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1979-10-09 - Orange Coast Pilot
e a e er s ....... Pfraling Interest Bate I • • • • gry W riterypilot Buzzes U eN 9 7in County 4 Cities Join Slayi,ngs Probe By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of .. 0.ly ll'IMC Sutt The Orange County Sherirrs Offi ce and police departments in four cities will work together in a Joint in vestigation of 10 assault s that have left six women a nd a n unborn child ead it was leamed t~. The jo int e ff o rt by investigators from Costa Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach. Tustif' and the sheriff's office was Jailed Sniper Hangs Self In SF Cell SAN FRANCISCO CAP) Wayne Cullinane, the sniper who fired more than SO shot& from a high-rise office building and held a hostage for almost 23 hours last weekend, hanged himself before dawn in his jail cell, authorities said. Cullinane's body was found at 6:30 a.m. b) a trusty delivering breakfast, according lo Ray Roberts, legal counsel for the San Francisco Sheriff's Depart· m ent. The lrusl) s ummoned a medical attendant, who cut the body down. Roberts said a Jog ls used to record lbe limes when inmates are checked, bul he said It was "unclear" when Cullinane was last seen alive. Cullinane used a strip of bed sneet or mattress cover to bang himself, lying one end around bis neck and the other around lbe highest bars of hla cell Roberts said. Deputy Coroner E verett Bigbee said an autopsy would be beld today. A shaken deputy, who declined to 1ive bis name, said CulllnaDe iwaa checked periodically but t <See SNIPER, Pase A!) expected to be announced at a press conference scheduled for noon today in Tustin. Sheriff Bradley Gates and the four police chiefs involved - Chuck Thayer of Tustin , Roger Neth of Costa Mesa. Pete Gross of Newport Beach and Leo Pearl o f Irvine stoppecLshor:L oL calling the effort a "task force," but have pledged budgetary s u ppo rt f or a s p ecial investigative team. One of the chiefs, Gross of Newport Beach, noted that the agreeme nt amo n g th e departments' top administrators means the difference between "puttin.,_ together a real team that functions as a un1l as opposed to a pickup fl ag football game approach." The cases date back to J anuary. 1977. In all, 10 women have been assaulted . Four s urvived. although the full-term baby carr ied by one of the survivors died as a res ult of the assault. Until today. i nvestigators from each jurisdiction have met on an informal basis to share information Th e formation of a more fo rmal joint i nvestigation apparently bas been spurred b}' the fact that three women have been attacked on the past three weekend!.. The most recent victim found d ead In her Tustin residence Sunday night was Debra Jean Kennedy, 24. A wee k earlier, 20-year-old Diana Green ~as assaulted in h e r Tustin apartment Hers was the baby who died. A week before that an unidentified Irvine woman was a11aulted in her apartment. She alao survived the attack. One of lbe issues among investigators ha& been the coordination of the lnvestiaaUve effon on a mulU-jmiadictiooal baala. Part ol that effort bu been an apparenUy umucceufuJ attempt (See llURDE&S, Pa1e AZ> Snappy Return . 'BUNGEE JUMPERS' ALL DRESSED UP FOR BOUNCE OFF GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE Three of Ave Br1ton1 Taken Into Cu1tody In San Frandaco; Others E1cape 5 Bungee Jumpe rs Leap From Bridge SAN FRANClSCO <AP) -A British quintet dubbed the "Bungee Jumpers" leaped off the Golden Gate Bridge -then 1mapped back lo safety thanks w thick rubber band!. that stopped the m short of Sao Francisco Bay. Whey the five -four men decked out in formal morning and lop hats and a wqman - yo.yoed '. rom tbe rust-colored bridae Monday wu about as clear u the fog that often wraps it.sell U'Olmd the s pan's towers. A alxth comrade dido 'l gel a chance to j ump the 220 feet because be gol tangled in his harness. Thr~ or the jumpers, who wert: picked up by the Coast Guard, were eventually cited by the California Highway Patrol ror trespassing on the bridge cables Two more escaped in a private boat, authorities said. But tbe hi1h-1pirlted band apparently intend to lel the citations bounce and plan to return to Englano l.Oda). Whe n the jumpers quit bobbing al the end of their elastic, or bun1ee cords, they let themselvet 4own on ropes. Burly Rapist Being Sou ght In Huntingto n A 17-year-old Kentucky girl told police a musct.l.lar man with a New York accent raped her six times Monday after forcing her into his car near a Huntington Beach sboppine center. The girl, officers said, claims a red-haired man picked her up around 10 p.m. in a parking lot n e ar the corner o r Be-ach Boulevard and Garfield Street and relea•ed be r Sn Irvine several hours later. Officers said details of the alleced attack are incomplete. The girl described her assailant as about 30 years old and weighing about 240 pounds. Target: Publishe r Ne~by BUU .ETIN NEW YOaK <AP dla1ruatled wrltec-In a •lll&Je...elldae plane baued the Ualc.ed Nau.a. for fot1r hours today ', tben landed at La GaardJa Airport as Ills fuel was .... nlng out. Tbouaanda bad nf'd lbf' United Nations and the bulldlnic ho using the pilot ' publls!wrs. NEW YORK <API Thousand" of pt•oplf' fl ed thl' l 'n1t<:d Nation" today while a man. angn· at a puhhsh1n J.t firm. hul7N1 Lhe rompany 's nc·arby of fH·1•s 1n .1 ... m gh· P11g1ne plane, poller '\a1d Offlt•t•rs sa1<1 thl' lar g<' head quartl'rs hu1ld1ng of Ha rcourt Bract' .Jovaoov1c h publishing tom panv .ilso had h<•Pn ordered ,., al·ualt>tl as thf' man continue 111-. r1rdms: shortly h<:for<' 1 p m n11>r<' th.in 3 hours aft er he n·.11 ht·d "''" York·-. Ed!'.l Side llo\\ever. Nora McCormick, a <'il'rk al lhl' poht'l' d<•parlment's ,1,•1at1on u.n1t . said thl' pilot wa s 1111t thn•at1•ning to crash Lh<' plJnt• Jnd \\as "Vl·ry pleasant·· 1n his corl\ t•rsat1ons on the radio She said he began buzzing tht' publishing rnmpany office .1hout 9 30 a m B"ll" soundt·d throughout the ·HI story Sencturiat building .1bout 11 a m and seC'urity 11rr1cC'r'> ord<'rt'd the s<'veral thoui:.and employc<'S lo leave, as lhr rcc1 and white Cessna 172 made large sweeping circles north of the U.N. complex At noonbme, the circling took him several blocks north of the Queensborough Bridge. The General Assembly haJI. (Sff WRITER, Page AZ) Coast Weath er Partt) cloudy t hro ugh We dnesday with lows tonight 57 to 63. Highs Wednesday upper 60s to upper 70s. I NSIDE T ODAY Stock Market Drops Sharply The awesome 1tu.ot from the spectacular suapenaion bridle startled hundreds of commuten heading to work from Marin County. Tbe leapers offered tbe Cout Guard a variety of reaaona for the biJinkl that didn't seem to hold water -to honor Columbua on bia day, to ra1M money for charity were two. Rock Punch es Hole In Malibu Rooftop LO-S-ANGELES CAP ) - Fallinl rocks cruhed throuch a Malibu residence on tbe Pacific Coaat Hllhway Monday durina Caltram ettorta to 1tabili&e the billaide abcwe homes ln the Bil Rock 1Ude area. Lfnda Brown ii l J yNr• old bui ~ 23 fnchet iall. She. Ub other dwarf•. muai over- come obftocln niery day. See Paoe A5. PNm AP DllpateMI The 1tock market dropped arply ln beayY tradlo1 today, aced wltb 1plraUn1 interest tel. Gold l"OM 1barply and the Uar allo sal.Ded. Tbe Dow Joaea a.erase ol 30 du1trial1, off 13.57 potnu oad•Y. ao.t another 17.• to .• .,_. fow boun of tradlnl tod•J· The tally of New York Stock Excbqe-u.ted wuea 1howed more than 1,400 decllnlns while lest than 100 advanced alter the foW'houn. Several major baw acrou' tbe country announced thl1 momina tba\ they were ralllq their prime lendfn1 rat.ea from 13\41to14~percent. Tbe "8UIUa1 lnc:reAH of a f\111 percenu1e point , whi c h followed credlt·tllbtening moves by tbe Federal Reserve over the weekend, came u somelhinl ol ·a 1hock to Wall Street. Analysts 1ald Interest rates had been expected to riae, but not 10 rapidly. Broten 1ald the f Ut·brealdnl deve&opmemi appearect' to have (IM GOLD, Pa1e A!) The 1tunt waa ••It ·planned 1lnce pbotosrapbert from a London newspaper new to San Ftaachco. t b ey 11ld, 1pecUkallY to reeord tbt a..pe. Tb• cameramen uld tbe sroup ... JMmben of an elite ( ... 11111•1&8. Paa• Al) Tbe rock-fall occurred when • buJldOler opera~ by the Nova ConttrucUoa ft.rm puabed loole rock and boulders down the hl111lde to pile up behind a 30-foot·bllb barrier. l••ex "' y-lefttc• "" ,,,_ LHeln ., ............. a .,,..,,,, • .., ... ~Ill ... .,. ,.. ••lft ........ .....Mftllll~ c.tltw'llla AJ .._._.. ..... ClMllltM cs.u 0r-.. o.-ty C-lcl .. flWtk ...... c;._..,. .. LCM.~-::-_..-:--: ::= ......... ._... ...... ., .. , ........ ......... Cl.a"'--' ::=.':'.. ~ :::::-..... a .. ., .. ... M ,.. a.• "' . .... es ., ., .. M M ':~ ~ Q¥. Y ffl.OT s . Yolee From Grave Dead Woman's Tape Hits Ra.PiSt BR&VARD. N.C. (AP) - Tbree daya after she kllled MrMlt, the anauished v<Mee o1 &ebecca ColemAA cried oat ta• ,......,. ..... CouDb tc>W'troom, eoedem.nlal tbe mu accllNd ol raptn1 her ind kllllo1 ber friend. After h~•r•D I tbe d e ed wom1n '1t t apod 1tatem e nt Monday, Judie Robert lAwls save Roa.a.Id h1b Brewer.~. ol Sapphlrc, We plua IO yean ln prbon. Brewer pleade d 1ullly to 11cood·de1ree murder 1ad uuah wtU. a -...., .,..paa with latent to kill under 1 plt•·bart•lnlna a1reement. Ourtrw a June a umpln1 trip, Mn. Cofeman. 21. w11 ahot el•bt Umn She told police Brewer raped her qaln ud a11ln. Ker companion, Lyra Ro1amoad Prime Bate Up Chmte Jump• Full Point NEW YORK CAP> -Chase Manhattan Bank, the nation's tbird-largeat bank, ralBed its prime lending rate a full percentage point to 14 ~ percent today, a reaction to the government's credit-tightening moves announced over the wee kend . Other banks were expected to follow Chase's action. The prime-lending rate bas been rising steadily in past weeks, setting record.a with each increase. Only a month ago, the rate was 121h percent. McCanJta, •· WQ ahot to death and at.lraped. poUce aaJd. Mu. Coleman, a aoolal worker. wu found dead ln Mr bed at bor AabtvUJe bome Friday, C111t1 d~ after detec:tl\19 Hub•rt Brown rtailnded her lhal Brewer'• trial would st.art Mood">' Mra. Col.,man 's husband. G Jeon, uld s h e bad been deprHMd since lbe alt.ad. A .Z:Z·eallber revolver wu found ln the bed.room Brown said her death came u no 8urprise. She "was just dreading the trial. She just dreaded that sbe had to ao through It. "Due to the nature or the cue. I don't know how she made lt th11 far," be said. "She bad to be a very stroo1 woman." During a July interview - with the trial still months away -Mrs. Coleman appeared more optimistic. She told the Asheville Times. "I 've got to continue with my life . . you have lo continue to take risks again. I want to st ay bu sy, t o be productive, to be creative." Her taped account of the attack, Interrupted often by sobbing, was recorded by police shortly after she was admitted to Transylvania Community Hospital. l The prime rate -the rate charged a bank's most credit-worthy corporate customers -does not directly affect consumer loan rates, which are limited by law in many states. But it is regarded to be an important indicator of trends in interest rates in general. She said Bre wer followed t hem to the campground parking lot after they stopped at bis mobil e h ome to ask directions. Banlcs use the prime rate as the basis for setting inte rest rates on almost all business loans. E'l"'09IPageAJ GOLD ••• increased fears among investors that th e F e d 's tough anli·inflation tactics might lead to a deeper recession than had been expected They also noted concern that the price or gold, after falling Monday, was up $13 today. The Fed 's actions were aimed in p::i rt at discouraging heavy .,,peculation in gold, which many investors regard as a haven from economic trouble But the dollar was generally firmer on the world's money markets today, hittln1 lts highest c\oslng leyel ln Tokyo this year. Dealers described foreign exchange tradina as confused and uncertain as k responded to dollar-support measures and the likelihood of across-the-board price increases by oil producers. The price o f gold gained slightly arte r a profit·taklng slump from a record $444 an ounl'e in Zurich a week ago to ht tie over $.170 Monday London 's fi ve maJor bullion dealers faxed the price or the metal for the morning trading session at $377, up from $374 at the close Monday. The afternoon fixing jumped to $385.80. In Zurich, gold was quoted at $388, up from $372.50. A rise in the U.S . prime lending rate and rear of oil price increases shot the dollar to a closing rate in Tokyo of 226.375 yen, the highest closing rate t.hia year and more than a yen higher than Monday's close of 225.20 Police Chief Held as Drunk OCEANSIDE <AP) -The police chief of nearby Carlsbad was arrested for lnvestlgation of drunken dirving Monday night, Oceanside police officer Curt Milam said. A spokeswoman at the San Diego County jail at Vista said Roy Kundtz was booked but re- leased about two hours later on bis recognizance. The watch commander at the Carlsbad police department aald he was notified that Kundtz, chief since 1974, bad been arrest- ed. No accident or property damage was involved, be said. OR ANOE. COAST s DAILY PILOT -nw Ot.,.. CN\t Deity ,.ll•I. •it" ff1\tcfll •• ,.,._ bt ............................... 1-bylhp()o- Co.nt Pvblf\l'ltftO~Y ~r•t•f'dit~M• IHll>ll\M<I -. tttrewtl' Fri.Uy lot CM~ -· ,..__, a..ctt. ----_,.,_ t••ft..,.11.., trvlM,~ .. ..cft~fll( .. '\f A ........................ .......-s.i_.,._ Suttd•.. TN ................... loltl"11 p1..,1 II at :UO wtt1 ••' Ml'MI. eoti.-. co111or .. 1a ._,. .--... -P-ldt.t encl P\11111-,K-•.c.rtrt Vko"'ff ... ~lonclO.-o!Mlt- l-Hll-l!Ollor _.,_.,... ~..,......hltw- 0...-.M ~ -P.-A"IKaMW-111eld_.. TefepMn• (f14)M2-4321 CIH91f!H Ad¥9ftl .... 141-ft7a .. ._ .... c-...., Mesan Held In Assault On Girl, 8 A 15·year-o ld Costa Mesa youth has been booked anto Orange County Juvenile HaU on charges that he allegedly beat. r aped and molested an 8-year-old girl near a local roller rink Sunday. police said The youth, whose name 1s being Wlthhcld because or ht!> age, was arrested by police who found him and the victim in a boat storage yard near Harbor Roller IUnk, 1711 Anaheim Ave. The young gtrl, a La Mirada resident, was apparently struck with a aUck b)' the boy before be raped her. She was talcen to a local hoepltal for examination and later released. Police were called about 8 p.m . Sunday when the girl's parents could not find he r at the skating rink. A search of the area led police to the boat storage yard. A police spokesman noted that the youth a lready was on probation following a burglary a rrest He was being held today without bail. F,.._PageAJ MURDERS • • by the detectives to get the shertfrs department to asalgn a single crlminallst and lab technician to work on the physical evidence r ecovered from the crime scenes. Thal view waa disputed this morning by Gates who said his department has been involved in coordinaUng the investigations "from the st.rt." He also sald the issue of the criminalist and lab technician was "confused" by the fact that bis crime lab workers each have a specially. "It's extremely difficult to have one criminallst work on one situation because each has his own e >tperlise. One criminalist may start on an investigation, but another wUI come in if he has the knowledge required for a given analysis," Gates said. Tile composltlon of the task force indicates that three other somewhat simllar murders ln Fountain Valley, Garden Grove and Anaheim have been ruled out of what police believe may be a pattern being followed .,Y a peychopathic killer. The caset that remain are similar in that all the victims were women between the ages of 20 and 31 who were assaulted ln their residences. They were bludgeoned with a blunt instrument and in some cases they were also strangled. Police said most of the victims were sexually auaulted. In at least two cases the assaults occurred after the victims were dead. Threat Grow8 Bf 'fte AllOdaW Pre.a Ayatollah RuboUah Kbomelni waa reported today to have extended mllitary tours of duty for trantan draftees by two months becaute of coatlnutng · opposition to hlJ rule by Ku.rdJsh rebels tn the norlbwnt and ethnic Arabs In oil·rlt!b Kbuzestan ln the toutb. ' Brewer, she said, shot her first , then shot Miss Mccanless. Then be took them to his trailer and raped them, she said. After each attack, she said, he washed his hands and drank a cup of coffee. "I kn e w I had to d o something," she said. "l knew he would either finish me off or save me." So Mrs Col em an talked Brewer into lakmg her to get help after the attacks. But the car ran out of gas, she said, and Brewer went to a nearby house, to call an ambulance "1 thought, ·1 can lie here and let 1t au go, my me. my 1am11y, mv friends. lhl' career I am tr}·ing to dl.'vl'lop or I can take a n sk and try to get out of this alive,' " she said. Police said Brewer gave them a statement sayina be bad taken a sedative and went to the parking lot. ,,....P.,,eAJ SNIPER ... was not under constant watch. He said Culllnane apparently hanged himself between 4 :30 a .m . and S a.m. Cullianane was being held In isolation in a maximum secunty cell at the Hall of Justice a few bl ocks from the sniping scene. Sheriff Euge ne Brown Is responsible for security at lbe city jail. Brown and his depart- ment have been criticized in re- cent weeks for a series of escapes and for complaints about conditions at lbe Jail. Cullinane. 22, was arrested late Sat.urd.ay aft.er be fell a.sleep in a barricaded 18th floor office where he bad held secretary Cbiyo Tashiro, 55, hostage and fired random shots from a shat· tered w1ndow with a .30-callber M·l carbine. The bostaae wu unharmed: Cullinane was being held ln lieu or $500.000 baH after being booked for lnvestigaUon of kid· napping, robbery, assault on a peace officer, assault with a de· adly weapon and false Imprison· ment. P olice negotiators, who had talked with Cullinane throughout the siege, described him as men· tally disturbed A 27·year·old Berkeley woman who calls henelf lnjun Tomlins and said she was Cullinane's former girlfriend, said be was "really a sweet person" and suggested the incident might have been triggered by the hallucinogenic drug LSD. The sniper made a variety or demands. including "an end to oppression" and a $1 million food program for needy children. The drama began about 5:30 p.m . Friday, when the sniper smashed a window at the stale Compensation Insurance Fund building, three blocks from City Hall, and opened fire onto busy Market Street, jammed by rush· hour traffic. Bullet fragments struck Edward Rlkula, 49, who was hospitali.zed in stable condition .:He w.u lbe only person struck by aunftre. Culltnane, calling himself ''Chief Cherokee," demanded to speak to President Carter and did speak by telephone to Mayor Dlanne Feinstein. He claimed to be a member of a terrortat band be called the SLA -WOO. altbouah authorities Hid they had no record of any auch croup . The Symblonese LlberaUon Army ($LA) WU a amall band or self-described urban ruentllaa who kidnapped newapap4h' belreM' Pat.rid• Heant and dt· manded that her family un· denmi. a multl·millloa dollar rood ,iveawaytotbepoor. . " .. ,. ......... WEST VIRGINIA JUSTICE SCUFFLES WfTH DEPUTY Darrell McGraw, Lawman J.T. Meedowt In Sklrmlah Justice Charged In Deputies Fight CHARLESTON, W. Va. <AP> -A s tate Supreme Court justice, invesUgatina the death of a 17-year-old boy at the Kanawha County Jail, bas been charged with obstruction or justice and assault and battery after scuffling with deputies A witness said Justice Darrell McGraw was hit several umes m the face by depulles when he tried to get past them and Ulto the jail. McGraw. 42 , who hac; a reputation for being outspoken. was at the jail to inspect a cell, 'where the youth hanged him.setr last week, according to Mark Wa rd, a r eporte r for The Charleston Gazette Ward said McG raw told ham Lhe youth may have been held contrary to a Supreme Court dec1s1on on incarceration or juveniles "l saw one deputy. I couldn't identify who 1t "'a<>. give McGraw sen•r:.il punc·hcs in the face." said Ward "'h11 "'as l.\1th the JUSlJce Deputies Ray flrnt and Austin Burke were treated at a hospital for minor lnJunes They riled ass ault a nd obstruction of justice complaints agains t McG raw. Sgt. J . T . Meadows also fil e d an obatruction complaint. F,... Pa,,e Al JUMPERS • • club that has done one previous 1ump off the CUrton Suspension Bridge at Bnstol, an England's West Country. The jumpers were Identified as David Kirke, 34, the leader. Janie WU mot, 26; Peter Carew. 26 ; Simon Keelling and Alan Weston. Christopher Hiatt Baker, 25, got tangled and did no} Jump. Kanawha County Sheriff Kemp Meltoo, who was not al the jail at the Ume or the scuffle, said he would have allowed McGr aw in. had the 1ust1ce asked tum in advance. "I 've tned to ma1ntam an o pe n Jail to bt' free and above·bboard with the press." Metlton said M c G r a w a r r 1 v 1· d a t a n unusually busy time or day inmate mealtime and employei: shirt change -and used foul language in dealing with the JaJI staff. Melton said Melt.on would not comment on exactly what happened dunng the struggle McGra"'·" lawy t'r S hi rl Sh1n aberr~. said the charges "'ere a ''>ham an attempt to µrot<· rt th t-d t· put 1 t-!> r r om rh aq~e!> n f u!.1ni: (·Xl'P'>'"'"' fo rn• M('Grav. did n•H f1lt · c·ounterrharge., l>re,..,ed tn a blood stcs1n1•d '>h1rt ~kG raw -.a., arra1gn1·d ht'fOrl' :'tla~st rate Herb Paule\ Tht.· maximum µ.·n.dt~ cm eJch of thf' ft\<· ml'><l1·m1·c1nor C'11unt-. '' ont' year tn µri -.on, S500 f1n1 or both McGr aw v. 3'1 freed on $2,500 bond Before th t· J rra1gnmenl . McGraw, who had a bump on tus forehead, was eitamin.ed at the Charleston Area Medical Center Shirley Palausky. a s pokesv.'Oman. said X ·rays did not show an> senous tnJunes In an i mpromptu n e ws conference out111c1e the county courthouse. ~tcG rav. said he l'Ould not commt•nt on tht: ca\c for fear of breaching lht: Judtc1al l'Ode OfeUu<'!> "All I can sa) as I have been X ra y~d and have gotten a tetanus shot for a bite ... he sa..ad Monday's scuffle was the latest in a senes or incidents Involving d eput ies and the second involving a Judge The SJ?C>rtsman' s time has come. It's Rolex. , • ,,. •• r-Ai WRITER ••• where a 1e11ioa wu 9eMduled for 10:30 a.m., abo wu oniend evacuated. Tbt MUioa bad DOt been called to order. Pat Callie, 1peallJ.n1 fOf' the Federal Avl1tloa Adm~ Mid &bt _.. .,.... took oil from llantllowa Municipal Airport at mldmonalna. Ail Hid M Md OGb a few lMMn ol tue1 wt bf noon. Tb• pilot,. untaUvel1 ldeoUfted .. Robert ....... a . WU iD voi~ CCIGtaet wttla two police bellcopten laoverlDI nearby, u well u .St.la tbil r8dio tower It LaGuardla ,\Jrport. 8oCb tried to talk btm into l1ndtn1 lall plane, M1. Callleaald. "lt'• like a bostaae altu&Uon, but a unique bMtaie altuadCJn.'• said Assistant Police Chief Milton Schwartz. Frank Bolz , the police department's chief bo"stage negotiator, was lo one ol tbe helicopters. Baud.in agreed to fly at 1,100 feet and tbe police helicopters were nyin1 IOO feet below him, police said. Space was cleared for the pilot to set down at LaGuardia, but police said be refused. Al one point. the pllot wu reported to have said, "if you're going to shoot me down. lboot me down into the water." PQllce Capt. Matthew Coyle said. Police said they bad no lnt.endon of shooting the plane down. Meanwhile. a apokeamu at the New York Post aald the newspaper received a tape cassette from the pilot. The spokesman did not say what was on th at cassette, but s a 1d that police were in the ne wspaper's office listening to the tape and questioning the paper's editors First Avenue outside the U.N. complex was closed to traffic, and hundreds of U N. personnel m 111 ed a round an the street. looking up. Fire trucks and rescue vehicles were on the scene. The man apparently began his 1•xploit because he .was 3:ngty ""Ith his publis hing farm . Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. at Third Avenue and 48th Street nt:ar the Uruted Nations. The book firm which pu blis hed Baudin 's book. ·confessions of a Promiscouous Counterfeit.er ," m April, said it le.new of oo problems connected "'1th the book or ats author. .iccordtng to a pubh:.hmg house ... pokesman. who dtd not wish to be 1denUfied. Th e pla n e fright e n ed passers by an the area , who thought that the pilot might have been protesting the planned visit to the United Nations later this week of Cuban President Fidel Castro Woman Hurt NEW HAVEN, Conn. CAPI - H101 C'qwpped police dispersed a redured force or about-~&it ~tnkers trymg to block newly hared non·un1on workers from entering Olm Corp. 's firearms complex today A woman was struck by a car and was taken a way by a mbulanc e in undetermined condition. incredible sport watch~ from Rolele. Each in sta1nlc~!t steel with a matching bracelet, they have the accuracy. durability. and features the sportsman demands. A. The Submanner, '895. B. The Daytona. '950. C. The GMT Master, 185(). SLAVICK.§ Fine Jewelers Sance 1911 Fasblon Island, Newport Center, Newport Beach I ('11') 8"·1380 4 Other Locations: Westminster Mall, Laauna Hills Mall. Oran1e. Cerritoe Alao Oru~r Los An1ele1 f San Dioao I Lu VtlH Mtm~ F'hM J~ltn Guild .. ' . ' . ' , ' ,. I I; t SpelllJo .. d A spider's web enwraps a horse standing in a Camas, Wash .• pasture in a glowing design. The web is given the neon-llke radiance by freshly ·fallen dew and the m • ing sun liberation Voter Forms Scrutinized More than 1,600 voter registra- tion forms lbal have bee n gathered mosUy in beach areas of Orange County have been turned over to the district at- torney for investigation. Registrar of Voters Al Olson said today that enough invalid forms for the Llbertarian Party have surfaced in recent weeks .. that "'6 declded the district at- wmey should take a look." Olson said that 762 registra- tions contained addresses that don't exist. Efforts to confirm 905 other registrations by mail also failed -,vben the notices were returned as undeliverable by the Post Oftlce, Olson said. People either were not living at the addresses that wen liated or bad moved without leaving Drifting Off -To Japan forwarding addresses, he ex· plained. Olson said that the names of nine pa id worke rs for the Libertarian Party had been turned over to the district al· toroey for possible fra ud because of irregularities. "We don't know what the situation is." be said. "People may be giving fictitious in- (See FORMS, Page A2) Mesa Verde .Lease Eyed By Trustees The po1Sible lease of Mesa Verde Elementary School for day and evening claaaes by Coastline Community College will be cooaldered tonight by Newport-Mesa School District trustees. Tb.• public meeting belins at 7:30 p.m. at Harper Community TOKYO (AP) -Polltt Center, 425 E. 18tb ~ Cotta have arrested a 29-year-111 .... old Russian coal miner It will take a unaiµmoua vote who said he drank too by all seven aebool trulJeel to much vodka, fell asleep ln allow the district to enw into bia boat and drifted acroaa direct negotlation1 wltb 100 m1les of ocean from Qputllne for tbe leale of U. Siberia to Hokkaido, school, wblob wH clo1fd .Japan•s 1t0rtberam.at taecaa1eaf detU•tea-.ol'.,,.. main ialmd. Qtberwlse, tbe a..trlet m•t A police spokesman ln return to a public bt~ pro. Watkanal, a commun.lty cedure that would take up to 4S faetns tbe Sea of Okbotlk, clays. aald Alebandr llarkeev Coutllne offtclall prevloully told tbem be went buntlng -ottered sza,ooo per year (ln· 00 111_!.. lakeof aJDt.a::.e, ~~ cludlns maintenance) to take -..-i:MalMI--un.1....u over tbe llesa Verde site. down a rtver, then acl'Oll However,~ oPted for a tbe ltralt to Jlokkaldo. lower bid by Falrvfew State llaneev wu taken Into Hoepttal becaUM of 10me com· cuatody for alle,..Uy flr-mui_ty concom over noi1e and ln1 a · volley mt.o tbe ,air .L ~raltJc hn••eta ft'om ntsht from ·a double-barreled, ~ • t~ <»altllae. QotsuD wben be .... ,... :1 t • .U.S lut week proaebedbJla~flllt4i .._ .... nfUMd to.,.. er1D•MaDearbJIW'bor. leaae money J'alrview oftldall b8Cl planned to aae for tbe JMM. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA # the alr quaUtJ dlltrtct. "But tMr• ll ., reaaoa to believe tb8' d•Y·lO·day emi11lona (fro• lhrmeo) couUtute a bealtb hJ1aN.·· ReUdentl were uncon~. and 1ald they are cooeerned about dally emlasioas and che111lcal wastes they bellve "Narmco allows to run through a dralnqe ditch along Anaheim Way. In a letter released today, Narmco officials said only rainwater goes through the dltdl. with any additional now comln1 from a nearby con- dominium COrJV>lex. .. It's a monster in our mldlt," claimed Bertha Banaert, 2112 Meyer Place, during the Mon- day afternoon council session. "We have to get rld of it as soon as possible," she added. Joan L)'Jln. another resident, .said abe baa developed spots on her face that her doctor linb to chemicals emitted by Narmco. Aonother homeowner 1ald her daughter developed an infection that caused her leas to swell and rendered her immobile for six weeks. She believed chemical wastes in the drainage ditch caused the infection. Fl FTEEN CENTS N armco offtclall, DOtial t!aat the plant will be moved bJ Im. said tbey are trying to COOi* ... with remdeata. "We appreciate your CODCerm," 1aid <Hneral Manaaer Bob Stemmler. "We are not calloua." Kia remarks drew cynical groan.s and chuckles from the 15 residents who aat in on the study seaaioo. · (See NA&llCO, Pap AH-. . Police Set Joint Probe c Area Murders Assaults Span 3 Years By JOANNE REYNOLDS OI U. Dolly ~ltet Stnt The Orange County Sheriff's Office and police departments i.n four cities will work together i.n a joint invest iga ti on or 10 ass aults that have le rt six women and an unborn child dead, it was learned today. The joint e rfort b y investigators from Costa Mesa. Irvine, Newport Beach, Tustin and the abertff's office was expected tq be announced at a ~ceacbeduled~ 1- 111 .J g ...._.....,...~~---=~-=--.. ~ ,___A~N~TON~.;_;_=&~L~V~O~- ~ Sheriff' Bradley Gates and the four police chiefs involved - Chuck Thayer of Tustin. Roger Neth of Costa Mesa_, Pete Gross of Newport Beach and Leo Peart of Irvine -stopped short of calling the effort a "task force," but have pledged budgetary s upport for a s p eci al investigative team. Plan Changes Backed Mesa Planners View Sakioka Proposal One of the chiefs , Gross of Ne-wport Deac • no a e agreem e nt a mon g th e departments' top administrators · means the difrercnce between "pulling together a real team t hat functions as a unit as opposed to a pickup flag football game approach." -tt,.-MIOIAEbPASKEVIGll Ol IM o.lly PIMC St.ff Costa Mesa planning com· missioners approved general plan changes Monday allowing high-dens ity residential and commercial development on the largest piece of land left in the city -the 165-acre Sakioka pro- perty along the San Diego Freeway east of Town Center. _.J!. Lbe...chan_ges are upheld by the city COWlcil in ~ovem0er, the developer could go ahead with 85 acres of housing, 49.4 acr es of commercial, and 20 acres or light industry The hous ing. est imated at 1,600 units. would add more than 2,700 residen t s. Th e com · merc1al/ind ustraa l complex would employ about 5,800 pe<>- The c a ses d a le b ack to J anuary, 1977. In all. 10 women h av e been assaulted . Fou r survived, although the full-term baby carried by one of the survivors died as a result of the assault. U ntil today. investigators fTom each jurisdiction have met on an infor mal basis to share information. The formation of a more form al joint investigation apparently has been spurred by the fact that three women have been attacked on the past three weekends. Spiraling Interest Drops Stock Market The most recent victim found dead in her Tustin r esidence Sunday night was Debra Jean Kennedy, 24. A week earlier , 20-year-old Diana Green was aaaaulted in h e r Tu s tin apartment. Hers was the baby who died. A week b e fore that an w11dentified Irvine woman was assaulted in her apartment. She also survived the attack. <See MUaoEas, Page A2> From AP Dtspat.cbes The s tock .marke t dropped sharply in heavy tradjng today. faced with spiraling interest rates. Gold rose sharply and the dollar also gained. The Dow Jones average of JO industrials, off 13.57 points Monday, 106l another 26.45 to 857.59loday. The tally of New York Stock Excbao,(e-listed issues showed more than 1,600 declining while less than lOOadvanced. Several major banks across Prl1ne Rate Up Chme Jumps Full Point ·NEW YORK CAP) -Chase Manhattan Bank, the nation's third-largest bank, raised its prime. tending rat.e a full percentage point to 141AI perce~t today, a reaction to the governments cred it-tightening moves announced over the weekend. Cb , Other banks were expected to follow ase s action. The prime-lending rate bas been rising steadily in past weeks, setting records with each increase. Only a month ago, the rate was 121AI percent. k' nie prime rate -the rate cbar1ed a ban s most credit-worthy corporate customera -does not directly affect consumer loan rates, which ate limited by law in many states. But lt la re1arded to be an important indicator of trends in interest rates in general. Banks uie the prime rate u the bull for Httini inte,..t rates on almost all bUllnea loana. ... th e country announced this morning that they were raising their prime lending rates from 13 "'-i lo 14h percent. The unusual increase of a full pe r c entage po int, which followed credit-tightening mo"es by the Federal Reserve over ~ weekend, came as somelhin& of a shock to Wall Street. Analysts said interest rates bad been expected to rise, but not so rapidly. Brokers said the fast-breaking developments appeared to have Increased fears among investors that th e Fed 's tough anti-inflation tactics might lead to a deeper recession than had been expected. They also noted concern that the price of gold, after falline Monday, was up $13 today. 1be Fed's actions were aimed in part at discouraging heavy s~culation in gold, which many investors regard as a haven from ecooomlc trouble. But the dollar was generally firmer on the world's money markets tQday , blttlnJ _ita highest ckllla.g le\tel in TClt)'o Ulla yfar. Dealers described foreip excba.,.e tradlu as confUled and uncertain as It responded to dollar-support measures and tbit lltellbood. of acro11·tbe·board price tncreues by oil p,rodue.n. Tbe price of 1old 1allMCl sll1bt1y after a profit·~ 1hamp from a record "44 an ounce ln Zurich a week aeo to little °"" W10 Monday. Loadoa'a fiye major balllon dealen fbed tbl9 price of tM metal for the morntn1 tradint teslion ll tm. up from "74 ·at tb• ~--llonday. The attemoon fWnl Jumped to •. .,. pie . The more than 9,000 people llvfhg or WVI king in the area would produce more than 29.000 car trips per day. planners said. To meet the traffic needs. planners supported an extension of Anton Boulevard through the property with two exit points on Sunflower Avenue and one onto Main Street. The agricultural acreage was zoned for future low-density re- sidential useage by city planners m 1970, planning staffer Doug Clark said today. The Royale Development Company. agent fo r owner Roy Sakioka and Sak1oka Farms. sought more in· ten se developme nt of the acreage ne.arly three years ago. Because of noise impacts from the freewa y and the nearby airport, planners opted for a mix!ure of higher density hous- ing and commercial/industrial use. As part of the deal, developers will provide tat least five acres for part.land (possibly a green- belt through the property) and a 30.000·square fool parcel for a new city fire station. About 25 percent of the hous- ing will be set aside for low and moderate income families, and deve lopers have agreed to "phase" commercial and hows· ing development together so <See SAKJOKA, Page A2) Coast Weatlaer Partly cloudy through Wednesday with lows tonight 57 to 63. Highs Wednesday upper 60s to upper '10s. a .. ., .. • .. M Al Clf. ., ... .. ., .,.. M M ~---·------ ,, M DNLY f!!t.OT c Plan U.N. Angered WrileP Xhlieaten. Craali ~. N SW YORK tAP) -A dit· ..,..... wrtlal' flew tow Oftl' Bae Uldted Nationa area ta a alql•..,U.. plJM for ...n, four bowl today, UMa ._... It La Q ...... A1QIGl1 .. 111111 hlel -~.::::io:. ftill tM u... Natlona and the •atbJ bu.lkllna boualq the mu11 pubUWr U .N. aftldala aaid U.., or dered th evaeuattoa tb•r• Me•-........ tllrM&le· .. t.o ~ lJlto Ole U.N. bulJd· .... llow9•er. lllOllee aaid tlM llilot Md aat thrut-.d to tnala -the alttraft and that a.. bed .._ • •tv•ry pte .. ut" in convene· • dona on a.be r..UO. • -Potlee aaid tbe .-ao&, t...un.d ~ u Robert Saudin, 11, a....., to land wbeD told that bil pUbUtber from tbe Harcourt Brace ~ovanovicb publ.lahilq company uld meet him at tbt aJ.rport. • A atatement re..S ...,.moualt ~lbeNewYorkP.-..,._ilill clalmJQI to lie ,.._ .. ....,, id: •'WM!i I tiM ti the ft1 .. J've been ltpd to~ tllla firm I.Del bow they wasted tmee yean ot ~JDY wort because it happened t.o :-suit their bud&et way of dolna tblnp, J must admit to tbouihts or flying straight in tllroup their executive suite windows. • fi',.... Pflfl'L' A J MURDERS •• One of the issues among investigators has been the coordination of tbe invesUcat.ive effort on a multi·JuriadicUonal basis. Part d that effort bu been an appareauy umueceasful attempt by the detective• to 1et the sheriff's department to assign a single crlmlnallst and lab technician to work on the physical evidence recovered from the crime scenes. That view was disputed this morning by Gates who aald his department has been involved in coordinating the investigations "from the start." He also said the issue of the· crimlnalist and lab technician was "confused" by the fact that bis crime lab workers each have •specially • "lt'a extremely dimcult to !lave oae crlaUnaU.at work on ~· altlul&lon because eacb baa h\a own e11tpe1'the. One crlm1naHst may start on an investigation, but another will come in if be has the knowledge l'equlted for a Siven analyala," Oateseatd. The composition of the task force Indicates th.at three other som ewhat similar murders in Fountain Valley, Garden Grove and Anaheim hc.ive been ruled out of what pohce believe may be a pattern being followed by 11 psychopathic killer. The cases that remaln are similar in that all the victims were women between the ages of 20 and 31 who were assaulted in their residences. They were bludgeoned wtth a blunt lnatrument and In some cases they were also strangled. Police aald moat of the victims were sexually assaulted. In at least two cases the assaults occurred after the victims were dead Mesa Street · Closing Due Monitor Way, the street that links Orange Coast College's Ad a ms Avenue parking lot to Fairview Road will be clOled for re pain through Nov. 9, collece officials have announced. The street runs between the c ampus tennla courts and baseball field. Durinc the closure, acceaa to the children's center aJ)d the re- cycling center will be poulble via Adams Avenue and the Adams Avenue parking lot, col- lege officials said. ORANGe OOAIT c DAILY PILOT T.,.O.-C-Oeltf"'9t,wlt~-~"<-. l>l-IM_Pr_ltjlUlllf-..,1 .. 0.-C .. U Pvtlll1Nfl9 ,...,._,. • .._ .... ..,.,_ .,. PVblllllH --. .,....... llrlclty for C•I• AMw,N.-tlMdl,..._.. ...... _~,, IA111V•ll«f,.,.._.._9Meai~f"CMU A -""M ,.._.,._._,..._111\Wd.On_ -·~ , .. ..,.......,_-.,..... .... w.• a.y ....... c:-.-.i, CM•"""•._ ._ .. .... ..... -............ _ JM;' •• Qlr1ey Vo<e_....,. ___ __ ~~--~··· T1l1•fl1ne (714)IOGl'1 Q ..... Mlw ........ MNPt w .......... alDal .... ... ..... llAftoilrt .......... . few biota hn UM Ulllt.ed N•· Uou wu ordoNd evacoted. ,... •mall CelMa 111 luded at WM ).m .• four boWa .a. It took off from lforrlatow• Ill qaldpel Airpott ln New .,_.., and n.w cloM by the Haroourt Brace buildJna and tH United Natkm. Bella ICMMled t.broullllcM dM 48·1tory Secretariat buUcbn1 alto•t 11 a .m . and auurlty ofllcen ordered the Hveral tlMMIHM elDP&oY ... to leave, U tile Nd ucf white C..aa 171 made lar1e ••ffP1DI clrclea DOrtb ol tbe U.M. complex. At DOODtl .... tbe cittllnl took ldm Hveral bJockl norlb ol the Qu na~Brlqe. Tlae General Assembly ball, where a aessloJl was scheduled tor J0;31> a.m., also wu ordered e?ac:uated. 'lbe sessloa bad not beeo caUld to order. Pat Callie, q>e•kln• for tbe Federal Avlatloo Admlm.trllttoa, said the small plane took off from ·Morristown Municipal Airport at mldmomlng. She said he bad only a few hours of fuel left by noon. • The pUot was in voice coatact Jailed Sniper Suicide SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - Wayne CuWnane, the anlper who Ored more than 50 sbota from a hlgb·riae offtce building and held a host.ace for almost 23 boun last weekend, banged hlmaell before dawn ln his jail cell, autilortties said. Culllnane's body was found at 6:30 a .m . by a truaty delivering bre akfast, according to Ray Roberts, legal counsel for the San Francisco Sheriff's Depart- ment. The trusty summoned a medical attendant, who cut the body' down Roberts said a log Is used to record the times when inmates are checked, but be said lt wu ••.-.ei.ar" when Colllnane wu last eeen alive Cullinane used a strip of bed sheet or mattreaa cover to hang bjmaell, tY1n1 one end around bis neck and the other around the highest bars of his cell. Roberts said. De puty Cor o ne r Eve r e tt Bigbee ~aid <in autop~y wo uld be held today. . · A shaken deputy, who declined to give his name, s aid Cutunane was checked periodically but was not under constant watch. He said Cullinane appareoUy hanged himself between 4:30 a .m . and 5 a.m. Ji',.._ Page A J FORMS •.• formation or the workers may be turning in wrong lnformation to make more money." Jack Dean, chairman of the Li bertarian Party in Orange County, said college-aged te· glatratioo workers have concen· trateclAiheir drive in beach areas from San Clemente to Sunset Beach. He said they were paid 75 cents to $1.25 per refistr1Uoo. Dean said that beach areas were slngled out because of the large crowds and rapid turnover. ''Some people think It is won- derful fun and treat registration as a joke. "We've had people as youna as 13 register to vote," he said. Dean revealed that the re· cistration drive has shifted re· cently from the beaches to pre· cincts He said that the Libertarian Party bad lnlUated the action ltaell by firing three workers aeveral weeks ago who officials believed were providing phony lnlormauon. Mr. Capizzi Dead at 83 Jl'uneral services have been held tor onetime attorney to Henry Ford, I1nace Captni, who died Oct. l In Newport Beacb at the ate of 83. Mr. Caplut wu tbe father of Michael Caplul, Oranae Coun· ty'1 aulilant dlatrict attorney. He praetlced law ln Ml= for more than eo years, • H both penonal and cofl)Of&te attorae)' for the automobtle mapate. s.meea wre coactuct.ed lat Tllundu tor Mr. Caaul wbo leav11 bla wile, Adlafle, U..... 1on1, a alater and tbre• 1raDdcbU4rm. ft ·-----------· with l~ polite ball~ bowr· lnl nearby, 11 WU • wtaa. tbe radto tower at LaO•ardta Alrport. 8olb tried to talk blm Udo ludln1hlaplane, ll1. Calise Mid. "Jt'a Ulle a boltap 11tuadoa, but a unique tmta1• aituatloa. .. Hld A11l1tant Polle• Cbl., Milton Schwartz. f'rank Bola. the police department'• cblef hoata•e ne1otJat.or. wu in one ol tM bellcopt.en. Baudln at(f'Md to fty at 1,100 feet and tbe poUce helicopters were nytq IOO f8't below blm, police said. Space wu cleared f« U.. pUot to .et down at LaOuardia, but pollce.aaicl be retuaed. At ooe point. the pilot WU reported to have said, "if you're going to shoot me down, aboot me down lnto the water," police Capt. Ma tthew Coyle said. Police said they bad no lotenUon of shooting the plane doW1l. Meanwbile, a spokesman at the New York Post said tbe newspaper received a tape ca1Jette from Ute pilot. The spolte5man did not say what was on that cassette, but said that police wer e in the newspaper's office listening to the tape and questloninc the paper 's editors. First Avenue outaide the U.N. complex was closed to traffic. and hundreds of U.N personnel milled around in the street, looking up. Fire trucks and rescue vehicles we re OD the scene. The man apparently began his exploit because he was angry with hia publishing firm , Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. at Third A venue and 48th St.reel near the United Nations. l",.....P~Al SAKI OKA • • homes will be c.ivaa labl e for new employee!> And, Clark noted , although the land is considered high density, plann lnJ! co mm i ss io ne r s wouldn't !>upport the ma ximum allowabh• of 30 umlb per acre un der that df>S1gnation Planners have a ~ked for a "planned developme nt" that would keep the density to about 20 onita per •ere. Under lbe high deo9tty moe, anywhere from 15 to 30 units per acre could be built. The housing would be built on the no rth side of Anton Boulevard, with tbe com- merclal/indostrial complex to the south near the freeway. More than one million squa re reel of commer cia l units a re proposed. and a bout 186.000 ~qua re re+>t or light industry No specific plans ha ve been submitted. Clark ~aid The cur rent concept shows no com· merc ial building taller than three stories, but larger struc- tures would be permitted. The Sakioka development Is adjacent to Town Center, which will reeult ln 25,000 car trips per day when that development ii completed. Because the property is isolat· ed from other residential areas of Costa Meta, there have been no proteeta from local citizens. However, development ol the Sakloka prope rly will have heavy impacts on Santa Ana, which lies Ju.st to the north of Sunflower Avenue. Deaplte notification of residents in Santa Ana, no protests were lodged Monday during the planning comml.aslon'a meeting. Clark said the city council will hold a special public study HHioD Oct. 22 to review the pro- posed general plan changes. The council will then decide in November whether to uphold, deny or delay the planning com· mission recommendations. Mesan Held In Assault On Girl, 8 A 15-year-old Coata Mesa youth has been booked Into Orange County Juvenile Hall on charges that he allegedly beat. raped and molested an 8-year-old lirl near a local roller rink Sunday, police said. The youth, whose name i11 being withheld because of his age, was arrested by police who found him and the victim lo a boat storefe ylm! near ff arbor Roller RJ.nk, 17ll Anaheim Ave. The YOUDC girl, a La Mirada resident, was apparenUy struck with a .Uck by the boy before be raped her. She was taken to a local holpltai for examination and lat.er released. Police were called about 8 p.m . Sunday wbea the ctrl'1 parentl could oot ftnd her at the akatlna rink. A aeatth of the are. led police to th• boat at.or••• yard. A police spokesman aot.ed that the routb alread1 waa on probation followlq • burllllY arr•t. He was b9tn1 held todey wttlaoul~. ... • RmJa Bo•r i• Caaioa Cant~n. ~l~a . tha t is. While motor vehicle transport rem ains linuted , cychsts using China's most popular form. of tra.nsporta~aon c rowd special lanes while crossmg a bndge dunng the morning rush hour. Assembly Speaker Flays Jarvis Plan Warning that Howard Jarvis· newest tax-cut proposal could cr ipple essential services If passed. Assembly Speaker Leo T . McCarthy, D·San Francisco. has and!cated that he will oppose the measure. Speaking to 700 delegate:'! to t he annual California State ,..,..,.. r~ Al NARMCO • • Fire Marshal Russ Henderson, noting that 32 vlolationa have been noted at lbe Narmco plant. (for problems ranctn1 from sidewalk lrregular1Ues to inade- quate electrical switches) said he would keep the council In· formed He said a complete inventory of chemicals stored at Nannco has not been completed Acting Mayor Arlene Schafer and other council me mbers said they would keep looking Into the situation. "It has t o be haodled dlplomaticaiJy as I thlnt you un- derstand," Mrs. Schafer told the residents. Emplo y e e s' As so cl a lion conference Monday ln Anaheim. McCarthy said the so-called "Jarvta II" plan would cut $4 bllUon a year from the state general fund . The current general fund has Sl5.7 billion. J arvis. co ·a u th o r o f Proposition 13. as clrculatlng an1U atlve petalJons lo place tus la t est proposal OD the June ballot. The initiative would reduce state income tuea to 50 percent ottbe 1978 ntea. ''Now. it would be bard to find many people in tbe state wbo wouldn't want to cut their lncome tu.es ln bait" McCarthy acknowtectced. "I would be lncauded in that and I daresay everybody else ~ this a ud1tor 1um woul d be included ln that. unJess they're prepar e d to examine tbe ronseq uen c~s of what that mt'ans." he sa id U quo~ the state's business leaders to analyze the effect the $4 bail.Ion loss wouJd have on local set'Vlces, McCarthy llOled that 81 percent ol tbe general fund now goes to support local government. including schools. The SRC>rtsman's time hasoome. It's ROlex. 81 DAVID llVl'IMANN ............ 'l'bne benb tn lntae bave ... D Yidimlzed by wbat police b•U•H to be •• orau-ied tor,.ry rtq wbidl operat. ln Southem C"allfornla from San Dle10 to Loi AD•elea COUDUel. Fraud lnvHU1ator Paul J"1up said todaJ nan.oen for the croup ,..... ats ~kl totallal about •·• la late Sep-tember. Tbl banU dlaeoYend Juat cla)'I aco t.be cbecu bave forged aipatures. The three banks are Lloyds Bank at 18022 Culver Drive, Bank ol Jrvtne at 1~ Culver, and California Fi.nt Bank, 17951 llacAnbur Blvd. Jessup said the forgers could belong to a gang known to law enforcement offtcera u the 1.ri· county for1ery group, wbicb pu1e1 throuCh tbe t.bree.county area d Loa An1eles, Oran1e and San Dleeo bltUn1 banks wtt.b stolen check• and forced 1l1aaturea. Jessup •aid the lrvtne banb were bit six times over a four· day period. The investigator said police frequently are ln a bind tJ')'lnc to catch the forcen since there ii a lag time of seveul weeks before the crime la even discovered. Jessup said the forgers ln this latest cue used stolen checks, alt.bough there are ca1e1 where criminals have used blank checks upon which the y've duplicated cuatomers' signatures. The investigator said the members of the organized check gang pass through Orance Coun· ty every few months. After spending several days In this a rea, they head off for the next city or county down the road. Jessup said the only way he may be able to find out who passed the checks Is through dis· cover y of flngergprlnts on a particular check or the arrest of a so-called "runner," the per50n "'ho tnes to Cd~h 1t. Monsignor Dies at 69 The Rev. Monatgnor Benard Gannon. putor emeritus at St. Joseph church in Santa Ana , bas died in Lo. Angeles al the age of 69 Monsignor Gannon a ttended St Pat nck·., Seminary tn Menlo Pa rk "''Ith Cardinal T1moth\ M &nning of Lo'! Al'lgelc<; and w:i~ ordained with tu m Du r 1n.: Worl d Wa r II . Monsignor c;annon SC'rvcd as an .irmed serv1t't'S chaplain. Jle worked in a number of parishes in Los Angeles berore going lo St. Joseph ln 1971. He was forced into retireme nt last year by rancer Incredible sport watches from Rolex. Each in stainless steel with a matching bracelet, they have the accuracy, dl!rabUlty, and fe.tutts the sportsman denumds. A . The Submariner, 91895. B. The Daytona, '950. • ll C. The GMT Master, '850. SL~VlcK·s Fine Jewelers Since 1917 Fa1b1on Island, Newport Center, Newport Beach I <714) 8"·1380 i OU.er LocaUont: W"tmlnlwr MaU, Lq\ma Hilla MaJJ, Oranp, etrrltoe A1ao Oluter Loi Anpl .. I San Dleto I Lu V .. u u.._,, ......... _...... ............ ~....._ nM. ....... C&Mirp '"".., "'9t JIU ..... G"*'d ' ,. \ !UMdw· 0ctow '· 1179 s QAIL y PILOT Ail thony Urges Nestande to. R11n Spellbound A~ Wiret>llOIO A spidcr'l> web enwraps a horse standing in a Camas. Wa sh .. pasture in a glowing design. The web is given the neon-like radiance by freshly fallen dew and the ris- ing sun Lioness Found Dead After Terror Spree MACEDON. N.Y. <AP) - James Flora had raised Keertja from e cub, but decided he had to shoot the family pet a fter the Services Held For Clemente Postmaster Fune ral services w ere scheduled lhis afternoon for San Clemente Postmaster Octavio Luna. 56, who died Friday at Mission Community Hospital where he had been in Intensive care for a month after brain tureor surgery. Mr. Luna had served as chief of the U.S . Pos tal Service substation in San Clemente, h1s hometown. since 1972. Ile was a member of the San C l emente C h a mb er o f Commerce, Golf Club. Dons group. Interfaith Ser viceman's Center board and was a past president or the Sister City Association. Mr. Luna served as a U.S. Army corporal in World War II. He is survived by his wife. Elisa; son, Carlos; daughter, Elisa Johnson; mother, Refugio Luna; brothers, Rick and Juan Luna. all of San Clemente, and sister Charlotte Norwood or Orange. Jerry Chastain, formerly an Atascadero postmaster, was brought to San Clemonte last month to take Luna's duUes on an interim basis. 200-pound declawed lioness escaped and posed a threat to neighbors. "We didn't know what she would do," said Flora. who -<lsed a 12-gauge shotgun lo fire four deer slugs at Keenja. He didn't know whether his shots Sunday night hit the 2-year-old lion, but the body was fo und about a mile away Monday by a television news crew. During a 15-hour lion hunt. officials urged parents to keep their children indoors. Stale troopers. volunteers and o fficial s from the loca l American Societ y for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. some armed with weapons or tranquilizer guns, began searching al daybreak. Flora said the cat broke away about 8:30 p.m. Sunday while the family was trying to train it to ride in a van. After trailing the pct for three hours. F1ora spotted it and fired "We decided we wanted some helicopter footage and to see whether she could be found with an aerial search." said Warren Doremus. WHEC-TV n ews director. He interviewed a woman who li ved in the area, Ruth Tay, then took to the air and found the lion in her backyard. • 'l feel sorry for the animal because she's probably hungry now and scared," the woman told Doremus before the dead lion was fowid in her yard. He said the lion was found about half a mile from the Flora home just outside the village of Victor. Assembly Speaker Flays Jarvis Plan, Warning that Howard Jarvis' J\ewest tax-cut proposal could cripple essential services if puled. Assembly Speaker Leo T . McCarthy, D-San Francisco, tsas indicated ~at be will oppose the meaaUJ"e. Speaking to 700 delegates to the annual California State Employees' Association conference Monday in Anaheim, McCarthy said the .so-called "Jarvis 11" plan would cut $4 billion a year from the state aeneral fund. Th e current ceneral fund bu 'SU. 7 blllloo. · Jarvis , co -author of Propoaltloo 18, la circulating lnltiatlve petitions to place hb lateat proposal on the June ballot. Tbe lnlUaUve would r.ttuee •late lncome taxes to 50 percent of tile 11'11 rates. "Now, lt would be hard to find n • ,. many people in the state who wouldn't want to cut their income taxes in half," M cCart.hy acknowledged. ''l would be iDc;ludtd ill thal, and I darelay everybody else in tbh auditorium would be included ln that, unless they're prepared to exaDline tbe con sequences of what that m eana," be aaid. Ur&lnl the 1tate'1 b111lness leaden,to anal.YM the effect the S-4 bllllon lou would have on local services, McCarthy noted that 81 pe«ent of the general fund now goes to support local government., incJudin1 aeboola. McCarthy, who debated Jarvi.I in an attempt to block puaa1e of Prop. 13, alao aald that national anta1onl1m toward government will make for "to ueb sledding " for 1ovemment employees. , . Support Pledged By Riley •1 aoat:aT Mana Clf .. o.ltY .......... A rift between Orange County aupervl~ora deepened today a1tv CbairmaD Pblllp AnthoQy put'" out a call to A.uemblyman Bruce Nestancle to seek electiqo to the board. In a letter to the 70th Diatrict assemblyman Monday. Ant.bony u r g e d Nestande to run agains t 3rd Dlslrlcl Supervisor Edison Mlller next Jun e because or "chaos and dis ruption'' on the board. Supervisor NISUNDI Thomas Riley said he also would give Nes tande support but slopped short of endorsing the Rt.•publlcan from Orange. ''Bruc e would be an appropnate choice," Riley said. "I suppose that l am as close a s I ca n be to e ndors ing Ncstande. bul J don't know who else might run ;md I shouldn't close my options " Rile} made 1t emphatic that he would not ht-C'ndorsing Miller "ho has bren the 'oO urcl· of <·ontroverl>} tx.•l'LIU!-.l' of anti-war statements while a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and for his ties to Tom llayden and Jane Fonda. In a pn•ss release . Miller said h e didn 't valu e Anthon y's support. ··I havt neve r sought or solicited Mr. Anthony's support and therefore have lost nothing. "Mr. Anthony's political pas t and hi ~ c urr e nt l e g a l predicament state very clearly the kind of politics that he espouses," Miller said. Anthony is facing felony cbar1es in connection with· the alleged launderlna of campaign funds in his 1976 campaign. Former Super visor Ralph Diedrich. the man wbo Miller replaced. also is accused with Anthony of hiding those contributions from the public. The matter is s till al the municipal court level awaiting preliminary hearings. Anthony, a former ch~irman o f the Orange Co1,1nt y Democratic Central Comm1ltec, said his e ndorse ment o f Nestande. a Republican. was un usual. "Dut after three months, the situation on the board is not working well," he said. "We have important problems to f:.i l'e l>Uc h a 5 hous ing, tra nsportation and crimina l jus tice and we must work together and trust each other." Anthony ::i lso accu~cd Miller of m1s rcpn•sent1ng fCJc ls whe n Miiie r decla rl.'d CJt a recent dcbatt· at l'C lr nne that his appo intml'n t la'>l July by Gov('rnor Brown had the s upport of Anthon> and S uper v1:.o r Ra lph Clark Anthony a sserted that he never supported M 11ler ::ind <.t n aide lo Clark and the Anaheim s upervisor had s uppo rted someone other than Mille r. Anthony a lso alluded to a c o n trove r sy las t Tuesda y concerning funding for a drug abuse center. Al that ti m e. Anth ony accussed Miller of shallowness on the issue. "Your lack or horaework is incredible." he told Mlller. Miller accused his colleagues o( pettlne!S when they voted on the drug abuse treatment center after he asked that the matter be taken off the agenda. Supervisor Harriett Wieder of Huntington Beach declined to gel behind the m ove for Neatande. "It is not customary for a board member to get involved with another diatrict . "I wouldn't lmpose myself on 3rd District residents." added the 2nd District supervisor. However . she claimed that Miller has been guilty of grandslMding and disrup~n. "It appears thal h~ will do everything and anything t-0 be re-elected," she said. Miller. who is threatened with a recall drive, has anooun~ed his intentions to run for election next June. (]iinese Petition PEKING <AP) -About 75 threadbare petitioners a"d relugees from the countryside camped al Peking's city ball today, weaving plastic flowers for sale and complaining they are being bandied "like poliUcaJ soccer balls." C>Mty...._SUH ...... DICK JOHNSON (LEFT), JIM STAUFFER LOOKING FOR MORE BEACHES TO CONQUER 0peratof'9 of Prtvete Uf99u•rd Service Sey They'll Alm for All County Bualneaa Lifeguards Seek Growth Private Firm Confident of Pact Renewal By ~,.EVE MITCHELL Ol ttoe o.11, ~•tot s..i• t\fl('r mnt• monthl> and m<,n· than 600 ocean rescues. tht· operators of the county's f1r ... 1 free enterprise lifeguard servtct· say they're setting their l>1ght:-. on larger game . Jim Stauffer and 01c k J ohnson. who operate Lifeguard International Lieach Service .... say they'll go after a contract lo cover s ix miles o f county beaches again th1s year. The fledgling lifeguard hrm pulled the towel out from under Laguna Be ac h and San Clemente city lifeguard 4ervices last year by subrniltin1 a low bid for coveraae of county beaches to county superVllon. And now. nine months later. they arc preparing bids for m•"t year 's contract. Lllee uards at both coastal cities say they'll consider seekine the county contract again next year. too. But Lifeguard International president Stauffe r says he 's confident he h as the contract s ewn up "We've got a lot more to offer than the cities. and the county now knows our track record," the 33-ycar-old veteran lifeguard says Last year was the first timl' the county accepted a bid for lifeguard se r vices f rom J private company. The co mpany t ook th l· contract for coverage of Aliso Beach. Niguel Park, Dana Point llJrbor and Capistrano Beach from Laguna Beach and ~an Cll'mente with a lo'>' tnd of $128.000 . That was more than $5,000 lo'>' er than the combined offers b~ t he two cities. And Stauffer sa.>" 1t makes more sense for Ont' lifeguard ... crvit'e to cover the 'ltretches of t"OUnty beaches betweC'n Laguna Oeach and San Clemente. "It ·s a lot less confusing when you have one Lifeguard service to call. instead of two cities." he said And one selling point he says will put the county contract In his pocket. Stauffer says. 1s m.surance cost.a. "It doellft"t seem ri.O\ to me that cities. who att seTf-lnaured. hJ\e t o pa~ f11r count\ beaches.· he said ·we carr.> ou r owo insurance. so 1f something goes wrong. we pay fo r 1t. not lhe taxpayers ... But Stauffer and Johnson have their blnoculars on more than Just the county contract. This year they're going after contracts with tt\e ctl&e!-of L a guna B e ach and Sa n Clem ente And. Stauffer says. the pnvatf..' company is also going to seek two other county contract.... awarded last year lo Newport Beach and HWltington Beach "We didn't submit our bid.'> in time last yea r f o r thoH contracts ... be s aid ... But we'll be ROi ng l o the count} -.Our jeans Will drive you right up the wall ••• Wednesday with the intention of covennt.t those beaches." I .ast year lhe county awarded ~C'wport Reach $35 .000 for coverage of the Santa Ana River Jrtty They alcw awarded a $56, 122 bid to Huntin gton Beach for coverage of the county's Sunset Beach stretch. Stauffo r says he can bid 1.1p to 40 pt•rccnt lower for lifeguard cover age than the cities, adding he pays rookie lifeguards much less than the $5 to S6 per hdur currently paid lo new lifeguards by the cities. "There's such a supply tor youn1 Ufeauarda from w~ draw. Ulal ~ have no p blrina auarcW .,,... at \be pav Male." ~urrer said. ,\ nd. he '>3.YS he thinks the c1t1es of San Clemente and Laguna Beach might go for his private servlce. Earlie r this year. he bid Sl85.000 to rover San Clemente's city beaches. as opposed to the Cl LY 's lifeguard budget of S35.J.OOO Bui San Clemente council members a t that lime said ~.1fr~uard International Beach Sen 1ct-s had no proven track rl'c:Ord. and asked the firm to come back when they are e~lablished. Stauffer says he'l> ~ot that tr ack r ecord now. and a "POkesm an for Fifth District Supervisor Tom Riley seems to confirm thal boast. But please use the ladders in finding that special pair from which there are many . styles to choose. BankAmertcardJMaster Charge • Waedlff Plua 1028 lrv~. Newport Beach. Califumla. Phone 6'2·7061 A4 OM. v I'll.Of .la t . ~oa ting fu) ........ ~ T••~~':r n ... ,111ae The Good Old Series COU>a rr BLU DEn. -Alu. ror our Oran,. Coun\)' reiton. much of tht hre and excitement may have vaolahed bom th~ c urrent naUonal booraw that la upon \II tonl1bt Too bad Our lack of e nchantment ln the pNMnt heroics could be attributed to the fact that our proleeaional baseball club. the Callfornl• Ansel&. will not be partJclpaUn1. The Angels suffered earlier mldortune. Thus it i,a that 1tartin1 toa.labt, two outfit.a known H the Baltimore Oriole• ,od the Pltt.abw'p Pirates will be meet..inac in a bett-of·aeveo baseball nt.rava1aua that we DlllYO•AN caU the World. Series. DESPITE 1'llE FACI' that the local heroes are reposing at home by the fireside, or that you may not aive a boot or holler about the World Series, one fact is clear: You cannot escape. You can 'l elude the tbing. It will rollow you everywhere. Try going to a Huntington Beach meat market and the butcher will be transfixed; his eyeballs glued to the te levision set behind the counter. Escape to a quiet stretch of Balboa's beach and some ran will wander down the sand with a transistor radio. You'll see or hear the World Series whether you want to or not. It's just the way things are. \ ,.,...,....... NATION I WEATHER SEABROOK. N ff. <AP> -Hundreds or anU·nuclear pro- testers, many proudly nursing wounds received in baWes with police, withdJ'ew this morning from th.e woods, manbel and highways rinsing the Seabrook atomJc power plant. Demonstrators bad said they might try to block the maitl gate when comtru~orkera returned this morning from their three· day Columbus Day holiday weekend, but only a bandfU.I of pro- testers remained. They stood quietly in a chilling rain and watched the workers drive into the plant site. LATE& ABOVT 1M of the activists. linking arms, marched in a circle outside the Hampton District Courthouse. where 12 pro- teste rs were arraigned on criminal mischie f charges. Their four-day effort to occupy the partially completed plant was lost. but t.be activists caUed it a victory. They said the tear gas. Mace. fire hoses and clubs they faced "have taught us what it's all about and will strengthen the movement." "The only reason the civil rights and anti-war efforts were s uc· ressful was becaose people showed they had the guts to take the worst the opposition could throw at them and hold their ground," said one protester. Daniel Upton or Hartford, Conn. "110.S WEEKEND, FOR the fi rst Ume, the aoti-ouke move- ment faced that same challenge, and we showed that we too have guts." be said as be held up a bandaged arm he claimed w~s broken by a police club. But New Hampshire Attorney General Thomas Rath said the protesters may have harmed their cause by shifting attention from the i.aaue of nuclear power to the tactics both sides used to make their points. He said there also were assaults on police officers, including one incident in which a trooper was held face down lo a puddle or water. H you're one of those who suffer and agonize through the Series, it's really too bad that much of the colorful language or baseball commentators or yesteryear is gone from today's game. MACE IN THE FACE AT SEABROOK PROTEST Anti-nucleer Demonatretora End FouMtey Siege Such incidents. he said, are "the whole reason I don't lbJ.nk a demonstration like tbia accomplishes a great deal.'• BASEBALL LANGUAGE has degenerated to the Howard Cosell of school intellectual input. In the games coming up, Cosell, for example, ia likely to inform you that one of the pitchers "has excellent velocity and is pinpointing the plate." Some years back . more colorful baseball announcers might have told you the pitcher "is throwin' smoke and rucken' the comers." Army Recruiters' 'Chellting' Bared SEAB&OOK HAS BEEN the focus or anti·nuclear protests since coostruction began in the mld·l970s. Previous demonstra· t1ons have been largely peaceful a llbougb some protesters have been arrested. ln mus actions involving hundreds, smaller slnrmishes with a score or less. and hll·and-run raids by one or two. protesters this tim e repeatedly assaulted the males of fe nce around the 140-acre construction site Hundred.1' of police from throughout New England. along with :'liew Hampsh.ire Nallonal Guardsmen, repelled the attacks, usual- ly usmg m1mmal force and followmg the guidelines: "Take no pn~oners ·· Who, among today's announcers. could match old Dizzy Dean on raruo when he informed you that a base run- ner had just "slud into third." About the only announcer these days who com('s close to the color of yesteryear 1s Joe Garagiola. the former st Lows <·atcht·r JOE G•11AG10LA T H E OTJI F:Jt OA Y Garag1ola, in attempting ti) dc•sl'ribt• the• <·aim :rnd Cl:llculated manner of Pitt~burgh mancigc·r Chuck Tannc·r. s uggest<.·tl. "'If he'd been sk1ppl'r or the Titarut'. hf''d told the paS!'>(·ngcrs. 'Not to worry. we're Just tc.ikenon a littlf' 1ct" " Alas, Gara~1ol <1 won't be a television commentator for this World Series. So you'll probably be abused by announcers who will te ll you that the batter hit the ball "with such great velocity that it followed a lineal course into the bleachers" IN MORE COWRFVL baseball days, be might have exclaimed. "He bashed that line drive so hard, folks. the ball looked like it wastravelin' along a frozen rope.·· Thus today, we all face the World Series. The Angels aren't in it nut nt•ither "';11 be much of the colorful baseball language or the past SALT II Foes Make Plea • WASHINGTON IAf>) Two or the most innucnlla l opponents of the stralc~1c arms li mitation treaty m ade a fin<tl plea to Congress toda y to m a k e substantial changes in the pact or refuse to ratify it. · Paul Nit.ze, a former secretary of the Navy, and retired Army Lt. Gen. Edward L. Rowny, form e rly the c hi e f r epresentative at the a rms control talks for the Joint Chiefs or Staff. told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee they believe the SA LT JI pact 1~ fata lly flawed and should be a mended. Meanwhile, a Senate Foreign R e lations Committee staff report said failure of the Senate to ratify SALT II might we ll damage the internal unity and military strength of the NATO alliance and would be a serious setback to plans to modernize allied theater nuclear forces In Europe By Tbe As~lated P ress A third of the Army's 69 recruiters in a district covering m os t of V1 r g 1n1a and no r theastern North Carolina have been reassigned following an in ve~tigation of rt>cru1ting 1r regular1til's, <tn Arm\ spokl•sm :.111 ~ays "Wt•'rc· ... onwwh;,it d1 ..,a ppoint e·<I. W1"n· quill• a IHI .,urpn-.•·il b) lht• nurntwr ...... !'vt aJ (it.ra id I. Waltman. ;1 '>JX1k1·-.man for the R11.·hmond 0 1 ... trn:t Hccru1t ing Command. ~:.ud Monday 1n announcing that 23 recruiters had been removed from their posta. WALTMAN SAID the men were non-comm1ss1oned officer~ ranging in rank from sergeant to serg eant firs t c l ass Five recruiters were removed last week ahd the rc~t were nollf1ed Frida) they wcrl' being n · <1s~1gn1'<1 to oth1 r Ar m} dut1c'> W<Jllman '>atrl flt• '>:lid <ill of thl' \ 111lat1on..., m volvt><I 1rrc·~ul:1ntw'i rn thf' ad m1n1'itr::it1on of 1·ntr:inc1: ff••l!-> to rt·('ru1ts IJul he• would nol cl<iboratl· on wh:Jt the 111ve~l1ga lion d1sclosNJ lfr said tht• Army had com pleted tL'i Richmond district pro be. which was part or a n in vestiga tion o f r ecr uitin ~ practices among the Arm y's 57 enlistment commands . THE LATEST investigation in the Army's recruiting scandal brings to 160 the number of of- ficers and enlisted me n in 11 recruiting commands relieved or their duties in the past five '·· Merc11ry Rmis Hot, Cold Texas Sizzles; SlWw Falls in Three Areas T~peraiure• HI lA .. ,, Albany 41 ,. ·" Alt>u'QW " 54 Amarlllo •• 4l AllMlta ., S7 e.1umore •S u .30 8hm.,<ll. ~ J1 .01 Bois. 13 .. Boston "6 .. . 01 llrownnui. 'Cl " euttalo SI .. J1 Cftey•-14 JI .Ol °'t<avo .. .. Clncl"""'l .. n 01 Cl.v•I-J1 50 .07 0.l·FIWll! ,. 11 Oenvet tJ 31 " O.troll SI .. Of Oulutll •• n Hertford 54 lS 1• Hel-50 7J HonolUhl " 71 7' Hovt lon • 7J 1ncl"•PC>lh 6S 41 C)j Jecu· ... 11 .. '° SJ KemCltr " 0 °' LiltV~ ., ., Litt"' AOCll: .. .. LOI A~ 71 u Louhvlll• ,. S1 MtmPflh " .. Miami ll ., Mllwellk .. 60 0 Mi>lt-St P SJ n .01 .....+ti. ti ., *-OrlM IS .. .... ., .... .. SS ·°' Olila City ... 51 O!Mfla 10 " ~llM'pftl• ., Sol ,CM ....... 1. 100 .. PltUourtll S1 so .t• PtlafllllM Sot at .en l'tlaflllOrt 1S n --14 .. .03 0..,PWhl•wy ......... _ MoftO~,..,. JI -00 tlOI ---°" • )() ....... CMtlOta , ll"'""°YfNICIOll'tw•NM-- IMllf .... atlCl::i.11\'0llM"OI -·~~ ..... c.tll .,._,,. l IM --..a Ot .,......... Qi .... ,~ Mo<lt Ot ..... ~ MMUI --~ ... ---~--...... Dt .... c:..--.-8:.1:.c.z::e~ ~ ............... ( ~ ................ ~-.,-----------~ CelUornta 'O'HOf"t •M WNtN>\'1«1y Thfl rAln <l'tOtO • tJlnlo •rom ,. low ,,,. • .,\Urf" \y\t .. m mov1nq \Ou1rnirrtar'1 "' h1qn Al1 1to"~ on thf" C•ntr1'l C•lfforn•A'™'' ft\f' htflf\ T~.ty in LO'\ AnOf'I'"\ WA\ f' '°""'"" to t)JI' 1n tn. ""'" JO• Co•~H"I ~nd lntf'lrM,.d•·''" v_.11,.,. w,.,~ • ,Ofll'r t,.rl to fffmAtn O'tftfv Cfoud'; fhrnuoh W••dnt•\dtty wilh h•Qh\ '" '"" '°' Coa•tal Weatller P.ullv 'IOUdy tOd•v """" n"'' """ \hlnf" by mtd.eft~'"°°" Ef\f'wttttt• hO''ll v~ri•blf" wwtnd' to•••• .. 1•1•1•1 niQnt •nd tn()f'n1'1iQ hOun. toeuty Al ••• .,.. t•rnOOf't wl"'9'\ w.\t to \Outl'lw~'' 10 to .. ~·.:~:'\.~:~·,~,c:;,:..r:'..'::~~· ,:;:: ~~O•P 011 • 1 '"' Af\d bP<om1nq two to'"''~ ·~· [Il[IIIIJ •••t0 1a1 .. o Ut¥•<1' 1ooay .,,., lour 10 ,,, ,.,., '""'Oh' ~=--------------...;;•.;;O•:.:•;..:u:,:l;,..;0::,:•.::"'.:"':.:<~-=::!:!!"'.;I H••vv \Uf"f ,, ewpec,tf'd on many~'' St Lo<ila Salt Lek• s. .. o~ Safi Fr•" SS~rl• 5*•111• Tuite WHlllnQlon CALlf'OllNIA " n as " 7J .. '7 51 45 u 60 so ., ff .. ,. .50 llakent laid 1t St 111\llOI) 79 - 111yt1M •s u Fr-11 ~ Montero •1 11 N-IH '7 O.klalld 69 S1 Sacra"'9fllo 12 U ·°' Santa &art»•" 7J S• Stooton 77 511 Tllerm•I '1 llaralow ts • 1 &~Baff ~ ~ G1t1llna 12 •J El Centro t3 .. Lii AnWtllNcl .. 41 ~ Beach • ,. S6 lffWPOf'f llH<ll 12 41 °"'.,'° " ff ,...,.,......,... .... S.11 hfnal'lllno IO '1 ...,,,_ 71 M IM~AN n ff IMla Ct"8 " " S..Mitrle 12 41 , ..... v .. ..., ff a. T•ntP""iltllrM .,_. !fie ,.....,... INtk ... ...,.,. , .... 1«a11oM, .,.,. ui;. •• , '"""'"' ..... , .. ,..,,,., ........... ~r .... .,,_ ............. ....,..... . l M oftl•"• lled l r••i •no ltm 141<1"0 b•ull•• "''" •'"•"'9' 119ralUl'M wltll -rHOI~ In '"" OruU r\ "'to'"~ 1 .. 1 JOs. LIOlll 1fl0w ••t reoortfl<I •I CoHl•t "¥' tl low .. I• '"'•"O Ca$1111r aftd ur-i., Wy0 • •11<1 an w lll'I ~an f'111JKltcl low Wal,., .. !tide of .,_ -111 1M oround al SMll 1'10011 Tfd HtrtllOll, "90 .. In lM llOf'tllwHI <O<· ' ' ~· ,,., "' , ... Sltt• S..OW wes also l•lllllQ otMIV lo<l•Y In ,.,. Adirondack ~lain\ Ill N•w Yor tr;. •h•re '"• t pmoer •tut• dt'OOll90 to 74 _,Oki ForQ4! £•saw,,.,. ratn wett repor1fld In'"" Grul Lat " r•O'-end lrom 1"" N'ltW'll Ciiio Veit.., Imo New Vor~ aftd IM middle Atl.