il l RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE CONTROLS r-,---=- 1 1 1 1~ \ 111 ·r·°'i ·~~:::~::::: I I 1,. ll 11 .._,,~/ • MEDITEIRANUM \ .-I , 1 -~ • COUMTSV flliHCH ~~- Sl2S7 ''° 25" DIAGONAL SYSTEM Ill RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE CONTROLS S 40.00 RHA TE FltOM ZlHITH AlSO A'tAllAtlf IM: Sl2S49 •tAal Y AMUICAH ·COM'TlMl"OllAIY C.tll FOi LOW PRICES! Sl2541 25" DIAGONAL SYSTEM Ill UMDOM ACCESS IEMOTl-C:ONTllOL SJ0.00 IHA Tl FllOM llHlnt AlSO A'f'All.Akl IM: •MEDrnll•MUH •UllY AMlllCA,_. •ULTU MOOllH CAUFOI LOW ...C:IS! SUS29 It" -L SYSTEM Ill IAMDOM -Tl CONTllOl ••••• AIC"SLOW -·-•IJl.IO laATIMOtil ........ ftlUE CU.SS FROM ZIMITH CA.UFOI LOW Pitel 60711>1 .... 0 1i.s 6 0 764 s1s• TAADE·IM OM lliESE All MEW 25" DIAGONAL COLOR TRAK CONSOLES ~~ . '-::-:11' , __ .,/:;;, J,~J ' I ~~-~ . 60717 •so• TRADE-IM OM TliESE All HEW 2S" DIAGONAL COLORTRAK MODELS 1979 CLOSEOUT SPECIALS CA LL FOA OUA """ r LOW PllCES1 GC771Sll 6 C9l 6 ZS" 0/AGONAl llfMOTE 13 -. GC•lOSI LIMITED STOCK ZS" OIAGOH•L REM OTE ~ . ~ --:-i ,~.~ .. ; llJ[ ' : ,, 1LJ~ J.. ! -~" ·-J..-' JS~ OIAGOMAl lf,.IOTf GC7l4 ZS" DIAGONAL IEMOTE .... ltttAon lt'.A SflfCT.t.VISIOM-+!OW WITH U'° TO 6 HOUR atcO.D TIMI ~ ~ •c~ ....... ._ ·--·-,_,_ ..... • 1 DAY ,.IOGRAMMAIU • 4 HI. llCOltO It" DIA-AL SUl'llt SPECIALS 19" Dla.~HAL llMOTI -s31900 . l .. .. ~· I' s449oo -~ 1· 1 .. ~ WMllt. ~ '"" It" DtAeottAL UST!! _ .. .WHY BUY AT ABC? 'IQ days Cl paymentsl same as cash or low down and 36 months to pay (0 .A.C.l -Free Delivery and Setup on all console models -BankAmerlcard -Masler Charge -We service what we seu -No Commissioned Salesmen -All dellverles made by factory trained tec:Mlclaos. ASK A8DUT OUR ~NDl!D WARRANn 1-IRDOK-IT, HUNTINGTON BUCK t~Olltoddld•ftd411ftttd . MOUlll>MON • .fRI. 10.7 L ------~---.. ---. ... LOCAL I MISCELLANY LWEA THEA GayRighU Bill Hit Saddleback in Builaing' DileDID18 Meager -. SAN JOSE (AP) -POI' tbe ••coad tlme la a mootll. '°" !!Midi ol IQ rt1bt.• lawa •pearbeaded by IUD · dameatallat Chriltlaa 1roupa -bave maoaaect to •cuttle le1l1latloa alroed at proteclin1 homOHXUall from job and boainl diac'r1mlnaUoa. Don't Sfarf' Comedian David Brenner trie s not to focus on the :-.tyli sh slit s kirt worn by Elaine (Mrs. lluntinglon) Hartrord a l a New York party. "SVDYONE WE T~U lO in unmento IJrMS that we nMd •new buUdln,," LombanU wd. .. But no one hu come up with a plan to pt WI hand.lot "Tb.-y talk about cbancinc the rule t~wrtna local b.&od.a) but nobody'• done tbat." he added. .. It'• the s tranaest k ind of dtchotomy al reasoning.'· Lombard1 '1i r emarks were prompted by questions about the distn <'t'is latest proposal to ob- tatn state funds for construcUon or a 55,00().square foot classroom building on the Mission Viejo ram pus COLLEGE TllUSTEES voted unanifl\Ously Monday to seek $7 8 million in the stat~·s 1980-81 budget t.o construct the faclU~. It's a proposal trustees and college officials have made before. · The project was originally in· duded in the district's 1977·78 C ouncilinan Thomas Cancels Junke~ Huntmgton Beach Councilman John Thomas said he'll cancel a !>l'lf·adnuttcd Junket to Sacramento because "everyone thinks I'm JU\t taking a vacation " Thomas said council colleagues have been "raising heck" since he :1 ,kc,d the t1ty to pay his way to the state capital instead of to a San t-ranctl>CO conference SIX COUNCIL members re lur ncd thJl> week from the three· d a\. Lea~ of C<Alifornia C11Jes Mnfercncc 1n t he Bay Aree1 . Th 1•y voted the ms el ves in- chv1dual $.350 expense accounL'> fo r the trip. "I l>l1ll plan to go to Sacra men to but l' m g(11ng to pay fen 1t mys elf," e xpl a ined Thomas. "I need to talk lo some of our boys (assemblymen) up there " Thomas took the Sacr amento jaunt. Thomas conceded he does business in Sacramento but had planned to visit assemblymen to discuss city matters. M andic. who drove to the San Francisco conference to cut ex· penses, said the trip was not a vacation and was a worthwhile expenditure. bulldla1 pro1ram but was ellrolnaled when the Jarvi•· Oana tu ia!t!atJve wiped out funda to complete arcbitecwral pl au. Lombardl wu n't optlroi1tJc that tbe colleae couJd secure •late tunda next year to bqin the facility. But, be said, the col· le1e needs the a pace lm· mediately. ••IN THE IMMEDtATE future, we will bave to be addi.nt more temporary trailer-type buildlaca," he said. "We've sot development going on in San Juan and Mission Viejo and tbe Aliso Viejo project could be st.artina aooo. "We're going to have the peo. ple and we're going to need some place to put them.·· Lombardi noted J.bat construe· lion costs are rising and said the original plans set the building's price Lag at $6.1 million. HE ALSO SAID other dis· c u ssions under w ay with a uthorities in Sacramento brought about suggestions that the facility be built in incre· men ts . "That's a very expensive way to go:· Lombardi s aid. "By the hme you build the second part. construction costs have gone up again." FVWoman Wins Honor Fountain Valley resident Carole Wada has been named the recipient of Western State University's Legal Secretary Scholarship for the school year. Wada, a legal secretary 17 years, was chosen from among seven finalists. according to spokesman John Janda of the FuHerton school. Wada had enrolled at the un- iver sity and pa id her tuition when notified or the $1.875 scholarship. She was sent a rebate check. Costs Cut Sought OMly .............. CITES DILEMMA Sedlhbedc'a Lomberdl SEC Suspends Investment Firm in Fraud WASHINGTON (AP) -The Securities and Exchange Com· m ission an nounced that 1l has suspended a California in· vestment consultant for one year for violating S EC anti· fraud regulations. The commission suspended In· vestment Controlled Research Inc of Mission VieJO and its pre sident, Steven H. Bauer Bauer and the company set tied the complaint with the SEC without admltting or denying the charges The SEC s aid. the company and Bauer sol!' unregistered securities to clients and made other misrepresentations in the sale of interests in a real estate partnership. Crackdown Rapped LOS ANGELES c /\ P) -The City Council Finance Committee has criticized City Controller Ira Reine r 's c rackd o wn o n "junketeering" in an emotional confrontation in which he was accused of see ing publicity • RENO, Nev. (AP) Tbe fabled prostitute'• beart ol,... lan't always matched by .ber purae, accordine to wttneNel a& tbe tu appeal irtal of bro&bel owner Joe Coaforte. Federal attorney• have portrayed Contorte'a lluataq Ranch brothel aa a boomlq, U . 7 mUUoo-a -year au mill packed at Umea wttb eo wortrilal pr01tJtuaes. BUT A POa•t:a pra.titate •ald abe earned lea tban tt•.ooo a year at tbe lqaJ brothel. And other witneues aay tbe "worltinc girls" often alt ud knit during tbe slow times. Pamela Dean, a statuesque cashier at tbe Storey County brothel, said the Mustan1 ~in $11,082 on the biggest nieht she's seen -during the Sept.ember 1976 Reno Air Races. BUT 8BE SAID lbat more often even during the normally busy s ummer . the brotbel wouldn't make enough t.o cover the night's expenses. Dean said that in years she worked as a prostitute, she had only SlJ,000 to $14,000 in earn· inu. And that included her huSband's part·time job income, she added Other former "working girls," ho we ver. s aid they would somt>limes cheat the house, fail mg t.o report money above the dollar·a·mmute mlilJmum. Some ··exceptional·· pros titutes hus tled for as much as Sl,000 a week. accord.mg lo testimony ASKED IF SHE ever took the mm1mum. former prostitute Sal- ly Moore said." After you turned them upside down and s hook them to make sure they didn't have any more money 1n their ~ket , you smiled and accepted it .. On some slow. winter rughts, "The girls sit down and knit. they don't have anything to do." said maid Willie Mae Smith. Conforte and tus wi fe SaJl y &re appealing Internal Revenue Scr\'JC'e claims they owe SS 6 m ill ion an back tax es a nd penall.l~ on unreported income for the years 1973 through 1976. CONFORTE PAJD a totaJ of S444.000 in taxt.>s for the four years and refused to List tus m· come. clwmmg the government might use al against ham ID cnminaJ cases. Tbe ctly'a 1ay ripta or- dinance, due to take effect Friday' WU instead IUI· pended Tbunday when op- ponenta showed up witb a ataclt ol petltiom a1aiaat tbe law. The 27,000 aianatures on tbe petitions aUD must be verified by tbe Re(l.atrar otVoten. Group Suing SaniaAna OnHighrise Th e Art esia ·Pilar Neighborhoods of Santa Ana have flied a laws uit seeking to block construction of a tugh· rise office building adjacent to Civic Center Plaza. According to the suit, the San- ta Ana City Council acted im· properly by approving a var iance that will permit con· struction or the 159·foot tall building in a zone that now has a JS .foot height limit.. CONSTRUCTION a pprovals for the bu.aiding are bemg sought by the Mohler Development Co. The neighborhood association contends that the approval wa'i "pohllcally tainted" because one c ity counc alma n , Dan Gnset. received a S250 cam- paign contnbullon from VerLyn J e nsen . Mo hler 's a tto rney. Grisel voted ln favor of the pro- Je<'t However, Grisel had been ad- vised by the city attorney that he had no conflict of interest in voting for the approval. RESIDENTS ALSO point out that Mayor Jim Ward is architect for the proJ t'd and that Planning Comm1ss1oner Alan Curtis owns two lots that Mohler intends to pu rcha$e as part of the construe· lio n Sill' Both disqua lified tht•mselves for deliberations on the pro1ect The bWld.ing would be located at the intersection of Civic Center Drive and Flower Street. Thomas claims he skipped the Sa n Francis co co nfe rence hc c aus e he cons idered it 'nothmg more than a vacatJon " THE TRUCK COMPANY owner said Councilm an Bob M a11d1c threatened to go to Hawaii to "look at sand" 1f HE SAID HE observed col- leagues to make sure they at· tended conference sessions and reported, "In general, everyone behaved very welL " M andic said he stayed with an a unt and would charge the city $65 for the trip. Other council members staye d a t the San Francisco Hilton_ SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -The Board o( Supervisors' Finance -===========:!:===-===================================================================::; Committee ha ve asked San Francisco officials to consider a four-day work week for city employees to cul down costs. Cable TV Deregulated S AC RAMENTO GP) - California cable television :.ystems can avoid rate reguJa· lion by providing and promoting community service program&> under a bill signed into law Fri· day by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Marc Nathanaon, vice presi- dent of the California Communi· ty Television Association, called the law unprecedented and said it made California the first stale in the country to partially de· regulate cable TV. "This measure will help the cable TV industry to expand and will provide California con- sume rs with better and more - diversified community-related programming as well as new jobs and capital investment," Nathanson said. The bill, AB699 b y As- semblyman Bruce Young, D· Cerritos, goes int.o effect Jan. 1 and will expire four years later unl ess renewed by the Legislature. Pittsh11rgh Fights Rain Flooding Reported in Steel City 11.S. S••••rB A•111 l•O on""' •Htern OlllO Y•ll•Y •"4 1 .... 1_ G•••t Le~" on f'tto ... • •u\lno -minor floocllno ••ouno Pit UbutQtl, Willi• •unny \• lu P•• ••llf'd wMt ot '"" MIHIUloe>I Rl•t• Fqreu•ten wld "'nny '~'~'would be tile rule --rly •II Of 1114' n• llon toCl•Y. with Ille E••to•n Seabo.,o oe111no •••n end 11.un O."lttlw~ Miid lernjMtreturn wf•• P••OlttM lot IOO•y, wlltl re.oCllno\ In tl>e 'O' In run , oert• ot Ill• \Oulllflt'\ P1a1n' •nd '"' SO<llhwftl llt<ICllno\ \llOVIO be In 11'9 7°' In IM norltl.,n l'l•tn• •M ·~'°'In""' NMthu.i FrlO•y't 111911s ,.t!Otd trom •1 d<lil•••• In lnlerMllon•I Ftll\, Minn • 10" 111 Abl'-Mid JUf'<Uon, hu>. Surf Report f OfMMI 11.ilcl lo• P "' 1114>•9'\1 Svrt Awr-oe lwl9'>t In Ifft M .. 1mum 11•10111 In rut. PetloO 111 ~Md• AV'fMU ~ Zuma > l II 5-fll• Monka I ) II Newport ttuntl"'JIO" ) J It S.n Ot.oo Coounl't 1 l n s-11: ...... ,. llelOM In IHI ~ •• lmurn IMitflC In, ... OlrKtlon ........ Dtr tum• t ' SW SM!t•~ I 1 SW N••oon ...,,,.1,.._ 1 , s~, ~" OIHt c-tlY I J s ... 0v1-'°' Solftd.t' utti. ~..._ €•Hler•4• Solltloenl Cellforlll•'• ,..,u., , ... day will l11el\ldlr •••1""4• cloliCllMU wllfl ti. c1.i1ce 01 • few ~" ,.,,.J,.ly OWt IN -••Int, eccor«l-1,IO tM H4111GN4 Weather Service. ,,. clleMe of ""....,_.. ral11 tor I." .......... _,_.1119 ••••• wlll lie .. " IMtll to perttnt. CMt Ceflltr ~•hil'" tl\O<llcl rt1Tteln ""' " ~ w1111 an owr111t111 ,_,,. ..... Tiie HWS ~ .01 ef en lndt Of r.i11 1911 111 lM A•lft 111'-July I ... ""' "· "'"' '""" ,,. -... Of It Of .,. 11\tll _ ... for IM ,,., .. -_.... _, tM -· •r.en. NCll .,_ wtn ...... lllt•tt Mer "• wl'91 .... ti. te t1 WMH ttlTI> --·"'" .,., ........ ~ .... """" MWt " ......... In lAI ""-''" tlMI -~ ...... .,.,I t._.lllH• -teettetH t!IMffn .... ......,., lllMY ....... u .. 2J • l'"P ............. ""' ... r----------:""'" StoOIOft •• u 101 71 .... 1' .. ,, Ii ., ,. Tiier mat Bent- B1o&ur C•t•lln• El Centro U Att- l ont 8ea<ll MOflro•I• MIWllMlll Nt•porl °"'" Onlerlo P•lm SprlllQ\ Pe.-a San Bernardlnn S•n Jos. $4it1l• """ Sant• Cru1 Sent• M<irle Ta!loe Y•lley ll•ll•lo ., " 70 ~ 11 ., ., ~ 1S ~ ,. St u ., 10J n '' n .. 61 ., 16 .tO ... ., j7 I\ M n '° ., ., 11 ... c°""*•elll• "19111 ....-_,.,,.. 114 ~ I-clovdtnH• w1111 _.111,... b• mi. IM 1' ettH-IOdolr ltlrOU9ft S-y .. ,, *'"' ceel ...... ~ ...,.. .,,. It M <Mii In IM -WI .-111"0 I• I~ 1J ., lend. w ...... ,., 11 61 Lltftt -¥Hle411• w~ 1t1tM -,. » m ornl110 "°"'' 111rouo11 1onlo111 °' 14 betemltt0 _, '° __ , IO to 14 11 60 -nots wlllt-te two 1-wine! •• .,., 107 11 tlth •fl..--, ftffctMHI Mid u ff, ., ~ IJ St 11 tS IS .0 n ... ., S1 ., ,. a " " 1t 10 SS .. .. ,. ~ . " 1J •• Finl llltlt 'lnl IOW s.c .... ,, .... ~- TOOAY t •U•.ITI • 050,,, tt:tt p"' M*OAY •:a ... t11. 11:••.m. s:nt.m. tt1ata.1Tt. J.t •• M u 2.t ),I .., TECHNOLOGY ON 'l'RIAI.: WHAT'S YOUR VERDICT? <XXRSES BY r£WSMPER Technology is on tnol. It stands cx:cused of destroying the environment. poisoning the populace and even threatening the future of the human race. Def enders point to technological advances which formed the modem world and offer p<0m1se for o better tomorrow. Reach your verdict with help from evidence presented in "Connections: Technology and Change" this fall's Courses by Newspaper series appearing Soturdoys in the Doily Pilot. You'll find this timely d1scuSS100 challenging. interesting and informative. Led by Professa John G. Bu~ of UClA, historians and social scientists illuminate sources of invention. the impact of technology on modern life and the prospects for controlling change. Courses by ~ makes it ~bte to earn college credit at : by enrolling ot Coastline Community College. Coll 963-al2-' for registration information . "Connections" c.ourse by Newspopet is offered as a public Sll!fVice of the DAILY PILOT :·············-·········--····-····-, : Reglstrallan Foran CO\STLINEm I I Coune lly New1P.9per a:»AMUNITY CCl.LrGE I II ,.w ,._ ..,, ....., "-·,..... v...,. c ., ... .,. I ~lltfl• .,_,...."""'Y _._.., I I 10e<mt•o1--~ ........... ia: T_.. 1t1111 Mt! a.." ' I I I I I ~ ...... , .. _,_ I I II ynvown I.•-•-C.... IDt tll I I I I l'LUSf HttNr I I NAMt l llUHOAfl I I LH I ..... 1 .. , '*°"'" Dey y-I I CUftMNT ~ I I A00f'f$6 Ho " 51,... ""' NO Ct!y l •ll I I wtttN Oto voUfl lllflflfNT STAY '" c111.1rOAN1A H01Nf "'°""' o.., v.., I I I I uNITto s '"'u c1T1zcH' a .,. .. a No ,, NO TYi>( o, 111a• ME.Lo 0 An 1sau10 • 1 I .. ,.. ' IT OMM COMl'll!'110 CtllCLI OHi , • • '° I I ,, ,3 ,. ""' M MA 11110 I I I I .. .._ .-. . ~ 0... .--~ ••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••• J .. • -. . ' NATION I WORLD I MISCELLANY SlltKd.y, September 29. 19?'9 DAILY PILOT 'f]ieenSe· -n~tt~ . Martial Vioknce Siudied NEW YORK < P1 Many ('()Uplc.-!t Wit' llHlrr11t.:t" II "hit line tlt f'f\St'." 'n~ tbl' uuthn" of a atud)' th t round nt'arly onf' In slx Amt'nl'an <'tlUl>lt'"' t'Ot(•ge lo vlolf'nl outbunst..:i tn wtuch tht\ k1ck. blte or f'Vt'n lhrt'att>n to kill f'&C'h other In whut tht'y irnlc1 Wiil' tht• hugest :1tudy on v1oh.•nct' In tht• ho m e . the.> thrr\• unl\t•rslt\ 1>oc1olog111tb found women re• more llkt•ly to la~h out at lht Ir husbands. bul w~vt•-s u"luully 1m tht! \. lt•lJ nu tif the mu ... t "t'nt>WI attack~ "m ll! PalNCIPLB aeema to tw that a rvarna., UcenH la a hlltin3 lacente," ••Id Or. Mur ray Straus ol the Unlvenlty ol Nt•w Hampshire. lead aulhor ot .. Behind Closed Doon Violence 10 the Am~rican famlly, to ht! published in January by O<Mable· day ··Each yea ff'. 18 out of 100 <'Oupll'S In the UnJted States ex perlenre one or more violent ln . c1dents," he said 'That's 711 million couples. If "'e had anything Uke that ln an urgamc disease. at would be Auto Dednctiom To B e Increased WASIONGTON cAP> The Internal Revenue Ser vice is In· creasing the amount of money taxpayers can deduct for using their automobiles for business purposes The increases are designed to help offset the rising price of gasoline and oil TllE IRS SAID THE BASIC deduction for business use of cars will increase froin 17 cents a mile to 18.S cents a mile for the far..t 15.000 miles For fully dC'pr<'<:iatcd autos or those cars used in excess of 15.000 miles. the ctcduct1on will remain at 10 cents a mile. the IRS said TJIE Rt\TI-: FOR t\ CAR USED for moving, ,charitable or nll'd1caJ purpo~t·s ha~ h<•1·n boosted from 7 cents a mile to 8 l'Cnts a mile. the IRS s aid Ttw int·rcast•d rates for 1979 were based on a study by the Gl·m•ral Serv1ct•s /\dmin1stralJon Mosquito Hordes To Spray or Not Topic of Dispute IM PEHIAL Jn; A Cl I 1 J\ P J Culifornia has changed its mind and 1s at odd'i with th(• fc·dcral government over whether to spray the mosquitoes m this border town For two monlh'i, hordes of the insects have been breeding in stag- nant ponds uf lhl' lo1·al 'ilough and <tlt a'cking everyone in sight. AN EMERGENC'Y ord 1n ance wa s pa ssed Thursday night by the City • Council, ordcnng "all necessary measures" to wipe out mos· qui tot's Immediately, a prob[em arose in rinding a licensed s prayer. The mar'shlands of the Tia Juana s lough a r e home lo several species or officially en- dange red birds The U S F1:-.h and Wildlife Service has thrC'atened to char~t· anyone who enters lhf.! i:.lough lo spray with violating the Endang(•red Species Act. BUT CITY i\TIORNEY Jack FitzmaurH't' Si.lid the m scets m ay Ix• carrwrs of Vcnczudun cquin<• <'O<'<'phalttis and the city has the lej..';tl nghl to t•orrccl an:v thr<'ats to lhc h<•alth of Jl'i cit11ens Fair Focus: Med Careers A career fair for people in terested an pursuing work m health fields or b1o log1cal sciences will be held at UC Irvine on Wednesday at 8 p m . in the gold room of Mesa Court Commons. Sponsored by the UCI School of Biological Sciences and the UCI Career Planning and Place- ment Center, the fair will pre· sent professionals in a reas such as c riminalista cs. dentistry, genetic health, cnvaronmental health and hospital administra- tion. Other career areas to be represented include paramedic ser.vice. podiatry and public health nursing . For information . call 833·6881, or 833-5318. No health problems have been reporte d , and City Manager Dale Cowan said county health officials are reluctant to violate federal law. T he White House has been born barded with letters and peti· lions urging that the city or Im- perial Beach, a s uburb or San Diego, be allowed to spray the ponds. Shortly before the coun· cil's emergency meeting, ao aide to President Carter called, Btlbray said, seeking back· ground information on the dis· pule. ABOUT 10 MINUTES before the council's emergency meet· mg, Bilbray said, a state State Parks and Recreation Com - mission official called, "saying they've changed their minds and now sdpport our action.•• Spraying has been opposed by the state. "If the feds want to arrest ~omebody, I'll be there to oblige them," Bilbray was quoted as saying Friday. It's Official: Gas Over a Buck WASHINGTON <AP) -The national average price or the three most popular grades or gasoline broke the $l-per·1allon barrier this month for the first time this year, the American Automobile Association r e - ported. The AAA s urve y of 6,,19 service stations throughout the continental United States shows that gasoline prices reached $1.001 per gallon for full-service regular, $1.055 ror premium and $1.042 for unleaded. d eclared a national em1r1ency " ST&A\18 AND his co-author. Or Suaanne Steinmetz of the Uolverelty of Delaware, dis- cuaaed their work in ·an in· tervlew here. Tbey reported their findings Friday to a sym- posium on criminal paycbolocY s ponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences, the U.S. Jus tice Departme nt and the rede ral Law Enforcement As· sistance Admirustration. T he study is based on in- terviews Straus. Ms. Steinmetz a'nd Dr. Richard Gelles of the University or Rhode Island COD· ducted with the husband or wife or 2,143 American families. Couples were guaranteed a n onymity and sel ected lo represent a cross-section of the country. The authors say the re port is the first to seek a profile or violence in average homes, deal- ing broadly with the subject rather than focusing on isolated aspects like wife beating or child abuse. THE AUTHORS concluded stress -either from within or without the home -causes family violence When stress is low . women tend to be only.Jlalf as violent toward their s pouses as men, they said. but when st ress gets high, women become more violent. In related findings. Wives slightly outnumber husbands in serious assaults Som e 4 6 percent of wives bite, kick. punch, threaten or wound their spouses in a year, com- pared to 3.8 percent of hus bands. -If smaller acts or violence. like slaps and s hoves. are in· cluded, husbands a re marginaJ· ly more violent than wives - 12.1 percent as compared to ll.6 percent for wives -But women who attack their spouses do so more -Often than men -10.1 times a year on aver age, compared with 8.8 a year for men. MS. STEINMETZ said wives who beat their husbands tend to have had fathers who beat their mothers . "It's like. I'll get back at tJu:-. man for what my father did," she said. But while women are more likely to kick, bite or threaten their spouse. men are more like· ly to inflict a serious beating, or use a knile or gun. ·•If one uses injuries a s crite ria, then wife beating would fa r outdistance hus band beat· ing," Straus said. M'O r eover . viol ence by husbands may have been under· rated. he said. STRAUS SAID a person with a marriage "hitting license." still has to obser ve a "hitting limit," just as a person with a driver's license can't exceed the speed limit. "You can't send anyone to a hospital. Anything short of that is 'normal.' and a ll right.'' he said. Serv'te-'''"" 54.41'1\ •t Yovr Ooof' IC.all ~IOfe Neartit Your Art• CO~IA MBA642· 1753 ... u • .,.ntlilOft Btvd Ml~SION VIEJ049S-04Q1 1"11 c-... c.tpntr•,,. tS•" 0 Frwy •I Av-•t p .. ._ C•ll 642-5678. Pul a few words to work for ou. .. ._ with KODAK Photo-Greetin FRANK SINATRA GIVES BENEFIT CONCERT IN EGYPT NEAR PYRAMIDS Shown With His Wlfe, Barbara, Left. and First Lady Jlhan Sadat Sinatra Plays Egypt Sphinx Backdrop for Bene.fit Performance CAlHO. J:o;gypt '''PI frank S1natr..1 -.<sv ing ht' kit "very tin.> " ha!:t ~1vt-n om· of ht" mo'<t urr usual concert:. an open air perform<Jnr• th.JI U!'lf'rJ th<• ancient Sphinx as a backdroµ EGYPTIANS PAID SI~ 1 1·Jt md f<tr•,111n guests paid SJ~AI. "'htl(' c;omt c·hou • 1 .Jt1l1• ""•·r.t fr1r a donal.Jon of more than SJIJ,l,o(Jll I to h•1\\ Ii• r..in more than an hour 1:.ttt• Sinatra told reporter• I f1 •I ' •1n-. 1n1n , h1stoncaJ v1ewpo1nt of 'IAhat bt.hm11 nt• , r•· ference to thr mighty Sphinx Mc:-. Sadal tht· "''ft· of f'r<'<;t<l•·n• \u"' ir Cold Cure Known by Tibetans? MOSCOW (AP J Medical scientists arc cu lling an a nc ient TibC'lan ml'<lical Journal for long-lost mcd1tincs. possibly includin g a cure for the common cold. the Soviet news agency Tass said Tass said s('1ent1sl!>. - Oru:ntal language ex per ts. and c hem is ts were working together to d eciphe r and r e - create the ancie ll m edicinal remedies found in the Tibetan ...,......,~r volume It 1s already c lt>ar. Tass ~aid. thlll a11c1cnl T1bet:.in mt•d1c•ine was Saddl 1 tlw founder ;1nc1 cltrl'l·tor of a rehab1l1ltl 11,m r 1·11!1•1 for t h1· ph' 11 .JIJ\ handrcappt!d. which r rt 1l'I\1111 prr 11•1•1"l' from th1 cont·lrl and other fl''>l l\ 1111 tlunm. a thrr 1.· du~ pc•nod Tltl .\t 'l>ll.'< t. \\AS mn,1ly \l'>tl1ng \rn r11 111 t.11 llJ"''ITl''n anti f•1rf'11:>n d1gn1t anf's, 111 • l11rl111,! lh1• 1)11~.. .ind l>ur ht· .... or fipcJford and l'nll• • 1111! l'r1111 ,. H11r~h· ,. frrim llal:i- :-.•1•,,rr, •fl <II• ,ti• •I 1 r, a l.1tt lt· 1 •·nd.,rnes.., I• \I !'> ,, "1n..1tr.i .1 l1·r•.1 r I 'illPl"'rt1·r r1r 1 ... r;J1•l \.l.;1' put •·r th•· \rJh I" \C 1111 ll ~t 1n 1111' l'.lf.11'1 ind lo\,J'i v1 s1t· lfl.h LL.'\ p l f1t1 ti' fir· I 'ir11•• several centuric!> ahead 1-~~=S~~~~~~~~~~~~1f of European medtl'tnl' Call 642-5678 Put a low words lo work tor ou WE'RE tt I l-St09 for .. IH!rtMci I -"er~ to onl1t y• 1-C Ot1•""'9f Of.J"'<Y RABBITI' INSURANCE 541-5554 or ll5-l 0 7 '' t 4 Heritor • c~•· ...... FAIMlttSIHSUL4HCE GRO~U, 0 "111 lJ.llAlll --------------__;;_==----11 Ca s Hawthorne Christian School Openings In our KINDERGARTEN ONLY •All day academic progrw • Uniforms to reduce clothlllg cost • Choice of Shm-Line or Trim-Line styles • Available In Christmas. Chanukah or Nav1dad designs • Regular orders accepted through Oece,mber 5. 1979 Stop In tod•Y for complete dee.Ha. • 9Moe oriented atore. with competitive prices 31111 l!EABT C OAST HWV CDRDNA D •L MAR I ,~. f.j/J 4070 --.-.. _._.. . .. ~ .... • . I Comment .. Art Widem Oar Perceptions Some BaJ, Habits Resourceful &0LL0 llAY, Plt.O. ,...,._..,,_, ._, ltt•wn ''°"' Solt FftMC'Uc:o, .... cMMr •• .,,,. Coe1rQQ11t to Cr.al•" First, l would recommend we overheul o u r e duc etlonal •Y•l e m We mua t r e we rd orl1loallly and nonconformity 1n1t~•d of t rouble free obe die nee Crealivit)' u u1e1 peoplt" to ad I UJ"PNJl\I qHSlJooa , thla Ir rltatea teachen who dlallkc be ma aurpnsed. Bein& morce com forta bl~ with it, lbey Inevitably tend t o hvur the popular response ralhPr th•n the challengmg one IT'S AMAZING how many famous creative people an school drop.outs Buckm1ru.ter Fuller dropped out of Harvard William Faulkner l eft the University of M1ssiss1pp1. T.S Ehot dropped out of the United States and worked in England Sinclair Lewis, Ernes t llem· ingway. Thomas Edison these arc JUSt a few of the crcutivc people who had diHiculty with the regular assem bly line. For those already lhrou,::h with their education. I would suggest setting aside time Just to think. Not to make m oney or to solve problems but to free the mind, letting it roam This used to be called bnun· storming and was once popular in the commercial world as a means of producing ideas en massc. sed this way. al was destined to failure because it de· pended on group participat.Jon This should be practiced by the 1nd1v1duar only THE IDEA JS to let your am- aginallon run while you sit al a table and perhaps jot down ideas as they occur. All c ritical ap 1Jn11sals 1-ohould be bantsht.'d. Al a late r time th<> id<•:Js can be as- M'e.1-ot'd and cvaluatcrl Orc'ams ca n be productive (•rcallvl.'ly Often when I 'm working on u problem , I will jot down s ome pertinent note~ hefurc· I go to l>cd Sometimes I'll awake with the :.ins wer 1 • vt• t'Vl'n lcarn,..11 to write 10 lh1• dJrk so I won't miss any or tht'M' hurtling flashes . Many great d11'covcries have first been thru!.l mto the world of aware nee.1' by dreams. I BELIEVE everyone should haYC' an antcrcst in some form of art It can be painting, music. lhl' fh<'atcr, movies, d;mce. etc Art !.l1mul<ales us and rJtov1de~ a ~h1ft of scenery for our ann er life. 'Phis widens our percep- tt0ns, enabling U!> lo sec new possib11it1es which are often fresh , stimulating, and useful. It must be art for art 's sake, however If it's for profit or re· ward, the creative advantages can be nullified. And. finally, I'd fike to cm· phasize that lo roster creativity one has to realize that it is its own reward. I wouldn't worry whether someone else thought you did well or not; it's fine if they do. but not crucial. THE &~ENCE of cr eativity 1s look ing within yourself. If one is preoccupied with thoughts or a pplause, approval, or reward, the process 1s s hort-cir cuited. I would add that creativity is helped by turning your inner sell loose and letting it go wherever it is inclined to go, within rea- son. These cere bal excursions often lead to ne w, original, and refreshing insight'!. Are ,....,.. eapedaU... bl· ce••aU'-1• wU~ IHrtHl•I crea&lwttyT If ... M• ••1 wua &lat! wrUu write If Ill•'• eet pe~hlW' Or lllllt> •rt 4Jl'9dur perala& If t.e t'U'l lflt a johT Almost aJI of the greate11l wrlU1n were not publl11bcd to <itart with. And pcrh1&p1t tht: artu1t who mu.1t earn 11 Llvtna rrom h.l!l ort 1tnd <·11n't Mt:l a Job should bf-thlnklna about 10\Vthcr line of work Wha t each should do ab <'Oil<' •n trutll on lmprovmg h13 or ht-T wrlllni. art , o r whatever Sooner or later th~rc has lo be ~Ol'Tlt' rt.'SSIOti.'Jt.', but If you usk for 1t l oo soon you df'Htroy the uruw mg proccs1> You start tukrn.:. not 1u vin~. t1nd NIVIO~ II> lhl• Cl> ~cnct-of rrt•atl vii y ·- " - As we look for new ways to enrich our lives more em- phasis is being placed on creat1v1ty It is a f1n1te gift? An 1m· mutable genetic endowment ltke height or eye color? Or can 11, with d11tgence and practice. be broadened and enhanced? SILVANO AaJETI. M .D. Profeuqr of psych'41'11 New Y°"" Medical College, New York Cit1101ld author· ··creatnnt1t· The Magic S11ntMN"' There have been vintage as well a s barre n e ra s for creativity throughout history. ll n o urishes when the environment IS f avor able Som e or the outs tandin g c reati ve periods have been the Classic Greek Period. the Italian Renaissance. the American Revolution iL'l leaders gave us a new form or gove rnm~nl a nd thf• contributions o f the Jewish people dunng the 19\h ·Century. Freud et aJ Environment is key, I doubt 1f Beethoven would have made 1t had he, been ltving 1n Iceland. let's say S yn<l1c:.11P.d column1.,1 M ilton Rockmore asked threP au1hor111es How can we increase our creative powers? The answers are reprinted from Disney Times. the employee puOl1cat1on of Wall Disney Productions. Burbank Discoveries Require Discipline FRANK BA RRON Professor n/ psy c hology University of Cah/om1a, Santa Cruz and author: "Creat1v1ty and Personal Freednm' · As the weary cllch e keeps reiterating, "Pers piration oils insp iration." Everyon e ha s som e degree or creativity, and this can b e improved with discipline. hard work . and practice like in piano or tennis . Most people live lives which do not require creative effort. therefore the conscious decision to use and develop it is essential. AND IT'S TIME we laid to rest the myth that cr eativity is a fr ee-whe eli n g . do·whal·the-mood·dictates kind of thing. At its core is discipline, which is at the foundation of freedom. To be free to take a fi ve-mile bike trip we must first learn to ride. Wanung to be c rc<1t1vc •~ a good way to begin Makin~ familiar things strange and v1t·t· versa ti. abo a good exercise A chair placed in the middle or your living room Jnoks like 11 always belonged there arter ;, few days We must continually battl e obl1lerat1on by th<.• familiar. especially tn pe rsonal relationships A WELL-KNOWN advertising executive used to capitalize on this phenomenon by draping a h a n d k e r c h 1 c r a r o u n d th,. m ic r ophone when making 1:1 µresentat1on "You have heen looking at this without sPe1ng 1 t." he announced ··Now you do Anti that's what wt· ha vf• to do with your advertisin~ " I don't know how well ht· deli vered, but he sure madl' lhl' "unseen"' microphone seen An ex perim e nt that dramaUzes new possibilaties in famili ar ObJ CClS I S lh<.: l'ing l'ong h<lll 1n a glas~ tube· Thi• ohJt'l't 11' to g1•1 the ball out of a narrnw I ~ anch tube without t11ut·h1ng the glas'> S PREAI> ON <a table tirt• tlwwing ~um, Scotch tap(', a s traight pin. un open bottle of pop, a rulf'r, und a news paper. only one of which will do the Joh \'(•ry few think of fl oating the ball to the top with pop. it's a totally nl'W use for u familiar product Chall<'ngmg assumptions aid., l'reat1v1ty. LcK>k what Columbus ;11·htl'\l(•d by c hallenging the a1osumpt1on he'd fall off the edge -.11mcwhcrc Remember . the bro"' n cow on the hall may be hlat•k on lh1• other stdl' K1dc; lov<' gamec; <and u great c·n 'alave game lo play with them '' mak ing n~w th1ngi. from familiar ohJe~~ A chair upside down rould become a doll's ltou~l'. a blanket, a tent . '"'irltng IC-J\n. t>1rd ' (ly1n~ Sllt1lh . ;•{(' ff a \'l' ) ou found cum mon c harac te ristic., in hi1tbly nulh•e individuals'! A m o n g t h t• c u m m o 11 denominators 1 · ve o bs erved seems lo be lhl' ability tu takt> ris ks Creal1v1ty requires taking wh at Einstein called 'a leap into the unknown " This can m eun pulling your b<>l1efs . reputation. and rl'sources on the ltne a s you suffer the slings a nd a rrows of r1d1cule Ot h er common attr ibut es Jre a c;tron g motl\•at1on lo bring order and definition lo the world a~ well w. independent Judgment Creallve people a rc able to go against the maans tream Whtie to many ways they can be qu1lf: COO\ e nt10nul. they lend to rebel against conform ity as they aecompany their own pnvatc.> v1s 1o ns down lonely. untrod paths As we've begun lo penetrate the rnysten es ot the creative process, I'm becoming more and more convinced tha t fulfilling our creat ive capabilities will mean slaughtering many sacr~ cows . Here a re a few, which are in direct opposition to tbe most respected theories of modern education: Alo n e n e ss. Not to be confused with withdrawal or constant solitude Ins tead of the gregarioui> '!l c-r<>otypc1' teachers and parents seek to mass-produce, the)' should enc6urage chiTclTt!ll to be alone-for a few houri. at a lime Tht ~ helps put one 1n contact with h1io. or her inner '>elf INACTIVITY. Wt; <·ull ti bad because 1l wa~tes t1mt· But JJCnods when 0111· does nothing at the bchavorial level t'an pay nch d1v1dend~ C<instant I o c u ~ o n ,. x t (' r n a I w c1 r k 11et•rt•a1>C1-o the' poi.~ibal tly Of t•xpand1ng our inner rc~ourn,s D a} Drc am an ~ A 1><:Jora t1 v1• 1n riur ... 111·11·ty bt•cau:-.t· 1t ·.., p1·r<•1•1vc•d a ' a n o I h 1• r I 1 m t• w a ' I •· r a rt d 1n1m1cul to rcahst1 c behavior J\ctually. C-lH'ur•,1ons mt11 th1· world of fan1a..,v ;,r;· qu111· important for c·n.,1t1vt1v lJ11d dt~CO\ll'r} -FR•.•~ T llJNKIN '.· Jl 1·r•· onl· -.hould allow th1· ·n1nd 111 "'ander in an}' d1rt•c:t1on w1th1111t restratnL'. or organ11:1t1on Wh en \W rrec> lhink wh;,t I <·Jll S1m1 l.irity C'Jl<·hin;' · O('C'Ur.., Analog1c ... ;ind la k1:ne~~c' IA(' wen· not a"' ar t-of ..,uddcnly lmt·rl!t' Gulhb11!1 1. Th" ma\ <.f·Pm l1kt· ;i 'lrnngr> ht·<ff•·ll;1w for t rPJllVtl\. I!' gulh h1II1 \ I 11w :111 IA;• 11111 ... 1 h,. 111w n t11 ""' Hlt-.J n11 rn.1tto·r ho"' .1b..,urrl 1ir ... 111p11l 11 "'·'" 'l't·m Wt· rn •• , tlt-.i-.11 rt 11 lat•·r hut th1• oµt•nnt'"' to a ll' n1•w ''''"' 0 1 1 ht)ught 1 ., 1·11rir 11n111 :rnt 1 .r cr1·o1ll\!I\ l•.)101'10~1\I. C'Ol\o F l.I< ·1 ~ f-. \I r) 110 I h " I h I '. I 11 ,ill fll ,1 , .1011 r hi· 1ar~1· ,.., t11 fur l!i'I th• 1t1 .1· l•Clrl •• '"'" 11111' l.o•I 11111 1111 ~ I h• 111 ••IA ,f \ < 11m pldl'I\ "'"''" the·\ cl11111111 ... 11 111 111l t·11 .. 1I) ·1 ht•\ fu1·I 11ur 111011\ :alum wh1 rh ,.., '" 1·rut·1a/ IO ('rt•UlJVll \. J\lcrt~t'1'1' :11111 1>1s1•1planc Y1· ... thl'''' 1·an t)I· -.h:irrwnc·d hv pr.11·111·1• .111d r11111·1•1111,,,11111 I ht' Jro· flur l111k lll'!IA• I'll th;· I un ,; 111\1 ,inti lllli ltrt • 111111 11111111 ... in1t 1·n.1hl1 11· 111 1 ·''' h ltw I It ill\• 'IL'll of 1111 d1•1 fl'"I r 1 • ,.,..,,,. "' 11111 111 .1111 111 ;n 1 .. r1•l1·l!1.1 pl11n1-? If 11 14 14 11 u I d ., u u r .11 1· t h 1· c-r •' a I 1 v 1• 1· n ., 1 r •• n m c· n I 1 n America Loda.>" I h.f\t· mtXN1 f1·1·1tng., .1houl ii Thl•rt• t1' ).!uod a111I lt;11I Thi' goo'1 ou1 n11 .x t11r1· 11f man) c·ultun·' tho· llht·r.11 11111 of 14 0 men t•n..ibltnf..\ lh1·m to rri:ik1• s I l! n I f I (' .1 II t I' r I ' a I I v t· contrihut1on:-.. 11pt.•nnl''>'>. lt•llmg it Ilk(> It 11'. the• w1ll111gn1·.,., 11111 v t'Vl'ryttung. an11 1h1· t11l1·rnn1·1· (or di Vt'r.it'rtl Vll'W'I Th t' b a d 11 u r ou t mode rl -.c·hola'>l tc• sy ... tr m w1• la v 1• without utopias . not drc•11n1ani.:. <'Onc:e rned only with tht· here· and now. lht' l3Ck or d1st'11Jl11l1• frcl•dom cannot ~urv1 Vt' without 1t . tht· u1'urpal1on •>f ltmc.> from our innt'r lives hy outs tdt' rorC'l''> lt•l1•v1-;11111 . u d v t' r l 1 ., 1 n g . m r1 v 1 e ' . d1scotht.'QUC~. <'Ult:. and fads Summing up, I ti .,av wc'r" in trans1hon ~and 1·un move c1 ht'r to a historic c reative e ru or decadence It's up to us. we haven·t found the direction y1•l It's Not Easy Being a Consul, Prin.Cess or Stormy Novelist SAN FRANCISCO -Tbe Fix- e r : Traffic Comm s r . Jerry Levitin h as ~ declared wer on m embers of the city's . c o n s u I a r ~ ~ 'fl corps who fig· ) . rl.4 u r e t h e I r 1(~ , / "CONSUL ._ /) C ORPS " license plat.es 1eive them lm· munity to park and drive pretty much as they please, lanoring theae vlol•Uons ls a J>lec:e of protocol that baa been observed for years, on the premise that lf we don't baasle their 1uy1 over here, they won't huale our guys over there ... "I'm not aaylng they shouldn't get tome kind of bre at,•• •r1ue1 Co mmsr. Levitin. "I simply thlnk lbey ehould brin1 their contested tap Into court Uke anybody elae" ... HIGHLY INDIGNANT, the Consul• General have run to their SCJOd budcb',. Cyril llapin, our cblel ot protocol. "Glve me tho .. ticketl," Hid Cyril. ''J'U talk to the pneldlnl Judie about- this. Don't give it a second thought" ... Well! It turns out that Cyril has been paying their tickets out-of his own ~ket - exac tly $2,596, to date, a nd counting. "I'm doing it for the good of the city," says Cyril. "I don't want the Consulates mov· iog to Los Angeles." Footnote : S .F. hu more consulates than any other city in the world, h av· ing recently gone two up over the previous No . 1, Ha mburg . Germany. MORE PROTOCOL: ' don't know a bout this new "non · sexist" busl.Mss of naming bur· ricanes alter men as well as women. David waa a demon and Frederic, despite the l•h·de·dah sp elling, turned out to be a beast. The ne"t one, accordin1 to the Nat'l Weather Service, wll1 be Gloria -and that'• a shame , too. As Prof. Roland Olckllon 11 the lint to point, It s hould be tturrlcane Geor1e, 1n honor of retired UC Prof. Oeorae R. Stewart, now • San Frencltean ... It was in bls claulc n•el. "Storm." published ln 1941, that Stewart n•med • hurricane -. Ma rla. thereby ·launching the tradition o f identifying hur rlcanes by femaJe names; this a lso ~reated a m illion-r8cord hil for Frankie Laine, "They Called the Wind Maria," and the dregd. "ful joke, "They name hurricanes a fter women because who ever heard of a himmicane?" Prof. Stewart. now 84, would be delighted to have the next him· m lcanc numed George. And furth e r more. a dds Prof Dickison, ~'Gloria m akes me sic in transit," especially on mundi morning. IN ONE EAR : Princess Margaret will wa.nt to know that Pat Spooner Jost S600 to a thief who broke int.o h is room at the Huntington the othe r night. Spooner, development director of London's RoyaJ Opera House (Covent Oarden), was here as advance man for the Prince&s' visit Oct. 21·25, when 11he will be ral1ln1 funds for the crumbling 120-yr -old structure; this has become controveraiaJ, sin ce our o~n opera is always on the ahoru. Several vocal locals who object to Me1'1 money·raialng e fforta are pleased that a local • thief struck first Cbad show• 1 AT TOMMY'S JOYNT one nigbt-rccenUy. ·Gene. Brown or· dered a roast beef sandwich and beans, and sent the latter back as "too cold." Right. The same Sheriff Gene Brown whose Coun· ty Jail prisoners have been send· Ing back the breakfast eggs as ··too cold" J UST THINK . Ir you 'd dropped In at F.m ie's the other ni~hl, you could have bou1ht Hamilton J ordan a capltal·C Coke He sniff~ at Jokes like t h at Jordan , pronounced ··Jerden" as ln1."jorlt," was t h e r e wl lh an unldentJfled remale and another couple. Walter Sborensteln made the res· ervatlon but didn't pick up \he tab ... I've been leery of con· Jecturtn.r about this, but John Clark Insist.I lt's true that Hur· Mcane Frederic Is gay. Proof! "Well. he's followlna Oavld. Isn 't he?" QUOl'l:: •'CAN you lm.,tne J e rry Br o wn In New Hampahire?'Up llle re they think a J acunl 11 a Con1resaman from New Jersey " Thus Mark Shields, quoted by M a1:le ne Clmon.s of the L A. Times in a pieee. aboUl W as.bington humor_ Sbie)ds on Donald Mc He nry, An· dy Young's su ccessor .' "He's the pe rfect 'brl~. Poullly Fuisse . diplomat,· bul he's black Ask him about !'OUI and he wants to know If you mean Dover or Ve ronique Toughest job in the world is being Arafat's barber - • you always h ave to maintain a two-day growth of beard." THE GRM1' He at Wave of '79 Is at an end. It is hoped. Fog ls to 3 San Franciscan 8JJ llpinach Is to Popeye: a fter several deep bre aths, he , can clear the Tranumerlca pynmld at a alngle , leap. down a double martiN ln a single gulp ... The foshom's throaty "Beeee-OH!" Is the sweetest sound thla aide of Oakland, followed by • cable car bell, gull's cry, Unkle of Wind chim es ln Chln•town. the crash of wave over Seal Rocks. the fln•I blnt of a cruise ship deer· inl lbe Gate -and your dentist aaylot "You're OK. see you In six mont.bs" Or perhapcs the beat ••v• er.eked when Bob Macne sang the other night, to the tupe of my unfavorite song, "~end ln Tne Clowns " "Where is the fog? 1t must be o ut Che re. lf this is summe r, 0 Lord, I've had my sbanUiendin the fog._.s.en~ in the fog, 0 God is it ther e"" ANSEL ADAMS. Carme l's world-famed photographer . had his excellent cook prepare some cold salmon for a par ty, and the n ate 1t all before the guests arrived. "I confess to the rape ol the lox! .. cried Ansel. who. at 77, Is lo be forgiven lhe pun• O"ANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Thi• 1·11mnwnt 1111i:w of tho• Dail~· Pilot ..,1·1•k" to 111torrw unct 't1 mul;1t1• r('111h·r ... 11., llrl'"'Oltnl.I .J \ llfh•t V or l'lllrl mt-nt un 1111 1111111·i. ol tnh't t"•' anrl ~111n1f1runc·1· fro111 111r11r m (> d 0 ,, ~ I' r ' l' I ,., .1 II " '1111k\•.,,m1•n lfohnt N Wtl'll fJuNuht•r Saturday, Septemt>er 29. 1979 CHIL:DREN'S PAGE Sllurmy, Septemt>.r 29. 1979 DAILY PILOT ~ 7 ... . Behavior Study " Andy :lends a World Book Year Book to Tammy Davis, age 15. of St Paul, Mlnn .. for her question: DESIGN BY IRVINE GIRL WINS CONTEST Shella Huettl to Collect $5 0 Friends i+~ a..'' a.re who..t o.tx>ut! COSTA MESA YOUTH EARNS RUNNER-UP SPOT Angellca Garcia BellevH In Frtendahlp Hi girls and boys. An idea submitted by Pam Yoshino -draw your own de- sign -drew a lot of response. The mail was fuU or creative de- signs and ideas. A drawing featuring flowers and hearts wins this week's lop prize. $5 for Sheila Huetll of l rvine. Runner-up spot goes to Angelica Garcia of Costa Mesa for her drawing of Snoopy and Woodstock and the slogan, "friends are what it's all about!" She gets $2. P AM YOSW NO SENT A star design and deserves honora - ble mention along with Marilyn Hansen, Eyal Goldmann, Danny, Cribbs, Clare Garibotti, Mario GaribotU and Chad Nelson. Uncle Len in a r ecent column referred to Eyal as a girl. She's a he as Eyal pointed out in a note sent th.is week. Sorry Eyal and thanks for setting me straight. Food has often been the drawing subject for this column. YOU'VE BEEN ASKED before lo draw your favorite meal but for next Saturday you are invited to do a sketch of your favorite fruit or vegetable. Do the drawings in black ink on white P!*per four inches squa re and send them by noon Wednesday to Uncle Len, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. Until next week:, goodbye. WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY! The world psychology comes fro m the Greek words psyche, m~anlng mind or soul, and logos. meaning t he s tudy of. Man has always wondered about lbe reasons for bis thoughts and actions. U ntil the late 1800s, psychology was an area of study withjn philosophy . All the way back to the time of A~stoUe and Plato, thinkers have thought about the relationship between body and mind. Psychology is the science that studies why humans act tbe way they do. The psychologist tries to understand the reasons for people's motives, thoughts, feel- ings and emotions. PSYCHOLOGY isn't the same as psychiatry. Psychiatry is that branch or medicine concerned with the treatmenl and preven- tion of mental illness. The two, however, are closely related. Psychology is often classed with biology, sociology and an- th r opology as on e of the behavioral sc i e n ce s . Psychologists study all kinds of human behavior, both normal and abnormal. Most ps ychologists have a Ph.D. or M.A. degree while a psychiatrist. who is a physician, usuaUy has an M.D. degree. T H E R E A R E man y psychological areas. Abnormal psychology, for example, s tudies a ll types of abnormal behavior in man. Clinical psychology deals with both abnormal and normal behavior, and with the individual's ps ychological ad- justment to himself and lo his environment. Educational psychology deals in the principles of psychology to the educational process while in- dustr ial psychology applies psychological pr inciples and techniques to the needs and pro- blems of industry. There's even an area called physiological psychology where the concern is with the rela- tionship between behavior and th e function of t he ner vous system, including the various or- gans of the body. SOCIAL psychology studies relationships among members or various groups and looks into the roles of l an guage. com- Elepham Remembered TOKYO (AP> -Some 500 c hildr en a nd dignitar ies gathered this week at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo to mark the 30th an- niversary of the arrival of ln- dira, an Indian elephant sent to the children of Japan by the late Indian Pr i me Minister Jawaharial Mehru. Indira a rrived on Sept. 24, 1949, at a time whe n there were no eleph ant s in Japan. She became one of. the zoo's top at- tractions. Over the years, s he has toured 17 Japanese cities tc the delight of thous a nds of youngsters. Scales Cover.Pangolin Mammal Vnrelated to Armadillo Dear ElHe, I know what an armadillo is like, and I have read a bout a long tailed animal that also bas scales. What is its name, and are the two related? K.&. Dear K.&., You a re probably thinking about the pangol.ins of Africa. At one time they were grouped with arma d i llos which th ey somewhat resemble, but the two ara not evesi cloMly related. Pangolina are probably amona tbe str...,_ al modenl mam- mals. 'Ibey have small beads, practically "invla.lble ears, a tall · tbat is half their total •enatb, and no teetb at all. Except for tbe under part of tbe boQ, tbe lolide of tbe lep aad tbe DOM, a paqoUn ts cwa-.., eOftll'ed wttb OYetlapplnc scale.. Like the antHtera, these ulmals eat inleda, •pecially termites. Tbe front feet bave •troa• curved dawa that permit them to dlc Into tbe bard ltruc· ture of the termite mouncb. "Cain lite ante•~ pan.,un. h•vt loa1 1t1ck1 toa111n to W'bicb tbe inlecta den IO that tbey can be drawn into the mouUI. llo1t paa1ollna are eround dwellers, but a few u¥e in trees and feed on the many in- sects tbat are found in the bot .~rican forests, Ground pancollns walk-with the back ardted and loq tail. ralaed 1U1htly to keep from dra1sto1-Often tbey wUl sit, kaqaroo fubloo, balanc:ed on the tail, u tbeJ check for llCm of danter. U the3 a.re frilhtened. they curl into a ball with the seal• offertn1 Sood protection hom predators. 'Ibey are very bard to unroll, and small predatGn quick.l)' abaD· don them .-.rmec1. Infants ride, clinlinl to the motllet'1 tall. Wben tbe female ~ benelf up to .......... Nila tbe babf "1tb her, laolclnl it cloee to ber stomach. AltbouO pan1ollm adapt quite well to captlvit.J, they require a very •• s pecialized diet in o rder lo reproduce. Dear Ellie, Do you think dolphins are re- lated to sbarb11 o ... T. Dear Dmaa, Not at all; dolphins are mam· m a ts a nd s harks a re fish. Dolphins are closely related to whales, belonging to the ll'OUP classed as toothed whales. PUot whales and killer whales are members of the dolphin poup and are the largest of these m ammals . DearBme, Do batl have tailJ? o ..... Dear Da•e, Yea, !DOit bats have obvious talla. Some are rDoule or rat-like while otben are quite bairJ and almOlt bulh7. Some an fairly lon1, wblle otbera are very abort. Tbere are a 1reat number al bat aped•, for next to rodmta tbey are .the moet numenMll, they an the me>1t nwnerou. Elle municatloo and propaganda and the formation of public opinioo. Psychologists try to come up with principles that can be used to explain, predict and control or change beba~ior. They follow the general scientific method used by chemists, physicists and other physical scientists. The fou r main techniques psychologists use to gather in· formation about behavior are through experiments, natural observations, case histories and surveys. Andy sends the 1979 World Book Science Year Annual to Gail Talbot, age 12, of Coronado, Calif., for her question: Sad·f aee C lou·n WHAT IS A HOWGRAM? A hologram is an image lhat 1s made on a photographic film and which displays a three dimensional picture Chnstopht•r DuBosq. :~ enJO~ ed a recent c lown con- l<'s l m :\11Jm1. it .., JU'>t that the crowds got to him ('hristophcr .., father g;J\e him some encouragement <111d th1.• \ oun/,!st1·r "'cnt on to become one of many "ho clo\.\rll'd their \>.::t) through the da_y Most holographic pi ctures are so lifelike that they appear to be real scenes viewed through a window. A viewer can actually see around objects m the fore ground by moving his head, JUSt as he would look around real ob jects. Holograms are m ade by ti luminating the scene with light from an instrument called a laser. The holographic picture 1~ t hen created by s hining a similar beam of light on the hol ogram . The h ologr am changes this light to recomtruct the light patterns which came from the original scene. Nuclear E n e rgy W inner at Debate MI DDLF.1 OW'\ Pa • \P '\utlc.ir enE-rg) came out d wrn - nt>r "'ht'n a d1-ball' h•am at Londondur• Elementary School con- \'JOCt:d a pant! or .JdUll JUd~t:~ lhot tht' Thr~e Mtll• Island nuclear pl:ml 'hould n·o~n Tht> ::.1xth Aradt· dehall·rs traded 'erbal blows under the "'atchfuJ e' e~ of tht'1r fellow c,tudents and a yellow poster asktng "Should T~tl Reopen"" !TM tJ--· -Efttyc ....... .t.l'- The audlt>nce al~o included John T Coll.ms. deputy director or the Nuclear Rl•gulatory Comm1ss1on support staff at the nearby TM I sate. and Daphne Lucas of Metropolitan Edison Co . which operatf!l> the plant fT'• •-............... Wl'. I• -H .., ••-.. Ille wrl_ ..... _...,.el IM -II. -• '--•el-_..._ Ok_ry ___ ..n .. •• ----.. --· S.flf , ... , ....... ~ Oft • p .. IUN .. A.-.............. 0 lie• 15'e. 'MU -.... C.11. -· ........... ..,.,. ,. IMI-,_ -· ---l!tll ....... -· tlri• _ .. "1 .. 11. The plant was closed March 28 when an acctden\, the worst tn commercial nuclear power history. des troyed one or its reactors and (•Jt'Ct<.'d rad1oact1' P steam 1nto the air. The other re· actor was undamaged but has been shut down pendtng NRC ac· ti on THE QUIZ world scope f 10 po1n1s :or each quesllon answt•tO corr~clfyt I Ameroca11 tarmC'r\ JrC' tal..oni.: on .i '"' "''' hJl\IC~t lor ,., tdrh \lrJt~hl ~!!JI 1lHOO\I ONl. The Sov1t'I Union. Jdpant buv1 mor" larm produn• fro m the L S th.in Jn1 olh\•t lore111n counir> 2 The Senate E1h10 Comm111cc vOlt'd tu dt•nounce Senator Herm.in l JlmJO!o!l' tor ltnc1netal m1 H·onduc1 T ,1lmJl.l!!C' hJ) r"prewntcd t .. on the Senau• ~oner 195;_ a-Geo1g1J b-ldaho c-Teo) ) Workers on (CHOOSE ONE. (Jl,forn1J Al,Hk.a) earn more money per pr~on th.in workers on any other slclte, dClordmg to lhl· Commerce Department 4 An Ame rican adventurer recently led thr 111\t expedition to cross the Alps on loot with t'lephants since 218 8.C .. when the CarlhJ1t1· man general . l . made a "mtl.ir 1ourney a-A111la b-Darrus c·Hclnn1bal s Pre~ident Agos11nho Neto of (CHOOSE ONf Angola. Namibia), who won a c1v1I wai 1n h" country three years ago w11h the help ot Soviet and Cuban troops, died on Moscow di age 56. newsname (10 points 11 you cen Identify this ~rson In lh! new•) I w.u chairman of the Federal Rese rve Board, until President Carter named me treasury secretary recently. I predict that the nati6n's c urrent 6 percent unemploymenl rale will increase Lo more thao 7 percent next year, Who .im 11 matchwords 1·feaslble 2·feeble ).fertile 4-fictlonal •<realive, productive . b-having to do wuh money c-posslble, workable d·weak, frail .-Imagined, m•de up In addition to bein~ a family fun feature. THE Ql' l Z is an integral part or the in-classroom news projtram presen ted io Oran~e Coast area schools ai. a public service b) the Dally Pilot. Aft\~4~•t 4.,~ ............. -.4vu • news picture ( 10 po1n1s 11 you answer this queslton correclly 1 llw D.ildo L JmJ 'pmtual INdC'r ot the Buddhists of T obt•t hds bet•n ~"111ni.: thf' L n1tt>d <.ta IP.. The Dala1 L.im.i ha., lived in exile \Ince 195'l "h .. n l 1b<'tJn• \ldftl'd Jn umuc ces .. tul revolr lor more < on1rul over their o"n Jll.111\, \>\ha1 coun11y <onrrol\ Tibet( sportlight (2 points tor each question answered corr~cllyl 1 f,1me' "Doc" Coun.,1lmcJn, dJ.:C 58. who coaclie1 swimming at lnd1dn.i Lino~f'r\•ty. became rhe oldest person to swim 1he .. 1 .. (hJnnl'I. 2 C<11I Yastrzemsl.1 of thf' (CHOOSE ONl: Minnesota Twms, Bo>ton Red 50'IC) bec.ime the 15th player 1n baseball history to get l.000 career hits. l Y as1rz~msk1 i' the tirst American League player 10 get both .. I .. home runs c1nd J,000 h11s. J-300 b-400 c-500 4 Carol Blaze1owsl 1 and l.ir• Heiss led the U.S. women\ tCHOOSE ONE: basketball. volleyball I team to a gold medal at the World Un1vernty Games. S Stan.Barrett rec~el i ~nd speed record, drt\lmg his 40-foot rocket ~ah's Booneville S..lt Flats at .. 1 .. m.p.h .1·193 b-451 c-6 l8 roundtable F'llmlly dlscuulon (no score) Should Amencan presidents be limited to a single six-year terml Why o r why notl YOUR SCORE: t1 to tOO plMntt -TOP ICOAEI It to to polnl1 -E1etll•nt. 711010 potnta -OOOd. St to 70 polntt • Felr •VEC, lnc .. 924-79 ' -. A8 DM. V PILOT 81 D .... •IOLl.A • +--=-=--Tie for •-or-.e~eit~ •nd teclilDolQu cont.rob much ot t: mode,. o.,.d H hold• the pu ... •·•lrln1• ot ~l vllhallon, lorme the bHl• of mUltary ml1bt, and dominal the qu.aU l)' ol Ute and lb poalbillti• ol the Mure for ev ry pel"IOO on earth. Why then does ll attm beyond lht' control of lhf' ~le, be,J'ONI their comptt,benalon ? Why do 11clentlal1 talk l arne.d aob blcdeaook and behave Ulle an t'lile power aroup, prolt'<'llDIC tht•lr myat~ri and tht> ba~lll or tht!tr pow~r' AT THE SAME llttW , "hY cloe1 the m ltl.l)lj or humanity . t"t"m he rded mto u world of n u<'lear rebellion, megadeath ... food 1Jd • tll t1v e-s ('0 0 1\lJ l t'UOU 'I technolott1l'<1I roni.um pt1on • .-nd nundl~ c-un1pulen t alwn ., The r a pid growth o r M'1t:nce ~nd our incr ea i.1ng dcpe ndfnl't• o n h igh t~chnoloJ:y h <.a ve pro duced a wtdenang .:up between :,,cientists and th<' l(cnt•nil public a ga i> thut h lib b<'t.-n only partially bndgc.•d hy educatwn a nd that onl) 111 lht• few mObt deve loped na t ions Fro m the l>t.•J:mninJ.( s c1en<'t- a nd technology we n · li ke any othe r rield in wh1 t·h some peo11lc were <.'levercr tha n others RIGIIT AT T H E s tart of his · tory in Mesopotamia 5,000 yccir s <ign, a most :,,ophist1<·att.-d and l"Omph<'atl'<f cr<i fl of ;Jnthmclll" ;ind li matht•mCJl1cal tre atment of astronom y de ve lope d It was 1ne r ed 1hlv '>U<'N•s:,,fu l a nd ac <'Ura lc· ·and a s m com prehen:,,1- hlc to the t ommon pe rson a s h1 g h £·r m ath1·m at1cs h ;o; been l' ve r i.in<·t· TECHNOLOGY GROWING Author de Solla Price n1ysteric:,, uf hig hly tcc·hnicul kno wll'dge 1><:rsiskd • T fl fo:N IN T UI-: 17th 1·1•nt1J1 y 1·t1 nH.• the Sc·1e nt1fic Ht•volution Th<> te lescope and othL·r mstru· m l'nts ch anged tlw s tatus of Ou r 11tte mpL'I lo und<:rstund the un 1vt:r:..c Bdor t'. it h ad dc pt·nded o n ly on brainpowt"r, ;.ind ull p hd()sophcr s worked with the s a m t· evidence Sudden ly, Galileo :,,a w m oun· t!)ins on th<• m oon, s att•lhtes l:l rou nd Ju1n ter, t hous unds 1,f s ta rs Mbody h ad s e<·n befor e It was a disco ver y of a n <.1 rt1fi c ial m ethod uf re velation <w hic h the ch ur<'h could not then ac·('ept>. a nd 1t <'hanged the un 1 H ·r sc that "a:. tu b(• e x pl :.incd 1-'rom then till now. lh l· l'ffcct or tec hnology upo n M·1cn CE: ha s l:tt't-n tht> m~t powerful m~ -of lm~vlnQ-~r ondenta ttnr- uf bol~hc natural unlveN1e UK! nurn made tcchnolotci~a. TO COPE WITH t.he new Oood of leamJng, tnthuaiast.'I began to b u11d to wctht•r Into s ocitstlos Mttkln'-' U."i«' of the presses. tbey l~gan a freth tradition of sclen· t1f1c jo urnals in whic h they 1111bll11ht.-d lltlrnK of knowledge as th.-y c·ume ln At Cir11t it i;eemed illicit to publis h ut.oms of knowledge m lhl!f wuy without maturing the m 11110 a life 's work book. But the m~thod flQur1shed particularly well with se1e nce. and a s ociety of w rllers and reader s or sci~· t1 f1t· r~arch papers gre w witb l'normous ra pidity The 'papers thl'nl !>elve:,, became a world hody uf literature tncorporalmg the ne w un ders tanding o r ~c iencc and technolog ies. Had the technologies of com - m un1cat1o n a nd In s trume nts hred a new elite ? Certainly they d e vclopt.'<l a new set of words .ind a s pec i a l impe r son a l l1IN~1ry s tyle appro pria t e for ne w thoughts. SO ME SCI E NTISTS we re n ob l eme n . ph y s i c i a n s. l'lergym c n , pro f essor s . but others were art isan Instrument· makt•rs. working surveyors and nav q~ators. und mechanics or Just enthus ias t s, like m odern s ta mp co ll ecto r s or h1 rdwa tchcrs. What happened. however . was tha t Lht· enormous ly acceler at <·<l 1>ac·c of ne w kno wled ge and l'Vt•r Increas ing Sophistication Of theory continuou:..ly removed the new i.dentifi c under s tanding from the m ajority of people :,,1 m ply b e(' a use with each gc n crut1on, despite in c r eased c d ucut1 on . m o r e had t o be It set a pallnn t h a t h as JI e r:,, 1 ~ l <' d do "" 11 I " m o 1fr r n 111athe rnut1cal physics ;rnd lht' utht·r :.cwn('t•!> r elated to 1l M <1lh<'m ;1t1<'!> from the i.tart 1nvolvL'<I not only a s pe('1a l lalt-nt ln~I abo a long, diffu:ull invest rnent 1n years IJf h.·a rn1ng We do * * * * * * Marshall to Host not know t he p rac t1cc.tl fun('l11m i f a n y t h a t l h e :,, 1• mathcmallcal :,,kills h ad TV Course Series W F. R fo; T II fo: I. t: I\ R N t-: I> M csopotam111n p n1·<,t:,, and 1111· <; r('l·ks, Ara ho.,, :rnd nwfl1 <·v11I and H1•na 1so.,ant•1• 'il'hnlaro., th<tl I 11llo w1·d ttwrn dt·h lwrat1·l v h1tl lflJ! th<•ir sk ills from I ht• 1·1JrrHnor1 l'ublif• ll'lt'Vl'ill)O ~tll Prl'Sl"nl a 10 pa rt SCrteS Of t<:leViSiOn pro· i.:r;:1ms ;1u),(m1.·nl1ng lhl· ('our'>t's IJy Nt•wi,p~pcr 1.1rticles presented by lh 1· Daily l 'tlot 1·<11·h SatunlC1y Tlw ll'lt·v1'1Hm o.,~·nl'" "('<mM·<'t111ns" will air on KOC~ c hannel 50 l1<:ginmng .1t 9 pm ~unday p1·npl t·'1 T h i•r,. w.1 ... nh c·or1 Ei\("11 PART OF th1· 'i<'n1·0., o.,pir:11·v •If ;in t'f111· will ht• followt•!I by a to rn1nu11• 111 l ht• t•11ur ... 1· 111 111•.tur~ l1A.11 «ommcnl.ir\ f1·at u rin g a<·tor g rl' ~1t chan}{t's rn l 1•1·t11111l 11~y E c; M a rs h;Jl l a nd Courses h) • c·aused scwnt1flC' knbwledge to Nl·w :.pap c r coordinat<Jr and become mon· <•hit• t 'CLA Professor J oh n C Hur kc Arounct 1~100 1·.1m1• the Gutn1 'I h e n ews pape r course and lw rg Pnnting H1•vulut w n Thi• 1C·h·vis1on scn l·S address the 1m ho<lk qu1t'k ly I hang1•1I lht· t•nltrt· pa1·1 or tct·hn11log1ca l 1·h;rnge on sm ·1C"I v J'rt:.'IM's w t•n • hullt a nd our i·ultun · 1 uo hv c·r~1fl'>J~·or1l1· 1n th1· <'ltw... Th<' PBS ti·I •·' 1s 111n M·ne~ I'> 1 .11 h"r t h an II\ 'i°<·h11IJro., in tht· first t<> haH· lw1·11 <·rN1tcd ti> 1111ir1.1sll·r1t·o., an<t ur11 v1·r o.,1l11·0., .t<·c11m ri:.in\ d c 11 u r o.,t·~ b y .ind hoth llw 1A.rtl1·rs a111l 1h1· "('IA.s papt"r o fft·r ing "'C 'onntr 1 cadf·rs uf lht• 111•w hooko., w1•rc• .1 lion'> T i·i•hnulogv an!I C"hangt•" 11t•w cla!-.s 1:,, lhl' I Ith cuur-.c· IJy nr·ws paw •r Wh al happt·nNI w1Lh lhl· OJWri pre p arl'd hy t:(' ~an r>wgo 1-:x 1111( o f 1w1cn1·<· to 1h ne w publH··• t e n s ion and µrf'<,c nt1·tl a !> a Ct•r lain ly the re w&~ a gene ral p u b ltc scr v U.'l' h y thf• Daily dem ocratization , 11111 the <i rcanc l'ilol --~~~~--~~~ A G RA NT F ROM the /\rn1·n t·an Te lephone a nd Tele graph Com pa ny and A~soc1C1ted Cmn parnt.'!> of the Hell System pro vided funds for the te le v1s1on M•n es pre pared by WGEO."Pit· ts burgh. Co urses by Newspaper is sup· po rt1.·!I by funds fro m the Na· t1on a l E n d o w ment f o r t he llumanities Two unit~ o f collt:ge c redit may be ca med by r<:admg the 15 pa rt ncwsp a pt:r s eries wh1 ch IJl'gan Septem ber 15 and e nroll 1ng with ('ou:,,tline Cbmmunitv Co lle gt· For r eg 1s t rat1on 1ri formatwn call the college a l 003 0811 COURSES BY NEWSPAPER I NATION _:=_J DITQR'S NOTE..:.t-!fhu_~ fkL#ttrd l!lO ~~rl{c,.a tzplori"fl "Conn«tfoml TechMl.ofnl ond ~" CHttlc Prict, proftuor o/ CM huto111 of ICUftt't at Yale Uruwroat11. diac:1&au• the~ 11"1' ,Orfwtfft tta. ttchntcaJ thtt and CM ~ pul>Uc. Th .. NFWI woa wnttfft for Courac1 btl NNfpoptr, a program dt· vtlof)fd btl Urd~nt11 EzteMott, UC Soll e&go. and ~d btl a gronc from tM National Endowm"" /or tM Humonitiea COt>vrl'Jlll f(I ltl't tw IM ReQ>tllh Of I,.. U11l•eo11y OI C•Hl~flla learned. more skills had to be acquired. Uy the 18th c entury the ex· p o n e nlia l growth o f n e w knowledge <doubling every 10 years ) and new technologies had rea ched the point where workers like the Luddites In England b r o k e the ma c hin es tha t t hre.ilen ed t h e ar livelihood Even l hl• !.i:1ent 1:,,ts l'Ou ld not keep up ENCVCJ.OPAEOIAS A.ND s u m ma ry abstract~ of research µa pe rs to wra p up the learning into d1~e:..tihlt: form CJffered one ~olution T h c g r r• a t F r 1· n c h E n 1•y clo p J f'd1u """ fr <.1 n k ly pohllt:al 1n 1 Lo., <JtlllUdl' toward the tL•ChOl<'al knowled ge of Hit .,killed tr<Jdc-.. puhh:,,hmg <tll the :tlle~t·d S('l0rl'ls thul m ight OP· pn·so., the populace by (ore-inf( them to toll t1!> a11prent1ce s SERIES HOST Actor Marshall rather than read and become masters. In the sam e s pir it, new de · mocratie elem ents in society forced disclosure of technical s ecrets as a pubUshcd patent. in e xchange for a commer cial monopoly on the new device NEEDLESS TO SAV~ thl· en cyc lopaedias and pate nt.$ did not solve the problems of noni>c1en tls ts. but m erely e nabl<.>d the bas ic proble m of a vailab1hty of kno wled ge to grow anoth e r stage Around 1800 the re was a nother c ruc ia l gro wth in s c i e n ce G a lvaru and Volta. looking for the secrets of life, found -current e lectric ity Wit hin a s rnglf' ge n e r a ti o n . e l ec tr 1r1t y transformed che mis tr y into a wealth of ne w s ubstances and ne w understandings. The 19th century s uw s uch ne w technologies as fe rtilncrs a nd s o il che m 1'l tr y , d y P c hem is try and explos ives, steam engines and locom ot1 vcs. as wt ll a s eleclncaJ e nergy. T HF. STEAM ENGINE hud grown fro m & "low·' (non· sc·1ent1f1c· 1 tcchn1,Jogy or water pum po.,, but thl· ch1.·m1cal <lnd e lect n C'al tugh H·chnolog1eo., n · quired the sc1cnllfl c knowl1-dgl· of lh<' day In indu:,,tnal nations . education hi.Id to tx-(·xpand(-d to produce the technical v.1;rk!.!r~ and populan1:ition p repa n.-d th1· public for the nt·" a g1· H) 1000 the Wt'alth or l hf· m ;1 JOr nations and lhl' qu<tl1ty of hf•· for lh<·1r peQpl1· IA.N t· hnk1·d mor €' lo the new lt·chnolog1Ps lo"" und hig h <1f manufactun· th11 n to th•· natural 1A.•·alth tif lh1· land ln<·n ·aH-d un1frrstand1nJ;! b roug ht forth m11ro · .rnd m1irl' h1~h tl·chnolog11 ·' II ) 195() th1· v.1·alth <1nrt llfllA.f"r of nat11Jns a nd hH·s or :111 1~-<1plf• b1·~an It• d1·p•·nrl .f·\ •·r mon· cm t h•· h1 J;!h t1•1·hnol <i j;!tl'" a n d 1h1•11 1111•\1lalllt' link IA.It h st·1l'nn•s th.it ""' n · 1n1·n·ao.,in~h· H·< hn1c.ol .inti l1.,tr11NI .Hid 1)1•\IJIHf th1· 11111Jt-r,tanlf tnl! of lh1· i.:••111·1 .11 puhl11· 1:-.i TH E LAST quart(·r c·l'n t u r), l'ffo rts t o populc.triz1· st•1ence and make 1t und erstan da ble to the lay per!>on ha ve len t IO('r<·ast~I urgenc) to tht· pr•1 ble m nf the clost:d ~hop of '>("l(•nc-1· But v.orkc·" -.uff-.·rini:: frr1111 the 1mpa1.t of n1•1A. 1i·rhnol,1g11·' iiJJpropnalt• Jml tnlipµropnut• h ,1\1' li rokt•n thl· m Jrh1n1·-. hk1· th1· or11?1nul Luddite' T11<h1\' th•• p 11p ul.1r r1·hl'l l111n 1:,, i1 J?".11nq n11c lc·a r r r actor-. and i.:1·nt·t11 l'll)(lneenn~. Jn<1 IO n:JllOllS 11 1>.1 lr:in. t'Vcf1 thing te-chnt<'ll I We cannot a ll be H IPnlti.t:,, c nor want. t.o), and w~annot ig- o<>ie U\e existence of tbi worfa19 s tock of science . But we are ol neceaaity all consumer.a of more o r l ess free c h oice In lbe lechnological world. NEXT WEF.K Joseph C Gie:r, co-auttior of ··Hy tlu: Seat of Thy /Jrow Work m the We.stern World," d11cu11re1 the el/eels o/ technologs/ on th e worker Wpper Image: No Tarnish NEW YOHK 1/\P I /\ hun dre d pc-nn i•·o., 1·11uld :-non tw wor th more than a dollar 1f th-: p n ct> or copp<·r <'onllnue!> 1L'I up ward i.p 1n Co ppt:r has found nt>w gl.imo r <1m1d lhc r u5h to b uy gold. ~1lver <Jnd other . mun · prcc1ow. rnl'lals Som<' major c·opper producer '> ra1'>t•d pr1C"cs Thurs d&y ti> $1 JO " pound . up from k!J c1~nts or less a wee k ago OTHfo:R PROOl'C:t:R~ (•hurw· 2 5 l'cnLo., mun· than th1· < >etohN future-. price rm thl' N1·w y,,, k Com mo<11l v 1-:x1·hani.:1· 'J h1•\ ;i uto nw t11·alh ra ... 11·d their pn11· tu SJ I:! Frida\ i.lrtf'f lh•· lutun·s pri<·e flbl' <! ~' "c·1·nl'> Thur-.day llJ S I ()!I~, \n iJ't'flll lot •11 11 atl•·r ... l"ft 11\ ,., .u ul i.:•1111 .i1,,n,. a nd 1A.f'nl 11110 111µµ<·r fu lurt·'>. -.:i1d ln.rnr Lou1-. th1· l'ltll'r 1,f the mctCll'> <Jo-i'·' rt rn 1·11 t .1t B a< 11 1· II ahi·v ~tuart Shwltb It IA.OUld t:ik1· iJ c-opp1·r prier• 11f SJ i~, a pound 111 m ake lhl' m etal 1 n .1 r>enn' "• irl h 'Hll' c1·nl l111l th•· ~01.<'m m••rtl '' ... 1 d i 1A.orr11·1 I T ht· T n ·a.,111 \ I 11•11.11 t ment .111 nnun1·1·!1 1111~ """k 111.11 .1 slurly l>JllL'I r•·1 •Hr11n•·ntJ1·d ... v.1t 1'111n~ lo LI t·h1·a1wr :tlu1r111111111 all11\ f•1r 1u·n1111·' 1r 11 ... pr 11·1· 111 1·•1111wr hit' SI I~ •. 1 l"11i11d It Tttt.RI-. I~ 111•11 • 111.111 ,, 1..-flll\ '4111 lh 111 I 11pp• I Iii J 111·1111 • p 1•11 pl• 1r11dd m.1k 1• 1111111• \ h\ rn •·ltrnJ,! tlw 111111" .111•! "'lllOJ.! lht ml'l:il Thal II.is l1.1p pt•nNI lo ... t1 v1•r 1·111 11.,, wh1l"h a n · • no lunj.!cr m1nll'd ~1wr11l.1111r'> ha \f• f1111·k1·<! 111 the OH•l,11111 lf"ll"nl d;o)" v.1lh m uc·h or thf• hu) 1n~ rt"f)(Jr1 <'tlly 1•nmtn~ fm m .\11ddlt.• J-;;J'>I l'<lun Ir 11· fh1·n · 1-. l·un1·1·rn oJ l14m1 11111 1ml\ lh1• \,11\11 of th .. r111ll•11 hut 11lh•·r p.11wr 111rr 1·111·11·' ;, w1•ll -..11d .l11h11 I l1rh'. llw d111•1·t111 of 1 »111m1 wl1I\ rl's ••.111"11 lor .\J.ornll I.' 11d1 "Tht•\ Jrl' '>t•t·lo.1111.: to 11111 l h1·1r rnont'' mtu ph}-.11".11 .. .,-.,.1:- th.11 m a\ rl'la111 valuo• ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY - FAITH CHAPS. ,_ ....... , .... ,.. .. , COSTA MUA WOMB4'S CLUI '10 W. 11th ST., COSTA MaSA PASTOltJ>AYID l. WlLSOt4 I O·OO A.M. -lllU STUOY I 1:00 ....-M-lft!J WanWp 7:00 p.-1•.-.. Wwdllp HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH C orfttt of Fo>r'P•~· afld loktt. Cotto M~~ ct~· Hilton Jon ... Po~tor Phonl' 17141 55-·1187 SU HD A Y SCHOOL -9:00 A.M. SUHOA Y WOltSHlf' -I 0:30 A.M. EVEHIHG SERVICE -6 00 PM. WEDHE50A Y fVEl'lll'IG · 7 00 PM YOUTH AHO AOUL T l llll STUDIES CHURCH OF CHRIST 117 W . W lhOll, Cott• Mfto 60·1"1 W1• 11• A 1,,1111q l,111w1n9 (,rq ;;,nr1 C.t ,rr.n \UHDAY \OYICU 818LESTUOY9A M WORSHIPIOA Pol &6P.M. "DRY IOHES" • llBIAL 37 PAUL ntOMAS.'MIHISTH DOUG COLI. YOUIH MINl$Tll won<li•d11t 111111h,lppen10 you at 1he NEWPORT HUIOR CHUICH Of IUISIOUS SCIENCE Cl1Wd1S-fcn &J __ C._..11 IO:JO A.M. l Olllt CIUC> '">1 11>•1"1r "'•-o-c""~" Olllc• I '70 5-te ._A"• Wte I Cetto Mtto 64 .. 10]2 Dl•A·,,-v., 646-6464 DI. ILIAHOlt C. JACICSOH. Hew~ h.,...tttt Mltdtt.,. T•oclttt . f!rectlffoMr · T.,., A•elloM. COMMUNITY CHUICH IY THE IA Y .. Dr. W.-ll. ,....,., ........... SUHDAY-S". J0-10 A.M. "THI waJ. ....... °' .......... ....... a..-2. JOO NO'wporiC..._ Dri•• .............. W9llll01lY-OCT. 1-10 A.M. .._ llT0t40 APf'IAAMCIS" ............ '- #I Cea,_ ... ,._ D.f"•• .-..,... c ...... Clllrdl OMa.i '"' ....... Dr . ........... ,. .. • \. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 1u~"" ••f •, oi fHf MOh•lA C.HUffC..-. fHC r1A'H c.uuHC,.. f t ftHI ,f •;(.1(tHl<'f IN 80,ff')f' VA:,~A(HU't(fl~ "REALITY" Septflnh•r 30, 1979 Costa Meao R"t Chwch of Christ. Scl..tfat 2810 ~ Y~ Dr .. Cotto M ... Sudlry S<i.oo. -I 0 A.M. Cltwdl S..-.lce -I 0 A.M. Alto h t Swtdoy Of loch MCMttlt -5 '°""' hoclNJ •-. 2110 Me .. ·~ Dr. ' A.M.-4:JO ,.M. M°"" ttw. S.f. W•d.. 7·7:50 ,,M. -f ·f :JO ,.M. H•"ti... IHch -Rrst Chlrch of Christ, SclenHst '"' .. OI••. HlllltlllCJf• IHch C hwdl & s-doy School -I 0:00 A.M. bodlMJ 1--221 Mell! St. Log.,.o leach -Flrat Ch•rch of Christ, Scientist us Hicp Ori .. Clwdl & s..49y School -I 0 A.M. ...... ·--214 Forett A\'O. Newport leoch -Fl"t Clm'dl of CW11t, Scl...tlst JJOJ Yle Udo,~ loecl1 Ca-di & s..49y Sciloof-t :OO & IO:JO A.M. I• ... 1-. U 11 Ylo Lu. M-"-Fri. -t A.M ... S ,.M. CNIO<At<t"""'-1-"YO -t ~11304 M '"'llludy ,_ Mewport IHCh -S.cOftd Chwch of Christ, Sclenffst l 100 'oc:lflc YI .. Dr., c-.. Mor C~h & S..., ScMol -I 0 A.M. lt-"'91-JIOO "I" I. C-t Hwy"·t .. WED. IEVEHIMG TISTIMO..Y MHTIMGS- 1 r.M .. ALL CHUIC._S AH""" COlllellV-IO~ IN _II MMClel _.,....Ille ......... Of IMR•-.V~ AT All SBY1CIS FACI,,_ HU YY NOil.iMS? ,, ... ·-.... ,.. ... ...,, ...... ....,,_ FllST CHllSTIAM CHUICH ......... ~ MINDAY: ............. '!-II c1e....-.:10 a 10:00 All Wor ........ :ao, tO:OO All, 1:00,.. Ac ... t , .... .....,_. • ......, '-""'" DIA&.-A-DIYOTIOH-IW; <>mce .... ~c...w ... 1nr ----·----• 0 .,,, ""~~ 1 ST CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCJENCE fa •'..' ... .OFNE~~~!.~~-.... ··,_,'6'.;' ltfV AllfltT IU.ICI. •Sc:f. Mll•UTI• :. .. . WORSHIP AHD SUHDA Y SCHOOL 10:30 A.M. "WILT THOU IE MADE WHOLE? .. URBANUS SQUARE Mac Arthur at ford Rood-H~wPOrt leach r()fi AN "' ,,_1,.. lol>f<Ai "'I '1~1,r lltAl ~I LAGUNA UNITED METHODIST"'""""'" tn &umt,.y b_.¥lftn '""°' fe4Mwth4p Pettot ThoMat W1um11t ti s~'"'°" •Utt! Sl'IAI• ''-•-™ c AtlM>o' 2t132 W•luy Ot S.Outh l •QtlnA 4t 9 301!8 •,.., •• P ••• j(I fX• A,"' HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH IUIK-i,lii .. Clwhtl 240 I lr•l11e ot Stlflto IMlllH4 645 5/HI "WHIHTHIOO.... GITS TOUGW' Aev. Geno A. Swenton ,._ A fArdtJI Wetc11111 f rtm !tie UNtnD CMUICH Of CHllST C OMMUMITY CHURCH CON;tCGATIOMAl 611 H .. io~A•t., Cor-•tMw 644·7400 O..UW.ICwt..Mwtt ... I 0 A.M.-s-49, WwtMfi , , , ••.•••• ''"""'"""* NUGMIOIU CDMCtllATIOMAl CllUICJI HO St. AM't f'I. ... ~J".L...-leeclt ••4-1061 J0HH M. llYHOLOS MAIGdlT A .... llYHOLOS ............ ASTllO~AM .,.,..... .. t amee. ........ I OAM.-~W ..... o.c•Sca-ti......., SllPttln If Tll£ •LS )0121 ........... '--II-...... 4tS.IJIO ...... .., 1 I ill I .... Mllllltw I 0 A.M.-C-'• •f Ir.,., ~Wortlllp ..ic~•kMol THINGS GO BETTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES _____ o f the Co51stal Areas CHUltCH OF n4f COVfHAl'fT '----- USO F..'•lt• ltd.. Cent• M~o l rvc• A I("""'"· flott~ S""do'f Wonhl11 £ Chwch School I JO & 10 00 AM ......... Sf>J.))40 ommun1ty PrHbyfman Churc 41 S Fornt An~ ...... a.oc11 04-7SSS Rev Arthur J Tankersley Re~ Eldon H Thies I.} 00 A,.,. '-;LJN[lAY SCH()()! 10 1 <;A "" wor~SHIP SF nv1n ( MO f'tfll N ¥ff Uf(~tf'f ). A N IP't lt'I t A J1t 11 :¥l A M -C"'QFFEE FEL' OWSHIP ST AMDREW'S PRESIYTERIAH CHURCH 600 St Andrews Road • Newport Beact • 631 ·<'860 Dr ....... A. H""'-". Jr., ...... WonMft SOM'kH -t:OO.t:JO. It :00 "HOW TO HAHDll IAD HIWS. IMPOS~af ,_Oii.iMS, AHO CLfYH ltflMIH" Or, Huttmen Pred\tno CHUltCH SCHOOL "00 ~ .,,..,,. ',..,,,,qi\ ( ....... ,, ti )() '""""'"''-"'""' I I 00 -0-ld tar• I lltOUQI> IC,,_,,,.,....., AIC HILl'UHf -645-2122 ______ __. MISA lllLI CHAPEL 1114 Or-. ..... c-....... ~ P-.n .... ILll"-,,_.._ IUteA T CHAPIL SCHOOl.-t1JO A.M. MOlt•ea WOl...,_lt:41A.M . n.....,.nc .. YICl-7:0t ,.M. 141.f71J • e_;.FREEDOM OF ~Jf WORSHIP _______ ... '• 1 .. I ---------------------~•-e __ 11g1o __ t_1 ________________ 0_~~-~-T _A• ,..,,,. ............. ..u. ..... ;:.,...or.::~,,,,,.,;-:,;..--.;_....,...,=--~~'T.'i"..,,-~~~Or."1--..,.,,...:::T-:r=""' ·~----~~...,.--,.,.........,,_-.. ·eouege_cQf&iBl~Nafiled-· . ____ ___..._............_. Rev. Lae1ch Joim Ii-vine Lutheran School The Rev Norman T t..atseh has been named Htoclate dlrector of development at Cllrlat Celleae. lrvloe · The Rev Lanch Is a 1nctu1t.e of Concord!• Collese. Mllwaukee and Concordia Seminary. St Louls. ti hu befn pa tor at ch urchH In fuuon. Cr~ston, Iowa. Maren10. Iowa and Bar rln1Jton Hills, Ill. He will wortc with chant• ble estate planning 10 h1i. po.<11 lion at Chrut ColJeati • Rich Capaldi will speak on "The Step Family" at the 11:30 a.m. Wednesday luncheon of • An Yem Klpp•r OrtlMdoa services are scheduled for 6:20 pm Sunday and 10 a .m. Monday at the Turtle Rock Recreation Center, Irvine. • • A South of the Border fiesta is s lated Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 7 at St. Simon and J ude Catholic Cluarcb, 20444 Ma~a St , Huntington Beach . . • Kol Nidrc services for Temple Ellat, Lake Forest, are scheduled for 6::.l and 8:30 p.m. today al Saddleback College in Mission Viejo. • Evangelist David Alan Phemister, Newport Bet'ich. will dlaculia. th current world spiritual movements on the "Odys ey" tihow, 8 a .m . Sunday on KNBC. ChlUU\CI 4 . • A fUrn er•c~. ""'ocus on the Fflmily." will be 1Jr~1Jented al 8 p m . Tuesdays through Nov. 13 al t. ADd.rewa Prt'1byterlaa Cll11rcJa. 600 St. Andrews Roud, Nl'wpc>rl Otiuch. James C. Dobson, associate dlnlcal prulf'SSOr or pediatrics at USC School or Medicine, and uuthor of several books on the fami· I)', Will ~ feti1lured in the rllmS .. The Rev Eleanor C. Jacks.on of Newport Harbor Church of Re U&iOllS Science will present a five-week seminar O(l Abundant Living beginning at 't :.> p m Thursday The seminar is sch~Uled at 1503 South Coast Drive. suite 111, Costa Mesa. • Deceived. a film on the Jonestown. Guyana tragedy and religious cults, will be shown al 6 p.m . Sunday at Fount ain Valley BapUst Cbllttb, 10460 Slater Ave . f'ountam Valley. Bisllop• Appointed Three new bishops from left. Anthony M. Pilla . J ames A. Griffin and J ames P Lyke were recently ordain ed in Cleveland. Dr. Kcn~cth Carlson. ( 8 ..,1EL' .... · J Pope 1'7.l.Sl•t mtn1ster and lecturer. n ,.. ."J ,, j will be guest speaker al _ _ lhe 10 am . Sunday ..._ _______ _. ~ervice of Lag11Da United s • • t L lfit Me thodbt Church, 21632 Wesley Drive, South IDln l er Laguna. r • Dean Lindsay will s peak on the origins of theosophy .it SundHy 's m eeting of the Unitarian· Universalist fellows hip of Laguna Beach. NEW YORK I J\P) An American Jewish leader s:.iys Pope J ohn Paul H's visit to the United State s can help rejuvenate the spirit of Americans and "call the world to 1L.., ~cnses." Farmers to Vi,sit Pope John Paul rnme~ in the midst of a "pervasive anxiety and downbeat m<Jod" among Americans and "at a lime when the entire human family feels in its bones a univers al malaise." says Rabbi Marc II Tannl·nbaum T:innenbaum, director of inler-rel.Jg1ous aJ- fairs of the Amcric:m Jl'y, ash Committee, met with the pope last March in the Vat.Jean He said there is powt'rful symbohc;m 1n the fact that the pope ar rives in Boston on Oct I , the Jewish day of atone- ment. Yorn K1ppur DES MOINES. Iowa (AP ) Emphasizing the agncultural nature of Pope John Paul II's visit to Iowa next week. 10 rural people from across the country have been chosen to receive communion from the pontiff. The lis t include s a California farm worker, a Montana cattl e rancher and a Louisiana p la ntation worker, of- fi cials of the National Catholic Rural Life Con· fcrencr said this week. Those 10 will be joined Missionary Turns 100 NEW YORK CAP) - At a dinner celebrating her lOOt.h birthday, re- tited United Methodist mi ssionar y Welthy Honsinger Ftsher re· marked that s h e planned to "h a n g a r ound and see what happens" in he r second century. She was feted recently by a bout :.>O friends al the SL. Regis hotel. by about 140 Iowans in receiving communion from the p<>pe. "THESE 10 people will embody the theme of this papal visit Lo Des Moines. which is 'You are Pet e r -rural America welcome s yo u '." said William Sc h aefe r , executive director of the NCRLC Adding to the rural theme. church officials said that when the pon- tiff greets several hun· d r e d t h ousand wors hipers al the Living History Farms, he will be surrounded by quills. earthen pottery. weav· ing. woodwork and other tradition al Am erican craft products "Des Moines s peaks uniquely. It 1s speaking a message that 1s dif· ferent from his othe r stops. So il encourages natur al art of the en· v1ronment." said Father .Joh n Buscemi, a rtis tic coordinator for the visit. "WE WILL give an echo of the plowed fields around us," Ruscemi iwid of the decorations that will adom the plat· form where the pope will be seated at Living Jlislory Farms The q uilts , weaving, pottery :md other items were c hose n "a s OP· posed to precious metals like gold o r s ilver" TEMPLE BAT YAHM HIGH HOLY DAY SB VICES at St. Alldrew'a Pnabyteri• C.....U 600 St. Alldrewa Rood. Mewport leoc9' YOM ICIPPUR Sunday. Sept 30 !Kot N1dre I 8 00 PM Monday. Oct 1 10 00 AM Children's Service 1 30 PM Y1skor !Memorial & Closing ) 3 30 P M Services conducted by Rabbi Mark S Miller Assisted by Can1or Ronald Evan Ford1s Information & Tickets 714-644-1999 because the four-hour vi s it 1s t o be "a showcast' of rural life, .. Buscemi said. The p<>pc will visit a tiny rural church and talk with its 205 mem· be rs before appearing al the 600-acre Li~ing His · tory Farm.-.. It as a day of "rcpc·ntcnce and reney,af." he says Citing the J>OPl"' ... turdy faith and fight for human n ghts under both Nat1sm and communism in his native Poland. Tanne nbaum adds "Such a l'O mmandrng per sonality has the capacity to call the world to its senses ·· ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FALL ADULT EDUCATION Sundays beginning Oct. 7 9 :30 a.m. "Personal and Pr~c.t1cal Truths Jn John's Gospel" Leader· John Lindscoq, w ith Whyclilfe Bible Translators 9:30 a.m . "Heroes of Biblical Scholarship" L eaders· David H Wallace. Ph D John B William<,, PhD Tuesdays, Oct. 2 -Nov. 13 7: 15 p.m . "The Bible Speaks Aboul Prayer " Leader· John A Huffman. 0 D • Pastor of St . Andrew's 8:00 p.m . "Focus on the Family". a f11m SPries Featuring: James C . Dobson, Ph D 8:00 p.m . "The Bethel Bable SeriPS" I beginning ctassl Leader : John Campbell Call 631-2880 to register -all classes are free and open to the public. Lyke will be Cleveland's urban vicar and first black Catholic bishop in ttte Midwest CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE and R.AJHEESH MEDITATION CENTER 20062 LOIJlllMI Cmtyon Rood. at E:I Toro Logaina leodl SWAMI IODHIMITRA talks EVERY SUNDAY at I 0:00 A.M. He says WP 1n Religion ;irp c;a11sl1Pd with rnaps Is knowing il mac the sarnf' a-. lak1nq lhP tnp?" c-•· lht~11 and bf'q1n to sense lhP difference between knowlP<lQP & be1nq Hi-· alsr. IPaCht·~ Wr>dnf'• n;iy 1 .. ·.•.f'. I() A In N N')n 7 30 I() 9 30 p "" D• ,n,111nn Sn 00 OPI ~f>' \ir n MEDITATIONS: MOftday, Wl'dn•iday. Friday 6:00 • 7:15 A.M. Call 494·0490 for Detailed lnforwtatiOft L•Str-n 1 j Swami Bodt'llm11ra on XEMO 'AM Radio 860 Saturdays 8 CO 8 30 A M . '\ "' . ,.... "\ ..... I I• Thr "''°"ll.\'o 1llrJ < 1111.t I '" <.hAr•ni.: thr \\ 111\\11hn111 11 .... ~.n11.1h .. '-r"'' I 1 t hn •lo•n 1 .. 1hr11n.o1 I I~ I rr .. r •rtnJI, lnr \du lr-."'"' Thr O rt,1oton• ol '>vll·l>ou ... I t 1ht rrt"r~flnj( fnr \dolf''l•'nt.t~ t•t•t•r flrr v-urf' .1nJ '°W\.U .. lth I''" • \\ h.u \\ "r• \\ "" I h~tr lfu•b•nJ• "'"'w \bout \\om"" I hr I f)nrh lfn.,,.,..., ''" I rl11 \\ h•I \\ "'"' \\ "" I hror llu• .. •n1h i.. ...... <\l>uul ~\nm.-n .\lunr\ ...._ \ •nJ < h1IJrr11 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 15th St. and St. Andrew'• Rd. Newport Beach Tuesday•. Oct. 2 -Nov. 13, 8 p.m . Free Call 631-2880 to reglater ,, .. ~, ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY 'Plqnwutli L tlllllrrt]ll1 illlllll Ll1urd1 ~ . \. \. 326.Z IROAD ST., NEWPORT HACH 642·2740 SUHDAT SlllYICH-t:M & IO:JO A.M. \ "JUST CALL ME A CHRISTIAN" PASTOR WARREN ANGEL DR. JOHM LINDVALL. PASTOR ST. JOHN THE DIVINE "-~~~EPISCOPAL CHURCH~~~~ Ill L hf, c..t. W.-Ml-2217 T .. HY. COH•AD A. MO•DQUIST. VICA• 1:00 A.M. • Tr .. ffoMI Holy C0wssueloe I 0:00 A.M. • Hot, r.dtlritt -lfh II I ~~ ST.JAMESEPISCOPALCHURCH. 209 VWflCOMES YOU 3 ia lido, NftWPO'f Beach ..., Ml A.M. """" ... ...., c '• MIAM.a.-lt~~Mllllta...._ .......... ,.,.. ,....,, ,..,. .... tWrC = ............ ....,_ ..... ~ ............. ~c... CM,_W'•nc MASS ................... 1:te,.M. .....,_, .......... _...., .. , ... ...... Ser*e-~O.Of ..... n. .... J.M,.A..-,tt.hctw-,.._67M2_10 Saint Mkhael And M Angels EpiKopal Church lZll P•Hk Ya.w Dri••· c ........ M• ~ CMU CAM A a.cM ICMOOI. IMI A.M. ' IWY MOLT COt8HID1• Ml a IMIA.M. ...., c h• ,....,.1-. -w .... ..,. flJO ..... ....... J.Ml..-n~ltctw ............ , All SAINTS ANGUCAN f PISC<J>AL" CHURCH .............. , ........ c..... Preyer 102 Bushard. Fountain vo1i:c~1 ...... , .... ..... HOLY COii •10M .......................... W A.M., •AM&Y m'9CI • CIMCM ICMOOL •••••••• fltJ A.M.• Mam•• NAtm •••••••••••••••••••••••••• I, .. A.M. ..._. CAii AYAILAILI ""tC I ..,.....,_llA.M. ..... ....,_,.,, • NEWPORT H BOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 791 Dour Dr. .Wwpori leoch 541-3 631 •oqu J. hr9, l'ot._. ~-.A. M!Mr, ..... WORSHIP SERVICE 8 00 AM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9 15 AM WORSHIP SERVICE tO 30 AM WELCOME CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Mos:.our• Synod 760 Vlctwle St., Cede.,._,. lottlOf "· r--· l'o\tor -631-1611 WOUHIP SllVICl:S -I : I 5 & 11 :00 A.M. SlllldeySchoel&AdilltllW.Cleu-t:lOA.M. CtwittloR l:e.-..tery Sc.hoot-541-HH PRINCE OF PUCE LUTHOAN CHURCH 2t11.-..v..-.'Or. c .... ..._.. llUl'INl'f t... RtA#TIE .... ,AllOfl ._AUIRellftO,A.C.--. s-4ay Sdletl -t:40 ...... • .. , ..... .,._,_, w ... 111,. • & 11:00.....: l'riftc• .. ~ ~ ~'""" ........ ,,._ ~ Pl'tlleip.I -·-M•••UI S-_l .. .fMJ LU'THHAM CHURCH OF THI MASTH, LCA 7H•llJI Cate + •t C1 11• W .... Senk• t A.M. .... s..., Sdleel' A.M. S-..,tdnlll' t ......... 12'11..._. IO:HA.M. Lk cla.C W...., ~ IO:JI A.M. ......... O.C .... ,....r WESTMtNSTfR LUTHERAN OtURCH IH41....._A ... 1.,.\1 ........ -,.--• l :JO & 10:jo A.M.-Woa..-SBVICIS t :lO A.M. ••• ., ............... HARBOR FELlOWltlP llBLE CHURCH o...aawse..c.... ...... DI. P. I. -ta., hltw 641-.... IUNDAY ICHOOL .. :,I Ml WORMP·10:to ,...:to pM ..,.. ..... ,., ...... o., ...... ~ .. ~won °' WllCY ~.,.. -1c11AM.1:11,,.. 940. 7111 ............ d 11.H .... A Ccwdial WekotMfrolft THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Co IJMr• 1 FIRSTUHITED METHODIST CHURCH 191n St & HJrb<Jr UlvO C~h S<hoolfor IJIAqH-t:lO Wor\JMp -I I :00 A.M f i trl• [) ( ~ t,., ~I I lt r Cosia M P"" Nnrtti MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH ..-... VOfOlt A O••Of SI 119'~.'34 ""'°'"""'"C""'tllSc""°' t :JO A.M. Dr. w 1111-I. S'"4 CHRIST CHURCH IYTHESEA Ncwoort Bc•acti 1400W 0.:1ttx>J 8tvc1 6 73·3A05 Rc•v Rooo11 Shfloard J t W°""&CllwchSchoel t:lOA.M . wtldoy l'r.,_Sdtool/Dov ~ 7:90&& .,,.. ~1unlonQlon £>1 .. 1< r, FIRST UMITEO METHODIST CHURCH ,, l ,' 1 111•1 S I '>J" J'>l/ W or•lllft Serricr. I 0: I 5 ..,., '• • • ·•'• A V Cllwdt Schul 9:00 ..-. Hunllnqto n 8PcJcn North COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH b662 HP1I Avf' 8 42·446 1 •GeWW•• ~K-, HEWt'ORT CfNTER UNITED METHODIST t 601 MarQuenlf'AvP Coron.1 dC'I Mar 644-0741 w.,.... &C'-ch~ t-.10.4.k • ...... Mc .... FOUHTAI .. WALUY FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11225 le"'-41 SI. Dr. C9n'll L Wwd, ......_ t62-2Stl A ....... a.rd-...... & ca.rcll w..t +:1l A.M . ~ Chrlnlan}'dkJw,'RllU..-----.. •. EDWIN LOUIS COLE .. MINISTER ~ 740 w. Wiiton ...... s.:::::: .. 9:11 Cou Mt.. ........., .. c !• -tiH ..................... _, ... c...._.,,__ IT'S.."""""'-S.....-6ctl TEMPLE BAT Y AHM IRtforml H.1bh1\f1rk !'-'11tl1·r I .1111111 Hu n.1ltl F Fnrth-.. SAllATH SERVICES · FRIDAY · 8:00 PM \1 1n .1m t-...1ulm a11 1>11 111 I ti \\1111111 fin" l'11•"1lr•11t 1!1'111!1011-. :-01 h•••I "111111.1\ 'I I.> \\I In 11 1 ·1 \\I I 1 \\ ~' ll11!h ti111u1" \ctull Educ at um I It h11·\\ ..,c hool Thur-.d.n I 15 ·ti 15 I'~! 111 11 < .11n1·lh.11 I. '\1 "p1111 l<• .. 11 h I 111 .l;1mborl'•' \'1,11or, \\ 1·lr 11m1• t..J.1 Hl!f!I \h•mlw r l ' ·\II{' SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE \DMleftl 5tt•ICt• F.-ider••"""9 I : 15 I' .M. t t t t n a e t t FOMtty S..-•ic«' Fl"t~dorofttw...,.,... 7:101'.M. RJbt>1 Qpr n°,11d P i'\1no ~IOO·A Mar Vista MJsic. Ane Sh1kler NE>woort Bf'ach Cahl E~lor Hildy She1nman for illf~ c ... u .. 1201 All V1tonn W•IC.OMllt (ii ·jT emple Sharon of Costa ~esa ) IC-.lltl•el 617 Wfff .......... .1 .I s.ntc.."Wef ....... l:ISl'.M.·~t:l5A.M. Ill s-doy . t :30 A.M. Ot [O•lll'OA S.-,,,_ ._ILTIS•O&n-·ClllffOl ...... UH NI/ICY l"""' ~ """"""""lllOt AOU11 Eouc•im •OoJl'll Acll\1118 -"ll'°'".,.,.H.'«W.,...'l<llOOI f•"'r>HIY..t•~ ..... 1-•WoolCf't'OM~ ST~t\RT YOUR WEEK WITH WORSHIP F I ND A FRIEND I N THE CHURCH OF YO UR CHOICE --·. --. Tenm UI O AKLAND (AP) N t n e t etn year old Rklley OoUoo bu been ••nt enced to life 1n prtson for tortW'in1 and 1tran1Jlnc •n 80 YHr old lnvaHd woman dur In& • robb~ry aat ht>r Oaltla1'd horn~ SuJ)t!nor Court Jud&t! Klch•rd Bartahm lmpos~d thti sentenc~ allcr a Jury voted for life 1mpr11,on m e nt with out lht> poulbWty or parol~ WILLIAM• C.l<A(f (i Wll I IA""'\ t•\•-1 vi C-•• ~1'1 l»'IO'<l •••Y ... j;I )l .. ,. ~ •• , • tonnH m.f"l'\tA>f f)f thtt..( .,,,. ~~ F e\1Hn 't•r \M i'l \Ur Wl••(I Dy -..,.. OrJf\•la \ PrAOr OI M oUMHl VIOjO & f.fo ... r \ ~ ll"'-"'•I l'Oll~r O•uo,.t•r "441(11' 'I Puu• t:A AN~ 101 Rtoth«r 8.uf1 \tll~n\11'.>n t.lf f •••• '"' l•r f '""' LAr><lfl vi I"'' y I olll "'"' ~u'"'v•n ny nunwrrnv' t.Jt4rn11t n.iot,.n & q, .. ,., Qt•Mhnlldtf'tn t,r•1t1•\1fl• '°''"'''•' wtu 0. M•O ~•¥ t0AM ,..ArOQr l 4'_,. Nwm<>tt1tt f-'11t• Wlln (kti" (.,uf1tl!lt aft1r ••hntJ •,rvu "' un ,, .. , ltw dtr.., IM)f1 H4t' bfJt t ,.....,,, M f <.Jflv .. Mtw-tw.8t 't ( O\t• ~'°" \AO ~'~4 ALa111no.. f Hr}M/l\ H .-l Hftl f f Q+I tfl'\1,,...,\1 , •• H .. ·C.-0''• , A P• .\l'-f'I •• ,.,, ...... ,,. /1 ft,'""' ~ .,,,,._, ,,.,..,,,. u\ 1ntu1f\f' t11o1• iN.-w ; (lf.Jf.ot)-t,. tot rr1,.,. F)t1I ,., '",."'''"' ,., ifllltll f ltUf OtilltllltH• 'r, ,,, .,,.. w 1\l"k;m ,.,,d Ui'f•lfy ;<,u ••u"M "' ,,,..,,, tn•tw;• "••t ••ti ~•ti t.• t t...-q c.t1t t1 ,.nn .. 11n1n ''"'"' n••tt·''''"' I•; It""''"' '"lfh h.1 I •tty •rtt "N.-lr..'W• t"f,/U tJ.4lid ##•ti• I Ml N fHfl r ,., , t ~no r ,.,.,.. M:<t ""'""' ""' "'c .,, ~~ftll 'l::!:.•;;A,!;.:, 1~f!),'ftf71~~~1':1 J4t, .,, ,,.n•. t48h<.t1u11t r .,.n, '"'; •,,i1n f.11•t~1 bfi.U Ht<lltldflt'•"t Mir_.,rtu••Y U1tf'' ()'\HAUOHHf\\Y u '' r, r ,.. r .-. • u , t -. IJ ',H .. IJf_,tiNf ~ .. ',t l.1411'-...0 ~••Y ""'"' '' ,. ' "Out\A k•"t'f n ,.,., r1 • • .,,.unn f #10,.. #I•'"",,, Utt II' N•"Y A ,.,,,,~,.,, t r1t u ... U '· lift "~'" "'''' l't • C'ht•r1\., '''''''•'' •tO ,..,.,u •• I, -.If.If fir 1• '"'"' • .,...,, bv th' -.1h 1 ••• IP h '"' fAAltttr t1f P4f'<#f)l1tl ''""' h I "'O"''fitf<f\ Jt"ttlt'lft f1'1.t1,.YUhfU•\ 1 9f M''"" n• f ,.,,.J.,, ,. ... n 11t·n1 tJ ",•1•u11t. I I 't l;f ( 1t1ttP11 t f}ljl /!J i1t < 4 rJi11t~nHt P.,h f 'hf1 r,f rltt•tt·""-'"U f ,.,,,, • .,,,, ",,_.,,,,..,.., ,,,.,, .... ',, • ., ,. t "" 1,,, t "''"-. ~ I''' 1 ""u tf•U'' f.'r"At• '""'"" VfWll• Wt•ft ri•ttJ t4., 'f t •• n•t If I "''un • U • 14' t1 M iotlul\ty lftJtrtu d 't ..,, .. .,,., (111,.\ ~ f tHH f ... ..-If Ht HU '• m • h 8Murdey. Sept.efnbef 21. 111'1 NATION I AT YOUR SERVICE I OBITUARIES ~liJipe~ Rock's Tii~n to Eink PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE l'ICTITloUt IMIM .. Ht fllCTITIOUI ._. ........ •MM. HATl ..... J ..,.,..AT&TblaMT 'T-~ ,_,,_It *'flt Wll TIM ........... --II .... llutl• _ .. , ,. .. .. tUITI• ll llO O U( n , ITt AL .. IH8 IHOf', ltt1 ~ Or , ~c-IA>ll -~. --:;-Adorable Antidote-l,AW IN_Nortolk-~·~ Poftpoiued' bu)1q IJ'ftl' UDlU be bad new 8UPPtt"Y Rock decal. He ""t SS. A memw ol lbe Rock faculty, akUng ln Austria, told ber Jaeket rttbt otr her back. .. .,.,.,.. PIM. ANll>t!M. CA ttlt1 UIWI Joi, HI.wit ............ II. CA ttM, _ ~t•rrttU t.utt,.I\.~ ... 110 Attr•.Sll*~I,., CMllH 0•-~"'41,•.......,.,., I Ufllt~..,._e..cll,CA'7'4, "Tiii• ~ h <""4K ....... , .. lfl Tiii• bu~ .. ~ ... ..,, .,. '" u PPtaY llOCIC . Pa "l1Mt llnl colJq ift ~ htllt town, the OM v ry body mention• wath a wink and • amllt, wOrh_ave lhe l11t lau1h today A menu la abol.tl lb dllc:ov r • lrulh paOcnUy u plalned on T ahirta .old at lh Uft'\IMa booUt.or "Y• lhtri lt a Sltp~ry ~k " NOT THAT n hu been • M'trtt an t"luha acorou t.be land 11ther ln tllvtim a ever)' faJI to hive ~nnanta and alOlb 111 l~tlH~ to the Slipper Rcxk foutbMll tum <~. ttotketa' "SUll: ·· aald Zant' Oray, Uw bookltor~ propnaor, who h.-an tnkUna abc,u• rib nudalnl name., •·you ('()UJd bo 11ur prlif'd how m•n)' ~pie bellt1v~ SU11 ~ry Rock ta really Juat • put on " W~ll. h ng on ror a bull tln Todi.y, thf' datUn~I~• ftockel11 will m ttl M nvaJ PcnMylvan1a team, tht· Sh1ppenaburai ked kaaldcri1. on m·utrMI turf T H EY WILL PLAY upon thto holy 1erldlron of tht" lJn1ver111ty of M1t•h1g1w 11 t ad1 u m . which H'1t t 11 11111 ,000 wor11h1pcr11. and thf' thlnkrng of lht' 5,7110 1jlUdl•nl.I! on the-l'ltnug t·1tmpu!t 11> U1jt l1l ti•· ol' Slippery Rock JUHt m11(hl fill thul Hi te l..ea1eue Joint At1 u 1<•11ture to th•· c·o llcgc whm,t· r11l1· 11corcti 1l trud1t1onally u11nuunc·c'I 111 lht• I \ ''· h for Real Folks ~oura ot Ha own heroic Sa&w'day. 1tru1- 1llfl•, the Unlnrtlty of Mlcb11an olfered th u1 ol lu etadlum Nol>leue obUI•· Now It ha Slippery l\oek'a tum to wink Studoot entrepreneura have !.>u1ht up ht1upK ol lwme trorn lhe bookatore bear· 1nw the maatcul namfJ -cape. pen 1111n!Ji. ~er mu1t11 wh1ch don't move too well ut home. Sllpl)tlry Rock. wouldn't you koow It, as dry t.o t.ake 14 Atln Arl>Qr , Mich WHY Non 111At is bow knoWin1 HoC!k IOc.b fmance their sprtng trips to (<'lortd a (.'h url(tl Ii trunldoad of ereen Md wtutt• ut th•· bookJS tore and hawk it on lhl' beach at l"ort Lauderdale · l\nythmK with Sllppt!r y Rock pnnted on 1t IK u hot 1t1·m l.oa.l Yt•ar the bookstore sold $250,000 '411rth 1Jr '>ouvcn1n. to rans in every .. tJlt• and ..ibroad To meet the ever ~tr<>Wll\K ch·rnand. Zane Gray Uus year 1rnt uut a 111ull order catalog Or v11u t·un t>uy your Slippery Rock 1'.111 al St•h,>17.''> Hc.-er Garten m l\U3t1n, l't'K :ii., or tit Cacc1pogl11t 's bar in P1u·1f1<':1, C:J11r • or al Custard'i. Last Stund 1n Syl v..in1a, Ohio "E verybody , ahem, wanta a piece of lhe Rock," Zane Gny 1Mld. "It wu am11ln1 to me when I came here Ulree yean •co and looked at the book a. "T·ahh'lll, Jackets, souvenirs made up 18 percent ol I.he bookltore sales, about (Ive thnea the average -Notre Dame might be an exception -and before I ar rived at Slippery Rock I dJdn't e ven know where the place was." AMAZING, YP.8, AND perhaps that as why. Nobody k.nowe where 'the place ii, o r even I.hat It la. THERE HAS BEEN a Slippery Rock 1•vt.·r Mn ce u Seneca Indian. cha!>ing somf' settler., :scrm111 u nearby crnek , 1>ll1>1wd. ft:ll <Jnd r ra·d out w"tl y . • • W echuchoch;.ipohk<J1' · < 11hppcry rcK·k 1 Ol¥1-..•I oM-...1 ..__. l lYOl<ll,Jt AHr .. i.1"1,.,... fllll "-.,.,, ''""' wtlll -Till• •IAl-1 .... lllM wllll ll>O' (.eu111y (..,.Of Of~ C-Y 91'1 S.0 GeulllY Ci.t• flt 0.-.e C:-'t Ofl .... letnller I), lffl letnber •• lf1' flllU1t P ltl., P.,11111-Or-(O.\I O.ily PllOt l"u4!11"'9d Or-C.0.•I O<tlly 1111'" \otlli u. n. "· ~ • "" .,.,. " Sept '· u, n, "· t•n un ,. PUBLJC NOTICE ~ •• , ... t <'tt"""'" ,,,,.~,. , .,,,,,,,. "'1,,...,_. ft ,,..,"',,. \ •\ '#I"'" tff'I ', ., '" ~••H.k.•I '"' t '.IV''•, ... ,,'",,,., .. ,, f '''"'''' .,,1 '•'" ''"'"'"'' • IV/4f ••t_jfJh ,...,, ftf••'V It;• t f)4111ff t••11,1 PUBLIC NOTICE I •••r H11tlf1f11Q••Jft '4.,., h ( •f•lt1tt°tl'9 ,, ... , r tH '"' ttw-'\\ '' 11.11t1IUtt tr(! t11 •n '" '9tt ill•1•I I''" f ,.,., .. f 'lll>'fl '... '"'""", t #It' fll...n """" ........ t '°"'' • 1 ' ,.,. '" '""'9 t ,,.,,nt t on""'" Gold Price Sparks l •;r'""',...' I ,., " '" '"'' '""' ,~, f>t HU< NOTH'•. , lt~lflOU\ a U\INr \\ HAMl \IAllMIHf f111M!\hl o 'J'lf'.,~ f ~ .t (;1t1l'f ~w,t ~11f I/ rt1Wt1JIJt l I; 1l 1't/'# j/)1 t't l'tlKl.IC' NOTH '•; '•Cflflf)U\ ltU\tHf~ ... fr.t ,,,1.,, .... ,, ... , '"''.#" •)111ftf'j '""'' N AMf UAH Ml HI Surge in P.rospectors • , .... \ .... ~I J# f•()..,' /I I I .4H11 Nt • I 1 rr, '""'" f1, ..... , ·''''' ''Ah•,,,,,,. I A "flt tit ,,,,,. .. ..,, f11,r • t •.(,I I .t• , ...-,,,. th ..WCJl1' t hr,.,,. ! I lit-' I ... 1 1; ' I k r tt A 1 •1 I 14 It ltPl• f 1t1,•/4 I•, t/ ! •,ro •I+•• ~ I .. 111-... ,,I • .,,,.,,. l~·t• h t .. 'flt.•I I 1 .. , ... 4' ,, ft-#1 ''·"'. ,., ,,.., .. t Hy Tbe A1111oclated Pr .. 1111 'I IH• lu.'>I for gold. whell4 .. -d hy 1.1 vn<·i'la~ of nt•1.1rly $400 11n ounce, 11> :.<·ndin~ am<itcur pr<JSf)l'clor1> into /\ml'r1ca'" h1lli. and canyon1> .-nd old .1handum.-<l minc1> in m ounting num bl·r~ "Evt•ry time the rmcc ~04't. up &20 111 th11·t• d<Jy1> we h;avc another gold ru .. h, · ... aid l<'rnnk Sull1 v1.1 n, pru prtt·lor of tht· Mother Lode Di ve Shop 111 S;H'r<imcnto "ll 'i-. huprH;nt:d about four t1mt'1> U111> ycur " T H•: VRI<'•: Ofo' KOld hullwn \11<111·1! rw;rrl y $~0 an ount1· 111 J,iinihm 1111 ThurMla). n •ad11ng u rr·<·11rrJ $;1115 5() 'I h1· Cf1ld Hush of '7'J m;,iy l:w only 11 '>low slroll n1m1wrr·rl with lhr-1>turn p1•d1 • 111 !-.ullt•r 1> M 111 uflt·r th1· hlJ\ ''' 1k•· th1·rt· .J<in 24 , JW!Ji, hut 1l'., 11111( ,. I hall JU'>I II Wt'•'kt·nil d1 w•r ... 1t111 for tlw llf1v11·1· w1lh u Ol'W j)I U.'>ll<' 11a11 .11111 a ro<·k tiamm1·r , I I I 1 t , 11 •• ,. Jj fj, 1 I•''-' tt011 f J 'I"•' 1•1 ,., t t,,. 'ffl 41 l(l'uloi:ai.t with lhi· l.: S fo r1r•·'>I ... "'l1 ••'•·• •. , I •· '" ·· · .. , .... ., .. ," · St-r vatl·. 'u1d '''''bfJl·t·l<Jr~ &Jr•· JJ'Junnt( ,, '.:-; .. ~.~;, h""": '; .,1 .. ., ,.,, '1 • .,, ... ..,.,, , .. ,,,~ .. , int o Idaho'' NP1 f"t·rc·t· NiJlaon;Jl , ·~ .,,,.,, •• ,,., • _.f,, ... 1 '' ......... ,..#II • ,.,., .... u . ., .. ,.·ort·hl . 'tl~ku1~ out c·J;,a1ni-, and work h ,,.., ' ,.,, r u nn :.;.:;: r '·,,~''>'·tlr>'fl'''''''''''" -· 111~ the bln·arn~ with the µoruabU.: , .... ,_.,,,_.,., .. , v... •• 1 .• ~1110• drt:•dt(t•' If•· '-<Aid h..-· rf1Unlt:d Z2 ~c.· • ' ' ,,, /,.''!~ ';;',:', .. ;·-,,';7,.,' 1 111' •·· ' dr<•dgt-'> working w1lhrn th1· ~;uth P l'.81.J( '0TU t. ,, " V rirk drarnu~1· .srt'd Jl •1111· t1rn1· anti t·:.llmatt'I> lhul ~J> 111 ~J dn:d~c'> dP' in I h t• a n•a ul ont• l1 rni· ur lht· 11lh1·r "W<·'vt· hud jn 1m·ri,a:.c h1·n · th;,l ... H 0 f lft fl)f Wt 01 t0 111\ o • AUu • r •AN\I •" ~· ....... , v' ( ... ...,. t, , ,,, ,, .. ulmo't trnmt:tt ~urc.hlt· ltc.rmo n ,: ... ",:.' ~ •. ,;: ,·;;. "", :: .:. ' .. ,.'; • '! 'a1cl "C'la1m' uri· lx·1nu '>lukt-d nf1t ,, •• • • •• .. ,. ,. " Pl 81.U NOTH . t. Hr1f1( I Of Mf I I IHC. l'V8ll' (jlKLJ If l f 111\ION AV f HOR I f.,. 8<,Jjllif,O• OllH(H)"\ Ml f ltH(... ti I t 1 ffl f A I t ,,. d.tt ,,, only hy 1nrt1v11luab l1ul hy l;arv•· ' ::; ~·:::.-1o .~ ';" 1·<1m pa1111·'> ,.M,, '" I•'"'' ,,, But 11. any1Jt"'1 y fin<ltnl.( volrl ' Sullivan d ;11rni; 111 h.1 v1· fo1rnd 4', cm111·1·1> 1J( gultl rlunng :tz hour-. 1n ltw Im'" ••aJC u ro hlr. ('foi,.u ... ,..,,,, 1• I •• , I ,.. , ··' ,.. 11 ' ..... , ,. '" .. ,, . '"'"' .. .,, ,,. , .. t ••• ~I 'I It , ... ,t• I• I I • • •I , , '. ' f ti I I 'I' f •f./ I I .. ' 1 ' tJ t I f •t' I ' It t I t II , .. ,. •'"' ,., ' It·' I If '' ,.,,, f ,._,,I,,,, ... ,,._, .. ,.,.,, •••• f .. ,,,, ,.,,, 'I • 1, I•'' t I 1" . ' .. I I .. , •t • t '"'"·•" I ., . ' ; fl ~M;•t1 "''"''' V••' -4i) f #"f "' H 1tfJ' r,f tl t•·ttr'-',..tit II hl\t f'4t l~!ili•l ', .,.,,,, •AJ ,,,urt. 1u•h•fl• 111t11 ,,,·Ill W 1 l liarro (' Hutl1·rrn an . .:old 'lwt·1all1>I for the Hun·1111 of M1n1•., 1n WJ.,h1ngl11n, .,.ml 14! lo 15 J(old mine'> ha Vf• l)f•t•n llJ)Cnt'd or rCOl*ned the 1ia1>l.>1•ar Hut th•· only majur 1>lnk1• h.1 1> 1·11m1· 111 J1·r11ll Cunyon 111 "lr•v adu whnc Frct•porl M1nerali. .inti FM<' Corp hope to havl' <i min .. 111 111wratwn liy 1!182 orf# fN..1119 11lak.-d. "''' on- '" hfl lndh•iduab. bul bPI la rg~ .-o,,.pon fr• ... . , P HI.I(' NCJTW•: , .,, ... I ,, u .. n,• ,~ N A .... ,. .. .,, h ,. . n•1tl '*"" lhf-h "'' ,..,,, ""'''n ,., , ,,,, ,,. , '"-' ~, ,,,,, .. ,.,., n~ .. .,. t ,,,,.,. .r .. , • ,. • .,. , .. ,, ..._, .~ ·.v• "'"""' ''' h•· n1 ,,,, , '1 end """U.ut-t1 ..,,,f, f1tuf1••• n1 h" ,, •• ,Qtlffl>t ...... ,.., """'" ... , JI•'•"'' •rthV• •nd (l•l\'t W(iil\q f'Jf HON1lulu t11• t\t,.t ..... ,,,,I• f -•QI•'\ '11f"t• l•4ul•ft• f • .. ')ttt'\ ''' Ht1fl•1lut11 fiUn ,.,,,.,., 4U(1f lt o t t ft fl" , ... .,. lh ""-,....,, •• , •• ,.,,,, ,.,,., '" ,,, "' '•" ,,,.,~,.,,, .. ; (jl Ith , l'fl'f ,, , "' ,,,, I, ff-' f,li,ft I µ fltJt, ... l,•11 I; 1 , ( ""' tll I f,,,,fj~ ,,... #Alet I A lhh HM f.t N iii t• ••' tt• h 1111iht,n•t '•ff•ttr t ''' tt·• a 1tf 1111 111 ,,,,f'\f l1r.r,.1 ftlJfH1l1Jfl,1 ••• ,.,,,, .. ,, If• h• ., 1A u;,_,, lht '"''"''" ,,,.,, ... t• ""'' ,,,.,,,.,,,,,. ,,.. ffittftt>i .,, th• l t Ultt,. ._.';A tt·t; It\ fflt n1.-,r +•I t11 'f11n,.,.,,_.,., ,.,.,,, • .,,,w,>nf.J \HANI f'IC LO I I II Mii 111 I I All '.llAU I I II I fJ ff"'ll lil'Jfl'flf tjf ,\.rt"f\fllnl JHl\\ .. (f lt'#1t'f' ~pt U t'f~ \tw-••"" m .. mf~t ~·th .. •;-rut1r r ltltt n r•mol., H.,th f m,.1 •in. 1 .. \UIYIV..,., tn ,.,.., hu\IM"tm1 •• ,,,,.,,, (JAUQntftf Arlflnt (,l()r \Iii: '1 ,,. f>.,•"~",.,. ttot1tHf1 ~"•HMllHllft t)f At1f1fht11 tm #Hin k tt'-4' • ·~"' '-'' ~n•twlfn ,. ,, .. ,, \IJfi M .. tt;lffi' ~thl!WWlflflftt ,~ f.tfltlfl'/\fl.;'Ar'll" I''"' ¥ fln,..tn fll 41\;thfl'IOI '1\lt" ti"\\lrt I 111 v hwt1f ,,, I 14 liflltH • U111ttuu f<'tutui; H"'°' & ,,.., • "'"' .. ,., • ., A. ft 0'An(JI t'Hl0ff"n ',,,.,,,,,., Wt .... , .. , ""'"'" t1•llt •I l t•M ftl ftAtf)fo I .... n M,.;t1"tfAI t ~I lrth!tfhf'fll \t"I Jlt @°' •mm .. ,,..,,. fl}Uf1N1f'H.; H,.,,,.,,, ' ,..,. Mt 0U¥t! Mott~ty f f1'fA Mlt\A ut '•'••••no ).et) u,,. OUHH HJl114 ( HAl!l I \ UllNll 'ol N lfHi ltt,tO•nt f1' ( r.At• ""°"M &H\Yd • •• t ~f,.lf Jt l'f1' \lot \flt•\ f,.leotftdln(J ".Mith 4 l ulll•ll -ltlllf f ""llf'I 641>- IA.Ln..aB~HOH fUMHAL HOMI b46 2424 Coi.111 Mu,., b73-94&CJ -.LllOADWAY MOtTUAaY 110 Bro&dway Co!!l<t M11•111 b42 91!l-O SMITH & TUTHILL MOITUAIY WHTCllff C HA'R Mortulll'Y • Crema11or111 4;>7 E 17th St Co111a Mau ~88 "'""""" ....... BASIC TOOL OF TRADE IN DEM AND Frank Sullivan With Pan, Half-ounce Nugget ·<:111 r1 pml1l1·m·1 '/'lwn 111n l1• 11, /1111 /JIJm• /'111, '"'" r ul "''' lupt' 1wttm11 llw 1111~1111·1 \ w11l ru I um 111111 tt•'"'' 111 .~11/IJ4• llWl/Ullll'.\ 111 11111w111mnil 111111 '/lJ\1111'\h Mm/ 1111ur 11111•!fll(m.~ 111 /'111 /J111m /\I Y1111r .\n 1.11,. Ur1J11111' ('11w1l /Jw/11 /111!11 /' () /l11r /'Iii ('11'.t11 Mt'l'I <'A </l l/lfi A.~ mm111 ll'lln~ U\ pfl'm lil•· "<'" lw •Jr1\1w11•1/ lmt p/wn,.<J 11111uinl')j •1r ,,,111'" 11111 me t1ulinu llw rc:adn'., Juli rium1•.1J1l1Jrt•Mt mul l>u.'rlrll'~~ l1ttur,· 11/1111w numlwr i.:anno/ lw 1·on.~u11:rl!d '/'111\l 11lumri flPTJ1•11rA t1111 111 "fff!JJI Surult111., Ufo:AH J>l\T The• h11l f pnc1nl( on g;.ic, pumpi. 11> rc·:illy c_·onfui.1ng Don't ~crvw1• !>lut1on own1•ri-. h:ivt• Lo get new f:f~u1pmf'nl now that U1c r1n1·t· of l(ati 1'1 more than $1 pc>r g:.11,in'' I'd ul'>o like t11 know 1f the actual 11ra('1· of ~o~ hai. lf1 t>1· l>IJ'>lf'd on <'Very pump /\ ,.. , Huntington 8c111'11 T ht' weight.II and mea11ure1t prolram of lhfl' Of'partmeet of •'ood and A~rtcuJture 111 r.-qulrinli( that the total price Pf!' gallon be p romln enUy po11t ed on each pump and that 1ny price sign advertl11· In~ 11how the tota l g allon price. According to the at ate Department of ••ooct and Agrtcultur~, 11ta tlon11 Wllnl balf·prtcln1 must have orderrd tbr neceH11ary con version equlpm~nt and recelvt1d permtu loa to half.price ga80Une. "Wllt:N TIU: PRIC'E inrn·a'>''' 1tw. mut•li 11 ' houn1I to havt· ;.in 1·f f1 •f 1 011 1•xpl1ir:.it1011 ," Hult1·rm<111 !\:t1cl Till' old I rrin f)y1• m ini! 1n Ort•J(11n . ., lf1·11''> C<1nyon. rec1·nlly purchai.t:d alur1~ with 1>ome ~urmund1nl( pror><-r I y IJy 1'1:xa1> (;ulf Sulfur for SI 5 m illion, h a:. bt•P11 rcop1med wilh Of!W ll•c·hnic1uc1> lo rl!lrtcv<: ~old, Ml ver an1I efJPf><•r "I 'd f•ull this u gold mine ruthn lhan ;i t1111r>er mine," 11ald Ame Wld m<in, a veteran miner In char ge of th1· Iron Dyke opnation. Widman, a native of Baker , Ore, suld hls firm found a larl(t· ore concentration lhut lhf• Nsrly miners appur ently m1111scd ".OUR FlllRT OR E hody looks rc11I. ..cood," he 1rn1d "The old timers m inN1ahovf' 1t and to the ewst " (;o lfl h•vcr :.il:w 1s i-.preading umnnl( 1hc "cltg ll·yourself" amateun. Tht' l ' S <:••olog1<'al Surv1·y, which ha'> 1l"'lrtbutc·<l 250,000 copwll ur u leaflet 11n 11ro11pechng a11 <i h11bhy over thP y c• a r ,., , rec 1• n ll y up d a l,. d th•· ptwrnplr·l "W1l.h lht• gold approaching $400 r1n 11un1·1· U1nc JUHl havl' to he a lot 11f 1wo11le who have kno wn or httv<· 11ok1·d uround old mining areas whi, will 1,.. interc11l cd in prospecting," Ka11l 11urvcy geologist 6 111 Newmnn Already the m ukt!rll or prospecllnK 1•11u11>mcnt have str uck Ir rich lu't two w•·t·k'> of J\ugu'>I u."nu r.n1· of Uw largn cln·dj.!t''> ~timr• 11f lht' C'al1forn1a nv1·r., th<· .... 1m1· .. tri·1.r111> that h.1v1• ht·1·n f>.snnr•rt "nc·1· lh4• 4~ j(l1 ld rtl'>h Vlf•lrl ~111111 fllh l (II f'o1'>11111all} ,, h.Jn1h11m•· nuj.!~•1·1 '' •J11 1'11\1' rt•d. S 11ll1 v au .,,utl H A RMON !-.AID SOM t-: clri·d g 1· 1111t·n1lor'1 havi· ri•portNI laking out "" m11u·1·., rn urlf' day. or mon· than $2.000 worth ut l ht· 11n:M•nl markt·t value• If ttw lwuinncr 11> nut n ·11rty u1 ~h•·ll 1111t $1,500 (1ir IJ d rt•dj(l'. U fi lnl'h m1:tul ~old pan roMI!\ only $1 35 Hut. Sullivan ~uyi., "Th at'~ mc1rt' 11f an a 11htruy than u ruin " l\n t:fft •ctiv1· ht•g1nn1·rs kit for about $40 would 1nrlud<' a Jarl(c pun, u i.mull pry bar. u rrwk ham m t• r . a d 1 v t' r '.i; f a 1.· f.• ma~ k 1111 'I xnorkll:', u JJ1t1r uf tw1•1·z1•f'\, a ~la~., v1ul, ond a "uoJd Mllffcr;' wtuch re st.'mhlt"'> a battery l{·~l<'r and 1s ust:d to 1>u<·k u p t h<' fl akeic. frr1m the dredgt>!I in thl' bottom of the pan S INC'F. SMART pr<i1>Jl('Clor:-. kt'<'P tht>tr m11uth11 s hut about h1g htnkt>'> 11nd n 11v1t't"' tt·nd lo exaggerate find'.'). 1t'11 d1ff1t·ult tu dc·tcrm1ne how lhe lrN111Un· hunt 1s puymg off But l>un Gt)loxu, u high i-.1.·hoo l Junior from Grund Hup1ds, Mich , rr· c t'nlly found u lJonaf1de nu.cget we1ghini< 2 J ounces. wh1 c·h he hope'! will hl'lp him huy u car . a motor l'Y· clc, or maybe 11 honw II <• found the nugget when hf' <'racked open u rock h<· ht>ul(hl at 11 Colorado souverur shop for 75 cent.'! . ,,.. ·-· . ' ' ,, 4t • '• ••• I ••••• A,.,, I , I ,/ lo "I .... H t)NMI\& &\\IM' IA"\ l ""C 0 1• ( "'"'tl'W' "' \11111•' .... •IMJ'' &.. .. ~ ( ••••• , .... '.r ..... ~ , ~ • ·r ~ "" t I .•f t• t~ ,._, Ft I I t •I ... J•t RI.I< '0TU t. .. Oll(l Of l'Ullt If Hf Alll"'• 11t ro111 '"' 1'1..ANHIHC. (OMMIUIOH o r IHI ,, ,. or l'OVHTAIN VAi I, y N t 1t If f I' t•t tJt f t • l 't/t h t•1 •' I, w ... ,,, • ...,, ... , ,,. ,, ,. , I• , .. ,, ,, I .0 r n ,,.. "" , ,,.,,. ' ,, .. ,, t• t t t,, ~••tt urr" _.,., A#•• ,.., t , ,,, '""' • 't/ ... 11... tfr ( ltl t I tj f •-t~ n I I '' f'tol ht1f'1 '4 fr.fl '4•' t.-•' ,..,, " """ f,.,.,,, ... "J .... C'.Ull••""lll .. PerMll N• ... I •t 1f ,,,,, ul•tt '"''' t , ,,,.,, 1• I t 1 t t•t t 1t t •••• w,.,,.. ... , ,..,.,., .... t (_,_.,, ........ , U""f ,_•ttfttt H • ttt ''•tit f, .. ,.., ,, .• t1 f,, ...... 1. ' ftll••t f·llf • l'tl/4 ,,.. t4u1.., I no "' t II• • 1h• ..... ~ .. "'°" .,. •tf• • 11 ,. I ,_.,, •••t ,.,1n• ·•' •tN•• f ''" •• .,. t ,,. t ,.,...,,,,.,..., u~ ,...,'"'' .... •t t "ii'' •It 4ftft I'" '4Jfl C t •'I' f Ah f f !l'1l•1 ..... ,,.u .. , ., ... ..,. """'"""' .... , .... uil ... A .t. h t •fHl1t .. Mt U.-. Jllttmtt Ho tt~ • •C Ir !IOU\ •u•IHt \~ '1f•Mt \f•rt~fHP ...... ,,,,. "•fl, ., ' I ....... ,., II •t I fll''t I fll "" ., HI ,,,, i.r• ••, ,,,,,. ..,, •·•• r ,,,, 11nau ' . ., ''"'"l '·' •"'P, ''•' 1 r, .. ,, 1·11·1 , ••.• 1lf1tl"' ,, ,..,,,, ,, . .,, l'I Hl.H' 1'101'W f.. HOit! I OJ \l•l f It• <0~ 0100 I \)Jo f I •tf ~f f I I I,, ~4 lt•1 ,,, ·h t Ul'W'fl 4tildl ff I• IJJJ , '' t°>• Atr1 ,_,, t,,f I l>o l•ot• I If .,, ft11•tf+t f • tt •' • , .. ,. , ,.,,,, r· , ,. " lh , it. ' fl II .... ,,., f<; ,,).,,,.,, 1,' f JI ffl 'I' • I 1fo I ' ti•",,,, l 'fl ti , ,,.,, • 1111+# ,,, tt. , • '"' t '"'"". fl I ( /' f l ff<t f I II W tfU J 'ff '' l fl .. 1J t •,....,.I ;fl t·fl ,, flt I ... , ',I ,, I • t V• •• ' "' -.t 1-.fill"tJt 1\lt' I Mr> VIit "'' ,, --· ''" '•jf•f .,,,, ••• ,, ,, .. '"' ~· ", I .t t~t f,t/\1 NAl 1ftt~· /41 f f f f Jl f4f f f tJfl f P "' ,., u ... , ....... ,., t .... ., .... f lt l't 'tu.J<' NOTl<'t; t IC fl flOV\ llU\INf \\ J'ftf1t11" vt,.t·ifh.,t f,, I/rt• ,,.,. I'''' HAMf j fAffM("9l ft;I '''"'' .tu t fuft dut• .ft \14\llJ Th• ta01u1111t.., '"'~"', •Vot)y h•1 1 t Ml tfrHll .utto tt-t ,1., \.ft• tr'I .. ''' •1t1• ''.. 1f11,.lt If '"' N 1t t ft• t t ... ("•"41'Ht l\t I t 'J MI ". f H I /I ft l>•hh•,,1 •1lt"1 ~II•~ t1y f 0'1nt.t1f1 V <tflt Y 1,1 M IJI (lr,11 ~I ',.ht•l~A ttfttlf • M1uJ11 "' I•.,.,,, .. ,, • .,,,1, f '' I· , .. ,,.,..., ,....,,, Nw""lJf''' hto1tt ( u\tA M .. \u 1 A iu;.11 /.¥ .. l\U"'1tflf•ffUOf\~ ... ,.,,MJ,...•t •1n t of •••nt t .,,.,,, ,,..,,, I•\ f f V' ••d .,,,.,.., ''''"1 "11t t M41uuJI•• fur ,,,,,0 .-n,,, t u 17• ti1u1t1nql•tn ft•A• n 1nQ (J1\l1 11 t t11 1 •' f 11h 1•1,.,,, 1nl f A'""-'"' fJtQh \\jt')t\Ai Off•'. ,,.,,, •• ' 'hi t;U\IN " I\, flnflh• ,,..,, ..... "'" .,, CllARU'Jl GAARF.n OF Garrett :.::-.. ~:,::;~;;_::...:.::;!~~.,",~';:• 01••111"~',., '"•" ,.,,, fi:Jec.1.ronlcH in Dallus. makeni of a 1•ra11<>\•I on•ll•t•d by '"" I''""'""' , ,,,. ''"'""''"I wo• 111...i .,,,,, '"" S1 05 pla.'lllc tray for panning aold. CJ A Advertising ~:~·:...:;::;;•:;}.:,;:::;;~~·:·~·,,·.i· ,",;::: i.r::::~ ~ ·~~~;· '''~"'"'' '"''11Y"" .... ,. hus marketed fl8,000 the put year , , , • to ,,,. '""n'AO" v•11 .. MY•"' •1••' Prtn .. 1•ompured with 23,000 t he year ,_ """""~°'""°"''' .. ,,o.11yP11m ,....c1•ont1H MiMTHI' WODUMY 627 M111n St t-tvnt~tc.h Htallou ual.ng "balf·pr1cl.ng" ma.t half-prtce a ll pum,. ln UH and muat make proper l1beUng c:hanie11. 1'bae 11t1UOH are r~uJred to add "'la" lo the &otal Hie label, Hd mut chanie the labfol "tent• per galloa lncl•dln« taus" lo "ceats per 'Al gallOll IMl..U.IC lHetl," Hd lltoM poll tM lot II · pnee per &allle below llle "e-.. "' ¥1 11l1M." ViolaU-...W be repon.ftd to Ute couty Mi ier of welOIU Md meaa•rea by,.._..., 714·t2M. before F Re' • :.~.~,~~":.~!1!!" I>< lh• 11.unlo1n '.••Pl • " 11 " 1~" l"'7 " ~·we're lfbsolotely flabberguted," Or CmttS ~.:·;:,:;:~ ~.:.:,~:.':,;:~-:;:; PURI.IC NOT l{'f; ........... COLC*IM~ HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave wes1m1nater 893-3525 Olftok G•• l'•I•• 1t' It• Ce•• t • he aald. !l•n•I .11, •lonu lht •••I , .. ,. ol At lhe Mother Lode Dive Shop , WASHINOTON (AP) The CIA '~ ro•llA•A ,,, .. ,••>a nto•'" "' ,n,, .. di I d rtl A11•nufl tn Pt NU t4•1Qnt>otl'tnod Su llivan h as sold o ut of the ,l '-o llP ay 11 ve aements say 1t wanlA 110,,.,.,.11.1 ""''"' ,,.,.u, ..... ,1," h or lJCl)OWCr gasoline e n elnes tha t lO hire. ''Inform ation "alh e rlnl( 1.,r1,.., ,_,,,l•Wh•A•~'-• p,.,.,., powe r the vac uum clu ne r·l ype specialb1ta" with a "1plr1t of adven :..:::~~ ......... 11 ... m dredges popular with weekend sold turc" for "life In forelQn places " l>ellhon ..,.,,,.. ... ..., r., l•-• 11ul\IH., aeeke,... It now takes two lo four T he Id • In • tie v e r a I ma Jo r : .. ,:~·~~.~11,:-,,:;• ~:1;..;n;: .. n,~1:,::, weelca to 1ct delivery on one of the newspapers tout the uusracuon of u,,1. dredges thal suck up lhe aand and "knowin1 that you belong to a sm1tll, :~==~..:~~~ 01 , """ water ond j11-.1e o ut lhe Hahl very special aroup or people doing a 1e111v.11.,10. .. -•r.<11n""••••• l I I Tb II I •"'"" t vital, me1nln°ful Job tn •"'-face ot .,, ... 01 itwrt .. ""'" ma e r u 11. cy ae or _, o • r.iroi; .._11, • .,1 • .,..._.11.., ., ..... ,h, $1.500 ehallenge9 and po111l ble hardship " 0«1•,·- Cl'"" \Ul'lttlO-COUU 0 1' tHI lTATl Of'CAllPOIOtrA POlt Tri c:ou..:t.=1~;,~llANOl' •OTICI O P HIA llll .. 0 0 ' l"lllllOft 1'0111 fllllOIATI OP Will AllO COOl(IL\ A .. D ,o. L•n •u Tf'\f A Ml N T A ltV A M O AUfNOltlUTIC>ff TO AOMINltTlll u .. 01. TH• 11101 .. 1 .. o••t AO 11111 .. 1\UATIOM Ofl HfATll ACT f •l•I• ol f Alll I( llOSW[ll 0.0•\ .. rAc.IC Y•W .....oaiM.,AIW C.nw1ery Morlulf'f Chapel 3600 Pac1fjO VlfiW Or1ve N9wport Beach 644-2700 C a r I ff ar m o n , a m I n I n• The jot» pay $14,414 to $19,263. l'or 111• ""'" 1a•111111e11 """ .,, HOfl(.f I\ HJ'lff8V (JrYfH 111•1 AC f(f" HI "O\'tfT l I II•\ IHtlO n.t~lfl • tHtllllan lo. l'rvb•l• 01 Wiii •nd C.OICll\ -lf)t lelte" lttlefll•lll•IY ----------_;-------=·--------------------;•tl••I•• h J. t\041(. I•,,.,~ Ofvefl tlt•I upo11 th• lnlll•I \hrdl.. • •1111 •ull!orll•lton tn •llmlniottr IM Ht .. 11¥• 0.CIM'etl!WI .... -,... t•l•I• Ul'l<Hll IM lftcleiwnd•nt Ad pa1e11 '"" l 11¥lrn11m•t1t•I 1mpac l mlnl•lt•110A OI l•i.1 .. A•t. r•lo••11t• lllul•w ~"" ""'Ill l on\ldl!r •II to whl•h I• m•dt lor t 11t111u jWOHI of llw ~llft Uto<let•llon Oil p.,lltule,., -tllel 11'1<! ltm~ alld ,, ... y, OUOlle• s ... ,. ,,..,.of lwMlnG ""' ....... h•• -"•fl ---..t..COIMK* ..OITUAltff L.eouna Beech 494 941& Lagun• Hiii• 768-0933 San Juan Cap111r1no 496 1778 HlllO' LAWN-MT. Ol.lfl F---------.;....---------::....==:: MC)nUlfY • Camtltry 6 Cr..,,.tory t625 G11i.r Ave Cott•M..a 640-~ • Now Open Low Cost Spay, Neuter , V accinaCion Dermatology THiii(' toAATilllt .,. °"'"II 11'11 '°' 0<104ltr ••. ""· ., 10 00 • m • In , .. ..,, ~ 11111.,. l'l~MlllQ 1 ... " Ille cowtlr-n 111 O...ttrnen1 Ho, 1 01 of Ille SI ... Ill C..llfo111la Oovernmenl .. If ,_,, "' 1111> tl•lt C:tlfll., Onv• (Olk, 6i;l* fl ~, -1i. 1'1Wlll•l11 WUI, Ill Ill• Clly 01 h lll• An•, 11 .. l•y Mllrllt1119I Gelle. '11 .. ti Geliloml• THOtl Ol•1t1IHO TO IHlllY '" Oat .. '-Ill ....... , ti, lt7' F f-ft HI •••lllOll Ill IM ............. '-'" A .,_ h reeway ...... .._ .. ....,,Ill\"' ,. "° '° ., '*"'4yci.n .... "'414k llMtlflt If·~ .... , ,,,....... • ..... A .. 0 Jll<il""-'" Animal Hospital of Costa Mesa ~i:::r:!~"':.'=11 :: ~,~·.::::-....:...~·''· reflf MIN , .. ,.,, ..,...,. 2S3I Newport Blvd. o.1Ht0Nt.t4•1111too. .... ...... cu m• '9cretMY Ttl 0141 ... , .. , •"'• ""'•• B A--'-' t ,..~c:-i..-,....,...,...,......,. V'lhr""'1 II ~., .. men ~111141 .... Or11119 c...e Otll, lllltl ~· .... Or-C..tl 0..ly l"llOI. ... ... _____________________ ...... _._,.,,.,. ... ,. '"",.,,. ... ~, ,, .. ,. ., ... ,. ' --... --------~-j _ .. __._. ................ -------------------,,,. ... r. -I ............. -.. ~ ..... r ,.. " • -• ... , .... I ~ ' , .. . p:-GBi-d'eu queen-. Cleopatra of F'lora Atvaits Fall Plar1ling Ma1bc you thlnt roman~e ls onl1 (oc )'OWll lovt'l"S, but too k around you , m o r• spectncally. ln aa 1atden Of all tbt1 flowers you 'll find thtlrt, the tulip Ut the quttn of 1eo1uou t1nt"·~. thl' Cleopatra ot nor~ Tbe an110 of the tuhp 111 as full of fact.ti and fant')' as befitl any ~ll respecuna e-x sym bot. It originally grew wild ln Persia as a lovely sinale·petaled flower cover tng the coontry:'fide It was quickly domesticated and grew to become the s tar at trac t ion o r the fa"mous Persian Garden::. The m ~s <;tisplays of red tulips caused a sensation that was to c han ge th e world r.r horticulture. IT ALSO BECAM E the emblem of consuming love. When a man gave a tulip to his m istress. it conveyed the understanding that ttft! vivid col orin g of the llower represented her own spec· tac ula r beauty, while the black base of the flower cup depicted his heart burnt to coal. Tulips were next spotted m India, where the first Mogul emper or, Babur. a n avid gardener on a scale if ever there was one, discovered has own hills covered with tulips and proceeded to propagate what was then called the Indian tulip vanetaes. FOR SOME R EASON, the flower typified unhappy love to the Indians. Nol so the case in Turkey where the tulip was nl'xt seen and became the country's na· tional flower In fact, at was held tn such high esteem as a love symbol that a fabulouc, feas t in ats honor wa$ held annually in the Su ltan ·~ s eraglio, the Feas t of the Tulips. Any flower capable of fir· ing such passion m these vast Eas tern empires obviously was destined to find its way to Western Europe Uy 1559 tulips were blooming, for the first time. Ill ll1l' garde n or ... promine nt 1nternat1on a l banker. But the pa::.4'ton this flower evoked continued to increase euch year. reaching a fevcr·pitch m 1634, when such a sh1id . lcvC'l·hcaded. cons ervative ('ountry a '\ Holland wc•nl totally berserk over ll. The next four years have come to be known as '"Tulipomann.1 " ~ Bl'LBS, OR ''ROOTS" ao.. t h ey were l' a 11 c d, w l' r c traded with "tld abandon M a n y were frC'qu<:ntl y purchased and re::.old without ever having been seen hy their o"nC'r .., \1 <>rrhanl' prances and '('f\ ants .ill offert.'d their '' or!dly IJelony ings lo P'J~SCS!' a f.._•v. Of th1•..,1• prtc·eless bulbs It wao.. u horticultur<tl fir..,l and a s such made hastnr~ In three years. mon· than ten m1ll1 on b ulbs wt·re ta ;1dt•d in one town ;done 'rht' rro.tc for tulips must hu' l' hod some com1c mo- mc11t11 Oul· book reports the c·u:t«" of an f'lnted buyer, ru ... hmti to the dO<'k lo await tht• unlo~1dmg of the ship that rnrrli"l'I his precious cargo of lrnlhs A sailor on board , 11ot1 l'ing an open box or "onions" and being very bun· .:ry at the ttme, proceeded to t'al them. lie was happily munching his seventh, when the unbelieving owner dis· r ovt>rt'd hjm. PS -the b t>wtldcred :-.<illor was draggt-d to Jlitl for a rew month::. and God onl> knows hov. the owner drowned his ... orro'I!. AND NOW WE CO ME to t lw presc>nt. l hl· best part, for tulips have lust none of their beauty To t he contrary. thanks to the ha rd work ot h r br1d1z<'r S and g rowers. tulips now coml' an so many dazzhng color «omban<Kaons. shapes and Sl7.C'::. that w<.•re those passionate Sultans to return t.o earth, they would no doubt dl'l'rc<.• a yl'ar-long .. Feast or the Tulips... Wtlh each day dedicated to a d1f· fl·rent tuhp Wt> can have our private Garden of Delights right an our own backyards by simply planting these luscious bulbs 'Though harl'ms have disap pl'ar ed we can bl' grateful th.ll the magn1f1t·1·nt tuhps h <I\ e mull1plt<'d to gratify <1 u r et er n a I t· r a \ 1 n g for bt•aut~ TO ENJOV Tilt: BEi\UTV of tulips in your garden next sprang. you must plant them lhts fall They require the rolil of "tntl'r to develop i.;ood root s~ ..,t<·ms So start 11lan111ng nov. "hat·h varieties ~ ou prefer and how man} you·ll need. Choose a well drained soil. fol low proper pl;mtang direc· twns. and then 1ust sit back <ind await )OUr own private ·· FC'ast of the Tu laps ·· _ Backyard Gartlening Pays Off t I. • ,. For the first lime in its history, Gardens for . ll, the n on -profit National Association for iardening, is opening its ran.ks for individual ciem berships. •·Mos t folks s imply don't r ealize that \merica's 31 m illion gardeners produce $11 billion vorth of food a year. just for the fun of it,'' says I ack Robinson. president of Gardens for All 'That's a big contribution to both the economy and 81 ERJ?._A (/Al{DE f(S Autumn Special MASTERPIECE GARDEN MUMS _4 ,0 A.s.<;()RTEO $1~991 C.U. Sl7.t: ~ ~-· r~t~i~~:i;,,~~};D~~~~llt ~ . $1.49 CJ::RTIFIEO ~ tJ MEYER LEMON ~ .·.··'... .. t:VERBP!AIUNll H;AL SlZ~ $9.99 JJ\CKALOPE CACTUS w,. ASSORTP:ll VARIEITI'.'> .• / 59¢ 2070 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA OPEN DAJLY 9-6 548-0137 FRJOAYTILL9P.M. to their own family budgets." "WITH FOOD PRICES up over 70 percent since 1970. the backyard garden just has been an unbeatable investme nt. Our 1978 Gallup Survey shows that a $20 yearly investment in gardening supplies applied to the average 620 square foot garden plot produced $:$90 worth of vegetables. Not including on£''s leis ure time, that's almost a 2,000 percent return in less than one year We know of no other investment that has produced a return of equivalent valu<• "Sm<'e about s ixty cents of every food dollar goes lo transportation, proccss111g, packaging and m:.irketmg, evcrythan~ t hat comes out of a garden makC's i.I gardener al lei.isl that much more self· sufficwnl. It JUS l plain feels good to know how to prov1dl' a ft·v. thin~s for yourself," Robmson ~lated "AS A M F.~BERSHJP society our aim is very sam ple: We want tn help gardeners to be suc- tessful and enJOY their gardens:· said Robinson, .. A good gardener s hould be able to produce a pound offood ror<•v(;ry squarefootof garden " Free mem bcrship anformalion is available from Gardens for All. lkpt 92008, 180 Flynn Avenue, Burl·· ington. Vermont. 05401. Annual membership dues • are $10 AtiRllC T Tropical Fish • Fresh • Marine Aquarium Supplies Special Sept. 26. Oct. 2, 1979 K.ryptopterus blcirrhls: .99 I come from India, and I am a fascinating ad· d1tion to your aQu anum. I am peaceful in nature, a nd to see me is !Ike looking at polished glass, ln the reflected light I have a rainbow Iridescence. My slender body with s pine visi ble a long my late ral line, my internal organs contained in a silver sac under my head -I am an astonish· ment. I a m better known as "Glass Cat''. See me at AQuatic Tropicals where I am on sale for .99 - 1510 W. Baker • Costa Mesa .__ 549-1391 •Corner Harbor & BakerJmii ' Time to Feed Hungry Lawns r Winter ls coming and to keep your lawn in Up-top shape, feed it with a complete commercial fertilizer high in nitrogen. A lush, green lawn can do a lot t.o "make or break" a garden area and so it's always advisable to contact your local nurseryman to gel deta.lled adVJce about care and feeding. POIN'l1NG OUT that this is a particulary good time to give lawns a feeding is only one sug- gestion for this Ume of the year. The California Association of Nurserymen also suggests that the fall climate is also a good time to add that mulch to your la wn also. When applying fe rtilizers to t h e lawn , do t he job systematically when the blades of grass are dry and follow the application with a thorough watering WKILE OLDER LAWNS often tend to be thick and compact, this will make Little difference m the method of application. The best way to ~el fertilizer to the Weekend Gardening Checklist •Watch for aphids on chrysan themurns. Spruy to con t rol them. e Perennials of all kinds ma} be pla nted now Oeph1nium . primrose. col umbine and others a rl' available a-. 1 nexpen!>i ve ~eedhng plants now •It's too early to prune bernes and grapes Gave them another month at least before going to them with the s hears . • Reseed bare spots an an old lawn after firs t coring , o r otherwise roughrng up the area. Top dress with peat moss and keep the seeds moist root or any lawn i.a to looseq tM soil so that the re are loose· walled cavities through which the fertilizer can "get. down to the grass roots ." Hard. compacted s pots in the lawn should, or course, be aerat· ed or treated with gypsum to loosen soil. Inexpensive tools are available at nearly any nursery that will do the job of loosening soil a nd aerating It nicely. A SPREADER WILL help you secure uniform application of fe rtH1zer. Feeding by hand too often results in rich ·green areas intermingled with dry yelJow spots where the fertilizer did not hit or hit too m uch. Your lawn is a valuable asset to the landscaping of your hor.1e. Keeping it healthy m akes only good sense Sniff no A young admirer examines the "Golden Oxford ,•· a yellow Darwin Hybrid tulip included in the International Holland Bulb Selections for 1979 a nd wonde r s why anything so beautiful has lit· lie fragrance. Plant Calendulas For Winter Cheer Calendulas have long been a favonle for cheenng up winter gardens Today's gardener and even those back in the lame or Shakespeare who planted it as an he rb enjoy seeanJ: thf' bnght orange and yellow display or the calendula ll bloom:. mernly an 'I!. anter and spring gardens. Ttus cool weather annual as one of lhe hardiest and eas iest µlantl> to grow It will do its best an n ch soil and plent} of water crnd full sun but then again. 1t will grow with IJttle ~ ater <1nd in a poorer sotl , too The only real cultural requirement 1s to removt- old nowers CALENDULAS ARE excellent :.ub1ects for potting up or put ting in planter boxes on window sills or even Lhe new popular wine barrel planters. or course. they are naturals in the nower bed planted in solid masses of single colors Also. not to be forgotten i~ that calendulas make excellent, loog-lastmg bouquets for the m doors. Pinch Camellia Buds GARDEN TIPS FROM Camellias are prone to setting m ore buds than are good for them with the result being that tn· di vi dual blooms have less quality thao they should . The California Association of Nurserymen re· commends disbudding this month or next, before the plants come into bloom and waste their energies on too m any buds. Never leave two buds together . thinning them out lo some three or four inches apart along the branches. When forced lo choose between two buds. pinch off the ..-ie that faces upwards into the disfi guring elemf'n ts of sun and r ain. COLORFUL FALL BULBS ARE IN BUY NOW FOR THE BEST SELECTION. Ru<Ji'I \ Garck'fls • 640-5800 Son Joaquin'" MMAnhur •Newport 8e1M:h • 9 am-6 pm I ( __ ~_'"-'_Lo_o_x __ Succulents Often m1sunderslood, sometimes abused, but always inte resting and beaulllul, succulents offer wes1ern gardeners unique al1ernal1ves to many house and garden planting situ· at1ons Echever1a 5 grapto- petalums and scOums will thrive 1n small pots atop a lablt> where bright sun aoounds. but ari> equally at home among tnE.' nook'!> and crannies of a warmly e.a:posea rock garat:n ICP plant and portulaca pro- vide color and cfl1C11'nt e rosion control along slopes and walkways A redwood tub brimming lull of blue Hens and Chicks will add novelty to t he pa110 livmg a re a Sedum s1ebold11 virtually spills out of a hanging basket Emerald green 1ade plants stand as silent sentries by any shaded entrance Keep succulent groupings simple and don·t over crowd For starters. combine two or three varieties together. most will offset freely. creating vanous tones and tex;tures BJ Bruce Batea Succulents survive 1n many garden areas. but be sure to provide them w1tn a prfipt'r beq1nn1nq Drainage t!'. the key word to SUCCPSl;lul growth Rogers Po111ng Soil 1s an e.<cellPnt containl·r mi x lig ht enouon •or tPnder roots A t u11101nat1on ot 1 3 sand. l J Redwood Sot! Cond1t1orier. 113 na· 11ve sot! makes a good oasP to use "' garoen oeos Succulent leaves acl as storage vaults tor watP1 .rnd nutnents. so mfre 1.Ju .. n1 bul thorough wa- 11.'rinqs ;rnd light teedin9s are hPSI Eql .. 11 prirlS ol Bandin• Cot1onseeo. Blood and Bone mea1s appliPd three times a year will ensure proper growth Keep succulents well groomed of dead leaves and spenl flower'> This ca n n e I p d 1 s c o 1H a g e many pest problems Mealybugs and cutworms ~re controlled with so11 appl1ca t1ons o f Ar co Cygon 2E 1nsectic1de Contact foliage sprays are not recommended, as th ey tend to burn and sca1 fleshy leaves. Now featuted at Roger's Gardens through Octobu 3rd •r• many favored 6" succulents. Aegular1y priced at $3.98. they are on Hie tor $2.98. ' FROM Fashion Island Newport Beach .STEREO SOUNDS QF THE HARBOR , • . . . ' '. . . . .. ...... y • ...... . ... . . ... . . . . ~. .. .... Whlnlftl throua h •<' comroodauon wall be the topi c Of 6' 11 m ln ar a po n ao r ~d by ~ad dh back ollt-10 oo 0 t 6 that wm rovc·r way of motlv•tu\& al . David Gra ha m will conduct lb '#'Qf'hbop. which COits $<M> F or tnro rm u t 1on . phone 831-~ . ' ~-Fc>rn\6r Pt d n1 G.-nrld 1-"ord ha ul(re~d to buy u one·acr lot for a home an the• PX> million 'devclopm •nt or Bt•a ver Cr ck nflur Vall. 'olo : oa<h.' Rob Uurrt!U to ld th1• l>t•nvcr Po:,t I'= I 1 es.w:nct ' -7gc "~ NORELco Toast-r-Range WOODEN FRAMED Directors Chair EA.16 95 .CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE SHAMPOO As~or tecl For rnulas 11 oz. l.49u BRECK SHAMPOO New Family Size Assorted Formulas Pepto-Bismol LIQUID f l)f 1>~•·1 l( ~ t I 1·1d ,•· ''' rr tnr: r 1l • • .. ~ 12oz BOTTLJ .59 ·GET REBATE DIRECT FROM BRECK H1r1h pol"IH.y !illllJJlrornrnr 01 1111;m1111•, m1111•1.1I• 1rnn anrl 11111 90 + 30 TABLETS 4.99 SNACKIN' ,_.__CAKE MIXES 79~ 5aYon ~PRICE SKIPPY RATION DOG FOOD • 15 oz. CAN Mennen SKIN BRACER AFTER SHAVE 11~1· 1111)1'1 ll1~1t (tli VIJii rl• 1.59 8 oz. Dexatrim One-A-Day Time Capsules And Olel Plan fl pow1·rt111 .1ppPT1t1> \l1flf , • .,., ·"'' 0 I 11 .• '"' ~~ 1·lt"r 1111 ~t1rnul,1111 ~ ~:PSULES 3 .7 9 f111 can or r111· sk111 10 oz. LOTION 6 oz. CREME . THE CONCEPT TOOTH POLISHER For A Whiter, Brighter Smlle MCJ1 1• ellec11ve 1n r crnov1ng plaque and c;1ains lrom the tr on1 1eelh 1hon a toothbrush ... 9.98 SA°CRAM EN'rQ (AP) The tlnal (av~ rrules or lnlert.tate S, a 1,380 m"~ rr.eeway fro m t he Mexican to Canadian borders, . wlll be opened Lo lie pubUc Oct 12. the slate Department or Trunsportat1on says • dlcaUon ceremonies, CalTrans •Pokeaman Mark Watts saJd. fin ishing touches are to be com pleted an the coming two weeks on the final four-lane secUon of the freeway, Watts said. INTERSTATE 5 WILL be the only continuous highway lmk Cr o m Can a da t o Mex i co Gov Edmund Brown Jr , who rre quenlly h as criticized California's massive highway building progra m. I~ expected lo head the Ust or dhtnitaraes at de· CONS'l'llUCl'ION WORKERS poured concrete last month ror the Clnal (Ive males or the rreeway, which s pans the Mokelurnne River and the San Joaquin-Sacramento county Une about 25 miles south or the state capilaJ Calirornia's m -mile portion or -------- Signs, guard rails and other the highway cost SI 6 billion Total cost, includmg S83 miles or fr ee way i n O r egon &nd Was hington. Is $2.3 b1lhon. 5aYon ~PRICE BAYER TOOTHBRUSHES ASPIRIN -SOFT, MEDIUM HARD or DUAL .. Ai., _ _. -~ a~$1 1.09 BOTILE OF 100 TABLETS Sl\VE-Sl\VE-Sl\VE-Sl\VE master charge •l't '"'' ••• .. • c ••O ' I ,., ~ .. LADIES ' . -, TOOTHPASTE Ri:g or Mull 6.4 oz. TUBE 99~A •Pro 6 Ha ir Dryer .:· .. ·.· .~.9 tNO ASBESTOS! \_::::--, r. 218 8 .. y . ~ '--,~l { , 4 .f .-;..._" , -. "' ' --=Pl!{) b \ ·GET REBATE DIRECT FROM G E REM INGTON CORD Shaver . . 21 8.~.~ ~~· Gowns /I L •• ,.-1 1r1'~" R~Qul3r or plus Mineral~ Wllhh n lOO's 100's 2.99 .. 3.99 "AJAX" CLEANERS CLEANSER 4 :s1 14 oz. s Vitamin E 2001.U. 1 ng 100 CAPSULES .;J Vitamin C 2.59 2SO}E.- 250TABLETS Vitamin C TIME RELEASED SOOMQ " 100C~L£S3.99 ,, . I LONG or SHORT I ) Choose lrom r dry ,, pr e11y color~ ' \ \ SIZES S-M-L ;- CHIX BYDUNDEE BIRDsEvE Diapers ~;,;;;noN 4.88 .... -\'"LI'""• RECEIVING Blanket :;~~!an -2 BB PAKOF2 • . W h t\~~l TER~Y as 8 8 t: ' Mitten C ·· , ~ you• p1esc11pr1on 1i11eo la~•' Yoo• Sav-on l)harmacv M' auro m111ea chspen!itllQ m.1th1n ' rhal can hll your preswp11011 qu1tkrv and accur.tlely 9-VOLT "'AA 2 PAK 4-PAK vflJ~ 99 t COSMETIC BAGS .. PRUNE JUICE v. 1t1 Prt.r111 Pi.Ip Regular . Orel or l ight '• 12 oz. CANS 6-PAK SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK I 9 :00 AM TO 9 :30 PM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY • 9 :00 AM TO 7 :00 PM SUNDAY \ I I f I' ''" ('!• 1111.1 1 ., ASK FDR • • " •n• " "''•• ~ ~,~. DUERDIGHT PHOTO SERUICE I "SPEEDYSHARPSHDJS" . '. .· . ,' "'',~' .. .',~', hot~,1~ mm HUMr. MACH......._ & lrl II .. .,., •• 1 & .. I,_ lflJI ...... ~ .. WPOIT llACM-llH ~· w............ Ol r0to-auu ......... .... MISSION ¥1U0-4U1J ............. """Y· '°""'AIM UWT M•••• & W.-IAMTA AMA-HI I 1,.-. ...... "· " ' I .• . ·-·----·---·-·---........ .-..-.... -... INSIDE: . •Comks •TelevtslQD , CHRIS CATES .. By aoot:a CA&L80N OI • 0 ... 1, I'-,_ Newport Harbor Hlsh'a Slllloni b•d Corona dtl Mar'• numoor aa&-1n F'rtday night and It came through the ttlr, re- 1ardh!i1 who was oo otfenae H the Sailors d all th~ Sea Kini• a 21 7 non· luaue football lou before ti ,000 at Oran1e Cout College oach Hank Cochrane·s SaJlors aot a pair of tou chdown p asses from quarterback Alan Gaddis to Chris Cates. set up anQther TD with a 22-yard aerial to Mike Remsen and frustrated the Sea Kings with three key mtercep· tlons THE SAILORS STRUCK FOil a pair of touchdowns in the first hall and that was all they needed in a defensive struggle that made touchdowns worth double their usuaJ West R ace O ver Rookie Reject Rescues Reds From AP Dispatches CINCINNATI -Rookie Frank Pastore. banish ed to C1ocin· n ati's Triple A farm club in mid· season to work on his breakang pitch. shut out the Atlanta Braves 3-0 on four hits Friday night lo give the Reds the Na· tional League West title Second-place Houston lost to the Dodgers. 6-5. after needing a tie to remain in the running. "That was the turning point. goin g down to Indiana polis." said Pastore in the happy Cin· cmnati lockerroom "I went 7-2 down in Triple A and that's whe re I learned how to control myself and be a big league pitcher." CATCHER JOHNNY BENCH said Pastore learned his lesson well. ·'He h ad good s tuff even then ... Bench s aid "H was simply misdirected at the time The big difference now 1s his br eaking ball. You can 't come into the National League and blow everybody away." innings, but Bibby showed n<> ill effects as he tossed a complete game with 11 strikeouts and four w ~lks to raise his record to 12·4. Bibby lost the shutout in the eighth. Iva n DeJesus walked, took third on a ..do uble by Kingman and scored on a wild pitch. rtaillie• 3,, Expo• 2 M O NTREAL -K ei th Moreland singled home Greg Gross in the 11th inning as the Philadelphia Phillies capitalized on sloppy fielding by Montreal for a 3-2 victory Friday night, dimming the Expos' playoff hopes. With two out in the lllh. Gross reached third when his grounder s kipped past third baseman Larry Parrish for a n error and left fi elder Warren Cromartie overthrew second base another error on the same play. Woodie Fryman, 3·6. issued an mlernationaJ walk to pinch hit· te r Greg Luzinski befor e Moreland hit a 2·0 pitch for the game-winning single. I, DAILY PILOT .. Boy. we own those guys," shouted Newport Harbor Hlgh Athletic Director Julea Gage. He wasn't far off. Corona del Mar entered as the ra-vorite, but tbe handwriUng on the wall showed up early as Chris Bright's 15-yard scamper around lb~ left aide for an apparent touchdown went for naught on a holdine penalty Two plays later It was Cates stepping in front of a Corona del Mar aerial to in- tercept to kill the ~dM threat. And Cates got into the act later by in· tercepting another CdM pass to stymie the Sea Kings. Three plays later the Sailors were on top. 7 ·O, as Cates. operating at light end, s Upped through the CdM secondary and was wide open. HE HAD TO COME BACK and wait for Gaddis' pass, hauled it in on the CdM 15 and r an for the touchdown on a play covering 54 yards. Again it was a tUrnover that got the Tars in command in the second period as Remsen slapped the ball loose and Peter Helfrich r ecovered on the CdM 24 . Cates scrambled and bit Rems en on the eighl·yard line and the burly Newport tight end rambled to the two to set up Scott Giem's short blast. Giem's punting and the defense of Neil Ross. Remsen , Peter Gust and Dave Kravitz, among others, kept the Sea Kings at bay in the third period. then the Sailors struck for the clincher in the fourth quarter. It wasn't initiated by a tu.mover, but at had the same effect. The Sea Kings , had to gamble on fourth-and· inches just short or the CdM 30, but a self·induced fumble. recovered by the Sea Kings. came up six inches short. . . . .. .: GADDIS WENT TO THE Ala and hit Remsen for 16 yards, then to Cates for 16 yards and the to"'chdown. Corona del Mar got on the scoreboard late in the ga me with a 77-yard pass 'play from Clay Tucker to Bright the bl1 play. but it was too late; Newport Harbor's edge was too much to over· come. ll was a brilUant defensive s truggle for tbe most part. Among the Corona del Mar standouts were Allen Cashion and Brian Derevere But It was Newport's night to howl. The Sailors entered with an 0-1-l record, thus picking up their first victory of the season and shoving the series lead to 14·3 over Corona del Mar, including seven straight: Giem had punts of 62 and 56 yards to <See NEWPORT, P.age 82) Pastore, 6-7, struck out ~even and walked only one. Buddy Solomon, 7·14, was the loser. Atlanta Manager Bobby Cox said the emergence of Pastore as an effective starter for the Reds and Tom Hume's work from the bullpen have been the difference in the late part of the season between Cincinnati and Hous ton. The Braves helped knock off the Astros by beating them four out of six games in Atlanta. Ron Reed. 13-8. who worked the final 1 2-3 innings, got the victory CORONA DEL MAR'S ROGER ROELLE PUTS THE STOPS TO NEWPORT HARBOR'S SCOTI GIEM. GIEM LATER SCORED A TD. "We were tryin g to play Cin· cinnati just as Lough as Houston. but we just couldn't score any runs." Cox said Cesar Geronimo led the Reds' attac k, hitting a home run and a triple. Pirates 6-Cubs l PITTS B U R G H -Dav e Parker hit. a two-run homer and Jim Bibby pitched a four-hitter to lead Pittsburgh to a 6· l vie· tory over the Chicago Cubs Fri· day night, reducing the Pirates' title-clinching magic number lo two in the National League East. The rain-interrupted victory. coupled with second-place Mon- treal's 3·2 loss to Philadelphia e arlier Friday night, r aised Pittsburgh's division lead to two games. Pittsburgh can clinch the title by winning its last two games with the Cubs . no matter how the Expos fare the rest or the way. After rain delayed the start of the game one hour nine mmutes. Parker singled home a run in the first. He followed with his two-run bom er in the second inning as Pit· ts burgh scored four more runs off Rick R~chel, 18-12. Rain interrupted play for another 38 minutes after three Friday's Scores University 21, Laguna Hills 0 ' I El Toro 44, Dana Hills 15 · Laguna Beach 7. St. An· tbony6 Newport Harbor 21, Corona del llar 7 Fountain Valley 21, Lont Be.chW'U8onO Marina 14, Foothill 7 Santa Ana 10, Ocean View 0 Estancia 18, Buena Park T Saddleback 21, Irvine 7 .. - Shavers Didn't Go D own Wit hout a Fight LAS VEGAS CAP> -Larry Holmes was punching a tired Eantie Shavers during th e 10th r o und o f their heavyweight champions hip brawl when he said to the challe nger. "Why don't you quit?" Shavers replied. "I don't quit " Both m en displayed t r emendous courage as they pounded each other to th e point of ex h a u s tion. Holmes retained his World Boxing Council title when the fight was stopped at 2:00 of the J 1th round. Shavers was helpless along the ropes. FOUR ROUNDS EARLIER, it looked I I I ,_ I I I I as though H o lmes m i g h t b e ex-champion. Shavers floored him with a short n ght to the sid(' of the Jaw "1th 45 seconds left But Shavers was too tired to lakl' full <1dvantage. <1nd Holmes escaped as holh men reeled around the ring ID the final :-;econd~ Bl!fore the fi ght. Holmes had .,aid of the powt'r-punching Shavers. "I don t feel that anyone on this planet can takt· me out." Shavers cam e close Holmes had outpointed Shaver:-; an a one sided 12·rounder on March 25. 1978. befor e he won the title from Ken ·Norton. Holme:-:-.tart<'d as though ht• m11?ht sr ore ;1nothe r t.•a::.' dt c1s1on . contrf>lhn_g thl· fight en l'r lhl' f1r-.1 six rounJ~ third round and th<1l everything wa!> a blur thf.'re..ifter "M\' DA\' II .\' CO" E . I pro\l•d m~ self :-i~.ian . -.aid llolmt•'-of th1· lought>:..t fight 1n h1:-. unh1•att·n c·,1n" r ShaH'~ IH'nl tn a hosp11:.ll for s titches on ~· cut over the ll'ft l!yc. v. h1ch bl~d from the ~('cond rt>uod on and CO\ler.ep .• both ft~hlt.'r" "II h blood ll<• also was n1t kt•d .tbo w lhl· right l'ye · 11 1· -.. a gcwd 1 ontC'nd1•r · 'i a1d llolmc..,. of lhl' 35 11'Jr nld ~ha\cro; -·11(' s ~Otnl? to be around a long t1ml' no mattC'r hov. old he 1::. 11 0 L)1ES CA~E Ol T of the hght un-..c,1thcd. but knt·\lo ht• h<1d had enough H'l 1t1n for -..omt:' time Shavl'f'<; di d not appear al a po:-;t fight nt'ws C'onferl'nCt . alt hough he ..,,mJ 11n telev1s1on shortl~ afll'r lhl' hJ?"ht endl'd that he had been thumbed 1w1et• 1n th1 'I'm nnt ~om~ to h~ht anyone for a ''halt• s.t1d th,. 29.,·car-old champion. "hn JddC'd that h{' 1n 1 ends to have three <St-<> FIGllT. Page 8 2> Ranf.f~rs Win . 5-0 Angels Shut Out But W1w Ca re s? Frnm ;\ P Dispatches AR LI NGTON. Texas T he Angels haven't scored a run in two games since they clinched the American League Western Division title. but Manager Jim Fregos1 isn't overly concerned T he second.year skipper is m e rely viewing these games with the Texas Rangers as a tune up for the playoffs with Baltimore. and he's using his pitchers as if it were spring training Starter Nolan Ryan ordy sur· rendered three bits while walk· ing three and striking out four, but-Fregosi-only lel him pitch five innings in what turned out to a be a 5-0 Rangers victory. Ryan left trailing 2.0 and was ther eby saddled with the loss. dropping his record to 16· 14. That's the mark he'll carry when he starts the opening game of the playeffs . Wednesday in Balli more. Texas got all three of its hits and both runs off Ryan in the first inning. Bump Wills tripled, Al Oliver doubled him home and \"""" .... """"'•~ • Buddy Bell singled to score Oliver. Ferguson Jenkins notched the victory, improving bis record to match Ryan's at 16-14. He was supported by three double plays. The Angels only managed five hits off Jenkins. the sam e number of hits they got in a 4·0 loss to Kansas City to close out the homestand Wednesday Dave Frost is scheduled to take a five·inning stint today for the An~els Fregosi says he will eithe r use Frank Tanana or a couple of his regular relievers lo finis h up. A week ago Fregosi said his pitching staff was "right about · where it would be for the last I week of spring training," since several of the arms were jusl re- covering from soreness or in· jury Warning: Wait' May Be Waste, If you are r~ading th.is in· the comfort or your living room and · you don't have a ticket for the Angels -Orioles playoff at Anaheim Stadium, forget about it. You 'l l never get a ticket-unless you want to ~ay ' scalper's prices. · Tickets went on sale at 9 o'clock this morning at Anaheim J Stadium and if you weren't I cam &>ed in line, you're out or luck. .,.... ...... ,.... .. ~......., CA..-c>UT IY ANGEL FAN8 ,AID OPP WH!N PUYOff TICKETS WENT ON SAL! TODAY. Don Aase came out of the bullpen to finish up for the Aneels, and be was touched for three runs in the seventh inning on singles by Jim Sundberg, Nelson Norman and Wills. and a double by Johnny Grubb. Angel spokesw_oman Gail Pederson said Friday that there were already enough people waiting in line to purchase all the available tickets. ..... • I , ..... ··-----~---............. ---....---··--..-. -.... --~·,~-~"'-·---· .... •111 -.. --..,.. .......... ---.. ........... ~ ~ ~ ,.... • .:...·. o.11• ........... ,. ... "••·• ,.,,_ CHRIS BRIQKT Of CdM (34) SHOVES ASIDE TACKLER GUY BISSON. A Capsule Report From the World of Sports Unclaimed Race T ickets At Del Mar-$25 4,500 f'rom AP Dispatches DEL MAR An unexpe<'tt'd windfall or $254 .500 ~ rn wmnJn1!' uni la1mNi at I>el Mar racetnsck this _ :-.ea:.on m a:v ht-g(J1ng toth1·-.1at<'of ('allfom1a. Tht' f1J.:Urt· wa-. "'"' 111..,1·d Jo ri<Jay by Walter Jant·kt'. controllt•r of thl' IJl'I Mar Thomughbred Club A year 31-(() tht• truc•k W<t;. l..ff Wllh Unclaimed tJCkclS for $154,300 or "'h1ch $94,511(11•\ M1tu<il ly w;,.., turned ovt.'r to the state J anf'kt> :-.aid 14 ,<!I~ winning tickets wer en't cas hed rn alter the 1979mt•(•l1ni.; wl11eh 1·nd1·d rarly this month "Thf' pn rnary (·a u:-.t• ha'> got to be inattention," he said "A ~UY ~l'ls It> tht· trac·k:-. h a:-. a couple or bell<>. IS having run and he Just d<>'-~n·t p.iy :1ttcnlton to tht•outcom eof the race " Claims must ht' postmarked by Nov 12 By Jaw, the un cla1 me>d wrnn1111!:-. hy then i.:o rnto the state treasury ------fta-1~ fJf lh~ Day ------. Summin~· up ht'> n •:-.11.matwn as Ch1cllgo C'ut;-. man;igc·r. 11 .. rmao "rank' hiJd thl'> lo -.ay "I v1· hlld 1t up lo h1•n• Som1• of tht·-,,· 11l;1yn "> an· iJclUiJlly crazy ' Jamie• ttuirk lio1111•rr•tl .1nrl 11•1ul;l1·d lo rlra v•· 1r1 ~ four run.-. .ind 01trn·ll l'ort .. r sc·urt·d U1rr·1· t 1m1·-. ..... t ht• Kans as Cit~ H11y ..i 1-. t1urn'<J l11t• < >ak liJ11rl A '· 13 l Fnday n 1~ht ('1·\'ll ('oopt'r knoc·kt•il 111 r1 vt• run.o.; with a pair of lloublt· ... 11nd his 24th homer, powcn n l( Milw:tkUl'<' and MUw ~aldwell to <i 10 I victory ovn Min nesot<.1 Biily Smith drove-in :;1x run:-. with a i;rnnd blum homer. a doulJI(' and a tnplt! lo pace thl· Hllll1morc Onolcs lo a 11 (; victor y ove r C.:ll'Vl'lund . Reggie J a<'kimn slammed hi-. 28th home run. a three-run blast in thc· fourth inning, und Ot.car Gamble singled in two runs as lhc Y .1nkl'<'S topped Toronto. 7-3 ... Boston's Tom Poquette had two doubleti and ll s1 nglt>, dr iving in thrl'e runs to lead lhe ll t' d S n x t 11 a 7 4 v i c l o r y o v e r Drlrmt Wayne Nordhagen hit two M>lo homt• runs and J im Morrison also homPn-d to back the eighl·tut pitching c;f Stevt> Trout "" thl' Chicago While Sox de PORTEii tc att•d Seattle. 3-1 St Lows' Garry Templeton beC.Jm <· the r1rbt maJor leaguer lo collect 100 h lL'> from each s1dP ur the plate in one season when he beat out a bunt 10 lhc· :o>t'cond ~ame or the Cardinals' doubleheader against thl' M<.'l., Nc·w York !>wept the twin bill, 7·6 and 6-2 Eric Rasmus?ten pitched a one-hitter and Dal'e Win· field belted h1~ 34th homer or the season to give the S an Diego Padres ll 2 O v1C'lory ovl'r San Franc isco E.r-An grl Sldpp er Get• lob C LEVELAND Veteran coach Dave ii Garcia. who took ove r as manager or the Cleve land Indians on July 23, was given the managerial job for 1980, General Manager Phil Seghi announced Friday At 59, Garcia is getting has second s hot at managing in th e m ajors. Two years ago, the Cal.Jfomia Angels similarly elevated him from coach lo m anager in midseason.and continued his contract into 1978. But Garcia was replaced as Angels' manager a couple or months Into the 1978 season by Jim l<'regosi. Lo,w: G0#1I °" a Birdie Strftik Heavy favorite Nan~y Lopez lie.._ fired a re· • cord 10 birdies en route to a six·under·par 66 and a · lie for the second-round lead at tbe LPGA's Dallas Open Friday. Lopez started the day five shots off the lu d but b irdied seven of the first eiaht boles to move quickly into contention. She is tied with lu 5&ep1ie.,... for the le ad at 13'1, seven under par . . . Officials will try a1aln today to gel in the r ain-delayed second round of the World Series of Golf at Akron , ObJo . A steady rain fiooded portions o f the 1"iresione Country Club, and seve ral fairways were unde r water . . . Former world Formula One cham pion Niki Lallda of Austrta an· nouoced his r etire ment aa a race car drive r Friday, effective Immediately. Lauda ma.de the unexpected announce· ment ln a television interview from his MonlreaJ hotel, aayln1 be bad enoulh of the "senaeleuneu of drlviftC tn clrcles". . . . The death of bltb 1chool football I.MU pl aver W181rM ~rUeU. wbo collapeed after nmninC around acbool Tbunclay, wu due to natural cauaa. a New York medical exam.Iner aald ...... a.w, th• head aprtnt and ualatantcoacb for UM ll1aa1oe VltjoNadadorea _awlm ~· wuaeledecl UCLA's women'uwtmmtn1 coach. _____ .,,.._, ____ .. f 'ro• Pag.-B I NEWPORT . • N r v. p 11 r t 11 :i 1 h 11 t 1· 11 11 111 manaf:lt' hut lhrt·•· t·o1npll'l1011-. for thn•t• fir..i dov. n:-in th•· -.t•concl ha lf. hut not much mon· was r('(tUlrt'<i dut' to t he :-.llnm~ defensive t•ffort by tht> Su1lor.. Ma lli:tned for nllow1nJ( 34 fourth quarter point:-1n their hrst two ~aml'-., the Sailor~ proved they're stall a force to bt- reckont'd with NP•pOrt H t'\rtlnt (ornf\AC'ti'l/illw1r I & 0 I '1 n o o Nt"i ( •tf""\ \4 Ott\•,,,,,.,, f .tnC1t r< 14•ft1 .,,, ; NH C'..,1 .. m/,votf.it<tTl••r • N ... (At .... '''"''''h-11mt .tMI"-It or11 •.t•• (dM Otnni ''l,n!t-,w.u'~''" AH,.n(I"""'" ~ '41(') •··,l1fl1,1•...n r 1nr C>o~· Rt"h~\ r.tt1I• ..,,, ... ,"~yard· p,, ... , Pvn•er. , urno•~ ,,.,. t (,4mt S~fl\1t(" ,.,,.n.tl -., .... ~'""' tNll.,tdv.et A"'"'ft41 ,, 4 1 4 I , •I ,. .. , ... , ,, j • <l I I . ,, ,_'4 H C.1f'm • l1 t..1ct1't 1 11 Jt"1ff1-f'I i I J•<Obl 1 ) (,.c)dj'\ 10 t()( ,,ll,,WI lO ro"' 11.,111•1 lt.f>6 Tu<•., n 11 ,..,.. ~ • W•rr"4' l J 1,.,tv•o .... t P•tU"'t HH (,-.. c..ICMI 10 ro¥ '""""_., • 111 ,,.. IM l•tdv•t •ec••••ftq t4H rat..-,,, PHY\'>W.) -(uU\1 '}J '"" ,,.,,, t .. t tJM H•.gP•I J II t t'-' 1 /4 f h·f•,,,..,., ti '"'"fl•f't t 11 t 'r o tt1 Pag~ BI right ... nl·xt ~t'<ll No matter what ha11111•11-. 10 th11 ... t• rights IL ean t b1• mul·h loui.:ht·r than w;1-. hi s rt· mat<·h w1th Shav..r-. S uddenly , Shavf'rs lhn•w ,1 roundhouM· rii::hl that <-.1ui'.hl flolmc:s and put him dov.n 111· ..:11t up al rour and la-.tt 11 1111' round "I 11llppt·d.' Holme:-. ... .11d "If anybody knockt•d rn e rl1>~n. I'd ((I Vt' him crl'dll · "I lh (J u ght 1t '-\a .. J knockdown .·· s aid S havt·r' befor e gorng off to have his f.1t •· m ended llol mes. who we 1ghf'd 210 pounds to 211 for the 35-year-11111 S havers. hurt the c hallt.•nr.t•r with two n ghL<> and a left n ght in the 10 th_ Referee Pearl s uddenly waved him back . Thl' refe ree cxpla1ned between rounds that he had m1!'>takenly thoughl the bell had rung THE TWO MEN Mumbled uut for the 11th r ound, their 1runks covered w1lh blood from a rut over Shavers' ll'fl eye, p llin and exha ustion etched on the ir races But the 29-yenr old Holm es had m ore lert than Shaver s T he preliminary wcltcrweil(ht bou ts were lopsided. es pecwlly com pared to the rcatured attruc' lio n . Pan aman ian Roberto D uran s cor ed a one-sided un a n lmou s decis ion agains t zeferlno Gonzales wh ile Sugar Ray Leona rd lmoclred uu Andy P rice at 2: 52 of the first r ound. Leona rd re maln ed unbe1Lr n by unleaahtng a nurry of Ut hl- nlng shots to the head to defend h is N orth American lioxlna Fed~atlon lltle. The rorm er Oly mpic champion ls scheduled t o fl g bt f o r th e w nc welterweight title here Nov. 30 ''alut Wilfredo BenJtez. Dwan. a for.mer U1htwet~t k in1, abo le seeking th'e 14'7· pound welterweight crown. He came out fu t In the ninth and held control In the 10th to po1t hi• '7th victory In 18 fl1hu . In ano the r · pre limina ry, Wilfredo Gomes 1ucces1fu.lly de · fended bl• WBC 1upe r ban· tamwelpt t.ltJe l'rtday ntabt, UI• ln1 a tom aloY• to atop CatlOI llftdoaa tn tJM 100\ round ol th.tr ICbeduled 15-round bout. Th• Nevada Athle tic Com· ml11lon lmmedJ1tel1 aald It will lnvHtlaate the cauae of the tbum'b·alsed bole lo Gom es' nlbtcJov•. . ·' FOOTBALL ~assin§ :QuCli:e~es~--_... UciA Hosts ohiO -state Today · · ----=~---,......:!""! ____ _..,, __ ..... ____ ... . •. --. By aoGE& CAaUION Ot•Delty ........... LOS ANGELES -W oody Hayn la no loncer their leader, but the Ob1o State Buc keyes boHt another ru•aM p0wer 1n collece football u they invade Lbree -year s ta r te r at quarterback. has completed 218 or S4 pauea for 407 yuda, many eoing to targetJI comlna out ot the bactfleld OlllO ll'ATS llA8 UM ,........ ' o f tbree lnjur•d atartera (llneb8cker Tony lle1aro. de- fen1lve tackle OU'J DuliD ud safe ty VlnceSkllllnp>. the Coliseum t od ay agaln11t UCLA's resur1ent Bruins K ick off for t he n ation ally telcvlMd aame 111 I o'<'ICX'k and the llr ulfl8 are a 11urprl11inir three-point favorltt' to nuekc the Buckl'yt'11 their third ~tralghl Hl.C lO vu:lHTI This l11 lhe Brulnll' fina l tunoup before Pac-JO action at Shenford a week hence. 11 nd Oonahuo says· The Brui na are without ta ilback Olenn Cannon (~). li n e backe r Brad Ple mmon s (knee) and. line backe r Glenn "I 'm not'°'"" to «O 11tork rav· lnte m ad ubout O h io Htatti b4-C8UM' of tht'! fllt't Wfl CllHID lh4• ronft-renrc nf!xt Wf'tik h ut lh., Jttunt' l~lf wlll h•v«1 th" playt11"11 up .. Windom (knee). · C H A L I, F. N G I N Co T fl F. Hruln11, who have-1>4•.-n tl(•ult·n l•uc:du., 11ncl Wl11ron1dn urtn ia 11t'o11on-Opf"Ol,pl( ""'" to 11011~\on, '"ti 14th runkt-.1 llurkt-V'' t1·11m INJ h\ NOl>h11n11111• 1111111 l1•rl111('k Art St'11llrht1•r P hy11luJly th11 llu«'l1«1yr11 "'" "'' and lht' llrulnll •rr '''""'" UCLA. ho wever . r e m a ins .. ,.,,4'<'1•11y 1trona a l line backer with llllly Oon J ackson and Ar thur Ahn keylna the ln· t.,r lor And the aecondary ln· f'lu d t11 All ·Am~rican K enny Kuloy Mystery Game Srhli<'htn hu" r11111plt•INI Z'I or 40 11111\~t"l for 4Ci4l yord11 nod lour 111111'111Sown>1. in uddltlon to run 11111.c for 20:1 y11r1I,. on 42 c1trr1•'" 1r1 pur m1: lt1t• llud(1•yN1 Lu u :1 0 n •c•ord Mi 14Ht111.ri l 1'tices T" xas "Th1•y t Ohio SI ult• l ur c 11ror 1n.i on uwful lot or polnltl IVl In I hre"· teum1·111 ," 1H.1yli tJCl.A t '11111•h 'l'nry llonuhuc "SC'hl h'hlt•r r1•11Hnds mf' a lot or forrnt·r UCLA quurterbuck .I o h n S c• 1 11 r r 11 • ' ' (' u n t 1 n u e 'I Do11 uh1w "S<'hhrht«>r Is such u h1•ru ldNI playn it's hard for 1111·1 r nm111n~e hur ks to JWl utten t11111 , hut ttwy'v•· l{Ot !'>umt· ~ond Ollt'li " S('flUCHT t:R'S •'AVORITf: t.iri.:c·t 11' JUOIOr fla nker IJOUI( l>on l<·v. who <'O mhrncd w1lh th1· Ohm State 11uurtcrhack on rive pa:-.:-.t•:-. for llR yardb and n 29 ~ a rd touchdown pa'>'> la\t Wl'f'k 1n a 4 5 29 \.Jctory O\t-r W ashL01tlon .Stat.t· The Rrurn-. · ofrt'n ... e 1s lc."11 hy quarterbat."k ft1rk """hon• an Edi s on ll 1~h product . a nd tailback fo'rt't.'man McNeil. v.h<J m1 :;st•d the W1'1cun ... 1n gamP due to a groin Injury and th .. nu Mt."Neil h<.is JH•rag.-d Ii J yards per <' ar~· m two J:ll mt''>, and tu-. n•plaC't'nif•nt .1l W1-.c·1>n'>IO , An th11ny Edv..1r. ramlilf·d r11r Iii>! yard-. 11n :~ 1-.1rr11•s la:-.t w1·1·k II :.i ... Ii 11 r " . I 11 1 B r u 1 11 ., LSl/ Co11fide11t H y 'rlJr A •IWf lalrd ,.,,..,. W iii Mla311•1rl "111 yo1t t y t•,.11111.111 It .,111 Jll••IJllf' 11t1J11d 1111 ' Tht• 'l"lit"'" hu vr 11l111yt t1 ""'"' llltr 1•111\llYl'lllb Ill lhr flt 111 11 .. lt •A llot 11 llorf'1• lo(•l llll'll 11111'> :'lrtJll'll• "' •11 lt1f! •11111 11111·1· 1111111111 Bui Ill 1114' •• • •m•I 1,.,11 lh• '/ lou v•· lw1·11 •·1ttr••riwl y tr r '•' '''''' •1111,,, '''I ••I! llw1r OJ>IJtlfll'fllll ll'J II ( 111u•h Wurn~tt l't1w•·r · wt11_. flflt1 ra11kl'fl T1.;1 ·1 '> "'" 111 ,,fl•r 1hlly111v 1•11 v11·1uru'l> 11v1•1 S1u1 l>I• V'• ·.1 ... r.· 4•, I', II hnm!ll 14 fl Jnrl Mlll'l l":,111111 fl I , ...... lo:-. .. for w11r<l11 111 lry1t11! 111 •·.i11i . .1111 tit • team ~ J1•ky ll .1n1I ll y1I• 1wrf•1r11,..,,, •- II 'I Jll'll 11nlwl1•·v.ol1l1· t,1 .. 1111 "W1• VI' lt~1k•·1t .ii 111• ,.1 ... , 'dllinv, WI' \ , .... tudwd t hi r1 I rn I l JIJ' I ,.,.,,.' l1kt• w1• m.1k 1· m1 t.1k1•\ .11111 • rnl 11u r-..•h1•-. 1 hanc , .. 111 .1 ,,,,. in lh1 fir-.1 h:ilf !\1 1c;c,r)Un will h ;iv1• t11 tw w:1n ,,r mdk 1n~ m1Sldkt"."o loday 1 hP T1J.,.••r rd( •. thl•l r steme-.t h~t (If tht· ">f'li.'>On ,,, r ar, m ... t•tmg No i Tc"Cll'\ at ('1,1umb1a Mo T h i' Lonjo!horn '> h avC< plaYNI onl:, nnn· J nd dbo nf'1•dE'd a :-.1•rond hair rnll:, 111 \lo In Ii\ l.'r rom1nR d !I IJ rtr'>t half <lt'fl('ll tlllH'al lol.\a Stal•· l7 '..I \1 1...,•Jun I'> h<1pinL: lh• n·tum to rull l11n•• clUI \ c,f runn1nj..' h..id, J ,,m1· Wilder '-\Ill ..ic1d thrust ttJ IL' orf1·n:-.I' ~ ildr-r. hJmJwn•cl 11~ .., ham-1tnng 1n 1Ur,\ made· 111:-. f1ro.;t ,1p rwar<10t·1· J~:a1n t \1 1• .... 1:-.<.q1111 ,rnd "·11r• 1f •m•• t<md11l11"' 11 A Trojan Ambush? RATON ROUGF. L a <AP1 Tht:} rt.• not ~mni.: .1rc•untl ",1\ in.: 1n d t•'I( fingl'r'> m th•· .11 r .ind no 11n1 I'> h11lh•nng ~c··ri· 'm I But 111 Jdd1 t111n to all thr 1'ruunr 1· th" Tr •Jan" 111 k••r -. :irounct IL1111n Hou , th1< \\I f'k ,lfl' lllllt' fl Jrfln~• l 'I "" t' '<11 I "iotc· rh1· .,.., ... r lh• P·''' 1. n'-•' pl1•a-.t• l>1•:-.p1 lt• 11111• 1.nlh \\ ,,,., a flt'r ,tnOthl•r rrom l.11111 1;H I :O-t .. tt < 'oaC'h <11.irll<· M1•C 'l1·ntl11n '' h1n1'1 r •ht• -.uhJ<'<·t 1:-. rn1~ht~ 1 ·~1 · 11..:• r1 '""., 1:-. ri•rk1ng l.\llh opt11n1,m th.11 th1 :!Olh ran k t•d Bc•ng:ih 1 .rn 1nd1 cc1 knot'k off lht' nutwn ., ;\o I r.m ~t'd 1·olle.i:•· foothall lt·am tonight "W1•, 1• 111•1•11 a rt•l<t't t•d footb.1 11 lt'oltll 1111-. \H•1·k," ~.I\•, M1·C'l .. ncton I Ju ... t hull\' "'' t•an kN·p up that ri•t'l 1111: 1·11, .. 11·.il h prt•part•!I too "'"<'l' I S I ' 1·111111"• 111 "1th on1· •1f lhc lar.i1·-.1 ""''"'" t' 11111·-. Ill t•11pt1 \ llY that In dude" the National Football [.('ague ind an Jltark th al h.i •1UtVflrt d thrt·•· 11ppt1n1·nh 111 :!f• \lthOUJ!h lht-tu~n .ind th, t JmflU" .H• in a fn•n/\ .\1d'h·nrl11r. 1 tr~ 1n~ .,. J..,, ~ h1• '' ;.ir!1 ••r. .• r '' • n r•·• I ~1 ••\u• ~ .. • ... .., •• , ;th 'r ·h· l•fl'l}Jn11 la>< pla C'"nn·rnc-<1 th• qt;.i1I !. H1t•· f r '"rth DJllJ'> I-••rt' 1 th1·1r ~ r1d.n m.:ht mco•.i•· ,,,, r \Id l•·n 1h1n ' ~ hc>1ct of J Juhri "J' n• hr• mJn Jt llt•n n1d; \I t Clt·nd11n •,Jn onlv h11p1· hl 'i ~h r.~n ~l·d T11Z1·r ... don t v ,.1 10 .,. ••• ~outhem lal 40 tnn1~ht J ' Lht· t'-''' :-choob ... quare orr ror th•· r1r:-.l l1m1· t•\ er W" ha\ e bN•n a r •al ~1w>'1 d+> f cn~n t' lt'dm throuli(h ttl1 fl r-.l t '-'CJ ,.:.im"" rColorado 44 O H1r1· 17 31. \kl'lcndon !')Ol nl ~ out. but I 'SC 'hOUld bl' J good tt.'~t for U ' both or rerhl\ d~ and defrn'I\ ... 1~ Baseball Stamlings NATIONAi. l.t :ACil'E ""'' Oh hi Ion " I. P~t. GB 'I( l 'l11C'lllll11ll 'ICI MJ ~ 1lt1U'>hlll HI 7.1 ~ 31'2 Uodltf'" 7!I Ht 494 IJl 2 !'>Ull f''t l.lllt'ISl'll 70 !I() 4J8 201 'l S1111 lllq:11 li7 !I:! 421 23 Atl11nt11 11<1 Ut 405 25' i ~ 1'1111rh1•1l 11lv1i.111n llth• t•:a 1d Olvl11lon l'llll\11111 ,.:II t17 li:l M 1111t 1 t•ol !M H<I St l.1111111 Hll 7<I l'hll111h•lphl11 11:1 77 C'h1t•11i.111 7'J HI N t'W 't' l1rk Ill !)IJ ....... '" .... f,00 505 2 531:1 11 519 14 494 18 381 36 N•• Vlll ~ • • ..,,, 1 6 UIVI II•'""· II In o .... ,...~, "'""'' _. , ... ,,,,.,..,... , .... ...,, 1'1\11"""' JN• I "'°"lrUI I 11111\"l-I t Ith trw~tl I Ai'l..ftt• 0 ~11 n-1 ....,,,.11<1~00 , ... , •• o ...... 1tou•I011 IRIC"-•0 11 IJI •I oe.e-n 1"- 1 IJI 1'1111-llN"' ll.,." 10 UI •I -ll"HI Cl ... ..... '""-·~-np 11101 •I'"""-"' llllyle-11 \I Htw V.,-ti , ..... ,,.,. U IJI •I SI LO<llt t5y~ft • 11 Al l•nl • t M t Wllllem•7 II •I C oncln,.•11 lftollll_ ... "°" D._ ICIC.Mll:9roor I II •I S... FrMt<ltU fl(M_r ... IJI • AMERICAN L EAGUE W~st Dtvislon W L Pct. 87 73 5-44 84 76 525 82 78 513 GB 3 5 x Angels Kansas City Texas Minnesota Ch1ca~o Seattle Oakland 81 79 506 f, 7:! 86 456 1-t 66 94 413 21 53 107 331 34 East Division x Baltimore 102 55 650 Milwaukee 94 65 591 Boston 90 68 570 New York 87 71 551 Detroit 84 75 .528 Cleveland 79 80 .497 Toronto 53 107 .331 x-clin cbed division title ...... .,..k.w T .. Hs,a_..o B•lllmorw lf.. a.-.tl-• -..-~llt'lll'ltor h•loft I , Oetroll 4 OIK '"IO 3. s .. Ult 1 Nlllw...-10,'Ml,..IOle I l( ... MI City ll, Oil< .... I T • .,., .. _ 15~~ 19 24 ._...!Frost,._., .. THe• 1-1<1\ 10 II " Mtlw-IMllCMll ).JI •I MlnMMt• I~ 1).1} Tcwomo ,......,._ .. 111 .. N"' von IJol\ll ,..., 1•111~• CFt•n•o•n U ·ll •• C.ltweleno ISt>lllMr ~SI 8oslfl" lfO..-.Jey 11-101 et o.lfllll 1"-1..,C..SI !.eelllt 18-ll ... ~UI el C111<e90 CW<_._.,. U•IJI 0..•14M'd llill0f<91" Ml M K-City 15-llttwtl 14·111 • "'t•• ,, "•, , , '•''•u• • '-'•••·• • ,,..14, .. , •• l#f '' ~ ........... t'f 6 A ff t·•IW•' I I .... ,.,, .,,, ''"',.., .. ,,...,,,,, '' .,. , •' ,.., I •tt·'fl• , .. , .. , ,, "''•"" .......... ,,, ... ,.., ,,,..,let. .t•r,,.,,,," ·•••• I"' I.It I I 1ll•ttl##t at ~·.,tf ... "" . ,. ,..,,, ......... "' .... ~.,,_, .... ,"', .. ,. .. \,/,..-flt ......... /11u tl•1 #"I l>1•r.• ,,,.,, tft" , ~· j ,., ... -•'' ...... '•"" ""~"' t • , t •t* 4r • ,t ·•· 1 • • .,, ,,. , ... , ..... , .. ., , .... ,, ~ ' •• ·' , .. ttf .. lt,.,..,,,,,., ., , ~ .... I 4 l•lt• •I t1..,.J1~ .., '1'' ,,..., .••• "'' ,, V" ,, .... , .. W()(._ .. U\ ... ,.. .... ,_,. ,, ,. '. ,, . .•. ' ., ..... , ..•. ,,., t t I ._,•I Mi, 1 ..... ,,,,, '""' .......... ,,,. ........... . lll11'W'\4 ._ .. , .. ,., .. 1)1'1" o ... -... '••·•• t•I••• H..tt r , ,. .,.-,,. ....,,. ,,.,., ..... w,,.,.,,.-""'9 ( A\l .. ··~ .. , .. ,. ........... . """',.,,. ... .,..,..,,,_, ... ,..._... ¥4 ....,.,,... .,.o I,..,.., •• .. , .... ,. •' ., .. .,.,., .. ' .. ,~ ••I ... "?" r ., ·~ ~h "'' ,._ ... ..,..'{,.,,,..u ~ .,,.., At J.>' ,.,,.,,.,, ""'11t "•"'1'1"-"' \IAh ~ ... ,.,..,.., •• It I 'ttl • •t •.()Ut H • •'• •• "• •t'f"')o It" ~· r"" •t I -·''; ,., • • y 'f • .-"",, ' ..... . • t t ' M • •>_,, • ..... '•' .. ., ' .. ' .. ,,. .. . .... . .,, '>; ... ;., .. " '• , •• r~, I' ••• ' 'U• .n..-ti "'"' l ' f d Wf'• I "'''0•1'U• _.. '°''' ""~ A ul>Uff'.irt 1~Y"lll> M•'""•lt •t l •nn•,,,.., (".-''"'"~" ,4'Mtl,,...,,, ..... ~ ... ,., lv•..,. n ' ' . ,., I ,,,, 1.,.t. t ,/o• ,., t f1 M &QWI \I I f•11 f ltlf ,I "t •f~tt'I ti •• ' h ',..,"' .. , •• , ,,, tt ,,,, ., ,, t .. t ....,., .. ,.,. nu;.111 " U .,. ft ftl ,, f ti ! H Al 1 f"_.' t11h t i I tv t t ~to t f '\, • •t I • 1•• t t'1 .,,, I foff ~""'"'''*I ..... ". ~' 'ti,, •.• • •• •' 11·~1 '"·' f. t t•h "' f• .. I •ft''",, • ..,.,,,., ,, ....... '"4'••ttlt11t'°'fM""I tfM1nnt 0111 1 '" "t M 1 .... ,,. I"'''" 1ff'tlf' "' Nr llf"'"°' 'f\ f\f\On.,..t I .,, ~ ,, Mt, "'Qltn •1tot~ 4111 No4•t1 !'Ml! .. • .. f"lt '"" tt O fHo IJ t "''.,'" 1110,..utt 11t "1wf~tfl llt1n._.., ••• .._ ••n•1 ' , , .• ,. ••t ._.,.,(., u ¥1 "•'1·•" \(}VfHWt.'' ' '"'' ,, '"' .. ,. ... ' \W t ''""''"wt_., ~r~ttn,~n ''"h u t ... ,.,,.,. ,, n .. , .. ,, ""' ,, '~.,., .... ,~ ... ttel'-tll!h .... O• l•PlOt""t •' fotn .-" f ., •tit\ Al'ltfVlton Al f ( t f n SPECIAL PURCHASE OfUll• .... Ford Motor Co. OICUTIYE CAIS We moo~ another $pf.lc1111 Purchase o l Fo rd E;11ecut111e Cars (never owned by anyone but Ford Motor Co ) and we 're o lle ring these llke·nf.'w ·1e·s and '79's fall with very low miles) a t un be lieva ble low prices These car11 have had excellent care Our Tasl aucl\ IJ)eOiar purchase were all sold in a period ot "7" daysl You must see to believe. So Hurry -ou r truckloads of cars are a r11111ng Now Call or come o n down to Johnson and Son today -Make the Buy ot Your Leto .. ..... t. -·· .. • ., ..... .. • • ~-,.. :9J:!'"-" ,.~-----• ..---...... ....... ,, ,-. ""' '-.-.. ......... :· ~ ............ ...._. •• ~ .... -.,,.. , ..... ~ ....... ~~-. .......... ~~~«::"!\ • .. , ~ " ,,.,, •• " •' ti,, ~. ' . - , ... SPORTS ON TV I FOOTBALL I BASEBALL EollOWlng •re tM ~· T If' "I"',• l C f8-M1 • fo-;v•t It e t!.a a.m ., Chennef 1 ./ ./ ./ ./ COLLaO• POOTaALL· ~n Sttt." '"br•--·· a~-.: A.I Mlchet"I\ and Ara P•rwotllen Frfthm•n rt.iM lno b•ck Curt Warner m•de one of the m°"t dr•mtUc debuts In Ptnn State history when the Nltt•nY Lions rolled over Rutoen Touchl"9•tl'le ball t9 tlm H , he ac counted tOt 191 vards and thrH touchdowns. But Penn State WH upWt bY Texa'I A&M I• t WMk •nd 11 rtboundlno. I M. Hipp Is the Nebreska rushl"9 INdff with Jeff Outnn dlrectlnc;, tM tHm et quM1orback ~ 11 •.m., Ch•nnel 4 8 ASl!8ALL: Chtcaoo at Pittsburgh A......c:~: Joe Garaglold and Tony Kubek The Pittsburgh Plrdtes are two games In front of the MontrMI ExPoS going Into today's action The Piretes won S.turday wtllle Montreal lost Pittsburgh could wind It up with a victory todav and a Montreal loss. 1 p.m .• Chennel 7 ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Ohio State at UCLA. Former Edison High standout Rick Bashore directs the UCLA attack tor the Bruins while Art Schlichter Is the quarterback for the Buckeyes. Ohio State will be playing Its fi rst West Coast game In many years without WrxxJy Hayes as coach. (I 2:30 p.m., Channel 2 I./ GOLF: World Serles of Golf . Announcers : Vin Scully, Jack Whitaker and Ben Wright. The World series of Golf a t Firestone Country Club In Akron. Ohio was rained out in the second day Friday. TOday's second round will be followed by a 36-hole fi na l on Sunday If weather conditions permit. OTHER TELEVISION 1 pm (22) PRO SOCCE R. C28> Tennis Semifinal play in the Transamerica Open. Taped (J4) FUTBOL INT E RNACIONAL. 2 p.m 14) SPORTSWORLD Sportsworld's bowling m1ni-serte'> Also· CART's Michigan 125, taped in Brooklyn, Mich Charlie Jones a nd Paul Page report. 4 pm C2l SPORTS SPECTACULAR Re presen· ta t Ives of 21 countries compete in the 16th canoe-kayak world championships, taped in Jonquiere, Que. Frank Glieber and Bob Alexander report. Also, a preview of the Pacific gym. nasties championships, to be held Oct. 1·11 Dick Stockton and Muriel Grossfeld report from Tucson. And the world's strongest mf'n competition. s pm. m NFL GAM E OF THE WEEK. (28) PRO SOCCER. C52l BOXING. 6 pm. <7) THIS IS THE NFL Highlights of games plnYt•d last weekend including the Rams and Buccaneers. Narri'ltor Ha rry Kala <. 10 p,m (11 1 THI S WEEK IN BASEBALL. 11 pm !Sl COLLEGE FOOTBALL -The Ohio State Buckeyes vc,. thP UCLA Bruins, played earlier in the day at the Coliseum (9) JOHN ROBINSON : FOOTBALL H 1ghliqhts of thf• USC at Louisiana State football game. playPd ear li er 1n the d ay RADIO Baseball Houston at Dodgers. l p.m., t<ABC (790). Angels a t Texac.,, S·JO p.m .. KMPC (710). Football - Michigan State at Notre Dame, 11 :10a.m .. KllS 11150); Penn State al Nebraska, 11 : 30 a .m .. KI EV (870); Ohio State at UCLA, 1 p.m .. KMPC (7l0); USC at LSU, 5:30 p.m., KNX ( 1070); Orange Coast at Saddleback, 7:30 p.m., KSBR (88.5 FM ). Hockey Edmonton at Kings, 7·50 p.m., KllS '1150). (The Dally Pilot is not respgnsible for late changes.) • ' JO .. ... ANDYDeLUCA Fl Modena Next Prey For Edison? By ROGER CARLSON OI IM D•llY ,., ... St•lf The Edison High Chargers, No. l ranked prep foot ball team in Southern California, battles defending CIF Sout he rn Con· rerence champion El Modena tonight on the latte r 's fi eld . Kickorr is at 7:30. K e rwin De ll, with seve n touchdowns in two games. aJong with quartt'rback Frank Seurer and the re!>t of Coach Bill Workman's Chargers are aim 1ng for their third straight vie· tor y and arc listed as 23 point ravoril~ to do JU~t lhat Bl'll has averaged 15 6 yards pl'r carry. but lhl' figure 1s de et•1v1ng lit' has gone the dis t;rnce on plays or 20 yards or more six t imes. which m reality could have been for lhe length or the field on each occasion Seurer has completed 16 of 24 t 66 7 percent) for 300 yards and f1 vt• touchdowns ~fay~ El Modena Coach Bob Ll'ster "Tht· only way I want lO see Edison 1s at Lompoc Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock with two- minute quarters. I've been pray· ing for rain, but it makes no dlf· ference if it doesn't. 1 ·11 water down the field, anyway " Leste r's tongue -in-check al· lltude renects the task his team faces. Although El Modena was 12·1 in 1978, the Van~ards were hit heavy by graduation losses and are l·l through two games. "We're still picking and pluck· mg with an average team," says Lester. Pirates Test Gauchos Golden West, Chaffey Clash at OCC By JOHN SEVANO °'.,,,. o.lly ,. .... 51•11 It s hould be quite an aerial bombardment tonight when Sad· dleback College hosts vis iting Ora nge Coast at 7: 30. Two or t he a rea's p re mier throwing quarterbacks Sad· dle b ack's T im O 'Har a and OCC's Dave J eranko -will be battling head·to-head. and Sad· d leback wilJ be looking for its third win of the young season while Coast wiU be alter its first IN ANOTHER AREA game, Golde n West will try to make it two straight when it hosts Chaf· fey (7:3>) al OCC. Sta tis tically, O'Ha r a a nd Jeranko are about as even as two quarter backs can be. Jeranko leads in passing yards, Tonight'• Odd• Saddleback by 16 GoldenWeslby 14 376·368; O'Hara leads in rushing, 113· 106 ; and J eranko leads in total offense, 482·481. So, what's been the m ain dif ference? Basically, it's s upport. The opposition has yet to sack O'Har a in t wo gam es while Jeranko has hit lhe d ust seven times. AND THE DIFFERENCES between tbe two defenses is like night and day, with Saddleback s urrendering 14 points to Orange Coast's 66. . The !au.er two stats will have lo cha nge in order for the Pirates to win this one. OCC won a dramatic last · minute 24·22 game last year. M EANWHILE, G OLDE N west will be oul for iL<> second win or the season and they <>hould be able to accomplish that against Chaffey. Chaffey was bomtled by Santa Ana (40·13) in its opener before winning its first game against Rio Hondo 07·13> last Saturday. The Rustlers are coming off a b11'( win agains t Orange Coast and wo uld like to keep the m o m e ntum going for its Soull'em Cal Conference opener with tough Santa Monica neKt week. Astros Eliminated· Dodgers Play Spoilers, 6-5 Quar ter back Mike Ma rtin. after playing for two weeks with u badly bruised shoulder , ap· pears healthy and running back Leonard Altavilla will be looking ror his 10th 100-yard game in 12 star ts. Sullivan Fires : Another .. 69 LOS ANGELES CAP> -Steve ·-Garvey slugged a grand slam boJDe nm in the bottom of the ei1b0l hmlnt to un-tbe Los Aa1ei. Doctiera to a 6-5 v1ctory over Houston Frid ay· night, eUmlneUn1 tbe Aatros from the Nau.al Leas-Weal race. Homtm'• Ion; coupled wtth Claeluatl • 1 • 3-0 victory over AtlanU earlier Friday, u su.red die Reda al tbe cllvlalon Ulle. Ua•an Ud taken a 'S-2 le8d witb fWI' ,_ lD tJMt elPtb OD • aBJ Ulllle by Dan Beraman _. • ....... ,,. bomer by c.ar c.deao, bll 1lxtb. Tl:.W llAanNEZ led off tM J)a~IFI' ellbtb acalmt n- llner .. Rulale, 2-e. wtth a doable. Plneb·h lller Vic DHaliDo .. ..,.., wttb OIM out 8CI VCID _... followed wtt.b a n•·•co:,!.:f,.t'"•I•. Derrel .... for • bue bit to Hll tbe b•H• and Garvey ,....... wida Ida _. bome""' .. Ida foutb C&rMf ll'ud .aaa. TM Loi AD1eln ftnt -. ... Ml 110 rw beUe4 Ill .......... Ken Forsch s tarte d for H o uston and restricted Los Angeles to three h.lta over seven t nninp, -1nlu1ltn1 su~e Ye ager 'a 13th homer. Charlie Hough, 7·5, got-the-victory lnTe· lief. Before the game, the Dodcers a nnounced that Tom Luorda had aiped to manase the club again lD lllO, bi.a fourth aeuon, and tbat 41-year-old Manny Mota will become a coach and the chab'1 bau:1D& inltructor. LONG BEACH <AP) -Tour· ing pro Mille Sullivan of Ocala, Fla .• fired b.iJ second successive three-under -par 69 Friday to lake a two-stroke lead d the midway point of the Long Beach Queen Mary golf tournament in El Dorado Municipal. SulUvan, who finished ninth in a tour event in Napa las\.zteek, collected four birdi~s ·• 't1ie · LABO&DA. a, won NatioDal 8,764-yard course. Leape permanta his flrlt two Six were tied for second at 140, sea1ov.-ll-ko•'!'t':A.n1~ J 1tcludint Los Angeles pro· muacel,DUtlJie C1ub fe fnslonall CUrtil Sifford, with.a third place 1D lfPlt. 18; Rate Botta, 61, and Tony Mota wW replaee J im Lefeb-Sllll, '72. Al.lo at 140 were Gary vre , who baa accepted a McCord of Jl'.lccadido, 73; Pbll coacbinl poe.ltion wltb the 8aD O'Orlldy of Brentwood, '13; and Francileo Glutl. BW Loeffler al Denver, Colo., Foneb left for a f!:r:iu.r U. after wortdlll MftD • He Defendlnc champion Don save up Yeapr'• bomer tbe Pool., al Tuctcln. Aril:i carded third ud oal)' two otber blla, a • for a 141 to tie whn Buddy both ...... A1llD al Ventura, HouO ~ eo.tGll to 891 Carrueo al Intne, wbo two blta ~ •I• ~· Ht a eoan. ud tournament re· before tbe AltNI tied the ecan cord al II Tbunday, Mled to a ....... WU-~. '71 for a 141 total s.turd9y, September 29. 1979 DAILY PILOT 92 -- it.es FV • IJ llOWAaD L. llANDY know we can ~\.;~ •. LILfM Gee' •11• ,..... ..... ,. 0t•Dtl!tt.""....,. · · • ,.,.. 'HTCJ .. ilier' lbe came. 