-.11( "81H A few ..,...._m• rumbl9d o••r Nonllerft ~lforlll•, bul summer r~ IUJeel tO 4Uil l(I T .. H Abll-reponeo • 111111'1 Monda y of 102 df!O•-. llla11tf lno • n Y••r Old -CH'O of 95 a.or-. TN l'llofl In IM stete Wet lOldllot ... _, Olllclre .. Oiiier rttonl\ -. ~olltn et ttm P9fllllrta ree<lled Ille lllofl .cit lft Lubboc-. Se" Angtlo. Del Alo, 0.lleto,Of'I ~ -El Pato II lll'l'M warm overnlOlll wllll Abll-•.,ttno ID at J a.m. E o T • Cut ll•M., Mont, Ilea Ille 10w rffdlllQ 111a1 llOur #ftll • JS. TUHO•Y Stcono•ow I Ollpm 0 I WEONESOAY r'"' "'°" 1 40 • m J • Fir114 10w •~•m 7 4 !ot<ond hlOft •J SJ pm ) J S4tcond low a.11 p.m o.s ~ .. r1wu u .. m."'"' Uom MOOll rhM • • pm ~'' 10 M am S•rtRepori FortCM_.!>'•llO lo. IOlllOl\1 !ourl ,...,,_ ,..lqhl •n •••I M•• !mum lltlolll In , .. , Ptrlod In la(ondl z~a S•nl• MOftlCA Ht woott H•lf"lftOIOft S... OllQD Counly llH'll• a.tit• Moftlce .. __ t Mvt!llftfllon s...01 ... c:...n., A•t MH ... , • ' • 1J ' 1) , u I 6 t4 A¥t Ma• Dir ' J w 1 ' w I J W ' w months The Army said the invc ... t1ga t1on was triggered by com plaints from r<.'crull~ The prob<' wa~ des igned 111 find out v.hl'th1·r rc•crullt•r' t·o:irhl•<I potPntwl t·nll~tl·t·~ •(• th1·~ t•ould pa..,.., 1·ntrarH•1• tf·-.h /\ lt·am of !'>t orf1n•r.., anti ~•·n1c1r •·nlislt·d m1·n h,,, c·nnduc·ll'd lh• n,1t111n\\tcl•· Ill\ 1·..,t1~•:it111n.., -.1111 •• \I .ey MA!'-Y OEMONSTRATOll.S expressed s urpnse and anger v. hen they were not arr ested but m~tead forced back with n ot ~JS<"• and firt-ho~(''> Tht<\ ha .. l' no right tn hurt us for breaking the law:· ..,<"n·am1~ ( lirlJ H1i.:g-. 11f Yrirk . ~1;,1nt·. a ... m edic'> poured water 11\ (' r hl·r '1 <If'•· 1 1 '' e· ""1 (Jn· 1 hi· Crin..,t1tut 1rin C.3) s we· re to be a r· 11•,lt·cl anr! lr1 c·d f1 1r our r rtm•·.., n11t gcJ..,..,•·d c1nd O.:c1tf'n l<.1th <.;11cl h•· thriul!ht JJ1Jl11·1 ;wtc•d <1J1pn1pnulf"I) but would li•nk 1rstn ·,JO\ f•>rm:d crin1pl:.11ni... of t.rut.1ltl' Nelson, Rogers Seo re NASHVILLE. Tenn (AP> Wtlhe Nelson. an '"outlaw" v.i th an uce up his s leeve. JOaned Kenny Hogt>r'> and ht'.'t hit "Thf• G::imblN d~ blue.-chip winners at lhe nallonally tclcv1~cd CoWltry MU111c Assoc1at1on awards show Nelson won thf' prestigious e ntertainer of the vC'ar award Monday night \lohrlc• Rogers raked in lhrl·t' honor.., at th«' 1:1th annuJI av.ard!> .,how at lht· (;rand < 111· < lpn I li1u ... c· ROGl~n~. 1101.\T OF the· ... hov. v.on lop m..il•· \111·.it1 ... 1 .rlhurn of th•· \l-.1r fur Thi· c;:Jmhh·r .1nl1 chtonf lhr• \1•a r -.\1lh ()01111 V.1·<.t Hut :\l•l.,111°1 1 all1 cl an outl.1"' · fnr ht<. <''>m 1111tmtnl tu n ·(·11rd1ng mu..,1<· .• ~ lw pr<•fe r ... r::ith .. r than th•· v.:1y th .. t·•iuntn mu~11· 1•.,tablr~hment die t.1l1· .... pulkrt ht.., act· :.ind outpoll<'d Hogers and thn·1' olhl·r~ for th<• top av.<1rrl '"I w<.1s an ~hock ... the lx:arded. pony-tailed Nelson sard afl1.•r th<.' s ho v. "f expected Kenny to make a clean !>weep. It wu:. a good year for ever ybody" JOINING ROGERS AS a tnple winner was the Cbarhe Daruels Band. which won singJes or the }'ear for ··nie Devil Went Down to Georgia," in- 'lrumt'ntal )!rnup of th<> }l';1r anrt 1n:.trumentalt~t uf th~ year for Uanll'I" J \ 1brant fiddler · · 8drbara Mc.indrcll wa-. voted female vocalist I)( the year and \t-lnan :.1nger Hank Snow and the l:1tt' ldlent agt<nt Hubert lAm~ wc•re <>lccte<I ln the ("uuntrv ~1usu· ll.11l of Famr The '-tatlt·r Brothf•r ... "'"" ,·111·;11 grnup l)r the: ,,.,tr for th• ''"\•nth tin 1 rn lh•· p.1 1 .. ,l!hl yt•Jr' l ht• c .. m1hl1·r h\ I Ion ..... hll11 "'"" llll' '>Ong f1f · I ht· \ ~-.u. RO<a:R~. \ HHl'1ER rmk 'tngc•r v.1th th•· First EdJt1on. "-'Id he· "',,, not chc.appoantcd :it IO~· in~ the to p J"arcl 111 'l'h"n ""ffo"' can .HJU 1.>t.· d1'dPJ,.11ntcd whC'n you win three award' and IOM· lo ~oml'one like Willie ~elson." he ';u d Snow. who h<is done chanty work during the past two years to fi g ht child abuse. as bes t known for his 1950 hit 'Tm Movm· On·· which was No. t on the country mus ic. charts for 26 weeks Keep governaaenl acco•nlable. 'The only security of all is in a free press . No government ought to be without censors; qnd, where the press is free, no one ever will." -President lhomas Jellerson Government business is the people's business in a society where the press is free. DAILY PILOT National Newspaper Week October 7 to 13, 1979 1 1 NATION WhatHandieap? Dwarfs Strive for. ·understanding HALLANDALE. Fla CAP> -No taller than a 6-montb· old Want, her ~I• deformed by an tncurable type of dwarfilm, 11-ycar~Jd Llnda Brown clreama of on day helplna others who have pro blema. "You can alt around and feel sorry for yours_,ll or vou can aet out and be happy," aaya the doll-child who measures only 28 lncbes tall and weighs one pound per inch. HER BUBBLY voice and sharp intelligence belie her age and the years of pajn that have confined her to a whee lchair -perhaps for Ufe . But there is no sadness when she tells about her more than 100 bone fractures and lS major operations to insert rods into her bones in hopes of making them grow. Linda doesn't cons ider he rself particularly brave and courageous. She says she is no different from other dwarfs, who ask only for the opportunity to lead produc· tive lives and be accepted as human beings "I KNOW l'D like lo help people who have problems." says the youngster. an avid reader who admit~ to being a TV soap operiJ addict "P e rhap s I 'll be a psychologist, but l 'm not sure yet." Linda already is an in· spiration to the 40-some members o f the South Florida Mini-Gators. a group of dwarfs who gel together once a month to discuss the problems of living in a world or giants. "It hurts when people com- pare u.-. to ·normal' people," says Bill Albaugh, who at 51 is 4-foot·7 and weighs 135 pounds. He and his wife, Marie, 3- foot-11. don't have enough growth hormones "WE CALL ourselves 'lit· Ue people,• and those who don't have our afnlcUons are ·average size' people , but w e're a ll 'norma l ' " Albaugh says. The Mini-Gators believe there would be better un· derstanding if 'average size' people knew about the dis· comforts and inconvenien~ -dwarfs mw;t endure in dai b living. "Most of us can't reach a public telephone." says Ed Lang, the 31-year-old sports editor of a Miami Beach newspaper who gets around on crutches or in a wheelchair. Long, like Linda. suffers from ostcogenesis in· per f ecta. a calcium SHE'S AN INSPtRATION Linda Brown Holds Pet Hamster phosphorus imbalance that causes brittle bones. HIS WIFE. Pat. s uffers the ~a me malady that has caused 70 bone fractures. Des pite the walker she uses to get around. the 3-foot-5 Mrs. Lang does her own housework. cooks, drives her car with pedal extensions and works fulltime as a book· keeper. Both the Albaughs and the Langs live in houses that look no different outside or Inside from tho se of t h eir n eighbo r s. Jn gen e r al, dwarfs do not use miniature furniture or make plumbing adjustments to accommodate their s mall bodies. "Most of our friends are average size.·• says Mrs. Lang. "BESIDES," ADDS her husband, "making drastic alterations would depreciate the property value. With only one out of every 10,000 births being a little person. that sort of limits the market.'· "Clothing is the biggest problem for us women." says Dorothy Lewis. 38, who stands 4. feet tall and weighs 126 pounds. She has acondraplasia. a bone defoonjty. Such dwarfs have average size tor6os. but the bones from thr hip to the ankle and from the shoulder to the wrist are stunted. The Mini-Gators, started by Albaugh eight years ago as a chapter of the national Little People of America or- ganization, includes fi ve children and their pare nts. "Young little people are called 'little little people,' " says Albaugh. AT THE MONTHLY meet· ings, Linda searches out Am y Collard, 11, whose 3- foot-9 height and 60-pound weight hasn't hampered her from being a Girl Scout with plenty of merit badges for such things as camping, hik- ing and swimming-. She has back and leg pro- blems caused by her acon- dr aplasia and reluctantly wears leg braces. Linda. who is tutored al home, goes to movies. the beach. picnics and s hops with her 14 -y car-old , average·size sister . Kathy. How would you like to be THIN FOR CHRISTMAS? • T~. OotObef 9. 1979 s DAILY PILOT il ftEW HIGH RATES NEW LOW .MINIMUMS Now you can have real flexibility and convenience in your total savings program. Our new Universal Treasury Certificate lets you earn high returns based on U.S. Treasury rates for as littJe as $ J 00. Universal offers a wide range of other high-yield ce rtificate accounts for the same low$] 00 minimum deposit. There's one that's just right for you. Passbook convenience is yours. too. at our new high 5.50% current annual rate. Open yours today. $ I 0 does it. We'll transfer your funds to the account of your choice at no cost to you when you bring your passbook or maturing certificate from any other finan- cial institution. I ··Jo r JI r•·qul.1•i· n ,, i'"'' "'" . '. I I ...... I.~" ''I• ' •I. 1111 ,. lhlJ'·•"" '' '"'"' <••n rf!Cdh: dCCounu. ~~7s;:;~~;~;~~~;~q,~~ ~ PAONEY MARKET ~ FREE BLOOD PRESSURE TEST ~ CERTIFICATES! ~ Protr:ct your hc·alth with rc·gular. periodic blood prP'">!:>Ur<· cht-ch-up .... They"re free at all Ur 11\ 1·rc,ul ~dv1ng~ otficc:s during regu· ldr bu$1nt:~':> hours. § RATES ARE QUOTED WEEKLY. ~ ~~.._q,,q,.q,.Q>-q,.q,.q.4 //•/ft~ 'FSLIC 1 FREE! Bring this ad in for your copy! We'd like to get to know you . and we have a free gift for you. Ifs Better Homes and Gardens· "Crafts From Arnund the World." Here's a kaleido- scope of great projects, designed especially for you by one of America's most talented designers. There are projects for every room in your home. with 34 beautiful color photo- graphs and fa il -sa fe how-to directions. Regardless of your degree of craft expert- ise, you·11 find the projects in this book rewardin~and fun to make. One gift per fomily. A.dult5 only pft.c1:.e R ... memb~r to bnng th1:. dd for your copy. UNIVERSAL SAVINGS A N 0 t 0 4 N A \ .\ (' ( 1 4 I l 'II 4590 MacARTHUR BOULEVARD • KOLL CENTER • NEWPORT BEACH Monday thru Thursday 9.4 Friday 10·6 • Free Parking (Ente r from Birch St)• 955-0536 You can do it ... WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTO LOSE? AS A PUBLIC SERVICE, a free contour analysls examination Is being offered to people with acute o.r chronic pain by the chiropractic• offlcea llated below. Call for an appointment. How 1T1<1nv pounds. <>land hP1wwn you dnd your tdec\I weight? SIMI the Owl CPnter progr.im bv H.illoween dnd yoo (dn be JO 104S pound-. 1h1nnl'r bv Ch11"rn"~' Start hy Thdnksqrvrnq ol you only h.wv l S to 20 pound' "' 10 lose Wh.,tevN your weiqhl prohlem. D1PI Cenler c»n help You will ~ lhdt wf'iqhl qut<klv i!nd <.dfely wllhQ\JI ~hol<,. druq' m •I renuou' t''Cl'tCtse Ci!ll ""'" IJ1111 C en1e1 coun!>elor roday clnd ~tdl I lo~1n9 wetght tomorrow' When lhe Holod11y Se.ison rolls .1round, you'll be glcld you drd1 10840 WAIHll Aft.· SUITIJOJ • FOUNTAIH VALUY • t'4-'ll J ,_ .. ___ _ F'lee Cacd4u1t AKObj&~ Ti Se.e 96 Yea Reatty Have Ta.I .. .. Edit ri I P Robert N Weed/Publisher Thomas Keevll/Edltor Orwng Coast D111lv Pilot 0 a 011..e ___ O·N·L·Y·P·l·l.O·T------TueedeY ___ . Oc-tObe-·' .9.·1·'7·9·----0.-rba_r._l(_r•.'.b'·c·h·/E·d·l·to·r·la·l ·P·~-E-dl.to·r-- New Vote Systein Promises ~peedup After years of d ellbt>rauon and h it1tJon. Orange County upervlSOni h ave ~lected a new \'OUnt 1y1~m to replacelh uglna oleman·Gyrex elecUon equipment. The declsion to M~lect Voltec Vottna sr,stema. which monuf aclur"Cs and assembles the math ne In Co1ta llcsu, a~urs to be u 1iood one . The rompW\y promas to have complew voUna N · aults tabulated wathan lour hour) after th~ booths clo e. It takes up to 13 hour~ und r the pr sent 1)'1tem. The system ulso 1 ~xpected to be cheaper t o operate th~~ the Col~man Gyrex It will cost an e timated $1.48 malhon for noxt year's primary and genorul elections compatt."<i with an estlm ut.ed $1. 7 million lf the olde; method W\!re maintained. Another key leature wtll be almpUcity . Candidates and it;sues will be listed on a 3'4·inch wide computer card. Voters will m ake choices with a fe lt-tip marking pen. Valtec officials say their system also wHI be easy to audit, either manually or by machines at a intral loca tion. In response to concerns voiced by Super sor Edison Miller that the computer ballot feeder system has not proved itself in elections, supervisor~ went a long with his recommendation for a lease·with-0plion-t-0·buy agreement rather than outright purchase. In all, the selection of Vallee appears to be a good one. Just how good we'll know after next year's elections . Pay Freeze Costly A freeze put on top management salaries three years ago by the Orange County Board of Supervisors appears to have outlived its usefulness. The reason for that is about six key county managers, including District Attorney Cecil Hicks and County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas, have gone three years without pay raises. With inflation being what it is, that means those top managers have lost at least 20 percent of their annual ih· come to inflation. In the meantime. their s ubordinates have been giv<.•n annual cost-of.Jiving pay hikes and. in some instancl·:-. have gone by their bosse~ in earning!). Hicks, for c·xarn pie. has two s ul>ordmatei, who now earn mon• mont·\ th;.in he Thal dot·sn't make much !\Cni,l' wlwn ;ou con!:luk r th1· joh weight carried by lhe top rn1:n In fairness to the county su{J<!rv1sors who invoked th1· management salary freeze, they. too, have gone w1thm11 p ay raises for the pa~t three ft!>cal year5 But CAO Thomas' recent bid for a job m Arizona 1:- an indication that the tight rein held on a few manage- ment salaries may be penny wise and pound foolish Supervisors should re-examine their policy a nd make certain that it isn't more a liability than asset to sound county governm ent Trans-Atlantic Warni~ Winston S. Churc•h11l, grand~on of Bnt<.11n ~ mo-.t honored stt.1lcsma11 . had some word::, of warning for the W<.•sll'rn world wh1·n ht· !\poke at UC Irvine last week - words t h;1t unc.:omf ur taoly rev l vcd memories of his grandfathl•l''s unl11 •1·d1·d \.\:Jrning5 prior to World War 11 Th<! younger Churchill was not pushing any panic buttons. But he made 11 C'lcLJr thtil the current imbalance of m1lt tary JX)wcr. res ulting from the e normous Soviet build· up an recent limes, 1s putting Western Europe, hence the rest of the free world, in a prt!carious position. Churchill claimed that the Soviets outnumber NATO forct•s in Western Europe nearly four to one in strategic weapons. And that the issue of Soviet troops in C uba, while not in itself an immediate threat, is a sympton of an increas· ingly aggressive Soviet stance. This does not mean anyone is about to declare a war. But if the Soviets are confident-and they seem to be-that the West.em nations are unwilling or unable to resist any at- tempt to push them around, there's little doubt they will use their inferred power to lean heavily on Western Europe. The .. leaning" could be social, political or economic, rather than military, but the threat is there, nonetheless. And the eventual outcome is not pleasant to contemplate. One must conch~e. with Churchill, that the Western nations must see to rearming themselves at least to a point where the Soviets will have to think twice before further testing their new power . • Op1nlona expressed In the space above are those of the Delly Pilot Other views expressed on this page are tt\Qse of their authors and artist.a. Reader comment is invited. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·4321 Boyd/ Athletes Con1lder two athletes, a man and a woman, who run a 1dx·mile race in equal time. If they race over only one mile, the man invariably will win. If they race over 26 miles, tbe woman invariably will will. Such la the claim of those medlcoes who deal with sport.a figures. Q. ''Why Is 'island' spelled with an 's' in ll, but pro· nounced o lllOqb tt bad no ···~·· I Dear Gloomy Gus lhJbe Nlsoa will be able to buy a oon· domlnlwn ill Pektn1. HELPJl'tJL ... .... . '·· A. It was spelled 'lland' for 1l8 first 900 years, and so pro n o un ced . Then so m e wiseacre decided It was a contraction of "isle-land" and put in that "s." By 300 years ago, the "island" 1pell· ing had taken hold, but the old pronunciation remained. Q. "What's the average wel&ht or Japanese sumo wresUen?" A. About 310 pounds would be typical, thoui)l that's not a preclae average . Inciden- tally, do you know those bl& boy1 train on beer? Q. "How deep is the lee that coven Greenland?" A. Average depth, 6,000 reet. To qualify for a blib 1chool diploma in New York State, tht 1tudent hos to be able to read 1t th rourlh·1rade level Wh nt we call "pr s clip- pln11" arc referrtd to In Great Britain u "pre11 cut· Uni•" Jo k Anderson -'Moonshining' Ma~e Official W ASHlNGTON -For yean we have bee.n ca1Un1 for alcohol fuel to •ue the abortaae at the got pump.. Our ar1umeoLI were enthu. la.tUcully debunked by the ual companies, which insisted lhl.lt vroducUoo or ulcobol fuel would be too roslly to compete with pe>troleum. llut now that gasoline bas rcuc;ht:<J SI and more per gallon, dh-ohol fuel hn1> uttaant'd U ll~W ruis!)(!C lublllly Evun the oil com· p a nles are glnserly test· marketing gasohol , a mixt ure o r gasoUne with up to 10 per· cent alcohol, which can be used an most cars without any adjust· ments. And the federal govern· ment. after years of aniftlnt dis· Earl Water~ dalnlully at the whole idea, lA ·1tvln1 alcohol fuel modest en· couraaeDMDt "8 A •&UU.E of a1cobol fuel'• new 1tatua, It bu now been oven formal recoplUon In the 1roves of academe. Colby Comm&101ty Colleee, ln nortbweatern Kans a i, bas become the flnt lrusUtuUon of hilher leam.lq to offer a coune In the once-scorned art of moonlhlnlna. Our in-house gasohol expert, Hal Bernt.on, drove bla batt.ered antique Pontiac out to Colb~ last month and enrolled lo the week· 1001 seminar on alcohol fuel pro- duction. The Colby coune in moonshln· inr ia the brainchild of a South Dakota 1Wl desiper. Dr. Paul M ldd1ugh, who reallied that ther.e was a desperate lack of practical information on the pro- ducUoa of fuel·erade alcotiol. The responae hu proved hJm rlabt. Scores of farmeu . cbemhta, 1n1tn1era and butlnwmen, rrom a far away 11 Oreaon, Florida and even Italy, are beati.n1 a path to the tiny campus ln tbe dry wett«n plains. Mlddau&b'• orl-1411 idea was to otrer fuatructJon to farmen who want to make a caah "crop" out of aerlcultural a lcohol. With the wld11pnad lack of know-bow. ny.by·nllhl operators have been peddling poorly desiped aULll to unwary tarmers. But from the very rtrst seminar last Au1uat, _pro · feuional men from th• city'bave Joined their country COUllm an Middaugb's claaaroom. Bemton and hl• cluamat.et were put throu&h an int.enalve 42 houri or lectures, lab wott and oo-att.e in· •P"tion ol a amaU workhlr still on the qe d town. The faculty Included pro· • ~ ressors, enalneeu and 1tlll builders, and they dealt with everythine from mlcroblolo1y to farm eoonomJca. Our reporter spent his flnt evening at Colby .• huddled over a Bunsen burner with three of his classmates, ·~ breaklng down a small bat.ch of • corn starch into the sinu>le sug- ars needed for alcohol fermenta· • tlon. When the mixture cooled, a dash ol yeast was added and it was put on a shelf to ferment. Two days later, the bubbly • mash was passed through a , laboratory still to produce a po. tent 191-proof alcohol -which was then d umped into the gas • tank of Bernton's Pontiac \ MAKING ALCOHOL on a '• large scale ls of course not as simple as juggling a few test • t ubes In a school laboratory. And an feel the small s till our re· porter's class toured in Colby was n 't operating al the desired efficiency. .. But a great amount of re · • search ls being devoted to the : design of small·•cale stills. and , the technology can be expected to Improve dramatically under t he spur of increasing demand -and eve r ·r lslng gasoline prices. J ames McFaden. a retired of- ficial of the T reasury Depart· · ment ·1 alcohol, tobacco and firearms burettu, told the class ·. at Colby that new gove mmenl regulations. s till being drafted. will simplify the complicated prO<!edure for alcohol-dist11ling permits ,,. And the Energy Department. after years of foot -dragging. ii; finally moving to e ncourage ' farmyard distilleries by provid lnR grants lo other community c.-o lleRes for alcohol f uel seminars like Colby's Thanks to the greedy <111 moguls. tht• hn1• old Amenran ('raft of moon~h1nin" ,.., al li!'>l movin~ out of the bat k woods on to ~td1n Stred libertarian Platform Covers the Field Tht· efforts to form a lh1rd poht1c.-al party anv~mably warm up as each presidential electJOn approaches. For the most part. th1• y arc· put forth by a d1ss1dcnt rn1·mhn of ''Ill.' purty or the 11th1·r "'ho'>•' J'>Plrul1nn-. to cap 111 rt· tlw norn 1 nJt1<1n <if his own pa11~· havt· l,111mbcfl out IL •~ lh••fl ht-~wkl .. nly rtt'rt'C'IVCS thC! 11l'1·d for ;1 lll''Ai p;1rty 'I hh 11f <·ourst· was lh(• 1mpctu'! for Tlwodor1• H'>0iwvell ':. bolt to I h 1• '' B 11 I I Moo'rt' party 1n 1:112 :rnd thi.Jt o f George Wall ace's third party in 1968 Those with good memorie s will recall that Ronald Reagan toyed with the Idea of starting a third party movement in his earlier bid for the pres· 11dency But the latest serious drive lo put together something more than a token opposition party Is that launched by th e Chari~ McCabe Libt'rtanans who formerl tht>ir party 1n 1972 And their dn\'i•" not the result of some 1nd1v1duJI presidential hopeful losan~ out 111 a m aJor party Ra ther. lht·1r party h<•'> hN•ri foundt·d upon stron~ 1dl•nlolo'!lf "'h1ch combant• a s trangt• blend <Jf hbNulism with conservatism To further their caui.c. lht• L1bcrtanans have already held their pres1d ent1al convention and nominated lhea r candidate lie is Ed Clark. a Los Angeles attorn1·y wh~e zeal Is Cor th1· cause rather than an umb1llon tu be President. NEVERTHELESS, Clark hopes to get his party on tht· ballot of at leusl 45 slates af not all SO In next year 's pres1dent1al race Considering the party managed to ph.1ce an 32 states In 1976. Clark's t(Oal 1s not beyond reach His second hope however may be far more d1lficult That as lo be Included in national telev1s1on de bates between major petrty candidates. "If I am permJlted to debate. t( I could get a chance to talk face to f:lce with the Am~ncun peoph• I think our total vot" 'Ai'OUld ~urpn., .. eH·none." h .. told the t'OO\ t•nt111n Tll t:Rt: I~ -.m.dl doubt th.it n.11 k 1~ JOO pt!rt·ent <'Orn·ll 111 hi~ .1 .. i.essmC'nl or v.hat nJ twn"' 1dl· cx~urc 'AiOUld do for 1 ht• 1.1 ~rtJrian' For thc1 r stand on taxation 1'> bound lo capture th(' ma1ority of the voter-. ··We 're 111ck of them. We'n• rt>ady for another big tea !1'art) and this lJme 11 won 't be JUSt in Boston ·· Actually Clark's tax platform proposes mas:.1ve cuts "that will mak<' sense to the Amencan people " One can assume thew are i.ound proposals for two or the guiding advisors on economy for the Llbertarian.s are Nobel prize winners Malton F'nedman and Fnedench von Hayek If Clark's tax stand ls ultra conservatism. so too is his foreign policy which 1s simply "non·intervenUon." And the Libertarians' stand uga lns t the governme nt 's foreign JO volvement Is mild comr111red to their anUpathy lo Its meddhng 1n the a ffair'> of the 1·1111e n.i. I ht• p<.1rt~ oppose~ welfare IJJ) mt·nt .... !>OCl<.tl security and rent controls It 'AiOuld abolish public schools and d1smantlt> the FBI . CIA, Horder Patrnl and mo!tt rt'J<· ulatory 111i'enc1t>3. and eliminate· RO\ t·rnment 1nll•rfcrcncc with the frl•t· markC't SO FAR it!'I appeal to th•"' ron· <,1•rvat1v~ as far greater than to the II bt•rals but LibC'rtarian'! a lso wont lo dc<'nmmahzc the use of drugs. prostitution and gam bling "ll 's llme to put an end to the.,e laws. It''> time to recognne that regulation of a person·., lifestyle create11 crime a nd create'\ human suffering." he ~aid The party <tlso opposes the draft and luws rcstrictmu abor· t1ons With a platform like this the voters can hardly claim tnat they have no alternative to the me-too" isms of the Democrat.a and Republicans . <:ensus Head Count to Increase Illegals' Clout? "Contrariwise." contfnutd Tuwedledee. "1f 1t was so, it mioht Ot'. and f/ U were so, 0 would be . but cu 1t fln't, 1t ain't. That'• Logic .. Throutb t.be Looklnl Glau We were t a lking recently about Illegal rHldenl& ln this country, by which we mean Mexicans nearly entirely. using their "political c lout" - something that arises simply from the fact that they exist here IUegaUy. By an improbable, lnlly Won· derland. solution, the CaUfomJa Legislature is "poised " to g r ant political rcprcsentu· lion ln the 1981 lea · is l atlvci rt· apportion · ment . a nd then uae the llle1al1 in • · bld for more conarea1lonal eeaia In 1984 and a laraer number of presidential electors In tbat year IF 11118 wtrt! to work, Ute eff tctl couJd chant• tht lace ot American Ute. ID thta 1tate the presence of 11111 aad m11al Mexicans has trlJltformed the politic• ot Southern C1Ufoml1. Chicano power baa won the marked aU.taUoo of Governor Brown. How would the cenlUJ bead .._ _____ _ count work. in the unlikely event the allcgals s ubm itted lo at ? Census figures are the basla for representation Ln the llouse of Representatives and the state legislatures It takes a half· million people to form a con· g r essional distri c t or the California st.ate delegation. Half that number forms un Assembly district IN NEXT year·~ head count Illegals will count just as much as citizens. Though they are non -clUzens, the argument runs that as a practical matter , pollticl on s who roprcscnl dlltrlcts wtlh large amounts of aliens wl lf tend to represent their interests. Why this follows, I do not euctly '"· In the event most poltltclans e lected from these dlltrictA would be Oem()(rat.,, 1lnce UUs party ii still perceived u representin1 the Interests of the poor. There are all s orta of etUmates of tM number of Mtx· te1n1 and other IUeaal1 ln th11 country. 1"e1 ranae from a low of a million to • convonllonally ace.pt.Id e mUUon to a miWClft, to the wild ..Umate of Ute En· v l ronme ntal F und , a W 11bln1ton-bued 1roup con· ~med with populalloa ........ that UJe1ala MOOUnt ror ablul ff peretsat of tbt nation'• total ~lttioft arowtb, wJlb l•taJ immigrants adding another 12 percent. Whatever their number, they !!>h o uld be t r eated compnssaonalely by this country After considerable thought and some waverina on the matter J go along with Pre11dent Carter's 1977 proposal to grant amnesty to 11legala. Carte r would havt' a mnesty aranted to pre 970 arrvals I would raise the ante on that. I think 1m.neety s hould be srant· ed to all those who were ln the country three years before the .. amneaty leaialallon went anto law. I would also go alon1 with Carter and Impose penaltl• on employers wbo hire llleaal1. • But. It Is onJy lo11cal that II· leeals covered by a ny a mnesty· leglslallon should also be uked to become American clUsent. Here we may com~ In tor u great surprue. TO BECOME an American, a . Mexican >NouJd have to atand up· a nd reno u n c 6' M ex I can· cltizenabip and ollegiance. My· 1uess ls that two out of flve Mex· ic1n1, faced with that dfflaion,' would opt to remain Mexican. And thls may be a conHrvlU~~ estimate. The aLatua of 11w on lb• 1ub· ject Is now masterly lnnclion: • The Carter proposals didn't even reach t he hearing s taRe In Washin1ton lhls year. Those. who follow sut h things say the whole thin& wlll totter aJona another two years before anythln1 happen1. lleanwhlle Wooderland penlata. The only way out, appartntb. la ~ Edward M. Kennedy, the lridtr of the Uberal Mellon or the DemocraUc Party1 and. c ha irman of tbe Senat e Judiciary CommlttM, wlllch will make Mdalona OD Ult1al1 1f and wben UMy &N made. U you've aot any ldeu. wrt~ T ddy. He could be prodded Into acUon. ( 4 \ CALIFORNIA Ywlence OnBUses Mtacked SAN FRANCISCO 1AP1 -Mo~r Dianne Felnateln has ordered a . 1•t-tou1h pol tcy •-1aJ.ut youthful marauders Who platue the till''• bus 1yatem, c aUlD1 for more armed olftcera to protect pauen1en wbJle ultln1 the eowu to pa 1 aUffer senteoc.. Ms. J'.u.tain'a acUoo carmt Monday ln tbe wake of an outbunt ol racial violence oo a Municipal Railway bua when so black youths swarmed ooto the vehicle, beatina and robblna five whit e paaaengera before escapmg llTD Pacf t'ece Se• LOS ANGELES <AP> M ec han ic s for the s trike·plag ued Southe rn California Rap i d Transit District would be given a major r o le in key m anagement ( __ sr_~_TE_). •~wt ....... RESPONDS TO QUESTIONS FROM AUDIENCE Gov. Jerry Brown In qhlcago TetecHt decisions under the terms of a tentative contract to be voted on Thursday. Under the agreement reached early Sunday by negotiators for t h e bus co mpany and the Amalgamated Transit Union, the union would have lo be consulted in advance before the management s ubcontr acted work lo outside companies. Sabot 09.-Probed GOLETA IAP> Southe rn Paeiftc Railroad agents were looking for leads today in a rail line sabotage that closed a half-mile section of railroad for nearly one day after a 43-car train derailed near here Agents srud someone piled up lumber and other material on the tracks In a region often hit by vandaJs in recent years Filrt1 Strik~ E11d• LOS A NGELES <AP> Members of th e powerful Jnterpatio na l Allia n ce of Theatrical and Stage Employees and the amaJler office workers union have ratified new contracts that will raise wages by 27 percent over three years. The 24,000-me mber lATSE agreed Monday lo a contract that union offi cials estimate will cost HoUywood producers $374 million over three years Slip of Tongue 'Political Intent' Revealed by Brown CHICAGO (AP> -It wt.tsn't !>Upposcd to come out that ""a y. but t.t curious audience, an informal atmosphere and a !>lip of the tongut· caused California Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. to lay h1~ pohucal mtenlions on the line. He dove deeper into political waters than the sell-described ··third force" in t he D e mocratic Party's pres idential contest might have planned. Brown. in Chicago on the first s to p of a 12 -day, five-state "exploratory campaign" swing, had sidestepped direct questions about bis presidential ambitions, s aying only that he will make an offi cial announcement by the end oflheyear HOWEVER, THE 41-year·old governor appeared candid Monday, morning on a live telecast or the Phil Donahue Show, and a fter fielding a variety of ques tions -including yet another offer to announce his candidacy formally -he got caught shuffling hls cards. Brown was asked who, In the event he gained the White House, he might choose to be his firstlady running for president .. " h(• said , his voice trailing off in mid-se ntence and cheers from a delighted gathenng "l\t least now I'm exploring running for president." DURING THE SHOW , Brown also touched on the issues of• inflation, balancing the federal budget. continued refinement or alternative energy sources and the need for the United States to ass um e l eade r s h ip in technological advances . 0 --d 011 d AFTER DESCRIBING his ~ar :ere -much-p00llc1zcd trip to Africa Brown, who said he will make his opposition to nuclear power another of the cornerstones of bis pres idential cam paign, described nuclear e nergy as "a hell of a way or bolling water." He also said continued use or s uch energy is "threatening the gene pool of the enUre human species" and reiterated the need for establis hing a common market for oil with Canada and LA f'A YETT E (AP> -The with singer Linda Ronstadt as Mexico. family of a Lafayette jogger who "well-chaperoned." Brown vanished rune days ago while on I a u n ch e d a d cf en s c o f ~ HE Al.SO SAID efforts wtuch fai led to establish such a cooperative were the result or the federal government's refusal lo "trust" either nation. his daily run has offered a $1,000 b a c h e Jorhoo d b e f ore an reward for information that audience com posed largely of leads directly to locating blm. women: Ri chard Zeleny Jr. said "I wouldn't gel married for Monday the family is praying politicial reasons . . I didn't that his 48-year-oJd father is still have to marr y when I was Brown a lso ch aracterized former California Gov. Ronald Reagan as tt\,e "strongest" candidate among Republican presidential contenders. alive, but that ••at this point e lected governor. Now, I've we'd just like to find him, dead been re-elected and I haven't or ahve." had lo marry . And now I'm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ...... -::vou .. :: .. c --··a··-.:.n.: ::.\. •.. • ••• ·': .•• I . . ·\q:· .... •t·'··.:: ..: . UI ···· .. . . . . ·: .. ,~ :n· _·._·: .. -·: .. 5· ··:::·~----- .. .. · ... ,• (o~s- . ·-~~~~ : ........ . · ·.,. :::·:::.· .. ·:.:·::·, ... ~ ............ :::·.: ... . •· ·~-J ··· .. D~ttt~ GOURMET MARKET STEAK and LOBSTER 3.99 lb. Spencer Steaks by &be ·piece -8·10 lb. avg. cut & wrapped free Flrs& of the Season fresh cooked local lobsters 2·3 lb. avg. DAILY FRESH PRODUCE Local Larc_e Size Cantaloupes .......................... 19c lb. Swee& & Jalcy Honeydew .tr Casaba Melons . . . . . . . . . . toe fb . No. 1 U.S. Russe& Baking Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15e lb • X&ra Fancy Red Rome Baking Apples ............ 3 lb1. for 1.00 l s& of &he SealOD Large Persimmons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39C ea. COMPLETE LIQUOR AND WINE CELLAR Imported Bombay Gla mt mll> . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . 8. 79 BaUandne ~ nst mU> ....................................... 7.19 Cuervo E.,edal Gold TeqDlla mo mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.99 Delaney's Private Label Wine Via Rote or ClaabU.. C71t mil) . . . . . . . .. .............. . DELANEV'~-a... ..... ..... OPil DallJ ... • a..i S•day 1111 Newport Bhd., Newpon lleaell 171·11Zt .. T&.mdlr. Octobet 9. 1971 DAILY PtLOT A 1 Actress Charges Rape . Gun,.ban-el Attack to Teat State'a New Law LOS ANGELES CAP> -A preliminary bearlDI waa postponed today in Lo. ADlt'9es Municipal Court for mualclan. compoter and record producer Jack Nitzsche, who Is charged with the alleged gun-barrel rape of actreuCarrieSnod&reas. Proaecut.ora say the cue will tes t the stat.e's new "rape by instrument ality" law, which carried a five-year prison eenteoce. The new bearing date ls Oct. 22. THE STATUTE WAS an outgrowth of the so-.called "Bom Innocent" case of a 9-year-old San FranciscQ girl who was raped with a bottle five years ago arter a similar sexual assault had been portrayed Ln the teleovision movie Deputy Dis trict Atto rney Marissa Batt said Monday that the five -co unt crimin a l complaint against Nitzsche. 42, is one of the first three cases filed in Los Angeles County under the new statute None has gone to trial MISS SNODGRESS claims she and her 7-year-old son were asleep in their bedrooms at about 2 a .m . June 29 when Ni tzsche entered their home through an unlocked door, Mrs Uatl said NtlzHhe allegedly began pis tol-whipping the 33-year old JCtrcss and dragged her around the bedroom by her hair, :'fir.. Hatt :.aid Joan Baez Off to Asia SA N FRANCISCO <AP I Folk singer J oan Baez is off lo visit refugee C<'n ters 10 Asta. Ms Baez bas called the refugee problem a trt.tgcdy fast approaching a World Wa r II crisis in size and horror She left San Francisco Monday for Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and p ossibly som e other Southeast Asian countries. The singer·~ cnt1r1s m or the Vietnamese govern· menl 's treatment or re- fugees has alienated some or her former supporters. APWI,....._ ACTRESS CHARGES RAPE Curie SnodgrHI 'She s aid he hit her behind the right ear and across the face ~1th the gun," Mrs. Batt said "She suffered a fractured cht!Ck bone. a number of bruises and abrasions a nd a c ut on h(·r thumb th<tl required about IH stitches " A ... T E ·R A L L t: G E D L Y th rc.:Jten1ng M 1s:. Snodgrt's'> · son , Nitzsche forced her into d hJt hroom <ind a llcgL·dl y l' u m m 1 t t c.· d r J p 1· h ~ Instrumentality, ualn1 the ~I of a revolver, accorcllnt to the criminal complaint. ~ __ .r Mi11 Soodare.a. who refUMO to be interviewed. told the prosecutor that she manaaed to e1cape after knoclrint Nltacbe lo the noor when be put the aun down momentarily. ·'She said she ran out ot the room, down a ball and out.aide toward the backyard. She hid ln some bushes by the swimming pool until be left," Mrs. Batt said. ACCORDING TO district a tto rney s pokesman Al Albergate, Nitzsche surrendered to authorities a short time after charges were filed. Free on $5,000 bail, Nitzsche has pleaded innocent to charges including rape, burglary. assault .with intent to commit murder. assault with a deadly weapon and fa lse imprisonment. Mi ss S n o d gre ss was nominated for an Academy Award for her role in "Diary of a Mad Housewife" and recently appeared 1n "Play with Ftrc" at a Los Angeles theater. Nitzsche formerly worked with singer Neil Young and the r oc k group "T h e Rolling Sto nes " He a lso created numerous hit records with Phil Spector and Sonny Bono during the 1960s and wrote the score for the Academy award-winning movie. '"One Flew Over the Cuc.·koo's ;-.ie.,t " Police Flay Panel In Eula Love Case LOS ANGELES ! AP 1 About 1.000 Los Angeles police 0C- f1cer~ have Mgned "no confidence" petition~ att.lcking the city ·~ Pohre COmm1 0:'>1on ror its cn ucal report on two officers involved in the Eula Love ~hootmg c<l.!>e, according lo the Police Protective ~t.tgue League prt>sident Sam fo'lores said he expects an additional 3.000 s1 gnatur~:. before thl' pelJUons t.tre presented to the com- mt:.sion Thun.da} THE COMMLSSIO!'I FOUND that orf1cers Edward M. Hopson and Lloyd W. O'CaJlahan violated department pollclea oo firearms use and made ··~nous errors" of Judgment and tactics wbeo they fatally shot Mrs. Love. The »year-Oki widow wu alliepdly tlarow· ing a knife loUowtnc a diat>ute ova-84 mpaid ... blll. The petition crtUclw the _.., ...... for .. failure to support orrteers of this ~artment when ronfronted by s\tuatlons requlring Jct1on to protect their h\'es IN ~ RELATED MOVE. the 6,200-member league paid about $24 ,000 for full-page advertisements in three Los Angeles newspapers. · The ads Monday e ulog1z.ed two LAPD omcers s lain In the line of duty since Augus t -----· ; SPECTACU~~!, SKI SHO)V • AERIAL AC ROBATICS l.___ • BALLET SKIING • REVOLVING SK I DECK • WORLD CLASS SKI CHAMPIONS • SKI WEAR FASHION SHOW Wednesday. Thu rsday & Friday Oct Ober IO, 11 , T2 SHOW Tl MES: Wed. & Thurs. -12:00, l :00. 2130&4:00 P.M. Fri. -12:30, I :30, 3:30 &. 7:00 P. M. E FASHION ISi.AND NEWPORT CENTER ·~ dw.191U betwMn t>ettw cm best" l UiMdey, OcCotlef I , 1171 ORANGE COUNTY I POLITICS :Bus Driver~ Cop Frftcas Eyetl ly JOANN a VNOLDS Of.Del.., ..... ._ Or&J\lf' County Tranall Ot rkt otnrtala Hy lbt>y wUI rondurt hurtnc t.J\11 week .. part ol a probt ol mn lncldat lnvolvtn1 a Newpnr1 Beach 1>0hceman and onf' ot th~r , clr\vefti Accordinl to poll~ report.a. lbe driver. wbo OCTD omt'lals d dined to Id nUfy. •topped h.l1 tM.&S In tratric and all~tedlv Im· peded l)M) ottlt"Cr's arno t of a redda.. drivln1 aus~t THE INCIDENT ~tJa•t:D Sept 30 at about •·30 pm an HunUnitoo Beach where tht orflcf'r, Tom Tolman bad • pun,.aed the uapect, ldt>nUfied in arrest.a ~ reporu iu Donald Evan Wyrick, 23, of S WutmU\Ster • The beanna. scheduled for Tuesday, I.a ~Int held lo determine If disctpllnary ac • Uon abouJd ~ ta ken 1n the case, a dh.tricl spokesman sa1d Police streased that the bill> dnver, and Ctlt' 1roup ol puaeqen who apparently followfd h.lm off the bua. haven't been char1ed wtth lnlerfertn1 ln \ho wrealUn~ match betwc>f'n Tolman and Wyrick ACCOllDING TO POU E report.a, the croup wu "ntnmtly ho.tUo" and dJdn't dl1perae untll Tolmu 11ummoned aide from UM! llunUn1ton S.ach Police Depart· ment Capt. Alb Ci.tmpb<IU ol lhe Newport Beach Beach police d P•rtment. Hid the bus drtvt1r •rrtved al the 1cene of the acurne •fter Tolm•n •nd Wyrick h•d beaun fight· ln1. Accord.ine to pollce reporU, Wyrick hU To lm.n when th" ofncer took the keys of h1 1J vehic le away afte r chas rng the motorcyclht from Oranae Street and West Cousl Highway in Newport to 8ush1trd and Rrookhunt Street.a TRE OFFICER retallul.ed by hilling Wy n ck with hi1I baton OCTD SPOKESMAN TOM Eichorn s aid the district would Issue no statement on the mddent until the conclusion of the hearing. But he added tha t OCTD officials are distressed over any mcldent that renects poorly on 0CTD bus drive rs. "Our dnvers are super," he added "They are the friendliest, most helpful group of drivers in the nation " Eichorn noted that OCTD drivers in the past year ha ve saved two IJVes and frequently asMst police at t raffic accident scenes. - ·Hayakaw a Says Carter ~'Not Tough ' on Cuba O p inion Set WE'RE ::: I SACRAMENTO (AP> 1-Stoptw •~· ·~-to...u..,.. Atto rney Ge ne ral l.Cot1•..._...-cY George D e ukme Jia n s a y:. 10 a n opinion· a RABBITT INSURANCE county supervisor who is 541-1554 °" llS.l4J7 an attorney should not 19 14 HortMir • c .... ..._.. . :.. By O.C. HUSTINGS OI , .. Delly Ptie. Steil represent criminal de · FARMYS INSURA ... CI secuted by his county's o ... Committee on Aging. -Assemblyman Dennis Mangers, Tm01 NMJAl NIHW<L MINIMUM MINIMUM ~ MJ't YIELD IAlNO TlllMS ('111$.) .. ,~ 611,"' 6.12"' $100 4V. 711,"' 77~ SIOO • 6 tt ,.,, l.o.11. $100 6 8V.. "' em SIOO •YIM TMAS OVOTtO $100 llNfCl:ltrlF MONHC.Y W'rry no! ge1 interested in any of our ~ Ccrt1f1coleof ~t oc.coun ts? All 1t tokes 1~0 SlOO minimum ~1· ciol goals Beverly Hills Federal Savings con help And deperd1ng on your 1nd1viduol per~! ltno7-9 you chc:x:>se tt¥: cert1f1cote account that s 1ust right for you As¥ u<, about any of tre.lf: high yielding C1'r11f 1cott.:' .. You II discover they re worth getting intere<,ted 1n U.S. Sen. S.I. Hayakawa , R·Caur .. has accused President Carter of not. acting tough enough in relatlon to the presence of Soviet troops In Cuba. D·lluntington Beach. · -A sse mblywom a n Marian Bergeson, R·Newport Beach. fendants In cases pro-GRO~ur district attorney. u.YUn '"Of.!OIJADll MAR OH-ta 3748 EAST COKJT HIGHWAY. CORONA DE L MAR. CA 926?5 ~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~ "Three weeks ago, the president said, "Ibe secretary of state spoke for m e and for o ur n ation when he s aid that we con· sider the presence of a Soviet combat brigade in Cuba to be a very serious matter .. · "Now. 1t is not serio us a t all , judging from the pres ide nt's a c · Hn.auw.a lions." Hayakawa contends "The Soviet Union 1s cont.muing the Cold War while we're pretending it doesn't exist al all," said the ~enalor. adding that he l>clievl'S c·ons1dera t.Jon by th(• St•natt· of the SALT II treaty ~hou ld IX' !'IU.<,p<•ndt•d unltl the SoviC'l Un ion n •mov(•'> all of 1tc; c·om bat t roop~ from ('uh<t * * * O RANGE COAST senior c11.Jzens can meet state a nd local lawmakers Oct. 16 to learn how to make the Pollllcal system work for them. The program. ••Advocacy a nd Legisl a t ive S kills for Seni or Survival, .. 1s part of lhl• "Supportmk Survlval Sk1Us for Seniors " series of-fer e d by Coas tline Community College at Bay View Cente r m Santa Ana Height:; Thosi• :.r hl•dul<·d to p;.s rt1C·1pat<.· 1n d udt' St:Jlt· ~·n !'au I (' <t qwnl n D (;ardl'n (;rtH•I', Ch<.t lrntan ~l·Oak -County Supervisor Thomas F Riley, 5th District. -County Supervisor Harriett M Wider. 2nd DistrlcL -Janet Levy, director, Califorrua Department on Aging The wooohop will begin al 9 a .m No fee is required. Participants are advised to bring a sack lunch Free bus transportation will be provided for Leisure World (Seal Beach> residents. The bus will depart fro m the Leis ur e Wo rld Am · phitheat.er at 8:30 a.m . a nd Wlll re · tum at 4:30 p.m . F o r furthe r inform a tio n . c all Coa s tline Emeritus lni.Ututc at 963·0811, Extension 227 • • * ASSEMBLYWOMAN MARI AN Ber~eson, R N(•wport Bt:ach. plans to meet with ht·r ronst1tu~nts in tht: Orang<' Coas t's 74th J\s~cmbly Dis trict this month On Oct. 20 she plans a commuruty forum in Irvine City Council cham bers, 17200 J amboree Blvd It will start at 10 a. m . Al l~JO p.m . that s am e Saturday, Mnr;. Ber ge!'IOn wilt be in San Juan Capistrano <.:1t y Council c:h;.smbers . 32400 PaseoAdelanto. Mrs Bergeson s ay:. s he 'll st.art each meet.mg with a brie r re port on the latest doinJ(i. 1n Sacr<.1 mento. then \4 ill ans wer QUl''>lJOn~ Al l rcMdenl'> of lht.· 71th J\sM•mbly D1stn ct ar~ 1n \ lll·d GOOD ONLY AT THE fOUOWlNG C£NTERS ORANGE COLTON CERRITOS 12~ Town ond Coun1ry Cen1e1 (71•> 5M-O.O. 11200 Mt VemonAve (71•) &24-:ll~ Lo' C.mto' CMter (21~) &6~·~1« THIS COUPON IS WORTH $50 AGAINST THE PtUa OF SCHICK'S FAMOUS STOP SMOKING PROGRAM. OFFER GOOD ONLY UNTIL OCTODER 01, 1979. Coll now fOf o frff, no obllgoflon 1"'•rvt•w wtfh on. of our friendly counselors and brin9 fhls coupon '°'your s~ discount. -..---.... -.. -----· ---·-----··-...., ... • A lot of com~ters send you Dills. This one saves you money. A glance at most any day's rn .. ,,., papers will tell you America ha~ t11 '\ave energy. Fine. Nobody qwuTd .... with that. But what c;m you dn? One family out nf tens of million-..' There's one thing you c.1n do right now. It will CO!:>l you 1:111 of !Sc - to mail in the ooupon bclrm. You'll get back a short qut'~hon naire asking about the size o( yow home, how you heat it and a>ol it. what sort of appliances you use c.m<l so on. Fill it out nnd we'll feed it into .. --.... ----•'. -_...,...,., --·· . ---- our S.A.V. E.~. compu ter. Out Wlll coml' \'Clllr 1><.·Nmahred computer print ·out nn ho\\ to ~vc energy in your homl'. Tip:--on how to make the e let.1nc .1ppltancl·:--. m yolll home run morl' t'CO· 11om1cally. For 111stance. the refriger· tTtor and frC"eZ<'T. The range. The dish· washer. The air conditioner. Owr 500 ,ij()() Ca.lifomians have ;tlre;1dy done busint>ss with our friendly S.A.V.E.S. computer. Why don't you? It 's ;m easy way to find out how you can save energy in your home. . . I ,'7:; •. ::-, ~ ,-;-;,:.;:-,.~1..:-:.1-I k· '4:1 •lul l\ ·11; ,It I I ,,,, ,.,.,11 ... o11 tll• "'°"' l'lt f"C'"411tl u .. •'\\I' •t•·• ••·11 "' I ' I ''"'" I I Ii\ ..... ,,, -.l.111 __ I c:::CE I I L _Southern CsllfornitJ Edison _J fl ' • ' . _A_N_A~LY=S~l_S_l:M_1s_c_e~L~LAN;;..;;,;~y--------------------------------------------------"-:iii:::::iiiii::::iiiii:::::Z:~~~~~~=====::;;L":iij~D~LY~LOT Aa School Gap Nan·ower (YALUM&.a IPICW. Ol'RR) TOVATT'S Home Pri.cea, Tax Shi/ta Affect Dutricta Bootleg A lbum Barred 4 HR. VHS VIDEO TAPES ONLY $1595 a_, 'l9>llAI D. SUAI P'cw all.ft1 yean, tt wu a tndam lbat tM bl&Mr the naleatate valuea lD u area. t.M bet.a. tu tci.ooll~ be. Ttae ICboola lD tum oft.-belMd real •late vaJHt. u -.n were wU11na io apud mon mOM:J IO t.belr dilldrcn mWcf alt.end UM '-l ICbooli, IUDDSNLY, TBl8 PAµ. 'l'llAT 1LU ap· panotl1 ended lD aome u..u. Now lt appears tlaat ..,._. real eatate prt~ lD an area may IOOft rMllD towff..cauallty aeboola nve. cauaM lie t>.blnd tb1a extreme ahlll ln educationa.J ~aUty · Propomtion I.I, the Serrano vs. Prieat tax decision and the ract that renta and home prletll bave risen too hilh In aome areas. Both Proposition 13 SOUTtlERN and the Serrano decision CALIFORNIA h a v e s e r v e d a s • 'O C e q u a l u e r s • be l pi n 1 U change the traditional --------school spending pattem where wealthy districts could spend a.a much u four times more per student than poor d.iatricts. UNDER PROPOSITION ll, HOMEOWNEa8 in high-priced ~reu still pay more than tboae in less wealthy districts. But the differences are not nearly so extreme as they were just two yea.rs ago. t And the Serrano decision -calling for even· tual. equalldng of spendln" on each pupil in California -insures that even if voten in a school district want to tax themselves extra to improve their schools, moat or the money raised will go to Sacramento for distribution to poorer dis· trlcts. Thole two factors, though, were already at work last year, and educational quality did not drop much In the once-wealthy schools of western Los Angeles County. the San Francisco Peninsula and similar high·priced locales. BUT THIS VEAR. THE ADDED factor of ul· tra-high housing costs in many of those desirable areas has been added. Rents in some cases a.re up by 25 percent over those prevailing last fall. And the prices ->f houses and condominiums have jumped about 30 percent in some areas, most consistenUy fo the independent school districts on Los Angeles' western fringe, which are a haven for parents fleeing from the city's mandatory integration plan. Those higher costs have brought a sbarp drop in enrollments at many schools this fall. Some districts report as much as an 8 percent dip, much more than the 1 or 2 percent statewide dropoff expect,xl this fall. ••FAMILIES WHOSE CHILDR EN ARE matured are ,staying put in their homes,'' says Curtis Rethmeyer, s uperintendent of Culver City schools. "And the families who can afford to move into the area have fewer children." The situation is similar for a partment dwellers. Prevailing rents in the more fa.ahlona· ble ·lluburbs or both Los Angeles and San Fran- cisco are about $500 to $600 monthly for a two- bedroom apartment. These factors translate to more two-paycheck families and such families generally don't have as many children as those where one pa.rent stays home. Hence, fewer pupils for the schools. IT SEEMS IRONIC, COMING only a few years alter the era of school overcrowding, but fewer pupils often can mean• lowef< .educaUonal Dietrich Wins Plagiarism Suit PARIS CAP> -A Paris magazine has been or· dered to pay Marlene Dietrich $23,000 in damages for pirating parts of her recently published memoirs and printing paraphrased excerpts. The 74·year·old actress sued the weekly, VSD. and a judge convicted the publication or plagiariz· ing the book and advertising in a manner that in· dicated it had obtained an exclusive interview with the performer. who lives in Paris. E.uk.u~at S£iQQian CBoQQond 531-2444 FIGURE CONTROL SAi ()f'j A[R061C OANCERCIZE quaUt~. l'or a major 1bare of moat 1chool bud•.U comee tA l&.ate ald baled oa averaae dal· ly aftMd,..,... W'-~drops. there la leu mOMy, and Uaat lnnrtably mean• academic abortcuta or ellml•~-r•ma. Tba'1 bellnnin& to happen ln 1cbool d.11· trietl formerly bad few money problem•. Their cllem aJ.romlae1 to be a central educ•· UonaJ ~m the 19805. ( E"°" M& o colMm!U.t baaed bl Sonia Monico.) Pan~h +/' . I . .. You realize we'd have nothing to talk about If It weren't for our marriages." ' GJVE~E 100 6YEARS IT.BEHIND "lllE "TIMES "BRING "1l1E 'f?AMILY OJ'O OUR "HOUSE. Our building hints of the old-fash ioned treats inside. Take a sentimental journey home. SMALL "FRIES GET OUR "FAMOUS "FRIED 'POR LESS. Children are charged according to their weight on our old-fas hioned scale. . "FEAST "IN 'ANTIQUE SPLE NDOR. Our dinin g room is a museumful of Tiffany lamps and rare engravings and old oak tables and chairs- reminiscent of th e gracious, tum -of-the-century era. . $4.95 •• ~LL GYOU CAN GEAT 'BT '1l "PRICE PROM 'UIE GJ>AST. Start "ith crackers and cheese. Then delicious !'-OUp. Geirden fresh salad. Fried chicken plus a :-.e1.:ond meat en tree (which changes daily; call ahead). Vegetables~ potatoes and gravy; hot w rnbrcad and honeybutter. All for just $4. 95 oer pu'ion. for as much as you care to eat. • "THE "BIG "YELLOW "HOUSE "RESTAURANT GRBAT 'lUIERICAN COOKING "IN~ OLD-'FASHIONED -MANOR COcktails available. MllterC"-lc and VISA welcome. Banquet facilities available. 1639 E. Imperial Highway, Bru• (714) 529·1891 •3010 HaJbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa• (714) 549--0319 Dinner: Mon.-Thun. 5-9. Fri. 5-10. Sat. 4-10, Sun. 12-9. ' I AJ• OM. V flt\.OT • T ....... ~t.1m AT YOUR SERVICE I CALIFORNIA ------------..... Mbtorcycle License ]. Magnin Closes In Santa Ba.,.Wtlra "Government waste •~ not my department My depart ment is seeing to at they get at to waste " "Got a problem? Then wnte to Pat Dunn. Pat will ct.It red tape, gettirtg the a~ end ad ion .,oc1 n.eed ·to solve iMquilie1 m government and bulmeu. Mcnl your queat1ou to Pat Dunn, At Your Semce, Ormlgc CO<Ut Dally Pilot, P.O. Boz 1560, Coita Meta, CA mlf. Aa many lettn1 aa poi.ii* will be C1M1Dered, bui pltOMd irlqtdfW• or letten noe mclwting Che reader'• /till oonw. oddr•a& and buaine11 hours' phoM ._mbercoaot beconaidered. Thiacolammappeor1dai· ly ncept Sunday• " ~t .Jail Gilt 111 P~r•o• DEAR PAT: Twice we have been unsuccessful in attempting to mail a book to a person at the Orange County jail. How can we get tbJs book to him? J.G., Costa Mesa You wlll have to take ll to the Jail la persoa. Capt. Jerry Krans, Jall commander, explalaa tbal mailed packages cannot be accepted al the JaU because they have to be opened for lupedloo before being delivered to lnma&es. In cases where packages' con&ents are not acceptable, the county would have to pay return postage to mail t.be package back lo the sender. This expense ls the reason for the ruJe. ft'ederal R~lfte of A •to Dela9ed • ' DEAR BEADEa.s: TIMI pllblk: beart.a1 • aa lldtlal ftDdbl& .._, aatetl.,S::-t.ed 411efecu eDa& la ....nala ...... Capda .... ..... •• --Gd.. IS, •ccordlng to Uae U.S. Dep•rt•••t •f Traoaportatioo. Tbe bearing was lint schedaled ln Sep&ember by the depar1meot's NatleaaJ 81,.way TnfOc Safety Admhdstratloo to eever defeeta lD the beadllght switches of the im.1m Capria; front seat backs of tbe 1971-1974 and 1171·1'78 Caprls. Nlfl'SA says that Ford plans to rttalJ the vehicles for the headlight switch problem aDd tbe bearing will cover only the alleged seal back and gear bhirt leyer lallW'es~ AA esUma.ted '20.,000 Caprls are still in use on the nation's hlpways. The federal safety agency reports it Is possible for the driver's seal back lo the 1971-1974 models to collapse l.oward &be rear of the veblcle, mak.lllg lt difficuJt for the driver to maiDLaln vehicle control. Investigators say the faUue la caased by t.be absence of a weld in the recll.nlDg mecbaalam of t.be seat. The agency bas reports of more tlla11 Ht instances or failures, lncludlng t.bree ac:cldeata. Nlfl'SA bu received al leut l'St reports ID· volvlng separatioa of tbe gear 8bllt lever, U.C:IDd· lng one reported accident. Separadoa cu occv without wamlng and causes lou of ablllty to COii· lrol the speed of the vehkle. Comumers who have ex:perleaced eeat back or gear shift problems are urged to notify NllT8A by calling the Office of Defects IDveaU1at1oa at (29%) 4!6·2851 or by writing to NBTSA, 4tt Se••tll St. S. W ., Wuhlogtoa, D.C. ztstl. lfifllt-llfJer ,.,ood Not EzpetHi"~ DEAR PAT: I read a lot about the benefits of having fiber in the diet, but I don't want to pay ex· tra for high fiber bread. Which foods have a lot of fiber in them? L.L., Dana Point Fiber often la adnrtlled aa If it la a liagle eD· ttty, wbea actaally "fiber'' refen to a namber of complex nbstuc:n derived from plants. Tltelr ldentlfytag feature I• lbat tbt:y are not broken down by &be dlge.Uve Jllien of bamus. We do abeorb some fibers, laowever, tbroalJI partial dl1estioa. Celllllole, liemkellllloee, pecdu, and llpll fiber a.re foa11d la tbe eelJ Walla of pluts Ud DOD·ceU wall fibe,.. are In plut bam1, macUa1es ud playUc acid. Wlaole g:raJ.u -wheat bran lD paJ11cala.r -are Mp iD bemJcellalose and cellaloee. <Kiter foods •Idell are good 10arcet of ftber are dry beam ud peaa, 1111ls, peuat bal&er, cabba1e, carrota. celery, leafy vegetables, apple&, orugea, dry fnalt, ud otlaer fndts aad vegetables. Whole fndts ud Ye&et.ables a.re llllber lD Ober tban Jake•. Uglatlng 1'1arlu A •111.,ersa,.. DEAR PAT: I read that this year is the lOOtb anniversary of electric street lighting. Thal got me to wondering if the inventor was an American, and where electric street Utbts were fLrSt used. . K.E.,CostaMesa awtes r. Bnn or Cleftlaad waa pu&lid a ,.~fer arc lamP9 &ht ..W lie ae4 for l&reet • 1111911 • Sep&. Z, im. a,_. wM became boWll u tlle "fadaer of eledrle nre.t ,....,,, .. aceonl· , tac .. uo m., a __ ....,... ,uae, eauu..a1 ii-. -...w te •twr':J Ute pau.t·111te•, 1.eee11faU1 •e•eH&H •ti tanatlea I• . ""'" ........... nRlt ....... ......, .. . • flut •••ldpalUJ &o •M ere ftpt1a1 fer ;' ..........,.,.. .. .,. ......... .,_.die ....................................... ................. eatc.e ...... Tests Made Tougher SANTA BARBARA (AP) -The Joaepb Magnin department atore io Santa Barbara, a fix· lure on downtown State Street for 15 yean, bu eone out of business. The,. Lt 1 new 32·PAI• handbook wltb tbt inform1tlon needed to paas SACRA.MENTO <AP) -Hoptnc Lo reduce acddlot.11,&.be atate la mUl.nc the IDGM>ttycle UceDM te9t harder, 1treNlftl rldlu and Hl'Vlval tecbnl· qua lnatead ot-tralfte lawa. Tb• u.t went lDto wae today. aaid Oort.a Aln.ll, director of the Depart· ment ot Motor VehklH. tbe teat. The old handbook doeln 'l ...... ~F have lt, ao the department adviaea applicant.a Lo atudy the new one. 1"-wi~w~~,:..i- CAUFOaNL\NS CAN drive a car ~"'lt-iltJ!kiir:-~fl\I~~ The closing was not officially anoounced, but a spokesman confirmed Saturday wu the at.ore's last day open. lbe closlne puts 14 employees out of work. r There are 46 other MagnJn stores in the western United States TBS Tl'.8T llA8 ~ questions &ad appllu.nu can miaa four. The old ooe had 20 q~. with two errors al· lowed. or a mo-ped wlt.b a reaular driver's license, but need a speclal license to dnve a motorcycle. Tbe ffi&hway Patrol says 784 peo- ple died and 28.571 were injured io ~?~n~~~Lmotorcycte accidents laat year. "It's a matter or pruning tess profit~ble stores so that we can focus on our more profitable ones," explained Harmon Tobler. vice paesideot of at.ores, personnel and sales development at t.be flrlD 's San Francisco headquarters. DR OFFER ' . Government regulations now allow Wells Fargo Bank to pay the maximum interest rate on 26-week, $10,000 minimum Treasury Certificates. So now you can get the highest rate available anywhere on tht~ short·tenn deposits-and Wells Fargo service along with it. liEl'THE WB1S FARGO REWARD. rrs WORTH MONEY. A Treasury Certificate more than qualifies you for the Wt·lb Fargo Reward. Maximum interest A checking account and personalized check~. an ~safe deposit box (or credit toward a larger siz.e, where availability is limited), 3nd the~ of a Wells Fargo &-sonal Banker." AJJ at no charge. I WBl.l FAR&O N&llAl. BANIBl.r.AN HELP YOU liEI' A HlilER RATE. If you ask, your Wells Farg_o Personal Banker car1._iU1tch the jnkn.:!lt _ . rafes for you from week to week. Each Monda y. your J 'er~ 111al Hanker fmd ..., 1111t what the rate will be on Thursday. If the intere!'-t rate..., are g<>111g tc1g11 u1>. , c 1u may want to wait until Thursday to invest. If they 're going tu Ix: down, you 'I I probably want to invest right away. l. A WBll FAR&O NllCIW. llANIER CAN HELP YOU Ulm MIBBI WllH YDlll MIBIESI. As you may know, gov~ent regulations prohibit daily compound mg of interest on Treasury Certificates. But each month, your Personal Banker can take the ~terest your Treasury Certificate has earned and put it into your Passbook Savings Account That way, your Treasury Certificate in terest will begin to earn additional interest. All you do for this service is ask. Ask for a Wells Fargo Personal Banker. His, or her, services are free. You ~so pay no f~ fo_r your Treasury Certificate. Of course FederaJ regulations reqwre a substantial interest penalty for early withdrawal on Treasury Certificates and other high-interest accounts. Member F.D.I.C. . \ I r '• INSIDE: •Stocks •Comk1 s ~·~Movm-·T_·~~a~---------=-=-----==..--:;::;IR.._.ts ~ ·.~ -.O...t.1111 OAILYN.OT r-""1•··:• ·~eaver \VQuld Rather Play With Ten.~ .... ,,..,... .. I Loss of DH Could Hamper Orioles ! • BALTIMORE (AP) - Baltimore Manager Earl Weaver wu concerned about loling tbe use of bis designated hitter aa tbe Orioles prepared to open tbe 1979 World Series tonight against the Pitta burgh Pirates. "It certainly is going to make a difference," said Weaver. boss of the American League cham· pion.s. Manager Chuck Tanner of the National League champion Pirates made lt clear he would rather play without the DH, an American League iostituUon dis· dained by the National League. . "WE HAVEN'T bad to do without it since the 1971 World series:• lamented Weaver. "Lee May (the Orioles DH in the re- gular season) was a big part or our offense. What effect it bas will depend on the other eight guys in our starting lineup," Weaver said. Tanner. who managed 1n the America n League a nd is ramiliar with the DH's erred on the game, estimated 1l was worth balf·a·run a game. ''Sul I 'd rather m an age without it," said the Pirates' field boss. "ll 's a d1rferent ball game. Pitchers stay 1n longer You don't need the long reliever. And why shouldn't a good tuttrng pitcher bat? Why :.hould he be penahzed?" THE DH IS USED every other year in the Senes, and last year, when the New York Yankees beat the Los Angeles Dodgers. Reggie Jacksoo bad nine hits m 23 at bats with two home runs and eight RBI. The Dodgers' ma!n DH was Lee Lacy, who went 2-for· 14. May hit 1.9 home runs and had 69 RBI this season as the Orioles DH. Obviously, the Baltimore or- fense has to suffer. starttna pitcher in the fint of the beat-of"'8even game Series, had ei&bt bits, scored eight runs. drove In six, including four with a grand.slam home run. He hit just .145. But the only contact Orioles' starter Mike Flanagan bas bad witb the bat is seeing at lo so mebod y else 's bands. Flanagan, however. was 23·9 with a 2.65 ERA and is the big favorite to win the Cy Young Award as the AL's outstanding pitcher. He was baseball's win- ninge.sl pitcher this year. IUSON WAS 13·4 with a 3.14 ERA, and was outstanding in the Pirates' Sept.ember drive to the NL Eastern Division title. win- ning bis last five. He 's also 4--0 in postseason play. The last time the Pirates were in the Serles was 1971. The last time the Orioles wer e in the Ser les was 1971 K1son pitched one-hit ball for 611:1 innings tn re- lief as the Pl rates won the fourth game on their way Lo a seven game tnumph. The Pirates. who reached the Toraiglat 's Lb•~•P• ORIOLES Al Bumbry. cf Marti Belanger. as Ken Slng.leton. r1 Eddie Muney. 1 b John Lo-nstetn. 11 Doug OeClnees. 3f) B Illy Smith. 21> Rick Dempsey. c Mike Flanagan. p PIRATES Omer MOfeno. c1 Tim Foll. H Dave Parker. rt Biii Robinaon," Wiiiie Stargell. l b Bill Medlocit. 3b Steve Nlooala, c Phil Gamer. 2b B~Kl--.,p Serles by sweeping the NL Welt Division champion Cincinnati Reda ln their beat-Of-five cha•· plonsblp set. were concemecl a bout the condition of tlW' Baltimore playinc field. Tbit Baltimore Colts played in U. stadium Sunday in a Nat.iooal Football League game agai.Ml the New York Jets and tbe natural turf was tom up. WEAVER ALLEVIATED tbe Pirates' fears. "A II I can say ," he said', "is that the ground crew worked miracles. All the cleat m&rq and divots from the football game have been filled in. 'Ibt1· worked on their bands and ~ to do the job. It will be playable. That is. without rain ... " Baltimore. which led the ma- jors with 102 victories this season. beat the West Division' champion California Angels 3-1 m the playoffs. and hosts the rirst two games. The middle three are scheduled for Pit- ts burgh. and the final pair, if needed. 1n Baltimore Weaver admitted he was hav· tn~ trouble de<..1ding on a st.art.- mg lineup because or his inabili· ty to use the DH. If he decided to put May m the lineup 1t meant mov ing a lot of players around defensively The odds are May's Serie:. role wtll be as a pinch tut- ter THE ORIOLES arc expected to play John Lowenstein in left field. Al Bumbry m center and Ken Singleton m n ght, with Ed- die Murray at r1rst. Bi lly Smith a nd Mark Belanger the second ba~e shortstop comb1nat1otl, and Doug DeCtnces at third Rick Dempsey 1s expected to catch Flanagan WIWE STARGELL CARRIES A BIG STICK FOR PIRATES IN WORLD SERIES. Bruce Kison. Pitts burgh's Tanner made no secret of his hnt>up and batting order agaul5l left ·hande r Flanagan · center r1elder Omar More no. shortstop Tim Foh. right rielde r Dave P a r k er . I e ft fl e 1 de r B ~.l I Robinson. first baseman Wia. Staraell. lhird baseman ~U Madladl. cat.cher Steve Nleomla. Meoed M9eman Pt.ii o.,..... and Klson Orleles' Stepper ~ Stanlwuse Joins The Flake Society By Wll.L GRIMSLEY AP Special Correspondent BALTIMORE -You don't ave to be a pitcher to be a flake, ut it helps. Take Don Stanhouse, eccen- ric right-handed relief ace of e BaJtimore Orioles . You lake im. The hard-hitting Pittsburgh Pirates may not be able to in the World Series, starting tonight in Memorial Stadium. I He's some kind of cat, this Stanhouse -a throwback to such nonconformists as Lefty Gomez and Flint Rhem and one who fits comfortably with such modern duplicates as Sparky Lyle, Al "The Mad Hungarian" Hrabosky, Bill "Grass-on-My- Cornfiakes" Lee and Mark "The Bird" Fidrych. STANBOUSE IS A wh1msical- looking character with a light r e d frizzled Ha rpo Ma rx hairstyle, a mustache that dips down to bis chin and a madcap 'personality that bas made him the tension-breaker in the I Orioles' clubhouse. 1 Teammate Mike Flanagan, bas dubbed lum "Stan th~ 'Man Unusual." r Sta11house liked the sobriquet •so much that be had a tee shirt I made with the nickname on I front phn a caricature of a 'pitcher sticking out bis tongue. He distributed the shirts to all 1 his fellow Orioles. He saved a I spare for the stuffed gorilla which alts atop his clubhouse locker. 1 He la a bachelor who cloaks bis ianyiama in a morbid ex- terior. Be tendl toward black elotbes. He drives a black car. AU the rumiture in his pad is black. including the telephone. "I TlONK he 's working to be a mortician." quips catcher Rick Dempsey. Chances are you'll be seeing a lot of "Stan the Man Unusual" during the next 10 days. He's Earl Weaver 's favorite run plug- ge r (45 saves the las t two seasons) although he puts a heavy drain on the little skip- per's cigarette supply. Stanbouse walks more batters than he strikes out. He Likes to Live dangerously. He isn't com- fortable unless the bases are rull and the other team's best bitter is up, swinging the lumber ominously. Such was the case in the second game of American League playoffs last week when. trying to save an early 9-1 lead which suddenly bad deteriorated to 9-4, Weaver sent the rangy righthander into the breach in the eighth inning. BEFORE ONE could s a y "Charlie 0 ," the score had gone to 9-8 and Stanhouse, walking the first batter, had the bases full and the Angels' leading hit- ter. Brian Downing, at the plate. Weaver, meanwhile, had sought sanctuary in tbe runway, unable to look, and began burning cigarettes in anxiety. "Why didn't you take him out?" the manager was asked afterward. . ·'Because I still had three cigarettes left,'' Weaver replied. Later be explained, "There's not a better man in a tight situation -beT"efuses to live in." STANBOlJ8t! &\YS he likes it when eveeybody is nervous and he isn't, adding, "It's fun." Lefty Gomez is chairman emeritus ef U..-"Flak• Club." Once be stopped a World Series 1ame to stare at an airplane overt.e.d. "You don't see many of them things," be apologized. Another time before a game in Boston's Fenway Park be changed clothes ln a phone booth, explaining, "I wanted to 1et UHd to tbolle abort fences." 1l'lint Rhem, a ie,.nd wben be pitched for the Carda back in the 19308, would disappear for daJI at• time and return wltb tn*&- que talel ~ lddnappm1. Mark Pldrych~ the 1oun1 Detroit Ttpr with iJlJury pro- blem•, became aa IMtant folk hero ln me with b1a bl.am hll· lrion1ca OD tbe mound. Built like an 0ttridl. all arma and lep. be worked wttb a wlld iltt.alltr, alwa11 jerkins at bl• eap, 1ardtnlnl around the ~ound and ta1kiDI to tbe ball. '")bat'• bow 1 keep invoh'8d," lie MJI, .. ,..~ OAKLAND'S DAVE PEAR STOPS LARRY CSONKA WITH A RODEO-LIKE MOVE. Two QBs in the Lineup With Cosell Out, MNF Ratings Rise By ERNIE CASTILLO Of .... D.tlly "" .... Operating out of a two-quarterback formation, the makeshift MNF Trio bu proved be)'OOd a shadow of a dOUbt football is better Men than heard. Ratings are on a scale of 1 \o 10 with a bonus ol 10 points for aendinl Howard Cosell off to watch some bueball game. Ma&cll•p: 8.0. Once-beaten Dolphins vs. once-m.icfaty Riidel'I with a lot-of btltory, tradhlon and bate between \hem. a.u•: 5.S. ABC could have done much better if it would have advert.bed tbe fact that Fran Tarkenton would be alttint in for Coeell. Esd&eme11&: 4.5 l''our polllta for the MCond half, ball a point for Lbe first half. Drama: 7.8. A lot of recycled Dolpbina ln tblJ one. ne No-Names are quickly beeomln1 the Over-tbl-ldll Uaq. C1tcll tbem while 19'1 can. They won't be around much loqet. · • CW1wM1: 7.t . Bonus flV'f! ~for a.tUn1 tbe wlmdDI team run out the clock, tb.aa cuWns 12 mlnutel off the two-mi.Dute drill. v..a.ee: 2.0. Maybe the Nrt. n~ bu cracked down Oil cbeap abota. ' Pn•tt ..... C,: S.S. Tbe followtq dialont IUIDI .. tlall u~. Fran: ''All tbGM .-..i.. tbey'll ND 1'ft, aay aye." Fran, Frank ud O.. Ill unteon: ''Aye." Fru (after a ND°"" a.ft tackle• '"l'be af'll bave it." • DMawtllM: 8.0 for the boaeJ lbotl. ,,_.for eacb~pom·poa. · ~YllJ: a.s. Nllbod)' really •anti to,., tbeJ'N fW tlM Raiden, now do they? But DObod1 Is willing to pull ror a team with a wounded quarterback either. VIAal: 7.S. Camera men did the best with what they had to work with. Alldlo: 9.9. Something about an occasional moment of silence between plays Lbal really gets tome. Total: 70.7. a season high. And now for the highlights. Callla1 a spade a s pade : Gifford. for admittlna the stars or the first half were the punters. Wont case or bla&aa& commerdaUaaU..: As if the beer . Barne y Miller a nd Soap commercials weren't enough, we were deluaed with World Series reminders. Foretp Hbtltance: Dolphins. who couldn't· ctoaa mid fteld hvfirst half. looked like they didn't know what the end zone looked like either. Wont OM·hrO pucb: Meredith explained the absence of a lineman like this: "He bas a tom bicep. t bear." Fran replied: "Must be a bit tear." Bell t.itaU. of 809dlld: Delvin Williama, trapped ln the shadows of tbe end aone_ for etcaplns to tbe wide open ranp ot mid field to cloffthet.hird~r. Bel& l•~ of die Sclall&a Malt IJq•r hll: Larry Cloak• *"<>. ln the words of Glffont. "Jut ran n.ttt over them ... Went ,.._.a.ce by M adol' .. a, .. ,. ....... n)t: Taneton. for his off·key hummlna that inter~ ~ lleredltb'a rendlUon ol ··Turn out &.be ll1hta. Ute pa11y'1over.' • Stargell. captain of the Pirates and a leadutg candidate for the NL Most Valuable Player award. played on the 1971 Pirates an their Senes lriumPfl" - over the Onoles He ref~. however . to compare the team(, "I don't like to compare,• Stargell began "In '71 we had e. brute. st.ceng1h_ -D-t:-.IUM::.W..-----1 we could "pot a club five or six run:. and s llll come back. But now s peed 1s an asset . We've l(ot the s peed and the de- fense we never had the reputa- tion for We• have an abundance of p1tchm~ " Stanford Not Afraid; UCLA Is From AP Dtspatches It might be JUSt washfol tlunk· ing. but Chuck Evans or the Stanford defens ive unit says, "I don 'l thJn.k Southern Cal is any morephys1cal than UCLA. Stanford got past UCLA . beat· ing the Bruins 27-24 on Ken Naber's last·second. S6·yard rield goal last Saturday. and runs into the unbeaten and top. ranked USC Trojans next. "We got off the ball pretty well against UCLA. We weren't beat much there," Evans said al Monday's weekly Stanford· California football luncheon. HE SAID a lot of UCLA's ol· rensive success, which included 197 yards rushing by Freeman McNeil. was due to "assignment bre•kdowns, mistakes we shouldn't have made." Stanford outgained the srui.:s handily, however. with 490 yards.. on offense in the Pacific-lb opene r . Quarterbacks Tur~ Schonert and John Elway com- bined for 330 yards pasaing. AGAINST USC, he added. "We'll have to lighten up de- fensively." UCLA figures to get back on the winning track when the Bruins face Washington Sta~ this Saturday. but Coach Ten")' Donahue issued a word of cau• tlon on that 1ubJect. . "There's no doubt in my ~ 1' Lbat the Wuhlnllon State 88"-": I wlll be very difflcu. It," 1# 1 Donahue Monday at bla •eellbr.: meetiq wtth the media. • "In our pneent state, I tblak we·n have to play ow .,.t ,._ of the 1UJ' to beat lbem.• • "Their on ..... can move Ult ball apinlt jun about a11,yoae," added Doeabu.. "Look at wM&. tho did a1alnat Ohio State <W ublnaton State had 28 n... doW111 Md -yardl ln total of: feue ln a 54.29 lou >. It'• 1oln1 '° be a touch a"'°'phen to try to wln a football ifime. 1 FOOT BALL pint 's What OCC 's Tucker Is Saying After S urprise Win 87 IOllN ANO ................ It coWdn't hft ~ppetllld et e ~ time. MUOO cam. at t.b• b.anda of Lon& Ue•t'b two weeks qo. Orance Cout CoUeao'a bit vtctoty owr No 4 ftUed l..GQI Beach CC la Jual what tbe doctor or Wllat M pedally pleued Tueller ii that bis Pirates finally eatabllshed a running game. 110m.u.&al tbal wu non-exi.s\ent ln lbe flnt.three ou~ felt all aloo1 you can't play football wi1~ a IQC>d l'Ul1Al.nt same.'' aaya Tuc:Jter. "I tbuaa we ,...,.. roreed t.o 10 to the paaa way too much Mr\>' 1A the yeu and Lb.al makes it ~r to PUI ~ U there's a fear YoU mi&}it run oo your OIJPC)la!Uoo. lbcur defenses have to play dif· lorenUy." "lt wu a b6t wiD few 111." Mid OCC Coach k 1\lckv, "etDedalq .tter aOltDI t.be llrat :s11-.. WMkl It cou.lda '\ baft come at a beUer e b t.M &.am cw tbe eoedMI.' • By "bed.er Um•" 1\tckw meua tbe Pint.ea' Cout CGGtueace opmer wtt.b Cerrtt.ol um rda,y. "We proved t.o oune.lvea we coWd beat a IOOd football teacn. ·' bo eddect ''Tbal '• one ol tbe plua fact.on On t.be oe1ative aide, Cecrtt.os is A.a for theU' chances in league play. Tucker bas 1urded optlmiam "We told our players Crom the fll'St game that our aoal was to w10 lea1ue, • • Tucker says cautioualy. "I don't really know bow we're goln.g to do, bul aft.er lhe other night I feel we ca.o go definitely Colna to be) more lnt.eme foe \Q, l&ONICALL Y, CE&&ITOS' only loas lhis A Capaule Report Frvm the Wortd of Sport• New Rage in Mexico: Q American TV Football From AP Dl9P8kltes RADNOR, Pa. -Tbe latest sport.a ra1e In Mexico ls televised American professiooaJ and coUege football games and ll is affecting MexiNn lifestyles. TV Guide reported today. The magazine reported tbat televised football ls drawing an estimated seven to 10 million Mexican viewers five years after its introduction. There are six million TV sets U'I Mexico, compared to 135 million in the United Stat.es. This faU , Mexican TV is carrying more tban 100 U.S. games and Mexican housewives are complaining that thelr husbands spend too much time in front of the tele'V'lslon, according to TV Gulde. Neighborhood bars have a dded TV sets to draw cus tomers wbo want to see games, and rest.au.rants w upper-class residential areas d ose early Monday rugbt a.I there ts •• big game on Televisa, the Mexican TV nt'twQrk, u.