'We've 1-0 a fter 4:32. A ~t Tountain Valley laclied consistency In our firat While E m erson was the fflth School football tea m two games but Andy (DeLuca) f avorite target of the B.1ron sambled on a fourth down play did a good Job and I think M 's passer, hls apec:tacular cat.cb for the lint Ume It bad poaaeuion, finally arrived at quarterback. the second touchdown was one of made the neeeuary yardqe for "We started seven juniors and the best of the ye ar. Re made a a flrat down and went on to poet they responded well and did a diving grab of the ball In mid-air lt.s most impressive victory of gOOd job. It took. a couple of and held on as he landed in the tb.e early season Friday nlaht. g ames to put things together." end zone. This one came alter The Barona of Coach Mike Tony CanZOfte recovered a furn- • Milner scored each ol the fU"Sl DeLuca put on a brilliant pass· bleat the Wilson 43. I three limes btey bad the ball, ing dis play in the first baJr, com-Steve Southward capped the the first t wo as a res ult Qf alert pleti.ng 10 of 12 attempt.a for 124 third drive wit h a two-yar d defe nJive p~ys, to set the st.age yards and two touchdowns. He plunge. for a 21-0 vtctory over the Long was in complete control of the While Milner was pleased with ~each WilM>o B~ at Hunt· situation and coolly directed the offense. he also pra ised the ington Beach Wgb • n eld. th.ree scoring drives of 41. 43 and defe nse. 69 yards. MILNEa SAID HIS TEAM came of aee with the victory F r i d ay ni ght, th el r third straight, and be is hopefuJ it wUJ continue for the balance of the season. DUVAL LOVE &.ECOVEaED a fumble on the second Wilson offensive play to set up the fll'St drive. The Barons m arc hed to t he 34 in three plays, then Keith Richards picked up 17 yards on a fourth-and-three sit uation. ll was a gamble to set the stage ror the rest or the evening. "WE'VE B E EN PLAYING good defense and tonight they wer e against a pretty go.od fullback and a good passer and did well," the coach said. "We played offense hke we * * * In add ition to DeLuca, the coach was a lso pleased with the play or Richards and offensive gua rd Jack Bram an Brandt Houchen and Carlos Hurtado had back-to-back sacks or the Wilson quarter back while John GutoWRki, J err Hall, Randy Smith and Dave Brunne mme r, <i mong others, played well fo r thl' Barons on defense. l8 Wll\Oft 0 0 0 0 0 f ounlaln V•tl<rY ,. I O O 11 fV E-non I) Df\\ Iron> O•Luu C~l•tnll• lit(~ I f'V Erner_, 11 D•H Hom Del uu t~t~nv "l(W I f V S Soulhward 1 run I ~l•lnk• II I(• I A •.OOOttlim•tf'<I r tt'\t oown\ ,:f~l\h~\ 't'Md\ Pa\\tnQ 'fl lO\ PtS'\f\ J>unt\ . ..,,,.,,,.. ""' 0-• ~UthlliCI L8W I , ... 11 • 1\ 0 I •J 11 "" " JI 1qi •t i 14 71 I • )I Ill DeLuca hit Rob Emerson, a player not even listed in the game program, on a 15-yard TD pass the first tim e he threw the ba ll and Greg Sleinke's first or Tomahawk Triuniphs ''"n"1t1•' i; '"'' ••• ) •l ,,.,, ....... 1111-1 ... I ,_.W C "' .. ' I tt '-' n" t) lO A1UlnQN" \to' ""n\;1 'l F V J11cM te1\ 1\ 10 (~t VI tt ) t,,, "•""¥' \ t 1lrt l I > ',Outn•A'0 4 H ""'' f• ' ~ I• Mo1H\h-'lll 8 H ffH,••fdt1'6t PtH~ ' HW thtl1rv.>' • H 0 .,, J ohn Arems 47 foot s to11p Tomaha"'k from Balboa Yacht (;tub wa:-. the corrected t1mt• "innt>r Frida} in thl' 385 mill• Cnl Coastal rac<' from San f'ran Ctl>CO to J\'.ewport Re:w h 52 fool sloop Shamrock rrnm Los Angeles Yacht Club Sha mrock was the line honor s wmner . f1nishtn~ 23 -.econds after 1 p.rn_ for <tn elap-.ed lime or two days, 20 hours and 23 seconds. f V t)tl!¥A f)10 1 t •) M,11,,•11(' 11 l ..... ••0Vi61 ftKtlV1f'\• ' HW \..ttnP "" ' t 1 U.i•· t ~ H w: ~ntt 1 11 f I f ~'""'"' • 1q i n11 , t~ f ,.-l•r 1 ~ 'I ,. ,, .. '11tNHf2"I "(,ubtr f'H'-t\ tC lnC'.0-111 Toma.hawk bn•<'7.f'd J C'roc;s th(> !1n1sh ltn«' "' the !\'•·v.port pu:r Jt :! Ii p m . a n hou r .J nd 17 minutes behind Roy Disney ., Third bo:il to finish at 4·59 p m was the 42-foot s loop Mamie. s kippered by Milt Smith or Caltfom1a Yacht Cluh --------------"-------------------------. Estancia Trips Up Wyotes VALUABLE COUPON 4 HR. VHS VIDEO TAPES s159s v. I I I I I I I I I I I DA VIS-BROWN c~;r~ !.?:~. ~upho mor c I quarterback Jim I TEUVISIOM & APPLIANCES 646·1684 McCahilJ s cored on an I ei g h l ·yard run I ate tn ----------'1:...·.:;;-:..:-=-:..:-=-:...:-=:..::-;::..-=:..::-;;;...;...-....;;-=-:...:-=:..::-:;...-=:..::-~-:..:-=:..::-:....-:...._-..;...-_--=.::..- t he fourth quarter to give Estancia a 13·7 vie· tor y over Buena Park 1n a non-league football game Friday night on the loser 's field Estancia got a solid pe rfo rm a n ce f ro m another sopho m o r e- Ste ve Kraiss-as the Eagle~ logged t h eir second straight victory Kr aiss caugh t two passes for 34 yards . added 24 yards rushing and spearheaded the de- fens e from his r over back position. Junior Bob Urmson got Estancia on t he scoreboard in the first . quarter with a four.yard run. and Kra iss added the PAT ki ck. MomenL'l before that touc h down U r m son galloped into t he end zone on a 34·yard pass play from Mccahill, but th e touchdow n was nullified by a holding penalty. I n t hat same drive McCahill and Urmson connected for a 32·yard pass play which took the ball to Buena Park's 11 yardline. Urmson cov· ered the final s even yards on two runs. Mccahill completed six of l2 passes fo r 124 yards but most of his passing was done early i n the game . On ce Buena Park solidified its pass rus h , E stancia round its offense stalled. Th e eo ·a h ead touchdown was set up by a freak play after Buena Parll.,,a.s for~ to punt from ita own 10 yardllne. The RUDt careened wUdly off t.be back al the Coyotes' own line a nd rolled out of bounds at the 11. It took Just three plays for the Easies to push across the winnine touchdown. ea ' SUPER SPORT SHOPS STOREWIDE SALE EVERYTHING IN THE STORE (EXCEPT NORTHFACE A N O 79-80 SKI EQUIPM EN T) Oltl SALE 10" TO 40" FOUR DAYS ONLY FRL SEPT. 28th TO MON. OCT. 1et TENNIS All RACKETS SA rE 10-40 'I. •HEAD • PRINCE •WILSON •YAMAHA ALL THE TOI' llAllES II# SALE SHOES · •ADIDAS • HEAD •BROOKS. •K-SWISS • e TRED Z e KEAPA ALL O#&ALE -R111ES eWARM UPS •SHORTS • SHIRTS •SOCKS e HATS e SHOES ,.,,, .... _,. -••s WATER SKIS • EP SAVE •JOBE 30 Q/ •CONNELLY JO SUMMER WEAR •SWIM TRUNKS 40 8/0 • SANO LES -/I • SHIRTS """ OFF FISHING •AlllODS 25'9 OFF •All llHLS 25" OIF •LURES • LINE e NETS e BAIT •TACKLE BOXES •HOOKS •LEADERS ALLO#SALE DIVE •MASKS •FINS •SNORKlES Al.t •SALE SPEEllSILE DISCONTINU ED COLORS %MICE GUI DEPT·. •RI FLES • SHELLS •HANDGUNS •CLEANING KITS ALL ll#SALE BACKPACK •VASQUE •PIVETTA •ENSOLITE •PACKS O#SALE_,. RICIET l''L •LEACH • HEAD e EKTALON SA ff 10m401/o .__.,o.Nn • anms E••...cMI 1 • o • u e SUB-~• ADIDAS REG. STOCK ..... ]f~~·~d,~~~:.~ •1:rf~~tE , 111111411 lf!1 11111•1111 Fl::::"~~.::r.~kk:~ SIYE-GIDlllS IE¥Ell SEEi 11 .... i=llt--==y•nll n;:: -:~ RAWLINGS "Gl.OVES • ltAINIOW WAllfTS • ltAYIAN GLASSH e 'llSIHS ....... ...,4 .... , eSKAT!SeAOfOAS WARM UPS•DAITS•IUCIC IC ... VIS• l ,OOO'•Of ITfMS ""me1...... 1·1 .. , '"-'''!".:::..., • .,.:: • .,, •LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND e ALL SALES FINAL e t!tt-U,_ IWJ: CMwra .. U ; :•,::1•,!.~.~ •14: Mcc:.11111 ,. NEWPORT TENNIS CLUB LOCATION NOT ON SALE/ ,,._CNc• 1141: I(...__, .. ,.: SAL.I ON AT Otlc•'-H z v....-1 t·t: L, .. ---------.----..-.----...---------• (llawt I Mllr ""-'ti, t! .. -~=--:-~ .COllTOS •WPOIT IEACll ,,.-0..-IH-I. tJ. 1a L.08 CBWT08 MALL 117 'AIHION-.NC> ,,,_i::-.. i:·~::v .• H I : 1213) U4· 1125 (714) M4·Z111 ~ ..... 141 C..,. I .. , ·~Ne: .... lot;"'""•' ~--······ .. ······••Ill••••••••" . ... IAITAAIA 2,tE.4'fllT. (714) 147-57!3 • 1 .. , • 8' OM. Y Pll.OT ~rpjans' T:riwnp~:-- T a inte d · By '°8N GOOD•AN Ol .. o.9t ....... Movlna on tM 1round wtth 1 urprialn1 eaH, Un lverthy Hl1h '1 Trojua M!ON!d UM ftn.t time &My had UM ball w~vat ovt1r three minutes •la ln the Nl"lt quarter on a five.yard 1corin1 loll to runnln1 bacla l>arrell Ma.le)' It WU all Lhe Trojana r"*99d In crublna to a 21·0 wln over La1\1Da Hllia ln a football same at Irvine tUa:h Allhouab the 'l&me waa • ooq-lea1ue a ffair. flrst -yearCoacb Chuc k McAnanc b w as diup pointed in h11 team 's effort "I tboupt we atwik»' wu bia reply when com p hme nled on hls team 's play Besides KelllnK shut out m the second hall, the TroJan s were bit with 105 yards an (>4!n altaes. "Our m ental loutthncss Isn't what it should be. How ma ny penallJes did we have., .. It goes without s a y ing the pena lties negat ed sever al scor ing t hreats that could have pre vented the 1'roJans from belna sh ut out tht' last two quarters Coa<.'h M<'Anlnc-h 's <.'On<.'ern stc.>ms fmm lhl' Trojans' upcom· ma J?ame with San Clemente and he wanL'I to SN' that "mental touahn<'s:-· manifest itself :ij?amst :i lt>am that almost out "t>1ghLc; th<' 1'mJans 20 p<>unds per ma n H<' do<-sn't want Lo see a r<'Pl'&l 1n penalties like he saw last n1JZhl .lam Staff t'allcd 20 percent or lht> pla~ s and on the scoring toss to tu?ht end Garv Fowler. he <'a iled an 11ud1ble. c atching the Ila" kl' tn a blitz \Ct1<• •• O.."'•"'~ \ •ouna Hlfl'\. O O o o O Uru _,-•'''"° fl U O O 71 U ~ov•tv !) °"''' """" ">''-" •••<• t.-llf'(lt 1 u Z••d'-1\ )-} Hin u \Atettt 1n-.1VMnctl .. d punt Wl'n1 Ou1 of ""° IC>t\t' I U f:'ow1H 8 'M\\ from St•ft t~tf'"rn\ lt.t<~ • .. U~nd&n<... f )00 , .. ,llm•t-0) ''''' 0<1111Wn9 f4u'n' \ Yttre1\ "''l'""fl ,,.\rn" Ptt''"' ~""'" ..... , r umr.u,.•.1<1'\I 0 •"'• Slllo\Hcr µ .. naltu \ ¥"rdi. l H 1 13 I) 19 ' I), )0 11 HO lllCll•IOVll lluilllft• u ' U•!lb "' / 100 ) I'< , ' t) 10) \ H ,.,.,ou'°n 11 '6 c,1,..,,,. 8 '18 h&l<ttr ,-fi (omt>' 1 ll IJ ~IAll I 9 Mo\l•Y \ 13 ..,,,,•nwn t• l 11 /U•f't.-•\1 1t U4tltUf''11 1 tftdh,ht.,..I P~Utin. tu f,hv .. r • 1, 1tt Commot 1 ,, \1 .. 11 1 10.0 &• IMfvidu•t liteice•••"'• t M JO<""• 1-t fllM .. ) )I u MO\~y I\ fowl,., •• Wult t lrf ~''"_,,._, ' 11 \laqs F all, 21-7 -_...,.,. -r . . Defend ing Bis C r own W BC Ilea v y wcigh l Cha mµaon Larry Holmes attal'ks c ha llenger E:mue Shavers during their scheduled 15-round fight in La ~ Vega~ Friday night ll1Jlrrn ~ 111 tr<1ul>l1 Pa r l\', \.\On \.\1th an I Ith rounrl flurr\ Taylor Gives Vikings One Pla y They Need By ST•;v .: ANDRl'.:WS Ol 1"-O•llY Pilot SI.tit The way Mar ina llig h was playing defensivt' footbM ll Fri· d ay night all the Vi~ings needed was one big play and they got it in s pecta<.'ular fashion from J im Taylor It was 'f<tylor 's 97 yard kickoff return ror a touchdown late In the third quarte r that allowed Marina to re main unbeaten after thrCL' games \\1th ,J narrii"' 14·7 win ewer Foottnll'" K111i.:hu at Tustin High FOOTHILL HAD Tl E D the score at 7 7 un a nifty 70-yard tou<·hdo wn run hy Tom F...,h IJc<·k who played at Man11J last \(•ar bdon· becomm~ a Knight 1111wl11Jq ·,...n '"" fl\ Iii.ti f<t r n1f'I \tl-.t ll~ o l•'1 1.1111 1, 'I p l.t)t •d ..... , II 1111 cl · 1. I I 11•1111 J>"' II ,;.1d ·11 ""·' .11 ... ~ d 1 ·111 ..ff11r1 l\.i.11· 1.t .1)1 11 "''II 111 h.111 -.1:\l•r:1I k"~ 1.1d .I•"• f,,, 11 .1l1111i.: \\ llh 1111' 1111 1I11 pit .. I n. r1, 1 ,,., •• 1.. 1 • 111 I\ 11" ••• p.1r h1 ·1 .1u•1· lit •· \ 1k 1n"" 11f ft·rh t'. lhoul!h 11111\ 1·1~ 1t11 hull 'tt·adtl~ u11 lht· field . "u , h,1, 1nh prolJlt•rru. J!<'llang mto the· l'n<I 1ont• Irvine Run Over But Taylor grabbed th(· spotlight from his former mate "1l11 .i long i.pnnl of his own Thl' st>n1 o r runnin g ba ck gm btx>O tht> ensuing kickoff ;1l his thrt'l•. broke through a wall or blO<'kt>r :. al the 25 , ou t munt·uvt•red the ktrker <il the 45 th< rt ra<.'l'd lo the end 7.unl' "'RINA'S dl'ft·nckr ''t up lht• l1r· t ... run· ... 111pp1111.; l-<1<1th1ll 1111 I r11Urlh ,111cJ •lilt' lr11111 'hi' h lll!'h \ 11 .J1111 I l11llJ1l r -' I ht! h\ 1111' 11•r1l1•1 of ll1t \l.11 111.1 t!1 •f1 "1 '"' 1111• .11 II rh .. ti.ill v.1 rH .. ,,., '" :-i.Jlll ,\11'1111 .11111 1111' 10( r1 ·11 ... 1· By Roadrun n ers By JACK HANSON OI -O.ttly I'll .. S"'" The Saddleback Roadrunner rugged defense proved too much for a game Irvine High Friday night as Saddleback scored a 21-7 victory ove r the Vaqueros before 2,000 fans al Santa Ana Bowl. T he Roadrunners wasted litUe time getting on the score board. Afte r forcing an Irvine punt, qu a rte rb ac k M e l Whil e e ngineered a sustained 50-yard drive culminating with tailback Fred Galvan bowling ove r from the two-yard line with 6:09 re- maining in the first q ua rte r. LATE IN THE SECOND p e ri o d , S addl e b ac k quarterback Eddie Herrera led a 97-yard acorinc drive. Charles Parham scored on an eight-yard run with 1: 23 remaining in the second quarter. Herrera then passed to Jim Ureta for the two- point conversion. Irvine was held to just 26 total Grier Still Hot As NH Wins In Tourney Mike Grier U. acored 13 eoa1a in the pat two daJS to keep his .Newport Barbor Hilb water polo team .a.eaten lD tbe South Coa1t Tounamnt, a double- ellmiutioa affair wbleb con- el u d ea today at four blab 1ebool1-Ualver1ltJ , lnlae, 'hltiD -Newport Harbor. Grier leond fClur Uma in a 12·8 vidol"Y over Villa Part, dlen easne bad to Mid .,.. more lD a 11·8 win over a... Teresa, a northern California 1ebool. One day earlier Grier ~ alx tla. u Newpcllt Harbor 1111ubed Lcmc Beacla 11m111a, IM. Cotta Mesa, wltb oae lou alrea47 on ttl record, "819d alive bJ nlppla • CHH•ata Valley, .. 5. Eltmda pkMd up lta 8lll 1oN at Ute .._. tA Vllla = 8-1, ...... Milon foad eUmlutfld frona tbe touraamm wltb a 12·7 to Crawford, • S. DN•o tcbool. ., yards and two first downs in the first half by a very tou~h Sad· dle back defense. Lightning struck quickly in the t hird quarter as Irvine's Dale T e m pleton put the Vaq ueros back in the ba ll game with a fint: 86-yard interception r eturn for a touchdown. The convers ion was good by Reg Sanchez and Irvine was back in the game, trailing 14-7 with nine minutes to go in the third qua rter A fire-up Irvine defens e forced a SaddJebaclt punt and Mark Roberts made a sparkling 33· yard return. giving Irvine good field position on thei r own 43· yard line. SADDLEBACK'S DEFENSE the n stiffened. Irvine's last chance came with 8: 10 remaining in t he contest as Mitch Harris s loppe d Charle& P a rham on a fourth a nd three on th e Irvi n e 12 -ya rd line . However, Irvine could not mo ve against the rugged Saddleback defense. Saddleback then iced the decision with 1:27 remaining as David Martinez scored on a 13·yard run. Gary Stenlund then kicked the conversion. Saddleback showed a strong ruonina pme against the Va- queros, led by junior Charles Parham wbo 1ained 85 yards. A trio of other pJayen combined for U8 yards, ·with Eddie Her· rera gaininl 58, David Martine.I 52, and Fred GaJvan ma.kln148. Irvine coach Chuck SorcabaJ commented after the game that Sadcl&eMek wu a very pbyaicaJ team and b11 Vaqueros were ri,iat with them for well over tbree quartets. lr.tM S1•' c• se.-o.e-trwt (Ille• teilcldl 0 0 10-1 t I 0 1-11 s.e-~''"" cum.,...,,,.......,,., .. , lrv-T ................. r .. urfl Clec.cller IO<kl sett-MlnlNI 11 rUfl I~ 1!1(111 ............. ............ ,,, .. .._ ............ ~~ .._. ........ ,. ............ ,....... ,, . ' ,..... • ..... ... .. , ·" ... .. •m B ,..,., ..,. >• .... "We rount Vf'r) heavily 1m Taylor , · M<1rin<1 head ('r1a<:h IJ;1Vl' Thompson said. "He'!> our be!>t alhleLt-, goes both ways and docs a tremendous Job for ui. · · lie 3bo had ple nty of s upp<irt from hi!> ddensive tea m m ates Tht· Vikings de rcnse li mited F oot hill to only s even firs t downs and 197 total yards. 70 rom1 ng on Fishbeck's long run MA RINA'S DEFE~SIV E f ro nt o f t <t<.'kle s R ob ('a rpenter a nd Ron Mathern, along with m iddle guard Craig S turges totall y bottled u p Foothill's inside running game. And when the Knjght..c; tried their aerial attack they ren into sa fe ly Ma tt K aae. who in tcrcepted two passes · · E x<.'e pt fo r the one long l/lt11f' ,,,,,.,\ ,.,_,, /\1t1 I' 1• """'' f •ltl , • I H I,,,....,, 111(HI M1Hlol ..... . " . M u l1•fl1• 1/1J1 1t r1tf r _.lu1,, p.._..,n.tl' 11 • l\fl••fl"""'' ,,,,, '~'·"'·"~ G.•m• ,t,.f•tht' .. '" I of I '1•o.;n· I• "'" ,.,, \ , .. ,,, " . I /•Ill ,f ... \•,tf 1" f•H') '· M f'A• \•#1 •O 1'; •1• I Punr~ • ••1 'I' f-vtnblt ,,,., •• Pt-r.tlli"\ V ,,.,l . ,,, ' " l"°1"14'MI fh,t"Ufllflli ,,,,_ f ,,,,.,, IW "1/11t t• It, •1 I A t ltn '\t' I '' t '' ' 17 I "" / 4 I ti f 1 b '"f• ~ IUl h ••ll I th•lllf\OI'"' I J ...... .., 1 \ ,.,,,.,~,.," ~ ~ t ·41Ud~·•t lftdl.ttd\WI P4UIA4 M Au· Out(> 1 I t,, r.tnct t•H 0 1 t n. ~.lf~r ' 1• 1 IWto ll'Mflw•dW..I •H ••••"• M 14 f<,f • • 11 1 .,,._. If I 'nh•J t 11 f t4 (;uh n-r 111 M•t '\l•.tll I ~f '"tUl•h·tt I 11 ()ti ••Int 'f ..... '-'"I• I I Dolphins Blitzed El To ro R omps, 44-15 SpedaJ to lhe Daily Piiot Da na Hilla High 's Dolphins cam e up with a pair of second· ha lf touchdowns Friday night, but it wa.'I way too late by the n as the El Toro Cha rgers ham me r ed the Dolphins , 44·15, in non-leaaue footba ll at Missjon Viejo Hiah. The Chargers struck for a 37-0 le ad in the third quarter before the Dolphins could get un- tra c k e d with a one -yard touc hdown run by Jim Gleed. Later ln the came Ken Daven· port caught a 12-yatd pass from quarterback Paul Siselove to put the Dolphins Into double Ucures on the scoreboard. •'Every pbaae of our game waa lackluafet," s aid a °'Jetted Dana Hilla Coach Don DeGroote. "We 1napped the ball over our punter's head twice and we gave * * * '°""0.N" 0.111 Hiiis 0 0 1 I I) etTOf'O t• 11 1t ..._... ET-Mll(-le •"'"IHM t•li.cll ET-....... 1'HMfl'OM K•y CMclCtflJIHlilll •T-~t< .. """'"'• recevery 111 end ,__ C lteyftff Wktll eT~•-tf'llMlley llt1y11erklOI n -1t..,_,11,o .. ,_..,.,,_,_I( .... ll lel llllecll OH~1 rt1rt ClllNlklUl u-•--•rw11~111e111 OH-DI HflHrt tt ,eH tr1111 t.lreten ·~...._ .... .._ .. _, .................. OIH• tS.ttlJ Jl#I ••lfJ arl4tt111w U·U ; ~•It; o.-1 >a:~<• 1.f'l'lllM IS, " ......... ....,._ ... .......... P9Mllle 11.-1 .. tt•, '2. ..................... OIH f t t , ~llCCI 1·11'111111• ll; J ... 1•1: arlftlllw HJ; Olt'dNr •U, Ol-...r1 .. . ,/ up •w rnanv c•u:-~ poml!>. tl 's rl'ul· ldt 11:-t rut111~" S•· v1·11 <l1 lf1•r 1•11t ('h11 q:{.'r~ :.h11n•d 111 th1• 111·111 111~ 1.1i. El Toro 1111uwll U1.1nu llllh. down with s ix IOU<'hdowns 11nd u field goal. · Gkc.'<1 flni11ht•d the nl,;cht with 103 y u rd~ on t:'l curries and Sift•love d id 1t JOb with his pass l n R f'lllTll'. rump tet TnR 15" of 21 with no tnt(lrccplions, bul for on Jy 62 yards "Really, we we r e n ever stopped," s1ud OeGroote "Our offe nse w ru1 moving the ball. But e very U me El Toro touc hed the ba ll they scor ed They trapped the heck out or Ull .. .Buc8,.GWC In Laughers J f'ff Donnell scored four goals and ones Al· Uson added three more aa Orange Coast Colle1e whipped San ta Ana, 15·8, in a flrtt·round game ol the Mt. San An· lonlo College w•t.er polo tournament Friday • Up ln the San Lull Obtapo Tournament, Golden Wt1t Colle1e J>la1t.cl root.bill. ao..i lD a same where moet of the 1tartu1 r -•t•d • Goalie John Chaves ha• nln• 1av e1 ro r th RuatJ~. ... \.A9>-.,.,_,..._._..._ ... -,.._ .. ,, •• ··-........ FOOTBALL ~·Shut Out--·; Seahawks, I 0-0 By ED B\J&GA&T Ot•DeltY-..... Playing a near·perfect 1ame a nd controllin& both the of· tensive and defensive llnet, the Santa Ana High Saints dealt the Ocean View Seahawks a 10-0 loes in a no n-league footba ll e n co unter Friday night a t Westminster High. The Saints, get ting a first q u a rt e r t o u c hdo wn fro m ·tailback Vic Prawl a nd a third q uarter fie ld goal fro m Jess Zamora, completely shut down t he Seaha wks of Coa ch Ken Moals OCEAN VIEW could gain only two finn downs the e ntire night against the larger Santa Ana h ne and netted JUSt 78 yards "46 <'Oming"" the ground. In fact, the Seahawks didn't gc·t their initial first down until lhl· first nine seconds of the fo u rth quarter and would have lll'VC'r l'M:e n 1n fudd pos1t1on 1f Santa Ana ha d not gQtte n off two 12 yard punt!> Th., rirst 12 yard kick came IJtl· 111 the ~econd quarter and J!il Vl' lht! SeahaWkS a r1rst down on theSamls' 27 yard line But a swarming Santa Ana d<:' f1·n ..,•· pres.sured O<.'e1tn Vu:w·.., qu;1rtcrbark and the Sf:ahawk.., "'t•r•· also saddll'd with a d ip 111n~ ~nalty Tit E!'i AT Tiit.: OL'TM·:T <Jf 1h1· third quarter lht: S<:'ahMwh 1:111 lht· ball <m the Saint.'>· J9 \ arrl ltnl' aftl·r anothf'r 12 yard p1111t But 0<'can \'LC"" wa.., un .1hl1· to pcnetr:.itc the m1ddl<! on a f1111rlh do"n anc1 one. ~1 v1nR San 1.1 \na po...!>1•:-.... on "'htlP thP oHense could n1•1.n )..;t I untr1.11·ke<1 the· Occcin Vtl·v. rlt-f1•n ... 1 <'.1mt• up ""1th '>c\.t•rJI li1i.: pl.1,\!> 1>0 a ~hov.t·r~ n1~ht ..... h1·n S<inta Ana p1rkt-d up 14 firs t downs, gaining 194 yards on the ground and 79 through the air On the Saints' initial scoring drive , Ocean View defensive back Terry Bachmeier forced Santa Ana to use all four downs to keep the drive alive . On a third and one al Ocean View's four. Prawl tried to sweep for a rirst down only to be tackled solidly by Bachmeier. ON THE S AME DR IVE. Ocean Vie w defe ns ive tackle Make Scott stopped quarte rback Scott Franklin on a second and goal from the one However, the Saints scored a play later. Ocean View, now 1·2 with both losses resulting in shutouts, got a big boost rrom Bill Durbin in the secood quarter when he re- turned a punt 40 yards to Santa Ana 's35-yard line But as the case was all night, the Seahawks' offense fizzled, wh ll1• lhe Saints were able lo control the c l<lc k with long possessions. ln fact, Santa Ana ha d 63 plays from scrimmage, <.'ompan'fitoO<.'ean Vaew's 33 ,,.,,..,, &, ... ,, .,,.,.., "''"""' I 0 0 1n 0 () 0 0 •.1; a>, fW tr,,, /'8n• .. ;r11 ll'1''°' A /.-n.r .. /•t•rlf1f¥41 A ttt>nQj111tW• )t"t'f t\t G•m• \t~t1,t1C , '''\t (J"Jl#I ~ J\t .. ,.,,,, p,.,. ,,, •.W''~ ... ' I ,,,, I ,,. r "" IJ'I .,., .. t • , ...... ., \A I• ., ... ,. I ·~I) \ 11 ~ ,, 1Mt¥t..,•I ""'"1"4 OY 1 n oe n • 10-0 ~)I 00 • Jll '• /Y ·.;"" ~ '' J.t,"' ... •1 ..,;, Milwtnht Q .U fl ... ,. \ •• J.•"n•I•" • '' ,. .... n 7 tt "'•'dit1 t 1 () <i M.·~·• ) t ( "',,. "" I tr , fT 1nu \ I lt¥1nf" t. ~ ''•' JI ,,, , ,..,., ,, , .,. ,, i ' I,• I J l"CSHllfdU•J Rt<t tYll'U• ,. ·~H "'" Y: "" ,, , • f A '11'111 I '" r I ' I "'" "'" ,, , I M 1 "' , ,,.. , LaJ(una Wins. 7-6 This Time, Artists Back Up Defense 8) JOHN SF.V ANO Ot u. o .. ,.Y p,._. i u u 11 "ai. a ~ur µri i;e but .. pll·..1 .... in1 !>urpn ... t· nont·lhPll'....., for l..1i.:1m..1 Ht•Jrh I ltgh ('11 ... c h Walt llJmt•rJ I-or lh1· :o.('('cmd ""c<·lo.. 1 n a rov. hi:-cit>fl.'n"l\t' uml held lht• 1111 l''"1t1c111 lo onl~ on<· tnurhdo"n .. 11 h Lh1~ t1mt· thl· uffon:-•· mJlif' 11 ;land up a!> lht· Art1~l~ upwt St Anthon~. 7-6. F riday n1~hl bdon· 1.500 al Clark F1t·ld 1n Long Ut•ach W I T If I. I G II T N I ~ G r I J :-. h I n g Jl I (' l u r l' :-q u ,. I y .1c·ros:-the· ~ky tn the d1stanct'. thl' Art.1st..'> and Saint,.., cn •all•d lht> thund<.'r an tht• trt>n <'ht''I All tht' scoring r aml' 111 lhl' first quartt-r II!. tht• Stunts look ad\ nnt a~w nr 'a poor punt tu dn\1• 32 \'Jrds on to pin y" for u IOIH'hd o "ll '-'llh lh1•tr (1r ... 1 II""!\ I' :-..s 11m .\ tw.J. snJp 1111 the• 1•xtra pt11111 rc''llllt.-.1 111 .1 hhw\.. .11111 St An llhl11' h"lt it II l'lw \111 ... 1:-1'ill11t' n.iht b111•lo. tlll lltt•ll '"''' .... ~"'''""""' hi 11111\ 1 ht·11 ,'411\ rn l .•. ll II\' nt ' KltNNIN(; of t-:1 11· t 'lm-k Ml<t ch,• 11•s:.m111 11( I llllt'tl S111" tU'1 , l.ftallltll• lll'IH'h 111111 i·h~t 71 , .• C'\b tn l:: 11lay11 111 !11'111 t' !tll i>t•\."OO<i:ol b41for\l th\' 1•111! 11f tho \lUllrtetr I\ 1.uw••r sl•nt b ('lurk otf r t.ht t11C'kh• for four y 11r1l11 1ir11v 11lt11I ttw TD un1I D a mon lh•rryh1ll's \'t111 v1•rsl1111 w1.111 pcrft"t't to 11vo tht· Art111t11 I h1• 11<1 vunt aa.;t1 l"rom thul point on it was up to the deferu1e, Mnd It rOfie to tht> occa1don, hold.lnai the Saints to ee yard on the..Jround for the gam e and a rftinui five in the second half "The defense bas been our m ost pleasant s urprise all year.'' said Ham era, who evened his ~ for the year to 1-l. "J !_hint they would have bl•t•n twttr>r off 1f they had ,t,., 1·1! 1111 llw i.:ruunri th•HtJ.!h \lthoui.:h th• \rll'>I.., ht·lrl th1· .... 11ni... In .1 rn1n11-. '"" \arr!!> in lht• ,,., 11nd h.ilf nlll!>l or thll ... l' l.ttrl1 l11"irtl th1· t•rH1 of th<.· c.1nw on q11<1rt1 rh.11·k "arks. A.., ,, m al11•r of fot I St nthony "',,.., thn1v.n f11r a 111._.., the· 1 -.~t six ltn1l'S 11 tnc·d to throv. or earn tht· b.111 ..1nct th1.., ""as the !>am~· tt•a m that hac1 ... C'ored 'l7 po1nL'> 111 <1 to ... 111~ l'ffurt a wt'ck lu•ror<' Wht•n askcd 1f ht• w<1~ looking for a In"" ~coring a ffair. llamera r(•pltl•tl. "Quite lhl· contrary ~ot :ifH.·r they st'ored 27 poanL'> thl' Wl'l'k bl'fnrl.' We worked hare! on our oft ensc.• all week. St \nlhon~ JUSI play1•tl a hctlava de h·n:-1• St.1l1sllcalh . both \Ides wer1: fmrh c•vt•n Thl' differe nce was LaJ:un3 Hl':J<'h ramc up with one mort• b1..: pla y on ddt'nse th1.1n St i\nlhcln\ \C•• •Y 0W.t1•rt ,.,,.,n,• It.-.. toi ,1 O ~ ,, .4f\fhun• I t) (t 0 • "1 A I 1ii4 1,.,..,., 1 '"°" '-d 'ft ••• , •• '"" t ftlff, U I • GiMtN \ta tithe' ..... , ....... ,,. . . Ww\.n• ••Hf\ JI t• •fl• t•41 .. \1n" \ "''" "' U ..-... ,,.,, , .-,1 'a.o t'unl' • n • 1" , un 1(11 .. -.. 1 ..... 1 J 1 t-O ..,,,.n .. u1., ,,.,"' • -40 \ \J IMh-•l llw•lu.,. \ •uv~• f'f'"'" \l•w.Art • )), Grf"""f'I • m1nu\ • • ,.,, h Ml \I ""'"""' I •< 14'0le ,0 t•. P A-o 11 '"'"'" .. I A{!OOty • 10, llamot I 4, Wllll_,, It . ....,..._.,. ......... t •yun• Hf"M h S'f'W'' t 4i 1 •-0 )I " ""'~'· •• ~oM.t• , .... o l• IM I•-·• ...... .... l •11u1i• tle.11 II Oe•I• I tO, '"" O°"•ld 1 ~. Ott•t' > IJ " llnl..,.,.,. """'°'' II ) AOOCo•• I IJ r Minutem en Play LI be rty hrts llan Hlgh's M lnutemen. seeking their ftrst win of the 1979 eight·man foot· ball season after an openloi 1ame Ima al Fllntrid1e Prep, ta ckles Faith Baptist of Canoga Park toni&:ht at Murdy Park in Hunllagton Beach. Kickoff is let for 7 o'clock. OIDaYOUI ttlOTODAY H>llAIUIST D&IYaYt CARS • TIUCIS '-LOAM CAii-SlnlCI ... ~----... ~· ... ·POR lHE"'RECORO I FOOTBALL ~ . ., . c.-. .... .. ,.. .. .... 1t.1111ui... ~' • • 1 1 ••own ct • ' • 1 , • .,,. 1' 4 0 I 0 '#Ill• )It t 1 1 I o ...... 4 610 A Ofl-.lf 1111 .. ~... If I I I t t,r'* II 1 O I t ('-.Ill ) 0 I 0 I ... I A t 0 I I o.-.....,, •••• MeMM.~ 1010 Gr'4",_ lOOO lla&,rt ••ot °""'·ft 0 •• 0 .._I •. " • 0 0 0 .... ,_." , 0 ' 0 """""·... • •• 0 J A~ '6 1 0 t 0 S..-t c t I I 0 W 0.vl\, .... I I I 0 _ ...... " t I I 0 fota11 1' o i o Tot••• 10 S • I kwwhl ..... Cotllortue '*' • -t ,.... ---) OP Cttll0tn10 1 fe•ot J l08 Calltor111, I lt••t I 18 A Oii.,., G~ 11 Wiii\ • NQ<mel' ~•lllfflll• ' .. ,.,.,. ll, .. l•I ! Aon 1 Molllff.W " II Cll II W> ) 7 1 ) • S 3 ) 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 T•aa1 Je11~•11• IW It 141 f oU ,&11 1oO 0 ., __ ,, ..... ,., .. 0 r oronio 001 101 CIOO J / 1 Htw Y-100 JllO toJt I la O E~ he>>-., l•l t>ncl C••-Tlon1. C.e>•t•~ ti) And '"''""' W Tl•nt I •Ute l EO!)t 1).41 HR Te><onto. Soloilll 171 N•w Vo•"· J<t<hon 011. Speno• 1101 "' 11.~1 Orietet "· 1...i-' 8elllmo•~ ~ 000 100 " Cl••e••tld 010 103 000 b P.1,,,~r. S1-..,o I ... f Marflnu Ill, S1an1>ou..e "I ana ~mpwy Sk•OO> 181 61t1'•t, R~"'' UI, WIMol 131. L ,&n ~''°" 111. II Crur I" o!WI H•>M'V. Diet P l W P61""'r I l~I L BMker 16-61 HR 8•1rl more. 8 Smilll I,, . IOlly l\I ClfvtfAnd H.t\'\PY f••. Herr•" f10l .. & .. ., , ••S.• '· T._.. Ro,lon OOJ JOO 1ro J 0.1ro11 000 010 JOO ; Torre1: 8urorn,.1Pt 16, 1tnd .-fleon!ton Wll<O•. R-.·n• '"· 81111tl1)11am Ill •ncl ~Atrt\h W Torre-1 fl& tJ• L Wtltor • 11 Ml HI> 0~1roll P~tthll lltl A 11 .... ,,...,..,..... \I, lwHn t MllwauHt! 000 111 OSO 10 II 0 Min""""'~ 000 100 000 I S t) c .. 1awell -fO\~ ErtCk\On, 0 )M~ •s P"d'"'" l~I. F•lle>n 181 anO Wy~· W Cal<tw•ll llb &1 L Erl<'\On IJ 101 HR "'"''"t<l~~.c--rc>tl A "37& WMlt S.• J. Man no,.. I S•rllll• OCH 000 0«1 I I 0 ( "" "C>0 011 001 001 J 11 0 Ho~vcutt -C°" Troul •ncl Colbo•n w Hone.cun , 'I 171 l Trout , 11 ., HR (fHtf•OO NOfd~n ' "' M orrison I U ) A ~ IJS 11..,ab IJ, A't I fM• IMn 000 OOt ·ooo ' l • 1t"11'a' C•ly JJ• •10 00• 13 1J 1 M<C611y f ood l•I dnd He<1tn Gu•" I "'"" •81 """ Quit• W (iur<t llJ 17) l Mr(Attv •n tn ~p .,.,."\•\ Cth' Ou1n 111 A W ,90@ NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodgera &, A1troa 5 H...,.... ...... ., Puhl cl 4 I I 0 c. RenlO>, n• O 1 O ,..., .. no lb • ' ' l J Crut. II • I I 0 Cabell.lb Jo 1 1 LOOllAtd, r1 4 0 I 0 8CKllY,< 10 0 0 StJatOfl. pr 0 I 0 0 Pujol\,< O O O O W•lllnQ, Pl\ I 0 0 0 L4rt0SIY.10 1 0 0 0 I( ForKll, p 1 O o O 6r43mn.P11 1 I I I Ruhle, I> 0 0 0 0 LeC0<le. p 0 0 o 0 Total\ 31 S II S LHA ..... ........ l..Olle\, 7b 3 0 0 0 JO~lluo, ti I I I t 0 Thom\, Clo I 1 0 C.•r¥0Y, 11> ' I 1 ' Cev, lb • 0 0 0 Bah r , It 3 O 0 0 Tllmnn. cl • o 1 O T.Mrlnt, n 3 t I 0 VeoQ~•.< 3 1 t I HOUQll, p 1 0 0 0 Oav•ll. p!I I I I 0 Ca\llllo, o o O Cl O folal\ J> • I 6 ~ ..... , '""'""' Hou.ion 000 000 140 I lo> An~1.., 001 000 Oh 6 OP LO\ An<rl~\ 1 lOB Houston 7. l u\ An~t.,._ f Marti""' JB C.t~ll HP Yo43er 1131 Cede"° lbl. G'""°' t1tl SB Punt l!Moer S Lo-•loy Movst• IP H a Ell 8• 50 I( For\Cll I J 1 l o , l>ulll• I l . 7•1 "' > S S 0 0 l aCo•t• " o o o I o Les A119'4n Houqll IW, I ~I a ' Clt\llllo 10 T Cd'"''° S•~,. 9 0 0 1 V'I "' lh~hJ, ....... s 0 I "·'" All•nl• 000 000 000 0 f I C1nCIM4tl 001 010 Ob 3 9 1 Sol<>mOll, J. Mclougt>lln 111, Br..ilord Il l. 9 McLn Ill ""° 8•1>ecllcl Pastorr •"" Benell w Pa\1ore ''-'' L Solomon 11 l•I HR Clntlnnetl, Gtr0<1imo 141 /4 33. 147 l'tMlllnJ,Ea-7 PllllacltlCfti• 000 001 000 01 3 10 1 Molll•UI 000 110 000 00 1 t l Hole>, S•ucier 110), Aud 1101 end l'Aorelano. Pelmer. Frymen I 111 ano T~mar90 w Aeed IU ·ll I. Ftvman '3·61. MR Plllladelpltl•. Scl'lmlOI ltSI A •0.303 P-J,Gla-t S.n Oleqo 010 100 OC»-2 s 1 Son Franclseo CIOO 000 000 O I 0 Rumuswn and F-y WhltM>n, Mln\0<1 Ill. l nelle 191 -lltti.1ot1n. Sedek Ul w 1t.sm.aw11 1~•1 L Wlllt\On 11 111 MR-Sen 1>"91>, Wlftlleto l a.II A 2,l:JI. ...... ~. New York OU 010 ___. 10 0 St. Louis 0,., GIJO 000-2 9 0 8eren9Uflr, Rurd!ln Ill a11d Steer11s. 8"'"°· Fr•l~ 141, Scltultl IU, S.tmon Ill encl f IC--,.. W l!ler-r If.II. 1. 8""10 IN >, Hit !ti. l.oufol, At"J (II. S.C.-0-.... ,,c.-.... ,...., v-001 110 cm 01 > u ' $4. l....C.--.lCIO 101 DD-• " • Fetc-. It. J~ 161, .. ,...,d 111, OIYIWI (ti, ~ Ill, Al .... 191. HtMlff Ctll .... ...,...,, 5teor11t 171. UrrH , 0'8rl9fl UI, L I(...._ Ill, 9'. T-.s '"· l'reL~ (Ill .,. SWltflef, T. 1(..-..,,, (1). w '"" 1 .. 11). l.-Fr~ (M), A-U4.S. .., ...... cm., CM<... OOI OIO OI0-1 • 1 ~ ............ o lt ... K._., c..llle IS), GolMI (1) lMlf .......... ....,. .. Ott .• __._., ot .. ). L~1'elftlNI lt,_12) K9'-~1UtM~tll. ~ettw 1111. A-11.m . '•" ............. , Ulle•ICM t.aaieva ...... ~ U• Pl I" '" .. 1,.. Ml 11t 1U .. .., ... 11• "' -UI lft IO ,,. Jn ,., -..... .. lit .... -a1 ,. ,,. .. ltl ., Ut 1t1 • IM )It 14' »t JI IH ll• op t r. 111 M1 Ill .._ ... T-••. Ml-•· .. L-......... "· lhu . e.11o1, lit. 11.,...lilll, •0111 ... on . H .. ,..,,~ .. .......... .. ,...,. ~ , •• lllA, .......... l r• . ....,_, u1 fll•"'"· ¥11•""•" 1t1 ~.....,""· ao•t1-•. 111 ,....., .. Dec,.._I Pl•11..-. lelllmore, U -1. (•llh•tll llllthll-.. , 164. ICerll, fflH. I) S, _..._,,,, 0.tfott, l•J G;Hc1t1 Hew Y0t•, It-I, JOfttt. Nt.• Vorl 10-t cl••• (•lllOtllia II ) MfGt~ -llmof~. IH lllATICMAL LIAOUI I( l<rl'•ndt Stl Rotct. P•11 1(1119..-1 ,,,. o.,,,.,, \Jo 0 ..... -- nt .o.t "' 101 lQ ''' •11 ~ t04 DO ue ~ .. ,,. Jit T •-!aloft, ~l Hotner,All P•"'"'· Mii w 1n1i.1<1 !><> ""atrllll, HV MattM..,.,AU .... , ., 111 ... ''-' •II 101 211 .lu llf Ot 04 ISO JU ISi )Jt l:J ... ,,.. I SI S91 fl 111 )(JI t•I Sl'I IS Ill JOI I)) t21 ti 9' I :JOO .. _11 ..... IC1nqm•n. ChltOQO '' St llmlGI Pr.ll•d•lonia, 0 Wlnll•lcl, ~n Ol•QO. ;M Horn••. AllM!IA 31, S•••OO'll. P11h0..•Qll JI ._ .......... WI"''~"' S•n Dl•oo. 111, Sc11m101. Pl'll••oelllf\<ol II• l(lllQm,.n. Cl'llctQO "' Garvey, l..M A~, 110 K Hrn•nd/, ~I LOUI\, 104 ~1"'..-1 ... 11' O«lal..,\I Rlbl>Y. Pttt\butQll, 11 • s.. ••r Cine In n~11 , u 6. fllylr•en Plll•bu•Qh l?·S Ttdrow ClllC•QO, I I s Sutcllll•. l•• A .... lft, II·~ S 'Nrt11W1, SI LOUIS. U I IC For.c" ......,,,°" II 0 J Nl•l<•O HOU>IOn 70 II O•llaaOpen N.itnt "I L~l M~lton ,...,..,,._ ~.no1a Pl>'t Donn~ C \'ourK' VIU.1 ""'Cl'>" ll~llt Dan••• 8 r-t\y tctno 80f'H\'" LM.lfr Jflrtfyn ftritt Oot1n• H Wllltr !ill •to 8er10lo« >n1 lo Ann Wll"""" P,.t M f"ttr\ Ool "~''"•"' J•,...1Co•n ttalllvT- 1' al hf MtMullln HOiii\ '.>IMt JAn f ~rrerh !Mtndra P.Jlmflr SAnOrA He'(nn• Queen M.,.y Open ,...., 1)1 &&·II 1)1 11... 140 ,,,.. 14() U-ll u1 0 1J ,.., 16-'6 1"1 11 II lcJ 69 I• UJ 10 13 UJ 1113 ,., ,, ,, I .. II IJ , .. ,, 11 , .. 1311 ... II I] '" 10 I\ US It 11 ltj 11 /! Ui IO·IS US II 1' 10 I Al £1 OW-CC, 1.-k«lll ,.. ....... .-. ,,8 M•-~ Sulhv"n l flo<ld"' b• e• I•~ 111•1 Tony Slll\ ,_,, LAI 6a>l1 G.,Y M<Cord IE'CQndldol 11 ~'I Curll\ Sllt0tO II A I /1 (>II ""'" Boll• l l Al '3 &I Prtll o·Gr~OY f Ww'",INnod) "' 11 R;U l ,..,.,.,,, ! fnoi•wooo. COio t l?-tJi Ot~•~ "• ,.,,, E W•llO •C.,,.>I•-RM(M 11 ll Junior Colle9e ic-"' o..an.n S•nl• ,.,.. I I • J O••n~ c°"" ) 3 ' s I) Otllncit Co.t<1 '<'.Orlnq "°"""II • nlll"'n 1 RO\\ 1. (Of""ll 1. 9orsu• 7, Vt•-'. c .. tott \<OU by 0u•r1.,~ f,01""" W•~< 1 • J • 10 F ootlllll O I 1 I l C.Oldf:!'n W"""'t \COf'!f'Q Z...cnety 1, HAn\l)tl I H~mor·,n. 1..-cefhnn )p t-toHm•" • M QOthOU\,., SrMrth-, Wh•ttt, Whttff'lor~ J. Wll>~n. PK-lord 1, ,. ... ,,.,..,.. Hlah School Swt!ICMSITM,....,,....I S<on lly 0...r'l•" f •••contall•ll•y l O 1 • > (O\ld M~"' l 1 I l I (O\la """"' "<Ortnq ,,..,,,.,.,. • Cn lillO. R11m<11'111 v...-CN~rt Son fly a... 1'1•,.. VCll• Par~ 1 ' 1 , N'wp0r1 HarbOr 3 l J l •> NewPorf H•rbor \tot111<1 Gtlfr •. RllO 3, Thom"' 1. GHlord. t •r,..An, 6etk•I S<on "' o..art .... Sanl .. Te•"'• l 2 1 H••porl Harbor i 1 • 1 II tl••porl H<t•bO< ..corlnQ Grle• l • .,..,._, ). Ptlty l. ~, Glff(lt'd, Uvtn•rr o.....su"' S•nta l~rcw•. E\l•nK1• s VIII• Part t, Est...c:la 3 MIS\IOll Vl•lo6.Cnalfov l o.,..,,., '· ,,..,,,. 3 Crawloro 12. Ecll\Ofl 1 Cfllwford 12, INlne 7 111•11•~lon lllelo I. Downer 3 Pro Touma..,.nt tot Sall ~r-he•I .... ~~ l"eler Fltmlfl9 dei. Ray Moore •·•· ._.. P81 OuPre o.f. &Illy Mor1l11 6-1, •·l . Tim G1111l-s0fto.f. Haftk ... IMor••· 7 .... -4. Ad9nta C1a9* ................. ¥•rll11• HowrotllDvo del. Evonnt Goolf90"0 c-i.., .. ,. l>-3; ¥11'9MV rutl'lllll!I def. Tr.CyAllStlnM,t-1 Otand Prta TownaMeftt IOI MMWI ........... ,..... J-H.....,iK def. l(elltl Ak~ ~. 7'S, 6·1; JoM l.IHS CleR lle4. PM Mc .. _ 1 s. •·2; MenHI On11tu def. ~ottr M<HeMera ....... ,; Ya11nlcl! Hooll def. ""' .......... . .... ,. .... a,... ~ ....... llorn 1ar9 dlf, Menutl ~ W , M ; Ylfft ~i. ... Ill• NM4Me .... M ; afdle ~-. Ellll' ToltKllW~ .... ,; 11.n-~-....... t ~ ... 1. 6-1, "We. -know dri~ing a Perf~ce Automobile is a very persoMl thing and most of you want to know more about what makes them tick. Call me, let'• talk about BMW's.",</),,, e~ ' floMoft• ~~ ......... ,, • .,,4-,_tl"fl ............ . first r&• M, ..... l'lelllrtO•I I Ml, 110, t 10, A &.#·f 'l Man l ... Jl•t) l 10, 110. v...-1y Otfllll Ky l5w.t1> t 10 u hac .. IS fl !MMdtl1 .• ..., __ ~<~ •ac• Miu Fl...,.lno "' IMttttl IO ... , .o. •411. G9 See Him (8•oOU) t.00, .... ..._ .... ,~t •to lfllrCI rote RtllcKtlOlla H GOid l()om. lneuell Q '° I tel • 00 AQll• 8•• ISw-'11 l IO, t ... a..ldeCI Wl\111'•erl •10 U E- la 1'·11 paid "°7 00 , ......... , ... l'Oiltll'I r«• SUmmer S.llo< IJ->l llO 1 00, 1 tO, P-llo S.tn CMe~rl 11 l>O S 00. EI 81Q T0111 lllel•-•l l Ml 1"11111 •<Kt C•tysbr-I lloulf'sl \ 00 1.0, 1 00, Cot•tlno MO\I tB•rr11al t IO, 1.40, Ll)tr• tMenol 1 IO Sl•lll "'<t -loln L•r .. IStm l • 10, UO. i.~. Slwvemetoll lSoellttrl l 00. 1 IO. /4rlalol~I• IFlore\I • 10 U E •.Ct• 11·ll pollcl~SOO S•Vtlllll rt1t• llllly Cluo ISl•lll"9•1 •.«>. J .0 l 40 Ooddl• Dence• IO•l~Q•> J IO 1 \0, Tu.-•l!Om• l"'-11 40 EIOrtll• •ace 8roo .. l•w w .. l~P<'l'C.,I t 20. 2 to. 7 60 (Ylt Girl ICUtNOil l 10 t .cl, Ml0otla l8a<r•1a> 3 XI 0 E•.CI• II Cl !Miid"" 00 Hlnlh '4KO 861d OH IVel&\QIWll 11411 S 40, 3 IO, Hiii Sho<ll IR0>olf\l l 00 1 IO Goll•le IOrttJOal ; IO hnlll race llo1cl Chi< .. IM#,..1 I 00 J tO 1 IO Gul'O llle G<•T IAOS•l>SI • '<l. o 40 ll•klnQ Voy~ lfratle•> 3 tO U Eu<I• I\ 11 CMllO i'll 'JO Etev•t\tt\ ,.._. HtllUv'A ,.,.,.., rrra11n 1 13 llO, I Ill. • 10 P•OC>Ofl Lou I JOflf'\l I 70 S 70 flHI EPI'°"" IV•ld"1U~tl l llO h•*''" "'H Lynn fo• l~lalling\I 110 ; 00. ) 40 $.>n Ml'.>f\fO tr tltt••tl '00 l 10 "'''' C•trou\'11 l\1>911Ce•I , 10 i s E •M.M IS II P"•d tSll W Alt~ndafte• 10 >ii HollywOOd Park l'neln's llHWlh Ultllef lt-11ltM hat,,..ttnHIW..1 F lt \I r•c P O Shl"\n .. fo.'"Y !,lot"'" ICrovl'lant & llO. )110, 3 00 ''""' 5• •Pi>F' I ltu~bletl S Cl • 10 11.0f\A (O.\I 1Sh0'11 J •O !>•cones r«e *<•Af ..:.,, rA•f"u•> 4 •0 l 00 '"° M1cln1Qhl Chon (llOu IA111>1n1. 00 1 •0 TrUf" M1\'~ H'"YH'tuf 100 U t1A1ty OOUOh 11 11 i>••d 0 6 I~ 1 htrd rM._11 0Akr.f HJU f ._.('Ill~ '1 00 • OD l t O. Bt1Qlll B•ul• °"""" > 1!C1 l N) """' Plt•tt f P~n> I 8Q t~ ' '"'<I" •1 >• CM10 \IUI SO Fout tf't r•c,. l(n1Qru·, Honou• t Auhott I •O 4 •o. J 40 p .. q1ni1110 Cntr' .. "' ',_...,,~ • .,,.,, •to. 4 40. ~eW"tuno~nch 1P-.1hno1J00 fllll> , .. ,. GllOlnQ Cur IRn..,nl IHIO. 9 10, • 70, JAmbo OollM I P .... , • .0 J,.., M lqhly Sc>f'y tAHNn 1 \1 f'1111f".-lld C) 41 pald \q, IO S• .. h ,.._,. ~-"'f MM! tSuttAll•tt,. 1'Su< t rit 1suuarc\\tot l\ Ml 1 bO • 40 1no,,.,-, (l'l>tl lliQrtlMll ~ 90. 8 10 Andv ' """"° IStf>mf'rM"n' R •0 S\ ~""'',. 11 I I 0 .. 10 U'IOOO S.vtnltt ,,.,~ 1-fl<M' 1r;.,undy1 1 6iO J f!iO l 10 Sh#•'° AA k• iivo Mnu'" 9 10 S X> 8~' t't" Jf>,.Mtf' lwlh ~.,.,._, ._ M) f 1qf'1th fM• (f\lto.11IMW'1 f1 'H°P HJ 4'Q t 1\i J eo rou'1n Fl'ls• •Liort1M11 l Jn 3 oo """ C vP•r 1 °"""" .. " J tO U • •.C '" 0 JI P••d w so Ninth rMt' ~ppu\ Af•O Qo,ftn1t I & IJO 4 00 ) f() ~M• ll>Ov ll<:ueOINI 610 o ~ E yr~ 0Ydli~ I P,,lhflQI • 10 T~nth-rM.~ tCu"'Q Ja¥ ,_."'"'"'' t. "'1 • ()') ? IO 0 ' FY f4W"to l1 V IAll''t,•11 i tr J 10 PArllno 11\~v••""' • tO lS ~"•<I• • '' ""''° \JS 00 Alt~ndM><• l.•IS Jun.Or College ,._.., S•~ MM!u 17, ~" WHI ti I O•Hf'tlt\ IC.I 10 06 1 Sii•""' ISMI )f) 11 ) f>fo,,1 <\Ml 10 1S • MOfvl'IM'nn• IC.I 70 JO S ~.,,,.., l ';M I 70 )4 6 C.•rc•• l(,1 10 )'I I IYw>f1l ISMI >I 0) I O•l•v"' pl• IC.I 71 06, 9 R-\<'V IGI 11 11, 10 !)en <lo•~I 1\MI 11 II '•--.Ck n. S.Ulll•otent :16 S..-• u. '""'' JJ I l..•BOll•~ l!>al 70 IS, 1 Rodt1Qu•1 15ol )I Q.I, J, ll10H\ IS.I )I 06 • A¥tlo 15ool 11 01. I Mot...., 10 11 ''-6 Mortlnu f() 11 31. I RrynofO!. l!>al 71 '7, • Martin l~l 11 U . 9 Mor-CCI 71 St. 10 F-r1y IS.I 11 s•. Or-coost 11. so-.. .. 1 p.,., ,,.., " 71. ' un>Oon 10 ) ,, 1' J ,..tlc•ll IOI n 01 .• Sc>•flllt• 101 n IJ S .M<C ... 10 > n )I> o H••t> IMI 11 H l Simp\On 10 > n SI, & R>flQll'r 101 1J 00, o lara 10 1 73 It 10 S.tltufle IMI lJ JJ --°'-CNtl IS, $0 !MU 4f I Sl>rt'* 10> 1' 4\, 1 Fe,,,.. 101 1q St. 3 F•rn•~r 101 WSI •. lllll .. 101 19.S•. s Hel<I 101 70 30. 6 CarrOI IMI 11 06 I M~llOll 10 1 11 21, I 8altt0fl 101 11 2t. • Marlln COi 71 t'f. 10. Moftttl 101 tt 10 """"' "'9olk• , 1, ~ ...... 1 Slewllf1 ISM) n 10. , MOclf\10 cSMI ,, n . l. c-r l.sA.LI n .. ,. ... M.u11t1 tSMI 2l O'I, S ll•l~r IGl 1l o!O, 6 Hk km•n IC.I >3 41, > MotloOll ISMI 1J SO, t Slo•n ISMI 1l II ••. SillQlelon ISMI 1• I• 10 Srt•flt< IC.I 74 S6 .... ~ Mt1lo Monica 30, F•C'StlO CC 1 Mit!llS< .... Morl11• 14, Foot!\1111 Ne•po4'1HAftlo<11, CorON cl<t1 Mor I £,lancla 12, 8-P•rlt 1 Unt.,...\lty ti, L0vuna HHIS 0 L091H1• 8Hc'11, Sf. Antllony 6 F-.111Volley21, LOf'9 8~«11 Wll\Oll O Mat ... ()ej "·SI.~ 8-o I Softfa AM IO, 0Cffft 11i.w o El foro<M, °"" Hllll IS Sodcll•OIO 21, lrvfM 1 S.r¥1t• l0. N«1'1¥Tew t HH WllMn 1', Softcw• 1 • I( tnfleCf\I I 4, 0.-... I CYIH'•U ,., _,,...., 0 A ...... ltfl 10, PecHj(a I Yoi.Mlo>t,~l•t Norco'1,Sov-o Tro, a . f'ul"'10n 6 l• Oulnu 1, ~-.,.,• o .1 ... ,.-Poly"· Lot Am._ 10 LI Jordlll6, •llflC!lo/41amllo.O C.rll!Nd JI, C ... ltr-Volley U C.11'°"" "-L-11• ltlMf'lldlt Poly 16, LOS Am)Oo110 T Sim r.J FROM ROD lAVER 9'jttt Qjlll.4l{(Hf11"'1 ~· flJ IT lfffl{ 5TILE - ~~~w:.::r--""""'F:Jl'~~j WHCN Yt)() g~ 7Nf: ~ ft.AY~~ 5£roe IN ~Al(> /l'JAKF fhAr ,eNff,~<lt.. CRISP Yiu.et t.~J( fO oA~ /T IS !KCA~ 111<1 ~ $ffNT ,+I/WY tltJt.iJ!S ON 'ThE catllr -~------~ E ,..::, l.eeker Room \ What Coaches Had To Say. • • Ne wport H arbo r Coach Haak Codara11e.' following his team's 21 7 victory over rival Corona del Mar: "Scoring our first touchdown on the pass from AJan Gaddis to Chris Cates really fired us up Our kids had something to prove We thought we were a better team than 0-l·I "Neil Ross played a helluva game and Gaddis did very well under he;ivy pre:.sure We talked about s horing up our weak sidt' at halftime .. Corona del Ma r 's Dk" Morris: ·Losing th1: touehdown on a p.:nalty wa:. a psycholog1cal blow for us We moved tht• ball -w ell but lht: damn thini: was called back I thmk lhal "as the d1fferenc1: 1n the game. "I don't think w1• pla)ed very wdl iA-C' made too many mistakes f'oolb<1ll gamcl> ;iren't won they're lost, and we loi.L But I m not taking anything away from Newport II arbor. they b<·at us .. Fountain Valley Coach Milt~ Milner. after thi· Barons defeated Long Beach Wilson. 21 O "If a dog is going to bite. he will do it as a pup t-loperul ly. we have come or age now Our kids put It together I biting the Bruins> "We played offense like J hoped we could, but it took us a couple of gam es to put Uungs together "We told them at halftime <with the score 21 -0 in favor or the Ba rons> that they could do one of two things. Come out and play conservatively and poss ibly give away the advantage. or they could continue to be aggressive ''While we didn't score. I felt v.e played well in the s econd ha lf. but our defense didn't give the of fcnse very good field position. .. But I'm satisfied with the way our young kids are coming a long ... f'IC'T11'IOUI lklllNeH 11AMll lrA1'eMIHT Th• tollowlnq .,.,..,., are "°'"' ~llneua JOHN Cllltbu.o ENOIN£E•S. 1 .. 11 Ml l.-01191ey Sttett. S11H• N, E~1Mn.CA9'10I H _...,.,., H11111, th h moico, W•lnul c.-, CA., ... Oonold A ll'Ytl•let. *" E c .i10 O.I Hot le, ~114;<, Al 11011 .,...,.,..., NI wn, t)I llelln 0.11 Ori••. Al-. CA '4SOI O•ll P Lvncll. ™' F•u9'ner Court, lrvlftl, CA '271S W•Utr R How•rd. H•1 Morn. lflQ\lcl* Or , Cloll'lon, CA fO II G Wllllam ICllOP, 14ln C<trdl!Mll Pl•O. EI T°'o· CA '2630 J Oevld Grlllltll, 1'11 H ... ,. Ori oft , G~lt, l'Z e»01 'fl\•• OU\l,,.n k U>n~<.ltO OY a a.11er01 IMlftMrslll1> (I.ti! p lyP'l(lt Tr.is "•1e......i "'°' 11"4 •1111 ,,_ (4unty Cleni ol Of-(Ounly °"Sac> •• ,,..,,,, "· 1'7' flllJMt P11blh ll00 Ot<l"llf' COafl 0-llV PllOt SeDI IS. n, 29. 0< I •. Hr. • Mil·,. PUBl.Z{' NOTICE DAIL'( f'tLOT .. f'ICTITIOUI 94#11N•ff • ...,. ITA'fC...llf Tiie I~ .... tM'lt #1119 Dull• "'"" Nl!!W~T T•Af'"C STUOtl•, IUO t•tl'I Strttl, I' ~7. Htwff'1 hocll,C........,.'*J Oery II CfOft, 1~ ••t11 $1•fft, F·Jtt, H-1 9Hcll, Calltorfllo 'Ml TM• ......,... " t-.Cted b'I Oii .... 41vkluel. C.WV• (IOI' Tlll• ............ •Mfll«lwllft- Co111111 CltrlL o1 0<11f'91 C-ty 9"I kolem-to, 1'7' ..,,., l'ublls-Or-CMll O•llY Piiot, 5"114 t2, 2'-0c:• •. ''· "" ,...,., PUBLIC NOTICE I TATIMt!NT 01' WITMOllAWAL ~•OMPA•TNCllS.HIP OH•ATllllO UNDC• "IC1'1TIOUS IUS.IHIU 1111'¥1 fll• IOllOWlllQ C-•10f'I ,... ,..,,,,.,,._ ., • ••ner•I P•r•n•r t rom th• pet111e•\lllP Olll••llllCI u"""' IM fie lillo.i• bullne\S n•m• ol 8ERMUlt CO, •I tot Jenny 0rl¥e, Suitt 141. Hunf1"91011 8-A<~. Cl' '2W TM llctltlOu\ bu"""'s nome \1•1• -.--.ri'CTi'T1ou5iv51u» --me"' •or 1 .... f)<lr1n"''"'.P ... llled Oii M._.I STATIMllllT M•te" 7l 191• trt In• Co11nty ol Tr.e lolio..#tnQ ... ,..,,., •••• OOltlO O••"D" bu~ne.s <ft Tiii' lull ,_.,,,,, -re\lcle~~ OI ""' P ACIFICA EOUI r•ES, H•O person WllllCl<awlrtq .... P•rlMr It Me<Ar-81.0 . S..11e )10, Ht•llOrl M URA.AV GllOS\, 1"7 H H•y•l)r1'1 6 u c11. C•lllornl• t1MO An L°" AnQOle<O CA~ 0 o rl • G• HI n, I /1 •14 CO • el Jr\Yttay C.rou »''"'' Crt t4untl,,Qtot' 8e•<f\, Tht\ \t.ittPt'T'ltf\t ..,d'\ ,,,,.,,, ...,,,;. tM co11tor"••,.,... ¢!Hl'ntT"C'll'nl m O•.,. Cout1t11 Ott S«P Ed•.,0 8-n 111 S 8u<h lttnlH!r •7. 1970 II ti, A11-1m, C•l1torn10 \'not F11llt1 '"" ""''''"' I\ COt\O<t<l~d by • Publl•""" ()rM!qt" Coa>I Oall~ Poto• ~N••l 1>.tt1r.t>l>IP Sept I), n , 1' Ori ~ 191' 3060-1' Dot!>~~-·" r11 .. '1•-..... 111.., .. ,,,. ·~ County Clef• OI <><•-County°" Stp ""'~' .... ,. FU1'11 Put>h\hf<I 0r4"°" Co.t\I OOll• P11ot ~pl•mo.< 1 IS. n ,. 197' )),, /9 PUBLIC NOTICE ~ICTIYIOVS I US1N£SS NllMf ST l'TEM£HT PUBLIC NOTICE: ,IC'TITIOVS IUSINESS NAM£ STllT£MIENT '~ .. toHOWH\9 Ottrwn, ,.,, dOtnO bu\lnf',\.t\ IA I NEWPORT HOME LOAlll TRUST :t'1, (8 1 Nf WP()Af HOME IOAN IRUST ..... 1(1 NEWPORl H0 Mf LOAN TRVS I "''· IO I Nf W Pt)Af HOM E LOAl\I Tl~UST ''°'"' ftHM>t•t~ Cif"r~ •\ 001nq °"" .i: tOO """ 'f ) N E WPORT HOME "'''"" l OA N I l>VS 1 = 101 11 Corpar<>I" T&ft;O-..t lOlJ Ar••fot \I (&\I• P'--''~ "'"1t111o0t>ft 9tt"''"' (dtitor ni• I ,,. .. ,~.;o~;~:"M' t'f)ltl CH• C•moo f ?W)N• •P•i'' ~''"'" l ''"'"' ttH fjlt W•lnut (JI. tft1'9 c dllff)• l"l•tt C'O•Cl'J'•'''Of1 \ '"'' nu• 1~''· '' '~dV( ,,.a t>¥ "" '" f n1 Du\•'"" ,. • 04'\0u< '"o bt ,. t ur rtfw•du_.1 '>' ... "'" .... ,OV\•H•..-.d• UfWCJ(J~t H ()Mt tOA,., ,,.,,., \'"'"'"""""' .,.,. .,,....., •••rt nw IN f '•"'''(,.,.,a' Qf,.."O" Countt Of\ S.-i> t f\tt .-1. ,, I• '"O•f ~ IQ,"f lftt •ltt• nf FUUU 1 ff't tAt1,.,...nt ...,,,. flft•d w¥fth Inf' i 1011\,...,, Or tf'W'> (f"l..-•t 04'•1V P nof (t)Yf\I, r •• ,. ,,, Or,.~;t> (t')t.lnh nn s~o YtJI ,. 11 Yi Ort' '"" 161"1 N ,, ,...,,,, 1J t'l/9 Pl'BLIC NOTICE FICTITIOU~ 8U~tHESS NAME H .aT£MlNT t ;., '"''fl"'""O ti"•,,.."' "'~ n •Httf) ttv••f'·••\ ~· r,f l (f')fNlf PPl>l\f\ ~A"'I><' [Jr • ,. Hu"''"O '"" ,.,.,.,,, r,. ,, .... r,. • t4 f"c-w ',Qt Am()t·t !Jr••" ,._,l\f ""')ftJf'\b ..... ,, , • ""?,....... A• ,. i ( •1' ')(» Af"t t-• fh•,,,• .,..,,,.. •• natN"1 ,._,..,_,. r,, r~bAJi. ', ,..,_. ""'' ' " ( ., l "'' \tJth,.,.., Iii\ -... 111.,..J ..,,,,. tnr ( r ,,, l • ( "'' t ot Ot .,.,,_ ' rvnt , .-. '"'"fl ... "",,., l"" ,.,,. llUU• 1'111)71 P"Ol1\nt-d 0r..nQJ COd'f O.hty P110\ S.-r.• • n 1" °'' ~ 1~1~ l4'\• 1Q P BLI(' NOTrC•: \UPEAIOR COUaT OF THE STAT E OF CALIFOAHIA FOii THE COVHfY 011' OllAHOE He AtOIO• OADflt fO SHOW Cl'VS£ FOil CHANGE OF' HtlME .,,rMAf l MOJ>~I\ rt f.A'>0" r r .... A I ' /Id f ' .. , •I r A '>0" ( At-4 (Jtf r Mfl. Ptf r..l f" A9')'4 '"'""'r li/"1+1 ,, ., It., p.tt111t1f'I n~ M 1(1'11'H t "1/111''' r,1, ·• rf'I O•n'' f ht"tO•·ln f,h If"•"'" 1""1 , ..... If f't'~'t\()' f n1lrt (' '''~ ,,,,, M • .r .. <11"'"' ""' "·· ffll!• N P1lrn "''"'" tP'f / . .._,. f t 1h """'' l11t tn ''"'' lf1..1n ~("''"'"> {Oo.t t C •,I '"' f •"•J·~'l C•'•f•t)'"'' ,..,,,,,. fftl''' \r-(,1 11,... <>• ,_ 11 ,,,.. M t •• ~ ,,, < 1• t n (11 r-tt '# '' f • ,.,.,,, ,,. r ... "' , ,, r '''""'',, M~,,. Pl'BUC SOTICE ~l(TITIOU' I US1,.6H N6MfSTATl1MfHT ,,,, ....... nf'I n 11fW')f , "'''" ,,. M U ,, ... I Mrtt• \lttll fJrt\-• t ( ltt,\,,, lh '-,111t1 It "'"d•' .. MA",."'°''' "1•nrtrr ruldl I f I' Hf Qf H ¥ f")Jlf f '"'f ft lt'ttti th r.w·• n"' int•,, t• '1 1n ,..,,9 '"·1tHwf '''" (.1 "' ,.., 11111 ,,,, I #,ljrf ti " h • ,, '·u 1 ~~. ' i .. ''• ~Q l •. "" ~,. " '"''I ~ ~::·,:;": /~~:' ;;.~'"'; ,,'::~"~:;:"'.': N f'l (QI>\• H~tl1'l,11 AU ,.pp11r.•l1(')(1lrn•f\AfV}'tQCn"1t'f\,..\"CHJlf1 l'O tw. •fl''' "'''" '-'"'' t O\.f• nnt,,. Qr~lf\"" """ .. ( ,.,,.,,,,...,.. ,.,,..,, 1 l '' ~\JP t t-1 t P OROf. CH 0 ln'lt •• Al•n Mi-1 NCOCU,,, •••• M • .-.o~\'00't oi tN' Otot• to'"'°* C..aU\f'.,.., • o1•,.u• (O'\l.t ~ • (41thH't\011 .,.,:l WOh'\~ °"",. ,. .._,~._ lo t tour ,,ut ._.,.,..,," ~ .. ,,. ,, ,, ...... .,.,_,_. r A•ltt\. , ., .............. ~ Offt)f to """ 0 4'W o• \l•O \;l'\r (()'\I,.,.._.••'-' •~tn._.tl•1• h•itt 1nQ d'I '"" Oiotd 'I' P,1,,1 " '"''Du ,..., •' tOn()\jt\WO D• --l\•A 1ftitp•r ,, 1)•ff·f'1I ,,,, ...... ,.of" tH""''"' p.H'l,....rV••C\ Ot1nlffO 1n lrW' (OVf\fW" ot 0 tAnUf "'""'"' 111000..•o n• r f o o;..o,...,.,,., " 1•1• T ,,., '•'""""'"' ..., .... f11.o •1ff'I •rw. A~uc F w ~UMNE p I Co.tn<v (~•~ o! 0--COUf'h on !Hoo itlOO" "' 1r. 1~mbl:·r • 1~1'0 ~'H'f" fout1 ~tJtt77 Pubi•VW'G C>~ (G.ill't O•H't P1101 Publ1't,"""'1 Or•~ (0<41\I 0•"• Pilot ~pt ,, }Ci ~no ()tr I) IJ, ,,,.. llSI ,. Y O••m""'' 8 IS 71 l<l 1tl• !118 ,. Pl'BLI{' NOTICF: ~ICTITIOVS I VSIHEU N""'E STATl'Ml'HT I l f\t• to110•1nq "'' 0"'' .,,. ann''O bu .. tn.\.~~· I MANll'IN ~P()l>f~(f NHR~ 11; lJ#"d 51r,....I H...-OC""t fff'dCl"I (.t11tf\r,,1,i1 PUBLIC' NOTICE ,.. ,., .. SVPCRIO'I COVIil OF CALlf'OllHIA COUNTY O f OllANGE C~># HO AIOOH OllOEll TOSMOW CAUSE cc c P w 11111 ti .. l .,, tn• M .,1hH "' tf'\I Anpt,t ... 11on of \urt~•O"' 'Soort\ '"' u1 tlro f\r,.nd~ i:v tc:Ut n (nu (hAn tor (httnr~ Dana Hills' Coach Don DeGroole, following his \1rr•1 ..... °"'' ,..~,,, '""'"'"'" 0, """'' team's 44·15 loss to El Toro: "I thought our kids •1~n3,, ""',,_, "(-""'"" "• A(Of ,,:~~:.r,~:.., ~·;.~~.: ~" ~:,,n,;u~~ did a much better job in the Second half and J im ()O<Al•Otl tor 4fl Otd~t <1llow1nQ P,llltoner I" GI d did l ood · b I Su/1\tOI' !>cJir)ti ,,,. '"""''"1' ,..,., nit,,..,,. trom 8rPndll r u ee a rea g JO • ~..., 0 "'M><" 1<:u~11 Chu Cn.ln to f\rrnOi> ~u ICUl'n El Toro is good, they looked pretty awesome to P'""'°""• c"" Th t I r tball t 'ght 1'11 l ll 0 I ''"'.,.,...,.,.,.a,'"""' .......... II IS Ol>OEl>EOIMI """"'"""~'" m e. ey cam e 0 p ay 00 ON • e Y U Counh C .. ,~ "'O•MIOf Countv on ""o ,.,_,1"<> •n '"' '""'"' "'"'"'"'d AP that. El Toro's ball·handling was excellent." 1 "m~•10 "'' Pt"•• "' 0.-0..••-n• J O•Anoe countv • Pyl)h\!Wd Or-Coa I o •.•• P110I W•~I !Mini• "'"" '""'"'"'" •1101 ••• I 'UJ'MJ SYP4'rt0f (OU'1, 100 C.nht Ctnh~r Ortvr ~arin.a f'ligh'~ Dav-: Tbom_pson, following h.is ~P' n ,._ex•• •J m• J1>4!).1• 11 00 d ,,. .,., 0t•01X·• lb ,.,q ...,.11 over Foothill: 'Tm very happy with the start of :: .. ;:::,~"~' :·~;:,;: c1>an~ 01 team s third st raight victory in 1979, a 14· 7 wm I P UBLIC NOTICE '"'" .iino "''"' '"'"• t"""" '' dn, '"'' this sea.."Of\. Our kids have played ver y hard up to ,..71ne " •s FURTHER 011oeREo '"•' d this point. but things are going to get tougher each s~~~~~c.f~~~~i'Ar;i:it ~:r.:;.:.~";~ ~:~.~~"°~O:~u~ ... ~ Week. TME COOHTY O~ OllA .. Gf Ptlol ICNS91, ,. IW'~OP<'• ot c;ienerol "'W I K t II t k and I know they .......... .J1t ("(UltlttOf'\ orlntecs tn Ot'~nQI!' CO\if't'f, e p ay a e a nex wee . C•hlorn••. onct' a w~t< lor lour •ul hove a talented team " A!~~·~: 0°;E~~:1"c;:0,.g: cm1•f' -~· 1>•10r 10 '"" d~•e '"'•or University Coach Chuck McA.nlnch, following his rtrsH~ver victory (21-7 over Laguna Hills) as the Trojans' coach: "Ir we continue lo improve we'll be in a good winning streak. We ran at their linebackers. The eight-yard pass to Fowler was on an audible on their blitz. AVTMOlllTY TO IOllllO'# MONEY Mdtl"QO!'IMl>ehllon f \l<!llP o• AllNf ELIZABETH OA reo Sl'utt'mboro ,.,, ERICl(SON l>Mro\ff llRVCI' W SUMNER HOTICE I!. MEAE6Y GIVEN IN• J"°""ol '""' p~tlhO""'· H•Rl AN c EAICl(SOH Sue-no• Court 11•> l•lod -~n •n ...,.nclrO Pl'lll•On J. H EVEN 1CEMN£0Y "But I thought we stunk. ness isn't what It should be." I Or Aull>Ot1IY 10 Borrow MOllf'f LOW Offk ••ol , ..... L. Sllfl WME Rf FORE."''''"'"''.,, ... '°' •n tn w .• ,,. St .. Suit•,.. .,,-dtr •"•llO<ltlno ntm 10 DOrrow tile ~•f ·-~.CA ,.,. t....ds """ 10 n<'<ut• • "°'"••wt tor11'1 Tel: (tU I UMlfJ Our menta l toudb '" ·~ -,...mion Mid tor w c11 Atter,,.,,.. 1'«111'-• & • 0.,.,.., o•Of"ri 411 ""' cour1 <lffm• pre> Pul>H\lte<I Or""OI' Co.s\I O•lly Piiot per. r•ft!AN:• to """'<" Is ... _ ,., Sept •• IS."· 'l'I ... ,. JSI0.1' Laguna Beach Coach Walt Ham era, afte r see· ing ru. team post a second straight 7 -6 victory over St. Anthony: "( was very pleased with our de· fense. Our otrenae needs a lot. more poUsh. We had a lot ot early success orf tackle, but lhey played a helluva defense . "I thought we could handle them better. They w•e very moblle." fur l!wr 119r1k ut8", .,.., 11'1•1 ~ '"'"' •nd Pl"C~ ol '-'"flD t~ •.-n• II•~ OKn ~I tor Oc,_, 10 1•1', al 10'00 1 m , tn ""' courtroom ol OeCM1rtmen1 Ho J of "'"'court, ~ 100 ''""' C•nlt'r Orlv~ Wttl. 1n lllll Clly 04 S.Ont• A.II•, Calllor11I•. Oaled ~' 11 1'1• 1.ffA.8t4'11tll, C-yClerk ltOCGCLI .. & U ltTOlll Jeifnyl..--. ........ ..... •s.011 ... s .... 1 PUBLIC NOTICE lltCTITIOUS •UllNEU NAM![ STATIMllllT Th• follow1no P<tt.Ons •r• 001"9 t>us111en•• SOUT~LAHO, 11117 lrv1nt1 8 1•0 .. 'fu"ln, Cal1lorn1• Rulll ~lllC>tl, 1•s1 E 11th Stret'I, s .. nta Ano, c a111orn1a '210! --------------------------1 W.~ CA •M Ootot11, Brown, 1111 l•mo11 H~IQl'll\ Ot'lve, Stint• Ana, Calllo•nlo .,10S l.orenf> t<e.U~ 12101 A•d Hiii tlwnue, Sellt• Ano, Collfor-rtla '1IOS 8onv Mc1>0flf.i. tOIU E-••loll. JiaMariuV ......... ®RABBIT DIESEL #1 tM FUR ECONOMY 1979 E.P.A. ESTIMATES LARGE $RECTION 11711 llACH aYD. HUMTIM•TOM llACH 842-2000 ~--·. "' .. ' ' ...... :ti ; •• ,.._..,•14, "'' .... . ... , . ......,. ... ,......, PutllllMd Or .... Co.sl 00/ty PllOI, Sept"'*tr JI, 'l'I, •• "" 3120-1• S.nta Ano, C.1110<111• ttlOS "' .... .al' NOT•.rr c 11ar11-M. woc~.n.ert11, m ~ ~r. 1: ..... Pit<•.()( ...... C.tfforfll• -------------Mar9'"1t Rvan , 10112 L.t ~,,. ... _. l'loce. s.nu AN. C•ll!Orftla '1111S OttM •TOSMOWCAUSI: Rot.11 I(""'· 11•1 S.lflt J-l'OltCMAflOaOfllllAMC W•y. Tuslln.CotlfOt'nlo~ CAY w••• ,.,.,... Avlll S..Cll«. "" F North Tuttln In t!W IMttfr of "'° Al>olklltlon OI Awenut, S.nl• /4na, C•llfOt'r!I• '110S 01Hll •OIEllT ZIPPLER, Ftr Wal ... ~IWll, ltU W CU.. Cfl0"9t OI -. Orlvt, Satlta Ano, Colltomla WOS OAlE ltOftfltT ZIPPLCll "'"11141d Jim SlepOot, tlU S.tOfl, Irv ..... " "°"''°"Jn t11lt c-11 tor .,. or-al· Celllotnl• f1714 1..,lflt "11\loNr to ,,._.. ll(l N me lt09er t<e11yt11, lt7to Mo•..,ft ,,.... 011Lt. 11oe1:1tt Ul'P(llf ro r . Att11ue, .,.. n . "T11,n11. C•llfofnlo II. 81..ACI(. .,... ' ' It •• ...,..,.. ordHM tllot •" --· Cleo Kn. IOTt ~ '--· 11\lerntecl In IW ftlalM ...,_Id _. SaftlO ,.,,., (alHonllo tflOS .. .....,. 11111 c~ tn Otport-1 Clio••• Ge<Watdl lt01t G•t- "6. I ot IOO Clwk C-OrlW ""'"'· 5-rwt,l,.,....,C.llfomlotfltS I• AM, ~. on Ot.._, 1t , l.ff It"""-.sl Jevo ltOOf, C•le ttn, ol 11.• o'cl«k •.m., alld ,,_,. , C,Mllof'llle ft62' .... 11,.,.. 9"0W O VN, II ltfly -· LH J Mett .. r, Jr., Utt Horle • -lie,,., ~ ,.. ,.tltltfl fer ell .... ot IUC.M\eftd, Sellte AM, Collfemlo tfltt SllOUlll.-..... ..-o. Eftlmet MCI(-, ltt1l S..te.y It la...,...,°'*'" tMI • <..., ........ ,._AM, CellferllMlttm tllls °'*' te ...... <a• .. M!ltl*t lttr .,._, 1>11 N. l.-'1 UM, 111 tflt Or•nee (oHt Delly ~ll•t •AM.Ctt!NrNotUOt ICH S•>. o M•Mla .. r of .. ,.,,., NOllC:V ~. t2-A-4fe V .. lrtlllol~ ,.,_.llMd 111 ttllt C-'Y •I "*• ......,_. HllK. (el~ l .. lt _., e ...... ttf...., c-..-1.. Tltll lllalNtla II cOfteUtlff W Ml Ill\> "'~._.,.fe'Y•h•ldllfff""' Hlcorw.-. ._,..leol...., ..... • Oetef ~ ••• ''"· ,.....,,...... •ttue« W. SUMHllt ...... KtflYOll J ..... Oftllt Tl>I• ·~ Wh fli.ct •llft t!W """""~ c-•• .. 0r....-°" s..t"""' '· OAL.a .... H ZIP .... I• 1'1'. ....................... fl'ltllft •1 ctNt--. MOWH•,ffH wa• a lllOWlt • ....... c....,, -c....-°" .. ......,.,.,...,_ ......... -..C..CA J "'*' .... °'""" '°"" 0.lly Piiot, ~'41"'-f 0r ..... Coen Dolly PU ... letlt. u.11.tt.Oct •... 1' ,.,.."'-'""""'·IS, n, "· "" U1W~ \ --~----., . . ., ....... "Oh-oh l looks like I'll hove to give my dessert to Marmaduke tonight!" FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE SHOE .. . .. I MOON MULLIN S THE FAMILY CIRCUS "Daddy, yov sing boss and we'll sing trouble." DENNIS THE MENACE ------ ·-. c--- _/[_ by Lynn Johnston 1tJELL) IT SOUNDED PPi;n/ SIJSPIC1ous 10 Me ... by Jeff MacNelly JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS '1HIS MON'TH ~ covmv f'LACK ~~IJ'THESR GOe5 70 il4ETR'l~S MKeR1 -"THAI HIEiti f'Rlf:S1 OFl}fe VeASf-F£;AS'T)N'O~E: JSCOLl!N1•&.J!t.f NAME: vt>U INVIAN OF lHf! t.Urofl NANCY .. . • J COMICS I CROSSWOAQ by Ch1rtt1 M. kttul1 l 0 IG GIORGI by Tem llUW--- I J-1 o>,IJl•Jl• i'. t. •I I Jii 1: 'C n r:.·.. • • 11., ,,.,.., I 1!' I _.--___,/ · IJJ41lF T1K. r~ Ar t . o•i mF crnE.R HANO Wl A<.hV/1€.lJ THF TJ:Jle.H~F'' 1 ll} F:. OFFff1#16 TO ~K ~ 1¥ ;· ey:. EA(J.~ oro 0 lrmcJOT M " I DRABBLE I l~I NK 1'u. ~'i OlJT .. ,.. il!"J f .. -.;t.)>f...,.,_.... ..._ M'f fll(li.l (l.t l fRtC f'E•Wl. ~llA~f'CN(~. Q.-___./ r~J ,,.... \ ; '. Cj \) ... ~~ ( ... 'Looti, elll I w11'1ed ... 1 cl .. " TUL!CLOTHI" by Kevin Fagan I f,UC<< If ) ' fAtl(.-; 6 ltJt.1 11,(" ff) M .. T tJ'SlO 'fo , I J,-f) ,. ( ., (' I ( I .~ ... •f I ''./. fl:: f;.J' ~ ~i.{1- 1 (i l ~\d ~JK ..Ji 1-ti < ·>} ·; ~ f .. , I , /i / • DR . SMOCK YOUR Fee l-11-JG "fHE: et..AHS AN' L.OOK I NG SORl"A YeCHY WAS -ro ee exPec.-rec::>. MRS. GOLJRP AFleR A L.I... K IDDO, 'fHE: ONL.Y 'fHING i"HAI IMPRoves W ti"H A GE:: rs B OURBON MISS PEACH J ., Ws ~ll n ...e:y YVON°T LET 'IOl!l QIAIT' ~CHOOL, t trA ! by Harold Le Ooux by Tom K. Ryan ... ~ JOe FJ..OOR CL..OUP- UH1 MA~ 'ft>U HEARP OF HIS •t0:111Hf t.fl/fS OF A "46eL.. LANaR"? by Emit Bulhmllltr MELLO, CITY HAt..L ••• t'D LIKE TO Re PORr A CASE OF Al R POL.LUTION ,.. I!, by George Lemont -rHe PAPt..r NG \ ( ~AS SLJCl-4 A WI> y' l ""':''''""' WORPS _J .---- I by Mell Lazarius ~ .. cn-1E1t W()f(r>5, IM 6IVI~ THE ~L. T"EN V£Atl.?1 Norrc.E TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Cm'"'"' b -Hty '"°''h tO ACMP<1nd rer 14 C.roo~ !JI II ' IS Welsh rcJ""' 16 Med sob1 ti Moan 18 R.lbelals ~lftQ 20 f<>C*S 2 I T 1 lll)Oer n --wu sayinq 23 AogleCUI 2!> Footwc..1 27 Swede. t'g 30 · Mr,Gal 31 G11men1 32 Turk 34 -v~ So Illy 38Cycill 40 Al no t1rnr• 42 Sll1bby 43 MN I CUI 4!> Tas1y 47 Spe5m 48 Force 50 Power 62 AncestOfS 'I <',1111 &1 ~I .,, '>8 '••·•'"" "° ''""'tel WUr>d•'1"""1 wnttl\ fiS M,"jntlud~ 66 c. ~'"' 61 £ Uf<JOf' j(I ,, .. ,,.. .. (,II In ICIM! f'I (,,.,,... f•I f lt>cl •'"'l"' 7 t '"' .,11 .. , DOWN I J ,., '"'' ,,,,,,, I AulOtJ..111 l W(IHI\ I fH>tt•lr•\ , t1urrn-'ft It <..1.nlrr11!. 1 thJ\•,1Jn . I,~, llf>11•\ ll Lh••tuba 10 Lont ... mtt lt(l.,.•1 - • I? R11•,111tll 13ht1M• 19 Sult •._ 'f I> J • 1t•,.. .-';' I 1'1• I •J •; .. f'1111 • c,,,1.1 I ' l I u ' ' t •• .. t• tt \ ~·' •• •f'I • '1-c•••c .,,,, ... n .. ,t-rl••• I .. t 'f I '0 l l _, 0 t • Q It A l • ' I I ft(f • \ • r l I • I I D I D A ·-~ I ' I i•lf ! 0 1•111 ID f f " I 0 0 .. 0 • OJ .. I () \ • " rt•• ' I II I •. 0 0 f •IOI I t • 4 W A U f L f l I • 0 f "'" ' D l I I a •I I •tfCI I I I I "• • l 1 •Lio JD• • o • o r 1 o n • • 'i"tti"J••l ••C I l(F • t I f f j ... ~ " t & n I • t '..J • •'I f 11/llrl ll(j t• C>oqoy aoc ')f, T1t111QI' 21 Arr".•''· 711 r1 ... t1n 1•1ll•t1• ;>') M1Hlf1tt I I lllH!lt J5 MIOing mu cnme 36 l'18C1S4) 31 I ormerty 30 Rn<il OO')P • 1 Spht~ 44 5Pt'(IC1 4b M04alure - 4'l Ht1od&1ones !i I ~rel '>? MeulPll ~J Famud lid· dh• 54 (>f'Vl•rtlV !')!') S<:01111 ~!l (ndflrt bl Composer Joromo - 62 Ferrara no me b-4 F n<ltng ror plll or rod 65 PllfCh -• . i 1 -..ir. ..... -~ ............ " • . .... ' Cb&&.!~ up one for the home team thJs week The trlv1u :ct1tor m1tnaaed to come up with a song lync lhot istumpt..J l'Vt•rybotl)I., end lhe cartoon question dr.,w blanks .with ull b"t four tnVlopbHes. 'l'hus Ed Scbmerler' score of nine dldn't hurt . hl1 ed&e In the s tanding'> since his two closest ch llcngers didn't rare any better. Two of our top tO trivtaddlcts even failed to show up this time, reflectmg then-shm--rhanl'e~ Of Vf~lory. -··· Condolences lo Dellllls Perrtn Cwho's known this tim\! aa Maynurd Tettinger). hospitalized after a motorcycle accident. Here comes the last round of Trivia Bowl XV with Ed clinging to a l""-potnt lead You'll score double for number eight this llme. 6. What was Sm ith 8aUew'a CCJOtributfon to the American cinema? 1. On what major league baseball team are the manager and the shortstop related? 8. In the movie "Twelve Angry Men," what was Lee J. Cobb's business called? _ L''.K.NOW_YQU&.J.INES .and doo'l bWllQ into the furniture" were the oft.quoted words of wisdom to young actors from what star? 10. Bob and Shirley's relaUonshlp really bad its ups and downs in what m ovie? Last Week's Aaswen 1. "Funny Girl" C musical question) 2. Mary Pickford c na me change) 3. Red Skelton (God Bless) DAii. Y PILOT ~V ITANQINGI '···~ftl L Tllff &Jiit ltl J Alvf lillew It) 4.a.M • .....--Cll ..... "' t T•Kf~ - • LMt..._DAaltl ~ > ••• , ...... ...,._ ltYll L 'T .. ~ISl •· c'"' oea. ltl •• .,..,.... '"-'lllllff 171 II. N•wW•lioT-171 11 .... ....,.,,.."' 11. Na"Cy ,.,.. It) 14. L1t1ek' ,,_., 161 IJ,'TM....,~IJI "· • J .... ,., 111-.1 11 ... _......,."' II. 'O MMw IJ\IJI 19. T ... GMteff'-UI •t-IJl JI .• , ... ......_. C-r 12\IJI u. ·•k k ••-111 ,. tl'IV. ••v. '""' "'"' t11W' ,,. '""" ,., " "~ ., ... M .. nv. u M u ltY, Olft 4J >411t n ...... ,.., ........ NII ot IHI l<Oteew1-. ~~ Goldie Cast HOLLYWOOD <AP ) . .. .............. ~-,.,. 1-0t•.-r MOYie '8LEEP9NO BEAUTY' ........ Rtnt ~-ttMlf In R•-r••H? I. IN nus LOCA:LITY, the slnger explained, wht-re are pseudonyms for the elements of air move ment. prec1p1tatwn arid conflagration, 1n what musical., 2 Rufus Mt:Kanan's name change brought both him and his son into the Limelight under what 4. John Foster·Dulles (brinkmanship) S Sure (take off coal) 6 Filstrup <Big George) 7 Pete Maravich Cfloppy socks) Goldie Hawn pl<tys a woman who find s herself m the Army in the Warner Bros com- edy "Pvt. Benjamin " Ar thur flJller will direct from a screenpla y t)y Nancy Meyers. Ch arles S h y er and H arvPy Mill er nom dt.• cinema·• 3 Cosmo F1shhawk 1s a character I n what co mic strip'' 4 What ~ovcrnmcnt bureau 1s known as Foggy Bottom·1 8 "The Man Who Came to Dinner" <Beverly ~artton) 9 "Happy New Year " lsong lync> JO "The Great Tram Robbery" Cmov1e riddle> Sleeper A. wakened ()isney's 'Beallly' Pays Return J"isit 5. TitF: ROADS ARE THE dustiest and the folks Urt• the trUSllC!>t IO lhh bUl'Olll.' ballall Of the < Simd 11aur ll113Wers to TRTVIA, clo IM Daily Pilot Boz 1:-,00, Costa Mesa 92626 All enlnes mwt be recemed bt/ Wednesday. otherunse holf !he players last score unll b4> pardedJ Call 642-5678. Pu! a few words to work for ou. By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Whe n '4S leeping Beauty'' was released 20 years ago, it was gr eeted with perplexity by the followers of the art or wall Disney. The a nimated feature was im pressive artistically. they conceded, but was too, well, different from pre v1ous Disney classics . The charac ters were not all that lovable, the comedy was scan l. Moviegoers weren't left with the warm feeling that followed most Disney cartoons. Theater receipts reflected the public's disappointment The 1959 wid e-screen release collected $6.2 million in rent.aJs from the United Slates and Canad a , unimpressive co,nsidering the film's $6 million C'OSt A 1970 reissue in convenlionaJ 3Smm si~e provided only $3.8 million T H E DISNEY FORCES hope that. "Sleeping Beauty" will vindiC'ale itself this fall. It is being released an 750 theaters. 50 of them an Lhe 70mm, ro ur-t rack ·sler eo form of thl! oMginaJ. "I think the picture may prove itself, Just as · f'antas1a· did after 20 year s ,'' commented Wol f gang Reitberman, who has been working in Disney animation since ··snow While and the Seven Dwarfs " "YOWlg adults are apprec1atJve of Paul Simon.Sets -<;Jeveland for Movie Location CLEVELAND (AP> -Singer· son gwriter Paul Simon is venturing into the world of movie-making and haJ chosen Cleveland as the primary location. A Warner Bros. production crew has alr;eady est ablish ed offices here a nd is preparing to begin filming the untitled movie on Oct. 9. Slmon wrote the script and the mus1c. He will also star in the film. Cleveland was written into t-h e screenplay by Simon os tens ibly because or its reputation nationally as a testing ground for ambitious r ock musicians. "Ke has been wo rking on this for th e past few years ," said Warner Bros. spokeswoman Joanna Ney She s aid the rum is about "a realistic" look a t the life of a rock musician, but added that the script is not Simon's autobiography. • I,, • I' F'or11cs. Na me 1l ~~-~~~~-~~~~-~ good f1lmmaking today They have --=_...;;;;...._ ____ _ experL'i' eyes and can spot cheap, MOVIEA".,.INGS .------"-A_M_A_S_TE_R_P_l_E_C_E_.'_' ----..... ----------------... phony effects on televis ion or in mov ""' "A BRAVir t'llTrlL/rr11l 1JIJl£Ur"NTLY ies Today's discriminating audience FOR PARENTS AND ~, 1~4 U~n f Dlll4 It will recog111ze lhc <trll~try and effort YOUNG PEOPLE "PURE PAIN AND PURIFYING JOY." CRAFTED FILM AS CONTEMPORARY that went into 'Sleeping Ucauty ' " AS TODAY'S HEADLINES." WOOLIF. REITHE RMAN is one of 0 fRESH, FUNNY AND POWERFUL." the leRendary "nme old men,'' Dis· • · ney animators who arrived at the "ENTERTAINING. A COMIC, studio in the booming 1930!> and SAVAGE SATIRE." crcal('d the enduring Dis nc:, ffi featurl's Reitherman is lhc last of ••. ::.,•,: ,: ... Y ' the nine to n •mam active m proclur tion I le produced ·'The Hcscuer'<. · · the must recent <1nd most succl'ssful Oisncy cartoon $45 m1luon 1n 1t!> first rt•lease. lie recalle<l the history of "Sleep 1ng Beauty," which required six years to comple\e . "I think that Walt. having madt.' ·Snow White' and 'Cinderell<t,' want ed a d ifferent kind of p1l'ture. Jn my opinion, he had t ncd to do something rl1ffercnt w1th ·Fantasia' by the u!;e of art. and by doing so. he made 1t turn out a big cut above the 'cartoon In hie; search for somethinJl djfferent for 'Skepmg Beauty' he hit upon the idea of making use of lht: 'Sleeping H l' a 11 t y B a I I c• l · m u s 1 t b y Tchaikovsky "WALT WAS A very down·t.o-earth guy, but he had an uncanny sense of what was good music He r~gnized that the Tchaikovs ky music would give the picture an added plus. Then he faced lhe challe nge of making the picture as beautiful as the music. "That wasn't easy. To do that. the usual gags and humor of the cartoon features had to be eliminated The early backgrounds by Eyvind Earle contributed to the elevated reach for something unique -you might call it art . There was an attempt at subtlety in taste. The colors had to be muted to work with the ornate backgrounds " 'Sleeping Beauty' is one of a kind. It's a -masterpiece of that kind of animation." R E ITHF.RMAN DIRt~CTED tht: climactic battle between the pnnct· and the dragon, tr1tnsformed from the evil MaleficienL L1 ve-actwn movies of an actor on horseback were filmed so thl! animators t•ould adapt the movem ent as realistically <tS posMblc. Because live·acllon wa!'> used a~ a guide. Sleeping Beauty and the pnnce arc the most fully realized of all Disney heroines and heroes. "Walt was d isappointed t hat 'Sleeping Beauty' wasn't better re· ce1ved," Rcilherman recalled. He had put everything he had into it, and he didn't understand why it didn't suc· ceed. ANIMAL CRACKERS . SINGING TELEGRAMS 714/675·9966 WE'Rt COMEOl TO 001 ,., . ,. ' ® .. " .. ~"'"' l'f• .t.r tl I tA ,, • l 1.,, . ... .. R e llltl llOlTf -Ml U.lll T ·MAC DAVIS PllOYU C UIO'Otll 11111 Hllol:Elf • -..rt.HU.I OSl.AllllOllCill\ AL IOR 111 ltlS flk~ T ~llllG .. V>t\11flf ·1.uc o•m ~ f~l lllt • •tVUJl'lOll l)ll&HC.£ DlllVf IH \OllfH CO•~T PllTT (ITV ([ .. ll t; (J1 I "I /lo ,6 I] ' J./I.,, ~• M 1 1' . (H .o 'l• 1...J,i& ~ r) •o ,nSll atttP'IO "'" fltlS l•~ACl ... 1111 TH E \./ §EDUCTION JI DF JOE TYNAN I R · " J "ALAN ALDA WROTE THE BRIUIANT SCRIPl CHEERS TO ALL CONCERNED." . ,. ' SOUTH COAST lOWAIROS CINfMA wrsr "MANHAnAN" (PG) "HEAVEN CAN WAIT"•----------------- ~ BRANOO ROBERT DlNALi MNmN SHEEN ,, ARX'ALYPSE NON FREDERIC FORREST ALBERT HALl s.\M BOTD15 lAARY ffiHBURNE ~ DENNIS HOWER ~ MYl IMdld"' FRAAOS OOProt.A wn1~i,,.K)HN MILIUS n FRNU ~ km01bf MCHAEL HERR to~tJrr FRED~. C':FJi ~ ¥d TOM STERNBERG CMcb11~~ vmtm STORAOO ~ Oe<.p DEAN lA\OJLARIS coo RaiARD MAAKS »ro ~ tJrr WALTER MURCH ~11rCARMINE COfro..A R FRANCIS COProLA AN OMNI ZOETOOPE ffiOOUCIDN NOW PLAYING I ~ '~ ....... , edwards NEWPORT MUICOAST MWY.&MACAITHUI •••IOiri' e omnn '44-07 60 ~ DAILY · t:OO • 4 00 • 7;00. 10:00 SUN 11\fu fRt • 1 00 · •oo .100. 1000 SM · 1200 · 300 600 . g()(). 1200 '· . ..• . . . 1 1~0# ..... VO-~ "llU'NLI Slaall lt'r Daa~e?. CllM••' Pe nny and ~ leh Of' , ... Ch* ..,. Of .,. •ti.. KhOOI -"°"-' tRI tO:OO I f\.MIH OON>C* lllWfTCHIO M()YI( L>oog M cJ<eon as the on of un Allwttac City hotel detectJve clowru; with singer Amanda M c Broo m 1n the premiere ~pasodc of .. 611 Shamus. Little Shamus" tonight a t 9 on C.:BS , (;h unnel 2 • * • S.OOle ''"""' I lll!lO) Jo.I McC.rN Wll'I 01 Het!Ot" All un.,..bt ''°"' 1.ncn nano 11111~1 eo ""'h '"" wet11111 of '°"' ..... ,. oe•• 1nvol...O lfl ll)e leud1 elld h~ Of • •enoe WW (1 "' ao m111 I • <>NaUPOHA CLASIMC "Tlwt MQn F•Om NOwlW• A m11n 1n btaGll who •tWka •n 0tpnan 0111 1n !9th-Gen lu•y Englalld un<u1)41Cl.Oly beG~ '"" ()1141 •lllkfld (Rj 10::30 B POPEYE OOOZIUA 9 MOVIE • ·~ Wun.,10 J rom SpK• 1111631 Ban111ro M 18ktt lovom1 I<•,.•• Earth ignore• wbrnnlQ~ ''°"' anot""' Of"'"'' ot 1mf)4tlld111Q <111,a•tlf' I I hr 'lO nt•n f Q) THE M<*KEE.8 11'00 0 PM-GAME SHOW U MOVIE • • t.um,. Out I 'll''"''ll I l<i4~1 r A~I l>•dtt Kid• Al """' •wrntt 11m.~ rht1 K•c:J• 8/A qov111Q b<J""0 ffl!l-Ofl' to in.. ""' ,,, the pl)ltr" c..1Jmm1&MJOMr ltwty a•...c.i fmd IHn.tJ to f}4.ft utttflfvfffJ won .. Qbtrlbhll(,J rmu fl hr IO m1ro ) CD SOUL TRAIN fD M ASTERPIECE THEATRE I Ovtt FCH I yd•u f-hti>f1rlttf r d wuHJ R1t tiu f (h1fH1 •• u~nNI to w •lmy "" "'" ttc.(.4;ntrtc A •lftll• IHmoly .,,._..,,, ano f11111 .,. f'>Yfll <Ntth lllfl •hy ;mo Hw~ w•r 11 L ylltu Awpott1 1,..,.,, 1 ul 1~1 lril I I 16 II 8A8EBALL r tur400 (lltt\ "' 9.-•1t1•wrut1 p.,.,_, H 30 tJ (IJ FAT Al..8ERT • OET8MAA'T -AFTERHOON- 12:00 II (JJ JA80H OF 8T AR COMMA NO 8 80UPY 8AL.f.8 Cl') OUTER LIM"S A U",.'" rJI ~"' oo••<l 4n 1ttnu,.f'lntt,nt fl•'"' ._pw ft'\h1p rtd• M••d th..,n d11(..0vf'tt tt • th4t tttUI ltttnq , ~eclbylll UOfllfl (Simon o ... 1a1101 • MARCU8 wn.av. M.D. 12:30 8 TANAH / 8UP£A MVIH I =::MK *it "In $0G'4tly' ( 11144) At>l>Oll Ind Co1lell0, Kirby Grant A p1111 ot nny ptumbe,. and ,. tem111 .. t.lbblfl llllertd • hlQh·M>C•· 11ty 091 • togetlMlt. bvl no one k•>OW• they weren't on tl\ll guest llat I 1 1>1 30 mm) flil 184UE8 IN WOAU> COMMUHICATIOH "Cunure ~c;rcns l'1on1..,1 Oan...C SchOI'• hO!lta a pan· ... dtllC\.llSIOtl Wtlh Albert Sch••• of lh• r u1ope.an B•oedeaattno un100 SIQ Mldlelaon. f0<me< c><-· <ltlnl ol CBS .._s ano w leona10 LM Pfl)f"5S()I Bl Mempll11 S111e Uno•flllly 0 NCAA FOOTBALL Otho.,,., .. ,.., urt • ,,~ ~,., 1:000 VOVAOETOTHE aon<>M Of' THE SEA Mac.Flanouil Man Q) Ml88IOH IMP08818j.E rhtt IM F ~ ·--·~ ,, lt; rfoM..t1V •J>f lhr.,., IUtt' r,f ,,,.,..,,t h •JM t.t'1 1lltt(l1ctl dtUfl OOR-fd "'"' a> TARZAN fltt1un 1aturn1a a -'P<AlvtJ young ,,,,.,.appa•flf'lt '" "" I 1111erri thron" fill TENNIS f '"'••amenc. u fJJJU" C:ttamp.ooahtfJ'• <..t,~ttH•~h c..t ltte MUTI&htw.1• CJf Uutt \ 17!>.000 1r,yr11 .. rnent '""" Cow P&IM...fi in ~an Ftur1 "ICO (,;ohfl)lnte eJ) FREEHAHO SKETCHING AllQ!Jmenl 1 ao f) (J) ao MtNtJTE.S ~ FRE.atANO SKETCHING Sllld•llQ At Oatkoeu 2:00 tJ I008WOALD Ci) 8POATSWORL.D Pa•t I ol a bOW1•11Q "''"' ~•riea 'umo w1••ll•no rrom h•P•n M 1Gn1oar1 (,'hann~I IA111 in9• tJ KN/ I 1C.BS1 l •i-. Arn~•·I•"· U t<tlBC ftlH<,1 1 "" A11rwi. ... 8 KI LA 1111•11 I ,,.., ArHJt•h>'• G KAU(, IVIAH{,J LO'>Arl•JIJll•', rt1 t'I MH (C,H!;>J <,,on 0 1m 1c. U Kt1 I TV f lnrJ I L•1'> Anew I•"• ITOJ K(,C, r IAllC) •;an IJ1M1•1 CD Kl lV flnr1) I u~ An•r••lw, a> KC-OP TV (Ind ) I r;., AnrJ111,.., fl!) KCE r r v 1P11.,1 Lo'I An•r•·I•·-. W KOC£ TV (PUS) 11unt1n')to n BfMt.lt ,.., CAMI .utc; ,_ from Oroolltyn Mic;loig1n 0 80HANZA HOH a hlo 11 lhl ... IClfllO -I a...i Lafl I f!OO ff'le(Jt t •I hell) 11.11 him '-.'6uu In• OOC.IOt II In j•tl ft)I mu1d81 G MOVIE • • • 'tiallkl Uen41etn I"" £ 11rth 1 lllflfll 1<111w111 M•m-•. Vi.tan• VMllU,. flljt c.111u&w IJ•UI'•• ll I() Hllu1 k Amllteh by tut1t1tll 1119 truou911 Ille f11t1h MrlO plecmo nur 141•• w11ap0<1• unoet mal(lr U l> G•fl•• 1:1' hit) Q) SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAH 'itllvl l*.OtnM ..... btOl'«l With ntuonahfn&f• whfffl two '""''"'' MQ+lfll• ""' myatorniv~ly k1t11td b y V•llk• bOla Cl) MOVIE •a''> OlkOll C tll•~l JOhll Wlltflfl v ... Aatall)fl A land .... , rttaulla wrwm u OOll a lry 10 1,..,,. <NI _, ta•m"" Ill h•• 1 (I1) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 11141 IJ S C.or .. 111.,111,r. l t l THE LONE RAHOEA ""'"""'w 2·30 £)1$, WORLOSERIE.8 OF GOLF C .. tivl1H'{Jt} fJf lhtttJ H JiJflt1 pljJt 111 '"'' 1w,n11r•1•1'1' ,,,;m tfle, lf88I011tt (.,(IUfllf I r,tub ''' Akrt1n 0 111<1 m AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ln;i L1•1no Con1111ut1'1"·· 3'()() II AGRICULTURE U S A. I< V1111 I ci C.111 Poty ~'(lmO<li D MOVIE \llf:M Whiff' Arw1 f rW' '"'ft' .. ._.OOOtl"\ ""''<•rot HfOt \\ ,,_. fnU • \lOOQe\ /14 fttO Qf buhQU•r\OOthitlf ~t ,,, CJ"''"" t •••• , ~·o.n ,, "'' , CD MOVIE • • '" Oarb; • R•noer• I 19'S8) JemH 0 .. tner E1c;h1k• Chooremu f"- hetOOC. Arnetic.an Renoeta go into UJml>ll und@< the 1.,.011<.nl() ot C,Olt)net 0 11- n; 111 1118'• 1nv1 .. <>11 •1f llllly """ NtJllh Alroe-11 I~ h,. I flJ Ol/TEN TAO '1i) OE.SIONIHO HOME INTEAIOAS Oe&1gn 811111<.• 3·30 0 EVERYWHERE Flllic111· J11lbl .. no Ho;d Mataon h<1•1 1n11 111>ow """ ftr,m "'" Jonn Arov.>11 Fo•O (,(Jmp•11y Art• rr1 .. atr• lrH ltltl Los Af1Q1116~ 01111tl fiil TUAHABOUT Why Pun••'' l h11 <,h1k:ln>r1?' Alltlfnlllvot 10 "4!Pli• atton lrom thelf c.1111 dr<m '"" 91pl0t•d Im 011C1t1L81Blllrt tn011141tl (A) mannltd apac. a1111on --... lahor•laty ""' • t10lne" tw 2000 ~ t2 "''' • MO\IW * * * L1111ng II Up' I lllS.) OMtl M1ttlt1 wry ~ A ·-oao "'°'" .. ~·· I ''" ll'C) IO 1"9 Olly .n., I CIOCIOI' MY• he'• 11Utfenn9 l1om rllOll110n (2 tva I • LATINO OONIORTIUM Pare Ml ~ I& HUMAMITIU THftOUOH THIE .Aln"8 Film The Oyn1 m1c ""'-01 ~ ttonl&IO* 1ne<np1a 10 """ 10011101111 murdera ul 011<>141 00110 memt>eta lltld pl-rua own Ille 1n d•no-r 4!10 fJ W 0 A L D · S G REATE ST SUPES.FAIENDS ID OUE PASA. u.a A ' '"" Encounlt1• C••"""1'1 .~ ..... lelln lrlet\O Sh111on move• 1n wot> '"" PClflll l11mlly IOI 8 -~ wll8f1 her mother guoa 11w1y on II cru1M fRI '1i) HUMANITIES THAOUOH THE ARTS I 1lm NOi Ju" I,,., Ot.,111 r~ 11:00 tJ NFL GAME Of' THE W£EK 0 FAU-'-ALL Heat F,.,,~ l<w .. n.i. 0 STAR TREt< K"~ C,poc;• "n<l Mt.U.y "'" l•apped In ..... on• from WfHCll tfttutr. 10 1f\f"l .,,_, l'n4l•n• dtl41tn 0ABC WEEKEND SPECIA1. 1 n .. Uot• .. ln.-1 r•t•¥ .. ,, < .. n1 .. , • ,,.,0 Q) MOVIE a • a Allot• I ICH1fi1 M1c.hae1 < .... ,,... ',h.,.lltty W1n1.,,, A ywno I "O""'' num r:rltltOy .,,pJr,.,,. tn·• v.utnttn h6 rnltf;h f? ,.,, <i I ID SOCCER Murit tto!.t.,,. t ... 1ty .,.'11 W•o.1 li'o<nw1th Alt;1r,, (I1) THE LONG SEARCH '-'1o h.t!itan1 '~r,,•fl1 IJ ,.> ~ ft<HHlld l '(rtl tuplfJtti'i lh., "1<Jf.I' ur '"'~''"°,.. •uorm•· ••On ttmfln(I Amt:t1H ,.,. l-'rr1to.t1•n•' 1n101v1ttw•n<J IHilh "' OUI hot~ f\n tf wor•h•PP6'" 111) ClJ THf WA.L TONS Hoo p11ac11lu l Wallo ro hOu~ •• t1&n1IOfm .. I 11110 en.-or. wtwtn OIM•, c;ou .. n l>nt>Q• ,_ two "'•Y Wlrd 0fln<khol0tlltl for I vie.it II~~ ~Of' THE WILD 0 NEWS ®}MOVIE. a • The Gamng C...n I 1072) <~uf S1oc~w1111 Wooo / Strod'1 U ':I 1•oopa -·no w •-o l)"OC.fl 111 tho& po•I Cl'ltl ""'" WMI (;omf'I lo ,...., on '""' C.at111.g Qvll 11 "' 30 min f -EVENING- 1:00 f) (]) C88 NEW8 0 N8CNEWS 8 MOVIE. •• "' . l OYt.tr Come Bae~ . ( 191!~1 Oori. Dey Roe;• HuOtlOI\ An unac1upuloua bu1Unee1man m&ftta ht& match •n a beDulJlul and O•term•ntld blol\O• (2 h•a ) Q THIS IS THE NFL Electronic Playboy? Hefner Plots Entry Into TV Operation By PETER J. BOYEA LOS ANGELES (AP > Hugh Hefne r's Playboy Enterpn sea, bouocmg back from hard llmet1, 11 making a major move into lht' U!levulon buameti11 H~fner aay:. h i• corporation wlll 1Jupply networkJJ and pay ·rv with rnov lea . apeclals, " monthly magazine and possibly tven children's programs. "It aeema a na&tural extenalon of the bul1nesa we're IJ)," KefMr say1. ''It's all really a mat- ter or com- munlcallona and entertain- ment.'' tr•hult'd thro\Jgh cablt: systems in IGHO OTHER PROJ ECl'S are tn the workll, including a TV disaster m ovw tor ABC (airing in Oc toberJ a nd a Playboy an nivcrsury aeries for cable dis· lribul1on. Thia latll matt.er u one of Hefner's pet projects, because 1l l n clude1> a r e un ion o f Playmales from t he past 25 years. who tell the old man, "Gee, honey, they m ust be lookmg for another Jane Anderson.'• PLAYBOY'S TELEVISION ve n ture f o llows a rather dram atlc turnaround for the company, which had s lumped bad I)' ln the mid-'70s because ol overext.enaion, competition from other men's magailnes and, says Hefner, &0me goofin« ott at the top. '•Yes, there wu a period when I was goofing off, and thal'a when we sot Into trouble," Hefner aay1. "ft was durlq the early ''70I, when I wu 1olnl wltb Barbte (Benton, Heiner'• TUBE TOPP~RS KTLA • 8:00 -"Pride of the Yankee.." Gary Cooper play1 Yankee flral baaem~m T..ou hen. Jlt U.11-«l<>vi · of his life with Teresa Wright u his wife an Babe Ruth as him1eU. KHJ 8 8 :00 Dean Martin Comedy Hour. The premiere of a new weekly vurloty show with guests Frank Sinatra, Ruth Bu.zzl and Charles Nelaoo Reilly. CM 810:00 Parilt The premiere episode oT this new J><>Uce dramL.With Jamc5 Earl Jone11 as a detective captain on a m etropolitan fore~ . • ONZZ1. v AONtot9 Gr1u1y 1111COUnt.,1 • m.,, In~··· -Ch'°'. oao lie hu loll • MOYll I *'A 'Myll•-F1t>tn Beyond fhe 8e1muo1 l tlangle.' ( 111711 Oocu-.n twy A look inlO Whe4 •Mlly happened to the lhou ""'°' of ""'" end ~ '"'' d~.0 "'"hln IM 0..muOa TrlWIQle C~ ,,,. , tD T)it! OAIOttW.I WOfoKH ... """ ~ r,.,,~.,,,h..., '"" l>IOCllgtoun<I Incl 91/ol<Jll(ln 1)1 Ille WOl'k 61 ttMJ IV1ttt "'hO 11 Ille O•KOC'.ICNI llO'f o t ,. 1n-1llOCI 11 .. at••"'° c.•n~1.11 (RI l1Ii> 9LU£0""88, 9UJEOAA88 e:ao e D flJ Nl!WS D MAAY TYLfA ~ T 90 a w11h lu111llv c.o<r"h tft>f) Whttn h,,. it mvthtd "' cfll(ln n "••nd M•'"''"' ''" lfoM C•ICul Pbll<l" fD OPEN MINO 71)() f) THREE'S A CROWO 0 I t N BEAUlY SHOW Q EVEWITME.88 LOS ANOE.LES U THf MANHUN'TfAS 'flt' .""' ,.. ~'" ,,, " ~ .. m•n, •Un• h .,1' _.,,,t #fl<1 "'' J hf .,.,,,,, \ f'T'..t. hilVft ,,.,..,, CD l.AWREHCE WClK Tht' Mu ... it t • .,.,, •1\ t ,111 H.r hdttJ IOl"'J'Jftf' ID MILES TOGO BEFORE WE 8LEEP t1ba' H•H.f)ft •t•y•·· tfl lotOt lfftt• ft,11 "'I""',., tffhl~t1f;fl 111 '"" l1r. m• rnl t •1'-t ,,.,"''' .,, ,,, ",,.,,,,.,,,,," ,,..,.,IJt'TWitf\f {Ii) MILES TO GO BEFORE Wf SLEEP A•• .. ,. .. n1111uf.t1fl 1.I ft 1 flhf")lf IJI t1ffUJ1111•1"I 1t1t1 fil+HfH 1ttf c.t11•1 .. J(IUtjfl'.•tll t;I tt1011d;Uu11 r oeirmnu11t If THE MUPP£TS (•Uff'\t L111C1;. l •"''• <'OJ OOH CORVELL 7 30 tJ DANCE fFllER HO,_ O<tn•rr lemCI f,.,.,\I fow111 '>11111 c.01.,01111 11.1<10•• cu .. 'l C v•O•" Calh•tr1n• U•Ct"I fit,,,. G111u D 9 FAMILY FEUD D THAT'IHOU.VWOOO (fJ JC>t<ER. JOKER, JOKER 1"'00 I) (f WORtCINO 8Tlf'fS Whtl<> eM:<>thllQ mot""' 111 , b10 Niii~• lr1 '"'* l}r>rl'll \ (Jtflot;4' ..... flt '""' ,.,,,, •• fltMJn1Q lHlifl" "JIJWt II OilP8 J•#ll au<J r'r1<1(h ,,n tttmpt• ,,.,y 01111 Ill "4•hbu Ufft .. '""'" to GOpu wm1 Ol!lulll1J1 g1tl• in'd two ""'*' tftitlf' •rJ" 011n11• 8 MOVIE ••I The Pttdl! 0 1 11\f! 1ank11fll f 10•:>1 '•"'Y C,oupet TtltHI WttQhl 8•Mbl ll al8r I Ou Oenrog O\lflfc.omea I,,., Od<ll It> 1 b«Olne • legend In fha QllM 12 hfl . ~ min I e a'"'_,.... When Iha ~·· elec:t•ICl-lly II lutned off 81enl9y .. l<11t .cl into u11no e n unhta ndlf na1011bor ' ~••Chen 10 ~ • oour-,..... IOI'-·-· ...... • °"'"..,...,.. 0 .... 11 J,.n~ .,..,,. Ril!?I ttuw Mey M41dtot0 Be<l>et• ....... end ,,,. 0tno A Long 6'1ler I • Uf'9TAIM. OOWNSTAIM H-.,tOI llttlUllM II .,..IC.ale v h4rtnMt tr, h•v• J•,,.._ ,,.,,.1.,re<J ""'" '"" r .... ... ei .,, .. , tri .... IM,IW1 ... Hl<.i a> MOVIE • • ,, 1 1'114t (,>fiitm.t I ft1/ 11 f •I N"4\lin ()o.,.., ljai<rw /lo ht(;llf,..-..,, men '·••IJ"' h I~\ •h1pvy1 ')I "4•"''"''NJ u, "'ivtChtf '~m I t "' )(,,.,. .. ,,, fD "'8 NOT THE MAH, "'S THE Pl.AH w COW80'f ClAMIC8 I t)"ff .,~_. .. ,,. ":1IP~ft' k r1, w-~' llO U t aAONEWS 8£.4R8 f4 "''""',.,, •• ..,•NJ,,-_ ft.9"'' ... ~· ,, .... t. "', ... , (.lffJ h•,• ''~""" ,. ft-t ' ••• ,. , ~-f'"'tl .. G 10 DETECTIVE SCHOO\. fD SPECIAL Al '>fdof \,.,,r.g • "'°'''"'"'' r"11 ,,.,,~.('"'' ,., '' 't"' ,,_.,, f #fl '),J,N I .. ~ t,,.~fvf , J f "'" u f lht·tJI'•' f ' ,, t liu\.1•1 f U1t f .~,~_. 1J "''"'1 "'" "'''J"•·•I IM-+t•f , '•fAA! ""'' f.Ju t1ih•' 8 00 f) 1 f 8Kl SHAMUS. LITILf s.4.AMU8 f(11"n11ttu•1 ,._,,,,,. ••'-'"'" lht1f1Ul (l't~H1t ... 1)'1 .. tir.-,..., 1 .. ttw tlYt! .• I ,., Atf•l•t.C f 1ty f 14~nt1 "''"' h ' VA'• tA'9• tOr1uQ M r to tH t t \ftArC.l'I fOf ,,..,... fJ'MIJc;;n lln••lenlfl(J • f""jf\ICIUI> atnO"' • "'" 0 &I AlfO THI euR C'>•••on Prem111r"1 8J land• h .. help "' O<QIW'lol.nQ M""" '"""'"' lrUO ... l<J '~1>11 a 0""9 ot •ul- "'"'P41''""' '"'"'' 1 "' ~ G '10 LOVE &OAT C>o< {!tr Pat'""' C,v...,I" .uu..,4"n t••t.t'• W1fn M• '-"''''' l ct•tttnc-. ,,,.,, t1Mht1<4• r.,,,.,~, V t w1., Atl"'" '•'l'if"d'" hvllOt ,...,t(il.ftlt U MOVIE • • l utn"' 11•11•1 •,,..,., K11at.n J.l•t•IC• M~ Ir.., 11t.. ot M•t h11 l utrw •• , ........ y .. 1 , ...... ' GI UHOEASEA WOAl.D CJ# JAOOUE8 COUITEAU 81n11th T~a rro1en W0<1d • TO• AHHOUHCEO T h e linchpin or Herner'• TV venture wUI be • mootbly ''Do my eyes twinkle when I talk of the reunion? Well, It's a wild no1talgia lrip for me, and for a lot ol men. We're also plan- ning a nude pictorial (in the maeaiine) on form e r playmates, all ol whom are from at leaal lD yean aao. A kind ol, 'Who are they now and wbat do they led like?' thioa." Pl1rm1le·turned·1irlfrlend· "A?°P T .... .afcia' lurned-<!OUDlry ain&er). l left all ~ • ..., aerie• ten-... ,. ... UUvely titled "Electronic Playboy," a televlaion version ol the 1irlie ma1utne that became an American inaUtutloo. "IT'S A VE•Y excltlnc 00- Uon." Hefner said, "a televta1on ln cutina about for tbe 300- plua for Pla)'matea, Hefner'• people came up with a real n tate broker, tbe wile ol a IUC· ceaa rul writer , so me schoolt.eaehen and more than a few happily married ladJet who wer-en't arudoua to 1et to1ether wltb Hefner at the Playboy manaloo. Tboee are tbe ones the day-~y detail• to othen. But I've more aeUvely in· volved ln the lut thrM to four years, and tbere'a been ... a dramadc turnaround." Greg Evigan, star of "BJ and lhe Bear," finds romance when he meets lady trucker Laurette Spang tonJgbt at 9 on NBC, Channel ... Indeed. aft.er aelllnc a couple ol botet., dropplnt a toelna re- cord label and tl1htenin1 up elaewbere, Playboy Ent.erprlaee Pyth re1ained ita health. Tbe com-on pany reported a 0 .2 percent Special Tonight eamlna fncreue In annual earn-• . ln11 tbla year over Jut year•11 The 1heer lun•CY ot .. the Monty ~ come-raiure dlana la <b!umented on The Pytbooa, too1pt at · 10 p.m. on KOCE-TV, Channel~. ,:--,... .. .....,~ ... . , ........ ,. ........ ,...,,,. .,Olft - tlofl IO ._ .... lft9lllM ............ ................... -e-MCt#': OMUIATIOM A epoof on J ec;ol> ·~·· "Aecenl Of ...,, .. _..(I) ~AM 1~--·1 Wood¥ , ... ,,,.,..... 18'1 JoMel. • ~ MOOl!Mgltl"'O -e c;olleoe OtOl8HOt, '-'-~In !tie per-lrlg --"" • PtCIMIMfll ~4"_....,,M'I .... • "..,.,. CN..L.IO ~ 8loel'le ._,.. "" • bWwte women'• !Edie AdllMI '*"910tneke~ dependent on 101elon .._.byunl1Mhls ... __. IOQusla' on greln 4'fo0e •at~TO~ Wllill on• boMlnO ~. the Hef1a ~ lugltWM from 1 \*'O Of il'llernatiOfl· .. dtug 0..1 -'"" ~polK.e • TMISWlllC• .. _AU • INMU8Y Ho9t Matolyft ~ Gueall •ut1101 H••• c.. ...... 8en..,.wn Nevon I TOM.tNNCMMCIO THE ""1HONI lnllf-.... h ,,.. _ blf • o4 Mon!. Py! h()t\ ' FlylnQ C1<wa elWI c11pa trom OIO -· Incl ''-uPCO"ll'"O _,..,... .,. IMIU<90 -llMI gwup ,_, .. .,, r.,,,..,. tO:ao 8 OOUNTll'Y AOA08 ~ ~ • ......., Jec;ht)l'I • Nl!WS 11-00 ID. ll J "~ NlWS NC.ufOOTM U f:xvo $1•18 vs t)(.lA U U8C FOOTaAU '1t tJ\I •' l '-4J ruQl'lhQN\ n~ ~·-· • M 'A'S'H f ,.,.. ""' • ,_ M>O m»'" " ,...., ,.IWIO 1111 "'' ~ ,,, h+• ..... M\(J .... "'' Ut>l"*' to Hl>I l~ Cl) THE OOOOIU Anc.i.nt Rttt-O()l)d- r...op • WJft'\an -°' t.•-• " N"...0.., c;a•.O•M M\IS tJ.t'; f.ttllW-••'" ....... ~ "'"IM<' 111&8 A8CH£W8 11"°0 SAT~V NIGHT lN( ._, a.,r..~ .. ..,,.y '"""' ~Ila ... '° .... 1k 1 G WOVIE fl MOVIE • • ( ,., ••t) t r J I 1 wt'tr,(.. I 1'1f} iJ ,.t1no(,..ff"lf PrM.~ ,,,.,.., I'~'" rn.. ,,..,,,, ,,,.,_. 'OlJI tit1W H~ •tf ·• t.;n4Motf rt•"""" ''''"'"""' ,, fjn.1uttf w n .. ,",_ "" \Hmy f•11t t ''''"'"' t I ''' • I CD MOVIE • • • Hu"''' '~ , t •I 1 • I I' ( I -, •, 1 I 1 '~ f f ... f t f~e • '-'•"' .f .... ~ ,,,.,, ,,. ,,,,, ,.,.,,.,... ... {jf1 ,,., '"'' .,,.,. '""*""'.,~ ,,,,, f1f ..,,.,.,"'<I 1"" '"''* OVI' wf\Mt tM •••• '"m"'al mntermtnd• 9" 1•4'00 11 n,. I • IW>OltlU Att.w • ,,,~.,al• hit'' ,, _,, .. tfKI t¥ f~I r,f ln...t oano otan ,,,, , ... " ,,...,, •nd c.on1~ ·~, *91• 1:1 MOV1E •• rn.,. •• ,,.,,.,, Nit,. t tG,fit I t •• Ht UH 4 CJ•~·' ,.,.,,,.,,.,,,,.,,.. Jrw.m,.. '"'fl',.,_., t, AttroO H·'' ,, '.<A'.'• .. .,....,,,, • ...,,,,'# • .., ., 01Wr·•'f"(l ,,, I.flt.ti" thwt ·~~ -"'''' #f>n\N1 .... ,.,, twid• n.m w•t•h.,_ ''" m•n1~ '' n., kryttl nfN.,_.., ~ , I fif 41)tnoto j tf . WOVlf * • t Thft HOntl ett& c111n1J-•Cobu•n '°'' -•teton A •o08o cowboy ,,_ 10 rega.n two ""'" 1tnd ton 11 "'•) 0~ MOVIE • • '\ '"'° Pul>ltc; rv" 11117'1 Mia F""°"' CllAHTI ... MCWll • • .....,.... (1870) .... P'*I llO'td ... .,..._ .... A ~ Oi" !JIM In vein 10 ~ Iha wMIMl>CMI (If .... mlMlnG twin .. ..., (ltw .30rnlftl t•• ~CONCMT Ou•••• flee111c llQlll Or~re, JoM Pele. Welt Olenev Ot.c.o 1:1••~ * * * "TIMI Hound Of The a. .......... (111511) Paw CutNng, And<• MQt_, A "'P4"~ Wl.. ,_,. Md\ get* •llOn Of • l\OC>le EnglWI f amity ( t 11t , 50 rntn I t:a». ADW.NTUMM ..... Oen ,,_e Sometime" • llll90'M * * * .,,, '8ot11 ........ dly .. c 19501 ..1uay Hollldey. w• llem ~OIOetl w...,. • t>Mu· llful blo<"'4I ~· ..... ,,., be>yftlenel •• on\OQl...CS in """'~deal· •no-ltl4I runs -•Y ""'h ,_ .. 1que11e 1na1rUC10I' (a ,,,. 2~ min) t:.469 TALK~WITH T~JACOUU !Tl MCNEWI iiOOG MOYIE * ..... , ... ,,,.,. .. blot f91t()t" 1111631 Hana 81•0dy E1141n Sch-• Wnen a acoetlllll ~ IOWHtMMI lfl his °""n ••P"'f_,I ... lh lnVl!ll• t>oltty rwo w1tne-a ctty tr>tQWn into panic °""' ..,, 1n .. at1>I~ IQ''" lhll tn•Mtllf'I• ''*"' 11 nn I ti) MOYIE • • NIQ"I 01 T"" BIOocl Monti191 I 1cin1 CM a to- P'* l t111 Matta ~ A twtllla !>411-KinQ tiflll<y V and w '"'am of Ot •nO'! ,_,.,. "' ""' ··~•ion ,,. m.ny •Ol""4" Kr..u.,_, •>• t1ttlCh<.t•tt f \ nt "\() mtrl t 2 11111 NEW8 2300 NEWfl '°46f) MOVIE •• ' '"'*~<-.no 11ll111 L..., c.'""'· ~·o t' --.;ttg A f\ u1VUl(iO•.l1 mHt .. 1•fJlf1 """"""n '•->01' i!IW'rly w.1ti r~ t1MUQMfllff «trt'1 '""" tf\ WHfl w ith itMlnt• mun t 1 nr 41•,mtn t >GO B NEWS 3 10 MOVIE • • ·, M~l"''f <.ii T"'1 w,., M'"'""" I 19331 I t<"...i Al.,111 f ,.y Wruy A m•tJ v Wfflh._t tl)O'\ th.., "'')H,UH ftt rl\H ... ~ W•O lfg ., ... ,... f,,f '""''~fl( itl -""'"' fft4' t t ht iO m•n t 3301 N£W8 IM MOVIE • • '"e Ooahna Ot Oo<tenome I llMll) Ran- dolph Scott. Oeoree • MIG•~ l'Ot Nt ._..,. W " ,_ •l '"ftytnNj r l"(')lt)ti' , ....... CJ'l!tMol.1•4111 ftl)fT'I - 06CI C.<>'VJ' .. ICI rtlfOt'I 11- ~ng t lnr 4'>rn"' I •-oo u t.tO'ilE • • .....,.,..,, t)t '"" CN · n.-M ( •HHtf1t1f\ f lq.gs) fitll'J H(IUt\ H r,-.t ft,R '"" (>O'W'll' UI fl"' Wtllld .,,... ••th .,,,. ..,..,.t ot .,..., •t '"'n.Kttr.-o•I um1otwf'W'lid f/tf •t Ll''>'~f ti. UN()fU.. ''°""'Y •-fufll fOfmul• (2 II•~ I 4 30 8 ST£W EOWAA08 •·408 HEWll 4·468 MOVIE • ' '""' Aatl)Vndino ~ Mon.,91 t 19!> 7) Roe.rt (.la1• "'· M11r11yn Herv9)' A ' """"°' ,,._ 1n ,,,. sw. 1a M edttt movnt•m• wnd a t •d'O•ch~tt wnm•n -o--(thr 15 m•111 Chase Heads KOCE) Panel Cochrant> Chase. founder and chairman of the board of Cochrane Chase, 1.Jvlnf(stOfl and Com. pany In lrvme . ha s bffn unarumoualy eleeted pres1dtt1t of the KOCE·TV, Channel SO FoundaUoo. The electlon took place at the fall meeting at Channel SO sludi06 1n Huntington Beach. TOM LIEGLt:a, direc- tor of Anaheim Stadium and Convention Center, was named a new member or the nine· member board at the same meeting. The Channel so Foundation was eatabliahecl to increase the Oran1e County public broad· caattn1 staUon's aucHence, •· slat In promotk>nal acUviU., CMN and raile prtv•\e funda from the coaun..Uty. TD BOA•D 18 roa•ED Of commWUty- leaden ln bullnesa, civic and cu!baral eDdeavon.: wbo meet periodically \0 adviM Cltaanll 50 • community rund·ralalll1, ud audiwe-buU•tl•; and other aupport projecta. Jolnlnl ~Chue and 1Jec1er on the board ti direct.on are: Ruth Schryver, Lacwaa Beadt cultural leade r ; Hector Godiata, dlatrlc\ oo-tm ..... ; Marton Knott, Knott'• 8erTJ Fann 1ener1l partner; Mort MutoUt. Rockwell In· ternatioaal executive vice prealdeat; Mlldrecl Vnaela, Loi Alamitos Raee CCMane owner, ~ Co11t Community Coll•I• Dlalrtet O.aaeel~ Norman Wal.loll. ~ • .taow that will d1'8w lll atUtude, personality and cont.enta from the maaazlne , somethln1 that now we can do on cable and couldn 't do on network ielevlalon. at leut at lhla point, because It will include aome nudity." "One can lma1lne in the not d lalant future havinC • TV •enion ol Lhe ma1aslne lbat wlll be a moat.bly purcbue ln ndeo tape or vkleo diK, the way JVU'd bu lbe macadM." Kid Star Get8 'Spaced Out' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Gary Coleman. the star of NBC'• "Dltf'rent Strokes," liked the movle "S.Ck Roten ln UM 2Mb CeaturJ" eo mucla be wanted to belntMMri•. NOW, MYI Hefner, the com- pany will concenlrate on ill c11ino bold.lnp, th m11ulne and televbion. Producer laln John1tone and a fllm crew ob- 11erve the Pytbona al work and play. t:av~ pln1 on the rum•1 oroducUon, "Tbe P)'tboet ' .J.Al:t'DOr'~ · · catchea rare 1Ump1ea ol the 1U1bt.ly aerioua aiclel Har'lll r Ufel -o_f"P_Y_thon~_m_e_m_be~r-•.-=:::-:::;:::==:::m=:is:.:m:::::::::::::;;::::=-••' ... ''•r..e.;:t"...., ~layboJ ProducUona 11 catt. lal "IClectrOftlc Playboy" now, and the show may beClll prochle.· UOD 1 ... u.il year. Jl will bl c1a- "' .... -. ,..__.... ............ .. A ~ript •• wrttt.ea for hlm ln .talcb be~· Hieroe1mua Fox, a chUd ID awakmed "'-' bet.., tr... for IOO 1•an. --..... Hefner aaya be lntendl to make Pla1bo1 EnterprlMI a maJor ·~• ot TV PfOIJ'amt, and tlaat produc:U will .at be Umlled lo Playbo1·related lh1me1. P~boJ maJ Hin make eome • abowl. My Mom'• not IOUtC to like I.bat. /~INC '''t. IM llNqu.11111 142·2117 ...... -... _ .. ., ....... 1111 ... c.-..... ... ,.. , ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIES appg Birf hdag inger Ohviu Nt;?wton J ohn gets ready to blow Otlt the candle on he r birt.hd<Ay cake on the set of her new 1nov1e "Xanadu" The cake was a surprise for h~r 31st birthday from members of the t•ast and crew. C olDltry Singers Breakipg Up Act I NASINILLE. Tenn <A P > Country mus ic tinging p(\r(ners J im Ed Brown and Helen ornebus arc g111ng their separate ways while heir currenl tut, "Fools ." rides the top of the toun~~~ru. : Br~~ pt.'rsonal manager, Tandy Rice, said. :·J im Ed and Hl'len have simply reached a poant ;where al se('ms to m ake sense for them to go an )1cw d1 n•1:l1on:.. ' ''There 1s <Jbsolul C"ly no rancor or animosity ~etwecn lht<m Th1·1r s how is JUSt evolving into two t>t>paralt• row! show:.. t:fft·1·t1vt' in January, 1980. tfh ere •l> nothrni: hut ~ood will between everyone involved," Rrre sauJ ; Brown Jrad .\f rs Cornclw'> far'l\t s ang together hn 1976. Tht•y \',On th(' Country Mus ac Association's !"Vocal Uuo of the Ycor" <JWard a year later and .are nomrnatt d for at ag,.11n lhi!-. yt•ar . Among their No I C'OUntry hits are "I Don't Want to ll<t w• tn Ma rr y You," "You Don't Send Me Flowers" and "Lyi ng rn Lov~ With You." • I · ~aci!w ~~~ in _T'!P~~l Movie Drama_ ---"--.; .... --... ----. __ .._...,. By •,2-!!~~~~Nt; ( J It's also toOgh t.o believe be And Ju•U~ for All" l» MO~IE DrTnEJJ' would place hls own defense ln ont u·onu.· Ulle and one lerriflc ~ ~ • the bands of a man Like Pacino movie who's been indelibly painted as With AJ Pau:lno starnnai and a lawyer-rebel who's un- Norrnan Jewllion d lrc:<:t1na, the 1 m port an\ j ud g e ( Joh n orthodox, Lincontrollable and an Joe Winn prtuntatlon tor fo'or1ythc) be despises for t.he i.sland. Rea.sons for the Pacino- Columbla rclcWJe #OC:k• llCl'OSS latter's inequitiee, then follows Foreythe arrillation s hould have an oftt'O liC1.&lhln&. isurprislnaly him through several cases: de· been much stronge r. funny and corn~l11ntly terrifyina fending ~ transvestite (Rohen scan ol Wdoy ·~ Judicial 11yatem, Christian) who's terrilied of go-CHARACTER LINE assigned to Christine Lahti (the only femme with any real footage) also dtlules without explanation. robbing the film of a chance to say some important things about those who feel the law is a rigid and unbendable thing. It starts to. but dissolves before malting any points or conclw.ions. lt 'a u rlnch h1 not only raise Ing to the pokey; attempting to c., ........ f:••C.\ltt ... proauttt1' )Oft WllM 1¥1JOV( "" ,..,.m.,1 Jtw•\Oft l'•l•.Cli J Pa.tnwr LIU•\ lW ~urm.,, 'awltOn ~f...-npl•"t V•t••1•<.utttn t\fttf't l•"W,n\QO (o,.,.m•w.;<~t Vttlor J Kem""' ,... • ....c. ... t••• At •'•'iltc.> J4'l • WttnJf'" John J"'"'"" 1 w ~"·-•v ,., .. .., l4t'RDO< ( f\t1'\hn9 l~h ~ Le:w nw. Aue.rt CN 1.-•••n, ftwr11~~ W•Hfl'-. l •rtv lh vo9n••n (r••CI t ,....lton Do<u1n1c (t'U~W K•~th Ano.\ Vt<IOf A1Nl.J IM.,..rly '!>.ond<tt\. CQn ru.-\•«Yitr ffunn1no tinlfl no rn1rtul•' ,.r.PAA 11.-11•• ~ s ome hackles and stir con · troversy, but !.1multaneously e n- terl&un audac ncc:. and make them tJunk and that <idds up to big box office For Pacino, at 's a return (after t977's "Bobby Ueerraeld" > to the kind of rote he plays best : the scruffy r e bc l . s trong but vulnerable , low-key but easily ignited, raghlmg in a sli<:k socie· t y for simple raghls and a fair s hake. This time he's a lawye r, a 12·year vet in the courts. battl- ing not only onc-on·o n e in Justices but. a pparently a whole system gone bonker s "BEING HONEST doesn't have much to do wath being c.i lawyer ... he deJectedly advises al o ne poanl. But, as playc.'<I by Pac ano , you kno w he may believe 1t bul won't accept it. That's what makes " . . And Justice for All" hold inte rest and crackle. The s tory lane by Valerie Curtin a nd Burry Levinson opens with Paci.no in 1arl. serv· ing lime for ta king a swing al an spring an iMocent kid (Thomas W aites ) from an unfai r in· carceration ; coping with a partner <Jeffrey Tambor1 who freaks oul; helping a n ch client (Dominic C hianese I who 's always in hot water; and finally being blackmailed into defend- ing his arch·enemy Fors ythe. who's charged with rape -and is guilty. Pacino's only compensallons seem t o be visits with his grandfather <Lee Strasberg). commwtication with a rascally judge (Jack Warden) and bed· ding down with Christine Lahti. But grandpa 's senile. lhe judge 1s bent on suicide and his bed- mate is at opp<>sitc poles on the s ub1ecl of law HOW IT ALL turns out is not as important as the questions beang raised along the route. especially lhe one of keenest in- terest (and impact) to us a ll are a ny of us safe today. wrth the way lhc law <md la wyers -work'! Apparently not, ac- cording to ..... And Jus tice for J ack Warden 's kooky judge makes for some good laughs but he seems almost too dingbat for bela evab1lity, especially U\_Ce the other characters are bas1cal· ly writte n an flesh·and-blood s trokes Warden plays it well; the problem 1s the script, wtuch has his many su1c1de attempts verge too much on a Roadrunner level Lee Stral\berg, a:, Pacano s ag· ang gran d f ather. g iv e!) a beautiful interpretation or the h az;.ird., o f time. and Sam Lcvt.'ne has good moments as hrs e qu a lly old all} Forsythe. des 1H tc the s eventy or hrs role, 1~ 1mprei:.s1ve 1n a trium.µh <£~arnsl t>r.>ecas tang All." unless you can find a p E R F o RM As c Es 8 y Pacino clone in your corner. Or until the Bar Assoc1al1on falm~ a Pacinu s c lients cChr1s t1an, rebuttal. Waites. Ch1anel>t·J an~ absolute The film is loaded with virtues ly fl rl>t rate, .ib 1~ the work by T:.rmbor <an h r~ scr cf'n lJ<11,1,1, -i:.tron~ da recta on, bright Larr} Bryggman as a fello1,1, performances. stinging scnpl. lnwyrr and ('raag T Nelson a.'> ace camera work c by Vactor Ke mper ). j aunty musu: score an ll'l'·c11ld prosecuting a ttornP) (by Dave GruMn) but 1t 1:. not Th(· p rdure o JH'n undt·r without its Oawl\ SOmC' of t he C'rt'dlL'>, \\1th the \llltl''> 11( lhr1:1• story line stretches crcd1b1hty, kid:. tnd1viduall ~ ~a~ rn g th1· especially lhc ch~tracter play<.'<! Plt·dgc of AlleJ(&antt· 1:-nd tng by J ohn Forsythe. who b c.ilmost naturally. with " and JUslrc·<: l o o v i II a i n o u s u n d e r t h e fo r a II " Th a t m a k l' .., "' h 6 t circums tances follows all the morr· C'h1lhnl! f ._...=;::::.....~~~~~~-=;;;...~~~~-=-;;;;;;;;;:;-;.;;.;;;;;;;e-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.!..'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I i f -' ' PLUS SWEPT AWAY" Englfsh Sul>-Titles Two of Giannini's Best Students · S2.00 Senior CllfHns . $1 .00 Sunday Matinees · 2 P.M. IOl AOHlllll O~IYI Ill UA ClllllllA • ~4 UA Cllll lllA MAll io_.11 ,tfl lftJ f.l'<I'• '""" _. a IDWA~OS "uo tlllllO ,, 11 tJ I I fjJ I b'J ill ~ROO~MU~S I l OGl I MATIN EES SATUR6AY & SUNDAY "APOCALYPSE NOW" IA) "MOONRAKER' (PG. "CAPR ICORN ONE'. "ROCKY II" !PGJ "MORE AMERICAN GRAFFITI" "ALMOST SUMMER" (PG) "HOT STUFF" (PG) "THE VILLAIN" "THE WARRloRS" "UP IN SMOKE" "HOOPER" .:ALIEN" (R) "EYES OF LAURA MARS" "WHEN A STRANGER CALLS" (R) "llmE GIRL WHO LIVED DOWN THE LANE" "T.-fE MUPPET MOVIE" "REVENGE OF THE PtNK PANTHER" fPG) "ANIMAL HOOSE" "PRISONER OF ZENDA" (PG) ALL Ol'IV&·IHt O,.&,.. 6:JOr.M ..... HTlY C""' Undtt I 1 ~'" Ut1ln• • f(ldele "t1nrou..e --· ., . Guess Who's Back? .. M IMITV ~i NN4 l\Ctl~ MOOtJCllOH NAflOHM. ~) N'llWll. H()US( _..,. J()t1N OCUJ)HI rlM~ JOtiffvrl'INOH vrrWA ~<X>4 '~ 111.t.a end~ S4JIHfrv.HD· ·-· ~"" WlfV ~ Cf>d N/114 fl(rn.w; ·~bl' (\Jo'(l\()(1\161(1N ,,,,....., bl' ~1Wo11) OOUGlAS l<CNHCY t.. OM MUlA ~'Of°*'~ '°""' -"""' ..._ .... ,-... 111. ...... ~ ..... •IC>-.. • I ,._ .. :==:.--::::-I r=~-=-~-=-""'•='" 1 .,~,~ .. ,,,;J\,,,., .,.. __ . .. . -·-~·=~·, ~~MAT A ZOO NIM Y~ ...,uu MOMllUlllJllll ~IMf·• ~a"(lt l\1' OlAO M•~'"'" 111 ~··~ Mftll'M &11 U?S ......... .. • ....... , ... , .. tlilff "_..,. .. • .,_, __ m ~ r .. UM ¥,,_, ,_ UOCI .,,.,.. ... ,,. ........ lfllllDt ......... .,. 0.... ~A/If~ 14U !II~~ 1»691 ••• c ........ ._.,..,,"" The Push-Button Gang ... it was their flrst and last job. FOR INFO IMAt~ DAILY PtL.OT Don•ld S uttlefi•l\d Brook• A.IUtna A~(PGI A\¥0...a. """"8~ Mo n -Thura. 7·30, t ·30 Fri 6 00, 8.00. 10:00 SatJSun. 2.00. 4.00. 6 00 e·oo 10:00 Plu& 1PGI MORE AM(RICAll GRAF Fl 11 I h~.-.,,,,,;---~ '•1nl1nu•-'._. 'iVlvt"1tP SlAUOM TALIA !.tt-111 ,. ROCKY Ii iiiu~ ROCKY .... D .. Plu\ THE SE OUC T ION OF JOE TYNAN "~•••••O•lt•• 1; ......... ( ,~ ""... ' .......... ~ LA•••••• , -. AMDllAL .. '*"".. ~ ' .. ...c>N ~· , ...... ~ .l\\lt.' lllCIM I' \I \Ht .Of""~~ II lll~>'.,IH1.~H • fltl ~ \\lffi\1LU:: • · HORROR - ~~~~-tll ,., .. '" "" .... , IUfll t 4S JM • °'·. It, 1t,. "WHEN A STRANGER CALLS" tfll) .,,. """" ) ., .. "" ·~·· "· ... .. ,,_ ,,. .. ....... - MALCOLM McOOWnL DAVID W4RNER I "TIME AFTER TIME" CPO} .... ~ ,, ... ,.,.., ""'"'' "''' ... , ..... , .. , .. ............ ' T I •• "".._.,,.. .-, ., .. ~-., ....... -.. lit -.. .._ ... -......... ~ -........ ' -.... ._ PTE•aE•• 8) YON \' O•AR& Ala Olar 21 Apr II> Acceoton IU.lflllment •f d I . daullna ch play OI veraatllll)', 1t.arid.lq H for prtnt'lpl . mak1n1 room for younell •t loP i emtnJ. V1r10. •1lUariua natlv' could play lgolflran\ roJ TAlfaU8 (Apr IO·May 20> Good moon Upet't incldea now with c n!aUve t'hanc-. cblklrft, Hllnsnea to tue • than~ on yoor own 1t.yle , 1p1b1Utic... You art• ablt> to communtcate, to l'rcelve aphitual values GEMINI (Moy 21 Junt1-20> Study Taurus 1euaae Accent on commun1catlon, travel, ducauon, wallln&nf'!'S to makt nt.'cesaary re lsiona You receive rea :1ur1lnce concemln1t wrtt ·n matert~J. mes!"illltl'. 11tpt>cla l report ('ANC£a <J une 21 July 22> Go sloY>, be low, ,B IO approvlil l or ram1ly mt•nibcrb You aiaan hrougb caullon and 1.hplo111ttcy Dt>ft'r to Judgmtlllt 1( one clol>e to you Lt>g.-1 coun:.el might b«' 1ecessary in connt•ct1on y,Hh '>1>t•c1al sale o r 'urch ase LEO tJ uJy 23 Aug 221 Accent on work pro cedures, baste ser vices. deulmg with rt>liatJ vc who ans1st.s on c·ourse wh1rh leads an circle:. P1bces. Vi rgo persons figure prominently VIRGO I Aug 23 Sept 22) Nothing occurs halfway rt>a lt1011sh1p •~ 1ntens1ht'd, money pre:. sure 1s resolved . vou mah 11 definite commit ment What might h uvt' bcl'n rm•re bpeculation will now become established poh<'y LIBRA <Sept 23 Oct 22l Complete what you sta r t ; longstanding proJc•ct is "ripe " Means you can swing circumstances an your favor Key is to kno w thot you nn· on :-.ohd i::round. thut you have backing of one who t·urru·~ we1gh1 of uuthority. SCORPIO cOct 23 Nov 21) Be flexible while keeping ~oal m m ind's eye Lt'O, Aq uarius natives play key roles You al'(• due for new s tart in "dH· fere nt" dJr~cllon Short trip 1s on agenda -re- lative who opposed you 1s now an enthusiastic !>Up- porter · SAG11TARIUS c Nov 22 Dec 21 >: Accent on m oney. possessions. accelerated social activity Gemini. the number 3 and another Sagitta ria n figure in scenario Follow throuRh o n hunch to locate lost artacll• CAPRICORN c Dec 22 Jan 19) Lunar cycle points to r enewed interest m creatave proJects. cha nce to 1mprmt s tyle. to emerge from em otional cocoon Take m1llat1ve, stress greater indepen- dence. oragana h ty have courage to be you ! AQ ARIUS CJun 20-Fcb 18) What seems confining 1s really a temporary res pite. Another Aqua rian has plt!nty to say about duty, conscience, commitment Mamtain balance, self-esteem. You need not cower , kick toe in sand or C1pologi2e PISC~ <Feb. 19·M ar 20). Accent on creative c hanges, mtens1fied rcl<1tionsh1p, pleasure that replact!i. pain Gem ma . S&g1tt<1nus persons figure prominently Wish com1·s true if you utilize powerb or pcrs u<.1sion '"RIC H KIDS' is a stylish ,affectionate look a t the great American ins titution of divorce." A 1 .... r .. c,.,,v Pl•..1u•ll "' T ~n1ted Art1s11 NOW PLAYING ANAHllM Ant hrtm 01tvt In 8/'J Gij~O C.ARO{N C.ROVI Wt>tb100> S30 U O COSCA 1141SA C1n1m1 C.nrtr 919 4141 0HAllG£ UA loty Cin1m1 634 3911 •·• •• t I '' f ;1 J• 1t '..t•A ,f "A"t~P ....... &-, .. A•• follea• le o .. of die , moet •proartouely faaay •ovlea ever .. de." Riehard OoOti.,. Jr. P~ ~ .... A .. .,.. .. ca .. l .. te,_ ........... I ~ftl•-.er .. 4e." • r ......... ,,. ......... -.... -........... _ ....... . .. .,._.... ... ·-t .................. __ 1979 yUEfNIE 0 I ·~ ·L, \ ...... I I f' l\1k1• 11111 n h1•11• 1111 '"'''"'' 1• 11•·•·11 1111" 11 h1·' \t'r\ h~llo\l 1101 vuu kntt'> n 11t 1~~~ }jiJ1'il!J $ ~.1'd~!)J PLUS ~ARM~ or r~ ~1GHr 1 ' •~ .,, •••• • • ••••• I .. .,. h . .. ... .... .....,. ....... _ 11r·m~tn r:rt1 ORANGE MAll Hl·WAY J9 DRIVE -IN STADI UM ORIVl·IN 01dnf)t h • -I 1/11 '" " '• • 1.1 • , • 11 II ' '"ALIEN' is a cor1<er. a walloper, a rouser, a screecher and a ton of fun." Gene Shclllt. NBC TV A L I E N THE BOOKMAN FOR INFO 5J4..FREE • , MlS4 TNUTllt ·--c...•.--. ..... wn~ I~ ............... . [ ... ··-·•" .. ,. C INE DOME (MAl'llA" AYf ..... fWV OflA'ltG\ .,._$J ---.. --~-~--, Fraud Charged -cosmetiCs Finn Sued SAN OJEOO (Al» DynJquc lntem11tional, a Loa Ang ICll coametlcR rtrm, Is accused of bttkJng lovH loni of millions of dollars throughout the United Stuttm by meun11 of 11clllng dJatributorahlps. In n $4 million "r •11lltuUon" suit, Dyo1que wu chnrged with mullpl<' vlol11UonR of st11te consumer lnw11 The Z.1 pa1;ct' civil <'Omplulnt was filed In San Olt·uo SuJ)<'rior Court Tht• iswl 1rn1d u n1ullll~vcl 11chcmc of dlatribut int: the 1·0.~mt·t u·11 wu11 c.·rcalt.-d with an S80 Invest rnl'nt ullowanu J>t•c.mlc to huy COfimctlcs for 75 per- n·11 t or lhl' rt'l11ll 11n cc.· Uy \t•lllnl( SI ,000 worth of pro<luc:tb ·or puyrnu S7!50 for thP n icht to huy pro- ducti. 111 GO pt•rtc•nt, 111vt•slor'i mtiv1· to the n ext ll•Vt.'I Tht• lh1 rd l1•v1•I allows diKtnbutor ... to curn $700 fur rt•c•rulllnJI .11111tht•r, J>O)'lflj.l $4.r.OO for the n ght 111 huy proc.Ju<'l.... µru1-t'CUl<irH ullt-Mt-Charles II :n ..... clt•pul \ 11i 11t r11·1 11t1orn1-)'. •w1d Oy mqu" 111 1Hk m11r1• r1111n1·v \!•111111: 1hMnbut,1rish1p1> th1.n · 1·11~ 111 c•t u·' 1\11 llllllllC'lllilt "II'> ""''J!hl Two 11rflc1u l8 or lhc r11m11.111 \ 111 ltu .. 1111•,., 1 w11 yt•.tr\. were charged with Cljlt' I 111111.: .11111111 l.1 Wl'd py r lt11111l l1U!>IO(•\:t 1!Cheme U llllllMtNI) Al A NfW W ... f alCH IUOS1N 1 •IU\ '-----'-' WMO'S IUUI NO OIUf CMOS? fl'Ot IOU•M WAM"'UO" I JHI ONION FIH0111 1 00 •>•S e S 4S I I I & 10 le ... llO<otAi U M"OON I ANIMAl HOUSE • '1 JO • , )0 •• >O .-Jo a t o a 10 H M~I .~ ... ] I 00-:~·~~~ ·:7~~#~:~ I I M\@;I .. ~J _,. '""°". llfl OJ tllAH it tvtn "'anmt• • ,.....,_••• .',:;_ ) WHIN A SfllANGH CAllS1•1 -~. t>>o a 1 cs e•cs Alllio..W.;i,,,lij ... .._ __ __, • cs I • 00 & I 0 •I - -· fl•llltNNG , .... -Ml IOI-I THI MU''" MOVll 101 •1u1 u o NOtlS at.US GO ro .. ,." 1•1 N()WT'' I' ff"MO"'~ "THf LIFE OF IRIAH'" IRI 1u •• 00 • • HOAOS.COPE/ CONSUMER •j ..,.,_ 700.> ....... , )0,,. ______________ ... .. , THI AMITTVllU HOllOI 1 ....... ... , __ 7,._. __ _ N•ocn 1r -·n '-• """ , .. ,,_,,_ .. ,_,. PACIFIC THUTRES OAfVE·IN SWAP MEETS -STillTCH 'OUlll llUClll -~NO THI DAY Ar HAMC>ft BLVD OfWVIE IH 6 °"ANGIE OftfVt IN I 4" TD > I'll tAl\IMIAY I ~A' ,. .. l l'A....0 IUllOAYI AT~ l l ADIUlt U tlllflMll«) Al a NIW WINI alCH KIDS 1001 •lUI TUNAOI OllA"ffl 1•1 tiNI ,•-:,:,;•; WHIH A STUNGll CAlU111 • "'" • " HM)HTWIHO 10001 W!.l.i.Lt.:.ulllM.-L.:":::;1:..1:..;'3:::.· ' .. .. ..... "' .... *l lOfoAI LA-J ANIMAL HOUSI 111 "UJ SINIOIS111 IW(QUI __ , ... .,. ..... flMf A"ll T&MI ,,., '"" .-L.:....;_::::.: ___ -:-AOATHA tN I __ _,,_ ......,._... ......... A MN A WOMAN 6 A.._,,., "'" ....... " Dlatll , .. , <MHCM A CMOM91 Ufl IN IMC*I 111 "UI WAlllOll111 .. I/I I/I Q) QI E ... 1J rtJ 1J z <t i ·-A. Q.I c 0 .r=. a. >- u OJ "-:I -rtJ c O'I l/l -u -... -Vl 0 ..... a. UJ 0 z 0 .... ~ :> u a: u You Can Sen· It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad 1e .4" • • .,, ---' I' Sllurdey, sept~ber 29, 1979 DAILY PILOT ... ..... , for S. ..._.,for S. HMMt For$. House. For S. Hotltes for S. I Ho.tses For S. ~For S. Houm For Sc* ....................... G;:~~ .......... io.oi o~;,;;:.; .......... ;c,;i G·;;.;;;,;· ......... iooi· ii;;;:.. ............. ;,,;2 ·c:·;~;:;·· .... · .. ·,·;,02 ~;;~:.; .......... ;;,c;; 6;;;~; ........... ;c,~2 c;;:.;;;,; .......... ;;;; •.•....••••....•••............................ ·•··········•··•······· ...•..•.••.•........... . ••••••••.•.••.••.•..•........•............... •······················ .•........•...•...•.... EQUAL HOUSfNG OPPORTUN ITY r 0 t "M.Mce: All Nal t!lltale advert.ised lb this DeWllpaper ts sub .iect to the Fedttal Fair Housin& Act of 1968 which makes It Lllegal to advertise "any pre rermce, limitauon, or discrlaunalioo based on race. color, re!Jg1ot1, sex. or naUonal ong10, or ao intention to make any such preference. 1Jm1ta tJon. or dls<:nminatJon ·· This newspaper will not knowingly accept a oy :J~e Blu# $117,508 2 BllM. TOWNHOME R•.MATIC DESIGN GOICEOUS VIEW! Open Today 2331 Vista Huerta 1.fiuutittr\u & l!:o., · i~raltors R1119 640 -5560 day or evening Eastbluff Professional Bldg. advertising for real ._P"'lll_...__....-..__...-..__,,.1111111111 ..... _,,.111111111 ..... _, estate wtuch LS m viola tionohhe law. BUlORS: Act.ertisen tllaild d9ecJa their ods daily md ~ er- rors ._clertefy. TM DAILY PILOT auumu &ability for tM first in- con-ed insertiOft only. Housft for Sele ······················· General I 002 •...................... OPSHHOUSE SUNDAY 1-4 #8 lario•Cftto Crt Newporlhach • NEWPORT CREST CONDO Thts 3 bed.room, 2'h bath tn-level condo 1n a pnvate. parklike setung •~ alJsolutt-ly IM MA CU L ATE' Onl> S148,SOO 10 (',\(·lus1vC' Newport Crest Call Ann CaJvert. 752 1!120 816 CANYON CUSTOM 5 bed rooms. 41 J baths. indoor s pa. 4 fir e places. h a rdwood floors & moldings Must see to appreciate OPf'~N SAT & SUN J-5: 7 ROY AL SAIMT GEORGE RD. $795,000 ROBERT L. HALLEY. REALTOR 644-4455 559-0783 YUCCA VALLEY HOM E Beaut1ru1 view, ideal neighborhood N car Shopping center $51.500 GARUE.'I; G HOVE 3 Bdrm, Cul·de SU<'. Ell. l"ept1onal buy $76,!IOO Call Bart, A~ Rlt/·793: C\'E!S UASE/OP'TIOH $5,000DOWN BeaU\Jful cond .. 4 BR 2 Ba + big Family room. all new kitchen & bath:.. only $!16, 5'XI SOOO mo. on lease. Rulh Luurac. Rllr M6-4JllO VIEW NEWPORT HGHTS •B•HDOHED MO QUJt.LIFYIMG EST It. TE Unique opport unity · s I E bluH Treellned cul lll' sac See pyg ass. ast · lrvtnt' rrom this dc&ertt:d Huge 2 story '1 bcdrm. 2&tory f'btatt-with acre 4 spare scp master swtt· bedrm. 2 baths Nearly Large ba<'k yard ~nh 1-. acre or woodsey lot many rrwt tree., J Car lluge s parkling pool, ' '-'UAIL garage, t.oo! Call for pre long estute dnveway to T view. 646-7171 garage. A mus t sell ' PL .CE "''· I • I'• ~ SlW.950 Act now. call I~~=!.'!~'· [ ~ llilillill ~~~,. our1•u11•1 I BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! Panoramic Newport Bay views from gor~cous J bedrm upper unit or spacious 2 bedrm lower urul! Natural bnck fplcs Wet bars. 4 Car guragc Boat space Ste ps to beach Dial 7S2 1700 FAST'' • u;t ·; • ' '· ' ' !®•l RXUP&SAVE Great starter home 1n need of T.L.C Bring your paml brus h & p;imt your way lo $S.$ :J br + fmly rm make this new listing our Best Buy ! RV access. Close lo all relat ed services Won "l last!!! 646-Till ---[®IHMHI OPa.. HOUSE -· SUNDAY l- 4M ••ftlida Arlena S-Clemeltte HILLTOP HACl&tDlt. Enjoy sweeping views of the vast Pae1f1c & unend 1ng suns1:ls from th1!. custom built 3400 sq ft STIPS TO-Silt.CH $119,900 Owrnung J bedrm. bnck patJcx;. LoLor; of wood a ncl !!}ass Pnvate commum ty Call now' 646 7171 hacienda, high HI th<• --------rolling hllls overlook111g the red llle roofs or ~an Oementc This ma1est1<' home has a n elegant master bedroom suite ~1th a beaul1fully tiled Roman tub & 2 guest rooms with lhc1r own balcony for your ~uest'i. 1>rivacy 21t.i bath:>, 2 Mexican tile patios. formal chrung room, dou 2 STORY Shake roof. 4 Bdrm, l!' • Ba. $133.500 Eastsidc Ca;taMesa. 21RHOME Ox>tce comer . R 2 zoned lot. Room to b ui Id $78,500 Roy McCCll"Ch, RJtr. 541-7729 ble garage w1lh openn. 3 •-ROO"" .....,0 L dent library & m ore• -.......-v $38S.OOO w1lh great Eastsade. Costa Mesa, ~. Call Craig Smith huge ram1ly rm. g1ganl1c 752-1920 ' size lot Priced for quick ,.,. '""'''" ?· ' ,, p, ' , '-"UAIL ~67s1os.ooo Ca ll Ne~~.~~~· ,~~S~~. [~ •.. ~ Unbelievable Newport 10,.W Tll l :lO ,.,...I . ~ Buch vaJue! 100 s teps t.o *BY OWNER sand and ocean! 4 Bedrm Garden Grove. 4 lge. BR. + 3 bednn u:nil. Needs Want Ad Help? 642-S678 2 ba., fully upgraded. tall )'OU1' 1LC~'l wail, call --------trees, assume 8'1'l""/o v A now 752-1700 oPf"' "'".,,, 'L'" ,, , , , , loan. or refinance w /10% [ OPPOtrTUM1TY down? $88 ,000. call em1m1 ~~~'/~·~£!~ :::: lhm goo d reach the Orange Coast household items you 're ~~ &~ms 3400 VIA OPORTO NEWPORT BEACH LIDO BA YFRONT EnJOY the beauty of Newport Harbor from the li ving room of the most re<1sona bly priced bayfront home on I.Hin Is le This 3 bedroom. 2 bath horn(• has its own boat slip /\ s upn'm t> rnlut' al 5875.000 LIDO WITH POOL Bleg;mt 3 hrclroom and den homr on h11gt· tut \\ilh atrium cntr) pool anr1 ~Jl<l For the d1seernin~ buyer. S745.CXXI 644-9990 FOREVER VIEW Spedal'ular un'obstru<·tcd oeean. ha~ & c·1tv \.1£•ws from this tcrrcf1c fam11\ s 1zecf horn<.• in posh Spygl<is~ Hill. You \\>ill IO\'£' th<• lan~e family rm with its booksht•l \'es. bril·k frplc & adjoining gourmet kitl'hen. There :.in' ·I spat·1ous hclrms + a bonus rm \'OU <'an <'On \'t•rt to more bdrms or a gamt• rm .t I MONTECITO will bC' HELD OPE:\ SAT & SUN from I ·5. At $5~5.000 w<' feel this 1s lht• bc~l buy in the area' (7141 6 73-4400 12131 628-2828 Di•isiOft of HcrOor ln•eshntnt Co. MESA VERDE CHARMER Newly pamted 3 BR 2 ba. famJly rm w 2 lo\'l'I> bnck frplcs. an s upc•r neighborhood SI00.000 POOlHOME UNDER SI 00,000. l.ovely :l UR 2 ba w pool & Jae. All new klll"hcn Super cll'an & \\l'll t:arcd ror $95,000 2000 W. Balboa Blvd. lcAoa 675-1771 WHY PAY 6°/o To sell your home Prof agent can qwckly sell your property prov admit ALL services for only 4'A. Call agent. 673 4311_ A.LOT FOR YOUR$$$ 4 Bedrm, 2 bath Condo. So c l ean ' Mod e rn k.itchen. bltns , crpts. drps, near s hopping, schools, easy access to freeway Askin~ $74,950 Pay down to present GI ftnancing of $34,000 or submit your terms . Call SQ.71111 [911Uil FIXER Huge deserted S bedrm, J bath, family rm, dining nnhome w1th pool &spa O nl y $139 .950 Desperate' Act now. S4&Z3l3 [®•l •VETS* Uw Yow Ei 'bility NOW . NO oo'ZN WANS TO $100,000 LOW INT RATE Let us show you how to quahf} TcA to R.cl Carpet WeUsteft 754-1202 --- EHGUSH TUDOR A real old world charmer with thol t::nghsh ludor look Coved ceahng hvin~ rm. cozy k1t cht·n sunny breakfast nook 2 Lurgr bedrms Huge lol with garage Only $81,500 A<.1 now' Call S46-ZJ13 $10,(XX) Under appraisal 4 Bedrm. 3 bath. pnvate courtyard, pool. s auna, d esperate ! Broker S4&-ZJ13 ..sAVBDE --------•I market. not using availa ble to Phone&42·56'18 some other family by ad· --------vertising them for sale in OCWMtOMI' I STY llPUIUC Seldom oo market. huge 4 bednn. 2 balh, brick fpic, family rm. sparkl- Uig kitchen; din11fl area. Only $145,000. Ac\ now! There's o nl y o n e! 546-ZSU S55,000! PRlCE REDUCTION BALBOA deluxe duplex; 1-ee 4 bdrm. & 3 bdrm. uai&a, h'pk. each; now S.,CIQO! Try inst.ailment purchase! OCW'ROM'T SIFT.LOT! OlllGal debase duples ; 4 •a bdnD. .ut.a. 1ourmet -~laow•r"a apt.+ •tots ol imported tile , trplc. eadl unit. 6 Car ,..... +much morel $195,0001 Try your l.erml! ..... ..,fhp. ••11• •'71-7060• "-/Leme o,.e.. Pool, oeeaa, can1on ...... ' aa + loft. eau 'l"lmCll·ml Qassified. CaU 642·56'78 HERALDRY C S l P U R R A P 0 T P R L T E T 0 E S R M A E R H T 0 E R L E U T C L 8 P E S 0 V 0 N M S L R T E A 8 E R I E L EAH SUOURUHOrUD YLOLO H S H L S G A 0 Z L N I R S S W f A A U L £ U A M C T A E T A S E A l 0 L 0 C T R N 8 S 0 1 U 8 H T P l E G 0 C I Y N A E L T H l A A E A G U R l T A L L M l 0 E A 0 E l L C L R G R 0 0 T H B 0 0 H A ~ S R L H S D B G F P H C A C L R L 0 A R U T R E V V 0 E T U S C R I Y A 0 G M Z U L R S I E W H 0 R M L H A R t L S A l I C l 0 C W 8 T K E E E C H R 0 E S E P 1 S G R T L E A 0 0 V L P t S E K 0 D 0 8 I D L A 0 R W ~; Hldd.n -* below ..,..._ fOMllnl, bid!· w.d. uit. down Of ~. Find Md\ lftd bolt It In.~ Ullll Ftlu,._. a.; C.-.. ROii AftlM \I Wet er..~ ADn e Mwtec I' Octofoll ..... Annattt Ven P\I,,_. Tomorrow: nm .. .; ........ -.: • ~·N •r f '-' • 1 • • • 't _...,. l • • • ~TOSUCH Newport Beach duplei, 4 bdrms . up. 3 bdrms. down; finest rental area. Clolet.oshopplng. Priced at 1212.500. m3ll63 64.2-2253 Eves associated HQ r) • r Q .-, 11 r: A \ ,. r1 Q ~ ' ," l/'J !ol.,1t rl't t '' /.f -~--- 2 STOIY-POOl S7Z.OOO Bib to beach rroga uu. a bedrm Tutnlbclui"e. Like _. carpelinc, drapes, bllna. prl vate paUo. recreatioul racllltles. •• will take ove.r ex-lRlne financinc, S4.0. per montb PITI. No ~ ~ loan coet.s or t17 otber tinancln1 wlt.b trmller investmot. CaUIA-'1881 Ol'tN (II 9 •II S /UN f(ljof 1\11(1' [BINI CMl4 /U IJ• 1' I,,,_ n f l I l•lftliM 3 Bdrrn Porlaflno model + AUe:St house with fireplace and sepa r ate entry. Perfect for ln·h1.ws. This could sol ve yo ur hou s lns problems. $266.900 OCEAMFROMT HOME $350.000 Redecorated 2 Bdrm home w/natural pecky ced ar interior. new bath. etc Tr e m e nd o u s lo cation & nice ('a rpeling . Corne r lot m a kes a fantastic water view even better Dbl ga ra~e wtelec door opener LIDO FAVORITES LO Mllflt.GE CIEME PUFJ I mmac . s pacious. 3 Bdrm w/sp a. hu~c l1v rm & pa tio. Spanish entry. lots of luggaf!e spate. l)picat Lido Hardtop Good fmanC'in~ a\'ailable As king only $399,500 Offer your trade CJnd LIDO ISLE Hc•cl(•<·oratc<l w pt1cll' of nwnt'fc;h1p Spu<' 1 Bdrm fom1lv home" gourm~·t k1l<'h . lrg mstr '-Ultt•. twam C'elltni?~. 11'-L'd hrn·k t rpk & Fn·m·h door-. . Nt· ~to v<· in rt·;1(1\ & '>l•nsthl\ priced CJI 'i:!H!J ;)oo JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 2919 Newport Blvd. comer 30th A W0'4NER IH WESTCLIFf (. ;1 I (" h l h ,. s t· 11 ti m b (' r ... 1 II I !! ta·drooms :i fireplu<·<• ... :1 ht•th' ~''' lll pnol lfiOO "'I ft s inclc• ... inn floor pl:111 l'atc :1 thl'Sl' l1·;1111n•" Bu1ll 111 BB(~. m•w <I rapt•-... <int· bt•dronrn "1th t' n t r ' ~1 n d t:i ..1 t h n u m l' r o u ., t• 11 l (' r l a I n 01 l' n I p 0 s s I h I 11 l I (' <, • 1·vcrything in 1mm<1('ulatl· c·ondtlt0n the pru:l' ts S2i!l.!100 Thal 's CJ "1nnPr In \\'t•-.khff' U~IVUI: t1 Ml:§ REAL TORS', 675 6000 2443 East Coast ~•gl'lwuv . Coron<1 rid M<1r Boy ltii\\ Ord ~ Beach Reo liy REAL EST It.TE EXCELLENCE SINCE 190 COME WITH US ... tn Corona del ~tar. <.•leganlly .,umulating 3 bedr oom. formal dining room homr. just four door~ from Ocean Rhd an easv walk to L1ttlc> Corona Bc>aC'h Th<' <"ath<•dral c·e 11ings. s tained g lass & tinted wind o w~ pro\'ld<' a daily 1nspirat1011 S.130.000 NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811 CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX Oc<:'an ancf bay view. 3 Bedroom a nd 2 bedroom + den. 2 Firepl aces. Owner anxious. Call 673-8550 IAllUMG 11()()1( includes 3 bedroom tri-level townhome. Walk to major s hOJ>ping and transporta tion. Earth tones, firepl ace. & steps to pool. Call 673-8550 WHtli WAT!I VIEW 3 Bedroom. 3 ba th & s pa. 3 Patios. Skylight. wet bar and much, much more. Go rgeous pri vate beach. Owner professiona l decorator. Owner will help finance. Call 673·8550 ~ MIMI EST A TE! IED IAIM INCLUDED 3 Bedroom + pool + horse stalls . G<>urmet kitchen & country living! Much, much more!! CaU 673-8550 &Jl-1550 BEST IN BLUFFS E-Pl.lt.M llt.RGlt.IM Lovely bay view: poolside setting ; 3 BR. 21':.r ba . form din . hu g~ ram rm ; 2200 sq fl. Vacant $199,500 OPEN Sit. T. 1-S 291 S QUEDAOA. IEST IUY! 3 RR. I lc•vel end unit ; new earpets. paint. drapes Nice greenbelt. Good terms ' Sl35,000 OPEH Slt.T. 1-S 1951 Slt.H IRUMO su'a Da.UXE E·PLAH. Bay view ; 2200 SQ ft . finest QUCJIJty 3 BR. 21 :• ba . for m din . hui.?e rc.im rm., parquet lloorin).!, w' wet bar S237,SOO Including lanci ' BLUFFS BRAND MEW HOMES LiJst c·hiJnC'c.·. 2. 3 & 1 BR l & 2 stories: finC'st lutbt amL•n1tics $210.000 To ~235.0()0 lndudmg land• OPE.M SAT /SUM 1.5 VISTA DEL ORO & ESPLAMlt.DE HELEN 8. DOWD REAL TOR IMC. 644-0134 List & Buy W ith the bper+s JERRY SMITH .... \\llh ~ I·. L E C T I' H I > P I·: H T I r: S I '\ f \\ p 0 r I n I' .I {' h 11 I f I C I• .J (' r r \ . .1 n.11I\1· of lhl· llarhor .1n·;1 gradualcd from -'\1·"p11rt llarhor lf1J,!h .incl did 111 ... 1·11ll1•g1· \\Ofk at OfT ..1 n d S .1 n I > 11 • ~ o S t <i t 1 • .J c: r r \' · !-- Pd U C' <J llnn £''\JH'r1t'nc·1· :.ind <mthus 1a..,m h.i' l' prm 11ktl thl' b<.as1-. fo1 a highly s un·l':-."tul rl·al c"tatl· tarccr For trul~ µroft:!-i..,1onat '>cn:1c mg of all your ct·<il l'"lall' Ol'l'd ~. ca ll J erry at 550·2660 c;::sELECT I PROPERTIES ~ Colcsworthy (,f Co. 2S4) EASTBLU f+ DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 640-0020 BLUFFS BEST VALU~ :\ n unob~t ru<'lC'd ha\ \ 1l'w. r lose l'nough to hl'.ir the <"a.lb of the Har k IL.t ) \lo:Jtc•r h1rd:-. Movt' in cond .. s pacJOU!'> m::.tl'. s uitt: + guest bdrm. & den : a ran· find at S229.000 Low tnl<.•r rst 91 1'' rinan('ing available STAINED GLASS. WOOD & TILE Beautifully appointed 3 bdrm . 2'r;o hath Hluffs l'Ondo. popular Trina \1 odet on ma1or gre<:'nbclt -original ~N'l1on Pri va t e brirk patio with flowering fruit trees. $1bi.500 FOR BEACH •.• OR HUNTINGTON HARBOUR PIOPEITIES TO IUY -RENT -OR SB.I. 14M457 z I l/lt2·217 I $©\"lJU~-L££zrSe Thal Intriguing W ord Gome wi#lt a Cltudle -----H 11H lof <U.T t f'OUAM ·/'\ rrrrrr1 I I • I I I SCIAMUTS AMwen .. Cl•ttflc..._ 1010 I • I T t ' OAll Y fl9LOT 1· Increases ClN<.~IN'NATI (A P ) Pms• d~nt ar14-"r':1 nvcrboat vaeallioa d~w attenUoo to a way of traftl that at"t"mt'.'U ~ Iona aonr Uw Amrnra " Marti Twall1 No tbe Dtlta Qutto St..amboat Co la boPlna to ronvt'rt that public! ty to i>rollt T h t' st~•m powt'rt'd Oelta Quttn l0$t m<>f't'I \h•n $m,ODO 1 last Y~•r. kllt11lb own1•n. C«a Cola 8ott.Unj Co of New Y<>R l'ltpt'<'l only tu brt•11k l"VC"n Uue. year BUT IF nu: n·~pe>nse to 1lA recent newhpilJWt .1dvt:rtl"'Ul& camJ)a1gn 1.., uny JO(l1t J l H>n things i.hould lk-m uc h bett~r next year Prior to thf> ('artcr:.' Aug J7 24 tnp, om r1aJ::. :.aid. the rom pany got about JOO to 600 in quane:. about th1• 50 yt•ur old i.teamboat each week Since th · trip. they rt.•port, the inquint"' have at least quadrupled. "It's rert a1nly rreated an awarent'S'I," :.aid W1ll1am R Kaufman. VJCC prc:.1dent or s ale:. and marketing "Now our Job 11> to turn this interest into salt.-s " T HERE HAVE RF.F.N 29,000 n·:.voru.~ to the <1d c·amprugn, 'W ha<'h began JU!'>t r1ttor lo thl' r1r:.t family''! c·ru1~(' Crum Min nesota lo M1..,!'>o ur1 0H1c·1al'> :.atd Some 1><1mph·:. "We· would like· to v<1tat1on the way th<' pr<'Sldf•nt did," one 1·ouplt· wroll' "S1m·e Jimmy CartPr en- JO.\'l'd a tnp 011 th .. l>•·ltlJ (Jucen. I h<I\ <'the dc'itre to do lh1· '>amt. but for ii flHH'h .,hurlt r I nr," a York. r a . worn:HI ... iild "In man.,, 1·a..,, . .,, wt· n •cr1ved hCJndwrtttt.-n 1nfju1r11·-. '><iyrng tht•\ w1•n ·11 't ;iwar .. th1•ri· wcrt• ... ti1·1 1wopl1· 1·ru1-.111J.! lt11· Ma' ..,1..,..;111111 H1v1·r .. ..,.Hd l'1•rry Mor an. rl1n•1·tor r1r m;irki>lrng .ind "Jll'l'l<JJ ..,,,, \'l('I • (11r th1• ffrlta ()Ul'i'rl ( 11 ('J Jf't•t:u :.i1h 1·rt1wrr11·11L'> anti 11cit1·. ll~1v1· pourl'<J 111to th1• c·um flJll v ·.., ( '1nt·11111at1 hl·ddqui.1 rt11r., rrom ,.., far <t!> Bugot:1, C'ulomb1a Albl'rta Canada. .1nrl Surrey, t-:ng land Becau:,e lhf•re 1s a time• lag between initial contact and ac- tual booking, orririuls say, it's too early to s ay how much of the inter est will turn into sa les But even 1r only a s mall por tion of the interest is convertt.-d 10 c11sh. lh<tt wall <1v1·ragt· SI CJOO ,, trip on 1•1th1•r th1· IJolt<i Qut.-1•n or it!'> rnore modem 1·uunlc·rpart. lh1• M ,...si.,.,1pp1 Qu1 ·1·11 Jo rom lht· way the prc!-.111'-nt !'> (l"llnw JJasst'ngers (•v;:i luatcd th1·ir trip. 1t i1pp1•ared m<Jny "W-IJUld Ix• mterei.tt'd 1n <1 return 1np with or w1t.0out the fi rst family · ON•: PER.SON WHO filfed out a n ev<1 luat1on form a fter the ~:ru1se ~cud he thought his lug- ~ age was better h andled because Carter was on board ·'I was womed when I found out the president wets joining us," another guest wrote. "but everything h~ been great " There was only one negative remark about the presidenltaJ party from the more than 100 cvalualton cards turned in. That person swd the president and hls group created a "turmoil." ' Al'WI,........ WAtilT TO BE THE FIRST Wini A NEW GADGET? Entreprene ur B•rry Helmen HH 'em All Fads: Heading 'em Off at the Passe I.OS ANC Etf;S (A J• 1 What d11 fakf' 1Jiamond-.. <loor pulll'y <'X('r C'IM'r.-. 1llumtnalt·d .. put'· s word.,, food JJrou.:ssor'i, puka i.hcll wwt>ln and rolll·r skatt•s have an common" Thf• an:.w1•r " lhal all arl· 1·ruzes prornolf·d hy ont· ag1lt: en ln•pn•rwur. \0 H'ar uld Barry lll'lman, "Tht: F<1d Man H t:LM/\N. /\ l.f·:/\N, A RTIC.1JLATF. master m<·r,·handm·r, ha., huilt a per...onal <1nrl 1·111 p11rate fortune an the r1:J ... t dl'l'dflc by jump 1ng aboard v. hdl<•\ 1•r .., hot Ameracan lndJ<1n tun1u111'>1· JC Wei r y. pwr«t•d 1·arr111gs, d1~1lal wotchei. anti gettu1Jo( hack 11ff, us ually, !>don· thP fod 'iUh!->11l1 ·., lh·lman rnc.rk1•h ht., 1t1·m., liy "hlitZtn A. ,atur:.it1n~ tJ11: f'lll ''" with two w1·1·k.., 11( rail111 aml t1·h·v1s 1011 a<!-. ll1:1t lr·arl up tu thri•e day salt·-. at ... 1·h·1·t1·'1 '>lon·-. Then ht· gt•l!> uul 'r 11u h.1v1· to know whi·n lfJ -.hut ort, ""Y' lf,.lman Y.h11..,1· ;.1· 1·1111trc·nwnh or t.,U1·1·r ..... 1111 lud1· J M;ilttiu twac·h hfJU\1' anl! H11ll ' lt11~11· 'r'ou mark doY.n m·;ir lh• • nrJ and l'lu-.1· tlu.·m 11ul Otht•r WI"" \.r1u gel ktll1 ti ll t:l.MAN DIO"l'T l!'!Vt:NT ASY <ff thf' 1tcrn-. he h<1'> ml'rc·ham.l11.1·d and ht.., wholly 1Jv.ne:d c·orp1Jrdtl' entity. JI./\, Int·, normally d1H0:.n't nwnufo1·turP them e1t h1·r Whcit he does, i.1mply, 1s buy hJs vt·r-.1on ... c:heapn and dehver them an quantity as fa.!>l as he can To get his $4 !J9 door 11ullcy "Ex er Trim mns" an to the fray ;igaans l fat, llt·lman lr·ai.ed plam·'i t1> bring them d1re<'lly from the Taiwan m anufactun·r lo the United Slates, where he -.old three mill ton an four m1111th:. Ile had no eonnt·rt1 on with "Star Wari.," but nonl"lhPlci.c, c,old l 5 m1lhon l-tJrc·1 B1•<Jm ''" l.1·.•·r .. w11r<l'> b} f11"xllnl! the markr·t lieron· th1· 0Hic:1al l1t·cn:-.t·d rnanufactun:r could lumtw r mto p<>'>I l!Ofl "YOli'Vf. (iOT TO BE Tiit.. F IRST guy 10 or you dcm'l do W(•ll," t•xrJl<1m'i llPlman "/\nd you've got to give lh1· coni.umer what hl' wants Y11u hav1· to 1•om c 10 at on1• pnre You can't use false s alt'!) g1mm1t'k:-. 111\.e wt• d1d an the '6')s " Helm an lc·amcd h1-. tradr· dunng 10 year'> of merrhandismg with Thrifty Drui.: Store., <ind boug ht mlo J LA 11 year!> ago. Revenue~ th1i. yf';ir, h1· i.ay'>, will be "at least $5 million and possibly ac; much as S25 million "We nevn know how long we're going to lw an busme.!>s, six months or thrc<' yt•ar.,, ' h1· say~ "Rut whr·n pnces begin to fall or there are no ads m the newspaper!>. lhc fad 1s slowing down." H ELMAN TUNES IN TO t'ADS BY "reading a trcmendoui. amount of ncwspa"e rs and lrudc publ1r;1bons and v1 sttang all the trade 11how1>. You have to key anto what's happening around tht: world ·· Helman has had his losers, notably <t hatch of faulty food pro· cessors th<tl put JLA briefly into lhc bankruptcy court.Ii tn 1977 But his winners have far oulshadowed his m1i.take!> and hc'i. expecting to sell m.ilhons of, what else, roller skatei. "Everytx>dy in Callforniu 1s skating," he srJy:. .. But the rest of the country still d<Ws n't know about it " Ah, Clear As Mod Foggy Writing Lampoorwd in Book GLASSBORO, N.J. <AP' The Underground Gram · m arian Ls widening his war against muddled Englis h. In 1Jf17, be began printing a newsletter filled with ex· amples ol toeo. wordy, im· precise and confusing writ· lng of fellow Glassboro State College teachers and a d· mlniltntora. TBEI& W&ITING, HE aald , ~trated that they could not tb1nk atralpt. l,.ast year. tbe Gram- marian -R1cbard Mitchell, a n EnaUab profeaaor at Gla11boro -extended his taraet.1 to lJlclude the na- tional education eatabUah· ment. On Oct. t , • boolr called "Lesa Than Words Can Say" wUI be publlabed by LltUe Brown6Co. llitcbell .. ,. the boot .. a "1loom1 coatemplatlon ol the new lWteracy, ill roott and comequeneea." Politi· ciUI Ind bureauet"at.I mired in Jarp fare UUl• ~ titan pompou1 and lD· deelpbHabl• "eduea· Uon .. ta." •ij'C*fi''I ~. MYI 1111 band-Mt ...,.aNtter 11 re-4 bl ,. ,.. ..-••••• _. II' ~ ... :..la.1/ • -~-.... -.,,....-.-.-.. ...-. . ..... ·- every slate. II c ircula tes a broad from the Fiji Islands to S audi Arabia And the American Embassies in Moscow und h raeJ receive lhe monthly joumaJ of satire. He estim ates that 17 per- cent of last year 's h igh school graduat es are ii· literate. and pred icls that percentage will increase bec ause of the inability or educators to use the Engll.sh languqe well enough to im· part knowledge. • • Aa education lhat does not t each clear , coher ent wrtUng cannot provid e our. world with tho u g htful •dulta," be aaya in bla book. "People wbo cannot put 1trint• ot Hntences t.ocet.her l.n aoodordercannot tblnk .•• •l'l'OIEU· Dl88ECl'S the literary effort.Iota mullltude ol educ.at.on, lncludlna pro- votll ud wal•enitJ preal· denta. "COlllider p:• IM aa11 in b1I boc*. "That'• aot h1I real ...... ol ~; "'' ,... aame 19 IAI*· wblle Kalka ca• be tran1lated Into ........... , .... : • • •Our prop am la d•· 1iped to mlwinee the con· cept of an open-ended learn- ing progra m with e mphasl.<J on a continuum of multi· e thn ic, acad~m ica ll y enrichoo leamlng using the identified Intellectually gift. ed child as the agent or director of his own le arning. Major emphasis Is on c roa- graded multi-ethnic leamlnc, with the main objective be· ing to learn respect for the uniqueness of a person.' " "WE CAN GUESS." he says, that P "baa tak,n many counies ln peda101y and academic admlnlatration and that he knows all about guidellnea and curricw• and what the studies have shown. "His wriUng. . .aeema to b e taken from 'th e literature.' that la, the ut· teranccs and pronounce· menta of all the other P 's. Beeauae we can't tell ti there Is any t.hou1ht ln what he HYI .. otwto.ly can't tell U there 11 any orl4tnal t.houibt ln What he aay1. • H• add.a, "W• can only 1ue11 t.bat t.ber• probably lln't ." He H)'I bordea of P11 "lit •round MIMI'•• eaclt otlMr pl.e• ol proM Ulw t.be OM above." . ,. . . CALIFORNIA I NATION I ~EXICO ~~~* SM Backs Get-ti>ugh Decisioii ! WAS HI NGTON (AP) - Roaalynn Carter was on the toad campaigning when her huaband decided to "get tough " with' Congress. She seemed '8'rry to have missed it. "I tried to caJI Jimmy last night -betwee n speeches - and he was meeting with con· gressmen." she told a crowd ln Jarksonville, Fla. lul week . :•1 PICKED VP the paper this morning and ll said, ·J immy Ca rt e r Gets Tou g h With Congress' -so I think thal is ex· arlly what he should have been doing " In Washington. Carter was re· ported lo have told congressmen they can forget about Wh ile House favors ar they do n't Vol~ with the administration "I'll be damned 1f I'll 'lend my wafe anlo your das~ncl for fund· I\ EU '.'-; .4 1\ A I~ t .to;/.'-; raisers," one luwmakcr quoted Carter as threatening LATER, RF.PORTERS askt-d Mrs Carin whethn i.he ap 11roved of that kind or rcl<1 lw twn "I'm v<•ry polttwal ," 'ih1• '>aid. la uj.?htn~ Myly "I thank that whalt'ver J1 m m} tan d CJ to gl'I C'o n i!rt'<a. to act nn h i'> 11rri im:.al!> I lhmk ht· ~houl<.I do · The far t 1s t hat H o ... al ynn Carter 1s more 1JOht1cal than hn hu:.band Sht• ha:. '>aad ~'' hnwlf And therein he'> her ~n·<1lc-st 10 Out'nCe on the prcstdC'nl of t.tw l'mted Stat<·:. But Ula., innur•nrP ..., r·xertNI 11 n p ti's 111 en t1 .JI .., t } I•· an ti ~tr;.ll<•gy, not on pol1n F ROM THF: BEGINNING, 'Ill' hu:. bl'l'n known a!'> i.:rac-1011.., briJ•ht, -.11ft 'ipok1 n Jltra1·tt\1 and f11·r c·1·h 11n al 111 h1·r hu:.hand Sl11~ly. Hw • xt .. 111 11( Hosal}nn C'art1·1 .., lwh1ncl tl11 "('t·nt·, 1nflu1:nc•· 1•mcq.>1·d Whl'n thr• f1r..t lady". r1Jlt• 1n the .JuJy Cabam·t sh~keup <1n<l "t•rti.1!'> of <·onfuknr1" · s r><'f•d1 bc1·amc C'l<•a r :.oml' p1•oph· l'Vl'fl '>U J.:i:te~kd .,h1• wa ... running tht· govc·rnment · · 1 am not running the govr·m ment," Mrs Cartl'r wu-. for('l·d to say an Florida when a'>kl-d about 1t Such t;ilk, White lloui.e pr•'"" serr<'larv .l•lflv J'o'Ae ll ..,<ttd in .m I n I I' r v I ,. " I .. • 11 .. t 1· 11 t I y p11litt<'al · "I Pt:lL"i(tNAl.LY Fl:'loD 11 ,1 liltlt• o H t>n'il\I' that th1·~ l'ho•,1 · 111 attack :.t f1 r:.l lady .. l'owe ll -.;1111 "It was romang pramartly from political opponl'nL-. " Mrs Carter rl'portedly wanLs her annucnre to be known, but does not want 1l to hurt the pre s1dent. So she s11met1mc·s s(•('m~ torn between ar knowledging he r power and playing 1t down "I like to know what's going on." she i.ald .. Hut there re, no way r l.'an gave him adv1re about things l don't know anything about." lier ortcn-s1mpltst1 c speeehes unde rbcOrt· that. revealing thal Mrs . Carter has only a s ketr hy gr asp or the detail!. (If majlJr Poli<'Y issues FOR INSTANCt:, SHE talks somellmes about Carter "Pa'>s an g" leg1slat1on instead of laws being pass<..>d by Congress And she refers sometime:. to the "windfall tax" inste ad of the "windfall prorlL'\" tax She speaks about bruad issues like energy a nd government re· or J.?&Oliation as af there were on· ............... SHE AGREES WITH JIMMY'S CONGRESS CRACKDOWN Roaalynn Carter on· the Campaign Trell Iv nnr• "1'•11KI ,1tl1, lh• i.ir1·• 1 d1•11t , And tn~l1 ad 11( rcfu.,1ni.: t11 n .,pond l11 a n ·r><1r11•r ' qui·• t11m . 11hP 1 ...... u1·s a nni.:1ni.: rt1·f1·n•.1· 11( Wh1t1· lluu ,1 r h11 r r1f LJH 11 J m 1 I L '' 11 J '' r t1 .1 11 ·• 1 ti•· d1·<1n1·\t 1·u1 )IJIJOI' rna11 I k no IA J 111 r1 Jn 1 • 1.r1 ti•· r 111 \ (• ... t&$(,llllJll f11t ,1llf•C1•d II'' •1( I II 1·a1n1· But th1•r•· ,.., n11 1lnult1 . .t.rnil h• 1 JIUJIUIJrllv \11 I tr\• r I ltw I.Jr c1tlr.1111•111 ,11 (u11d rJ1 • ,.._ I 11 1 I h ,. < • .1 r 1 • 1 \I 11 n d .1 I • l'lt•,.,11l1 r111 d I 1111111111 1 • o111d h J , r .11 • d "I' Ir I fl I , •II• \ ~ 71111,I MIU tl1.111 :111 'o "''' I I•' ... \ 1-:' ..;1' t-.1)\o\ \RD \I "''llllt'<1~ •• llk··h ( .1111•1 r ... f1,r th1· l91JI pr•~1<11 11l1al n11rr11nJt11111 h.l'• pr<111>(-d Mr-. < Jrlt'r J" .. rn l•Hrcll\'l' eam11a1 gnN that any cand1dall' wuuld ht• luc k} to h J\e P o w 1• 11 1· 11 n l' •· 111· ... t h .1 1 Ho..,:tl)nn C;1rlt•r · prnh.Jhh ,.., mon· J)l>flUIJr th.m h• r hw l1J111I 'Ahl>,•' Jjl!Jrll\,11 tn lh• 1••111 1, ..... rlroppt•cl to Jfl .111 t 1111• lt11A 11111 ..... th1· pn·..,.., p11k1 ·"n.11 1.1111r1t•'il 11111 \tu., tur11 of • \ 1 111 • "' '"' t!X 1Jl'l'lt'11 · V. h<·n lht· 111 t"'t1h ·nl mJk•·.., .i <'o n l r o v 1· r .., 1 ,J I 1lr· t 1 10 n l h .it makC's an 1n1l·rc· ... t group m:ul. th<'r<.' 1<; no n •a:.on tht•\ ..,houl'1 I~· mad al lhl' ht'>t IJdv 1'111A1 II :.aid WllAT ~RS. C/\RTF.R <111<·:. lw .. t 11 ..,t·1·m.., 1111 r • <1 -.111.:h 1 li·:ir 1 to k1·t·p h1•r l"'r'' 11n lh•· ll<11!1 wal pll'tun· whil<' lhP prr•s1 tl1·nt 'I, .. I' foc·u"·fl l'l'if'Wh•·r•· It ~ J ' 1t11 .... 1i., nn ., 1'11·c. t1J 111,lcl 1111 trllJl•· Wh 1t1· ll<llJ'>• rl111n1·r' (11r 1h .. pro .., 111 hir1· 1;, r .tltl Haf ... h•l"lfl -wlu n 11• twit• 1/l'IJ tlw .1t!rn1111-.tr.11 11111 1•r•wl• 111 'A.1' pulil11 rl'l.1t1•>11 anti 111 Ii 1••11 111 11011 t1·r l '.d I Jtld1 II lh1 11111 rn•r --.11111 h· .11<1 \1111111;.n 111• l''"l"1111dh I•'' lfl11 t w tl)ttUI •l.1 ful111 • ~It • I •••lf,jlllillflolf\ Ill I 1111 I tl1•w l l••'11t •l• I 't1Y. "" ,11 .f '> t, • I 11 I .1 I I 1111 "-"Ill Ill I II• ,,,,. • ••• I.II. •j I•• ti th.ii lh• (tr't l.111\ ~·r1 11 •• I• ••II 1r1but11111 111 th1• < ;irt•·r pn·'lil•" <'\ ha.., 111.:t·n ht•r p11l1t 1c1JI 111 ... tincls ":-O llF ( '' ..,POT ,, f1h•111> 'llll< kl'f th.111 '"'' .t li<tlll '"'' f,rl{h I 1\1111--. 111 ,,11cl -.,11,. ''"'"'ti 11rr1• 11f Ill• 111 111 1•11\••tt1111• nt .ind "'ii lllol II l1111k filll•' trf II I• 11 ~"'' \' t .11l1•r • 1•rt .11111\ dtu n 1 t •'" t IHJ1 f ff\I f \ t1d1 # t•U)', f1, h ,t\ 1 .111111111 ti ,t ''II lw II ' ;11 t 1t 11rl1 "h•· h1•r,l'lf I' .1 11••1 M111 IA hn "·•.'" ·rr ~mi don't w.mt tu ho · 1·11ntr11\·1•r-.1JI \ uu do nolhlnl!. -...1 1d :\tan f'1111 h ll•l\I, l\l r' l'artr·r·.., pn.•..,., 'l'C'rl'l .iry Paul McCartney Tops • ID Guinness LONDON 1/\P1 Ex lkatle Paul McCartn•'} '>name app1•1ir~ so many timl'l> in the Guinness Book of Record"' that lhc cd1t1>r., have decided Lo prc:.t·nt him with a mcdalhon next month MrCartncy IS hslt'd l:IS the ffiO'>l ~U('('(:!-.Shl l c11m1x>wr or IJll time. Ul<' owner or the m ost gold d1:.1·s 42 ltn llnta1n. a gold '11:-.r 1s awarded for sales of 500.000 sm~le~ rt:cordi. 1 Jnd the worll1'~ most successful rer ordmg <irt.Jst for estimated global sales or IOO million singles and 100 million albumns "PauJ MrCartney ,., almost a J>t:rmanl'nt fa xt uri· Ill the book ." Guiness editor Norns McWh1rtc r said. Does It Heal or Steal? ~rothers Make Laetrile Amid Coniroversy TIJUANA CAP> -While ex pe rts debate whether It Is a miracle drug o r m e d ica l quac ltery, a smull lwo·s tory tac· tory owned by e ight brothers produces 90 per cent o f the world's supply of Laetrile Located oo the ouuklrta ol Ti· Juana next to dirt roads, the wbite-waahed bulldin1 la the chief aource'-t'tbe controversial anli·cancer dnac. FOa THOV8AND8 OF terminally m. contents of tbe tiny vial.a md tablet.a represent llfe-1uatalnln1 hope a1alnat a dlae•ae man bu been unable to conquer. For Gerald and Diane OrMn of Munebuaetta, uaina the dnac to treat their leukemla-atriclren ion Chad meant aeir ... ne ln Mexico. They contend that La•trile baa c ured the 1ounpw •• Since the Greem fted to Mex· tco tb1I year. t.be U.S. Supreme Court ruled that drup fOI' tbe tnminall1 m ban to meet fecMral Mf~IDd elfeeU._... ~==· Drua r::.J:;\: lhe power to ban inter. tate traf· fi e In Laetrile untll legal qucs· tions regarding the drug are set· tied WHILE CONTaOVIEllSV sur- rounds the drug, Cyto Pharma produces approximately 40,000 tablets and tbree·gram vi&la a month ol Laet.rlle. "We bave lo work against two important factors," explained Serglo del Rio. one or tbe eight brotben who own and operate the factory and tbe nearby Cydel Clinic, a Laetrlle treatment center. "We have to prove to the rest of the world thal we are p~ fe11lonal1 worlrlng w ith tood equipment and thererore have a n1bt to do What we are doiq. "WE ALSO HA VE to ~kle the bad r~putatJon of Tijuana. People dOft't believe that t.hJ1 cl· ty can howe 1 ractorJ or a clink of thla C9Pl!Clty," he aald. Nlne 1ean 110. the del Rio tiroUlera p11ret111ed a 1m•lt laboratory lD Sauaalito from • promlnlnt Laetrile producer - A'*-ll~aqblGD -wl Mt -~-............ ... up s hop 1n Tajuana. Through their long fnendshap with Dr. Ernei.lo Contreras, owner and director of T1Juana's largest Laetrile rlinlc, the del R ios saw a future in the drug, but they raced heavy opposition. After a long battle, they ob· lained approval for lice'lsing from the MexJcaa aovernment, o v e r o bjectlo!B from the Ame rican Cancer Society. American Medical Association and the Food and Drug Ad· mini1traUon. A'S THE DE•ANO f o r Laetrile gre~. so dld the fac- tory .· At present, Cy to Pharma emplo)'I ~persona on t.hree con· Unuoua abills. Ele ven a re skJlled laboratory technicians, a few a re chemical engineen and aU h ave been "well-trained,'' de.I Rio aaJd. Manutacturtns tun four to five da71, be&innina with the cruabinl ~ lhe pill. lMcauae 40 percent ot the apricot f'ta come from Callfomla tie de RlOI a.,. tbtaJ out·produce European l.Hlrlle plants and at lower · coeta. _ .......... ..- -_ .. • IEMTR IAYflOllT--¥0 c ..... .._. .. .._1...._ia.-. c.., ............... .__... ~ ......... --wf* ,,..._.,, WCWHf, .., _. 0..-Y.W,.lllt,100. ... .., •• 7". •VD ICUlflOIT-UmA 0. .. llACH ~ J ...._ J a.._.. .. ..,..-....,_..,,' NW. ........... ....,..,..., ...... •f tr••••rr •ho. Ow••r wUI ..... , ...... S242,SOO or .. .._ for $7tL,_-. TO•lllSE CONDO W/SUP ,,....., ~ 2-•hwy to ...... Jnt ....... ,.. ... ulllledrOMla wltll '-'9f _._.. a.cl JM •• Giit to row owtt ._.. lllp. A fa.e ... .ct you ow• ... ....._ OWHr flHil* a. tenM: sns.ooa * wa-1Elf--u-NT COND~VIEW GI_., MC....,, VIEW 2 bed. 2 ba. root ... boat slip cnollable. o ..... wll I•••• /optlo• or sub"'lt hr"'•· $325,000. * BAYFIONT-llDO PENINSULA le•ffful WATHFttOHT condo #ith loh of space in 2 bed. + den and Htert.U.i'"J balcony /patio. loot slip aYOil.W.. Aft Hecuti.. hide-away or fabuloa year 'round ho1M to enjoy Newport liffttyte. $425,000 or owntt will le .. /option for $499,000. St.lbtnit. * BEAUTIFUL BAYFRONT CONDO SpaclOllS and pri•ate 2 ldnn plus deft cmtd 3 baths. LMsh inffrior gcrden atrium plus patio OM WATER. loot sllp a•ailalH. Submit crHtlu fiwanci1t9 such as leawt option, contract or? $515,000 *DELUXE BAYFRONT PENTHOUSE This cOftdolftinhn home on the WA TH is In a class by itsetf. An:hitechral Di9est would boost about the desiC)Mf' featurM and select decor of stained 9lass, custom wood panelhMJ, ontiqH breakfront and so much more. LGnJer than many homes this 2 bed, plus dH/office and raised diniftCJ area offen priHcy, security and a•ailability for your own boat. Red. to $595,000. CORNER MINI ESTATE~EWPORT LoYefy Fnnch courtyard hoftte wfftt many spuial fe.tures. Grocious l 1*-Ciltc._.s separate master suitet 3 batlts, fmNly room. Hew kitchen, new carpets. skyll9hts and much more $179,500. HARBOR VIEW KNOLLS-CONDO &joy the New &cjland en•ironmut In wide .,... spaces of rolli1t9 hiftside & sin9i19CJ birds. lnt.restlftCJ m••el l ldrm with soari"CJ bea1Md ceillftCJS in Ii•. rm. Open family rm kltch-c:olftbo, sep mstr suite+ dinincJ nn. Enjoy all the bfttefits of co11tm. pool, tennis & shoppi1t9 nearby. Peacet.111 pastoral •iew. S 182,500. OUTSTANDING BLUFFS "Z" Spacious and well-coordinated decor In this end IMit with 2 patios. Two-story 4 bedroom l bath condominium home with formal din. nn., spacious family room a1td •Cll"'CJ9 den and all C11Mttities for gracious IMng. Red. to S 182,000. YERSAILLE VIEW CONDO FalMllom pettthouse "cloud hiCJh" with p•IW'_.c VIEWS of lay, OcHll and nlge.t tlghh. 2 ldnn on front row. l1tehldn facilities of spa, SCMIO, pool &· focml $219,000 DUPLEX WITH POOL .... ... .... .ct ............ H.wport Hel9M• ...a wHtt terrific o~·s wNt o•et1 a at I y pool frOM rect.ood deck. h •••._.. app a twity Ill this 2 & I be•a a•...._._ S 121,000. lffw.E UDO ISLE Ptot.11111., ~orated ..t MWMS• l•/oet. f-r••tlfJ• locatlom for th ..................... Udo ....... -c...... I I •ct. ~ 2 ..... c ...... •·r•u. s..,. .. ...,... ..... ......... $21 ,000 OCEAN .. Ill.EX .................... 2W. ,....., °"'',.... .... 2 ... 1,ltcft .... ..... _..,. ltH.. ............ . ............ _.., 0.......,...,, •-::t ................... .,.,., -.. to_ .. , sl21.ooo. WATERFRONT HOMES IDc. 2A36 W Coo~t H19h~JV Newport Beach 681-1400 WI HAYI --SIYaM.-flllMI IA Y .. OMf HOMIS wtTH ,_ • SU, BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR 1. 1 1 1• , 1 , 1. 1 J, • • •, ~ r 1 , " 1 b I macneb I Irvine realty A SUBSIDIARY OF THE IRVINE COMPANY , SIT ATOP THI HIGHEST IMOU... with spectacular VIEW from every room ! Brand-new Country English estate wlover 5500 sq . ft. of quality c r attsmanshlp SBRs -step-down bar in fa mily rm b irch paneling & bookcases in Ubra ry -spa & sauna . Pr~stig ious gated entry w l m otor rourt. $1,250,000. Lynne Va lentine 644·6200. OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 P .M. 16 ROCKY POINT. CG-12> RB>UCED TO SZIS.000! "H a r bor View Hills" s ingle·story 4BR/family rm hom e on impressive corne r lot in park-like setting w /pool, fruit trees & lg c·overed patios. "Mini.ocean view." Sh a ron Smith 644·6200. O PEN SAT/SUN 1-5 P .M. 1201 SEACREST CG-13) ENJOY COUNTRY STYLE LIVING! I n pres tig io u s Turtle R oc k Hig hla nds. Single -story dl'luched home w /bcautiful view of the park + s u r r o unding h ills. Atr ium entran<:e: 4BRs. formal dining rm. family rm. A well-prn:ed Mactavish model at S205.000 ! Lee lle nkel 752·1414. OPEN SAT SL'N 1·5 P ~1 32 SILVERWOOD. CG ·l4> IRVIME TERRACE-VIEW! Lo ,·ely & immacul<Jtr' '.\lo\e right into this 3 bdrm & den. completely remodeled & red e<'orated home l ot·atecl on l g . b(•aut1fu ll y la ndscaped lot w/ room for pool Owner wtll l'O n sidl'r flexible fin a nt'mg sdl leasehold trade or exc h an~c. Lvnne \'ulent ine 644-6200. OP EN SATISCN l 5 P.M. 180 1 T/\HUNA T ERRACE ((..;.J5) GREAT VALUE & COMDITIOM! Harbor Vi e w Hills! 3BRs. family rm & brkfst nook in br ight kitchen. 3·car garage lg p rivate corner location. S249.000 -fl exi b l e fin a n cing . Rose m a r y Myer s 644-6200. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 P ~1. 1218 KEEL. <G·16> READY FOR MOVE IM! Newly decorated Carmel model in P hase III of Ha rbor View Homes. Ju s t b e l ow H a.rb o r Rid ge w /fantastic VIEW or mtns & c ity lig hts. S225.000. S h a ron S mith 644·6200 <Subject to t'ancellation of existing cs<:row). OPEN SUN. 1·5 P.M. 2300 PORT DURNESS. <G·17 l DRAMATIC! Fabulous 6BR esta te -custom d esi g n ed for indoor /outdoor ente rtaining & living & located on private lot in beautiful setting. This residence offers approx. 5700 sq.ft. of sp ace incl. game rm & family r m . 35' podl & spa. Sl.295,000. Ly nne Vale ntine 644-6200. <G -18 ) MEWftORT HEIGHTS! Use your imagination to make this one of the fines t. Lots of potential w /lg lot & detac hed gar age A 3BR hom e wa iting for you ! $159,500. Terry Hanes 642-8235. < G-19> CLASSIC MEDITBRAHEAM VILLA! On wide expanse of Bay front w/pier & s lip for lg boat. An e legant residence w /m aster s uite -s itting rm & lg m ezzanine study w /bay view. 3 a dd'l BRs -formal dining & fabulous family rm. Gourmet kitchen & brkfst rm. Very private location . $895,000. Sandie F i x 644-6200. ( G-20) AH DCLUSIVE 0"8UMG! Big Canyon Frenc h Provincial h ome c u s tom built w /ever y amenity! 5 lg BRs & private library & s unken d~n. ElegantJy furnished & decora ted. Extensive use or used brick on exterior. $1,975,000 incl. all furnishings & accessories. Aissa Wayne 642-8235. CG-21) GUAT FAMILY HC>te! Newly p ainted & papered 5BR residence in one of Newport's most prestigious neighborhoods . . Bays hores ! $299,000 ree. Beverly Morphy 642-8235. (G-22) VllW a PllY ACT! Dr a matic 4BR Deauv i lle w I commanding view of Big Canyon Golr Cou rse & quiet cul-de-sac location. Sophisticated & elegant w /a host of quality upgrades Incl. hardwood noon, custom cabinetry, pla ntation s hutters &r air·cond. Private patio w /d e luxe spa. $550,000. Lynne Va lentine 644-6200. '42·12l5 6'4-6200 901 Dover Drive Harbor View Center Irvine •t C.~s Valley ~nar 7SJ-1414 ,. . -~ ..... .._,,. ..... ,.,.. JASMINE CllB SPECIAL! LOY& T OCIAM ¥11Wt SJI0,000 Fee land and a perfect home for a l'O upJe. Brig ht rooms & each with a vie w. Al~o view or beautiful greenbelt with trees, plants & long walks. 2 Lar~e bedrms, den. formal dining rm & 2 baths. Tennis cts, pools, s pas & 24-hour security gua rded gate . 15 ~~L DI. Set/S.. 1 ·S SHOllCUFFS -$550,000 A brand new beautiful brick·trimmed traditional home Lo be built just for you ! To be under construction next week. The plans are in our office so call today to see them. The finished h ome will be co mplete with landscaping, cptng. etc. Select your own colors. etc 4 BR. fam rm. formal DR & 31 :i baths. IAYRtOMT COHDO-WATH YrEW Presently being totally redecor ated with new carpeting & drapes. new p aint insid e & out . new kitc hen a ppliances including micro wave oven. Huge living room & dining a rea. 2 s p acious bed r oom s & 2 baths Sp ectaC'ula r water view Hoat s lip available Least.> $1 .500 per mo BLUFFS IEST RENTAL 3 Bdrm. 2 bath . I level condo Compll·tdy rt:deeorutC'd with nf'w '111yl till' flooring lkdrooni' ha\'e Ill'\\' t•pln).! P ool Just oul!->111r ~ nur largl· Ml·\1l·L1n tiled putio Cart>free Ii\ ing till ill'<lllllful g r('t>nb('lt Im med oeeup:11H·~ Onl) S7UO month WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO .. Reatton 21 I I San Joaquin Hills Rood NEWPORT CENTER, M.I . 644·49 IO QUALITY PROPbTIES SPYGLASS HILL Gorgc•ou<, (' ,1 rw Horn Plan. fabulous Ol't':.tn . Ii.I\ •rnd nig ht light \')(.'\\ $495.000 HARBOR VIEW HILLS Lot:.lllnn' LonHion ' fii g ·l BR . Fam nm n<·" c:arpets. OC'ea n "icw $284.900 Opt'n today. 1300 Sandc::1 stlt• Llt~DA ISLE English Tudor , IJl':JUtllUI t· r a f l s m a n s h 1 p . go ri..! t' o u s I l• <HI c• d windows. S2.650.000 HARBOR VIEW HOMES Top of thp h ill' Oce an 'il'W. pri va<.·~" hig hly upg r aded. $259.000. TURTU:ROCK Tremcndou. q iluc • t BR. 2 s ty. view. $202.000 IMCOMPARAILE llG CANYON Ma g nificently c·us tom1zed Dean t• Monaco end unit on 61.h fairway of Big Canyon C.C. Jus t professionally decorated fo r g r acious li \'lng & ente rtainme nt. 3 Rdrm. 21 .. ba. formal dining rm. oak plank pegJ!ed & quar ry t iled floors. cs tm tile d fireplace. bt>aut coordinated walls. window & d r aper y treatment Bltin s tereo & wmc cabinets. intercom. 100· ltbrarv s helves. etc Ownt>r/ A'gt Call 644·7767. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 14 rw De.•Hle l!E IBDBIB BLlllS CD . OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE Ii.Cl ON MARKET IEST VALUE IH llG CAHYOM l>OV lm MODF:I. Twent y.Four !lour S('cur1t y In This C:a te ·Gua rd ed t'nmmuntty 1-:xrC'llC'nl Two f\edroom. Two Bath Pim. Den llom<> Larite Mosler Suite With Cl~et SpRl'e Galore Well Maintained. Much D<>s1rcd Jo:nd Unit. $289.900 MAGHIFfCENT WHITE WA.Ta YIEWI LAGUMA llACH Above Woods Cove With Six Bedrooms. Five Baths. Laree Ullllly Room Hardwood Floors Thr'Ce Fireplaces Cedar Closets. Three·Car Garajle Private Steps To Sand Secluded Garden & Patio Areas. Priced At S999.000 EXCLUSIVE USTIM& THI ILUFFS Super ··Jo:" Plan End nil Three Hcdroom:. Plus f'am1ly Room A·l Setting. View Plus Cho1re Grffnbelt Loaded W1t'h f:xtras LOW I NTEREST ~TE A SSU MABLEllJ.,OAN . Call F or Appointment. A ··~ or Newport" Ll11tin1t llST IH SPY•LASS LARGE F.AMILY '? This Is One Of The J,,argest Homes Jn The Area. Six Bedrooms 'Plus Huge Ronus Room. Many Extras Such As Spanish Tiled Kitchen. Puquet Entry, ProtccUon Alarm System. Etc., Etc. Call Us To Jruipecl. $446.000. FAIULOUS WATllfllOMf · Truly Ooriteout Custom Built Six Bedroom Home In Newport Beach. Best Available Location On LIDO ISLE. Hul{e Family Room. L8rge Master Suite. Forever View Of Newport Harbor. Overslted Lot Plua Hu~~ Dock. Call For Appointment. ® --....... !!""' &31·1• ••• DOftl .... ADOUHOUSI! Wint A FULL SOCIAL LIFE 1bis adorable, spacious 1 BR mobile home with fareplace.patio.pooland rec area. For single or coup~. Peek·a·boo view ~ocean. Super location S27.900. FA.ST POSSHSIOM! Great Newport Beach area. Sumptuous bd.rms. large gourmet kitchen. new carpets and drape!>. new applJances. great RV access. a true value Only $139,900 Ca II oo.-O:m WHAT?·-· OHL Y SSS,000 TRt.:E d pnce thal 1-. hi.ird to find for 1h1-. rhann.lng and chl<er) ~ Bdrm Coodo v•1lh a ldrgl' pJll<> <md commun1l) poob Aho !>ellt-r "''" ht'lp fi.nanrl· Bett;;-r .it1. OOV. !fi9. S37 I I ALLSTATE REALTORS KO!';A. ll1\W,\ll Oce.i.nfront 2 Bf< 1•on1ll1 rum • lime shn'. rno11lh or ~ay 15 to Jum· 1:.1 t:"Vt'ry year M l'mlwr KCI Kona Bill F1.,ht·r onl~ $25.0011 o .. nt·r Darlt'. d)':.. 752 1:1.!o ,., ., ·:is1 3SJ.i GI 'IhR~ MEWUSTIMGS :-;pt Hts R2 Sl33.SOO Npt Hts+ guest S152.SOO Back Bay Beaut $174.500 E·s1de+storage SI 19.000 Perun. R2 S210.00U Grd Grove VA $79.5-00 631 -2133 Ne w 4 ·Plex Gro -.-. $17,000+Annual ,,., sumable lst 0 W C 2nd Try l<r.Dn DIAMOND REAL ESTATE U M W COAU H'WT \U Jlt NI ~·7573 GAME ROOM An extra area give erec· tor sets . t r ain~. doll houses. a· home loo Thi~ big 4 Bdrm home has great potential for our fa.rmly The home. lot·a· Uon and con,·erueace v.1 I I ans-.-er your hopes See this North Costa Mesa home l.Oday by calling our professional -.ales personne l a t $97 .500 54&-4.141 ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. IASTSIDI FIXH R-U I magin ativ e. motivat ed t o make money? Lowest priced home in area. Great potential. Call fast! 645-6080 ~ &rfline deafly IYOWl•..r.HTS O.-HMl2 .. 4S.t. 3 blim. 2 ba. fam. rm., Zf{11 lit.IL. St. $154 ,000. ~~SS.or by appt. •yQBAUMDA .._MewTonh• c .• , Maripou Townbomes 5AJ..Jl£ADY SOLD ..000/1,lp 871-32M BAYSHORES. A Soutbem ..,&mdar. Exec. presUae. '7 column apacloua Coloalal cuatom home. UM new. 5'epa to pvt bcb 6 marina. S4'S.OOO. Ttrata. Owner will llaaKe at 10%. Bier . -.mi GARAGE SALE ads tn tbe o.lly Pilot bring bap· Pf,.....__ To place YOW' clrawiD( _card, pboae .... todl.11 * OPEN HOUSES 1-5 * O,EH IH IA YSHOIES C lose t o private beach & boat docks . 3 Bdrm + fa m rm & studio. $398,000. SEE PHYLLIS DILLON AT 2451 BA YSHORE PRIVE . ortM IM CAMEO SHORES - E XCLUSIVE Vie w! 2 Bdrm couple h orne, pool, wood floor , $540,000 FEE. SEE KAY RANGER AT 4539 FAIRF1E LD OPIM fM IRYIHE THIACE A ''mini estate" ready for a happy family, 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba. You own the land. S239,900. SEE MARY HA RVEY AT 715 PATOLITA OrlN rH IAYCREST Price reduc tion in this dra matic four bedroom pool ho me Asking S3 15,000 . S EE EVAN CO RKETT AT 1 8 16 BUTTONSHELL Of'EM OM THE PENINSULA Outs tanding 4 Bdrm Family Home complete with oak n oors & S pa. $485.000. S EE BILL BENTS AT 402 BELVUE LANE OPEN IH EASTILUFF 3 Bedroom. fom ily hom e. surrounded bv trees & fl owe rs gulorl' l 1sC'd hric.k. Price S J 55 .000 SE E CA R OLYN CJ\Hl'E:\'TER AT 706 BISON GROWING ROOM /\ s pa<:1ous family hom e in Harbor Vu:~ with 5 Bdrms. 3 baths. forma l dinin,1? room fi.lm il} room. living room & c•v<:n room for '.J t•urs in th~ gd r<tJ!(• S235.000 LARGE UNIVERSITY PARK HOME Sing lt· fam ily Chc.inrl'llor Pl<m #4 v. 1lh rc-<l bnc·k c·ntrv & large private n ·ar 'arcl ~ Ad rm or 3 Bdrm & den v. 11 h I amlly r<>om & 111s 1de laundry room Walk I o 'chools s hopping & t·om munit~ pari.. & pool Sl29.500 THE BLUFFS Utt:wt1fulh clt,<·o rntt•d "Z'' plan .\ ht'<lroom:-.. f:.imil y room. and large bonus room \\.alk to schools. shop~ :ind hmni' c:luh from thi'> IO\«·lv t;1mll) hom1· ~IHS,000 POOL -5 BEDROOMS C 1 r <' u I <I r <1 r t n • w <J y <J n d g a t c rl t·ou rt~<1rd t•ntry to this bcuutifullv matntamt•d home La r ge back yard v.1th lots or lr C('S gives ,YOU a feeling of hann,1? your own park. Owner mus t '('II ' S26!l,OOO SOPHISTICATED COMDO- COUNTRY AMENITIES llil?h c·eiltngs. s pacious r oom s & g reat master s uite with a mountain view Lu'>h landscaping . d et•ks & lil t•s J>ri v.1 t(• beach & spa just a s t ro 11 ;.iv. ;I\ You r s for S159.500 F EF: HARBOR VIEW HOMES Lo' l'I) v. t•ll dt'l'ornterl Paler mo l wo story I b('droom homl' on ramilv or1t·nt c•d s lrt•t•t Prnfes.,innallv landsc:a ptfd $2 15.000 SOMETHING DtFFEREH'T IN IAYCREST /\ casual 2 sto ry home in chowe locati on :i bedrooms 3 bath , l o ft .famil y room . Dra mati c fi rep I act·. pr1 "ate y a rrl with large patio Price $225,000. LIDO COUt'TRY CHARM Cathedral C'eilin~s. C'ust. kitch w1lh finest bwlt ms. peg & gr oove noors. outs tanding mas tl'r . Frenc h doors overlook south patio on a 45' lot. S4JO,OOO CUSTOMIZEO VIEW HOME Sweeping view of b ay and ocean fr om thls beautiful 3 bedroom. d en h ome with pool in Irvine. Terrace. Securit y syst e m . wet b ar . cedar c loset & pull down movie screen are only som e of the m a n y features this h ome offers. Price $795.000. CORONA DR MAR Invest in this duplex with pool & s pa. j ust a walk or jog away from the b e ach. T h e extra wide lot creates garden space & additional parking . All this & good terms too . for $225,000. CUSTOM IEAun 4 Bdrm. FR. 3 bath s pectacular c u..s tom ho m e . 2 s t or y vaulted ceilings enha nce entry hall & FR with huge Pa los Verde s tone fireplaces in living & ramily rooms. Pool & s pa g ra ce th e l ow m a iAtenance rear yard. Offered at $330,000 Fee. CLOSE TO IYRYTHIHG A s kip and a jump to schools, sh opping, community p ools and te nnis . It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath dream house with a formal dining room, a grand-piano sized living room . An exceptional value at $139,500. . 844-9060 2111 I NUOMMtUtlU.I .. o. IN~~Nft" \ f , • ..,. 4' •• ....... ,-.,.,..,...._r"• -....-, ,..,. ~,......-..,. •• .,• •" •• I ., . ..... ... .. . . -. -" ..... -...... .._ I• ..... , DIRECTORY . . ..... ::t;a•,_.., .. ,_.,.. .......... Ct' , MAI .. ...._._...,. .. ti • • ................ ' s*'• ....... MIL~MOTWANrMa....,_ ....... a... ......................... , ..................... ... ..... HOUSES FOi SALE 2-00N 200 Dro..dwuy, Cost Me a '548 l IGS Sal 12·5 106 Vio Anllb..• . l.1do. Npt Bch tiJ1 l400 $2~.000 'Stlt/S\Jn I ·5 2 19 Vla~n Remo <Lado Is le> NB 675 (i{XX) $4$0,000 Sal/Sun 1 5 327 Poppy, Corona del Mar 675 m> $252.000 Sun 12·4 167 Alht•rt. Costa Mesa MO J(j4~) $84.500 Sat/Sun J .5 547 Tw;tm. Newport Beach 645 tml $139.900 Sot/St.In 1·5 2•,._FAMRMorD .. JO Rut> Fontainebleau< 811:: Cyn ) NB 631 1H<.-1 $289.900 Sat/Sun l ·~ 15 Skyi:.;Jtl Dr (J us mm(' Creek > CdM fi44 4910 $250,000 Sat/S un 1·5 3059 Country Club Dr .. Costa Mesa 631-1400 $279.000 Sunday 1·5 2000 Pc">rt Cardiff (HVHms) NB 675.fl()O(> $156.000 Sat/StJn 1·5 4 2 4 Mt• n d oz et T c r r (Coron a lllnds ){'dM 644 4848 $3:~9.000 Sat/Strn 1·5 12 J etty. Corona del Ma r 675<l41 l $225,000 3 IEDltOOM 225~13 Via Pera Sat. 1·5 <Aliso Villas Condo> Miss Vjo 770 124fi $76.500 Sat/Sun 10·4 459 1':. 19th St .. Cr,sta Me~a 556 2f.iti0 Sl25.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 4IO Lt.•11wood. Costa Mesa ti45 O!tSX $127 .!'">O<> Sat/Sim 10-5 452 M(•nclo1.L1 <Corona Hinds) CdM ms r;ooo S255.IJO<J Sat/Sun l ·S 221 Via Sari fl("mo <Lido Is le) NB ()75 fiCIOO $450,000 Sat/StJn l ·5 •2827 f''ra nr1s <Mesa del Ma r > C M fi15 9161 $119,500 Sat /Sun 1·4 I l S<"a Isla ml Dr <Big Cyn > N. B:- fi411 M5G $238,500 Sal/Sim 12·4 l ?ll Kings R<wd , N(•wport Beach (i41 7020 $430,000 Sat/Sun I -5 I IJHH ( "<wt<"z. J.ug una Beath 4fl7 111;1 $189,5011 Sun 1·5 1!1115 Y:ic·ht Maria <Scavul Nn Ii IO !rH5 $2fi9,500 Sat/StJn I 5 :M:15 T1mhcrlakt'. Costa Mc·!'!C:t fi?:J k5~10 Sl27.500 Sat 2·6 1551)1; Williams. Unit .J , Tustin G4fi 771 1 $!17.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 3 Tri but<· CL (Newport Crest) NB ~;n.noo $159.150 Sat/Sun l ·5 15 15 Bav;.id(·rc <Irv Terr.) CdM G75 ~1511 S34H.900 S c.it/StJn J ·5 1011 Nancy Lane. Costa Mesa 646·7171 $107.000 S un 12·4 241 J-:vcnmg C<Anyon Rd .. CdM f.i4 '1 72 11 S337}J50 S<JL 1·5 l IR plus FAM RM or DEH 35!J Prtnc·<·ton Dr . Costa Mesa 5'1 5 74::!0 $!17.950 Sat/Sun 11 ·5 415 Piralt· Jld <Cl1ffha vcn) N R. G75·4000 $179,500 Sat. 11 ·3 • :n l Colleen Pli.H·c, Costa Mesa !Hi3·fl7G7 $105,000 Sun. 1·5 2020 Uarranc:a. EC:Jstbluffs Condo. Nn fi40·73W $138.000 Sat/StJn 1·5 100'1t Cn1ilc t <Meredith Gardens) I In H!JR·9<H 1 $144,900 Sat /Sun 12·5 268 22nd St., Cost a Mesa 645·5155 $132.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 224 Viu Gcnoc <Lido Is le) N .B. 675 6f'J89 Sun 1 ·5 1055 Con<·ord. No. Costa Mesa 556·1998 $99,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 2511 Vis t a (flayshores) NB 675·6000 $385.000 . Sat/Sun 1·5 274 22nd St.. Costa Mesa 540·3666 $1 ~}.900 Sunday 1·5 5201 W. Lenha rdt, Santa Ana 540 36()() $115.900 Sunday l ·5 8 P ep per Grass (Deerfield ) Irv. 644· 7020 $115,000 Sat /StJn l -5 2204 Wa te rfront. Olde CdM 644 ·7020 $255.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 4561 Pinyon Tree Ln., I rvine 551·2574 $139,000 Sat/Sun 9·5 1807 Tradewind1> (Baycrest) NB 675·3411 $198,000 Sat. 1·5 <#2 Cerritos (Ra nc ho San Joaq ) Irv 675·3411 $165,000 Sat. 1·5 3622 Blue Key, Ha rbVuHJls, CdM 675·8989 $274.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 3001 Sam oa Pl., Costa Mesa 556·2660 $97 ,500 Sat/Stm 1 ·5 2311 Redlands. Newport Beach 646·7711 $154,8.50 Sat/Sun 1·5 •263 Ocean View , Newport Beach 673·4400 $237,000 Sun. 1·5 116 Sunset Terr., Laguna Beach 673·8550 $429,000 Sun 1·5 2450 Marino Dr. (Rayshores) N.B. 548-2381 $465,000 Sat.1-6 1107 Oxford Ln. (Westcllr() N.B: 759~11 $168,000 Sal. 1 -~ 925 Cam aUon, Costa Mesa 546-2313 &116,000 ·Sun 1·4 34'2 San Marino, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $117,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 • 2306 Heather Ln., N. B. 759~11 $249.500 Sun. 2·5 2300 Port Oumess, HrbrView Hms, NB 644·6200 $225,000 , Sat/Sun 1·5 .1218 Keel, Harbor View Hills, CdM ~4·~ $249,000 Sat/Son 1·5 1801 Tahuna Terr., Irv. Terr, CdM 644-GOO $No Price Sat/SOn l ·S 517 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar 942.9235 Sat 1·5 •2340 Ba11lde Dr., CdM 875-5111 "35.000 Sat/SUn 1·5 212 J asmine, Corono dol Mar 644·7211 $360.000 Sat /Sun 1·~ 14 rue Oeauvalle < Ui~ Cyn> N.B. 644 7767 . Sat/Stm 1·5 26 Wt'st1>0rt, Jrv1m• 752 llOO S.,146,QOO , .• Su~ ~·4 4 llDIOOM • 2340 <.:ynth10 Crt • Costa Mesa 54K 5324 $149,900 Sat/Stm 12 4 427 Calle ";mpulme . San C'lt>rnente '1!1H tmn $124,500 Sat /Sun 12-s 19792 W..iter view Ln . Jlunt. Bch 846 5531 Sl42.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2436 Vis ta Ornudu <Blum;> NA 642 5200 $159,000 Sul/Sun 1 5 •284 S1erks, Costa Mesa 540·3666 $120,900 1382 Wats on. ('ostu M<•su SunJay 1·5 540-366(; $95,500 Sunday 1·5 222 Colton CNpt Shrs) Npt Bch 642·94&'9 Sunday 1 G 2071 Port Provc n<'t'. Newport Sch 673·8.550 $245,000 Sun l 5 4515 Orrington. Cor ona d el Mar fi7:J.8S50 s:H!),IJO<I Sun 1 ·5 415 Bayside, Newport Bc::ich 646-7711 $(i75.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 204 Viu Ba rcelon:1 <Lido Isle) NB 675-4562 S:187 ,500 Sat/StJn I 5 :1074 Gibralt<ir. Cm.ta Mesa 546·2:113 Sl 19,500 20Hi Calvert. C'osla Mcs&J 546·2:113 $136,000 S un I 5 Sun 1-4 4 IR pk1s FAM RM or DEN • 1845 PtStnhpe.llbrVullms.NB StanhopcCllrbrVuJ l m s >Nn 759·9269 S21i!),!)()(I Sunctav 1 5 • 1815 Holiday Hd. ( Baycrcsu NB 642 fi2J4 S2H5.000 Sun 1 5 •4501 Gorham <CamC'o Shores) \dM 673-7040 $595.000 f<'(' Sat/Sun 1·5 220 Marigold <Old 'dM > CdM Ci75-GOOO $289.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 G4 Royal St. Grorgf-<Bi g < 'yn >N B 675·6000 $44 5.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 I ~)J J Y<JC'h t M .irn1 (Sea vu l N H fi75 6000 $27:1.000 Sc.it/Sun 1·5 2!1l°)I Windovt•r f lfto<Jd m r 1 Cd M G75 fiOOO $285.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 ~W1fi V1sw C'aJOll (Bluffs) NB fi75 fiOOO $227,!JOO Sul/Sun I 5 1865 'f'ah1t1 . Mc•!'ia Verdt•. C M 75 1 117a Sl75.000 Sunduv I .-, 2510 Vis ta llay;1 <B<.1c-k Bay 1 NB · fi42·5200 S2fi!.l,OOO fee Sal/Sun 3·6 :mo6 Jnlct ISi(' (lfVllb l Cd M 642 5200 $248,500 f c·c Sal/Sun 1·5 885 1 Dorsett Or . flunt 'g BC'u«h 9G3·7080 Sl6l .900 Sunday 1·5 216!}1 Impala . Huntington Bch 9fi2·4454 $124.900 Sat/Sun 12·5 • 18 12 Santwg o Or . Newport B<:h fi'14 9060 $41!J,500·Fcc S<Jt. 1·5 138 Prim:l'ton. Costa Mesn ~79·5370 SJO!J,900 Sat/Sun 12 5 13:10 Gal<1xy < Dovl'r Shores) N.B. 644 ·9060 $595,000· F ee Sun. 1·5 fil5 Michael Pla«r. Newport Beach 646·7171 $180,000 Sun l·S 2337 La Linda. Newport Och 646·717 1 $180,000 3907 lnlctls le (JfVJils) CdM Sun 1·4 675·341 l $26!.l,OOO Sat/Sun 1·5 1826 Tradewinds ( 8<J ycr cst > NB 675-3411 $335.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 12 Sil ver C rcsc·cnl, Trtlrk 1 ll n, Irv. fi75·34 ll $245,000 Sat/Stm I ·5 1735 Port Sheffi e ld ( HVHms I NB 675·3411 $266,900 Sal/Sun l ·5 346 P oppy, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $359,000 Sat 1·5 41 Montecito C Spy~lass Hill > Cd M 673·4400 $595.000 Sat/Sun I 5 •511 Sturgeon, Costa M esa 645·0303 $140.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1514 Highland CWt•sldiff) N B 759·0811 $285,000 Sun. J.4 1807 Toyon Ln <Ba ye· res t ) N B 759·0811 $439,500 Sun l ·5 2045 Swan Driv<.>, Costa M csc.i 546·2313 $145,000 Sun 1·4 3101 McKinley Way. Costa Mesa 546·2313 $116,500 Sun I 4 2033 Swan Drive, Cos t a Mesa 546·2313 $169,000 Sun 1·4 32 Silver Cr escent. Turtle Rck, Irv 752· 1414 $205,000 Sat /StJn 1 ·5 • 1201 Seacr est . Hrbr View HJs. CdM 644·6200 $285,000 Sat /Sun I ·5 800 Ale ppo, Ne wport Beach 752·1700 $199,500 • #8 Trenton, Irvine Sun 12·5 752·1700 $192,500 Sut 12·4/S 1·5 5 IB>IOOM 136 Via Tries te. Lido, Npt Bch 631·1400 $495,000 Sun. 1·5 2157 Miramar <Penin . Pl) N.B. 673·9060 S399.950 Sun 1·5 1109 El Cam ino, Costa Mesa 54fj.2313 $125,000 Sun 1·4 5 ...... ,,AMIMw09t #I' 20 Cypress Point Ln (Big Cyn ) NB 644-4910 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 7 Royal St. George (BJg Cyn ) NB 640·6876 $795,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 • #6 Cherry Hills (Big Cyn ) NB 640-5711 $1,375,000 Sun. 1·5 2029 Port Bristol (HVH> NB 759·0619 $198,500 Sat. J.,5 3033 Java Rd., Costa Mesa 545-0823 1235,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 10142CynthJa Ln., Hunt's Bcb ....... fl36,000 Sat 1-5/8'12·4 •41 Bode1a Bay(Spy1Jass Hlll)CdM 640·5112 "8$,000 Sat/Sltn 1·5 •2200 Pt. Dumet1 (HV Homes ) NB 644·8080 la;t5,000-Fee Sun. 1·' , . • 137!.0.taKy <Dover ShrA > NB 845-0303 ~.000 Sat/Stin 1·5 ·1111 Piit IJNbOurne, Nwpt fkh M•-GOI 1239.000 Sat/SUn 1·5 2784 Me(ldoza. Costa Mesa 5'8·2313 Sl.2:9.000 Sun 1·4 .-All Dra&el ~(~Hit Htlt> nttw-- 759 0811 S4)J9.500 · Sun. 1·5 16 Rooky P oint. Spyg laas, CdM 644·6200 t l.250,000 Sat/Stm 1·5 2507 Pt. Whitby ( HVHomM Ill) NB 642·8235 1227.000 Sat/SOn 12·5 1533 Miramar , Penin Pt .. Balboa 644 ·7211 $439.000 Sat/Stan l ·S 6 la ,... FAM RM w DIN •3 Montec1to (Spyglass) CdM 760·9333 $585,Q® Sat/Sun l ·S •110 Via Trieste <f.ldo ls1e) NB 644 -~ ~.000·~·.e~ ~ Su,n J·S . HOUSES FOR RENT l la ,... FAM IM w DIM #7 Monterey Cir. <Spyglas11 ) CdM 700.93.13 $2.000/m o. Sat/Stan 1·5 HOUSE & GUEST FOR SALE l II ,.. FAM IM or DIM •2935 J ava Rd . c Mesa Verde> C M 675·8800 $225,000 Sunday 1 5 1421 Kings Rd .. Ne wport Rt!ach 631-5878 $475.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 2 IEDIOOM 700 Lido Park Dr "1. N . A. G31-MOO $37.500 Sal /Sun l 5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 21R&IH • 1 ~17 Orangt• An•. C'oMa Mel)a fi:H 1400 SllH.000 S<tl 1·5 13!:J 1'lbcrl PIL.1<:(•. Co:,t u Mt•sa . J IIUXX> Sat l 4 21R&21R 20!J·091 • M<1rg u<'r11t._ < "d M fi 11 !.101;() S:l1~> 1.100 Sun I 5 21R&3H • • 1310 S. Bayfronl( Jfalboa ls lJNB 75!.I 0811 S825 rioo Sal/Sun I 5 JIR&4 1R l l!J :J4th St . Nl'wrwrt Hf'h ti7:i·Ofl22 $21!J !if)O Sot JO !'> CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE I BEDROOM l:l I Si.Inti.I ls:.ib(•I. Cos tti Mc.'~a 631 lO!H $72.000 S&Jt;Sun 12 5 1700 W("stC'liff Or . N B fi15 7221 S81.000 Sat/Sun tJ.4 2 IEDROOM 2518 Elden Ave. <Oa k Clcn >CM 642-fl734 S97 .9CJO Sal/Sun llH JOO! E. <;r:mt. i:12. Santu An&J 510.:J6Gfi S.52.000 S<At Sun 1 5 20 Seg ur<.1 <HSJ Villas I I n lnl' 1144-!JOGO Sl 15.750·f<'(•t• Sun 1·5 2331 Vista Hu('rt<.1 CThl' Uluffs) NH 640-5560 SI 17.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1100 Hulland Hd. C WC'stcli ffl NB 759-081 1 Sl25,000, Sal/Sl1n 1 ·5 1631 fr vinc Av<• . Cost u M<·sa 759·0811 SJ 12.500 Si:1l/Sun 1·5 312 1 W Coas t Hwy . Npt Beach 63 1·0559 $199.!iOO Sat/Sun 12·4 #7 Albany. Irvin<• 752-1700 S7H.OOO Sat /Sun 12·5 1700 Westc-liff Or . Newport Beach fi1 5·7221 S92.500 Sat /Sun 11.4 2 IR plus FAM RM or DEN 35 Sc:.i Is land <Rig Cyn > N R 7fi0·93.13 Sl85.000 Sat/Sun 1 5 11 Sl'as1de CSPawmd ) Npt Oc h fi75·7512 Sll2.000 Sat 1·5 3 IEOROOM 3369 Calle La Vela . San Clemente 752 1700 SJ07.250 Sun H 1741 Tus lrn. Costa Mesa fl4fi 32:i!i $84.500 Sat/Sun I 5 3 U phn FAM RM or D&I #3 Canyon L<Jne, Corona del Ma r fi75 5Sl I $189.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2768 Hillview. Newport Bch 631-1400 $182,500 Sat 1·5 19 Canyon Cres t (Canyon Crest > NB 75fH>81 l $187 .500 Sun. l 5 4 llDIOOM ·2658 Vis ta Ornada (The Bluffs) NB 640·5560 $158.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ,_ - 4 • ,.... FAM IM w DIM 436 Vi~ta Roma. Newport Beach 631·1400 $182.000 Sat 1.s CONDOMINIUMS FOR RENT Z 19100M 100 Scholz #201 (Versailles) NB 675·6000 1635 mo. Sat /Sun 1 ·5 4 HOME & IN~OME FOR SALE l • ................ .... & J .. 413·413th Goldenrod, CdM 673·8494 $3651000 Sat/Son 1-5 1-2 •i l-J. 2567 Elden Ave., Cotta Meta 97g..sogp 148.5,~ Sat/Sbn 1·5 . ,... COLOMIA' llAL·ISTAft llMOW ...... , The number one producing r eal estate c~a n y in the Huntington ~IAl•lD~rd ea tons for the past flve yean has Ju1t opened It.a fourth office at 11111 ..... ,.. •4.. ... Ill .......... With over one hair bUUon dollars in tales in it.a short bjstory, tbls dynamic and progressive company now has openings for full time professfonal' sa l es person s with e x celle nt production records. If YoU want the opportunity or earning co mmissions to 90% <no promo or desk fees), a nd would bene fit from exce llent m a nagement and unique quality -services to you and •ybur c lie nts, please call no w for a confidential intervie w with J im Logan at 559-1111. LOWIST PlttCE OM IALIOA ISLE Cute beac h collage. Great financ ing. $250.000. IEAUTIFUL llVIME WOODIRIDGE De liteful 4 Bdrm. family h<,me 28 Son g Sparrow Sl29 ,500 EUGAMT MEREDrTH L aguna llll ls h o m e Beautifully li.lndscaped & decorated Exception<.11 fmunc:mg $189.500 BUILDER DESPERATE Udo I* HcMM. lower.cf SS0,000 Hrn111I n<''" Lido Is l(• 2 and 3 bl·droom homl'S v.1th qual1t \ :1ppl'lrntmPnt<. Nov. JUSl $450.000 1('11 op ri•altor-. eunla«I H Wukdield I U~lf)UI: fi()Ml:i REAL TORS· 675 6000 7443 Ea~t Ceian H1q!'"lwc1v CorQnd rlPI Mv 675-3411 --... llti ~lfCCOAMACIC Rf; s-.t t1 z:: ·-....... .... 2oew ~~=~r°'J. Ina tlde1, In Lacuna Blada. wort.by Of COO· 1lderaUoa for t bel r pubtlcatJcat. Lavieb uae ol. Datural 1tone lend• ..... wclrkt ebarm'' to tbe a bdrm.' 3 bath cedar • ,iu1 atHterpleces. 9W~ Loan •Uumable . Firm prl cex $350,000/$30$,000 Open Sat/Sun 1·5 572 Alta Vl1t1a 21111 K.llo Way 494-7511 SPACIOUS COHDOS 2 and 3 Bdrm s . ... ERFEOT Y OUN G /\DU L T OR RETIRF;MENT. Gre11l pool, rec &&rden areas Secluded, qwet. Many ame n il1es. Enclosed 1ara1e. laundry and la r ce patio , m U<' h storage, walk to ever yUu~ 1741 Tustm l\v1· • CM 184,SOO 189.500 N. 11U.1JWble low firsl OPEN SAT/SUN I $ Ji,;;hNl,F/ ,f,ht ml J,1~1'1/ly llq C•y°" t:/. lt1JyJI ~I (;,;1q:{" 1\ l r 1 um or 1 c n I.-•I liro.idmoor Pl<on Ill U1vely '>Pac1ou" ltrt $479.~J OPt~N ~lJ~ UA Y I !. 25 Pint.-hur..t Thi'> ~luded 4 HH. 2 , ii... homt' m·slli:d in .1 garden seUJ~ \:a n 1.>1· yours for $4R9 000 Call \.Illian L1•v (•11 fu.rth.·r infurnua lion IWl ...,,.~port l'lr l>r N .. >Nport Ht•J,.h fM 14!1:J 6411 4277 ABANDONED $85,000 \\.iJllllJ.: frH "'Ill" llXlflj' t•r • 1r11 I· .. • I •1d• hr'llrm IC ;! Int ( lwr,..r 0.·N~r Jlo-' ('all t.tli 1 171 [~IBIUill -= . Ii.iv•• \11mcth1n~ 1 .... l'11 ·• C1.L,,1f1..c1lld'11'1 II w1•ll IAYCl.EST -Cus tom buil t 4 Bdrm home with drama tic USC'd bnck firepla ce. indoor BBC~. spacious t?rounds with pool on a quwt c ul d<eo sac. Reduced for quick sC:tlc. S237.500. LUSI DCLUSIVI -Terr azzo entry. atr ium with retractable roof. mirrored pillars. wonderfu~· taste makes this superb Ivan We lls home perfect for e nterta ining. An unusu al offeringo a t $33.5.000. HAUC>a YllW HIUS -Ocean View' 4 Bdrm Montecilo with la r ,:!e entry rourtyard . on on<• of HV Hills nicest s treets. Unbeata bl(" at $269.000 FOR THI SICUllTY MIMOED This .Jas mine Creek home is a n investment m peare of mind a nd freedom . with pool. tennis. convenience and a peek of the ocean. $225.000. CAMIO HIGHUMfs o · ..... maculate 3 Bdrm + d e n ho me. with l o vie w. neutral d ecor ating tha t wo11 • thlnJ?. Asking only $194,500. NTBS TOWMHOMI -Beautiful air cond., "D" Plan, with stained glass window. custom builtins, BBQ. excell~nt location, near pool. pa rks and tennis + assumable loan. $169,900. RANCHO SAM JOA9UIM -Spacious 3 Bdrm air cond., San Luis Re y Mode l upg raded thruout. Positive ly pristine. $165,000. IAYCllST -Transferred owner s ays "sell" this vacant 3 Bdrm home with g ourmet kitchen, large lot . room for poo l o r expan s i on. Negotiable te rms. $198,000. DIANI ta. -"Candlewood" with m~ny new and S&.tper . \11)..Brad es.. 3 Bdrm 3 ba on Jar.ie private lot. Spotless. rc a6y·to move In. $169,900 .