~s trarudalors t.o <'xplain tht· gam1• lo a Spafll!>h-speakrng audience, and huv{' produrf'<J ~oml' intercstrn g lran!>lal.Jons. according to the magazuw A firs t d own. for cx<1 mple , becom e!> 'p r1 mc r a oportunidad , · whtch means '1rs t opportunity . and the quarterback beromes 'm ariscal de campo,' wblcb means , field marshal, the magazine said. The Houston Olien and tbe Dallu Cowboys are the b\gge11t favorites wtlb fau and'tbe Olien' Earl Campbell and the Cowboys' Roger Staubach are favorite players. S... DWflo'• lt'a•t•• •• Cn1te •e • With the NBA season ope~r only a few days m away, the San Diego Clippers have an injury crisis oo their hands All pro center Bill W&Hon is on crutches. h1:. backup Svea Nater bas a severe · thagh bnul>c and gu<1rd Brian Taylor bas a beadacbe that won't go <iway "One of the best femaJe basketball player:. Ln the country," arc the words Coach Fr•nk LaPorte Ilg Bay Outscored By 774-0 COOKS, Mich . CA P ) -Paul BabJadell.s ls living a football coach's nightmue: he dreads the eod ot every game. yet fears the final gun will never sound. His Big Bay de Noc bigb school squad bas become the worst prep football team iD hla~ tory Wtth their 46-0 defeat at tbe hands ol Bark River-Harris last Friday nlgbt. the Black Bears have been out.scored 774-0 over their last 14 games. THE PREVIOUS re<:ord ror consecu tive points s cored against a team without It sror- rng a single polDt in return was held by Bethel High Scb~ of Brandt. Otuo, wtuch was out· M'Ored 723-0 ovc.•r a 14-game span during I.ht' 1973-1974 Sf'ason:. ' Wl· didn't want this thing to happt>n ." Babladchs :.aid "But 1t did I J:U<''>S w~:'vt: reached the bottom. th<· only way to go now •~u p .. The Big Bay scoreless streak involves the last 14 games. but the 81.ack Bears' losln& string now •t.anda at z:s. Tbeir tut vie· tory wu Oct. US, 197a. They bave l ost all 22 game ~ s ince Babladel.Ls became coach. ..----1t-"tt!led-to desc:n beiormer UCL~Antta Oriega who &ii(Jled "I HAD NO previous coaching experieo~ wt.en I took Uus Job and I had no a~1stant coaches." said Babladeh!>, 26. wbo played college ball at Central Mictugan. "I was totally unprepared. ( gained my expeneoce through trard 1modrs. It was-Uke"'"~ thrown into the ocean and hav- ing to learn how to swim." I. • a two year contract with the S an Francisco Pioneers .. Tbe Cleveland Cavalie rs s ay center E lmore Smltb probably wilJ be out for the entire NBA s e ason after undergoing s urgery for re m oval of tom cartilage in bis right knee .. Forward Ma rques Jolua.aoD, the Milwaukee Bucks' t.op scorer and rebounder last tteasoo, decided to end bis holdout and report t.o the team Monday ... The Portland Trail B laz ers put guard S tan WALTON Eckwood on waivers . . Paal Westplaal and TruCk lloblmoD sparked a third-quarter for Phoenix aa the Suns defeated Den vcr. 111 ·73 ... PN Mara ridl scored Z7 points to lead the Utah Jazz to a 104·100 win over the Lakers ... Tbe Golden State Warriors, led by rookie Job Coaglaran, 19 pointa, defeatedHoust.oo, 114·108. E'lefd B.e~ O•t at LA 0'9•Pk•1 Field hockey. an Olympic sport with its chief • interest ln India and Pakl.atan, mieht be a casualty · of Los Angeles organizers' plana t.o put on a . lower·budget "spartan" Summer Oympics ln 1984. The organizers reportedly are real.sting the lotemational Hockey Federation rules requiring that five perfectly nat • athletic field.a-with underground drainage and synthetic s urfacee-be available for fieJd hockey. Federation rules aho say no ot.ber Olympic events could be contested at those sites ... Cale Yarboroat b'• victory in the NAPA national 500 didn't help him out of fourth place in the NASCAR stock car standings. DarreU Wattrtp leads with &icbard Petty and Bobby A.l1Uon next 1n line ... Margaret Gross, a 20-year-old cross country nanner from the University or Virginia, woo a 10,000-meter women's road race, breaking her own American record with a time of 32:47 ... The Philadelphia Fury have announced the signing of Eddie Flnnaal, twice coach or Soccer Bowl champion teams, aa bead coach ... The Tbof"OUlbbred Board of the Maryland racing commission will coo.alder outlawing two controversial drugs now permitted for t.rutmeot of horses at state tracks. Pbenylbutazooe, commonly known a.a bute, and furosemide, sold under the trade name of Laalx, an the drup under question ... Three officials ot an Ariaona State Univenity booster organJzaUoo and. four others have been called to tesWy iD the Sl.1 mUlion I eYlll ••w.e aull a1alnat t.be university and its footbaU coach • • Gerard Go.lea. a retired Crumpet player for the Bott.oft Sympbocy orcbeatra , wu lnjured ln a vintage sports car race at Watldna Glen . . . The son of jockey Walt.er Bl••· one of the nation 's most succesa!ul jockeys, makes his debut thLa week a& Lanael Race Course. Te...,._ .. ., ...... FoOowlno •A~ top sPQrts events on TV tonight. Ratings .,,..: 'I'./ •xcellent; ././'worth wttrhlno; ./'fair·./'--It• T ' ""' V'" 5 p.m., Cft•nnel 7 ./ ./ ./ ./ The couch said he became aware or the national record alter bis club lost 79-0 to Powers North CentraJ three weeks ago and was still 47 points shy of the mark with a game with DeTour coming up. "Naturally, that news was pretty hard to take when I found out about It," Babladelis s aid. "I notified everyooe in the school and t.alked to the players. We did everything we could to a void the record. "THE KIDS played their best. Th ere w e r e oo ove r a ll breakdowns. just UUle things that led to scores." OeTour beat the Black Bears. 51-0. There was a moment of hope in that game wben tailback Roo Collins broke into the open ror an apparent touchdown run. But arter 60 yards a DeTour de· fenalve back caught Collins and tackled him on the IO.yard line "We were re ally excited after the run," Collins said "Right then. I figured there was no way lhcy were going lo &top us from sconng. But they did. "I'm disappointed with what happened, but I'm not upset. We play the best we can all the time. It's rrustrating when you play your beat but stlll can't score You wonder wbat you have to do if your best isn 't good enough." V eeck Denies Chiso x Sale CHICAGO <AP) -Chicago Wbite Sox ~ldMt BUI Beeck denied reports today Ulat the team soon may be sold to Denver oilman Marvin Davis and the Oakland A'a ahlfted to Chlcaao. "Jt'a a bunch or 1arbace," Veeck aald In a lelepbooe la tervlcw . "He (Dav la) appraocbed ua maybe six moatbl qo, and we told him no and th1t'1 It." The Denver Rock>' Mountain News reported tn today'a edJUOPI that Davia, who failed ln bi.I attempt to purcbue the A'a a )'tat a,o, LI eloMr &.baa ever to buylni a mljor leq\ae team and movU.,ltto Denv.r. ' Tbt Dtwapaper said ualdeaUlled mtmMn of the major...,. baMball executive com~ t.bt World 8tritl ID Baltbnon. int.Q any game now knowlDg we can bang ln there with anybody " • • * GOLDEN WEST COACH Ray Shackleford bu a problem of• different oature. Hi.I ftnt and re&lly bi& conference 1ame was Saturday qaimt Santa Monica where for tbe tut three aeaom tbe wiADer bis gooe on to win the cbamp6oaablp. And unlortunat.ely. u least u far u tbe RuaUen are coocerned, t.bJ.s year doeao't appear like It's &Oloc to be any di!f erent aft.er G WC lost, 24. 7. ·'I don't tbink lt can be anyway elae," aa,ya Sbaclt.Jeford about Sant.a Monica wln.ni.n1 the Sout.bero Cal Colllerecce. ''The ooJy lhinl we c:an hope for is a posalbUe three·way tie. I don't think they'll &o.e two 1ames in our conference " Sbaclt.Jeford says his biggest problem oow w1U be trying to keep bu team's moral high. "I TlllN1' IT'S A Ll1TLE more difficult wben you're oot running ror the championship," says Sbadrleford. ''But when our players meet El c am lno (Saturday>. I doo 'l tb.l.nk they ·u tb.i.ok about Santa Moalca, I lhlnlt they'll be tbinklng about El Camino. . "I really feel it '• harder foe the coaches tban it ia the players because we put ln ao much Ume in the hope$ of wlnnlnc the cbampionablp. "I guesa what we'll have to lace now is more discipline problems and more guys second· rueaaing the coacb.lng at.air. "We were putrid last Saturday aod we did moet ol the damage to OUJ'Mlvea. • • * •• IT'S ONE BIG GAllE att.-~for Keo Swe~·s s.dclleback d ub.· The Gauchos Ju.t 11.nJ.ab polish.Ina off PaJoma.r when they have to turn lhelr •U.eotiou toward bilb· scorinc SaoDlecoCClnSanmeco<a l :301ame>. "We knew when we •tarted tb.ls waa 1ot.oc to be tough for us," says sweann,en. "That's wby we pre pared to cet to the top of our came earlier." . Wlth ao many key 1ames lo a row. Swear· uigeo baa found It difficult to keep bis team oa a hlgb emotional pitch. "We bad a bard Ume coaviDdni our players P alomar wu any good and, subsequeaUy, they d.ldn't play with much intensity," be saya. "We're going to have to be ready fCX" San Diego Tht're's always a disadvantage pla)'lDg th~re and lhe fact It 's a day game make!> 1t that m uc-h more d.Jffic-ult bt>c a~ a per50n ·~ rhythm 1~ ti(( • A B e nchw artne r Who Called Shots CIOCAGO CAP> -Ooo't mention pre~~ure to Prestoo Gomez. the Chicago Cub:. new mclJl-.ger He knows what it's all &boul Wb<·n he \l,J m-.nai: rng the Havana Sugar King:., Prem11·r ~add ( d:-tr11 of Cuba would sit Ol'I his bench Castro. i.I ~poru enthusiast 1n ~t·neral and ;J baseball fan in particular. also would 1n:.1llt on ~l)at.Ung~CU<' "Who was goa.ng lo say 'oo' to bJm ." ~aid Gomez, who succt"t.'ded Herman t-"r anJt.s and Mon day held tus rin.l news conference a:. manage r of the Cubs Gomez has bad a close rclat1oosh1p with Castro through the years alt.bough after managmg the Sugar Kings lo the Junior World Senes m l~ be left l.'uba to JOln the Lo:s Angeles Dodger.;' or· ganizaUon. "Caatro even came to tbe World Series games In Minneapolis," said Gomex. "Tbat·s bow much of a baseball fan be is. After I left Cuba, Castro called me and aaked why I Jett. I told him I could learn more and advance my career. He never ob-jected." Alt.bough relations between the Uruled Stat.es and Cuba be<:ame strained after Castro took power and Cubans were oot aJlowed out of the rountry. Gomez was ooe of the few pel"500S allowed m and out of Cuba even though be had long before become a cltiuo of the United StJites 808 THOMPSON CRAIG CARLYLE Golden SO Prep Football The Dalty l'ttot'a Oddaft IO CLaatweek'sb&Cplay~el5IJ8*er1MR) ~aig Car lyle, Mater Dei (toucbdown pass from Phil Spencer) 66-Bobby 'lbompaoo, HunUnctoo Beach <touchdown return wtt.b lntercepdoa > 62-&.eve K.raiu, Eatancia Ct.ouc:bdown pua from Jlm McCahlll> 58--Rick llOMr. Ocean View (toucbdown rwl) S&-Ke.rwin Bell. Edlsoo <touchdown nm> 5&-Jlm Taylor. Mari.oa <toudMlown nm) SZ-Brlan Stark man, Costa Mesa <touchdown run) S<Z-Pbll ~r. Mat.er Dd <nm> ,.... ....... 97-Taylor <MariAa>; 13-Bumer <Saa Clemente); 8&-Templetoa Unioe); ~ Robe~ <I.rvtne> and Carlyle <Mater Dei>; 77 -Bri.Ot <Coroaa del llar>; n-Baebmeier cOcean View); 70-Bell (Edlsoo>; 16- 'lbompeoa <Jluntingt.oo Beach); 64-Boyer <Edisoo>: 62-Bright <Corona deJ llar>. Bauer <Coct.a Mesa>. Kraiaa <EstaDcla); 60-Sdmltger tCorooa del llar>; 58-Yorit I Fountain Valley>; SS-Ma.er <Ocean View); S6-Bell t Ediaon > and Taylor <Marina); SS-Juneoez <Newport Harbor>; S.-HunUey 1Mar1na 1 aod Cales CNewport Harbor); ~-Starkman •Coat.a Mesa) and Spencer < M' at.er Dell . 51 -Bell C Edl.son). 50-Bauer fC06ta M~a' Are• StetJarl~I Leaoerw RW'lblng ( L u l Wtttt I I KPr"1n fl<'ll 1fo;<t1w n ) 24 230). 2 Jim Ta} lnr 1 \tarin<i I I I 1<19 3 Robf·rtn Cervera 1 E \l <iOl"IJ I 32 136. 4 J df Banner IScin Clemeowl 21 112. 5 Bnan Starkman (Costa M ~s a > 15 108 SeU011aulill8gLeeders l Kerwin ~U (EcfUoa) ~7. ~; 2. Jim Tay&« fllariAa), 47-4311, 1.0; 3. auta Bnght <Corona del Mar) '18-.m, 5.0: '· Bob L·rmson 1 Estanr1a l 72 313. <1 3, ::. Bnan Starkm.m 1C<:ht4! Mesa > 6J.J12. 4 9 Pa~~ID~ <Last WM) I \nth lh Lui J c Fountam Valley 1 JO 17 111 .! l 'hll '">rx·n<•·r 1 Mater Of>1 ) 6 11. 141. 3 L.nc~ Sll ~art 1 La guna Beach 1 6-10 118 <1 Sam AJ t>llo 1Mannd1 5 7. 110, 5 Clay Tucker ll'oronJ '1<'1 \1.ir 7 Ii. 109, 6 Greg Tercg1 :. ·~d~+.9-13 94 --------St>a\on Pa.slog And} 1>1• Luc.! I fountain Valley ) 42 71 .;, 595. ~ Frttnk Seurer (EdJ.soo) 32.52.2 52!>. 3 8 111 Lux <Co:.tJ Mesa > JG.S4·4 491 4 Phil Spcnct•r t Ma lt·r Dt·1 > 24 54 1, 420.' 5. S~~ Aiello I Manna 1 26 52 3 1U 1. Sc-orln~ CLut WedJ I Kerwin Bell 1Edison1. Bnan Starkman <Costa Mesa I . ,Jim Taylor <Marina) 18; 4. Jeff Banner c San Clemente> 16, s. Chris Cates IN<'wpo rt Ha rbo r >. Mark Boyer (£dJsonl. Mike McCaffrey ILagW1• Beach>. Enc Clark (Laguna lieach> 12. Seasoo Scoring 1. Kerwtn Bell (Edison> 72. 2. Jam Taylor CM arina ) 42. 3. Scott G1em I Newport Ha rbor> 39: 4 J eff Banner <San Clemente) 35. S. Mark Boyer <Edison ) 32. 6. Chris'Cates CNewport Harbor>. Bnan Starkman <Costa Mesa>. Enc Clark CLaguna Beach> 24. College Football ORDER YOUR Mn• .. IJw <°""9! ~I M:-tor S<nV< ., .. !.i-~··~ IJCI A •I Wa\Nn<JIO<I ~l•I• M••rnt. r la at ~ .. n o .. oo ~t n or._~· ., (.aj '>•n Joo. SUI• at f~\00 )U._ n ~"'•Cl•a atM.-.ao.n · A111w Pac"" <II Medl•no. O<cldMC.ef .. Cel Poly'"-'· n HO~-ColOI-.. C..c Poly 1~1 01 n C •I SI .. • IHortllt'ldQll > •t Ponl-SI ... n U Wfl oi.oo .. Clu•....,,,I MUOO ~PIUot• •I WNnHlr n 11ec~ .. , No,..,0......,AI<~• _,,.,.•1<.0•-.o.tlLVI n °"'-..... ,._ .. w .............. v..n. ,, WHlll ....... Atl,_ SLal• n llYV .. VI.oft~ C-edosc..te .. UT(P n ......... Ulftg ... Sift •• °' .... low•"* .. "-$tMe "''-.. ~ ()ell ........ ~ .. """-' lt•llvt ...... "'. . .......... '*"' '"°'-.. Olllo M• 1111 .... , .. ~ Wkll114t Sil-. .. ""°'"" IH-t W .. Mf'!I~-T ..... ,fl Mk..._k ..... Wltit-e.wt""9~ .. MM~ Ol>l4I V .. Miami, o. llliftol• ....... a.11 ,, ... ~ llllflOI• .. c..MrM ~ • IEKI ~· v.--.. eo.1 .... (.of~ !tutgen at i:-,,..,. H ..,.,, • ..., oil Cof'Nfl CAMcu•• •• ~• C~" l!rown<fl.,...,.., Army..,_,~~ ,,,,.,_,.,.,.." COl""'4>i..., Pr"'<""o<> \yr.CllV.., T""C>i<' " o.•--<fl\fltl-· O•rtll'IOUUI .ti v ... s- (•I ~I ... ~..,._., E•• ...... IC-v<h V#ol .tl "'-'~ SUlo V-f'bollMA ......... TfW Cl.-M EHi C-1"" A1ei..m. ... F~ICM M1 .. 1u• SI-.ti f IOflCM SI.lie "' .... ~ .. f""""" Lou4\6-$Ut• .. ~ M IM1111""'4 .. ~~ •• 11 AMl_SC..._. l.owtl'-Te<"." TlllM.C~Ylttt -'--.. ~•SI.tr 11 w.._.,.,_ .. ......,c.r.i..._ ~.iNer111C..W ~ °'*-••Ille..._ T111-.i~M1~tiCICM" ll'ecllk .c ~Lou!-" ~Tedl .. T-- JM'LOO .... DOif .. 'Vff"otn•• ,...., _ _.~hell ....,, Y\. WI"'-• M«v .. ft-~. V• ......... ,.._ Mhte6MMt•t .. _TU•• tt•" 11 , ••• , a.rttill-. .. ltlU." a.ytor .. ~ --···"' ~..,._ n h~el DMll\ .._ ...... T .... MM 4111.., ..... T•Hl T.U. lllOl-~.iWft1 , .... ~."' JDBISDH l SDB 2121 Herbor Blvd. Coeta Me .. : . '80 LINCOLN OR MERCURY ... , FOR EARLY DELIVERY c ......... •SALIS • LIASIMCI • SBYICI FOR THE RECORD I FOOTBALL ......... Pt?$ " .......... • ~ ... .. -.. -~ .... ' .::='.-:;-, • ._. ta..U It ... II_.. ......... ·::::: ...................... ............ ...._. .. ...........,,; .. ,.. ---..-.u .......... ~ ..... ..... " ........................ "'Ill 119C...,. -,......,·°"·" ~"" ........... a.111.._-•• s • p"' • ,, ·~-, ....... oo." f'OIMlurlfl •I 1•111.._-• S )0 p m 11 __ ,, A .. , .... MLTIMOtta c--... ... AVG llt<-~ • 41 11' D•.,.!>k-.. 1 ,. iAI l'tnl ... I!'-""'"fl¥ n .. ~ l .. ,,_ • ., " .. ~ ~-111<110-• " .is. BlllySmllll • ..» .J.fll l<lko GM<t• Sllen•t• ) ,. ,., -rti 8el~t 0 • ,., Oo"9 O.Cln<• ~-•• ., llll Olltfle14 K•n Slft9lel0fl H 111 m Al Bumbry • •• ZIS 0.ryROMIO• 7S ... 7•1 ...... ., .. ye,. • ll 7S. Joflf' L .,....._1t1n " 3.4 ,,~ P•t Kelly • H '" Yeny Crowley I 9 311 f'll<IMU "" L s fltA "Ike Fl~ 7l • 0 l ot Oeftnl• Mtrnne1 IS ,. 0 3 66 Tlppy~1ne1 10 l l J 10 S<otl M<Gooor 13 • 0 3 3! Jim P•ln>H 10 • 0 l lO Oo1' Sta,,_ I 3 70 11S S.mmy Sl-•'1 I s I l S7 Y1mSl-O l I J I II Stoest-II I 0 J 11 PITYSIUllOH ~l<IMr Hit ltll AVG £0011 I SI )I] Stev. NttO\•• • I] 718 M•l'lf'IY s.noutll"" 0 • 7111 l'lntl.w Willie Sl¥91L'll 37 81 11• S«-•· .. Pllll c;.,,.., " s• ,.. Rennie St.,.....11 0 ,. 738 S ....... JIOP Tim Foll 6S ,., Tllif'dl.t,. 81H M•OIOO " es ~ Ovlfleld Da--. P•r11H 7S 'IS 310 Om.tr ""°""" 8 6• m John MllN>r •• 60 71• 8111 RobimOn ,. 14 , .. l~UttY s IS 7 .. M1ktt E•''"',. 11 )79 M•tt Altia1dria..r I SJ8 Pitt Mn "" L s l!ltA Jim B11>1>y 17 • 0 70 Bert &1y1e..,,. 17 s 0 l .60 .>onnc.-1 .. 1. ,. 9 0 l.11 G<.-it J4Kk-• s 13 7.,, Brute IClloOll 13 1 0 3 ,. o. .. Robfft• s • • , fl Don ROl>iMO> • • 0 U1 Enrt-Aomo 10 s s 2." Jlno R•obr • , 0 •.JO keMTettUlw 10 • 11 Ul Deep Sea Flehlng ---••P ,,.-~w tan 1,1ll bOnlto. 1' •otli 11\tl, ).IS ~li•rel N EWP'OltY ID• .. 'l''I LHllerl ~I <l"919r\ m bMr<><U<lll. 10 o.u. 716 <00. 710 mackerel, lS roo 11\tl. (Art's uNll"91 79 er19ler• , .. bOnlto. t 30 ,.,.orrel, J wno bH" .. rotk 11\tl LONG BEACH COuH"'s Wll•nl S6 ar191er•. S60 bOnlto. '1 ullco bas.. 101 rock "'"· n blue be!.~ 30 m•ckerel. P'OltT HUENEME 14 .tnQlen 119 roo. coo. Vl!NTUllA -3J anole": •• t•llto ban .• hetibut, 734 l>Ollllo, 300 m.ttk.,el, ll9 '°'' fl\11, I 11"9 coo. I white >H bau. 6 b.or- rec:ud<I, JS rotk COO P'AltADISI! COVE -91 •"91•r> 3.4 ban 3S l>Olllto, 1 IMlll>vl. 110 rock coo. SANTA MONICA 47 e n9ler\· SO matkerel, 1 ,_ b.t\\, 11 l>OllttO. l•r.. 11 •nqler\ 50 me<•e•tl. 10 ro<k b•H, I ~ bass. 4 t>ontto. OX NAltD ,., •nQler>: •.no rotk ""' no m•tke"1· n ultco o.u, 70 t>OnllO. 1 cow <00 SANTA 8AlllAltA 11-ler\ 704 roO coo. 2 u11co ban, 64 tJonlto. SI "'""•ere1, 7 ~r«udt OCEANSIDE 0 .tnQl<tn .S l>Ontlo 160 roo 11$11. >» ,,_.,..,., SAN f'EDltO IZ2"" St. U""l"ll 10 ""'91ers S t .. lco ban , S6 barre<ud•. 100 11on11o, 150 '°'" 11$11 c,._ o· ~,., -., ltnQl•rl: m ,....1<e"1. > IM>rr<KUO•. tts roe• llSll, 10 c .. l<AI beu, I t>onllo IMf'ElllAL •EACH • •nQlers 0 •IM<or• llEC>ONOO eEACH 50 anq~,. SO,_ bu" 20 t>onilo, I berr.cuoa. 1>50 ro<li 11\r> JC ScMdlM TNU•SDAY ~ui~. lAH•'11CW'.tllllO~ ,.IOAY ~-_... (04111Qit of IN~ ........ VNLV JV 111 s......~~· Ou1>9e Qwlst •t C.rrlto• F vllM'!Ofl •I Mt S... Antonio S.nt•ANl•IG<'os""°"' (11 ........ su .. CeotfereM. Weil CJ. .ti (-on (I )CH C.leftelele .. !Mini• 8Mbt<• Ventur• al -~rk H.-o<ock •t Coll-of '"" C•MO<l\ Mis..., c-tenMe S.dOleCllltk al S.n O~vc> CC Cl JOI River\k» at P••Otnf)f 5outllwMlem lit Cll•u• S.tn BerNrolno •l Clk'lll•v lfon.CenlffMK• Ciolclen vtt-11 el El C•mlno Wu t Valley •I CM>rollo Wp\I Hill• •• Menlo II JO) Anteloj)e Valley •I Ml S..n J.c 1n1n LonQ BHcll CC at l aft Lo\ Ar>QelM cc OI Pawd('na l A Soult-fl al O..ken1t~10 l A Pie.-te •t S....ta Monica LA Valieyal E••t LA t A ti game\ 'tar I 1111 7 30 p m U"lt~\ otntorw1w 1nd•C~ted ) High School Schedule YHUllSOAY ,,_ .. .,_ "'"''Ofl V•e)O v-.. Cost• ,,..w •I N•woo-1 t-fdrbor Lo_,,., V\ Mau"d •• wr~trn1nit•r l•quna H1ll\dt •rwl~ C...t.wyu-. ... Canyon v\ Santa Ana V•llrv at Sant• An• Bowl Ff"-eyu- Troy vs Sdvann. •I l4 P•l"'d P•t._ Or-Le- Low•U v!I. ESPIH.,,'• ••Valen<:•• FRIDAY N_ .. _ M•lt'f °"' vs EOlloOn at Or•nQt Co.>1 Colt~ Fouma1n Valley V\ La••wooo at V•t•ra"' St~d1um Nf'wPQf't Hctf';bOt Y~ ServUtt at C.errltO\ Colloqe Los Al.,,,, to. al Hunltnoton 8eac11 111 M ontebtotlo .. ,, Oc•an V1f'w •I Wf'\lm1nste< E•lanci• vs 1Ca1•1111 ol LA P•lma Parl< D•na Hiii' v,, '°'°"" clel Mor at Newoort HarbOr San C-t• YS £1 Toro•t M•nlon VIPIO Cao•itrano vaue-y v\. Uniwrs-ltv •t trv•rM Mllllkllft VS. Kenned¥ .t W.>M"' Brawl.-, at LaQuN 8e<1<ll Wfftm!Mtef' <rt LB WllJOfl ~u.... VIJlaP-t!El- f'-NjlM Tustin ~~ A,,.llelm n . 5-ldl-•t s.tlt• AM Bowl WH l•m at 6.-a Pa.-.. G¥tlltftG,.wu"'9w Garoen Cinwe •t Bolw GranclP S."'I~ vs. Los AmiOl>I <rt G••den c;,.,... ~L.- B••..ollrde al U H•I><• Ell>or-•IFut- S.0.-alll V•-•• SATUllOAY ...... __ L•t>ertv °""".., n ,. __ ,Ct•""'-"., C,,.pm.,, Coll-!lo m ,•19ftl·m-I c...1urvu..,_ s.nta Ana v~ Or..y at El -n• ----..,.~ • .,c ....... Sunny Hill~ V\ M&qne>hcl •t L1J Pe tmo Par'-. CIF 4·A R•"lll"9• 1119 Fitt Coflfff.-o<e I lOYO'" 14~1 171 1 M.t .. 0.1 (4.01 '" 3 Fonl-(4-01 101 .. Edison (J..I) "'' \ ~t. P..ul 13· II 4$ • Re<!lanc!S <•-01 Ill> 1 LOS Altos (3·1) .. .. F--V•ll.., (J.0·11 ~ '· Mar!M (4-0) 7S 10 !>erVllP (7 It ·~ C-tr•I Gonltref'<• Mi\\ton V1e10 (J-01 1)6 E I Oo< i100 ll-0 II 17& Pa ramounl I l-01 '19 LeuLI,., 1)0• 81 CO\la Mew llell .. .. ~"~U·ll .. I MoralMte I) II n .. Eslanc: .. IJ..11 • '· cor-.-1 """'' (1.1) )0 10 NPl1 (1.1 I) 11 Soul1'ffft c..• .. -· Loara l'.M>I 1.0 S..nta An.t Vi1lley 11 7t 119 El-....1)11 100 • Cliel Gahr <•-01 'IO Sunny Hiii\ U-01 'IO An-tm IJ..11 17 Warttrl (7· 11 .. P•< lhca 17 II 34 q Lyn-1111 '° 10 CyP<e"' IJ..11 •• Coie19T~l0 f._ T• 'l'WntY .....,. Ill T"9 AU«'- '""' ,....., ...... t eel!, wl"1 ,.,...,.._ wWl 111 "'"""' ...... ,..,,o •. I .. (,al ... I~) t 41--(111 a ellii...- • , .... tu 'N4ef..U • w""""'°" , ...... "°" a.OltleMll• t llto< ... Mete 10 .... ,..o.n. II MK ...... It··~-· I) .._,tleN 54.it •• ~c.r. .... u . ...-1..-1 " tr)tNm Y1111119 11. No (MollN Sl•l• II Au- lt Ml<llf9tll MM. ....... - NBA (fl'-) -r·1sur" Ut.tf\ 104 Ullan 100 New York llS. N-arwy 101 p,,.,.,,., Ill,~,, 11101...,., 111. Mllw.ukee 100 C,010.n Sl"'e 11', HouitOfl 10I Pro Tournement C•t T91 Aviv I Finl 11......i Sl"91H .... .... ..... ,.... .,.. ,.... ... ,.... H)-0 .... ..,"4 ... J 1.0 ... ••• ""°'° .. ...a ).1..0 J.1..0 J.1..0 MtCllHI Gunt a.I Sean So"n'°" .. , . o.• t 4, Miile C.11111 clef ROOtrt RPlninger ._. .. 1, I S Colin ()ll>Mty Oef Ct ry Ued• •-O 6 t RIC ... rO Lrwl\ clef Slwl1 Punt .. I. 6 3 Dav10 Sc,,.,..Off clef ROl>ln Of'(ld.ole 1-6, 6 I ,_. Jorfll! And"''''~ clef '""' Sllerr •-0 6 O Jonn Feawr OP1 Tommy Fri-... • l M•1m AtlO'W)t'off otf M•rco ~•<••t• .. , 6 1 Per HtH1CIUlll Ool. E YIOfl S.nat 6 I ,_. . Pro Toumement ("'«-.all, H•w•11I FIMfSi ...... 8111 S<""IOno.i Petff FIPmtnQ .. I •I South Pecfflc Pro Cle11lc ... l•t eri-. Avtlr"•tl•I Flntll......iSl~ G.eofl -•en or1 ,,,.,,~ F..-cu11 .. 1. ... IC•n "°""""" Otl AIYtn Ci.trOtn4" '-1 I S. 0.le Colh"O\ O.t Cllrl\ l(e<llf!I •·l . • 1, • 1. Tom c.om...n cl.t Pllll Oev•M l-4. ~ Br&d Or-It OOi _, "'"°""°" 1 S. 1·5, GreQ Wllyte<r0$\ dPf _,,. Turo1n •-4. 1·• .. J M•U Mllcllrfl clef W•YM H•mPSOn 1-5. •l DevleCup (al S.,.,,.,, Avtlr•ll•) lt1' Saft!ICIM .. u S Ott AU'llralla, • 1 IVll•> GerulattO\, us O•t JoM Al•••~• P . I>-•. w . •·7 Jolln M<Enroe. US OPI M.lrk Edmond'°" 6·l. • •1 Unll•d Sl•IM wlll mffl ll•IY tn Ille ltn•I• Ott 14 16•1nlltlobecleter"''ned ••Rni11-(41tl(._ .... ,_~, ,_ Otl. Com"'°'"'"'"' c..-1-.n. S-0. Misc. MondeJ'• Tranaec:ttone BAHIALL ~~-CHICAC.O W.OTE SOX -S'°"9(1 ..,.,,.., l .tAu•M. -· to • .,.....,..., <°"11""4KI Rel•IN<I -., WiMO... L0ttn 8-- ROfl S<~I"' <O<Klle\. for ll'te 1'80 W.\on TE >CAS RANGE RS AcoutrfO Bob .......... ,, ....... -· ............... _..,,. Ofltll•"•· ''°"' t~ N~ York V•nloH\ -a\S+oneo , ........ to Tut\on of Ille Pa< tl l< Co.t\I Le.,q~ ~nt c;..,~ Ntl'°" •ncl Ray Fon- lttnot, pUcf'Wto<'\ to tfw:o Y M't"H\ Bottt '""1\tf'\ wt,,~ """°' to comoiet-.. •rt f"ttrl••r IH•I w"'1ct1 w-nt OW-•r Gamb4f' from re .. •\ to N~w YO<k IOf Mlekfy RiYf'r\ 8ASICETIALL NatllNll llaK .... ll AUOCt•tioft ClfVCL.AND CAVALIERS RtlnJl'd Mtl B<!n,,..11, !orwarO, ""° K~nnv H1qqs •nd Git,,,, ._..,,,f!n, 9uard\. P•ncfd Elrr'!Ort ""'""· ,,.,,1,.r. MO Butel> Lr•. 9""•0. on "'" ln1u•f'd l1s1 PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS -W•oveo Slaf\ EowooO. QU'l•O l'OOTllALl N•tioftel ,_II Lf~U· '>l LOIH'> CARDINALS S1Qf'fll Doi> ~Ottfl'r ~·~,_.. bi&<• PtMfcJ Jo"'n Zoo•. dfofen\tvfl' "'1"td. on t~ 1n1urPG '" ... ~" h\t HOCKEY N•t...._I Hechy i..-. ... BUFFALO SABRES Srnt Andre \it1i11t1ro. (H'llf'f' JM~ A1(f\ftrd Ir-ft W•f"tQ. titrtd 8111 StPW¥t •no Jim Tur••1w1c1 o.- ftn\of'men to Rochr\ler ot ttwo ~~flCM\ Hot•O Lt·-HARTFORD WMALfR!. -~nl M•rt• How, dettnwm.n Jean S.."d'd c.-nt@,.. •no 800 Sl-nson r!Qlll w•M to Sor U\Of~ld Of fht> AMitrt<.,.. HO< ll:ft• L•ilOut ~t OOf" ko1ak rk)M ••no lo C•n<lnn.h Of 1"4! Centr.i '-key uaoue NEW YORK ISlloNOERS S..-1 Rk "'ra Brodt ur. oo•lle. AnO•" IC allur, Yw•n V&utour""" Hector -rln1. lorwArO\ to In Ot•l'ldOOll\ OI (he Crnlral Hot •ey LPilQ~ A.rea Prep Football Log EToro • ,. c.,i-..v .. ..., 0 0 .. --....v .. ..., 1 .. 0-Hllll. 0 O MIWlll Yleje ()ct.t ........ ~(llMVl OCI, tt-OIM c.t M! .. 1111 Vlei.I O<I. lt-IN'IM (lllMl .. IOI! Vlt)ol ... .,. t-QIAa .. (ll OCO> ..... .._ ...... ....,, , .. ,,,,, .... , ...... ·~ .. (M HewtlOrtl &IMcta I " • 71 0 Valtm<WI ln1ln• Laguna Hiiis J; 14 Tutlln 7 Dane Hllh 1 S.OOl90Kk 7 0 OOfl l.UQO 11 0 Unl-slty 0 Laouna llHc 11 Ott. 11-l.89UN &eec11 Ott. 1-ColuMew 0 IJ 819 9Nr Oct. ~El Toro l•I Mlulon vi.101 Nov. J-Ett#l<i. Nov. •-GOM l•I N......,.,,11 NOY. 16-Un!-tlty I 7 T utl In Unfve'91tJ 35 O 21 l ..... HllU o 0 S.n Clefftllnte 21 71 Oct. 12-C-v .. tey l•t ,,,, .... , to Oct. 11-Estanci. Cal H9woortl Oct.~ Mew (at lnlMI Nov. 1--0SM ( .. ..._,, Nov.t-£1Two(at lnrlne) Nov.1 .... 1rv1ne 0ct.n_1,..,,.,_ 0c1 1t-.t c:.Mstr-Vall•Y Ott 27~ tlae<ll (•I MVl No• 2-5-n c-te (at MVI No•. •-•Nll~uon vie to Nov. It-Dena Hiiis Cat MVI Mlu6onVlejo 2t~ll IS Tustin 10 ft Yoro Oct. ti-CO.It~ Iott Ne-11 Oct.1t-.t ......... 8Mcll Ocl U -OIM Hiiis Nov. 2-tot Clllts1•-V•ll•Y ...,,, ~Hlltt Nov ,._.. S.. ~It S...Clement• JS l• 11 ' ' 14 0 SOUTH COAST LEAGUE o c--•-'° tt Cott• Mn8 10 J c..,...enoValleJ u 10 EITDro n UNwnltY 0 14 Oct. U-1:1 Two Cat Mlulofl Vlelol 2i O<l. 1t-04N Hllll it u Cosllt Mew , 26 C•tl~ 20 c~ .. ,,,,,, 00.12~--· 0<1. ·-~ Hllll Ocl. 2t-M San°""""' Nov. 2-MIM!Ofl vi.Jo Nov t-r:>ent Hllll (tt SIMI C,.m > Nov. ,._....,._ ae,<11 • ~ o.na HINe :: ,/'717- • Cot\e""4tll ()(t. 12-<ldM Cet .....,.,,., 0<t.1.._..sen~ Oct. J6..-M Nll•IGll Viejo 21 OCI. ~r-V .. ltT 10 Nov.1~ HllK l•I MVI ...,.,,, 9-UOUM 8Mtft Nov. 1~•*' vi.lo Ho•. 2-.e "-llMO ...... ~ ...... (ll .. c;lttft.) "9¥, I~ Hltct C•t l!'V) JS • ... • 1 1 • .. ,..,,,.,.~ MIAMI'S BOB GRIESE LOSES BALL UNDER PRESSURE FROM ROD MARTIN. Raiders' Key: Dee-f en se!· Dolphins Kept Out of End Zone, 13-3 OAKLAND I AP I T he Oakland Raiders· defense had a right to feel overworked. But Ted Hendncks was only kidding when he described his thoug hts on the 1nterception which played s uch a big part m Monday night's 13·3 victory over the Miami Dolphins . "Thars my first interception for a touc hdown," s aid the line backer who has intercepted 23 passes over 11 National f'ool ball League seasons. "I DON'T LIKE to see us get touchdowns on defense. It means we have t.o ao '\iebt back onto the field aaalo." be added. • •J waa thinking of st.epplng out of bounds at about the tlv~·yard 1.-.. u.ue. Lhe Dolptuns settled for Uwf• vrm Scha mann field ~oal and their only points 1n the nalionall~ televised game THE RAIDERS, 27·3 winner" over Denver last week. evened their season record at 3·3 and dropped the Dolphins to 4·2 Oakland 1s back 1n the AFC West race while M1am1 1s lled with New England for the AFC East lead. "We made little mistakes. bu1 they took oo great magnitude.·· said LarTy Csoo.ka. whose run· Ding accounted foe ma.a.y Cl( the yards in the drive from II.lam\·· 25-yard nae to lnttde the Oaldand~. .. Our spe<'ial tea m s made t"r· rors again, serious errors. We have t.o get untracked and do the things that win footbaJJ games.·· said C.oacb Don SbuJa. Jim Breech missed the cxtr~ point attempl. kicking wide lq the right. and the Raiders' of· rense gru.ned only 56 yards over lhl" ftnal 26 mmutes or the ga~ Rut Hendricks' mterce pt1on !>ctll the m into the 13-potnt leud wtucA proved more than enough. "It was a poor dec1s1on. a poor pla> :· <;a1d M1am1 Coach Don Shula. descr1bm~ the pass l~b Grie~e aimed toward right d id Bruce llardy on the right side.; • "IT WAS J UST a bad pa~ .. s a1d Griese . who also wh sacked six \lmes on the rou.&h ni&hl. ' aeN•• IUD law. a roolllJe liJMHDaD wbo MeS apol dut.y ~ Oakland . made thref' c;ac-kc; and aided on another. Hts last ~ac.k came on a rourt.h-and-two play a t the Raiders' l2·yard lfoe eclr:· ly in the finaJ penod. : · · 1t was my dec1s1on to go Olr 1t. get a touchdown on the board and get somelhing going." s<Od Shula. The tall linebacker r a n 23 ya rds in to t he end zone. however. for the Raide rs' second touchdown in lbe opening minutes or the third period. Miami. held t.o 35 net yards in the first ball. was down 13-0 and a few offensive errors were yet t.o coma.. Delvin Williams plunged one yard for a touchdown late m the third period. but the third-down play was nullified by a mot.Jon penally, linebacker Phil Villa· piano knocked down a pass and A WEEK EARLI ER, 1n M1am1 ·s first loss of the season. a blocked punt gave the New York Jets a touchdown. In the .M.Ollday_mg.bUoss .. TWl.Y Nathan fumbled the ball a way as he re· turned the second-half kickoff and the Raiders scored four plays later on Ken Stablers 14-yard touchdown pass to tight end Raymond Chester. But for the s!'cond straight gamt'. no touchdowns were put 0 n l h (' t) 0 a r a a ~ a in st -,.:,o,-l"-----1 Chan ges Mad e Kings, Detroit Open Season LOS ANGELES <AP 1 The Los Angeles Kings have been makmg the Nallonal Hockey League playoffs year after year. only to be bounced out m the first round most or the Lime So new owner Jerry Bu.-;s has shaken things up with a youth movement or sorts. going into the NHL regular season opener Wednesday night at the Forum a gains t the Detroit Red Wings There are nine new races on the Kings' 26-man roster. five of them rookies Only 19 players can dress for a game. so coach Bob Berry Is expected to bring most new playe rs along slowly. THE KINGS LOST in a hurry to the New York Rangers In the fint round of the 1978·79 playoffs -· a severe disappointment at the time. It became a little less crushing when the Rangers moved all the way to lbe fmals before losing t.o Mont.real. Detroit. which missed the Stanley Cup playoffs last year, also was threatened with loss of two of their best young players during the off-season. But defenseman Reed Larson was convinced lo sign a long·term pact and abandon his plan t.o become a tree agent, and t.he Red Wings worked out a deal wit.h the Kings to reWn center Dale McCourt. M cCourt had been scheduled t.o go to Los Angel• as compensation for Detfoit's aiCDin& of free-agent goalie Rogle Vachon a year •IO· WlaUe McCourt challenged the compensation award in federal court. he stayed with the Red Wines lut seuoo. ON AUG. Z2 mE KINGS and Wings made a trade ln Vt'hicb Los Angeles relloqui.ahed its claim lo McCo\at ln ucbange for veteran center Andre St. Laurent and two firsl rotmd draft cboices ft-om Detroit. SL Laurent, Detroit's fifth leading scorer lut season, and veteran defenseman Barry Glbbs are t.he two major addiUons to the Kinfs' roster along with No. 1 draft cbolce Jay Wella, a bard·blt\iq defeQHman wbo ls the only top draft pick the Kinp have been able t.o gel under contract ln their 13-year blttorf. Moat bad been traded away to ob· taln veteran players . ( OIAa~ ~.Ua) •DIUCIMTS Oakland defen<.1· "That·-; quit(• a feat." saul Coach Tom fo'lorr ...... M iami movt'!-tht• ball a~ainsl every bodv .. Johnson Returns radio pager l MILWAUKEE I API The National Basket· ball Assoc1at1 on sea~on look s cons id e r a blv b r 1 g h l l' r f o r t h 1· Milwauke~· Buck:. now that they a re co m municating again with star forward Marqul' ... J ohnson. WIDE AREA COVERAGE ORANGE CO.-L.A. Johnson ended h1 '> t hree-week boycott of training camp Monday and joined the team ror its final prese~son ex hibition game tn Bloom ington. lnd.. d1s m1ssing his contract dispute with management as JUSl ~· misunderstanding '17.10 ....... .......... Jina Marina Valkswag•n ®.·RABBIT DIESEL # 1 '" FUEL 1979 E.P.A~:;T~~TC?sM y -LARGE $ELECTION • .. • .. a42.2ooq· 11711 llACHa.YD. .. H.,..,,...TOM llACH' In the DAILY PI LOT 5142 Weiner Avenue Hun!lngton Beach Cehfor ' • II , ~!.Piif!'..,.. ........ w9aUe ,.,UtltaU•cl-ta 1 llltlllJ ,,..,..._.HtH ··~--hir U... ............... , ............ ····-~ ... ,.,..,. ::.~t:' ... la ...... Ill "" ti • . ... ............................... ............. •llkll .... ~ ..... , ....... , ,......,.. w IOMt~ u.. ut.lilft'• ftMlt.. .. ...... law IN MU•--ftnM n. ....... ol .... ·~ .... , .......... IO lftMt ,_. ~ ftta111dal a.llu.MJoft t•A&a L IOIM fiMAMCIAL •WCll ( Prime Rate Due to Rise? ........ , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WASJUNOTON (AP) -Banks 1000 wm -: tbarae tbeU beet t'Ullomen 15 percent interest, lorcl.Qa many tM11lneu .. 1o cu.n.au birtna, cut back productJoo and lay oft workers, two leading 9COQ9m1tta NY lollowiftl oew UU·lnflatlon moves by lhe Federal Rea.rv• Board. ''The board'• acUona 1uaraat.ee • receaaioo " Otto Ecbteln, head of Data lleaources lnc.. ~f Cambrldae. Mau., aald Mood~. "But the truth la we needlf.'' Hl8 PO&ECAS'J'ING FIU BAS BEEN pre· dieting a recesslon with 7.75 percent unemploy. ment, compared with a current S.8 percent rate. "The board's a ctions risk somet.biog worse - unemployment possibly in the 8 percent lo 9 per. cent ran1e," be sald. 1 $50,000 to $500,000 INCOME PllOPERTYSRX>Nm "'Ibe Federal Reserve Board ran out of op. llom. No matter what we do, we'll gel a re· cession," said Michael Evans of the Washington. bued Evana,Ecoaomics. Evans slid t.he sweeping Ugbt·money moves adopted Saturday may yet prove inadequate in the fight against rampapng inflation. "The credit screwa may have lo be' tightened further," be said. •W..UVca lba•Ma •Noedllvtw••··· • • _... to a .,..... •S-.... c.111...a. CnnrM1 our loa• Wo.-.dom eervtee fo r \IOU• f1nancrng n..eds (714) 75SM515 AMOtCAN~~ 230 Newpott Center 0.We 0.togn Plaza Newport Beech. Cllllfomte 92e450 ECXBl'EIN, WHO BEUEVES TBE NATION baa yet lo eater a 'fecesslon, welcomed the board's moves. "Bank loans have been &rowing at a 1S per· cent annual rate. They really cannot grow at more than S perttot in tbe months ahead. "That's going lo require a bJgber prime rate and pressure on lbe banking system by starving them of reserves," be said. That is the hope of the board, which voted UD· aoimoualy lo Increase lta bank lendln1 rate, called the diac:ount rate, from 11 percent lo a record 12 percent. It a lso altered the way it controls the availability ol credit, maldna it more difllcuit and expensive for ban.ks lo obtain funds they then can lend. ECONOMISTS AND BANKE&S ANTICIPATE immediate upsurges Lo sbort·term interest rates. The prime rate that ballks charge their least risky cutomers currently stands at U .S percent. Evans said lhe prime rate sbouid reach 1S per- cent sometime next month and unemployment will rise rapidly as early as December . "Until then. e<:onomic news will not support a recession." he said. Ohio Man "I can't remember .. if it was $32.41 or $41.32!' Stanford's New Dean STANFORD CAP) - Re ne C. Mc Phe r son . chief executive offi cer of Dana Corp .. has been named dean of the Stan· ford Graduate School of Bu s iness. Richard W. Lym an. university p re· s1dent. announced . " "No problem!' If you have a question about your checking account , our computerized system can help fix it. We can tell you the amount, date and number of the checks that have cleared since your last statement. So, you see, things that are problems at other banks are no problem at California First. CALIFORNIA I Anyone opening a new checking, savings, or time account of $500 or more or adding $500 to any present savings pro- gram will be given a hug- gable stuffed Koala and cub while supply lasts. Enter our drawing for a trip for two to Australia. En1er by November 30 for drawing on December 6. Fly to Australia on Pen Ameri- can 'a dally 747. Hotel accommodations for 8 days, 7 nights. See entry blank for offlctal contest rutee • ,. Mc Pherson will con· t tnu e to sei".Y~ a s-- chairman of the Toledo, Ohio-based firm until his appointment becomes effective next Sept. 1 He repla ces Arjay Miller, who resigned in June after 10 years as dean. Professor Robert J aedicke will serve as acti n g d e an until Mc Pherson assumes the post. Ge rald B. Mitch ell will become chief ex- ecutive officer of Dana Corp. TID18 Boat Completed SAN DIEGO CAP> CampbelJ Industries bas completed its first boat since the shipyard was ta ke n over by Marine Construction & Design Co. of Seattle. Wash .. in April. Th e 22 1 .r oo t super seiner El Rifle. which can hold 1,200 ton s o r tuna . wa s la unched Saturday. B usiness· AVCO OFFICER Theodore M. Cumming Cumming New Newport Avco Head Theodore M. Cumming bas been named Pres1deol of Avco Financial Services or Newport. Beach. Cumming wtll aueceed Bou M. Hett. who hu been named prealdent and cbJef operatiQI of. fleer of Avco Corp . or Greenwich, Conn .. parent or AFS. Cumming, executive vice pre. sldent or AFS. Jolned lbe in· te rnatlonal conaumer finance company in 1958. He wu pro. moted lo vice prealdeot ln 116S. senior vice president in 1968 and exe cutive vice president lo 19'13. Avco Financial Services has 1869 branch offices in five cotm· trtea: Australia. Canada, Japan, the· United Kingdo m and lbe United Stat.es. ... fW V~I( (AP ' '"' w: •• ,,.. .. -. Airline Bids For Routes Officiall at Air CaU/omia coo· firmed that the airline baa ap- plied to the federal Civil Aeronautics Board for route-a lo six Western cities outaide of California. Spokesman Mark Peterson said lbe applicatiom are for routes between several Calilomla cities -lncludiog two not presently served by the airline -and Denver, SeaWe, Salt Lake City. Portland. Boise and Colorado Springs. He explained lbat tbe airlloe 1sn 't planning oo immediately laun c bing service to those cities. but is more interested in 1etting the route autborites now for ruture use. He said route autboritJes are guaranteed for ao unlimited period and the airline wanta lo put it.sell in an a dvantaaeous position in the event Congress changes the route appUcaUon procedures for airlines. He said the applicatioo.s out· side the state are from Or· a nee County , San Dle10. Sacramento. San Fraociaeo. San Jose, and ODtario u well u two destinatiOOI not now served by the airline. Los Ancelea and Burbank. Linear Car Hits 253 MPH in Japan TOKYO CAP> -Ao eit· perlmeot.aJ llMar car noatmg almost five lncbes above the track OD a DalDetic cushion has s ped up lo 2S3 miles an hour. im· proving tu record ol 237 oules per hOW" Sd 10 days ago, Japan National Railway officials said The record was 5e-t durtne test runs on a 4.3 male track in Kyushu. southern Japan "' o,·f·r Tiu,. Cou ntt~r NASO l.Hti1119~ ••'IK'-,, )J ... ).i., .. ~~ Ttc-P n •-;> MESA FIRM BOSS ArcNe W. Dunhem Douglas Oil Picks Dunham As President Doug.las OU Co. of Coeta Mesa, a wholly owned subsidiary of Conoco Inc .• Stamford, Coon., baa announced t.he eleeUoo of Arcble W. Dunham as president. Douglas operat.et refineries in Paramount and Santa Ilaria; bulk pl.aota ln Elk Grove and Pitt.aburs. Ca .. Lu Ve1a.s and Portland. Ore.; approximately 150 telf-aerve compaay operated ft.Orea and a n~ ol blchway transport unit.a and tank can. Dunham bepn bis career wtth Coooro Inc. i.n Houston, aa u eo1inee.r trainee in 19&6, and beld various managerial poai· lions prior to promotlona to Conoco's planning and ecooomlc:s department in 1.971. He wu elect· ed executive vtce president i.D 1976. Dunham is chairman of the b oa rd o f d e a cons or the Capistrano Valle y Baptist Church. He l.Jves in San Cle mente. , ..... ,. ~ ~ ..... '::'.:"'1.~ ~n.. K•r.!t: J • . ..,,,_ :=:: ... 1 ,_, ,. JI IJp• a11d De..,.. _, S«w H ,,. ..... ~:!:f.!.· J1 .... --1~ ,,,... ... o. ... "--" ,. ,,.., -:.::.:: ---.,,., Hew VO-IC IAl'I n. ... _.... Utt .,,. ~ ~~ :.=:: --.L .;._ II --lnwr-~ ........ • ""'iS --~ -·~ et Ylec•s. •:v -'"" r:F _._ --r-~ -,...,. _"" Al!L , ... ~-f!,. ... --E=e: -------.. .. ,, .. ,...,. -· r:c-.,, ~ ---.,, -AVM (p lO H l•nclA•• 7'· J -::=..~-.er -~ ~· ...... Accur•y ,.... 71._ l •-<• , .... "~ S..•0.11 IJl<o I]>. 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H•• ~\ 11 ,. Toe>•~ ,..., -... Off t I l7" Z3 I("'"""' ---A-Pf '°'" '°"" TOl•I ...... •• u1 eoo H C..N J "" ., -. Off ., MUTUAL FUNDS ' ' '' Taeeciay•a NYSE COMPOSI1'E TRANSACTIONS 2 p,me (ES'r) Prices . • , er .............. _..._. ....... ......._,......_Dt.,.... .... 0ec111M1•.-. ........................ a-.............. ai.-. ....... ...,,.\. s DM.YNDT .. Lobbies Fight I Consumer Rule ~ • 87 SYLVIA PO&ID . [)o JOU think that; t -I BefOl'e you buy a Uled car )"OU lbouJd be Lold that IL: bu been lnvolved (o a Mrious accident? • Before you apead tbt IZ..500 a tradlUonal funeral aDi burial aervice often CC9tl )'OU lbou.ld know that immediati cttmation or barta1 would nm &eel t.baD half as much? Belore you lpeod the money to lDstaJJ lnsulatloD tD your bome to belp curb your wlnter fuel bil1a you should ~ ab&e to compare the efficiency ol various types of lnaul'· Uon producta? 1 BEFOS£ YOO &18& spoOini your dr'9eS. carpets and other home hun1ahinp by Improper cleaning you sboWd have t.be same sort ol care-instruction labela DO'&' attached Lo most c.&othlng? If your answer to any of these quesUom is "Yes," you are at odds with many members ol Congress, particularly a House subcommlttee that ov.ersees the Federal Trade Com missioo 's funding. ln a harsh and u.ousuaJ move, a House appropriatiooa subcommittee, chaired by Rep. John M. Slack CD·W. Va.), bas~ the FTC to stop most of its mljor COOSWMr; protttU<m moves. Tbe subcommittee is seeking Lo cut off the funds t.be ageocy needs to issue rules policing tbe funeral industry, used car dealers and makers or mobil e homes, home insulation Money's Worth products. over-the ·rounter drugs, protein s upplements to give you merely a s ampling. THE SEASON: INDUSTRY comphunts about the FTC's "over-regulaUoo" aod t.be public's general distaste for govenuneat i.nt.erfereoce The result. The House sub- committee became a target for intense lobbying by in· duslrles that felt t.bea.r profits were threatened. 'The proposed funeral home rule, for instance. would amoog other things require funeral home directors lo ~ dose prices over the phone and probJb1t them from m1~ leading customers into believing such servaces as embalm· 1ng or such items as vaults are necessary when they are oot. It was only after a fi ve year exhausllve Ulvesllgalloo of the industry and widespread bunngs that the FTC con· • eluded such baste rul~ of conduct were essenllal to assure consumers a fair deal. The funeral U>dust.ry funou.sly uutsts "not so!" ll .,.. wants t.be FTC's rule-malung authority more tigbUy ~ lroUed SO DO MANY OTBEa powerful, well-organized busi- oes-s groups. Tbe House bas giveo the FTC fW>ds to continue operal· ing oo1y until November. By that time. the vario"5 com- miUees that auperviae lbe agency muat decide formally bow much the fTC can s peod over I.be next 5fJver~un. Meanwbile. buaiwsea la a wide varietJ ol w\11 be p-Hna c.cr-to srut _.., ta.e l1cM t.o "'° may PTCnle. · A wto,..... ,Jtl ~ ..._. ai... ~ would crtpple the -r;eney's comumer protectloo efforts. You don't need to 1ll'dcb yow tmqinatioo much to reacb tbe CODChaDoa that beavily ftDaDced oreaniutiom of, NY 1.-ed car dealen and hmeral bome directors have far mdft dout widl Coagreu tAa.a you, u an l.odJvtduaJ con- sumer, or member ol a CUISWDer IJ'OUP. And certainJy they have more ways to "persuade" Coogress than an ageney~ulbe FTC. 'Ibm. every attempt by the FTC to promote a new re- &UlaUClll._WOU.ld. IOU.ch olJ LD£W -a.ad .moel h.kely~ sw:::... ceaaful -1obbying elfort by the industry or. in~uslries directly affected to convince CoogTeSS Lo exercise its veto power. Wind/ all 'Prof its ' Go to Uncle Sam By JORN CUNNJFF NEW YORK (AP) -The term WU>d.fall, as m wtod!all profits. bas become s uch a gale of superheated air that we sometimes forget that 1l might apply not only to oil com- panies but lo government too. "There probably will be $5 billion or $6 b1Jl.ion worth of •wind.fan' tax receipts in 1980, purely because or the infla. Uoo rate this year," says Charles L. Schultze, a man wbo should know. SCHULTZE, CBAiaMAN of the President's Council of Economic Advisers. is deadly sel1ou.s. He st.ates that taxes should be cut periodically to return tbe windfall to its owners. the American taxpayers. Tbe chairman's remarks, made to editors of Bell Telephone Magazine, weren't limited only to the federal government's windfall. Inflation. be correctly observed. baa also giveo corporations a gift of a sort. What CODll>&DY. for example, doesn't like to impress shareholders with profits stated in lnllated dollars? They all do iL Few annual reports give figures in constant dollars; bigger "profits" look better. IN A SENSE TREREFOaE, t.bey too benefit from a windfall. The u;nated figures impress investoMi. Tbe deflated numbers are reserved for other things, such as unioo ooatract bargaining. Using the t.ecbn.ique , next year's annual reports wouJd have looked great, considering t.be ll.ltelibood of a double di,St lnflatioo rate for 1979. But regulations were changed; ftl\lf'a must be adjusted next year. lt took a aovernment reculatioa lo accompliah that re- sult. but what wUl it Lake to make &be covernment report LD me•iftdul t.erma? Go¥enunent enjoys a windfall not only from lnflaUoo tbat pUlbea ~ into b1per tu bracket& -even thouch real l.ncocne ml•t have decllned -but from a windfall on tbeoU~all TO DP1A1N: u oU COCQP&DY profit.I riae, IO do federal ~uea. lo "8HDl yea.n, the federal t.ake or oil comp_,, praftta bae .,._ rt.Ital" 111lldt more •wtftl1 than that of theowean ol 0.. ail~-· "loooaM taxe1 oa ail eoCD.PMl' profit& are ftft times wtuat tbeJ were ID 1'10, J9t aUreboldet dl¥Wwll have pe up oatJ eDC)l•at» to malcb lntlatloa," •an Bruce Hen· dtnoa ol 'lbe 8oltoa Ollll~ Group. H......_., nrm IMll'D&tlonally l'flCOll\bed. 1dded up tbe ,..,_..._. ell~ IDd lDCOIMI ol UM 10 larreet ail ool!lplldes for 1171 Md apla for 1'71. a.v.nuee, be found, rcJM to sno blllioe from $$$ bUlioo. or at a Lt pweeat annul compoad rrowtb rate. Sbarebolder dlvkleodl, or t\mdl DOt reinveeted, toM s.a perffllt to M.e bWkJa from sz..1 bW&oo. t ) l ... ,.,....., Olllliilr ..... • .. Thank you, but I don't need you to squeeze out the toothpaste for me!" FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE SHOE ,..., MOON MULLINS /0 -., . THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane "Come quick, Mommy! PJ's lying on the very edgest of the bed!'' ·~ .. I WOULD MAVE MIOOEN IN A me UNTIL A VICTIM APPEAAED. .. FUNKY WINKERIEAN !, : 51(,H: :· 5UMMeR I~ BUT A FAOtN& f(E/f()fl!.) AAD ~ alR Gl..ORIOU5 E~b"TalCE M06T c.oME 10 ~END ! GORDO by Lynn Johnston 1 Hf\TE "TO SHFlKE 'IO~ ~FIDENCC, f!U..Y.·· SOT OOO'T '/OU ~Tett CR'lmE l ·V·r.> . ~ by Jeff MacNetly by Ferd & Tom Johnson ONLYONE:? r'Vt= 1t>LI> YcxJ I LIKe MY ICEC~EAM ALA MODE. JUDGE PARKER tr'S NO FUN PLAYING AL.QNE. TMfH I WCM.D HAVE SU~OOTOHTO A MANCM.ANO ... -Clllrtts M. SChutt fN.I SLITHERl>46 NEEDS A UTTL.f WORK ! by Tom <ielk DRABBLE , t . t a IO·, WfLL, 1'\U~ IS '40V'~E "(R'f i.40Nf.S'f f{(M.L 'i A NICE'. MO'JtE ~E'J1t:W1 0ttl.68L€ ! •11, f DR .SMOCK COMICS I CROSSWORD ... , ....., '° .-ceu." by Kevin Fagan 1 114tNI( MO~'(" ff'OVL€ 14A'" Al.IC'.CA0'4 ~HN 0€ttf1Mf: (0~ 6o"1-ZO." by George Lemont ~YEECH/:: [] C 1.MON1 K IPPO.' eveRYe>OPY KNOWS ORANG6 .JUIC.6 Klf,..l..S "T'HE! Fl.-AVO R OF you IRICKED '. ,ME , NURSE! 1YAGH!F D i SWR 01~! MISS PEACH Al< Tti u(<. !Al.KS Pt.AN£ )lt > A~T~L-tR:, HOW' DO YOU F££L-.ABOlAT~ oc-q? by Gus Arriola by Harold Le DoUJc • I I by Mell Lazarius NOT WkAI IT'~ ~ACJCeD UP -rz::> se. C,,,, .. . ',. . -... ' ~ I I 1 GiJ~ .A-'~ <.....q"">l9 ~ '"·' lODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ~ 47 $temly 1 Pefv City so SMll 5 Gib 51 St11e 10 P\llls 52 Attaches 14 SlnglM 56 s.lty 15 "Adlm 60 C... prow Bede" 9Uttlof 61 ~eel 18 Mowllain 64 Clll Prtltx 65 -oarne 11 ZJgr.-a i.n. 66 Tate er: 2 lll'Ofdt 67 Wilts 1t Trac.nter 68 f*'lllS 20 As.tets 68 Aober1 - 2 1 CaldrOll$ 23.lolln - Gem« 26 Catd game 27Guard*1 SO VerM melef 34 Ageye 35 Cul)Olls 37 Girl's name 38 Adverse 311 Try befOfe- hand 41 Dec.oe 42 Encl: Preli• '3 s.n..uonat 44 Big Dtoper .. ., 45 MttllOd DOWN 1 Forlelt 2 Holtels 3 Flesh 4 ObltQUely 5 Protect 6 Tliuen& rah 1-Yutang 8 Tress 9 Me1a1 '"' IOOrum 11 $c>ollen 12 Had being 13 TC)98fs 18 Gr8l!lllancf town 22 Stlute UNITED Feature Syndicate Monday's Puufe Solved: 24Clptwman 25 Pride 27 Rema111s 28 Lene 29Ctlarges 31 Mo111en 32 Petfec1 33 Sweet stulf 36 Sof08fess 39 Frosn C8det 40 Cud cheww 44 8lahop 46Sums 48 Calls on 49 City 1n Judah 52 Stytes 531nter - 54 Male cfO 558arge 57 Print type: Abbr. S8 Hawaiian goose 59 Verge 62 IH. City 63 Landecf ........... tT /llM't ANO MUT'OM ltwllly Md ~. uno.w I IUlpiolof\ of efl9ot"'O M "-.,.,......,, llnd ,,_ ..... '"o.ne-· ~ ..... ~ lilfloda ~ "'* ..... ~ -"'-beiM ... ... . ,.,. ..,,,,,, ..... ~ Otenoo-HIMlww ~ IO "'II\ .... 8f9dy kldtdlMlio.tollMOMir WOund by l'NMCHnO .. "° """"0-.. ._, • snmT9 °'SAN "''NCllOO A corn.~ Mt• out to find Wf'<> roOtled him ~ "-•le a ~-·l<*ln -~IASY :r- Guest Melly ~ -~ 810l.OOY ~llitt' Barie . A~ NIJtrfh0t1 • Cl) C88NEWI uoe MAUDIE M~ t,,_ to bnnQ a school chum M><J "°' Ron Howard and Cindy Williams play teen-age lovers in the papular movie "American Graffiti." being rebroadcas t tonight at 9 on NBC. Channel 4. estranged o eughter ble duty '°' them ano togetller to peter. up tOO.. •m.ent • wey to malle him dlltetenGe$. SI 8'f .. I LOVE LUCY ti) 8AHFOAD ANO 80H Thtl R!Calelo' ano th4o La.mont falls on love wrth M«u. finally .,.._ on the oeugnter of Fred's Old Hollywood. wl\efe Luc;y flame {!!_-.pcly ~· Into trouble fD 21 TONIGHT • DO< CAV!TT '1!) MACHEJl. / l.EHREA G.-1· Larry Aellet (Pan '} AEPOAT of 2) 7:30 8 THE MUPf>ET8 '9 OVEA EASY Guest C<yStal Gayte au-1 Molly PIOon 8 SHA NA NA CJ) TICTACOOUOH 8 NEWlVWEDGAME Nie 8 C88 HEWS 0 TIC TAC DOUGH 8 N8C NEWS ID AU IN THE FAMILY 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN "The 8ioclcbustf'f0 • Rocnoe reluc1an1ry aq<OOs Cl) 0000 TIMES 10 go on a bltnCI oate with d The Evans· ct>tldren ~- ~ wno t~s OVilf hom uon '""" mother's t>et>av- U Cl) JC>t<EWS WILD tor wt>en ~l()nOa manaoe~ ID w·A·S·H lo stay Qlm di James Wl>en f rar1k 1hte..1ons 10 f\Jne<al (Par1 'JJ ----.! l eave. H awi..eye ano !!~CHEJL / l.EHAEA I Trllj)per fioo 11 mean' OOU· ~· Claa1111ft Lbting• 8 KN)(T (CBSI Los Angeles U KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles e KTLA (Ind ) Los Angeles G K.ASC-TV (ABC) Los Angeles Cl) KFMB tCBS) San Diego 8 KHJ-TV (Ind) Los Angeles Q]J KCST tABC) San Diego I KTlV (Ind.) Los Angeles KCOP· TV (Ind ) Los Angeles • KCET-TV (PBS) Los Angeles e KOCE-TV (PBS) Huntington Beach '1!> HEW8CHECI( (() P.M . MAGAZINE P M f()tns bltnd QOl!er Ratpl\ San111rconoo1o as he 'ompeli•ft. on lhO 34th Anl'Ual 8knd Gotlt!<S Tour· nument in P•tl~burgh. Pennsytvanoa 8.-00 IJ (() CAUF~IA FEV£A ~ . VIOG<I JnO RO» nt!lj) a le.S- ly OIO womnn (Sytvua S1oney1 tlSCllPO! lrom '* d""9h te< a bu<leltnq DOH". c1an ...no ... ants he'• put away O THE ~OF SHERIFF l.080 Oelorml<W'd 10 0681 ol nea• by st>,;nlf s loot11&11 squall. lOOO .ltf~IS """' Doi) men ano P<ttSM>S thOm into set· ...cea~h<s t&am 0 MOVIE •• ·~ ''Someone Benooo The Ooot" (1971) Chane. &onson, Anthony Penona A "'°"'en's loYer •S ,,.,,,._ OOrod as a r-.rt of '*' hu$0encfs manopu44ttion of .tn -patient ('} htS I 0 THEAOOKIE8 A IOok at the ,_ le.,., membets of this )'98r's los ~ LAkera at the« trBlntng camp In Palm Oe$Of1 • CAAOt. 9UNETT AHOfM:NOS • JOHN DA RLING lHC: RC.':1f ~ lH( COUNTRV l!.J<)<., 10 ~ILW lH( CAllfORN~ LlftSWU At;. 6CIN6 SOME-..JHAT 61ZARR£. H()',.j DO ...OU RESPOND 10 TuA l IM.A6E., GCNERNOR BRQwN? ( HAV( "Ta lAr'.l. l •Cl ?l ION TO l HA.T, .JOHN r WHAT WE. HAvt.. HERt 15 ~All.'{ f\ OVNAMIC AND CREA1M llfES"TV\.E I .,...,,..,..,_, IS lHl ~E Of lH( MCN1E. INOVSlllV, !HE. lC U:VI~ INOUSTRV ... .. Wedne•da11'• Da11• hne Mo.,le • -AFTERNOON- 12:00 g • • • · rt.e Set-Uc> · f 19491 Aot>ert Ryan. lwO<f!'( T Oii• F igntong to _, a !I01<e< lM!41m(>Cs to l'•POS" I~ OISl'IC>f\Mty ,,_Pd on lu"<I hgn•~ I 1 ,.., -'°"'""I 3~~ •••. Bton-.>ot>n . 1111711 S.onev Po111er. °' aototll Ooltman by Armstrong & Batiuk Noiv It's ABC Shuffling Programs B y JERRY BUCK Tuesday night time s lot of "Lazarus LOS ANGELES <AP> -ABC. sur-Syndrome." prised by the sudden ratings strenft!1 "Fantasy Island" will move from o? NBC, announcea t.6at lf IS pijlliiig-1"-'t1 ...... d-ay-b~1ts--old 1im~iat at-10 ·•Lazarus Syndrome" and shifting p.m. Saturday. after "Love Boat " In two other programs. "Fantasy the past the two shows together have Island" and "Hart to Hart." had good ratings. "Lazarus Syndrome," a medical ABC said the 8 p.m . Friday time series starring Louis Gossett Jr. and slot would be filled temporarily with Ronald Hunter. will be temJ?<>rarily specials. The first, "All -star Family taken off the air. It will resume pro· Feud," will air on Oct. 19. The follow· duction with a new focus and design ing week the thrcalrical movie "The and return to the air later, the an-Bible" will be aired as a three-hour nouncement said. special "B ART TO HAR T," a light- hearted detective series starring Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers. will move from Saturday to tbe PERENNIAL TIDRD-PLACE NBC surprised ABC by winning the rat· logs in the first week of face-to-face competition of the fall season In the S11Bttia8 llP Earl Holliman and Carrie Snodgress star as a couple wbole maniaae ia auddenly lbattered in·~ Solitary Man,'' a new TV movie air· lng tmigbt at 9 on CBS, Channel 2. 'Dream' Balle t Set ForKOCE "The Dream," Sir Frederick Ashton's fan- ciful balletic adaption of "A Midsummer Night's Dream'' set to the music of Mendelssohn. airs Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on KOCE·TV, Channel 50. The "Great Pe rformances" presen· talion is danced by the Royal Ballet. featuring Anthony Dowe ll and Merle Park. and was t a ped live at Covent Garden's Royal Opera House. Set in a magical forest whe re mistake n iden- tities abound and love potions now freely, t.h1s tanciful ballet Ccrealed in ce lebralion o r S h a kespeare's 400th birth day In 1974) la -a d •l>lelt fl'om ''A Midsummer Night's Dream." NEWPORT TO AVALO~ . secood week ABC squeaked to a nar· row victory over NBC. ':L.az_a.rus Sl'.ndro~" "Hart lo Hart" and "Fa ntasy slaod"'" 3T finished in ~ bottom half of the A. C. Nielsen ratings last week. The shift of "Fantasy Island .. from Satur· day night also pulled "Love Boat" down to a fini sh in 45th place last week. Four other ABC comedies ... Delee· tive School." "The Ropers:· "Out of the Blue" and ''A New Kind of Fami- ly." are also in serious ratings trou- ble. but ABC has not announced any change in their schedules M EANWIDLE. CBS, wtuch as an third place. has indicated it w111 not m ake any program changes for at least another week CBS officials said tb~y wa.ated to ---...-... --~-- see the c.aults of more ratings before --------------------- making any de<:lslons ------ URICH INJ URED LOS ANGELES CAP> -Produc · lion of the TV series "Vega$" bas been s uspended indefin itely whale star Robert Un ch recuperates from IOJUnes he received while filming the ABC-TV series. the s how's executive producers said Uri ch was rf'leased Monday from Ccdars-Sinoa Mc-d1cal Cent.er after a three-day stay for treatment of torn hgaments and a dislocated shoulder IV!-•· 100 •OO 100 IOOO f..,\I 1:00 )GO •Cll t oo •100 ... TONIGHT 7:00PM MacNeUILellrer Report To Tiie Point Mo<e than you'll he¥ anywnt>re else on a top news event of the day. 7:JOPM NEWSCHECK 0r•ft9• County• on~ TV News Murde<ed by s poi$0n pellef whfM wtt#cing ttCl'O$$ Wsf8rloo Bridge. Bulgarlttn diNJdent Georgf' Mefftotl WH the vk:flm of 8 slneter end blzerre plot. A rMI l#e thriller. TMllNJ MWtl'OSW rt •OCS·TY M9 THS co•PCMIAT'ION '°" w~ l } I -OAIL.VPILOT 1'9e Ma.& lle•t l1r ..... ComedrOf AITlme ~~ ~= ATAZOONW0 YOUl l!l OUllGl llAU lllOKlltlllll lOGI UllCOlOlllft·ll 011noe h1T Ol'O ...... ..., 1n &u& 11ue111 '"' ~u 2111 UA C:lllllUI fOWlllOI fOUllUll WALUY llAOHlll lllllYl•lll Wnlnwn.., 8Q3 O'l'h louN..,. l/~y 839 1'!00 0.1ngt 639 1170 lOWlllDI' llllllOI. COWlllOI' flUO C:llltllA !Min" l•A \•O /H' MtUIO<I ~HNO 8)0 h'l'JO ~"fDI ~.::reo I :~i:'i'I1W.:1 ----.. JIU QATeueetC e CANMCI II c!I"• i::i7oo 1 ""rs~, -______ _; .. ~MM=:;;•W::..::&:...Jl:.::;lo:::•=---M .. :~) --~~=~I ..,. . _,, '""°"'' UPI Of U IAN 111 l21.JMJ1JOe411SMt1S•••1S. 10:99 MMCOUI llleOWIU e Ot\YIO WAIMI TIMI AnH TJMI (l'O). ·~ ............... .. ""°""~ "1HILROF _,. .... , •• Jl'lt& .... ... ~ .. ?:-• lltJ THE AMITYYtuf HOH OR "'n4E Pttot't4HY" "lHLCOMCOID£' ''THI LAST WAVr lf'GI -----·. TMIOMON""°llll """ .U.Of .. , .. ., ~·°'°"9 UP IN IMOICI Ill ..... MIATIAWC"I "ii • , ,,,,,.._. . .,__ .. \ f ENTERTAINMENT /INTERMISSION I MOVIE REVIEW .......... New Theater Fo1-ming The new yHr wm brtn1 1 new t.he1ter aroup to Or1n1e County aucUencea wheo • receotly or· aanlaed repertol')' company Lakes up realdence In We1unlnat r Altic Koba. w It known 11 a community theater director rrom La1una Beach to Long Beach. hu or1anl1ed a troupe called Showcase ProducUON. which will movt Into the old 17th Street School 1ucMtorlum on W•tmjnst.er Avenue ul Hoover Street for rour product.loo.a ln 1980. Tht Muon will be eomoosed of the World War ti comed.Y·drama "Stlllag 17." the stage version of the poUUcal thriller "Seven Days in May," t.he muslul western "The Girl or the Golden West" und the Nell Simon comedy · 'The Good Doctor." EACH PBODUCl'ION WILL be staged for 12 performances over a three-weekend period. play· ing Friday. Saturday and Sunday evenings and a Sunday matinee, according to Koba. "Stalag" will open Feb. 22. with the runrung dates or the other shows still tentative. The Showcase players, a company of 3S actors and theater teduuctans, are worldnc in conjunction with the Westminster Civic Center Department, which operates the former school build· ing as a recreaUoncenter. It's the same facility used by the Westminster Comm unity Theater in the 19605 before that group grew ltnancially strong enough to build its own theater. Koba, who has directed a number of playa for that group as well as community playhouses ln 1tot1A Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Long Beach and Anaheim over the past 10 years, will stage all four productions during the 1980season. Intermission Tom Titus CASTING WILL BE done almost entirely within the company. according to Koba. who noted that the gl'OUp wUI go outside for special character nttda. Company members pay dues of 115 a month. a figure which wtU increase to ~ after Oct. 15. "We will be working with acton who intend lo make the theater their profeuion." Koba said. "Thus. this company won't be for everyone. We also need members with special skills in sound. lighting and set construction " Prospective members may contact Koba at 894~ for further information about Showcase Productions • THE SAN CLEMENTE Community Theater has ca.st its next production. Robert Anderson ·s Christmas Eve drama "Silent Night. Lonely Night," which will open Nov. 8 for a (our-weekend I run. Direct.or Ben Jutzi will assume the leading role due to the unavailability of an actor in the pro- per age bracket ror the assignment. whale Valene Mcllroy has been ass igned to co·direct the show Playing opposite him will be Susan O'Connell. 1n her fow1.h leading role of the year Completing the cast will be Susie Scott. Scott Mictiael. Deborah Waldeck and Scott Harmon. "Silent Night" will be presented Nov 8·10. 1S·l7. 29·Dec. 1 and Dec. 6·8 at the Cabrillo Playhouse. 202 Avenida Cabrillo. San Clemente. 'Paradise' Fal)s Short IJy AJlTIJUa KNIGHT ,.... .... yweM._, .. "Som e thing Short o f Paradise" all too a ccurately describes my reaction to th.is American-lntemaUooal release. Billed as a romantic comedy, the production fails notably short on both counts. Costani SOAl'fTHINO SHOllT 01' 'AllAOIH IAIMfi~l..ton>alloMll Produur• J•mHC Gulm..,, l,Jt\!er S.r,.,,.,, Ol••<lor O•vlCIM Helpe1'1'1J r ~r,,...,pl&y Fre<! B•r"°" (1Mm•l09'""'1V W11ll•r ........ ,.. T\IC c:.tor/,_vltloft CHI S~ll ~r.•ndon. O"vlCI \lttn .... rq, Je•n Pierre Au..-1, M•rHyn ';ollOI, Joe Grtlasl. A-I Moll A.,,..,l"Q 1"'-" mlnuln -""'" ...... "° Susan Sarandon and David Steinberg seem almost de - liberately mismatched, with Steinberg delivering only the modicum of tbe slandup humor for which be is jusUy admired. PLAYING TIIE proprietor or a Manhattan art house. he has a ( MOJllE REnEW J curiously li5tless, on-agam, off. again affair with Sarandon. who writes for a maga:r.ine. This time it's the lady who shies away from making any commitments. She's been too recently hurt. What causes her to change her mind after a brier affair with ag- ing French star Jean· Pierre Au moot, in New York to plug tus la test movie at Steinberg's theater, is neither dear nor con- vincing. As a matter or fact. by the e nd or the picture. one couldn't care less whom she winds up with -or if. AS DDlECTED by Helpem, formerly a documentary film· maker, "Paradise" doesn't un· fold; it lurches from sequence to sequence in a series or static shorts that make minimal use ol the New York and Shelter Island locales while faihng to Ignite any romantic ftreS in its two stars Nor ls he aided by Walter Laasally's unnattering, docu m entary-st yle photography. which frequent manages to put S o'clock shadows on both their (aces On the other hand. Martt Snow's cheerful score manages to bright.en the proceedings con· sider ably What's really sad. though , 1s that all concerned obviously felt they were making a serious sU!tement about the nttd for pe rmanent relat1onsh1ps an t od a y's society. They also thought they we re m ak ang a comedy in the Cary Grant Irene Ounne tradition. Maybe next time. Actress Gets Role HOLLYWOOD tAPl -Cana· d.Jan actress Susan Hogan will star opposi te P aul Mi chael Glas er in the ps} cholog1cal thriller ··Phobia .. ------~---ANIMAL CRACKERS "HOTSTUfF•• "TMI YILLAIH'' "RUST HIYB 51.HPS .. "THI KIDS ARE AU. RlfMfr crGI MJHI AMITYYILU HOUOI• •t SIL8fT rAITI4B . . OPEN DAil T ' 11 JO • ..... · .. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 842·5e78 ( lo. Cel•t ,.. ~ 1711 )410 "'"" .... , .. -.... ......... ., ... ............. ~:i:-.:1., .. ......... .. THI SIDUCT10tol OF JOI TYMAM IRI ............ Susan Saran don David Steinberg ~~ .., 'MJICM llllW!IMIOW lllW« ~ NOW PLAYING ···-·t811111M~ b ecda whoc.\cxut. SINGING TElECRAMS 71•/675·9966 'I,, ~·. ' ,. .- Wl1'1 COMIO'f TO 001 , ., .. ,,..,..~ ............ , --•····· NOW PLAYING Ill Tillll Qm.llU MM ,.,.. IM'lft·• lDW&llOI. IMWPOflT Wlslrl'lln$1ef 893-1~ ~P11• &?• •OfO ClllUU IMA PUU C.IOlll Neww1 ~~ r,.• 0/60 lltM '>1CJ '>3)(1 Oflfl98 63' 1'1'1) MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "APOCALYPSE NOW" !Rl "MOON RAKER·· (PG) "CAPRICORN ONe·· "ROCKY II " !PGl "10" (R) "STARTING OVER " (A) "WHEN A STRANGER CALLS" CRJ "10" / "SHAMPOO" CR) "10" "SHAMPOO" CR) "HOOPER" ··THE WARRIORS" "UP IN SMOKE" (R) "WHEN A STRANGER CALLS" (A) "LlmE GIRL WHO LtVEO DOWN THE LANE" "THE MUPPET MOVIE" . "REVENGE OF THE PINK PANTHE.A" ~) "ANIMAL HOUSE" "PRISONER OF ZENDA" lfG) A'-L O•tY••INS Of'CN tcJIP.M. .... f u-•• ,.,.. u...... . ..... .... "STARTING OVER" •...mN A STRANGEft CALLS" CR> llMOOUI WWIU. DAN W~, "TIME AFTER TIME" CNt .... .. AGATM" ' i l r IN$1DE: •Ann Lander.s •Hesls-nlngs •Erma Bombeck •Classlfled ~. OCtobw t , 117'1 DAILY "LOT He~s Rebuilding Dreams 8) L.Aa•Y SAAVSDIA .... Deity ......... Thlrteen yura a10. oo a Ice aUck bl0wa1 In Cok>ndo. Mlko Tr\UlUo'a dreama aeemed u abaltered u hla own body A recnalt atatJontd at an Army baH near Denver, Trujlllo waa on hla way to hla llrlfrtend'a home when hU car overturned that aay ln 1988. For more than an hour, the lben-lJ.year-old Trujlllo lay amid the twlated wrecka1e. Not un· UI early even.in& dld be. finally bear the siren.a walllng lhrouah the chm nilht air. Tntjallo. who loved to dance and tinker with cars. would be saved In a sense that nl(ht. But there would be a part of him that would need more than what doctors or hospitals could offer if be were to survive PHYSICIANS AT Veteran's Hos pit.al who examined him located a fracture in his spinal cord , leaving him seemingly Weless from the waist down. ''Doctors, some of the fanest nurses and technicians all said that with a few months of therapy I'd get some return to my legs," Tru· jillo said. "But to this day I can't move my legs with my own power or feel any pain below the waist." The pressure to move his legs and walk while he stayed at the hospital, he said, was draining him emotionally. "Fear that I'd never again walk and the strain on my family grew worse as the time passed there." Trujillo said. "I had to leave -I wanted to fa ce up to the ract I'd become a paraplegic ... He was released after more than a year of treatment and began prepanng himself for an entire new lifestyle. "Curbs and stairs presented a problem at first," he said. "I HAD TO START again like a child ex- ploring new avenues until I could handle things on my own "When a handicapped person is able lo uti lize a portion of his body. then they should do it. "I h::•e ~· ·~~ people in ch::irs, people who can ' . • "'lf.:, sit arcund and watch lei.. ., " 1 rl.,.!!osciid. Af ~ r L: .. ";ig a job as a draftsman in Cc' .•. ..: 1, 1-• .: t.l~·, icd J~alhy, his &i rl!riend si nce high scliuol. They later became the parents of a baby girl, Melinda. While Trujillo appeared to be doing well, Although paralyzed from the waist down. Mike Trujillo enjoys crwsmg the Coast Highway off Huntington Beach on his custom-built Harley Davidson. The motorcy- cle has a 1, 200 cc engine and a reve:se gear -unique for a motorcycle. doctors and family suggested a change in climate. He admits the Colorado snow had become bothersome. "I kept getting stuck in the snow It just got to where I couldn 't leave the house on my wheelchair when 1t snowed," Trujillo explained. lie applied hi s <'XP<'rience and found another dr.a!ting job in Santa Ana California, with its sunshine, suited the Tru- jillos. so they bought a house in JlunUngton Beach. His p<.'rsistenl attitude never let down He enrolled in scu6a diving schoo l with othe r paraplegics and left his wheelchair perch~J on a small sand dune while he dov e off La&u:l.1 Ccach enjoying nature's underwater paradise. "I still enjoy scuba diving except for the" ex- pense.'' he said. "I Ltke basketball, too lt''i a game of skill and we bve nght rlown thl· streeL from a couple of big outdoor courts," he swd "We <other hand1cJpp<.'d pe<>plt·> haw• J tc•am called the Cyprc<,s Chano~ that I 1oinc·d a couple of seasons b<tck ··rm not first i.tnng yet. but nevertheless I enjoy the company of friends and plan to con tinue this for ytJrs to come," Trujillo said An occasional st.'l of teM1s hftmg weights -bowl.mg every W<.'ckcnd and school , he Sd)'>, keeps him from becoming ovcrwe1ghl ··semg active 1s good for anyone. but 1t can h<.'lp the handicapJ)<'d remain useful to soc1et). · the Huntington Beach resident said The Truj11los have a baby hoy now, so his activi ties are slowing down but that's in his family's best interest, he said "I want to spend more tJme with my family • • CJ Seldom m1ssmg a free throw, Mike Tru11/lo takes advantage of local basketball fac1flt1es. His chair was de- signed for basketball with light metal and safety wheels to keep him from f/1ppmq backwards but 1t won l ht.' long hcfon· my son Michael ... ta rte; sho<1l10I! baskets with tu .. dad." he ~aid. Out .. tdl' 1n thl' g':.tragt· "IL'i a 1,200 cc custom built Hark) 0<1v1dson '>Omclhmg he'd wanted for a long lime 'I des igned and bualt th1· bike," he said ad- dinJ?, "G1w credit tn m" fnends who helped wht'n thl' going J?Ol tough .. , gN a fe<:>llng of complete freedom with the bike and plan CJ trip up nurth in the future " Crw~ing toward Coast Highw ay from his home at 9381 Southshort-On ve, neighborhood children gawk m wonder as a good guy ndes off into the sunset. O••lfPl..,.-11,urnos.aa....ir• G'abbing the door and seat, Mike Trujillo pulls himseff into his van, an ideal storage place for his wheelchair and sporting equipment. Paraplegic Mike Tru1illo drives a customized van 'lthich is entirely hand-controlled. • Mike Tru1111o ·s custom-made motorcycle has an oak rack to fit his wheelcha1r. It 1s controlled by a hand-shift. Nutrition advocate Nathan Pritikin Heart Disease Begins During Teens By JOEL C. DON om1eo111,P11etstaH It's hard to find a 20-year-old in autopsy who doesn't have heart dlisease. And if your diet is heavy in fatty foods , you're probably committing yourself lo the number 1 killer in the U.S. That's the message Nathan Pritikln brought to a lecture at UC Irvine last week on the role of fat in what be calls the "American preoccupa· lion" -with heart disease. Pritikin, a nutrition advocate and founder of the Longevity Center in Santa Monica and the Lonaevity Research Institute in Santa Barbara, says the term "heart disease" ls a misnomer. Rather, the problem is with closure of the coronary arteries that feed the heart, called atherosclerosis. "The tragedy of heart dileue is that most people feel that heart disease ls aomething that happens to older people," the 64-year-old Pritikln s~d. "Unfortunately, heart dlsease is somethine'thal starts as a teen·aaer in this country. .. The tragedy of artery cloiure is that the symptoms are not present unW you have very bad cloeure." PritUd.n'a procram empbuises a radlc'1 break with the "American" hlfb·fat dlet. Pritikin outlined hit nutrition and exerctse program In the book, "The Pritikin Progam fo'r Diet and Exerclae." The only countrtea h•vin& a blab rate or arteey cloture are tboae on the American bl&b· fat diet. PrttWn told about 300 persona at the lecture apouond by UCI Albmnl AaaociaUon. He said about one-half of our total calories come from fat, and the average American eats about one pound of fat every two or three days. "IF YOU GO TO the fast food chains, you even eat more than your weight in fat every year," he said. Foods thought to have a high nutritional value can have a deceptively high percentage or fat, Pritikin asserted. For example, cheese Is popular with vegetarians but it contains more fat and cholesterol than steak, be said. And 75 percent of the total calories from nuts and seeds come from fal A choice filet mignon contains 88 percent fat and 12 percent protein. "There's more protein in a slice of bread than there is in a good filet," be n.t.d. "T don't recommend su1ar. but sugar is nowhere u bad as fat and cholesterol," he added. added. During the two-hour lecture, PriWdn pre· sented slides crapbically detailing the onset of artery closure. He allO presented lnlormation on the fat content of various foods versus thelr protein content. · Dairy products, seeds and nuts, meats, cer· lain aeafooda and veaetable oils are excluded or limited ln hil diet proaram. Pritlkill aubllltutea hith·fat foods with fruits and wptabtes, whole fl'aln foods, Osb, water-packed tuna and various bltb carbohydrate food.a . "People feel tbat atreu and heredity are very atront facton IQ arter7 clolun, but I feel that they're in the lower five percent of risks," Pritikin said. Pritikin cited numerous university studies including one in which a group of firemen were f e d heavy cream and in a nother i es f. polyunsaturated safflower oil. BY OBSERVING the tiny blood vessels in patients' eyes. the researcher saw clumping of cellS' and blockage due to the high-fat intake, Pritlltln said. With heavy cream. the blocbge dissipated after nine hours. But with safflower oil, cell .clumping remained in the bloodstream past nine hours. · It's unfortuante that the American Heart Association ls s till recommending polyunsaturated -fats as a repltttment" fol" saturated fats, Pritildn said. And in a Philadelphia study, a group or 14 coronary patients were fed heavy cream and were measured during limited activity. AU 14 bad angina (cheat pain) attacks, with fat levels five Umes higher than normal, he said. -One week later, •hen the same patients were fed a substance lacking any fat, they didn't get angina au.acts. IDEALLY, PalTOUN SUGGESTED, the Amertcan dlet should be reduced to 1ettinc about' 10 percentoflts total calori91 from fat. He said that ln addition to reducing bean disease tbrou&h bis proaram, be bu been able to reduce or eliminate ,lnaulln dependency In diabetic patJents. (SeellEA&T,PqeCl) ... . r J r I • I I ' I , (2 OM.Y'"-OT T~. October t. 1111 PVauc Nones Here's Happy News and Bad News B •PPftllnga By Judith 0 11on PlnU.he IOOd newt and t.beo the bad. n. IOOd new. I• that you don 't have to 10 to San Jl'ioanclleo anymo,.. to pt tome of that · aood C'Olf .. at COit Plua Jmporta .. 'J'btn't I MW t tore juat acroN from South Coaat Piasa wbJcb opened lut week wttb a Cal• beneru party for AASK (Aid to Adopt.loo of peclal Rida). The bad newa la that you don't have to ao to San Franclaco anymore to aet some of that lood coffee at COit Plua Imports. Douooe. There 1oes another good excuse to 10 to Bagdad by tbe Bay ! - The party, which was attended by more than 200 guests, was a veritable smorgasbord ot international food ideas, reflectine the philosophy behind the store. We enjoyed enc hlladas, quiche, a wonderful a11ortment of cheeses; eleaant desserts and aood champagne, all prepared by Rococo. There was music -yes, tbe warehouse area of Coet Plus can double as a concert hall - and plenty ot Ume to stroll around the new store . Special guests were Aaaoa "Potay .. WllUams or TV's "Happy Days" series and Robert DeBolt, co-founder of ASSK. De Bolt and bis wife, Dorothy, are the parent.a of 20 children -14 adopted -and they were featured in an award-winning documen· tary . Among those a ttending the party were Belay and Saad.y SHders, lhe Bob S&oeuela, EdJth Keesee, Don Daley, store manager Teall a Sela and Jha HaJe. ~ The fledgling Irvine Chamber of Commerce had it.a first mixer last week at Hof's Hut. Irvine, and from the looks of things these mon- thly events will become well-attended. There are approximately 250 members in the chamber now, according to Larey Bottmu, me m bership chairman. About hall or these were at the party, by a quick count of the guests. Among those socializing were J erry Ped:, Richard Lynn, Tom Jonet (yes, he does get kidded about his name), Carl and Elle.H Mor- rison, Dave Sllls, president Ron Grossman and Carol &broeder. South Coast Repertory ts off and runmng for the year. as wt• said last week This time it was the guilds' turn to be center stage. About 150 members or lhe five guilds were treated to a cha mpagne brunch in front of the theater before hearing plans for the year and beio1 entertained inside . David Emme• to ld the bard-working women that "Orange County is extraordinary and we're extraordinary too." Last year the guilds donated 5,000 hours or service and raised $20,000 for the theater. New chairmen a re Mary Gartbottl, Costa Mesa ; Carol Lllttschwa1er. Irvine ; Kalie Gransee, NC'wport Be ach; Judy Houlihan, Inla nd. and De bbie Andrews, Huntington Beach. S peakin g d u r in g the m eeting we r e Catherine Thyen, <'hai.Tman--Of the-goveNn ng- board, Diane Wa lker, general membership chairman, and Ellen Ketchum, administrative director. Special guests were Joba Scbmlu and Den- oia Mange rs. Atte nding from Tublngen , Germany, was Lucy Wlacbert, guest of guild member Sblrley Bagley. Roger W. Luby, president of Western Pacific Financial Corporation, is ju.st the ki.nd ••• HEART (E'roa Page Cl) "Many people reel t hat high blood sugar creates diabetes," P ritlkln s aid. At his two nutrition facilities, Pritikin said, many diabetics have been weaned off or iosu~n through reduction m dietary rat although be said his results haven 't been accepted universally. "You wonder how the whole American diet was devised," he said "If I had to devise a diet that would insidiously destroy your efforts, ·close your arteries, create diabetes, as you get olde r arthritis and form a cataract, ~ . wo.