• 11111. COAST NWT. C.. 675-3411 ' . • --··-·····,., .. ~ ~.· ~-----. f .,,. ~---·······.,.···---... ----··--~ .. ·----··· ·-·· ...... -..... . .. .. . ... . . . . -.ia, ..... -._ .,,... ___ ,.. ~-• .. • • ' .. • .. - • I ... 1 .. ,.,... .......,..,.s. ........ hrs. ..... " .... Seturday~pte~ber 29, 1919 > DAILY PtLOT C5 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._,.. llOJ -.... llU • -IOIZ -1001 1002 tto.MtForS.-tto.MtForS. ...... ,.,.~ I ........... ~····· .. ·••· -······················ ··················~~·· ··•••••••••••••••···••. ···~··· .. ~··········· ••••...•••••••••••.••.• • ............................................ ······•,.!.!!•••···.·······I\ -r-: .r •••r• · c.w .. ....,. aoa ~-aou _ ... ...,, _-___ _ SPll(ASS SftalUm DISCRN.... IUYllS Don 't miss lhi outstandlna 7 bedroom _. ~~ .....,.......,.{: . t view in Spyglass. poot &i Ai!Mvhole new look with 80ft 6 sooth!n1 sp a Th• ultimate In dt'Siltn & tone to th 3 BR home. quietly up1trad A1klnR 1349,SOO. ituated. Sunny patio le GaUuia. tiled SPY6LASS 5 .. 1t.t111m.a1z11T119'VY Medit · tyle Completely n " kltch n Enjoy the tteaC'eful beauty or t]lis with microwave & •elf ·clan oven. hilltop home with mountain & ocean Won't last at '389.500' views 6 bedrooms + bonus room. pool & s pa An exceptional orrerlng at .. , ... h ...A POtMT COlOMlAL S595,<XX>. One o t e area'!'! most attractive llG ~.AHYON homes. Remodeled in 1975. r.-atutt 5 BRs, ind. sep. mMid 's qtr.-. . spacioul" llest price in ur •u ror this lovely 2 & country kitchen tor fomily dining, tlen t'OOdo l<'ormul dinh\~. ~tep down microwave & selr t'lNtn o"en 1'reC' livintt room, 21·~ bath. lar ge deck, -shaded brick' patio. •blt itl 'BBQ .'~ excelle nt t•oncht10n . A . bargain. at . $185,000 doors to bay. 1 blk to ocean. OPEN .... EW LISTI~ SUN. l·S 2157 MIRAMAR $399.950 " ~ Canyon Crt>st beaLllY. 2 bedrooms & UQUtsaJll. Y LUXUltOUS hhra ry . 21 :.1 baths Fireplaces in li ving S urround ed bv th e ftn t•st roo m & mas ter be droom. patio. appointn1l'nts. th&l> upl'rb Lido Isle Lo\\ est price in a rea at $181.500 h ome 1s ::.pac1ous . ) ~t compa ct Beautifully planned for entertaining with lar~t> livinj! rm . formal dinmg rm .. & entered from r lo1Mered garden room. $435.000 UDO ISU-COUMTRY RAYO. Great family home on la rge lot with brick paved patio, kitchen designed for gourmet cook 4 S pacious BRs . 31" baths. Bargain at $425.0001 SAM FaANCISCO R.AYOR Cape Cod duplex . brand new. with Dutch door opentn1! to used brir k arrented patio. OCF.:l\N vrnw Qu1 N , !'Unn v st r~et $279.500 eA YFttOHT PENTHOUSE WidC' !'wE>epinJ! v 1C'w fron, this 2 Br tondo. hi.J!r ahoq> NC'wporl Rav ; P ci1·if1C Or·r-nn , h11a t "liri aq~i $'.lf;;) W:> U?Pat IACK IA Y IEAUTY En to\ Indian summer weather in thP h<>autiful hark yard pool of this lovely :l hdrm family home on quiet cul dP !-;•c ~tn·<.'t Workshop & storage sherl for Oar' 0 1 teenage hobbyists ONLY ~I t5 0<~1· OPEN HOUSE SPYGLASS HILL "SOUTHftORT' One of the la rgest models in Spyglass. 5 large bedrooms. 411., baths. bonus r oom. fa m ilv r oom. forma l dining room. 3800 square feet of li ving area. plus triple garage . A custom pool and s pa enhan ce this professionally decorated 2 story home. with an easy n1re yard overlooking city ~1ghts view. and the safety and privacy of an end of cul-de-sac locat ion. An impressive home. s h o win g true pride of ownership. Offer ed at $495.000. OPEH SATURDAY & SUHDAY 1-5 4 1 IODIEGA iA Y I '' ;a; ~ ....................... . I T ALk ABOUT VALUE! custom built Ita lian villa 1s 'cJ?icall v located. rlose to schools ,{· · topping has some ocean view - lot , of privaC'y . on a la r ge corner lot - ;1 I PrrifiC' Roman style swimming pool rn ;1 courtyard setting 3 bedrooms +a familv rm . with room for more - a ll for S23'7 000 1 SeC' this one for sure, OPEN SUN. 1-5 Sec 263 OCEAN VI EW. corne r of Cltff Dr. & Tustin A ve .. NB 17141 673-4400 1213l 628·2828 HARBOR REALTY DMsi0tt of Harbor l11ve-s""'1tt Co. CORONA DEL MAR SUPElt VIEW! 424 MEHDOli THRACE · OHH SAT /SUM 1-5 Close-up views of ocean. harbor & city lig hts & Catalina s unsets from this e xqui s ite 2 bd r m . + s tudy home ... going throug h thjs home is like turning pages in Architectural Digest. .. street-to-street lot. room to expand. Owne r wi ll finance. $339.000 RCTaylorCo ct 640-5112 Orange Coast REAL ESTATE 644·4848 Redhill~ Realty I ,ido Realty Office 673-7300 33n VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH WE HA VE SEYEAAL FIHE IA YRtOMT NOHITIES AV AIL.AILE WITH rte & surs 2 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS SIDE IY SIDE I . Exe..., PH••• Poild loc..._ .... Ferry wt1 we. ltedKorehd ht & .t wlttt ...... pos1•11t1n. 2 ttary wlHi 4 nits b1ch1dlag roof-top r.!fo wlttt .......... ····· c.. ... ..... , •. wr ... Shrft. offlcn °" ...... w.lt cre•tl•e flHaclag. ltlDUCID TO $314.000. 2. 0•11 ° U wdlhc... _, • ._. 4000 "' ft ...... 2-llwy fllftcll ' • « • .... I j$f 911 ..,.... fllnt ..... ._ .. a.. ............ ..-.s.c.... dery c I ' · edltsctw., eMce ,._ .,. ... 2 ................. ... JN ...., II j1& t1l;j11a .... ... .............................. o.._. _. C*"J ht T.O. W11 c•1lja1 .... I ..... 000. MIDICAL 11.D•. NIAi HOIPfTAL ................... _t/J •fe&-• fr•• "'•l•r lte1,a.... O•er ····-.. I 0 ........ Mii.- WATERFRONT HOMES lac. ~36 W COcS t t-flgh"·dv • N'1WJ)Orf &«h 631·1400 c;::: SELECT I PROPERTIES TOP SALES AGENT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST ftat ltoir 556-2660 COLLEGE PARK Charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with s ha k e roofs . cozy br ick fireplace. built·in kitchen, shady cover ed patio & m u ch, muc h more. Full price only $95,000. CaU now! 751-3191. NEWPORT $145,900 Love ly 3 bedroom . 2 1h bath Harbor Highland home, features a s pa , covered patio & laundry room. Truly the best buy in the area. The owner will consider 2nd TD, & the lst loan is assumable. Call now before it's gone, 556-2660. ASSUMAILE DUPl.IX Prime Costa Mesa units. Ideal opportunity t<r live in one & have your tenants help pay the bills. Large f e n ced ya rd. copper ptumbing, & great financing available. Full price only $106,000. DIWl.IXIS JUST US19 Both of these 2 bedroom, 1 bath duplexes are located in Costa Mesa within biking distance to the ocean. They all feature garages & yards & good income. 1 unit has a fireplace & an assumable loan. They are priced right at $106,000 & $108,000. Call 556·2660. JIJOl ..... a 21JZU. ....... C.M. 711·Jlf I M.I. 1161660 c;:; SE LEC T I PROPLRT IES _ ................. ----·-· . ,.. ... .., . .,,...._ IAgg ~3 auumable loan. 327 POPPY ~ """'""-+...;o..;.,IT ltN-Te"il~-OPIMSUAttAY lrl'O '1--;;---- Bes t South o f Hwy locatio n . Beaut ifully upgraded h o m e on overs ized lot 2 Bdrms .. 2 baths . ~Al&lAn dom.inium. situated tn the lovely development al Seawmd. 15 the best buy i n the area al Gib T VllW -'- Gii.AT THMS L_...l ... *11-.J.._....._ .. c ................... ,.. ., .. • ""' of a.wo·. ca.-.. .... fw ......... , ..... INM ........ S4JO,OOO. OPIH S.AT. & .. ~ 172 I ICIN6$ IOU. T llACH. ' . PRIME OCEANFIONT IUILDING sm O•erh ..... w of L.,..·, .,_......, co•n.. TWt •&.w lof cept•r•• p••or••• of coos"-& cfty lhJMs. Offwnd ot$150,000. 644-7020 NEWPORT BEACH 499-4551 495-17 20 South Locjuna LCICJllllCI N~ 497-3331 493-8812 Lag•a INCh DClltO Point ~£ ' of n ewporl !J) REALTORS I 675-5s •1 -;.~ OPEN HOUSE ---- ISIS IA Y ADIERE: lr•l u Terrac•; AbsoWefy detiCJhHul -1tm.d & .tched willdows, hcrdwood floors. •• kitclwft, HW carpetfncJ; it l,.,...L n..... b.drOOfft, 211:1 bathl, ._.,. yard, be..ttM ,.tio. loh of elbow rooM. Sl41. too. OftlH SAT & SUH l ·S.· 2340 IA YSIDIE DRIYIE: COFOM def Mar. a lftast delCJhtful split l••ef, cmtom buitt, c011tet11p01 my home with SPECT ACUUR IA Y VIEW. Thrn bedrooms, 1-,orat• fGlftlty "°°"'-fonMI dl1M119 room. boy view sitti11g roon1 adlol•l119 lftaster suit•, ~door li•illg. 1...,. ......... '") pool & patio cnoa! Security system. $435,000. OftEH SAT & SUN 1-5. # 3 CANYON LANIE: CoroM .. Mar: CCMIY.... cOlldo -clow to .. &hops. sc8'oofs. dwchn, s wl"""'-J poof /tpo & h..n. Ws IM_,lf., dKorwhd -n.r.. t.e•aa 1 & ... & 2112 batht; pri•ah petio, bllilt-M boolrcase1. wt. storoc,,.. filtplues Ill H•IRCJ "°°"",&Ill._.,.....,.., be...._ Ver, -.HL Sllt,tOO. OPEN SAT & SUM t -5. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 25 I 5 E. C...t Hwy., COf"OM .. Mer 675-5511 DEHFIELD 3 bd.. Plan 4 Town home Nev. carpets & drapes Immaculat& condition. Sl 19.900 Call Fred Gibson 631 -1266 OPEH HOUSE Near Mesa Verde Country Club golf course. One story. 5 bdrs . fa m .rm .. country k itche n. Pool w/spa . Open Sun . 1-5. 3055 Capri Lane. Pr iced at $349.500. Call Jackie Ha ndleman 631-1266 TUSTIN G r eat bus iness o pportunity ! Resta urant w/oh premises beer & wine license. $100.000 gross sales. Owner will carry some finance at 10% inter est. Price $79,900. Call R1>y Siemens 631-1266 COSTA MISA-MPT. Hi's. Lovely lg. duplex. 1600 sq .ft. in ea. unit w/3bdrs. & 21h baths. Sunken liv.rm. w/cor. fireplace . Ltve in one & rent the other. $205,000. Roy Siemens 631-1266 OCIAM Y1IW Cameo Shores. 4 bdr .. pool, spa, P.rivate beach. Lease $1800/mo. i\sk "lor Tom· Baron 559.9400 MO ASSOCIATtOM MS 3 bdr., 2 ba., fam.rm., din.rm.; e arthtone decor. Irvine schools. Lovely Dorado Plan in The Ranch. $109,900. As k for Tom Baron 559-9400 WMR<~ ......... .,... ............ .... , ..... ,. ....... c.-..... •••·1166 Nationwide Network ol lftdMct..lly Owned and Operated Real Mate Office!! SU2.000. Lots of elllras tn a dynamic & interestmg community-please come see for yourself Open House Sat 1-5. 14 Seaside. NptBch 675-7512 UDO ISLE OPiHHOUSES 204 Via larceto.a SAT SUN . l S Large sunny pal.Jo on 45 n lot. Wet>t end. close to Lido vtllage. 4 bdrms . 10 rm macutate cond1t 1on SJln,!iOO 205 Yia Koron Sl.'N 1·5 lmmac Coun I.I)' F'rench on wide lot Oal< Ors , l''rench door~ 4 bdrms + dtmng rm Large patio. 3 e·:ir .car age $450, <JO() S I 0 Yia Lido Soud St.:N I S Trad1t1 onal horrw-on <·ho1ct.-1·urnn lot lmmac J bdrm.. .- den & dJmng rm S465.00IJ ...... ~ .......... , ""'.t. · :1·ne 1 -~· · Lawson . J. • Realty ~;~T··5f>2 Company · 1006 ............•.......... IALIOA ISL.AHD IYOWHER lZl ApolenJ \ \, ~.(X)ll il4 673 3581. ~;;.;I » 21:H24 hli!I frplc .. huge brick patio with deck,. fire pit, g reenhouse. 3 Car parkmg. $252.000. • G75-5930 • 3637 E . Coast Hwy. Corona de l Mar ~~ ....... ~~.~~,~~ ....... !~~~ ._, \ . . . . . ~ PROFIESSIOMALS -SINGLES RfTIHES ATTENTION .•. 1st ....... Sat/S-12-5 Tastefully decorated one bdrm condo. D e s irable o n e level. e nd un it , tonven1cnt to s h o pping . beach . rrc:ewa""'· OCC/UCr . .A:irpos t lndust Complex . 2 golf courses. YM CA. buses Adults only $72.000 ~Iury Jank. Rt·:.illnr 631 1094 for appl. Corona def Mor 1022 1 .................... . •••.....••...•......... JASMINE CRIEEI< l::leautJfuJ pldn IV Jbr fully air 1·ond11 1ont'fl 1\1.any extra!> S290,000 Sea:.cape Rt'alt> 673 1760 3906 INLET ISLIE II.ARBOR \'IF:W lllLLl> ll \ IO\l'I) 11 'o dvdilohll' 1 mmt-dlJl\•I> t ll -. 'J rant 1 .;nd 1l., 111~ n1·r h.o~ txxi;?ht dnt1th1•r .111cJ • JnXt11U'> I Ott t' '>I/I' btlrni:-fJm1h ror1m ""tth ftrf'pldl'I' dml '111. II ,,,,. n 1 he· ldnd h• n• t,0,,.1• l pnrt-mJI••J of'F:.' ~" r .... 1 ' _ , 642-5200 MESA VERDIE " Bdrm. 2 bath. quality built, s hake roof; double fireplace Gre:11 locatton, ideal ror entc rta1nrng . Large ree room. lots of 1let·k1n.: low m a in ten.ancc ~ard l)rft'rl'd at $1()4,000 t .:all 540 1151 ... -., .. HERITAGE ..-.. .. : ·• REALTORS 9.46°/o Loan Mesa Verde Waoa r ftlliM.uila 1001 j Pt't<:' Barn•tt~ •••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rec.11 ~ ..... -------------1 R~~~U!!' I HEAi H~W , &.."1roum lam1h h.1mt· 1111th <!HJI ~11 rt Family 11.om :! tJJlh:. Imel. l1r1·plJc 1· L.inth1 ,1p..-d ""Ith IJrJ.:t> c·o• 1•re<I l'Jl 111 f" r •· n 1 •· r 1 ,, 1 n 1 n g . ,1,nnkl1·r-. t 'lo"· 111 ex • ••llt'Ol .,1•hr1'1b I ,,. ) uur uro-.• Ill lhJrT\l' "'I UJ I' • c • t tk1 1\ ,., I 1h .11,an 11, ' 'flt'' "'-" IOU P'l:HIHSUL.A POINT OPEN SAT /SUH 1-5 A totally deluxe c·u~tom cu"n~LlffS ho m e w tlh ~ourm•·l . .>n~..w kitchen, bdlcon} f dm•· "-'l't•pt111n:il I l'r I HJ rQOrnandfUlhllt JcH >JI.II '' • IO'lhtrt r.tll rf'l 1n 'umpt1ou-. mJ-.I •.. .'.I• 11 l'rol"': 1. .. 11 bath, all aboundin~ ,,.1th I for llcn r IM' \o\<tndll"' sol.Id oal< dppomtmPnh ~ .. l<'\J i,..t•JI uwd IJnc lo. TiiE BEST o r 1111'. p.lll OJ H ) '.'""""' POL"IT' for~ tlOu SJ75.l.C)1 t:i73 ~23 I Ip. n 1533 Ml · r ~ 1.>m Unft1111""' Hd rCN'llCI Bk.r l'OOpt-rd t 10 n '"•.Wa Pt, lal. O..Tlwllllffs Olde l'oron• del '1 Jr 1 OR. 2. ba home tUiiO .,q fl no ~1 lot I • hlk-. rmm Brio' l'.l>runJ 6. l.htnd l'ow 236 llehntropt• \.)k SJIU.IM> l:h owne r bkr Pl i. 1·d ll0 f11r Jppl 6iJ..~ MOOHGATE .... l'r o\trlt'~ 1•nlran11 '" l'l'ntrall\ localcd l.1r,,:1• home .;1th l'11 mfur1 ~ pn\Jl'Y Too mu1·h Ill I rd( C' 111 'J411 17:.~• TilRBEU. .......... R·2 au:LCACL: 1 'h.;rmmr.: :! Bdrm l bJLJ) hol'nl' wtth rooim lo Jdcl "'l:Ond unit rhkm.i 11nl) r.'J.000 ~bm1l J ll •Jffi:r:. Cal I !'>4b-5'1.ff I ...-.: HERITAGE •'". REALTORS Take Over Payments "™'")OU a,,!>u mc IO 58": loan oo -1 bedroom ranch .. tyle home Approx 1800 "<! ft with e nlr). dtntnR ruom ftrt•plal't' wethar l.:1rRl' lot with 1 11 ru:. lri..:•., L.iqh· pallo l•ir outdnor It\ tnR t •,,. ynur prt>:>t'nl homt' equ1t ,. l11 l.i.k1• ovt.-r low tnll'r<'sl loan Come· :.t't'' SI 37 .~. Bl\H \';tll ~II 11:.~1 On the bluffs abcH 1 I hi· sea tn Capis trano lkh \ collel'l 1on or JU'>I 7 custom homt.,, I 2 ~lur) Jbr. 3br & den Beaul tf ul d etail~ & I U'<Ur' fe a tures t.:nder c·un st.ructJon 0<\111 SIM.'15(1 Take C-a mino de E.slrt>ll;i olf San Dte.:o t'wy Un \'e Lo beach & turn left dl Camino Ca p1s tr dno to Cap1:.trano Hlurr ~ Phone 831 089.J ·~peU out l'all U.> to ----------- 1022 ................•...... Res1deo<·e + tn<•o m e Oceanside of hw) G H Robertsoo. Rhr. 675 0502 ftOOl DUPLEX Comfort with ine·omt• Poppy Ave . lovely 2 BR owner s umt + large ren la.I & playroom S2SS.OOO rYT. IEACH ACCESS Cha.rmmg 3 BR. 3 ba fanuJy room, with pool & Jacuu1. on fee land' S279,!i00 TOPCORHER See this neat duplex :! BR. each. w1lh frplcs $210,000 PAULMAITIN RIAL EST A TE 64~7lll OPIHHOUSE s.t/Smdey t .5 212 J asmine. CdM Roomy 3 Bdrm +den wit.b view. Steps lo main mtrance to Big C.orona . Dynamite location. sm>.ooo Ctl ..... 7211 /Jn ~IG EL !)AILEY & Ii SSIJC I ftT [ 5 C 10Sllorn Wll'll WA111 YllW nnt ..... view tbe blue Padftc from moat l'OOlm al Uaia CUltom 4 bdrm., 3 ba., family bame. approx. 1700 aq. ft., wttb 11•· country ld&cllm. farmal din. rm. .... tamll'J rm. OD tbe ~juJ&Zdoorl from ......... beedl .... •r.i zwabl7 priced at ............... ,, o.11 .. 1or ... 'l. ! !>a'' SJW.500 S299,000 'f'Ao how.l'!>. :. 1111" j.!llOcJ localJoo' MAt:RY ST Al 1-"l-'ER Sl::ALJON Rt:i\LTY 673-5354 497·ll88 Cameo Shores or&l 5AT /SUH 1-5 Spacious -I bdrm . J ~, baths, dmtn~ r m . den home. swt.'t'p1nR ocean Views from exceptJonal corner location 111.:h cetlmgs. hard~ood Orio . rnstr swtt.• with frpk s w1mm 1n g po o l FabuJous ocean vie w tt>r race. Ready fo r 1mmcd occupancy $595,000 lnclude:l land 4501 GORHAM IUdlRtty. 673°7040 snu And locatJon! Home & m come! 2-Story 3 bdrm , 3 batm, family rm . wet bar. wood noors ID fa mt ly rm. 6 kitchen. plush carpets, trull compac· t.or. microwave oven & apa·tub. 2 Bdrm . 2 bath income unit bas a co~y frpk:., sundeck • IS mov- e-in read,y. $31.S,OOO. <tloMna tkl .Alm __._~lie~ W!r ()/3-8/194 243SE. Coeet Hwy., CdM 11AL ISTAll SALIS BROKER S OR SALESPERSON S, f\all/,.,.. d.me, For tbe HJGHEST BOT TOM UNI: EARNINGS, In· t.nlew us. Ofllcet lD N.B. • Cdll. Ooanclen-lillll1 eall ..,U..., Jollll ~.OIU, RIAL TORI l'n-7771 COSTA MESA 4 HouHs Oft I Lot LOW l::ST PR IC t : 1n Cot.la Mesa Only 10', down o we \lwat"> rented Warid Rfflt Estate 556--7777 YOUNG E-SIDE Lo"ely 3Br 2.Ba m cho1tt loc Btl1 open noor plan. vaulted cl~ hv rm . ram rm. forrnl run. fpk. lg s hJdy lo t w 1 m a ture trees $132,900 645·5LS.S. lie) Grnllbi ooll 5 BR + den + Family Rm ~ Formal dmmg +:1 car garage + 2 palios + bal c o n y and other amenities Asking onty Sl~.000 SCOTT IEAL TY 536-7533 WIST MESA VHDI Lee 2 Story. 4/S Bdrms, 3 betM, fam rm. pool. 8)' owner. O pen h ouse S at /Sun 11·5. lUI! Sarmr. m.7605 JUSTUSTID! East.s.ide 2 br remodeled Near bualloe . FrpJ(, abakeroof. Beauty! Cen tur y 21 Qold Cout ~l6UU 10%DOWM ~ 2 BR TownbouM. l y r new. Jus t $82,500. Drive by Ull52 Townboae Dr. M Canyon .Dr. Tkn call 541-7177, No-1ao ,., OAICGLEM Dla llnct l ve new 2 bedroom, I~ ba COii• ~ .•... allaMAve,C.ll. IOC7M 5 • t • r ,. (I ·' JI Ill •i: J r r. ,,r cl 1.1 I' nr.: (' "" ·~·. .. ., IJ, Pl hr t:..01 1r s, 500 ort ent :all me m . ,).45, Ex PP· uys '67 tlA nol 'ri. I ii) Fri. :nt r ens 1me "" It 1~:::::::::::::::~~==~~=====:!!.:.1.:::2::::;::::~:;.:::;:i::~:;::~::::;:;:;:==:=..L....:=:=::=:====r:=:::;:::::;;::;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;:_....J,====::;::=:=:;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;.i.;;;;;;;;;.;,;=:;;;;;_~~---...L.~--~~~~~ ~ly ... ., 67J.7040 r'""'o'"i J ~ -------- ~ .. ~~~:.;~~~~~~~~·~-~u !!!t!!l·:.!1!!1•~·~,·~·~' !11~·~1~.,.~ • tt a II....... -N11111 ... ·--M • 1 . .. ............................... -···"....... -............ ,~ .. :·" .... ,. , .... " .... ,. -. NI 111 ,., .,.... • 044 •• ··-······ •••••••••••••••••••••••• :······················ ................ .,..... , ..................... . ... ~~.;' •••••••••••••••••••••u •u•••••••••••••••••••• .,..... -TMi ~ · ~ ....... O& Mrx~9'-::dl-l~~-~-fMlilflil .. il._ ..... ··················---·-···---· _ .......................................... :;;;.. .......... ....... IOIAVDDICC ...... JS'fY ... Ol'DflUN •• ... KOllMAT C •· ,._ Glori• °'"' 11 ..,.... -· LMSI Of'TIOM ""'*r 3tw. 2ba ~ bome Co rner lot Sl.ZUllO lml>Mo 6') mi Nft!c1 1 L.arr Home T() day' 110.llOO do, I}~·: l'0'1tnt"t HI(" tt 3U,WU (>wn, AICI BIJJ K31 1257 l !>Wey 3 bcfrw :.I b.-hab I~•~. t.<HY rnaln lt!nance q uu•t 1 ul flt· UC:, bat tub;rrurn>-WIV(', t r11 1 h comp : d" hwuber, bit w n 1ngt.' & Ovt.'tl 2 yra old I hlk from proptJIMld m.. n n 11 & r~ park. 990 Mod ,ealui Circle near Canyon & Wlbon S117,900 f:vf.'11 642 7fJ72. Work~ I~ 664 COYE/Orf•• ly 3 RR, l'h ba. L~c l't)V n L<d put.Jo, 1>l11ral¢" 11hffi I')~ pond, lge rn<'d yitrd < iu.e tn 11Chlll t'ull pm·t· S76,5(J) SeUer will help r1na.nre . SHAFB REALTY 960..1980 ReducH $50,000 MnaVn*Golf S400 Ml It. ~ llr, '1 UJ \JIH'ary, UH, Flt. rt1J11h quartcn1, ~ ydl> fr11111 dubhhe Golf l• nn 1~. ,w1mmir1K Opn lht· 'iut1Sun I ~. at JOl:J JJva Kd JA't! KcurtL'I 1\1.'t ~ ./\S T S ll>F: I ncl•·r SllJll !Iii> l'r111n11al· cmlv ,.., ... 1.:11 (J.t!Jf, V1l1•¥• C rrek C'<1 ndo Lile. poul. bvbblloa brook llkt1I locauon in preat11i1oua d¥velov mmt 3 Hr 2 Uta rriitr . & wt'!t bat l'n Ced lo i.cll $l0),000 Sandi ~llk u. ""' 4IN lZJ() Of'lt4HOUSE W /S-10-S,.M. •1 0 (,.,·nw oo d . nr Nf-wport Harbor J hgh ;i Rk, 2 ha, liv rm , d10 rm , rrpl. N~w 1·:1rp • dn.1.l'Cili & Pllltlt llU ft It Y, th1ll wor1't lul' $127.SOO ~ COLLEGE PARK . OPENHOUSE ll.1 wt't!li end ichown. Lov t•ly :1 UR family homl', carthl.on•>:i, many xlrn~ Mw.t :.t-l·. S-97.9$0 Uy ''''"'n ~ Pnm·1·lon Or !KrT.640 nows• OPEN UOUS&-4 drm a ba, 300 )'nil ti) Uf'f!lln llZ7.SOO 1112 t1u11h1u• 9't l HO cw lilt 0111 nt 'lZl MODOWMYA &LOWDOWMPMA VtU ~ t.11 f <W (!OG'I pleit" Ip furmaUon cunt11rnin1t VAIOlllD:t,Qiil Vl'I Lo..n.I <Jr FltA . bow lh•Y WOl Ir. A.loll WI ~71 Hy owner, Open lille I 5 , L.rg 3 8R, I v. ba, nr be11ch VA!f"llA tnm1>. $103,000 ~1 lj():J6 ur A ) sl.sl-U St>ll %7 117117 .................. ,Hwlt ..... tlartaaw 1042 OWNER PA""ING •••••••••••••••• ••• • •• • "" tty Ownt.'r $17:J ~.oo :1 bdr m 2 ba T o i JI pn vacy on 'II rf't-l lo ".X('('UlJVf' hOllll', J llrlrm l>Vt't.'l lot lit•sl oH WUll•r l hilUl IJr~t· JlfJ11I , 1·1ov l<1catwn 1n lldrbuur nw p111Jo, OtJL'oldt• Hll(J <Jrlt'n ll<JUlll' ~un I ~ ''u:.t.om 1·a l111w1i. 11 u11'1 714/MO-<!!llli •• rt1.1 $11'1 :ioo (;1111 1_.:__ fKr!Hl)I ' ,...,._ I 044 •••••••••••••••••••••••• ... OPEN HOUSE '-RE LTY ,z > ~SUME $78, 100!!! 9.9% 'nffl(' 11olr 1·11uri.t• frrm 1.1!!•' 4 ll•••lrrr) l11iru• •1wrlo11kml( Mt·<,.1 V1·rilt• Cou ntry C'lu h Colr 1 •fl..1J111· L1Jthl..,J .,:1<M l1· I·---------Just 8 mo. New!!! Lt·r111L' lll'l0l11d1·tl ho1· Stop m;J1rl 011 qrlr' J ;11 k1.- llmld.1Nnun, 1.:i1 IZJJ, 1~~~19 Rt-;ALTOJtS A n'M. IUILDHS I Older houM''I 1111 It J lot ;22S,(XX) IAL.IOA.fi4EWrc>RT tEALTY 67S-8170 ASSUME fl',, I nh·rt·~t •111 l•1Jfl utl·hcn r•·d•m•· w l1llri rucrowave. µVl m.1stn """11 llWU! in luvt·ly ( M 1rt·:. $Hli ~11.10 11y Jlo(t'lll AK4Cl33or t..t:l ~1 1 MOVING iy owner ~harp 1mm111 i;try home 3 HM <!'"1 lua, li(t• fam rm, covd pat111 \bu ve g round p1111l li!l.!150. A 1111 um In M 11:1111! Of*n ~ul/~v11 5. 1055 Con rord, N1. :M 566-Ul9tt edhd l~Realty I 1d11 l<l".tlh llll iH' ,., , t / llJO l377 VIA LJOO, N.8 . llAUTIRIL GAIOIHIHTIY 1026 ...................•..• MARIHITA S pl'!'la1·ul1.1 r h1lll111J homi"I ~lZ ~ Ml ft <..11~ w M anna Selva RAJ & <.:1111~ La f>nma Vf'.TU $166,()(J(I lo $24:),()()() HJl :IMO, 493-4006 ttldr HEWDUf'LEX 1400 vi ft NJ unit Walk l•1 tK•h 'lh11pp1r111 f>.1 ,I/I\ ll'W'o f"ll I' Ill.ff••'> UU1.~I u11td c um11ld•·d JOJll ( l\1:t 1!.lf• >i4:fl Fountaitl Val ~y I 0 34 .•.•..•••.............. Hl\NK SAU. 'ltM> Shamr<wl-. I\ vc• $1 J7 !'100 4 B H . z•r, h.1 I 'lieu Sat/Sun :1 ~.or :i 1J111 l'nn t aJI agt 7~:.i IJ777 HoilthJOlll IHch I 040 .•..................... PUSTIGIOUS + rin lh.L\ us>ier11d1.~ nr nt•w '1 t,r Z'h bci . with larg,. rarruly rm 4r form11I d111 nn C.tnly ;, 1>hort wJlk l.lJ Uic bl-u1 h Pfoll'k Pli.c,..Jn•· IS42 ?"61 •5&, 2'hU.. form IJ It 1-K Low rn..1111 yd Nr IJ»rk "' h1111I l1·r1111 .. Sl :H1 000 h y 11wner ~ v-.. &-COMfori &a wlu1l you will iWt m OU. l>hJll'p ;1 br, l hu ™>me lhal 1uJU IJ1lt' 1t m•ldf'I ' 8dnDll + den. form11I hnlnl rm Lotb or llv1• )Ut a r e•. w ooded teehaloo SWl.000 ---------•I Partc Placc,Jne K42 7461 CUSTOM DIC MESA Y8tDI HOME ltl!aut 4 Br, 3 ba hom<' w/aourme t klt ch11n ., died FR. '175,000 l8MTablll OPIMSUH 1-5 RJ!:~E R~ALTOR8 751 1·'73 ---., WTWCH.UMH SM,IOO Can't be•t Uus llllle beauty . 2 8dr m dollbowle with lot1 of l'OUlh cut wood 6 t'o;iy ~ Won 't laal' ~ ... AllT't9fflC VILLA TIU a0<».z STY , ......... . Ga t.ed entry Vaulted ec1hn1ia. lfu111· I 1 vlnl( ri1r1m wf(i r e plur•" Cirt.rdf•n kitchen. lt'ormal lllru"fl room LWlh lcr r11 c ... Storllo loft M•1111ve mailer au1t e w /Roman tub OuM t qUllJ'ttt'I 1'u e ovrr It% VA loan $4 1tl /m o S.CtU 1c.o ule. Share.line Aaioc. Ml·Z'.182 P-.5-rfflcet ~ Vard1 l o ocean "Model Perfect". 2800 eq.ll. I ot 4 bdr., w/pool, Jee. lmmaculelt ! Pllridl 111· ... UHAMl\TIC EN'I I! Y Lt> i;tep down h v1nl( r riorn htl(hl1Khl"tl with f I.I b u I I) u II m ;i r h I t· f1ri·pla1·c :.nd l'Jlhedral c:c1hn~ Jo.ll'icanl for m<.11 dmmg, beautiful f;11n1ly room w/wetbar for en l••rla1n1ng c;ourmt-l kitchen cont a ins /\LL modern conven1cn1·c 11 Ma:.i.1ve m:.:.ll'r :.u1lr ha:. mirrori·d du11el di~ + wJlk in c·lo:.1·l and v<tmly Central air ill'-'•' T1.1k1· tivcr low in ten·i.t 11,an .i11d l\J Vt'' W 11<1 l la!>l ' llu t1 y 1 .di J.JJ ll 11 90/o Loan Close Schools t 0 Ulvdy 4 l~room or J ~oom itnd d1·11 homt· with awrox 2:000 !IQ rt 1-fJf'mal dinin1t. fum1ly ~ With ftreplliCt:, CX t.endt:d k1tdwn 11dd1l1on for l~ l(uurmet Pwlio <..ommvnlly pool lhw 'f<JUT preiwnt home eqw ty IJJ t.aJu: ovn low 1n tcrcl>l loun U o n 't ~lAte1 Sl~.000 UKH Cal I 5.'.6-!MS 1 TAAIBL. -· SENSATIONAL $91,500 We re olfering you lh111 d111c ov1ery you cao t duplicate. Charmin" 3 hr. 2 bi. home w /u de l1cmu1 per»pec:tlV•; O( warmth, brltihtnes!i & memmeo&. Lie lot in a n xlnl nttl&bborbood or lrline. Bil a winner • 11ee for yourself. S upe r t.en'DI. 55i-4'1'1 c:== Walker t; lee . ...,,. --· .. ConfWlt'd by all th e eds'> ltunch Realty and/or W00<.1brld1• Realty c·un Hhow you any one of over a llundrf\d llet~ homes tn lrvinf! D0t1 't wu tu time tryi.nJc to dccld.e whJch od 11ounds the best. •CALL DOES IT All IAMCH WOODRIDGE l l AIJY .. .. . ~ • •EALn. ss 1.2000 ss 1.:1000 THE DPOIS ON lmllE PIOPOJY BY OWNER -UlllYEISITY PAii P...,..WttTon•aa1e l .... + .. &F...ty ...... C9oe. to W-. I. MROll ........ ,_.. u,.,.edtd..., ~· M-r •*-'rte.ct at $I 61,500 Sho_,. by AppohthMM 552-1121 Turtlerock Hruudm uor l'hm II 4 bdrm <! h11 . form11l din utnum. 111 lt'rt·o m t l1ru oul , l11w malntenunt·l' yard IO v. ftoun<•tnK .iv111I SM5,000 tty< >wrlt'r 7S2 <nH:i ABANDONED TRI LEVEL ESTATE 4 II. FClllt ll.lft, Hoi Tllb! I I.Ni IT ALL' l'>lep uµ Lo dr11mat1r ent r y o f ct-ramie: t1IP i.nll mile tul(l1 1·ath1'firnl t Ptlmv.~ 1n formal hv11111 .ind d1111nv. ""'"\'> (iourml'I k111·h1•n h;~ .-verythinl( 1nC"lud111V. tra11h t·o mµuct•>r .111d l1VPrl1.l(Jlu lWlt lrv1·I , l1V t-rt-'tl p11lJ11 w 11<11 T l Ii• 111.lr·k yurt! 11> ..:n·.111·nt1•r la1nmP11l N•nl1·r 0 SL•·p 1lt1wn lo m1.1~!'!1ve family room w1Wt::TUAH & fl••1r tu 1·t 1l1111o( r111·11l.11 .. I "A'f'OOd l•,11111 S•·d111l1·1I k111~ .. 11.t'fl lflil ~l•·• ""''' & l1ui:1• walk 111 1 111 .. 1·1 Mdlly mi1rt· Jilt a \ 1ndu1l 1n.: KV l\l'C Jo:."i.':> & c;1;1. l>F: SAC t.OCATICJ!\j ' ' flurry ' l\t Sl2J.500 It won't 111 ... l' C••ll now• 5CJD..1ll1 J&at Ub A MG«kl l llr tl1·n J.ilJ 11 1~10 'I fl f\Jt'fl t•rtlr}' lll'>Hlc J JIHI dry rm. dt l'ur drp11 & w,1ll111.11•t•r I hr11ur.h11111 plu11h c r pll(, 1·11v•·n·d pal10 111d1• & rf'ar, h~" 1acu1.1.1 m vr·h m111 h mor1· •;• t' '. ,,.,.,um.1 t.11· $1~.Ul.10 hy 11wrwr l'rllll' ••llY 5..'il <!l~I UNI V,,'.IL'il T Y t•K VII. I 4br , 2111h11, l! frpli· l! lieaut lndl.lp pi.l1os Nrw <.-erarruc tile Ors New t•rptH XJnt c1ind CIOI{' to pu.rk.i;. J)'J11l11, lt•n11111 lmmed JJCJ';Sl .... MOll fly OWNl-:H ~.2111:-.2 OffBIMG l'f HIGHLY MOTIVATED OWHB Unique cUHt.om cool 111r oood Jbr. & family rm homP l\trium. tlining nn. (rpll'. gas Bli(J, cov ered palm, prof lndacp Pee Land OJ)tln llous~ &1U1.Sun~~ ... ed$1l9,500 MOit up&1aded in Irvine 45411 Ployon Tree: Ln, 561 2S'74 Premium Location Larae 3 bdrm. home with a deliahtful ram. room ldtdMrn. Hu ea11y accc1111 to pools and j1.11t '""'J• to a.mla t'OUrt.a. Lou ted next. to qujct , r e1Uul .,_,,IMlll. l'atlot front _.t rear City UCJhts from U1c lop of T urth lt11dt, lwnhm $<!02,lllJO Jo: t fo;lrvinP. lnr 759 031:i COM, ARE! $52.900 11 .. r1·.., a t.emr1t". r0t1m 11 m"vt· ;,round ? bdrm t'tAldo Al mo'l l rw w w .1 I the advantaicc• unc· c·11uld wanl Com r IJVt.'r & lJkt :. look for yourwlf Sdlt-r offering xlnl fmant·111~~ 5.5i2-+m Rt•<tl ~;..,1at1• w () 0 D n H I fl c; ... VILLi\GJo;lt CCIN IJl 1 .J t.drrn I' L hJ C'ul 11!· S.11 Pl4 ~JJI Ca 11 ti73 20'.lh !ilix:r J br, Z IH1 ll":Jr pool & Jl1Hk l'r1•,t1.i111U '. lrvmi: Wl.000 :,~oii 1,:,71; Wl.ll>UJ:ll!llJ<~ ... <.l.INIH> :1 Wrm I'• IH1 A:.11urn..1hl1· ~·•: l•1.in l"·aut1ful t•ntl WJJI <.'.<ill SJ lly :.!il 01~1 Ai¢t·nt 'J\l.rl.lcrock llll(hli.rHh :Jbr 2bu, bngJ lairuly home Formal din1111? & romlly rm. Spectur ular vie w H 111 hly upgradl'd w "' u i> e r b I n d :-. t· p S2LS,<m l\J(l 714 !l57 MZ4 QI' 1)4()-6825 IYOWHE.I C..llarm ·v. 1 fir t'ut11J11 Noo I rvinc SW,900 730 111:1 DEERFIELD :1hdrm <!1r..ln1. I w11hm P1an I II Model, nr :.<'ho•il & JJl>IJ I . 11 y I) w 111· 1 rn,ooo 551 97811 DIHFIB.D 4 B e drm , pllln 4 , tuw11h11m c Hc :.lly 11harJ>! Earth tone colori. $119,900. Call Fred G1 boion. 6.11 l.266 ltiiZ~I~ REALTORS WOODlllDGE ~I Hr S12:0 (.l(J(J !I Br SlS!>.000 642--0112. 644 .6flH7 1041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• EMBlALDIAY LOT 873"fJ634 View LOT Portar1na. Laguna Hn1•h M .000 O wne r . 6 44 1604 or 642--5634 TOPC»We>aU> V... bDtb ways, mt. • oceMI Lee. lot;• bdrma. •dm. suo.ooo llAURYSTAUPPER SEAUOHREALTY 6n.IJM 4t7·Ull . "' ........ 3 bedroom~lo hnU11tlc WOO D · 81UDG£. ASSUME "61' lo. ... ""°' t.lae LAJt & , T & N-1' 11, •S1JCAMIU5"'-•...__ POOLI, ete. Oal1 • w '",,_ ..... .. lllUUYI 2 ...... COf1Mr kit w/RV ... ______ _ ~. Nft opt, paint 9 9Ml'f H+9"10M Is niedJ f• ot~y. ... I "°"'' 4 Bdrm, (leUDOW•lt-llMtl 9-rocm. lllla' pool. -..a 2ftrwplaw, wwtbar, eor· WHELAN "~"· ·-~11\l t ..................... ..... 1lli1g1· R1·t1 I f \f i1 t P ~l...:..J~.L.·· . fl • • •• I/-' '' 1 jJ1I ! ------ ~ W;i lk t!r 1; l 1!r. ............ WMnlWATm NWflOllYll Warm 6 wooden. a Bdrm, J b!l1• ele1ant bame. ltal. we kltcben 111111 betll, _. CIMMU, t.erTa cotaa lloor • IU.· uricu CUl*. P'fple lJI ...... bdrm.Ulll,000 MIWA'9SATU noor ,._ o1 a Bdrm a .......... femily rm oa e.w • I'*' reom for ...,. • allwr. Brw -... w.. eoM&rwc· .............. ....... u. ....... , ~.CLASSIC OCIAMRONT tto cl•I wlallt water oca.J..,..,_ mat.....,, .._,. oe... frOllt llome .... nr beadl.. Mnn. ON nm B&ACH. Coco0p ~-"' Lvly tHCUUYe hom~ M be+dlll -~ o.. lbdtnra.2beUIUDitwl&.b f'f•• Modular Type rt/' w..~ :.-•. •:a:_;r e bat-·o-l _..... lbw.. ...... commuwh complete w /pool ., I -· _..,, ·11 a ,. " "" .... -r ftllll6d11 qrtJa >eln:tusnw-ateal. SJ00,000 do•n f VlEW I euthe 2 bcha, at hr l«Wtly, priYll&e beacJa locauon &Hy ter ... O WNICR Mf d ~ pnvacy 1ub leUIDI OK Yrom ()n ptrtdlH. C.11 to' C • I I f o r a p p t • ... lac.I of.,,._.,,. alto •.aoo. Tttuur• l1land day ...,nu TM/tm-Jlllll or-.at7 °"'*' wW lc>ue/opt.l<>n ...._ Home 1'1c. 3Ca>I ftl!Dtx:l!D t.o 1221.000or So C•r Jlwy, La1una ~ Walker C lee I ; 1ttl1ll1w1 wW a-for rm per Beach. R.11 P. C714 > o.qa a...ri. ,_.aJty 11 mo. .-._3571 _____ .__ Real F.;atat.e ~oud to pr•Hnt ibe "'-Al l"™JRV ,._-.-.-.-.-.-;.-;. ___ _ o mta o f La1 una HH\l f,'JTATI •• • 1• Meadowt. a MW. pn vate •MO 9UAUFYIHG * COlllllal C'Ufnmunit.y that Odll1<J1t 1•11•ncl 900/o Al•r:... Only Sl0,000, take ov~r we reet typUIM the Id al fin ffJO<i ••..,...to 1-..uc OPUon oo 3 Bit livbttftlvironmenl. Y.M-ERAJ::D&Av Vfl'!W ......... t'l(.(lC. home. Won't lltll\. 8ltullt.ed a~ the 1en-4br. 4ba priv. pOOI • 8pa Z 0 "le 4 o w • w it It ~Owner~~·~S.t~J·--02-1~0 ~~~ tie hlll1de1 uf pre ~ooo __ l\Ml.__Ml~ ....,. 11Ll1Ciout La1una. thne --• --- flpfttaculat "''"'" '1r" ... i • • ·w..· . ~inlhelr1.1d1t1on PORTAPI NA O C t:AN cJ Umeleu {fUallty tr un vit;w 3 br. J:CA.(~I 4l.lr paraJJeled convenitnrt fr!m.<0> By (Jwnn Only Pnctd rrom ~ th1a f'MD> 11 • rar11 opportunit y w ' -:. purch&M It !WW CObl11l M-__ ....._ view h u m t 1n tht fWWJ Owner 11> Condo Supi•r btawruJ t-ommun1ty of F u---ek1(1ltlt t)('ean & m 11un Lal\DW 98 ftrf""IUW>C lain view Ru11tu· 11plll PlnM' ic1vt' u" an op .,_.lfttoroffoa" le vel with firt>pl11C'1· WATa.WOMT t:1tri. lar~t: corner duple x In 11lnt cond. ~nic ;,va1lwble Spec tacuJar v1i•w Ap1Jl 1mly. ~.<XX) *Cote Realty & l nvf•'>tm.-nt 640-S777 porturuty to '!how thes,. AlTillENTIC NOIUil AN Deluxe lilt .. 11Jun1t homt'lltJiyflu OY ARClflTECTl'RE Porch &. Jlal1.-n ttl,.1•--------• 67rr.751 • Detailed t xterlvt ., baJt"OflY ~ A rouch malOfl.ry ronatruc 440< ypr l"U> Ill l,t>l'v .. t tJon. llALP TIMRJo:lt~ <.trr11 1·1111t·ndJ1ly 1111. ('Uf'OLA~. IMPOSIM <t:J4 4'.JI J Alli r h•1ur, T u R ru: T pt; AK Jo: I «IJ-Ol.H U9 162.'\ L.-t Mill( WtWt:ATH t:R VAN fo. l.i'1tvaoll'M"">l>dl(t· Archwr bv r m w 1tu;11 1 -Hlh 1050 SPACIOUS l vun Wrlls built. 4br fph', fJm r rn & lb:. I..: p11ol 6 J "" ""' liiayn~l. (,,.fo!N Su n l ~ 1285,00'.I l'A2 6ZH .-wro1T HEIGHTS VAUl.1 f.I ~ Cl\Tf-ft:DltAJ. Rl-.A M ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------- C:9':1LINC;, WALl.S CH l.1·1~urt• Wt.rid <..111· 14 It Jo: £) 11 H I c K " PJrl''' JllllC ~1••w 1rtl MOH'fAH, STl\INY.Jl ni~w V1ll.1 Nu,.v.1 :!br (;[A.,S WINJ>t >Wl'> ar1<I 2bd, )Ill~ i.111•1 I\ C: JU l'r1vJll' <ArP:1 C'yprr·" SOOrm s.iv...uoo S La11unu . pui1I &t 11ww ~.5ill0 N(•W =-~) 'llj ft ' \llf'W il4ll.:itW1 Wulk Ir. Main ht·1H·h 0.UWI J hdrm (..ul(WlU "'•Ku•·I tt1.:.1•i LOTS 1.11:1m., ,~.,, h .1rrrr.11 1..-1 1JfJn11 bw 111 tumor row $17!1.:#I ~ l .• 1i.:un.1 '.,.,.. 1 ,, •) b1.11ldu1i: "tt• SI 7:. 111111 11 .. ·un v11•w 1 11•.Jl1" lt·rrM t m llllCJ Patteno../Parb R.l. 497-4844 Uuvl1·x 1. .. vu n .1 11 .... , 11 fo .. Jt h V n 11 h J 'lir Ut•·Jkfa'>I 11c.-1k '1 .. 11111 frph K.1 1 K ,11 .... I<• ol C.H1J1•t ll1·.Jltor t'r7 ~n ; WRJTHS RETREAT I" I H F; P L I\ I' ;.; I N 7s.om <m•:Nr 111\l.1. 111-:SH.N .., I pdJlctl lu l t'h1·n ,11 l.i,•hl-d t.o l.H~• llrt•Jkfao;t S 4 6 • 0 0 0 C 0 . 0 p llJom 111 '"'l.1num IYI"' tJM11~n 'lh .. z•, t•.r~ COHDO .lru1 luro· 111111.1111' 1 'll-.1., 11nlfw l IHl l.J1•v11o1 IJUl\M.'i & J fl,\'I flS ,,,, I hll ... 1 onrl41 1n1111~ m.1111 thi m.1 111 I• v1 I 'li1nr•o.,. ltn.1111,. • Jhll· TV in l'l\\\1\1; ... ~" 'r '"'""1" ,,., ~)',t•·m I I-I\ U"i J'IJ <;I J-. •..J , t.u•~ • • lutth • l.1wh (Jl Al< I ~.It'> 111'.J,IJ \\ l"'""llfl•' h 1fll• l111Jr1l ~llh •••JJ.11 .JI• , ,,.,k '"•' 111lit1•' I il1l1 I• n111 .ir•·ll ln.n; ,.,,,111 •II ulylfll'I' l""'I fot l•~lrtAlflL ,,,,,1 I ,1lt1 r ••• lflfl<•· .,,.,,,.. I 1 •• I .• 1 •inl'r u1u•1ui ho nw 1 I' 'I. I I> Ml IU / ' JI I.All 11;,1, IH ll ~:O."lfllt·\ r!O'I; I••' V-imt . 11 .,.Ill 114 .1 r ,Ho• I ~ '.1 : • :>t •·., '1 f111d 1 .. fJlJll'f ' ,, .. , .. ,,. I ..... J11:1t ' ~•·oot-' ULIJJ. lllALUTATE 111>4 ·~· llff1·r•·•I f11r 10§2 un.soo "'n Pnu I ~~ MISSIOH UAL TY 'IS5 ... ( ... , 11 .... ~ l..11• 1J11 • PhoM 49 4-0 73 I ~wmabf• loan ... 11rY..1 ', "-1 '1,11•1wl 11.1 S414 <U 1 I u'l"m 1(1.,111 \ t ,,.,,,, 1067 C:h<t r ming 11 JIU1· 1 •rn ~ 2 11tnry. :1 lillrm, f.11111ly wrunl¢ rt,i.im l:trK•· lt"m~: "iom Ma..'ll•'r'I 'u1l•• w11h ?. rl<·cki. :ind ... pa1·11111•1 rl\lm1rnd bathi. W;,rm!'I we~. hn1 k Jntl "''"'" Tn1ly " •lt·lfir,1110" t11· lil(hl h1I ll••lall, I JI! :Al~ I l:il ~HERfTACE REAL.TORS IUUTIFUL 4 Ur 4 hll l'tJ< II . & ll•• ~u J lfl( ltJl II Jr bur \ 11 w H11rnr"3 1•1,ru,fmr. l>mm~: 1111 l-Jm 1lv rt111111 l'l.J~rm v 1.·1 ... ,., ,,.,. I~ l'11rt .... 1 .. nhu11• l'I '".n 11 ... 'lull I .• l)Wllt'I .. ,. '1'4JJ 111\ltlll>lt ,,, .. w 11S1 111.1 111·11 11 1111 ... 111 .. '"' Hv •own•·r )I ii• IJCJCI ~'It'"""' l,ltl n1 I 60 ' LIDO ISLE A.WARD WIHHIHG • ,, "'" •• , 1t1 •• t1.,,,,. A 11lunn1n•: d••SJJrl 11" from th•· 11nl1n.1r, ~ ulk l11 beut't1 from th111 t'lo11rtl1 I l.Jl(Wl..i 1·u .. t•m1 h111lt /. lldrm <! l>alh 11111111• MuJCJ11l11·••11I c·•HJ'llJI Iv ,, I I 'J J1j1)\l \llt'W I olllH fl!• I lutrh .. n , Y.1111 111.1 'I \• hv111.: room with 1:l•1.,.111y W1JOd fJOOf"l'I $<!7\1.IMMI Un O•~ A Brooti ·''~·~.ii\ (o\I' ! ''"' 1111111 lh• 111 "' II or1 l t. \ll'lo \I Io f • 1111" l••I f O Yf/ I 1•1• 4ohl• fu1.llll don osen rualtu r .. 401 l;l.fo:"INEY HJo; 4!11 4IS4I! MOTIVATED SEU.ER I\~ fJm1ly hum,. with Jddt-d pot1•nt1.1I " ll1•r will h1•l1J with (11111111 1111• 1 lldrmll :11 , hulh l'I( , $~1-..d ofl•JO \<lo'W ~ll U.111 24HR. VIEW• t 'n•1h.,1r11• ''"I ~ 11 .... r l><irw '''"Ill I l.1ri.or fot , 1 ty LIW'tt.'I o1I n111ti1 \ • •·r) 11111,..1iJ t1.w11h1.m1· with ;1 hdrm.'> t. :!' J 11.11111. Ill Jtlnt r1.n1l1t11111 A11 1·111J utul In .1 1ir1\<,1lt· 1um muruly SM:1,0llCJ TOf'OfWORLD Supt-rh 0<'4'an Vll'Wh 11rr ywn lo ('OJllY Ill lh111 .I IJd.rm home . r ect·ntly remodelfld. with l"rc·nr h doon. new k1tchrn. 111111 & leaded glass t'nlry ~.500 SOUTH LAGUMA Beautiful wh1t l' wain Vlt'Wb (rom LhL, 3 bdrm 2h bath home. r1•11lurl'<11 111 I hll(h hN1 mt'<.I 1•1•11 IOI'.. !CU.lrtt'tl l(lll .. ~ Wiil dow11 l•llJ of I hc· I tnt· kitchen .. 1 HH'k l\rlt•n 111· 11.#(Jl ~,.ooo 'l~trr~r :\~-...~···~~ rrw .. 1 u11n1u• I 1,.1r111 l1o1lh & \IU•l ll1 111 11" J'lt\ .II~ oof IC •Ill I .,jlCJ I ,.,,1 .,r111m .11111, '" •h 1 h:.rrn '>u lin11t ,,,,,., SZA!I.~) P• Of CoffOCJtl Aad ROOM To a..lld ~ & llrll 1'01·n \It .1 > <v ·n ~1 !wn 1 , I h• ln(V>fN' I rtJlll lho I h .ir OI uw • t lu•h·<I 11r11p1 r1 " Will tWllJ dl'f r.,. • , I 11 ~•JU ,f111Ul.J "'11 11 .. I.ill\ ii•" 1111' th 1 •,·,I ""'''"'''" lul lft'.l f lh• l•·····h S<'fl't 11111 SunM't MOCJCl1inP .. 11.1' (uuritl lh••M ' (II' .. 1•Jt1ICH" lo d1•1:.1n1 horn•·.., 'i(.'1°1....tt'(f JIJC>YI llH 11111 Hljl( t111o ... Y.'lrtll\ ,,, '"" I\ HI t• r •• I I U 11 r.' r I h. I r 11uhht'Jl111n , l..ivi-h u" "' 11.JIVI .JI ..... ,.. I• fl(" "otor world 1'harm to IJ\t> :1 bdrm 3 bath 1 .. -rlur & l(labb mi.i11t1·q111·1 ,., "'°''I Loan.'i '"''u1n11 bit' r1rm pr 1 r 1· .. ~ cm'~.uoo Open Sitt Sun I ' 5721\IU.O V111t11 2500K1l0 Wuy. Vl.w&b .. 1it• 613 Alt•Yltta <>i11·n Sill Sun I :> Jo:n JOY lh«' brt•itk 1n~ 'vrl cit whaJ un bt'IUon I from thu1 lo ma1ntaon.1n1·1· l bdrm , 2..., bath hvt111~1 pn«d homt' 120'l,!1:oi1 ........ boat To lhl.t 4 bdrm modt:I home under tow1·r1n'1 ptnm, on a Hi'l1.11lt'<J 1·or 11 t' r o I U ,. o .,. ,. 1 ,1 1 n Laiuna Nlgul'I Jt.lbt h Nt ,ed for only Sl29.5CX.1. 494-7551 fllc~Jl~!«i'!'= *OPEN 1·5 • OPIM IN MOMAICH SUMMIT II: ncaut1ru1 ('·r>lon unit with 2 bdrm .. 2 bat hs & occon v1ew8 OecoratPd t hrou"hout with wood, mirror!\ u nd mylnr wallpape r . SJ 24 .000. SEE HAL CARDWELL AT 22812 ARDELLA RD . 1·5 PM Motmf Si\M C.....,_ CONDO BeauUful 2 bedroom plus stud.Jo. Shows llkc & ·model. Prime end unit localed near buset11, 11hoppln~. pool and boaches. New Ustin., 199,500 .... OMI ACll OCIAM YllW ISTAft DeauUf ul custom built 6 bdrm. 7 bath home. 50' pool, room /or tennis court. lar• private grounda with lush londscaplng. Truly one o( a kind, 1895.000. • COUN&L .... co. 498·7222 831·0836 ................. '--..... ~· t ';It fl I ,, I ,,, ••• h• •I 1h,. ~ 11 ti t \•I ;I I I t j J • J 1 II " • 1' , ,, I•• I • ' l.'tl. )h f J11tf,4 f t Ill ftf I l tf fill t"fWt llfUf .. • \ifrii ,,f .1k 1 1•1111 l''IU"' 6t 11111\JlllJlll I. Ill' l U..i frpl UIH(I ,;1j1 Jillnh tJ~I .. lilt• lo oJc"'°n Will 1 .i r r'; 2nd ''7'•'l4Z' 1069 Sl 15,000 I /f1h l•olllt Ill "11111 "I hlf f JU\ Uh • 1• ._ \'1·1 'fld \•tr\. (11r Of I ,If \If \ill; I ,cll I 1 "' •·II I ;IJ, l fl,. II ~l \1 II,,,...,,. I llft 1 • 1,, h •• HA.HOR VIEW SOMERSETS I. St!K')' !I Br Hmn ... ., ~'>eller P111ancmi.: ru.,111m F1·1111ir•·' t ,,,, r t ..... 11 I ~'' 1t1•1ta • ..... •II• I \l .. 11' .olt cl ''•"'''•ti u .... , 111111, l /IUt). f't1 t ••111 I \I I JI' \' ' Jiii IC \' 759-06 1 9 Ii~.-~-,~---"-1 \ ~<,;;,'<~I ' Hl-.. \1.'I OH~ (.:__/I•"< 11'11111( ', llff Redhill~Rcalty I ido tk.tlh Offo.'t' •'>1 l 1 lOO 3377 VIA LIDO, N.B. LIDO WAMSH MODBM S k yll ghh & fr pll''I l(lllort• OC'W l'OO'tlrvt· UOn. 4 bdr~ . 3 •,., both.\ $471J,<XX) COIOHA DB. MAR J li....Jn.1um l Hath 2 I ;s 7 H •i J 0 I II II r Zl'I 3110 H601 Chum twrlund Redh1ll~Realty I 11!11 1<1-.1 II\ "" IU' h 11 11011 3377 VIA LIDO. N.B. UDOISU THIGOOOLIFI! 3 Ddrm.'l , 2 bat.b.t on I kvcl Only awpa w lht• lx-~t'h & t.ennia $305,000 MIWUSTIMCil PllSTl61 TOWMMOMI Mut'b IOU.bl aftn Newport Ternr.. Only onr Ukt! 1l on the markl·l Sharp' Pnced lo sell • HwTy1 MS-MU BKR l<t-~11111 1 d-~ lk.llt\' I hi" 1<1 .Ill\ 1 •II h, Uuµh ~ <' hdrm 'Ii·"' watn & ..,hojJb SI 71).0CJo ic?<..,11m1• ('1111 H'l:I :llfll1 Fi...-SSOOO Down " Ur 2 Ba. d1r1111rc rm J V 01 , 11:11 ()'JOO HO qt.IAUFYING &yfront Orn Vu OW C' Ill IO'. ~·(' Hid re Hout 11llp Zb r . <!Im O wnr 6t2 4Z.l() Q.IFJHAVEH 415,.rat.•d. 0pett Satwdoy I 1-l N1•wpor1 11 f11H'>;I ·•I' prec1aun1 ..ir1•11 "Jllt·r t.a.lllt'f' 'I dPlil(hl with I 114' l.1r1tt• "6111 i.114• vJnl w ith built Ill bMl'k IJLl(J Thi"> :J Hd.rm. 2 ba 11m1K•rt y in rludt•!> i:uc•iol 1111.11 1 .. f .., &1o r r ('1·r 1•o1l 111n r m w/pvt buth You mui.l !>CC th l ~ l'lt l Ct; REI.)( J<:THIN to $179.500. 1--,l]=· DON TYL•" 6 ASSOC., "•AL TO"S " • • -• ' I ' . .., ... _ FMILY C~TLE 4 0f!droomt 6 pool, QW4ll n.U d4' 111tc, inovt' 1n re ad)' Pltatee c:aJI for more detaUi Oft lJUJi buuurw home 00,N.I . OCIAM ¥llW a Ml•pwt c...- ...c•' ••.TOO ·"'!!!~~ ..... ~·~a~1~1 ~~ Tennis • 1wlmmln1 I · pool; a bdrm• .. z ~ , _______ _ ....._; prof ... decoral· ...... MIWfOlrT llACN 196.000 L•IJ co•do la mue la ~after area, aom l llr.llNleondo cwwloc*iat oocamua1t1 lllOOl.0..t.o~· ir~ nu ~ Walkr.r 1; l t!P. .. ,........, SIU.100 4a.JIA'"1 MMLYMOMI cecrtAl.All MIA.UY POOL ~TOOAY 2611...,_0. du i•1 ' ,,. 1.,.'' " ' . ' \ ' ; ,' . • I ' I ' I ' ----- .. t ·. ' r I. .. " (' •I I, .1 11 ,. 1 li pt rr II> I• 1.1 •• l.'11 '" ..... 111· ut.l 01 ,ot n1 , soo HI 1nt 1111 ne m ••• IA Jt•ll rl lo ,..,, ltt "'' In• Ir ., .ly .... •ta t ' I' ~1\,~ I \I ., 111 " I Q''\)~ t\l .. I [\ I L ,, 111 • I •It,,' 33n VIA UDO. N.8 . ,_&SUP MUI 3 bdnns . J tMttha all rOC' a.. Ulu '250.000 OUTST AleltHi ........ ..._ Jf"... .. Sl".500 Very wiwiwa.I CUbtom 4 lk' %"1 Ha, X II( 6'ara.:e Move m 1.'0fldiuon' s Bdrm '"Sc>nmwc Pl an' noxt t o 1rt'•nbelt Buullfwll)' deniraled anJ landauped wtth larae ard and pool ~ UK'ludma land l'all l>ano 81bb for --W .._.. lJNoM Ol'W hatanp IOei9S' UALTI 67)..Jl 11 Ideal for t•nt1·rt.rnunit J bdr pbt le\'t'I Condo in , Open )p;t1:1uu!I. rm~. w1•t ~•tblulf i. Beauttful. bar & many un1qur nice.' \14.'W $1 311 oou r uture> tMO-73 lB Prvt enlr &. p11L1t1 off I fir for CQll\'rl. Ofill'4.' Finest qu.£1 bwltm:, & extras thruout UltsofslOragt', lo mu1nt yard&much more' Mu:.I see! 6'2·9411 Open Sun I 6 ~LaJolla Dr offCbff Orin Npt Hts Sweeping view of N R Harbor Pool sz lol. beaut remodelt'ii. 3 an & maid 's qrtrs. 5 ba., (orql&J livmg & dm r ms + den, 4 frplc ':., 2 we\ bars. huge rec rm. 2-cur gar. Withm walkmg dis t.ance to xlnt schls. tennis ens & beach Must sell. by ownr. reduced to 5475.000. Open Sat & Sun OCUHVIEWI! t'O«'e\l ~· L&, nu·.-4 bd 3 ba. siJ.5.000 ow . S35,00U 2nd A:.s umt 9 6'< Pa1.ncll. 631 l2tlG Kt.ALI UK;:, LliSEOmOM Large 4 br. 3 ba exec. home $12,000 -I yr opt. + neXJble lse. 752.2550 ~.,..91/4% Owner may carry 2nd TD. 3 bt>drm. 2~ bath, Westside Townhouse Call J ohn Mars hall, 631-l~ l~}Z~lztl REALTORS 1·5 , 1421 Kings Rd . ---------631·58'78. 631·5584 INVESTORS: Newport Crest Condo 3 Br. 3 bli. Lge ai.sumable loan. Presently leal>ed ()wn, Agl. 645 0295 OWNER ANXIOUS Owner h as purc hased New home. MUST SELL' 4 Udrm. 2 ba. pout & spa Newport /\reJ Home 81-,';, A6l>Um abll' Luan Available OPEN SAT & SU"l 234-0Cynthla <.'rt Wendy fo'ronk Cahfornrn 1 l<>rm .. ,l'llrrs 77G-9700 5411 f•J24 5 bdrm Harbor V1l'W H o m e 1!1 30 l'ort Seabourne . $23!1 ,000 Open Sat Sun I 5 lh Owner 644-4208 THE BLUFFS Open Sun. I 5. ~ V1st11 Omada Assume 9•,,• ~ loan 3 br 212 ba. Many xtras At trartJVe greenbelt Move in cond This beauuful home W Its l>Upcr ftnanc 1ng won 't lal>t Ion.:. Broker 759·1861 c1sk for Bill. $168.500 BIG CANYON Open Sat/Sun 12·4 JUST LIST E D Im rmculate 3 Bdrm, 212 ba Townhome on the g olt course with expans1vt> views. Sec it today at 11 Sea Is land Dr. S238.500 Ralpti E Smfftl Rltr. 640-8456 Ol"'84 SUHDA Y 2·5 20411 l irch St. IRJGKT & CHEERY 4 Bdrm Bluffs condo with large pal.lo. Newly de- corated open feeling, ideal for family ente r· taJIUng. Owner ready to go. !>O make your move: $1.59,000 26.14 Vl~"TA OR~A OA OPEN SAT/SUN 1-S 642-5200 MPTHGHTS 1lus hidden beauty IS On a dead end st . 2-sty, 5 Br, 3 Ba. sml ocean view. i'\JU Swedish sauna. Lg jacuu.i, 2800 s q ft. Many extras Must see to ap· prec1ate Owner wants fru.tsalc $199.950 firm. Reduced SI 0,000 5 Bdrm home oo over •13 acre fee land. Harbor View Homes Portafino Md!, expanded to over J:n> sq rt. ltardwood en· try. central air. bonus rm & more! Call for com· plet.e details. 544-9411 ALAL ESTATE ~TA&U.SHMENT WaterfrOllt Condos at &ttrc.c~ to Udo 2 Br. 2"'1 ba. $450,000 2 Br. 2 ba. $430,000 1 Br, I ba. $225,000 All with security. pool, view, etc. HURRY' 1raw... ....... ~ 0... Z Rf, tu 1 $3' Vu Oylle In \p lu• 1100 l1 ... 1 .. 4lr/lle U»t. Mt11a Park. S1IOOC> .. ~.~ ............ . ~ a C' e I I • n t 1 &1 r m • Spa~~ rent 1116 per mo ~rt Sboree OtklD &46-t4US, '1$0-3780 &Inda I~.~ !iM4# -.---)' MOVINO MUSTSELL·'79 AISUM&aLI LOAM dbl wide Go.ldenweat. by Seller wtll carry 2nd vwnet, nr bch, Ju rent T 0 N4:wport llc1t1hl11 124,SOO 645-2214 chant~r .Complwldy,tt' -. • -:s • -,,~.- rnodmd You wall love 0 N T H E IJ t; A {; II it! 5162.~ Call niu.-~11d1a Unob~lructe<l JIUOlll, 831 121&6 0o.c;::.w vu Sngl w texpan· l~?Z~lztl ~ ~1:44~~~4i~~;<'· OCIAH VIEW!! Super duplex, 4 bdrm:. . 2 blllh:. & 2 bdtlll!S • 2 baths. 1224.500 PAULMAITIM UAL.ESTATE 644-7383 1076 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Open House 0111ly. Uy Owner 4 Br 2 83. beaut view of b.tlls & ocean, close lo schools. too many extras to m ention $12A,500 427 Calle I::rn palme. 498-0781 Harbor EJ>tates 4 bdr. 2'·'1 ba. panor amic ocean view. SlW,000. 1·496·1840 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAYl-4 130 Pasco de Cn stobal Delitxful 2 BR, pool & spa, top Jocatiol) nr finest beach. Sl24.800. BERTHA H ENRY RLTRS el-4121 215 Del Mar •EXCITING• SPICIALIUY Beautiful 24 · X 52 Keywal 09721 Mobt.le home in Laguna I hlls rul'f'St ~star park 7x15' encl porch, m1r ron.>d doors. hght wood mtenors, 3"2 T air cond. 2spac10U!. Urs with ba + dressing area, walk tn clol>els All for only $29.500. l}{U.6638) C.t.UFORHIA ftACIRC MOllLEHOME SALES 2700 Harbor, Ste 206·A 540-5937 LIVE IH IRVIME New 1536 sq ft IJ78 Lancer All extral> In 'Ille Groves Shown by appl only {;all no\\ fur all drtail~ <SJ 6007 1 !1728421 Bkr 1080 Pull Out 61 Trailcram:.1 Ul' 110\.'6703 Dbl "'de. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 0 ~ 4 5 s 5 9 " u VETS Ren a 1 :. s a n c e M r . ftOOl IEAUTY 499-3579 VETS! Lvly lge 4 bdrm w pool' ~ncrs bought another Motivate d ! We will qua Ii fy you ove r l he phone! 545-9491 South LClfJllllCI 1086 ••••••••••••••••••••••• !!Price ledilced!! Owner will carry financ· iogon this uruque h1lls1d e r etreat. Fro m the welcoming atnum enlry thru to the 700 sq ft of deck. bousl.Dg ci spa, you will be enchanted by an unobstructable ocean vtew & Catalina sunsets Featuring an intenor that assures comfortable easy livmg w/Oak floors. beam ceilings. 3 Br. 3 Ba den. a step-saver kitchen w/every imaginable ap· pliance & extras ~a lore ! Call today for more m · formation 675-7512 SEASllORF. 2 BR2 Ila + den Pet OK $3!,CXXl Agt 646-4380 LOCATION Spacious mobile· home located in prrst1~wus LAls Alamitos P ark m a very pnvate. quiet urea. 2br. 2 ba, family rm. dtn· mi: rm Adult only park Beauttful d ubhousc· with pool. sauna & spa Pnccd low cit $49,000 for qUJck ~a.le CaJl now ror more l.llf o. 968-4433 EMEAY REALTY LAKE FOREST $26,500 HEWUSTIMG! Lowest price. dbl wide beauty 5 Star adult park. 2 Bdrms ., 2 ba , a1r-cond. Screened li lt ung porch. 15 Yr !inane 1ng avwl To sec, call Mr Wnght, Franklin Really 64(). 7000 or 675·!!084 Open House Sat/Sun. I 5. Adult P ark , 24 922 Mwrlands Blvd El Torn 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Space 11;;2, SJS.<XX>. Vacant ready to move in . C all O /A 559-5767 HEWPORT IAYSIDE VILLAGE OlO!ce location. s.s2.500 Vacant Boat r eserva - 1.Jon Monthly rent $213. L.e renewable. 6 yrs to go fl'ri_...,..... .... 16 unit complex. Terms uvwlable. Pos1L1ve cash flow $865,000. Agent, tl33' 216S() • T.t.RAKTB.LO & LEE 1600 COMMBCIAL RETAIL with new freestanding UW sq ft bldg. Pnme corner loc ation, 10 Newport /Costa Mesa area on maJor i.treet with a t.ram r count of 68,100 autos per day. Pre)entl} a men· & womens sports wear bout.Jque lbusm~s also for sale 1 Call Richard Rollruck, (71 41 833-2900 bkr. 1800 ..•••.•••••....•.•..... 4MEWUHITS That you can i:et first user nghts on. near ma tn busmess lstock brokers & large bank:s I d1stm.-t uf Santa Ana Park Place.Inc 842 7461 *** CdM DUPLEX Nl'W l1l>tU\g on thL'> unit 04!..ir A.lllertson ·s & So 11( llw y Both 3 & :! bedrooms with man~ e:o. tral> Priced ri gbt for qwck l>ale F'man1:m1: '" J\C11lable to quahftl·d buyc·r £M.950 Call for appt ~lr Tressen !J71 2! f>..i..I :;147 IPS Agent OCEANFRONT llJPLEX• * With spadou.-. ownC'rs un 1t 3Br. &2Br, luxur10u<; !ONES l{L\LI' 1'C .,.~, (714) 673-6210 --. Prop«ty 2000 ....................... 19UHITS Excellent Npt Bch loca· uon. 2 blks frotn lloai: Jb;p1tal All well mam Lamed. Aslung $839,900 Owner has purchased new property & 1s ready to go A PR€HIG€ /-t----.--1!1--H OME:~ J333W Coastllwy, NO 645-6646 --- BY O WNER -San O emen\e 6 units . $1 ,605 + CIO. S2SS.OOO. 20'1 On. owe 496-2980: 831-2822 COM DUPLEX 3 Br owner's unit w frpll: & 1 Br 1 Ba urut. 9"2'; <IS sumable loan $179.900 full pnce Horse µroperty near Mesa Or. Upper Bay. 4 BR. e xtraordin a r y letchen. SWlmmmg pool. greenholL5e Sl&0,000 Mullan Realty_ 540 2960 ROGER IROWH l..E s.-.t •ach I 088 AOOLTS ONLY 673• 1° 20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• liiM PR€HIG€ I HOME~ .... New ''W ESTCLIFF ~ ................... ..,..,...,.....nr,,.,.....YY">I (7 14) t)45 9950 3333W Coast Hwy, NB 645--6646 CAPRI" Condos. Walk Lo --------• s hopping . banks. r estaurant s & transportaUon. Only 4 units lert. Two 1 Brs Slll.000!: 2 Br $92,500; 2 Br S83.500. Hurry! Best buy in NewPort! Call 6'>72'l1 ~21. Wftfclffl llNMISIUflFS OP94SAT/SUM 1-5 550 VlSl'A GRANDE 3 BR trt level, loads of Italian tile. Warm up walk lo the Newport Btacb lemlia d ub. Now only 1186.IDO. "4)-625' cf{~ SPYGLASS MIU USTIUY More than $50,000 less than any home on the hill. A well loacated non· view 3 Bdrm Portsmouth Mdl. CALL QUICK . Can't last at $349,000. 644-7211 /Jn NIGEL UAILEY & ASSOCIATES HAllOIYIEW HOMES SACl.IFICE SOMERSET! Delux S Bdrm., 3 ba charmer. 2 frplc's, huge family rm w /wet bar, l oaded w/qualJly xtras. You own tbe land. IMMEDlt\TE POSSESSION! Want to make tbe b'U' or the year??? Call btr, for special detalla, 640-1100. IS CANYON Spectacular golf course estate. 6600 sq. fl.. 4 to 6 Bdrms, S'AI baths. Pool and Jacuui. OPIM SUleAT I.a PM 100 STStS TOOCEAM 5 BR . 2BA h.o.m.!'. a pprox 15 years ofd with S 137 ,000 assumable ts• a t 9"''. Owner will carr y 2nd. ,7141146-5502 <>Pa.HOUSE SAT/SUM 1·5 PM 700 Udo ftri Dr# I $37,500 Come by and see Helene Alison and she 'll show you a choice o f Mobile Homes ln this W11tcrfront community. Priced from $28,000 to ~.900. WATI RrRONT llOMl 'i lee. REAL ESTATE 6Jl·1400 ,..... 1090 ~forW. 1200 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .~U:::.s ~AMOMDIAR Are you looking for a 111 ACRES beaWf'ul custom home! 1ben make an appoint· llDUCID. meat to see this charm· FROM 15,000,000 inc home ol wood and TO $3,000,000 gJus. Jl featurell. 5 Zooed Rl • Freeway Bdrms, 4 baths. indoor CloH atrium. 2 C1tt1>laces and Desperate-must sell I BY OWNER -Lak e Elsinore, 5 bach units . + 2 br house. Sl,075 mo tn· come. $148,000. 20•,; dn, owe. 496-2980. 831·2822 COSTA MESA 4Ho.Mso. I Lot Lowest price Jn Cos ta Meee. Only 10% down. OWC. Always rented. Wortd Real Estate 556-7777 - ..wp()lrf HACH 12UMITS I DOOR from OCEAN Unbelievably low LOW PRICED at $425.000 Owner will trade. WortdlealEshlh 556-7777 FOUi UMITS.c.M. Near new. 3 Br owners unit, 2 ba, frpl, 2·car d ecks. New decor Att.54t-7HI thruout. Zoned forl~~~~~~~~~ bones. Call 541-a1G TWO lo .... cu e.ar .. a.2 er.2t>a.u.nJta. ,,. TSL lnvstmt.s 642-1603 PARCELS ln beautiful Meaa Grande. rollln1 16 DB.UXI UMITS terTatn. 2V. acre zoning. PRIME EMTSIDE. CM ~. HERITAGE . R fALTORS ~~~~~~~~~I Wlth 5 acre minimum on 2 Bdrmaeach. Jll"OS*t¥ rrontiftl an AG 111ESTARNF.SCO. .,,..erve. All utllltle1, • 640-S'Tll pevec1 rued. Aak ror aeae ;...._ ______ _ Tallln. '714.fTl.5111 MIWPOIT llACH WK' ' la lotl ••••••••••••••••••••••• •BYOWNEll 'le. 88.lbe.I~~ VA ........... -------Oupluet on Penln . " Nwpt Sbra avail. All amenltiH. Presently. le.-.cL Two·ltey opera. Uon. Propert~ m1mi av.U. 17S412. BICR. WDIAlllM ...... ....... 2 lar1•. ' .....,mWllllDIHa, ...... .,... ...... i. ,_nm 6 formal ... ,_. ,..,.... .... J,tll n.e f..c.t draw lo the Weet. • .a Dally PUot a..an.ct Ad. Call Today M2:S11. • l2 uoil.'J. Modem, 0% vac tac. Xlnt for out of town owner, Synd, etc Walk to all. Ocean s ide beach comm. As king $32,000 per unlt. Real Properties Systems 714 72!.I 3059. 434-4576. · ~!lcoME . 2567..._, CM Ol.x s pac&Ous borne w /S 2Br studio lwnhse units Home bas 3 lg bdrms. 2"'28a. separate yd, dlx lotcben. Mediterranean tyle arc b1t<'cture. beaut.Jlully lndscpd. A re· al pnde ol ownership. Open Sat l·S To see call agt 979-5099 1.2 two Bdrm Wills. room for 6 addtt1onal un1ti. 2043. 2'M9 WaJJace. l:ust..i Mesa. Gross $53,l!:llO > r $145,000 dn Bulantc 5420.<KX> on contract 20 yr ~ub·ordmal.lc.m Pnn & mt S3500 rno. ~ 2020 RENTAL INCOME PROPEl<TY Fl"om $39,\JO(J ModulJr Ty~ Jlomt>">, 24 l>Cl·unty J pvt lx>lH'ht•... pool & pier Trea ... un· Ii.I<' l'k, 18>1 Pa1:1(11: C!tt llwy. L..iguna lkh H M I' !71'1H!l'J JS7!J U ficc 8wldmg s.ioo,ooo JOO)sq (t + ba~t"ment 5 ... wtt~ C,k. ean \'1cw 0\\ n r l' l' "J r k I n I: N l' .t r Laguna. !1.U1Jcr11Jr l"Oll -.ln.K·tion In tu"' 11 1 l'ntn nr tu c\ <''1 thtn); l"t1 ti Owner 49!1 If~ .r ' \ ICJ\ l' mf'S'>Jl:l' L>a.na Point duplt•\ • HK 2 b.I , I Bit I ba l (pl ... l(ar SM2.000 PN• \llt•n tkaltor 1~1 7.,7K NONO Nom•w lo..in "loQudhf\ 1ni: .Jw.l $35,000 rlo" n 0 W (' lntl'l l'~l uni) lnc·omr Slll.500 F PSIJ.S,000 CALCOA.<.;T l<EALTY !).l~Al:l!ifl II 1.14 PLEX ES !Iv .1~t·rll Bu:. 960 ·13!12 H l'" ~<!.19fl 16 UNITS Pnde of ownrrsh1p :'lot·•Jr beach m Hunllnj?lon i\11 unit:. ha\e frplc s Only 5 yrs old Owner want!> qwck -.alt' Will n1rr~ financing w '4!0' .• down at only 10'~ wterest. Call A PR€HIG€ '-+-I HPM€~ 3333 W Coast llwy. NB 645.6646 INVESTORS 8 -I IB>ROOMS Real &talc -------------liiiiiY l'RIU DUftLEX OwMt-Filtc.c.d! ! ! ID"r down, OWC AITD at 10"'2':;. Spacious 2 BR un 1l tn x.lnt Cost a Me:.a location Outl>t andtnit financing avail Call for tk-tails, !04 939J 4 UHIT IARGAIM ORiy $90,000!!!! Owner will carry on con tract at 10'1 interest with 15';} DOWN. lligh de mand beach area Well maintained adult typr units . Just listc rl a nd can't la:.t ! Call today 1134.9393 12UMITS CostoMe1a 8.2 X GROSS if rents leveled at market Near break even with 30'1! down. Profess ional management inc luded Owner wilt help finance a l below market in· terest! Too good to last' Call 834-939.1 14UMITS l .SXGrots llome plus 13 uruls and x ln l l ocation Professional manage. ment. or do it yourselr and save $4200/year• Xlnt potential. $105,000 handl es . Cal l f or ~e834·9393 •SPAltlUM6 • MIW·6UMITS Vf!IY attractive In.side & <U. Larae units. Four 3 Bdrm, 3 ba le two 2 Bdrm. 1 ba un1la with pvt patjoe. Just completed. 't.cel area, convenient to frwy. ALSO otMn Ln IQOd. rental area. Don't delay, call~)' 9'11-5170 ALLSTATE REAL TORI LEASE HOLD 0 .C. $171000 p/y NET IN· COME FUlJ. PRICE S180.000 BROKER 532·2200 .• UNITS 0-ll for free Ii.lit ' Pnced from Sl~.000 to mo.ooo eau ~3666 L 'j; I ?I IP;1~1 aEAI. UTATE 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 TRJPLEX LOTS With pl"1M. Xlnt loca Lion, nr shoppmg. fwys, churches Super rental area Wei.lm1nster P n ce Sl40.000 Agt . 5.56-4133. 7 5 I 77'1 V1t·w LOT Po r tar1na. L.af(Ulla Be a ch S9S. ooo Owner ti .a.I 1604 or 642·S634 ----- Sweepini;: On·an \'1e" San Cl e mt'lllt• l o t $75 .0IJO T r·rm -. '>Ubord1nate 4\11\7171 , 493-29:11 RB>UCB> 3 StrateS(Jc<illy locatcli .\ plex lots 1n ncarb> Pomona. with all plan'> & p('rm1t:. Subordin.ilf'd rmancm.: a",ulable ,.,..,. Sl.'.ll.llAl 171 4 ) 673-4400 II ''•. t11,1• ... 'n1.1 •' • • OAJL Y PILOT €1 FOR LEASE Escape to COT O de CAZA !° Fully r urn1s hed t or 2 Bdrm from S650-$800/n1o. Immediate occupancy. Recreation Club features: Horses. gun tlub. tennis & bowling facilities. For further info : 551-2000. 639-9143. RANCH REALTY. ask for Rose Gammon. --; Hf\NCH ~ HEALfY ~ 1..>~1 2000 ' .... - ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._..,_,.IMd CoroMdatM• 3JJ2 ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ...._,._., 3106 Ha.rtxw View Lusk home, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 BR 2J.-, Ba, ocean view. den & d.uung rm, I yr U.c. $1350 mo 833-2623 IAYFIOMT 2 bdrm, 2 bath I.I\ s uper local.Jon Avall no w for 5 Br. 3 Ba, Harbor View WILIU!r rental S'!lOO mo H.b, lovely family home Salisbury Rea!Jy 673-6900 w lit fenced yrd. 10 mos lea...e at SIOOO mo. Avail ON WATER WINTER rrud Oct Bonnie. Agt. RENTAL F:xc1t1ng 3 bi~.644-0452 Bdrm. ram1ly rm. d1mn11 ------ rm and -.t.uned glasi. 2Sdrm Dplx. Iba. l>undk, wind ow -. Moor1 n i: stove & rcfng, ull incl. e1vatle1bl~ SIOUO mo $5001mo.640-4090 Wllller Salisbury Realty !>i3-$X> STEPS TO BAY 1 br 2 ba duung rm . (rplc, .:ar 2 pal.lo:. $.S2S wmtl!r u~n 328 Sapptur{' &14 <IJ$4 Stud.lo. D KI ) rl) 2 Hit . Jasnune Creek Guarded {;ommumly Brand nrv. home Some ocean view Pools & tennis J bdrm. 2 ba Oinln A & famtly room:. SI IUQ per ITlfJ 213 586-l>tlJ2 SS75. !I ITl•I' ()pen I Ille 3 bdrm ·1 II J Sat !)on 211 Topal ll(:ar Bil-! ba II rep I J Ct•, Corona $6511 6i3-~ ~SIWi ilal)oa ,~a 3 I 07 ....................•.. Exc-epllona.lly nit•· 2 RH tiom.-W1ntt•r u v..111 1m ffit.'d $7(XI 12 4, :i51 ~11 ~·3666 1;'\("o. UC~ '""Ft<"1 SPLl'.'l;l..10H &-duUful horn• h,1 1 lir " :!Ba ID( I nl'"" I rpt ~h out tm1·k frph "'~hr dr. r dlohv.,hr ~ , .1r i.:;ir !.uokinf.! '"' \ rh ""•n l• r I l'llJll' 111 rt•rit l•t .! 01 1 I ·' ;..i_c,5J.'j.1 f,.1.4 ~· I-A. "IT A.')T I l. JOO<hq ft lJct.'Wl \u Jbr. den'Jba, frpll ~P se:u~l qurt& rm for bo<it trlr Gardnr in cl 1\\.all 11 I 1-iiJ S&lli J \..'i~tl~i'. CJU:t-:K Ol'l•<in '•~"" 21.ir di>n . form.ti din rm :! frplc.:" ~Mo b40 1212 A.:I (Jut.,t.l.ndm.: 1H'~an \ 1t•11o Jtop :-.p;r)(la.-.,. lf1ll 3 BR. fdrruly & lurllldl d1otOJ.! rm ~•1 Jll:r mo Opt·n '-oat & ~n I 'J 117 Mnn tcr\•) Cir<'ll' Mobil•~/ O·i·c1J1!runt ~ Jlr ... mt1 r Trlr Priu 2300 ,!Jf..i~l & PJllU Ulll vd • • • ••• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • JduJL1oi S.\.!:JJ b75 1~, LIDO ISLE S29.500 .!. llUR:\1 1 U\, \'IEW Ot- U A ' l L 0 ~ I'. r 0 UELA:O-.l':V~. !:>llOP Pl~G . OW~ER WI LL CARRY OAI 20TH t' E!llTl RY \I 0 8 I L t-: Ill>~ E~ 527 5900 & ZlJ S..Q.1-6701 Mcultain. D~. Resort 2400 •..•••..••.....•....... FOR LEASE ~w 2 bedroom 2 bath home M1-;-.1on Lakt·:, <.'ountr) Club G ulf tl'l\1\IS J><)()I llt:dUl1fu lly land-;cap<'d, Ill• mall\ tenanCi.· \ ard 9000 C~lubhouse Rrl Uesert !lot Spnnse:s :?lJ Ji8 25i2 Palm Sprinse:~ '~ \1 w ntrl' 3 Rr home WOl·d for hor~rs \'1t'W Ill goltl·oursl· Sttil 0011 Owner ~ :rn ;MJt, Out of Cowwty "operty 2 5 5 0 ......•..•..•........•. CAHYOHLAKE Golf roun.e homl' Jbr 2ba lar2e family rrn . $98.500 Ask for Pam 71 4/674.2104 Cdifonlia Propttty b~_ 2 -.ty :Jlt r :!ba s pa<'""' horn• JIJ l"H'r) th1111: nt'ar liJ) Wl'ffl';H ~1~>t• '<:"I ••lf>"7 '>'1:'\'TER l BR >\•.:. m•1 Cosfo Mna 3224 114 E Balboa HhtJ :\ •••••••••:••••••••••••• Ph 675-2164 •!'loew 2br condo nr So ~ leoch ) 148 <.:-.t 1'1au Pool. i.pa $450 •••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • 83J..M9'7 4 or 7 59-0217 l.K"eanfront. "Loter rental. pvt t>..ach, po.ii .: h1 ·• ba. oo lods·pel.'> 49'J lSi!J East'l1d<' l-:nte rta1ne r ... Delt~l. Jbr l.l•bd, man} am~n kid'-. nn Pl'b Avail 9 I $695 631-0496 Ckeanlront mnthly ren tals ~ RMP 2Br. 2Ba. di" condo, adlLo;, nr So O;t Plaza. sec. AC. l 1 69 no pet_-.~ mo ~-313J 49'J 3579 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NJ-,.:W L>elux.eJBr. den. din FabU.I~ home with all decor at.or am cru ti rs 1 Bdrm View F;ihult>u-. l uxur)' furn1 ;,h1ng,, saxxJ mo Winter On P\•nu~ul.i Onl) 'll IJ" to bc:11:h l Bdrm, I b.1, furn S650 mo Wmtl'r Waterfront llomt•.., ti31 1400 lkean!ront beauuful di~ 3br 2b..i. rrplc $.900 mo 1.11 JUJl\.• Refs 6'5 IS.I'• 3 HR, 2 ba. luxury homt .I frplr "·dbl car gar . A i.: S750 962~ nn. 11\' rm. mtt•rowJH', i • 2 83 . dbl t:Jragc $&JI.I mH :!567 Elden AJ:t !l';'S-500'1 ~ BR. 2 83. f<'am1ly Rm. newly painted. 1mm.11• rood Rt'l'I rl>q d $67!1 ,~ !179-68!16 I UK. f:lm rm din rm Ml~<i Verdl' $8.')(J Mo. m cl )(ardent"r Ca II Marv Alt cc 1'198 2ti36 1'1 PECCA BLE J br 211bJ Condo No Pet~ ~;u. I 1·h1ld Pool. tcnni:. J\ J1I S650Mu Sierra :\~ 641 1324 ----- :'ltew 2br 2hli Condo i!car~ar A C Wk1!12-8910 Hm673-8276 CM of St• Ptoperty $675. Mesa V<'rde. 4 Br :l •••••••••••••••• •• • •• •• Ba. bt & last + rleamn~ 2600 Gcu•ud l20J deµ s.57-0149 ....................... --_._ ___ _ ••.••••.•..•...•....... Beaut hm. 2 8 ac. 1 yr old. 3 Br. 21'2 ba. Vanl.'ouvt.'r. Wash. 642.5063 l'YeS an 7pm. Sl68.000 -------R.chn. Fanm. Gro•n 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• w.·,..~· L<\JIOv~ cat.~·I l20 ac~e alfalfa ranrh. reservoir 900 gpm well . large 5 bd, home & shop. nat land tilled & reudy for pl a ntin g . f 2700 p1 atre:owner flnaocing. aruuous to SC II R :! bu1ldable lo t an Capi s trano Beach Palisades. S92.000. 16 acres w1double wide mobile home m the Paso Robles area. $95,000 R-1 lot in San Clemente. •1.000 cash. 22 acres (2 parcels> with 2 wells. hom e. guest house. barn& view. Walk to Paso Robles. Terms 1229,000 3 Bd. Templeton home $58,()()() W/$33,000. U · swnable Joan. 58 NC~ view acres in Elslnon' with own er financing, 46 waterfront acres at L a k e Naclmlento w/power, telephone & a wat.eray,tem. ~.ooo. Principals only please. For r•nches, acreage. lake propert.iea •homes, coatact Ken Marita al .. W.Healld Red.or a. A.Noclat.es lMI Sprint Street PuoRoblet •11211-HIO llOl I 466-l04t DtMe Sh or pcMtotial developmeat. lf'tal ta• ....... .. .,. ........ Clo."50.0llO. 'f14·'1S4·7W CLOSE TO lliCH S210 Rm k1tcheo ~ lbr. pets. frpk $4.502br luds, pcls. fee $46S2brluds, frplc HOMEFJNDERS S.S7-<Ml26 3206 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IAYFIOMT 2 bdrm, 2 bath 1n super location avail now for w\nter rental $'900 mo. Salisbury Realty 673~ Corallo dat Mor 3222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. l"• ba. frpl. patw. (eoct.'d yard, gardener. 2 Adlts. I chld ok. No pct:. L~e S495 t mo . C all 751~19 aft 6 t5pm. $425 mo 2 BH 2 Ba. 2 car ~ar. fplc, W 10 , stove refng meld. ALSO. S37!1 mo .. 2 BR I Ba. 2 car gar & yard. Ava.tJ, 10115/79. Ref's req'd. Grdnr. ineld roBO Maple St. No pell> Agt. s.slH>Zll. 979-~ E'mde. 2 Br, fenced yard. encl gar. $350. CaH own/egt . 675·4822 or ~ Large 3 br. 2 ba. (rplc. pvt patio, nearly 11100 sq ft Easts1de t br house duplex So. of Hwy Avail Hesponsible sang le or Ckt. l. 1st & lasl mo + couple. S340. 00-3415. S250depos1l. S650 mo. 511 t550 mo. Comer lot. RV Carnation. 00-7800 access. trc yard, garage •Small lbr. yard. uhl pd. Near all. 3 br. 2 ba. 2 Adults. $425. No pets children. DO pets. Move 75&-0217or833.m4 rn hnmed 543-1.941 days. man eves. JaslDIM Creek. Secunty, pools, tennis. 3 br, 2i,.i, In. 2.BR.. gar. renced yard. end unit , Plan 6. tugbly cpt.S.; Pet OK. $360/mo ~ on gmblt. L.se _546-_7506 __ • ____ _ S12l0. 640-4784 eve. ICJOS /PITS Oil IRVINE T E RRACE : F.ASI'SIOE darlln1 t br Spacious s bdrm 3 ba . tripla. $185. 2 Br. duplex formal din. rm. fam . rm. $4185. 642·2510or&t6-t848 w/Wet ber. Gardener ln· chided. Avail. 11-1. S900 Brand New 2br, 2ba Con-mo. Aaeot &M-9635 do w l frplc , S4SOMo. SeU with EMEi ll 's a BREEZE Oaaalfied Ads 642-5678 Avail Now ~'J.7162 •• 3br. 2ba dbl 1ar, huge fenced yard. Avail. Oct. •Lit. Children OK. Will ClCllllider pets. MW827 • Brootview tbndo. J Br 2\.; Ba. A.IC, attached dbl pr, PoOI. Jae.. teDDis Wlbr/dryr. microwave MOWIS THI TIMI for job aeekmi to check the Dally Pilot Help W-.d c.laNificaUon. Jr the job ~ WMl ls not tbereyou mltlll contlder Nh'IC, avail 10/l . Nt olfenn1 your ae.rv1ees peta. •mo. 55a·ta$ wil.b an ad in the Job Duplu, 2 BR. 1 ~ ba W.ud catqory. Pbooe peOo, ancl 1ar .. Pl~ I097I ,...., Daft, 6'4-72.U ....... _ ··- • .. • ·. 0 ii .., II I If !•• l it 11• II •l ••• WI r I ,,. ni: •11 1.1 UI l1I ·nl f.!t' ~l'' rtl n · rb hr SW •ml· .111cl \)Ol 1.ot ~rs. 000> 1ort 1enl call lme Im O·&. Ex 'PP· luys 267 RIA not "rl. r ID ·Fri. :ntr \CM Jme Mr. ~ at , pply ..... ~ .. S.Cu,,,.,.S..,~0.1 21.1979 ........ h-......_.-., 4' ....... ;.~.... Af•lmcat1........:--.,,.,,,...h.,....,.-. ........................ ....................... ....................... . ............................................. . ....._ •• r hti1d H1nnu.tarm•1d .... ..._.. _UN..._..,_, l116 s.ca1 • 1776 c:.m...... Ja24 H rE ... .._. ll40 Ml,. ... .._. ll6t ·U "u ... A•n• -.. , ...•.......•.......• .. .......................................... \ .....•.•.•••...........• IS M ....... JJ41 ........... ll41 ........ _ ............ ;-.:;;:~·;;.:•;:;: ;;::::·;;;;~;: =:-;=;:·.~·;·;•; .;:;•;;:;;;~·: •-.. •••••••••••••••• ---... ••••••• • =I ) i WI -~ •*I ·~tla. Jard. rfb, Open hone ~•l Sun WINTER LEASE acuaa . Dter. mo. bl • lut. 711-8 W. U. ~.daltwsr, tar• 8R-/yrly.l\ara.28R ........ l ll4 ...__ _... ..._,, 7 .mo.au.m...oo lllh.»7~. ~No,....-.as11. ..,..,.IT"4M J •. J ...... ~.Jard -· v-, lll•Alll I lpm New I.. l Rr . .. ~ Yrl)I -. C.I ,.a IN lOlh S. DIO hara/ufurn oo bu\!h ,. ...... 'ii~· 2ba lower, Lovely all adult, no peta, BMJll:LOR UNITS rrom ~ ... n u S11..!!!, TNaaur• llland 1 ao1. 1s 1 1 ° • ---~..:AJl&kllOLJl'.,d. ...-ps..m&l.walura. &GO:. ~ ~ .. _..:-. •• -.~ --._.M Y-~ · 8drm-;-'2 stor rto-~. Ko. iaiir.Jlli.Ml-Ollt.. rrom o c: .. o. 201 E. ':--'_,,.~'Kev nr ~ • c ar. patio. ---hou'lt• ..., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avail. Oct l .Ml.ml Balboe, For more i.a/o b11t1h Tudor lOWI W/O ...... pool UM, ..... '~...Wm. 2 ., .... p I ,. • ll07 . z•38edroomtownbouse, ealla..&aatMl·ncrJ •· ~ 2 llllclr• I ba 11111 ~ Ok l"lll Vly BR llio11H.' I blll to ..._ • ....................... F.Mtakle nwly decor. 2br. new. detwc.e advlt com- f\nplaN, POOi 1e:ona1 ~ .. 1.5 •nm beaell Quiet S tove, ••HI\ Yfi'HONT Very larg~ ·Duple x OtuQfrom 2 BR. 1 ba. lba.D:iOllo. pooj, .ctulu, plea. Sffunty. te nnh1 2 Br. 2 be ccodo,..., bl.It to ....._~ rttna Av&&I Oe't a '52S Apt ~ <I Bdrm. 3 ba, laundry rm. pr., yearly sszs. ALSO nope'9.NMJlll. _ oourt.1pa.2302Hes1 Cir· beadl.2caraar.a utooP· T '¢ ..... 11 c:IMwai 44:';.~;~.:,Y~'!· ~•Al\tPll41'1·... t arport <BoatMoorlng Posslble > BalboeBl~d.38R.21ba. Condo a br 2.,.. b'a de.•5171 :t,~aut.beyview.'850 .._2.._ a be USO m t Vau.,. a f!. ea tc'1l. 4 Bil, C>CftA aide, No iar' U 0 >'eat 1 • mkrowave, eiee. 1ar. dr: llACHWOOD A"S TSLlllJDl MZ·l603 .... 1 or ..,_,. o .. forG.e -1 DR, P"P + 1tYC110 If L" •wc1111t I Altoc..... '71-llJI 8'J3.7t12. OllU' Wet bar. uparadn 21r a. I* lbr 1315 ..._ 4 118 , waa ... •r drJ Mr pr -Cail .. 9* J.n ...... A••, ......... 3 BR, 2 be, yrly. Very New. -mo. '71&-2373 ~.IDl.IOO OCUJ .. ONT • ~ dmetobcb. Nice/clean. day,la.aCIOleve. -3br, a. w/offlce. Yrly . •• ~ ,.. yrd ••• , t.rna.-mo ~Ind, 2 BR.'"' bll 8'J3.21.13Refllrbiabed. 28r, l'-ll Ba, fplc. W/D li\ilk.3 car1a.r.$1050 IMft ......,..._No Ptt. 217'1 ~1 '700110 2 Br. l"'-ba t.ownhouM. l*upl,D/W.,paUo,s ngle TSLKcmt MZ·l60.1 .. OOllo US Joan CW~T SUN 10 8 ar..frcmt condo, 2 8r, a ...._..,.,., ....... _. ..._p , ¢£ 3707 By the Bay, bacbekw apt, ~~ patio . pool , car1ar.M40.964-52illt m1'1J7 ..... h•• , M ~~-llJOOUlU ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. pr mo yrty, DO pets. 'f\repl~. Adult.a 2 8 c d IAYPOltT urs * • • ._., am r . n.onm .... , :I 8R ., dH. J __ ._ · aowat.erbeda. M5-5714 only. $31&.131-84. r 0 n ° · 1 br apta avail. immed. , U.. dtt\ water pd r p I ~ar Nr ot'Hn, ~a...., ramOy hom\4 .... ,......_ 1269 1 8r an quiet residential Broollhur s l /Ada m s ~.!'I,!! project .• Lus ._ NI> ..... Sal. ~ard Gar pr IL Ut~ 60 lJ23, _.., llfonth .. ••••••••••••••••••••• atta, t blk bay or ocean. C.-.. Mllr ~21 ~ 9e•u!, brand new Adults .pnly . no -pet s (a • ,. r '' ··""'".o.;..,'_,._~J~'!l-1."l tal ..... 3Ardl Bly1 ot·nn v1e NO f EE•Ar.4 "1s•conau Newcarpet.2'13,.1-1531 '·••••••••••••••••••••• 211t,2ba,frpk,lndryrm S3SO/mo. U l /l a s l +-ape,pooi,,ac uui. 21lR.1 ..... ..,u.Mo lmmed.occupy , c le anino d e p U SO. From 1 480 . So m e a,r. Lt.. Jar. waa.-r pd ~ 3 bf'. z bM bae1 blM . ... •·-rentalw VI la Rentals BEACH. View, pi«, 2br 3 BR, 2 be, frpk, nu crpt. TSLll mt · 642 1803 " w/f1replaces. 2650 San ~No P.t..s DSOllo av . wa». to ~b ~ ~~ 1 ISR, llOOO fJ1~12Bkr Adlul560utl pd. 303 E. ·~~1 ... _ •. Walk_!!! & • ZU/a.1156 an.6 pm J o aqui n Hills Rd. UG~l7>-Tm mu_ Ca.11Andy).)67SJO ··-TU.-R.N· ;...H ..,<>1'M... CONDO 3 bd. p'Oo l £dcewattt U )811·286S bch..<>c..::-u.new_, ~2 8r1"'1 Ba,smlpatio, 2 8r 2 8a f I 1 644-SCl&5 ----""' ~ · R• CaJJsa..nin,a1tl73-8$SO. 1 car'''" Eut.aute CM . , nr new. p c. ---------«IDS PllS OK $br, Sba , 'oo•& or ttlr ... un dM5tl r:.:::.~J: obert C-.. ..._. 1722 BMdl c&oee to beach. urn AM for Pete Mfr.l* aft ':0bdl.;f:r1·~:!';,.~; OMT .. llACH ·t .........._ l ... , .. f1-pl"c-sl«q't' S72:5~o ""'" 71"7 2Br aU wood, lge yard, ••••••••••••••••••••••• lDcld S300. 5PM. S300. !IS).41.S Biill-b, k.ilch, bath, ulll pd. _..,,, ._ n • -~ 8:11~ """' " -.i.. funk Condo oo tbe wale r . -..1~.,,, Hotel Apt.a. S300 yrly " ~ yard M2!I Net • ··-· >' "'50 mo. util Newport Beaches finest. 0 '1 • .,, snJNNING large 2br . 2ba l Br, wlilk lO beach S275 up. tst " last 2306 W. DO&.le~ Beaut.dl.IJ Sbr, 2~ba Con incl.M2>9t0l $1200 Mo . &42 -4183 lbr cklae lO beach. View. gaarden a pl Pool. r ec mo.Ca.JI Andy, Ol:ean!rool 673-41~ dopool.jac 2 carsar "PORTAFl NA O<;EAN _R_EAl.._T_O_RS ~ Blllcony.Utilincld.~. area.~7lOW l8lb St ~7330 BIKE TO BEACH Neve IYed ln. 2 bd . 2.... ba rmmal difti.na, fireplace eal.area m kit Solar a11 si.st hot waler Comm pool 6 aenrus S6SOtmo Call Glen Hellwarth Gl-l2J&6 !RDCf. ~ Avlill Now Vl~W CONDO WITH POOL 675-1497 No~.548-&J82 Jbr, BIO Mo./LBe Op 2 masterbdrm.2Vs bath. 3 8rfurn,wasber•dryer, 2 BR 1 balh Nice area 2 BR, l ba. new paint. Garage, yard, kids O K dnll. flooring, crpl, rrpl, l9M Wa llace. Apt 8 lktlt rtw l ion '1br, Sl O~OM o frplc $S75 mo S46 1392 Ion& or s h or t l erm. .. 49M820 ---: 675-2543 ,..,.._ ll42 OCEANFRONT 3 ~r. 2 ••••••••••••• •••••••••• Oceanfront on pvt point Ra, yrly $1200, or 9 mo Ca.Ill ...... St udio Condo Blt ans, Fanlast.lc view 1 Bdrm $750.673-6210 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rrplc, pool. jac. Acroas t650/mo yrly 499 2227 CASA DI OIO rrombch $350, 962-4914 --MEWPORTTERRACE AU..tmUTIES PAID lmM --- -3244 '-*Forest 3255 WHhi* Compare befor e yo u 3724 carport $IOO. 613-2026 S350+des> for more info ---call Renata ~n07 Deluxe 4br, 3ba apt. all e lect Ocean V 1e w 2 BR. d1x vu, adlu . no SUOOMo 67J.m92 pets. rent reduced t.o S29S --- ----fCK m&r dutJes Oldu c pl 2 Br 1 B11 . (pie. pool, prdd6"/S.Z34.S ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bel. 2~ Ba • rent Cust om des1 gn -3 BR. l "2 b e1 condo. llATTHEHIEAT Ol:ea.nv1ew. $575/mo f{•atures . S p a c 1o u:. s min to bcb. 2 BR, t be1 He ritage p a rk UP· Rent lhis 1.ake Fore!lt 3 Bd . 21., Ba $575 'mo kitchen with ind irect REALTORS adults. no petS $C25 mo ------ 64(} J.2C8 2 BR 2 Ba . W tS1d1• $285. tst1last + $100 -.e<" No $315. 21st, last + $200:.e<: graded. Pool No pets. beauty, air cond, frplc. KJOS OK. no peu,, rers IJ~ung. separate dtn1ng m 4)682.s:J80. ~Mo. blln bar, all a me ruties, 3 r~l°d J ohn Marshall. area, full length m:;i r ble Nt!-w elegant r~1denn· 3 ctuJdren or pets 642 9560 BH. 2'h BA. 111Jn1 bay vu, ---- -----ss&.&142 548.131.3 br. 2 ba, Lake & club ~l l2J66 pullman in bath. kmgs1z.e 2~'. 1~d~~l.mA0J:S~· 28R, Woodbn dite condo: =~!M·J06!l3-267 l~~~I~ ~:=nd!d ~1h :.~~h walk to beach. m.iny . Jbr. 2ba coru1~'\1nR g .. r many was Call Marci:. 1\duJts No f'N:. SS2!> ooly.673-4804 no pets, ruJI rec Brand .... .------·---la ndscaping ADULT new $650 Mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• H~ALTORS LIVING AT IT'S BEST' 0tr J 11y 67 J.115.5() Agt 646-06S5. S4<I ~ -----2 BR. 2 ba . pat w. fre1ih Mt5a Verdt• Cul•· ·2br BEAUT pvt custm home. lge country kilch. oak cabnts, beam ceilings, rrplc. 3 br. 2 bu sms. Must see to appreciate' 631 ·51Ml t'ront house 2 br garage, s:!X> Isl & last + $100 de pol'l ll. f)il2. ~ Nt-w 3 br house No pell>, no ch ildren $45-0 mo 1]S-3376 S5l*-6442 S48·1313 HOMES FOR REl\T NO PETS pa.Liil No pets SSSI) I n d Good IM! 1 JOa bortmod $.135 cJec Agt 6"13 ~ l.bl,ld.'l & reh ''' Peb ~1936 Super 5 Br, 3 Ba, nr pool & park in prest1g1ous Greentree $645 556-6576 u..ivenity Ports 3 Bdrm . 2 ba Garden home Very elc1tn. $575 67~192. 3 or 4 Br Priced from 4 B. 2 H, comm pool, I Bdrm ru.rrushed S345 $48.>$5%. Fncd yard & grdnr & wtr . no µels 2 Udrmfurrushed$420 g a r a ges Fam1 l1ts Harb 36S West W1lson 3124 ••.•.•......••..•...... ple a se, kids & pe ts Vu,$875 640·5836 1714)642-1971 M~ VERDE home ut EA!>"TSID~ CM bacbdor. mo1>phere 2&3 br dlx $160, no pets Call for apts. 00 pet:; $46 !034 welcome. Call 964·2566 or 973-2971. Agt. no ree OH W•nR ------Beaut 2 Bdrm & 1Jton Roomy 2 BR Condo for L s.: c p .1 t 1 o . v 1 l' w lease. A/C, encl gar . $1200 mv b1• Pr.·s llgc crpt.s, drptJ • pool pri v Ii location appt SSl 6143 -- - 4 Br, 3 Ba. A/C, gardener , $450mo. 837-3864. Waw rfront Humes near schools & pool. --s:n 1400 College Prk !>5o9 5058 ... wport leach 3 269 ~ 3 Hr 2 Bil condo. i\ C. S II (; fl a '> 1 I' f.1 /, J pool ~IJCI. !>('( j.(l.111• $575 r\nn L'l I< KJtr.. :U7 0549. Hot&SifJt> llil(hly UPRrJdcd <! Ult l. b.J . Woodside Village nr ~ 0>.1.st Plu<1 $45(1 )11, im:I Ra.\ A~ 67!> 1642 - ----••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANl"HONT 2 Hit. up 3br, Twnhse 2 car l(ar Uruv Pk Terr 3 br . 2 ba , &g Canyon·2 BR. 3 ba + per urut w 3rd s ty sun l650Mo N~ets. l'ool. din rm, dbl gar . pools den. McClain w wnhm1• deck +huge 2nd sty put10 t.enrus. ~-· 9n) 552·71196 Bu r. pool, spa. t e nn1:. deck. :.pa, wshr dryr. SUSCASITAS f\lm lbr apt 1215 & uµ Encl gar . Adults, no p(.'l..,. 2110 Newport Bl. 548~ U.MAHCHAArTS Large. 1,2&3 bd garden apts Ad ults Oshwhr. hltm.. encl gar. gas bbq Pool Ga.., Pd 778 Scott Pl 6(2 5'173, 645-56ll HaMwqonleoclt 3740 2 lidrms. 1 bath JIJI l-,a'>l51de I HH. totally rt• dl-ooratcd SJ()'I m•> 309 \1 t,:, lt ()r a4!f 2l>t2 EASl'SIDE lease. highly upgraded 3 BR, patio en tertainment are•• Top Costa Mesa area $600 mo. inl'ld ~rdn r No tx1..S. AR\ 546·4141 .liH ANO N E W. 111·v .. 1 llv~ 111. 2 bd. 21, ha bOlar hc;ited WJ ter. pool, spa. tcnni:. $6511 mo Refs req·d 631 12"..6 J\!>k Cor John Marshall REHTALS 2 BK + d. 2ba 3 HR, 2ba 4 BR,3ba 2 Hit. 2ba $65() $5251615 $675 $500 San Clement!° BTc:wo 3232 ~523 CAMPUSDa·IRVl~E ..•••....•............. HOMES FOH RENT 3 or 4 Br Pnced from $485-$595 Fncd yard & g ;i r ag<' s I'' u m 1 I 1 cs please, kids & µeb welcome Call 964~2566 or 97J..2!171 Agt no rec t=oa.ttain Valley 3234 ••••.......•.......•.•. WARNER1MAGNOLIA 3 Hr. 2 ba, lge bonus room, rrplc . dshwhr, cov ered pal.lo, new crpt:. & nooring. $575.· Kids & pets o k 964 ·2566 or 9n2971 Agt, no foe ......... OftleOCh 3240 •,••···················· HOMES FOR Rl'.:NT WOOOIRIDGE GROVE! Churrrung a1r·cond 2 BR home w/many custom rPalu r es $595/ M o IG·2A J TURnfROCK VISTA Largest 4 ER µI a n bwlt by Br oadmoor w t a VU .. 'W Comm pool, te n nil. & spa $950/ Mo <G-2.Sl J Ul.JEVAN WI EREN 752-1414 +extras Avail Oct 5 microwave. n1·w t-rpls & IG1I l ~55 1055. 675 5535 tlrpt. & gar mdd ti $1175 eve mo, yearly Newport Crest Cond•i 4 Bdrrru.. 21r.t b:tth' 2 'l.<lrY, dbl gar $7:-,tJ mo 1\gl 645 8323 We.tchrr Ir~ ramlly homt• on qwcl tree lmt•d slrcel 4br. 3ba, + ... fl & rrpk SHX'JO incl .:rdnr L.-.c opt uvail 7!)2.255()_ WATl':Hfl<CJNT J BH :.! ba home on Chartn1·I 1n dd-i shµ for µwr hoat UIJ t.<1 '11J Dhl j!Jf 1 i.trJ prkg $12Wmu JACOBS REAL TY 67>6670 s..ae...nte 3276 "Hr, furn rm, f r m l dln rrn. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rumpw. rm. 2 ba. d hl1· gar, S850 mo Avail O<:l lO 642.9561 l:layfronl Condo Bo11t sup Beaut & spacious 2 Bd rm +de n 1-·a hulous VJew$2400i mo yrly Isl' Drive by 11 1 Via l.1tlo Nord. Lgc 2 Bdrm . 2 b.1 widen & patio. $975 mu yrly Oc..-Vi~w Condo Pool & jacuzzi, tennis, 2 br. 212 ba. MBR. w fpk . & sundeck s.554J mo AJ,'t 451.!·4121 Wes ...... ter 3298 ........•.............. llOMES FOR R ENT J or 4 br PncL'<i rrom $4K5 U> $595 l''ncd ya rd & i:ara ges F am1l1ei. µlease . kids & p ets welcome Call 964 2566 or 973-2971 ~~·no rce Waterfront Hom l;!S 631-1400 CondoclistiWM --------------1 f'w111thed 3400 Beallt. new cslm 2-s ty dplx 1-'r p lc. Wa lk lo har bor 3br 3ba S85U. 751·2442 2 Br ocean view dlx condo 2'h bu, rrplc. d bl gar $1005 968-6596 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Duna Pl. Ocean Vie w Ex quis1tcly rum. Like new 3br. 2ba Washer tdryer Tennis pool $8SOMo . A gt . P e arl Lakei.. "9&-518) Condomillilllftl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adulb S3'7S m o l:d:o. Ckeanlront condo, :studio paid 6(2 5U73 ml. 2 Udrm gar end & I Br. $500 ·$100 )'ard t.:a5l.'lldc A1lull~ ~:.>14. 963-8296 Newly dewrated 3 Br 2 Bd no peu. 646-ll17H luwnhousc S pac1ou<, ~ ~ac:h 3748 fireplace & pool (,Jwl'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. trt-J AduJt~. "'' pt l~ I.ACUNA BEACH MTlt ~ 67!»~9 645 :J.:P!I INN M:ud 'ierv <'1JI01 TV, heated pool I I II '714 >494 5294 9115 N11 Coast Hwy Beaut decorated. rna1d ser vice. pool. ulll. $95 wk 499-2227 Oceanlront Pnvate i,andy cove 2br. deck, frpk. $.550. Mo 4.94-41191 Oceanrront 2 br SS25 Winter only l br $425 > r ly, util inc $36 0321 --- I bdr m Cottage , It;, blkb beach, all uUI paid, avail thru J unc. SJ:l5 pc r mo «Hl650 l'Wwpori leach 37 69 . .•.•..........•....... WE HAYE YIAltl Y & WINTIR R&ITALS Tald.J ..._.,atiofts associated 81101(£11'; ll!llLTOflS lO}', 'th Uoit; •• 1 ,., '• &o · •!lie~ 2br t·omlo or ~· C.-.t Pla..w Pool, "P" $4~ Kl3-lf/N or 7!'!9 0217 QUIET LIVIMG M<t!l Ul.11 Free :-/cw t·pt. drpi, encl ~aragc, patl<J. grettt k1lt'hcn w blln:. .\duJL'I, no pel.'I ()bl ~1nk mbalh I BR~ ~ Elden A vt• L' M 642 1~ i::J!>l.Sldl• 2 br UIJb . nicJ& s:n:) 645 6825 llu'l"l' 2 bdrm stud111 a 1>~ in ~mall i.:omµlex .. 'rom S420 1058 M1 ss11in . 979-2416 l!nghl, airy 2 SH. I bu t-: s ide SJ50 m o No k.Jds lpets. 6"/$-6700 Lrg 2 BR. ,..., ba. dis · hwasher. new crpt Pool, very ruce, $340 mo. l!r78 Maple. Q-8086 ------- MEWUEIDArTS l Hr :! Ha. upper nr l>C( :-.l'14 C'drpt•l pd1nl & pafA•r ~o J>t•l.11 w -111 I 1 \ Jlcn< 1.1 $42.) ~15 i!ll\.:I W6l n :LLl-:fn ()' I hr nt•l4 .,l\ & r1·ln~ ~cl. off 'l WI<~ \dull no Jlt'l i211:. 1n1 I olll fi73-'.:fi2 2 Br I b.t SJIU m u dulls. no ~ts 2il t East 161.h M JCt:. 644 1>45:.! Bachelor-. nt·l4 l(rC.tl t: -.1dc locat1 0 0 $211:1 759-1131 . t'Vt"> l'IJ7 Ofi66 3 hdrm 2 1 ~ t).1 with r I ft' p l.tt• t' :-0 II J1t • l'> W('sli.1d 1· $_.SU C.oll 642 528::1 :i bdrm 2 ba .! PJlt1r.. AduJ Lc, l'~t.:.1dt· 642 0235 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. w w ' '"Pl 1ng. rrpk. sunken h\ rm. bll1n::.. ga r S325 m <> Isl las t & rleanin l( 642~ me8tiBllU New beauh fol garde n apt.<i. pool & spa Adults. no pets 1 Br 13441 $345 3 or 4 br. Pnced from $48.5 to $.595. Fncd yard & ga r a ges l"a m 1l1es pleas e Kids & pets welcome Call 964·~ or 9n2971 Agt, no fee A Subsidiary Or The Irvine C.Ompany llGCAHYOH ~ b drm 3 ba 2 fireplaces. famiJy rm J car a utomatic gar a ge, gazebo, sccunly a rea. goU & country club. Call Jam 566-5521or578 4075 Uclfwclislwd 3 4 2 5 ••••••••••• •• •• • ••• ••• • 1 BR. I bu apt, 43rd St .. renl inclds gar . no pets. I Bdrm • loft SlS.5. 1-'rplr. rec room. Pool. jacuzu. enclosed. gan gcs Gas & wtr pd. Adults. no pels. 393 H a mil ton . C M 64S-44Jl 2 Br. 2 Ba 1430 22:iO Vanguard Way ~9626 ------Elegaol 2 bdrm & den (SliOO/mol. Plus h crpt~. 21h ba cedar & glass 5 bikstoocean. Obi car pvt aar. Cully m ainl. yd . Adults. no pets lnqwre a l 5 21 18l h S t 714-116(Ml331 VACANT 2 BR 2 Ba , rdrig, wlllk to shoppmg. sdlools. close to rwys $37$ mo. Vilhtge R E. 9SM47l. ask for Gene 4 br l~ ba, extra large pool. 2 miles from bch. 1125 mo. 9S3-0ll60 SUPER 2 br, 1 1~ ba. fpl, pmtio. dbl car gar nr bcll .... 5671. 3 BR. 1 ~ ba. condo. upp.ded: frpl. $4&5 .s-314.S tee. Spuiab baciend.a, 3 aa. 2be., yd., car. -llo.911).5874 ... « lellM to buy 4br , l...,_ home lft prime loc. ..ft'ellli)' painted inside. 111-fDCe yrd. Pri v. Par· ty. Call aft. 1. ll0-2065 -TOllACH EmcaliYe .... 5 bdr. ~ la faaa. rm. formal d i •. rm. Newly re· ftllt'lt ed. Gardeoer lft. c:llded. ms mo. ... 1111. .... ~- l:ldu &McUlf Area. out· " ..... 3 Br 2 Ba ••• . ,_ w/lalP beamed eelllap. &ajoy t.ree1, W-. • prhac:y. 1165 lld ....... 6waler, ,....._ e'W19/Wblds. J11i1W .... bMda llome. _... ll/1/11. 5 Bil. 2~ 119 •I• rm. J e• 1ar. 1eeuat. Walk to bc:Ja, ,, ... /mo or IM. 21Ml -..a.••er•lod, Hit. 19.-i or~ uk lllrOril. - L.alpM leach 3241 ...•....•••............ 2 ·Br cotla~e. a ll wood, w/frplc, lge back yard. S4SO mo Inc l. util. 64.2·9401 NEW T O WN H O M E , Npt/Mesa , 3 Br. 21h B:i, tTOO. Blue Lagoon Villa patio, 2 car g arage. Pnv Bch. Pools lcn n. 213-703-0230. 714-499·2520 rrplc, pool. s pa. tennis. --~. 644-4192, 646-3215 Oceanview. Norlhe nd. Al~~ acr;-2 BR-I t,, walk lo bch. _.Br 28a, ba home, high 0beam ~eil DR/FR Sll00. 494-41Z7 ings, rrplc. Back Bay Ml apart leodt 3269 Room ror boat or R v ··-••••••••••••••••••• ~s mo. 549·79?1 macnab I trvlne realty VIEW NOMI ON GOLF COUllSI! Rancho San J oaqu1 " lrvuie Beaut 2 br, 2 ba . nr pool No pcu,, $6SO mo.~72100wnr1Agt New Dix lBr Condo n r S Coast Plata $350. 964 2198 aft6pm Ne wporl Crest Ocean view, 3Rr 2\ltba. $750 lease. Child, l>m pct O.K 644-9470 New Woodbridge 3Br 111.ba, w/rec lac, new crpts. d rps, blln11, nr schools $515 673·7156 Avatl Now BY OWNER Upgraded 2 bd rm Coo· do. Newpo.rt Crest . No Broken. 631-3383. lSZS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dana Pt. New 3br . + den, 21hba, rncd , te nrus-pool, etc. Si650 Mo. Agt. Pearl Lakes 4ll6-S88() .. ....... ,.,,..._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ....... 1706 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sp a c i o u.s c u s t o m r e s I d e n c e featuring maste r BR, li viog & dining a reas & kitchen w/vlews of fairways. Family rm & game room open lo private patio & pool. 2 add'I BRs & maid's rm or office. All on o n e le ve l. $2200/m o . Lynne' Valentine 6'4·6200. <G-26) IATROMTI Vie w Udo Bey from this spacious (approx. 2500 sq.rt.) condominium in prestigious security bldg. Sun deck. $1200/mo. -winter. Cathy .Schweickert 642-8235. <G·27) Lee 3 BR furn, on Balboa Island, wiil~r MOO mo. . lmmedoccpy, ail-3243 ... CAMYOMI Deluxe 3BR townhome w/g'Olf course view from nearly every room. Den w/Wet bar -formal dining & eat·ln kitchen. $900/mo. yrJy. Paula Balley 642·&a. C{;.28) '42·12H 644-6200 tOI Oowr Orlv. Harbor View Cenl9f I rvlne at C.mput VaUty Cen .. , 752·M14 I • M •II'· I .Rm wtlh own b&, pvt cnt, prll '1 , rfra, no cook'g. l quiet N!s p pen. Im/mo 6'75-0349. L I TTLE BALB O A ISLAND w /dock boal II'+, 2br1 l2-24 View L.R. • fooa bar, 1ar, 1un die*, 9850 Wln~r Rental ne1. for 1 umm e r , ....., ~ .......... ••lll(l9Uln-.WU..tA!r NOt/mo. avail Im· -...ty, ••ch Thne ~11M511 BAYFJIONT 1125 r rly, 1ml 1tudlo, botp at e , ,..,..., ul1 pd. m.a.o. S375. SSJ · llJIO 1 bdrm compl c l c ly rurms hed Promontory Pomt. 586-9800, 675-2S43 ----- OCEANFRONT IMMACULATE 3 br be aut rurn 1-'rplc. dshwhr, patio on the sand. Winter . $700 mo 4811 Seashore Or 67J.9499 or 982-4214 Beaut. rum. Jbr, 2ba 1iar ste ps to ocn $600mo 213·585-0921 or 9'.!IM 825 SaL 714-013-1889 Bach. apt S200Mo. Ut1l pd Ope n H o u se Fn,Sat,Sun. 2091,A,r 33 rd. St THE "GOOD · LIFE" VEAA·ROUND FUN: Social Ac11v111es 01 rector • Free Sunoav Brunch • BBO's • Por 1tes •Plus much more GREAT AECREATK*: Tennis• Free Lessons (pro & pro shop)• 2 Hfel1h Clubs •Sauna• Hydromassage • SWlm· mmo •Goll Driving A Moe •EAUTIFUL APAl'T• MENTS: Slnglos. t & 2 BeOrooms • Fur ru$heO & Unlurn1shoo • Adun u v1no •No Pola ' • Models Opon oa11v 9 IO 6 Oakwood Oerelen ApertfMftta ....poft ... /No. 880 ln11ne hll 18th) 11141 M5-0550 Newport IHctl/lo. 1700 1etll St (00V4tf et 181111 (7141 &42•8170 --- MESA'9MES Bache lor $295 P ool. J&CUW, g a11 BBQ, closed gar. avail Adults. no pets. 26SO Harla Ave. S49-Z447. Huge 3 br. 2 ba, rrplc. e nc gar. $475. Ca ll 67~1094 T~ 2br. gracious IJvmg, pool, adults. No pets. $32$. 75S W 18th St 646-9607. ----~jde l·br. l ba house. renced yd Pel OK $JOO 67~008ob 3124 .......••.........•.... l>uplex unit. ~1uts1de CM. 2 Br. gar . lge pvt yard c;on.,ider one child. pet $400. Bkr /Own Ca II c.orvue 631-0318 or J ohn Mi-1321 ---- 2br. l t;,ba T o wnhse_ Large 2 BR 18a S m l Pauo, encl gar Adults patio. carport, laundry No Pets . Fro m SJ75 DSG avail DOW ~ ~_4_. ______ , o.. .... llU TOWNHOUSE Beaul. de· ••••••••••••••••••••••• corated 3br. 2ba priv. 2 ~· 2ba, range, d11po. patio, pool, nr. S. Cal. dilbwsb.. Oceait view No Plua. No Pets. MIS. C.11 ~. t3'75. eal-1192 _coU_._2_1.IJ._98_1·_21182 __ . ___ 12 Bdrm. den, 2ba. lg dlx J BR l~ Ba. nr OCC. kads OK. S315mo. Mgr 751-JOA New l br duplex. pvt, prqe, rrp&c. yard. ~. mQ39am. ocean view. aar w I au_to opener, D/W. eiec ra nge, l&arap fac, m-1030. FOR RENT I Br, ms. 2 Br ...._ MSG. Luxury ap'550.~PM . Sciedoul 2 br apll. Fama-lkM , ...... ll40 ly unit. Pool ls Play· .... ••••••••••••••••••• pwnd. ~ W~l._ .. _._._._. .... Apts , UH Ma pie. eG· .1151 or M6-Hll. IASTSIDI U'1 n.t Street, 8-1 3 Bdrm . 2 ba t h te>ftlaouae. Upsraded. tes. mo. No peta. Days NMm; ev•Mi-9543 Ji'Ol1ll SEASONS APTS ~-peta.2bt,1~ ba l ....... Patio, pool, ... Adultl. Jelut •• 715J~ll . .....-a •1811£• UIBAPT. --~ ... ,. ' ,,.. .~ .• .,, • > " • f1 • • • " • • ,. ~ • • y • • -• ,,. • ~ '" r\ •' • -,, ,., r"' •• ~ ~ ;t • ,.. r "" ' • ,, ... •1 ,..~ •• , •• , •••• " ' ' ~a lbr. refng. walk CK bike ride to ~h Frwt trees. new crpt S295Mo 642-2016 3142 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ob Bach Condo i.unken den. rprlc. stellfi Lo bc h Pool. spa S3'75 840-2079 . 3141 .......••••............ OCE.UROMT /View l..i(e balcony, greenery . bt:aut beach 2 BR 2 b11. l>K'lJn ty bldg $795 Mo Wa!Prfront Ho mci. fi.31 14()'1 Ulx lbr. carpet. dral)t'~ r .. nt~lll occa n \ 1t•w ilevator Sub-ter ranean pri.rtoni: Avail ~m•1 494..atG 2br lb<i rernl( bllw., nr t.own & b<'h ~u I'• l· 5'2:'> +"4..'(' dt'p 194 !I~ lbr, Lux. VersaJIJe on lhe Bhdrs. 1475Mo. Studio $.175. Wkdys 64S·6242, eves" wknds ~-0425 2 bdrm. 1 "'1 ba .. flreplact:. large pa lJo, incl garage l.!p.tatns Duplex Ye11rly le a s e . li13 1357 or 'l'M-2236. BAY FRONT 2br 2ba 2 ~tory S1SO yrly 675-8990 Chuck lbr , Collage or L11Jo ~ & bch Gar No Pets S2&5Mo ti73-034;j ml lbr, ~ den Over ~ Pool lrR patio Hef. rt.'q 673-7204 e vei. 2Br or ocean. Ot·t Is l ~ yrl) vat10 dshwhr n11 J>l•lS I~ ~t 644·43411 IAY VIEW f:.\ST BL Ul"f' Slunnml( 2br. 2t>CI, rrpk Lge patio Pool Malure adulL-. only ~.I IJt:'l ' S.'i115 1 .... I~~ li1·Jchrront, I 211 r ' t'Ulter Tt1wn 'i<J k1•h 1,r Near Lido Shop:, ~u11'1 P~ $4511 <1!1.1 1~14 .1rea. upper Jbr. 2br. i:ur dt_'(•k $.55(.) yr I y 67 5 IU 71) mi I lidrrn t~11y ..i .. Jn 1>1-nnarwnl I blk '" t•1l4 11 61 m iltn b1·h M iii·, 11f wtute.,.Jt1•r \ 1•·14 l•ll•JI ror I per-.uo UJ)-l.itr' no k1d,. pl'l l4.1tt·r~ls 2211 <.11rr r>r 1~ i>M V1l10f'IJ Ho Jl'h 1111· •lud1•1 ••'t'<tn \II 'Ulll'h •• k .).l.!}I ind uUI l!fi ~,1;J 2hr Zbu ~ 1 .1t ~.ir Cu111l11 1-'rplt .1 1r ''""1 \\.111 I •l I 1 •Ir I I I 'I '.1•• 7)e)-7111 Mt wporf ~ och 18'9 ·••·•·•···•·•·•··•···•• ,AUHEW..ORT B oi c hc l 11 r ' I u r n.Jdroorn.-. 6. 111\4 nhhU'i'' 1-'rom s:tl!r 5'.J S Pt>l'\il<"Uldr 'P·• 1 lilJI r1•1 r1•o1l111n µrlli.:r.1m "ll'lal pro.:ram i 101b 1o1 lelllU.' C'Otlrt.' Al 1-·a,h11111 b land. JJmbon "t" <\ :-. •• n Joaqwn llllb Ho.,;d f7141644-1900 2&3 Bdrmi< 0("1'.1nfronl duplexes Yt• .. rly 675-4912 Bkr VIA LIDO 2Rr 2H.1 Wat.erlront, 11vu1l (k't I 5$-Ul(Yl. 3 HH. 2t;, ba Best front view rondo m The BluHi- $1000 Per mo . yrly 1:.c Bay & Beach 7~·081 1 F.astbluH 3 br. 2 ba. ll'il!>C mcluded Spat· master swte. dining r m . d bl garuge, auto dr opnr , pool, rec area Adults ooly, no pets 1165 Am 1 g<>t> ~a)'.;_~ B_ J ijr ~ Bo. W Newpur'I ltHIU s q r1 h1·h 1111J h1·o11hrr11nl 11ark1ni: -.tor.11(1.' •rcJ 1>42 2~.t;~ 'rrlv S70•l m" 2 Wrm I ha g Jf.qi(t• N•·a ,. u1•t ,1n 'ri·arl) S."JI ' mo 111111, llU 1)1.'L' 1\\ illl ()\•( :!rel >W>.1n:1 38 76 ....•.••••.•....••.•... $1(JIJ Ff<EI-; Ht-.:-. I I Br ~ Im µ\\ p.i l111 & J!:tr<il?t: 1.11t ... 11r i.:rn~., 1,11 C"Jllt· CJffilJdfl;.t S I 1:1 "'••1•lo.clJ)' a l••·• 2p m phon .. l 'i<! I !'i h7 11 r 19+, ~:.!7!'1 1\11\l llll•' Wl"-'kcnd~ 2br 2h.1 1(11 1111 h.1 h )!a 1 S:li .1 \<111 • l(J'i .~1 ~·111'1 Ill,, 3980 SP;\( 'IOl,'S Jbr 1•oncJo nr S..• On I 'l:ua. rr-. >' '" ~ lo lf\IOc Complt·~ Sijl 11716 Jrt 5. 1u:n JRBISH1-:u 2br 1•11n door So C!!l P lat a . frw\ ace ••s., l o l r\1n .. Complex Sijl !f77f; art :) 2 Br 2 Ba . adulL,. no IJt.'I:>. nr ~" Coa1>t 1~1:.11a 557-tllll. 540.9900 Wfthlliltlht' 3891! ••....••..........••••. l Br 2 stof)' apt a1·ro~!> from par k $280 mo Shore lme MliCmt Cori> 847.Q63 ---- 3 BR. new. ra m1ly unit nu pet.-, $U S mu. ll932 LJ Pat 897 719* ...... 3144.,..... 3144 ..............•........ ··········•·•·········· There s a difference between· building apartments and creating a community. It's a difference you can feel at Ring Brothers· Woodbridge Meadows In Irvine, where the great outdoors has the same pampered charm you like to have Inside your home. Woodbridge Meadows has sparkling streams. rustic wooden bridges. and fragrant' eucalyptus- all together in a fabulous setting. One and two bedroom apartments and fum.ished executive singles are available for immediate occupancy. Stt Woodbridge Meadows toda)\ It's a community with a difference-for people who like to get e lift from looking out the wl~ OMc• ~" ,_.., 9 •.m. 10 fi p.m. Telephone: (714) 551·6800 . . °' =•rc+·u• ........ ...,.. ooo a....., 4400 ._..W••d ••oo • • ••I .. ···-• l tl .. ~~!•ff , •••••••• .._ "-....................... ............... •••••• •• ,.,.,..., 111 ............ "_ .. A.,.... ..... to''"••' ---_-,,.:_.,I; . ... .• •Lliifa ...... TRSucnnll Ma•POl't ~. ..... •..wJOIT&ft• R•pontlbl~. w11rkln1 ..................... .. PA&MtiesAAP'ft w / pro/ M/f', 1Huf'1 ..__... wrltu H.-a o ne A·---•+• 1100 -=.li:i::'" -•• ••• v .. , ..-.-.-••dN•• <oU•¥• In ...................... . ~·--_treiii . . • ._. -· can ••IM4 _ ... __ • ~ ~l ~-~r or=•..._ __ .. __... ........ No ~-. -N;..:.:......:.. omc., ti ,i:. lW. Wnte Cl .. lfi.d Ad -'Uiiai.u~ ~wfttdtota.rlarp • .--:,,.n w/\~ ta, Ollily PU°', PO ~Bib EMlcalNewport Cll lbr. 2bll •· Pool, ,.._.., aecem. Oroud Boa l~. Conu Weu 81~) M/PJIMiY1' .... .._ ftDar•vaal. &o...,eq. t\ -. --...,,.._6tl<_ l\Ja nw w--.cd M/f' ...... Glally .-a 112 2 lw, l ba. fun S •• ~ •!I! 2! a.uc ta, pnt .... lU bdrm I UI')' • U , Sllt5 2nd • 9dllllt ape. 10 14 plu.1 Vlr~ala, r oner In from USO, t bdrm ta+wws Sal • Su "'8 .......,._ rmm ssoo + blk trombch mo. PDOlt. lenft.ia, watfffalt., -. --=Ga. far-cooking & Rlllmk wanted VC'I noa paid From San s lider IM,1 Jbr W /D, m.> l"'rwy dnve North fprle. Nr. bC'h CdM Cll'I Ill-a.di to Mc-Fltdcko ~ --.,,., U.. Wellton Mef>~ JiWJe wanlfli lO ahare JIN~-1*'.., ... " 9ead• Qft!/apt ht tojtfl...t/ , ~ to Seawlod VHlaae . bule Np1 &b a bdrm teo,O.ndll')'Mdlon " i:a m4 as-51• apt Clllll beadl.. 12» mo .. m.4812 Bnlke r ••••••••••••••••••••••• -4000 u&m. Own bdrm. ba & Cboace ~ center ' 7 w • , ................... "6 .. ' pnvaw c•lnl~. Call ..---_. JllO aq.ft ~Q .. ;•;-1-1 ... o111tih.r 5005 Rooa>wllulc~ a.&aaft lJllOOft, lJader 651t. Prime Cll, ••••••••••••••••••••••• m WM. up. 1''\!m. rmmle respoM1ble, ...... Blvd at S.ker st. ~ Uce9H S.·9755 ~an, over 20, Ne. ~r oecpy. Allt OraageOn-SaleS36,7QO Room ,Of r""nl La"una ..-ZD S. Oiego0ff-Sale $11,700 ..,. .. S. Diego On-Sale $36, 700 ~ JUlc.h/lau.odr y Sile. F.em...2.l.oc-older.....14 ~Sq. ft. view, under· Toll-Free (800)252·2000 prMlegc:s. AfU, 951-&320 shr bcb. a pt.S250.Mo. ground prkg, ~l~vator, 752.Q770 CGast Hwy vlslbllity. Air lJct. Uc $62,000 Clean 6 cai.ual non- smoker. So. S.A, qu.let area. M/F. Sl.50. 556-0697 Rene -----cond. Laguna Beach. Ora.ogeOn-SaleClrtls Roommate, working (714 )541H 186; wknds Otdissuelype47 or 48 fem., 2S to 30; 2 BR rum 498-311122. ToU-Free (800 )252-2000 apt. io Costa Mesa. ·---------I ~7 Rm pvt bath, mature ----------NISTIGI empldlady, litepriv. ref, M/F or cpl, a ge 22·32? OfRCISPACI Sla> +Lag fkh 494-734~ Mesa Verde house, pool, In the heart of Irvine CM, msl r Br w I Ba in spa, frplc, bar, W ID, pvt business area. Mesa Verde home. With sgl Br Si!OO mo. Also pvt Below m a rket lease orW/Omea1s.S45·209S_ ~Brpr~P~~-n~grot~~~ rates. Contact Bill Thomas or Harry ••••••••••••••••••••••• Large rm & bath over-ble. Brett .. prof. sgl M. Finigan. looking bay Hm. priv. 9'194126 c.po.•ell'tlltyhtc. _~_em. __ S2SO __ . _67_3-_152_l __ ,..... BeauL CdM 2br, 2ba to l8S52 MacArthur"Bl #210 Vacaliolt R..tals 4250 shr w/yng prof. Male. Irvine, Calif. 92715 Beamed ceilings, huge OR CALL House for rent, Big Bear sun deck. frplc. $30S. 714/975-0111 FAST FOOD FtlANCHtSl 2 U>catioos, lOOK down 4SK + gross mo., mostly hell> run. Execu·Systerns Realtors 7:;9-0226 Fast Foods -Newport Bch Very popular loca· tion & product Cfru1 t bars) w/good potential for added ideas & µrorits. Owner moving -must sell this week. Make of· fer' 64().2522, 673-5662 City slps 6; linens Cum. 49'7·2978Steve ~~~~~~~~~! $25 nitely pr cpl. Call ,._ Semi.retired gen. contr aft .... ~ er 3p.m. 548-1989. forll..t 4350 MEWPOlrT IEACH desires aSSOl' w/local TAHI TI 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OFFICE OR RENTAL gen. contr. Can furn Modern 1 or 2 br cottagel Em..-CM SPACE, W. Csl. Hwy .. _so_me_c_a_p_it_aJ_._646·?615. oo beach on Tahiti with S65Mo. 631.2222 Mariners Mile. 92.Ssq. ft . car, row boat , wash TI4-64.5-21628 machine, co mplete OHiceR...td 4400 --------- kitchen, etc. For more ••••••••••••••••••••••• Great Little C..ter info call 979-2699 eves & OFF1CE space available in ~ Mesa Newly re- weekends. at 17875 Beach Blvd. rood. shop'g cntr located T at 27:i0 Harbor Bl. has PALM SPRINGS V"Ca· near albert in Hunt· .1 bl . u ingtoo Beach. S50 per space avai a e rangrng Beer Bar By Owner Gd toe. Gd CM S Pnnc. Only Rely to Box 108, Daily Pilot, PO Box 1560 Costa Mesa. CA 92626 PENNY Pll:HEI AIJS ONLYR ~II 11ny ucim « t-om hmiallon or 1tem11 f« 17S ur lu& with a Penny Plnl!her Ad 3 llnllll for :.! coo.~ut1ve day11 Eiat'h udd1t1onal line Ill flOr for ~2da)ls.Cbaru it ! No rommeTc11l 11d~ t•or more 10form11t1on und to place your iad l'Ull 642-5671 SJOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS ARE FREE ca11: 642·5671 lost or Found a pet'! Call Animal A ssistan ce League. :>.17 ·2273. no fee. Found or lost a pet? Call Special Pals Jlotllnc 714/!m·l235, 213/258-7398 l..Dst Gray F Keesbond dog. REWARD ! Day ~. ext 392. Eves . S.5'7·9163 or 549-9896 aft 5. LOST · 1 F\Jll set of KEYS at Rancho Park School 9'22. REWARD' Please Call: ~1-6332. "'-Full . UJO 81ftM'daV· September 29, 1979 DAILY PILOT ' Q ~ ................... •.•: "11fiW.,di-7100 ...,w...-'"iJW •• ' t . U• O.C. AIRPORT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• -................ ·•· ... ···••········~··· -"""!!"!Ir, SICT"Y • ~ P111able Clerk, AIQ detailer. Mu.st bne BANKlNG ..,. ISCOIT aper. F/tlme pc»itloa. Jood d riving r ecord _ ...,,.... , +:.-hrs Mo~·f'ri.~9_-SPaf, ~~~lowa~e 1"19 ~VICI• ~1'yue..., ..... , ~1a1 Mnll-T....,,._~. Speclali1lbi lo bus I. apply at: Th e Pen ~ve experience neceesuy ror nenmen. reside nts nyaaver, 1680 Placentia .. ~OU UU fu.U time,perinaoent ~. Ave., C.O.ta Mesa. E:l;ptttri-:,,,.• S-poeition . Po~lUoo re- 7Jt.5241 24HIS. ACCOUNTANT. retired bte ... ~rvi~:~:; ::':j,~·y c:~~~~~~i t~ bookkeeper wanted. Ex· needed at top OM de· ~ perieoced i.n small busi· aJerabip. The benefits · ... c .... ..., OUfCALL 3U1n &U ·0180 MC/VISA COYaGllL • '5J..0771 * 21 Hr Out.call Service PRE LAW student needs IZS.<d>. Will dO . 8.nyt.lllni Lecal. ~onfid ent1al OVM . P .O. Box 3242, N.B. 92663. '"THI" ·EllTE ISCOIT SHYICI .. s ...... s WINOYIDE We:utll;;Hn 972-9'04 24 HIS ll02 W 17th St. Santa Ana MASSAGE FKiURE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCAUOMLY Days,e•n,lr 631-2140 GOLD&fGIRL T 0 M M y OF N E w p 0 R S T ESCORTS 642-1571 7-10 P.M . neu accounting, 16 hours are many , pay ia ex-We offer a good salary Ii perweek.833-1417. celleol. Write Daily benefits & excellent .. ,,.,....,..,,~.,.~ CTO Pilot. P .0 . Box 1560, working conditions. *"""•n.~r...;;>/A RS. C.M.Dl27.Box2 . All a1estall types. No exp nee. "S.A.M." in· AUI'OMOTIVE terviewing now. Our SA&.ISPBSOMS ApPlicants should «:on tad clients haye wor ked Experieoc~ in sales ror TIMPBALTA "Rocky JI". "Goldie & a top import deaJersl)IP 71 ,.75•0600 The Boxer", "Lady In in Newport Beach. Good .... .,. Red" w/Roben Conrad. pay,, excellent\ benefit$. • • • "'10 . • ... .~. "Wri gley 's Double · Cl.llJoeParkin&onal MAMUFACTURHS mua", & Disney Studioe miiE•CH , ....... -.,s I.~ •Anyone interested in ~ ~ ~,.. Movies·tT el e v . ca 11 848 Dove S,treet ~1 Dove Street NB "S.A.M ... today. Sm fee NEWPORT BEACH Equal()ppor Employer m4lT18-t080ext 95. 752.0900 ADMIM.A11ht.t The Barksdale Founda· tJOn. dedicated to s har ing self esteem workshop & materials nds an Ad· min. assist Rare opport for person w/skiUs of ex· ec sectry & expr & capabilities or ofc mgr Report directly to pres1 dent Gr eat deal (){ ;i.utonomy 1n managing <Ac . schedulmg event.-. & handling logistics of workshops & seminars I nte r est as se lf awareness essentaill 497-4801 ----------- *Advertising* START MAKING SSS TODAY!!! 1bc O:i1ly P1lol ne<.-ds :i person (or our Classified Ad vt•rl•~in;: U epilrt me nl The person w e .eek .hould <'nJUY telephorw salt:s. be able In tyµe <15 WP ~ (etec- tnc 1, h:.v1· J plea!.:rnl pen.onalaty &-enJOY workinf! with J grl'.il ~pof rx-oplc' WE OFFER •Wary •MewC• 4-AlowC.C. •PCllkf Vecatiolt ........ ,.. . ......,. .... Oppllli~ WE REQUIRE • Hi9' Sel9ool EdllCation .............. u .. AWPity To W cri With People •Dnire To S.ccft'd Sell.mg AmencJ ~· f'ine:st Aut-0mobale Apply Mon Tuei. <tam to l2am Ms Gilmore IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC l39X) BEACH flLVl> WEST~INSTER 89~665 1 AUTO &TlRE SERVICE. 8anlcing M ffl9 T .. ler •. ,_. ff,_ Teller. Lo9Ho ltacll office._ Xlnt opportunity at local Savings & Loan. Mature. responsible persorr,:s to fill these pos1t1ons. Must type 50 wpm. Many co. benefits For appt call Mike SADDLEIACIC SAVIMGS 497·3363 E O E .. MIF. ------Banlung TB.LEI MEW ACCOUKTS Permanent, part h mt• light typmg Will con <;1der trainee Call for dppt. l'tlutua.I Savmg.s & Loan Corona del Mar ~ Conopast 675--SOJO F.Q_ual Op~! Emplyr liarber Stylist to rrurna)(C' part·Ume 631·9577 Tues F'h. 9-6. Sat ' 9-S. evei-. 681 :mx leftch T ect.iciClft tor professional aud w "' '' 1 1•1n~ Mu ~t be QU.Jhf1cd Ca II for in t.erv1ew ti4.')~) I tion condo on Mission month. Phone message from480-l440 sq ft. ready Hills Country Clu b. service $IO per month, for immed. occupancy. Greens , pool. tenn is. deslt $.5 per month. Daily Call Paula S. ·Katz, Agt Near Rancho Mir age Pilot office . Phone 213/464--4441 ~~~~ant s trip. Call 642-432lext.2?6. EXEC.SUITES PRINTING I NSTANT, Newport Beach area, owoor motivated $15.500 full pnce. Agent 759--0226 PRICE Hl>UC E:D HEALTHFOOD l..Dst: Large grey tahby cat, male. neutered. n ea collar, libera l reward Dana Point 496· 7~92. Lost grey 1wh1te rem ale cat , s il ver tab by. Turtlerock Please call 754-2988orSpecial Pals _ Lonely" Need lu tall\' Fone-A·Friend <.:lub n11"" forming. 558-l!A'l I for in fo. Male& FEMALi-; We offer excellent com PWIY benef1U UlclUdlOR mt4r;J dental, life· in ~uran ce. ctl ~JIJr\ PLCS c•omm1i.s wn · E..x penenl.'E" preferred. but nol 1..~sent1al :, day work wet:k 1\Vply Newpor• Tan· <.:l•nttr :DX> E Coast Hwy CU~1 RARY~ITTl-.R l;•t• ~·kl'l:'pin~ M~ llomt• •KPR/SCTRY Corporate law firm sttek~ bKkpr ~ec-n•tarv 1 recot 1\ R & .\ P .;ec·ri·t:irt.JI -.kill-. needed Fa)>hauu l~!..and lot· H<trbar , 644-4477 :JUO"->'hJU; 963.l.2093fl 6. -----------1 $230 UP. OCflce·s tor e, Tas te(ul Exec uti ve Laguna Oceanfro.nt, pvt cpts, drps, A/C. 17301 SuiU!S in a perfect loca· ~ach. pool. 2 br. 2 ba, No Beach Ha Lse 842-2834 tion. Easy freeway ac- kids·pets 499-3579 I · · · · ~-cess. Close to airport, . . I or 2 Rm Suites Crom $75. fine restaurants. Con" Big Bear Lake Cabm 2br. T19 W. 19th St. Call Tom f er e n c e r o o m . 2ba T.V . frpc, sips 10. 540-2200 1· d h Snow plowed roa d . ___ :_ ----pe r sona ue p o n e WINTER RATES Avail. Small offic.'e Perfe<.'l for answering, +.Call Anita' al 97S.2161 _540-6837_________ _ _ answenng service. etc. 1 --------- Only $75 per mo. 1102 500' of choice Town & We>t 17th S_t. Santa Ana. Counlr;' office space in For more 111!0 call Joe Orange. Priced below Canale S47·4181 or market for 1 year lease. HOUSE EXCHANGE HAWAIJAN HOLDIAY Want to swap 3 br 2 ba twnhouse 12 mi from Honolulu. waJking dis· Renata at 5.56-7707 Call Dan at TI4/644-9990. taoce to Kaneohe Bay, I Small Hide· Away Office. ,._. bealffn mi w Kailua Beach for Only SSOtper month. Va· Wfft your home/apt in Hunt-. e<mt. 32.S No. Broadway, Ther" •· a difference. & 5-dwich Shop Top Balboa Oceanfront location Reduced to $27,00). Xlnt low price lease rental. A great buy For info call - MEL FUCHS ~ It r1 5025 ..•.....•.....•........ &acb or C.Orona del Mar Santa Ana. Historical ~ "" area Week of Dec. 22nd Bldg. For more info call Pn:iessicna.I services for SWIMG LOAHS tbru 28th. Call Cathye Sam Warren 558·6878 or the company executive 67!>-7260. , Renata556-7707 ' in a setting wilh a and I manageable number of 2nd Trust Deed Loans on Retlhm to Share 4300 Prestigious new i uni t s . C a 11 2 o 8 2 residential property ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXECUTIVESUITES , Mich e lson , Ir vine 1 Customized to meet Muv1ng? Avoid deposits & av a i I a b I e n ea r O C (714 )752-0234. your needs! cul living expenses! Airport. Attractive rates· R.E. DEPT. P rofessionally s ince include receptionist, law· ~Offices SAHTIAGO IAMK 1971. 1 library, conference rms, Single s tory, prof. 7141832·5200 HOUSEMATES I secretarial service, & center. 2850 Mesa Verde ---------· 832-4134 Xerox racilily. For a DrE~C.M.847.&844. - personal tour & furthe r details inquire al Vortac Assoc. 955 ·2288 o r .Bayfront home priv. suite gar. dock , n on-smkr $4.50. 673-15.21. ~· ~~~~~~~~~-1 ~ M/F toshr 2 Br house. 708 Goldenrod. CDM. Frplc. $2S). 64().9909 ---- Office Space for Rent l7xl2 approx 200 sq. ft. ' Furnished w /2 desks & files. Western Federal Bldg. C.Orporate Plaza. Newport Center. 760-9515 ........... 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA Profess. office s pace avatl. in Calif. 1st BaoJc Fem. rmmte te shr 2 Br 2 Bldg., 150-300 sq. ft. Low Ba tux CM opt, $207.54l price incl. j a nitorial, Forstore&officespace al mo. 97S.ll37 security services, con· reasonable rates. ----------1 ference rm. & util. A bun· 500 to 2700 Se Ft. Pro(. person seeks non-1 dant parking avail. Coo-MESA VERDE bR smoking rmmte to shr veoient loc. close to PLAZA 2br, 2ba, den apt. or. airport. travel agent & lS2S M-a Ve-'-E c M Fashion Isl. Pool, Jae bank in bldg. 230 E . 17th ~ rue • · • etc. $2 3 3 . + lh u ti 1. _St_ .. _c_.M_._642_·9_560____ _ ___ 5_4_5-4_1_2_3 __ _ {NEED {MONEY , • CRBHTMO rttOILEM 2tld & lrd TD IOC11t• 547-5402 Arranged by Coast HOim LOCIM ?59-l223. 1 MO fRE( RENT 211>1 Lafayette, N.B. Store Room for rent, Tustin con· or office space; 1200 Sq. .Business loans. any do. wshr/dryr .. avail EXEC.sums F\.$1~mo. pu.rpose,anyamt. now for female. 832·5799 MEWPOlrT CIHTER B. Gnmdy Rltr 67S·6161 Agt. 842-04~ FU.U service. Fl"om $225. 700sq. rt. s pace avail. BUSINESS LOANS 2 rooms available, shr J Br house. gara.ge, patio, lg yrd, E.Side CM, no NewportRegeocyC.Orp. PCH&62odSt. Npt. Bch. Any purpose or a mount. (710644-7189 $275mo. Call Robbie Lowest rates. ASSURED kids, responsible, 21 yrs .Bay front ofc. 500'&1400' or older. Call Bud, res. w I 6 o · b o at s I i p . 6'5-7751, work 558-2945 Janitorial. prkng etc . ~57 orMS-0221 FINANCING. 846-6858 Newport Near Post Ofc. .......Lo.I Modem 500 sq ft store of Avail for any purpose, ofc. 2630 Avon·C 213 / $10,000lOSl0,000.000. Call M/F sbr 2 Br 1 Ba house, 1 _673-_· _1001 ______ _ 4T1-7001 R.D. Roubian, 675-9979. bUt from beach, COM. Pe.t OK. S27S + Util mo. 673-9580 12xl5 office f urn . MacArthur Blvd. View of Sm store or office. Xlnt. MONEY AVAILABLE airpon . S4.50Mo. 752-1747. loc. £.side CM. any purpose, $10,000 m in. artolbrwitbroommate . Sl1511o. 631·2222 Mr. Hargrave951·353S _,,.indude:s tiliti , Airport Area exec ores, -u es. siln exposure on Bristol lt • .kt W ._... 4500 MoMy Wmhd 5030 673-0tl6 w/jnlrl serv. 22S to 1280 •H••••-•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• llotber of 2 wUI s hare 9Q fl rtom 75'. 557· 7010 ~ llAC:M Need unsecured loan of dwDtwn HB apt w /fem . 3000 ft, 1000 • fl office ..,. Repay $7500 in 2 Pl'iv. rm /ba uoo. of Sl*le. q•et Ute indwi. quarterly payrnenltl of -..c7S3 One atind... area. No automotive or $3750. Contact Joe. • fiber1laain1. 145·3323 &t5-3aafter6pm. Student needed to ahare apt on Balboa Island . Pl"efer male. 673-:iZ'M aft 4. ••••••••••••••••••••••• PENTHOUSE dys. ~f.pa. Trwt SOlS Leale; 5,000 .... ft., ... of. SUITE fleell, well heated. off street parltl~!i. 400 WllrMh). Co. 3rd rmmte needed for Mllll· • W. _. St .. All t.Jpes o1 real estate aice 4 Br boase. Pool, Ntwpllt Btlldl. Com.ct inveetmeata since 1M9. ..... oceaD 2 bib, NB. lACIUd witbia Ute uni· Lot-Put tac .. * w. ~ llt ~ .. BwCJpeaD deri.... ....... -...-.. Udo Mariaa Villa1e. -,.,. Roommlte-Prd. Fem. to Oamider: "'10GIWC-8S 60-2171 545-0611 rd~.:r.t Priz:.:~tcir ..::u1ss ~ ~ yic:r~~':i -*IDr.llmmie. Wet Bar,Lolmpt. r.a--.-aq. ft. '14/S»Oe'lbefore5PM. -·r....a.-...m -· ~PmramkBayriew Zone d g .z. Pu lly .._ ,._ ........ ~Patio ii*lllll:lind.ornc.,Atc, c•1SHFOR t m0Jlll11a roommate· O.C.lklrAmeati• wwtlM w/lblt. Avail. • lfaar• 2 Br apt. CM. DOW. Good loc:attoa ln TD's .......... Alk9bout ..... ~·~ -. m lUden na&D1T&r'n a Ua•mm.m• ........ _. 1u 2L"':l9iaa A&J.. c.J • I IOIEOWNDLOANS ----=;-;•;.;s.~·;;;---.;--;~;t!!!!!!!mm!!~!!!!!!!!!~ -=~-.. --... ~~ .. ~ .:.~!ID .... ,._, .. .... 2 Br fOll &INT: U.lftlrq fl •AlllOIA"IUal ...._ .. Cll w/poal • lllDllMrAM•MllY ••mt lud awaU for •lNTDIBTONLV J8t. M.a lllle elliWr.. •• Al ..._ ......... Loe eSllO&TTERll Prefer aom-aaohr. t ~ • c.11. •If W.llllL It. Cd IDb Wlllama Alh.t ,._ IPll o• ..,.,. a I a It•• e o • It • ~ ..... _.....,.. 11l·miar•i•i MIL ...,_ AM ,_ w/11W~-a... •P. . Sr! ~ll .......... "9-• ..... .., ........ ,_ in 1 .;,,_.;.;;.,;;=....;....------1 -...al Qr. Al· ~................ ~~-N o poi n la. NSWPOaT BC11 p 11. n111&6 r.. lar .... 1 ...... wa11t1to -trSOOO -..T D ....... ed led. ... ~ ..... , •• _ 1'1111 ......... ••rJ "-· Udo'itewport e:o: -:;gftal. ......... 1111 ~-~' -,............. • ..... bn.. ---- Found. Claim or adopt at N.B. Anim al Shelter Male Border Collie blk/whl adult Male Doberman Puppy ap· prox 4 mo. Male Red St•t ter lrg adult Olher~ 644-3656. Lost. S1benC1n Husk1e puppy, 4"'2 mo, blk1wht. blu eyes. Vic Ocean Way. Lag Bch. 494-1413 Lost Siberian Hus ky redtwhte fem. Lag Bc·h, "Li-e u " 494-9631 . 831-4540 Lost: White cat w /black spots, big eyes. Reward S46-l<XJ4. Lost: Dog, reddish brown, 1 yr old, choker chain Vic. Monte Vista, CM ~65. •FOXY LADY • QUT(;ALL ONLY •972-1138• "COMPATll lLITY" "()pen Lifestyle 'peoplt· sincere warm relallUll)> Couples call 75(HJ674 Singles call 754.HJ677 Recorded Msg 1.1n) hr Plea.<>t• l'llll tvr 1nten It'"' Per..onn•~I Oept 642 :;678, t.:xl 277 ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT l:lO W Ila) SI Co!. la M e:." Equal Opportun1t: Employer ~ :'fl on W <' d r r • '\ " .. ,. Bu~hdrtl "' 11.omalton 962-~ Bab)r.>1tl•·r m) h11m• C'h1ld r .. ;i .,..;..1 ~ I JC .if> \l :"-p • Ii ~ \ 541H>IOO :! jj,abys1lll•r. m) humt• hir 2 girll,. ~hr ""k. Ir\ .1rt•.i )(ood ,,alar} 1or rc»P person 559 li-11 Socid CWK 5400 ---••••••••••••••••••••••• Amb1ll0u.c;? Bt> your own Baker, lOP!\1 ·61\~ V.111 ~ Work your own hn. lralll. Winchell l)Qnut:- Lcolcing for a better way t o m e e t ~ o m l' o n e spee1aJ? Ommg lit E1i.:ht Gourmet C lub Hor Singles ). For info call Det.atls c-all 535·5122 Z>3 E 17th Sl. \.' \1 Banlun~ TB.LBS AMweriftcJ ~ic• PBX opt.>r ators (or ,1 te lephone .ins wcrini.: service e xpen enced or will traui f\Jll time or ~~~~~~~~-·! part time s hifts a\·arl-:i 548-1890. full ti me pos1t1<111... ror uur Cost<1 ~t!Sa office Expencnl·c prefl'rred but not reQulrcd Pleas<' 1·alt ~r W ..1,1?n1·r al 54&-?.:m 5450 ••.•.•..•....•.....••.• Two 50'7n Unit<.'<1 Alrlme tickets, $45 each 548-8265 ~e..·p1n)( l'er:-.unnt.•I 556-6328 H<H)l\.Kl:;l-:PEH S .. 111.· lYPlnK .... m bookkt'l'Plna.t •>fl' hi' t•> ~ <erran~t·al fi.\2 11212 IOO«KEEPER /P· Tinw for CHART ll O(;s~; !ll'Stauranl S.il S40l t.. Mono .. ~ <.::.It for 111 tt•,.,, u•w ~ ; ur1 BOOklCEEPER l'PA firm at ~ht· Arthur Blvd t.. Jamboree Hd lrnnt' i52·027-I IOotCKEEPER LOST: Harbor Cente r --CM. White gold wedding 2 Urute<l Airlines '~ pncc ble Days, <1fternoon everuni:~ or gra Vt' > ard Must be able lo "'ork some weekend,, T> panl! :~wpm rl'qwrl'd ~a ny \'o t>.·nd1ts '" a1IJbl .. Pll'aM' caJI ~on f'n Calif. ,...rat ~ift9S & Loan ZiOO Harbor Bh d Co!>ta ~1 eso Equal Oppor Em pi>• '.\1 I- Sm Rarmcnl mfr an Co~l;• \1e,.i :irca has Rood opp ty for self starter Strool( bkkg cxper ., must f' I· helpful Sal D 0 F. Send rcsum« tu PO Boll 21:15, i'ot•wµort Beach. 1·,, !ai63 ring. REWARD! 9·28. coupons, $45ca ~5124 548.0397 - Los t . Sml M ale Schna uzer. Has .r e d sailor collar J.D collar. Reward offered. no ques· lions asked. Please re· turn o ur childr en 's "'Ludwig". 968·2206 or 2.131426-5151 Lost. CAT. Wht/brown young female. Back Bay area. Reward. 548·1563 FOUND: Blk lab. 5mos litUe whit.e on chest Vi c Niguel & Cs t Hwy 831-7016 FOUND: Claim or Adopt at Irvine Animal Care Center: We Need You ' Let us share your home and your love. Among those to choose from · 2 Dobie pups; Germ Shep mix ; 2 Au.st. Shep mix: Terrier mix: Spitz mix, & more. C.Ome see us & make your life happier you.r's too. 754.3734 fl:•=:& afiot1 ....•.•.•.............. ScMols& a..tswtion 7005 •••••••.•.•............ Water Color Workshop w/Millord Zornes from Utah. Nov 12thrul7 Enrollment open For in f~. call Edith Palomb1 714-~5850 7075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Le t u s sol ve yo u r ENGI NEER I NG PROBLEMS on a n "AS NEED E D " bas t s TI4-540-0133 C.Omp·a1de, cook, Indy. shop, car 8· 10 hrs/S5Hr &gas. Exe refs. 640·8693 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• aaaaaa Fashion Island an·a CosUI ;\1£'!>.i arc;a Airport arl•a Call 543-4230 M F EU f-: Answennl! M?rv1c1• rtl't-cb operator> for ';.i ra uus :Wlfts II you like " )Ob ~ ;1 challenge . .ipply lO person at 228 Fore~l . 1.#1!( Bch. Ask lor Carol LaJ01e A/P · A /R $900 A g r eat pos1t1on tn Orange for cxpenenced person M us t h.1~e pegboard buckgrounl1 Top rompan) & Jll benefits ll"Vloe Personnel A~cnt·y 488 E 17t.ti, C.:Osta Mei.ii Ste 22A 64.2-14i0 APT MANAGER f'or ~ units ln Cost.i Mesa Exper'd couple Wif e b kkp g ex p Husband ma1nt e xp Call 642·5073 or 1213) 86.S-3851 Banlun~. ~UlWL"Sl Bank reqwrcs e x p .. r 1 • • n c· " d B <! n k Personnel for ~1 1~s11>n VieJO. i::l Toro & Lagund Beach oft aces P lt>a~e conlal't Joan Goa 1· q, 1771 Ban.k.Ln~ S & L TB.LSI f\JUerton S & L St'ck1n1? full u me tt'tler ft)r ~ B oCfice. 1'ypmg JOwpm n· q'ci. Exper pref d bul will all m.i )811 4244 for appt EOE Banlnng TaLER Downey S J\'IOJel> & L-Oan has an opening 1n If!> Cosw Mesu branch for a part ume teller Savin~:. &Loanor banking <'X~r preferred. Must be able to work Sat Xlnt wor k mg cond , paid vaca· t1ons Cont ad Mr Flaherty ti42-7422 F.qual Oppor Em~lyr IOOtCKEEPER ICOlnl'llis MOft• I N.,wport l11vcstm t•11 l F 1 r m . fo' u II r h a r I!,. comm bkkpr requ1 re" 1·xp""r 1n pel{board system. knowll·di.:t• rn n · admg <.'Omputer reports ti40-012J BOOTll ATTl::NDANT Ovr 18, Jurfy ur llurvc' Newpon Arches Mllrin.;, 33.13 W <.:st Hwy. Nµt lkh Cafeterio H.Sper Short Hours .1 hr mm. S3.50 per hr C.M . N.B . CdM ltrca:< No exper neeessary. Ap pl) at Newport Mesa Un1(1ed St·hool Dist f'ood Service Office, 11157 Placentia, Costa Mt>1;a 64.S-&1 Cafeten a l::mployees, sw mg shtft & days, somt• exper helpful. Good benefits, Call for aput. 731·51~. ext 2m9. Found Poodle, silver male min. Vic. TeWinkle School. 540-9155 ••EXTl.AS•• needed. bit playe r s. xtraa for maj motion pic/tv series. poss tv comm. Need people for Org C.OILA loc. shooting. C4stlng DOW 714·5$-0120 x 94. casted for "Fast Break". "Love At Firs t Bile", "Rocky It .. , "Halloween." Sm ree. ON.STAR Productions, Michael Phillipa, call to· day. A.5SEMBLERS. e lectro --------• Car Rental Co. needs Lot Person to service cars. pick up & deljvery. 4~ • Campus Dr. · Ne w11ort Beacl\. 566-1711. Found: Sm.I Fem. beige Dog w t collar, vi e . ltushard/Hamilton HB. 983-26.'!9 - Pa-<• USO ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED: Fema)e to share expeues ol 2 week stay in Tditi, Dec 22 to Jan Stb. Call Barry 919-1017 &.'gisiq M~AG E &bJ amee-Lic llaueur Ouka1l 9-lt'414-U.U.,_ .. .. c1·1•-s •O.C.-• llAll·ZAM UW'74t PREGNANT? Cu in1. COl6lentla1 ~Ill· referral. Abortion. adop. timt 6 keepine. APCARE 541·*3 MttW ... r 11118. D Camillo at.al S.Oemnte; J\aUy Uc. hrAftlll.•,.. BPe ~want to 1111? •• do lt well -Call NOW, -..ia. mechanical coil winders. for small Solenoid Co Prefer exper .. reliability !l must. Work with small precision parts . Good manual d e xterity . Salary negotiable . SR Engineering 834 t>roduc· Uoo Pl .. Newport Bch. 642-8S84 ASSltdtBS .......... Banking IARCLAYSIAMI TB.LEI , ..... +&....- Good star\ing salary & benefi t s . F ountain Valley orfice. Veterans, Vietnam. M F, ERA & H andicapp1.>d e n couraged to apply Af. firm a t ivl• A c t io n Employer 963-5613 CAIWASH CASHta lm~iate employment avail. For interview call 644--4400. -------- CASHIER AC:COUNTAHT C.P.A or C.P .A Can· didate with 2.3 yn publi c acCOWltin1 experience ~ for ~k>o witb O.C ol.fice of small Nal'I CPA fi.np. Send resume to U.ter Witte "Co. 1300 Dove St, Ste 105, Newport Be.cb.CAtaeeo Need tr ainees or ex· perienced assemblers lor light assembly day , _______ _ shill. Xlnt pay, hours, benefit.. in new plant . Experienced. and 90me knowledge o( film . s .aturdays. Krs. 10·41. Dependable 962-4W. FORES MFG. CORP 1172 Dow. Tustin 714/1131·9'00 .ssaaas A«tc Bllllpn1 We will tralq. Apply TEMPORARY 7 am. Mac: G r egor RecllC.er today to work Y~. Ustl Vlacenlla, aa ffriOul ac:c:ounllnt 6 QI. bookhepi n1 usilD· --------- meab. Worll close lo Auiltaal ltl a a a1er '1fN' home. Acct1 clerk$, ..w.d. Cluia Fuhiom, bookk"pen, accoun-So. OoMl Plaa Mall. Ap· '-* are needed tbnaout ply in,.._. Onmp Clouat.1-Call us far ..... ~Uoa. lalllr\ Ball •• •• I •• ZlllHo lrolldW•1 ~ OIW1Nll Ba11br ....... Au rPl41UMIOl .......... ,$ Couple . wHe -o fc , luaabaad·malat. 200 Uill&a. ~ •• .,... ~lilpll BANJONG' TELLER CUSTOti8 SllVICI ..us&ITATIYE .......... CA.5HI.ER -Hoete,s. Ex p'd. P /Ume nights. APJ» IY in person at ~Guys From I t a l y . 2287 Fairview Rd .. CM C~JDER/CAFETER IA Exper. helpful but. not necessary. Mon·f'r i. 7----Sl40wk. App&J ill ..-only. M lllOIFJ'ri. lma..c.l 700 Npt. Cnlr Dr.N.8, AD waem need exi.sta for a penoo to work 20 h.rs. per WMll lo our branc h servlc.ina cu1tomers • aeeda. Jt:a perieaced teller and/or a abarp tniDee wbh ,c:ubiering back1 round who can wwk Saturday (lOam. ~ ~:la.Uty mens 2 p m } a • w e 1 I as llGn w f\llltime weekdays. is needed. u,p'd prt r. Ca ll "Mr . f'amillult.Y with t yplnc 'n.,ert tor 1n1em. at ..,...,... Plealecall: GaJJs•Co. -.im CAIHlllP/r II y..,. •over. A.ppt.y Ka:m BJma Rardwart. .. ~ea .. oo.u ...... . Sh I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~n ace It 111111111111\lun Ht•11 ('0111 ru I :II hr Mtl'Vll"' ICJI ~I I IUI !>.Mii w • tit at'ft t lf'an '-ohr bn•l'ltuwl"ll whl t'tb 10 MUI blf'llt h ( .)t>9n h~ dU'I rm hall II~ "'al rm fT ~ n1ut h 110. t hr ....... ~ l ilUI t'h m pd ndnr ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'llt l"('Jl•Ur l!I Ynt t 'P' U11Vt'Wll )" •f'iuk 11111 I)) thJrll m y11•1f ltt'(a ltC•~l~·~ak11utllll( \11 OlOI ~... \•ph•ll tlth ,,. ii CGlea""'9 \JJt•'d ••••••••••••••••••••••• '\.. . ~ .. , . '-"' ,, /\&Y A.taihalt 1111 11111\1• S.Uld•t<'li t •IHl'ta wtll uldll l~ Wl 1 q.1.111 & ;fu...,."" )'our nl'U 11 .. tl\ t>\'iAl("U•l )'Our .t•VlMll UI t'\t'fl.I w UUJ ·~ htlh" l'11tllt11ic ~.llllH••o1'f • •l•rtn11 :J 101 .. 111111 lwto1p11 .. 111. 1 hurc 11 .. .., I\ ot•I t.aJI ~ 1011 M &l'\t bhh::. for t, " I I 1t C.-..t/CmKntte -~ f>'U ~ ,:,,, llHIJ ••••••••• •••• ••• ••• •• • • .................••.... Y11u r '"" .. .i '>h t'tl .i 1111 Wln'l'd 11t i nrrr hnmr tllnrou1thl> d1·1 .. 11t-d 111 •nit• & tlUI ~u.tltlv work • ll JJ '' 2 H 11 h .1 rd ·-~Tllll ........ s.c.r.10 •••••.••.•.••.......... IlkJt111e M"n-1t't', .111 1111 , flt':N> n .. '\d:o. hr 11111 r ·""' (' t 'hn~ll·ri"·n 4!T/ 41 111 l>IVt JIU 'EBY '11\l I. l·)llrll( tu f111,tl ~711 1\1,.'tU)f) l..i·~1ll kit;> '1llMI ....•...•••.•.......... 1•1111111 """'~\II 1~1><~ I A• ti I uult .. t l1tl •Jt1111t1J 1'4l Mia or 1'4b 1.:.t;a •...•....•............• ~ t"w 1> o r t o .q c a ri· l'•·utt'f J\i.t1·11 :.!', 1111 I' I .t fl II•· 11 1J r II )' I U Ill Iii'• 4>!01 ...........•.•••.....•• .IJ\( 'OBS< 'ON(· 11 .1-;·n . ('01\o~'l'Hll< "I ION lln\l·WllY!>i 'td1 •walk"> & 1wt11,... K<\11 71'1:' 114'!-lttl C:11m m I !\11' 't"' e.ctricai Jllhli KA:"'"unahl.. Jt1h11 •••• ••• •••• •••••••• •••• • .. JI )IW "441 I~ <1 ·~'")'(IM I '"1 t'Jtl(JI( c Att l't-., nn It} l.1) M :• K)tlrt 111•lit fri• .. 1·,ttm.tl1· 1in l.1rv,, or \ma II JUI>!\ 1.u ll:cJ7z.A 1173 Cl~'• lX>N T Nt.r.JJ A H ILi. 11Mf. t.:NCINt:t;K ' W• (Hl>\lldtl SJ•rt I lln., l.llaJ.1WC11tlJl ~·rvln1 t>n <• (; ti A It A N 'f •: Y. U JU.o}iUL'l'b. AS NY. l<.U ti.I> ~1s 114>te•111'1:1 ,......, ••••••••.••............ Klllt tlDlum *O"d f1·111 1/\1, l•t 6 f.-nt t' I l'l>d II ~_,or 1~ IM!I .... ' .•.••.••.••............ C)( '.{ • ~udt'rll l Too truck 'l"ub, lrM trim U10 f~D 11lltHICkr dump tnwll, 1£1ildln•· h.aul, tr .. ~• yrd '*rlL, rru11c tl31 1~7 •11.'t h1ubn)(, r~ 114 6 UI) Yll I& ica1 d hUPI' l"rl'e .... , r1 14 )Ml 4:W1 11 \U I> Ml' T ltl t'I\ & UlllVlt.ll nu llOU ll ltt-JJ,AUU; ~ 14:11 <id.l'Ut-nu~ l ll•11u u1• lit l11 n<111c-up1n.i <:1•111 i.:t· It-tu ~ 7072 Houndt I I LAWN M.'I \/Ht'. l.imJ •t· •Pt' l'h·1rn u~ huuhni.: I~ lfJU/ (.uoun lurlf'bt•111w matnl i\f(\, 1•oo<h..,, 'lml 1111,, SIU':> M1k1• Mil IJt'iWt <;art.11>1111111 . 111·1· 1r1111 rTU/11(. d1·un up, & m.11111 l'!'·rv /\nut' ~MM ....................... ACTORS, MODELS J c·w1 do your portfol111'( l•1ter than anyurw 1•1"•' H 1 c ha rd K 1· JJ h ,1 1 l . f.40-1624 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wau1t u Rl':JUJ. V C'I. 1t:AN llOUS.I!:' C1dl Umxbaru l.tlll J"tt.'t! l.':il &loS $J2J lwb111 ., llou11tl'leanin.c ~v1 , (or 11 thoru~hly d t•1111 huww S4C> Ol!.S7 t~1ll Snow llow11.•d t'unm.: fo'tir 11 homl' t.hal aa>arlL It':; hk1• 1muw ing 0076 I-' u r t: ll t• t• I I t• n t' l' 1 n ·h.,u.'lt.oelcwung C lt'anrnl( I 'nJ11rukd :.,46 :11:!6 .........••..•......... lolMrflOft I ..ce Astodatn. late. l~ hor~wner r11tt''> 67$-0062 ,,~ THl HARTFORD ••••••••••••••••••••••• MltS (1.l':AN 1TU1k1•i. 1t .l!:uropean L1111thlt·111.11•r <:lt•t•m B11t·h , apt:., Top work Y111r vni·t· honM":t ~!I !l:/1Z H.Pfs 646-4871 tly!>ilf•VNI Jluu"l'C'lt'lllltn)(. profei.s. N1•11t, 1·ornplt'lt', rs nbl (Juuhfit•d 1.1cr,1Jnncl to M:rvt· you lnsrd m 0105 1,.andsrape, 1rragal 11in, dnup, rt•Wi 10 yr :-. 1•x1wr Lu~ & liundcd Norl.>oru 531-8 J 62 or tl9'1 2tt62 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ll·:Vfo:L<m UJ.JN~ Cit't tM ~t for lus fo't~f'Sl ~ 6313 MoY"'9 .....•....•.....•...... Uxal movintc fo'rr11{ht, t 'Ofl\ true lJon. hou1w hu Id & u trlct 11 uppl11.•, ll.ttla100allll· rales. Call ~~ ,......,/P....,.IM) ................••.••.. f'ETt:n s l'AJNT ING 1-:xpr'rl H c11t1 1<11tt•11 Jo'r1•1• .:,t. Cull <itn" ~~ I'm( p;unlml( fo:xt & Int •:117!05 l.11w r att'll fo·r••t• U>I a:JIH71.«J. aJ6 4JIU 1-;•ll lnt P aint & wallpap!'r (Ju al work, reu t•ree e.,t ~tcvt' 547~1 Int fo.:xt pamtlng & home rPpairs R e llitblt• & rMbl. 11uul work. fo'ree ~t Hank~~ J\VAJLAHU; NOW l().nbl pnrt'd Int fo.i1t J11ek w, ~:;:i ES SI AH <.:uswm Pa1ntm1t f''tl!'f• fill. J yr gu..r <.lux'k l:lu11 • .n 962 M 711 '" I 1/Plfll... T•41I•..,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ----· -<DlREHCJ:'S"~r• NEWlJJl'EPAINTlNO uper . Days, t1Vf'11. lat/Ex.t. Free eat. Rela. dndl. SU6 + 957 10'.Jti Uc 'd. 1.M. 551 '°71 Trw s.r.tc. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~at patchet 6 tuturH ... IST. HJ..1439 ....... , ••••••••••••••••••••••• Qwck Fili it D.R. SL Uair'I\ Plumb1na tor re llable repuirit 645 3503 THE PIPE SURGIW N PLUMBIN G F'r ee estimates, re p1pe11. re model work. c us t om homett. Commerc ial ., ru11denllal Quality work 1o1t rusonable prices ~ ~ Lie •372863 ltemodehng. top per rt.' VI~ • leak dl'tectron & ~r loc&ung Trip llwl Plumbtntc, ~ 3194 Plumbing n •p 1o11 r ~ & dra.ins cleared Water htrs, garl'lu111• d111po'lab F.xpnt r>rarn ~0070 MC: Vis a lndepend+>nl dr1o11n rll'an 1ng ~ !'>O u1.1 Hr'luli.. guar 7 dy'i 5411 4"4J6. urt 5.~1«61 looflwcJ ••••••••...•........... Hep .. ir & Hl'fuor /\II t y 11 1• 'I '> h I n Jl I t• ~ rrx-k~huke\ rompo l<ir 1-'rt"' ~l 541 !1930 ,. Ill J\v:irl ··•••·•··••············ t:Xa>en 1Jr1·.,11m& kin 11 & AltkrdU<Jn.• ('\tm v...rk f..rru & 11 ..... ' 646 7322 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Trte. lhrub. pruni.n1 " rtt moval, yrd clean u1>11o. hi.ullna. S0·2 14!>. 84&-lU3J1m ••••••••••••••••••••••• fo"REE lrl1d lesson credentialed, readin~. 11111.h tr ltlench. 673·001.1 W dawcae•lre9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• College students. window wuhmg H.-s1d/11lorl''I Xlnl work 642 544'.I ~7972 Ted's Window Care l'rrif wtndow rlunml( H11n1JI ratell Refs 642-7893 Trade your old xl uH fur new l(ood H• ""'II h ..i. a.~,med ad 1',42 jfj714 wti.rtt ·~ YnutTrad<:'' $1 1'I ~r !Jay 1ll.at , hUlt' ti> pay (tX WI ad JO t..ht-Omly P1l1,1 ~ce l)lft'C'l..ory I.hat n on ~ .. h y110t pN/!"i-,lllfl.11 identity 1'"11r rn11r1· 1 n (frn'lllll..-i t al I l';t;! ~Ji7H ·1~~~,~~ ~~t ,, JO day .id 1n th1· DAILYrlLOT SERVICE DfllCTORY I)() IT Now· 642-5678 Http W~ 71 00 Hefp WCll"fteod 7100 Hftp Wmtted 71 00 Http Wanted 7100 Heep WCMhd 71 00 Ht4p W..t.d 7100 H1tp Wmlhd 71 00 H11p Wmlhd 7100 Hllp W-.hd 7100 ·········.. .. ... ... .. . . ............. .... ...... ....................... ............... ..... ... ....................... .................. ... .. . ..................... . ..•.................... . ..................... .. C~HIERS UTOTEM MARKETS tfJ.>1'11111•(~ (IOW .1\.lll •l1'1 I 1r f.111 111111' ,, 1~t.111t 1n;111.1; '''' 011 .'1111 A. 11 ti •ltlfl '\11' 'IM lot•lot I Ill I 'ft, Ir Hlo '.I 1(1 '),..j fl! lo i.1 , •• , '""" "'"''"'. 1111 ,,, nM1ftr11tflll I f11r 111.t 11,lf't I 11·111 IM•"llt•·n· ••• I "' I~ r lt•1111 If q11.tlol 1,..I l·.,1 n~1r1· 1nll1rnr.t111111 lit '" ... rv ... 11< 1~1:.1r11l 111 •• o11 '11 ·.:17 1H ,,, Will Ill 11•rv11 ,. 1111 ""' u1tl.t1 11\ ·•llf"Jlllllrt• ti\ f..qu JI 1 >111.-1r l.111111111 ••1 <ll1mprac111· OflH•· 111wn mg !>lion rt"<I' I 11u ... 11rwt1 Jo ront tl••'>k 1(1•1 1 111 ' lkick 0 H11 1• .t.,.,,.,, .1111 \ilk for J c .111 'llrl :.·11 I TYPIST 11 wpm r•'<I w1ll 11.1111 r ... l1Jll111 1 111.11 11111• I .oll ,Ht 71,'.l'I \ f.1 1td,1\ I lrwl I. O I. 11 .~.1rn AL CHRISTMAS MONEY Vilt• C'!Prk-. I t fl ;i 11111ro1 h '""11:nm1·nh in l 1 \I Hll' 11µt•1l1tlJ.!'I llllW 'j 11µ 1!11111 ly lllt'I' t Wt••·kl~ t IJ,1111 •"• "" t1q.1 to l'11t1t .1 \ial1.1f1 <• f11r t w11 CALI.MOW! 557-0045 0\-Llr\:. 3723 lin:h Street Newport Inch l U-:ltlC.:AI. IMTIME FOR CHRISTMAS 6 Tehphoft~ Clerb 4 t.o6 month 1u•~•1o<nm1·11i.. in IA1nl( H1•;i,·h llunt ingtoo Beuch .irl'u f:Apeneneed <111 1ih1lllt'. fum1l1t1r with hilllnf.( 1111\11 , n irrt•JCl)Ontlcn<·•·, ,,,Ut.'<.'llOO & b1lb or h.td 1nl(. No typing n-qum·d Hour11 II 5 Top pay W •kly opportumUes lo wan u trap to Puerl:i Vall~ for two, c.-.... diotely ,..,. .......... . 557..0045 CT\·Llr\W:::. rt Ml'OIJAllY "tnONNf l Sf Pl/ICU 31Zl llrclt Stn.t ...... ,.,..ecJ. Oaical RLECLERK ,. We have a n 1mmedl(llc openinl( for an c:nlry )evel position In our Cu s t.om e r Sa r v I c e Oeperlrncnt We are look in ii for o wtll ~ caN"er mlndod °"*"' wilb tome related ,_. npefience Apply (ft IMft(IO. Su Ile 20.$ 0 CITIZENS-BANK or CO.\IA Ml'• 3'70H&rtlor Blvd llJI: M/r/H/V ... . .. -.. _.. I I fo.ltl< \I. RECS'TIOMIST /PIX 1'•1'111110 .tv.ol.1hh· fur •·x 1•-n•·w r'fl r1·1 1·111111m'lt to ,ffl'IWf'f 1•lt·l't rllnll l)UI 1· ..,111 ht;1,,,,.I f h &. t ) 1.w \\1· 11tl1·1 l'rt1..,lh up 1 111I11111 1 '• 111 .1 \ 1• 1} l1 J1•11dh • 11 \lronm1·r1I ·11111 ".tlll • ·,h1111hJ 11111 l.111 TIM PERALTA 7:4-752-0600 ht 10 MANUFACTURER~ BANK 1;!01 l>ovt' St r1•1•t ;\ B ... tu.ii 011p1ir 1-:mph>y..,r ( 1.111.11 SURFER PUILICATIOHS " ull 11 .. \I I I I. I I . I'. IC I'\ I.I.I l'\Y•,1~• lq11 '""""' /· 1111 I 111w \..,~I .., ·r ,\ "-·1 I \ llli'.fl lit1· t1kk1'll 111111)'. f11ll t11rn 1111w thn• .l.111 l'Yl'IS I' •,o fll)wpm w•11 fll1n11, 111mpul1•r ''" J1C'1 fu·l1iful t 'ull t11111• ., 'f'Yl'l!'>'I' ~.fl WIJITI 11:.t.'tll IJkk~!JI fll'f'''''><ll 'I' l ull l1m•· , c;1;"I rwvrn· •.. t111111• •I• r 11 .ol I~ JW 1:,w11111 I ull lurn· 1'11•a"4· .tpJilv :ti ·1;11)11, I .Alli• A11JthH S.111 Ju.Ht < ,q 11 t r.in11 l'h11111· 1'111 '/T/2. CLERICAL ..,, f'Ulllll'" JlflHl''l'ltl>' "'l'ff•t.JI y fnr Jo'U!>ohlllfl hi.ind lnvf'l!ltnent rrrm <:ood xk1 ll1', ul>1ht y lo w11rk w /l1g ht 'lf(lf'rVISU~n t;nll IWI 0123 Cl .1-:llK, 7 Ell'Vt!fl Sltirt.' i')t !'>JO 11. S11l & Sun :1 11 $:1 lo !!t ort. 67~, l'uulunuo ( 'M 751 ·46.')2 CLERK lrnmedtutl' openinH in loan bmkeraJ(e co J\r 1·urah! ly p1111t,. del:11 I •Jl"lented. ab1hty to 1·opc with preuurl'. Cu ll KttUt> 640-9300 ------ Clerk 'fyp111t P IT , (man · c1al bui.anPss dei.1 r ei. malun• person with ll<>tld i;k.llls fur g •oerul offte~ dutil11 Irvine 754 1142 ClEIK-TYPIST 1hail'M'(' po111t1on avaJlu ble In our l.c•g•I Ad vtrt1sJo R depJtrlmcml Jlounl lj JOam to s.aopm Llah t typln1t required ~ wpm ). Ty pin.: l<'l!I wr II be ad mlolat~rt'd. Automobile nereaH&r)' for occn3aonal loci I d.11 v Ina. Jo:H c llcnt company bene flu l nc ludlna medical. dental. life In surance. etc. For Interview. pleaae call Ptr"IOMel Offic. llQ.4a21 ... t. m OIA.Mel COAST DM.Y .... OT alOW.IQI&. Colla ... -;::;:--1 -- Clall(/MHGR. ( O<TI\ llackup C"o11k CUSTODIAN l>o·nt,tl A'' t .. xp•·r rl DRJVBl 01">1t1l'tll • .eifh & 1 Jffh 'fun Jo'rt tlJ)"' K :x.r 111 I Nri:ht Cu:.toJ1an ... uq•1·nl ~AJ mo 1-'\Jll l>o•m•hh Full tune fo r "\1•v.µ1,rt Df-ct mn w 1\. ...,,. m I.> I y "°" ltrJn UJJf•fl 'II•> .. xp .. r ~..._., V.111 train ~ 111 ~ c;..11 &1 1 Jl.32 fur 1\ppr:IC nt m• ·n I Gmw1ng :'II U ln-.ur.mo • .il(Pnry hJ' 1mm•·•l1 •• 1. •ipt"lllnl( f11r •·xpe•n1•111·1•1f t1·h·phon1 pru .. p1't I 1n1 <il(mt m our rn... rkl'lmc <l<"P( i'l,.x11.>1t· h11ur• " >tint bt·o..>r11~ c..11 l1.1m II •ii:, !I.'~' (11r rnlt·n "'"' f'Jll•f l•fd i,tu HiJ 1 .. 1 2fM1 .Ji.k for 1.yrwlll' I) rw..'Cded by lluntmi.:ton $14.2 IJ;;!!i 54!1 -II IO l'ruhx:~ 00 0032 C11.'t k t>111 t ·1, rnp11r.1ry 10.,1t111n flflW ,1\ arl 11111u1 "'J•I Ill h 11f I ti •• II) t.:1'41m1 11t· .. 11 .1hl1 l'o"t t111n., "11 .1pf1r11i.1m.111·lv '•tnll' ~ .... 111111 I .111 1110 l.!,lf1 1·1 .. 1k 'I v111-.1 w.11111·11 f111 l.ir~t· • 11mnll'n 1;•1 'I1 .n••I :JJ,!l'nt·y l 1c1:-.1111 !t"11•d .. 1l will lun111•J11 ,,,. pt nhl•·m ~•lv1•r ha11dlin1: I 1•1111111-. ;u ttu· ••u: .. 1on1,•r "'~1r "11 f 1.1·nu1111· 111111111 l11111l v 111 1 .. 1l'~l111J.( w11rk 1:11otl l10·1wf1I>., xlnl lm•,1t11111 l'll';a.'4· 1 all M1k1• A"lhl' fur mlcn lt'W IC'1 I tf,1:1:1 COOIMG Cl.ERK i'nlry lt.'vcl pos1t11111. • •J(I •rut & 1.oodtltll~ ort11•r' (111 'IUbrru~'tlOO lo I ht• 1·11111 put.l'r l .. 11(u1 c J~1tttud1· rH1wrt'd O\ht·r desm·d qualrf1l'atmn'> 1111'111tl1· k0>'1WtL-dg1• of 10 kc·y I ) Ji 1ng J.Swpm & '""'" 111111 • "'llrnl'nn l'lo-:."1• .1f111h llllJt'Nlll CAMBRO MFG 71111 l'Jay /\v1•11111· llunl lfl~'lllll ri.•.11 h IW (j( Ht•ar•h S 111 c;;irlwltl 1 l·J1u.111111r11-:mril11~1·1 COME JOIN US! KEY ENTRY OPYATORS l-.iq1o11tdllll( f11 Ill lt.J'> •Jll(·run~ (•1r d.11.1 1·ntry tJjA•r :ILIA I )'r 111111 t•X pn r"'I u111•11 l'u II & p.ort t1m1· h11ll" . .111.111 for l!'>l ln(J 11r .I 'ht ft Jntl or w1.,•k1 111h S11m1· ll'm '111r o1ry S!01'>1t 11111:. :. v .11 l (:0.11 fur ;1J1pl SAFEGUARD BUSI N f':ss s y ::;n ;M s INC: Z28:l t·u1rVl\'W lld C M !149 JO'JI COMl'ANION MHlllrf' wornan w /l'a r S hun• NewPort home w/11:11nt• llln, ooard & :1<11 Nth•/ day673-4725 C. ... rSerflH Oulgo•n R . p lea1111ot personullt y t o work w /('u sto m crs on telt'J~>tw:i, run ltoc.-r11. aniwer quc:lltwns & typ mg. Sell Starter Rapidly e xpandlnl( con11umer electrorucs Co Advance· m e nt potenl1ul <.:1111 Pauly. COMPUTIQUE $491373 CONnlOLLll TOSI0,000 Experience In slnale family ....tdrice. Local company. trem.,ndou1 IJ'OWth. Yfl.COM'L PIOP TOM0.000 Land acq•l•tlon • aDlll1911 d commercial Ii lnduatttal required. Some travel. = agency 111·1131 ,.. ........ ,.... Olllllir•PJ I••••• 111 \.tlt-t·rn O.·al·h l '•t} !'lt·huol U"t <'OIJI'\ lit.I.I' .. :It ll llH' < :ood pay , ..... k :...,)Jlll~h & I .111-:h.,l'I KY3 3314 ISltJ./ W.13 lo SIOti:! 1wr mo •lt- 1-'u I I JJl'll<IJOg 11n ex1x·r 1 •1 ... 1,;· Mu't wnt;,t1 llunt lkh ( 1l\ 'ltlnlt' Srhoul lh:<l n:-1 Mlh !'II on.e H B Call :.:11; HX:.1 C'OllK 11 • .ntry 1a·ri.1111 11111hly t1u.t11 r11·d, 1m a1'111.tllvt• Salary rlcpt·n tl1·nt 1111 .. xpen1•nc·1· fo:x t t· 11 t· 11 n d 1 t 111 n., & l.1·m•f11s El N11(ut•I Cou11 try l'lut1. l.a11un:i N 1g1wl l1h Ch1·f 4!J6 :17fi7 !J 31'M < 11.t.~I Munday COOK Part umt• rook. hle took tnlt & ch•an up dultt'S fo'rcc pre school r htld care 111dd Tui.ttn itrt'a \rnl'nr1u1 l'rc S1 houl :,.w 1467 Ct.t1ll< w:inll-d for ltuhun l<•">t f.x ~' rl'q M .1-· < <111 m:i :PJ6<I or 67~ 61!lJ All l> ... y ( 1!01rd1n;.t11r p.utl µart llnw 1n:i tur•· adult t•• ad rru ru.,ll·r vol untet·r prn 1•r •• m for ~·n1ori. M ust ,,.,.,"'"' 11rRan11.;,t111n<1l .tlultt>. 1·lt·r11·al skrlli.. 1·mputhy for t'ltlt>rlY '1!H!Jf~J l '<11JN!'.1':LING Group lanltlawr net-dcd 1>art I I Ill ,. " M & ,. M J\k11hohi.m 1•xp1•r dt.'· -.1n1hl1· llt.osom•• to R11y 1-'ru~t· I~ llrookhurlit. < :ank•n (jruvt', CJ\ !12643 l 'OtrNSEl..Olt part ttml' or full Urnt' Mature, '" lrablt• wom .tn 714·566 4780 v lWlU:• 1Y .ird per!»OO. full or µt llmt-, rn cld g wtl.ntb. ~ yr11 mrn t:Qllt'RC AWIY 1705 ~ Cou1'l I lwy, l..aituna Bch --- f)llfnlt·r llt'lp, sundwrt h 'hop, Mon thru t'ri llJum lo 2pm 1711H I Sltypark Hl vd SIJ1te A Irvine !io5&-0670 Counwr Girl capcnenct'<i m 11wrk pnnl Hhop Str SpeOOy, 3744 W Warner J\vf'. . Sunta Anu. <.:all tn!J.:tJ!Yl uft 4pm COUPLI': WANTJ:t:J.> to help manage s m. busi· rw&'I r>wt·t1mc. Must be wilUn.c t.o learn 642·2247. CUSTODIAN, School needs a c~todlen for vocuum1ng, t u w cl wa.'lhing, noor eletnlng. ct.c H o ur 11, Z XI l0'30PM. Call Mr. Jones. 840-1410 CUSTOIAN lmmedlate open1n1 for .. mature ar reUable cwito· dlan to work In our latae Lido Marina Vllla1e. As a member of o ur janitorial· st•ff. rour raJPOllliblUUes wll en taJ! da)'·to-d.•1 1eneral malntenance, locludla1 ..-.... " knowledae ol floor care. XIDl com· peiny beneflta. Apply In penonat: U. ...... Y .... IG> Vlal'ODorto, Slti 4 Ntwport Death. Ca F.quaJ oppt1 employer •11r UWt II 8'111 Cl&11lned •••:.if amall .......... "1aa. Cllla.... .....-...ip .. .._ IToplaH ,._,. IAld .... call .., ....... CUSTODIAN f'\Jll turw anti p;1rt t1mt· 1an11.unal l'U.'it11d1al ''"" lltlf\.'i .ivail.,bll' .it 'lhttp µing l't.'ntl'r apurt11w11t romplext.~ & ruann:t fm Newport J-i4•a1·h 1111111· t:Aecllcnt b<'nl.'f1t-.. 1n rlud.l.nl( free ht·alth & lift• imuranl'e fur full ttmo· Some po61ll011.\ h;,\t• "''" 1ble l'luun J\pply at the THE IRVIHE CO HTTI Camelback Newport liearh, IM ITT!lh (.1.JS1'0MERSERVIO: Fast grow111)( St .l11hn Kn1L' n1-~I" .1 n11np .. tn11 wll ·!>lartt•r m the• I )rd11 IA-pl St!rv1r1n1ot uur u1.1-.t U1 t'f1ll.!tt cu.,lum1·r' In vnlw-s hea\'y pho1w nm la11 (';ill Nam·y 540 7171 ~t. Retatio'" Sain Trainee' Tra1n1nl( f f)r y11un ~!, shurJI 1nd1v1 du:1h lo 1nike pt-nod11· l'llll~ on our e<1lahlt:.t:d bw.ani·i.:. & pro(essron;,I ueeounl"I 111 the Orange County ar(•a Career tJricntt.:11 111 dlviduab wllhni: to w11rk & tukc dtn·rlwn~ l'<'" bwld to a h1J(l1 flll'llllW pr.U-nl.Jal Sal<ary -+ l'.dl Al for 1nterv1<·w. 979 Z:l33 Cutter Wdntl'd f11r wetswl<i. 1•xp prefrrn·f1 Wrll train ri Rhl 1n dJv1dual Apply m JJt•r -.1111 IH2AM Sl•a Sutlh, ISJ7 W IJlthSt. CM Deti•ery '""°" FUii time Ad agem·y 111 Newport nN'ds rchuhh- person with own r.1 r Neal appearanc1· < '11 II 644-7644 for appt Deh very per50fl wallt{•lt must have gt.I dn v'•n1 rt· a>rd. please <"all l!:t.1 Ir.AA Delivery person moed~ WlU train in hlucpnnt mg. Hunt. Bch. ~ 2'¥.!fi Deliveryman, o(c rurn de livery OC/LJ\, b<Jbta1I truck, gd dnvt> record. exper pre! 13.SO start. McMll.han Desk M2 IW50 Pehver -L A Times tn homes 3.30AM 6 :00/\M Need van or waaon O.ya otr avall llSIO pr mo. 541-toMI, M 14 l3 DElJVERY. t;u:c. MAN wanted for f\.lrnlturC' at«e. S3.50br. to •liar\. Apply In penon l931 Npt Blvd.CPI. DlllYerY Penon. Appllca· tlolll now betn1 taken for warellloute·il•ll very helper. Ntw furniture w1rellou1ln1 and de· Uwsy flnD. Plaoot for appt. a:»t:•AM. Start· lftl...., .. per br. Good acfuocemtal for the ........... 7.S. DIUVSRY. Auto carrier DHdtd AM • PM , La1u•• •••cb, So. LlpM. 0... Pt, San 01• 't ..... 0tpea. dlllleCM a IDllll. Call ........... 1·1111. DEHTAL l'1•no•k111ti\l n•'i.'tl\ l)Jrt lJrr11• J"•I :1 ''">'' .i ... •·••k E11pa11d1'fl 1lut11•'! 11p1Jll .>.. rt.1y 1·1·n1r1t·a11• n ·•1•I hllµ1·r 1>rd 11 X l11l t ... •nt•(1h :...1IJry 111u-11 C.ill Hill fili:ll Uf'::'llTl\I. ASSISTJ\N'I S m.di fr 11•11d lv •'·"> p;w•~I cl1•11t.1l 11ff11•1• nf't'<h •1ul1~fllll~ ~ rr11•ndh d1,11r ... 1h• ,,,.,.,1.1111 <.111id wurluu~· hour.,, Nl·w1111rt Ueat·h 1..11; !',\ 11 lJENTJ\I. J\!'l!-.1 l'urt t I mt· \1 U '> t b t• t• ll peneneed Cu ll f>46 1662 bt.>tween 9am lpm. Mon I.hr fo'rl l>t'lll.•I A.'I!\ t Ortho , <'hr , N II l'art tirn1• or full lrnll' up to 4 rt.1)-' pn wt•t•k T11JJ ,JIJr) I. t.·111·fth llrtho t'\ll & ltl >i\ rt"I 1,.a~ 4!1)21J l.a.•11t.1l ""''"'"'"I X r J} II 1 r1·qu1 n•ll C; ,., ti•• n c.rn11·0H1rt· fiJS 71 ll l>fNrJ\I. A'>l:lT IJHTllO C' II It XI n t w 11i.:1• Iv b('l)(.f1L'I It UA or t•hi.:1 l>lf' Npt lkh 1140 01 21 llENTIST l'XJJt'rll'n1·1•tl Grt>al 011portu11lty Ur Fl11n1 1·r. 642 1111 2 or 644-&)!{7 r..1t.'lhw1&.'lht•r, nri:l'lt 'I s.:1 to fir. rn ... ml'lll,, l.ui.:unu 1 lllb url'a !'IHI 11440 IJl.'fi.tlr hc•r f•Jr nm.'> I rur u1111 t'tlmpan} ~-4313 UISJ'l.J\Y UUll.Uf:H M1111mum 7 Yt'a" I'll Jlnwnr.· to but Id ! uMom h11rt.l wond d1 11play' 1-:i1ublt11hed c-ompan)' with hr :ilth plun. pror11 'hannl(. prrnl v11ra1111n. '>l eud y work ~;,l ..ry 11p1·n Ch.irlt>" <;11r) Ull1> . G3 I (ffl) Ol.WibuUon KIDS&TEEHS t:am f'lltra monf'y d is trtbullnl! & 11oh<"ttrnl( 11ubllcnpOon.'( for l.ia~unu 8eoch '11 most p()pular muglUlne. LAGUHALIFI Jo\111 & P /limt• posit ions avail. Work your own hra Call Circ ulation Dept 4!17 411211 Mon t.hru Fn IOAM to ~PM for appt. 00Mf.St1C llELP Npt ll&tH. Cltanlnc altttnale Fridll)'ll Some lron1na. e MZ-14211 Drapery Workroo m . ae&mlttt:ll OHded. Near OC Alf1'0"l Salary open ~ -------Dr1 ver /Gardener. com· blnallon person. Hav4l valid Calif. lie. Good drlvln1 record . Minimum a1e 20. Apply Pennya1ver . aeeo Pt.cenlla. Ooet• Mes•:_ DRIVER. 1t.oc:k clerk must know OC: area, cbante for adv. Pac In· (Mt. SUpply Co. 21'7 s. Hit.Mway, SA DIU'VD, (YU ) 21 )'HI'S •('/II#, ,.... drtvlna re· «ird. LA/Or ... t CO. de· uwn.. m.m.uu. DfUVD • Local delivery ror rftall 1tore. Good drivtM ,.._.,, Calif. Uc, P' 11 If. t Im e . PAS Qraplak:s. -Campu1 Dr.Hft.M.71Mm • ... Adi Call .. ...,. ", ... ,,.,. .. ... "91 ,. "\ ,. ,. ,. f'\. .... ....-. ..... ',... •• • '"" • \ 11""9 ••• , ,, :'t ... .. .. • ... r DRIVERS M<'ll 11r w•1mt'n ~ ) n, •1r 11lfJI'( >\f)IJW th1• I"'"' I Ill~ l'wt $1H0 ;i ~1·1•k •11 "''"'' <Jr .1nl(1• < ""''l 'r'••ll11w CJtJ. 173'.tlr "1t lferrm<!n n. 1'11unt.11n \li1ll1·v •Nu 11( ~l ... 11•1 Ii l'l w II N I' ... h II 111· ~ l-:t>t·ht1 ' DRIVER MnMft19"" Newport Be uch l!'l>C "'"" ufftre has an uperung for u On vet1M~entl'r to m..ikt' d~ll"t'ne-. ... ,thin the <)fangP Count) dfl'd .md perform oUwr m1:. l'tllaneou" dull<'' •·' pt.'ncnrt· 1 ... not rt'(!ult•"<I but )OU mu\l h .•11· .1 ,.,ltd C.llfom 1u dn\1·r hl·{'ll_w and hght 1' p111~ 'lk1lb !'ltartrnR \JI.ff) SIJ.50. µlus 20' a>er milt· P I l• a:. c r .i 11 J a 1 k 1 ,. Sk.antt<dl for m11n· 10 tonm lion ut 6'l2 4000 RDBJTY HD HAL ~...tlo.Au" 1';quaJ Oppty Employt'r Drult t1f'rk, nper. pror pharmar}. 9-6. Mon l''r1 Mui.I type l'nrk Lido Pharrruiry NH 642 l!)ij() (or lnkrvlt'W t:am S2lJO. $.50() J)('r ... e• • k re1CL9knog voters lo hrlp 11Wl.l1f) the L1bert:inun i'arty for ballot !lllllUb <.:all 964-1908. B.ICT-.OMIC S Havtnit a hard tame fmd ang work ., Arc you in t.cralled IJ1 II c II rH r In t•lertr on1cs . Wt'11th1·r l o re r ai.ttnl( or ttlephonC'ttelf'ty pc• rn 11tallall<>n & repair . Tht• C11l1(orn1a National Guard 111 looking for m en & women lntert-Sted tn getting ahead in todays t'Ompelitlve job market WEtRAJN YOU! This Is your golden opportunity to c am a subs ta ntial monlh.ly Income. have u GENJo:RO US B.ECTROHIC TECH ASStMILatS Ul\•·,....ru~I work 1t .. 1d 1n rnfi.: 111 lfUllll Ill \,J \Jiit'• 11 l'\1111 tll lt.'tl VI 1 I 11r1 ,J ._,I \I W ,i lf..'1 Jo. II Jo, I-JJJ~trt•·"n n1: "1'.1-11 \ 11 \lt'I 'I I \1 J- ~.'<.I ' I' 1'. I< ' I ,. I 11 "'"" \ttUr prr1t1l•·m "" "" \'> ....... 1'.1>1'.IJ h J ' I ' H ...... I I, ., !'> <; l A II \ " T I-, I'. IJ 714 ~101.13 ... abnr Chum inlt'n 1ev. mg ror manal(emt:nt & !W&le. pch Jo'abnr •Jr re t:ul r xpo'r n-<1 C.1 II Mr!> l\Jndt'l tAI, ~O JolorJI 1>o .... 11(11•·1 :! '" ,., IA'r In Ill• I' I ;~h! '7tHO fo111riq , '''' r11 111 • 1J \Jph.d llo \1• 'f .. r k1•t :!I I I-17thSt < M •.:JI~.:! Foto.Na; Ori.~ n.n. Sal••., L'l1•rk f11r rL, > ..ruri.:. Apply ut I-otomJt, IM&Or.ml(t'. CM "" or , ... TI ... Coupl~ & 111d1v1duJ lll for hw.IOt'llb uf 1our o wn t~.<·aJ Amw..a} ·<l11•lnhutor tr1111'\l> you for '>Plt•nd1d 1JPP)rturuty Ph :'>47 :11KZ \.eneral Clt'n< ·11 LAGL'Ni\ ~f:Ol <..:AI. I.A II. n~~ rront 11H H'(' r t> <'~'pl S4.'I'} D1ver~1r1t·d pos1Uon M1o11un• per:.on Type ~O wpm . n u n bmolu:r J-:01-: t94 0701 r.1t-:NERALOF't~J<..:f: f'~t growing St John Knits, needs a eomJ)t•tent sell starter tn the Orrlc•r Dept Srrvu:mg our 1·u1H1 I to CO&.'lt cW1tomers In volves heuvy phont' run tact Call Num-y 540 7171 Gt-neraJ OHrce Clerk, !>iOml' ty ptnl( & good pay ror construe lion rompany 546-4313 GEN•~HAL Ofo'fo1C i': Girl needt'<I w typtn~ ~wpm & I( l' n . 0 f ( I C l' capablht1e:i ror rull-l1m1· po11lt1on 0 <..: a irport area ~ GUARDS i''\Jll & p.1rt llmt ,\11 ,1 I •'.I l ' fl ii t 1 I fl, rurn1bhl'll /\v,1 ·• :~; ,,, 1111·r l<l'\1r1-.I \4 •·1t·m 11•• ''' "'llllt'rlf'fll'I' II•'• \t1I• h I lll\1•r ... 11 l'r111"' 11111 "•·r\lt 4• I/'•, \\ 1t J, \t r .... t .., .111 t.1 \ 11 1 I r l• n11•\4 h11u1 ' 'JI. II. I l ~1111 lhru hr GUYS&GALS 1-:xcttang & rt·warrlini.: work t-nr oll111 .: merchanlb an 0 C ·s n .. w Scrooge Can.I Club Will IJ'dln 1'..im $1•~1 • 11·r • d.t) It '•·d 'IY & fun ..-1111 '"' p,,n t1m1 <'Jll Jo" 111 l.llJl'\OJ x,c,1 ••rr; I l.tJnln~..t·r 1tl'1'1l1·1I ,. II h Ollll' t•lt1·r.t1·I • ' P (Ill!\•' t•I Ii· J I ,, 1•111111 p •• r k I n .: '· I I ;, I 1 • l'\{~ .e'4 594:! HAHOYMAH Fur ~inall l'll•l'tflmtl'' , . ., l.Jl(hl .1an1ton al cl11t1 1' l~h1-t'ry & prrk u1.1111 1·1• ln.11:k. p11rkal(1ni.: ~u,1 h:Jvc valid t:ahr dnvt•r l1 r Appl y t; I. <: Sy:.km.,, 11 1~2 Cond11r ;\VI' F v llU\J..111 FO<WSTOlll' Sollt.t. & food h11r ht•lp. hill & pt l1m1• llu)' of I k>alt.h, II H 1147 H002 llf.J.P' Bu.<ime'\11 1 ... boom 1~ U you n • J n·~pc111" ble &dull whcr..t• boo1l.1 blr , w ith H 1·f t rans po r t11t111n & 1n te rest l'rl rn pHrl 11mt• employment with grl.'<1l pay C.:aJI Sttl~rs nhnut ed, 67~9G:l> JIOST ESS t:s & Hl:.. GIRJ..S 11JI i.h1rt' ApJJI\ b twn 2 ~ J ll Y day 673·4700 34~11 Vt .I ()porto.N H HOSTESS Expenenced only E x ce ll e n t co m pan y beMfits. Lovely bc:wh lol'at1o n J\p p ly 111 person, no phone 1•11lb please. RETIREMENT PLAN. , _______ _ q u e I If y for I. 0 W INTEREST H OM t; LOANS. plus MAN Y MORI: BtN&P'JTS1-••or further lnlorrnatloo call Jobn McNulty at (714~1363 or apply al 31161 Npt. Blvd.. Costa JOUYIOGEll 400 S. Coast Hwy Laguna UU<.'h Med.Calif. &ICTIOMICS Cu.rnnt openin11 now GENERAL on·1cE TYPl~"TS SECJU .. I' ARI ES ACCOUNTING CLERKS Top Pay No f'ee P aJd Weekly MOla8.1. Temporary Service!! Irvine 1S2·6666 E.O.E Milt' J101tess. Xlnt oppty 111 supple ment incom t.' Wclrome new resldunt.., Perm p/l. Fi ea hr.s. Need c ar 4' t ypewrit r Hospllallly Hos t1·"1' Servll'C, 547 -~ exilt for men • women 1~~~~~~~-· UUrelt.ed In electronks I · H o tel Eae c utivt• S«tttary Top ski Us r('<J J.l&Mt exp. pref Some :ic ctn it Newporler 111 n . &M-1700 Carol Warsaw X 544 ... E.O.E. or •tether forecutlnJ No exper. MC'eSla.ry W• offer FREE V 0 C A T I 0 N A I. TRAINlNO WlTil PAY, RmREllENT PLAN . LOW rNT'ERf'SI' HOME LOANS, FRF.F. TRAVEh. • MANY MORF. BBOl'fEl"lTS. We alto have ~ .. for automahe • dleul rwtumlea. telephone In· atallen, mecllC11.. 6 cooh .... LI A II y VSTERANI £A&N SPICIAL CREDIT for ..., • ...ur....a. f'or mon lllormaUoo call Jolla MeN11ll1 , tTWJfrl.Tm •apply at •t Hiit. 9hd., eo.u ...... c.au. Gen'I ofrice·bu1lnu11 .ad.Lii p/\ an uchan,;e for lharin" beaut. home In LA.runa Re!lp., over 25, ··--------• rehrencea rcq 'd . •·Ho&.et -.-1. lrt P'rid.ay Oneral ofc, Haii•tplll9 lite bkpn1. Aelp. peraon ~isor dllir1D,I per1111nent poei· Olreer' "ti~ted position Uon. CM. Call MW.570 <'\llT'eMJy available for G I R L F R I D A y , hard work:lna lndlvidu1o1I Challe~t ni omu, tojoln UM! Hou.elleeplnl( __ ....__ _._ ...... Co D • p a r l m e n t ...._ _._, ""' Supervltory duties In cieM.loul • or1anlaed. elude: Ina peel lou. "* _....,.._, '"•t dll'9Clina bouecltanlna appear1nce. Cell lt.aff, etc. Related ex· ...... .... _ e pNlet'ftd. t)I ud1q company .,,,,... JOlf \I. Apply In WVVW' ..... tul·DOOD. Mon· 9lllar Oil-. -· Z P'rl,PwtoaMI dll1I,.. .... ear. Call MAMIOTT HOTa. -... aN..,lllt Otnwr Or . =•.c:e..r.ot: llta..-rl ~-~~~~~~ .... , -... -.. , ... -· ... -. .. ..-. ..... • - • l~t<k.a>p.er 'Hlll'f ll\.'t' out ) aft~~. t'htlJ ••. rnldt dnvt' IM'1 JM7 ot~l ltoui.ckttPl!r AllHH "',. h.,,c an mlltd wuntt'd for ~ b•cbelor:i If\ i::IUl'I .!IO Bay boroe (;wll Uob JI 6'4·1u:al HOUSEKEEPER to hvl' tn & care for family with 2 sma.11 ch1ldn·n Nun smoker Call~ ~03 LO ... SHIPPB •· FMMA/6MMA ~,...lf'(ll(t' ol 1-'llA VA lu.n p.ickae1og euen u..i t)ppoltututy tu grow with r;1µ1dly expanding nut1o nal m o r1gage 1)11nker wh1lr t<f1Joy1ni; lht· pleusant working -i urro und1n j(!I or the Newiion fk·.i r h Irvine Jl'cll of Orungc County l!:xl'l'llerH benefits Salary rommen~urate HOUSEKEEPER Wllh l'XIH~r• e 1H·e & S pnformance !-'or app'l. for an exclus1v1• pnvutf:' call H75 1080 a11k for resort St a rt 1mm1:d Murla Exp prl'fl'rrl'd Will COLDWELL l.AHKU tram. Full time Prd Res1dcnt1al male. Apply in ~·rson. MortJ(al(l' I;., 419 N Coalo.t llwy. Lai: A Coldwell Banker Cu lil:h. or call 7141494 -IS!i~I. An t-qual oppor C-0 a:.k ror Elaine ---------• LVN charl(e duty 11 7. full IMMEDIAT E PART TIME OPENINGS Help on S«itun.lav & :-.Un ilify mc>OUnlo(:-. lo tit-II\ r-r DAILY PILOT umc or part ume. Good 'alary Mc~a Verde Conv llosp 6GI Center SI C: M ~·55KS :'<tachme Shop Trainee Sv.1sl> automatics. ~rmancnt full lime pos1 l111n. 4 day work wet'k ICll !«JI to our 1·arncr, \1u:-.t 1 _________ _ ha\(' goo<.I rln,mi.: r1· 1 orrl , lari:P '>I al 111n wagon or \.';in lt11urly i mllea~c t:Jll llJrr) ~IC} at 642-4321 IHSTRUCTIOH.AL .AIDE BilMtcJud Spani'h Purt l1mt' Sil tM 1w1 hr /\pµI\' N1•w11111 I ~ 1· .1 C111f1l•d S• h11ul 1)1,.,1 r1a, ... .r11•d ,.,.,.,,.nn1•l 1001 1-: llit.h SI N II ('a II i00-.14()1 1-; 0 )< I\ /\ I' ln-.uran1•1· MACHIHE SHO, (;nndt-r o.,erator Some t'X pt'r desired or w 111 train person mtert.>Sll'<I an lt-arrun1t precision itnnd· •OJC trade Xlnt co bene Dl'llron1<: t,;orp CM .Jl\5 0403 M.ACHIHIST r>1 vr·r~1f1Pd work loa1I Mf 1: t'll·ct ron1c· tni.1 ru n11·nt., Modern work :-. h ., ,, /\ d ' .i n 1· " d K11wt11·.... 1z:11 V1ctuna Str1·f'I, (' '1 6'1 6 7165 I•: 0 E M:111l'>. apply The Inn at l.;1~una , 211 N Coast llwy 1.ai;tuna &·arh J•cr.oorwl L111t'' & c·un1 MAIDS m c r c 1 a I I\ ,. ,. "u n t ' Secret.am . .,, Minimum :.i Jo:Xpenenct>d full time & w+-ekend.'> 642·3030 year:. cxpt•r11•nc•1• Progres!>1ve Oranj!l' ~JJd.c;, for Co'lta Mesa County ag1•nt·y i-;it hm. :QOS Harbor Blvd. 'celle.nl benefit:. S..ilary t-'ull ume + weekends commensurate with ex ----- penence Contact Mary MAJDS WANTED 1661 S. AM. 5.1&2531 C.'>t llwy Laguna Bch. I N S U R /\ N C t-: <t94-41:192. Pt:HSONAL LINES l'NIJF.RWRJTF.R Mio L)r. t:xi>er Janll"I & Co Irv Call Mau11 lll' 75:! O!Y~ 1-; 0 1-; IHSUR.AMCE AGENCY F'lrc & ca~ualty <'•1m merc 1al l•n•·" un derwnter i-;xp«'r1t•11cl' r e q • d ft () IJ e r t 11 r1 n lmiurunce /\s~111• I"'" bi!)..1)562 INTERIOR DESIGN FIRM Needs shurp, r,rgan1zcd per~on for general secret.anal, light book keeping & typing Ac counts pay11blc· & vhunc orderi n g 833 2 1GZ , Ne~Beach IRY...toryAssb t. Cool" .. .ator Assl!lt 11\ operation or corp. ma1l1stock room~. Supply orden n1ot. opera tion of machines. s hip· ping, receivmR t:xper req. Fashion 11'1 Invest furn. Call · 640-0lZJ, \) :IQ toS JANJTORS. Pt t1m<· Of· lice clearung eves Men. women & couples. Ccn· lral O.C. & beach arca11. Call 532-6558 betw n 10llm-4pm, Mon-1-'ri. JANITOR Day Custodian lrvlne/Newport Beach area. Good pay. Must hav~ pboM It good refs. Noexp~~ll833-7015. hrrY needs several guys Ir p1s (oftl" 16 ) t.o help ft.h ticket sales t.o aporU ...a. SS. hr t.o alart. ~ t.o is. up 1( you're free eves Ir Sal am. Call m• J172.4149. Kltcbm Worti.er. tuU Ume. Dqa cmlY for ralauranl ta BrH. Salmaauodl .... ~ MAIL/EDIT CLERK riusy dala processing co. tut. .. openings on Isl. &. :aid ~hift.'I, 1-'ull or part time llandle status rails from accountants & help !'Uordinale quality con· trol with edit dept. & other related dut ies Mu.st have accounting or bookkeeping cxper. & be ahlt> to o.,erate 10 key ad w11i.: machme by touch. l'leabe cu.II for appt SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC ?2113 Fairview Rt.I. C.M S49-3091 Mamt.enance man for 55 urut apt t-omplcx m C. M. 642.5073, (213)865-3851 MAIMTINAHCI B.ICTllCIAH 3rd Shift (12-8am ) Permanent opening for aggressive maintenance electrician w/mfg equip Installation & re pair 11k ill11. 2·3 years ex· perience, tl'oubleshoot· lng, conttol panels, D.C. cin:dt.ry. Mu1t be will· Ing t.o work overtime. Excellent bene fits & wort.int cood. lnc 11 paid hohdays, company lf'OUP Insura nce, s ick p ay bmelit.s, liberal vacaUoo benefits. etc. Call for appt. or come to the Penoenel Ofnce, from 98JD.llam, l·Jpm. Moo tbru Fri. to complete ap. plication. CA~AM 199Sl Voa Karman Lrv87-noor.oE MAMM•tlMT Bf A& ~r·TrainClt', no "x Pf1' ~ Jf you llkl· wurfUOi With pooplt' It waot r~wn111blc po111 uoo mun•&lnliC your own ulfU!t1, let uis tl"ll you dbout OUT plann<-'<l tr1un Ina P"*r•m u1 leach yuu the t·onlfurner f1nan,·1· Uuitnm.s <Vtit.a OJT av proved I Sa.l11netl IJOll l uon. excellent benef1ti. & oppor tuni ti es for personal growth & ad vancement P uc1f1 c flna.nce, S49 3021 Manager A.sll1st11nt. 2 dy1> wtt, hw btkpJC 4t mum tenunce. Appl llurry, 642 3107 Marucunst l~rs:e. hw.y salon fUll lHJll! 586-2216 ---- Manicunst needed for Juliets & acrylic na ils. Hent ur pen·cntagc op uonal Ask for Joanne 154-17:17 Mechanically inclin ed J>t:rson Will t rain to operate spec111lty I abet ~nting press. 645·0510 Medical Hect·pt1onist Orthopedis t ofc. uper pref erred. 6J 1-2200 --- MEDICAL BA<..'KOl-'C-EXJ'ER IJ 631 2670 MB>ICAL ASSIST .AMT Ne w port Bt'u c h Rheumat.oloiust ·:. off 1ct' Must have vahd. hm1l!'<l muscul~keh•tal X Ray p e rmit & du verupuncture & rout11w lab. a.'> well. Sitlary com mensuratc with cxpcr 544.~1 Messemwr . n•spon~1bl<" own cai:. good dnv1ng re t·ord Guar :JO hr wk. $3.2.5 hr + Ilk' m1 Call Melinda, fl 30 10 JOam. 54!1-8871. M.onung newspaper aulf1 mute. Apprux hr!. 4 6am dally Ideal supplemen taJ ,IOb. Approx C'armn~~ S37!>S4.50 mo S4(.l.JO()ij & 540-677.2. 7 IOa m Mother's helper 6 to 7 hrs. Oct. 9110 111 llunt Harbour area 770-0925 Needed. man to c lean was hroom. s w ee p around trash barrels. hole down 3 porches one~ a wk. & occasionally do small repairs. 847·0310 Nursery Atte ndant for Olurch Sunday morning 1·45 to 11 ·45 & som t: weekday mornings . Ne wpo rt H arbor Lutheran Churc h, 791! Dover Or. N.B. NURSI-~ AIDES Sma ll , every other wknd off. Def. comp. of SSO after tl mo. Free d e nt a l & medical ins. after proba tion employment. Apply 1445Superior, N.B. OFFICE CLF.RK • I girl office. Dkkg exper belp(ul. Vanous duties Nice H.B. location. Mon f)'i. 8-4 : 30. 893-8561 --- Slq>!' Ta.lte time lo relax and shop at home rt i.. simple with Daily Paloi Classified Ads And 1f you have something to sell. call a friendly Classified Ad·Vi:.er at 642.5618 C>fACI S•VICIS »u1r1"uc J*nlOll t.o do •~»11 t'oVYLnl(. f1Uof( " gm•:ra.I ~rv1r~ Curn JHll\Y will tr11m Newµurt l'h•rMllCt'UllUI . 11117 16lb Street, Newport 8'.:ach M2 7511 llXt 11 ... Oft1CE MANAG~R tu do client 1nll1ke f'ro gram io1t1at1on. hlinK typllij!, & colleetUlg fl'e1> lyr adm ur clen cul ex per AblhLy lo c'Ol1rt.lm:.il~ & man.aRC l'UOll'lll offlCl' Sent.I resume tu Kuy ~e 1.3352 Hroolthurst. Garden Grove, CA 92643 •100• ,.ACICAGHS ASSIMILHS N fo~l::.D NOW I I rl'opWuges I Nu Exper needed ./ l,on~ Term asM1tnrnenl VOLT TttfWIPORARY eOllltVrLI< h 546-47< I :JS48 Campus bnv1• l11cross from John Wayne /\1rvort 1 1-;quaJ Oppur Empluy1•r PAJNTf':Hs Jo:Jt1>4"r only, l'Jll 11-17 -112'1 l'arlung ~ST. PARKING SUPERVISOR lmmt."<ilate Opt'nini.: fur :in alll>l~tant park1n1: supervisor at nur bll'-Y p:irlong stru1·tun· :10 to 411 hours a Wl'ek (;11MI ~tarting salary For ap Potnlml'nt l'all Ooruthy l!OWl'r at 17141675-2790 fo:qual uppty l'm plu) 1·r MF Part/full lime gPncral uf ru:e job a\.'all '" fabm· import firm Mu~t bl' able t.o work under prl' ssure . have a good memory, be a fast ar curate typist. Si ll ur s~ wntmg, pho nes. filln11. etc Call Helen at 770-2922 ------ PART TIME EVENINGS J\dulL'I with ouL.,tand1n~. attrn 11\.'e person11hl1ei. who enJOY workmJ( with k1d.'I Uvcr 21 Sturt at SJ.SO per hour Phun1• 6'1 2·"321 , E x t 250 a1-:Tw1-:1-:N 1 oo s oo PM. Asllfor~a l!;qual Opportunity t:mployer Part tlmf:'. a fternoon, RCDCral office work. Cull 642--0411 Part lime help wanlt.'<.I Approx 2.5 hrs per Wt!l'k Sale. Tobacconisti. lnr , Fastuon Island. N R Part tJme & full time Petition C1rculat.ors, &Int $7 to SI 0 hf'. W ork own hr s, houiK.>WJves, students re l.lrees. must be over 18 Call 561-0834 btwn 7·1 l am or_4-:!P_m --~--r'.----------, I Manufacturing I I R a pidly growing 0 .C. mfg co. I I located close to San Diego & G.G. I Fwys in modern indus t. complex I has immed. openings for highly I I m otivated, well qualified personnel. I I -ncav1MG IMSPECTOIS I I Recent exper. ln m echanical & I I sheet-metal parts. Must be abl e to I read blueprints & knowledge of I Ins pection too1s . Ch a llenging I I position w/xlnt oppty for personal I I growth. I I ASSIMILHS I I Skilled mecha n. assemblers. Must I I be dependable w/strong desire to I excel. •1xLNT CO . BENEF ITS & •• ~SICUl'AIY ?iawpart Btedl, full ti~ ...,.uJoa. Sala17 com· _.... wUJt exper. ~llr. ~IU.a32. LEGAL B&CRSTARY. -.. ... 1 yr. u~r, ...... tar INl1 Ii •· dca flrm la rub oo =~•wpm• OllatadJ•Mt COit Pl• a reuu Import cbaJn ta pneeatlJ ••· paodln1 throu1bout c.ut. To meet Ude ... ....... .. need alw'p, •••Mtic lndMdualt for our mana1tmenl trial-. proeram. &x· ~owtb-=..~ WORKING COND. W /CAREER I POTENTIAL FOR QUALIFIED I J INDJV. I I Day & Nt1ht Shifts Avail. I I I t •• .... MOTICI -·~ PUata.... ..... ....., ...... ··-·••r•T wtti a.tillililJ •-..ctto.. ... .. ........ .., ....... 7 I renha. P'9•n• -~would be ID ----blltmull be .UU.. to reloe•'-.... c.11. u,.. .... .. , ..... _ .... ... t cerHr wlUa a ,... ............. ,_.,_to P.O. In *1, lu l'raaallco, .... t GIADCHDIOll 1 1 41138 W. CHANDLER 1 I SANTA ANA, CALIF. I I 714/116-f6IO I L----------.-J -I ....,w~ 1100 ....,w_._ 1100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.~28.1171 "*' ·tuns http wHted, NcJlll fttor Tun nlpu to r produ c t io n P l'e Se ti o o I A 111 e , ~~~!.~ .. ~.?~!~ ~~ ..... .! ..... ?~!~ ctruflcate ot eaptnonce Olli~ UCEP110N1ST Sltarp. ............................ Mi.nhnum ., ... 20 Apply ----at l'en"yu ver, IHO l,,.e-sthool teactter. ex· l*'IQUble lndJvldual I~ 5 111,.,. MMmnt frodl ~ct wort 1n H B THI LOOIC . f'laf.w>lJa Coeila Meu perienced , e:acell. e n· ' ... ~Wl~r (>M clQJ.. 9118-l400 r e al e1tate office Ploleul@tutl-~~e~,._..t<.O!iwn ~r ,th1· r1Q('llt Jil_t:u~·!n men·, &,,.,·--....- manners, typlo.c skills wnml'n'" r•lOilifnit 1illoe11 Ii 11,CTe :s. Iii rrlt' l'an lllTM', nl!ar Manna JI S Slrun11 fln1en to handle 1mall pla1t1c p11rte Rctlr~es Hoe. IM&-1.2'11. ------ NISS .... SOM t'or medium 11zed Oranae County llth o shop Venal.lie per30n to oc>eratAI exi.alinJ( ~ulp, mtnt + learn camer1 le s mall rotury Xlnt op· ponun1ty Cur rq~ht penon. Experience pre· fcrred . 1148-0088. reqd. Ru_I eauai.e lie de: f<lllow1n11 !>08 t\.'all " airable. Call 84& e6C>8 W-..'1 Dept-Attf ...... " • .. . IMMEDIATE · PARTTIME OPENING s:.t &Sun. Morrung)j Unv~ To Deliver DAILY PILOT -·· •• ~.,._ .. #;,,. PRIMTI.._ Receptioruat. ~g-Span. speaking for cluroprac· tJc clinic Bn1c office skllb requlr~. U te bk· kpa. <.:all Or . He h ir 972-1581 Receptionist/ Bookkeeper for nr-'--Jlious law firm · ~JJeacn.·"s-ara;y comme ns urate w ith ability & expencnce Ask for Sally 714 /640-5650. Receplloo.l.st · allli phone. 3 sharp gals w/fash & mgmnt bkgd. 2 Fl t& J Pi t. . ...... o.,t-••et Mtr's Sharp guys or ~al5 w /knfdg of high r ash men's ch,lhlng. prior bkgd nee. 2 F'/t. 1 Pl ~ All pos. are sal + comm. + t·o. profit sh.aring. Call for oppt to set up inter view. THI lOOIC 540-4500 '44·'500 to our carri1·ri. 10 San Ju.wi. Cap!Alrano Ueoch, Oona Point , S1t n C'lem~nte area M ul4t have good dn v1ng re cord , larRc s tation wal(Oll or van Hourly p..iy 1 malcaJ(e :ii lowunrc <.:Jll ll arry Seeley at Help wanted 1n web offset press room l!:x· per1enced & tra1ne<'ll M1rumum age 20 i\pply Penn yioa ve r . 1660 Placentia.C M t yping. Will Tr a 1 n . Restaurant &Jeoi Clerk, pre21tige drug st.ore, N 8. Pull time. perm ., som e wknd t>, benefits. Mr Elwood, 67S-()150. Printing $1001 mo. Roxie 642 "2JO •1 McDonal<ts need11 full & RECEP110NIST . Typing part-lime help fo1ex1hle hours Apply between 3 Ii UTHO-STRlf'PY Por black & wttlte only For '\mall presses Expenencc.-d & payroll exper reqd 5 31362 Seac:h lilvd H 8 fm.5828 ~ ---s.16-7'il17 Sales 642-432 1. --- ,ART-TIME R!CB'TIOHIST r1x We need a Vl·ry l'<>nscum llous. person11ble 1nd1 v for uur l'X.-C' otfu·•-s llri1 from 10-4 Mon l"ri C:111l m.8600 I!: 0 E P/\HTTIMF: 1-'LEXIBLt: llOl 'KS l'all 552 l:S9tl fvr i\l'POINTM F.NT Pa rt y r on~ u I t ,, n t Count.er Per.,un. r u 11 l inll' including Sat /\pply <!025 NPWJ.)Ort Hl\•d c M PBX /\rc.w1•11111! S1·rv1r1· 01Jt!r utur' Im mc·ll ia lt• Of1Cnm1:~ for 1•,111•11l'llC'1'IJ & qu;tllf1t'll µt·oph· SI ;1r1 mg s<1lary d1·1w111lt•111 011 '''IX'' 1'.11cJ v.it-.1t111ri llll'<ill-.11 11~'> 1;.a:, :!;,;141 or >Cl'.J ~12A PBX OPER. llMDYYHE:Lr Immediate operung.s. Expenenct'd & lramrti. Techrucea.I Publuhang ~ yi. te fTI1' Z2JIJ S•i Ou l'ont Dr An.ih<>1m007·0531E0 Jo: Production Wurki-r., lmm1·d1 ut1• •Jlh'n1n1:.., Wo rk with m11d1·r11 JUlomutl'll m:H·hini-ry Full or part t1m1• Mr gr 111 Jl'PJtl'I produt t s t.:11 :'4M l'kOUL'CTll JN WUHKEH!'! <Arru~at.t-d lic1x t'U h..ii. 01.11·nmi:' for 1f\•pt•111J.ilil1• H11µl11 y1••·., Wiii tr.11n \Int '"''"''"' In a ~IOW •Ill' 1·11 Mu'I b1• II\ 1•1 Ill \11µly 1n lit'""n t:H·f11rP lplll ·~···'" 111-1 ,, 111 11 \\I , ..... , Ill S.•1• 1'1•11• Rettpt.iorust Typ1:4t , Jo'1eld Newspaper Synd nds special per,on, busy phones, pleasant a l · 1T1011phei-e. xlnt bt!nef1lS 549-8700 ------ RECEPTIONIST /SEC'Y Newport Cent.er front of f1<-e uppearanre a muljl , he.ivy phones, somt-lYP mg Perm part ume 1·5 :.! pm 640-5470 &'('CpUorust for Npt l:kh C PA firm Plc:uant t('lephonf' VOll'e. OUll(O 1~ per.!Qrlahty. htl' typ 1ng. nltnll lln II 31.1 S :JO Pa1d parkini.: ('all J.in 640-4TIO RECEf'TIOHIST ,.X E.1m wh1h· vuu ll'.•rll f•rn1hwllon I 111 m t! d up,. n 1 n g 1 n mt'1rtgaj!e h .. nkn 1•x•'l' 11ff1n..., f<1r v•'r'>oni.1)11· •l'r'>util•· ~ \ 1·r~ 11r•1 fr-..,11in.1I mdl\ "t'l u'ol ho• 1•xµcr d •m IJu' \ pu'lh IAJttJJtl ('tlfbllll• If ) OU t•fl J<>Y .1 v.1dt• \Jrl•I\ Hf !Jutlo. mdu•linK II I> v •ni.: l all t' <1th) Br,.1111J11 .11 c:.t11f<>m1.. "Yl•1rt1< .. ••1· ia:!~t-.11 t-, I 1·l•·phu11• \11 ... w1·riu1· HICKORY FARMS ::-.t·1\1n· fu ll I 1m1· J1o1r 11 <;.Jpo·r\I'" & 1 '•Onl111.1I•• t1m1· \,.in1·•I .,hilt' .L .. M·mbh of h<1l1dJv )!1lt l>a)'> Jftrrnuon 111 1·H n I ,,. ... ~, ll•·\llil1· hi1ur• u~ Location" in '\pph llu k11r~ to .1 rm' FA'iHIO~l"il.\'\11 17th I. l1\1nc '\B It f'. C t-. l"I I II '\ I '> 1 'I 1'11·phvnt-"'"'· IJ.H l 111m morn111J?• \,d.rr) , t "m m 1'.., 111 n c .ii I ,1mt1m•· >13:1 7111,, ('(.f>'T \ M E .. "i1\ I It\ I'\ fo. ._..,"'11 hH l'IJtJ Tl 'Sl I'\ lit '!\'Tl'.'iGTO'\ ll 1-,\C 'II ldt•al (111 ... t1101·111 . & hou-;1•w 1~1·' ~l a11) l'C1 h1:nl'f1ts mdutl1111! 11.11fl VJ (':t l l Oll 'o 'I'\ p111.: :i5wpm l'.0 1-. lall ~l:J l.!:il1M1111 thru t·ri J>AX uµcr .i t11r f11r t1•leµh<1nt· Jll'\4 1•r111 I! '>e r v1t'l'. clay t•\ 1· t. wavl•yard '<hdt M u~t lw Wl lll llK lo \411rk Will tr:un KiS 'l!'J#\2 l'ct1tm11 ( 'ir1·ul.<tvr •"YIO:--.~.'r • Set y1JOr 11wn hour" Ex t.ra cash workm.: lull or PT Yoo makt' S:WIJO 111 more pr mo Mu:.l IK" Iii or <1ldl:'r C';ill for 111l medlOJl<' )Ob 'J t!J 11710 95 PET STORE &rd or Fish kn.,wll-<l~t" full t r m t' over Ill ·~ 5.522 PH.ARM.ACY CLERIC Will tram. mu-.t l) µ1· well /\!>k for Mr 111·1 nng $46-8770 Pttarmaty Clerk fur l'Ulll munny phJ1 "''''' N11 t•Xpt'r n•·c. Mulo.l Iii· rerso nablP ll4f. 7 1 :1~1 Newport 11':al'h ;,ircoi PHARMACY CLERK PcrtTimr PO!llt1ons avall.1blr 1n our drug ~torc lt><-alf•d tn Irvine for ddy & C\ol'lllllR wwk up to :12 hour'> per week. Call thl' S to rr· Man;iger for mlcrvll'w Jppomtm1;nt THE GUILD DRUG 5404 Woltwt. Ir• 552-1316 Equal Opp t-:mployc•r Physical Thcrapl'I . rt' gu.lar P time 968-8146 .. . . . . . Plano movms: assistant. part time.~·~ __ l'tasucs LEAD Grave yard ~h1fl opt>n1ni.: for qual1f1ed pt'ri.un s upervi s ing r losP t.olerante prcci11ion in JCClion mo ld1n1t in medical divuuon. Rapid gr owth for per11011 qwllried. Mcmle1tmu M.chmllc Oay shirt. pr4'v1ou!I ex per w 1 t h c I e ct r<J mecharucal background in repair & ma111tenancc or injection m olding m1chioes or 11mllar eq~pment. lst ~ ~.1 shift opening~. Acc.-.ptln~ tn.i.neeS "' 'experienced I' T huu.,••kt'<'fl!'f for (...JW)1·r ~ l>r /. :! ho\' 11 • t. IH '. l.l\I' Ill Fri '1•111 1 IJ••}' rm 1 n in .. '."11 :17111 P-TIME ASSEM. AJ...,1 lull tim•• avull t-.... ru '''l1 d mu111·\ <ill hr .., rn.L\ 1~·r \4 k \'ou puk :ru11r 11rnc• 7 ~ to ;J 341 /\ppl> 1111'w•r,,1111 MB.CO SALES l ... C . 1\1CiA i 2001 1-. C:a rnt·~ 11· ;,.5it;~) P/TTYPIST 1•11t11i ... t1111~ lirm -.C'Pk., I' 'I l)l•"I flour:. fl•·"l1 lilt· 1m> s:ood ~:iturt· mm .. mokcr prl'fcrn·d l'.it ~-4.1!'>7 l~I <.:.tJ m pvter Ln JIU_ Hl-..C'El"I lf)"\IS.I \1JlUI • "'·nrn.111 ;> 1\1 I ti\ "k II t)l>lllV ~•,.icl "'' phon•·' f11•)l1l1I•• h1 . 7~1 i!i!f7 CARHtl MlHDB> 1~ro<e:.l>mnal ~alt•,µcr,11n <·apahlt-u f handl1nl{ lu~·· tran..,1llon.' wantt"l for proi.:r<'''"' t' """ l'i.tall' lirm Top ri· nunwrdtlfm & rec111(n1 uon for J>l•n.un uf p111f1 ("ll'll<'Y ftayM & Anociatei 714/728.1174 r_a_ook n 1-; A L fo: S T A T t-: 1--------• SALESMA,'I/ W ANTl':U EARN UPTO 15'. COM MISSION NET I Cdn 1'.1m rrom SSOI\ to SIOOK ...nnuall> 2 Fmd 11u\ why 111•w h l' l'Urn h1 i.: SSS h1·n· C'omt-talk "1\h 1h1 m :S Our µr1Jtl111 I In,. x fl •• n ... I ... (' land bu•ll:"' tt•rrn., 1 l'r•• "'('l upph 1:alor1• ~, ~'inti 11ut win · ",. '1• i:ut tJ)t' t>e:lt thinl! itnini.: . "\ II .irc11 /\c;k rur Mr 1 lowurd 9!1.5·3402 f{l•al 1-J.lall' !'>alt·", ht• nr unh<'enwu Will train im 7:nl A.'>k fur U1tl. the 1Tia11at;l'r bell Estate .ACJ"'h Op1·n 1n1t for .1d 1 ve rnrf'Cr mmdl'<1 ht·en'><'t' {'umm1..,s1ons to 110'. Ml-'i 01mpuler Good l'X JHIUTe Call Dan Wullen lint' &\5 7221 for ronf1den ual mtcrvlC'w KE~l!At;RANT HEl.P Part ttml' Lunch lo.hilt Countt•r help nt-l'Oed S:l 40 pt•r hour l<lhll for l'oll••gt• 't uclt·nl:. e. ~'4.''41Yt.'!I 0 (. ,\irpurt art'u t:all Hon 2 :; pm ~.65<1 llt'!itaur.llll Mt•} c1 huh, pnrruny :-.upplwr of good food:. tu ttn· I n int• Corporal<' Commun1t} oc-ed!. pcopl"" for ~1 mpk f()l'Jd pn·pdra110n N•i 1•x pt•ncm•t· m•c't''!>ary I' art t11TW mornin1t & •• Ctn noon sh1fti> Great for young homemakl•r.., ~ studenti. S l.irl $3 15 hour Call Glen 557-6232 Re>t.aur.int Mahin• pcrs.m. full time• Snat'k bJr . ln 1nl• Clubhow.e $3 50 per hr & full dub prn ilei;tt·s Jack 754 7500 Call I .»3 :.! Rest.uurant _ _....21 1 SGT.ftfPPHOMl'S lrr 1 ,. 1 fttZZA STORE Now tm;~inf: for f u II & pa rt WMtdiff R"'!Y_ Ume ~n~"' at location -near 0 C /\irport Vary RHI Estah Sde1 tnl( days & hours : Ideal Opening ror Ii c·e nAcd supple!JM'fllal income for :ta lcs pcoplc , lucelly h o u ~ e w 1 v e !. & owned. with notional re stud e nts .O ur pro fcrral system . J.;xccllcnt gl'eSSIVC growing CO, Of workinl( conditio ns fersopportun1t1es for ad Earn 100"1 C'ommission vanccme nt based on For confidential app't your JOb performan1·e 1•1111 759 ·0226. F:xecu l'leasant working cond Sy1tems Healtors Must be 18 & over. i\pply R~CEPTl M~DlCAL · m~S.E. Bristol Exper. pref. Costa Mesa Santa Amt HeighU /\tta <Next to McDooaldH I ___ 63_1_·3863 E.O. E ,.,nd what you want an OaJly Pilot Clas111f1cds. To place your messa~e before the reading public, phone Daily Pilot ClllSl!dled. 642·W78 Relit.aur ant ZAC'S - IMCl8>11L1 IDl&IS Ellperi=r.:z nJabt COOKS• W AITREs.'SES . 1njectlon molding l~~~~~~~~~~I micbl.De operators. I~ GOOD PAY Zlt'2AlcMMwy Mhll•Ylefo 770-2441 These ire permanent openlnaa with we ll ell.abUabcd 20 yr. old 3·A compa11y a leader In t.hermo-pluUca. Rapid growth for indtvldualA ehow1nl desire tu be part oft.he team. Xlnt beneflla lncludlna company paid mdcal " life ina dual cho6ee demal procram It emp&oyee mc.nuve pro- istam. CIMCO $1.89 lllf DAY 'lbal ., ALL you pay foe a 30dl)' act Int.be DO rr NOWI MJ,.1671 n.taurant Sandwich perton wanted • • c:.'ClUlltef' betp wanted . St.artiftl w / f,OIJl4 u lary . Calll'15-2113. .....--MOSTISS Mature woman for ~ Nltaurut. APP· 11 ID peraoa, uk for C albJ , Pl eaaa nt PbeuHt 4Ul Mart· local• W17. Ne wpOft Beach. (Near O.C. Airport) Restaurant P 7 Lunch help. North H.8~2 U!5 J Rat.iturant DRUG STORE Clerk· Cashie r, part li me . female preferred Port Pharmacy. 2727 NewPOrt 81,NB 1lle Derby Rt'!ltaurant 1s Now t.tking apphc:it1on5 f or C •J o k "> & 01 '> hwa~hers Contact Mr llender..on Jt 546 ~ Sales Re.t.:iurant SIMSIDE SALESS 1-'ull lime pos1t1on. Ex· penenl·e helpful. will train. Some clerica l work involved . Pre f. mature md1v1dual. Call ~7~orTI4-6090 All a r ound kitrh1·n worke r needed w1lh dnver. Ill' SalmaKllllOI H.est 549-!12fi7 ~L<iurant lmrr11·d1at1• part um1· ti V c· 11 111 ~ !! a v a ii f o r ~ll't'rj/ IJn,t'r., ~ust l.tc21 & ha\'l' a lo(uod dn' mg n'<.'Ord !->turt from $.125 hr ~ t•lb /\bl1· "' IM)f'lc f•V('nJOJ('o 1-ull tlml• Siii~ t<IDS ·COLLEGE STUOEMTS-SENIORS ~>-.IUllf\.' "l"I J \ .11 I J i{L' IX&uver /\pfJI> dJtlv .ill .µm M 1-. t\ 1.;u !-> 1'11.Z/\ -t!JIJ "· 17th :..1 t \1 l<.t5l<1 ur J.01 t•t-.Hll\ '> !•!/./. \ '"" hmn~ f111 l>Jrt ti< full Ulllt:' h••llJ \1 u ... t '"' IX \ r ... & '" 11'-r V. ii I v. or k .1r<11111d • h•;1f 1·h1"1Ult- \WI} UI fM•r-..in .in) l1111t• ~ll.IK • .... ()11 J11f111n1 'll lt.i1Jil SILYERWOOOS W•· arl' 1nt1·n 11·'4 101: f11r full &. purt 11nw 11..rma Ol"lll IJl:.61IHHl.' HI !,.ill''o & I .J'>htt nn1: ~:~ p1·n··m·1• r 1·qu11 .. 1I 111 ,,al• , .. t ITll'fl .. fin<: fum1,,hcnf:'> & ~?Jl'\..,'41'.tr H l..i,h1er IOR pl'.ISlll•lll <J1•,1rt ·f1 I"( po·nen1·l• rm·f1•rr1'il Xlnt inronw 1ic1l1·nl1..il & "'"11 p.11\) bt•nt•f1b \IJJll\ Ill pt•r.on -Ci f' \.'\HI0:-4 l~l.A!'l I> '\ 1:-v.-µort Ile• u d t Or call Mr C'rooks for in ll'f"\1\"W .. ppt f;.W 2.124 fo:quul ()pPor Emplyr RETAILS.AUS II l' D D L E 1n the So Coast V1llai:t• nt't·d., a part l1m1> 'all''>J>"r i.on t:xpr helpfu l \1u~t hl• n.~p& nex1 blt- I '.:ill J1xh :>!16 77ill HS & L\":'11 &.I.PT l1.1rt time A M&I'~. du 111 d1v1dual intervww., 1\11 m1n1-;tl'r & mon11 or mc'<lu·al 1110 /\k•1hoh'< Ill e x p 1• r d 1• ' 1 r !I h I ,. ~umt· to Ra y 1-'ru~l' 1·1352 llr1111khur 't Gardt•n (iruw. C1\ !f:ffi.tJ RN Relu•r Charge Nur'it' for Ila}' lmmrd1.1t<' <'f>l'fllng for 3 day' 1>.-r v.1.o;:k tu a."ti.t d1ret'tor 111 rruunt<umnic ..i horn•· hk1· atmu6phl·r1· for our IJJ uenL .. & ... l>UPJJOrtl\l' l'n v1ronmcnl for our :.tJff 4 9 1 K 0 i S T II I'. GARDENS Sale-; l.AOCGAMMOM SeekmJt motivated. out J!o1ni.: & r espons 1blt• person for perman1tnt full umc position. with career 4 ~s1b1llt1e11 m an adu.lt strategy gam1t store /\pply t:he~i. & Games Unhm1ted, 2700 W Cst . llwy Npt Heh SaJt!SClerk. full or I' T S3.25 h r Ft n Vl y SJ6..00,13, 964 .4666 Sall~ Dellvery llave rutt time & part tlmti pos avail. You ran expect to earn up &o $1 00 per hr for a new com puny t.lmnic Inter e s ting work s:n~. Saltl8 Earn while you lt•urn Enir•VIJl& & sales. Part or full-time. 646 3141 Noack Trophy Co 110 F. 17th St. Ste. 117 (across from Vons > Sales, f\aU ltme position 10 Ret.all hardware s tore. NoSundaya. or Eves. See Mike Jotlmol) at tlW. Wri&blCo. 1.218 Rochester, C. M. Sak981rl fu.11 Ume. for an· Uque lltore. Muat w~k wlmda. 3305 La1un• C•· f\YOl1 Rd., Laauna Beach~ •••• IMDUSTllAL SUP· PLllS, TOOLS & HAIDWAU. MOW ...... TralD"' tor HIH Ir :s ?:.·w~-:: • .:, f\lll co . .,..,.., llyn •• o ldt r . Start l m · ..... el)'. Ctltl7·1 IH URM X'RA SSS Sclllng by phone Apply m pen.on. 580 Broadway :i1u7. Laguna Heac h. \ton l.hru 1-'r 1 Noon t~1 :;. <.:all l'lrtulat 111n dept. 4!(7~ lur deta11' ~l~l..id) Mon & Wt.'tl & l"ri Women :. apparel ,h1111 l,1du V 111a1:1· tii'\ ~ ·"' ,c I 1·, M ... n ~ e m c 11 t rra1nt'CS JJ l , f t l)ynam1c. JJUSlll\'(' Ill+ lk~ all bus ml' :;57 3062. SAUS /Meft/W OftWn s lWiftllited Eswt-. Wv need help Mur e lr·dd' lh..in ..all'Sf:M-'Ople. llU.'>) c:l'ntrJlly lul'atcd. V.l'll 1...,lal1 ~ob1li· ll11mc r1•..,JlP'I 11(1• "l'<'klO J,t rnotivaled IJ(r.>1llvc thank IOI>\ ~dll''>l)eupli.: l11~h t,Jmm1:.:.1on.,, xlnt train 101: p1 w:r.1 ~ (irou11t.I ll11•tr 11pp•1:t c·Jl l ~11111 !').ifL..., l'l'r'>•JI) f ,ic al ~alt'S orJ(un11 ;1l111n • "lpandinl!' W1· art• a 1 .. m1•·r in lht' knowl1:d~e. 1-'\.lutJtJOn. C•>mmun1ca tum andustr) Wt· are IUOkJni.: fur proh!1>s1onal o;ale:.peopll' who .Jrt' an lt•rt>'>lt'd 1n pPrsonal lrl'l•dom . rhalleng1n~ wo r k . oppt)I & ex- traordinar y 1n l·om e potl'flllaJ Ca II for .1rrt U1 Hush or R1l·k (;ar rrtsoo 963 1154 S.tl~llt!rwrt want•"ll rull & J,l<lrt t1m1· Salary +l·Om m1!>~11111, t·o IJcnef1t:. , guo d w o rk1nJ( :it mo~pht!rc Apµly 111 l)('r..00 ~'T.\.""D/\Jl.D SllOl-:S :wrrT S Bnstol. C M. S/\U :S PERSON ~l'O dept exper prl'f. Per manent fullt1m1• R M Abrams Cutaloi.t '>howroom lKl9 Npt Bvd CM Sall'!' HICKORY FAIMS Personnel for Chnstma~ gift '>ales. work in !llt•wport Bearh a rea. t'alllng on Pr~1dent.s or rorp. Purchasing agt:nt.'> & S a i l's M g r s Rt-.,pon-s1b1l1t1es inc handlm~ e:.Lab Ri ft pack accls & cre:allng new ones Feel up to th~ cballeog1:" Apply at lllckory Farm ... 17th & trvme. Westcllff Plaza. NB Salesperson wanted, ex penenc:e prefern>d. App ly at Pac1f1c Sports. 2301 W. Balboa Blvd, NB. SALESftllSOMS PenwinaUty plus adults to w o rk wit h a nd mot.lvate kids. Over 21. In Laguna. Capistrano, San Oement.e areas. PAKTTIMI EYBllMCtS PHOMI: 64H321 or 41M·IMM Ext. 25Q. Between 4·5PM. Ask For Andrea Sales llTAIL Succeaaful ladles bou· tJquea req sales help. Full·P/T. Xlnt pay Ir be n e fits for r i flhl l)ftlOnl. Lecw>• Bch & Costa Me s a . Mr . Edw.rd t : 493·075:t. 487'\018. SALES Reapo oelble peraon waaled roe sales in U&hl· lftl fixture 1bowroom. Wiii accept c reative ability wltb aome de· corallot bee-around . Wood Lllbtlnl. 54$.2801 lntne. s.a. Rep. to call oa re· ader ad bu1lne11 ac· COlda foe advertleta1. Mon tllna Frl ... m.Spm. Ban + Comml~1lon. ~ beoeftla. wm &nan. Neel appearanc. • -..uinl ....... a. N11A7.,_,..ver,..., P\acent.l• Ave., Coeta ..... . ) ' QI OM. Y PtLOl ~pl \A'(Um for • akJ c~ mta ro ln u.tAl .. ~. ~-OS&5 ~~t.:1 pertenced 1n 1lriu l(b t 1.t1t c h " ovt<1 luck YCllTAIT~ DlpnJ s.r..u ·t1111un °' (le• S1l1r)' op e n r e rm•n•ot o.,.. 13l U)3 • .-vu wli nd ~ mac)w)e r ermaocot full ~t;CRto.."TAK Y Uc11o1.i11 tlmt> work l.•au n ot .i.l&holk mtt'IUl(e:nt& NilUt'I Hal za02 e11reu1ve 1>er1wn to S::·t·~c:: lo No £ut u a reqwsw. s harp, fror1l o ffl<'t' b i ndle ordc-r1ng , ~u.WlJI • btllm~ tn production dept Wtll Trun ~ te01 P'!raoft Miut be KMCI on ~~ part t1m1· Mu11l telephont'. t y pe <H' type Gt:ot:rJI o H H'l' cur ate ly , 11h o r :.peed foltwble houn M9 ()64g wntJns u + Good adv a n· <~·mt'nt pot.enlud Attrac live benefits & Militry µJclcage Exper 1ird bUt will coru.1der trJtne•• <.:.all 7l4 ~4'658 Sec:r.tary 1-:.Xpenenced with li ght boollkcepang 1-:N t;flON OORP 641 0380 SP<-rewn ul work Newport ().'flter I-'1 r rn < i ood t y p •NI ~k1lb nr'f:b:.ary SOOIJ pt"r mu Call MarJon<• tM~ SECRETARY SlCllTARY Xlnl oppty for t>ffl rn:nt J;JI w lop lll'crNar1al i.ktll:. to work rn fJ ~l fM't-d Npt 111•h fl 1-; ufr Cu II L.1 I ia • 11.'kl :t'.(MJ SECRETARY Jo}ltry level can·er op prJrturuty with 1<r11w1ng Newport !il'ach tompany puhll:.h 1n~ n a t ion al mHgazrn e T y ping at· 1·urac·y more 1mpM1ant than spet>d !,horthanc1 nut rt-qwrc-<1 Will al:.o 1lJ11dlt· t c h ·phurwi. & ,,nvt• as girl 1-'rrday Mu~t IK• org<1n11.1•d & a "·If -.t<.trter Salary SIC)jt ancJ up derx-nding un 1•x po-ncntt: 979 Jill~ ORDal DESK Mature person w 2 1 ~·r~ 1•xµenenr1• tn rum mri.: rLeld Uusy pho111-~. order proce!t!>lng. t >pc· ~u + wpm. cakulut.111 . 1·an·n l•---------vnented peri.u11 for c x St'C.-rt'lanal vandJn~ fu.m mfr Sub • •ATTEHTIOH • tt mil re:.ume w 'itlurv r<' Student!> '1'1-.1rht•1., qwrt>nwot:. to lltJX P5'12. llou.ww1vt·,· • Daily 1'1lot. I' (I Bux ~.l\R' VACt\1 l<IN $$ lflli.'JCJ, l'1111t11 M••!\;a I.,, W~. Nf';f';I) !