~ld have bad to come up with the American diet. And he noted another study which shows that reversal of artery closure is possible, through red uction of fat Intake. "Your cholesterol level is more Important to you than your dollars In your bank account." he s aid. "If your cholesterol level Is higher than 100 plus your age, you're going to close your arteries." II you wnnl 10 be a good model. you need good 11,tnlng ~ tn vo1c11. make up. grooming. po11follt1 prep.u1111on. wardrobe and posing h's nnt U_!Y. but It can be rewarding ~Important thing la gelling a good 111111 Som. of 1od11v'1 bell models 11arted here Some ol tomor· row':. bu t IQ(), no doubt -------------· ~~ ORANGE COUNTY 547-1221 HAPPY DAYS -Actor Anson Williams , who pla ys Pots y on TV's "Happy Days'' se ries, w as among guests at a benefit for Aid to Adoption of Special Kids (AASK>. or hus band any woman would give her eye t.eetb (almost ) to have He hosted a surprise party for his wife Ka thleen's hm mmlh birthday at Ambrosia re- cenUy wtth all the nlcetJes that the restaurant is famous for. First, there wai. the personal greeting by owner Gerti Muller -a kiss on lhe band for the honoree -and music by t.he restaurant's stroll· mg strings An o rnate s ha mrock ice car ving and bouquets of white roses decorated the room and the 22 guel>ts included Dr. and Mn . Edward Smith, Mr. and Mrs. WllUam Krlm, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casey a nd Ln Duryea and his fian <.'el', Cheryl Rapp. The purty was "ab:<1olutely fa nt astic.'." Mrs Luby admttll'd ''I Wl.iS in awe of the whole Uung ·· Shc's not, she• said. u~ed tu having the red carpet rolled out fo r her , but '>h•· '>.i1d '>he did en JOY It "To be the recipient wa., JU~t fantasllc Usually I'm lhe give r." ~ There's to be a new hom1: <snd garden magazine m Orange County at the beginning of next month -the brainchild or An Califorma m a gazine publishe r s Michae l a nd S•un Mc Fadden and Mary McNlllty. It was introduced al a gourmC'l dinner pre pared by Homanoff's an thl' Harbor Ridge Estat<'S last week The On t'ntal buffet . wtuch """ '>ampled by 85 g uests, in<.'ludcd sesame rh1ckl·n n rnJl.. -crao. dimsum and <>lhcr delJcaC"IC~ For dessert for the female publishers on· Jy -wa!'I a giant fortunt• cookie from Romanoff's. It was a rather cryptic message, totally at random e s such cookies us ually are. Ms. McFadden and Ms. McNulty a re still a bit puzzled over the meaning, however , because it doesn't quite lie Into a new publishing ven- ture . It said: "There a re always more fish In the s ea. not as cute, nor as rich, but fish neverthe· less." Any Ideas? Club Cal.t'ndar "'"" each Wecbu!!da11 tn the Dcil11 Pilot and contain• notices of women's and •ennce club ~ettng1 and events open lo IM public for t~ followmg week Send rtataces to Club Calmdor, DaaJ11 Ptlot. P 0 Bor 156<J, Costa Mesa. CA 921S26 /ncl&UU your M me ond phoM number Notices mwt be m our handi three weeJu in advance of on evt>nt Pictures are limited In mo101 fund-ra11ers open to the public To re~st o picture, wnle or call the F"f'oture ~r1~t . 642-4321 . belwrni 2 and S p m l'hotn request! are honored on a apace aoollahle lxuas Correction T he heAdline on Monday's story on cancer care was incorrect. It should have read "South Lagumf Hospital Upgrades Cancer Care." o.lly ~ --..-. Here . he chats with AASK co-founder Bob- DeBolt and Mimi Atwood DeBolt, AASK volunteers director . HAPPY BIRTHDAY -Ka thleen Luby sha res a morflent with her husband Roge r during her .,urpr1se bir thday dinne r at t he Ambrosia rl'~t aurant S peakrng nC sunsets The s unset in San Felipe Uw. ~eekend wa:-. spectacular. The moon became an orange "ornament " in the sky over the Sea of Cortez before mellowing out to a lighter gold and culling a swath of matching glitter m the St?u We watched 1t all from the patio or lhe new Econhotel and recommend others do the s ame. ~ Convention lime is here. Some S4 members of the Asst.Stance League or Newport Beach will attend lhe 30th national meeting in the Hilton Riviera Hotel. Palm Sprlnas. next week, ac- cordlnJ[ to Mn . &lcltard Stoddard1 president. Mn. Cllarlea Ripley ts a convention cnairman. Appearing as panelist.a during the meeting will be &be Mmee. WUUam o.ta, Robert Kem- ble and Edward Pelle1r1a. Attending the 24th annual convention of Cah!orrua Women m Chambers or Commerce in Fairfield last week were Cluia Bopper, Lyla PaJUam and Corty WltJtford. Delta Phi Cha pter of Delta Ga mma at UCI has pledged KaUlJeea McGill, Beverly Gee and Margaret Crane. If J10U ha~ an alem for Ho~ing1, und it to Judtlh OIMn1 ot the Dally Pilot. P 0 Boz 1560, Costa Me1a. CA 92626, or coll her ot 542 .. 321. Happenings ruru eWf'Y TU4!1dafl. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY W....Y•W..t ........ 1921 H.4Mr It.& C.... -141-llH ADVANCE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN. Now 1s the time to sign up for ice skating lessons at the Ice Capades Chalet. Whether you've ice skated .before or never ice skated 1n your lite. one of these classes 1s for you. Classes till up fast. so call t0C41y for all the information for the whole family. ADYANCERUERYATIONIFORGROUPfUNCTIONI. Ice Capades Chalet Is a great place for private or 1nst1tut1onal group functions. Call now for reservations. Cnll now for aclvonce roglstratlon and additional 1n.ormaUon ICE CA0\DESCHALET 2701 Harbor lktutewMd• Cotta Meu, CA ea28 Hat UM Number (714lm-4311 ' ..... ,, ... ,. .. ______ ·-- Pubtfo loe IUttftl l"'J Day Oftly A lu1 Rld9 A••r ANN LANDERS I HOROSCOPE I ERMA BOMBECK TU19d1¥, Oote>W t , tr1'1 AFS Students and HOsts Fo~m Close Bonds '1 ., ., •d.D.LAN ............... Amerlcaa "•ld Service <AFS> boat famlU. quJctty com• to Wall ol the foratp •l*Dll do ..,.od t.be eeMol 1Mt wi\b Lbem u their own IOU or daUCllten hd tMM relallaftllllp1 contilH• kine after \he ....._ ...Wms hom•. a.aya Sl.epbeo Crane, AP'S vtt.·priJUdent of development aad publtc alfall"'I. · Cr.e ~aUa OM former "'-t father, 1 bualneu uecutlve. telllna b1m \.bat~ received a phone caU from lhe 1ir1 lludent who had re· tamed home to lhl11l1 Qd mimed The man boull'd that hia A•'S "dau1hter" had called to teU hlm lh•t he 1'as now a "1randt1~r " "That In ooe ~ntenc:e tells how be feela and how abe fHls." says Cran"· addtna that most student. con.aidtlr their foreign bolts lo be Uleir second famUy '"111£ HEART AND SOUL of lhls orgaruia· lion," ays CTaoe. "are the voluntffrs who give so mu<'h or their llves .. Crane was in Oranae County last weekend for a day-Iona confer ence with Amencans Abroad alumru, host parents and brother s andsts· ters. lea<'hers, student <'lub members llQd other AFS volunteers The confe rence was held at Allergan P ha rmaceut1eals in Irvine, whose meeting room was donated by Allergan vice-president John Thorson. a former A FS host father. Crane and the other members of the AFS International s t a ff from New York led workshops on fund·r alsmg, chapter building, counseling and host.family finding. The day ended with a talent show put on by the 37 foreign students from 22 countries who are currently being sponsored by the county's 20 cha pters. '11\)i·lour Onn1• Count.)' ttudeal.I currently are partjelpaUnc ln the Arner1can1 AbtoM pro- 1ram, and u many u 117 may bl Ma.cted to partldpat.t otlt ytar. APS, wblcb waa 1tarted ~ ambulance urion ln World War I, bu Mid IOflM 100,000 1tudefttl from IO eounlrill participate ln lM pro1ram al.nee I.MT. Some 3,000 communlt1•• In the United S\atea have provided host lamlllet for the atu· denta who are betw"n tM .,.. ol 11 and·l8. Crane 11ya, however, that the mo1t alanifi· cant numbers are tbe volunteeB-about H0,000 worldwt ho keep the Prc>«ram runnln1. It'• t.M vohant.era-there are about 300 in Oran,e Couniy flnd bolt families, provide coumeUni for the vitillnc 1tudent.s, coordiAate with the schooll and bolct the bake sales, car wuaheaandotherfuAd·ralllncevent.s. TDOOGH THESE acUvlUes, volunteers raise S-1 million a year ln the United States to help keep the program going, says Crane. ··That's what makes AFS unique," he says "The volwiteer support provides a quality ex· penence • Crane says about 100 U.S. corporations also help support AFS by providing scholarships and seed money to begin new chapters in high schools lie says corporate interests are'served. in part. ht-ca use there ure are AFS students. families and supporters amongall thecowilries in which corporaUoos are involved. In addition to the educational experience students gain. goodwill 1s one or the main bi · products or AFS. "Breaking do wn barriers of all sorts between people of all sorts." says Crane, "is what /\ FS is all about " Beauty is in Eye of Beholder DEAR ANN LANDERS Will you kindly pr1nt one mort• letter about women who undress in the closet'.' Actuct lly. I don't think it's such a bad1dea Please don't get the notion I'm a prude. Ac· tually. I'm a romantic who agrees with the late Flo Ziegfeld that a sem1-<.•lad female is much more exciting than one who 1s bare-naked . Th1s 1s especiall y true when it comes to older couple~. Who wa nts to see sagging flesh . bulges, rolls. sun spots and other unattractivl' symptoms that appear with age? A muted light from another room can etllow both parties to see all that is ·eessary ror proper stimulation. I undress in private and come to bed in a sheer negligee which shows just enough. and covers half a century plus 10. -SIXTY IN MEMPHIS DEAR MEMPHIS : You IOUDd like you'd be sexy anyplace, but I don't buy the Idea that age entitles a woman OR a man to have buJ1es, rolls and sa"1a1 nesb. Granted, many do - and for lbem &.be mu&ed llgb& can be a bl& belp. lndd~y. Dear, someUmes beallty can be la lite eye el tM beltolder. DEAR ANN LANDERS : 1 have been read· ing you sin<'e I was in juni<>r high fl seems I've grown up with Ann Lunden .. I re member a col· umn a long lime ago about a woman who dis· covered she had m arried a man who couldn't read even though he graduated from high school A•• ~--c1ers with signs. directions a nd even labels His ex euse was he couldn't see the sma ll pn nt Yesterday J ohn admitted the truth. He can't read. He was s o asha med he cried when he told me. How can I help him. Ann? Now that I know. I feel it is OUR problem -ON E O F YOU R FLOCK DEAR ONE: There are thousands of adults like yoar John, and I bope someooe who cares will do diem the bl11est favor ol lbelr lives and let tbem know lllere are free services tbrouJ)aout lhe ~1111try for &eedala1 adalt DOD· readers to read a.ocl wrt&e. C.Ue& lbe NaUollel AfflllaUoa for Literacy Adyaaee, Box 131, Syracuse, N. V. 13219, for complete informalloa. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Peopii! learn from your column. I know I have. And now I would like to pus on &<>m e Information that might come in handy for others Al the time I thought it was funny. I also wonder~ how s uch a thmg could happen. Well, -------'.!U>~.......,l.LLw.. ~ilhas bapp::en~d to me. I went with t his man (I'll call him John> for six months. He grew up on a farm in Vermont, loves nature and animals as I do -and 1s very kind and considera te. We have a very good marriage. My huaband and I have been married 45 years. I have collect ed some beautifuJ objet<ts and ftne painlmgs. Ir I should die before my husba nd. I want m y lovely possessions to go to my sister. nol fo a secono wife. -- J ohn does construction work, and I am a st>cretary-bookkecper To m ake a long story short . I be~an to notice he never read a newi;papcr, ma~azine or book and had trouble 1 have instructed my s ister to take my possessions immediately after my death I hope other women will think ahead about such mat· ters. -HILDA DEAR WLDA: Don't depend on iastnc· lions. They won't bold ap la court if your husband should have othe r Ideas. Make a will at once. • • • But is it an Adventure? I know you 've seen them advertised. Som etimes they·re called.lounging sacks. Other times they're reforrcd to as body quilts Whatever, you can't open a m agazine these days without seeing a family silting around the living room in plaid sleeping bags zipped up to their throats with only their eyes peeking out. According to the blurb next to them. thjs is what the well-dressed family will be wearing during the coming winter's fuel cnsis. Okay. forget the fact that 1t wlll take you 32 ring-a-dings to reach the telephone. Forget that no matter how hard you try, you'll still look as sexy as an unmade bed . Forget what it's going to sound like when your son answers the door and says, "Mom can't come lo the door now. She has a bag on." Just ask yourself. ''Is this the answer ?" THIS IS NOT the first energy crisis I have lived through. Wben I was 10 years old and coal was 50 cents a bag, a decision was made that winter to shut orr all the rooms and heat only the kitchen. That decision had an unparalleled e ffect on my life. Not only did it build character, it unearthed talents I never knew l · possessed. I discovered in the mornings I could run the 50 yards from my bedroom to the kitchen in an unpr~ted two and one half seconds <the re-ton1 that year wu five aecooda) WITHOUT MY FEET TOUCHING THE FLOOR. When I bad to practice piano in an unheated room, I could play the Minute Waltz in 26 seconds. E,...a ·--~k I could stand on a kitchen chair Cheat rises) and eat breakfast and carry on a conversation with people on the noor like a normaJ person. I COULD J UMP under the covers of my bed and emerge three minutes later fully clothed without so much as putting a wrinkle in my skirt. Whenever the doorbell rang on the Siberian side of the house, I could go into self-hypnosis and feign deafness. To this day, I never hear a doorbell ring. Oh, sure, we could sit around next winter like quilted mermaids. but where is the adven· ture of getting to the sealed-off room, the challenge of running through the darkness, dodging solas and chairs, creating smoke when your warm breath meets the cold air and finally reaching the room with the oven on? You can't get that klnd of a thrill sitting around in the sack. ·vouR CHILD DESERVES THE BEST! The Reading Game™ t-:nrlno 71l.1·26K:I P11111MnA 7frl·:IAAK C'rt>n11h11w m~i;;, 1'nrnnf!4' :m-..11111 t'uttnrnn H71t-M.HK Hun I ln1<lon Rt1rh IW2..oflM AMERICA'S FOREMOST READING ACHIEVEMENT CENTERS Ml .. 11lnn Vlfift \sk about our individualized readJnR instruction. 7M-77oo NI'" JI"'' ~IM'h Eight years of eucce11. Call ue today. ttri.'1 111\'I Ii J\11 IM'llvlt1 nf AMHW•lt l~lftte C'«1M1retlofl \ o .. ,,,.,~ _ _..,._..,. • .,..,. 0 ·A O delightful 0 blend of cheddars with a nip of beer! Avella.,._ ontY ...... •upply , .. ,. EXCHANGE STUDENTS Stephen Crane. vice president of dP· vclopment and public affair~ for American Fte ld Service. chats w ith /\F'S slud('nt~. from left. Keiko !'labeshima of Japan , Meg Cav<Jhcr of Australia and Denis Locher of Switzerland Westcllff Plaza 17tt.& ,,.,, .... ~hoch • 642·0972 Fashion Island Newport Be•cl'I 640-6030 ( __ R_o_r_o_sc_o_p_e __ ) "t:ON F.Sl>i\ Y, OCl'OBER 10 ft) S\'ONEY OMARR ARIF.S f Mar 21 Apr 1!11 Collect, evaluate. J:£'t :.in a<.'curak apprna~al ~aanlam balanc~. ~e lf -este£'m Income potential 1s t.>nhanced Cancer. Capricorn 1nd1v1duaJ:. figure 1n your Ht·nano Conservative roursc brings you towards goal TAURUS I /\pr 20 May 20 ). Read Anes message for valuable hint Accent on personal possessions. bas1e values. payments and collec- tions. Element:-. of Umin~ and luck nde with you. The number 3 flgurel> prommently You make important contact!> al SQC1al event GEMINI <May 21 June 201 You find ways to break free from rcstn ct1ons. Judgment. intui· tion are on target -lunar cy<'le 1s such that you will be at right place at right time Gain lndkat ed if you open Unes or commwlicaUoo. Aootber Gemini is ln picture CANCER <June 21.July 22>: ~ discreet, ma intain aura of m y,tery C1andestlne ron· fe rence could be on agenda Gem.uu. Virgo, Sagittarius nat.Jves figure 10 exciting scenario. One who appeared indifferent now shows lively interest ID your welfare LEO <July 23-Aug 22> · Long·stand1ng dilemma can be resolved Aid as forthcommg from "special friend " M a1or domestic adjust. ment bnngs j?reater harmony into your life. Be FEAR OF FL YING ? T .• ~, l 1i, 11r .. 1 ...,11 r l • r..i..., -011 I \I I f (II· 11 ( < HI l·I : I .;,.. "' • • ~ ' I . .. '\ .... , 8 ONE HOUR TENNIS LESSONS s i s.oo SIGH UP STA.RTS MOtilDA.Y. OCT. ltt. Costa Mesa Te_.s Clllb 557-0211 Handmade Tokes Timel recept ive a nd diplo m a tic Taurus , Libra. ~1rnnntves ngure""Promlnenuy------~--- \\" "<>uk! hi.•· '" ••nc<iur.t1'•• \ I' 11 I f• I h In I. .itH• 11 I I h •' ""hd ·"' .m<! 1•r'11•r ,..,. rh \\ •. .>rl' f'rllT"tnh ,, I U'lnrr. ... hnp • "' 'li• Tn '"u 1·n •.11t· th·· rt"rt •'" 'r•r 111 '' '1'•·•·1.d VIRGO <Aug 23·Sept 22) Stt pla<'es, peo· pie as they actually exist. not merely through haze or wishful thinking. Be aware of loopholes in legal document, partnership agreement or contract Protect self 10 emotional clinches Profesis1onal superior 1~ ~omg lo maJtc room fo r YOU . · LIBRA <Sept. 23-0et 221 Whal seemed out nf·reach 1s closer than might bl' 1mag1ncd Know 1t and proceed aceordi nJ:IY Cancer. Capricorn nillives ri gurc• in -;e£'nano Emphasis on travel plans. publishing. ~pcewl commun1ca lions and educational proJl'l'l The number 8 could play key role.• SCORPIO <Oct 23 :-.iov 211 Your natural qualities. talents an· n·wardc-d Burden 1s hflcd. ~reen laghl flashes for proji?ress One closf' to you brings good money ncwl. f'1rush rather than in1t1ate project Arw:.. Libra personi. pla) :.1gmh eant role"' SAGITTARIUS <Nov 22·Dec 21) New ap· proach bnngs better re:.ultl> an connecllon with contract or a~r~ment Acc-ent on pub!Jc rela uons, partnership arrangement. man lal status Leo. Aquarius perMms h gure prominently CAPRICORN <Dec 22 Jan 19> Lie low. go s low . play wa1t10~ game Time 1s on your side Emphasis on basu: services, employment, general health AQUARIUS CJ an 20-Fcb. 18>: Highlight versatility. be willing to djvers1fy. give added a ttention to children. Spec1aJ relationshjp is m· tens ified Social acUvity is accelerated. PISCES (Feb. 19· Mar. 20): Select quality material, build on solid base. Check details, study fine print and read between the lines. One who s peaks frankly has interest in seeing you succeed. that begins _the f next morning • 11#----------------C4'Y'-------"'it---'•----.. tl-,,,_, .... 17 .... _ '·~···· ......... ·--··-............. , C">C'QI /•"Q ' "'40~>· 'fV'J.,.., _.. . .,,I.,...-oJ., Wt. .. "') 'Jl •1 r• J ""' \\ •••• in r><•r ... 1111 • .111 .. 1r.r! n•;1k1• '""' 1!111 lh•• "'"'' uru ... u • .i rt•ft'•\••d f\tt•'P '" n ... 1rH! 11ur dr•• ...... rr,1k •nl' fttr \OUI hnlllf,o\ 1IJ1•'-' 369 E. 17th Street 1 In Westport SQuan:I Costa Mesa • 645--0924 .... The Precision Haircut 1And why 11 ni1Qhl b<' rtQhl 101 you 1 If you hate the way your haircut disappears the r.av after. come to Commanel Perlormance wheirJ we specialize 1n the prec1sron haircut Prec1s1or haircutting is our technique fr,r cut ting the hair 1n narmony with the way 1t grows. So. as it grows. 11 doesn't lose 11s shape. And bec.ause the hair is cut to fa ll naturally. you don't havP. to ·"'keep fussing with 11. Usually a shake o f the he.:id does 1t. ' The precision haircut with shampoo and blow· dry costs just sixteen d ollars for guys and gals. We also offer permanent waves, coloring, frosting and conditioning. No appointment is needed, just como In. And you'll see that precision Is right for you. ~ Com•and Perfi-o-..... --an--ee-..1 < ' ' I Tweedey, October I . ltl'I Mormon Writing Varied tu Dca&.WY -eo.a.. Men·~ a. J . McNerney 1Udes around Colla Mesa ln an old Me rcury tatloo wap . PROVO. Uiala (AP> - A com.-. ual11da ol tbe ofl~ "Boo& ot Mormcm ' lDdlcatn t.Ul • the Mormoa aertptu,. ; wu eat u.. won of Juat , OM mm, tlut tbe work ol doaeaa, 1UU1llelaaa hereaa.y. 11tHJtmA1• ._ ,,. ""-•., .... Oer" .. .._ ..... .....,. ,.., .. , •lllMf OI IN lt1t .. ,,._ .. ,.,. *"9't .... el ,..._.,._. c.I .... .,,. ~IC-..... <tt 11--.,._.....,.,._ ... .. !<Ill-' to ~ .,.,..... t/91 W1l.,..ro ,, .. , Mii • .... , ... h tll• Tbelr ~ appear to auppo rl Mo rmo n beUefa, which hold t.hat •lt ••ao'-e'f J•MU P a1ta1>1.ev ,......,, .. Cotlo ~. C• Potted •-• o" Oc:llMIH .. "" H<t ,, \WVIVOO w Mt ~ J -8 OI la> V-• No ... •llll '"•• ' 01 Cott• M•u. C.• .• ....... ton VklOrl• E 8 • ... 'I' el Yt v ............. ----An*•• c er....-,., o.1o -... c.. w-• tbe work wa1 an in · Last of tlae LilJerties ...._,,,,. a1ec•--aplrod t ran1 latlon by ~ •~ WC'e'W church fQUDder J oseph VCIOMr • "" Su•v1v..--;;-ii.t Smith from engravin11 ""'"•"ct M•'"'' ... a • c1•11•"'" on 1old plates he found .._, ,......,,,_..,""ua.1to.,c:. " "'-·•• .. ,.,, .. w111 11e111 °" ~ •. near Palmyr a, N.Y. A t ug boat he lps the last of the Liberty ships, the SS J e re miah O· Oct .... 14 .. ,, et t .. PM " .... I -0 •• 0 N s BE . B in h B hi h s 1 h' d . s F i b c.-mu.w1,~MC11un11,w1111 ,.. rien , to t e e t e e m tee s 1pyar in an ranc scow er e 110 Ar'""' '°" .. "'"· 11uior · lleve the 522·page book ls it will be restored to its orimna} condition. The s h ip then will be ~f~~-,."'~. ""°""'°"" .. t~ ,._!'.'..~~.~ .. aac_... .. 'atory of early &'-'· ... ........ -_ _,,"~. • ·~ m berthed at Fort M ason as a n ational m onument. ..,,~,.,..,.°"1r<',. ,...,, ,.. 1>1cu ... I n b a b it a n t a o r t h e ------------------------------------1 .. ,_ w0ir ... 1o "'°'1"•'" Ame r icas w ritte n by uo-e..c11 «IN<ton MEOtOtNE I CALIFORNIA I OBITUARIES PVBUC None& PVR.IC NOTICE --·-------- rtJBUC NOTICE "CTITic.n 8Utl•HI •AMalTAT .... NT Tiie foltowlng __, b N1"4 IKttl ftlK' ., u•1..c"1 CO , ,_ w. c.rr,..., \ell I• ..... Col iforfl4• '1101 H...,., Kirts 8owr"'9. JlOI W t •r ••eoe. s...c.. ,.,.., c.tlf«"nl• nn1 Tiii\-"-''~led Oy Ofl ift Olvlduel H Ktrk llowrl"t Thi• , .. l_ w• flied "'"" Ille (.ounlv C!Mll ol 0.-County on S.1> ........... ,..,, llCmal 'l'O CtllOITOel WN .... eouttTOPTMa UA'11WCALJ"°"MIA flOtl TMa QMfT\'Ot' _..... • ......... ••t•te .. Ulfjjlll ..,....,,, .... UI.._ J . ..,..._,,, au LllllMI N. ~.Oec.Nlelf NOTtU 1$ H«•l 8Y OtV•N .. tM ,,.....,. " ........ ,..,...,. 91< ..... t tNt ell..,_ Mitllll! <INN aeoiMt ............. .,. ,,.....,. .. flto ltltm, .... -V_...,._ In IM tHIQ II .. c1'B .. tM ....... Ofl tine. ,_,, • 10 ~ "'""· ..... , ... ~"-· "-~ ........ 1111· .......... at "" oHk• .. ffl< .. ... , ..... sat """' ..... ••¥4.. lull• Ml, Olofllllt69. CA t9*. wtlkll I• eM "'°"' ............ .,. ....,.,.... , .. Oii men.n ..,vin1,,. It Iba , ..... ot telf 4K....,., wttllln f-_.,., eflet Ille fiffl tfllltlllUllOft Of tllh f\Ofl<e oe1e0 ......,.....,, 11, 1m L.oullC "--·Jr. hll(lllor of Ille Wiii Of .... ............ ~, Irk A...._ ......... ·-........... . ~.CAttm Te4:Cllll ....... w ...... AtlWIM'f tw S..CWW Put>tl\MCI Or-Coe\I Dolly Piiot, 0<1 • .... n. JO."" lt<IO/t PUBLIC NO'l'ICE ~'™" ·----PuOll,,,., Or""Ot Coe•I O•llY Plkl', HO'YICE IHVITIHO e 1DS Oc•-t. tt. n .•. 1m ,....,. MOTl(I" ,, Hfll!9V OIVfN "'"' ..,.,eel "'_..,, will Ille l"fJC•i-Dy PUBLIC NOTICE ,,,. City°' CO.to -"'lN ofll<e ot --------""City ci.n •t,,,. City Hell,,, FAit .._..,. Orl4e, ~ ~. C.lifon>la. un111 SU .... I09t COU•T o~ T•.. , ... -of 11 00 • m ... Oc-· " Oetld -ltOflef't 8•.oct•••· ,,,, ... , II• .,...,, Mot\MWI f'ell~I --~ lredley l'-rOI WU '<., •Ill llo Mtd on--.., M II 00AM •I t ... HOIW l •-"'-"-Mii CMpel t'•fbor ~--Oii.,. Mort4i«'I' Of C~'° lliil9M ...__._ W.US4 CIOl.V•• WILLIAM C CO\.VER. ••.iotnt ot Nt!wPOrt llN<11, C... Pu-•wo on OcioOff .. 1'1' S..n.•-ll't "" ... ,.. .... , .... of ..._, ao.c11, c. .. '°"' Cf\orlot 0 . Col.,., of Covina, Ca .. Frankl.,n W. Colwr Of Costo ,,_. .. , Co., 001191110" Florence AmlO ot H-oll, S«Olyn 8r-• of Root-. c..,, Lois JMn swon_, of °'"'°"· oroo .. r toti. 1. eoi ..... of o._,a, PfTMA• • m a ny record keepers """NK L P1TMAN. J• ..... 1csen1 between 2000 B.C. a nd o1 N.,.,.... e.oo.. ca ,._-•Yo" Oc100ff 6. 1'1'9 8or11 J...,.7, ltll In El A.O. '21 PHO, Te .... s.wvt ..... , 111• wile Cr itics or the work :~,:.':: c':"..,.,~.,,~.:;:,1~, ~ contend that It was writ· Moraoe. Ca · end O brOllle• Ollv., l e n by S m i l h 0 r by Boone Pl-of Coftc«O, C• •nd s s 9,.,..,.,,,_ F.,,,.,., MfYiU• will o lomon Spa lding, a n be 11e1c1 on Fr10ey, Oc•ot>er n. •• ,.oo ea r I y 19th· century PM ., ,,,. Pee.Ille View Mortuary "t r Ohl Cll•P•I Or John A, Hullm•n Sr Wrl er rom 0. Doctors Taking Aim On Hereditary Cancer STATlf «WCAUl'Oll•lal'"O• 1'1' .,_,,, ..... ,,,.....wlllbe~ TMlf COUNTY 0, CHIA•Of. ""°4KIY -•--lfl Ille Co.;fwol -.,..,.,. C11emoen l9f' '"'n'"""' •" ••bot. MOTIClf O ~ Hla•tHG 0 1'" "'•lH••I,, ~. lr..,'IJC>rlal- ,,TITIC* ~ PltOaATlf 0, WILL •no ...... Oll'W l.Clllli.t .. mey be,. AHD ,Ott 1-11n1•1 T•ITAMlfH· lrtCI for <...tom pr"""'° of ,,, ... , Ta•Y ANO l'Olt AUTltCHUIATIC>tf ""' TO AO,..INISTt • UNOI• THf. A~· ot p1.,.. \OKlflullo ... , .,.., INOl,IHMtn AOMINIST••T•O• , conrrect CIO<umet>I• m•v "'Of>. 0, llTATlfl ACT ...... ., '"..,. offlG• OI ... Do"•lmenl f>l•le ol ALB E Ill RA NSO M of L•1w•• !offvi<tt, n Felr O•lv' \WA LLOW·-• a A \WALLOW, C.O•t•~ ... ca111orn1•.llCIOfl•e<elf>t o1 O.c .. \oed • ...,,,,.,.,,_~ ,.,. ol 14 00. II 0100.<> olllcl•llno Interment Pacific View THE RESEARCH by ""-morl•t Per' Newport lle<KI\. Ca C• • 13 o••ndcll ll dren •nCI 10 9r'O••·oranOclllldr•n M•mor l•I wrvlcH wlll lie MIO on Tl'tUnCl•y OCl-r II, 1'1' .C 11,00 AM at SI anor••'s Pre.bylerl•n Cllurcll ol N•wport 8N<1t In fl*u of llowers Ool\ell ont ,.,., lie made lo Ho•o Momor1e1 Hos~H•• '" memory of William C COi.,., O.kdale Mortuery dl•e<lon '" lleu 01 fl ow••• '"•mor1e1 A l vin C. R e n che r , contrlovt~ may be '"-In Mr 8taliStiCS profeSSOr al Pllmen'• -10 ttie City ol H-P<1<lllc vi...Mortuery e11rec10,. Mormon Chur ch-owned ""ILlO B r i g h a m Y o u n g WALT PITTILLO,·~ 6'. • form•r U I . d rUICltnl of Hunllnoton Buch C• n vers1ty, an Wayne Paued -y In "'•K-•o. c. on A . La r s en ' E y r i n g Suno.v, 0ttce.H 1. "" •• 11 .. -R h c Ha wu a nell•• ot Covin•. t>Orn e S e a r C e n t e r C••IOHTOH Jenuery IS, ltl7 H" *H • rellreo Statistician ~A TT IE P. CREIGHTON. rHldenl mecllenl< lorem•n lor Ille Clly ot The researchers said OI ,Gotl• MHe, Co. P....O aw•y "" HUl\llnqlon Beach, Ca . "" '""'"" In OCIOber •, 191'. Slw I• •urvlved t>y I Jenuery ol 191•, .tnd lie llH lived In Comparisons Of patterns '°" William J CAIQtlton, Jr, of CoMe M .. <edefl>, Co. llnco hi• retirement of word use in the book Mf .. , C• •nO 7 or•nOchlldr•"· Survlvedtwlll\wll•MlldrflCI PllllllOof Pr}.r•t• f..,..11, wrvlcM wete lleld •I Hunttnoton aoec11 . ca ""d with those in writings of Ill• orevUIO• In Pa<lf lc Vluw •l•'l<•C1ero.C.. .. 11sonWllll•mPlltJllo Smith a nd S palding Memo•l•I Per~ wllll Rev Bob of Co••• Me,., C•, cl.tuqht•• T•rr• RohO•nburo ofl 1C •etln 9 Piere• JunPlllllloolHewellandenolllerson S h O W t h al n eithe r ll•Olll"'' e.11 8roedw•Y Morluery Tom M<ll-ln OI s. ...... Oreoon. I authored the book. They dit"KtOf., ,reswE•, u ;:~~~0°•0~0:::~t.:e~:0~~:'. J:,':.:~ concluded there were at WIL LIAM HOW.ARO PHI LLIP M••••nC-1-olCleremonl C• Al least 24 different writers FISHER, 11, rntdent of H•'"port Ille rl'Cl.W.I al IPwo Clt'<U\ed 11,.rr W.t\ a nd possibly more. Be<Kll, C. P•-•w•Y on OctOO.r 1. cremallon •nd our l•I at '"" ''" •• ,..., aoe ol n Hf' wa. "°"'on •rr•noe,......, by c,,..,., of'"" Aow\, THREE DIFFERENT NoveMbf'• 1 ltell In Clue-. llllno•• "IHC.Mro Ce H"" w•••wo tw "'' wlle L-e11 M•r POtlTE• methods of wordpr inl ,,,,,.., '"°"W1lllem F1-.cll<!• '"""° •NN C G•VN EV POPTfA Ii analysis were used, all 1 Ur tt rid' on W t I • 1 • m I \I an o r.-.. u:tf>nt Of Coe.tit Mti\.d, C.. . tof'mer O'"'""'•' 1n law Ann,. A SO vur '""a,.nt 01 Eug"n,., Oreqon Sl'lr ShOW&ng lhat there Were Ma\On dnc1 mt'mbf'r ot lh• (alMd<I P""''" away on Octoor•t ),1~,. Born many a U th 0 r S, Q n C tomrn411ndPry r.) t'n19hh r .. rnP•dir 0f•f ,.mo,., 18. "'"' •n Iron RtYPr Paoi1 ~M''"' 01 '>oo•t1r. Et•u• LOOO" w"rnn••n s..r"•"ll by,...., c1euo111"" analys is indicated the ~~ cou"< ,, H• ... )\ .. ,,.,.,,.,. <•v•llM P"'"' •• ~ .. ,_..,,.,,,,. 01 '°''" M .. ,.. ··odds a~aansl a single w•Jf\ ttwo Str~tf'q1c A.tr Command 11\t Ca antt Nanc Y DowtJ .,.. R'-'' r1noton. h d •WIOnm~I p"o' 10 hi\ rP••r•mf'nl llt1nol\. \ tir•nd<"•ldr•n """ 4 aU l Or CXCCCd C 100 Fdtd Plltko •••onutr.,.,•l Grave\ldl' Qr•a l orAnl1t11.iortn C.•Av•••Oe billion to one.·• ~""'"'\ ""'" ... Mid on w-..o.v \•tVl(f'\ ....... ""'Cl .. , , )() PM on OtCob<t• IO, "" •• 10 00 •M ., I~ 1 u••O•v Oc '"""' • ,., ... , P;t(lft( R e n c he r ~a Id t h e Peu11c view-••• Perk Pecll'< v •• ., M•rno<••• Par•"'''" Mot>••onor study involves analyzing Vjtw ~ycMrwct°" fllom .. J ... ,, ... otfltletlnq. P•Clll< the frequency Of non ~ OOT'TKMLING View Mort...,ydl-lon Fll AN W. G C.OTTSCHLING, ·-·•l!l contextual words, s uch rd ldl'nl of C:Mla /.M"" Ce Pa. .. d ..... Gl!Ull "AH'•S AAMIA6l •oe aS "for," "it." "as" and •Ill•• on O<tooer I, 191' He " /), ''""""' ot Hun11not1111 e.ec.n. ca ~lveCI by 1 '°"Eric M Got•tchllno P .... cs -e• on Monel••· Ott-• 1. "which." o(~lllorl>I•. 4 "''e"· Cler• Neuper1 .. ,, ., -"°""' Belov<'d mother of Different authors de-°' Colle~. C., Elltaoeth Miiier of Manuel l'<O\le of L-Be.ell, Ca . c•111orn1e 110.. Seroin end °"'°'"" Lupe v111-ve, s.1v11e1ore acoll•. velop different patterns Hl<k\ bolll OI IMlene. 1 brolller\ Gtlo<g• Aeml~t -Petrk~ Ramlr•r, in the frequency Of USe Mic 11••1 OollHllllng •nd Oanl•I Jr 4111 ol Hunt1nqlon IW<Kh C• Jo"" C.O(h<hllnQ 0011'1 of lnOl.tn.> Fu""r~I Jl <o"" and Pdlty V~Qd 0011'1 of Of SUCh WOrdS, patterns 'f•fTl(f'\ Wiii bt' ,....,d on Wedn~ay W•••m1n\I .. ,, Cn .,,0 \UfYIYll\0 .... not related lo the con· 0<100-r 10, 1'7~ "' • 00 PM .ti ,,... 8•11 1 I q' "n d l n • 1 d' • n .. no l J ( th ktO<l0'"0 (l\ap.,I with lnt•rment .ti qr .. l·Q•~""'ltlldr.., Frn·nd) may call leXt 0 e maleriaJ, the ""' 111< V1f'w Mt>morlal Park Fn .. nd\ •I p.,,,. Orotr ... 1•, ')m1lh<I' Moflu..,y reSe<Jrchers Said. mot "f <•ti •I thfi mof1uar 'f on T Uf''-flny tr om • 00 PM {f 00 ('M on r u•H•ddv dOd f),IOh,.r ~ ttom noo" to ~00 PM from" 00 AM f f'I Q 00 P M on Pt1 ttfl' hrOt " .. '\ Af<lt Af'Of\Owri.ctY" WH:tnt•\OttW' PO'wif'\I w fl bf--rf'flff"d At ~'>nu•rv dHf"<.IOit\ 8 lO f'M on W'"ontf"'·'I u ttw Po-r.s:.,_ ,.--a"ffi lfrofhn ~m1th' M.ortu.,,. f Ma'' r 1 Business OMAHA. Neb. CAP) -About 15 million Americans are ticking cancer lime bombs with an enormously high risk of developing cancer -or or passing their high.risk genes on to their children , researchers say But cancer docto r s al th e Creighton School of Medicine here say they have a way to defuse what they call "the Hiroshima a mong us" -compile a complete family his- tory. THE DOCTORS SA V that proper interpretation of family histories can lead to early detection, control and pos s ible prevention of heredituy cancer. "What's so important here is the patent simplicity in gathering family histories it's just there," srud Dr Henry Lynch. "That's the beauty of this. It may be simpler than some or t he m ost expensive and tedious diagnostic tests in medicine." Lynch <md Ur. William Albano an• mem bers of the Creighton research team which publl!)hed its f1nd1ngs en The Journal of the American Medical Assoc1ataon las t month LYNCH AND ALBANO said their research shows that between 10 per cent and 2JO percent of a ll vaneUea of cancer are transmitted from genera· lion to generation. At the high end of the estimate 1.8 breast cancer, one or the deadliest forms of the disease. "We think a bout 20 percent of all b reast cancer is familial," Lynch said. "So given the fact that the American Cancer Society csllmatt's that 107.000 US. women will develop trren t <'an<'er dor1ng"T979, w£-predict a hltlc over 21,000 or thos<' cases wall N0TIC£ 1\ .. rArflv c.1 11fN '"•' ••au•\t P4MI• end ~-lllollOl\t O• and pre·cancer diseases GEORGE w rac ..... 11u1>v .... , '""" :::~''"" •~ '""'«»t "'"' .,. "~ pu ... We're dealing wath u cancer risk ~"''" • D'1H'Ol'I •Of' Proo.•,. 0• w.u r •'"°'° .. a. ... t)lliJ' m.a. °" itw p•o-.,., fOt l f'U•f\ f~l~l6tY 4ftd for ,..... that far exceeds that of cigarette &u1_,,.,_ to """"'n"'" unM• ,,.. e>oY• •orm •"" .n ,,,. ,.,...,.., 11'0 smoking, asbes tos exposure and , __ ..,..,._..n.,v .. _ot F<1w ' ~:~~ .:._n.!,~~~~~uz.:,·~"';! Act rpf~e fr, _.,M"fll •\ ~"' tot v~ _... -._.......,.....~ v,.. other occupational risks such as with 1..n11e• _,ic....,, •"" ,,.., ,,.., t•~ , • ..,. ... •.,_ • ..,•Old"°"" •or not uranium miners • ..., P4«• .,. ... ,,"'I ·~ .,.,,.,. "•• ~":,',.'.,~:"io'!:'c7:'.,'. ~-': :,.. ,,,_ OHot\ , ... fOf Ot. ,OC)I>, )) •• ,. ., 10 00 -• ., ,,,,..,.. "BECAUSE Ot' THE genetic pre • .,. ,,, ,,.. ,.,,,.,,,,,... ,. 0 ."'".1 .... ,., HOT•<F •S FURTH( A r,1vEM ,,,., dictability of specific target organs ~ •• ! ~~ ;n~ ~:.~~.c!,:~,~e;~· :':.~.;:;,.c.::~.,~·~0 0~:~~,;.~; in the body for cancer. we're talking C•"'°'"'• ,., •... a •<•" of w•o .... •n •• about being able to identify al O•t•o 0c100-r 1 '"" ;:~~~; ,:;!" ~.·-:~~.llol'.:;:;~e; ,•;: very early ages -those destined to ~::.. 'i-':.':" P''l••"',.." '"" '"'d ret• <lncl w••~ develop cancer " Lynch s aid HEwL•N T•O ••u•T' .... , ..ooe>1"<l tll't R-.1ut•on1 of,,,,. c. ' .IOHHiTOH '• Coun<k -I~ OI\ 111• "' '"" olilt• 01 A pa tient "pedigree" LS compiled ~· ,....._, ,,.. '"• CJMi o1 ... '° c 11y Tl\at w1<1 by asking q uestions about ages of lJV· ,., W"-'"-, •-UCI .... 1•w ....., ..... '' ...,.,,n referrf'd lo •no • b LM ._.... ~ *" -••o '" '''" ..oti<• •• 1~ lull• 1n g paren t s . r others. s i sters, '-• ,,..,.., • ..., "'""""' .. Y ~ '""" ,,.,.," .. no grandparents and childre n , the ages •n-"w "°'"-•;;; .. ~,;: ~~..;' :°::.":'! ~~.;·,:.~.·. al death of any of them. and whether 0c'::~7': ~~Co.•• C••·•\:,·;0;. flv ,.,.,~. any had been diagnosed as having 1 '"• '""""''0 ' '"•" .n ,,._ cancer P UBLIC NOTICE ~;:.~"'c'=.:.~:: ;:-•t:;!·~:;,:·:, tr at appears a family cancer pal· ,,.. '>••••.,. c..•"o"••• •"" o-• .... ' · th d 'ICT f o• '" ... < tctt .. nt C••••0tn1~ .t~K •bt .. te rn as em~rgang. e pe agree as ex "~~~!:~!'::," 11,.,.,n .. ,,,, ,,.. m""O••on .,,.,. , , panded to mclude aunts und uncle$ I , ,.. '""-'"" ~'"'"' •.. do•M ....,.,. •• ,..,..,,..,.,..,., llol' ••Qu"•" u,. t l d l I tN (fir-r ltw ~••I \141ftUtt"'"\ C)Uf\.Uf't"f '" l'Ven grea -aun s an grea ·UllC es I ,,~,·~!>SOC IA lf \ )1171 Mol>••«, .,,.,, .. 11rn·••d1nQ\ ll•••und•• .,. Lynch and his son, Dr. Patn ck r ,,,. •iunt•nqlonAoo .... ( ... .,,,... ....... ~no ..... ,,. ..... ., not II••,. Lynch. store such family h1stones at ii•u• .,,_ ,.,..,., nn1 IW>r\"'" '"°"'-°"' '"" "'"""'°n' 01 ·~· ',,, ,,. Muf\HrtQ':,,,, ~-~ (It.,..... t •()Or c ()!'.)I R ..... , .. ~. ,,, ••t>iof" \hAll a <'enter they t:!)la bit shed here. the I ...... f ..,....t Mt Moll-1•>-1 ,, •• ,~ Q•v•n ....... n , .... rn-r 0• ·~ .. Ins titute f or fo'<J m1l11d C an cer ~ ..... , .. ,,..,nq1°"'~ ..... ''"~-,..,,,.,..,..,,.,.,Ol\ .. Clo'rf'dun••••·• d c; I tu h d lf'<I \ w,,,,. .. , Ottdw• h·O 11 • 1\ ""~ ~" blM'I., ll)rm turne\,_'1 fh M ana~ement an ontro. w c oc ,,_,41-..,..p ' .... c.i."'"°''•""""' ....... , ... -.~ tors can contact for 1nformat1on on a H .... f wo."", ... ...<o•OAN• .,,,n '"' "'"'"'M" 01 "' ' uJ I • h P-..1 Q t~v 0-t~• '""'OUtr~f'll'IW'"t partac ar fam1 y., cancer 1stor!> ,. , ... ,_, ....... _ •• ,,.. 1 £ ... ,, _., _.,.,.. ,,,,,. ... ., .... ., Insurance Plan For High Rolwrs $25 Million ""'"', r ,... • ,.,. '> '"', ....,.,... • O"' ~o ,.1w. """'°""'"''..,,.., "' t-ctu•t•d b<t '"'"" t .. "'n.' 1t ••"t '"'°' ( h (OttJtlV lo' Uh (1tf t tr ,~ f;tJ)l_JJ ... #'-'4 , ... ~,..,., ... '""' •.q'" ,,.. ,,., ... , ·'"• S:·uo••'"'"CJ it""> t '"""''' l • , P 11ot 10' -• f " ()Cl~.,, n "" ,..,, " I 'rt t.i't-JMINN I I (•IYOl>n PUBUC NOTICE ..OTIC& OP Of~Ul'toel AHO Tt.•MIMATIOlllOP ,A.TNe•"4tfl AHO CC*TIHUA-.C• 0, euilNf.H NOTi(f I\ (,IVf N --ftf I< ..... t•OI'\ '10)\ \Of, ... (Of'piOP~tOf'I\ (~c.· ("+to'"'•• f~t ,..,.. 0•'11WJ•\r. r '_,_ ot-c;lllvO' co.. .. ._ -··-()p-C-•f 0..lly "''"" Ot•-~ t) .~,. ~ , • Pl 8U(' N OT U 'I- U NVIL.L P 0 Pl'"'•d ot 1(-W ~fAU t ft -.,.A Pt1111t A E (t'\ ) nl' of the rC" .. ••• 10 ... '' •fto ''"'"' ~•CTtT rOU\tu\rHt n •arges t and1 v1dual life insurance "r"'" "''" ·. ~. ">) ""'"""' """'' n u r .. l'"' poilt'1cs-"1!T ior ~-mt1tiorr tt11i;-+-.,"',"', .. ,-H"',..· ... ~1": ~ :!' ~~· ... ~ . ...___ ...... _....._ ._ been wntten by a Oanv11le agenc) c • •• ' •· • ..... , ·• .... • • i .. 10C,fPU JO ... N H'6Yf<, Ill ,,..,." .. ,..' ("'''' ·•" f\Jt1AI Wiii t.> ,,. ... l\,.,.u~a ,., '''I ctqunA BfM" (" Ptt,\#0 a ""a"' on q 00 -.,;.. on f~r\d<tf 61 ~I MAry, b~ ()I tO~r 4 1'1' H.-t\ ~f\uv•d by h1\ fht> y,, rftthOht (hurc.h Hunttr~ton U•''""" M1l':)tl'd •ncl Jcri-,..ph Hrt'f'~\ Jt Ut11( n 1ntf'f"""1\f •Ill tw '" lh~ G-OO<J ot Ptutao.iph•A. P..nn,vlvan1a and 1 \hf'ptl .. ,C1 (J·(f'W)tflry Pu•r(t• Orntf'N '' tJrolh~r\ Ru nard of Sor1noth•ld S(T'llth-· "1te>ttuttrvdtrf"(tor\ ~36 •S~ C nf be familial cases 0 erence "This means these 21,000 womt.'n for a Southern California 011 com· ~.A,-~·0~:•A ..:.:,:;."':~, f:',;7r.;;,,,', p.a n y execuli vc f 4'f# ,.. "'''I.I" 1\4" A,,~,. -. ,. """'"'' ••14'\f•"' I' 1 f•t.-I '•'''"'"''""1 ..... r' ••' •• V1r91n1a MWS l•"'OH'W ot Pt1fa(J("IC)t11.1 STARK P .. nn\VIVdn10 M A'\ of (hr1\t1~n M"PV \l/JoR I', rt\ldPnl o • Burle! will be olebr•led al q 00 ~Mon Hunllnotoo 0.-•th, '" p,.,..,.d 1JW1JY W•On1>,0ay, OcloON 10, 1'1• al St on OCIOllol'• \, 191' !>flO "\urvlv~O rw c .. , .. ~,, ... ol Slell<I C•llloll< Cl\urtl'I In ""' hu\IMnCI Waite•. ClaUQllltr Oor0111v llluofl-1\00nallon•m•yl>f'"•-V1n\ol', t>rolher J•<k C Hall. 1 10 the Oertmoulll Colle~ Genf'ral o • a n d n a u q h I " r a n d 1 '\cho ler\htp Fund, ._.&novf.'r. N@w Qrf'8t ""OrllndthHdren F ... r &I ~rvtttt He.,.o\lllr• or ..,, Sout,,..,,. C•l1tornla w lll ti# lleld on -on..SO..y, Oc toorr 10. r ullur•I Art\ ••-l•Uioft M<Cormotk 1q19 Al ti 00 •M al PM Iii( VIPW MOr111•ryCll L-B<!Klt dtrKIOr\ Otlll)el wtlh A .. v Cllu<k Smllh ol the MO••!!> C••••,. C1tap•• 01 Co,ra M••a HE LEN M MORAIS •Hldl'l'I of oll l<lallng Sf'rv1t•\ under lhe c.o ... M• ... C• PHWCI away on dlre<lifln"' Stnllll " lutl'llll We~IOlll (l(loo;.r 1, 1•1• SIM It survi ved by lier Cf\epel ....... llU•b•nd Jo"" A Morrlt ot Co••• WAISALL Mew co Mid I brotll .. Vine ... , E. JOHN 8 WASSAll. P<t\\f"I aw•y on MOtlell ol S.Cr.,.,.nto, CO. Memorlel October ~. 1f1' et Ille -of 1J loving "'rv1U\ wlll l>o llolCI o" Tuesday, lluSl>•nO Of Virginia Howtrd •or SO O<lobtr '· at ,,00 PM ., Ille Bell YU••· 0.•r fatllor of Oey Krel\ 8•-•y CNpol, Privet• ll'ltrmel't. TllOmH eno beloved or-•t""r of Pierce 8ro111era 8•11 8roed,.•V Jolln. Julia. Pllllllp, Su•an and Mottuarydl<.clon. M.tllllew. No .. ,vlt ... In ll•u ol ,.ta<aN• llo•er• OONtlont ,.,.Y be macM to Ille PE.AltL M. PICKENS, retlOent of JOlln 8. WeHall Memorfol, c/o Hoao l.ooun• 8Hcll, c.. PoloMCI away on Memorial Hotl>llal, Newport Bu<h. -------------c.. '*l IMITH • TVJMU. MOITVAAY WHTQ. .. CHAPIL Mortu81\' • Cremet1ons 427 E 17th St. Costa Mesa 646-4888 PtUCIUOTHHS SMfTHS' MOITUA.IY 627 Main St HunllnQton Beach 536-6539 Heating Oass Set AtOCC A small ·busi n e s s training confer ence, co- s pon sored b y Or ange Coast College and the S m a ll Bus iness Ad· ministration, is set for Oct. 20 on the OCC cam- pus in Costa Mesa Ti tled "Sma ll Busi· ness Success: 1979·80," the se minar wi ll run from 8:30 a .m . to 4 p.m. in OCC's Fine Arts Hall 119 . Seminar fee is $15 and includes a luncheon. Semina r coordinator is R i c h a rd H a rt, a s pecialist In business p l a nn i ng, and vice chairman of the Orange Cou n ty C ha m ber o f Com merce. He was ap· pointed chairman or the Orange County National Alliance of Businessmen by former President Ford. all have families that ought to be notified or made aware of this " ALBANO DESCBJBED w h at usua lly happens in a fa mily which p asses the breast cancer gene from m othe r l o d aug hter to grand· d aug hter . "Each generation. these daughters get born. While they're still teen agers. they watch their mothers die or breast cancer. Then they get mar· rled, have their own families and die of breast cancer when they're 35. "T he key ls not just identifying the patient with cancer but identifying their fa milies." Albano said. Lynch said a relatively young woman who 'd had one cancerous breast re moved cam e to him for counseling. When a family history w as completed, Lynch saw a pattern or cancer. "BECAUSE OF THE excess In· cidence of breast cancer in her faml· ly. I adVtsed her to have prophylacl.J c (prevent.Dtlve) removal of her other breast even though after extensive testi n~. we s aw absolutely no evidence of cancer." Lynch said. The woman sought eplnions from four other doctors . The firs t year ·~ pre mium 1s :,:.~,:.:~oe ft ", ... ' • "• $4 40,000. said Robert B R.Juer Jr . oo .... l c i-0 .. 111 .• ., , ...... pre saccnl of SLP Corp .. who created ~~'!.''~:;·~:!."'c~:: .. ;:::· :;; the policy with a consortium of nine .,,,...,,._,,~...., ..... i••-i•o.,. ..... c ' ~ ( •lift ,,., •• ...,.".M f "'' t1'.\.,.... ""''"'"'"'' u ,. ...... ,,, H .~ .... I ' l M.ft•t\.•"' 1 n s u r an c e f 1 r m s fr om hi s •''°''"'""' ,,. -'-"v•no o" ... '"" headquarters in thi s community east ""';~':':..r AP• r,. MAJt, 1.._ "''''°•"'O of San Francisco •• 1n r..1 ....... "''"i l-.,.. .. ,, f P\1\ '*""'""""' ,..,,., ,,, .. ,, ..,,,,, ""• Ov"'t .. rt. " ,,. Or,.-.<> < cwn• ¥ o" \~·• t•f""1~1•1 UN "11411 P\,oOl•'l'WcJ ()r~ ( /lo.l't (J"1f~ P1111t "WE CREATED a policy where every year the executive takes a physical," s aid Ritter of the wtiden· tified buyer. said lo be In his 405 The betlet has condition . the less his rate will increase, he added If the executive pu ses his yearly physicals up to the a ge of SO, his pre· mium will be about m .ooo. If he fails his physicals, his premium will be about $165,000 at age SO . THE POLICY WILL be used to defray estate laxes when the oilman dies. Ritter said About $400.000 of the Initial pre- mium will go Into a cash reserve the insur a nce companiu demanded from the oil firm Which Is paying lhe premiums And SLP's piece of th9'acUon" "We 'r e obvious ly /commission salesmen and it was a 11ubstanllaJ piece of revenue to my company." said Ritter. "Well into six figures." {..,1f0ft"• .,,. """°.ff"' t•"• on ""-~""'" ''..,.,,.....,to•" ot tf\f' •~,,.." ....... _ ... " -.... ·~·--wHf P•Y •Jf <Mh~•f"Q h.&tl1f1.,.~ ft'f ,,_ °"'"'~" ....,-f'~., ~ fW,fP:Aft""' ll'('Vf'rf"-d O"TEO Oc-• ,.,. Oan.tlO-lr O•ff'O Oc-t .. ,.. c ... , • ...,,,.t, OAl (O Oc-) 1•1• Jot> -·•tt Mef'f•" ....................... &MlllH !tiCT:k' °"""on .... ..,, hlta ., s. .... AM, "' ftl't1 PuOll\Pwoel Or-c ..... O•••v Pilot 0c I • "" ~I •I U•no0-1 1 • ,.,.. ~1 1• Pl'BLIC NOTICE "'CTITIOUi ausr .. au HAME U•TIM•HT ,,.,. •Olto-"tf'Q Ofil'f'~ I\ OOf"V bu>• ne1H4n HOV SE IC 't Pt II~ ETC. 1111• , .... D .. CI Cl rovnlAln v ....... (A .,,. S"'''•v Ann• Mot1111. 111>• C••l\Dlll Ct Fovn1e1n V•ll•v. c" "'°' Tlli\ 11<1>1,,..> I> t-.CllHf Cly•" 1n Cllvl-1. ~r~y Motfill - -~!· '"''' ,..._.,, ... ,fired.,,,,,'"" '°""''Cw• o1 o.-c.-1~ on 0<1 P UBLIC NOTICE ), ''" ~t2Jlf7 ltOTlCE INVITIHO 1101 Pvtlh-Or-Coe>I Otttly Pllol NOTrCf. ti HEltf8V GIVEN '""'' 0.I • 16 1l JO "" se•••d ,,.-0001•1\ t0t '"'"''"'ftO &fl fttDor. m•t•tl•tt •OYl e>m•nc tr•n\00f1 .. t0f\4'NJ \4'Cft0~ tec;1t1lt•\ •\ rn•v bit t•Qu1r,..d tor \TREET M•1N !f'N•H( f I l\(•l Vf AR ,.., ,. P UBLIC NOTICE 1•19 l'leO ....... I ••II be,,...,., ... OY NOTICE Ol'"N~ •IUl'ONSl•ILITY tfW' C ih al (O\te .,..,.. et,,_ of Uc .. Of Nohe ... , ...,.,,.t>v QIY .. n tn .. t t~ un tM (tty ,..,,. 11 r "" Ot•Y* C°'t .. Of"l\1Qn"'" w11f """' Of'I , ... ,DC>f'\•b•" t()t ~w, C .. iforn1• untU tf'W hOur Of t' 00 11tny d•bh nt tthbtllt1f'1 ton Ir&<'"" nw • m O<.t0011 11. 1•n. •t wNt h um• .tnvont ottw-r tr-an m~~lt on or .,,,., , ... , '"•II 0.. --pUbllcly <11\G '""° l"I\ dAt• •I-In,,_ C-11 Cllemt>Pr~ ~•led D•t•CI I'll\ Siii 11, .. of ()(100.r t•I• P•Oj>OUI\ ...... .,.., , ... 1111• OI '"" M w ..... !Cunt ,.. ....... y COU>MAI. FUMMAL NOMI 7801 Boin Ave Weslmmster 893-3525 A nine·week class to help homeowne rs r e· duce utility bills through practical solar engineer· Ing begins Oct . 22 at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. The class, "Physical Science 115, Applied Solar Energy." will meet Monday evenings from 6 to 8. F or infor mation , phone ~·5880. "Two did not think there was suffi cient evidence to proceed with pre / ventative surgery," Lynch said, but t he woman approved the second operation. Deatlu Elaewhere Yo11ng Crash Victim Dies Of Injuries work end .,. -of l7MI D'-r Dul"" Pu•• Air Pr-.c h Olller Oktlflou/"'4"9 mart.> AM Old lOOI R"' Hiii ,.,.,_ ...... 11\e \C-led C lotlf>O l!IOQ I, Still• 101 lime tor"-re< .. P! ol .._ \f\<111 bP re Coo.IA """°w (" "7616 lv'Mcl to "'9 -_...., II •"811 P,.01ov-Or-C0.tll O•llT Pr101 be Ille >OI• rt-\IOtllly o4 Ir. olooH iObn ~ • I~ "" !'I) I• •o we ,,_,.. "h M " '«•l....O •n or-oPr' "-PUBLIC NOTICE rAClftC VllW MIMOllAI. rA.IK c.nea.rv Mortuerv Chaoel 3500 Pacific View Drive NewPOrt Beach 644-2700 McCoa...al MOITVAl•S uoun• Beach 494-iM15 uouna Hiiis 1...oim s.n Juan Capistrano 49;$-1776 MAl9C'W L.AWM-MT. Ol.IYI Mol1uarv • C..meterv CrelnltOfV 1625 Gisler Av.. Co.ta Meta ~ Registration for lbe class begins Oct. 15 ln t.h• admi.Nlons building. For information, call 892·7711,ext. 591 . Goard Tight SUNNYVALE (AP) - Tl1hter security ls being roi>o•ed for the Sun· ny vale garbage dump whe re someone baa ii· le 1 a lly dis posed or cyanide wute. ELBERON, N.J. <AP) -Georce Q. Lewis, 65, who created National La u ~h We e k in the mid·1930s and founded the National L a u g h Foundati o n , an organization dedicated to p romotlnt f h e lherapeuUc value of fun, died a'bunQy of l"b eart attack. When the surgery was performed, an early tumor was discovered. LYNCH 8AID BREAST cancer checta for relaUvea or wom en whose hiatoriea lndlcate patterns of cancer should differ from the rest of the population. · "More vigilance is indicated, more frequent examinations by physicians a nd more m eticulous e:uminaUons," Lynch said. a. .. earchera ar• also lookln11 beyond f amlly hlltories, tryln1 to Identify chemicals In families with lhe cancer-carryipe genes . With tboee chemical• isolated, they A 4.year-0ld Huntington Beach boy, who was kept alive for four day~ on a life.s upport machine, d ied Monday fro m injuries suffe red in a two·car accident last week ln HunUngton Beach. Brenda n Kna pp d ied at Cbildren'..s l!ospitaJ oC Oraoee C o unty al 4 :3 0 a .m .• a spokesm an for the county Coroner's Office said. --------------------""'\· say, persons deattned to develop cancer can H identUled throu1h The yount boy, police s aid, had been ridinl with hi.I mother. llesln• Sullivan Knapp, a1, of 11• Oainlfo...t St.. on Slater Avenue Oct. ' when • vehlc:le drl•en bJ Juan T o rrea of ...... RequHt T_,. BJ Number •••• D1 hdc heft DI Wlty '*-•Mio? D2 ......... DI Ne4*. .._ ... .,, Alfllt ,..., DI M1W111 07 Low._. a ..... PIM CM MH• hee bl Ne~w• & ~ T• c.nter845• 1701 24 Houri eourtetJ of qr. Davlcl W. Glbeon teat.a -even at birth -and seek pre· ventaUye treatment. 8 UT A 81 Q B t1 a D LE i n W'ntminst« collided with Mn . eatab11lh1nl the famUy biltory u an Knapp'• car. tmpon.nt tool to detfft or cont.rel Police aald tbey .. ,.. unable family caneera 11 the doctora to d......une wbet.ber U,. boy themtelvea. bad beeo weartnc a Hat belt. "Tb• Db.lloeophy that mott doctora lira. Knapp and a aecond cbUd. Un with today 11 that cane« la an l·year-old Kevin Knapp, _.,.. eovlron.meatal dSHue," Lynch aaid. trea\H for ml.nor inJu.rt•. "But tbe 1ltuatton baa cban1ed Torrea waa arreated on radically. There are now over too auaplclon of felony drunken cl\arly defined her editary canfV drlvlni. omcera u Jd " ~ A Mtl of .,...,, ~••I Pro¥1\tOI\\ •no •0011'-IO~•' Provl•ton• 10 '"' ~.,..,.,.., ~ "lc•llon\ ..... be -IAlfteO al 111• elll<a 01 111• Cit¥ £nOIMU n Felr o. .... C.0.1• MeH , Callfornle _, "°" '""-~ NY """' 9' U.00. M eM!tloNll cfler"" of ,, 00 •Ill .. medt If llenctl.O b• .... u ,.,.,,,, \P8Clllcetlon• •nO otll•• c"" tr•<t OOturnen" mey •ho tw •• '""'"ed et tN offlc~ of tr. CllY (ler\ ot IM City ol Cott• Mew Ee<ll bid \llell be m~ on Ill• ""'""°' '°""'· ,.._,. p I lllr'°""' p , I --lit It. c"'tract dO<-tl. •110 •11•11 D• •« ornp•nled OT • <•Mlf'-G or <•~ltiff'\ CMO or • llM Dol\CI tor not ••n lll•n 1~ 01 IN -111-111111,-pty-to• (fly .. C.t• MHe ........ _. , ..... ... COi\\ ..... wni-OCC--led tty W<ll <etl!Mf'\ <lleH < .. h Of 11-.•, "'"" N 1°"" '!CTI TIOUS IUSINliU NANll STaTIMliNT ,,._ tollowl119 ""on• ••• ClolnQ 11<1.in.~ ..... HU,..TINOTON VALlEV CON V•LE SCl!NT HOSPI TAL , fll! ,..,.,.,.., Ave Hunllnqlon llffcll, c"' .,..., HuntlllllOI\ ~ ... 11.e .. • C.hlonw• ,~., .... .., .......... ,11.,.., """' i"t'Ofl hk.tl, CA .,.., Thi•~'' c~tecs by •<or -·•ton HWlt~C A.R f °'°"·~· ~ ......... Ottk9r Tiii• l.....,_. -11100 Wllll I ... C-Cy Owll ti 0r.,.. Qullly ~Oct .... ,, ''"''3 No bid tMll Cit CO""O..ed UlllOH 11 OAltY W,"IMfotnlt i\ .... de Oii • bl-torm ,.,,,,,, ... Cl bY .............. Ille City ol Gotllo W.. •nCI I• ,,,_ II\ ~CA_. •uordenco Wlltl 1 ... provltlon\ ot Ille Pllllll ..... or-.. Cootl Ootl'I' 1'1101 .. ,....., p!llllftfl'ltn... Ocl •• "· "· .... ,. Eocll tlldCltf lllUt4 lit 11U11teo e1Ht 1"1-1' etw ............... " '""'Adey•-,,,. CllY Cllufttll of t11e City of to.ta ~ '9-wt .. tlllll le retocl MY ........... ,,..~ ...... ~-'"' ... ,,....!WM .. ~ ,,, ... ,,. 1r1c1 .. ,1 ..... of '"" cou....-1110 L•ew co.. Ille ............ , ... tlfl4I eceto .. ..... •l*lt!IM.., ... City of C.t• llMM #llkll •t fllM _... IM Qty t*1l•t111tMH Otvi ...-tM11 ..,.._.. ,..... ... .,_,... fMf'ttfl --,.,.~ ...... c:... llL•IN P "41NN V Qty o.tll tllllt Cll'tflfc.laMMa P\MI ..... °'""' Goe" OallY ...... °''*' •. ,. ,.,,. J /It' " is your guide to pro footblll ectlon . fNfJfY Seturday tnlhe DAILY PllOT -... -... ' . ..... .. . ---------.. . ----. _. ... ~ f 1 l ' I 1 l P\1SUC NOTICE PV8Llc NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE ll'U>Ut P111Mlt.Md Or-. CO.•t O•llY Pol01 l'ICTITIOUS IUSll18SS • O<t ,, •. 16. 23, t'79 1'11·19 llAMe STAT•M•NT PUBLIC NOTICE r ... tollowlno 1>9r>0ns •r• doing DuilllMS•l EAGAL lE'ASINv, 1000 Ou•ll Strut, Suite 110, Newporl 8••<11. NOTICI! INVITING llDS C•Htornia.,..., '°ICTITIOUllUSIN•S Notice "hereby t l .. tn th•l tn~ E •O•I'• Equipment Co t• NAM• STATl!Ml!NT 80.trd of Tr""tf!es of ttw HunllnolOfl Calllornl• <«POr•llonl, llS Nori" !Kit T"• foll-1"0 Ptr\Ont • o 8••<" Vnloo H'911 S<hOOI DISlnct wlll ter Slrfft, Stockton, C.lltornla UJ02 ousln<ts\ u : re<tlve .,Hied bkh IO< 1upplylng Word Tiiis l>INnets I• <onclu<l•d by• t Of· INSTITUTE FOR PER L Proceulnv Equipment for Fou11taln PG••tlon. DEV E lOPMENT, 2n41 SI Is· Velley High S<llOOI mfftlno Of' oqu•I to Eeo-1·, Equipment Co ,ion Vltlo. C.alllo-nle '16?S Ille •tM<llk•llonS on Ille In'"" olllce of Wyn o+otetto, Wllllam 8en<t, 11141 5111 Is •••Cl Dl•trltt CMtroOer •IOI! VltfO, C•lltoQW• '2'7S 810• sllall i.. clffrly mMked ''W<>rd T"'' •t•l-1 wM flltd wlln t"" 8ev.,1y Hull, tl?SJ U Proc•ulnv Eciul-1,8od t Ot",ed· CounlyClef'kofOr.w>otCountyonS.O. 8a.,,.r•, Fout11Aln Valley, C la dfHM<I to Allyn E. R_l.,v. Pur<"-l•mbtr JO, tt7'. 91109 ino M.n40H, Huntlnllton 8"l1Ch U"IOn ll'IUMJ Ann 0o"'. 341 Esther SI I• HIO" sc,,001 District, S201 8olu Publlslled Or""V& Cout Delly Piiot Mesa, C•lltomi• mn "••nue. Huntl1191oo Beach. CA .,..,, O<t. 7. 9, 1•. n. 1.,t :1116 1• Debrah Lano.mAfl, '"' aet •nO rectlwcl at °' bi.tore 1 30 p.m , ·------- Strut.,,...,,..., C•lllomle 917U Wednudav. Oct-• 11. 191'1, •I "'"ith PUBLIC NOTICE Thi\ ~~· Is <onouttf!CI ur>· llrnt1 encl piece bilk will bt l>UblK 1y or>(O<POt•lf!CI M-141'°'1 Olhe n • Opened and ~acl parlner""p E•c" biO SMll remain v•lld for a FICTITIOUS IUSIHESS Wllhllftl 8"M period Of "° dan alter !ht d41t HAME STATEMENT Thi\ '1•1-... \ fll"" tt>e \llf!CIOed for, .... "'Olpt of bilk , ,,. followonq Pf'""" " l>O•"O DU•• Counlv C~rk OI Or-Count P-Tiie eo.ra of T~~"' .na11 bP '"" ne•• "' lembtr 71, 1~1t so•• 1""9P of'"" QU<>llly of f'Q\llpm~t COASTAL A£ NT AL s •• O<un Publl\-Or-C~I llot. ::::•:: !'.':' ~':~ ',': :::,~~· .... ~~'":,' ::o:~I Nt wport R• .. Cll C .. 1,1orn•d ~1. JS-Oct J, 9, 16, 197' 1' re9ul•ritv ,.,.,~.,, l.Ponard Jo•tPll """'·(•" ••OI So_.s AllynE. Rowley OC•dn F ront, NP•Pntl (lfotn PurO..slnv Ma~r C•lolorno~.,..3 Publhlled Orenge Coast 0.oly Pilot. H ll\ t>us•~U 1\ C~l•d Dv dft on October 7. t, 1919 :110·7' d•vldual '1CTlTIOUSIUSINE _ ---___ ---_ -~ L-...roJ MA\Orl NAME STATE MEN.. T ..... Stal-nl Wd\ ,,,.., woln '"' TM loflOWlno .,.,_," ~··· P UBLIC NOTICE County c~n. of Or"'91' Coun1v Oft WP ,,..._es I ___ temDtr 14. 191'1 SUTULA'S FINE J EWE 73' M-ofM2S Fl124'1 £ 111n Strftl, Suite H. c \a, FICTITOUSIUSINESS PuDllSht'd °'"'-CO.HI D<l•I• POOi, Cetlf<>rn4•m27 NAME STATEMENT l!>ei>l. ll,U-0<1.J,9, 191'1 3'll·1'1 N•ncy SutulA. 3800 P lew Th" followl"O ""''°"' ere dolno ----i La,,... "Pl· 18. ""'"'"· Celllo m bu I PUBLIC NOTICE I Tnl\ -M n IS COtldU<tedln on· \ ":'~ :s~ EI No I F UL LE RT 0 N . d ... dual MEDICAL PHARMACY, 1401 Scutnj------ N•ncyS<ltula 8rookhur'1 Ro•d. Fullrrton, FICTITIOUSIVSINIESS Thi• •l•t-nl w .. s fllf'dl '"" Cellfornla 916XI NAM• STATl!M•NT Counlv Clerk of Or-Cou«!l ~P· Pll•rrnKevU.1t, tn<. ie Cellfornl• l The lollowlno ~''°"' •rr doing ••mber U, 1979 ltore>0rallon). 1880 Ctntvry P•r-EoHl, llu•lneH •• WOOLSEY, ANGELO& THillE• Suite 1.500, LO• Angeles, C•lilorni• ES C R 0 W F 0 l l 0 W ·V P UWYH't 90067 SERVICES. 106S Wp\lward l •M , 7"t Sell J-"' Hill•••· Thi• t>uslnns I• condu<fo<I bv • cor-Cost• M..w, C" 9167t H"'-1 ~ •POrallO". Wllll•m F. Norton. 11 1. IOU New-1 letdl, CA""° PMrrY...:t\ll•l, Inc. I Wellw•rd UW., Costa M4!w. CA 916'6 Puollll\ed Or-'98 Co.SI ~ Piiot. Prwsklent • Lane, Cose. Mesa. CA".,. f1t1470 J-L c.rrer. Denni\ R. Bye'l, 10.S WHlwardl s.o1. 11.15-0ct.7, t. 1t1Cl61"1 19 T"'' •tatemont WM tllta •lln tne This -!Nu '' c.ondu<led by .., ln---------l-'---fCounlv Cle<'ll al Los A~IH Count., on dlvldual. PVBUC N ~PIPm!MrJS, 197' Wltllen\l'.NonOft,111 l'tUC!' This --WM IHed wit" tfle Nana TOC•l!OI• SU n•tott COURT OI E STAT• CM'CAUl'OllNO• THa COUNTY CW CMll! ..... ,,..,.,,., Eitate ol LORRAINE HnUNo, O.a LORRAINE P BOM , Oa LORRAINE HAMIL TOff ~CIVAL 80TTUM, Oe<HWd -riOTIIT rs-won~ 1o '"" cr.c!llon ol ~ -nanlt<-..1 IMI All _,.,.,. M Yino c ,, 41941n\I ,,... saoo de<-ar• r..O 10 fl •• thlPm. w ith t.,_. nf'<tts.M"ytn on '"" off kt of the clfl<lt of •• •" llllf!CI <our1. 0< to Pt'tsen • "'''" '"" MCM\ary "°"'""'\I lhf' un-der\l9nt0 at SOO N4'w C•nter ~Ive, Suitot "'°· ~h. c •. 91660, wtlkh Is !tie pf.ce OolMn of 1114' unclen19r*! In •II mat IM!•leln· 1n9 10 t ... Htete of ._.,..:tde"I, within lour month\ anne fir\! C>Ubli<ellOI\ of thll f\Ollc•. OaltO AUQU>l 11, 1914 R-118onum Eltt'<UIOf of lhP w OI tt>e aDove ,.,.,,.,. dK~t Publl•'*' Or-C.O.st Dally P llo1 c-ty Clef'll °'Or-C0<"'1y on Sep. O<t. 7, t . 1._ "· lt7' 3961.1, tembtr JO. 197'. l'lmtl PUBLIC NOTICE -~-~~~-~~~~- PICTIT10US IUSINE U MAMa STATDqWT Publi\1'4C1 Or-co .. 1 O•llY PllOI 0c1. '· •. "· n. 1w-t ~ PUBLIC NOTICE T"• lot-Ing peno11• ••• GOl"O l'ICTITIOUS IUSINIESS DuilftfU H ! NAME STAT•MIENT 8\J.,IE wA!flL.E.HlE.11.f' . l._ +o+-... Hf-~,.,. _,.. BLUE WATER MARINE SUPPLY. OU••n"'"'' "" L•-Ha_, on .... Hunlinoton GPMI. INTEANA TIONAL. 71'S7 B••<".c.lltoml•,,.. Trt••"•O• Lane. l••• r ore•I Reui..n A Orte9•. ••St l •wn C•llforn•• 'l'HtlO M•ven Drlvp, Hu,.tlnoton Be•ch, c;uv £ Hancoc>, 11&S7 Tr,.•'lf>- Callhlrnl• m4I L•M. L•-" FO<"MI, (Ahforno.t •1(o30 John F AAONe. 1'10 !>anl• Cruz P•ul A O.F.Ou\ llJ<n Meoef.l Strffl, L-Beach, C•lll0<n•• 916S1 l•nt, Huntonoton B..,t "· C•llforno• Thi• ouslneu h conducted DY • 91641 QtMral e»~tp. ""' 1>us1n.•• I• condvtt•d Dv • Reuben A. 0.lfog.11 11molo<I 1>M1nerslllp Thi\ \letement wu filed wl1h lhe G. H&ntCXk County Clerk al Or-County on S..p-p A ~Fabll\ lembu 18, 1919. Tiii\ sl•l•menl "'"' llltd woth 111• ,,,,_ County cren. of OranQe COV"IV on !>f'O , Publls'*' °'""9" Co<1'1 Dally Pll~ 1~mDer u. 1974 Oc:t. ,, •• , •• 23. 1'19 -- PUBLIC NOTICE F1U..a Publi\IWO 0.""91' Co.i \I O~ol• Polol S..pt 11, Han<IO<I 7, •, 191' ll>l3 19 DAVID STE•LING TtNd LAW co•~ATION l CP "4) PUBLIC NOTICE S11lt•t'lt SUPE•tOfl COURT 01' THE FICTITIOUS aUSINt:SS Mt lie..,.., C..... Or=1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ll.-,.t 9Mdl, C•. STATE OF CALI FOii Ni" FOR MAMIE STATEMENT T•I: (1U )-.t4J;I THECOUNTYOl'ORANGE Tr•• fotlOWino .,..-_. •\ do•no Dull Att--y fer IEaa<-'tlr No, A·10U•7 M \\ u PC.bli•lled Or41n9t Coa 1ly Piiot SE RUM LA80RATOR1£S. UJO E S..pt.JS,OU.J,t,16,197' 1S1 .. 1• £•1.lH o f E LIZABET H c St Andrew\P1 ,8E,S...to0Ane,CA WIL LOUGHBY, •U ELIZ,.8ElH Jim C-nQl\am, 1Sl Ftt>rtl\CI• CON L IN WILLOUvHBY .. ~ .. !HtnCle ...... lt,CA EL 1 l ABET H W I l l 0 UC:. H BY Thi\ °"'"""" 1, conducted by an 1n -----------1---1 ~ .. ~ ld1vldu•I NOTICE IS HEREBY vlVEN lo '"" jllTIC:unnongnam <rtO•IOO °' '"" .. oo .... n•"""' Ot<-.it I This •i.t-1 WH fllecl Wit" '"' that ~•I ""'''°"" 11•.,"'I claom~ •911'~51 County Clef1l OI Or.w>ot County on !>el>' ,,... \.aid oeceoent •rt '"°"1~ to hie te!Tlbotr 11. lt7t ttll!m, woll\ lllt nKtt'oMY YOU<"""· on FUMJ1 lilt ofllC4' of Ille cwrk of '"" "Do# ... • P11bll•lled °'"-Coa\I D.MIY Pll01 tllltO Cour1, O< lo Pt'~l 1r..m, wllh,Oct ?. 9, 16, n. 1'79 3811-" tM nec•swry voucMri. to '"'" un ~,,1q-311"9 1•wofhC•Of ERNEST J SCH.AG , JR , OI MESERVE. PUBLIC NOTICE MU,.,.PER' HUGHES H 40 Von._ _______ _ ICar mM A""""', Sull• no. NtwPO•l l'ICTITIOUS IUSINIEU BHCh, Cellf0<nla 91660. -Ith Is tr.. NAME STATEMENT pl.Ke OI busl""u of ""' unMrllQMd In TM followino Pltl'Wrl I• 001no l><l•I •II matters .,..-11lnlno 10 '"" eilat• ot MU as: \lld dectdent, within lour months SHIP TO SHORE TRAVEL, 11117 •lier the flr\I publl<all0t1 ol lhl• eo1 .. Chic•, H11nlln91on 8•.,<h n011CP C•1tfornl1 ~ Oat..a September 18, '""'· Timothy David S11an91tr, 11117 CordOn H. WlllOUQllb'f eotsa Chlc11. Huntlnoton Buell. E .. cul<>r ol the Wiii C•lllornia.,... of tile-~ Mmll<I Tiiis buslMU ,, <onclu<t.O Dy an In· de<edem dlvlduet. l!ftNl!ST J . SCHAG, Jlt. TlmcMy D. SCMWIOltr MISfftVE,MUMP£11 a HUGHES Thi\ \\•ltmenl Wiil 111.0 wit" tn.- 4* v ... IC-A,,.., SM. no cou11ty Clef1l OI Oranoe County on Sol'r>- ........, ~.CA tHM tember 1•. 197'. Tel: 17141 711""5 ,.IJ?4at Att-Y fer ·--Published Oranot Coa'1 D•llY Piiot, Pul)lllhed Orllfl9I! Coest D•lly P1101 Sept. ti, 7S-Oc1. J.•. 1'7' 3'80-1' Sept. u . 0c1 1. '· 1•. 1m Jn&-1 PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUS I USl"US ...... STATaMafh PUBLIC NOTICE DAILY PILOT 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p l L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 ... 5 6 7 8 Tlmdlr.Or:toblrt, 1'79 J>AJLYPU.OT G ,n _____ .._....;. ______________ -=:::::::::::::::::::=:::===========::;:~~·~ ~ ..... --· DAIL y PiiOiCiASStf'IED ADS You can a.11 It, Find tt, Trade It With a Want Ad [ aA2 5878 ] One Call ler1lce U-. • fHt Credit Approval ........ ....................... EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ~ ..... ,. Mollee: All real estate advertised la thla newspaper Is s ub- .led to tk Federal Fair Housioa Act or 1968 which makes it illegal lo advertise "any pre· re~. limitation. or dascnrnmatioo based on race. color, ttligion. sex, or oaUona1 origin, or an uil.ttltJon lo make any sur:b preference, limits· lion. or discri rrunalion ... 11us newspaper Wiii not knowingly a ccept any advertising for re al estate which is in viola· tionofthelaw. ERlORS: AdvertiHN ..... dtecAI ttwW ods cWy ... report et'• ron leuse clalety. The DAILY PILOT cn.-1 labilty for .... fl"t m. correct iMeriioft °"'Y. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ....................... OCEAHAtOHT SSS,000! PRICE REDUCTION BALBOA deluxe duplex. large 4 bdrm. & 3 bdrm wuts. frplc. each; now $495,000! Tty UlStallmenl purchase! lc6oG lay Prop. Reatto.-s * 675-7060 .. BAY DUPLEX VIEW! VIEW! Panoramic Newport Bay views rrom gorgeous 3 bedrm upper unit or spacious 2 bed.rm lower unit! Na.tW'aJ brick fplcs. W« bars. ' Car aaraee. Boat space. Ste ps to beach. Dial 752· 1700 FA.ST! f)l'fN rtf Q •rt\ fllifl 1(),..1 "4 <1 • l~lilll:I WHITE w ATER VIEW 3 Stor y , 3 b ed r m bungalow with pri vale beach. made for lovers of the sea. Fi oanci n g available. Call now for extra details. 673-8550 <"'1tr1 11, Q." •. ,, ,,.., ,,.,, ''· ., • [~l@fdl1I CLASSIAID HOUIS Allverll•tr\ m;1v platP th!'tr »ds b.v lt'll'phc.ne II 00 :i m to:. JO p m \1011dav thru t'nday !I lo"°°" Sloturday l'OSTA MESA OPrtn : JJO W R~y 6t2·$111 111':'-TI'llt;TON Rf:l\Cll 11m ~arh Bl•d $40-1220 I.AC.UNA RF:ACll 1027N ('00~1 IC.•) ~gunu llotlH94 ~ NORTll COUNTY chat frtt ~ l220 cu.s~ DIAOUHll Deadline for copy a. ktll\ I, ~ JO p.m the day befo re publrc atto". rx<'<'Pl for ~unda y a. Moncl•y Ed1t111n• when dtodhne Is Salurd•y. 12 noon a.u~ IMULATIOMS f:RRORS · Adverttsen •hould che<'k thl'ir a ds dglly & tl'Potl errors 1mmc d latel y . TllE DAILY PILOT at•umtt llablllly for Ille lirsl lntorrert lllM'rtlon only. CANCEU.ATIONS Whrn klllin11 •n ad ti. aure to make a rl!C'Or'd of &h e KILL NUMBER •1ve11 you bl!, your ad laker M ~pl of ye>ur cah t tllallon. Tllla 11111 number must be preaented by I ll e adYtrt!Mr In oae ol a dilpute. CANCELt.ATfON OR CORRPm<>N Of' NEW A D B F. r 0 R £ ltuNNJNG Every effor\ It niade to 11111 or ('Offt(t • MW ad that hu bttl'I order.cl, but we \"lllUIClt ,...,..." to do eo until ti. ad llu appeared In lbe paptr. OIM F.·A-UNE AOO: Thuf' ads are atrtelly C'Hh ln 116¥~ b)' mall or 11 any one of our ornct1, NO phclM cmten. Deaellinl: J p.m. Friday Cotlll N .. otn~ a u noon at all bUDt h "'"'"•· TH E DAILV PILOT rHH•H the rl1t1t to elaalf1, Mlt, -w r • r • a • a • ' advtrUMlll4tll, uo to t lla11u It• retu • rqultU.. ~ INtOr ..... a• a ....... .- P.O.b1*. c.taM.1 ......... w. .......... w. .......... w. . .......................................................................................... . Ci ... r.. t OH Ch•r:ll I GtMHI I 002 e 1 1 .. I OOJ ..................................................................... ·················~····· •VETS* U.. Yo.r .. lllty NOW ... NO 00\tN LOANS TO 1100,000 lJJW INT. RATE. Let us show :you how to qualify. Ttlsto led c..,.. w.u.... 754-1%02 WISTSIDE COSTA MESA J Bedrma. oew carpet. new drapes. Owner wall sell VA t erms. Call 873-8SSO f)llftv IH. q •ti\ ft/ti f > '°'' '· I • [~Bill 25TOIY Shake roof. 4 Bdrm. 2'• Ba. $133.500 Ea~ts1dt! Cotita Mesa. 21RHOME Oloice t'Omer. R·2 z.oned lot. Room to bu1 Id $78,500 Roy McCardl~. RJtr . 541-7729 MIMI EST A TE! Red lant h.c.au.d 4 Bedroom -. pool + horse stalls. Gourmet latchen & country living• Much. much more'' Call ~ )T·Ht I J • \I ' 't I• [ f81 lfi&H11 OCUHAtOKT SSS,000! PRICE REDUCT ION BALBOA deluxe duplex. large 4 bdrm. & J bdrm uruts. frplc. each. now SC95.000' Try installment purchase! OCEAHAtOKT A LOf POil YOUlt SH 4 bednn. 2 bath. twbt. Modern kitchen, bltns, carpets. drape1, near shopping & schools . Cose to freeways. Ask· in« $74.950. Take over ex- l.5ting VA loan of 134.000. or easy financing. Call now. 983-7881 '"'"' ,,, f'J. , • ,, fl)~j '· , l~IMM Sl"YGLUS SIUMITT n,joy tk paceluJ beau· 1,y ol this tulltop home with mounl.aln &t ocean views. 6 bed.rooms + boom room. pool at spa. An exceptional offering at l"!85.000. VA '1HGUSH TUDOR" A real old world charmer with that Engh.sh tudor loc*. Coved ceiling laving rm. cozy kitchen s unny break! ast nook. <i t.ariw bedrms Huge lot with garage Only SIU 500 Act now ' Call 546·2313 "EXECUTIVES" OHLY A magn1f1cent entry adds to the elegance or lhi.s fabulous 1story.3500 sq fl of family living. spectacular livmio.room. for ma l danang. '1>unny country kitchen. large central courtya rd . 4 bedrms. 3 bath. Hugi.' elegant pool Added fret·· !>tending wor ks hop Large irregular lot with extra parkmg. Pnvate cul-de·sac street. A must WE HAYE SIVRAL FIME IAYFIOMT HOMIS WITH rlU & SUP Bl LL GRUNDY , REALTOR 11 1 '·I""'"'" •,B tJ .')6lol suraoura is the best chscnpt1on for tbi.s lovely 4 bdrm home with a spacious living room. 2 frplcs. near new carpeung & a ghstemng pool. All for only $109.900 L.aree aasumable loan. no qualifying. <.:a ll m5370now! ALLSTATE REALTORS AS SU MAILE VA VETSOHLY Unbelievable. J bedrm. 2 bath home with 1800 sq.ft. HU1te ad~ family room. formal dmm~ rm. bn ck fare pl an·. I a r gc service and laundry area. Beaut patio and yard Vets can as~umt• ~. ·~ VA l<1Jn Pru·ed $82,SOU Ce1 ll now. $46-2313 MfSAVBDE! ME:SAVBDE I STORY REPUILIC Elegant entry adds to lhe.., beauty ol this 4 bednn. 2 · baUl home. Large family rm, brick rirephace,~, s p arkling country,. kitchen, formal dining:· • S1'5.000. Act oow. tbere·s:: only one!! S46·23lJ o I• "1N 1 t.1 •,f\l lJN I 1-.lf1'(f• ,.,~ [®l&IM.:. MEWPORT HEIGHTS. Spacious custom bui It Jta!Jan Villa with peek a boo ocean view on largo corne r lot Beautiful s w1mm1ng pool 10' secluded courtyard sel ft I.mg 3 Bdrms + ramilyu room. Ask.mg S237 .000. l7 I 4J 673-4400 1\ l>t\l'lllO 111 I l.1rhor lrt\ 1•,lml'nl !"11 Absolutely immaculate ._ ________ _ With super s1z.ed bd rms. d1n1ng r oom. fjimtly room. prestJg,ious back yard w frwt & nut ll'~ Great potential. great pnce• Only $98.500. Call ~ F OREST E OLSON STEPS TO IEACH Newport Beach duplex. 4 bdrms up. 3 bdrms down; finest rental drea C.10lle w shopping. Pnccd lit ~12.500. 673-3663 642·2'l53 Eves associated 811 0><f AS · IHIH TORS J•1;• W 9olt ,.., •' Ob 55FT.LOT! eu,,tom deluxe duplex. 4 & 3 bdrm units. ~ourmN kitchen m owner'!. 11pt + lots or imported tilt'. frplc. each unit. 6 Car garage + much more' $89S,OOO ! Try your terms! .... .., .... .,.. see. S295,000. By appt. 11 ...................................... : only. Call $4&-ZIU ()llllfN IM q. II'\ IU#I f0 .., '""'' • ....... • '1S..1060 . 1~111111 s BR, 3 BA. ram rm . bnck fplc. 2.'IOO sq.n . Sl25,900 Bnr546-231J Want Ad Results 642·~ CiJ Co~dwe_ll Banker HEW CUSTOM OHE ACH ESTATE LOl"'CJ9 4 bdnn.. 31/J batlt rwal Wltop location on private rood. ROOlll for ._. nis, poo'. horws, & paddock. Air c_.. tioninq, qreat fOlftily area, .xc.-... fiftanciftg. $348.500. IN NEWPORT CENTER tis 644-9060 macnab I Irvine realty A SUBSIDIARY OF 'THE IRVINE COMPANY TUR1U ROCK HIGHLANDS!! As vou enter thru double doors to sunken living rm w /fplc you'll be aware of the luxury & convenience offered in this lovely home. Family rm -bay-windowed brkfst nook in kitchen -cover ed p atio. Super hillside location. $215,000. Lorraine Rennie752-14t4. CH·95l 642·823S 901 Dover Drive 644-6200 Harbor View Center Irvine di Came>u!> Valley Center 752-1414 SlflC & ,,Nlf RELIGIOUS LEADERS C S A M A H M 0 A C l A I E A 0 H P G S E C P H 0 R P 0 M H I 0 A 0 L L AARRR ISTAO A LH t E R A 0 L 8 I N M C l I C 8 E T I A 8 T C H 8 G H S I R I G A M 0 B P I A t A V 0 B I N 8 L M l I I C I I I D Y V E H E G I C S I I L W A L 0 S l 8 E 8 A H S R S C P P A E A K A V U 0 R L A 0 T H A G H H Y H C G N S M S A 0 N R E 0 W L Y R 0 E P U H L S £ P C A R C H 8 t S H 0 P C E R A l 8 P C THARiHTE R ONDUWHBLRO H £ 8 I M £ I H P L R N P T 0 I T A P D E D N R S I E G I H 0 R T C S H £ H 8 I t t N S t S N I A L P A ff C H " 0 : _. ..................... . ..... ... clOOMI ., ~· find Mdl ...... h Ir\.~ AMet ~ ""' ., ~ o.wu. ........ _. ......... ....i =-= '=' T~T-- A CONYcNlcHT 8ttOPl>IHC NllD S(WIHC CUIOl IOft TM[ CAI.. OH THr GO Omit all ~yes w1lh th1~ dramatic new loopy swealei ~altered ~uons catch the light and ddd spa1~~ fo th1~ ~lly pullOYl'r Crochel loop ~htch~ ol 1 slTands llully mohau A beauly' P atte•n 7096 l11tt1> II I 0. 12 I• 1n<:luoe<1 St.SO IOI efeh 11<1llein Aoo 40' I__ 11f""',.,_ 11fw..,.-.... t•~h Dalltin l0t 111\I ctn\ ~" "'1 m•1I •nd n.indhng StM IO: •• llroaks llAllAJI IWTlll NHdlecralt o.pt, lOS Daily Pilot .. JU, Ol4 Cllelsea Sta.. lln Ytlt, llY llOJ I. rrilt bH, M4lm. lip. ''""" ...... • l~ClllNC1 New 1980 HHOll CRArl CAIAlOG w1lh o.ei 110 t MS!lllf IA CINI •.lritlJ ol CfJll'l J het PJlltfn$ tn$tdf Se11d S l 00 m_... • ...-Qatlta ... Sl.50 t llf.~ Jl.5'.Sl.50 I n.4)ricll llly T '-"". s 1.50 I l2'-fla9'~ Ottllts •.. SI.SO 127-At&lllM '"' Oeil1eS .• SI.SO ·~ "°""·. · .. SI.SO I 125-rellC ~· •••.•• s1.50· i Pattern Dept. 442 12«tftl '11 OrMll!tttts .. SJ.SO 0 II Ptlot lZJ.Sllklt '111 P1kll QttlllsSl.50 • y l2Z·SllH '11' .Plfl Ottih1 .. suo I 2Uw.tl•St. ... T•llY 121-Pltlw si..otfa .... $1.50 l•U. Mlt .... MllllUS, ·~ I ......... $),58 I Dcu'i smClO· r~ sm.1cosrs~. 11..,._., CrK!let. • • · • .sl.so I """' '" lla.c...i..t willl S..-n.$1.50 , NCWfALl WINTERPAnERNCAT· JIM'"' ,..._ Qlilta .. .,sue • Al.00. ••• MW • new waido u~ ...... Crtdilt .•.•. suo I '* * 1m m r,. suo nu"'"" --· .. Sl.50 • Plftlnl cio.poa Cettlctc. SI. 111""'9 ............. Sl.50 ; 111..,... ......... su1 111.....,,.. c..... .... sue 1 ~r.:····!!-1' ,.,.. ...... ~ ...... $1.58 . 1.Zt!Mt...., ... 'l::l:~ 'U·n:: • .,. ..... Oldil ..... li.50 • I.........._ .. · Ill.._ QiA .... , 1.$0 l w~~lllOQlllla ... $1.JI 1t1• t.lldtle ... 11"' 1 ' • .. • (8 DM.YPtl..OT H11111..,S. Tuetday, OctotMr 9, ttnl 1 ....... ..,.. ........., .. ti...................... ....................... • ............................................. . ~ , .. ,.. 1002' ....... • .. 1 ..... • .. J •••• ,... llOJ ............................................................................................ ,. • UDO ISU. M •100M$ l.ar~e romUy home on 1 !,A) l<M In the heart or lovely Udo Isle featurtn1 s (could be 6) bedrooms, 3 nre-pJac • a very open, airy. Oowlng Interior. a late floors and pla ntation ahuttera. a solarium and a large patk> froottng on the Strada. The bedrooms. alt or them, are extremely sp acious.' Dy namite fumaly home al ~5.000. U ,_. ICJU liVMI:§ REAL TORS', 676 6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona dul Mar ·btWPlllT'SANEST Decorator Palerm o model. Harbor View Homes. Fee land 4 Bedrms, formal dining too! Spanish style ac· cented tile. Immediate ~y! Owner w1JI finaace $25,000.2nd TD at 10% inte rest·!% per mJOth pay back-all due 3 years. Full pri ce, S!'S.000. A must to see lo· day! Callnow7S2·1700. 2 STOllY.p()OL 8iJle to beach. 3 Bedrm. like n e w carpeting Secluded pauo + ,.ecrea Uonal faclUlles. Take over existing loan. of $440/mo. pays oil. No quallJ)'Ulg, easy f1nanc ing available. Call now only $72,SOO. 963· 7881 ('Jl'fN Ill 9 • 11 \IUIJ 11)1<1 NII I' [91Hlllil ABANDONED $85,000 Waiting for some fixing, prime Eastslde. 2 bedrm. R ·2 lot. Owner desperate! Call 64&-7171 (1',N 1119 •II\ IUll l(lll/ No(I • l"Bitl Spadous :I lhlrm a ir rond . San Luis llt•v model upgr 'ullcd thruout . Po !\ltl v t>lv pristine. s1ss.ooo: ()PfN Ill \I • II~ IVIJ HJ hi N<I' [9.1Hlll1d OCIANDUrLU $325.000 Huge 2.000 sq rt owner's unit. 2 se paralc balconies, lush atrium. J queens ize bdrms. separate master wing with fireplace & sunken tub. Just listed. Call Lo day! 540.7171 O •"ftJ t11 '' • •' "''' ,, " '· I • EXECUTIVE SPECIAL An en l e rta1nm t-n t special. 3 bedrm. lri· level Townhome. Super Ml up for buay person. End umt ID prime loca- tion. Priced to sell now at Sl27,500. Call now, ~•11 \IUUln klNI/ remmttl -tE--- llDBBI ILlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE LIHDA ISLE Ma~nif1rc·nt f'am1ly lloml.' In /\ Private Laitoon. Larite Slip t-'or Your Yacht Thn•c Bedrooms Plus Maurs Room. Family Room & Larj!e tx-n. f:xl't•llPnl Lo<"ulion. Call For /\ppoinl mcnl Sl.S00.000 ® ·--............ 631-1800 811 DOVER DRIVE macnab I irvlne. realty ·· A SUBSIDIARY OF THE IRVINE COMPANY ATTEHTION: YOUMG-FAMILllS! Two cha rming 3 Bdrm homes available in Harbor Hi ghlands area. Each completely refurbished & ready for occupancy. Beautiful ya rds, Mariner's School Dis· trict. .. The perfect place to raise your family. $147 .500. Terry Hanes. 642-823.5. (11-95) 642-8235 644-6200 90t Dover Drive Hetrbor View Center Irvine at Cempu\ Valley Center 752-1414 ' ~(C~cillA-J££~s · Tliot l1tfrigui11g Word Gome with o Clluclle -----~~Cl.AT I. '°'1AN • ·~ ...... ol .... '°"' ecrotoblod wordt i... low 10 f0<111 four ... -cit ROPCES I r I I I I ~-W_A...-Y..,K.....,G--11 j .~I _._I _...l'_I_. t 0 U R I C 11 You 1hlnll IM boea II lfYlnO .._.,.1,-1,._Jr--ilr--1 ~ to 1111 me IOmetmno? He tootc • • _ _ ~ «Mil lft1 dllll&I cloek end -----~--, repleced" with 1 -olOOk.. iAN OMO I ]~:.1 .. :.1::1::r:r1_ ...,~~a~?=- rrrrr1 . . '• ----......._ ~<® l?Boch Real1y llAL ISTATI ucaLMCI MMCI lt4; COMI WITH us ..... to Westcllrr. A neat three bedroom den and dlrung room home. Located l.n ¥n excellent neighborhood und convenient to hol)!i'. banks and chools. ReaUstlcaJ. ly priced at $168,000. 75~11 \VI SI LY :\ TAY LOR CO H l-..\1. !'<J !(S 0...,1 111'1' t ~HI HIGH Oti1 SPYGLASS .. U-$525,000 '1 Bedroom s & Family rm "Tr adcwi nd s '' The s weetes t "Storybook" home ever with a Coun· try Fren c h fla vifr ! T h e front courtyard entry presents a. real floral picture as if it were straight out of A rchiteclural Digest. Professionally decorated. View of Newport Harbor & Catalina Island. Sec now ! WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., If.Al TOIS 21 11 San JOGqllht Hih load NEWPORT cana. M.I . 644-49 I 0 DON'T MISS THIS Very reasonably pncC'll large family home with new carpets & llrapel> Large comer lot. 3 bdrm. 3 baths, Lile entry. <it tractive ra1!>ed din1ni: room & a balcony orr of o h~e bonus room CloM' to the beach Seller will help finance Pnn. only Call today 979-5370. ALLSTATE REALTORS STEPS TO BEACH $139,900 Cllumung 3 bcdrm. bnt·k patios. Lots or wood and glass. Private communi· Ly. Call now! 846-7171 "()j'fH Ill 9 • 11\llJ"TO81 (lt<f • USTSIDE HOME AMD IHCOME Lar~e J Bdrm home ID ~t t:asti.1dt' h><·at1on Two I DH unit:. ;:idcl to ID comt' OWNt-:1< WILi. C/\HHY l"IN1\NCINC; ·nus 1.. J mu.-.t :.l'to· Jt $150.000 1-'or dt'ta11., call 54().1151 ~·HERITAGE . REALTORS EASTSIDE $89.500 Spac10U!I 2 br. 2 ba + den 1n must sought aflt·r F.aawde locuuon. Pnced for quack sale. Just list· ed. 641-71U *HOME ON WAffR-SllP M•w on th• mark•t in a privat• comfln•ity. Comfortabl• 3 b.droom hcHH wi"' boat ~p included. YCMI OWll th• laMl $320,000. DUPLEX WITH POOL I.at lhe Mat Clltd tt. tax ,,..., H.wport HeiCJllh area wittl terrific 0...,...1 .ut o••rtoakillg pool frOM redwood deck. An hrfn.,_,,. app ort.lty in Hti• 2 & I b.droom ~x. S 121.000. WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. 2436 W CtM<,I H 1qh1.1.,11. Nt'Wport &•Mh 631·1400 «iJ Coldwe_ll Ban~er llG CAHYOH-FAMIL Y FUH Fowtt ... NflecffOR pool .......... fftilM) pool. spa. fin pit. HQ pro-... loh of out1ld9 r.cr.atlo1t. l1t1ld9 ore 4 ..._., a fcmnity room w /flreploce, • ..._. room w /fireploce, DR. catlM• d c.M- llHJ•• w.t bar, etc. co...,_.. tM1 at $449.000. 496-7222 831-0836 ... Three Monarch Bay Plaza '111119 Laguna Nlguel .._...,We P9rW. ,.._....,W. 1Hurn,_W. ....................... ....................... . ......................... , ............ . •••• IOOZ C....Mtle 1024 ..... 1144 ...... I ••..................... ....................... ....................... ................ -.. IHdt IMI .... .................. . OCUMVllW a.TOM MANMOM '*· ._.n..a... I or 1 la. I Ba. Orn. Rm .. W/pwt ....... &.p, dee Wlfl*, =flQ. or of. ... • • LeecMd Jlua 1alo,.. Suodecll bllcoQy. terrace. S.p. AV •t«a1e. So mi.ch mon. ll 't uobeUeveab&e •onb ........ Call DOW, ...-a:a. MIWPOn'S UST la lllOlt ..... ,.ideotlaJ -. near water. 2-3 BR. 2 be unltaj bltna, h'p&c. 1ar lncla'd. $229.500 w/beaut a.rma. MCllSIW.TY 67M670 ON BAYSlDE DRIVE: MSTTIMI INftlTOIS 1t1n•• your cbance to ll¥t ID a eb&nDb:al home CID U R·2 lot wb1Je )'OU build • ucond ualt. 0...'1 vsy moelvated. a.balllt all offen. Cell --: HERITAGE Hl:Al TORS Vala ms.: I 0•/2°/o Loa11 ....... Spacloua 3 bedroom Meea Verde bome with mU')'. Ii vine room wltb atrium and fireplace. dinlat area. family room. modem country kitch en . Patio. sprinklers. Vets. r e · member VA loans now go to 1100,000. Hurry! Sll4,900. BKR Call S.-1120 WL -· Olrooa del Mar: a most delightful aplit level, custom bwll. contem- porary borne wit.b SPEC· TACUl..AR BAY VIEW. Three bed r ooms .--------- separate ramily room. TAICIADYAMTAGI formaJ dbung room. bay Of this lovely family Vlf!Ws1tllng room adjoul· home. It features: 4 uig maslt!r suite, indoor· Bdrms, 15~ eoclosed outdoor living, lllrge patio room. low main· t.enance yard and is near swunmln1i pool & patio South Coai.t Plaza. area• Secunty system. Pnced al only S92.SOO. ~.000. For more info call COU OF NEWPORT ~ llALTOIS 675-5511 9UIET STitllT B i g 4 BR, 2 ba w/mus1vt' frplc. New painL in lk out & b<>'l of au. a super low pnc~ or $79,500 This one 1s i.harp & will 'll'll Cast. Call 751 31!11. «=:SELECT I PROPERTIES --~_.:. HERITAGE • . • REALTORS 9.4°/oloan Mesa Verde Ranch style 4 bedroom or 3 bedroom and den home with terrazzo tile entry, bwllln kitchen, stooe fireplace. Lari.:e ll>xlOO lot with rovcrt'd patio. s prmklen. u~(· ---------1 your present home eqw HEMET INVESTMENTS •I~ Lot:.. mobile home upproved tent.all ve m..i p •Approx. 26 acre pnme M 1, Jl06Slblc JOlr.l vt•n lure 29% down Ownt·r 1o1.1JI carry 3 year:. •58 acres pnm .. l-1onda Ave Make m.tr\.t-l<•U' r .. won.al shopplDK 1·cnl«r P1t-.-.1bll• J<11nl vvntun· ty lo take over low 9 4'. loan . Wo n t la"il' $129,900. HKR. CJll 54().1720 TARBBl. -· '9UCE RB>UC El> ~lier"> mol1v:>ted lltfl lgc !i bd, l bJ 1$(''1t iH('il tnCtx-.ta Me:.a !lb.'l 5671 •2/S 1crt•o; Po!>.,Jbh· ~ ( lffAj !'.) JCro•!> h<Jr <;l' prnpo rl).,,_,_Jfi :uJl'JJ;I;J rural PSlal~ Owner 1o1.1ll • 1 :.ub-OrdJnate Pnm• onl) Real !'..bl.Ile please Agt. 1-65::! l 056 ur1---------646-J25S rrs YC>Ua DOUAR Stop looking. you will !lt."t' Ibis North Costa Me?>a 4 Bdrm and know 1t 's a 1ood buy al $97,500 Secluded big yard'> and great forecast for 1n .. ...... ooll 5 BR + den + Family Rm + l'Wlml dinln1 + 3 car aaraee + 2 patios + balcony and o l ht•r amenities. Aslo.a,& onJy Sl.J5.000. SCOTT Rlil. TY 536-7533 creasing your d111lar1--------- aht-ad or IDnatwn CJll 546-4141 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Investor's durlex + 2 good r ent a s . pool, frplcs. charm. $255.000. Prinopals only. 640 _:1999_ Residence + in com e . Oceanside ol hwy. G If Robertaon. RJtr. 67$-0562 IY·OWMH! WESTSIDE C -1 Ulmer lot · With J bdrm t-x1~11nj¢ budd~n14 . l'nvatc ~ale Trt•mt·n dou.'> jXJ651u1lJl11~ r-.ewly offered .at SI l:>.ouu 7~1501 OAK GLEN 01s lin c t1 11l' n e w 2 bedroom. 2"°1 ba con- dominiums. itn .990. 2518 Elden Ave, C M. 642-6734 LEASE OPTION ~r 3br, 2ba Eastaide llDUCED $5000 home . Corner lot Charmini 3 Br house, $129,900. 11116.Mo. 645-7272 completely remodeled, 2 Ba, separate dinl.ng rm. ztr c.oado 2yn old W-11dr solid Oalt noors. lg cor-close lo be t\. p . p . oer lot W/add-On Polen· 646-IGI. 646-11~ t I a 1 l o c re a t e a 3Br. 2~Ba 2 story twnhse, ~mlc ocean & Bay ass u m a b I e 9 14 ,.: . View. New plumbinl( & 557-MTl or 752. 7722 appliances. $214.500 . 67s.ll64, work 963-7829, John SPYGLASS Hill llSTVALUE 2 STOltY Lovely 4 Bdrm, 2 baths. &.!per location. Corner lot with R. V access Owner ls movlnjl out ol slate. SUNSET R. E !67-8523 'This sngJ sly 4 BR. 2~ ba "Newporter .. Is lbe least expensive 4 BR avail in Spyglass today. Custm 1-·.,..-Mi•,.· .... -,•1•.•5•.__-• pool & spu, pron i':Z ..... ' Cart' lnd.~p·g, extensive lltd I.wt bnck & wood. Ko1 pond & Tastefully decorated one running stream 2800 sq bedroom Condo E'Sidt> rt + triple gar. well Costa Mesa. $72.000 located on t he 11111 Mary Jank. Realtor Terms avaJI. $409,000. 63HOIM RCT~~ a..4~~TIHOMI ICao.yon Ocean Vlew lllsZBR,den '5o. of Hwy. on Har.el St. 11 blk to beach 10wnr may carry Joan IHurry, only $295,000 Jobo Carey. ORI. R.E.C.l.. ....................... MIWUSU. 1llMll TmMSI Gr• tanml ••• "P-....... Jbd;rm, 2 •tory OD quiet cul-d•·UC. ID· ""°'9 dellabt -enter. tahaer'• dream! Call now.-...1 ~ Walkt:r 1; l t:r. Lovely 3 Br College Prk h om e , won 't last ! an.sex>. 359 Pnnmon Or. ~1'*1 SELL OR TRADE?? 2 Q.lle homea on Irie lot . Prime Eaetakie Joealioft. Ow n er w i ll h e lp w/fiJwlcinJ. For this or other good values call -.72%1 BEAUTIM lnlNE Confused by an these ads? Ranch Realty and/ot Woodbrtdce Realty can sh<. w you any one of over a Hundrt~ listed homea in Irvine. Don't waste time trying to decide which ad sounds the best. CAW.CUSMC 1IO de1 white • ater vtew.ar ..... 6Jldrm, M befflo, dbl lot. 0.. d•~-.ooo lta ii.al. $110,000 dow•. ~r a. .... OWNER !:• I for •PPl 'rl•,_... or-.at7 WA&.ITO IUCH vu, 2-8'1 •• I BB .. ~ .. 2~ be.; ftrt pit, Ht fll.j up . rorbbop, 1tuaJo rm. Sb..U.n. alld. 11au. tortll-' ~·A rare buy ONE CALL DOES IT All ~~aJty 4N.o?a1 UNCH WOODUIDGI ....... aoso REALTY IEALTY , ................... . 5 5 I ·2000 551 ·lOOO t1ur-e World. Gate 14 THE EXPEllS ~ramie view. 3rd tor. Wla Nueva, 2br aa, 58Ml79 AIC. aft m. ON llVlllE PIOPEln ANISH RANCHO :v, + r e view lot. 4Br. barn, RV, lots re. Assume 9 11•% o 831·7S76 Ownt:r hse. 1024 ....................... EASTSIDE 4-ft.D TOWDbouM lt,yie, walk to aboppin1. Great area. super buy! Only $205,000. Call~,161 OPEN HOUSE REAL TY /. 4 IR/$79 ,500 2 story townhou.se. I"'" Ba, comm pool, BBQ. neat. clean. princ only. S4l·S33l evesr~Z325 0-PoW 1026 ....................... Spectacula r hillto p tones 2012-3206 sq rt Close to Manna Selva Rd & Calle La P n m1t vera fl66,000 t.o $2.U.000 831 ·~. C93-400fl B Id r WOOOlalDGE 3 Br fl.20.000 5 Br 118$.000 M2-0ll2.644-6687 MOWThWOODS PARK PLACE l4fl, 4 bd... fam. rm .• & bonus rm. A/C, great aii sumable loan. $165.000. Call Fred Gibson, 5'9'00 l:i~~l>:tl llWON Tll MAllET Appaloosa by Pac~el ter. 4 bedroom family bome in earthtooe col· ors Fonna I dJrunit room. family room. 3 car prage. pool '>1ze yard and bal ro n y orr bedroom Soper sharp and 61ra clean. N.king Sl29.!l)(). e·-RA NCH Rf ALTY SS 1 2000 1052 Aa1 t:l1Lo. · ay El Nigut>l 3br. t.OOO. Custom Realty '1177 W. Yl.p I O& 7 .................... IOwner. R~duce<t l.500 F1n1stera condo, I unit. view , lake. 'toune & mtns. 2 Br 2 frplc, upgrade plush ~ & llle, lo down. carry :and. Opn ll<!t' 1 I 5. 979-6422 or et6.5 3, 2 ba. upgraded. l , -' yrs old. Ne w '· SHH ,500. HJ0-4949 •. t;ort IHdt I 069 e.\e••••············· Hhi ll~Realty h 1 Kl' .1 II\. Otl K t' t, 13 IJOO 31 VIA LIDO , N.B. PIER & SLIP \\3 bdrm_., . 2 b .. th..'>. Ora.ngetrtt, ;ur rond d . J U le."\s lhan $2!ijJ u<1ct Mou4i1:4oa leodt 1040 BR det ar h e d h se ••••••••••••• •••••••••• se&900 64S 0776onr 1bkr IACklAY '.VACCESS with purd &. 'PJ J bed.rm' :! bath~. rJmd~ arPa !'\1c1• front a. ""'' \dTd ·Park P l.11 ,. In•· 1142 7 Vil PARTY,UCE Pool n .pa . f1r1·p1t. gazebo. <kn & fmly rm ~ mtlStr plus 3 mort>. 2 full baths. super patK> Totally upcraded w1bll· Ins lhruout. 963-!i611 SHA.Rf'·SHARP! Ulob like a modt>I J Bedrm . .! b.ith hom1· liest :.rhor.H d1!>lnrt I Inf\ $102~ . t"ar1t !'ta rl'. toc M.! 71 tt t onHHOUSE Ucl 6 7. 13 14 Btaut deoror home 3 BR. 1""1 Ba. den. IJv rm, fplc. l.IJe entry. lgt' lutch 'ht'll kept yard Modt!I perf. $94,000. Prinr only TI4·&1MM83 IYTHESEA Must :1« t.bJs Dt'ar new 4 bednn, 2~ ba. With IRt' famrm&fonnal din rm Par1t Pla{-e,lnc842 7461 IEACHIUUTY Walk IO Ot'eaD. 4br. 2ba. $127,500 . Ow n e r . 213·432·7728. art. 6 91114.2140. IYOWMB ser. 2i,.;ea, form. D.R .. F.R. Low malot. yd. Nr. park, school. terum, & beacb. 11313>0 968.fB66 POOL 3br. 2ba clOll~ to bch a!IOO. C·21 Al{. 984-070 ....................... Woodbrid1e townhome WJ. Gr.. Windf1ower, S er. •.ooo. By Owner . 551-57• MOO&. P'EllRCT Ju\l h~tt"d 1n lr' 1n•• C '11ll1•1(e Pa~lt Fabul•IV'. ko·rltr•IP) \iodPI I Iii< formal d1n1n1< room ra1TUI> room. a n f'nln 1a 1n "r' dPl1,1!h l Prol~1on.ill)' dctorJll'd aod land!.capl'd Redhill ~Realty 552 7500 Ulntnity Patil lmmac 2.Br Townhouse S87.500 lly Ownt.•r ~I ~ LOCATIQ~ LOCATION f-~ln.: h11m•· 1111 .111·d UOJl't 'ol r••o•I IJI hi\ tt. HJ y J r1• 1 I• r fJ & \l'r \ '"" 110 ~ro1any upgra1!i-111 cl~R l'Omplctt'ly 11· rNl.'d k1tehcn Thi ... ho will :.ell 1t'\elf b4ol! I *I ~AUFYING • Oo.no.ooo. lake ovn r anu· opt 1 on "" 3 II It "'U!1om1· \\110 I 1.1 t 1 ~ ~• •r.!111 •REST1G£ :>WHHOME M u .., o u ~ht J (I 1· r N..~ Terr;in· <l nl} one· 1l on 1 ht> ma rkl'I Sha l'nn·d In '>t'll ' Hur54.5 9491 BK ll l..lr~ 3 bdrm home 1o1.11h a dcl1 itbl1ul CJm. room lotchen Ila.' l'8.'>Y lH'l°C'-' to pool,:, and Jui. l !>le p:, Lu tenrus l-OUrh Loc.iu'<f nt'xl tu qu11'l re~lf ul greenbt-lt l'ullos front 1--------and rear. with Malibu llghtulg ; CANYON Sperular ROif ('()Or.,•· est.a 6600 sq ft 4 ln Ci Bdn 5"'2 baths. Pool and ~ SI .395.000 TllTARNES CO. 40-5711 tt513 CAMPV5Dl:IRVIME 1-NR>--RT_H_El_Ci_HT_S 1041 ....................... lmNFllNl New Modular TYP• Homes. pvt commuruty. Chaang s pacious 2 stGr)4 Bdrm, family. dinsmom. larie hv1n~ roocdasters swte with 2 des and s poc1ous rrurro balhs. Warms woodbnck and st.c.nt· Tnal) decorators dt·· ligbt'or details call s.o.u ··' ,. HERITAGE . REALTO RS 2 bcbs. 2A hr secunty, I~~~~~~~~ sub-letting OK. From I· $38,900. Treasure Island Moblle Home Pk, 30801 So. Cst Hwy, Laguna Beach, R.M .P. '714 . -..m9 EMERALD BAY VIEW 4br. 4ba pnv. pool & spa lllll0.000. Ai\. Ml-60U wow..D YOU IBJEYI In l..q\ma Beach, juat lilted. 3 Bdrm. 2 balt famil)' home. Larp yard room ror pool. Mature b"e9. X1nt oe!lbbort>ooc doee to schools Hurr) 00 I.bi.I QQe f « $138,500 IAUTIFUL 4 Br.~. POOL & lipa, ura JJot. Harbor View lbnctortofino. Dining rm , amlly room . P'ityt. $269.900 fee !.Bf Stanhope Pl. 92189. ·--..._.. . ._._._....... Ollllr......... ....... ....... ........ ................... n.dl¥· Ootober t. tt7t DAJLVPllOT ~Ital mTIUl Men U.. .... I U.. _,-..., 09 UM llil..AW.O..,..LedMla diftr a Bdrm Portamout.b lildl. CALL QU ICK Ouallollll•D9.000 Mt.nu ............................................................... ~····· ...................... . Mlllltttlllitt ...... l'\41., 1000 .._..._. tl06 c.t.MtM :tZM "-"U.fw '*•• ,.._. '100 ....................... ....................... • .................... . ....................... . ..................... . uq .. •YN &J tw Bdrm unJu. roocn l'l'VS TO BAY SUPE R a Lllfll-.._. 3241 ., 1••• ft 1 .. 71 far• adcbUoaal un1u. bl' 2 a..n . 1ar. FP, O.b du ccttqeo· 2 Br. 1 ----·•• .. •••••••• "'ew _. 1 '1 • *3: -W~. C:O.ta .--, ~ wlni..r, 321 1 · a.clec. ar crpta . Blue Lqooa VlUa ~· All .. •~lru In .._. OnlM m .ao yr ~ .....-. drp1 $425. C pl only ~v lkb. Poot. teon. ,,_a~ 5bowo by ~.000 dn Ba lance f7s-oot'1 21S-10Mrzl0, 11..-.2520 :Tr; 09lr C.ll now for 000 oo COfttract 20 .._Pu' 1~1 1107 Ualq\ae 1 Bdrm OuplH deull1 (SJl00'7 l yr 6Uot>«dineUob. rrtn ••-••••••••••••••••••• p I .._ J i All. North .S; 2 BR, l~ ba. mam lUIJ' •1nt QIOC>mo.M8·2020 sa...1obe bt oo • a c u &&. ~1 f700Mo 'f twlla ft.....,...., be.~c.~~~::j,J2 ldlU..$32S.M2~~ ~f roa!~;i Br.1 .__ ........._ I "'00 '""" •,.... fl.Im Lovely reia&denual C-.tom Secluded. Meaa ..... urn. -mo. _.. -• INOOME PBOPl:RTY .. -... Av-'l. -,_Ju... V--'-JBR 2 .. -. fe m rm, Poriarana. 3 BR 6 deft. 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .~--.,-.. ,..odular _.,. .. ,.., .. "" ·-"'"'""' u. .__ ~f -11u bo ......._ '""" -'"""' ... U&h. ~ mo. Cor yrly rr,k. f..-h nalnt, xtra ..... · a......., . m e . ~ ftf "-• Type Homel. JOecu.nty. re o ta l S 82 s m o ) • clean. Wor&ct"aGreat.est lllOO II unit ror:npln T•rma 3 pvt b .. ct\Q, PQ(>I & C2Ul476-T73S Landlo rd. Aak f o r 3 Arch Bay, ocean view, avalJabJe Polltlvti c .. h P'Cr Treit1ure hlle Pk. Snorton W.TT77 2 BR.1 ba. '150 Mo. Oow. iN!>.000 A1cnt. :IOllOI Pat'IOt' C11t ltwy. ,,_., ' TIJRNERASSOC. Maw~t ... s.a 1 • 107' e m> L.11auoa Br h RM r --W.-1 122 a• 4M-U77 499-4!191 T·•• •~Lo & Lii n1 .. > '""""3579 •••••••••••••••••••• •• • .-. Aa ~'-,,,.,....,...., .... IC' ••••••••••••••••••••••• _..,_ " .... _.. .. --.... ••••••••••··~· ••• ••• • Oceanfront on pvt point. ~ both city ll&bU • Hamor flat.lta 4 bctr ?.,., C a..... • ........ / 11• ...... Ts -· ... v~ HOMFSFO T Famastk view, l Bdrm. \be ev~han,stn• CK'ean ba panoramic OcC'an ••NJ' ._. .,... ~ ,.,,... await yuu in U,1'& ~ V'crw 11•.ooo 1 f96 lMO Ctyptt 1500 COSTAMH A CameoSbores.Sparkli.ng 3 or 4 Br. Priced from t650/moyriy.499-2'l2'1 t>e.troom. t br eo bath ------•-•••••••••••••••••••• ~st loc:utibn In tuwn! rv4.3br.3ba,complete· MIS--ISll6. Fncd yard & DR ~ G-... ~ C lot 11"'" W f W lk t 1ar a 1 u . F ami lies air. 3ba, ..• ~ult level _,.., IW1)(411lWQDaUy de YBYFIW ,....., '"· OCt!atl ell lund•caped , Y urn. a 0 pvt ple ase, k id s & pets Ocean fl wb1te wa te r wra&ed ln urth toncat of t beae desireable 111ew . t'at•1fu· V.•t:w ~tiparate meten. ~nt'I beacb. Avail now 'tll welcome.Call9&t·2:i66or view. S750Mo. U.-4714, As lwnanous u llM! Vlt"W awdd» w~ bwlt fan Memorial Pk l~ lJ ) oraae11. 2 y r s new June 1.1960. $1800 mo. By m-2971 ..... no fee ~S668 is, lhb home t'Om~le lalllc &ownhomea. 3 BR 2 4.»9IOI ST14,SOO. o w o e r . 0 a v 1 d ''6• --------- meo ta It with many bemdurutnr sbopplnte. C rel.I OavtdBourke,Rltr C21.3)121Hl61 IW't leodt 1240 Oceaoview. Nortbeod , touches or elegant•e ~...i.~ fl rec facil Must ...._,.,, 1600 !>46-9950 _,.ow walk to bch. -4Br 2Ba, Walls ot alasa. u IU!<h ~."":..... k s rT_.-"f' ....................... DR/FR$875.t!M-4121 ..,.. .....,. wee lW.YOU. ••••••• •••• •••••• ••. ••. 2br, 2ba upper duplex. Deeant 2 bdr f ::1c b~~':i::~0•;.·i:i11 ~r:r'"t~·~:~~~?~~ SMAU.COM'LILDG 36 UNITS =~~~~v~£a~ &den tl825l!o:n;,1~ IV'CHI VIEW lJ\I a ID.lt'f'O.wave oven. IS.'i&) VacalJoo & lovei.l Near Newport Beuc:h C1 crptg, 21,.tj ba cedar & U..UVI pat.Jo w cover & main meol Properues, Inc ty Hall Has i.ome park Pndt ol ownership. ac· Co.ta Mesa 3124 &J,ass. 5 blk.s to ocean CI06e to downtown, • tenance free llDdscapmg 49).931 I 492•1700 LJli. O~ner will carry twll.ly rune 4·plexes on ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dbl car pvt gar. fully bedroom. 3 bath, ma ads aUow you leuure lJmr to loan with 29'!. down the s ame s l r e et a 1 BR d uplex, aduJt.s. no mauit. yd. Adults. no S1200 mo. ~ntury 21 eruoy at all or shaN at $1:1>,000 SUPER Orange County ""'"· Utal paid, except pets lnquire at 527 l8tb NewportCenter.&tG-5357 with fn eod.s. ~.500 s.to AM I 010 locut.aon Each 4·plex In· .... ~ St. 714-!lfiO.QJl Me wpori Hills nus pnvate wor ld gives YOU 8 Spe('llll feebng or security so you can eOJO.Y an ocean v 1ew . I us h landscaping & commun1 ty pools & tennis r rt!i. Your luxuraou:;ly up pomted three bed room, two & one-hall bath home will allow you carefree execut.ave living yet you are cl06e to some or the finest shopping 10 Su CaW & the airport (or your getaway weeknds $249.00>. a t Fas hion t+land in Ocstgn Plaza 759-9221 ASSUME 9.75% WESTCLI FF', 4 bedrm, 2 bath. 2 pat1os·s h arp' Patnck, 631 L2ti6 THEILUFFS ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEW 2 STOAY ONLY $17,500 ~qws1le Lyons condo. 3 bdrms. 2 ba, air cond1 l.loned, dbh.• car garage. l:}i.cl 'd. pallo. 759-1501 (~1~1m mn1mm Real Fstate .., SO. COAST PU.:U. DREAM HOME Luxury 3 HR. formal din ang rm. family rm Pnme location Cb 10 everything Seller has !Jought new home & 1~ mot.1vJted Bnng an or frr 1..asted al SJOI 900 call 54(}3666 r;L:' ® 'li1 ~ "' llEAL"UTATE; .. VETS! Lvly lge 4 bdrm w pool' Owners bought another Motivated ! We w ilt qualify you over the phone! 545-~!H ('-'lwdllrnlil ft.i Real Estate BURR WHITE . REAL TOR . INC. 675-4630 COftdoMJnhnft l /Town- hauMs for •• I 700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $61,950 Park Bn stol Condo <! FIH 114 ba. AtC A :.~uml' 10% lo. A1.11. 714 67:J 1020 Eves. 752·5710 1800 ......••.••............ 4 HEWUHITS 'lllat you can get f1rM ~r nghb on. nt.·ar main bustn~S ISt(l('k brOkl'r'> & large bank:. 1 d1:.lnl'l (1f SantaAnJ Park Pla<'e.lnr!W2 7461 NO QUALIFYING <1U:'-ITS GRl!:ATOWNI'.:RS l ~Ir Owner will rarr> ~'UXJtl JONES RL,\trY l'C I 'I N-!41 (714) 673·6210 eludes a 3 bdrm, 2\~ bath elec .. S28S mo+ S150 sec ---· ~Mis 3250 townhouse style owner:s dep_._~ __ 72.SJ_____ Sbr. 3ba. boat or trlr -••••••••••••••••••••• un1l with ( 1 rt>pl a<•e & l.agMncl t.och 3 I 41 :.t«age. S72SMo. Jbr. 2ba frplc. a le. dbl Karage A Quail Place ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call_alter6pm 831~--gar. avail immed exclusive. 752· 1920 Oreanfront, wanter rental. 3 Br. 31 . ., ba Near beat·h. 2 S4l-0878_Don ___ _ ' QUAIL PLACE PROHRTIES · '°'"' TU l :lO P'.M.I DYNAMITE 4-PLEX EZ Tl.'rms Only $1:; ooo down C~ta Me!>a All :i Udrm:. Kan~ i;11.1: lol WONT LAST l'dll .iny llml.' :?4 hr~ Agt S41 l'8X> IHYEST IN REAL ESTATE HOW Uuplex. CM S82.JOO Duplex. CM $106.ooo ~plex. CM $10tUlOIJ Tnplex Anaheim $185.000 Owners waJI com11der 2nd TO's. All havl' good m ('Orne. Call us for your 1n vestment needs. 556-2660 '=SELEC T I PROPERTIES pvt beach. pool, 2 br. 2 CW' gar. fprlc. ~undeck ba.nokids·pets.499·3579 S'ra> Rcf'!>req 'd Avail Nov 15th 960 7090 or Oceanfront mnthly ren ~ 7891 a.~k ror Linda t.als $35(). RM P Plante 499.3579 Meowporl leach 3169 .....•..•.............. Fabulous home with all ~ator amerutll'!> 4 Bdrm. View Fabulous llu ury furn 1:. h 1 n i:., $2Cl001rno Winter On Perunsula Onl) 'ilt'ps W bedch 2 Hdrrn l IJ.i furn $650 m11 Wtntl'r Wat.erfront llomf.'s 631 1400 WIHTER REMT ALS $675 per m o & up Include:> oceanfront. bayfront & ansade pro perties ~-BURRWHitE ... REALTOR .-INC. : .67S-4630 3 bdrm +den. 2 ba . ram & II\ rm . rireplace. prof landst'ape . spa , beaullful pallo. gardener incl. I mile lo beach. walk to park & M'hoob $!!00~ New 3 BH 21., lid. 5 blk~ to beath I-pie. bllns, )ard & ma1nt $675 mv 5:1' .. W62. ~I lill04 liEAlTJI' ~l:.ASPH \ Y \ 1mdo J fir 2 Ba. lt\ mg. dmtni:. riool knru ... , A (', ~ <'oll•·•'l 213 682 <!b67 I'\ l'!\ & wi<nd..'> Ne w c>el'Cllt111t: beach home. avail II I ·79 5 br. 2'"2 ba. family rm, 3 car garajole & Jacuu.1 Gardener incl Walk lo beat'h S850 mo or leabl' 21861 Sum m e rw1nd ~I or 754 6262 u~k foc-Chn!! 4 br, 1 ba house. Valley view , fireplac e . air cond , bwlt-an katr hcn. 2 car garage Mature cou· ple SS2S mo/lease Call owner . 00-01311 Ava1la ble unmedJately 3252 ...........•........... BRAND NEW 2 ~ly ~c . 4Br. 38a. modem kit. in eluding rrut'rowaH· tn door BB(,/ & :.elf l'll·anmR vwn .. IJit fam rm v. blln V.t'\ bar. lnds«p)!. l l'of l(.ir rt'l .. rt·d \lo r J( 11 $85(1 mo l ~ r I~. ,\niln·.i ~}IS:nJ dr-; or >lb ;1121, v.icn<h 4Hr. 21 28.a. fJm rm. II\ nn. golf cour.><' & 1t·nn1" db nt:1Jithborho•1d .;ere. 3\ ail late ~eiv $Xi5 mo 661 ~ 3267 ....................... HOMES FOR RE~I --Propniy 2000 I_._..._ t~ Oceanfront beauuful dlx 2·STORY. 3Br. dtn & ram I 088 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...._. .._.. -• 2200 Jbr 2ba frplc. gar $800 rm. fplc. ref's Lease. •••••••••••••••••••• ••• 2-8 lll06. Refs. 67!>· 1849 162S. BonnJe 963·7881 & 3 oc-4 Br Pnced from $485-$595. Fnro yard & garages Fam1 l1c" pleai.e. kids & p ets ~elrome Call 964·2566 or m2!nt Agt. no fet• 11 00 CDMDUPLEX 3 Br owner 's unit w tfrplc It 1 Br l Ra urut. !J' ,,. , as su.mable loan. $179,900 full price 19 UNITS Pnme R·2 Lot XJnt. loca· 968-711.9 Uon. No. end Laguna UDO ---------Beach. Level. 2 blks .to FURN. WI NTER REN Doll's Houst' t Bdrm. Iba ocean. 714-4&4-0US. TAL $2111) No pet.a. Call Mack 2 Bdrm+den. l8001mo. 11112-TIIO ltciCAHYOM CUstom lot approx. 108rt. o n golf course ~5 Deerwood. Pnn. Only. 759-0717 ....... D.wrt. RftOrl 24 00 AdulU -No Pct.s HliDSON-BAY. REAL TY, LTD. (714)64 5 9950 Udo Isle 3 bdrm beaC'h !¥>use. Nov I to June JO ~roo.s:l$11M .........••............ 3202 ................••..•.. See SC>ray Condo 3 br. 2 ba. ms mo !'\o pets Pool, tennis . secunty Call 84,2,7461. Park P lace Realtors Lovely 2br, den 2\o'tba Olndo PQOi. J&C 2 car 1ar & opnr Upgraded. ~ Avatl Now No Pets t;t& 597 4 alt 5 3244 ...•.•.•............... UNvenity r artl 3 Bdrm, 2 ba Gurden home Very t'lean. SS75 67~192. RENTALS t'-•pcwt leoc.h 3269 .................•.••.. ONWATH Beaut. t Bdrm 6: ct.a. L1e patio. v ae .r . SlJQO/mo be. Pra~e k>cation Waterfront Homes 631-1400 OCEANFRONT 2 BR. up· per unrt w 3rd sty s un· deck +huge 2nd sty pauo deck. spa. wshr•dryr. microwave. new cri>ts & dr1)S & tar m cld'd. S875 mo...rew. WATERFRONT 3 BR 2 ba homt' on Channel m clds slip for pwr boat up to 40· Obi gar ~ \lra prkg. Sl.200 mo JACOBS REALTY 675--6670 .....•....••.....•..... Very lge. 4 Bdrm., 3 ---------bat h . ai r cond Excellent Npt Sch lc>ea· tion. 2 blks from lloal{ Hospital All well main tamed. Prfre reduet•cl to $799.900 Ownt'r ha~ purchased new property & Is ready to i:o . .•...............•.... Vacant 2 bt'drm, 2 ba, secunty gate, pool, bltn11. S375 mo Ask for Gt•nc, !\gt 962-4471 2 BR + d,2 ba . S650 3 BR. 2 ba SS2.5 675 4 BR. 3 bu $675 Harbor \'1ew 3 Br 2 Ba, 1 o wnhome . red to $158.500. Best opportuni ty. under market' Broke r, 640·5560 MOBILE HOME BUY ·SEL L RENT t1NANCE Mobile HOIM St~ Information C~nter CALLUS 661 -1021 FORLc:ASE New 2 bedroom 2 bath h11mt• M1s .. 1on Lake·-. Country Club Golr tenm~ PoOI lkauttfully landscaped. no rnatn· tcnant-e yard ecdboa Island 3206 ....................... QAYFROHT 2 bdrm. 2 bath 1n 'u1wr localaon avail now (or Wlflter rental $900 m11 Salisbury Realty 673 lt)llu Corona de4 Mar 32 2 2 2 HR, 2 ba ssoo many upgrade~. '1.·~. ~an Clementt· S795 Gard me-i60 C>t51 3 BT. 2 ba. v.alk to beach. pool. teoru,; $525 Adult!.. no pets 631 :l>98 DOU.HOUSE Olanmn~ 1mmac 3 Br. 2Ba on Lido, pnccd nght $298,00>. Agt. 675 18.'>4 -------- 9mO Clubhouse Rd Desert Hot Spnng~ 21J..378-2S72 .......•............... Large 3 br. 2 ba. fri>lc. P\1 pat.ao. nearly 1800 !>Q ft duplex So. of llwy Avail Oct. 1 1st & lb t mo ~ S2SO deposit $650 mo 511 CarnafJon &is.. 7800 BLUFFS. pool. Bay \ ICV. lrg 4br. 2l-,ba fam rm e nd unit. $900 m o Siu' 644-0134 BLUFFS B~T BUY 38r, 2Ba, pool, great loe S1Z7 .00>. 640-8146 LIASE/0 "10H 3 BR 2 Ba. NewP<>rt Sbori!S home. $795 per mo. $125,00 . 645-7272 LIASEO"IOH Large 4br. exe<: home $10,00> tor l·yr opt to buy at D>.000. Fiex1blc lse 7si.2S50 WE WANT TO SHOW OFF this rantastk 5 bedroom. 4~ bath estate with its t'Omma ndlng view or Bad Bay, F ashion Isla nd & mountains . Owner financing. Call ror details PllC9.-Hf Jams a nd Jellies a ll yur-lrom U'c m ature fnat tr.-ln lar1e back = 3 Bdrma. 2 bath witb tote of ..wed brick. ou&door Ulbtlnl. AND Newport Beach ad· di.-! SUJ.500. M~IZOO •EXCITING• SPECIALIUY 3333W C.oa~t Hwy,NB 64S-6646 Beautiful 24 · X 52 NEWPORT IEACH Keywest fl!172 l MobiJe home in Laguna 12 UMITS Hills rucest S·star park I DOOR from OCEAN 7xl5' encl port'h, mir· Unbelievably low LOW ro:-cd doors. hght wood P RIC ED a t $425,000 mteriors, 3"2 T air cond. Owner will trade. 2s~c1ous Br's with ba + Worid RHlll Estaff dressing area. walk in 556-7777 closets. All for o nly 1---------• $29.500. OfU.6638 ) CLASSIC MOllLE HOME SALES Z706 Harbor . Ste 206· A 540.5937 Pull Out. 61 Trailerama. Uc. llDV6703. Dbl wide. 20x 4 5 . $5900 . Ren aissance M .P . 49&-3579 COSTA MESA 20 wide, adlta, s pace ren t SUS. CSS3SS ). $22,500. J~~ ./LAU FOUST Just llsi.d t beautiful bomes under $35,0oo! 3~ teh AC. 2 3Br, 2Ba. nicest ~ ln Orange County. C all t o d ay ! (JP9646·Jl349 ) Bkr. IJ72.84,2l llACHROMT Le uc a d ia dbl. wide. Small, sec ure park, oceaa view. Sll,SOO. '36-879'7 ree.. 744-0SSO. 1....- FOUR UHITS-C.M. Near new, 3 Br owners unit, 2 ba. frpl, 2·car gar .. 3·2 Br. 2 ba. units TSL lnvstmts 642· 1603 11 DELUXE UNITS PRJME E~TSIOE. CM 2 Bdrms each. mESTARNESCO 640-STll MEWPORT IEACH Ouplexn on Penin. & Nwpl Sbrs avail. All amenities. Presen ll)' leased. Turn·key opera· tlon. Prope rty mg mt avail. 8'1~912, BKR Duplex, 2 Br I Ba ea. ent'I. garaa-. Assume 9'-'~ loan w/$20,000 down. f\111 price $113.000. Prill only. Ownrt At,t. 682·8380 16UHrTS Pride ol ownership. Near beach in Huntington. All tdta have frptc•s. Only 5 yra old. Owner want• quick aale. Will carr)' nnanctn1 w ~ down at only l~ Interest. Call Out of Cowwty ... ......, 2550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kern Cnty 40 acre inromt- prod farm land or ranch site SJ.500 per acre 9634703 aft 12 noon Outof Stah Properly 26 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Share Big Sky Montana home. Good sports loca· Uon. Call S45-0.J24 Rmtchft, Farnn, Gro••• 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PARADISE FOR HORSE & RIDEA Beaut1rully maintained 9/10 acre horse property in Orange Park acres. Large lenced arena. and puture. 3 covered stalls. 2boxst.alla, new and tack room. Fruit trees. lovely 3 Bdrm. family bome. Ocatandln& SUl.000. "don osen ,,.;,1t•. h •Small lbr. yard . utll pd Adults S395 No pets ~17 or 833-8974 Harbor View Hilb, 3 RR . l·'• ba. fam rm 1\ll new appliances. Lrg yd. Xlnt loc. $1200 mo. Bkr, 640-5112. 3224 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Easts1de Entertainers Delight. 3br 1 ~.ba, many a me n. kids, n o Pt'l s Avail 9 l. lm5. 631 ·0496. EASTSIDE 3 Br. 2 Ba. lge back yard, x1nl cond. Yr ly S&OO. Ca II Berit~771l New 3 br houx. No pets"; no chiJdren. $450 m o. m-3376. 3 Br. 2.,; Ba condo, 2 story, 2 car 1ar, pool, tennis. $S75. 546-1137 17711E.1'1tb-ST. l Br. '11/Wi crpts, dl'"Jll'! TUSTlN 731·3111 encl. patio area. S2SO mo. M2·*'6. .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 8r house, W/W Crpls .. '+523 CAMPtJSDa·IRVIHE ·--- IHWESTCUFf 3 BR. 3 Ba. country lott'hen. largt> lot and I BR-bath perfect for an- lawoc-l.ave-m. 9 Mo lease OK at $850 mo UMqulHOMES Redton. 6 75--6000 Dl.X TWNllSE L'n1\ Park 3Br. 2'-'2 Ba. 2 car garage. ele<' dr opn r , pool. & sauna $700 mo lse. 642· 9909 d ys. 5.59-9020 eves SPYGL~S.Ocunv1ew, ForLease New 2b r,Con· 48r . $1650 m o. yrly. do w/pool. tenrus. Jae. _~ ___ 6 _____ _ ett'. M ust See' 21J.. !I» l.3116 I Br Orangetree condo on st ream Pool. ten nis. )Oc .. upgraded No pets. S3!l5 mo 644 .OJM Unlv. Pk Ten' 2 br, 2 ba. r11>lc, country k)tch. Nr pool. $.\SO SS2· 7896 __ Twtlerot'k, lovely 3 Br . 2 Ba. AIC. perf rondJ t1on. 11185. C.ll 640-6685 ll8ff ALS 2 br .• 1 bl 2br .. 2tnbal 2br. + D.,2ba 3br .. 2ba 4br ,3be 8LUFFS3Br. 2Ba , pool, paUO. great loc. $58S mo ~81-46 Li 3 BR 2 ba, f11>I<', rear yard. trtts. qwet Npt Ht.I!. $575, 675-1225 3br. 2\'Jba Npt. Ter race Qlndo. lligllly upgraded W/lovely patio. Comm poo l . s auna. & )&c.SSSOw 1yr lsc No ~. 631-1317 ror appt HEWPOn SHOIES 3 BR. 2 ba, yearly, pool & t ennis pri v 's. $8SO. 873-8145, Of' 8'1~ w..w,s,.cw. 12115 st.udlo furn pets. SIOO Balboa lbr furn M.10 2br IDc& peU. ree l!il503brdup1ex or bch d lOMEF1NDERS • SS1-0llZZ ................. drpe, 1037 Wllaon. 13:50 ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• mo. M2·3'64. New Terr. Condo, 3 BR. .... w.d l I 06 Beautiful 2 br, z ba condo. 2Ht ba. view, pool. sauna, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1300 eq. ft. &tel. covered ll)O mo. 842-883S IAYPllOMT patiob,bgara.1e. $480,. mo. ita2•c·-..,"-t-11.air lJdoltle: 2br,2ba, 2 bdrm. 2 bath tn auper Club ae poo . us ,.., ~ """""".,.:'"" ... Iii $7lOmo. 'tyi:leue. loclldon. Avail now for Brooldine.-... . 6'13-M29. .,.... ...u1. tlOO mo. D afl11l1nem•• Selll~ Realtf '7J.eOO *'· lbe, wttb amall •&de 2 Bd.. 2 car pr. Ideal for Newport Sllldlo Condo. )'Sd-.00110. worllial cpl. '500/m o. Nr. ltoq Hoepltal. Pool. ON WAT&Jl. WINTER MZ~W ft-9dG!beoD.A1·Ul6 apa, uuna. Security . llENTAL. Sxeltlna I Lovely 1 br 2 ba dbl Great around•. MOO. 8*m. , ...... , ~ dininl • • • Zll/4'17·7001. nn aod at ll\ned 1laH ,... 81 SuaU Ana. wtnd ow•. Moori n 1 •·o.n.r 0l3)$U4ltl n •llablt . SlOOO/mo Zllr. adult.a. DO pda, •• R&ALTORS ...... lalilbur1 Realty. lit 6 lalt + iuo teelll'. *· J'it!Ba, Broadmoor ONKOR JK1l'U i m.-. .... ~ar 1clalll 6 'adrf ./tJo~ ,.,... ,._ old IMf for ._ del llar lwe, ' ~ ~= AmaawU*~nn:~ HW '"''" Jtltb a =~ ba, t•u mo. ~Oet "· OWHf ''Z'•11tr l a.-lleded.~ .... ..___. ....... "' ,,.,. ..... l26t u a I'•._. 1740 .............................................. NO 'PEEI Apt. fs Condo SMAl.LBEAOIHOTD.. rentaJ1. Villa Rental• Room w t t lt cb uo,. f7MflJ Bkr. Without sia ~ rtldred OGJy. 5Jl.30S1. BA Condo. I BR fs den + 3 be, lovely sreenbeJt &...... ..... 37 MU.in&. Nr ~. -25 per ~; ••• •••••••••• • mo. Bir, 131-LIOO. LAGUNA BEACH Mi II& CUYoo-2 BR. J ba. + INN. Maid aerv .. c elm. MCCIJ&in t.ownbme. TV, heated pool. U . Bar. pool, apa. tennis <114 )41M·52t4. 98$ · +extru. Avail. Oct . S. ...;O~:oa~t~Hw--=Y:....·---- <Gil) 955-1055, 615·~35 Beaut. decorated, maid eve. aervlce. pool. util. $95 wk. 499-2227 Bayfroot Condo. Boal Oceanfront 2 br $525 slip. Beaut. & spacious 2 Wint.er only. l br $4.2!>. yr· Bdrm+den. F abulous ly, util lnc. 536-0321 view $2400/mo yrly lse. ~lO Charming bach, nr Drive by 111 Via Lido bch. Utll pd. No pets. I Nord. Lee 2 Bdrm, 2 ba Respempf. adult 494-4200 w/dm fl paUo. S975/mo •tewport IHdl 3769 yrly. .. .................... . Watmront Homes 6.11-1400 Almost.,., acre, 2 BR. 1i,, ba home. lugb beam ce1l· an&S. frplc, Back Hay. Room tor boat or RV. SS75 mo. 549. 7!171 4 Br. ram rm. frml dan rm, rumpus rm, 2 ba. dble gar, $750 mo. Avail Oct 10. 64.2·9567 ---- 3276 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 'BR, 2 ha, fncd yard, m pnme San Clemcnll.' loc S550 mo 5111 ·2048 or .m.2568 f''uJI orean view 4hr 3hu faro rm. S650Mo f~frJrl' 8 30am o r aft 7pm 498-0071 3280 ....................... 38' 2& C~ndo k1rt .. OK nr So CuJ.'>l l'ldld ut1 I pd 964412'> ~nwooJ I \ r old I hr fam rm 2 hu •·.irthron•• t'rp(.' IWV. ldnrf,\ dlJlnj? SIJ,5(J mo 6.a5 .123' I 3298 ..........•....•.•..••. llOM .. .:s 1-'0 It Rf.:-. r 3 oc-4 br l~te<I rrom $485 lO SS95 .. ncd ) .i rd & ~ara 1:~., F .1m1l1l'' ple:.t:.e. kid., & Pl'l'> wetrome c.ill ~ 25t\li or 9TJ-2971 AJCI . no fl't- ~ fwWIMdM u..tww1•d 3300 ....................... LIAS6-' EASES! 3 Bedroom-Cullom 1\.-t.ul boroe·t800mo. 3 Bedrm l·u.,tom h<>ml' 2 fpks. "''ct bar. km pond. horse slA.11 S800mo 4 BR. 2 BA. Turtlt' rock. fam r m . + loft' ~sq ft approx Deucbed home. Im med CXt'UJ):lnC\. S895mo 75~1700 __.....,_. '-"": ~r--7'"'--r- WIHAYE YEA.IL Y & WlMTER RB4TALS Tcild.g l_..,..,atioM associated 81101<ERS 11EAL TCiR~ lUl'· V'f Molboo b' I :&t.t i THE "GOOD LIFE" YEAR·ROUND FUN. $• r1.il Ac.11v1T•e!> D• 11·c.lut •free Sund.iy flr .. r" h•880 '>•P.ir t • • f'1u~ mucn mvrc GREAT RECREATION l•·t n •fr~•-LP· t•r rur , I'. r·•n \hOl 1 • 2 HI allt, C lut>' • S.i J' I• .., 1rirr m.1 .. ..a9<' • '>wm " n , • Gv1 I Dr • r t Ii 1nQP BEAUTIFUL APART MENTS ~" t t. • ~ • J t f' • f t f' 1 J /~ I fU h• •t •A I ; I l "'' _. • r. f, t • '} •h I, (Jpt f U-.1•~1 I I I Oakwood Gard e n Apartments Newport Beach/No . >1tiO 1,.,,,, .. 111 ,,,, I 1114 1 111\°' O!'i!JO Newport Beach/So. t7(J(J ll,ilh •,1 tlH It'• 11 • •r11 1114> b4/ bl /(.J Vf!!1Y nice l br Meanfronl .ipl. d ~ & ).!Jr $.11,)il mu Wmter Also l br S3i5) r ly 67J..fl964 belore 9 pm I Br. utJJ. pd s.100. Adult~ no pets. AJso unfum. 2421 E 16lhSl. NB646-1801 Spacious 3br. 2ba. fprk sundeck, gar. unit avail DD!W .JJlU.uD l na w _ Oceanfront. :"' B Call 213 331 5 41 i or 714 646 2\lJfl Retired M or F lu Ii' l' ftl nil"' A pl I or rt'd 11t•1•d re n t I. 1 t " t• h u rt' ' 646 l~l ••••••••••••••••••••••• •OCEANFHONT 2 hr ldboaJ"-d 3706 xlnl lo<' W1•t•kly mun ••••1 •••••••••••1 •••••• lhly Pvt ply tii:l 7f'i77 Bach apt. I Rm with own . ba. pvt enl. prk·~. rfr~. St\'P!. to bt.'a t h :! l\r no cook'!l I 4uwl rl''l> v. .,,,,hr & clr)1•r • J.!Jf adlt S22.S mo 675 0..14!4 S451> 96".!·filWll IAYFROHT \'ery large dplx apt 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bdrm. 3 ba. laundry rm. ldboa PeNMulo 3807 carport cBoat moonng ••••••••••••••••••••••• possible I Wanter S80H or 4br. 2ba. frplc. c rpts & Sl200 yrly Agent 675·3331 drps 100 ste~ to Ol'n 2;, stt>ps to bay $700Mu Moo to Mon ~ Balboa So 8ayfront4br.2ba.u p Penn 548-2008 or 759-8949 per Gdrage W1nt~r 67~ lBr $335. Bach S255. Ut1 I L I TTLE BAI.BOA incl Winter -104 E Balboa 675-3001art4 ISLl\ND w moonn~ boat l8'F.br, 12x.24 V1t>w l. tt Corona de4 Mar 3822 & bar. ~ar. ~un ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ $650 Winte r Rental lbr close to beach. Vlt'w Nego for summe r W out Bo.Irony Ut1l anclct. $450 moonng less 548·9647 67~1497 ---..... PftliM.ula 3707 2Bdrm Oplx. Iba. sundk. •••••••••• •• •• •••• • •• •• stove & rcfrii:. $450/mo BEACH. View. pier, 2br 640-400(1 Adlls SS50 uU pd 303 t:: ------- Edg __ ewater 0_>871·2866 l.O\'ely 2 Br. 2 bu, frplc. ocean s ide of hwy. $495 Coronade4Mcr 3722 Call67S.l657 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Condo on the w a ter Newport Beach 's rtnesl. $1200 m o . y r I y I s e 642-4783 wkdys __ _ ~ oC Hwy. 2 BR. 1 ba. beams. r11>k . patio. S500 Eves. 675 7697. Days. fl33.8:5,5 J • Ch UC k. Furn.' 3hr, 2ba Cd M New elegant ~!denre 3 $52SllO. W /0 Call before BR. 2'r) BA. rruru bay vu, 10AM .... walk to beach. many. · · many xtru . 11200/mo C...MeM 1724 Marci a or Jay . ....................... 873-8550.A.gt. CASA DI OIO 2br, lba lrplc. balcony. 2 AU. trrn.ITIES PAID W: to beach. Gar. Lndry Compar e beforr you area . .ac>. 752·1828 rent. Cu stol'ft d ell111n 1.,,;.;..;.,;_.;.. ______ _ featutw: Covered patio .eo.,y lbr, frpk , pat10, 1 • N e w f u r n i t u r e . utiJ pd. Adults. $385. NCI ~ lutcheo with In· pets. 759-0217: 833-8974 dinict Ugbtint, separ ate dlnina area, Ml length C-.MeM 1124 rnartile pul)man in bath. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ bedrooma, pool. BBQ, aurrounded with plueb l a nd1 caplng. ADULT UVINO AT IT'S BISTI NO PETS 2 Bdrm l\u'ni.abed 9420 •W•tWUaon <714>N2·lm SUSCASITAS WALLACE ST APTS 2IM9 Wall ace St Newly decoralecf. beam ceilinP. 2 br, 1 ba , $370. No *Poait.a reqd. Child oil, oopet.a. MM4U ••••••••••• 1 f!!.i.1.1 Ba .. Sl.50/mo. ~ JefU31·1288 1'\11'11 lbr apt 1171 fs up. l!lDcl. 1ar. AClulU, no pela. ZllO Newport 81, UALTO&S .... . 9lllblc ~ wltb a t • 1 ldrm traUen ll50 DallJ PUot Ouaifled Ad 11o + util'" No cllU*tG lt a ..._.. mat&« •.• crdop. MH1lll •c:.a&MUm. .1 l~, Octobmr •• "" ft ... ' I p • lo DfClft (lal.ab work. 11 ,,.. la arH, M'0 h0.U. C Ul4 c ar,.•l•r • cabinet wan s.J ~. r•· ...... ,___ M$-JOCJI ...................... Or•o••i••P arla l• c.,.tS..lce lot•a..at.ra•s..Jc-oau.&. ...................... . l6S At"alt Ml 41fl a.mcioo • 11eam dtan lk'd Color bn1h1enen. •bt ... 10 mlD blH h.. CJeap MY A.apball Improve &av, din rm, h~ll SU Av11 .._. Co We repa&r 6: rm SJ JO. NUtb s10. chr M alco.t your 11ph1lt a. Ou.ar ~um pet od<>r Iota. drtvew~. Clil repair, t.S yr• Hpr , dl&.IRble 6 apt Do W()l'l myau!lf Ref• &Al P're• eat Lie m 0101 ...,_ lt.\-IMS, ~•1S -Blabop 1 Ex1rac t1on I • :as. vice Ciarliet Clearunc Clun ••••••••••••••••• ••• •• aQY 2 Br hofno SllO, 3 Br DIVORCE BY MAIL 180 S pot c:lunana . Niq to l'bsal SJO lnvel, pc\ odot, OU 1a1.hJ ~ Le1aJ IM2-MOO ctu.r1 _s.5ll_~ Iv mi.ii ....................... Newp ort Da,. Ce r • JAl 111 band i lrlp or re Cent•r. AIH l~lup. 1,.ir, nillnilb your enU Pleened pro1r1m .. p6ana1 II fine tum _.... U l 1.1.12. UM Newporl II.CM tlaulln1. de1nup1 ~ driveway removals , lri 557 82'7 l ts •• I ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca•wt•· ....................... .. * I I Wanl a REALl.V CLIMN · JACOMCONCfUtTt: JUJ(.'TION (>t1 vewaYt, 1ldntalll1 • J*t,ICll ... T7Aa t'rwlU\I• 10.uunry. 4•un crete, patio cuvor 1 . decb • fHl'tt of all k1nd1 8tor1011 • l.11· •37111M Oc"'"· 641$ 0761 tvea. ••••••••••••••••••••••• FLJ(,(."TKICll\N l'nN.'ti nahl free e11t1rnute on lar~ or •mall Jobe I JC '337254 '73 03S9 ........... •••••• •• • •• • lfOUSE' Cell Glt1ah1m OardnUnJ. clean uJ)lt • Olrl Ft-oe •t. 645-5l23 laad1c1p1nac Gt-ora lbuahl $4). 7072. LAWN llt!rvu·c:. laod tcape, cle•n UJ*, haulln.i W 9W7 Cardenan&. trel' trim mma. clean up, & m:aint ~ Arn.le 548 8414 Avtl& Gardemng Tree Lnrnrrung & rll movali;, · yl&l"d mamts , 'prankler ays lem lll, l111wn is. cleanupa, 646 ~74 Robin ·s llo uaecleanlnl( Srvc. for a lhoroughly clean hou.te 540-08S7 Call Snow·Kausttleananii F1.ir a bomtl that 11parkle!S ILke mow, 979-0076 P o r Ex ce llence in houMc:learun& Cleamnf( Un.Luruted $46-:n26 MRS. CLEAN rrwkea 1t Gleem Bac h . apl5, homes S49 9372 Ill~ quality t~ad, ''om Un l);w ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1g Ille hart.lord ....................... Autos. Hma •Off. Pun cell's lmmac Clearunic Su v We ca r e more Lacd /bnd 759 0323. 750-15.57 --~ L.-.c .... , ••••••••••••••••••••••• . - 11 o v I n 1 b y T H E ESSI •N STARVING COLLEGE "' STUDENTS Esp, lr1 Q.wwm PatntJ.na tN:k. Ml 1427 Fr"ee Etlt, 3yr1u1r. n t' 9 ---------1 Qluck .F.alian NZ·1471 -·-•••••••••••••• .. • , I II •I'•• ..... .••.•......••••••••.... ,....y_..c_. PETERSPArNTING Int/fat. Free eat. Lie Eapr 'd. Reu Ra tu na1191. Gwa.r . Ref•. Ted. Ptee r.t. Call Gene m ·IOnorGl·l s.om ..... PAJN'J'llllG ••••••••••••••••••••••• AU PAINTING Free F.at 20 yrs u p. Repair ., Ruoof. All Neal8'73-$S76 CaJJ Larry 847--0llM.:. type 1 . a h I n I I e 1 • En$475 lntl375 Give New Ute (u Your rocubalces compo·tar. Prof pai.nUng Ext & Int. lb.ale! Int/Ext by Lac 'd f\-ee eat. 541·5830 F in. U.ured coolractor Free Avail tme. Low rales. Free &t ~w Lile Pa111Un11 --..----_est._~---· SJ6. __ 4383 ___ , 5'51·~0'11. Sewt.J/Alht -----------...................... . Paintane INT1EXT Ext /Int Pai n t. Neat, honest, reas . 12 all Q 1 .. yrs. exp. Lac 'd Dave w paper ua wora, 964 LOO reaa. Free eat Steve Expert Oressm1kln1 & l\Jt,erations. Calm work. Eml •Hta•'!I. 646-732Z Reudentutl & commerc ial peinUng. Free e!lt Reas rmei. 675-9001 673·0737 547-4281 -~----T..WO.R.,.w Meclcare typtq or bank C•a iwt ac.u~. reaaonabl •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• r'IUla by Jane~ 7413 bf Sandwich Express will t :J0amlall 7pm dnu up your next party or evml w/our 1pec1alty calerlng. 3 locallona Ca.JI 549-70118-4 PM mt & •nd wtrttUC ut ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOW't!lll ~06l Toni ur Joel Carpentry, fcncan11 & roof ~~1 ~ No .)obloosml l'Jpa am 631-4264 Fonlke/TI&. Wkly or I lime ser v1re Vacanl.ll our specially Wall!!. window~. s tm carpel d eimmg, 24 hr l>er\'ll'f:. i''r~ Cllt Bon dticJ Ins ~-4106, Landscape, arr1gat1on. Painllng ., Restor ation. clm,1p. rew. IO yrs exper "Par Excellance · st u c & bonded Norboru h c/1ns1rch Ri c ha r d SJHl162 or 8!17 2862 Sinor 836-5.SM Int/Ext. painting " home •••••••••••••••••••••• • repairli. Rell11ble & reai; a..ARENCE'S 1V. 27 yr11 Qua! work f''reeest. Aft exper. D ays, e ves, 5, ~5206 wlmd.I ~.96 +. 957-1096 P111nt1ng, Res/Comml Serving O>astal l'Omm H yrs 111,ghe'>l quality work . lhnbl. Lie d Dave. 5116-~ T~ !:u.haave ErT'aod Servi Will do arocery shop· SJIQI. dry cleaniq, &bop PlDC: s pecialty storel. c-.t/ea.c ..... 11pec1al pack-up .. de· ••••••••••••••••••••••• liver , trans p orting children. Anythina you Ce~nt. work-All type11 need.. Rd. avail. Cllll aft. Lie d <.:ootractor lllllOlM 3. :I>. Lon 673-3064. 6'2-Ml.2 Of' &t6-6563. - Concrete work by T he c.,."''" Stur ving College St u· •••••••••••••••••••••••d ent s . Pllt1o s . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hoene repain,, electn1·ul. CeramkTtle plumbing. odd Job,; .. .._._ Re~bl~ 642 !H78 uft c.1ou•e'I. baths. counter 6 \Op!. 8111 675-4608 C ER A MI <.: TILi!: Kltd~n. b1.1th.... e11Lry11 Yo ur l 1 I e u r n1111 ~ 962·Xl79 ......, ···•··················· OCC Studerll. l Tun Lruc k TrB.:ih, tree tram Uan 64.2 322-4 DANDY DUSTF.ltS House a. apt <'l .. u11an.: ~!':'!? •••••••• •• ••• •• fJv<>y detail work Ovt'r 4 .>n. exp Hd i. CJll Doh Bnt'kwork Sm ull Job'I bit• 750 4741Ix-fort•1 PM ~rt. Costa Mc."!>a & CleanulJl'i oo rt-ntills. lsf'li apts. ernplle:. i''ret-e'>t OrK <.:oonty <.:all 645 ~ lrvuw 675 3175 eve)> ......••............... Sldploader, dump trut·k. H.se Cini( C!5 mtn You gr8<1.tng, haul. tree & yrd ~u p µly mute r 1 u lb wrk, mk.c 831-12$7 5111~Sharon LEVEUIR ULIN~ l;et the beat for lei.' 1-'rffest 840 6313 Walls-per b~1n11. fast service. qua!Jty work. Le Papter, 714·536·2350 WALLPAf'HIHG Quality work f:vel> 631.D15 8'r.IJ f'AINTING lntr. extr. ce11"llfl> H1•n Lal renovauon spec111lu1t Small commer<'aal JObt. CUSTOM INTERIOR dnveways, s1 dewallu1 CARPENTRY Wat e r d Ive r s ion By J~ ~-8809. specaallsta. Ml--8427 Your fra c ndi. und nellthbors use Classified when th ey ha ve IJOmelhm~ to k U. They ·11 tell you how well al ~cd for them! Have somet.h1mc to 1tl!ll'' SELL idle 1temi, with a i'lnd whal you want an at\erboun 89'J 2024 Clamfaed ads do 1t well Daily Pllot Classafaed Ad Daily Pllot ClaulCleda Sell Idle items 642-5678 Apa Iwata u..t..na. Ap.. llM•h """"-Apu IMC•b u.fwta. ROQMI 4000 OHie. 1...tat 4400 Office._... 4400 ....,._/1..,.nt/ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .••.•••......••........ •..••..•....••......... •.•.•••...•......•..... ~ ea.t.MeM 3124 CoetaMeM .. 3124 ....... Oft ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ 1142 LA MANCHA Af'TS •• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~. 1,2'&3 bd garden Adlt 2Br, open beamed 2br. 2ba. pool. Jae. saunu. 11pts. Adults . Dahwhr. ceillnp thruout, lots of Wnni.a. m>Mo. bltna, encl gar, gaa bbq. wood. no pets. S320 mo. R4 -~ Poot Gu Pd. 778 ~Ott 67J.8803eves --------f'l 642.5073· 645-5611 ----------Large waterfront condo Room w/kltchf'nl'tt1• m W1.>ek & up 548·97M IALIOA ISLAND Newport Beach of<'1upt Het<til stnre or offar1• ILK Cannery l>e<'t1on 111.gllle $400 month 67~12 Broker Agent 675 8170 ~rt Crest rum pvt r m I Cl a . k 1 I l' h t· n S2aO U I' Office 11to rc. Sub lea:..: 400 ~<I fl L,ado pnvllege, gar. pool. lt!n t•pb, drps. A C 17301 Manna Valluli(e Jrd flOIJr nisl'rts S275 642·1645 Ht-:ich, H H f..se M2 2HJ4 \lew 675-48.1 · ' Spac 1 Bdrm. pal.io. n r w1boat shp Deluxe & 2 Bdrms . t balb apt. bus•st.orea.AdlLs.$275. 1mmac $1 200 mo lnpn bome non s mokt"r Adwt.s. 1375. m o. Gas 6'.'>7836 Broker. days 992 2541, Mut older J<;xcc lur J '" :! Rm ~1les from S75 m W 19th St <.:1111 Tom 54().2:m •EXEC. SUITES• l>eluxe office w1v1e-. H.ecep, l'onf rm. u•r I ~rv. etc () C loc nr ..11rpo n $300 up ~1(745 prud.642·5073. 2 BR,u.nf, kids OK. no eves~8183. ~J Three 2 bdrm Twnh.o.es an pets 600 W. Hamilton .....,.... '-oclt 3848 V~ R..tafs 4250 Small office Per1cl1 for ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... 0,,..-.ity SOOS •....•••............... MONEY ~ "•"• •'• -• • , .. ,,,. u. ... • ., ., .. •u n•• Patios ....••.....•...••...... uatom Design wood patio covers & decks. free q~ 557 !I'll l aft 6pm f!llllotop ... f ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMAG~BYIK~ WE'RESPl'X:IALJSTS CALL 642.0244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'REF. tnal lesson credenilaJcd, re11d1n1 . mralh & French 67~1.3 WIMluw Cleuul119 ••••••••••••••••••••••• e studenL'I, window wu tnR Resad/storei;. Xlnt work 642·544~L 6'.').7972 ---- Wllldow clearun11 Rella· ble. dependable. all areas. ~2093 Waat l\d Help? ...., to Lo. §025 LOlt',...... 5300 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• M( E IL Bl La;t or Found a pet" Call >N v AVA A .I-: Animal Asi.111tan c 1• araypurposc s 10.ooomin League 53'7·2273,nofee Mr ~grave951 3SJ5 _ _ ___ _ Found or lost u pet? Ca II Maltg; ; t. Tnt1t Special Pal11 llotlane Deec1i SOlS 7t41972·~.2l3t2Sl-739fl ·•·•••·•·•·········•••· ~Mt.J.Co. All types of real eslitk· IDVestmenU. '>IOC'e l!MU stMcWidlM)i.t 2..tTlk 642-2171 S4S..061 I REWARD. Los t do~ st.ocky whit.e male . Vic. I'' V & II B. Call 962-%04 small complex. Jo'rom St.. CM , 1138-2917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• !!,2 24 0. 16 10511 M1 si.1on, EASl'SIOE nr University Large 2 br. frpfr. deck. Houo.w for rent. Li•l( &·ar '117 quaet, walk to heach l!t L'lly slpr> 6. linens furn · Ave. 2 Br. patio. $350 mu town /\dull!> no pl'l-. S25 nately pr qil 1 ·,,11 MESAf'IHES bi~il7 $505 ll&Jo' l nvc~tm1•nh alter3p m ~ l'.JH'I .tn!>wenng i.erv ll'l'. eh· Only S75 ~r mo 110:! We.t 171.h ~I. Santa Ana For mon· info c'.111 J~ CanJl e 547 4 IHI or Rt.nat1111t ~ 77117 fo'<>R Lf:ASE ~ Lagun;., JOO 250-550 '>~ ft. 1!.l:i oW!I t!l6 :s.Jl!J ~rru rl'l1red gen rontr des1re11 auoc w lo<'¥1 .:en rontr C:.n furn '16.000 2nd mor1 5 tr'> "°'1ll' l'o.1pllal 1)46 7fll5 1-:..m t~· • yatld d~l'ounl 711 6:11 0487 ti.of or a· ~f> 'ft IA5l Man's black leat.twr bag in vtc of Bnstol Jam boree Mall parlung lot nr Stater Relit No ques uom ask.ed for return or bla« & all penonal Item~ RF.WARD Oayi. 549 1277 ext 23, N11thll> 49!Hrl5 Bach 0>5 I br S360 2 br Jbr. 2ba fip d w. 2 car Int· 497 11117 TAHITI $420 Pool. J:JCUZZI, ga!> uar rh1ldrcn OK.,.: <1d1• S 11 11 I A I ff I I I ·~• ., -" o.a.... rt•-h 3869 Mr•l"m I o r'<! Lar 1•ott.11•.1• ·ma If '' wa~ J 11•1· I IQ. c us.,, l(tir av111l Nt-xt to :ichl. Nf'w $475 rcwpor _.oc; "'' < I /\d It l :!f'5( ••••••••••••••••••••••• on l1t•J1·h on Tah1l1 1A 1lh In ) S.'ill IJt·r 111011111 \ ·• 1U:1a~v;'~f~~7 'J ~~7.6421422 PARKHEWPORT •·.ir row h11.1t .,.,,,h •.ml JZ:.'u Br11.1tlwJ' -• Jo'··~•·1"'-nwJydncor,'•l1r, m1t e h1n,. t•nmpl1·t 1·1 !:'.>.l!llJ \n.1 Jl1;"1Lur1L.1l c.... b ~..,...., .. "' U:t c h l•lor'I . 1 or :! Ill!• I f II -c>ous2 r~ l-111m1 ll>lt.S3SOMonn1>l,adulti., kitt•hl·n, l'l<' 1-'111 1111111 '" 111:1111r1•111111.1 ly unit. Pool & Play No PetJ\ 640~ an 5 Bedroom.'I & Townhou~t·)> anfu l all !.17!! 21.Zl'.I I'\ I'' & S.1111 W.1rn·n :1:,X •.Xiii •If ivounct. Sundance Wesl ---From 1389.5() wet!ken<b 11.t·11Jr J ..,i; 7701 A pta . 1996 Maple ...__,.-Lt Spectacular spu. lot.11 6C2-l.111Slor&46-1486 --)126 recre111llon proicram . ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• .ociaJ pro&ram. 7 pools. M Jbr. 2ba connecting gar l\duJUI. No Pets. $525 ~.540-5056 Oce1111 View 2br. 21J'Jba, lSOOriq. ft. Deck. 2 car gar. lyr old. Ref. Reqd . ---' $.'500Mo. ~7611 2 BR. dlx vu. adlLs, no ---- tennis courts. Al f'a11h1on Island, Jambor~ & Sun J oeqwn Hills Road '7141644-1900 Laguna Oceanfront. µYl hellch, pool. 2 br. 2 lrn, Nu kids pct-. 49'J·3579 Pre:-.llgi110<; nt•w EXECUTIVE sums UI" 1 rm 11ff11 •· J1IJ TENNIS STORE A1r1111rt1·r 11 111 •·1 :-. .. u, overtwad ha pr11f1h l1• . .1M '4.:J.:I :!:!:!.'I '11•11:! '1·.,..pfJrt ,;r,.,J llOI) (~1111· t ,, lu ..,,. ,, ~tu,µ I S27~1 t•:.tnc k1,.:111~""'· flllll: I •·nlt'r 'f1;ir •·~ rH : Ii. 11 • l 'll J: l \:. :+;• llUJ "<I ft $.r., II. )o.>41 _h!~~ ;:\.~ :\t• .... dt•l'IJI ljUll k 111 I I') -------.. ... .A,1-llJI hor lli1k1•1 ( .. nr1·r ;•111 30Z3 ll.1rbor Bl\ d ..il K:.!k<'r St l\J.'t ~9 13&1 ---- W..t.ct lftlW'CMCe lrobr To !>hare Newport lkach Heal 1-:..tatc off ace P a r I n l' r n c 1• t.I t• rJ I • 1 purth .. i.P Jnd h plv rnarui,ge propeny G1Jtxl mrome & tux ~hl'ltrr In ~Om<' raSP"I no dl)wn P&)mt'nl rrq •l KJy SS7 5311 CASH FOR TD's f'nnr1paf ·~ 3-1~ Hll~H:ow:-. f'.ll l..l 1 \!\~ \HH "1;t.1> flO.l.O:J to ~,,..,., •AMOHrJZt:IJ •llll"J'f':U ESTO!\ I,\ •SHORT TERM Call Bob Wdham "l·Aitent ill rm or '160 1957 l..11~1 H1•war•J. f11·xal1l1· )(•1111 br.1 11•11•1 1111·cl hi· J \ ) 'I'll I 1 m t• (I I .1 I \.1Ji11 \'11 l>Jn" Pl Mann.1 '1~ 7ti'1 IJ"'t ~amf'Sf.· maxed mah• , dl Rlur PY r ' t an w ..orrW' J(rey markml(l> IU.WAJtU 96H-H7K5 pets, rent reduced to $295 for mgr dut.ies. Older cpl ft.. ..... .-•och 38 40 Large Bag IJear labm pool lhl. color TV. 2 fri>IC!I, sleepe. 14 !'><IS·OOlli 2&.J 8drrn11 01·e:i nfront dupl ext>~ Ye art y Refttd1to Shat-. 4300 uv11 1l able ne11r <IC Airport i\ltracll\t' ralL'' mclude receptlunasl, law library. e<m!erence rms. 11el·ret1J nal !Jt-r vu·1·. & x~ro't fuc·ahty """ a person.ii tour & rurth1•r drt<tJb 111qu1n· JI VurtJ1 i\S!-,H( tf~,J :!:!HH ur ~ltt l\l(ent n75 fll70 2 day appro val rund an 1 1----------,da ) i. N o po an t Ii TROPHY SHOP SlO.WJ S7S WO 2nd T D LoM Black Lab~ Newport Bud! P1er Sat. rute 10 Ii 1'1ck~ up by mai.lakt- Pupptt!!I ne«I mot.Mr. No queM.IOM asked. Pleue' ~l.Si8 ~d 675002345 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675--4912 Uk r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4450 ......•••.•.•....•..••. Bachelor, new great 1-. s ide location S:l11 ~. 159-il:BI: ~eft$37·06fi0 •DB.UXE* GARDEN APT. 81\CHELOH U!'"ITS fr<•m S22S.pw '™' unfurn iiHf from 111·1·an 201 f': Balbo<I For m ore info call Renata al !)56 7707 Moving" Avu11.I cl1·~11 .. & rut la van.: t'X """'"' t'Tl'lfl'i>!;T!>nalty .. 111<" 1!171 PRESTIGIOUS LOCATIOH••• on Hewporl lay "'415 lo 2"10ll !.II ft Deluxe Office ~111•, •Mannt' View lk!a.llh torch .1 lo ....... de pnct' for a qui• k <.ale ~'ta bl1 "h f'lt 1 '"I o m F'or ~torc & off1t·e ~pllc1• at ll'Uph\ 111'"'""" 111 ~ .. n 11•11.-.cinable ratt'' I 1etnt'fltc• Pnro· 1n1 lud«'' 500 to 2700 SCI Ft. tlt'Vo 1n\ot'fllor) .1ncl 1·c1u•ri l>uplex unit, Ea:1l!11d1" <.:M 2 Br. l(ar . lge pvt HOUSEMATES !jJZ.4lJ4 '1f:SA Vfo:ROI!: bit mmt S8J 000 yard Consider one cha Id , 2 ... Aduilh Oftly 2 Br. 2 bu cundo. 1 2 blk lo beach, 2 car gar, <1ulo op· nr Beuut hay view $650 yrly i''em. t•on111dn n t£• non smoker lO shr w 1sam1• Tustm lwnhsc 3br. pool, cafl)Clrt. f1 95 + '-,uul dy~ ~'i61 . 213-S9&-44 I I PLAZA AA IUCH RLTRS 1.'iZ> Mesa Vl'rde 1-:. l ' M :rn No El Camll\O Rrnl pet $400 likr/Own. Cull 3pool.a Olnrue 631·0318 or John Coveredcarport §45-4123 SANO.EM f'$Tf': 5.2 t.321 paUoapts., BBQ'l> 2 Br. l lh ba studio type~ claie to fwys & bchs pvt pal.lo, bllns, newly walk to shopping. TSL Mgmt f;42 lfl03 •Wet Bar Conveniences (,our met r estaurant:., hank . flonsl, beauly i.ervacl.':.. S~lally 'hops :m1 Lalayeue. N. B Storc i---4•t•Z.•2•1•0•0--- or office 11pace. 1200 ~ fl. S11.81 m-0 ,.._ 171 I I Goldeftw••t Uf.'lUll , crpts. d rps • pool , UU1 mcl. 1978 Maple. $340 at w,._,,. mo.&:IHIOll6 847-6064 Lower 3br, 2ba. Mesa del Mar area. $425. No pets. ~1Zl56 ~-~------ Weswde s parkling clean, SHARP, beach 1, 2 & 3 spacious 1Br 1 Ba, newly BR. lrplc, dabwar, gar & decorated, carpets, s-Uoa.Nopeta.960-2358. drapes, dshwshr, range • retrtc. View • ocean Lavtiy a1J adult. oo pets, .___ N .-. -1.,263 Br apta. 6200 Ed· .,. __ , o ~--· -· l--HB ......, -19 M2-4057. M2·97ZJ .._. . --. &4dde 2br. tba, new c rpt, llACHWOOD APTS at paint. Pool. &lei aar. 2lr 2ba $8>. lbr $3U. Prlv. y rd. No P e t s . l\dulta.912-1800. Adulla Only , $350. 2 Br 2 Ba l\d 1,_ 6134131 , , nr new, u ... , No Pets, fplc, l Ml bch, 2lr, l~ba Twnba. F /P , ya.rd, quiet, $380. mo. pelio, erKI gar. Adlta No 'T1112Newman. 980-4145. Pell. From S375. M5-4074 1 Br, walk to beach. $275 New 2br Twnhle w/encl. mo.Call Andy, aar. Adults. No Peta. 536-7330 ----- OCEAHFllOHT 3br, 2ba w /off11:e Vrly Frplc, 3 car gar $1050 TSL Mg~_t __ 642 tfi03 OHTHEIEACH Bach, kitcb, bath. util pd Hot.el Apta. $300 yrly & up. lsl " la.st. 2306 w Oceanfront. 673··U~. BAY FRONT 2br 2ba 2 story S7SO yrly 2 Br apt. ulaf pd, pool & jacuzzi. Cd M $250 645-8220 or fl75 7~ Prof Fem to find & !>hr condo w /s ame m Lui( Nag area. 4£19.321!0 Nwpt. Seek straight prof M. ahr w /2 peers Luxury ocean vu home w 1lge poof, 1295 + ut1 l. Gar. Avall 644-0484 67S4lllllO Cluck. - -'Fm. 2[>, aka one to shr 3bd . Nr beh lower 38r , 2Ba. 2~ba Condo Yd, dbl gar, frplc. I yrly lse ~ gar., lpk, beaut. kltch. mo.142-3'43 $262.50 m o Debbi e 644·1088. <2131 372.:n22 3 BR. 2 ba, 2.-car &ar .• UP· Def. S. per, deck. yearly $600. --------Af#, 675-f670. 631·5550. Room to shr CM humc, Newport Heights 2Br I Ba. pvt patio, kid O.K., no pets. $365. 642-5722 with W/D. $175. Scott M711889 UdoMwiH Vihp 675-1662 1 MO FREE RENT 01e.su1ns HEWPOIT CIMTll f\ll.l.aervace. From 1225 Newport Regency Corp (7 lA '644· 7189 •MIWPOITILVD• C. M. olficeapace $295 71~·*4. 213~~ HEWPOITIEACH New ..,den offices. Sl.05 & up at airport w/xl.nt freeway access Ground l'loor avail. to 4000 IQ. ft . 6'.'>650 l. GI nn y COIOHADB.MA• ,_ Eldeo Ave. 646-9061, •NEAR5 POINTS . 2 br, 1 Delwceolflce, SISO mo Roommate to share lge 2 Bdr m home in CdM. lieadl. pool, patio. frplf'. gar $275 incl utJI. <;a II 67~~1 li Grundy Hllr 675 ~61 700sq ft. space avail Pl.11 &62nd St Npt Reh S27 Smo. Call Robbl11 5418 07570f'~l ~ Near Post Of<' Modem S02 sq n Storl' of ofc 2630 Avon·C 213 1 4TT 7001 C.,._YVIUAGE Two quaint shQsle in THE F'ACJ'ORY, available •I moder ate coitta. Also o ther nearby com mcrclal renlaa BURR WHITE REAL TOR . INC. 675-4610 PIJME SAM DIEGO ICH LOCATION 827-MIO I Br coodo near beach. All Df!W intr. M50 mo Call Jan o r Ric h 1714 I ~. C2L3)830-2323 Rea1onom1cs 67S~OO t3XI ~ ft in mini mall I 295·5161 dyis, <!76·1211 ba,Jlll6+$200depoait.2 Matur e Fem to s hr eves 2 BR. 1 ba. eta to bch. cpt.s, ~~~ ::'8o ~·/.:!°~ Large studio s:ns. Also wtsame. 2br apt. CdM Airport Area exec of rs. Sm 81.0l'e or vfhce. XJnt clrpa, bltna. No pet.a. 7116 lbr. Luxunous Condos. S200mo + 'l'llulll 640-9509 R 1 loc E d CM Sbllhmr. CM .. Apt c. 1171 e Circle Versallle on the Bluffs. 11gn exposure on n11to ·SI e s:no mo. All 5; 84.2-8907. U , H.B. ~. e ves & wknds Prol f'em tosbr wtsame 2 w/jntrl serv 225 to 1280 ll75Mo 631 2222 days; 7$5807. 2-.-3-bdrm--.-T-o-w-nho-u-ses-.' 548-0425. Bdrm Irvine Condo. fully eq_ft~om SI~.:. 557 7010 ........... Rtwhll 4500 -"--'------~ furn. Avail Now. 1250 ~1 BrooAlview 3 br, 2'AI ba, New deluxe adult com · 2 Br. 1 ba, partly furn. Mo 55&-9J.3l, 990-881l ask ,_.,..,rv"' EACH ••••••••••••••••••••••• AIC. frpk. pool, tennis. pie&. Security, tennis. Yearly.~mOI forJlmmie OFFICE OR RENTAL ...wPOttTllACH 151S.~2'14'1 spa. 2202 Hea1 Circle. Ageot 673-33S5 SPACE. W Cst . Hwy . 3000 ft. 1000 ft o ffa<'e East.aide 1 br unfurn. Pool. Ge mo. C.U after ....... 980-5771. -Fem. :11/45 exec 2br O>n Mariners Mile. 926sq. ft. space. qUlet Ute indWI. S.Cle•• 1176 do. Sec. gate. Avail 71'-64$-2628 area. No automotive or SPACIOUS •••;;;;;~·~;;;;.·••• ~9.'5~00$~52~t ~~lt.115 ,...lualtl•• ~r1laslo1 1145.3323 3 Br, 2 be. pvt paUo • 548-78216. Wt.a ~to Lo. 5025 ....................... SWIMCl>LOAHS and 2Dd Trust Deed Loans on "9idrooaJ ~rty CUslomlud to mttt your need&• R E.OEPT SAMTIA90 IA.HK 7141132,.,s200 V'NEED {MONEY • C..fTHO NOl&.IM 2-d & lrd TD tom• 547·5402 Arranged by eo.tt4-Lo.a BUSIN~ LOANS l\ny Amt. Any Purpose 2nd T D 's 842 <M~ -. Get GREEN cash for WHITE elephanll> wilh a Class ified Ad Ca ll 642·5678 ~ Udo Newport n1 1;73 7!«1. ~ hr. 6 I Wl-ftf'I/ Penc.ats/ Lost&. Fo..d .•••.••............•.•• S500..REWARD V11Jr11 1',1!.i>cll•• tapt-.., L.tl>\>1 1'ht-Wl"ddang I Wi1'f1 in 1..caJ(una Hcill h bun:Jar) ••C9K••ftf'I 5100 MJ ~U f':STI ONS ASK 1-;1 > lf you c·an reeover I ap;· REWArtD to be l(lven fu r 1nformat1on leading l•• tht' rf:(.'Overy of lhe La pc A.'lk for Van 549· l :Mn .•.............•••..... PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 ~I 1iny 11t•m or eom h1n1t10n ol 1trm5 for JJS or leu with .. •l'~nny Prn<htt Ad 3 lant'f> Cur 2 c~uuvr days ~~ch »ddal.onal hne 1s fiO' for 1111'2da~ ChAl'1t•• 1t ' Nt) rommc•r1'1.1I ad' ...or morr 1nrorma1111n .md 101•l11ct' )Our at.I l llll 642·5671 5300 .....•............ , .... FOUND ADS ARE FREE &all: 642·5671 lol;t Blk Lab-Colht-max. bl.It wh:l chest. curly tail ··Poolt" 60 lbs. Vic. La.: 8ch 6t6-<r793 f'ound: Algban. hos been burl Male. Vic. CM. ~1TT5 F OU ND . Female . German Shephe rd. 12 wb ~d. Owner must call or we ·u call lhe pound. GGDl fWnd lrg, loni baJred cat w/ geeo eyea, bm/bllt. whl paw1. Dov e r Dr /Mar1nera, NB . 548-0131. Utlle ~ Bag! ! Classified ads ue really s mall ''people to people" sales calls with blg readerahap and hiR results! To place your cl1S81fied ad. call today 642-5678 ---- GET MORE S Br, 2~ be. 2 ~. C.m ,.,..,..Loll of arua. 614 There is a difrerence. Warehouse apace for rm, d1nl~ rm, 2 cu APAlrl'M8n'S Calle camp108. 1445 , Fem. oon·smoker wntd lo Profeak>nal aervlcea for lule. 2250 1q f\ av1U. :=or~·. •· AIMl.TAPAMll.Y. Weellday1 after 2pm lhr 2br 2ba apt. CdM the compuy u~uUve LMle rate 22'. 2M1 Ran· SICTIOMS pho ne 492·1567 or frptc. P.ool. ten crt1 In 8 aeltlna with a dolpbAve.CM.f79..2210 DIME Sii>. a Br, 8dulta, no pets. 496·5275. Anyt l m e SZOO+util. 751-0312~~~ manapable number of Mu 4510 Pool, ,.0o, a:zs.J 11th t.2ft1Bntromt300 \Ulk•ldl. Help. female to ahare unlta. 2082 Mlche laoni .... :'r. .............. . Plll!il. MMllOt ..... ~. ~. ltllftll, Wt .. ( 1flf lltl Cdlf bouae, stOO incl. Irv 1 "D e · C a I FOR RENT. ll,ITllq fl ..... llam ~. l)'m, Netta• ••••••••••••• ..... ••••••• al.\l, IC.arwl8'75-SiM (7141'152-QZM . \llCILGl land avall for -. v_. 2 BR, lower. ~ma + olber l Br 2 = •t: across ............ . .... lt«T_ ln Ille~. Loe .... no peta. SllO/mo. ~~ar · 10 m o. ..,...,.. 4ll0 S1 n1le st~rof. ~~·R.Oxf.'~ 42'/0tt::f · ll40o6MI 1.._ • W oe M1mt Corp., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-2l50 Miia Verde LoN1J 2 Bdrm, 1 batb~ · -lillt• nt 8C'1.QU SincM pr ... ttO. Sale fr Dr£. C.M.147...... .... W..e.4 4600 ...... lbture eple, DO 1111 -~·F.dwatdl " taz•a ....... d HCUU. 'TU W. 11th 151) Sq ft iew unde •••• .. HnennHHun ,..._.mlt.llkb. HUNTINOTONIDCH .............. 3900 9tnet,Clll.11J.T717. O"OUDd prllv«• ~levato~~ Re1po11lble, worklna 14J.062t .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ..... Co.lHwyvl&lb!Uiy. Air writer •••ll• one -., ct.DI BR, l ba, 'r.o eat l&ta&e wan~. cood. L .. u.aa Buc h. bedroom cott11e In 'lllm.2'1fold4"-,._ w. Neftl' bld1 Dowalown ti iad Villlsfl 0.. Meu/Nwpt ...... (714 )'" .. t ·1lN,· wknda Oarma .. llaroreo.ta ..... Dia Oft. DO'*'· .... 2 BK °i le, SllO. 2 .:: Ud i:..~':r)' NMm;IG-lm ...-. ::91ft1~~d !!!!._ Mf.74ft eve1 • 8R2 .. No.-.J~~~ ~ apll ta ".• plant WT'tmCM -aums -,,..,,u ........ P.O. ____ ..;;..;.. ______ , •. .... -: from uso. 2 bdrm ~ m;ma --.._ -... ._ ~l&VUL&" __. tuw1Jicut• from 9IOO + THteful Eaecutht Boa lMO{ C.la 11•• .. w/~MIU, MW t • w/,_!, DO peta. tll _..., ....... w...,..U.., Oflle.... 4400 a.iMI ta a perftet •a· -. .,.. • ~ f-.1 A.~... ~G• fer eooldlla 6 ....................... Uon. J:My freeway ac· Diiiin a..1...m 01 a.ou.. Jiii, .-tiMUD. ....,. peld.~~~ Us 11 of flu furn. c.u. CIOH lo ••rt. Clll& ~IOI' Wlluna2..a -.... , AM 0.0 .n•• ._..._ llllArtlllllr lll'ld. Vln ot fl.ne reetauranta. Con· bdra w/..et yd IOI' I J a. 1 be, pet.lo, frplc, • ..... ..,..._ .-o. 'lll-lT•'2. I• t • n c • r o o m • ..._ ...._ Have fDOd M••;::•r delawtr, w1lar/dr1 ........... r..... peraoellHd pbollt ,., •• ,., au of ... . !?9 I = .... eat pr. le .. a•l•d VUI•••· 1111 ....._ t• ~ Dall1 ....na1, + · C:.11 Anita 1'11.,._ &M prtf, IKevt · a .... Ml.... mA••• NotW-u&Adl. attrNW or,._ .... -----·-..... ~ --.... --..-.----------------.... ___ _. ...... ....-.. ~~ ....... $ $ $-$ $ FOR YOUR WITH OUR NEW DIME-A-LINE T• cm..., ........ Mw fw .SH w ...... _. PANOUS DIMI A-Lim .. c:za• ...., ••• ., ........... -..... _,wd .. _ ....................... ... ......... ,,.................... 11.W ...... ... .... ..... ,.__ ... __ ...,.,JI. I \ ) ' ~7 ..................... ., .... . .............. ,.."" -· ... . ._ •• ·-····--••••••• ·-· 4 ...... -... ·--·-····-·--··-- r=----------, I \IUDINTIMr aovLM"" rs 11 • I I· TUTORING PROGRA~tS I I I I !([Ml LllATlll"' l\'-.l> \I>\ '\ll \tl"' I I I I I · "·'" I I • 4l5• l•rA • "'""nl\ ... \.u I (n·o b-12·9088 • ""'Jr ... ~.11. I "°1 °"'"' Vm~ '>1111<' ll"' • l ••"l"''h•·••"'"" I • 11.. .... ,, .. I '"• l'<•rl ti. .. h I •hk"n"' • 'I" lt•n1o I I Quality !:ducoloon /or lndovoducts I .. _____ .. _____ .. Schools and Instruction -------------DRAWING & PAINTING CLASS P1•r ...,01wl t u1on11g h\ qualifil·d expcr'cl !1r1 LC'al'tll'r hl•ginning <kt. 16th \l'in <Ill d.•~:-. in ereat1ve L'mhro1cten 714·151-0347 ------111!""-'-----FALL SCHEDULE IN PROGRESS SIGN UP NOW! CLASSES OFFERED ARE: * Beginning. Intermediate and Advanced BalLet. Toe and Variations • Jazz • Dancers1ze and Adult Ballet ALL AGES ACCEPTED oir'ec1or Bonnie W1ICO) MacArtftur Square 4251 Marti119dale, Suite G IHut to Co"' ond Cleo•erl Newport hoch, Calif. 92660 133· 1395 644· I 295 ~ of fine 1chool1 introduce new tomorrow MOil M JUST A JOI BEGIN A CAREER AS A COSMETICIAN MAU GOOD MO.-Y Learn 10 c:to facials w11h the new slon machine Learn make-up apphcat1on the professional way Le: R1cndrO s Beauly College nelp you start oe11elop1ng new slulls d3 a Cosme11c1an Alter only 20 weeks you can oe earning a gcod 11v1ng COSMETICIAN CLASSES HOW! umi1eo Enrollmt:lnl-Call Now• I op 1nstructors g111tt Hero ano vuioance Plenty ol Practical cJr.pe11ence l oo TUITION PA YIMG PROGRAMS AVAILAILE PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE MANY O''OllTUNITIES: • lnlE-ll•StHlg Wor ... • Pcr-.on<1I !::.dl1'>ldc.l1c...n • !::>ec uri!Y·Job~ nut t1P<J 10 t-convn re. ludlrOrt Yuu ~·09''-''>'> fdOlfJl')I I J b<'C. '"I lh I •• gnly ">k1ll«O • ~ull,~mplu')llTlt:nt Oooortun1l1t-'> CALL •61-16 I I FOa INFORMATION ~TC+4~1'I1~ BEAUTY COLLEG'E Ci.ta IU11Mf' "M611 190~ ~t. ~°" a.ocll ~!.~.~ ...... ?~.~~ ~~•••••••••~~.~~ HetpWant~ 7 100 ~~~~ ••••• ~!~~ ~~~~ ..... ~!~~1 ~Want~ 7100 ......... .............. . ..................... . Lost Reward, Chum T N ...,,_._......,.....~ Pagne blo nd F e m .. ATil?HTIOM 11.mluni: 0 E Ar('OWltmg *I.Au rti ' 18 Or O c..M t· T 11 ~ Cocker Poodle type do~. .o.ccou....,,.. G ,..,e sang• Yet' ,,.. 1mr e er, r-. CaJl97~7162. 754-7682 . M W ... ""H Hobper. Nec~n. time Tellu, La9una ---OF CLERK ST ART IHch office. LOST: G rm.an Shep, M M p ...... .a. "'I~ SSS If t , •• '-"·r~ .. ·e. lO mos. Choko U ,..._ ~ you ure nt'w o ...:.1-,111 Xlnl opportunity al lr11 .ii ..,... ..... " n1quc retail nur!>rry M 1 d ., . & u ........ , Y 0 TOD"'Y'.'·'· ~a. tempe>ran y 1., ""'"'"J!" Loan , .. u1uro• ... vuar. no tags Ans lo nt·ed' a s har p. t'X "' eoriunwn~ your l'du<·a rt•..,pon.,1blc per!'>on' '" Br a nd y 661 12 3 s . R perrenced person for lllC Uaily Pilot n(.>e(f~ a uoo. rcet·ntly ch!>char~rtl ftll Lhe-.c position.-. \h"l ~161 San Clem area va ried bookk t'cp 1 n~ person for our Class1f1ed from the S<'n1c.,. or ror 1ype 50 v.pm :\Ian> rn S T duue:s Tius 1s a good op /\rlverl1s1n .i Depart any reason st~km1e lem hcrwftt.'> For ;;ppt 1 . .ti FOUND. Blk male Lab. porturuly to expand your menl. The person Wt• porary or carl'er work. otwhkc ESCORTS accounting skills Please see k s h o u l d enJuY l'OnSider thi!> umqul' ,1n s.o.DDLEB ... ,.11 Vic Pat'ifi c Coast llwy & Warne r , H .B (714 1 847-0738 apply in person. Mon telephone sales. be abh· ,. ... .,..,._ 642 1571 lhrul-'r1.8am Spm lo type 4.5 WPM <clt>c portWlllY SAVINGS • lnc J, have 11 pleasant <197 3363 7 10 n M ROGER'S persona Ii t y & e n1oy YCMI Can Earn E 0 1-: M t- .... IGA ... 5350 • r. • workmg with a great GARDENS IU'OUPofpeople: S216 Pet' Wk lianJdng S & L ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED;# Female to abar'fl expenses ol 2 week stay in Tahiti. Dec 22 to Jan Sth. Call Barry 979-1017 "COMP ATlllLITY .. 2301 San Joaqwn We otrer excellent com TaLER H.il ls Road J*lY benefita Including 1lle women and men we f\allenon S & L seekmg "Open w~tyle •• people sincere warm relauons Couples call 750-0674 Slngh!6 call 750-0677 ~"<'orderl ~sg any hr CDM 640-594-4 medical. dental. Ufe in· an lookt.ng for IDll)' be run ume teller for N B sur ance. e t e . Salary tlred ol typin,a, folding office. Typlng JOwpm re!· PLUS comm1u 1on! Ex pepers, warehouse JQbs q'd ExlJeT prd'd but will perienee preferred. hut and working for a hrTUt<'rl train Call liM IR71 i241 ~MASSAG E BobJame9-Llc Masseur <>ut.eall~ll,494·5111 Acrounting JR ACCOUMTIHw ClEU note55entiaJ incom e . Work wit h l~u~. E 0 1£ Please call for Interview YoWll people Itap1d ad The Jolly Rof er . Jnc . 5450 -...................... . Personnel Dept. vancement possible Ir 642-S678. Ext. rn you are Ill or o'er and Bankinit OllAMGE COAST would be available to COLLECTORS MICH&Ll'S a.lJ to Greece. Female haa an exce le nt op· st.art work 1mmed1atel\ -"' b portunlty for a bnght, ·~~ --+--..cr""ew.--..want ..... to.Ms ........ a ... re~ ambitious person as a Jr. UAM 2AM 835-3749 ctvm.ure:-/\ccounfing Clerk. ll\e DAILY "LOT cw1 titwn 9.30-3 JO expenses.~ >594~ PoSit1on is entry level PREGNANT? Carin g, coofident.iaJ counseling & E .. i:!""ftt & referral. Abortion. adop· r•-pcraitioft lion & keeping. • •••••••••••••••••••••• _APC_AR_E ~7-2563 .W. Wmftd. 7075 ----] ...................... . s.if'!iomii .. rf1t1hlal111111111 Reader N e e d p a r t t 1 m e 1815S. EJ Cammo Relll ·1eeret.ariaJ work evt·s & SanClemente; Fully tic. ...,..knds. Work out of ForAppt.4.92·7296 home. Equi pped with I BM typewriter & 0 C ... IRPORT ~co dictaung eqwp· • •A ment. Cathy 833-1185 SECT'Y & Monthru Fri. R:JOtos. with the oppe>rtumty for adva neem ent. Ex pencnce is helpful, but not required. Working t•ondJt1 ons & e mployee benefits are excellent Salary is dependent on cxpenence level Apply tn person, or ~end a re· sumeto: The Jolly ROCJ9r ltte.. 1700 G'1 llette Ave lrvme. Ca 92714 f714) 546-0331 •~YORTICE• ~~~ ••••• !~!~ ---------~ ACCOUMTING Spec1al111og in bus t· AB Dir k 360, exper'd pre· CLERK nes sme n , r e1id en ts ss ope~ator wanted. welcome Comm I print sho p. Rapidly growmg mlema- 739 52·48 24HI~ Varied & interesting tionalcompany seeks en· • ~ 1 >Nork. No Sat's C-O m-thu.siastic, self.starting I puprinl. 31Jl8.K Airway individual for pe>sltioo m Gnat C 11 .. ..,, Ave, CM. Call 545-0451 Accounting Department --c "''L -in corporate head ""',. ~ Acc.om1tiftg C&rk quarters in Irvine. Good 24 hrs 641 -0l&ll Ac~ paya_ble clerk, ~x-t y p 1 n f( & I 0 k e y MC/VISA pd'lenced in processing capabihlies requir ed. vendor's involc~1 DP in· Excellent opportunity COVIi filRL put & coding. must be for advancement, out· a'll ~ "771 wUllng to work nex1ble sWndmg compensation & * ..,._ * hrs. Excellent frrnge benefits in a pleasant 3'HrOutcaUServ1ce benerits. Corporate of· working envi ronme nt. •SHERI LEE• lice in Anaheim Stadium Contact Pe rsonne l . Cert. Mass~e area. Call ro~pt. 9-12 567-0051. E.O.E. 330W. BaySt.- Cosla Mesa Equal Opponunity Emoloyer Alarm Mature 1ndl\1dual needed as a Central St:.. uon Operator Npl Bch area. Please call 631 5164 ask ror Steve i\mbiuous"J Re your own bo6s. Work your own hr~ Octa1ls ca1153S 5122 ~ITIOUS? IC you're younJ:. conf1 dent & have the ab1hly to Uunk qwckly and art· k>olang for a i.:cnt'rou!. in come. Call now ~·4023 blwn9&l. Mr. Stone Amwenng service needs operators for various sfufts. If you like a Job with a ehallenge, apply in person al 228 f'orel.t. L.ag Bch As k for Carol LaJoie. /\ppliance Installer . must have own transpe>nation . JtOOd paying jobs. we will &ain. Call 71.026·~ APT MANAGER Housecalls by Appl only. 7141937· · ~tL I~•_-•_•_'!._•_----- 83M131 ADVERTISING SALES f'or 5S untl!I m Costa ACCOUMTS U>cal decorating & de· Mesa. Exper'd couple PRE LAW student needs p ..... E _, 1 W If e bk k pg c x P 125,000. Will do anythln~ AY-CLHK .,.gn rnagaz ne require!! Husband mainl. e xp. C fld , 1beJo'1y Roger, Inc., is matu re o utgoin g. C 1 2 645-6'$14 /\utomoti ve F\Jll timt• T1rt• Men to ~tart 1mmed1ately, 1''< pcrienced or t r a 1 ne1• Good slartanl( !lal<iry & oompany benefit~ CoaM Ge neral Tire . Z855 Harbor Bl.C M l\UTOMO'I'I \' t-: IOOY SHOP SECaETARY Some expcn ence helpful Light typm~. answcnn.: phones & j!Cneral ofnn• work Con ta cl Dav u1 !Wynowska at NABERS @Mlllar) ]1 {X) H.ll(l(V l\lvcl (r,.,1,1 f\l\i.,..1 '>40 •HOO Auto Part s cou nter per son , m1n 1mu m 2 years jObbcr expcnt'nr.- Top wage11. pd vac & good benefits & workinR oond. Xlnl oppty for ad vancement . Mg m n l po tentia l for riAhl person. Apply a t Hub AW> Supply, 2l20 Harbor 81, CM 646-2484 Claud If l!"'n looUM) for chalTugi"" a'io r•· ward .... Securlty ,adfic M.HoMil ... hca mt excel...t op- pcriwllty for you In GW COftY ... Hffy Jocaf. ed Santa AltG office. We seek self · moff,.at.d Individuals who thr iv e on chaltnge. We're pr~ pend to reward yow abilities with strittc) sdarin rCMCJiltCJ frOfft SI 1,000 ·SI l ,700 mt- l'Mllly.. ~ Oft 'fOll' bockcyouitd. T1'e idltal candidate wilt poswu pttvious exptri...c• ift a bank or fiftClllC• C°"'IHMY. How.•~, we wUI tro6n ~I01t1 indivlduaCs wMh a mated back· cr-d- Yo. c. look forward to an eMr99tlc en· •ii a allt mid profit ...... -oethtmtdl199 beMfits pocbge. For l ..... dlate CCMISickro- ff-. cal. Tu.dliy. Octobet 9. 1979 For hrthr l•f•r••tfH r•t•r41•t .................. ~ .... 0.-, ... ~ .................... __ ... , Call 642-56 78 Ext. 321 DAILY PILOT .... w..... 71 ~;;i. ................ . PACIFIC MUTUAL t M .. nt1rAM t1f catee< OPPOrlun1l1es 1n well ) ~l!Y,1n~ excw~ environments are yours tor the asking 11 vou !lave OFFICE SKILLS' In a short llm41 you WILL BE self·conl1den1 and p1oduc.t111e' C1reer train now for A major Ure lnauunct: comp&Qy headql&artered • in Newport Beach has opportunities ror In · • dlviduals with skills a.nd · eene r a l o rri ce ex· perience in l or more of the following areas . • SICllTAIY ,......._ ~. M.4.1 • ACC<MMrA.MT. IOOUlllPH \ • :~°'ii:~::n:s;::.up DAY AHi> HEM~ CL.ASSIS C45SMl90M4tw ... _.. ............... l . -~,__... ) rvme ••w•t•n College of s...... <9-r..t• · Bu$ineu 5---{L-•• ...... Fwy at ~er Road WATER COLOR WORKSHOP Wittt MJlford ZorH1 of Utatt :; Du\ \\'ork ... hop '\II\ l~lh I hr ll 17th En r11l I m 1·rll Opl•n ,.."' h r1 ttll'r lnform;1llon <".di Fd11 h P.tl11mh1 714-851-0347 ~.~~ ..... ~!.~~ 1 ~.~~ ..... ~!~.~ ('LEHI<. \I . START EARNING YOUR EXTRA CHRISTMAS MONEY NOW ,LUS S25 IOftUS Aft~ Wortlinq 40 Houn \\ l' Off t>r Top'"' &INMdi• Wart. Short or LOft9 y..,,.. Aui91w1•nla Typi•h Se<retcrtfl Acctq Clftiu Reupti-'ah w........aOffiu T' '"PGf • t S...,,ic.a ~I Business Cente r Ori\ e I r n ne 752-6666 l.O.l. •Typislb •Secretane:. oGeneral Clencal . oComputerTerminal Operators t -statislicaJ Math Clerks •TWX Operator ·Accounting Clerk We hint! 1mmt:d 11ttl' openings If you qualify we olCer a unaque work ing environmenl m 1dd1 · lion to excellent com· pany benefits. Please ap· ply m person to Personnel f~partmcnl 700 :'lll'wport Center Dr :--Jewport BeaC'h , Ca 92660 1-..quaJ Opportunit) l::mployt:r M / F ll~f:RICAL ST ART EARNING CHRISTMAS MONEY MOW!!! •SECRET ARIES With & Without SI l •TYPISTS •PIX OPEftATOR •ACCT ClEftKS •IOOKKEBHS •KEYPUNCH OPER •CURKS \l.'ill •GENERAL LAIOR •TRHE ASSEMILERS *'AO<ERS I.uni! & ~hnrt tt•rn1 hol1d.1y {I. \ .11·.ition pay llo-.p1tah1:.tnrn <1va1la hh• VOLT t~AA'Y w.stv tC.&.H 546-4741 ~Ca mpus UnH· lAC'r<W\s frt>m John W1&yne /\1rport • Equal ()ppor Employer PENSION CASE PROCESSORS cr~or experinced t f'1•nb1un deµa rlmt•nt ----1-.-.t~~tdttri1t -for IOOOHPY/F'·TIMe fo r CH1\RT ll OCSt.: Restaurant S11t Sun & Monda> C.!ll ror 1n terv1ew ~·71U. Booltkeepln~ Clerk t-:ntr> le\t'l pos1u on a' Jrl ablt• m 11ggr~1n· compan> Excellent uppl ~ fur leanunl! a corporalt• of flee accountmti "'>blem For 1n ternt!w e Jll 973-1~ AOOl\J<fo:J£ PI NG <.:LJ::it" fo'ull t1me. Exper nut nee Many eo bene App I) at 1660 Placentia CM or rall 642-081 l Cafel<'na F:m plO)'t't'' d a)'~ . ~ .II d d ..: x pc r helpful Good benefits Call for .ippl. 731 5100 ext:!m'J C A RP £N TE R 'S HELPtrn. hand tools. 1.ramp a must. 2 yrs work 75&-0067 ----- CAAWASH CAS .. a Immediate employmmt avail. For interview call 644-44e0. CLERICAL ~cunlle:. proct>&•un ~ 'cl'rl'tary for t-•d,,hllln bland lme:.lml'nt firm Good 'k1lb. Jbthty tn .. ur k .,.. l1~hl "upn,1:.111n l'all~OOIZl CLSllCAL Typ1nR . t elephon1• ill. nu.'!<' Arcurate lypmi.: & dept•ocfabtht~ d mu ... t 4 Girl OH1ct• Xlnt benefit~ 0 C Airport a reJ t-'redenck Brown fr Assoc 714 S.-98116 CLERICAL PART TIME IT\dll) J.">pect.., of Pension Adm1n1~l rat wn Habll m.i lh .ib1ht1E":> r~~1u1 rrtl (iood 11µp11rtun1 ly lu ~ork 111 arc.i of "' panston 1tnd l(rowlh W1• ortl'r ouhl,1nd111g ~11rkm1< 1·on<l1t 11111:. anLI .J llbt•ral be1wr1b µal·kal!t' tr )OU 11uallf} µlo'.1,1• .111 pl} m pcr..on lo PACIFIC MUTUAL I ilAI Ntowport Center Ur ~1>0n Bcuc.-h. <.:J g26ti() ~:.qual ( >pportun11 y Employer M . t-• O.BlK/GB4EftAL 12 noon·SPM daily Mon .,.,....., ~m. IO ke). ftl Fri Gen e r a l 0Cf1 ce ., .... --... d ut 1es. r el 1 ef re t' e P. ~. & Rnl ore dullei. Xlo' co. ben! Irv 546·H780. uorust. lite tt piog. ma 11 proct.."'>Stng Good salary Clerk-typist . Tt•mporary & benefits. Apply Mon· pos1t1on now avail m our Thur rrom SAM IPM at Npl Bch. 0H1ce. 40· Nu Orm Plans, 319-tC 4.Swpm desirable. Posa· Allll0f'1 Loop _Er. CM _ uons for approxima tely ._.,_._ .. _11111~-... ..,-~-.. _ ... ~._....,_,..-... ..,~ .... 1 Smos f'or ap~l ca 11 OencaJ ~ext.202 .0 .1::. Great Jobs •a.ERK TYPIST• Far '-91wn LeadJ.ng Orange County R U I_,_, h Mfgr company seekinf Le1al. on e ntia a profitable growing energetic indlvld11al w/l ~!.J:-2·5073 or 1 13 ) DVll. P .O. Box 3242, IMdium size company yr IDIJ'I. outside sales ex· ..:.N;...·;...B._9QJllS __ 3_. -----• with excellent benefits & perlence for Laguna ARCH. DRAFTS MAN BABYSITTER with lot~ al love needed to !l1t in my Ir v. hom e fo r 2 children. Top pay. Trnns & ref. reqd. Before noon & an.. 6 ... 831Vi480 CAAWASH.._, F\IU •Part Time 1s•over M~CARWASH 21150 Harbor 81. CM '714)558-2084 -CASHIER for quality men'• store. Full time. expr'd pref. Call Mr. Ti1ert for Inter view. GlllT)'S It Co. 759-1622 119 FIWuon Island. .,.,..,ng 4 JUSl 1 e 1ndi v1duals for c ler . right Job? WE have open· typist positions . Mus i inp m the beach area t y P e 4 5 w P m COME SEE US!' Responsibilities include 'THI" working conditions. We Hls/M!asion Viejo area. minSynexl)4!r/comm & cunenuy have an open· call 497-4464 for app\. bidust. (714) 972-8824 RITE ins ror a Accounts Paya· ble Clerk. Salary is com· ...._HJila9 Sales ARTIST • Commercial mensurate with ex· Telephone spa ce sales. full-time pa rt-time or ..