~ "il·:n n:T/\IU 1-;~ SECRETARY "''WJW1rt lit h I ,1,., I 11 m "'l·k111~ ..,,,, ll'l••f) with xl111 l ~11111g 'k1lli. 1'.iq11 w11h """'d pr 1ic·•".~11111 m.11 hrm"'i ht•lplul hut n111 ri,t l .111 5-W ~1•1 SECRETARY fl I l 11 I 11 l' V n I· I' rl ~ ~'('ll'lJry, .. 11\illf fl VJlll' 1.lfw1• lrlJOd '>kllh •mpor 1..1111 1-:xi> 11r wt II I ni 111 lroOW:J l'ft:W,.:l>IATJ-;J. Y with 11r .,. •iul .,h11rt hJOl.I I J111~ ur 'h11rt lc·rm hol1 1JJy & \;11·.1t11111 pa) h11~p1t iJh 1.1111111 .i v a JI a lilt• VOLT f'e~AA'V -1:.fV•-t.• 546-4741 :Js48 t:a m pu.-. IJ n ve lacroi.:. from ~S....da1 •erea. CWMtaat PM.alOllt'tt ffNU, .. ., lo 41ppl y ..,Nftpor1 Bl. NB VICE STATION AT Tt'JlfDIHT t'\all • P•r1 Unw ... Lahr 144 M 10 fih•rv m•I• or l•m•I• vnt.h IOOd leanun1 potr n ua! DefiCSed Perm.Mnt pu\ Um. po.)Uiae wllb noJ.,.. hnl auJJable Some om ce 11llll• re ~ Wr will train Su• 114 '1.S. 1701 klr •~c•Uoo r · ' C.../frsll OS bn .... E:IQ>'d <'niter Clt'IUi drh ana rt't'ord Apply tn Pd'IOO t;d!C'r lndwitne:i 2101 Oov" St N H Acroin lrvm OC A1rpr)rt Sll()f; SAL~ l'l full T~ cllena.ele Good 111 com e+ bene Cb ld rn 11 &o tuy Npl B c h 644~Mr Mtllt>r SIGHMAKH U~SIC N 11 (;r 11ph1t· 1'ree Product:! h ll!I 1 m m l'(f u p c n1nau f or lllUltibi a:.\00 Mill im. lrn r f'.;Jtpr 'd Jll lay11ul11 11tc11c1I euttrng & fm111h work C:onlJaC'l Re ad 540 7821.1 ~uth C<111:.l ~hov,.i·" 1~.., your ht'llJ 111111•rt111~ un Sunday11, gt>l11 you ou1 with your fX.'Crs $3.00 11r hr to start, La guna 111111> arua Call Luella for in formal.Ion QI 4.250 Stut1on ery ~I 11r1· 111 <:.CJl'tma dd Mar llt't'lh 1·x 11t·ri1·nccd ~lfll'b I J dy 1-'\JIJ trmc S day.,, xlnt worlung eond.., 1-.... pet·1,il ly ftnt' cltcnlelt· li75 1010 !:>IYX,'K C:LF.HK UHIVt-:H l':xpundml( 1•h•1·t ron1ri. firm n•"C<b "''>f>timuble p(1"'<.f)(I for t•onlrnl of flow uf matn1Jls 111 ~lul'k l.>utu.-:. and udc 1 .. .,uinv. matcnab, "''K'll <·uunl 1111:. t'rt<irldh & p1<'k up.. ~u:.t h<i\1· -. •• 1111 ('ahf II ri \ 1· r., I 11 'I, 11 i: >. pi·n1•lll'f' nt•I < i A 'J 1-: W I\ Y ~('I Jo: N TIFIC' INC 'lf1"11lr .. jh1ll I\\" I AAld \1~a !f.w:!t1 ''4() ~,)ii. Tt·J1·h1·ri. & ni<ir l1111.1t11r 1o1tJnkd for Ml'll1<11_1li.I l 'hurc·h SC'h1>'1I . I< xth Sl5 00 wk, ~ndayi. 11111} ltl'tturrc:. Jppr111JrtJ(1· l'<luc•alJon & expt-ncn1•1· lnllutre Monday lhru 1-'11 day, !I I 673 3805 TF~CH EllS ,ind Arr1e'> pre school. 'ialary 11i.wn 644~evs. :-AH 4436 VOLT 1""'4741 .-camP'll Onve C..crQ6.I from Jollln Wayne Airport) t4W ()ppoc' Employer C .. ISTMAS MONEY 6~1HGS 1 to 3 Month a.s.s•Knrncnt for uccur11lt' t y pis t . Irvine, Laguna Beach & '1\a&Un Top JH•)' & w~kly c•lui.nct...., on tn1> to f>ul'r\H Vallarta fur two CALI. TODAY! 557..0045 l72l lirch Street tWwportleoch Waitress EX!-;(' DININ<: RM WAITlU:ss wtll lram Sal11ry opt'n i\pply an per.;im 11nly ll-4M1m 1-h lntrJ t'u l 70U Nvt ('nlr Dr N fl Wa1tres:w~ lm m Nl1 at1• opcrung for 1·xpcr danrlt'r & w-avcy1.1rd 1•a 1d va1·:.i lJU'l.'>, good tip. i\pfll)' Taylor ., Ht•'ilJur,1nl H1·dh1ll & ~Jnta f111J f''rwy. Tu..,1rn WantC>d 1·on~1·11·nt11111'. PcNJfl l''r1day for )11uni.: fil..-.t grnwinl! 1·on~lru1 Uon 1.'t• 1} pt' 55 wpm Z yr~ min hu~1nci.' 1·x J.ll'n1·m·1· 1 lcJu r'> II :111 ll1 :1 Moist ha~•· 11wn lr;m .., <CH !fl~ WAHTED OlllVER SUHDAY OMLY To tkhv1·r l)utly P ilot bundle.:: .. IJJ 1·:irneri. tt .. ltlllrc:> v<in or lari:1· 'ta Imo WilJ(OO Jnd a ,.:ood dn vrni: rc·1·11rd f'hm11• t.42 43ZI .in•I a :.k for llurry St·ch•y ur IJon W1l1111n~ E(JUAI. OPPOllTlJNlTY F.Ml'LOYl-:n J ::1¢ a IOOI ........ , ••.•••........ Pt-..C AUCTIOM IMlftlll'Dll OP '1.N f! Ut.~t.& J &WELllY. A IJ'T 0 11 I CTS. AH T I Q Ur.8 . flN Jr. VURNITUR E. E TC PUONI: n>R IN FO • 8*>CUUlUC ~ 2300 SPAC& MAKU SA.L~ N..a room '°' new load.a A.NTIQOE llOW X.~8Jvd.CM UQUIDAn ON SALE lluy round • 1qu11r .. oak t.abMll llOid at near wflohaaa. 1.2' wa.laut d11 pqy cabinet, v. ret111I value • many other eii oepckmal bera•lna Blue Door AntlquH . 2484 Newport 81, Colla trlna. 1162)01. CHURCH BENCH ES 1920, 3 r ows ea w 7 wood fold-up se11c... D111 .... e mbleable . o rre r ~ D1f1 1040 "'8 .. ._, 1010 ~W. IOH ••••••-ION ~··················1··· .................................................................... . ~.~~I !Krcpupe. ~-!f~..9!~-~ SUe. Sat '"'· $11 W98AMTA•S """ -.u ... " -· ... -1. -,.._. N • r l' i • I U I • C D M from ywr bullineN eard $419,t179 • 1111/bltotr '1!.2-1411 -.aao Smd JlllW ".,.cl ,.,. ~ ~ville ttn1 bdrm b . ON. °LOO'• Items No fAI P'ua me '1pare. Wt Mt. almott new, f700 Ja 1563 Wlnterir~n. r•turn perma ra~nt l)' Tu id hon\41 w/)'rd~ t yr o&d ret Yem. 0.11< . 11p11yed '1~ s:LS ur bdtflter. Bt:AOLES ,!!:!Gt _ _ _ CM w o1 P~co. ldkld atlractive tu • _... ~, -&trap, cneetlnc a1rllu 1_;' ~-~~1 ~~ OnaNr. dttk. laome " I 0. rwqlhemeo&.t Pr-=· 1a141n1 • jOO(t ~p, boob, m 11c. v"1l io.." ~ft ! >'or 1i1 i mo. --1~S'1iat, J:S' Sun, rn Dted"'tlllf e~· ~91.SS Malcruq aol• ' chair. 1'\llUl),CM. wallpaper, fabr ll" or cdfee II' end tbla, dlJI· -. "0.y Glo" paptt • we ~~>;I ~~n~~~ 2 nett• 2 b., 1t.ool1 2 fent1ly Movlnl( Sale:. W\11 bat'k • trim ynur ...... "-""' ,,,u ., 1Sl·Ui. Sim. ~3: Cnb w /canopy , ...,., Or try two ends _. • ...., rwwlirl'1he•dbrd,1um blic.k wback • -------2 lfUOE Wrought 6ron b.aJ lamp, antique mUk PRJCt;s ~.~!~ ....... ~~~~ hanOna lamJlll, 42"X20" c en, cu1lm sandbox szeaor3/'6 heucoo. amber 11111111 w/roof, tbl " c h111r 1. 4/$tapSl GOe11 SJZea Anl.M:fue dropleaf 1 l a 11 w a r e . I • m u , 6/91.a'9 Sl.S()P1.1 m1hoa. t a b le 1300. booU, toys, lcilchen wan· lOormoreJI 40 e» Look·Allkes 2 beautiful fulJ&r'own 1.1payed t'em Cata. Winky & Twlnky Eve& 54lM30$. - ---Jo'~e IUtt.m, Weaned • tra.ined YOlu<Y Older champion XI health. n<b TU: bl)e(' adlb ~2112'l Mon IH Walnut Drexel cheat of 5 " much. much mor~ Sala Tu lnrlude.d drwrll $300. L11e table 163aCalaxy Or., N 8 . NO (;AK I>" lamp, amber 1la11 MO. S.S--1 -rxaw your own or send Mile 642-4610 «a »quanum. com · name. address, phone " GJa.u table 6'x22' . hrde a bed !>OrJ , n ew ly r e covered. Oak dre111 er wtend table 673-0074 plete. redwood Mand. we'IJ nwke one card per SUO. Kmmore dryt r $75. Lag Add 2:'f each et-961111 Send chei:k d r mon1·y or dert.o '"'me" 8010 ltltt.ens, I murm..lad1• & I • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • tn-oolor Shots Nd a.tood Belboa l11tond. S11t 1Sun ~S 2U ()nyx Bike. furn baby items 4c ruort-WATERBY.D Queen 111 6mos nld $1 2$ ~9877 G 11 n I G 11 r u ~ 1· ~ 1111' Northwood Pli.cl'. In IT.it bed 7S yr11 old from sat Sun 2Jamestown "LOT ,RIMTIMG JI () Box 1560 <.:0111:.i M~u . Ca !f.!626 <.:ASH PAID home ~25 Ws hr I dry rs/ R e frr gs . fo'ret! pupp1~. 7 wkl'I old ~goroot ~7-8lJJ MUlech mall I.ab 1-;vl·11 & wtmd.-.545~ MOVI NG ' Wash er & D r ye r $1 50 Rc f rq(e r a tor $200 ~2728 <.:onun(wue Eltt Stove Top Eves 646-710 , or Days. 754 0337 RUGtDAIRf lmpenal range. dl>I o\n, I M:"U eln rotasiwni· II kt• ~ SS00 ~ ~ XZlti, tl)'ll, 642 !IOO'l WANTED Used rt>fn~ 111 good runruni: cood Not over n> 631 3921 afll'r 5pm 1; 1-; n ofr11:e(a\or. 11101 mndlUun Sl25 67~ :16H2 Wh.trlpool wa!>ht'r & l(J' dryer. 1dnl eontl. ddu1tt• all feature' IS46 2657 . !lfiJ.9009 Ga.' rnJl)tl'. JO Calurw . p 1lolle b.,, 1·offct'. auto oven. oonlmuou:. clt•Jn 1.ng, rn..,v1•11 broilt•r l yr old. ~ new J~ktnU $350 iJ I 2267 Him ant •• l(J(J,l.100 fl'fl ' NeVl'r u. ...... 1 /\dJU'>\illJI•· rlr-eM form H..'>I ~· llangl">, 4! uv1•ru.. uppt·r & lowt·r. n1-.ir n "w . uni~ ~ Garrll'n 1;n1v1· /\11 pllant'C', l:J l:ll ll.1rlmr Hlvd c; G Sht-llJt & l'oodJc. to a.id htn!I <.irt w k 11ls & t 11b as&-067!i :AG "'411 lieaul 7 wk!> k1ttl't1'> Smml..,l' lvok1n1: blk & llgl'r !14.ti~ Labrador IU11r F1·m c;tl w<itl't'<iolit ()ultl1111r do.: !It~ 2.':.IJI l'tt·kuv loJ•J k1n1ll1111: & frrt:'WtJfid J-'rt•t• 111 ) OU w~ F'ret-to i.;oud ho11w I .u l> ~et ml\ Fl·m :.I mo:. IUJ.:012 Mix !,h1·p IJUVIJll'll ~m'" IJIC..'>oflun MA. Oloi\2 Mrx rt'll t-1•111 11tw :')r~ old Wrllin~ 111 111.1 > liJll &160042 I i 1\ .thll' !111111 lllUtl IHI\ lu\ Ill).: h1111'11· ......... 'lllJY•"'I Lac-. 'hlit.I. morl' !ltXI I ln I 1050 ....•......•••......... **I BUY ** 1:iw1d 11\C•d f'\lfl'l1tur1· Ill '\VplHml·,..... 011 I 'Ntll '1•11 •• Sf'.:U. for \ uu MASTBS AUCTIOH 646-8686 & 8 3l-9625 l'A.'>11 l'AllJ Ft.it J,!d u..,..'il furn .mt1 •11.11~ & dr I'\ .., •1'17 in:s:s MOOEl HOME a.DSE·OUT SALE Pennsylvarua ~ 5"478W l..tberty Serenade queen watcrbt<d mattress look New SZ50 Antiqu e c~ wnnger all wood 4ft tl&l 1 fl ZS 963 1664 folet' adJU!ll:tble, he:tt or llliL'>~J:e. i.initle or duul ~ w bea ut gold vl'lv1•t hclldtward JJOO for 'llORh.· sz or $65() With dWl.l he11dboard 642 2till6 1-:.Xt'<: dc"llk, solid ll'dk. JOxOO. S2llO WrouKht iror1 dlrun1t table 42 4 •·hr-. 12112 lf'lilVt'll. SlOO Krnt: \L bed. S100 9711 21116 8055 ...••........•.••••••.. GARAGE SALE!! J\nt1qu.-,. t11 Junk' flrw d.ay ()'\'I, Y' l><1turd11y H t.o ~, al 1'11 Vir11m111 l'ldt'••. Co1il a \11 ••11.1 SUPER SALE ! i\n<111u•' & •'"'"''''' i<al•.11 •· l>cm 1 1n1,, ..., \ T '' J 'I fl'nd llt•Jlt \ 111~,;> ~l'W\•K1 I & ·~" ~ ( \I ~71Ti u.~irJIJ1t & h.'hhl rt••m, Alt·xJnd1•1 I ><111' 1 1111 h1·' Ant111u(• 'k11.., '•.J .i.111111 a.tfjl I ,...,1 "''"" 11 II >\II 0-J}' "4t & !'it.In ~,\T '>I'' U 'J\ 111" Irvin<· llJ \M till I l'\1 840 S<!t,lJ 11r :>J I l:I'~ l>1n 1~ rm •wt thJJtt.ldll'r\ It\ rm t h,.., tv.n l1t'ii.' J wtwJle lttt morl' Mov111g Sale Sul Sun Hunt Harb :.of.,., t·hr~. dlJ'I set. trash 1·11m µ.;<:t or Mi5c 4051 Ondin•· r.11 84&-:wl East Bluff GJraRc Sale Decor 1 le mo. En R Sad d If' , IC u 1 t a r I> 1 k 1· .., • g;unefl. murh rnt!tl' :JIJli Delhi.~ N 8 Sat !I~ 4 5 2 I C h t' \ I 11 I I r v Sat Sun f'\trn . -.tn,•11 ckAA!ng, yart.l I.ooh 1·t1 ~S615 Gat&l(l' ~ale ~~ ll11nrl.1 2.':.IJ liultJl"> :O,h1·rJ•·• I ~IT !Jar\.'> !J1 RJI .111 cvmp Che\ ht•Jd•·• .... sandml! Jlll'k, '"'" 1.:17 flea<·h !,t . < · .-.1 1-.4~ ~ T,1tJfr & t. 1 hair' 1 11u1 h Ill rnJtt·htnl( hJ\ 1•\l·.11 I•\ •·I '>Wff t'htttr hrrl•·Jlll'd ,,( hc-v dt-<.k m1m1 .. 111,rnph (•llJY mttr h1n1· 111Ht'1· & "111l Lahl1.., lilJ.:il ffllll•lf & lr .Jtll'r 1561 1'1·1( ...... u 1ufl ~t.1 An<>,,.,,. 111-lw•·,.n lln'lllJI fol 'otf .... 1 I:... ' 111' S..t &~tn !IAM lo 1 l'M lt.11111o .Jr < '1(ltheo,, l{I".!>' w111d11""' 0'\1"4 :.174 \, dfl llur.·n 1,;,,..(J }11·..,.,, !owl :..Un .11 t:fd 1 r•1ltll1111 ..... rir llo1k•·r & H• .11 !'\t.., < ,,n '•' •' ,t ... r • ,, '' •. v. I t1,"ll 'J"' C h .. 11 lf1• k "'°'"'I• f\.111 111 11 .. .., t•J} t\. mui h mort 141, I ,Ill\ "I .1 r ti ~ ,, j " \ 11 I I q 111-.. I •11l1"1111li" lr••lll .I .......... 1 ,ti..,. 1-•1,i,if 1111 \ •I• ~J .:1rl • lulh1111 ;t:,. UIJ C lufch I"' I.. -It~ I hJll $1 J l•t1HI' .',; 1Jp 11.tllt~'\11111 old '""I l1.111k $1.J UIJ 111•111\ fll•1f 1. lrt-li...,UTt"' Jl .tr:t\4• ,;'4 •• \ f,Jn<'t--.. 1!18 UTul11> l,11 '·'' ( lrJ.l\ftC' Ave I I· ~ ~ ... l & CERAMICS llillldpamted t't'ram1ci.. i>IJQUe'>, n at l VllY s et. 1>l al1•i. m1H·h m is c· 1~mi. Ai:w 1>pec.1.;I or d~rtl & 1·ol<m~ dont• at r~ aJIOna ble <:O!ll 846 5745 1·11~ WANTED TOI' <.;AS fJ l>Ol.l.J\I< I' A f () I-' () R Y I) U II .lfo:Wfo:LH Y W l\TCI lt•:S i\HT IHUl':<wfS (;()J.J>. ~ 11. V f'. H !-. 1-: H \I II · I'. l-'INI-... I lt:"il'll'l<E & 1\ ''TllJI .. ;..<., "4~ Z2C•1 l 'IJl'Y M.\l 'lllNt-. l '>I"> dll)' f'dlWI '> J •n I I' •jj',;! 71l:J;J b 1. S .ctlt' .l11hn W.1)'111' 'l1•n111' t lul1 "'amity \1t'mt,.•r\hrp ~1:.1111 & !'lllhl 'Ir,, n ...,f ,. 1 "1• 1· I' I' ICll 471.t 11r ISJ) 'llC>'I H.l'fn11 hclrm ••I ,.,l ,udh11.11 d l;JI 4WH p.11111 I 1111 l' .. mlJ'·r '>ht•ll II 11111 I.. l .. '!i rt•J~IOJhft· I,.\,! lt'll\l ti( 'J.11 M!~1 .1fl .,r 1, !Jiii 11/\"'IC:l'l.I; l1gh1 11,l11n· .1ml1..r gla,,.,., 1•l11l1t· .,.11h llC'.1 ., tn111 ,1011 m.111 h111~· '"'" •:1111 .. · pnlt• 1.111•1> ~r. I .111 h1·t"" '"'II I f1m '•11111 ,I>\ ·~\Ill> I hm.1 '>:111g11 I >••11111" 1111 " pl.1•. , .. , 11111•-. • ·'" I(\ II In~: llfl•I I• l.1k1 ,,..,., .,,,..n ''"" ~,11 "' 1-·l•1ff1•1 1,1;• 1•,111 c 1.1 B I 1t-1 \i'. \ \11·111 lit ,,1 .. ,, "'' ( . .ti J 11,111 -11 I ,,;• ,l(',11 (ll °"fl It/\, I \llT,111 l11loJ 11111 I .. Ill I 1 ... 1 Ill • •l•••f .......... 1111111 '1 ,1111111 I 1wrl••ll 1111111 $l.,t1 '>IH1I I 11~ 11• .' 1•111•' l(rt.,'11 'I 1'A 1;• I Ill.' >Ill lkl(UIJllOO lt1lll111.: 1t•11111 SECRETARY Haptdl y i:rowrni: I' II a r m J. 1· e 11 t 1 1· a I lh·~{'Jrl'h & IJt•\1•11111 11111'11 1)1 1:. look 111j! fur .1 •.i· If m 11 l I\ ,fl" rt 111 t11111du,1I "ih11rtha111I "' '>l~"I wnl1111.: ""IUJfl'rl !)42 1.111 t•Jll 11 John Wayn e A1rpor1 1 i')1ual Oppor 1o;mplr1yl'r Tfo::A(,11F.lt, Crffi. exp. n· Wttrchou..w tnvf'nlOry ac atlang, pvt elem C M. live P /llmt· work req d area t:all 642·0411 CM area 54(J 11575 ltcfn gcrator. fro'>t ,,,.,, J d<JOri. w 11\'t: ma kl' r work.-. perfc<1 Cu;ira11 tt.oed only, SIH!i 11r nv dl.1w11 paymt'nt. SUI mo G a rd t' n c; r u v"' /\ fl pham·e , 13191 lh rbor Blvd (; G WabheN &. Urycr~. t·1r..l ; 5'Z. i':Z lt'rmi.. no down payment 537 6333 l.11-corator furniture & Jt'CCSllOnt"> O •rtar (;ten Townhomct.. 2.')M 1-:ld('n l\w. t:Uhta Mt'sa. 11 to r; daily 642 bi:~ l"J<J ::,AT 2241 ~an1.1 Ana i\w C'M :I "'11m1ly 'ah• I I.A." uf l:1Ad1t:' ~.IOam I} :...t I ' ( t• II ( • 11lo1 11 • \ 1 J h I l· 1· 11 rn 1• I $ !• o ll1•ulhk1l II (' Trnrner, •~ 'at.eJoi: 1>n t'•' •w12 Z~lH '>1-;CJ<l-:'I l\H Y I Vflhl l,lr wi>m. I '1r.t ;1 '1 •·' ,J ('I' J\ SECRETARY D.R.E Procttsor Mu.,t ht.· famahJr with Vi\ 11-'llA J>rlH't•i.s111 U Minimum I yr f'XPf (('II f•N'Slcy uf So l 'Jhf <:011 la<t llc>v 540-0500. Tfo::ACJ I Ell'i (1rm S:.i lar'Y $7110 $111111 ----------ITl'J N•H\ 1>1n11kc·r I 'a II t:n·at1vl', innnv.;lt'll lt•a d t \' ..i (' h c r i. 111 r (' ,. t t1 r tr 111n1•(' fo'or A m1·rr n in I' r 1• S 1· h 1111 I I'. C: ~ t " fl I f II a 11 • 111 &-(' X p1·ri •· 111·1· vr" f c· r ri·d ·ru...,tm & M1i.-.1on VwJo an•;;c 514 1467 or 771J HU I I ••ny 7$4 1040 f111 J1J111 SECRET ARY 'ft::ACllEHS L ilt• typing, .,,,me Pa rt l1mt-& full lrm1· SECRETARY ltv.;I 1'.A.l ill«' 111 rt•nlcrl fuu11w1al t·orp 1·rt-al111)'( new Job pt.1;oi1l11m-. for i.clf :.Ulrt.lng. well ur~.i011.L-d -.hortha n1) & t•ngancror wad"ters for prl' '><:hoot Tl.l.'>lln. M1si.111n VwJ•> & 1n1< c·onl>trucllun •·xpr d twlpful l'r<-~ley or So lr111ne Bes :;t u enti. or Utlif Contact Uarbara t•xper1enrcd pr<'rcrrNI 540-0500 552 73:11 or 770 1!199 or Sc1·retane~ ll <'ql.lirt'~ ---------- 544 1467 'i•·t·r t•lartal ~kilh , Teehn1c1a n tratnl'•' for fJllrumum ~~ wvm typ1 REALfSTATE est electrons" door m •NI & ne:Jl WC>ll groomed D.R.E Proc•1sor. Muxl have good dnving appearance Chall('flll.lfl.: Must be familiar with rt'<.·ord be a self s tartl'r & IJO'>llron. '>Jl:.iry 1·11m VA/1-'HA procellsm g have som e e l e rtro fTl('ru,urate wtlh 1·xpcr Mirumum J yr ex p r r~ l'l'l(>du:truc alnhty Send many rnng<."> Aµ!Jl y 111 t'rc:>leyof So Cnltf Con rcplte1t t.o Box 505 •,; l>a1 ~rMrn lo flrm·rtl'tin tnrt Uev ~i400500 ly l'llot, PO llox 1500, llome MorlKa~t·. :!30 <.:O-Stu Met1a , <.:a !t262fi N1·wport <.:enlt·r Ur . ----------Nt>wport Bc:tch • SECRET ARIES * TPlephone Survey tu bu111 SECRET AIU AL P h 11 rm al'c Ul ll'al Rt.-seurch M a1111f:t·m1·nl firm in N B hu'> 1rn rr11.:d111l e oiwn1 nu for StX;Rt.I AR Y lo pn>Jt!t1. team. Good typing & tmn.~nbmg sk ills req 'd MedicaJ-PhJir ma t•e utH'a caper helpful 1-; CJ t; 752.-.>. SIClnARY Branch saJea otrlce MJUQr equapmenl leasmg & r~ rori> has lin t..""'1Y level opening for a aeif·rnotivat.ed. outgoing penoG. Mani.mum l)' P11ll< 50 wpm. SH preferred. C4117 I 4-SS 7-0103 UTT OM IMDUSftlES CndtC.,,. 1.0.I. M/F/H •SICltlTARY• To SI 1,000 Noeamc*er. •ccurale 4S ~ 10 key b)' touch~ Growtna finn olfera food f~. C.ll 751·2lllOO SECRETARY v~ pente>n net'<ted to ualtt p rod u c t mana1er with heav y wort load Accuralt' lf P· inC ~U.J Full llm~ pautlon with fully paid medical •dental IOIAMIMC. 114/&41·5$33 NlwPort Btu b An Equ.J ()pportun l.)' Employer _ SEU. kUe rtnna with a Daily P1l0l Cla~ lfifod Ad ' f l'ype IWJ Dlgr 'K S15K ~., poople no selltnl( GO typ70SJI00$13,HOO hn. I SPM St;irt $4 00 hr •Counsc·lor:i '" CM offrcc Mr Torn ... Sales Our ()frrce,. !'>49-1819 l\f)pt Only I Prt•t• I.it Kea.nders A.:t•ncy Telephone opcrutor. flcx1 ble hour:., Apply Bruce 4020 U1rch, 1-:.t.tab '64 Smith. San Clemenlt' N :wport Beach , IS33 ll100 lM , SC. SlCUlnY ,ATROL &SAUS MEN WOMEN Many benefits. Haprd growth pot..entlul. J!:x j>ltnding company with opporturut1es for adva n ceme nt to unde r cover .amt or superv1ll0r Ca ll or romem: MOllLE "..tedloa S«Yfut 54°"'336 2'1'00 Harbor Bl. Sle 207 Co8u Mesa SIC"t .t.IGAL NEWPORT BEACH Newport lkb La w f'irm ti.Ill immed opeoiq for 2 R.E. Legal H cretarles w /auto typewriter or word proceaaina eaper. Salary $1000·$1200/mo. per exper. Van tlon . Si$.~ave, • Med Group lnl IAcl. C.ll '752·2212. Tow Truck Dn vers t·x· per'd Top pay ApJ>I Y G&W To wing . 740 8 aims Way,_E M ~-~252 MAl«JFACTURIHG TRAJMllS lmmed f\tll laml' Open ma~ MahrttllH•~ ProdlctlaaT,..._. a.c..f .... Clerts Co. benerits Irvine M0·7639. A Ke nda v1a Ind ... E.O.E. .... TIAYaAMHT' M.inlmwn 2 yra expr m "leisure travel" N 8. Desirable l oc•t1o n Pleue call eves or weekend MH042 TR.A VEl. AO ENT NEWPO RT·IRVIN•:. ap trel'cl F\111 Ume Part Ume. We 1m.• look· s.c-v..aec.,.._ Ina for a prof~slon11I lneovatf ve lnvHtmcnl '1~k for Mar Co. loc In 1\wUn HekA TYPING· COroaa del Mer d)'namlc Sec'y.Recept. mldeflt. to do typing In Qwtllned lndlv will de your home. Must htve mon1t4'ate o ut101n g good ty i1i n g a k lllll. l'*'IOn•llt)'. 11herp •v· 175--5«4 peannce ~ w11Ungtthl lll leem. a1lla to incl. l.Y1l6M. rua.1 ff Sd or U nfuUon . Salary nt'alltlable. Contact: J an c.-Shamm at '110-04.S6. •TYPIST• TOSI 1,000 Non 1mobr, accura&e 40 wplft, 10 key by touch C:ro.rinl nrm otfen conc:t taJlure. c..ia '7~12'00 --------TypUt./Reoept. Accura&e lniinC ll)wpm, It olc dut. rua. *'· 1ia..111-aoia. Warehow.emrrn w anted wtth t nx·k dnvtng ex IX'..nentc Cull P1ckw1ck l'al)t:r, ~:I 11~7 WARf':llOUSF. fo'l\CTOllY ASSEMUU:HS Toll l':t)' 1'111d W(•l'kly MORRELL Temporary ScrvH'"S Irvine 752 liWti EO t: M i l'' Wl NOOW T INTl.:R · Ex f~r. Mu st huve tr<cns Top comm111s1ons Call SUI Kool 957 0534 Women, f'lilrn extra 1n rome. babys1tw r11 Muljt be over J:i Cull $48·2727 Woodworker , expcr Ali.<1 AMemblPr or a11~emblcr lrwnee Apply an person, M o n m or n ing . Monll(o m ery M arane Producu. :i:J.S w 18th St . C M .. IJl.-.hwasher & U1l>poi.n ('(Jt>l t !i': ~ fiJ.1.1 Philco Ill, u ft rrfng, $17!i Wc:st wa.sh1•r S'J!i K1·n ITl)(C w1111her $12.'> 1:ua1 &<kl ~1;672 Nearly M'W m utc h111>! wa:.her & ~a'> dry c·r :.ivoc<i<k.I. S200 &46--1119'-i J 11.c...,n1n .. sis. s100 & st~ Z s toves. (J 'Kt'1·fc & Men t. $7~1 & $100 Uryc•r,, 1(11.'> & elec M5 l'll All clean & w ork i:ood 548-4485 Wbtrlpool 22 refng N1•w Warm incl & dclr v,•ry Almond s:ioJ Rl.~nrc1 a call Model ~ A llcmot•· sz::rJ 548 6875 1020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• U 1 k es as'lo r t modrl.s/stteN New u•wd S24 t.o 160 Incl. ~lliraJ:l' 673-5003 Ladle.'! 3 Wlw til b1t ycl{·. xJnt t'Ofld 1125. 548-a13 MIA ;M41hrialtl025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• !Y>fa "''-"Iler nt-w 11uC>1•n '11.1·tn~, Mii .147H ~:itchml( dt·'k & drt'l\'''t $1:AI IA:r 1351 <19fi '·" 14 11101· .1 1,..d ..... r ,, vinyl Xl11 t 1·1111!1 t-:v:i,G:JI~ Hl k ~o &pr· q~n " l>tl1111 "''l ~.xi cond1t11m 1TWk1· ul fl'r !JGI~> ~tovmi.: !'\al1· '"'" ' & womt-n ' hno· 1 loth1n1: fm\N uµnght •ul uum 1· 11nt1• m I' or a r \ f 1' h J(JUanum, B&W T\. rlhl h•~I & (1 ;im ... man) mun· llll '>t' 2911 l M uunlJ 1 n \. 11·~ l..1g Bch S.;t ~n tu:. :'1ovrnjl' t-:q,1(1' ~JI ••' "um1turc· Jn\lqu .. -. 1·11· All d.iy ~Jl "°n ~'¥l (',, n}'on Or ('u,IJ .\ll'"" b4:! 657H Gla11i.·top t'o<·k\111 1 tttl. llundn'<b uf lh "''· 'ial & i:las.'I & wrt iron drnc·U1· Sun from 9J m I llP' '>t.1.,&m1:.1•c·hr:. 642r.857 M.innt•;\\f' llallxtdhl 4 pr l(irl 'I 1-'reont•h l'rotvro .t.'ULI ca.nopy bed Wl $2!)(1 l(lrl'11 roll top dt"'ik SllKI, llllt.Q "all roll tov d1•:.k 1750 Ph 642 7~ Girl'~ bedroom , •. 1 twn bf'li:,, mnwr lhl. laml)l'l. ~µrea d .'!, b o l s ter ... W orful ~ O\hPr m 1i.l furn 548 f!lllO t-:lect bed. <'h<'Sl. nrll' st<ind!t, T v . 1>lf'rt•o From SOO t.o S250 ~)45 Ofl4.t kfo.:MODJ-:l.ING S/\Lf': Ur and n c.•w II U 0 0 l..E Bed. c1u l\.l hurnl or:u\jlC? U11ed 10 tl<IY'> discoun ted need room must sell 675· WJO nn:i-: ltfo:l OIW .. l'\t•ry purr·biuw B1i: 1 r.1m garugt· ,.,lie .1t I Iv<' I-um. hki• ne~ clry..r, l)oc4\e .-.ln pan>• huJt & m;iny ltt'lnll rrnm ~ t1J S2UO J u10 th1• fun ~l !'it.In. St•pl Z'J '.lo .11 17(~J Monrovia, ~lt· A22 CM. IOA~1 Wb l'\1 Stl'r t'v. 1l rafl1n~ hrcl h s ll ld, auto bo11 k ,, Sat Sun 9 7 3,<,7 A It.th l'I. CM Sund11y unly. W1·11t l'l1 ff an·u 1616 Bectfonl Ln N 8 L-Ot... ol ~ood 1 n f"l'UJl .. tf<HI flllhlt )I I llCIO llJ\tll l'I "I.II IW• Jl711 \tu ll• t-Jn11I\ :-. • .i.. ~·'' Onl) •r I I I JH f 'i1 t I I ill "-'h•1w1 "Ii T~.i\ I< (.)( IW' II \I. Bii \ L\I. I.ti•· f1H11r1 -.. 1f1,i11 W'llM1f1111" m1•tJI k 11< lw11 "n k u r11 ( "' n 11 11 · , l!t fl._.rt• :..ml ;1p\ 'I .. \11' I (.. ri·frtg h1t.l1· J 111·•1 thl':>t' I h.11r' t.Jhl1•, JO ll111pu1nl '1'" ,. 1-.wrylhin~ mu~t .:11 th1' wcoekl·nd . \I !'> !'111( :-.11 n 205 Ga rnl'l Ua I 1-.1 1>7.J.~ GJral(t· Sale t'o,tumc· "-""'\'111 . :.ofa & "'v.1111: 'upphes ZJS I For d hJrll Dr CM 540 173" AIJ k.tn<b of buby furn & d('C'e!IMIMt" Crl11 td t'ond Sat 1021/ia Ant1bt•,, L ido l11IC', Npt Lk h 673 ~· Pini( p o o l( 1bl1·. 1,,,.,n mower bar 'tooli. .11r horkey. old 1J1k1•i., IJmµ. t'hlld t•ra/t •wt. lJc.iok., & .iamf'!'I & Mora· Sat& Sun um.1 Birch. •·v Sd\WlM h1kt.'S, l'htld.~ hdr set. di.k. lwn edger. l'n b &. mort.' 2K.sfl Strom boll , CM ....,.. 1060 ······················· \lolid I •·l1·ph1111.. \ II .. "' " .. nn.·r I .1k• < '' ,., I.• I ' J> ,I " fllt ltl "' til I 11.0j'I Mo• 1111• ""·"'" & i: . .-. df'\ I .. 1rJ1Jo.,1I I 111 1 llh '" .. ~"""'" 11,,,, I 11111 11 h .111 l.ar1· 111t.11•111 r11•1•tl \1111•r1c.111 \l.1ll 1r.1d" loil'I 1'llJCI flJ-:,\l "l'l f''I I ( hlll•"•'' 1111 Jt'\'b r1·11r1'(l m u,1 "'" ' II I .• I " ' I I ,. ,. II ' ,,.,,, ... ,... ..... f 11:111111''' 1 ~uni-.... rna 11) 1 .11 •· 111 "' 1~4:JJ:I 77 lftlflcl.J I Wiii 7!1 I 7~t)ll I •iutbo:.inl 1110(111 with i:a' lank. ~Int 1'1111d S4<JCI ll•Jll tW '/..!JJ M1111 f1rk1·, tlt>t·i.nl nm S75 Sf>Jrs l'1nhall mad1 nt.'t'C.b w1irk S:.o !)4()4114.1 Crnrtl\man lw wnn111"'"' ai.S •I rutlroad twi. SIZ lltJllJway bt'f'J $40 Mt ra n ll J :SSmm eJm1•ra w 1 lenses $125 J•'"I' tank 1·.,.mer $15 l''rsl'hl',. ht I• ~-onsole. dtX'li not work makl' urfer 1;11111:; tub endo11ure door11 SI ~ Romper rarrie r for rmu>rryde S7 963 9917 Sp.1 & 1-;qu11J v1mv ltt:ASONJ\flLt; 004-544!1 X-«AY TICHMICIAH Tu wo rk 1n N e wpo rt Ucach Rheumatologist ·" office Mu11l bt-w1llrn1< lo do routmc offi ce work . including vempuncturc. routine lab a nswer phones. etc Sa lary com mcnsurate with expc r 644-1881 Used Timber, 6x12, 20ft long. _, 2 11clli G11ral(e door hardware $10 r•a ch 642-3379 c-r•& Oean & white 7' sof• with end cu.Vlt.On.S, good rond soo. IN&-924 l <.:atpentry power & h:tnd tools Wor k bC'nr he:i, desk umc~ .. :;upph\'11, LBM typewrlteT. dbl bed -+ m lll ress n ri<ht stands. lamps. Ptnl( pon1 table, cheial, misc 1&39 Port Charles, Newport beach. Sal/Sun 9 4 5 yr f'lmno tild JC 16 2 CARP~! Used. XI conn. hands. 11ery nmbl bourd • Wp qua.I Green. $1 95 yd 546-3'M2 4nl yd.'I 5411-1326 YACHT SALESMEH 'l'rat111pac Yachts. In c Dealers for C & C, Eric11on, Se:.i Ra n ger l r a w le r 1 , .S ta r s h Ip Sportfsh.r -GOOd hrs. lop pe)', 1nt.ervaew1.ng n0w ~. Yard men. Rental cente r has full lime openmg11 ror 2 m e n . Me c h it n ica l lmoWledce helpful Neat haodwnlinit necessary Weekday off Will train. l!IOO Newport Blvd, C.M. VCJIUnl( Man w :assemble LA.TI~ Su~ 01om 3am to eam. 11.00 per br. ~l orMl-14\J. ... ,...,.. 8010 Co nte m por ary 1.1 o lld ••••••••••••••••••••••• walnut di ning 11 1•1, 6 Nikon ~·2. Ni kon EL, . Nikon 80·200mm Zoom 4 5, Nikon ~5m m 1 2. Nikon ~mm 3 8, Nikon c1t11e for ALL. co m p l w/xtras Prof. S hape S12~0 Raby comin g 54(M;l 17 c:ilaln t-:xcc wood offlt·I' desk. s late pool table. ~2657 . 963-0909 MOVING SAU: Exec' olc ~k. swivel ~r, leaat 11a.e file c11b .. pe.Uo funuture, 2 chain It loun1e. German fold CGtt 8015 up bt.ke. stereo, buffet, ••••••••••••••••••••••• aot11. end tublc11. p 11110 IDmaJayan k1Uc:tu1 '1wk• all colon!. otll CF I\ rc•JC T o m Evans, (1 14 ) l*-5000. " Him.layaan kittens. Seal pi>int, I m ale, 1 fem. ~· --·---Pfnl.an Kftfemi. CH aired, Plt•ahow. Some adul\.11, ~~ plant.a, e\c $2 l o $80 ~ Qiucb ru. orm chair '1S . tudeabfd m . Make of fer! Call 86M1658 --- Cdor'TV l200. 2SOfas. Uke new $l2Q u Antique arber c hair $400, l"oub1ll ta bl .. $2$0. 881·390. Clot.hea. bll bte:s. c h1 Id ren • men • women, m11ny new. Kitc he n 1le m1, m isc. No • .lunk . 607 Marif(Olct CdV. in 1lley. Sel.1:2. MOVING SALE: Fri.Sal. ~. )G02 Dea Obispo Sp. 00, Oan. PL -.1~ Cdlrl 44 Wh itewate r Wooden door. Mercede• Btnz hub ca ps, tires, nca. bdrm fun .• etc. ~~. SatfSun. --- th n llaldGoodt 8065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ref111 c;.~ 14cufl To" frener xlnl ou~1de Ill Side Sl65. Mlka11a bune Cfl.lna ~pc 11el fo r II N e v t'r u aed $111 5 ~ ""'*' 8070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• =~afv~?!fS 714-~ UitdMll di•mond 11olltu1n.•, 1 03 ct, lab 11pprum~d lllJO, 4M-OU3 Btidit\11 Chriatmu 01ft. fP, D U MeH Dr, SAJI , S at only, furn•hlre. cloWs etc. Ml-IC Muat tell. Ladlts wht Movlfll tale Saturday on· go),d di amond, h u rl ly lo.6. Home • patio llhupe'Ci ~ndunt. Ul1m ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Hl m •l ayen K ltt en !I , e ... DI 1005 females, fW . t!llCh G Ona •:itmca charrK ~ furniture. toya, bab y 1n t'\r l!ioct It u; acQc.mt fokJing tablt> from the 1tem1. llnen ft muc b diam. 03Scl1 Va l ue 40'1. Bt•t ottn-. 4 walnut mc>n". ~7 Buron Bay SHOO. + LadJa ,.ellow dlnJn1 chelr• w 1cene <BaYI~ Dr. to Harbor pt nu,ree diam ring ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....3138 WISMMSTll AHIY AlmfUI MAU ODeftlnl Sept 2'J ltTSl'W..miu\cr Ave. GO. 'GM,.jl 03 Sptetia ll.!!!..!!,•1 I l tup watthoute full of anaJquN le man.y m l1c I tem• C or nr r 17t.h/Pom11na. CM Pb ~nl..t-s Jlllvo .ot'Mthln11 to 1ellf CS•11lfld edt do It well. - • .,..,. 8040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 purebred CoclllC"r Spa n it' I P\11191•. buff ln color ms~.17MlUI Ul:SHOND Pupt1 . AKC. a.amp tire. M/F Pet 6 1b o w . Pv t p ly 2111•1-1.M& aft• om AKCGldn 1\4\rit vt r P'ap&, Hum.era, wtr do11. IO Cha mp Ptd l tr ... --1. 14'8l3 1200 for •II 4 2 IA!and Rd ) w/ 1.34cU dia m • 14 ) l-A&ll•h oak prf'1111b11.cll. ~ .03c\ll i1t•cen l dia m chAlra.W H.~ 167!1 Movln11a1 .. V•l'd tq • Value 11200 . C a l l Contemporary co uc h ~;~t.::C. 11~f1l";_, ; UMl70 fAllth tonftt siz. Lr1 bm to 4,,. ... 8elUn1er , • pure 111lver tor uh: ~lhwr chr w/ott.oman ILB • Sia an OllDCt. Cet h only ICO. Matehlnl de1k • ---..-...... • k d dW9t w/topabe.lv• 1100 Lovu ea t . barat ool 1, _.... ..... evfll. w n 1· Alliln\ cond M().9032 recllnu chair . l1m,., tt 0: 1ry 8018 cbendelle r . Quallt7 -•••••••••••••••••••• DIN.ET'Tf: SET rouDd boult bold 1tem11, Set <nftiiaa,_i:neu J r utting pedl9taJtablt410ft vinyl tM. 10 Sandpiper, Irv. bendMw 'lllO. ~ not oraq o 1wlvol ch,.., I (Wood l>rld1e VIII I cut 11ttal1ht, oCJltrwlae 1u1. coo. r.:11 4069 _...,. • 1110.a1-... m.1w • • • • • • • • • .. ~ • • • • • ., • • • ~ • • • • .., • • .... ...., _, • ., n '" ....... , .,... .,. • • , , • • • ...... -.._ ... • ......... • -I • - H t>e l l u wn rn o w t•r l'lharpencr $150 Tukt• trade.an. pipe lhn•otth:r. ben ch gr ande r , beh under $51 5Mt' RAii SPANISH TUASUIE Approx 1000 oz 1ilver bar d a te d 1654 from "Mara Villa " $4r>.OOO . 28-:ll 0t. barg $16(1(1 .,. Al.!io gold ban • escudo s« from ms p1 •IA! neei wrfell. wm trade for un c lrrulaled U.S colnw, ooml. or lndusl. R.E , l11l TD'11. C Cove P O. Box ~· NSJ!.Bch ~ ..:.._ FORMB COIHDIALll u..-. ..... Ltft•• ... ~ ........... llT•Y aheet "Aak" ) um ~ ~llll VF l'M.$0 1.114 2 ceo\a XF Sl0.00 1131 Bult ~ dime XF ~ S57.~ li3'7·03-legatd BulfeJo f'Sm S() • Indian" wheaa\ cen\a, Uberty • bull. Nlcktill , e11rly l Y'P". Mora.an .ti l'I' "" cJt)llAf'I 111 a t '/\•.• f''or comple\ti 11'• llat I!\ S A S. E. \0 C.C. Hoa U06. Npt Bch ... 1 ......... ,. ~·-·-·-· .. ·--·· --.. .... ~ .. ·-· .... ~ ... ,. , ___ .. -.. - f . _!r. • t'11' • -t1111tm 1-.. t' -.Hiib .... ~,. .... ftwliriQI .. ,-.-'IMO ..... th" 11 IOtl ~.~r29, 1971 OAILYPtL.OT CH . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ··········~············ ....................... .. ., ................................ ,............. ~ ... -----.;,..;...;..:;..;.;;....;;;;;;....;;..;..;... _______ ~.;..;.;.;;;.;....;..;,;~;_,;::m;,,;AS:..-. ~--,. ... •l ••l•el U1MM AMtlw' 11'1.. dis· 11•·0 &. cmarT v waft.I ·-· .i ................ _...,•a... plw lyr llu.t Mii .,.. d S,.1.. ...... 10t4 1V,..... · 1111.. tOIO :~ ca •wr •1. tn•l n••• tl'I' ..W -· ••= ~~•RG• . 11L r.MU• W1taflt = •;-. .. ue-nk •••-•••••••• .. •••••••• .... ...._ IOtl .. _ ............. .r..' -·----wn• ~ un •u ~ m. Good uu .-. ._.,,.. o1 • Lat,."' ... , ••~•10.. ~ 11300101<> tft s .._ -.!. ' • t.SDIVDSBUOYANCY __ ............. bo ~ ..... ll-U.tl.Oall lff.atte ..._ ....e. •· .... ,.. ..,......_ ....... ,..,..._ _.1 Jfn Me • -........ IOD 00 Traller for lJ'.15' ''· _ . _..,U.-11 cablaet, cre4 .. ,. or . mo . MPENSATOR II RCA Vletor TV 22 " $1'9. XJnt cond. ZIDC" Stari metal 1 .. e .. , ..........__., ._ ......... -_,._ .......... .._ ... .,,, U .. 1 1 a&... With Auto lnflator. black/white , all wood coMed.541-51.33 " '" --.._ --r.....-..-a -----Pri&•t:na er e1ano --. 109l twud new, never u.aed. c~t. Ooodcood. "° · A ''-t"I"• .... .._. 1·Up•old ••!~'•• ....._v~---• ~ CH IM .... at 11111 w/raOI, cc.d.itloa. --................... lllO &n-491&. or bnt. 1H~,... Call Plbe ... IH -abor• boat , ._... • .,..19 _ · ·~~....._.,,.~ o.w.-\JM ...... p .._ 11¥d 11&1 .. •·A. a\000, M wkdyi( C)kla , Hoel "Ho -Mlkebfr7pm. ~ .U. ll&ht. strodg, --•. '!.~ ......... hi.--., ... "'"* ......... -~. -.or.·"'llOc -0--woan&.ok'.W.ll~_l. -----·- ....... --'"*811r .• .....:. --Write M.!411-,c/o The w .. uaya 141·5'42 • ... • • ~ID*· a pl:·:~ :J4a.uce shotgun Cracfi ~';' & ....... rM&e ball •acltlu -AW l.-'°'fan-o.lly PllOt, P 0. Moa 1> t ..... Kawai · CE'I Piano. llko en.-.,......... Aoood. $MJO. 87~5LS7 • ~ .... U .. h •c•/ .... ...-• mD, c.la llua. Ca, -_., oeve:r Wied. Hlply _,ea. -· ' f • s.ntc.e · f020 P&•&IAN l ~ -. • Slm"pl'u()op)'llffbba4t, ~ wbi .. acrylic. !J1 tt ..... 1094 TV,...._ ............................................. . lln=f•Mt.t ca r p rlk ·~~ Wlor&r* 'Tlllark •~ •o4el ru1. -.oo. ta..lqualitr-im'-'Om· ........................ HIR.SMno Iott GuJt.1111 9010 Boat Ma.lntao.ance, r~· Qum. XJll& .::r•PT• ptj "tru.u u •• °''Tl,_ fol vu.Rt . .,,._Ilaria. parable. Free tun1n1 Cote ma D P e a It I ............................ .! ...... ~!....... furbiah. repairs. P~ --..... -.-•'Call IM a' .,...l7 ,... • 1117 •/purd&Me. Sll50. P.P. bac kpack , b 1 u e Be.81Jl11ul 25" RCA Color in&. Hieb qual.tty work. ' ., -· ., I•-- __ -or,.._. .... ••••••••••••••••••• ~:not. Pol•r1uard mummy T.V. SU.. 2 Yr. Warr. Very Reuooable raw. t. -HMM rw. 6 omc-. t ' I ft I __.. Dwarf • <X>C'KATOO RanCltton babe CODIOle piano, ....... b8i. l mo~. •"'reeDeJ.M6-l7&6 ~-,.,._ _ Rela.av.U.M5-53ll P\rn+'-'p.._.R•• 1.-.. Herlhl~lamp. Ill • -"-I u.e._ -..-1 .. · ~ ftniala z y o&d •ea.Mi-'711 2S"COLORTVSW Oh. uaa.tpa. UJ.t IAlb.......... W• I 1111 _.a • ra • • , ~ rJ ...... ....._ lbllof, II.a ... , .... 1 ,_ rKk TrtJ' Keh. -· .. -............. w\alll. i.c ... +u. .. 1 ...,,...._, 2YEARSWARRANTY , -... __... 9030 *"'-d 6 llMclrmvd, I ..._ ....,. .. ...._u Nl9j l'lllal .,.. ••• • 1 tallt· ..-, 41'1 f71-)111.. !Paet r;:.· /K8llet Davls 1'llo Double Bane! 642-$340. ... ,. ••••••••••••••••• • ••• •• ., .. ..... N . .J" •• .. -~·-1•-·u ewe~ ~ t··'I .. bo d Sbotcum.12+20ga. ---• -··y .... ••• ... 1 -.,. r d. a. I ..._...._.. -"" .......,. ... aey ar . $350 F Both. Pioneer SX750 receiver, --" ,,. ru ala• DI e t wn i-1 •M «"1-7 pm "-&O. lt90 Flta 1..U apace Med or PLJ.SOD turntable, 2 s sq 'lbetradillooalbeavydu· ~·••• Mt mberabtp, ....,. aadl!M, et· '-at ..-........ Ne_.. ~ "•-_,_ ... .,._,_.: ... LI· ~81. Al\er3pm WHETH.., ll d 0 _., -....., "" -·••••••••••••••••• ...., w ..... , ........ 1... fl cslm J BL s pkra. -ty, liehtwelgbt maria• ~~:fl~•l'CflMll ~l coe • U by.a St«Y a Clarll Cooaole llQY decor. G~at cond. CAMOl 16' 536-lfl25 BUYING engine To 350 HP. Ge- Jlac41'1at Club l ... ID bena.lp. mual aeil at ucrlflce HB'I 110 .. t ,..._. dub, AA. &PM , na.aan1 llllU1'S - ....., Pieao. Nearly new CalJUadaf78..1815afl.6. Sl50•7»315l _-.. -Ad-nu-.r-aJ---,or-....... --.,.1-e or nuin e n e w parti1 . ~ cablDet .. _. or a-. 4»-5586 -'"'" .,,.,._.,, Authorized Distr: Bristol ' S • IOIJ · -· · ~-.. TV. perl cood. $235/bst G ••=••••••••••••••••• blllofter.131.., ,Spimlt: Winters. beaut. ~Vora bench set Cllr.846-909'Z SELLIN Services, (714)892-8541 ......... M .. 1• _ __. ... "'. _,_ t .,_,_.. /stool w/curt bu, 2 bar bells, 2 --------<•---. ~ --,,,.,, CONN S TRU M II ER w .... u ._., w . dumb bell•. 2SOwelcht. •ZODIAC• JACllWAUH CAriiCO. a-.b-Nlltty ao.ct. Barium -HOr'ruB Amen ca'• really go.n1 IClft. Ma 116& New von oflicie, they jual took out lhe ·1b.lali; Tank" 11an bd replaced il with a "'lbink Hor rue ... \car:S'.,.. 1175, all xlnt ~ptccodw/beocb. l300.541-17t4. More. $12510 8 0 . 63 PmMnODJc amtfm8track ___.. ,..__, • .... , ......... LI .... plaver recorder with smau:ft' ePM .......... -· U1·3JM s..tllJ U I DI II 10'2 _M.W119_______ s~ers. new oond. $225 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hart 170cm Sida. &easer or best 7S l·S966 Call Muat ucrlfice, Singer bindiop, super shape' Mike bfr7pm --fl .. a Plano be•utllw antique --& I e lcirilbt. Bw1wood finiJh ni1l1 Yow DAILY '9LOT IOATMART PORT· A-MARINE lNFl..ATABLE BOATS 2925College, Costa Mesa (714 , 540-2070 Baa daM-ouu few SUI, P .H and M .H For COMPETITIVE b i d aome io 711 W. 17\b St , A7 at call 831-4402. I : 'e ... IOU ID. lm03 ........................ llDnd Copier, UMld I yr. $750 •lOO's ol NEW • USED pianos• oraam. ~up. OeUer 751-1121 Atllena 2000 com. S15.a>a72. - ----- puteri i e d s ew In I ---------Beautiful audio l>YS macNne. i.oSlngen' best For sale ExpertLae 1k1 Mlt.subistu elec Tuner, cabinet. Paid $1300 -will Nl. never worn, sue s amp, spkrs. rack w/w<ir To place yow ad ca1642-5678 Two VHF radloa, doclt l>tepll, phone cord, fen· den. other items. Call Mf.5727 .U SJQO. '31-2192, P.P . •. ll7S-t033 1850. M&-_J7_U __ _ .._ _______ .,.. 631-1.979 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dime-A-Lines • Bring them o r m•il lhem wilh correct ca1h our famous ·DIME-A-LINES THREE CONVENIENT OFF I CES TO SERVE YOU OEADLINE :Jp m FrtOcty JlO W Bcty St .C M 12 noon All branch ott1ce\ lo one of our convenient offices. • No llvesiocti. produce or ptant1. • No commercial ada allowed. • Each llem mu at be priced with no item over $3S. • LAGUNA BEACH •COSTA M ESA • HUNTINGTON BEACH 1027 N. Coaat Hwy. 330 Wes• B•y 1787S Bea ch Blvd. SU RFBOARD 6ft 71n, STAI NLESS s te el wing.pin, 191.-iin wide, thermador stove lop Wind & Sea S3S. Bike SlO. Thermador wall c a r r I er r ack r or oven S25. 546-4479. CA R sealSS.Carbed BUICK Regal 1979.CARparts$1-$3Sfrom DAVENPORT . 7fl .LAHC:t; 11111: hou't· Hl':El.1n r<·PI \k .11 l FOl'R i-.trl;ill T111Jt·\1PETEHSUN "grow $8. Hi chair $5. Potty service and dJagnosis 1967 Mustang, 19S7 $30 Beige S.IB llSIS with lt•t'<l tio"' I Jnd l ,..1,·n·•• 1 .. ~,._ d•·t·k n, mul!' · \ult1 \J.ic• "L'l. lake new. $11 chair $2. Baby crib ma nuals. complete set 1957 Ford, 'GS Chevy. ----Jc cl"""" 1 , • .., s J ') -.;1,.:Jkt'.., SI" , ,11·h J11h11 Pt·1·I 11.trrtl'l :-. 1 rnllt·•· um hr ell a $20. Baby dresser $10 84641184. rebuilt 289 Ford dua1 NEW roll('r i.kates, Zod1.H· 11.1 r , ~:1e1 c, f': ... 11·ri·11 r .. <.-a\1·r !I J rn SI! jl1 t'Jth .trnllt•r SIS Womans 3 bumper $5 !lf\3-2056. changer SJS. 9 drawer point dlstnbutor, new suede, size 7 · S2S r u m 11 s :i r. 1 11 tr .11 k t ,, 1.. 11• .1<1 c >ni· IJr~t· I-.1rm('t 'l"'t·d btk<· $20 Hard JEWELRY Sl·S3S. dresser $20. Single A1R llockey~amc$20 points cap $30. New N e w k r)µlonic FloorlJ•i.11 d., ~J:-i "tth ... µc.•k•'" q, John 5.:!,', ll1•n llur -...ond rorker S3S VW Squarebark rear Pell1le dresses and bed Sj8. Metal king 847·6336 dual point Pinto dis-"heels, grt>l•n, 6Smm, Zod1 .1r J 111.m m·1·1h L.1di1·' t.11l'lhn.• ti.tll 'Pill'' "tut• 111·11111·1 l'aperbark btlOk:i JOc fender SlO. Mutner, r o bes. coats and frame SlO. Framed ------tributor $19. Jaguar S20 Sin Osl·tlloscopc, n •patr, $35 <'1ifi .. • IJ .111c1 '"••t, s, , "It v 1 n 11 r r ~ 1 ;, o "u r h 15 for SI header $10 847-1962. Jackets S2·S10. Shirts. mirror S jS. Long H~~h~l~~lela~p G~9n X KE l r 1 m pa rt s 4 Smhz. perfcrt. $35 b I e SI ;, "It u 111• r ' ' J 1 1,,11 JI (, , ,, mu .t.1rcl 1111rnpk1nl llardl>Jck l.H>c>k., 20t SHAVER Noreko SS b•S1·1S112 8 •• _Swl·$5T. VPorta· desk. 4 drawer, 2 on rack $3. Anchor 59 Sl·S3S New A~1C rac-Oscalloi.t•ope c·a!>t' .md IOU\ 1•rted ~:! ~ ,.,;,.h j i:r ,11,hrc , m , r ,ct11 pre• '>JUt'•• ~I 11311 1°J ch. 7 for SI Ch!lth Leather brift ases C ta1'"' lk S2Sd. each side, $:25. 2 sets ing cam $24 Auto accesso rt c!> $2S fi4G·l100S !-tat a11cl l <01111· li;21k 10 1,,11· < I ,, ..,, 'H rit111tj! ""rm 5 Sun SIO-SlS 9G2i.JIO. Hoap1 wa er an bunk bed mattresses :enkc hb ri'hess Sl7 Repair & Owne r s Signal generator. ,\F Sun onh 1•i111 ~I 111 r "•'' 1111 i.15 ~111 ht·Jrn ekttnc fryan~ pillow SJS. Table and $151. 1 bunk frame S3 as cl a oop & net man u a Is S 1 · S20 RI-', $20. At'l<'<' Gk3A, •. 1d 1 .! 1,.,.,;.., .i <" 111 pan S4 Ma1?11us chord h an gi n g I am P s Black and while TV $6 Trailer hatch & Amway ch·amng pro· professional rctord KI Tt' II i:;' u 11•11" 1.. • ·" h "'lit m ih•• .. J I" \t 1-: '' 111 'I'' "" S:!.5 tirl( '" \!oork., well. S4 QvAR l li M . 20 ~:dlon. with :.land "'th s helf. h<.-ader . out s ide, 2 bottom fillers, acce,.sories S35. Call Ma rk 892-3872. S2·S7.50. Staffer ex· $20. Bike SlO. 972.27s7 b a I I S 8 M en s ducts $3-SJO 962-2963 ing mtk~ S2.S AtlJ~ SI $:1 l~· •• 11111111 1•l.111I r,111,.11 , ,, , ,,e 11 1 • .,1 lh Jt ti• rv1,•·1 l11Jw., ~Ito 1• ., k at r ~ s '.! •·>< KJ•~h iceskatl'S $7 Stereo ----------· n·' m k t d 1 '-I k "" $ t 1 er c1ser ~ .._en ors.3.2987 sou u , 1 el> ;in~. ",oo u J11 11 ~111 .inil 1,,111., ,,11,1 1,,111 l!J :1 ,r,..,., .irltt·, 1•1on1•Pr .,pcak er'-. s ink. double, $10. spe;iker..S12 Garden RADIXL tires and STD and ll oom . \\t<'kl•r humpo r ~ltt 1,.,., ,lwl l.ihl" "·•••· ~1:; 'ill' 1111 "' 1ai.. .. n•·" Sli C:aqwt Hath sink S12. Tools. OCEAN and deep sea slakci-. S2. Ullhty ta· wheels IJSH 14 for SlO $10-$20 S-i8 8'124 \\ 1 t• kt• r ""''" Si' 'litt ~s ~J' ,, 111 1 11, < ·" r '' n ,, I» I \1.11 l!UJttl ror undl·r dc'k locks, Sl.SIJ,SS. Oc-fishing poles and re· blt'S7 ToyolaCoron11 each.897·5049 W11·kt-r "·"t1h,111\,.1 111111 11.1,,11 1•1,11 ,. l-.. 1i-1 "' \l.1e \rlhur ~1 0 11 C,1rn.111011 I Paris SS-S20 963 8143 -------GAR RARU lltrntablL h rasional l11ble S20 . esSl0-$30.548-9832. · · · · S S M ar It• '"'' \, ·q11,1 1 l:o•u <'ll .rn1l I' 111•11.lo., nttrlh ,\\e• C~t :\1•Jr So C l a1 rol s lam sets -LARGE dog house $2S Post ll•<h:cr SS nt l(hti.tand M !. l.Jltfl' • 11 :Hill uf I' .11 ii" '"'·"1 ('11,1:.l l'IJlJ NEW Uniroyal Rally S5-S20.ltire L-78xlS CARPET, used , ex· CONVA LF.SC ENT 84wl7L~,.;°'!',ingll'roofS2S Note buuk:oo SOc ·S2 S.5 llrlOl<J.hl'I" IJ11d, lfr!:h ~ .• , radwl ttr<' lfiS·SHlS S20 Japen~se rift~ cellef!l condition, top w;ilkcr w11h seal $2S. """" Eleclnc hl•ater SJO SS 2 matcht1H! "11111\ I Hl~IM ~:11 1.111k ~1·, $20. Aluminum fold· S3S. Schick cordless qu~llty. green . S2 r rcnch Provincial 6 OLD Iron head & fool T ypewrit er s2s d1:.11r"S5l·:11h l'unl'lt !'>1 <l l' t••\Pr ·1·. 1ng rot SS. i\nt1que raior S2S. Ch evy yard , 200 yards dr:iwerchesl 53S.Slu· boards for twrn bl·tl Cocktail lnbll':.Sl751! IJtll'll !>l'l ~7 ll11ub ,·1runk ""''' ~:s., ~1 11""';1 ~e·"d".l•J English se w i n g truck tailgate S2S. 548·1326. dent desk $25. Mirror (no side railsl S20. 1-'treplact> sc reen . 2St'. Th~ O\l11n Apt, I ~~i 'l!l'l'l ~"'111~' "'1 ~I.'> ~rib machine head. black C h evy r c 11 r e nd 32x39 $35. 1920s clcc· skill s;iw, vacuum, 4 :J>ll llum1h11n f'o~t.1 · S l•I l .. 1" 11 "'1:"1 s:m I wllh gold trim. with positive t raction $3S. PAINTED plaster trlcsewingmachine in 003·C'402. track pla)'l'r'>. Sl5 Mc~a S1\~l S<l"TI': lu~i.Jl" 1•111ne r tl"Jtlht1Jlil ~ tabll'top&coverSlS. Metal bed frame SS. Si·S20· Large assort· desk S3S. Tired 5 in LAW NEDGER $1i!. each. Sanrll'r s2s 3 I :1 IJll'l't''· S:!:i IH11" '•1•·1•11 m.H tnno· ~Ii 963-2056. Wall Hanging pie· m ent toys SOc-SS. Sony B&W TV S20. Motorcycle <needs Birrh doors SIS·S20 BAMBOO lurll 1.1~:1•., 'l•l'lkh-.1 ,,11,1r• drum ''li!"!ll ~1 1 "111t11>lt ('\1 1 ----SIS15 8ft d Hamster train $2 3·36in Crystal lamps motor> S35. Anliquu SO ft chicken wlre good l'Ulld1U1111 , S::..tl s:1~1 l.I0\11' l•f<'" ><I !-.,11 unll -.1111 I 0-S T ERJZER S8. lures · · roun Wood 'hutters Sl " $7 "" Cl k S2SI" rug with oranl(e fr. s Sl5 each Worn up-ch air S12 Antique ""· oc s · " m c· ta I $:! I .. • r.,: ,. tr ad, Jnd 1orn1 1hl• 1 1 ~ 1 I Orthopedk corset for an"c SJS. vacuum $35. earh or S2 all. Assort-holstered love seat cabinet s 1 s. O Id Paints S2 S5 EIC'ctrk h<111clmadt· lit 1111t 1!ul ' ~:1;, .! ~1K·J~1·n. ~;_ .. , ·1 '1, { · ' 'h'>f '1 S .1., SJll nal aide $10. St~am vaporizer $7. edknobsandhandles S20.TVcart$3.UHF-wat('ringcanSl2 Old t>x t t•n c;1on r o rtl s "oudcn ra.it• J:!111 rtJlur.11 "'"'d d'""' ''""'" l J1r ::• 962·ll010. Dishes, service of 6, soc each. Wood desk TVantennaS3.170cm large coffee pol $8 $l·$IS Typewnterta longxl71n \\1tl1·\;.i;, .111111 .ind :!l1n ~I) c.1..' 1"11 ~~01'' •111 A Q U A R J U M S . SW.SO. PeM ocean re· SIS. Wood couch SIO Scars skis with bind· Large unique liquor ble SI!> 2 naughyde in ht l(h' $:!~, \11·11" I ,.,,, h t lid flow 1.111111 I ,1 m I>' , ,. a' h 1 Book•sbelf S4 Desk, in°s $20. LoBack ski bottle SIO. La rge chair~ SIS.$20 S elec· and l.Jdlc" duthc' ~1 'c"IJOrt H•.,Hh I "'~~··r, l'i t'<''Ol 11,f1Jtll!11 Show~ize w1'th 11' nht cl SS. Fishing po es lop eds ref I ·sh " t . t SIO h ~I • I itui luun•"• ' " ,., SJ""" Mil D ne "' • boo1s.s1ze lOandll,SJ planter o n wood ric moon. cac soc '$3 l.,11111·'1 -;'>:ir.:11;11 • ' ~· ·• $12. 5 gallon with SI· """1 ne I"., SlO I' oing · T .. ., p · t ''" '-:!:! llB 5:)6.9491 · ~an.,.... mirror a p:.11r Folding camp stand $8. Large wood oy ori:an ~ IC ure beautiful rn.11 \\ltth , '~· light $6. Many ac -· · SS. Corner hutch $25. table $3. Card table $3. rra med mirror SIS mouldtng 7' 'c 8 root C\ enmi:. mink 1 ull,ir H"' 11 H "'.1. L:.. 1 CJ '11'' f' \HIS -; I DJ t ,u11 40in lampb, grt>c n H oom -s ize rugs R ound large bird yard lights SI each. frames 2Sc·$4. De tric Irons S2·S3 SO 2 Iron. large hke n('"· LAW:'\MO\\ER 21.hn h.tl'kl>l'Jls.25 h·nfll'f, J-:X('f':LLE:'\T !>'1'111 d tll,1pl1· :t fltl•l-e M'I I t 111f1·1• taltlt· Sas. 2 1•nil t,it1I••., ~1 l'<tch 1-;1t·1· I I I ,. 'I ' r II h b c· r p1111,h1·1 ... 1t;11nµ0<w1 Ill•,. e "lldtll•lll. Slit '''\' 1111 ..... 1np1>o•r fm ''"' 1·l1•c•t r11• tlr1ll '' ·''' \1tl1t a\11• .111tl I 11 n11wr J••<'k ... Sl ~'" ll.11h11111m -.c·all• SI I lllll IJtllJllllll "~Ulil I' "' ttn •llllJ' SI l:knrh Jiru,h ~I L.tr~t' l.1~ httlh, I \I' '.C'rt'\!o)',, le'\•• ltolh 1.;t· 251· -.;,:" 1!111 I <lf.:t'I ltl.UJt•... I Ill huh•. 1..'.oc ><.>ti Joann ( \t ~IM !;'11'1 cessories Sc·$5. Two GOOD used carpet. Oak coffee Lable SlS. Fireplace11crccnS3.2 Paintings & picture Toaster SJ.SO s c•lec i.11.e 11. SIU \\'afflt• Siu J!it_,J9'J9 • , 5111 door' s:?J t".11h I glass bases S3S pair SIO ... ., ".u w 1 ...... St cage SS. Old radio-p bl C · s peakers SlO euch ao d dlt SIU r G 11 1 ._,,.,.... uUJ •• o rta c m a nua l oup e materials ,., o con ion. · St·arsS2.'i 550-3'~ $211 t uc:h IJ ,1t·lo. SC lllHH 1 , k Sl2 reen v ng r oom CM. phonog r aph S15. t y p e wr i t e r s25 . 25 c -SJ Ce r a m ic ReloadersleadSOclb Slecpmgb~S3 S<•" ltumpt•r 111 ".Jl .. . ,..., chair $35. Electr ic Basketball hoop and Original etchings in paints 2Sc each. Llke <; Thennostate S7 50. inf{ marhrnc rh .. ir 'i'!" EX ten11t~ r.oc·krt 0._..1,. S2 CJl'll. t iurtk \\ .1 11 •I 1•., 1, S l tt coffee Pol SS. Sears FRA NKLI N mint backstop $9. Lots or frame S3S each. South new Dome hairdryer Post hole dJggcr $J2. with !>lorage !>eJl S5 1 u ~ l !o l run i: $l.S hood SIS "''" hr.iki· \\ r '' u It h 1 1 r u 11 Rock Tumbler SS. silver lngot.2ounces, paper back books. S ofOCC.320Bowling SIO.EngUshOonccup Drillsandb1t&SOc·SS Sewing ml':Jl>Uflfl)! &'106872 '>h"l'' ltnini:., ~1 "!alrt'J'<l'Plant1•rSl11 Decor ative pair S3S Sterling scrap for SI. Bowling balls, Green Dr . C M and saucer i.els g2 Fabricandnaughyde andcullingbli.1rd ~:! t .irh .ilntnh ~t·IC'h (ln1ht•, l'h1lt1 and ~~\s:~~r$1 ';:h~1:!t i~~64fs~ r o un ce . 8t~a~bn~le~~gs11~olb.peSSGtufepa;Pe'dY· CS4H9f·L4~DR..:ENS clothes ~~a~~d s~:i,J5 oo8~~\~~ t°:.;,5~ ~a~l h=:~::"~s ~~~~~b~t~~~:~s ··~~~ Jr~.1~~1t.:~ i;:i ','~l~~" ~~'du _',;,~f1:r;i • ~:· .. ~~ ~1'i1l~1~1 :?1;~1~k!{e~~,~~' sheer $8. Melmac 6· -Old egg plate s4. each Plumbini: rord SH ll ooi.., 5~1!1'1"1 ~, ~~lft •• 111 ll.>.:I Cllt1 11.1k ~\1,1\f'I desk place setting $3. Four TWO 14in Rocket Rae-tanks SS each. Un-Sc·S3 Toys Sc·S3. Lov· Larj?e round platter SOc·SS. Ptctun·~ Jnd p ,1 µ l' rhJ t· k., .! 11• 1 h.111 ~I:! 'l 111a11·h1ng individu al correc Ing mag wheels with finished wood table eseal and couch $1S. $4 Jewelry lOc -$3 . frames S2·$25 Old h.1rdc•11q·r ;,01· e;;,,. \llllCjlll' r. .. hn t .tlitll• I "'I el'lllJ1.JI dl itlf'> carafesSleoch. Four chrome lugsandtires topS20.0ldgolf clubs Recltner SS. Phono· Two Jewelry cases magazines 25c· 50t· l.:tdt1·~ l1t•.iutitul s.i;, !l\!l i:nhl 'h··~ 1,0 to ~'.! l);itsu n 17 50 l'.llh 1\pp1o:ic aluminum glass bot· S2S ror both. 191n and bags, right and graph 75c. Baby bath s3.s4. Decor alive Old sheet mu-..1c 50c: µur!'>t'!'> SI l'halth l'.tll'I\ ~1 5 5.it• :1999 T1notn. \l.1"la and 11n11tt• 10 l>"n•·l •>fltl't' tom mugs SI each. B&W portable TV, left handed, $15 both. 7Sc Baby c lothes items 2Sc·S5. Dresses. each. Null>, hnlt.,, -...oodl·n folrl 1111 <le·,~ TWO 11.,111,. i:lass wtn lnt1·rnnt111n.il hum e h,11r-. S:l eul'11 S11\e·1 Unfinished stool $4. clean,Sl2.631·2669. Pictures S2 each . lOc $1 Puzzles 10c. co:i t s. s we aters. screws, 50c-S3 3 ftl an!I bla<"kbo:ir1I ,11th """' 1 l\tlh frame. 1 pel°". SIOl'<H'h Che\') pl.1tt• !l1·n111i: p11•c·c~ 8332 Castllian, H.B. Fra mes $1 each. 2 11 198 Sudith, FV. purses, pants uits, ing cartons S:! c·:H'h i.t•al s:, Totlka 1iud. ,,.1th•iutfrJnil'.SlOS5 1:1llJ(~tl<'i. Stu ca1·h .JI .ISIC> Sil11 •11JIJll' 536·7482,9am-4pm. T w O 0 1 d w roug ht i ron bar Near wamer·Euclld shoes2Sc·$S.Bcaliful 8inx6ft us ed fc•n ec• SIS:! Lmhrtll.i, tH:/7:!:.'f; l!lhlt ll.1n1·h..ru 11.1r ,i111·n1.111• :!:i1•S 1 CHEST of !tllverpl ote refrigerators. ~un s tools, 2 for S6 . Afler9am. ncwcrochct tapeS2S. boards 7Sc. 4 truck m i•n.., and ladll•s -----"'nduw Jl'lddoor!'>~lO 1'11 lu11·.., ;,or $'1 :! dinnerware 50pieces good but need paint. Wicker baskets soc. Ta ble clothi. S2-SS taprs $5 for ~•II :I lH•aut lful. SJ S:? flRA~D ne" T\' .in l'llCh s.ii.11109 p11,11·.11d 11111111•11 $40.962.""IO. S3Sand$25.548-8964. Ba c kre s t f o r TYPEWR I T ER . P ock et books !Sc casscttes.popular.S2 l'ut·k,ird lkll. II&\\' 1t'nnal'andrn11 ... 1s1s i:1 .1 11h , '>Ill 1ad1 ,,., Triumph 6SO $20 Royal portable like each. 19881 Isthmus each. Ease moulcltnR l!ltn TV, s:i5 'I\' 2 bo~" ~nd om· girls PETEHSON car wul. 11 ltal·k t.11>\ d1'l'I.. ~ DUCK f ell extra AM .'FM car radioSlO. 20222 Spruce. O ff new, light weight. L H B or lScft. Shoe moulding !'>lJ1td. IJrl:t' "ilh bairn, 2Chn, ~''<C'cllent lrkl'n1·" $11 S1r•1ll1•t• He·111111e• tnnt t •JI la rge with '1eash('S, _!!31·2669. Bristol, near Airport. $20. Battery carger. 6 M~~~olia · a~d or~ 7 c rt I SSJ W 1 n -...11o<frn ,h,·lf i:nt11I 1·011u11t1111 ~IS t'Jl'h or l'mbrl'll.t Str11llPr ~ mocle·I • ·"' ~IO .:i:. used once $18. Morey FOUR h' I dd SS7·7625. ~r 12 volts, 1 amp, Adams. Follow signs tergreen, ('~1 W(•111 ,. Cl n cl I I I Cl n . st. .ill lhrl't' for~" Sltm •1 I I (' .1 r n el I I II n t '" h lcmkil I ell ' JIHI 8 . bo d ood w ate a er -hke new S6 67S·6780 --------ofFedco Sun only lk d,11n .,cd \Ch<'I Jim. l(uod i.h.1p1• S:l.1 '"'1111 '' :-,,.,,, ~11 1rur1., ,11111 l't.Hh'' oodg!el. asr2s' gC II back chairs $15 each. GEAR motor •12hp, Balboa . . . CANOPY bc.'<1 frame. ----<1u tlt"d oold/\n "'nlnr S rn a 11 2. t· v l' l l• Cu~t't Pl.tit• ~:.! I:.! l1k" n'·" con 1 ion · a S trolee high chair 90RPM • .,c Plunker EXOTIC fur ":i11•rlwd ' " ' ' · Sc lt 968-313l • Jo>.J. rull size. whtlt: S35. i.:uod rondition St~. l'rart-.man rotor) -..; L' w s ,. ,, r , lu•,1<·1 111·1 1111111t"1 111k O · like new $20. 16lb new boat anchors $10 LARGE metal shelved Full mattress s et, s pread S30 ~hl'cls S 1 I 1 "' " c 1 h F rt n l' h bowlingball$5.White cuc h . new. Ory -cabinet with doors. and t o we l!> $25 .c·a1ti•r rUjh. u1t·I\ mn"er ~CMll moor m1c·ro"a \c•t.1hll'~2t> '1 '·' lk' PLATFORM rocker firm S3S Yellow print p d f n r lo. 1trhc11 u r $JS 2J111 IJlal'k Jll<1 w h 11 (' ch,., 1 11 f le •·phnlll' • ,. "''" $20. F our drawer mini blind 63'hx64, acetylene regulators 7ft. S2S. 7 drawe r bedspr e ad and crs 1an etoralt\l' bathroo m , St S:! whtl(' \\1•.,1111gh1>11,e dra-...er!t SH '"" ~.111 1.JtJ.:l•ltll,•t.I pie chest $25. Tallmnn hanging lamp SS . S3S pair. 24x40i n metalfilecabtnet$25 c an o P Y w i l h ru g S35 f'lock('d Elt'ctnc hellters Stu T\', Cahlt· mutl.·I rn Jtching H•llo" .111d '"'' 11 .... lo.1•1 ~7 ~.11 rec I i n e r S 2 0 ~0·6018. dra fting board SS. 2 metal bookcases SS matching dr:ipes S2S "a I I paper S 15 Wo ks, l 11 r ge s:, µla\!>, SIO :"l:e" Phil· o1:in~c b.tlJ\ ll\c'i... 1-:ll'f'trn• \e•i.:c•1.1hlc• Bookshelf $8. Picture ME DJTERRANEAN ARC welding helmet each. 2 Tropilone bar Whit<' baby cradle L a d I e s , m c n s medium S3 After Ill re) Cfld.JC lubes ;,\11 $25 C:u.rhni:: trtm, 2 JUH't'I -' ~11-.1 'ttt·k SS. Polaroid Swinger coff ee table , end $3. Boll cutlers S8. s tools S1 5 eac h . $15 Slim·i;tym SIS. cloth1 n~I 20c ·S35 2264 Maplt' St , CM oml 7('7 SJ each, 2 .l.1de ner kl"'' and h.111 t'Urkr~ Wh1 ... t1 $9. %Ce llo $3S . tables, large, 535 Wire rope SlOfl. 840-SS2l. Ex cercyclc bike Wigs. ru 8• SlOSJS Otr ofW Wilson 1ubei-onl) One n,.,,. ,. 0 rr 1 11 i: S 3 . 1n.i 11·.1 kclllt• S:!~10 lnslama~lc ca mera each.548-6839. Stainless and silicon H 0 LL y w 0 0 D S7.50. Dishes 20c·SS. ~:a~le~1~1~cthcJaiiki --- -meta1Jacket6\'6tub\' p ii perb:ti•k hnuk., !'-lt•;1111,ta,.,., 1rnn S3 $6 . Klng s lze bronzefastenersSJlb. b d r ead d Window s hutters Anahi c m , C M STEREO !IJ>f'rikers s.; Sa 2060 Stale Ave• IOc .picturc·~S';!toS>I C'oµ\ OlJl'htnt• S35 bedspread S7. 2 vw REDWOOD chaise PJexigJass remnants boel ts p "1 a nt Sl-SlO. Glass tub pair l>tsco~trobe url CM. l'ollow Oak St lilfant ., .. ,Jt ,"'~. t"tll :!11111 41fl1ll•r rolls .tO<· 2sc "ach . Tr1'ckle s ers, came• rus I S Sh 631·567S Saturday on u t bl I hi s1 2 0 b r , , ""' ~ I 11'1\I I van side windows $20 loun ges $15 eac h . "' b S30 h enc osu.re lS owcr J s a e 11l ne lock rom \ 1c quilled hrdi;prra<h c.ic· 1 '' M' cctrn· each. Folding closet 548·6389. sprinkler systems $3 orl rMonzlel eact door SS. G. E . gas ly Telephone urnplifier tori a Herl' after 2PM so Sat ...... ·urt , ...... 1... ri hhon' c·o rhon SI 8 3 S each. Paper back se .. a ress se , d S25 S l d S8 Mono 1-'M t I " "''' "" "'" I T l l d o ors 8x7 17 . · twrn ~ ~10264 ryer · a ur ay TIR F.S . 2 -L60xiS. · unl'r <>n Y 1-:ast H:n 1\\cllUl', l':tt'l ypt>wn er .,. 88x l 09 S25. 9699 WASHER and dryer books 2Sc. Alle n • · • · only 9am·Spm. 214 S8.AMclock radioS5. ble SS . Asi.orll'•I $35 b &t0-4311 h 10 SS 2·G60x l5. neur new. /\ M FM console 4 GARAGE door OJ)t:ner lfolbou Pt•n l . d dd 8.lven Circle.,Foun· eac . . wrenc es C· . DUNK beds $35 Fold· Memphis St, West lo US e a ch Ood ~c with remote control -YP<'Wntcr an a er tainV.Uey. Hand saw$2.SO.D~ill Jna bed$5-$10.'Fold· Beach Blvd, South of p 1 th t !IJ>eakcrs !>tereo S20 TV !ltand onwhl'l'ls $1i, r i bbons 11Uc ·S2. ---------rRED beach crulaer o•~ ... Be h " Ad s Y ymou pur s. 2130 Doctors C ir , $3S Garage door ".r1'ndcr rnotor S3S. • ....-m ...,r .... nc vise in1 c hairs Sl·U . ams l. radiator S20. pair h e 'th i fu ll :.izc ttuiltcd " GREEN drape 93ln :~.·"!2.z.·--meltlS $3. 2x21n Re dwood Rou.ndlablebaae $5. front l lln b r ake Apt.D.CM.642·75119. ang s wt s prngs b('d s p reud. earth llr:ivy dutyi ~hp eloc-..,.., -·~ 11 \akes 30c each. 556.2791 RAT. Ham s te r or . -SIS . C a s h o nl y . 1 ~ $7 tr l c m o l or S35 plus rod for alldlng ~11throom sink $2.SO. . Guinea pig Breeding drums with bearings. T OYS und gam<':. 54S-9282. ones, use onct'. . Tra ns mission for door 120. Metal log SCHWINN boys 10 h 1 1 22 eac h Pair 2Sc·S4.143-D.2l!ltSl . -64S·0900 holder S15. Alabaster apeed, gre•t condi· Ail'~!)tquiclc diacon-MUSTANG doora, divgl~~d i:~o 4u~n~ he ad e r s a nd ne w CM 548-1822 CHEVROLET fender. s ame 0.2200RPM SJS. la mpS3. 840_3479. lion, t 3s. Girls 1 nets ~·$1. Tool box '65-'66, S35 each. Sun· mufflers for 383_.40 · · i928, $25. llf30 Model ---4 kerosene lamps --------•apeed Schwinn $35. $3 . A!l~r 9A M. beam mixer, Juicer dlvidual ,uni~stack. J $35 r II A kSl2 Mod I CHESTofdrawers S12 with chimneys S3·SS. OREY aota m . Two Boys dlrl bike St. 645-~938. -$15. Two twin beds, StO each unit, Tri· i~~~';.:O clut~~ :nd SOFA a nd chair $.JS A ~~fW:..-sa. 'ABso~-·SlS each. Dunk bed Reco rd player $10. loldcbail'IS15eacb. 5"·l79'2. Spanish Oak, head· cycle$5.MJn!2-wheel w ater pump a s · and $20.Studentdesk ed books ~Oc·SlO. S 20 <'arh bed Sall boa t mo dels Black vinyl recliner KITCHEN tab~~ and board, footboard, and bike $5. Bakers rack aembly S2S for all S3.50. MS-9467 Model A windshield C h I ldre n s hoo k s $8·$20. Gun hand $25.554-122'1. SKATEBOARD ump chairl2$.Double~ freme l2:5 eacb.llana SU. Four 9.lS Jeep New van air scoops TOYOTA •-ndcrulser rrameSl8.548-62a4. 10c·2Sc Ch ilcl rcn loading equipment --------• excellent coaditlon $25. Siqle bed '16. 1oU bac a.nd cart $15. wheels S3S. New Ford $12 h 548-3814 ..... clothes 25c $2. boys Sl·S40. 1561 Pegosus MAPLE lludmt dealt Sl5. 541-UOll. Rails '8. Gold·brown S t.i•\tue met•l 360 Piston ael $35. euc · · tran1mlulon, like WROUGIIT iron round a nd itrls. siie 6·16 St , San t a A n a trltb c hair $35. luge ov8l rur $35. swivel armchair $15. Electric oven works CHEST and dresaer new, S3S 548-1822. 301n table $3S. Two RCA l'Olor TV, needs fle111hts. Santa Ana tte44T7. KENMORE waaber Headboards S5·S25. 8211 lndlana polla, good $25. 750 Honda SIS each or S2S tel. PARTS, •67 Chrysler m atching chairs S20 work. S3S Chlldrens Ave. Between Bristol . AS.Me au. Gold credensa $35. HB. NO 1366. After headera aetS20.Stove Doub le b ed and Newport. alternator each . H anging toya 10c·S2 Two lwi n and Mesa Dr Across TWOtamperJ•ck.1 135 Tables 1$48. LamPt lO•m. h ood 36ln SlO . frame $25. Office f7. clutch fan SS. re-wrought iron lamp headboards . wicker form Santa An u ada. M1.c338. WALNUT dlnniDI· Sl·$15. Refri1erator 142·3442. chairs $10 each. Sun. butll carburetor , 2 S2S. Gold satin bed wood shade, 6x6fl, Country Club. 8ABY .._ ia. IOOd !~S:~~e*'?;:r~: $35. 119-34tb St., NB. NIGHTSTANDS $15 GAMES2$.$l. OrilinaJ only, 1S6 E . 19th St., barrel. SIO, air condi · spread full size $35. S15 81> W 19th St . ~ 8abY 1iDe ebaJrt ao ..._, Old 875-0IZZ. pa.Ir. Small tablet ts cub ....... ftomfun CM. 548-5756. tloner DJ, hubupg.SS Larae boat picture CM. 64S-3344. Cll I LDR ENS En· 1Jleb...,t15.8trolee ld fr . BU lLT IN d is· each. SWter l\dtcue .sone tas. Books set, bumper jack $2, $25. Flo urescent S HORT h Id cyclopedia set $10 at:rol.W"5.labr1w· ,•10:. L:·.~ y::r:: hwaaher $35. Sereo ra'. ~~·1:r>c:1::: 10c·50c.Kldibtcycla DESIGNER clolhln1. G78xt4 tires. good s h a p e licht $12 t' •I f ao Toys SOc·S3. 147 lo;. lat llJ. car btd •· flowtnd CJil palntinl conso l e • Io o d framed ..ictu.rea 110 fl.SO.tu. TV 8Dlenn• ladlt9, 10.12 complete tread, $8.$10, FR78x1· Square teak 3lln lo: carg et n ~xce enl 21st St.. CM. 646-7368. waaer .. labJ ud al $35, El each. Like new wltb mast $5. 311 wardrobe U ·U5. 5Ure 16, starter $l0, ble 14in high $35 coo ltlon, pieces for Mid l tll oo wood, framed. •11. ir ~:.'as 'w1i:: Woodlaad Cout Shoea 7j $$·$25 . r.wer brake unit $10, 1-"loor l amp with lill larae roomt. St.SO ~RESSER. $20. 6 web o -r~oe...1.•• ~. c•-.. · to lounae chalra •H M .. a • Costume ewelry to res h water fl h s m o ll lable 115. peryard.751·8751. awncbairs$2euch. ~·-· r-rnce tennlt rac.et 1 . patr-. Deep Sea nld · p , Movie 1creen $35. Med icine cabin e t lee chesl $2. Bosket· to11 Uc-$1. 8•b1 8SCBICTARIAL ct.k, P.aaaonlc rec~lver ud reel $l5. Jewelry KlTCEEN t8lble 135, 4 I'! 1 ect r lc addln 1 polca 12-SlO. Treasure wood trame 2exl7 S35. GIRLS allnaray bike b a 11 xl m $2 . 50 n .. da fl·fl. New blall IDl&al dlrome PO. Turatable $30. won on TV '5·'10. kltch ws each. 2 table machine $15. Leather tr• c ker S25. 2524 Two matching aide Sl5. 5ft Iona n&hln1 8Ptrack tupe shelf =:.8'.r--=:: =--~top.saa. ~ltc$~~.·~~~ball ~:~_ttP~d ~~5'12 l!:PIP~S:cah1.1!°'rnge ~ca:~~tr;~~~~e2s~oi :8.~~.lnater. CM. mlrhrorl'S216ldx~2 SldS ~fadyfx,;o~a:a~fn~s ~~~·::ka:!llsf~ia~ tll. l•ID color r ...,... ' ..... · CM Off eac · 0 woo 15c each. 646-3680. Mustang wheel drum ..Uaon1e .... ...._ a 0 LL I: a 1 k 8 ta FOUR OleYette UNI Cotta llela. MS-nn. !!Sl. 845·9871. Caa Anahlem. • TV. 23!n a.w. work• cbest ot drawcni S35. S 8 1 3 m P 7 5 ~ •· • fll a rail fll •· '#beell Nd Krntoa. ao all. '1MMI. SHO ltl motorcycle .... y. Wllaon.l.'ll·5675 aood. $2&. V•cuum. Lar~e electric fan Plrcpl~ce screen SL i ••l•ll• 110. <:aae new, iaO. vw· hub-BEATRltlT abort helmet i>'ellow U5. NEW Show'N Tell KING bedsprotd, Uftltt.,. complete, n oe ~ •wblltch SIS. pair c rutches u . e'lll•ln • • .,._.. capr, 6.. a~ 18 • adlo 91J Golf •em. wllh U llider·ncordl beil• cnaahed •eavet $11. MW portable Love Y w tc table Toplacieyourmeaaaae W•ter purifier $15. M1ML1a1111 lamp •PH4 centurion ::;.• !.. .ad b., uo . New ehorty with oraqe welLlq, !!• ~~lPH 1,ooc11 • !!~npbl~ !!!k 2a~~e beforethe F'ull alte pickup bed a::--:.~ce= .:.•r:.:•:•::::. Sll. 0 DoU bed ta. 171 o:..:,an,h~~~~e~o::· :r~p:''t n·~l~ g!~::..,~~::. Beact ~u:r:o~ f:ahth!j~';Jfjow"a S8 readlqpubUc, ~i~o~~o~:t~r:y3J~ a...,... .. cntarloa frame, Vlrslata Pl .. Cll. 20•U. SH. Wood Evaporatha room Exlt• a.,th twtfl bed '5. Sellinl out coJlec-eac · ~ photM fender s.1. Baby bike E lle·tl. lltl eompttte fll. PlaJ NM.Ill, doora 24x151n S20 cooler 110. Wblte hl boa •llrinl and mat· tJon al famoua name Dall)'PUot uat 11.50. T ree .. "'Ye., -. ren, amall rec• 1-of .. f'' 1011. each. ~r mirror bae .. a•l"'tl dea~ lterl ao. Black and rotary power mowl'ra ELECT RIC ctothu Clulined,M2-5f78 prun'"r Sl"" 0 .. "da .,o...,-...;. u•1•lu, Ill. ~·:mpl .. e • fU . l 'x 5' l D S.I . ctaair $10~ Vanll; white banrma cbalH '5·•12. Aller 10:30. d ryer that wor ka plnti c 1WtVcl ~balr 8llt. aDd Bua. ltNOt. . 1'7.aal. (11')'1J.1JOZ. bends •• 51'7~'5D. loun1e •. 50. !Mf.DU. 141-"'25. Sood ••• MZ-498S. 11 M2 3528 • . . \ • J ~· ---...-._ ·-' -..co "" ---....._ ..-...:........._ -----=---~ ----=-. _-:-----.. 1 ·~-----_1,__ -----,_ -_' --'--.-.;__ ·---·---·---.;.,.. :;;.._ ...._ ·-- --_-..::::::_ -;___-.;;.._ -·---'' • \ fl4 CWLY PILOT ,,.... "''° y-tl70 ....... .,..-. AlllM; t"!.rw .......•............... . •.......••••... , ................................................... . 1=r..;. .. ,, .. ·a:rf. ,.,. •• LI.den 18 2.°lh , VUll hw l l , 11111> Ill !\jfj bt'lllUllfwl 14000 .. WU> i) (f~y 13 with lrvllrr lC.lnl l'CWJ Ml'~ T ~t.1.f. ~)t(M U1 _, Yord . oa .. r l hd1111 . ltt•rt.ley pump. ulul Int, l•ndem trlr l'11t1I J um.. 14176 ~ 11•) •..•..•.•.......••..... c ,, s..S./ ..... 9120 ..••••................. 11 t'~bovl'f ~lOVI •Ilk. jurk11 1·om1uu·t lflll II Sa'! 1114!13 tlM:S ....................... ... ................... . l&NT Lnur1 mo&or lert MOA Hardtop ...., a ·, ...... '· ..., a.. ..... f!IW. ,,.,.., ffll& ... /wk+• •I ••I rettored. UOO. .... ... ... ll1.llTIU!U .. uuu:D . '1t Orn•ll•er, II' t.ak ... • 8Hut <"Ond. LMded 1111 •J ... IM 0.. al &a. aJc•t .... '1 -· Under Blwe ......... wbtt'olr m•- """----~ motor hOnie lmmac ft.It pa Loedeod, luw ~ s.tt tootamtd l!ar~alu Mu1t u ll 1 IMl1'fM 76 GMC <.:amptr Vim l.tke MW Oubbl• top. fully <·uni, muat u ll ••m LANOAUU' 127~ All •lrlUI (WM)' Ltl , <.: M JlllO T,...,... ,, .... 9170 ....••...............•. '51 NA8H,1oot owne r . .... llMO ~ -· ol· fer.Ill ~orUMotl HJO ....................... '71 .-I t 1 r Lu.• ~L"t:-1.:rt oooae Loaded, 7K1t1I: ~~ 71*5 lift 4 a1J day ~M. lwn llO.OOI) 108<> ----Dune Rutc10· 111rnd rail JtOOrr , dual port h .. 1d11, he.adtta,m Sarnf1 $OO(I N:IOU:i! 4W....Drt•n 9S50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '1lt Toyotu f.;.tnd Cn1111rr tum:.ltp, 25M mi"'· alnl oond. hk .. nt•w Jlr ,,..,. huh"I C U. A M 1'M lllA:f""· ~100 :.i411 CJtllj11 17 JEEP '71 ,4 •rord Cotarttr. w/lhell, tull)' tu1t.omed. .......... '72~ 2D008-t• lluper Outtom f'icll:up UO VI, air, power 11 .. rlA•. duaJ tank•. camper •h•O. eraw&.l.hru. IUO rad11. IDIOY eic:tru (la40C)K > • S21tl IQIWITHAM YOUSWA ... ~Wwt1111n , .. • 10 W•tnlina~r •7!11.'.il 6311 7880 ----17 l>:I C.mlno J>Sfl>tt. A.IC, AM/P'llil, 33k ml, 111• C'leiin Ml.50 or &11l !Aft<r ~ 31.35 •ft 8 t''ortl "1:'1 C:o urier A M "'M /8, C11 mpn t.t'*'1J. 'lunnlfll, 111r h11hlll h'-rto, •111Jkf' wht'tdl WXJ (714 )fi?il #lffllf i 4 CM(' S1crr..o <:r.md•• 4 Wht"t"I d n VI•, hfl k 11 '"""' llrM nrn11 & 11h1x•k11 l(d ('(lflC.I, l>11l h1 m1 111.lb pmnl 141.00 f'A() 2(12.:i ( l11•vy 70 Stlvl'r.1dc1 tiaa SEATS LO-ID SEATS ·r.1-.SEATS t 'rorn S59.00 ea . ,..,,, VANS-PICKUPS RY'S-AUTOS ~11 k tJr l'U11t.11m tr1.Jd1• ...... ,, .. ....................... 1111.FA smo All/l'M , I 1pee d mn.ID> . ... 111711 BEACll 8LVO llllNTINGTON Uti;ACI~ 142-2118 1977 ALIA 1a...o AL.HTT A Couiw !'l 11~d tnrn• • atcriw & 11budow k 11 i00171tJ' OHLY S7199 RACH IMPOITS M8 Oovf' Slr•'<'t Nl':WPOtff 111'!1\Cll 752-0900 9707 l'WHI 11.,W ftl .. t r •• ,..... t ,,._,.,,,., ....... nn 73 UMW WO:.!, 4 11 pd. l\Ml fo'M rr.a11" 11t••rf'O, 1m ITllH', ~ 5otll 4(1 I II 72 (Jj,vi.na 4 dr, run & l1111k 'I JCl11 t So('rtf11•1• ll.WJ c;,111 :M 4 Mii 1i BOAT SHOW TIME lllflO AH1lrvam :W alul tund Alao 68 ~. T ltJut~T, ruJly l'tlU1pj)4 d w 1 hell 'Cradc or l>c11t •Jf • fr-r IOI t.4!J3. IJJ2 ~ J-10 PICKUP IX4 p11111 ltJlk, >t1Jlf1 J li~Jl.-y I t1J11 • n ·w t 1111 I illflpt!f 'lfll'I 1111 All , .• t r .1 ' X I 11 t < '' n ti ~1111·h111•: 1 ;~ r.Hnv•·1 ,1v,11I I~ 'IJ1'11 SOFA BEDS $179.00 & up .....................•. '711 <U.12 Sunr011f JIJ,001) m l S#V(J(J J\M I 1''m 11lt>rcu. m~:r.m UdoVI .... Mewporthocll ClllforMo s .. 1910 S..Ray'• J\11 ell 1978 :.J Sf-;A HI\ V nybrdg, i.portf111h..r. 111 hni, IJke n1:w 61:1 2'1111 12· Alurrunum IJo;it IU!i ~ II mnr Cu rt11p l111H'fr r <ia)v lrlr Slip 673 fZJ!ll1 n n . .ov u :to: 1.t ur.u~ WJl,I l.'lO 000 hrrn IJ\l(•f f'Cl UI I' 11 & ffi U lfl ta1n~J ('11 fl ft ou lb1mt1111n. I.I\ J,,.., 1~13 J40 27 t:l ''" y11 CZl.31821 71'"7 mtt•'I T.l (.;atal1n.i Z! 11 h 7' ,1111 tionlia ( IU, 6tir.. M .my xtrwi l:i, 1110 71 1 !ll!X 117411 aft 0 :Jll1M I illtHe Ill w lrh & t1'11c Vellow/wht & rust S15!.0 646 2380 with CAL 25i6 1tlµ-i ~ l.1k1· nu i'J John 9 IJ 0 1 U Xlrai. $12,750 :tlJ ~..! 2498 f-1BEHGLAS ~AIUYI UKt: Nt::W li.l:AI 21;i3 Or1111gc J\ v1· , CM f-.t1rwlfl ~ 5 mr·tt'r 'lltJQp. :I<! ft GorJC.I r·ond1t111n $7 ,!"JOO MO i..5'1 1•1Qi11177 w/trlr lk·11t otr n :..18 .Wlli Stilt: or rh:.rt1·r 411 Nc•wpor tt·r Kctl'll llltZ roomy , <'•1mf1.rtal1lc• 'li.h• I n11pl'l·t & •1f I ..r I H11rkm1ll•·f flk1 1 1'41> 41.1«1 9150 ..........••........... llarh·y l>avtthuu 11t•ul rhmtn1· 11hu<·lu. & r111 k l1kt< r~ SW >1X I /l"l i:> VAMJ\.111\ IW :lilOll clt't' 11turt l11H1~h1 m•w 111 1·1, hc1r1•cl to :-!'101·1• IA'ffl'l11·11nd w h1•l rrwt '°.:r. ,,..,. t!Qll '"111 ~'u.k1 750t': , ,..,., 111.111 21J011011 !o.udcllP '"UI rnai:.' Mu,t 'It'll 111·•1 Ill dyi. fl:JI Mtn i ll Y /\MAii.i\ 400 t':.1111ur•1 ~H:ST S 1-:1.1. Xlnt nmrf 64!'1 ~04 Yamwu.1 250i•r , IV/II OTI. !<l nr dJrt, 127!'1 llJI 147~1 llontlu 3511 XI.. x Int 1•11n1I. rw>w i.hoc·k..'. Mi (Jr ll•·'>l (J(f n 4!JG."82M II ft :, 710fonda lluwk l..1k1·nrw 21J 562 ~8 71111tlfld1J x It 7!'1. tllrt hike IJf•W nm1I $4:JI llf'.:J 7 444 'fl'> 1 loNla S!ll, runi. 11.11011. $2Z) 1:1 l\IJ11u ~p11rl ~rna11 . 1l1•t'I" I 1 11·1• l111- lu11.1n1 ~111v1• & ltl(hl ht•1k UIJb fur ~lilt r Al di't'\ l'm1 1' potty, n«w un-. s.~· hy .111111 only s.:JXJ 1 7-A 11 wi wr Allio Senlce, rcrh It AccenoriH 9400 ••........•••••••...... DATSUN PARTS 11101 1 .:t!UCJ 11rt· r11 Hit..! llJAJ lie•' t ti tr n C .i 11 :,111 !'1721 11ft1•r Iii' M HEW PJ\HT S & S,..IC Viet. HOURS I )p(·n Tu rn 111 G11 rn Mun~.loy thru Friday Cll.oM-.J ~at &! :-,.in Elfe<."11 Vt' M <Jll !l/2 11711 SADDLllAQ( FORD Zb!O~ M11tn. Santa Anu J\I Lil.: Cornn of W arnn 546-7070 llra n d n ew c; llfl I !'i WIJ\.'IUJO lire.~ with IJUl#('I f11J1 Ford or O!Jdl(1· ra r SIOO ~ 20J!I l1am&Hin bumJ)(!r tra1ln hitch 4 11 pd M u111·11· lrana. nu synrhro rmi.:' ~ 2'I <'hn11 l 'rurt ..i,.,.,11' lwn "4'ri•w .. 1~ 4 ~ull1·y l11•.t1l, full "IVN' rt·1·1·nlly II Vt• f t1 I.I U t t· ti $:di Cl IJ 7~'(11'1 17 Su7Ukt c;!-. :.:111 L11.1d1•d AMloe for W. 1H 1.ocs.4•r .\1ml 1 •11111 l11~lct fo::X11·1AJor1i1I 11111tJ Mu'll •••••••••••••••••• •• ••• lilui· SIJ.10 11r 111·,t c1H1·r S 1·l I SI l,flh (J II fl <\~ i:.Jf/ ,.,Vt'' ~ ~ ~O S K 11'.I J\<.K 1)11•• 11 {;ru1 <i••r with 1r.crl1·1 Many exlr"'· xlt1l 1 11111) SIO.~J 4:..4 li.'Pll •·~"·· IJIJO Iii 'lt.11lt•r i! ,, .. 1, Jflf-jl •• 111.111 111rl.11 Jhl•· 12:'.tl li/:11147:1 9070 1m s:e:, fo:vz v J\MJ\llA XLN1TON I> Sll'tll I 'ALL ~1Z 13311 77 KJ\WJ\ 1;~1 ~p•·t 1 .. 1 Tni.>I•· dt.<1k. m:11:" Sl7flO &42 3224 IMPOHTANT NOTIO: TO IU-:1\Uf-:HS J\NI> /\U V f-:HTl~t:us Thf• p r 11·c u f llem' advnt111,.d IJy Vt'hll'lr· draJen in l!M'. v1·h1di- 1•l1u1111f1ed ltdv .. rt11tnR ('uf UITlJVI <ll.IC!I not IO ti U<fr i.ny appltcablf· tani., IH'CrlM'. tran'lfer re ..... hm11we c·harl(ell, r1•c; ftir air pollution control d1· vu 1· n•rt1f1ca1Jon11 or dP uli-r documentary pn· paralmn C'hlilTIC'"' unlei111 •llherwuw 111>••clf1ct1 hy tilt-advf'rttur :.fl' Tro)ull. nyin~ hmhw. vin·. 11utn"un' ltv1• blot •111~m Sl1't'IJ" 4 z tlW1\er JIWl/f•. hit In IC I' <'ht.""tt, rluwtw iw;iti.1 1 '"J twldns Cirdy m1ot1n1· Mll(JOI• ~ hr11. Mini 1 011tl IW>HJIX •••...•....•••.•....... WISH TO l'l 'flCfl/\.~fo: on 'ltdi· mtJonng al Av.1l11n llurbor for 4H' h11;1t •mmr~t c-u'h ll73 1rm N.-wport 11hp, 21111 Jll fr•·•· tn t:x1·h11nl(c for l1m1ll'tl I~· tlf llf18I ij7~ f;.M;'/ l"uch L1k•· m·w ~J 1.irtn :,pm rnll 4!H fVtll 7H 111 llJlf': YJ\MAllA t':i1 dun1. N..w l:i:'J)11,trr 7~. Yamaha 40() Mrmm1ho<·k , dt-im. xlra1t S7:'>/J 1ufrr ~ !JV.13 ·1 1:, Wrt•1'11 '! .1nl,., ,, ;n J)ay I n111wr ,. a\I 111•1111 t y 1n1>1tl1• & 1iut l.tiW lwiun muny "''''' W1tt1 )l).11'•· .it Uun.1 1•1 ~10 11r bo"\t ortn •.:11 221:J l•MI S111•• ftir I< fo.NT "J1·w M ;, r 1 n :1 o 11 ILil 1111 ,1 PmJn'lul.1. Z11 ~up 1'011 l u et I< " I µ h I; r ,, y ~17111 4~ 7'J Kuw111wk1 1011. 11!110 rruh.., SOOI ~ yr WJr ranty !o.t·lhn.i unythtnl( with .1 f>wl y l'1lt..t Cla11111f1•·<I /\II •~ a i11m1>l1· rruilln Jll.'il r:1ll 00 S67H TO WOMEN IN BUSINESS COMING Sunday, October 14, 1979 In the Dally Pilot A TRIBUTE TO THE ORANGE COAST'S SUCCESSFUL WOMEN IN BUSINESS ._ ....... . ·;.... THIS I S THE ACTUAL SIZE AO For be\t reproduction, •' clet1 r bl.lck .lnd whltn photo of .lnv \11e can be uu d. Your m•1Ht1qc wlll accompany the p ichH'fl In this space If you ChOOM not to publish a plcturt, flll th11 1p11ct with your m~uagt. Nebonet Wome" '" lullneH WHk 11 October 14 through 20 . To honor arH women In bullneH, lnd"9Cty Ind commerce, the Delly Piiot wlll publl•h a 1pec111 tribute In It• October 14 edltioft. Our ..,.,.. to lu.,nH1 Ind ~rote19'onel Women .. •l' Hceptloftel oppof1uftlly to I~ • new or longtl,.._ a1eocl1te to the people of th• Oraftg• CoHt, or to honor eward1, ec"levemente or co"1ttbutlon1. aullMMWOMeft lalute notloe1 wtll be two cotumrJ by two lnchH Hoh, with • pftoto '°" provtde. The ooet of each node• I• only $20. Don't ,.. .. belftl part of tttl• epeolal actvertlllnt opportunity. DHdlln• for re• Mtvlftl .,_. le OctoMr 10. Call todayt DAILY PILOT 842-5878 lrl.Ulof> . '"''" 4 ·•llll~J)' "" roucl w twl'I"' J\ M I" \1 ~J I "" JJ(I II 111•.J\C 'II Ill. V 11 lllJNTINl;To'lj ll)o.M 'll 842-2000 llfl'J Jc•t•J.I W 111:11111•••1 I' I' .,. .. -11, fl'"IJ"llL'lllilt· ,.,.r'lt/11 t11Tf1I• I 'nd;•r w11rr.1111 \ il!H :;1:,1 77 J1,·11 W;1w11111·r .11r 1.wr 11h ... 1 • -.1t·r1·11 < J '>" xl11t •~11111 $.'l.JIO '\'M ;eill1'/ '79TOYOTA 4X4 rlQ(UP t1r.w1•r 'lll't'llOH .ict <'1"111 , 1·u. .. tum wl11 1 I , A. lJrl .. 'I>. \hl'll l\J ltol , llllJI I ' MU!il 5•-t·' HURRY! WOH"T LA.ST JIM SU.MOHS IMroRTS 111711 llJ\IUIOll111 .\ 11 C<Je-.'"f/\ M ,._-,/\ 631-1276 9560 .........•............. 1971DATSUM LOHGllD PICK Ur 4 !IJ')tfld lr&n.'1 & Ill( l'IJll dlooruna Cll ....... 781 1 II•· ..1 u 1 , r u 1 1. , .: 1 •1 ~ti \I ,. , .. ti" 3 0 (' II ,. II y I 'lc·kUJ.1 l>uuhlt• 1·1111 4 \ll J\\1 l"\1 11n1lt•r 4Km1 trl•· h1ld1 J11~1 th .. lhtnl( for ll1•t h<1r,1· fur rn Tuk•· 11\'•'' 1'4· l1t~µ.·1'l ll 11t "'•:Jll I UlllllU~ IH "1.1t II• h I .11111 ~ •• 11 I 14 :AIJ :•;io:, "711 lll'll J .... IJ J Ill JJH'k u I! !\ I" AM PY! II tr.11 k ~L1·n'f1 < II rad111 l.t·v1 111 lt·r1111 ~Krn1 1.1k1· '"'"' S>f..IJJJ !11'2 14-1H 17 ,.IH4J ~ t:.IJ hJrfJ ('u~lm 1•11·ku11 "" Ill'• ('I) I Jfll!J''I fo f ).fut mn•I 111 m1 Ii. ,t 1 -,rr,., 1;1;> 41.f.11 '"' c 'fl •• t ,, 1•,11 /\\1 ,. '11 •lllk"~ & 1111' 11r1-. SI If/) '""'· 111·~1 1:111 ..-,,,,, .. 11/11 I 11111 \ II ' ' • rllll\ , ....... 1 "11111 1;1;i 1;-1~ A.-1 YAH S..,..-M..t&RY DIK...tC~ 13'5'LR~r_. ...._.c ........ 1 R~edt s..ta AM frHwcry, Ctty of s.toF.~ l21ll921·6222 Op.ti Deity 9 AM-6'M Frtct.y 9 AM-9'M Sat/S.... 9AM-5rM 11i f.11111 \ Jll ll JI"' ~It. u.~1.., fl•V. •'J' \JI ~1r·1' 11u .. 1 ..011 II. t.t11k . lllW ~·I~•· •I • •.H411t 7'1 I II t. \, lt111 \ .111 ll~-t..111• lirt1Nll Al ' .1t11• t f1 :J•1 Wk1l.t~ >l'I I 1,I I Jlt '/7 1•1 ,..,,.. I I ... 1 ~~cnMq 9580 ' r.JJ 'f1ff l!rl ~,, •1flt 1 •••••••••••••••• • • •• • •• rru X.1111 ' 111111 11n 1 I'll Al• IG"...IJ IA'.i l C\4 CONADENTIALL y Tl l-•1r•l I' t & • .,1,.,,. r w. Le.. for L•u ';Hllllf·r \1.1•" •I• • '' CGM SHl:tlRY OHL y I mrn.11 )!,.," t!lf, 11 I ill 761 ) ) ·I 2 Ac/. Tl l.u• '!1k.1tl•1 I 11\1111 '-1 w JJUIOI llL.1)' 11111 l\M ,. . ..., 1 ,,.,, p111 '' n p IO)' ,JI/ t u111l $4 11)1/( 11\1 I 111111,:it1 Tl t>.1~1111 I Jlllt'I>< IJ '' "' 1111 .... rn"i.: ••• ut•1 Ir .ow •• ,,, frn l• n ,, • .• •·It• 9590 •••••.......•.........• W,. I'#\' 1111' Ill II.I. \II f•.11 1•11 llY'fl 1,1r l•1r• 11'11 tlf1n11• t;• ,,, • 1., " 11 "'"'' I ·'' ' ··~I I •• t , •••• ,. ,,, 11· I I It'> I I .r1·.1I ,11,1111 111.,. rr11I• 0 '78 AUDI '74 AUDI H>IJl.S 1 ti ,,.,r •·tl.111 /\ 11 f 11 rn .1 t 1 c " t •· r ,. 1' . ,,.1..,••t '''"·nnv \ ''f')' • lt· .. 11 flu"" It k 1· ., ....... ti «71111117 1 Sl995 IOIWrTHAM YOU SW.AG~ 7fU l W1--.tmtn~l•·r A\. Ill w .... 1n11r"l•·r 1((1 1'.G I 1,.111 711W1 Ill l\url1 ;,H I h11' t•\ ,., >111111~ ~ni & ,\ ........ ,,., .... Jt~'t11•;•;ff1tJy 1UJu 1,7'11.,-,111 71 Aut11 I ,,. '" "' 111•· •''" .. ,. .. 1 , .,,,,.~ "'llJll I' 1 • t;; i ., •u 9709 •l.;r 111.111 1111•.1rn 1 l'lf,'S \11 I 111 II • .ti• > 11"' •I 4 11llr I \I r)lhll1)' ltfCj' l._1 ul r ! tll ,11, II "': IMW 9712 CREVIER OM.Y $4199 MEWPORT DA TSUH 88li Uovf' Str~'t Nfo:WJ.'Ofrf tU:J\Cll IJ)..1100 'I\:,., ,.""'A•.1111·. 1 •saer~ '6) Ford, I 4 tOft, Duff k }?, e;;• , t •I 4 tllJ•O•• t $750.714:5)6.2698 1 -......... . r• I 1" Or-.qr Co-toy 835J171 y~ 9570 .•G~.ll.1rt.-.rlH·.•I '71TOYOTA Sl5LOMGIEO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f ' "' J \ "' t-" \ ·1:1 ,.1.rcl SUIJ''I \ ·'" "'''' 070.2500 :, 11p.·t-d vic:kup 14 111111 malei & JU..'ll like n1•w Ila.'! Gla.'I l4:k ni.wl thru !!hell. d111m11nd bum1wr {'WJl.om ~lnp .. 'I, m11r1· Jw.t Uw <·ut1·'1l llttlt· r II' ion ytlll v1· t.t'C·n 1n th,.,,. p;&rtll fl J OOK71\ I :'l-1-wtir•-. i,,11 -.1111< ,,..,. .., .., p.11nt Iii 1111 .1 t •11,t I'• 'I WE IUY ·7.1,.11nl\.111 '··~I 1 .. 11 I c•r."' ... C"'RS ' t I ':· •' • II 'j II I I ~ "" m 11..t:··1r•1 1<111 11. AHO TRUCKS S.4695 IOI WITHAM YOUCSWAGEH 7!XXJ W~tmtn\ln J\\ •· 111 Wl"l!tm1n11tt-r ffJ3. 7561 f)Jk 7111111 00 Chevy JO. 11• ll! lw1l W/lt.aJi~. rPblt 'JZ1, rlt• ... hr1ol Sl:nl or lw~l 11H1•r ~\17W '71 GMC ISSMH SIERRA fl cyllndn 4 ,, ... 1-.I f Inly I 4 , (JI) 0 rn 1 I 1• ' l• n 11 ab111Jlul 1:ly ltk1· 111•w IC11~1 Sl69'5 IOI WITHAM YOUCSWAGEH 7fJ'JI W•"llmtll\ln J\v1• Ill w c.,.,trn1m.t•·r l!tl 7:'l.."il 1.:oi 7Hltll For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 9530 ···················•··· l'fl:, I 'h1·\' \ .111 ' • I 1111 I•'"" 111111-. , ·~I J1.1111t ' , .11•.11 \4 h 1•1 I ltt ,,. ,. I ... r ,, cl r ,, I I /\ , ro , w •,ht11 k'> Xl111 , 111trl \1 11'1 111 ICL1k1 forr• I Kiii /i/i n l.l'llJi.I-I ra1l1· .m.111 1111 I' 'i I' II, • U'>l11rc1 p.11(11 /It Hltt•rJll( I otJll.1111 'h.;1r. J.01rth11to· 1111 ,,,,, ' lr11111 lit t ••.11 \••flt IT\:11~' W lll'W Wlllt• l lrt'~ fl 1;•1 m1 X 1111 l'• 1,1.111 I ,1111(111 l,IA •I 11111 rl••ll • I ' I' 11) ( llt•V)' \,Ill I 1111 • .. r 'Inn \ II .1ut11 ink 11 ••t><1~ llU tr .Jll'I 1•t1 :'lo1•t•1J" \ 111\ 1· J"h S1111111 11,t 1111 ,..,, :,14.:s 11111 l>-1di:•· v •• n 1•1,111111 111111 ... ~.11•1•1r1 ..... 1 .. rr..r 1•111 .. 11 1111 .• rn rm I •L'-"411•· I .ill ... ,7 ·~-· "' T/11 :1T"1 72 l-11rtl('.irnpt•r v .• n •·xi rtttl 'II" I IUXll .1\lrt 1• 1, I yl, .I •,p, I hit l'Ol! ~1100 •.Ht I :ffJ 1;t ,..,,,,, ~.r 11w1 .-,1n ;•11!1 xlnl 1•11n•I M ••II.~ ~111 r ~~11lt•1. n111· 1 illllf"'' cnl SI 17511r l>">t 11r1 1>111 l1t1 I 7h Ch1·v~ I 11·,111 M :oily xtr '" Full)' 11•1w1·rl'll Mu.'lt~·ll ' :,:,1 20:~ ~ 00 fo'•1rfl ~111.11•r V11n S.JC, duol 1 nnk11. "fllPr1tl11l ..tu.po· :.:111 1,IW1 9530 ·••••····••••····••···· HERE'S RV FUN WITH DATSUN SMILEAGE! •• THI .. W MIU•I Al.WAY ,.., s.tf c ... -.. Wlttt Sink Stove. Wt11nr Tftnk' MarlM Toilet Ehtc Refer rurn o Out1I Mldlng Tnka Pmoann OH Showor, etc SI OPt 4 WI All THI UCWMYI AaWAY MAUI POI OIA ... I COUNTY SAMTA AMA DATSUN Your Ong1net Otdlcalod 01taun Oeeler lffl L ,.,............. 1 ... 7111 COMNllL CHIYIOUT .'XI>! 11 ar I• •r Kl • cl I 4 t\T" M ..... A su.1200 l ~or11 !'w·ll Y•rnr I .tr CREVIER IMW l'J\'t '>101' 11111.1. \II hir<1t•.Jn 1·.,1'f1 lm1•11rt Cu II \1 1 lw or I >-111 llS-)171 WANTED! l...ot1• OltH!t-1 l•1\11t." \'ol\<tl'I, l'wkuf,.. I. \ ''"' Call w. tutl u ~ ' I H6 "-••• , c ........ ,. ,.. H• u o1 .. \40 to1 PORSCHE's WANTED I .,. •• t tattNt hl•1t f •• ,,,,.n (•HU• II• .... Dll .••.•..•............... 9701 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTENTION! M rrrl'tdc-11 , HMW . l'or!K'ti.'. (..11tHIC & fo:x 1Jllr We wlll sell your r ar on oor11l gn mcnt al your pr1c.. He11t loutlon In Oran11c County l''nr In format.Ion call J im Cur ran Al!Aa•-le"-1300 W. CoHt Uwy Nwpt Heh M2 4J'783 Mti .... '70I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltUAIOMIO SALIS. •VICI AHDLIAt•ea D~MO S.\L£ NOWIN PROORr.&81 llACHIMPOITI Ml>o¥•HtrMt N'EWPORT BEACH 71Ut00 ... VA It , •1 ~· n ••f i:'·"-'011 ... II 1•;r,•1.11\ I •I 'Ul'l\11 I I• /II'", \11 1 ,1,.H fL \ It '•1111I\11 1 ii, .,,f.l I\' I• 111 I I 'II .I Ii "" 1,1.ol I t.,11 ... I'\ I ,-, .111 \..,1 .. 1.., le 111, , T; .. fl! \ l.\HU •11'••)/.I i'M:0• ~" 1;1.r11 I\ 11 1 ?4.0/1\ \ ,. •kl'f~IJ \' 7!1 1.(i. '\II\ '> It CIJIJltl I Oowd Suftdayt IMMfo.l>IATh l>EIJ\ ... HY' L..AaGf SlllCTIOM OF HEW 1979 l20i'1 S28i'1 I\ I .'1t lfl3J< ~. ' IHSTOCK! (.111 l11d.1y W1• Jl'l41 mny hu1r1· that 11ri· o w111•1I HMW >''"' .1r1• lu,1k1ni: ,,~· 131-2040 OS-4949 oaAHGE COUMTY·s OLDEST !-.;aJ1"1 St·rv1r1· IA·ui.in~ Royc_...,.,IK. 111111.it rt.1y1 •' HM W 1:'4C> .1.unlJor••t• N•·w11on 11 .. 11,•h fillO tl44-t IOI Mcl.AllEN's l<.41 N lk•lll'h lllvd I.I\ llAHrtA <.5 Ml Nu tASJ\ 1-'wy I 1714t522-Slll SUAday by J\ppt i7a.ul J\lr rond , a t t'rf<o, 4 11pe4'(l, bront«' metMlllt' rotor Mil lN I 18711 Ol':A<.11 HLVO ff\JNTINOTON DF.ACJI 142-ml UUle Le 84111 Cl•1111lflt!d ada ere ru lly 1m1ll ''peopM to people" 111• c~ wkh bla ruder11hlp Md aMa rwultal To plact your <'l ... lfltd 1d, c•ll '*Y ef.a.5f7tl. l.11711 BMW ~l 4 'Jwi-.1, u1r 'llt•r1•1J, ,.,., 1·llt-nl 1~11111 JmClll 7~.Z r.wlll 1(j ~WYl Xl11 t (·1111d :12.000 rndc., t''IJt1rd hhw uir. 11m fm 'llt•11~1 1 """etlo• 1741111 111 II"' I 11ff1· t ·~Klf1J 111 IJMW ~fl 27K 1111. JC.lfll ntnntrtH c 1111d, I !<flfl, I\ 'I I-' \1 II l r k $41:.!IHI r ,:, I !J4'l1 7'I ·1 IJ 1 ·~ 1'11 II p11wn l'rv l•ty lluti.tundy '" t.111111t 1•n z-sor1 9715 ...........•........••• 7to 1 •• pn ~11..-r 1 IP.111 lhw rni. no·w lir,Jko•, J\"1 t''.\1 ~l••r I llWll• I s;an :,iix 112:11 •• 1rt , 71, I •• pn 1 1 vi. I '1141 •!·1' ,,,,,., .111 'll•·r1.,, 111 w 111 JJl•·· n•·w p.1111t SJ111.t1 'Ak 11172 , I I .q 1f'I :le--1 I •II ~.t.11 f,7'1 Hi: .. ' 11. I ;tu.. Ill.wk , II 1111 111J I I ,1 ·'"''' \I,~ , l•·.111 1,, 1111 r1 •n• ~llfrll IA.', 1\.1114 9720 ........•.••••.••.•...• LARGE Sf:UCTIOH Of · AUMODE!.S •,If( II' & C( I~ l'J\11 I-. IARWICIC DATSUN '·'11 Ji,,11. t ,,,,, tr.1r1•1 131·1375 49).)375 •DATSUMS• ~ Se-lt<tlon Of .UModef• WE Srtel.AUZE IMGOOD Sat VICE COSTA MESA DATSUN .!111!i Ill\ II n1 Ill HI.\, IJ S40..'4 I 0 S40-02 I l T.! i'" z ~ .... 1 1·111111 JUICI ,, 1 J\ 'f ,..M, $:1, 7CllJ cir 1ll1·r :rl:J 1~ .1ft ·, 1971 DATSUH 121 o GX courE 1:.i&d w11h :, '1111"•''1 tr:on.'I & llNl.Y :Jl!,11011 m1l1"1 11111VN ll 1 OMLY $4299 MfWPORT DATSUH lllfl l>i1v1• S lr•·•·I !'Jfo:Wl'OllT 11 .. :1\t'll lll-1300 7:; ~t. xl11t n11l1I :17,0110 nll AM F M , S400fl 1"4 8:1!1~ d..1y11 4tM 0141 t•Vf"-\ 1974DATSUH 2'0Z 2 +2 <I ,,.-.-.1 lrum< . r11r 1•11111.l &rrUll(.'I ~r.rp' (fl04107 1 ONLY $4799 HEWPORT DATSUH H!lll f)c1v1• Slrf•1·I N1':Wl10 HT 111-.J\t'll lll·l300 '7:1 240 Z 4 'IJ)ft 11rn/fm H lrat'k l'••rf 1•rt lfll'l'h I l't inti Mu 11 I al'l I ' S.'IK:,O t:u II 631 5647 1'71DATSUM 210%COUPI .. ~ 11~ lrana . ¥Ir rond • totttflO. ma 1t11 • runli on r ·irular au! <433130 I. OMLYSlltt HIWPOn DATSUN 11118 Dove Stred NEWPORT RF.ACll lll-llOO 76 2JIG.Z air, 4 ap. ma1111 lo/m l. 16,$00 /0Dd B-0751 '73 a.o'/., 11Ut 1hlf\, A/C, flOlld cond, I owner, I drtwr. •ms. 640·7129 ii Oa&tun 1200 A\llo, radio~ AIC, clean, teood Med. tl•. t7Hlt4 '71 Jt0Z 88,000 mllH, orenat. map. 8 lr .. 11 ....,,4pd, _,or.,..I. otter. C.11 MMlll ~ "71 aeaz. -or •t ot • ftr. c.11 Bolt at Ml·Nl7 orml* ,. ~· . .. .. .. . . . . ... . .. .... "'"' . . ...... ........... ...... l•,trW Alfhta, .......... Mtea .... ,.,,... Allfoa, l•,.,+ed 14-to '..,trt.d s.&wdly ~mbe 29 1979 DAILY PILOT ••• • • • • • • • • •. • •. •• • • •• •._!. •. • •. • • • •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • •u • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• • • • • • •••••• •• • •• • •••••• • •. ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• .............. ---~· ~~-!"!!!L!!'!!!!"!LEZ!L,~·-....;.------....;;;.;.;;:;~.;.;:;;;.;....z;.:.::~ f7H ..._. t7JI ...... ,.._ t740 '9rtcM '710 T....... '1'7 ....... .,770 AMfot,l•p•rW Aaltoa,UH4 Aaltot,UMd '71 MAZDA IX7 Air ('un d AM 1-'"M 11u n rnof . 'Tl Fa al Sp ader . undt'r 1 lO,OOOm 1, xln l cond at.ras. 67~2662 ~\.-\ f\al Xl 9, yellow Xlnt l'OOd On g owner U.000 Dll $S900 7S I SOQ) llf111 Bl::ACH BLVU lll 'N"MNGTON Bio. \l 11 842-2000 18 Wgn 13', good rond radio. 30mpg, $695 Must 73 MAZDA A Cond Gd sell. 964-1921 Luther cond.. Gas :.aver $1,300 ~2728 ...... 9 727 ••••••••••••• •• • ••• ••• • 73 RX 2. g real l'ontl 1971HOHDA ACCOIO Red with a u loma t1C· t rans. & o nly 2S,OOO males. Llke NEW c·on dlton! C951UHH I ONLYS5699 NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Str('et NEWPORT BEAC:H llJ..1300 .-anctHew '79 HONDA Cars MAHY To ChooM From! UNIVERSITY Oklamob ile Honda Ccrs • G MC Tn.tclu 2850 Hdrbor 81\cl CA&ta Mesa 540 t!t}\11 77 CVCC Low mil1·t1j!I' l'\(•w l 1rel>, hkl' nt·w S3.750 951 2981 P P make best offer 951·2856 8 llam or aft 6 9740 .••••.................. '71 MIZ 250 SB>AM •"ew factory short blol'k, uutomatac. power stcrr an~. a ir co nd .. s harp maroon hnish C444Cf:T > $5995 IOI WITHAM VOLKSWAGEN 7000 Weslmmster A vt• an Weslrrun!>.ler 893-7SS1 638-7880 •MIZ '69 280SL COUPE ROADSTER Classic coupe roadster. onginal ronditaon. local ly owned & !>crvaced. auto lraru. . air c-ond m~t S('(' tu <1pprl'C'1Jl~ <635DCB 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 71MaMIOCNT V.i:r 1 a bar p • p or l ll roedltcr Low m1loa 1t'. w~r)' r lc-•n lt allyt' ~hf'f'I& Showa 111 t•.at u~ (7~VC:T1 $4491 IOlwmtAM VOLKSWA ... lflXl WNt.mtnst.r Avo! lo Wt'lltlD.INkt IU) 7~1 6:11 711Mtl Hart' M G A ll ardtu l' l~ need.§ ena tr .iru.. u nd r r~t orrJ $~00 542 3379 MGI 9744 ....•....•.•.•.......•• Mew 1979 MG• More people b uy l hc MC.;B COOYtirlablt! lh1111 any other convert1bll' ~LS before you buy TODAY!!! Baa~,, ~--~ .. { .,.., .... ...,,._...,..._ 2!rl5 llarbor Blvd COST/\ MES1\ 979-2500 1973 MGI GT COUPE '1 s peed trans. & s terl'O A "classic"• <258PFS J OMLY $3399 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 '78 MGI 12,000 actual m iles I speed, radio. heale r rallyes. beauuful t·onda tion (478116 I $4995 IOI WITHAM VOLKSW AGEN 71XX> Westmmo;ler Ave in Westmmst(•r m 1ss1 6311 711811 '00 MGC. auto, win • whb , .........•......................... _,.......... ....................... ...................... . ............................................. __ _._ ~:"!~·rf~ln1t,~\;:~ ~=~:rebark l800 !~~ ....... !??.! ~ ............. !~.! ~ ........... :.!!.'.~ AM 1-'M radw, 11lc reo --~ tt7l VW IUG r .1:1()()() 63l·2753 ---'74~MM.IM "X" model. Buulirul red. e cytioder z door. ~,.. ....... ,,_,... '6' CM.AM SPOU '1(111 •i..1 .... 111 .. 1 ..... k,. litvv• ... .,. aw 'Ql llU'J'ANGA RI.IN ¥f\'lll 1Jn 11ny ltlll> tl>.000 C111l 6'1! MIO '}ti !Jl2~. 11unrf, 22,000 ma, 1ur , 211e r eo. llkt' new biJ.3227 v•~ ·•'770 -....... "T8 VW Coovcn , A M /FM c1u1~ . blk on y ellow. S'J500 ~ 13$1. 496-62 l4. '8~ U U G N E W ENC 'f HANS . b rks . lnatt. i>boc ks Many Wb New radial ltres. AM FM tape s te reo . Mw.t SeU. LooU & runs ll.kc new. $1.S:iO. or best olr . 4.94-4004 '79 VW Con vt Alpan.: while. t a o . Load ed 2Kuu. 714-675-4626 i7 Stat Pro clean cond ~nroof, aar. ittereo Cop ~ .,750 ~U)O '72 VW Bus. am /fm ta pe. 59 Porsche <.:onvert1bt.' U reblt eng. good tires. Good cood Blut-lblk 1ntr clean. S267S 892· 1S23 A great re:.torauon pro-M s Jt.'Cl $64.50 or ofr 759 0456 --------- '79 VW VAi' t Kou. Xlat. A 1reat 1•• mllea1e oond.• SuMOOI Ir m any iP9dalt l4JJMDA ). · ». ·r-""':' -~.Cil-.il:I~~~ 1nf, atr.s~e ~ & root rack. See to A pp r ec ia t e! (673JlDK) '75VW DILUXllUS O rane e l o co~or ~tlc tra namiaslon. radlo, beater. XJo 't con· diUoo! (OU M NJ) Sltt5 IOIWITHAM VOU(SWAGa. 7600Weslmioster Ave . in Westminster 893-7SS1 638· 7880 76 Rabbit choc brn snrl . AM/ FM x lnt. cond $3400. 49M662 aft 6 p m. T3 VW BUS. 7 pass. Clean , good running cond. $2700. Call 673-2031 MIWPOIT DATSUN •Dove Street Nl:."WPORT BEACH ll).llOO VW ·Kavin& trouble sell iog your car! Try w; TO{> dollar • Paid for or Not' Bring your car lo J im Ma rino Votkaw a ge n, Ul71l Beach Blvd .. Hunt· Ulgloo Beach -Ask for SZltS IOIWITHAM YOUSWA .. IM 7800 Westmlnsler Avtl. in Westminster 883-7561 638-7880 Md& 4 9910 f'l'ank Marino or Tom ••••••··~··•••••••• •••• _Aikin_' _. -----BUICK '78Rega1Lld. fo\al· 75 VW~.IT ly loaded . tape deck, AM /FM, chrome wbls . U&slom 4 d . 4 speed. 20,000 m1. S howroom Sl e r e o c a s s e t t e cond. ~ or best ofr. Bl ue /whate anterior . 673-1.990 Gre at c o n d 1l io n ! CS.SSPRYI '78 Rega l Turbo sport coupe Lo1M1 AM FM 8 track. s.56-7372. 7 52-1960 UO Automatic. N ew tin.ii. brdf9 and shoiro. • Q.AAd JI) l.\u~.Julct ¥-. ltf'l 1111r-l'\J1lT"l fe a-P,-m>. HunUnetoo Beac h. 014 *2-4833 ____ . ___ _ ttlS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·77 SD V d 'Elegaoc e . Beaut.ilw car with all the xtru. :n.ooo owner mi. WLIJ split h.igb and low book for quick sale. Pvt Pty. Call: 646-6096. '77 Sevtlle. ruJly eqwp't including aulhentic wire • whJs & astro roor. xlra sharp! Watkins Leasing ~1256. 770-4.577 wknds ·77 Seville. be autiful. O'Ult see! 752,3073 or 661..().126 1 I 1-\m.cht', xln t l'<>nd. a I loy:., $8200 t.:\Cl> 213 431ZTI6 Yellow '7S VW Bug sun· 1•--------$29'5 IOIWrTHAM VOUCSWAGEH 700 o Westaunster Ave m Westaunster '77 Sedan De Ville: L.Jke new. full power. crw sc '69 L e Sabr e 3SOe ng . control. air. s tereo, 8 ------Ql !112. rblt e ng. lo m1 ~ood con d. $5500 SSI l.!l02, SM·4828 e ve:. 914, lo nu's, '<Int paint Ha' 1e r J ri m:. 2Smpg ~ 5452014 ---- 79 928. Grl'y w blad leather lld!