-_..... . .,_ ... resume ..... ve ... 'sin" ex~r nee free Lance for logos & ISCOIT SllYICI ...,. .. ~... ~ ""' ''"' " · · •-"'--mar .. •. Able to do ... ._1 orapplyinpenon: Nat'I trade pu Ucatlon u...., ..., ~ n. .WW·~ lac w/ground floor opport. layouts, hand lettering, '1WIPIC')•• noaGltfetteAvmue llUllbeaggressiveanda mechanical Ir pasteue .. I -•1Nrs l~~~lrvine~· ~·C.~~127~14~~ ltrong clOser. Congenial for printing or all · · t m b screenin°. Irv. Tustin _. _ _,. 2"' HIS a o s p e r e . .. ..,,_..,m ,. S a I a r y + c o m . area. 838-7122, Larry or 1.MllWl'ftlSl.SMh Ana ACCT. DIRECTOR m .+bonuses & fringe Maya u•ss••"" UaiDD Home Loans The bene. Call da..ily btwn 1 & ·•tir51:tUILY• ~~ & ~at,ODs lar1e1t home 3 PM. Phil Immordino ,.. -Re .. MCl9S .Jou bt~er.au.JlcLt-m._llCIZ'l _____ ........ <!..~=toob. ....,....__..... Sella indlVldUal W/tnllt ,.._ .., --.,. ~·• -.. .. ~ bl'obra1• lmlr9T1ISIN"1 Blueprint readint ·~OMLY aper._ for tnveitment NlfUl a helpful. Xlnt workln& .,... .., coimelOI' posWoo. eaw. SALES c:Ondittona • benem•. ....a -.....11c reqd. Sen4 lCMO W. 17th. St. C.M. 1.Jl40 .._... to 17162 Beech The Dally PUot has an 1_548.;;..:;;;,,.;;;;;D&;.;..&.5-... ____ _ 9G.I• I 9111. llvd. 8'e.. D, H.B. llOJIMI immediate openlna for a ASS8 •BS Baker, 10pm-6am. will tnun. Winchell's Donuts . 25.1E.17th St .. C.M. BANKING TB•ER Commercial bank Teller ex:perience ~ary for thi.s full Ume, permanent polllllon. Poaltion r e· quires. courteous & ~iL)' ...a ar v j c.a. to C\lltOmer'S. We offer a &ood salary & benefits Ir excellen t wor1dQI condJUona. AllPIJcants ehould con tart /\n Affirmative Action Employer Buber Styllat to manaae ~me.131·957'7. Tuee· ™· 9-6, Sal/ &-5. eves . 881..-.. M.11t•a.a1 ~P~:!r" ~~~11~ •:: We wlll train. Apply vertfllng experience. 'I am , 11 • c 0 re Io r O ood sa I a r y , c 0 m . Yltlll&. 1a1 Pl•ceaU•. Typiq • bUUns or In AMlill ALL9t Wfc.w~ fOt rut crowina 71 ... 71 •• 600 furniture rnt1. co. Ex· mimion1 and exeel&ent CM. frin1e benell\a, Ex· 1-A:;;:TT~Jl-A_C_T_IV-E-yo_u_D_I ,... .,.,., t*I. b'Pl.na a m~t. Muat .. 2J know· iO-key bt.:;f h. ~es for a pef'IOll Stentariaf 1lliU1 ullent a row th op· ;:: for oftkie lilt lrf· With cereer ambklona. .,ai. '*Pl or real ~~~S &:!~a.A.af':t ~ Helm.»'7 ... 1 c:allforappohltm.t 11tate bac around C:.... tlelpful. Downtown ..:=-~ BoM bullditr' wttb 1ood c~ b•cl~ltd. Sam L. Moue Co. ... ., ,.. i=• Buch. Cell Blllldnl: 71 UI . SallUaw..t Bankrequlree ._.,..!!!'7...,..._ Al&T SHOP ORDER uperlencect Baok _........, -· Qln.w/tnbl. Uttly~ ~I for Mlaalon ..,..Wbo._....,,.. ..,, ,... ... orderl, 4 VidO. E1Toro•Le1un• ._...a1W111deckt.be ..., ,,_. ... 111. Paid ltida ortlcea. PltaH, .!llniel~laaaa. -..aa.. tft.'1• lloe· conlut Jun Oort. DAILY PILOT • ftln, 41f.l llellle lbO lt l(OOd "Dll•lhold .... JOU'rt not min& anllabl• lo -«Mr' 1Mlll1 b)' ad> ~--:.~=-a •n.t.c. OOHJERS · Full time, w ill trai.n, 6 : 30a m · 3:00pm. Newporter IM. 644-1700 S.nd.Y Goodman Ext~ E.O.E. CASHI• Over 18, exp. pref'd. Co. beoe. Mtm'o Car Wu h. 2950Harbor Bl .. CM. CEllOS UT DTIM MARKETS Open.inp now avaUable ror ru11 lime ual1tant menaaen oo 2nd. • 3rd • lblft.. No expert .. nee. we \ra1n. st.art a io to tt ps bow'. Advaneewnent opportunity '°" ........ .,. ~ '° •. 50 ps ..,._ ll quallned. For mare ~u. • ln· ~ • ..-or caU 114/UT-4140. Wiil tn· ..... ~b)' ==tmplo~ WllitMt 1rvUle Personnel A~ency fill _ E 1_ ... r-ta esa typing, 1 ng, general -•u• """'" clerical duties. 2 yrs e·x· SU22t 642·1470 per. in general ore pr• ~~--lllWI'-fen-ed. Apply ln person Oerical t '-""' SpKJ.tti.1 PIRSOt•llL 1640 Monrovia CM GB BAL OFFICE 142-a.27 PAllTTillE E.O.E. We are see.tlnl an em a.BK/rYPtST c1ent, people oriented wanted. f\ih time. small person t o perform compa n y with good diversified duUes in the benefits. 642·9383 ult for ~ Office. Appll· M cant sb<Mald have bH· _au __ . ____ _ jape) lkUl•. SpaAitb oo.tu~ a w a.u,,,._..~---IJJ Eqllab It be eble to Speftiab s peaklna pr~· wort Moo·Frl. morn· ferred. Over 21. 7PM· tncs. Apply In person, 2AM Thun.SUn. Apply'" 9am-noon . M on• Fri, penon Jtl4 S. Fairview, ~. Senta Ana. Ask for Mar)' MAMIOTI HOT& JAu. llOO Newpclrt 0.IUr' Dr Ne...,.n Blach. E.0£. NEW BUltNelSMeN Conlect lft• DAILY 'ILOT • lnfonM•• ,...,.. .. ~ requlre111e11t1 ter uelnt • Flclllloua '"''" ........... M2..UZ1 OT.m I.GM IOIMtldn1 valuable? Plait» • lld In our Loat and Found columna. '"*'• .... peop .. look ........... fuUDd 10 --.o1....... ' -, ~!'-~~ ..... !!!! ~~~~!'! ..... ?!~ ~~~~ ..... ?!.~! I ~~~.~ ..... ?!~ Wah• 79M ... W .. s• JIN ••c:-'OMM ..;. .. 1per. bab)-11tt.er. LO•M 111•••• "•••••••• ••• •• • • e.-;:r••••••• ....... ••••• l ..... -1,. boy, ... on lhru .. Van.S duU• to tndud• 1 ·-._. • D.,. lhta l'/Plll&. mall, flllni. "1, llOme evet Own car • COME JOIN US! OILIVU ~ t..A n .... &cl tLECTROHIC T T -... °"a.it a lal TtCHHICtA np a .... '° IAlll -•o p011AN1 lo •ork ftPU ~ar..,l•L ~.oodbent'l1u.aml OEUVUY MAN l"gr frl .. cJly umpany eart1 AM L ,, in• W.,, burod 00 H P"r hocn dell¥•ry rouhr ~te~ erranda l'retl•J o1 So .!!..! C.11847 '4122 an e MANA•• C'.aur Coot.ct Sharon nouHkeepina roupl• Must huve thorouah knowledge of l40-0IOO Unuaual opportunlly "'llAIVA requirements plus extensive LIVf' an u"lu111vr i'xperience in FNMA pack aging. N wport O.ach com c NM"' I ti and •IMTI• OfWtATOtlS Hcuno car req_ul red Ktnral ConlractorJ AIMta Only l'-Hr per ha~ Gpft\)J\I for .,.~r day No colleclln& de<triraan. ru.11 lune. pd ldJllO ._. •u~ homr d + i a a aUow • bonua var11llon. boll aya & beaeflta l n11u1rr ~.GO .HR MUC m1 CM I w:.._S.C~ llK rn1dent1•l hualdtr based 10 Npt tk'h Shoold lh•ve experience with constr s upti. & sub cont ractor~ S11l4ry open Send work hai.tor) to Box 5'17 "t Daily Pilot. PO Box 1S60. <.:o!>t» Mei.a Ca. 928216 OENTA1. <:ar ... .,.r uppt)' lur tuahly mota\ at<'<l t•n lhu.la.stl<' HDA, 2 yr:1 t'll ~. fnn~f' benf'f1ti. an' & bonu.i. i.~tcm V,1n., bk stuf\:. an a run ont'nt l'd ofr CJtll us al 547 1855 Dental OHie~ nt'Nb pan uroe clerk typai.t GIX>ll l)'J>Ulg slul~ reqwrcd & JUent.Jon to detail A11 lprox 12 l~ houri. p1:1 --.-.-;. _____ •! week. H.B A4.2 66.11 COOIC DENT AL Tues thru Sat llam 7pm Penodoms l needs fu II tame assis tant. Ex · Idea l sch edule . Ex panded duties opportuni· cellent company benefits ty X ray certificate re · which include : medical. quarecl. Experienre pre· dental, &c life insurance, (erred . Exc e l l ent pralit sharing & peni;aon benefits. Salary open program. Apply 1 n 11.B:_area. 842·6631 pencJO to: Denla.I MS't, Ort.ho .. Chr . J.C. 'IHMEY N.B. Part time or full 24 ... w•• l"-d ume up to 4 days per Newport Beach week Top s a I a r y & E.O.E. M / f ' benefits Ortho exp. & RDA req. 6'2·2626 __ _ :::.ounter Person, P rr. af · temonos l·S, & Sat. Stu denls, Housewives & DENTALllYCJENIST Garden Grove Off1re 638-7111 Retl.red weJcome No e x Dental Assistant, X·ray _eernecessary.646-7735 h e required. Garden Co11nter girl for dry Groveoff1ce.638·7lll cleaners. F lt Apply 11:16 DENTIST e xperienced. E. 16th St.C M. Great opportunity Or Counter Girl expenenced m quick pn nt s hop Sir Speedy, 3744 W Wurnt'r Ave .. Santa Ana Call ~~aft4pm COUPLE WANTt:D lo help managt' l>m hu!.1 ness pa.rt·t1mt• Must tw wtllm.: to leLtrn 1>4:! 2i47 ClJSTOOIAN I n!.1<h• & out Priv Sth C M bas1cl 'y clng & yrd <·::m· net.ired OK. 642 0411 CUSTODIAN Part lime for Harbor area cbu.rch. Late after· noon a. eves. Call F'red. fiJ.1.2.fB) Data.Entry LEAD DATA ENTRY OPERATOR lnd1v1dual mu-.t haH· rrurumum or:l Ii monlh!. l'Urrent eXpt"rH·nc·<• ar1 tape handhn.: and wnt mg function!> Liberal benerit package .. :x cellent workin.: cond1 lions Pleasl' cuntat t Rachel Rogers ._,r apply m person at l'eri>onnel Department . Flanzer, 642 0112 or 644-6687 DIE MAKERS MOLD MAKERS Top wages for qu;ihf1e<I flit• & mold makt·rs M.S <.: 1-.. <"Ont.rnuin~ tu 1•x1mnd 1l ~ loolrng oµ.•r;,i tuin.-; & ha~ a n 1mml'd1all' need for d1<• & m111'1 maker:. ror lht• h i & 2nd :.h1ft!. 5 yr" rnan t•xper1cnce r<'quirt•tl mu..,t have own tools & be able to operate all s tan dard tool room eqwp ment. C.Ome an or callll : ......... S,..CWtlff 1640 Monrovia C M 642 41427 E () I': DISPLAY BUILDER Minimum 7 years <'X· pil'nenct-to bUJ Id l'UStom hardwood <.1 1.,plLt)'> K'Labh:.hl·d n1m 11a11 v with heLtlth pli.in, profll shann.:. paid \iH'Jt11111 '>l<'ady work !'..d,ir.., .O~Cll (;Jl.uJ !!!I ti.;J u .. Cl"1> , tiJ I I 16fl(I oor; fiRooMi-;n F .. ix·ncncl'<t ror nt·~ '>tflrt' 1 n La g u n a N 1 ~ u 1• I 1147 5433 . 531 !167!1 l'l«trona('• Small, arowth ont<Olt.'J manuf of mod t<llH' tru111t• 11111 t r h11 11 rballrn&Uli Ul\'t•r Ol>P •Small N> t'J1V1n,.11ne11t, I.IC ro bmt_.flta •wlo. l'IUt1l' ly wtlh 'l\'lllttr l'llt:lllt't'r'\ •x.lnl ot>\) lo l'll,llmd your koowled.cr ancl i.Jlury •Marro pro<'•'" (1t .. p pllcauorui •bt'<H h J I 1!11 lurullOn 11CHMICIAM I l:.:.Ap 02 yri., t.<'ho<>I mil Of'~ SIHIORTECH Exp 4 yr' »1111 /\A '" equiv t•xp IHSP!CTOR t=itp " l'C UoJrd J I> :.embly ASSEMILUl ~p 6 rno, c11p of (lUJIJ Ly wk CAU 645-0145 ' . I ESCROW Immedi ate po:.111ons avail. Se.!retary & Tract ()(fleer. Aggres111ve l'O Many bene fit:. E 0 t: Call Ton! Street, Cultr. acrow Service, 546·2942 EXEC. SEC . lmml'd opening 2yr s exper Mature indJV1dual able to handle r esponi.1 b1 h ty Typing a must.Salary comm w /exp e r .San Oemente area Ca II or apply at RJp Curl Wet S u ates 3817 So 1-:1 Q uruoo Real 498·4920 Fabnc Cham tnll!rv1ew mg for management & sales pos. t'abm· or re· tail exper req Call Mrs Kindel ~ Factory Wo rk e r ::i 111 chelTl.lcal refinery full tame permanent po:.1 lions H q~h .. rho11l chemistry or work t•x perience with ch1·rn1r.il., hetpruJ Da} & 1·wnm1: sturu Start Ltt s.t hour Will train Cumpl1•l 1• medical & 1n!. ht'nd 1t-.. p;11d for In comp,Jfl~ Paid vacatum phrn. Jul) & l>el· +merit honu" plan Autom;it11· -.;il,11 \ 1 n c: r 1· a " l' p r o K r a 111 I!: O.t: .!)4.4 3281 FASHJON SALE~ ALTERATIONS CASHll::RS John Hogan's wo men'i. specialty slon• wall OfH'n O c tobl!r :!\It h 1n Ne wpo rt 's t'a i.h wn Island Center OpentnK!. for women 1n !.all'-.., -;tock. cash1er. d11>play & alteralJoo departrnt•nt' Call 644 7111CI \Wt'klfd'r' lfl to4 for appt !-' t· m .1 I t' r ,, 1· l 11 r " pet~;,. sa 1;, ~r ni llJ 'l<irt ~t •·n I r a 1,, . ., 1:31 ~onrov1,1 ,, \ 1• ~ B 548 5125 FILE CLEHI\ l'.trl ume lmmf'd <11X"n1n~ Call Balboa M arini• Ha rdwarl' for appl 54.9-9671 KO .. ; M I' II floral Designer. 2 yr1> ex PACIFIC MUTUAL per. Irvine P T Drapery Workroom . __ ~ 704-0 ~amstress needed Near fotoMat Dri•• Thru URAf"l'ING An:h·Struct . 2 yr!. mm exp floyd t-:. Wea,cr, Structural l-;nf(r, 3M39 H1rch. N. B 556-8550 OC Airport Salary open 968-8435 Sales C lerk fo r day -------shifts. Apply al Fotomat, 700 Newport Center Or Newiiort Beach. Ca 92660 (714) 64().3932 DRIVER. stock clerk 17lh&Orange, CM mu11t know OC area, • ('hance for adv Pa(' In GAL RUDA Y rtust. Supply Co. 2167 S Equal Opportunity Halh8W_!Y. SA - --~~~ Em~p~lo~y~e~r~M~/·F--DRIVERS-TOP SALARY -= Local or long distance Day Ba rtender . ex hnusehold moving exper. perience only. a pply an nee Refs. reqd. 768-0643. person. bet 4 . 30 5 30 --- -- Mo n-Fri. J .P Mac's Onver. hte deli veries. 10142 Adams Ave. HB. Harbor area. neat ap· pearance, good dnv1n~ record. full lime. Master Blueprint. 234 F1sl·her, ·CM. S40-4174 DECORATOR SALES- GENERAL Of'C VARI ED DUTIES Carpet Co n ee d ., cheerful. well groomed lady for 1.ruude sales & lite general office work Sales & decorating ex perience he lp(ul Ca II Bill Hall ~9·8181 for appt. Delivery Person. pl·lame, must be 18 yrs & gd driv· ingrec. 751-4705_. __ -------General Clencal OWVERY. Aut.o earner DRIVERS Checker Cab LAGUNA M I!: D 1 CAL lnLeeded A8 M .. &h P5M0 .Sood dr1~indg rdecor 1 d LAB. aguna e .. c . . Matur e 1n iv1 ua s needs front offi ce re Laguna, Dana Pt. San 493-88118. Oemente areas. Depen· ------cept -secy. 01ven.1f1l'd dable car a must. Call ~ver/Gardener. com· position. Mature person 1beRegister,951·7Jll. rbi.nation person. Have Type 50 wpm . non valid Calif. lie Good _smolt __ er_.EOE.494·0701 Delivery P /timcAM, L.A d r iv Ing re c ord . 11mes. $100 per week. Minimum age 20. Apply: Lquna8each.4944M96 P e nnysaver, 1660 DELIVER-Y R o u te Placent1a,Costa Mesa. G88AL OFffCE Part/time, sm ofc. Som e bkl>Pi. Gd working cond S4 hr~Tom Kelly Manne Engineering Inc. 157 1 Placenua. ND. 548·961.!_ <lft~Jo;RAI. Ofo'flC t: OfftCI TUIMH Pt•rm»nt'nl p.irt t1 m1· ~"°" t-;xc~Utinl typ il\i( aktl.li. rt>Qw red Cull l>L-tw..-t.'fl II 30 /\ M und !I 00 V M . o.i1k for 01un 759..0653 •; I K L Jo' R I D A Y Ch.lll t.>ng1 n.: ofr1 c e . roannt' onentated <.An~ ca~nll<>U!> & orgun1Led Ptder ooo .. moker Nl!al a p p t' J r J n t• e r .i I I bet ween llM 642 293!> litrl Pr1duy. part lime. Jvprox 20 hr., week Hour. nex1ble I.ate typ 111g1 N<>ut a ppt-aranr t• $5 hr RWft A s:-.ol', Newport &·uch. 975 1244 1Se~~ni.J2~! 2 dayi:; per week. C'ar Call 673-2289 3raph1c Designer Paste up Artist & free·lance artis t for udvert1s · mg1pubhshang co For I ntervi e w c all , ffi4 )493.8122 ~ Promot i onal o p porturut.Jes can provide hourly rate ancreascl> UpTo$4.SO..-. It pays tostt us Apply in per1>on Mo n· t'ri Sam pm 1532 W Co m . monweallh. l''u llerton, (;a OR 230 W Warner. Room 20'l. Santa Ana W.U1 Fcrqo Guard s .... Jcn GUARDS Full & p:1 rt 11mf• :\II ,, r ,. a ' I ' n 1 ( 11 r m ' furn1,..ht•tl Al!l'' :!t or ovt•r th't 1r1-<l w..t1·111n1· "lo 1·x pcn1•n1 t• nt·t· App I) l.'111 .. 1·r~JI l'rt•t•·1·t11111 Sen Ill', 1:!2tl W :ith ~reel, Santa Ana In uirv1ew hours 9·12 & I 4 Monlhru Pr1 I l.a1n:trrssl'r w following, SlllUOll aVJll for rent ttl T h e V 1 11 a g c 1-· a 1 r . J..a~na Beach, 494-1600 -- HAMDYMA H FQf" :-. m.i II t' IN'\ ron I<'' 1 o L1i!hl JUnllon;il fl11t11·' 1)1>11\ol'fY & fllt'k Ufl I 0 I'll Lrut•k put k.1g1111{ ~ u't h.i\ol' \.ilitl < Jlif 1ln\t·r-.. Irr i'\17ptr ~• t. (, !o\"tl'm'> 111 S:! < 11n1lor ,,..,,. 1-· v lk>alth ... 1.c1d !'.wn• n1·1·<h full & pJn t1m1• hf'lp C.111 548 nst HICKORY FARMS I la.'S part t1m l' ~al<' npp day lime ror mut ur{' lady Why not get ba<"k l() seU.m~ m a pleai.ant in· IA!l'est.Jng Hickory Farms ll lore. You ~e lect thl' hour !I Sec Mr 1hompson. South C-Oast Pla.z.a Lower Mall Hostess FUHJOI THAT ALSO PAYS GOOOMOMEY Young attractive lady w•good personahty lo be our hostess on our sa1hnlil yacht & at meetanRs & conventions Free for penodac travel on bus1· negs tnps. XJnt s;ilary & company benefits Phone our President. Mr. Van. I m" > 84&9707 llostess. P T for f'ves Slllt Noodle Restaurant Call 548 7418 Hosle11s. Xlnt opply to s upplem e nt an ro m e Wck'Ome new residents Perm p /t. Ftex hrs N<>ed c ar & typewrite r llo s p1tallty H ostci.s Service, 547.3095 _ driver L.A Times AM Onvers wanted. Early So H.B . area. Good morning home delivery, sal+comm. 6 d ys . LA. Times, Npt Bch ll9f.3307. 848-3504 area. $375+ pr mo. Ca II OD.JVERY Per~on. •LA Jeu. 546-0235 General Offi~e · Part lim e l•--------penon needed tor vaned Hotel dfice duUes. Word pro· •CASHIH • T\mea car routes, Costa ------- Meu /Hunt 'a B c h . J.4am, $350-$400/mo + boaua. Alao need Carner Sllpet'Vblor. 546-4481 or ~ DltlYBS Men or women 2S yrs or older. Know the coast citiee. Net $180 a week or more. Orange Coast ~Uvery/warebouaeman Yellow Cab. 17300 Mt. Full time. work in Her:rmann, Fo untain warehouse 4r pickup/· Valley <No of Slater deliwir articles in com · bet w n New hop e & cessing eirperience l day/2 nigb&.a helpful. Major Insurance •HOST~SS co. 752-MJS. FtrD S GENERAL O FJo'IC E We are seeking people Ute bk.kg, typing & good onented people to Join onphooe.~. the M.arriotlteam. Enjoy A-.-•• ~cE e xcellent company munlty. 0 .,w homl! • " poo pre p ara on Mauu,:, t~aiU•h 1!pe11k warehouse banking procedures. 1n1 . n on 1 mo k er . Crow with a leader th al is expandlng W1tt fertnces Sp1mou• nationwide! Take full char1e or all nc~ptional prav41 t4! loan shi•>pin"' from our new corporate (tUArtlil"lf, llv1na room . t ,.. ~. 1.-rae b»th " offkc in the Newport Beach area. color tv 642·53511 or Cll Mr • ......, ~. 714-f7S.-IOIO HOUSEKEEPER L1vr Ul or oot Child can• ror 8 y r o ld boy Litt' housekeeping f'ravulf· room Neur bu101e~ & i.chools Perfect for 111u dent or Grandma Newport &al·b 759·9219 Eves COl.DWB.L IAMICB Ru....T1AL Mo.TGAGI CO. I\ ( 'nldwl'll Ran k(lr ('o An Equal Opportunity Employer HOUSEKEt:PER Lov mg. orgaruz.ed person lo manage househo ld & care for 2 httle bOy& With M 0 . Mo m & lawyer Dad f'u II t mw dn ve, Englis h. llH'lll In Irv $150wk 5.51 5710 ltOUSEKEEPER l.1\l'an f!K elderly lady in !'. I\ May bavt> other dJ) employml'nl. C.:a 11 Jft 6PM 67H760. !><ti H~ I !\'anted Jo'ull time ll"t' 111 housekee~r. 5 dttys , for llwo elderly J>t'QJ>ll' So Hun11ngl on Be· .i c· h 962-0UJ Uousewives wanted I' 1' Laboratory Results clerk. Monday through Jo'raday SJ 17 lo start. Ask tor Gordon. ~0140 ~pu\g HYDROSEEDER The fanlaStl(• ra t'ld o r hydro&eedmfot as offered to I or 2 men Lt'arn Jboul hydromulch1ng with .i large la~cape ro 111 Ma sl> VteJO Good bent' All po:.1uons ruH ume & pemwrwnt Good dri' 1 n.: rt'l'ord ne.-c 76H-4751 for tntl'rVll'W Lt;GALSt:C'Y Needed for uw.y hllga lion hrm in Jo'a ,h1o n lslund Man lyr l'XJ>('r. Conta ct Jan et J I ~I for calelen a work. 9 I UVE IN MAIU need man Ph75&-6182ror appt. 1 2 yr exp . fr~ room & Housewives 1f you ;m • brd $540 mo t:ull Barry f!'lendly , consc1ent10u., & linef7~1183 __ _ depend. we want you {o I wnrkin adel.tghlful&tn· llousekeeper. av e 1n. formal rest. that·:. l)nJy cluldren 9, II. t4 Npt open wkdys . Apply 1n !k'h 642 3361 or&42 ~ pers wkdys 2-5 Stonem1ll LOAM SHIPP& TCf'race, 291~ Red Hill, FMMA/GMMA C.M Knowledge or F1iA1VA IMMEDIATE 1toun vackuganK euen uaJ Oppc>rtun1ty to l(row PART TIME 1o1.1th rapidly expanding nallon al m o rlRIR C OPENINGS banker "'h1le enJoytnJil Help 00 Saturday & Sun the pleasant working daymorrungstodellver s urroundings or t h e D ••LY PILOT Newport Beach 1rv1nt-AI area o( Orange County to our c a rriers Must t:xrt'llent bene f lt 11 have good dnv1ni.: n • Salary commenl>urutl! r ord. larf(e '>lut1 un with l'Xperaenl'•' & ~on or \'an Hourly t performance t'or i1pp 'I mileage Call Harry <';ill !17S 10110 o k fur Seeley at Marla 642-432 I COLDWELL I AMKER •INSPECTOR• IST ARTICLE Elr"<1ronws <'n 111•1"<1' h i .trt.1dt-10.'>l>t'l·tor l ,, .. ti I 1n..,j)l•Cl1tln h.11111 tool 1 c·omparator . k.nu"" 11'•111•' ol Yl4 5 de~m·d ~rn J yrs rN·ent l'Xfl''r 11111~ quahhed per!>ons n1·1:d apply Xlnl wnrk1nJt cond & benefits <.:om t-tn or call Master Speciattiet 1640 Monrovia CM 642·2527 EOE l1ttm mtee office Troiftff F1hnK & ll'.Jrn r.1t111.: 6 d a1m' x.lJ w:r. lrL-.uranc 1 '°"" \OU I ;,n l.1un1 h ·' Ot!W t'iJTt'l'r wh1 It• 'nu kl'l'p )OUr pn·iwnt Joh' Fur m c 1 ' I 11 '>Ur ,J IH l" Gmup will tram )OU & puy you full l'omm1!>~11m:. while you learn &-fort• }OU know 1L you'll bt· makmR wav~ In a rl' warding hrc t1mr pro fcs'>lon C al l Gt·nt- Olllard ror full details 848-51 11 ------1 N S U R A N C t: P ~R SON AL LIN t:S UNDERWRITF.R · Mm 2 yrs. exper 1'ypm1;t req James & Co. Irv. Call Maunne 752-0990 E 0 E IMSUUMCE AGIMCY F'irr & casualty, com me r c1al la n es un derwnter Expenence r eq'd R obe rt so n Insurance Assor Inc. GTh-0562 Rt'l>1de11t1a l Mvrtl:(<llW ('o A Coldwl'll B.111k1•r t'o All l'flUUI oµpor ( 'o •MACHINISTS* Or.ins.t•· l'ounl \ ;·I•., trunlC' ml'l'h.cnu·ul nif.:r h.i" ,111 1mm1'<hall• UVt'll ~ ror an l'Xpt'rll'nl 1•d Macturust Mu!>l bt• llhlt· to iset up & upt'rate all machine 11hop toolln~ i.urh as nulb . litlhe:.. :-.ur race .l(nndcr!.. dnll:. l'lt WLll be reqwrcd lo work fro m blul'prant ,, !>ketches & verbal an rormatwn Appl y Ill per.on lo Mastet-~iattiu tt.40 "ttoorll\1:.1 l \I •·t.:! ~lli 1-<>t- ... lttf'lol. apply 1 hr Inn 7tt L..tl(Ull.1 l 11 ~ ( '11J'>I I lw>. l..il(un.1 llt-Jt'h Malt1t .... Mu Mech•c Crt-!1t.'ral 11lant & prnchw tion ma r h 1n<' m .11n lenunrc lteqwrNi me<'h Ltbthty Somt· knowll'<ii;tt' of electnl· & hydrauhr helpful S.ilary op(ln J uice Tr('•·. 156 02 <.:hem1cal Ln . II H 161-4425 MAINTENANCE · Al Ollna Pl. Harbor Exper pttl. 13.SOper hr to start + rnnie benel1u Apply 3'701 Dana Dr. ~137 M.ainl.e6ance ma o want ed, labor dapute ID pro- ~ Plas·lles lSOO E Chestnut. Santa An a 542-44811 Bob Kendall Manager Secretary lrvuie arch olftce 36 hr week Full tame pay & bene/1t.s Sue II JO 2 JO 7S2·Ul95 MM\ager Tramee ror Ren- t a I Store 2 y r s mirumum colle1te 1-'u II umc mcl weekendl>. Ap (Xy I~ S. Coa.i.t Hwy Laguna Beach. Manage r Br11(ht . energetic , personable penion lo manage new bus 1neu serving ex clUS1¥e cUentele In pro- ducing & copying. Typ mg & math an auel Pleasant sWTOUndings 1n Irv S700Mo to s t;,rt I +future profit shanng Start NoY 1 87J..-Oll8 MAHAGB TaAIMH Reap person to learn ok MJIPPly bus mess busy .. pleasant work Bt'ach SUuoners. 4020 Campus Dr .NB Mar ket researcb com pany needs bra ~bt . penona~ people to belp ronducl research s ur veys at Costa Mesa rac1llt y $4 00 hr. P T . must be ava1lablt' ~nw \'Ve! ~17 •Mas~Kp xwr.., II B ~p .. n.-cd!> fox > ladlt':'> :-.o exp Ill'<' Will tr.11n D&~ FT l'T .A~ail l'11ll •*iJ i~ZJ llJ1trn ti• IOpm i doi )' 'tt ~.C'llA;\ ll ' 111·1·'1•·'1 Mobil S..·n 11 I' ~l.illt•ll /\l>k tor Kon. 55\l ~!iJ Irvine f4DICALASST F'ront a nd back offlre 111.urk. '>dllSf)mR pr<n tJce Call for mten ll'W 498-4000 ---- Mt"d1ral Assis tant for h~y Ophthalmolo111!lt Experaenre prekrn·d hut will train 1r bn1;tht nv.u & "lllllllC tu lt'arn NI.Ir) n .. icot1c1blt· For <11JIP( r a II S!!T l77Tl MA-dirdl olrt<'t' &rk o f fl<'\' 3.'-' t. OR G Y:'lo .. :'< pen~ ool > :'411 3441 ...,ICAL ASSIST AMT Nt•w port Bl'a <"h ftheumat.oloJitlSl S OfflCl' Must llavl' valid. llm1tt.'d musculoskeletal X Ray p l' r m 1 t & d '' vf'fUpunrture & routine lab as well. Salary com mensurate with exper &44-11181 I IMY&ITOIY COOIDtMA TOI Corp headquarters tor stale wide f1nanc1al SIZE US UP services firm Fashion Island. To run anve ntnry in mail room operation Shipping. receiving, sup ply ordering. inventory controls. mail processan11 & special proj<>cts . Ex perie nee r eq u 1 r e do 640-0123. 9· 30 to s. oo JAHfTOR Da)'lJmework Call 631-195.S aft s Jewelry Sales Person over 21 Eir· per. or wtlJ lram. Inquire 873-0449 KA RD EX Responsible andlv1dual needed to 1mmed1ately assist In p osting & schedullnit ac~tvil 1es Xlm opportwut.y lo ad vance. At TACO de CARLOS Compare us to other fast food restaurants. We at Trico de Carl os offer you an out· standing career opportunity in Restaurant Manrigemcnt that outweighs our COO"lpetltors. We are the newest member of the largest. privately owned non·franchised restaurant Chain 1n the U S . Carl's Jr and we're growing up FASP For this reason we can offer you unlimited and successful growth based on this past track record Positions are avallable an the Southern Orange County area. We'll train you thoroughly in Restaurant Management through OUf ciassroomftn-Store training program. Conhdentty, you11 emerge as a Restaurant Manager and will enjoy the following benefits· •Medical. dental and hie insurance • $1000/month an training • $1300/monlh as a Restaurant Manager • Pertormance t>onvses • Profit Sharing ::I van •. Mu1t have 1~nac~li~d~> ~~~~~ drMnc~•t>e1 • ~Ll.M1·1* ---"'m benefit.I Including a frtt Fu II ll mtt l-m Ill e d . meal per shift. Apply In y, 40 hr wk. Some penoo, Mon·fi'rl, tam· 1 • Sat. Office noon, Penonnel. lod. Accta. I*.. MAlllOTT HOTB. ROSAN. IMC. Credit & cash ieri ng. llOON!w.;:rt~na~e,.r Dr 714/~·W3Npt. lkh. • 9 Paid holidays • 2 weeks vacation after first year Dll ...... • P/f BeMllta incl. paid lna. " New--n .,... ""'' An Equal Y pd vacatloo. M ature. n--un1t E lo r r om New po r t t o _....._ pref ... pply F,qual Oppot Employer .,,,,..,. • >' mp yer Woetwood . Rehil ~~ · " ICIYruHCHOPlll. · w. .. )oc*iftt for •n c.lodlin1 "°"•receiving JEWELS BY JOSEPH llCUI: P'ront desk clerk, NlctU. l2t Eqieftence. ) ~ fer'IOO with a ~t. Good dirv· Sou&boo..tPlau,CM e"Jqllerpref'd. 7-5Is1·11, 4 To work tn downtown IOOiJ dl'l.tDI NCOl'd to lnl l'K'Ofd fr Nfereneee :: a wk. Call for appt, San Juan Cap iatrano. _............_....,-""•in...._, ,._Nd. Must be over 1--------· -. "-'l•l .... 1 M A I. ~-;;.c'; f\dl t~ 11.11oun. an 1:»1. Call a...IOfn.c. ..;.......;._,_______ ~ ·..u • r myJt .. ~•ble. ll·F, Nmey11&1M-l0'10. YOU CAN GO TO t«>USECLEANERS I01'CH91...,.. ~ .... •PPIJ l• WORK TOOAYI Car nee, Ptr. Top SS Mature pe r1on pre-! ..--tlnYriW. Croucounlr'J. 511..oo45 Gu.pamGlrlMS-5123 fen"ed, fulJ time, •Int ~ Nit 9"dal lk ntqulrecl. en Lin-HOlJSEKEEPER . want· bmllha • worklnt cond. i m••'I ~ Yacbbt. Ltal • -eel for Sun a Moe. only Beyvltw Conv. Ho.tp. 1 NK•ll C.M. -Lit• houaekeeplnl " 2065 Thurin St . C.11 • Food discounts lor you and your entire family •Tuition aae1atanoo You'll love how nicety we tit Into your career ambitions. Pleeae send your resume to Frenk Karch., at: · ~ ~ 1200 North Heft>or Boulewwd Anehetm,Celffomta 92803 eo...i Opportunity &nOiOyer M/f .. J -== .. • awmbly peo-rtW<*'"'ttlSOHMf1St1111cu chtld care. Flnlble N2>815 •. E.O.f!. l · .a.. ...... ·•~ Ne J7ll ._. llrMt bDur9 fr cWi~w work· -r uu UIP'S· o H · tll "'.... •n1 coadt. Call Eve 8911 tbin11 fut Wllb Dally l~Cll~~ .. ~~~~~ .. ~ .. ~·~c:~..-.~·~MO-~·::~=~=llin==.=t:l~·=25:.C~~===~ .. ~~~==~~"'-:::1000::::·ao.;:::IA~.IUU~==:::._LPUat~~W~aot~Ads~==:y;::;:::::j_~~!!I .......... ~ ........ ~ -' -----------~_....._ ..... •• ·--• --4. -------.............. -....... -"" -.. --, •• A,. ........ . • ~--·~ "" ......... ... .. ~ ................................ ~ .. . llledk:el Alel I« f,_ OI· Ml •c. W\11 ltala flee. loaM ba<k oftk.. J.11 Mft.. ...... Ole .... Limited X·ray Il e . blM. I wk•;._ uc. '*'-"· 8aJar, MllOU•· 111.-.._PW••· *mm. ,. Ofll. M I 1 . e o • o • • • 1ani wtalJ.e 1" a.am. fabrialon. II+. ADPb',......... AH•trlna 1n penon. •t w. ta& Bl s.vke r..u tl .. /part C11 tlme. Varied t lllftl · ...;.MOOIL--WIC--Olln--1 =-~ia~ even· At.tractive reau&ee OD.1)' FAllDON ISLAND ~ OCM'A lllSA/IRVIHE Models. Female. Sarp. Ma11zine only. SZS per br. ~5122 or 642.QSZ Bob. 11JSTIN HUNTINGTON BEACH I.deal for 1tudeot1 & bouaewlves. Many co. benetlta lneludins p11id M_o_d_e_l_• _n_e_e _d_e_d_. -, r-e-e'"' v a ca U o DI · TY PI n i haircuts. for profes11lonal 3Swpm .. E.O. E . Call saJon workshops call 543-4230 Mon. thru P'r1. Tue.Sat. 631 • llSIO --' Petition Circ ulator MOTOll IOUTE •MONEY• DAILY PILOT route!> an Set your own hours. t:x· I So L» gu n a & San 11.ra cuh working full or Cemente 010W available r Ptr. Yoo make S2000 or Afternoon delivery Mon· rmre pr mo. Mullt be 18 day thnl Friday, morn or older. Call for im· tnp Saturday & Sunday. mediate JOb 549·8730, ExceUent e arnings for 9-12___ _ just a few hours of your Pre-i.chool aide, Irvine, day Nominal cash .de· exper. prefer r e d . posit required Call :5152.7494 ~l A.\k for F'oster -------- Ouellet Pnnla" - ----12:50 MultJ Pnnter. high Nurses school printing ex· LVH penence OK W11l ltaan. 4 ()perung.s on afternoon day wo rk week Paid s haft. fu ll t 1mt' o r benefits Call 979·7660 p 1t1 me Pa'tt t ime MonThu~. wtcnds day shift Apply al flagstup Conv <.:enter. 466 Fl agi.h1p Rd Newport Beach. 462·8044 NURSES AIDES. Sm all. every other wk,nd off Def. comp. of S:iO alter 6 mo Free d e ntal & medical ans after proba tJon employment Apply 144.SSupenor. N 8 NURSES AJDES. 7 3. 11 7. ex.penenced or train~ Mesa Verde Conv H<11p. 661 Ct-n t e r Dr C M EO~ Nun.a Assist Certified PIJMTIHC'i Help wanted in web offset press room. Ex penenccd &: trainee:. M.uumum age 20 Apply P<>nnysavc r . ltitiO Placentia. C M NIMTIMG Preas person needed m powing Or~nge C.Ounty C.O. Mtn. 3 years trade expenenee on Mult1's & Ouef 17 with 1'51 head!> Sa1ary open Jo'or a ppt CCP Pnnting 979-2339 --- Aides needt'd on all Private female n un." sbdb C1Ulel> avail for needed. Newport art!u. non ce"tJf1ed G<IOd start Ref's Greg, 548.Q36. 1n1 s alary & xlnl -------- be ne f 1 l \ App I y at Pmdurtion Control P\aphip Conv Center 466 Flagi.h1p Rd Newport Beach. 462 ll044 Office S..-.icH t>tergeuc person to do Xerox copy . fili n g . gmeraJ ~1CC1. O:>m pany will Lram !'llewpon Phumc1rt-ud1(',1h 1197 Ul.h St NH 642 -;'!111 l!X1 II h l't lK. 111.1..,11.tv. urk Ill~ ,. ' pt-r Appl) 197i l'l.i< t•nl1..1 ,,,,. Cc1'l.i '.\11~.1 •SO• PACJ(AGHS ASSEMILHS NEED NOW'' 'TopWa.ces •:"'<>Ex per needed • U>nR T...rm 4.:.:.1..:nmt•nt VOLT ....... "t .. JAt-•• .... , ... I 546-4741 ~Camp1.1.~ UnH• ~~from John W dynt' A1rpon I Equal Opl>Of' Employer Parktnit At1"ndan1 maJe fem pt & f t1ml' Job 1n Seal Br h&Npt 8ch. QUI blwn 10·5pm 673-4800 PART TIME EVENINGS AduJtA wrth outstandtnR. auract1¥e persooalJtJe.t who elUO)' wortlang With lbds. Over 21. SUtrt at $150 per hour. Phone 142·432 1 . Ext 2.SO BJ:t'WEEN 1·5 PM ............ F.qual Opporturuty Employer __ _ IMMEDIATE PART TIME OPa.ING Set. &Sun. Monungs. DnverTo Deliver DALY PILOT to our carriers in San Juan. C.pistrano Beach. Dana Point. Sa n Clemente area. Mus t have aood dri vine re- cord. l a rge s tatio n wagon or van. Hourly pay +mileage »I lowance. Ca ll Harry ~eyat 642-4321. Part time & Cu.II Ume Petition Cin:ulators . llnS7toSIOllr. W or k own hr s . bowewlves, 1wdeota, re· W-.... muat be over Ul. CaD 561-0834 btwn M lam or~. Pwt nme 11rt needed for sandwidl shop. Excell. cooditlon•. good P•1· Call S«Ju. 549·70118-4, or Gl-48 nipu. Part t.lme help wantt'd, Man Ii/or ~. nI1bt1 f or produ c tion . Minimum ace zo. Apply at Peno1u ver, ileo Placentia. Colla 111 .. a. , ...... Ra .. -car nMr" •l'110rl, KA RD EX Responsible lnd1vldual needed to 1mmt..'Ci1ately a ssist an pos ting & scheduling acllvtllei.. Xlta opporturuly to ad· V&ne'l' ltOS.\H, IMC. 714 S48·5.Sol3 Npt l:kh i\n J-:qual Opponun1ty ";mplO> 1•1 P"rodlilcttoft TraiMe!. Wt• ha\'1: 1mmt>tl1 a11• operunjC.S frlf' lraant"~ l11 work 111 our asi.embly ~ Rt-quires goorl dl'X lc'nl> )., h.ind to 1•\ 1• <"OOf'dlnat.Jon Cc.Im.: 1n 11r .... 11 Mmfer ~afffH 1640 Monrovia, C.M. 6Q.2'27 ~.0.E. EAL F.STATt: SALESMA."'J W.\STl':l> 1-:AR."'l L'PTO 15'. <'O\I ~tfS.<.,H>~ 'II fo.1 t ( .111 .-Jm from S!JUK to SJIMlt\ ~II)' 2'-fo'tnd out whv new llr l•arn b1i.: $$~ hert• Comt• talk with tht'm 3 Ou r pr1>1lo1· t 1 n t' x p e n ' 1 v 1• land budgl'l tl•rm!> ·I Pre .. et apph galor•· ~ Fmd oot why .. we\•' got OW ~l Uung going" N 8. area Ask for Mr How ant. 955-3402 ......... Sales Opening for liceni.cd s alespeople. local!) owned. wtlh nalJoaal re ferral system . Excellent working conditions Earn 1oo-;:. c:ommtSS1on. For conlidentJal app't. call 759·0226. Execu· S~ReaJtors Real Ell ta le WC>ttiie4!! Take charge of your life!! I\ unique an · diV1du.ahz.ed concept pre· pus you for a future an real estate. Sludy at your own pace. Award wan· n 1n1 r ea l estate educators on video. For free placement o ppty call Louise at 873-3248. Real Eltate IMJOY ltlAL IST A TE That '1 r iabl ! We at Walker 6 Lee enjoy Re11I E1tate. Our MI lllon Dollar location office bas pride, enthusiasm & l(Uidance. If any of lhese llOtlnd important to you. then call now & g ive )'Ou r Real Eatate career a 'Real" chance. Ask ror Al Stell.ate>. 163-567 l ~ Walkr.r 1; I ee llALISTATI PIONSSIOMAL I have opeainp for 5 full lime ,. .. , ettete pro fMliooala. Xlnl environ· mint. Sellin, w /the top pl"Ollhc•r• ltt tn. dul&ry. CooUodl train· iftl llllUl9 top eaming11. Call tockf fOf' '/OUf COO· ftdeal1al lnten1ew. Ask 1orananne •t..., nu. ~ Walkr.r t; lr.r. lleelra Mml·ntired mu .. _ ..... to hltp in office. help 1---nc __ .,.._ta_le __ _ rna!•Mo vebklea, meet the oubUc. Houn Otld· Rectptionitt Corporate blit.Ca.llbelan nooa. o ffkH of a11re11lve JI• •••.&. company dealrea ln· ..,..._ dM dual w fllte lyptnc UW. 6-eome office back· IJ'Olmd, ror lnttrvlew cllllm.u. , ____ ,.._-:._ ... ,.........,....., ---··-----............. .,....._,.,.._. •..----··--'• ••----·• • ••• • -••·-· ., .. ., • •·-·-•-••r-•-.._.,.._... -----~-·--------.--.~ l I ~!!~ ..... ~:.o.~ ~!!~ ..... ?!~! ~~.!!~!'!! ..... ?!~~ T~.October&, 1979 DAILYPILOT ,,, ..... 1040 Jw lh • IOIO Mhc1I 11-8* ~'!.~:.~ ..... !!.~ ~!!.~ ..... !!!~ ~.!!~ ..... !!~! llC9'T'IOMIT W.10.Uv T)' Xlot op J'\lll U.. •oa."'°I. IS par. b' c10Uep 1tud..ttA In.,.,. '"9k. 111\all be Hav. Ml lime • pJUme peraoaable. well pa .-v&ll You can urn I..,_..., -.Joy tDMtin• up \0 ff 00 pw hr Call U.. ~ No t.Jp&n1, Ul l blwn l lpcn =~··~ --- /Wf/jy ~ ..... lllO SM.ES F'tic-eoUa Au C06t a PUIMITUll ~-.D11Ssa RICIJl'T/ lllOICAL • ...JIW'&,IY =" pnl.. Cotta II•• ~ 111.-., HMDWAU ~.:~ .. aperienced aa llecep lioniet. Heav1 pbonee. \1PI 30 wpm , lnv0Jct11, qaaa&loae orden Front oOke appcan.nte Top u&ary 6 bmefals lrvtM l'\am.. Iii.tr. Cail Katta ~ let:.tptt a l•I CPA ftrm &t Mat'Artbur IW\od/Jam~ Rd, Irv Good t~.:.... J?-oz14 RECEPTIONIST Part lime for beauty salon. mature f re.ferr~ The Haar l andlers 6'2-3484 ~/lteprociKtfOft AUTOMOTIYI t\1lJ and pert time opw.n -. in mmm1"lM aaJea an lhe abo\ 1° d11pal't malls for quallfled 1.-11 Ina •~al .. l.I. Compiuay betu flo . d larount pnvUece. medical. den LU 6 lJ.le wurance, pro ru alwina • penstoo pro p-am Apply U\ per.on to J.C~,.._., 24f hi_..._.. ... .,.,. .... F.O E.. M/F ialea HOMIMAICBS With lnlettil ID &n/ln· tenor deiugn l''\lU-pa.rt tame S20-S25hr. Will lr81n Call Ms Buoac 848-93783-7 PM. Tll-R.OM HllDSYOU TKWct.. lllajor ·Nat1 ono l EoJlneerlnl{ F lrrn 1n Irvine has immediate opening ror sharp, self starter lo ma an lain re ~ system including library. correspondence &: plan fil es Responsibilities also in- clude maintenance of tn· house blueprint opera hon including running GAF Bluepnnt machine <WW train) &: ordering blueprint machine stock/supplies. Organi llonaJ skJLls a must Xlnt co benefits. Salary com meosurale with e). perience Ask for Valanc at 7S4-6222 .. E.O E To fill avalanche of or ders rrom wurant' motorcycle. s porting (p)ds. mou>r sport]!, re tallen. Great opply but we are very seleet1vt.• & want con/adeol wanner l~ only We train ex pertly V1s1t us & ~N· ;a!es Call Mr St.on~ 540 4023, lnt.ematiooal marll:eUng 9·1 farm expa nding an -- - Orange County looking i AL ES W 0 M A N r o r for ambitious people. jewelry store. lrvant> fUll or part lime Send Must be over 21 for Ul~ resume to P.0 .Box 601, reasons Mui;t btJ <1hlc to Huot. Bch. 92648. Im-work 1 nal(hl a week mediate reply 55_!."67~ 551-67!>4 iales )ales $INSIDE SALES$ Wanted young ml·n who fUU tame position. Ex will get alon" wdl with penence helpful. wall women Call Mr lraan. Some clerical 1llompgon ~4023,!l I work involved Pref. iANOWICH SHOP Ilk mature ind1v1dual Call lOAMto2PM Call btwnl SS7.IJl22 ------&6 PM 898-SQ}Z Restaurant All around k alchen worker needed with dnvers he Salma~unda Rest. 549-92167 Restaurant SALESLADY fUll lime, over 18 yrs THE SHOWOFF 122 Fastuon Lsland SALESLADY Mature, Hallmark Gift & Party Shop an H.B Full lime 5 day week. Fri lhru Tues. 640-1557 or 962-8910 SCTRYTOV.P. Typing. som e S II liberal co mpa11 y benefits Send re:-.umC' w t•xpr & salary r<• qui re men ts lo Pre:.lt'Y of So. ca11r P O Box 2l00, N.8 . 92663. Attn lil•v ;ECRETAHY. Exec or Legal Newport Bl'h Law farm , call 645-4044 Sat AM. ~null Terrace. a de- 11 g ht f u I & informal restaurant, only opt•n weekdays . If you 'r e rriendly. consc1ent1ous & dependable we need you. Now htnng Cull or part time. Slicer & stoc k person needed , also sandwich makt:rs &: rood prep. Apply in person. weekdays 2-5. 2915 Red Hill, O>sta Mesa. ---------;ales Mangement iECRETARY lnsuranec Trainees p /l, f/l. olfice up to JO hr. per l)ynamac, positive 18 +. week. Doo 4.94-0124 Restaurant Me&ld'tPluo Immediate part tame openings avail. for Oelavery Dnvers. Must be2i & have a good dMv mg record. Start from S3.2S hr. + tips. Able lo woitt evemnas. Full lime paattkm also av aJI. age 18 • ovu. Apply daily aft Spm..ME ~ED'S PIZZA 4210 E. 17th. St. C.M. Rrulil Sales Dev all bus inc. 557-3062. iales. Mature sales Pef'SOn for retail art sup· ply store. Exp1 pref'd . F\111 time. Bene1its. PAS Graphics, Nwpt Bch 754-0422 Sales/Maintenance INDOOR PLAMTS We are looking for an ~ooig person to sell & ma•Dtain indoor plants. f\ill • part time posi · lions available/ weeke nds r eg_ul r ed. ase apply In "Person Mori lhru Fri 8·5. •SECRETARY• To SI 1.000 Non smoker, accurate 45 wpm, 10 key by tuut h Growmg firm offers 1eood future. Call 751 -2600 iecretary, General Of hce, typio1. Lt office wcrt. Aall: for Tammy. m4 >955·3402. N. B of flee. SECRETARY Office of ... Prff. r -sALESnASOMS Oorporat.e headquarters for state wide invest ment -Mt.rv aoe. -l.4 rm Fashion Island. Xlnl career opportunity with diversity & challenge ROGER'S Must possess top level GARDENS exec. secretarial t•x Our company as growing &: we are looking for bright & ambitious peo pie to traln ror future management positions . penence. 640-0123 M f'r• ZJO~~ ~~!~wn ..:.9.;..:.:K)-:..:....:5..;...JO::.::.:... --- CDM 640-5944 Secretary Tennis Club requires u rou have retail ex penence & want to move • up to store management iales positiooa are now avail&· MHd Extra hie. Chri1twua1 Motley? We are one or So. C~lif. Co~ to R.M. Abrams fast~st growing h.igh Cata.Jog Showroom, 1819 fashion shoe operations. Newport Bl. C.M. P /t, Good starting uJary & F /l any age wanted. x1.nt co. benefits. For in· ...:....:..,;,..;;;;:;__=:.. ____ _ terv1ew contact Larr)' iales Lee 957-0079 ORDER DESK SALES ' For marine hardware Sallmall:er needs first <hst. Marine exper. nee. layout pers, 4 day wk. 10 lrnmed. opening. Full co. hrsdayM·Th, Fullt1me bene . Call Balboa only. CaU 548·3467. Marine Hardware for SAUS MEH appt. 549 9671 E O. E. M/FtH Top phone s alemen --- needed for a medical 5.A.USPERSON. perma· firm In Npt. 714·645·21 I l nent full time, will train. ia1es R.M. Abrahms Catalog • "'-G"'MM....._. Showroom. Ull9 Newport "-,.. "'" Blvd. Costa Mesa. Seeking motivated, out· part time secretary with Ut.e sit.ills. Thurs lhru Sat &Sun ia desired. 9-5. Call for appt. 645-7~ SECR1.'TARY Experienced with strong typing & s horthand skills, full tame career opportunaly Apply an person to Mr Fuentes at Robert Bein. William Frost & Assoc 1401 ~uaal St Newport Beac..!!__ iECRETAR Y -Gal Fri day ro r business an Laguna Mature. good secretJi.nal skills. detail onentated Stable work historY Call for appt. 497-1766 !UX.,1lt..,.AR\'10H: MGR 2 ml lradt' UM>ClaUon oflke MU 0C aJrport lJtr l*kpt, dJrtapbooe. up\09DO MJ UlZ _ SICllTAlY/ AOt.1MtSTU101 AMI.It m&J', a«tmlcunduc tora t!•P hi catmr Hn mllt11. com(>UU!r pr0Mrammln1 Good math apl1tude r~u Xlnt cu bfadlll 546-lt7.-0 ;t>;CRETA RV YOR t.AWYt;R Sll'Olltl 1olulla & aood lllnauaae Mb1llty rl' quirt.'d, but hiti•l exper rat t111>enl.1&1 Mr Myers ~10 • SICllT AllES * Type 50 I flli t12.K 00typ70SHllO $13.llOO Set: HkJ.lr Crcstr S12K Exec Sc<-y $15.000 •Coonse lo.rs Sale6 Our Offl{'e • A"pt Only Fl"ee Ut Remders Agency 4CXa> Birch. Elitab '64 Newport Beach. 833-8190 Secntcry SI 200 Exper sec) to run Lhe h!e of young cu Pres Quarterly sal n •' 1ews & great co benefrt.s Ad mm ~t·nliaJ Cull Rita Coli.'>Llll Personall'I Agency 2790 Harbor. C :'w1 540 605S Never A l-'t'1• SECRETARY D.A.E ProcH~ Must be familiar with \'A FHA procE-s:.111g Muumum I yr expr req I Pre.ley of So Calif (;on tact Uc' 540-0500. SECRETARY Late t yping :-.o m l' shorthand & enj.!1neer ang con:.trucllon l '<Ill h<'lpful Presley of ~" Calaf Contact HarlJar.i 540-0500 REAL EST A TE D.R.E Proceuor. Must be ramalaar "uh VJ\ fo'llA prucl''>!'olrlJ: Minimum 1 yr exrr rN1 l~ley or So Calaf Cu11 tac'l Bev 540 0500 ;ecretary Bookkeeper Salary open PlcasJnt personality & \IOIC£' for real Ci.tale investment company Newport Center . Mr. Gerrie !>10-6GOO SICRETAlY Caeuumlity O..elo..-..t udenll Nlltd a pr1 Ume JobT U you are rrtendJy. c.uwcientioul ., depend•· bl.. we want you to work ui a Cktl&btfuJ •Informal retl that '1 onJy optn wkdy1 Apply In Pflrl -.1ldya :u Stonemlll T~r naec. au Red mu. C.M Swm:HIOAID OPIRAToa l!:xper1enced opentor ~ b1.11y reaJ eaialAI o/ fit~ Console board Call (or appl. Coldwell &niter/ Clane Johnaon. 664-!QIO reacher· Pre-school , 3 year old class. ex peraence n ecessary. 54().1919. fELEPHONE SOLICITORS, 4 dy wk 5pm-9pm. no sell. no ex per S200 mo min+ boo~ Mr Marun 549-5045 feiepbone operator. neu ble hours. Apply Brun~ Smalb. San Clemente lnn.S C fl::LLER Part tami- llmmed operung for l'A Ptr part tame teller w1good t ustomer rela- tions attitude to work Tues. Wed & Thurs (;on t.w\ l..ee. Ornnge CoJst Savings & Loan 714 754 llj()l E 0 1'.: The Rusty Pdacan as look mg for a Night Cook Pull Tame for th e r1~ht person. Apply belwePn 3-5. 2735 West Pacific Coast Hwy. N li TOP SALES LADY l::~clU<;IVl' shop. j.!OOd bal'k.:round, ~ood 1my J>al'\ F\111 time !>4H 1007 Ull3 W1·:.ld1U Dr Ml row I rut k Un \l'r' t'X pcr'd Toµ puy 1\pply G&W 'l u w an g. 7100 Ohms W.1) C \1 tl42 L252 MANUFACTURING TRAINEES lmmed F'ull t1me Openings Maten ol Hcmdltt ProcUc ff on T ralnu Rtce1VincJ Clerii Cu bl'neflt s Irvine j.t<J 7639 A Kc ndavas Ind E 0 K rrainees, no cxperienl·e necessAry Manufacture of oplaral rompon<'nls i .OOAM-3 JOPM . 4! Sals per mo overtime SJ.SO hr. Locatro c .M 646·0206 J'rainee Young man lo t.raw for precuuon instru ment repair (no elec lrorucs) Must be rel.la· ble, have manual dex-terity & excellent vlslon. Long training period. On· ly seriowsly Interested need apply. Call ror m -terview appt between 7 9AM only. 546--0606 1be lrvule 6,mpany, a community bullder located in Newport Beach 15 seekintt a ~"Cretary lo work for three project managers. To qualify you mwsl be well orgaruu, possess a pleasmg phone manner Typtng, set yr own hrs & capable of typing PARTTIME sswprrr11c-curne1y Lv msg, Bob 644-tm Please apphcataon or - sendresume&:salary re-fYPIST. Secretary quirements to: needro for CPA fa rm an L.PARSONS ~ewport Beach. P time THE IRVINE CO ix>sation. Pref art noon 550 Newport Center Or hrs Moo· Fri Strong lYP· Newpurt Beach, E O.E mg slulls a must Call Debi. 833-8084 ;ERVICE STATION AT- TENDANT-full time. Light mech knowledge. benefits Neal handwnl· ing & appearance J\pply 2:100 Newport Divel. CM_ >erva ce Station Allen· dant, pt ume. days & eves Neal appeanrnce & handwnting Apply 2590 Newport J!lvd, CM ;er-vice Stauon attendant expenenced. full time Apply ~l N Coast Hwy Laguna Bea~~ )ervace Station Allen danl. <,ervace rars & hght reprur 2800 W Coast Hwy~N B ___ _ StatiOfl Attendant Sell-serve. Perm posi lion. Pt lime & full lime avail. Neat appear & re liability a must Advan cement opix>r Apply at •TYPIST• TO SI 1.000 Non smc*er, accurate 45 wpm, 10 key by tourh Growing farm offers good future. Call 751-2600. J'YPlSI' -To type loan in fo. into Burroughs Docu menl machine. ad1ust forms for prrnt-oul & makf' corrections when necessary Pnor office t•xper & typing of 45 SO "Pm required D11r11 ment machine cxpcr helpful but wall tram the nght candidate 1-·or appt call ~ ext 202. EOE --- I'ypl.St Reeepl. Lite ofr duUes. 60 wpm, NB. Mrs . H<w67:>-JOl2 Wait.er. ex per , P tT eve5 Stufl Noodle Restaurant Cal1548-7418 w~ Dr1v ... : fllUJt .............................................. ···················-'-· have 1ood drivlo1 re· ICE!SHOND P\ls-. AKC cord c.o.t.a flleaa area. a..mp aare. M/P. Pet 6 ~~!.~.The Earl of ah ow . p v t p t y . 8l:d.'c.i1'. ~~wport ZU/97·~ atU pm. DNIMr.9drw w/mlm>r. PERSIAN carpet. dlk. • rute aund. wbl Handmade. pur~ t:llk, w/Jold trim. like nu, Qwn. Xld ql&&L Pr pty l!SO Sec:ret.,-Y, ma pie, 56&«56i r #Ill dn. $195. Lawyer'• , AKCGldn Retriever PUP9. WAREHOUSE PERSON Hunten. wtr docs. 80 Needed full time . Champ Pedigree lmmed. ~. Full co. -.-1 bku, Ila drt, SUO. Mohl.le Teleohooe VHF. Hukb. maple. very old. w/acanner. 'l'ake ovr lie 1125. Antique mirror oak ~me.. bene Call Balboa ---------• Marine Hardware for Ooldea Retriever puP9. ~10.: 'tr· c::~ lpt. Bcb. Tenllls Club 'IV w/aiand ·s.o. Alrway Pamlly llemberablp. appt 549·9e71 E 0 . E. beautiful AKC Mil' /H '48-3279 tllk vacuum sso. Antique .,. 6'4-0782 We lder or welding foreman. S'l'·S8.SO hr. HB area. life. med/ dental I plan. 98735 I WOltD PltOCHSOI lnternatlonal "Bag 1r · CPA Firm seeking Vydf:c 1200 Operator I to 2 yrs work expeneoce work preferred. CPA ex penence helpful. Ex cellent c ompan y benefits. salary negotaa ble Call (714) 640-4450 ask for Kathy Harvey X.aAY TtCHHICIAH To work an Newport Beach Rheumatologasl 's olfice Must be willing to do routine office work. IJlclud.ing verupuncture. routine lab answer phones. etc SaJary com mensurale with cxper 644 1881 Youth Couru.elors Part Tame evenings Outgoing adults workm~ with youth. Over 21 Own trwr.!X)rlalaon SJ 50 hr start. 6-llPM CALLAN ORF:;\ &iZ-4321, ext 250, I SP M E.OE MerchardM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Arlll... 8005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ANTIQUES FOR SALF. Pn~ $10 lo $2,000 1830 Irvine Ave • N B 631·:1161 Keglna Phone Mui.ac Box Antaqut-with 20 dasci. Xlnt cond S5000 Ca II 67~ J150 & 494·2220 WlSTMIMSTER AllEY AHTIQUE MALL Open Thur Mon to 6 11751 WeMman..,ler Ave GG. 171-1I554 6103 Applelfteft 8 0 t 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CASH PAID Ws hr dryrs Refr1gs. working or not 957-8133 Fre4!zer. large upright, runs real good 8.argain at Sl35 !>47 -3182 GE dbl oven stove, slf cleanml. good cood.ition. $1.50. 873-3779 Hot ~ electric 1\0Ve. dbl oven. self rleaninic. 4 ootl burners. A' oc ado 1'r s:m. 851-0680 ..... 'Mclhritih 1025 ....•....•..........•.. Particle Boards. u15ed XI.al cood. 50 sheeLS, US, Meach. 557-6560 c-rm& 11p1,.-nt 8030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uasa Apso puppies, 8 wtca, AKC champ. blood linea.485--2261 lmPa. Sqr oak tbl MS. Porta cnb SU, misc. Un· HOT TIJB 6' wide, 5' clt!-- til sold. 2350 Colleae Dr . ep , a Ii red wood. CM. W of Fordham. Via Teledyne btr & pump. NWJSau or Wake ForHt. needs assembly, moo. 556-8M2. aM806, 9-12. AKC very tiny Poodle pup. Male. 1-Wbite 1- Black a..,. Sde IOH Ct.us DE CASA mem· ___ 992_ ·2 . ...:,1_78____ ••••••••••• •• ••• • • • • • •• benlhip seoo. Call Joan al Poodle puppies, silver. Uvlng room furniture . 7Sl-78'70 bet. 8-5. wuher , dryer. refrig, Jd auac. 831-9287 CASH PAID for go. • Norden shots $165. Raerve for Cbnstmu. Ch>c. & blk. EarJy AM or'? &16-9795 1045 Movin& sale. Dll 9 room hse At gar contents Everythmg to be i501d silver, diamonds. rubieti emeralds. sapphires . 1814 Gold Exchange. 492-8470Call for appt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Real ains 559-~78 10 mo. old S1ber1 an Husky, male. Good with kids. 548-1200 ---L------AiJt. wash mach $85. lO'L, Klni sz bed. chairs. anll· ca.bot <stereo. storage) que dresi.er, chest S85 8x 10 s hed $75. stereo stand. oak table. 4 ~&642-8811. ctwn. buffet. small ap· 12 wk old German Shorthair. fem Papered Needs lads 548-1.200 CUTE PUPPY. Dobie nux, 15 wks old. Fem.a le needs family 673 7828 ........ 8050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• **I BUY** Good used F'urruture & Appl.iances--OR I will )ell of-SELL for You MASTERS AUCTION ~686 & 833-'625 CASH PAID For gd ~ rum. ant_a ques&clr1V's957 IH33 MODEl HOME Q.OSE.OUT SALE Decorator furniture & ac~~ O:dar c1 .. n Townhomb. 2554 1-;1J1·n A'e. C£.6ta ~c:>d 11 u. i. dru.ly ~~34 SOI-A queen '>l~~r uH white lmeo we:ive. nl't'tl!. clearung $175 646 52111 ur 642-9489 after SP~ phances. lots of masc Welding equip, oxygen Everything must be sold acel, complete . Sl30 by Sal 1845 Anaheim, Git.ane 10-spd Xlnt. tllO 1188,CM Nish1k1 10-s pd $70. Jewatry 8070 66l-6M6 _. ---- •••••••••••• •••••• •• • •• American Airlines 'h L.adie!> Jade & diamond pnce discount coupon. nng, appraised value ~ Call646·1~--- S2700. aslung ~ Eves, M V d S . & T 75t 2999, Days. 7~·2lllS esa er e w1m en- N.k for Ball M> Club $600. 7$4--1459 --------~GMGUI 8080 St:lhng Doll Collection. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Some Bisque, Alexander. LUGGAGE TAGS Composiuon & Modern. Imm your bu.o;ane:-.~ curd Callp_?-7~lS fora~ Send one card for c:u:h Pmewood chest $25. 2 golr ta" plus Ofll' '>Pare Wi: l.)ags $11J each return permant-ntly 493-9468 st"alKI allrart1v1• tag & ------ strap. meeting a1rhnf' Refng, tables. desk. sofa. I U reqwremf'nl!; Pn· pooltable, plants. wtr H-nt IOM & theft' Fur " bl>d. misc 968-8119. peNJnalized tag en\ 1.,,,. ------- .,..JllµJpl'r. fJhrtt 111 4 mom.., of shag carpetmg. I.rd) Clo pap<'r & "",, ~Cr) good cond . will bat k (!... tnm )Our 842 2667 ~., Or lr) tv.o l"Jrd.'> Ci~ar Stain hJ<'k lt> bJI k PHIC'f.S S2l'dOrJ ~ 4 S lJ&.'> SI tJJ t:J 6 !Jldi!!o SI !°JOl-'d Urndll' nist iron c1rc.1 1sgz !rum courlhous <· Tumbslonl'. 1\rai. !ksl olf er 645· 39-H IO•tr mon· S1 .W l.'3 Rampart Alhlellc Club l.91U0altdlrungtable,v. 5 ~l~'ldAlndudl'd 1Hatqu1·tbJll l mem leaves Stnpped. nds ri· ~O CAH lP ber.tuP" til $185. ear h f1n11;hang Afl 51'~1 . Draw )our own or .,t•nd &\&52l.IJ or &42·9489 after 551-0160 name, address. phone & sP~ -wt-'11 make one card per -------- Hl DE A BED. loo~~ tag Add:!Yenrh 6ply '\now lires, almost pillows. nr new. cotil Send r ht..ot•k or monc) ur new $\SO for both or best S450.sellS250 ~1 ·5224 dcrto orrer 973-1083 dy .. Duung nn set beauufully carved w 1glass lop, 8 velvet uphol chrs. pd '21m. sell $800 546-14211 Solid Oak desks w1chrs. 46 > Btll concL One or All lllOO/sel. 861-3101. W1llt car Uldt Ull.. w I x:ua ma twn bda. 1IDl eoad. 8J, couch SSO. 9xl2 o' JI braided rue $25 Cal I 549-92$4 or $4~1 to see. PILOT PRIMTIH~ 731 21.88_e_ves_. __ _ Po Box t560 MK.._..,... Co&t.;a Mesa. Cl 92626 Waithd 1011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CEIAJICS Oxy acetylene welding Haadpa.l.nt.ed ceramics. ng, Sml bome computer. plaques, A all v 1t y set. ..:;141=.:-Mn:.;:;;;.;,._ _____ _ plalea. m.acb maac. WAL~ .._,, A1lo .-.caal or-ders & colon aone 3l re w Alft'ID a.sondble 1.'0St ~ 5745 Persian or Chmesc rug:, ~es P P onJy 644-5177 COPY MACHINE MIMail t.:se.any paper ~, lwh allh IOIJ Nice walnut coffee tbl S70 Pru.-e. 962 7033 •••••••••••••••••••••• • Walnut end lbl S5 Vance 5'&S-l756 ~ JierTulon reversible vnyl sora Earthtone Xlnt cond 54.5. V rnce 545 1756 CuHar. Ibanez Artist. naturaJ wood. perf. cood. m> Shure p.a. spll:rs. four SR·ll2's, 100 watt RMS, Sl50 ea. or S500 all four. !>47-1845 8EAUTifo1.'l. Ctunese ob· ,Jetb. reured mu.st sell lo lci ad i.creeos. porcelains. figurines. l\'One:s. many rare mai.c 004)3 Pent.ax 35mm SLR. 50 & Couch. rock 101 ch<11 r . 110mm lens. case. $265 rna.uress All in gd cond Oas.slfat.'<1 Ad!>. your one Have something to sell? Mmt rond 001-6546 Makeorrer 675-5328 ..wp~hoppanJo! center Oassi!ied ads do it well. TO WOMEN IN BUSINESS COMING Sunday, October 14, 1979 in the Daily Pilot goinc & responsible SALES PERSON - person ror permanent Stereo dept. exper. pref. full·llme posit ion . Permanent full lime. w/career possibilities in R.M. Abrams. Catalog an adult strate1Y game showroom 1819 Npt. Bvd. store. Apply : Chess & -'CM;.._·-------- Games Unllmited 2700 SALES • part-time. Over W. Coast Hwy· N!'B. 18. Call lnS-1107 ask for s.lee Clerk, fabric store. _Mik_e_Ru.....-n-=g=-·----- 3ECRE'TARIAL -Mature secretary for bwsy State Farm Agency 10 Npt 8ch. Start.log salary to SlOOO per mo. & walling to train right person 64.'i-&47 4. SFA:RE'TAR y rrY PIST Lt bookkeeping exper helpful. 6 hrs present, full time future. Nr OC Afrl>ort. 545-7.!_1_7 --- IPalm 01 I Co .• 1740 Newport Blvd. C .M betwn !l!_m·4pm __ _ 5ervice Station Atten- dant. Mobil Scrv Station. Ask for Ron 559·5655 Irvine. Wa itresses: Immediate operungfor~per.danncr & graveyard. Paid vaca tiom, good tips Apply Taylor's Res taurant Redhill & Santa Ana A TRIBUTE expe.r pref. c. M. Salesperson. experienced 646-4040 tor beautiful Jew'tlry ~ DWridM•191r T ..... st.ore to start imrnedl.t.e- ly. (714)891-2331. SAUSPBSOM Eveol.no • Saturdaya So. Cout Plau Deslper Boutique Mun be mature Poieed6eopbbtica~ CALL 549..221 l Dally Pilot newspaper drcW.atlon department. 'nl.11 bl1hl7 auccessful local ftl'Wlptlpef hH an Ol*ltAI for a trainee in lhe cfrcuJallon sales aervice "col.lectioo area. SelecWd appDc;tnl wall receive • u~ Jltarlln1 ulu1J re1u hrly SA'l5PIRSOHS .... , ......... baaus ~ -adulta ~llmanyfr· to work w llb and lnp beHflu I UC h &I ~·-kida. Over 21. pald vacaUona1,,,Jl•ld lD Lacuna. Capllt.rano. P'OUP u.ur~. u.re ln· s.oemem. areu. 1w-anc. • dutal cov· PAKTTIMI ...... TralDff wlll abo be ~ a ~mpany · IYll•tas car wttb penc.al u H PHOMI: P'ivUlilll· ..eG4m ... "66 ,.... ....... , be 18, .. • Lb .. ..... • ..._. '"v'---tt• Ell. ao. Betweea ~--. cord. .--..-... Alk ... Andre• ----- SEWING /Dbl Needle Piece work, on your m ach ine . 548 -2985 anytime. ____ ~ SICIET AlY Major sporting goods distrib in lrv Ind.al com plex bas pos avail ror secy lo pert a variety or challengjn' & int duties. SHIPPING/REC CLERK Sh req. Pleu working Growlna firm need s environment. gd co reepon person fuJI time benef. Startln1 sal S800. warehouse duues. Rec Olli Kathy P. 979--0110. incoming shipments. stock shelves, pull or SICl.ET ARY den. prepare outgoing IExlnl powth oPix>rt for shlpmenta. UPS &c l'oataJ allilled Jr. Secy who de&. experience preferred career adv. ChalJen«ln& Cllll:::..:EMS-::..::..;::::3612:.::::.;· ___ _ dhenJfied. busy ofc . ,.,.,._Oo..loll'!t.. CL•K Corp hdqrtrs for real ~.-.,._ estate aynd llrm·FHh REWINDER Isl. MG-0123. WW train. Mon thru Fri FUU time. MS-3350 SICllTAIUIS SHOE SAL&S . Pt-full. Ulllted Cerebal Pal1y Top client.el•. Good lo· hu 2 pe>1lllons open for Chld eeeret.arlet. Req• &ood come+bene. rn:i dertcal 1kill1, accurate Bootery · Npt. Bch. typlnl w /50+ wpm 644-3'64Mr. Miller. Pref. well orR1olzed, SPA ATTENDANT. ~ onented appU-mM't 1pa, private club. ctml. Blllint ex.119r de· All abln. availabl~. Call alrtd tor l pot. Xlnt vac. fouppt. &65-7151 1-eftll. llllO/mo, Ap9ty Sii> W.t Harvard, 8,A. SPRAY OPERATOR ·We 54f.5*. .. looklnf for l or 2 men .... llT ... IY PESTlC DE SPRAY _,_.._ -A OPERATORS Tralnable Frwy, Tus_li_n ___ _ WCllpclp« H_,.,. with knowledge of in lerior paintfng !>43 8206. WAHTIO DRIVElt SUMDAYOMLY To deliver DaUy Pilot bundles to carriers. Re· q\ires van or large sta- tion wagon and a good driving record. Phone 642·4321 and ask for Harry Seeley or Don WlWams. EQUAL OPPOJtnJmT'Y EMPLOYER WAllHOUSIMAM· ..,....d Resp penon for rabrtc: wareba, 1ood opply wtp-owing co. Irv area. Salary commeuurate w/exper. 556-79» •WA.REHOUSE- TO THE ORANGE COAST'S SUCCESSFUL WOMEN IN BUSINESS THIS IS THE ACTUAL SIZE AO , For best reproduction, a clear black a nd white p hoto of any sire can be und. Your mHsage wlll accompany the picture in th is space. If you I choose not to publlsh a picture, fill the space with your messav-. N1ttonel Women In 8U91ne .. Week I• October 14 through 20. To honor 1Na women In buelneH, 1ndvlil'fY end commerce, th• Dally "9ot wm publtlh 1 apecl'l tribute In ttl October 14 edtllon. Our Selut• to Bu.tneH and ProftNtonal Women ta en ••cepttonal opportunity to lntrodUC• • new or tongttme Haoclet• to ttlt people of th• Orange Co11t, or to honor 1ward1, Kftlevement9 or conbtbutlon1. 8ualneMwomen l•lute notlcH wUI be two ootumn by two Inch .. each, with • photo rou PfOVktt. The 001t of Heh nottc• I• only $20. Don't ml•• being part Of we epeclal actverttalne opportunity. Deactltne for,.. wrvlng epace 11 October 10. Call todeyt ~ UAa:.':P~ llpeday w. MP. to call oa rt · M l'rklQ. Sat\arday ader acl bu1lne11 a<:· ~ avllllabl• H coual4 for advertialaf. ....... ... tin rrt. tam..Spm. llp ..... a•n.t•an leH + CGmmltafoe. I l.Jllfla...,...tbe ~ blMftta, "'11 w•Uf•,_ cl.rc.alaUoo tnlD. 1(.-t appeara11te ---.. --IR*flll1 --&.o ..... ·--~e..mtJal. D11r N1t1fl-. • W • Ai111AY Pl av•. ,_, Jlr,Qlla ..... M' for ~a Vt., Colll ..,,, ,....., or It.a Miia. I•,.,.,_.., apedalilcd pe>alllon. Full ·llme. Job-'lnmeatrequirlnl ~ Good benl' Hcrtt.ariat alllllt, or-"''' powbli co. If you =loul up«, te1at are ambtttou1. call Fut crowinll electronics diatrlbutor ln Fountain Valley area look!~ for llllll\.lr'f1*1~~. p0tltlon wlth a 1ood fmure. ~Mn1. or.Mr flllln1, ablpplnl. ll1ht maintenance. Com petltJve urnlAp &: full trinae beneflll. PIHH COIUd nm. f'1l.04D. DAI LY Pl LOT. . 842-5178 ~. OalJ ••J>ly ...=;.;;;.,.----- ....... liAll or after 1!111.L ~ lWml 1"UI a --.M JLO.S. D1i11 PUot a ... illed Ad. ~ . I balpfu.I. lltvett· 7 H ·' 7 Sl b t w n 9 It ._, Hrvlua firm 4.l>PN AAJt Landlcape MMID 1Dc. Mlaa. VieJo a . - 9170 ......_ .. ---.. A..ovl-, l.1;-CNI~ A.Mtio1, la..r:"rlW Allto-. UHd tr""~ ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HHHHetatUeHUHH Hene••neneeHHHU f7JI .... -.,C. f716 C a I ffll Aadot,Ua.d ff 40 ....................... ..... 4 • .... llllla;W ... 0 4! l/11 ti-'Tl Ford &cml aoo· XIII& .. 9712 M ••••••••••••••••••••••• H•••••••••••••••••n•• .. I ......... -·---a. II I •• .........._. ~ .. a.-••••••••••••••••••••••• . .............. _ ..... I ·-············· ·-I....._ .... • •• .,. -·-············ ~ -""""• -,.. OU••• .,_ ,. ~ -•1 ... p + ,, LTD f&llJ --···---.._. ----•a, .. --.. .. 4, + alrH. ltl 04'. "7J lpyMr. ma11, • llt.AIOO ---· u tlClw • r-·•--a..nactt•loatd ... c. la•ll . •ll• la NI , --·---" ........ anti. aew -..144 aaf. cedar fire mW. ~&oeedl '9'. Hardi)' u.l. 1te1uUfuf. t4011 co•P· rea&orelloo _... .................. _ color w"" ..... t.OOOml. 114,500. •4M-Gll• --.. -... ----·-· _........ . ............ t761 ,_ ·-·~-~-----1 -77 DIMile Van. alnt toed. $ . daL sauo ...-,._,_ '756-771Z. • v-.,__. .. ~Ayl. -.p/ --lo 11111, llllat ... to a ppr I •' • llC»DWAY ' ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• -r\IWV """ -"" Ml7 UDO i.. 'TnU9r, J 1.U. '41 P01'11 O.luu Club •T•hft m SA•rA AMA ..... t727 ""*-4-door ... C.Orona. "11 Seville. Perfect condJ· !tidl. Xlot. eond. -.,0. --·••••••••••••••••• =· I CDM laltatable a..t•aw.16 turbo 835·3171 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xllll Coad. New part.a. UOft. low aallet 1M!iO or n..-1121. Wlher. R-4h•ded Am ... per· tTJ.4fTI "-· OanieU.e adJWIU -___..,.__, ?f -tnde.call.111·11829 """"' old Nd bl• •lffrln1 colu~n .._W-.4 ti""' '"'~''...,."°"'YJttOWAC-_._.........,.. -'82 Falcon w10. run1 ~\.:.mo. caa:':' CAL 10, Cl•••· •Ub .... ,. l'ord .... , •nd ....................... •US9 IMW•• HONDA c a.-.T. '15 Cad. m1&1t see. 1uper eood-SJJS. ct,tv.-.TI'N ~ •• f:"~· au .. l Al•'""•mWMeb•Hw Wl:PAYTOPOOLLAR "72JOOalJS1R(MIZ(lBV I .......... y GrS l.ln4CeUcaGT. ExceUeol 1barp. I owner. Call &31--0114 ~ ....... -u... OUc brak• K• rott.opt.alledc1nforelan. "732002WhpczaGMCl ...._.. COOliUon. Mac k tU·7788 or •73 Capri, 0 .8, iunrf, ...... Ort-I 1090 . -lru Nud1 fl nlth ctom.Ut'll °' claaalu If '1'UOQ2AS/8 CM4RKOI Toan........ C.11875-3'47 &e&.30D. AMIYM. radl•I•. new ••-•••••••••••••••••• ~~ llu.U P • .. t ..-c:raUCin ~SlllJ your cu " •• ,,. clc•n. "'N3DOl241p "91PJU > • ~-VERSITY clutc h " fl u h brka. Or1an, Wur Utter, 000 W l8'7·'721 ----.__ P'IHSJ" 'T7Sil0641pd,at (f70SPV > U.. T....... '767 "79 Sevtlle. loaded. low '1350/olf 496-2!034 D1Wu XlJlt cood llome 't4 l'aaUae OTO cpe. orta 6E© 'T7 UOi 41od SIR 10119 l a.-..a. ....................... milea&e. uk.lna SU.000 r · or Pro rualonai uae o Pltl\ATE o wn r • 4 B 8 L · 4 a P · 77mALuxus C896S2.C I Hmd9 C.. GMC "78 TR7, Victory edition. m.ms '72 LTD. Air, automaUc. ~ ·TT K SJ Io 0 f. ~tr, a/c, Pl•. Ull/w "nllal>41p, <239UXll > • royal blue/tan ant. A/C, Xl.ntcond. SlTSO. ,....,cNIMr ,.,8, dla , \Nn1 work• Ore1t i u2111tA AJC· <lliWOA > TrtlCb 1kreo1caasette, lo mi. 9920 4199"'°'8 c..-...-uuhh:n 109 liW. UMd • w.U equa111. P orme r 12 .ooo "llme.1AS/R l.0052> Z&'SOl:tarbor Blvd Mwst HU $4800. 760-8237 ....................... ------------. ...... l .._. ,..__ "" Tl4 *-~ --~ -~ I a.a M•• S40·9640 '71S Famnont f\itura V8 •••••••••••••••••••••• -NJ ...... oire ..... t l2 "' ... "'--c--. - -tt7t ........... 0 -..-pp .._ ,....,.._,,.. --. 1 '70 Triumph Spitfire. .,_.... 11uto. A I C, V t lop . ~ W/lt'eCUe. 30 M ~ __, ll4-Gl~ ..a••• .. ~llubor Olvd. '71 Honda Sln Wgn a/c brend new l~o • tires. Q.IAl.AHCI! AM/f"M at.ereo. 1200 ml. yr old comm 'I noo 9"9afrwk.nds Ytlllldee 9530 ,....._..,.A M .. '"'A saereocus.lo/ml •Int br-'" .. 1 d ,... ,.._ ,. .. '""""""~"~o .._....,, """" d $"' 000 O BO -es. --~c coo on ..... maros, ""'pn ...... 11 ... ....,.,'"°""'' ~a.ft l2noun 17' SOK£NSON SLOOP •••0 •••••••••••••••••• 979·2500 ~ "· / $2150 o r best offer. Monte Culoe. Malibu• Ir s •• •.•.rti ....... ~ .•••••..• •.o •• •.•. ;:n~ ·a::~:a;u ~~ ~~~~.r:~~r WI IUY Honda ClVlC, htchb!I, '76 642·54M -=~· Dn1t1c reduC· Xlol oood au rond 011 -l2600 or beat offer ~~::~ ••••••• !??.~ SAVE HOW!!! 9945 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .-.ICM&S. Gokl chaba tb('(ir('1or 400 77 ~. ~ •. weU k~pt. ruor. pwT plunt, ilWntOfll, ca E.AN CAAS IMMEDIATE fJe7~. 731 3927 ~~t Gwdcood ~! &~~lr. Sll.000 nsw CJ'Pta, a.eata "d.Ln ....... DTRUCKS DELIVERY! VW Havang trouble sell· 1118 your car .. Try u:s Top dollar · Paid for or Not 1 Hnng your car to Jam Manno Volks wagen . 0011 Beach Blvd .. Kuot ln&10n Beach · Ask for Frank Manno or Tom Atlun UHCOL.M-MeCUIY ·~aJoCthe Week '' 71UHCOLH -. .,.,.. _._ II\&. Sipe 8 t'Omfurt.;t>ly ""'~ LARGE S:l.CCTIOH Joqia' IJao '118 Toyota de 1tt:da11 9 ••••••••••• •••••••••• •• 9730 SMr'w ant ... L1do 14 ' 1&22 C lean WftDW bar A.Ir cood. & OfH~ 197 '79 XJ 6L showroom con .... -'1095 lLD> Covu Trlr Sdcood .54113..81 320J's d1t1un . fact w;arr . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 7046 847 6621 4 wt.el Dri•H 9SSO 528i's 119.750 67S-7570 Taylor Soft JN (;ream or SA.BOT late model. as ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yoaurt m arhant', twin ,..., fW1y t!QWpped Saal, "76 GYC Jimmy. same as head mucM 333 2 ydn. mut, all parts brand Cllevy Bliu.er Lo mt i., old wile new '3500 ~ Call S'700/1ell $495 xlnt cond. S6SOO ~ 611!.M eHs>o m•l67J-00S.1 -Trucb 9560 1oat1. su,. I TV,hclo. MA.St.no DocU 9070 8098 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....•••................ Niee ~ · · Zenith color T v SUPS AV LILADLE SJ.a&. 2 Yr Warr f''rt.oe YAC New;>ort ~.!_ Del.646-1786 Wall exchange us e of boat Magnavox Stereo console for slip space Npl. Bch AM/FM & record player: areu. ~1..c_~_oo __ Prov. style .• d<1rk color m Boal slip wanted to ac-~ worlting order $150 oommodate :i&' Sailboat ••••••••••••••••••••••• '680ievy i' U w1cumpt•r shell. $1500 549 1200 lntem 'I '74 l lr'.ll Luud 11tar llnl 16' van xlnt cond Ser111ce rec a 11 a1I. Uy 774 73:.lO. eves&wknd 8:8-7J:Xl Ka rk ---- Cun l St-II Your Car" CREVIER BMW PAYS TOP DOLLAR ~'or Clean Ust:d Imports (~II Mike or Don 835-3171 WANTED! Lut e modt>I Toyotas. VulvOK, l>irkups & Vans. Call us today' ALSO 633CS1 '6 I(..,.... Ghio 9734 IHSTOCK! Call today · We abo may have that pre o wne d BMW you are looking for' 831-2040 495.4949 1976 BMW 2002·4 Si>"ed. A M 1 F M i.te re o w/cassette. sunroor & m beauuful cond1t1on • Pn pty. $6800 Call 846 90~ everung 1f no answe r . PLEA.SE keep t.rymg' --- .....•••.............•. l.871 1 ll f'.A('JI IJI. VI> lllJNTINGTON Bt::Al'll 842-2000 BUG MU~'T SELL Nu mg, trans. AM f'M tape pp 494-4004 ---'67 Bug runs good needs l>Offle work S950 7518991 '7 9 Dinet Ralabit 2 dr. sunroof. 900 miles &'4 6751 C8 VW Squareback. good rond . runi. g r e at $"1"50 best ofr 675-8422 ,.. COHHEll · CHEVIOLET '%'JI 11 .. ,1 •• r 1u .. 1 I It-L#, ... ~~'> .. 546-1200 '72 Chevy Capn c~ 4 dr lidn. xlnt rood. loaded. $1200 I ol fer 64.2-"28 l ·74 Chevrolet Caprice. brown. 4 dr Power. air runs p erfer t 3Jll7 f'Jcn.,,a, C M Call r1r!>l ~9589 11495 P P w <1nts to buy Chevrolet Have c·ash Repairable OK ~ 7454 TOWHCOUPE Beauufw luxury car In c rys t al apricot with leather anterior Lo w mileage One owner . (8)l931 I S9200 21626 Harbor Bl , C.M. ~5630 1977 L1 nr T own Ca r Sedan. fully t'qpt $7000. Call aft 9PM 848·5596 Mltcwy 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S HEW~ST LINCOLN MERCURY DEALERSHIP Call 64&1.3(r7 in Newport area. Please Wants 19" color TV $200. contact J L . Golfos at i5GMC PS /PR. AM ll"M stereo, tires, lo ma . Make Offer 646-7616 aft s ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST $ Maida 9738 i8 VW con11t'rt, AM f''M ••••••••••••••••••••••• ce.5~ blk o n yellow . 11 Nova Concour11, 4 dr, dart brwn. 305 VII aulh. AC, Ult wbl. d1111dl'<i 11eal xlnt cond I owner 54&4lS22 Sun 1 e11~ RAYRADEIOE LINCOLN MERCU RY 16-1.8 Auto Center Dr. L&keNew. 646-0739 957-8272 ------1 '63 Chevy 49Kor1g m1 --_ Slips Avail. Call xJnt. buy f~ $950 WHY BUY NEW, 1, Judy or Harvey 645-911.S ask for Paul Several recond TV's. All 64.2-4644 ____ ,'620lev P/U, 8' bed, new models & s1za>. loclh. Speed & Urea. ~/offer WARRANTY642 ~ Sid 9080 ~70 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 Ford ~ Ton P U INh&MariM Kaw&lllo Jet ski approx w/sbeU. 4-spd. V.ti. good .......... 30h r s . u se Sl ,600 . cood.A/\7,7511954 ••••••••• ••• ••• • •• • ••.. 548-2.0Cll or 759-8949 G ••• d 90 I 0 Jd Sid i8 xlnt cond Mst ••••••••••••••••••••••• se!J arnmed. bst ofr Call WHETHEtt BUYING or SELLING TW1 is Yow Jeff, 661 8816 i8· l8'Custom ·HOT! 454 Olevy, Basset headers. Bay Jet. tandem trailer. 552-4344 $8300 ---------- Tr-.sporlatlOtl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i9 Puch Maxt·Lux. 2.000 rrules. Buddy seat. root i>eWJ, heavy duty tires. W<e new $400 498-6785 OAILY PILOT • ~/ IOATMART 9150 To place yow ed c .. 642-5678 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "78 Suzuki GS7SO, many new parts, $1900. 645-6:Y70 Avoo dmghy & Suzuki 2hp aft 5PM __ --- '78. J6hrs S975. OHO '79 Suzuki 12S. dean dart ~&642·H81 1 _ bike .. nddeo 5 ume:i. xlnt loah. Pow« 9040 cond $650t bs t o rrer ••••••••••••••••••••••• 552 8J45 • :ll Sea Ray Weckt-nder '72 llonda 450, exlnded Twn mbd Bnstol cond fmt end, cnrome, runs $33,W> 213/598 2131 greatS600 646-4871 I 14 Yamaha ~· 6.500 rru. Perfect rond. $900. d ay 833-2235, eves 9&:>-1498 Motor-tto..., SciM/ latlt/StOlage 9160 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '64 Datsun Plckup, new ures & nrns, gd body. nds eng. S32S r.61 ·6546 "76 Olev "'2 ton. 4 whl, x Int cond. Pvt party J ohn ~·7400, S48-4183e11es. '63 Ranchero good body. paint. interior Need' eng. 642· 17=-> ----- '73 GMC 'Y.ton S7Km1 350en g . N e w t1 r Ps AM /FM 8 track $3,4!00 527.3940 9570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • IRAHDHEW 1979 CHEVROLET LUXURY VAN With plush carpet . panel uaa. 1ceboJI, wetb•r. 2 Captalo '• c hairs . brukfut nook. ~vs. tilt wheel. chrome bum· pen " grille Sleeps 4' (l816) OHLY SC995 HOWAR:> Cbnc:il~t Dove & Quail Sls N'EWPORT llF.ACH 83)..()555 11 DODGE Tradesm an 100, P IS, P /B, cwstom palll1 & lnt.en or. captain duun. Portholes on s1dei. -front & re<1r venu. mags w1new wide tires 32,000 rru. XJnt. $.5.500 or bsl ofr. Call 870 4564 Cf\illertoo) p p . '77 F o rd Van: fo'ully loaded, P IS. P/8 , Air. Cruise control. stereo. 1leel radials & maga Low mileage. $5600. Call 540-6746 RENT Luxury m o tor home 22'. sleeps 6, self cont. $250/wk+S• ml. 640-858S 71 (l)evy Van CB. root RENT 24' '79 Winnebago. radt, map , aar, 8·track, Sips S. S200 wkJy + 6< wet bar, etc S7 ,800 mile. 983-2135 49J..5114 .... H .... l hC. c ......... . "'U•·tlOl w S40.•0 7 PORSCHE's WANTED Allow us the oppe>rtuoaty t.o con'l1der the purchai.e or trade Ill or your dean Por..che Check with Us Today' ~Import.ct ...•....•.........•.... 9701 ••••....•.............. ATTENTION M c r c e d 1• s . B M W Por..rhc, Class1r & Ex W(' We will sell your car on coos1gnmenl at your price. Beat loc•llon 10 Oran,p County. P'or la· formation call Jim cur ran. A<o'-aus letii9 1300 W Coast llwy Nwpt lk h 642 6763 ~....wt=-:: AHaRomto 9705 •..........•.........•. .67 Sl'YUEH Clas!>•<' Mui.t 'lee S4 .600 673 5027 9707 . ......•............... '76 Auclt IOOUi l'oupe Met. blue, s unroM. ster eo ca.as. air Xlnt cond. New trans & clutc h 28mp& S2.650FIRM. 640-9470 or 7S9·1969 aft. 5.:.>. 9712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOI McLAREH's ~ BOAT SHOW TIME Udo Vllog. "18 29' Executive. Low mileage, xlnt cood. Full acceeeories. 1 of • kind lntr. $29,500. PP Dys 951-8111, eves 4.M-1231 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii---& Hewporl ... .. c ..... . in lhe Water Roat Show S.. ltlO Seo Rcry•a RENT 23' FIREBALL. SELF-C ONTAINED, REASONABLE ~2283 AIJlto ~Ice., .... & AccftsoriH f40Q ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fs Ad Action call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 850 N Be1c6 Blvd. LA HABRA CS Mi No. of SA Fwy > £714 >522-53 ll Sunday by Appt_ '75 5301, A /T , A I C , AM /FM Super b cond 17.995. llenry . 730·0760 days. DATSUM PARTS Hood. 4 lood Uret. lit 19721800. Beat offer. Call M>-5721 aft.er 8PM. ........ 9580 Autol."""9 tSIO-••••••••••••••••••••••• ............•.......... r-----------, I LEASE ANY MAKE I MEW I ANY MODEL I PARTS &SERVICE HOURS I Open7a.m. 'tilfJp.m. I Monday thru Friday 18' FbrgJs Runabout. 7' beam. 70 hp J ob.n1on, trailer, bail lank, many JlU'U. $2100 496-JZU '77 23' lla.ko. tum llcey equipped. $14,000 firm Oreat lllarlla boat. m-eaez. Oo&ed s.t. •Sun I mectlve Moo. 9/24/'19 SADOUIAQC I FOttD ZMO s. Main. Sant.a Au I AL the C.Orott of Warner I 546-7070 SI' Cant craft w /Npt allp. I lltAOO or beat. 199 alpe 3 Poncbe IJtlS" ma11. 10, P.P: IT5-Z172 w/P!nlli P7 Una, new, I JS' fJ08t • tot\.ra.ller. SZ50 9U two ball.. jadt as or makeolfer. mac. f1l.-Ol53 I PAY ONLY FIRST MONTH PAYMENT * HO DB'OStT 01 LAST MOMT'H WE TAKE ANY TRADE llAIO H>I 01 MOTi PHONE CIEDIT APPROVAL I I I I I I I I I 54l-a8l1 ........ s... --~~~~~-.~~~~~~ ..... lM OITl'MA.R . ~ ft, ....................... I 19 CADILLAC '79 CELICA dMlll c::nUer. AP, VHF 1 IMPORT ANT Palb., Platb.z._~aebo, NOTICETO wlaeb, a.it • uan ta.Dkl, REA.DSRI A.NO ftlll cmvae, awlm atep. ADVl:llTl.SERS ...... (ll0sa4-Ui06. 'he priff of 11•m• i•' Seawi&eb (Wbaler =~ :!. ~:~\~I: m>~rt~~: =-:,.::::i:= ~ • ...,_. .., anuea~ , .... . ia·~D ~. lrual• 1 ... . ..,_..T ,__.......,,_,_ . •.YA * ,......._ COllll'Ol .. .. ... fr09 IMcl t.o -~ ....... =s.m· ...... =-~.:.r.: l AalTS .......... ~ bf . ~ ..... .u.w. J1 Sales-Service Lca:-.11111 Rov Can..,., Inc. Rolls ftoyce UMW l.540 J ambort.-e Newport_Be ach 640 6444 MAIERS AUTO CEHTER NOTillNG OVER $4999 1974MAZDA '78 J2DI. 20.000 m1. '.\Un RX4 court roof. payoH or t;akc ovt•r 4 .. ~ Lrans , rad.Jo & be 644·~1.3 d.lr lvnd ~~y I ~ 9715 ...........•........... 'ii Capri C;h1J !-.h arp 1>1ht'r . sunroof I 'I I• S4.2W 080 !>56 77~ or ~· 3117 16 V6 .i spd. I'S ... unrf AM F~ ca ~' Xlnt 35.000 rru $JIW !>4\l 0643 dyi; Dahwl 9720 ···~··················· LARGE SB.ECTIOM OF AUMODE:LS SHOP&COM PAftE 'BARWICK DATSU~ !->;&11 J ., .. 11 C.;ap11lran~ 8Jt.t 37S 493.337~ •DATSUNS• ~ Selectioft Of AllModets WI SPECIALlll IMGOOD SERVICE 284~H Al<BUk HI.VU 540-64 I 0 540-0213 '67 Datsun 1000 Roadster. wbl hdlJ> r e m ovable. needs paint " mt work . $?'400/best of r 548.sl92 79 210-ZX Perfect cood. Lo/ml Air oood. Take over be. or blzy. Aft 6_ 714·~1827 i4lfl~Z fiawless 1ns1de & out Red w/blk mlr $1999 NABERS AUTO CENTER 1425 Baker Slret>l Nfo:WPOHT H£ACll 540-9202 Mlf'udn'-tu 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Mll '69 280SL COUPE ROAOSTHl t 1W..'>ll' <'Ollpe ru<1d.\tt't on~an:JI 1'lmd1uo11, loc.il ly ownt·d & -.rrv1n·•I .-ull.J Lr.Jn.., , air 1·ond mlJ.'\l ~ Lu appr('('1att' IG350CH I JIMSUMOHS IMPORTS l.lnO HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 631-1276 ·79 station wgn JOOTD Ute.el Uark blue l°l•'>' radio. !>unrcx,f. J pprox J.OOllalJ O~m·r ;:al)~IOU\ tn'>t'll ... ,k for 11 .. rr) ..,,,, :! I J ~ 9 7 H H H I t' \ t· ' 21J 4._'lK 1213 i!i ~ Sl..C l'nmt' 101111 lo m1 , I Owner. ml!!>t .,,.,. 1~11948 111 :!Mf':. metalltr m1lan brown. ele<: !>unrf. i.nrf. AM 11-·M raueth'. new t ires. 1mm,.c <"ond $17,900 833 2211 . 751 l337 wkdys 71 m Coupe. rlasaac.-. clean, low mi. wife 's car PW, PB. PS. AM FM, Ml c bellna , $5,000. m-4ID9'l Mei 9742 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 Mld1el. red Good cond 27 .000 m l lea S3500/0lllf:'f' Call ~ & 751-7098 Wkdays 846-0815 Extras. ~1-8352 i8 MG Midget , perf spe>r ---lY convert . fun gas m11' i1 ~ Z: XJnt cond New ~. all goodies, ~l over paint, am1fm ca1111ette $4999 Must sec 581 5717 $Dl0bestoffer. 640·S035 P.P wants to buy Oat.sun ~~••••••••••!?.5.~ '67 · '74. H ave c a s h Repairable OK ~5 74.54 i8 2JIOZ Cpe, wht w/tan. AM /FM, 4 .spd. aar. 14K Purchase or take over lse $Ul2 mo 54():5423 -------- ' '78 9l I SC A flawleNs wtute beauty with m11ny extr1111 and only 6100 m1. 631-1.:.M 10 91 lT wt "76 Turbo <.:a r rera fa cto ry bod y & turbo teeth ant.r ll8,000 Call da~ 49"l-47_!) "76 912E. sunrl. Z4 ,000 m1, like new 30 MPG rel( ps. 21~1 tank 67~ 3227 "78 91l SC, red targa. low males. ltke new, loaded. h.st $32,000, sell ~.:pi. 714~ ----·-~---·_.._ ..... _ ..._ ------·-·· --·---·· ZJ.WJ rru 17500 496-6214 i6Sclrocro Auto. <1m fm < usette. a 1 r . $3350 ~~957 0957 TJ Bug, very clun, must H'll $2 100 Dayi.. fi46. 50 II . E 11es , 846-4529 67 &;c. nJ.n!> good. 17SO ~91U 68 VW Baa Panel Bus. ramperaied. 60 2359 t"Ve> • •••• 1977 Nova Compact Oeluxt> PS PB. uuto tram., A C . I owner 22.000 miles A11(1ng $4.500 546-0731 '72 Nova AJr. auto Xlnt cond Good t1~ SI 400 ~ a.'"" 9925 ....•....•.•.......•... '74, G ood cond . xlnt tramportatJon r ar $.5.5CJ or bit olr 846 ~ art :!_Pm C fl I tfd 9930 SDFwy Lake Forest exit IRVl NE 130-7000 "75 Monarch Ghaa :fi.000. lmmac, S2&50 499-2286 twhaag 99S2 .............•..••..... '73 M w.t convert., loaded. orig o wner . 832 7439 66 Auto Like new $2395. St:e to beltt-ve • 962 3257 OI VW Bug XJnt rond St.(l)O FIRM 631 4402. 7f1JqT34 i1 Bl'G NF.WTRAN tiood O >Od1twn S2000 ~OIZ2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·87 Mu&l convert . auto. 77 Martt V Chrom1• wire 6-cyl p top. rlbt trn:., whls. moonroof. J I 000 beaut 760 9 17-t 9772 ..•.........••..•.•.•.. m1 S7l(X) PP MM 0061 or 962 2231 14 FonTwl 1 .. 1110 h.1, hM T\' llt"" UH~ l(oi•l 11111rl ~)73.51J4 li6 Mustanll 289. auto, I' S J{ II 11 a r t I n .... ton'(I. $:.!ti()() rnol ofr. K<IK ~ VOLVO SALES. SEttVICE AND 1.E.ASIHG OVER.SEAS OEUVt:HY f:XJ>ERTS a.drtmobi~ 9955 99 32 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UJlL.EIKE VOLVO 19111 Harbor ~vd. COSTAllESA 646-tlOl S40.t4'7 ------ ORA.MGf COUNTY VOLVO .........•..••..•...... ":ll < hn . full\ lo.1111 .. I hi~ on l1llt I;..,_ 1111. ,1ul11 ,\ (' A ~ f'\1 >1 trk stereo. rtw IC wbb, llt>'l offer 492 lS75 "711Corvell.e Silver Anna\. Ll2 8Ut e nr / tan inu f\&Uy aut.omatJc, every avaa.I <Jiit 2800 + ma lea l owo~r 1 12 ,000 Ph 87).M$4 9933 r.xn..t~·FJ .. YVOl.\.() •• ... •••••••••••••••r.••• t.....r~("'.t' v'"' 1~oJ1t-r '68 COUGAR Ln I tr .m.;1· { 'ounl) · 1700 • 64!; ~I HLYor Lt:~f'. 9935 DI H .. A. I Dodge ~·,·~· ~(~-,~~~·~~ ;~··~~:::··~~;l;··,;~:;I• • ~ • Snrf Air f' M l1 1t1·h l7n:ii>fit Must !-.tll ",ll!iJ 2025 S Manchester SM-t!lll - Anaheim 750-2011 ·10 Charger 500. 383 -----magnum. new t rans . i3 UKJOES. AIR, Overdr. aW>. new rear end. & leather. lo rru. alnt cood tares. $800. 66 l 0515 17.350 673-2750 _an)'1J_;__me _____ _ i1 3tO z Mint cood.IUon. wtll sell to t>Ht olf~r Sacnll~ Many ealru 9-0G964. t910 ....................... tm lkaclt Skylark 4 door sedan. 10,000 mllH. Si.Iver with red lnt.enor. Power windows · IU!ering, AM/FM atereo. atr coodiUoolng. delux trim on side. custom trim inside. Priced at wholesale blue book 12175 Call Dally Pilot: ~.Ext.210 ------1'68 Buldc Wildcat full pwr, air. good cond .. $500. IM&5285 -------Cadbc ttl5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'76 CADILLAC ELDORADO F\all power. factory air cood., AM I FM stereo "8 track, tJll whftl. crwse control. spilt pwr seats. Cabnolet top & teat.her a.ntenOf'. <Ser.273709 ). $5195 BERS ... ...., Ferd tt40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• \..eie•f ........ ~ ........... , .................. c..... ,...... lt77FOID Ga»IADA SIDAH Scyl .. autom1U.C. factory air rood., pwr steering & brakes. radio. vinyl roof. tinted g lass & men! <438RYX I. <Slk. P4027 ). Sl411 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 10Ml HARl\OA IH VD CO!>TA Ml!>A 64'.2 0010 NABERS AUTO CENTER !\O'nn,,; ''" t-:1< $4999 1976 OlDS 91 llGBtCT SIDAH WU.b all ol the 98 IWlWte9 Pt.US AM ·PM stereo. tJlt v.httl, crwllt' rontrnl, ,pill p ... r ~('lit~ & low nut..,.. 7-lHPllJ 1 $3499 HAIERS AUTO CENTER 14~ H.a ker Str1 ... ·l (;( ~.., " .\1 "-"" 540-9202 "l1i OI~ (;utJas:; Suprem•· a.t•. ~w Ur~ 43.llOO M1 Sharp '3,475 642 831 I eves. '73 Delta 88 Marooo1wht top 1-ull power. At C. AMI FM stereo. A Spiffy Car fM on!y $996. Xlnt cond pp 759-9320 -------·~ Olds 98. S375. Good rwvung order. Can be seer> at Union Stauon. Sopenor & Placentia. NB Call all 6. or before 9 30am. 646-8723 'T7 CUUau Supr. A/C. YLD. top, llt·whl, AM /FM ste:reo.Sac.M&-8357 ....., tt57 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Square Sta Wl'O. 4 s pd. AC. new ures. 1 owner . x.lm cood. $13SO. 497 ·2382 evestwknds '73 Sqr Wa4on, 4·lll>d. new t.ltts. lo rru, Ute blu. good cond. 832-8127 aft 6. ...,........ 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Plymouth Gran f\iry W1&on. PS. P W. PB. AM /FM stereo, AC. All extras. Must sell. $1500. Call m-6449 1714>. ilft 6 :.>PM -------- 'T7 Voiatt Wgn pwr. aar. roof rack. wtod deOec- 1.0n $3,800. 493-5114 ----PollHac tf 65 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Huntington Beae h Fountain Valley EDITION l W••r B ••e1o wa .;1 DaUy New•pa.-er FIFTEEN CENTS ' :J iet TB Testing Plans Due Tonight . Wtlt Orun County area h1&b . -.001 actm1nlstutors are lo U plua t.onl&bt before the rd ot trustees for tatlq blnele refUcee student.a for maklala. The "acneaiq" plan follows nporta ol ao increaal.ng number 9f tuberculosia cues in the area •nd meetlne s between Jhmtlnitoo Beach Union Hiih lcbool District officials and the Oran1e County Health Departmeat. Dr. Howard Roop, a11l1t.ant dlalrtct auperinlendent, aald tbU school t. aetUna up a proaram to determine w&etber students immigrating trom Southeast Asia have been tested for the disease followina arrival in this counlr)". Those who have n 't b een tested. be said, are expected to ~ tesLed under a voluntary plan aet up by the di.strict. Approximately SOO lodocblneae students have enrolled in the district's seven hlgb schools, according to Dr. Richard A. AltJmarl, director of special programs. Dr Roop said between five and 10 additional students are e nro lle d ever y week from Southeast Asia. Moat of the enrollment impact ls being felt in Westminster and Fountain Valley schools, he said. The dlatrict also serves· Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. Last month. Allimari told d Is t rict trus tees th at the massive increase or refugees from war-torn Vietnam and Cambodia has r esulted an communication and learning problems in the dialrict. He charged that tbe federal government bu not funded a program that abould be pourinc $450 into the di.atrict for every refugee student. M eanwbile, the Orange County Board of Supervisors also i..s seeking federaJ funds to belp control a rapidly increasing number of tuberculosis cases U\ the western portio n of the county . The Health Department estimates that the rate of tuberculoaia is increasing and could approach 13 for every 100,000 persons in Orange County, up nearly 50 percent from tbe previous rate. The high school district's board of trustees meets tonight at 7 o 'clock at district headquarters, 5201 Bolsa Ave . Plane Te1Tor Writer 'Buzzes' NY Publisher l NEW YORK <AP> -A dis· ~lied writer n ew low over ihe United Nations area in a iingle-engine plane for nearly tour hours today. then landed at La Guardia Airport as his fuel Jlifas runrung out. ~· Thousands had n ed the United Nations and the nearby building "ousing the man's publisher. U.N. ·offi cials said they or- ~ ~trong I ~esterly Surf Due f Lifeguards along the Orange Coast remained unruffled today In spite of National Weather J>ervice forecasts of big surf that was g'f:t. begin pounding the coast Tbe awells that are expected puab l1x lo n.lne-foot waves o west faclna beaches apparently have been generated by a storm in the North Pacific. Lifeguards said the key is the kct that there are few directly est racing beaches along the range Coast and they agreed \hat there wasn't likely to be any drastic change in local surfing conditions as a result. Bruce Baird or the Laguna Beach lifeguards noted that .. westerly s wells don't affect us here. We're contacting our guards in case extra manpower is needed but the chances are most of them aren't even putting wax on theirsurfboards . '' Logan Loc kabe y of the Newport Beach lifeguards .pointed out that it's the swells from the south, not the west that produce the big breakers in Newport. ; However . homeowners in the "El Morro Mobile Home Park ')>etween Laguna and Newport ~ere keeping a watch on the i&urf at their beach where big 1\Yaves can mean trouble for ocean-front units. One homeowner Charles ~ayton said r esidents ~re ; .. gritting our teeth and closing our e yes" in light of the Jorecast. > He said the park keeps 5,000 ~ndbags on band, but also mted out that a permanent nd-filled bag has been taUed along 185 feet of the ost endangered property. l Sunset Beach north of tHuntinlltOn Beach is another ;Joe a lion where big surf in the past as endangered homes. However, a spokesman for the Huntington B e ach City Lifeguards. wbo provide beach t~rotection to the area, said ay no trouble ls anticipated in set He pointed out that a lengthy ~roject by the U. S. Army Corps . P Engineers bas widened that acb so that homes wouldn't be eatened by blg breakers. dered the evacuation there because the m~n was threaten· ing to crash into the U.N. build· ing. However. police said the pilot had not threatened to crash the aircraft and that he had been .. ve ry pleasant" in conversa- tions on the radio. Police said the pilot, identified as Robert Baudin. 61, agreed to land when told that bi& publisber _ .ArWI,....... SNIPER HANGS SELF Wayne Culllnane Jailed Sniper Hangs Self In SF Cell SAN FRANCISCO {AP> Wayne Cullinane, the sniper who fired more than 50 shots from a high-rise office building and held a hostage for a lmest 23 hours last weekend. hanged himself before dawn in his jail cell , authorities said. Cullinane·s body was found at 6:30 a.m. by a trusty delivering breakfast. according to Ray Roberts, legal counsel for the San Francisco Sheriff's Depart· ment. The trusty summoned a medical attendant, who cut the body down. Roberts said a log is used to record the times when inmates a re checked. but he said it was "unclear" when Cullinane was last seen alive. Cullinane used a strip or bed sheet or mattress cover to bang himself, tying one end around his neck and the other around the highest bars of his cell, Roberta said. Deputy Coroner Everett Bigbee said an autopsy would be held today . A shaken deputy, who declined to give bis name, sald Cullinane was checked periodically but waa not W>der constant watch. He said Cullinane apparenUy ban1ed hlmsell between '~ a.m. andSa.m. Culllaoane WU beinl held in lsolatloo ln a maximum security cell at tbe Hall of J ualice a few block.a from the snlpinl scene. Sheriff Eu1ene Brown is responsible for security at the city jail. Brown and ht• depart· ment have been erilidaed in re- cent weeka for a serlea of · eacapea aod for complalnta about condlUoaa at tbe Jail. Cullinane, 22, was arrested late Saturday after he fell uleep in a barricaded 18th ftoor office where be bad held secretary CbJyo Tublro, 51, bottal• and fired rlDdom abotl trom a·~· tertd wtbdow with a .»caliber II •l cartJlne, Tb~ bolta1e WU unbanned. J from the Ha rcourt Brace Jovanovich publishing company would meel him at the airport. A statement read anonymously to the New York Post earlier and claiming to be from Baudin, said: "When I think of the wa y I've been lied to by this firm and how they wasted three years of my work because 1t happened to s u1t their budget way or doing things, I must admit to thoughts of flying straight in through their executive suite wmdows. ·' Safeguarding against such an event, the Harcourt building a few blocks from the United Na lions was ordered evacuated . The s mall Cessna 172 landed at 12.55 p m., four hours after 1t took off from Morris town Municipal Airport io New Jersey a nd new close by the Harcourt Brace building and the United Nations ~ed llp Do .. les Bells sounded throughout the 48·story Secretariat building about 11 a.m. and security officers ordered the several thousand employees to leave, aa Ute red and white Ceana 112 made lar1e aweepta1 circles north or the U N. complex. At noontime, the circling took him· several blocks north of the Queen.sborough Bridge. No. she's not looking in the mirror. That's Gina Oeft) and 'nna Zob•man, 16-7W'-Gid twins from Huntington Beach. who will e nte r the Twin·o·Rama at the Orange County Fall Fair on the Lo9 Alamltoe Race C.O..... ia Cypnea. Tbe peir an students at RunUngton Beaeb High School. The Generill Assembly ball. where a session was scheduled for 10:30 a.m .. also was ordered evacuated. The session had not been called to order. Market D rops Cops Join Forces lker /merest _In -s-i M Pat Calise. speaking for the F e der a l Aviation Administration. said the small plane took off from Morristown Muni ci p al Airport at midmorning She said he had onl y a few hours of fuel left by noon. Rate Surge '•a yer a u nt The pilot was in voice contact with two police helicopters hover· mg nearby. as well as with the radio tow<.'r al LaCuard1a Airport. Both tried to talk him into landing tus plane. Ms. Calise said. "It ·s like a hostage situation. <See PLANE, Page AZ) Valley Victim From Grove The man who was killed Sunday in Fountain Valley when his car spun out of control on Euclid Street has been identified by the Orange County Coroner's Office as Charles Sesma. 28, of Garden Grove. Sesma's identity was withheld following the s ingle car accident near the San Diego Freeway until his n ext or kin wer e notified. Police said tus car roll~ over several l.Jm es and s mashM into a center divider. From AP Dispakbes The stock market dropped sharply in heavy trading today. faced with spiraling mtere::.t rates. Gold rose sharply and the dollar also gained The Dow Jones average of 30 industri als. off 13 57 point:. Monday, lost another 17 66 to 866.38 after four hours or trading today. The tally of N<.'w York Stock Exchani:e-listed issues showed more than 1,600 dechmng while less than 100 advancl·d after the fourhoun; SeveraJ major banks across the country announced this morning that they were ra1s1ng their prime lendfog rates from 131'"2 to 141"J percent The un usual increase or a ruJI perce n tage po i nt . whi c h followed credit-tightening moves by the Federal Reserve over the weekend, came as something or a shock to Wall Street AnaJysL-i s aid interest rates had been expected to rise. but not so rapidly. London's five major bullion dealers fix ed the price of the metal for the morning trading session at $377. up from S374 at the close Monday. The afternoon fixing jumped to $385.80 Prime Rate Up Chmle Jumps Fu~l Poin t NEW YORK (AP) -Chase Manhattan Bank. the nation's tb.ird·largest bank, raised its prime lending rate a full percentage point to 14Y.i percent today , a reaction to the government's credlt·tlghtenlng moves announced over the weekend. Other banks were expected to follow Chase's action. The prime·lendlne rate bas been rising steadily ln past weeks. setting records with each increase. Only a month ago, the rate was 12Ya percent. The prime rate -the rate charged a bank's most credit-worthy corporate customers -does oot dlrecUy affect consumer loan rates, whlcb are limited by law ln many stat.ea. But it ls re1arded to · !>e an important indicator of tnnd.a ln interest rat~ lD aeoeraJ . Banks use the prime rate as the bu1t for settina interest rates on almost all buslneu loam. · l By JOANNE REYNOLDS Ol ttw .,..,., ,., ... \~ The Orange County Shenrr-., Office and police departmenL'> in four cit.Jl'S will work together 1n a 101nl 1nvest1 r::at1on of 10 assaults that ha\ t' ltdt '>IX womt'n and an unborn child dead 1t wa~ learned today. ThC' Join t e ff ort by investigators from Costa Mesa. Irvine. Nev.port Beach, Tw.un and th<.' s heriff's office >Aas cxpect<.'d to be announced al a press conference schedult'd for noon today m Tustin. Shenff Sradle> Gale:. and th(' rour pohce chiefs snvOl\'ed Chuck Thayer of Tustm. Roger Neth o( Costa Mesa . Pete Gross of Newport Beach and Leo Peart of Irvine stopped short or calhng the effort a "task force." but have pledged budgetary s upport f o r a s p ecial mvesllgauve team One or the chiefs. Gross of Newport Beach. noted that the ag r ee m e nt among the departments' top administrators means the difrere nce between "putting together a real team t hat functions a s a unat as opposed to a pickup nag football game approach." The t'llses date back t o January. 1977. In all. 10 women have been a ssa ulte d . Four Burly Rapist Being Soug h t In Huntingto n A 11.year-old Kentucky girl told potice a muscular man with a New York accent raped ber six Umes Monday after forcing ber lnto b.ta car near a HuntiqtAJn Beach aboppl:nc ceoter. The llrl. officers said, claims a red-haired man plcted ber up around 10 p.m . ln a parkiq lot near the corner of Beach Boulevard and Oarfleld St.teet and releaaed her ln Irvine several houri later. Olf:zra said details of the aUe1 attatk are incomplete. The l described her uaallant as about 30 yeara old and wei1hins about 340 pounds. ' I s urvived. although the full·lerm babv earned bv one of the -.urvl\ors died as ·a result of the a~l-ault U ntll today. 1n vest1 ga tor ~ frnm l'ach 1unsd1ct1on have m<.'t on an informal basis to .,hart· in format.Jon T he rorm a t ion flf a morl' formal J01nt 1nvest1gat1on apparently has been s purred by the ract that three women have been attacked on the past thre~ weekends. The most rec<'nt v1cl1m found dt'ad in he r Tustin residence Sunday rught was Debra Jean Kennedy. 24 A week earlJ er. :!O \ l'ar old Diana G recn was as;au ltt'd an h e r Tus tin apartment. Hers was the baby who cilC'd A week b<.'fo r e th at a n umdenlllied Irvine woman was assaulted in her apartment. Sbe also !lurvtved the attack. O ne or the issues amon g 1nvest1 gators h as been the coordination of the investigative effort on a multi-jurisdictional basis Part of that effort has been an apparenUy unsuccessful attempt by tile detectives to get the sheriff's department to assiRn a <Stt MURDERS, Page A2> Coast Weath er Partly cloudy through Wedoesd•Y with lows. tonight 57 to 63. Highs Wednesday upper 60s lo upper70s. •• I a -., .. .. M .. o ... At .,., as ., llM M M AP_..,....... WEST VIRGINIA JUSTICE ICUffl.£8 WITH DEPUTY Den9H McGr•w, lawtMn J.T. Me•dowa In SkJrml1h Justice Charged In Deputies Fight CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) -A stat e Supreme Court Justice, tnveatigaUng the death of a 17-year-old boy at the Kanawha County Jail, hu been cbar1ed with obstruction of justice and uaauJt and battery after ICUftllnc with depuUea. A wttneu aaJd Justice Darrell McGraw was hit several times in the f.ce by deputies when be tried to 1et put them and into the Jail. McGraw, 42, who has a reputation for being outspoken. was at the jail to inspect a cell, where the youth han&e<t himself last week, according to Marte Ward, a reporter for The Cha rleston Gazette. Ward said McGraw told him the youth may have been held contrary to a Supreme Court decis ion on Incarceration of juveniles. "I saw one deputy, I couldn't identif y who il was, give McGraw several punches in the face," said Ward, who was with the justice. Deputies Ray Flint a nd Austin · Burke were treated at a hospital for minor lnluries. They ftled assault a nd obatructlon of justice complalnta a1ainst McGraw. Sgt J . T. Meadows a lao f iled an obst r uction complaint. Kanawha County S he riff Kemp Melton, who was not at the jail at the Ume of the scutne said he would have allowed McGraw in, had the justice asked him in advance. "I've tried to maintain an o pe n jail to be free and a bove.-boar-0 with Ute -press,"" Melton said. McGraw arrived at an unusually busy time of day - inmate mealtime and employee shift change -and used fou l language ln dealing with the jail staff, Melton said. Melton would not comment on exactly what happened durins the struggle. M cGraw's lawyer, Shirl Shinaberry, said tbe charges were a "sham" -an attempt to protect the deputies from Forum Slated On Housing A forum on the abort.age and prospect.I of affordable houainl in West Ora.nae County will be presented on Wednesday at Golden West Colle1e. The forum, sPoMOred by the Leaaue of Women Voters of West Orao1e County, wlll be held in the Community Room and begin.I at 7:30 p.m . Panel members will include representatlvea from county and city 1ovemmeat, the construc- Uon industry and private ad· vocate groups. "'" charges of usin g excessive force. McGraw did not flle countercharges. Dressed in a blood-stained shirt, .McGraw was arraJll\ed before Mqtatrate Herb PauJey. Tbe maximum penalty on each of the five m.iademeanor counts la one year in prison, $500 floe or both. McGraw was freed on $2,500 bood. Before the arraignment, McGraw, who had a bump on his forehead, waa examined at the Charles ton Area Medical Center. Shirley Palausky, a spokeswoman, saJd X-rays did not show any serious injuries. In an impromptu news conference outside the county courthouse, McGraw said he could not comment on the case for rear of breaching the judicial code of ethics. "All I can say Is I have been X ·rayed and have gotten a tetanus shot for a bite," hcsa1d . Monday's scuffle was the latest in a series of incidents involving deputies and tbe second involving a judge. F,....PageAJ MURDERS • • single criminalis t and lab technician t o work on the physical evidence recovered from the crime scenes. That view was disputed thls morning by Gates who said has department has been involved in coordinatin2 lhe J..o.vestigAtwJ:u. "from the start." He also SaJd the issue of the criminalist and lab technician was "confused" by the fact that his crime lab workers each have a specialty. "It's extremely difficult to have one crimlnalist work on one situation becau.se each bas his own ex p ertise. One c riminallst may start on an investigation, but another will come in if he has the knowledge required for a given analysis," Gates said. The composition or the task force lndicat.et that three other somewhat similar murders in Fountain Valley, Garden Grove and Anaheim have been ruled out C'f what poUce believe may be a ~attem be1ng followed by a psychopathic killer. The cases that remain are slmilar in that all the vlcUms were women between the ages of 20 and 31 who were assaulted in thelr residences. They were bludgeoned with a blunt instrument and ln some cases they were also strangled. I?oUce said most of the victims were sexually assaulted. In al least two cases the assaults occurred after t.he victims were dead. 'l'ape In Court Voter Sign ups Probed MON than t,900 voter re,Utra· tlon forms that have been 1atbered mo.Uy ln beach a.reu of Oranae County bave been turned over to the district at· torney for lnve1U1aUoo. Regiatrar of Voten Al Ollon laid today that enough invalid forms ror lbe Libertuian Party have awfaced in recent weeu ''that we decided the dl.atrict at· torney lhould take a look." Olaon aaJd that 762 regist.ra· tlons contained addreaa~ that don't exist Effort.a to confirm 90S other reglstraUoo.s by mail also failed when the notices were returned as undeliverable by the Post Office, Olson said. People either were not living at the addresses that were listed or had moved Without leaving forwardin& addresses, be ex- plained. Olson sald that the names of nine paid workers for the Libertarian Party bad been turned over to the district at- to roe y for possible fraud because of irreguJarities. "We don't know what the situation W." be said. "People m ay be giving fictitious in· formation or the workers may be turning ln wrong information to make more money." Jack Dean, cha.lnnan of the Libertarian Party In Orange County, said colleee-aged re· gistration workers' have conceo· trated their drive in beach areas from San Clemente to Sunset Beach. He said they were paid 75 centa to $1.25 per registraUoo. Dean said that beach areas were singled out because of the large c r o wd s and rapid turnover. ''Some people think It is won· derful fun and treat registration as a joke. "We've had people as young as 13 register to vote," he said Dean revealed that the re glstration driv~ has shifted re- cently from the beaches to pre· cl ncts . lie said that the Libertarian Party had initiated the action itsC'lf by firing three work ers several weeks ago who officials believed were providing phony Information. He added, however, that there are very few irreculariliea and that tboee already detected by the political party may be sur· facing now an the registrar·~ of· rice. Dean said that the post office may be responsible for some of the alle ge d disc repanc ies because or problems in mail de· It very Thomas Asks Voter Sign Repayment Huntington Beach City Coun. cllman John Thomas s aid he wanta the city to pay him ror 400 bright red campaign signs he claims city employees confiscat· ed and destroyed prior to his election in 1978. ''Those guys ripped them down faster than I could put them up," said Thomas. He estimated the loss at $2,272. However, City Attorney Gall Hutton said the colorful coun- cllman overestimated his loss. City records, she said, show work crews confiscated only 2S signs. Mrs . Hutton pointed out because Thomas' campaign was successful the signs are of nominal value. She admitted the removal of the slgna was wrong. The City Council ls to decide whether Thomas should be reim· bursed. Thomas said he witl abs· Lain from voling on that de · cislon. DAILY PILOT , ... °' ..... eo-.,..,, .. , .... *'"' Wiik~ .. ~ -IM-"'9M.l•-1-.-.1 ... 0r-C..,. l'W ........ ~ ,...,.,, .... ,-.,. -·-_., ttw ..... F•l<NY ... CMt• Wte,.......,, ...,,. _....,..,. e.NO!I~ ,...,11e1...,,1-.l:--l'.9M" .......................... __ ""_"_ ....,..tt "-ll'lfteil09t_11Nott_tl\el nt _ .. ,-.c.--.c.i•-·-.......... _. ___ ..,.,_ Voice From Grave Accuses Rapist Jett It.~ Yj(t '1f'_l _ 0.-• ..._. ~ '"::;-.W::- o.n...-.i.-_... ... -.-. .. -........... ........ -..:=:=u- ~~!"-Mllllftt~""' .... ,,., .. OfftNe ~':! ':l:!,.c~&:t:'9' , ••• , ..... (7,., .... a11..,..Mntt1-....-. """' ..... °' ..... CoMll!y~ltt M0-1• BREVARD, N .C. <AP> - Three day• after abe killed benelf, the aoauahed voice of Rebecca Coleman cried out 1n a Tramylvuila County courtroom, coad•mntnc the man accused ot raplDI her and killing her friend. After bearla1 the dead woman'• taped atate me nt Monday, Judie Robert Lewis ga.e Ronald Felix Brewer, 85, ot Sapp~. llfe plua 20 years lo prison. Brewer pleaded 1ullty to Hcond·de1ree murder and uaault wtth a deadly weapon wttb latent to kill under a pl••·bar8alnlnl asreement. Durlal a June I camplnc trip, Mn. c.or.tnan, 29, wu abot et_..t Ume1. Sbe told poUce Brewer raped her again and again. Her companion, L)'ra Rosamond McCanleu._ ~1 was sbot to death and abo rapea, police said. Mrs. Coleman, a social worker. was found dead in her bed at ber Asheville home Friday, ooe d~ after deteetlve Hubert Brown reminded her that Brewer'• trial would start Monday. M rt . Coleman 'a hu1band, Glenn, aatd abe bad been deprelltd since the attack. A .aa·callber revolver was found ln the bedroom. Brown aald her death came u no aurprlH. Sbt "waa Juat dread1n1 lb• trial. She Just dr•eded that abe had to 10 throul)l It. --_...,_.~---.,.._,..... 'BUNGEE JUMPERS' ALL DRESSED UP FOR BOUNCE OFF GOLDEN OATE BRIDGE ThrM of Ave Briton• T•k•n Into Cultocty In S•n Fr•nctsco; Othera Eec•pe ,,,,.... Page AJ PLANE ••• but a wlique hostage situation," said Assistant Police Chief Milton Schwarts. 5 Bungee Jumpers Leap From Bridge Frank Bolz. lbe police department's chief hostage negotiator, waa in one of the helicopters. Baud.in agreed to fly at 1,100 feet and the police helicopters were flylna 300 feet below him, police aaJd. Space was cleared for the pilot to set down at LaGuardia, but police laid be refused. Al ooe point, the pilot was reported to have aaid, "lf you're going to aboot me down, shoot me down lnto the water," pouce Capt. Matthew Coyle said. Police said they bad no lntenbon of shooting the plane down. Meanwhile, a spokesmal'I at the New York Post s aid the news paper received a tape ca ssette from the pilot. The spokesman d id not say wh at was on that cassette, but said that police we re in the newspaper's office li stening to the tape and questionmg the paper 's editors. First Avenue out.side tbe UN. complex wu closed to traffic, and buodreda of U.N. personnel milled around In the str eet, look ing up. Fire trucks a nd rescue vehicles were on the scene. The man apparently began his exploit because he was ang ry with bas publ1s h1ng fir m. Harcourt Brace J ovanovich. at T hird Avenue and 48t h Stred near the Uruted Nations . Th e b ook firm wh i c h publis hed Baudin 's book . "Confessions of a Promiscuous Counterfeiter," ln April. satd 1t knew o( no problems coMected with the book or its a uthor, according to a pubhshlng house spokesman, who did not wa sh to be ldenUfled. SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -A British quintet dubbed the "Bungee Jumpers" leaped off the Goldeo Gate Bridge -then snapped back to aalety thanks to thick rubber bands that stopped them short of San Francisco Bay. When the five -four men dttked out lD formal monung and top hats and a woman - yo.yoed from the rust-cok>red brtdee Monday was about as clear .. tbe roe that of'len wraps itael! around the span's towers A aatb comrade didn't get a chance to jump the 220 fef't because be got tangled tn his harness. Three of the jumper s. who wer e picked up by the Coa~t Guard, were eventua ll y cited by the California H1ghway Patrol for trespassing on tbe bnd~(· cables Two more_escaped ma pnvalt.: boat, autbontJes saJd But the h1gh·s parated band apparently Intend to let the citations bounce and pfao to return Lo England today. Training Offered In Landscaping Huntington Beach resident" working I~!. than one wttk .J month. art> bean~ rt'< ru1tPd lo learn land.sell~ maantt:QJ.oc1· h) 11\l' city s empw)menl and train· In~ C'entt'r Th l· pro~ram nfft'r' 1n di\ 1duals a com b1 ndt1on CJf classroom instruction and actual outdoor experience in landsc<Jpe work. Part.icapant.s an the pro· gram will earn $3.30 an hour For additional Information call 536·2526. The sportsman's time has come. It's Ro lex. When the jumpers q uit bobbing at the end of their elastic, or bungee cords. they let themselves down on ropes. The awesome stunt from the spectacular suspension bridge startled hundreds of commuters heading to work from Marin County The leapers offered the Coast Guard a vanety of reasons for the ha Jinks that d 1dn 't seem to hold water -to honor Columbw on has day, to raise money f<>1 cha rity were two The stunt was well·planne o;ince photogra phe rs from 1 London newspaper flew to Sa- Fra n <' 1 :-. co , th ey sa id 'Pl'C1f1cally to record the leaps T he c amt•r <J men s aid th• t?rouo wcrr members of an eht. dub that ha:. done one prevwu~ · iump off the C'hrton Suspens101 flrrdgf" at Bristol, in England'; We"t Lountr} Police Chief Held as Druni OC EANSIDE <AP> -Th poli ce chief of nearby Carlsba was arrestefi for investigation • drunken dn vrng Monday ni gh Oce an .. 1de police orrace r Cu. Milam said -A ~~·nrnm lfn TI e . ; 01e~o County Jail at Vista sa Hoy Kundtz was booked hut r lt>ased about two hours later f h1!1 recognizance Th e watch commander at tJ Carls bad police department sa he was notified that Kundt chief ~ince 1974, had been arres ed No accident or propert1 damage was involved. be said. · Incredible sport watches from Rolex. Each an ... tainless st{.'('l with a matching bracelet. they have thl' JCCuracy. durability. and featurec; tht• sportsman d emanJ ... A. Tht• Submarin~r. 1895. B. The D.iyto n.i, '950. C. The G MT Master, 185(). SLAVICK:S fine Jewelert Since 1917 Faahlon laland, Newpe>rt Center, Newport Beach I (714) 644·1380 4 Other Loc:aUoaa: W•tmtft.st.er Mall, La11.1na Hllll Mall, Oranat, Ctrrttol Also O~attr Loi Ancelet I San Dltao I W Ve111 llff -tf ._.I~ tMf .. .i-or A..W• ~. YISA •-a. .... Mtmbn IW Jf\Oelnt Cldld I 7 • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1979 Ring Hits 3 Irvine , Banks •1 DA VlD KU'nllANN °' .............. Three bub ln JrviM ba¥e e .sctiadaed by wbat DOice eve. to be an or•anlsed ery l1q wbleb opeHlel ln Southem C-alllorula from San l>leao to Loi A.nJel• count.lea. Fraud lnvestlaator Paul Jessup laid today runners for lhe aroup passed sJx checks totall.nc about ··-ln late Sep. tember. n.. ))aMa d.llco\lertid Juat da1I aao .... ebeeb bave loreeda.....,._. Tbe tbree bub •re Uo)'da Baak at 18022 Culver Drive, Baak ol lnine at lUZZ Culver,· ud Califomia Fl.rat Bank, 11151 llaeA.rtbur Blvd. Jeuup aald the forsera could belon1 l9 a gaq known to law enforcement olficers u the bi- eounty ror1ery 1roup, wbicb puHI t.brouP tbe ~ty .area ol Loi Anples, Oran1e and San J>leto bittlq banks wilb stolen check• and foraed 1J1naturea. Jeuup aaid the Irvine banks were bit six times over a four· day period. The investigator sald police frequently are in a bind tryina to catch the roreef'IL atnce there ls a lag time ol several weeb before the crime la even dilcovered. J~up said the foreen in this latest cue used at.oleo cbecb, although there are cases where criminals bave used blanlt checks upon wblcb they've duplicated c u s tomers ' signatures. The investigator said tbe members of the organized cbedt pag pau through Oraqe Coun· ty e very few montb1. After spending several days in thia area, they bead off for the next cily or county down the road. Jessup said tbe only way he may be able to find out who pasaed the check.sis t.br®Ch dis· covery of fingergprints on a particular checlt or the arrest or , a so-called "nmner.'' the pel'IOP ~ who triea to cub it. He said the numen frequently 10 to drive·t.broulh windows at banks. If a teller uu them for ideatlflcaUoo or queaUona the authentidty of the signature, be said, the nmner usually leaves quickly without any further COO· veraatlon. .. n·s extremely, bard catcblng them." Jessup sald. • Plane Ten·or Writer 'Buzzes' NY Publisher Wlao'• a Good Maa • At University High School in Irvine, the play "You're a Good Man Charlie .erown" will be in the spotliabt Oct. 12·20, ~ relaearsala by ·drama ~ dents 1(cndiy aftemoan, am. Partin as Lucy, above, s nuggles up to "Schroeder" at bis p;ano while" Renee Rothstein.. second from right in lower right photo, plays "Snoopy" and Jen- nifer Sii'ea plays "Pej>P8rmint Patty." ID _pbato at lower left.. Carrie Howes, al8e • IAlcy. ebows a n.t to Ed 8tMNrt as "Linus" NEW YORK (AP) -A dis· grunUed writer flew low over the United Nations area In a single-engine plane for nearly four hours today. then landed at La Guardia Airport as h1s fuel was running out. Thousands had fl ed the United Nations and the nearby building housing the man's publisher. U .N . o!ficlals said they or· dered the evacuation there because the man was threaten· ing to crash into the U.N. bwld· ing. However, police said the pilot had not threatened to crash the aircraft and that he had been · "very pleasant" in conversa· lions on the radio. Police said the pilot. identified as Robert Baudin, 61. agreed to lan•J when told that his publisher from the Harcourt Brace Jovanovich publishing company would meet him at the airport. A statement read anonymously to theNew York Post earlier and claiming to be from Baudin, said: "WbeD l think or the wQ 1 've been lied to by tb1a t1rm and bow they ........ three ,..,. ot -~·..ti 1111 I I It llan lllf ti> ............... ol .... things, I mmt admit to tboupta or flyiq atraJpt In throuab their eseculift ...... wlndoWI .•• Sefesuardlna qaiut audl an event, the Harcourt builcHD« a few blocb from the United Na· lions was ordered evacuated. The small Cessna 172 landed at 12:55 p'.lD., four hours after lt took o ff from Morristown Municipal Airport in New J ersey and flew close by the Harcourt Brace building and the United Nations. Bells sounded throughout the 48-story Secretariat building about 11 a .m . and security officers ordered the several tbowsand employees to leave. as the red and white Cessna 172 made large sweepmg circles north of the UN. complex. Al noontime, the circling took him several blocks north of the Queensborough Bridge The General Assembly hall, where a session was scheduled for 10·:.> a.m., also was ordered evacuated. The session bad not been called to order. Pat Calise. speaking for the Fede r al Av1at1 o n Admutlstrat.Jon. sa1d the small plane took off from Mornstown Mun icipal Airport at midmommg. She said he bad only a few hours or fuel left by noon The pilot was in voice contact with two police helicopters hover- tng nearby. as well as with the rad io tower at LaGuardia Airport Bothtnedtotalkhiminto landmgtusplane, Ms .Calisesaid. .. It ·s like a hostaile situation, but a uruque hostage situation," sa id Assistant Police Chief Milton Schwartz. Frank Bolz. the poli ce de partme nt 's chie f hostagt' negotiator, was m one of the hehcooters. Baudin agreed to fly <See PlANE, Page A2) Prime Rate Up l Chase Jumps Full Point NEW YORK <APl -a,ue M•nhattan Bank • the ........ Udd ...... ~ ....... -prime ha e..-,... a r.a ~--·• pCllllt • ~ Pll'Wll today , a react on to the government•s c redit-tigbteoing moves announced over the weaend. """' Other banks were expected to follow Chue's action. 1'be prime-lending rate bas been rising steadily in past weeks. setting records with each increase. Only a month ago. the rate was 121h ~rcent. . ' The prime rate -the rite charged a banlc·s most credit-worthy corporate customers -does not directly affect consumer loan rates, which are limited by law in many s tates. But it is regarded to be-an important indicator of trends in interest rates in general. Banks use the pnme rate as the basis for setting interest rates on a lmost all business loans . Planning Task Unit Due oint Probe anned of layings 'fbe Orange County Sheriff's ce and police departmeotl in cities will work to1etber in joint lnveatiaation of 10 uulta that have left alx omen and an unborn child d it-was learned today Irvine Co. Agrees to Participation lrri.ne Session The Irvine Company ex · pressed its willingness today to participate on a proposed task force whi ch would study all aspects of future development in the burgeoning city. Creation or such a panel will be reouested toniRht by Mayor * * * David.Sills when the City Coun· cil meets at 7:30 p m. A company spokesman said this moromg th at the firm "would certamly be pleased to be a pa~cipant on tbe task force .. Talk-limit Plan Assailed The company was caullous , however, in its reaction to a sug· gesUon by Sills that residential deve lopment in the proposed 1.300-acre villaee or Westaate would be premature and should be delayed even though the com· pany already bas applied for the necessary zone change. A member of tbe Irvine City Council 1aabecl out today at a propoul by lnlne Mayor David Silla to i""P* time llm.lta on public teatimony during council meetlap. Counellwoman Mary Ann Galdo Mid ol Sllls' proposal to be eoml dvr' at tonipt•s meet- lnl: r "lloet ot the •ua•tiom are utremeb' euaer•ted tn tbelr Killer £roe Shot to Death DARWIN. AUltralla CAP) -a.,.. a4 poUee abot a U.foot eNeOdlle tbey beiMYed WU the one tbat au.eked and killed a apear ftlbel'mm before b1a bor· rlfied wife a few boan before. The bmtel'I new lloeday to a remote bNeb near Nbulnubuy, ln the tfolWcal Nortbern Ter· ~ b7 ID Ill a 1aJt.w ..... eu& ldlled ... ,..... old~O---•bewu di.uts for el'a1ftlla a few fMt ol· flbore. Oabpu'I bocl7 WU fcMIDd .............. - necessity and could have de· noticed for public hearing. vastat.ing results in manipulat--Speakers be limited to 10 lng the public." minutes for matters which are Sills, angered over what he open to public hearing. described as a filibuster by -Council members be limit· councilman Larry Agran last ed to no more than 30 minutes month during discussion of the apiece on each a1enda Item. San Joaquin Hills Transporta· Silla further proposed that lion Corridor issue, proposed agenda ltem1 not notJced for that: public bearln1 rbould not be -Public speakers be limited open to public comment unless to five minutes on issues not <SeeUlllT8.Pa1eAJ) * * * * * * "At this point, it is difficult to assess the impacts of accelerat· ing or eliminaUng any specific plans," the spokesman said. The tuk force, be said, could work that out. W •taate Village, accordine to preUm.lnary design plans, would accommodate up to 20,000 reai· dents once completed. The village would IO up near Culver Drive acroa from Woodbrictae. * * * NegotiatoJ!S .Get Cha:n~e Ne1otlators for tbe city of Irvine wW be dalnt aomethlnl later tbll month they've never bad to do before. Ne1otlate. As strange u that may IOUDd, tbe faet nmaim tbe city bas never before bad to barlaln with. aa or•aDhed em ployee uaoclatlon in ltl lbort munldpal biatorJ. Tia• ftnt n,pertence tn · W. area will eome at the end ol tldl m.U. .-the Irvine ~ee AllOd8tkla ii dae to 1ubmlt a .,.,. ...... fOI' tbe clt.J to 111111•. /\ Alltsiaat City llana1er Paul Brady aald lloaday'officlall are looklnl at tbelr fine' venture Into mee\·and-eoaf• labor relaticlal u a "pomtiv• thlna." The l.rvlne Police Auoclatlon repretelltl all emplofeee in the police offtcera and aer1eant1 unl' .. a NIUlt of u eleetloft beld lut • .,. Tb• 1oope o1 ...,,. .... laduMe ..... 1 boura UMl otb.r term• HCl coadltlo•• of emplo1m••'· offtelal9 Mid. TIM polle. ban tbe .., r-........... ua1tladle . BndJ, no Will _... • tile, I city's neaotiatint team. taid offtelals wUI wait to see wbat wa1e proposal tbe police auoclatlon makea before countering with another propoeal. Tbe •IOd•Uoa bu until tcov. 1 to 1ubmlt an offer,· hut ne1oU._ cquld ...,.. blfon tUt time"~ .... ........, ....... 8eprw..udftlf~tbe •Dd -PoliH u1~latton Illa.• ... Wei .,,.. ....... '° set ... .,... ot daJ·to4a1 ~mmle9bGN, bow lhe1 an to be eoDdaded aad bJ ftoln. "lt 1s clear lo me." Sills said. 'that extensive home building on Culver between the freeways should await firm solutions to ma1or circulation improvements needed to serve that area." However. t he mayor s aid, selected commercial projects for the area could move ahead. I Sills said by postponing de- ve lopment or Westgate, the city' could indicate lo the Irvine Com· pany "that such development in other areas or our community might be more consistent. with our attempts to alleviate traffic congestion and channel traffic Impacts to areas that are able to absorb the burden." The mayor will ask the council (~ PANEL, Pa&e AZ) Coast Weather Partly cloudy through Wedneaday wltb lows tonlgbt 57 to 63. Highs Wednesday upper 80s to upper '10ll. IMll•ET88A~ tftldo s,..,.. " JJ "°" old but on1J JI a.clw• tall. SM, We. other dmtf•. mu owr· com• oflltaclft ""V dov. s.. PafJSA.5. ..... Cl • ., .. .. M cg ., .. • • .,.. M M .. . 41 AM.XPILOT TOKYO (AP.) -~ .. " .. 111• •• ,... old Ruaiaia coal ml"1' •bo aald h• draak too mueb \'Odil ... t.11 ..... , ln Illa boat and drif'gd •UOll IOI ...U. of oeeu ftom ltbtrl• to Hokkaido, J •p10'1 norU1eramo1t malnW•. ·A poliae ...... &a · WMkual, a --•-*'Y faclq tM 5'• of Oklio&M, aald Al.Uandr Marbev told Uiem he went hw.tlnc on a lab on the Soviet llland of SakhaUn, drtl't.ed •wn a rtvv, ~ acNU lbe atrall to Hokk&ldo. llarteev wu taken lnto cu.atody tor alle1edl1 flr· lnc a volley into t.be air from a double·b•rr•l•d ahotlUD when be WU IP· proached by JapaoeM tilb· er men ata nearby harbor. rna.. nan-t Ftll.lval plan· Mrl UW tOme DP wttb U alry Wea ,_ t.M eoocllMl.Uae day of the ..... S.S.y. Oct.11. Sla hot • belDMt will be 18'lnelMJd froe Hen-.• Put bMween l :IO a.m. ud I 1.m .. fflte•••1 on wind coedlUou, and U.. en.tac• lD • coeteat kBOWll M a 'h•re and Mund" raee. · Tbe mDooe event 11 pa.rt ot the tkree-oday feaUvaJ tbat will run from Oct. 19 to 21 In Rerltale Partr. Pllota and their ~rews will be readYinl tbe balloons for takeqff belinolnl at 7:30 a.m. Sunday ana f..Uvalgoera are invited to come out early to watch the pre· oarations. =Refugee TB Test ~Plans Due Tonight West Orange County area high school administrators are lo unveil plans tonight before the board of trustees for testing Indochinese refugee students for tuberculosis. The "screening" plu follOwa report.a ol aD·increuing number of tuberculosis cases in the area and meelin11 b eqween HunUnctoo Beach Union ID&b School Di.strict officials and the Oran1e County H ealth Depart.meol. Dr. Howard Roop, aulatant d1Blrlct superintendent, said the school ia setttne up a program to determine whether s tudents immigrating from Southeast Asis have been tested for the disease following arrival in this country. Those who haven't been tested. he sajd, are expected to be tested under a voluntary plan set up by the district. Approximately 500 Indo chinese stude nts have enrolled in the district's seven high schools, according to Dr. Richard A. Altimari, director or special programs. Dr. Roop said between ftve and 10 additional atudenta are enrolled every week from Southeast Asia. Most of the enrollment Impact js being felt in Westminster and Fountain Valley schools, be said. The district also serves Seal Beach a nd Huntington Beach. Last month, Allimari told d istric t trus tees that the m assive increase of refugees from war.torn Vietnam and Ca m bodi~ has r esulted in communication and learning ,.,,.... Page A J PANEL ••• tonight for authorization to re· quest that the company bold off on processing of Westgate and then join in with the task force, which would include members of the City Council and planning commission. The Irvine Compa n y spokesman said a task force wouJd represent "u excellent opportunity for the city and Irvine Company to work on a phasing plan for development in the city, and we welcome the chance to participate in it." City Manager William Woollett has suggested tbe task force be held to oo more than five or seven members. "Because of the importance and complexity of the laaues be· ing faced," WooUett said, "and the number of organbationa and individual.I wbo are greatly in· tereated in what happens, it 1s my su11eal1on that tbe task force be kept relatively small .. DAILY PILOT f"'Of-c-!Oeltyl'MoC.wllll#flklll\t- .. -"--""""''-'-""' .. Or-CN \I ............. ~. S.-.it oO•t'-"'• pvDll•"" -•Y .......... l"ri.., 10< Cott• WW, H._i -II._._, _II/,__ l•lnYallt'f.lnr.,.., "-~~c.tt A ,....,..,...,..._ .. _1_w..,.,.,._ ,....., ... n. IWll'lelpti -llN"I pt""' ""' UI W9t4 toy Mrwt,C.._ _.., (AMlt_t,_ ·--·-""'""'""' ---., •. c.ttf VI<•..._ ___ __ n..r.:.:.-- ~-...-:::--... .. , .... -~.•·11--......,.-.. ' problems in the district. He charged that the federal 1ovemmenl has not funded a program that should be pouring $450 into the district for every refugee student. Meanwhile, t h e Orange County Board of Supervisors also b ~king federal funds to help cootrol a rapidly increasing number ot tuberculosis cases in the weatern porlio 1 of the county. Tbe Health Department estimates that the rate of tuberculosis ia increasing and could approach 13 for every 100,000 persons i n Orange County, up nearly SO percent from the previous rate. The h igh school district's board of trustees meets tonight at 7 o 'clock al di s trict headquarters. 5201 Bolsa Ave. Kiwanis Schedules 5-mile Run The Irvine Kiwanis Club will hold its second five-mile run this month, proceeds from which 10 to the Ear Research lnatitu"' of Los Aneelu as well as local youth act.MUes. To be held Oct. 20 beginning at 8 a.m .. the run will commence at Harvard Park a nd fini s h at Irvine High School. More than 3 ,000 runners are expected to take part in the event. G r and marshal of O'N••L the run, and a participant in it, will be atuntwoman Killy O'Neil. To enter the event costs $6 un· til Oct. 15 and $7 .so for late re- glatration the day of the run. Troplliea will be awarded in various male and female categories, aponso,s say. There are no age restrictions for entering. Employees Get Pay Hikes At Saddleback Saddleback College trustees approved a 7 percent pay bike Monday for about 250 manage- men t and non -teaching employees. • The pay raise for the school's c lerlcal, custodial and all man11emenl employees except Superintendent· Robert Lom· bardl and bis two aasistanta will coat taxpayers tns,ooo this year . Lombardi and bla assistant are bind under a separate COD· tract db the board of trustees. Meanwhile, the college's 250 teachers remain at impasse with negotlaton for the board after the toatnactors' aasociaUon re· jeCtect a 7 percent wa1e offer. Tea~b•r• and boara neaotiaton met last week with a st.ate-appotnted mediator In an effort to break tbe current Im· pUH. A aimilar meeting with the mediator ta set for next week. Youth 'Critical' BLJZABl:'l'B, N.J . (AP> -A lt-,.ar-old routb wu ln crltlcal coadttloa wltb a atab wound be laffend lft.er "bedlam" brol'e oat am~nf bottl•·t•rowlnl 1ouU. dUrtAI • tllartt;J Mek CO~etrt. Tldrtr•M'IH • people were arreltff tonowta1 Ule ..... .....,. • ~---~-~--~ .....----------.....-.- • Adml11lon to the festival •rouada la rr.e. Partlclpatin& ln the race will be N.Uoonl.at Doo Piccard aod b1I wife Wilma, who bolds the hilb altitude record for a woman ln a balloon. Flyers participating in the event will be commercial pilots and commercial balloonista who are members of the Balloon Federation of America. The "bare and bound race" will begin wilb one balloon de· signaled as the "bare" taking off firs t . The other five "bounds" will lift off 10 minutes later. chasing the lead balloon. The "hound" landing closest to the "hare" is the winner. Sponsoring the balloon race are Campus Valle y Village Cente r , Woodbridge Village Ce nter and Walnut Village Center. Other aerial events also are slated for the three·day festival, including skydiving sponsored by the International Freerall As· socialion. Five divers will tum· ble out of planes over the park grounds at 1 p.m. on both Satur· day and Sunday. The festival begins Oct. 19 with a Harvest Moon Ball from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. under an 18,000 square foot Big Top. Tickets are $45 a couple and can be purchased by sending a check payable to the Irvine Harvest Festival, PO Box 18619, Irvine, 92713. Other events include a blue grass concert Saturday al about 5p.m. Admission to the festival grounds in Heritage Park is free. Festival hours are from 9 a .m. to midnight on Saturday and from 9 a.m . to 8 p.m. oo Sunday. Further information about the festival and its activities can be obtained by calling551·35S3. f'l"Om P~ Al PLANE ..• at 1.100 feet and the police helicopters were flying 300 feet below him, police said. Space was cleared tor the pilot to set down at LaGuardla, but police said he refused. Al one point, the pilot was reported to bave sald, "lf you're goin1 to shoot me down, shoot me down into the water," police Capt. Matthew Coyle said. Police said they had no Intention of shooting the plane down Meanwhile, a spokesman at the New York Post said the newspape r received a tape cassette from the pilot. The spokesman did not say what was on that cassette, but said that police were in the newspaper's office listening to the tape and questioning the paper's edit.ors. First Avenue out.side the U.N complex was closed to traffic, and hundreds of U.N. personnel milled around in the street, looking up. Fire trucks and rescue vehicles were on the scene. The man apparenUy began bis exploit because he was angry with his publishing firm . Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, at Third Avenue and 48t.h Street near the United Nations. The b ook f irm which published Baudln 's book. "Confessions of a Promiscuous Counterfeit.er." in April, said it knew of no problems connected with the book or its author. according to a publishing house spokesman, who did not wish to be Identified. The plane fr i ghtene d passers by in the area, who thought that the pilot might have been protesting the planned visit to the United Nations later this week of Cuban President Fidel Castro. f',...P~AJ LIMITS • • • the mayor hu announced in ad· vance that such comment will be received during dJscussion or a particular agenda Item. He also suggested that slide, movie and video tape present.a· ti9ns abould not be allowed un· less approved ln advance by the mayor. "It ia my belief that by lmpos· in1 tbeae restrictions upon oorselvea we will be able to complete the 11Hable aeeodaa we face by 1ome reaaonable hour ol the evenln1," Sills sald of bJ1 proposal. llrs. Oaido, however, aald tbls momina that Sills' proposals are """ elltllt" and they would Mt him up u a "ceoaor." She aatd Silla baa blown tbe aituattoa "way out or propor. tton" and that h11 p,lan 11 •= a .. ,troDI reaction ' to one ID• tUt futed unUI I a.m. .,JIOlt of t.be propo1ala llN UD• nec...ary," lbe •aid. A spider's web enwraps a horse standing in a Camas. Wash .. pasture in a glowing design. The web is given the neon-like radiance by freshly fallen dew and the ris· ing sun. Molester A lVakens l.aguna Boy, 10 A l().year-0ld Laguna Beach boy was moles t ed in his bedroom early this morning in the second such incident in 10 days, police said. Po li ce investigator Gent' Br ooks said the ) oung~tcr awoke to find a man fondling him in bed shortly aft er l a m The boy screamed, jumped from bis bed and ran upstairs to h1s parents room. Officers said the suspect fled by the time the boy's parents Br· rived at the lower level bedroom in lbe hillside home in the souther· ly aecUonoftown. J t was tbe ~econd sucb incident in less than two weeks. Brooks sa id , adding a 12·year-0ld boy was similarly molested in his bedroom Sept 29 In that incident, at a hill'i1de hom e in the central part of Laguna Beach. a man entered the bedroom and was fondling the boy when the youngster woke up. Police said today they believe the same suspect is responsible for both early morni ng break·ins In both cases. the child m olester entered the home., through unlocked shdmg glai,c, door ... proc~mg directly to tht' ) oungsters bedroom., T his morn ing ''> i n<'•dent occurred at l 10 a m and th(' mc1dent 10 da)" ago oc<'urred dl 3 30 am The victim in Uus morning " attack del>cribed his as&a tl ant a!> being a male while, about 25 years of age and of medium build. . Tbe youn1ater said bis attacker ~ reddish blood hair cut short. and a small mustache He was weanng a short·sleeve orange and whit~ stnped shirt and trousers. the youngster s&Jd In the e arlier incide nt, the victi m descnbed the attacker as about 25 to 30 )ears old, with blondish brown hair and a short beard. ··u·s close enough to make ~ believe it nught be the same man," Brooks said today. The SEC>rtsman' s time has oome. It's Rolex . SAN .. RANCJSCO (AP) - Wayne Culllnane, the 1nl,.r wbc fired more than 50 abota from• hitb·riae otttce bu11dl.n1 ud be.IC • hottace for •lmoet 21 boun laat ftekend, bused bbmeb before dawn ln bla Jail eell authorities sald. Culllnane's body wu found at 6 :30 a.m. by • trusty deUvert.n1 breakfast, accordtna to Ra> Robena, le1at eoumel for UM San Francilco Sheriff'• Depart ment. 1be truaty 1umm-.S 1 medical attendant, wbo cut UM body down. Roberts said a to1 la uaed ti record the times when lnmat.et are checked, but be said if wu "unclear" when C~· ane Wat last seen alive. Cullinane used a a of be< sheet or mattress cover to banJ himself, tying one end arounc. bjs neck and the other aroun<' the highest ban of his cell Roberts said. Deputy Corone r Everet Bigbee aaid an autopsy would bl held today. A shaken deputy, who dec:linec to give bis name, said Culllnam was checked periodically bu was not under constant watch He said Cullinane apparenll) hanged himself between 4 ·3( a .m and 5 a .m . Cullianane was being held i1 isolation in a maximum sec:urit! cell at the Hall of Justice a fey blocks from the sniping scene. Sheriff Eugene Brown 1 responsible for security at th• city jail. Brown and bis depar1 ment have been criticized in r• cent weeks for a series o escapes and for complaint about conditions at the jail. Cullinane , 22, was a r reste• late Saturday after he fell aslee1 m a barricaded 16th floor offic· whe re he had held secretar: Ch1yo Tashiro, 55, hostage an• fired random shots from a shat tered window with a .:JO.calibe M l rarbme The hostage wa unharmed Cullinane was being held ir llt•U or S.500.000 ball aftN be1n fi booked for investigation of kid na ppinl(. robbery. assault on c. pt?at·t' officer. assault with a de cidly "l'apon and false 1mpnson men1 PoUce ne1oUaton, wbo ha<' talked wlt.h CUilinane \hrou&bou1 the •ieae. deecribed bim u men tally disturbed. A 2'7·year-0ld Berkeley womar who calls herself lnjun Tomhn: and said she was Cullinane': former gi rlfnend, said he w a: r eally a s weet person'' am suggested the incident m1 gh have been triggered by th1 hallucmogemc drug LSD. The sruper made a variety o demands. including "an end l• oppression" and a $1 millior food program f o r n eed ) children. Incredible sport watches from Rolex. Each an stainless steel with a matching bracelet, they have the ~. durability, and features the sportsman demands. A. The Submariner, '895. 8 . The Daytona, '950. C. The GMT Master, '85(). SLAVICK'S Fine Jewelen Since 1911 Faahlon laland, Newport Center, Newport Beach I <7H ) 8'4·1180 t OUler LocaUona · w .. tmlnater Mall, t..swia HUii Mall. Orante. c.nt\ol Alto Greater Loe An1el• I San Dttto I Lu Ve1u UN _ _, •• ._•--rlla,.. Ill-WA __ ...,_, VllA, lllMI«~ Mtmbfr F1nl JIWfln• Gwld " ...._. . ..--,...---~ ----------.......... ,, ......... ' Laguna/Sttatll ~oast ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA A 10.yea.r.oid i..tuna 8ellcb ~· molHted ln bi• ea"'1 W. monlal ln tM MCOed •uda lKldent ln 10 ct.11. DOllce aakt. Polle• lnvHU1ator OeH • Brooks 1ald lbe youn11ter awoke to fiDcl a man fcwtun1 blm iD bed abortly after 1 a.m. Tbe boy acreamed, jumped from hi.I bed and ran upetalra to his parents room . Awakens Offttlin aald the IUlpeC°t fled by the time I.be boy's parenu .,.. rtved II& *M lower level bedroom lat.MbflW ... bomelathe ...... 17 Mdkmoltown. It waa tbe aecond aucb iDeideS in Ba tbaD two weeb, Brooks 1aid , addint a 12-year-oJd boy waa simllarly molested iD hi.I bed.room Sept. 29. In that incident, at a hlllalde bome In the central part of 4&1uaa Beacb, a man entered U. bedroom and WU fondHnl t-• boJ when tbe younpt.er woke-.. Pollet uldc today tbey believe the MIDI auspect is responsible for botb early morning breua. In botb cases, tbe child moleat.er entered the homes through unlocked sliding glass Plane Ter1·or Writer 'Buzzes' NY Publisher NEW YORK (AP) -A dis· gruntled writer flew low over lbe United Nations a rea in a single-engine plane for nearly ' four hours today, lben landed at La Guardia Airport as his fuel • was n.mning out. Thousands bad fled lbe United Nations and lbe nearby building housing lbe man's publisher. U .N. officials said they or- dered the evacuation there becaoae the man was lbreateo- ing to crash into lbe U.N. build- • ing. However, police said the pilot had not threatened to crash the aircraft and that be bad been ' "very pleasant" in conversa- . tions on the radio Police said lbe pilot, identified as Robert Baudin, 61, agreed to land when told lbat his publisher f r om the Harcourt Brace Jovanovich publishing company would meetbim at lbe airport. A statement read anonymously to lbe New York Post earlier and claiming to be rrom Baudin, said: "When I think of lbe way I've been lied to by this firm and how they wasted three years or my work because it happened to suit their budget way of doing things, I must admit to thoughts or flying straight in through their executive suite windows." Safeguarding against such an event, lbe Harcourt building a few blocks from lbe United Na- tions was ordered evacuated. The sruall Cessna 172 landed at 12:55 p.m .. four hours after it took o ff from Morristown Municipal Airport in New Jersey and flew close by the Harcourt Brace building and lbe United Nations. Bells sounded throughout the 48·story Secretariat building about 11 a .m . and security officers ordered the several thousand employees to leave, as the red and white Cessna 172 made large sweepmg circles north of the U.N. complex. At noontime. the circling took him several blocks north or the Queensborough Bridge. doon, Jll'OCeedf 01 directly to tbe youn__..• bedroom.a. Tbla mornln1'1 lnehleat occurred at 1:10 a.m. and tbe ineldem 10 dayt ago occurred at 3:30a.m. The victim in lb1a morniD&'• attack described bis a.uallant as beine a male white, about 25 yean of aee and of medium build. The youngster said b is attacker bad reddiab blond hair cut abori. and a small muatacbe. Be ... weartnc • •borW&eeve Gr&D88 -wbite-striped lblrt and truUlerl, the ,...,... aald. ID the earlier ineldeAt, the victim described t.be attaebr aa about 25 to 30 years old, wllb blondiab brown hair and a abort beard. "It's close enough to mate us believe it mi«bt be the same ·~-....... man.'' Broob said today. ••Tbe bomea be entered are alike, in tbat they are upper iDcosne hllleide bomea, and in both eaea tbe auapect eatered tbroueb •locked slldiDC ..... doon, '' Brooks said. Police are aeeldng • suspect matching tbe deacrlptions provided by the two young victJam. Joint Slayings Probe Set By JOANNE REYNOLDS Ol .. Delfy ...... ~ The Orange County Sheriff's Office and police departments in four cities will work together in a joint investigation of 10 assault& that have left six women and an unborn child dead it was learned today. The joint e ffort b y investigators from Costa Mesa. lrvme. Newport Beach, Tustin a nd the sberiff'a o ffice was expected to be anoounced at a press conference scheduled for noon today in Tustin. : Strong ' The General Assembly ball. where a session was scheduled for 10:30 a.m., also was ordered evacuated. The session bad not been called to order. WEST VIRGINIA JUSTICE SCUFFLES WITH DEPUTY Darrell McGraw, Lawman J.T. Meadows In Sklrmleh Shenfr Bradley Gates and the rour poUce chiefs involved - Chuck Thayer of Tustin. Roger Neth of Costa Mesa, Pete Gross of Newport Beach and Leo Peart of Irvine -stopped short or calling the effort a "task force," but have pledged budgetary s upport for a special inveaUptlve team. Westerly Surf. Due Llfeauants aloe« tbe Onmp Coast remained unrufOed today in spite of National Weather Service forecuts of bl& aurf that I ..... to belln poundlna tbe COllllt tonight. The swells lbal are expected ---_;;..to push ...six to nin~foot ytav~ _ onto west facing b eac es ' apparently have been generated by a storm in the North Pacific. Lifeguards said lbe key is lbe fact lbat there are few direcUy west racing beaches along the ' Orange Coast and they agreed that lbere wasn't likely to be any drastic change in local surfing conditions as a result. Bruce Baird or the Laguna Beach lifeguards noted that "westerly swells don't affect us here. We're contacting our guards in case extra manpower is needed but the chances are most of them aren't even putting wax on their surfboards " Logan Lockabey o f lbe Newport Beach lifegu a rds pointed out lbat it's lbe swells from lbe soulb. not lbe west that produce the big breakers in Newport. However, homeowners in lbe El Morro Mobile Home Park between Laguna and Newport were keeping a watch on the s urf at their beach where big waves can mean trouble for ocean-front units. One homeowner, Charles Payton said residents are "gritting our teeth and clOling ·ou r eyes" in light of the forecast. 1 He said the park keeps 5,000 . sandbaas on band, but also pointed out that a permanent 's and·fllled bag baa been installed along 1.85 feet ol the ·1 . most endangered property Sunset Beach north of HUlltlnitc>n Beach la anotlMr location wbere big surf m tbe pllt bueodalllendbomes. Bandit Bits Dana Eatery Al"W ......... SN&PER HANGS SELF Wayne Culllnane ]ai/,ed Sniper Hangs Self In SF Cell SAN FRANCISCO CAP) Wayne Cullinane, the sniper who fired more lban SO shots from a high-rise office building and held a hostage for almost 23 hours last weekend, banged himself ~fore dawn in bis jail cell, authorities said. Cullinane's body was found at 6:30 a.m. by a trusty delivering breakfast, accordina to Ray Roberts, legal couoael for lbe .San Fraociaeo Sheriffs Depart- ment. 'lbe trusty summoned a medical attendant, who cut the body down. Roberts aald a log ls used to 'record the times when inmates are cheeked. but be said it was .. unclear" when CClllinaoe was last seen alive. CuJHnane used a strip of bed abeet « mattrell cover to bang himself. l1lJll one ad around bll neck and the other around the blpeat ban of his cell, Roberti said. Deput1 Coron~r Enrett Bisbee Mid an autapaJ would be held today. A....._..._, wbo Mllwl to lift Ilia name, 1ald CtdHnane wH cbecked pertod1call1 but ,.. .. Id under eoaatut watcb. . Bapeon Speech Dae in San Juan Pat Calise, speaking for the Federal Aviation Admtnlstration, said lbe small plane took oft from Morristown llunlclpal A irport at mlctmorntaa. Sbe laid he Ud •17 • few ....... ol ,.. left ~ noon. The pilot was in voice contact with two police bellcopten hover· Justice Charged ln Deputies Fi~ In& nearby, u well aa wttb the CH.ARLESTON. W. Va. <AP, radlo t ower a t LaGuardla _ A •tale Supreme Court Airport. Botbtriecltotalkbimint.o jmtice, iftvestllatlng the death landlngbisplane, lls.Calisesaid. of a 17.year-old boy at the "It's like a hostage situation, Kanawha County Jail, bas been tmt a-unique~sttuation;!' C1nn'ged wllh obstruction-of said Assistant Police Chief j ustice and assault and battery Milton Schwartz. . after scuffling with deputies. Frank Bolz, the pohce A witness said Justice Darrell d epartment's chief hostage McGraw was hit several times negotiator, was in one of the in the face by deputJes when he helicopters. Baudin agreed to fly tried to get past them and into al 1,100 feet and the oolice the jail. <SeePLANE,PageAZ) McGraw. 42, who has a Stolen Nixon Iteills Found in San Juan An aide to former president Richard Nixon bas identified al· legedly stolen presidential memorabilia round in a San Juan Capistrano home by Orange County Sheriff's in· vestieators. Col. Jack Brennan told in- vestigators lbe items, many of them bearing the presidential seal, and a mounted chunk of the Great Wall of China were stolen Aug. 18, 1971, from a display at the San Clemente Inn. Investigator John M. Johnson said today Brennan identified lbe it.ems found last Friday in the home of Terrance and Susan Adair, 33565 Via de Agua, San Juan Capistrano. Jobnsoo said investigators ob- tained a serach warrant to look for the miasing Nixon memorabilia. The Adairs are free on bail after being arrested m August in connection wilb a burglary at the Lady's World Jewelry store in Dana Harbor, Jobnson srud. The Adairs. who also a re known by aliases including Ter· ranee Edward Nikrasch and Susan Helen Gomez, are await· ing trial in connection with the alleged $45,000 burglary. Brennan said the former pre- sident had given him the ite~s investigators say were found m lbe Adair home. The list includes a presidential cigarette lighter. a ladles com· pact bearing the presidential seal, cufilinkB, a Gerald FOl'd medallion and a number of com· memoratlve coin$, authorities said . Prl1ne Rate Up CIUJJJe Jumps Full Point NEW YORK CAP ) -Cbue Manhattan Bank. the nat1QD'S thirdA.argest bank, raised ita prime lending rate a run percentage point to 14th perce~t today ~ a reaction to the government s credit-Ughtening moves announced over the weekend. , Other banks were expected to follow Chase s action. The prime-lendiris rate bas been rlsinf steadily lo past weeks , ~ records ,ritb each lncreue. ()illy a month qo, the rate was ~ percent. Tbe prime rate -the rate cbaraed a bank'• most credit-worthy corporate cuatomen -does not dlrectlY affect consu..-loan rates, which are .Bmlted by law lo .many *'8tel. B1lt It ta nprdld to be an lnJportant indicatcr of· U'IDdl a. in~ rates la 1enertl. m: Bub UM tbe prime rat..M till for Mttlnl tiater'at rates on almolt all I L ,, IM • ·reputatim for beift& outspoken. was al tile jail to lmpect • eeUA where the..,.,... baqed hlmeel( last week. ac:cord1.n• to 118'* Wa rd. a reporter for T he arleRoa Gu.ue Ward uid McGraw told him the youth may have been held contrary to a Supreme Court dec ision on incarceratioo or juveniles. ··1 saw one deputy. I cou1dn't 1denti(y who it wa s, give McGraw several punches in the face." said Ward. who was wilh the JUStlce. Deputies Ray Flint and Auslln Burke were treated at a hospital for minor injuries. They filed assault and obstruction o f Justice complaints against McGraw. Sgt. J . T. Meadows also filed an obs truction complaint. Kanawha County Sheriff Kemp Melton. who was not at the Jail at the time of lbe scuffle, said he would have allowed McGraw in. had the JUStice asked him in advance. · · 1 ·ve tried to maintain an open j ai 1 to be fre e and above·board with the press," Melton said. M cGraw arrived at a n unusually busy time or day - mmate mealtime and employee shift change -and used foul language ln·dealing wilb the jail staff, Melt.on said. Melt.oo would not comment on exactly what happened during the struggle. M cGraw's lawyer, S hirl Shinaberry, said the charges were a "sham" -an attempt lo p r o tect t h e deputies fro m ch arges of using excessive force. McGraw did not file countettbarges. Dreaed in a blood-stained shirt, McGraw was arraiped before Magistrate Herb Pauley. Killer Croc Shot to Death DA•WJN. Aultrali• (.\P) -a.= and police shot a 'ii-foot c tbe)' be41eved "" tbe ODe Uwl ~ and ld.o.d a ~an Wore b1a bor· wtftt a few boura before. .... ,... • ....,tioa remote bea~ •ar Nb~. lD tW tropical Nortllera Ter· rl~ try tlO -• aalt·.nter . c .. tbat ldW ... ,..,.. old Tr9'W o....-u .... .. dlvlna '* crarftala • ,.,. ,.. ol- fsbore. Gabpu'• body wu .found latu OD a mud be& A. 1'ildlfe omeer a.aid the crocodUe a&>- pareatl)' left lt ....... ··~ '° return and .. l lt lat«~ U. dalllc pattun. •• OM of die daiefs. 01'0lla of NewpmtlleMb. ..... ._tM , ..... =·:a:.•.;"· \~· ... ··-··r ·-0 0 .... m.-.. "8twc• "putting together a real team tbat functloos as a unit as .............. a pktup f1aa football ........... wil.'' Tbe case• d a te back to J anu.ary. um. In all, 10 women have been assaulte d. Four urvfw.t,-aklllougb the full.term... baby carried by one of the survivors died as a result of the assault. Until today, rnvestlgators from each jurisdiction have met on an informal basis to share mformat.100. The formation or a more formal joint investigation apparenUy has been spurred by <See M\JltDERS, P•ge A2) Burly Ra~t Being Sought In Huntington A 17·year·old Kentucky girl told police a muscular man wilb a New York accent raped her six tunes Monday after forcing her into his car near a Hwitingtoo Beach shopping center. The girl, officers said. claims a red·baired man picked her up a round 10 p .m. in a parking lot near the corner of Beach Boulevard and Garfield Street a nd released her in Irvine several hours later. Officers said details of lbe alleged attaclt are incomplete. The girl described her assailant as about 30 years old and weiebing about 240 pounds . Coast Weather Partly cloudy through Wedneaclay with lows tonight 5'1 to 63. Highs Wedne.4a)t upper eos to upper 'JOa. INBIK TODA 'l' LMdo 8'"" u 11 ,_,. ~ ,,., -• --foU ••• MM ~ dttltaflt, ,,.. owr- eotn• of*ocJn 'CWT1I dof. Us POOfAS. ..... . .............. .._. Q • .,..~a=...., L.._. .... M._..,.. ., .. =:. ...,=_ a..... ~ie~ ......... .. """""' c........., :•; 1-- --- .. M M °t. •'"f • ., .,.. M A'4 'M DM,Y PM.OT U8C Voter • qpl.Up8 Probed .......... 1.-· ...... "' .... Uon form• tlilat lane beH I•...,... mGlllY lD beaell .,.. o1 Or .... Coual1 lilave .._ tVIMd 4MI' to tM dllUid ~ tonMty tDI' ..... tlnU.. a • ..,.., ot YoWI Al 011aa eaid todQ Uuit =tavllW forma fw UM Ube Perty hav• •WfM*I la WMb ''Uaat .. dlddld tM 4lilUtd ... tone1 lbould ~. '°*· .. Olloe Mid &Mt * n1t1tH· ::i..11 .... C'!llfetnecl addnuei Uuit 't m.t. Stforta to C'CIDftrm tol odlliM' h1utndonl by mall al.lo r.u.c1 wbee&Mnotie.weieretunedu wadeliwnb&e by UM P•t ome.. 018oaaald. People either were not Uvina at the addresses that were llstea bad moved without leavinc rwardinc addresse1, be ex· alned. Olaon said that t.b• n•-of ... ine paid workers for the lbertarlan Party had been :iitumed over to the cliltrlet at- :;;torney for po11lbl1 traud !!because ol lrrefU)arities. " "We don't know what the situation is," he .. id. "People may be giving flctltlous ln- formaUO(l or the workers may be turning In wrong information to make more·money." Jack Dean, chairman or the :tabertarian Party In Orange ·county, said college-aaed re· gistration workers have concen· trated their drive in beach areas from San Clemente to Sunset Beach. He said they were paid 75 cents to Sl.25 per registration. Dean said that beach areas were si.ng)ed out because of the large crowds and rapid turnover. "Some people think it is won- derful fun and treat registration as a joke "We've bad people as young as 13 register u, vote," be said. v · Dean revealed that the re- , gJstratioo drive has shifted re· cently from the beaches to pre· cincta. He said that the Libertarian Party had lniUated the action itself by firing three workers several weeks ago who officlaJs believed were providing phony information. He added. however, that there are very few irregularities and that those already detected by lbe political party may be sur- r.-cin1 oow in the xeJ1,ILrar'a of. flee. Dean •ald that tbe J)Olt o«nee 1 IJ)ay be respooalble for aome ot the alleged discrepancies because or problems In mail de· livery He also said that the re- gistrar's orrice may be con· tribultng to the problem by mak· ing c l eri ca l e rr ors in registration form information. The Libertarians have set a goal of 50,000 voter slgnups in Orange County in their drive to ~ain status on the state ballot. Laguna Hills Sets "Back to School' An Informal "Back to School Night." featuring refreshments and conferences with teachers, will be held in the Laguna Beach High School audJtortum Thurs· day beginning at 7 p.m. Parents and teachers wlll have an opportunity to meet and get acquainted, and those parents whln1 to set up con- ferences with their child's leachen may do so. Jeweky Stolen A Laguna Beach hai.rdneaer told police someone entered ber unlocked home Monday. taking $835 in jewelry. Nancy Pebkoff, 20, of 1001 South Coast H11hway said burglars took nine pieces of ' jewelry and an antique bud vase. . . DAILY PILOT ~ ... Or-C-Delly~,Wltft"'111<ftl•Cbll'OdlM_..._,,,.....,.._.,, ... ()r_ c-1..-hNlltC:-"-t1•H11'-... ,... .. ,._ -.., ......... ,, ....... c;.i. -·-' ....,., _..,...., IMMftl- IAtlftVel,..,,l ........ .._ .. -Clll$wnlC-A '""". ,.,,_....,.",....._s.. ... o..---·· ,,__..., ...... .,..... ........... w _, ... -.c.ou-.co1-• ..--• . .,... .......,. __ _ ...-a.c.rttt Vl(e,., __ c;.,.111--_._ ...... ~-=- Clllftllll.~ ...... ~ .... .... --....-Mwt L.llfllllle ...... Ofllee •7-CMtlM...., OftlMt C.ltM9M' •-M .......... _......, .. Mii' i"ltlHdl...,.._. TlhJlllU ('n4)...._, ce w111.w....i1a:c...,. ~ ........ 0.,. ... .-''''''"' ..... ,._.Ill.. IA -.--~-, -~ ......... 