> cverythan.: CWisc·o I I 9,000 m1lei. S31,000 I Best orr rr 7t4 S56-6591 exct•pt Sun l'urschl• 64 3S6.~C llodv en .: & 1n tr 1mmat U.cl)tlll> faiOO. must sell d1vortc 714 •496·1472 6611i006 '73 Targa Blut• m t•lalht· 20-28 mpg. i3,00ll m 1 runs very s trong Shdrp Sl0.500 P h 831! 1!501 673-1713 59. 912 enJ,?. m·cd::. bod} work. '2650 i''ull bum pers, no r u:.t 213 592 2110 '771'1 924. lilac·k t a n loaded' 16 000 Ma l"pt Bch own1•r $1 1,5011 ~2380 74 914 2 0 ,\I' CHP Slereo, ha J)tc'rfom EXll m l!s. ne w b;,att t•ry :.hocks. pa in t ~tisJu ~:»45 aftl.'r 8pm rool. am rm radio wath 4 Jense n speakers. New chucb & ures_Bes.l.of!er. StS-~ "19...., VW Dsl Deluxe 2 Dr. swu-oor. only 35 m 1 on eng. i'u ll warr. P\'1 pty. $7!KXl. Ph 642·3476 1 IUY PROILEMS Sack or dead foreign car~ wanted. FreeTow. 67J..3"65•Casb •631 ·2007 'W \/W squarebal'k m•w c•ng. Xlnt l'Ond. $2.000 Or bt.>St offe r :tfl Ii· :io 559-I !!27 ·79 vw COCIV<·rt • :-.lv r m e t all1r, b lk top . AM FM, 2M m1, S920ll 631 2:177.~ Autos, Used BOBWTTHAMSAYS WE'VE GOT V..AU!! ova 120 NEW &USED S DASHBS * uaarrs * SCllOCCOS * IUSES • CAMP'BS ·~·~ * Diewf DcnlMn 5 spdi,., Aulumattl'" IOIWITHAM VOt.KSW AGEN 7000 Westmm:.tl.'r A\ I.' rn Wl>Stmrn:.t.:r 893-755 I 631-7880 Autos, Used m-'TS51 63S-7880 Loaded . Best Offe r track tape. New tares. n~l9 tlB9S c..11 752 7239 iS ApoUo 20K m1. VS. i3 Coupe Deville $3000 A C. S2SOO or bst ofr Must :.ee' 84IM954 640-2425 "70 Skylark. low malf'age . '16 Seville, perfect <·ond1 good cond1t1on. $9SO uon. low miles. S8500 or 673-7*M. trade. 831 ·91129 '63 vw Cl~SIC CONVERTIBLE Restor ed, mus t see' SELL idle atemo; w1tb :.i <GZZ246 I Datly Pilot Cllli.Mh ed Ad 642·56711 Ma ke y our -;hopp1n.I( easier by us1n..: the D:.i rly Pl.lot Class1f1ed Ad.' --J 0011 HEACll BLVD In '!\TlNGTON BEACH 842-20 00 1 6VW OASllER Deluxe 4 door stalion wagon Automatic air. sterf'o, fuel 101ccted Vi:ry <-lelill :-o;ev. ra dial Ure> <367PRK I $3595 IOI WITHAM VOLKSWAGEN ibl Wl!'St mtn.'>lcr A H ' an Y.e:.tman~lcr 163-75.51 t.38 7WW 1976 VW RAlllT 9100 Autoa, Hew 9100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '7'8 Honda. 1m<1<'. f> l>Jl(l 1\t m rd. A C onii o wnn 21 M. G73-H9 L3 $.'>\19!°> JIMSLEMOHS tMPORTS 1!170 llARBOR BLVD COSTA M F:S \ 631-1276 runs good, nds lite body '76 Por11Cht' 914 2 o litr 73 450 SLC Gol<I b lk w urk . Best Offl'r Mull cond Only J5Krn1 H .. d 1 doo r v.1th an dul1Jma11c tran~ Greal ga:. rruJe aJ<!c' f7:J8PK II J '76 Honda /\1•t·urrl, air c·ond n o•w llruk1•!> & dutr h s.1:mo h7!'1 :ioGri Aft 6 lea th. ma i:s 45.0uo m 1 968-2489 :tft 5 SI!, 10010 80 !!ti2-87SO 76 ever b r.ind 11t•w t'Ond.. mu:.t ,.,:i ertf 11·1· Make offer ~Ul i 231i 9 730 ••••••.•••......•...... JAGUARS XJ6~.XJ 12J...o, &XJSCoupei. MC16t colors avaalabh• for unmedsale dell very TEST DRIVE OHE TODAY!!! 2925 Harbor Blvd C()!)IA MESA 979-2500 '71 J AGUAR E type. 2 t-2 Vl2. aut.o. air $1000 far m. 1·'724·2839 '&fs 3.SS sedan +3.8 XK E Rbadster. Both restored & immacula te. 673-9580. 67:>-0361 J aguar XJ6 Mint cond Lo mi. Silver. $7,200 or bestorrer 77!H 331 K_,.....Ghla 9734 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s11.:im ti.it. 7:!27 13 MERCEDES 220 1\:\1 F'l\t !>t e r co •• 11r tond . a uto trans (1(17821 ) $6495 18711 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-2000 12 MERCEDES 250 Sun roof, A M/F M. a ir cond .. auto . t rans . <951GNEl ~995 1871 1 BE ACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BE1\Cll 842-2000 'ST .l.OO·SL. blu w1wht int. Must see to appreciate. S48-8711 anytim e 73 23> D 4spd, PB, sunrl. 78 MGB Low milt.·.ige. x.lnl rond. Must sell ' ial·7182orf>.15 2611 MGB '67 with h a rdtop SllOOlmake ofr A47 8768 9746 ••.•................... '73 Opel Ylant:.a . Sunroof. low m1. good cond Must sell' $1100 !lb4-4768 aft 5 PNl)tO+ 9 7 48 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PEUGEOT SALES. SBVICE ANDI.EASING DE MO SALE NOW IN PROGRESS' BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEAC H 752-0900 1976 PEUGEOT "DIESEL" 4 speed trans .. air cond. &sunroof (540RSD>. OHLY $6599 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 p~ 9750 ....................... 79 "928" 13631 l~llfb()f Bl•d C.a1<1on Gro.e '" s:Jl..ZU) 18711 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142.2000 30mpg, exce pt cond. --------- Lambor g hini. exotic super fast sedan. Air. leather. out performs Ferrari. $25,000. 640-0448 tmldo 9716 .... , ................. . l8'1U BEACH BLVD. HUHl'INGTON BEACH $7200. 96(). 7021. 96(). 2565. . i2280SE 4.5, stereo, mint , P.P. 547-0<&1 '79 statio n wgn 300TD Diesel. Dark blue. Cass radio, sunroof. approx. 3,800m.i. Owner anxious tolell llllk for Harry Kay. 2 1 ·888 ,eves 2J3..438.; '59190 Del Merced . New eog, ra dials, mpg, Mille. 714/842· 1.245 '1979 300 S D. T urbo Dieael. L i t e i vo r y w/bamboo. Sunroof. 1SOO ml.MS-0295 'M 230SL, xlot cond. steno radio, sound eog .• European, $8500. Call &>ball 7pm ; 544-232S. •• Mercedes 300SEL 6.3, air, aut.o, sunroof full pwr. P .P. Mus t see. --.~. 142·2m '79 MB JOOTD d iesel --------1 ,...... m> mJ. AM/FM '71 Landa. 4-clr, 5-apd, c.e .. amf, A/C, P'.000. NC, AM tFll •trk, Jl.IDt .,._.or1:az.a1 eoed, S'fOOO. N S·lH l , ... cmwirt. clualo, not ...;•~m-•_· -------1 .-. emooun but nice. AJC. ....w.. Serious of· ..._. t7ll r .. ow.11.uoo. m-0788 -················· ....;..-....;._...;....;.. ___ _ 10D>SE;4dr • .. OU:, _., trlDI, 4-dr, S1DOO .... '9el. smo. 711... eotmorl75-llU •-..cl. --------· "JI -ILC. lltDc red/· ii.au, ... pUal.. ltirtla. boa• latr, n aroof , lllllemd. Alllnl CMS, AJC. 21,• --kalmL m.•.75NNI '70 911 E Targa. a pprox S7,000mi on rblt eng, Ask· ing $7000. P vt P l y . 838-4762 or 833-9859. lB7ll BEACH BLVD. HUN'nNGTON BEACH 142-211 77 POISCHE 924 117ll BEAal II.VD. JUmNGTOfl B&ACH . 142-219 61 JriG·B Coup!' Hun ~ goo d S2.50 0 Offt•r 673-6609 or 675·6551 '66 911 Coupe· Tran~m . front end rebwlt by 101-.11 proi;. Pn ce renl•t'b tund. $5200. 645-4905 Bob o r h mcssa~c '70 914 2 0 Blac k. AllO) s . cass. dual exbaust $4500 11464990 Rois Royce 9 7 56 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "l DEALER IN U.S.A. ROY CARVER ROLLS·ROVCC l~JambOfu ,_.,llO"I Buell IL----' M0-"4-M ClOSfO SUN DAYS 'S9 Salver Cloud I S19.000 985·4144 9760 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAAi SALES, SERVICE AMDLEASIHG DEMO SALE NOW IN P ROG RESS' RACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 Toyota 9765 .........•............. '77 COROLLA S speed custom. Air con dltJonl'd. 34.000 miles cm this like new be auty. Original, super sbarp' (00716 ) $3595 IOI WITHAM VOUCSWAGEH 7000Weslm inster Ave. in Westminster fm.7551 638·7880 '73 Celica . ne w motor . mag wheels. S2SOO. $1800 In rmanclng avail. Ask foe Randy 49J..8705. "11 lAbll, m ust selJ. best <Ber. Xlot coud. loaded. ~-'69 Toy. Cr own, a uto , r a dio. s m og control. radials, good shape In/· out. MO. 545-72'1 home, 54&-850 office. i l CEUCA Runs Great! $1300. 54&<m> or979-9999. P.P. waata to b\IY Toyota, •97 . '74. Have cash . RepMrable OK. 545-7454 AlaUme new lease on '79 Cellca. Lo ml, good lo· ~.5'M-MS2 ,,...... 9767 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76ft7 V«Y ~ sport coupe. 4 speed, atereo, air cood. Red/belle corduroy. Qeenl Save M l <19774 > Slltl IOlwmtAM YOUIWA ... '79W•mh n4•Ave . tnW•m.......,. -7S51 ... .,. 'Tl ~ Nit ml, wtrea , ll'dle"i". lluet IO· SZ711 ........ • SUPERB CARS - AFFORDABLE PRICFS '74 MAZDA $2299 RX4 COUPE ........... . 4 50Pe d tran s m ission r<1d1n iu-1 11! air cond1hornng (554KSVI '73 MERCURY s2499 MARQUIS HOUGHAM .. Full power factory air cond c;pht oower c;eato; till wheel cruise control oadded too & only 47 000 mites Like NEW cond1t1o n• 1910JDC '75FORD s2999 ELITE COUPE ......... . Full powe r fac!ory il•r cone! SPiii c:ealc; Landau top & low miles Sharp• I 122~TI '76 PLYMOUTH s2999 STATION WAGON ..•..• V8 automatic trans powe r s tPennq & or.~kP' a rr conn luggaqe rack & low. IOVf m11Ps1 1038WOVI '71 OLDSMOBILE $ 2 9 9 9 STARRRECOUPE ...... 4 speed 1ransm1 .. c;1on oo wer ',teerrnq rally wheels & low miles E.<cellent economy c.ir• 1398SPMl '7 6 OLDSMOBILE $ 3 4 9 9 98 REGENCY SEDAM ••.. .1V•ll'l all of the 98 luxuries plus AM FM 'itl'leo till wheel cruise control sohr oower sears & low miles (748PHJ) ~:H~ ............... $3599 VB automahc 1ranc:m1ss1o n oower sreerrnq power brakes & low m1lec; I 126MVH • '76 MBtCURY s3799 MONARCH GHIA .••.•• Full oower. factory air cond . stereo lllt whE>el cruise conlrol padded too & only 19 000 miles Like NEW cond111on115450721 '761u1ctc tJD'999 LESABRE CC. ,\ Full power. lat e_~ .. low mites Sha.ro' 1825POL) ~· '77 PONTIAC $ 3 9 9 9 GRAND PRIX ........ .. Full power, fact()()' air cond . AM/FM stereo, Ult wheel. Landau loP. rallye wtteels & tow mites Like NEW condJIJOn! I0 10SPKJ. '7IFOU s4·399 LTD SB>AH •.••••••.••• F ull power, factory air cond . spht oower seals. tall w heel. Landau top & 1n LI KE NEW cond1t1on! (593TWZJ. i~oD= ............ 54699 5 speed transmission. atr conditioning and rallye wheels. I 175WAH). ,. ~u:..U .......... 54999 EQulpment includes MOONROOF. eollt power seat. cruise control. tilt wheel I atereo radio . (590RXKl. '71C .. YSUI s4999 LI IAION SIDAH ....•• ~ull p0wer, facto ry air co nd.. 111 of the Chrysler luxurlea & o nly 29.000 miles (S25UMY). ONLY $2999 NEWPORT DATSUN H88 Dove Slrt't'l NEWPO HT B EACH 833-1300 '19 Diesel Rabbit d lx. 400 rru, 5 sp. i.nrf. d ual tank!> L'n1que cs tm a cre~~ Over $10 (IOO inves ted Bl>sl olfcr ovl.'r $7995 t!':o JJr l 6356316 70 \ W Bui.. ,'.\;c"" cng, paint X ln l co nd S2800 o r bst orr. P P 131 7566 66 BUG Hblt m otor ne-.' bric.. sunrl. all on g. runs S!r eJ t s 1200 Mik e 53&21.'l7 Valvo SALES, SBVICE AND LEASING O\'ERSE,\S DELl\'ERY EXPERTS EARUIKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MF.sA 6-46-9303 540-94t.-7 'IT Rambler wap, Id ..... .,. ....... Utu. work: '4tS/offr. Gd 'l'r-.pcar. ee.ti7t . -·- ...... Uaed w. •. u .. ct ........................................................................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• "JI tldoraidO Hu tlYC'r ,,,_ muo t'ah Lla ........ ---- i • SDV ~ Ell'l•nc• alnt cond Ao 1 a• IZ.G1000~~ "H Coupto en1 lt>Od Tran. n«!\-dl .-orll but undtr iwannteo S300 or betV Wllndr. A f'vea 53&-Ullll '77 Sevillt Showroom cund 2 tom• ~ln1 , K-011• Royce llrl ll, lo m 1 1131 l~ '78 Srv111 l't>i<;ltil(<tOI IL°'l.rv root. !'tt'rl"CI hlpt" w CB. tr1µ l'umput~r ,. 1.r r w h I • . I o m 1 Ul7'1C:~a•k 1nr. Le101011 C umv•n> ~l.256 74 Eldorado rnn verl , xlnt cond ~ or bt!st om .... Call Hob ul ~ 9Jl7 ()I' Tl0.82.IM Cad Sdn vdt-Vlk l!nJ, xlnt rond $1950 Ca II Bob at ~ u:n 7 or 770 1:12&* 9917 ....................... 1979CAMARO Only 2::IOO miles on lh1:. i.howroom rr~h ~uut y' V8, automat1C', air cond • Ult wheel, pwr stccnn l( PLUS · l ot:. mort-' ~r 58561:1'1 i. Coll ror our s~1aJ low pn<'t' CONNELL · CHEVROLET l>0111Br1Jo,r Hl\CI Cl-'iTA ~H~'\A ' 546-1200 '79 Z28. full power , loudrd, lo nu, c~tm tire:-& mag:,, '>ll"rt'•J. JClnl rond 521 5M2evt•'> 1978 Z..28 <~m""' :-. fln1·'t mo1ll•I \A<tlh all or th•· riuht t•x tra.,• VH, JUL11rrli1L11· tilt whi·t•I, l'ru1:H· t:unlrol, etr Ht-du1·1oel tu -.ell th1~ w~k' C675l KY I COMM ELL CHEVROLET 282BHarbor Bhd COSTA Mt:SA 546-IZOO · ·111< anwr•1 Xlnt 1·1111<1 ~IJIJO or ll'>l of r !•IH I 70H 78 Carrwro, pNfN1 t·ciruJ i\..,_-iumt-lt·:i~t· 11ym11L' of ttJO DMit ' ttll <'OtolMlil C HfVIOUT 'I' 1 '• H ... \ ,, . ", ' ~0-1200 1' MOMY1 CAILO Bl•rll on blull r 1.U!\ l.alidau l®. autuma llr . a.ir <'ClOd . pwr lttt'nn1. llt.erel• It 11 '11 c Ii•• n •I ,. pin lnllde .. oot Mil~• anr nant. p1it"1' ts rr1ht M:i1 w ~Id 11dl In Uw Ir.I aer luu., l>u> "'' • QlrlNPI i CONHRL CHEVIOUT ·~'>I 11." l•ur Uh ti ''"'"" .. ·"\ su.1200 S7 t."hevy lit-I Air 4 dr h•rd top Nt:w pd1nt . l'llrome, brake:. Depcn d.ablc M1e>t sl'll l'on 111ck.'1' p;.arual trucJc for ., • S2aX) HJtl 2'>4!1 'Tl !lklva. ci.tm int. 11> m1 . xlnt cond1liun, $3'199 900-<l!JY.! '79 Montl' Carlo, fully t'(tWP T µam•l1>. $HHO(J 54().5!:03 '64 l'hevy W11KOl1, :.ll('k. i:id l"Ofld Good mcch . no dmts. 556-1172 1982 L'hevy Impala, need!> tu.oe·UP S300 ("1111 ah 7PM. 979-9621 i6 Nova Nova ('oncours 4 dr. V 8, AtC. I\ T. I' S . l'I B A M 1-':\1 C.1 .. :. 7SKrru nPw lire'>, xlnt 1·ond S2695 •ir ufft•r Owner t-Vt'" 4!n 14,ii; 75 MOtWi lo m1. uni;: owner nu lirP:., ~n·at cond :>4!1 311:. Chev ·71 Monll' ('Jrlu. u c, p b, auto Jlf•'>l offer over $22UI li44 4930 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "74 MMato ""111 pwnJ bnrf Air tl'M Ull1 h .'~':~~ '71 Dodi Ch•lll'nlJ• r fully ..quip, p a, p b air :lllmPIM 'ft SUt W1n. air. almo.t nrw , ........ Un., braht NlO ltl).-0 l Ill ft40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• - PHIL LONG ORD , ................ ~......-.. , ..... , .,, ......... ,..... , .. .... 1977 FOID GRAHAl>A SEOAH lh :yl , liUWfn&U f .. ctury air "iod , pwr l'tl'C'nn.: & hrakl'» r.idlu. \'111)'1 roof llOll'U lllJ1''> & mr.1rC"' (4.Jlll<YX I (Slk t'<IO'n) $3488 . THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HAHOA 8lVO. COSTA MESA 642·0010 1976 GRAMADA C.oupe 6 cyl for the ht·st gus rruleag'c• Automat11'. ;ur C.'t>nd •• pwr ste1·rlni: & Vlnyl top lt('ady rur years or trouble frt•t• dnvmJC ' {!,(Jtll'~H I " · COt4HEf..L .,...,~ CHEYIOLET .: ~Harbor 81\'d ~ CC~IA Mt:.~A . 546-1200 ' . 76 Granada H C) I I 11r 50.000 m1 ' ~h J rl> PY.JS b!.t ofr 752 14711 E.'l·rATI-: SAU: '73 Ford I .Tl) 759 43113 Ml)O thru Fri !Ho J '74 1-:I ('am inu d J .,.,. l' m fo';;lcon Nt•f•fh work w•dorrw. xlul n1ml. ~11(1 ~ 1ir ll!il ofr ~All <!'Jot<! MIS 1~7·, 'fi<! Oir\'Jlf 2 olt I 'Pd -.twk 1Ali4~ 7~ MTt: C:rlti l~i\1 l1k1· llt'W u 11 x l r ·'' I ., l H1·a.;,1m.it>lt· OH1·1 Taki·., 714 !175 I~ 1; ... , Sav1·1 1 lko;1ut jX hc•~a Lo 111 1. Air . i\M / f M <'"'"· ... 1111r111.r $1!:15(1 Aft Ii, M :> 117!17 7h Fon! Gran .. da <;111.1 pwr '>lt•f•r :11 r VII Sh;,rp SJaXJ ~9 01!13 SJ)«J pr mu C..:Jll JJ,rn al ·71; Nova Sm 4 tlr V H, :11r 4!f1 461!1 l'Qfld. p 1~. pil.1, AM , 1-'M I BUY PROBLEMS S11·k or 1ll·ad n or l;;tn f'h.'(·Tuw 9920 ~i.~45Km1 S3,0tl0 07J.31:'JJ • C;;:.h • 6J I 2007 ................•...... 7fl :\lonla Nc·w JMlnl. xlnl rrult·aJ:l'. it Int c ond SZ:l•I (';,II 4!n 17H'I Autoi, Used .•......••............. f •••••••••••••••• NABE RS (i @ f(1111 tfr Qldlty& Price I II 111; 1-: ._, T S Jo:l.1-rflON lll-'NJ-:W&l'S t :11 1:-. fllt/\NC;Jo: ('(>llNTY ('Allfl.f.A(' V/\l.l'F: l'llOTl-:1-flON l'l.f\NS l\vailalilc· 11n M'"' l'ur-. • • CADILLAC '76 ELDORADO FUii powctr. factory air. AM FM 11t<•rl'O roidio 8 tr<tck, tilt, crw1tt! l'Ontrol, ~pltt 'J)OWCr !lt'8ll>. cabnokt lop leather 1n tenor &r 27:r70!l I $5995 • CADILLAC '77 <:rEDEVILLE AMffM ster eo. radio. ult wheel. crwse control. full power (933SPW ) $6995 • CADILUC '71 CftDIYIW ASTltOIOOF t\AU powtt, ractory air, leather Interior, 1pl1t power .eati, tope. low mUea 071720> $8995 • CAIMU.AC '77 SIYIUI FUU powtt, factory air. lkftO. tape, tilt. cruise control. s pilt powe r Mali , land.u top. All ~evl ll e lu x uries c~Pll> $9895 • . OVER 100 QUALITY CARS TO SF.LECT FROM • • Owysler 9925 ......................• 1975 CORDOBA (l\ryl.ler':. finest car n11w Ill ... fraction or 1t ':. new car l'llt.t 1 F'u II powt·r l'LUS bocket 'icat.-. vcnyl top, <"ru1se rnntn>l a. ITKll"C1 (!150MXU I COMMELL · CHEVIOLET 210! llarbor Bl\d t 'OST A !'.H:SA ' 546-1200 'Ill Chrysler T&\: Wal(on Nc•w •~nl(, 11<1 tire:-.. j(d <."Qnd Ubl ofr 1>45 3500 dyi., !179 IS4!J<1 '76 t:ordoba Very l•1w rruleage Loaded f:ldN ly lady11 markrt ci1r S3000/o fr 675 1994 , 631 2191 bull "T1 f '1;rd Club W1!1t II l'J'>'> <Ifill VII, I' S, cl.u .. t l:.nk-. /\M FM -.tt•H·u II trk A C. low · pkU. -.mokc·•I gl8'>!1 (;all aft JHn &12 :niH 'il LTD Wun .tUtll. JI ~. p h, ;ur Onu .1t litlM m1 9m 53fl H.5 7 4 71H;ran<tdu Z 1lr Gh1.1 V H auto. pt!t, p b. 11wr wrn dc>w-., air. AM t-'M :o.l•·r .. 11 8 track '1:1:1.500m 1 s:1.~ie10 644-1720 ·m Lld. 'l2!I <·nu1nc. 11t·<'d:1 paint, P1S. P/U, 111r SHOO or best offer Mt 4pm, 842 46112 1!171) LTD Sta Wun. <11.000 m1 , perfet-t i.ha111· Loaded w u tl l opt lfil3328 '74 LTD. full ptJWl·r. d(• Corttil....td 9930 luxe, whotcsal1· $12!15 ••••••••••• ••••••• ••• •• 494..JtllJ, 4!14 ltiSO i3 Mark IV nt:w radials . Loaded 60K. Bu ruun· Uncoln 9945 dy lwh 1te $3500 P P ••••••••• •• •• ••• •••• •• • 114&1400 9932 ....................... '7fl Cor vette, red, blk leather, whale tails, auto. rur. crwsc. /\M 1 l-'M stereo la~. etc . etc • 5CXX>mJ. Still under war· r u nty Sl4,950 Oay 75i 2749, Eve 552·l!029 i8SllverAnniv Corvette. SM m l. mint cond $14 ,000 M UHL !I Ce 646-9798 'QJ Corvette orig 327 4·SJ>d both tops xlnl condtn $5600 p p. 536-3367 JohltlOft & Soft UMCOLM-MERCURY "Special of the Week " '71UMCOLH TOWN COUPE Bcaut.llul luxury car m crysta l apricot with leather interior Low mileage O ne o wner <ll0l931) $9200 2628 1larbor 81., C.M. 540 5630 '78 Yenalh1, Midnlght blue, mint con dltlon , $7795. wknd11 tm-1284, wkdya 759·fl79'1 UM Corvette, loaded, blk i • Marx IV Sliver edition on blk, alum. wh.ls, Best Xlnt. cond. Must Sell! rifer ~.;_ 551·2574 'fn Corvette 327 eng. 350 b.p .. 4 1pd. PIS, 68,000 lldual mi, red w/blk mt. All 8pm 557-01.Sl 11111 Corvette. black , bided. air, auto, l6,000 mi, AM/FM 8 trll, best dfer.4fil2.LS7S c:.,.-Hll ••••••••••••••••••••••• "JO COUltr. Needs some body work. lhke offer . MM*or~2838 "11 Qiuaar XR7. (J()rd. ar met., Jo ml. load ed , eond, mu.st aelJ. ,758-5332 77DODM ·~ Spectal r.dJUon Coupe. Loeded wttb enry con· celvablt option. Im· .-...1 (7078PL> P7tl IOIWITMAM ftUIWAMM '73 Maril IV. all power. $2850 or best offe r Call ~ aU411·93l7 or 770"321M Mwcay 9'50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S MIWIST UNCOLN·M ERCURY DEALERSHJP IA Y R.ADllOI ONcoLN-MERCURV ~ L8 Au'4> Center Dr SDF'w)'·l.Ab Fore1t exit IRVlNE ll0.7000 "12 Cdony Park Wa1on. R.laht akte tt front end dama1ed but baa new ndi-.or " trllM.. &ood A/C, ~ wtodow9, pw-r locb, ulr hitch, etc. v.., fuaft'°'9al, hea vy wl)d trlr JMlller. Only •dlaetodent.1.175-.. 70 "l'I Moaattb. • Dr. xln.t eond. Mu1t 1ell. 12550/ofr. 4t7·&tao . •.fl11• ..... 7 II AH . HaftlClmftb6nl 1M •aru •••=•• to..U? C1 ... mec1 adl do --.. .,. lt...U.MJ.51'79. .... -----·-"~ --~ ----=,......,....., ...... Uted ·-.. ..-..u .. ct AMtot,Uttd ........ u • ..-AMl01,U1ed Atlto1,UHd -....................... ····················~·· ..... ~ .................................................................................. . ttlSl:J. · HU t M!lq tHJ OW.••I• ttH ..... H57 ..,_..... tt60 ~ .................................................................................................................. ~-.--..-...:. ....... . .......•.••.. lt?tMUIT.,._ Jlllt traded In OCl a MW l'h av 1 P o ful ar b.lkhbadl DlCIM • _cyj It • ..-i lnM rur Ult' bit1 tetu"'lBI O.ID- f)iMUont All(), lllt rond , 1tt'rt'o. Pl.Ub. PLUS• ~MO) C OMtolUL C.HtVROLlT "' ')I I I , • I , • r \1 , I ';4b l lUO tll Ill.Ill...,, .dnt c:ond. ~.•a.,,oe. . ~074~ 'Tl l\lu.t II Chia. P tS, P 1 0 , /\I C , AM t t"M 11taoo, aut.-0, new brakell. lo ml, M..100 $4() 7U22 or fl31 2971 'llf. MU11tante 200<.:ll) Jutu 111r, n~ bc>dy work $1.JD) 1162 ~ M~t.ang II Gh1J 75 air AM, p b, p111, V 8, vinyl wp. s harp Must Sell to!.~ 4U)l Oodmt! (',r Huot Harb 846-3293 '61 .. ...,. s I 300 t.7~5741 or640 HY78 'llw r a.~h.'l>t draw in t lw Wt•-il a Dail y Pilot l'lt1..'>1>1flt'\l Ad &\2 56711 '1'7 atu1tanJ ZllV. auto. Y«"'/ dt'an, Sl 700 7$t 0 168 m.r i;t!rf e t<ltlll 7t000 in l~a. _ $2!100 or '-'tN-C7•· -1--;z:" ~ Marh I Good cond. AC. db lntr 12'~ Will ~low dn m 9'1:19 O.•blt HH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·79 Oluel C u \la1111 Loadt!d c,.h or t•k~ OVl'T INUll! or $22!1 trno Xlru car 7~2 11~ or W<.Ml . ... _...__ ......__ '7JVl1t1 cful1er Vfi.n Lolml PI S, P/8, At C, $1 ,000/000 1133 3872 '7:.S Delta Roya le t'U II pwr, reg &a."1 Xlnl cond Sl275 pp 759-ll320 'T1 Cut.lwi• S (.:()u~ New ""'° 9957 Urea f>/U, PIS. vinyl ••••••••••••••••••••••• top 13.!!50 673 011n '58Cutl1w1 Good t'Ond t100 rrrm 49lS tllJll i3 Ot·IU.118 4 dr $95(> 5.57 ZTllJ 77 Cutia-is Suprt•m1-. bh.arp. ~.ooo m1 " Mubl wU. makeoir 003 2UM 7~ Cutia'>!> Supn•ml' Clean. I o wn1·r h 1 mtleas:l' l't•Ltk ,und days 4!1G .. ~<10, l'Vf·~ "91}. 116() 76 t:uUl'l!i~ '!Upr .. uw :f.5(J air, r adJO. clt>c w1n1lowi. $'3100 846-tf.!23 ·79 C:utl11-,., Sup 197tFOllD PIMTO IUMAIOUT Automatic tr11M & lllui N1'."W1 146.'JWKJ I OHLY S4499 MEWPORT DATSUN 81111 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACJI 13)..1300 i3 PlntA>. auto. R II 35M ma. xlnt rond1t1t>0. $1325 ~ ,, l'lllt.o Wagon. IURl:Cll(l' rack. ;;uto air. r.idw 557 ~ Alter 31''1 M.oVJnl( Mu:.t s.,11 • 7~ 1'10 t.o .. unroor. \ 'P lo.idt-d $1 ,!DI ~~ .ift I :tO Brough,1m Rik l.o.ult.•tl 73 !"into llunabtiut '\ch SKrru Nr l'l'rf<•c·t l'I' ·nme & valH· work SI~ ~100 ~'" 74 rtMTO i8 Volare Prem1rr 4 door tt71 SUHlllD Dynamite R unabout ~talion wujlon, uulo Popujllt VIJ~1ine In Low m1le111 4 s peed . trlUUI. l'IS. PI H. A l<:, rron.t hne, low mllea .t.ad.1o-.bcucc .S1.1J>er cnate contrvl. <:a rmcl n e ar·ne w b ea ut ~· itmVQl> lin-mftll.llW •·xt & tun· Automitlc traO.., -.~~.z--4M..__._~YWiJ,.~Ji,~'fof!~-~,. r~._..~rtM~ · Blue Book, wholeiu1l•-. YOUCSWAGE:H £,(jjd lo ltlt Is C<Jnd1l1un 7600 Wetrtm i.ntterAvc Orange Coa,.l Dully lll Westaunster Nut, 642 4321, ext 2IO llD-7561 638 78*1 ·~ Satellite 311! Vii Tht• lt71 FORD 'Sporty Clau1c ·· Xlnt PIMTO IUHAIOUT l'OOd Reg ~a11, auto, I'S , AutA>malk lran11 • pwr new brk11 . l'li; )H~10 steerin& & air cvod &44.Cf122 13C7TJH>. Pontiac 9965 ()tiil. y $3999.--· ••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••• ...wPORT DATSUM 888 Dove Street NEWPORT lUo;ACJf lll-1300 'Tl Pultn WJ(n 4.-lp, ;, If' p s. p b. S2 .800 '.()ff<-r 963-!.0'74 ~ 99&0 .........•....••....... ;o f nv 111 1 dr. :i111 eng . 2 barrel r:i rti I' ~ aJr. 4 n1•v. t1r1·... n1·w lran:> VaJvc Jub ~/00 ~ 79 S;;1>poro low milt ' I~ T Jkt• uvo•r l11J11 ba!Wl('f' 1\ pprux $1);,otl 1-;ve., 644! i 674! \\<irk a.'.'A... l!IJ4 TIAHS..AMs Chotct' or lwo, htith :ire· U/18 model' w1lh all or tht' fuctory t-xtra11 P l.US wr cond i.tereo. t'U"l11m wtK.'t!ls, l'll'l1.n1· window' & more.' Ont· 4-iJr ha • 0-.1,y ft 1110 mllt•'I' ®'JXl-,;0 1 SAVE SSS . • 'CONNELL"""'\ CHIVIOUT . :?I'~ Harbor !JI• d , C:Ob.,." flt t:s" . 'k~-5•6-1200.: ... , il IA"ffidfl, Yt 1'0 I (l\A<nl'r I' S I' II .11r lu;:.:.11:• r.i• k ~n. 1,7, ow .,... ·•COHHUL·• • CHEVROLET :·,x.~ ti .ir I• " I 1 . : «<ll'>IA \1 ~"' · S4~1200 '77ARUllD l'retty blue with blue l'Ucde interior. Bucket 11eall>, I' /S, PI U, ex· l'ellent cond, vinyl top, AM/f'M Callis, lo m1le11 Good M l lP3$((' Ca l l 1.'il :Jl.5.')aft 61'M 78 f-::.p1r1 l. like nt!W, lo.1dt.-'d. lo m1 s. :.ac, S5000 f.trm 1>73 414!1. 673-9119. 9970 ........•.••••..•..•.•. 71! T11wnc· 1.antlau t;,ri. full powo•r , leather, W 1)(1() m1 ~avt• $5WIJ IAlt-&25 Ve1JO 9974 ...•...........•.••••.• 7 •, t 1·yl UIUl' IJnl'(.-d l.{1 't•ll SW!'; f;.t;! 31~9 Autos. Hew 9800 Aut~s. New 9800 Autos. Hew 9800 ._utos. Mew 9800 .Autos, H~w 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 •••••••••..••••••••••..•••••.•••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.... ·······················1·····················••!•······················ . rw1t:J1n 1rv1ne w' /VI hos-the.·· .. \ t . ' J I J • • • c . . • . f I i ~ I J f . $ t . • • • • .. - ·------__ ,,, ___ ........ . . ... . ~ ~.,.. Touchdown, Field Goal First Down Holding Time Out -~ ... Ad.mta SUncMy, Channet 2, 10 a.m . . - Penalty Refused, ~--.__!ncomplete Piss I ... . Interference Safety Illegal Procedure Denver w. o ...... Dead Ball Ball Illegally Touched Personal Foul llle~al Use of Hands New Eapncl .. Ta. Greea&.1 Mondey, Channel 7, 6 p.m • Unsportsmanlike lnellolble Receiver I Uegal Conduct Conduct . ,. ~-- Deley of Game Offside llleoal Motion at Snip Loss of Down Trlpplno AN IN • Dll'TH ICOUTINQ RIPORT ON THI PRO FOOTBALL GAMEi ;ro Bl TILIVIUD THll WllK 2 DAILY PILOT Saturday, September 29, 1979 PA0fd.e '79 Sunday ScOuting Report Redsk ins vs. Falco ns Sunday, 10 a.m. Channel 2 Somethlng's amiss In Atlanta these days. After a string of miracle vic- tories In the final seconds last season and more of the same In t he first two games this year, suddenly the Falcons have run into two weetcs of Ill luck . Twice In the game's final seconds the formerly lnvlnclble Tim Mazzetti, bartender-turned-kicker, missed field goals that would have g iven the Falcons victories. For that reason, the Falcons meet the Redskins with a 2·2 rather than a 4-0 record and the NFC Western Division lead. Last Sunday's 24-23 loss to a pre- v Io u s I y winless Detroit team especially Irked Falcon coach Leeman Bennett. "We can't have a football team standing around and waiting to win everything in the last minute," he said. "We were a total mess against the Lions." The Falcons obviously will have to be better against a Redskin team that Is 3-1 In the NFC East and up to familiar tricks. In last Sunday's win over St. L ouis, the R edskins capitalized on four fumbles to win. That's an old story -playing for the br eaks -In Washington, even thouOh they now call this t he Over-the-Hiii Bunch II. Since every game the Falcons play seems to go down to the wire, this one . could very well pit Mark Moseley against Mazzetti In a last-second shootout. When Atlanta HH Utt Ball -The Falcon offense surprlslngly continues to outshine a once.great defense that has played p oo r ly so f a r . Quarterback Steve Bartkowski leads the NFC In passing and never has thrown better . Protection by the vounQ offensive line broke down somewhat against Detroit accounting for Bartkowskl's worst day of the season C 12-for-2S for 1S8 yards) bot when given time watch him hit speedy wide receiver Alfred Jenkins and Wallace Francis with bullets. The running game also slowed to a halt against the Lions -flashy rookie Wiiiiam Andrews made only 22 yards In seven carries -and no doubt a veter an Washington defense will do the same and key on Andrews, thus • 1 reducing Bartkowskl's throwing ef- fectiveness If It can stop the running game. The Falcons could use a good day from veteran tight end Jim Mi tchell, who has not been a factor so far and may be on his last legs. When WHhlngton HH the Ba ll - J~ Thelsmann, apparently ready to have his best season as a pro, will no doubt try to exploit Falcon corners Rolland Lawrence and Rick Byas. Everyone el se has w i th success. Thelsmann has a swift break-It re- Pro Sleuth , Denver Broncos _.,, G R A 0 I S H A L F 0 L E H H A U P C H U R C E 0 1 l T S Y L A R E T R A C 0 L Y T U G H .. Z P R S U 0 A A Z E T R 0 R 0 AC~MTPZHLYCYIAS R H R 0 S L C E S E F 0 l 0 P M U I 0 A T S H G I H E L I M S R G 0 1 0 R N U P 0 M D 0 0 T C H Z H L A 0 M R T A S M H RH '1MOR TONFCERST 0 0 0 H 0 L E S Y G S H R G H - Ollt1 Foley Lytle M OHi Odom• Morton A liodo Corter Wright Thompt0n Upchurch Grodi1hor \ Armstrong Oron~ Crush Mii• High ... Siodlum ,~ ..... ------------------------------------~ find th• Utted ~In the.........,., They run In olt clirectloM·- forword. bockword, up, down• dlo9DrilOllV • ..... I --..... --·------------~·--- celver in Danny Buggs and ~me of cold player wno can explode at times. the league's best hands In Ric ky A biQ key In the game will be tlow Thompson. The Falcons' defense has w ell the Fa lcons out a r ush on been better against the running Thelsmann and, 11 so, what success game, but big John Riggins Is a hOt· ht· has eluding it P roba ble St a rting Lineu p s WASHINGTON REDSKINS OFFENSE No Ndrne Pos WI 98 Danny Bugg\ WR •8S H Terry Her~llng LT 1H 64 Ron Sdul LG 1S4 S4 Bob Kuziel c 15~ 7J Jell Wiiiiam<. QG 160 ]4 George St11r~,. RT ?SO 84 Jean Fu9e11 r E 130 83 Rickey Thompson WR 171 Joe T~1smdnn QB 19~ 44 Jol'ln Rlg91ns RB no ts Benny Malo~ QB 191 WASHlf"GTON REDSKINS DEFENSE 71 l<cJrl Loren LE 2SO 65 Dave Bvtr LT 78S n Diron l dlbert RT ?SS 19 Coy Bclcon RE 16S S9 Brad Ov1ek LLB 111 ~ Don Hover MLB7'17 51 Rich Miiot RLB ns 74 Lemar P11r rt\h LC 111 10 Joe Lavender RC 190 21 Ken Hoo.a1on SS 198 n Mark Murphy FS 210 Enioy MGA11 Llfe-Sl1e Color TV In Yow Home Our exclusive wide-angle. 50-lnch diagonal screen with our 3 low voltage tubes allow the brightest clearfft color picture viewable in normal lighting. Don 't miss any of the action. see Davis-Brown for THE BEST IM llG SCREEN TV! ATLANTA FALCONS OFFENSE 89 Wdlly F•bnc., WR 190 78 M1._e Ktnl' l THI 70 Da .... e Scot! LG 28S Sl J~fl Ven Nole c 2~ 64 p.,, Howell RGm 66 Warrtn Br ya"I ~r 210 86 Jim M1ICl'lell re 236 84 Allred Jen•ins WR 112 10 Steve Bartko,,~~ 1 OB 113 )1 W1lll•m Andre ... ~ FB 200 u Bu bbcl Bean RB 19S ATLAN TA FALCONS DEFENSE 19 Jcfl Vt.ties LE 2.18 69 Mike Lewi\ LT 261 71 Edgar Field•, RT ?SS 6S Don Sm1lh RE 248 S4 Fulton Kukyc,,dc1ll LLB ns ~9 Robert Penny ~eH MLB712 ~o Grl'Q Bret1nc) RLB211 n Rolland Lawrrnte LC 179 38 Rock Bya~ RC 180 18 Frank ~l't'd SS 19J 11 Tom Pr1dem0fc FS 186 t I 3 • ' 0 0 '3 II 10 E , ., I l""d 1es nse ,,.,, r , 8 • .0 .5 3 5 • .3 0 • s .s 0 0 r -s ) ) 0 3 I J I • 0 0 I J . , . . PA0fu71 Satutd9y, September 29, t979 DAILY PILOT 3 Sunday Report Bronco vs . Raidf•r s Sunday, 1 p.m. Channel 4 Red Miller embarrassed Oakland last vear by referring to thei r beefy backsides after Denver made it three straight vc.ttor ies over Its former tormentors The Raiders said little, but inwardly, they vowed revenge Al Davis looked at "those fat as· ses," as Miiier called the Raiders, and went into Immediate action. Davis traded away some excess beef, and br0U9ht In a condltlonl"'il coach to slim down those who remained. However, Oakland has a new pro- blem · getting Its derrleres off the turf. The Raiders have lost three straight games -alt against AFC West teams and the bo ttom seems to be dropping out of their season. In fact, Oakland ( 1·3) is heading for Its worst season since 196• (S·7·2). It's not all new coach Tom Flores' fault. Oakland had two players - Clarence Davis and WI Ille Hall -fall to pass physicals. There have been 13 Injur ies of minor <one game missed! or maJor <season-ending type) magnitude. Denver used to mall In two defeats a year to Oakland. But no longer. The Broncos (3· 1 l have the upper hand now and they could perform an early burlal of the Raider s Sunday In Oakland. When Denver Has the Ball -Oen· ver's offense doesn 't have one superstar, not one all-pro or Pro Bowler (Rick Upchurch made It as a return man). Critics keep waltl"'i! for the Broncos to die, because how long can a team keep winning with a one· dimensional team -all defense. However. the truth fs that Denver has just enough offense by which to get by .• M iiier has two quarterbacks - Craig Morton to throw and Norris Weese to r un. The r unning backs have forgettable names. Denver 's of· tensive tine doesn't remind anyone of New England's yet It seems to oet the Job done much of thr time The Bron cos only need 13·17 points to win 90 percent of the time. However. after scoring only 39 POints in three qamE's, the Broncos exploded tor 37 aqc>1nst Sea ttle. They'll plod on the qround against Oaltl and .rnd throw oc - cas10nal passes to R llev Odoms and Haven Moses. When Oakland Has the Ball Ken Stabler, at 33, Is throwing the ball as well as ever, but his protection has slipped from past years. so watch Denver turn loose linebacker blltzes against him. Stabler's sore knee re- duc.es his mobility. Kansas City sacked him six times. Oakland did not score a TO against Denver last year In two games. Oakland will have trouble deep against c.ornerbacks Louie Wright and Steve Foley, so watc h Stabl er t hrow n umer ous passes to his backs and t ight ends:- Something else to ponder : Jim Plunkett has finished the last three games for Stabler. Ss>«lal T.ams -Next to the de- fense, the most lmPOrtant aspect In Denver is the special team s. Namely Rick Upchurch. He frightens oppo. nents more than any other r eturner In the game. Jim Turner keeps thump. Ing field goals. Oakland's special teams have steadied with kicker Jim· my Breech, while Ira Matthews gives Oakland Its best returner In years. KEY MATCHUPS: Denver's Linebackers vs . Quuterback Ken Stabler -Randy Gr adishar and friends can control the game against Oakland If ( 1 l they can successfully put pressure on Stabler with the pass rush, (2) defend against Stabler's passes to his backs and tight ends Raymond Chester and Dave Casper over the mlddle and, (3) shut down Oakland on the sweep. Oa kland T lgM End Raymond Chester 1/1. Strong Safet y 8111 Thompson -Chester Is Oakland's No. 1 pass target, and It will take more than strong side linebacker Bob Swensen to stop him. Thompson Is one of the game's better strong safeties. He can expect a busy after· noon. * * * * * • Prob a ble Starting Lineu ps oeNV ER BRONCOS OFFENSE OAKLAND RAIDERS OFFENSE 80 Rlc;k Upchurch WR 116 " Cllfl Branch w~ 170 70 Dtv• Studdard LT :m " Steve Sylvflter LT 260 62 Tom Glasslc LG7SO 63 Gene Ul)lhaw LG 255 6" 9111 Bryan c , .... 50 Dav• Dalby c.2so Ml Poul Howard RG 260 6s Mickey Marvin RG -770 71 Claudie Ml"O' RT2eo 10 Henry Ltwr~te RT.710 .. Riiey Odon'la TE-244 .. Ray Cheater TE23S 2S Hevon Moses WR 0200 11 Morrla Bred1Mw WR 195 14 Norri• w .... QB 215 17 Ken Stabler 09·210 24 Otl1 Armatrono RB 196 22 Ar1 Whllllnvton RS..1IO )() Jim Jon1tn RB '30 JO Mork van Eegti.n R822S D&NV iR IAONCOS DE FENSE OAKLANO AAIDllU OIFINSI 19 Barney Ch•vov' LE,., XI Willie Jone. LE-1..0 12 0on L-11mtt' NG.253 ,, o...,. ,,..,. NT2.50 66 Briton Maner RE·241 '3 Dave Orownlno RE·247 Sl Bo ~ton LLB 220 " Ted Hendricks SLB·l20 w Joe Rlno · IL8 214 1l Rod Martin IL9 210 S3 R•ndy Gradl"1ar IL8·'33 .. Monie JohnlOfl ILl ·UO 57 Tom Jack'°" RLl,22t ., Phll Vlllaplano WL8·2U 20 Loull Wrltht LC200 1 Lttttf' Heyn LC·ltS ~ Steve Foley AC.Ito J Monte JKkM>n RC-lH ,. 1111 n.,,peon ,SS 1'7 1 Chari .. Phllllpa SS 215 29 ..,,,.,d Jacltton FS 1'8 2 Jack T•tum FS 20S OJympic Cam.era GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION IN NORTH HOLLYW OOD All r.1 ll'ol Ot""' 1'00All C APl)lj':[l S1to-. ~,_....,..,""' tr11•t tf#'>t'' "1t~ •tlll C""" Ge<>fl• O'-I-dfOl>O IMm 11'111 l)IOC• ANI H (ll ""'! " grnt!Mtt!'.l "" • W()n t o<> Ctut ol ~ Cf'lrw,,_. .. "'8'•., (.(Wl~fltn(.•• .no t~f•n•"'""" ll,(P\ at tvtom1t1c l<leu''"' ""' '""'"' '-""' ~ ""4 ,.._ .. rw Cll\I,,... Myl1"0 C.- U'\ •'Wt '~fMt t"'9 f\.IH t•nft l'•tCll ITA•T AT 0 11\Y Sit U rOll ltOOIL ... wit" It t Lllll. OnlP llOCKLI AVAILAllU TllE NEW NIKON EM .. ,,q f ' • ,,,, •• • ,,, .~ • t .,_.,....,._.,.l'\l•t'W••I "I u• ,,.., ,, "'" •· •o• rr"' "\~""'""' "'""" N11iifJll"I f V. Atltl tr,.,., t OCJIJO tt11•1WJf1 """' ,,. 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' •• tl~t1 ~·'~t'llt(rlf( 't•+f~tt1My lfftt'J A 'AClAGI OIAll • sru .~' '"'°'"""' botJy • 4'tmtn I } ..-o A(,.l f,)t " IM\ • n•tlTW'l't 11 ~ "'.,-'.., ·~ niew, -• ';( ...,.. c.on...,,,1., DY A\ e CW,,.a.t • ......_tH'Wl4 ft t\h I,,. V.,, t J# e ~1'1• f)fO t.)hl b-a TOlM USl N9Cl $.S4J.00 :.s:~· 125991 ~lllll•"Al•"'ll/ ''"" ~1191 w/4~111 r? """ TheYashica MAT·124G. A classic. • llr<"O" • 'O Of '°° '""' ..,. MttwNI ad94ltr" • Cutit-all fn<.u..ny in •dv9t M ltiuhl C(W"Wt1oona • .......... _.i, It°'" I -10 II --AIWOlllllM ..... --.... , .. I • -4 CWLY PILOT Saturday. September 29. 1979 PA0fde '71 Moriday Report Patriots vs. Packers Monday, 6 p.m. Channel 7 Bart Starr Is In his fifth year as coach of the Green Bay Packers and the team Is still losing. It Is off to a 1-3 start and the Inevitable questions about St arr's security are being raised. That's why Starr and his beleaguered team desperately need a win In Monday night's game against the New England Patriots. A victory would take a lot of heat off Sterr end the Packers. On the other hand, New England needs to keep wlnnl09 to keep pace with M iami In the AFC East. Here's hOw to figure this one: When the Packers Have the Ball - The Packers averaged less than JO rushes a game In their first three starts and no team can do that and expect to w in. Against Minnesota last week , the Packers ran the ball more and had more success. Watch for the Packers to try and follow suit against the Patriots, but don't expect them to be very successful. The Packers have been notoriously poor against the 3-~ defense. Tampa Bay, for example, shut them down completely two weeks ago. That m eans the Packers probably will be forced to the air and thPl r passing attack hasn't been suitably successful. ,. When the Patriots Have the Ball - New England might not have to pass the entire game. Last week, the Packers lost st arting end Earl Johnson and tackle Carl Barzllauskas In the second quarter with leg In· Juries. Bob Barber and Casey Merrill came In and t he Vlkl09s ruShed for more than 100 yards In the SKortd half. The Vlkl09s ran right at Merrill with llJtle r esistance. This week Johnson and Barillauskas ere dOubtful. KEY MATCHUP5: Packer Wide Receiver James Lof· ton vs. Cornerbacks Mike HayrtH and Raymond Clayborn -Lofton Is the Packers' one big-play threat, but they 've had trouble getting the ball to him. This time they figure to have more problems because Haynes and Clayborn are a lot better combination' than any cornerbacks the Packer s have faced this year. Patriot T.ckle Dwight Wheeler vt Packer o.tenslve End Casey ~rrlll -The Patriots llke to run left and what they'll find for opposition Is a 22 -year -old rookie from Cal·Davis who was cut by the Cincinnati Bengals before the star t of the season and signed by the Packers after the sec.ond game. This figures to be ooe of many mismatches In New England's favor. Patriot Guard John Hannah vs. OeftMlve Tackle CharlH Johnson - The best guard In football vs. a rookie tackle. Another m ismatch. Patriot Wide Receivers Stanley Morgan and Harold Jackson vs. Corners MJke McKoy and Estus Hood -The Packer cornerbacks have been giving up a lot of room underneath. Last week, Ahmad Rashad caught nine passes off them. Two weeks before that, Wes Chandler caught 10. The Patriots are llkely to try to com · plement U1eir running game with short sldellne passes to M organ and Jack son Patriot Tight End Russ Francis vs. Safety Steve Luke -Francis Is the prototype tight end and Luke Is a vastly underrated safety. However, Luke's strooo suit Is coming up and fore Ing against the r<.m. He's not the f astest strong safety In foot ball and he'll have to be on the alert for play- ac tlon passes with Francis going deep. Packtt Rloht Tackle Greo Koch vs. Dtftnslve End Tony McOtt - McGee Is the Patriots' pass ru$hlng speclallst, whlle Koch Is In his third year and off to a good start. In fact, Koch hasn't 11llOwed his man to get to the quarterback. In the first four oames. Probable Starting Lineup8 GREEN BAY PACKERS OFFENSE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS OFFENSE IO Jamet Lofton WR 117 86 Stanley Morgan WR 187 16 Tim Siok*' LT 2S7 62 Dwight Whtel~r LT 760 S1 Otrrtl Gofourth LG·260 13 Jptln ~Mh l.G2n S.f LArry Mc;C.rr90 C·260 6, Biii Lenkeltl1 C 2SS .., Leoti• Harri• RG 767 61 S.m Ad•m• RG 763 .. GrtiJ l<och RT·2'5 7A lhtlby Jordf)n RT 260 11 P•ut Coffman TE·211 ,, Ruta Fr~I• TE·2«1 " Aundre ThompiO,, WR·1M 2' ~rold Jadtt0n WR 17S 17 Oevld Whltehunt 09·2CM lA Mew Grogan oem 3A Ttrdtll Middleton RB·lfS 32 Mdy .... nton R8·70A 33 B.trty Smith RB-7«1 29 S.m Cunntnohem RB·UO GREEN IAY f'ACKIRI Dll'INH .. IW I NGLAND PATRIOTS OUINSI 77 Mlkt &Iller LE·2M 12 Met l.untford LE-260 70 8ob Berbet Lf 140 71 Rey ~mllton NT 2AS ., Terry Jontt AT·21f " Aldlerd 81thop AE·2'5 6S Casey Merrill RE-165 ~ Mlkt Hawtiln• LL82l2 H Gery Wtever LLl·HS 50 S.m "4unt IL8 ·26S 50 RlchWlti90 ML8·230 57 Sttv• Nelton IL8·230 SJ Mlkt OoU91•n ALl·HA M Aod ~te OL8·21S ,. Elhn Hood LC.1IO ,, Ray Cleyborn LCt90 2' Mlle• c. IN.Coy AC.la AO Mike .._YNI RC·IM ... SW#e Lull• Ha ,, DcM4 &Hlldoln SS 190 '~ Johnnie Gr1y ,,,,. At Tim Fo~ FS 190 ... '--•• .. --... #• .. .er B•lelc I• 111 tlle IA*l•I .. B••l..e .. oranc• eou19iQ auak;.a('~ 1s t.asinc ........ why meny peaple ohoa •• • _._. • lk:ik for their .. ••Ing dtv6eian •~lnCIM~ *'"J 19IS-,~Loz-~ ...... 1no. .... ~ •flt ... ~. Know' Dia u' • ' Irv etaoff •ffull-...... ' I I ... •suer;::~, ..... -.Ven Dev• :::lrT HOUR~: • I , .,,. .. , ,... uu· t MofldoJ ttir.. Fndoy I"" I ·II'' I' 'f -. .. ~ '·" ~ "~"it' I •-••~ • : ~ :: :: : ::: ~:!':o~J '· •• , .. ,, " ... .,,..,. ,,,, , . ., 7 I Htn1• O•••''' c •• • \w 4 • /••, ••••• .. ., .. , :~.. 979-2500 .1~ ·~:. a ~': . ~t-: ~.JI ... THE CANNERY • Entoy Monday Night footbal In A Relaxing Watttfront Atmosphere • J C.eorT.Y.'t • Co ,a ut-v ca-ce-o .... • ...... M ...... •Stytet • lltoett ~ & Swln Chffw Sc.ldwtchtt $ t .25 • MlcWolt °" D,..ft 75' • Sea Food a. Opet1 U..tfl t:OO cui. 3010 Lafayette Ave., Newport Beach ~·································-·: • • • • • • • • . .. • • .. . .. . • • • • • • .. • • • .. .. • • • • • ************************************* Tht Kwlkset txtra-secwlty lock burc)lars don't llkt. Thi• new tock has 1111 the latest features that m1kt It • cloM to burglar-proof es • loctc CM _ ~. Gtt one todey -for the safety 11nd , protection of vour home and femlly. !~ ...... """""'_'°"_ •M ..... ._..~ ..... .,. ....................... .. •" •\o I•• Pi\I) C.1"' JU0. >O'Jl~ -.......... , .. PA0fd.e'79 Saturday. September 29. 1979 0 A1L Y PILOT S '67 Chiefs: Where A.re They Now? lmwvative Kansas City Was Class of the A.FL As everyone knows, the Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl I , 35--10. The class of the American Football League at the time -and the Packers' victims on Jan. 15, 1967 In Los Angeles' Memorial Coliseum - was coach Hank Stram's Innovative Kansas City Chiefs. The Chiefs led the AFL in most of· fenslve categories while compiling an 11·2·1 r ecord through the regular 1966 season. WITH AFL PASSING king Len Dawson completing 16 of 24 passes for 227 yards and touchdowns to tight end Fred Arbanas (29 yards> and Otis Taylor (29 yards), the Chiefs swept past Buffalo, 31-7, In the AFL title game to earn the young league's first shot at the NFL. The Chiefs carried the game to the Packers for more than a half. trail Ing 14·10 at Intermission. On Its first possession of the second half, Kansas City moved to a first down In Green Bay territory when Willie Wood In· tercepted a Dawson pass intended for Arbanas. Wood returned all the way to the KansasCltyflve. Elijah Pitts ran In fr om there to stake Green Bay to an lnsurmountable21· 10 lead. Dawson completed 16-of-27 passes for 211 yards, but the Chiefs were un· able to run on the Packers. OFFENSIVE BALANCE had been the trademark of Kansas C1ty during the season. Dawson completed 159 Of 284 passes for 2,527 yards. He com- pleted 56 percent of his attempts and f i red for a league -leading 26 touchdowns. Taylor was the favorite target with 58 catches for 1,297 yards Ca 22.4-yard average> and eight TOs, although Arbanas and Chris Burford also got considerable action. Kansas City passed for 2,840 yards and ran for 2,27.C. Mike Garrett paced the ground attack with 801 yards on 147 carries, a 5 . .C average. The S, 114 yards total offense and 448 points still stand as Chief team r ecords. The Chiefs could burn a team with either weapon. One wee k after Garrett rushed for 166 yards, Dawson com· pleted 38 passes. Defensively, Kansas City featured Stram's "stack." Safet y Johnny Robinson and Bobby Hunt both pick ed off 10 passes dur ing the cam· palgn as rivals attempted 494 passes. THE CHIEFS RETURNED to the Super Bowl three years later and beat Minnesota, 23-7. Eleven of the starters In the '67 Super Bowl were s till Chie f r egulars, Including Dawson, Taylor, Garrett, offensive linemen Jim Tyrer and Ed Budde and defensive standouts Buck Buchanan, Bobby Bell and Robinson. The 1967 Super Bowl Kansas City Chiefs and where they are now: OFFENSE : WR : Otis Taylor -Scout with the Chiefs. LT: Jim Tyrer -Owns tire service center In K ansas City and Is also Gm ()11.11111111' ·'"" ·''"'''"" "" .11 1· 11111111·,1. "' hllfl\ 111' HUNTINGTON BEACH .. .SURPLUS STORE We sell first quality and dlseofttloued mercbandlse rorm Sears Retail and Cat.alot Distrtbutlon. "Wu " prices quoted are the recular prices at which tbe ttema were formerly offered by Cataloa or in many Sears Retail atorel around the country. See our ads every Wed. and Sun. .... Save ·20°k to 60°k Off all Merchandise In Stock \ • Home epplanoH • And muCh more M i d w estern manufacturing respresentative with a novelty com· pany. LG: Ed Budde -General sales manager Of Coors Beer In Kansas Ci· ty . C: Wayne Frazier -Whereabouts unknown. AG: Curt ~n -M orning disc jockey with KMBZ radio In Kansas City. RT: Dave Hill -Used car recondi· tioner and wholesaler in Kansas City. T E : Fred Arbanas -Jackson County legislator In Missouri. WR: Chris Burford -Lawyer In San Francisco Bay area. QB : Len Dawson -Television foot- ba 11 commentator w ith NBC and Home Box Office, l iving In Kansas Cl · ty. RB: Curtis Mcllnton -Assistant In the office of Health, Education and Welfare In Washington, D.C. RB : M ike Garrett -Department store executive In San Ole-go. DEFENSE LE: Jerry Mays -Half owner of Dallas, general contracting business. LT : A f}dy R ice -Living In Cleveland. RT : Buck Buchanan -Left assis- tant coaching posts In Cleveland and , New Or leans to return to Kansas City and open a lounge-restaurant. RE : Chuck Hurston -Works with Hagger Slacks In Atlanta, Ga. LLB: Bobby Bell -Owns Gates .. PORTABLE Touch-Tune Video C....tt• Recorder • Up lo loll< tun _. ol t9COlditl9 on a llf!Olt Ctt .. lta HANK STRAM and Sons b arbecue r est aurant franchise In Kansas City. MLB: Sherrill H.adrlclc -Works for Schlitz beer distributor In Kansas City. RLB: E.J. Holub -Foreman of Mullendorf Quarter-horse Ranch in Copan, Okla. LC: Fr.cl Wiiiiamson -An actor in Hollywood. RC: Wi iii. MltcMll -Living In San Antonio, Texas. SS : Bobby Hunt -Charlotte, N.C., Insurance man. FS: Johnny Robinson -A m inister outside of New Orleans, La. King FN tures Syndicate , One• ~...,!Md, 11 leia you 1ou~wne .&. .._.D di,.,.., to ""' dl"""el -al.ctronictlly, tllentty A" s200 • Ettlly •tttd>el lo ""' -~·ion Ml -s ... ,E .,,., tire . .,.,., bfend A a AtlnlCtlw!yJ/I""""' ff\ afft\..ialtd letllltf w .-.: 10 COll'plellletll My cMtOf Olt'-lftlS -- DILUXI COLOI YIDIO CAMBA OVER 1 HOUR («:Of=~ --~ • .. 6 OAIL Y PILO'T Saturday. September 29 t979 PAO/t!L'79 Magni6eent Seven: They've King Features Syndic .. • As a measure of d istance, o~ yard 1s not much. Three feet. Or 36 inches. One stride a s you stroll along a sidewalk. Even In football, one yard Is not much. At least It's not much from the viewpoint of the spectator. You'll often hear people complalnlno about how a runnlnfil back got ONLY two yards on that play. Or five yards. Or sevet1 yards. "Seven yards might not seem like much," Larry Csonka once said, "un· Ill you put 1' defensive player s In those seven yards." LARRY CSONKA KNOWS. Larry Csonka has been there with th<>Se de· tensive players slamming Into him. Only seven yards. And now that he has put those seven yards In perspec. tlve, consider what It means to have accumulated 7,000 yards as a running back. In the IOnfil history of the Na· Ilona! Football League, only seven have rushed for at least 7,000 yards. All of them either are or wlll be In the Hall of Fame -J Im Brown, O J. Simpson, J im Taylor.Joe Perry, Fran- co Harns. L er oy Kelly and Larry Csonka Somt>t lme this sea son Lyde ll M itchell of the San Olego Charger s m lfilht Join them . He needs 693 yards. 8ut ac; the season began there were only ~ven with 7,000, perhaps t he NFL 's most exclusive group. They In· clue : Jim Brown, 12,312. 0 .J. Simpson, 10.776. Jim Taylor, 8,597. Joe Perry. 8,378. Franco Harris, 7 ,377. Ler oy Kelly, 7,274. Larry Csonka, 7,244. Their common denominator Is ability and durablllly. Ability Is not enough. Gale Sayers had ability, but not durability. His knees couldn't take the pounding. Of the seven, only Simpson and Kelly could be con· sldered as breakaway runners. TM others relied more on brute force es fullbac ks. Brown, of course, was the ultimate In brute force, averaging S.2 yards per (arry In his nine seasons. His total of 12,312 yards ts e monu· -ment, almost a mountain. PERHAPS THE B EST •ll·eround olhlate In Amerlce since J im Thorpe, the 6·2, 228-pound Brown' had e 32· Inch waist. He had been proficient In lacrosse, basketball, baseball and trac k and field at Syracuu University and In high school. But he chose football as his profession. "The game was my buslneu ," he once e•plalned. "M y body and my mind were my Htets, and lnJurlH were my llabllltles." BROWN N•V•R HAD eny serious lnJurles; at least none that kept him Pro Sleuth An1we r •• out of the lineup. His coach In his ear· IV years w ith the Cleveland Browns, the austere Paul Br own, occasionally w as accused of uc..ing him too much as a ball-carrier . "But When you have a blo gun." the coach would reply, "you shoot It " Jim Brown never complained. at least not publicly. His only concession w as to drag himself to his feet after having been tack led and shuffle slow· ly back to the huddle. In his nine seasons, he led the NFL In rushing eight times. missing only in 1967 when Taylor was first. WHEN HE RETIRED suddenly at age 29 a ttn th" 196S season to become a motion p1cturt· "''<>' hf' had t-stabll'>hed NFL r(•cord'> w1tn 116 t o u c hdow nc.. and 106 ru'>tltnQ louchdownc.. bOlhof wh1c h '5tlll stand His only weakn1>c..c.. was his virtual refusal to block But ht'> coach 1n lalE-r ye.Jrs. Clanton (01111-r didn't complain "Y o u can 'I ris k a tho r oug hbr<•d ... the H hol ar l v Browns' coac h once said with a smite, "to pull a milk wagon .. Strangely, the Buffalo Bills a\ked 0 J Simpson 10 do armo<,t thilt 1n 19b9 <I'>'' roo1<11> AllhouQtl hr had won l h(> H1·1sman Trophy at lJSC hr> .Hr'!'> r·mployed mosll, ,3• d df'COY and p;ic,\ rr•c 1'1 ver by John R<luc h, lhtn th .. 0111~> coach tt wi"tc,n't until 1917 wh<n Lou Saban t~ command ac, co<H h that Stll'lp\00 was allowed lo run frN: ly •">a lhOrouQhbred '>hould II not tor the '>h<H.kle'> of hi-. PM1 f '>"•l'>Ons. he m1ghl have <,urpitc,srd Orown·s H:cord 101,11 of 12. 111 yard'> t>v now Entering what he announc"d would be his last c,erison, hi• nl'(ldf'd I SJ7 yards, an unlikely accompl1<,h e don't play gc ~c::J~-c::: ....... _ ~L...lc::Jt . L--r c::J. LL NEW 1980 PORSCHE 924 TURBO' AVAILAILI PO a IMMIOIATI DIUVMYI IRAND NIW PORSCHE1S NEW 1'119 921 DIMO MfW 1'119911SC COUPf ·e1ack Metalll1 (17en Chocolate Brown (1870) NEW 1'119911SCDEMO Black C 1392) NEW 1979921 Mlnerv11 Blue metallic (2229) NEW 1'11991lSCCOUflf Black metafllc ( 193~) HEW 1979 911 SC TARGA Light Blue metalllc I 1896) PRE-OWNED PORSCHE'S 1'179 921 Beige 6 speed (04 73) 1971 9' 1 SC OOUPf Chocolate Brown. (420VBRI 1mt111au1 Brown. (971JTVO) 19719'1A Black. (418TXB) 1971 tu . Voll ow. ( 195 TXA) 1mtu Black C7248 AW) 1976 914 Blue. (76eWON) 1971 t1 IT 1971 91' Orange (582Lt0) Blue (ee&CUY) THI •T 14 IALIL•YICMM .... I J6J I HAllOI ILVD. • 636·2333 Ready for Immediate Delivery .. 1910 DA TSU•S ... O• SALEI SAVE ON REMAINING 19791 5 WHILE THEY LAST! 1 79 DATSUN 280-ZX Fully factOtY eQUIPPed Including 8tr COndlltoninQ AM -FM 81eroo r11d10 Sf688 auto trans maoa & much much more• (41 750) • BARDEii IROUE DITIUll 11161 HAUOtl 139-7000 ~ ~ake the 1anable out o! Art~ It~ b ll•u .. rttlOn l)U'l)OMI onlv .. .. -PR0f"d.e'79 Saturday, September 29. 1979 OAIL Y PILOT S '67 Chiefs: Where Are They Now? lrmovative Kansas City Was Class of the AFL As everyone knows. the Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl I, 35-10. The class of the American Football League at the time -and the Packers' victims on Jan. 15, 1967 in Los Angeles' Memorial Coliseum - was coach Hank Stram's innovative Kansas City Chiefs. The Chiefs led the AFL In most of- fensive categories while compiling an 11-2-1 record through the regular 1966 season. WITH AFL PASSING king Len Dawson complellng 16 of 24 passes for 227 yards and touchdowns to tight end Fred Arbanas C29 yards) and Otis Taylor (29 yards), the Chiefs swept past Buffalo, 31-7, In the AFL title game to earn the young league's.first shot at the NFL. The Chiefs carried the game to the Packers for more than a half, trailing 14·10 at Intermission. On Its first possession of the second half. Kansas City moved to a first down In Green Bay territory When Wlllle Wood In- tercepted a Dawson pass Intended for Arbanas. Wood returned all the way to the Kansas City five. Elijah Pitts ran In from there to stake Green Bay to an lnsurmountable21· 10 lead. Dawson completed 16-of-27 passes for 211 yards. but the Chiefs were un- able to run on the Packers. OFFENSIVE BALANCE had been the trademark of Kansas City during the season. Dawson completed 159 of 284 passes for 2,527 yards. He com- pleted 56 percent of his attempts and f ired for a league-leading 26 touchdowns. Taylor was the favorite target with 58 catches for 1,297 yards Ca 22.4-yard average) and eight TDs, although Arbanas and Chris Burford also got consider able action. Kansas City passed for 2,840 yards and ran for 2,274. Mike Garrett paced the ground attack with 801 yards on 14 1 carries, a S.4 average. The 5, 11' yards total offense and 448 paints st Ill stand as Chief team records. The Chiefs could burn a team with either weapon. One week after Garrett rushed for 166 yards, Dawson com- pleted 38 passes. Defensively, Kansas City featured Stram's "stack." Sa fety Johnny Robinson and Bobby Hunt both picked off 10 passes during the cam- paign as rivals attempted 494 passes. THE CHIEFS RETURNED to the Super Bowl three years later and beat MlnneS()ta. 23-7. Eleven of the starters in the '67 Super Bowl were stl II Ch ief regulars, including Dawson, Taylor , Garrett, offensive linemen Jim Tyrer and Ed Budde and defensive standouts Buck Buchanan, Bobby Bell and Robinson. The 1967 Super Bowl Kansas City Chiefs and where they are now: OFFENSE : WR: Otis Taylor -Scout with the Chiefs. LT: Jim Tyrer -Owns tire service center In Kansas City and Is also ~ t111.111l1l1t .... ·'"" ·''"111 llll• "" .111· 1111111• .1 ....... 111111 \ 111' HUNTINGTON BEACH SURPLUS STORE We sell first quality and discontinued mefdlandln rorm Sean Retail and Catal<>1 Distribution. "Wu " prices quoted are the reaular prices at which the It.ems were formerly offered by Calaloa or in many Sears Retail stores around the country. See our ads every Wed. and Sun. Save 20°k to 600/o Off all Merchandise In Stock ' M id w estern manufact uri ng respresenlative with a novelty com- pany. LG: Ed Budde -General sales manager of Coors Beer In Kansas Cl· ty. C: Wayne Frazier -Whereabouts unknown. RG: Curt Men -Morning disc fockey with KMBZ radio In Kansas City. RT: Dave Hill -Used car recondi· tloner and wholesaler in Kansas City. TE : Fred Arbanas -Jackson County legislator In Missouri. WR : Chf'ls Burford -Lawyer In San Francisco Bay area. 08: Len Dawson -Television foot- ball commentator w ith NBC and Home Box Office, living in Kansas Ci- ty. RB: Curtis Mc Linton -t sslstant in the office of Health, Education and Welfare in Washington. O.C. RB: MJke Garrett -Department store executive In San Diego. DEFENSE LE : Jeny Mays -Half owner of Da I las, general contractlnQ business. LT : Andy Rice -Living In Cleveland. RT: Buck Buchanan -Left assls· tant coaching pests in Cleveland and' New Orleans to return to Kansas City · and open a lounge-restaurant. RE: Chuck Hunton -Works with Hagger Slacks In Atlanta, Ga. LLB: Bobby Bell -Owns Gates PORTABLE Touch-TUM Video C.1Mtt• Recorder • Up 10 -lllM llou,. ol reco<dlnQ Oft • elnof• UIMll• HANK STRAM and Sons barbecue r estaurant franchise in Kansas City. MLB: SMrrlll Headr ick -Works for Schlitz beer distributor In Kansas City. RLB: E.J. Holub -Foreman of Mullendorf Quarter-horse Ranch In Copan, ()t(la. LC: Fred Wiiiiamson -An actor in Hollywood. RC : WHiie Mitchell -living in San Antonio, Texas. SS : Bobby Hunt -Charlotte, N.C .• insurance man. FS : Jof'lnny Robinson -A minister outside of New Orleans, La. king Featur" Syndicate • One• pre-prog•ll'l"'l4. 11 l•I• you to~ne dlteclly 10111'( clllMel -eflGl<041lC.lly, tlle<1Uy 1 E•ll'f lllKhet lo eny l1lt vi100<1101 - tny tin. •"Y brand AND SAVE • Allrad\Otly 111mmld In tlmulelld IHlllM 10 COft'lpMiMnl ..., tMeot OMTHIS-_ DELUXI COLOI VIDEO CAMBA -..,,_....,._...-• ....,.. -Iii ' _, ( t Dilllt.Y PU.Ol Saturday, S9Pt•~' 29 it7t PA0'/*71 '1 1 PA~fde7' _ S.Udlit'.Seplember 2t. 1979 DALY PLOT,~ Magutfieent Seven: They've Rushed for More ftan 7 ,000 I ~ K~ SyMkate out of the lineup. His coach in his ear· WHEN HE RETIRED suddenly at OJ Simpson to d<' "'r""'<,t th.it 1n 1%9 A a of distance one yard ly years with the Cleveland Browns, age 29 af!er the 1965 season to as ,1 r('()k1t' Al!houoh hr r>.10 won lh' ts n!t much. feet. o/36 inches. tfle austere Paul Brown, occasionally become a motion.picture actor he He1<.man Tropny i"lt USC he was One s1r ld9 you stroll along a w as accused of using him too muctt. had established N FL records with l16 ernployed mostly a<. a 01 cov and oass • stdewafk Ewn In foo1ball one yard as a ball-carrier. t ouc hdo w ns and 106 rush 1no r rcr1ver by John Riluch lhrn the is not ~ ,At least It's' not much "But when you have a big gun," the touchdowns bothofwhlchst1llstand B111g: c0<1ch It """"n t until 1Q77 when · ftem .,_ v~nt of tM speci ator. coach would reply, "you shoot it." His only weakness was his virtucll Lou Saban took command a<. coach Y•'U Often hear people complaining Jim Brown never complained, at refusal to block But his coach in thcl t S1mp<.on w.is clllOwPd to run free· _....,, hOw a n.nning b«k got ONLY least not publicly. Mis only concession later years B lanton ·collier, didn't ly as a thorouqttbrPd c,hould two yards on -.t play. Or five yards. w as to drag himself to his feet after c 0 m P1 a i n . .. Y 0 u can . 1 a 5 k a II not for thl' <,h,1c Ii.IP<. ot his eclr1 f Orsevenyardl. havingbeentackledandshutfleslow· thoroughbred." the schol arly .. ra<.on<. hr ni1oht h,wr <.urpassed .. Sewn yarfS might not seem like ly back to the huddle. In his nine Browns' coach once said with "' Orown's record tot.~1 of 17 312 yards muctt " Larry Csonka once said "un· seasons, he led the NFL in rushing smile, "to pull a milk wagon .. by now Entennq wh,1t he announced tit ~ llUt 1J deftnsiw pla~rs in eight times, missing only in 1962 would be his l.ior,t -.e.1.-.on he needed ,.,,. nr 11\tlh lh1• n•bu1ld1ng San Fran ci<.C<' J9i•r or, •· 1 CONSI OE R 0 J the bf'<.t Plir runn1 r of .111 time Don Shulc"l tnc Mtclm1 Dolphins' coach has sa1(1 • Our C1el t-n<o1v(' ~h1loc,ophy against him •'> lo u<.C' qang tackl1no and try to turn h1rn to the 1n<o10P but he sttll gets h 1S YMd<lQf' Brown 1n 1963 also in a 14-game schedule In his way, Simpson has been the NFL s most dazzling runner -faster and more elusive than Brown. more powerf ul than Savers, who was perh-'P<i the most elusive runner of all But unlik e the seen"1n91y Jn- de<,truc t1ble Brown, the "Juice" eventually <iuccumbed to the occ;upa- l •onal hazard of all running backs - knee surgery. the Gr een Bay Packers during their glor y seasons under Vince Lombardi. And of all those with at least 7,000 yards, he was perhaps the least elusive -by design. He preferred to run over tacklers. "Why," asked Lombardi, "don't you run around t~m?" "You got to sting 'em a little coach," Taylor said. ... tMse Slwn y~" i hen Taylor was first. St rangely, the Buf!alo Bills asked 1 537 yards i1n unlikely accomplish· LARRY ~KA KNOWS. Larry ----------·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 ~~F~~~ e d~a't play games•. If yardage in the old All·A~rica Conference counted, Joe Perry, a 195-pound fullback for the ~ters. would rank ahead of Taylor on tM all- time list. Perry's 1.3.4S yards in two Dur1nq the rq73 season Simpson got vardaqe ltkP no other running back t>efort• or <o1nce He rushed for 2,003 vards surpassing the previous NFL se.1son rrcord of 1,863. c,ct by Jim TAYLOR WA S ANOTHER in· dr<.truc tible runnef, lhe fullback of .ccumul•t.d 7,taJ yards as • running tl«k. In tM long history of the Na· tional F~ LNgue, only seven t\Mfe rushed to, at IN.St 7 ,000 yards. ~I of then\ elthtt are or will be inlhe Hall of F'~me -Jim Brown,O.J . Simpson, Jim Taylor.Joe ~rry, Fran- co HarTis, LHov Kelly and Larry Csonka. Som etime thi s season Lydell Mltc:hell of the San Di~ Chargers might 1oin them. He needs 693 yards. BQt as the se~son began there were onty sewn with 7 ,000, perhaps the ~~:'s most ~elusive group. They in- J im Brown 2,312. Q.J Simpsot1, 10,n6. Jim Taylor, 8,S97. .Joe ~ry. 8,378. Franco Han1s, 7,377. Leray Kelly,-p7 .. Larry Csonka. 7 .2~ T heir common denominator is ~bility and dur ability. Ability is not enough. Gale Sayers had abillty, oot not durability. His knees couldn't t.Me the poundfng Of the seven, only S mpson •nd Kelly could be con· ~ed • bf'Hkelway nmners. The oa,tts rel~ more on brute force as t~k.s erown. of course, was the ~ n bnJte force. averaging S.2 Y•ck P9'" uny in his nine seasons. Hls t~ of 12'312 yards ts a monu men1. almost a mountain. PERNA" tME aEST alt-around •WO! ln Amtf'b sltM:e Jim Thorl>e • ct. ._2. zzt..pound Brown l'*9 a l2· •nch waist. He~ t>eein Profi<,~t"' la(jroue, _,.$J(etball, baseball and tr•<k •nd f ield a t Syracuse Unt~ end hJgt\ sct'lool But ne ChOW footblll 'S h tS Pf'ofMStOn. ~Ttw ~ w'" my business,'' ne onte ~ll'pf•lnedt '' Mv bodV and my m~ ~ my •~t~ and injuries were my llAbd•t•es." • . ••ow.t NEYER HAO any wr'°"' lnlur..s• at tMst none lhat ll~ him Pro leath Amwer ... c::::J .... _ c=: ....... _ .-.L..Jc::::> I • L--r.c=:l. LL HEW 1980 PORSCHE 924 TURBO· A.VA.II.AIU FOi IMMIOIA.TI DatVBY! II.AND NEW PORSCHE'S .NEW I 97'9 928 DEMO NEW 197'9 911 SC COUP£ Black ~etallts 17671 Chocolate Brown ( 18701 NEW 197'9 91 l SC DEMO Black (13921. NEW 1979 911 SC COUPE Brack metallic ( 1932) NEW 1979 928 NfW 1979 91 ISC TARGA \<!1nerva Blue metallic 22291 Llgl'lt Blue metalhc 118961 ... PRE-OWMED PORSCHE'S 1979 928 1978 m Beige 5sceed 0473 Black, (418TXB) 1979921 White Automatic 869XKA 1978 91 lSC COUP£ Chocolate BrOWf'I .. 29\IBR' Im 911$ COtft 8rown 975TVGI 19789'l4 Yellow (195TXAJ 1mm Black (724SAW) 1976 91' Blue (756WON 1971'91 lT 1971 91' Orange 592UO J. Blue (665CUY) TMI llST .. SALIS.SBVICl-&.IASIMG I J6J I HARIOR BLVD.• 636-2333 Ready for Immediate Delivery .. 1910 DA TSUNS NOW ON SALEI SAVE OM.REMAINING 1979'5 WHILE THEY LAST! Fully fact()(}' eou1pped includ1rn;i air cond1t1on1n9 AM·FM stereo radio Sf 688 · auto lrans . mags & much much more' (41750) BARDEii IR_OUE DATSUll 1JHI HAllOR 839-7000 We re proud o f our ·reputation tor honesty, integdty and customer-pleasin' service-after-sale. And we're convenient. · too ... four dealerships built to offer you selection and save your time and gasotine. Come on in - we're just a freeway away. I 979 SULUU DL coun SALE 54588 2 Door· 5 Soeed (916118) HEW I '79 SUIAIU ZDOOI DL SIOAH Radio. Mags 42626) SALE 547a HEW I 979 SUIARU 4DOOR DL SEDAN Atr cond. (74679) SALE 549a BARDEii OROUE I 3821 HARBOR CALL 544-0800 SUBARU WE DOM1T MEET COMPETITION .•• WE MAKE IT! SPECIAL USED CAR SALIOM MOW! '77 TOYOTA CRICA Orange. black interior Air. stereo. automatic. mags 22.000 miles (613SLO) 54995 •71 SA.Al TUltlO Lambda Guard. Sunroof. stereo cassette. velour seating. 23 000 m1 (733VCOJ . 58495 71 YW SCllOCCO Sandstone gold A ir, s t ereo. mags. lo w mileage Beautllul c:ond (764NBZ) 55695 '77 f'OttSC .. '14 AM /FM cassette. 4 s p e ed . sunrool , burgundy 1n color (263RZQJ s 95 SALIS-SBVICIUASI.._ - Salff o,... S••tft Doys • s.mc. 0,.. ,...., ...i 1-3731 HARBOR BLVD. • 534-4100 ~ake the ga1nble out ol buying or. leasi~g ! Art work is designed !or 1l•ustrat1on purp0ses only & features may vary All cars plus taJ< & tic . subiect to prior sale. and sold on approved credit All prices effective thN Sun. 9/30/79. ACC seasons are not included In his career total. As a result, he is credit- ed with 1,378 yards instead of t ,m , still a remar1lable tot•I ·tor • M ii· carrier who Is often f«gotttn by too many NFL devotees. aUT MFS MOT A>ttGOTTEN fft San Fr•ncisco where he was a member of "Ttte Miiiion-Doiiar BacUlef6" wittl Y .A. Tl ttfe, H"°" McElhenny and John Henry Johnson during the,,._ ''TM ~ S:ic)ned me r111f!t out of the Navy:· ~ MYS-11f Nd 90"9 to Compton Junior CoUege before ec>- i ng into the service, but -"eft I scored a lot of toucNlowm t.w tM Alameda Naval Air StMJoA teen\, h 49ers and u. Rams wantecl to sign m e. And about 1• cotleves wen afttr m e. Some of ttlOSe cotle9fs offered me more than the ftef'S did, but I signed wfth tttem anyway." Soon f'le was known •.s ."Joe the Jet" bec ause. as qu•rterback Frankie A l bert explained, "H•• always says thanks. And If N misses a block for ~. he always says he's sorry. That word' isn't In some guys" vocab<ltaries ... HARRIS WAS FORTUNATE fft t~t he mowct In as a startef' as a rookie. Leroy KeUy had to walt untJt Jim Brown retired beforce he was permitted to carry the ball. Until then, Kelly, out of Morgan St.te, had been a kickoff-return and punt-return specialist for two SHSOns. But once liberated. he twice led the NFL In r ushing, with 1,20S yards in 1967 and 1,239 yat"ds fn 1968. In his ~ he scored 90 touchdowns. And Ilk• all good running tNKks. he pl•Yed tough, Once he hurried to the sideline wfth a dislocated finger. ' "Pop it back i n," he told the trainer. ' Quickly, the trainer readjusted ~ finger and Kelly hurried back to the huddle without m issing a play. Larry Csonka is that way too_ Hts nose N5 ~ br<*.en about 10 times during his football career. Often he doesn't eoven come to the sidefine. He just reatfgns the bones by himself. "It hardly even hurts anymore.'' he says. BUT AS MUCH AS ANY runner, Zonk has hurt tacklers w ith hlS' smashing style, occasionally with a smashing forearm. In his Supet- Bo w I seasons w ith the M rami Dol phins, he was compared to Bronko Nagurskl, the legendary fi.lllbeck of the Chicago Bears of the 1930s -no4 even Jim Brown ever was compared to N agurski, tM essence of pro foot. ball in its unsophisticated decades.. The most remarkable aspect to Zonk's yardage total Is that hfs Im four seasons were mostly wasted - three seasons w ith the New Y~ Giants who hardly used him after.one shortened season In the World Foot- ball league, now defunct. This season he's beck with the Dolphins, on I y 31 yards short of rnovf ng past Kelly into sixth pf ace, but 1, 13S ywds short of passing Perry. "I love running with the football," Z9nk says. '' I low the noise -tt. clack of the shoulder S>-.dS hitting aJt along the tine and the grunting of U. linemen u t hey colllde. Those tacklers •re clawing .net scratcNng, reachfng out at YoU. •And YoU haw this t~ndous fwllng of bllng ~ tected by your offensfw line. And If your bkxfen haw -. • good Jc*. YOU get tow or five yMds. _,.. seven." -. - • 8 ONLYPILOT S1turdey. September 29. 1979 PADflk79 Winning Edge King Featu,..s Syndicate Last Week's Summary -The "home dog" theory enjoyed a big week, winning four of five games. In the last two weeks, we called eight right and eight wrong. The season's r ecord stands at 19·13 against the spread, a winning ed{le of 68 percent. Buffalo (Plus 2112) Over hltlmore- The Colts have played three con· secutlve good games but how can anyone go against the Biiis? Buffalo beat the spread more than any other club a year ago when they went 12-3-1 and the Biiis have picked up where they left off. They're H I against the spread so far. Buffalo beat the spread In both games against the Colts last season. At home In 1978 Baltimore was a 31h point choice but lost the game, 21·1'4. At Buffalo the Biiis cov· ered a 21h·polnt edge, 2'4·17. Take Buf· fato. History Is on your side. Detroit (Minus l'h ) Over Min· nesota -Last week's win over Atlan· ta should set the Lions straight. Picked to capture the NFC Central Division, the Lions were a big disap- pointment In losing their first three games. Now they shoold start putting It together. Last week was the first time t he Vikings have beaten the spread In 10 weeks, stretching over the final seven weeks of last season. In other words, the oddsmakers are overrating Bud Grant's club. We feel they're stlll rating them too high. Don't they remember last year When the Vikings went to Detroit at the end of the year needing a win? Detroit ripped them, '45-1'4. Give the points. Cleveland (Plus 4) Over HCH.lston - For some reason the participants In the Monday night game are perform· Ing well the following week. Of the six teams that played In the first three M onday night games, all beat the spread the following week. That's one point In favor of Cleveland. Another and more Important one Is the fact that Houston doesn't play well In the Astrodome. A year ago the Oiiers were only H >-1 against the spread at home. Meanwhllle, the Browns had one of the better road records, going '4·3·1. This season Cleveland beat the spread Jn both of Its two road con· tests. Both teams have a habit of playlno tight games. There's only one way to bet this game, take the points. Tampa Bay C Plus 1v,> Over Chicago -Yes, Virginia, the Bue· caneers are for real. They proved that against the Rams last week. That victory shoold give them enough momentum to roll over the Bears. Chicago's strength Is Its running at· tack but the Tampa Bay linebackers are good enough to hold down Walter Payton and Co. Meanwhile, the Bucs should run virtually at will against the Bears. The Bucs are 4-0 against the spread this season and we don't see any reason to get off a good thing. Take the points. Denver (Minus 3) Over Oakland - Like we've said many times, It's tough to go against the "Home Dog Theory," but we feel this Is a special case. The Broncos have the Raiders' number. Two years ago the Broncos beat the spread against Oakland In two of three games. Last year they beat the spread In both meetings against the Raiders. Oakland has fallen totally apart, falling to beat the spread In Its last three games.Give the points. New York Jets <Plus 5 ) Over Miami -This could be the best bet on the board. The Jets have shown the ability to bounce back from lopsided wins the past two years. A year ago they were humiliated by New Enoland, ss-21, but came back the following week to upset the Bron· . cos at Denver. Earlier this season the Patriots again embarrassed them, S6·3, but seven days later they burled the Lions, 31-10. Take the points. Two TNm THMr -LOI ~I (Even) OVW St. Louis to S.. trran- ctsco CPhll 1t'h) Over San Diego - The Rams wlll bounce back and beat the Cardinals whlle the Chargers fall t~ cover 13!h points spread against the 49ers. .Pro Quiz . <1> TM numDtr of runners who've rushed few 1,000 yards alx '"'°"'or more Is (•lone Cb) thrM (c) two. (2) The only NFL tt1m ever to win • division tltle Wftlle belno outscored during tht INSOft WH Ca) tN 1940 Washington Redskins Cb> the 1947 Chicago Cardlnals Cc) ~ 1971 Min· f'tsota Vlklngt. (3) The average distance for field goal attempts IH1 year was etiout (1) 21 yards Cb> 41 yards (c) 3$ yarcn. U) When New Orltans drafted Russell Erxleben No. 1 this yar, the Saints _,. tt. fourth team In history to make a kicker a first draft cholct. Other• Include (a) Oakl1nd (b) WHhlngtion (c) St. Louis. (6) Thi most appe1ranc:u by one team In tM ~ Bowl II (I) thret (b) six Cc> flw. (6) Last Yt1r tM two teams tMt played two a-mes ag1ln1t tach othtf In two Wiiiet with tdentlcel results were (I) the Gl1nt1·BHrs Cb) Falcont·Salnh (c> Raiders·,, Seahawtts. (7) TNmt that played more than one owrtlme a-me In 111( yeer'a ,. oular season Included C•> c 1evtt1nct (b) Kanws City Cc~ Denver. Cl) Averege •ttendanc• 1t NFL oamtt In 1t1t compared wlttt 1'17 wH <a> up Cb) down (C) .. me. (9) The trtnd In NFL offensu In 1971 w11 to <•> more p1111no (b) mort runntftQ Cc) even division ''°"'" nlno 1nct pa .. no. ( tO> In 1971 tM maJ0rlty of vlctor'" wtnt to <•> home tNm1 (b) visitors (C) Mlthlr; ewn toUt. ... . ..,. ...... MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL AT THE PUB • GIAMT SCREEN T.V. IRisli \">\)"' •CHIU DOGS 111.~1.75 DRAFT IHI .50 GLASS • 60 0t. 'ITCHEI SJ.00 3011 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 675-2340 LEASE From The Leader OVER 1000 CADILLAC LEASES IN ORANGE COUNTY Compe1111ve Pricing-Superb Servlc6 NABERS OPEN70AY8 2600 HARBOR BLVD .• COSTA MESA 540-9100 -lJMBERTo·s- ITALIAN RESTAURANT & COCKTAIL LOUNGE MONDAY MITE FOOTBALL SPECIAL [ PIUA • SANDWICHES l ... wn.G-.0.0.. GIANT 1 FOOT TV SCREEN ,,., w~ AY•. CA• ...... w ... ,~ .... 111.,.,., ctr. H•tlngtoa leach 848-5666 PA0fde'79 Sa1urcSay. Seplember 29. 1979 DAILY PILOT 9 Quiz Answers C 1) C. Last year Pittsburgh's Fran- co Harris chalked up his sixth 1,000· yard season, becoming only the second player to do it. Jim Brown of Cleveland had seven 1,000-vard seasons In his nine-yea r career . Harris' total for seven yea rs with the Steelers through 1978 was 7,377 yards, even though he got on ly698 In 1973. (2) C. The Vlldngs won the NFC Central Division title last year for the sixth straight time although they scored only 294 Points to their oppc- nents 306, the fir st time In history a division tltllst was outscored. Also, Minnesota's 8-7,-1 record gave the team a .531 percentage, lowest ever for a division winner. Next lowest was the Boston Patriots' .538 for a 7-6· 1 recOf'd In the AF L 's Eastern Division In 1963. C3) C. The average field goal try was 3S.1 yards, while the average successful kick traveled 32.3 yards. The distances were nearly Identical with 1977, When the average try was 3S.7 yards and the average for suc- cessful kicks was 32.6 yards. (4) A. B. C. Washington was the f ir st, taking Princeton's Cha rlie Gogolak In 1966; Oakland took Ray Guy from Southern Mississippi as Its first 1973 choice, and In 1978, the Cardinals' No. 1 pick was Steve Little of Arkansas. · (5) C. Dallas has been In the Super Bowl five times, winning twice and losing three times. The Cowboys de· feated Miami and Denver, white los· Ing once to Baltimore and twice to Pittsburgh. Minnesota has been In the Super Bowl four times, but has yet to win. (6) B. Last Nov. 12 In the Superdome, the Falcons scored with only 19 seconds left on the clock and beat the Saints 20· t 7. Two weeks later In Atlanta, there were only f Ive seconds left in t he game when Steve Bartkowski passed to J im Mitchell for a one-yard touchdown. and again the scorewasAllanta20, New Orleans 17. (7) A. C. Cleveland had three over- t ime games . w inni ng over the Bengals and Jets, but losing to the Steelers. Denver also played three overtime games in 1978, beat ing Kansas City and Seattle, but losing to Minnesota . There were no ovP.rtlme p0stseason games. (81 A. Last year, average atten- dance tor 224 regular season games wa s 57 ,017, up 1.4 percent from 1977's 56,218. Total attendance for the 1978 16-week season was 12,771,800. com- pared with 11,018,632 1for 1977's u weeks, an Increase of 15.9 percent. last year's average attendance was third highest in NFL history; 1973 was the record year, with 1972 second best for average attendance. (9) A. Passing was up, rushing was down. The average number of passes pe'r game in 1978 was 53, compared with SO in 1977, while the average number of rushes per game last year was 72, compared with 75 In 1977 . Average yardage followed the pat· tern. Passing yardage declined from an average of 288 in 1977 to 284 In 1978. Average total yardage was up last year -601 compared with 572 In 1977. C 10) A. Home teams won 130 of the 224 regular season <aames, visitors won 93 and one was a tie. That's a 41.5 percent mark for vlsltln<a teams, down slightly from 1977 when vlsltlno teams won 42.3 percent of regular season games. Pro Odds, Picks· Odds and Plck1 (Overs and Un«Mrs In P1rtntltt1t1) St. Louis plus 6 at Los Angeles <34> Buffalo plus 21h at Baltimore (42) Cincinnati plus 10 at Dallas C-40) Cleveland plus 4 at Houston (38) Denver minus 3 at Oakland (3.S> Kansas City plus 61h at Seattle <37> Miami minus s at ·Nt w York Jets , .. 1) Minnesota plus 31h at Detroit (35) New York Giants plus 6 at New Orleans <39> Pltt&bUrgh minus S at Phlladelphla (37) San Francisco plus 131h at San Diego ( .. 2) TamP11 Bay plus 1V' at Chlcaoo (36) Washington plus 3 at Atlanta <311 New England minus I at Green Bay (37) PlltOfflt '79 Stttcllons 81ltlmort giving points (21h) vs. 8uffalo Dall11 giving points (10) vs. Cincin- nati Houston giving oolnts <•> " . Cltvt land Oakland tak ing points 13> vs. Otnvtr Suttle giving golnts (61/?) .vs. KanusClty M iami giving points (5) vs. New York Jets Detroit giving points (31M vs. Min- nesota New Orleans giving p0lnt.s C6V1) vs. New York Giants Phlladelphla taking paints (S) vs. Plttsburoh St. Louis taking points (6) vs. Los Angeles San Francisco taking points ( 131111 vs. Sen Diego Tampa Bay taking points (llh) vs. Chicago Atlanta givi ng points U) vs. Washington New Enoland giving points (8) vs. Green e.v .............. tltt Sprtff New Orleans giving points C61h) vs. Now York Giants. Mannino and Co. now coming on. Miami Olvlno points <S> vs. New York Jeu. Not • high number fot OMslon tHder to cover. T1rnpa·Bay taklng points <l'h> vs. Chicago. If you Ilk• Tampa Say to win, potnts tr•• bonus. Kl"I FM .... Syftcllc.N DRIVE O()NE •••.•••• YOU'LL BUY ONE! Wa Have3 · • 0 1 The Ho1te~1 SPIDER, SPRINT GT & SPORT SEDAM Import Line<; In The County' 'J.~,.~ 604 & 504 --'Y G'.1~& 0 1<--PI M•,tl•·f •• 900 TURIO & 900Gl PEUGEOT C.ill lor an .:ipp01ntmen1 '' '<>•e a 12 h(lur i?valuat•O" "" ... 1·, Jay'" LARllA BEACH OVER 20 COMPANY DEMONSTRATORS MUST BE SOLO BY SEPT ~h AT FACTORY INVOICE OR LESS. 1000's BELOW 1980 PA ICES. 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach 546-9967 -494-1131 A MAN ARRESTED FOR DRUNK DRIVING IS NOT NECESSARILY A CRIMINAL! But He May ••• • Loae hi• Ileen•• •Go to j•ll •Have hla lnaur•nce cancelled •Lo•• hi• lob However , with proper legal -,,,,_~~--......-....----- representation. all of those problems mey be eliminated. All too often the result In court Is directly rel•ted to the quality of your lawyer. At Amerlc•n Lew Centers, we provide 1 free conaultatlon with • lawyet> who la lkllled In the 1ret of crln'tinal lew. 1.AME ICAN~ 4 ~~ W CeN1~ "'" 1..w1 l11 crl1111MI -.....,ce n WMll•I 111111,y If LAWY!RS COO,IRATIVE WUTMtMSTll 14JOlllACMaVD. ltl-4H2 IAM'TAAMA 2009 M. •OADWAY 111-1760 114 .... AMAM8M 111 t M. IUCUI ITI. 0 77M117 l14MIJ IJ4 ... I TUS11M JOI W. tST 7JNl20 114 ... , \ .... ..-------- COSTAMISA CAL&. .. ,... .. B.TOIO CALL Hl-n14 10 ONl Y PILOT Saturday. Sept.ember 29, 1979 - -... PAD/"6'71 INTERCEPTION L EADER ~ PM r ... h. Wtt\h ~IOllf !it l W 11\on Phil Grdy G H T urnn, Mu111 !.<••"'d· Phil Jon•·\ N Y MyPr N 0 bttrnc~. Uall Kylt• Doll No I I ' ' Yeh 10 10 0 l rirJ , , ,. II 0 LEADING RUSHERS I ( > u 0 0 0 0 0 I CJ 0 ~I )~I 4 J f!A 111 J I \ }fl I \ '• All11111 Ch1u90 0.llH O.lro11 Gn~ IMy LO\ All9' .. , M11111tM>l1 N-OdMn\ N Y G11nf\ Piii i.de lpht• »1111 LOUI\ ~n Fr1nc1w:o hrri~ l!..1y W11t11nglon J I l'I )J 11 j() •1 Ill ,,, It l'I JI JI NFC DEFENSE ~ FIRST f DOWNS r{ All1nl1 (111<190 °'""' O.tro1I Grun ~Y Lot AnttlH MlnntM>fl Ati.nta Chlceto Dellf• Detroit OrHn B.ly lot MlllU Mlnnetota Ntw Or ... nt N.V. Ofanh ........ lptlll Saint &..vi• San Frtncl1<0 ,.,,.,. .. y ............ 74 JJ ,, )1 41 11 38 '"' 0 143 0 l•S ' 1910 191 0 111 5 m e 1810 1611 101 3 116 3 151 0 IOI l •~o SI 18 18 16 l8 J4 48 11 J I ~I II 8 3• J7 78 )8 4 s 3 4 10 11 ?9 •) 16 6 • 9 I I II 23" s 136 3 170. lJ1 0 IH l 109 J 159 5 2018 uoo 1•1 • 116. nu 116 0 174 3 ,.~ 191 ?93 43) 380 279 ll6 318 379 126 :m 390 311 ,., ?9J 410 ,,. 3l0 PAOlik'71 Saturday, September 29, 1979 OAIL V PILOT 1 t NFL Weekly Statistics AFC LEADING SCORERS Tovchdowns Name C.W1ll1ams. S 0 Csonka, Mia. Butter. Bull Campbell, Hou Hooks. Buff. Long, N V. Smith, Sea. Thornton, Pitt. Na me Fritsch. Hov Smith.N E Cockroft, Ccev. Herrera. Sea. Leahy.NY. Benirschke, S 0 Bahr, Pitt. Turner, Oen. von Schamann. Mla. TDs Rur.h Rec Ret Pts 8 8 0 0 48 S 4 I 0 JO 4 0 ' 0 24 4 .. 0 0 24 4 • 0 0 2• 4 4 0 0 24 4 3 I 0 2" 4 2 2 0 2 .. Kicking PAT FG 89 88 14 ,.. 6 8 7 10 8 9 9 10 6 9 9 10 6 10 12 13 4 .. 1112 ... 8 8 46 Lng Pts •7 32 39 32 )7 31 .. 27 ~ 27 A2 24 "5 23 37 20 8 11 4·1 36 20 AFC OFFENSE ./' FIRST ; DOWNS _. a.ttimore 20 lS e 63 Bvff•lo 26 36 s 67 Cincinn1h J9 26 s 70 Cleveland 28 "S s 78 Oenvff )() 36 9 15 Hou1to" .. 1 22 s 61 Kans.M City 31 27 11 .. ~mi 3.S 36 f 10 New Engl1nd 41 31 6 M H. Y. Jets "5 31 4 80 Olkland 22 36 9 67 Pittsburt" 21 « 7 1'9 San Dte90 34 33 8 75 SNttle 33 411 6 79 AFC DEFENSE l I' i° FIRST i;' I ~ DOWNS ,/ I ~ lattimere 19 33 lO 62 ...... 44 21 4 76 CiMiftMH 43 33 6 82 Clevelellll JO 41 5 16 o.n..,... 20 "5 1 n Houatoft JO 31 7 61 KaftMJ City 25 34 s ... Miami 21 29 4 S4 LEADING PASSERS fMw E,.a...4 33 27 4 '4 (4httempts) N.Y. Jets 3S SI S 91 Name All CompPct TOlntRtng Olllla.nd 32 ..0 10 8? Ferguson, Buff. 93 S8 62 .4 1 1 111.f Plttdlwt" 21 21 1 57 Grogan. N. E 100 48 .48.0 8 4 8A.2 S." DiefO 2t 36 S 69 Fouts. S.D. 101 u S9.8 ' l 81 ' Seattle 28 '' 13 as Sipe, C1e11. 131 69 52 1 8 7 76.l NOTE : First downs gl11en on offense an<S Bradshaw, Pill. llS 60 S2.2 7 6 7S.9 defense are 1he TOTALS for lour games. Anderson, Cin. SO 28 56.0 I 1 7S.8 Yardage figures on offense a nd defense AFC OFFENSE • COMllNEO .if!J NETYDS I'. GAINED "' 8-ttlmore 91 s Bvffllo I IS 8 Cil1dM1ll H0.-0 Cteveleftd 125 3 Deftwr 133 e Mlul"'9 162.S K.IRMt City 161.0 MAIMI 155.3 Ntw 1"1111141 176..S N. Y. Jtta 191.0 Olki.M 90.0 PittsllUf'th 130.J San D'etO 1..0 8 Seattle 1J9 3 S.ltimere 136.3 Bvff•lo 204.1 Ond nNti 117.S Cleveland 137.I DttlYef' 100.0 Hou•to" 1'3.0 IC.a" ... Qty 112.$ Miami 96.S Ntw &141MI 103.0 N. Y. Jett lAl.J Olkl•nd 1~7.3 Pittsburt" 116.8 San C>Mte 121.l Seattle 113.3 178 0 227.0 \17.S 2J9 0 189.0 136 3 89 8 173 8 189 s 1J3 8 1718 208 s 178 3 222.8 161.3 141.0 199.3 191.0 210.J 118.I 181 s 1..0 8 115 J 29S J 202.8 99 s 180.J 24.3 270 s 3478 257 s 36-t J 3228 2988 2518 319 0 366 0 3JI 8 16U 338 8 319 0 362 0 31)4.S 3458 316.8 • m• 310.J 261.I 2'4.0 237.3 211.J 436 s 3SO 0 216 3 301.S 361.S WEEK ml •YEITORY CLEARAICE * Mil 179 JOOTD STATIOH WAGOH ,,.., ................ ,.,._., -,,.. -cw.eooo .... ()ODU8t '~~_., •Mil 179 240 DIESEL Ster .,, 141Ctof\' klll•OOf. O/lly IOCJO mll•I E~ Clellvery, Newc•r ffCtOry w•rr•nfy. IS.. t?IJISI Weese. Oen. 71 40 56 3 l J n S are th• AVERAGES for the four games. ~n•y.~11 . 111 66 56.4 3 4 ~.3'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Mil 171 240 DIESEL Griese. Mla. 69 39 56.~ 2 3 67.6 Stabler, Oak. 116 6? so s 6 66.8 lEAOlt-IG PASS RliCEIVERS Receptions Name Chester. Oak. Butler. Butl Wa,hlng1on. Ball (rbl McCauley. Ball lrb) Smith. Sea.lrbl Stallworlfl, Pitt. Upchurch. Oen. Logan. Clev. Newsome. Clev. Largent. Sea. Wall(er, N. Y. No Yds Avg TOs 23 213 II 9 2 21 .. ,7 19.9 4 21 182 8.7 0 19 220 11 6 0 17 179 10.S 1 16 278 17.4 1 lf 286 19 1 1 lS 264 17 6 2 lS 2AS 16.3 J 14 307 21.9 2 14 m 20.9 I INTERCEPTION LEADERS Name No Yda lng TOs Relnfeldt. Hov. 4 46 23 o Lambert, Pitt. 3 6 4 o LEADING RUSH ERS Name Campbell, Hov. C.W,Ullams. S.O Smith, Sea. • Cvnnlngham. N. E dlerklng, N v. CM>nka, Mia. Wiiiia ms.Mia. G.Prultl, Clev. McKnl9ht, 1<.C. Thornton, Pitt. Alt Vdl A119 Lng TDt. 114 493 4,3 22 4 61 301 S.O H I ~ ,., 4.$ JO 3 10 m .. o 21 1 S2 258 S 0 40 I S8 247 .e 3 22 .e 6.S 232 J 6 23..,1 2 S1 229 ... o 2"' 0 43 2J4 5.2 70 ' J9 221 s.t n 2 LUDINO 'UNT!9'S Name Gruflp. K.C .. Pert...,, Hov. G\ty, Ollk. Weaver.SH. Mclnally, Cln. Evens. Clev. Pre,trldge. O.n. Colqulll, Pill. AemM'(.N.Y OOti. Belt. No L"V Avg 3t 5' 451 2t 59 431 21 61 43.I 11 tO 43 s '" ,. 43 I 20 ff 42.1 24 5' 4\.1 24 ,.. .. , • ll .., 40.1 31 $1 411.• Net ..0 I 322 30.9 376 333 lU '' 3U 33.S 3.5.7 36.3 GET READY FOR SKI SALE & SKI SWAP OCTOla.6&7 FIATUllM .. 1·2 FIH snu RAMP SHOW CC>llOttA DIL M.41 JIJ I I. C...t Hwf• , .......... ,.. ..... r.tla .... '7M'7M 7331'• COMPITITIVEL Y PRICED ./' TAKE ADVNlfAGE WHILE THIS . OFFER LASTSI WE MEAN IUSINESSI ROy Carver BMW I S40 JAMIORES RD., NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 71•·640-6U4 On11 U,000 mite\, tl.Cl<lc sunroot. ''''"° ,.,.iw, lvorv r«Mm4JOO N1w c•• ••cto•Y w•rrantv llS7VCl0 * Mil 171 210SE lOUlfv 0""'9d & -io.. ""'-1vffy ~ .. .... •lff""Y le&7U8E> •Mil 171 450SLC N"w cor f9clor'f _,""'Y ,,,__. ,,_ SUNOOl. lldor'( tflOy\ , ___ 1103831 * Ml1 '69 210SL COUPE IOADST8l Ot-•uc: _,. --~ _..,,..,,,,, ~ VW....S 6,......_MAO llr.--(~I * .. % '73 220 DllSB. =-r-~-.--~-· ...... * OLDS 179 DIESBJ Otlll•• .. "'*'°'· Of\ly 1.000 '"'" ... ......,..,. Mel r~. QlllOlll 1111.. eunroot. LOllded. ta.. 1'*4! . IMM91A Tl DB.IV&Y CALL FOi quc>TE • ... -' -12 OM. V PllOT Saturday, September 29. 1979 .. -· • * DEMONSTRATORS ,.,..., ·-... ~-.. LOW , * EXECUTIVE CAIS'--'r -MILEAGE _ * COMP.AMY CARS & LO.DID WITH * RENT AL CARS EqUIPMEMT * DRIVEi TRAININ5 CARS FIRST COME FIRST SERVED * FIREllRDS * TRANS AMS * IOMMEVILLES * WAGONS -·"'---*LEMANS '-~---~SUNllRDS . --~----~-~ * GRAND PRIX * 'PHOENI --- . * READY TO ROLL