1J'est C'e .. t9 TB Testing Plan Readied West Oranle County area hiifl school administrators· are to unveil plana tonlpt before the board of truateea tor t .. un1 Jnd~blnese retucee studenta for tuberculoa1.s. The "acreenl.ng" plan follows report.t ol an lncreulng number of tuberc:uloeJa cue1 In tbe area and meettn11 between Buntlqton Beach Union HlO School Dlat.rict offtelall and the Oran1e County Realtb Department. Dr. Howard Roop, antstant district auperinteodeat, aald tbe school la setting up a proaram to . determine whether 1tudent1 immierating from Southeast Asia have been tested for the disease following arrival in tbiA country. ma11lve increase or refucees from war·torn Vietnam and Cambodltt bu .resulted In com munlcatlon Hd leanlln1 problems In the diatrtct. He char1ed that the federal government has not funded a program that should be pourtn1 $450 into the dlltrtct for every refu1H atudent. Meanwhile, the 'Qran1e County Board of Supentaon also la seeking federal fuoda to help coot.rol a rapidly lncreaaJn1 number ol tubercuJoels cases in the western portion of the county. Thll paintiJli by Man Ray ii on display to the public at Zurich, Swttaerland. The painting la amona othen in the collection of American artlat William Copley, lnclud· ing canvases by surrealists and contem· porary artists. They will be auctioned by Sotheby's in New York next month. Those who have n't been tested. he said, are expected to be tested under a voluntary plan set Ul> by the district. Approximately 500 Indochinese s tudent s have enrolled in the district's seven hlgb schools, according to Dr. Richard A. Alliman, director of special programs. The Health Department eatlmatea tbat the rate of tuberculosis ls increaalnt and could approach 13 for every 100 ,000 persons In Orange County. up nearly 50 percent from the previous rate. The bl1h 1chool district's board ot trustee• meeta tonight at 1 o'clock at dlatrict headquarters, 5201 Bolaa Ave. ,.....,P.,,eAJ MURDERS •• the fact that three women have been attacked on the past three weekends. The moat recent victim found dead in her Tustin retldence Sunday night waa Debra Jean Kennedy, 24. A week earlier, 20-year-old Diana Green was assaulted in her Tustin apartment. Hens wu the baby who died. 5 Bungee Jumpers Leap From Bridge Dr. Roop said between five and 10 additional students are enrolled every week from SoutheJUt A.ala. Moat ol the enrollment impact is being felt in Weatmlnat.er and Fountain Valley scbool1, he aaid. The district alao Mrves Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. /Frwm P-.e A I PLANE ••• helicopters were fiyina 300 feet below him. police said. A week before that an unidentified Irvine woman waa aasaulted in her apartment. She also survived the attack. One or the issues among investigators has been the coordination or the investigative effort on a multi·jurlsdictionaJ basis. Part or that effort has been an apparenUy unsuccessful uttempt by the detectives to get the sheriffs department to assign a single criminalis t and Jab technician to work on the physical evidence recovered from the crime scenes. That view was disputed this morning by Gates who said his department has been involved in coordinating the investigations "from the start." He a1ao said &be iasue of the crtmlnaliat and lab •b.nidu .... coatuaed" ~ tbe taet tbat bis crime lab WOl'ken eacll-have •specialty. "lt'a extremely difficult to have one criminalist work on one situation because each has hi s own expertise On e criminalist may start on an investigation, bu( a nother will come in ii he has the knowledge required for a given analysis," Gates said. College Sets Jazz Concert A jau concert featuring the Ron Eschete Trio and High Mileage takes place Wednesday, In Saddleback College's Fine Art.a Theater. The show will begin at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $4 and S3 for ASB and Gold Card holders. Tickets are on sale at the col· lege'a Fine Arts Box Office from 10 a:m . t o 2 p .m . Monday through 1'riday. For reserva· tions, phone 831-4656 or 495-2790. Tape in Court SAN Fft.ANtISCO (AP> -A British quintet dubbed the "Buncee Jumpers" leaped off the Golden Gate Bridge -then snapped back to safety thank.a to thick rubber bands that stopped them short of San Francisco Bay. When the five -four men decked out ln form al morning and top hats and a woman - YO·Yoed from the rust-colored bridae Monday was about as clear u the fog that often wraps luelf around the span's towers. A sixth comrade didn't get a chance to jump the 220 feet because he got tangled in his harness. Three of the jumpers, who were picked up by the Coast Guard, were eventually cited by the California Highway Patrol for tres passing on the bridge cables Two more escaped in a private Employees Get Pay Hikes At Saddleback Saddleback College trustees Ol'J>rOved a 'T percent pay tuke Monday for about 250 manage· ment and non ·teachin g employees The pay raise for the school's clerical, custodial and all management employees except Superintendent Robert Lom· bardi and his two assistants will cost taxpayers $475,000 this year. Lombardi and his assistant are hired under a separate. con· tract with the board or trustees. Meanwhile, the college's 2SO teachers remain at impasse with negotiators for the board after the instructors' association re· Jected a 7 percent wage ofler. T eac h e r s and b ~a rd necoliators met last week with a state·appointed mediator in an effort to break tbe current im· paase. A similar meeting with the mediator is set for next week. Voice From Grave Accuses Rapist BREVARD, N .C. <AP) - Three days after abe kllled herself, the aneuiabed volce or Rebecca Coleman crfed out lo a Transylvania County courtroom, condemninc the man accused or rapine her-a.nd klllln1 ber friend. After bearing the dead woman'• taped statement Monday, Judie Robert Lewis gave Ronald Felix Brewer, 35, of ~· life plUI 2lO yean in Brewer plHded 1ullty to ueond·~ree murder and ,..ad, a deadly weapon •ith-lnt.nt to klll under a ~·-~ asnemeat. Darllul a Jane a campllli tnp, Mn. Ooreman, 29, waa lbot ela,ht times. Sbe told police Brewer r81*1 bet alaln and a1atn. Her c9mpaaloa, Lyra Ro1amond If cC~i!:i WM lhot to death ud al.lo r , police 1aJd. )lr1. Coleman, a 1oclal worbr, 'WM found dead In her bed at Mr A•la••lll• home rrlday, GM clQ after detdve R•bert BroWD remlllded b•r tbat Bnww'• trial would ltart lloMa)' Mrs. Coleman's hus band, Glenn, said s he had been depressed s!nce the attack. A .22-caliber revolver was found ln the bedroom. Brown said her death came as no surprise. She "was just dreadin& the trial. She just dreaded that she had to go through it. New Manager To Give Talk La1una BHcb'a new city mana1er Kenneth Frank will ad· dre11 the chamber of commefC!e. durla1 a breakfast meetln1 Wedneeday at the Hotel Lacuna. Frank, a former usl1tant to the city mana1er of Berkeley, replaced FrM Solomon u City Manaser l"t mootb. Chamber mtmben will bave an opportunlty to meet t.be. new clt1 m.,,..... and ask que1tlou. Cott al .... bNUf .. t IDettinl 11 '1.IO and IDMM*f chamber mtmMn cu caD ta. chamber at 4M-10l8 for reeenatloGI. ..._.._ ------" ---,. . --.... -- boat, authorities said. But the high.spirited band apparently intend to let the citations bounce a nd plan to return to Eng.land today. When the jumpers quit bobbing at the end of their elastic. or bunaee cords, they let themselves down on ropes. The awesome stunt from the spectacular auapension bridge istartled hundreds of commuters heading to work from Mario County. The leapers offered the Coast Guard a variety of reasons for the hijink.s that didn't seem to hold waler -to honor Columbus on bis day, to raise money for charity were two. The stunt was well planned since photographers from a London newspaper flew to San Francis co. th ey said , specifically to record the leaps The cameramen said the group were members of an elite club that has done one previous jump off the Clifton Suspension Brid&e at Bristol, lo Enalarvt's w •t Count.r')'. The Jumpen were klenWled u David Klrke, 34, the leader· Janie Wilmot, 38; Peter Carew' 26: Simon Keelling and Ala~ Weston. Christo pher Hiatt Baker. 25, got tangled and dJd not jump New Rule Sought STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP 1 -Cent er Party leader Thorbjorn Falldin -the big loser in the general election last month -was asked today to try to form a new non·sociallst coalition government. Last month. Altimarl told distrJct truatees tbat the Market Drops Over Interest Rate Surge From AP Dtapatcbe1 The stock market dropped sharply in heavy trading today, faced with spiraling inte rest rates. Gold rose sha rply and the dollar al.so gained. The Dow Jones ave511e ol 30 Industrials. off 13.$7 points Monday, Jost another 17.M to SM.38 a:fter four hours of lradlnl today. Tbe tally of "lew York Stock hduma:e-tiaed lAuea lbowed mon th.an 1.eoo declln1D1 wtaile las Uwl 100 advanced after tbe fourboun. SeveraJ major banb acrou the country announced this morning that they were raising their prime lending rates from 13 l'l to 14"'2percent lfle unusual1ncrease oT a full p e rcentage point . whi c h followed credlt·tightenang moves by Lhe Federal Reserve over the weekend, came as somethmg of a s hock to Wall Street Analysb said interest rates had been expected to rise but not so rapidly. The sportsman's time has come. It's Rolex. Space was cle-.rect for the pilot to aet down at LaGuardla. but police said he refu.aed. At one point, the pilot was reported to have saJd, "if you're going to shoot me down, aboot me down into the water," p0Uce Capt . Matthew Coyle said. Police said they bad no intention or ahootlng the plane down. Meanwhile, a spokesman at the New York Post said the newspaper received a tape cassette from the pilot. The spokesman did not say what was on that cassette. hut ~a id that pollr l' we re 1n the Ot'wspapt-r'.., ofrtcf' li stening to tht' !apt· a nd questioning th.- µa pt·r ., editors Travel Film In SC Tonif!ht The first tn a series or five travel film~ will be screened tonight at 8 o'clock in an effort by San Clemente Rotary Club membera to a\ae fund1 for charity. The films will be shown each Tuesday at the San Clemente Com muruty Clubhouse at 2 30 and 8 p m The clubhouse ts located nea r the corner of .\ \'t'n1da Del Mar 11nd Calle $<•\ lllt' Tonight's film is about travel 1ng throug h 1"1nl a nd and Lapland Adm1~s1on for all fi ve films is Sl2 Other films will pre· sent scenes from Greece. British Columbia, the Alps and the South Seas For informa tion, call 496·9323. Incredible sport watches from Rolex. Each in stainless steel with a matching bracelet, they have the accuracy, durability, and features the sportsman demand . A. The Submariner, 11895. B. The Daytona, '950. C. The GMT Master, 185(), SLA.VICK'S Fine Jewelen Since lfl7 Fa1blon l1land, Newport Cesattr, NewpOrt Beach I (714) 144·1380 4 Ot.ber Locat.ion11 Weatmlm• llaU, Lepaa ffllll Mall, Orante. Cetrltoa Aleo 01'9.W Loe A.Dael• I SM D1t10 I Lal Vecu u .. _.,...,,....__........,..,._.~..,_ v.. •--Olllrlt lftt11ber ,_, J...,.,.. GtdJd I ,. ' I l I ' I . NATION I WORLD What Bandleap? Dtmrfe Strive for lffn:lkntandirig HAU.ANDA.Ls. na. <AP> -No......,t.Maa .. ....._ old.,.. Mr ........ Jd b)' •• lacurable _l1P• of dwaJftlm. ll·J'Ml"'Old lJ.llda Browa ..._.of Gae day ............... "'°"-"pro. blema. "You ean ait arouacl and fMl Mn)' for yowMJI O&' YOU caa a« out and be bappy," 1a11 Ule doll·eblld who meu\nl only • lnebH t.aU ud wellbl one pound per lncb. BE a IWBBL Y voice and abarp i.ntelUaence belie her ate and the yea.rs of pain tbat have confined her lo a wbeelcbalr -perhaps for llfe. But there Is no sadness wben she tells about her more than 100 boae fractures and U m-.Jor operations to imert rods into her boMS in hopes of making them grow. Linda doesn 'l consider herself particularly brave and courageous. She says she is no different from other dwarfs, who ask onJy for the opporturuty to lead produc- tive lives and be aC'cepted as human beings "I KNO\\' l'D ~ke to help people who have problems," says the youngster, an avid reader who admits to being a TV soap opera addict. "Perhaps I 'll b e a psychologist , but I'm nol sure yet." Linda already is an in· spiration to the 40-some members of the South Florida Mini-Gators, a group of dwarfs who get together once a month to discuss the problems of living in a world of giants "It hurts when people com pare us to 'normal' people," says Bill Albaugh, who at 51 ts 4-foot-7 and weighs 135 pounds. He and his wife, Marie, 3. l oot-11, don't have enough growth hormones. "WE CALL ourselves 'lit tie people,• and those who don't have our affllcUorui are 'average aize' people, but we're all 'normal,• " Albaugh says. The Mini-Gators believe th"ere would be better un- derstanding if •average si~e· people knew about the dis· comforts and inconveniences dwarfs must endure tn da11y living. ''Most of us can't reach a public telephone," says Ed Lang, the 31-year·old sports editor or a Mi ami Beach newspaper who gets around on crutches or in a wheelchair Long, like Linda, suffers from osteogenesis In· p e rfecta. a calcium SHE'S AN INSPIRATION Linda Brown Holds Pet Hamiter phos phorus imbalance that causes brittle bones HIS WIFE, Pat, suffers the sa me malad y that has caused 70 bone fractures Despite the walker she uses to get around. the 3·foot-5 Mrs. Lang does he r own housework, cooks, drives her car with pedal extensions and works fulJtime as a book· keeper. Both the Albaughs and the Langs live in houses that look no. different out.aide or inside from thos e of tb"lr n eighbors.• In general. dwarfs do not use miniature furniture or make plumbing adjustments to accommodate their small bodies. "Most• or our friends are average size." says Mrs. Lang.., "BESIDES," ADDS her husband. "making drastic alterations would depreciate the property value. With only one out of every 10,000 births being a little person, that sort of limits the market.·· ·'Clothing is the biggest problem for us women." says Dorothy Lewis, 38, who stands 4 feel tall and weighs 126 pounds. She has acondraplasia. a bone deformity. Such dwarfs have average size torsos. but the bones from the hap to the ankle and from the shoulder to the wrist are stunted. The Mini-Gators. started by Albaugh eight years ago as a chapter of the national Little People of America or· gan ization, includes five children and their parents. "Young little people are called 'little llWe people.· •• says Albaugh AT TKE MONTHLY meet- ings. Landa searcbe8 out Amy Collard, 11. whose 3- f oot-9 height and 60-pound weieht hasn't hampered her from belng a Girl Scout with plenty of merit badges for such things as camping, hlk- ing and swimming. She has back and leg pro- blems caused by her acon- d r a pl as1 a and reluctantly wears leg braces. Linda, who is tutored at home, goes to movies, the beach, picnics and shops with h e r 14 yea r -old, average-size sister . Kathy Gold Craze Ups Stocks Mining Shares Soar at Spokane Exchange SPOKANE. Wash. CAP ) - The action has been feverish lately at the Spokane Stock Ex- change as brokers in business suits and oldtimers in catskinner boots trade shares at the na· lion's oldest and largest mining exchange. It's all because of the soaring price of precious metals. Gold, which topped $400 an ounce late last month, ls about 80 percent higher than at the beginning of the year and the price or silver bas tripled. ''IT'S CRAZY," SAID Ben Harrison, lbe secretary of the excbaqe. He said he's never seen such activity in bis 50 years in the mining business Volume jumped by 20 percent during one wtek last month. Prices are btper than they've been in a de- cade. Kore than 100 stocks wllb names auch aa Amazon Dixie, Fourth of July, Bullion Lode, Lucty star and mci-SU1'1>ft9e are traded on th• exebaqe. Tbey. are mining enterprlaes in , _ t.be bl1la and ya.IJeya and moGn· taiM of tbe Weet. and their at.ock often ..US fw peanlea a lbue. TllS ftAD8U M08TLY an stock ........ buJiq and Mllint for 1omebod1 ehe. But • weetbered oldtlmen allo pua tM time by keeplq an eye on • tbe tradlnc, watcbln• for the dluee to ride a rillnl Ude to a ~of.ad. ll.C ~ atocb aUll ba- 91D't ....... ~tbe peak.a bit cha· .......... wheiD tbe federal • .......-lifted tbe e.1Un1 ~-......... Butbn*ertNY tM1 ~ ...... ,.,off. ..,._, ta. ......... UDder- I ground silver mine in the coun· try. sold for $26.80 a share in the spring of 1968. For much of this summer, it sold for about $13 a share. Now it's up to $19. THE EXCHANGE OPENED Jan. 18, 1897 as a marketplace for trading stocks of locally financed companies striking it rich in the southern British Columbia. In the closing years of the last century, gold, silver, copper and lead deposits were discovered in eastern Washington. Soon, zinc and lead mines were opened not far away. And the richest min· Kuwait Hikes Price of Oil By 10 Percent KUWAIT <AP) -Kuwait raised the price of oil b[ 10 per- cent to $2'1.43 per barre , the Oil Ministry announced today. The increase is ~etroactlve to Oct. 1, and Kuwait's oil client.a have been informed, the m1Diltry added. KVW"1f, WBlcB procb1C981 an .e1t.lmatod2million barrels a day, had beed charstna $19.49. The Kuwalt-prfce aUU remains under the ceillnt of SU.GO per bar· rel aet bf the Or1anlaaUon or lJetroleum Export.int Countries. SOU PF 111£ major buyen affected by the tncreaae we Gull OU Co.. BrtU.b Petroleum and Shell. ing district in the country was discovered 70 miles cast or Spokane. in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Since 1884, this district has produced more than $3.3 billion worth or silver. lead, zinc. copper and gold. Cinderella s tories abound Like the Lucky Friday mme. It was worked in the 1890s. but owners closed it, thinking they'd come to the end of a vein. Forty years later, claims were bought up and stock was sold to raise development money. A share sold for a nickel. MINERS PROBED THE claim but found nothing. The stock dropped to just over 2 cents a sha re . One Spokane railroad engineer is said to have spent his Ufe savings of $500 oo the stock, an investment be later parlayed into a $1.5 million jackpot. Since 1940. Lueky Friday. situated near Mullan. Idaho. bas yielded more than $100 million In silver. ''Thls ls the beginning of the biggest boom ever in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District," says Harry ·F. Magma.IOU of Wallace, Idaho, one of the dialrict's most active ml.nln1 men. HI: PllEDICl'ED THAT pro- duction of precious metala tbls year would far exceed last year's value of $153.4 million. Geolopata say there la as much unm1ned metal in lbe dis· ttlct as bu ~n mined over the put 95 years, Macnuaon said. "The record met.al pricea a.re expected to .attract operating companlee to besln new explora- Uoa and development work at botb prodKinS mln•• and pro- 1pecta." , T~. Oct<>b9r 9, 1979 DAILY PILOT 12Area Sa~t Unveils ·Mummy; Firms c· ( · .. _.,, . ,.-, r 1tes n:nc1ent .1. ·reaty · : H.orw-red CAIRO. Eapt (AP> -President mummy room on the lecc:Dd ~ Twelve area com · AnwarSadatunvelJedU.eiuwnmyof but Sadat· Indicated tbe lll'7-~ panles wtll receive Ramses ll, a Pharaoh who signed the might be moved. --,. awards for hiring tbe Ont recorded Mideast peace pact The director ot the anUqulUes diJ. handicapped during a mor.e than 3.200 year• ago. partment aald Sadat bad ordered ' luncheon at The Catch In Trumpets sounded a salute for the study on the poealbiUty of buUd1aa t Anaheim on Wednesday. dead Monday as Sadat removed the separate museum for the mummies. Tbe luncheon ls beinc blue-and·gold velvet covering 1 presented by the Orange emblazoned with a lotus flower from AS SADAT READ the anclenl County Committee for the showcase holding the preserved peace treaty, be nodded bis bead and t.he Employment ot the body of one of Egypt's most famous sald "Good, gOod." The two ancienl Handicapped in ob-kin1s. rulers pledged, in words reminiscent servaoce of 'National of the Egyptian-Israeli pact : "Tber4 Hire the Handicap THE CEREMONY, IN the Egyp-shall !'?o hostilities betweed Week. Uan museum in central Cairo, marks them ... Recipients Qf the the fi rst public display of the royal Ramses II is in an incubator-Wet awards were selected by mummy since it was flown to France · display case, s upplied with pure five job p I ace men t three years ago for treatment of filtered alr via a tube booked up to a counselors on the basis fungus and parasites that were battery-powered generator to protect of the employment and gradually destroying it. it from damage. Most of the mum· continuing interest in "I am happy ... I have seen the mies. Lnclud.ing Ramses, have been hiring persons with kiog and the first treaty between an the museum since being unearthed learning or developmen-Egypt and its neighbors where the in Upper Egypt late in the 19th cen· tal disabilities. word peace and brotherhood has tury. 1 Orange Coa"'t com been mentioned." Sadat told re· " · Ramses was taken to Paris where panies receiving awards porters. a bout 80 scholars ranging frofll are Moore-Matic West. The ancient pact. a copy of which nuclear scientists to cosmetic ex, Dal-Corning n..thalm1·cs 1s displayed near th.e mummy, was ~,, perts treated the ancient. i.;.... for and the Los Angeles signed by Ramses II and the Hlttite ~ Times of Costa Mesa; King Hattusas. who ruled an empire fungus, bacteria and parasites. The Centrililt a nd Burger in what ls now Turkey. The treaty treatment lasted seven months. King of Huntington ended two deeades of fighting over Beach: Printronz and the land of Palestine. much as the M e m o r e x ;Egyptian·lsraeli peace treaty signed Precision Plastics of m March ended 30 years of conflict. Irvine : PD .R Corporation or Laguna H~lls.: Burger King of M1ss1on VieJo : Pacifi<' Mutual and Cask ·n Cleaver o f Newport Bea<'h : and American D e lphi ln <'., of Westmuuster RAMSES II. A KING noted for building giant statues of himself throughout Egypt. is the star or the Cairo museum's mummy collect10n whiC'h numbers about 30 kin~!>: queens and other royalty AFTER rrs RETlJRN, the ancient king was kept for more than tw~ years tn a corridor screened off frorq public view be<:ause of a rash of orange spots that mysteriously &J>: peared on the glass o f the neo,,y showcase More than a half-million tounsts a year v1s1t the museum and 1Lc; !>pec1al Museum offac1a b said the spots ap. pcared wtwn gamma ray!> were used to mould the gla!>., to the case and added the "mummy 1!> in perfect con· dil1on ·· NEW HIGH RATES NEW . .-,LOW '!• MINIMUMS Now you can have real flexibility-and convenience in your total savings program. Our new Universal Treasury Certificate lets you earn high returns based on US. Treasury rates for as little as s 100. · Universal offers a wide ratlge ·of other high-yield certificate accounts for the same low S JOO minimum deposit. There's one that's just right for you. Passbook convenience is yours. too. at our new high 5.50% current annual rate. Open yours today. s 10 does it. We ·11 transfer your funds to the account of your choice at no cost to you when you bring your passbook or maturing certificate from any other finan- cial institution. rt J.-rJI lt'•IUIJl•r·n~ I• lu•1 1· 'Ub'''"l•J' or1f•·1· 't I • n , '••,I ,,• 111\ ... nhJr.iwdl from ct•rt1f1C.ite J(COunt~ r~~;;;:e~~~;;~ § MONEY MAR~ET ~ FREE BLOOD PRESSURE TEST ~ CERTIRCATES! ~ § RATES ARE QUOTED WEEKLY. § Protect your health with regular. periodic blood pressure check-ups. They"re free at all Universal Savings offices during regu- lar business hours. ~.;>l<</"..Q>C.'7>!-<:?><.(;n.<:~~'>!b'Mb..,O,~~~ " FREE! Bring this ad in for your copy! We'd like to get to know you, and we have a~ gift for you. It's Better Homes end Gardens' "Crafts From Around the World." Here's a kaleido- scope of great projects, designed especially fqr yQu by one of America's most talented designers. There are projects for every room in your home, with 34 beautiful color photo- graphs ·and fail-safe how-to directions. Regardless of your degree of craft expert- 1se, you'll find the projects in this book rewarding and fun to make. One gift per fomily. Adults only. please. Remember to bring this ad for your copy. I 1 t • • ' ' ' I c.)E1 .. , _....~· ..._, .. Robet't N. WtiedJPuOllWf' ~IWNI keevll/EdUor ; • oranooeoa51oa11yPt1ot ~ .. t~ .-n..ne OM.V""-C>T Tueedfr.OctoWt.1m a.rt>are1Crwlb4c"1Edttott.,,...£e1ttot ·-° ::::~ .. ~ ......................................................................... ml!lll!I .... : • New Vote System, Promises Speedup After yun of deUbttaUon and besltaUon, Or&n10 County .. rvtaon have lected a new voUn.1 ayatem to replacothea,aingCoJeman·Gyrex el dJon equipment. The deciiloG to lect Valttt VotiJla Sntema. which manufactures and usemblea lb machlnea ln Coata M a. a.ppears to be a aooct one. • Tbe COtnpany promlaea to have complete voUna re· suit& tabulated within four hours at'te r the booths close. It t akes up lo 13 hours under the present 1y1tem. · The system also ls expected to be cheaper to operate than the Coleman·Gyrex. ll wW co.t an estlmated $1.48 million for next year's primary and 1eneraJ electloo.a, compared wtth an esthnated $1 7 million If the older method were maintained. Another key feature wUJ be sunpllclty. Candidates and issues will be Usted on a 31-•·lnch wide computer card. Voters will make choices with a felt-t.Jp marking pen. Vallee officials say their system also w1U be easy to audit . either manually or by machines at a central loca- tion. Jn response to concerns voiced by Supervisor Edison Miller that the computer ballot feeder system has not proved itself in elections, supervisors went a long with his recommendation for a lease·with-option·to·buy agreement rather than outright purchase. • In all, the selection of Vallee appear s to be a good one. Just how good we'll know after next year's elections. Pay Freeze Costly A freeze put on top management salaries three years ago by the Orange County Board of Supervisors appears to have outlived its usefulness. The reason for that is about six key county managers, including District Attorney Cecil Hicks and County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas, have gone three years without pay raises. With inflation being what it is, that means those top managers have lost at least 20 percent of their annual in· come to inflation. In the meantime, their subordinates have been given annual cost-of-living pay hikes and, in some instances, have gone by their bosses in earnings. Hicks, for exam- ple, has two subordinates who now earn more money than he That doesn't ma ke much sense when you consider the job weight carried by the top men. In fairnl•ss to the county supervisors who invoked lhe man;,igcment ~ala ry frt·ezc. they. too, have gone without pay ra1sl's for th<· µast three fiscal years. But CAO Thomas· n·c:ent bid for a job in Arizona is an indJcation that the tight rein he ld on a few manage- ment salaries may be penny wise and pound foolish . Supervisors should re-examine their policy and make certain that it isn 't more a liability than aSJet to sound county government. Trans-AtlaiJ.tic Warning Winston S. Churchill. grandson of Britain's most honored statesman, had some words of warning for the Western world when he spoke at UC Irvine last week - words tht.1l uncomfortably revived memories of his grandfothcr·~ unhl'eded warnings prior to World War II The youngC'r Churchill was not pushing any panic button~. But he made it clear that the current imbalance of military power. resulting from the enormous Soviet build- up in recent times. is putting Western Europe, hence the rest of the free world, in a precarious position. Churchill claimed that the Soviets outnumber NATO forc<>s in Western Europe nearly four to one in strategic weapons. And that the issue of Soviet troops in Cuba, while not in itself an immediate threat, ls a sympton of an increas· ingly aggressive Soviet stance. This does not mean anyone is about to declare a war. But if the Soviets are confident -and they seem to be-that the Western nations are unwilling or unable to resist any al- t.empt to push them around, there's little doubt they will use their inf erred power to lean heavily on Western Europe. The .. leaning" could be social, political or economic, rather than military, but the threat is there, nonetheless. And the eventual outcome is not pleasant to contemplate. One m ust conclude, with Churchill, that the Western nations must see to r earming themselves at least to a point where the Soviets will have to think twice before further testing their new power . • Opln1ons expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views eipressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is 1nv1ted. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321 . Boyd/ Athletes Conalder two athletes. a man and a woman, wbo run a six-mile race in equal time. If they 1'8ce over only one mile, the man invariably will win. If they race over 26 miles, the woman invariably will wt:o. Such is the claim of those medlcoes who deal with 1porta ftpres. Q. "Why is 'island' spelled with an 's' io it. but pro- nounced u though it bad no •1'?" Dear Gloomy Gll8 Maybe Nixon will be able to buy a con· dom1ahaD la~- /" HELPFUL ....... , ... __. . .,.. ..... ii!EV.:i.~ A. ll was spelled 'ilaod' for ' its first 900 years, and so pro- no u o c e d. Theo some wiseacre decided it was a contraction of "tale-land" and put in that "s." By 300 years ago, the "island" spell- ing had taken hold, but the old pronunciation remained. Q. "What's the average weight of Japanese sumo ~ wrestlers?" A. About 310 pounds would be typl~aJ. though that's not a preclae av~aae. lncldeo· tally. do you lmow thole btc boys tn.tn OD beer? Q. "How deep la tho lee that coven Greenland?" A. Avera10 deptb, 5,000 feet. To qualify for a bllh school dJploma in New York State. the student hu to be able to read at th• lourth·tndt level. What we call "press cllp- ptn11 • • art referred to tn Great Britain u "preaa cut· lln1s." ., Jack AnCI non ~ 'Moonshining' Made Official •• .. ,,. ... W ASHINOTON -For yeara we bave been calllna for alcobol fuel to taH UM aborta.ce at the 1•• pumpe. Our a,..ume.nta were enthu.aluUcally debunked by the oil compaoJea, wb.kh lnslat.ed that /roducUon ot alcohol fuel woul be too coetly to compete with peU'Oleum. But now that gasoline bas reached $1 and more per galloo, a lcohol fuel baa attained a new reapec· tabUity. Even tbe oil com· panles are ginaerly test· marketing' gasohol . a mixture of gasoline with up to 10 per· cent alcohol. which can be used ln most cars without any adjust- ments. And the federal govern· ment. a.It.er years of sniffing di.a· dalnlulJy at lbe wboJe 'dea, i.a ·11vm1 aleobol fud modelt eo· coura1emeot. U A llEAStraE of alcohol fuel's aew 1tatua, Jt bu now been elven formal recognJ.Uoo In the IJ"OWI of academe. O>lby Co mmunlty Collece. ln northwestern Kansas. b as become the flnt. tnaUtuUon ot hlC)Mr ~ to offer a coune lo the once-acorned art of mooaablnloi. Our tn..boule 1aaobol expert, Hal Bemtoo, drove b1a battered antique Pontiac out to Colby last month 8Dd enrolled in the week- looc semin.at oo alcohol fuel pro- duction. The Colby course in moonshln- i ng is the brainchild of a South Dakota still designer. Dr. Paul Middaugh. who realized that there was a desperate lack or practical information on the pro- duction of fuel.grade alcohol. The respoue baa proved him rlcbt. Scoru of tarmera, c h eml1t1, en1ineer1 and busine11men. from u far away as Oreion. Plortda and even Italy, are beat.int a path to the tiny campus in the dry western plalna. Mldd.aueb'• or18fnal Idea was to ofter lnat:ruetloo to fUtDen who want to make a cHh '"crop"' out of a1rlcultural alcohol. With the widespread lack of know·bow. ny-by·DiPt operaton bave been peddling poorly designed atWa to unwary f81'mers. But Crom the very first sem inar last Au1u1t. pro· ressionaJ men from the city have joined their country cousln.s in Middaugb"s classroom. &!mt.on and bis classmates were put through an intensive 42 hours of lectures. lab work and on-site in· spect.ioo of a small working still on the edge of Lown. 'Wtll,"IT'S ~ILL WIND ... " AS™t'<SAY!' . . The fac ulty included pro· resaors. e ngineers and still builders, and they dealt with everythtnl from mlcroblo&ocY to • farm economics. Our repotter spent b1a fint evening at Colby · huddled over a Bunsen burner • with three of his classmates. · breakine down a small bat.ch of com starch into the simple sug· ars needed for alcohol ferment&· • lion. When the mlxlure coo&ed, a dub of yeast wu added and it. ~ was put on a ahell to rennent. • • Two daya lat.er. the bubbly ~ mash was p assed through a ; laboratory still to produce a po-·• t.ent 191-proof alcohol -which · was then dumped lnto the gas • tank of Bemt.on's Pontiac. ·-.. MAKING ALCOHOL on a large scale is of course not as simple as juggling a few test • tu bes in a school laboratory. And m ract the small still our re- porter's clas~ toured in Colby wasn't operating at the desired efficiency. But a great amount or re· search is being devoted to the design ol small-scale stills. and -· t he technology can be expected • to improve dramatically under · the spur of increasing demand • ' -and ever-rising gasoline prices. James McF aden. a retired of- ficial of the Treasury Depart· • ment's alcohol, tobacco and firearms bureau. t.old t.he class at Colby t.hat new government regulations. still being drafted. will si mplify the complicated pr()('edure for alcohol-di.atilling ... permits And the Ener gy Department. after years or foot-dragging. is finally moving to e ncour age farmyard distilleries by provid- ing grants to otber community co lleges for a l cohol fuel seminars like Colby's. Thanks to the greedy 01 1 mogul.s, the fine old Amencan craft of moonshirung is at la:.I moving oot or the backwood, on to M aln Stretc>t libertarian Platf orrn Covers the Field The efforts to form a thlrd political party invariably warm up as each presidential election approaches. For t.he most part. they are put rortb by a dissident member or one party or the other whose aspirations to cap· ture the nomination of his own party have bombed out. It is then he suddenly perceives the need for a new party This of cou~ was the 1mpelu'> for Theodore Roosevelt's boll lo t h e "B ull Moose" party JO 1912 and that of George W a l lac e's third party in 1968. Th ose with good m e mories will reca l l that Ronald Reagan toyed with the Idea of starting a third party movement in bis earlier bid for the pres- idency. But the lat.est serious drive to put together something more than a token opposition party is that l aunc h ed by the Charles McCabe Llbertartans who formed Their party in 1972. And their drive 1~ not tbe result or some indJvidual presidential hopeful losing out in a major party. Rat.her. their party has been founded upon strong Ideologies which combine a strange blend or liberalism with conser vatism To further their cause. the Libertarians have alreadv held their presidential convent~n and nominated their cand1datC' lie is Ed Clark. a Los Angeles allorney wbosc zeal 1s for thl! cause rather than an amb1t1on to be President. NEVERTHELESS. Clark hopes to get his party on the ballot or at least 45 stales Ir not a ll 50 in next year 's presidential race. Considering the pa rty managed to place in 32 stat.es in 1976. Clark's goal is not beyond reach. His second hope however may be far more difficult. That 1s to be included in national television debates betweeo• major party candidates. "If I am permitted to debat.e. IC I could get a chance to talk • face to face with the Amencan people. l trunk our tot.al vote would surprise everyone, .. he told the cooventlon. THERE IS small doubt that Clark 1s 100 percent corre<.'t in hi s a~sessme nl or what na t1on~1dt' exposure would do for the L1bert.araan:. For thE'1r '\land on tJXalJQn IS bound to l'aptun· the ma1ority or the voter' · Wr're !.1<.'k of thPm w.-·n· reJdy for another big tea pan~ :ind this lime 1t won t be JUSl in Bos ton .. Actually Clark's tax platform proposes massive cuts "'t.hat will make sense to the Amencan people ·· One can assume these are sound proposals ror two of the guiding advisors on economy for the Libertarians are Nobel prize winners Milt.on Fnedman and Frieden ch von Hayek. If Clark's tax stand is ultra· conservatis m . so too Is has foreign policy which 1s simply .. non-intervention ... And the Libertarians• st.and agai ns t t h e government's fo reign involvement is mild com p"red Lo their antipathy to its meddling lD the affairs oft.he citizens The party opposes welfare payments. soclal security and rent controls. fl would abolish public schools a nd dismantle the FBI. CIA . Border Patrol and mo~l re~ • ulatr>n ;i~eOC'I{'<;. :ind eltmanati- ~ovt·rnml·nt 1ntl'dl·rcncc ~1th the frl'e mJrkct SO •'AB its appeal to the con· c;en atJves 1s far greater than lo the liberals but. . . L1 bertarians also want to deamunalize t.he use or drug~. prostitution and gambling. .. It's time to put an end to these laws. 1t 's time to recognize that regulation of a person's lifestyle creat es crime a nd creates human suffering," he said The pa rty also opposes the : drart and laws restricting abor· : t1ons . With a platform like this the ; voters can hardly claim that they : have no alternative to t he • ··me-too'' isms of the Democrats : and Republicans. • Census Head Count to Increase Illegals' Clout? .. Contrariwise." continued Tweedl«lee. "if It wcu 10. at miQht be; and if it i«re so. it would ~; but a1 it iln't, it ain't. Thal'• logic." Throagb Ute Looldnl Gius We were talkin g recently about illegal residents in this country, by which we mean Mexicans nearly enUre ly. using thel r "political clout" - something that arises simply Crom the fact that they exlAt here Ulegally. By an Improbable. truly Won· derland, solution. the CaUfomia Legislature is "poised" to g r a n t p o l itical represents· lion in lhe 1981 l eg - islative r e· a p portlon- m e nt. and then use the illerals In a bid for more congressional seat.a ln 1984 and a larger number of prealdentlal elector s ln t hat year. -1F TIDS wer. to work, the efC•ct.a could change the face of American Ure. lo tht. state the pretence of l•l•l and t11e1al Mexlcuw bu transformed the PoUUca of Southern Call/omia. Chicano power baa won the ma.riled auenUon of Governor Brown. ffow would the census bead count work . in the unlikely event the illegals submitted to 1t " Census fi gures are the basis for representation in the House of Representatives and tbe state legislatures. It takes a half· million people to form a con- g r eu l on a I district of the California state delegation. Half that number forms an Assembly dlatrict. IN NEXT year's head count Illegals will count just as much as citizens. Though they are non·cithens, the argument runs that as a practical matter. pollticlans who r e present d.latrict.s with large amounts of aliens will tend to represent t.betr interest.a. Why this follows, I do not exactly see. Jn the event mOll, poll ti clam elected I rom these distrtcta would be Democratl. slnce this party ls sUU perceived aa repreHDtinl tho i.ntereata of the poor. There are a ll• t orts ot eaUmatet of tbe number of Mex· leant and other tue1a11 ln th1.a covntry. They ran1e from a low of 2 mllUon to a conventlonaUy accepted e mllUoa to e Jllilllon, to the wild eJtlmate of the En· vlronmental Fund, a WHblnaton·bHed trour..::· cemed wttb populatloa , t.bat illetala account for about CT percent of t.be natJon '• toUI pos>.aletlon oowt.ts, 1'ttll ltfal I , 1 mm I grants adding another 12 percent. Whatever their number. they s h o uld b e tr eate d compa."8ionat.ely by t.his country. After considerable thought and some wavering on the matter I go along wit.h P resident Carter's 1977 proposal to graot amnesty to illegals. Ca rte r would have a mnesty granted to pre-970 arrval.s. I would raise the ante on that. I think amnesty should be gTant· ed to all t.bo5o who were ln t.be country three years before the ''You'D :C-no Jut .•· \ amnesty legislation went into : law. I would a1ao go along with : Carter and Impose penalties on · employers who hire illegals. But. It is only logical that ii-: legals covered by any amnesty · legislation should also be uked · to become American cltfzens. · Here we may come in for a great surprise. TO BECOME an American. a Mexican would have to stand up a nd renoun ce M exican ' citizenship and allegiance. My guess Is that two out of rive Mex- icans. faced with that decision, would opt to remaln Mexican. And lhla may be a conservative estimate. The status of law on the sub- ject la now muterl.v lnactiocl. The Carter propoula didn't enn reach the hearln1 ata1e ln W asblnaton thlt year. Tboee wbo follow such Wna say the whole tbin1 will tofter aloq another two 1•"'• before anythtnc happen1. Meanwhile Wonderland penia&a. The. only way outt.~ppa...U,, l1 Senator Edward •· Keaaecly. the 1.-r ot tbe liberal MCUoa of the Democratic Party, and chairman of lb• Senate Jud.lclUT Committee. ft.let. will make_..... Wesu 11 llDd when tbe)' an m•. U_ ,au"ft p& ur ldlM,~ 1'dte TeddJ, He. eould be prodded lnto acUoa. ..,_...._.. ___ -- VOL~ 12, NO. 211. 3 SECTIONS, SO PAGES . to 'Tighten ·Purse Strings' WASHINGTON (AP> -Pnll· deat Carter eadoraed the Pedtnl l•1ne Board'• ~l moeey poUdes Ulla aft.-.ooa ud Mkl ta-1rill live top priority to ~ ..,._tlon even 1f it burta bl.In poUtkally. "Tbere is no doubt in my mind," carter 10ld • naUocWly broadcast news conference, " ... the No. 1 threat to our na- tional eaJnOCDY ls LnfJat.ion. " 16th Notln& tbat tbe Peder1i s ... ne lloan1 11 an ......_. deal ..-CY. Ca.&Vr newr\be. lea• ¥Gleed hll aanemeDt with lbe board'• action laal week raialnc It.a bank lend.inc rate a full petteat.aae point to 12 per· cent. "Whatever it takes to control inflaUon, that's what 1 will do," the president said. Carter said a major factor in ST DlltrNtl ........... ANNEX OF TRIANQLt-aEFORE NEWPORT COUNCIL MHnwhle. CouftlJ ~ Anolher Dewelopment ' Orange County planning com· ave ap ove a i high density residential develop- ment in an lsland or county ter- ritory that Newport Beach or-e ficials want to annex so they can hall high density development in the area. The action by county planners ca m e the day before the Newport Beach City Council is to consider an annexation pro- posal. The 60-acre island in question is located neJtr Hoag Memorial Hospital on Superior A venue. The condominium project, to be built by the Lampman Construction Co. of Tustin, will go up on 1.3 acres of land near Monrovia Avenue and 15th Street. Newport City Council member Don Mcinnis, a West Newport resident. has loog urged city an- nexation of the triangle to pre- vent construction of hilh density residential projects ln the area. , Under city zoning laws, the maximum density is 12 units to the acre, calculated on net acres of the land left after deducting J equired streets and parks. County regulations allow up to 40unltatothegrossacre. The development approved by county planning commlasloners includes the requirement that ·six of the units be sold at a price Drifting Off -To Japan TOKYO (AP) -Police have arreat*1 a a.year· old Russian coal miner wbo aald be drank too much vodka. fell aleep in hlA boat and drifted acrou DID ni1111 Of oeea from Siberia to Hokkaido, Japan'• nortbernmotl main illand. A police tpe>kesman ln Wakkanai, a community f actns tbe Sea ~ Okbotak, Hid Al.UMdr llll'keev told t.bem be went bunUn1 on a t.u on the &met llland Ol Mballn, drifted down a 11 .... tben MJ"MI tM at.nit to a.1ra1c1o. • • .,... ....... into ~ b .U.1111l1 Or· ... • ..U., lldO t.IM air from • doebl•·~,...114 ................. ~ proa...-"'-::C-''' ftllt:. ....... _ .......... affordable to ns wJLh low an m rate incomes. Another condition requires that a certified archeologist or paleontologist be at the con· struction site during grading to monitor for artifacts and fossils. Tonight's scheduled council ac· tion on annexation or the island is (See DENSITI\ Page A2> V.N. Buzz Publicity Gi . k? mm,ic • NEW YORK CAP) -A publicity-seeking author in a light plane circled the United Nations' neighborhood lo midtown Manhattan for more than three hours today prompting the evacuation bf thousands from l wo U .N. buildings and the offices of blspublllber. Alarms wept the area •J crowds oo the streets below watched the planew'laeelaboutatrelaUvelylow alUtudes ln the gusty autumn sky. Emergency apparatus streamed into the EastSlde area In anUclpa- tionof apoaiblecruh. Buttbepllot,Robert.Baudin,61, a gray-haired, mustachioed author of an autoblo1raphy. landed bis plane after 3~ boun at LaGuardia Airporl a few momemnts fiying time away, Its 1u taak indicator bover1n1 at empty ,aadtoldpollce: "'Nowtbebookwillsell.'' Liter, it wu learned lbal hadlD, wbo wu bOrD bl UM Unit· eel Stat9 bat reared in Auttralla, pulled a slmilar ewnt about a de· cede~. Baudln said die tars.t of hll aerial demomtratiOD wu not &be U .N .. Oil the EM Jtiftr, bat tbe nearby bulldtna of Harcoart, Braee, Jo•JBO.tcb, publllblnlatAprilofbllautobk>- 1ra pby, "Confe11ioD1 of a ProlidleuoalCounterfetler." Re fold police by radio that be "would put tbe plane In the water ratber~lnutanyone,'' ae?cord· lntto&ll LeolD,.ice. Al tbe btlabt. of UM teare, two tMaa1 arteri4ll ouUlde the U.N. -n,. Aftft• and the Eut River Drtn -_.. ebed to trd'le . .:-== , ..... capable GI ......... time . wenonu.._., ... •• •'1•11 ...... .,.. ..... plaeedODalert. the lnllaUon rate. enern prices. 11 be)'Glld bis CODtrol because tbe price GI lJDported oil Ls set by OPEC. He aa1d he believes the eoern Jealslation be bas b&fore Con1ress will remove the slngte worst factor causing inflation. Carter al.so predicted that the SALT 11 trealy will be approved lhl$ year by the Senate. Saying be believes he bas de- * * * all ''adequately" wttb tbe lsaue of the pretence of Sovlet t.roopl ill Cuba, tbe president said be expects the SALT treaty to be approved "bu.icalb on its own merits." As for demands from some members of the Senate that Carter provide guarantees that be will increase defense spend- ing, the president replied. "I am committed to a 3 percent real * * * erowtb lD our de:f eoae budpt. '' He al.lo aald the United Stat. should "do all we can to coataln Soviet adventurism all around t.be world." On other aubjecta, Carter said Pope John P•ul ll had left "an extraordinary impressioo" dur· in1 bis week-long vi.alt to the United States. "We were both surprised at the degree of warmth and en- * * * t.bualum among lbe people in welcomlaC the pope," the presi· dent Ni4 of bll private White Rouse talk with the pontllf. "I bad no idea it would be that en· thualutic." Carter said he believes John Paul's U.S. tour was "one of the most dramatic and potentially oc\e of the most *neflcial vi.sits we've ever bad." * * * Rising Interest Rate Causes Market Drop Dollar, Gold Increase From AP Dispatches The stork marke t dropped sharply in heavy trading today, faced with spiraling interest rates. Gold rose sharply and the dollar also gained. The Dow Jones average of JO industrials, off 13.57 points Monday, lost another 26.45 lo 857 .59 today. This was the biggest drop alnce 1974. The tapy of New York Stock ~~..,.~w:...-~ less than JOO advanced. Several major banks across the country announce d this morning that the~ were raislnc their prime lending rates from 13~ to 14~percent.1 The unusual increase of a full percentage point. which followed credit .t i&htening move5 by the Federal Reserve over lhe weekend, came as something of a shock to Wall Street. Analysts s aid Jnterest rates had been expected lo rise, but nol so rapidly. Brokers sajd the fast-breaking developments appeared to have increased fears among investors th at the Fed 's tough anti-inflation tactics might leacJ ,. to a deeper recession than half-· been expected. They also noted concern that the price of gold, after falling Monday, was up $13 today The Fed's actions were aimed in <See GOLD, Pa1te A2) Killer Croc Shot to Death DARWIN. Australia IAP> - Rangers and police shot a 12-foot crocodile they believed was the one that attacked and killed a spear fisherman before his hor· rifled wife a few hours before. The hunters flew Monday to a remote beach near Nhulnubuy, in the tropical Northern Ter· rttory, to try to gel a salt-water crocodile tbat killed a 28-year- old Trevor Gaghao as he was diving for crayfish a few feet of· fshore. Gahghan's body was round later on a mud bank. A wildlife officer said lhe crocodile ap· parenUy left It there "intended to return and eat it later. This is the r1uslc pattern ... '' DAVID KtJTZMANN Of .. Dllf'f "9t ..... Three banks ln lrvlne have been victhnized by what police believe lo be an organised for1e17 rtu which operates in Southern CalifornJa from San Dle10 to Loi Anpl• counties. Fraud invuU1ator Paul Jeuup Nld tcMby runners for lb• _,roup patted alx cbeekl tot .... llout 12.,.00 lD late Sep. t.mw. Tbe baakt d1KOY..t dl1I aao Ge cbeeu have ..... t ...... ..._ MMI are Lloyds Baak at 1mJ Cuher Drhe, Prime Rate Up Chase Jumps Full Point NEW YO RK CAP) -Chase Manhattan Bank. the nation's third-largest bank. raised its prime lending rate a full percentage point to 14 1'2 percent tod a y . a re a c tion t o the gove rnm e nt 's cre dit-tighte ning moves announced over the weekend OthE:r banks were expected to follow Chase's action. The prime-le nding rate has been rising steadily in past weeks, setting records with each inc rease. Only a m onth ago, the rate was 12'h percent. The prime rale -the rate charged a bank's most credit-worthy corporate customers -does not direcUy affect consumer loan rate., ftida ue umu.ed by iaw 1n llWlY --... a.a • a:.::r • beaa....,...hal'r t f/111 ta. ...._ In genera1 · Bank~ u~e the pnme rate as the basis for setting interest rates on almoat .U ti11•• •• loam. libertarian Vote -~-- Forms Scrutinized More than 1,600 voter regislra· lion form s that h ave been gathered mostly ln beach areas or Orange County have been turned over to the district at torney for investigation. Registrar of Voters Al Olson said today that enough invalid forms for the Libertarian Party have surfaced in recent weeks ·'th al we decided the distnct at torney should take a look." Olson said that 762 reg1slra· tions contained addresses that don't exist Efforts to confirm 905 other registrations by mail also failed when the notices were returned as undeliverable by the Post Office, OlsonsaJd. People either were not hvrng al the addresses that were listed or had moved without leaving forwarding addresses. he ex· plained. Olson said that the names or nine paid workers for lhe Libertarian Party had been turned over to the dlatrtct at- l or n e y ror possible fraud because of Irregularities. "We don't know what the situation ls," he said. "People may be giving fictitious in- formation or the workers may be turning tn wrong Information to make more money." Jack Dean, chairman of the Llbertartan Party In Orange County. said college-a1ed re- gi1tration workers have conceo- lrated their drive iJ> beach areas Bank of lrvtqe al 14823 Culver, and California Flnt Bani, 17951 MacArthur Blvd. Jessup aaJd t.M for1en c:ou1d belon1 to a fUI know'n1 to law enforcement offieen u tbe t.Ji. county for1el'J aroup, wblcb ,. .... tbroulb the tbne ~ .,... GI \IOI Aaplel, Oranllt and San' DI. blttinl beau .-tth 1toltn c~tck• aad fora•d ~. ........ Mid u. lntne ... ...,.,bill. tfmtl OTef a foW • . .,,.,... Tbe ~ aald police from San Clemente lo Sunset Beach. He said they were paid 75 cents to $1.25 per registration. Dean said that beach ari!as were singled out because of the large c r o wd s and r a pid turnover. <Set> FORMS. Page A2> Jailed Sniper Hangs Self InSF Cell SAN FRANCISCO CAP > -Wayne Cullinane, lhe sniper who fired more than SO shots from a high-rise office building and held a hQStage for almost 23 hours last weekend. banged himself before dawn in his jail cell, authorities said. Cullin.a.ne's body was found at 6:30 a.m. by a trusty deUvertng breakfast, according to Ray Roberts, legal counsel for the San Franciseo'Sberiff's Depart- ment. The trusty summoned a medical attendant, who cut the body down. Roberts said a log is used to record the times when inmates are checked. bul be said It was "unclear" when CulUnane was last aeen alive. Joint Slayings Probe Set By JOANNE REYNOLDS OI tloe 0.oly ~llet SWI The Orange County Sheriffs Office and police departments in four cities will work together in a joint iovesti1ation of 10 assaults that bave left six women and an anborn cblld .... tt .. i..r.ed .... 'Y. Tlte,•l•t et.fert ., EPP.~~~ ex~ted to be announced at a .,.......,_eaeesdlectWedtoday lllTullill. Sberla Bndley a .... u11 tbe four poUce chiefs involved - Chuck Thayer of Tu9tin, Roger Neth ol Costa Mesa, Pete Gross «-Newport Be~ of Irvine -stopped short of calling the effort a "task force.'' but have pledged budgetary s upport f o r a s p ec ial Ulvestigatjve team. One of the chiefs, Gross of Newport Beach. noted that the ag r ee m e nt amo n g the departments' lop administrators means the difference between "putting together a real team that functions as a unit as opposed to a pickup nag football game approach ·· The cas ei. date back lo January, 1977 In all. 10 women have been assaulted. Four survived. although the full-term baby carried by one of the survivors dJed as a result of the assault. Until today. investigators from each JUrisd1ct1on have met on an informal basis to share information The formation of a more formal joint inves tigation apparently has been spurred by the fact lhal three women have been attacked on the past three weekends. The most recent victim fouod dead in her Tustin residence Sunday night was Debra Jean Kennedy, 24. A week earlier, 20-year-old Diana Green was a ssa ulted i n he r Tustin apartment. Hers was the baby (See MURDERS, Pa1e AU Coast Weatller Partly cloudy through Wednesday wllb lows tonl1hl 57 to 63. Highs Wednesday upper 60s lo upper'109. .• ,. • OK'd m 8,y lllCllASJ. PAl&llYIC9 .............. Coata Meta pl ... laa com· ml11lon.... ·r-; ~:9-$ ct~i -d= rul ntlal • eommertJal devtlapeeet Oft the lar1••t plttff ol laM left In I.he city -the l~acre Sakioka pro. p_ert1 aloa1 tbe San DJeto f'r .. w~ eaat o1-ro.n Claw. If tbe cbaAp& .,.. u..-S bf • ~ dty OOUDcll In Nov•= ~! CS.veloper C8Wd 10 ._,lb 85 acres ol be>ualq, •·• .. cre1 of commerelal, and JO .•cre1 ot u,bt induatry. • The bouslna. eattmated at 1,eoo UDlla, would add more tban 2, 700 re.Iden ti. Tbe com · merc:lal/lndustrlal complex would employ about 5,800 peo. e. Tbe more lban 9,000 people v ina or working ln the area •ould produce more than 29,000 car trips per day, pla.noera said. To meet the traffic needs. : planners supported an exteGISoft ;pr Anton Boulevard tbrouah the ;l!roperty with two exit polnt.s on ~unflower A venue and one onto Main Street. The agricultural acrea1e was zoned for fUture low-density re· sldenUaJ -..eaae by clty planners in 1970, plannl.ng staffer Doug Clark sald today. The Royale Development Company, agent for owner Roy Sakioka and Sakloka Farms, sought more in· tense d evelopme nt o f the acreage nearly three years qo. Because of noise Impacts from the freeway and the nearby airport, planners opted for a mixture of higher density bous· ing and commercial/lndustnaJ use As part of the deal, developers will provide tat least fl ve acres Fro.Page A I MURDERS • • who died A 'A-eek b e fore that an unidentified Irvine woman was assaulted in her apartment. She also survived the attack One or the assues among inveallgatora haa been lbe coordlnatlon oC the inveaUaaUve effort on a multl·JurladlcUC>nal ..... for parklad (poqlbty 1 .,.._. belt \hroulb tM property) and • IO,tOO •4UaN loot parcel for a new ril)' ftN It.lion. AbcMlt IS percent of tM hoUI· tac will be "' ulde for low U4I moderate Income famlliea, and develo~era have a1reed to "pbate' commerelal and houa· IDI .mevelopment to.ether 10 bomN will be available for new employees . And , Clark noted, aJthoufb the land la conaidered hlah density • planntn1 commlulonera wouldn't 1upport th maximum allowable of ao unit. per acre uo- dtr that detlpatJon Planners bave asked for a "planned development" that would keep the density to about 20 uniu per acre. Under the hieb density zone, unywhere from IS to 30 units per acre could be built. The hou.tlns would be bwlt on tb e north aide of Anton Boulevard, with the com- merclal/tnduatrtal complex to the south near the freeway. More than one million square feel of commercial units are proposed. a nd about 186,000 square feet of li1ht induatry. No s pecific plans have been submitted, Clark sald. The cur- rent concept shows no com- mercial building taller than "three stories, but larger struc- tures would be permitted. The Sa.kioka development is adjacent to Town Center, which will retult in 25,000 car tripe per day when that development ls completed Because the property is isolat- ed from other residential areas of Cost.a Mesa, there have been no protests from local citizens. However, development of the Sakioka propert y will h ave heavy impacts on Santa Ana, which Ues just to the north of Sunflower Avenue . Despite notification of residents in Santa Ana, no protest..s were lodged Monday during the planning commiss1on's meetmg Clark said the city council will hold a s pecial public !>ludy session Oct. 22 to review the pro posed general plan changes. The council will then decide In November whether Lo uphold, deny OI' clelay the plaDllin1 com-miaak>n rece>mcnend.uona. The graffitist who sprayed this message on the wall of Newport Beach's newest hous- ing development apparently doesn't care much for the 29 homes going up near Westcliff and Dover Drives. Known as Westcliff Grove, the project is being built by Pacesetter Homes. The wall wu put up at the insistence of city officials who feared traffic noise would disturb resi- dents. E',.._P~Al GOLD ..• part at dis.couralieing heavy speculation lo gold, which many Investors regard as a haven lrom economic trouble. But the dollar was generally firme r on the world's money mark ets today , hitting its highest closing le vel in Tokyo this year. Dealers d escribe d foreign exchange trading as confused and uncertain as it res ponded to dollar-support meas ures and the likelihood of across-the-board price increases by oil producers. The price of gold gained slightly after a profit-taking s lump from a record S444 an ounce in Zurich a week ago to little over $370 Monday. London's five major bullion dealers fixed the price of the metal for the mornmg trading l)c:.sion at $377, up from $374 al the clo&c Monday. The afte rnoon fixing jumped to $.185.80. In Zurich, gold was quoted <.1l $388, up from $372 5() A rise 1n the U S. prime ll•nd1ng rate and ft.·ar of oil price inc reases shot the dollar to a closing rate ln Tokyo of 226.375 yen, the blgbeat closing rate um year and more than a yen higher UJan Monday'• cloM of 225.20. Assembly Speaker Flays Jarvis Plan Warning that Howard Jarvis' newest tax-cut proposal could c ripple essential services if passed, Assembly Speaker Leo T. McCarthy, D·San Francisco. has and.lcat.ed that he waU oppose the meaaure. Speaking to 700 delegates to the annual Callforn1a Stale Employees' A11 ocla tlon conference Monday in Anaheim, McCarthy said the so-called "'Jarvis II" plan would cut $4 bi llion a year from lhe state gen eral fund. The c urrent generaJ fund hu Si5. 7 blWon. Jarvis. co -aut h or o r Proposition 13, is circulating initiative petitions to place his latest proposal on the June ballot. The Initiative would reduce state Income taxes to SO percent ()f the 1978 rc.ilcs '"Now. it would be hard to find Monsignor Dies at 69 many people in lbe state who wouldn't want to cut their mcome t~xes in balf," McCarthy acknowledged. .. · · 1 would be included tn that', and 1 daresay everybody else In this audit or ium would be included in that. unless they're prepared to examine the consequences of what tbat meana," be said. Uratn1 the slate's bualneu leaden to analyze the effect \.be $-4 blllion loss would bHe on local aerricea, McCarthy noted that 81 percent of the aeneral fund now 1oes Lo support local government. Including scboola. From Pa~ "'I FORMS ... · ·Soml· people think it 1~ -.on de rful fWl and treat regis tration as a Joke .. We've had people as young u 13 rep.ter to vote." be said. Angry ~88n8 . Seek Aidp A n•ry WHt 1lde Cotta Me11111, Uakloa aore thtoita. pneumonia and other beaa&b all· menu to cbemicala at Nanneo Materials, Inc., called oa City Council memben Monday to help t.bem. They went away fruatrated, but with councll promises ol • continued lnvesU1aUoo Into the pluUce plant at 600 Victoria St., where an Aueu1t flHb fire burned two men and 1ptwed chemical vapors over the neiibborbood. Toxic nuterta.1.1 ue 1tored on the site, but a South Cout Air Quality lbnaaement Dl1trtct spokesman said be la uncertain ii the cbemlcala posed a health hazard. "We are ooncemed about the situation,'' said Ed Camarena, director ot technical services for the air quality district. "But there is no reason to believe that day -to-day e missions (from Narmco) con1litute a health hazard." Residents were unconvinced, and said they a re concerned about daily emissions and chemical wastes they bel\ve Narmco allows to run through a draanaae ditch along Anaheim Way. In a letter released today. Narmco officials aald only rainwater goee through the ditch, with any additional now coming from a nearby con· dominium complex. . .. l\'1 a monat.er In our m1dst," claimed Bertha Bangert, 2172 Meyer Place, during the Mon· day a.f\.emoon council session. "We have to get rid of it as soon u poqlble." she added. Joan Lynn. another resident, aaid she has developed spots on her race that her doctor links to chemi c al s e m\tted by Narmro Aonolher homeowner said her dauKhter developed an infection that cau.wd her leg~ to swell and rt•ndered her Immobil e for six \lo t·i·k-. She b ·ll1•vt•d <'hem1cal "c1!.IP<, 1n the drtJ1n<i~t· ditc·h 1·.i u.,~d lht' 1nft'l't10n Mr. Capizzi Dead at 83 Part of that effort bu bMn an apparently unsuccessful attempt by the detecli vea to i•l tbe sheriff'a department to aaalln a stnale crfmlnallst and lab technician to work on the physical eviden ce recovered from the crime scenes That view was disputed this morning by Gates who said his <iepartment has been involved in coordinating the Inves tigations "from the start." Hwitington Slayer Faces Sentencing The Rev. Monsignor Bernard Gannon, pastor emcntus at St Joseph church in Santa Ana, has died in Los Angeles al lhe age of 69 M ons1gnor Gannon attended St Patnck'c; Seminary ln Menlo Park with Cardinal T imothy Manning of Lo:; Angeles andwas ordained with him Dean revealed that the re· glstratlon drive bu sbJlled re· cently from the beaches to prl'· CIO('lS Jle said that tht> L1bertan an Pa rt\ had 1mUated the action itself by firing three workers .St>veral weeks ago who offtc1aJs hd1t'vl'd ~t.-re prnv1d1ng phony informat.aon Funnal services have Deen he ld for onetime attorney to llt•nn r nrd. Jgnil ce Capizzi, ~ho died Oct l in Newport Besch at lhe age of 83. Mr CapaUJ was the father of ~1 1cha<•I Ca,.>1zz1. Orange Coun· 1' .., il!l~1-.tc1nt d1str1<'t ilttomey He practiced law 1n M1ctugan for mort• than 60 years. servmg ·'" both personal anrt corporate ,1ttorney for the automobile ma.l(nate He also said the Issue of the criminalist and lab tecfinician was "confused" by the fact that hls crime lab workers each have a specialty. "It's extremely difficult to have one crimlnaUst work on one situation because each bas his own expertise One c rlmlnallst may start on an investigation, but another will come in \f he has the knowledge required for a given analysts," Gates said. The ·composition of the task force indicates that three other somewhat similar murders in Fountain Valley, Garden Grove ~nd Anaheim have been ruled out of what police believe may be a pattern being followed by a psychopathic killer. The cases that remain are simllar in that an the victims were women between the aaes ol 20 and 31 who were as1aulted in their residences. They were bludgeoned wltb a blunt instrument and in some -eaaea they were also stranfled. Police saJd most of the victims were sexually assaulted. In at least two cases the assaults occurred after the vicUms were dead. OflANGI COAST DAILY PILOT "=~~ °""'""·'-...... , .... AllllMMMoo....._._. <-. .... c:':c::i.twtt ~-cJ~'im .. Hll==. Anthon y "Liltl e 'Ton y" Marone Jr .. convicted of the gangland-s tyle sla ying of Stephen John Bovan in Newport Beach in 1977, faces sentencmg on a cocaine sale conviction. Marone, of Huntington Beach. is al&o known as Anthony Man- fredonia. He, along wlth William Schneider of Costa Mesa, were convicted of selling cocaine to a slate narcotics bureau In · vestigator. They face sentencing Nov. 8 as a result of the Orange County Superior Court jury trial. Manfredonia, alias Marone, was convicted in March for his role in t.be murder or B<>van, a Fountain Valley dru1 dealer who was gunned down outside a Newport Beach restaurant. Schneider, •. was identltted as a writer living in Costa Mesa He wu not implicated in the Bovaocue. It was alleaed in the trial before Judie Alicemarte ~totler that Manfredonia and Schneider eold $10,000 in cocaine to lhe state agent and an informant. At the Nov. 8 hearin1 before Judge Stoller, defense attorneys are ex-pected to ask for a new trial on arounds that portions of a tape recording made of the transaction ahouldJl't have beerl admitted into evidence. M anltedonla was arrested by state agents on March 19, Just 11 days before be was convicted by Judge Robert Kneeland of second·degree murder ln con· nectlon with lbe Bovan slayt.n1. ,,... -P,,,,e A J DENSITY • • baled oo a slate law that aUon i11lud8ot1-than 100 acrN t.o be anMud wWtiout approval ot UN affected property owners. ownen. Honver, the a.n.nexaUon muat be approved by the county•a Loeal AllMY FonnaUon Com· ml11loa Ind tbe county Board of ~· ;,,,, t,be illUet lnvolyed In the NftllOl't Beacll laland .. Ult fut tbat tbl •a.ta ..S uWtU .. .... -.. to u.. ltuderd .... 4ulred llMwbwe 111 tbe ti&)'. Coualf otftdaJI bHt told cit~ IMll m111bln tbl ooua&y Won't ~.:L=-~d· .... .. .... :;.r: Poll ta / Judge Kneeland sentenced Man· fredonia to five years m state pri!.on Ma nfredonia was one of three m en known as "the Italians" who were alleged to have been involved Ln drug sales with a faction of the Hare Krishna re- ligious sect. Mesa Verde Lease Eyed By Trustees The possible lease of Mesa Verde Elementary School for day and evening classes by Coasthne Community College will be considered tonight by Newport-Mesa School District trustees The public meeting begins at 7 :30 p.m. al IJarper CommunJly Cent.er, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Meaa. It will take a unanimous vote by all seven school trustees t-0 allow the district to enter into d i r ect negotlalions w i th Coastline for the lease of the sc hool, which was closed becauae of declining enrollment. Otherwise, the district must return to a public bidding pro- cedure that would take up to 4S days. eo .. wne omclals previously offered $243,000 per year On· cJudlng maintenance) to take over the Mesa Verde alte. However, trustees opted for a lower bid by Fairview Stale Hospital because of some com- munity concern over noise and traffic lmpacts from night claeaes planned by Coastline, Fairvlew'a bid died lut week •came the ttate'ref\lstd to re- lease money P'alr\riew offtclals had planned to use for tbe lease; fi' ..... P ... AJ BANKS ••• apeadina aeveral day1 tn tbia area, they head off tor the nut dty or eoant1 down the road. Je1aup t1Id tM only *•Y be ••Y be ab&• t.o find out wbO- paaaed the checu la thfOUlb dl.1- covery of fln1er1prtnt1 oa a particular c:beck. or UM ~ ot I IO•Called ''runner•'' &.be ....... wbo cn.1.o cm tt. During Wo rld War II , Monsignor Gannon ser ved as an armed servi ces chapla in He worked m a numh<-r of parishes in Los Angele:. bcfort• going to St. Joseph in 1971. He was forced Into retirement last year by rancer. HC' a lso s atd · ttrat the r e g1s trar·!> office may be con tributing to the problem by mak 1n g c leri c al err o r !> 1n reg1stratJon form 1nform¥t10n. The Llbertarians have set a goal or 50.000 voter s1gnups in Orange County In their drive to .l(ain status on the state ballot The sportsman's time has come. It's Rolex. Services were conducted last Thursday for Mr. Capizzi who le&Jve~ his \l.1fc. Adla1de. three -;o n s. a s is ter and three itrandctuldren Incredible s port watches from Role~ Eac h an stamles-. ~tecl with a matching bracelet, they have the accur.icy. durability, and featurl'.'!> the sportsman demand<;. A. The Submarin<'r, 1895. 8. The Daytona, l9SO C. The GMT Moister, 1185(). SLAVICK'§ F\ne Jewe1ert Since 1911 f'aahloa laland, Newport etnt.r, N•wport Beacb (714) MC·la 4 OU.tr Loc.Uona: W•tailAlter llall, Lquu HlU1 Mall, Or&ftll, c.ftto. Aleo Ort.ttl' Loe ~el• I Sao DletO I lM Vt1u BUSINESS I STOCKS NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS N OM.Y MOT Blval8 '74 lelt Market f.lumrneta;: I Prime Hits 141/2 o/tJ! NEW YORK (AP> -Stock prices took oee ol sharpest dropl ln years today u a aura• lD Lnt«at r jolted the marltet. · Tbe Dow Jones averaae of 30 lodustriala, comtac olT a 13.57 ·pointdecllne Mooday. reUanother 21S.'5to8S7. 79today. THE LAST TIME THE WIDELY recognJied averap suffered a decllne of that size was Jan. 9, 1974, when It fell 2.6.99 points in the ml<Ut of the last recession and the Arab oU embargo. ' The tally of New York Stock Exchan&e·Ust.ed lnues sbowedmo~than l,750dedlningwbJleonly74 advanced. Several major banks across the country announted this momin& that they were raising their prime lending rates from 13\-2 to 14\-2 percenL THE UNUSUAL INCllEASE OF A FULL percentage point. which followed credil·tightenlng moves by the Federal Reserve over the weekend, came as something of a shock to Wall Street. Analysts said interest rates had been expected to rise. but not so rapidly. Brokers said the fast-breaking developments appeared to have increased fears among invest.ors that the Fed's tough anli-inflatlon tactics might lead to a deel»t" economic slump than had been expected earlier. •• They also noted concern that the price of gold, after falling Monday. rebounded strongly today. The Fed's a t. lions were aimed In part at discouraging heavy s pecula- tion in gold. wlticb many investors regard as a haven from economic trouble. BANK STOCKS WERE AMONG mE hardest-hit sec· tors . Al.so under prcs:.ure were the savings e1nd loan stoch, which are usually :.ens1t1ve to trends in interc~t rates. Fleet Mile age U p W ASHlNGTON CAf') Domestic auto makers are ex· ceeding their own predictJ~ in meet.mg federal gasoline mileage standards. the TransportatJon Department siud. The department said that before the 1979 model year was under way, the auto ma.leers had predicted their C'Brs would average 19 t mpg. barely e1bove the 19 mpg federal :.tandard. With the model year almost over. however the t.n · dustry now appears beaded f<>f' a 19.6 mpg fleet average because of mcreal>ed consumer demand for efficient au~ While a hall-mtle per gallon does not sound like much. il.&s: expe<"ted to save an extra 1.34 b1lhon gallons of gasolinl' when applied to the lOO,OOO-m1le l.ifetJme of 10 million 1979 cars. Thl' department said Chry:.lcr Corp. 1s leading the domestic automakers with e1 fleet average of 20.4 mpg Amencan Motors Corp. is second at 19.9. followed by General Mot.ors Corp . 19.7 and Ford Motor Co n:> . 19 1. NEW vOQ: tAP I ~ • p"' P"U ~~·~~T.oc ~ ''-f .!~;,'°'' .~'"7 tr-NJ n.ttU)l'~ll• •t m(Jlf'r f"lfn \t Rn'1 t"t 1" "1 'IOO -. o,,,.....,. °'' '" soo ,, ..... " '"\trum \,\. ::io \00 t • ' . ()orN'P~t1 <! • Il l <rt) 11 KouOtlM 'ee 1'(.'0 ti • t -CNmo HO •~),)00 I , M<Cu<t O.t 10 too /'• T~Mot• '\ •» 700 t \ ~ "'• !>ynlt• (.ori> I J>l.600 '3'" I"' ....... (U 13',JOO I• • -. lJp• and DoarN• NEW V~I( tAPI -~ -""I "'1 ._, W.. -Von !>tot• f •<- \IO<•\ -W¥TMt\ -..... -.... -"'°'' ---....,., a.~ .... ~"T~~ .....__ .. ol -- No -wnttn I•--U -o<'CI -Mf1 --<""1-(Nnqor\ .,.. , .... fttf~-· -.... -"""' ·~ .,.,, ' ...., "'°"" \ ~ ~"' .,. ... -.... ,, Che! ~1 t E Mt ltO 7'• • Vo & 3 7 8TMIO ltw ,... • Vo \ • ) "'-0'1> " lO' • VI> S I I W•llJ•"' Of I0\1 "• VP \0 \ L-Stll' 111 107 4 VP 4 I ' 0.tE 1 •lOI M" l' • VP J • ~ =~ t>I J~ ',: ~ i ; • EINWm.Yoq )"" 1• Vo l.4 10 ~y""" J"' "-Vo ll " ....._ ,,,, 1.. •• Vo 33 11 C-TR Of '-"-..., Up 37 tJ Cif BV\EQI ..... '" Vo 1 • :~ ~~R... ,;:: : ·.: ~: ~j 't I-1 I~ Ill., '> VP l.t 11 ~A Cem '"" • "' Vo 1 I 11 C.-"" G.. "'• "' Vo 1 1 " O..Olt J. IOplA 10 '' Vo 1.6 70 Atlltcl\ JP , .... • • Vo 1 S 11 Ovcllt 1 )10< 20\'1 ,., Vo 1 S 77 Je<~ 4111 D "' VP 1.• 7l Pe Pl c )OiJf 4l"< • I VP 7 4 14 N.-.P I 1'91 .... ... VP 1 I 1S ASA l t" • "' Vo 1.AI ,. 11•t Carll ~ • "' Vo 1.0 OOWNI L.IJI Ola ~I. 1 •-'-()fi tJ I ..... -J•• °" 11' ,..., -I Oft 1'4 ' ... °" ... IO .. -l'lt Off MI ,."°t -.... E 14.J 11 ,... .. ' I 1... U..S ""' 111. OH t:U io-. -,... Off II.I s -.. °" 11.0 "" -'"' ()If IU Hiio -~ Off IH ~ -21111 Off IU ,..,_ '"' °" .... ll't -t .. Off IU tO'--1117 Oft IU 2' -'"' ()If 12.S ,,,_ -1111 Off IU ICM -1"'-Ofi IU 2'"'--J>4 ()ft ltA ~ ->-" Off tU ,... .. Oft 12.2 ,,.. •~> Oft 1; I ~E~'f'O#tfll.CNfl'> ....... 0---- • ...., °t':n~~.gre~~ 10 T•~ 1"!>ol 1'° U ~I 111S114 10 11 " v•1 lo. 11 >O/ 0. to. H tGo.. 1 )1 4S SO a 01 J0t at ,.., f'J JOI 0. • .. ,, • .,,.. • .. 1.1qo Tr""' I *.IOO Vtlh 17J,200 ..S St• ..... ,IOD p,,.., T O<l•Y O..y n lOO ti~ ., .. ., 111 ••JI llll!I . ,, 1'1 II Due to late transmission today's list ing w ill not appear 1n the Daily Pilot 114<.-.c..O ~ .. ...cs Uncl\t"Of'CI Tot .. 1\M.llP"J. .. ..... ,,,.,._ Hrt-w tow' '""• ,~.y dftV ., llJ ,... •W '" 711 t ll 8).) ' J\ ., ,, NEW \'Of>I( 14 P1 H..-ov & •••rm.., Nr-o Von ,.,_ ,,. A)O 0010 )J8& o~ E nq•t,..,o '"~' $lb 00, l•brlc •l~<I '" .,,, Gold Quo• of ions By TIM 11-WllM """ S•~<-...,.1<1'!0'0 l>'l<O\ too.i~ l..o-rnorr>1nq ltwo.-q '317 00. up U 00 <11terr'°"" lmno UUAO up $1J 90 PHil _,,,,nq~U.up SIJol .. , ... _. '391) II uC1 ~ J1 z.,.1<11. btO Ull 00. up 111 00. ~I 00 ·~"" Nr-V-· .._., &. H........, ~CW•<~ U.00.S,us>IOIO Mew Y-E"9~11M1r0 u1ton9 pricf' J* IO, off $1l.7S.. ..._ Y-: E_t,,.rd l•t><lcetf'd 00'0 S)91 .... yp\16.16 \ • , ..... ~ .. ,.,. ~~IMADUKE • "Thank you, but I don't nffd you to 5queeze out the toothpaste for me I" FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE SHOE THE FAMILY CIRCUS by Bil Keane °Come quick, Mommyf p J's lying on the very edgest of the bed!'' DENNIS THE MENACE I WOULD~ ~'wal IH A TREE UNTIL A VICTIM APPEAREO. .• FUNKY W1NKERllAN :A:~:J~ ~ '~egr ~ OUR GL.ORI~ E~b~ ~6T COME 10 ~END! GORDO by Lynn Jotmston t HRTE iO SHAKJ: '/Ol::H-. ~FlcelCC, ~\.l.'I··· BUT ~'T '/OU ~TCH OfWTJ1E 'i·\J· ? . ./ by Jeff MacNelly by Ferd & Tom Johnson ONLYONE? 1've ~You I l..IK5 MY ICfC~e.AM A t.AMOPS. JUDGE PARKER HE'~ ~TIL.1. lJNCONeCOJ6,A&MY! THE DOCTC>ft& HAVEN'T MADE A OECletON YEl •.. OUT THEY MAY WANT TO TAl'.E HI M IN1'0 80'6~ / I'M OOINC:, TO TRY fOANO IT'S NO FUN PLAYING ALONE ,.. 'l TMEN I WOULO MAVE SLITMER!O Ol1T ONTO A BRANCH,~ ... DRABBLE IA)(LL., "fUI~ I~ UAU.'1 A NICC MOV1f ~E'V1~1.J, ~#.68L.t ! by Tom llUuk ~ , l l J 0 IO ' '40V'~E "(~'f l.40N(~"f' ANO OtRUf', At-lO I 1'""\M\( '400'L..l. e€' l>l Ol..lf~·O.fol01H 6 COMICS/ CR088WORD llG GIOttOI . ..., ................ by Kevin Fapn .I 1'U1t.l.C M0~1" fE09 l{Al/t AUlCAO'I ~6fN 6(~1Mf; r~ fof..l'%0:' MO'-/tC l lfrf1( 1• ; 'f-ri ~~~ DR.SMOCK MISS PEACH A~ Tti ue<. IALK5 PlrANE. ,,, ) A1'T~IAR , HOW DO YO<A Ffi&.. A9'MT~ oc-q ? by Gus Arriola CHEfJIN &A>JC f .!4r5 OKAVfW/.llTE GOES wrrl-I CHICJa.J../ r • by Harold Le Doux ! It ~ by George Lemont by Mell Lazarius NCT' WMAI IT'7 CJVGOP UP -rt> ... ~ • I 1 TODAY~ CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 47 Sremly 1 ~u Oly 50 Sas/I S GMs S 1 Statt> 10 Nl5 52 Anac:he$ 14 Soogles 56 Sany 15 "Mam 60 Can l)fOV eeoe-eu1110t 61 Aclaoted 16 Mountain 6' Cli Pfefr• 66 -oatne 17 ~blm-66Taste er-2 words 157 Wiiis 19 Trldecenter 68 Taunts 20 Allel• 69 AoOer1 - 21 Caldrom 23 Jolwl -DOWN Gamer 1 Forlett 26 Catd glftle 2 Hoetels 27 GulnMn 3 Aelh 30 v.,.. meter ' ObliQuely 34 AQa¥e s Pf<>lect 35 ~ 6 n,.i.na rah 37 Olrl'a NWne 7 -Vutang 38 AdYerl8 8 T lllS 39 Try belore-/ 9 Metal laws hand '° Orum '1 Dlcadl 11 Sc>o«en •2 End: Preftll 12 Had being -13 SenMtional 13 T oC*'9 « 8lg Olppel' 18 OnlerUnd ear lown '5 M9ltlod 22 Selu1• UNITED Feiture SylldlCite Monday's Puule Solved. 24 CIQher man 25Pnoe 27~ 28 Line 29CNrges 31~ 32 Per1ecl 33 Sweet atuff 36 Son:ienll 38 Froeh Cldet 40eud~ «8Wiop 46Suml 48C-'lsoo •9 City if1 Jud111 ~Stytes 531nl• - 54Mlle00 SSS.ge 57 Pnnt type. A.bbf. se~ QOOle 5tVerge 62111.dty 63 LlftClld